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Ellwood, a pri- soner at Oxford. PHILADELPHIA : FOR BALE BY. TIIE EDITOR, NO. 7U ARCH ST., AND BY ISRAEL UUFFINTON, FALL BIYERj MASSACHUSETTS. PRINTED BY C. SHERMAN ft SON. 1860. t# At q Meeting for Sufferings of New England Yearly Meeting of nds, held at Newport, \l. I.. 3d of 8th month, I860, — reading of the Writings and Memoirs of our dear departed rhomas B. Gonld, prepared by Win. Bodgson, Jr., of Philadel- phia, which lias occupi< ral fittings of this meeting, at various times, has been now concluded. During the time in which we have i thus engaged, we have been much comforted and edified by this record of the remarkable faithfulness and devotion of our dear Friend to th e of Truth and Righteousness in the earth; and believing that usefulness would result from a more general circulation and perusal of these Writings, the Editor is left at liberty to publish the same; and the' Clerk is requested to furnish him with a copy of this minute. ied on behalf of the Meeting aforesaid. GEORGE F. READ, Clerk. CONTENTS PAGE Minute of New England Meeting fur Sufferings, ... 3 Preface, 7 CHAPTER I. From his Birth to the year 1837 — Education — Youth — Early Memoranda and Letters — View of the coming Defection, . 25 CHAPTER II. From 1838 to 1840 — Interview with Joseph John Gurney — Sundry Letters respecting the Defection, .... 89 CHAPTER III. From 1840 to 1843 — Comes forth in the ministry — Marriage — Correspondence during the persecution of J. Wilbur, . . 141 CHAPTER IV. From 1843 to 1845 — Persecuted for his faithful Testimony — Gross perversion of the Discipline — Brought under" dealing" by the ruling party — Progress of the Gurney Schism, . . 181 CHAPTER V. From 1845 to 1852 — Separation in New England Yearly Meet- ing — Eastern journeys with Committees — And in the Ministry, 244 1* VI CONTENTS. CHAPTER VI. to 1854 — Sermon at Little Comptoo — Letters on the Pi ...... 310 CHAPTER VII. ] B3 I — V I >hio — Gurnejr Beparation in that Yearly M' • — \ • • i If aryland, Pennsylvania, an«l New Jersey, 338 [APTER Yl'll. ■ in L856 — Visit to Vermont and New and Death, 406 P R E F A C E. It may be well to premise to the following work, a few general remarks, for the encouragement of a living remnant, and for the information of that portion of its readers who may not have had a char understanding of the ground, nature, and tendency of the >wful lapse which has spread over a large portion of the Society of Friends, within the past twenty-five years, through the introduction of doctrines contrary to those always held by its faithful members from the beginning. True Friends have ever believed that this people was raised up of the great Head of the church universal, to testify to the almost forgotten truth, that the Light of Christ in the soul is the imme- diate divine source of all true religion ; and to bear a living wit- - to the life-giving efficacy of the Gospel, as " the power of God unto salvation to every one that belicveth." This great truth, which lies as a corner-stone to that fabric of practical doctrine which has distinguished the Society of Friends from other professors of the Christian name, w r as announced on various occasions and in divers manners, by our blessed Lord and his apostles. They spoke of "the true Light that lighteth every man that cometh into the world" — "the ingrafted Word, which is able to save the soul" — "the Word nigh in the heart" — the Light that "maketh manifest" — "the Grace of God, which bringeth salvation [and] hath appeared unto all men" — the "Comforter," the Holy Spirit, who should "bring all things to remembrance," and " guide into all truth" — "Christ in you the hope of glory" — even come a "second time, without sin ; unto viii PREJ a< i Balvation" to all them that and obey his voice. Oar wn words wen — " Abide in rae, and I [will abide] in "— "he that is with you shaJl be in you" — " i in them, and i in me" — and "whosoever loveth me, my Father will love him, and wc will come unto him, and make our abode with him." Holy a: I And who can doubt that a substantial reality was intended by these repeated assurances? It was tin-. i to the humbling and purifying ope- rations of this Spirit in the bouI, and obedience to its successive infestations, that our , asors were brought to know by nee for themselves the blessed truths of the Gospel j and were made quick of understanding to perc< ive the falsifications and perversions by which the profession of Christian doctrine bad :, beclouded, in the long and dark night of apostasy, which tbc !i of the Reformation from Popery had then only partially dispelled. The "dayspring from on high," which mercifully Bhined into their souls, and to which they faithfully gave heed, to a clear appreciation of the ''perfect day" of the Gospel n ; and they were enabled to put away those 3 and man-made accompaniments and impediments to Christianity, with which carnal contrivance had burdened it, and under tin delusive influence of which, many were " ever learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth." nee to this principle of Light and I trace in the soul, and miii|. le dependence upon it- teaching, produced also a clear sight and I, and of the ways of His providence mankind; and tin- doctrines of the Gospel, in accordance with Holy Scriptun — mysteries unknown to the merely natural mind — were thereby opened to them and scaled n their understanding that they could Bay, they h truth, and the truth had made them free. Herein they were wards of the mys fGod, Baw, eve to eye, the deep thii f Bis Kingdom, spoke one language, and promulgated an entire harmony of doctrine. It is doubtful whether any other would be able I i present so large an amount of rsial, didactic, and biographical, in support of PBEFAl IX heir own faitn, published daring an equal period, as the Societ; Frienda produced daring the fire! thirty years of its distincl e enoe as a bodyj and all this was of one and the Bame faith with that of Bueceeding periods, notwithstanding the bold assertions to the contrary, put forth by recent authors, [ndeed it is wonderful, considering the great variety of mental character, and of the circumstances of life and education under which they had previ- ously hum placed, how great was the uniformity of doctrine anion'.: them from the very first ; and this fact seems clearly to confirm us in the belief that the Lord himself was their Leader and their Teacher. The various Christian testimonies which they were thus led to promulgate to the world, were parts of one great divine law, — fruit of one tiv. — branches of the one stem, — even of the princi- ple of Light and Life in the hearts of the faithful. They found that a close adherence to this holy law written in the heart brought them into a true unity and fellowship with Christ and one with another; and they saw that all departures from the unity of this faith had their beginning in a departure from this law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus, by which an entrance was allowed to the Tempter to beguile and lead astray; so that none who had once known the truth could depart from and oppose any part of this fabric of doctrines, but they who had first de- parted in heart from that which was the corner-stone thereof. Thus their endeavors to restore transgressors and those who had fallen away from any of the testimonies of their profession, were principally or primarily directed towards awakening again a sin- cere and humble dedication of heart to the Lord in his inward manifestations; knowing that if the Witness for truth could be raised again into dominion in that heart, the branches which had withered would soon recover their vitality and health. Yet they ceased not, for all this, to point out the errors which such were in, and faithfully and openly to testify against them. Clear and sound they were in the faith, that lie who was the eternal Word and Son of God, was manifested in the flesh, and u bore our sins in his own body on the tree," as an atonement for PRI irorldj \ it justification, 'a hand of the Father as our Int- re< sa >r • nt with this was their belief, . once for all, without the mailable to mankind indi- ait in heart and mind to the cleansing and tions "l" Bis visiti G and indwelling Spirit, .kin^l' • ; ; . leadings oi the light thereof. So j to the soul's welfare, if Christ into the soul, — to enlighten it by J [saving Light t i Bee the nature and depth Saviour to deliver it from sin; to refine and purify it l'v the washing of n bion, and the renewing of the host ; to lead and guide it into all truth, mid qualify and th< n it, according to His will, for every good thought, word, deed, — than it was, I i discard and deny Bis miraculous c in the flesh, for that perfect example, and great offering for Bin, I all that Hi- did for us, without us, in that prepared body in ich Be was men." They knew, that while "no man oe to the Father but by Christ," yet no man can availingly j, Lord, but by the Boly Ghost;" and that therefore, lation of Christ to the bouI being that which aloi Is to every individual any true and solid foundation for : Ihrist, an attempt to invalidate this great funda- ;t:d truth, must ho nt least equally offensive in the Divine 118 to the BOttls of men, as the denial of the Bini who was made flesh and offered Himself an . til for tie- Bins of the whole world — awful and ever to ich denial but They could Bay from living •• V\ ■ that the Son of I lod is coin.-, and hath 'i us an understanding that we may know Him that is true;" and th.y were well assured, that they who have received this mai Mid abide true to it. never can deny that which He ntwardl] r man in tint aoce] table offering ; for th i th.- ne ible of its efiioacy and blessed sweet- in">s to thrir I'Rl-T.V \t It can scarcely hm ped the notice of candid persons con- ii the writing ar forefathers, h ln< ntly sensitive tl. • to any misrepresentations of their faith or docti md how ready they always appeared to defend the truth and to disprove the allegations of it- opponents. They held that pure divine truth was more to be cherished than any other ;i with which it had pleased Divine Wisdom to intrusl them, for the best welfare of mankind. Many were the occasions on which, either through the enmity of their persecutors, or the envy and malice of false and apostatized brethren, their zeal \ aroused in defence of the doctrines of the Gospel. G< >rge i himself set an example, in stepping Forward with his pen to the ike of gainsayers and the clearing of the church from | version or reproach. And on the occasion of that extensive and trial to Friends by the apdstasy of Wilkinson, Story, and Rogers, many eminent members were engaged in controverting their errors and opposing their schism, both orally and in printed Of written communications. The most prominent ministers and elders in the Society were often, and for a long time together, laboriously engaged in this work; and this they did promptly and openly, for the preservation of the flock, and the clearing away of reproach from the precious cause which they espoused. And greatly blessed was their labor of love and true zeal, to the confirmation of many, and to the conviction and restoration of ie that had erred. But where this was not the result — even where error succeeded in drawing away disciples after it — the faithful servant having done what he could was clear; and the church was clear by issuing and maintaining its testimony against such errors, and against those engaged or led away therein. And they who stood to the original acknowledged faith of the body, were always accepted as the true members of the Society, without question from friends or foes. Robert Barclay, in his u Apology for the true Christian Divi- nity," in mentioning the characteristics of a true and living church of Christ, gives this as a distinguishing one, that it con- sists of those who are not only gathered into a belief of the true PREFACE. pni :m.l doctrines of the Christian faith, but who are also ■v a joint testimony for the truth and against and 50 becoming, through this iwship, as one family and household." About the time of the defection of Wilkinson, Story, and I: ere, ab we mentioned, K. Barclay published his celebrated i Church Government, entitled "The Anarchy of the ." &C.J in which he clearly advocated the necessity of those from the communion of the gathered church, who persist in promulgating doctrines adverse to its ancient faith ; . without regard to the question of numbers, sustained the undenii rition of those who remain firm and faithful to the ginal principles of the Society. In this work he says: •• Now it' any one or more so engaged with us, should arise to • trine or doctrines, contrary to these which were the ground of our being one, who can deny but the body hath er in Buoh a case to declare, { This is not according to the truth we : and therefore we pronounce such and such doctrines to 1 -. with which we cannot have unity, nor yet any more itual fellowship with those that hold them.' And so, such Ives oil' from being members, by dissolving the very 1 by which they were linked to the body." .... "As, if a body be gathered into one fellowship by the belief of certain principles, he that comes to believe otherways, naturally scattereth himself; for that the cause, that gathered him, is taken away." What R. Barclay had in view, in .-peaking as above of "the not necessarily the plurality, or majority, as is mani- ing passage taken from his Postscript or u Vindication" of his work on Church Government, viz. : "The is only and alone in the Spirit, not necessarily aeral assemblj ; but if it please God to make use of embly, yet neither to the plurality of them, but in and such of His servants as Be sees meet. And that none or ( an be Bupposed to be members of such an assembly, I such from whom such a judgment can be expected, 1. unless they be men in whom the Grace I'll K FACE. Xlil of (Jod not only is, bat hath truly wrought to mortify and regene- rate them in a good measure : in whom the judgment of truth really proceeding from the Spirit, will bo manifest to all who are truly faithful ," &0. Auain R. Barclay say-, in the same treatise : u Suppose a people really gathered unto the true and certain principles of the Gospel ; if any of these people shall arise and contradict any of those funda- mental truths, whether have not such as stand, good right to cast such a one out from among them, and to pronounce positively, — This is contrary to the truth we profess and own ; and therefore ought to be rejected, and not received, nor yet he that asserts it, as oue of us? And is not this obligatory on all the members, seeing all are concerned V* &c. And again : u For seeing it is so, that in the true church there may men arise, and speak perverse things contrary to the doctrine and Gospel already received; what is to be the place of those that hold the pure and ancient truth ? Must they look upon these perverse men still as their brethren ? Must they cherish them as fellow-members ? Or must they judge, condemn, and deny them V* And further on, he remarks: "If God has gathered a people by this means into the belief of one and the same truth, must not they, if they turn and depart from it, be admonished, reproved, and condemned ? Yea, rather than those that are not yet come to the truth ; because they crucify afresh unto themselves the Lord of Glory, and put Him to open shame." . . . " Were such a principle to be received or believed, that in the church of Christ no man should be separated from, no man condemned or excluded the fellowship and communion of the body, for his judg- ment or opinion in matter of faith, then what blasphemies so horrid, — what heresies so damnable, — what doctrine of devils — but might harbor itself in the church of Christ? What need then of sound doctrine, if no doctrine make unsound?" &c. . . " So that from all that is above mentioned, we do safely con- clude, that where a people are gathered together into the belief of the principles and doctrines of the Gospel of Christ, if any of that people [mark, without limitation as to a small or a large 2 xiv PREFACE. number] shall go from their principles, and assert things false and contrary to what they have ahvadv received ; such as stand and abide firm in the faith, have power by the Spirit of ( ! od, after they have used Christian endeavors to convince and reclaim them, upon their obstinacy, to separate from sitrh, and to exclude them from their spiritual fellowship and communion: for other- ways, if this be denied, farewell to all Christianity, or to the maintaining of any sound doctrine in the church of Christ/' A few pages afterwards, It. Barclay adds: " Or on the other hand, that those that abide faithful, and have a discerning of those evils, ought to be silent, and never ought to reprove or gain- stand them, nor yet warn and guard others against them; and that it is a part of the commendable unity of the church of Christ, to suffer all such things without taking notice of them — I know none [that] will say so ; but if there be any so foolish as to affirm it, let them consider these Scriptures/ ' &c, &C " For though Christ be the Prince of peace, and doth most of all commend love and unity to His disciples; yet I also know He ' came not to send peace, but a sword/ that is, in dividing man from the lusts and sins he hath been united to. And also it is the work of His disciples and messengers to break the bands and unity of the wicked, wherein they are banded against God and His truth, and the confederacy of such as stand in unrighteous- ness, by inviting and bringing as many as will obey, unto right- eousness ; whereby they become disunited and separated from their companions, with whom they were centred, and at peace, in the contrary and cursed nature. And indeed, blessed are thej/, that are sent forth of the Lord to scatter here, that they may gather into the unity of the life : and they are blessed, that, in this respect, even for righteousness' sake, are scattered and separated from their brethren, that they may come to know the brotherhood and fellowship which is in the Light; from which none ought to scatter, nor to be scattered, but be more and more gathered thereunto." Cono< ruing the right and power of decision in the church, 11. Barclay says: "The only proper judge of controversies in the PBBFA< xv church, is the Spirit of God 5 and the power of deciding solely lieci in it; as having the only unerring, infallible, and certain judg- ment belonging to it: which infallibility is not necessarily an- nexed to any persons, person, or places whatsoever, by virtue of any office, place, or Btation any one may have or have had in the body of Christ That is to say, that any have ground to reason thus, — becaose T am or have been such an eminent member, there- fore my judgment is infallible; or, because ice are the greatest number ; or, that we live in such a noted or famous place, or the like; — though some of these reasons may and ought to have their weight in ease of contradictory assertions; yet not so, as upon which, either mainly or only, the infallible judgment is to be plaeed : but upon the Spirit, as that which is the firm and im- movable foundation/ 1 Near the close of this treatise, he says : "This infallible judg- ment is only and unalterably annexed and seated in the Spirit and power of God ; not to any particular person or persons, meet- ing or assembly, by virtue of any settled ordination [he might have said ' organization'], office, place, or station that such may have, or have had, in the church ; no man, men, nor meeting, standing or being invested in any authority in the church of Christ upon other terms, than so long as he or they abide in the living sense and unity of the life in their own particulars ; which, whosoever, one or more [mark that expression — one or more], in- wardly departs from, ipso facto loses all authority, office, or certain discerning, he or they formerly have had ) though retaining the true principles and sound form, and (may be) not fallen into any gross practices, as may declare them generally to be thus withered and decayed." This work of Robert Barclay's, on u Church Government/' as well as his great work, the " Apology," has received the official sanction of the Society of Friends from its first publication ; and the candid reader will excuse the extent of the above quotations therefrom, on the consideration of the remarkable adaptation of the positions advanced therein, to the circumstances of the present times in the Society, and to the subjects alluded to throughout XVI l'UKFACE. the following volume. And does it not follow from R. Barclay's reasoning, that if an individual member, or a meeting of the Society, or even a number of meetings, large or small, associated together, Bhould persist in giving countenance to fundamental error or departure from the ancient faith of the body, such indi- viduals or meetings must thereby lose their standing in the church, and all right authority therein which they might have had whilst living and abiding in the truth ? And if bo, how can the still living branches of the Vine hesitate in withdrawing from com- munion with Buch, and declaring them separated from that of whose san and life they are permitted to partake ; lest by continuing connected with them, and thus conniving at their lapse, they should themselves be infected by contact with a lifeless portion of the body? The Society, though abounding in the good things of this life, and enjoying the esteem, instead of the enmity of the world — and perhaps in part as a consequence thereof — has of late years been laden with distress and perplexity. The past thirty-five years have seen it sorrowfully torn by two fearful defections from the faith of our forefathers, far surpassing any or all previous ones in the extent of the devastation produced within its borders, and of the reproach thereby brought upon the cause of truth. The one was, in effect, a denial of the outward, or what our Saviour has done for us without us — the other, a discarding of the inward, or what He is to do for us individually, within us. The first, the heresy <>{ Elias Hicks and his coadjutors, was characterized by a denial of the miraculous birth and divine Sonship of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, and his atonement for the sins of the whole w<»rld ; by a light esteem of the Holy ScrirTtures j and by a general laxity of religious faith and life, bordering more or less on deism, and clearly evincing their departure in heart from Him who is the Sanctifier and holy Leader of his people. Against this defec- tion many faithful brethren openly testified, and labored diligently to expose its awfully delusive and destructive nature, and to pre- serve the flock, as much as might be, IVom it< poisonous effects. But in sonic places the power and influence of popular leaders induced PREFACE, wii i numb Bf in the schism, leaving in many in-tan l>ut a until remnant to sustain the true Society in certain looaliti Set to these was readily accorded by the Booiety elsewhere, the undoubted claim to recognition and fellowship, without any further rd to the smallness of their numbers than as their sympathies were thereby additionally aroused on their behalf, as the records of those days will amply Bhow. The question was, which party faithfully adhered to the ancient doctrines and practices — not, which had the numerical majority, or retained the meeting-houses, in any portion of the heritage. The other great defection from the true foundation of Quaker- ism, in our day, has been that distinguished by the name of its chief author and prominent promoter,- Joseph John Gurney, which of a far more insinuating and widely delusive character. In this instance, the cunning enemy adapted his stratagem to suit the proclivities of a people ricli and full, learning to court the world and avoid the humiliating submission to the cross of Christ, and placing too great a reliance upon mere human learning and acquirements, and accordingly the system now presented for the acceptance of the unwary, was based upon the idea that a know- ledge of religious truth and duty was to be obtained through an intellectual belief and study of the Holy Scriptures; and character- ized by views of a worldly nature, disparaging to the inward work of Divine Grace as the groundwork; and discarding several of the spiritual doctrines of our early Friends, and their published works ae i ^positions of what was now to be believed. The "Beacon" schism in England, of 1835 and 1836, was merely the premature offshoot hereof, or the premonitory symptoms of the disease which had already begun to lurk in secret, and was thwarting the appli- cation of preventives or remedies adequate to the danger. When we consider the different features of these two successive defections, we are, even at first sight, repelled and disgusted by the coarse character of the wild unbelief of Elias Hicks, in regard to that which our blessed Lord Jesus Christ did for mankind in that prepared body in the days of his flesh ; and might almost be induced to look with leniency on the later departure, BO fraught with a XVlll I'RKFACE. plausible Bhowof what appears outwardly good unto men; did we lmt lim], on a near inspection and comparison of it with what has already been seen in the Light to be the path which the vulture's eye hath not seen, that in this heresy lurks a still greater danger to the integrity bf the church, on the very account of its insinu- ating nature, by which it would appear, as it were, as an angel of light, to the unwary mind, and thereby is calculated to draw away great numbers who would not have dared to embrace the open errors of Bicksism. The system of J. J. Gurney came over the Society SO stealthily, BO amiably as it were, BO beautifully in its superficial aspect, bo pleasingly to the natural affections and to the benevolent tendencies of cultivated minds, so attractively to the great bulk of nominal professors, — it was so calculated to win for Friends the good will and esteem of others, instead of their jealousy and enmity, — and so apparently parallel at first were its paths (to the eye that looked at it but slightly) with that which by many was looked upon as the true path of their profession, — that great multitudes were entangled in it, before they suspected anything more than supposed improvements of sentiment and language, conformable to the polish of the nineteenth century. Yet there were, even early in the inroads of this great defection, some deeply experienced and faithful servants of the Most High, whose inward eye being kept in the Head, and open to the un- foldings of I lis wisdom, was rencwcdly anointed and enabled to detect the snare thus laid for the unwary; and these mourned ever the lapse which they saw impending over this people. For J, .). Gurney, by his position iii the community at large, and in the Society, attracted to his support the influence of many standing as leaders and occupying posts of much power; and though he was imt without admonition, even early in his career as an author, yet preferring his own ways, and the learning of the schools, to the wisdom of those who had learned it at the school of Christ, he proceeded to add volume to volume in great profusion, spreading whole editions of some of his works gratuitously ; and soon acquired ;it authority, and almost superseded the previous publications ot* the Society on the tables of the members, by the over- whelming number- of his own. PRKFAOE. 112 This Beed produced its natural Bruit ; for notwithstanding bha testimony openly borno against it, by such servants of Chris! as Thomas Shillitoc, John and Lydia Ann Barclay, Sarah L.Orubb, and Ann Jones, John Harrison, Thomaq Hancock, and others in England, and many gifted and faithful ones in America, the voicesofthe multitude in favor of a popular religion prevailed to Buch an extent, as to render the primitive principles and prac- tices of the Society distasteful to a very large proportion of the members. It is needless here to trace the successive Bteps of this Bad departure. The inquiring reader may find them in some of the published official documents of Philadelphia and New England W arly Meetings, and may learn many features of its progress by an attentive perusal of the " Journal of John Wilbur/' and the contained in this volume.* Thomas J3. Gould was one of the first in New England, who clearly discerned the nature of this awful defection, and the probable results to be apprehended from its being allowed to spread unrestrained over the land; and was constrained to stand in the breach, in conjunction with his beloved and honored friend John Wilbur, and other honest-hearted and unflinching servants of Christ, in an early stage of its appearance in this country. Bis letters, written during the troubles brought by this schism upon the Society in New England, show the constancy of his zeal in testifying against its inroads, and in warning his friends to beware of its fascinations. Many of these letters are too ample in their details for insertion in this work, and may furnish valu- able material for the future historian ; but the portions selected for our present purpose will almost furnish of themselves a con- * For distinct and detailed information relative to the nature of this defec- tion, and the essential difference of doctrine and practice between the position taken by the Gurney party, and that of Friends from the beginning, the reader is referred to the "Appeal for the Ancient Doctrine-,'" &c., published by Philadelphia Yearly Meeting in 1847; the " Pteport on the Division in New England Yearly Meeting," issued by the same Yearly Meeting in 1849 ; the " Journal and Correspondence of John Wilbur, 1850 ;" and an "Examina- tion of the Memoirs and Writings of J. J. Gurney,'' by W. Hodgson, Phila- delphia, 1856. x\ PBBFAl bed narrative of the exereises and trials which, from time to time, were his portion, in opposing the progress of innovation, or in defending the truth and his own position in it. These letl may possibly appear to some to dwell much on his own afiairs. ]>ut it will be well to remember that they wore addressed, in most instances, to his intimate and familiar friends, who, as he knew, felt a lively interest in whatever concerned him and the cause, and wore desirous of such intelligence from time to time. It was als i the aim of the editor, in making the selection, to present especially such portions of the correspondence, as alluded most particularly to the successive events and circumstances form- ing the main features of his pilgrimage; and many portions of a different character have necessarily been omitted, as their insertion would have swelled too voluminously the bulk of the work. It will be ^cn by the reader, that Thomas 11. Gould partook largely of the distresses brought upon a sensitive mind by the machinations of a crafty and envious party spirit, whose evil reports continually assailed him in one way or another, either retly or openly. Yet these things turned him not from his Steadfastness. "The archers shot at him — but his bow abode in Btrength, and the arms of his hands were made strong by the mighty God of Jacob." And he had not only the unity of the faithful, in standing firmly as he did for the truth, but also the inward testimony of the blessed Comforter, from time to time vouchsafed, that his labors ill this cause were acceptable in the sight of 1 1 i n i with whom he had to do. As a citizen, Thomas B. Gould was known and acknowledged, through bis native city and island, for unquestionable candor, in- to grity, and uprightness. J I is every-day demeanor was that of a liple of Christ, with a sobriety and gravity which bespoke his earnestness, and at once impresse I th ee who mot with him, that ho was endeavoring in sincerity to walk worthy of his high voca- tion and holy profession, lie w;is diligent in his outward bush. when health and intervals from religious engagements permitted, often toiling through a gieat portion of the night, to take advan- tage of favorable weather, and make up for time unavoidably PR1 i \< \xi it in other avocations or duties; and he was conscientiously careful in Fulfilling all his pecuniary obligations. Il«' had a keen relish for the beauties of the outward creation, and loved at times to point out to bis familiar friends the admirably works of the itor. ITet be was religiously concerned to keep the world under his feet, in view of that better country in which his hopes wore centred ; esteeming the riches and gratifications of this world hut as a worthless bauble, in comparison with the pearl of great price, and the sweet evidence of acceptance with Hiiu who said unto Simon Peter, u Lovesl thou inc more than tin As a minister of the Gospel, he was justly esteemed by his fellow-citizens ; who knew the sincerity of his heart, ami divers of whom, including ministers of various denominations, occasionally hearing him, were deeplj affected by his appeals to the unflattering Witness in their souls, and could not refrain from the inward acknowledgment, and sometimes the open and even public avowal of their conviction, of the wisdom and power and unction attending his advocacy of the pure doctrines of the Gospel. Hairing been very early in life made acquainted with the principles of truth, and having measurably conformed his life in obedience to the successive manifestations of the Light of Christ as his Leader, his spiritual faculties strengthened and matured beyond those of most young men of his years; and thus, being advanced to the stature of "a man in Christ Jesus," he knew whereof he affirmed, from a degree of blessed experience, and could boldly declare, with the holy men of old, yet in humility and fear of the Lord alone, " "We know that he is come, and hath given us an under- standing, that we know Him that is true," and "that which we have known and seen and handled of the good word of life, that declare we unto you." lie was of a tender spirit, and willing to cherish the good in all, and was many times enabled to develop the inward move- ments of the heart in those whom he addressed, or with whom he conversed in relation to their everlasting welfare. And it is believed that none were able to charge him with hardness of feel- ing towards any, or with conduct on any occasion inconsistent xxn PBIfAOC. with Christian kindness and civility. Yet in his testimony against the inroads of error and Bchism in the church, he was open and uncompromising, from d conviction of duty and of the vital nature of the case: and though comparatively young in years, it may be Baid of him, as T. Ellw 1 Baid of I leoige Pox, that " he was valiant for the truth, bold in asserting it, patient in Buffering for it, un- wearied in laboring in it, steady in his testimony to it, immovable B rock — zealously earnest where the honor of God, the pr perity of truth, and the peace of the church were concerned: fur indeed, the car«- of the churches of Christ was daily upon him, the prosperity and peace whereof he studiously sou-lit.'' And We may add, to the honor and praise of the great kk I AM," that it was all of Divine I J race — all in the ordering of the goodness and wisdom of God, who condescended to make the child of faith a partaker of heavenly gifts in Christ Jesus. lie was eminently acquainted with the history of our religious iety, and with the didactic and controversial publications of our early Friends ; and loved to dwell on their works of faith and labors of love, and constancy under suffering for the testimony of Jt -us. But particularly and above all other books did he value the Holy Scriptures j which from Ins boyhood he had diligently read, with his inward eye directed to Him who only hath the key of David, and can open and unfold their heavenly mysteries, and thereby " make the man of God perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works," and "wise unto salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus." lie quoted lamely from them in his mini-try and writing, u comparing spiritual things with spiritual," atly to the comfort and edification of those whom he addressed, and whose inward ear was anointed to hear and receive the truths of the I rospel. And what if some, through party spirit and prejudice, did not believe and would not receive? "Shall their unbelief make the faith of God without effect . / " Or Bhall it weaken our confidence in Bis eternal truth, and ca>t down our hand- from His holy altar 1 And what if even " twenty-and-two thousand men," who had at first gone forth against the Midianites, should have become MMBFA4 iii irfal and afraid," after beholding the hosts encam] insi them , and so "returned" Prom the warfare; shall we all fear with their fear and be afraid, as if there had been no u dew on the \nd what if, of the "ten thousand" still in the field, i nine thousand Beven hundred should be tumid unworthy to trusted for the battle, and be Bet aside, leaving a remnant, it were, but three hundred, to Btand openly in the conflict against the enemies of ferael: Bhall all this mighty defection turn the truth of God into a lie? Or shall it persuade us, that what we have heretofore seen in the Light to be the will of the Lord for i do, i- not to be done, beeause the multitude command it not ? Or shall WC forsake that ''narrow way that leadeth unto life/' to join a confederacy of men that turn aside, to please the world and the carnal mind ? Nay, verily ; but let the remnant of true-hearted Israelites be content to be accounted even as the three hundred that lapped in the army of Gideon, if haply they may be found worthy to suffer in defence of so good a cause; and let them hold on to the shield of faith which has heretofore been anointed, knowing that what they have been contending for, these twenty years and more, is no other than " the faith once delivered to the saints," but now despised and discarded and perverted, by some of the very descendants of those who suffered grievous persecu- tions, rather than give away, or barter away, one tittle of that which had been made known to them as the unchangeable truth of Christ Let us then be still livingly concerned to rally to primitive principles and primitive practices, remembering that Truth is truth, though all men may forsake it; and go on with the help of the Most High, as w T e may be graciously endued with a little renewal of strength from Him, for the accomplishment of His will, though to the humiliation and reduction of the creaturely will and wisdom into nothingness before Him. May neither the open assaults of the enemy, nor his secret insinuations and snares, weaken our constancy, or slacken a godly zeal, or efface from re- membrance the deliverances which have heretofore been experi- enced at the Lord's hand, and the blessed, and heavenly, dying XXIV PREFACE. experience of this our brother, and those of his fellow-laborera who with him have gone before as to the heavenly inheritance, and :d of their faith, even the salvation of their bouIsj remembering how they were sweetly supported, in their closing hours, by the sustaining presence of the .Most High, and how they were enabled to Bing of His mercies, from a Living and sensible feeling and foretaste of the joys in store for them. Let us bear in mind also, how they had aforetime walked among us, steadfast in the one faith j and how they endeavored to encourage and animate the flock, to stand firmly in the testimony which the Lord had given us against gains&yers, and to live over them by a godly life, as well as by word and pure doctrine. Thus, as each one is renewedly concerned to maintain individually a fervent exercise of mind after the one baptism, which baptizeth by the one Spirit into the one body, the church may be edified, and our meetings, large and small, may be kept more and more in the power and wisdom of Truth ; the Lord alone may be known to be their crown and diadem, the vacancies in the ranks may be filled up by living worshippers, and " the shout of a King" may still be heard in our camp. Philadelphia, 8d month, I860. LIFE AND LETTERS OF THOMAS B. GOULD CHATTER I. Thomas B. Gould was the son of Henry and Abigail Gould, of the city of Newport, on Rhode Island, and was born there on the 22d of the sixth month, 1813. His father, Henry Gould, who still survives him, was of the fourth generation in descent from the first settler of that name in Rhode Island, Daniel, the son of Jeremy and Priscilla Grovier Gould, of Great Britain, who emi- grated to America and settled in this colony about the year 1042, when about sixteen years of age. Daniel married Waite Coggeshall ; and, about the year 1658, was convinced of the principles of truth professed by Friends, to which he steadily adhered through the trials of that day of persecution in New England, lie joined William Robinson and Marmaduke Stevenson, at Salem, in the autumn of 1050, after they had been banished from Massachusetts on pain of death ; travelled with them over the colony for four weeks, and returned with them to Salem and Boston. They were all three imprisoned in the common jail of Boston, with several other Friends, who had accompanied them to that city, and were treated 26 LIFE AM) LETTERS OF [1813. with great harshness. After the martyrdom of William Robinson and M. Stevenson, several of the remaining prii re whipped through the Btreets, Daniel Gould ceiving thirty lashes on bis bare back. But he continued faithful to his religious convictions; and, in 1671, accom- panied John Burnyeat on his second visit to Virginia, where many who bad, a few years before, been involved in the defection of John Terror, were favored with ability to retrace their steps. In the mini-try of the Gospel, he also travelled in various part- of New England, Staten [gland, Long Island. New York. New Jersey, Pennsyl- vania. &c, the Lord blessing his labors to the convinoe- ment of divers of those who heard him. He is said to have been k * a man richly furnished with the gifts of the Holy Spirit ; patient under exercises, grave in behavior, pleasant and exemplary in conversa- tion ; his ministry weighty and deep, tending to the con- solation and comfort of God's people;'' and "his under- standing and memory in his latter years had more than common brightm In his last sickness he often ex- pressed great resignation to the Lord's will, and endured much bodily suffering with exemplary patience. He greatly enjoyed the company of his friends, and when drawing near to his close, expressed his full assurance of life eternal, and encouraged all to walk in the unchangeable Truth to which he had endeavored faithfully to bear witness, with the ani- mating language, "Let death come when it will, my reward IS >ure." lie died in the year 1716, a minister about forty- five yea;-, and in the ninety-first year of his age. Succes- sive generations of the family have continued to reside at and near Newport to the present day. Thomas, the subject of the present memoir, was a child of remarkable promise, showing an unusual degree of clear- ue.-.- of mental perception, maturity of intellect and senti- ment, and integrity of purpose and walk, at a very early age. He was favored with the privilege of having ten- der and religiously-eoncerned parents, and was carefully brought up by them in the nurture and admonition of the Lord. In the absence of many incident- of hifl early life, his l^Jl.] rHOJfAG i i.D. ^7 childhood and youth can scarcely be better portrayed than in - iKt'jv el* his Burviving friends in their memorial of him issued soon after bis decease. u He was naturally of a Blender constitution, and sub- it to frequent attacks of illnee He was i dutiful child, and religiously inclined from very early life, having d heard to Bay in maturer years, that he did nol re- member the time when he had no religious impressions. A- an evidence of the heed he early gave to the inward monitions of the Heavenly Teacher, the following inci- dent may be related. At a time when he was quite young, military displays were often made at some little distance from his father's house, and he felt a strong desire and curiosity to go and Bee tlicm. One day, see- ing a number of his playfellows going to the grounds, the temptation became very strong, and he followed them with- out the knowledge of his parents, who, he knew, would dis- approve of it. As he walked on. a sense of his disobedi- ence pressed heavily upon him ; which, as he proceeded, •tme more and more oppressive, until at length he could feel no peace but in turning back ; which he did, without ever again desiring to go to such places. " When but seven or eight years of age, his father, who was a miller, was in the practice of sending him about the town to supply his numerous customers; in which vocation he won the attachment and affection of the town's people almost without exception ; being of a kind and obliging disposition, scrupulously exact and honest in his dealings, and his conversation with them generally of a serious or religious cast. k * When about twelve years of age, he was brought so low by a severe attack of sickness, that his life was de- spaired of. After his recovery from this illness, his reli- gious impressions appear to have deepened, and his expe- rience to have ripened, in a remarkable manner for one so young. About this time, he commenced keeping a written account of his feelings and exercises, with incidents of visits of friends in the ministry, as well as of others ; and continued the practice for some years : but subsequently destroyed most of his productions in this line, as it would 28 LIFE AND LETTERS OF [1825. appear, from an humble opinion of himself; and in after life said, he did not think it was required of him to keep a journal. The following was written daring the Bickness above alluded to. " Oh! how Bure is the Rook of Ages ! But how unlike Satan, the grand adversary, who defileth everything he entered] into. But He who descended from heaven, not to destroy but to save life, influences me by His Spirit to love and serve Him. My desires are at times very strong to be enabled to distinguish between the voice of Satan and that of the King of Heaven ; as also, when the voice of the true Spirit is distinguished, that 1 may be enabled to be obedient thereto." From his early childhood, he Bought and greatly enjoyed the company of those who, as lie believed, were servants of the Most High; and from the position of his parents and some beloved connections at Newport, he often had the privilege of association with eminently gifted members of the Society of Friends, in their temporary BOJOUrningS at that central location of the Society in New England. lie was a great favorite, while a boy, with that valuable Woman and faithful minister of the Gospel, Abigail Robin- BOn, and spent much time with her, profiting by her in- structive conversation and example, and by the opportu- nities thus afforded, at her residence, of mingling with the wise and good. The impressions then received had a marked effect on his mind in more mature age. Thus, by the immediate touches of the tendering hand of the Shepherd of Israel, and by giving heed to the pre- cepts and admonitions of those who were concerned for his welfare, he was enamoured of the love of God, and brought into a degree of acquaintance with His truth, re- markable for One of his years. Yet he had iluctuations in his religious Course, the enemy assailing him powerfully, and at times gaining a little upon him, weakening his faith- fulness for a season, and giving him occasion subsequently to mourn over the ground he had lost, by allowing him an entrance with his insinuations. The following memoran- dums, found among other papers after his decease, ap- pear to allude to such seasons. 1829. | thou \> b. aoi u>. 29 u Another year has passed over my head, and awful to remember the Borrowftd neglect of Divine Goodness, nn- btchfnlness, and lukewarmness that have prevailed ! Oh, that the Lord would be pleased to spare me yet a little longer, that I may be more watchful, more careful to obey the dictates of Hia divine anointing principle within.' 