RICHARD HAYES McCARTNEY Book •fti^ fr'JJg GjpghtN". vq^2- COEXRIGHT DEPOSrr. Summer Songs In Winter Weather By RICHARD HAYES McCARTNEY Author of ''That Jew," "Jewish Title to Asia Minor" *' How the King Reigned in Ariel** New York Chicago Fleming H. Re veil Company London and Edinburgh • 4 loss's /^a- a. Copyright, 1922, by FRANCES SWEETMAN HAYES McCARTNEY MORSE JUL 19 '23 C1A711228 ., .. i LAURA Lo, She came to me in Spring, And we laughed in Summer weather. Autumn did fruition bring — Smiling still in Winter weather. Soon Returns Our Blessed Lord, Earth renewed — rare, healthful weather. Risen Saints with sweet accord Praising Jesus Christ together. Contents O Redeemer 9 Peace 10 Passing Moments ...... 10 On Mount of Glory 11 The Imperial ....... 12 Servant of Humanity 13 The Request Answered ..... 14 The Open Hand ...... 16 Pleading 16 Expanding ........ 17 Come Back, Come Back 18 The Little Stranger . . . . .21 The Fountain of Life . . . . .21 All Creatures Praise 22 The Youth Age ....... 24 The Modern Argonauts . . . . .26 Contentment To-Day . . . . .27 From a Window ....... 29 On Hearing a Cinema Love Song . . .30 The Olden Story ...... 30 Waiting 31 Christ Versus Unconquerable Will . . .32 The Glory 33 Himself He Could Not Save . . . .34 Assurance . 35 Incense ........ 35 The Royal Son 36 [7] CONTENTS The Royal Mother 37 Questioning 39 Gnats ......... 40 Rejoice . 41 American Gold ....... 43 In Morning Sunshine . . . . .44 Which Master? ....... 45 The King in Exile .46 Song of the Lark 60 No Man Hath Hired Us 61 Jehovah^s Throne ...... 64 Prison of Care — House of Joy . . . .67 *' No Man Careth for My Soul " , . .69 The Vision Wonderful 60 The Failure . 64 On Olivet 66 Prince Satan's Schemes 68 The Wondrous Exchange . . . . .71 Zion's Foes 72 My King is Coming Soon 74 Shepherd op Israel . . . . . .76 Eloi, Eloi, Lama Sabachthani . . . .79 The Fool's Resistance 82 The Home City . 84 Palace House and Prison . , . . .87 Exiles in Paradise 89 Dreaming 91 The Wrath op The Lamb . . . , .92 One Day Nearer to the Coming of the King . 96 [8] O REDEEMER! O REDEEMER, O Redeemer, Listen to my paltry lays — While Angelic voices thunder Swell for evermore Thy Praise, And my singing like an insect's To their Glory thunder tone — Lo, I feel as if a sparrow Chattering at Thy awful throne. O Redeemer, O Redeemer, 'Tis ihe best that I can bring — And as such Thou wilt receive it — Lord, Redeemer, Priest, and King. O Redeemer, O Redeemer, Tho I know that I am vile Yet Thy Blood gives life eternal. So can bask within Thy smile. O Redeemer, my Redeemer, Tho I come with blush of shame Through Thy Blood my song accepted- Blessed be Thy Holy Name ! And some day I shall behold Thee — And as Thou art — I shall be : And no angel sing the sweeter With my Blood washed melody. Jany./22 [9] PEACE PEACE FOR that great Peace for evermore I sigheth — The sweetest peace that with The Eternal lieth — Whom to the Blood saved one Christ ne'er denieth. I want The Peace forever efficacious, I want The Peace forever rare and gracious, I want The Peace forever vast and spacious. Peace like an ocean overflowing: Christ handing What never narrows, evermore expanding — " The Peace of God that passeth understanding.** I want The Peace " which floweth as a river " That never of a hindrance hath a quiver From The Eternal Source — Jehovah Christ the Giver. THE PASSING MOMENTS LIFT up, lift up your voices in glad singing For every passing moment nearer bringing Complete Redemption — Body, Soul and Spirit — Eternal Joy forever more inherit. Lo, every moment brings Redemption nearer, yWh^en we behold Him with a vision clearer *;^The One who for our sins on Cross was smitten — /Fulfillment of each Glorious Promise written. Lift up, lift up your voice in gladsome cheering, JHow our hearts glow because that He is nearin^, ON MOUNT OF GLORY Tell Him our souls are eager for the meeting To see His face and hear His Blessed greeting. O for the precious moment we are longing When clad in purity around Him thronging, What rapturous Bliss we ever more inherit The Full Redemption from shed Blood and Merit, When His full Grace we ever more shall capture ! Think of The Glory and great sense of rapture — Each passing moment brings more near the meeting To see His face— to hear His joyful greeting— The Glory, Glory ever more extending — And His Companionship be never ending. ON MOUNT OF GLORY ON mountain tops of Glory I shall stand And see at last Emanuel's fair land — Where e'er I turn the searching of mine eyes The splendor of His Kingdom shall arise Anear, afar, all, all, it is the same A praise of triumph to His matchless fame, His matchless splendor never shall be less — Surprise, surprise in reign of Righteousness! On every object stamp of Holiness, With peace of mind to hold and to possess, The Presence and the Nearness of The King A breath of music flows from everything: .111] THE IMPERIAL The happy laughter, the gay words of cheer, For not one moment is a sense of fear, But evermore in heart there is elation: And perfect peace in heart of every Nation, Beneath Christ's Rule there is not any friction His Love is over all, a Benediction. And so fulfilled the Prophet's olden story I stand on Mountain top and all around is Glory. THE IMPERIAL JUST think of it. Brother, what thought so sublime His nearing of Coming, so near to the time When The King in His Beauty we surely shall see. All Peoples, all Nations to Him bow the knee. Just think of it. Brother, Our Lord and Our King, The Creator of Worlds to whom Angels sing — Shall meet us, and greet us in His Royalty, So The King, Our Jehovah, we surely shall see ! Just think of it. Brother, how shortly to eyes His unfolding Glory flash over the skies — We caught up to meet — in Glory to be For The King in His Beauty, we surely shall see. Just think of it. Brother, we can't comprehend! Our sinning, our cry, our sorrow to end As we in the peace of His Glory shall be. For Our Christ in His Beauty we surely shall see. Just think of it, Brother, at last to behold The Form and the Face we dreamed of in old, [12] SERVANT TO HUMANITY To be Our Companion through Eternity — New unfolding glories we evermore see. Just think of it^ Brother, and pray that that hour Is a near — The unveiling of grandeur and power. The Prince Universal — Imperial to be — Jesus Christ in His Beauty we ever shall see! SERVANT TO HUMANITY O HASTEN grand and gracious day When true perfection shall have sway, And every act be fully wrought. And every thought be fully brought To rich fruition — when desire Shall gird around in fair attire. Where never speck of mud may be That the most searching eyes may see: When great desire need never ask If once faltering in each task: And hear the glorious word, " Well Done ! " Then height of sweet perfection won. And that the Day of Christ's Return — W^hen services of Love shall burn A steady glow within the soul — Lo, Christ o'er all have full control; When every service given to do. Without a flaw before His view, For as He is — we then shall be True servants to humanity, [13] THE REQUEST ANSWERED Upon a Redeemed, Happy Earth When all be peace, and joy, and mirth. J any. THE REQUEST ANSWERED I ASKED Thee, and Thou gavest More than I asked of Thee, Surely my heart Thou lavest With blessing bounteously. I asked, perchance, with doubting On Thee I had no claim, Deep in my soul a mouthing Of sinning, and of shame: And yet there was no other, I was shut up to Thee, No father, friend, nor brother Could give that boon to me. Thou, answered all my doubting — Thou, set the debtor free — And now my heart is mouthing A Song of Praise to Thee. To Thee, so oft the coming, For there is none like Thee To stand my constant drumming In Thy ears constantly: For evermore the asking — Fresh asking every day, [14] THE OPEN HAND Until my Being basking In Thine Eternal Day. Jani/./22 THE OPEN HAND HIS open hand is ever mine — All constantly my need^ Alas, how often The Divine Sees so called want — a greed ! For many, many millions are With scanty food, poor dress. While Christ forever did debar My life from wretchedness. I never yet did want for food — Behold, Thou, gavest me If not the richest — yet still good Above grim poverty. My open hand was ever filled. No poverty was mine. And if not given the object will'd Yet Bomiteous — The Divine. Behold, O Christ, the open hand. Surely the thought is sweet I shall not empty handed stand. Thou, givest what is meet. How very precious is the thought I have so rich a Friend, [15] PLEADING Who never yet in vain was sought- All constant to the end. J any. I PLEADING Is your name in archives of Heaven In The Lamb's Book of Life is your name ? Think well — are your sins all forgiven? If not — your's disaster and shame. Then haste thee to claim the exemption From death, and the fear of the grave, By Faith in the Blood of Redemption In Christ, who is mighty to save. Lo, Now is the time of Decision! Christ is tenderly pleading with thee — Simple Faith gives the Wonderful Vision Of the Glory Eternal to be ! Come quickly for now you are loosing A joy that you cannot conceive — Redemption from sin is thy choosing You have only to trust and Believe! For shortly He cometh in splendour To receive you, and make you His own, Will you scorn a love that's so tender.'