'--D ewMMpshire /^ /Sr GETS ^'li^ LIBRARY OF CONGRESS. i%ait> (ioMngi^ ^u Shelf ....i/.f- e f- UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. i t $ i THE POETS NEW HAMPSHIRE, SPECIMEN POEMS OF THREE HUNDUED POETS OF THE GRANITE STATE, WITH BIOGRAPHICAL NOTES. COMWtED BY BELA CHAPII:^, :M0NT, N/B;;, UfQ-o'^ CLAREMONT, CHARLES H. ADAMS, PUBLISHER, 1883. '■ "V\v Entereil according to act of Congress in the year 1882, })y CHARLES H. ADAMS, in the office of the Librarian of Congress, at Washington, D. C \ -^J' PRINTED AND BOUND BY THE CLAREMONT MANUFACTURING CO. TO his excellency The Honorable Charles Henry Bell, governor of new hampshire, this volume is inscribed by the compiler. PEEFACE. A writer in the North American Review, some sixt^- 3-ears ago, marvelled that a State so ricli in beautiful and sublime scenerv as New Hampshire had given no considerable indication of po- etic talent. That the muses have dwelt among our mountains, lakes and rivers, and that our State literature is by no means meagre in poetrj-, a reference to the following pages Avill afford convincing proof. The task of collecting specimen poems and preparing bio- graphical notices of the New Hampshire poets was undertaken in the autumn of 1881, and the result is here laid before the public. The design was not altogether unprecedented, as vari- ous collections of poetry, the productions of poets of other States, liave already appeared. Such books have generally been com- piled w'ithout chronological order and also without biographical notes. This volume includes with native poets those who have made their permanent home in this State. There are, however, ex- ceptions to the rule in the case of two or three who have for quite a number of 3'ears during the summer and autumn seasons resided among our rock}- hills and quiet retreats, and who, while here, devoted much of their time to literary work. It has been no eas}' thing to determine who, upon the score of merit, were entitled to a representation. Their names are not a few- concerning which there could be no question. In making selections the object has been to present some of the best poems of each poet, although in many instances their poems mav be well known to the reader. The biographical notes arc necessa- rily brief and serve but to give statistics of the writers and to introduce them to the reader. It is believed that no poet has PEE FACE. been admitted to the pages of this volume who has not a good claim to be there. It is not pretended that all the verse is of the first order, but most of it is of real excellence and of general interest. While the names of many of the poets will be recognized by the reader as familiar acquaintances, there are others with whom tlie public has but a slight acquaintance ; and many of the poems here given have never before appeared in print, and several of meiut have been written expressl}' for this volume. To the poets who have so kindly furnished their elegant vol- umes, or have placed at his disposal their manuscripts and cop- ies of poems cut from magazines and newspapers, the compiler is under great obligations. May their favors be doubly repaid, and may they in return become more widely known and