THE MORAVIANS NORTH CAROLINA. AN AUTHENTIC HISTORY. Rev. levin T.^REICHEL, OP SALESf, N. C. SALEM, N. C: 0. A. KEEHLN. PHILADELPHIA: J. B. LIPPINCOTT AND CO. 1851. A^^O^ CONTENTS PAGE 1. North Carolina in 1752 . 13 2. Wachovia . 22 3. First Settlement at Bethabara, 1753 . . 28 4. Indian War. Bethania, 1759 . 42 5. F. W. DE Marshall .... . 56 G. Salem, 1766 . 61 7. Friedberg, 1772 . 69 8. Frieoland, 1780 . 73 9. Hope, 1780 . 77 10. Revolutionary War . ' . 80 11. Half a Century, 1803 .... 96 12. Salem Female Academy, 1804 113 13. Indian Mission, 1801 .... 132 14. Negro Mission, 1822 . 139 15. Home Mission, 1835 .... 142 16. New Congregations, 1830 . . . , 149 17. The older Congregations, 1806 — 1856 . 154 IV CONTENTS. PAGE 18. List of Ministers and other brethren in the SERVICE OF the PROVINCE IN GENERAL, AND OF the Salem Congregation in particular 165 19. Ministers of the Country Congregations . 1G9 20. The Brethren's Unity 172 APPENDIX. 1. First Settlers 179 2. Churches and Public Buildings . . . 191 3. Houses built in Salem 196 4. Additions and Notes 200 THE MORAVIANS K NORTH CAROLINA. I. NOETH CAROLINA IN 1752. In 1749 the British Pariiament passed an act by which the TJnitas Fratrum, or Unity of the Brethren, was acknowledged as a Protestant Episcopal Church. By this act the free exercise of all their rights as a church was secured to the Moravian Brethren throughout Great Britain and all her colonies, a privilege which they did not then fully enjoy in any other European kingdom, and which is still denied to the church in certain other countries, even to the present day. During the protracted deliberations of the Parliament, which lasted from February 20th to 2 « 14 MORAVIANS IN NORTH CAROLINA, June 6th, and by means of many public documents collected in a folio volume as Acta Unitatis Fret- trum in Anglia, the attention of members of the Parliament, and other men of high standing, was repeatedly drawn to the Moravians, both as a church organization and as a social body. The ■testimony which Thomas Penn, proprietor of Pennsylvania, had given them in 1141, when the first act of Parliament was granted in their be- half, was abundantly confirmed, that they had conducted themselves as a sober, quiet, and reli- gious people, and had made many improvements in their settlements which eventually would prove beneficial to the whole colony of Pennsylvania. Hence it seemed desirable to induce them to make settlements in other countries also, and in- vitations and ofi'ers of various kinds soon came in greater numbers than could be complied with, for want of means and men. Some of these, referring to Nova Scotia and Maryland, were not entertained at all. Another one of the Duke of Argyle, who wished a settlement of .the Brethren in Scotland, led to no results ; another of Lord O'Neil led, in It 64, to the settlement of Grace- NORTH CAROLINA IN IT 52. 15 hill, in Ireland. But, for the present, the most acceptable offer seemed that of Lord Granville, President of the Privy Council, who was the owner of a very large tract of land in North Carolina, of which he offered Count Zinzendorf 100,000 acres on very reasonable terms. At a conference of the Brethren, held in Lind- say-house, London, November 29th, 1*751, it was resolved to accept this offer. The leading idea of Count Zinzendorf was the following : He de- sired that his Brethren might not only have an opportunity to be of spiritual benefit to such persons as in process of time might settle in their neighborhood, as well as to gain access to various tribes of Indians, such as the Cherokees, the Catawbas, the Creeks, and the Chickasaws, but his main object was to acquire the possession of a larger tract of land where the Moravians might live undisturbed, having the liberty of ex- cluding all strangers from their settlements. For this purpose it was resolved not to make the good quality of the land the principal object, nor to buy detached parcels of the best land, but rather to select an undivided tract of about 16 MORAVIANS IN NORTH CAROLINA. 100,000 acres. In the centre of this territory of the Brethren a town was to be laid out, contain- ing the choir-houses for single brethren, single sisters, and widows, the educational institutions, and mercantile establishments. In this central place were also to be located a preparatory school for ministers and missionaries, and the directing boards for the outward and spiritual affairs of the Brethren in this their own and independent country. Besides this one town, the rest of the territory was to be parcelled out to farmers be- longing to the Brethren's Church. According to an old plan in our possession, the little capital of this new Moravian country was to be built in a circular form, the eight-cornered church to form the centre, to be surrounded, in a large circle, by six choir-houses, an apothecary-shop, and a Mo- ravian inn ( Gemein Logis), between which build- ings were to radiate eight streets, each with twenty town-lots, to be interspersed with gar- dens and rows of shade-trees in double circles. This was the plan made in London by Count Zinzendorf and other Brethren, to whom North Carolina was terra incognita — an utterly unknown NORTH CAROLINA IX It 52. IT country. In order to select a tract suitable for the intended settlement, Brother Spangenberg, who was well acquainted with American alfairs, was sent in IT 52 to reconnoitre the country and act according to his own judgment. But before we accompany him on this journey, we will add a few words concernino: THE POLITICAL AND SOCIAL CONDITION OF NORTH CAROLINA IN 1752. North Carolina may justly be called the Old North State, containing within its borders the spot on which the first Anglo-Saxon ever landed; for in July, 1584, two ships fitted out by Sir Walter Raleigh, and commanded by Philip Ami- das and Arthur Barlow, dropped their anchors on the sandy beach of Roanoke Island (now Cur- rituck County, Xorth Carolina), and the land was formally taken possession of in the name of ''Elizabeth of England, as rightful queen and princess of the same." It was called Virginia, in honor of the virgin queen. The first settle- 2* 18 MORAVIANS IN NORTH CAROLINA. ment on Roanoke Island, attempted in 1585, was soon after abandoned, and no permanent settle- ment established there until 1653. Before this occurred, however, various parts of the present State of North Carolina had been explored by the settlers of Yirginia, and here and there might be found, in the midst of friendly Indians, small clearings of the white man, who had fled the religious persecution of his native country or the tyranny of a colonial governor. In 1663, King Charles IT. granted, by a pa- tent of March 24th, a part of Virginia, viz., "all the country between the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans, between 31 and 36 parallels of latitude," in his honor to be called Carolina, to eight noble- men. These eight proprietors were — Edward, Earl of Clarendon ; George, Duke of Albemarle ; William, Earl of Craven ; John, Lord Berkeley; Anthony, Lord A^shley ; Sir George Carteret ; Sir John Colleton ; Sir William Berkeley. NORTH CAROLINA IN 1*752. 19 These proprietors for a long time appointed the governors, by whom the colonies were some- times well, sometimes ill managed, but still con- tinued to increase in numbers and to expand in cultivated lands. By the influence of Lord Granville, son of Sir George Carteret, who died in .1696, the General Assembly passed a law in n04, by which the Church of England was acknowledged as the established church of the colony, and received privileges which were de- nied to all dissenters. This intolerant law pro- duced frequent tumults among the people. In the beginning of the next century a new element was introduced into the colony by the arrival and settlement of a considerable number of Germans and Swiss. Of the 30,000 Germans who had left their own country to seek their fortunes in the Far West, about 18,000 eventually settled in North Carolina. About the same time, Christo- pher, Baron de Graffenreid, received a grant of 10,000 acres of land on the Neuse and Cape Fear Rivers, and settled there a body of 1,500 Swiss emigrants, by whom the town of New Berne was founded. The seat of government 20 MORAVIANS IN NORTH CAROLINA. was at that time in Edenton, called so in l'r20 in honor of Governor Eden. In 1125 the boundary-line was run between North Carolina and Virginia, and in 1^38 the southern borders were more clearly defined, the people of South Carolina having already in It 19 revolted from the feudal sway of the lord pro- prietors, and expelled their governor. Westward the extent of this colony was as yet quite unde- fined. Both on account of the rebellion of the South Carolinians, and also on account of the compara- tively small revenues to be derived from these transatlantic estates, the lord proprietors accept- ed the proposals of the home government, and in 1129 surrendered their claims to the crown, receiving in return the sum of 2,500 pounds ster- ling each. Only John, Lord Carteret, Baron of Harnes, afterwards Earl of Granville, concluded to retain his eighth part, which was laid off for him in 1143, adjoining Virginia. It is rather doubtful whether Lord Granville ever fully un- derstood the extent of his American possessions, which were bounded on the north by the Yir- NORTH CAROLINA IN 1152. 21 ginia line, on the east by the Atlantic, on the south by a line in latitude 35° 34" from the At- lantic to the Pacific Ocean, and on the west by the Pacific. The number of inhabitants of North Carolina in 1Y29 scarcely amounted to 10,000, mostly scat- tered along the coast, in the three counties of Albemarle, Bath, and Clarendon. The immense territory of Lord Granville was for the most part an uninhabited and utterly un- known wilderness. In 1U6 Granville County was formed, and Anson County in 1149, which two counties contained the greater part of Lord Granville's vast possessions. In 1*753 Rowan County was formed from parts of Anson County, and comprehended most of the western part of the present States of :N'orth Carolina and Ten- nessee, covering the valley of the Yadkin, and extending to or even beyond the Mississippi. 22 MORAVIANS IN NORTH CAROLINA. 11. WACHOVIA. Bishop Spangenberg having accepted the ap- pointment of selecting in the trackless wilcls of western Carolina a tract of land of sufficient ex- tent for the purposes intended, left Bethlehem, in Pennsylvania, on the 25th of August, 1152. He was accompanied by the brethren, Henry An- tes, Timothy Horsefield, Joseph Miller, Herman Loesch, and John Merk, all on horseback. In Edenton, where they arrived September 10th, they were joined by Mr. Churton, the surveyor- general and agent of Lord Granville. They di- rected their course to the Catawba River, which they reached by the end of October, after great hardships. They had suffered more or less from fevers, especially Br. Horsefield, who had to be left at the last house they met, under the charge WACHOVIA. 23 of Br. Miller. Br. Spangenberg and his three companions, the surveyor, and two hunters, were now at the end of all civilization, but, provided with bread for fourteen days, they manfully en- tered the forest wilderness, scarcely, however, anticipating that they would be wandering about here nearly fourteen weeks. It would be im- possible to give an exact account of their wan- derings in these trackless mountain regions of western Carolina. Suffice it to say that about eight weeks were spent in the wilderness, on the Catawba River, the heads of the New River, the Mulberry Fields (Vilkes), and the mountains, in fruitless attempts to make a suitable selection; for all the tracts which they surveyed proved too small for their intended purpose. Meanwhile winter had set in ; their supply of provisions, though used very sparingly, was entirely con- sumed, and they had to rely on the exertions of the two huntsmen who had accompanied them. But even they, though well accustomed to the roving forest-life, became discouraged. Game was not as plentiful as might be expected, and the pasture for the horses became more scarce. 24 MORAVIANS IN NORTH CAROLINA. After three clays of fasting, two deer were sliot, whicli revived their strength and courage. Fol- lowing their compass eastward, they reached the river Yadkin by the end of December, and wil- lingly accepted the offer of some white settlers to spend a few days under their humble but hos- pitable roof. In their neighborhood, and by their direction, they found at last what they had been seeking for too far westward in vain — a larger tract of rolling woodland, well watered, and ap- parently v/ell adapted for their plans. December 2tth, lt52, at the southwest corner of the Wachovia tract, the surveyors commenced, and continued to January 13th, 1Y53. The tract, surveyed in fourteen parcels, contained "73,037 acres. Br. Spangenberg and his companions having returned to Pennsylvania, Mr. Churton subsequently surveyed five other parcels, amount- ing with the other to 98,985 acres. The whole tract was called Wachovia, or Wachau — the Aue (meadow-land) along the Wach (the principal creek) bearing some resemblance, on account of its watercourses and meadow-lands, to a valley WACHOVIA. 25 in Austria of the same name, which formerly was in possession of the Zinzendorf family. On August Tth, 1153, John, Earl of Granville, the proprietor, conveyed, according to the desire of Zinzendorf, by nineteen deeds, the title of this tract, lying in the forks of Gargalee or Muddy Creek, Rowan County, to James Hutton, of Lon- don, secretary of the Unitas Fratrum, or United Brethren. By dividing and subdividing the large county of Rowan, this tract has been successively in Rowan, IttO in Surry, 1*789 in Stokes, and since 1848 in Forsythe County. The purchase of Wachovia coinciding in time with the great financial embarrassments of the Brethren in England, precluded the possibility of their paying the purchase-money. In order to obviate this difficulty, and because the American Brethren were yet too poor to take the responsi- bility upon themselves alone, it was resolved to form a land company, with the view of opening subscriptions among the members and friends of the Brethren, in order to obtain funds for the 3 26 MORAVIANS In north CAROLINA. payment of the land, the discharge of the annual quitrent, the expenses of the first settlement, the transportation of colonists from Pennsylvania and Europe, &c. The subscribers were to be reim- bursed for their advances by receiving tracts of land in Wachovia, containing each 2,000 acres, provided they further bound themselves to con- tribute, 'pro rata, to the wants of the colony for five years from the time of its establishment. It was expected that the enhanced price of the land would eventually repay the outlays. On December 18th, 1753, Br, Spangenberg and Cornelius van Laer in Holland were ap- pointed directors of this company. Subscribers were obtained, though not as many as had been anticipated, and the purchase was effected. The centre of the tract was reserved for the Moravian settlements, and the whole plan gradually carried out in its main features, as will be shown in the sequel. For this purpose, F. W. de Marshall came to reside in North Caro- lina in lt68, as attorney of J, Hutton. In ltt9, Fy^ed. Will, de Marshall, the adminis- trator of the estates of the Unity in Wachovia, WACHOVIA. 27 became the legal proprietor of all the lands of the Brethren in North Carolina, James Hutton having by deed conveyed Wachovia to Marshall. This transfer occurred during the revolutionary war, and fears being entertained that by the con- fiscation act of North Carolina (HIT) the legal title might be invalidated, Hutton being an alien, tlie General Assembly of North Carolina in 1782 revested in F. W. Marshall, his heirs and assigns forever, the Wachovia tract and all other lands in North Carolina which had been acquired by the Brethren. After the death of F. W. Marshall, in 1802, the following Brethren held the ofSce of adminis- trator of the Unity Estates in Wachovia : — Christian Lewis Benzien, 1802 — 1811 ; Lewis D. de Schweinitz, 1812—1821 ; Theodore Schultz, 1821—1844; Charles F. Kluge, 1844—1853. His successor, Emile A. de Schweinitz, is the present administrator. 28 MORAVIANS IN NORTH CAROLINA. III. FIRST SETTLEMENT AT BETHA- BAR A.— 1753. The necessary preparations for forming a set- tlement in the distant forest wilds of the South having been completed, a company of twelve single Brethren set out from Bethlehem, Pa., October 8th, 1^53.^ ' Zuvor wurden sie durcli Pr. Petrus (P. Bohler) der Gemeine segnend empfolilen, und ihneu dabei zu- gerufen : — " Willst du kleine Kreuzes Caravane Wirklicli sclion von liinnen zieli'n, Nacli dem dir bestimmten richt'gen Plane, In den Nord von Caroline ? Willst dii dorten audi das Land erfreuen, Seel' und Glieder williglicli lierleilieu, FIRST SETTLEMENT AT BETflABARA — 1753. 29 Among these we mention especially — Bernhard Adam Gruhe, who was the first minister of the infant settlement. He had re- ceived ordination in Germany in 1740, had been actively and variously employed in Pennsylva- nia, and, after his return from Carolina, served there again as minister of different congregations till 1792. He died in 1808, at the advanced age of ninety-two years and nine months. As late as 1806, he expressed, in a letter to the father of the writer, the great interest which he took in the affairs of the Wachovia settlements. On his ninetieth birthday he ventured to walk from Bethlehem to Nazareth, a distance of ten miles, and a few days after returned on foot. Jacob Lbsch^ the great-grandfather of the Lash family of Forsythe County, born in the State of Ihm zu bauen eine Stadt, Nach dem Grundrisz, den er hat ? Nun so benadige dicli der Vater" u. s. w. Nach dem Kelch der Danksagung wurde ilmen der Kuss des Friedens ertheilt, dass sie fiihlen konnten : "Die Herzen der Gemeine sind wahrhaftig mit ihnen." 3* 30 MORAVIANS IN NORTH CAROLINA. New York, where his father had arrived in It 10, was intrusted with the management and superin- tendence of the . colony in its temporal affairs. He returned to Pennsylvania in 1169, and died in 1182. Hems Martin KalherlaJin, a Norwegian by birth, arrived in Bethlehem in September, having lived for several years in Herrnhaag, and cheer- fully accepted the appointment of surgeon and medical adviser to the first settlers. He died in 1759. The other nine Brethren were farmers and me- chanics, mostly immigrants from Europe. They were accompanied by the Brethren Na- thaniel Seidel and Joseph Haberland, from Beth- lehem, and Gottlob Konigsdorfer, who was on a visit in Pennsylvania from the European congre- gations. Their route led through the western part of Virginia. In a wagon with six horses they car- ried with them various articles needed on a long journey over roads seldom travelled. To provide food for their horses, some of their number would go to the different farms, sometimes ten miles off 31 their road, and help to thresh the oats, besides paying its full value. Not unfrequently they had to unload, and carry a portion of the load over the mountains. Sometimes the night set in be- fore this task was accomplished, and thus the company became separated, some passing the night in the wagon, others sleeping under their tent. They generally prepared their frugal mor- ning meal at three o'clock, and started by the dawn of day, after their regular morning prayer. Travelling by Winchester and Augusta Court- House,^ Ya., a small tow^n of twenty houses in the mountains, after crossing the Blue Ridge at Evan's Gap, and passing the Upper Sauratown, they arrived on the 13th of November on the northern line of North Carolina. On Saturday, the l*Jtk of November, at three o'clock P. M., they reached the spot where stands to this day the town of Bethahara, now commonly called Old Town ; thankful to the Lord for his gracious help and protection vouchsafed unto them during ' Now Staunton. 32 MORAVIANS IN NORTH CAROLINA. . their long and toilsome journey of nearly six weeks. Here they found shelter in a small cabin, built and previously inhabited by a German of the name of Hans Wagner, but then unoccupied. Though this cabin was very small, scarcely af- fording room for all to sleep in (Br. Konigsdor- fer, in his hammock, being suspended over the heads of the others), still, they were thankful for even this scanty shelter, and resolved to remain here for the present. The daily word of the church, appointed for the day, seemed very ap- propriate : I know where thou dwellest, Rev. ii. 13, even in a desert place. To which was added the admonition. Be ye of one mind. In the eve- ning, when keeping their first love-feast,^ they were forcibly reminded that it was a wilderness ' Br. G. Konigsdorfer opened tlie evening meeting with tlie following verse : — " Wir lialten Ankunftsliebesmalil Im Carolin'sclien Lande, Mit einer led'gen Briiderzalil, Die Er zum Pilgerstande FIRST SETTLEMENT AT BETIIABARA — 1753. 33 {ein iv'dster Ort), for they heard the wolves howl- ing round about their cabin. The next day, being Sunday, was a real day of rest to the weary pilgrims ; but on the following day they cheerfully went to work, some sharpen- ing their axes and preparing their hoes, others beginning to construct a bakeoven, one explor- ing the country to find a mill where they might buy some corn, &c., whilst the three clerical Brethren (X. Seidel, Konigsdorfer, and Grube) were busy in the house, preparing a kind of gar- ret with rough boards, where they could store their goods. Perceiving that the country was very thinly inhabited, and that they could not rely on others for provisions for any length of time, they imme- diately set about clearing some land ; eight acres having been selected for that purpose on the GezaMt hat unter Seinem Volk, Die alle Welt durclizieliet, Als wie die grosse Zeugenvolk, Die Niemand, als Er, siehet." Diary of Bethabara, 1753. 34 MORAVIANS IN NORTH CAROLINA. 19th, on the days following the clearing was effected and the ploughing done, so that on the 4th of December Br. J. Losch was able to sow the first wheat in this hitherto uncultivated soil. Four days after their arrival, November 21st, tho Brethren celebrated the Lord's supper, on which solemn occasion the Saviour manifested his presence in their midst so graciously, that their faith and hope were greatly strengthened, notwithstanding the prospect of many trials and difiQculties awaiting them in the prosecution of their labors. Difficulties of various kinds were not wanting. The Brethren N. Seidel, Konigs- dorfer, Haberland, and Lisher having left them for Pennsylvania, December 19tli, the remain- ing eleven Brethren made preparations for the coming winter. One was despatched to bring salt from Virginia, a distance of forty miles ; another went to the Dan River to buy oxen for winter use; while several took a two days' journey to the Yadkin, to buy flour and corn. They occasionally supplied themselves with game, such as the deer and wild turkey, and not un- frequently the present of a bear w^as received FIRST SETTLEMENT AT BETHABARA — 1753. 