■H: y- ' . . ,4 * , ^ ,^ v « * • °, v "o 1 "* ** ■' CtsVL-O ' ul(o. ^'VyU^L'tLaJ- /JoTOsr'zCiviasyL/ — THE ANCESTRY OF JANE MAEIA GKEENLEAF WIFE OF WILLIAM FRANCIS JOSEPH BOARDMAN HARTFORD, CONNECTICUT By WILLIAM P. J. BOARDMAN Member of the New England Historic Genealogical Society and the Connecticut Historical Society PBIViTELY PRIHTID HAKTFORD, CONN. 1Su8 C\V LIBRARY of CONGRESS Two Copies Received DEC 12 1906 />CopyrirM Entry cussji xxc.;no. COPY B. • COPTRIGHT By WILLIAM F. J. BOAKDMAN 1906 The Case, Lockwood & Brainard Company, Hartjord, Conn. One Hundred and Fifty Numbered Copies No. Presented by the Author to TO THB MEMORY OK [p Lobina SSlife ILLUSTRATIONS. Jane Maria Greenleaf Boardman, Jane M. G. Boardman and her son William Green leaf boardman, .... William Francis Joseph Boaedman, William Greenleaf Boardman, Eliza Fowler Root Boardman. Francis Whittier Boardman. Cedric Root Boardman and Dorothy Root Boardman, . The Greenleaf Residence, No. 10 Windsor St., Hart ford, ...... Dr. Charles Greenleaf, 1809-1888, William Henry Greenleaf, 1814-1875, and Dr. James Monroe Green- leaf, 1819-1877. ...... Mary Greenleaf Lester, 1823-1872, Electa Greenleaf Hurlbut, 1829-1877, Sarah Greenleaf Morgan, 1821- 1880, and Harriet Greenleaf Flowers, 1816-1882, Eliza Ann Morgan. . . . . . Nancy Greenleaf Butler, 1818-1858. Jane Maria Greenleaf at 10 years of age, Dr. David Greenleaf, 1827-1893, and Judge David Greenleaf, 1803-1890, Rev. Daniel Greenleaf, 1679-1763, Capt. Stephen Greenleaf, 1652-1743, Greenleaf Coat of Arms, . . . . Electa Toocker Greenleaf, 1791-1864, . Frontispiece Facing page 1 1 " 14 - " IS " 18 " 18 " 21 22 24 27 28 69 77 89 93 INTRODUCTION. The printed record of " The Ancestry of Jane Maria Green- leaf " is of interest to a large circle of her kindred. It presents in a convenient form the Greenleaf line of descent and includes many facts long since furnished by the author to James Edward Green- leaf, the compiler of the " Greenleaf Genealogy," as noted in that volume ; but much more material, which has been gathered in years of research, concerning one branch of that family. Other family names also appear, some of them for the first time, as far as known, in genealogical work, thus giving to many desired information con- cerning their ancestry. This is especially true of the Toocker fam- ily, and such data as have been obtained may at least furnish a basis for further investigation. It is hoped also that this publica- tion will be the means of bringing to light some lines of ancestry that have hitherto eluded the author's search. The plan adopted will be readily understood. It is to trace first the ancestry of Dr. Charles Greenleaf, the father of Jane Maria Greenleaf, and second that of her mother, Electa Toocker. Each line is treated by gathering the material under generations, which are followed back as far as known, to the emigrant ancestor in New England, and, in some cases, to the English ancestry. In each generation the family history of such persons as have a place in it by marriage is given. Particular attention has also been paid to recording all available data concerning the children of families for the benefit of their descendants. All names of persons that appear in this volume will be found in the " Index of Names," 8 INTRODUCTION. such as are subjects of sketches being indicated by the dates follow- ing. Two or more persons of the same name are distinguished also by dates following or by their appended descent. CZsCt^v Hartford, Conn., January 7, 1906. JANE MARIA GREENLEAF AND WILLIAM FRANCIS JOSEPH BOARDMAN JANE M. G BOARDMAN AND HER SON WILLIAM GEEENLEAF BOARDMAN. From a dagv rreotyjx madi Strpfe/nb r -"•. X8.%. JANE MARIA GREENLEAF JANE MARIA GREENLEAF was the daughter of Charles Greenleaf and Electa Toooker of Hartford, Conn., and was born in that town August 9, 1835, being the youngest of a family of twelve children. She was married January 7, 1853, in the North Congregational Church, Hartford, by Rev. Horace Bushnell, D.D., the pastor, to William Francis Joseph Boardman. The death of Mrs. Boardman occurred in her home No. 74 Farmington avenue. Hartford, August 20, 1899. Thus began and ended the earthly life of a woman as noble, unselfish, and lovely in her character as she was beautiful in the sphere of her ministry. The early life of Mrs. Boardman was spent in the midst of a large and interesting family circle. She was naturally a favorite, being the youngest, but her sympathetic nature led to the strength- ening of the bonds between her and the others of the circle as the years passed, so that she was looked to for counsel, assistance, and comfort. This relationship became an important factor in her life. The home in which Mrs. Boardman was born was located on the south side of Asylum street, a few rods east of Ford street. The house is still standing, though it has been somewhat altered. In 1836 she removed with her father to No. 10 Windsor street, where she lived until after his death in 1843. The family removed a few years afterwards to No. 294 Main street, and from there to No. 14 Welles avenue, where she resided with her mother and brother, Dr. James M. Greenleaf, until her marriage in 1852. She had early attended the schools kept by the Misses Stockbridge on Talcott street, and Miss Kelsey on Trumbull street, and after- wards the Center school on Market street; and to this education she added much by her intelligent interest in affairs and lifelong habits of reading. Mrs. Boardman shared the fortunes of her husband throughout the busiest years of his life, being a loyal companion, a faithful 12 GREENLEAF ANCESTRY. wife, and a devoted mother. In such a sphere there are no achieve- ments that can be published to the outside world. Her days ran on as noiselessly as the meadow brook in the home she loved so much, established with devotion in her youth, maintained with wisdom and affection in her maturer years, and ever made by her presence a good place in which to live, or, as one of her friends said, " a place of rest and peace and harmony." There she gathered about herself many loyal friends who knew her gracious hospitality, happy and cheerful ways, and kindly charity. To such she was wont to say she never had one regret to mar the pleasure of her home life. Among the personal characteristics of Mrs. Boardman her love for nature was prominent. She had a large capacity for the en- joyment of charming scenery. A striking sunset frequently called forth her enthusiastic admiration. In the beauties of the wood- land, fields, and mountains she delighted, and she was passionately fond of flowers, which she always had near her when it was con- venient. The charities of Mrs. Boardman were abundant but unpreten- tious, and performed in secret as was her nature. This was so characteristic of her that at the time of her funeral it was occasion for remark. In this connection the following tribute to her ap- peared in the public press : — " There are many worthy and needy people in this city who will miss the charitable ministrations of this good woman, who is now laid at rest. With no desire for pub- licity and without ostentation, she has relieved many in distress and has made glad hearts where there was sorrow. One of her last acts, so characteristic of her disposition, was to send a generous contribution to the Courant fresh air fund. As she lay on her sick bed waiting for the end, which she knew could not be far off, she said to her husband, " Take this to the Courant office for the children. If I cannot enjoy the pleasures of life any longer I ought to do what I can for the enjoyment of others ! " [Hartford Courant, Aug. 23, 1899. ] One who had known her intimately from childhood wrote of her in these words : " Mrs. Boardman was a true wife and mother. She was kind, sympathetic, and JANE MARIA GREENLEAF. 13 charitable to all. To the sick she was a ministering angel. No one could have been more loyal to friends. Many will miss her boun- ties, which were in the majority of eases extended without the knowledge of the recipient so far as the giver was concerned. Her right hand knew not what her left hand did. Her husband, who furnished her with ample means for her charitable work, knew not whore it was bestowed. Absolute confidence was placed in her judgment. The sick and unfortunate always found a warm spot in her heart. She thought of the value of money only so far as she could do good with it." [Hartford Times, Aug. 21, 1899.] Such a tribute was paid to her by many, and it can best testify to the truth of a friend's remark that she was a " noble woman." For a number of years previous to her death Mrs. Boardman was in poor health, but " she bore the pains of her affliction with patience," never even regretting the kindly ministration to one of her family circle, in the performance of which, in a distant town and strange house, her malady had been caused by an accidental fall. Thus after years of suffering she passed to her reward on the 20th of August, 1899. at the age of sixty-four. " The world was better for her having lived." The funeral of Mrs. Boardman was held at her home. No. 74 Farmington avenue, at 2.30 P.M., August 22d, the services being conducted by the Rev. E. S. Ferry, pastor of the South Park Methodist Church, and the Eev. George L. Coburn, pastor of the Wethersfield Methodist Episcopal Church. After the service the interment took place in the family lot at Cedar Hill Cemetery. She had lived a life of which it could be truly said, " Of her more is written in praise on high than can be written by human hand." WILLIAM FRANCIS JOSEPH BOARDMAN WILLIAM FRANCIS JOSEPH BOARDMAN, to whom Jane Maria Greenleaf was married January 7, 1852, was born in Wethersfield, Conn., December 12, 1828, being th^ son of William Boardman and Mary Francis.; His father then lived in the an- cestral home of the family, located on Broad street, in that town, and here he was brought up in the midst of the best educational, moral, and religious influences. He received his education in the town schools, graduating from the Academy in the spring of 1846. His thoughts were then turned toward a business life, and he entered the coffee and spice manufactory of his father in Wethers- field. After four years of valuable training he was admitted to partnership, the business being removed early in 1850 to Hartford, where the son then took up his residence. The firm name, assumed in 1850, was William Boardman & Son, and the business was located at No. 12 Central Bow; but in 1853, more room being required, it was removed to what is now No. 241 State street, and Mr. Boardman's younger brother, Thomas Jefferson Boardman, was admitted to the firm, the name being changed to William Boardman & Sons. Two floors in an ad- joining building were rented in 1858 to provide for the increase of business, and in 1867 it was removed to No. 205 State street, the former quarters being retained for manufacturing and storage purposes. Finally, in 1871, still larger accommodations being needed, the firm erected for its use the Boardman building, Nos. 298-306 Asylum street. Here Mr. Boardman continued his busi- ness career, until, after the death of his father, he concluded to retire on account of ill health, and sold his interest to his brother and the latter's son, severing his connection with a business to which he had devoted his best ability for forty-two years, on the 9th of July, 1888. During these years a small enterprise had been developed into a large manufacturing establishment, the product of which had be- ^r \ ^ *%k - — <-— ■ -, R 1 '•- ■ i '% ^2>^>--^- tA. y. ty^y c -^^z / t WILLIAM F. J. BOARDMAN. 15 come widely known throughout the country. The excessive care and labor required had impaired Mr. Boardman's health. He sought rest in foreign travel, but finally thought it best to yield his burden of business to others. In addition to his constant ac- tivity and industry in the firm, he had other enterprises that de- manded his thought. In 1871, he superintended the erection of the Boardman building; in 1876, that of the Agard building, Nos. 285-293 Asylum street; and in 1879, that of the Lawrence build- ing, Nos. 87-94 State street. He was chosen a director of the State Bank in 1861, serving as such during the Civil War. In 1863, he was elected a member of the Court of Common Council from the Third Ward, and was a member of the Committee on Highways and chairman of the Committee on the Horse Railroad, then in process of construction. Many other concerns and enter- prises in which he was interested financially claimed his attention, especially his transactions in real estate. He served on commissions, settled estates, and did other services. Although he has had a life- long affiliation with those who are commonly known as "gold demo- crats," he has never cared for political office. It was the excessive care of Mr. Boardman's business life that first turned his attention to family history for diversion. In 1882 he began to gather information concerning the Boardman family. After much labor and expense, with painstaking investigation at home and abroad, the Boardman Genealogy, 1525-1895, was pub- lished at the latter date. Mr. Boardman assumed the entire expense of this work and publication. Subsequently, he published the Francis-Goodrich-Boardman Genealogy in his own line of ancestry, a Memorial of Mary Francis and William Boardman, and a com- plete record of the Wethers field Inscriptions in the Five Burial Places of that Ancient Town. He also contributed " a very large proportion of the illustrations," and other material for Stiles' History of Wethers field. His antiquarian tastes have led him to make a large collection of books, manuscripts, antique furniture, curios, paintings and pictures, relating to that town and his own family. 16 GREENLEAF ANCESTRY. Mr. Boardman is a veteran of the Putnam Phalanx, having been one of its original members at its organization in 1859. He is a life member of the New England Historic Genealogical Society; a life member of the Connecticut Historical Society; a member of the Topsfleld Historical Society; and of the Ipswich Historical Society. He is also a member of the following patriotic orders: the Sons of the American Revolution ; the Sons of the Revolu- tion ; and the Connecticut Society of the Order of the Founders and Patriots of America, being one of the original members of the latter, and later its Genealogist. It was largely through his in- strumentality that the granite monument was erected in the Wethersfield Cemetery to the memory of Samuel Boreman and his descendants. He is also an interested member of several benevolent and philanthropic societies. After Mr. Boardman's marriage, he resided for a year in Phelps Block, No. 279 North Main street. In 1853 he removed to No. 27 John street, where he lived two years, and then resided for a similar period at No. 44 Pleasant street. He removed thence in 1857 to the former home of his wife's mother, No. 14 Linden Place. In 1859, the Boardman home having been erected, he took up his residence there at No. 34 Buckingham street, next door to his father. He removed thence April 1, 1866, to No. 74 Farmington avenue, where he has since resided. The only child of William Francis Joseph Boardman and Jane Maria Greenleaf is William Greenleaf Boardman, who was born in Hartford, Conn., June 29, 1853, at No. 27 John street. He was educated at Mr. Hart's preparatory school, in Farmington, Conn., at Mr. Hall's classical school in Ellington, Conn., and the Hartford high school. After a connection for a season with Wil- liam Boardman & Sons he was obliged to give up business on ac- count of his eyesight. He is a life member of the Connecticut Historical Society, a member of the Sons of the American Eevolu- tion, and the Connecticut Society of the Order of the Founders and Patriots of America, being a councillor of the latter. He is also president of the Hubbard Escort and treasurer of the Board- man Family Association. WILLIAM F. J. BOARDMAN. 17 Mr. William G'reenleaf Boardman married in Hartford, Conn., October 29, 1874, Eliza Fowler, daughter of Horatio and Abigail Whittier Hussey Root, a descendant of Thomas Root, one of the early settlers of Hartford. Her mother was a cousin of the poet, John Greenleaf Whittier. Mrs. Boardman was born at No. 84 Hudson street, Hartford, May 11, 1853, and in that home was married, the ceremony being performed by Rev. Matson Meir Smith, rector of St. John's Church. The present home of Mr. and Mrs. William Greenleaf Boardman, is No. 10 Marshall street. Their eldest child, Francis Whittier, born at No. 74 Farmington avenue, Hartford, April 6, 1876, was of un- common promise, but was taken from them April 5, 1885. There are two children living, Cedric Root, born January 23, 1886, and Dorothy Root, born April 26, 1889. u ii. 1. 1 wi i.i;i:i:\i i \\- bo w;:>\i \\ ELIZA FOWLED ROOT ls< lAlfli.M W GREENLEAF ANCESTRY FIRST GENERATION T1IK GREENLEAF RESIDEN K. NO. m WINDSOR ST.. HARTFORD. FIRST GENERATION. CHAELES GREENLEAF, son of David G'reenleaf and Anna (Nancy) Jones, was born in Hartford, Conn., June 2, 1788. He was the oldest of a family of seven children, and after completing his education in the schools of his native town he entered the shop of his father, who was then a goldsmith. Soon after he became of age, when his father began to practice dentistry, he interested himself in that profession. He studied the authorities of that day on dental surgery, learned what was then known of artificial teeth and plate work, and mastered the gold-beaters' art so he could prepare that metal for fillings. He is probably the person ad- dressed in a letter to " Mr. Gold Beater Greenleaf," which was ad- vertised in 1822, and this indicates that he was widely known by the quality of his product. This work was carried on in 1828, and probably earlier, at No. 8 School (Arch) street. In 1820 he ad- vertised that he had appointed Messrs. H. Seymour & Co., of Hartford, agents " for disposing of Gold Leaf manufactured by him." At first he practiced dentistry in connection with his father, but later established an office by himself. This was located at No. 184y 2 Main street, on the corner of Asylum street, over Catlin's store. In 1831 he removed to Exchange building, on the corner of Main and State streets. This building was destroyed by fire October 21, 1832, and he returned to his old office, where he re- mained until April, 1839, when he located in the new Exchange building. Here he practiced until his death, having his son, Dr. James M. Greenleaf, associated with him from 1842. The latter succeeded him, taking as his partner Dr. David Greenleaf, his brother, under the firm name of J. M. & D. Greenleaf, and con- tinued in the same office until his death in 1877. Dr. Charles Greenleaf had a reputation as a dentist in all parts of the state second to none for good work. 22 GREENLEAF ANCESTRY. The home of Dr. Greenleaf was successively on Asylum street, the south side, a few rods east of Ford street, and at No. 10 Wind- sor street, where he was living at the time of his death. Dr. Greenleaf married in Hartford in 1808, ELECTA TOOCKER, who was born in Hartford, October 6, 1791, and died there April 9, 1864. A sketch of her will be found in this volume under the Toocker Ancestry. He died in Hartford, December 18, 1843, and was buried in the Old North burying ground, his re- mains being removed later to Spring Grove Cemetery. On the base of the brown stone shaft erected in the family plot, his name is inscribed with the dates of his birth and death. Children ok Charles and Electa Greenleaf. I. Charles, b. Sept. 1, 1809, in Hartford, studied dentistry with his father, and for several years practiced his profession in Essex, Conn. In 1847, he removed to Peoria, 111., and was the first practicing dentist to establish himself in that city. Retiring from his profession, he was appointed United States Inspector, and served during and after the Civil War. He finally removed to Farmington, 111., where he spent his last years in retirement from active business, and died October 22, 1888. He was favorably known as a quiet, pleasant and companionable gentleman. He married in Harwinton, Conn., July 4, 1833, Caroline, daughter of Samuel and Annie Wilson, who was born in Onondaga, N. Y., and died Dec. 7, 1882. Children : (1) Charles Wilson, born in 1835, in Hartford, Conn.; m. 1st, Sept. 11, 1855, Phoebe Quimby, who was b. May 11, 1836; 2nd, July 20, 1893, May, daughter of Dr. Wm. H. Hamilton, of Peoria, 111. He succeeded to his father's business and was a noted dentist until his death, March 31, 1897. His first child, Adele, b. May 13, 1856, in Peoria, 111., m. 1st, Aug. 9, 1880, Theodore Chadeayne. by whom she had Charles Greenleaf, b. July 12, 1882, and Eugene Underbill, b. July 30, 1884, living in Chicago, 111. She m. 2nd, William Knight of Chicago. Ellen, his second child, b. Feb. 13, 1858, in Peoria, III, m. in 1878, Rudolphus Hotchkiss, and their son Theodore E,, b. Feb. 13, 1879, m. Jennie Howard, III! CHARLES OREEN'LEAF. 180!) — 1888 WILLIAM HENRY OREENLEAF. DR JAMES MONROE ORI I Nl EAF FIRST GENERATION. 