1 u I hi looking over Borne memorandums this evening made in the twelfth year of my age, my spirit hath been greatly humbled in consideration ox the tender mercy and conde- nsion of Aimighty Goodness, in thai he was pleased, in thai >n of childhood, to vouchsafe a sense, a deep and spiritual sense, of His purity and holiness; and also of the means by which purity and holiness of life and conversation might be attained, through which alone a conversion into a similitude and likeness of His own nature, might be known and witnessed, even in earthen vessels. But oh ! since then, the vessel has been broken through unbelief, and the precious treasure suffered to escape, by which (if retained) the vessel might have been preserved in innocence and purity. It is ft truth beyond all doubt with me, that nothing short of a measure and manifestation of divine Grace, inwardly and spiritually communicated, ever could have conveyed that sense of divine truth which I was then favored with, and such conformity to, and uniformity with scripture terms and doctrine. "Well, if this is the and that communication has been interrupted, how necessary that the old paths should be diligently sought ! "Where is the old way 2 — for truly I am in a way which neither myself nor my fathers in the truth heretofore walked in! Oh, Thou who art the healer of breaches, and the restorer of paths for the lame to walk in, wilt Thou be pleased this once more to pluck my feet out of the mire and the clay, and to set them upon that Rock against which, as an establishment thereon is known, the gates of hell would never be able to prevail ! Here, oh here, I have once been favored to behold thy face, and to meditate on thy law with great delight ! And should I again be favored to have light in my dwelling and on my path, then, my soul, would thou be enabled to pursue thy journey with alacrity; and that true advancement 30 LIM AND LETTERS OP [1829. * would be known, which would be a Bource of comfort unto tlico in thiB life, and would prepare thee for celestial enjoy- ment when time shall be no more!" Submitting to these convictions, he grew in grace and in the saving knowledge of the Most High; and though still a y<»uth, his mind was endued with a clear apprecia- tion of the pure doctrines of Christianity, and a qualifica- tion was given to discern truth from error, either in prin- ciple or practice. He was favored with ability to wait on the Lord in the Bilence of all flesh, and to know the henefit thereof, above all merely outward performances, in the renewing of his strength, and the reception of a capacity to know and do the will of the Almighty. He alludes to this exercise in the following beautiful though brief memo- randum. "Divine worship, I believe, implies a patient waiting to know, and a faithful and scrupulous engagement to do the will of our Heavenly Father. But how hard have I often found it. to be so divested of active self, as to get into that true silence, humility, and lowliness of mind, where we can stand perfectly still, separated from any depen- dence on, or attention to any other than the great object of our adoration and praise! Nevertheless, I have at times been made sensible, to my humbling admiration, of the glory of the Lord descending and filling the outward temple, BO that there was no place for, nor any disposition to engage in any official duties, but only to stand quite still, and behold the great glory and magnificence of the Shepherd of Israel/' His mind was often brought into serious concern for the religious welfare of his friends, and especially for those, like himself, in the early walks of life; and giving up in obedience to what he believed was of divine requir- ing, he was made willing to visit such at times, both in his native city and in places more or less remote, and in humility and love to deliver to them the burden which rested upon him on their account. His labors were often owned by the Witness for truth in the hearts of those visited, to the tendering of their spirits, and he was favored to return home in peace. At other times his concern for his bre- 1829.] rnoMAB b. oould. 81 thren was manifested by epistolary communication, ad- din affectionate and earnest expostulation, encour- ment, or admonition. The following is a portion of of these epistles, showing the earnestness of his desire to be found faithful to his feelings of duty in this respect. My DBAB FRIBHD : Having hern at times (as I believe thou art Bensible) baptised into sympathy and fellow-feeling with thee in thy many trials and besetments, as well as into exercise on thy account, and renewedly and feelingly so at this time, I thought I could not easily get from under the burden, without spreading the concern which I have felt, a little before thee, as I may be enabled, and in this epistolary way, notwithstanding 1 have the favor and privilege of thy company at tinier I have observed with humbling admiration the bountiful goodness and preserving power of an All-wise Providence, not only in thy preservation from evil communications in 1 measure, but from evil habits also, in thy temporal and relative accommodations and blessings, but above all other considerations, in bringing thee to a knowledge of the ever-blessed truth in some good degree; and while I am writing, my soul bows in thankful acknowledgment on thy behalf, and can adopt the language, " This is the Lord's doing, and it is marvellous in mine eyes." And the fervent breathing of my spirit is, that neither one thing nor yet another may cause the work to be marred upon the wheel, but that thy hands, which are often ready to hang down, may be mercifully strengthened, and thy feeble knees confirmed ; for I believe thou art often ex- ceedingly stripped, and that thou feelest exceedingly the want of the sensible influence and perceptible guidance of Divine Good. But be entreated, in these seasons of deep proving, to hold fast the profession of thy faith without Avavering, nothing doubting but that He that hath been with thee in six troubles will be with thee in the seventh. The point, however, to which my mind has been the most forcibly turned in relation to thee, is, that thou mayst be increasingly gathered into the patient waiting for Christ 32 Uli; AM) LETTERS OF [1829, in the way of His coming, and increasingly guarded with respect to those things which are Likely to obstruct His appearance, or becloud thy vision. Oh, bear with me, my dear friend. a> with one who would gladly have been ex- cused, if relief might have been obtained in any other way than in the way of duty, while I entreat thee to shun all those things. I believe that the adversary of our happi- ness always enters at the weakest side, and that, well knowing in what things he would seek in vain to betray thee, he is making use of his pernicious influence to weaken thy hands, by easting temptations before thee adapted to thy situation and circumstances. I find, if I obtain relief, as Thomas Shillitoe says, "the whole counsel committed unto me must be communicated ;" that I must come right to the point; that I must entreat thee to resist bravely all solicitations to attend the meet- ings of other religious societies. I am sensible that here the cross may possibly be exceedingly heavy for thee to take up and to bear : but, my dear friend, I have seen with the eye of faith what the result would be, if this testimony should not be faithfully supported, in connection with some others which thou art, I believe, acceptably engaged in the support of. And I also feel a concern affection- ately to recommend thee to take into thy serious conside- ration the subject of the common use of heathenish names for the days of the week, and months, as well as all com- plimentary titles and distinctions, and in connection with the use of the plain Scripture language, endeavor to bring them to the Light which will make all things manifest; and I do verily believe that thou wilt be favored to see, clearly to Bee, that the same precious principle which has Led thee into one, will lead thee into the other. Nothing can be farther from my best feelings than in thus address- ing thee, either to draw thee outward in thy views, or to- wards me as an instrument. My object is no other than that of all rightly administered instrumental labor, even to bring home to the true Teacher; and as thou art con- cerned to wait day by day to feel its quickening power, thou shall be enabled to go on in that power, conquering and to conquer, even until judgment shall be sent forth unto victorv 1829.] THOMAS B. GOULD. During much of bis youth, Thomas was liable to fre- quent an: f bodily indisposition, and at tim< brought very low by sickness, and thereby his schooling was considerably interfered with ; but possessing an active mind, acute perceptions, and an uncommonly clear and retentive memory, his subsequent application and indus- try enabled him amply to compensate, in useful acquire- ments, for the time apparently lost to literary pursuits. His mind being thus stored beyond many of his years, and his conversational powers, naturally good, being improved by constant and familiar association with enlightened men and women greatly his superiors in aire and attainments, his company and conversation, as he advanced in life, be- came attractive and instructive to his acquaintances of all », and especially to those whose faces were in reality set Xionwards. These could feel the true life in him answer- ing to the witness in their own hearts, and were attracted towards him by ties stronger than those of natural brother- hood, because pertaining to the heavenly relationship. His letters to his friends were many times fraught with deep instruction, and often contained yery graphic de- scriptions of incidents or conversations in which he had been en craved, and in which he knew that his friends felt a lively interest. A portion of such descriptive epistles, (written in more mature life) selected for their value in developing the events of his own day, the sad departure of multitudes from the ancient landmarks of the Society, and his own efforts to warn his friends of the unsound doctrines insidiously introduced, and the mischievous devices of those engaged in promoting them, will furnish the reader of the following pages with something approaching to a narrative of the most remarkable events of his life, in the absence of any regular journal or autobiography. Being brought up by his father to the milling business, many of the most valuable and weighty of his epistles were written in his windmill, during the hours usually devoted to sleep, some of them being finished long after midnight or towards dawn of day. The following letter written to a relation, when about sixteen years of age, delineates familiarly some interesting particulars of a visit of George and Ann Jones to the Island of Canonicut. M LOT AND LETTBRS OF [1829. From Thomas V>. Gould to \i . 21st of Ctli mo. (1st day), 18! it.i:m!d Cousin: 1 may inform that on the 20th I i. and A. Jones appointed a meeting on Canonicut, at the eleventh hoar. Aunt Mary, Lydia Ann, and myself hav- ing an inclination to attend, went over in the horse-boat, with <■. and A. Jones, and E. Pitfield. The wind being against us made hard work for the horses, and it was nearly eleven when we arrived on shore. A very solid company was convened, and I reorge was engaged to minis* ter; beginning.: "To be carnally-minded is death, but to be spiritually-minded is life and peace;" and went on to show that the carnal mind was indeed at k * enmity with Grod." Ann followed him : " It is not in man that walk- eth to direct his steps;" showing our utter inability, as men and creatures, to do anything to the glory and honor of His glorious, holy name, unassisted by that divine principle, "a measure and manifestation" whereof has been given unto us "to profit withal;" that as we are engaged to know a co-working with that precious principle, it would work out for us a "far more exceeding and eter- nal weight of glory," even an entrance into that glorious, holy city, whose " walls are salvation and whose gates are praise;" that a mere historical faith in Christ's sufferings, death, resurrection, mediation, and intercession, would do nothing for us: that we must indeed witness the powerful operations of the Holy Ghost and fire, this being the only effectual, saving baptism; and be enabled to say, " It is not by any mighty works which we have done, but by the washing of regeneration ami the renewing of the Holy Ghost." Deal* Elizabeth Pitfield followed her, and sweetly encouraged those that were ready to say, kk Can it be, that Christ died for so vile a worm as 1 am? Can it be, that I am an object of divine regard?" A precious meeting it was. Oh, that it may be t<> me like bread cast on the water, which returned after many days. This gave us a valuable Opportunity of being in the company of tip faithful advocates of the cause of truth and righteeusw in the earth 10. ) tik»m Lfi ft. GKH LI>. The wind Mew bo heavy, it was thought improbable the horse-boat would come over, and Ann Jones no! being well, Bhe thought most proper to leave at four o'clock, and the wind continuing to blow very heavy, the spraj broke over into the boat to such a degree that it wet our friends very much, although they had umbrellas and cloak-. rawled under the cuddy, where I should have been dry, it' the water had not dripped through the planks. How- r, I esteem it another merciful favor that Ave were pre- served from any other damage than wetting our clothes. Elizabeth thought it might be a specimen of crossing the Atlantic, but Ann told her it was not a comparison to it. Ann remarked, while on board the liorse-l.oat. that it reminded her of a saying in her country, of putting to in a post-chaise. - The following memorandum is dated in 1830, when Thomas B. Gould was about seventeen years of age. " It has been clearly manifested to me, that conscience is not the proper rule and guide which the Almighty, in His infinite wisdom and goodness, has provided for the regulation of the actions of His creature, man ; because conscience, like reason, being a natural gift, may, when unenlightened, become depraved and identified with, or rather adulterated by, our evil propensities. But that the Holy Spirit of Christ, which He promised He would send in His name (which is often put for His power), is the guide and rule by which our conduct is to be regu- lated ; for though in us, it is not of us, but is a most pre- cious gift, being the same Rock that followed Israel, and that Kock was Christ. This never can be depraved, but, as minded and submitted to in its gentle movings and leadings, would subdue and overcome all that the Lord's holy controversy is against, and w r ould gain for us an ad- mittance into that city, the Avails whereof are salvation, and whose gates are praise ; it being the purchase of that most satisfactory sacrifice on Calvary's Mount, whereby He hath forever perfected them that are sanctified, and 3G LIFE AND LETTERS OF [1830. cast up a way for the ransomed and redeemed of our God to walk in ; which, although an exalted situation, and one that of ourselves we arc wholly incapable of attaining unto, yet it is so plain and so simple, that the wayfaring man, though a fool as to the things of this world, may not err therein. Well may we exclaim, k Great is the mystery of godliness !' " From Thomas B. Gould to . Dear WILLIAM, — for so I believe I may address thee, having, from a feeling of pure love, been induced to make this exposure of myself, entirely independent of any out- ward information whatever. I may remark that when thou wast here, a few weeks since, I felt such a nearness of sympathy and brotherly love for thee, as is entirely out of my capacity to convey ; but intended, however, to have manifested it by more attention and being a little more in thy company, which was pleasant. But circumstances out of my control pre- vented the accomplishment of my intentions. There would not, probably, have been any other effect from these feelings, but the other day, as I sat in meeting, en- gaged in a train of thought which would not come under the term worship, but which I think was not altogether unprofitable, thou wast very unexpectedly and feelingly brought to my remembrance, accompanied with a belief that it would be best for me to write to thee; and although I had some openings, yet the end and design of the con- cern was not made known. The subject passed off; but soon after, something transpired, which tended to strengthen the feelings. I was sincerely desirous to do the thing that was right, and like Mary formerly, "kept all these things and pondered them in my heart : M and now having given the subject due deliberation, and en- deavored to feel after the mind of truth, I am persuaded that i shall not be quite clear without submitting a few simple remarks for thy consideration. Thou hast, I believe, been mercifully preserved from many of the evils and dangers incident to youth (of which 1880. | TIIo.mas B. GOULD. 87 I have do doubt thou art sensible), but still thy path, as well as my own, is thickly Btrewed with Satan's baits, pared by his subtle hand, in a way and manner in which thou art least likely to discover them, in order to detecl and resist them. Thou must be brought into a feeling of thy own onworthiness and inability to do any d thing, before thou wilt be in a suitable state rightly to apply for assistance where alone it can be found. By attending simply to this, to u the Grace of God, which brings salvation, and hath appeared unto all men," thou wilt be enabled to discover clearly the way in which thou must go, wilt he made Bensible of the exceeding corrup- tion and depravity of the human heart, of the necessity there is for watchfulness ; and as thou keepest thine eye Bingle, wilt in due time experience deliverance from the house of bondage, which is sin, or the nature of the first Adam, from spiritual Egypt, where is darkness, but into which darkness the light of the Lord hath shined, as it is written : " They which sat in darkness saw a great light, and to them which sat in the region and shadow of death light is sprung up." And the evident design of the aris- ing of this light, is to bring thee forth out of Egypt, from under the dominion of sin ; and, if I am not mistaken in my feelings, it hath required thee to go as it were three days' journey into the wilderness, to sacrifice unto the Lord thy God ; being made sensible, as the children of Israel formerly were, that it will be inconsistent with His will and pleasure to offer sacrifice unto Him, before thou hast witnessed and know T n a departure out of Egypt. And this passover thou must be willing to eat in the way and manner that Divine Goodness has been pleased to direct, although it may be with bitter herbs, with the loins of thy mind girded, shoes upon thy feet, and a staff in thy hand, a full resolution and willingness being wrought to forsake the pleasures of Egypt, in order to journey forward and to possess the land of promise : and tliou mayest remember that it is the willing and obedient that He will give to eat of the good fruit of that land. And thus, with a high hand and with an outstretched arm, thou wilt be enabled to go forth, by His assistance, not of 4 88 LITE AND LETTERS OF [1830. thyself or thy own power ; and when the sea is divided, and thou art made sensible of the wonderful power of the Lord, the horse and his ridci- being drowned in the midst of it, while to thee it is a wall on either side, the pillar of cloud going before thee by day, and the pillar of lire by night, — after thou hast known this, thou mayst believe thyself to he on the hanks of* deliveranee. Here thou wilt probably sing His praise, and mayest be ready to eonelude that the warfare is accomplished, and that thou hast already arrived almost beyond the reach of trouble and danger. But I entreat thee to re- member that thou art but just brought out and allured into the wilderness, and on the very outset and beginning of thy journey towards the heavenly Canaan ; that here thou art to receive the dispensation of the law, and to be instructed in it, to be made acquainted with divers wash- ings and cleansings, trying, perhaps, in their nature and administration ; but be assured they are necessary in order to do away all Egypt's nature ; for thou canst no more be fit to enter into that " good land," before this work is accomplished, than thou wast to offer sacrifice, before thou hadst taken some steps in thy journey thither. And be not anxious that this wilderness state maybe sud- denly gone through with, but rather be attentive to the hand of the Lord which may be observed herein. Remem- ber that He fed His people formerly with bread from heaven and flesh to the full, that He clave the rocks for them, and encamped round about them, that the cloud rested upon the door of the tabernacle, and they journeyed not until it was lifted up. (He that readeth, let him understand.) For M when the cloud was taken up from over the taber- nacle, the children of Israel went onward in all their journeys ; but if the cloud were not taken up, then they journeyed not till the day that it was taken up. For the cloud of the Lord was upon the tabernacle by day, and lire was on it by night, in the sight of all the house of Israel, throughout all their journeys." Exodus 40 : 86, 87, 88. Thus, my dear friend, be encouraged to keep thine eye singly upon Him who leadeth out His own sheep, oalleth 1830.] TIMMAS B. GOULD. 89 them by name, and goeth before them: bo thou will be •n making any idol, and worshipping it. whil in His infinite wisdom, Be is pleased to withhold Hiipself From thee in order to prove thee and deepen thy love for Him. And thy journey in this wilderness \\\\\ be short- d; thou wilt be favored to overcome all opposition; and although Balak may see thee approaching, be afraid, and call Balaam to curse thee, yet it will be turned into blessing altogether; and in the Lord's due and appointed time, when all that sinneth and lusteth after Egypt shall fall in the desert, thou wilt be enabled to pass over Jor- dan, and to bring up from the very bottom thereof stones of living memorial, showing where thou hast been dwelling, even under the preparing, fashioning hand of the Lord. On the other hand, if thou art disobedient, and hearkenest to the voice of the evil one, who will endeavor to retard thy progress by suggestions like those whereby he dis- couraged Israel, through the instrumentality of the evil spies (who being sent over to view the land, plainly dis- covered it to flow with milk and honcv, were favored to taste of the fruit thereof and to bring back some with them to the camp, saying, this is the fruit of it, neverthe- less discouraged them by saying " that the cities are walled and very great, and there are Anakims in the land, in comparison with whom we are like grasshoppers)," — listen not to the adversary, lest, after thou hast been raised up to view it, thou receive the intelligence, " Thou shalt not go over thither." But oh, that the spirit, the holy reso- lution which was in Caleb, may be in thee, who stilled the people by saying, " Let us go up at once and possess it, for we are well able to overcome it." Remember, the strength of the people who dwell there is departed from them, and that " there is none like unto the God of Jeshu- run, who rideth upon the heaven in thy help and in His excellency on the sky. The eternal God is thy refuge, and underneath are the everlasting arms." As thy depen- dence is here, all these Canaanites will be driven out : for the command is, utterly to destroy them and drive them out ; and unless this is accomplished, they will be a con- tinual vexation and cause of stumbling. 40 LOT AND LETTERS OF [1830. This Lb my fervent desire and prayer for thee, as well myself; and although it may Beem strange to thee that I thus write, and in such a metaphorical manner, yet my excuse is the same as Balaam's was, "Whatsoever is put into my mouth, that I must Bpeak, less or more;" my desire also has been like his, "Let me die the death of the righteous, and let my last end be like his." The spring having (dosed, I must end as I began, that is, with reference to the pointings of truth, having no knowledge, when I put pen to paper, as to the matter or manner of my writing. I may however request that if thou receivest this and feelest freedom, thou would just give me Mime hints respecting thy apprehensions, espe- cially if there is anything in it thou dost not clearly under- stand. I conclude, Thy tenderly affectionate friend and well-wisher, Thomas B. Gould. From Thomas B. Gould to . My dear Friend : Notwithstanding I was strengthened to communicate a few words expressive of my belief of the divine nature of the visitation with which thou hast been visited (though very mueli in the cross), yet I felt afterwards so comfort* ably quiet, that I took it as a precious and abundant reward for this attention to what I have long believed to be incumbent on me. But the interruptions to which thou knowesJ 1 have been so much subjected, and which were repeated this evening, prevented me from fully relieving my mind: and the concern remaining weightily upon me, I have believed it to be right for me, in order to unburden my mind, and to discharge my duty towards thee, to sub- mit a few simple remarks in writing, for thy considera- te n. Thou wilt find it recorded in the Scriptures of truth, thai "in the beginning God created the heavens and the earth." I have no doubt thou wilt readily acknowledge to the truth of this declaration : and in acknowledging to this, thou wilt admit the subsequent account, given by the 1880. | THOMAfl B, 90ULD, 1 1 inspired penman, of the six days 1 work, and also the dn ine authority of the Holy Scriptu: \nd thou wilt find that, after the whole creation was finished, and the fowls the air, the fish of the sea, and the beasts of the field had been made, the Lord said, M Le1 us make man in our image, after our likeness :' that the Lord looked upon all that He had made, and "behold, it was very good;' 1 that "in the image of God created he him, male and female created he them." Here thou will observe thai he was created in the image and after the likeness of God; and as it is reasonably understood that a likeness, in the common sense of the term, bears some considerable resem- blance to the original, so we may conclude that he par- took largely of the divine nature, and was good. u And the Lord God planted a garden eastward in Eden, and there He placed the man whom he had formed." lie was placed in a state of happiness and enjoyment in the favor of his Almighty Creator, haying full liberty and permis- sion to eat of the fruit of every tree of the garden but of the tree of knowledge of good and evil; and upon this the Almighty was pleased to lay his prohibitory command, and to pronounce a curse upon him in case of disobedience : " In the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die." And so long as the obedience of our first parents kept pace with their knowledge, they continued to relish and enjoy this union and communion with their Almighty Creator; bat when, through the subtlety of the serpent, they had been prevailed upon to transgress the divine command, then they were made sensible of it ; and when they heard the voice of the Lord walking in the garden, in the cool of the day, a time favorable to reflection, they hid themselves, knowing that they had sinned. But the Lord Was pleased to call them, in a manner similar, I believe, to that in which thou hast been called when running contrary to the divine will inwardly revealed, " Adam ! Adam ! where art thou?" And his answer was, " I heard thy voice, and I hid myself, because I was naked/' " Who told thee that thou wast naked? hast thou eaten of the fruit of the tree which I commanded thee not to eat?'' His answer was. "The woman which thou hast given me gave me of the 4* 42 LIFE AND LETTERS OF [18! Fruit, and I did cat : M and when the woman was questioned, she answered, " The serpent beguiled me, and 1 did i Thus, my dear friend, I want thee to observe the excus< - that were made, and compare them with the lines of thy own experience. Examine thy own heart ; let the examina- tion be impartial : and see bow the thing will preponder- ate ; see if it will not bear some comparison to this evasion, which was made by our primitive ancestors in a ease ex- actly parallel. Remember also the judgment that was pronounced upon them. This judgment and the promise that was then made, are of the highest importance unto us, even in this glorious Gospel day in which we live, and to which it referred. It is fraught with dee]) instruction to the minds of those who rightly apply unto the Lord for help and instruction. To such as these our adorable King is pleased to open the Scriptures of truth by His eternal Spirit, and to seal on their minds those deep and impor- tant truths contained in them. And to this I would earn- estly call thy attention; to an attentive perusal of the Scriptures, with the eye of thy mind fixed upon Him who alone can open the seals, and with thy spiritual ear open and attentive to that Spirit which can alone convey that BOul-sustaining intelligence and encouragement, which will nourish it up unto eternal life. But to return to the judgment that was pronounced upon the serpent, upon whom 1 think it was first passed : U I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed ; it shall hruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel. Cursed art thou above all cattle : upon thy belly Bhalt thou go, and dust shalt thou eat all the days of thy life.*' And unto Adam He said, k * Cursed is the ground for thy sake : in sorrow shalt thou eat of it all the days of thy life J thorns also and thistles shall it bring forth unto thee, and thou shalt eat the herb of the field. M Here thou wilt perceive a great change to have taken place in the condition of our first parents, so lately enjoying sweet union with their Maker, and now being driven forth to till the ground from whence they were taken, and to cat the "herb of the field." And lest he should put forth his hand and partake of the tree of life. ISoO. ] TJkOM \> B. GOULD. 48 and live forever, there were placed at " the east of the garden of Eden, cherubim, and a flaming sword, which turned every way, to keep the way of the tree of lif This is a subject that baa often engaged my serious atten- tion, it remaining to be a sealed truth, that no man can attain unto the tree of life, but by passing under this flaming, two-edged sword; and this view of the Bubjecl coincides with the testimony of the Apostle Paul, who de- scribed tin 4 sword of the Spirit, as being a quick discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart, and that it divided between BOul and spirit, joints and marrow-. By this thou wilt discover thai we arc prone by nature to act contrary to this Spirit of Grace, and to do despite unto it, in that all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God, in that we have all partaken of the sad effects of this fall of our first parents from that state of happiness and good- ness in which they were created; as it is written, after Adam was driven out of Paradise, that he " begat a son in his own image, and after his own likeness." And this corrupt nature of the natural man must be done away, this image and likeness of the first Adam ; and there is no way by which it can be accomplished, but through the glorious way of escape promised by Infinite Goodness, almost as soon as His divine command had been transgressed, viz. : " I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head and thou shalt bruise his heel." Now, thou mayst remark, that the head is a vital part of the body, and when the head is wounded we are justly said to be wounded all over; and this is agreeable with the testimony of the apostle: u For this purpose was the Son of God manifested, that He might destroy the works of the devil;" and with this the testimony of the holy patriarchs, prophets, and apostles agrees. Moreover, the promise of this seed of the woman was renewed to Abram ; and in token of his favor and acceptance with the Almighty, and also of the change of heart and disposition that had taken place, his name was changed to Abraham, and the promise was renewed: "In thee and in thy seed -ball all the families of the earth be blessed." It was renewed to 44 LIFE AM) LETTERS OP [18-j^. Esaac, and to Jacob, whose name was also changed to Israel, because he wrestled and obtained the blessing, Bay- ing, % * 1 will not let thee go except thou bless me." The Lord Almighty was pleased, however, before He intro- duced the glorious dispensation of the Gospel of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ, to bring in, between the fall and the way of escape from the fall, another dispensation, consisting of divers washings and cleansings, which never "made the comer thereunto perfect,' 1 hut pointed to that which did. It pointed to the last and lasting dispen- sation, by which wo hit enabled emphatically to draw nigh unto God ; by which, and by which alone, we can possibly he placed in a capacity to rise above the first nature ; which is fallen, degenerate, and dead, but through this propitiatory sacrifice, which in due time was offered up for our sins, there has been a gift of God purchased, a little divine seed and agency placed in the corrupt heart of man in the fall, which counteracts and opposeth the evil seed and tin 4 first nature ; and as it is attended to in its appear- ances, however Bmall they may be, it would overcome, it would subdue all of a contrary nature, and finally would effect a change of disposition and a change of heart; all (►Id things would be done away, all things would become new, and all things of God. Here thou wouldst be raised out of the fall and the effects of it, and having in this passed under the flaming sword, or in other words, known Him whose right hand is to rule and to reign, to come into thy heart, and to sit there as a refiner with his lire and as a fuller with his soap, to purge away the dro and the tin, and the reprobate silver, thou wouldst be favored to partake of the tree of life; and if thou con- tinued faithful unto death, a crown of life would bo given thee, eternal in the heavens, which fadeth not away [written in Tin: tear is°>2.] " I have of late made so little progress, and in my heart was bo far gone back into Egypt, that 1 have been ready !•> wish that I nevei- had been favored in the way that I am, rather than those tilings that are so very near and 1S:V2.] THOMAS B, GOULD, 45 dear to pae should be called for. ( >, Lord, be thou pleased rive the thought of my oorrupl heart ; seeing Thou hast been tempted in all points like as \ v <- are, Bin only excepted: and oh! enable me to return thanks unto thee, that thou hast, in unbounded mercy, been pleased to lengthen the thread of my natural and spiritual life, and that thou didst not out me off altogether 1 And enable thou me, it' it be consistent with thy holy will, to walk more humbly and consistently before thee; that so I may not dishonor thy holy cause in the earth!" MEMORANDUM, FOUND AMOX<; ins PAPERS, DATED SEVENTH MONTH, 1832. "Strong desires aiv at times raised in my heart, that the good work that 1 humbly hope lias been begun, may be in mercy carried forward, that 1 may know a progres- sion from this state of childhood to that of a young man, and to a Btrong man in Christ Jesns ; lie being the Author of every good work ; and if the state alluded to is ever attained, it must he only by Ilim. And I thought I might adopt the language, in allusion to the small progress that has been made hitherto: 'By Thee I have run through a troop, and by my God I have leaped over a wall ;' not- withstanding I have yet much to pass through, and am daily passing under the just judgments of an offended God, in one way or other. Yet being sensible that I have a baptism to be baptized with, I am at times exceedingly straitened that it may be accomplished; and at this time I am encouraged to believe, that as I sincerely endeavor to keep near the unfailing Helper of His people, although His waves and His billows may pass over my head (which 1 sincerely hope may be the case, that the old and corrupt nature may be washed away), I shall be preserved from sinking. For I am firm in the belief, that by no Other means than by baptism can any man become a member of the Church of Christ; and I also believe that out of that Church there is no salvation." ["If I wash thee not, thou hast no part with me." John 13 : 8.] M LIFE AND LETTERS OF [1834. From T. B. GL to Geobgb F. Read, Newf( I of lOtib month, 1834. My dkab Friend : J have taken up my pen this afternoon to answer thy acceptable letter of last sixth month; and although I have deferred it bo long, I can assure thee that I cannot charge myself with either negligence or forgetfulness, but in truth I can inform thee 1 have not since that time been in a situation to communicate anything which would have been worth thy perusal. 1 have been an inhabitant of a dry and barren land, in which there lias been neither dew, nor rain, nor held of offering : and as it has, for a long time, been a settled principle with me, not to open my inward exercises and trials to any, without feeling that liberty in the truth to do it which alone could make such a disclosure safe, I have forborne to burden thee with complaints, choosing rather, as I might be favored, to abide in my tent, and endeavor to search for the cause of this great desertion and leanness ; for even Jerusalem was to be searched with lighted candles. Oh! my dear friend, the preciousne88, as well as the importance, of having the candle lighted and on the candlestick! If it is on the candlestick and not lighted, it is worse than useless, be- cause profession without possession is hypocrisy; and if it has, through adorable Mercy and condescending Goodness, been lighted, and remains under the bushel, it must un- avoidably go out again, for it cannot burn in unsuitable and unprofitable confinement. The declaration of our blessed Lord still continues to hold good: "Ye have not chosen me, but I have chosen you, and ordained you, that ye should go, and bring forth fruit, and that your fruit should remain." And again: " Ye are the salt of the earth, and the light of the world: and a city that is set on a hill cannot be hid." Now those that ha\ e been called and chosen by Him, and through and by His holy help, enabled not only to labor but to bring forth fruit, tie certainly • ison and give light unto others: but when they cease to Bea80n and give light unto others, then the salt has lost its savor ; it is thenceforth good for nothing. 1884.] THOMAS i l.l>. IT and is cast out and trodden under fool of men; and the light which shone through them being obscured, finally will be put out : for ire read thai the candle of the wicked shall be put out. Bui as our hope of preservation is in the unfolding of thai Light which makes manifest, and as a measure and manifestation of this Light has been given unto every man to profit withal, so L believe it doc- be- come our weak and childlike state to abide in our tenl with the little we may he intrusted with, until that Light niovoth and goeth before. Then we may safely follow, uise that same direction which it takes will he the path for us to walk in. 1 have often instructively remembered the account we have of the dealings of the Lord with the children of Israel, in bringing them forth out of the land of Egypt, through the Red Sea and the wilderness, in general ; and in particular, the manner in which they journeyed. It is declared that a pillar of a cloud rested the tabernacle by day, and a pillar of fire by night, in the sight of all the house of Israel, and throughout all their journeys ; and that they journeyed not until the cloud was lifted up. Well, as surely as the cloud rested on the outward tabernacle visibly, so surely does it rest on our tabernacles spiritually, yet sensibly ; and I believe, the more closely we are engaged to watch its movements, when it goes before and leads the way for us, or to abide in our tents when it remains stationary, the more profitably we shall get along for ourselves, and for those among whom Ave may be walking ; for the tabernacle of God, agreeably to the testimony of the Apostle John, remains to be with men ; and he says that God Himself shall be with them, and wipe away all tears from their eyes, and be their God. And this was written when the temple of the tabernacle of witness in heaven was opened. Doubt- less it is in them only, who, by an attention to the mani- festation of His Spirit, are engaged to prepare His way in the wilderness, and to make His paths straight, that the precious promise above alluded to will be realized. If, as a general thing, those wdio are thus under exercise, should unadvisedly open their state to such as are not qualified to understand the same, and of consequence not 48 LIFB AND LETTERS OF [1^4. Bkilful to make such an application as the case require they would lay themselves liable to serious injury, it was a cause of complaint against Borne formerly, that they had healed the wound of the Lord's people Blightly; and against others, that they had been daubing with untem- pered mortar. Now I believe that if we rightly seek that wisdom that is profitable to direct, we shall be preserved from opening our condition to such as these; and on the other hand, those that dwell near the Spring of Divine Life in themselves, feeling a sympathy for and a fellowship with US in that life, without any outward information what- ever, arc often enabled to speak a word in season to them that are weary, and according to the apostolic description, the Becrets of hearts are made manifest ; for prophecy (which is a speaking to edification and comfort) came not in old time by the will of man, but holy men of old spake as they wore moved by the Holy Ghost. These openings and advices, coming from a pure and unerring spring, must be abundantly more safe and useful than those which originate merely in the unauthorized and unassisted invention of the human mind. Thus, my dear friend, I have simply made these remarks a- they have renewedly and feelingly opened to the view of my mind; though I have long been confirmed in the belief of their truth, and I also believe, as I am more and more concerned to be thus governed, that I shall be fa- vored to stand in my lot at the end of my days. But weakness and infirmity of flesh and spirit arc so much mine, that except in some brighter and more favored mo- menta discouragement prevails in a great degree. That 1 may have the sympathy of thy spirit, and that thou mavst favor me with a line, I most sincerely ask, not wait- ing or deferring it because of my long silence: for the reasons for my not writing, above given, are true and honest reason-. I am often sensible of deep exercise and concern on ac- count of our religious society, in general and more particu- larly, so that I l'eel like a cask which wants vent} but no way often opens by which 1 can find relief. 1 go about under the weight of the exercise, wearing sackcloth as the 1 58 1. | THOMAS B, GOULD, 19 king of [srac] did, in the time of the famine in Samaria, inwardly upon his flesh, when the city was besieged until an ass's head was sold for five pieces of Bilver. I knon not but in \ case may be like thai of the lord on whose hand the king leaned; who, when the prophet prophesied of better things, said, " [f the Lord should make windows in heaven, might these things be; n [might such a thing ] and indeed the denunciation pronounced against him, "Thou shalt Bee it with thine eyes, but Bhalt not eat thereof," seems sometimes to apply, for I am as it were in the Bight of food, but am not permitted to eat thereof. But I have been comforted in the remembrance of the four leprous men who sat at the gate of the city. Thou mayst remember, they said one to another: "Why sit we here until we die? If we enter into the city, the famine is in the city, and we shall die there, and if we sit still here we shall die also. Now let us fall into the camp of the Assyrians ; if they Bave us alive, Ave shall live, and if they kill us, we shall but die." But when they came, they found no man there, but horses tied and asses tied ; for the Lord had caused them to hear the sound of chariots and horsemen, and they said, " The king of Israel hath hired the kings of Egypt and the kings of the hills against us ;" so they fled and left the camp as it was. Just so the leprous men found it : and they went into one tent and ate and drank, then into another ; but presently they were awak- ened to a sense of the importance of their standing. " What are we doing?'' was the query which arose in their minds, no doubt under the influence of the same Divine Light of which I have been speaking : " This is a day of good tidings, and we hold our peace ; if we stay here until the morning light, some mischief will befall us : now there- fore come, that we may go and tell the king's household." If I ever should be sent with a message to the king's house- hold, or be permitted to carry good tidings there, it may afford some relief; but at present it seems as if the lan- guage was binding: " To thy tent, oh Israel!" And indeed this is a place of safety and comfort when it is our proper place, and if we have not, by our own rebellion, 50 LIFE AND LETTERS OF [1835. unfitted ourselves for running with a message in the way of the divine and holy commandments. I bope thou will excuse the length of this, and permit me again to request thee not to do as I have done. If the candle of the Lord is shining upon thy dwelling; re- member those that sit in darkness. For the face of the whole earth is not often covered with clouds at the same time. Had my state admitted it, I should have answered thine long ere this, as J have frequently attempted it, and as frequently destroyed the production. After saying that my health lias been very poor since the yearly meeting, till within a few weeks (having been grievously afflicted with asthma), I conclude this by re- questing thee to excuse all imperfections, and believe me to be thy sincere friend, Thomas B. Gould. 11 th of second month, 1835. In an interview with a beloved cousin, an elder in the Society, to-day, on a religious account, there was a degree of encouragement afforded, which I had no expectation of, and which I had no right to expect ; but I have reason to think it was right, although it was something quite new to me in the manner of its falling out. Yet it was formerly, and in more favored and better days in our religious society, very common, and would be so now if the rightly exercised elders were more frequently to be found, and more faithful in the discharge of their duty in the encour- agement of tender-spirited and rightly-exercised friends, in the more retired and secluded ranks of religious society. How would those who stand in need of help and encourage- ment he felt out, and their feeble hands and trembling knees confirmed and strengthened ! And thus the great end of religions associations would be promoted, and the Cause of Truth might gain ground among the nations, even until all flesh should see it together. T. I>. G. [The elder alluded to was, no doubt, Stephen Gould.] 1885. ] THOMAS B, QOTJLD. 