35 from a neighbor. Beaver, though scarce, were sometimes trapped, aud wolves and panthers were often heard close by at night. On Janu- ary 1st, 1754, their little cabin caught tire, which was providentially discovered, and extin- guished before much damage was done. A week later, one of their number was nearly killed by a falling limb whilst felling a tree. The great- est difficulty, however, was the want of house- room in their small cabin, which scarcely sufficed them, and proved quite too small when travellers wished to stay over night ; those who were inva- lids being attracted by the medical and surgical skill of Br. Kalberlahn, which was soon in great demand in the whole neighborhood, even to a distance of sixty miles. Money being scarce in the country, the Moravian doctor was paid in provisions of various kinds, or live stock, which materially assisted them in their general house- keeping. Their tailor, Br. Peterson, was also soon brought into requisition by the wants of the scattered settlers, who hitherto, if not desti- tute of clothing, were still in considerable straits, as their original stock was nearly exhausted, and 36 MORAVIANS IN NORTH CAROLINA. the use of the needle and the loom not yet intro- duced among them. One day, for instance, a young man by the name of John Williams, living seven miles distant, brought several deerskins, instead of linsey woollen, for his needful nether- garments. In order to be able to afford their visitors better accommodations, a second cabin was erected, with a shed of split rails and posts to serve as general sleeping apartments. The garden was laid out and fenced in, and roads cut through the woods. Thus passed the first winter of the Moravians in North Carolina. In April, 1^54, quite unexpectedly, in com- pany with John Lisher (who returned from Penn- sylvania), Br. John Jacob Fries arrived, being successor of Br. Grube, who was recalled to the North. Br. Fries, who was born in Denmark, where, previous to his emigration, he had ofii- ciated as an assistant minister, and was known as an accomplished scholar, especially in the He- brew language, was nevertheless a very humble servant of the Lord, ready to do the meanest service for his Brethren, and peculiarly adapted for such a station in the wilderness. He often FIRST SETTLEMENT AT BETIIABARA — 1T53. 37 referred to that time which he spent in this pa- triarchal housekeeping, amidst many toils and great privations, as the happiest period of his life. Utterly averse to all formality, he pre- ferred to be a free servant of the Lord, instead of accepting any permanent appointment. lie assisted in preaching and teaching whenever and wherever he thought he could be most useful, even unto his eightieth year. He died in 1793. One day a stranger arrived, embraced the Bre- thren most affectionately, and said that he also was a Brother and a servant of the Lord, Charles "Wesley by name. Br. Fries had his doubts about the truth of this story, and, after listening for a while to his religious professions, advised him in future rather to make horses and cows the subject of his conversation, which would suit him better, and do less harm to others. He had scarcely gone, when a friend of the Brethren, from the Yadkin, came to inquire how this pre- tender had been received by them ; confirming what Br. Fries had suspected, that he loved whisky more than his Saviour. In September, Bishop P. Bohler arrived, ac- 4 38 MORAVIANS IN NORTH CAROLINA. companied by Br. Hoger. During his stay, the name of Bethahara (house of passage, John i. 28, 2 Sam. xix. 19) was given to the new settle- ment ; still keeping in view, at a future day, the founding of a more central settlement, although it was resolved, for the present, to continue their present improvements. About this time more detailed surveys of the different parts of Wacho- via were made, and on that occasion names were given to the numerous watercourses, by which some of them are still known. The Cargel Creek was called Dorothea, in honor of Countess Zin- zendorf; the great Lick Fork was called '3o- hanna, Grave Fork was called Benigna, and the whole tract in cultivation received the name of Christiansburg, as most of the settlers had come from Christiansbrun, in Pennsylvania. Their number was increased, on October 26th, by the arrival of seven Brethren, led by Br. Christensen, who was to superintend the erection of a mill. A few days after their arrival a gene- ral muster of the militia took place. By act of Parliament, the Brethren were exempt from mili- tary duty, and their not participating caused the FIRST SETTLEMENT AT BETHABARA — 1753. 39 ill-will of their neighbors to be manifested in various ways. In order to vex the Brethren, the piece of meadow-land, just sown with grass, was selected and used for military exercises, which compelled the Brethren to repeat their work upon the land, and even to procure new seed from Pennsylvania. Some of the horses became frightened, and were not recovered until a week after. The Brethren meanwhile con- tinued their daily labor, and found opportunities to sell different articles, and thus to create a market for themselves. The necessity of erecting a suitable building having become more urgent by the arrival of these seven Brethren from Pennsylvania, on the 26th of November, 1754, the corner-stone of the first house erected by them in North Carolina was laid with due solemnity, thus providing for a habitation where these Brethren, all being un- married, might live together in Christian fellow- ship. On the 11th of March this building (a log house) was dedicated, during a visit of Bi- shop David Nitschman and Christ. Thomas Ben- zien, and soon after the Brethren moved into it. 40 MORAVIANS IN NORTH CAROLINA. It appearing desirable, according to the then existing customary division of the country, to have the district of Wachovia formed into a separate parish (for a separate county the num- ber of inhabitants was too small), Br. Christ. Thomas Benzien, secretary of the Wachovia Land Company, went to New Berne and obtained an act of Assembly, by which this district was de- clared a separate parish, by the name of Dobbs Parish, which name was retained until the year In the course of this year (1*755) the number of inhabitants was increased by the arrival* of twenty-three single Brethren and seven married couples, among whom was Clir. Heinr. Ranch, the first missionary among the Indians, as their spiritual guide. In the mean time the building of a grist-mill had been commenced, as well as a dwelling and meeting-house, the corner-stone of which was laid on October 25th. Both buildings were finished in the course of n56, the former proving of great advantage, not only to the inhabitants of the place, but to the whole neighborhood, both then, and subse- FIRST SETTLEMENT AT BETHABARA — 1753. 41 quently in times of scarcity. The seven married couples moved into the new building in Febru- ary, and here, on May 11th, the first child was born in Bethabara, and in holy baptism received the name of Anna Johanna Krause. In August, Bishop M. Hehl paid a visit, and introduced Br. Christian Seidel as German minister of Betha- bara, while Br. Gottloh Hofman had the especial charge of the single Brethren, in Br. Fries's place, who had returned to Pennsylvania. Br. C. H. Ranch being appointed missionary for Ja- maica, Br. and Sr. David Bishop assisted in the special care of souls among the married people. The number of colonists was further increased by new arrivals from Pennsylvania, amounting at the close of 1156 to sixty-five persons (eighteen married people, forty-four single Brethren, one boy, and two infants). Thus, the first difficulties of a new settlement in the forest having been overcome, more pros- perous times could reasonably be expected. 4* 42 MORAVIANS IN NORTH CAROLINA. lY. INDIAN WAH.— BETHANIA. 1759. The favoralDle prospects of the colony were for several years disturbed by the breaking out of the Indian war generally called the Old French War. This commenced in the northern colonies in It 55, and also affected the Brethren, ten Bre- thren and Sisters being murdered on the Mahony, November 24th, 1^55. Gradually it spread more to the south. In 11 bQ it was found expedient to fortify the new settlement by surrounding it with palisades, whence it was commonly called the Dutch Fort. The mill was also fortified in a similar manner. These fortifications, rude and imperfect as they no doubt were, soon became very important for the whole neighborhood. Many fugitives, even from distant parts of Yir- INDIAN WAR. — BETIIANIA — 1 750. 43 ginia, there found a place of refuge and a tempo- rary home, and at the same time an opportunity to hear the word of eternal life. Some of these afterwards entered into a more close connection with the Brethren. As yet there was no real danger. Occasional detached companies of Che- rokee warriors, as also several bodies of Creek and Catawba Indians, passed through the settle- ment, or encamped near the mill. Receiving plenty to eat, they behaved very well, and gave no cause for complaint. Sometimes they were accompanied by British officers, who paid for them. At other times, coming alone, with a passport of the English government, they were freely received and hospitably entertained (the government of North Carolina afterwards remu- nerating the Moravians). In consequence, Be- thabara became a noted place among the Indians, as the "Dutch Fort, where there are good people and much bread." Br. Ettwein, who had come from Bethlehem on a visit in 1158, took an espe- cial interest in them, and asked a company of sixty warriors whether they would like it if some of our young people should come to their coun- 44 MORAVIANS IN NORTH CAROLINA. try to learn their language ; to which they re- plied that they would be proud of it, it would be a very good thing. In HSt and 1^58 more than five hundred Indians passed through the settle- ment at various times. With Br. Ettwein, Br. Jacoh Rogers arrived in Bethabara in July, n58, having been appointed the first English minister of Dobbs Parish. He was a deacon of the Episcopal Church, had come to this country in 1152, and served as Moravian minister in Philadelphia and New York, and in Wachovia till 1162, when he returned to Eng- land. In consequence of the war, a famine prevailed in parts of North Carolina and the adjacent dis- tricts of Virginia, and many people resorted to Bethabara (some even coming the distance of one hundred miles) to purchase flour. The Bre- thren having, with the assistance of those who had found a place of refuge with them, cleared an additional sixty acres of land, were thereby enabled to supply them at the usual price; while, at the same time, they omitted no opportunity to point out to them the necessity of providing for INDIAN WAR — BETIIANIA. — 1759. 45 the wants of tbeir souls, and seeking to obtain the bread of life. Some of these refugees, who had become concerned for the salvation of their souls under the preaching of the Gospel, applied for permission to join the church. To accommo- date them, as well as others of the older settlers, who would have preferred their own housekeep- ing to the general family economy, the establish- ment of a new settlement was resolved upon. With a view to find a suitable location, Br. Spangenberg, who had arrived on an official visitation, June 3, lt59, with several others, went to the so-called "Walnut Bottom," about three miles northwest of Bethabara, and there, on the 12th of June, selected the spot on which the settlement was to be formed. Thirty town- lots and two tracts of bottom-land were at once surveyed and marked off by Br. Renter, as well as a number of acres of upland for gardens and orchards, and about two thousand acres set apart for the use of this congregation, to which the name of Bethania was given. It was resolved that eight married couples of the Bethabara congregation should form the nu- 46 MORAVIANS IN NORTH CAROLINA. cleus of this new settlement, and should be sup- ported for a year, until their houses could be built and some land brought into cultivation. The names of these first settlers, who built the lower part of the village, were — Gottfried Grabs, John Beroth, Balthasar Hege, Adam Kramer, Charles Opiz, Michael Ranke, Christopher Schmidt, Henry Biefifel. They began felling trees on July 10th, on the 15th the lots were distributed by lot, and on the 18th Br. Grabs with his wife occupied the first cabin erected there ; the daily word on that day being, I will fear no evil, for thou art with me, Ps. xxiii., which proved a word of much comfort to them amidst the horrors of a cruel war, and the consequent necessity of being on the alert both day and night. Besides these Brethren, eight neighbors were allowed for the present to occupy a number of lots in the upper part of the new settlement. These were — Martin Houser, and his two married sons, George and Michael Houser ; INDIAN WAR. — EETIIANIA. — 1^59. 47 Henry Spocnbauer; John Strup ; Philip Shaus; Frederick Shore, a widower, and his son, _ Henry Shore. In 1760, Br. D. Bishop moved to Bethania, to keep the daily meetings. About the time when the new settlement was commenced, and all was bustle and activity in the Black Walnut Bottom, an alarming sickness broke out in Bethabara, which proved fatal in many cases. In quick succession were called to their eternal home, Sr. Mary Rogers, wife of the English minister ; Sr. Maria C. Seidel, and her husband, Christ. Gottfried Seidel, the German minister, only forty-one years old ; Hans Martin Kalberlahn, the doctor; and five other single Brethren and one married Sister — mostly after a sickness of only three or four days. Fourteen more were very ill, expecting their departure also, and twenty had a less serious attack of the same fever. There were but nineteen who en- tirely escaped this epidemic. As their physician had been one of the first who departed, Br. 48 MORAVIANS IN NORTH CAROLINA. Spangenberg became not only the spiritual, but also the medical adviser of bis Brethren. In Br. Seidel's stead, John Ettivein^ who had returned to Pennsylvania, was recalled to Wacho- via. Accompanied by his wife, they accomplished the long and tedious journey on horseback. Dur- ing the trip, Br. Ettwein suffered much from a severe attack of fever. For the space of nine days he was daily compelled to lie upon the ground five or six hours, losing all consciousness from the severity of the fever, Sr. Spangenberg was also sick for several months, which obliged her husband to remain longer than he had in- tended. This was very fortunate, as he proved the very man to advise and direct his Brethren in the real difficulties and dangers of the Indian war, which recommenced in October, It 59. The Cherokees and Creeks having declared war against all the white people, and murdered seven persons near Fort Loudon, the North Ca- rolina militia was ordered to assemble in Salis- bury, in November, n59. The Brethren being exempt from military service, remained on their land, and Br. Losch received a commission as INDIAN WAR. — RETIIANIA. — IT 59. 40 captain of the " Dutch Fort" and governor of the watches in Bethabara and Cethania. Almost daily, either ]3r. Spangenberg or Br. Ettwein, accompanied by some Brethren, went to Betha- nia, one going and remaining there, the others re- turning. "On one occasion," Br. Ettwein relates (probal)ly in March, 1760), "when early in the morning the tracks of Indians had been observed, the accompanying Brethren w^ere rather fearful, because we generally rode quite slowly, and were talking among themselves how they might make Spangenberg ride faster. When they came to the dense woods, where the most danger was to be apprehended, Spangenberg said : 'You don't know how to ride; let me lead.' " Saying which, he set off at full speed, never stopping till they came to Bethania. There Spangenberg remained, whilst he returned to Bethabara, but was treated with less ceremony. "'It is not yet safe,' my companions said ; ' we must ride as fast as we can ; Spangenberg has also done so ;' and thus we were racing day after day." It was subse- 5 50 MOHAVIANS IN NORTH CAROLINA. quently proved that tliis precaution, as well as the orders of Br. Spangenberg to have the church- bell rung every morning at dawn of day, was not needless. Often in the morning the traces of In- dians were found quite near the houses, and it was afterwards ascertained, through some who had been prisoners among the Indians, that one hundred and fifty of their warriors had encamped for nearly six weeks about six miles from Betha- nia, whilst a smaller camp was only three miles distant. Several times they \vere on the point of attacking the Fort of the Dutch, but when they came near they heard the big bell, a sign that they had been discovered. Their design of taking prisoners between the old and new town had also been unsuccessful ; " for," as they ex- pressed it, "the Dutchers had big, fat horses, and rode like the devil." Thus, under the kind providence of God, no assault was made upon either of the two settlements ; but still a strict watch was kept by day and night, the new bury- ing-ground, which was cleared in December, 1757 (being situated on the top of a very high INDIAN WAR. — BETHANIA. — 1T59. 51 hill), proving a very convenient place for this purpose.* ' Hence called the Gutherg. The following hymn was composed by Br. Ettwein for the watchman, March 27, 17G0 : — " Die Loosung hiess : ' Sie liielten "Wacht Urn's Hause Gott's audi in der Nacht.' Da fall'n mir die Liturgi ein Die Briider, die bestellet sein Zii wachen um uns in Bethabara Und auch die draussen in Bethania. " Ich wiinsche Jedem, der da wach't Um die Gemein', bei Tag und Nacht, Ein klares Aug', ein leises Ohr, Ein muthiges Herz, wenn was kommt vor, Und dass eines der starken Engelein Mag immer mit ilim auf dem Posten seiu. " So wird, wenn auch des Satans Heer Der Wilden zehnmal starker war', Und Satan kame selber mit Zu attaquiren unsere Hiitt', Doch unser Hiiuflein in der Ruh' nicht Sturen, Dieweilen wir in Jesu Reich gehoren. 52 MORAVIANS IN NORTH CAROLINA. During this time, a man wounded by the In- dians arrived in Bethabara, with two arrows still in his body. He had started out, accompanied by two others, to obtain provisions from some of the neighbors, but suddenly they found them- selves surrounded by Indians, who, after dis- charging their guns without effect, attacked them with bows and arrows. His two companions were killed upon the spot; he himself, however, escaped, and, though thus wounded, reached and forded the Yadkin River, but, meeting Indians on the opposite side, recrossed the stream, and, after losing his way and wandering about twenty- four hours in the woods, he arrived at the Dutch Fort, where Br. Lash extracted the arrows, one of which had nearly pierced him through. A Baptist preacher, John Thomas, was killed near Abbot's Creek by the Indians. In a short " Wenn Gott nur immer mit uns ist, So kann uns keines Feindes List, Noch Zorn und Maclit liier etwas tliun, Wir konnen saiift mid selig riili'n ; Denn seine starken Helden lialten Waclit Und unsere Briider geben treulich aclit." INDIAN WAR. — BETIIANIA — 1759. 53 space of time no less than fifteen persons were murdered in the neighborhood. A fall of snow in March caused the enemy finally to retire, whereby quiet was restored, so that the blessed season for commemorating the Saviour's sufferings, death, and resurrection proved a time of rich spiritual enjoyment. On Easter-Sunday a company of Orange County riflemen, sixty persons, arrived, and requested Br. Spangenberg, as the German preaching was just closed, to preach again for them, in the Eng- lish language, with which request he cheerfully complied, selecting Acts ii. 36 for his text. The whole company, having laid down their arms be- fore the house, listened with awe and attention to the fatherly admonition of the venerable Bishop, whose words seemed to make a deep impression on many. On April 2Tth, Br. Spangenberg finished his labors in Wachovia, and returned again to Penn- sylvania. He left for Europe in 1762, where he served the Brethren's Unity as an active and influential member of the Unity's Elders' Confer- ence, nearly thirty years. lie died in Berthels- 5* 54 MORAVIANS IN NORTH CAROLINA. dorf, in Saxony, September 18tb, 1192, at the advanced age of eiglity-eiglit years. In n61, the war with the Indians was brouo-ht to a close. The South Carolina militia having entered, near Fort Prince George, the country of the Cherokees east of the mountains, burnt about eight hundred houses, and laid waste thirteen hundred acres of Indian-corn, the Indians were forced to sue for peace, while, at the same time, the transmontane Cherokees were subdued by the Yirginians. The latter were assisted by North Carolina troops, and supplied with large quantities of flour from the Bethabara mill. Peace being fully restored, in the following year (1762) a company of fifteen Brethren and Sisters arrived from Pennsylvania, by way of Wilmington, among whom were the Brethren John Michael Graff (died 1^82 as Bishop) and Abraham de Gammern, both appointed to offices in this settlement. They brought with them a small organ, the first in this place, an instrument at that time little known in the colony, and also a bell for Bethania. In July, eight couples were married, among them L. G. Bachhoff, minister of INDIAN WAR. — BETIIANIA. — 1750. 55 Betliania. Br. Ettwein undertook a long mis- sionary journey as far as Charleston, preaching and holding meetings wherever opportunity of- fered. At the close of the year the congregation of Bethabara numbered seventy-five, and Bethania seventy-two souls. 58 MORAVIANS IN NORTH CAROLINA. Y. FEEDEIC WILLIAM DE MAE- SHALL. In 1163, Br. Marshall was appointed Q^cono- mius of Wachovia, i, e. superintendent of all the temporal and outward affairs of the Brethren in these new settlements, which office he retained until his death in 1802. As he has certainly acted the most conspicu- ous part in the affairs of Wachovia, and may be called the founder of Salem, a short biographical sketch may with propriety find its place here. His father, George Rudolph Marshall, of Ilerrn Grosserstaedt, was an officer in the Saxon army. Having lost his right arm in Poland, and thereby disabled for active service, he became commander of the garrison of Stolpen, and afterwards of the fortress Konigstein. In the former town, Stol- FREDRIC WILLIAM DE MARSHALL. 5T pen, near Dresden, Freclr. \Yill. de Marshall was born, February 5tb, 1121. lie and bis tbree brotbers received a christian, but at the same time a very strict military education, by which be in early years was prepared for many hardships, and acquired those traits of punctuality and me- thodical order which were essential qualifications for his future usefulness. Ilis parents were desirous that he should enter the military service, or fill some office at the court of the King of Saxony. But the King of Kings bad selected him for his service as a soldier of the cross, and a champion of the truth, as it is in Christ Jesus. By means of a pious tutor, named Bretschneider, he was not only led to seek the Lord, but also became acquainted with the Bre- thren at Herrnhut. This acquaintance was cul- tivated and strengthened by a visit which he made to that place whilst a student at the Uni- versity of Leipzig. At the latter place he attended a meeting held by Count Zinzendorf, in which he felt the inward conviction that he would serve the Lord in the Brethren's church, for which purpose he studied the English Ian- 58 MORAVIANS IN NORTH CAROLINA. guage. At the especial invitation of Count Zinzendorf, he came to Herrnhaag in 1139, and soon after became a member of the Brethren's congregation. From this time forward he de- voted all his talents to the church of his adop- tion, and proved himself a faithful servant of the Lord for upwards of sixty-two years. According to his own calculation, he spent thirty-one years in the German congregations, fifteen in England, one and a half in Holland and Prussia, thirty-two and a half in North America, and fifteen months at sea. Concerning the earlier part of his activity in Germany and England, it will sufBce to say that preaching the Gospel, attending conferences and synods, and superintending the erection of large buildings {e. g. Lindsay-house in London), fully occupied his time, and often tasked his strength to the utmost. He took an active part in the negotiations with the British Parliament, to which reference was made at the beginning of our narrative. In 1^50 he married Hedwig Elizabeth de Schweinitz, who proved a faithful and efficient FREDRIC TVILLIAM DE MARSHALL. 