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Wy\A^<^ o<5V^fct^ THE DOTTERER FAMILY^ ^ ^ HENRY S. DOTTERER. '•'The histiynj nf every family is a riunniire: to those irJio se i PREFACE. ^= ^^ This work covers a field never befoic entered \)y the genealogist. Although it represents a vast expenditure of labor, patience and money, it is imperfect in a great degree. Its defects are not altogether chargeable to the compiler, but rather to the destruction of German records by- English-speaking descendants, to lack of interest in the subject of family history, and to misconception of the scope n.nd dignity of the under- taking. The information embraced in these pages has been ol)tained from many sources — from otficial records, chui'ch registers, grave-stones, family Bibles, and personal interviews. To the many correspondents who have collected and forwarded details, sincere thanks is tendered. In a number of instances credit is given in the body of the work. It would be a pleasure to make acknowledgment in every case, but that is impracticable. HENRY S. DOTTERER. I »)().") North Thirteenth street, Philadelphia, .N<)V«'inl)er, 1902. PART I. GEORGE PHILIP DODDERER AND HIS DESCENDANTS. PROBABLE ETVMOLOdY OF THE FAMILY NAME. In the Teutonic name systeui, the i'0(it liaviiig tlie meaning- of affec- tion oi' fondness may be: DO I), TOD, TOT This root, in its sim))le forms, is Old (icrman, DODo. DoDDO. English, TODD, DoDD. Oompoundcd, it liecomcs, (with HAHI, warrior), in Old O.-rman, 9th century, DOTHARI. with lUO, i)ower), in Old German, <)th eentry, DOTRIH. In Englisli, DOTRY, DODDPxTDOE, DOTTBID(iE. 1. (iKoKCK PHILIP DODDERER'. Born in Kurupe; died, in Frederick township, Philadelpliia (now Montgomery) county, Pennsyl- vania, Xovember 6, 1741. His wife, A'eronica , died, same place, October 20, 17o2. Children: 2. Michael Dotterer-, born in May. 1()98. 8. Hieronimus Doderer-, born al)()Ut 1701. 4. Barbara Dodderer", born about 1704. 5. Bernhard Dodderer'-, born about 1700. 6. Anna Elizabeth Dodderer", born December 25, 1709. 7. Conrad Duddarer, -, born in September, 1712. The birthplai e of George Philip Dodderer, and the date of his arrival in America, notwithstanding diligent search, have not been ascertained. The place of origin of the Dotterer family remains to be definitely determined. December 22, 1722, George Philip Dodderer ]uu'chased of Hans Xeues one hundred acres of land; February 3, 1725, of the same, fifty acres; and ]March 24, 1738, of the Proprietaries, one hundred acres. These three purchases were adjoining tracts, forming a plantation of two hundred and fifty acres of fertile land, located on the east and west sides of Society Run, in the present Frederick township, Montgomery county, Pennsylvania, north of and within half a mile of Keeler's church. He resided upon this property until his death, and, as shown by his will, devised it to his youngest son, Conrad. In the first and second conveyances the grantee is described as"George Philip Duddra, of Falkner's Swamp, in the county of Philadelphia, and Province of Pennsylvania, Car})enter," and in the last as "George Philip Totherah, of the Count}^ of Philadelphia." Here are seen two of the many variations employed by the scriveners of that time in spelling the family name. Hans Neues (De Nyce, Nice, Xyce) was a large land- owner; he was not a dweller upon the lands he sold to George Philip Dodderer, but a resident of the Northern Liberties of Philadelphia. Tra- dition avers that George Philip Dodderer was the first settlor on the banks of Society Rmi, and that the Indians were the only neighbors of himself and familv at the beginning. Tn the tax list of Frederick township, for 1734, (ieorge Philijt Dod- derer is returned as owner of 150 acres of land. in the movements for the development of the newly settled country George Philip Dodderer took an active part. In March, 1725, he and two of his sons signed a petition to the County Court at Philadelphia, praying that the road recently laid out to the point on the Perkiomen Creek where afterwards Penny packer's Mills stood (now Schwenksville) be extended to the northern end of Sprogell's tract, where George \A'anner's mill stood on Swamp Creek. Their signatures were written, Georg filil> Dodderer, Hironimus Doderer, and Michell Doderer. hi March 1731, Georg Philib 10 THE DOTTERER FAMILY. Dodderer and his son, Hanns Michell Doderer, were among the petitioners for the erection of Frederick township. By act of Assembly of the Province of Pennsylvania, May 19, 1739, confirmed by the King in Council, May 12, 1740, George Philip Dotterer became a naturalized subject of Great Britain. A short time before his death, George Philip Dodderer made his will. Tt was in these words: HIS WILL. Ill the iiaiiR' of (iod Allien the 19t day of October in the year of our Lord One thou.sand seven hundred and forty one I George Philip Doderer of Frederick Town- ship in the County of Philadelphia and province of Pennsylvania, husbandman, being sick and weak in body but of perfect mind and memory Thanks be given unto God Therefore calling unto mind the mortality of my body and knowing that it is appointed for all men once to die do make and ordain this my Last Will and Testa- ment that is to say principally and first of all I give and commend my soul into the hands of God that gave it, and for my body I recommend it to the Earth to be buryed in a Christian like and decent manner at the discretion of my Executors nothing doubting but at the General Resurrection I shall receive the same again by the mighty power of God and as touching such Wordly Estate Wherewith it hath pleased God to bless me in this Life I give and devise and dispose of the same in the loUowing manner and form Imprimus it is my W^ill and I do order that in the first place all my just debts and funeral charges be paid and satisfied. Item I give and bequeath unto Uronica my beloved wife the house wherein I now do dwell with all the moveable goods, cash, dues and demands Whatsoever to me doth belong and the orchard with the land thereto belonging adjoining to the aforesaid house. The aforesaid cash dues and demands I do give to her, her heirs and assigns forever The house and movealiles orchard and land aforesaid I do give to her during her natural life the corn now cleaned & in straw belonging to me I give to her to do with the same as she chooses. Item, I give to my l)eloved youngest son Conrad Doderer All That my plantation with all the lands, houses, barn and outhouses as also the house orchard and land which I gave to my wife during her life to him his heirs and assigns forever in fee simple he the said Conrad my youngest son or his Heirs, Executors or Administrators paying to my other three Children and my Children's Children hereafter named, that is to say to my eldest son Michael Dodderer the full sum of Thirty three pounds six shillings and eight pense lawful money of Pennsyl- vania or to his heirs or assigns t« be paid in manner following, That is to say Ten l>ounds thereof to be paid within one month's time after mine and mv wife's death and Ten pounds within one year next after tliat and Thirteen pounds six shillings and eight pence within one year next after the aforesaid two years and unto my son Barruiit Dodderer likewise he the said Conrad shall pay Thirty three pounds six shillings and eight pence in manner following, that is to say Ten pounds within three years next after my and my wife's death and Ten pounds within five years after their said death and thirteen pounds six shillings and eight pence within seven years after their said death, and unto my daughter Anna he the said Conrad shall pay the full sum of Sixteen pounds thirteen shillings and four pence to be paid in two equal jjayments Eight pounds six shillings and eight pence within five years after their said death and the remainder within six years after their said death, and he the said Conrad shall pay or cause to be paid unto my daugther Anna her children which she had by her first husband the full sum of Sixteen pounds thirteen shillings and eight pence when the youngest of the said children is at the age of twenty one years, and the said ('onrad shall pay or cause to be paid unto my Grand ("hiklri'ii N'ruiiL- ainl A>.Miey tlu- lull sum of Thirty tlircc pnuufls six shillings and eight pence, that is to say unto Vrone ninetxH'u ])onnils three shillings and four pence and unto the said Agues Fourteen pounds three shillings and four pence within ten years after the death of the testator and his wife, and the said Conrad shall pay unto uiy grand children that is to say my daughter Barbara's children the full sum of Thirty three pounds six shillings and eight pence when the youngest shall be at the age of Kighteen yeai-s or within three months after. I also will that my said son Oonrad shall pay yearly and every year during the life of my wife aforesaid Twenty shillings in Cash and deliver unto her yearly eight bushels of wheat and four bushels rye and thirty pounds butter and deliver her firewood during her life and keep and winter one cow and sheds for her, also during her life further- more 1 will that if my .Son Conrad should decease before the legacies of the grand- children aforementioned be paid that then they shall tarry for the same until the said Conrad's children shall be able to pay the same or cause to be paid. Item, I give unto my son aforesaid all the moveable goods after my wife's death. Lastly, I do make and ordain my Sons Michael Dodderer and Barrant Dodderer to be my only and sole Executors of this my last Will and Testament and I do hereV)y utterly disallow, revoke and disannull all and every other former Testa- ment, Wills, Legacies and P^xecutors by me in any ways before this time named, willed and Itequeathed. Ratifying and Ccnitirming this and no other to be my Last Will and Testament. In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and seal the day and year al>ove written. (JF.OTKi PHILIB DODDKHKK. SigiiL'il, scaU'd, publisht'd, pronounced and declareil by the said Testator as his l^ast Will ami Testament in the presence of the subscribers. ( N'lz' ) PniMP IL\Nx. .b)iiN Nyck. rhiladelphia Decendjer the first 1741 there personally appeared Philip Hann and John Xyce the witnesses to the within written will and on their solemn affir- mation according to law did declare they saw and heard George Philip Dodderer the testator within named sign, seal, publish and declare they saw and heard to be his last AVill and Testament and that at the doing thereof he was of sound mind, mem- ory and understanding to the best of their knowledge. Coram. PET: p:yANS: KEG: (JENJ-l-. Be it remembereil, That on the first day of December 1741. The Last Will and Testament of George Philip Dodderer deceased was proved in due form of law and proljate and I>etters Testamentary were granted unto Michael Doddei'er and Barrant Dodderer the two Executors in the said Will named, They being first sworn well and truly to administer the said dec'd's Estate and to bring a true and perfect Inv-*' thereof into the Regist. (lenll' Office at Philadel])hia, at or before the first day of .lanuaiy next and a just and true account where thereunto lawfully reg''. Given under the seal of the said Ofiice. P: PET: EVANS: R: G. An inventory and appraisement of liis real and poi'sonnl jinipcrtv was ni;iil<- l)y two of his neio-hbois, as follows: INVENTORY AND APPRAISEMENT. .V trew and Parfect Invautory of the Estate of George Pliillip Doilderer, of fredi-ick Township in Philadelj)hia County Deceased the 6 day of November A: D: 1741. he not long before his Death Made his Last Will and Testament which was Proved before Mis'' Peter Evans, Register Ginral at Philad' on tlie first Day of l)ecendK-r Last Past. Tniised thf 12 Day of December 1741 liy ii!< whose haixls are hereunto Set. his J NO XYCI' ilEXKY H STETIJIH mark Exhibited tlie 18"' Dee' 1741. t s. .1. t) 6 3 2 1 tj •> 15 2 2 1 ly 19 18 6 11 6 10 6 6 12 THE DOTTEHKK FAMILY. To Apparel To Booiis To 2 Sadies one bridle and one hoi*se To one Grenstone and 3 Saws To 4 Shovels 5 hoes 2 hooks and 3 forks To 3 Siths one bell 2 hammers and one anvil To 5 Pitching axes 2 brod axes and one hachitt To one })ell one hammer one Gondge and one trule one ax 10 To one half bushel Mall Rings 3 Wedge one hatchet one ads To 6 ogres 3 chisels one Rasp To one hammer Prushers chisel bell 2 Droying Knifs c*t Saw- To 4 Sickels and old Iren To 3 Ridels one straw knife one pot hangers and two potts To 5 Pans one Skimmer and one flesh fork To puter and Earthin Ware To one Churn 5 pals and 8 Wooden Trenshers To 3 tu])S 2 barls and 5 Kadgs To 2 Drusers 22 sacks and 10 bushels Oats 2 13 6 To 2 hodgeds one Chest one Spinning Wheal & 3 baskits 13 To 2 guns one Sword one tanckard one Cup & botle 1 .5 q To one AVip Saw one looking Glass and one lamp »fc lantron 1 6 To 2 Chests and one Cow 2 \r, To 80 bushels of (too Wheat 12 To 30 bushels of Gats 2 T) To Cash bonds and Demands 58 15 q To the Plantation containing 250 acres with the buildings 200 To 15 bushels of Rey 2 5 1 11 1 4 10 8 10 16 309 1 1 1 Veronica Dodderer, the widow of George Philiij Dodderer, survixed her husband less than eleven years. She made a will on the 8th of June, 1751. It was written in German. It was translated as follows: GEORGE PITTLTP DODDERER. 13 THE WIDOW'S WILL. Whereas I Verony Doderer now prety old and tlie substance of my tiody very nmcli decaiiig not noing whether I have on other day in tliis work! to hve but am yet in perfect mind c^ memoi-y thanks be unto 0 a year Interest thereof 1 H) Item a Note of George Timerman 14 a years Interest thereof Iti 4 Cash in her Chest in paper money £7 a Moydor 2 a pistole 1 10 10 (i 10 10 () i this besides the p' gold I will'* to her daughter | Due to her by Barnabas Doderer Due to her by Michael Doderer Michael Dotterer, Admin''. The administrator rendered his account 2-")"' Feb-, 17o4. payments amounting to £60 2 10, leaving for distribution to the heirs £27 0. The disbursements were: Cash paid for Funeral Charges as f^ particular account 5 !