51 To Georgb v. Read. Xi w tout, rjtli of second mo., l 835, My dbab Friend, — My mind is very frequently and affectionately turned towards thee, and has been bo, even before I was per- ally acquainted with thee, but particularly since the option of thy last letter, which tended to confirm me in the belief, however it may end. that our correspondence had a right beginning. DO© There is a marked coincidence in my own views of the purifying tendency of those spiritual trials alluded to, with thine; and 1 am firm in the belief (the state of the church considered), that it would be a sign of death rather than life, to he without them. Indeed I have seen it proved to be SO. w * Plant ye vineyards, and eat the fruit of them, for ye shall not go into captivity," is in the mouths of many of the false prophets of the present day; whereby they are deceiving themselves and the people, while the precious seed is already so oppressed and capti- vated in themselves, that they are without a correct know- ledge of their own condition. That interesting and im- portant query, u By whom shall Jacob arise, for he is Bmall?" — uttered by the holy prophet, who well under- stood the state of things in his day, and through the medium of prophetic vision, saw far beyond, even through supervening ages into the glorious Gospel day in which we live, is often raised in my heart, and sometimes on my tongue ; and verily, I do believe, notwithstanding the cry of light, knowledge, effort, religious effort, and reforma- tion, that there never was a day when this precious and immortal seed was more overlooked, borne down, and oppressed, than in the present. I do not suppose indeed that there are many without the pale of our own Society who would unite with me in the sentiment ; but truly the sense that I have of these things is very deep and strong; and I am firm in the belief, that if it should please the Great Disposer of events to raise up and qualify such instruments as our early Friends were in I lis hands, the world would come as near being turned upsidedown as it 52 LIFB AND LBTTBBfi [1835. did then; and that the same persecuting spirit would be lely Bpread through the nations. I do not indeed think that it is likely many .would be put to death for religion ; but I do think, if any were concerned to take the same Btepa they did, that they would be very severely persecuted, and by those, too, that make the highest pro- won of religion without the actual | don of it. I kimw indeed that the enemy's power is a limited power; but if he should be disturbed, in his Popish cloak under the high-sounding name of Protestantism, there is no doubt that his enmity would he greatly excited to destroy that which threatened the destruction of his kingdom : for the hotter he can make that appear, the more subjects he will have. And there is great reason to fear that many of those who are bo active in the present day. are far from being rightly influenced in their labors, even among the members of Our Own Society. I would not however wish to be understood as charging any among Friends with Popery, but Borne other professors of religion are evidently leaning that way, while they are actively engaged in en- deavor- to pull it down and destroy it ; and how much these rudiment- of it still visible among them tend to weaken their hands, it requires no great degree of discern- ment tO diseo\ Too great an intimacy and union with the world has, almost imperceptibly to themselves, leavened many into it- spirit and maxims, and the cross of Christ has become of none effect. There are many who seem to hail the in- creasing disposition to mingle with them, with great joy. For my own part, 1 look upon it as a mark of a declined Society, and a L r i'e;it and manifest cause of the death ami darkness bo prevalent in our assemblies. Oh. that the time may he hastened, when the church shall come forth out of the wilderness, fair as the moon, clear as the sun, ami terrible as an army with banners ! We have become a great and respectable people, and we may he killed with kindness ; and in proportion a^> we mix, unad- visedly, with other-, our own peculiar testimonies will go into disuse : indeed 1 think there is ;i danger of some of them being tost : and I d<> verily believe that we are as 1885. ] THOMAS B. OOULD. 58 much bound to dwell alone, and not to be reckoned among the nations, afl ever ancimt Israel was, and thai there peculiar testimonies given us to bear. There is nt>thing, 1 apprehend, more irksome and con- trary to the natural mind, than those necessary and salu- tary restraints imposed upon us by an entire dependence upon, and a reverent waiting for, the word of divine com- mandment and the unfolding of divine counsel, BO ah lutely necessary to the acceptable performance of religious duties. The check is too severe to be submitted to by many, and hence arises that superficial and unbaptizing ministry bo prevalent among us, as well as among other professors of Christianity. An ardent desire to do good and to promote the great cause in the earth, may even proceed from the transformations of the adversary, if the creaturely will is not so completely reduced as that there is none left. And here there will he no chance for him to work, as it comes to be so reduced and slain ; for lie cannot work upon that measure of divine grace ; with which we have all been favored in a greater or less decree ; and when this is suffered to come into dominion, then all his deceitful baits will be brought to light and to judgment ; and this he cannot endure ; there is nothing he more sincerely hateth, and therefore he must and will flee. The solicitude I feel is very great, that all those concerned may be careful to know the putting forth of the holy finger, and the limitations also : then should not only those on whom the labor was bestowed be helped and strengthened, but the instrument also ; those that preach the Gospel should in reality live of the Gospel : and the Apostle Paul gives this plain reason : " For the laborer is worthy of his hire." It was very satisfactory to me to receive the intelligence that thou hadst been reading Friends' books. I do sin- cerely wish it was more generally the case. Next to the Holy Scriptures, I believe them to be the most profitable kind of reading in which we can be engaged ; and I am firm in the belief, if it was more generally the case among our young Friends, as well as some older ones, there would be less disposition to mingle with the world, and to copy 54 LIFE AND LETTKBS OF [18 its customs and manners. It has been very convincing and confirming to me to meet, in them, with views which accorded exactly with openings I had been previously favored with ; and although at the time 1 had no doubt of their divine original, yel I have been ready to compare it to a threefold cord that is not easily broken. That thou and I may be increasingly careful to seek for and to follow Him who was given for a light unto the people, a leader and a commander of the people, is what 1 greatly desire. Here I believe we should be favored with that Imly help which is sufficient to supply every lack, and to heal every wound ; and thus coming to re- ceive with meekness the engrafted Word, should be nour- ished and grow thereby, and be favored to fill our several allotments with religious propriety. Thou wilt perceive that I have continued my scrawl to considerable length again ; and after requesting thee to excuse all imperfections (for I have written it in the mill, and while it lias been going, as I do nearly all that I do write), I conclude, Thy sincere friend, Thomas B. Gould. From Thomas P>. Gould to Third month, 5th, 1835. In looking a little towards thee lately, my spirit has been impressed with this language : %k Thus saith the Master, my time is at hand ; I will keep the passover at thy house with my disciples.' 1 Thou maysl remember it was addressed by our blessed Lord to one of His disciples, in answer to the query, "Where wilt thou that we prepare for thee to i at the passover?" And they were commanded to enter into a certain city, and informed that they should meet a man bearing a pitcher of water, whom they should follow into that house wherein he entered, and should salute the good man of the house with that salutation above quoted ; and they were further informed that lie Bhould .-how them a large upper room, furnished and pre- •").] Til II I! v. mj friend, I ear i I with furnis . i her of that thou art at .dually fulfilled. 1 _ iply with tli- iiilfilment of the pron. " I will BU] I that t! litiona] promise of thi ry, ti- lt thou keep Him His already * the dr ght! Open unto Him: be I, and to follow in the way of B ling, :i in that sure of divine light He lias been pi to en- _ .ten thee withal, and ol grace with which he h thee. B shall * 1 be filled with fat iOu wil: run with patience the race set bef they that run in a race run all : and I verily believe, not only a iarg I of labor would open before the so. The In thy can langnag If made ins; mental in turning the poop. nd no: but as thou submitted onto His yoke, it w « \ and Hifi len wc rough pla - would be made smooth, and crooked path- .it. N thing but the opposition of our owi willfl :he way of our advancement, in conjui: itli the of him who is seek: v whom he c d another. I h:. plicit as I m . from I that thou canst understand wh if I am not mistaken in my fee. It und Li! 56 LOTS AND LBTTBRfl OF [18! MEMORANDUM, 1885, "Departed this life, on the eleventh of third month, L835, my endeared friend, Abigail Robinson. b her death, the Society of which she had been an eminently useful member from early life, and minister for forty years, (she being in the seventy-seventh year of her aire) has met with no common bereavement. She was a woman erf un- common intellectual strength and clearness, united with mnch improvement in the literary way ; and over and above all other considerations, was added that of dee]) re- ligious experience, SO that she became, like Deborah, a mother in Israel. And oh! how few such she has left behind her ^ in the consideration of which, how doth my spirit mourn! And I can adopt the language: 'The fathers, where are they ? the prophets, do they live for- ever?' 0, Thou, who raised her up, fitted and qualified her for eminent usefulness in thy church, be pleased to cause the mantles of the Elijahs of the present day to rest upon theElishas; even a double portion of thy Spirit, that BO there may he a succession of standard-hearers and te8timony-bearers continued in the church, that the pre- cious testimonies of everlasting truth may he faithfully Supported, and may never be suffered to fall to the ground ! " As it respects myself, in this afflicting bereavement, my greatest desire 1 think is, that I may be enabled to seek out what this dispensation is speaking unto me in particu- lar : that BO 1 may he enabled to turn it to a good account : being linn in the belief that trouble ariseth not out of the dust, nor affliction out of the ground, but that every afHic- tion is Buffered to fall upon us for some wise and benevo- lent end. And if this has a tendency to drive me closer home, even into a nearer and more intimate union with that Friend who sticketh closer than a brother. I may witness improvement by it as the instrumental means. •• 1 1th of third month, at two o'clock, attended the funeral of my dear departed friend, at her late residence on the Point. Although the ground was exceedingly wet, it was largely attended, and by the most respectable inhabitants of the town; and we wore favored, as 1 apprehend, with 1 B8& ) THoMAS l:. Q01 I.I>. 57 the overshadowing wine of Ancient Goodness, through a • inir than usual ; in which bu1 li \ in mony was borne to the Christian virtues, exemplary life, and peaceful close of the dear deceased, and to the precious truth she made profession of, and lived in the possession My mind was weightily impressed with that injunc- tion of our blessed Lord, * Watch therefore, for ye know not when the master of the house cometh, at even, or at midnight, or at the cock-crowing, or in the morning. Blessed arc those servants, whom the Lord, when he cometh, shall find watching: verily I say unto you, that lie shall gird himself and make them to sir down to meat, and will come forth and Berve them. 1 Although I cannot help thinking that this relates to that intimate union which subsists between the adorable Head, ami the humble, Watchful members of the militant church on earth, vet I do not think it would l>e straining the text, to apply it to that watchfulness and earnest expectation with which the mi ml redeemed from the earth waits for the coming of the Lord Jesus, to conduct it safely through the dark valley of the shadow of death to the church triumphant in heaven. And from my personal knowledge of the state of her mind for a long time before, but particularly near the close of her probationary existence, I think it may in this case apply to it. Indeed it seemed to be the posthumous lan- guage of my precious friend to me in particular, and power- fully exhorted me to such a life of dedication to the cause, and patient waiting for the power of truth, by which that bread i^ still mercifully broken, and handed in secret, for the sustenance and the strengthening of the hungry soul, enabling it to hold up the head and journey forward in the line of divine appointment, however hard to the fleshly part. And nothing else can give strength adequate to the performance of this great and all-important work." MEMORANDUM, WITnOUT DATE, PROBABLY 1836. " Our transgressions are multiplied before thee, and our sins testify Against as; for our transgressions arcwith us, and as for our iniquities, we know them." Isaiah o ( J : 12. 58 LIFE AND LETTERS OF [1835. Yet I feel bonne! with thankfulness to acknowledf that this day in meeting I was favored, while reviewing and bemoaning my Bad condition, with a renewed and lively sense of this truth, namely: that as I was engaged to stand still in that Light which made the evil manifest, I Bhonld be favored with power and Btrength to withstand the fiery darts of the devil ; the Light being nothing l< than the Seed of the woman, which is alone able to bruise the head of the serpent, and t<> which the promise is that it Bhall do it. Notwithstanding this is no new doctrine with me, but one that 1 have long believed in, yea, at times (in better days perhaps) have felt concerned to re- commend to others, yet the revival of it in my remem- brance at a time when I was ready to adopt the language above quoted, and other parts of this fifty-ninth chapter of Isaiah, did convey encouragement to my distressed mind, believing it to have been produced by the influence of the Holy Spirit, which is also called the Comforter; and it was declared concerning him, by the Master, while on earth, that when he was come, he should not only reprove or convince the world of sin, of righteousness and of judg- ment, but should bring all tilings into their remembrance, whatsoever he had spoken unto them; and further, "He shall take of mine and show it unto you." Although I am far from believing that the Holy Spirit influences only in subordination to the Scriptures, or rather only through them as instruments, and through providen- tial occurrences, yet I believe it is not inconsistent with the will and pleasure of Almighty Goodness, powerfully and profitably to impress the mind through these mediums. With respect to the Scriptures, I readily and heartily sub- scribe to the sentiment, that whatsoever any do, pretending to the Spirit, contrary to them, may be justly accounted a delusion of the devil. From Tiioma- P>. Gould to Xi :w port, 27th of 3d mo , 1835. My OEAB FRIBND : Although I greatly desire to be preserved from pre- 183-"'. ] THOMAS B. GOUi.n. ramptuous -in-, yel I am at times f I to foe) a living m to be round faithful in the work of my day; ana a part of that work may possibly be to " comfort I that mourn, to preach deliverance to the captives, and the opening of the prison doors to them that are bound/ 1 I do not, however, mean to be understood, in the line of public ministry, or that I possess any power or might of my own, sufficient for these things; but as 1 do myself highly value instrumental labor, and have realized its blessed effect in some measure, so I am inclined to believe that it is sometimes bestowed on others, not only with the appearance, but with the efficacy and power of truth. Under these impressions, then, permit me to expostulate a little with thee, and to recommend the apostle's advice, u Whereto we have already attained, let us walk by the same rule, let us mind the same thing." If thou hast not been sensible of earnest and living desires having been raised in thy heart, similar to that of the church to the spouse, " Tell me, oh thou, whom my soul loveth, where thou feedest, where thou makest thy flock to rest as at noon," I am greatly mistaken in my feelings and views concerning thee. And if this is the case, which I am confident it is, then let nothing prevent thee from continu- ing thy search until thou hast found Him whom thou seek- est. Although it is not an impossibility that "the Lord whom thou seek est" may come " suddenly into his temple," thy heart, with great power, majesty and might, so that it may be filled therewith in a remarkable manner, yet " if he tarry, wait for him;" and in the meantime be en- treated to remember, that through that long journey the children of Israel took, through the Red Sea and the wil- derness, their garments "waxed not old, neither did their feet swell;" and that the Lord would not bring them by the way of the land of the Philistines, though that was near, lest peradventure, their heart should melt when they saw war, and they should turn back into Egypt ; but brought them up by the way of the Red Sea and the wilderness, yea, " he led them about and instructed them." Oh, that thy faith in him may be strengthened, that thou mayst indeed believe him near, as indeed he is about 60 LIFE AM) LETTERS OF [1835. our bed, and about our path, and spieth out all our wa thai neither thou oor any other hath need to Bay, and the apostle says, " Say n Bhall ascend into heai to bring Christ down from above, or who shall descend into the deep, to bring him up again from the dead?" I want thee to pay particular attention to this caution, and also to the remarkable testimony to his inward appearance, which immediately follows: "But what saith it? The word is nigh thee, oven in thy heart and in thy mouth." lie also adds, - This is theword of faith which we preach/ 4 Now it was by an attention to this same word of faith, that the elder.- obtained a good report ; and it is a living efficacious faith, by which a man may even live, and it works by love to the purifying of the heart. They whose conduct is governed by this divine principle of life and power, are not stimulated to holiness of life and conversa- tion by fear of punishment, but by love. They love the Father because He first loved them, and gave his only- begotten Son a ransom for them, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life ; and the apostle Says, k * 'Hie life that I now live in the fiesh, I live by faith in the Son of God ;" — faith in his inward ap- pearance, as well as his outward and visible appearanee, no doubt. So thou wilt perceive that k * without faith it is impossible to please God :" hence the great desire and con- Cem that I feel lor thee, that thy faith may be Strength- ened in the reality of those divine requirements that may be made at thy hands : being firm in the belief that among those that have been doomed to everlasting destruction from the presence of the Lord, not a lew of them have been so from the fact that they refused to admit the truth of this doctrine : and others, who admitted it, yea, were convinced of its truth beyond a doubt, refused to comply with its requisitions because they were so small; in like manner as it was -aid of the Master himself, " \ ^ not this the carpenter's son ? are not his brethren and sisters all with us?" So that there is great danger of overlooking this "grain of mustard-seed," this "little leaven," or, to change the similitude, this "one talent/ 5 which the man to whom it was committed hid in a napkin, because it was 1885. ) mas b, aoi u>. 61 l>Ut one ; while it WOuld 1 ftfl r tin- five wrvi- for those to whom those muni' ^vic commit ted. 1 want thee truly and honestly to give these hints that weight they may appear to deserve, notwithstanding the of the instrument, or the homely and bungling manner in which they arc thrown out ; for I apprehend that my views in this arc of a more exalted nature than to hare attempted any display, had I been capable of it. And Buffer me to add that I firmly believe, as thou art teemed to ad consistently with the light thou art fa- vored with, thou wilt in due time become wiser than thy teachers, and wilt witness the restoration of paths for the lame to walk in. by ffifl holy help who remains to be the epairer of breaches;" that the mists and the clouds that the enemy has been permitted to raise, will be dispel- led by the brightness of the arising of the Sun of righteous- s, which lias been predicted and signified by the morn- ing star already appearing in thy horizon : which is a sure guide to further illumination, as it is attended to: that SO thou mayst happily experience the work to go progressively on, and be enabled to cast off thy old garments as they become burdensome, which they soon will, if thou art faith- ful : for I do believe, that as thy eyes become afresh anointed with the eye-salve of the heavenly kingdom, thou wilt see thyself to be clothed in rags, as all have ever been favored to see, that have been concerned to obtain the u linen pure and white, which is the righteousness of saints/' and to be clothed upon by it. As this becomes thy happy experience, thou wilt see the dead formality in which the generality of the professors of the Christian name are living, and their ministers are preaching, and wilt be prepared to adopt the language of Job, u Can that which is unsavory be eaten without salt, or is there any taste in the white of an egg?" also to see how much their labor is to keep people in the dark, that all they have may come through them. And how much they contribute to this end, the present state of the churches bears ample evidence to those who have had an eye opened to discover the signs of the times, which are indeed gloomy ; for the G 62 LIFE AND LETTERS OF [1830. tongues of the Bucking children cleave unto the roofs of their mouths for thirst ; yea, when the children ask bread, no man breaketh it unto them. But under this gloomy view of things, I have been com- forted, while writing, in the renewed belief that the foun- dation of our God Btandeth sure, having this seal, the Lord knoweth them thai are Bis; and that Jle is still re- deeming by His precious blood, sprinkled indeed upon their hearts and consciences, to the remission of sins that are past, through His forbearance; and by the powerful operation of Hi> Holy Spirit, redeeming from the power of Bin Buch as shall be Baved \f they continue faithful* Here thou wilt be favored, by the immediate openings of the pure truth upon thy mind, and by living experience, to know what it is to have thy heart sprinkled from an evil conscience, and thy body washed with pure water, — the baptism which alone saveth, — and to eat clean pro- vender which has been winnowed with the shovel and the fan, even to eat the flesh and to drink the blood of the Son of man: not any outward flesh or material blood, but in the mystery : thou shalt eat, and thy soul be satisfied with marrow and fatness, for His flesh is meat indeed, and His blood is drink indeed; His words, they are spirit and they are life, and whosoever drinketh the water that He giv< they thirst not, neither go to any inferior spring to draw, for it remains in them a well of living water, springing up unto everlasting life. Here He is known to be the resur- rection and the life, and whosoever believeth in Him, though he were dead, yet he comes to be renewed, quick- ened, and made truly alive unto God. And as thou goest On in the heavenly race, thou shalt experience further this truth, k * he that liveth and believeth in me shall never die :" and here coming to this blessed experience, thy curiosity about the resurrection of the bodv will be staved, and thou >halt be made quite willing to leave it where the Holy Spirit h-ft it in the Scriptures. However, ** thy flesh shall res! in hope." having seen the Father; for whosoever hath 11 the Son hath -ecu the Father also, for "no man knoweth the Father, save the Son and he to whom the Son shall reveal Him;" and the revelation of the Son to profit 8. | THOMAS i:. GOULD. 68 is only in and by tin* Spirit. For notwithstanding the T our blessed Lord had been so long time with Him, had Been tin 4 mighty works which He wrought, they knew Him not; as is plain by the reply that Philip made to the declaration of the Waster, when he said, k% Show n- the Father, and it sufficeth as." The reply made by our blessed Lord is very striking : ** Have I been so long time with you, and yet hast thou not known me, Philip?' 1 for it appears thai He had told them, that "whosoever had n the Son had seen the Father also;" to which he re- turned, "Show us the Father, and it sufficeth us. n Oh! it -onus to me that this is sufficient to convince any. that they know Him not, as He was the living and eternal Son, until He had been revealed unto them by the Spirit : for He expressly declared to Peter, that flesh and blood had not revealed it unto him, "but my Father who is in hea- ven ; n and strengthened and confirmed this view by say- ing, "Yes, thou art Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it." But Peter was a poor, frail man, although an emi- nent diseiple : hut all those that have known their founda- tion to he on this immovable Rock of divine immediate revelation, on these, as they keep their feet, all storms and tempests beat in vain, because they are founded on a rock, an immutable rock, the foundation laid in Zion. "Behold I lay in Zion, for a foundation, a stone, a tried ne, a sure foundation ; whosoever bclieveth thereon shall not make haste." This is that upon which David was favored to know his feet established, that was higher than he, when he had the new song put into his mouth, even high praises to His name, who had established him thereon that he could not be removed, because He had made u a covenant with him, ordered in all things and sure," even the "sure mercies of David;" than whom none I believe of the servants of the Lord in those days experienced a greater degree of illumination in the way that we contend for it. Hence arose those very numerous testimonies to its excellency; as when he implied it by saying, '-Oh, send out thy light and thy truth; let them lead me ; let them bring me to thy holy hill and to thy 64 LOTS AND LETTERS OF [1836. tabernacles : n then, said he, "I will teach trail thy ' nd sinners shall ] rerted anto thee.' 1 oh ! the preciousness of being brought to the holy hill and tabernacle of God, by the arising of this Divine Light in the soul, and the establishment of truth there ! Here an experience is attained of offering unto the Lord an offering in righteousness, even a pure offering; for I do assuredly believe thai when we are favored with a just sense of the relation in which we stand to our Father who is in heaven, as ^e abide under that influence by which the sense is given, we are favored by the same influence to see that the living only can praise Him acceptably, thai "the dead cannot praise" Him. From this, ardent desires are raised in the soul, to ]>e quickened and made truly alive unto Him; and as this is the case, our prayers (though they may be hut sighs or groans rightly begotten, or tears shed in truth) will arise before Him as " sweet incense," and the "lifting up of our hands as the evening sacrifice;" yea, they will be abundantly more acceptable than the most eloquent words or sublime expressions uttered when the heart is far from Him, because they are the smug- glings and the groanings of His seed under oppression, as it was in Egypt under the hard taskmasters. But the precious and consoling language uttered on that occasion .-till continues to hold good: " I have seen, I have seen the affliction of my people who are in Egypt, and have heard their groaning, and am come down to deliver them." Notwithstanding thy task may be doubled, and thou niayst be required to make brick as it were without straw, verily I say unto thee, as thou art concerned to follow Moses thy leader, thou shah be delivered; yea, when darkness covers all the land of Egypt, thou slialt have light in thy ( Joshen : for all the children of Israel, the true seed, the wrestling 1 of Jacob, "had light in their dwellings;" and when the destroying angel shall be sent through all the land to & istroy the first-born, k * from the first-born <>f Pharaoh that -ill on the throne, to the first-born of the beggar that si tteth on the dunghill/ 9 the destruction shall not come nigh thee, " the lintel and the two side-posts of thy door" having 1886.] THOMAS B. QOULD. 65 'i Bprinkled frith blood, although Burely it may have •i by a bunch of hj a bitter herb) dipped therein. That thou mayst come to experience these things, is what I greatly desire for thee; and may I not Bay, I tra- vail with thee, that "Christ may be formed in fche< for except this is the case, all that He has done for us, without US, will be of no avail to US. This then is the work of regeneration, by which we become "new crea- tures, n haying new faculties communicated and dispenc unto us, that "as we have home the image of the earthly, we may also bear the image of the heavenly," and may lie enabled to taste the doctrines and try the fruits of other-. The spirit f true judgment will he given, as it is written, " 1 will ho a spirit of judgment to them that .-it in judgment;" ami strength will be afforded to "turn the battle to the irate:" at which gaining an entrance by following the Captain who never yet was foiled in battle, noi his armies put to flight, thou wilt gain an admission into that city, ** whose wails are salvation, ami wh< gates are praise." . . . T. B. Gouli*. The novel doctrines of the party which seceded about tin's period from the Society in England, known commonly under the name of the " Beacon" secession, had for some time been favorably received and promoted by Elisha Bates of Ohio, and by some in high standing and great influence in New England Yearly Meeting. They went so far in their de- sire to spread these innovating views, as to make a remark- able, though at that time an unsuccessful attempt, to intro- duce the book entitled " The Beacon," into the Boarding School at Providence, R. I., under the charge of the Yearly Meeting. Seth and Mary Davis, avIio were then superintendents of that institution, and that faithful elder Moses Brown, one of the committee, then in very advanced age, were firm and decided in their opposition to the intro- duction of such a work, and by their steadfastness incurred the hostility of those who promoted the innovation. Some of the publications of the Beaconite schism reached the hands of Thomas B. Gould, lie was not slow to per- ceive their unsound nature, and endeavored to warn his 6* G6 LIFE AND LETTKBS OF [1S3G. their dangerous tendency. He saw, too, that these attacks upon the faith of our forefathers were of the very Bame origin as the errors of Joseph John Gur- ney, and that the writings of the latter had indeed been greatly instrumental in promoting those outward and superficial view.-, into which these people sought to leaven 3 ciety. From T. B. G. to Setii and Mart Davis. Newport, I5tb u\' 3d mo., 1836. My dbar Friends, Seth and Mary Davis: I believe I can Bay in truth, that I have felt my mind drawn into near sympathy and unity with you in your many trials and exercises in the midst of a crooked and perverse generation, and a deeply revolted and backslidden people; and in your honest and faithful labors to exalt the standard of Truth, and support the tes- timonies thereof, amongst those who are turning their hacks upon the one, and trampling the other under their feet. I have nor been altogether ignorant of the persecution which has fallen to your let since you left your own peace- ful abode, and undertook the arduous care of the Institu- tion ; hut, my dear friends, "if ye be reproached for the name of Christ, happy are ye, for the spirit of glory and of God resteth upon you." This, I have no doubt, you have witnessed to your consolation and support, while the id of dust, which the enemy has been permitted to raise tins! you, has been returned with accumulated strength into the very faces of those who have been instrumental in promoting his wicked designs; for you may remember the Apostle immediately adds, "On their part he is evil ken of, but on your part he is glorified/' I could have wished, for the Truth's sake, that your healths would have admitted your longer stay; for I do assuredly know thai your management, and the wisdom which has been displayed therein, has given satisfaction to nil those whose visi< mfficiently clear to discrimi- nate between thing and thing, and who are yet able to give the " Living child to the right mother." But ale L8J inoMAfl i . li». 61 the number of tl Bmall indeed, compared witb th who either openly deny, or undervalue, or disregard the only appointed and consecrated n of attaining the spirit of a sound mind, and of true judgment : for it is written, U I will be a spirit of judgment t<> them that in judgment :" and if //< who is, indeed, the R rfid mseUor^ is rejected, and not suffered to bear rule, and the government I upon // r : — which you well kno . be the case, even while the a loud cry of " Lord ! Lord !" — it is no marvel that there Bhould be con- fusion, and that the language should be confounded, — that one Bhould be crying "Lo, here!' 1 and the other U L ' — for this has guishing charac- teristic of all the B the days of Noah a until now. However, I do believe, that the stone which has been Bet at nought, and rejected by these wise builders, is indeed) the Headstone of the corner, the Rock on which the true Church is built, and against which the >f hell can never prevail. I also believe that the object of the saints' faith is unchangeable; that it has been the same in all ages, and will so continue; that none but those who come by their faith in the same v that Peter did, are members of this Church, or true be- lievers in the Lord of life and glory, or can possibly inherit, or will receive the blessing pronounced upon him, "Blessed art thou, Simon Barjonah, for flesh and bl hath not revealed it unto thee, but my Father who is in en." Now if we can obtain true and saving faith, andjusti- tion thereby, in any other way than the saints informer 9 did, even by divine, immediate revelation, then a man may call God, Father, — and Jesus, Lord, and not by the Holy Ghost; which would be and is, a manifi contradiction of plain Scripture doctrine. I should not probably have blundered on these things this time, if I had not most surely believed that the and of the opposition which has been manifested to you, is the same as that which is Beeking to overturn those precious principles and doctrines which I have briefly hinted at ; indeed they seemed to lie so much in G8 LIFE AND LETTERS OF [1836. my way, thai T could not well gel over them ; but while I have been writing, I have been forcibly reminded of the striking similarity there is between your case and that of the prophet Daniel, against whom his adversaries were forced to confess they should not be able to find an occa- sion, except concerning the law of his God. Well, my dear friends, may you continue to go on in this your might, and fight valiantly for the faith which was once delivered to the saints, and has been testified unto by a cloud of witnesses, even down to the present day, and in it. notwithstanding it is a day of so deep re- volt from the law and the testimony. For the Land) and His followers will have the victory, seeing He never was foiled in battle nor His armies put to flight, so long as they fought with reference to His divine counsel and under His banner: and as I am a believer in the doctrine that the weapons of this warfare are not carnal, I cannot help being grieved to Bee those who have begun in the Spirit, seeking to be made perfect by the flesh, winch, indeed, profiteth nothing. ...... I suppose you have seen Elisha Bates's "Vindication." . . . . I have greatly feared that it would do much hurt, and even tend to separate some still more widely from the Truth, who have already lost their innocency and integrity, as well as wisdom and judgment. Oh, it Beems as if the language of lamentation might be rightly taken up, "How are the mighty fallen, and the weapons of war perished ! Tell it not in (lath, publish it not in the streets of Askc- lon, — lot the daughters of the Philistines rejoice, lest the daughters of the uncircumcised triumph !" It lias, with me. utterly failed of vindicating his character; for if the principles and doctrine- he has there defended be the doctrines of the Gospel, — to say nothing about Quaker- ism, — I never understood them at all : and if the doc- trine of Justification by Faith, which we hear so much about, be a justification while sin remains, by imputed righteousness, without good works being in very deed produced by the Spirit — I deny it. For this is "another G -pel ;" seeing the very purpose for which the Son ami sent of the Father was manifested in the flesh, was, to 1 B36, | THOU \s B. QOl LD. M ur own works, and thinking our own thoughts, while the holy Apostle spoke of a state, in which "every thought" was brought "into subjection to the obedience of Christ." This I conceive to be the only way in which a preparation to perform true and acceptable worship can be attained to, agreeably to the well-known principles of truth as pro- fessed by Friends formerly, but which now appears to be too strait for these " sons of the prophets" to dwell in. It would have been well for them and us, however, before they undertook to enlarge their dwelling, if they had con- sulted the true prophet, and said, u Be content, we pray thee, and go with us ;" but this does not appear to have been the case, — it is evident they have gone alone, and 70 LIFE AND LETTERS OF [183G. gone where, had they followed His leading, they never would have been found. The axe-head, too, lias fallen into the water: it appears in some instances to have been "borrowed," but for my part I see little probability of its being made to "swim" again, for I very much fear there will not be an application to that Heavenly Power which alone can make it. Indeed, I am entirely at a loss to reconcile his manner of treating the doctrine of the resurrection of the dead, and of judgment, with what I believe to be the truth ; as well as his specious endeavor to elevate the Scriptures above the place in which Friends have held them ; and the subject of missions, the latter being one with which Friends have nothing to do, as they are at present con- ducted. ..... . After requesting to be excused for the liberty I am taking, as well as all other imperfections (seeing I have written in my mill, while it has been grinding fast). I conclude by asking you to accept my dear love; I would add. in the everlasting and unchangeable Truth, if I were not afraid of presuming beyond what I have yet attained to, even a possession therein : which, however, I am, I trU8t, at times sincerely desirous may be the case. Thomas B. Gould. From T. B. Gould to Ni: wport, 1st of Gth mo., 1836. My endeared Friend and longed-for in tiik Lord: My mind has been very deeply exercised and concerned on thy account, the whole time I have been awake, since I loft thy house on first-day evening; so that tears have been as my sorrowful meat, while my spirit has been im- pressed with this language, in the firm belief that it is sorrowfully verified in thy case: "A certain man went dottm from Jerusalem to Jericho, and fell among thiev< who robbed him, and wounded him, leaving him half dead." Now, my dear friend, I believe thou hast very lately been favored with a renewed Bight of Jerusalem, the quiet liabi- 1836.] THOMAS B. QOl LB. 71 tation, the tabernacle thai Bhould no1 have been taken down. Not one of the cords thereof Bhould have been broken, nor one of the Btakea Bhould ever have been re- moved, it' thou hadsl steadily and singly kept thine eye to thai Light by which, and by which alone, thou couldsl isibly be enabled lee it. Bui instead thereof, thou nasi descended from Jerusalem to Jericho, the city thai was destined to utter destruction : and here thou hasl fallen among thieves, who have robbed thee of the precious if good with which thou wast renewedly favored, and which it Bhould have been thy care by all means to have kept ; agreeably to the solemn injunction, k * Keep that which thou hast, and let no man take thy crown." Yea, they have wounded the precious life, which is more than the meat which perisheth, and have left thee " half dead." as to any sensible feeling and enjoyment of it. For thou mayst remember the declaration of our Divine Lord and Master, "the life is more than meat, and the body than raiment." Now, although thou mayst obtain food for that part in thee which is designed for utter destruction, by thus descending as from Jerusalem to Jericho, yet it a v 1 1 1 only increase thy woe and misery ; it will render thee barren and unfruitful in that which is most excellent. And this is what the Apostle recommended should be pre- ferred and sought after ; and not only so — for except the branch abide in the vine it cannot bear fruit of itself, but shall be "cast forth as a branch," and when it is so i forth, "men gather them, and they are burned." Truly, my dear friend, hast thou not experienced this sor- rowfully to be the case, when, for want of abiding in the Vine of life which has been made to shoot forth in thee, and for want of keeping the house and abiding in thy tent, thou hast gone forth without the sacred inclosure ? — how have the men of the world gathered thee, and thou hast been burned by their scorching, withering, and blasting influence ! On the other hand, when thou hast kept better company, hast thou not been at times sensibly leavened with good ? Hast thou not been sensible of the prevalence of earnest and living desires raised in thy heart after an advancement in the just man's path, which is declared to 72 LIFE AND LETTERS OF [1836. as a shining tight, which Bhineth brighter and brighter, unto the perfect day ? Oh ! turn in. I beseech thee, to thai measure of divine light and grace with which thou art favored: occupy with the precious gift, yea, obey the injunction, "Occupy till I cotiae;' 1 and 1 do verily believe thou wilt find very little more required of thee at present, than thus to occupy with it. and watch its movements, and follow rts gentle lead- ings. Cast all thy care upon Him who hath in great mercy favored thee with that and numberless other blessings, and He will, in His own due and appointed time, enlarge thy dwelling; yea, He will introduce thee into the glorious liberty of J I is children, by delivering thee from under the hard ta>k-master, who is seeking, by all possible means, thy utter destruction ; who is seeking to harden thy heart, and persuading thee to turn a deaf ear to the reproofs of instruction, which are the way of life and salvation; so that the time will come when thou wilt have to Bay, in the anguish and bitterness of thy soul, "Oh that I had not hated instruction ami despised ivproof, for the harvest is past, the summer is ended and gone, and I am not healed !" For most assuredly every knee shall bow and every tongue confess, either in mercy or in judgment, that Jesus Christ is Lt importance to thy- self, to the Church, and to those among whom thou art conversant. To be a member of our religious Society, and thus pub- licly profess the holy name of Christ our Lord, invol an awful responsibility, inasmuch as we make a higher and more holy profession than any other people whatever, in divers very important particulars, some of which I shall name. And as thy ease has engaged my attention to-day, that solemn query put by our blessed Lord to the mother of Zebedee's children and to them, on that deeply interest- occasion, when she requested of Him for them, that they might sit the one on J Lis right hand and the other On His left in His kingdom, has been weightily and constantly with me: "Are ye able to drink of the cup that 1 drink of, and to be baptized with the baptism that I am baptized with ':" Now, my beloved friend, although the Society of Friends have ever declined the use of out- ward forms and ceremonies, and of water-baptism, yet they have ever as strongly asserted and as firmly believed that it is by baptism, and by that alone, that any can be joined unto the Lord, so as to become of one spirit with His people, or in other words, true and living members of His Church : that it is necessary for us that we should be ••buried with Him by baptism into death" to sin, " that like as He was raised from the dead by the power of the Father, even so we also should walk in newness of life," having "put off the old man with his deeds, and crucified the flesh, with the affections and lusts, and put on the new- man, which, after God, is created in righteousness and true holiness." As this is a subject which is most intimately connected with life and salvation, it cannot do either of us any harm most seriously to consider what we have known of this great and important work to be begun and carried on in our hearts, by i; the faith of the operation of God," who will work in us both " to will and to do of His own good pleasure," and unmerited mercy ; and who hath graciously 7*' 78 LIFE AM> LBTTSBS OF [IS: 1 ,;. declared: "Behold I stand at the door and knock : if any • man hear my voice and open the door, I will come in and mi]) with him, and he shall sup with me." By thus sub- mitting thyself unto Him, and turning at His reproof-. even al the "reproofs of instruction, which are the way of Life," thou wilt find thyself quickened and renewed in the spirit of thy mind, from time to time; for it is written that "the first man Adam was made a living soul," but the second Adam is the Lord from heaven, "a quickening spirit." This is Be who is the Judge both of the quick and dead, those that are dead in trespasses ami Bins, and those who have been made truly alive unto Him by an attention and submission to that Word of eternal life, which wakes the dead, and causes even those that are in the graves to oome forth unto the resurrection of life — even He who 18 the resurrection and the life. "I am the resurrection and the life," saith Christ, "he that believ- eth on me, though he were dead, yet shall he live, and he that liveth and helieveth on me shall never die." " And you," saith the apostle, u hath he quickened) who were dead in trespasses and sins; wherein in time past ye walked, according to the course of this world, according to the prince of the power of the air, the spirit that now worketh in the children of disobedience. But God, who is rich in mercy, for His great love wherewith he loved lis even when we were dead in sins, hath quickened us to- gether witli Christ : (by grace ye are saved.)'' Ephesians, - • i j -• *j ti« Now if thou hast in truth known something of this work begun in thy heart, thou must have been made sensible that it is impossible for thee to be kept alive, except thou receive day by day thy daily bread. It is as impossible for the soul to live without food of a nature or quality corresponding to its own high destinies, as it is for the body to subsist without its proper food. ** Except ye eat the flesh and drink the blooa of the Son of man, ye have no life in you." These were pronounced by some formerly to he hard sayings: they exclaimed, "who can hear them," ami it is recorded that from that time some went hack from Him, and walked no more with him. l>ut 7. ] THOM kS ! LD. 7: turning to 11 is IU ipl j, II- laid anto them, "Will ( )nc of them replied, M Lord, to n shall the words of eternal lif And again, it was declared, that a man should DOl ** live by bread alone, bat by every word that proceedetb out of the month of God. 91 With regard toothers, it was posi- tively asserted that they were even "made dean by the • 1 spoken onto them." This I apprehend thon wilt find to be the true Supper the Lord; for a> thou wilt observe, (and, I earnestly desire, mavst richly experience), it is made to depend npon hearing the words of Christ, upon opening onto Sim, when ho knocks by His Spirit at the door of thy heart, npon waiting for, and when favored to hear, listening, in >f the fleshly part, onto II i< voice, which that thou wilt come to a view <>f His oountenan which is comely, yea, wilt come to experience the lifting np the light of His countenance npon thee, and to taste of the rivers of unspeakahle pleasures which are at His right hand for evermore. This is indeed a being brought into •• His banqueting house." and here the banner of His love is spread over US, and we know and are sure that if Ave continue to walk in the light, as Christ is in the light, we have fellowship one with another, and that the blood of Jesus Christ will cleanse us from all sin: yea, that our fellowship and communion is with the Father, and with the Son, and with the Holy Ghost. This is the high and advanced ground (however feebly advocated or set forth by me) which the Society of Friends have taken, and still as a people maintain: and this is the true ground of initia- tion among, or communion and fellowship with them: al- though it must be acknowledged that it is not maintained by many who are nominally in profession with us. With regard to our testimonies against war. slavery, ami all oaths, together with the giving and receiving of complimentary and flattering titles, and honors, falsely called, I have no doubt thou hast been convinced of their incompetency with the Gospel of Christ. But I want thou Bhouldst also be convinced of. and he willing (however much it may he in the cross) practically to keep to the use 80 uri: and LETTERS of [1837; of the plain Scripture language, OB all occasions and in all companies, as well as simplicity of behavior and ap- parel. I think it will not be ami- jay that I never knew an inMance, where an individual prospered in the hot things, that balked his testimony in these things, or where that "covetousness which is idolatry" prevented him from the due and diligent attendance of meetings both for worship and discipline; those held on the middle of the week, as well as those on that day set apart for the pur- pose, by the common consent of those called Christians, the world over. But after all that has heen said, or that can he said or written, if thy mind is not convinced of and converted to a belief in the divine u Light of Christ within,'' — w> ;is God's gift for man's salvation," — which is our main dis- tinguishing point or principle, and, as William Pcnn said, in his preface to George Fox's Journal, u is as the root of the goodly tree of doctrines which grew or branched out from it," — it will be impossible for thee, or any other, to support those doctrines and testimonies ; the support of which, however, cost our Worthy and ever memorable pre- decessors in the pure truth of our God, everything that was near and dear in this life, and even life itself. But they counted it all as loss and dross, in comparison to the excellency of the knowledge of Christ, their dear Lord ; and esteeming the reproach of Christ greater riches than all the treasures of Egypt, they cheerfully relinquished their hold on the things of this life, even an unlawful hold on lawful things, that they might secure an incorruptible inheritance in the world to come. A- ;ill things that are reprovable are made manifest by the Light, and as whatsoever maketh manifest is Light, and, as John testified concerning Jlim who is the true Light that lighteth every man that cometh into the world, that the end and design was, "that all men through Him might be saved :" so let me, in eouelusion, commend thee, in the language of an apostle, unto God and to the word of His grace (mark that), which is able to build thee up, and to give thee an inheritance among all them that are sanctified Thomas B. Gould. 