59 helpmate, and departed Ibis life in It 05. His eldest daughter, Maria Theresa, married, in 17 1 7, Hans Christian Alexander de Schweinitz, the grandfather both of the present administrator of the Unity's possessions in Pennsylvania, E. A. Friiauff, and in North Carolina, E. A. dc Schweinitz. After the death of Count Zinzendorf, with whom he had been in the most intimate con- nection, and for years in daily intercourse, he became a member of the first Directorial JBoard of the Unity, and, as such, in IT 61, visited Penn- sylvania, to assist in dissolving the family eco- nomy existing in Bethlehem and Nazareth, and afterwards to superintend the settlement of the central town on the Wachovia tract. Being de- layed by the second Indian war of 1763, he could not venture to travel south before the fall of 1764. After returning to Europe, he in 1768 removed with his family to Bethabara. In 1775 he attended the General Synod of the church, held at Barby, in Saxony, where he was detained, on account of the revolutionary war, 60 MORAVIANS IN NORTH CAROLINA. until 1719, when be succeeded in reaching New- York, and afterwards Salem, in safety. There he remained, active, energetic, faithful, and self-denying, in the service of his Lord and Master, to the day of his departure, which took place February 11, 1802, six days after he had finished the eighty-first year of his pilgrimage on earth. The 14th of February — the day on which, thirty-seven years before, he had selected the site for the town of Salem — the same on which, thirty-three years before, he had reached Betha- bara with his wife — was the day of his interment in the shady grove of Salem's ''acre of God." SALEM. — 17 GG. Gl yr. SALEM.— 1T6G. Br. Marshall had been appointed director of the secular affairs in Wachovia, and Br. Ettwein his assistant until he himself could remove to the South. It had been recommended by the Gene- ral Board of the Unity that the place for the central settlement, Avhich, by direction of the late Count Zinzendorf, previous to his departure in May, 1760, was to be called Salem, should be determined upon as soon as possible. Therefore, in 1765, during the temporary presence of Br. Marshall and John Frommelt, a spot was selected which seemed suitable for the intended purpose. The situation was nearly central, between the Middle Fork, or Wach, the Brushy Fork, or Lick, and the Petersbach. The daily word on that day, February 14th, was very encouraging : 6 62 MORAVIANS IN NORTH CAROLINA. Let Thine eyes be opened towards this house night and day, even toward the place of which Thou hast said, My name shall be there. 1 Kings viii. 29. Meanwhile the number of inhabitants had been increased by new arrivals from Pennsylvania and from Europe. In 1164 two companies arrived from Pennsylvania, the first consisting of eight adult persons, the second of twelve youths, led by Br. Lawrence Bagge, who succeeded Br. Hoff- man as spiritual guide of the single Brethren. In January, 1766, the first company direct from Europe, consisting of one married couple and eight single Brethren, arrived, by way of Charles- ton. Four of these and four residents of Betha- bara removed on the 19th of February to a log house^ erected in the woods, for which the first ' This log house is still standing, though consider- ably enlarged, and used as a potter-shop. In June, 1766, the corner-stone was laid for the first family house, which was finished in August. Br. Prae- zel put up his loom there, and Charles Holder com- menced the saddlery business. This house is still SALEM.— ITGG. 63 tree had been cut clown on January Gth. On the following clay, the 20th of February, Br. Renter surveyed the ridge, and laid out the sciuare of the future town of Salera. The names of the first settlers were — Gotfried Praezel, from Europe. Niels Peterson, Jens Schmidt, John Birkhead, George Holder, from Bethabara. Jacob Steiner, " " Michael Ziegler, " " Melchior Rasp, Going to their solitary hut in the woods, they were so fortunate as to kill two deer, part of which Br. Peterson prepared for dinner. The first dwelling-house was finished in August. In October and November of the same year standing, and may easily be recognized by its dilapi- dated appearance. A two-story building, commenced in the same year, and finished the nest, served as a meeting-house till 1771. 64 MORAVIANS IN NORTH CAROLINA. two companies arrived from Pennsylvania, the first consisting of eight youths, four single Bre- thren, and one widower, the latter of sixteen Sis- ters or girls, accompanied by Br. Bichard Utley, who now entered as English minister of Dobbs Parish. Previous to this arrival, Br. M. Schropp had entered upon his duties as warden, Br. A. v. Gammern having been called to his eternal home the year before. Br. Ettwein, who had continued from time to time to visit in South Carolina, and embraced many opportunities for preaching the Gospel in the vicinity of the Congaree, Saluda, and Broad Kivers, after serving the Lord faithfully in various capacities for seven years, now returned to Penn- sylvania, having been appointed a member of the General Conference at Bethlehem. At the close of the year Bethabara contained one hundred and twenty-two inhabitants, and Bethania, eighty- seven. After the death of Br. M. Schropp, in Sep- tember, 11Q1, the Brn. Graff, Utley, L. Bagge, and J. Loesch formed a Diaconsis Conference, and managed the secular affairs of the three set- SALEM.— 1766. 65 tlcracnts till Br. Marshall arrived, ia 1168, ac- companied by Trangott Bagge, merchant, and several other Brethren from Europe.* Br. Marshall now entered permanently upon the duties -of his office, and under his energetic administration of affairs the work of the new ' In 1770 four single Brethren arrived from Europe. One of these, John Klein, appointed to superintend the outward affairs of the congregation of Salem as warden, whilst on a journey to Cross Creek (now Fayetteville), was drowned in attempting to ford Little River. His body was afterwards recovered and brought to Salem. Two others, T. Nissen (afterwards minister in Fried- land) and A. Brosing, experienced a remarkable pre- servation of their lives. Returning in a wagon from Salisbury, they found that the ferry-boat, on which they hoped to cross the river, had been taken away. The driver resolved to ford the river, though warned not to do so, as the water was very deep. They had scarcely entered, when the horses commenced swim- ming, and the wagon rolled over twice. The driver and three horses were drowned, but the two Brethren succeeded in gaining a footing on the top of the wagon, and remained in this perilous situation for two hours, until they were rescued by a canoe. 66 MORAVIANS IN NORTH CAROLINA. settlers progressed rapidly. In Htl Br. Paul Tiersch arrived as the first minister of the future Salem congregation. He was soon after followed by the Brethren John Lorez and Christian Gre- gor, from Germany, accompanied by Br. Ettwein, from Bethlehem. These Brethren, with Br. H. C. A. de Schweinitz, from Bethlehem, had been commissioned by the General Board of the Unity to visit the congregations in North America. During this visit several important changes were made. The superintendence of the affairs of Wachovia, hitherto vested in the General Board in Bethlehem, was transferred to a separate Board of Directors constituted for this province, con- sisting of the Brethren Marshall, Graff, Tiersch, and TJtley ; and the system of common house- keeping, hitherto maintained in Bethabara, and partly in Salem, was relinquished. In 1712 a separation of the two congregations took place, the majority of the inhabitants of Bethabara re- moving to Salem, which novf became the centre of trade and commerce in Wachovia. By these measures the original design of establishing one principal central congregation was carried out, SALEM.— 17 GG. BY nineteen years after the arrival of the first Bre- thren in Wachovia. At the close of 1712 the congregation of Sa- lem contained thirty-eight married Brethren and Sisters, two widows, forty-three single Brethren and youths, twenty-two single Sisters and girls, and fifteen children — one hundred and twenty persons in all. Among the married people were the following, as first settlers in Salem : — F. W. Marshall, director of outward affairs ; Kev. P. Tiersch, minister; Pvev. R. Utley, warden ; Pan. Schnepf; Matthew IMiksch ; George Holder ; Jacob Meyer ; Jacob Steiner ; Traugott Bagge, merchant ; John Henry Herbst ; Charles Holder ; Yalentihe Beck ; Philip Meyer ; Chr. Gottl. Pveuter : 68 MORAVIANS IN NORTH CAROLINA. Jacob Bonn, physician ; J. G. Stockburger; Gottfried Aust. In 1T73 Br. Graff moved from Bethabara to Salem. In June he had been consecrated a bishop of the Brethren's church in Bethlehem, by the Bishops M. Hehl and N. Seidel, and in October he ordained the Brethren L. G. Bach- hof and J. J. Ernst deacons of the Brethren's church, the latter being appointed minister of Bethania, and the former minister of the new congregation of Friedberg. FKIEDBERG. — In 2. 69 yii. FHIEDBERG.— 1772. In August, 1154, not quite a year after the arrival of the first Moravian settlers in Wacho- via, Adam Spach^ settled about three miles from tlie southern line of the land of the Brethren. In September (19th) he visited Bethabara for the first time, to become acquainted with his nearest German neighbors, and cut a road from his house to Bethabara. At a second visit, in December, he requested the Brethren from time to time to send one of their number to hold meetings in his house ; but, for various reasons, ' Adam Spach, bom in 1720, in Pfaifenhofen, Alsace, came in 1754 to North Carolina ; died in 1801, leaving nine children. His daughter, Johanna, born in 1766, is still living at Salem. *rO MORAVIANS IN NORTH CAROLINA. this request could not be complied with at that time. During the first alarms of the Indian war, he and his wife were among those who took refuge in the Dutch Fort. At his oft-repeated and urgent solicitations, Br. Bachhof visited Adam Spach on November 26th, n58, and preached in his house, eight Ger- man families having assembled there for the pur- pose. The commencement was thus made, and preaching at this place continued at intervals, the number of hearers gradually increasing, and at one time considerably augmented by the ar- rival of some families from Pennsylvania, pre- viously in connection with the congregations at Heidelberg and York, who now settled in this neighborhood. A meeting-house would have been built by them at once, if they could have received any promise or assurance of receiving a stationed minister. Thus matters remained until 1706, when, in answer to their petition, they received the promise that a minister should be stationed among them, which caused them to prepare im- mediately for the building of a meeting-house. FRIEDBERG. — 1112. Tl During the preparations of tlie building, Peter Frey died, and was buried in the present Fried- berg burying-ground. The house being finished, Br. Utley conse- crated the same on March lltli, 1160, and kept a love-feast for all those who desired to become members of the new congregation. On the 12th he preached publicly, and baptized two children, viz., Joseph Frey and John Walk. They now had stated service every four weeks, and very soon fourteen married couples pledged themselves to the support of a resident minister. Their names were — Valentine Frey, John Nicol. Boeckel, Christian Frey, Fred. Boeckel, _ Peter Frey, Jacob Graeter, George Frey, Martin Walk, George Ilartman, Peter Yolts, Adam Ilartman, Adam Spach, John Mueller, Christian Stauber. On February 18th, 1770, Br. L. G. Bachhof was introduced as their minister by the Brethren Graff and Utley. In January, 1772, this society was formally 12 ^lOllAVIANS IN NORTH CAROLINA. constituted a, INIor.ivian l>retlivcirs CongTcgaiion, by the name of Friedherg (hill of peace), in Avliich, besides the preaching of the Cospel and other means of grace, the sacraments were hence- forth regularly administered, the first comraunioii being held January Hth, l'[t2. In nC)8 (February 19th) the corner-stone was laid for a larger church, which was consecrated May 12th, ItSS, and served till 182t, when the present church was finished and solemnly dedi- cated. FRIEDLAND.— 1180. 13 YIII. FRIEDL AND.— 1780. In nC9, quite unexpectedly, six German fami- lies arrived from Broad Bay, in Maine. They originally belonged to a larger company of emi- grants from the Palatinate and Wurtemberg, who, about the year 1138 or 39 had landed near Broad Bay and the Muscongus River, in the province of Maine. There they had settled, and founded the town of Waldoboro', so called in honor of the principal original proprietor of the soil. General Waldo. They were Protestants, either Lutherans or German Reformed, but for a long while destitute of the means of grace. Since 1162, Br. George Soelh, who, before he entered the church of the Brethren, had been a Lutheran pastor in Denmark, visited them from time to time. Thus they became acquainted 1 ^4 MORAVIANS IN NORTH CAROLINA. with the Brethren, and soon began to build a meeting-house, with a view of retaining Br. Soelle there as their resident minister. But as there were legal difficulties concerning their title deeds, and they could not enjoy full religious liberty, they resolved, according to Br. Soelle's suggestion, to emigrate to North Carolina. Having been shipwrecked on the coast of Yir- ginia, they arrived, by way of Wilmington, in November, n69, on the Wachovia tract, poor, wayworn, and many of them in ill health. As the Brethren had not been apprized of their intentions, no preparations had been made for them. Some found a temporary home in Bethabara, others in Salem, where some new houses were yet unoccupied. In the following year they were joined by another company of eight families, with whom. Br. Soelle arrived."^ Not wishing to remain in Salem, they resolved ' The last survivor of these first settlers, Elizabeth Ilein, late Vogler, died near Friedland, April 7th, 1855, at the advanced age of eighty-five years and three months. FRIEDLAND. — IT 80. tS to commence a settlement of their own on the southeast corner of the Wachovia tract, where nine lots, of two hundred acres each, were sold to them, and thirty acres in the centre being reserved for a meeting-house and school pur- poses. In 1T71 nine houses were finished and occupied, and the settlement received the name of Friedland (land of peace). In February, 1772, the corner-stone was laid of the house destined for church and school pur- poses. This house was consecrated to the wor- ship of the Lord on the 18th of February, 1775, and Br. Tycho Xissen was introduced as minis- ter. The names of the members of this society in connection with the Brethren's church were — John Peter and Elizabeth Kroehn, Michael and Catharine Rominger, Christopher Philip and Barbara Yogler, Melchior and Jacobina Schneider, Frederick and Salonn Kuenzel, Michael and Elizabeth Seiz, Jacob and Barbara Rominger, Frederick and Anna Maria Miller, Jacob and Maro-aret Hein, 1 6 MORAVIANS IN NORTH CAROLINA. Peter and Elizabeth Schneider, John and Catharine Lanius, Peter and Elizabeth Fiedler, George Frederick and Gertrude Hahn, Jacob and Elizabeth Ried. In September, 1Y80, this society, which had meanwhile increased to forty persons, received a regular constitution as a congregation in fall communion with the Brethren's church. HOPE. — 1780. 11 IX. HOPE.— 1780. As early as the year 1T58, the Brethren Ro- gers and Ettwein had kept meetings on the southwestern borders of Wachovia, having been invited there by Christopher Elrod and John Douthit, who had enjoyed the protection and hospitality of the Brethren whilst fugitives to the "Dutch Fort" during the Indian war. They repeatedly expressed their desire of entering into a more close fellowship with the Moravian Brethren, and soon attached themselves to the congregation at Friedberg. But as this was an entirely German congre- gation, they desired to have an English Brother residing in their midst. After some years, their numbers increased by the arrival of several En-g- T8 MORAVIANS IN NORTH CAROLINA. lish families from Carrol's Manor, in Marjlancl, where Br. Joseph Powell had preached the Gos- pel to them for some years. These were followed by others a year or two later, all settling in the southwest corner of the Wachovia tract, near the Muddy Creek. For the time they partici- pated in the enjoyment of the means of grace at the neighboring congregation of Friedberg, the Brethren Utley and Soelle attending to the Eng- lish part of the congregation. In 1775 the building of a meeting-house at Hope was commenced, but not completed until the spring of 1780. On the 28th of March, 1780, the house was solemnly dedicated to the worship of God, and Br. John Christian Fritz placed in charge of the little flock of Christ, which was, on the 28th of August following, fully constituted a congrega- tion of the Brethren's church. On this day, the 28th of August, 1780, two married couples, viz., John and Mary Padgett, and Benjamin and Mary Chitty, were added to the congregation ; and on the 24th of September the first children, William Pettycord and Elizabeth Ellrod, were baptized. HorE.— ItSO. TO The holy communion was administered for the first time on October 14th, to eight communi- cants. The burial-ground at Hope was laid out dur- ing the same year. 80 MORAVIANS IN NORTH CAROLINA. X. EEVOLUTIONAEY WAR. The Moravian Church, as a body, has always endeavored to abstain from any participation in the political movements of the diiferent countries to which the Lord in his providence has led them. Without prescribing anything in this respect to the individual members of the church, leaving it to every one to cherish monarchical or republican sentiments, to be unbiased in his po- litical views, the church and all its governing bodies have ever acknowledged and acted upon the plain Gospel principle of submitting them- selves to every ordinance of men for the Lord's sake, 1 Peter ii. 13; and, as faithful and loyal subjects, conscientiously to obey the laws of the land in which the Lord has placed them, and to love and honor their rulers and governors. REVOLUTIONARY WAR. 81 Being conscientiously averse to bearing arms and taking oaths, tliey — in the earlier times of the renewed Brethren's church — would never re- sort to violent measures for redressing their own grievances, nor participate in any measures of this kind adopted by others. They therefore endeavored everywhere to com- ply with the apostolic exhortation, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giv- ing of thanks be made for all men, for kings and for all that are in authority, that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life, in all godliness and honesty. 1 Tim. ii. 1, 2. Moreover, in {jreat Britain and all the English colonies they received important privileges by the act of Parliament of 1149. It was then enacted, "That from and after the 24th day of June, 1149, every person being a member of said Protestant Episcopal Church, known by the name of Unitas Fratrum, or the United Brethren, and which church was formerly set- tled in Moravia and Bohemia, and are now in Prussia, Poland, Silesia, Lusatia, Germany, the United Provinces, and also in His Majesty's 82 MORAVIANS IN NORTH CAROLINA. dominions, who shall be required upon any lawful occasion to take an oath in any case where by law an oath is or shall be required, shall, instead of the usual form, be permitted to make his or her solemn affirmation or de- claration in these words following: 'I, A. B., do declare, in the presence of Almighty God, the witness of the truth of what I say.' Which said solemn affirmation or declaration shall be adjudged and taken, and is hereby enacted and declared to be of the same force and effect, to all intents and purposes, in all courts of justice or other places where by law an oath is or shall be required within the kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, and also in all and every of His Majesty's colonies and dominions in America, as if such person had taken an oath in the usual form." Furthermore it was enacted, "That every mem- ber of the said church or congregation, resid- ing in any of His Majesty's colonies in Ame- rica, who shall at any time after the said 24th day of June, 1749, be summoned to bear arms or do military service in any of His Majesty's REVOLUTIONARY WAR. 83" said colouies or provinces of America, shall, on bis application to the governor or com- mander-in-chief of the said colony or province, or to such officer or person by whom such per- son shall have been summoned or required to serve or be mustered, be discharged from such personal service : Provided, That such person, so desiring to be discharged from such per- sonal service, contribute and pay such sum of money as shall be rated and assessed on him in lieu of such personal service, so as such sum shall be rated, assessed, and levied, and be in such proportion as is usually rated, as* sessed, levied, and paid by other persons resid- ing in the same colony or province, who are by reason of age, sex, or other infirmity un- able to do personal service, and who are pos- sessed of estates of the same nature as the persons desiring such discharge." Further it was enacted that this privilege should be extended only to those who could pro- cure a certificate, signed by a bishop or pastor, proving their church-membership. Now, when in ^768, by the many acts of op- 84 MORAVIANS IN NORTH CAROLINA. pression on the part of Governor Try on, the associations of the " Regulators" were formed, the Moravians in North Carolina took no part whatever in these movements, either for or against the governor, or the Regulators. Hence they were looked upon with a suspicious eye by both parties. In ITH civil war was fully de- clared. Many deserted their plantations to join the army, which was collecting near New Garden, Guilford County, to fight against the governor, and publicly declared that the Moravians, and all those who had not assisted them, should after harvest give the half of their produce to those who had done the fighting. At the same time it was insinuated to the governor that the Brethren secretly supported the Regulators. On May 16th a battle was fought on the road leading from Hillsborough to Salisbury, five miles west of the Great Alamance River, the forces of the Regulators being about two thousand men, those of the governor eleven hundred. The action lasted about two hours, and resulted in the total defeat of the Regulators. On his march westward, th% governor reached REVOLUTIONARY WAR. 85 Betliabara on June 4tb, and encamped there with his army several days. About three hun- dred horses enjoyed the fine crop of grass in the hirge fifty-acre meadow, for which, however, the Brethren were paid. The Brethren refrained, for conscience sake, from taking any active part in the struggle for independence. But, at the samq time, they were perfectly willing to bear their part of the bur- den imposed by the troubles of the war on the land of their adoption. In the beginning of ITYG some from these parts joined the army collecting at Cross Creek (now Fayetteville) to oppose the Highlanders, who had come to the support of Governor Josiah Martin. During this time some wagons from the Moravian settlements were sent to Cross Creek for salt. Being seen there, the report was spread that, under the pretence of bringing salt, munitions of war had been carried up the coun- try, and secreted in the Moravian settlements. Thereupon, after the battle of Moore's Creek, in which the Tory army was defeated, the Com- mittee of Safety, at Salisbury, sent a commis- 8 86 MORAVIANS IN NORTH CAROLINA. sion, consisting of seven officers and sixty men, to investigate the trutli of the report. Febru- ary 14th and 15th the three Moravian towns were visited, and the officers had abundant op- portunity of convincing themselves of the per- fectly peaceful character of the inhabitants. The Brethren, on their part, gave them a written declaration that they would submit to all re- quirements of the existing government of the province, but should not meddle in any way with the political movements of the country. The commissioners, on their part, gave them a cer- tificate that the rumors referred to above