(> trouble of Nursing and Attending the Deceased in her Sickness being twenty-two months 24 Cash to John Campbell for the office fees 25 / and 15 / for his trouble 2 D" for tiduble said Michael and Barnabas Doderer had in Managing their fathers Estate which said Verony Doderer his Widow has Ordered by lier Will to be paid now out of the Estate Conunissions on £87 Inventory («. 10 ^ Ct. The distribution of £27 was made To Michael Doderer for his i of 27£ To Barnabas Doderer for his i To Eronimus (Catharina crossed out) Doderer deceast his children i To Barbara Markel I deceast her Children i To Ann (iurr her Children by Mic. Timerman her first husband deceast 5 8 10 20 £87 2 10 He made 20 8 (i 10 :iio •> 10 5 8 5 8 5 8 5 8 GEOR(iE I'lIILTP DODDEKER. 15 A transcript of adeclaration signed hy the tlircc l)n)tliers is given below. It is written on the back of their motlier's will. It bears distinctly tlie neatly written autograph of each son, and is remarkable for the varia- tion in tlie spelling of the family name: DECLARATION. On the 7th Decern"" 17o3 Micliael Doderer and Barnabas Doderer Executoi-s of tlie last Will and Testament of Oeorge I'hillip Doderer their fatlu'r d(>ceast Did Declare that Conform and in Obedience to the said Will of their said father deceast They Divided the Goods of their fathers Estate witiiout Sale in three Eqnall parts Between them and Conrad Doderer their Brother, Being snch Goods as Veronica Doderer the widow did not Stand in need of and this was don abont a month or five Weeks aftei their fathers death exactly conform to the Testators Will and for which they did not Charge any Commission at the time. '^i id) el X)otterer Coram BARNABAS DODDERER .In" Campbell CONRAD DIDDARER At the bottom of the foregoing declaration is written, without explan- atii)n, the following: 3)44(14 Nach der Riich die gemach den 28 Nov 1752 bleib 3 zu trey teill Einem die Sum von 14=13=04 14 12 2 20 3)40(13 3 10 9 1)4 CHURCH CONNECTION. George Philip Dodderer was attached to the Reformed Church brought here from Germany. In July, 1728, his name — George Philip Totterer — is one of those signed to a letter to the Reformed Chui'ch authorities at New York asking for the ordination of John Philip Bo'hm to the ministry and the legalization of his previous ministerial acts. He was then an officer of Falkner Swamp Reformed congregation. This request, after conference between the New York and Holland chmxh officers, was complied with, at New York, November 23, 1729. But soon after this he withdrew his adherence to Rev. Mr. Boehm. Apparently he joined the small congrega- tion at Skippack who accepted as their i)astor Rev. George Michael Weiss, the opponent of John Pliilip Boehm. May 10, 1730, he signed, with others, a petition to the Holland authorities, asking for the nullification of the recent ordination of Mr. Bwhrn. On the 19th of May, 1730, as an 16 THE DOTTERER FAMILY. elder of the Skippack congregation, he signed a paper authorizing Rev. George Michael Weiss and Elder Jacob Reiff to proceed to Elurope to collect money for the Reformed congregations in Pennsylvania. The sending of these two men to Europe for the purpose stated was contrary to the wishes of Mr. Bcehm. About the year 1736, the name George Philip Dotder appears in a list of heads of families belonging to the New Goshenhoppen Reformed congregation, then having for its pastor Rev. John Henry Gcetschy. DEED FOR FIKyT LAND PrKCHASE. This Indenture, Made tlie twenty second day of December in the year of our Lord One thousand seven hundred and twenty two, between Hans Newes of the Northern Liberties of the C'lty of Philadelphia in the Province of Pennsylvania, Yeoman, and Yonecan his wife of the one part. And George Philip Duddra ol Falkners Swamp in the County of Philadelphia in the said Province, Carpenter, of the other part. Witnesseth, That the said Hans Newes and Yonecan his wife for and in consideration of the sum of Twenty one pounds lawful monej' of America to them in hand paid by the said George Philip Duddia at and before the ensealing and delivery iiereof the receipt whereof they do hereby acknowledge and thereof do acquit and forever dischaige the said ( ieorge Philip Duddra his hen-s and assigns by tliesc presents, have granted, bargained, sdld, aliened, enfeoffed and confirmed, and by these presents do grant, bargain, sell, alien, enfeoff and confirni unto the said George Philip Duddra. A Certain Tract or piece of land situate in the same county. Beginning at a post being a corner of James Steel's land thence by the same South east Eight}' perches to a post, thence by the land of Henry Grubb North east Two hundred perclies to a small White Oak sapling thence by other land of the said Hans Newes North west eigiity perches to a post, tlience by the said Newes' land South West Two liundred perclies to the place of beginning. Containing One hundred acres. Together also with all and singular the ways, woods, underwoods, waters, water-courses, meadows, swamps, rights, liberties, pnviledges, improvements, here- ditaments and appurtenances whatsoever thereunto belonging or in anywise apper- taining, and the reveisioii and reversions, remainder and remainders, rents, issues and profits thereof. To have and to hold the said tract or piece of land, heredita- ments and i)remises hereby granted with the appurtenances unto the said George Philip Duddra his heirs and assigns. To the only proper use and behoof of the, said George Philip Duddra his heirs and assigns forever Under the yearly Quit Rent hereafter accrucing for the same to the Chief Lord of the Fee thereof. And the said Hans Newes and his lieirs the said Tract or piece of land, hereditaments and premises herel:)y granted or mentioned to be granted with the appurtenances unto the said (ieorge Philip Duddra his heirs and assigns against him the said Hans Newes and Yonecan his wife his heirs and assigns, and against all and every other person and persons wiiatsoever shall and will Warrant and forever Defend by these presents. .\nd the said Hans Newes for himself his lieiis, executors and adminis- tratois doth covenant promise and grant to and witii the said (ieorge Pliilip Duddra his heirs and assigns by tliese presents in manner following, that is to say, that lie the said Hans Newes at the time of the sealing and delivery of this present Inden- ture is the true, sole, and lawful owner and proprietor of tlie said tract or piece of land, hereditaments and premises hereby granted or mentioned to be granted with the appurtenances, and is lawfully rightfully and absolutely seized thereof and every part anil parcel thereof as of a good sure, absolute and indefeasible Elstate of Inheritance in fee simple, without any condition, contingent proviso, limitation or other restraint matter or thing whatsoever to alter defeat or determine the same. And that he the said Hans Newes will continue so seized of the demises and of every jiart tliereof until a good sure perfect and indefeasible Estate of Inheritance in fee simplt> sliall be thereof vested in the said (ieorge Philip Duddra his heirs and assigns according to the purport and true meanihg of these presents. And that free and clear and freely and clearly acquitted and discharged of and from all and all manner of former and other gifts, grants, bargains, sales,Leases,I\lortgages,.Toyntures, Dowers, Wills. Intails, Annuities, Rents, Arrearages of Rent, Titles, Charges and Incum- brances whatsoever (The (^uit Rent aforesaid and as hereafter accnieing only ex- cepted and ]n-eferred) And that he the said Hans Newes and Yonecan his wife and his heirs and all and every other person and persons whatsoever having or lawfully GEORGE PIT 1 1.1 1' DODDEHKR. 17 claiiiiinji or tliiit slnill or may at any tiinr or tiiiu's lnTcal'UT so lia\c oi- (.■laiin any Kstati', Ki^lii Title or Interes^t of in or to tlie Troinist's or any part or parcel tliereof Sliall and will at any tinie or tinu'j; hereaftiM- upon the reasonable reipiest cost and charges in law of the said (leorge Phili]) Hnddra his heirs or assigns make execnte and acknowledge or cause so to be all and every such further and other reasonalile Act and Acts, Deed or Deeds, Devise or Devises in law whatsoever fcjr the further and better assurance and confirmation of the said Tract or ])iece of land, heredita- ments and premises hereby grantt'tl or mentioned to be granted with the appurie- nauces unto the said George Philip Duddra his heirs and assigns as by him or them or by his or their council learned in tlie Law shall be reasonably devised, advised or retjuired. In Witness Whereof, the said i)arties to these presents have interchangeably set their iiands and seals, dated the day and year above written. Sealed and Delivered in the presence of us. By the said Hans Newes i*c Yonecan his wife. (,'ha. ( )sborne Jos. Wat.son HANS .\i;\\KS [ Seal ^ her ' ■ YONKCAX X -NKWES | Seal ^ mark Be it Remembered, That the twenty second day of I)ecember .\nno Domini One thousand seven hundred and twenty two at Philadelphia, before me Pobert Assheton one of the Justices of the Peace of the city and county of I'hiladelphia came the within named Hans Newes in his proper person and Ijiought this writing or convey- ance which he acknowledged to be his deed and desired that tlie same may be In- rolled or Recorded as his deed according to an Act of A.ssenibly of this Province lately made and provided. In Witne.«s Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and seal the day and year above written. ROB. ASSHETON | Seal ^ Recorded the 22nd day of December 1722. Deed Book F 3, page 380. DEED FOR SECOND LAND PTRCHASE. This Indenture, Made the third day of February in the year of our Lord One thousand seven hundred and twenty five. Between Hans Newes of the Northern Liberties of the City of Philadelphia in the Province of Pennsylvania, Yeoman, and Yonecan his wife of the one part, Aiul (ieorge Philip Duddra of Filkner's Swamp in the County of Philadelphia in the said Province, Carpenter of the other part. Wit- nesseth, that the said Hans Newes and Yonecan his wife for and in consideration of the sum of Sixteen pounds, thirteen shillings and four pence, lawful money of Penn- sylvania to them in hand paid by the said (ieorge Philip Duddra, at (»r before the sealing or delivering hereof, the receipt whereof they do hereby acknowledge and thereof do acquit and forever discharge, the said (ieorge Philip Duddra h.is heirs and assigns bj' these presents Have granted, bargained, sold, aliened, enfeoffed, released and confirmed, and by these presents do grant, bargain, sell, alien, enfeoff, release and confirm unto the said (ieorge Phili]) Duddra (in his actual possession and seizen now being by force and virtue of a bargain and sale unto him made by tiie said Hans Newes and Yonecan his wife for the term of one year from the day next before the day of the date thereof by Indenture bearing date the day next before the day of the date hereof made between the same parties as these presents, and by force and virtue of the statutes made for transferring of uses into po.wsessioii ) and to his; heirs and assigns. A certain tract or parcel of land situated in the said counly of Philaddiihia. I'x'ginning at a white oak marked for a corner, thence northwi-st by vacant land ninety eight perches to a post by a corner of Michael Dinklra's land thence by the same and John Newes land southwest Two hundred and forty six perches to a post by a corner of John Newe's land thence by the same land South east eighteen perches to a post at a corner of other land of said (ieorge Philip Duddra, thence by the same north east two hundred perches to another corner of his other land, thence by the same South east Eighty perches, thence by vacant land north east forty six perches to the place of beginning. Containing fifty acres. Together with all and singular the ways, wood, waters, water-courses, fishings, fowlings, hawkings, rights. 