* Then wailing, depart from His Throne ! [16] EXPANDING Lo, Christ, to your heart is now pleading Of His welcoming Love He assures — And then Grace, Mercy exceeding Forever and ever are yours! J any. EXPANDING BROTHER, be thou of good cheer- Lo, the blessed hour is near When from Glory is descending Glory — Sin and sorrow ending — Glory with abundant grace — Meeting with Christ face to face. Ah, the time will not be long — Sighing-changed to Glory song — Sorrows ever flee away From the sunshine of that day — And all shade of discontent Unto outer darkness sent. Like a bud of future flower. Fair, rare petal opes that hour Of such delicate design Perfect in each curve and line — Daintiest colors ever made — Full flower never more to fade. Spring and Summer ever ours — Autumn-Winter lost fell powers — Never flaw on petals seen. Leaves around it ever green, [17] COME BACK— COME BACK And no shadow of decay Through the vast Eternal Day. With such Glory drawing near Everlasting joy and cheer — Everlasting peace and bliss — Shall we reckon it amiss If like instant is our pain? Brother, Christ comes back again. J any. COME BACK— COME BACK O CHRIST ! Thou, seest what a world is ours— Confusion reigns, and governmental powers Are powerless, cannot build up or restore. While all the nations suffer and deplore; And the few rich men fatten on the poor — The wise confounded — and the poor endure: Who are amazed, and cannot imderstand Why Poverty stalks bold in every land; Lo, millions idle in the market place. With rags, and tags, and with unshaven face. Knowing full well that they are strong and able — Their hungry children round an empty table: *Tis grim refusal when they ask for work — And darker whispers in each heart do lurk: Why is it when the harvest so replete — His children have not bread enough to eat — [18] COME BACK— COME BACK And never meat the hungry stomachs fills When cattle browse upon ten thousand hills — Why few are pampered — and the many wan? Gay moths with silks and laces, gems upon — All dainty things around them as a mesh As they were never common human flesh — While other women — but why mention them — The garb of poverty — oft loathsome — grim! Jehovah Jesus Christ, Thou, Thou, alone — Thou, hast created. Thou, doth surely own. And tho Thy brothers held Thee in deep scorn. Placed on Thy brow instead of gold — the thorn, And spitting in Thy face, nailed to cross tree — Surely a grand forgiveness lies in Thee? Lord Christ! the little children call for bread! Thou, in the wilderness the thousands fed — With five loaves the five thousand — come again For millions hungry cry for bread in vain. Art, Thou, the less compassionate than then? Art, Thou, not He, who spoke on earth to men — Thy bowels of compassion now more narrow? What said. You, once about the homely sparrow, " Five sparrows for two farthing is the price." And that the Heavenly Father so precise In care for sparrow — that if one but die He was aware of it — then why, then why Cares He not if a million children die? [19] COME BACK— COME BACK On earth the little children came to Thee All tenderly, You, took them on Your knee The little twining arms Thy neck around Thou, in their warm embrace wast surely bound A willing prisoner — fumbling in Thy hair — Warm kisses from pure lips were surely there — And all of this hast. Thou, forgotten quite ? O Christ, now do we read Thy heart aright And Thou art weary of caress, and say: " These children are a nuisance — take away," Turning Thy back to see if sparrow falls — Sealed heart-closed ears to crying children's calls? Come back ! Come Back, and with Thy hand divine Crush, Thou, the evils that do now entwine The human heart — and shape it to Thy Will Come in Majestic Glory earth to fill — Come Back, Come Back, once more to Thine own earth Come Back, and fill Thy world with pure mirth! Life now to millions hot and dusty track — O Christ of pity, come Thou back, come back. Surely, the millions praising 'round Thy Throne Is not the music, Thou, would'st hear alone, Lo, surely in Thy heart the wish is ringing — That, Thou, with children on Thy knee heard children singing ? Jany./22 [20] THE LITTLE STRANGER THE LITTLE STRANGER LO, when He came what lowly birth — When He, Creator of this earth, In swaddling clothes in manger lay Upon a little bunch of hay — And He who left the upper spheres. Who for vast ages in His ears Heard song of Seraph, Cherubim — Millions of angels praising Him — Now opened eyes on earth to see Most weird and strangest company — Sheep ableating, oxen lowing. Camels grunting, cocks acrowing. Asses braying, horses neighing. Dogs agrowling, fighting, fleeing — Mingling there of many races White, and black, and yellow faces — Surely saw the little Stranger As He lay in open manger. Jany. THE FOUNTAIN OF LIFE DO you think The Eternal is eager To burn up this world for its sin, When His followers surely meagre At best, but a handful of men ? [21] THE FOUNTAIN OF LIFE We cannot believe His intention To limited number, afew — So paltry not scarce worth to mention — When He comes to the final review. His mind runs to opulent numbers Of life that no angel can count. And think you. Creative Power slumbers In splendor on far away mount? Such thought to His heart is abhorrent — Giving life is eternally sweet — His mind like an unceasing torrent — His desire to have life 'round His feet. The Son of His Love hath man's form And that form expressively dear — When sin shall be crushed by wrath's storm Then countless men's form appear — So forever, and ever, and ever — The fountain of life shall run o'er — An ending to manhood comes never But shall multiply — Christ to adore! Febry./22 ALL CREATURES PRAISE THE songs may never see the light — Ah, but how sweet it is to write The thoughts that come and go to Him As by such touch His garment hem — [22] ALL CREATURES PRAISE Such foolish and such paltry songs — And yet unto His ear belongs The prayers, the aspirations sent To where is pitched His Royal Tent: For surely in His palace place Each minute glows a fairer grace Than that which blest the yesterday; Amid such splendour of display If every sparrow in His care — Surely my lowly songs reach there — While richest praises 'round Him sweep More loud than thunders of the deep; He, who created midget fly Which basks a moment in the sky Then dies — and ends its song of praise: And is it thus my paltry lays? My note no better than the fly's? Comes to His ear before it dies ? No mortal ever heard fly note Yet to His ear that praise not loath ! The lowest creature at His feet Sings, if but once, a song most sweet — Songs that no angel ever heard Come to His ears as spoken word. Be it the life of hour or days Each living Creature gives Him Praise. And so my soul with joy will sing For He shall hear. My Lord, My King, [23] THE YOUTH AGE So every song thought upward sent Gives to my heart a sweet content. Fehy. 8/22 THE YOUTH AGE THEY pass me on life's way The young, the strong, the gay. They laugh in danger's face — I hide behind Christ's grace. And such as they — once I — And with a pitying eye I passed the aged when I — prizes of life would win. But now it seems to me Old age hath victory. And brings a grand surprise — Outskirts of Paradise Burst on the spirit's eyes — And, Lo, before us lies The Palace of The Christ Where He is holding tryst With His Redeemed — who wait In the unbodied state Until His hour arrives — And then the cry, Arise! And then the earthly skies With Risen Saints are filled — [24] THE MODERN ARGONAUTS Joined soul and body thrilled In exquisite delight — When Olivet's rough height Feels impress of His feet — 'Twill be surpassing sweet — And so Old Age Is o'er — In Christ, Youth evermore! Feby. 8/22 THE MODERN ARGONAUTS " A Band of Gifted Scientists, well equipped for 5 years, are in the heart of Asia — to find the origins of primitive man . . . they have found in heart of Mon- golia dinosaur fossils identical with those in our own Rockies. — But the quest is still on for the biggest game — for man himself — for fossil remains older than the 500,000-year-old Java man — the oldest man in the world."—" Public Print." THEY do not want a cultured mind, A moniunent of reason. If such in seeking they will find To Science a high Treason! They do not want an upright mind But animal to grovel. Who burrows in a bone-strewn cave, Or in a reed marsh's hovel. [25] THE MODERN ARGONAUTS They do not want a comely maid Of laughter and of singing, With face-washed baby on her knee, A love of God's upbringing. They fain would find a dirty slut Her hair with insects creeping, To crush raw bones, and suck entrails. In lair of foulness sleeping: They do not want an upturned face Where eyes the star skies sweeping. They want a tail, and crooked back — Where cruelty makes weeping. And they shall find the thing they want Shall laugh, clap hands to see What man — she-monkey, can bring forth A vile monstrosity ! Prince Satan knew in long ago Men would arise disputing The Oracles Jehovah gave — By pen, and word — refuting And so make Adam a foul beast And Eve not much the better So He — Jehovah — God of Hosts Of such foul beasts Begetter! He let Prince Satan to Conceive Monstrosity unbounded — So scientific fools could cry — ** Jehovah is Confounded ! '* [26] CONTENTMENT TO-DAY The glorious hunt is on — is Gone ! To find the bones now hidden And Science shall most surely see It's end — by Satan bidden. They want to find the missing link — Most surely they will find it The darling wish their souls now think — And to their hearts will bind it. CONTENTMENT TO-DAY WHY ask of to-morrow The care and the sorrow? Come let us be happy to-day. For so far He brought us And that should have taught us That He will be with us alway. So thus in believing No friction, no grieving But glad of His blessings each day. For troubles all ending ^Vhen comes His descending In all of His Glorious array. And though we are sleeping Death gives Him its keeping, His voice will make glad that grand day, He to us down bending, And then our ascending To join in that matchless array. [27] CONTENTMENT TO-DAY Then come — be asinging — Your loud voices ringing In Praise — for that beautiful day. Thoughts of Glorious Appearing — Each past hour the nearing Shout, Trumpet — and gorgeous array. So borrow no sorrow — Perchance, on to-morrow. Or be it a longer delay. When countless the number Arise from death's slumber More bright than the sun in array. To see Him — The all Glorious, Redeemer, Victorious, Pie comes for His Ransomed someday. By Life-blood He bought us. His Grace it has brought us To matchless and splendid array. O that this minute Had Glory within it And with Christ we're holding a Tryst — But while in the waiting Let us be relating Of Blood bought Redemption of Christ. [28] FROM A WINDOW FROM A WINDOW HOW many people in this million'd town — How many people going up and down Yon street, with, perchance, heavy heart of grief — Searching for comfort, but find no relief. The child, the youth, the maiden, and the men — What are their hopes, and what the wish to win? Varied is each, as leaves upon a tree. Each waiting in its dreams of imagery. Some slow, drooped head, and sagging shoulder. Some as if daring, face stern and bolder. Some maiden wishing for man to fold her — Some worn, aged, and the blood grown colder. Few with brisk step, eye eager in the chasing — Nearing the prize of blessing — or disgracing — Some halting, dreading of the evil facing — Some to funeral, some to wedding gracing. Lord Christ, how long.f* For millions are