D 524 .H7 Copy 1 WORLD WAR AND BIBLE PROPHECY BY HARRY F. HOWARD GOD HAS TOLD US HOW THE WAR WILL END WHEN IT WILL END WHERE IT WILL END PRICE. 36 CENTS The World War and Bible Prophecy By Harry F* Howard God Has Said When the war will end How the war will end and Where the war will end Copyright, 1918 By Harry F. Howard gci.A5 01826 \A1 St'P I6l9ia — ;■ V r ■ i ■ This fierce countenance of this awful and terrible Kaiser was copied from the front- ispiece of "Leslie's Weekly" by permission of the Leslie-Judge Co. and illustrates how true and perfect current events are fulfill- ing prophecy. Daniel 8: 23. — "In the latter time when the transgressors are come to the full, a king of fierce countenance, shall stand up and his power shall be mighty and he shall destroy wonderfully." IV BIBLE PROPHECIES. RUSSIAN BEAR AND BRITISH LION. — The Literary Digest, Netv York City. This picture was clipped from "The Literary Digest" showing how true and perfect the world is keeping in step with prophecy. Daiiiel 7: 17, h, 5. — "These great beasts are four kings, which shall arise. The first was like a lion, the second like a bear." BIBLE PROPHECIES. THE GERMAN LEOPARD. — The Literary Digest, Neio York City. This picture was also clipped from "The Lit- erary Digest" and shows how true and perfect the world is keeping in step with prophecy. Daniel 7 : 17, 6. — "These great beasts are four kings, which shall arise and lo another, like a leopard." VI BIBLE PROPHECIES. - - THE intruders; AMBBiOAji Eaoub (to German Peace Doves)-^" Go away.. I'm busy! — Punch (London). This picture was clipped from "Punch," (London) and there is no mistaking it but what the world is in tune with God's Holy Word. Daniel 7: 17, 7. — "These great beasts are four kings, which shall arise, and behold a fourth beast strong exceedingly." Rev. U- 7. — "And the fourth beast was like a flying eagle." INTRODUCTION. HOW TO READ. A young college graduate, who had won high honors, said to the writer: "I had a good streak come over me the other day to read the Bible and I bought a large beautiful morocco- bound Bible and began to read where it says that a lion came up from the sea and the lion had eagle's wings and the eagle's wings were plucked and made stand upon the feet of a man {Dan. 7: 4.) Then it said another beast, a leo- pard, came up from the same sea which had four heads and four wings of a fowl (Dan. 7:6.) I then asked my young college friend how he interpreted what he had read: "I interpreted it," said he, "that whoever wrote such stuff was either drunk, crazy or a fool and I closed the Bible and bade it good- night for all time." "But," said I, to my good college friend, "before you began to study Latin or Greek, you could not read a word of it, yet you studied days, months and years that you might un- derstand. Would you expect to play the beautiful and wonderful music of Mozart, Wagner or Beethovan simply because you had the money to buy the music and a piano? In buying the Bible you bought one of the most prized and worshiped books in all the world ; it is one of the most ancient, yet more Bibles are being sold every- day than of the most modern book that any man or woman can write today, however wise, learned or tal- ented they may be. If you had read that 7th chapter of Daniel through, you would have read the program of this great and terrible world war from the time the British Lion declared war against the German Leopard, till the United States sets up a world democracy of all people, nations and languages." "But," said my college learned friend, "the Bible is not true for the lion or the leopard are not an am- phibious animal, neither does the lion grow eagle's wings or the leopard grow four heads and four wings as a fowl." "But, John," said I, "if you had read that chapter to the 17th verse you would have found the key by which it was to be understood for it reads that these beasts are kings that shall arise and did not your col- lege learning of history tell you that the British Empire had adopted the lion as the symbol of her king and government? Did it not tell you that United States had adopted the flying eagle as the symbol of her gov- ernment, the eagle's wings being her great source of governing power? Did not your history tell you that the flying eagle of the United States plucked her wings of governing power from the British Lion and furthermore you know that Germany calls herself the Leopard Beast and since this war began you have seen VIII BIBLE PROPHECIES. the Literary Digest and other publi- cations picturing Germany as a leo- pard beast in their cartoons and didn't your college history tell you that the German Empire is a federal state composed of four heads, Prus- sia, Bavaria, Wurttemburg and Sax- ony, and that Germany is the only empire on earth with four political parties and in Germany they are called political wings." "But," said John, "Why didn't the Bible author write it that way." "John," said I, "You ought to know, being a college graduate with high honors, that when this prophecy was written, no printing or printing press was in existence, paper had not been invented, even our alphabet of letters to make a written language had not been invented, and picture writing was in common use at the time many of these prophecies were written. Even as late as the days of William Penn his treaty with the American Indians was made by draw- ing a picture of an Indian and a white man clasping hands. That was as good for them as a long-winded legal document and great deal clearer." "And today this picture writing of these ancient prophets of God has come down to us in a clearer view than they would have been, if writ- ten in some for^gn language with the figurative language left out." Most everyone thinks they know how to read, but if the learned author, Edward Everett Hale, had thought so, he would not have written his val- uable work entitled How to Read, in which he says: "The first rules are: Do not read too much at a time ; stop when you are tired ; and, in whatever way, make some review of what you read, even as you go along." Says the noted author Capel Lofft in his interesting book Self-Forma- tion, "that his wliole life was changed and indeed saved, when he learned that he must turn back at the end of each sentence, ask himself what it meant, if he believed it or disbelieved it." Says our greatest genius on how to master personal efficiency, Edward Earle Purington: "The way a man reads for self advancement is tre- mendously important. Aim to get the author's real meaning * * * Keep your mind absolutely open. If you should disagree with any state- ment, be sure it is not hasty reading, or some preconceived notion or pre- judice of yours that causes misun- derstanding. The greatest men are the most anxious to be taught." Ida B. Cole in her essay entitled Getting the Best Out of a Book says : "I number the points as they are given. If there is something that I do not believe or understand, I put a question mark after it. After fin- ishing each chapter I go back over it and review the points." Bierhower in his essay on Reading ivith a Purpose and Mabie, in his Art of Reading and Beecher in his Plan of Reading, all voice the same warn- ing to those who read for wisdom and knowledge, to read very slow and a little at a time, turn it over and over in the mind till one is positively satisfied that the author must be surely right or wrong in his interpre- tation of these Bible prophecies. Hold fast to the fact and keep it always in mind while reading this book that United States will surely win this INTRODUCTION. IX world war and bring about the long hoped for World Democracy. It may not come as soon as our patience would like to have it come, or how and where we would like to have it come, but that it will come when, how and where the Bible prophecies said it would, is beyond any question of a doubt in the minds of those who thor- oughly understand these Bible pro- phecies from their many new points of view that God has given us. Prov.l7: 27.— "He that hath know- ledge spareth his words." The author will be very brief in his interpretations, as one would avoid unnecessary steps in a long, hard, up- hill journey, when the time is very short. BIBLE PROPHECIES PROPHECY. CHAPTER I. It is vitally important for everyone of us to secure a clear and thorough understanding of what prophecy is and what prophecy is for before we can undertake to interpret any of our Bible prophecies at all. Prov. 4: 7.— "With all thy getting, get understanding." How shallow, thin and frail is a definition like that of Webster in the International Dictionary when he says : "Prophecy is a declaration of something to come ; especially an in- spired foretelling." If that vere all, Isaiah's word would be true of us : "It is a people of no understanding." Compare such an interpretation with the Bible view of prophecy, given to us almost two thousand years ago. // Peter 1: 19. — "We have also a more sure word of prophecy; where- unto ye do well that ye take heed as unto a light that shineth in a dark place." In fact nothing more perfectly illustrates the true meaning and value of our inspired Bible prophecies than does the lighthouse on our coast. As it warns our sailors of rocks and reefs which mean distress and death to any one sailing in their direction, so prophecy tells of danger ahead. If you were a pilot on one of our great ocean liners in the most terrible storm you ever encountered and you saw straight ahead a light streaming before you, would you take it as marking the channel to a safe and peaceful harbor? No! A thousand times, No. The warning would be, "Keep away. — Steer clear of this hid den reef or shoal which means de- struction and death to you." "Study your government chart of navigation"' it would say. "Read how far away to the right hand or the left, you must steer your craft." In this way prophecy is "A light shining in a dark place whereunto ye do well that ye take heed," or as the Apostle Paul says: / Cor. 12: 7. — "The manifestation of the Spirit is given to every man to profit withal." If, for example, Bible prophecy foretells that Germany will win this war— Da?2. 7: G. — "And behold an- other beast like a leopard and domin- ion was given to it," such a foretelling is given for the express purpose that we take heed and see that no such issue is accomplished. On the other hand if prophecy says that the United States will meet downfall; Dan. 7: 7, 11.— "I saw a fourth beast * * * and strong ex- ceedingly; and * * * I beheld even till the beast was slain, and his body destroyed and given to the burning flame; Rev. A: 7.— "And the fourth beast like a flying eagle." — In all this the meaning must be, not that the United States is inevitably doomed but that she will be doomed and meet BIBLE PROPHECIES. destruction and death, if she does not look well at God's navigation chart and change her course. Bible prophecy tells us just what to do and where to steer. It points out the straight and narrow channel which will save not only the lives of our best boys and girls who are now in France but also our National life, the liberty and freedom for which Old Glory stands. This is the significance of Matt. 7: 13, lU- — "Enter ye in at the strait gate * * * . Strait is the gate and narrow is the way which leadeth unto life." The narrow way will be un- veiled to you before you finish read- ing this book. Go back with me for a few mo- ments to the begining of history and verify with me the fact that prophecy is a mental light that shineth in dark- ness and that those who took heed thereto did well while those who did not heed it were punished with sor- row, pain or death. At the very beginning, God told Adam and Eve not to touch the tree of good and evil. Did Adam and Eve heed the prophecy ? No, they thought their own judgment superior to that of God and Bible history (Gen., chap. 3) tells us of the sorrow, pain and hardship which this decision cost them. Then, you remember, there was born into Adam's home one of the world's great capitalists. He was a man of progress and influence even to the building of a great city and the naming of it after his son {Gen. h: 17). God loved Cain because God saw him advancing civilization. But God also saw Cain approaching a hidden reef and Cain was warned thereof. Did Cain heed the warning? No, and Bible history tells us of the sorrow, pain and hardship that the rich cap- italist suffered because of his neglect. Gen. I^: 13. — "And Cain said unto the Lord 'My punishment is greater than I can bear.' " Later in the history, we meet the greatest crisis of ancient life in the days of Noah when with his family he alone escaped. Gen. 6: 5. — "And God saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth and that every imagination of his heart was evil continually." God warned humanity of the issue of their wickedness and evil ways. Did they heed the pro- phecy? Noah did and saved himself and his family but the rest paid the same old price of sorrow, pain and death with destruction. Observe the same historic process in the story of Sodom and Gomorrah. Lot and his family heeded the warn- ing and were saved. But multitudes from the great cities heeded not the prophecy and were destroyed. Or witness the record of King Pharoah, hard-hearted and most wicked as he was. God sent him a lighthouse warning in a prophecy that there were coming seven years of great plenty and seven years of famine. He was commanded to save enough from the years of plenty to bridge over the time of famine. He certainly did well in taking heed to the prophecy. It was a lighthouse to him. Passing over a multiutde of other prophecies which might be cited, I call attention to one beautiful illus- tration of the value and infallible use of this divine gift to men. You will PROPHECY. find it in the third chapter of Jonah's prophecies. "And the word of the Lord came unto Jonah saying 'Arise, go unto Ninevah, that great city and preach unto it the preaching that I bid thee * * * . Let them turn everyone from his evil way and from the violence that is in their hands * * * and God saw their works, that they turned from their evil way, and God repented of the evil that he said that he would do unto them ; and he did it not." Even those few citations are enough to verify the truth of the Bible description of prophecy — that it is a sure word, a light shining in a dark place, that if ye (as a Nation) take heed thereto, ye will do well. And the prophecy of the downfall and utter destruction of our beautiful country will never take place. {Dan. 7: 7, 11.) P^or as in Ninevah when- ever homes, cities and nations, visited with sorrow, trouble and violence, turn from their ways of greed, wick- edness and jealousy into the paths of justice, equality and fraternity the Divine method will be verified. When William H. Taft, that big- hearted and far-sighted Ex-President of ours declared "that a poor man cannot get justice in our courts," he pointed to the hidden reef upon which proud Babylon fell. Isaiah 59: H- — "And judgment is turned away backward and justice standeth afar off; for truth is fallen in the streets and equity cannot enter." Neither can we ever better our labor troubles till there is a growing justice and equality in wages. Nor can we have a good Republican form of government as long as we elect a porkbarrel class of men to Congress and allow our grafters and govern- ment thieves to escape the serving of time in our state prisons. Our faith- ful, untiring, patient, merciful as well as foresighted President said perti- nently in his address to Congress, May 27, 1918: "The profiteering that cannot be got at by the restraints of conscience and love of country can be got at by taxation." Thanks be to Heaven that we have in Wilson as President another Washington and another Lincoln. Let me say right here that I do not look for the fulfillment of any Bible prophecy pointing to the down- fall of our beloved country. I wait expectantly for the speedy home- coming of our choicest youth — our boys and girls from France. I be- lieve that we shall enter the harbor of peace and safety. My conviction is that in that haven we are to wait patiently until the second woe and the third woe of the great world war is over. Shortly following this great and terrible conflict with Germany will come a far more gigantic and fearful war for which Japan is now prepar- ing in colossal fashion. This will be the second woe ; the first woe is nearly passed. Rev. 9: 12. — "One woe is past and behold there come two woes more hereafter." APPOINTED TIME. CHAPTER IL Daniel 12: 1. — "And there shall be a time of trouble, such as never was since there was a nation to that same time." Mark well the fact that our Bible prophecies make known in BIBLE PROPHECIES. many different ways the beginning and the ending of this day of trial. Daniel 11: ^7.— "The end shall be at the time appointed." Daniel 8: 19. — "And he said, Behold I will make thee know what shall be in the last end of the indignation : for at the time appointed the end shall be." Certain it is also that our Bible prophecy did make it known that there would be a few wise enough to find the appointed time and make it known to the world before the be- ginning of that great and terrible day. Da7i. 12: 10. — "But the wise shall understand." That this prophecy is now ful- filled, I \yill proceed to show and I will give you the evidence and proof positive of the fact. The World's Crisis of Nov. 3, 1915, (published in Boston, Mass.) says: "That this world war is the Daniel time of trouble. Let it be remem- bered that in our study of this pro- phecy we have found the events of history following one another in suc- cessional order, exactly as laid out in prophecy. And then we are duly im- pressed with the fact that this un- quenchable blaze of war has broken out at the well-timed hour scheduled in the Bible." The World's Crisis of Dec. 15, 1915, said: "The great European warwhich broke out in August, 1914, came at the right time to fulfill the prophetic mould." This war was prophesied by prom- inent Adventists at least two years before it came to pass. But you ask me how the Adventist finds out the appointed moment for the beginning of this terrible conflict. Says the Boston Sunday American, April 18, 1915._"The Adventist figures that each day means a week of years from the creation and in that way they fig- ured that 1914 would see the great world war." The Boston Globe, Dec. 30, 1917, says : "Daniel's vision of the Four Great Empires happened in the year 606 B. C. ; the time appointed for the fulfillment of the prophecy was 'Seven Cycles' and as each cycle rep- resents 360 years, so seven times 360 would equal 2,520, As the prophecy was delivered in the year 606 B. C, as before stated, then by subtracting 606 from 2,520 we get the number 1914, the year the present war broke out, the greatest war, the world has ever seen." But not only in the year and month, nay but on the very day of Christ's appointment, on a day of judgment prophesied, did the great war begin. Acts 17: 31. — "He hath appointed a day in which he will judge theworld." Says the Christian Herald of April 14, 1915: "Truly the time of the Pal- estinian Covenant, given in Lev. 26, the Gentile supremacy over the land has continued exactly the seven times, i. e. 2,520 years, and the war began on the self-same day, the month of Ab, according to the Jewish reckon- ing." But many will say, "Oh well, now that the event has taken place there are people cunning enough to conjure up something to fit the prophecy." But now I am going to show you that the coming of this fearful world war and the hour of its beginning was dis- covered by many Bible students, years if not many years in advance of the events. APPOINTED TIME. Prof. A. E. Hatch, A. M., in his Handbook of Prophecy, published in 1912 on pages 102 and 286 says: "There is to be a general and uni- versal war. God has spoken and his word will not fail. There is to be universal war and the nations are already arming for it. The year 1914 marks the end, when the times of the Gentiles shall be fulfilled." In the year 1911 Rev. George Shoreij delivered a public address in Berwick Maine, in which he said : "The prophecies have been carefully figured out and 1914 is the year ap- pointed for the beginning of the great world war and beginning of the time of trouble such as the world has never seen before." Rev. Charles T. Russell published in 1891 a work, The Millenial Dawn. In Vol. Ill, pages 23 and 59, he says : "The time of the end is particularly marked in the Scriptures. This time of the End or Day of Jehovah's Prepa- rations, closing A. D., 1914, is to cul- minate in the greatest time of trouble the world has ever known." William A. Redding published a book in 1895, entitled Our Near Fu- ture. On page 25 he plainly states that the year 1914 marks the doom of the present Gentile government and the beginning of the great world war. The Literary Digest of March 6, 1915, (published in New York City) tells us that several years ago there was a booklet printed in Chicago that foretold that a great and terrible war would begin in the year 1914. Says the Literay Digest of March 6, 1915 : "There has been discovered in an old family Bible in the Father- land (Germany) a prophecy which foretold a world war in 1914. In closing this chapter I want frankly to say that I have only intro- duced a very small part of the proof that can be given that this vast and terrible war drama began and was destined to begin on the identical day, month and year foretold in Bible pro- phecy. And I mean to tell you in my book the appointed time when the world war-drama will end. BEGINNING OF SORROW. CHAPTER III. A few years ago, I climbed to the top of the Washington Monument at our Nation's Capital and while com- ing down, I met several people who had made an ascent of perhaps 150 of the 550 feet to the summit. "For Heavens sake," said one of them to me, "How much further is it to the top? If it is much farther, we shall have to give it up." In this same way, many are saying now: "We don't see how we are going to stand it, if this terrible war lasts much longer." If you examine the prophecies care- fully, you can only reach the con- clusion that the world war has just begun. Consider carefully and read slowly the prophecies from the fol- lowing three great prophets. KEY. Exodus 15: 5.