18 THE DOTTERER FAiNIILY. liberties, privileges, iiiiprovemeiitw, liereditainents and appurtenances whatsoever thereunto belonging or in anywise appertaining. And the reversion and reversions, remainder and remainders, rents, issues, and profits thereof. To have and to hold the said piece of land, hereditaments and premises hereby granted, or mentioned to be granted with the appurtenances unto the said George Philip Duddra his heirs and assigns, to the imly proper use and behoof of the said George Philip Duddra, his heirs and assigns forever. I'uder the j'early Quit Rent hereafter accruing for the hereby granted premises to the Chief Lord of the fee thereof. And tlie said Hans Newes and his heirs the said tract or piece of land, hereditaments and prem- ises hereby granted or mentioned to be granted with the appurtenances unto the said George Philip Duddra his iieirs and assigns against them the said Hans Newes and Yonecan his wife and liis heirs, and against all and every other person whatso- ever, shall and will warrant and forever defend by these presents. And the said Hans Newes for himself, his heirs, executors and administrators, dolh covenant, l)roinise and grant to and witii the said Geor'ge Phillips Duddra, his heirs and assigns by these presents. In maiuier following, That is to say, That he the said Hans Newes, now at tlie time of the sealing and delivering of these presents, Inden- ture of lease or release, is the true sole and lawful owner and proprietor of the said tract or piece of laud, herecfitaments and premises, have granted or uientioned to be granted with the appurtenances and is lawfully, rightfully and absolutely seized thereof and of every part and parcel thereof as of a good, sure, absolute and inde- feasible estate of inheritance in fee simple and without any condition, contingent proviso, limitation or otiier restraint matter or thing whatsoever to alter defeat or determine tlie same. And tliat lie the said Hans Newes will continue so seized of the premises and of every part and parcel thereof until a good sure, perfect and indefeasible Estate of Inheritance in fee simple shall be thereof vested in the said (ieorge Philip Duddra his heirs and assigns, according to the purport and true meaning of these prouiises, and that free, and clear and freel>' and clearly acquitted and discharged of and from all and all manner of former :uid other gifts, grants, bar- gains, sales, leases, dowers, uiortgages, injunctions, Wills, lutails, annuities, rents, arrearages of rents. Titles, Charges and Incuuibrances whatsoever (The quit rent aforesaid as hereafter accruing only excepted and preferred) and that the said Hans Newes and Yonecan his wife and bis heirs and all and evei^^' other person and persons whatsoever having or lawfully claiming or that shall or may at any time or times hereafter so have or claim any estate, right, title, interest of, in, or to the premises or any part or parcel thereof, shall and will at any time or times hereafter upon the reasonable recjuest, cost and charges in law of the said (Tcorge Philip Duddra, his heirs or assigns make execute and acknowledge or cause so to be, all and every such further and othei- reasonable act and acts. Deed or Deeds Devise or Devises in law whatsoever for the further and better assurance and confirnjation of the said tract or jnece of land, Hereditaments and premi.ses hereby granted oi' men- tioned to be granted with the appurtenances unto the said George Philip Duddra, his heirs and assigns, as by him or them or by his or their counsel learned in the law shall be reasonably devised, advised, or required. In Witness Whereof, the said parties to these jiri'sents have interchangeably set their hands and seals hereunto, Dated the day ami year first above written. Sealed & Delivered in the | presence of | j^ ^.., ^j^^vES t has. Brockden }- Ic. Watson | Chas. Osbourn j her YONECAN X NEWES | ^eai. mark > — .^ — Indorsement. Memo. That on the seventh day of Feby. A. D. 1725, before me Thos. Lawrence one of the Justices of tlie Peace for the city and county of Philadel- phia, came Clias. Brockden & Chas. t)sbourn, and on their solenni alfirmations did declare and say thai they were personally present antl saw the within named Hans Newes & Yonecan liis wife seal and as their act and deed deliver the writing or con- veyance, and that their names subscribed as witnesses are of their own hands writ- ing respectively as witnesseth my hand and seal. THOMAS LAWKENCE Recorded the 22nd February A. D. 1725. GEORGE PHILIP DODDEREH. 19 DEED OF CONFIRMATION FOR FIRST AND SECOND LAND ITRCHASES. John IVnn, Thomas Penn aiul IJicliaid l\'nn, Esquires, tiur and absolute Pro- prietaries and Governors in Chief of the Province of Pennsylvania antl the Counties of Newcastle, Kent and Sussex, on Delaware. To all unto whom these Presents shall come, (ireeting: Whereas, in and by Deeds indented of Lease and Release bearing Date respec- tively the eleventh and twelfth days of October in the year of our Lord ItJSl for tlie consideration therein mentioned our late Father, William Penn Esq'' then Proprie- tary and Oovernor in Chief of our said Province did grant and release unto William Bacon of the INIidle Temple (Ten' the ([uantity of live thousand ai'res of Land to be surveyed within our said Province To Hold to Iiim his Heirs and Assigns forever Under the yearly Quitrent of one shilling (sterling) for every hundred acres of the same And Whereas in and by other Deeds of Lease and Release bearing date the nineteenth and twentieth days of February Anno 1718 For the consitleration therein mentioned he the said William Bacon did grant and release the same (juantity of Five thousand acres of Land and premises witii the ap]iurtenances unto Hum])liry Murry and John Budd then of the City of Philadelphia To Hold to lliem their iieirs and assignees for ever. And to the end and purpose tiiat the said quantity of Land might be accordingly surveyed two several Warrants at the instance and request of the saitl Humphry Murray and John Budd were granted by the late Connnissioners of Prop- erty under our lesser seal bearing date respectively the fifth day of the tliird month and the twenty eighth day of the sixth ujonth Anno 1711) And the said Humphry Murry and John Budd having by like Deeds of Lease and Release of the twenty-liltli and twenty-sixth days of October Anno 1720 granted unto Hans Newes then of the Northern Liberties of Phil" since deceased the (piantity of seven hundred twenty-five acres part of the said live thousand acres of Land the same was surveyetl and laid out unto the said Hans Newes in two several tracts one of live hundred the otlu'r two hundred twenty five acres on the second and tliird days of November then next ensuing lying near the Branches of Parkeawming Creek in the County of Philadel- phia as in and by the surveys thereof remaining in our Survevor Generals Office may appear And Whereas in and by two certain Deeds the one bearing date tlie twenty second day of December 1722 and the other the fourth day of February 172") he the said Hans Newes and lonecan al*' Yonecan his Wife For the consideration therein respectively mentioned did grant and convey unto George Philip Tdtlierah al' Dud- dera his heirs and assigns the quantitj^ of one hundred and fifty acres of tlie tract of Five Hundred acres surveyed as aforesaid being since circumscribed within the bounds of Fredericks Township Beginning at a White Oak in a line of the said George Philip Totherah' s other land thence by land now or late of Henry Grubb south west two hundred forty six perches to a corner of the land late of James Steel then north west ninety eight perches part thereof by the land last mentioned and part by land of John Newes thence by the said John Newes Land and land of Michael Totherah North East two hundi-ed forty six pei'ches to a line of the said George Philip Totherah's other land thence by the same South East ninety eight perches to the place of beginning Containing one hundred and fifty acres as in and by tlie sur- vey and division of the same remaining in our Surveyor (jeneral's Office and from thence certified into our Secretarys Office may appear. Now at the in.stance and request of the said George Philip Totherah that we would be pleased to grant him a confirmation of the said one hundred ami fifty acres of Land according to the situation and survey afores'\ Know Ye, That in con- sideration of the several giants matters and things iK-icin b(>fore recited, and for the Yearly Quit-Rent hereinafter mentioned and reserved. We have given, granted, released and confirmed, and by these presents, for us, our heirs and succc>ssors. Do give, grant, release and confirm unto the said George Philip Totherah and his heirs the said one hundred and fifty acres of land, as the same is now set forth, bounded and limited as aforesaid; witii all Klines, Minerals, (Quarries, Meadows, ^Marshes, Savannahs, Swamps, Cripi)les, Woods, Cnderwootls, Timber and Trees, Ways, Waters, Water-courses, Liberties, Profits, Commodities, .Vdvantages, Hereditaments, and Appurtenances wliatsoever to the said one hundred and fifty acres xt after the sauic shall become due, that then it shall and may be lawful for us, our heirs and successors, our and their receiver or receivers, into and upon the hereby granted land and premises to re- enter, and the same to hold and poss(>ss until the said Quit-rent, and all arrears thereof, together witli the charges accruing by means of such non-payment and re-entry, be fully paid and discharged. In Witness Whereof, the said Thomas Penn by virtue of the powers and author- ities to him granted by the said John and Richard Penn and of his own right hatii caused the Great Seal of the said province to be "hereunto affixed at Philadelphia, this twenty fourth day of March in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hun- dred and thirty eight the twelfth year of the reign of King (leorge the Second, over (Treat Britain, etc., and the twenty-first year of our (iovernment. THO. PENN I L. s. I —■<-' Recorded August 1st, 1739. RELEASE OF CONRAD DUDDARER, RESIDCARY LEtiATEE. The heirs of George Phihji Dodderer released Ci)nrud Duddarer, re- siduary legatee, at various dates, as shown by the records, as follows: January 11, 1754. IMichael Dotterer, eldest son of George Philiji Dudciarer, late of Frederick t(nvnship, and legatee under the will of said George Philip Duddarer, re- leased Conrad Duddarer, resi(hiary legatee, upon receiving his share. The children of Hieronimus Doderer: June 16, 1764. Veronica Jost and Angnes Pittin children's children, and two of the legatees by will, of (jeorge Philip Dudilarer, released Conrad Duddarer, upon receiving from him £.33 6 8, in accordance with the will. Veronica was at this time the wife of Phillip Jost and Angnes the wife of Jost Bitting. To all People to whom these Presents shall come. Abraham Markli, Philip -Markli, Isaac ^Nlarckli, Veronica Schwenk, Rebekah Marckle, Christina Antes and Catharina Marckle, Cirand Children of the Daughter P>arl»ara to which a Legacie is given by the Testament and Last Will of (Jeorge Phillip Duddarer late of Friderick Township, in the county of Philadelphia Husbandman deceased sendeth (ireeting. Know ye that the said George Phillip Duddarer in and by his Testament and last Will l)earing date the nineteenth Day of October in the year 1741, Did (iive and •levise unto his youngest Son Conrad Duddarer his the Testator's Plantation with all the Lands Houses Baren and outhouses. As also a certain House Orchard and land . . . he the said Conrad, his heirs Executors or .Administrators paying . certain Legacies, that is to say To his Daughter Barbara Children the full Sum of thirty three Pounds six Shillings and eight pence. . . . Now know ye that the said Abraham ^Marckli, et al. . . . Doth hereby acknowledge to have had and received of and from the said Conrad Duddarer the aforesaid Legacy of thirty three Pounds six Shillings and Eight Pence. . . The Sixteenth Day of June in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and fifty six. ABRAHAM MERKLE PHILIP MARKEL ISAAC MERCK LE FRONIGA SCHWENK GEORG SCHWENK [Seal] [Sk.xl] [Seal] [Ska I.] [Sk.vi.] lu'i- REBECK A R MARCKLI [Sk.m.] iiiMi'k li.-i- CHRISTINA C A ANTES [Sk.vl] mark WILLIAM ANTES [Seal] CATTARINA X MARCKLE [Seal] mark 22 THE DOTTERER FAMILY. Bernhard (Barnabas) Dodderer: Release by Barnabas Duddarer: To all People to whom these Presents shall come. BarnabasDuddarer, one of the Legatees of the Testament and Last Will of (Teorjje Phillip Duddarer, late of Fred- erick Township in the County of Philadelphia, Husbandman deceased Sendeth Greeting: Know Ye that the said (xeorge Phillip Duddarer in and by his Testament and last Will liearing date the nineteenth day of October in the year one thousand seven hundred fourty one, did give and devise unto his youngest son Conrad Dud- darer his the saiil Testators Plantation with all the Lands, Houses Barn & outhouses as also a certain House Orchard and Land which the Testator Ijefore in his said Will had given to the Testators Wife during her Life she being now deceast He the said (Conrad his Heirs Executors or Administrators jjaying unto the Testators other Chil- dren and Children's Children certain Legacies that is to say, to his Son Barnabas Duddarer the full Sum of thirty three Pounds six shillings and eight pence lawful Money of Pennsilvania in certain parts and acconling to certain Times of Payment in the said Last Will Si)ecifyet as in and by the said recited Will remaining "in the Register (jenerals Otfice at Philadelphia Relation being thereunto had appears. Now Know Ye that the said Barnabas Dudderer doth hereby acknowledge to have had and received of and from the said Conrad Duddarer the aforesaid Legacy of thirty- three Pounds six Shillings and eight pence. Therefore in Consideration whereof he the said Barnal)as Duddarer hatli Kemissed and Released And by these Presents doth Rends Release and fore Ever cjuit claim unto the said Conrad Duddarer his Heirs Executors and Administrators of and from the aforesaid Legacy and of and from all and all manner of Action and Actions and Cause and Causes of Actions fore or by Reason of the Premises or any Part or Parcell thereof. In Witness whereof the said Barnal)as Duddarer hath hereunto set his Hand and Seal the eight Day of November in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred fifty four 1754. BERND DODDERER [Seal]. Sealed & Delivered in the presence of us: lislieth E. S. Smith. Friedrich Antes. Be it remembered that the eight Day of November Anno Dom. 1754 At Frederick township before me Henry Antes one of the Justices of the Peace for the County of Philadelphia came the within named Barnard Duddarer in his proper Persf)n and brought this writing or Release which he Acknowledges to l)e his Deed and desired that the same may l)e Recorded as his Deed acc(jrding to an Act of Assembly of this Province formerly made and provided. In Witnes whereof I have hereunto" Set my Hand and Seal the Dav and Year above written. HENRY ANTES [Seal]. Recorded :\V Decendi'' 1772. Anna Elizabetli Dodderer, the wife first, of Michael Zinmierman, and, second, of Jacob Kcerr (Kurr): .... 