so weary — The place called home, cold, bare and dreary — The child's wee fingers trace the frosty pane: " Cold ; Mother, when will summer come again ? " Come, O Lord Christ, — then down along the street The happy faces shall the gazers meet. And joy and peace, and on each lip a song: O my Lord Christ, why tarriest Thou, so long? Feb. 1/22 [2g] A CINEMA LOVE SONG ON HEARING A CINEMA LOVE SONG WONDERFUL thing has come into my life:" I once had sin, sorrow and shame, Lo, The Saviour I found when sorrow arife — O Glory and praise to His name. A Wonderful thing has come into my life, Christ's blood has redeemed from all sin, Tho temptation to sin within is still rife Christ's Grace shall finally win. A Wonderful Thought has come into my life, For once I had sorrow and pain — Because of the wretchedness, sorrow and strife Of this world — with Death the refrain. Now wonderful bliss has come into my life. The Crucified One shall be King, So then will be ending of sorrow and strife When Earth with His praises shall ring. A wonderful joy has come into my life. His Glory the Earth shall restore, Then Peace, Plenty and Mirth all over the Earth To sing Praise shall be mine evermore. THE OLDEN STORY THE story old — yet ever new — It comes as fresh as morning dew. It comes with a refreshing power [30] WAITING And a smeet music every hour. The simple, yet a glorious story When youth is fresh — and manhood hoary- To be with me both night and day; A fragrant flower that smells alway The story I, in childhood heard Like the sweet carol of a bird, A story glowing in my youth. In manhood the all-guiding truth. And in old age indeed a staff, A fountain deep from which to quaff. Drove cares away and brought a smile While waiting in " the little while." When He returning brings to me My Flesh of Immortality, And I, all pure in everything Of perfect service to My King, A Holy Service then to bring To Jesus Christ, Redeemer, King. WAITING I AM waiting, I am waiting For the King that is to be. For in spite of human's hating I, His Royal Face shall see. And I love to be relating My Redeemer King is He; I am waiting, I am waiting [31] UNCONQUERABLE WILL For the glad and glorious morn* When in spite of all men's hating — Words of infamy and scorn — We shall see His Royal splendour When the many crowns adorn. I am waiting, I am waiting For the glory yet to be O'er His enemies triumphant The All-Conquering Christ is He, He My Lord, and My Redeemer, Who crushed sin on Calvary. I am waiting, I am waiting When the earth shall have release From its crying and its sighing And all jarring notes shall cease — And in joy all mortals crying — " Our Redeemer, Prince of Peace ! ** CHRIST VERSUS UNCONQUERABLE WILL (Measure and rhymes from W. E. Henley.) OUT of Black Sins that covered me, As tempest tossed from pole to pole. Now thanks to Christ forever be His Blood has purified my soul. In sin's fell clutch of circumstance To Him, The Christ, I called aloud [32] THE GLORY From bludgeoning of sin — no chance If He in mercy had not bowed. Beyond this vale of Hope — Faith — tears- Looms not the horror of death's shade. No menace stalks in coming years For I, in Christ, am not afraid. Behold! The Christ stands at the gate. Cancelled sin's punishment on scroll, Christ is the Master of my fate ; Christ is the Captain of my soul. THE GLORY HARK, Glory song from the celestial spheres- The Glory song is ringing in our ears — 'Tis Glory, Glory, when Our Christ appears. Fly away sorrow, and be dry our tears — The Glory cometh after bitter years — 'Tis Glory, Glory, when Our Christ appears. Now we rejoice in glory, not in vain. The countless cohorts follow in His train They bring Him back with all His Saints to reign. Rejoice, Rejoice, Rejoice in glory sing — Let all our hearts afar His Glory fling — Behold, Behold, Behold Redeemer King! [33] "HIMSELF HE COULD NOT SAVE" "HIMSELF HE COULD NOT SAVE" THEY gave Him a cross for a throne — They wove the sharp thorns for a crown — And deserted by all of His own — Only pitying angels look down: In the quivering flesh drove sharp nails — And vinegar gave Him to drink — And only two women made wails — From foe's eyes — men cowardly slink. To each soldier a garment was given — Threw dice for the mantle of blue — Most surely, each soldier forgiven — *' Forgive! They know not what they do! " The Chief Priest and the Scribe came to frown At the victim they slew in grim hate — ** If thou art the Christ now come down — And then we shall crown thee in state ! '* " Now where power that sickness had cured — The power that held matter, and wave — Thy agony must be endured — You saved others, yourself cannot save! '* They looked up with jest and with sneer — And wagging their heads they passed by — In pity they ne'er shed a tear — And never one heart gave a sigh. Febry./22 [34] ASSURANCE I ASSURANCE KNOW Thy watch care over me Will surely bring me safe to Thee, Then, in Thy service I shall find Perfection in the flesh and mind. My happiness shall be complete When I shall kiss the pierced feet. Surely remembrance I shall see In marks the thorn crown made on Thee In Thy great love redeeming me ! Thus with Thee through eternity Shall sing and praise, and praise and sing. My Christ Redeemer, God, and King. Fehry./22 INCENSE OH, inspire my words in singing, Jesus Christ, I would bringing Some sweet incense unto Thee — Thankfulness for Calvary Where upon the cross I see Victim, Thou, redeeming me! Crown of thorns still on Thy head — There Thy life. Thy blood was shed — Thus Thy blessing I receiving — Simply trusting and believing — Ah, no incense can I bring [35] THE ROYAL SON Febry. Worthy for an offering; So my silence, O my King, The best offering I can bring! /22 THE ROYAL SON HE came not as weak and lowly His High Angels went before — No sorrow — just gladness solely — The angels praise and adore! Lo, millions of angels waited To see such wondrous thing, And their hearts were all elated To see in a Child their King! And never with thought of sadness These Heralds brought the story — With songs of joy and gladness Of Creator— Christ of Glory ! They saw Him lay aside His crown — His jeweled robes of state — They saw His smile as He went down — His face with joy elate. Lo, He left His throne of Glory Where million voices sing. They knew He went — as Redeemer To do a wondrous thing! Not an angel in high Glory Could be in that wonder dumb, [36] THE ROYAL MOTHER They shouted to earth the story — " That the Prince of Peace had come! " In Bethlehem's cattle manger They saw the Boy smile in His sleep. For though to the world a stranger — Lo, Michael's high watch did keep. Febry. 12/22 THE ROYAL MOTHER MOTHER Mary, Mother Mary, What a gracious honour thine. Long, Prophetic glowing vision Told Christ comes in David's line. Mother Mary — Grandest Offspring — (Cursed be he who hints of shame!) For Creator, Christ of Glory, To Thy royal bosom came. Mother Mary, Mother Royal, Sweetly humming to the King, Glorious visions in mind floating What the coming years would bring. Mary Mother, Royal Mother, What may all Thy vision be.'' Royal palace built of cedar — As Bath-sheba — so to thee.'' Robes of Tyra — gems of splendor — Many servitors be thine — Thou most royal, thou more splendid — [37] THE ROYAL MOTHER First — the last of David's line. Lo, this Son of thine the greatest Reigning o'er the wide world's kings- Kneeling kings shall give Him tribute Of the richest, costliest things. Mother Mary, Royal Mother, No more now thy humbleness — Surely in thy thought there flashes Stately things thou shalt possess — Mother Mary, Mother Royal, Thine the bitterness to come; He for thirty years the toiler. Patient, in all trials dumb. He of glory, highest, greatest. To be poor, misunderstood — Lo, His neighbours whisper kindly — " He is simple, 'tho He's good ! " Mother Mary, Royal Mother, Ah, thy dreaming now — aloss. Baby feet that now thou kisseth Shall go staggering to the cross. Mother Mary, Royal Mother, Now shall grief thine heart entwine- But in future, glorious future — Surely glory shall be thine ! Yet, fulfillment grand and gracious — False not one Prophetic line — Mother Mary, Royal Mother, [38] QUESTIONING Greater glories thine shall be — As eternal ages bringing — Joy to Boy now on thy knee — Who shall speak anew creation With pure lips His praise to sing^ With calm joy shall every nation Own — Thy Boy once — Lord and King! Febry. 12/22 QUESTIONING HAVE I indeed without His wish or will Enter'd the lists where I would victor be, Pursued it long — and am pursuing still — The prize I covet — never meant for me? Thou knowest — and I know not if my groping Is but a folly to Thy hand, and I In spite of all my striving and my hoping. Find a closed door — I knock — but no reply. Troubled I am, as surely near the ending. Soon from my fingers drop what was sweet task, And now a petty cry am upward sending — But never answer to the wish I ask ! Have I without. Thy, will in self -arraying Put on a garment meant for holy place? When I in praising, only a fool braying. And all my service 'noxious to Thy face. [39] GNATS Thou wilt not answer by the dream or vision — Thy silence — not one meed of praise to own — And now I feel there's naught but a derision — And solitary fool, I walk alone. So stand I now — and darkness creepeth nearer. Once flitting shadows now are deeper grown, Ah, will the pathway know no light the clearer ? So grope in darkness, as I grope alone. Was it to self — and not to Him the praising — All through the camoflage — His eyes could see — Will come a voice with laughter all amazing: " He thinks, the fool, that He was fooling me I " Fehry. 