— "The Lord is a man of war: the Lord is his name." ISAIAH'S PROPHECY. Isaiah 2U: 1, 3, 6.— "Behold the Lord maketh the earth empty; and turneth it upside down, and scatter- eth abroad the inhabitants thereof. BIBLE PROPHECIES. The land shall be utterly emptied, and utterly spoiled. Therefore hath the curse devoured the earth, and they that dwell therein are burned, and few men are left." DANIEL'S PROPHECY. Daniel 12: 1. — "And at that time, there shall be a time of trouble, such as never was since there was a nation even to that time." CHRIST'S PROPHECY. St. Matt., chap. 2^.— "Tell us, when shall these things be and what shall be the sign of the end * * * . Jesus answered and said * * * Nation shall rise against nation and kingdom against kingdom : and there shall be famines and pestilences in divers places * * * . Ye shall see the abomination of desolation spoken of by Daniel the prophet * * * there shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be. And except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved." Christ made it perfectly clear and used great plainness of speech for he said: "When ye see nation rising against nation and kingdom against kingdom and famines and pestilences, these are just the beginning of sor- rows (Matt. 2Jt: 8). Some of our papers would seem to imply that this world war is at its height, nearly over and not to last much longer. Says the Safeguard and Armory of October, 1915, page 12: "Nothing in all history of Oriental civilization can compare with the enormity of this holocaust of blood in Europe. The story of it is one for which the white race must blush with ignominy and shame forever. For destruction of invaluable and irreparable treasure, for the waste of vast sums gathered from the requited toil of millions; for the unlosing of the fiercest pas- sions and the gratification of greed and lust; for the sowing of inhuman enmities never to be forgotten — this European Horror has no precedent in all the savagery of the past.".^ ,. Said President Emeritus Charles W. Eliot of Harvard College, Feb. 7, 1915 : "More than 300,000,000 of peo- ple are involved in the most cruel and savage war that has ever been waged — a war in which the recently won powers of man over nature are all turned with an administrative effi- ciency greater than the world ha^ ever before seen to the most active and persistent destruction of life and property, and now, within the last five months, the worst, because of its wide extent, the fury with which it is prosecuted and the destructive power of its new implements — brings un- heard-of-misery upon the human race; and the Christian churches are helpless to prevent it." Said the Boston Herald of Jan. 3, 1915: "The world war — there has never been a war like it. It is the greatest war in all history. Never since war began has such a gigantic combat been known. After five months of it we may confidently say that it is not only the most fiercely contested but the most deadly of any war in memory." Says the Boston American, Nov. 19, 1915: "The human mind never before conceived such a horror as this war has become. It surpasses the insane imagination of the bitter soul of Swift, the frightful visions BEGINNING OF SORROW. that haunted the gloomy soul of Dante." The World's Crisis, Nov. 3, 1915, has truly said: "We may conclude that we are now in the time of trouble here foretold {Dan. 12: 1 and Matt. 2h: 21.) In momentum and sweep the present European war is without a parallel. It is easily the most gigantic of wars. It may be re- garded as the worst and last v/ar of the nations." "Any war is horrible. This war is the most horrible of all wars in its extent and in the severe and wide- spread suffering it has caused." — New York Wccklij Witriess, July 11, 1017. It is perfectly clear that we are only at the beginning of this great world war. The Bible prophecy makes it known to us that this conflict will bring the time of the greatest abomi- nation of desolation and tribulation and death since the beginning of the world, the disaster and loss of life being even greater than at the time of Noah and the Flood. It is true that the war has de- stroyed several millions of people but when you compare this loss wiih the population of the earth which may be estimated as one billion two hundred million and when you remember that as many have been born as have fallen in battle, you cannot fail to see the fulfillment of prophecy is as yet but a drop in the bucket of what is to come. It is true also that France and Belgium have seen a few hundred miles of their possessions laid waste but compare this with the desolation prophesied by the Bible and we see how much is yet to come before all is fulfilled. If you compare this war so far with what Isaiah foretold and Christ declared you will see at a glance that we are now only at the beginning of sorrow, tribulation and desolation that will shortly come to pa.— "After this I beheld, and lo another, like a leopard which had upon the back of it four wings of a fowl; the beast had also four heads ; and dominion was given it." This prophetic warning can mean nothing else than that we be on our guard against the German beast 12 BIBLE PROPHECIES. whose dominion threatens the earth. There cannot be the slightest doubt as to the prophetic reference. In President Wilson's book entitled The State, page 252, he says: "Ger many is a federal state composed of four kingdoms, Prussia, Bavaria, Wurttemburg and Saxony." This shows conclusively that Germany is referred to by the prophet for no other nation has ever had four king- dom heads. In Germany the political parties have always been called political wings and she is the only empire which has ever been composed of four wings called "The Nobility, the Clergy, the Burghers and the Peas- antry." To quote the Students' Cylo- pedia, page 445: "The Freisinnige are the imperial wing and the im- perial wing more advanced." Fur- thermore Germany, as an Empire, calls herself the Leopard Beast and such reliable publications as the Kladderdeutsch of Berlin has been picturing the German Empire as a leopard beast. Such publications as the Literary Digest give currency to the pictorial representation of Germany as the leopard. Indeed the word leopard is German for it comes from the Saxon dialect of that Nation. In fact just as the leopard is the hybrid of the lion in Zoography so is the Kaiser the hybrid of the British Lion for the Emperor's mother was the Princess Royal, Victoria of Eng- land. Look well oh Kings and Queens of American life at what the prophet says of Germany, this leopard beast with hybrid Emperor. Daniel 7: 6. — "And dominion was given it." John 16: 12. — "I have many things to say unto you, but ye cannot bear them now." We of the United States are so wedded to our religious beliefs and our political ideas (as we call them) and to our love of country that I have not the courage to unfold the full interpretation of the prophecy, for there are times when discretion is the better part of valor. The interpretation : Turning now to that other great prophet, John the Divine, let us see what he has to say about this Leopard beast. Rev. 13: 1. — "And I stood upon the sand of the sea and saw a beast rise up out of the sea, having seven heads and ten horns and upon his horns ten crowns, and upon his heads the names of blasphemy and the beast which I saw was like unto a leopard." The interpretation: "Sand" in prophecy signifies peo- ple, {Rev. 20: 8) and the sea signifies, nation and tongues (Rev. 17: 15). When Daniel spoke of this leopard he thought of the original Empire of Germany, made up of four kingdom heads. But John saw it as a beast of prey in the midst of this great world war and increased to seven heads and ten crowns. Count up the kingdoms and crowns of Germ.any and her allies, the dominions over which the Kaiser now governs or rules and you will find that there are just seven kingdom heads and ten crown heads over whom with cunning subtlety he has spread his net. The end indeed is not yet for the prophecy reads. Rev. 13: 7, 8. — "And it was given to him to make war with the saints ; and to overcome them: and power was given him over all kindreds, and THIRD BEAST. 13 tongues, and nations, and all that dwell upon earth shall worship him whose names are not written in the book of life." The interpretation: The earth is the old earth, what we, of the United States, call the old coun- try—Europe, Asia and Africa. The new earth of North and South Am erica was not discovered at that time but John the Divine foresaw this new earth and pointed it out in his pro- phecies. Rec. 21: 1. — "And I saw a new earth." This prophecy shows that this Kai- ser is going to make war with the saints. I mean to show the whole world who those saint are. One of the first commands which God him- self gave to the world was this. Genesis 1: 28. — "And God said sub- due the earth." Is not that the present work of our best and bravest boys and their angel Red Cross sisters as they struggle in the trenches of France? Have they not laid their beautiful and precious lives upon the altar of God's com- mand? John 15: 13. — "Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends." Let us return to the prophecy. Rev. 13: 7. — "And it was given him to make war with the Saints and to overcome them." Here is another saying which I shall not interpret. 1 fear vay readers are not able to bear it now. Rev. 13: 7. — "And power was given him over all kindreds, tongues, anc nations and all that dwell upon the earth shall worship him, whose names are not written in the book of life." The interpretation: My readers can interpret the first part of this prophecy themselves for it is entirely plain and simple and unmistakable but the Bible is the book of life and it shows that God has selected the United States to escape the second and third woe of the great world war as he chose Noah at the time of the flood. The Divine purpose is manifestly to preserve the United States as a model or pattern nation to be the guide in the coming world Democracy. The calamities described are therefore to be confined to the old world and will not come to our country. Soon following our war with Ger- many, the American boys and their Red Cross sisters will come home. As you think of them and read the words of Mattheiv 20: 28. — "And to give his life a ransom for many." Do not be alarmed. If the Kaiser holds them for ransom, do not hesi- tate a moment at the proposition for he does not know that the ransom has been paid. In point of fact before this war comes to its close there will be no Kaiser and no German nation to receive ransom at all. A more terrible conflict is to follow hard on this between Japan and Germany and after that a fearful pestilence and famine will nearly empty the old world of its inhabitants but the United States will escape. Rev. 13: 2. — "And the beast which I saw was like unto a leopard, and his feet were as the feet of a bear, and his mouth as the mouth of a lion." The German Leopard, Russian Bear and the British Lion are all members of one family. The kings of England, Russia and Germany are own cousins and you have often heard the remark that this war is 14 BIBLE PROPHECIES. the offspring of a family row in the Royal Household. Rev. 13: 6. — "And he opened his mouth in blasphemy against God, to blaspheme his name, and his taber- nacle, and them that dwell in Hea- ven." As I have already shown, no- where in all history can you find so beastly a degenerate from the depths of Hell as this German Kaiser has turned out to be. No one else has ever opened mouth in such a blasphemous way against God as he has done, claiming nothing less than an equal partnership with God. i Cor. H: 33, well declares that "God is not the author of confusion." Neither has any other ruler of all history blasphemed more wickedly the taber- nacles of God than has he, for one of his first orders to his generals was to destroy some of God's most beautiful churches and cathedrals of worship. The Cross and the Red Cross cer- tainly belong to those who dwell in heaven and it was not very long ago that this Fiend of a Kaiser ordered his generals to destroy these emblems whenever seen. I must now speak of the saddest and most disheartening portion of all this prophecy, for just as it was pro- phesied that one of the twelve Apostles should turn traitor to Jesus so it is here declared that one of the allied nations will be a Judas. No power on earth can prevent this be- trayal. Rev. 13: 11, 18. — "And I beheld an- other beast coming up out of the earth: and he had two horns like a lamb, and he spoke as a dragon * * * Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man, and the number is six hundred three score and six." I am not going to interpret this prophecy until the war with Germany is over and that for many reasons — first, because our government would not allow one of her Allies to be accused of betraying her to Germany. Such accusation would be, at best, now based on one man's judgment, belief or opinion, and that before the act really takes place. My second reason for declining to set forth my interpretation is because of the want of confidence, on the part of so many readers in the prophecies themselves and the manifest error in judgment, belief and opinion of nine hundred and ninety-nine out of every thousand who have in the past un- dertaken to be interpreters of pro- phecy. Certainly no one in personal life would be justified in accusing a dear friend of the purpose to do a terrible wrong when such a friend had al- ways shown himself a kind hearted Christian gentleman in all the rela- tions of life. And surely our nation is right in her refusal to allow anyone to impeach beforehand the honor of any one of her Allies. But just as Judas disclosed and de- stroyed himself so will this betraying nation commit self-destruction in the second act or woe of this great and terrible world war. For as I have so often reminded you, we are only in the first act or woe of this gigantic world struggle. Rev. 9: 12. — "One woe is past; and, behold there come two woes more hereafter." To prove my identification of this Judas-like nation and mysterious man THE FOURTH BEAST. 15 will be easy for the key to the text is found (not in English words but in Roman numerals.) For example X stands for 10, V for 5, I for 1, L for 50, etc. They just figure up 666, which is the number of this mysterious man, and the 666 is in Roman Numerals letters in the name he wears in his crown. THE FOURTH BEAST. CHAPTER VII. At mention of the fourth beast every man, woman and child in this country will do well to sit up and take notice for this beast is none other than the United States. Daniel 7: 7, ii.— "And, behold, a fourth beast, dreadful and terrible, and strong exceedingly; and it was diverse from all the beasts that were before * * * . l beheld even till the beast was slain, and his body de- stroyed, and given to the burning flames." THE KEY. Rev. U: 7. — "And the fourth beast was like a flying eagle." The view that the flying eagle rep- resents our country is confirmed by common consent. It is carried out by all the symbolism of our people. Note the frontispiece of the World's Work, the Review of Reviews and numberless other publications. The very gold and silver you use and the current phraseology of all our liter- ature confirm the usage of the eagle as our national emblem. National flag, ensign and seal all testify that the national instinct confesses that the prophet is right in his designation of our nation. Said the Boston Sunday Advertiser, June 16, 1918.— "Of all creatures that live on earth, the right one was se- lected when the eagle was chosen to represent this country and its power. The great bird is flying high and far in these days, carrying his power and his men across the Atlantic Ocean to fight the eagles of Austria and Prus- sia. * * We chose the right bird to represent the nation. This winged fighter flies at the head of every Am- erican regiment and in the heart of every American Soldier." It is a matter of history that other great nations have used the eagle as a part of their devices in flags and seals and emblems; but the United States is the only nation of all his- tory to adopt the flying eagle as the symbol of her vast government. The great Prophet, Daniel, strengthens his identification of our country, when he declares that the fourth beast is different from the other three he names {Dan. 7:7) for, as you well know, the British Lion, the Russian Bear and the German Leopard stand for Monarchies while the Land of the Flying Eagle is a Republic. And the prophecy also reads that the fourth beast was exceeding strong. Here too the United States is plainly meant for as the eminent author, L. A. Synith, has so clearly shown in his new book, The United States in Pro- phecy, page 19: "The United States is the strongest national combination of mankind." But we cannot stop here with the prophetic characterization of our country. "Behold," cries the ancient seer, "the fourth beast, dreadful and terrible." Mild indeed seems the 16 BIBLE PROPHECIES. prophet's description of lion, bear and leopard compared with his words about the fourth beast. "Dreadful and terrible" are the adjectives used about the eagle. The synonyms given in our diction- ary for the word ''dreadful" bring out its terrific significance. They picture transgressions which are frightful and horrible while the word "terrible" in the text means a condi- tion of sin and wickedness even more awful than the first term used. We, as Americans and human be- ings, are wont to hold up our hands in holy horror when this inhuman and beastly Kaiser with diabolical in- humanity throws the bodies of our brave and good into the boiling kettles to get the fats he needs to make his gunpowder. And we are still more horrified when we read in the daily papers how he uses the very flesh of our beloved dead as dung for German gardens and grinds their bones to make meal for the hogs. Our indignation boils when the tidings come that British war prisoners are left by the inhuman German wretches to die in their agony from eating the bread fed to them which is made from ground straw. Jer. 9: 22. — "Thus saith the Lord, even the car- casses of men shall fall as dung upon the open field, as the handful after the harvest man." Isaiah 5S: ii.— "And the Lord shall make fat thy bones." Exodus 15: 5.