7.] THOMAS !:. GOULD. I 1 To Pelbg Mitchell. irpoBT, Tth of 4th in"., ] 337. My dbab Friend : I fully unite with ill*-*" in the sentiment "that the signs of the times are awful," and with thy other expressions in connection therewith. Bui although it was foretold by the Lord's servants, the pro- phets (thou wilt not here understand it of those recorded in Scripture), lias it not come upon many u as a thief in the night '.'" It certainly lias found but a few compara- bly, — a little remnant, — watching. Still, I believe there will in great mercy he a remnant preserved, as the u two or three berries upon the top of the uppermost bough, tour <>r five upon the outermost fruitful branches thereof;" vet surely thev would seem to he as u the gleaning grapes that are left in it, or as the snaking of an olive tree.*' "At that day shall a man look to his Maker, and his eyes shall have respect to the Holy One of Israel." [saiah IT : 6, 7. Oh, that it may be real- ized! I have no doubt this is the effect that it is designed to have upon us as a people, for has there not been a look- ing to " the altars, the work of men's hands ?" " But these strong cities have become as a forsaken bough." © * . k * Because thou hast forgotten the God of thy salvation, and hast not been mindful of the Rock of thy strength, therefore shalt thou plant pleasant plants, and shalt set it with strange slips. In the day shalt thou make thy plant to grow, and in the morning shalt thou make thy seed to flourish ; but the harvest shall be a heap in the day of grief and of desperate sorrow." Ibid. 10, 11. I believe there has been an improper trust in man amongst us in the general, and in particular, a receiving what this great man or the other great man has said, or done, or written, without bringing things to the true © © < touchstone, the balance of the sanctuary, which the Lord Almighty has been pleased to place in every sincere mind. This would have placed a curb upon those who are as "the horse or the mule, who have need to be held in with bit and bridle;" and at the same time that it would have rendered B2 LOT and LBVPJERS ai [18 37. "tribute to whom tribqte was due, and custom to whom custom was due,' 1 it would have rendered "unto God the things that are God's :" who in all things wiU have the pre-eminence, and whose right it is to rule and reign, by virtue of His law pf love and life, which is written in the heart and placed in the mind. It seems to me sometimes, thai the blood of all the pro* phets will be required of this generation, who arc now act- ing <>vcr again [in a sense] the awful tragedy which whs performed upon those faithful "witnesses' 1 and "martyrs of JeSUS," who " counted not their lives dear, in order that they might finish the ministry which they had received of the Lord Jesus, to testify the Gospel of the grace of God*" Can we too frequently advert to them? Shall they ever be forgotten ? No ! " their memorial is on high." 'Mhey that be wise shall shine as the brightness of the firmament, and they that turn many to righteousness, as the stars for- ever and ever." " The righteous shall be had in everlast- ing remembrance, hut the name of the wicked shall rot." " Woe to the multitude of many people, which make a noise like the noise of the seas, and to the rushing of nations, that make a rushing like the rushing of mighty waters." "And behold at evening-tide trouble, and before the morning he is not ; this is the portion of them that >)><>i] US, and the lot of them that rob us." I verily believe it is applicable in both its parts : " In- asmuch as ye did it (or did it not), to one of the least of these, ye did it (or did it not) to me;" for it is an assured truth, that the Lord accounteth that which is done unto His members, as done unto Himself; aside from the hurt done unto the great cause of truth and righteousness in the earth. Thy assured friend, Thomas 1>. (Iould. To PELKG Mitchell. Newport, 1st of 8th montfe, 1837. Mi dbab Friend : 1 can truly say that I have thought much of 7. ] TttOMAS B. GOULD. thee in the time, no! only on account of thai mutual bond of union rod fellowship which subsists between us, bul in relation to that change which 1 Btippose has taken place in thy situation, since 1 last communicated with th< Although I am not in p( n of experimental know ledge en the Bubject, 1 may peradvfenttire be allowed theexpri sion of a sentiment. I have ever entertained, I believe, an exalted Bense oi' the propriety of that step, as well as its importance, and have frequently recurred to those instaip we have on record, Where the parties were led and guided therein by the good hand ami power of the Lord, and, when the consummation of their prospects arrived, had their testimony to hear (and this is a peculiar testimony) ttiat they were sensible of the Master's presence and power tompanying them and uniting them together. Oh! pre* xperionce and acknowledgment ! Jt often proved an earnest of future happiness in time, and a prelude to that which is eternal. I hope it lias been thy experience in the former, and that it may be in the latter. It is doubtless unnecessary to make any remark to thec on the subject ; but I have often thought that no less evi- dence of divine illumination and revelation was to be found in the distinguishing views of Friends on the subject of marriage, than in any other point on which we differ from other people. It might almost amount to a proof of it (seeing we reason in these days as well as walk back- wards), to consider that it is becoming, according to my sense and observation, of less and less concern with the generality under our name, to violate it. Witness the number of children, who either speak half Jew and half Ashdod, or pure Ashdod — I might rather have said, im- pure. I fully unite with thee in sentiment on the subjects re- ferred to in thy letter, and assuredly believe that multi- tudes of our members are laboring under a sad delusion with regard to the subject of slavery (or more properly, the abolition of it), and which, while it professes to exalt that testimony, is sapping the very foundation on which it rests, and weakening their attachment to, and crippling them in the support of, others not less important; 84 LIFE AND LETTERS OF [1837. [same letter, later date.] .... There is, indeed, a diversity of gifts and talents, as will a- different degrees of growth and experience; but whereonto we have already attained, as we have all walked by the same rule and minded the same thing, a uniformity of faith and principle must of course be the effect. Was this ever so beautifully exemplified as among our primitive Friends? Shall we ever see it bo exemplified again? Alas! I fear we Bhall not. When I happen to expr< nidi a sentiment, 1 am told, not to despair; but I cannot help it, I have despaired of it long since. Indeed, Peleg, niv faith is at a low ebb: if others are not better off than we are, here on Rhode Island, there is certainly a cause for it. I sometimes express such a sentiment to some who Ought to be judges ; they Bay they are not in a better con- dition than ^e are. Indeed the most alarming feature in my view is, that BO many are saying "we are rich and full, increased with goods, and have need of nothing," when they are poor, and blind, ami naked, and have need of everything, — or of that in which all good things are in- cluded. With regard t<> the prominent difficulties in Society, I hear but little Said about them. Jt seems to me, however, that even BOme of the upright-hearted are in some measure deceived, BUpposing that the danger is over on that score from which truth'- testimonies have of late suffered so severely. I may acknowledge myself of a different judg- ment J for although there are signs, on the part of some, of a willingness to sign a truce, yet I am well satisfied that true repentance ami conviction have not had their perfect work. The Btate of things, as I view them, seems to be this: that there has been, and now is (for, in comparison with the defection ami departure from the principles and testimonies of the Society, very few have been disowned by it), a large number of individuals, who stand in mem- bership in the Society, many of them in high Stations, ministers, elders, &C«, who either never understood the principles i'^v the support of which we were originally gathered to be a separate and distinct body, or, having 7.] ma- i u>. 1 a literal, book-know) f them Into the brain, have adopl much of then rould promote them offices and confer power upon them; or er sort, who, baying convinced of and converted to the truth, in former and better days, and grown up into a good i of its heavenly virtue and power, bo as to be decked and ith the Lord's heavenly jewels and gift* want of abiding in the simplicity of Little children, and in [> humility and dependence upon the Lord, the Giver good and perfect gift, bave become puffed up and Jted above the pure witness in themselves, have taken the Lord's jewels and made merry over them, and then, by a further delusion and snare of the grand adversary, have :i tempted to deny the testimony of His "faithful and true witness," until by the continual grieving and despite done unto it, they have for the present slain it, and their "hoU8< it unto them desolate," "given over to a ( delusion, even to W'lieve a lie." Of such as tin nothing less can he expected, hut that they will persecute u the woman," ami the k * remnant of her seed," as they are oing. But I confess I do not so much fear the con- Bequences of this kind of trial, as I do that of the other class first mentioned ; who, though they have " secretly joined themselves to the broken army of Magog" (see Edward BllT- rough'a works), and have all along been in league with him, now, for political reasons, are very willing to have it appear they are very good Quakers, "saying they are Jews, and are not," hut are of that synagogue from which the floods of opposition come. These, since they have failed to undermine the Society, I am firm in the belief, are now trying another scheme, and by smooth words and fair speeches, are deceiving the hearts of the simple; they are very willing to pass for sound, and, as much as in them lies, to use sound words, — to build the sepulchres of the prophets. Indeed, to use the words of one of the pro- phets (I. Penington), their structure now is " built in imi- tation of Zion, painted just like Zion," and looks like Zion ; but it is only in appearance; although there is much art in setting it forth as can be imagined, and the paint is very skilfully laid on, yet in secret, the simplicity 8 LIFE AND LETTERS OF [1837. and purity of the truth, the straitncss of the gate, and the narrowness of tlje way, arc despised and condemned. I eaconism," and ceased openly to oppose the " little ones." (A friend in our neighborhood, who has seen him at his house, can testify.) How it is possible he should be cleansed of his leprosy so quick, I am at a loss to deter- mine. I think at least he should have been " kept without the camp seven days." And as there is so much proof of the "plague" being in the very "waliV of his " house," it would have been more satisfactory to me, if there had been some evidence that it had been pulled down to the very ground, and rebuilt upon a better foundation, a new foundation, the Foundation "laid in Zion." Then, I am satisfied that the first work he would have found to do, would have been to unsay a great deal that he has said, and to contradict a great deal that he has written. I ex- pressed sentiments something like this to our mutually dear friend John Wilbur; and in the course of the conver- sation he said, that he had asked a friend if the Lord's mountain and the mount of Esau were so near together that men could pass from one to the other at a single leap I am aware that there is much said now against judg- ing} the labors of those who have been tinctured with the new views have been from the first directed against it: they introduced cautions against it into the Epistles of the yearly meeting : no man was to be judged for his unsound- ness, nothing musl be thought, much less said, about it. Well, was not this a snare of the crafty fowler? Hid it not answer the end completely? All mouths closed, every lip silent, and every tongue dumb, while they were carry- ing on their warfare unmolested, and even turning those 1837.] MOM kfi i M>. -7 institutions which were ordained and sel up for i defei round about the city, into engines of destruction to it ! which have been sent back and forth, betwi ly meeting and that of London, are a witn< to the truth of this remark : I mean for several years lasl past. Is no1 the language applicable: "Judgment is turned away backward, truth lias fallen in the streets, and lity cannot enter V* And did not all those who wferfc favored to have their eyes open, see in these things a clear nd legitimate fruit of that spirit "which genders ondage;" which has brought and is still bringing iriiny back again under that grievous and cruel yoke of bond* which was laid upon the nations by the hard task-mastM I M». (MIAPTER II. In the oowse of the visit of Joseph John Gnrney to the United 5 — a visit sorrowfully disastrous to the Society i this land — be attended the Yearly Meeting ■ ( England, held at NeWpQlt, in 1838* Thomas P>. ild had by this time become familiar with some of his writings, and in common with a large number of other Friends of that yearly meeting, as well as in other parts Of the land, was clearly convinced that his published sen- timents were calculated to produce a departure from the ancient standard of our Christian profession — that he was unsound in many points of doctrine which our forefathers in the truth held most dear, — and that there was extreme danger, from the influence of his position, his wealth, his id activity, and his reputation, truly or falsely esti- mated, for benevolence, learning, and eloquence, that large multitudes would be turned aside from the simplicity and spirituality of our true and ancient faith. On this occa- i therefore, when some of those who had obtained the pre-eminence in that yearly meeting, were urging the claims of J. J. Gurncy to implicit acceptance, and be- guiling the minds of many honestly disposed, but more or superficial members, who placed undue confidence in eminent men, Thomas B. Gould felt it to be his religious duty plainly to bear his testimony, as way opened for it, against the erroneous doctrines of this voluminous author, and to show the reasons of his disunity with them. This attracted the attention, of course, of the individual thus testified against, as well as of those whose efforts were directed to promote his cause ; and from that time Thomas 8* 90 LIFE AND DETTBBfl OP [1838. was marked and watched, as in their opinion pertinaciously endeavoring to obstruct their coarse, and as a person dis- affected and dangerous to their favorite scheme of bringing er the whole Society to the views and practice- of Joseph John Gurney and others like him in England, where the 1 bo widely sown in his numerous and unchecked publi- cations, had taken root in the hearts of very many of the members, and Bprung up to the covering of that '-nee beautiful garden of the Lord with the noxious weeds of superficial and carnally-minded profession. Joseph John Gurney soon took an opportunity of calling ;ii Henry Gould's residence, and Thomas candidly opened to him his uneasiness, but without receiving any satisfac- tion from him. This interview — in which Thomas plainly charged him with promulgating unsound doctrines, and exhorted him to disavow and condemn them, and also ex- pressed to him his dissatisfaction with his ministry — ending as it did in no concession on the part of J. J. Gurney — T. I>. Gould considered himself not only clearly at liberty, hut hound by his sense of duty, to speak of it openly, and to warn his fellow-iuemhers of the disastrous results likely to follow to the Society from the popularity of this unsound author. As a con>e<(uonce of his faithfulness herein, he was, in common with his friend and fellow-testimony-hearer, John Wilbur, made the object of a long-continued persecu- tion, ^>y those who scrupled not to pervert the discipline of the Society to their unholy purposes. Yet no cause could he found against him. except concerning the law of his God. Efforts were even made to spread an idea that his mental powers were impaired, and many were the vitu- perations Cast upon his character, particularly after the interview above-mentioned. Much talk and misrepresenta- tion having been made ahout it. he Wrote the following notes of the occurrence, ami Bent copies to some of his intimate friends, in order that his fellow-memhers might have a correct Version of what transpired on that occasion. NOTES or x. B. G.'S [NTBRVIEW WITH J. J. GHTRNJfcY. Between the hour.- of live and six on the afternoon of 8.] THoMAS ; :.i». L6tl th month, 1" rney and Bcnry 1! died at my father's hoi ►mas 1>. BuiTuni h them. Thomas I My parei also in the >m : when the follow ral remark- made by him • and he f very much • Ik , 1 took my Beat by hi "I sup] §e hast heard that I 1 id a the unsound thy writ- portunity to acknowledge th have done bo, and to convince thee that I am not disp keep it b He interrupted me by I. I did not come here on that at all. 1 only love for thee and for the fami " i tin our a ged prii and testimonies. I ugly die iedwith them. > .. wilt thou ack lire that ther - in them, and by bo doing, remove the obstructions to thy list in my mind, out of the He re- plied, "All that I have to say to thee, my dear friend, is, that I have nothing - y on the Bubject of my writii ] do i aider it to be my present business; I am here another concern, and my mind is very much exerci with it." I replied. % * The minds of Friends in this conn- try arc very un< relation to much which thou hast written — as well a£ If — and it is a very serious ob- uction to thy work and service. It is impossible that it uld accoi! the pr( I object, or reach the same end. until tin are removed : and if thou wilt acknowledge that there is unsoundness in them, and bo remove the offence out of the way, I believe there are those who would receive thee with open an He plied. ".My dear. I feel a great deal of love for thee, and I did when thou spoke in meeting the other day. I ad- mire thy candor and uprightness, but I must decline en- tering upon the subject of my writings: they are \ ex1 ad all I have t<> - is, that it ; my business, and. to tell thee the truth. I do not con- ■r it to be thine.'' I answered, ** 'It' thou br thy 92 LIFE AND LETTERS OF [1838. gift to the altar, and there remembcrest that thy brother hath aught against thee, leave there thy gift before the altar, first go and be reconciled to thy brother, then come and offer thy gift. 1 His I believe ifl a doctrine of Scrip- ture ; thou makest great professions of regard for the Scriptures, and st them above the mark at which Friends have ever held them ; now thou ought to conform to this precept, and deny or condemn such parts of thy writings as have erven so much uneasiness to me and a multitude of other Friends ; by so doing thy path would be rendered more easy, and the minds of Friends would be relieved. I do consider that it is thy duty to satisfy both me and them." lie again made large professions of love for me, put one arm around me, and laid the other hand upon my knee, in a very plausible and seemingly affec- tionate manner, saying, " All I can say is, to recommend thee to the Master, to whom thou must leave me, simply doing what He requires of thee; and raayest thou more and more come under the very power of the Lord's Spirit, with which I believe thou art acquainted. Keep in the quiet, dear Thomas, simply doing what lie requires of thee." (lie did make some further remarks here, by way of preaching to a very small extent, which, however, I do not remember.) I replied, "It has been required of me to do what I have done; my mind has been very deeply exercised on the subject of the unsound doctrines promul- gated and propagated by thy books amongst us; it has deprived me of much sleep, and even affected my health; — but," I said, wi 1 am not aware that my mind has been im- paired," — appealing to my two intimate and dear friends, T. P. X. and T. 15. B., to know whether they had dis- covered that any distraction or derangement of mind had taken place, remarking, ** they both know me well ; we are frequently together, and converse on these subjects." T. I\ X. said that he believed I was "of perfectly sound mind." with emphasis. T. B. B. sat silent, with his hat drawn down over his eves. He evidently was unwilling to take any part in the matter between us, although he had previously conversed freely and frequently with me upon the subject of my concern with J, J. (J. : such is the perni- 3, ] THOMAS B. GOULD. which greal names and popular applai upon oven honest hearts. I then appealed to J, J. <>. again in an affectionate manner, as he had it in his power to relieve me from this ighl and burden, to do bo, and thus take the ground of offence against him away; at the Bame time remarking that if he would do bo, I should be able to inform friends who felt tin* Bame uneasiness with myself, that he had con- demned whatever was in his books contrary to our ac- knowledged principles and testimonies, and thus open his way with them, where I assured him it was now entirely closed. He utterly refused, again and again, to enter into any discussion, as he chose to call it. upon the soundness of his writings, or to acknowledge they were unsound; hut said nothing about his certificates, or his having been well received by some friends. He never alluded to it at all. I replied: u Iwish no discussion, I have asked for no such thing, hut only for thee to condemn such parts of them as are contrary to our acknowledged principles, and have given friends so much uneasiness." He manifested great uneasiness at this time, and said something about humility, which I do not distinctly remember, and again refused to make any the least concession. After a short pause, I found my mind engaged to tes- tify against his ministry, which I did in the following manner : "I must say to thee, that I am not satisfied with thy manner of preaching : thou puttest the cart before the horse; thou lahorest to induce a belief in the doctrines ified of in the Scriptures, by the mere force of reason and argument, and the bare reading or hearing of them; and then spcakest of the gift of the Spirit as a conse- quence of that belief or acceptance. This is contrary to that Scripture doctrine, ' as no man knoweth the things of a man save the spirit of man which is in him, even so no man knoweth the things of God but the Spirit of God.' Now," said I, "it was because of the absolute necessity there was and is for men and women to come to this Spirit, to have their understandings opened and their hearts quickened by its power, that our ancient friends labored to exalt the testimony to the true Teacher, and to bring them under its power and teaching ; and they well 94 LIFE AND LETTERS OF [1838. knew that when people come to this ground and founda- tion, there la no danger of their undervaluing the Scrip- tures, for it is impo ; the manii ion of the Spirit now will not contradict the revelation of the same Spirit in days that arc past. They know it, and 1 know it. But thou, instead of laboring to bring the minds of the people to the true Teacher, who promised to teach I lis people Himself those groat doctrines and fundamental truths of the Gospel, and bringing in the Scriptures, ae collateral evidence of, and testimony to the truth of them, goest about to persuade people to accept them in 'simple faith, 1 or to convince them merely by thy own powers of reasoning and argument, and boldest forth that the gift of the Spirit is consequent upon that kind of belief or accep- tance. Now this is contrary to the principles of truth as professed by Friends." He did not attempt to deny that this was true, and said, "I am satisfied of thy sincerity and faithfulness, and am willing to be further instructed as a Christian should be." Here some of the family remarked thai Moses II. P>ecde was at the door ; and Jonathan Nichols (who had just step- ped up) inquired if I was willing he should come in ; where- upon I invited them both in. J. J. G. had risen up and put on his hat in the interim, and seemed exceedingly un- willing that anything further should be said. Thus I was prevented from fully relieving my mind, as it related to him. But I did say to J. J. G., "As thou hast refused to give me any satisfaction, I want thee distinctly to un- derstand that I shall consider myself at liberty to speak against thy writings, at such times and in such manner as I shall think proper, — and with thy understanding it to be so, thou must leave me thus at liberty." He said, " I do not give thee liberty, but leave thee to the Master, who is able to keep Ufl both." I told him that it A\as contrary to common sense and reason, that he should bo at liberty to write and publish what he pleased against the Truth, and 1 Bhould be denied the liberty and exercise of my con- Bcience, in bearing my testimony against and exposing the unsoundness of his writings, while he was travelling amongst us and refused to condemn them. 1 had previously told him that my objection! to his writings were not of recent THOMAS r.. GOULD, date, thai I had been familiar with them from my child- and li:i*l had unity with the Srsl edition of his " I ligions Peculiarities" (with some small exception), which had interested me in what came from his pen, and led to the reading of it ; and the time had been when I Bincerely wished he might be sent over to this country; bul long before he came, my feelings had been changed, and now I had cause to regret it exceedingly. He Baid, "that he had heard me patiently, and that he felt great love for It was evident, however, that he was not willing to hear me, ;md that it gave him much uneasiness. When the subject was first opened, he seemed dispo light of it, and laugh it off. After discovering that this would not discourage or prevent me from ]>r< CUting the concern, lie attempted to drown it by large and gratuitous professions of love and good will lor me. Find- ing that plan would not work, and especially while I was enforcing the obligation he was under, to leave his gift at the altar until he was reconciled to his brethren, I must say that he seemed somewhat affected by it ; at any rate, he was more silent, and apparently sensible that it was just. I have read the above notes to T. B. B. and T. P. N. ; they both acknowledge them to be substantially correct. I took them down immediately after the interview, and where they are marked as quotations, I am satisfied the Ian. is given as it was used. I am willing to acknowledge that Joseph John did not say much. What he did Bay (as will be seen) was, with two or three excep- tions, a repetition of the determination at first expressed, or of his professions of love for me. This may account for my so repeatedly insisting upon his condemning the unsound and offensive parts of his writings. If he had called for it, I could readily have referred him to such parts as arc so diametrically opposed to our acknowledged principles, as they stand recorded in our approved and standard works, that "he who runs may read" and under- stand the difference. As for T. B. B.'s silence when I appealed to him, he has since said to me that he con- sidered it altogether unnecessary to make such an appeal (he was not aware however of the reason why I made it), and that he should be willing to bear testimony to his 96 LIFE AND LETTERS OF [l v full conviction of my entire sanity to J. J. G., should an opportunity offer. Thomas B. Gould. Newport, ! m<>.. Lg From T. B* Gould to J. and E. Nichols. ompanying a copy of the Notea ofhia Interview •with J. J. Gurney.] Newport, 29th of 6th month, 181 My dear Friends, J. and E. Nichols : Indubitably satisfied and convinced I am, that the very tendency of this man's labors is to make us a will-worship- ping people ; and although he does not now acknowledge it in words, vet it is verv evident that he dreams, that Jerusa- lem, the holy city, whither the tribes go up to the testimony of Israel, the city which the Lord hath chosen, to place J lis name there, to manifest His power there, is too far off; — and those, who arc concerned to yield obedience to the divine commandment, w * Thou shalt not offer thy burnt- offerings nor thy sacrifices in every place that thon se< but in the place which the Lord thy God shall choose, to Cause His name to dwell there, ,? are likely to maintain their allegiance to David their king, and to say, "Thine are we. David, and on thy side, thou son of Jesse." Oh, that the eyes of the upright-hearted may be opened by the effectual application of the eye-salve of the Kingdom, whieh is inward and spiritual, — (the worship is spiritual, the offerings are spiritual, the temple and the altar are spiritual, and the worshippers are spiritual, such as wor- ship in spirit and in truth) — to see the mystery of iniquity; for truly, great is the mystery of iniquity, as well of god- liness. None can understand either the one or the other, but those, and those only, who have been taught by Him who is the alone sufficient Teacher of His people, who *• teacheth them to profit," and as no man ever spake or taught. He ^till continues to show to a little, poor, and despised remnant, the depths of Satan on the one hand, and on the other, the "unsearchable riches" (unsearch- able to the wise and prudent of this world, the letter- learned), which are in Himself, with whom are hid all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge. Bu1 it is now. as it 1888. ] THOMAS i:. GOULD. 97 was formerly : " He is a Btone of stumbling and :i roci of offence' 1 to th< i high-professing, self-righteous Jews. u They stumble al that Btumbling-stone." A.nd to the worldly-wise Greeks (both characters are frequently united in the same subject) "foolishness." Bui to those who believe, to those who receive their gift of faith from Sim, who has been the object of the saints 1 faith in all ages of the world, the Author and Finisher of it, u Christ is the power of God and the wisdom of God." four afflicted, but not forsaken friend, Thomas B. Gould. ript] I do not believe the impressions he makes will last longer than the " veil which is spread over all nations" who have not come to the mountain of the Lord's house, to the house of the God of Jacob, where He teacheth them I lis ways, and they receive strength from Him to walk in His paths — remains upon them ; for it is in "this mountain'' that the face of the covering is re- moved, and the veil is destroyed. I was ready to add, in the renewed feeling and sense of its truth, "We have a >ng city : salvation hath God appointed for walls and for bulwarks:" for I have been, at times and seasons, comforted in the firm faith given unto me that the founda- tion stands sure — for faith remains to be an heavenly gift, the gift of God; and it still is the " substance of things hoped for, and the evidence of things not seen." (Not J. J. Gurney's " simple faith — mere credence" which, he said, in his communication on fifth-day of yearly meeting, formed a fundamental link in the great chain of Christian doctrines.) " The foundation stands sure ;" and because He lives who is the Rock of ages, upon which the true Church is built (not upon the Scriptures), those who are prophesying in sackcloth shall live also ; and the storms and tempests, though they may beat vehemently, shall not be able to overthrow such. .... I should be glad to receive a letter from you ; and with the assurance of true love I conclude. If you 9 LIFE AND LETTERS OF [18 are uneasy with any part <»f my conduct, be Bure to let me know of it. Thomas B. Gould. From T. B. G. to George F. Read. Newport, 4th of 7th mo., 1838. My dear Friend, G. F. Read: Baying understood by good authority that the fact of my having had an interview with J. J. Ghirney on the sub- ject of bis writings, Sec, has caused much remark in Pro- vidence, and subjected me to actual abuse from Borne indi- viduals (all which I sincerely wish may he mercifully for- given then), seeing they know not what they do), I thought it would be best for me to inclose thee a copy of the me- morandums I made, of what passed between us, in order that thou might know how far I am justly censured. Thou art aware that in the time of yearly meeting I made no scruple of expressing my objections to his printed books. I did consider I had as much right to do so, as he had to print and publish them. I am of the same judgment still. I know they are not Quakerism; I also know he is no Quaker, if lie holds the same sentiments, whatever else he may he. And the fact being proved that he will not condemn them, shows that he is still account- able for all that he has written. Friends might just as well have received thee into membership with thy Baptist notions, and licensed thee t<> remain and propagate them, as to suffer him to travel as a minister, with his Episcopa- lian principles; and much better, as thy influence would not have been anything near BO extensive. AlS to my right to express my concern to J. J. G., which I understand has been called in question, I am not at all afraid to Bay, that no one who understands the prin- ciples of Friends, and retains his integrity and allegiance to them, will hesitate for a moment to acknowledge it. However, I am not the first who has been judged and con- demned by false and envious brethren, lor doing that which was required of him. Joseph was hated by his brethren, when he told them his dreams, and carried 3.] THOMAS i i-i'. 99 "their evil report" to Jacob his rather. Mosee was inquired of by one of his brethren, in outward fellowship, no doubt, " Who made thee a prince and a judge oyer as f" And Eliab, Davids proud and envious eldest brother, whose "anger was kindled against him, 91 said to him, *• WIiv earnest thou down hither, and with whom hast thou lefil those few Bheep in the wilderness I I know thy pride, and the naughtiness of thine heart." 1 believe I may with propriety adopt the answer that David made, - What have I now done ?" — -and ** Is there not a cause ?" A man travelling as a minister, with certificates from monthly, quarterly, and select yearly meetings, the drawn in >uch a manner as to cover that essential part in which it is wanting (it does not say that he was liberated in the unity, but "after an expression of much unity"), and obtained contrary to the solid sense and judgment of the faithful, weighty, and sound part of the body in England; who has volumes of books in circula- tion which Friends in England and in this country Joint n were at the root of that declension from our principles, which lias shaken the Society there to its centre; which has carried so many back again into those things out of which our predecessors in the Truth were gathered by the immediate extension of the Lord's Eternal Arm of Power — Such a man, so travelling in this country, and the reputed ** watchmen" on the Avails slumbering at their posts, or so overcome by that spirit which has spread far and wide in our Society in this land as well as in England (a dark, uncertain, unbelieving spirit), as not to be able to dis- tinguish between thing and thing, — really I did, and now do believe, there was a cause for me to bear my testimony against it, and so clear myself of the weight and burden laid upon me. But I do not think it strange that such as in their hearts and by their conduct, if they do not acknowledge it in words, deny the present continuance of Divine imme- diate Revelation, and its being still the " primary, ade- quate rule of faith and practice," and are setting up the Scriptures as such a rule, — as the "more sure word of prophecy," — should be disposed to call in question the 100 LIFE AM) LETTERS OF [1838. propriety of sue]) an one ;is I am. meddling in this matter. Nothing less can be expected from such. If we rej< the principle that a measure and manifestation of Divine Light and Grace has been given to every man to profit withal : that this Light is that medium through and by whicb men and women arc shown what their duty is, and the maimer and time in which it is to be performed, ;i< well as qualified to perform it, — and if we Bet up the Scrip- tures in the place of this Light and Grace, — make them the foundation of all religion and morality. — say that human learning, outward information, is a necessary quali- fication in order to come to a right judgment in mat: relating to faith and worship, in things of a divine, spi- ritual, and heavenly nature, — then I believe- we shall find that we arc indeed dependent upon our fellow men, for authority to act in the Church, and that we have cast off our allegiance to the great Head of the Church, except so far as words go; — these may still be retained, for the enemy does not regard the use of words merely, he d not regard the bare assertion that Christ is the Head of the Church, that He is the President and Master of our assemblies^ — so long as he can rule in the will, — so long as he can virtually have the government. This he can manage to retain, where the Scriptures are the M primary rule," and while they are "interpreted like all other books, according to the common and intelligible rules of language, and not without a reference to innumerable facts and cir- cumstances which throw light on their meaning." Here IS ample room to shuffle about, and to evade their true meaning Not so with those who do not ac- knowledge them to be the ""primary rule," or the ^ulti- mate appeal," hut accord both terms to that source from whence they emanated. They are bound, by the same Spirit and power by whicb the Scriptures were given forth, and by which only they are truly opened and understood, or savingly, profitably, and comfortably applied to the heart, to yield obedience to the precepts, to obey the commandments recorded in them. These have the sancti- fied BSe of them, although they openly acknowledge that 3. ) THOU IS B. QOI u>. 1 ( >1 tli< inly a Becondary rule completely subordinate the Spirit. Thou art aware, my dear friend, thai it is no picture of the imagination, which has suddenly darted across my pans of vision; but that it is something which I have long seen and Pelt was coming upon us. My former letters knee will bear testimony to this fact. Yea, I have seen ami felt this spirit at work for years; many of my most intimate friends know it. I have seen it in that Light which never deceived me. When 1 say that it is a "dark, uncertain, unbelieving spirit/ 1 I know what I say. " For darkness hath covered tin 4 earth, and gross darkness the •pie," — " they grope for the wall, like the blind at noon- day :" and the reason is, ** they love darkness rather than it. because their deeds are evil." They are not willing to bring their deeds to the Light, lest they should hi 4 made manifest, — to the Light of Christ which shines in the heart, and makes a true discovery between thing and thing. There is no evading this swift witness, this faith- ful and true witness. But there is such a thing as resist- ing, until it ceases to strive ; for it is written, " my Spirit ill not always strive with man." It is for this reason that the natural, corrupt heart of man is constantly seek- ing out some easier way, is " climbing up some other way." But equally true and certain it is, that these are all * % thieves and robbers." "lam the door (into the true sheepfold), by me if any man enter in, he shall be saved, and shall go in and out and find pasture." And the sheep of Christ hear his voice, and they follow Him; "and the voice of the stranger they will not follow, for they know not the voice of strangers." It is their distinguishing characteristic, that their Lord and Master, as their eyes are kept single unto Him, in the obedience of Faith, gives them a true discernment, a true judgment (for he is a " spirit of judgment to them that sit in judgment" rightly), between that which is really and truly of Him (whether passing in themselves, or appearing in others), and that which is not. Here is the real, substantial ground of judgment. Such as these are the humble whom the Lord teaches of his ways, and the meek whom he guides in the 9* 102 Lin: AND LBTTBE8 tff [18J paths of true judgment. There re much said now against judgment ; no man is to be judged for his iinsounane lei liim be ever so much bo; if he professes to believe in "the religion of the Bible/' with his lips and his tongue) it is all to be suffered and borne. It is said, he is an evan« lical friend, or a ** Bible < 'h ri-t ia 1 1. * ' The spirit of the age is against judgment — the spirit of the world is against it. — and both are very prevalent in our religious society; But I am satisfied that when judgment - to go forth, to be passed upon and Bet ovw wrong things amongst us, as R. Barclay said, "though one or more, few or many," We shall cease to he a true Church of Christ, though we may retain the bare name, and even glory in it. With regard to its being an "uncertain spirit," I appre- hend it might he easily proved to be so. And it cannot be sure, it cannot he eei'tain, when that main fundamental point 0T principle is denied or rejected, which William Penn said, was "as the root of the goodly tree of doc- trines, which grew or branched forth out of it," — that prin- ciple of divine immediate revelation, which enabled the disciples of our blessed Lord to see through and w * beyond the veil" of ilesh with which the eternal Word and Son of God was clothed or covered, in the days of his outward manifestation, to that which dwelt "within the veil."' No others could discover it, no others could acknowledge it then. No others could answer with certainty and assur- ance, when the question was asked, "Whom do men say that I, the Son of man, am?" There was a diversity of sentiments, a variety of conflicting opinions among men. Some guessed one thing, and some another: kk Some say thou art Elias, some John the Baptist, and some, one of the old prophets risen again." But when his immediate followers and disciples were asked, — those who had left all to follow Him. — to whom it was given to know the myste- ries of the kingdom, which is an inward and spiritual king- dom ; — when they were inquired of, "Whom do ye say that 1, the Son of num. am?" — they could answer with certainty, with full assurance of faith, "Thou art the Christ, the Son of the living <. tfl the n many other occasions ; when thej • 11 addressed, one answered for all. Oh, the preoiousness of the dootrine and instruction contained in the blessing pronounced upon this confession of faith in I lini, who is Lord of all, Head over all things to his I Ihuroh anuch as are in this spirit had lived in the time of the outward manifestation, they would as surely have rejected it: they would as surely have said, "We will not have this mini to reign over us," notwithstanding the loud cry they make about the Scriptures, notwith- standing their professions of faith in Christ, as ever the high professing dews did. These were as anxiously look- ing for Christ to come, as those arc confident that he has come and suffered for us. The Jews were as well ac- quainted with the prophecies of their own prophets, as any of the description I have been speaking of, and much better; still they rejected Him on account of His mean appearance, and said, " Can any good thing come out of Nazareth*.'' Search and look, for out of Galilee there ariseth no prophet." Ah! they searched the Scripture-, and thought to have eternal life in them, hut they would not come unto Him, that they might have life. They had no1 His Word abiding in them. They thought to know Him by comparing him with the prophetical account which had been given forth by the spirit of prophecy concerning Him. But notwithstanding the astonishing clearness, the wonderful precision with which the time and manner of His coming had been foretold and recorded, they failed in making a right application of those prophecies to Him, when He appeared. And why? Because, for all their professions of regard to the letter of Scripture, they were not true believers even in them, — they were not led by the Spirit, — they were not subject to the Power, in and by winch the Scriptures were given forth. We have " the Wbrd of a King" for it — the testimony of the King, im- mortal, eternal, and invisible to the carnal eye of man, however mighty he may he in the literal, head knowledge of the Scriptures, Had they truly believed M<»>e< and the prophets, they would have believed in Him; for, Bays THOMAS B, 001 u». U 5 He, " Moses wrote of me ;" — "Bui if ve b< do1 his writing, bo* Bhall ye believe my words h it no! clear tii.