1762. Anna Kcerr, a daughter of George Philip Duddarer, and legatee by his will, released Conraand Johannes Yunt Veronica Zimmerman Mary Cath- arina Hofman and her Hus))and John Hofman, the Grand Children & tow of there Husbands of the Daughter Anna, to which a Legacie is given by the Testament and Last Will of George Phillip Duddarer, late of Frederick Township in the County of Philadeljihia Husbandman deceased Sendeth (ireeting: Know ye that the said George Phillip Duddarer in and by his Testament and Last AVill bering date the ninteenth Day of October in the year one thousand seven Hundred forty one did give and devise unto his youngest Son Conrad Duddarer his the said Testator's Plantation with all the Lands Houses Baren & outhouses as also a certain House .Orchard and Land which the Testator l)efore in his said Will had given to the Testators Wife during her Life She being now deced. He the said Conrad his Heirs Executors or Administra- tors Paying unto the Testators other Children or Childrens Children a certain Lega- cies that is to say, to his Daughter Annas Childi-en the full Sum of Sixteen Pounds thirteen Shillings & four pence lawful Money of Pennsylvania when the youngest Child shall be at the Age of twenty one years that is the date of Payment in the said Last Will Specifyed as in and by the said recited Last Will remaining in the Register General's Office at Phila(leli)hia Relation being thereunto had appears. Now Know Ye that the said Geoi-ge Zimmerman Anna Elisabeth Yunt and .Tohannes Yunt her geor(;p: piiilii' i>()T)1)Ekkii. 23 Ilnsliaiitl, Veronica Ziiiinu'iiuaii Mary C'liattaiina lidfiiiaii l<: .lulin llnluian lier Ilnsl)aii(l (loth hereby acknowit'dire to liave had ami receiveil ot and from the said Conrad Duddarer the al'ores' Lei^acy of Sixteen Ponnds thirteen ShiiUnjrs i<; four penee. Therefore in Consideration thereof the saiii (ieorire Zinnuerman Anna I^'dizaheth Ynnt t*c Johannes Ynnt Veronica Zimerman Mary ("attarina llofman her Hushanil. liath Keniised and Released and by these Presents Doth Keniise lieleas and fore Ever •init claim unto the said Conrad Duddarer his Heirs Executors ven hundred sixty two 17H2. (!E()R(; ZIMMER.MAN [Se.\l] his HANNES H JUND [Seal] msirk Iicr ANLISABET I J IN DIN [Se.m.] mark FRONICA X ZDDIERMAXX [Se.u.] mark JOHANNES HOFFMANN [Se.\i.] MARIA CADRINHOFFMANNIN[Se.\l] [Se.m.] Sealed and delivered in the presence of us, viz: MICH A EL D( )TT !•: It E R his MICHAEL -Al DIDDARER mark Be it Remembered that on the thirtieth day of August, A". D. 17H2 Before me John Trump one of the Justices of tlie Peace of the County of Philad'' came (George Zimmerman, one of the Signers and ackiKjwledge that he has Sealed ami Delivered this above written Releas and upon his Solemn Athrmation did declear and Say that he were personly apresand and saw the within named Seal and as their Act and Deed deliver this writing t)r Releas and that their Nams Suliscribed as Witnesses are of their own hands or marks wilting respectively As Witness my Han)rance of the Said Testament whereupon he declared himself in Such Words as: 1 imist Confess Tiiat if the Will Shctuld remain So as it is now. That my Son Herman would nmch Loose by it (or much Suffer by it, or much get Short). But 1 am yet alive, I can alter it at any Time. 30 THE DOTTERER FAMILY. This could be proved by witness if required. This happened onh' about Two or Three Months ))efore his Death. For 8oon after he went again to the Said Wendell Wyant, and there became Sick and dyed, on the 8'" of March Last without altering the Said Testament. But now the Said Wendell refuses to divide the Said Fishers Estate equally among themselves (contrary to his own former desire as mentioned above) Since the Said Testament is made to his Advantage. Though the Said Wendell has once promised to the Said Michael Dottery That he would l)e Content, That the whole Estate jnight be equally divided among them- selves, yet he has also said to some others. That he would do nothing unless the said Testament be declared for null and void by Law. In my mind the Said Herman Fisher and Michael Dottery have Such a Just Right to Claim their due Share of their Fathers Estate as the said Wendell Wyant. And for my Tart I Suppose The Said Jacob Fisher has Caused his Said Testa- ment to be made in such a manner, without a Just or Sufficient Deliberation. And as he has been of Such an inconstant Mind, So that he now and then having been nuich more favourable to one then to another of his own Children So it is hard- ly to l>e Said wether he has l)een then a INIan of Compos Mentis or not. Though I happened to be troubled with writing the Said Testament, and also Subscribed as a witness to the Same Yet I Cannot Conscientiously take an Affirma- tion (for all the abovesaid Reasons) to the Confirmation of the Said Will. I could not Say otherwise if I was myself present For the Rest I wish that the Case might be fair Adjusted. DAYID SHULTZE. DEED FOR FIRST LAND PURCHASE. This Indenture, Made the twenty-fourth day of January in the year of our Lord One thousand seven hundred and twenty six. Between Hans Newes of the Northern J^il^erties of the City of Philadelphia, in the Province of Pennsylvania, Yeoman, and Yonecan his wife of the one part. And ^lichael Doudera of Falkner's Swamp in the County of Philadelphia in the said Province, Yeoman of the other part. Witnesseth, That the said Hans Newes and Yonecan his wife for and in consideration of the sum of Fifty ])ounds lawful money of Pennsylvania to them in hand paid by the said ^Michael Doudera at and before the sealing and delivery hereof, the receipt whereof they do hereby acknowledge and thereof do acquit and forever discharge the said IVIichael Doudera his heirs and assigns by these presents, have granted, liargained, sold, aliened, enfeoffed, and contirmev vacant land one hundred eighty two perches to the (Jerinan tract, thence ])y the same south west one hundred thirty two perches to a ]>ost l)y a corner of John Newes land, thence by the same South east one hundred eiglity two perches to a post near a white oak marked for a corner in the line of Philip Doudera's land, thence by the same line North East one humh-ed thirty two jierches to the place of beginning. Containing One hundred and fifty acres. Which said descrilied tract is part of Two hundred acres of land Surveyed on the first day of November 1720 unto the said Hans Newes in ]iart of his purchase of Seven hundred and fifty acres of land of John Budd and Humphry ^Murray who pur- chased the same with other lands of William Bacon who was an original purchaser of Five Thousand acres of land to be located in the said Province, of and from William Penn Proprietary and Governor thereof (lately deceased). Together also with all and singular the ways, woods, waters, water-courses, fishings, fowlings, hawkings, huntings, rights, liberties, j)rivileges and improvements, hereditaments and appurte- nances whatsoever thereunto belonging or in anywise appertaining. And the rever- version and reversions, remainder and remainilers, rents, issues, and profits thereof, and true copys of all Deeds, Evidences and writings concerning the same to be had and taken at the proper charges of the said Michael Dodera his heirs or assigns. To have and to hold the said tract or pai'cel of land, hereditaments aniinrtenanees nnto the said Michael Doder^ his heirs and assigns against him the said Hans Newes and his heirs and against all and every other i)erson and ])ersons whatsoever shall any his or their Court of Learned in the Law shall be reasonably devised, advised or required. In Witness Whereof the said i)arties to these j)resents have interchangeably set their hands and seals hereunto dated the day and year first above written. Sealed and delivered ] ^-"^ in the presence of us I jj^^j,.^ NEWES { seal | Isaac Dubois - t ) Jos. Watson | Cha. Tavlor J YONECAN NEWES |seal| Received on the day of the date of the within Indenture of the within named Michael Dodera the sum of Fifty pounds, being the full consideiation money within mentioned, I say received by me Hans Newes. Witnesses present at signing, Cha. Taylor, Jos. Watson. Be it Remembered, That the twenty seventh day of .lauuary .\nno Domiui I7L'() at Philadelphia before me lOdward R.berts one of the Justices of the j'eace of the Citv and Countv of Philadelphia came the within named Hans Newes in his proi>er person, and brought this writing or conveyance which he acknowledged to be his deeil and desires that the same may be enrolled or recorded as his Deecl according to an Act of Assemblv of this Province in that behalf lately maili- and i)rovided. In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and seal the ilay and year abovesaid. E1)W.\KD [ROBERTS [sealJ 32 THE DOTTERER FAMILY. DEED OF CONFIRMATION OF THE FOREGOING PURCHASE. The following is the Proprietaries' deed of confirmation of Hans Newes' deed : John Peiin, Thomas Penii & Richard Penn Esquires true and absohite Proprie- taries and Governors in Chief of the Provinces of Pennsylvania and Counties of New- castle, Kent and Sussex on Delaware. To all unto whom these Presents shall come Send Greeting. Whereas in and by Deeds indented of Lease and Release bearing Date respect- ively the eleventh and twelfth Days of October 1681 for the Considerations therein mentioned our late Father William Penn Esq. then Proprietary and Governor in Chief of our said Province, Did grant and release unto William Bacon of the Middle Temple Gent the Quantity of five thou.sand Acres of Land to be surveyed within our said Province To Hold to him his Heirs and Assigns forever Under the yearly Quit Rent of one shilling for every h.undred acres of the same And whereas in and by other Deeds of Lease and Release bearing Date the nineteenth and twentyeth Days of February Anno 1718 for the Consideration therein mentioned he the said Williani Bacon did grant and release the same Quantity of five thousand Acres of Land and Premises with the Appurtenances unto Humphrey Murry and John Budd then of the City of Philadelphia To hold to them their Heirs and Assigns forever And to the End and purpose that the said Quantity of Land might be accordingly surveyed two several Warrants (at the Instance and Request of the said Humphrey Murry and .John Budd) were granted by the Commissioners of Property Under our lesser Seal bearing Date respectively the fifth Day of third Month and the twenty eighth Day of the sixth Month Anno 1719. And the said Humphrey Murry and John Budd having by like Deeds of Lease and Release of the twenty fifth and twenty sixth Day of October Anno 1720 granted unto Hans Newes then of the Northern Liberties of Philadelphia since deceased the Quantity of Seven liundred twenty five Acres of Land Part of the said five thousand Acres of Land the same was surveyed and laid out unto the said Hans Newes in two several Tract sone of five hundred Acres the other two hundred twenty five .\cres on the second and third Days of November then next ensuing lying near the Branches of Parkeawming Creek in the County of Philadelphia as in and by the Surveys thereof remaining in our Surveyor Generals Office may appear and Whereas in and by a certain Deed indented bearing Date the twenty fourtli Day of January 172(5 for the Consideration therein mentioned he the said Hans Newes and Yonecan his Wife Did grant and convey unto Michael Totherah (als Dodera) of Falkner's Swamp in the County of Philad'' his Heirs and Assigns; A Certain Part of the Tract of five liundred Acres surveyed as aforesaid being since circumscribed within the Hoiuids of Frederick Townsliip. Beginning at a Corner of Jolm Newes' Lau'l Thence by the same North West one hundred eighty two Perches to a line ol the German Companys Land Tlience by tiie same North East one hun- dred and thirty two perches to a corner of the said ]\Iichael Totherah's other land thence by tlie same and bv land of George Philip Totherah South East one hundred eighty two perches to a Post Thence by the said (Jeorge Philip Totherah's land South West one liundred thirty two perches to the place of beginning, containing one hundred and fifty acres ***** As in and by the Survey and Division of the same remaining in our Surveyor (ieneral's office and from thence certified into our Secretary's office may appear. Now at the Instance and Request of the said Michael Totherah that we would be pleased to grant iiim a Confirmation of the said one hundred and fiftv acres of Land according to the Situation and Survey aforesaid. Know Ye that in considera- tion of the several (irants, Matters and Things hereinbefore recited and for the yearly Quit Rent hereinafter mentioned and reserved. We have Given, Granted, Released and Confirmeil * * * * unto the said Michael Totherah and his Heirs The said one hundred and fifty Acres of Land * * * * To have and to hold the said one liundred and fiftv Acres of Land * * * Yielding and paying therefore to ourselves our Heirs and successors at the City of Philadelphia at or upon the first day of March in every Year from the first Day of this Instant March, one English Silver Sliiliing for the one hundred acres and in Proportion for the fifty Acres or Value tliereof in (V)in Current according as the Exchange shall then be between our .said Province and the City of London * * * In Witness whereof the said Thomas Penn * * * hath caused the Great Seal of the said Province to be hereunto affixed at Philadelphia this twenty-second MICHAEL DOTTERER. 