— "The Lord is a man of war." Isaiah 11: 7. — "And the lion shall eat straw like the ox." Now I do not for a moment lessen the weight of these revolting bar- barities which wound so deeply our sensibilities ; but I am going to prove beyond all question of doubt that we have in our own United States wrongs and wrongdoers needing greater re- buke. Take the dastardly evil of Profit- eering. The Literary Digest of May 31, 1918, quotes U. S. Senator of Idaho as saying before the Senate : "The Profiteer is the man who takes advantage of his country's condition, of its perilous situation to gather ex- traordinary profits, and to increase enormously and unjustly and unfairly his individual and private gain." And Borah declared that Congress should see that the money collected from the people does not go to such a scavenger of civilization as the Pro- fiteer is proved to be. I will leave it to your own good iudgment whether the Capitalists, men and women of such vast wealth that they can never count and will never use it, but who are wilfully prolonging this terrible war just to see how much money they can make out of it, do not deserve a hotter place in Hell than does even the Kaiser. Isaiah 58: 1. — "Cry aloud, spare not; lift up thy voice like a trumpet, and shew my people their transgres- sion." Ask the widowed mother who is praying tonight for the safe return of her dear boy from the horrible trenches of France, what she thinks about it. Ask the multitudes of chil- dren, who read that they are made orphans, what this profiteering which digs new trenches and extends new lines of battle where their fathers are to die will mean so long as this dread- ful and terrible conspiracy of the pro- fiteers is tolerated by the American people. THE FOURTH BEAST. 17 Put upon the witness stand our great and beloved President, who dared to face these poisonous grafters and vipers of our nation and tell them in plain English who and what they are. In his address to Congress, May 27, 1918, Mr. Wilson said: "The pro- fiteering that cannot be got at by the restraints of conscience and love of country can be got at by taxation. There is such profiteering now and the information with regard to it is available and indisputable." Said the Vice-President of the United States, Mr. Marshall, in his Jefferson Day address: "The belief that there is an unequal distribution of wealth in this country has been supplemented by the belief that much of it has been obtained through spec- ial privilege, that it did not come by labor, skill, industry, barter or trade, but through watered stocks and bonds, through corners on commod- ities, through corruption of legisla- tures, through the sale of impure food stuffs, through wrecking railroads, through all the devices known to man whereby the law is not abrogated but chloroformed." Mr. Marshall protested that he had said nothing new, or revolutionary; that men like E. H. Gary and Wayne MacVeagh have said the same things in stronger language- Prov. 28: 22. — "He that hasteth to be rich hath an evil eye, and consider- eth not that poverty shall come upon him." This condition is the something "dreadful and terrible" which ought to make us tremble with apprehen- sion. When the United States Govern- ment told United States District At- torney George W. Anderson of Bos- ton to investigate the soaring prices of commodities, after a conference with Attorney-General Gregory he gave out this report: "Washington, D. C., Jan. 23, 1917. Price increases, resulting from artificial and illegal combinations have been checked as a result of the Government's investiga- tion of soaring prices for commodi- ties." Prov. 22: 22.— "Roh not the poor, because he is poor: neither oppress the afflicted." The eminent author, Asa Oscar Tait, in his world renowned book, Heralds of the Morning, says: "All are familiar with the fact that these large aggregations of capital crush out the small independent dealers, and hold the prices of commodities and the general interests of business within their iron grasp. It would be a wearisome as well as useless task to try to present anything like a tithe of the great mass of evidence that might be given in regard to the 'heaping' together of treasure. Every one knows that the combines of wealth meet us at the very threshold of life, and follow us the journey through, ask a tribute at every step on the various necessary things of daily use, until finally the portals of the tomb are reached, and even then are we met by the agent of the under- takers' association, who collects his fee before our mortal remains are allowed to be laid at rest. Meet men everywhere, and their theme is 'mak- ing money!' Money must be had at all hazard. If it cannot be obtained honestly, it must be gained in some other way." You who read the Sunday papers 18 BIBLE PROPHECIES. June 30, 1918, saw in big headlines these words : "WAR FRAUDS ARE EXPOSED; PROFITS OF 200 AND 400 PER CENT." "Washington, June 29.— The Fed- eral Trade Commission laid wide open before the United States Senate this afternoon complete and startling ex- posure of what it termed flagrant profiteering carried on by the huge manufacturing and distributing con- cerns and monopolies. The Commis- sion directly charged many of them with inordinate greed and bare-faced fraud." "One company raised its $20,000,- 000 capital stock in 1916 to $100,000,- 000 without receiving a dollar more in cash. This prevented them, the re- port says, from showing enormous rates of profit on their original cap- ital." Says The Boston Sunday Herald, June 20, 1918 : "Washington, June 29. Profiteering on a tremendous scale in practically all the basic commodities of life was reported to the Senate to- day by the Federal Trade Commis- sion, as the result of an exhaustive in- vestigation. The committee reported 'Inordinate greed and bare-faced fraud' as well as pressure for heavy product." "The report says that five business houses made a profit of $140,000,000 during the three years 1915-16-17 as against $19,000,000 during the three years before the war." To my mind, the words of the pro- phecy, "dreadful and terrible," are not half fierce and gigantic enough to fit the appalling condition of our United States. DREADFUL AND TERRIBLE. CHAPTER VIII. It is manifestly impossible in a small volume like this to do justice to the multitude of prophecies touch- ing this war but a passing glance at the most striking of them is in order. When the cry went forth that President Wilson had kept the Un- ited States out of war, Rev. George Shorey, who is one of the beacon lights of prophecy, said to his little flock in Berwick, Maine: "You are now hearing it said that President Wilson is keeping us out of war. Don't you believe it, for God has spoken it that we shall drink of its bitter cup." Jer. J^9: i^.— "Thus saith the Lord, Behold, they whose judg- ment was not to drink of the cup have assuredly drunken ; and art thou he that shall altogether go unpun- ished, but thou shalt surely drink of it." God is telling us that the cup is none other than a terrible war. J €7% Jf9: llf. — "Gather ye together, and come against her, and rise up to the battle." Who can doubt that our nation is meant by these prophecies. War has been indeed foreign to our thought as a nation; but our injustice and wrong-doing has not gone unpunished. We have allowed the pirate profiteer to steal the bread from the poor man's table and the very clothes from his child's back. This is our transgres- sion and we cannot go unpunished. But how, you ask, can such an accusation be proven. Take as a practical instance the clothing of the poor man's family. It is made for the most part of cotton. This staple DREADFUL AND TERRIBLE. 19 of life has risen from six to thirty-six cents a pound. Millions of bales of cotton are required by the govern- ment to make explosives, tents, uni- forms, surgical dressings and for other war purposes. While the poor man is struggling to clothe his fam- ily and to meet his contribution to Liberty Loans and all the exactions of war time, the profiteering thieves to whom President Wilson as quoted in the last chapter has spoken so fearlessly, have been pocketing their 400 per cent, of ungodly gain from the necessities of life. Who can es- timate the price in flesh and blood of such iniquity. We may forget the transgression as we watch the proud eagle's flight. Jcr. h9: L';?.— "Behold, he shall come up and fly as the eagle, and spread his wings over Bozrah." But suff"er for our sins, we must Bozrah, let us remember, is the region of the Dead Sea of Palestine where the Eagle of the United States has gone to drink of the bitterest cup of all tribulation in this fierce and gigantic war. But what punishment for our na- tional sins can be more dreadful and terrible than to see our best young men, the flower of our country, gone to the trenches of France and to know that Jcv. Ud: 26, is come to pass: "Therefore her young men shall fall in her streets." But without entering into all the details and shadings of meaning in this forty-ninth chapter of Jere- miah's prophecy, we cannot help ask- ing in the light of it, where shall we place the responsibility for America's entrance into this world conflict? And according to this chapter we can only blame ourselves for our part therein. And in the last analysis, we must confess that our wickedness has really driven us into this war. We, as a nation, have been most devoted worshippers of Mammon, the false god of gold and silver. In the United States, the land of free schools, free churches, free parks, free museums, free hospitals and where even the poor man's home has more comforts and luxuries than a King's palace used to have not so many years ago — even in this land of boasted freedom, money-mad and money-crazy are the task masters and the slave owners that have put us into the war. / Ti7n. 6: 10.— "For the love of money is the root of all evil which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith and pierced themselves through with many sor- rows." And this love of money is very subtle and very crafty. When Congressmen Gardiner and Hobson and other foresighted legis- lators saw what the Kaiser meant to do, they made a desperate appeal to the nation for an adequate policy of self-defence. These patriots were defeated by the worshippers of Mam- mon who sent their lobbyists to Washington to say to Representative and Senator: "We do not deem it necessary that the United States pre- pare for self-defence." It was the love of money and not the hatred of war that spoke. And it was the fear of Mammon which bade the author- ities at Washington reply: "Very well, you are the boss and we must do as you say." It is this same money-mad people which gives us that terrible modern 20 BIBLE PROPHECIES. word graft which we recognize in every household and on every street corner as a national transgression by which certain pork barrel politicians and their friends are given free access to our country's treasury and are bidden to help themselves. And the people, business men and newspaper editors, clergy and all give their ap- proval by their silence, money crazy being the muffler. Had we been prepared for a strong defence as God warned us to prepare (Joel 3: 9, 10) we could have said to Germany: "Stop right where you are, Old Leopard, or we will join the Allies and crush you into the dust." We could have halted Germany be- fore the door of little Belgium and have smothered the war at the very beginning. But when the United States saw that gigantic beast named Germany ready to devour innocent little Bel- gium, did our nation cry out as a mother would have done for a child in the jaws of some big savage beast? Alas, No! Our love of money, our greed for foreign gold saw a rare op- portunity to make immense profits from the warring nations while our- selves neutral. Senators and Con- gressmen gave their approval by silence and their constituents at home were silent also. In 1916 at Cleveland and Pittsburg our God-given and faithful President gave the alarm, crying: "The world is on fire. The country must prepare itself, not for war, not for aggression, but for self-defence." Luke 17: 26. — "As it was in the days of Noe." President Wilson warned the Un- ited States but we could not heed the warning. Money was our only God. Fortunes grew with lightning speed. Hotter waxed the flames of war until the sparks were swept by the east wind far out onto the great Atlantic and the Lusitania caught fire and went down. But still the people and their legislators were silent while profits grew apace. And now we are paying the price of our avarice and Mammon worship with the life of our most precious youth in the trenches of France- Matt. 26: 52.— "Then said Jesus, they that take the sword shall perish with the sword." Wilson gave the true interpretation of this passage when he said : "We must prepare this country, not for war but for self-defence." To say nothing of the sorrow, pain and waste of life, it is costing billions for war where it would have cost only millions for self-defence. Who is to blame? Verily we are all guilty and we are all being pun- ished — some in pain, some in fear, others with a guilty conscience. And in many cases those who have died on the battlefield have suffered far less than have the members of the family circle at home. But, as it was in the Garden of Eden, each is wont to lay the blame on the other. God however is no re- specter of persons and He finds us all guilty and we all are receiving our allotment of suffering. In the matter of public responsibil- ity, we do well to use the key Presi- dent Wilson gave us in his address to Congress when he said : "If the lobby- ists hurry to Washington to attempt to turn what you do in the matter of taxation to their protection or advan- DREADFUL AND TERRIBLE. 21 tage, the light will beat also upon them. There is abundant fuel for the light in the records of the treas- ury with regard to profits of every sort. The profiteering that cannot be got at by the restraints of con- science and love of country can be got at by taxation." If you read between the lines of the President's address, you will find written something like this: "You Congressmen have been potter's clay in the hands of these rich men who have neither conscience or love of country. This has gone on long enough. I am the pilot of this Ship of State and from now on, if you do not behave yourselves, I will expose you as faithless servants of the peo- ple who sent you to Washington." Now this very matter of represen- tation raises a new and vital question of responsibility. Here in New Hamp- shire, for example, since prohibition has come into effect, Manchester which used to send 750 to jail, now sends about 50. How many of our voters have exercised their kingly right to direct representation in Washington? How many men have written our Congressmen there to vote the Nation dry once and for all. Let our Congressmen find that the people at home are watching them and the lobbyist, the grafters, the minions of rum barrels and pork bar- rels will soon disappear. Oh that the American people might run this idea of authority and respon- sibility back to its fountain head. The Kaiser is not so much to blame for our entrance into this struggle as are the rich capitalists whose greed for gold played such a part in its coming our way- Our legislators were recreant to their trust when they failed to give our country an honest policy of self-defence at the most critical stage of the nation's de- cision. And the Congressmen and Senators do not deserve so severe a censure as do their constituents at home who were silent when protest and instruction was a sacred duty. God's law and man's law both decree that the master is more responsible than his servant for the breaking of a commandment such as God has given to our nation. In more than a thousand ways has the Almighty flagged the crossing for us, tolling us to stop our mad chase after gold till this war train should pass. Billions of money and millions of graves where our choicest boys and their Red Cross sisters lie dead is what we have to show for our fatal disregard of God's commandments. John H: 15. — "If ye love me, keep my commandments." John 15: 10. — "If ye keep my com- mandments, ye shall abide in my love." PEACE CONFERENCE. CHAPTER IX. You remember how King Saul in an hour of dire distress went to con- sult the Witch of Endor (/ Sam. !S: 7.) His desire was to learn what the morrow had for him and how his ccrcat battle with the Philistines was to turn. Not unlike the ancient King's ques- tion is the well nigh universal longing of today for someone to tell us how and when this calamitous war is to end. And God seems to meet by his 22 BIBLE PROPHECIES. own word this instinctive need. The world has been filled from the be- ginning with sorrow, pain and de- struction from the failure of man's judgments and counsels but I have yet to find a single instance in all his- tory where God's word has fallen short of fulfillment- How easy it is to find among our neighbors and friends those who say that they have lost their faith in pro- phecy because so many have been mistaken about the time for the Com- ing of the Lord. It is as if these people should throw away all their arithmetic because of some child's mistake in figuring some problem in numbers. It makes not a whit's difference what Mr. Brown or Mrs. Jones may think or tell you, the Word of God tells you {Rev. 9: 12) that we are near the end of the first act of a vast threefold war drama or tragedy of humanity. You can see for your- self the program, most of it at least, for this first act. And while I do not believe that the government or the people would stand for my reading of the plain and unmistakable words of Scripture I must declare the first woe will end in a manner exceedingly fav- orable to the United States. And our Nation, let me say also, is going to have a splendid opportunity to es- cape the awful and calamitous issue of the second act or woe in the world history. But at this point, I want to directly consider with you what God has foretold is to take place dur- ing the lull which is about to arrive in this terrible world storm. Just as there is always a short wait of a few moments between the first and second acts of any drama, so at present Germany and her Allies as well as England and her Allies are beginning to talk peace terms. And it is said on both sides that the war cannot be won by force of arms alone. With the exception of France, the nations abroad that have issues at stake are monarchies. The royal families must justify themselves and their action before their people or there will be trouble; and so to save their jobs as royal monarchs, these potentates are going to deal with Russia as a fat prize. And they will say to their subjects : "See what God has given you for being loyal to us and to the throne and flag of your country. Germany, according to the pro- phecies is going to get the Pope of Rome to intercede and to employ Japan to make overtures for a Peace Conference between the powers at war. Rev. 20: 2, 4. — "And I saw an angel come down from heaven having the key* * * and he laid hold on the dragon, that old serpent * * and I saw thrones, and they sat upon them and judgment was given unto them." It is perfectly clear that the two old Empires which still retain their thrones, are China, the dragon na- tion, and Japan, the serpent nation, which bows in reverence to the ser- pent. These monarchial rulers will nat- urally appeal to the Pope because he loves so greatly the people and they in turn love him. Japan will be the nation employed as intermediary be- cause the United States stands in the way and must be delicately handled; and Japan is above all the nation that has the cinch upon our country. No other people can so safely say to us PEACE CONFERENCE. 23 as may Japan: "Come now Sammy, be good and take some of your own medicine which you gave to us when we had our Russian trouble. The cup was a very bitter one for us to take but we followed your advice. Now the tables are turned and we ask you to yield and take the cup of peace however bitter the terms may seem to you." P^or America the ancient prophetic wisdom holds true: Eccl. 11: 1. — "Cast thy bread upon the waters : for thou shalt find it after many days." Gal. 6: 7. — "Be not deceived; God is not mocked : for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap." When it comes to the terms of peace, the United States will say : "We did not enter this war to gain either indemnity or new territory; we had and have no other object in view except to make the world safe for Demcracy." Then England and her allies will assure the United States to that effect. There will re- main to our brave boys and their Red Cross sisters the privilege of folding their tents and packing their knapsacks and soon they will be homeward bound. How many mil- lions of happy hearts will welcome them. And the happy nation will once more clasp them to her breast. Rev. U: 1. — "And behold a door was opened in heaven." Deliverance from this war and the coming back to us of our young people from the trenches of France will be indeed taste enough of heaven. To see the Pope, the angel of God's mercy, as he pleads with the world to put an end to the ruin and murder now going on will surely pass for the opening of a door jn heaven. For if you do not call this war hell on earth where wiW you look for a picture thereof. The moment England and her allies give assurance to the United States that our Democracy will be provided for in this coming Peace Conference, there will be a golden opportunity for our country to make for the haven of rest and the harbor of peace. And there we may hope to stay with patience until the second woo of the world conflict has passed. The channel to this port of safety will prove to be narrow and difticult. Many will be the turnings and shoals of human experience which must be met- Many will be the reefs of criticism, the jutting rocks of scorn and even the headlands of violence which must bo passed before our ship of state shall find safe anchorage. But just as moorings are found there will hurst upon the world the wild fury of the second storm of woe. How clearly did God foretell and fore- warn as to the nation's course to be followed into this diflficult anchorage. / Peter 3: 11. — "Seek peace and pursue it." Romans lU: 10. — "Let us there- fore follow after the things which make for peace." Uikc 13: 23, 2U. — "Are there few that be saved! And he said unto them, strive to enter in at the strait gate." Matt. 7: 13, i.