were ungrounded, and that no one should molest the Moravians. Soon after. Bishop Graff was cited to appear before the Committee of Safety, in Salisbury, to answer for an intercepted package from Europe; which, however, contained nothing of a political nature, but only the regular ac- counts of other Moravian settlements. In im the Brethren were required to take part in the military service. They objected, from conscientious motives, declaring again that they should not refuse any tax or contribution REVOLUTIONARY WAR. 8T laid upon them by the existing government. This tax was a heavy burden, especially as the price of provisions was very high, corn selling at eight shillings, and salt at six pounds tea shillings per bushel. But still more trying was the so-called " Test Act," of nV5, requiring of every one an oath of fealty to the Government of the United States, and connected with it an oath of abjuration to King George. In case of refusal, expatriation and confiscation of property was threatened. On this account, the Brothers T. Bagge and Blum were sent in August with a petition to the State Assembly which held its sessions at Hills- borough, by which, however, only so much was obtained, that the enforcement of this act should be postponed till the following year. A Brother was sent to Bethlehem to consult with the Bre- thren there, who were in the same difficulties and at a loss how to act. Meanwhile many, espe- cially the younger portion of the Moravians, voluntarily took the State oath, whilst the older and most influential members refused to do so. Some of the neighbors, believing that the 88 MORAVIANS IN NORTH CAROLINA. Moravians would surely be driven from the coun- try, began to enter different parcels of their lands, supposing that no lawful deeds were in existence ; and even the town plots of Salem and Bethlehem, as also the two mills, were entered by some specu- lating neighbors at the rate of 50 shillings, Con- tinental money, for 100 acres. That there was considerable danger of the Moravians losing the title of their land there is no doubt, especially as the transfer of the legal title from James Hutton, of London, to Fred. W. Marshall, a naturalized citizen of North Carolina, had taken place after the passage of the Confiscation Act of North Carolina in 1111, and the legal proprietors were, at that time, absent in Europe. But the wisdom of this world is often con- founded by the simple faith of the children of God. When the Wachovia land had been bought from Lord Granville, Count Zinzendorf, against the advice of learned men of the town, insisted on it, that the nineteen original deeds should be given to J. Hutton "in trust for the Unitas Frafrum,^^ which deed of trust made it apparent now that the Confiscation Act could not well, in REVOLUTIONARY WAR. 89 right and equity, be extended to the Moravian lands. Still, it was a time of perplexity and great anxiety for those Brethren, who, in the absence of Brother Marshall, had the management of the outward affairs of the church. Meanwhile, it was a matter of great thankfulness that a peti- tion sent to the State Assembly in Halifax, handed in by the Brethren Praezel and C. Hecke- welder, in January, 1179, was favorably received, and the resolution was passed: "that if the Moravians would render the prescribed affirma- tion of fealty to this and the other United States of America, they should remain in the undis- turbed possession of their property, also be ex- empt from all military service, but instead of it pay a twofold tax." According to this decision, all the Brethren, who had not yet taken the Test Oath, by their solemn affirmation before Justice Dobson, de- clared their fealty to the United States, and re- ceived certificates to that effect. To aggravate their troubles, the seasons were unpropitious, the price of provisions increased, 90 MORAVIANS IN NORTH CAROLINA. whilst the value of the paper currency was re- duced to only four pence for the dollar. Apples and peaches froze in the bud, and the wheat was greatly injured by mildew, and the corn crop in some localities totally failed. Salt was sold at eighty shillings Continental money, or forty shil- lings, specie, per bushel; iron at sixteen pence per pound. Besides this, the smallpox spread in Salem, brought there by a company of cavalry of the Pulaski Legion, which had remained there for several days. No less than forty persons suffered from this disease, of whom, however, only two died. In the fall of the year. Brother Marshall ar- rived, having been detained in Europe by the • war since lYt5, and was followed in spring of 1^80 by Bishop J. F. Reichel, who was sent by the General Board of the Unity on an official visitation of all the Moravian congregations in North America. By his judicious councils and fatherly admonitions, the difficulties which had arisen here, as well as in the congregations at the North from conflicting political views, were gradually overcome ; and be it said, in honor of REVOLUTIONARY WAR. 91 tlie German Brotlier, brought up in a monarclii- cal country, that by his clear perception of the state of affairs, and sound judgment, he succeeded in reconciling many whose conscientious scruples had left them in much perplexity. His labors were signally blessed by the Lord, and the harmony was restored, which is so essen- tial to the welfare of a Christian community. During Brother Reichel's visit, the monthly con- ference of the ministers of the country congrega- tions was instituted at Salem, Sept. 15th, 1*180, which has been continued ever since. Friedland and Hope received their full organization as Congregations of the Brethren. Of the incidents of the revolutionary war, the following interesting particulars have been pre- served, which, in their details, prove sufficiently that our fathers conscientiously refrained from any participation whatever in it. In June, 1*780, more than a thousand Tories assembled in the neighborhood of the Moravian settlements, committing many acts of violence. To oppose them, the militia was collected every- where, which scoured the country, taking horses. 92 MORAVIANS IN NORTH CAROLINA. rifles, and provisions at tlieir pleasure. The Moravian settlements were often visited. Mean- while, 3000 Continental troops had assembled at Cross Creek, and were joined by tOOO militia, to march against the English. For their support, supplies from the newly gathered v.iieat were ordered, which, in Salem and neighborhood, were collected by an officer and sixty men. Wagons and horses were also taken, to convey the flour to the army. In the disastrous battle of Camden, in which General Gates was totally defeated, some of our wagons and horses were lost, of which six belonged to the Brethren of Bethania. In August, several hundred men of the A^ir- giiria militia, as scouting parties were quartered at Bethabara. The military possession of the place lasted three weeks, causing great scarcity of provisions and suffering to the Brethren. On Sept. loth, Brother Fritz received at Hope a visit of sixteen horsemen, who were provided for by him. In October, a party of 500 militia made Betha- nia their head-quarters. Soon after, 300 prison- ers, anion q; whom were 50 En^-lish taken near REVOLUTIONARY WAR. 93 King's Mountain, were brought and kept there nineteen days, until all provisions to be found in tlie place were consumed. lu n81,the Brethren had abundant cause of appreciating the truth of the promise : lie shall deliver thee in six troubles; yea in seven there shall no evil touch thee. Job v. 19. For when, in the first months of the year, the theatre of war came nearer and nearer to the Moravian settlements, still no actual hostilities occurred on the Wachovia Tract. January tth, 22 men, 40 horses, and 2 baggage wagons of General Greene's division were quar- tered in Salem, and remained there till February 4th. January 12th, a committee of four Brethren was appointed, to care for the military affairs, by whom a barrack was erected at some distance from the town, where a military store was kept for some time. This military store, and a hospi- tal, which had been erected in Salem, were re- moved on February 5th, the Friedberg and Be- thania Brethren furnishing wagons. On the same 94 MORAVIANS IN NORTH CAROLINA. day, General Pickens's corps encamped near Be- thabara. February Yth and 8tli, several hundred men of Wilkes County (N. C.) and of Georgia militia passed through Salem. On the 9th of February, the British army under Lord Cornwallis encamped in Bethania, and passed the next day through Salem and the Friedland settlement, which proved a rather ex- pensive visit, Bethania alone losing 23 horses, 30 head of cattle, and all their poultry. Soon after the Wilkes County militia paid a second visit to Salem and Bethabara. In November, 63 members of the Assembly, with the newly elected governor, Alexander Mar- tin, of Guildford County, spent several weeks in Salem for the purpose of holding, their session, which, however, failed for want of a quorum. In January, 1182, this visit was repeated, and the members of the Assembly had abundant op- portunity of making themselves fully acquainted with the religious and social state of the Mora- vian settlements. This was important for the Brethren, and REVOLUTIONARY WAR. 95 proved of advantage in obtaining an especial Act from tlie Legislature of North Carolina assem- bled at Ilillsboro', by which F. W. Marshall was duly acknowledged as the proprietor of the Wa- chovia Tract, and all the lands which had been acquired by the Brethren in North Carolina. Brother Traugott Bagge was elected member of the Assembly, auditor, and justice of the peace. In this year the faithful pastor of the Salem congregation, Brother J. M. Grafl", the first bi- shop ever residing in any of the Southern States, departed this life. In 1783, the solemn thanksgiving day for the restoration of peace, was celebrated on July 4th with great joy and gladness of heart, and with especial gratitude to the Lord for all his mercies and providential preservations during these try- 96 MORAVIANS IN NORTH CAROLINA. XT. HALF A CENTURY.— 1803. Early in the morning of January 31st, HSl, tlie cry of fire disturbed the peaceful slumbers of the inhabitants of Salem. The tavern was in flames, and the inmates. Brother and Sister Meyer, with their children, and Brother Holland had barely time to escape. The kitchen build- ing was destroyed, but the stables and other out buildings were saved. The timber and other building materials, which had been prepared for the erection, during this year, of a building for a " Single Sister's House," were now used for the re-construction of the tavern, and the erec- tion of the sister's house deferred until the follow- ing year. In September, 1*784, Br. Jolin Daniel Kohler arrived from Europe, as minister of the congre- gation at Salem. He was accompanied from HALF A CENTURY. — 1803. 9T Litiz, Pa., by Brother Simon Peter, who took charge of the congregation at Friedberg. In company with Brother Kohler from Europe were also Brother and Sister John and Benigna de Watteville, who were deputed by the General Board of the Unity to pay an official visit to all the American congregations. They sailed from the Texel (Holland), September 2Tth, 1183, and arrived off Sandy Hook in November, but a con- tinuation of severe northwest storms, rendered all their attempts to land at New York fruitless, so that they finally resolved, in January follow- ing, to sail to the West Indies. On the Hth of February, n84, they stranded on a cliff near the Island Barbuda, which they reached in boats with difficulty. The governor of the island assisted and entertained them kindly. From Barbuda they proceeded to Antigua, and thence to Phila- delphia and Bethlehem, which place was reached June 2d. After having visited all the northern congre- gations. Bishop Watteville proceeded to the south and arrived in Salem October 23d, 1785, where he remained till April 26th, 1*786. During his 9 98 MORAVIANS IN NORTH CAROLINA. stay, a Board of Directors for this province was recognized, and called the Provincial Elders' Con- ference, consisting of the Brethren Marshall, Kohler, Praezel, and Benzien. This directing Board resolved to erect at Bethlehem, a new church building, in connection with a dwelling for the minister. The site thereof having been determined upon, the corner-stone was laid on April 8th, 1*185. The Lord's blessing accompa- nied this undertaking in such a manner, that, notwithstanding the apparent insufficiency of means, through the active Christian zeal of the people, this church-building was ready for con- secration before the close of the year, its solemn dedication to the worship of the Triune God taking place November 26th, 1788. The daily word of the church : Thus saith the Lord of Hosts: My cities through prosperity shall yet be spread abroad, afforded promise of his aid and blessing in days to come. A large num- ber from the other congregations were present on the occasion, participating in the blessing, attending the various meetings during the day. On the following Sunday, tlie 30th, the first HALF A CENTURY. — 1803. 90 public preacliing was hold in the new church, Brother Kohler delivering the first sermon in the German, and Brother Fritz, assistant minis- ter in Bethabara, preaching in the English lan- guage. Many of the neighbors were present, the whole number being about GOO, whose at- tention during service, and subsequent declara- tions indicated that the Spirit of God had borne testimony to the word of the cross. The General Synod of the Brethren's Unity, held at Herrnhut, Germany, in 1V89, which Br. Benzien attended as delegate of the Wachovia Conferences, resolved upon the establishment of a Moravian congregation in South Carolina. This was to be undertaken in compliance with one of the many invitations which, since the close of the war, had been extended to the Brethren to increase the sphere of their usefulness. The Hon. Henry Laurens, formerly President of Con- gress, and one of the commissioners for the United States at the peace of Paris, had long been well acquainted with the Brethren at Sa- lem. Whilst visiting in Bethlehem, Pa,, during the war, he held friendly intercourse with Bishop 100 MORAVIANS IN NORTH CAROLINA. Ettwein, and proposed to him an establishment of the Brethren in South Carolina, for which purpose he made both verbal and written pro- mises to convey to them, by deed of gift, two thousand acres of land in the district of Ninety- Six. This district embraced the northwestern part of the State of South Carolina, deriving its name from a military fort built in the Indian wars, about ninety-six miles from Orangeburg. On its site now^ stands Cambridge, in Abbeville Dis- trict. To comply with the direction of the General Synod, the Brethren Marshall and Benzien un- dertook a journey to this then wdld and unsettled region in November and December, 1190. They first visited Mr. Laurens at his rice-plantation on the Cooper Eiver, nine miles from Monk's Corner ; then his partner, John Lewis Gervais, in Charleston, by whose assistance they were conveyed to the agent in Abbeville District, Major Bowie. After a difficult journey through swamps and over almost impassable roads, they reached, on December 10th, the wilds of Long HALF A CENTURY. — 1803. 101 Cane Creek and Reedy Branch, where Major Bowie assisted them in selecting, from the five thousand acres belonging to Mr. Laurens, a tract of two thousand acres which seemed well adapted for a settlement, distant about twenty- five miles from the Savannah lliver. As the season was already far advanced, the survey could not at the time be made. They thereupon returned home. Major Bowie promising them that as soon as practicable he would have the survey completed. Before this was accomplished, however, Mr. Laurens died ; and as by his last will and testament all his property was be- queathed to a grandchild, without any provision being made therein for the proposed grant and settlement, the whole plan had to be abandoned. On May 31st, 1^91, Salem was visited by the first President of the United States, George Washington, then on a visit to Alexander Mar- tin, Governor of North Carolina. Gen. Wash- ington spent a day among the Moravians, visiting the houses of the single Brethren and single Sis- ters, and in the evening attending service in the church. The President seemed to take an espe- 9* 102 MORAVIANS IN NORTH CAROLINA. cial interest in the water-works by which the town was supplied with water. The following address was presented to him on June 1st : — " J(9 the President of tlie United States: "Happy in sharing the honor of a visit from the illustrious President of the Union to the Southern States, the Brethren of Wachovia hum- bly beg leave, upon this joyful occasion, to ex- press their highest esteem, duty, and affection for the great patriot of this country. "Deeply impressed as we are with gratitude to the great Author of our being for his un- bounded mercies, we cannot but particularly acknowledge His gracious providence over the temporal and political prosperity of the country, in the peace whereof we do find peace, and wherein none can take a warmer interest than ourselves, in particular when we consider that the same Lord who preserved your precious per- son in so many imminent dangers has made you in a conspicuous manner an instrument in his hands to forward that happy constitution, to- HALF A CENTURY. — 1803. 103 getlier with those improvements whereby our United States begin to flourish, over which you preside with the applause of a thankful nation. "Whenever, therefore, we solicit the protec- tion of the Father of Mercies over this favored country, we cannot but fervently implore His kindness for your preservation, which is so inti- mately connected therewith. ''May this gracious Lord vouchsafe to prolong your valuable life as a further blessing and an ornament of the constitution, that by your wor- thy example the regard for religion be increased, and the improvements of civil society encou- raged. "The settlements of the United Brethren, though small, will always make it their study to contribute as much as in them lies to the peace and improvement of the United States, and all the particular parts they live in, joining their ardent prayers to the best wishes of this whole continent that your personal as well as domestic happiness may abound, and a series of successes may crown your labors for the prosperity of our times and an example to future ages, until the 104: MORAVIANS IN NORTH CAROLINA. glorious reward of a faithful servant shall be your portion. " Signed, in behalf of the United Brethren in Wachovia, "FREDERICK WILLIAM MARSHALL, "JOHN DANIEL KOHLER, "CHRISTIAN LEWIS BENZIEN. "Salem, the 1st of June, 1791." To which the President of the United States was pleased to return the following answer : — ^^To the United Bretlireii of Wachovia : " Gentlemen : I am greatly indebted to your respectful and affectionate expression of personal regard, and I am not less obliged by the patri- otic sentiment contained in your address. "From a society whose governing principles are industry and the love of order much may be expected towards the improvement and pros- perity of the country in which their settlements are formed, and experience authorizes the belief that much will be obtained. " Thanking you with grateful sincerity for HALF A CENTURY. — 1803. 105 your prayers in ray bebalf, I desire to assure you of my best wishes for your social and indi- vidual happiness. "G. WASHINGTON." Before the close of the century, during the latter half of which the Brethren had settled in this State, the erection of a new and larger church for the increasing central congregation of Salem became necessary. The corner-stone was laid June 1st, 1T98, with appropriate ceremonies. Br. Marshall superintended the erection of this building, and had the pleasure of witnessing its completion in 1800. On November 9th, 1800, it was solemnly consecrated to the worship of Almighty God ; the Brethren Benzien, from Sa- lem, and Simon Peter, of Bethania, officiating upon this occasion. Br. Kohler, who had during the space of sixteen years officiated as pastor of the Salem congregation, and since 1790 as bishop of the Brethren's church, was prevented from participating on this joyful occasion, having already set out on his journey to Europe, to attend the General Synod of the church at 106 MORAVIANS IN NORTH CAROLINA. Hcrnibut, in Germany, in 1801. On the loth of November, an important memorial day of the church, the holy communion was for the first time administered in the new church, the com- municants of all the neighboring congregations having assembled for the purpose. At the General Synod of 1801, Br. C. G. Reicliel, then minister in IS^azareth, Pa., and principal of the Boys' Boarding- School at Naza- reth Hall, was appointed Br. Kohler's successor. He was consecrated a bishop of the Brethren's church by Bishop Ettwein, and arrived in Salem May 31st, 1802. Br: Marshall had departed this life in February of the same year. Shortly before his death he wrote a long letter to Br. Beichel, containing minute directions in refer- ence to his journey, the provisions and other needful preparations for "camping out," &c. ; an interesting document, showing that fifty years ago a journey to or from Pennsylvania was a greater undertaking than a voyage across the Atlantic in our days. Br. Reichel entered upon his duties as pastor of the Salem congregation on June 6th, 1802, HALF A CENTURY. — 1803. 107 and served fuitlifullj till April, 1811. lie was at the same time president of the General Direct- ing Board, in which were associated with him the Brethren Benzien (Br. Marshall's successor as proprietor and administrator of the "Wachovia estates) and Simon Peter (minister of Betha- bara). In the year 1803, fifty years having elapsed since the arrival and settlement of the Brethren at Bethabara, in this State, the event was cele- brated by a solemn jubilee, held on the Hth of November at Salem. All the members of this first congregation, with their children, were in- vited to repair to Salem, and the same invitation was extended to the adult members of the con- gregations at Bethania, Friedberg, Friedland, and Hope. Contrary to expectation, the wea- ther on this day proved unusually pleasant for the lateness of season, so that a large number were able to attend. These met at half-past nine o'clock A. M. in the handsomely decorated church, uniting in rendering thanks and praises to that unchangeably gracious God and Saviour whose mercies had never failed throughout the 108 MORAVIANS IN NORTH CAROLINA. half century past. Deeply bowed down before Him, who had indeed done great things for them, the voice of gladness and rejoicing broke forth, and their hearts united in covenanting anew with the Lord, and with each other, to be and to re- main His faithful people. At the love-feast, held in the course of the day (of which upwards of five hundred and sixty person partook), the aged Br. John Beroth, of Bethania, one of the two survivors of the twelve Brethren who com- menced Bethabara fifty years before, was present, together with his wife ; Br. Grube, then eighty- eight years of age, had sent from Pennsylvania, where he then resided, a congratulatory ode com- posed by him for the occasion, which we insert in full :_ BR. GRUBE'S HYMN. 1. Du liebe Wacliauer Gemein' ! Ich stimm' lieut' in dein Loblied ein. Das du zu deinem Jiibelfest Frohlich dem Herrn erscliallen liisst, Fiir alles was Er hat an dir getlian Seitdem die ersten Briider kamen an. HALF A CENTURY. — 1803. 109 2. Icli war audi mit in ihrer Zahl, Und freu' mich noch derselb'geii Wabl, Da wir zwolf Briider auf dem Land', Wo eine kleine Hiitte stand, Den Einzug laielten, voller Dankbarkeit, Und war'n beisamm'n in Lieb' und Einigkeit. 3. Es war uns freilich alles neu, Und mangelte uns mancherlei ; Wir waren aber nicht verlegen, Und hofften auf des Heilands Segen ; Man hijrte, denn ein Jedes war vergniigt. Von keinem auch die mind'ste Klage nicht. 