23 and resides in Millbrook, N. Y. His third child, Charles Henry, b. Mch. 20, 1860, in Peoria, 111., m. in 1882, Dora Malette, and resides in New York. (2) Luther Birge, b. Aug. 11, 1836; m. 1st, Dec. 21, 1860, Rachel Shurman, of Green Valley, 111., who was b. May 11, 1832 ; 2nd, Feb. 25, 1877, Hester J. Balding, of Onarga, 111., who was b. Apr. 19, 1849. He d. August, 1902, His children are as fol- lows : Florence May, b. May 29, 1878 ; Clarence DeWitt, b. July 2, 1880; Carrie Ellen, b. Mch. 29, 1882; Minnie Pearl, b. Mch. 19, 1884; Hattie Alvine, b. Mch. 1, 1887; Clyde Raymond, b. May 21, 1891. They reside in Onarga, 111. (3) Henry Burnet, b. Nov. 30, 1840, m. July 17, 1867. Hen- rietta H. Thomas, of Farmington, III., b. July 21, 1843. Resi- dence, Citron ville, Alabama. No children. II. William Henry, b. Aug. 6, 1814, in Hartford; m. Oct. 19, 1840, Mary Ann, daughter of Ebenezer and Sarah (Brigden) Griffin, of Middletown, Conn., who was b. Apr. 28, 1820, and d. Feb. 3, 1903. He was a bookbinder and resided in Hartford, where he d. Nov. 26, 1875. Children: (1) Charles Henry, b. Feb. 21, 1841. He enlisted Apr. 22, 1861, in Rifle Co. 'A', First Regt. Conn. Vols., Joseph R. Haw- ley, Capt., being one of the first to enlist in the State. He was mustered into service the same day and was at the battle of Bull Run. Being honorably discharged July 31, 1861, he re-enlisted in the 5th N. Y. Cavalry (Ira Harris Guard) in Sept. 1861, and was promoted from 1st Sergt. to 2nd Lieut., July 27, 1863. The 5th N. Y. Cavalry stands first in the list of battles and skirmishes in the War of the Rebellion. His record as given by Rev. Louis N. Bondrey, Chaplain of the Regt., in 1868, is as follows: "Ser- geant Charles H. Greenleaf, May 23, 1862, carried despatches from Front Royal to Gen. Banks at Strasburg. By bravery and skill he gave timely notice of Stonewall Jackson's flank movement whereby he saved Gen. Banks' army, which led the General to rec- ommend him for promotion. He was mortally wounded in ac- tion while in command of Company A, fighting bravely." His 24 (iREENLEAF ANCESTRY. wound was received Aug. 25, 1864, at Kearneysville Station, and he died at Sandy Hook, Md., the next day, aged 23. (2) Sarah Electa, b. July 10, 1842. Res. Hartford. (3) George Nelson, b. Feb. 12, 1845, d. Feb. 13, 1846. (4) George Kelson, b. July 12, 1847. He was unm. and d. at Hartford, Feb. 11, 1900. (5) Caroline Wilson, b. July 6, 1850; m. Nov. 9, 1868, Charles Ferris Hubbard, b. Oct. 17, 1840. He enlisted in Company C, 16th Regt. Conn. Vols., Edward Rankin, Capt., Frank Beach, Col., July 22, 1862, and was in the battle of Gettysburg. He was captured Apr. 20, 1864, at Plymouth, N. C, paroled Feb. 25, 1865, and mustered out of service June 24, 1865. He was a prisoner at Andersonville, and his hardships were eventually the cause of his death of consumption, Mch. 5, 1876. Their daughter, Carrie Greenleaf Hubbard, b. Oct. 8, 1869, m. June 15, 1900, Charles Richmond Hart Lester, of East Hartford, Conn. III. Harriet, b. Apr. 28, 1816, in Hartford; m. May 12, 1840, Spencer Lee Flower, a merchant of Hartford, who was b. Aug. 7, 1815, in Feeding Hills, Mass. She d. Apr. 13, 1882. He m. 2nd, Nov. 2, 1883, Mrs. Louisa (Terry) Price, of Enfield, Conn., who was born July 6, 1835. Children: (1) Charles Spencer, b. Jan. 23, 1841, d. Mch. 19, 1841. (2) Charles Spencer, b. Feb. 27, 1842, d. Apr. 3, 1864. (3) Hattie Rosamond, b. July 16, 1843, d. Feb. 10, 1865. IV. Nancy, b. Feb. 2, 1818, in Hartford; m. Jan. 19, 1842, Leonard Butler, a joiner and builder, of Hartford, as his second wife. He was b. July 17, 1811, in Wethersfield, and d. Nov. 10, 1870, in Hartford. She d. Feb. 14, 1858. Children: (1) Nancy Augusta, b. Apr. 2, 1842; m. Sept. 7, 1865, Charles Henry Rose, b. July 11, 1844, in New London, and died Oct. 5, 1899. Res. Dorchester, Mass. Their son, Charles Frederick, was born July 29, 1872. (2) Leonard, b. Aug. 22, 1844, d. July 25, 1848. (3) Son, b. and d. Apr. 5, 1846. (4) Son, b. and d. May 25, 1847. MARY GREEXLEAF LESTER. 1823 — 1873 ELECTA GREEXLEAF III RLB1 T. I S39 — 1ST! SARAH GREEXLEAF MORGAN. 1S21-18S0 HARRIET GREEXLEAF FLOWERS. 1816 — 1882 FIRST GENERATION. 25 (5) Mary Electa, b. July 17, 1848, d. Oct. 6, 1848. (6) Son. b. and d. Sept. 15, 1849. (7) Ida Koselle, b. Feb. 13, 1851; m. Mch. 29, 1868, Benja- min Arthur Brown, of Mystic, Conn. She d. Feb. 24, 1886. They had a son, Frederick Arthur, b. in Hartford, Mch. 11, 1869. (8) Franklin Theodore, b. June 28, 1853. He married and has children. Ees. Hartford. (9) Charles A., b. Nov. 21, 1855, d. Mch. 22, 1856, in Hart- ford. V. James Monroe, b. Apr. 26, 1819, in Hartford; m. Jan. 1, 1842, Jane E. Meyer, of Hartford, who was b. Nov. 11, 1820, and d. Jan. 22, 1881. He was a dentist of Hartford, universally respected, and succeeded to his father's business in the same office. It was said of him, — " His life was full of generosity and kind- ness, and his presence always assured one of help and sympathy. Few men were more kindly disposed towards people generally and towards his intimate and personal friends. He was a model of courtesy and manliness." He was an officer in the Hartford Light Guard and an original member and officer of the Putnam Phalanx. He was elected 1st Lieut. 2nd Company, June 11, 1863, and Cap- tain of 1st Company Apr. 5, 1868. He died Nov. 14, 1877. Children: (1) James Monroe, b. Sept. 29, 1843, d. June 11, 1852. (2) Ellen Eegina, b. Sept. 24, 1845; m. Mch. 10, 1868, J. Donovan. Their children are: James Greenleaf, b. Oct. 24, 1869; John M., b. July 7, 1871; Daniel and Jeremiah, b. July 6, 1873; Walter Morgan, b. Aug. 13, 1875; Arthur Curtis, b. Nov. 14, 1877; Frederick Brown, b. Aug. 26, 1879; Ellen Jane, b. Oct. 7, 1881; Clarissa Electa, b. Jan. 29, 1883; Patrick S., b. July 31, 1886; and Florence, b. June 12, 1888. (3) Alice Gallaudet, b. July 7, 1847; m. Feb. 25, 1868, Leroy Land, and d. May 29, 1900. They resided at Eichmond, Ind., and Hillsboro, Ohio, and had five children: Mabel, b. Apr. 21, 1870; m. Mch. 14, 1895, at Hillsboro, Eugene Brubaker, Ees. Eichmond, Ind.; Leroy, b. Dec. 12, 1877; Mildred, b. Moh. 17, 1887; Mil- ford; Marjorie. 26 GREENLEAF ANCESTRY. (4) Emma Josephine, b. Jan. 11, 1852; m. Charles W. Camp, and d. Dec. 9, 1899, in Wethersfield, Conn. (5) Georgette, b. Jan. 2, 1858, d. Jan. 31, 1859. (6) Mary Jane, b. Jan. 13, 1859, unm. VI. Sarah, b. Aug. 17, 1821, in Hartford; m. Jan. 1, 1846, Jacob Morgan, Jr., who was born Oct. 21, 1823, in Hartford, where his parents then resided. She d. July 6, 1880, in Providence, R. I. Mr. Morgan, as a child, removed with his parents in 1825, to Providence. He received his early education in the public schools of that city, and later pursued a course of study at East Green- wich Academy, where he graduated. For several years he was connected witli the Providence line of New York steamers. Later he engaged in business as a cotton broker, his office being at No. 1 South Water street. He continued in this business for over thirty years and until 1886. He then became the representative of the Board of Underwriters of the Merchants and Miners Trans- portation Company, his duties being to examine and appraise wrecks in that district. In his later years, there being little to engage his attention in that line, his life was spent in quiet and freedom from all business cares. His home for many years was at No. 118 Governor street. He was a charter member of the Providence Board of Trade, and a regular attendant of the Power Street Methodist Episcopal Church, and for a long time its chor- ister. He died at the home of his son, Joseph H. Morgan, No. 83 Vine street, East Providence, Oct. 16, 1900. Children : (1) Celia, b. Nov. 16, 1846; m. Aug. 12, 1868, Hon. Philip Benjamin Durfee of Providence, R. I., who was born Sept. 22, 1846. Their children are: Katie, b. Apr. 3, 1870, d. May 22, 1870; Almira Pike, b. Mch. 24, 1871, d. Oct. 26, 1882; Benjamin Stuart, b. Oct. 11, 1872, d. Jan. 29, 1875; Sally Greenleaf, b. Aug. 10, 1876, m. Oct. 19, 1904, Frank Leon Sawyer of Pawtucket, who was born Aug. 4, 1871 ; Robert Irving, b. Aug. 16, 1879, m. July 23, 1903, Effie Verina Robinson, who was b. July 12, 1881. They have two children — Dorothy Irene, b. May 15, 1904, and Helen, b. May 20, 1905; Ethel Mae, b. Apr. 28, 1881, m. June 5, ELIZA ANN MORGAN. FIRST GENERATION. 27 1905, Alexander Samuel West, who was b. Feb. 20, 1879; Philip Jacob, b. May 17, 1881. (2) Eliza Ann, was born in Providence, Aug. 17, 1848. After finishing her preparatory education at the high school she chose the profession of a nurse, and graduated at the Rhode Island Hos- pital in October, 1887, with high honors, receiving at her exami- nation an average of ninety-eight per cent., and establishing the best record at that date in the institution. She was for some months during her course head-nurse of the female medical ward, and during the last six months night matron of the hospital. Two months after her graduation she entered the McLane Maternity Hospital of Boston, a branch of the Massachusetts General Hos- pital, taking a course to perfect herself in her profession, and re- ceived the diploma of that institution at her graduation, in 1888. She was afterwards connected with the Homeopathic Hospital in Providence. She is a member of the Rhode Island Hospital Xurses' Club and Alumnae. Association. In 1899, she went to Hart- ford, Conn., to assume the care of an invalid aunt, youngest sister of her mother, and still resides there. (3) Charles Grecnleaf, b. Oct, 11. 1850, d. Nov. 23, 1876, num. (4) Harriet Electa, b. July 9, 1852; m. Nov. 1, 1893, Joseph Rider Snow, of Chatham, Mass., who was b. Oct. 23, 1838. (5) Lillie, b. July 11, 1854, d. July 18. 1854. (6) Jacob, 3rd, b. June 1, 1856; m. Dec. 23, 1886. Harriet Althea Boynton, b. June 7, 1861. (7) Sarah Jane, b. July 4, 1860; m. Nov. 23, 1887, George Daniel McLane, who was b. Feb. 2, 1849. (8) Nannie Strider, b. Mch. 7, 1862; m. Oct. 11, 1888, Elmer E. Knowlton, b. Nov. 22, 1860, d. Sept. 26, 1896. (9) Joseph Henry, b. Nov. 9, 1864; m. 1st, Jan. 20, 1885, Harriet Ida Viall ; 2nd, June 14, 1888, Alice Lauretta Bolton, who d. May 21, 1889; 3rd, Jan. 14, 1890, Ernestina Wilhelmina Augusta Weise. His children are: by 1st marriage, Nellie Ida, b. May 21, 1885; by 2nd marriage, Elmer Knowlton, b. Apr. 13, 1889; by 3rd marriage, Francis Gretchen, b. Nov. 11, 1890; 28 GREENLEAF ANCESTRY. Charles Greenleaf, b. Apr. 3, 1892; Carlisle Frederick Alexander, b. Nov. 17, 1893; Ernestina Louise, b. July 14, 1896; Jacob, b. Jan. 1, 1899; Joseph Henry, b. Dec. 9, 1900, d. same day. VII. Mart, b. Mch. 24, 1823, in Hartford; m. Jan. 7, 1844, Henry Lester, Jr., a plater of Hartford, who was b. Jan. 19, 1819, and d. Aug. 10, 1898. She d. June 28, 1872. Children: (1) Charles Henry, b. Dec. 7, 1844: m. Aug. 12, 1861, Clara Evelyn Hurlburt, b. Feb. 15. 1834. He enlisted August 11. 1862, in Company D, 16th Begt. Conn. Vols., Samuel Brown, Capt., Frank Beach, Col., was wounded at the battle of Antietam, Md., Sept. 16, 1862, and discharged for disability Dec. 19, 1862. Ees. East Hartford. Children: (a) Henry Hurlburt, b. July 17, 1864; m. July 2, 1883, Emma Frances Bisley, who was b. Dec. 4, 1859, and has the following children: Elsie Clarissa, b. May 8, 1885, d. Aug. 7, 1902; Florence May, b. Feb. 20, 1887; Edith Boxana, b. Jan. 11, 1891; Henry Charles, b. Feb. 11, 1892. (b) Frederick Luther, b. May 9, 1866, d. Sept. 24, 1888. (c) Fannie Elizabeth, b. Aug. 13, 1870; m. Dec. 15, 1887, Seymour Algernon Pratt. Ees. Hartford, (d) Charles Eichmond Hart, b. Jan. 30, 1874. (2) James Greenleaf, b. Sept. 27, 1857, in Hartford; m. June 7, 1879, Emma Josephine Baker, of Hartford, who was b. Sept. 28, 1860, and d. June 11. 1905. He d. Sept. 22, 1903, in East Hartford. Their children are: Mary George, b. May 4, 1880, and Viola Lyle, b. Jan. 9, 1882, m. Dec. 25, 1904, Edward Gruntler. VIII. John, b. Mch. 4, 1825; d. Apr. 9, 1861, in Hartford. He was a sailor. IX. David, b. in Hartford, Jan. 26, 1827; m. Helen Johnston of Peoria, 111., and d. Sept. 6, 1893, at Alameda, Cal. In 1853 he removed to the west and settled in Peoria, 111., where he practiced dentistry. Later he was engaged in the drug business at Galesburg, 111., and was elected Mayor of that city by the Demo- crats. He removed thence to Alameda, Cal. Before he went west, he practiced in connection with his brother, Dr. James M. Green- leaf, of Hartford. He died Sept. 6, 1893. Children : NANCY GREENLEAF BUTLER 1818 1858 DR DAVID GREEXLEAF 1827—1893 JANE MARIA GREENLEAF VT 16 YEARS OF AGE JUDGE DAVID GREENLEAF 18M 1890. FIRST GENERATION. 29 (1) Marianne, b. June 12, 1855, at Peoria, 111.; m. Dec. 19, 1883, William James Martin of Pittsburg, Pa., who was b. Jan. 15, 1857. Res. South San Francisco, San Mateo Co., Cal. Children: David Greenleaf, b. Aug. 22, 1886, at Galesburg, 111. ; John John- ston Miller, b. June 29, 1889, at San Jose, Cal. ; Grace Marguerite, b. Sept. 20, 1892, at Alameda, Cal. (2) David, b. Nov., 1875, at Galesburg, 111., and was killed in an accident at Alameda, Apr. 9, 1903. X. Electa, b. Jan. 11, 1829, in Hartford; m. 1st, June 27, 1860, Burton Hubbard of East Hartford, Conn., who was b. in 1836. He enlisted Aug. 6, 1862, in Company A, 16th Regt, Conn. Vols., Henry A. Pasco, Capt., Frank Beach, Col., was captured at Plymouth. N. C, Apr. 20, 1864, and died in Andersonville prison, Sept, 7, 1864, the number of his grave being 8148. She m. 2nd, Nov. 26, 1867, Samuel Edwin Hurlbut of Hartford, who was b. Aug. 2, 1845. He enlisted Dec. 7, 1863, from East Windsor, in Company H, 1st Regt., Conn. Cavalry, John B. Morehouse, Capt., William S. Fish, Col., was promoted to corporal Dec. 18, 1863, wounded Mch. 29, 1864, at Grove Church, Va., promoted to ser- geant Oct. 28, 1864, and mustered out of service Aug. 2, 1865. She d. Aug. 30, 1877, in Chaplin, Conn., and is buried in Hartford. He m. 2nd, Jan. 12, 1882, Mary Evelyn Hardy, of Poquonoek, Conn. Res. Manchester, Conn. XL George, b. Oct. 28, 1833. d. Mch. 6, 1834. XII. JANE MARIA, wife of William F. J. Boardman. GREENLEAF ANCESTRY SECOND GENERATION JONES, CLEVELAND, HARTSHORN, AND HIBBARD ANCESTRIES. SECOND GENERATION DAVID GBEENLEAF, son of David Greenleaf and Mary Johnson, was born June 19, 1765, in Norwich, Conn. At an early age he became an apprentice of Mr. Thomas Harland, goldsmith, of Norwich, one of the most expert and best known workmen of his day. He there learned thoroughly the mechanism of watches, and other branches of the goldsmith's trade. In 1788 he removed to Hartford and engaged in business for himself. His shop was located " a few rods north of the State House and directly oppo- site Mr. Joseph Pratt's tavern." His advertisement shows that he made and repaired watches, sold " Chime Clocks and common eight day and thirty hour Clocks, Surveyor's Compasses, Cans, Pepper Casters, Cream Jugs, Sugar Tongs, Spoons, Buckles and all kinds of Gold Smith's and Jewelry work." [Conn. Courant, Oct. 27, 1788.] From the first he seems to have had a prosperous trade and in 1792 advertised for " two or three active Lads as apprentices to the business," and " a good Journeyman " to assist him. In the spring of 1796 he removed his business " to the corner next north of the Court House " and devoted himself mainly to the sale and repairing of watches. In 1798, however, he adver- tised " Guard Hilts for military companies, Silver plated swords & Hangers for Officers, &c," directing that orders be given to Abel Buel or David Greenleaf. For several years he had a partner, Frederick Oakes, and the firm was Greenleaf & Oakes, but this partnership was dissolved Sept. 30, 1807. His shop was then lo- cated on Main street " about 15 rods north of the Court House." About 1796 Mr. Greenleaf began to interest himself in real estate, and was so engaged for nearly thirty years. He built some of the finest buildings in the city at that time, among them one recently destroyed by fire on the corner of Main and Kinsley streets. Here he had his store for many years, it being the location above mentioned. He owned several valuable pieces of real estate 34 GREENLEAF ANCESTRY. and amassed a large property. Among these was the building, form- erly on Asylum street near Main, now occupied by the Hills block. It is said that he built this house, and he may have lived in it at one time. After it was disused as a dwelling, it was occupied by the Hartford Evening Post for its office until that newspaper re- moved to its present location on the opposite side of the street. He also owned a fine house which stood on Trumbull street, where Allyn street was opened, and which was destroyed for that pur- pose. He may also have resided there for a time. His last home was situated on Market street facing Kinsley, on the lot now oc- cupied by the fine four-story block built in 1864 by Tobias Kohn, at which time the Greenleaf mansion was demolished. It was a fine old colonial hoiise of the best type of that period. In 1811 David Greenleaf retired from the business of a gold- smith and began the practice of dentistry. It was probably the preparation of gold for fillings which first directed his attention to that profession, but he studied it and soon became expert in all lines of work known in that day. He was located in 1825 on the corner of Main and Lee (Kinsley) streets. In 1827 he advertised his proficiency in the following paragraph : " He has devoted his whole time, for sixteen years, to his profession and still continues to set Artificial Teeth, from one tooth to a full set, without the least pain to the patient. He also operates on the Teeth, and Gums in all cases requisite to render them sound, sweet and healthy, and Extracts Teeth in the most careful manner. He will give ample satisfaction to those who may want his assistance, or no compensation will be required." Dr. Greenleaf was a member of the Court of Common Council in 1806 and 1820, a member of the Parish Committee of the North Congregational Church, and throughout his life a highly respected and honorable gentleman. In 1806 he was Second Lieutenant of the First Company Governor's Horse Guards. He died in Hart- ford, March 10, 1835, and was buried in the Old North burying ground, not far to the northwest of the main entrance. His epitaph is as follows: To the Memory | of | David Greenleaf | who died March 10, 1835, | Aged 69. The day of his death given in the SECOND GENERATION. 35 Hartford Courant of March 16, 1835, is " Wednesday " and would be March 11th. His will, dated May 21, 1833, and proved March 14, 1835, mentions his sisters, Mary Brigham and Nancy Kings- bury, his brothers, Daniel and John Greenleaf of Walkhill, N Y., and William Greenleaf of Stockbridge, Mass., several nephews and nieces, and his sons David, Charles, and Daniel, leaving the bulk of his property to be equally divided between the two last named, the other having received most of his portion. David Greenleaf married in Norwich, Conn., November 15, 1787, ANNA (NANCY) JONES, daughter of Eufus Jones and Ann Hartshorn, who was born in Norwich, November 7, 1765. She died in Hartford and is buried beside her husband, her epitaph being as follows : To the Memory | of | Nancy Greenleaf | wife of | David Greenleaf | who died Dec. 18, 1828. | Aged 62 years. Her death was announced in the Hartford Courant of October 21, 1828, and probably the date should be October 18, 1828. Children of David and Nancy Greenleaf. I. CHARLES, b. June 2, 1788, father of Jane Maria Greenleaf. II. Sarah, b. Apr. 28, 1790; d. Dec. 6, 1805. Her gravestone in the North burying ground has the following inscription : " Sally died Dec. 6, 1805, in the 15th year of her age. Her death was caused by her clothes taking fire. She lingered but three weeks and three days afterwards." [See also Hartford Courant, Dec. 11, 1805.] III. David, b. Mch. 1, 1792; d. Jan. 18, 1795. IV. Daniel, b. Mch. 24. 