appre- ciated. To his many friends to whom the compiler is indebted for nec- essary information he desires to tender his sincere and grateful thanks. Especiallj' is he indebted to men who are or have been, most of them, connected with the newspaper press ; among whom may be mentioned, "William H. Hackett, Lewis W. BuEwsTER and Albert Laighton, Esqs., of Portsmouth ; the venerable C4eorge Wadleigh, Esq., of Dover ; Edward D. BoYLSTON, Esq. , of Amherst, who lent a helping hand in many wa^'s ; JosiAH M. Fletcher', Esq., of Nashua; Henry W. Herrick, Esq., of Manchester; Hon. Henry P. Rolfe, James O. Adams and John N. McClintock, Esqs., of Concord; H. L. Inman, Esq., of Keene ; Joseph W. Parmelee, Esq., of Newport; Benjamin P. Shillaber, Esq., of Chelsea, Mass., Rev. SiLVANus Hayward, of Globe Village, Mass., and Fred- eric A. Moore, Esq., of Washington, D. C. The work is now done, and, despite the labor and care it has caused the compiler, he leaves it with a sentiment of regret. It has been a labor of love and pleasantness throughout, and he leaves it like one who goes from the place where loved compan- ions surround the festive board, where cheering converse h^s long delighted and enlivened. Thus fondly lingering he bids adieu to The Poets of New Hampshire. CONTENTS. • SAMUEL HAVEN. Tlie Praise of Angels, 1 On Resignation ami Hope in God un- der troubles 2 - JEREMY BELKNAP. Prudence, 2 Keanimation, 3 (.'lirist's Commission to preach the Gospel 4 The God of Nature, 4 Obedience to God our Father 5 Marriage, *> Lines, 6 .JONATHAN MITCHEL SEWALL. The Seasons, 7 Anniversary Song 8 Paraphrase of the last Chapter of Ecclesiastes, 9 THOMAS BALDWIN. The Union of the Saints, 10 J ROBERT DINSMOOR. The Poet's Farewell to the Muses,.. 11 SARAH PORTER. The Royal Infant 14 DAVID EVERETT. AnOde, IC Extract from a Valedictory Poem, . . 16 Lines 17 ^ THOMAS GREEN FESSENDEN. Flattery, IS The Course of Culture IS The Independent Fai-mer , 20 The Farmer 20 HOSEA BALLOU. Blessings of Christ's Universal Reign 21 GodisLove 22 ' PHILIP CARRIGAN. Lafayette's Return, 22 WILLIAM MERCHANT RICHARD- SON. The River Merrimack 24 DANIEL WEBSTER. Lines to a Departed Son, 20 From "Human Redcniplion," 27 The Memory of the Heart 2S Winter 2S Lines written in an Album 778 ANDREW WALLACE. A Prayer in Sickness 2!) Hymn of Thanksgiving for Recov- ery from Sickness, ;50 NATHANIEL HAZELTINE CARTER. Hymn for Christmas, 31 To my Native Stream :!2 The Closing Scene— A Burial at Sea, 33 ^CHARLES BURROUGHS. Mount Washington, 34 A Morning Prayer .'55 WILLIAM PLUMER. The Ocean, 30 The White Hills 37 The Ancestral Seat 88 Love, 39 The Wedding 40 Wedded Love, 40 The Father 41 Children, 42 Flowers, 42 Patriotism, 43 SARAH WHITE LIVERMORE. The Burdock 43 " JOHN FARMER. Lines 44 Epitaph for a Friend, 4.") ELISHA SNELL FISH. Ambition, 45 St.anzas suggested by the opening of China to Gospel Influences, 40 Inferences and reflections, etc. 47 NATHANIEL APPLETON HAVEN. Autumn 49 Prayer 49 Hymn for the Fourth of July, ]h13,. M AMOS ANDREW PARKER. The Parting Hour ."Jl Jilted, :>•! CARLOS WILCOX. Active Christian Benevolence, .53 Live for Eternity, .t5 Sunset in September 5f> Spring in New England .'57 - SARAH JOSEPHA HA I.E. The Rose-Tree at the Birth-place of Washington, 00 I Sing to him 61 The Light of Home, 62 The Silk-worm 03 VIII CONTENTS. WILLIAM BINGHAM TAPPAN. The White Mountains •••■:" ^! There is an Hour of Peaceful Rest, 64 The Olfl North Burial Ground in Portsmouth, ^o GEORGE KENT. Thoughts at the base of Niagara y^jlg bi "Hope 'on— Hope ever," 68 A Modest Claim, ^° In Memory of President Garfield, ... 