12/22 GNATS THE little trials which do fret Like gnats who fly in summer heat. So that the strongest will forget And own — that patience had defeat. So day by day they come to us Unbidden and unwelcome wings. And our short patience makes a fuss And loud lament — their trivial stings. And so we giants are the spoil Of stings which we can scarcely see — [40] REJOICE We fret as we were in the coil Of overwhelming misery! We do not make the gnats — but we So often breed our little cares. And feed them for our misery Make in our souls for them foul lairs. I often think that gnats were sent Boasting of modern saints to try Who boast of placidness, content, " Lo, I am Spirit filled," their cry. Evil within — a constant pest On earth fret, care will never cease — A patient waiting Soul's high crest — True Faith in Christ the Perfect Peace ! The Highest Crest — ^the topmost peak Faith in His blood and Righteousness — Man can no higher blessing seek — Most surely I would want no less. REJOICE O HE ART of mine, rejoice For we shall hear His Voice, When we shall see His Face Of beauty, love, and grace. [41] REJOICE J any. He shall bring all blessing, Peace our souls possessing, A happiness supreme Transcending earthly dream; As He is, we shall be, Our frail humanity Changed instantly, so we Robed for Eternity! Our manhood to a prime Beyond the touch of time To mar or to destroy; Flesh ever source of joy For we shall wax not old, Tho countless ages fold Their years and fly away — Flesh, mind, laugh at decay — But learning evermore Christ's wonders to explore — For His creative mind Shall vaster wonders find — For a sweet thought is this In the eternal bliss All that He wrought, or thought, And to perfection brought; Fresh wonders evermore We shall find to adore — So praise Him evermore. [42] AMERICAN GOLD AMERICAN GOLD PILE up your gold, aye, higher, higher still! 'Till as a nation thou hast gained ill will Of all earth's nations — and their piled up hate Most surely shall accomplish thy fell fate. Enlarge your borders to the north and south, So grown, so mighty, that you fear no mouth To tell The Truth— for fear of Thy ill will- So You can say to nations, " Be ye still ! And learn of Me, and follow in My steps. See, what glorious heights my bounds and leaps, I stand supremest nation in the world! And, Hark Ye, where my stars and stripes unfurl'd Do ye obedience and take note of me For I, as God, then surely favor thee: Go to, and build and 'neath my shadow grow, A feeble copy of my greatness show For I, the Greatest Moral Nation on the earth — Rest 'neath my shadow, so have peace and mirth — Behold, and mark, the glorious pathway trod — For I, the Greatest Moral Agency for God." Go to, O fool, material things Hath stolen thy heart from King of Kings, Thy heart to God hast waxen cold. Now trusteth thou in piled-up gold — It is thy one sole aim and end — God in thine heart will leanness send — [43] IN MORNING SUNSHINE Because the Christ is cast aside His word held myths, thy sons deride So surely, stricken thou shalt be — Nor honoured by Posterity — Now drunken by Satanic wine — Woe, Woe, Woe ! to both thee and thine ! Febry. 18/22 IN MORNING SUNSHINE THE sun is up all glorious in its shining, So soul of mine, once, let us stop repining. For He who knows the end from the beginning Knew well that thou would constantly be sinning. Yet He did draw thee with a love exceeding — For was it not at first His tender pleading To draw anigh to Him so won thy going? Nor hath He for a moment stopped His wooing — Yea, loves thee now with all thy faults and sinning- And to His Perfect Presence will be bringing. Now as I see the sunlight all outspreading — So soul of mine, no longer be the dreading For thou in Christ perfect in God's perceiving, And thou in Him made perfect in believing. Blood washed art thou — perfection in God's seeing, Christ's substitution makes Thee perfect Being! And so, O Soul, sing we in great rejoicing. And ever, always happy in our voicing. Praises to Him — thus evermore ascending — [ 44] WHICH MASTER His grace to us be evermore descending A blessed stream that never hath an ending. Rejoice, rejoice, for perfect in believing, Lo, blessings evermore I am receiving. And so, O soul, His Glory we be quaffing We, like the glorious sunshine should be laughing, Deep draughts of glory ever thirst a' slacking — Until we see Him coming, through clouds breaking! Febry. 14/22 WHICH MASTER WHEN the life is young and fresh The Christ whispers, ** Come with me:' Satan shows the joys of flesh Wealth, fame, prosperity. Christ will give abiding peace Refuge in trial and distress: Satan's pleasures soon will cease — Then 'tis sorrow, bitterness! Christ doth offer crown and throne Lasting all Eternity: Satan's Gifts for earth alone — All his future grief for thee ! Christ gives here, and the hereafter Happiness supremely fair: Satan gives a few day's laughter — Then eternities' despair! [45] THE KING IN EXILE Christ gives joys that are abiding And profusion of delight: Satan's joys are always sliding Downward to eternal night! Christ is certainly returning Evil powers to crush and rend: Satan's works then given to burning — Sin's destruction have an end! To which, young soul, wilt thou listen — And who shall now thy Master be ? Fresh and fair, thy hopes now glisten — To fade, or last Eternity? Febri/, 20/22 THE KING IN EXILE THE King in exile waiting still For country of His own. He waiteth on His Father's Will To come and take His throne. Ah, has He day-dreams of the days Two thousand years ago — Of Child, and Youth, and Manhood's ways. When He walked here below? 'Tis vain to set His mind aloft Where seraph praises be — His human heart is very soft For things of earth and sea. [46] THE KING IN EXILE 'Tho more than fair is Paradise With flush of splendours grand — I'm sure there's longing in His eyes For sky, and sea, and land. Once solitary — Poet He — Wandered among the hills — List to wind's happy melody — The laugh of mountain rills: In mind still haunts the wash of waves Upon white sand of sea. The cries of waters in rock caves That musical would be To see His gentle face once more — He oft'times walked beside. To Him 'twas music in the roar Of glory changing tide. Once all the world was new to Him Earth-sea, far stretching, wild. For never in His mind grow dim The wonders of a child: Impressions of Child, Youth, and Man, Still vivid to His mind — And longingly His eyes would scan The world He left behind. Now sitting on Eternal Throne Forever in His mind [47 1 THE KING IN EXILE The Day He shall renew His own — The world He left behind. It is His constant wish and thought To make sin-cursed world pure — More beautiful than first He wrought — Where beauty shall endure. Lo, He would have the children laugh — Would see the lilies grow — Again the hillside rill would quaff As in the long ago. Surely great longings in the flesh (That God-head now doth fold) And in His mind forever fresh The scenes He loved of old. (If spiritual teachers shrink — ** Such coarse and fleshly view! " " Me thinks/' they'll have another think For what I dream is true.) This hate of flesh, and fleshly thought Is a Satanic teaching — For He who in the ages wrought To man His love down reaching, Matter in the Eternal Mind Hath surely favor won. Spirit and flesh were both combined In ** His Beloved Son! " Lo, The Eternal Spirit ne'er To matter could show face, [48] THE KING IN EXILE And SO creating matter fair He made the Human Race. Matter is loved — and will be loved In aeons yet to come — By nature only is God proved So cavilling mind be dumb. Go to at night and glance on high What blazing worlds are there — And science tells, beyond our sight Great worlds are everywhere ! In Paradise where millions wait, 'Tho in a palace grand, 'Tho happy in the unclad state — They long in flesh to stand. Lo, human flesh upon the Throne — And they like Him would be — Joy, not complete 'til 'round His feet In their humanity. Matter not base to God's Own Son Christ's love the flesh had made — Lo, full Redemption surely won Spirit in flesh arrayed! Lo, Abel for six thousand years Is waiting for that end — The waiting Saints in prayers and tears Do constant crying send — From waiting Saints in every age One cry to Christ is sent: [49] SONG OF THE LARK " Lord Christ ! Come Thou, and crush sin's rage And end Thy Banishment! O Christ, come back! The world Thine own — Thy love for it Divine — And vacant still is David's throne — The Universe is thine ! '* Febry, W/22 SONG OF THE LARK WHAT if my thoughts and writings vain And no man's eye shall see. There surely is to me sweet gain By such a reverie. Think you, the lark, that sings all clear High in the sky, looks down To note if any one is near To hail with joy or frown? He sings his choicest, sweetest note — Perchance, it is his prayer — And all the music in his throat Soon wasted on the air. Wasted you say ? — Why Christ had heard — At His feet carol lay — Think you He has forgot the bird Who sang praise yesterday? Febry. 23/22 [50] NO MAN HATH HIRED US! T NO MAN HATH HIRED US! HE Giver came to market place Saw there the pallid, anxious face — Fragments were they of every race: " Why do ye loiter here all day? '* " No man hath hired us. Lord/' they say. Lo, as surprised He looked around And surely then His eyelids found Five million men there idle stand ! Alas, He well could understand At home there were ten millions more. Mothers and children to deplore The lack of comforts known before. And surely Giver's heart was grieved, For surely this land had received Abundance of His golden wheat ! The cattle on ten thousand hills — His cereal bursting barns fills ! Then why the millions did not eat? He turned, and saw 'twas greed's deceit Had cheated all the idle host; Saw not the many — but at most A paltry few, who stood apart With hunger-greed at every heart, Lo, each had calculating eye. For. here abundance of supply Of common help, of horny hand, [51] NO 31 AN HATH HIRED US! What lowest cent that they would stand? They figured to a nicety How low should pauper labor be Depressed; and so the few obtain Some nickels added to their gain! The Giver's lips in anger curled. He knew that half gold of the world Lay in their Treasure house not used — The holders had their trust abused — And every day to Nation's Shore Came gold in streams, and more, still more Until new Treasure houses built. Each day saw flower of manhood wilt — More keen the sense of hunger felt — Each day 'round waist the tighter belt — The face more pallid, and the eye Appealing vain to passer-by. Lo, to the Giver, more surprise — The Capital's great dome did rise A beauty, stately to the eyes: And in two council chambers men By nation's suffrage did win The right to shape the nation's laws, Some striving for Men's keen applause. And some to gain their private end — And all wore label — " Poor Man's Friend ! *' But all their bickering so loud, [52] NO MAN HATH HIRED US! They quite forgot the hungry crowd Who looked for aid with anxious face — The idle men in market place. Some law-makers were earnest men And with keen thought had tried to win For helpless men a great relief — And surely at the heart a grief. But, Lo, confusion was supreme — Each panacea was a dream — For no great leader there to lead All were the common-place indeed! Not one a Statesman in that place, 'Neath that high dome thrust unto space. No leader's voice upon its air — A lack of leadership was there — For envy put in lofty place No great mind — 'tho a pleasant face. Earth's Paradise — yet wilderness For those in want and dire distress ; And bickering, and greed, and hate. Had sown fell seed in every State; A blindness on the leader's eyes. No longer were law-makers wise; Lo, party, factions, clique, intense, Drave out the old time common sense; Factions split nation's multitude. And each of them seemed as imbued With madness, that will surely bring [63] JEHOVAH'S THRONE' On this fair land grim suffering! Alas, no pessimistic dream That now confusion is supreme. Or why in plenty, deep distress And envy, hatred, bitterness ? Our glorious Giver's plentitude Fills bursting barns for human food For this great Nation's multitude. O Giver ! Bountiful and vast In pity, let Thine eyes be cast On the confusion of the Race! O Giver ! From Thy palace place Come backj come back to earth once more! Think of the little children. Lord, Who hungry cry at Thy rich board And no man careth for their soul! Come back. Come back, and take control The Days of Eden to restore — Giver! By Thee, and Thee alone. Confusion and distress o'erthrown! Fehry. "JEHOVAH'S THRONE" (II Chron. 