33 Day of ihiich Anno Domini 1736 The Tenth }'ear of the Reign of King (George the Second over Great Britain, &c., DEED FOR SECOND LAND PURCHASE. This Indenture, ^Nlade the fourth day of -May in t!ie year of our Lord One thou- sand seven liundred and twenty six. P)et\veen John Henry Sprogell of the City of Pliiladelphia, Gentleman of the one part, And Michael Doutlera of New Hanover Township in the said County of I'hiladelphia, Yeoman of the other part. Whereas there is a certain piece or tract of land situate in the said County, Beginning at a corner of 3Iichael Doudera's other land in Sprogell's line, thence Nortli West One hundred and twenty one perches and four feet to a post put for a corner thence south west One hundred and tiiirty two perches to a post in tiie line of .Jacob Myer's land, thence by the same and by Hans Sinkman's land, south east one hundred and twenty one perches and four feet to a post at a corner of the said Michael Doudera's other land, thence by tlie same North east one liundred and thirty two perches to the place of beginning. Containing one hundred acres. It lieing part of a certain great tract of twenty two thousand tluiH' hundred and seventy • seven acres of land which was lateh' granted to the said John Henry Sprogell in fee. Now this inden- ture Witnesseth that the said John Henry Sprogell for the consideration of the sum of Twenty five pounds lawful money to him paid by the said Michael Doudera Hath granted, baigained, sold, released and confirmed and by these presents doth grant, bargain, sell, release, and confirm unto the said INIichael Doudera (in his actual seizen now being by virtue of a bargain and sale to him juade for one year by In- denture bearing date the day next before the day of the date hereof, and made between the same parties as these presents) and to his heirs and assigns. All that the above described piece or tract of land situate bounded and being as the same is above set forth and described and containing One hundred acres as aforesaid. To- gether also with all and singular the buildings, improvements, ways, woods, waters, water-courses, rights, liberties, privileges, hereditaments and appurti-nances, what- soever thereunto belonging, and the reversions and remainders thereof (one full equal half part of all mines included within the bounds and limits of the One hun- dred acres aforesaid excepted and always reserved out of this present grant.) To have and to hold the said described piece or tract of land, hereditaments and prem- ises hereby granted or mentioned so to be with the appurtenances (except before excepted) unto the said Michael Doudera his heirs and assigns, to the only use and behoof of him tfie said Michael Doudera his heirs and assigns forever. Yielding and paying therefore yearly unto the said John Henry Sprogell his heirs and assigns the yearly rent of one shilling lawful sterling money of Great Britain or value thereof in coin current on the first day of March yearly forever. And if it shall happen the said yearly rent of one shilling hereby reserved or any part thereof shall be behind and unpaid at or after any of the days herein before mentioned and appointed for pavment thereof, That then and from thenceforth always after, as often as the said rent shall be so behind and unpaid, it shall and may he lawful for the said John Henry Sprogell his heirs or assigns into and upon the said land and premises hereby granted or mentioned so to be or any part thereof and in the messuages thereon erected or to be erected with the appurtenances to enter and distrain and the dis- tress and distresses then and there found and taken to leatl, drive and carry away, and the same to impound, detain and keep at the proper Risque and charges of the said Micliael Doudera his heirs and assigns for the space of five days and if within the said space of five days payment and satisfaction of the said rent and arrearages thereof if any be not made then & at any time thereafter it shall and may be lawful for the said John Henry Sprogell his heirs and assigns or any of them, the said dis- tress and distresses to expose and sell by publick auction or vendue for the best price that can be reasonably gotten for tlie same, and after payment and satisfaction of the said rent and arrearages thereof, and all charges of distress and detenture and sale are first deducted, the overplus to return to the said Michael Doudera his heirs or assigns. And the said John Henry Sprogell and his heirs the saiil piece or tract of land, hereditaments and premises hereby granted or mentioned so to be with the appurtenances (except before excepted) unto tlie said Michael Doudera his heirs and assigns, against him the said John Henrv Sprogell and his heirs, and against all other persons, lawfullv claiming or to claim shall and will under the yearly rent aforesaid warrent and" forever defend by these presents. In Witness Whereof, the J 34 THE DOTTERER FAMILY. aforesaid parties to these presents have interchangeably set their hands and seals liereto, dated the day and year above written. Healed and delivered in the presence of us Johannali Parsons William Parsons JOHN HENRY SPROGELL, SENOR. Memo. The Eighteenth day of May A. D. 1736 before me Edward Roberts Esq. one of the Justices of ye Peace for ye City & County of Philadelphia came ye within named John Henry Sprogell and brought ye within writing which he acknowledged to be his deed and desired the same may be recorded as his deed according to law. Witness my hand and seal ye day and year aforesaid. EDWARD ROBERTS [seal]. Mem. Thirty acres of ye within granted land and one hundred and ten perches are included in a deed for one hundred and four acres and fifty perches from William Parsons, John Ross and Robert Greenway to ye within named Michael Totherah dated 22'' day of June 1751. Witness my hand. ROBT. GREENWAY. Received of ye within named Michael Doudera ye sum of Twenty five pounds it being ye consideration money within mentioned pr. me. JOHN HENRY SPROGELL, SENOR. Witnesses present at signing. Johannah Parsons Wm. Parsons Know all men by these presents, That Whereas, the within named John Henry Sprogell by Indenture of the 20"^ Dec. 1733 did sell unto Henry Soams of London Seven thousand live hundred acres of land whereof the within one hundred acres is a part. And Whereas the heirs of said Henry Scjams by indenture of the 8"' October 1748 did sell unto Thomas Preston the said lands with the rents, yearly issues and profits thereof. Therefore he the said Thomas Preston, in consideration of one pound four- teen shillings to him in hand paid by tiie within named Michael Doudera, doth hereby not only discharge all the by past Rents of one shilling sterling, reserved yearly as within mentioned, but likewise doth hereby sell, release and confirm the within rent of one sliilling sterling reserved as within mentioned unto him the said Michael Dudderow his heirs and assigns forever. Witness the h^nd and seal of Thomas Preston this thirteenth day of January, An. D. 1749 /50. Witness present | ,— ^^ i';,°ia%i"S 1 THOMAS PRESTON, {skal} PATENT FOR THIRD LAND PURCHASE. ^^ John Penn, Thomas Penn & Richard Penn Esquires true and absolute Proprie- taries and Governors in Chief of the Provinces of Pennsylvania and Counties of New- castle, Kent and Sussex on Delaware. To all unto whom these Presents shall come. Greeting. Whereas in pursuance and by virtue of our Warrant under the lesser seal of our said province bearing date the eighth day of November, Anno Domini 1734, there was surveyed and laid out on the twenty first day of February then next ensuing, unto Michael Totherah of the county of Philadelphia, a certain Tract of Land situ- ate in Frederick Township in the said county: Beginning at a post in a line of a tract called the (lerman Tract at a corner of other land of the said Michael Totherah, and extending thence by the said land south east one hundred and five perches to a post, thence by land of George Philip Totherah North East Eighty one perches to a post, thence by vacant land, North west one hundred and five perches to a post in the aforesaid line of the German Tract, thence by the same south west eighty one perches to the point of beginning. Containing Fifty acres and an allowance propor- tionate to six acres, per cent for roads and Highways as in and by the survey thereof remaining in our Surveyor General's office may appear. Now at the Instance and Request of the said Michael Totherah that we would be pleased to grant him a Confirmation of the same, Know Ye, That in considera- J MICHAEL DOTTERER. 35 tion of the sum of Seven pounds, fifteen shillings, law I'ul iiionev of Pennsylvania, to our use paid by the said Michael Totherah the leoeipt whereof" we hereby acknowl- edge, and thereof do acquit and forever diseiiarge the said Michael Totherah his heirs and assigns by these presents, and also for the yearly quit rent hereinafter mentioned and reserved. We have given, granted, released," and confirmed, and by these presents for us our heirs and successors do give, grant, release and confirm unto the said IMichael Totherah and his heirs, tlie said fifty acres of land as the same is now set forth, bounded and limited as aforesaid with all Mines, Minerals, Quar- ries, Meadows, Marshes, Savannahs, Swamps, Crippled Woods, rn A brief of title to the foregoing tract, in the handwriting of Judge Benjamin Markley, made about the year 1812, was still preserved (about 1880) among the title papers of one of the farms formed from this property. 1681. Octob^ 11 & 12"^^ Deed Lease & Release from William Penn Esq to William Baken for 5000 Acres of Land. 1718. February 19 & 20. Deed Lease & Release from said William Baken to Hum- phrey Murry & John Budd for said 5000 Acres of Land. 1719. June 28th. Two Warrants by Commissioners of Property were granted unto Humphrey Murry and John Budd one dated March & the other June 28"' 1719, to have the same surveyed. 1720. October 25 & 26"^. Deed lease and Release from Humphrey Murry & John Budd to Hans News for 725 Acres part of said 5000 Acres, which land Surveyed & Sold out unto said Hans News in two Several Tracts one of 500 Acres the other of 225 Acres on the 2 & S"* days of November 1720. 36 THE DOTTERER FAMILY. 1726. January 24. Deed from Hans News and Yonican his wife to ]\Iichael Dot- terer for 150 Acres part of said 5000 Acres in Frederick Township March 15"" 1786. Benjamin Eastburn Surveyor General Draugiit for said 150 Acres of Land. 1736. March 22'*. Patent John Penn Thomas Penn & Richard Penn to said Michael Dotterer for said 150 Acres of Land. 1763. November 14"". Deed from s"* Michael Dotterer & Ann Mary his wife to their son Michael Dotterer for said 150 Acres of Land. DEED FOR FOURTH LAND PURCHASE. This Indenture, Made the twenty second day of June in the 3'ear of our Lord one thousand seven luindred and fifty one. Between William Parsons of the County of Lancaster, Plsquire, and John Ross and Robert Greenway of the City of Philadel- phia, Gent, of the one part. And Micliael Tothera of Hanover Township in the county of Philadelphia Yeoman of the otlier part. Witnesseth, that the said William Parsons, John Ross and Robert Greenway in consideration of the sum of Twenty two pounds three shilHngs and four pence lawful money of Pennsylvania, to them in hand paid by the said Michael Totherah, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, have granted, bargained, sold, released and confirmed, and by these presents do grant, bargain, sell, release and confirm unto the said Michael Tothera and to his heirs and assigns, A certain tract or piece of land, situate in the said township, Beginning at a White Oak in the line of Henry Grob's land, thence extending by the same South forty six degrees and three quarters East one hundred and twenty eight perches to a post in the chief line of Mumbower's land thence by the same and by the said ^lichael Tother-a's other land South forty three degrees West one hundred and twenty nine perches to a post thence by the said Tothera's other land North forty seven degrees West one hundred and thirty perches to a post in a line of Christoplier Bittenbinder's land thence by the same North forty four degrees East one hundred and twenty nine perches and a half to the place of be- ginning. Containing One hundred and four (104) acres and fifty (50) perches of land [part of 26S0 acres which Septimus Robison Elsq. late High Sheriff of the City and County of Philadelphia by Deed Poll of the fifth day of March 1739 acknowl- edged in Open Court, did bargain and sell unto Samuel Johnston in fee, who grant- ed the same unto the said William Parsons, John Ross and Robert Greenway in fee by Indenture of tlie 5"' day of August 1746 and the said 2680 acres tract is part of six thousand acres which John Henry Sjirogell did grant unto Thomas Tresse, the elder, in fee, by Imlenture of the eighth day of November 1712, and since the de- cease of the said Thomas Tresse the same six thousand acres were taken in execution for debts owing by him and sold in two several tracts by the said late Sheriff.] To- gether also with all and singular the ways, woods, waters, water-courses, privileges, improvements, hereditaments and appurtenances whatsoever thereunto belonging, and the reversions and remainders thereof and all and every the Estate, right, title, interest, use, trust, property, claim and demand whatsoever of them the said William Parsons, John Ross and Roljert Greenway or any of them, of, in or to the same. To have and to hokl the said described tract or piece of land, hereditaments and prem- ises hereby granted with the appurtenances unto the said Michael Tothera his heirs and assigns, to the only use and behoof of the said Michael Tothera, his heirs and assigns forever. Under the yearly quit rent due and to become due for the same to the Chief Lord or Lords of the Fee thereof. And the said William Parsons, John Ross and Robert Greenway and their heirs, the