71 ELIZA O. SHORES. On visiting the Scenes of early life, 72 ELIZA B. THORNTON. The Sumac Tree ^'^ Bocbim, ^^ AJfflA MARIA WELLS. Ascutn ey '''^ DANIEL DANA TAPPAN. Hymn, 75 Ilvmn to Jesus, '5 Hymn to the Redeemer, '6 Auld Lang Syne, 77 Landing of the Pilgrims a EDNA HASTINGS SILVER. Christmas 7S On the Death of a Child 79 Lines, 79 Nature, 79 Memory, 80 The Midnight Knell 80 SARAH SMITH. The White Clover 81 THOMAS COGSWELL UPHAJtl. The Spiritual Temple 83 Song of the Pilgrims, 82 The Inward Christ, 83 The Living Fountain, 83 The Greatness of Love 84 Silence under Trials, 84 OLIVER WILLLYIM BOURNE PEA- BODY. Lines, 8.5 Too Early Lost 8.5 Stanzas 87 WILLIAM BOURNE OLIVER PEA- BODY. The Autumn Evening 88 The Rising Moon 89 The Death of an Infant, 89 Monadnock 90 CALEB STARK. The Battle of Lundy's Lane, ffi i BEN.IAMIN BROWN FRENCH. The Maiden at Church, 93 Thoughts on Visiting the Place of my Nativity 94 Song for the Atlantic Cable Celebra- tion, 9,5 Hymn composed at Gettysburg, 97 The Last Words of John" Brown 98 NATHANIEL GOOKIN UPHAM. Dedication Hymn, 99 AMOS BLANCHARD. An Evening in a Grave-yard 100 MARY CUTTS. Sea Shells, 101 Song, 102 The Fated 103 ■GEORGE WASHINGTON HAMINIOND. The Prospect, 103 For a Friend's Album, 104 Prudence 105 ^ CHARLES WARREN BREWSTER. History of News— Birth of the Press, 105 J CYNTHIA L. GEROULD. Sunset, 107 Hymn for the Season 108 ASA DODGE SMITH. To Mount Ascutney, 109 ROBERT BOODEY CAVERLY. The Old Garrison House 110 Clara 113 SUSAN REBECCA AYER BARNES. Our Mountain Homes, .' 113 Farewell to New England 114 MOODY CURRIER. All Things Change 115 October, 116 On recovering from sickness 116 The Indians, 117 EPHRAIM PEABODY. West's Picture of the Infant Samuel, 117 The Skater's Song, 118 - JAMES BREMAN. Stanzas 119 THOMAS P. MOSES. To a Miniature of a departed Friend, 120 - EUNICE laMBALL DANIELS. The First Flower 120 HUGH MOORE. Spring is Coming, 121 To-morrow, 122 Midnight 123 MARY WILKINGS SPAULDING. Why should we cling to earth, 124 - EDMUND BURKE. In Imitation of Burns 124 •STEPHEN GREENLEAF BULFINCH. Lines on visiting Tollulali Falls, Georgia, 125 Hymn for Sabl)ath Jloruiug Worship, 126 MILTON WARD. The Lyre, 126 JOHN H. WARLAND. Summer, 128 The Dumb Child, 130 Lines on the Death of Charles J. Fox, 132 ^ LEWIS C. BRO^VNE. Briers and Berries 133 A Song of Age 135 Teachina: School and Bojirding Arounll 136 CONTENTS. IX Threescore and Ten 137 JAMES FREEMAN CLARKE. The Ship, 139 Trif ormis Diana, 140 The Poet 141 CAROLINE ORXE. Sabbath Evening 142 The Exile, 143 The Heart's Guests, 144 ■ JOHN GREENLEAF ADAMS. God's Angels, 145 Heaven Here, 145 Strive to make the world better 146 ^ ESTHER WALDEN BARNES. For Memorial Day, 147 Easter Carol 148 LOriSA SBIES. From Youth to Manhood, 148 To the Clouds 149 HORACE GREELEY. The Faded Stars, 150 Darkness over earth was sleeping,.. 