4. Zur Arbeit musst' man sicb gleicb riibr'n, Um ein Stiick Land zur Saat zu clearn; Die Kost d^bei war freilicli scbmal, Allein wir batten keine Wahl, Als Hominy war unser tiiglich Brodt, Und wir genossen's mit Dank gegen Gott. 5. Wir gin gen wohl zu manchen Tagen Aucb aus, um etwas zu erjagen ; Allein das scblug uns immer feH ; Bekamen denn zum Welscbkornmebl Doch ein'ge Kiirb'se, so war's sclion und gut, LTnd wir behielten immer guten Muth. 10 110 MORAVIANS IN NORTH CAROLINA. G. Pcnn audi an cliesem wiisten Ort Erquickto uns des Heilands Wort ; Wir weideten ims immer d'ran, Und unser "blut'ger Sclimerzensmann Erwies sicli uns selir freundlicli und voll Huld, Und liatte mit uns Kindern viel Geduld. 7. Er selbst wusst' uns' audi zu bedcckcn In mandierlei Gefalir und Sdirecken. Bei'm Biiumefellen sdiien einnial Ein Bruder unserer kleinen Zahl Durdi einen Ast tudtlidi verletzt zu sein ; Dodi konnt' man siclx bald seiner Besserung freu'n. 8. Als ich ein lialbes Jalir gewest Bei'n Briidern, ward idi abgeloSt Durdi unseren sel'gen Bruder Fries, Der sidi als ein Mann Gott's bowies, Und sicli zu allem williglich gab lier, Und wenn's audi nur die Ruli' zu liiiten war'. 9. So wurde der Anfang gemadit. Man hat's damals wolil nicht gedadit Was unser Herr in fiinfzig Jaliren, Darunter manclie scliwere waren, Zu Seinem Lob und Preis docli liat bcreit't. Er sei dafiir gelobt in Ewigkeit ! HALF A CENTURY. — 1 803. Ill 10. Icli wiinsclie nun besonders heut' Dass unser Heiland hiitt' die Freud', Dass jede Seel' auf diesem Land' Reclit innig wiird' mit Ihm bekannt ; moclite Jedes ganz fur Ihn gedeih'n ! So wird Er sich, und wir mit Ihm uns freu'n. 11. Gott gebe dass der ganze Sinn Nur immer geh' auf Jesum liim, Auf Seine Martcr, Blut und Tod, Der uns erlust aus aller Noth, Und dass die Hcrzen bleiben abgekebrt Von allem, was zur Welt, zum Fleiscli geliort. 12. Mit Jesu Segen geht denn fort, Rccbt frob, ein Jed's an seinen Ort. Er sei Eucb alien innig nab', Ibr mog't sein dorten oder da. Ja Er erbcbe die durcbgrab'ne Hand Uber Eucb all' auf dem Wacbauer Land' ! Within fifty years there were baptized l,35t children of the members of the six congregations, 43 adults, and about 1,300 children of friends and neighbors ; G66 persons were buried at the different burial-grounds. 112 MORAVIANS IN NORTH CAROLINA. The whole number of church-members and children at the close of the half century pre- sents the following SUMMARY. Communi- cants. Non-com- municants. Children. Total. 1. Salem . 180 27 83 290 2. Bethabara . 33 16 32 81 3 Bethauia 76 9.1 122 293 4. Friedberg . 75 10!) 147 231 r, Friedland 21 72 42 135 6. Hope 35 66 74 175 420 3S5 500 1305 SALEM FEMALE ACADEMY. — 1804. 113 XIL SALEM FEMALE ACADEMY. 1804. The year 1804 was distinguished in our pro- vince by the commencement of the Salem Female Academy, which has since become well known in the Southern States of the Union, and has flou- rished more than fifty years. This institution, now one of the oldest in the Southern States, kept in grateful remembrance by many Christian mothers who here received their first and lasting impressions of eternal truths, and have had the satisfaction of seeing their daughters and grand- daughters educated at the same place, and accord- ing to the same Christian principles. For the sake of the juvenile scholars of this institution, we have endeavored, with the kind assistance of its present principal, to collect all the dates re- 10* 114 MORAVIANS IN NORTH CAROLINA. ferring to the outer history of this institution. Still more important and more instructive would be the inner history thereof, embracing the expe- riences made by the hi:ndreds of little girls and young ladies who have been its inmates, and of the influence which their education in the Mora- vian boarding-school has had upon their after- life on earth, and upon their dying hour ; but to trace their inner history would be in most cases impossible, and we, therefore, leave it to the for- mer pupils, into whose hands this historical sketch may fall, to supply this want from their own per- sonal recollections, feeling confident that they could do it more completely and more to their own satisfaction than we can. The following carefully collected notes, though referring only to the outer history will, we trust, not prove unin- teresting. Before the close of the last century, the wish had often been expressed by visiting friends and strangers, when seeing the educational advan- tages of the youth of this small Moravian town, that their children might be permitted to partici- pate in them, and there were among the members SALEM FEMALE ACADEMY. — 1804. 115 of the Salem congregation not a few, who consi- dered it their Christian duty to serve their friends in the Southern States, and at the same time to work in their heavenly Master's cause by raising the standard of female education. These petitions became more urgent, and the plan received a more definite expression, after Bishop Reichel, the founder, and for seventeen years principal of Nazareth Hall, ^ had become the president of the Wachovia Provincial Conference, the directing Board of the Moravian congrega- tions at the South. The main difficulties seemed to be the want of a suitable house for school purposes, and an adequate number of well quali- fied female teachers. Brother Reichel's daugh- ter, educated in the Bethlehem Female Academy, assisted by M. S. Meinung and J. E. Praezel, who had given full satisfaction in the day-school for little girls, sufficed for the present, and among the older girls who had received private lessons from Brother C. Th. Pfohl, there also were some who could be calculated upon as suitable assist- » History of Nazareth Hall, from 1755 to 1855, p. 29. 116 MORAVIANS IN NORTH CAROLINA. ants for the future. Taking all this into consi- deration, the Conference resolved, October 31st, 1802, to give to Brother Samuel G. Kramsch^ minister of the English congregation at Hope, who, as well as his wife, had served as teachers in boarding-schools, and were well acquainted with their details, the appointment of commenc- ing a female boarding-school at Salem. On October 6th, 1803, the corner-stone for the building to be erected on the square between the "congregation house" and sister's house was laid with appropriate ceremonies, Bishop Reichel conducting the religious exercises both in the meeting-hall and out-doors, in the German lan- guage. In a copper case — inserted into the corner- stone, at the northwest corner of the building — the following inscription was deposited in the German and English languages: — In tlie name of God, the Father and the Son, and the Holy Ghost, in the year after the birth of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ one thousand eicht hundred and three, SALEM FEMALE ACADEMY.. — 1804. 117 on the sixth day of October, in the twenty-seventh year of tlie Independence of the United States of America, when Thomas Jeflferson was President of them, in the fiftieth year after the settling of the first members of the Cliurch of the United Brethren in North Carolina and the beginning of building Bethabara, in the thirty-eighth year since the beginning of building Salem, the foundation-stone of this house for a BOARDING SCHOOL of Girls was laid in a solemn manner, in the presence of the whole Congregation, with fervent Prayer to our Lord, that by the School, to be established in this House His name may be glorified, His kingdom of Grace be enlarged in this Country and the Salvation of Souls of those, who shall be educated therein, be promoted. The daily word avas : Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved, and thy house. Acts xvi. 31. A dying, risen Jesus, Seen by the eye of faith, At once from danger frees us, And saves the soul from death. 118 MORAVIANS IN NORTH CAROLINA. The doctrimal text : He had done no violence, neither was any deceit in his mouth. Is. liii. 9. May our mind and whole hehaviour Bear resemblance to our Saviour And his sanctifying merit Hallow body, soul, and spirit. Among some other papers preserved iu the corner-stone is also a list of all the little girls belonging to the Salem congregation under 12 years of age. They were 42 in number, 23 at- tending school. Of these 42 girls and infants, 12 have, in the course of time, become teachers in the academy, and one of them is teaching to this day, and well remembers how she and her companions were standing by and watching fa- ther Reichel, Benzien and Kramsch, each in turn, strike three times with a mallet the stone in which the copper case was inclosed, where also her name was recorded,- how Brother Reichel, standing upon the corner-stone, implored the blessing from on high upon the building under- taken in the name of the Lord for the promotion of His glory and the spiritual and eternal well- SALEM FEMALE ACADEMY. — 1804. 119 being of many immortal souls. Among the strangers attending these impressive ceremonies was a gentleman from Georgia with his little daughter, who two years after entered as the first pupil from that State. Before the house could be finished, on May 16th, 1804, four pupils were brought from Hills- borough, and, for the present, received in some rooms of the " Congregation-house," tempora- rily arranged for the purpose. These were, Misses Elizabeth Strudwick, Ann and Elizabeth Kirkland, and Mary Philips. Soon after four others came, Anna and Felicia Norfleet from Halifax, Anna Steirs from Fayetteville, and Re- becca Carter from Caswell Count}^, all from this State. To these were added Anna Pauline Sho- ber and Mary Steiner from Salem, of which the former, Mrs. Herman, is still living here, and the latter, Mrs. Dencke, still teaches in the academy. The first teachers, Sophia Dorothea Reichel (Mrs. Seidel), Maria Salome Meinung (Mrs. Ebbeke), and Johanna Elizab. Praezel (Mrs. Meinung), are still living, the two former in Bethlehem, Pa., and the latter in Salem. 120 MORAVIANS IN NORTH t!AROLINA. The new bouse having been finished in a year and nine months, the 16th of July, 1805, was set apart as the day of its solemn consecration. The boarders, village girls, and the ministers of the different congregations having assembled at one o'clock in the prayer-hall of the congregation- house, a procession was formed by the scholars, headed by the clergy, and followed by the teach- ers. When leaving the house, a choir of trom- bones performed a solemn tune, and, entering the new house, another choir of trombones received them in a similar manner. The whole company assembled in the sleeping-hall (being the largest room in the house), in two large semicircles, the pupils all being dressed in white, and the musical choir, accompanied by a pianoforte and other in- struments, sang — Peace be to this habitation, Peace to every soul therein ; Peace which flows from Christ's salvation, Peace, the seal of cancelled sin ; Peace that speaks its heavenly giver, Peace to earthly minds unknown ; Peace divine, that lasts forever, Here erect its glorious throne. SALEM FEMALE ACADEMY. — 1804. 121 To which all assembled there responded — This habitation, And all who dwell therein, Fill with salvation ; 0, may in each be seen True grace And lovely childlikeness. After a fervent dedicatory prayer by Br. Rei- chel, a love-feast was held, according to the well- known and time-honored custom of the Brethren, in which also participated some strangers from Camden, S. C, who on that day brought their two daughters, the first pupils from South Caro- lina, which, next to our own State, has sent the most scholars to our academy. The first inmates of the new house were Br. and Sr. Kramsch and their two daughters (still living), twenty boarders, and four teachers. After the usual evening meeting of the congregation, the scholars assembled once more before the house, surrounded by the whole congregation, to offer hymns of thanksgiving, praise, and prayer. In 1806 the first printed circular was issued, 11 122 MORAVIANS IN NORTH CAROLINA. containing the "Terms and Conditions of tlie Boarding-School for Female Education in Salem, N. C," from which it appears that the age of admittance was between eight and twelve years, and the age of fifteen terminated the stay of pu- pils at school. The yearly expenses were calcu- lated at about $160; entrance-money, $5. The branches taught were : Reading ; gram- mar; writing; arithmetic; history; geography; German, if desired ; plain needlework. Extra branches : Music, drawing, and ornamental nee- dlework. In 1806, Br. Sam. G. Kramsch was succeeded by Br. Abraham G. Steiner, who for ten years presided over the institution as its inspector or principal. The number of scholars increasing, a third room had to be arranged in 180t, and a fourth in 1811 ; when a new building was erected, as the dwelling-house for the principal and his family, and thus some room gained in the academy building. This, however, not proving sufficient, a number of boarders had to lodge in private families, which was continued for some SALEM FEMALE ACADEMY. — 1804. 123 years, until, by additions to the old building, more house-room could be gained. In 1814, seventy-four of the pupils were ill of the measles, which then was extensively prevalent in the place, in no case, however, proving fatal. In 1816, Br. Steiner was compelled, by the failure of his health, to resign his charge, and Br. G. Benjamin Reichel, son of Bishop lleichel, entered as the third principal, and served the in- stitution faithfully till his death, in December, 1833. During his term an addition was made to the academy building in 1824, containing, besides some school-rooms, a chapel, which was solemnly consecrated on September 24th, and gave rise to the so-called "chapel festival," which no doubt many scholars remember as a time of rich and lasting spiritual blessings. In 1826 the number of room companies had increased to six, repre- senting six of the Southern States of the Union. A few years later the number had considerably decreased, partly owing to the great money pres- sure at the South, the erection of other boarding- schools, and the failing health of the principal. 124 MORAVIANS IN NORTH CAROLINA. Br. Iveichel breathed liis last December 20th, 1833, having beeu shice 1816 inspector of the academy, and since 1829 also pastor of the Salem congregation. In 1834, Br. J. C. Jacohson, minister at Betha- nia, was appointed principal of the academy, and filled the station for ten years. During his time the number of boarders again increased, and reached in 1838 one hundred and eighty, in- structed by nineteen teachers. To make more house-room, a new chapel was built in 1835, and gradually one room after the other taken pos- session of in the old " congregation-house," until in 1841, after a new chapel for the congregation and a minister's dwelling had been built, the whole house, with its premises, was appropriated to the purposes of the school. In 1844, Br. Jacobson accepted an appoint- ment as principal of the Boarding- School for Boys at Nazareth Hall, Pa., and Br. Charles A. Blech entered as the fifth principal. He was succeeded, in December, 1848, by Br. Emil A. de Schweinitz as the sixth, and in Feb- SALEM FEMALE ACADEMY. — 1804. 125 ruary, 1853, by his brother, tlie present well- known principal, Br. Robert de Schweinitz. It will hardly be necessary to say anything abont the present state of this institution, so exten- sively and so favorably known in the Southera States, and so fully patronized by the daughters and granddaughters of former pupils. But, for future reference, we will mention two dates, viz., August 9th, 1854, on which day the corner-stone of the neiu academy huilding^ was laid with ap- propriate religious ceremonies, and March 24th, 1856, on which day the beginning was made of removing from the old to the new house. As the old building required extensive repairs, all the scholars, 216 in number, lived within the walls of the new building, besides which about 75 day scholars attended the school. ' For a description of the new academy building, see Appendix — Public Buildings. 11* 126 MORAVIANS IN NORTH CAROLINA. The following is a list of the RESIDENT TEACHERS OF THE SALEM FEMALE ACADEMY; including the teachers of the village girls' school, with the time of their service. Those marked thus (f ) have since departed this life. Those in Italics are still in service. Enter- ed. Left. Remarks. 1. Sophia Dorothea Reichel 1804 1809 Mrs. Seidel. 2. Maria Salome Meinung . 1804 1807 Mrs. Ebbeke. 3. Johanna Elizabeth Praezel . 1804 1808 Mrs. Meinung. 4. fJoh. Sophia Shober 1805 1806 Re-entered 1807 1809 Mrs. Zevely. 5. tJoh. Elizabeth Reuz . 1805 1816 Ee-entered 1811 1814 " 1816 1820 Mrs. Ochmao. 6. fAgnes Susanna Praezel 1805 1816 Mrs. Petersen. 7. tMr.s. M. E. Praezel, assisting in town school 1805 1813 8. tBarbara Leiubach 1806 1807 9. fPhilipina Christman . 1806 1820 Mrs. Summers. 10. tKebecca Hartman 1806 1812 11. Mary Walk . . . . 1806 1809 Mrs. Curtis, Norfolk. 12. Susanna Elizabeth Peter 1807 1827 Mrs. Zevely. 13. fElizabeth Danz 1807 1807 Mrs. Winkler. 14. Johanna Elizabeth Nissen 1808 1811 Mrs. Fries. 15. Salome Fetter .... 1809 1814 Re-entered 1815 1817 " . . . 1818 1819 Mrs. Friday. 16. Maria Steiner .... 1811 1820 Re-entered 1824 1828 3Trs. Denke. 17. fHenrietta Fried. Fierling . 18U 1814 Mrs. Reichel. 18. Anna Paulina Shober . 1812 1817 Re-entered 1819 1820 Mrs. Herman. 19. jMaria Eliz. Kummer, assist- ing in town school 1814 1814 20. tAnna Rebecca Holder . 1814 1815 Re-entered town school 1821 1822 Mrs. Zevely. SALEM FEMALE ACADEMY. — 1804. 121 Enter- ed. Left. Remarks. 21. Charlotte Louisa Kramsclx . 1814 1831 Re-entered 1833 1837 Mr.s. Blickens- dorfer, Ohio. 22. Christina Christman, town school 1814 1820 23. tElizahpth Transou 1814 1816 Mrs. Sen.seman. 24. "fJoh. Salome Christman 1816 1820 Mrs. Wohlfarth. 25. Christina Caritas Schneider . 1817 1824 3frs. Benzien. 26. fMaria Theresia Shober 1817 1819 Mrs. Wolle. 27. •j-Maria Cath. Transou . 1817 1818 28. tMaria Fetter .... 1817 1818 Died in the Aca- demy. 29. Ruth Montgomery Rhea 1818 1820 Mrs. Levering. 30. Susanna Elizabeth Loesh 1819 1820 Mrs. Crause. 31. Henrietta Kluge 1819 1821 Mrs. Moore. 32. fMaria Belling 1820 1821 33. fMaria Gambold . 1820 1824 Mrs. Copeland. 34. fCaroliue Eberhard 1820 1828 Mrs. Eder. 35. fMary Towle .... 1820 1823 Mrs. Wellfare. 36. fSarah Louisa Towle . 1820 1825 Mrs. Vierling. 37. fWilhelmina Boehler . 1820 1823 Mrs. Lash. 38. Sibylla Dull .... 1820 1824 Mrs. Reich. 39. fCathar. Reich 1821 1827 Mrs. Clewell. 40. Johanna Eliz. Schulz, town school 1822 1824 41. Caroline Schulz 1822 1823 Mrs. Steiner. 42. Lydia Stauber 1824 43. Regina Lcinbach . 1824 1827 Re-entered 1829 1842 44. fEliza Bagge .... 1824 1827 45. Mariam Erenstine Benade 1825 1829 46. fSophia Christ. Kitschelt 1825 1827 47. Charlotte Friedrica F/ohl Re-entered 1826 1854 1852 48! f Henriette Boelow . 1826 1827 Mrs. Christman. 49. Eliza Wilhelm. Vierling 1826 1829 Re-entered 1831 1832 Mrs. Kremer. 50". Anna Abig. Leinbach . 1826 1827 Re-entered town school 1829 1844 " academy . 1844 1844 " town school 1845 51. Anna Elizabeth Christ . 1827 1839 Mrs. Boner. 52. Gertraut Spach 1827 1829 Mrs. Mflcke. 63. Lucia Theophila Benade 1827 1829 54. Sophia Dorothea Bvliaa 1827 1830 Mrs. Boner. 65. Doroth. Sophia Ruede . 1827 1832 Re-entered 1834 1839 Mrs. Vogler, 56. Lisette Schulz 1828 1839 57. M. Louisa Reich 1829 1835 Mrs. Vogler. 58. fLisette Meinung . 18.30 1836 Re-entered 1837 1844 128 MORAVIANS IN NORTH CAROLINA. Enter- ed. Left. Remarks. 59. Martha Blum . . . . 1830 1832 Mrs. Griflin. 60. Clara C. Reichel . 1833 1834 Re-entered 1836 1841 Mrs. Hagen. 61. Theresia Willi. Biilow . 1831 1810 Mrs. Siddal. 62. tMaria Lavinia Blum . 1835 1841 Died in the Aca- demy. 63. Dorothea Matilda Schulz 18.35 1836 Mrs. Clewell. 64. Henriette Schnall . 1835 65. Louisa Hagen . . . . 1836 1839 Mrs. Susdorf. 66. Henriette Shober 1837 1838 67. Louisa Bulnw .... 1837 68. Louisa Riide . . . . 1837 1840 Mrs. Rogers. 6f>. Rahel Byhan. 1838 1839 Mrs. Lineback. 70. Theresa Petersen . 18.38 1843 71. Luciuda Paulino Blum . 1839 1840 Mrs. Zevely. 72. Henriette Reich 1839 1844 Mrs. Biilow. 73. Melinda Senseman . 18.39 1847 Mrs. Hewitt. 71. Susan Rights .... 1839 1842 Re-entered 1813 1816 Mrs. Keehln, 75. Joh. Sophia Zevely 1839 1844 Re-entered 1815 1851 1850 1856 76. Anna Aurelia Herbst 1810 1841 Mrs. Reich. 77. Miranda Rosalia Keehln 1810 1845 Mrs. Christ. 78. fLouisa Lauretta Vogler 1811 1844 Mrs. Senseman. 79. Sarah Ann Elvira Lineback . 1841 1843 Re-entered 1844 1845 Mrs. Fulkerson. 80. fAntoinette Bagge . 1841 1812 Mrs. Brietz. 82. tHonriette L. Petersen . 1812 1843 Mrs. Friebele. S3. Emma Aurelia Senseman 1842 1843 Mrs. Steward. 81. Lucinda Bagge 1842 1843 Re-entered 1844 1814 8.5. Liseite, Brietz 1843 86. Caroline M. Levering 1843 1845 Mrs. Riide. 87. Julia Blum .... 1843 1844 Mrs. Boner. 88. Paulina E. Vogler, town school 1844 1844 89. Caroline B. Burkhard . 1844 1845 Mrs. Rude. 00. Charlotte Smith 1844 1850 Mrs. Reinke. 91. Angelica Reichel 1844 1819 92. Olivia S. AVarner . 1844 1844 Re-entered 1845 1850 1852 1849 1851 1856 93. Emma Lineback Re-entered 1814 1856 1852 91. Augusta M. Hagen . 1815 1847 95. Maria L. Haman . 1845 1848 Mrs. Christ. 96. Francisca Benzien . 1846 1848 Re-entered 1851 1854 Mrs. Fisher. 97. Amelia C. Reichel . 1847 1847 Mrs. Kummer. SALEM FEMALE ACADEMY. — 1804. 129 Enter- ed. Left. Remarks. 9S. Eliza Senseraan 1847 1847 Mrs. Senseman. Re-entprcd 1855 18.56 99. Augusta Hall . . . . 1847 1852 Mrs. Swink. 100. Clementina I'fohl . 1847 1849 Mrs. Meiuuug. 101. Harriet Buttuor 1847 1848 102. Sophia Foltz . . . . 1847 18.55 103. Ernestine T. Reicliel 1848 104. Elizabeth Haiues . 1848 18.52 Mrs. Rights. 10.i. tEllen Welltare 1848 1849 106. Jane Well/are 1849 107. Hermina Benzien . 1849 lOS. Emma Pfohl . . . . 1849 1851 Mrs. Grunert. 109. Louisa Herman Re-eutered 1849 1856 18.1 no. Adelaide Herman . 1850 111. Sophia Krenier Ke-entered 1851 1854 1853 112. Emma Sensemaa . 1851 1852 113. Adelaide Banner 1851 1852 Mrs. Everhart. lU. JIargaret Jlorrow , 1852 1852 115. Theophila Well fare 1852 116. Lisette Van Vleck . 1852 1854 117. Caroline Viewers . 1853 118. Ellen Blickensdorfer 1852 1855 Mrs. Starbuck. 119. 120. Louisa Van Vleck . Maria Yogler . . . . 1851 1854 1851 121. Anna Deniuth 1855 1855 Mrs. Regenass. 122. Elizabeth Sieioers . 1855 123. Elizah. Chitiy . . . . 1856 124. Gertrude Fant 1856 Of these 124 teachers, two have died in the Aca- demy. Of the 3,470 scholars who entered the Institu- tion, according to the following tables, only 12 have departed this life while at school. In reference to the fourth column, showing the num- ber at the close of the year, it is to be remarked that this is near the highest number of the year, as always more or less left the school at that time. The highest number of boarders, at one time in the house, was 230. The whole number of scholars during the year 1856, was 315, instructed by eighteen resident, and eleven non-resident teachers. 130 MORAVIANS IN NORTH CAROLINA. w g ^Ol'X>(M^eCI>Ot:->Ot-t- -ismoi •^puoij •iddts -sissi'm ^ ■'emvqviY rM r-COeOr-HCOt^O^-401>«) •■BUtp.I'BQ q^nog lOCC01:-eOr-l050:C5(Mt--+ICO'-^GClO<3lC01r-CO •■EunoaiJO ^UOH S&5Sg5S°^^?^S^S^°=SSS52a^;^5^S ■■BmiS.nA CO'0'*"»r-(CCCOOCO»COI:^CO-t CIrH ^ C? Oi C^ CJ ^ d CO CI rl r-l t^ * -" - ^ -' CI " cq r-C CO (O-Tr-* COi-lCCCO-t«5'--;t^COr-i^COiair-OOCli-li-lrHrJ<0 C1>0 ?3 ci C^ rH rl CO rH CO ;:: CO-fCJM .-1 rH rH l-H rt^ r^ rH rHCl ClC^i-lrH rHC^rHCJ CqC0Ir^-+'t-.C1r}< § TtI:^ CCCOCOt^COCO>00 t^rHCOOlt^-OOONOSOOOiCO 5gSS§S^g;l§E:gg|Kg|g^||gS||g|g||S|^ SS^§§55^§;S2:S§8S^c;S3SS^?2S3S53^^22|3g tt;S^5;^:SS§g22§Ss2S5S£§SgS?3SgSSg|^f3g| co" 1825 1826 1827 1828 1829 1830 1831 1832 1833 1834 1835 1836 1837 1838 1839 1840 1841 1842 1843 1844 1845 1846 1847 1848 1849 1850 1851 1852 1853 1854 1855 1856 132 MORAVIANS IN NORTH CAROLINA. XIIL INDIAN MISSION.