^.— "Enter ye in at the strait gate; for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat. Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life and few there be that find it." 24 BIBLE PROPHECIES. Let it not be thought for a moment that God limited his warning to our native land. Christ said to all the world : "This is the harbor ; it is diffi- cult but strive to enter there." Matt. 7: 12, i 5.— "Therefore all things whatsoever ye would that men should do to you, do even so to them and enter ye in at the strait gate." Nor is the Scripture silent as to the broad way of destruction that looms before the United States of America. / Tim. 6: 10.— "For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith and pierced them- selves through with many sorrows." In going after war-profits when she should have sought self-defence and followed the maxim. Safety First, our country has already received her bitter lesson. In this peace conference to be held with Germany, the European Mon- archs will cut Russia in pieces as a bird is carved at dinner. Her vast wheat fields will be the serving. Ger- many and her allies on the one hand, England and her allies on the other, will receive rich portions of Russia's domain. But China and Japan will only receive the meanest and most meager share of the spoils of war. Then these two nations will come to see that they have been hoodwinked and cheated by the so-called Christian powers. They will understand that the reigning monarchs of Europe have used them as a catspaw to se- cure peace and stop the war. Bit- terly will they also come to realize that the real motive in the division of Russia is to preserve monarchial gov- ernments in the old world, and to head off and prevent the republican form which is government of the people and for the people and by the people from taking its supreme place in all the nations of the earth. Then will God lift the curtain on the second act of the world tragedy and compared with this new world woe all that has come before will seem like child's play. In this strug- gle Japan and China in alliance will win the victory. Japan, it must be confessed, has been compelled to distrust the nations that pretend to be Christian and Japan and China stand today in marked contrast over against the so- called Christian nations, which have behaved in such unchristian fashion. Japan has not bowed down before our god of gold and silver but has kept out of this war as far as possible and has gone irresistably forward in preparing for a tremendous and colossal self-defence. Leaving China out of the question Japan has today 13,000,000 eager, hardy soldiers, all drilled, equipped and ready for swift warfare. In Japan food in dry and condensed form, sufficient for six solid years, has been laid by both for army and populace. With her house of war built on the solid rock Japan, when the time comes, is going to sweep out over Europe, Asia and Africa. Luke 6: .'+8. — "He (The Japanese) is like a man which built an house, and digged deep, and laid the founda- tion on a rock: and when the flood arose, the stream beat vehemently upon his house, and could not shake it: for it was founded upon a rock." In the second woe that is to come Japan with the help of China will win SECOND ACT. 25 against the so-called Christian na- tions of Europe. Rev. 20: f.4._"The dragon, that old serpent must be loosed a little season * * * And I saw thrones and they set upon them, and judg- ment was given unto them." SECOND ACT. CHAPTER X. As we have already shown, Japan and China will utterly resent and re- pudiate their treatment by the so- called Christian nations. They will reason that just as Russia has been caught in a trap and eaten up so they in turn may be beguiled and then de- voured by the European powers. By this time Japan will be ready to say: "What better hour will ever come than just now to establish safe and just rights for my people" And the world will speedily see the Ser- pent and the Dragon warriors let loose for a little season of seven years Rev. 20: 3-.^. — "And after that, he (the dragon) must be loosed a little season * * * And I saw thrones, and they sat upon them, and judg- ment was given unto them." Rev. 13: h' — "And they worshipped the dragon." God has said in this prophecy that the dragon and the serpent would b( linked as members of one family. Both are yellow races and not so long ago an alliance was completed be- tween them. To be sure in a sense they are different, for a dragon has wings and a serpent has none. China is known the world over a the dragon nation. The dragon is the accepted symbol of her vast em- pire. She hails it on her ensign and worships it as a part of her religion. Japan through her alliance with China is a part of course of the dra- gon empire. The real difference be- tween the two is however that China worships the serpent with wings while Japan reverences the serpent without wings. In the Kansas City Star a short time ago you could have read this same quotation that I clipped from The Boston Sunday Herald of Feb- 11, 1917, which says: "The year 1917, according to ancient Japanese tradi- tion, is known as the year of the ser- pent * * * Among the Japanese the serpent is always regarded as the em- blem of good fortune and on that ac- count is revered instead of being killed by the great masses of the peo- ple. The Japanese word, 'mi,' so popular in Japan, means serpent. The goddess Benton, one of the seven popular gods and goddesses of for- tune, is traditionally believed to be the patron of the serpent. At every shrine dedicated to the popular god- dess of fortune are kept a number of the reptiles sacred to the deity. They are treated with reverence." The great age of these thrones — dragon and serpent alike — is declared in the prophecy. Rev. 20: 2. — "The dragon, that old serpent." The fact is that the sovereign dynasty of Japan remains unbroken since 660 B. C. And the throne of China dates back to the reign of Yaou (2356 B. C.) The very etymology of the word dragon confirms the statement of Matt. 5: 18, as to the fulfillment of every jot and tittle of God's word- Dragon represents a creature, mon- strous, powerful and ferocious. The 26 BIBLE PROPHECIES. Japanese alliance creates an empire the most gigantic and powerful of. any in the world, and certainly Japan's war with Russia shows nothing short of ferocity. And if you call zoology to the aid of prophecy, you will dis- cover that the serpent big and feroc- ious can put to flight any leopard or lion of the jungle. Mark well that the prophecy asserts that to these old judgment thrones of dragon and serpent not only Germany but also England and her allies will be inevitably called. Should Japan term her treaty with England only a scrap of paper as Germany was treacherous enough to tio and what direful results might follow for Great Britain. Let Japan once give her power into the hands of Germany, England could never in the world end this Avar. It is plain enough to see that Brit- ain and her allies stand today before the judgment seat of Japan and can be made to eat the very dust if the dragon and serpent empires so de- cree. But such a verdict would be en- tirely foreign to the spirit and policy of Japan. She has proved herself the possessor of too much stability and fidelity for any such treachery as that. But at the same time, the hypocrisy and injustice in the spoil- ing and division of Russia by the Christian nations (so-called at least) of Europe must as we have shown, inevitably bring vast destruction and desolation upon the old world. To realize this you have only to read again prophetic sentences like the following : Isaiah 21^: i-^.— "Behold, the Lord maketh the earth empty, and maketh it waste, and turneth it upside down, and scattereth abroad the inhabitants thereof * * * The land shall be utterly emptied * * * : therefore the inhabitants of the earth are burned, and fevv men left." Exodus 15: 3. — "The Lord is a man of war, the Lord is his name." Jer- 21: lU. — "But I will punish you according to the fruit of your do- ings." Jer. 2U: iO.— "And I will send the sword, the famine, and the pestilence, among them, till they be consumed from off the land that I gave unto them and to their fathers." Jer. 25: 32, 55.— "Thus saith the Lord, behold, evil shall go forth from nation to nation and the slain of the Lord shall be in that day from one end of the earth even unto the other end of the earth : they shall not be lamented, neither gathered, nor buried; they shall be dung upon the ground." Jer. 46: 28.— '! will make a full end of all nations." Amos 5: 19, 20. — "As if a man did flee from a lion, and a bear met him ; or went into the house, and leaned his hand on the wall, and a serpent bit him. Shall not the day of the Lord be darkness, and not light? even very dark, and no brightness in it." Here in this prophecy of Amos is a picture of the course which the Kai- ser will pursue, he will flee from the British Lion and Britain's allies and he will try to save the German Leo- pard by asking the Pope to intercede for Germany through Japan. Peace by compromise is the aim, a generous slice of Russia being given, as I have said, to England and a good share of the stricken country of the Rus- SECOND ACT. 27 sian being kept for the German peo- ple. The Kaiser will lean upon the wall of the house where the peace conference is to be held and as he prays for a portion of Russia's wheat and ore lands the serpent nation of Japan will bite the pleading monarch- And all the monarchial powers of the old world will see their end and be ready for a world Democracy. If you would learn what Japan thinks about the devouring of Russia by the Hun read the Boston Herald and Journal of July 11, 1918: "Lon- don, July 10 — Dr. Sakue Takahashi. Professor of International Law at the Tokio University, arguing in ex- Premier Okuma's new magazine for Japanese intervention in Siberia, is quoted by the Times as saying: 'Japan's defeat of Russia exposed Rus- sia's weakness especially to theKaiser; hence Japan is probably responsible for Russia's collapse and it is Japan's duty to save her. I think President Wilson errs in placing Bolsheviki pro- fessions on a plane comparable with the democary of the United States.' "When we think of the danger to Siberia which threatens the future of Japan, a danger from a nation far more efficient and more to be dreaded than ever was Russia in the old regime, it becomes our right to in- tervene in Siberia." The Kaiser has to my mind trapped himself. He must get a slice of Rus- sia or the Germans will kick him from his throne. And Japan will punish him and his allies for his folly by a more cruel, deadly and ferocious war than this present conflict has ever dreamed of being. Rev. 20: 2, 3, 8. — "And the dragon that old serpent * * * must be loosed a little season * * * and the nations which are in the quarters of the earth, Gog and Magog to gather them to battle and the number of whom is as the sands of the sea." We are here shown the gigantic im- mensity of the conflict which is to take place between the hypocrite wor- shippers of the God of Mammon, call- ing themselves Christian nations and the genuine Christian Pagan worship- pers of the principles of fair play and "Love thy neighbor as thyself." The god of the Pagan worshippers will win, God has said it and his word cannot fail. Rev. 20: 2-4.— "The dragon that old serpent * * * must be loosed a little season * * * and judgment was given unto them." Do you ask the place where the Waterloo and Gettysburg battle of this new world conflict will be fought! The Divine answer is Rev. 16: lU, 16- — "Which go forth unto the kings of the earth and of the whole world, to gather them to the battle of that threat day of God Almighty. And he gathered them together unto a place called in the Hebrew tongue Arma- geddon." Armageddon isthe very ancient and most famous battlefield of history. It was the scene of Barak's victory over Canaan, and Gideon's over Milian, the place also of Saul's death and Israel's defeat before the Philistines and of Josiah's death when he was in battle against Pharoah Necho. This famous battlefield is on the plain of Esdraelon at the foot of Mount Gilboa ten miles southeast of Nazareth. Rev. 20: 8. — "The nations which are in the four quarters of the earth, Gog and Magog, to gather them 28 BIBLE PROPHECIES. to battle." But just here is where the value and use of prophecy comes into play. // Peter 1: 19.— ''We have a sure word of prophecy: whereunto ye do well that ye take heed, as unto a light that shineth in a dark place." God is telling the United States that they must take no part in this second act or second woe of the world war. We must re- tire our interests in the war from the old country at the earliest oppor- tunity, accept none of the spoils and loot which will be taken by the European Monarchs from Russia be- cause God is going to wipe out of existence these Monarchial forms of government. If I had in my possession an old fire trap of a tenement house, a hell hole of vice and crime, a nesting place of murder and a breeding stall for contagion and disease — if a fire had burnt a portion of it as the war with Germany has destroyed autocracy rule in Europe, I know what my bus- iness policy would be- In my desire to give my tenants an up-to-date, fire- proof and sanitary structure, I should first clean out and destroy the rem- nants of the old structure and start anew. This is just what God is going to do with these ancient monarchial governments or rotten relics of gov- ernment before taking steps to erect a world Democracy. Christ spoke the truth in this whole matter when he said: Matt. 9: 16. — "No man putteth a piece of new cloth into an old garment, for that which is put in to fill it up taketh from the garment, and the rent is made worse." Luke 5: 36-39. — "And he spake also a parable unto them; no man putteth a piece of a new garment upon an old; if otherwise, then both the new maketh a rent, and the piece that was taken out of the new agreeth not with the old. And no man putteth new wine into old bottles ; else the new wine will burst the bottles and be spilled, and the bottles shall perish, but new wine must be put into new bottles; and both are preserved. No man also having drunk old wine straightway desireth new: for he saith, The old is better." Rome tried to put the new wine of a democracy into her monarchial bottles of humanity and the result was a return to kingly form of ruling. God is going to give the Old World a new wine of democracy but not in the old bottles fashioned according to monarchial forms. These ancient relics of autocracy must be destroyed. The Sodom and Gomorrah day of ret- ribution will come as we have al- ready said to the monarchs and mon- archies of the old world and our na- tion is bidden by the Almighty to get away from European affairs as Lot was commanded to flee from Sodom. Our own dooryard is the safest place for American institutions and gov- ernment until the time comes for the setting up of the great world democ- racy for which we stand- A full outline of this great Japan war is plainly set forth in the 38th and 39th chapters of Ezekiel's pro- phecy. We are told {Ezek. 38: 2) that God's face will be against Eng- land and Germany. In the 9th verse of the same chapter, it is shown that the struggle will come like a terrible storm and continue (9th verse of 39th chapter) for seven years. The 12th verse of the last named chapter THIRD ACT. 29 declares that it will take seven months, after the last battle is fought, to bury the dead. The impli- cation in Ezek. 39: 18 plainly indi- cates that human flesh will be eaten at the table. The passages in the 38th chapter indicate that the whole old world will be involved "Sheba" (Africa) "De- dam" (Asia), "The merchants of Tarshish" (Europe), "and all the young lions" (islands;) and it will take place in the "latter days." This expression "latter days" means the closing end of the old monarchial forms of government. THIRD ACT. CHAPTER XL Rev. 11: Ik. — "The second woe is past : and behold the third woe Cometh quickly." The last act of this stupendous world tragedy will come quickly. We need look for no peace conference between the second and third acts of this drama, so speed- ily will the third woe follow upon the second that Japan will have no time even to change her war clothes. The battle scenes of war between Japan and the European nations will quickly shift to war between Japan and the United States. Isaiah 29: 9. — "They are drunken but not with wine : they stagger, but not with strong drink." ProV' 1: 32. — "The prosperity of fools shall destroy them." Prosperity and wine are alike in this that they bring about weakness of mind and errors in judgment. How many there are who can date the beginning of their adversity as the high tide of their prosperity turned into the low tide of misfortune. "Prosperity," says Wcbater, "doth bewitch men, seeming clear ; as seas do laugh, show white, when rocks are near." George Herbert once said : "Pros- perity lets go the bridle." Hare, the famous writer declares : "There is a glare about worldly suc- cess which is very apt to dazzle men's eyes." Japan's victory over all the na- tions of Europe, Asia and Africa will indeed dazzle her eyes. This success in war will be God's instrument to bring about her downfall and this trustworthy and valuable people will receive in place of an outgrown and discarded monarchial government, one truly republican in its character. Cicero, that great orator and statesman of antiquity plainly saw that the human mind is a mental weather-vane. He says: "Great events cast their shadow before." John Henry Newman realizing the same truth puts it into verse : "When Heaven sends sorrow, Warnings go first, Lest it should burst On souls too bright To fear the morrow." But Jesus, that master mind of all history, in that parable which is more than a parable declares : "When it is evening, ye say it will be fair weather for the sky is red. And in the morning, It will be foul weather today: for the sky is red and lower- ing. O ye hypocrites ye can discern the face of the sky; but can ye not discern the signs of the times?" Matt. 13: 5^.