CS 71
I . M328
Copy 1
^l^i'-if :
llN^'i"^ ■ ii ,;/■
Class g5y/
Book k/ V? 2 I
CIlAiiLKS K. w \ii:i;\i AN
^n Account of their Ancestors in Massachusetts, T^ljode
Island and Connecticut ,
— 7-
It may be that we are better followers of Confucius than at first
glance might appear, for if we do not worship our ancestors we at least
are interested in them. At any rate, it is so harmless a fad that it needs
in pursuing no excuse.
A genealogy of the Waternum family is not presented because it is
an extraordinary one, for I find no member greatly elevated above his fellows
and none greatly depressed below the level of ordinary citizenship ; but
the history is that of thousands of other families — the history of the com-
mon people — the every day history of the component parts of a great na-
tion from the beginning to the present time. This family has borne its
part, along with other families, to make up a great commonwealth. They
have been farmers mechanics, doctors, lawyers, soldiers, teachers, jour-
nalists, artists and musicians, attaining in some cases rank and eminence,
and in this volume tlic writer will try to tell the story of those who came
within the circle of his knowledge through the study of records and cor-
respondence with those living at the present time.
'i'he Watenmuis have ever been pioneers — pioneers in thought and
deed. That they were Puritans in the early days of the family on this
side of the Atlantic goes without saying from the date of their arrival and
the company tliey \\ ere in. They have always kept up the character of
pioneers. The w liter has found them in most of the states of the Union
and their mark has been left where the famil) itself has dibitppeared.
There are, at k'ast, two villages named for members of the family — one in
Illinois and one in California, and there is a Waterman Avenue in the
city of St. Louis.
— 8—
During the eighteenth century several members of the familiy found
their way to what is now the state of Maine, then a district of Massachu-
setts, and it is to tell the story of these Maine families that this book has
been written. It has been thought necessary to prefix an account of the
family in Massachusetts, Rhode Island and Connecticut before coming to
Maine. The book could have been made much larger by including
branches of the family in other states ; but the w^'iter has thought best to
confine himself to Maine. A catalogue of names, such as a genealogy
must be, is many times dry reading, and this book may be considered
long enough by the reader ; and to use the words of the member of the
family who wears the cap and bells, Nixon Waterman, and used as a fore-
ward to his little volume of verse entittled "In Merry Mood :"
This little book is not so bad,
Or so it seems to me,
As what you might have thought it had
I made it thicker, See?
Of course it is impossible to trace the lives of all the members of the
family. There are some who are only names, whose life stories are un-
told and whose resting places are unknown. They are the unknown
dead of the family for which we drop a tear. There are also, doubtless,
mistakes which have crept into this volume, and for them forgive — they
were unintentional — for no man would knowingly wrong his family.
Watermans of
Rhode Island,
and Connecticut.
The Waterman family appears to be an ancient one. The word
Waterman is not only good English, but good Angle-Saxon (Wieterman,
or Wa^termann, Wietermon or Wa^termonn), good Old Saxon (Water-
man or Watermann), and good Old Friesic (Wetirman or Weterman),
wherebv it appears tliat the patronymic of the family may have been first
applied to some hardy boatman on the Elbe, the Weser, or their tributaries,
at that far off time when a man received his name from his calling.
Some of these hardy Saxons by the name must have followed in the wake
of Hengist and Horsa in that great migration to England sometime be-
tween the years 500 and 900 A. D. The earliest accounts of the family
in England are in County Kent, founded by those ancient leaders.
Arthur says the name was common in that county in the sixteenth cen-
tury. I have further reasons for believing in the Teutonic origin of the
family. Within the last 50 years, at least four families by the name of
Waterman have arrived in America from the German province of Han-
over, the very heart of this old Saxon emigration, and they have informed
me, that their ancestors had lived there for many generations.
That the family was of some importance in England is evidenced by
the fact that coats of arms were conferred upon two branc hes of it ; also
upon the Waterman Company of London.
The first member of the family to settle in America was Kichard
Waterman. It is not known when he arrived upon the shores of Massa-
chusetts Bay, but he seems to have been living in Boston in 1629. In
that year he was sent to the vicinity of Salem to secure venison for the
colony. He became a follower of Anne Hutchinson and was forced to
leave the colony on that account in lGo8 and fice to lihode Island, where
he reared a family and where sonic of his dcsccudents live to this day.
He was brought back to Boston in 1G43 and tried for hcic-sv. lint ac-
In l(Jo4, Thomas Waterman landed on this continent and settled in
what is now Roxbury, Massachusetts. He has descendents living at the
present time.
There is also a record of the arrival on the ship Jonathan in 1639
ot" .lolm ^^ aterman, a boy, and that he went to live in Sudbury; but
there the record ends. What became of him is unknown.
In KioH, came Robert Waterman to Plymouth, the home of the Pil-
grims. This man is the founder of that line of the family which after-
ward settled in what is now the state of Maine. Tradition has it that the
four men already mentioned were brothers ; but I have found no record
of it.
About the same date of the arrival of Robert, there are ship records
of tlie sailings of Lieutenant Humphi'ey Waterman and Thomas Water-
man for the Barbados Islands (the former owned a plantation there of
18H acres and had 92 slaves); also of the sailings of Katherine and Ann
U'atcniiaii for \ irginia.
A Rev. Thomas Waterman, who was born in London, came to
CharlestowM, Massachusetts, just before the breaking out of the Revolu-
tion ;iry War ; but he left no descendents of the name.
There were, as least, two officers of the family on the British side in
the Revolutionary War : First Lieutenant Elisha Waterman of the
Rangers, and Ensiy^n Thomas Waterman of the First Retjiment.
Ihis narrative is an account of Robert Waterman and his descend-
ants, and more esjjecially those who settled in tlie state of Maine.
^ip§t ^en)epa|;ioij).
— 17 —
1 llobcrt Waterman caiiR' to Plymouth from Nor\\i(h, England, in
KioH. At this time the settlers in the immediate vicinity of Plymouth
liad taken up most of the available land, so that these late comers had to
push out in boats along the shores of Massachusetts Bay to Hiid suitable
settling ])laces. Although a living (ould bi- obtained by hunting and fish-
ing, land was the gieat dcsiic of the ( olonists, jjartU because it was the
natural wav of obtaining- a liviii«> in those i)iiiiiiti\ c days in anv country
and partly because the ownei' of real estate was held in such high regard
ill the mothc'" country. Robert \A"ateinian found a suitable place of set-
tlement near Greens Harboi in what is now the town ol Marshfield,
Massachusetts, and near what is now known as the Daniel Webster place,
llei-e he li\-ed until his death \\liieli occuired Dec. 1'^, l(i5;2. lie Mas a
[)i()niineut n an in the town— was a >electnian, and deputy to the legisla-
ture from l()4f to 1()4!J. On the lltli of Decendx'r, 1088, he was maj-
lic 1 to H!izil)L'th Ho.ir.ie. d.iught.'j' of Thomas and Rli/abeth Boui'ne, ol
rUni iiith. and appaientK they had fi\c childi'cn :
;.> .lohn. b..rn April 19. 1()4L>.
-') .lose])Ji. hiiiu in 1 ()4'3.
i llioma-. I) ii II HI K) t4.
.") Robei t. born in I ()0!^.
() Elizaheth.
'The existence ot ;lii-< daughter, Elizabeth, rests entirely on the will
of .lohn (2). who makis becpiest to Elizabt th Hidi-r, "daughter of my sis-
rei- Eli/alietli"".
(§e©ond (^enepa(ior),
:i —
a I'iiisiiJii or Dracoii .loliii \\ atciiiian \\as hoiii in Maisliticld,
Massaclmst'tts. Apiil li). lt>4'^, and niaiiicd Ann Sturtcvant. daughtc)' of
Sanniel and Ann Sturtcvant. of" Plymouth. I)rc. 7, 1G65 (She was boju
JiuK' 4, 1(548). For a whih^ thov lived in Marshfiild, but sonietinu' be-
tween 1()8'> and l()92 thev nu)\ed to \\'arwi(k. I'liode Island. 'I'Ik^v had
twehe eliildren as follows:
7 SaniiU'l. born in Marshfield. Oct. 1(). 1 ()(>().
s Hlizabeth. born in Marshfield, .Jan. lo. 1 ()()<)
9 .\nna. born in Marshfield. 0(t. IS. ](i71
10 I.ydia. born in .Marshfield, Mav 9. 1{;7().
11 Kobert, born in .Marshfield. Feb 9, KiSl.
\\2 .lohn. born in Marshfield. Sept. 'i'.i. K^H-").
18 Kli/abeth. born in \\arwi(k, April IS. 1<)9^.>.
14 .Men\. born in \\'a)rwi( k. .hine 27. 1()94.
15 Annie, born in \\arwi(k. May 20. I(i9().
1() John, born in ANarwiek. Feb. •"), 1()9S.
17 Kenoni, born in Warwick, May 25, 1701.
is Resolved, born in Warwick. Oct. 13."170o.
Ensio-n .John died Sept. 14. 17 Is, and his wife Feb. 9. 1719.
3 Joseph Waterman, son of Robert (1), was born in Marshfield in
1643 and died in the same town, Jan. 1, 1712. He married Sarah
Snow, daughter of Anthony and Abigail [Warren] Snow. She was born
in 1651 and died Dec. 11, 1741. It seems he succeeded to the home
farm and lived there all his life. He and Josiah Winslow were joint
guardians of his younger brothers. Thomas and Robert. Seven children
were born to this couple, as follows ;
11) Sariili, Itniii Mav 4, 1()74, married Solomon Hurst.