151 On the death of William Wirt 151 Fantasies 152 MARY STEARNS PATTERSON. The Autumn Rose, 153 Lines for a Young Lady's Album, . . 154 MARY RAITSIOND PRATT. "Do they love there still?" 154 ELIAS NASON. A Morning Hymn, 155 A Christmas Carol 156 Jesus Oulv, 157 The Poor "Man at the Gate of Para- dise 157 The Lord's Prayer, Paraphrased,... 158 The Smile of the King 158 The Blue Gentian, 158 • CHARLES JAMES FOX. The Christian Promise 160 JOHN NELSON MOSES. Stanzas, 161 GEORGE ]NL\.THER CHAMPNEY. Lines to Souhegan River 161 • JAMES CHURCHILL BRYANT. Sabbath Morning 164 In Sickness 163 BENJAMIN PENHALLOW SIULLA- BER. A Country Summer Sunday, 166 Piscataqua 168 The Hidden Treasure 170 WOODBURY MELCHER FERNALD. My Daughter's Home, 173 A Vision of Eternal Glory 174 WILLIAM B. JLVRSII. The Bright Spirit Land 175 - EZRA EASTMAN ADAMS. Stepping with the Stars 176 "I move'into the Light," 177 Growing Old 178 What may we carry to the Vast For- ever, 178 , EDWARD D. BOYLSTON. Bridal of the Granite and Pine 179 The Pemigewassett 180 The "Great Light," 181 "Nearer Thee," 182 "Without God in the World," 182 The Blessed Sabbath 1&3 CHARLES W. UPHAM. Jacob's Funeral, 183 MATTHEW HARVEY. The Old Hearth-stone, 184 A Pathetic Ballad, 185 Stanzas 187 AUGUSTA HARVEY WORTHEN. The Lily's Story, 188 Kearsarge Mountain to its Name- sake, 191 MARY WHITCHER. The Snowstorm 192 JAMES KENNARD. Fourth of July 193 What shall I ask in prayer? 194 WILLIAjSI WENTWORTH BECK. The World as it is 196 The Soul, 197 LEANDER CLARK. Song 198 A Dirge 198 Lines 199 Faith and Hope 199 Sonnet 200 Sonnet, 200 Hester Moreland 200 Intramuros 202 MARY B. HOSMER. The Beggar's Christmas Eve 203 After .Seventeen Yeai's, 204 Twilight Musings, 203 Our Soldiers' Graves 206 ' HARRIET N. DOKELERY. Sunset, 207 Orllla 208 Sons of New Hampshire 209 SARAH SHEDD. An Indian's Lament on the banks of the Saco, 210 Old Draper Hill 211 LUELLA J. B. CASE. The Doomed Race 212 ADeath Scene, «13 CONTENTS. ' HARRY HIBBARD. Franconia Mountain Notch, 214 THOMAS RUSSELL CROSBY. To Merrimack River, 218 ^ HORATIO HALE. The Eagle's Speech, 221 Lines for my Cousin's Album 222 BENJAMIN D. LAIGHTON. Lines written in May 223 Stanzas, 225 *• SAMUEL C. BALDWIN. The Voices of the Ocean 225 .; JAMES THOMAS FIELDS. The Owl-Critic 226 The Search 228 Ballad of the Tempest, ■ 228 The Lover's Peril 229 A Protest, 229 Morning and Evening by the Sea,... 230 Agassiz, 230 SAMUEL TENNEY HILDRETH. Fame and Love • 331 JAMES WxiRREN PARMELEE. Ode to the South Bi-anch of Sugar River, 232 Stanzas, 233 A Smoking Reverie, 234 JAMES OSGOOD ADAMS. The Dying Rose's Lament, 235 • LUCY P. ADAMS. The Sunbeam, 235 HARRIETTE VAN MATER FRENCH. The Friend of an Hour, 236 The World is all Beautv, 237 Short the Time, .' 237 Two Maidens, 238 JOHN RILEY VARNEY. To the Fire Fly 2.39 What is Beauty? 240 ' 'CHARLES ANDERSON DANA. Via Sacra 241 Manhood, 241 ToR. B. 242 EDWARD ERASMUS SARGEANT. The Indian Mother to her Son, 243 ALBERT PERRY. The Grand Mouadnock, 245 LEONARD SWAIN. Man is not what he wills 246 DEBORAH G. FOSS. To a Spinning Wheel, 248 All Hallow Eve 249 SE\IEON P." HEATH. Extract from a poem, 250 EDWARD DEAN RANT). Behind the Veil, 2.52 In Memoriam 253 Growing Old, 253 WILLIAM CANT STLTJOC. The Poet's Mite,. 