said described tract or piece of land, hereditaments and premises herel)y granted or mentioned to be granted with the appurtenances unto the said Michael Totherah his heirs and assigns against them the said William Parsons, John Ross, and Rol)ert Greenway and their and every of their heirs respectively and against the said Thomas Tresse, the elder, deceased, and against the nephew Thomas Tresse, the younger, deceased, and their and each of their heirs, and also against the said John Henry Sprogell deceased and Lodwick Christian Sprogell also deceased, and their and each of their heirs, and against all and every other person and persons lawfully claiming or to claim by from or under them or any of them, and against no other person or persons whomsoever in any wise shall and will warrant and forever defend by these jsresents. MICHAEL D0TTP:RER. 37 In Witness Whereof the saici parties to these presents have interchangeably set their hands and seals hereto, dated the day and year first above written. Sealed and delivered [by the above named Wni. I'arsons] in the presence of ns Thomas Willing Edmund Physick Sealed and delivered [by the above named John Ross and Robert Green way] in the presence of ns Peacock Bigger James Biddle WM. PARSONS {seal I JOHN ROSS {seal I ROliERT GREENWAY < SEAL > CONVEYANCES BY MICHAEL DOTTERER TO HIS SONS. This Indenture, Made the twentieth ilay of May in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and fifty six, Between IVIichael Dotterer, alias Doudera of New Hanover Township in the County of Philadelphia, Yeoman, and Anna Maria his wife of the one part, and Phili]) Dotterer of the sauie ])lace, Yeoman, (the eldest son and heir of the said Michael Dotterer and Annie Maria his said wife) of the other part. Whereas in and ])y a certain Indenture bearing date the fourth day of May in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and twenty six, made or mention- ed to be made by and between John Henry S])rogell of the city of Philadelphia, Gentleman, of the one part, and the said ^Michael Dotterer of the other part. He the said John Henry Sjirogell for the consideration therein mentioned did grant, bargain, sell, release and confirm, unto the said Michael Dotterer, A certain piece or tract of land situate in the said county: Beginning at a post at a corner of Michael Dotterer's other land in Sprogell's line, thence North West one hundred and twenty one perches and four feet to a post put for a corner, thence South West one hundred and thirty two perches to a post in the line of Jacob Meyer's land, thence by the same and ])y Hans Sinkmans land South East one hundred and twenty one perches and four feet to a post at a corner of the said Michael Dotterers other land thence by the same North East one hundred and thirty two perches to the place of l)eginning. Containing one hundred acres, Together with the appurtenances. To hold to the said Michael Dotterer his heirs and assigns for ever as in and by the said recited Indenture relation lieing thereunto had may more at large appear. And Whereas, since the execution of the above recited Indenture it appears that the said John Henry Sprogell was not wholly entitled to the said described one hundred acre ti'act of land, but only to sixty nine acres and fifty perches part thereof and the remaining thirty acres and one hundred and ten perches the residuary jiart of the said one hundred acres among other lands become since vested in William Parsons Esq. John Ross Esq. and Rol)ert Greenway, Gent. And Whereas in and by a certain Inden- ture bearing date the twenty second day of June in the year of our Lord 1751 made or mentioned to be made by and between the said William Parsons, John Ross and Robert Greenway of the one part, and the said ^Michael Dotterer of the other part. They the said William Parsons, John Ross ivnd Robert (xreenway for the considi-ra- tion therein mentioned did grant, bargain, sell, release, and contirm unto the said Michael Dotterer, A certain tract or piece of land situate in New Hanover Townshij) aforesaid, Beginning at a White Oak in the line of Henry Grul)'s land, thence extending by the same South forty six degrees and three ipiarters East one hundred and twenty eight perches to a post in the chief line Mum]>aver's land, thence l)y the same and by the said 'Michael Dotterers land South forty three degrees East one hundred and twenty nine perches to a post, theJice by the said Dotterer's other land North forty seven degrees East one hundred and thirty perches to a post in a line of Christopher Bittenbinder's land, thence by the same North forty four degrees East one hundred and twenty nine perches and a half to the place of beginning. Containing one hundred and four acres and fifty perches of land. In which last descri})ed tract the above said thirty acres and one hundreil and ten perches of land part of the said one hundred acre tract aw iiicluy us Jnlm Pawling and William Woodley Appraisers of the said Estate as Wittness our hands this 4t}i day of January, 172|. JN<)." PAWLING WILLIAM WOEDLE At the same time was filed this statement: the Debt of Heronnuis Dndrer Ny Hannover township in the county of Phila- delphia and Province of Pensilvania Decased November 1727. to Anthony Hincell in Hannover township 00 : 12 : 00 to Johannes Percebil in the said township 00 : 06 : 06 to Peter Rife in Bobyery township 00 : 13 : 09 to Cristian Statler in hannover township 00 : 02 : 06 to William Woodle in Liml)ric townsliiii 06 : 19 : 00 to Ellse Elizabeth in (Tarmantown • 01 : 04 : 00 to Ludwidg Sprogle in Philadelphia 01 : 05 : 00 to Thomas Rutter in Philadelidua 00 : 06 : 06 to Michell Herger of hannover township 00 : 09 : 00 to Joseph Groofe Ny hannover township 00 : 06 : 00 to Michell Grouse of hannover township 03 : 00 : 00 to John Palling of Babry township 03 : 07 : 00 to hans Senseman of hannover 00 : 06 : 00 to A. Shomacer 00 : 07 : 00 to George Pillip Dodrer Ny hannover township 00 : 12 : 06 to Bastian Raffsnider of hannover township 00 : 11 : 04 to A. Shomacer Garmentown 00 : 01 : 06 to George Holebach in Hannover township 00 : 01 : 06 to Christophel foonck in Garmentown 00 : 03 ; 00 20 : 14 : 01 her CATHARINE C.K. KRAUSE. mark The foregoing inventory indicates that Hieronimus Doderer was a young farmer of considerable importance for those times. He had no lack of horses and cattle, and grain and money, and of farming imple- ments he had a limited supply, but no wagon or carriage appears in the list of his possessions. There is no clue to the location of his farm; appar- ently he did not own it. At the date of his death Hanover and Limerick townships had been erected, but not Frederick township. There are no church records to which we can turn for information about the young settler. He was, we may safely assume, attached to Falkner Swamp Reformed congregation, of which his father was an officer. This congre- gation was organized in 1725 by John Philip Boehm, who was its pastor until 1748, but its records were kept in a private book by the pastor, and they are lost. Catharina Doderer, widow of Hieronimus Doderer, shortly after her husband's death, married Michael Krause. Her maiden name does not appear in the meagre records at hand. The children of Michael and Catharina Krause were: George Krause, born about 1729; confirmed a member of New Han- over Lutheran church, April 8, 1750, aged 21; married Christina Singer. 44 THE DOTTERER FAMILY. Mary Kraiise, married Peter Smith. Elizabeth Krause, born alwiit 1734; confirmed April 8, 1750, aged 16. Salome Krause, born about 1736; confirmed April 8, 1750, aged 14; married, April 18, 1754, John Michael Renn. Catharina Krause, married Jacob Beltz. Michael Krause, buried, January 3, 1797, at Leidig's graveyard. He was lame. Daniel Krause. Octol)er 9, 1728, Michael Kraus bought of Humphrey Morrey and John Budd, 170 acres of land, on the banks of Swamp creek, lying mostly or wholly within the limits of" Frederick township as afterwards erected. In 1734 he was taxed in Frederick township for 150 acres; in 1769, for 150 acres, a grist mill, 4 horses and 4 horned cattle; in 1774, for 150 acres, a grist mill, and one servant; in 1776 he was assessed for 150 acres, 2 horses, 3 cows, ^ a grist mill; aged, and a crippled son and childish wife; in 1785, he was a taxable in Frederick township. He died Decem- ber 11, 1797, and is buried in Leidig's graveyard. The date of his wife's death is not known. NOTES. Hieronimus is the Latin for Jerome. In the few records we have this name is written in various ways: Hieronimus, Uronomiss and Eron- emus, and in one case tradition renders it Griinimus. Hironimus Doderer is one of a number of names signed to the peti- tion dated March, 172f for a road from Bebber's township to George Warner's mill, in Sprogell's Tract. Veronica Doderer and Agnes Doderer, daughters of Hieronimus Dod- erer, made matrimonial alliances with prominent farmers of Falkner Swamp — the former was the wife of Philip Yost; the latter, of Jost Bitting. 4. BARBARA DODDERERS (George Philip Dodderer^). Born about 1704; married, Februar}^ 13, 1722, Jacob Markley; died, in Skip- pack, Philadel])hia (now Montgomery) county, Pennsylvania, July 24, 1738. Jacob Markle}^, son of Al:)raham and Anna Veronika Merkle, of Bonfeld, near Heilbronn, in A\^irtemberg, was born .July 11, 1701; died, in the township of Perkiomen and Skippack, Philadelphia (now Mont- gomery) county, August 29, 1784. Children: 21. Abraham Markley', born August 12, 1723. 22. Phihp Markley% born August 27, 1725. 23. Markley' (a daughter), born on New Year's Day, 1727; died soon after. 24. Isaac Markley', born May 24, 1729. BARBARA DODDERER. 45 25. Veronica Markley% born A])v\\ 1. 1732. 26. Rebecca Markley'', born about 17-")4. 27. Christina Marklcy% born May 27, 1736. 28. Catharine Markley', bc^n >biy 9, 1738. .Jacob ]\rarkley married (second) l'):n-l)ara Ransch. born A]n'il 14, 1714. Children: Eleanor jNFarkley, born Fel)rnaiy 5, 1741; confirmed a member of Providence Lutheran church June 1, 1760; married Tobias Boganer. Elizabeth Markley, married Paulus Benner. Mary Magdalena Markley, born November 9, 1744. l^arbara ISIarkley, born October 6, 1746; married, by license issued March 28, 1772, .John Smith. Hannah Markley, confirmed at Providence lAitlieran church in the year 1770, aged 18; married, January 11, 1774, Jacol) Brotzman. As early as the 3^ear 1725 we find the name of Jacob Miirckley — so he wrote it— signed to a petition for a road in the Skippack region. July 17, 1728, Jacob Markley purchased of Jost Heydt, 100 acres in Philadelphia county, and November 28, 1728, he bought of Nicholas Scull 132 acres in Bebber's township. These tracts were located in the limits of the present East Perkiomen township. A portion of the planta- tion was owned (1884) by Jacob J. Markley, a great-great-grandson. In 1734, Jacob INIarkle is reported as a taxable of Perkiomen and Skippack township, o^niing 200 acres. First month 13, 1731, Jacob Markley paid quit rent for 382 acres of land in Bebber's township (the original name of Perkiomen and Skippack township), £1 12 4, in full. In the census taken June 5, 1756, of "Pavkiomen c^^ Skippaake" township, he is returned thus: Jacob Marcly, liousekeeper; occupation, farmer; 4 children under 21; acres owned, 150 — 50 acres cleared, 15 acres sowed with corn; 1 horse; 3 horned cattle. In 1769, his proprietary tax was £15 5 4, on 150 acres, 1 horse, 3 horned cattle. In 1776, he was rated on 150 acres, 1 horse, 3 horned cattle. In 1781 he was assessed, in Skippack township, for Effective Supply Tax £4 10 0, on a valuation of £300, and, in 1782, £1 15 4 on a valuation of £225 0. In 1783, his name appears in the Federal tax list, ''Jacob Markley' s estate, 100 acres," indicating that he had relin- (piished farming and rented his property. Jacob Markley' s property lay along the Skii)}iack road, and his homestead stood near this historic highway, about one and a half miles below Pennypacker's Mills, on Perkiomen creek. On Nicholas Scull's map of 1759, the word "Markly" designates a house built on land pre- viously owned by him. That he was a large farmer and an influential citi- zen is evident. In the newspapers of his time is found occasional reference to him. In July, 1776, a horse was stolen from him. He inserted an advertisement offering a reward for its recovery in two leading papers. In the Pennsylvania Gazette of July 31, 1776, we find: 46 THE DOTTERER FAMILY, five ipounbe 1Rcwar^♦ QTOLEN from the su))scril)er, living in Perki- *^ omen township, Philadelphia county, the 12th of July inst., at night a Strawberry-roan HORSE, 9 years old, about 16 hands high, with a white star in his forehead, paces and trots, carries lofty, was shod on one of his fore feet. Whoever takes up the said horse and thief, and secures them, so that the thief may be brought to justice, and the owner may have the horse again, shall have the above reward for both, or Three Pounds for the horse only, and reason- able charges, paid by JACOB MERKLEY. In Henry Miller's Staatsbote he inserted this: ffunf lPflm^ Bclobnuno. Den 13ten July, 1776. CS ist letzten Nacht dem Ends- benamten, wohnhaft in Perki- onien Taunschip, in Philadelphia Count}', ein roth-rohn Pferd gestohlen worden. Es ist 9 Jahr alt, bey 16 Hand hoch, hat einen Stern vorm Kopf, geht den Pass und Trat, und tragt den Kopf hoch, war nur an einem Vorder- fuss beschlagen. Wer gemeldetes Pferd und den Dieb aufnumme, und so verwahrt, dass der Dieb rechtlicht belangt werden kan und der Eigner das Pferd wdeder bekommet, soil obige Belohnung von Fuenf Pfund fuer beyde haben, Oder Drey Pfund fuer das Pferd allein, nebst Erstattung billiger Kosten, von JACOB MERKLEY. HIS WILL. Jacob Markley, of Skippack and Perkiomen township, 3^eoman, under date of June 10, 1779, made his will. It was quite a formidable jjaper. After making provision for his widow, he directed that after his daughter Elianor, wife of Tobias Boganer, was paid the sum of five shil- lings, the proceeds of his estate should be divided into eleven parts, to be distributed as follows: One share to his son Abraham; one share to his son Phili}); one share to his son Isaac; one share to the five children of his daughter Vronica; one share to his daughter Christianna, wife of William Antes; one share to his daughter Elizabeth Benner; one share to his daughter Barl:)arah, wife of John Smith; one share to his daughter Rebekah, wife of Frederick Isaac; one share to his daughter Hannah, wife of Jacol) Prutzman; one share to his daughter Cater ine; one share to his sons Abraham and Isaac in trust, only for the use of his daughter Elianor Boganor; in case of the death of her husband, before her death, to be BARBAPvA DODDKPvER. 