-it they were not true believers m the Scriptures of the < Mil Testament, although they bad as much u simple faith, mere credence* 1 in them, as the Scribes and Pharisees of the present day, and they are numerous aniongM US? There are those amongst as who do indeed go "in long rob, id "love greetings in the markets, and the up- per - in the synagogues, and for a show make long prayers;" who when they fast, fast to be seen of men, and all under an appearance of great humility: hut it is only in appearance, for it is impossible that any man can be in an humble frame of mind, while he is calling in question, not only the united judgment of the Church in its col- lected and official capacity, from the time when we were first raised up and gathered into a distinct religious society to the present, hut also the individual soundness of those Worthies who died triumphantly in that faith, for a testi- mony to which they suffered, in many instances, even unto death. Of this faith, of some of the mo'st important of these principles and testimonies, it is now declared, that they lead to or "involve the danger of a very fatal heresy.'' If this is true humility, it is of a different kind from that which I have ever desired to know* or be acquainted with. But it appears in some instances to have had a wonderful effect, in leading many "silly women captive." To return, — it is a fundamental doctrine of Truth, — it is one of those testimonies to the Truth, which we were raised up as a people to bear — it is a doctrine abundantly ified of in the Scriptures, — that no man can come unto Christ, except the Father, who sent Him into the world, draw him; that no man can savingly believe in Christ, except he receive the gift of faith, from Him who is the author and finisher of the saints' faith. For faith is the gift of God, and "without faith it is impossible to please Him.'' There must be " an understanding*' given, before any can "know Him that is true." There must be a preparation of the heart in man, by the Spirit and Power of the Lord. He who is the Way, the Truth, and the Life, must open our understandings, before we can under- 106 LIFE AND LETTERS OF [1838. stand the Scriptures ; and unless this is the case, we shall rarely fail of the right understanding of them, as erer the Scribes and Pharisees formerly did. Notwithstandii it is roundly asserted, in open violation of our acknow- ledged principles, and in direct contradiction to their Qfwn testimony, "that they must be interpreted like all other books, according to the common and intelligible rules of language, and not without a reference to innumerable facts and circumstances which throw light on their meaning." Who Bhall ever he able to refer to these innumerable facts and circumstances? Can that which is innumerable ever lie numbered pr referred to, any more than that which is wanting? The Scriptures are, indeed, able to make the man of Grod perfect (not the natural man), hut only through faith which is in Christ Jesus. " For the natural man understandeth not the things of the Spirit of God, neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned/ 1 ....... My health is very poor — scarcely able to attend to my business. I am afflicted, but not forsaken, in the b< sense: and what I have to feel for k * the afflictions of Joseph/ 1 are my greatest sufferings. My dear love is to thee. T. B. Gould. To Peleg Mitchell. NsWPOBT, 30th of 7th month, 1838. My dear Friend : Thy letter was received four days after its latest date. The several items of intelligence were very interesting, not only to me, but to all the family ; and it was a great comfort to us all, to find thou hast the very same sense and judgment, in relation to all the subjects touched upon, that Ave have been favored with. As to myself, a very humiliating, and somewhat more public line of service has been my lot, in relation to the state of society now, than has yot been required of them, although 1 believe (hey have stood faithfully at their several posts. From the course which 1 have felt called upon to pursue, much per- Thomas B. fefOl LD, 107 ution and abuse lias been visited upon me, both bj Qpen and avowed enemies to the truth, and \>\ those who ha hitherto professed much love and esteem for me, and alle- the principles of truth. Although I had no reason to doubt, yen, I was and have been sensible all along, of the unity and sympathy of thy spirit — I mean, masons when the renewed Feeling of that hidden fellowship <»nc with another, which still follows, and is a consequence of "walking in the Light/ 1 is vouch- ed — still the expression of it was and IS truly sweet, precious, and strengthening. "Words fitly spoken," or written, "are like apples of gold, in pictures of silver." pies are a very pleasant Fruit, and both these metals lied " precious.' 1 How good it is ! There was a written copy of a hook which J. J. G. had printed in Norwich, England, for private circulation only, t to me by a friend in Xew York, entitled " Brief Remarks upon Impartiality in the Interpretation of Scrip- t in In the time of the yearly meeting, I thought it right occasionally, in expressing my dissatisfaction with his other writings, and with his being suffered to travel as a minister amongst us, while he refused to condemn them, sometimes to refer to and produce it, to prove that he was essentially and radically unsound in the faith, and not only so, but that in this case he had attacked the principles of the Society, although, like Joab, under an hypocritical and deceitful profession of kindness. As I made no secret of my uneasiness, believing myself called upon to proclaim as upon the housetop, that which Was done as it were "by night" ("it was night," according to one of the evangelists, when Judas betrayed his Master), so I believed the full time had come for me to do what I did, and to do it openly. This made a wonderful stir amongst Gurney's friends ; it really seemed as if they were afraid "the house of Dagon, their god," would be pulled down on their heads ! Rowland Greene, who by the way professed to me that he was entirely ignorant of Gurney's having written anything unsound, told me that I was not aware " how much I was hurting his service" — that many friends were prepared to receive him as a dear L08 LIM AXD LttRlBfl OF [18! brother, he had good certificates, &c. &c. J told him, if he waa really ignorant, it was a very culpable igno- rance, — if he waa a watchman on the walls of Zion, he ought to know wliat the enemy was about ; that he onght to watch for him, and giYe the alarm when he was coming, fee, : and then, with some difficulty, I prevailed upon him to listen fo Borne parts of that book, which strikes at the very foundation of Quakerism, which we know to be pri- mitive Christianity. He said, in excuse to the company for listening to the book and to me, that he should not have done so, but for the great love and esteem he had had for me. This was about all the satisfaction I got from him : but I felt a peace flow from the sense that I had done that which was my duty to do, which the loss of his favor and my good name with him, could not take from me. There were about twenty-five friends present. The thing was much more extensively gone into than I have room to give thee an account of. It happened one day that Ave had a large company to dinner, between thirty and forty. While some were at dinner, L. T. and a young woman present got into a con- versation about Joseph J. Gurney ; they continued it for half an hour perhaps, saying many things in his favor, until there was a misstatement made by the female, with regard to his reception by friends in Philadelphia. I had sat entirely silent until this time, although my burden had been increasing : but as I attended Philadelphia Yearly Meeting. I happened to know how he stood with many friends there ; so I corrected the mistakes she had made, and perhaps added my own >entiments with regard to him. One thing led on to another, until the subject spread pretty wide, among us three, no other person in the room taking any part in it. In the midst of it, the friends from the first dinner-table came in. What I said seemed to pro- duce much uneasiness in J. Meader ; I could perceive it plainly before he said anything; but he soon took the Subject out of the hands of the young friends, by attack- ing me for expressing my sentiments before SO large a Company. I told him 1 held no objection to J. J. (»., or opinion concerning him, which I wished to conceal, that -.] THOMAS i LD. he had been guilty of a public offenee, and wi Far from being willing publicly to condemn it, that he would not do it privately. Putting me upon mv proof, I told him, 1 knew if l>v the testimony of as reputable friends any there were in Philadelphia Yearly Meeting. He 1. that was too far off, he might hare condemned them before this time. 1 then told him, k * I knew he bad not, by the testimony of John Wilbur, who visited him yester- day ii]»<>n the Bubject, and called upon him to condemh m, but he refused." There was a great de4l said, both doctrinally and disciplinary (that is, with regard to the "order of and J. J. G.'s formal certificates; which were obtained contrary to that power which only makes the form truly valuable) ; and I know that many valuable friends, and elders present, had unity with me in it. .... I had told J. M. that he (J. J. (j.) was like galom, k, wlio stole away the hearts of the people from David his father;" and that while the true ministry had a tendency to gather to Christ, the true Teacher, and to produce a silent waiting state upon Him, this man's labors had a contrary effect, and gathered only to the speaker, begetting a desire after more words Sometime while they were here, I was led into an expression of my objections to the " Association," and the reasons why I Could not attend their meetings, by a friend saying he was sorry I had not been there. J. M. treated it with contempt, if not with scorn. I hope I shall be enabled to tr the sneers of false brethren ; but I cannot take any part or lot in the matter. I never have felt myself at liberty to join any " separate" society. The same thing lias restrained me, that has led me into the acquaintance I have with the Truth. I have been earnestly solicited to unite, years ago, with Bible, Tract, Temperance, Anti- Slavery, Anti-Masonic, and even Literary Societies. Oh! the gate is strait, and the way is narrow, that leadeth unto life; and there is no other way of entering the strait gate, or being preserved in the narrow way, but by following the Light, by walking in the Liijht. Some appear to think. some that have, I believe, entered at the strait gate, and 10 110 LIFE AND LETTERS OF [1838. walked for a time in the nartowway, thai they might take lni'iv liberty to h><>k about them, to sec what other people are doing, Or Stop and abide with them awhile: and that the way i> do plain there is little danger of missing it; tliat their own powers perhaps are Sufficient to keep them in it. But alas! there are so many byways and crooked paths, which appear at first sight (as the deeply-experienced and divinely-illuminated author of the "Short History of a Long Travel from Babylon to Bethel" said) to lie almost 'or quite parallel to it, that if the Light is not believed in and followed to the end of the race, where only the crown is to he obtained, such will assuredly make shipwreck of their faith and a good conscience at the same time; for it is not they that run well for a season, hut they that hold out to the end, that are saved. The invincible shield of faith, and armor of light, is as able to repel all the fiery darts of the wicked as ever, blessed be His name in whom is Life, and the life is the light of men ; in whom is Light, and there is no darkness at all in Him ! But darkle covers all the land of Egypt : and many there are who have gone back into it, and their darkness is to be felt indeed, yea, thick darkness is their hiding-place; they are stumbling upon the dark mountains, and all the while cry- ing, ** The temple of the Lord, the temple of the Lord are these;'' but the Lord is not among them; for where the Spirit of the Lord is there is liberty, but there is bondage in Egypt. I herewith send thee a copy of the not. took, of what passed between us. I have felt the greater necessity to do so, from the fact that my having spoken to him has been an additional cause of suffering and persecu- tion to me, although ]{. Greene and John Meader both advised me to do so; they both thought, however, I have no doubt, it would be the last thing 1 should do or say in the matter. If thev did, they Were mistaken. He was not permitted to give my "flesh to the fowls of the air," no}- to "the beasts of the field;" but he "despised my youth," as well as that simplicity in which L appeared before him, as much as ever Goliath of Gath did David's, and his sling and stones. Although 1 am not about by THOMAS B. GOULD. 1 1 1 :ni\ mpare myself with David, vet I am satis- fied that he might be compared to Goliath; he has as truly I the armies of the living God and their spiritual he is as truly harnessed "with a coat of mail' 1 spiritually, as Goliath was literally. In this respeet, how- r, there is a wide difference: the one appeared in his i native character; he wae I Philistine, and we have account that he ever sought to pass for anything el The other is in the Philistine nature: he is Beeking to top the wells which the children of Israel have digged," — yet says, he is a Jew, but is not, He is not even a Jew Outwardly; he has not got even the form of sound words: and nh. now tar removed iVom being "in the Spirit, and not in the letter:" — he is in the letter, and not in the spi- rit, and his praise is of men, and not of the Lord. . . . ( ( # Poor is in a Sardis, hut has not defiled his garments. Oh, how I have felt for such as hare been king the Pearl of great price, and made willing to sell all that they had, in order to purchase the field in which the Pearl lay hid; when these have, through deep bap- tisms and humbling exercises, come among us, and have found such unsoundness, lukewarmness, and unfruitful- ness, how must they feel? They cannot help seeing that the whole head is sick and the whole heart faint, with many who are accounted leaders of the people. These are they who cause them to err ; these are they who are now destroying the way of the paths of righteousness. i, they that are leading captive the simple, who depend upon them without sufficiently bringing their spirits to the balance of the sanctuary, are requiring a song, and they that are spoiling us are requiring of us mirth, say- ing, Sing us one of the songs of Zion. This was literally the ease in the time of the yearly meeting. But how can the Lord's song be sung in the city of a strange land ? The harps of the faithful are hung upon the willow- ; mourning, and lamentation, and woe, is written within, and on the backside of the book which is open before them. They weep when they remember Zion! The wall thereof is broken down, and the gates burnt with fire. The wild boar of the forest is making ravages in the midst of the 112 UFi: AND LETTERS OF [1838. camp; there is an enemy in the midst of the camp, nour- ished and caressed there. But there is a small remnant preserved. These are becoming increasingly near to each other. Oh, their fellowship with each other, and with their holy Head; is sensibly increased and increasing ! By the three hundred men who lapped water aa a dtfg lappeth, the Lord Bared Israel out of the hand of Midian. None of the fearful and afraid were permitted to remain: they were sent home. I hate had a language Bounding in my ears for many vears: The people are too many, the people are too many ! I veril y believe they will be sifted as corn is Bifted in a sieve. The pure wheat wiH bear it ; gold will abide the fire. But such as have been building with wood, hay and stubble, these will suffer loss of all ! There is great confusion now among them; it seems as if they were afraid of their own shadow. Some of them flee when no man pursueth them. .... I am frequently suffering great difficulty of breathing) and have a troublesome oough, although I have been more comfortable the whole of the last week, till to- day, than at any time since the yearly meeting 1 ; haying never, in the course of my disease, been reduced so low as since that time: "my heart and toy strength " haying both % * failed" me. In this respect, however, 1 hope not to be misunderstood; for my faith never was stronger than it has been of late. But, as R. Barclay said, " all com- parisons halt in some part," so I believe ([notations may sometimes. u My heart has failed me," in respect to the honor of Truth being maintained by the Soeiety in a gene- ral way : ami in particular, by some who have stood high, whom few suspected at all, and of whom I had hoped hotter, much better things. These have discernment enough to see my bodily strength is wasted and wasting, ami they lay hold of that, to weaken and take off the force of my concern in respect to "the better part;*' of which David said, in immediate connection, I think, with the above quotation, v * 1 Jut God is the strength of my heart, and my portion forever." 1 should not have hinted at those Small matters and light afflictions, hut in order more effectually to encomp;: 3, ] THOJI Lfi l M». I L8 i poinl 1 have had in view all the while; which is, that thou mays! I>< v induced to consider more weightily the obligation, not to expose what conies t<> thee in black and white, from thy "weak brother/ 1 and which is written under so many unfavorable circumstances. Still, if there may aay, the least, good arise from it, I should not pro- hibit it, believing thou art acquainted with that '-wisdom which is profitable to direct," — although additional Buf- fering and persecution should follow. As deal- John Bar- clay, of England, said, in a letter to John Wilbur, which I have before me, dated 8th nto., 1887 (it was the last he tr wrote to him): "Now 1 have relieved my mind in the above respect, how shall I do to set forth all I could ; our present, past, and probable future posture, as a religious body, in this land? 1 trust on many points thou ably and fully addressed by many Friends of this- country. 1 shall then only touch at things that come he- fore me, and thou must give mc credit for entire union with thee and all those who still remain wholly on the Lord's side, and one with our holy ancient ones and valiants, even the primitive stock, who came forth in the powerful Name which is above every name, and unto which every other name, how- ever high and lifted up, must bow ! Ah, beloved friend, thou that saw the first seeds and dawning of that which has now manifested itself in degree, knowest well enough, how much of the same nature and root we still have, to oppress and afflict us, and of which it is difficult to particularize, or speak closely of, in the abstract, without allusions to individuals who give uneasiness." This quotation may halt in some part, but in others I am sure it will " hold East." I had intended, when I commenced, to inquire of thee what thou hadst known of this John Barclay, and whether thou hadst seen any of his writings ; also to have given thee an ex- tract from his " Preliminary Observations (to Jos. Pike's and Jos. Oxley's Journals), chiefly addressed to the So- ciety of Friends," on the subject of religious controversy, and the state and condition of the Society in England. He was a descendant of R. 1>. in the life and power^ aa well as in name and character ; none in membership with the Society in this day having, in my judgment, come out 10* Ill LIFK AND LKTTEKS OF [18 in writing with equal clearness and sound-, him, and to the same extent* 1 1«* was a minister also Thy friend. Thomas B. Gould. Fbom T. P>. Gould to \v. C, T. NeWPOBTj l.uh of 2d mo., 1839. Mi dbab Friend : .... J cannot siv tliat I have read the whole of AVil- liam Allen's " Selections from Barclay's Apology," or that I have compared it throughout with the original work; my eyes have been se weak this winter, and other things intervening have prevented me. But I have examined it sufficiently to warrant my saying, that I do not approve of it : and if the limits of an ordinary letter would admit, I could give many solid reasons why I do not. As the Case IS, 1 shall confine myself to — first, in regard to the original work " containing much controversial matter [which was] better suited to the period in which it was Written than to the present time." Inasmuch as it is a notorious fact, that many of the principles and practi which are controverted in the '^Apology" (and which, so far as sound reason and argument, supported hy the testimony of the H. 11"> non called in question, and undervalued, and de- nominated mistakes and heresies, by Borne who Bland in high stations in the Society! viz.: First, — u Concerning the true (ground and) Foundation of (religious) know- _■(>■* — a whole proposition omitted. Secondly, — con- ainj; the % * adequate primary rule of faith and mann< the Spirit the first and principal leader." And to | r many other important omissions, and some alterations not rery creditable to him who made them, I come, thirdly 1 lastly, to "the communion or participation of the body and blood of Christ*" Under this head or proposi- tion, thou wilt find that all that K. B. has Baid, about -•what that body and what that flesh and blood is" which ii, — supported as he is by the testimony of the ipture8, and by the "most BOUnd and solid reason," ho say nothing about the hitherto undeviattng testimony and principle of the Society. — is entirely omitted (being era! pages, or nearly three sections); and no allusion, that L have been able to discover, made therein to any oth or people whatever, except in the third section, where he does allude to the Papists, Lutherans, and Cal- vinists. And in the latter part of this third section, W; A. recommences his "Selections;" which are wholly, or nearly so. aimed against the ceremonial use of bread and wine : and it seems to me that it requires but little discern- ment, : that what is here omitted is in no wise of so controversial a character as that which is retained or •lected ;" inasmuch as the important, fundamental truth, advocated by It. B. in what is left out of W;A/s book, has never been asserted by any that I know of, except by our blessed Lord and His apostles, the primitive Friends, and those of the same faith, and led by the same unerring Spirit, light, and grace, in the present day ; and by Augus- tine, whose spiritual understanding of, and declaration concerning "the body of Christ which is eaten," R. B. quotes; viz.: "Ye shall not eat of this body which ye see, and drink this blood which they shall spill which crucify me. I am the living bread, who have descended from heaven. He calls Himself the bread who descended from heaven, exhorting that we might believe in Hitn," ( 116 LOT! AND liBTTBBS OF [1839. And El. P>. ;_ r «'c- on and Bays: "If it be asked, what that body, what that flesh and blood IS?" I answer: •• It is that heavenly seed, that divine spiritual, celestial sub- stance, of which we -pake before, in the fifth and sixth proposition-. This is that spiritual body of ( Ihrist, whereby and through which He commnnicateth life to men, and salvation to a> nianv as believe in Jlim and receive Jlini ; and whereby also man comes to have fellowship and com- munion with God." Then follows his Scripture proof of this doctrine. 1 feel the more reason to disapprove of W. A. > omitting this part, because J. J. Gnrney, in his " Brief Remarks on Impartiality in the Interpretation of Scripture," which was printed in 1836 (W. Allen's hook was printed in 1837), has expressed opinions on the flesh and blood of Christ (as well as on many other fundamental and important points of" doctrine), utterly at variance with our original principles. I shall inclose thee all he says on this subject in that book, and I do earnestly request thee to compare it with R. J>.'s thirteenth proposition throughout, and the latter with \V. Allen's "Selections." These new views, I have the best authority lor saying, have obtained about London, to an alarming extent, so that the Morning Meeting some time since refused to pass a tract written by Samuel Hundell, on account of its con- taining extracts from EL B/s "ApologyJ" and the doctrine it contained being in conformity with it. The title of the tract is, "Observations on the Redemption of Man, on Divine Worship, and on the Partaking of the Flesh and Blood of our Lord Jesus Christ/ 5 I have it now by me, and it is an excellent thing; but I understand that J.J. (i. " objected to the whole scope and tendency of it," when it was examined in the Morning Meeting, Wk as par- taking of mysticism," &c. I also know, that after the Morning Meeting rejected it, the author, who is a minis- ter, and lives at Liskeard, Cornwall, was induced to republish it by the encouragement given him by Daniel Wheeler. It had been printed before. Notwithstanding I have written so much, I cannot seem to get clear of the Weight of the subject of the hue and . 1 17 to drop the original principles of the Society 6t Is, and to adopt new notions utterly at variance with them* R. Mott, when last here, on his return from N Iford after vearly meeting, in a large meeting called on his account, publicly condemned all "pole- mical controversy," saying, **it had been a waste of time ami talents, a lavish waste," and that he "had no pa* ticular class of controversialists in view:" u ] condemn them all," -aid he. 1 suppose, and sonic of his Own ad- mir y, that the articles lately inserted in "The Friend," over the signature M. II., belong to ham. [o the last of them there is anotlier hint and nod or two at By, strictures, rejoinders, &c, under the cover of *• I fospel family order." ...... a time, at this time, when it cannot he denied thai there is an attempt making, both from within and without the 8 ciety, — "when both ingenuity and industry are taxed, for the purpose of giving to Quakerism another form and character than that which it has ever known" • William and Thomas Evans's address to their sub- bers, on the cover of the first month of the third volume of the " Library*'), — it does not seem remarkable to me, that such as unite with those who arc engaged in this work should be afraid of controversy. It is a very natural fear, and it has been a very common one too! The adversaries of the Society, whether within or without its pale, always feared the force of truth and justice erected for the defence and spread of its principles. The Hick-sites cried out against it: no man was to be con- demned for his opinions on religious subjects; they were not to be controverted in the least ; no, no ! Their cry was, u "Wc must all live in love together, and every man enjoy his own opinion." At the very first appearance of these things in England, before the days of Beaconism, every effort was made to ate a prejudice against the controversial writings of our early Friends. Some said, M they had better never been written ;" and others, that "they ought to be gathered into a heap and burnt." These artful men well knew, that so long as they continued to be read and justly valued, 118 LIFE AND LETTERS OF [18^'. they never would be able to bring in the very notions, to controvert which these writings were written, in the open* ings and requirings of the Lord's divine light and Spirit; which light never had any fellowship with darkness, bat always manifested it and reproved it, as did those who walked in the light and were led by the Spirit. See the Apostle: "Have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, hut rather reprove them:" and a multitude of Scriptures might he produced, to prove that this sub- terfuge, that wrong things, unsound things, and those who err from the faith and bring in Strange doctrines, dociri: of devils, must not he controverted, is anti-scriptural* It can he proved that such ought to be u rebuked sharply, that they may he sound in the faith/' and, if that end is not gained, that " their mouths ought to be stopped." But it dors seem not a little remarkable, that any in whom there is left a good degree of honesty and faithful- ness to our principles, should he ifc the subjects of so mar- vellous a hebetude of vision, as not to discern the fallacy" of their pretensions to charity, love, unity. \c, when they are Only made a cover for attacking the everlasting, un- changeable foundation, through those who are endeavoring to build upon it, not with wood, hay, or stubble, but a spiritual and heavenly building which will abide the fire, — n by and through the Spirit and power of Christ, — a habitation for His holy Presence to dwell, to tabernacle in. I am often forcibly reminded, whilst viewing, as it were "by night," the walls of Jerusalem, which arc broken down, and her gates, which were once so strongly guarded, and the posts thereof so firmly rooted and established upon that which is sure, but are now burnt as with fire, and the bars thereof removed — I am forcibly reminded of Abner, whom Joab took aside to Bpeak with him in the gate quietly, and smote him under the fifth rib, that he died. Surely, well might David exclaim, ki Died Aimer as a fool dicth ! Thy hands were not bound, nor thy feet put into -." &c. And of Judas, who, under a profession of love, betrayed his Master! I may well say, "whilst view- ing the walls by night;" for i am not known to Wk my people," nor to the elders of my people (so called), many of 1 B39, ] TEOMJ LD. I L9 them, except as q u byword," a hissing, and to be ached; on account of the testimony which I hold, and am constrained to bear, against these things. And firm 1 am in the belief, that if 1 am favored to hold fast the be- ginning of my confidence finn unto the end, I Bhall know an overcoming : and all those who are faithful will know an overcoming, a getting the victory over the beast and over his image, over his mark, and OVOT the number of his name, and over the false prophets too — those who Bay they are Jews, hut are not, hut are of the synagogue of Satan. — u bythe blood of the Land)," and by the word of their timonies which they have hold, not having loved theif 3 unto the death. When those disaffected persons in England, before >]»(>kon of. had paved the way for it, by creating a preju- dice against the controversial writings of Friends, mid ting dust upon them (in which unhallowed work they succeeded too well with many honest but unsuspecting Friends), the next step, and it was a short one, was to call their testimonies and doctrines and practices in ques- tion ; and notwithstanding all their pretensions to faith, charity, and love, the event has proved they were destitute of either of these Christian virtues. I acknowledge that some of these have quite gone oif ; yet but few compared with the extent of the unsoundness, as divers letters now by me, from sound Friends, ministers and others, in Eng- land, would prove. Other facts and circumstances, coming under our own observation, prove it. The language of one of the letters referred to is : " I sometimes think it is only a part of the roughest of the mixture which has been sifted from us. There is much of a more specious and refined nature remaining, which, if I mistake not, is still more opposed to the simplicity of the truth as it is in Jesus. Oh ! what a subtle enemy is ours, working in a mys- tery!" &c. It is abundantly and sorrowfully evident, that the same spirit which operated in E. Bates and the Beaconites, is still at work in the Society in England and in this coun- try, though under a more subtle and specious, and of course more dangerous, garb. I say, in this country, — yes, in 120 LIFE AND LETTERS OF [1839. this country, — and time will manifest that what I the truth. There are those now living who will, then, have an opportunity to see, and perhaps feel, what all this up- roar and outcry against controversy means, and the call which has been heard (rem Dan even to Beersheba, to be stt'/I and quiet) and to have patience, and charity, and love, for those things which some of us do assuredly know- to be evil : even that it is intended to lay us asleep, if on the lap of Delilah, until they have shorn us of our strength, and put out our eyes; — then they will rejoice over US, as the Philistines did over Samson in the house of Dagon: that it is intended to prevent us from making any the least resistance, until they have penetrated the very heart of our city, and even into the temple, and robbed it of the vessels of gold and of silver, the treasures of the Lord's house, which they will carry away with them to Babylon, and the people to a land of captivity! And now, my dear friend, in the conclusion of this long letter, allow me to say, may that part of the message which was written unto the Church at Ephesus, which is quoted below, he applied unto thee ; may it be verified in thy own experience, through the power and operation of the same Spirit which revealed to John, the beloved disciple and Servant of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ (who is the faithful and true Witness, the true Light and Life of men, the Alpha and Omega, the first and the last, the beginning and the ending) — " those things which must shortly come to pass;" and who declared, "Blessed is he that readeth, and they that hear the words of this prophecy, and keep those things which arc written therein, for the time is at hand/' May it be applied unto thee : u These things saith lie that holdeth the seven stars in His right hand, who walketh in the midst of the seven golden candlesticks : I know thy works, and thy labor, and thy patience, and how thou canst not bear them that are evil : and thou hast tried them which say they are apostles and are not, and hast found them liars; and hast borne, and hast patience, and fur niv name's sake hast labored, and hast not fainted." In much unfeigned love, 1 am thy friend, Thomas B, Gould. 188 THOMAS B. QOULIh 121 From T. B. <;. to Joins Wilbur. of 3d month, I - .MY I - ID AND \ IKY KIND FRIBND ! I am very much obliged — we lire all very Bach obliged — by thy minute account of thy providential deliverance. It certainly was not merely a "chan< which happened to thee; for the eye of the Lord is con- tinually upon them that fear Him, upon them that hope in His mercy; not only to deliver their bou! from death, and feO keep them alive 4 in famine, spiritually : but I am firm in the belief, — notwithstanding Ho eauseth the sun to shine on evil and on the good, and Bendeth rain on the just and en the unjust, — that even in temporal things, in things which relate to these p"<»r bodies, there is not only a dif- ence in the Bubject, by or from which the event is or may he distinguished and denominated, but also, that what- ever is permitted outwardly to befall those who are follow- of that which is good, is designed by Him who num- bered] the very hairs of the heads of such, to "work together" with those spiritual dispensations which He sees meet to lead into and impart, " for good/' and for the pro- motion and consummation of His own all-wise and inscru- table purposes, in and upon His children and people, as well as for the furtherance and accomplishment of their work and service for His name and truth's sake. Really I can, according to my small measure and growth, have fellowship and sympathy with thee in mourning and lamentation, on account of Israel's loss, in the removal of that valiant man and honorable elder, Jonathan Evans, who was indeed to many, in this day of warfare with A ma- lek, as Aaron and as Hur were to Moses in that day when his hands were ready to hang down, by reason of hcavin and sorrow for a highly-favored but stiff-necked and rebel- lious people, who forsook their own mercies, and turned their backs upon, and trampled under their feet, the testi- monies which the Lord had given them to bear. I was spending the evening at William Nichols's when the sorrowful tidings reached me. I might have adopted, and I believe I did adopt, a part of David's expressions 11 122 LIFE ANI> LETTERS OF [1839, on the death of Abner: "Know ye not that there is a prince and a great man fallen this day in Israel V* Sorely I felt weak, and I believe we felt that the little company who arc left, and who are still favored to Bay, "Thine are we, David, and on thy side, thou son of Jesse," are weakened, are Btrippedand peeled .-till further Cannot a remnant now say, in reference to this vine, which was indeed planted a noble vine, wholly a right d, as the prophet Baid of old, " I will bewail with the weeping of Jazar the vine of Sibmah; I will water thee with my tears, Qeshbonand Elealeh! for thou hast laid my vine waste, and barked my fig-tree, laying it clean bare, even with the ground?" .... I had not read for some time in either of the Books of Kings, when I received thine; but as I was reading what thou hast so instructively and comfortably written about Elisha, it was revived in my remembrance, how it was with him ** when the Lord would take up Elijah into heaven by a whirlwind;" that he, Elisha, knew it, and "went with Elijah from Gilgal;" and that he would not be prevailed on to remain there, but when the Lord sent him to Bethel he Baid, "As the Lord liveth, and as thy soul liveth, I will not leave thee." And so again at Jericho, where Elijah proved Klisha still further (no doubt by divine re- quirement, or permission at least) saving, " Tarry here, I pray thee, for the Lord hath sent me to Jordan :" but he continued unwavering, and would not leave Elijah, no, not even when he came to Jordan. Oh! what he would have lost if he had left him! Undoubtedly he would not have received a double portion of the spirit which was in and upon Elijah; he certainly could not have caught the mantle as it fell from him ; for it was after they were "gone over" Jordan, that Elijah said, " Ask what I shall do for thee;" and even then, beside his asking a hard thing, there was another condition, that of watchfulness: w * Nevertheless if thou see me when I am taken from thee, it shall be done unto thee : but if not, it shall not be done." Are not watchfulness, faithfulness, and obedience incul- cated here! 1 have often thought so before, and re- newedly so at this time, as well as when I was read- ing thine. 9. ] THOMAS i u>. 128 go, when I was a little child, 1 r«- member how I loved, and how I was concerned to endea- to keep near those who kept near the Lord ; and bow earnestly 1 desired then to be able to aee spiritually who were near Him; and I remember how it was opened tome then, that it was necessary for me to keep my own eyes, the eye of my mind, to Him. and upon Sim, and in Ilim, oo1 only for my own Bafe condition and standing, but also it was clearly and immediately opened to my view, that n those who bad attained to a good condition, to a heavenly and honorable condition, might lose it and fall from it. and vet this might be the case when, as to the outward, there might be little change in the appearance: that the mind must be kept principally and primarily in the " Head," and not look to men or follow men, any farther than they followed Him and were found in Ilim. I desire to speak it to the praise of that grace, everlasting loving-kindness, and tender mercy, by which not only I am what I am, but by which alone I have been preserved from still clinging to and following after men, who, having once been favored with it, and richly adorned and emi- nently qualified by it for usefulness, and thereby made a- examples to the flock, have turned from it to wan- tonness. But how many there are who practise upon the false principle, " once in grace, always in grace," how- ever unwilling they may be to own it ; so that if a man has once had a name to live, and especially if this reputa- tion has been great and generally acknowledged, when he loses his life and becomes spiritually dead, to all intents and purposes, nothing remaining but a lifeless carcass, and even this unlike that of the prophet who was slain by the lion (for his carcass was not eaten, nor the ass on which he rode torn), he must still be honored and cherished, as if he were a living man ! When I have thought of the course which , , and many others have of late pursued, I have been forci- bly reminded of Jehoshaphat, of whom it is recorded that he did that which was right in the si^rht of the Lord, walk- ing in the way of Asa his father : howbeit the high places w r ere not taken away (in his reign), but the people still 12 t LIFE AND LETTERS OF [1839. offered and burnt sacrifices in the high places: and he made peace with the king of Israel, lie joined affinity with that wicked Ahab, and went at his call to Ramoth-Gilead to battle, saying, "1 am as thou art, my people as thy people, and my horses as thy horses.' 1 Alas! how nearly it cost him his life ! The time has come when I can well understand how it was with the prophet when he said, " 0, that I had in the wilderness a lodging-place of wayfaring men, that I might leave my people and go from them." And I believe it will be with the profession of Quakerism, as it was with the profession of Christianity in primitive times; when it became popular, it was adopted and professed by men of worldly wealth and power: kings and princes trading in it and with it; and the true Church was driven into the wilderness by those icho bore her name and gloried in it, boasting of the constancy of those who bad previously suffered martyrdom for the thing itself, which they only had the image and likeness of, and were " persecuting the woman and the remnant of her seed," — until they drove her out of sight, and for a time, to outward appearance, got rid of her ; although she never ceased to exist in the place prepared for her of the Lord, her Maker and her Hus- band, who still nourished her and loved her in her forlorn and desolate condition. But then was the time of the vain-glory of the false church, when she sat as a queen and no widow, upon the scarlet-colored beast; when the false prophet, with his lying wonders, deceived the nations, upon which the false church sat, and over which she bare rule. And now, notwithstanding it did please Him who is Head over all things to his Church, to make way for her, several hundred years ago, to come forth out of the wilder- ness, '•clothed" indeed "with the sun/' and not only the moon hut all changeable things under her i'eet. — notwith- standing she was brought forth "lair as the moon, cical- as the Min. and terrible as an army with banners," — not- withstanding the Lord was her light, and her Clod alone her glory, — notwithstanding He was for a crown of glory and a diadem of beauty, unto her, and for a spirit of judg- 1889. ] raoMAfl b. qould. L25 men! to them thai sat in judgment, and for strength to them thai turned the battle to the gate, — notwithstanding the mountain of the Lord's house was exalted, and set upon tin* top of the mountains, and above the hills, and many people did come and say, " Let us go up to the mountain of the Lord, to the house of the God of Jacob, for He will teach us of his ways and we will walk in his paths, — for out of Zion shall go forth a law, and the word of the Lord from Jerusalem" (though all nations did not Bow unto it, neither have they to this day), — notwith- standing, as I firmly believe, our ancient Friends did arrive at and stand upon the very summit of the Lord's mountain, the top of the holy hill of Zion ; and standing there, thev witnessed, and in them and to them was ful- filled the vision of the evangelical prophet, " In this mountain shall the Lord make unto all people (that come unto it) a feast of fat things, of fat things full of marrow, of wines on the lees well refined j and shall destroy the face of the covering that is spread over the nations, and the veil that is over all people" (that have not known what it is to find and stand upon Mount Zion, the holy hill, which cannot be removed), — notwithstanding this is my faith concerning them and the glorious work which they wrought, through the Lord's eternal spirit and power, ami that they were a people "formed for himself," and by himself, and showed forth His praise, the praise of his own work, — and so, I believe, there has been a living remnant from that day to this, preserved upon this everlasting foundation, though not so many in proportion to the num- bers who professed the same high and holy calling ; ami of latter time the number of this remnant has been fast decreasing, — notwithstanding all this, and that I have, I believe, as deep and exalted a sense as I am capable of, of the surpassing strength, excellency, dignity, glory, ami beauty of those testimonies which the Society of Friends was raised up to bear, and which they did formerly bear faithfully and nobly; — yet I do believe that those who stand faithful to these heavenly principles (which may be included and comprehended in one word, the Truth) will be excommunicated from the Society (their names are 11* 126 LIN AND LETTERS OF [1839. already cast out as evil) ; that they will be driven back into the wilderness, and go out of sight, very much, as it respects an outwardly gathered, and visible state and con- dition ; while those who have gone from the Spirit, Life, and Power (which joins to the living Head), and arc sepa- rated from the Vine, and arc cast forth as a branch, and arc burnt and withered, will retain the image, the name, \c. And by how much the reformation which was wrought under this name and power exceeded, and the ground which was gained, overlooked, surpassed, and was advanced be- yond any former age, state, and condition of the visible Church, by 80 much will those who are clothed with an imperfect image and likeness of it, the more deceive the nations, than any others have done ; and by so much the more keen and afflicting will the persecution be, which these inflict upon the "residue of the people who arc left," even the remnant of the seed of that " woman" who was "clothed with thc # sun," had the u moon under her feet, and a crown of twelve stars upon her head.'' For, as that eminent seer and true prophet, Job Scott, said in his preface to " The Baptism of Christ, a Gospel ordi- nance :" " Babylon is not yet so fallen as to rise no more : she is Still lurking in a mystery ; mystery Baby- lon the great ; and still the mother of many harlots ; thousands are ensnared among some or other of her daughters, and are not aware of her cup." And this will be the most harmful of all her many and artful sorceries, a doubly refined golden cup, full of the greatest abomi- nations that ever yet. made desolate the heritage of the Lord, On reading this latter part over, what shall I Bay to thee, my dear friend ? 1 will Bay, for I can do it in truth, as J. Barclay said to P. Bedford, that when I took up my pen, I had quite another intention, than to have branched out on this subject at this time ; although I had thought, some time ago, of expressing my views to thee in a somewhat similar Way. But I found myself writing upon it before 1 was well aware, and then could not seem to leave it sooner. If I have gone too far, please burn it immedi- ately, and deal very plainly with me ; although I do I B3&] THOU \> B. 0OULD. L27 not .-it present think I have, if I have mritten bo m to bo understood, whicb I sometimes think I scarcely do I haw BO many things On hand, and am BO Feeble and poorly, that it seems as if whal 1 have to do must he done qaicklj ; for I can hardly keep or go about. J have also lost my hope that anything will be done in a Society capacity, or that [as such] it will be saved from utter ruin. That truths testimonies a\ i 1 1 be lost by it [a> a body] I greatly fear; though, of a solitary remnant I am still firmly persuaded, that they will he saved, " as the two or three berries from the top of the uppermost boughs, four or five upon the outermost fruitful branches thereof." But they will surely be as the gleaning grapes that are left in it (in the true faith of the Gtospel), or as the shaking of an olive tree : for everything that can be shaken will be shaken, and that only which is founded on the immovable Rock will remain. And if it is not fully accomplished in the days of the fathers, it will be in the days of the children. Thy sure friend, Thomas B. Gould.* To Peleg Mitchell. Newport, 8th of 3d month, 1839. Mv DEAR Friend, Peleg Mitchell: You have been much and often in my remem- brance, and I have employed all the time which my feeble state of health, and a proper attention to other incumbent duties, would permit, in making thee a copy of J. J. G.'s "Brief Remarks," &c, which I have now completed, and only await an opportunity to send. . . . It is one of the basest, most offensive, and sophisticated attacks ever * A portion of this letter has been already published, in the " Journal and Correspondence of John Wilbur/' Several other valu- able letters from T. 13. G., having especial reference to the trials attending J. W., have been included in that volume, the recent publication of which renders it needless to repeat them in this col- lection. 128 Lin: and LBTTBRS of [1830. made on our principles, either from within or without the pale of our religious Society: and still, marvellous indeed must be the "hebetude of" that "vision" which "cannot discern the Fallacy of the author's pretensions' 1 to a con- cern for the "peace and prosperity of our section of the Christian church ! n I have been ready to say, as Jehu the Bon of Jehoshaphat said to Jorain (or Jehoram) the son of Ahah (who sold himself to do wickedly): "What peace, so long as the whoredoms of thy mother Jezebel and her witchcrafts are so many?" And truly this man (and many others who are as unsound and corrupt as he) "covets" the "vineyard," or inheritance of our forefathers in the everlasting, unchangeable Truth, which the Lord hath " forbidden " some of us to " sell or exchange for ano- ther," as much as Ahah and Jezebel (with her painted face and tired head) coveted that of Naboth the Jezreelite, even for "a garden of herbs." But now, when it cannot be denied that there is a famine in the land, even now, when not only "one," but many, " go out into the field (the world) to gather herbs, and finding a wild vine, and gathering thereof ft lapful of wild gourds, come and shed them into the pot of pottage ;" there are some of the " sons of the prophets " who are still favored to know or discover that "there is death in the pot;" and there are some also who arc neither prophets nor sons of prophets, but whom the Lord hath taken as "they followed the flock," and as they were "gathering sycamore fruit," and showed them that * w there is death in the pot;" and hath required some of these "herdmen," at times and seasons, to declare, as tk at Bethel," that if the pottage which has been " seethed " IS partaken of, "the sanctuaries of Israel shall he laid waste." But kk the land is not able to bear all the words M of these, any more than it was in the days of Amos; and those who are called w * priests" say now, as Amaziah said to him : "Prophesy not again any more at Bethel, for it IS the king's chapel, and it is the king's court!" . Now is it not remarkable that Samuel (Jurncv, the brother of Joseph John, should haw told P. E., who was in London, and attended the yearly meeting there, when J. J. (i. got his certificates, that the story which had ls:V.