TON AND THE HACK HAY WITH, THE COMPLIMENTS OF J. Iff. WDLCDTT, Frup. HDTEL TTENHDME, HDstnn, Mass., U.S.A. REED & LINCOLN, Publishers. Hotel Vendome, Boston, Jan. 30, '84. I hereby agree with Heed & Lincoln tliat they shall have the sole aad exclusive right and privilege of furnishing the Hotel Vendome with " Boston and the Back Bay/' the same beinj: a leatherette bound book, containing 96 pages, 5^ X -l inches, printed in minion type, cover in gilt, for one year from date of first publication , said book to be for free distribution among my guests. I further agree that no other publication of like character shall have such privilege during the period stated above. J. W. WOLCOTT, Propi-ietor^ Hotel Venoome, Boston, Jan. 20, '84. The manuscript copy of " Boston ami the Back Bay " has been this day submitted to, and approved by me. J. W. WOLt'OTT, Pi'oprietor. Hotel Vendome, Boston, Jan. 30, '84. In consideration of the exclusive right and privilege, we do herebj' agree to furnish the Hotel Vendome with " Boston and the Back Bay" for one year from date of first publication, for free distribution among its guests. LIBRARY OF CONGRESS. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. REED & LI^'COLX, Publisher H. osto:r AND THE C^i ACK C^i AY :■' 1834, / Boston, Mass., U.S.A. REED & LINCOLN, PUBLISHTCRP 14 State Street Copyright, 1884, by ReED & Lincoln, Boston, 2fass- '-m^ ^ REED & LINCOLN, — * PuI)Ii5lier5, *— 14 STATE STREET, ROOM 43. Messrs. Reed cf Lincoln are the publishers of "BOSTON AND THE BACK BAY," -VISITORS' GUIDE TO BOSTON/' "THE YEN DO ME GUIDE/' "TREMONT HOUSE/' "UNITED STATES HOTEL/' "REVERE HOUSE/' Etc., Etc. REED Sl LINCOLN, NO. 14 STATE STREET, ROOM 43, BOSTON, MASS,, U.S.A. INDEX Pagk. Annexed Towns 9 Arlington street 13 Arts and Sciences 37-41 Back Bay 9 Bostoa, Early History of . . . 7 Boylston street 13 Bridges • . . -11 Business Exclin:!?: '8 .... . 49-"il Cemeteries 53-7 Children's Ilosi^ital 1.5 Churches .51 Coaches 65-7 Columbus avenue 13 Coramouwcalth avenue .... 23 Courts 51-3 Everett, Edward, Statue of . . 21 Ether Monument 2! Ferries . 57 First Baptist Church 23 Foreign Consuls 57 Foreign Exhibition 1.5-17 Fort Hill 9 Glover, Gen. John, Statue of 23 Hack Fares Go Halla 69-75 Hamilton, Alex., Slatue of . . 23 Herdica 67 Horse Railroads 59-C3 Hospitals 69 Huntington avenue ilarkets Mass. Charitable Mechanics' Building Mill-Dam 5, National Banks Navy- Yard New England Manufacturers and Mechanics' Institute, etc Newspapers Paries, Squares, Statues, etc. . Post-Office Public Garden R.R. Depots Safe Deposit Vaults Savings-Banks Steamers (coastwise) Steamers (ocean) Sumner, Charles, Statue of . . Telegraph Offices Theatres Triuity Church Tiu^it Companies Veuclome Hotel Venus rising from the eca . . . "Waahiugton, Equestrian Statue of "Wolcott, Col Page. 13-17 15-17 11-13 43-7 77 17 79 rs-si 49 47 87-9 S9 21 91-3 89-91 9 49 ■25-33 19 19 H7iSSEy*f*Hai(PHy, E. W. J. P. ,W ^^^ ^^' .^^ ^A^^ ^^' .^\ vV -.9^' ^v <<■ ^^ G^^ ^^ s^^" • Collection and Carriers' JJelivery, Letters are collected from street boxes at tlie hours marked upon them — 8.30, 11.30 a.m., 2.30, 6, and 8 p.m. Collected from boxes at Station A, Roxbury Station, and from all red boxes at 6.30, 7, 8, 8.30, 9.30, 10.30, 11, 11.30 a.m., 1, 2, 2.30, 3.30, 4, o, 5.30, 6, 7, and 8 p.m. Sundays. — Collected from all boxes, 6 and 8 p.m. Midnight Boxes. — Sears' Building, Cambridge car-station, corner Tremont row and Pemberton square, corner Tremont street and Montgomery place, and Old South Church. There is no carriers' delivery on Sunday, but letters can be called for at the Carriers' Division between 9.30 and 10.30 a.m. RAILROAD DEPOTS IN BOSTON. Boston oc Providence. — Park square, near the lower end of the Common. Boston & Albany. — Corner of Kneeland and Lincoln streets. Boston & Maine. — Haymarket square, facing head of Wash- ington street. Old Cplony. — Kneeland, corner of South street. Revere Beach & Lynn. — Atlantic avenue, foot of High street. New York & New England. — Foot of Summer street, At- lantic avenue. Boston & Lowell, Eastern, and the Fitchburg. — All on Causeway street. DIRECTORY. 