47 paid to her; if she died before her liushnml, t]ien her chihh-en ti) have it; Abraham Markley and Isaac Markley, sons of the testator, were appoint- ed executors. Witnesses to the will — \A'illiam Penebacer and Jacob Markley (cordwainor). The will was ])rov('n January 24, 1785. HIS FAMILY ini'.LK. The Bible owned by Jacob ^hirklcy was printed at Nuremberg in 1725. It is illustrated with numerous small pictures, at the beginning of each Book is given a history of that Book, and remarks follow im})ortant verses. It contains a lengthy family record, written by Jacob Markley, the original owner, Philip Markley, his son, and George Boyer, a later descendant. In the year 1884, this Bible was exhibited at the Mont- gomery County centennial celebration at Norristown. On a fly-leaf at its beginning is a short account of the successive owners of the ancient volume, as follows: Thii* Bil)le was originally the property of Jacob Markley, — From whom it de- scended to his son Philip, — After whose death it became the property of John Zieber, intermarried with Elizabeth, eldest daughter of said Philip Markley. And after the decease of said John Zieber and wife it became the property of John Boyer, a grandson of said John Zieber (March 13, 1830)— (said John Boyer being eldest son of Mary (Maria) eldest daughter of said John Zieber,. who was intermarried with George Boyer, a son of George Boyer, of Frederick township, Montgomery county, Pennsylvania. The present owner of the Bil)le is John Markley Hartman, M. E., of Mount Airy, Philadelphia. CHURCH CONXKCTION. Jacob Markley and family were connected with the Providence (Trappe) Lutheran church. In a list dated the 27th of November, 1760, is the name of Jacob Merckle, as a contributor of 10 shillings toward the salary of Rev. Mr. Muhlenberg, pastor of that congregation. In the record of the Providence (Tra{)pe) Lutheran church occur the following entries: Anna Barbara, daughter of Jat-ob Merckel and wife, l)orn 6th October, 1746, was baptized 29th March, 1747; godparents, Abraham Merckel and wife. April 7, 1751, in Providence, was confirmed: Veronica Merckelin, Jacob Merckels tochter 19 Jahr alt. Kan etwas lesen. June 1, 1760, was confirmed: Nella des Jacob Merckels tochter bey 17 Jahr alt. In the year 1770 was confirmed: Hanna ^lercklin Jacob's daughter. 18. 1751, April 30. Georg Schwenck and Veronica Merckelin, Jacob Merckel's daughter, were married. 1757, July 13. Christian Brenneman and Catharina Merckelin, Jacob Merckle's daughter, were married. Jacob ]\lerckel and wife Bar})ara were sponsors for Jacob, son of Jurg Schwenck and wife Euphronica; born 7th June, baptized 3rd August, 1755. JACOB markley' S ANCESTRY. Jacob Markley, born July 11, 1701, was the son of Abraham and Veronika Merkle, of Bonfeld, district of Heilbi-onn, Wurtemberg. 48 THE DOTTERER FAMILY. Abraham Merkle, father of Jacob Markley, was born March 1, 1664, and was the son of Jorg (George) Merklin and Eva, his wife, of Wimpfen am Berg, in the grand-duchy of Hesse, not far from Heilbronn. A clue to Jacob Markley' s ancestors in German was found in this way: George Paul Merckel came to Pennsylvania in 1775. In a news- paper in Philadelphia, February 21, 1775, he gave notice that it was his purpose to return to his home in Germany, which he stated was Wimpfen. Upon the discovery of this advertisement, in 1885, John Markley Hart- man, M. E., of Mount Airy, Philadelphia, opened a coriespondence with the pastor at Wimpfen, which resulted in the examination of the church records at Wimpfen and Bonfeld, jjlaces not far apart, and in the con- struction of a genealogical table by Pastor Schumann, the Evangelical pastor of the State Church at Bonfeld. It was ascertained that George Paul Merckel was the son of Andreas Jeremias Merckle, who was- a brother of our Jacob Markley; consequently, George Paul Merckel was a nephew of our Jacob Markley. The genealogical table was published under the title Stammtafel der Familie Merkle (Merklin), and may be consulted in the Library of the Historical Society of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia. NOTES. Among the historical exhibits at the Montgomery County Centennial celebration at Norristown, Pa., in 1884, were deeds for land purchased b}^ Jacob Markley and a quit-rent receipt, dated 1732, for money paid by him to the Penn government. On July 1, 1786, the executors of the estate of Jacob Markley, de- ceased, sold to Jacob Markley (cordwainer), 152 acres of land, part of the decedent's plantation. — The places of Barbara Dodderer's and Jacob Markley' s burial have, notwithstanding diligent search and inquiry, not been ascertained. REFERENCE. Bebber'8 Township — Skippack. See Hon. Samuel W. Pennypacker's Historical and Biographical Sketches. "In 1702 began the settlement on the Skippack." 5. BERNHARD DODDERERS (George Philip Dodderer^). Born in Europe, about 1706; married (first) Gertrude ; married (second), Christina Elizabeth Dewees, widow of Henry Antes; died in New Han- over township, Philadelphia (now Montgomery) county, Pa., early in 1758. Chri.stiana Elisabetha Dewees, daughter of William DeWees and Catrina Meelsj his wife, was born in Pennsylvania, al)out 1702; married (first) at Whitemarsh, Philadelphia county, by Rev. John Philip Boehm, - February 2, 1726, Henry Antes; married (second) about 1757, Bernhard Dodderer; died, in Northumberland county. Pa., October 5, 1782, aged 80. Children of Bernhard and Gertrude Dodderer: wl^^^ BERNIIARD DODDERER. 49 29. Philip Doddel•el■^ 30. Anna Dodderer'. 31. Jacob Dodderer', born September 30, 1733. 32. Bernhard Dotterer', born March 31, 1736. 33. Henry Dotterer^ born INFay 28, 1739. 34. EUzabeth Dotterer ', born October 4, 1742. 35. Isaac Dotterer', l)orn about January 15, 1745. August 10, 1727, Bernhard Dodderer (under the name Barne Dou- dera ) ]»urchased of Lodwich Christian Sprogell, two hundred acres of land, ])art of the Great Tract of 22,377 acres. This property was located half a mile northwest of the present New Hanover Square, in New Han- over township, Montgomery county. Pa., and about two miles northwest of his father's ])lantation. It is at the eastern limits of the fertile Falkner ■S\vami>, the valley drained by Swamp creek. It was part of the one thousand acres granted by John Henry Sprogell to Rev, Evan Evans, in two tracts, viz: July 11, 1713, six hundred acres, to be known as Rhyd y Carw (the Deer's Tail), and July 30, 1713, four hundred acres, to be known as Treveglwys (Church Town). August 19, 1725, the executors of the estate of Evan Evans granted both tracts to Lodwich Christian Sprogell. In the conveyance to Evan Evans, Swamp creek is called Neechin creek. Young Bernhard Dodderer owned this property less than a year and certainly he had scarcely completed his primitive dwelling and farm buildings, when the neighborhood was thrown into a state of excitement and alarm, by a threatened attack from the Indians upon the settlers of Falkner Swamp. A petition, dated April y" 29, 1728, was hurriedly cir- culated and signed by the principal residents of Falkner Swamp and adjoining localities, asking the Governor for protection against the hostile savages. The language of the petition, which follows, shows plainly the foreliodings of the terror-stricken frontiersmen: To tlie llon'"al)le Patrik Gordon Esq'' Govern'' the Province of Pensilvania Ac". The Petion of the ffrontier Tnhahitaiits of y" County of Pliiladelphia }iunil)ly Slievveth Whereas Your Petitioners are at Present So Alarm 'd l)y a Noise of y'' Indians, That Several Families have Left their Plantations with what Effects they Could Possibly Carry away Women in Child bed being forced to Expose Them selves to y*" Coldness of y" Air whereby Their lives are In Danger. We your Petitioners Therefore hun)bly Pray That Your Hon' would Be Pleased To Take or ITse Such Measures with y'^ Indians That your Petitioners may be freed from These Alarms. Eor Yet we are In- form' d That The Indians are Consulting Measures against us. We hope your Hon' will Comply With our Humble Request To prevent as well our fears as Danger. And yo' Petitioners as in Duty Bound Shall Ever pray &c''. Ap. y^ 29, 1728. 50 THE DOTTERER FAMILY. Baniy Dodrer was one of the seventy-five signers to tlie petition. Of the near neighbors of Bernhard Dodderer who subscribed their names to the request were Friederich Antes, Henrich Antes, Elias Aff, Jacob Hermann, Henrich Bitting, Adam Herman, Andreas Bossert, John Bohner, Martin Bitting, Georg Geiger, Bastian Reiffschneider, Johannes Eschliach, Martin Zendler, Daniel Schoner, Vallentin Geiger, Christian Aiyster, Johannes Schneider, Mattes Ringer, Adam Spangler, Jacob Kraus, Ludwig Borkhart, George Hollebach. Apparently immediate relief was not sent; for three weeks later, May 20, 1728, another petition, signed by seventy-seven persons, residents of Salford, Bebber's, Provi- dence and other townships, was sent to the Governor. In the latter peti- tion the statement is made: "We have sufered and Is Like to Sufer By the Ingeans; they have fell upon y'' Back Inlinbitors a])0ut Falkners Swam 13 & New Coshahopen." In the minutes of the Provincial Council, held at the Indian town of Conestoga, May 26, 1728, printed in Colonial Reconls Volume III, page 312, is an account of the cause of these troubles. Governor Patrick Gordon said to the whites and Indians present: About eighteen Days ginee I received an express from the Iron works at ]\Iahan- atawny, acquainting me that Eleven foreign Indians, painted for AVar, & armed with Guns, Pistoles and Swords, were come amongst our Inhabitants, plundering them tt taking away their Provisions by Force, whereupon some of our People, to the num- ber of seventy men, with Arms, went to speak to them Civilly, but the Indians fired upon them & wounded some of them; Our men likewise hred on the Indians i^ wounded some of them also, but the Indians fired fii'st. It was very ill done to fire. As soon as I had this Account I took horse and went to Mtihanatawny with several Gentlemen of Philadelphia, but the Indians were gone off. I foinid our People believed there were more coming, and therefore some Hundreds mett to- gether with their Arms to defend themselves in case the Indians should attack them. As I was returning home I heard news that grieved me exceedingly. I was told that two or three furious men amongst us had killed three or four Indian Friends & hurt two Girls. I went back mciurning, & sent out ^len to take the Murtherers, who were accordingly taken, & they are now in Irons in a Dungeon to be tried l)y the Laws of the Great King of all the English, as if they had Killed so many of his own Subjects. Here we have a vivid picture of the life of the pioneer. However, a new treaty of peace was made with the Indians. No further depredations occurred. Confidence was restored, and the development of the new country proceeded. June 19, 1730, Bernard Dodera, of Hanover township, and Gertrude, his wife, sold to Paul Hill, of the same place, cooper, seventy-six acres and twenty-two perches, part of the foregoing tract. In the list of taxables of Hanover township for 1734, is rated- Barni- bus Tothero, 100 acres. By act of Assembly, passed May 19, 1739, and confirmed by the King's Council May 12, 1740, Bernhard Dotterer was naturalized. BERNHARD DODDERER. 