36 ch. 19 verse.) JEHOVAH'S Throne in ruin stands. Its walls are broken down. Grim Gentiles with quick willing hands Usurp His land. His crown. Jerusalem — Queen in disgrace, [54] JEHOVAH'S THRONE' As dowered with grim shame, Among the nations hath no face — ' A half forgotten name. Her people scattered far and wide Hailed ever with a hiss; Like chips on angry ocean tide — In every land amiss. Now, Lo, for near three thousand years The Kingdom without King, Her subjects bowed in grief and tears Mid daily suffering. Lo, every morning is a dread. And every night a fear. Through all the years a captive fed With lash, and curse, and sneer. E'en Christian's cry: " Your) absent King On earth will not appear. And never to your suffering Will bring a Kingly cheer. Jehovah's Kingdom not of earth — A spiritual Reign, Lo, His vast realm the worlds begirth — Your Jewish hopes are vain! " And so today, as 'twas of old. The Gentiles in fool pride Give lie to what the prophets told — Jehovah's words deride ! And yet in spite of hate, detest. [66] JEHOVAH'S THRONE And infamy, and dread. The Jewish crown shall surely rest On Christ Jehovah's head ! 'Tho now the King in banishment And Jewish hearts disown, The King's own heart is ever bent To sit on David's Throne I Lo, David's Throne is vacant still, And absent is the King, But when 'tis the Eternal Will Angelic hosts will bring. 'Tho wasted Kingdom, and the land, Lo, soon reviving breath Stir Jewish souls, and they shall stand As one set loose from death. All soon upon Mount Olivet The Pierced Feet will stand — Jerusalem in glory set By Him — of Pierced Hand. Then all the world be cleansed, redeemed. From wrong, from hate, from lies. And every blessing prophets dreamed Be seen by human eyes. Jehovah Jesus Christ in sight — King, whom all Kings shall own — For surely 'tis His heart's delight To sit on David's Throne ! Febry. 23/22 [56] PRISO N OF CARE— HOUSE OF JOT PRISON or CARE— HOUSE OF JOY I BUILT a prison cell of Care All strong, and deep, and high, And not a loop-hole anywhere Where I could see the sky. And then a subtle chain I made Each link a fraying care, And then upon my loins I laid The sack-cloth of despair. *Twas up and down, and to and fro, With panther's restless feet. To any easing of my woe I showed the feline teeth. All pleasant thought I thrust aside — Wove thought of sombre hue — To mind at times — some early rhymes Of hope came sifting through. Ah, bitter days indeed were mine, And sorrow was my bread. And there I crouch'd, to fret and pine — Love's ashes on my head. Who knocks — but He shall knock in vain — I will let none come in: Now who persistent knocks again? No feet shall entrance win. Who singeth at my chamber door A weird love melody? " I have no gifts for troubador [67] PRISON OF CARE— HOUSE OF JOY Begone! Who e'er you be." Lo, knock, and song, and o'er and o'er, 'Til madness at repeat Full angry, I threw wide the door- — Lo, there stood Pierced Feet! The walls fell off on either side — With glory place was lit — I looked for cell, afar and wide, But not one stone of it. He built a home in ample space — The furnishings were good — It surely was a costly place — He purchased with life's blood! Ah, fair indeed, that palace place Expansive, wide, and high. And everywhere I turned my face I saw a summer sky. Garments of praise my soul arrayed, And honey, seemed my meat. The joy of sunshine ever played — The whole world was so sweet — And flowers of hope were everywhere Each petal seemed to talk. As glory shattered on the air Threw fragrance on my walk. And lighted song upon my lips — And joy my spirit clad. All care had suffered an Eclipse, [68] "NO MAN CARETH FOR MY SOUL' For all my thoughts were glad. Lo, 'tho, I saw Him, not with eye, I knew He walked by side — A loving guardian ever nigh My Lord— The Crucified ! His peace is mine — forever mine — Nor anything to sever, His Love is strong. His life Divine Forever, and Forever. Febry. "NO MAN CARETH FOR MY SOUL" LO, no man careth for my soul, Lord! " I cannot claim petition such as this, Knowing the strength that could so well afford To guide some others to Eternal Bliss. Lo, I the guilty one, for I delayed To speak His word to those who had passed by, To many thousand that I may have said — " Behold, Christ's Cross, and thou shalt never die! ** But now too late, long years have sped away — Lo, now worn out, the human seeks repose — Now in the closing shadows of my day I have cast by-command of Sharon's Rose! One lulled to sleep by opiate of romance, A dope fiend lulled by reading fairy tale. Looked on the passers-by with idle glance, List' not that lost souls bitter 'round me wail. [59] THE VISION WONDERFUL For lacked I in the personality Of touch, as none was stirring at my heart, As I a careless looker on to see The many coming — carelessly depart. Lo, now the shadow on my day shut down — And to my Lord, I bring but straw and dross, Upon His cross I never hung a crown — And so I suffer an Eternal loss! Fehry. 25/22 THE VISION WONDERFUL WITH all His empty worlds in space. Perchance, His Royal Will With the new-birth, have Adam's race That Emptiness to fill. Lo, mystery — His settled plan Yet hidden by His hand — The mystery of the Christ-Man We cannot understand. Jehovah Christ, God's Human Son, The Two — and yet the Whole Have surely Perfect God-head won — Flesh — Body, Spirit, Soul! Redemption that Christ Jesus made Is not a paltry thing, Lo, He shall fully be repaid For all His suffering! Me thinks it were a vain conceit, [60] THE VISION WONDERFUL That Lord of Glory died To have few millions at His feet — For this Cross-crucified? Fulfilled that promise yet shall be Nor to the Christ denied " The Travail of His soul shall see And shall be satisfied ! " If the Lord Christ be satisfied Then who can comprehend — Trillions of men that shall be made In aeeons without end! As Abraham's race alone amount — Countless as sands of sea. Then where Archangel that can count Swarming Humanity. Surely, a vast and gracious plan — A Race without an end. The multiplying power of man Too vast to comprehend ! The early age of innocence Was not the resting place, For such, no sacrifice intense — Royal Redemptive Grace. Lo, they possess the highest power Who good and evil know. And so The Eternal One did dower The Grace to make it so. So Recreation the one aim — And a new creature made — [61] THE VISION WONDERFUL For men to know it was a shame That sin could be displayed. Lo, the New Birth did Christ reveal In His first ministry, Each of the coming race should feel What purity should be. The earth is now a trial place. Arena where to show That evil to the human race No blessing can bestow ! And all the shifting of man's rule Has only this in view — For men to learn as in a school — Thus know the base — the true. Lo, evil in ascendancy Shall finally find death — While righteousness shall ever be Source of Eternal breath. Degeneration of this age Is at its final score. It makes a fool, and not a sage. When men will sin adore. For man is now a wilful child Led on by evil power. So now each being is defiled. And will be 'til the hour The new-birth by all men possess'd. All know renewing Grace, [62] THE VISION WONDERFUL Then body, spirit shall be blest Of all the human race. Yet when return of Christ to earth A thousand years — like Day — To show to man without new-birth Evil has subtle sway: And men — with Nature at its best. And earth a joyful place. Will let sin show its loathsome crest Still hiss, in Christ's own face. With trial of a thousand years Yet evil on the earth. Blinded with penitential tears Ask Christ to give New-birth. Then evil crushed with iron rod — Then olden promise true — The fiat of Eternal God— " Behold, all things are new ! " And theu the old command renewed — *' Increase and multiply ! " With love, humanity imbrued — Not will of God deny. So evil bound, without the power To wield men any more. So grace triumphant in that hour — All Jesus Christ adore. And then like fishes of the sea Will spawn — the human race, [63] THE FAILURE And all the Universe shall be Man-habitable space. Fehry. 27/22 THE FAILURE THE trumpeter with bugle's mouth Hath sounded out retreat And, O my soul, we're mustered out — So homeward turn our feet. The fingers which we hate to feel Take armour from our back. Gone are the weapons of keen steel For defense and attack. My spoils of war how very few — The gazer may infer I was no soldier tried and true, Simply " camp follower." Lo, scarcely blunted — rusty blade, That one may surely cry, ** He ever hid in Silvan shade, To battle front not nigh.