'^0 Joseph, honi June 20, l(iT(i.
iil Kli/,al)i'th, born Sept. 7. 1679, married Ichahod Bartlett.
ii2 .Xbigail, born Dec. .')1. 1()81, married Kendall ^^'inslo^v. Jr.
23 Anthony, born June 4, 1()84.
24 Bethia, l)orn Ani?. 20, 1687, married Samuel Daggitt.
2") l.vdia. born Feb. 20, 1()89, married John Ihomas. .
John I'homas and Lydia Waterman were the parents of Gen. John
Thomas, for whom the city of Thomaston, Maine, was named.
1 ! houia> \\'..ti'rman. son oi liolinf (1), was born in Marshtield
Nov. oO. 1()44, and died in 170.N. lie mairied in November, 1668,
Marion 'i'ratv, daughter ol" Lieut. Tliomas and .Mary [Mason] Tracv.
W hen Thomas arrived at the years of maniiood, the young men
on tlie shores of Massachusetts Bay were settling about the coast
of ConnL'cticut and in tlie valley of the river by the same name.
'J'honuis joined in this emigration and became (me of the original settlers
of what is now Noruiih, Conn., in 1()59. Here he lived and died and
his descendents luivi- spread out over that state. New York and \'ermont.
His children were as follows:
•if. 'I'homas, born in Septcinbei. 1(170.
','7 .John, l)orn in .Mai( li. 1672.
2n .losepli. born .Ian. !•"). KiS-").
29 Klizabetii. who married .lohn Fitch.
.After the above was written reccuds of thre<> other children were
loiiud :
29a Marion, born in April, 1678, married Capt. lleinald >rariou.
29b l.vdia. l)orn in .\ugust. 16S;{.
29c .\nn. born in April, 1689.
.") Robert, last remaining son of the tirst Jxnbert, was born in 1652
and died May 18, 17 11. On Sept. -'^O, 1675, lie married Susanna Lin-
coln, daughter of Daniel and Susanna Lincoln. She was born May 14,
1654 and died Feb. 10, 1(;96. He married for a second wife. Feb. 20,
1(>9S, Sarah Lincoln, widow of 'I'homas Lincoln, and daughter of James
aiid Sarah [Lane] Lewis. She died Jan. oO, 17oL aycd 71 vears.
^^ hih' Hving with his first wife he resided at Hingham, ALiss., but moved
to Barnstable, same colony, when he married the Widow Lincoln. Bv
his first wife he had six children, one ol" whom was still born Feb. \H,
1(580. 'I'he others were as follows :
oO Susanna, born May 4, 1677, married Ephraim Nichols.
31 Thomas, born Aug. 17, 1679, died Jan. 2, 1695.
S2 Elizabeth, born Aug. 13, 1682, died Jan. 2, 1695.
38 Kobert, born Nov. 14, 1684, died Nov. 3, 1703.
34 Josiah, born Nov. 23, 1687. He married, Feb. 20, 1711,
Elizabeth Marsh, and died at Weymouth, Mass.. in 1772. but leaving no
Robert, by his second wife, had three children :
35 Lydia, born May 13, 1700, married Samuel Capen.
36 Thomas, born Jan. 19, 1701, married Mary Beal.
37 Hannah, born May 22, 1704, married Theophilas Cushing.
^hipd Qenepajion.
7 Deacon Saiiuu'l W ateriuaii, son ot .lolin (J^j. «as horn at Maisli
Held, Oct. 1(), 1()B(), married in Taunton. Mass.. July Ki. Hi^ii. to .Mai\
Hanson, and settU>d m Pl\ mouth, where he (Hed March Id. ITlN. Foui
chilthen were born to them :
•IS .\nnie, horn Dec. 7. I(i97, married (iiU-s I.eacli. Nov. .'i, 17'31.
39 Samuel, horn Sept. "^-i, 17()o, married Maiy Doty at Plympton.
Mass., Aug. 2-i. \'i2'2.
40 .lohn. horn .Ian. \\>. 1700.
41 Hannah, horn .March \->, 170(). married W diiam Moi'sc at
Plympton. .May ±Z, \1'2^.
1 1 Deacon liohert VVaterman, son of" .lohn (':i). was hoiti at
.Marshtiehl, Feb. 9, KWl, and died at Plympton. Jan. 10. KoO lie
had three wives — the first, Vlarv ('ushman. dauLfhter of' llev. Isaac and
Rebecca [Richards] Cushnuni. who was born at Plymouth. Oct. l!2. locSi^..
was married .March 19, 1702, and died March 1-}. 17;^o; the second.
Elizabeth ('ushman. daughtei- of Deacon Elkanah Oushman, who died
March 18, 1725, aged 39 years, 1 month and 24 day-; and the third,
Abigail Dinglev. In tracing the places of settlement of th<' Waterman
family, it is found that the first two generations settled on the sea coast,
because there were no roads in the interior ; but in time the immediate
coast that was accessible by water became settled and the third genera-
tion is found pushing into the interior. I'he American settlements, ex-
cept where navigable rivers interfered with the natural method, gre^v
like a tree, with an a(lclitii)ual riiitj ot settlements extending into the in-
terior each year. Deacon Rohert pushed out from Marshfield into the
interior anil settled at Plvmpton. He had nine children :
41 lssa(, born \Iav 11. 17()-3. married Elizabeth Brvant Dec.
O'j 170,-,
4!2 .losiah, born .\Iar
4-J I'homas. born in October. 1707. married Mercv Freeman .June
V2, 17i.>N.
44 Rebecca, born Oct. 9. 1710. married first Joseph Holmes Mav
'20, 17-il ; and second, U'illiam Rand.
4o Robert, born March o, 1713 and died at Halifax, Mass., Sept.
9. 17<;i.
4(> Marv, born Feb. i?-"). 171(5. married Jonathan Holmes, and died
at Halifax Jan. 2il 17o().
17 Samuel, born Aug. 11. 17lN.
[» Anna, born March (!. 17r?l.
49 Abigail, born March -'). M^ti.
12 Capt. .John ^^ iterman, son of Ensign John (2), was i)orn in
.Marshfield, Sept. '■ZH, l()^o, and married T.vdia Cushman. daughter of
Eleazar and Elizabeth [Coombs] f'ushman, of Plymouth, Dec. 19, 1709
(She was born Dec. 18, 1H87). He seems to have lived first at Plvmp-
ton and then at Halifax, .Mass., where he died June 8, 1761. Seven
children were'born to this couple, the first four at' Plvni))ton and the re-
maining three at Halifax :
•")() Sarah, born Nov. S, 1709.
•il .l. mairied Hannah \ aughn.
•»1 .IdIim. Imhii .lulv o. 171s, iiiaiiicd Fear Sturtevant.
0-") Eleazar hnvn Aug. •'{. 17'21. married .\licc']ios\vorth.
•^ '••> l.vdia. Ixtni .\pril 7. 17;24.
IH ('a])t. John Waterman, son of Ensii^ii John {'Z), was born in
Warwick, K. I.. Ft-h. •"). 1()9S. It will thns be seen that Ensign John
had two sons by the name ot John, and both ea|)tains in tlie iiiihtia. The
first was born in Massachusetts and the scnond in Khode Ishtnd. l"he
second John hved and died in his native to\\ii. He had two wives, the
first Hannah Townsend. whom he married June ■'), lTi29, and the second
Mercy Stafford, mairied in 1741. Of" the two unions five chikh-en wei*e
born :
57 Thomas, born Mav '^7. 17;)1.
08 John, born Jan. 11. 17;:59.
59 Hannah, born Dec. oO. 1740, and died Jan. \^2. 1741.
(iO .Mercy, born Dec. 81. 174'^. and married VVatt-rinan Tibbitts,
Dec. 18. 17(U.
HI William, born March (i. 1744. and married Phoebe Arnold
March 10, 17()9.
17 Henoni Waterman, son of John (2), was born in Warwick, R
I.. May 25. 1701. He lived and died in the same town, and married,
Feb 11. 17i35. Sarah Tucker, and to them were born —
H2 .Mary, May 6, 17f2(i.
68 John. Aug. 25, 1780, who married Sarah Potter June 18, 1754.
(U lienjamin. May 22, 1782.
IS Resolved, son of John (2), was born in Warwick, April 19,
10^, married, Oct. 12, 1782, Sarah Carr, and to them were born —
"h5 John, July 8, 1788.
HO Edward, March 80, 1785.
()7 Resolved. June 28, 1787.
08 Caleb. June 80, 1789.
()9 Sarah, Jan. 28, 1742, and married William Smith Nov. 17, 1705.
70 Avis, March 1, 1744, married Thurstian (iardner, Dec. 22, 1768.
71 Phoebe, April 1 1, 1748, married Benj. Lockwood, Apr. 5, 1772.
72 Hannah, Oct. 12, 1750.
There is a record of the marriage of Hannah, March 29, 1701, to
Nathaniel Hill. 11 this is true she M'onld have been onlv 11 years old.
— .JO —
20 .)<).sL'|)h, son of J»»6ejih (S), was born m Mai^lifirUl, Jaii. i^l-.
l()7(), iiiid (Jifd in tlif same town Nov. i2.S, ITIO. Hcmanied, June Ki,
1709, Susanna Snow, daufj^htfj ol Josiah SnoM ol Maishfitkl. vlio died
in Septeniher, 1741, agetl 90 years. 1 lia\e tlierecojfl oi'onlv one cliild,
a son named .Joseph (7.'J), who died March ^H. 171.">— tlie sanu vear
with his t'athei'.
ii.'i Antht)ny. son ul .Jusepli (S), was h(jrn June 4. Ki.^-l aiid died
April ."3, 171-"). Was born, lived and died in Marshtieltl. Heiiiaiiied
Elizabeth Arnold and to them wert born —
7 1 Thomas, born in 171 0.