>. ] THOMAfl i:. GOULD. 129 tlim gone nboat, with respect to the objection to bia coming in the Belect yearly meeting, was utterly false! I read it in i letter in P.'a own handwriting, at cousin Stephen Truly, it' Truth's testimonie sup- ported in this day of "treading down and perplexity," those who are or may be accounted worthy to suffer for \\\< sake, whose they are and on whom they are based, from the least of them unto the greatest of them, must indeed Bet their lace- as ;i Hint, and he willing to stand as in the gap, to he shot at by every areher. That it may OUT experience, and that our hows may abide in Strength, and the arms of our hands may be made strong, by the power of the mighty d of Jacob, who is both the " Shepherd and the Stone of I-rael," is the >ineerc desire of thy affectionate friend, for thee and for all the upright- hearted who are of the wrestling Seed, as for my own soul. Thomas B." Gould. To Jonx Wilbur. Newport, 22d of 4th mo., 1839. My dear Friend : And lately, more especially, I have, I think, n and felt the application of the sorrowful language: k * Ephraini is joined to his idols; let him alone;" as it re- gpectfl some prominent individuals ; and more of the neces- sity of refraining from casting pearls before those who would only trample them under their feet, and turn again and rend such as, even in that " love " which is " without dissimulation," were seeking not to destroy that which had been captivated in the "snare of the fowler," but to lend a hand of help (where the strength was wasted in a fruit- less striving to get along, and to make an advancement while covered with the net), to lend a helping hand to re- move the net first, and to endeavor to get clear of that, entirely clear, and then to seek for the ancient path, to inquire where is the good old way, and to have the feet- turned back again into it. But what can be done for those who plead for the net because it is of so fine a texture, and hug the chains because they are gilded over with a gilding L30 LIFE AND LBTHRfl 01 [1839< that looks like the finest gold? They are not willing to come near that fire, by which these things must and will eventually be tried; and inasmuch as they will no1 submit to it now, I fear they will in the end suffer loss of all. . . .... We arc i poor priest-ridden people, here in Newport now, and need the "prayers of all sainte" that we may be enabled to "keep the faith and the patience of the saints." Father '8 judgment is, that there has been some* thing <>f a gathering known to the true Teacher, by some, ami he is very much concerned lest they should be scat- terecL But as far as respects the instrument of this scat- tering, I fully believe that his building is not to be propped up or supported at all, nor anything to be done that should have an effect to paint it, or make it look any more like the right thing than it now docs; but let it manifest itself, and be developed. For there is a sufficient attempt made now to pass it off as sound Quakerism, though the truth will appear, to sueh as are favored to have their e; open, notwithstanding all the art and device that can be used. I will give thee a short extract from II. Battey's last letter, dated 25th of 3d month. She says: "My dear aged lather [.Joseph Hoag] IS with us on a visit. I read both thy letters to him. He says : * When thou writes to that dear family, remember my love affectionately to them all. Tell them I rejoice to hear, there is yet left in New England one of a hundred and ten of a thousand, that are concerned to abide upon the ancient landmarks;' and then added : c It reminds me of what I passed through, previous to the breaking out of the schism in our yearly meeting. If I spoke against Elias Hicks's doctrine, the cry was, ki Be -till ! it wont do to say anything!" But I marked these, and when the time of separation came, they went off, — those that were SO afraid there should be a word said, lest it should produce a schism.' He further said, k I have fell the necessity of bearing public testimony, in different places since our division, that one woe is past, behold! another eometh ! and I think the second will be worse than the first/" .... Thomas B. Gould. L889. | rnoM is b, ld. 181 To John Wilbur. Ni w P( h ol 5th mo . My DBAB Fi;ii:m» : Sorrowful as it may be, I think there is ooi much to be expected of any man whose faith is only pinned upon another's Bleeve, and who has bo little rool and dis- cernment in himself, as to be driven about with every wind of doctrine that blows. Surely, if the minds of Friends had not been more in love with and engrossed in their farms ami merchandise, and if they had been really convinced of and converted to the truth ; it' that faith, which was once delivered to the saints, had been delivered to them, and they had kept to the work and operation thereof in themselves, they had DOt BO vilely east awav the Bhield, as they now have done: and being found with- out the armor on, the fiery darts of the devil have pierced them, and wounded them to the life. Still, if it shall please the Lord in very deed to reanimate any of these slain; if it please Him to command any of His servants the prophets, to "prophesy to the wind/' and as they prophesy, to cause a shaking among them, and to gather them together (who have been scattered), bone to his bone, and to cover them with sinews, and to cause flesh to come upon them and cover them, that they may stand upon their feet, and become a " great army," and by virtue of His quickening and almighty power, be enabled to fight His battles; 1 hope we shall be favored to acknowledge and own the work in due season. But at present I appre- hend some of these are aware that we have at least read the injunction, " Lay hands suddenly on no man." But the unchangeable truth of that Scripture, they must most assuredly first be convinced of, viz. : that there is no manner of fellowship " between Christ and Belial," and that it is impossible to "partake of the Lord's table and the table of devils." That valiant soldier in the Lamb's army, Joseph Iloag, I understand, said lately in his preaching, that " there was nothing the devil liked better than to get his kingdom alongside Christ's kingdom; but though he might make it look never so much like it, he 132 LIFB AND LETTERS OF [1839. could not p-t it in. and that he (the devil) never had it in his power t«> emit one ray <>i' light to illustrate the truth ! ,J How much need some of these Babel-builders have, to learn the " first principle- of the doctrine of ( Shrist ;" and with all their study and research, what novices they are in those things which are clearly seen and thoroughly understood by mere children and babes, whose vouth thev so much affect to despise ! But the eternal decree and purpose of Him, to whom all his works are known from the beginning, to hide these things forever from that eye which is disposed to pry into them, to "study" them, and search them out, cannot be changed; neither can His holy will and pleasure to reveal them unto babes, any more be changed. The preaching of the cross is as great a stum- bling-block to those who sav thev are Jews now, and are not, as it was to them of old, and as very foolishness to the modem as to the ancient Greeks, — " the learned and polished Greeks.' 1 And so also, " to them that believe" in Christ, the Word of faith (who is nigh, in the heart and in the mouth), and whose faith cometh by hearing Him, the living and eternal Word, which was in the beginning, and liveth and abideth forever, — to these lie is known to be the wisdom of God, and the power of God, yea. He is made unto these, of the Father, "- wisdom, and righteousness, and sanctification, and redemption." Oli, that men might be brought down, that they might know the wrong eye, the false eye, closed, and the right eve, the true eye, the single eye, opened! Then should their spiritual "bodies" be " filled with light," by Him who is the Fountain of light, and hath His habitation therein forever: and by walking in the light, they would come to have fellowship and communion with him, and one with another. Then indeed would the "blood Of Christ" be found precious ; then there would be ground for a sure testimony to be home to the preciousness of His blood, and the benefits of \\\< death and sufferings ; for, having known an overcoming by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of the testimony, such would have "right to the tree of life," and the fountain of life, and would have a real interest in, and a joint fellowship with Him in His l B3JK] iHOMAfl B. ooi 1. 1>. L88 deatb and Bufferings, having been made conformable there- unto; and thus would enter in u through the gate," and l»y " the door," Into the city, thai spiritual, celestial lm habitation, and building, % * which hath foundations,' 1 wh< walls are Balvation and her gates arc praise, and wh< builder and maker the Lord alone is. I had no intention to have written thus, but a very dif- ferent One. If 1 do >end this sheet, I hope thou wilt e\- ouse me, on account of the great weight and burden which I am laboring under, in respect to these things, and many other points with which the true believer, the true Quaker, cannot but he familiar We are a tried people here in Newport, or a tried reln- nant, and u no people" (in the scriptural use of the term); and I sometimes think, if the "three mighty men" were here, who brake through and drew water out of the well which was by the gate of Bethlehem, when David longed for it, they would hardly he able to reach it, and return with it to the king; the Philistines do stop up the wells which the children of Israel have digged, so that there is danger of perishing for want of water, not for want of words In much love and near affection, I am thy sure friend, Thomas B. Gould. From John Wilbur to T. B. G. 6th mo. 11th, 1839. . . . . T. Shillitoe's opinion, that if Friends do not what they can to discourage or suppress his [J. J. G.'s] writings, the Society will go down, has come fresh to me within two or three days, and I am confirmed of its truth. The defection has already advanced so far that, although a remnant may be preserved, by the bearing of a faithful testimony against him and his writings, yet I do greatly fear that those who are now prepared to resist the bearing of such a testimony, will go away, and Avalk no more with our crucified Lord. In reading the last volume of T. S., I met with a particular account of the separation in New York, and of what transpired in the first meeting " there- 12 134 LOT AM) LETTERS OF [1840. after." He says that "Daniel Havilarid, a very aged, blind friend, Baid, the scene we had passed through in this v« arly meeting was clearly unfolded t<» hi- new before lie came t<» the city, and expressed his thankfulness to his heavenly Father i'<>r this great deliverance. Hut, said he, dear friendflj there will yet something come to pass, if my feelings have not deceived me. that will more fully try our foundation." Thomas Shillitoe, near his close, Baid: "Oh, let it be known, thai I contend to the last, with unremitting confi- dence and assurance, for the second coming of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, to the saving of the soul. Oh ! what should I have been now, if I had not submitted to J lis baptism, the baptism of fire?" The prophesies and testimonies of these deeply experienced, faithful, and therefore dignified servants, are, in my apprehension, A\or thy of credence. When in the neighborhood of the former, I heard enu- merated many prophetic declarations which he was heard to utter, which were unfailingly fulfilled; and the present aspect of things fully indicates the approaching fulfilment of the prediction above recited In dear love to all my true friends, I am, &c, JOHN WlLUUR. From T. B. G. to Peleg Mitchell. Newport, 7th of 3d mo., 1810. My dear and faithful Friend: ... I thought I was sufficiently afflicted when I last wrote (and 1 think I hinted at it), but thine of the 24th nit . reached me under a much keener baptism of suffer- ing. The reflection that I had been unfaithful to thee, only added trouble to my sorrow. I was not in a state to write when I thought to do so: as G. Fox said, when one of the priests advised him to sing psalms ; lie said, he was not in a condition to sing ! Indeed 1 am sensible that I am a miserable correspondent every way. I almost marvel that I ever commenced such a work, though nooneenjo\< ] B W.] THOMAS B. QOl u>. 185 the letters from his friends better than I do, I am fully ded; at least when [ can enjoy anything. Howev< 1 do not want to be misunderstood: it is not from any attack made upon me by the archers, that I have been thus depressed, neither has it been from any particular appre- hension of anything of that sort. I have been remarkably clear of forebodings as it respects myself, of late; and though I cannot say, perhaps, that i feel resigned to what- r of that ><>rt may be permitted to come upon me, yet 1 can almost Bay that I feel at the present time nearly indifferent to it, except some faint desire that L may be helped through it, bo as m»t to dishonor the great ami ir< >< >pcak of anything beyond a "faint ire" at present, although lean well remember having had Btrong ones; for I seem to he "like the heath in the desert," or the pelican in the wilderness. The bare recol- lection of former experiences (as thou wilt freely admit) will not do to trust in or speak from. Whether this dis- pensation is preparatory to further service, or still greater Buffering, I am not able to say. The first does not seem at all probable ; and if time should make manifest, as it respects the last, it is at present hidden from me Thomas B. Gould. Extract of a Letter from T. B. G. to 13th of third month, 1840. My dear Friend : Thine of the first was duly received on the fourth of the present month. I do not know how it could have been more gratefully received, but I do know that I shall not be able adequately to express the satisfaction we all feel, in the evidence afforded us of the remarkable manner in which way has been made for thy dear father [J. W.] to fulfil his nii.-sion anions: the too generally benighted sons and daughters of a highly favored, though degenerated and revolting people, to whom the mournful language of the prophet seems truly applicable, "0 Israel, thou hi destroyed thyself; but in me is thy help !" It does seem to be a renewed evidence that He is still graciously dis- 136 LI IK AND LETTERS OF [1840. posed to help this people; inasmuch as he is engaging, requiring, and moving His servants to visit them, and to call unto them, — not out of Seir, the mount of Esau, where the scorner stood formerly, as they do now who cry, M Watchman, what of the night?' 1 — but out of /ion, the Lord's holy mountain, where the Lord setteth 1 lis watchmen, and oommissionetfa them, by his owii power and Spirit, with great authority, to declare what they E in Bis Light, both concerning the " morning, and also the night' 1 in which the treacherous dealer hath dealt so very treacherously, and the spoiler hath so grievously spoiled (even sonic of the vines upon which were tender grapes); and to say unto them, "If ye will inquire, inquire ye : return ; conic ;" for — u why will ye die!" From T. B. G. to John Wilbur, 10th of fifth month, 1840. .... I cannot divest myself of the fearful persua- sion, that they will either be permitted to trample upon me and grind me to powder, or that I shall be left to do or say something that will injure that blessed cause and testimony which I have in times past ventured in a very small degree to espouse, though never to any greater de- gree than just to bring up the rear of the hindermost of those ranks who were prepared and concerned to say, " Thine are we, David, and on thy side, thou son of Jesse.' 1 And then, oh! then, I shall not only be left alone in this wide, unfeeling world, without even an old building to shelter me; but what is worse, shall have be- come reprobate concerning the faith and a good conscience, having made shipwreck of both ! And those Friends who have been favored to see the tottering and decayed state of the building (in which we have had and still have a joint interest, — our poor Society, I mean), — and whose unity and fellowship, even the unity and fellowship of the clear-sighted, the willing-hearted, and the living in Jeru- salem, 1 have ever desired and esteemed next to the imme- diate influence of divine love and power, and sweet com- munion with Him who dwelt in the bush, and has at Seasons visited my own soul — such as these, 1 feel fully 18 10. ] THOMAS B. 301 LB, 187 persuaded, will all forsake me, it", indeed, they have no1 already (and some such I Buppose haye, to them- ulthough 1 cannot, upon ;i close self-examination, ein 1 have missed my way, other than on thai side which may be accounted for, and possibly claim Borne allowance, inasmuch as 1 am both naturally and spiritually io much weaker than other and ordinary men t. b. <;. To Pbleg Mitchell. tfcwFOBT, 1 -I tli of fifth month, 1840, Ml DIAB Fkikxd : I was absent from home three weeks lack- ing one day. I left home on second-day morning, the 13th of fourth month, ami crossing the ferries to South Kingston, took the cars to the place of their nearest approach to the bouse of dear d. Wilbur, where he met me, and took me in his wagon to his home; and on fourth- day night we took the steamboat at Stonington, and reached the house of J. Wood in New York soon after sunrise on fifth-day morning : where we stayed, to mutual satisfaction I believe, till about the same time on sixth- day morning : when we left for Philadelphia, ami were favored to arrive there in Bafety about three o'clock that afternoon. John lodged at Thomas Kites, and I was very kindly received and entertained by my dear friends, I '. ami (r. \V. A large number of true-hearted and honor- able guests were at their house. Ezra Comfort, and his brother John, who is one of the most useful and clear- Bighted elders in that yearly meeting (as indeed Ezra is a minister), witli their children, lodged at C. W.'s, and a very large and precious flock of Comforts they are. J. W. was entirely silent throughout the yearly meeting, except in one of the sittings of the select meeting, and in the public meeting on fifth-day at the Western district house, which is mostly composed of Gurneyites ; here lie had some close service, and that noted woman from the Cape, A. J). \V., undertook to answer it, as I was told, for I was not present. 12* 138 LIFE AND LETTERS OF [1840. Groat was the joy to the honest-Hearted to have John among them, and the fullest satisfaction waa expressed by those of the highest Btanding and clearest vision and judgment, as 1 had abundant opportunity to know, both in public and private ; and I am satisfied, no other person could have gone from this yearly meeting, who would have heen so acceptable. One elder, the mother of Ezra Comfort, and a very aged, clear-sighted Friend, though too far advanced to get out, was led to intercede that he might he sent over to help them, and afterwards, without outward information (as I under- stood), had a sense he would come. On first-day, after the yearly meeting closed, he attended the North meeting in the morning, and Arch Street meeting in the afternoon. The last was a Beason of Buffering and oppression, and he had hut a short testimony, just at the close, which however met the sense, and was in unison with the feelings, of the rightly-exercised. In the first, he was raised up early, and largely opened, both in testimony and supplication : and such was the victory which truth wrought through its own power, that no strange voice was heard; which was to the great comfort of Friends, both on truth's account and on John's ; for as and were there also, a fear was entertained by many Friends, who have a clear sense and understanding of the state she is in at present, that she would anticipate him and block up his w r ay ; as she is clearly seen to be in that forward, active spirit, so common in many who are called ministers amongst us now; and by which forwardness and creaturely activity, the pure streams of life are much obstructed, if not turned aside from their due course: and so there is a sad and continued witnessing in spirit, of the wells, which those of the true seed of Abra- ham and Jacob have digged, being filled up by their ene- mies ! But she was on this occasion silent, and it was truly a solemn and favored season. lint alas, for the general state of the ministry and eldership amongst us ! However, there is a living spring kept open in both respects, in that yearly meeting, of which Ave were favored with renewed evidence, in divers instances. Still it was thought by ample judges, to have L840.] IHOMAfl B. QOULD. d i time of oppression, and even more bo than lasl r, both in the public meetings and in the meetings for business : t In >u url» tin* latter part of the closing sitting was i • i . remarkably owned. Dear Jacob Green had predicted, on the opening of the meeting, on second-day morning, thai it would he so at the close; and now he had to return living vocal praises, for that tin 4 Master of all rightly gathered assemblies had magnified His word above all His name, be. We left the city early on second-day morning, by rail- id, for Bristol, Pennsylvania, about twenty miles: where, by appointment, a Friend met us with his carriage, and took as about six miles further, to his house, where we lodged that night; and the next day the same Friend, James Moon, took us to the house of Christopher Healy, where we stayed till the next sixth-day morning, making and receiving many social and long-to-bc-rememhered visits from Friends in that neighborhood. John also attended both their seleet and mid-week meetings, at the Falls, or Falsington, of both which C. II. and J. M. and wife are members. We reached New York on sixth-day afternoon, and in- tended to come home the same night ; but John finding D. Wheeler had arrived, and was very ill at J. C.'s, did not feel easy to pass on without attempting to see him ; and as there was no boat till seventh-day night going round the Point (Judith) to Newport, I concluded to wait, and did accordingly, and after a fine run, reached home on first-day morning. But it served no other purpose than for John to clear himself; for the family would not suffer J. W. and John Wood to see him. After several fruitless attempts, J. Wilbur went alone, and urged it much, as he was writing to England by a packet just ready to sail from New York. He was then permitted to go to his chamber door, and look upon hint while he was asleep, but on his rousing up a little, was taken immediately away, for fear D. W. would recognize him ! From what I saw when I was in that house, he appeared to be surrounded with at- tendants who must be anything but satisfactory, unless, like some others, he has been leavened into the likeness of 1 10 LIFE AND LETTERS OF [1840. the company he keeps ; for truly there is something in the very air such breathe, and they claim him Btoutly. It may be that he has been laboring with them for their outgoings, in order thai they may be restored, and that they claim him only for an effect. I do greatly desire this may prove to be the case, and that, if he should be raised up again, he will come out in a (dear, hold, and undeviating testi- mony against them, not giving them even that kind of reason to claim him, which is afforded by his keeping their company. Me., as heretofore. And truly I cannot doubt, if he and others had only come out as clearly and boldly, in private and on all occasions, against this thing, as Ann Jones did against Hicksism, that their company would have been as unacceptable to them as hers was to the Hicksites Thomas B. Gould. 1840.] THOMAS B. OOULDi 1 11 (II A PTEB III. During the early part of the year 1S4<>, Thomas I>. Gould's mind was frequently introduced into great eon* flict and exercise, not Only from tlie distress occasioned to his peculiarly sensitive feelings by the continued attempts to undermine his religious standing, on the part of those who could not hear his firm testimony against innovation ; but also from the deep baptisms and sore travails of spirit with which he was now visited, preparatory to his coming forth in public testimony as a minister of the Gospel. These were of a searching and humiliating nature, bring- ing him often very low before the Lord, and tending rc- newedly to divest him of self-dependence, and reliance on anything short of the power and wisdom of Him who hath the key of David, and who is alone worthy to open the seven seals. It is evident from many of his letters, that his mind had long been preparing for such a service ; and indeed in a private way he may be truly said to have been a preacher of righteousness from his childhood. But now r , as the time approached for a more public line of labor, even in the congregations of the people, the baptisms and exer- cises seemed sometimes almost as close as nature was able to bear. Yet divine Goodness was near throughout, sus- taining his soul, and renewing his faith in the mercy and goodness of the Ancient of days ; and he was at length en- abled to come forth in a clear and lively testimony, to his own great relief and peace, and to the satisfaction and com- fort of the honest-hearted. His first public appearance a minister was about the close of the fifth month, 1840, in his own meeting at Newport. Some of his feelings on the 142 LIFE AND LETTERS OF [1840. occasion were a little portrayed in a letter written soon after to his dear fatherly friend, John Wilbur. The sub- Btance of his testimony on that occasion, aa near as can now be gathered, was as follows: 11 Behold, the day cometh that shall hum as an oven ; and all the proud, yea, and all that do wickedly, shall be Stubble: and the day that eonieth shall burn them up, saith the Lord of hosts, that it shall leave them neither root nor branch. J>ut unto you that fear my name, shall the Sun of Righteousness arise, with healing in his wings; and ye shall go forth, and grow up as ealves of the stall. And ye shall tread down the wicked, for they shall he ashes under the soles of your feet. The zeal of the Lord of hosts shall perform this. For thus saith the Lord, I will work a work in those days, at the hearing of which, both the ears of them that hear it shall tingle: for I will dry up the green tree, and cause the dry tree to flourish ; I will open rivers in high places, and fountains in the midst of the valleys. These things will I do for my seed's sake, for my chosen. Therefore, thou afflicted, tossed with tempests and not comforted, behold I will lay thy Stones with fair colors, and thy foundations with sapphires ; I will make thy windows of agate, thy gates of carbuncles, and all thy borders of pleasant stones/' From T. B. G. to John Wilbur. Newport, 1st of Gth mo., 1840. My dbab Fribnd : I wrote to thee soon after quarterly meeting, earnestly requesting thee to give me some account of what was done there, but I received no answer. At the time I wrote, I was under an exceeding deep and sore baptism ; I Can say in truth, that the earth with its bars was round about me, and the weight o{' mountains upon me : the weeds Were wrapt about my head, and I seemed plunged as into the very belly of hell ! Thy not writing added to my afflic- tion. . . . Having nevei-. al the time I wrote, been 90 deeply tried before, no doubt my letter portrayed a state comparable to that of a bullock unaccustomed to the 18 10. ] THOU ua b. aoi u>. 1 18 yoke; and my dependence on maanol being completely broken up (which was the end, 1 fully believe, the divine jdom had in view, in permitting bo close a trial), thy not writing would seem sufficient to add greatly ther< Bui 1 qom see, 1 have cause to be thankful thou didst no! write, inasmuch as the undeniable evidence of divine regard, which has since been, in adorable mercy, vouchsafed, and which, both in degree and extent, has far reeded anything I ever before experienced, has been enhanced in value and clearness by it ; blessed forever be that worthy name and power of the Lord, who, as Buffer- ings and tribulations for the sec!'- Bake abounded, in his own due and appointed time, did eau>e the consolations of the Gospel much more to abound : to his praise alone he it Spoken, and let all iloh he Silenced and laid in the dust forever ! For several days previous to our monthly meeting, I had been trying what in me lay, to devise some business, or frame some excuse to leave the Island, so as to avoid being at the meeting; but my health had become so much impaired, that that alone would have rendered it improper, if I had eventually dared to do so; which as it drew near, I durst not hazard, though my fears and distress were as great as ever, and I was so reduced in health and strength, that it was with much difficulty and in great weakness that I went to the meeting, and sat in it until near the close of that for worship; when the Lord's light, and invincible power, did spring over all the powers of darkness, and his Word sounded in the ear of my soul, saying, " The trea- cherous dealer hath dealt very treacherously, and the spoiler hath grievously spoiled : but flee thou unto the strong hold, thou prisoner of hope !" And immediately I did feel myself marvellously strengthened, both inwardly and outwardly, and to such a degree, that had the adver- saries and enemies been as strong as Samson, as groat as ( roliath of Gath, and as numerous as the " host of Midian," I should not have been afraid of them, seeing the lan- guage to me was, " Go in this thy might;" and it was )ugh ! The next day (which was sixth-day, the 29th of fifth 144 LIFE AND LETTERS OF [1840. month) in the afternoon, while my hands were engaged in my usual avocation, my mind was Bweetly and powerfully attracted and drawn inward, to the source and centre of all heavenly consolation and divine illamination ; and as 1 yielded to that power which overshadowed me, the ap- proaching yearly meeting was opened before me, and things which shall (if faithfulness is only abode in) most surely come to pa-s. were seen with the eye of faith ( which was opened by the pure power) as clearly as ever the ran was Been with the outward eye at noonday. Yea, 1 saw the tents of Cushan in affliction, and the curtains of the land of Midian did tremble ! . . . After being thus wrapt up in the heavenly vision, — and to such a de- gree that I was in some douht for a time, whether I was in the body or out of the body, it was so clear and so bright; though the doubts I had in the above respect sprung more from the marvellous nature of the things I saw, than from any consciousness of mental aberration, for I was perfectly sensible what I was about, and fully aware of everything around me, and my mill, going with much speed, required attention, and had it as fully as at any other time (which, I believe, was permitted to be so, or rather vouchsafed under such circumstances, in order that I might be sure I was not beside myself); — I say, after a time, the vision seemed to close up, and 1 fell into a train of reasoning. ]>ut, then, I can say in truth, and with a good understanding and experience of what I do say, an horror of great darkness fell upon me, even darkness as great as the light had been brilliant : and I felt such a stop in my mind, and so forcibly forbidden to reason upon it, — I mean upon what I had seen and what they would do, — that I Could do no other than forbear, which I did, and then the whole thing opened again upon me, and even with greater clearness than before; which continued for some time, gradually closing up, until the most remarkable features had disappeared, and only a sense and recollection of it remained, attended however with a sweet savor and abiding assurance Of the reality of those things which I had seen and heard: indeed it left a dew upon my spirit which lias not yet wholly dried up; and I was not left without in- 1840. | TIIn.MAS I'- «.«»! I i». l 15 Btruction whal to keep to myself and whal to open to otli I! as when and \\n\\ to open it : althougl I did -lie things which were ii«»« to be uttered ;it all, ' a( present. Thou mays! an I'll snppose H musl have occupied much of m v attention since ; and Indeed it has. though I can assure thee, it has been of too solemn and important a kind t<» fly out in words. From these I have indeed been much re- strained, except when renewedly opened, oh! the pre- ciousness of the experience of being kept by tin 1 Shepherd Israel in the low valleys where the dew lies long, and of lying down by tin- side of the still waters, where nothing can hurt or make afraid . I have been too much a stranger to this. I feel it so. I also now feel and taste the sweet- a of it. Last first-day morning, the 31st, as I was preparing to to meeting, my mind was again ?ery powerfully over- shadowed with heavenly good, and also forcibly turned to the Bubject of the last page of the enclosed sheet, and those things which arc 1 now acting upon the stage of our Society: and as I viewed it in the light of truth, — for such I knew what I saw and felt, to be — yea, I knew it to be the light of truth, by its own demonstration and clear- ness, — the Lord was pleased to give me a sign and pledge, that those things which I had seen should surely come to pass; and it was fully equal to Gideon's fleece, and has been since as signally fulfilled and redeemed. This is all I can say about it at present, or rather, all I think it right to say, though a deal might be said, and a volume written. It [the meeting] was truly a remarkable time, wherein the glorious Lord was pleased to be a place of broad rivers and streams, and to exalt his own name and power over and above all the powers of darkness, for His seed's sake ! And my faith is firm that He will yet more and more arise, and plead His own cause, and that, too, through such mean and weak instruments, that the praise and the honor and the glory shall be wholly ascribed unto Him who is alone worthy, worthy, worthy of the praise of his own works, forever and ever ! I made out, with great difficulty, to get down to meeting 13 146 LIFE AND LETTERS OF [184<>. in the afternoon, but was unable to sit the meeting through ; neither indeed did I expect to when [went, but thought it I esl to go (in which I had peace), and have been confined to the house ever since, except thai on second-day morning I went to the mill : being willing if possible to work, or at least to manifest a disposition, for the cause 1 sake, and l< it should Buffer by my not being there; as the eyes of the people, within and without, were increasingly upon inc. Had it been an ordinary occasion, I should not have gone, and as it was, I could not stay. Indeed I have been very nincli reduced in my bodily health, by the uncommon ex- ercises which I have had to pass through; but my mind has been preserved in a perfect calm ; and peace and quiet- ness have reigned there, to a degree never before experi- enced. This has been spread as a canopy over me, and I can say that I have u sat under His shadow with great delight, and His fruit has been sweet to my taste," and His countenance comely to look upon, yea, the cliiefest among ten thousand, and altogether lovely. Now, my dear friend, I do not pretend to say how it lias been or is with thee at present, hut I can say that it is in the cross to my natural inclination that I have spread these things before thee. I would gladly have been ex- cused from it, but could not, for some reason or other, led easy to refrain from giving thee these hints of what has happened here, being fully persuaded thou art no •• stranger in Jerusalem,' 5 neither at all ignorant of the exercises through which all her children, even the least, are led, seeing she is the mother of all the living. But I believe there is reason to lift up the head in hope, that her borders will be lengthened, and her stakes strengthened; and however dark and gloomy the night may have been, and is, I am persuaded that it is far spent, and the hidden things of darkness will be brought to light, and the naked- neSS of those who have lifted up their heels against the Lord and His anointed. His chosen, will be discovered, and their heels made bare. For He will arise, and scatter and confound His enemies. But there must be no flinching or manoeuvring on our part ; that will be going over to their ground, which is enchanted ground. They have been 18 M. | THOMAfl B. QOtJLD. 1 17 Beeking enchantments, and unto those who have familiar spirits, and are astrologers and soothsayers. Bui the Lord will make their diviner- mad ! STea, H-- will frustrate the .m< and the tokens of liars, and turn the counsel "i" Ahithophel into Foolishness T. B. Gould. EXTRACT FROM A LSTTBB PROM T. V>. rd of hosts is the house of [srael, and the men of Judah are His pleasant plant ; He looked for judgment, but be- hold oppression, for righteousness, but behold a cry" — a vain and empty cry, of, The temple of the Lord, the tem- ple of the Lord, the temple of the Lord are these ! while the Lord is not among them ? Our ears arc constantly annoyed with this, in substance at least; and as for true judgment, it " is turned away backward, truth has fallen in the streets, and equity cannot enter !" It is those who have been considered, and now consider themselves, leaders of the people, that cause them to err, and destroy the way of the paths, removing the ancient landmarks of the good old way in which the fathers walked ; introducing new things, which neither we nor our fathers have known, and setting up a separate altar — a will-worship, which is as truly idolatry as that calf-worship was, which Jeroboam up, lest, if the people went to Jerusalem to worship, their hearts should turn away from him to the king of Judah. And when any are raised up to prophesy against it, then the priests which they have made say, there is disaffection to the government, conspiracy against the rulers, elders, ^c., and the land is not able to bear all their words : yea, even as Amaziah, the priest of Bethel, said to Amos, " 0, thou seer, go, flee thee away into the 1 ■ ! :- I5fl LIFB AND LETTERS OF [1840. land of Judah, and prophesy there; but prophesy no more again at Bethel, for it is the king's chapel, and it is the king's court !" But they seem insensible that every hand which has been put forth to Bet up, or raised to defend, a separate altar, is and must be withered; and that may account at mice for their being unable to draw it in again, ami for <>ur refusing to regard it as living, which is the only binding authority, under the pure and spiritual dis- pensation oi the I rospel Oh, Charles, 1 hardly know how to part with you, even on paper (for it seems as if I must include you all) ; the very satisfactory and instructive hours spent with you seem, while I am writing, almost realized again. If it be weak- ness, 1 frankly acknowledge it ; I would not attempt to conceal the emotion which 1 deeply feel : and if we never meet again in time, I do most fervently desire that neither heights nor depths, principalities nor powers, things pre- Bent nor tilings to come, nor any other creature, may ever be able to separate us from Him who, as Ave keep His com- mandments and abide in his love, will, I doubt not, in His own time, present us faultless before the presence of His glory with exceeding joy. Farewell. Thomas B. Gould. To Etiian Foster. Newport, 21st of 10th mo., IStO. Well, my dear friend, may it be our chief concern to cleave to that which shows us the true state of things. Then may Ave have a well-grounded hope that preservation will be vouchsafed, amidst all the trials which may be permitted to at tend us, iii our passing along through time: and although Israel may be Carried away captive, even into the enemy's land, yet the Lord will have a rem- nant there. Oh ! I am often comforted in reading, and also in the renewed remembrance of the trials and suffer- ings which the .Lord's prophets endured, who testified faithfully against the abominations committed among the children of Israel according to the flesh; inasmuch as it goes far to show that no new thing has happened to those who now Buffer. k * So persecuted they the prophets which 1840, ] THOMAS B. GOULD. 151 were before you/ 1 Baid our divine Master to Ili^ discipl< when he forewarned them of the world's hatred. The enmity which was placed between the two seeds, immediately after the fall of our firs! parents, has been the same in all ages, though it has been manifested vari- ously, according to time and circumstances. And, as thou very justly remarket, they are not less the enemies of Truth who now pretend its authority, — indeed to be the only ] >T8 and expositors of it, — than those who in former times and ages, Bel up the Bame pretensions, walked in the same path, and manifested the same bitter fruits, even under a false name, persecuting the true seed. There is however this difference, time has made the first manifest ; and. as a shrewd and experienced, though per- secuted man, said to one of these modern persecutors of the life, "If time does not false] make these manifest, eternity will !" ... May we all be kept by the Lord's power, through faith unto salvation ! My faith is firm that WC shall be, if we are faithful Thy sure friend, Thomas B. Gould. To Feleg Mitchell. Newport, 12th mo., 14th, 1840. My dear Friend : Dear E. P. had an appointed meeting in the evening here, which was a season of favor, and seemed like a brook by the way, in the midst of this dry and barren land ; though I feel inclined to acknowledge, and I do it with feelings of gratitude to Him who still " openeth rivers in high places and fountains in the midst of the valleys," that we have of latter time been rcnewedly favored in this meeting, when no strangers were present, with a little help out of Zion. For He, by His ancient and new power, hath been graciously pleased in a remarkable manner to fulfil His word: "He hath dried up the green tree, and caused the dry tree to flourish ;" and I am more and more convinced that He will yet redeem us out of all our trou- bles, and deliver as from under the hands of those who 152 Lin: and LETTERS OF [1841, oppress as; and that u saviours shall stand upon Mount Zion, to judge the mount of Esau, and the kingdom shall be the Lord's." . . . But as we arc favored to keep in the "quid habitation/' we Bhall, 1 am fully persuaded, in tlio Lord's duo and appointed time, witness the fulfil- ment of His ancient promise: k *A^ birds Hying, so will the Lord of hosts defend Jerusalem ; defending also He will deliver it. and passing over. He will preserve it." . . Thy sincere friend, T. B. Gould. To John Wilbur, Newport, 21th of 2d mo., 1841. My dear Friend : Her [Sophronia Page's] testimony had been (lear. sound, searching, powerful, and prevalent indeed, and truly remarkable in reaching the states of some, of whom she could not have been informed by man. The meeting was large, by the procuration of some who had taken her under their care; but things were laid open in such a manner, that there is much reason to believe they sincerely repented having contributed so largely to their own exposure : for her concern lay with the lost sheep of the house of Israel; and circumstances of later time ren- dered it easy for those who, while they arc not members, usually attend meetings, and can distinguish between the living and the dead, to understand and apply what she said with great power and authority, about the famine in this place, "not." said she, "of bread nor of water, but of hearing the word of the Lord!" The meeting ended well, in Bolemn supplication, which terminated in praise and thanksgiving from prepared hearts and renewedly bap- tized spirits. But how shall I sei forth the favors vouch- safed in the afternoon meeting, early in which she stood up with nearly these words : *• It is a \ ery serious consideration, and one which is worthy of more than a passing thought, that all our actions, and even our most secret designs and intentions, are naked and open in the eye> of Him with whom we have to do!" She then proceeded to search out 1841.] THOMAS B. GOULD. 158 and lay opeD the hidden things of dishonesty, and of Esau, in such a manner as I have never before heard ; des< the double-minded man as being unstable in all hie I boldly declaring that the -inner- in Zion were afri ami that fearful ne ss would more ami more surprise tin- hy- pocrite. To all BUch she Bpake with a voice Of thunder, of which they seemed to he sensible. Bu1 she was in an emi- nent degree a daughter of consolation to an afflicted ami a poor people, whose peculiar trials and afflictions she was enabled to portray with a degree of skilfulness and accu- racy, which plainly showed that it eame from Ilim who, as 4 LIFE AXD LETTERS OF [1841. that I have nothing to boast of; to me belongeth only blushing and confusion of face ; and if that cause could be promoted through bo poor a creature as an instrument, I do most sincerely desire that all the honor and all the praise may he ascribed unto Sim, who still is pleased at times to eall things that are not. as though they were Thy sincere friend, T. B. Gould. To Peleg Mitchell. Newport, 26th of 2d month, 1811. My dear Friend : He whose place of defence is the munition of rocks, must shake his hands from the holding of bribes* But did I say anything in that letter, which led thee to suppose that [considered "a dead letter ministry" " among the lesser features of Gurneyism?" I remember having used the latter expression somewhere in that letter; but if it was susceptible of such a construction, I am confident it must have been Owing to the looseness of my style, to the haste in which I wrote, or to incorrect punctuation; as I am sure I never entertained such an opinion, having been virtually prepared, long before the time of my writing to thee, very fully to adopt the expression of Richard Jordan, that "the distempers in the ministry (even in his day) were the greatest in the Church!" How much more em- phatically true and applicable is it then to these degene- rate times, which, it seems to me, would suffer almost or quite as much, by a comparison with those in which U. Jordan lived and labored, as would the chaff when com- pared with the u principal wheat." I can feelingly respond to what thou sayest about being more favored when met in select companies, than is gene- rally the case at Other times. And it is not strange that ii Bnould be bo: there is bo much of an opposing spirit to be felt iii BOme, yea, many, even when they do not show their true colors openly; surely the darkness and bitter- ness <»f their spirits is ><> great, that I have often thought of the ww two witnesses," and of their bodies lying dead, as 1841.] THOMAS B. GOULD. 166 it were in the streets of "the great city which spiritually is called Sodom and Egypt, where also our Lord was, and is, "crucified.' 