255 Mary 256 Washington, 256 Lake Sunapee 257 The Unrewarded 259 ^ EUGENE BACHELDER. The Union, 260 Fair Columbia 260 JOSEPH BRO'SVN SINHTH. To My Mother, 261 Hymn, 262 ■\ DANIEL AUGUSTUS DROWN. Beautiful is Moonlight, 2&3 May-Flowere, 264 The Old Elm 265 Jesus, My Hope, ... 266 ADALIZA CUTLER PHELPS. To a Bird in Midwinter 267 ' JACOB RICHARDS DODGE. The Mariner's Betrothed, 26J> The Lovely Dead 269 New Hampshire in the Centuries,... 270 AVILLIAM PLUMER. The Blind Boy, 271 JOHN QUINCY ADAMS WOOD. Invocation to Spring, 272 Father's growing old, John, 274 To Her who sits in Soft Attire 275 New Hampshire 276 The Blind Man's Evening Hymn, . . . 277 JULIA A. A. WOOD. Legend of the Willow 278 Lines for Ash Wednesday, 279 i MARY E. BLAIR. Fellowship in Sufl'eriug 280 Love is dead 282 ■ FANNIE E. FOSTER. The Poet's Grave 284 GEORGE FREDERICK ICENT. To a California Pine 285 To a Locomotive 285 Sonnet to Spring, 285 Rain in April 286 A Brother's Plea 286 The Voice of Peace 287 NEHEMIAH WRIGHT. My Spirit Home 288 HENRY W. HERRICK. The Spider's Web 289 The Humble Bee 290 The Tomb of Stark 291 CONTENTS. XI J GEORGE NELSON BRYANT. Evenings at Home, 291 I am the Door, 292 Hyniuto the Mountains, 293 CAROLINE ELIZABETH JENNESS. Repose 294 Fear not 295 The Fountain of Youth 295 ADELINE D. T. AVHITNEY. Our Home-Maker, 296 The Two Powers, 298 MIRON JAMES ilAZELTINE. Tlie Awaking of Freedom, 299 Words, 300 TotheSea 301 HAN^NAH BRY^VNT HAZELTINE. A Northern October 302 Morning, Noon and Night 303 Cloud Pictures 304 ^ JAMES W. BARICER. Darning Stockings, SOB One Request 306 EDWARD A. HOSMER. O Give me a Home by the Sea, 308 Remember Me, 308 AMOS B. RUSSELL. Mv Border Land, 309 Acl Astra, 309 My Mother, 310 Anchored 310 WILLIAM STARK. Extract from Centennial Poem 311 ' ALBON H. BAILEY. The Village Bells 313 To Bunker Hill Monument 314 JUSTIN E. WALKER. Trust iu God 315 A Three-Fold Aspect 316 ASENATH C. STICIiNEY. Words of IS[y Saviour 317 Universal Love 318 EDWARD AVHITESIDE WOODDELL. Christmas Eve, 318 FREDERIC A. MOORE. The Bachelor's Song, 319 JOSEPH EDWARD liOOl). White River 320 GEORGE PAYN QUACKENBOS. M V Soul's Song, 321 The Rose 322 The Flower aud the Tree 323 .Song of the Butterfly 324 The Spirit and the Bride say "Come," 325 SAMUEL J. PIKE. Stanzas, 32G The Better Land 327 He Giveth His Beloved Sleep, 328 Sonnet, 3-29 Sonnet 329 ' ENOCH GEORGE ADAMS. The Pond amid the Hills 330 The Preciouiuess of Tears, 330 JOHN BODAVELL WOOD. The Worth of Baubles 3.32 Courage, Forever, 332 One Flash of Lightning— A Telegram Answered, 333 HARRIET NEWELL EATON. Beatitude, 334 My Moan 334 The Rain 335 Old John 336 • WILLIAM COPP FOX. Tom Brown's Reformation, 337 The Wolfeborough Centennial, 339 Lines, 340 October, 340 ' JOSIAH MOODY FLETCHER. To Ailaline 342 Adversity, 342 Angels By and ]5v, 343 Little Eloise, 344 Rumnev Hills 345 Good Wishes, 346 Mourn not for me when I am dead,. . 346 The Sleigh Ride, 347 The Stolen Kiss, 348 Lines to the American Flag 348 The Pauper Mill, 349 Mount Washington 349 AURIN M. PAYS'ON. Sedes Musarum, 351 SAMUEL CROFUT KEELER. Broken-hearted, 352 The Silent Dead, 353 CAROLINE E. R. PARKER. Our Lamb, 355 SARAH ROBERTS BOYLE. The Voice of the Grass 356 ABBIE HUNTOON MCCRILLIS. The Daisy 357 JEREMIAH EAMES RA^'KIN. Sleep here iu peace, 358 In Sight of the Crystal Sea, 3.")9 After the Snow, 360 The Babie, 361 SILVANUS ilAYWARD. Lines at Sunset, 362 To a Sleeping Inlant, 3(i2 For the Dedication of an Album, ... 