1794; d. Jan. 10, 1795. V. An infant son, d. Sept. 22, 1796, aged 10 days. VI. David, b. May 6, 1803 ; m. Jan. 1, 1829, Clarissa, dau. of Simeon Cooley of Vernon, Conn., who was b. Aug. 23, 1806. He went to Boston at the age of seventeen to engage in mercantile em- ployment, and continued there three years. After his marriage he resided in Vernon for several years, going thither from Hart- 36 GREENLEAF ANCESTRY. ford, but after his father's death in 1835 he went west. After spending a short time at Quincy, 111., he settled in St. Mary's town- ship, Hancock County, 111., in June, 1836, where he was engaged in farming until April, 1843. He then removed to Chili town- ship, being one of the first settlers. In April, 1847, he removed to Carthage, 111., where he resided until his death, Apr. 7, 1890, with the exception of about three years spent in Adams county. He was first engaged in the dry goods business, but later became a druggist, and was so employed until he retired from business in 1880. His official ability and integrity were recognized by his elec- tion to various offices of trust, being Justice of the Peace, County Probate Judge, and for six years postmaster of Carthage. He was a communicant in the Episcopal Church, and was respected and honored as a citizen and man. He had a family of three children : (1) David Percival, b. Mch. 23, 1831, in Hartford; m. Jan. 1870, Mrs. Janet Warner. He removed from Carthage in 1873 to Alma, Kan., where he d. Apr. 2, 1892. They had children: Clarissa Percival, William David, and Anna Elizabeth. (2) Mary Ann Bipley, b. Oct. 21, 1832, in Vernon; m. May 1, 1850, Dr. John Mack, and d. in Lawrence Co., 111., Mch. 17, 1S67. They had children: David G., John, and Mary. (3) Cornelia Clarissa, b. July 2, 1835, in Vernon. VII. Daniel, b. Oct. 16. 1805; m. 1st, ; 2nd, Mch. 24, 1828, Aura Carrington, who was b. in 1805 and d. Mch. 11, 1884. He was a tailor residing in Hartford where he d. Sept. 15, 1846. Children by 1st marriage: (1) Henrietta, res. New Haven in 1863. (2) Isabel, res. New Haven in 1863. By 2nd marriage: (3) Jane, b. May 6, 1829; m. June 1846, Edward Burr, a mer- chant of Hartford. A son, William Bobbins, was b. Jan. 12, 1847. JONES ANCESTRY I. RUFUS JONES, son of Sylvanus Jones and Keziah Cleve- land, was born in Norwich, Conn., September 2, 1732. He married there November 2, 1757, ANN HARTSHORN, daughter of David Hartshorn and Abigail Hibbard (Hebard), who was born in Nor- wich, March 9, 1734-5. and died in Hartford March 26. 1816. A gravestone there, erected by David Greenleaf, has the date April, 1815. He died in 1799. Children: (1) Tryphena, b. Oct. 12, 1758. (2) Elizabeth, b. July 24, 1760. (3) Walter, b. May 8, 1762. (4) ANNA (NANCY), h. Nov. 7, 1765. (5) Hannah, b. June 11, 1768. (6) Lucretia, b. July 4, 1770. (7) Abigail (Nabby), b. June 26, 1772. (8) Lura, b. Nov. 12, 1775. (9) Azariah, b. May 3, 1779. [Cleveland's Cleveland Genealogy, I., 189.] II. SYLVANUS JONES, son of Caleb Jones and Rachel Clark, was born February 28, 1707-8; married as her 2nd husband, April 9, 1730, KEZIAH CLEVELAND, daughter of Isaac Cleveland and Elizabeth Pierce Curtiss, who was born in Canter- bury, Conn., October 24, 1709, and died in Norwich, Conn, in August, 1787. Sylvanus Jones died in 1781. Children: (1) Per- sia, b. June 4, 1731. (2) RUFUS, b. Sept. 2. 1732. (3) Azariah, b. July 25, 1735. (4) Parmenus. b. Nov. 29, 1742. (5) Ebenezer, b. June 2, 1744. (6) Elizabeth, b. Nov. 20, 1746. (7) Tryphenia, b. Jiine 6, 1749. (8) Parmenas, b. Nov. 4, 1752. III. CALEB JONES was the son of Samuel Jones and Mary Bushnell. He married May 23, 1705, RACHEL CLARK, and was one of the original settlers of Hebron, Conn., where he died shortly before January 16, 1711-12, when an inventory was made of his estate. His widow Rachel married 2nd, January 26, 1713- 14, Israel Phelps of Enfield, Conn. The step-father was made guardian of the Jones children. These were: (1) Caleb, b. Mch. 38 GREENLEAF ANCESTRY. 23, 1705-6. (2) SYLVANUS, b. Feb. 28. 1707-8. (3) Mary, b. Oct. 13, 1709, in Hebron. (4) Hezekiab, b. Apr. 17, 1711. Syl- vanus, after becoming of age, removed to Norwich, Conn. RACHEL CLARK was the daughter of JOHN CLARK of Farmington, Conn., who was an early settler there where his lands were recorded in 1657. He was a freeman in 1664 and a member of the Farmington Church, March 1, 1679-80, and died November 22, 1712. His home was on High street. [Mr. Julius Gay's monograph on " John Clark of Farmington."] IV. SAMUEL JONES, son of Thomas Jones, was of Say- brook, Conn. He married January 1, 1663(6) MARY BUSH- NELL, who died in 1727. On May 8, 1684, Sergeant Samuel Jones was confirmed by the General Court, lieutenant of the Say- brook train-band, and May 11, 1699, he was made captain, by which title he was known thereafter. His will, which was proved November 14, 1704, mentions children Samuel, b. in November, 1667, Thomas, Caleb, Mary Parker, b. December 3, 1670 (married December 11, 1690, John Parker), Martha Whittlesey; b. June 1. (Jan. 18), 1672, and Sarah. His inventory amounted to £647 7s. 8d. The wife of Captain Jones is said to have been the daughter of Deacon FRANCIS BUSHNELL, who was born in 1599, and his wife MARIE, born about 1600. His father was JOHN BUSH- NELL of Boston, England. Other authorities declare that Mary Bushnell was the daughter of Richard Bushnell and Mary Martin of Saybrook, but Mary, the daughter of Richard Bushnell, was born in January, 1654, and would not have been old enough to be- come the wife of Samuel Jones in 1663, or as some have it, in 1666. V. THOMAS JONES was the emigrant ancestor of this fam- ily. He was of Guilford in 1639, returned to England and died there of smallpox in 1654. His wife MARY died in 1650. He married 2nd, Widow Carter. CLEVELAND ANCESTRY I. ISAAC CLEVELAND, son of Moses Cleveland and Ann Winn, was born May 11, 1669, in Woburn, Mass., married in Charlestown, July 17, 1699, Mrs. ELIZABETH PIERCE Cur- tiss (Curtice) and died in Norwich, Conn., August 10, 1714, having removed thither in 1709. Children: (1) Curtice, b. Jan. 23,1701. (2) Anne, b. June 6, 1703. (3) Miriam, b. July 4, 1705. (4) KEZIAH, b. Oct. 24, 1709. Elizabeth Pierce, daughter of SAMUEL PIERCE of Charles- town, Mass., and MARY, his wife, was born in October, 1666. She married 1st, January 3, 1689-90, John Curtiss of Salem, Mass., and after the death of her second husband, Isaac Cleveland, she married 3rd, Clement Stratford of Norwich, a mariner, who died before 1733, when part of the estate of widow Elizabeth Stratford in Charlestown, received from Thomas Pierce, was sold. She was appointed to administer the estate of her husband, Isaac Cleveland, in 1715, and was probably of Canterbury in 1716, where a " Widow Cleveland " was taxed on £100. She died in Norwich, Conn., October 9, 1742. Samuel Pierce of Charlestown had eleven children, Elizabeth being the eighth. He was the son of THOMAS PIERCE, who was born in England in 1583 and was admitted to the Charlestown Church, February 21, 1634-5. His wife ELIZA- BETH was born in 1596. He died in Charlestown, October 7, 1666, leaving six children, of whom Samuel was the third. [Wy- man's Charlestown Genealogies, II. : 756 ff.] II. MOSES CLEVELAND, the emigrant ancestor of this family, came from Ipswich, Suffolk County, England, sailing from London, according to tradition, in 1635. He was born probably at Ipswich about 1624 and died in Woburn, Mass., January 9, 1701-2. While in Woburn he married September 26, 1648, ANN WINN, born, says tradition, in Wales or England, about 1626. She died in Woburn before May 6, 1682. She was a daughter of 40 GREENLEAF ANCESTRY. EDWARD WINN of Woburn and JOANNA, his wife. He was a settler there in 16-11, a freeman in 1643 and died September 6, 1682. His wife died March 8, 1649. He married 2nd, August 10, 1649, Sarah Beal, who died March 15, 1680, and 3rd, Mrs. Ann Page Wood, widow of Nicholas Wood, who died in 1686. [Cleveland's Cleveland Genealogy, pp. 23 ff., 50, 51, 91; Sewall's History of Woburn, pp. 599, 649.] HARTSHORN ANCESTRY I. DAVID HARTSHORN, son of David Hartshorn and Re- becca Batchelder, was born about 1692, and came to Norwich, Conn., with his parents from Medfield, Mass. His marriage, June 30, 1715, to ABIGAIL HEBARD is recorded at Norwich with a list of their children. She was the daughter of Robert Hebard or Hibbard and Mary Waldron of Windham, Conn., and was born in Wenham, Mass., March 30, 1696. David Hartshorn lived in that part of Norwich formerly called West Farms and now Franklin, where he owned several tracts of land in 1717. Mrs. Abigail Hart- shorn was admitted to the church in West Farms May 28, 1721, and he April 21, 1728. Their children were as follows : (1) David, b. June 20, 1717. (2) Eliphalet, b. Apr. 2, 1719. (3) Rebecca, b. Dec. 17, 1720. (4) Abigail, b. June 22, 1722. (5) Ziporah, b. Apr. 10. 1723. (6) Tabitha, b. Dec. 15, 1726. (7) Rufus, b. Sept. 17, 1728. (8) Ebenezer, b. July 15. 1730. (9) Zebediah, b. May 5, 1732. (10) ANN, b. Mch. 9. 1734-5. (11) Phebe, b. June 12, 1736-7. II. DAVID HARTSHORN, son of Thomas Hartshorn and Susanna, his wife, was born in Beading, Mass., October 18, 1657. As a young man he was a soldier in the Indian wars. Some time after his marriage he removed to Medfield, Mass., and is named as of that town July 5, 1697, when Thomas Waterman of Norwich deeded to him about twenty acres of land with a house located in West Farms. This was the time of his removal to Norwich. He owned later at least eleven parcels of land in that town. In the above named deed he is called a " Tayller " and in a deed of 1703 "yeoman.'' He was also a physician and the first of that profes- sion to settle in that part of Norwich. In 1713 he was engaged in building a sawmill on Beaver brook, which ran about 100 rods north of his home. He also taught school in Norwich for a time. He and his wife were among the original members of the church 42 GREENLEAF ANCESTRY. at West Farms and he was from that time to his death a deacon in the church. He was selectman and prominent in all civil and ec- clesiastical affairs. His death occurred November 3, 1738. In his will dated May 9, 1727, he mentions his wife Eebecca and his " four children," Ebenezer, Jonathan, Samuel, and David. To the latter he bequeathed his " physick books." The wife of David Hartshorn was REBECCA BATCH- ELDEE, whom he married in Beading, Mass., in 1680. She died in Norwich, March 4, 1742-3. She was the daughter of John Batchelder and Sarah, his wife, of Beading, where she was born October 30, 1663. JOHN BATCHELDEE married 1st, January 7, 1662, SABAH, who died December 21, 1685; 2nd, in 1687, Han- nah, who died in 1693; and 3rd, in 1694, Hannah. He died Sep- tember 17, 1705, and his widow August 8, 1722. He had seven children, of whom Eebecca was the eldest. He was a soldier in King Philip's war in 1675, being in Lieutenant William Hasey's Third County Troop, and his heirs were granted land in Westmin- ster, Mass., as a bounty in 1733. The father of John Batchelder was JOHN BATCHELDEE, one of the early settlers in Beading, and living there in 1648. He was born in England, was first a proprietor at Watertown in 1636, removed to Dedham in 1641, and thence to Beading. He bore the title " Sergeant." He died March 3, 1676, and Eebecca, his wife, died March 9, 1662. They left two sons, John and David, mentioned in his will, and a daughter Mary. The father of John Batchelder 1st was JOSHUA BATCHELDEE, who came from Kent County, England, with his brother Joseph and settled in Ipswich, Mass., where he died, leaving children, John, Elizabeth, and Hannah. [Eaton's History of Reading, pp. 45, 46; Pierce's Batchelder Genealogy, pp. 347, 352, 361.] III. THOMAS HABTSHOEN was an early settler in Bead- ing, Mass., and a freeman of the Massachusetts Colony in 1648. His wife SUSANNA died in 1659 and he married 2nd, in 1659, Sarah, widow of William Lamson of Ipswich. He had seven sons of whom David was the sixth. HIBBARD ANCESTRY I. ROBERT HIBBARD, which spelling of his family name seems to have been the most ancient, though it was also spelled Hebard, Hebbard, Hebberd, Hibard, Hebert. Hibbart, and Hib- bert, was the son of Robert Hibbard of Salem, Mass., where he was baptized March 7, 1648. His father lived in that part of the town now included in Beverly. He married, about 1673, MARY WAL- DRON of Wenham, whose name is also spelled Walden, Waldone, Waldren, Walderne, and Woldron. After his marriage he settled in Wenham, where the birth of his eldest child is recorded. He united with the church there in 1694. His sons Robert and Jo- seph having removed in 1698 to Windham, Conn., he followed them thither in 1700, taking with him a letter of dismission from the Wenham church that he might unite with others in forming a church in the new settlement on the Shetucket river. Here he was a prominent man in affairs, owning several tracts of laud which were laid out to him at various times. The record of his death is as follows: " Robett Hibard Dyed April: 29: 1710." The words "aged 63 years" were written by a later hand. His wife died in Windham, March 7, 1736. Administration on his estate was granted to his sons Robert and Joseph, October 2, 1710, at which time the daughters Sarah and Abigail were minors and chose Jonah Palmer as their guardian. The entire estate amounted to £264 7s. 8d., which included a lot of one hundred acres. This lot was located in that section of Windham between Merrick's brook and the Little river in Scotland Parish, and was set off Jan- uary 3, 1714-15, when a distribution was made on Abigail's be- coming " of full age," to the three sisters, Hannah, Sarah, and Abigail. In 1743 David Hartshorn of Norwich, husbandman, sold one-third of such a lot there. He also owned other lands in that locality. Ebenezer Hibbard gave bonds in 1712 to pay several of the heirs part of their portion in money four years after the 44 GREENLEAF ANCESTRY. decease of the widow, Mary Hibbard. The portion of Abigail was £23 Os. lid. [Manwaring's Hartford Probate Records. II: 222; Windham Land Eecords, Vol. D, p. 81, Vol. H, p. 186.] They had the following children : (1) Mary, b. Aug. 18, 1674; in. July 31, 1705, Jonathan Crane, Jr. (2) Eobert, b. July 8. 1676; m. Dec. 3, 1702, Mary Reed, who was b. June 14, 1687, and d. Mch. 7, 1763. He d. June 26, 1742. He removed from Wenham to Windham in 1698. They had ten chil- dren. (3) Joseph, b. May 18, 1678; m. Apr. 20, 1698, Abigail Ken- dall, as recorded at Windham, though the name Lindall is also given. Her real name was Lyndon and she was an aunt of Gov- ernor Josias Lyndon of Rhode Island. He d. in Windham in 1756, and administration on the estate of his widow Abigail was granted to her son Moses, Dec. 28, 1756. Their dan. Abigail, b. Mch. 15, 1699, m. in 1715 Peter Thacher of Lebanon, who d. Feb., 1766. She d. in Lebanon, July 9, 1778. (4) Nathaniel, b. 1680; m. Apr. 16, 1702, Sarah Crane and d. Apr. 20, 1725. They had eleven children. (5) Ebenezer. bap. 1683; m. Mch. 16, 1709, Margaret Mor- gan, and d. in 1752. They had eight children, among them Abi- gail, b. June 11, 1724, who m. Dec. 10, 1747, Joseph Carey. (6) Martha, b. 1684; m. Ephraim Culver of Lebanon. (7) Josiah, b. 1686, d. before 1756. (8) Hannah, b. 1691; m. Joseph Talcott. (9) Sarah, b. 1694, d. Oct. 9, 1762. (10) ABIGAIL, b. Mch. 30, 1696. (11) Lydia, b. 1699, d. young. II. EOBERT HIBBARD, the emigrant ancestor of this fam- ily, was born in Salisbury, England, being baptized in the parish of St. Edmunds, March 13, 1613. He married JOAN or JOANNA , and came to Salem, New England, between 1635 and 1639. He was a maker of salt, but was also engaged in husbandry. He and his wife were admitted to the church there SECOND GENERATION. 45 May 3, 1646. A grant of twenty acres of land was made to him in 1650 and he owned other lands later. His home was located in what is now Beverly. He held several town offices and seems to have been a respected citizen. In his will dated April 9, 1684, and proved June 24th following, he mentioned his wife Joan to whom he bequeathed the life use of his house, lands, housing, and mov- ables, sons John, Joseph, Robert, and Samuel, and his three unmar- ried daughters. His inventory was taken June 4, 1684, and amounted to £281 6s. They had the following children : (1) Mary, b. Sept. 27, 1641; m. Sept. 8, 1660, Nicholas Snel- ling of Gloucester, Mass. (2) John, b. Nov. 24, 1642; m. 1st, Oct. 20, 1670, Abigail Graves of Lynn; 2nd, Sept. 16, 1679, Euth Walden, and 3rd, Ly- dia . He had eleven children. (3) Sarah, b. July 26, 1644, d. Oct. 8, 1644. (4) Sarah, bap. May 17, 1646, d. Mch. 26, 1718. (5) ROBERT, bap. Mch. 7, 1648. (6) Joseph, twin, bap. Mch. 7, 1648; m. Oct. 20, 1670, Eliza- beth Graves, and d. at Beverly, May 14, 1701. He had ten children. A daughter Abigail, bap. July 17, 1692, d. before 1701, and is not mentioned in her father's will. (7) Joanna, bap. Dec. 23, 1651; m. Jan. 8, 1670, John Swan- ton. (8) Elizabeth, bap. Mch. 1, 1653. (9) Abigail, bap. Mch. 6, 1655, m. Thomas Blashford. (10) Samuel, bap. June 20, 1658; m. Nov. 16, 1679, Mary Bond of Haverhill, and d. in 1702. They had six children. A daughter Abigail, b. Feb. 24, 1682, m. May 30, 1710, Daniel Eaton of Lynn. [Genealogy of the Hibbard Family, by Augustine George Hibbard, 1901.] GREENLEAF ANCESTRY THIRD GENERATION JOHNSON AND CHAMPION ANCESTRIES THIRD GENERATION DAVID GREENLEAF, son of Daniel Greenleaf and Silence Nichols, was born July 13, 1737, in Bolton, Mass. He was a skilled goldsmith, which trade he followed most of his life. Perhaps it was to learn this trade that he first went to Norwich, Conn., where he married June 2, 1763, MARY JOHNSON, daughter of Ebe- nezer Johnson and Deborah Champion, who was born in Norwich April 7, 1738. He lived in Norwich some years and is said to have gone thence to Coventry about 1766. On November 1, 1769. he purchased of John Moore of Lancaster, Mass., land with a dwelling house thereon. Here he doubtless lived until he sold the property, January 1, 177*2, to Calvin Greenleaf. In the same year, November 11, 1772, he and his wife, then of Bolton, Mass., con- veyed to Daniel Greenleaf, physician of Bolton, a parcel of land with dwelling situated in Norwich. This was property which he had previously owned in Norwich. During the Revolutionary War David Greenleaf lived at Bol- ton, Mass., and was absent from home much of the time in the service. His military record as given in the Greenleaf Genealogy is as follows: — "Private, May 12, 1777; five weeks, Capt. Jabez Hatch's Co., Boston Regt. Guarding stores at and about Boston, by order of Council, May 12, 1777, under Maj. Gen. Heath, com- manded by Maj. Andrew Symmes. [Mass. Muster and Pay Rolls, Vol. XX., p. 3.] Enlisted July 30, 1778; discharged Sept. 13, 1778. Private, one month, fifteen days, Capt. Manasseh Sawyer's Co., 2nd Worcester Regt., Col. Josiah Whitney. Rhode Island Campaign [Mass. Arch. Muster Rolls, Vol. XXII., p. 207.] En- listed Private, July 28 to Nov. 1, 1780. Capt. Thomas Brintnall's Co., Col. Cyprian Howe's Regt. Rhode Island Campaign. Raised for three months to reinforce Continental Army. [Mass. Arch. Muster Rolls, Vol. XVII., p. 83.] 