*' So if all pitiful the fruit Of victory, I possess. My comrades surely tell the truth, " Half loafer ! nothing less." I dallied long in flowery mead. Plucked flowers when I should be [64] THE FAILURE A right hand in my Captain's need, And crowd to victory. I lingered in the festive hall 'Tho trumpet called to fray — And ever at fair lady's call To drum a rondolay. From sheltered loophole I looked down And heard the battle clang, When I should strive for victor's crown Some silly love song sang. And when to battle I was press'd Half hearted met the foe, Lo, never strived to do my best: In dress parades made show! Now comrades pass me in the street They see not to salute. Civilians say, with hissing teeth — *' A man of ill repute." Alas, I cannot wipe away That stain upon my name And ever more to dying day I to myself a shame. Lo, when I stand at judgment bar. And He, my Lord, looks down, Lo, there will be no glittering star — For I will have no crown! Febry. 28/22 [65] ON OLIVET ON OLIVET O HE ART, cry out for that grand day When Jesus Christ shall take the sway Of all earth's Kingdoms, and shall be The Lord of sky, and earth, and sea ! Lo, He shall banish poverty, His open hand shall scatter free The richest food for every one — And creatures that sunlight shines on. No more, the curse upon men's toil. The hand that sows shall reap the spoil. Field, wealth of orchard, vineyard place Shall be the wonders of the race. None unemployed, nor feel a fear That want and hunger shall appear; Each his own house and garden plot — Master to frown — men know such not. Lo, labor now has no desire To cheat his master for good hire. Master and man in honesty Clasp hands with His of Calvary! So now, with new-birth, sins forgiven No man in servitude be driven; Lo, death a stranger — no death fears — E'en sinners live a hundred years. Hear children laugh, and women's song — And in the market places' throng [66] ON OLIVET All speak the truth in every trade — The simplest trader not afraid. Lo, doctor's bill, and other ill No more the mind with fearings fill " Good health is catching " — lawyers gone In the round world there is not one! And now, no churches — open air Can fit song-praises everywhere. No walls confine — and scarce prayers said- All sermons buried with the dead. Now singing praises keen delight — It surely is a glorious sight Children, youth, women, and men come, Sing as one voice — and no voice dumb. Now faith is lost — for all can see The One — sin slew on Calvary — The lowest creature now can stand And place his own in Pierced Hand. The judges now the Risen Saints Justice untrammeled — never taints — For they instructed from on high — They judge not by the ear, nor eye. Imagination hath no power To paint or picture Glory Hour, When banished tear, and fret, and pain — When Jesus Christ comes back to reign! This hope, exulting, O my heart, We wish the dark clouds roll apart. [67] PRINCE SATAN'S SCHEMES And all our joy on one scene set — Jehovah's feet on Olivet! Mar. 1/22 PRINCE SATAN'S SCHEMES SATAN is busy in the nearest East, Would fain revive the power of Turkish Beast, To claw its lost dominions as of yore — The Palestine- Jewel grasp once more — Grim ignorance, and superstition's dread. The Sultan made once more its cruel head. For this, he stirs up India to turmoil A deadly cobra, hissing in its coil To strike the heart who favor 'd it so long, Who gave them justice, pity, and made strong The helpless, sorrowing, down-trodden race. Whose petty Rajahs ground the poor man's face In want, grief, misery — England gave hope And made them strong with ills of life to cope. And too, in Egypt do black storms lower. Crafty Mohammedans crush England's Power So bring the fellahs back to servitude. For short indeed, would be the interlude — A freak Justice, then cry from whip-lash hand. Greed, cruelty, to blossom in that land. Mesopotamia's rich and fertile soil Once, greed and cruelty, crushed hand of toil Now blossoming, to what it was before [68] PRINCE SATAN'S SCHEMES Where millions flourished in the days of yore. Must that fertility again be thrust To nothingness, victim of Turkish lust? And the Armenians must again bow down To bastinado from feet to head crown. The grim destruction of this Noble Race, And make that land of plenty homeless space ! Surely, Prince Satan is full well aware The end of This Age, potent on the air Israel's return to Palestine makes plain Signal of Doom! the rattle of the chain Which soon will bind him in the deep abyss! So consternation — and most surely this Which rouses all the fury of his hate Against the building of the Jewish State. He strikes at England to dismember her — The Fool ! To dream such will his fate defer — To frighten England, make her to withdraw Her Jewish Policy — bruise lion's paw — No other nation dares to battle fates. Selfish Policy of United States ! So glib advising — which is but a curse — When gold of other nations idle in her purse — For she grew rich by battlings afar — Munitions feeding of first years of war Sucked Europe of her riches and her gold — They had to purchase, if cost hundred fold. [69] PRINCE SATAN'S SCHEMES So Europe bled to multiply our gain — We entering only, when it grew more plain If William conquered — hand across the sea Would scrap us clean to pay Indemnity ! Our President eloquent and did strive To keep Democracy on earth alive! Surely to him a far outspreading aim 'Tho oft in its own home, is put to shame. Man's confidence in man is as destroyed. And of great leadership, the world is void! Our country cry is: " Let us stand alone,'* And so waxed fat, purse proud and over grown. The nations cry for bread — we give a stone. And yet, and yet, is there a Judgment Day See all our gold take wings and fly away ! America seems blind to this Great Hour — Lo, Satan gathering every end of power To make this England totter to its base; And fearing sons, not caring for disgrace. Shall fright and terror cause her to refuse All future help to the Returning Jews? O Satan! Tho thy power is vast indeed Yet none can aid thee in this hour of need — Behold, Christ Jesus on The Father's Throne! He conquered thee on Calvary alone: Lo, now thy fury will end in defeat For when Christ riseth from His Father's Seat [70] THE WONDROUS EXCHANGE Thy Powers like mists^ shall shudder, melt away; So, when His Hour Set, thou can'st not delay Return of Jews to Palestine one hour! (Tho thou in anger may curse England's power) Christ shall find means — shall send them to home place, Tho He still hated by the Jewish Race. March THE WONDROUS EXCHANGE LO, never a discordant note Should ever come from me. But ever from my soul should float A song of melody — For I a sinner, saved by Grace From Christ's atonement made, By blood (from hands, and feet, and face — ) My sins upon Him laid — A sinner, surely steeped in sin — And full of wilful ways. No virtuous thought was there within — A Rebel all my days — But silently He came to me And looked me in the face, Ah, surely I was foul to see. On soul, on flesh, disgrace — He did not scowl, nor did upbraid, No anger in His eye — The Pierced Hand on my soul laid: [71] ZION'S FOES " A Sinner ! *' My reply. Then something wondrous, something strange, A fluttering within. There was a wonderful exchange Of Purity with Sin — Lo, I was clean, and pure, and sweet — On Him was all my sin — His Blood, His Righteousness complete, Washed, clad both out, within. And so His all abounding grace Was mine for evermore. With God's own smile upon my face — I worship and adore. March 13/22 ZION'S FOES OZION, faint not 'tho the Foe More numerous may be Than leaves which in the forests grow Upon each stately tree. Shout of a King is in Thy camp — (The Foe, nor eye, can see.) A hundred million martial tramp Will never hinder Thee. For He whom now you treat in scorn, And spit on, and disown. Aye, He, you crowned with crown of thorn Shall sit on David's throne! [72] ZION'S FOES His eyes on time's fell dial plate And when shall come His hour, In spite of men and Satan's hate — His word shall crush their power — If French, Arab, Christian's decree Should mass to bar Thy way — They, like the thistle-down shall be — His wind shall blow away. In unbelief, some shall return. But not the entire race — For many of Ye now do spurn To live in old home place. But some shall sow, and plant, and build And occupy the soil. Bright homes, and palaces shall guild. And greatness bless your toil. Earth's Treasures such as ne'er before In hills and valley found; More stately Temple than before With singing shall resound: For rich its courts — the Holy Place Gold, gems, and precious stone. The costly gifts of Jewish Race — But empty David's Throne ! For there is none of David's line Who could the Kingdom claim — A silent Heaven has given no sign Nor roll where on the name — And none can say — " / am High Priest, — [73] MY KING IS COMING SOON Usurpers in that place — To offer sacrifice, make feast, Among the Jewish Race. Lo, the old Ritual restored — Lamb burned in sacrifice — Players and singers a vast horde The purse proud ones entice. They grew, and prospered, and increased. More stiff-necked than of yore — Yet turned their back on Christ — High Priest, Nor absent King deplore. Alas, alas, the darker days Shall " Jacob's trouble " bring. They to Another give the Praise Claimed by their Absent King. March 13/22 MY KING IS COMING SOON MY King is coming soon I know not when 'twill be — At midnight, or high noon; Ah, none too soon for me. Now sheltered by The Blood No terror sin can bring, I fear not wrathful flood That Tribulations bring. His Promises are true, [74] SHEPHERD OF ISRAEL His words are all sincere, So when He comes I know I'll meet Him in the air! No promise of His fails. No power with His contends, No demon host assails. For Christ all succor sends. A joy not born of Earth A promise most Divine — My flesh shall have new-birth As His Flesh, so be mine. Then sin no shadow throw On act, nor thought of mine, My heart shall ever know A Righteousness Divine! Lo, I shall serve Him then Without a fret or care — One wish, my soul would win: O Christ, would' st Thou wert here. March 13/22 SHEPHERD OF ISRAEL SHEPHERD of Israel, where Thy sheep? Hast Thou forsaken? Fallen asleep? And in Thy slumbering and repose Let them be scattered by Thy foes. And dogs do worry and devour; With broken hearts they have no power [76] SHEPHERD OF ISRAEL To hold the foemen in their wrath, The foes who stamp them in the path — Beneath the feet, and mock their bleat, And robbed, and spoiled — and women made The victims for the harlots' trade. So deep Thy sleep — and never heard The shrieking, agonizing word That called for help, and called in vain? And the rank smell from putrid slain The slayers deign not burial spot — So carrion birds forgot them not! For