363 Threnody, 364' THOJiAS P. RUSSELL. Lines to a Leaf 3&5 CELESTIA S. GOOD ALE. The AVife to her Husband, 365 MARY DWINELL CHELLIS LUNT). The Bobolink, 366 The Water Sprite 367 Poem, 367 XII CONTENTS. -" MARY ELIZABETH FERGUSON BRETT. "Ball's Bluflf," 368 Lines written for a Golden Wedding, 309 SARAH S. CONVERSE. Stanzas 370 True Beauty, 371 Spring, 371 ALBERT LAIGHTON. ToMySoul 373 Found Dead 373 To Mv Native River 374 New Eniilauil 375 Ebb an(i Flow 375 The Dead, 375 Bj'the Sea, 376 Farragut 376 BELA CHAPIN. The Realm of Rhadamauthus 377 A Green Mountain Ljric 379 The Truly Blessed, 381 A Hymn 382 HIRAM LADD SPENCER. Farewell, 383 To My Daughter, 383 The lladji Said 384 Sonnet, 384 Sonnet 385 Sonnet, 385 Sonnet, 386 William Cullen Bryant, 386 We all shall rest, 386 A Hunih'ed Years ago 387 Love's Burial 387 Old 388 RHODA H. E. KENERSON. To a Whippoorwlll, 389 Moonbeams, 389 TIMOTHY PERRY. Of May and of Me, .390 To the Robin singjng in the Storm,.. 390 JOHN ORDRONAUX. Shadows of the Tempter, 391 The Chant of the Pilgi-im, 392 Ode for the Dartmouth Centennial Celebration, 394 Guide me, O thou Great Jehovah,... 395 While Thee I seek, Protecting Power, 395 SUSAN F. COLGATE. New Hampshire Hills, 395 NATHAN FRANKLIN CARTER. In the Sunshine 397 Great Thousrhts, 398 In the Battle of Life, 399 Loving Hearts, 399 EDNA DEAN PROCTOR. The Mountain Maid 400 New Hampshire 402 The Dead, 406 Contoocook River 407 Kear sarge, 408 At Home, 410 O Loved and Lost, 411 EDWARD AUGUSTUS JENKS. The Farm-house, 413 The Old Man's Yesterday, 414 The Children 415 To a Favorite Stream, 416 Helene 417 Hymn, ' 418 AMANDA JEMIMA SMART. "The Poor is forgotten of his neigli- bor, 419 A Home in the Granite State 420 CONSTANCE FEN^NIMORE WOOL- SON. Four-Leaved Clover, 421 LAURA A. NORRIS. Stanzas 422 Lines 4'.:2 In Memoriam 423 ' MARY W. ELLSWORTH. A Lament for Gertrude, 424 MARY E. B. MILLER. On Life's Threshold, 425 • GEORGE EUGENE BELKNAP. Christening Hymn, 437 Homeward Bound, 428 GRACE WEBSTER HINSDALE. "LovestThouMe?" 430 The Unbruised Grain, 431 The Untrodden Path 431 Listening to the Sea, 433 Raphael's Madonna Di San Sisto, 434 CAROLINE ANASTASIA SPALDING. Architecture 436 Mary Lvon 438 The Quaker Meeting 439 The Old Man of the Mountain, 440 Whither? 442 His Own 444 Angels this side, 445 Heaven, 445 SAMUEL BURNHAM. Exti-act from a College Poem, 446 Inner Life 448 "Dum YivimuB Vivamus," 449 Decoration Hymn, 449 To my Grandmother, 450 Cradle Song ^ 451 MARTHA J.'hEYWOOD. Rest, 452 Trust, 462 Alice, 453 Falling, Falling 454 Proverb Poem, 454 JOHN WESLEY AD.UIS. The Bible,.... 456 Our Baby 456 GEORGE W. OSGOOD. Welcome to Spring 457 The Loved and the Lost, 458 DAVID H. HILL. Chocorua, 459 Squam Lake, 467 CONTENTS. XIII MARY BLAKE LAXE The Deaf Girl's Thought of Music, ... 468 The Land of the Livins" 469 HENRY OAKES KENT. Onward! 470 Welcome Home, 471 Bertie 472 SARAH H. FOSTER. On the Death of a First-born Child,.. 