— "All these things spake Jesus in parables : and without a parable spake he not unto them" 30 BIBLE PROPHECIES. Christ tried to show the world that the mind is a weather vane of coming human events in the same way that the sky indicates the coming weather. King George of England, for in- stance, was forging chains of injus- tice and heavy taxation for the young American colonies. And they in turn were beginning to have mental vis- ions of freedom and liberty even up to the eventful day when Patrick Henry voiced in unmistakable tones the presence of bad weather for Great Britain's rule. "Give me liberty or give me death," was the cry in which the storm broke. The weather vane of our nation's mental sky began long before the Civil war broke out to portend what was going to happen. For up to the commencement of that war, the sev- eral states were sovereign and had at will, the constitutional right to leave the Union. You only need to read the Lincoln- Douglas debates to read in the mind- sky of the times what was on the way — "A government of the people, for the people and by the people" — E pluribus unum." The mental sky of humanity is now portending a greater war than the struggle with Germany can ever prove to be. And the coming world democracy can never be set up until this later and larger conflict has been accomplished. The World's Crisis, Jan. 23, 1918, says: "While the present war seems well nigh large enough to fill the mould of a Bible Armageddon, it is a fact that some statesmen are already predicting the possibility of a worse conflict." And the Literary Digest declares: "We find the editors of 'The Navy' looking for a world wide convulsion that may set race against race and continent against continent. Instead of this being the last great war, he believes, it is much more probably but the first of a series of tremendous world wide conflicts that will be fought by the inhabitants of the earth for national supremacy." Said the New York Weekly Wit- ness, April 4, 1917 : "It is reasonable to assume that we are witnessing the fulfillment of one of the prophecies of dire calamity which are found in the book of Revelation. But three successive series of calamities are predicted in that book." I could give a dozen more just such quotations showing which way our mental weather vanes are pointing and what do they tell us? What do we discern? In common every day speech what shall we, of the United States, be up against when this third great woe of history begins? One of the master minds of Amer- ica, Ex-President Theodore Roose- velt, in writing to his friend, Major Griscom, Jan. 3, 1918, made this assertion : "The Orient is certain to be a center of international conten- tion. Every means should be adopted to bind up our relations, in close and permanent friendship, with both Japan and China." Another of our far seeing publi- cists, Charles E. Hughes, not long ago made the assertion before the New York State Bar Association: "Tb old Orient is only at the beginning of history. Japan and China are na- tions of the future not of the past." It is easy to forecast in the mental sky of our time the portents of what THIRD ACT. 31 the third act of the world war will bring. Not long ago the following words of the distinguished Persian poetess, Madame de St. Poirit, caught my eye : "America, soft, rich and lux- urious, awaits the fate of Greece, Rome and Babylonia. After becom- ing the greatest money power in the world we shall inevitably suffer a colossal, disastrous invasion by the yellow races. The conquering yel- low hordes will revel in the luxurious homes of wealthy Americans. Her cities and palaces of trade will fall before the invaders, as Persepolis and the Empire of Xerxes before the small, swift-moving, hardy forces of Alexander the Great. Just as the Romans of the decadence feasted and wantoned under the very shadow o the invading barbarians, so will the Americans continue their pursuit of wealth and commercial supremacy until the yellow peril catches them helpless and unprepared." This is what Ex-Congressman Cur- leij, then Mayor of Boston, said in Faneuil Hall (called the "cradle of liberty") on Feb. 12, 1917, at the nineteenth observiance by the Un- ited Spanish War Veterans of the sinking of the Maine: "The real enemy of the United States is not to be found in Europe but in the Orient. The nation this country should watch is Japan and I hope and pray the Un- ited States will not become involved in the great world war in Europe, but will conserve its resources for the struggle that, I am afraid, is bound to come. The Japanese are our natural enemy, as long as we continue to ex- ercise autonomy in any degree in the Philippines, and endeavor to main- tain the open door policy in China- The island empire • is puffed with arrogance over false presumption. Its triumph over Russia has led Japan to believe it can conquer any nation and it has selected the United States as its next victim." At Tokio, Japan, Nov. 5, 1915, Shuriro Yamanki, a Japanese leader of liberal thought, inflamed all Japan with these words: "Japanese pub- lic opinion demands war with the United States. Within four years Japan will be at war with the United States." The following words were clipped from a native Japanese newspaper called Chugat CJmnpo: "We are and will be for all time, the masters of the seas of Asia. Our strength will permit the realization of the desire, so long cherished, of establishing our- selves on the Western coast of Am- erica." T)ic Boston American becomes re- sponsible for this statement in a re- cent issue: "Japan plans to invade and conquer the United States. Japan is inflaming its people against the United States. The Japanese are de- termined to declare war upon us. Her army and navy comisariat de- partments are now working day and night in order that adequate supplies of her own compressed food may be ready. The Tokyo arsenal is also working night and day in the making of amunition of all kinds." Day for "yellow peril" here says Anglican Bishop (by International news service) London, Dec. 3: "The time of the 'y^^ow peril' has come," said the Anglican Bishop of Kyushu, Japan, in a sermon at St. Paul's Cathedral : "It is now possible for Japan to place herself with her army 32 BIBLE PROPHECIES. and her strong fleet, at the head of the nations of the Far East and sweep out, once for all, the nations of the west that have exploited the Far East in their own interest. Never before has a nation been so tempted as Japan-" From the well known publication, The World's Work, of Jan., 1917, page 314, I chpped this dreadful and awful warning to the United States : "The Japanese navy since the Chinese-Japanese war has been in- creased tremendously and now ranks among the first five navies of the world. Americans, who have lived in Japan, declare that it is an open secret that the latter is preparing for war with America. No longer does Japan regard the United States as her traditional friend. Her press is continually urging extreme measures against America." A recent issue of Das Deutsche Blatt published in Frankfort-on- Main, Germany, says: "The yellow dwarf, the Jap as the Americans call him, with his ever grinning mask, is already beginning to put on his claws for the beautiful United States. The west coast of America is the most ardent of his desires and it will not be long before San Francisco is a Japanese city. Japan is preparing for a great war. Japan is constantly manufacturing arms and ammunition and is creating its own stores of arms and ammunition, sufficient even for the most terrible war." United States Senator James D. Phelan is crying out this most unmis- takable warning: "Japan has given fair notice by menace and threat. Strength is a nation's only im- munity." These words are published in the Review of Revieivs of April, 1917, by Payson J. Treat, Professor of His- tory in Stanford University: "The United States will become involved in a war with Japan. Because of the desire to seize the Phillipines, Hawaii and even the Pacific coast." Says our recalled ambassador, James W. Gerald: "All during the winter Germany from the highest down tried to impress me with the great danger which they said threat- ened America from Japan." Said Evangelist E. L. Cardey in the presence of a congregation at St. James Avenue and Berkeley Street, Boston, Mass. : "Soon we shall see the armies of the Orient in battle array against these of the Occident. Then Armageddon will be on." You could have seen the following words published in the Watchman of March, 1915 : "War with Japan sure. War between the United States and Japan will follow the European," The following words were clipped from the Bostoyi Journal, July 16, 1917: "Armies of East and West will battle. In spite of the billions of dollars and millions of lives which the world has already fed to the war god, the climax has not been reached. There are mutterings of a greater, a bloodier, a more terrible war. It will follow fast on the heels of the present conflict." Says George Lauferti in his new book entitled United States and the Next War: "A Japanese- American war is logically the next great con- flict." The writer could give the testimony of dozens more that Japan will surely declare war against the United THIRD ACT. 33 States. This fact is plainly shown by the prophecies and there is no escape from it. Prov. 6: SA, 35. — "For jealousy is the rage of a man, therefore he will not spare in the days of vengeance. He will not regard any ransom : neither will he rest content, though thou givest many gifts." Japan feels deeply grieved and considers her gods gravely insulted when foreign missionaries speak of the Japanese as a heathen people. With 13,000,000 swift and eager soldiers, with food and equipment for six solid years and with an alliance by which China adds 60,000,000 fighting men, Japan can furnish an army almost as large as the whole population of the United States. Mark well I say, these are the false prophets who see the United States and Japan at war. Matt. 7: 15. — "Beware of false prophets." The United States in point of fact will never see any more war after this war with Germany. She will escape the second act of this great war drama as we have shown. Then Japan with 100,000,000 swift, hardy, eager soldiers at her command will declare war against the United States. But no war will take place the United States will win the con- flict without even firing a gun or de- stroying a single human life. In meekness, humility, in fullness of love for all nations of the earth our country will come off conqueror. Mark well what I tell you. The Un- ited States is to have dominion over all the earth and this will come to her as naturally and easily {Matt. 21: 23) as a father's estate falls to a son who is in a far country. Matt. 5: 5. — "Blessed are the meek: for they shall inherit the earth." Daniel 7: 23, 57.— "Thus he said, The fourth beast shall be the fourth kingdom upon earth * * * and the kingdom and dominion and the great- ness of the kingdom under the whole heaven, shall be given to the people of the saints of the Most High, whose kingdom is an everlasting kingdom and all dominion shall serve and obey him." Japan will declare war upon the United States and will be caught in a trap of their own making, a terrible pestilence. Rev. 20: 2, 9. — "And the dragon that old serpent * * * went up on the breadth of the earth and com- passed the camp of the saints about, and the beloved city: and fire came down from God out of heaven and devoured them." Ezek. 28: 23. — "For I will send into her pestilence. Hab. S: 5. — "Before him went the pestilence." SAINTS MOST HIGH. CHAPTER XII. Matt. 5: IS. — "One jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled." When I read this passage of scrip- ture sadness filled my heart for the following prophecy about the United States began to loom before my eyes. Isaiah 18: 1, 5.— "Woe to the land shadowing with wings * * * All ye inhabitants of the world and dwellers on the earth, see ye, when he lifteth up an ensign." Daniel 7: 7, 11. — "And behold a 34 BIBLE PROPHECIES. fourth beast strong exceedingly * * * And I beheld, even till the beast was slain, and his body destroyed, and given to the burning flame," Rev. .4; 7. — "And the fourth beast was like a flying eagle." When I came to look upon the en- sign of the United States, I saw the eagle of prophecy. My eyes filled with tears when on a silver quarter I found the eagle, for this little piece of money even brought the unmis- takable symbol of this country of mine as did cartoon, newspaper and advertisement everywhere. Deep down in my heart I said : "God's word cannot fail. This beloved land which I love is doomed and will be wiped from the face of the earth." Then I found in a Japanese news- paper called Chugat Chimpo the words : "Our strength will permit the realization of the desire, so long cherished, of establishing ourselves on the western coast of America." Then before my mind arose a picture of the 13,000,000 soldiers of Japan increased by the Chinese alliance to 60,000,000 men, swift, hardy, equip- ped for fighting. And I seemed to hear the ancient prophecy: "Woe to the land shadowing with wings." Then I began to say deep down ' my heart: "There is no God, if the Being we call by that name will per- mit our beautiful country, the land of the free and the home of the brave, to become a second Korea in the ruthless hands of Japan. For the United States is the nation given by God into the hands of the sons and daughters of toil. The ballot box is the instrument of their authority- This class of our citizens out-vote by a ten fold majority the few rich vipers to whom President Wilson re- fers in his last message to Congress as men without conscience or love of country. In light of this considera- tion I began to realize that we are God's chosen people, that our free schools and churches and other in- stitutions are safe and secure. Luke 6: 20. — "Blessed are ye poor: for yours is the kingdom of God," What greater kingdom of God do you want on earth than that which is already in the hands of the sons and daughters of work. "The word kingdom," says Webster, "means the sphere in which one is king or has control." The United States forms a repub- lic in which every voter is monarch. And may the time soon come when our Christian mothers may give orders to our Congressmen and say: "If you do not want to lose your job, we command you to drive this damn- able curse of the rum saloon out of the United States," God hasten the day when the common people may come to realize that the Almighty has placed in their hands this sovereign power of the republic and that they may demand a square deal and the end of our labor troubles, at the seat of government and from the legis- lators of our land where the people's will is law. Considerations like these together with the prophecies in God's Holy Bible that our country will be saved and not destroyed {Daniel 7: 27) have greatly uplifted my heart and I have perfect faith that God will keep his word. But why do I believe that the pro- phecy of Daniel 7: 7, 11 and others like it will not seal the fate of the SAINTS MOST HIGH. 35 United. "And behold a fourth beast strong exceedinjjfly * * * And I be- held, even till the beast was slain and his body destroyed and given to the burning flame." To justify my faith that the United States will not be destroyed I am going back again to the prophecy about the eagle's wings to be plucked from the British Lion. Daniel 7: U declares that a man's heart is to be given to the creature having the eagle wings and this refers to the nation to which we belong, to the United States. "The lion had eagle's wings : I beheld till the wing? thereof were plucked and a man's heart was given to it" Now we know perfectly well that the eagle's wings of the United States were plucked from the British lion and that the symbol of the wings represents our form of government and it can be shown that the man's heart which was promised is still to be found within the wings. William J. Bryan showed himself a master judge of human hearts and he deserves a good deal of credit in giving to the United States a certain Woodrow Wilson to be the pilot of our ship of state through the most terrible war-storm which history has yet known. When President Wilson asked Charles E. Hughes to come and help him carry the burden of this gigantic war Mr, Hughes did not say as it would seem natural for a defeated Presidential candidate to say: "No, I guess not, the people wanted you and now you can carry your own burden." Hughes, on the contrary, like a giant-hearted Christian, rose above all political feelings and sent in- stantly to the nation's chief, saying: "I will come at once." We call him in an hour like this, "A Saint of the Most High." Upon the heart of our great Ex- President, William H. Taft, a very ugly scar had been left by the vote of an ungrateful people but like colossal Samson he rose to the task and has done a mighty bit of hard work to help win the war and our land is proud of "Bill" Taft as the peer of human hearts. No one need ask whether Ex-Presi- dent Roosevelt is doing more than his share to help win this dreadful war. Giving as he has four sons and 1 son-in-law to the horrible trenches md with one of his beautiful boys ilready a living sacrifice, God knows that "Teddy" Roosevelt, as we ^all him, carries within him that great heart which God says shall save our American homes and in the end win this war for World Democracy. Does not the Bible say: "By their fruits ye shall know them?" One more colossal human heart should be remembered at this time, Samuel Gompers, President of the United States Federation of Labor. He too is a man of a Christian spirit such as we find deeply rooted in every true American son of toil- To Gom- pers with his giant heart, the ranks of labor are looking with great con- fidence for guidance and light. The moment President Wilson cried out: "To arms, we must declare war," Samuel Gompers taking in one hand the American flag and pointing with the other to the plow, the anvil, the spindle and the loom cried out : "Un- ited we stand, divided we fall." 36 BIBLE PROPHECIES. Luke 11: 17. — "Every kingdom di- vided against itself is brought to des- olation ; and a house divided against a house falleth." At the very heart of the whole sit- uation do we find that born leader of all living human hearts, President Woodrow Wilson. When the war is over he will be numbered in a God- given "Trinity" of American "Sav- iours" — Washington, Lincoln and Wilson. It has been a great source of pleas- ure for the Kaiser to gather around him his royal family and his military officers with their gold lace decora- tions. Daniel S: 23. — "And in the latter time of their kingdom, when the transgressors are come to the full, a king of fierce countenance and under- standing dark sentences, shall stand up." The Kaiser may have read to such a family council: Daniel 7: 6. — "And lo, a leopard which had upon the back of it four wings of a fowl; the beast had also four heads ; and domin- ion was given it." The Kaiser may then have pointed to the following prophecy, saying: "See, Germany cannot fail to win this great world war for God has said that all would be fulfilled. Matt. 5: i5.— "One jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law till all be fulfilled-" The Kaiser would then naturally read the prophecy about the United States saying: "Look, Germany is going to wipe this United States from the face of the earth." Daniel 7: 7, 11.— "And behold a fourth beast, strong exceedingly * * and I beheld even till the beast was slain, and his body destroyed and given to the burning flame." Rev. ^: 7.