7-) .loseph, l)t»rn in 1711.
7() /cbulon. boin in 171.3.
77 Arpha, born in 17 lo, married first Michael Ford and second
Aaron Soule.
iiit) Thomas, son of i'homas (4), \n>ru in .NOiwich, (onn., in 1()70.
in which town he married Elizabeth Allen and b\ liei had —
7H Ihonnts, who married Sarah Haikins. -»-*^
79 .lolin.
•SO Elizabeth.
XI Kbemv.ar.
Sii Daniel.
H:i Elisha.
.S4 .\sa. -N--^ —
S.") Sarah.
St) Nrhemiah.
~7 .lohn, son ot Thomas i f ». w.is boin m Noiwiih in 1(17'^ and
married Elizabelh Latlijoji. I lies had one (Uiuiihtei . Hannah (?S7), who
when she y;n'w up maiiii-d tir>i .Absalom Kinu and setond Henedict Ar-
nold. She thus became the mother oi (ien. Henedict .\rnold ol the lve\ -
olution, afterwards tlie traitoi'. ^^llirll ( onies tht neai'cst ol an\tliini> to
In'in^ a skeleton in the closet ol the Waterman family. Mis Arnold's
family was very prominent in the biivine--^ and social circles ot tht loni-
86 Thoinas, son ol' liobcit (o), was born in Barnstable, Mass., Jan.
19, 1 701, but after niarryiny Hannah Beal. went to Hingham, which had
been the t'oiiiicr lionic of" his father. Following is a list of children born
to tiieni :
SI) riionias, in 1781.
90 Mary, in 1788.
91 .Josiah, in 1785.
9J^ Daniel, m 1780.
98 Sarah, in 1789.
94 Lvdia, in 174!^.
95 Sarah, in 174->.
90 .John, in 1747.
. 97 Lydia. in 1748.
98 Elizabeth, in 1753.
9oGiP{b (^enePGi(ion.
34 Samue], son of Samuel {~ ), was born in Plymouth, Sept. 28.
1703, and married Mary Doty, daughter oi Joseph and Deborah [Hatch]
Dotv. I'hev settled at Plvmouth. where thev had two, (hildrtn :
99 Samuel, born June i^T, 172().
100 Mary, born April 29, 1730. She died at Halifax. Dee. 20.
^^^ 40 John, son of Samuel (7j, was born Jan. 12, 170o, and married
Hannah ('ushman, dausj^hter of Robert Cushman of Plvmouth. Children:
101 Elkanah, born in 1733 and married .Marv West in 1754.
102 John, born in 173o. Dietl voung.
103 Elizabeth, born in 1737.
104 John, born in 1739.
105 Hannah, born .March 10. 1742, and married i'homas Trask
Feb. 25, 17H1.
100 John, born in 1744.
107 James, born in 1745 and married Joanna Wood in 1770.
51 Joseph, son of John (12), was born in Plvmpton, Feb. 2, 1711.
He married for his first wife Patience Barrows and for his second wife
the widow Joanna [i'illson] Fuller. He lived first at Middleboro, Mass.,
but about 17(>0 moved to Halifax. He had by his two wives fourteen
children as follows :
108 Perez.
109 Ezekiel, born May 14, 1734.
110 Joshua, born March 16, 1738.
111 Lydia, born in 1740 and married Moses Wood.
112 Patience, born in 1743 and'married I.oren.
-S{\ —
1 1 o .l.
1 18 Jonah, horn in IToS. Xevci- married.
119 John, horn Jan. ^2o. lT(il.
IJiO Daniel, born in ITHS.
liil Robert, born in 17(14.
•5sJ Perez, son ot John (ll2). was hoiii Oct. M. ITl-'J and died in
1798. He married .Abigail Brvant, who was l)orn Jan.. 524. 171H and
died .\ui;. 14, 17>i!2. Their children were —
\'2'2 IVrez, born June 19. 1S.S9. married Abigail Hussey.
I5i8 .\higail, l)orn .April 2, 174 1 , married Charles Perkins in 17()l2.
124 Thaddeus. Iioin March 'i(i. 174-). married He])ziba]i f'otlin oi"
Nantucket. .Mass.
liio i^riscilla. bo' i .\pril I'i. 17")4. married l*erez Sampson.
Ii2(i J«»nathan. hoi n Feb '20. 174JS. married Abigail A\ ashhnrn.
l!27 Harnahas. horn Nov. 14. 174(>, and died Oct. o, 177(5.
- 12.S riieophilus, born March i27, 17;")!2. married Lydia Chadwick.
1:29 Kebecca, born Dec. i2(). 1754. married Elisha Rartlett.
130 West, born in 17'')() and died in 1775.
Perez married for a second wife the widow of Methuselah Nve of
Sandwich, Maws.
58 .\nthonv, son of John (152), was born June 52(>, 171(i and died
.March 17. 17()1. He married. Feb. 52H. 1785, Hannah Vaughn. Their
children were —
181 Joanna, born Oct. 521. 178(>.
1852 Sarah, born Aug. 524, 1788.
188 James, horn April 520, 1740.
18 1 Hannah, horn March 152, 1741.
■O i
135 Anthony, born Marcli ^M. 174o.
13H Elislia. ])orn .Iuih- 1'.>. 1T4H and diofl .lune 19. 1T4T.
loT Daniel.
138 Elisha Jid, born Aug-. ^29, 174N.
139 l^aniel, born May 4, 1751.
140 I'hoebf. born Sej>t. 19. 1757.
54 Lieut, .fobn Waterman, son of ('apt. .John (12), was born July
3, 1718, and died April '26, 1790. He married at Halifax, Oct. 2, 1743,
Fear Sturtevant. daughter of William and Fear [Cushman] Sturtevant.
She was born at Halifax, April 5, 1720, and died in the same town Jan.
17, 1790. Following are their children, all born at Halifax :f^a.ii.
141 Hetty, Sept. 17, 1744. She died unmarried March 8, 1836.
142 John 1st. June 29. 1747. Died young.
143 John 2d. June 13, 1749. He married Mary Orcutt.
144 William, 1750, and married Betsey Watts in Buxton, Me.
145 Isaac 1st, Jan. 15. 1755. Died voung.
14H Isaac 2d, Nov. 23, 175(), married Lucy Sampson, Sept. 21,
1781. and died at Pembroke, Mass., Sept. 4, 1844.
147 Fear, Sept. 25, 1758, married Ephraim Tillson.
55 Eleazar Waterman, son of John (12), was born Aug. 3, 1721,
and died Feb. 13. 1811. Dec. 15, 1743, he married Alice Bosworth,
daughter of Deacon Jonathan Bosworth, and they had born to them —
148 Elsie. Feb. 2. 1744.
149 Priscilla. Sept. 15, 174t). Died voung.
15(> Jabe/. Jan. 30, 1749.
151 Priscilla 2d, 1755. Died voung.
152 Eliphalet, Jan. 15. 17t)9.
153 Huldah. Nov. 29. 17(il.
57 Thomas ^^'aterman. son of Capt. John (16), married Lydia
. and the following children are recorded as born to them in Coven-
try. R. I.:
154 John, May 18. 1755.
155 Hannah, Jan. 13, 1757.
lo<5 Anuio, July 7, 1708.
lo7 Eleanor. Aj)ril 7, 17G0.
158 Towusend, in August, 17()1.
58 Col, .lohn ^^'atc^nlan, son of Capt. John (16), was born at
Warwick. Jan. 11. 17o9, and married Mary , who died March 4,
1847, aged >^6 years. 'Jhey lived in Coventry and had four children :
159 Marv, horn Mav 5, 1757. married Daniel Cooke, Oct. !--3<). 1799.
160 Sarah, horn Nov. 15. 1750.
161 N\'illiani. who married Hannah Groton.
l(i^ Henjaniin. who married 1 .ucy l-Jowen.
61 William Waterman, son of Capt. .lohn (1(>). was born March (i,
1744. and March 10, 1769. married Phoebe Arnold. He lived all his
life in Warwick, where are recorded the following children :
165 John, born Dec. 19, 17(i.S. marric-d Phoebe Weaver July 4. 1790
164 Mary, born March K*. 1T7l\ died .May '?5. 1798.
1()5 WilHam. born Nov. 1'.'. 1774. ched May ^25, 179b.
166 l^hilip, born Dec. 1-). 1776, died in May. 1777.
167 I'enjamin, born Nov. '26. 177S, died July 17. 1779.
16.S .\I.rcy, born Oct. 14. 1 7S'). married John (ireen, Oct. ^29. lMi2.
1<;9 Resolved, born March ^>|.>. 1791. died Aug. 11. 1791.
1 1 i<.i,ii \\ .itcniian. ^on of Robeit ill), born .it Plvnipton. Mav
1 1. 170.3. on the 2-id day of I )ecc-ml)er, 17l25. married Kli/abeth Hrvant,
daugliter of Samuel I'Jrvant. and they had the following children:
17 kobirt.
4i2 .losiah W aterman, son of liobert (11). was born March 5. 1705,
married Feb. \:], 17!23. Joanna Bryant, daughter of Samuel Hrvant, and
had at IMymjiton the following children :
176 Ichabod, born Nov, o, 17;2;j, maraied Hannah Rogers.
Ephraim, born Oct. 20, 1725.