473 Stanzas, 474 HrVRRIET MCEWEN KIMBALL. "The Blessed Company of all Faith- ful People," 475 Thou art a Place to hide me in, 477 Hymn for Advent 478 A Hymn of Contrition, 478 Jesus my Rcfui;e, 479 The Light of Life, 480 Vale, 480 ■ LUCY ROGERS HILL CROSS. A Song of the Hour,.; 481 Scenes from Real Life, 482 MARY M. ROBINSON. The Old Clock, 484 May 22, 1882, 484 The Song of Life, 48.i A Retrospect 485 MARY A. A. SENTER. Are there no Memories? 480 Hoping in vain, 487 MATTIE E. SMITH. Hope on! Hope ever! 488 ' GEORGE GORDON BYRON DE WOLFE. Louisa's Grave, 489 Lines, 490 AUGUSTA COOPER BRISTOL. The Higher Life, 491 ! ThePvxidauthera, 493 Song of Childhood, 494 The Web of Life, 495 What the Roses said, 496 LAURA GARLAND CARR. In the Woods, 497 WhataPity! 498 The Wood Thrush 499 A Garden, 500 An April Night, 501 A Mountain Pasture 602 The wa}' to Grandpa's, 50:j Shut in", .505 Bv the River, 606 Lkht 507 Off, .508 A Lane, 509 MARY H. AVHEELER. Apple Blooms, 510 Saturday Night, 511 A Serenade, 511 A Plea, 512 My Grandma's Loom 513 Digging for Gold, 514 Waf-Song of Kancamagus, 516 Song of the Frog, old CELIA THAXTER. The Wreck of the Pocahontas 519 A Tryst 52I Sorrow, .;; 523 OSCAR LAIGHTON. Song, 524 Song, 525 At Sunset 505 Her Shawl 526 . WARREN ROBERT COCHRANE. A Home Missionary Hymn 526 Thanks for the Years, 527 The Morning Call, .528 Near, 529 JULIA VAN NESS WHIPPLE. Pearls 530 The Voice amid the Trees, 530 SARAH M. PARKER. Gospel Bells, 582 Home, 534 MATTIE FRANCES JONES. Will it be always Night? 535 Have Faith am"! Persevere, 536 CHARLOTTE M. PALMER. Faith, 537 A Hymn of Trust, 538 - THOMAS BAILEY ALDRICH. Enamored Architect of Airy Rhyme, 539 sleep, 539 Tita's Tears— A Fantasy, 539 . GEORGE DUDLEY DODGE. Peace be still, 541 NANCY PRIEST WAKEFIELD. Over the River, 542 Heaven, 543 DANIEL L. MILLIKEN. Garfield 544 In Winter, 545 L.VVINIA PATTERSON WEEKS. Spirit Voices, 546 "Hope on — Hope ever," 547 Elizabeth Barrett Browning 548 EDWARD P. NOWELL. In Memoriam 549 EDAVARD A. RAND. Sing, Bonny Bird! 5.50 The Ship in the Sunshine, .551 Rain on the Roof .5.52 Pond-Lilies, 552 FRANCIS ORMOND FRENCH. Extract from a Class Day Poem, 553 * DAVID GRAHAM ADEE. At Rome, 557 Four Phases 558 Shelley, 559 \ HENRY AMES BLOOD. The Chimney-Nook, 559 Jcnnnette, 561 The Dealli of the Old Year, 563 The Invisible Piper .564 Yearnings 565 XIV CONTENTS. LEANDER S. COAN. The Same Old Flag 667 Water Lilies 569 ABBA GOOLD WOOLSON. To a Pansy, 569 The Departing Year 570 Good Kight, 571 HOMER TAYLOR FULLER. Jewels 573 "Straightway," 574 -1 EMILY GRAHAM HAYWARD. The M^reath of Love 575 Lines, 575 LYDIA H. TILTON. All Things, 576 The Bridal Wreath 577 Furnishing the House, 578 The Kiss at the Door 579 CLARA B. HEATH. Water Lilies, 580 Blueberrying 581 Transformed 582 Sea Mosses 583 The Great Reward 584 STEPHEN H. THAYER. On the Banks of the Souhegan, 585 The Bells of Nyack 586 A June Song ,'588 Twilight Contrasted 588 Uninterpreted ."isg Great Temple of Karnak 590 A Parting Song, ,%i A Voice from the Sea 591 ■^ MIRANDA M. GORRELL. Looking Across the Vale, 592 Out of the Depths, 594 • HELEN A. F. COCHRANE. Oh Stay, 590 Parted 597 Across the Sea 598 ANNIE B.^ HOLBROOK. "It is beautiful there," 600 Hymn 601 Poem, 601 HELEN MAR BEAN. Waiting 603 Yesterday and To-day 604 MARY R. P.