— 1801. From the very commencement of the settle- ment of the Moravian Brethren in North Caro- lina, it was their desire to resume the missionary labors among the Indian tribes of the South, for which in 1734 the first, though unsuccessful, at- tempts had been made in Georgia. During the Indian wars, when detached companies of Che- rokee warriors enjoyed the hospitality of the " Dutch Fort," several chiefs expressed a de- sire of receiving teachers from the Moravians. Among the latter, Br. Ettwein especially took a deep interest in the spiritual welfare of these wild sons of the forest; and when taking his daily ride from Bethabara to Bethania, fraught with peril for life and limb, he in his silent medi- tations and communions with his Heavenly Mas- INDIAN MISSION. — 1801. 133 tcr dedicated himself anew to His service, wher- ever it might be ; and would have felt quite resigned to the will of the Lord, if through his Ijeing taken prisoner by the Indians he could have been enabled to proclaim to them the glad tidings of salvation. Nothing, however, could be done at that time. In 1775, a Cherokee chief, passing through Salem, assured the Brethren that they would be welcome amongst his nation, if they would instruct their children. After the close of the war, in 1784, Br. Martin Schneider paid a visit to the towns of the Cherokees on the Tennessee River. War, however, breaking out again soon after, for fifteen years nothing was heard directly from the Indians. Meanwhile, a missionary society had been formed in Bethlehem in 1787, for propagating the Gospel among the heathen, and more espe- cially the Indians of this continent. This so- ciety was joined by many Brethren in Salem, and thus the missionary spirit kept alive and fostered for more favorable times.^ • In the shadj grove of the Bethabara graveyard is to be found the grave of one of tjie first missionaries 12 134 MORAVIANS IN NORTH CAROLINA. In October, It 99, at a meeting of the mem- bers of this society, several Brethren, and among them especially Br. Abraham Steiner, spoke very warmly for the so long neglected Indians. It was thereupon determined to visit them again, and the Brethren Abraham Steiner and F. C. de Schweinitz went in November to Tillico, a mili- tary station on the Tennessee, to have a talk with their red brethren in tliat vicinity. This visit was repeated in August, 1800, and, after many difficulties, the chiefs of the Cherokees gave a formal consent to the establishment of a school and mission station. In 1801 this mission was commenced by Br. A. Steiner, assisted by G. Byhan, who, settling of the Brethren's cliurcli, Mattheio Stack, wlio liad gone ^ to Greenland in 1733, and commenced tlie mission there. He came to Bethabara in 1772, spending there in retirement his last years. January 19tli, 1783, lie was invited to Salem, to participate in the semi-cent- enary jubilee celebration of the Greenland mission, and in the love-feast gave an animated account of his experiences and trials in the missionary service. He died in 1787. INDIAN MISSION. — 1801. 135 in July at a place called "The Springs," named this first missionary station Springplacc. In 1802, Br. Steiner was succeeded by Br. Jacob Wohlfahrt as missionary, who remained till 1805, Br. Byhan serving as assistant till 1812. In 1805, Br. John Gambold entered the Che- rokee country as missionary, and served there with great fidelity for twenty-two years, closing his labors in Oo-yu-ge-lo-gee, the second mission station, commenced in 1821, where he departed this life, January 20th, 182T. His first wife, Anna Bosina Kliest (who died in 1821), had been sixteen years teacher in the Female Acade- my at Bethlehem, and was a very efficient help in the missionary labors of Br. Gambold. "When they came to the Cherokee country (within the borders of Georgia, North Carolina and Ten- nessee), they found the prospects not very en- couraging. The Cherokees, though taking the first steps towards civilization, seemed utterly averse to accepting the Gospel message ; and though they could not but esteem the white stranger and his devoted wife, yet five years more elapsed until the widowed Cherokee Sister, 136 MORAVIANS IN NORTH CAROLINA. Margaret Yaun, on August 13tb, 1810, by holy baptism, was received into the communion of the Christian church, as the first visible fruit of nearly ten years' anxiety and toil. She was fol- lowed, in 1813, by Charles Hicks (by his bap- tismal name called Renatus), a man of influence among his nation. Gradually the number of believers increased, and in 1819 a meeting-house was built in Springplace. In 1830 there were thirty-one baptized Indians belonging to the congregation of Springplace, and twenty at Ooyugelogee. At the former place Br. G. Byhan was stationed ; at the latter, Br. H. G. Clauder. Both, however, were obliged soon after to leave the country, as they would not take the part of the Georgians against the Cherokees. Springplace and Ooyugelogee were abandoned in 1838. The Cherokee nation, and, with them, the Christian Indians, were compelled to emigrate. The Brethren J. K Smith (who had served as missionary), Miles Yogler, and Herman Riide accompanied them westward. On September 16th, 1838, the Mississippi River was reached, and there, in a solemn manner, the teachers of INDIAN MISSION. — 1801. 13T their flock closed with prayer their labors this side of the Father of Rivers. In the far West, in Arkansas Territory, the scattered remains of this mission were gradually collected again, and. Ne^o Springplace and Canaan are the places where the mission work of the Moravians among the Chcrokees is continued to this day. The following Brethren have served success- ively as missionaries among the Cherokees: — Abraham Steiner, 1801. Gottl. Byhan, 1801—1812; 182t— 1832. Jacob Wohlfahrt, 1802—1805. John Gambold, 1825—1827 ; 182t. John Ren. Schmidt, 1820—1828; 1838—1839. George Proske, 1822—1826. Francis Eder, 1828—1829. H. G. Clauder, 1828—1837. Miles Yogler, 1837—1844; 1852— '54; 1854. Gilbert Bishop, 1841. D. Z. Smith, 1841—1849. Ediuard MocJc, 1847. Alanson Wellfare, 1847—1855. Samuel Warner. 12* 138 MORAVIANS IN NORTH CAROLINA. In 1807 an attempt was made to carry the Gospel to the Creek nation, the Brethren Peter- sen and Burkhardt having been sent from Eu- rope for this purpose. They, however, met with many obstacles, and some severe trials, amidst which Col. Hawkins, then the government agent, showed them much friendly aid. Suffering se- verely from fever, they were visited in 1810 by two Brethren from Salem, one of them. Dr. Shu- man, affording them medical aid. Though the Indians along the Flint River received them kindly, still the main object of their mission was not attained ; and the breaking out of the war obliged them to return to Salem, without having seen any fruit of their spiritual labor. Br. C. Petersen is still living in Salem, well stricken in years. NEGRO MISSION. — 1822. 139 xiy. NEGHO MISSION.— 1822. In February, 1822, a missionary society was organized among the Sisters of the Salem con- gregation, called " The Salem Female Missionary Society," for the purpose of aiding the missions of the United Brethren, and also to provide for the spiritual instruction of the Africans among and around us. The first officers of this Society were : — Mrs. Susannah Elizab. Kramsch, President. Sister Mary Steiner, Treasurer. " Louisa E. Kramsch, Secretary. " Susan E. Peter, Collector. " Hedwig E. Shober, " " Rebecca Holder, '' " Sarah Steiner, " The formation of this society led to a resolu- 140 MORAVIANS IN NORTH CAROLINA. tion on the part of the Provincial Board to insti- tute regular preaching for the colored people in and around Salem, and to form from amongst them a separate congregation. Br. Abr. Steiner kept the first service on March 24th, attended by about sixty hearers ; ten of these formed the nu- cleus of the new congregation. Among these vf^ere four communicants. In 1823, a separate place of worship for the negroes was built near the old parish burial ground, and solemnly con- secrated on the 28th of December. Here, all people of color have an opportunity of regularly hearing the preaching of the Gospel on the Lord's day ; and the sacraments are also administered from time to time. From the " Church Book for the people of color, in and about Salem, commenced 24th March, 1822, as the day on which it was first essayed to form them into a separate Christian Church," we have gleaned the following statis- tics : — From 1822—1856, lU children have been baptized, and 14 adults ; ^9 persons were buried, among these, 3 negroes above 80, 2 above 90, NEGRO MISSION. — 1822. 141 and 1 above 100 years of age ; 10 marriages took place with the consent of the owners. The present number of communicant-members is 15. The following brethren have had the pastoral charge of this small congregation : — Brother Abr. Steiner, 1822—1832. J. R. Smith, 1832—1838. S. Th. Pfohl, 1838—1841. G. Byhan, 1842—1852. J. A. Friebele, 1853. In December, 184Y, Br. Jacob F. Siewers, of the Salem congregation, accompanied by his wife, set out on a new field of labor which seemed to open in East Florida at Mr. Alberti's^i^lantation on the St. Mary's River, called Woodstock Mills. Though received with great kindness and libe- rality, supported by Mr. Alberti, still he soon found his position a very trying one, and that freedom of action was impeded by many obsta- cles. Not able to overcome these, he left in the fall of 1850, and Br. J. A. Friebele, who, at Mr. Alberti's urgent desire, had been sent there in 1851, also returned after remaining not quite two years. 142 MORAVIANS IN NORTH CAROLINA. XY. HOME MISSION.— 1835. Would to God that all the Lord's people were prophets, and that the Lord would put his Spirit upon them ! (Numb. xi. 29), was the an- swer of Moses, the man of God, when his ser- vant Joshua in a complaining spirit told him that Eldad and Medad were prophesying in the camp. The Spirit of God had come upon them and they could not and would not resist. In a simi- lar manner the Spirit of God came upon one of the working-men of Salem, a cabinet-maker by trade, who, in 1^98, had assisted in the building of the Salem church. He felt an irresistible de- sire to go out of the camp, to seek the destitute and neglected, to go to the haunts of the intem- perate and profane, to visit the hovels and cabins of those for whose souls' salvation no one seemed to care. A more destitute and forsaken reo:ion HOME MISSION. — 1835. 143 could hardly be imagined than was to be found in the Blue Ridge on the northern border of our State, twenty-five years ago. Drunkenness and gambling, sabbath-breaking and swearing, igno- rance and vice reigned there supreme. No church, no schoolhouse was to be found far or near. Thither, following the divine impulse, and trust- ing to the guiding care of his Ijord and Mas- ter—but still, with fear and trembling, Br. Yan X. Zevely bent his steps in 1839. He was re- ceived with open arms by some, but on the ma- jority his simple Gospel message seemed to make no impression ; he was ridiculed and hooted at by the ignorant and vicious, and if he had gone to seek his own glory, he would have never gone again. But his heavenly Master had sent him, and in his own time he opened the hearts of those so long neglected mountaineers, and gradually the object of his visit was understood and appre- ciated. Meanwhile, these missionary visits were exert- ing a silent but steady influence at home. A number of brethren and sisters, already inclined to do something in the cause of the Lord, readily 144 MORAVIANS IN NORTH CAROLINA. responded to the call of forming a Home Mis- sionary Society, and on Nov. 11th, 1835, this society was organized by the adoption of a con- stitution, of which the following is the pream- ble :— " Whereas we, as members of the TJnitas Fra- trum, or Church of the United Brethren, in con- formity with the spirit and purposes of our bre- thren, generally, throughout the world, feel it both as a duty and a warm desire of our hearts, to exert ourselves in promoting the spread of the saving knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Je- sus Christ amongst our fellow-men, especially in such places as appear to be more destitute of Christian instruction than others ; and " Whereas, we feel ourselves encouraged by the abundant success which has crowned the endeavors of our brethren in other parts of the world, in attempting to benefit our Christian fellow-sinners, by sending unto them devoted and experienced men, in order to instruct and exhort, advise, and direct them ; that, by the in- strumentality of such friendly messengers of sal- vation, under the blessing of God, the ignorant HOME MISSION. — 1835. H5 may be tauglit, the careless roused, inquirers directed, the wavering established and strength- ened, the thriving encouraged and confirmed ; and all this in the simplest, plainest, most un- obtrusive, but, at the same time, most affection- ate and fervent manner — in imitation of Ilim, who went about doing good, and seeking to save that which is lost; " Therefore, we the subscribers have resolved, in the name of God, to form ourselves for the attainment of the above-mentioned words, into a Society, under the name of the ' United Bre- thren's Home Missionary Society of North Ca- rolina.'" This society numbers at present about 200 members. At the first meeting of the Board, of which Bishop Bechler was President, Br. Zevely was regularly commissioned as Home Missionary of this society both for the mountain region of Yir- ginia and some counties of North Carolina, south of Salem. He continued his visits from year to year. Especially along the road to the Volunteer Gap, a work of God became manifest. 13 146 MORAVIANS IN NORTH CAROLINA. A meeting-house was erected by the mountain- eers, which, though destitute of architectural beauty, still answered all the purposes intended, and showed their willingness to receive the mes- sage of the Gospel. A number even applied for closer church-fellowship in 1838, which, how- ever, was denied at the time, the German Dias- pora* ideas still prevailing, and the consequence was, that others reaped where the Moravians had sown. Meanwhile, Br. Zevely continued his labors, partly alone, partly in company of other Bre- thren, among which we name Br. John Yogler, and persevered, amidst no small occasional ob- stacles, until the infirmities of advanced age ad- monished him to intrust the main burden of the work to younger shoulders. Still, he continued to visit his children from time to time till 1856, when he, nearly seventy-six years old, bade them 1 In Germany, the Diaspora laborers visit numbers of the established churches, not to proselytize, but to evangelize. In the United States, one cannot be sepa- rated from the other. HOME MISSION. — 1835. 14T an affectionate adieu. About this time there were several of the families heretofore visited by Br. Zevely who desired to have their children baptized. As Br. Zevely was not an ordained minister, Bishop W. H. Yan Yleck, at his solicita- tion, visited the mountain field, accompanied and conveyed thither by the before-mentioned Br. John Yogler. These three Brethren spent seve- ral weeks in the mountain trip, Br. Yan Yleck preaching and baptizing, and all exhorting, en- couraging, distributing religious tracts, &c. They were everywhere kindly received, even roads were especially opened for their carriage to pass, and many precious meetings held, to the edification of both parties. Since 1845, the Brethren Rights, Riide, and Hagen successively attended to this work, preach- ing partly in meeting-houses, partly in private dwellings, and also administering the holy sacra- ments to such as had become members of the church by baptism or confirmation. It now became desirable to have a permanent station, where regular service might be held, and the holy sacraments be administered. After 148 MORAVIANS IN NORTH CAROLINA. several attempts, a suitable locality, on ''Ward's Gap," about nine miles north of Mt. Airy (fifty miles from Salem), was found ; and, by the kind aid from Salem and the neighborhood of the place, means were raised for building a conve- nient church, which was solemnly consecrated to the Lord, by Bishop Herman, on November 24th and 25th, 1852. On the second day the mem- bers of the congregation now formed at this station, called Mount Bethel, partook, for the first time in the new church, of the holy com- munion. In the spring of 1854, the missionary, Br. Jacob Siewers, removed to this station with his family, and found a temporary dwelling in the church, until, in June, 1855, the log house at the foot of the hill was so far completed that it could be occupied. Since then, a Sunday-school has been opened, and there is reason to hope that this work of the Lord will bear blessed fruits for eternity. The number of members at the close of 1856 was thirty-seven, of which twenty-seven are communicants. NEW CONGREGATIONS. — 1830. 149 XYI. NEW CONGREGATIONS.— 1830. Previous to 1830, the "Western fever" had spread among many of the settlers on the Wa- chovia tract. Hearing of the rich soil of the far West, and looking upon their own poor, worn-out fields, and the innumerable gullies, washed out by the rains, gradually overspread- ing the arable land, many desired to better their temporal condition, and, forgetting for a while the higher wants of the soul, sold their planta- tions, and bent their steps to the untrodden wilderness of the far West. Thus especially the congregations of Hope and Friedland were con- siderably reduced in number. Among the wan- derers was Br. Martin Hauser, a descendant of the first settlers of Bethania, hence often called Hausertown. After five weeks' toilsome journey, 13* 150 MORAVIANS IN NORTH CAROLINA. he reached Bartholomew County, in Indiana, in 1829, and found there some of his former neigh- bors, who, settling near each other, naturally de- sired to hear the preaching of the Gospel again, now more valuable to them than formerly, when within the sound of a church-bell. After some correspondence with the Provincial Helpers' Con- ference at Salem, Br. Hauser was appointed to hold meetings for the settlers. In 1830 a tract of two hundred and forty acres was bought, and the town Hope laid out. Br. L. D. de Schwei- nitz, then living at Bethlehem, visited the settlers in the same year, and on June ITth organized them into a Moravian congregation. In 1832 they were cheered by a visit of Br. Bechler, from Salem, and in 1838 the church erected there was solemnly consecrated by Bishop A. Benade, the President of the Northern Conference, and this congregation has ever since remained in connec- tion with the northern section of the American Brethren's Church. A similar settlement was commenced, about ten years later, in Edwards County, Illinois, whi- ther some families from this neighborhood had NEW CONGREGATIONS. — 1830. 151 emigrated. A year after its commencement, in 1846, Br. M. Hauser took charge of the gradu- ally increasing congregation, as their minister ; the place being now constituted as a separate Moravian congregation, by the name of New Salem, which, however, has since then been changed into West Salem, there being another New Salem in that State. In 1849 this congre- gation gained considerable accessions in numbers by a company of emigrants, who, having been in connection with the church in Germany, sought and found a welcome reception among their Bre- thren in this country. This congregation, since 1851 under the pas- toral care of Br. E. T. Senseman, remained in connection with the North Carolina section of the church till 1855, when, with the consent of all parties, it was transferred to the charge of the Northern Conference, and, with it, the home missionary work at Olney and other places. Some members of the Bethania and other con- gregations had settled, twelve or fifteen years ago, and some even longer, in the neighborhood of a school-house six miles west of Salem. Dif- 152 MORAVIANS IN NORTH CAROLINA, ferent Brethren kept occasional services there until 1846, when a separate congregation was organized, called New Philadelphia, under the pastoral charge of Br. S. B. Hiibner, of Salem. After the call of Br. Oerter to Bethabara, the care of this little flock devolved upon him for some time. Subsequently, steps were taken to erect a separate place of worship, with a burial- ground attached to it ; and a convenient frame building was constructed during the year 1851. On the 31st of October and 1st of November of the same year, this building was solemnly dedi- cated as a house of God. Br. Siewers, after his return from Florida, served as pastor of this congregation until he removed to Mt. Bethel. Br. Bights, of Friedland, then attended to the spiritual wants of this small flock till the fall of 1854, since which time several Brethren at Salem have been preaching there at stated times, and administering the holy sacraments. Within the last few years two new stations have been commenced by the pastor of the Friedberg congregation, at Muddy Creek and Macedonia. The former is situated west of NEW CONGREGATIONS. — 1830. 153 Friedberg, two or three miles on this side of the Yadkin River, and the latter in Davis Coun- ty, the same distance on the other side, having received its name from the circumstance that a Macedonian cry came thence to the minister at Friedberg : Come over and help us. This cry was responded to by Br. Hagen, and his suc- cessor continues the work commenced by him at both places. At the old school-house. Muddy Creek, a congregation was organized in 1853, with seventeen communicant members, and in 1856 fifteen communicants were added to the Brethren's church at Macedonia, after the newly- erected log meeting-house had been solemnly dedicated to the service of the Triune God on May 25th and 26th of the same year. 154 MORAVIANS IN NORTH CAROLINA. XYII. THE OLDER CONGREGATIONS. 1806—1856. Concerning these last fifty years not mucli need be said, as many of the older members of the different congregations well remember the transactions in which they took part. But as dates are easily forgotten or misplaced, we add a short sketch. In 1806 and 180Y a visit on the part of the Unity's Elders' Conference in Germany took place in our congregations, the Brethren J. R. Yerbeek and Charles de Forestier, members of that Board, accompanied by their wives, having arrived for that purpose. These were present at the anniversary celebration of the congrega- tion at Bethahara, N'ovember Itth, 1806, on which occasion a memorial-stone was placed, THE OLDER CONGREGATIONS. — 180G — 1856. 155 with solemn ceremonies, on the spot where the first twelve Brethren had found the cabin which afiforded them shelter on their arrival. The in- scription, "Wachovia settlement, begun lYth November, 1*753," was cut upon this stone, which has since then been set up at the southeast cor- ner of the Bethabara church. In October of the same year, the corner-stone was laid for a new church at Bethania, and the building advanced, under the blessing of God, in the course of the two following years, so that the solemn consecration of it could take place on the 19th of March, 1809 ; the following day (20th) being set apart for the celebration of a semi-centenary jubilee in memory of the com- mencement of this congregation fifty years ago. Many Brethren and Sisters from the other con- gregations, as well as many persons from the neighborhood, shared in the solemnities of these days, which were principally conducted by Bishop Reichel, from Salem. It is worthy of remark, that of the original settlers six were present : Henry and Barbara Shorr, G. Michael and Eli- zabeth Ranke, and John and Catharine Beroth. 