— "And the fourth beast was like a flying eagle." Now, doubtless, the Kaiser has the gift of understanding dark sentences and of interpreting Bible prophecies. If it is the true method to take a sen- tence by itself and to go no further, the Kaiser would seem to be correct in his conclusion that the United States is doomed without question and without any redress. This method of creating humanity and of fashioning human history on God's part would be like building a mam- moth hotel with no fire escapes or sending out an ocean liner without a life boat. Had the Kaiser looked at the end of the seventh chapter of Daniel's prophecy he would have seen that es- cape was to come for the United States by a fire escape of which the German monarch would have and could have no understanding. How can you expect a man who has only the heart of a beast or of a viper to understand what God means when he says that the eagle or the United States as we understand the prophecy will be given the heart of a man. Man is made according to Scripture (Gen. 5:1) not in the image of the beast or of any creeping thing but after God's own image and in his own likeness. The United States in a word will escape destruction in this coming struggle between Japan and the Kaiser and the means of escape will be this God-given Christian heart. Our nation will say to the mon- archies of Europe: "If you propose to use the Angel of God's Mercy, the SAINTS MOST HIGH. 37 Pope, for a cat's paw and Japan, the honest and fraternal nation, for a scape-poat in order to steal Russia, you can depend upon it that the Un- ited States will not go back on the word of their Chief Magistrate" "Wilson declared and we stand by his words : 'We entered this war for no indemnity or any new lands but to make the earth a decent place to live in ;' and if you Christian nations are going to play this out and out game of steal and in that way inflame Japan into another greater war, we are going to have nothing to do with the wicked job." Then will be fulfilled the prophecy (Daniel 12: 10) : "But the wicked shall do wickedly: and none of the wicked shall understand ; but the wise shall understand." Then shall be manifested the Saints of the Most High. We are a nation of people of all nationalities, religious beliefs, political parties and secret, fraternal organizations, united into one grand beauteous scene. And you will see this people all pointing to the stars of Old Glory and they will cry with loud voices : "Let us all trust in the God of righteousness, the God that loves to see his children enjoy glorious liberty." Romans 8: 21. — "The glorious lib- erty of the children of God." He is a God also that loves to see fair play, justice and equality. Prov. 21: 3. — "To do justice is more acceptable to the Lord than sacrifice. But by an equality, that now at this time * * * that there may be equality." And besides all this, He is a God who desires to see fraternity among all kingdoms, na- tions and people, whether they are living under the stars of Old Glory or in any other part of the earth. Hch. 13: 1 — "Let brotherly love continue." The United States will be the wise nation whose purpose is to turn her people to that great and heavenly God of Righteousness who dwells among the stars. For the stars on Old Glory symbolize justice to all and special privilege to none. Have you not read in the Bible where it says {Dnnirl 12: 3) : "They that be wise shall shine as the brightness of the firmament; and they that turn many to righteousness as the stars forever and ever." When our great souled forefathers took the fate of this new nation in their hands and signed "The Declara- tion of Independence" they virtually declared : "This shall be a government of the people, by the people and for the people. Under the stars of Old Glory no one nationality or religious creed or class of people shall have undue advantage; but this shall be a cfovernment of justice to all and spec- ial privilege to none." And when the first president of this Republic went to take his oath of office it was laid upon him with his right hand on the Holy Bible to swear '^o carry on the administration of the United States according to the teach- ing of the Sacred Book. It was perfectly clear to them all that the Bible inculcates Liberty, Equality and Fraternity to one and all whether they be individuals or kingdoms. Fair play and a square deal was to be the nation's watch- word from that day forward. It was made clear to that first president as it was intended to be 38 BIBLE PROPHECIES. said to every one of his successors : "Every voter of this country has his eye upon you to see that you keep the Ship of State on the God-directed course. You are to live up to your oath of office which calls for justice to all and special privilege to none." But we may thank heaven that the same God was looking down upon the birth of this nation who saw the wicked people of Ninevah turning from their evil ways and forgave and saved them. Jonah 3: 10 — "And God saw their works, that they turned from their evil way: and God repented of the evil that he said he would do to them and he did it not." And that same God will behold the United States turning from the evil ways which this book of mine has so clearly pointed out. And the Un- ited States will be forgiven and that which the Almighty has said he would do, he will do it not. Then it will come to pass that the prophecy of the eleventh verse of the seventh chapter of Daniel will not be fulfilled. Daniel 7: 11.— "1 beheld, even till the beast was slain, and his body destroyed, and given to the burn- ing flame." But the rest of the beasts, England, Russia and Germany will pass on and they will fall into a trap set by Japan and their dominion will be taken from them. Daniel 7: 12. — As concerning the rest of the beasts, they had their dominion taken away: yet their lives were prolonged for a season and a time." CAPITAL VERSUS LABOR. CHAPTER XIIL As long ago as the days of ancient Babylon the government and people as a whole were constantly engaged in a two-fold conflict — on the one hand against the money-trust — on the other against the labor trust. In this struggle Babylon had to succumb and was soon sleeping in dust and ruin. The great empire of Rome as well as the mighty dominion of Greece met the same dissension and suffered the same fate. Mark 3: 2U. — "If a kingdom be di- vided against itself, that kingdom cannot stand." Today the United States govern- ment is up against the same problem of capital and labor which beset Babylon, Rome and Greece. But Christ spoke a Bible prophecy in form of a parable which is being fulfilled by President Wilson that faithful steward of the nation's in- terest who has gathered about him a multitude of fellow helpers for such a time as this. Matt. 13: 50.— "And in the time of harvest I will say to the reapers. Gather ye together first the tares and bind them in bundles to burn them: but gather the wheat into my barns." (Matt. 13: 3 A) Jesus thus spoke in the form of a parable what proves to be more than parable. Wheat is one of the great essen- tials of human life. Railroads, tele- phones, telegraph systems, steam boat lines and other public utilities are in a great sense no less an essen- tial of a nation's and government's CAPITAL VERSUS LABOR. 39 life than is bread for individual exist- ence. President Wilson's policy in the matter of government control in the use of these public necessities should meet with universal commendation. He has certainly done the right thing, at the right time and in the right way. No good farmer will leave his farming tools to lie about exposed to wind and weather. And is it not the only wise and proper course in stormy conditions like the present to put all these national utilities into the government barn of public safety rather than to leave them exposed to the wind and weather of human na- ture, to the wintry frost and cold o' human self interest and selfishness .is we find it in common life. The prophecy reads that the tares are to be gathered and bound in bundles and burned. The tares of to- day in our public life are nothing less than the watered stocks and bonds, the fictitious values which our rich thieves are employing to defraud our sons and daughters of toil out of their rightful share in the earnings and values which belong to them. Says the Pall Mall Gazette : "What- ever may be the outcome of the pres- ent trouble in the United States there is yet to come an awful struggle be- tween capital and labor. Working men understand full well that they are in the future expected to earn dividends for hundreds of millions of watered stocks with which present trusts have been inflated." Said the Vice President of the Un- ited States, Mr. Marshall, in his Jef- ferson Day address : "The belief that there is an unequal distribution of wealth in this country has been sup- plemented by the belief that much of it has been obtained through spec- ial privilege, that it did not come by labor, skill, industry, barter, or trade, but through watered stocks and bonds, through corners on commod- ities, through corruption of legisla- tures, through the sale of impure foodstuffs, through wrecking rail- roads, through all the devices known to man whereby the law is not abro- gated but chloroformed." Mr. Marshall protested that he had said nothing new or revolution- ary, that men like E. H. Gary and Wayne MacVeagh have said the same things in stronger language. Pror. 28: 22. — "He that hasteth to be rich hath an evil eye, and consider- eth not that poverty shall come upon him." When the United States govern- ment told United States District At- torney George W. Anderson of Boston to investigate the soaring prices of commodities, after a conference with Attorney General Gregory he gave out this report: "Washington, D. C., Jan. 23, 1917. Price increases re- sulting from artificial and illegal combinations have been checked as a result of the government's investiga- tion of soaring prices for commod- ities." Prov. 22: 22. — "Rob not the poor, because he is poor: neither oppress the afflicted." The eminent author, Asa Oscar Tait, in his world renowned book. Heralds of the Morning, says : "All are famil- iar with the fact that these large ag- gregations of capital crush out the small independent dealers, and hold the prices of commodities and the general interests of business within 40 BIBLE PROPHECIES. their iron grasp. It would be a wearisome as well as useless task to try to present anything like a tithe of the great mass of evidence that might be given in regard to the 'heaping' together of treasure. Every- one knows that the combines of wealth meet us at the very threshold of life, and follow us all the journey through, ask a tribute at every step on the various necessary things of daily use until finally the portals of the tomb are reached, and even there arc we met by the agent of the un- dertakers' association who collects his fee before our mortal remains are allowed to be laid at rest. Meet men anywhere, and their theme is 'making money.' Money must be had at all hazards- If it cannot be obtained honestly, it must be gained in some other way." Said Ex-Pr^esident Taft in a public address : "One of the results of the conditions and evils which I have been describing has been the concen- tration of enormous wealth in the hands of few men." In the Foriun is an article written by the noted Thomas G. Sherman, en- titled: ''The Owners of the United States." In this article he brings out the fact that so vast and gigantic have become the heaps of wealth in the hands of a few persons, that a mere handful of capitalists own more than one-half of the wealth of the United States. "The freest government (said the great and wise Daniel Webster) "cannot long endure when the ten- dency of the law is to create a rapid accumulation of property in the hands of a few, and to render the masses poor and dependent." Isaiah 5: 8, 9. — "Woe unto them that join house to house, that lay field to field, till there be no more room, that they may be placed alone in the midst of the earth. In mine ears said the Lord of hosts, of a truth many houses shall be desolate, even great and fair, without inhabitant. Therefore hell hath enlarged herself and opened her mouth without meas- ure : and their glory, and their mul- titude, and their pomp and he that re- joiceth shall descend into it." Said the Advent Christian Mes- senger: "The labor question is fast coming to the front as one of gigan- tic proportions. A clash must come sooner or later between capital and labor that will be terrible in its re- sults." A short time ago the eminent Heyiry Van Dyke said at the com- mencement of Harvard University: "People say that another revolution is coming in our age and our own country. It is possible. There are signs of it. There has been a tre- mendous increase of luxury among the rich in the present generation. There has been a great increase of suff"ering among the poor in certain sections of the country." Hon. Roger Q. Mills, United States Senator from Texas, said in a speech in the United States Senate: "We have been told that concentrated money is equally as powerful for evil as concentrated swords and bayonets, and that liberty must leave the land where either tyrant rules. We are trampling today all these admonitions under our feet. Our ship is driving upon the rocks ; and unless we seize the helm and change its course, the historian will emerge from the dark- CAPITAL VERSUS LABOR. 41 ness to write the melancholy pages of the decline and fall of the great American Republic." A reef like that which lay before France in the French Revolution lies before America. Just in time has President Wilson turned the wheel and our ship of state is saved in the nick of time. Shakespeare in Hamlet gives us some good advice. "Find out the cause of this effect, Or rather say, the cause of this de- fect, For this effect defective comes by cause." Just this needs to be done in our governmental machinery. And what you would do for your factory engine or even your sewing machine. Presi- dent Wilson, looking after the cause of our present labor difficulty, has done in the appointment of "An in- dustrial commission to investigate this serious disturbance between cap- ital and labor." This is what they brought in for their report (1915) : "Unjust distribution of wealth and income and denial of justice in the creation, in the adjudication, and in the administration of law. The crux of the question is. Have the worker? received a fair share of the enor- mous increase in wealth which has taken place in this country during the period as a result largely of their labors? The answer is emphatically, "No." Prophecy is not wanting in Scrip- ture that our country would hit upon that very reef. James, chap. 5. — "Go to now, ye rich men, weep and howl for your miseries that shall come upon you. Your gold and silver shall be a wit- ness against you. Ye have heaped treasure together for the last days. Behold the hire of the laborers who have reaped down your fields, which is of you kept back by fraud." Jer. 22: 13, i^.— "Woe unto him that buildeth his house by unright- eousness and his chambers by wrong ; that useth his neighbor's service without wages and giveth him not for his work. He shall be buried with the burial of an ass." Once more we hear those memor- able words of the President in his message to Congress : "The profiteer- ing that can not be got at by the re- straints of conscience and love of country can be got at by taxation." I believe that while this war is going on the government should levy on the income of the rich men and women of our country for every dol- lar over and above their living ex- penses and that the taxation of the poor man and his family should be made as light as possible. My conviction is based on the fact that we are drafting the poor man's bo3^ to win the war; we are calling even the last son of many a widowed mother. What is gold and silver in value when measured by the life blood of our best and bravest sons? To the labor unions it must be said : "You have fought a good battle against the rich, money-mad and money crazy thieves of our American life but in reality your conflict has but just begun. There are not want- ing in your own union garden human and living tares which must be taken care of before your true mission can be accomplished. All honor and re- spect to the foreigner who learns to love his adopted country, to respect 42 BIBLE PROPHECIES. her laws and reverence her flag, ai.d in good faith becomes a union man. But what shall we say of those who coming from the swill pails and ash barrels of the old country act like birds of prey and not like honest working men? These are the very loudest mouthed abusers of our in- stitutions as they are usually the big- gest kickers at our boarding houses and even our best hotels even though they never knew at home how a square meal tasted. There are some union men of this class who ought to be gagged and handcuffed and shackled until they can be taught American ideas and principles. I hold that the labor condition in the United States is by far the best on earth. The laboring man has, as I have already shown, free schools, free churches, free hospitals, free play-ground — freedom everywhere for his children. He is himself a sovereign king of the grandest gov- ernment on earth as Ralph Waldo Emerson once said: "Great America where every citizen is king." And over every union man, floats the Stars and Stripes. No citizen of this counti:y, whether a member of a labor union or not can listen to an address on the Stars and Stripes, like the one Miss Booth, the eloquent and consecrated leader of the Salvation Army is wont to give, without pro- found emotion. Every American under the spell of such patriotism must thrill with honor, reverence and affection, not so much for the banner itself, which has cost our fathers so much sacrifice and bloodshed as for the principles of liberty, equality and fraternity which it so gloriously rep- resents. No labor union, business corporation or financial combination or other federation of men ought under shelter of this flag to suffer themselves to become servants of any other rule except the Golden Rule. The moment any combination of cit- izens does such a wrong and refuses to do unto others as its members would be done by, a sword is drawn between their children and the free schools, the free churches and the free government that God has given to us and which Old Glory stands for. The labor unions of America are as yet only in ^ their infancy ; their life work has but just begun- You might compare the labor situation to a fine-spun thread or cable which is in a tangle like a child's shoe string, tied in a thousand hard and compli- cated knots which must be unsnarled before peace and good will on earth can reign between one laborer and an- other for we are all workers in the world or ought to be. The Christ plainly pointed out the goal which every labor union should set for itself. The key to the situa- tion of the workman and his em- ployer is given to us in the 20th chapter of Matthew. No labor union can meet with suc- cess until every agreement made and sanctioned by the organization is kept to the letter and the fulfillment of the same guaranteed (Matt. 20: 2, 13). No corporation or individual can escape labor trouble until there is on their part a willingness to give the hired man or woman a good, comfortable and living wage and more than that — to give what is "right." (Matt. 20:4). And "what- soever is right" covers not only equal- CAPITAL VERSUS LABOR. 43 ity of wages but also equality in the number of hours of employment. No government, corporation, con- tractor or individual is making the effort to live anything like a Chris- tian till all laborers are paid in ? equal manner, each receiving the same amountin wages (Matt. 20: 10). The great hearted Lincoln put the matter in the just and right way when he said : "That to secure tc each laborer the whole product of his labor or as nearly as possible is a worthy object of any good govern- ment." There is a ten-fold greater injus- tice in the inequality of wages paid to different classes of wage earner? than is shown any where else in the dispute between capital and labor. And when it comes to the number of hours a laborer toils, we have thous- ands of men and women of all classes who have never known the meaning of a day's work. God Bless Massachusetts for her Christian legislation that drives both these rich and hobo drones out of their hive and makes it a criminal offense for them not to do their share of work and not to bear their share of the labor burden of life. On the other hand there are classes of men who go to their offices at nine or ten in the morning and stop work at two or three in the afternoon- Still others work six, eight, ten or even twelve hours a day as the case may be. And when it comes to the hard-working farmer and his wife the world does not seem to care if they toil sixteen hours a day. And we ought not to forget that our drug stores, barber shops and like public conveniences are in many cases kept open both night and day. The time will come when there will be an equal distribution of wages to all who toil and we all are, or should be, workers in some vocation. In- deed the time is not far distant when the world will strive to equalize the hours of labor among all classes. Some political economists assert that in times of peace, the welfare of the country can be well cared for with a labor schedule of three hours a day. I myself predict that you will soon find five hours making a day's work, five days constituting a week's work and five dollars a day or more the es- tablished wage. And I also predict that the time is not far away when it will be an impossibility and an unheard of thing to find as you can today a beef trust which shows a profit of $140,000,000 in three years and pays its president $200,000 a year salary, the vice president $100,- 000 for his services and the stock- holders enormous dividends on eighty millions of watered stock that rep- resents no more honest value than does a scrap of paper. The United States will institute within the next few years a house cleaning season. As this sort of work always does, a good deal of inconven- ience will be caused to a good many people. But the job has been put off too long already and the war will force us to undertake the task how- ever unwelcome. Let us be patient, submissive and uncomplaining and let us co-operate with our faithful head-servant. President Wilson, ai his vast multitude of subordinates in doing this gigantic job as it ought to be done. 44 BIBLE PROPHECIES. OUR KINGDOM DIVIDED. CHAPTER XIV. Matt. 12: 25. — "Every kingdom di- vided against itself is brought to des- olation; and every city or house di- vided against itself shall not stand." OUR HOMES. Dr. E. B. Lowry in his new book entitled Herself, on page 71 says : "It has been estimated that only about five per cent, of all marriages are successful." The noted author, Bernarr Mac- fadden in his new book, Manhood and Marriacje, page 40 says: "Some au- thorities declare that ninety-five per cent, of all marriages are unsuccess- ful." Says Dr. R. J. Lambert in his new book, Himself, page 101 : "It has been estimated that only about five per cent, of the marriages in the world prove happy." Modern science has discovered who is to blame and why it is that ninety- five per cent, of the marriages of the world prove unhappy. But the writer of this book which you are reading, cannot leave the field of prophecy but can only refer you to our modern works on medical science if you de sire to locate the blame for the exist- ing proportion of divided homes. EVERY CITY DIVIDED. The noted author, Asa Oscar Tait, in his new book, Heralds of the Morning, gives facts and figures to show that ninety-five per cent, of our commodities of "life are in the hands of the money trusts. Everyone of my readers well knows that ninety-five per cent, of the sons of toil belong to labor ur ions and are now in battle array against the money trusts. But Pres- dent Wilson has taken away the bone of contention and you will shortly see the matters of dispute between capi- tal and labor under adjustment by the government with justice to both labor and capital. OUR KINGDOM DIVIDED. Who can fail to say that we are a kingdom divided among ourselves — the solid North against the solid South with the solid South now in the government saddle. I have voted the Republican ticket all my life and my father was a Union soldier in the Civil War. And there- fore what I am about to write, will come from my feeling of what is just and right rather than from any senti- ment toward any political party or class of people. Whenever or wherever you find in- dividuals, homes, cities or kingdoms divided, you ought to carefully look at the facts of the case and measure the question with the golden rule. If you do this, you cannot long fail to reach a just decision. I believe that the preservation of the Union and the freeing of the slaves was good and right. But we of the North went to war with the South not to free the slaves but to save the Union. The issuing of the Emancipation Proclamation was no less a literal stealing of the slaves than it would be for me to walk into a farmer's barn and take a horse or cow without his consent or to carry way his furniture from his house without any payment therefor. The famous author, Miss Ida ¥ Tarbell, has told the truth in her Life of Lincoln, page 95, when she OUR KINGDOM DIVIDED. 