51 A PROJECTED SCHOOL. In 1754 a benevolent movement was started in England, by the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel and for the education of the Germans in America, having for its object the oi)ening of English schools taught by English schoolmasters, in several districts in Pennsylvania. Falkner Swamp was selected as a suitable German settlement for one of these schools. A petition for the school here was signed on the part of the Reformed church members by John Philip Leidig, V. D. M., Bernard Dodderer, Conrad Dodderer, John Miller, Dieter Bucher, George Palz- graff, Valentine Kyle, Jacob Bernard, Andrew Smith, Frederick Reymer and Henr}' Smith. Whether this project was put into effect at Falkner Swamp is uncertain. HIS SECOND MARRIAGE. Gertrude, wife of Bernhard Dodderer, whose maiden name we do not know, died in the prime of life. In the Spring of 1757, an engagement of marriage was entered into by Bernhard Dodderer, widower, and Chris- tiana Antes, widow of Henry Antes. Preceding the marriage, on May 27, 1757, an agreement was made between the parties, the preamble to which is: Whereas a Marriage is intended and by God's permission shortly to be had and solemnized by and between the said Bernard Totterer and Christiana Antes, and the said Christiana is willing with the consent of the said Bernard to convey and assign over all her part and Interest in her former Husband's Estate unto her son Frederick Antes. This con- tract is recorded in the office of the Recorder of Deeds of Montgomery county, at Norristown, Pa. Christiana Antes was the daughter of William DeWees, paper maker, on the Wissahickon. He was a native of Leeuwarden, province of Fries- land, in the Netherlands, and came to this country, a lad of thirteen, with his family, who landed at New York about 1GS9. Henry Antes, the first husband of Christiana DeWees, was a native of Freinsheim, in the Palati- nate of the Rhine, where he was born July 17, 1701. In Pennsylvania he became widely known as a man of affairs. He settled in Frederick toAvnship, and lived on his farm there, except during the period of his connection with the Moravian community, at Bethlehem, as their business manager. In religious matters he was remarkably active; so much so that he became known as the Pious Lavman of Frederick-town. He died at his Frederick township home July 20, 1755, and was buried in the family burial lot on his own farm. The auspicious union of these two persons, of near the same middle age, occupying similar desirable stations in life, with comfortable sur- roundings, as regards children, friends, experience and means — was des- tined to be of short duration. In January, 1758, he was weak in body; but what his ailment is not known. Feeling that his days on earth were few, he sent for Nicholas Bunn to draw his last will and testament, and for ■yz THE DOTTERER FAMILY. his neighbors, Philip Hahn and John ZoUer, to witness its execution. He died soon after this, for the will was probated less than three months from the date of its draught. By the terms this instrument — whi{!h is simple, clear and wise — little was necessary to be done, beyond the selling of his personal property and its distribution. His widow prob,;bly made her home with her sons, William Antes and Frederick Antes, both men of influence, the former residing in New Hanover township, the latter in Frederick township, on the Antes homestead. In later life she resided in Northumberland county, whither her son, Colonel Frederick Antes, moved during the Revolutionary war, or immediately after its close, and there she died, as already stated. HIS WILL. In the Name of God, Amen, I Bernhani Dodorow of New Hanover Townxhiji & County of Philailelphia, Yeoman beinjj weak in body ])ut of a sound and dispo.sing mind and memory Blessed be God Dolors Day therefore do this twentieth day of January in the year of our Lord One thousand seven hundred and fifty eight, make and ordain this my Last Will & Testament in the following manner First and Prim-ible I recomniand my soul to Almighty God who Gave it and my Eoy my son Bernhard Dodorow. Item I give & Be- queath unto my son in Law George Neyes One English Shilling to be ])aid unto him by my sd son Bernhard Dodorow one month after my Decease. Item I give and Bequeath unto my son Isaac Dodorow the one full half part of my plantation whereon I now Live which shall be Devided in the middle through the length thereof on a straight course & he shall have the one half part on the North West side of my sd plantation Joyning to Land now belonging to George Phalzgrove and also I give & Be(iueath unto my sd son Isaac Dodorow fifty acres of Wood Land Joyning to Conrad Smith Land & George Lleebners Land & George Neyes Land situate in new hanover Township afsd. To hold to him the sd Isaac Dodorow the sd Two Tracts of Land above ^Mentioned with the appurtenances thereunto belonging his Heirs & Assigns for Ever as soon as he Erives to the age of Twenty j'ears he paying or Causing to be paid the aforesaid sum of One hundred & Thirty pounds at such Times as is herein before appointed for payment thereof t^ to such of my other Children as is herein before mentioned, also I will and do order that my son Bernhard Dodorow shall give unto my son Isaac Dodorow a new Plantation Waggon with new Tire t*I: two Horses at the value of Twenty live Pound and two mileks Cows & a plough & plough Irons ct all the Gears Belonging to Two Horses as soon as my sd son Isaac Dodorow Erives to the age of Twenty years, and also I give & Bequeath unto my sd son Isaac Dodorow my Clock with the Case thereto Belonging c^ my new Saddle to be Deliver- ed to him at his age of Twenty years by my son Barnhard Dodorow. Item I give & Becpieath unto my son Beruharil Dodorow the other half part of my plantation whereon I now live which is the South East side of my sd plantation where the Buildings is erected on Joyning Phillip Hann's Land & Thomas George's Land t^ fifty acres of Woodland Joyning this Tract c^t Phillip Hanu's Land & Joast Freyer's Land. To hold to him the sd Barnhard Dodorow the Two above mentioned Tracts of Land with the Buildings & Appurtenances thereunto belonging his Heirs ifc Assigns forever, he the sd Barnhard paying or Causing to be paid therefore the sum of two hundred & Fifty pounds at such Times as is herein before appointed for jKiy- ment thereof ct to such of my other Children as is herein before mentioned & shall have the use of the other half {lart of my sd I'lantation untill my sd son Isaac Dodorow Erives to his age of Twenty years but shall not sow nor Till the Land more then usel. Also I give tt Bequeath unto my sd son Bernhard Dodorow all my per- sonal Estate whatsoever Excepting my Household Goods which shall be justly ap- praised & the half part of the appraisement shall be paid unto my son Isaac Dodorow when he Erives at the age of Twenty years l)y my son Barnhard Dodorow iV: all the remainder of my personal Estate I give and be — 1 6 — 12 (J 1 5 — £30 — 4 9 1 7 2 13 4 £125 17 2 BERNHAKD DODDERER. 55 paid Henry Kidlinger ^ rect. paid Geo. Sweiik do paid for sundry servit^es in Town paid at the office for making up these acco'ts fair copy &c. By allowance for the deceaseds Wearing Apparel it Books divided amongst all his Childn'n and appraised at By Connnission on receiving \' paying £5:; 7 7 @ o ^ ct. Ballance in hands of this AccomptaTit to t>e disposed of agreeable to the deceaseds Will £1H7 12 5 IMuladelphia Mav 28'" ^7(^^ Ern.rs P:xcepte(l. BARNABAS DODDERER. CHURCH CONNECTION. Bernhard Dodderer was, of course, a member of the Reformed Church. He appears to have been identified with the New Goshenhop])cn congregation until about 1748; after this, Rev. John Philip Leydich hav- ing assumed the pastorate of Falkner Swamp congregation, he became connected with the latter church. In this he followed the course of his brother, Michael Dotterer (page 28). Record of Baptism of the New Goshenhoppen Reformed chui'ch: 1742. d. 4 Feb. (?) Elisabetha; Eltern, Bernhart Dottere, die Frau Gertraut. Zeuge, die Mutter selbst. Bernhard Dodderer, son of Bernhard Dodderer, was confirmed at Easter, 1751, aged 15, at Falkner Swamp Reformed church. At Whit-suntide, 1756, Henry Dotterer in his 17th year, and Elizabeth Dotterer, in her loth year, were confirmed at Falkner Swamp Reformed church. NOTES. Bernard Dodderer and Paul Linsenpigler witnessed the will of Mathias Harman, of Hannover tp. dated November 28, 1734. In Decem))er, 1735, Bernhard Doderer was one oi the ])etitioners to have the bounds of Frankfort and New Hanover township (a sub-division of Hanover township), ascertained and recorded. In 1740 Bernd Dodderer was an Overseer of the Poor of New Han- over township. — Bernhard Dotterer and Michael Dotterer appeared before Peter Evans, Register General, March 7, 1744, and proved the will of Michael Krcbs, late of New Hannover township. They also (with Philip Ilahn and George Yerger) witnessed the will, which was dated January 10, 1744. Bernhart Dotterer and (Jeorge Jorger were executors (jf the will of Rudolph Marolph, probated December 28, 1748. In Sauer's German- town Pensylvanische Berichte, February K), 1751, the said executors ad- vertise, as for rent or for sale, tlic mill of Rudolph Marolf, in Kohl- bruckdiil (Colebrookdale). 56 THE DOTTERER FAMILY. REFERENCES. English Schools by the Society for the p](hication of Gernians in America. See Life and Correspondence of Rev. William Smith, D. D., by Horace Wemyss Smith. 1879. Vol. I., page 80. Rev. f^van Evans' Land. See Perkiomen Region, Volume One, page 147. Henry Antes. See Henry S. Dotterer's Henry Antes: A Man of Mark. In Schwenksville, Pa., Item; also" in Scraj) Book entitled Montgomery County Records; both in Library of Historical Society of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia. See, also, A German Hero.' By Edwin McMinn. 1886. William Dewees, Paper Maker. See Whitemarsh Reformed Congregation in the Holland Archives. By Henry S. Dotterer. Pamphlet. At Historical Society of I'ennsylvania, Philailelphia. Petitions to the (Governor, 1728. Fac-siniiles are in the archives of the Historical Society of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia. 6. ANNA ELIZABETH DODDERERS (George Philip Do.lderer' ). Born, in Europe, December 25, 1709; married (first), Michael Zimmer- man; married (second), July 6, 1741, l)y the pastor of New Goshen- hoppen Lutheran church, Jacob Kuir; died August 28, 1779; buried at Bo?hm's Reformed church, Whitj)ain townshij), Philadelphia (now Montgomery) county, Pa. Michael Zimmerman, born ; died, in Great Swamp, Bucks county, between February 8, 1741, and March 4, 1741. Jacob Kurr, born February 3, 1712; died March 25, 1797; buried at Brt'hm's Reformed church. Children of Anna Elizabeth Dodderer and Michael Zimmerman : 36. Anna Elizal)eth Zimmerman'. 37. Michael Zimmerman^ 38. Veronica Zimmerman'. 39. Geoige Zimmerman'\ 40. Mary Catharine Zinimerman^ Children of Anna Elizabeth Dodderer and Jacob Kurr: 41. Anna Maria Kurr% born May 3, 1742; baptized, by the pas- tor of New Goshenhopi)en Lutheran church, May 23, 1742; probably died in childhood. 42. Magdalena Kurr% born July 28, 1743. 43. Susanna Kurr^, born May 1, 1746. 44. Anna Maria Kurr", l)orn Ai»ril 19, 1749; died August 19, 1765; buried at Boehm's Reformed church. 45. Kurr"' (a son), l)orn in June, 1750; died July 23, 1750, aged 5 weeks; buried at the Hosensack Valley Lutheran church, at Dillingersville, Pa. 46. Maria Elizabeth Kurr', born April 16, 1757; died September 25, 1762; buried at Boehm's Reformed church. MICHAEL ZIMMERMAN. Michael Zimmerman lived in the Great Swamp region, Bucks county, Pa. , before the counties of Northampton and Lehigh were detached from Bucks county. P. W. Flores, in his Skizzen aus dem Lecha-Thale (1880- ANNA ELIZABETH Di^DDERER. 57 1886), page 220, says: "Michael ZimnuTmau took up from 1733-1739 at various times a total of more than 333 acres of land in the Hosensack Valley, and jiartly in Montgomery county, bordering on Hamilton's tract. The land i)assed soon afterwards into the possession of his two sons, Michael Zinnnerman, Jr., and George Zimmerman. They received a patent therefor on the 23d of May, 1741, sold the greater part (255 acres) to Johannes Jund for £616, and moved to North Carolina. Jund sold it three years later to Johan Rikler, of Berks county, for £1423. It remains to tliis time in the hands of the Roder family." ^^^\rrants were issued by the Land OHice, and surveys made to Michael Zimmerman (under the name Michael Timmerman and Timberman) as follows: 150 acres, in Philadelphia county, surveyed February 5, 1733; 100 acres, in Bucks county, surveyed September 19, 1738; 333 acres, in Philadelphia county, surveyed in 1741. June 10, 1737, Michael Zim- merman signed a petition for the erection of a township, which was named L'pper ]\Iilford, now a part of Lehigh county. The Zinnnerman family, to which Michael Zimmerman belonged, was Lutheran in its religious connection. Michael Zimmerman made a will, dated February 8, 1741, which was probated Mardi 4, 1741. It contained these provisions: Imprimi.'i. My Wife Anna shall have in forehand the Lod that is the Wedding Lod to have that free. Secondli^. My wife Anna shall have the thirds of chatties and Household Goods, but i)f the Lands she shall have the third. Thirdly. My wife Anna shall have the seat on my plantation 'till my youngest Son George is one and twenty years old, and by this my youngest sons aforesaid age my Land to be divided between my two sons namely ^lichael the eldest and George the youngest and these shall ])ay unto my otlier children the three daughters namely Elizabeth ffronica and Catrina — according to appraisement by impartial men their full share only the daughters shall have out of the fund, & not of the land. This now to perform I chuse two Guardians over my Wife and children, Bern- hart Doderer and George Zimmerman. * * MICHAEL ZIMM1<]RMAN. Witnesses: Peter Schuelp, Henry Seids. The inventory was exhibited 6'" May, 1741. It was headed thus: "In the Nam of god this 27"" Day of March In the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and forty one we Barnabas Dutra and George Zimberman have Chosen two Just and able men for to preace the goods of the said Michael Zimberman, desased which is Abraham Meyer and Dewald Magling. " Some of the more interesting items of the inventory, which amounted to a total of £375 2 4, w(!re the following: Three Couse (cows) £ 9 Horned Chattle 11 15 the owl gray Horse 1 15 the young Gray Horse 5 10 the pay horse « the young Black Horse * 5 15 the young pay Horse 5 10 o 5 4 10 2 9 4 7 6 200 64 3 58 THE DOTTERER FAMILY. the black mar and cold the young pay mar the sheep the Winder Corne In the Grovuid the Weat the Plantation Cash in the House at the time of his decease The account rendered by the executors is dated February 7, 1750, at Philadelphia, and is signed: Bernhard Dodderer, Georg Zimmermann. They claim credit for the following payments: By James Steell for the use of the Prop'' at 3 times By Geo. Sholze By Jn" Sell vendue Cryer By Philip Dotterer By Jacob Markle By Henry Sitz By Jn° Make By Chris^ Jakel " Liquor Expende