50 GREENLEAF ANCESTRY. To this should probably be added the service which some have ascribed to his son David as private from Oct. 26, 1779, to April 23, 1780, in Capt. Ephraim Hartwell's Co. of Guards at Kutland, Mass. [Mass. Arch. Muster Eolls, Vol. XX., p. 25; Vol. XXX., p. 120.] After the war David Greenleaf removed to Connecticut and settled in Coventry. He first purchased land, a house and black- smith shop there in 1778 from Daniel Eobertson, Jr. This prop- erty he sold in 1791 to his son David of Hartford. He died in Coventry, Conn., December 11, 1800, and his wife Mary died in Hartford May 1, 1814. In the North burying ground in that city their son Dr. David Greenleaf erected a stone with the following inscription: To the memory of | the parents of | David Greenleaf. | His father died at Coventry, | April, 1800, aged 64. | Mary, his mother | died in this town | April 1813, aged 78. | Also of | Mrs. Jones, mother of | Nancy, wife of David Greenleaf | who died | April 1815, aged 79. These dates are incorrect as to the father, whose death on December 11th at Coventry is noted in the Hartford Covrant, December 29, 1800, and as to the mother whose death " on the 1st inst." is noted in the same newspaper May 3, 1814. The stone was probably erected after the lapse of some years. Children of David and Mary Greenleaf. I. Mary, b. Jan. 7, 1764, in Norwich, Conn.; m. June 7, 1789, Don Carlos Brigham of Coventry, Conn., who was b. Feb. 21, 1763, and d. Mch. 27, 1843. She d. in Coventry Oct. 30, 1845. Chil- dren: (1) Normand, b. Mch. 7, 1790; m. Parmelia Dunham. Res. Mansfield. (2) Gurdon, b. Apr. 23, 1792; d. June 11, 1804. (3) Mary, b. Feb. 12, 1794; m. John Kingsbury. Res. Tol- land. (4) Charles, b. Jan. 29, 1797; m. Nov. 7, 1824, Betsey Royce, and d. Jan. 10, 1836. Res. Woodstock, Vt. (5) David, b. Mch. 10, 1802; d. Jan. 19, 1804. THIRD GENERATION. 51 (6) Eliza Ripley, b. Apr. 2, 1805; m. Richmond Lovett. Res. Tolland. (7) Susan Ann, b. Dec. 31, 1807; in. John Gager. Res. Tol- land. II. DAVID, father of Charles Greenleaf and grandfather of Jane Maria Greenleaf. III. Daniel, b. Jan. 19, 1767, in Coventry; m. Oct. 3, 1791, Abigail Forsyth, and d. Dec. 7, 1842, at Mount Hope, Orange Co., X. Y., where he lived. Children : (1) Sarah, b. July 13, 1794; m. Feb. 6, 1812, Joshua Mulock, who was b. Aug. 11, 1787, and d. Dec. 23, 1862. She d. Mch. 29, 1866. Res. Minisink, N. Y. They had sixteen children. [Green- leaf Genealogy, pp. 296, 297.] (2) John, b. Feb. 21, 1796; m. Feb. 19, 1820, Emiline Forbes. He was drowned in the Hudson River by the upsetting of the sloop " Neptune " Nov. 23, 1824. He had two children, John Harrison, b. July 8, 1821, and Sarah Jane, b. July 10, 1823. [Ibid. pp. 298, 299.] (3) David, b. Sept. 2, 1800; d. Sept. 13, 1865, at Mt. Hope, N. Y., unm. (4) Daniel Ripley, b. Aug. 27, 1808; m. Oct. 30, 1841, Han- nah Stoddard Arthur, who d. Feb. 3, 1892. He d. Feb. 4, 1868. They had five children : Daniel, b. Apr. 2, 1842 ; Josephine, b. Jan. 15, 1844; David, b. Sept. 6, 1847; Phebe Jane, b. Jan. 20, 1849; and Sophronia, b. Nov. 14, 1850. [Ibid. p. 299.] IV. Sarah, b. Dec. 22, 1769 ; d. May 17, 1792. V. Nancy (Annis), b. June 12, 1771; m. Jan. 20, 1818, Jona- than Kingsbury, and d. July 9, 1822, in Coventry. VI. Susannah, b. Dec. 22, 1772, in Lancaster, Mass., m. Maj. John Ripley of New York, and d. Nov. 5, 1812. VII. John, b. Feb. 26, 1774; m. 1st, Mch. 8, 1798, Martha Tooker, who was b. Oct. 7, 1777, and d. Apr. 14, 1819; 2nd, May 52 GREENLEAF ANCESTRY. 10, 1820, Catherine Dubois, widow of John King, b. Mch. 3, 1791, d. July 21, 1877. He d. Sept. 20, 1851. They had fourteen chil- dren. [Ibid. pp. 299-301.] VIII. Eliza, b. Mch. 22, 1777, d. young. IX. William, b. Dec. 12, 1778, in Coventry; m. Mary Wil- liams of Hartford. They had six children. [Ibid. p. 305.] JOHNSON ANCESTRY I. EBENEZER JOHNSON, of Norwich, Conn., West Farms or Franklin, was the son of John Johnson, and was born in Nor- wich, January 25, 1G93-4. John Johnson deeded to his son Ebe- nezer, February 26, 1713-14, forty-three acres of land in Norwich, situated near his homestead. Tn 1719 he owned several tracts iD the town, among them a grant of forty acres, a piece of about twenty- two acres and a sheep lot of four acres. He married in Nor- wich, October 29, 1717, DEBORAH CHAMPION, daughter of Thomas Champion and Hannah Brockway, who was born April 26, 1697, and died in Norwich, August 22, 1778. He died April 13, 1779. Mrs. Deborah Johnson was admitted to the church at West Farms May 15, 1737, and MARY, who was born April 7th, was baptized there April 16, 1738. Their children were as follows: (1) Deborah, b. Sept. 13, 1718. (2) Hannah, b. Dec. 30, 1720. (3) Susannah, b. July 7, 1723. (4) Isaac, b. Feb. 9, 1726, d. May 2, 1727. (5) Isaac, b. Mch. 24, 1728. (6) Ebenezer, b. Feb. 25, 1730-31. (7) Bethiah, b. Apr. 16, 1734. (8) MARY, b. Apr. 7, 1738. II. JOHN JOHNSON was an early settler in Norwich, Conn. It is said by the historian of that town that he had " ten acres of land in Lebanon Valley " granted to him in 1677, also a grant at Westward Hill, and that his cattle-mark was recorded in 1683. The land records show that on March 13, 1702-3, there were entered to him 76 acres at the south end of Lebanon Hill and 10 acres of woodland laid out to him in 1701. In May, 1706, there was entered to him a tract of 41 acres on Westward Hill, which was laid out that year. Ten acres of land in Lebanon Valley were deeded to him by James Fitch March 2, 1696. We have found no evidence of a grant to him as early as 1677. His home was in Lebanon Valley, and he conveyed to his son six acres of land there March 24, 1726. His children recorded in Norwich are as follows: 54 GREENLEAF ANCESTRY. (1) Isaac, b. Nov. 1683, d. Dec. 12, 1707. (2) John, b. Mch. 2, 1685. (3) Dorothy, b. Mch. 19, 1688; m. William Williams of Colchester, Conn. (4) Abigail, b. Feb. 28, 1690-91. (5) EBE- NEZEE, b. Jan. 25, 1693-4. (6) Ruth, b. Apr. 17, 1695. (7) William, b. June 18, 1697. (8) Jane, b. Feb. 4, 1699-1700. (9) Daniel, b. July 18, 1702. (10) Bethiah, b. Aug. 5, 1705. CHAMPION ANCESTRY I. THOMAS CHAMPION, son of Henry Champion of Say- brook and Lyme, Conn., and his first wife, was born in April, 1656, in Saybrook. He received lands from his father in Lyme and lived there on the banks of Stony Brook. His death occurred April 5, 1705, in Lyme, and his will dated April 4, 1705, names his two sons Thomas and Henry, and his wife. In his inventory which was presented May 20, 1705, and amounted to £232 17s. 9d., the names and ages of his children are given. These were as follows : (1) Hannah, b. Feb. 13, 1683, married Matthew Beckwith of Lyme. (2) Sarah, b. Mch. 8. 1687-8, married Nov. 4, 1705, Stephen Scovil. (3) Thomas, b. January 21, 1690-91, married Elizabeth Wade. (4) Mary, b. July 31, 1693, married Timothy Tuller of East Haddam. (5) Henry, b. May 2, 1695, married Mehitabel Rowley. (6) DEBORAH, b. Apr. 26, 1697, wife of Ebenezer Johnson. (7) Elizabeth, b. July 1, 1699, married John Crocker of Nor- wich. (8) Bridget. The wife of Thomas Champion was HANNAH BROCKWAY, daughter of Wolston Brockway and Hannah Briggs, whom he married in Lyme, August 23, 1682. She was born September 14, 1664, in Lyme, and after Thomas Champion's death she married as his second wife John Wade of Lyme. She died March 2, 1750. WOLSTON BROCKWAY was one of the earliest settlers of Lyme, and died there shortly after 1717. His wife was HAN- NAH BRIGGS, daughter of WILLIAM BRIGGS of Boston and Lyme and widow of John Harris. She was born August 28, 1642, and married Mr. Harris September 10, 1657. On May 16, 1717, Wolston Brockway conveyed personal property to his daughter 56 GREENLEAF ANCESTRY. " Hannah Wade " in the event of his and his wife's death. John Wade and Hannah Brockway Champion had an ante-nuptial agree- ment which they acknowledged February 6, 1705-6. His will dated June 25, 1722, and proved April 24, 1728, names his wife Han- nah and gives property to his " daughter Elizabeth Champion." [Wolston Brockway and his Descendants, by Francis E. Brock- way.] II. HENRY CHAMPION", the emigrant ancestor of this fam- ily, was born in England and came to Saybrook, Conn., before 1647. He had lands recorded there in 1660. He removed east of the river and lived in a house situated just east of the meeting house and near the old burying-ground. The name of his first wife is un- known. He married 2nd, Deborah Jones, and their marriage set- tlement is dated March 21, 1697-8, the day of his marriage. He died February 17, 1708-9, said to be 98 years of age, and his estate was divided by agreement. His inventory was £81 18s. 4d. His children were as follows : (1) Sarah, b. 1649; ni. Henry Bennett. (2) Mary, b. 1651, m. Aaron Huntley. (3) Stephen, b. 1653, d. 1660. (4) Henry, b. 1654; m. Susannah DeWolf. (5) THOMAS, b. Apr. 1656, the father of Deborah Champion, wife of Ebenezer Johnson. (6) Rachel, b. 1658 ( ?) ; m. Thomas Tanner. Further details of this family may be found in Trowbridge's Champion Genealogy. GREENLEAF ANCESTRY FOURTH GENERATION NICHOLS, SUMNER, AND JOSSELYN ANCESTRIES FOURTH GENERATION DANIEL GREENLEAF, son of Daniel Greenleaf and Eliza- beth Gooking, was born in Cambridge, Mass., November 7, 1702. He was predisposed in youth to the practice of medicine, both from his father's knowledge of that science and the experiences of the family. At an early age he began practice in Hingham, Mass., and continued there until 1732, when he removed to Bolton, Wor- cester County, Mass., where he was a well-known physician for sixty years. During the siege of Louisburg he was the surgeon of a regiment sailing from Boston, March 24, 1745. He served in the same war on a ship of the Massachusetts Colony, and probably did service of which no record survives. While living in Hingham, Daniel Greenleaf married, 1st, July 18, 1726, SILENCE NICHOLS, daughter of Israel Nichols and Mary Sumner, and widow of David Marsh. She was born in Hing- ham, July 4, 1702, and died in Bolton, May 13, 1762. Daniel Greenleaf married, 2nd, November 18, 1762, intentions declared October 22, 1762, Dorothy Wilder, widow of Josiah Richardson of Lancaster, Mass. He died in Bolton, Mass., July 18, 1795, " at a great age." Children of Daniel and Silence Greenleaf. I. David Coffin, b. Jan. 29, 1728, in Hingham, Mass., d. Sept. 30, 1728, in Hingham. II. Elizabeth, b. Oct. 30, 1729, in Hingham; m. Jan. 6, 1750, Peter Joslyn of Lancaster, Mass. III. Daniel, b. Sept. 2, 1732, in Hingham; m. in England, May 4 or 5, 1763, Anna Burrell, and d. Jan. 18, 1777, leaving three children who were taken by the widow to England. IV. Israel, b. Mch. 29, 1734, in Bolton, Mass. ; m. 1st, Nov. 28, 1754, Prudence Whitcomb, of Bolton, who d. Sept. 15, 1784; 60 GREENLEAF ANCESTRY. 2nd, Mch. 10, 1785, Ursula Woods, b. Feb. 24, 1763, d. June 22, 1844. He left eight children. V. Stephen, b. Oct. 15, 1735; m. Jan. 11, 1758, Eunice Fair- banks, who d. Mch. 8, 1826. He d. June 8, 1802. They had eleven children. VI. DAVID, b. July 13, 1737, the father of David Greenleaf and grandfather of Charles Greenleaf, and great grandfather of Jane Maria Greenleaf, of Hartford, Conn. VII. William, b. Aug. 23, 1738; m. Dec. 19, 1763, Sally, dau. of Edmund Quincy of Boston, and sister of Dorothy, wife of John Hancock, who d. Mch. 12, 1790, in Lancaster, Mass. He d. there Jan. 13, 1793. He was a Brigadier-General of the Massachusetts Militia and attained some prominence in public affairs. They had eight children. VIII. Calvin, b. Mch. 31, 1740; m. Nov. 17, 1762, Eebecca Whitcomb of Bolton, who d. Sept. 4, 1787. He d. Aug. 1812, They had eleven children. IX. Mary, b. July 3, 1742 ; m. Jan. 8, 1760, Rev. Joseph Wheeler of Harvard, Mass., and d. Aug. 28, 1783. Their dau. Abi- gail m. Oct. 8, 1799, Rev. Leonard Woods, D.D., of Andover, Mass. X. John, b. June 13, 1744; d. Aug. 2, 1744, Further details of this family and their descendants will be found in the Greenleaf Genealogy. The military records of the six sons of Daniel Greenleaf were extraordinary. The three older sons served in the French War and all of them were soldiers in the Revolution. The service of David has been already given. Daniel was a surgeon in a Massachusetts regiment at Louisburg in 1755 and later was connected with one of the Colonial ships of war. In the Revolution he was in Col. Jonathan Smith's Regt. from Massachusetts, serving as surgeon of the brigade under Gen. John Fellows in New York. It was in view of this enlistment that he made his will July 22, 1776. He became distinguished in this branch of the service. Israel enlisted Sept. 15, 1755, in Capt. FOURTH GENERATION. 61 Jeduthan Baldwin's Co. of Col. Josiah Brown's Eegt. under the command of Maj. Gen. Johnson for service in the Crown Point expedition. He was also a private in the Bevolution, July 28 to Nov. 1, 1?80, in Capt. Thomas Brintnall's Co., Col. Cyprian Howe's Eegt., serving in the Rhode Island campaign; and was a private, Jan. 1, 1781, to Jan. 1, 1782, in the 10th Mass. Regt., Col. Benj. Tupper commanding. Stephen was a private in Capt. John Carter's mounted company, detached from Col. Oliver Wilder's Eegt. and marching at the Fort William Henry alarm in 1757. In 1758, from Mch. 1 to Dec. 16, he was a sergeant in Capt. Asa Whitcomb's Co. of Col. Jonathan Bagley's Eegt. raised for the re- duction of Canada and serving more than eight months. William had a long record of Revolutionary service extending from Mch. 20, 1776, to Dec. 31, 1779, and perhaps later. He was at first Captain of the 10th Co., 2nd (Worcester County) Regt. and was commissioned Lieut.-Colonel. From Aug. 12 to Dec. 9, 1777, he was a Captain in Col. Job Cushing's Regt. in the service of the Northern Department. On Oct. 12, 1778, he was commissioned 2nd Major of the Fifth Regt., and on Oct. 9, 1779, Lieut.-Colonel of the 2nd Regt. After the war he became a Brigadier-General of the State Militia and was sheriff of Worcester county during Shay's Insur- rection. Calvin was a private in Capt. Ephraim Hartwell's Co. doing guard service at Rutland, Mass., from Oct. 27, 1779, to Apr. 27, 1780, and perhaps did other service. The patriotic and mili- tary spirit was very strong in this family for generations, and Dan- iel Greenleaf must have himself inherited a good measure from his ancestors. NICHOLS ANCESTRY I. ISRAEL NICHOLS, son of Thomas Nichols and Eebecca Josselyn, was born in Hingham, Mass., in 1650, being baptized Sep- tember 1st of that year. He married three times. His first wife's Christian name was Mary, whom he married September 26, 1679. She died March 26, 1688. He married 2nd, June 10, 1688, MARY SUMNER, his cousin, daughter of Roger Sumner and Mary Josse- lyn. She was born in Lancaster, Mass., August 5, 1665, and died February 27, 1723-4, aged 59. On June 24, 1725, then aged nearly 75, he married Mrs. Rebecca (Lincoln) Clark, widow of John Clark and daiighter of Samuel and Martha Lincoln, who was born in Hingham, March 11, 1673-4, and died February 4, 1757, aged 83. Israel Nichols died January 24, 1733-4, aged 83. His will was made January 1, 1733-4 and proved February 25, 1733-4. In it he mentions the daughters of his first wife, who had five children. He had ten children also by his second wife. His thirteenth child was SILENCE, born July 4, 1702, who married David Marsh, July 12, 1722, and Daniel Greenleaf, July 18, 1726. II. THOMAS NICHOLS was the emigrant ancestor of this family. He had lands in Hingham in 1637, but after his marriage lived for a few years in Scituate, returning thence to Hingham. The wife of Thomas Nichols was REBECCA JOSSELYN, daugh- ter of Thomas and Rebecca Josselyn, who was born about 1617, and died September 22, 1675, aged 58. He married 2nd, Septem- ber 23, 1681, Dorcas , who died October 15, 1694. Thomas Nichols resided on Fort Hill street, Hingham, and died November 8, 1696. He had eleven children of whom ISRAEL was the sixth. [History of Hingham, III : 83 ; Savage's Genealogical Dictionary, III: 280.] SUMNER ANCESTRY I. ROGER SUMNER, son of William Sumner of Dorchester, was bom in 1632, in England, and came with the family to New England. He became a freeman of Massachusetts in 1657, being then a resident of Dorchester, and soon afterwards one of the ear- liest inhabitants of Lancaster, Mass. He subscribed to the " Laws and Orders" of that town April 11, 1659. In 1655 his estate was £232, and he subsequently amassed more property. His house lot there was on the " Neck," and he owned twenty acres of meadow land. He was townsman and served on various committees in town affairs. On August 26, 1660, he was dismissed from the Dorches- ter Church that he might assist in organizing the church in Lan- caster, and was a deacon of the church. After the destruction of Lancaster by the Indians he returned to Dorchester. He died in Milton, Mass., May 26, 1698, aged sixty-six years. The wife of Roger Sumner was MARY JOSSELYN, born in 1633 or 1634, daughter of Thomas and Rebecca Josselyn, and sis- ter of Rebecca Josselyn, who married Thomas Nichols. They were married in 1656 in Dorchester, Mass., and their children were: Abigail, 1657; Samuel, 1659; Waitstill, 1661; Mary, b. August 5, 1665; Jaazoniah, 1668; Rebecca, 1671; William, 1673; and Ebenezer, 1678. [Early Records of Lancaster, Mass., by Henry S. Nourse.] II. WILLIAM SUMNER was the emigrant ancestor of this family. He was born in England and came to New England with his wife MARY, and children William, ROGER, George, Joan, and perhaps Abigail ; and had a son, Samuel, born May 18, 1638, and Increase, born February 23, 1643. He was made a freeman May 17, 1637, was selectman of Dorchester and in 1658 and for years afterward the deputy from that town to the General Court. His wife, whose maiden name is unknown to us, died June 7, 1676, 64 GREENLEAF ANCESTRY. and lie died in March 1692, aged 86. William Sumner is said to have been the only child of Eoger Sumner of Bicester, England, who died in 1688. [Savage's Genealogical Dictionary, IV : 232.] JOSSELYN ANCESTRY I. THOMAS JOSSELYN, the emigrant, came to New Eng- land from London in the ship " Increase " in 1635, landing at Hingham, Mass. He was then forty-three years old and therefore born in 1592, and his wife REBECCA was the same age. They had a family of five children who accompanied them, Rebecca, aged eighteen years, Dorothy eleven, Nathaniel eight, Elizabeth six, and Mary one. They also had a son, Abraham, a sailor, and Joseph, who came later. He attained some prominence in Hingham, but in 1654: removed to Lancaster, Mass., where he died January 3, 1660-61. His house lot there was in the "Neck" and contained about forty acres, and he also had seventeen acres of meadow land. At the time of his settlement in Lancaster, his estate was £210, and that of his son Nathaniel who accompanied him, £155. They subscribed to the " Laws and Orders " November 4, 1654. having given them at that time in all ninety acres of land, forty being meadow. After the death of Thomas Josselyn his widow married William Kerley, Sen., May 16, 1664, being his third wife. Of the children of Thomas and Rebecca Josselyn, REBECCA married Thomas Nichols, and MARY married Roger Sumner. [Early Records of Lancaster, Mass., by Henry S. Nourse; History of Hingham, II : 395-6.] GREENLEAF ANCESTRY FIFTH GENERATION GOOKING ANCESTRY KEY. DANIEL GREENLEAF. 1679-1. From Portrait by i 'opley. Courtesy of JIrs James K Greenhaf. FIFTH GENERATION DANIEL GREENLEAF, son of Stephen Greenleaf and Eliza- beth Gerrish, was born February 10, 1679-80, in Newbury, Mass., and baptized there on the 22nd of the month of his birth. He graduated from Harvard College in 1099. For several years he practiced medicine in Cambridge, marrying there November 18, 1701, ELIZABETH GOOKING, daughter of Samuel and Mary Gooking, who was born November 11, 1681. It appears that at some time previous to May 12, 1701, he had been at Portsmouth, N. H., with a view to a settlement there as schoolmaster, for on that date it was voted to engage him for a year at forty pounds. He left there before 1703. He seems then to have begun to preach to the inhabitants of the Isle of Shoals, who petitioned in 1705 for help to support him in the ministry. In 1708 he was ordained pastor of the church in Yarmouth, Mass. Here he remained for twenty years, but in 1727, on account of difficulties in the parish he re- moved to Boston. His wife with their twelve children had pre- ceded him thither, and with some knowledge of medicine derived from her father, had opened an apothecary and grocer's shop, in- tending thus to support her family. This was located on what is now Washington street, between Court and Cornhill. Here the family lived, the father soon joining them there. In consequence of an injury received by falling from a horse, Rev. Daniel Green- leaf was for many years a helpless invalid. He died August 26, 1763, and was buried in Kings Chapel burying ground. A por- trait of him by Copley has survived, and is reproduced, in connec- tion with a sketch of his life, in the Greenleaf Genealogy. His wife became totally blind and died November 11, 1762. Children of Daniel and Elizabeth Greenleaf. I. DANIEL, b. Nov. 7, 1702, father of David Greenleaf, grand- father of David Greenleaf, Jr., great-grandfather of Charles Green- leaf, and great-great-grandfather of Jane Maria Greenleaf. 