45 says: "Throughout his entire politi- ical life Lincoln has disclaimed any desire to meddle with slavery in the states where the constitution recog- nized it. He had undertaken the war not to free men but to preserve the Union." What the North should have done at the close of the Civil War, was to have paid for those slaves at the mar- ket price. If Lincoln had lived to finish his work there is no question in my mind but what the South would have been paid for millions of dollars' worth of stolen property. "It is doubtful," says Miss Tarbell, "If Lincoln in all his political career ever had a measure more at heart than his scheme for compensated emancipation." Isaac Arnold, who knew him well, says that rarely, if ever, was he known to manifest such solicitude as over this measure." — Life of Lincoln, page 111. It is a common belief among the second generation of the North that the South by their secession were traitors. But the truth is they were not traitors in any sense of the word. They believed as many of the North believed that they had a perfect right, a constitutional right, and a sovereign right to secede. I take the following from one of our high school text books of history, one used now in the instruction of our Northern boys and girls : says the Americayi History, hy Albert B. Hart, page 4C8. — "The constitutionality of secession was accepted by most south- ern public men, and by some in the North. Once admit that the states were sovereign and the constitution only a compact among them, and any state was undoubtedly entitled to leave the Union when it felt dis- affected." "We," said Lincoln, "on our side, are praying God to give us victory, because we believe we are right; but those on the other side pray Him too for victory, believing they are right." — Life of Lincoln, page 124, by Ida M. Tarbell. We can and often do forgive a thief when he steals dollars and cents. But how can we forgive and forget when any one brands us as traitors and keeps up continually such an accu- sation. The solid South is not likely to forgive and forget our attitude to- ward those brave boys in gray who died in the consciousness of duty faithfully performed. We can never see our kingdom once again united heart and soul, until we do to the South as we would be done by. The great selfish injustice by the North was in the pensioning the boys of the blue and not the gray, for when General Grant demanded uncondi- tional surrender and General Lee gave it, we then became a united fam- ily and by withholding from the boys in gray the same sort of a pension which we granted to the boys in blue we dealt a stinging blow of grave in- justice to the South for our Declara- tion of Independence reads, "Justice to all and special privileges to none." When we pension the blue and not the gray, we, of the North, turn our backs upon our own declaration and become traitors to our own republi- can form of government. Matt. 22: 55>.— "Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself." And we as a government did not 46 BIBLE PROPHECIES. do by our boys in gray as we did by our boys in blue. Heh. 13: 1. — "Let brotherly love continue." // Peter 1: 7. — "And to brotherly kindness charity." The South has shown divine Christ- like charity towards our boys in blue and towards those that stole their legal, lawful property by paying their equal part of the taxes to pension the blue. But what has the North done to show their gratitude and appre- ciation towards the gray for such di- vine, Christlike charity? Nothing, Nothing, Nothing. When the North pensioned the blue and not the gray, in a moral sense they branded the boys in gray as unfit to associate with our boys in blue. In another sense they put a seal upon them that they were trai- tors which was the worst cut of all to our Southern people. And the South has resented it and will not and should not forgive the North for such a mean cowardly way of treat- ing their sons who fought so heroic- ally for what they believed was their moral, constitutional and sovereign rights. If you Southerners do forgive the North before they remove that seal of dishonor from your sons by giving them and their widows and needy children a most liberal pension, then you merit and fully deserve to be called ungrateful, inhuman and cow- ardly curs. And we of the North deserve that same epithet until we by equal sovereign taxation do for the sons of the gray what the South has done for the sons of the blue. How well do I remember the beau- tiful, appreciative kindly and loving words that I saw graven by parental love on a stately monument in a pub- lic square of Alexandria, Virginia: "They died in the consciousness of duty faithfully performed." If we of the North delay our action till our brave boys of the Southland have gone to their heavenly home on high, we shall commit a sin against the Holy Ghost for which there can be no forgiveness in this world or in the world to come. Matt. 12: 32. — "But whosoever speaketh against the Holy Ghost, it shall not be forgiven him, neither in this world, neither in the world to come." How can the gray forgive the blue when death has stopped their brave, sad hearts forever and their lips cold and silent in death can never speak again, for they will not be able then to say : "My Northern Brother, I wanted to forgive you during my liv- ing hours but you would not suffer me." Before our brave Southern and Northern boys come home from France it is to be hoped that every Northern Congressman whether Re- publican or Democrat, will be found supporting a bill to pension equally the blue and the gray. Then can we show to our sons and brothers who come back, not alone in words but in deeds, that our Kingdom is not di- vided but once more united. TIMES AND SEASONS. CHAPTER XV. Daniel 11: ^7.— "The end shall be at the time appointed." Daniel 8: 19. — "And he said. Be- TIMES AND SEASONS. 47 hold 1 will make thee know what shall be in the last end of the indig- nation : for at the time appointed the end shall be." Looking the prophecy squarely in the face you cannot help seeing how marvelous it is, for the declaration is made that the time of the end is ap- pointed. You naturally ask, The end of what? I answer: The end of peace and the beginning of a great world war, and the time when that mighty conflict shall end and the millennium shall begin. From the end of the millennium God has told us that the march of human progress and civilization will be onward and upward. And the world will grow better and better for time without end. Evhe^. 3: 21. — "Unto him be glory throughout all ages, world without end." Ecclcs. 1: 4.— "One generation passeth away, and another genera- tion Cometh: but the earth abideth forever." In the first chapter of this book I gave you proof that this world war began exactly on time — even to the very year, month and day when pro- phecy declared that the commence- ment of the vast struggle would take place. I now desire to call to the witness stand two or more who will show to us when the Millennium is to begin and when it will end. When the students of prophecy be- gan to set the time of Christ's Sec- ond Coming, some people were fool- ish enough to leave their crops in the ground for utter loss and ruin, others climbed to their house tops that they might see his arrival, others climbed trees on the predicted day. Were the Bible prophecies at fault or had these believers failed to read their Bibles as carefully as they should have done? L2ike 19: i 5.— "Occupy till I come" was the Divine injunction which was passed unheeded in many cases. On the other hand many Bible readers are accustomed to point to the book of Acts where it reads (Acts 1:7): "And h^ said unto them. It is not for you to know the times or the seasons, which the Father has put in his own power." These interpreters reason that God does not mean for any one to question about the beginning or the end of the war or the Millennium, or any of the Divine dispensations. Nothing can be farther from t^ truth than are such assertions. Christ was talking with these words to his Apostles who were Jews. They were disappointed because by his ascen- sion on high, he was about to leave them; and their kingdom, of whic' Jerusalem was to be the capitol, had not been restored to them as the Jews believed it would be at the coming of the prophesied Christ. The Apostles therefore asked Christ {Acts 1: 6) "Lord, wilt thou at this time restore again the kingdom to Israel." Christ then answered and said: "It is not for you. Apostles, to know the times and seasons for the restor- ing of a kingdom to Israel." In other words Christ said that the Kingdom of Israel was not to be restored to the Jews in the Apostles' day and they were to go about their work without concern as to the restoration. You cannot help seeing from the following prophecies that the time of the end was appointed. 48 BIBLE PROPHECIES. Daniel 11: 27.— "None of the wicked shall understand; but the wise shall understand." And in the previous chapter, Dayiiel 12: iO.— "The end shall be at the time appointed." A good many can be found today who do understand the times and the seasons which God has appointed for coming events. Such a man for ex- ample is the Reverend George Shorey of Berwick, Maine. At that place, I was on my way home one after- noon when my day's work was done and I caught sight of Shorey speaking on the public square. I went over and listened to what he had to say. He used these prophetic words: "If this great and terrible war that the prophets of the Bible foretold does not come in 1914 this Bible is false; but it will come in 1914. God has so said and his word cannot fail." And the great and terrible world co flict did arrive as Shorey said that it would come. In the fall of our last Presidential election when the cry was heard echoing throughout the United States that President Wilson had kept us out of war, this same Berwick minister said to a gathering of people in his church : "Don't you believe that President Wilson has kept us out of the war, for God has appointed the time for the United States to enter this war, in the spring months of 1917. God has said that we shall drink of the bitter cup in the spring time of 1917." Shortly after the United States en- tered the war, Mr. Shorey again said to his people at Berwick: "God's word told you that this world war would begin in 1914 and the United States would enter the war in the springtime of 1917. Now I am going to tell you that God's word has told us not only the exact year, not only the very month but the exact time to a day that Palestine will pass out of the hands and power of the Turkish empire into the hands and power of the British empire and it will take place the 10th day of December, 1917." And when the 10th day of December, 1917, came Palestine passed into the power of the British Empire. George Shorey was right and God's Holy Bible on which he relied proved correct and infallible. And this minister of the Gospel proved himself correct and his pre- diction was in exact agreement with Scripture. An interesting chart which sells for one dollar has just been placed upon the market by Rev. Butler Jack of St. Paul, Minn., which he will send postpaid for $1.00 to any address. This valuable chart shows the ap- pointed dates for all the special events from the beginning of this great and terrible conflict to the end of the Millennium. Rev. George Shorey of Berwick, Maine, has also placed a book on the market which shows how these times and seasons were discovered. Mr. Shorey's book can be obtained for 35 cents postpaid. Luke 10: 7. — "And the laborer is worthy of his hire." The great war between Japan and her Allies against the so-called Chris- tian nations of Europe, Asia and Africa, will come to its end in 1928 and Christ, the Saviour, will set up a world kingdom or rather a world democracy of all nations and tongues {Daniel 7: lU) in the year 1931. TIMES AND SEASONS. 49 Japan will win her war against the so-called Christian empires of the Old Country and Japan will come from that war victorious but wounded unto death, in other words fatally afflicted as a nation with various kinds of pestilence. The unburied dead of that swift, gigantic, terrible war (Rev. 20: 18) will be so vast in number that there will be a dreadful infection of pesti- lence resulting therefrom. Jer. 25: 33. — "And the slain of the Lord shall be at that day from one end of the earth even unto the other end of the earth: they shall not be lamented, neither gathered, nor buried: they shall be dung upon the ground." Japan will be compelled to go to and from her empire for supplies to support her armies and all the na- tions at war against her will be com- pelled to do the same. In conse- quence of this inter-communication, the pestilence will spread to all parts of Europe, Asia and Africa. The pitiful and heart-rending condition of the old world baffles description. These foreign nations burning up with fever and pestilence will appeal to America for help, food and medical aid. The heart of America will go out to them and prayer that God will open the way to their assistance will be incessant among our people. But all doors between America and for- eign countries will be closed and kept closed by force of arms lest the pesti- lence sweep over America as well as over the old world. From 1928 to 1931 there will be a period of sad and anxious waiting until the nations can get together for a World Peace Conference. And when this is held there will come to pass a world government which will never be destroyed or pass away {Daniel 7: IJ^). It will be indeed a new type and order of political rule. Rev. 21: 5.— "Behold I make all things new." This will be a government where the poor man will get a square deal and where law-breaking, money-crazy soulless thieves will, to use a common phrase, get it in the neck and their do-nothing and good-for-nothing chil- dren will be obliged to go to work. The Millennium, as it is usually termed, will begin in 1931 and will continue a thousand years. This will be a season of building and perfecting a world democracy. In this period the world will grow brighter and brighter in health, happiness and prosperity. One man will be seen starting in the right way. Soon there will be two, then three, then four until at the end of a thousand years all hu- manity will be journeying together in peace, health and happiness. Prov. U: i<5.— "The path of the just is as the shining light, that shin- eth more and more unto the perfect day." Many people have seemed to think that the Millennium would be a time of idleness and ease — a thousand years of sitting around in a Morris chair, as some one has expressed it, in the midst of plenty, with dinner on a golden platter and with nothing to do but to eat, drink and be merry. But this is of course only a lazy man's dream, the idle silly product of a dream. It seems that God tried that experi- ment with Adam and Eve in the Gar- 50 BIBLE PROPHECIES. den of Eden and it proved to be the wrong thing to do (Gen. 3: 19.) But you may be sure that in the Millennium there will be no royal families dressed in gold lace. After 1931 you will see these potentates putting on their overalls and the" wives will don their kitchen aprons for the spirit of justice and equality is going to run so high that there will be a revolution in social ideas. To be a slaving servant in the person of a wife to some idle good-for-nothing drone will no longer satisfy any young woman. And every lady will be proud to do her own housework. The law will hold its lash over the idle and lazy and they and their chil- dren will get to work. When the world with both hands on the hand line are pulling together with a long pull and a pull all together the hours of labor will be shortened and wages will be put on an equal basis. I propose now to show the world the exact year when the prophesied Christ, the coming Saviour, will ap- pear. I shall use a key to unlock the secret. When Christ began to preach the word of God and to proclaim himself the servant of God and the Saviour of the world, the date was just thirty years {Luke 3: 23) after the Star of Bethlehem made its appearance. Heh. 13: 5.— "Christ the same yes- terday, and today and forever." If this be true the Servant of God and the Saviour of the world will come and proclaim itself Feb. 24, 1931, for the Star of Bethlehem made its ap- pearance Feb. 24, 1900 and it was so bright that it could be seen in the day time as God said it would be {II Peter 1: 19.) The Boston morning papers of Feb. 24, 1900, came out in big headlines saying: "Netv star so bright as to be seen in full sunlight. Astronomers marvel at the visitor which is so bril- liant. Probably the Star of Bethle- hem." Prof. E. A. Fuerties, professor of astronomy at Cornell, believes it the star that guided the wise men and this is what he said in his report: "Ithaca, N. Y., Feb. 24, 1900. This new discovery recalls the famous Tau or the Star of Bethlehem, which guided the wise men to the place of the birth of the Saviour, except that it is even more brilliant than the Biblical star. This new star is prob- ably that of Bethlehem." The word of God, our Bible, fore- told that when the Star of Bethlehem came again it would be even more brilliant, so much so that it could be seen in full daylight. Rev. 1: 18.— "Behold I have the keys of hell and death." I am going to show you one of these keys which will verify the fact that the Star of Bethlehem arrived exactly on time and that the valley of the shadow of death and hell, referred to in the Twenty-third Psalm and the fourth verse which must be ex- perienced by humanity will not end until 1931. KEY. Matt. 20: 16.— "So the last shall be first and the first last." The last generation will be the same number of years as the first generation. The first generation of time was Adam's generation and it was 1930. THREE STAGES. 51 Genesis 5: 1. — "This is the book of the generations of Adam. In the day that God created man." The day Adam was created was a thousand years. We of today call ten hundred a thousand but the an- cient Jews called a thousand years, day. // Peter 3: S. — "Be not ignorant of this one thing, that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years." And Adam lived 930 years. So Adam's generation was 1930 years. Christ's generation must reach the year 1931 before the last generation will come to its end and the new age or in other words the Millennium, the Second Coming, when the Saviour can begin the setting up of a new kingdom of a World Democracy. Mark well the fact that the Second Coming cannot take place till 19;;i for this generation of times does not expire until 1930 years have pas icd and that brings it over into 1931. Both the famous authorities on Bible prophecy and the prophetical times and seasons whom I have men- tioned, Rev. George Shorey of Ber- wick, Maine, and Rev. Butler Jack of Saint Paul, Minn., have discovered more keys that unlock the secret of Christ's Second Coming as fixed for 1931. But the two confirmatory proofs of this fact which they men- tion I leave unstated because their books may be obtained by any one ; and the "Laborer is worthy of his hire." Did not God say that there would be three witnesses to establish the real time of the Second Coming? Matt. 18: i 5.