1 I- there any question that one of these witnesses may be a living Gospel ministry! Bui Btill, "the Bpirit of life from God" does enter into th who are intrusted with thai gift, at times and seasons (which are all in His hand), and they are raised up to bear imony against those who had, to all human appearance, "overcome them and killed them,' 1 . . . they are raised u]), and enabled to "stand upon their feet." Then it is, that "great fear (alls upon them" who had "made merry" ever them, and sent gifts one unto another, during all the while the v had lain as it were dead: although their bodies were not suffered to he put into graves 28th, first-day eve. As I do not recollect any other interrogatory in either of thy letters, and suppose that J. W. has before this given you on Nantucket a particular account how he fared at Providence, I will not undertake to make any extracts from his last very interesting letter to me ; but instead of it, I will make one from one since received from his son- in-law, my dear friend, Ethan Foster, of Westerly, because it will give you a view which I cannot doubt will be inte- resting, if not encouraging and which vou would not be likely to obtain from John himself. It is as follows, viz. : " We [Ethan and wife] have had a very interesting visit at father Wilbur's; found him cheerful, and I believe happy, compared with many of those once his friends, but now his accusers and opposcrs. Our meeting yesterday [they belong to Hopkinton meeting, though they live in Wes- terly], was an interesting as well as a comforting season. Our dear father was extensively engaged in testimony to the life and power of the Gospel, and to experimental religion, in which he was somewhat doctrinal ; illustrating with great clearness the Christian covenant as being two- fold, and that neither part can be dispensed with, without losing the benefit of the whole. lie dwelt at length on this point, with a degree of clearness and force which bore the impress of something far above human reason and 156 LIFB ami LBTTBRS OF [1841. argument. The meeting Beemed much to enter into his feelings, and Bomewhat to travail with him in exercu Truth rose into dominion, and an evidence was mercifully afforded, that we arc not utterly forsaken, and however dark an'l gloomy the prospect may appear, that brighter days are ye1 to be experienced by those who possess their soul- in patience, and keep their ranks in righteousness. At the conclusion he appeared in supplication, in which he was evidently favored with near access to the tin-one of grace. 1 mention this, not that it is unusual for him to appear in testimony with the evidence of divine assistanc but this was one of those seasons of peculiar favor, when tlic waters increased, from a small stream, until they be- came a river to swim In, thoqgh of that description wherein tlurr goes do galley with oars, neither does gallant ship pass thereby." We had an acceptable and edifying visit from our dear friends, Enoch and Sophronia Page, of Salem, a week ago last first-day. They attended both meetings, in which Sophronia was largely and eminently engaged, both in testimony and supplication, especially in the afternoon meeting. I thought at the conclusion of the meeting, it might have been truly said, the Lord's power was over all! Believe me to be as ever thy warmly-attached friend, T. B. Gould. To Peleg Mitchell. Newport, 15th of 4th month, 1841. My dear Friend : Did I tell thee in my last, what an acceptable and truly remarkable visit we had from our dear friend, Sophronia Page, jusl before I left? I think her service in this meeting exceeded anything of the kind I ever wit- nessed. Why, Peleg, although she is not very old, she is worthy to be called a mother in Israel. Like Jael, "she put her hand to the nail, and her right hand to the work- man's hammer; and with the hammer she smote Sisera." Truly it might have heen said, "a$<0 let all thine enemies 1841.] THOM Lfl B, GOULD. L67 perish, oh Lord ! but lei them thai love Him be as the sun when I h forth in his might/ 1 1 was grieved to hear that dear Mary Davi comraged to proceed in her prospect of attending Philadel- phia ly meeting. She would have been, 1 h. doubt, a wry acceptable visitor there. It does to Be, that if n<> one but poor A. S. objected t<» it. there must have been strength enough in thai select meeting t<> have overruled his objection, had the strength which some there possess, been used. What arc Friends afraid of? It -.'.in- to me, we have, in far too many instances, just given them the ground. Why, it is shameful to do so! Only think of the last yearly meeting; it was just bo there: there re Friends enough present, who felt no unity with his [.I. .1. Gr.'s] having that certificate, to have thrown the ranks of the aliens into confusion, if they had only come forth, ami manifested on whose Bide they were. And of what avail is it to be in the right, and to have light, if it he always hidden, always kept under a bushel ? Oh! it as to me, some have need that the pure mind in them should he stirred up ; they need to be reminded that who- soever is ashamed of their Lord, or of His cause, which is the same thing, of them will lie be ashamed before His Father and the holy angels. I desire that Friends may be encouraged to use what strength they have, in the Lord's time for service, lest, by neglecting to use it, it be taken from them, and be given to those who are faithful. Let them come forward in the true order of the Gospel; let them keep their ranks, and say, "Thine are we, David, and on thy Bide, thou son of Jesse.' 1 .... Thv sincere friend, T. B. G. From John Wilbur to T. B. G. Haras Cottage, 15th of fifth month, 1841, MY DEAR Tiro MAS I The many unavoidable engagements which have fallen to my share of attention since quarterly meeting, have thus far deterred me, until the present moment, from the 14 168 LIPl AND LETTERS OF [1841. pleasing task of responding to thy very interesting letter, in which thou Bpeakesi 01 thy visit to Philadelphia, &c. And truly pleasant and satisfactory was thy account of things which transpired at those places : and the Bweet remembrance, and good and living desires of my ever dear friends in those parts, did afford to my afflicted and often drooping spiril the halm of consolation : so that for a time I was almost prepared to thank God and take courage Vnd 1 trust thou knowest, Thomas, by living experience, that when we arc borne down with Borrow and affliction, with fear and trembling for the safety <>f /ion, and for the escape of our own souls, that many fears and apprehensions arc then ready to arise in our almost desponding minds Our dear friend, Prince Gardner, came home with us from Greenwich, and a very good visit we had from him. Be tarried three nights. lie and Andrew both a^ree in Baying, that one reason, if not the principal one, why the meeting for sufferings refused to enter into an examina- tion of t lie doctrines of J. J. (J., was, as they said, because the moraine meeting, or meeting for sufferings in London, had taken all his writings into consideration, in order for correction : but whilst 1\ (i. was here, a letter from A. J}. Barclay arrived, which put the question beyond all doubt, that no Mich thing had taken place in London. llawlinson says, that Joseph John attended their late quarterly meeting in London, and his preaching was so sail, that the elders, although his admirers, had enough to do to sit with proper decorum. 11. seems very desirous that some accredited body in this country should forward to one or the other of their authorized bodies, the objec- tions of sound Friends to the doctrines alluded to. I learn that the applications from myself, and from Nan- tucket, and from South Kingston monthly meeting, were civilly received and noted on the book, as relating tO doc- trines: but they pretended, in addition to the foregoing reason, that they were not authorized by discipline to examine books already printed or written by a member of another yearly meeting. Ami so it >eeins they have go1 US last, that nobody has a right to refuse unsound publi- 1841.] THOMAS B. QOtJLD. 159 ions, withoul the leave of the meeting for Bofferii and they no right to decide whether L r «»<»«l or bad, after the impression of types, and the books offered for Bale! It* these things are bo, bow forlorn the condition of this people, in a day like this, when heterodoxy of prin- ciple is promulgated by the wise and the learned am< them ! John WlLBUR. From T. 1». Gr, to Ethan Foster. Steamboat Massachusetts, 22d of seventh mo., 1841. My in: a n FRIEND : I wrote to thy dear afflicted father soon after I received thine, at thy request ; though 1 feared it only served to ag- gravate his Bufferings ; but was rejoiced to gel a very kind letter from him last evening. ... I feel much for him in his manifold afflictions, even as much, I believe, as 1 am capable of feeling ; but I am always most miser- able at the expression of condolence. However, it lias seemed to me from the first, that there was and is much application to him in the language of Scripture : M Many are the afflictions of the righteous, but the Lord will deliver him out of them all:" — and not to him only, but my mind has often, yea, very often, been drawn into very near sympathy with thy beloved mother ; all within me capable of feeling has been made to feel for her, not doubting that she is often ready to exclaim, " Surely there is no sorrow like mine !" Although no afflictions for the present may seem joyous, but grievous, neverthe- less they do yield the peaceable fruits of righteousness to those who are rightly exercised thereby ; and that she is one of this class, I have no more doubt, than that an entrance will, in the Lord's due and appointed time, be abundantly administered into that everlasting kingdom of rest and peace, where the wicked cease from troubling, where lie who was a man of sorrow.- and acquainted with grief is already entered ; and not only so, but He is graciously pleased to enable those who arc rightly cxer- 160 LIFE AM) LETTERS OF [1842. cised by the afflictions which arise because of the word, to say at time- and seasons : " We <*» ih* exceeding joyful in all our tribulations/' and thus to give them a blessed fore- taste and earnest of the reward of the righteous Believe me to be, with love to all, Thy sincere friend, Thomas B. Gould. On the 31st day of the eighth month, 1841, Thomas B. Gould was united in marriage, at the Northern District Meeting in the city of Philadelphia, to Martha Smith Bcroyd, a daughter of James and Martha Ecroyd, and formerly of Muncy, in Lycoming County, Pennsylvania, but then residing with her widowed mother in Philadelphia. From Sarah Hillman to Thomas B. and M. S. Gould. Philadklpiiia, 1st mo. 11th, 1842, Dear Friends, T. and M. Gould: If leisure and inclination for writing had combined with affectionate remembrance and desire for your prosperity and safe-stepping as on the "sea of glass," methinks ere this time many evidences had been received by you from my pen. But somehow I have little aptitude for writing; my talent never ran that way ; at school almost any other study was more pleasant. Nevertheless I can say I have you on my heart ; and often does my spirit greet you, in desire that the blessing of the Highest may be with you, that He would be pleased to give you those pure nether springs of Divine consolation, winch flow from His holy presence: and then, whether the north or the south wind blow upon your garden, the spices will flow forth, as accep- table incense to the Kins of kin^s. © © Many eyes are upon you, I am well aware. Ye had ooed be clothed with the whole armor of light, that neither Satan nor any of his ministers gain any advantage over you. Surely he will not be suffered to overturn the foun- dation. Dor to lay Waste the hope in the Lord Jesus, of one, not even the very least of the flock, and family, and house- hold of faith, so long as we keep hold of the shield. Ah, 1 B 12.] THOU Lfi B. GOULD. L61 no! "Our Redeemer ifl mighty, the Lord of hosts is His name/ 1 He Is beholding the tower which the children of men have been and are building; and I believe He has come down and confounded their language, so thai the wise Babel-builders understand not each other's language: and He is turning to His people a "pure language, and they shall all call upon His name, to serve Him With one COn- Bent." Surely "there is no enchantment against Jacob, neither is there any divination against Israel ;" but all these things have happened rather to the furtherance of the blessed Gospel of the dear Son of God, which at the first began to be spoken by Himself, and was confirmed unto us by them that heard Him, and is to this present day spoken by His own blessed Spirit in the hearts of His truly humble, true-born, simple-hearted, obedient little children. It seems to me that the day is coming, when all the proud, and all that do wickedly, shall be stubble; some that are puffed up and seem to be somewhat, but in con- versation add nothing to the true Israel, Avill be manifested, and the day shall declare them, and burn up all that will not stand the fire of purification ; while the remnant that is escaped will be found among the jewels, and spared to magnify the mercy, the long-suffering mercy, of Israel's unslumbering Shepherd. Truly can some of us adopt the language, " Lord, I am not worthy thou shouldst enter under my roof:" yet He has marvellously made bare His arm and helped us hitherto; and have we not at seasons cause to raise new Ebenezers to His praise? Though many afflictions await the righteous, it is no new thing ; the disciple need not expect to be above his Master : if he do, he will assuredly be disappointed. What was the path of the dear Son and Sent of the Father ? He fasted in the wilderness, He was with the wild beasts, yet angels ministered unto Him. And as surely as He was ministered to by angels, so surely the angel of His presence encamp- eth round about them that fear Him, and delivereth them. Let us not then be found saying, " a confederacy," to all who would say, a confederacy ; but sanctify Him in our hearts, who lias revealed Himself secretly to us, whose 14* 162 LIFE AM> LETTERS OF [1842, love, whose mercy towards ns, has been and is infinite. I la- He not, dear Thomas, attracted thy soul towards Him in wry infant years, and amid many temptations kept thee to this day! JTes« For what? To make thee a minister and a witness, not only of what thou hast seen, bul also of those things in which He will appear to tie and 1 le h ill not no 1 ike tin Interrupted by a visit from Sarah Emlen and Edith Jefferis, who irere at meeting this morning, and mia tered t<> as. — Please tell thy Bister Lydia, I often remem- ber her kindness to us poor pilgrims, with that of thy dear father and mother; and desire their Bloping days may he cheered by the bright Bhining of the Sun of righteous- ness, whose 1 trust they are and will be till death: and then, never fear, — there is a glorious rest, a crown laid up, a house not made with hands prepared, into which their purified spirits, through unutterable love and mercy, will be admitted, and where the arrows of the archer can never Come. Till then, may we each fight the good fight of faith, that so Ave mav obtain ! Many talk much of faith, whose walk is not in the Bteps of faithful Abraham, who yet Btyle themselves children. What will they do, in that day when every covering. Bave that of "my Spirit, saith the Lord." shall be stripped oil": ... I must now conclude. With truest affection, your sincere, sympathiz- ing friend, in which my dear mother and sisters, with dear K. P.. unite. Farewell, says your friend, Sarah Hillman. From T. B. <». to Joseph Kite. Newport, 25th of 3d mo , 1842. We have recently been much comforted ami refreshed by a visit from dear John Wilbur, who spent a week with us and in the neighborhood, ami went home this day week. He seemed better in health than we expected to see him. and green and lively in spirit, weighty and powerful in doctrine, and clearly evincing that patience 18 1-. ] 'M as b. QOUU). 163 under Buffering, and resignation to whatever degree of it may be yet in Btore for him, which men may tali about and attempt to imitate, but can never realise or exemplify, unless really endowed with Sis Bpirit, who " was led as a Iamb to the slaughter," and when " He was reviled, reviled not again." John attended our meeting three times. In the first, on fifth-day, the LOth inst., he was silent ; but on first-day morning he was raised up early in the meet ing, with the language of the patriarch Jacob, while propheti- cally engaged in blessing the heads of the tribes of [srael : " I have waited for thy salvation, Lord I" — proceeding to show very clearly the necessity of bo waiting in all Bimilar engagements. And in the opening of large fields of doctrine before him, he seemed more especially led to -peak of worship and ministry, and to distinguish between the true and false in both instance-; having much en- couragement to offer to those who are baptized for the dead, ministering to the spirits that are in prison, speaking prophetically of their enlargement and deliverance, and that, as there was an engagement to tarry at Jerusalem until endued with power from on high, and to " wait for the promise of the father, which ye have heard of me," the number of these rightly exercised and divinely quali- fied ministers would be increased, and they should yet bear witness of Him to whom all power in heaven and on earth is given, "in Jerusalem, in Judea, at Samaria, and unto the uttermost parts of the earth." And immediately quoting the animating promise, 4c Lo! I am with you always, even unto the end of the world," he proceeded to show the absurdity of the idea, that there is any " falling off" from the perfection and adaptation of the Gospel to our every need, in these latter days ; but that the spiritual presence, guidance, and power of Christ, divine immediate revelation, &c, is still felt and enjoyed by His humble and obedient followers, and graciously offered unto all ; and that it was not because it had ceased or diminished in power and efficacy, but because men were not obedient thereto, and had not faith therein, that there were misgivings and unsoundness upon these points. This fell heavy upon L6J LIPB AND LETTERS DF f 1*42. some who Bai near him, whose actions show how lightly the undamental principles of unchangeable truth, and who no! unfrequently now dispense sage cauti< against deeply spiritual views, though generally coupled with far-fetched encomiums upon the character and writu of the early Friends, and high professions of a divine re- quiring to extend Buoh cautions. It requires no great de- gree of discernment, I the extremely ill grace with which such encomiums fall from the lips of these people, while they are actually, and with a furious though blind zeal, engaged in removing the landmarks, and lowering the standard, which our worthy predecessors were made in- strumental in Betting Up and exalting among the nation- : though I confess it requires more discernment than I am possessed of, to discover the foundation of their claim to di- vine requirement or commission for so doing. But I have digressed, a- I am very apt to do. These people treated John with more civility, and even apparent kindness, than is usual or might have been ex- pected, and the meeting separated under a very solemn Covering, Truth having the ascendency for that time at least. Indeed it had been a remarkably solid time from the commencement. One young woman, who happened to be there, habited in a full Buit of mourning, by profession an Episcopalian, though remotely descended from Friends, was remarkably tendered iii the course of his exercie ami seemed very reluctant to part with him after meeting. S<» also was her husband, who lias regularly attended all OUT meeting- since, though not accustomed to do so. . . . Oh. how much the tenderly visited, seeking people are to lie fell for! I often think, more especially so, when, instead of being instrumentally fed with bread through qualified breakers of it, b tones v serpents, and scorpions are poured out upon them. But there is much consolation in the conviction, that He who clave the rock for His chosen people formerly, while journeying outwardly in a desert land, and sent them bread from heaven, can now. and does give to \}\<). L65 There is with most, Buch a Becrel pr< fei , and Buch an unw illingness to be id< at ifi< ft with a Bmall remnant, with u a despised and afflicted p< pie," thai we are likely, in the end, to be relieved of all who are nol willing to be truly religious. It is lament- able thai there Bhould be bo many who, in forming their conclusions respecting the truth of the case now m con- troversy, arc looking wholly at circumstances, and the decision of numbers, rather than to the witness for truth in themselves Sow many simple, honest-hearted Friends are favored with a sense of wrong things existing among us. bul instead of keeping to that which shows them their condition and the the church, they begin to look to those whom they consider more experienced than themselves; thus taking men for their guide, and opening their cars to hear them, they lose Bight of the true 'readier, fall behind the true Light, become involved in darkness and uncertainty, and finally get into the current, and are swept away by it. From T. B. G. to Peleg Mitchell. Newport, 7th month, 1842. My dear Friend, — .... Thou requested my opinion as to thy address- ing a letter to . Xow, my dear friend, I feel rather a delicacy in expressing one, but from my acquaint- ance with the man, and from the sense and judgment I have of his present state — just coming off, as Ave hope, from a misguided course, and emerging from under a cloud, with perhaps rather a galling sense of the steps taken therein, and the blocks over which lie has stumbled, which may not he entirely removed — it has seemed to me that it would he rather safer to defer it, at least for the present, as it might have an effect on him to the clear contrary from what was intended. I found my dear M. entertained the same opinion respecting it — and I supp< we have had rather more opportunity to judge of his feel- L66 LIFE AND LETTERS OF [1842. ings an. rebuked them, and cautioned them ami other friends there present in similar circumstances, from interfering; which was altogether unnecessary, so far as some of us were concerned — indeed there was no necessity for it, the South Kingston Friends being fully competent to manage the case themselves. Brother Joseph thought it could not have been more skilfully conducted anywhere or by anybody than it was by them, and they are mostly young men too; but they were evidently equipped for war, and ordered for battle, by Him who never yet was foiled therein, nor his armies put to flight ; though every expedient was resorted to, which the ingenuity and malice of the Evil ( hie could invent, to break their ranks and throw them into confusion : and after the report of the com- mittee [clearing John Wilbur from all censure] had been received and recorded in the men's meeting, R. G. and T. A. made three attempts by shaking hands, to close the meeting, while the report <>{' tbe committee was under con- sideration by the women — well knowing that if they could prevent tbe record of their unity with it. J. W. would not be restored. But these attempts were severally defeated, through tbe vigilance and promptness of some. 1842.] rnoMAfl i . u». 161 Aj bood as the meeting was opened, J, D., in the name and on the behalf of the quarterly meeting's com- mittee, made a long and incoherent Bpeech — pari threaten- ing, pan coaxing, part unintelligible, and therefore not to be interpreted by the common rules of language, but by the character of the man and the nature of Eifl office. 1 1*' was replied to by dear old T. II.. who is in the eighty- enth year of his age, and rode near twenty miles to . < < attend that meeting. He briefly went over the ground of the controversy with that monthly meeting, the proceed- ings of the yearly meeting's committee, the appointment of the committee of that monthly meeting to hear and decide th< . the appointment of the quarterly meet- ing's committee, fcc, — and then called for the reading of the report of the committee of their monthly meeting, as the best method of coming to an understanding of the state of the case ; which being united r itfa by other South Kingston Friends, the report was read, and united with by many Friends, But while they were expressing unity with it, II. B. presented a " minority " report, signed by himself and W. S. P. ; upon which two or three of the members of South Kingston monthly meeting, and divers of the two grand committees, commenced a desperate at- tempt to have the " minority report" read and considered, in order to throw them into confusion. It was argued on the part of J. Wilbur's friends, that this report was in- formal and improper to be read, inasmuch as those two disaffected and disorderly committee-men had been duly notified of the time and place of meeting, when the report led by seven of the committee had been agreed to. On the other side it was alleged, that six out of the seven, who had signed the report recommending the dismission of the case, were relatives of J. Wilbur, and the understand- ing was that they would not be impartial judges. There was a great deal said on both sides. They stated again and again, that the monthly meeting's committee had de- parted from the ground of the complaint, by allowing J. W. to go into an investigation of doctrines : and T. A. was very strenuous, repeatedly declaring that doctrines had nothing to do with the case, — that J. Wilbur had never been charged with any unsoundness of doctrine, and Lin: am» LETT] [1842. that even the term doctrine was not mentioned in the com- plaint ! In the coarse of their clamorous interfere]] they had repeatedly urged the reading of the complaint, as well as the "minority report;" both which the meeting now consented Bhonld be read, with the express under- standing and agreement, hon that a new investiga- tion of the case should not be gone into, and that the report of the committee alrca-lv before the meeting Bhould receive its undivided attention. Notwithstanding this agreement, the complaint and ••minority report" were no sooner read, than the yearly meeting's committee took the very COUTSe which bad been anticipated and pro- vided against; of which they were forcibly reminded by several Friends ; when Win. J. had the hardihood to de- clare that no such agreement had been made! And he became so warm on this and several other occasions, that Borne of his own colleagues, who Bat above him in the gal- lery, thought it necessary to cool him off; which they did by pulling him down and shaking their heads at him ! T. A. made an awkward and unsuccessful attempt to extricate himself from his assertion, that the term doctrine Was not to he fofind in the complaint; and endeavored to explain it away, continuing to insist that they had de- parted from the original ground of complaint against J. W., which was the cause of the committees leaving be- fore the termination of the trial, &C. lie was replied to by 0. I'., the clerk of the committee, who said that at t last monthly meeting T. A. had called for the ex- tracts from their minutes upon that subject — they were now present, and he would read them. He accordingly took the paper, and read it. The reading of these extracts had a powerful effect upon them: though T. A. Cavilled a little, and said that they had seen Borne part of that paper before, but much had been added by they knew not whom. William J. inquired of ( iharles Perry, whether that paper had not been written the meeting of the committee when they were pre- 9omethingto this effect. To which C. P. replied, that it had not — that it was a true extract from their mi- nutes, with the exception of the explanatory note, which he had clearlv identified when he read it. This seemed to 1^ 1-J. ] TH0M \s B. '."i LD. 169 then up. A proposition was made thai Friends iin express themseh ieption report, which they did, — nearly or quite four-fifths of the meeting uniting with it- reception and the dismission of the while but one man openly objected to it, and three or four others threw cold water upon it, though they did not in bo many words object. NevertheL T. A.. I!. . declared that the BOlid Bense and judgment of the meeting was opposed to its reception, and every member of the quarterly meeting's committee, in conjunction with their colleagues from the yearly meet- ing, did their utmost to hare the case referred; but after .it deliberation, and almost unparalleled patience, the clerk made an appropriate minute, receiving the report and dismissing the case; — it was then sent to the women, who Boon Bent it back, with the information that it had been very fully united with in their meeting. Hut the female members of the quarterly meeting's committee did what they could against it. The meeting was no sooner closed, than the quarterly meeting's committee stopped Lydia Wilbur and Eunice Foster, and sent Othniel Foster after John Wilbur, who declined going. They then inquired of the two women, whether they had unity with their husbands ; — being an- red in the affirmative, they were all three advised, in the name of the quarterly meeting's committee, not to attend any more select meetings. As J. Wilbur declined going to the meeting-house at their bidding, and very properly, too, as I believe, they sent J. D. and B. C. immediately to his house, where, in the name of the quar- terly meeting's committee at large (for the select com- mittee, which has been so long standing, and so active in dealing with J. Wilbur, was released at the last quarter), they advised him not to attend any more select meetings; to which, considering it merely the effect of their spleen, he made no answer. When they asked his wife if she had unity with her husband, she promptly answered, " Yes, I am no Gurneyite !" Farewell. T. B. Gould. 15 170 LIFE AND LETTERS 0* [1842, To John Wilbur. Newport, 25Ui of I2tb mo., 1842, Mv dbab Friend : Indeed, there has 1 1 < » 1 1 1 i 1 1 ir occurred which med worth writing about, or rather that If written, would have paid for the reading. But I received a letter recently from brother Joseph, in which he says: "Two of our friends lately had a very serious opportunity with , on his return from Baltimore, in relation to the proceedings in the ease of J. W. He seemed in a good disposition, and said lie entirely disapproved of the pro- ceedings, and had used his influence in the committee to get them to drop it. The only thing he seemed to justify, was the laying down of the monthly meeting." M lie said he did not think the quarterly meeting had any right to annul the proceedings of the monthly meeting, which they had sanctioned bv going into an investigation before the committee in 3, AV.'s case, and in other ways. In fact, he was brought to acknowledge that nearly all the proceedings were wrong! And I have no doubt myself that he would much rather not have anything to do with these things, but, like many others, has not independence enough to withstand the influence of the great men at Providence." . . .1 have just written to Joseph, in- forming him pretty fully of the part which has actually performed in tliis business, — of the advices con- tained in that paper which he signed and presented to your monthly meeting, the report of the committee, &c, — by which he may see how inconsistent his practice has been with his profession to them: and letting him know withal, that I cannot find sufficient charity, or good ground, for believing that he is in a very " good disposition," being persuaded that he only resorted to that shift, to escape their close questioning, ami made use of Bmooth words and fair speeches in order to deceive tlu-ni : also expressing a hope thai they would be on their guard in future. There 18 no doubt in my mind, that was rather reluc- tantly drawn into this business at first, but I fear he has L842, ) rjioai is b. oould. 171 been for Borne time fully initiated into all their Bchem II ; ^ conduct has shown his co-operation therein. Well, my dear Friend, lei them try their best to effect their purpose. I believe it will all work far L r «»<». 0., or of any man y I am persuaded, for he .L r <»t hold of things quite unintelligible to them, and most likely to himself; bnt his last two showed the weak- ness of poor mortals, being made rery sickening with &nra, &c, to use Christopher Healy's quaint expression. After which the query was revived, "If ye love them that love you, what thank have ye? do not even the publicans the same':" And it was shown that it was a very natural and easy thing to love our friends (which had been the burden of his last communication), bnt that lie -who is Lord of all had erected a higher standard to which He gathered His children and people, requiring them to love their enemies, to do good to them that hate them, and to pray for them that despitefully use them and persecute them, and say all manner of evil against them falsely, for His sake: and it was declared, that nothing short of a measure of the Spirit, power, and life of Christ, could enable any man to do this ; and also that except our righteousness did exceed the righteousness of the Scribes and Pharisees, Ave could in no wise enter the kingdom of heaven. After which, M. H. 1>. undertook to show what a "distracting and dis- organizing effect religion [!] produced in the world, to go no farther back than the rise of our Society ;" but was hard set to maintain his position, and seemed equally un- able to cast anchor, and unwilling to go ashore; to which, however, he at length drifted I wish thou couldst find in thy heart to make us a visit. We gel along very comfortably, and I believe it would be more satisfactory to thee than it was last winter, — things are very different in every respect. Those peculiar trials under which we then labored, 1 have no doubt, were wisely permitted, and that we are more likely, rightly to appre- ciate the blessings we now enjoy, which are so numerous and unmerited, that I often feel as if my cup did overflow ! Surely goodness and mercy have followed me all the days of my life ! . . . . Farewell, from thy affectionate friend, Thos. 1). Gould. 18 13, | THOU US B. dOULD. L78 PBOM JOHM Wirmi; 10 T. 1>. (i. Barak, 1st month, 6th, 1843, My drab Thomas: Thy kind letter was bo interesting throughout, that it truly deserved a more ready and better answer than 1 have been, and Bhall at this time, be able to give. And first 1 will speak of the comfortable and peaceful state which thy- self and family are enjoying, both in body and mind. Nor am I myself BO much below par as to forbid my rejoicing with you; nay, for I will rejoice, that Infinite Goodn< through the abounding of Btis mercy, lias enabled ua far, through this campaign of a cruel warfare from false brethren, to escape with our lives unhurt, amid the storm of arrows bo prepared, as for a deadly purpose. Yea, and let the whole remnant of Israel rejoice, give God thanks, and take courage, without foreboding much of the proba- bly greater suffering ami greater dangers yet to come ; for Ave clearly see that lie is able to cover the heads of those who trust in Him, and to ordain that sufficient unto the evil day shall be the . G. to George F. Read. Newport, third month, 12th, 1843. My dbab Friend : I cannot longer withhold an acknow- ledgment of the peculiar satisfaction, comfort, and en- couragement which thy last Inter was a messenger of to me : and not to me only, but to a few other and strictly confidential friends, who, like thyself, are under bonds and afflictions for the testimonies which they hold, and are constrained to bear, in the midst of a crooked and perverse generation ; who having a form of godliness, deny the power thereof, and in this state, as dear Isaac Penington said, "can do no other than persecute those who hear testimony to the one and against the other." Well, my dear friend, as this is no new thing under the sun, — for so persecuted they the prophets which were before us — 1 can but respond, and that, too, with sin- cerity and earnestness, to thy petition, that we may be enabled to endure hardness as good soldiers, to contend zealously for the faith once delivered to the saints, and to fight valiantlv the Lord's battles, in His Strength and not our own, rallying to His standard, that His banner may cover us ; for I am renewedly persuaded that "He hath given a banner to them who fear Him, which shall be un- furled because of the truth." My desire is, that Ave may not only be encouraged by "the cloud of witnesses" who have trodden this tribulated path before us; but that we may be unceasingly engaged in looking unto .Jesus, and waiting upon Him who is the Captain of our salvation and the Author of our faith : and who, though He is Lord of all, Himself endured the cross and despised the shame, and, loving the church, gave Himself for it, that He might purify and cleanse it, and make it a glorious church, not having spot, or wrinkle, or any such thing. Oh ! He will have a clean, pure people, a peculiar people: and He knows what will make them such; therefore lie hath Bet His fire as in L8 to.] rHOMJ . oould. IT-') !i. and His furnaqp as in Jerusalem, and caused judg- ment to begin aa at the bouse of the Lord. See also Isaiah LO : 16, 17, and Obadiah 17. L8, and 21, . . . With much love, I am thy sincere friend, r r. B, Gould, To Etb \n Foster. \k\\ port, third month, 2 1st, 18 L3« MY \ "i-:i:v DBAB FRIBND : 1 could lmt gel rid of a very strong and rather peculiar desire to visit you, to see you face to face ; strong indeed that I could scarcely yield to circum- ttces which seemed to render it wholly improper. To visit the brethren and see how they do, is often as ser- viceable (if not more so), to the visitors as to the visited, especially when the former are inhabitants of a desert land. Such, journeying southward, sometimes meet with u springs of water." Truly, we have witnessed a long drought here, even in the winter, not unaccompanied with blasts peculiar to the season, which have beat vehemently against the Avail : and as there had been something of a rest experienced previously, I have thought some of our Friends might entertain fears, and perhaps not without reason, lest Ave should take our " flight either in the winter or on the sabbath-day." If so, perhaps it may not be amiss to mention, that some of us have recently given great offence to the " chief priests and rulers of the synagogue," by our obedience to what we believed to be required of us by Him who is "Lord even of the sabbath." . . . . We did, however, hear incidentally, just before thou wrote, that W. E. had advised thy father [J. Wilbur] to appeal. The information surprised us I can see no other reason for their giving this advice, than a supposition that it may prevent us from going " out from among them," — our adversaries, — by haste or by flight, which I rather expect they fear we shall; and being themselves in a strait, as they are somewhat committed to us, they are willing to put the evil day afar off, especially as they have but a small portion of the suffering to bear in the 17> - interim. It is indeed a momentous concern, an awful crisis ! Fot the divisions of Reuben there should be great searchinga of heart, that we may know what, and what manner of time the Holy Spirit shall signify, for the accomplishment of our deliverance from under bondage as cruel, and darkness as truly to be felt, as that which pre- vailed in the land of Egypt. I freely confess my inability to see what Bteps it may he proper for us to take ulti- mately. I am equally unable to see any good or any strength we are gaining by our connection with them. Still I must say, and I own that the remark hears with full force upon myself, that it is very important we should not take the cause into our own hands, or do anything rashly for the sake of ease and deliverance ; lest we lose our own standing in the Lord's sight, he rejected of Him, and become ourselves monuments of His displeasure ! Nevertheless, I mostly incline to the opinion that the injunction will go forth, " Come out from among them, and he ye separate/ 5 The bottom of those people in Indiana is plainly seen, by their adopting the title of u Anti-slavery Friends." This is not Quaker ground : they have avowed a sectarian platform, have proved themselves sect-masters, though perhaps, in reality, they are not more so than those from whom they have seceded. But true Quakerism being " primitive Christianity revived," those who are in poss< •>- Bion of it, having come, as (Jcorgc Fox said, " into that power where men shall agree," have got beyond sects and parties, and have attained to that which comprehends all minor principles of religious rectitude, of moral reforma- tion, within itself. These stand upon a firm foundation, — aye, and a hroad one, too, even as hroad as the Truth itself, and are singularly quick of discernment respecting the branches from the same Root, and the motion of the same life, wherever it may appear; although such may be Blow to identify themselves with that Superfluous, sponta- neous growth, which overtops the root, and oppresses the life of the true Seed. 1 have inadvertently and unexpectedly blundered upon these remarks, which can he of little interest to thee. They L8 !•'>. | THOMAS B. 001 u>. 1 .7 have been produced by a train of reflections upon the "anti-slavery cause' 1 in general, into which I fell while penning thai incidental notice of the separation in Indiana. And now 1 musi say plainly, thai while I wholly disap- prove of the latter, there is much in the former, even Look- ing at it aside from the interest and welfare of the Blai which cannol fail to be deeply interesting to every true Quaker. .1 verily believe there is a motion of life among them, and thai if they could but know the "mystery of the holy silence/ 1 and be broughl into the experience of it, they would see a work to he performed, beyond the aboli- tion of outward honds ; and not only so. hut receive hea- venly qualifications, availingly to plead the cause of the oppressed. If there is anything here which thou thinkest likely to do harm, or hurt the feelings of any one. please exercise thy wonted care and prudence in the matter. I believe thou knowest how dearly I love, and how highly I esteem some dear Friends who have thought it right to take a more active part in these moral and benevolent works, than I ever found it my place to do. And what thinkest thou ? Has it not been, in some of these instances, a sort of preparatory dispensation for a greater work ? Thy sincere friend, T. B. Gould. To Joshua Maule. Newport, 12th month, 13th, 1843. .... "Without the least desire to affix a high stamp upon anything which flows from my pen, as well knowing it docs not merit it, and will not bear it ; yet I freely own to thee, that in receiving communications of this kind, it seems very desirable that some degree of the savor of life should attend them; something of that which renders us like an " epistle written in the heart," which can "be known and read of all men" who have come to " the minis- tration of the Spirit." This, it must be confessed, is no- thing less than " the hope of our calling ;" and if we were but obedient to it, if we were but engaged to wait for it, 178 LIVE AND LETTERS OF [1S43. even "until the Spirit be poured upon us from on high/' liow would it make the wilderness of this world like a fruit- ful field; and the desert — that which had been fruitful in nothing but briers and thorns — "to rejoice and blossom as the ros< But this would be considered mysticism by the wise and prudent of this degenerate day; especially if the idea con- veyed by the term life } and "the Bavor of Life*" were car-* ried out to its full extent ; seeing it is not supposed to be intelligible by them as applied to the ministry, much L< then to matters of minor importance, such as. compara- tively Bpeaking, I admit this kind of communication to lie. But I think thou, my dear brother* wilt agree with me, that we should be gainers by the experiment, if, while we profess to be led by the Spirit, we should apply that rule to the more ordinary concerns of life, so as to become ac- quainted with the motions of it : and having OUT spiritual faculties exercised by reason of use, we should he able to distinguish between the sweet savor of it, and the evil savor which is emitted whenever the "dead Hies are mingled in the ointment of the apothecary. " .... I note what thou sayest respecting your trials, as well as that in relation to the disaffected persons among you. Truly we are neither exempt from the one nor the other: and doubtless these things are permitted for our refinement, both individually and conventionally. As it regards our poor Society, let us view it from what point We may. it does manifestly appear to he in a truly mourn- ful condition; weakness ami degeneracy have come over it generally, hut of some places in particular it really seems a- if the language of the prophet was verified: "That which the palmer WOim hath left hath the locust eaten ; and that which the locust hath left hath the Canker worm eaten ; and that which the canker worm hath left hath the caterpillar eaten." Yea. they have k * laid the vine waste, and barked the fig-tree, making it clean hare," until there ma t<> l>e nothing left : not a "sherd t<> take fire from the hearth, or water withal out of the pit." And this is doubtless produced by individual unfaithfulness, together with an unsound and un>anctiiicd ministry, the withering 1 - J:',. ) THOMAS B. 80ULD, 1 1 9 effects of which I think are plainly apparent where it haa d, Buch have sown to the wind, and reap< 'I the whirlwind. On the contrary, where a living stream pel ministry haa been mercifully kepi open, more . more strength, ami more bfe appears; as in Philadelphia and ( >hio yearly meetings : ■ bui even tie "cm- to me, come short of the primitive times, of the brightness in which those bom of the morning, those stare the first magnitude in the firmament of the Lord's power, Bhone in their day. How far the circumstances of the times in which they lived, and the persona] Buffering which they endured, may have contributed to the wide dif- ference which, 1 think, is apparent, between the early Friends and the best modern ones, in respect to zeal, vigi- lance, and success in the cause and work of the Lord, it is not my intention to venture an opinion now. Still the cause is the same, the principles are the same, for truth changeth not ! And what they were in their day, they were by the power thereof. Neither have I any doubt but that there are some, yea. many, scattered about here and there, — although I fear these are, in comparison with others, " like one in a family or two in a tribe," — who stand in a measure of the same power in which the early Friends stood, are contending for the same principles, are walking by the same rule, and minding the same thing. But I am ready to conclude that the reason why so much difference appears, in regard to the success of modern laborers in the cause of truth, may be found in the darkness of the day and time in which we live. For, notwithstanding the loud boast of light and knowledge (and perhaps men never did, in any age, climb higher into the tree of head-knowledge), yet is it not, in respect to the true light and the living knowledge, a dark day, "a day of darkness and of gloominess, a day of clouds and thick darkness," wherein ''judgment is turned away backward, and truth is fallen in the streets, and equity cannot enter?" Truly equity cannot enter in the high places of Israel, so called, where they cry aloud, " The temple of the Lord, the temple of the Lord are * It is necessary to bear in mind the date of this remark. 180 LIFE AND LETTERS OF [1843. these!" Judgment is turned away backward, and justice is excluded! He thai departetfa from iniquity is sure to make himself a prey, while they that tempt the Lord, by boasting of His authority, arc even, to all human appear- ance delivered! Surely the Lord will vi>it for these things, either sooner or later! Neither Bis justice nor J lis judgments will sleep forever! Whether it be in our day or not, I believe He will yel cause proclamation to be made, as among the Gentiles, to "prepare for war." to w *wake up the mighty men:" that Jle will issue His in- junction and commission to the men of war, to come up, "as in days of old, and as in former years, " against the mighty; and that JIc will require them to beat their ploughshares into swords, and their pruning-hookfl into spears, and enable the weak to say, " 1 am strong." . . . Thy affectionate brother, Thomas B. Gould. 18 18. ] Tih'M MS !■. GOULD. 