Josiah, born Auia:. 2, 1728.
48 Thomas Waterman, son of Robert (11), was born in October.
1707, married June 12, 1728, Mercy Freeman, daughter of .Jonathan
and Mercy [Bradford] Freeman, and settled in Halifax, where one son,
Freeman (183), was born to them, who married Joanna Thompson, Dec.
IS, 177(), settled in his native town and died April 5, 1830. Thomas
appears to have bought land in Scarboro, Maine, for he disposed of a
piece in that place May 2-1, 1729, as per record among the York County
deeds, and probably lived there, being the Hist of several VV'atermans from
the vicinity of Halifax to settle in Maine. It appears that he had three
wives, marrying for the second time Lydia Faunce, daughter of John
Faunce, of Kingston, Mass., and widow of Ebenezar Washburn, and for
the third time, June 5, 17H3, the widow Joanna Harlow. Tradition savs
he had in all seven children and the following appear to have been born
in Scarboro :
184 Mahuhi.
185 Samual, married Sarah Morse.
18() Calvin.
1S7 Prince.
45 Robert Waterman, son of Robert (llj, born March 2, 1713,
and died Sept. 9, 17H1, married Martha Cushman, daughter of .Josiah
and Susanna [Shurtletf] Cushman. She was born Jan. 12, 1713, and
died Sept. 25, 1770. They had seven children born to them in Halifax,
all of whom died young. I have records of the following :
18.S Abigail, died Oct. 9, 1735.
189 Robert, died Dec. 18, 1748.
190 Martha, died Dec. 13, 1761.
47 Samuel W atcnnan, son ot Robert (11 j, was born Aug. 11.
1718, married Mary lomson March 16, 1739, and died May Hi, 1787.
Thev are said to ha\e had fourteen ehildren. but I have the record of ->
1)11 Iv four :
191 Seth. born Feb. 1. 1740.
19'2 Samuel, born July »i. 174>.
19.{ Oliver, born in 17»50.
194 Svlvanus. born in 17H.S.
<).S John Waterman, son of Henoni I 17 ), was born in \\arwi(k.
K. 1.. Aug. '2"), 1730, and married Sarah Potter, June 13. 1754. There
were born to them in Warwick the following children :
195 Benjamin, born Julv 15. 1755.
19b Mercy, born Nov. 3. 175«i.
197 John, born Sept. \^^. 175s and died March 9. 1759
198 Deacon John. ^^d. born Dec. If), 1T5(). married ^^'althian
Green Feb. 3, 1782. \ grandson of IVacon John U'ateiinan ; 198),
Henrv Waterman (198b), son of John H. \\'aterman ( 198a), claimed the
distinction of issuing the first postage stamps used in this countrv. He
was postmaster at Millbuiy, Mass.. in 1839. .\t that time, postmasters
cancelled letters by writing their names across the en\tlope, with the
amount of postage due. He conceived the idea of having stamji^ niiidi
for this purj)ose, so lie drew the design and had them printed to attach to
letters. His example was followed by other postmasters. A Millburv
stamp to-day is worth from :^80() to $1200. He died at Woonsocket.
F{. I.. March 13, 1902, at the age of .Sb vears.
199 .Mary, born May 22. 17bl.
200 William, liorn .May 5. lT»i3.
201 Sarah, born Sept. 30. 17b4. married (ieorge (ireen in 17x7.
74 'i'homas Waterman, son of Anthony (23) married A})igail
Thomas in 1733. Thev resided in Marshfield and had the followini.'
• hildren :
202 ihoina^, born in 1734.
203 .\nthbnv. born in 173(). niaiiied Deboiah Ft)ster.
— 41 —
:^'n4 .r„.,.j,h. Lorn in IT-JS. uvHinvd Deborah WiusloM-,
^^0'} Ann. l.,„u in 1740. nniiried Joseph Howell.
J.'{)S Xalhani.l. I„,rn in 1743. )narried Mary Otis.
'^'07 Al.iJHli. iH.rn in l-;4.-). n)Hiii«.d Mary Thomas.
:.MKS Asa. h,.rn n, 174S. niarrird «rst Ann Dindev
^'irh Little. *
and second
'-'<'5' .Inln,. lu.rn in ]7o(). nianicd Deborah Thandler.
_^, 7N Thomas Warernnu.. son of Thomas (2(Jj, was born in Norwich
< onn.. and there nnuried Sarah fel,arkness. Their first child was born iJ
N-uuh. hut afu.r that they n.ove.l ., I.,.l,anon, New Hampshire, M-here
nieii other ehddicn were born :
Silas, nutnied SiJena I'eck anrl died in Lebanon.
I'honias. born .Inly 11. 17(;(i. ,„arried Susanna Cleveland.
I ollv.
-Martha, married Silas Hvde. >
(^Uy^^rUanras Watennan, son of Th!11
^2 1 3
-14 Hannah, born in 1763.
-!•) Maiy, born in 176.0.
'-'16 Hannah, born in 176S.
-17 Lydia. born in 1770.
•^1'^ Kobert, born in 1773.
Watermans of Maine.
— 4o-
This narrative is more especially a rci ord of the Maine Waternians,
and the first four generations of the fanjil\ , who resided in Massachusetts,
Rhode Island and Connecticut, have been introduced to shoM' their origen.
Some members of the family who settled in New Hampshire and ^ er-
mont have been considered here because sonic of their descendants now
live in the state of Maine.
Althoutijh the first settlements of New Kngland were made bv emi-
grants from England, a large portion of" the tinal settlement of the coun-
try was made by the descendants of these early settlers. It has been
seen how these descendants spread along the coasts of Massachusetts,
Rhode Island and Connecticut, then slowly to the interior of these colonies,
so it was only a question of time when they would reach the coast of
Maine, first an independent colony and afterward a district of Mass-
achusetts ; and, after the formation of the liiited States, it became a state
in 1820. J'he first person by the name of Waterman, so far as I havr
been al)le to ascertain, to live in Maine, was 'ihomas (43), already men-
tioned, who appears to have lived in Scarboro as eajlv as 1729, and to
have reared a familv there, although the rec ords of this ianiily are scanty.
So far as 1 know, no other member of the family arrived within the bor-
(lors of the district for fhiit_\ -nine years.
So far as I am able to ascertain, all of the ^^'atermans in Maine,
with three exceptions, are decendants of Robert \\ateiman. In con-
ductins< mv investigations, Ileajnedthat tlure aie noA\ }isiding in the state
of Milne three families bearing the uamivof Waterman, who are of Gernum
descent, the hea(is of the famlics having been boin in the Province of
Hanover. Tliev are the families of .Tulins \A^ife)man of Bangor. Mojiis
W'aterma)! ol' rortlaiid. and Adolj)h H. \N atermaji ol' Bath.
^ifth (^er)epa(ior).
114 Joseph VVateinian, son of Joseph (51), was born in HaHfitx,
Nov. 12, 1750, and was married to Lucy Joslinj^ Monroe, of Hanov«'r,
Mass., Nov. 4, 17T(). He served in the Revohitionary War. In \1X2,
he, in connection with his brothers, Noah. John, Robert and Daniel, eni-
isrrated to Bakerstown in the District of Maine. At that time Bakers-
town was on the frontier, but rapidly being settled. This plantation had
been granted bv Massachusetts to the survivors of the companies of Capt.
John March, Capt. Stephen (jreenleaf and Capt. Phihp Nelson in the ex-
pedition to Canada in 1H9(), in the year 173fi, and laid out in what
proved to be the C'olony of New Hampshire and therefore outside the ju-
risdiction of Massachusetts. To make up for the loss of this land a new
grant was made in Maine in 17(:)5. It was named for Capt. Thomas
Baker, who was killed in an Indian battle in 1720, and to this Bakers-
town .loseph Waterman came. He settled on an eminence afterwards
known as Pottle Hill. In 1795, the Plantation of Bakerstown was in-
cor])orated as the ninety fifth town and named Poland. It was a very
large and unwieldv town and seven years later it was divided, that part
Iving on the western side of the Little Androscoggin River retaining the
name of Poland and that on the eastern side being named Minot. Pottle
Hill was in Minot. In 1791, the first church (Congregational) was or-
ganized in Bakerstown, and Joseph Waterman's name headed the list of
members. He lived for quite a number of years in Minot and then
moved to the town of Knox, where he died. His children were —
219 Henry J.
220 Jonah.
221 Joseph.
222 Lucy, married Kendall of Waldo.
223 Nabby, married Packard of Camden.
224 Ruth, married Bartlett of Searsmont.
225 Lvdia. married Ames of Appleton.
226 Rebecca, married Flmer of Appleton.
116 Noah Waterman, son of Joseph (51). was born in 1754 and
married Esther Ellis. He was a Revolutionary soldier. He settled near
his brother, Joseph, on Pottle Hill, but afterwards moved to the southern
part of the town of Minot. The town of Minot, like the town of Poland,
was doomed to be divided, and that part on which Noah finally settled
was set off in 1842 to form the town (now the city) of Auburn, and heie
the descendants of Noah Waterman live. His children were —
227 Jonah, born June H, 17'Sl, married Pamalla Record.
228 Joanna, born Nov. 12. 178(i.
229 Lodowick, born May 10. 17>9. married first Prudence Dil-
lingham and .second Mar% Shaw.
2o() Noah, born June 12, 1792.