70 GREENPEAK ANCESTRY. II. Stephen, b. Oct. 4, 1704, in Newbury, Mass. ; m. Aug. 5, 1731, Mary Gould, b. Aug. 20, 1706, and d. Jan. 26, 1795, in Bos- ton, where he resided and attained some distinction, being sheriff of Suffolk Co. in 1757. They had seven children. III. Mary, b. Aug. 29, 1706, in Cambridge; m. 1st, Mch. 16, 1725, James Blinn ; 2nd, Aug. 7, 1735, Josiah Thatcher. She d. Apr. 2, 1774. She had sixteen children. IV. Elizabeth, b. Aug. 24, 1708, in Yarmouth; m. 1st, June 24, 1729, David Bacon; 2nd, Joseph Scott; 3rd, Kev. Joseph Par- sons of Bradford, Mass.; 4th, Eev. Jedediah Jewett of Rowley, Mass. She d. May 15, 1778. She had six children. V. Sarah, b. Apr. 16, 1710, in Yarmouth; d. Mch. 28, 1776, unm. VI. Samdel, b. May 9, 1712; d. 1748, unm. VII. Jane, b. May 24, 1714, in Yarmouth; m. Mch. 1, 1732-3, Hezekiah Usher of Medford, Mass., and Newport, E. I. She d. Dec. 10, 1764. They had twelve children. He m. 2nd, Abigail, dau. of Aaron Cleveland, b. May 10, 1706, in Medford. VIII. Hannah, b. Oct. 3, 1716, in Yarmouth ; m. John Rich- ards; and d. Jan. 3, 1799. IX. John, b. Nov. 8, 1717, in Yarmouth ; m. 1st, Dec. 8, 1743, Priscilla Brown; 2nd, May 1, 1759, Ruth Walker; 3rd, July 15, 1764, Ann Wroe, who d. May 27, 1786. He d. Aug. 27, 1778, in Boston, where he was a druggist. X. Mercy, b. Nov. 29, 1719, in Yarmouth; m. Mch. 10, 1735, John Scollay, and d. Oct. 7, 1793. They had thirteen children. XI. G'ooking, b. Sept. 18, 1721 ; d. Dec. 13, 1721. XII. Susanna, b. Nov. 12, 1722, in Yarmouth; m. John Co- burn, and d. Feb. 26, 1782. XIII. William, b. Jan. 10, 1725; m. June 3, 1747, Mary, dau. of Hon. Robert Brown of Plymouth, Mass., b. Mch. 15, 1728, FIFTH GENERATION. 71 d. Dec. 1, 1807. He d. July 21, 1803, in New Bedford. Mass. They had fifteen children. [See on the family of Daniel and Elizabeth Greenleaf, and their descendants, Greenleaf's Oreenleaf Geneal- ogy '■] GOOKING ANCESTRY I. SAMUEL GOOKING, son of Daniel Gooking and Mary Dolling, was born April 21 or 22, 1652, in Cambridge, Mass., where he died September 16, 1730. He is said to have been an apothecary or physician, but his military ardor and other interests overshadowed all else, and this patriotism he inherited by good right from his father. As early as 1692 he was called " Captain," and in 1711 was ardently engaged in connection with the expedi- tion to Canada. He was sheriff of Middlesex County by the ap- pointment of the patriots in 1689 and Savage says " rather more energetic than discreet in magnifying his office." In 1691 he was Marshal General. He was also sheriff of Suffolk county and down to July 27, 1729, was largely engaged in matters pertaining to that office. The maiden name of the wife of Samuel Gooking is unknown ; her first name was MARY. Their children were : (1) Mary, b. Aug. 26, 1679, who rn. 1st, Dr. Samuel Gedney; 2nd, July 16, 1711, Eev. Theophilus Cotton; 3rd, a Newmarch. (2) ELIZABETH, b. Nov. 11, 1681. (3) Samuel, b. Aug. 14, 1683. (4) Nathaniel, b. Feb. 16, 1685-6, d. young. (5) Daniel. II. DANIEL GOOKING was an honored and distinguished man in early New England history. The details of his life as a young man are not so full as desirable. He was doubtless the son of Daniel Gooking, Gent., who in 1621 emigrated with his family and fifty men, provided for at his own expense, from England to Virginia, arriving there on the 22nd of November. He settled at Newport News where he became a planter, holding his own even during the troublesome times when the Indians attacked those settlements. " On Dec. 29, 1637, a grant of 2500 acres in the FIFTH GENERATION. 73 upper country of Norfolk was made to Daniel Gooking, Esq. ; and in 1642 he was made Commander of the Military Commission of Upper Norfolk at about the time when a grant of 1400 acres was made to his son Daniel, the Captain of the trained band." Accord- ing to the age of the son Daniel given in his marriage license, and his age at death, he was only a youth nine years of age when he came to Virginia. He saw, therefore, in his youth and early man- hood, adventurous and stirring scenes which amply prepared him for his subsequent career. When twenty-seven years of age he re- turned to England and November 11, 1639, was granted by the Bishop of London a license to marry MARY DOLLING, an or- phan maiden of St. Dunstan in the West, aged twenty-one. On his return to Virginia with his wife he engaged in the life of a colo- nial planter until 1643. It is said that he was then converted by missionaries who had been sent from New England to Virginia, and Cotton Mather names especially Rev. William Thompson. He bought a ship and with his wife and daughter Mary and others, sailed for New England, arriving in Boston, May 10, 1644. Here he became a member of the First Church on the 16th of the month of his arrival and a freeman the same year. At first he settled in Roxbury, but removed to Cambridge in 1648. He was a mem- ber of the Artillery Company in 1645 and soon rose to be a highly esteemed commander in Middlesex County. In 1649 he was deputy from Cambridge to the General Court, and in 1651 the Speaker of the House. The next year he became a magistrate and so con- tinued to 1686. His military honors multiplied, until he became May 11, 1681, Major-General of the forces of the colony. He was conspicuous during the Indian wars of that time, and was deeply interested with John Eliot in his peaceful labors among the In- dians. He was the author of a work entitled, " Historical Collec- tions of the Indians of New England." In 1655 he went to Eng- land, probably on private business, but was assigned by Cromwell to the useless task of trying to persuade the New England fathers to colonize Jamaica. The regicides Whalley and Goffe, with whom he returned on a second visit in 1660, were sheltered by him in New England. Many other labors and experiences filled his life, 6 74 GREENLEAF ANCESTRY. which was probably one of the most varied and eventful of any of those times. He died in Cambridge, March 19, 1687, aged 75. His wife died after October 4, 1681. He married 2nd, Hannah Tyng, widow of Habijah Savage, who was born March 7, 1640, and died October 28, 1689. The children of Daniel Gooking were: (1) Mary, who m. June 8, 1670, Edmund Baxter. (2) Elizabeth, b. Mch. 14, 1645, who m. May 23, 1666, Eev. John Eliot, Jr., and d. Nov. 30, 1700. (3) Hannah, bap. in Roxbury, May 9, 1647, and d. July 31, 1647. (4) Daniel, b. Apr. 8, 1649; d. Sept. 3, 1649. (5) Daniel, b. July 12, 1650, Harvard College, 1669, and d. Jan. 8, 1718. (6) SAMUEL, father of Elizabeth who married Rev. Daniel Greenleaf. (7) Solomon, b. June 20, 1654; d. July 16, 1654. (8) Nathaniel, b. Oct. 22, 1656, Harvard College, 1675, m. Hannah Savage, and d. Aug. 7, 1692. The line of ancestry of Daniel Gooking is given as follows : (1) DANIEL GOOKING of England and Virginia, was the son of JOHN GOOKING of Ripple Court, Kent County, Eng., and KATHARINE DENNE, daughter of G. DENNE (a de- scendant in the eleventh generation from Sir ALLURED DENNE, KT.), and AGNES TUFTON, daughter of NICHOLAS TUF- TON. (2) JOHN GOOKING was the son and heir of Thomas Gook- ing of Brakesbourne, Kent County, England, and ELIZABETH DURANT. (3) THOMAS GOOKING was the son of ARNOLDUS GOOKING of Kent County, England. GREENLEAF ANCESTRY SIXTH GENERATION GERISH ANCESTRY CAPT. STEPHEN GREENLEAF. 105i — From Portrait made in 1722. Courtesy of Mrs, James /■ Greenl* ". SIXTH GENERATION STEPHEN GEEENLEAF, son of Stephen Greenleaf and Elizabeth Coffin, was born August 15, 1652, in Newbury, Mass., and died there October 13, 1743, " at a great age " and surely such for one who saw so much service. His fame long survived in that ancient town as the " great Indian fighter," and he was universally known as " Captain " Stephen Greenleaf. A portrait of this re- doubtable warrior taken in 1722 is reproduced in the Greenleaf Genealogy. His military record as there given is as follows: — ■ "Served in King Philip's War on the Connecticut River; Aug. 25, 1675, was wounded in the battle of Hatfield ; ' June 4, 1685, Ensign Greenleaf appointed Leftenant'; Aug. 2, 1689, in the In- dian War; sent to treat with Indians at Pennacook; Oct. 24, 1689, Lieutenant; Capt. Greenleaf was much distinguished in the Indian Wars, and is mentioned in Mather's Magnalia as commanding a company in the celebrated battle with the French and Indians at Wells, Me., in 1690, and in the King Philip's War on the Connec- ticut River above Hatfield." On March 5, 1696, he petitioned the Massachusetts General Court for remuneration in consequence of a wound received in the rescue of a family attacked by the Indians October 7, 1695. He was paid the sum of forty pounds. There are doubtless many other unrecorded incidents of the same nature in his life. In the affairs of the town also he was a conspicuous character, serving as townsman and on many important commit- tees. His reputation was honorable, and his character was en- dowed with many virtues. The first wife of Captain Stephen Greenleaf was ELIZABETH GERRISH, daughter of William Gerrish and Joanna Goodale Oliver, who was born in Newbury September 10, 1654, and died August 5, 1712. They were married Oct. 23, 1676. After her death Captain Greenleaf married 2nd, in 1713, Mrs. Hannah Jor- dan of Kittery, Me., who died September 30, 1743, in Newbury. 78 GREENLEAF ANCESTRY. Children of Stephen and Elizabeth Greenleaf. I. Elizabeth, b. Jan. 12, 1678-9; m. Nov. 7, 1695, Henry Clarke, son of Nathaniel Clarke and Elizabeth Somerby, who m. 2nd, Jan. 24, 1714, Mary Pierce. They had twelve children. II. DANIEL, b. Feb. 10, 1679-80, the great-great-great-grand- father of Jane Maria Greenleaf. III. Stephen, b. Aug. 31, 1682; d. Oct. 15, 1688. IV. William, b. Apr. 1, 1684; d. Apr. 15, 1684. V. Joseph, b. Apr. 12, 1686; m. Nov. 18, 1707, Thomasine Mayo, b. June 10, 1689. He lived in Newbury and had seven children. VI. Sarah, b. July 19, 1688, m. Mch. 30, 1710, Richard Kent. Ees. Newbury. VII. Stephen, b. Oct. 21, 1690; m. Oct. 7, 1712, Mary Mack- res, b. 1691, d. 1771 in Woolwich. He d. 1771. They had eight children. VIII. John, b. Aug. 29, 1693 ; m. 1713 Abigail Moody, who, after her husband's death about 1725, m. Benjamin Hills. IX. Benjamin, b. Dec. 14, 1695. X. Moses, b. Feb. 24, 1697-8. [Greenleaf's Greenleaf Genealogy, pp. 201, 205, 327, 328, 336, 337.] GERRISH ANCESTRY WILLIAM GERRISH was the emigrant ancestor of this fam- ily. He came, says Savage, from Bristol, England, where he was born August 20, 1617. His arrival in New England as a young man was about 1640, and he settled in Newbury, Mass. Here he was the first captain of the train band and was thereafter known as " Captain " William Gerrish. In 1650 he was appointed com- missioner of the town to settle small causes, and was then Lieu- tenant William Gerrish. being made captain the year following. He was the deputy from that town to the General Court. 1650 to 1653, was empowered to drill soldiers, both cavalry and infantry. and in 1657 was made a special commissioner. Later he resided in Hampton and was representative from that town in 1663 and 1661. In 1678 he moved to Boston. His death occurred at Salem. August 9, 1687, aged 70. The first wife of William Gerrish was JOANNA GOODALE, who had married John Oliver before 1644. and upon his death married April 17, 1645, William Gerrish. She died June 14, 1677. He married 2nd in Boston, Ann, whom Sav- age supposes to have been the widow of John Manning and daugh- ter of Richard Parker. Captain William and Joanna Gerrish had a large family of whom ELIZABETH, born September 10, 1654, was the sixth. Joanna Goodale was the daughter of MRS. ELIZABETH GOODALE, who is presumed by Savage to have been the mother of Richard Goodale of Newbury and Salisbury, came from Yar- mouth, England, in 1637, and died in Newbury April 8, 1647. If so there were three children, another daughter, Susanna, marrying Abraham Toppan. The husband of Elizabeth Goodale was JOHN GOODALE who died in England, his will being dated in 1625. GREENLEAF ANCESTRY SEVENTH GENERATION COFFIN ANCESTRY SEVENTH GENERATION STEPHEN GREENLEAF, son of Edmund Greenleaf and Sarah Dole, was born in England, being baptized in the church of St. Mary's la Tour in Ipswich, Suffolk County, England, August 10, 1628. He came to New England as a child with his father and lived in Newbury, Mass., being admitted a freeman of that town May 23, 1677. His military record as given in the Green- leaf Genealogy is as follows: "Ensign, appointed May 31, 1670; Lieutenant, 1685; Captain, 1686; as Captain of Militia he went with the disastrous expedition against Port Royal, Oct. 13, 1690, to Cape Breton, and was there wrecked in a vessel and drowned, in company with nine others, Dee. 1, 1690." Captain Greenleaf was a man of distinction in Newbury, and their deputy to the General Court from 1676 to 1686. In 1689 he was a member of the Council of Safety. He was a member of the Newbury Church, being admitted December 6, 1674. The first wife of Stephen Greenleaf was ELIZABETH COP- FIN, daughter of Tristram Coffin and Dionis Stevens, born in England about 1634, whom he married in Newbury November 13, 1651. They had ten children, and she died November 19, 1678. He was married by Commissioner Dalton, March 31, 1678-9, to Esther Weare, daughter of Nathaniel Weare, and was at the time the widow of Benjamin Swett, of Hampton, N. H. She died Jan- uary 16, 1718, aged 89. Children of Stephen and Elizabeth Greenleaf. I. STEPHEN, b. Aug. 15, 1652, who was the ancestor of Jane Maria Greenleaf. II. Sarah, b. Oct. 29, 1655 ; m. June 7, 1677, Richard Dole, b. Sept 6, 1650; d. Aug. 1, 1723. She d. Sept. 1, 1718. III. Daniel, b. Feb. 17, 1657-8; d. Dec. 5, 1659. 84 GREENLEAF ANCESTRY. IV. Elizabeth, b. Apr. 5, 1660; m. Sept. 24, 1677, Col. Thomas, son of Rev. James Noyes, as his 2nd wife. He d. in 1730. V. John, b. June 21, 1662; m. 1st, Oct. 12, 1685, Elizabeth, dau. of Joseph Hills, who d. Aug. 5, 1712; 2nd, May 13, 1716, Lydia, wid. of Benjamin Pierce and dau. of Maj. Charles Frost of Kittery, Me. She d. May 15, 1752, and he d. May or June 24, 1734. VI. Samuel, b. Oct. 30, 1665; m. Mch. 1, 1686, Sarah, dau. of John Kent, Jr., and d. Aug. 6, 1694. VII. Tristram, b. Feb. 11, 1667-8; m. Nov. 12, 1689, Mar- garet, dau. of Nathaniel Piper of Ipswich, and d. Sept. 13, 1740. VIII. Edmund, b. May 10, 1670; m. July 2, 1691, Abigail, dau. of Abiel Somerby, and d. abt. 1740. IX. Mart, b. Dec. 6, 1671; m. 1696, Joshua, son of Caleb Moody. X. Judith, b. Oct. 23, 1673; d. Nov. 19, 1678. COFFIN ANCESTRY TRISTRAM COFFIN was the emigrant ancestor of this fam- ily. He was born in Brixham (Brixton) parish, Plymouth, Eng- land, in 1609, baptized March 11, 1610, being the son of PETER and JOANNA COFFIN. His father died about 1640 it is sup- posed ; and the son taking his mother, sisters Eunice and Mary, his wife Dionis and children, Peter. Tristram, Elizabeth, James, and John, came to New England in 1642. His mother died in May, 1661, aged 77. After a brief stay at Salisbury and Haverhill, he settled in Newbury about 1648. In 1654 he returned to Salis- bury, remaining there until 1660, when he removed to Nantucket. He was an enterprising and intelligent man. It is said that he was the first to use a plow at Haverhill. In Salisbury he was com- missioner to try small causes and otherwise honored. In 1659 he united with others in forming a company to purchase and settle the island of Nantucket. They paid for it £30 and two beaver hats. Here he spent the remainder of his life, dying December 2, 1681, aged 72. He became one of the leaders of the company and was commissioned, June 22, 1671, by Francis Lovelace, Chief Magis- trate of the Island. This commission testified to the " fittness and capacity " of Mr. Coffin. In several instances and probably always he spelled his name " Coffyn." The wife of Tristram Coffin was DIONIS STEVENS, daugh- ter of Robert Stevens of Brixton, England, where she was bap- tized March 4, 1610. They were married about 1629 in England. The children of Tristram and Dionis Coffin were: (1) Peter, bap. July 18, 1630; m. Abigail, dau. of Edward Starbuck; lived at Dover, N. H., where he was a judge of the Sup. Ct. of N. H., and d. at Exeter, Mch. 21, 1715. (2) Tristram, b. 1632; m. Mch. 2, 1653, Judith, dau. of Capt. Edmund Greenleaf, and wid. of Henry Somerby. He d. Feb. 4, 1704, aged 72. She d. Dec. 15, 1705. 86 GREENLEAF ANCESTRY. (3) ELIZABETH, who married Stephen Greenleaf. (4) James, bap. Sept. 11, 1639; m. Dec. 3, 1663, Mary, dau. of John Severance of Salisbury, and d. July 28, 1720. (5) John, d. 1643. (6) Mary, b. Feb. 20, 1645, in Haverhill; m. Nathaniel Star- buck of Nantucket. (7) John, b. Oct. 13, 1647; m. Deborah Austin, and d. 1711. (8) Stephen, b. May 10, 1652, in Newbury; m. Mary Bunker, and d. in 1735. [See Life of Tristram Coffin by Allen Coffin, LL.B. ; The Coffin Family by Mr. S. J. Macy; Hough's Nantucket Papers; Boston Transcript, June 30, and July 2, 1902.] GREENLEAF ANCESTRY EIGHTH GENERATION GREENLEAF COAT OP ARMS. EIGHTH GENERATION EDMUND GREENLEAF, the emigrant ancestor, was the son of JOHN and MARGARET GREENLEAF, and was bap- tized January 2, 1574, in the Church of St. Mary's la Tour, Ips- wich, Suffolk County, England. The author of the Greenleaf Qenealogy, to whose investigation the early data of this family are largely due, claims that the family were originally Huguenots by the name of " Feuillevert," which was translated " Greenleaf." Edmund Greenleaf was a silk-dyer, which may give some counte- nance to the claim of Huguenot ancestry. The family of Green- leaf was at all events established in Ipswich, in the sixteenth cen- tury. Edmund there married about 1612, SARAH DOLE, who it is thought may have been a sister of Richard Dole of Newbury, Mass., who came from Ringworthy, near Bristol, and was the son of William Dole of Thornbury, Eng. Nine children are recorded to them as baptized in St. Mary's Church, Ipswich. Edmund Greenleaf came early to New England, probably in 1635, and settled in Newbury, Mass., where he was granted 122 acres in the first distribution of land. His home was " near the old town bridge, where for some years he kept a tavern." On March 13, 1639, he was made a freeman. He served in various capacities in his town, but was especially distinguished in his military career. This is given in the Greenleaf Genealogy as follows : " In 1637, commanded a company which marched against the Indians; Nov. 5, 1639, ordered to be Ensign for the Company at Newbury, Mass. ; 1642, Lieut. Mass. Provincial Forces; 1644, 'An ancient and ex- perienced Lieut, under Capt. William Gerrish;' 1648, Lieut.; May 14, 1645, Lieut.; 1645, Capt.; 1644, was head of the Militia under Gerrish; 1647, at his own request was discharged from mili- tary service." About the year 1650, Captain Greenleaf removed to Boston, where he spent the remainder of his life, dying March 24, 1671. 