87 STEAMERS (COASTWISE). For Bangor and intermediate landings on the Penobscot river. — Boston & Bangor S.S. Co., steamers "Penobscot," "Katahdin," and "Cambridge," daily, at o p.m., from Lin- coln's wharf, 3G5 Commercial street. For Bath, Richmond, Gardiner, Hallowell, and Augusta. — Kennebec Steamboat Co., steamer " Star of the East," every Tuesday and Friday, at 6 p.m., from Central wharf, 244 Atlan- tic aA'enue. For Portland. — Steamers "John Brooks" and "Forest City," d.iily, April to September, at 7 p.m. ; September to April, at 5 p.m., from head of India Avharf, 288 Atlantic avenue. For Eastport, Calais, Me., St. John, N.B., Digby, Windsor, Halifax, N.S., and Charlottetown, P.E.I. —International S.S. Co., steamers " State of Maine," " Falmouth," and "City of Portland," Mondays and Thursday, at 8 a.m., from Commercial wharf. For Yarmouth, N.S. —Nova Scotia S.S. Co., Tuesdays, at 8 a.m., from T wharf, 178 Atlantic avenue. For Halifax. — Steamers " Carroll " and "Worcester," Sat- urdays, at 12 m., from Nickerson's wharf, east end of Congress street. For Digby and Annapolis, N.S. — Nova Scotia S.S. Co., from T Avharf, Thursday, 8 a.m. For Nahant. — During the summer the steamer " Nahant," from foot of India Avharf. For Gloucester. — Steamer " City of Gloucester," daily (ex- cept Sunday), from June 1st to Oct. 1st, 2 p.m., Central wharf. DIRECTORY. 89 For Nantasket Beach, Hull, Pemberton, Downer Landing, and Strawberry Hill. — Boston & Hinghara Steamboat Co., steamers ''Rose Standish," "John Romer," "Nantasket," "Twilight." and "William Harrison," during the summer, from Rowe's wharf, 340 Atlantic avenue. For Hull, Downer Landing, and Hingham. — Hinghara, Hull, and Downer Landing Steamboat Co., steamer " Gov. Andrew," Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays, at 9 a.m., from Battery wharf, 379 Commercial street. For Provincetown. — Steamer " Longfellow," from Battery wharf, Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays, at 9 a.m. OCEAN STEAMERS. For Liverpool: Allen Line. — Agents, H. & A. Allen, 80 State street. Cunard Line. — From Cunard wharf, E.B., every Saturday ; P. H. Du Vernet, agent, 99 State street. Warren Line. — Agents, Warren &, Co., 18 Post-office square. Leyland Line (weekly). — Agents, Thayer & Lincoln, 114 State street. Anchor Line. — Agents, Henderson Bros., 7 State street. For London : Furness Line. — Agents, J. B. Brigham & Co., 38 Central street. For Hull, England: Wilson Line (fortnightly). — Agent, George W. Preston, 97 State street. THEATRES. Boston Theatre. — Opened Sept. 11, 1854; is the largest theatre in New England, and one of the best appointed in the DIRECTORY. 91 world. Entrance on Washington street. Prices, $1.50 to 25c. ; general admission, 50c. Business agent, H. A. M'Glenen. The Globe. — "Washington street, near the corner of Essex. Tiie original building, erected in 1867, was destroyed by lire in 1873, the present structure being erected in the year following. Seating capacity, about 2,200. Boston Museum. — Tremont street. Erected in 1816, and justly renowned as being the home of William Warren, the favorite comedian. Seating capacity, 1,500. Prices, from $1 to 35c. Park Theatre. —No. 617 and 619 Washington street. Pro- prietors and managers, Henry E. Abbey and John B. Schoeffel. Bijou Theatre. — Opened in December, 1882, on the site of the old Melodeon Hall. Seating capacity, about 1.000. Howard Athenaeum. — Howard street. Seating capacity, 1,500. Prices, from $1 to 10c. Other Theatres. — Windsor, corner of Washington and Dover streets, G. E. Lothrop, manager; Halleck's " Alham- bra," South Boston Point, chiefly used in the summer; Dudley- Street Opera House, formerly Institute Hall, Koxbury District; Boylston Museum, Washington, near Boylston street; Oakland Gardens, Blue Hill avenue, Roxbury District, on the line of the Highland Street Railroad. TELEGRAPH OFFICES. American Rapid Telegraph Co. — 46 Devonshire, 110 High, 105 Summer, 31 Commercial wharf, 736 and 1615 Wash- ington, 7 Merchants' Row, 6 Berkeley, and 33 Milk. DIRECTORY. 03 District Telegraph Co. —31 State, 15 Commercial, 204 Con- gress, 12 Worcester, Brimmer and Chestnut streets, and Hotel Brunswick. Gold and Stock Telegraph Co. — 7 Merchants' Exchange. Mutual District Messenger Co. — Old State House, 623 and 1349 Washington street, Parker House, 77 Milk, 38 Broad, and 109 Atlantic avenue. Mutual Union Telegraph Co. —77 Milk, 38 Broad, and 20 Equitable Building. Western Union Telegraph Co. — 109 State, Merchants' Ex- change, Post-office, 31 State, 79 Bedford, Old State House, 15 Commercial, 23 Commercial wharf, 22 Devonshire, 9 City square (Charlestown ), 12 Worcester, 378 West Broadway, 10 Meridian, 204 Congress, Produce Exchange, 76 Commercial, 625, 1349, and 2350 Washington street, G8 and 106 *Chauncy, Kiverside, Mattapan, and at all the hotels and depots.