fifteen hundred years The Christ Would fain with Israel hold tryst, A loving, tender, faithful Friend — Who would from every foe defend, And with His love would hedge them round; ** Nation of Kings and Priests " to rule: Alas, poor Israel played the fool — Enamoured with Idolatry To other Gods would bend the knee — Slaughtered The Prophets of Most High — His loving kindness did deny. And cried His messages alie. Then the Most High their love to win Sent down His Son to dwell with men. So then to their disgrace and shame When The Christ-Jesus to them came [76] SHEPHERD OF ISRAEL With God's Credentials in His hand. Walked up and down the Promised Land All openly He did declare: "Emmanuel, I Am, is here!" The Greedy Rulers knew full well The Temple Rolls were there to tell He truly was of David's Line — His miracles proved Him Divine — And yet for greed they did disown They would not give to Him — His Throne ! With loud show of Religious zeal To Pilate made a base appeal Who had pronounced Him — Innocent! Their cry of hate to Heaven sent: ** His Blood on ours and Children's head! " Lo, not in vain the grim prayer said — His blood is still by children bore — But, O Sweet Christ, not evermore — What is it that Thy hands do keep From shepherdizing Jewish sheep? — Lo, in great waters are Thy ways, And only on the surface plays The hint of what is most profound. In secret caves, there only found The wonders. Thou, will yet reveal — In gracious blessing for men's weal. [77] SHEPHERD OF ISRAEL Then Jews were set aside — their place Of Blessing given to Gentile Race, To tell to all Redeeming Grace — That they " the Good News " should proclaim Redemption in Christ Jesus* name — Lo, near two thousand years have fled And it with sorrow can be said — On Gentiles — ** Ichabod! " be written: They in God's anger shall be smitten — For they have failed — as failed the Jews — And in these latter days we hear Bald Blasphemy upon the ear — Jehovah's Book is full of lies — The claims of Christ men now despise — The Deity of Christ deny — The Virgin Birth is but a lie — Treat Blood Redemption with disdain — And His Return a Fancy vain. Professing Churches full of those Who bear His name, yet are grim foes, Teachers and Preachers seem aflame To rend The God-head from His name — And in few years they will proclaim This Jew called Jesus child of shame — And soon to Heaven send wild refrain: " This Christ shall never o'er us reign" And this, why waiting Mystery — The Highest would have all men see [78] EL OI, ELOI, LAMA SABACHTHANI How man in self — creature of sin — Pure Righteous could never win And by his best— but farther strayed From the Creator that had made. No man can rule in Righteousness — A sin cursed world can never bless — Ruin and Death shall curse and reign — 'Til Jesus-Christ comes back again ! May we, with reverence, not think That we are nearing to the brink Of that great mystery of Thine ! And is it wrong if we divine ? That in the past — six-thousand years Evil with man wrought woe and tears — That soon, the New Age shall appear Sin banished from Earth's atmosphere. March/22 ELOI, ELOI, LAMA SABACHTHANI My God, My God, why hast Thou forsaken Me! Sacrifice for sin, for man's Iniquity On Roman Cross hung, in an unwonted night — While Demons, Priests, Scribes, Peoples mocked in Delight. Only One Human could have made such cry — The cry most surely registered on High — God's Only Son to God His Father called [79] ELOI, ELOI, LAMA SABACHTHANI Not that He was hy sufferings appalled — Not that at wrath of God He was afraid — Not for one moment that He was dismayed — Not for one second would He turn aside — Not to he saved from death The Saviour cried — His face was set, no second came regret — Every requirement of The Law was met — Each step to man's salvation was complete In act, in thought. He did God's wishes meet. Whispered The Tempter in His baffled wrath, Stood as to conquer in The Victim's path: " Lo, all Thy Life to Righteousness was given — Sin by Thy flowing Blood may be forgiven — Lo, Death is helpless even at this hour — Standing all dumb, o'er Thee Death hath no power — A Holy, Perfect man can never die — That the Eternal's fiat — and no lie — Thou knowest that, O Christ, as well as I ! So Ancient Enemy! Salvation foiled In all Earth's sufferings in vain Thou toiled — Man's Righteousness by Thy life hath been wrought — Perfect each day in every deed and thought — Thy flowing Blood accepted sacrifice — But only death atonement can suffice Death Penalty for sin, O Perfect One! In spite of all Thy sufferings I have won ! " Lo, Satan's whisperings without a flaw Death surely Penalty for Broken Law — [80] ELOI, ELOI, LAMA SABACHTHANI And did His manhood for a short time quiver? Lo, The Eternal only The Life Giver, By Power within Himself He could have died — But by so doing He a suicide — Such all repellent to His God-Man mind — What was Life's suiferings for the human kind Leading from Bethlehem to this Roman Cross A worse than failure? — quietly did faith burn To The Eternal Father did He turn— And 'Twas the cry of Hope and not despair Sped as an arrow quivering upper air — " Eloi, Eloi, Lama Sabachthani ! " Child's prayer — For in thick darkness He was not afraid — He knew His cry would bring His Father's aid. It was no bitter cry from bloodless lips — His Trust in The Eternal never had eclipse! In Eighteenth Psalm we surely have reply — What a grand vision to believer's eye — Lo, e'er Christ's lips had spoken but one word, Lo, The Eternal in His Temple heard — In awful Majesty, in fire and flame. On cherub, through the thundering heavens came To where Satanic Hosts rejoiced round Cross of Shame Mocking His Son — in malice, deadly craft — He from Death's quiver drew a deadly shaft And smote — and then The Smitten cried — [81] THE FOOL'S RESISTANCE *' 'Tls Finished! '* and lovingly before He died: " Father, in thy hands my spirit I commit." — And further read in that Psalm's holy writ — How with a fury in Eternal face He drave Satanic legions from that place In dire confusion, terror and dismay — So Man's Redemption all complete that day ! June U/22 THE FOOL'S RESISTANCE BEHOLD, mine eyes have seen the Vision Splendid! The Gentile Rule of Earth at last is ended — The Clouds of Heaven by Glory now are rended — Jehovah Jesus Christ to Earth descended ! O, Ye mad Fools, who would delay the vision Jehovah Jesus holds ye in derision ! Surely, by Angels, Saints ye are abhorred Who hold in vain the sentence of The Lord. Turk, Frenchman, Arab who hold in vain the Vision — As Ye have made a monstrous decision Have ye indeed made monstrous provision So Ye can brave Jehovah Christ's derision? Read ye, the how The Eternal from His Throne Came down that night, there with Abram alone, While horror of great darkness on Abram sent — Jehovah only through sacrifices went! Lo, there Jehovah was the Only Giver: " From Lebanon to famed Egyptian River — [82] THE FOOL'S RESISTANCE From the Euphrates to far sun set sea — Lo, I, Jehovah, surely giveth thee ! '* The Land to Abram Surely a Free Hold — His Race possess forever, no foot be sold — Nor given away — a God — Gift Heritage — Jehovah asked no price in any age! No pledge was asked from Abram when 'twas given — The Jews for sin from heritage were driven — Tho every foot of it from them now riven Jehovah's promise stand — they shall be forgiven. The One who brought them out of Egypt stands To give them back the Abram promised lands. Has He not given the boundaries of that place — Precious forever to Jehovah's face? Turk, Frenchman, Arab, will ye still insist — Shake in Jehovah's face the mail clad iist Each now proudly say: " The Lands are surely mine And to this Jewish Race will not resign/* O Blinded Fools, who neither read nor see — Moslem and bastard Christianity Like silly fools stand in Jehovah's path — Soon to be shattered by Jehovah's wrath. In spite of craft, and insolence, and pride Ye shall as thistle-down be swept aside For none can bar or hold their feet at bay — When dawns the Jewish Resurrection Day. Turk, Frenchman, Arab — beware the storm! Jehovah swore and shall He not perform.'* [83] THE HOME CITY Fulfilling Promises Christ never loath — All Earth shall see fulfillment of His Oath ! THE HOME CITY OCITY, so matchless in Glory! How vain may the human tongue sing, O City, to never grow hoary. Where no rot or corruption can cling. For My Lord a vast City is building All matchless and wondrously fair ; And there is no painting or gilding For all things are real, and all rare. No Seraph in Glory could mention — Would be dumb of its glories to state, Its wonders are past comprehension. The Lord Christ's tongue alone can relate. How paltry now marble the fairest That now human can shape and admire But His are vast Gems of the rarest The heart of them glow, leap as a fire. Now on Earth, Gems which fill us with awe Like pin points or kernels of wheat — And all rare are the ones without flaw — The Gem Stones in Christ's City complete. Twelve tiers of foundations there blazing Each tier in its heart like a fire — The breadth, and the length all amazing Far surpassing all human desire, [84] THE HOME CITY Fifteen hundred miles each stone will measure And that City lieth four square In each tier of foundation a treasure — Each tier just one stone glittered there. In each tier a color of splendour Lo, twelve Royal colors appear The colors when blended so tender As Jasper crystal stone clear. And the Breadth, and the Length, and the Height Are equal on each — every side — Lord God Almighty and Lamb gave it light There forever, and ever abide. And through the streets slides The Pure River Which will never have wave or harsh roar. The River of Life, from Life's Giver — Who drink shall not thirst evermore. And Fair Trees of Life from Life's Giver With new fruit for each month of the year Shall grow on each side of Life's River — Whose leaves give to Nations health cheer. The Glory Song of The Harpers then — His Royal Guard who will serve The King The Hundred and Forty Four Thousand Men Who shall sing The Song no other Saints sing WTierever He goeth in Regal State To visit dominions afar or near The Chosen Harpers around Him wait — The Glory Song singing — " The King comes near ! [85] THE HOME CITY They are as Virgins without fault or stain Lips undefiled — most fair and most sweet — And they are chosen — no others obtain The height of all Glory — to follow