8 90 GREENLEAF ANCESTRY. His will is dated December 25, 1668, and is in print in the Green- leaf Genealogy, pages 72 and 73. The inventory of his estate amounted to £131 5s. 9d. The first wife of Edmund Greenleaf died in Boston, January 18, 1663, and he married 2nd, Mrs. Sarah Hill of Exeter, England, who had married 1st, a Wilson and was then the widow of William Hill of Fairfield, Conn. She died in 1671. Children of Edmund and Sabah Greenleaf. I. Enoch, b. abt. 1613, bap. Dec. 1, 1613, at St. Mary's and d. 1617, bur. at St. Margaret's Sept. 2, 1617. II. Samuel, b. abt. 1615 ; d. 1627, bur. at St. Margaret's Mch. 5, 1627. III. Enoch, b. abt. 1617; m. Mary, and was living in 1683. IV. Sarah, bap. Mch. 26, 1620, at St. Mary's; m. William Hilton of Newbury, Mass., who came from London in 1621, to Plymouth, thence to Dover in 1623, and died in Charlestown, Sept. 7, 1675. She died 1655. V. Elizabeth, bap. Jan. 16, 1622, at St. Mary's; m. 1st, 1642, Giles Badger of Newbury, who d. July 10, 1647; and 2nd, Feb. 16, 1648-49, Richard Browne of Newbury, who d. Apr. 26, 1661. VI. Nathaniel, bap. June 27, 1624, at St. Mary's; d. 1634, bur. July 24, 1634. VII. Judith, b. Sept. 2, 1625; m. 1st, Henry Somerby of New- bury, who d. Oct. 2, 1652; 2nd, Mch. 2, 1653, Tristram Coffin, Jr., who d. Feb. 4, 1704, at Nantucket. She died Dec. 15, 1705. VIII. STEPHEN, bap. Aug. 10, 1628, at St. Mary's, and the an- cestor of Jane Maria Greenleaf. IX. Daniel, bap. Aug. 14, 1631, at St. Mary's; d. Dec. 5, 1654. X. John, b. abt. 1632; m. July 26, 1665, Hannah, daughter of William Veazie of Braintree, and d. Dec. 16, 1712. XL Mary, probably, who m. March 5, 1669, John Wells of Newbury. TOOCKER ANCESTRY FIRST GENERATION ELECTA T KEK GREENLEAF. 1791 — 1864. Portrait M Wm. A Wheeler. FIRST GENERATION. ELECTA TOOCKER, daughter of Joseph and Hannah Toocker, was born in Hartford, Conn., October 6, 1791, and mar- ried Dr. Charles Greenleaf in 1808. She was a comely woman, well endowed with wisdom and energy, wherewith she managed her family affairs after the death of her husband. Six of her children were at that time minors, the youngest, Jane Maria, being only eight years of age. To them she fulfilled the duties of a parent with intelligence, tact and affection, endeavoring to sup- ply what they had lost in their father. She lived to see her chil- dren grow to maturity and successfully settled in life, and her- self passed her three score and ten years, dying in her home at No. 19 Morris street April 9, 1864. She is buried beside her husband in Spring Grove Cemetery, her name with the dates of birth and death being inscribed underneath that of her husband on the fam- ily monument. A portrait of Mrs. Electa Toocker Greenleaf, which has received merited praise from her family, was painted from a daguerreotype by W. R. Wheeler in 1887, and is in the possession of Wm. F. J. Boardman. TOOCKER ANCESTRY SECOND GENERATION SECOND GENERATION JOSEPH TOOCKER, son of John and Mary Toocker, was born probably in Killingworth, Conn., about 1742. In the above year his father removed to Killingworth from Saybrook, the ad- joining town, in whose records the births of the three older chil- dren are recorded. Joseph's birth or baptism are not recorded in Killingworth. The fact that he was one of this family is, how- ever, definitely established by a deed of land in Saybrook. In this deed Joseph Toocker of Killingworth, for £6, on June 30, 1773, conveyed to Joseph Bishop of Saybrook, land in Petapaug* at a place called Pound Hill, consisting of 125 rods, beginning at the southeast corner of land that was " my (his) Hon'd Father's, Mr. John Toocker, late of S d Saybrook Dec d " [Saybrook Land Records, IX., 69.] It was also at Pound Hill that his mother, Mary Toocker, located in 1746 after the death of her husband, John Toocker. Joseph was left thus at an early age with at least three other children, the eldest of whom was not over ten years of age, to the care and training of his mother. His grandfather, Noah Toocker, and his uncles lived in the same neighborhood. It is not certain, however, that all the years of his youth were spent at Petapaug, as his mother married a second husband named Hut- son or Hudson, and he may have gone with her to the home of his stepfather. Joseph Toocker learned the trade of a shipwright, either un- der the instruction of his uncles or elsewhere, and followed it all his life. He married about 1765. The first name of his wife was HANNAH, but her family name has not been ascertained. She was born in 1747 according to her reputed age at death. If his mother removed from the home which she had established at * This Indian name was early in use as applied to that part of Say- brook now called Essex. The word is variously spelled Petapaug, Petti- paug, Pautapaug, Potypague, and Putty Paug. 9 98 TOOCKER ANCESTRY. Pound Hill, Joseph Toocker may have married in some other town than Saybrook, where no record of his marriage has been found. On June 16, 1768, a deed was executed by John Whitley of Saybrook, conveying to Lois Toocker, sister of Joseph, his dwell- ing house in Petapaug quarter of that town, standing on a certain piece of land that belonged to the heirs of John Toocker, late of Saybrook, deceased, it being that land which Noah Toocker had bought of Samuel Willard in 1738. This deed is witnessed by Joseph Toocker and Hannah Toocker, presumably his wife, and if they were married elsewhere, the date may indicate the time of their return to Essex. [Saybrook Land Records, VIII : 15, 365. J We next meet with Joseph Toocker in Killingworth, where on Feb- ruary 10, 1773, Thomas and Charles Hazelton, for £8, conveyed to Joseph Toocker (Tucker) of Killingworth, 50 rods of land in that town lying near the meeting house on the river and northerly from the path near the easterly end of the bridge. [Killingworth Land Records, XI : 409.] He added to this tract apparently, for on March 26, 1773, Theophilus Morgan of Killingworth, for £40, deeded to Joseph Toocker, also spelled Tucker in the deed, " a certain dwelling house standing near the town bridge," formerly owned by George Hull, to whom it had been granted by the Pro- prietors. [Ibid. XI : 439.] This land was not far from that which his father had owned about thirty years earlier and the place of Joseph Toocker's birth. It is readily identified at the present time as near the bridge in Clinton, which crosses Indian River, being on the east side of the river and north of the highway. The railroad now runs between it and the burying ground, and the meeting house lies east of it. Probably it was Joseph Toocker's intention at the time of his purchase to settle here and engage in shipbuilding, as his father had before him. He sold the prop- erty, however, in 1775, on January 4th, conveying the former tract for £8, to Daniel Redfield of Killingworth, and on December 5th, for £60 deeding the latter tract, with a dwelling house on it, to which he had added "two small rooms." [Ibid. XII: 468, 469.] This location was subsequently used for shipbuilding purposes. SECOND GENERATION. 99 The most natural reason for giving up this project at that time was his entrance into the service of his country. He is believed to have been so engaged throughout the greater part of the Revo- lutionary War in connection with the marine service. In 1780, and perhaps earlier, Joseph Toocker located in the North Society of Middletown, now Cromwell, Conn. In the Grand Levy of that year he is named and rated at £22 4s. His name also appears in the lists of 1781, 1782, and 1783. On June 23, 1784, he bought of Luther Savage of Middletown, for £80, one half acre and twenty rods of land in Middletown North Society and mortgaged the same to Savage July 23, 1784, for the full amount of the purchase money. [Middletown Land Records, XXII : 477, 478; XXVI: 520.] This land was located on the bank of the Con- necticut River and was near the present Cromwell landing place. In the deed the purchaser is called " Joseph Tucker now resident in Middletown." It is evident that his purpose was to engage in ship- building and he bad probably worked there at his trade for several years. At this time there was a revival of such interests on the Connecticut River and Middletown was a thriving port. Many ships sailed thence to all parts and it was the destination of many boats and rafts that came down the river with products for ex- port. Hartford, however, soon outstripped Middletown in this business, being the natural head of navigation, and Joseph Toocker followed the course of his business. On November 12, 1787, he sold his Middletown property to Charles Churchill for £90, signing the conveyance as "Joseph Toocker." [Ibid. XXVII: 525.] It seems likely that he removed to Hartford in 1785 and worked there at his trade for some other party, as his name is not found in the Middletown lists of that year. On November 5, 1787, one week before the sale of his Middletown property, he leased for seven years from the executors of Major John Bigelow of Hartford, sixty square rods of land in that town, located on the west bank of the Connecticut River. This property he mort- gaged May 31, 1790, to John Toocker. [Hartford Land Records, XVIII: 408, 474.] On this land he built a dwelling house and some other buildings which were noted as standing on it in 1790. 100 TOOCKER ANCESTRY, He sold to John Ackley, April 3, 1798, a dwelling house and build- ings standing on land " formerly belonging to John Thomas, but now to Josiah Buck of Wethersfield," " being the house I built and formerly lived in." This was presumably the above property, the land being leased, as no other conveyance appears. [Ibid. XXI: 632.] Joseph Toocker worked at his trade in Hartford thereafter for many years. He is believed to have been in comfortable circum- stances, and generally respected. The family were attendants at the South Congregational Church, though the parents were not members. The date of Joseph Toocker's death is not known, and it is doubtful if he died in Hartford. If we may judge from the language in the announcement of his wife's death, and the mar- riage of his son Joseph in 1820, who is then called "Jun.," he was then living. Among the deaths announced in the Hartford Courant, August 31, 1819, is the following: "On the 26th, Mrs. Hannah Tooker, wife of Mr. Joseph Tooker, aged 72 years." The Burial Record also has " Mrs. Hannah Tooker, wife of Joseph, Aug. 26, 1819, a 72." There is no record in Hartford of the probate of his estate, and it is thought that he may have returned to Essex or have died in the home of one of his children, not long after 1820. It appears from the above mentioned deeds that the name of Joseph Toocker was variously spelled by others, sometimes being " Tucker," or " Tooker." In all instances, however, where he him- self wrote it, it is " Toocker," in which he followed the invariable practice of his father and grandfather. Children of Joseph and Hannah Toocker. I. Hannah, b. 1766 ; m. abt. 1786, Shadrach Johnson of Hart- ford, who d. June 26, 1823, aged 58. She d. Oct. 4, 1837, aged 71. They are buried in North burying ground. Children : (1) Sarah, m. Whipple. (2) Bathsheba, m. Hayes. (3) Hannah, m. Humphrey. SECOND GENERATION. 101 (4) Maria, m. Lamson Gould. (5) Clarissa, m. George Manly. (6) Almira, m. Bradley. (7) Charlotte. (8) William, m. Sarah Whitmore. They were the parents of Martha Johnson who m. James Driscol and whose dau., Emma Driscol, m. George Merrow Parsons of New Britain. (9) Shadrach, poss. m. Betsey Tucker, Sept. 2, 1833. (10) Joseph, died in the war of 1812. II. John, b. 1768; m. Hannah Johnson, and d. in Hartford, Jan. 20, 1816, aged 47. They had (1) Harriet, b. Jan. 1, 1800; m., in 1817, Capt. Jacob Morgan, Sen., of Hartford. She d. Feb. 13, 1883, in Providence, K. I. He d. there Dec. 29, 1860. Children, (a) Thomas Johnson, b. May 11, 1818, d. May 7, 1837. (&) Jacob, b. Oct. 21, 1823, m. Jan. 1, 1846, Sarah Greenleaf, whose children are recorded under the children of Dr. Charles Greenleaf, page 26. (c) Eliza Ann, b. Aug. 9, 1826, d. Apr. 2, 1849. (d) John Henry, b. Nov. 14, 1828, d. Sept. 12, 1829. (e) Bichard Henry, b. Jan. 2, 1831, m. Nov. 23, 1856, Mary Frances Whipple, who d. Aug. 4, 1879. They had William Whipple, b. Sept. 2, 1857, who m. Sept. 9, 1878, Kebecca E. Brown. (f) John Peter, b. Dec. 23, 1833, d. May 2, 1855. (g) Joseph, b. May 3, 1836, d. Nov. 6, 1853. (h) Harriet Esther, b. Oct. 14, 1838, d. Nov. 15, 1856. (2) Mary, m. John Cook of New London. (3) Alvira. (4) Clarissa. (5) Michael, b. Dec. 31, 1802, in Hartford; m. Mch. 22, 1829, in New London, Elizabeth Treby, dau. of Samuel Treby and Mary Whittemore of New London, who was b. Sept. 13, 1809, and d. Aug. 10, 1894, in Cranston, E. I. He died in Providence, E. I., Dec. 14, 1885. Children: John, Harriet, Mary, Michael, George, Ed- win, Elizabeth, Eebecca, and William H. This family now spell their name " Tucker." 102 TOOCKER ANCESTRY. III. Ehoda, b. 1770 (?), m. William Kedfield, b. 1768, son of Eliphalet and Ann (Stannard) Redfield. William Redfield lived in Guilford, Conn. Children: (1) Mary (Polly), m. 1st, Silas Barnes; 2nd, William Hill. (2) William, m. 1st, 1814, Ann Monson; 2nd, Mercy Parmilee. (3) George Friend, m. 1st, Selina Sanford ; 2nd, Maria or Anna Sanford; 3rd, Mercy Cone. (4) Julia, m. 1st, Joshua Dayton; 2nd, Julius Shelley. IV. Mart (Polly) d. unm. V. Marcia, m. 1st, Cushman ; 2nd, Timothy Keney. VI. Joseph, b. 1779; m. Rhoda, dau. of Ashbel Bidwell of Middletown, Conn., and d. in Hartford, May, 1828, aged 49. They had children: (1) Joseph, bap. South Church, Mch. 7, 1804, d. " of a fever," " Apr. 25, 1812, aged 9 years." (Chh. Eec.) His gravestone in the North burying ground has " April 24, 1812, aged 8 years." (2) Caroline, m. Oct. 1, 1820, James Wells, Jr., of East Wind- sor. (3) Jane, m. Nov. 2, 1829, Sylvanus Case. (4) Joseph, m. Gertrude Moyer. (5) Oliver, m. Alma Blinn of Wethersfield. (6) Elizabeth, said to have m. Anson Watson of East Wind- sor, Dec. 30, 1830. (7) Hepzibah, m. Sept. 14, 1829, Samuel A. Root. VII. Julia, m. Mch. 6, 1803, Joseph Jenkins of Hartford. VIII. Michael, b. 1783, bap. South Church, Hartford, Apr. 4, 1801, aged 18, and d. Apr. 8, 1801. Burial Record has Apr. 10. IX. Clarissa, m. 1st, John Mitchell; 2nd, Titus Deming, son of Abel Deming of Wethersfield, who was b. Sept. 3, 1786. X. ELECTA, b. Oct. 6, 1791, the wife of Dr. Charles Green- leaf, and mother of Jane Maria Greenleaf. XI. George, b. 1794; d. Jan. 9, 1821, aged 27, unm. TOOCKER ANCESTRY THIRD GENERATION THIRD GENERATION JOHN TOOCKEB, son of Noah Toocker and Mary Alcock ; was born in Boston, Mass., November 20, 1711, and was baptized in the Second Church by Rev. Cotton Mather, D.D., November 23, 1712. He came as a boy in 1726 to Lyme, Conn., with his father, who removed across the river to Petapaug in the town of Saybrook. Here John Toocker learned of his father the trade of a ship- wright, which he followed all his life, though at times engaged either in command of a vessel or as a member of its crew. In 1712, being then thirty-one years of age, he removed to Killingworth. the south part of that town now in Clinton, intending to establish there a shipbuilding business of his own. On February 18, 1742, he bought of Gideon Wellman of Killingworth, for £100, land in the " planting field " adjoining the landing place, in that town. In this deed he is called " John Tucker of Saybrook, now resident in Killingworth," and is termed a " Ship Eight." [Killingworth Land Eecords, VI : 461.] On February 26, 1743, he bought of Jonathan Lane of Killingworth for £1 2s., ten rods of land lying at the south end of that which he had bought of Gideon Wellman, and near the landing place. In both these deeds the name is " Tucker." [Ibid. V: 179.] John Toocker engaged in his business of shipbuilding at that place for about two years. On August 27, 1744, however, he sold this property for £300 to Benjamin Gale of Killingworth, it being about two acres of land with a house and appurtenances " lying near the landing place in the planting field." This deed is signed " John Toocker," and was acknowledged by him before John Marshall, alderman, in New York, with Thomas Peet and John Marshall as witnesses. [Ibid. VII : 103.] Here we lose sight of him, but his death occurred within the next two years. His occupation as a shipwright or his employment on some ship of war naturally suggests that he may have lost his life in the famous expedition against Louisburg in 1745. 10 106 TOOCKER ANCESTRY. Noah Toocker died in 1754 and the heirs of his son John re- ceived a double portion of the estate, amounting to £321 13s. lOd The property set off to them was : " All the wood lot," " the Lot on the Pound Hill," an interest in the " workhouse," one acre at the south end of the home lot, and an interest valued at £63 13s. lOd. in "the vessell." Their portion also included £30 advanced to John Toocker in his lifetime. John Toocker's marriage occurred about 1735, and the Chris- tian name of his wife was MARY. Her family name is unknown to us. The births of three children, Mary, John, and Lois, are recorded in Saybrook. [Saybrook Land Records, II: 396.] On July 5, 1746, Lieut. John Clark of Saybrook, in behalf of the town, deeded land at Pound Hill, Petapaug quarter, to Mary Tooker, who is proven by deeds to have been the widow of the above John Toocker. There was a schoolhouse on this land, which was next to land of Noah Toocker, and the sale was made because the town had another schoolhouse in that section and had decided to main- tain only one. [Ibid. VI: 351.] Mary Toocker mortgaged this place to Abner Parker, July 25, 1746, and the mortgage was dis- charged February 18, 1746-47. [Ibid. VI : 356.] The evident plan of the widow, Mary Toocker, was to make here her home, which it is thought she did for several years. She married, however, a second husband by the name of Hutson, which spelling of the name Hudson was common among those of that family then living at or near East Hampton, L. I. On July 6, 1773, as " Mary Hutson of Saybrook," she deeded to Joseph Bishop all her property at Pound Hill, which she had bought July 25, 1746; and at the same time Joseph Toocker and Susannah Bate of Southington sold their interest. Lois Toocker deeded her right to John Whitley, May 3, 1772, and as the name of his wife was Mary, the transaction indi- cates that John Whitley may have been the husband of the older sister. These deeds prove conclusively that Joseph and Susannah were the children of John Toocker and that Mary Hutson was their mother. [Ibid. VI. 351 ; VIII : 365 ; IX : 69, 70, 195.] The date and place of Mary Toocker Hutson's death have not been ascertained. THIRD GENERATION. 107 Children of John and Mary Toocker. I. Mart, b. June 13, 1736; perhaps m. John Whitley of Say- brook. II. John, b. May 29, 1738. One of this name was associated with Joseph Toocker at Cromwell and Hartford, and d. Jan. 13, 1823, aged 67. A John Toocker m. Nov. 29, 1756, Ann Bucking- ham and had (1) John, b. Mch. 26, 1758. (2) Lydia, b. Oct. 23, 1759. (3) Samuel, b. July 17, 1762. (4) Anne, b. June 29, 1764. III. Lois, b. Mch. 5, 1740, in Saybrook, where she was living in 1772, unmarried. IV. JOSEPH, b. abt. 1742, father of Electa Toocker and grandfather of Jane Maria Greenleaf. V. Susannah, b. 1744 ; m. Bate. TOOCKER ANCESTRY FOURTH GENERATION ALCOCK ANCESTRY FOURTH GENERATION NOAH TOOCKER, whose ancestry is unknown to us,* ap- pears in the records of Boston, Mass., in 1707. The earliest men- tion of him we have found is that of his marriage August i, 1707, to MARY ALCOCK (ALCOT) by Rev. Samuel Myles, rector of Kings Chapel, Boston. If any inference is drawn from the fact that Noah Toocker was married by Mr. Myles it must be that he had a membership in or a prejudice for the Church of England, and as his wife's family were in the fellowship of the Congregational Churches and his own connection afterwards was with the Second Church in Boston, possibly the inference is justified that he had only recently come to New England from the mother country or some other colony. In the record of this marriage the name is * After diligent and extended search among the records of early fam- ilies of this name, whether spelled " Toocker," " Tooker," or " Tucker," no proof has been found of the ancestry of Noah Toocker of Saybrook. The names of his sons would lead us to suspect that his father's name was either John or Richard, but those names were common in this family both in the Colonies and in Devonshire, Eng., whence many of them came. In none of them do we find a Noah. Few of them spelled their name " Toocker." John Toocker of Newbury, Mass., " Mariner," who married Mary Richardson July 11, 1676, and had Sarah, Mary, Richard, and John, might seem to be the most likely connection, but no evidence is found of a son Noah. Nor is the name found among other Essex county families who were largely engaged in marine and shipbuilding service, though the name " Essex" given at an early date to Petapaug would lead us to search there. The Weymouth, Hingham, Providence, and Portsmouth families usually followed the spelling " Tucker." The Brookhaven, L. I., family ha4 no Noah and spelled the name "Tooker." The family of John Tooker, or Tucker, of Monmouth county, N. J., son of Henry Tucker of Dart- mouth, Mass., may be thought to afford a place for Noah Toocker, but none has been found. Several of the name Tucker in New Jersey married into the Taber family, and Noah Toocker had sons Philip and Tabor, which may indicate some relationship. But we should rather suspect that these names came from Philip Tabor of New London. It is probable that the name " Noah" offers the best opportunity of determining the ancestry of this family. 