231 Ellis, born Feb. 7, 179S.
1 19 John ^^ aterman, son of Joseph (51 ), was born June 25, 17()1,
and married Mary Harris. He settled first on Pottle Hill and then
moved to Poland. Children :
282 Tillson, born Nov. S. 178H and died March 2, lS(i7.
283 John, born Oct. 11. 17.ss.
234 Mary, born Nov. 7. \~, '.•.■.
235 Jacob, born Sept. 20, 1794.
236 Otis C, born July 19, 1797.
There nuiy have been other children.
120 l)ani(l Waterman, son of Joseph (51), was born in 1768. He
also settled on Pottle Hill, but seems to have i^one to New Gloucester
(just south of Bakerstown) and gained a residence there. New Glouces-
ter at this time was a frontier station where persons looking for land far-
ther north made headquarters until a suitable selection could be made.
Thus intending settlers or their families often lived in New Gloucester for
a year or two while preparing a home in the plantations farther north.
Daniel Waterman married a wife here Nov. 7, 1793 — Abigail True,
daughter of Jabez True. His final settlement was in Poland. Children :
— o I
287 Jabez, born July 20, 1794, married Kobecca Downing, and
died in Poland, April 2, 1877.
238 Abigail, born Nov. 12, 1795, married Ikrnabus Haskell.
239 Daniel. Jr., born May 24, 1797, married Anna Hrrris and
died in Poland Dec. 16, 18S2.
240 Hannah, born March (i, 1798 and died July 12, 1825.
241 Benjamin, born May 11, 1799. married Irene Emery Dec. 5,
1824, and died in Poland, Auii. 7, 1838.
242 Anna, born .March 2.>. 1800, nuirried .)ohn Bailey Jan. 10.
1827 and died in Poland Jan. 31. 1S80.
24.:! Henry.
244 Rebecca, married Nathaniel Pulsiler.
245 Sally.
240 Sarah !'.
247 Rubv X.. married Benjamin Dunn.
248 ('hurles N., died .May 24, 1841
121 Robert \\'aterman, son of Joseph (51), was born in 1764 and
came to Bakerstown with his brothers, living first on Pottle Hill, then at
Poland C'orner. He was the owner of a mill at this place. He was
quite a prominent man in Poland, holding several town offices. He was
postmaster at Poland. Later in life he moved to Warren, Maine. His
wife was Priscilla Haskell and they had five children, the first two born
in Bakerstown and the last three after that plantation was incorporated
as Poland :
249 Robert, born Feb. 3, 1788.
250 Thomas, born April 10, 1790.
251 Mary (or Mercy), born Aug. 41, 1805, married Jabez Has-
kell, and died July 4, 1851.
252 William, born Sept. 8, 1809 and died at Warren June 14,
253 Priscilla, married Elisha Wylie of Union, Maine.
Robert and Thomas settled in Belfast, Maine, where their descend-
ants now live.
144 Gen. William Waterman, was a son of Lieut. John (54). He
was born in Harfax, Mass., in 1750 and married Betsey Watts. He
settled in Buxton, Maine, where he was quite a prominent man. He
seems to have won his title in the state militia. The Buxton and Hollis
Light Infantry was organized, according to the Buxton Centennial His-
tory, published in 1874, sometime between 1806 and 1811. In the lat-
ter year the ladies of Buxton gave the company a stand of colors, and at
that time William Waterman was the lieutenant. He was afterwards
captain of the company. During the War of 1812, this company was
called into service and served thirty days at Biddeford Pool, Children :
254 William.
255 David.
25H Luther.
257 James.
258 Perez.
259 Charles.
260 (leorge.
261 John.
262 Eliza. She married Heath.
263 Mary .\nn.
2<)4 Harriet.
176 Ichabod Waterman, son of Josiah (42), was born at Plymp-
ton, Mass., Nov. 3, 1723, and married Hannah Rogers, daughter of Ben-
jamin and Phoebe (Harndonj Rogers. They settled first in Kingston,
Mass., where their children were born, and then became some of the first
settlers of the town of Buckfield, (then called Bucktown) Maine. After
living there a few years, fear of the Indians drove them back to Kingston.
Children t
265 Lvdia, born Nov. 5, 1758, married Elijah Faunce and died^at
Kingston in 1849.
26() Benjamin, born Aug. 8, 1760, married Lucy Bradford and
died at Kingston in 1845.
267 Zenas, born Dec. 29, 1762, married Eunice Dean of Scarboro.
— o;i—
M«ine, and died in Nova Scotia.
268 James, born March 21, 17()5, married Keziah Smith of Tur-
ner, Maine, July 25, 1792, and died in Buckfield in 1861.
269 Ichabod, born Aug. 12, 1767, married Parthena Carter and
died at Kingston in 1859.
270 Hannah, born June 9, 1770, married Silas Maxim and died
at South Paris, Maine, in 1849.
271 Phoebe, born Dec. 30, 1771, married Caleb Swift and died at
Paris, Maine, in 1847.
272 Thomas Rogers, born March 10, 1776, married Polly Ellis
and died at Sangerville, Maine in 1862.
Thomas Rogers Waterman settled first in Buckfield and afterwards
moved to Sangerville.
174 Malachi Waterman was brobably the son of Thomas (43). I
have no record of his marriage but he was published in Gorham, Maine,
'Dec. 21, 1776, to Mary Darker. He served two enlistments in the Rev-
olutionary army, one in Capt. Samuel Whitmore's company of Flagg's
Regiment, enlisting from Gorham, and one in Capt. Adam Martin's com-
pany, Tyler's Regiment, enlisting from Scarboro, Maine. At the close of
the Revolution, he settled in Turner, Maine, then known as Sylvester
Canada, but after living there a few years returned to Gorham. He died
in Baldwin, Maine. Feb. 12, 1824. Five children were born to this
couple in Gorham :
273 Sarah, born July 22, 1785.
274 Mary, born Nov. 13, 1787.
275 Statira, born Sept 25, 1791.
276 Ebenezar, born Sept. 15, 1795.
277 John, born June 19, 1797.
There may have been other children.
187 Prince Waterman was also a probable son of Thomas (43).
He was an early settler of the to^vn of Turner, coming to Keen's Mills
about 1780, and was the first blacksmith in the towTi. He married Lu-
cinda Bates and their children were —
278 Guy Bates, born April 10, 1795, married first Esther Brown,
daughter of Samuel Brown of Hebron, Maine, and second Lydia Carver
Tucker. He died in Durham, Maine, Feb. 28. 1875.
279 Thomas, born May 24, 1797, married Abigail Bourne Jan.
11, 1826, and died in Turner, July 1, 18S1.
280 Rachel, born Jan. 1, 1799 and died in Turner, Oct. 14, 1875.
281 James, born in 1802, married Olive Record and died in Port-
land, Maine, in 1831.
282 Lucinda. She married Eben Marble and died in Dexter,
191 Scth Waterman, son of Samuel (47), was born July 1. 1740,
and married Hannah Perkins, of Plympton, Mass., July 26, 1762. They
settled in New Hampshire and had at least one son Zephaniah (282a).
192 Samuel Waterman, son of Samuel (47), was born July 6,
1743, and died at Wcllfleet, Mass., Aug. 10, 1825. He was a graduate
of Harvard College. He married Sarah Foster and they are said to have
had seven children. Their sons Robert and Samuel died without children.
It may be that they had a son Fostci-, who settled in Durham, Maine.
193 Oliver Waterman, son of Samuel (47) was born at Halifax,
Mass., in 1760 and died at Savoy, Mass , Nov. 5, 1833. There is a re-
cord of four children :
283 Oliver.
284 Sally.
285 Chloe.
286 liobert.
194 Sylvanus Waterman, son of Samuel (47), was born at Halifax,
Mass., Oct. 12, 1766, and died at Litchfield, Maine, July 30, 1851. He
graduated at Brown University in 1798 and from the medical school in
1800. He was the first settled physician of Litchfield, Maine. He mar-
ried Abigail Jackson, of Dresden, Maine, and they had six children born
to them.
287 Granville C, born April 6, 1805 and married liachel Mc-
288 Dexter, born June 13, 1807, married Mahala Wentworth.
289 Eliza, born March 26, 1809, married Capt. Enoch Libby.
290 Sophia, born Sept. 6, 1814, married Zackariah Sherman.
291 Oliver, born Sept. 6, 1814, married Clarissa Brown.
292 Melville Henry, born June 16, 1817, died Sept. 14, 1831.
204 Capt. Joseph Waterman, son of Thomas (74), was born in
Marshfield in 1738, and married Deborah Winslow, daughter of Gover-
nor Winslow of Massachusetts. He was a sea captain and in early life
commanded a coasting vessel. He made a number of voyages along the
coast of Maine, and, among other places, visited the Fox Islands. He
made a temporary settlement at what is now Vinalhaven as early as 1760,
and was thus the second man by the name of Waterman to settle in
Maine ; but the Revolutionary War coming on and the British being
predominant in that section, the settlement was given up. He came
back for good at the close of that struggle and was one of the petitioners
for the incorporation of Vinalhaven in 1785. He was the first selectman
of the plantation, and was the fii'st treasurer of the town after incorpora-
tion, which office he held for seven years. Children :
293 Thomas, was born in Marshfield and married Lucy Sampson
of Duxbury, Mass.