156 MORAVIANS IN NORTH CAROLINA. For several years, Brethren from Salem had preached occasionally in Germantown and Lex- ington, in the German and English languages, as also in Surrey County, in a Baptist church. In 1810, Br. Gottlieb Shober, since 17tO a member of the congregation at Salem, formally entered into the service of the Lutheran Church, as or- dained pastor of several Lutheran congregations in the vicinity, and, for a time, also as president of the Lutheran Synod of North Carolina, still retaining his membership as a communicant of the Moravian Church. In 1811, Bishop Loskiel, in Bethlehem, having been recalled to Europe, Bishop C. G. Beichel, of Salem, was appointed his successor by the Su- preme Board of the Unity, and Br. Jolm Herhst, of Litiz, Pa., received the pastoral charge of the Salem congregation. Having been ordained a bishop of the Brethren's church, he arrived in Salem in June, 1811 ; but in January, 1812, he was called home by his Heavenly Master, in the seventy-sixth year of his age. Though his min- istration had been short, the sermons of the venerable bishop made a lasting impression on THE OLDER CONGREGATIONS. — 180G — 185G. 157 many. Br. Benzieu had departed this life the November preceding, so that for a while Br. Simon Peter attended to the spiritual concerns of the Salem congregation. In the fall of 1812 the vacancies were filled again, Br. Jacob Van Vleck, from Bethlehem, en- tering as president of the Provincial Board and pastor of the Salem congregation, and Br. L. D. de Schweinitz, who had resided some years in Germany, took the management of the financial affairs of the province. In 1815, Br. Yan Yleck was ordained a bishop of the Brethren's church by Bishop Reichel. In 1816 the congregation in Salem celebrated the semi-centenary jubilee of the commencement of this congregation, which at that time counted 374 members. Towards the end of 1817, and more especially in the course of 1818, our settlements were visit- ed by fevers, Salem and those south of it suffer- ing most; in the former place, those attacked by the disease amounted to 160, several of whom on this occasion finished their course through time. This was also the case in Friedland, whereas Be- U 158 MORAVIANS IN NORTH CAROLINA. .thabara and Bethania continued almost free from .the epidemic. In 1822, Bishop Van Yleck resigned his offices, ,and retired from active service, and Br. A. Be- nade,^ of Litiz, was appointed his successor, and consecrated a bishop of the Brethren's church. A boarding-school for boys was commenced at ■Salem in 1826, the former single Brethren's house being used for that purpose, but, how- ever, for want of scholars, it was maintained less than two years. On June 21st, 1828, the Stokes County Sim- day- School Union was organized in Salem, under the presidency of Pastor Shober, and established ;Sunday-schools at Brushy Fork, Pleasant Hill, and elsewhere, which were numerously attended. In the following year, on March 29th, a great Sunday-school celebration took place in Salem, about six hundred children having assembled there from the neighborhood, with their teachers. The church being too small for the assembled • Bishop Benade still resides at Betlilelicm, aged Dearly ninety. THE OLDER CONGREGATIONS. — 1806 — 1850. 159 multitude, the love-feast, prepared for the child- ren, was held in the square. Since then, an an- nual sermon has been preached in reference to the Sunday-school cause, either in Salem or in one of the other congregations. About the same time, the Salem Tract Society was formed, auxiliary to the American Tract Society. In 1829, also, the first sermon was preached in Salem in the temperance cause, and ten years later the Stokes County Bible Society was organized. Bishop Benade having returned to Pennsylva- nia in 1828, was succeeded by Br. J. C. BecHer, from Litiz, as president of the Provincial Board. After the death of Br. G. B. Reichel, the pastor of the congregation, in 1834, Br. Beckler also served as minister of Salem. In 1835 he was ordained a bishop of the Brethren's church, and, as such, attended the General Synod of the church, held in Herrnhut, Germany, in 1836. In the fall of 1836, Bishop W. H. Van Vlech entered here as president of the Wachovia Pro- vincial Helpers' Conference, and pastor of the Salem congregation, faithfully discharging his IGO ^lORAVIANS IN NORTH CAROLINA. manifold duties until failing strength compelled him to apply for assistants. During his term, a pulpit was erected in the Salem church in 1838, and used for the first time on Palm-Sunday; and in 1841, December 12th, the new chapel was con- secrated, the last meeting in the old "congrega- tion-house" having been held on December 9th. The Young 3fen^s 3Iissionary Society was also organized in that year. The year 1843 was remarkable on account of the many cases of sickness. In the spring, 114 children in Salem (including about tO boarders in the Female Academy) lay ill of the measles. In the fall, about 100 persons suffered from inter- mittent fevers ; in the Friedberg neighborhood, about 350 cases of this sickness were counted ; and afterwards the influenza prevailed to a consi- derable extent. Twenty-four funerals took place in Salem in that year. After the General Synod of 1848, which Br. Yan Yleck had attended, infirm health compelled him to resign his offices. They were divided between Bishop /. G. Herman, from Germany, and Br. G. F. Bahnson, from Lancaster, both THE OLDER CONGREGATIONS. — 180G — 185G. IGl entering in 1849, the former as president of the Provincial Board, the latter as pastor of the Sa- lem congregation. In the year 1849 important changes were com- menced in the outward concerns of the Salem congregation. By a resolution of the Congre- gation Council, the monopolies existing hitherto were abolished, and free trade established. In the same year, the division of Stokes County was resolved upon by the inhabitants of the county, and, with the permission of the church authori- ties, fifty-one acres of Moravian lands were sold to the new county of Forsythe, and the new county-town of Winston took in a few years the place of the woods north of Salem, and the latter increased rapidly, till the boundary-line of Win- ston was reached. In the course of time it became more and more evident that the former so-called "lease system" could not be longer maintained, according to which only members of the Moravian Church could be holders of real estate in the town of Salem, and, after mature deliberation, it was abolished on November ITth, 1856. By legis- 14* 1G2 MORAVIANS IN NORTH CAROLINA. lative enactment, soon after, a charter was ob- tained for the now incorporated borough of Sa- lem, by which it has, outwardly, fully entered the ranks of other American towns, without, however, changing in the least the ecclesiastical connections of the congregation. In 1853, on November l*7th, the Centenary Jubilee of the Wachovia congregations was cele- brated at Bethahara. Many Brethren and Sis- ters from the congregations of Salem, Bethania, Friedberg, Friedland, Hope, and Philadelphia having assembled, as well as a large number of friends and neighbors, the services of the day had to be conducted in the open air, for which the weather proved very favorable. In the eve- ning a large number of persons marched, in solemn procession, by torchlight, preceded by the choir of trombones, up the adjacent hill, to the hurial- ground, around which one hundred torches had been placed, which, surrounded by the forest-trees, afforded an impressive view. Here, in the stillness of a calm night, solemn hymns were sung, expressive of the happiness to be at home with the Lord, and in remembrance THE OLDER CONGREGATIONS. — 1806 — 1850. 103 of those who, within the eenturj past, had fallen asleep in Jesus, and whose mortal remains were here deposited ; after which, all returned to the church, where, as the closing solemnity of the day, prayers were offered up and praise rendered once more unto Him whose mercies had been unfailing during the century past. On the second day of this jubilee, besides other meetings, a solemn love-feast was kept in which about 1200 persons participated. In 1854, soon after Easter, Bishop Herman left his home and family in Salem to make an oflScial visitation to our mission among the Che- rokee Indians in the Indian Territory. Having accomplished the object of his mission, he had gone several days on his homeward way when he was arrested by the hand of the Lord. A ma- lignant fever, after a few days' illness, terminated his pilgrimage here below, and his services in the church militant. He departed this life on the 20th of July, about 1100 miles from his home, in Greene County, State of Missouri, in the 66th year of his age. In December of the same year, his office, as 164 MORAVIANS IN NORTH CAROLINA. President of the Provincial Board, was filled again by the writer of this historical sketch, Levin T. Reichel, formerly stationed as pastor in Litiz, Pa. SUMMARY AT THE CLOSE OF 1856. Communi- cants. Non-com- muuicauts. Children. Total. 1. Salem . 430 59 209 698 Betliabara . 36 32 31 99 8. Bethimia 137 62 108 307 4. Friedberg 164 114 151 429 .'). Muddy Creek 23 2 9 34 6. Macedonia lo 15 7. Hope 33 10 18 61 S. Friedlaud 47 5S 66 171 9. Philadelphia 17 8 24 49 902 345 616 1863 MINISTERS OF SALEM CONGREGATION. 1G5 XYIIL MINISTERS AND OTHER BRETHREN IN THE SER- VICE OF THE PROVINCE IN GENERAL, AND OP THE SALEM CONGREGATION IN PARTICULAR. 1. DUEING THE TIME OF THE BETHABARA ECONOaiY. 1 From To 1. Bcruh. A. Grube . 1753 1754 2. Jacob Loesh, superintendent of plantations 1753 1769 3. John Jacob Fries . 1754 1755 4. Gottlob Hoffman . 1755 1764 5. Christ. H. Kauch . 1755 17.56 6. David Bishop .... 1756 1760 7. Christian Seidel, German min- ister 1756 1759 Died in office. 8. J. M. Sauter . , . ; 1757 1760 Died in office. 9. Jacob Rogers, English minis- ter of Dobbs' Parish . 1758 1762 10. John Ettwein, German minister 1759 1766 11. John Mich. Graff . 1762 1773 12. Abrah. de Gammern 1762 1765 Died in office. 13. Lawrence Bagge 1764 1769 14. Matthew Schropp . 1766 1767 Died in office. 15. Richard Utley, English minis- ter of Dobbs' Parish . 1766 1770 16. F. W. de Marshall . 166 MORAVIANS IN NORTH CAROLINA. 2. BISHOPS AND MEMBERS OF THE PROVINCIAL HELPERS CONFERENCE. (The Provincial Board. Nearly all living in Salem.) 'From To . 1. Fred. Will, de Marshall, S. C. Pi'esideut .... 1772 1802 Died in office. 2. John M. Graff, Bishop, 1773 . 1772 1782 Died in offlce. 3. PaulTiersch .... 1772 1774 Died in office. 4. Rich. Utley .... 1772 1775 Died in office. 5. John Daniel Koehler, Bishop, 1790 1785 1800 6. Gottfried Praezel . 1785 1788 Died in office. 7. Christ. Lewis Benzien . 1785 1811 Died in office. 8. Charles G. Eeichel, Bishop, President .... 1802 1811 9. Simon Peter, Bethabara . 1803 1819 Died in office. 10. JohriHerbst, Bishop, President 1811 1812 Died in office. 11. Lewis D. de Schweiuitz . 1812 1821 12. Jacob Va7i Vleck, President, Bishop in 1815 1812 1822 13. Christ. Fr. Schaaf . 1819 1841 Died in office. 14. Theodor Shultz 1821 1849 15. Andr. Benade, Bishop, Presi- dent ..... 1822 1829 16. John 0. Beckler, President, Bishop in 1835 . 1829 1836 17. Will. H. Van Vleck, Bishop, President .... 1836 1849 18. John C. Jacohson . 1841 1844 19. Charles F. Kluge . 1844 1853 20. John G. Herman, Bishop, Pre- sident 1849 1854 Died in office. 21. George F. Balmson . 1849 22. Emil. A. de Schweinitz . 1853 23. Lewis T. Beichel, President . 1854 3. MINISTERS OF SALEM. 1. PaulFiersch . 1771 1774 Died in office. 2. John M. Graff, Epis. 1774 1782 Died in office. 3. John Fr. Peter 1782 1784 4. John Dan. Koehler, Epis 1784 1800 5. Chr. Benzien . 1800 1802 6. Charles G. Reichel, Epis 1802 1811 7. John Herbst, Epis. . 1811 1812 Died in offlce. 8. Simon Peter . 1812 1812 9. Jacob Van Vleck, Epis. 1812 1822 G. Ben]. Reichel, assistan ; 1819 1829 10. Andr. Benade, Epis. 1822 1829 MINISTERS OF SALEM CONGREGATION. IGT MINISTERS OF SALI,M— Continued. From To 11. G. Bouj. Keich.'l, minister . 1829 18.33 Died in oflico. 12. John C. Becklcr, Epis. . 183.3 1836 14. Will.' H. Van Vleck, Epis. . 1836 1849 Henry A. Shultz, a.ssistant 1839 1842 Charles A. Bleck, " 1842 1844 Saial R. Iluebner, " 1844 1849 Died in office. A. A. Reinke . " 1848 1849 1.5. George F. Bahuson . 1S49 4. WARDENS OF SALEM CONGREGATION. (Having the management of the outward ordained brethren. Not all of them 1 John Klein .... 1770 1770 Died in office. 2. Richard Utley .... 1771 1774 8. J. G. Wallis .... 1774 1776 4, C. G. Renter, surveyor . 1776 1777 Died in office. o. J. H. Herbst .... 177S 1780 6. Jeppe Wiclsen (two weeks) . 1780 1780 Died in office. •7 G. Praezel .... 17S1 1788 Died in office. s, J. H. Herbst .... 1788 1790 ft. Abrh. Hessler .... 1790 1791 10. Samuel Stotz .... 1791 1820 Died in office. John Gambold, assistant . 1802 1804 Mast. Schneider, " 1804 1806 11. G. Byhan .... 1820 1827 12. WiU. L. Benzien . Vacancy. 1827 1832 Died in office. 13. S. Thomas Pfohl . 1837 Besides these brethren (and the administrators and principals of Female Academy mentioned, ch. II. and XII.), there have been a number of Brethren, some of them ordained as Deacons of the Brethren's Church, who, from ltG9 to 1823, attended more especially to the spiritual 168 MORAVIANS IN NORTH CAROLINA. and temporal concerns of the single Bretbreu's establishment. In a similar manner Sisters have been in the service of the church as superintend- ents of the choir house of the single Sisters. There were brethren, also, occasionally ap- pointed as superintendents of the Salem boy- school, among whom we name, because he has not been mentioned elsewhere, C. Th. Pfohl, who served in that capacity from 1^91 to 1802. Since 1849, the boys' school has been placed under a committee consisting of the ministers and wardens of the congregation, and three bre- thren elected by the congregation council. The number of scholars at the close of 1856 was fifty. There is also, since 1836, an infant school esta- blished in the now so-called "Widows' House," managed by a Sister, averaging about thirty children. MINISTERS OF COUNTRY CONGREGATIONS. 169 XIX. MINISTERS OF THE COUNTRY CONGREGATIONS. (Only the resident ministers are mentioned in the following lists.) 1. BETHABARA. f iFrom To 1 1. ; Lawrence Bagge 1773 1784 2. , John Jacob Ernst . 1784 1791 3. Abraham Hessler . 1791 1800 Died in office. 4. i John Jacob Ernst . 1800 1S02 5. C. D. Buchholz. June to Oct. ]802 1802 6. Simon Teter . . . '. 1802 1811 7. j J. P. Kluge, assistant in 1S07 1811 1813 S. ! J. L. Strohle .... Vacant. 1813 1827 Died in office. 9. G. Byhan .... Vacant. 1832 1837 10. J. R. Schmidt .... Vacant. 1839 1847 11. L. T. Oerter .... Attended to by the minister of Bethania. 1849 1854 2. BETHANIA. 1. David Bishop .... 1760 1763 Died in office. 2. L. G. Bachhof . 1761 1770 3. John J. Ernst . 1770 1784 4. Valentin Beck 1784 1791 Died in office. >') Simon Peter . 1791 1802 6." Christ. Th. Pfohl . 1802 1823 7. J. P. Kluge, assistant 1813 1819 8. Peter WoUe, " 1819 1822 9. Charles A. Van Vleck 1822 1826 10. J. C. Jacobsou 1820 18.34 11. G. F. Bahnson 1834 1838 12. Julius T. Beckler . 1838 1844 1.?. F. F. Hagen . 1S44 IS.jl 14. E. M. Grunert . 1851 15 no MORAVIANS IN NORTH CAROLINA. For a time two ordained Brethren were sta- tioned at Bethania, and Brother C. Lash had the management of the temporal affairs of the con- gregation, which was to be placed on the same footing as Salem, as a so-called "Place Congre- gation," with lease system, etc. The place was finally abandoned in 1822. 3. FRIEDBERG. From To 1 1. L. G. Bachhotf 1770 1776 Died in oflice. 2. Valent. Beck . 1776 1784 3. Simon Peter . 17S1 1791 4. Martin Schneider 1791 1804 5. John Gambold 1804 1805 6. C. D. Buchholz 1805 1806 7. C. H. Rude . 1807 1822 8. C. F. Denke 1822 1S32 9. H. A. Schultz . 1832 1839 10. S. R. HLibner , 1839 1844 11. E. T. Senseman 1844 1851 12. F. F. Hagen . 1851 1854 13. Lewis Rights . 1854 4. iiorE. J. Chr. Fritz . J. Jac. Wohlfert . Samuel G. Kramsch Abrah. Steiner J. Jac. Wohlfert J. L. Strohle . Samnel G. Kramsch C. F. Deuke . The place -was considered too unhealthy, and no minister resided there till 1838. In 18.39 a new min- ister's house was built, but abandoned in 1841. 1780 1787 1787 1792 1792 1802 1802 1806 1807 1807 1807 1813 1813 1819 1820 1821 Died in office. MINISTERS OF COUNTRY CONGREGATIONS. 17 1 B.OV'Er-Conti7iued. H G. Glau.lor .... Adam llamaa .... This congregation is at pre- sent under the pastoral cliargo of the ministers at Friedberg. 1838 1839 1839 18il FKIEDLAXD. 1. Toego Xisscn . . o John Casper Heinzman . 3. Fetor Goetje . 4. J. Martin Schneider ;'). J. J. Ernst 6. J. Jacob Wohlfert . C. D. Bnchholz 8. J. J. Wohlfert . . 9 C. D. Buchholz 10. S. R. Hiibner . 11. S. Thomas Pfohl . 12. G. Bvhan 13. Adam Haman . Jfon-resident minister, at- tended by S. R. Hiibner, from Salem. 14. Lewis Rights, assistant in 1846 l;j. F. F. Hagen . 16. Lewis Rights . Vacant. 17. J. C. Cooke 177.5 1780 1780 1783 178.5 1786 1786 1791 1791 1800 1801 1802 1802 180.) 1805 1806 1807 1823 1823 1827 1827 1837 1837 1841 1841 1843 1847 ISol 1351 1851 1851 1854 1856 Died in office. Died in office. 1V2 MORAVIANS IN NORTH CAROLINA. XX. THE BRETHREN'S UNITY. Before closing this historical sketch, it wiL be necessary to make a few remarks iu reference to the ecclesiastical connection of the Wachovia Moravian Congregations with the other congre- gations of the Brethren's Unity. By capital from abroad the land was bought, the forests cleared; by emigrants and colonists from Europe and Pennsylvania the settlements were com- menced, and though their descendants are now fully able, by native talent and their own re- sources, to maintain what their self-denying grandsires have established for them, still not only they are gratefully remembered by every upright Moravian, but the connection hitherto existing with the other parts of the Unitas Fra- trum, is cheerfully maintained, with such modifi- THE brethren's UNITY. ITS cations as altered circumstances necessarily re- quire. Whilst formerly ofTicial visitations on tlie part of the governing Board of the Unity were deemed indispensable to maintain the connection, in mo- dern times this object has been gained by the occasional visit of Brethren from our parts as deputies to the General Synods, hitherto always held in Germany. These delegates were, on for- mer occasions, elected or appointed by the Pro- vincial Board or the Congregations of the Pro- vince. By the last General Synod of 1848, an alteration has been resolved upon, according to . which two brethren, elected by the Province itself through its representation assembled at a Pro- vincial Synod in 1856,* are to go to the General Synod of the Unity to be convened in Herrnhut, June 8th, of this year, with the following decla- ration : — " Whereas, the Brethren's Unihj is composed of very different parts, which, however, all be- ^ Vide Digest of tlie Provincial Synod at Salem, lield April 28th to May 13th, 1856. 15* 174 MORAVIANS IN NORTH CAROLINA. long either to the Brethren's Church or to the Brethren's Congregation ; and "Whereas, we are, nevertheless, all built on the same foundation, that of the apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ himself being the chief corner-stone; '' Therefore resolved, that, though belonging to different nationalities, speaking different lan- guages, living under different forms of govern- ment, cherishing different political views, and hav- ing different social habits, still a Bond of Union, connecting the different branches of the Unitas Fratrum, can be, and we hope and pray may be maintained also in future years, and we continue to be 'the Brethren'' s Unity, even without uni- formity.' " This union feeling has been strengthened and nourished by the celebration of our memorial days, both annually and centenary. Thus, in June, 1822, the several congregations of this province, in spiritual union with our other con- gregations in the four parts of the globe, cele- brated the Centenary Jubilee of the Reneiced Church of the Brethren ; the Itth of June, 1722, THE brethren's UNITY. 175 being the day, from which dates the beginning of Ilerrnhut, the mother congregation of the re- newed church. Ten years later, in 1732, a simi- lar festive commemoration was held of the first attempt of the church in August, 1732, to go forth in the faith and strength of the Lord, to proclaim the glad tidings of salvation to the be- nighted heathen. And being descendants of the old church of martyrs, which was established in the mountains of Bohemia in 1457, the oldest of the protestant churches, we this year celebrate, with fervent gratitude to the Lord, the Fourth Centenary of the Unitas Fratrum. March 1st, 1857. APPENDIX APPEXDIX Xo. I. FIRST SETTLEPvS AND HEADS OF FAMILIES. Tuis list lias been carefully extracted from the church records of the different Moravian congregations in North Carolina ; and many of the present members of the church will, no doubt, be gratified to find on record here, when their ancestors arrived in this coun- try, and where their burial places may be found. AcKERMAN, John, bom in 1756, near Eisenach, Germany ; came to North Carolina in 1785; died in 1791 in Bethabara. Bagge, Traugott, born in 1729 in Gottenburg, Sweden ; came to North Carolina in 1768 ; died in 1800 in Salem. Bacmgakten, John George, born in 1722 in Hesse Cas- sel ; came to North Carolina in 1755 ; died in 1779 in Salem. Beroth, Jacob, born in 1740 in York Co., Pa. ; came to North Carolina in 1772 ; died in 1801 in Salem. Beroth, John, bom in 1725 in Oppen. Palatinate, one 180 APPENDIX. of the first settlers of Betliabara in 1753, and of Betliania in 1759; died in 1817 in Friedland. Blum, Jacob, born in 1739 in Saucon, Northampton, Pa. ; came to North Carolina in 1768 ; died in 1802 in Salem. Blum, John Henry, born in 1752 in Bethlehem, Pa. ; came to North Carolina in 1766 ; died in 1824 in Salem. BcECKEL, John Nicolaus, born in 1741 in Heidelberg, Pa. ; came to North Carolina in 1767 ; died in 1822 in Bethania. BoECKEL, Fred., born in 1742 in Pennsylvania ; came to North Carolina in 1765 ; died in 1802 in Friedberg. BuLow (Belo), John Fred., born in 1780 in Herrnhut, Saxony; came to North Carolina ii; 1806; died in 1827 in Salem. Boxer. Joseph William, born in 1747 in Pennsylvania ; came to North Carolina in 1769 ; died in 1785 in Hope. Briez, Christian, born in 1772 in Lower Lusatia, Ger- many ; came to North Carolina in 1806 ; died in 1845 in Salem. BuKKHAKDT, John Christian, born in 1771 in Tanger- miinde, Alt Mark, Prussia ; came to North Carolina in 1806 ; died in 1846 in Salem. APPENDIX. 181 BuTTNER, Thomas, bora in 1741 in Monocasy, Maryland ; came to North Carolina in 17G8 ; died in 1780 in Hope. Byhan, Gottlieb, bora in 1777 near Herrahut, Saxony ; came to North Carolina in 1796. Chitty, John, bora in 1766 in Maryland ; died in 1825 in Bethabara. Christ, Rudolph, born in 1750 in Wurtemberg ; came to North Carolina in 1765 ; died in 1833 in Salem. Christian, Balthasar, born in 1760 in York Co., Pa. ; came to North Carolina in 1780 ; died in 1797 in Bethabara. Clauder, Charles Gottlieb, born in 1765 in Zwickau, Saxony ; came to North Carolina in 1797 ; died in 1843 in Salem. Conrad, Christian, born in 1744 in Pennsylvania ; came to North Carolina in 1768 ; died in 1800 in Bethania. Cook (Koch), George, born in 1771 in Lancaster, Pa. ; came to North Carolina in 1806 ; died in 1822 in Friedberg. DouTiiiD, John, born in 1709 in Coleraine, Ireland ; came to North Carolina in 1750 ; died in 1784 in Hope. Eberhardt, John Lewis, born in 175S in Thuriugia, 16 182 APPENDIX. Germany ; came to North Carolina in 1799 ; died in 1839 in Salem. Ebert, Jolin Martin, born in 1727 in Anspacli, Germany ; came to North Carolina in 1774; died in 1792 in Friedberg. Elrod, Christian, born in 1721 in Pennsylvania ; came to North Carolina in 1751 ; died in 1785 in Hope. Fetter, Jacob, born in 1781 in Lancaster, Pa. ; died in 1856 in Salem. FiscHELL, John Adam, born in 1730 in Palatinate, Ger- many ; came to North Carolina in 1779 ; died in 1802 in Friedberg. Fisher, Melchior, born in 1726 in Heilbron, Wurtem- berg ; came to North Carolina about 1770 ; died in 1798 in Friedberg. FocKEL, Gottlieb, born in 1724 in Peilau, Silesia, Ger- many; came to North Carolina in 1755; died in 1778 in Bethabai-a. Frey, Peter, born in 1689 in Alsace, Germany ; came to North Carolina in 1765 ; died in 1766 in Friedberg. Fries, John Christ William, born in 1775 in Barby, Germany ; came to North Carolina in 1809. Grabs, Gottfried, born in 1716 in Silesia, Germany; came to North Carolina in 1756 ; died in 1793 in Bethania. APPENDIX. 