— "That in the mouth of * * * three witnesses every word may be established." THREE STAGES. CHAPTER XVL St. Matt. 18: :26.— "Have patience." United States is going to win this world war, not by force of arms, not by tact or diplomacy, but by circum- stances which will not be in her power to prevent and over which she will have no control. The vision of a world democracy by our honest, faithful and most beloved servant, President Wilson, is going to be born from this world war. This present war with Germany and her allies is but the premonitory stage or first warning that the long- promised world democracy has be- gun its birth {Daniel 7: 27) and above all things don't get excited and lose your head, as the street saying goes, for good workmen are slow and the mills of the Gods grind slowly, but sure. If the people of the United States don't look out, they will be like many a young doctor attending their first child birth; they are more anxious to use force than to patiently wait for the God of Nature to take its natural course. Romans 8: 25. — "But if we hope for that we see not, then do we with patience wait for it." The human mind of mankind has not mental vision enough, as a rule, to look into the future. There are very rare cases of a genius being born with mental power strong enough to look into the future and tell the world what is hidden behind its dark curtain. / Co7\ 12: k, 10. — "Now there are 52 BIBLE PROPHECIES. diversities of gifts to one is given the gift of prophecy." But the Bible warns the world not to take any stock in what any man prophesies will take place during his allotted time of life, for no prophecy uttered by a true prophet will be ful- filled while that prophet lives and should not be depended on. Hebreivs 9:17. — "A testament is of force after men are dead : otherwise it is of no strength at all while the testator liveth." It is true that Christ fulfilled many of the prophecies that he uttered while he lived but they were pro- phecies not of his own but of other prophets that had gone before him, Christ said "I reap where I sowed not." (Matt. 25: 26.) St. Matt 7: i 5.— "Beware of false prophets." Beware of anyone that tells the United States government what it should do and not do, even though their judgment seems common sense, logical and reasonable. The people of this great and powerful United States have not and never will leave the fate of their future welfare in the hands and judgment of any one of its servants. The servants (Congress) have voted to give such power to their head servant (President) ; but in the coming and very critical times of this world war, when the fate of our free government, free schools, free churches, free homes and free peo- ple, hangs on the decision of the hour the people will not consent to it; they will rebel against that power given by Congress to the president and the vast majority of the people will point to the oath of office that the president has taken, with his right hand on the Holy Bible, saying, "I will faithfully perform the duties and the trust that the people of the United States have placed upon me according to the teachings of God's Holy Word." When the very critical and painful stages of this world war come the President's judgment and his decis- ions have to be backed up and verified by God's holy prophecy of the Bible, or the people will never give their consent and will lose their confidence in their President, as a God-fearing and trusty pilot of this great gov- ernment. We of the United States know that so far in the world's history God's word has not failed and his plan of the ages has come true and been ful- filled in every little detail up to the present time and God's plan of this world democracy will have its birth in three stages as travail upon a woman with child. / r/ie.s. 5; 5.— "For when they shall say peace and safety: then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child ; and they shall not escape." You remember that just before this world war broke upon us so suddenly all nations held a peace conference at the Hague in Holland and the ruling nations of the world signed peace treaties and the morning newspapers come out in big headlines PEACE and SAFETY; then suddenly comes this world war of fearful destruction as the World's Crisis of Feb. 21, 1917, says : "In many respects the struggle has been unique in the world's his- tory. First, in the suddenness with which it burst upon Europe and the world. This storm came like a flash of lightning out of a clear sky." THREE STAGES. 53 Then it said that this world war of sudden destruction would come like — "as travail upon a woman with child." That my reader may get a better understanding of this prophecy I will quote from Dr. W. J. Tndtt's new book on Eugenics, page 186 : "There are three stages of labor pains. A natural labor is usually divided into three stages, the premonitory or first stage. The second stage is known by the grinding nature of the pains and the third stage is indicated, in which nature is making her best efforts to expel the child." Showing the reader positive and marvelous proof that this world war will come in three stages. This war with Germany and her allies is only the premonitory stage which means a previous warning or notice that God is going to destroy all those monarchy kingdoms and em- pires of the old country {Jcr. UG: 28) ; and when this premonitory stage comes to its end and peace is declared, United States should leave those Asiatic monarchy kingdoms as quick as possible and get back into her own door yard, mind her own business and let other nations and kingdoms do the same. When God told Lot to leave Sodom and Gomorrah because he was going to destroy the cities Lot took his wife and family and left the country and was saved ; but when Lot warned the people that they were going to be destroyed even members of his own family began to mock him and in- sinuate that he was crazy {Gen. 19: H.) God is going to put an end to all monarchy governments for this rea- son ; ever since the dawn of history kings have had no more heart and no higher aim in life than to draft the poor into war after war, in like man- ner as men who have no heart put two game birds into a pit and delight to see them fight and kill each other. After this world war comes to its final finish the poor hard-working sons of toil arc going to have a chance to draft these royal family murderers to the plow, the anvil and the spindle, and the loom and a just and gigantic step in advancing civilization will be taken. The second stage of this world war will be known as the long seven years of the most terrific, horrible grinding pains of the war (Ezek. 39: 9), a letting loose of the Asiatic Pagan worshipers of peace, love and friend- ship against the Asiatic worshipers of war, murder, thieving and enmity of other nations, the Pagan worship- ers of the dragon, China, and of the serpent, Japan, are going to sit in judgment {Rev. 20: J^) over all Europe, Asia and Africa and all the islands of these oceans and seas. The last stage of this world war will be indicated by a terrible pesti- lence raging like flames of fire through all the monarchy kingdoms of the old world till those monarchy governments become like a boiling sea of the dead and dying, the God of na- ture making his best effort to expel the child government of a world de- mocracy. This coming new world democracy will be born independent of any likes or dislikes of the United States; yet its first president will be a citizen of the United States and the prophecy also shows that the capital of that 54 BIBLE PROPHECIES. world democracy will be built in the city of Jerusalem in Palestine. Isaiah 28: i(?.— "Saith the Lord God, Behold, I lay in Zion for a foun- dation." Isaiah 59: 20. — "And the Redeemer shall come to Zion," Isaiah 2: 3. — "For out of Zion shall go forth the law." Micah U: 7. — "And the Lord shall reign over them in Mount Zion." Daniel 7: H. — "And there was given him dominion, and glory, and a kingdom, that all people, nations and languages should serve him : his dominion is an everlasting dominion, which shall not pass away, and his kingdom that which shall not be de- stroyed." Daniel 7 : 27. — "And all dominions shall serve and obey him." Isaiah 2: 2-.lf. — "And it shall come to pass in the last days * * * the Lord's house shall be established in the top of the mountain and all na- tions shall flow into it * * * and he will teach us of his ways, and we will walk in his paths for out of Zion shall go forth the law, and the word of the Lord from Jerusalem. And he shall judge among the nations, and shall rebuke many people; and they shall beat their swords into pruning hooks: nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war any more." Psalms Jf6: 9. — "He maketh wars to cease unto the ends of the earth." And thanks be to Alimghty God that this world war is to be the last war and our United States will never see war any more or take part in any war or wars in the future after this war with Germany. United States will not take any part in the coming seven-year war with Japan and her allies. I have taken the reader clear round Robin Hood's barn, as the street saying goes, to give him a hur- ried and very brief view into many of these deep, dark, strange and most marvelous prophecies of the future and the past and I will challenge the world to prove that I have interpreted the prophecies in an unjust, unfair and wrong light ; yet I am fully aware that to err is human and no one can say that they are divine and infal- lible. In closing this book on prophecy my prayer is and ever will be for our nation to be patient. All these pro- phecies must come to pass and be fulfilled {Matt. 5: 18.) Don't get ex- cited ; don't lose your head, don't think for a moment that any one's mere drop of human intelligence can change the great ocean of God's di- vine wisdom and his divine prophecy and plans of a world democracy. Be patient and the glorious fruit will ripen in due season. James 5: 7. — "Behold, the hus- bandman waiteth for the precious fruit of the earth, and hath long pa- tience for it." This book will be in the printer's hands today, July 26, 1918. What I have said about the Pope of Rome in- terceding and Japan asking United States to stop fighting and consider terms of peace, is not in sight yet, but it shortly will be. SILVER LINING. CHAPTER XVII. It is said that every dark cloud has SILVER LINING. 55 its silver lining and our Bible pro- phecies reveal that this darkest cloud of war that has ever hung over the world has the most beautiful, most valuable silver lining that has ever appeared in the sky of humanity. God promised that following the war with Germany or in other words between the first and second acts of this terrible world war drama the books of the Bible would be opened or in other words interpreted. Daniel 7: 10. — "The judgment was set and the books were opened." No one need to read the whole Bible to get the program of this world war for this seventh chapter of Daniel gives a full outline of it from the time the British Lion entered the war till the beginning of the great world democracy. This program shows in the ninth verse of this seventh chapter that the monarchy thrones of the British Lion, Russian Bear and German Leopard will be cast down but not destroyed, that they will be in a bankrupt, crip- pled condition. They will then enter into a conspiracy to divide Russia and steal a part for each, to offset the cost of this war. But United States will take no part in the theft of Russia and will come home with clean hands and a pure heart. God's promised judgment upon them will then set, in other words it will come upon them. God will let loose the dragon nations, China and Japan, for a little season {Rev. 20: 2, 3) and judgment is going to be given into the hands and hearts of China and Japan to do with England, Russia and Germany as they see fit and the pro- phecy of Daniel tells what that judg- ment will be. Japan and China will take away England, Russia and Ger- many's dominion. Daniel 7: 12. — "As concerning the rest of the beasts they had their do- minion taken away." You might ask, what is United States to profit, in coming home empty handed. May I ask you what greater honor or fame can come to any nation than to leave bad com- pany and come home and prepare Un- ited States for a gigantic self-defense. God has many times pointed out in the Bible that he has never forsaken the righteous. Psalms 37: 25. — "I have been young, and now am old; yet have I not seen the righteous forsaken, nor his seed begging bread." God has a good judgment for the good nations and a punishment for bad nations which they cannot es- cape. They must reap that which they have sown. No one has ques- tioned this just law of nature. Job 4: 7, 8. — "Remember, I pray thee, whoever perished, being inno- cent? or where were the righteous cut off? Even as I have seen, they that plow iniquity, and sow wickedness, reap the same." United States is making a tre- mendous sacrifice in trying to make the world a decent place to live in and she is going to achieve it before the war comes to its end. She is coming home from France saying — "We entered this war for no indemnity or any new lands." The voice of the people of United States is for: "peace on earth, and good will to man." God is going to say to our boys of Old Glory and their Red Cross sisters when they return from France — some 56 BIBLE PROPHECIES. of them will be blind, others with legs and arms gone, others broken in health, but the spirit of God is in the hearts of the American people who will cry out — "Welcome — our good and faithful servants, enter thou into the joy prepared for those who have tried to subdue the earth (Gen. 1: 28) as a commandment from God. Posterity will say these are the saints of the Most High; they tried to subdue the earth from the Kaiser, which was the will of God. A crown of life of everlasting remembrance is yours. Rev. 2: 10. — "And I will give thee a crown of life." Isaiah 36: 5. — "I will give them an everlasting name, that shall not be cut off." Every town and city will have a great monument upon which will be engraved the names of our soldier boys and their Red Cross sisters, which time will not remove. Every town and city will have a book called the Lamb's book of Life and in that book will be engraved the names of our brave soldier boys and their Red Cross sisters which may be handed down to posterity. Rev. 21 : 27. — "But they which are written in the Lamb's Book of Life." And as the great hearted Lincoln said over the graves of our fathers at Gettysburg: "We are highly re- solved that these dead shall not have died in vain; that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of free- dom and shall not perish from the earth." God is going to give our brave boys and their Red Cross sisters the greatest prize and honor that has ever been given to any nation or king- dom, a world dominion that shall never pass away and never be de- stroyed, {Daniel 7: 27) and it will be called the UNITED NATIONS of the World. And the half I have not yet told you, as it was in the days of Sol- omon. / Kings 10: 7.— "Behold, the half was not told me: thy wisdom and prosperity exceedeth the fame which I heard." Today, as it was in the days of Solomon, there are things that we. would much rather have than fame and this is that our children and children's children throughout all coming ages shall inherit peace, health, happiness, wisdom and pros- perity in abundance. God promised this sorrowful, pain- ful, ignorant, poor generation that between the first and second act of this awful and terrible world war the books of the Bible would be inter- preted. Daniel 7: 10. — "Judgment was set, and the books were opened." The Bible as you well know, con- tains history yet to be fulfilled. Like- wise does the Bible contain wisdom and knowledge that modern science has not yet discovered, knowledge that will rock human misery to sleep. So far in the world's history we have been fighting the effect of a cause and perfectly ignorant of that first cause which is the cause of all the world's sorrow, pain, wars and hardships and the cause of a great waste of our time, labor and money. The sooner we are fully sensible and deeply know that we are chil- dren of nature, subject to nature, punished by nature whenever we SILVER LINING. 57 break or transgress its laws the bet- ter. We have got to suffer for it either physically or mentally. Even our good clergy are beginning to realize this fact. Says Rev, H. A. Mitchell in The World's Crisis, Aug. 8, 1917: "Nature's laws are Gcd's laws, therefore he who breaks the laws of nature, breaks the laws of God." Even our good medical authorities are beginning to see this valuable truth for says Dr. J. H. Kellogg of Battle Creek Sanitarium fame: "If you want to get the most out of life, you must live in accordance with Na- ture's laws." The world renowned Luther Bur- hank, who has advanced human pro- gress and civilization more than any other man of this generation except Thomas A. Edison, who is probably his equal, gathered all his new dis- coveries by watching nature and its natural laws of operation, which is the great, unchangeable, infinite Father of us all. Said this great in- tellectual leader of human progress : "It is emphatically true that the things around us in nature are our chief teachers." The Bible voiced this truth nearly two thousand years ago yet we of to- day are just beginning to believe it. / Cor. 11: H. — "Doth not even na- ture itself teach you?" Thomas A. Edison was asked if he did not get weary of so much experi- menting. "No," said the great gen- ius — "I never get tired of talking with God." We have a natural body and a spiritual body and both are governed by unchangeable unavoidable laws of nature. All nations of the world, through- out all coming generations will wor- ship but one God in spirit and in truth. Not by crying, Lord, Lord, help us, but by following the teach- ings of nature and obeying its natural laws of operation. Rev. 21: 1, 22.—" And I, John, saw the holy city new Jerusalem * * * and I saw no temple there." Back in the Garden of Eden Adam and Eve were told of a certain fixed law of nature {Gen. 2: 17) that meant sorrow, {Gen. 3: 16) loss of love and hardship all the days of their hfe, if they broke it (Gen. 3: 17) and they broke it and knew not how to mend it and like the fable of the fox— "When he saw the grapes beyond his power went and said the grapes were sour." Adam and Eve were told that if they did not break the law that they would have access to a river of life where there is bdellium, (Gen. 2: 12) or in other words medical virtues, that they would find nature its own physician. And for six thousand years mankind have tried to over- come that law of nature that a sor- rowful, suffering world is still break- ing as Adam and Eve did. Genesis 3: 6. — "And the woman took of the fruit and did eat." Romans 1: 26. — "Woman did change the natural use into that which is against nature." Between the first and second act of this terrible world war the following hidden medical knowledge that God promised to give to the world will be interpreted by the writer. Rev., chap. 22. — "And he showed me a pure river of water of life * * * and there was the tree of life and the leaves of the tree were for the 58 BIBLE PROPHECIES. healing of the nations and there shall be no more curse." Ezek. U7: 12. — "And by the river shall grow all trees and the leaf there- of for medicine." In the second act of this great world war all the nations of the old world will be going the broad way to destruction by wars, famines and pestilences but United States will choose the way of peace, health, hap- piness and great prosperity and soon after this terrible world war comes to its end in 1931, the whole world will be filled with peace, health, hap- piness and great prosperity. Eccles. 9: 18. — "Wisdom is better than weapons of war." Isaiah 33: 2U. — "And the inhabi- tant shall not say, I am sick ; the peo- ple that dwell therein shall be for- given their iniquity." LIBRftRY OF CONGRESS 007 919 530 3 •