294 Abigail, married Eben Carver of Vinalhaven.
295 Olive, married Rev. Benjamin Ames.
296 Lucy, married Thomas Verrill.
211 Col. Thomas Waterman, son of Thomas (78) was born at Leb-
anon, New Hampshire, July 11, 1766, and married Susanna Cleveland,
of Canterbury. Nine childi-en were born to them :
297 Thomas, born Sept 14, 1791, married Joanna Towle.
298 Mary, born Dec. 3, 1792, married John Wood.
299 Susan, born Jan. 17, 1794.
300 Harriet, born May 20, 1795, married Rev. George Storrs.
301 Silas, born April 28, 1798, married Sally Wood.
302 Martha, born April 13, 1800, married Rev. George Storrs.
303 Henry, born Dec. 15, 1802, married Phoebe Williams.
304 Emily, bom July 15, 1805, married Joel Dimock.
305 Louise, born Feb. 3, 1808, married Oscar F. Towle.
207 Abijah Waterman was the son of Thomas (74) and was born
in Marshfield in 1745. He married Mary 'ITiomasand settled in Waldo-
boro, Maine, in the latter part of the eighteenth centiuy. He was
drowTied by the capsizing of a dugout in 1782. He left three children :
306 Thomas, married Margeret Bunker.
307 Deborah Louise, married Joseph Eaton.
307a Mary, married Dr. Heupt.
308 Bannister Waterman, parentage unknown, was a soldier in
Capt. Simeon Thayer's company in the Arnold Expedition of the Revo-
lution up the Kennebec, Dead and Chaudiere rivers to Quebec, and be-
cause of that may have been as interesting a member of the family as ever
came to Maine. This company was raised in the vicinity of Newburv-
port, Mass., and quite likely he was a native some of the towns near by.
The sufferings of the expedition from' exposure and hunger are well
known and it is a wonder that any member reached the St. Lawrence
alive. It is needless to remind the reader that the assault on Quebec, for
which they had marched these several hundred miles and braved all these
hardships was disastrous. Bannister Waterman was among those who
were taken prisoners on the assault of the city, Dec. 31, 1775.
lixfb (BeiPieP(3i\ioiPi.
219 Henry J. Waterman was a son of Joseph (114), and was
probably born in the town of Poland. He settled in Camden, then
moved to Hope, in that part now known as North Appleton. Children :
309 Henry J., Jr.
310 Cyrus C.
311 Lewis R.
312 Lorenzo D.
314 Albert A.
315 Helen R., married Richards.
316 Fred J.
317 Susan A., married Higgins.
318 John R.
319 Ozro.
320 Malissa. Ozro and Malissa were twins.
227 Jonah Waterman was the son of Noah (116), born in Poland
June 8, 1781, and married Pamala Record. They had one son, Alvin,
229 Lodowick Waterman was the son of Noah (116), born in Po-
land May 10, 1789, and died in Auburn in 1860. He had three wives,
Prudence Dillingham, Mary Shaw and Polly Larrabee. He had one
child each by his first and second wives :
322 Prudence, married Simeon Fitz.
323 Ira T., married Mary A. Drake.
232 Tillson Waterman was the son of John (119), born Nov. 3,
1786, and died March 2, 1867. He was quite a noted man in Poland,
having held several town offices and been justice of the peace. He mar-
ried Elizabeth Bryant and they had the following children :
324 Tillson, born Sept. 22, 1806.
325 Eliza Bryant, born Nov. 15, 1807
326 Marcia, born June 12, 1809, married Almon Bailey Feb. 7,
327 Sophia, born Jan. 3, ISU.
328 Samuel Freeman, born June 21, 1812.
329 Jacob, born Aug. 4, 1814. He was a corporal in Capt. Hi-
ram A. Pollard's company of infantry in the Madawaska War, and served
in Augusta from March 6 to March 29, 1839.
330 John Quincy Adams, born Oct. 10, 1824, and died at Harri-
son Feb. 12, 1899.
233 Dr. John Waterman, son of John (119), was bom in Poland
Oct. 11. 1788, and died in Gorham, Maine, Jan. 11, 1865. He studied
medicine with Dr. Timothy Little, of New Gloucester, and settled in
Windham, Maine, where he practised quite a portion of his life. He was
selectman of the town in 1831 and 1832; and represented the town in
the legislature in 1830. July 1, 1822, he married Ann Anderson, daugh-
ter of Abraham and Lucy (Smith) Anderson, who was born Dec. 7, 1797,
and died Sept. 7, 1871. Mrs. W;if( rman, on her father's side, was the
granddaughter of Abraham Anderson, the first settler of Windham, and
on her mother's side, granddaughter of Rev. Peter T. Smith, second min-
ister of the town. This family had in their possession a spinet made in
TiOndon in 1390 by Thomas Hitchcock. Two children were born to
them :
331 Lucy Elizabeth, born in Windham May 11, 1823. married
Rev. Edward S. Dwight, and died Sept. 11. 18(51.
332 John Anderson, born iu Windham June 24, 1827, married
Evelina Lewis Pierce, and died in Gorham Aug. 17. 1881.
236 Otis C. Waterman was a son of John (119) and born in Po-
land July 19, 1797. He was a schoolmaster. He married Lynda Smith
of New Gloucester, and I have a record of two childien :
333 Oliver.
334 John Otis, who for many years was at the head of a large store
— (il—
in Boston.
237 Jabcz Waterman, son of Daniel (120), was born in I'oland,
July 20, 1794 and died in the same town April 2, 1877, He married
Rebecca Downing Oct. 13, 1822, and by her had these children:
335 Jabez True, born Oct. 10, 1823. Was selectman and a prom-
inent citizen of Poland.
336 Isaac Downing, born in Poland June 15, 1825, and died in
Mechanic Falls, Maine, July 25, 1896.
337 Rebecca Abigail, born Aug. 20, 1829, and married Samuel
Goss Sept. 25, 1850.
338 Olive Strout, born Feb. 10, 1830.
339 Nathan Noyes, born June 10, 1832.
340 Clementina Woodman, born May 24, 1834, and married
Prescott R. Cobb, Sept. 14, 1865.
239 Daniel Waterman, Jr., son of Daniel (120), was born in Po-
land May 24, 1797, and lived there all his life, dying Dec. 16, 1882.
He was a prominent man of the town, serving as town clerk, selectman
and representative to the legislature. He was also a soldier in the War
of 1812. He married Oct. 12, 1823, Anna Harris, and these children
were the result of the union :
341 William Wallace, born in Poland Sept. 19, 1824, and mar-
ried Jane Dwinal, eldest daughter of Capt. Jacob Dwinal of Mechanic
Falls, in which place he settled and became a prominent citizen. In
early life he was a school teacher but upon his marriage he became a
merchant. In 1857, he went to Minnesota and interested himself in real
estate. While in Minnesota he was for two years auditor of .\noka
County and also county commissioner. He was also a ijoverment clerk
at Washington for a number of years. Returning to Mechanic Falls he
purchased Avhat was known as the Stephen Whitman farm, cut it up into
streets and began to build houses. He v as a many-sided man, interested
in everything — in education and music particularly. W'laiie at Mechanic
Falls he founded a brass band, which flourished for many years. He
served the town of Poland (a part of the village of Mechanie Falls wris in
\ ' ->
\ <
6 P;
— «8—
the town of Poland at that time) as selectman. He died April 4, 189;"i.
342 Abbie H., married Samuel Goss.
342a lluby A., who died in Auburn Nov. S, 1902, ai^ed 73 years.
342b Selinda.
342c Charles H.
241 Capt. Benjamin Waterman, son of Daniel (120), was born in
Poland May 11, 1799, and died Aug. 7, 1838. He married Irene
Emery Dec. 5, 1824. He was a captain of militia.
254 William Waterman was a son of Gen. William (144) of Bux-
ton, fie had two wives and I have the following list of children :
343 Susan.
344 Francis.
345 Lucy.
34() .Jane.
347 William.
348 James.
349 Charles.
350 Eliza Ann.
351 Caroline.
352 .John.
353 Julia.
354 Georgia.
255 I have the record of one child of David Waterman, son of
Gen. AViUiam (144), Elizabeth (355).
256 Luther Waterman was the son of Gen. William (144) and
married Eliza Owen. The folloAving children were born to them :
35() Hannah.
357 John.
358 Abbie.
359 Elijah.
360 Elizabeth.
361 Frank.
— (U—
3(32 Melissa.
363 Luther.
364 Charles O. He lives in Portland. Is an enofineer on the
Boston & Maine Railroad, and has a son, Charles O., who follows the
same calling.
365 Ellen.
258 I have the record of two children credited to Perez ^^'aternlan,
son of Gen. William (144):
366 Clara.
367 Mayville.
259 Charles Waterman, son of Gen William {144j, married Abbie
Owen by whom he had two children :
368 Fannie.
369 William.
260 George M. Watermen, who died in Buxton in 1899, was the
son of Gen. William (144), married Adaline Annis, who died in Port-
land, Feb. 18, 1906, and they had four children ;
370 Harriet, who married F. B. Milliken of Portland.
371 Elizabeth, who married E. A. Soule of Gorham.
372 Minnie, who married C. B. Kevnolds of Oakdale.
373 Alice.
261 John Waterman, sou of Gen. ^^'iIHam (144) is credited \\\\\\
three children :
374 Richard.
375 Charles.
37() liradford.