His feet. Twelve Gates and each Gate a great wonder The formation a great Mystery For each of the Gates over yonder One clear beautiful Pearl to see. Lo, never shall enter that City A creature unbelieving, unclean — To scorner of Christ, there no pity Who rejects now Christ Blood never seen! All perfect the Service there given, For on Service The Saint ever sent, With never the halting; nor driven And no blunders to mar Christ's intent. To Service of Love ever steady Be it near or the far distant sphere. And ever His own chamber ready Any moment That Saint should appear. And never decay — a renewing For miasma is never known there No withered leaf ever bestrewing A pathway, of a death to declare. Lo, never the Sun there is gkaming And never the Moon, — for no night. From Almighty and Lamb ever streaming An unchanging, ineffable Light. [86] PALACE HOUSE AND PRISON And there everlasting the Singing, And there everlasting Love's lays. All the Nations of Earth gladly bringing Their Glory, their honour, their praise. O Matchless, O Grand, Glorious City — Washed in Jesus Christ Blood and made fair — The Eternal — The Lamb, in rare pity. Have written: " You shall surely he there!" ****** Said our Lord on the night of His Passion To His followers fearful and few: " I go to My Father — to fashion A Home Place everlasting for you — So now in My Peace be abiding. For again I shall come back for ye And there in the Home Place residing That where I am, there ye shall be ! '* May/22 PALACE HOUSE AND PRISON WHAT a beautiful Earth to scan This Prison-House, Palace of Man — Vast Store-house with treasure untold — Vast spaces for cattle — sheep fold — Successive, changing in Grace, The Seasons in blessing earth's face — Rich food if distributed fair Enough to give each mortal share. [87] PALACE HOUSE AND PRISON Alas, sin hath marr'd Man's Estate — Indifference, and greed, and hate. Malice and envy, lust and guile Have robbed the whole earth of its smile: With growling besmeared the whole earth Of Glory^ Joy, Laughter, Pure Mirth — So countless millions of our race Clad sorrowful, with tear-stain'd face. In spaces vast, home, market place. The cripple, robust, side by side. The pauper near the rich abide. Hard crust for one, for other meat. Fair mansions near the hovel-street. Worth in the gutter, in the rain — The merry song, the sad refrain. The Hymn of Praise, the drunken song. The merriment, and the distress, The calico, the silken dress The words of thankfulness, the grumble, The steadfast walk, the fall, the stumble. The granite wall, the walls which crumble, The peace of mind, the dire confusion. The welcom'd step, the base intrusion. Unswerving Faith, the mad delusion. The Gospel's wooing. Siren calling. The music strain, the wicked brawling. The fair to see, the scene appalling. The word of wise, laughter of fools, [88] EXILES IN PARADISE The word of truth, Satanic schools, Angels of Light, Satanic tools, Christ's peace possess'd — confusion dire! (This whole world must be purged with fire.) O Thou Eternal! Looking down — Give to Thy Son the earthly crown — Array in Awful Majesty! Gird with Thy Might — For only He Can crush the wrong, maintain the right, Hurl to Abyss Satanic might. And make this world as fair as when Created first, not marred by sin. Send Him to Recreate — Restore The Beautiful, Grand World of Yore, When all shall praise and shall adore. Lord Jesus Christ, Come Back, Come Back — From bitter cry and aching back — Give us The Blessings that we lack — Give us a beautiful, sweet earth — Thy consolation — and Thy Mirth — Lord Jesus Christ, Haste to Come Back! June 1/22 EXILES IN PARADISE IN Upper Regions where no sin is known — Whence Happy Spirits see The Eternal Throne From Paradise the beautiful, the rare. Where Blood bought souls the joys of Heaven share; [89] EXILES IN PARADISE Where winds are soft, perfumed, caressing sweet; Fruit trees are everywhere — and neath the feet Grasses all gemmed with flowers which never fade; In that grand place as sweet as God had made Lo, dwell the Exiles — yet even on that shore The wish for Home Land they would see once more; Tho now in happiness and holy joy, And not one moment has a base alloy. In happiness as garment they are clad. And peace supreme — aye, nothing to make sad. Yet feel as Exiles, waiting on God's will Yet ever more within their hearts a thrill For Mother Earth that they have left behind. So ne'er eradicated from the mind The thought of Home-place, fain their eyes would see Sunshine and shadow in their own country. So while the spirit's raiment delicate to see, — Robed in The Flesh once more they fain would be With Human Body — as His on God's Throne — A Human House inhabited, their own ! Exiles in Paradise longing, as we long. To know full meaning of Redemption's song; Lo, supplication in each spirit's heart. That Jesus Christ with them would soon depart From Paradise — and see Home-place once more. For at His Coming — their earth He would restore — And at His Coming, Spirit once more meet Its Body, like His body perfect, so complete, [90] DREAMING For Nature loveth nature, nor can rest Till spirit dwelleth in its Human breast. Not with impatience: in supplicating mood: Knowing The Eternal's Will is for the Good — Exiles in Paradise — waiting for the Day With us — to see this world's sin-age pass away — Jehovah Jesus Christ on Olivet to stand His One Word banish sin from sky, and sea, and land. DREAMING I AM dreaming — ever dreaming Or His Coming soon to be, And my fancy catches gleaming Of the Glories I shall see. And I ponder, oft 'times ponder What The Face that I shall see. Ah, my senses lost in wonder Of the Beauty there to be. Lo, His Face shall be the fairest — Unique Beauty there shall be — God-Head gleaming through face rarest — Most enchanting eye can see: Face with Love and Mercy beaming — Eyes a rapture just to see — But within those eyes are gleaming Light of Awful Majesty. [91] THE WBATH OF THE LAMB Jesus Christ: The Christ Eternal, The Creator of all spheres, He before all things supernal Shaped beginning of all years. He Creator of all Beauty — And with reverence I fall: " It would be His hounding duty To be fairer than them all." So I'm dreaming — ever dreaming And 'tis surely not amiss — When His face upon me gleaming That will be Eternal Bliss. THE WRATH OF THE LAMB How strange that in that despised Book Not even Blood Washed men will look, Aye, Blood Bought men will scarcely read. And think of it there is no need; Aye, seldom ever of it talk As guide whereby a man should walk In daily life while here below; And yet Jehovah doth bestow Blessing to him who reads that page — The Keynote to faith in this age. [92] THE WRATH OF THE LAMB And yet its pages hath strange note That even Blood Washed fear and loath — How Christ the tender, loving One, Changes His garments and puts on A Robe that in life Blood is dyed — The Shepherd's dress is put aside — And He, The Sacrifice for Sin, Whose sweet words tried all men to win Love's message centuries had cried — His name. The Lamb of God, well know The only One who could atone For broken Law — His precious Blood That only for Salvation stood — Now stood. Destruction in man's path, For lo. Love's mind is changed to Wrath! Wrath of The Lamb — how strange the Wordj Sharp as the keenest of sharp swords — Most certainly they are the Lord's! And so the name of Lamb is fraught With anger — one had never thought To couple Lamb and Wrath togeth An iron rule instead of feather — " Lion of Judah ! " fitter far ! But that The Lamb should go to war Flash in men's minds. Inconstancy — Yet The Lamb's wrath shall surely be [93] THE WRATH OF THE LAMB A glaring fact — and certainty — The time of Love shall cease to be! The careless lightly speak His name — Some laugh to scorn His God-head claim — Give lie to what the Spirit wrote — And spit in anger from their throat " Blood-butcher Theory ! '* couple His name With brand to make Him Child of Shame. These last days are satanic thrilled — Contempt the modern brain has filled — " O'er us this man shall never reign This Jesus shall not come again. He has no Kingdom, crown, nor Right — That we hold sacred in our sight *' ! The Book God-breathed for this age Tells of Lamb's wrath in many a page, Yet Blood bought men do boldly say Lamb's wrath fulfilled in long past day — Christians of people, tribe, and nation. Say " Mystery ! — not Revelation ! " Men close the book with angry frown: " Such never from The Lord came down — Chamber of Horrors, grotesque, weird — Mad Jew brain with base hatred seared."* So authenticity denied As if The Holy Spirit lied: [94] ONE DAY NEARER And yet each book given by The King With Retributions for sins ring. ONE DAY NEAHER TO THE COMING OF THE KING ONE Day nearer to the Ending of Sin's race, One Day nearer to see The Saviour's Face, One Day nearer when my heart with joy will sing. One Day nearer to The Coming of The King. One Day nearer to the ending of all sin. One Day nearer my Wish of Wish to win, One Day nearer when the clouds His Glory bring — One Day nearer to The Coming of The King. One Day nearer to The Triumph of My Lord, One Day nearer to fulfillment of His Word, One Day nearer when His trumpet call shall ring. One Day nearer to The Coming of The King. One Day nearer His fair beauty to behold. One Day nearer His Vast Glory to unfold. One Da}'- nearer Resurrection's Glory bring. One Day nearer to The Coming of The King. One Day nearer when Defiance to Christ cease, One Day nearer when His reign shall give us peace, One Day nearer when All Nations tribute bring — One Day nearer to The Coming of The King. [95] BY THE SAME AUTHOR BY THE SAME AUTHOR The Coming of The King. Waiting for The King. That Jew. The City of Antichrist. The Imperial. Songs in the Waiting. The Antichrist. The Whip of God. An Unclean Spirit. Songs from a Watch-Tower. How The King Reigned in Ariel. Titles of Jehovah Christ Jesus. Jewish Title to Asia Minor. [96] SQUIBS SQUIBS The Hyper Critics. The Baptist Deacon's Prayer. The Devil's Cuckoo. The Baptist Deacon's Golden Dream. Professor of University of Chicago to Students. The Baptist White Washers. The Crime of the 64. Reply to Philip Mauro (1st). The Living Church Crisis. How Prince Satan Won the Jewel. A Woman's Babel. Reply to Philip Mauro (2nd). A New Idea. Betrayal of Christ by Northern Baptist Convention. Printed in United States of America. [97] [ iiiliiii' Q 015 937 322 B