^HATCH. One by one, 606 The Weary Sower, 606 Count your Mercies,. 607 Patrick's Letter 608 ARVILLA ALMIRA WOODWARD. Thinking, 609 GEORGE BANCROFT GRIFFITH. The Webster Homestead, 610 The Storm at Fort Point, 611 The Date Garden of the Desert, G12 The Chime in the Andes, 614 Twilight 615 MARY ELIZABETH HOBBS. June 616 Dis-illusion 616 Miserere, 618 CHARLES CHASE LORD. FleurdeLis, 619' Heroism, 620 The Robe of White 621 ANNIE DOUGLAS ROBINSON. Dorcas, 622 The Yellow Cottage, 624 Patience Dow 625 ■ CLARK B, COCHRANE. The Days of Long Ago 626 Noon liv Lake Sunapee, 628 The Old Red House on the Hill, 629 To Old Joe English, (x50 i FRANK O. EVERETT. Mabel, 633 ELIZABETH MARTIN. "Love one another," 6.34 Consecratiiin 634 Hour of Worship 635 JAMES G. RUSSELL. "What lack I yet?" 635 J BARON SAMUEL CROWELL. Charity 636 THOMAS FRANCIS LEAHY. The Men of Former Davs, ()37 Mollv's Beau '. 638 The Hose of Keene 639 HENRY LAUREN.S TALBOT. "I shall see Him as He is," 641 The War-Cry, 641 Lines, 642 Egbert, my departed Boy 642 LYDIA FRANCES CAMP. In Memory Bright, 643 CLARA FELLOWS MACIONTIRE. Musings, 644 Autumn, 646 MARY HELEN BOODEY. October JIusings 647 Three Little Blue Bonnets 649 After 1 (lie, 650 "Voices of Heart and Home," 651 A Dream, 6.52 We shall meet again, 653 * ADDISON FRANCIS BROWNE. Two Scenes, 654 Moonlight in September 655 One Look 6.56 Sleep 656 ' ADELAIDE G. BENNETT. The New-born Year 658 '^ JOHN ADAMS BELLOWS. The Poet 6,59 Two Pictures 660 SYLVIA A. MOSS. How happy 661 CONTENTS. XV RHODA BARTLETT SEYMOUR. October 6<52 A Measure, fi6-2 A Home Picture, 663 ALFRED AVILLIAM SARGENT. Wisdom ami Power Divlue 663 ' HORACE B. BAKER. Winter 665 J ANABEL C. ANDREWS. Evening, 666 At Rest, 666 Eventide 667 •/ EDWARD JOHN COLCORD. Action 668 Farewell 668 * FRANK HENRY CARLTON. The Divine Plan ,. 669 ISABEL C.^GREENE. My Love — a song, 669 ELLEN MCROBERTS MASON. A Christmas Memory, 670 My Dead Love, 671 l^nrecoiu'ileil 67i My Monitor, 673 •< CLARA E. BOLLES. "Jesus on the Shore," 673 Thoughts, 674 BESSIE BISBEE HUNT. Knitting 675 Moving, 676 A Deep Secret, 677 .; LORA ELLA CHELLIS. Heart's-Ease 678 Autumn Leaves, 678 The Gentians 679 4 LETITIA M. ADAMS. Violets, 680 From Shore to Shore 681 GRACE E. PICKERING. Rested 682 LUCY BENTLEY WIQGIN. The Life that now is, 683 Thanksgiving Day 684 EDITH E. WIGGIN. Advent, 684 October Violets 685 MELVIN J. MESSER. Kearsarge 686 Ultima Thule, 687 . GEORGE S. DORR. New England Homesteads, 688 The Minstrel's Summer Home 690 CHARLES FRANCIS RICHARDSON. Child's Hymn at Nightfall, 692 Service 693 Comfort 693 Hope 694 Sacrifice, 6W Worship, 695 StrLiigth, 695 Imiiatiou, 695 J GEORGE WALDO BROWNE. Ever Changing, 696 Ahvavs look up 696 Mount Pawtuckaway, 697 HORACE EATON WALKER. The Seamstress 699 ALTHINE FLORENCE SHOLES. Apple Blosspms, 700 Dreaming mid the Clover, 701 SARAH ELIZABETH LANE. A Wish, vol Under the Elms 702 Good-bye ''03 LIDA C. TULLOCK. Forgive the Dead, "03 Lilacs, '01 KATE J. KIMBALL. Hvmn JO-^ Where Jesus leads '05 To the White Violet, "06 \ IDA G. ADAMS. Enid "0' WILLIAM HALE. Life's Sculptor, 107 To my River, the Piscataqua, (08 CHARLES EDWARD SARGENT. In Units' Place 103 Buil