268 James Waterman, son of Icliabod (176), was born March 24,
1765, and died at Buckfield in 1S61. IK- married Keziah Smith, of
Turner, July 25, 1792, and by her had the following children born in
Buckfield: "
377 James, born July 23, 1793, died Feb. 6, 1800.
378 Sopronia, May 20, 1796, died in May, 1878.
379 Lewis, born Dec. 18, 1798, died May 5, 1868.
— Ho—
380 Julia Ann, born Aug. o, ISOO, died March o, ISH.S,
381 Nancy, born March 14, 1803, died May 3, 1S34.
382 Cynthia, born Jan. 18, 1805, died Jan. 2, 189().
383 Oriza, born Oct. 25, 1808, died Nov. 25, 1841.
384 Marcella, born May 3, 1810. died March 18, 1813.
385 ArviUa S., born April 14, 1812. married Naphtali Mas
l'):2 Aniicrona. M;ir)ii, nmn icd l.coiia Per-
kins, and is assistant |)()stinastt'r at Mechanic Falls. Tillson scixcd in the
War of the Rel)ellion in (apt. .Knyustns ( joldeiniaiins coniiianv ol the
17th Maine Infantrx. lie has scivcd one temi as (h'])nt\ sherifl Ol An-
(Iroscoujgin Conntv and in 11)0") was i-lected one ol the se]«-( tnieii oi the
town of Mechanic Falls.
4o4 Linda Kli/at)eth. Ijoiti in ](S4.S. married A. ^^ . Josslvn. and
died .Inly r , INTI.
4-V") Saniuel Fr( enian.
4o() Hattie Freeman.
457 .Inlins, born .Vug 11. l.S;V2 and died Ai)ril 11. 1S.5.S.
4-")(S .Inlia Ada. Married .\rthni- Noy<>s.
459 Charles Fre(>mont. Mariied Nellie Harriman. They hail
three children, Charles Freeman (45t)a;. ( ilenna (459b ) and Alice (459cJ.
The latter married Frank Noves Bandjeiy.
459(1 Lillian .\ugusta. Married William .) . .McGatfey.
880 .John Cjuincy Adams \A';iterman, son of Tillson (282), was
horn in Poland Oct. 10, 1S24, and died at Harrison, Maine. Feb. 12,
1.S99. He had one dan,i,4iter, Alice (4()0j, born Oct. 1. 1S55. who mar-
ried Dana Archibald, and died May 27, 14 Nancy.
4()5 John A. A lawyei-, practising in Ciorhain and Portland.
833 Oliver Waterman, son of Otis C. (23()), manicd Margen-t E.
. He was a prominent citizen of Danville, Maine, and clerk of that
town hefore it was annexed to the city of Auburn. I have a record of
two children :
466 Edward W.
467 Sarah. Marritvl T^enison.
400 Samuel lirown Waterman, son of Guy B. (27H), was born in
Turner, April 1, 1825, and married Sarah Abbie Millett, daughter of
Edmund Chase and Sally [Greenleaf ] Millett, of Minot, April 28, 1853.
She was born July 29, 1834, and died TSov. 9, 1903. During the years
of his young manhood, there were no railroads and passengers and freight
had to be transported with horses. He early engaged in this business,
hauling freight between West JNIinot, Buckfield and Portland. With the
building of the railroads, this business was ruined and he became a pow-
der agent, supplying the contractors, who weie building the railroads,
with powder. This had to be delivered over poor roads and ofttimes in a
wilderness with horses. He had many narrow escapes from disaster,
once having to carry 600 kegs of this explosive material through a burn-
ing forest. He then engaged for a short time in lime quarrying at Rock-
land and then bought a farm at Oxford. This town lie served as select-
man in 1874 and 1875. Children :
468 Charles Elmer, born March 2 1858, married Clara Elizabeth
Garland, daughter of John Eangdon and Clara [Raw.son] Garland, of Paris,
Jan. 1, 1882. He was educated in the schools of Oxford and at Hebron
Academy ; learned the printing and publishing business in the oflice of
the Oxford Democrat, has been connected in a rcportorial way with the
Norway Advertiser, Lowell Morning Times, Boston Herald. Portland
Express, Lewiston Journal and Auburn Gazette ; and a contributor to the
Springfield Republican, Portland Transcript, Boston Commonwealth, The
Nationalist and the New England Magazine ; has pul)lishcd a volume of
short stories and a History of Mechanic Falls, lb has been tlie candi-
date of his party for represcntativo to the legislature, county senator and
representative to congress. In 1893, he moved from Paris to Mechanic
Falls, where he became part owner and editor of the Mechanic Falls Led-
ger. He has served this town on the school board, been trustee of the
cemetery association, secretary of the boaid of trade, and director of the
loan and building association.
467 Abbie, born Nov. 19, 1859 and died Dec. 4, 1859.
470 Fred Samuel, born Sept. 13, 18(54. Lives on home farm.
Married Geneva Mayberry, daughter of Randall A. Mayberry of Oxford.
403 Charles N. Waterman, son of Guy B. (278), was born at Ox-
ford in 1844 and died at Litchfield, Sept. 5, 1905. He was a member
of the 5th Maine Infantry during tlif ^Var of the Kebellion. He mar-
ried Eliza A. Williams and they had one dnuizhte.'-, Rose E. (471), who
married Charles E. Bosworth, of Litthfit Id. i hey live in Auburn.
407 Lothrop Waterman, son of Zephaniah (~70), was a resident
of Hanover, N. H. I have the following children accredited to him :
472 John Zephaniah, born in l.~-27. TIi has lived in several
places, but quite a portion of his life in Poland and .Mechanic Falls. He
has two sons Henry (472a) and Elwell (472b).
473 Mary.
474 Susan.
475 Charles.
419 Joseph Waterman, son of Thomas (293), married Lucy
Thomas and they had these children, born at Xoith Haven:
476 Ursula, married Ruel Kent.
477 Theresa, married Seth Mullen.
478 Cora, married Otis Kent.
479 Winthrop, married Charlotte Carver and had these children
born at North Haven :
479a Alice, married William Sampson.
479b Orinda, married Augustus Whitmorc
479c Frank, married Ann A\ hitmore
479(1 Bessie, iiianicd Irviii;inn;i L. liarrows.
504 Jesse Francis, married J. Marian Colburn.
441 Joseph Eaton Waterman, son of Thomas (30(3), married Sarah
Holden and had these children born nt ^\';ddo]1oro :
505 Grace.
5()() .Jost'phine Ella.
507 Charles Clarence.
442 Charles Waterman, soi i I I l.omas (30(5), married Julia A.
Harrington and they had these chiidjen horn at ^^'aldol)oro :
508 Margeret Maud, married Edwin I'. Curfis.
509 Ann Sarah, married Jesse E. Hall.
510 Samuel Thomas.
443 Samuel Hill Waterman, son of Thomas (30(5), married OHve f^'VAr^,
Adams. They had two children born at ^^^ddobor() :
511 Charles M. Died in infancy, r- ,^, ,
512 Eliza Frances, married Hjw*^ Somers.
444 James P. Waterman, son of James (218), was born in Turner,
.lune 20, 1829. He was a merchant of that town, and at one time was
postmaster of the village. He was quite a musician and sang in chunh
for inaiiN years. Ajiril V>. 1N")4. In nianird llikn M. (lark i l)i>iii
March 29, lS8i^), (laui,^ht('r ot (Jen. Pliilo (lark, a well known nianulai -
turcr and politician ot 'I'urner. Ilicy had twn chihhcn ;
513 Fred C, l)orn in Turner, May 1^4, iXfiO, niariicd Li/./.ic S.
Bragi^ and lives in Boston. He is a conmiercial travclltr.
514 Annie M., born in Turner, .Ian. (i. l.S()9, and July '2'il, \W)\,
married Samuel M. Jefferson, of Knoxville, Tenn. She is a graduate (if
The New England Conservatory of Music, and has gained considerable
note as a musician.
1 liniiaiiit\ 1-. I \(i r('>tlcss like llic ocean. Tlir wiiid ot" distMiv
lildws the iiatiiili^ liitlicl' alid tliillici I licv aic imiiitl mi one ^lioir fci-
(la\ and aicflu r tnmoii dw . I li(-~(' liuuian iniianN. "i niiuiatii.n-. Ix'^an
in the (lavs ot Adam and have ( ontiniicd to the pit si lit fiin( . Il a nniii
rtMild lia\(' li\rd to tliruc the ai;i' ot Mctliiisi lali. and lia\c Ix i n -tationcd
;it soni'- ])aint ot Nantai^x- \\li{r(' lie conld lia\c oliscrvcd tlic tiinmplial
niarcli oi" nations tioin flic hcyiiinin^. he Nxonid liaM sci n a more iniciesf-
in^ paycant than an\ tlicatii(al ( tfcct coidd piochnc. Hcioic him wonid
have passed the ('haldean. Kifvtiaii. (iicek. Homaii. (loth and Saxon, to
sav ndthinu' ot nioic modein nations In the tar i(t)ds])e( t, it is the na-
tion whicli counts, while the coni])onenf ])aits. the laniilies. are toi<;otteii
in the la])se of vears. Occasionallv some iiulividnal name sinvives »•>
show lis tile infiueiiee ot' the iiidixidiial nj)on the .social mass, and tliat the
familv, ill some tonii. has alwavs heen the hasis ot societv. Hence the
interest in tiie tamiK'. Ihe toreiioiiiy paycs c(^iitain a taiiiiK historv lor
nearlv three cciitui'ics and show tlie tlu^ tvjjical t'amiK lite ot' New Kiilt-
laiid t'oi' those years. 'I'lie ))ioiieer lite ot'this section was Kny;lisii and so re-
mained tor 200 vears, and this is tlu storv ot" Kiiirlisji settlers. .Ahonf
Haifa ceiiturv ai^o thiTe was an Irish invasion to hnild the railroads and
mills of the section. These ])eo])le ha\(' been assimilated with the mass
and todav are American. A cpiarter of a ceiituiy atro. the French Cana-
dian arrived as a mill operative. Today lu' is takinir I'j) tlw i^eneral
walks of New England Hie, and his sj)ecial place as mill operative is be-
ing taken Hy Greeks and Poles. The Iniilders are Italians. So a new
job of assimilation must be taken up. The history of the future cannot
be the history of the past, for the blood will have changed and conse-
quently the manners; but it will still b<' a story of migration.