112 TOOCKER ANCESTRY. " Tucker," but it was made from the minister's notes and so far as known he himself never wrote it in any other way than " Noah Toocker." This was a common spelling in England, though per- haps " Tooker," which conformed to the old pronunciation of the name, was more common. His descendants are about equally di- vided between " Toocker," " Tooker," and " Tucker," and in the old burying ground at Essex, Conn., all three spellings may be found on the gravestones, though Noah Toocker was their common ancestor. Possibly he might have changed to " Tucker," as many emigrants did, had it not been for the fact that when he removed to Lyme, Conn., there was then living there Joshua Tucker who had come in 1717 from Hingham, Mass., and there are reasons to think that Noah and his early descendants persisted in the spelling " Toocker " to distinguish themselves from the other family. At all events Noah, his son John, and his grandson Joseph of Hart- ford retained the spelling " Toocker," though in many deeds drawn by another hand, it was either " Tooker " or " Tucker." The only other mention of the name of Noah Toocker in the Bos- ton records in 1707, or thereafter in deeds, is where on November 13, 1707, he was a witness to a deed by which Jonathan Balston and his wife Sarah, conveyed to Joseph Appleton of Boston a certain tract of land with a house thereon, situated on the highway leading from the Cove or Saltwater to the South Meeting House. The wit- ness here signed as " Noah Toocker." [Suffolk Registry of Deeds, XXIII: 164.] Jonathan Balston was a mariner, and it may be inferred that Noah Toocker was associated with him at this time either by acquaintance, employment, or neighborhood. He was then working in Boston at his trade as a shipwright. There is no conveyance by or to Noah Toocker in the Registries of Suffolk, Middlesex, or Essex, where such would naturally be looked for if he owned real estate or was an heir of one who did. This may in- dicate that he was at least a new comer in that region. Nor has any connection been found to exist between him and others of his name. Several of his children are recorded as born in Boston and bap- tized in the Second Church; two of them, November 23, 1712, when the mother, Mary, not daughter as the printed volume would FOURTH GENERATION. 113 suggest, was also baptized. He resided there until 1726 or for at least nineteen years and labored as a shipwright. He accumulated some means, or received some through his wife, for he had such when he removed to Lyme, Conn. The first wife of Noah Toocker died in Boston between the years 1716 and 1721. He married, 2nd, February 6, 1721, Mar- garet, daughter of George Courtney and Dorcas Selley, who was born in Boston June 5, 1699. Her parents were married in Bos- ton by Rev. Samuel Myles, June 2, 1698. She was some years younger than her husband, Noah Toocker, and outlived him. The reason for the removal of Noah Toocker to Lyme, Conn., was his hope of prosecuting at the mouth of the Connecticut River his business as a shipwright. At that time this was a well-known port and was important in the traffic along the Sound and up the river. Barber in his Connecticut Historical Collections, page 534, says in speaking of Essex : " Shipbuilding was begun in this place about 1720 by Mr. John Tucker." If the name is correct, this may have been the father of Noah Toocker, who went to Say- brook with his son. We think, however, it is an error, and that the date should be 1732, and the pioneer in shipbuilding in that once famous seat of this industry was Noah Toocker. On June 8, 1727, Joseph Tallman, of New London, adminis- trator of the estate of Doctor Charles Acourt of that town, by order of the General Court, October 13, 1726, for £40, conveyed to Noah Tucker, " late of Boston now Resident in Lyme " land in Saybrook, Petopoge quarter, consisting of four acres with a dwell- ing house thereon, and adjoining on the south land of Hezekiah Buckingham. [Connecticut Colonial Records, VII: 56; Saybrook Land Records, III : 501.] This was the original location of the shipbuilding interest. Noah Toocker had owned no land in Lyme and only remained there a few years. The births of two of his children are recorded there, — Dorcas, September 29, 1727, and Tabor, December 16, 1729. On April 30, 1731, Thomas Starkie, Sen., of Saybrook, deeded land on Stone Pit Hill in Saybrook to " Noah Tooker of Lyme," but on November 6, 1733, John Pratt, 11 114 TOOCKER ANCESTRY. Jr., deeded land at Cornfield Point, to " Noah Tooker of Saybrook." [Saybrook Land Eecords, IV: 325, 547.] It seems therefore that he removed from Lyme to Saybrook between the years 1731 and 1733. He acquired other lands there later, among them a tract from Samuel Willard in 1738. Little is known of Noah Toocker during subsequent years and his life was not an eventful one thereafter. He lived to see his children grow to maturity and settle in life. His sons and grandsons succeeded him in the shipbuilding interest and the family for several generations furnished some of the most expert workmen in that trade at Essex, as well as ship captains of skill and fame. Noah Toocker died in 1754, probably in the month of Novem- ber, his inventory being taken on the 18th. Administration on his estate was granted to his son Eichard Toocker of Saybrook De- cember 3, 1754. His inventory amounted to £2693, Os. 3d. It shows that he had many tools used in shipbuilding and included one-fourth of the sloop " Lilly," thirty tons. The property was distributed in 1756, one-third to the widow, a double portion to the legal representatives of John Toocker, deceased, and a share to Eichard, Noah, Tabor, Timothy, Mary the wife of Thomas Starkie, Jr., Dorcas the wife of Peleg Hill, Margaret Toocker, and Anne Toocker, the only child of Philip Toocker, who died in 1755. [Guilford Probate Eecords, VI : 177ff., 304 ; VII: 51.] Noah Toocker was undoubtedly buried in the old burying ground at Es- sex, though no gravestone to his memory has survived. Children of Noah Toocker. I. Noah, bap. Nov. 23, 1712, in Boston; d. young. II. JOHN, b. Nov. 20, 1711, bap. Nov. 23, 1712, in Boston. He was the father of Joseph Toocker of Hartford. III. Joseph, b. Aug. 19, 1714, bap. Aug. 22, in Boston; d. before 1756 leaving no issue. IV. Eichard, b. June 14, 1716, in Boston; m. abt. 1737, Pris- cilla, dau. of Daniel Clark of Lyme. He lived at Petapaug and d. FOURTH GENERATION. 115 there in 1763, administration being issued to his widow Priscilla, and son Richard, Jan. 3, 1764. They had children: (1) Richard, who m. Nov. 4, 1762, Sarah Buckingham, and had Gideon, Matthew, Sarah, Richard, Samuel, Johnson, Daniel, and Hannah. (2) Joseph, called " 2nd " or " Captain Joseph." He married 1st, Phebe — -, 2nd, Martha , and had Harmon, Phebe, Azuba, bap. 1779, and Alice. He d. Aug. 14, 1799, se. 54. (3) Elizabeth, m. David Ransom of Lyme. Perhaps also (4) John, (5) Timothy, and (6) Joanna. V. Noah, bap. Feb. 2, 1723-4, in Boston, being the oldest child by the second wife, Margaret Courtney. He m. 1st, Hannah, dau. of Thomas Starkie, who d. abt. 1760; 2nd, Anna, dau. of John and Anna Williams. He lived at Petapaug and d. abt. 1795. Children : (1) Noah, b. Apr. 12, 1747: m. July 22, 1773, Elizabeth How of Branford and removed to New Haven, and d. in 1786. (2) Eliphalet, b. Aug. 26, 1750. (3) Jemima, b. May 24, 1752. (4) James, b. Jan. 8, 1755; m. June 25, 1782, Zerviah, dau. of Jared Pratt, who was b. Sept. 20, 1755, and d. Nov. 1, 1813, se. 58. He was a Revolutionary Pensioner in 1818. Children: James, b. 1783, d. Oct. 7, 1828, is 46. His wife Anna d. July 22, 1854, ae. 69; Noah, b. Apr. 22, 1785, m. Jan. 1, 1810, Wealthy Watrous, and had eight children ; Nancy, b. Aug. 29, 1788, m. William Parker and had five children: Jared; Eda; Elias; Alvan; son, name unknown. (5) Philip, b. Aug. 10, 1757; m. Dec. 2, 1779, Anna Ely of Lyme. He was also a Revolutionary Pensioner in 1818. (6) Hannah, b. July 6, 1759; m. James Culver. (7) Rhoda, b. June 21, 1762; m. Nathan Buckingham. (8) Margaret, b. Apr. 5, 1764, m. Phineas Pelton. Perhaps (9) Richard. 116 TOOCKER ANCESTRY. VI. Mary, bap. June 13, 1725, in Boston ; m. Thomas Starkie, Jr., son of Thomas Starkie and Hannah, dau. of John Fenner. VII. Dorcas, b. Sept. 29, 1727. in Lyme; m. Dec. 15, 1754, in Saybrook, Peleg Hill. Children : (1) Sarah, b. Nov. 26, 1755. (2) Peleg, b. Dec. 5, 1757. (3) Hiland, b. Nov. 8, 1759. (4) James, b. Sept. 12, 1761. (5) Richard, b. Nov. 27, 1763. VIII. Tabor, b. Dec. 16, 1729, in Lyme: m. Sarah , and they had a dau., Sarah, b. Dec. 18, 1751, and perhaps other children. He d. at Petapang, July 19, 1795. IX. Philip, b. abt. 1731, m. Elizabeth , and d. in 1755. Inv. taken Oct. 20. They had one child, Anne, who received a por- tion of Noah Toocker's estate in 1756 and m. Edward Ransom of Lyme. X. Timothy, b. abt. 1733; m. Nov. 23, 1758, Eunice Wade, who d. in Hartford Dec. 18, 1807, a?. 72. XL Margaret, b. abt. 1735; m. Jacob Smith and had sons, Tabor and Philip. ALCOCK ANCESTRY I. JOHN ALCOCK, son of Thomas Alcock and Margery, his wife, was born July 3, 1651, in Dedham, Mass., or in Boston. He married about 1677, CONSTANCE MYLAM, daughter of Hum- phrey Mylam of Boston and Mary Gore. They resided in Boston where he died before 1712, for at that date Constance Alcock of Boston, " widow," " one of the daughters and co-heirs of Humphrey Mylam, late of Boston, cooper, deceased," for £100 deeded to Bobert Rand her one-fourth interest in a messuage or tenement, the dwelling house of her late father, and also a wharf near mill creek and land of Hannab Mylam, single woman. [Suffolk Registry of Deeds, XXVI : 259.] John and Constance Alcock also deeded land to William Lamb in 1677, in connection with Margery Pritchett (Prichard) "widow," who was John Alcock's mother and had married Richard Pritehard of Charlestown as her third husband. [Ibid. X. 221.] John and Constance Alcock had children: (1) MARY, b. May 3, 1678. (2) Mylam, b. Aug. 8, 1680. (3) Han- nah, b. Nov. 5, 1682. (4) Sarah, b. Jan. 18, 1685. (5) Rebecca, b. Aug. 14, 1687. (6) Elizabeth, b. Apr. 3, 1694. (7) Constance, b. Jan. 17, 1697. (8) Sarah, b. Jan. 11, 1699; m. John Algur. HUMPHREY MYLAM, was of Boston in 1648, and by his wife, MARY GORE, daughter of John Gore, had (1) Mary, b. May 23, 1652. (2) CONSTANCE, b. Dec. 15, 1653. (3) Abi- gail, b. Oct. 10, 1660. (4) Hannah, b. June 27, 1663. (5) Ruth, b. Apr. 26, 1666. (6) Mary. (7) Sarah. In his will dated February 15, 1666-7, and proved May 3, 1667, Humphrey Mylam names his wife Mary, and daughters, Constance, Sarah, Abigail, and Hannah. [Suffolk Probate Records, I: 514.] JOHN GORE, was of Roxbury, in 1635, having brought from England his wife, RHODA, and probably daughter MARY, and son John, b. May 23, 1634, in England. He died June 2, 1657, in Roxbury, and in his will mentioned his daughter, Mary Mylam. 118 ALCOCK ANCESTRY. II. THOMAS ALCOCK, came to New England in 1630, in the fleet with Winthrop. He was a brother of George Alcock, who rame at the same time, and whose wife was a sister of Kev. Thomas Hooker. On May 6, 1635, he was made a freeman. His home was at first in Boston where he was a member of the First Church, but he removed to Dedham, Mass., where he subscribed to the cove- nant in 1637. A facsimile of his signature is reproduced in the Dedham Records, Vol. Ill : page 321. Here he had " Sixe acres of vpland & sixe acres of Medowe yf he shall vpon his viewe ac- cept of the same, not being nowe p r sent." This grant was made by the town April 6, 1638, and he had others of upland, woodland and swamp later. About 1650, he returned to Boston, where he died September 14, 1657. His widow married 2nd, November 16, 1659, John Benham, and 3rd. February 20, 1666-7, Eichard Pritchard, of Charlestown, who died March 8, 1668-9. [Wyman's Charlestown Genealogies, II: 777.] Thomas and Margery Alcock had the following children: (1) Mary, bap. Nov. 3, 1635. (2) Elizabeth, b. Dec. 10, 1637. (3) Elizabeth, b. Oct. 14, 1638; m. May 6, 1656, Joseph Soper. (4) Sarah, b. Jan. 28, 1639-40. (5) Hannah, b. May 25, 1642. (6) Mary, b. Oct. 4, 1644; m. Sept. 27, 1664, James Bobinson. (7) Eebecca, b. Oct. 21, 1646. (8) Philip, b. abt. 1648. (9) JOHN, b. July 2, 1651. INDEX OF NAMES. 119 INDEX OF NAMES. Ackley, John, 100 Acoubt, Charles, Dr., 113 Alcock, Constance, 117 Constance (Mylam), 117 Elizabeth, dau. John, 117 Elizabeth, dau. Thomas, 118 George, 118 Hannah, dau. John, 117 Hannah, dau. Thomas, 118 John, 16511712, 117, 118 Margery (Mrs.), 117, 118 Mary, dau. John, 105, 117 Mary, dau. Thomas, 118 Mylam, 117 Philip, 118 Rebecca, dau. John, 117 Rebecca, dau. Thomas, 118 Sarah, dau. John, 117 Sarah, dau. Thomas, 118 Thomas, d. 1657, 117, 118 Alqub, John, 117 Sarah (Alcock), 117 Appleton, Joseph, 112 Abthub, Hannah Stoddard, 51 Austin, Deborah, 86 Bacon, David, 70 Elizabeth (Greenleaf), 70 Badges, Elizabeth (Greenleaf), 90 Giles, 90 Bagley, Jonathan, Col., 61 Bakeb, Emma Josephine, 28 Balding, Hester J., 23 Baldwin, Jeduthan, Capt, 61 B ALSTON, Jonathan, 112 Sarah (Mrs.), 112 Babnes, Mary (Redfield), 102 Silas, 102 Batcheldeb, David, 42 Elizabeth, 42 Batcheldeb, Hannah, 42 Hannah ( Mrs. ) , 42 John, d. 1705, 42 John, Sergt., d. 1676, 42 Joseph, 42 Joshua, 42 Mary, 42 Rebecca, 41, 42 Rebecca ( Mrs. ) , 42 Sarah (Mrs.), 42 Bate, Susannah (Toocker), 106, 107 Baxteb, Edmund, 74 Mary (Cooking), 74 Beach, Frank, Col., 28, 29 Beal, Sarah, 40 Beckwith, Hannah (Champion), 55 Matthew, 55 Benham, John, 118 Margery (wid. Alcock) , 117, 118 Bennett, Henry, 56 Sarah ( Champion ) , 56 Bidwell, Ashbel, 102 Rhoda, 102 Bigelow, John, Maj., 99 Bishop, Joseph, 97, 106 Blashfobd, Abigail (Hibbard), 45 Thomas, 45 Blinn, Alma, 102 James, 70 Mary (Greenleaf), 70 Boabdman, Cedric Root, 17 Dorothy Root, 17 Eliza Fowler (Root), 17 Francis Whittier, 17 Jane Maria (Greenleaf), 1835- 1899, 11-16, 29, 35, 51, 60, 69, 78, 83, 90, 102, 107 Mary (Francis), 14, 15 Thomas Jefferson, 14 William, 14, 15 120 INDEX OF NAMES. Boabdman, William Greenleaf, b. 1853, 16, 17 William Francis Joseph, b. 1828, 11, 14-16, 93 Bolton, Alice Lauretta, 27 Bond, Mary, 45 Bondbey, Louis N., Rev., 23 Bobeman ( Boardman ) , Samuel, 16 Botnton, Harriet Althea, 27 Bbadley, Almira (Johnson), 101 Bbigden, Sarah, 23 Briggs, Hannah, 55 William, 55 Bbigham, Betsey (Royce), 50 Charles, 50 David, 50 Don Carlos, 50 Eliza Ripley, 51 Gurdon, 50 Mary, 50 Mary (Greenleaf), 35, 50 Normand, 50 Pannelia (Dunham), 50 Susan Ann, 51 Brintnaix, Thomas, Capt, 49, 61 Bbockway, Hannah, 53, 55 Hannah (Briggs, Harris), 55, 56 Wolston, 55 Bbown, Benjamin Arthur, 25 Frederick Arthur, 25 Ida Roselle (Butler), 25 Josiah, Col., 61 Mary, 70 Priscilla, 70 Rebecca E., 101 Robert, 70 Samuel, Capt., 28 Bbowne, Elizabeth (Greenleaf, Bad- ger), 90 Richard, 90 Brubakeb, Eugene, 25 Mabel (Land), 25 Buck, Josiah, 100 Buckingham, Ann, 107 Hezekiah, 113 Nathan, 115 Buckingham, Rhoda (Toocker), 115 Sarah, 115 Buel, Abel, 33 Bunkeb, Mary, 86 Bubb, Edward, 36 Jane (Greenleaf), 36 William Rollins, 36 Bubbell, Anna, 59 Bushneix, Francis, Dea., 38 Horace, Rev., 11 John, 38 Marie (Mrs.), 38 Mary, 37, 38 Mary (Marvin), 38 Richard, 38 Butler, Charles A., 25 Franklin Theodore, 25 Ida Roselle, 25 Leonard, 24 Mary Electa, 25 Nancy (Greenleaf), 1818-1858, 24 Nancy Augusta, 24 Camp, Charles W., 26 Emma Josephine ( Greenleaf ), 26 Carey, Abigail (Hibbard), 44 Joseph, 44 Cabrington, Aura, 36 Cabteb, John, Capt., 61 Case, Jane (Toocker), 102 Sylvanus, 102 Chadeayne, Adele (Greenleaf), 22 Charles Greenleaf, 22 Eugene Underhill, 22 Theodore. 22 Champion, Bridget, 55 Deborah, 49, 53, 55, 56 Deborah (Jones), 56 Elizabeth, 55 Elizabeth (Wade), 55 Hannah, 55 Hannah (Brockway), 53, 55 Henry, 1610-1708, 55, 56 Henry, s. Henry, 56 Henry, s. Thomas, 55 Mary, dau. Henry, 56 INDEX OF NAMES. 121 Champion, Mary, dan. Thomas, 55 Mehitabel (Rowley), 55 Rachel, 56 Sarah, dan. Henry, 56 Sarah, dau. Thomas, 55 Stephen, 50 Susannah (DeWolf), 56 Thomas, 16561705, 53, 55, 56 Thomas, s. Thomas, 55 Churchill, Charles, 99 Clark, Daniel, 1 14 John, 62 John, of Farmington. 38 John, Lieut., 106 Priscilla, 114 Rachel, 37, 38 Rebecca ( Lincoln ) , 62 Clarke, Elizabeth (Greenleaf), 78 Elizabeth (Somerby), 78 Henry, 78 Mary (Pierce), 78 Nathaniel, 78 Cleveland, Aaron, 70 Abigail, 70 Ann (Winn), 39 Anne, 39 Curtice, 39 Elizabeth (Pierce, Curtis), 37, 39 Isaac, 1669-1714. 37, 39 Keziah, 37, 39 Miriam. 39 Moses, 1624-1701, 39, 40 Coburn, George L., Rev., 13 John, 70 Susanna ( Greenleaf ) , 70 Coffin, Abigail (Starbuek), 85 Deborah ( Austin ) , 86 Dionis (Stevens), 83, 85 Elizabeth, 77, 83, 85, 86 Eunice, 85 James, 85, 86 Joanna (Mrs.), 85 John, 85, 86 Judith (Greenleaf, Somerby), 85, 90 Mary, 85 18 Coffin, Mary (Bunker), 86 Mary (Severance), 86 Peter, d. 1640, 85 Peter, s. Tristram, 85 Stephen, 86 Tristram, 1609-1681, 83, 85 Tristram, s. Tristram, 85, 90 Cone, Mercy, 102 Cook, John, 101 Mary (Toocker), 101 Coolet, Clarissa, 35 Simeon, 35 Cotton, Mary (Gooking, Gedney), 72 Theophilus, Rev., 72 Courtney, Dorcas (Selley), 113 George, 113 Margaret, 113-115 Crane, Jonathan, 44 Mary (Hibbard). 44 Sarah, 44 Crocker, Elizabeth (Champion), 55 John, 55 Culver, Ephraim, 44 Hannah (Toocker), 115 James, 115 Martha (Hibbard), 44 Curtis, Elizabeth (Pierce), 37, 39 John, 39 Gushing, Job, Col., 61 Cushman, Marcia (Toocker), 102 Dayton, Joshua, 102 Julia (Redfield), 102 Deming, Abel, 102 Clarissa (Toocker, Mitchell), 102 Titus, 102 Denne, Agnes (Tufton), 74 Allured, 74 G., 74 Katharine, 74 De Wolf, Susannah, 56 Dole, Richard, 83, 89 Sarah, 83, 89 Sarah (Greenleaf), 83 William, 89 122 INDEX OF NAMES. Dolling. Mary, 72-74 Donovan, Arthur Curtis, 25 Clarissa Electa, 25 Daniel, 25 Ellen Jane, 25 Ellen Regina (Greenleaf), 25 Florence, 25 Frederick Brown, 25 J., 25 James Greanleaf, 25 Jeremiah, 25 John M., 25 Patrick S., 25 Walter Morgan, 25 Driscol, Emma, 101 James, 101 Martha (Johnson), 101 Dubois, Catherine, 52 Dunham, Pamielia, 50 Dubant, Elizabeth, 74 Durfee, Almira Pike, 26 Benjamin Stuart, 26 Celia (Morgan), 26 Dorothy Irene, 26 Effie Verina ( Robinson ) , 26 Ethel Mae, 26 Helen, 26 Katie, 26 Philip Benjamin, 26 Philip Jacob, 27 Robert Irving, 26 Sally Greenleaf, 26 Eaton, Abigail (Hibbard). 45 Daniel, 45 Eliot, Elizabeth (Gooking), 74 John, Rev., 73 John, Jr., Rev., 74 Ely, Anna, 115 Fairbanks, Eunice, GO Fellows, John, Gen., 60 Fenner, Hannah, 116 John, 116 Ferry, E. S., Rev., 13 Fish, William S., Col., 29 Fitch, James, 53 Flower, Charles Spencer, 24 Flower, Harriet (Greenleaf), 1816- 1882, 24 Hattie Rosamond, 24 Louisa ( Terry, Price ) , 24 Spencer Lee, 24 Forbes, Emeliue, 51 Forsyth, Abigail, 51 Francis, Mary, 14, 15 Frost, Charles, Maj., 84 Lydia, 84 Gageb, John, 51 Susan Ann (Brigham), 51 Gale, Benjamin, 105 Gedney, Mary (Gooking), 72 Samuel, 72 Gebhish, Ann (Parker, Manning), 79 Elizabeth, 69, 77-79 Joanna (Goodale, Oliver), 77, 79 William, Capt., 1617-1687, 77- 79, 89 Goodale, Elizabeth (Mrs.), 79 Joanna, 77, 79 John, 79 Richard, 79 Susanna, 79 Gooking, Arnoldus, 74 Daniel, 1st, 72, 73 Daniel. Maj. Gen.. 1612-1687, 72-74 Daniel, s. Daniel, 74 Daniel, s. Samuel, 72 Elizabeth, dau. Daniel, 74 Elizabeth, dau. Samuel, 59, 69, 72, 74 Elizabeth (Durant), 74 Hannah, 74 Hannah (Tyng, Savage), 74 John, 74 Katharine (Denne), 74 Mary, dau. Daniel, 74 Mary, dau. Samuel, 72 Mary (Mrs.), 09, 72 Mary (Dolling), 72-74 Nathaniel, s. Daniel, 74 Nathaniel, s. Samuel, 72 INDEX OF NAMES. 