--sfjfr LIBRARY OF CONGRESS. GippKiOlenp^ngi^fl^a UNITED STATES OP AMERICA. I $> m ^\ Hartford Fire Insurance Company. SUNLIGHT PICTURES artforD ARTOTYPES BY E. BIERSTADT, N. Y. FROM ORIGINAL NEGATIVES BY R. S. DE LAMATER I ]. H. ECKHARDT HARTFORD. CONN ("opyright in 1892, by J. H. EcKHARDT, Hartford, Conn. LIST OF PLATES. FuoNTispiECE — Harifouii Fire Insurance Company. State Capitol. SOLDIKRS AND SaILi>R>' .MEMORIAL .\rCH. MeMORLAL .-VrcH AND St.ate Capllol. CriY Hall and Post Office. Hartford Public High School. CcJNNECTicuT Mutual Life Insurance Company. First Church of Christ i.>i Hartford — Center Congre- gational. Young Men's Christian .Association Building. Armsmear — Residence of Mrs. Colt. Armsmear. REStDENCE OF Mr. JaMES J. GoODWIN. Residence of Mr. S.amuel L. Cle.mens (Mark Twain). Residence of Mr. Chas. R. Forrest. Residence of Mr. \Vm. B. Clark. Woodside Seminary. Wadswcrth .\theneum — Free Public Library. State Street, from Main. Main Street, looking South fro.m City Hall. BusHNELL Park. Church of The Good Shepherd. Retreat for the Insane. St. Joseph's Cathedral. Trinity College. .(4iTNA Life Insura.nce Co.mpa.n'y. American Asylum for Deaf and Du.mb. Pope Manufaciuring Company. The Pratt and Whitney Company. Office and .4r.\iory, Colt's Patent Firearms Mfg. Co. Main Street — South End. Hartford Board of Trade Room and Power Company. Washington Street, looking South. Bushnell Park. Entrance to Cedar Hill Cemetery — Northam Chapel and Gallup Memorial. The Charter Oak — Charter Deposited 1687 — Tree De- stroyed 1856. t ,t Ml II, ItiTri Erfr 'ii-iiin[ II n h >-'' II [[ [[ t [ C 1 1 ( .. LU L L I State Capitol. 'i^ Soldiers and Sailors Memorial Arch. Memorial Arch and State Capitol. City Hall and Post Office. ^t^-. n ■'. ■ ,iM'jfJi::'.f'n>iSi, ■'^ r^lIi.*l!!Mffllil iti/i.<.i>j:niirii; ^■♦'r^-ii m It/ 1 %^ 4 J F- /i.?: W^ p "■ I ■i'VJK^^r *'*^fj The Pratt and Whitney Company. ■■S^"^, Office and Armory Colts Patent Fire Arm"^ Manufacturing Company. Main Street, South End. Hap ;^ Trade Room and Power Co. Washington Street, looking South. BusHNELL Park. Entrance to Cedar Hill Cemetery. (Norfham Chapel and Gallup Memorial.) THE CHARTER OAK. Charter Deposited 1687. -Tree Destroyed 1856. r ^!*i-' • ^>- 1m ^f^^M