183 Greter, Jacob, born in 1708 in Alsace, Germany ; came to North Carolina in 17G8 ; died in 1788 in Friedberg. Hagex, John Joachim, born in 1771 in Brandenburg ; came to North Carolina in 1814 ; died in 1844 in Salem. Ha>'ke, John, born in 1750 in Nazareth, Pa. ; died in 1823 in Bethania. Hamilton, Horatio, born in 1756 in Frederick Co., Mary- land ; came to North Carolina in 1775 ; died in 1840 in Hope. Hartman, George Fred., born in 1724 in Palatinate; came to North Carolina in 1755 ; died in 1788 in Friedberg. Hauser, Martin, born in 1696 in Miimpolgard, Switzer- land ; came to North Carolina in 1753 ; died in 1761 in Bethania. Hege, John Balthasar, born in 1714 in "Wurtemberg ; came to North Carolina in 1757 ; died in 1785 in Bethania. Heix, John Jacob, born in 1713 in Dilleburg, Germany ; died in 1795 in Friedland. Heix, John, born in 1749 near Dilleburg, Germany ; died in 1806 in Bethabara. Herbst, John Henry, born in 1727 in Hanover ; came to North Carolina in 1762; died in 1821 in Salem. 184 APPENDIX. HcEHN, Marcus, born in 1719 in Zweibriicken, Germany; came to Nortli Carolina in 1774 ; died in 1797 in Friedberg. Holder, Greorge, born in 1729 in Oley, Pa. ; came to Nortli Carolina in 1755 ; died in 1804 in Bethabara. Holland, John, born in 1743 in Cliesliire, England; came to Nortli Carolina in 1773 ; died in 1811 in Salem. Kapp, John Jacob, born in 1729 in Switzerland ; came to Nortli Carolina in 1754; died in 1807 in • Betbabara. KoRNER, Joseph, born in 1769 in Black Forest, Germa- ny ; died in 1830 in Friedland. Krause, Matthew, born in 1720 in Upper Silesia, Ger- many ; came to North Carolina in 1755 ; died in 1762 in Bethabara. Kr(en, Peter, born in 1722 in Eichfeld, Franconia ; died in 1798 in Friedland. Keehln, Christian David, born in 1793 in Niesky, Ger- many ; came to North Carolina in 1818. KiiNZEL, John Fred., born in 1737 in Konigsbach, Ger- many ; died in 1802 in Friedland. Lagenour, Jacob Fred., born in 1751 in Duiiach, Ger- many ; died in 1843 in Friedland. Lehman, John Christian, born in 1770 in Lnsatia, Ger- many. APPENDIX. 185 Leinbach, Lewis, born iu 1743 in Oley, Pa. ; came to Nortli Carolina in 1765 ; died in 1800 in Betliabara. Leinbach, Frederick, bom in 1737 in Oley, Pa. ; died in 1821 in Salem. Lick, Martin, born in 1726 in Neuwied, Germany ; came to North Carolina in 1758 ; died in 1760 in Bethabara. LoEsn (Lasli), John Jacob, bom in 1722 in Scbobarie, N. Y. ; came to Nortli Carolina in 1753 ; died in 1782 in Hope, N. J. Mack, Jacob, born in 1753 in Reading, Pa. ; died in 1836 in Davidson County. Meinung, Charles Lewis, bom in 1743 in Oley, Pa. ; came to North Carolina in 1771; died in 1817 in Salem. MlicKE, John, born in 1749 near Philadelphia ; died in 1807 in Bethabara. MiiLLER; Jacob, born in 1721 in Zweibriicken, Germa- ny ; died in 1798 in Bethania. Moss, Henry, born in 1751 in Maryland ; came to North Carolina in 1775 ; died in 1822 in Fried- berg. Noll, Jacob, born in 1740 near Philadelphia ; died in 1811 in Bethabara. NoTHixo, Matthew, born in 1756 in Halifax; died in 1807 in Salem. 16* 18G APPENDIX. Oehman, John Gottfried, born in 1781 in Weissenstein, Livonia, Russia ; came to North. Carolina in 1819. Opiz, Charles, born in 1719 in Silesia, Germany ; came to North Carolina in 1755 ; died in 1763 in Bethania. Padget, John, born in 1723 in Charles County, Mary- land ; came to North Carolina in 1775 ; died in 1811 in Hope. Padget, Thomas, born in 1752 in Carrol's Manor, Mary- land ; came to North Carolina in 1775 ; died in 1831. Petersen, Carsten, born in 1776 near Flensburg, Den- mark ; came to North Carolina in 1806. Peddicoart, William Barton, born in 1739 in Prince George's County, Maryland ; came to North Carolina in 1775 ; died in 1807 in Hope. Pfaff, Peter, born in 1727 in Palatinate, Germany ; came to North Carolina in 1771 ; died in 1804 in Bethania. Philipps, John Samuel, born in 1776 in Pennsylvania. Ranke, John, born in 1737 in Lancaster County, Pa. ; came to North Carolina in 1754 ; died in 1798 in Bethabara. Reich, John Christoph, born in 1763 in Berks County, Pa. ; died in 1824 in Salem. APPENDIX. IST Reich, Matthew, born in 1764 in Berks County, Pa. ; died in 1829 in Salem. Reich, Jacob, born in 1770 in Orange County, N. C. ; died in 1827 in Friedberg. Reuz (Rights), John, born in 1752 in Bethlehem, Pa. ; came to North Carolina in 1764 ; died in 1810 in Salem. RiED, Jacob, bom in 1735 in Baden Durlach; came to North Carolina in 1770, from Broad Bay, Maine ; died in 1819 in Friedland. RoMiNGER, David, born in 1716 in Wurtemberg ; came to North Carolina, from Broad Bay, Maine, in 1769 ; died in 1777 in Bethabara. RoMiNGEE, Michael, born in 1709 in Wurtemberg ; came to North Carolina, from Broad Bay, in 1770 ; died in 1803 in Friedland. RoTHKOCK, Philip, born in 1746 in York County , - a- ; died in 1825 in Friedberg. RoTHROCK, Peter, born in 1746 in York County, Pa. ; died in 1829 in Friedberg. RoTHKOCK, Jacob, born in 1770 in York County, Pa. ; died in 1807 in Friedberg. ScHAFFNER, John, bom in 1773 in Switzerland ; came to North Carolina in 1818 ; died in 1854 in Salem. ScHAUB, John Fred., born in 1717 in Switzerland ; came 188 APPENDIX. to North Carolina in 1755 ; died in 1801 in Betliania. Schneider, Melchior, born in 1717 in Durlacli, Ger- many ; came to North Carolina, from Broad Bay, Maine, in 1770 ; died in 1790 in Fried- land. Schorr, Henry, born in 1735 in Switzerland ; came to North Carolina in 1756 ; died in 1819 in Betliania. ScHULz, John, born in 1703 in Basle, Switzerland ; came to North Carolina in 1769 ; died in 1788 in Betliania. ScHUJiAN, Fred. Henry, born in 1777 in Gnadau, Ger- many ; came to North Carolina in 1808. Seiz, John Michael, born in 1737 in Wurtemberg ; came to Broad Bay, Maine, in 1759, and to North Carolina in 1770 ; died in 1817 in Friedland. Senseman, John Henry, born in 1786 in Heidelberg, Pa. ; died in 1854 in Salem. Shober, Gottlieb, born in 1756 in Bethlehem, Pa. ; came to North Carolina in 1768 ; died in 1838 in Salem. Spach, Adam, born in 1720 in Alsace, Germany ; came to North Carolina in 1756 ; died in 1801 in Friedberg. Spoenhauer, John Henry, born in 1716 in Switzerland ; APPENDIX, 189 came to North Carolina in 1755 ; died in 1788 in Bethania. Stauber, Paul Christian, born in 1726 in Frankfurt, Germany ; came to North Carolina in 1767 ; died in 1793 in Bethania. Stockburger, John George, born in 1731 in Wurtem- berg ; came to North Carolina in 1766 ; died in 1803 in Salem. Stolz, Caspar, born in 1753 in Pennsylvania ; died in 1834 in Bethania. Strup, John Francis, born in 1716 in Nassau, Germany ; came to North Carolina in 1766; died in 1782 in Bethabara. Strup, John, born in 1719 in Lauffelfingen, Germany ; came to North Carolina in 1760 ; died in 1789 in Bethania. Tesch, Henry, born in 1733 in Palatinate ; came to North Carolina in 1771 ; died in 1804 in Friedberg. Traxson, Philip, born in 1724 in Palatinate ; came to North Carolina in 1762; died in 1792 in Bethania. ViERLiNG, Samuel Benjamin, born in 1765 in Rudol- stadt, Silesia, Germany ; came to North Caro- lina in 1790 ; died in 1817 in Salem. Vogler, Philip Christopher, born in 1725 in Palatinate ; 190 APPENDIX, came to North Carolina, from Broad Bay, Maine, in 1770 ; died in 1790 in Betliania. VoLZ, Peter, born in 1726 in Alsace, Germany ; came to North Carolina in 1768 ; died in 1806 in Friedberg. "Wageman, Andrew, born in 1758 in South Carolina ; came to North Carolina in 1766; died in 1779 in Salem. Wernek, Christian Andrew, born in 1768 in Randolph County, N. C. ; died in 1814 in Betliania. Wesnek, Matthew, born in 1730 in Stuttgart, Wurtem- berg ; came to North Carolina in 1772 ; died in 1806 in Friedberg. Winkler, Christian, born in 1766 in Switzerland ; came to North Carolina in 1807 ; died in 1839 in Salem. Zevely, Van Naman, born in 1780 in North Carolina ; came to Salem in 1798. Zimmerman, Christian, born in 1726 in Nassau, Ger- many ; came to North Carolina in 1758 ; died in 1793 in Friedberg. APPENDIX. 191 No. II. CHURCHES AND OTHER PUBLIC BUILDINGS. Salem. First meeting liall in Congregation House conse- crated 13th Nov. 1771. The house removed in 1854 to make room for the new academy building. Church of Salem consecrated 9th Nov. 1800 Chapel built in 1841 Old academy finished . . . 1805 Boys' school-house .... 1794 Single sister's house . . . .1786 Brethren's house .... 1769 Bethabaka. First meeting house, consecrated 1st Feb. 175G. Present church, Bethania. First meeting house, Present church Friedland. First meeting house. Second " Friedberg. First " " Second " Third " " 26th Nov. 1788. 23d June, 1771. 22d Oct. 1806. 18th Feb. 1775. 31st Oct. 1847. 11th March, 1769. 12th March, 1788. 28th July, 1827. 192 APPENDIX. Hope meeting liouse, consecrated 28th Marcli, 1780. Philadelphia meeting house, " 31st Oct. 1851. Macedonia " " " 25th May, 1856. NEW ACADEMY BUILDINGS. For future reference, we insert here a full description of the New Female Academy at Salem, which was pre- pared for the " Iloravian,^' vol. i. 4, the official organ of the American Moravian Church. " The new house occupies the site of the old church and parsonage (formerly called the ' Congregation House'), immediately joining the original school build- ing. "The dimensions of the main building are 100 feet front by 52 feet deep, with a wing at the north 70| feet in length and 34| feet in depth, and another one at the south 77 by 44 feet. The main building, as well as the north wing, is four stories on the front, and at the rear (on account of the descent of the ground) five stories, including the basement. The fronts of the houses are of pressed brick, expressly manufactured for our build- ing, angl are probably some of the first of the kind made in our State. " The front is ornamented by a large Doric portico, 50 feet in length and 13 feet in width. It has four Doric columns, with two pilasters resting against the house. The height of the whole, including bases, columns, and APPENDIX. 103 entablatures, is between 30 and 40 feet — the cornice of the entablature extending three feet above the sills of the- third story windows. The whole is built strictly in accordance with the classical Doric order of archi- tecture. The columns are of brick, stuccoed with hy- draulic cement in imitation of brown sandstone, as is also the rest of the portico, excepting the bases and steps, which are of hewn granite. "The roof oi the house has but one inclination, from front to rear, and is covered with tin. The front eleva- tion is formed and crowned by a very heavy cornice of blockwork, over six feet in height. In the centre, there rises above this, a pediment of over fifty feet in length of base, by about eighteen feet elevation. " The first and second stories of the main house are divided into eighteen dwelling and school rooms, with smaller side rooms attached to each. These side rooms are fitted up with small closets, wardrobes, &c. All the rooms are lined, to a height of three feet from the floor, with panel-work, grained in imitation of walnut. Passages of 12 feet wide extend through the whole length of the house in each story, and wide, staircases run up on both ends of the main house, from the base- ment to the fourth story. The entrance-hall, on the first floor, into which the large front door opens, is about 20 feet square, connecting with the main passage by an elliptical archway of about 20 feet span. On the 17 194 APPENDIX. south end the passage connects by a closed and covered way with the old buildings. " The whole third floor forms one dormitory. This is a very large room, extending over the entire house from wall to wall, without any partitions, the ceiling and fourth floor being supported by a colonnade of sixteen pillars. " ^\\e fourth story is divided into ten rooms ; those on the front being fine and airy, intended for smaller classes and music rooms. Those on the rear are roughly finished, and only intended for trunk and store rooms. " The north wing is divided into a large number of rooms, to be used for various purposes. The whole of the second story of this wing is devoted to the so-called ' sick-rooms,' with every convenience attached. From this wing there is also a covered and closed way, lead- ing directly into our church, and by this passage our scholars can enter the church under cover at all times. " The whole rear part of the basement story is taken up by ' wash' or ' dressing-rooms.' There are eighteen such wash-rooms, each being furnished with three sta- tionary basins. Through all these apartments the water, both hot and cold, is conducted in pipes, with cocks over each basin. In addition to these rooms thei-e are a number of bath-rooms, with tub and shower baths. The head of water is obtained from large water APPENDIX. 195 tanks, located in the building at the end of the north wing. The supply of water is procured from a well and spring at the foot of the hill upon which the build- ing stands, being driven up to an elevation of some 140 feet by forcing-pumps, which are worked by water- power. Tlie hot water is generated in a large circulat- ing boiler, located in the cellar of the front house. This boiler was made expressly for our establishment in Auburn, New York. " There are porches of 12 feet width, extending along the rear of the house, two stories high on the main house, and three on the north wing. *' We have introduced a very complete system of ven- tilation throughout the whole building. Four main trunk ventilators run up from the lower floor, extend- ing above the roof. With these main trunks, the dif- ferent rooms are connected by branches. " The south wing is not yet quite completed. The lower floor of this wing will contain a dining-room, large enough to seat some 250 persons. On the second floor, whicbwill be supported by iron pillars, our chapel will be located." R. DE. S. 196 APPENDIX, No. III. HOUSES BUILT IN SALEM. 1706—1816. 1786. Feb., first house, at present, Schaffner's shop. Ang., second house, owned by Fries. ** third house, two-story building, since re- moved, site of Fries's store. Contained first meeting-hall. 17G7. Fourth house, inhabited by W. Leibech. Fifth '* inhabited by Hughes. Sixth " owned by Ebert. 1768. Pottery, inhabited by J. Chitty. Blacksmith-shop, at present, L. Belo. Single Brethren's house. 1769. Single Brethren's house, finished in part, at present, widows' house. Tannery, at present, Brietz. 1770. Congregation-house, finished in 1771, removed in 1854. Seventh house, at present, Fischer. 1771. House for skins, at present, Belo's store. Tavern, burnt in 1784, rebuilt in 1784, at present, Buttner. 1772. Renter's house, °' J. Vogler. 1774. Store of congregation, " E. A. Vogler. Triebel's house, rebuilt in 1756. W. H. Hall. APPENDIX. ISY 1775. Family house. 1783. Family house, afterwards widows' house, since removed, at present, bank building. 1785. Single Sisters' house. Family house, at present, Shober's. 3 786. Family house, formerly Huesler's. Addition to Brethren's house. 1787. Family house, at present, Thos. Boner. " " inhabited by Mitchel. 1788. " " " " Banner. 1789. Fulling-mill, at present, N. Vogler. 1791. Family house, at present. Boner & Crist's store. 1794. Boys' school-house. 1797. House for warden of congregation, S. Stotz, at present, S. Th. Pfohl. C. Vogler's house, " R. Crist. 1800. Dr. Vierling's house, " land-office. Bakery, " Winkler. 1803. Girls' school-house. Market-house on the square. Corpse-house. 1805. SchriJter's house, at present, Fulkerson. 1810. Inspector's house. 1814. Eberhardt's house. C. Schulz's " at present, Schajafner. 1815. Chr. Reich (copper-smith). 198 APPENDIX. The above list is not quite complete, for in 1816 there were counted, besides the church, the congrega- tion-house, the two school and two choir-houses, thirty- six family houses in Salem, probably including those built in that year by A. Steiner, Foltz, and Hagen. In the following years, not all the new buildings seem to have been recorded in the Memorabilia ; hence the list is incomplete, but still not without local in- terest. 1817—1851. 1817. Senseman. 1819. Addition to the Sisters' house, on the south. John Vogler and Sam. Schulz. 1820. Thomas Wohlfahrt, Charles Levering, and Henry Herbst. 1821. New grist-mill near Salem. 1822. H. Lienbach, Schaffner, S. Lick, and Ackerman. 1823. A. Steiner, Jr. Cistern in the square. 1824. Philip Reich, Traug. Lienbach, Sam. Schulz. 1826. Three new houses. 1827. Two new houses. Printing-office. 1828. One new house. 1829. " " " 1831. L. Eberhardt, Denke, and Jos. Stauber. 1832. Timothy Vogler. 1834. Jos. Stauber. APPENDIX. 199 1839. Clewell and Sussdorf. 1840. Wm. Houser, Theopli. Vierling, Clias. Cooper. 18-41. Kramer, F. Fries, Beitel, A. Fishel, second story on Jac. Blum's store, chapel, minister's liouse for Bishop Van Vleck, corpse-house. 1842. Theod. Schultz, H. Meinung, A. Steiner, H. Wink- ler, John Chitty, Traug. Cliittj. 1843. David Blum. 1844. Joshua Boner, J. D. Siewers, F. C. Meinung ; con- cert hall. 1847. Edwin Beitel; bank building. 1848. Edwin Meinung ; Fries, factory building. 1849. Antoinette Blum, Ed. Belo ; hall of Young Men's Missionary Society and Sons of Temperance — the former in 1856 occupied by the post-office. 1851. Wm. F. Schulz. 200 APPENDIX. No. lY. ADDITIONS AND NOTES. 1753. The following are the names of the nine Breth- ren, who arrived as first settlers : — John Beroth, farmer, from the Susquehanna, Pa. John Lisher,' farmer. Herman Loesh, miller, from Pennsylvania. Jacob Lung, gardener, from Wurtemberg. Christopher Merkle, baker. Erich Ingebresten, carpenter, from Norway. Henry Feldhausen, carpenter and hunter. Hans Peterson, tailor from Denmark. Jacob Pfeil, shoemaker, from Wurtemberg. 1757. Among those coming to the Bethabara mill, are mentioned Mr. Shephard and Mr. Banner. 17G0. Two hives of bees were brought from Tar River, 120 miles, which increased very fast ; in con- sequence, many bears made their appearance in the fall. In December, immense quantities of wild pigeons made their appearance and roosted near by for nearly a month. When together, at night, they covered only a small tract of woods, but were clustered so thick upon the trees as to break down the largest limbs by their weight. The noise made by them in coming to their camp at night, as well as the fluttering, &c. APPENDIX. 201 during the night, and thus breaking up in the morning, was heard at a considerable distance. The spot was marked for many years. 1761. Jan. very cold, and thick ice on'the mill-pond, strong enough to drag heavy logs over it to the saw-mill. 1763. In Bethabara and Bethania wells were dug, and the first pumps introduced into this part of the country. 1765. John Leinbach, with his family of seven chil- dren, arrived from Oley, Pa., and bought lot No. 1, the so-called "Lineback tract." 1767. The County Court in Salisbury gave permits for three public roads, one leading from Salem to the Townfork and Dan River, another to Be- lo's Creek and the Cape Fear Road, and the third southward to the Uwharee. 1769. Great abundance of wild grapes ; nineteen hogs- heads of wine were made in the three settle- ments. 1770. Abundance of caterpillars, which destroyed much of the grass and grain. The place for the burial-ground of Salem was cleared and fenced in. Roads opened to Salisbury and Cross Creek. 1771. Much harm done to the com by the squirrels, also many bears in the woods. 18 S02 APPENDIX. .1772. A bell of 2758 lbs. weiglit arrived from Pennsyl- vania ; tbe largest in the neigbborbood ; was used in Salem for meetings, and also served for tbe town-clock, to announce tbe bours. In Oct., Br. Beelitscber finisbed an organ of two stops for Salem. Trombones bad been pro- cured from Europe in 1765. A road was laid out from Salem to tbe Sballow Ford, wbicb opened communication witb Dou- tbid's settlement ; an old road to Belo's Creek was re-opened. 1778. Dobb's Parisb abolisbed by law ; no distinction of religious denominations bencefortb. Salem waterworks ; erected by J. Krause. 1780. Coffee tbree sbillings per pound ; sugar four sbillings. 1781. First inoculation of smallpox in Salem. 1784. One bundred and one persons in Salem bad tbe measles, only one cbild died ; very bot sum mer ; severe fresbets ; many sick of fever and sore tbroats. 1785. Fire engines for Salem brought from Europe. 1786. Wbile digging tbe cellar for addition to tbe Bre- tbrens' bouse, Br. A. Kremser was covered and killed by tbe falling ground. 1787. Introduction of ligbtning-rods in Salem. 1789. In Betbabara, English preaching every fourth Sunday. APPENDIX. 208 1791. Paper-mill near Salem finished ; town clock in Salem. 1792. Fourteen persons died in Salem in February and March of an epidemic scarlet rash. The mail from Halifax to Salisbury passes through Salem once in two weeks : G. Shoher, postmaster. A double row of sycamores was planted from the tavern to the bridge on the beach ; still noble trees. 1795. Great freshet ; the lower part of the mill under water. Wlieat cost six shillings, corn four shillings — double price. 1796. Great freshet in January. Will. Hall, whilst riding to the mill, was drowned. 1797. Preaching places at the Muddy Creek, ten miles, and at Beaver Dam, thirteen miles from Sa- lem. 1799. Br. Van Zevely worked a year with Br. Bach- man, of Litiz, at the organ of the Salem church, building the outer organ case. 1802. Eighty persons in Salem inoculated with the cowpox. 1803. One hundred and twenty-five persons in Salem sick of the measles. 1806. The town-clock improved by Eberhard to strike the quarters. 20i APPENDIX. Charles P. Bagge built a storehouse on the road to Friedlaud, the first house in Charlestown or Waughtoivn. 1811. March. Consecration of Rippel's church ; cu- pola and bell on Bethabara church. 1814. One hundred and twenty persons in Salem sick with the measles. 1815. Mill on the Brushy Fork. Wool-carding machinery of Br. Zevely, the first in this State. 1817. Great abundance of peaches and apples. 1828. Improvements in the water-works of Salem. 1831. By legislative enactment, the freedom from mili- tary service rescinded, which was formerly granted to the Moravians. July 4th. Salem volunteer company. 1832. New fire engine from Philadelphia. 1833. Aug. 28th. Very destructive hail-storm ; about four thousand window-panes broken. 1837. Salem cotton factory commenced operations in fall. 1840. Woollen factory of P. Fries. 1846. Union meetings in Liberty or Burchrentown. 1849. Emigration to Iowa. Fifty-one acres of Salem land sold to the county of Porsythe, for $5 per acre, for the new coun- ty-town of Winston. APPENDIX. 205 1850. Aug. 25th. Great freshet ; bridge over the Middle Fork destroyed. Court-house in Winston finished. 1854. Plank-road from Fayetteville to Bethauia ; church in Salem repaired ; third gallery for boarders of academy. 1857. Jan. 18th. Severe snow-storm and intense cold ; no mail from the North for nearly two weeks. Separation of town and church officers in Salem, and election of the first municipal officers, January 5th. At the commencement of the year 1857, the govern- ing Boards in the various departments (both Church and State) in Salem were composed as follows : — Rev. L. T. Reichel, Pres't, ■) Rev. G. F. Bahnson, I Provincial Board. E. A. de Schweinitz, J Rev. G. F. Bahnson, Minister at Salem. S. Til. Pfohl, Warden of Congregation. E. A. de Schweinitz, Administrator of Land-Office. Rev. R. de Schweinitz, Principal of Salem Female Aca- demy. Rev. L. T. Reichel, "l Rev. G. F. Bahnson, '^^^^^^^ °^ ^^^'''^ ^^^^^^^ E. A. de Schweinitz, J Academy. 206 APPENDIX. E. A. de Schweinitz, Pres't, " S. Th. Pfolil, Secretary, H. Leinbach, Fr. Fries, E. A. Vogler, j- C. Cooper, T. F. Keehln, Board of Overseers of tlie Congregation and Church Property. W. Petersen, Rev. G. F. Bahnson, President of Salem Boys' School. S. Th. Pfohl, 1 Fr. Fries, } Committee of Salem Boys' School. E. A. Vogler, L. Belo, Charles Brietz, Mayor. R. L. Patterson, "] F. Fries, A. Butner, J. R. Crist, E. Belo, I T. F. Keehln, S. Mickey, J [ Town Commissioners. THE END. 9 66 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 014 496 119 5 •