The name James Y. Waterman (SIS) was omitted in printing from
among the children of Henry J. Waterman (219).
SSI Rebecca Abigail Waterman married Charles A. Foster.
Names of Watermans. Numbers refer fo individuals.
Annie, 9 15 38 48 156 242 342 514.
Abigail, 22 46 123 181 188 207 23S 294.
Anthony, 23 53 135 203.
Ann, 29c 205 509.
Avis, 70.
Arpha, 77.
Asa, 84 208 501.
Ambri)Se, 171.
Amaziah, 174.
Abijah, 207 436.
Albert, 314 497.
Alvin, 321.
Abbie, 358 342 469
Alice, 373 458a 460 479a.
Arvilla. 385.
Aaron. 386.
Albion. 429.
Adaline, 430. J. .'_
Angerona, 452.
Henoni. 71.
Hethia. 24.
lienjamin, 64 162 167 195 241 266.
liarnabus, 127.
Hetty, 141.
I'annister, 308.
Bradford, 376.
Hessie. 477<1.
c \ ■'
Caleb, 68.
Calvin, 186.
Charles, 248 259 342^ 349 364 375 370 397
403 404 442 447 459 468 475 490 507
Chloe, 285 411.
Cyrus, 310,
Clementine, 340.
Caroline. 351.
Qara, 366 417.
Cyntha, 382.
Cora, 479.
Colwell, 490.
Clarence. 490!.
Carrie, 491.
Daniel, 82 92 120 137 i^tj J39.
David, 255.
Dexter, 288.
Deiiorah, 307 423.
Elizabeth, 6 S 13 21 29 32 80 98 103 555
360 371 401.
Eleazar, 55.
Edward, 66 466 487 499.
Ebenezar, 81 276.
F^lisha. 83 136 1 38,
Elkanah. 101.
Ezekiel, 109.
Elsie, 148.
Klephalet. 152.
Eleanor, 151.
Ephraini, 177.
KUis, 231.
Eliza, 262 289 325 350 512.
Emily, 304 434 435 497a.
Elijah, 359.
Ellen. 365.
Esther, 402.
Elbert, 449.
Eva, 461, 49od.
Elwell, 472b.
Ella. 493.
Fear, 147.
Fre55 -'4 -:M.
240 270 356.
— H8-
Huldah. 153.
Henry, igSh 219 243 303 309 391 472a.
Harriet, 264 300 370 431.
Helen, 315.
Herbert, 448.
Hattie, 456.
Hester, 486a.
Harvey, 497b.
George, 260 418 451 498.
(luy, 278.
Granville, 287 415.
Georgia, 354.
Grace, 505.
Glenna, 459i 246
Sewald. 406.
Seanier, 409.
.Selinda, 342b.
Thomas, 4 ^^ ii''<^i7 74 -7*^-^ ^Mo
202 2*r jjfi 2.72' .276 isf^ 297 306 42<)
Thaildeus. 124.
Theophilus. 128.
Townsend. 158.
Tillson. 232 324 453.
Theresa. 477.
Ursula, 476 492.
Victoria. 484.
William. 61 144 161 165 200 252 254 341
347 369 43^-
West, 130.
Winslow, 425.
Williard, 450.
Winthmp. 479.
Waiter. 490b
Warren. 495.
/ebulon. 76.
Zebedee. 173.
Zenas. 269,
/ephaniah. 282a 405.
Names Other Than Waterman. Numbers refer to individuals.
ArnoKI, PHoIk-, 61.
Arnold, F.lizalKth, 2^.
Arnolii, Benedict. 27.
Arniild, ('>en. I'.encdict, 2~.
Allen, Elizabeth, 26.
Ames. Rev. Uenj., 295.
Anderson, Ann, 2^^^.
Anderson. Abraham, 23;;.
Anderson, Lucy, 233.
Annis. Adaline, 260.
Aana. 460.
Bourne, Elizabeth, i.
Bartlett, Ichabod. 21.
Bcal. Mary, 36.
Bryant, Elizabeth, 41.
Bryant. Joanna. 42.
Barrows. Fatieiicc. 51.
liryant. Abigail. 52.
Bosworth. Alice, 55.
Beal, Hannah, 36.
lUrtlett, Eli.sha. 129
Bosworth. Jonathan, 55.
Bryant, .Samuel, 41 42.
Baker, < apt. Thomas, 1 14
Bailey, John, 242.
Bradford, Lucy. 266,
Bates, Lucinda, 187.
Brown. Esther, 278
Brown, Samuel, 27S.
Bourne, .\bigail, 279.
Brown, Clarissa. 291.
Bunker. Margeret, 306.
Bryant, Elizabeth. 232.
Bailey, Alman. 236.
r.ourne, ("aleli. 279.
Bryant, John B., 417.
Beverage, Henry, 423.
Bamberg. Frank Noyes, 458a.
Bosworth, Charles E., 471
Brown. Arthur. 484.
Barrows, .Susanna L.. 503.
r.ragg, Lizzie .S.. 513.
Capen, Samuel, 35.
Gushing, Theophilus, 37.
( 'ushman, .Mary, 1 1.
Kev. Isaac, 1 1.
Rebecca, 1 1.
Elizabeth, 1 1 .
•' Deacon Elk.inah. 1 1.
l,yigail, 126.
Watts, lietsey, 144.
Weaver, Phoehe, 163.
Washliurn, El>enezer, 43.
Winslow, Detiorah, 204.
Wylie, Elisha, 255.
Whitniore, ('apt. Samuel, 1S4.
Wcntwurth, .Mahala, 288.
Winslow, Cov., 204.
Wood, John, 298.
" Sally, 301.
Williams, Phoebe, 303.
Whitman, Stephen, 341.
Williams, .Martha, 3yi.
Wooster, Sarah, 420.
Whitniore, .Manley H.. 447a.
Williams, Eliza .\nn. 403.
Whitman, .\ugu.stus, 479I).
Whitniore. .Vnn, 479c.
N'nung. Fllla, 486.
Names of Places. Numbers refer fo individual Connecfed With Place.
Appk'ton, 219 v;;i6 aav
Auburn, 116 323 342 447 471.
Anokii County, 341.
Albion, 311.
AndrosooKpin (ouuly, 32b 453.
Burnstabli-, 5 36.
Boston. 43 ;m 513 514
Bakorstown, 114 12U 121.
B«-lfa8t, 121.
Buxton, 144 25 ».
Biddefonl, 144.
Bucktield, 171) 268 416 417 418 4(K).
Baldwin, 184
Covt'Utry, 57 58.
Camden, 224 219.
Canterbury, 211.
Cunibi rlaiid County, 33'^.
Durliani, 192 278 414.
Dexter, 282.
Du.xbury, 293
Dover, 445.
Danville, 333.
Fox I.-iland, 204.
Fort Pulaski, 3»7.
Foxcrof t , 445
Green's Harbor, 1.
Gorhani, 184 233 277 332 465
HinpluiMi, 5 36 84.
Halifax, 12 43 45 46 61 54 100 114 144 193 194.
Hanover, 114 270 407.
Hackett's Mills, 121.
Hope, 219.
Harrison, 330.
Hebron, 468
Kingston, 4.i 176 265 200 269.
Knox, 114.
Keen'ji Mills, 187.
Kennebec, 308.
Knoxville, 514.
Lebenon, 78 210 211 285
LitchliJld, 194 403.
London, 2.33.
Leeds, 278
Lawrance, 472.
I-owell, 472.
MassacliusettiS Buy, I.
Marslifield, I 2 3 U 12 20 23 74 204 293 207.
Miildleboro, 51.
Millbury, 197b.
Minot, 114 116 328 400
Mechanic Falls, .341 399 3 8 4.53 468 472
Minnusota, 341.
Norwich, Kn^liud, 1
Norwich, 4 26 27 78.
New Glouc.'Ster, 119 12(l 233 2.36.
Nova Scotia, 267.
Newburyport, .308.
North Haviil, 293, 419 47'< 420 42l 425 426.
Oxford, •>]s -^TH Mm 401 403
riynioutli, 1 2 7 11 12 34 40.
•Plynipton, 39 41 11 12 34 51 42 14ii 191.
Pembrooke, 146
Pottle Hill, 111 116 119 120 121.
Poland, 114 116 11 237 2.38 239 240 241 242 121
227 229 232 324 326 327 328 :-.29 330 223 236
33 336 337 338 339 340 341 4 .= 472
Portland, 281 364 278 402 281 465 400.
Paris, 271 4-8.
Rockland, 400
Sandwich, rt2.
Scarboro, 43 184 267.
Searsmont, 224.
South Pari.s, 270.
Sangerville, V!72 445.
Savoy, 193.
St. Lawrence, ,S08
Thoniasion, 3
Turner, 184 187 268 279 280 281
[ 402 404 444.
I ^
1 Union, 253.
! Vinalhav.n, 204 293 294.
i ^
1 W.'Slbrook, 458.
Washington, 341.
'i Warwick, 2 16 17 18 58 61 63.
Windham, 233 331 3:12
Weymouth, :15.
Woon.sockef, l»h.
.398 39«t 10(1
— 100—
Waldo, 222.
Warren, 121 252.
WellUeet, li>2.
Waldoboro, 207 30« 438 441 443.
York Couaty, 43.
A. .Y^: >.
•f'f Cl
1 f.VVNf./*/!