123 Gookino, Samuel, Capt., 1652-1730, 69, 72, 74, 78 Samuel, s. Capt. Samuel. 72 Solomon. 74 Thomas, 74 Gore, John, 117 Mary, 117 Rhoda (Mrs.), 117 Gould, Lamson, 101 Maria (Johnson), 101 Mary, 70 Graves, Abigail, 45 Elizabeth, 45 Greenleaf, Abigail (Forsyth), 51 Abigail (Moody), 78 Abigail ( Somerby ) , 84 Adele, 22 Alice Gallaudet, 25 Ann (Wroe), 70 Anna (Burrell), 59 Anna (Jones), 35 Anna Elizabeth, 36 Aura (Carrington), 36 Benjamin, 78 Calvin, 49, 60, 01 Caroline (Wilson), 22 Caroline Wilson, 24 Carrie Ellen, 23 Catherine (Dubois, King), 52 Charles, Dr., 1788-1843, 11, 21, 22, 35, 51, 60, 69, 93, 101, 102 Charles, Dr., 1809-1888, 22 Charles Henry, 23 Charles Henry, Lieut.. 1841- 1864, 23-24 Charles Wilson, Dr., 1835-1897, 22, 23 Clarence DeWitt, 23 Clarissa (Cooley), 35 Clarissa Percival, 36 Clyde Raymond, 23 Cornelia Clarissa, 36 Daniel, Rev., 1679-1763, 59, 69, 74, 78 Daniel, Dr., 1702-1795, 49, 59, 60, 69 Greenleaf, Daniel, s. Dr. Daniel, 1732-1777, 59, 60 Daniel, s. David, 1767-1842, 51 Daniel, s. Dr. David, 1805-1846, 35, 36 Daniel, s. Daniel Ripley, 51 Daniel, s. Edmund, 90 Daniel, s. Stephen, 83 Daniel Ripley, 51 David, s. Dr. Daniel, 17371800, 33, 49, 50, 60, 69 David, Dr., 1765-1835, 21, 33- 35, 37, 50, 51, 69 David, s. Daniel, 1800-1865, 51 David, s. Dr. David, 1803-1890, 22, 35, 36 David, s. Dr. Charles, 1827- 1893, 28 David, s. David. 1875-1903, 29 David, s. Daniel Ripley, 51 David Coffin, 59 David Percival, 36 Dorothy (Wilder. Richardson), 59 Edmund, 1574-1671, 83, 85, 89, 90 Edmund, s. Capt. Stephen 1st, 84 Electa. 1829-1877. 29 Electa (Toocker), 1791-1864, 11, 22, 93, 102, 107 Eliza, 52 Elizabeth, dau. Rev. Daniel, 70 Elizabeth, dau. Dr. Daniel, 59 Elizabeth, dau. Edmund, 90 Elizabeth, dau. Capt. Stephen 2d, 78 Elizabeth (Coffin), 77, 83, 85, 86 Elizabeth (Gerrish), 69, 77-79 Elizabeth (Gooking), 59, 69, 72, 74 Elizabeth (Hills), 84 Ellen, 22 Ellen Regina, 25 Emma Josephine, 26 Emeline (Forbes), 51 124 INDEX OF NAMES. Gheenleaf, Enoch, 90 Eunice (Fairbanks), 83 Esther (Weare, Sweet), 83 Florence May, 23 George, 29 George Nelson, 24 Georgette, 26 Gooking, 70 Hannah, 70 Hannah (wid. Jordan), 77 Hannah (Veazie), 90 Hannah Stoddard (Arthur), 51 Harriet, 18161882, 24 Hattie Alvine, 23 Helen (Johnston), 28 Henrietta, 36 Henrietta H. (Thomas), 23 Henry Burnet, 23 Hester J. (Balding), 23 Isabel, 36 Israel, 59, 60 James Monroe, 18191877, 11, 21, 25, 26, 28 Jane, dau. Rev. Daniel, 70 Jane, dau. Daniel, 36 Jane E. (Meyer), 25 Jane Maria, 1835-1899, 1116, 29, 35, 51, 60, 69, 78, 83, 90, 102, 107 Janet (wid. Warner), 36 John, Ipswich, Eng., 89 John, s. Edmund, 90 John, s. Capt. Stephen 1st, 84 John, s. Capt. Stephen 2d, 78 John, s. Rev. Daniel, 70 John, s. Dr. Daniel, 60 John, s. Daniel, 51 John, s. David, 35, 51 John, s. Dr. Charles, 28 John (Harrison), 51 Joseph, 78 Josephine. 51 Judith, dau. Edmund, 85, 90 Judith, dau. Capt. Stephen 1st, 84 Luther Birge, 23 Lydia (Frost, Pierce), 84 Greenleaf, Margaret (Mrs.), 89 Margaret (Piper), 84 Marianne, 29 Martha (Tooker), 51 Mary, dau. Edmund, 90 Mary, dau. Capt. Stephen 1st, 84 Mary, dau. Rev. Daniel, 70 Mary, dau. Dr. Daniel, 60 Mary, dau. David, 50 Mary, dau. Dr. Charles, 1823- 1872, 28 Mary (Brown), 70 Mary (Gould), 70 Mary (Johnson), 49, 50 Mary (Mackres), 78 Mary (Williams), 52 Mary Ann (Griffin), 23 Mary Ann Ripley, 36 Mary Jane, 26 May (Hamilton), 22 Mercy, 70 Minnie Pearl, 23 Moses, 78 Nancy, 1818-1858, 24 Nancy, dau. David, 51 Nancy (Jones), 1765-1828, 21, 35, 37 Nathaniel, 90 Phebe Jane, 51 Phoebe (Quimby), 22 Priscilla (Brown), 70 Prudence ( Whitcomb ) , 59 Rachel (Shurman), 23 Rebecca (Whitcomb), 60 Ruth (Walker), 70 Sally (Quincy), 60 Samuel, s. Rev. Daniel, 70 Samuel, s. Edmund, 90 Samuel, s. Capt. Stephen 1st, 84 Sarah, dau. Edmund, 90 Sarah, dau. Capt. Stephen 1st, 83 Sarah, dau. Capt. Stephen 2d, 78 Sarah, dau. Rev. Daniel, 70 INDEX OF NAMES. 125 Greenleaf, Sarah, dau. Daniel, 51 Sarah, dan. David, 51 Sarah, dan. Dr. David, 35 Sarah, dau. Dr. Charles, 1821- 1880, 26, 101 Sarah (Dole), 83, 89 Sarah (Kent), 84 Sarah (wid. Wilson, Hill), 90 Sarah Electa, 24 Sarah Jane, 51 Silence (Nichols, Marsh), 49, 59 Sophronia, 51 Stephen, Capt., 1st, 1628-1690, 77. 83, 80, 90 Stephen, Capt., 2d, 1652 1743, 69, 77, 78, 83 Stephen, s. Rev. Daniel, 70 Stephen, s. Dr. Daniel, 60, 61 Stephen, s. Capt. Stephen 2d, 7S Susannah, dau. Rev. Daniel, 70 Susannah, dau. David, 51 Thomasine (Mayo), 78 Tristram, 84 Ursula (Woods), 60 William, s. Rev. Daniel, 70 William, Gen., s. Dr. Daniel. 60. 61 William, s. David, 35, 52 William, s. Capt. Stephen 2d. 78 William David, 36 William Henry, 1814-1875, 23 Griffin, Ebenezer, 23 Mary Ann, 23 Sarah (Brigden), 23 Gruntler, Edward, 28 Viola Lyle (Lester), 28 Hamilton, May, 22 William H., 22 Hancock, Dorothy (Quiney), 60 John, Hon.. 60 Hardy, Mary Evelyn, 29 Harland, Thomas, 33 Harris, Hannah (Briggs), 55 John, 55 Hartshorn, Abigail, 41 Abigail (Hibbard), 37, 41 Ann, 35, 37, 41, 54 David, 1657-1738, 41, 42 David, b. 1692, 37, 41-43 David, s. David, 2d, 41 Ebenezer, 41, 42 Eliphalet, 41 Jonathan, 42 Ph. ■be, 41 Rebecca, 41 Rebecca ( Batchelder ) , 41, 42 Rufus, 41 Samuel, 42 Sarah (wid. Lamson), 42 Susannah (Mrs.), 41, 42 Tabitha, 41 Thomas, 41, 42 Zebediah, 41 Ziporah, 41 Habtwell, Ephraim, Capt., 50, 61 Haset, William. Lieut., 42 Hatch, Jabez, Capt., 49 Hawley, Joseph R., Gen., 23 Hayes, Bathsheba (Johnson), 100 Hazki.ton. Charles. 98 Thomas. 98 Hibbard, Abigail, dau. Joseph 1st, 45 Abigail, dau. Joseph 2nd. 44 Abigail, dau. Robert 1st. 45 Abigail, dau. Robert 2nd. 37, 41, 43, 44 Abigail, dau. Samuel, 45 Abigail ( Graves ) , 45 Abigail (Lyndon), 44 Ebenezer, 43, 44 Elizabeth, 45 Elizabeth (Graves), 45 Hannah, 43, 44 Joan (Mrs.), 44. 45 Joanna. 45 John, 45 Joseph, s. Robert 1st. 43. 45 Joseph, s. Robert 2d, 43, 44 Josiah, 44 Lydia, 44 126 INDEX OF NAMES. Hibbakd, Lydia (Mrs.), 45 Margaret (Morgan). 44 Martha, 44 Mary, dau. Robert 1st, 45 Mary, dau. Robert 2nd. 44 Mary (Bond), 45 Mary (Reed), 44 Mary (Waldron), 41, 43, 44 Moses, 44 Nathaniel, 44 Robert, 1613-1684, 43-45 Robert, 1648-1710, 41, 43-45 Robert, s. Robert 2nd. 44 Ruth (Walden). 45 Samuel. 45 Sarah, dau. Robert 1st, 45 Sarah, dau. Robert 2d, 43, 44 Snrah (Crane), 44 Hill, Dorcas (Toocker), 114, 116 Hiland, 116 James, 116 Mary (Redfield, Barnes), 102 Peleg 1st, 116 Peleg 2nd. 116 Richard, 116 Sarah, 116 Sarah (wid. Wilson), 90 William, of Fairfield. 90 William, 102 Hills, Abigail (Moody, Greenleaf), 78 Benjamin, 78 Elizabeth, 84 Joseph, 84 Hilton, Sarah (Greenleaf), 90 William. 90 Hooker. Thomas, Rev., 118 Hotchkiss, Jennie (Howard), 22 Ellen (Greenleaf), 22 Rudolphus, 22 Theodore R., 22 How, Elizabeth, 115 Howe, Cyprian, Col., 49, 61 Hubbard, Burton, 29 Electa (Greenleaf), 1829-1877, 29 Caroline Wilson (Greenleaf), 24 Hubbard, Carrie Greenleaf, 24 Charles Ferris. 24 Hudson [Hutson], Mary (Tooeker), 97, 106, 107 Hull, George, 98 Humphrey, Hannah (Johnson), 100 Huntley, Aaron, 56 Mary (Champion), 56 Hurlbut, Clara Evelyn, 28 Electa (Greenleaf. Hubbard), 1829-1877, 29 Mary Evelyn (Hardy), 29 Samuel Edwin. 29 Hussey, Abigail Whittier, 17 Jenkins. Joseph, 102 Julia (Toocker), 102 Jewett, Elizabeth (Greenleaf, Bacon, Scott,, Parsons), 70 Jedediah, Rev., 70 Johnson, Abigail, 54 Almira, 101 Bethiah, 53. 54 Bathsheba, 100 Betsey (Tucker), 101 Charlotte, 101 Clarissa, 101 Daniel, 54 Deborah, 53 Deborah (Champion), 49, 53, 5S Dorothy, 54 Ebenezer, 1693-1779, 49, 53-56 Ebenezer, 53 Hannah, dau. Ebenezer, 53 Hannah, dau. Shadrach, 100 Hannah (Toocker), 100 Isaac, s. Ebenezer, 53 Isaac, s. John, 54 Jane, 54 John, of Norwich, 53 John, s. John, 54 Joseph, 101 Maria, 101 Martha, 101 Mary, 33, 49, 50, 53 Ruth, 54 Sarah, 100 INDEX OF NAMES. 13? Johnson, Sarah ( Whitinore ) , 101 Shadrach 1st, 100 Shadrach 2nd, 101 Susannah, 53 William, Maj. Gen., 61 William, s. John, 54 William, s. Shadrach, 101 Johnston, Helen, 28 Jones, Abigail, 37 Ann (Hartshorn), 37, 50 Anna [Nancy], 21, 35, 37 Azariah, 37 Caleb, d. 1711. 37. 38 Caleb, s. Caleb, 37, 38 Deborah, 56 Ebenezer, 37 Elizabeth, 37 Hannah, 37 Hezekiah, 38 Keziah (Cleveland), 37 Lueretia, 37 Lura, 37 Martha, 38 Mary, 38 Mary (Mrs.), 38 Mary (Bushnell), 37. 38 Parmenas, 37 Parmenus, 37 Persis, 37 Rachel (Clark), 37. 38 Rufus, 17321799, 35. 37 Samuel, d. 1704, 37, 38 Sarah, 38 Sylvanus, 1707-1781, 37, 38 Thomas, 38 Tryphena, 37 Tryphenia, 37 Walter. 37 (Wid. Carter), 38 Jordan. Hannah (Mrs.). 77 Josselyn, Abraham, 65 Dorothy, 65 Elizabeth, 65 Joseph. 65 Mary, 62, 63, 65 Nathaniel, 65 Rebecca, 62, 63, 65 Josselyn, Rebecca (Mrs.), 62, 63, 65 Thomas, 1592-1660, 62, 63, 65 Joslyn, Elizabeth (Greenleaf), 59 Peter. 59 Keney, Marcia (Toocker, Cush- man), 102 Timothy, 102 Kent, John, 84 Richard, 78 Sarah, 84 Sarah (Greenleaf), 78 Kebley, Rebecca (wid. Josselyn), 65 William, 65 King, Catherine (Dubois), 52 John, 52 Kingsbury, John, 50 Jonathan, 51 Mary (Brigham), 50 Nancy (Greenleaf). 35, 51 Knight, Adele (Greenleaf, Chad- eayne ) , 22 William, 22 Knowlton, Elmer E., 27 Nannie Strider (Morgan), 27 Kohn, Tobias, 34 Lamb, William. 116 Lamson, William, 42 Sarah (Mrs.), 42 Land, Alice Gallaudet (Greenleaf), 25 Leroy, 25 Mabel, 25 Marjorie, 25 Mildred, 25 Milford. 25 Lane, Jonathan, 105 Lester, Carrie Greenleaf (Hub- bard). 24 Charles Henry, 28 Charles Richmond Hart, 24, 28 Clara Evelyn (Hurlbut), 28 Edith Roxana, 28 Elsie Clarissa, 28 Emma Frances (Risley), 28 128 INDEX OF NAMES. Lester, Emma Josephine (Baker), 28 Fannie Elizabeth, 28 Florence May, 28 Frederick Luther, 28 Henry, 28 Henry Charles, 28 Henry Hurlbut, 28 James Greenleaf, 28 Mary (Greenleaf), 1823-1872, 28 Mary George, 28 Viola Lyle, 28 Lincoln, Martha (Mrs.), 62 Rebecca, 62 Samuel, 62 Lovelace, Francis, 85 Lovett, Eliza Ripley (Brigham), 51 Richmond, 51 Lyndon, Abigail, 44 Josias, Gov., 44 Mack, David G., 36 John, Dr., 36 John, s. Dr. John, 36 Mary, 36 Mary Ann Ripley (Greenleaf), 36 Mackbes, Mary, 78 Malette, Dora, 23 Manly, George, 101 Clarissa (Johnson), 101 Manning, Ann (Parker), 79 John, 79 Marsh, David, 59, 62 Silence (Nichols), 59, 62 Marshall, John, 105 Martin, David Greenleaf, 29 Grace Marguerite, 29 John Johnston Miller, 29 Marianne (Greenleaf), 29 William James, 29 Marvin, Mary, 38 Mather, Cotton, Rev., 73, 105 Mayo, Thomasine, 78 McLane, George Daniel, 27 Sarah Jane (Morgan), 27 Meyer, Jane E., 25 Mitchell, Clarissa (Toocker), 102 John, 102 Monson, Arm, 102 Moody, Abigail, 78 Caleb, 84 Joshua, 84 Mary (Greenleaf). 84 Moore, John 49 Morehouse, John B., Capt., 29 Morgan, Alice Lauretta (Bolton), 27 Carlisle Frederick Alexander, 28 Celia, 26 Charles Greenleaf, 27, 28 Eliza Ann, dau. Jacob, Sen., 101 Eliza Ann, dau. Jacob, Jr., 27 Elmer Knowlton, 27 Ernestina Louise, 28 Ernestina Wilhelmina Augusta (Weise), 27 Francis Gretchen, 27 Harriet Althea (Boynton), 27 Harriet Electa, 27 Harriet Esther, 101 Harriet Ida (Viall), 27 Harriet (Toocker), 101 Jacob, Sen., 101 Jacob, Jr., 1823-1900, 26, 27, 101 Jacob, 3d, 27 Jacob, s. Joseph Henry, 28 John Henry, 101 John Peter, 101 Joseph, 101 Joseph Henry, 26-28 Joseph Henry. Jr., 28 Lillie, 27 Margaret, 44 Mary Frances (Whipple), 101 Nannie Strider, 27 Nellie Ida, 27 Rebecca E. (Brown), 101 Richard Henry, 101 Sarah (Greenleaf), 1821-1880, 26, 101 INDEX OF NAMES. 120 Morgan, Sarah Jane, 27 Theophilus. 98 Thomas Johnson, 101 William Whipple, 101 Moter, Gertrude, 102 Mulock, Joshua, 51 Sarah (Greenleaf), 51 Mylam, Abigail, 117 Constance, 117 Hannah, 117 Humphrey, d. 1066, 117 Mary, 117 Mary (Gore), 117 Ruth. 117 Sarah, 117 Myles, Samuel, Rev., Ill, 113 Newmarch, Mary (Gooking, G«d- ney, Cotton), 72 Nichols, Dorcas (Mrs.). 62 Israel, 1650-1733, 59, 62 Mary (Mrs.), 62 Mary (Sumner). 59, 62 Rebecca (Josselyn), 62, 65 Rebecca (Lincoln, Clark), 62 Silence, 49, 59, 62 Thomas, d. 1696, 62, 63, 65 Notes, Elizabeth ( Greenleaf ) , 84 James, Rev., 84 Thomas, Col., 84 Oakes, Frederick, 33 Oliver, Joanna (Goodale), 77, 79 John, 79 Parsons, Elizabeth (Greenleaf, Bacon, Scott), 70 George Merrow, 101 Joseph, Rev., 70 Pasco, Henry A., Capt., 29 Peet, Thomas, 105 Pelton, Margaret (Toocker), 115 Phineas, 115 Phelps, Israel, 37 Rachel (Clark, Jones), 37, 38 Pierce, Benjamin, 84 Elizabeth, 37, 39 Elizabeth (Mrs.), 39 Lydia (Frost), 84 Mary, 78 Mary (Mrs.), 39 Samuel, 39 Thomas, 39 Piper, Margaret, 84 Nathaniel, 84 Pratt, Fannie Elizabeth (Lester) , 28 Jared, 115 John, 113 Seymour Algernon, 28 Zerviah, 115 Price, Louisa ( Terry ) , 24 Pritciiard, Margery (wid. Alcock, Benham), 117, 118 Richard, 117, 118 Quimby, Phoebe, 22 Quincy, Dorothy, 60 Edmund, 60 Sally, 60 Page, Ann, 40 Palmer, Jonah, 43 Parker, Abner, 106 Ann, 79 John, 38 Mary (Jones), 38 Nancy (Toocker), 115 Richard, 79 William, 115 Parmilee, Mercy, 102 Parsons, Emma (Driscol), 101 Rand, Robert, 117 Rankin, Edward, Capt., 24 Ransom, Anne (Toocker), 116 David, 115 Edward, 116 Elizabeth (Toocker), 115 Redfield, Ann (Monson), 102 Ann (Stannard), 102 Anna (Sanford), 102 Daniel, 98 Eliphalet, 102 9 130 INDEX OF NAMES. Redfield, George Friend, 102 Julia, 102 Maria (Sanford), 102 Mary, 102 Mercy (Cone), 102 Mercy (Parmilee), 102 Rhoda (Toocker), 102 Selina (Sanford), 102 William, 102 William, Jr., 102 Reed, Mary, 44 Richabds, Hannah (Greenleaf), 70 John, 70 Richardson, Dorothy (Wilder), 59 Jo9iah, 59 Mary, 111 Ripley, John, 51 Susannah (Greenleaf), 51 Rislet, Emma Frances, 28 Robertson, Daniel, 50 Robinson, Effie Verina, 26 James, 118 Mary (Alcock), 118 Root, Abigail Whittier (Hussey), 17 Eliza Fowler, 17 Hepzibah (Toocker), 102 Horatio, 17 Samuel A., 102 Thomas, 17 Rose, Charles Frederick, 24 Charles Henry, 24 Nancy Augusta (Butler), 24 Rowley, Mehitabel, 55 Royce, Betsey, 50 Sanford, Anna, 102 Maria, 102 Selina, 102 Savage, Habijah, 74 Hannah, 74 Hannah (Tyng), 74 Luther, 99 Sawyer, Frank Leon, 26 Manasseh, Capt., 49 Sally Greenleaf (Durfee), 26 Scollay, John, 70 Mercy (Greenleaf), 70 Scott, Elizabeth (Greenleaf, Ba- con), 70 Joseph, 70 Scovtl, Sarah (Champion), 55 Stephen, 55 Selley, Dorcas, 113 Severance, John, 86 Mary, 86 Shelley, Julia (Redfield, Dayton), 102 Julius, 102 Shurman, Rachel, 23 Smith, Jacob, 116 Jonathan, Col., 60 Margaret (Toocker), 116 Matson, Meir, Rev., 17 Philip, 116 Tabor, 116 Snellinq, Mary (Hibbard), 45 Nicholas, 45 Snow, Harriet Electa (Morgan), 27 Joseph Rider, 27 Somerby, Abiel, 84 Abigail, 84 Elizabeth, 78 Henry, 85, 90 Judith (Greenleaf), 90 Sopeh, Elizabeth (Alcock), 118 Joseph, 118 Stannard, Ann, 102 Starbuck, Abigail, 85 Edward, 85 Mary (Coffin), 86 Nathaniel, 86 Starkie, Hannah, 116 Hannah (Fenner), 116 Mary (Toocker), 114, 116 Thomas, Sen., 11.3, 115, 116 Thomas, Jr., 114, 116 Stevens, Dionis, 83, 85 Robert, 85 Stratford, Clement, 39 Elizabeth (Pierce, Curtis, Cleve- land), 39 Sumner, Abigail, 63 Ebenezer, 63 INDEX OF NAMES. 131 Sumner, George, 63 Increase, 63 Jaazoniah, 63 Joan, 63 Mary, 62, 63 Mary ( Mrs. ) , 63, 65 Mary ( Josselyn ) , 62, 63 Roger, 1st, 64 Roger, 1632- 1698, 62, 63, 65 Samuel, 63 Waitstill, 63 William, 1606-1692, 63, 64 William, s. Roger, 63 William, s. William, 63 Swanton, Joanna (Hibbard), 45 John, 45 Swett, Benjamin, 83 Esther (Weare), 83 Stmmes, Andrew, Maj., 49 Tabor, Philip, 111 Talcott, Hannah (Hibbard), 44 Joseph, 44 Taixman, Joseph, 113 Tanner, Rachel (Champion), 56 Thomas, 56 Terry, Louisa, 24 Tiiacher, Abigail (Hibbard), 44 Peter, 44 Thatcher, Josiah, 70 Mary (Greenleaf, Blinn), 70 Thomas, Henrietta H., 23 John, 100 Thompson, William, Rev., 73 Toocker, Alice, 115 Alma (Blinn), 102 Alvan, 115 Alvira, 101 Ann (Buckingham), 107 Anna (Mrs.), 115 Anna (Ely), 115 Anna (Williams), 115 Anne, dau. John, 107 Anne, dau. Philip, 114, 116 Azuba, 115 Caroline, 102 Clarissa, dau. John, 101 Toocker, Clarissa, dau. Joseph, 102 Daniel. 115 Dorcas, 113-116 Eda, 115 Edwin, 101 Electa, 1791-1864, 11, 22, 93, 102, 107 Elias, 115 Eliphalet, 115 Elizabeth, dau. Joseph, 102 Elizabeth, dau. Michael, 101 Elizabeth, dau. Richard, 115 Elizabeth (Mrs.), 116 Elizabeth (How), 115 Elizabeth (Treby), 101 Eunice (Wade), 116 George, s. Joseph, 111:! George, s. Michael, 101 Gertrude (Moyer), 102 Gideon, 115 Hannah, dau. Joseph, 100 Hannah, dau. Noah, 115 Hannah, dau. Richard. 115 Hannah (Mrs.), 1747-1819, 93, 97-100 Hannah (Johnson), 101 Hannah (Starkie), 115 Harmon, 115 Harriet, dau. John. 101 Harriet, dau. Michael. 101 Hepzibah, 102 James, 115 James, Jr., 115 Jane, 102 Jared, 115 Jemima, 115 Joanna, 115 John, 1711-1746, 97, 98, 105-107 112, 114 John, 1768-1816, 101 John, of Newbury, 111 John, s. John of Newbury, 111 John, s. John, 106, 107 John, s. Michael. 101 John, s. Richard, 115 Johnson, 115 Joseph, b. 1714, s. Noah, 114 132 INDEX OF NAMES. Toocker, Joseph, d. 1790, s. Richard, 115 Joseph, d. 1799, s. Richard, 115 Joseph, 1742-1820, s. John. 93, 97-100, 107, 112, 114 Joseph, 1779-1828, 102 Joseph, s. Joseph, 102 Julia, 102 Lois. 98. 106, 107 Lydia, 107 Mareia, 102 Margaret, dau. Noah 1st, 114, 116 Margaret, dan. Noah 2d, 115 Margaret ( Courtney ) , 113-115 Martha (Mrs.), 115 Mary, dau. John 1st. 106, 107 Mary, dau. John, 101 Mary, dau. Joseph, 102 Mary, dau. Michael. 101 Mary, dau. Noah, 114, 116 Mary, dau. John, of Newbury. Ill Mary (Mrs.), w. John, 93, 97, 106, 107, 113 Mary (Alcock), 10.5. 111-114 Mary (Richardson), 111 Matthew, 115 Michael, 1st, 9. Joseph 102 Michael, 2d, s. John, 101 Michael, 3d, s. Michael, 101 Nancy, 115 Noah, 1st, d. 1754, 97. 98, 105, 106, 111-114. Noah, 2d, 1723-1795, 114-116 Noah, 3d, 1747-1786, 115 Noah, s. James, 115 Oliver, 102 Philip, s. Noah 1st, 111, J 14 116 Philip, s. Noah 2d, 115 Phebe, 115 Phebe (Mrs.), 115 Priscilla (Clark), 114 Rebecca, 101 Rhoda, dau. Joseph, 102 Rhoda, dau. Noah 2d, 115 Toocker, Rhoda (Bidwell), 102 Richard, 1716-1763, s. Noah 1st. 114-116 Richard, s. Noah 2d, 115 Richard, s. Richard ; 115 Richard, s. John, of Newbury 111 Samuel, s. John, 107 Samuel, s. Richard, 115 Sarah, dau. John, of Newbury, 111 Sarah, dau. Tabor, 116 Sarah (Mrs.), 116 Sarah (Buckingham), 115 Susannah, 106, 107 Tabor, 111, 113-116 Timothy, s. Noah, 114, 116 Timothy, s. Richard, 115 Wealthy (Watrous), 115 William H., 101 Zerviah (Pratt), 115 Tooker, John, 111 Martha, 51 Toppan. Abraham, 79 Susannah (Goodale), 79 Trebt, Elizabeth. 101 Mary ( Whittemore) , 101 Samuel, 101 Tucker, Betsey, 101 Henry, 111 Joshua, 112 Tufton, Agnes, 74 Nicholas, 74 Tiller, Mary (Champion), 55 Timothy, 55 Tupper, Benjamin, Col., 61 Ttng, Hannah, 74 Usher, Abigail (Cleveland), 70 Hezekiah, 70 Jane (Greenleaf), 70 Veazie, Hannah, 90 William, 90 Viall, Harriet Ida, 27 Wade, Elizabeth, 55 INDEX OF NAMES. 133 Wade, Eunice, 116 Hannah ( Brockway, Cham- pion), 56 John, 56 Walden, Ruth, 45 Waldron, Mary, 41, 43 Walker, Ruth, 70 Warner, Janet (Mrs.), 36 Waterman, Thomas, 41 Watrous, Wealthy, 115 Watson, Anson, 102 Elizabeth (Toocker), 102 Weare, Esther, 83 Nathaniel, 83 Weise, Ernestina Wilhemina Au- gusta, 27 Wellman, Gideon, 105 Wells, Caroline (Toocker), 102 James, 102 John, 90 Mary ( Greenleaf ) , 00 West, Alexander Samuel, 27 Ethel Mae (Durfee), 26 Wheeler, Abigail, 60 Joseph, Rev., 60 Mary (Greenleaf), 60 W. R., 93 Whipple, Mary Frances, 101 Sarah (Johnson), 100 Whitcomb, Asa, Capt., 61 Prudence, 59 Whitcomb, Rebecca, 60 Whitley, John, 98, 106, 107 Mary ( Toocker ) , 106, 107 Whitmore, Sarah, 101 Whitney, Josiah, Col., 49 Whittemore, Mary, 101 Whittlesey, Martha (Jones), 38 Wilder, Dorothy, 59 Oliver, Col., 61 Willard, Samuel, 98, 114 Williams, Anna, 115 Anna (Mrs.), 115 Dorothy ( Johnson ) , 54 John, 115 Mary, 52 William. 54 Wilson, Annie (Mrs.), 22 Caroline, 22 Samuel, 22 Sarah (Mrs.), 90 Winn, Ann, 39 Ann (Page, Wood), 40 Edward, 40 Joanna (Mrs.), 40 Sarah (Beal). 40 Wood, Ann (Page), 40 Nichols, 40 Woods, Abigail (Wheeler), 60 Leonard, Rev., 60 Ursula, 60 Wroe, Ann, 70 C 5. V. / '5> X *<* «* S °^ V •i°« ^ < f ^ " w ■:>. 4 o. ^ •^ "W C V^ <"V ^v •A" ' 'ot-" O- O u' " » O V* c ° " ° - *>, o o V ^\ **' <, % iO* >. 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