181 CII A PTEB I V TnB promoters of innovation continued for some time to cherish the hope of influencing Thomas B. Gould, by motives of "fear, favor, or affection," bo as to induce him to forego his conscientious convictions in regard to the Bchism which he saw was imminent in the Society, and unite with them in their measures. But finding him not to be moved thereby, but increasingly firm and undaunted in opposition to the evil practices by which the new views were promoted in the Society, the leaders of the party in Newport proceeded, in 1843, to institute disciplinary pro- ceedings against him, as out of unity with the body. This expression, about that time, was frequently perverted to the purpose of vilifying at an easy rate any against whom no tenable, direct, or specific charge could be produced, but whose steady adherence to their testimony against the removal of our ancient landmarks seriously obstructed these unhallowed advances towards change, and must be put out of the way. The manner in which T. B. Gould was treated by those in authority at this time (no less than the treatment and disownment of John Wilbur by the same party, a short time before), was disgraceful to persons claiming to act for any professing Christian Church. They finally suc- ceeded in disowning him, though not until, by the separa- tion which their party had themselves already effected in Rhode Island Quarterly Meeting and its monthly meetiii they had cut off all their own rightful claim to act on be- half of the Society, or to be considered as constituting a portion of its true members. Several years afterwards, in compliance with the expressed desire of some for dis- tinct information on the subject, T. B. Gould wrote a de- 16 182 LIFE AND letters OF [1844. tailed statement of these strangely irregular proceedings insl hiii). which will be Been in the following letter to Y. \\\. and in one afterwards written i<» a friend in Ohio : -nine parte of the latter having been omitted, to avoid repetition of portions Sufficiently elucidated in the former. These letter.-, though referring to events of 1843 and 1*44, were written after his visit to Ohio, ten years after- wards, which will account for some allusions to matt appearing here out of the order of date-. From T. B. Got u> to Y. W . Newport, 11th mo., 9tb, 18 Mv DEAR FRIEND: Thy kind letter of the Oth inst. is just received, and although pressed for time and much indisposed, I hasten to answer thy inquiries respecting the time and manner of proceeding against me, in order to my disownment by those, who, before they had accomplished their avowed object in seeking to make me aii offender, themselves went off in a body from Rhode Island Quarterly and Monthly Meetings, and, according to the decision of Philadelphia Yearly Meeting, set up separate meetings, in violation of the order, and contrary to the discipline of New England Yearly Meeting, and of the Society of Friends. Thou askest : " With what offence wast thou charged, and when':" — which it is somewhat difficult for me to answer at this distance of time, as I kept no record at the time, and as the charges made by the overseers of Newport Preparative Meeting, during the only official visit which I ever received from them both, as such, were so indefinite, and so often changed, and went hack during so long a period, — no less than six years (although during all that time I had never keen BO much as admonished by them, or, until very near the time of which I am now speaking, by any others, concerning any [alleged ] misdemeanor) ; and for the additional reason, that they would neither tell me Certainly whether they should carry a charge against me to the next preparative meeting, nor yet, in terms, what it was to he, if they carried one, which they said they "probably 18 I I.] Til".M 18 B, G01 LD. 1 B8 should do.' 1 But they did it not, and bo I concluded it given over \'<>v one month, as nothing was Baid ab< it in the preparative meeting, which I attended ; and ac- i i oul with my wife to attend the next monthly meeting, then held about eight miles from Newport. But were unable to reach there, by reason of our attempt- ing to go in a sleigh : tin* sleighing being good in the town, but on getting a few miles out of town we found the Bnow bo much drifted, and the roads bo bare, that we could not reasonably proceed, and had to turn back ; and before we could have changed our vehicle, &c, and have reached the meeting-house, it would have been bo late in the day, and the meeting ><> nearly over, that I felt easiest, under the cnmstances, not to make a second attempt. And bo they availed themselves of my absence from the monthly meeting, and carried their complaint into it, without its r having been laid before the preparative meeting in any shape. This manner of proceeding was strongly objected to, as irregular, by some of my strongest opposers ; they said it would be taken advantage of by me; but the clerk, who was also one of -the overseers of Newport, and bitterly opposed to me, insisted on its being entered on the minutes, alleging, as I was told, that it was a favorable time, and Buch as might not occur again, the individual being absent ; and so it was done, and a joint committee of men and women appointed to labor with me. This was in the Becond month, 1844; and thou canst judge whether this manner of proceeding was regular or not. I had never known, and the oldest and most experienced mem- bers of this monthly meeting had never before known of a complaint or charge being carried to the monthly meeting, except through the medium of the preparative, until now ! The committee so appointed had repeated opportunities with me, during a period of nine months. The first and second time they visited me, I think they did not bring a copy of the charge with them; at any rate, they would not produce it, if they did, neither did they seem to know what the charge was. .Hut as I insisted upon knowing distinctly what was charged against me, the next time they came, they brought What they said was a true copy of it ; but 184 LIFE AND LETTERS OF [1844. they refused at the same time to let me see it ! Baying "It was sufficient for them to know what Friends had against me. n I still urged my right to see it. One of them, who was scarcely capable of reading printed matter correctly, said lie would read it to me. I asked him to let me read it myself. He said I might look over his shoulder and read it, but he could not let me have it in my hand. I asked, " Why not '.' did they suppose I would deface it, destroy it. or retain possession of it against their wishes?" He said, kfc No; they had entire confidence in my honor and integrity! but 1). 1>." (the clerk of the monthly meeting, and the bitterest of the two overseers of Newport Prepara- tive Meeting, and a very active member of the yearly meeting's committee also), "had told him not to let me have it by any means." And they treated me so un- reasonably and unhandsomely in this interview, that I declined any further intercourse with them, as a com- mittee, at that time, unless they would pursue a different course : and I did leave the parlor and shut the door after me when I went out, for it was cold weather ; but I did not go out pettishly nor hastily, and I had also other good reasons for going out, which I did not think needful to mention to them. Neither did this end that interview, for they followed me into the back part of the house, where, for some reason or other, they had chosen to enter at first, and from whence I had invited them to go into the parlor, which they seemed reluctant to do, although my wife was sweeping when they came into the dining-room, and sat down, seeming resolved to stay there, though I told them I could not endure the dust, which was yet un- settled, and they all knew I was suffering with asthma. But this made no difference to them. Indeed they seemed throughout, to delight in causing me to suffer in every way in their power. After they came out of the parlor into the dining-room, I had occasion to remind one of them of Something he had said, while we were together in the meeting-house yard, at a certain time; whereupon he promptly denied it, and, in a very irreverent manner, made use of the >acred name, appealing to his Maker vehemently and repeatedly, exclaiming, " God Almighty L844 thom ! u>. 185 kimws thai I aever said - He had told me thai the 31 desire he had, was to have me disowned, on mi of my intimacy and unity with J. Wilbur, and also on account of my disunity with and opposition to J. J. whom he at the same time represented as a superior being! I now cautioned him against denying it, l distinctly remembered what he had said; and let him know that hia manner of doing it was equivalent to the taking of an oath: thai it was a very wrong and incon tent thing to swear at all. and that it was doubly SO to tar falsely. He said he knew it, but that he would do and went on with his appeals to his Maker, in a way which ry painful and fearful to hoar. There were ■ other men, and two females of the committee present. One of the latter was in the station of a minister. She and one of the other men, as well as this man, are all Bine d. and there is now hut one member of the tmittee alive and in possession of her mental powers : she at that time had not long been a member of the So- ciety, and was wholly silent throughout. They had several interviews with me after this, pursu- ing me through a long and very severe attack of illness, which brought me near to the grave. Sometimes when they came, I said little or nothing to them, not feeling at liberty so to do; then they would report to the monthly meeting. u that the young man was somewhat meliorated; that they were in hopes his sickness would be of use to him, and that he would be induced to make an acknow- ledgment/' And so they kept the case along during nine months, not disowning me until the day that the separa- tion took place in this monthly meeting, and after it had taken place. During all this time, they refused to let me the charge, unless I had consented to see it upon con- ditions and under circumstances which I did not feel easy to submit to. And yet one of the committee did in a roundabout way let my wife see a paper which he said was the charge, which was to this effect : " that the over- seers of Newport Preparative Meeting had several tine (and this was untrue), 4i treated with T. B. Gould, for having manifested himself out of unity with Friends in all 16 ■■"■ 186 LIFE AND LETTERS OF [1844. the meetings of discipline of which he is a member, and also for haying charged the overseer- of Newport with being actuated 1>\ a spirit of envy and malice." Nowit availed me nothing, to be able to show that I had a right to ex- press a different sentiment or judgment from those who bore rule in meetings for discipline, or that their doings were inconsistent in themselves, and with our principles and discipline. And in regard to the latter part of the charge, 1 had merely stated, as a reason why a. charge which was brought against another Friend ought not to he entered <>n the minutes of the preparative meeting, or to he sent to the monthly meeting, — that one of the over- seers v, ho brought it had admitted to me, that the other overseer had been actuated bv an envious and malicious spirit against the Friend complained of, and that being conscious of having the power to do it, lie was resolved to have him disowned. Thou askest whether I "ever felt or expressed to any Friend, uneasiness for that which was made the ground of their dealings with me?" To "which I can answer, that according to the best recollection I have, I never did either fee! or express any uneasiness with it. I never doubted its rectitude, or made anything like an acknowledgment to the overseers or the committee; although in conversa- tion respecting these things I may possibly have admitted, some time or other, that it was probable I might have con- ducted the defense more wisely than I did, but I never thought it would have made the least difference as to the result. Indeed one of the overseers told me, that those who united with J. J. G. were determined that I should be disowned at all events! This overseer was rather a clever, hut not a very shrewd man, and was, I believe, really unwilling that 1 should he disowned, although he seemed incapable of pursuing a straightforward course, or of understanding why I was unwilling to make an acknow- ledgment to them, or to the committee, for having done what 1 believed to have been required of me. lie is not now living. He sought repeated opportunities with me, without the knowledge, as he said, of the other overseer of Out preparative meeting, to try to induce me to satisfy 1844.] THOMAS B. GOULD. I S? his colleague; whom I knew I could no1 satisfy, unless I e up the whole ground of my testimony against th< w rone things, which he owned to me constituted the whole cause ^i' their proceedings against me. For he told me plainly, that be was satisfied 1 had acted conscientiously; and not only so, bul said he, "Thou bast been exemplary and consistent with thy profession from thy childhood to this day; everybody knows that; and I am willing to acknowledge it :" adding, " But thee knows that were are many Friends who are determined tp have thee dis- owned; 1 am not one of them, but D. B." (the other irseer) k *is and they have the power to do it!" I asked him, " If they were convinced of my integrity, and if I had always been exemplary and consistent with our profession, what they were treating with me as an offender for?' 1 "Why," said he, "they look upon thee as a main spoke in the wheel of opposition to J. J. Grurney, and as being likely to bring about a separation in the Society: and unless thee ceases to oppose his sentiments, and will make an acknowledgment, and satisfy Friends for what thee has said against him and his writings, they are determined to disown thee." I told him, " that so far from seeking to produce a separation, the object of my labor and concern had been to prevent it, by opposing the introduction and adoption of unsound sentiments, and the inconsistent and disorderly practices consequent upon their dissemination; knowing as I did that a departure from first principles would lead those who departed into a separation from the Society; which I had labored to pre- vent, in the ability received, being very sincerely desirous that Friends might continue to be united in the ancient faith and principles of the Society, and fully convinced that the adoption of new principles would produce a sepa- ration, provided any portion of the members stood faithful to the ancient standard." But he said, the great body of Society were united with J. J. Gurney, &c, and he would advise me "to stick to the body, right or wrong !" "Why," said he, " if Rowland Green, Thomas Anthony, and John Meader, were to advise me to do a thing which I knew to be wrong, I should do it ! I like to pin my faith upon tin 4 188 LIFB AND LBTTJSRfi OF [1844. sleeves of such men as they are. And why can't thee do it'.' I sec a great many tiling done which I know arc wrong; bul I do as they tell me to do, and theyxnu&l take the responsibility !" So much for this overseer : and the committee were not one whit sounder or more reason- able, and much less moderate and civil. A short time before the overseers of Newport visited me, I received a visit from Edward Wing and Asa Sher- man, who stood in the station of overseers of another ]>re- parative meeting; and upon their saying that they had come to have an opportunity with me, I. asked in what Capacity they had come? They said, w *as overseers/' Whereupon I queried whether they had not come too soon; adding, the overseers of, Newport Preparative Meet- ing, to which I belong, have never yet bo much as admo- nished me. They affected to express surprise at this, and Edward Wing immediately replied, "We came as members of the quarterly meeting s committee." — "But thou art not a member of that committee," said I. "Well then/' .-aid lie, "we came as members of the yearly meeting's commit To which L replied, "Asa Sherman is not a member of that, — hut no matter: what is the occasion of your coming ?" — (for I saw it was unavailing to stand upon technicalities, Edward having resumed, u Wc came as overseers, and as members of the quarterly and yearly meeting's committees, all three !") — To which Edward replied, " Friends were much dissatisfied with what thee Said in the quarterly meeting the other day." — " What did I say, Edward, which gave Friends uneasiness?" — "Oh," said he, w * I cannot tell what thee said; thee knows what thee said, and we Want thee to make an ac- knowledgment for it. Thee said a great deal ; thee used a great many words, and we know thy memory is id, and we can believe what thee says. Now we want thee to tell us what thee .-aid, and to make an acknow- ledgment for it, and then we Bball know !" I endeavored to show them the unreasoiiahleness of their coming to treat with me as an offender, for something which 1 had Said in our quarterly meeting (for business), without their knowing what it was, and then calling upon me to hear 18 1 I. | THOMAS I:. GOULD. I s ' 1 witi inst myself, which T told them no man, nol n a criminal, was bound to do. Bui Edward, not the force of this in any respect, continued t<> urge me to tell them what I did say; gratuitously in- Forming me how vn-v candid and honest they considered me to be, and how implicitly they would rely upon my giving them the very words which had been used; and withal repeating the declaration, that I had Baid a irrt-M t deal, had used a great many words, &c. Whereupon I appealed to Asa Sherman, who had been silent hitherto, to know whether he could say that 1 had said a great deal, or used many words, in the quarterly meeting at the time referred to. To which lie replied, that he could not Bay that I used many words; hut added, " Sometimes there is a great deal said in ;i few word-:" and immediately added. " I must confess that I felt more dissatisfied with what thee said in the monthly meeting, than with what thee Baid in the quarterly meeting." I then asked what I said in the monthly meeting, which gave him uneasiness? " Why," said he, " thee used Bevere and violent language there." — "What was the language, Asa?" — "Why, thee said that Simeon and Levi were brethren, that instruments of cruelty were in their habitations, and thee went on and quoted the whole passage!" — "Did I quote it correctly, Asa?" — "Oh, . very correctly." — " And thou callest that severe and violent language, dost thou?" — "Yes," said he, "I do; Felt it very keenly." To which I merely answered, " It was the language of the patriarch Jacob, and by thy acknowledgment, correctly quoted ; and if you felt the force of it, or deemed the language violent, I don't know that I am to be blamed for it." They immediately changed their plan of operations, and commenced fawning upon me, telling me how much they loved me and esteemed me, and that if I would only renounce J. Wilbur, and get out from under his clutches, and have unity with them and J. J. Gurney, what a fine Friend I should be, and how they would promote me to great honor, kc. ; all which had no more effect to induce me to change my course than the other ; and they soon after took their departure, 100 LIFE AND LETTERS OF [1844. with the assurance of abundance Of love and goOd-will ; not having brought anything against me, so far as I can recollect, except what 1 have here mentioned. 1 had quoted the language of Jacob in the monthly meet- ing, upon the occasion of a minute of disownment having been made against a Friend, who, by the confession of one of the overseers, had been dealt with in a Spirit of envy and malice. And the evidence of the truth of tins asser- tion was most abundant, although I never so charged them at all: but they Wrested the words which I had used, so as to bring it against me in such form as best suited them and their purposes. About the same time that I received the above-mentioned t from the overseers of Portsmouth Preparative Meet- ing, and before the overseers of Newport took up my case, it was brought up in the tided preparative meeting, and an attempt was made to enter my name, as a delinquent, upon their minutes, and to get a committee of that meeting (of which I was not a member) appointed, to labor with me, as I was informed; and they also tried to induce my father to serve on this committee. Put he told them that as I was not a member of that meeting, they had no right to enter my name en their minutes as a delinquent"; and steadily declining to have anything to do with the mea- sure, which was no doubt intended as a double snare for liinu they finally seemed to give it up, and the meeting broke up. But my father was no sooner well in his chaise, and gone out of the meeting-house yard, on his way home, than the rest of the select members returned into the meeting-house and resumed the subject; and having thus got rid of my father, they deputed a female elder, who was a relative of mine by marriage, and one of the shrewdest of their number, to take an opportunity with me. And she BOOB after sent me a message that she wanted to see me. 1 was very unwell when .1 received it, and scarcely able to walk : but suspecting what the nature of her con- cern was, 1 thought I would make an effort to go and her at the time specified, as >he was much my senior, and the ground so covered with ice that she could not come to me; and I feared, if I went not. however poorly I was, 1844.] THOU M9 B. aouLD. 191 tli.it 1 should be charged with omitting it from un- worthy motive. Upon my going in, she manifested some mu'I . and confusion also; for she must have I 'li- able 1 was unfit to be out ; and she seemed under con- siderable embarrassment in opening the subject; but finally I me that Bhe had been appointed at their last Bel preparative meeting, to convey to me the feeling of the select Friends respecting myself. I inquired, "At the meeting, cousin Hannah?" "Yes, at the last/ 1 - Why, my father was present, and informed me that there was no Buch committee appointed at that time.' 1 This increased her embarrassment, and she was fain to come out with an account of the informal manner in which it 3 done, as above related. However, she said that there a abundance of concern manifested for my advancement and encouragement in every good word and work; that the select Friends were unanimous in this desire ; that they did not wish to throw the least obstruction in my way ; but still they felt dissatisfied with what I had expressed in the public meeting, when a certain minister from a neighbor- ing meeting was present ; they thought it was not in har- mony and unison with what he had expressed; and there had been one other occasion, in which my public commu- nication had given concern to Friends ; and that it was evident there was not that degree of love and unity, and harmony in exercise, and concern with the body of Society, in a general way. as would be very desirable : but that she was instructed to inform me, on behalf of the select mem- bers of this monthly meeting, that if I would be careful not to say anything in public which might seem to clash with what Moses II. Beede, John Meador, and such Friends id, and to cultivate more intercourse, and manifest more unity with them, that there was nothing stood in the way of my promotion to the extent of my desire ! &c. But I told her, that I had never been seeking after honor or promotion from man ; that if I were at liberty to seek for it. I was not ignorant what course would seem most likely to insure it; that I had done that only which I had been convinced was my duty to do, and therein had found peace ; and could not shape my course, and unite with things which 192 LIFE AND LETTERS OF [1844. I was convinced were wrong, for the sake either of case or preferment, or to please any man, or body of men; being satisfied that those who Bought to please men could not be the servants of Him whose kingdom 18 not of this world, &C. We had much plain talk upon the subject, hut the above includes the whole of what was alleged against me; and it is not a little remarkable that, although 1 Avas raised Up in a public testimony for the truth, in the very midst of great secret opposition at least, and of a powerful, per- secuting spirit, yet those two occasions were the only ones of a public nature which were ever objected to, so far as I know, by any of those people, or indeed by any other. If there has been dissatisfaction felt, it has never been men- tioned to me, or come to my knowledge; and I attended meeting constantly with those people five years after my first appearance in that line; although it is true that in that day such appearances were by no means frequent. On one of the occasions which she referred to, the minister who was at our meeting had been hammering at great length about love, and unity, and charity, seeming to make that all in all, although it was manifest that the " love of God" was not by any means " perfected" in him; and after he had been done a suitable time, I quoted the pas- sage, "Except your righteousness shall exceed the righte- ousness of the Scribes and Pharisees, ye shall in nowise enter the kingdom of heaven," showing in Svhat that king- dom consisted, where it was designed to be, and upon whose shoulders the government was to rest, and unto whom the gathering of the people was to be. But this offer of pre- ferment seemed to be the last attempt to gain me over to them, by such as were initiated and understood the de- signs of the leaders; and was most probably made merely to reconcile some of the more moderate and less knowing ones to the measures which were very soon after instituted, to disown him whom they could not induce to bow even with the offer of " honors, offices, and places. " There is one question which thou hast put to me, which remains to he answered, to wit : " When was the testimony offered?" Now I do not exactly understand to what tes- timony thou alludest herein. If to a testimony of denial 1 1. ] Tiro* ka i !i'. or disownment, I can only Bay thai the BrcH knowl< I had cb a testimony having been issued against me, n by the separatists, occurred in Ohio Yearly Meeting, the other day ; when a man, Zadoc Street, held ap a pa] and declared that it was a testimony of disownment agai me ; but no Buch thing was ever offered to me at anytime! 1 was raerelv informed, by a person who chanced to m< me in the Btreet in L844, that 1 had been disowned by t! last monthly meeting ; to which I replied, that 1 had never in a member of their meeting; bin that Rhode Island Monthly Meeting had fully exonerated me from the charj which Borne of those who had separated themselves from it. and Bel up a now meeting of their own, out of the order of the Society, had prepared against me ; and had dismissed the case from the minutes, and restored me to my rights ami privileges a- a member, pf which those WhO had now- manifested themselves to he seceders had for a time been permitted to deprive me. Although I felt hound to endeavor to maintain the ground upon which I stood, with firmness, yet I had also thought it right to submit to their requisitions, however unreasonable or unkind, except in such cases as I thought would involve a compromise of principle. I never refused a visit from them at any time, however inconvenient or unsuitable; though I believe my wife did refuse to let them me once or twice, during my very severe illness, without my knowledge, she not judging it to be at all safe or pro- per, and she knew best what was proper for me at that time; yet, after I got somewhat better, I thought best to consent to see them before she thought it suitable for me: but I was made willing to suffer, and did endeavor to do BO patiently: and I am confident that I was enabled to keep, in a good degree, both in the patience and in the faith also, even that faith which is victorious, though it be through Buffering. Now, having given thee this long account, I fear it may prove tedious to thee; but I could not in any other way have made thee so fullv sensible of the nature of those spirits which I had to contend with. It was, however, fre- quently manifest that the power of truth came over them, IT 1!>4 LIFE AND LETTERS OF [1844. and they could not gainsay what was uttered in its behalf; and they often seemed to be at their wits' end, not know- ing well what to do or say next : but then they would fall back upon the power which they possessed, and to which emed resolved that every knee should bom th of 1 lth mo. Thou will sec by the date of the previous sheet, that I commenced it immediately upon the reception of thine, although 1 was much unwell and unfit for writing, neither could 1 write much at a time; and bo, what is before Written was done at intervals, and was several days in hand. When reading it over, I could see the want of method, and that Iliad gone too much into detail; and fearing it would be as tedious to thee as it is unsatisfac- tory to myself, I thought I would let it lie by me, until I felt well enough to re-write and abridge it. But seeing no prospect of being able soon to do this, I have concluded to let thee have the perusal of it, and when thou hast made such corrections of misstatements with regard to the matter, as thou mayst see fit, I would thank thee to return these two sheets to me; and therefore enclose two postage stamps, to enable thee to do so without expense to thyself. This request is not founded upon any lack of confidence in thy integrity or prudence, but upon its being the only record of these things which I have ; and since such record has been made, I would rather have it returned to me again, when the purpose for which thou so kindly requested it has been answered. And I would rather thou did not hand these sheets much about, on account of the bungling manner in which thev are written, &c. Mv health has been very poor since my return : my throat and lungs are in a sad state. An almost incessant and dis- tressing cough, great difficulty of breathing, reduction of strength, and very little appetite, so that I am mostly Confined to the house and to my room; though I do some- time to meeting: but the prospect of better health in future looks discouraging, and when, if ever, I shall be able to accomplish what 1 had in prospect in the State of New York, seems doubtful. Still I have not as vet been 1844.] THOMAS B. OOULD. L9fl able i" Peel a release From the burden of the concern. Bui when we had gol through in Philadelphia and Jersey, my way closed up, as regard id proceeding to Neif fork, and I thought best to return directly home, and attend our quarterly meeting and meeting for Bufferings; t ( > which last I felt particularly drawn for divers reasons, one of which was my being clerk of that meeting. My dear companion too found it necessary for him to return home, On account of his own ill health and affairs at home, and I could not think of going on alone. I had also e;<><>d rea>on to acknowledge the L r, ><»d hand of the Lord herein, as well as in previously leading us about and instructing us, from dav to da v. in the way v. herein He would have us to go; po that I hope no harm was done to that good and glorious cau]>irit A- there was so much said in Ohio about the matter of my disownment by the separatists, and as they continue to render me so notorious by repeatedly publishing my name in print as a disowned person, cVc, I feci inclined to tell thee a, little of the manner in which it was effected, and let thee judge for thyself of the similarity of the proceed- ings with those in thy brother's case: and if thou thinkest it would he of any service, or afford the least encourage- ment to him, thou niayst send it, or a copy of it, to him, with the assurance of my near sympathy and true love in the fellowship of Buffering for the cause sake. Truly he is seldom out of my mind, although personally unknown; and I do sincerely and earnestly desire, that he and the dear Friends who have stood by him hitherto, may be en- abled to stand and maintain the ground they have taken, and be preserved from making any unnecessary conces- sions to the Gurneyite power, or any compromises with it ! . . . . Indiana Yearly Meeting was not only previously and entirely governed by a wholly arbitrary power, but has since fully identified itself with the separatists in Ohio! Hut I will proceed to the account of my own case; and in the first place I will say, that from the time I openly manifested uneasiness with the unsound doctrines of J. J. Q-urney, when he first came to this yearly meeting in 1838, his partisans gave out that I ought to be disowned for it, and sought secretly to prepare the way for it. and to have me treated with by the overseers. Bui it so happened that the overseers [at that time] of Newport Preparative Meeting, to which 1 belonged, had unity with me in my testimony against J. el. G., and would not do the bidding 1 - 18. ] THOMAS B. GOULD. 197 the clerk of the monthly meeting, who was b Btrong Gurnevite and a member of the yearly meeting's com- mittee, or take their advice to call in the aid of the over- >f Portsmouth Preparative, who were both Gurney- itea ; and bo the clerk of the monthly meeting, wh< name was D. T>., no doubt under the advice, or with the concurrence of the yearly meeting's committee (who were all Gurneyites to a main, set himself to wort to have the srseers of Newport removed, and to gel himself and another man who would do their bidding, appointed in the place of the old overseers. But it took them several years to accomplish this their purpose, for Rhode Island Monthly Meeting at that time, according to the admission or decla- ration of the clerk, was about equally divided on the sub- ject : and not only so, but in the mean time they took up John Wilbur's case, which kept them very busy for a long time, furnishing them full employment; and during this time also I asked for a certificate to proceed in marriage, which by our discipline tied their hands for a while; and after we were married, they tried for a while to see what effect they could have upon me, by changing their tactics, and showing much attention to my wife, in order as I sup- pose to gain her over to them. But finding her immovable, and having succeeded in removing the old overseers, and getting David Buffum, and Jethro F. Mitchell, appointed as such, and also in disposing of John Wilbur's case, and as they thought getting rid of him, they proceeded to lay a dear friend of mine, a member of this particular meeting, under dealing, upon a charge of unbecoming behavior in meet- ing; which being interpreted, was declared to be a want of unity with J. J. Gurney and Moses H. Beede, who was then a member of this meeting also. This was in 1842 and 1843, and from 1838 until this time, I had never, nor in the course of my whole life, been so much as admonished respecting any misdemeanor by any member, either offi- cially or otherwise. Still, in an underhand way, and behind my back, D. B., and all the Gurneyites great and small, had been doing and saying everything in their power to lessen my influence and destroy my religious character; declaring, wherever and whenever they thought it would 17* 108 LIFE AND LETTERS OF [1848. do, that I ought to be disowned; that the thing they most wished was to bave toe disowned, but that they did not how to get hold of me, &c. So thai in laving my friend, T. P. N., under dealing, I doubted not they ex- pected, through my advocacy of his o;t>e. to get hold of me: and accordingly, soon after he was disowned^ I was called on one day by Edward Wing and A -a Sherman, overseers of Portsmouth Preparative Meeting, a branch of R. I. Monthly Meeting. . . . [See letter to V. W.] Very Boon after this assurance that nothing but obedi- ence and harmonizing with that party, stood in the way of my promotion to great honor, I received an official visit from David Buffum and Jcthro P. Mitchell, the [new] overseers of Newport, in good earnest. They would not Bpecify what they had against me, except in the general declaration that " I was out of unity with the body ;" neither did they make any effort in any way for my resto- ration : but David Buffum, who was the chief speaker, treated me in a very haughty and imperious manner, say- ing that they intended to carry a complaint against me to the next preparative meeting. He said bo repeatedly, in great heat. L asked him what sort of a complaint they meant to carry ; but he would not tell me. saying it was sufficient for them to know ! I then asked, how I could be expected to answer to an unknown charge, or how they could know that 1 was unable to disprove it, or show it to be groundless \ They said, or rather D. B. said, that they knew well enough, and so did I. I pressed my right to Bee and know distinctly what was charged against me, before they carried a complaint to the preparative meet- ing. They would not, while together, give me any assu- rance that they would let me see it : but I). B. finally Bald, that they would not say positively that they would carry one to the next meeting, but that it was probable they should do so ; and so they left. But J. F. M., who was the more moderate of the two. and the mere tool of the Other, came back alone, and told me that he would try to let me know, before the preparative meeting, whether they would carry a complaint to it, and also to In m." see it [See letter to Y. W., I84i Til' !.I». ccounl of J, \ : . M. > visits alone. Speaking of one of these, after defending himself from the charge of ihing to promote a separation, he on as follows] : I lc said he did not doubt my sincerity, or that I belies ed it was my duty to do as 1 had done ; but that I ought to submit to the judgment and take the advice of my friends. 1 asked him ii Buch could be supposed to be my friends, who had been seeking underhandedly, for five years, to destroy my religious character, and to deprive me of my right as a member of the Society, and saying whenever and wherever they thought it would bear, that the thing they most desired was to have me disowned ; and yet had never given me any advice upon the subject, all the time they had manifested such uneasiness with me behind my back! Was this friendly ? Could such as these be my friends '.' What would 1 gain, save the loss of my own peace of mind, by condemning, according to his own ac- knowledgment, a conscientious and consistent course, for the sake of pleasing or satisfying such as himself had also acknowledged had neither acted conscientiously nor con- sistently ; and such, too, as had certainly given their sup- port and countenance to the introduction and promulga- tion of unsound doctrines and wrong practices? Why, he said, that I ought to pin my faith upon their sleeve, that he did so himself; that he knew there were many wrong things in the Society, there always had been ; but that if the members of the yearly meeting's committee, such men as Rowland Green, John Meader, and others whom he named, were to advise him to do what he knew to be wrong, he would do it ! and let them take the re- sponsibility ! But I let him know, that my faith in the power of any man, or body of men, to release me from re- sponsibility and accountability for my own conduct, was not near so elastic or so blind as his appeared to be. And a great deal more of this sort passed between him and me, and the committee which was afterwards appointed to treat with me also [See letter to Y. W., for an account of the case being brought before the monthly meeting.] . . . Towards evening of the day on which their monthly meeting was held, I was standing in 200 LIFE AND LETTERS OF [1844. the door of my father's house, which opened on the street, as the mail-stage passed by into the town. In the stage was a man, who, I afterwards learned, had been that day appointed one of the committee to treat with me : and upon seeing me stand there, he threw up his hands, and cut up strange antics, calling out loudly, and apparently speaking to me, though I could not hear what he said as he rattled by in the stage, which was full of people, not members ; but I understood by his actions that he was very much pleased ! — and I told my wife that I had no doubt they had at length accomplished the design they had long entertained, of placing my name as an offender on the minutes of the monthly meeting. And sure enough, it was not long before this man came to my house, and said, the committee wished to have an oppor- tunity with me that morning ; which I consented to grant them ; and he with the other two men, and two women, accordingly came [See letter to Y. AY. for the details of the committee's visits.] They had many opportunities with me dur- ing a period of* several months that they kept my case along. In this time I was very ill indeed, and they did not hesitate to pursue me when I was too sick to see any company, and my life was despaired of by my friends and my physician. Some of their offers to visit me during this period my wife rejected, without my knowledge, for prudential reasons. But when I knew of their wish to see me, I always consented to it, as long as they pleased, after the first interview. Sometimes I said very little to them, not feeling raised up to do so, or, in other words, qualified for it. Then they would report to the monthly meeting, as I was told, that the young man was very much " meliorated," that bis illness had been of service to him, and that they were in hopes he would make an acknow- ledgment! And so they had my case depending from month to month, and did not make a minute against me until after the separation had occurred in Swanzey -Monthly Meeting, in Rhode Island Quarterly Meeting, and also in Rhode [sland Monthly Meeting ; which, as sustained by Friends, dismissed my case from the minutes, and restored L] THOMAS i i.l>. me to my - and prn i member in unity an adjournment of the monthly meeting. hold that The Bepai on the same day, pretended t<> disown from their meeting, although I had never been :i meml of it TnoMAfl l>. Gould. To John Wilbur. Ni:w PORT, 1st nm., Ttli. 1 - 1 I. My DEAR FRIBND : 1 really hope that our correspondence may no! cease, though it' it BhoulcL, 1 trust we shall continue to be epistles written in each other's hearts ; and then it mat- ters little how things arc as to the outward: for with the hidden fellowship and the inward life, outward Bigns bear Mnall comparison, except as they proceed from and are produced by it; when indeed they are truly pleasant, and often prove "like apples of gold in pictures of silver." We have heard with much concern of the illness of thy dear wife, and feel anxious to hear from thee more par- ticularly of her state. Really it does seem as if we were likely to be tried on all hands ; those who are dear to us, and to whom Ave have been accustomed to look for sympathy, and who have often ministered to our necessi- ties, and also to our encouragement, are either removed or being taken from us, while the combat thickens, and the strife increases. But He, whose the cause is. and for whom stand in jeopardy every hour, knoweth best what is : for us, and will doubtless cause all things to work together for our good, as our reliance is unreservedly placed upon Him . . . The difficulties in the Society have been so noised about in the town, and have produced such an excitement therein, that we have much work with the townspeople, who stop us at the corners of the streets, to inquire into the cause of it. When so inquired of, I have frequently thought fit to answer these sober inquiries, although 1 havt not yet pursued the plan of our adversaries, to go round and drum people up, and hunt them down, in order to 202 LIFE AND LETTERS OF [1844. make interest with them and to proselyte them ; neverthe- less I can bo1 trust and believe that the witness for truth in the hearts of some of these, who are tumid as in the highways and hedges, ha* etimes been reached, and that they have been thereby convinced, "that He who is with as is more than is with them," notwithstanding all their lond boasting. A Baptist minister here lately took an opportunity With father, and afterwards with me, to express his sympathy with as. He told me that he very much desired to hit upon Borne plan of reconciliation be- tween the parties, and that those who did remain upon the ancient foundation of true Quakerism should he relieved from their sufferings, and restored to their rights and pri- vileges, and the others should forbear their tyranny and renounce their errors, that so we might he spared the reproach of an open Bchism. He thought a fair investi- gation, a reference to impartial arbiters, whose decision by mutual agreement should be binding, — and if such could not he found in the Society, to put it out to godly men of other persuasion- — would he useful; and asked me if I was willing he should propose it to the other party, with whom he is acquainted, and to whom, lie said, he had Btrongly recommended moderation! I could not help smiling at this, and told him I was quite -willing he should make the proposition, provided he did it on his own re- sponsibility : but that it would he in vain, that the breach could not be BO healed, neither would such a measure be in accordance with our principles; that avc were quite willing to Buffer in this cause whatever they might he permitted to inflict, although it should extend to excommunication itself (for a time) from a Society which we dearly loved; relying upon Him, whose the cause is, for our final deliv- erance and justification, which, in His time, we were fully persuaded, He would show, &c. To which he emphatically replied, k * You have not come to that experience but through deep suffering; they do not feel SO ! ' I thought there Was BOme life in this answer. " It really did me good to hear it," as John Roberts said of the old Bishop. What a pity it is, these goodly people keep up such a noise and bustle, as to be much strangers to the true L844.] Til l.h. - William Penn -aid. to the "mystery of the j Bilen rod how much more passing Btrange, that do not kiKNN , thai [srael doth riot coAside 1 sometimes think, yea, often, thai the former, who, in in with the latter, may not perhaps improperly be railed "publicans," will enter the kingdom, will under- ,(1 the myst( fore them! For the Lord can call (and will He not call?) those that arc not, as those that arc T. B. (in, ld. In writing to Ethan Foster, under date of 1st mo. 15th, 1844, 1 : — In the immediate prospect before me, of being deprived <»f my rights ami privileges in a Society which I dearly love, which are as precious a- ever in the general, however they may be viewed in this particular section of it. — I can Bay, without boasting, that I feci much quietness ami peace, am ready to count it all joy, and to be thankful that I am permitted to suffer in this cause, although it should extend to the final loss of all, which, as to the out- ward connection with the Society, I hold most dear. Farewell. From T. B. G. to Joseph Kite. Newport, 2d mo. 11th, 1844. My dbab Friend, Joseph Kite: It is now a long time since I received a very acceptable communication from thee ; and although I have often — yea, very often — thought of thee and it, in the interim, yet one thing or another has hitherto prevented me from giving thee this kind of assurance of my love and affec- tionate remembrance. But of latter time I have thought more particularly of addressing thee : and although it may l»e only afl the voice of " one born out of due time," or as the communication of the disciples formerly, when they " walked by the way and were sad," yet I trust it may not be wholly unacceptable to thee, who, I doubt not, art 204 LIFE AND LETTERS OF [1844. often engaged in t lie consideration of those things yhich have happened in Jerusalem, being thyself no stranger to the afflictions of Joseph in this day of sore bondage, as in the lan excellency on the sky. The eternal God is thy refuge, and underneath are the everlasting arms." I may acknow- ledge that I was never so established and confirmed in these truths as in times of sore conflict, when all other help seemed to fail, and the poor mind was utterly shaken ami broken off from reliance on any other power. Then it is that the arm and power of the Lord is revealed, as in days of old, as in the land of Egypt, and in the field of Zoan. And truly, much occasion indeed have some of the poorest and hindmost of the flock and family, to magnify and adore the right arm and power of the Lord, who has enabled them to say, "I am exceedingly joyful in all my tribulations :" for as these have abounded, the consolations of the Gospel have also abounded, to His praise who alone is worthy and transcendcntly glorious in holiness, fearful in praises, doing wonders. This case of is an aggravated one. But it is a Co consolation to us, as his crosses have increased, to see him bow submissively to the yoke; he having, in accordance with the experience of the faithful in all ages, found the Power under the cross; and we cannot doubt, if he con- tinues faithful, that he will find the crown, beyond it. But this warfare against spiritual wickedness in high plac is indeed grievous, and waxes hotter and hotter. Many there are who have fallen and are falling, both on the right hand and on the left : so that, amid the general desolation and gloom, it requires no small degree of faith to believe, without doubting, the ancient declaration, v * The destruction shall not come nigh thee." Nevertheless, I 1844.] tii< u>. hiw mb\ bul the Lamb and His faithful followers will have tl ry. . . . OOIlBider it of much importance wh:it may !.«•- rf me, — thai is^ of much importance to other people, — ; 1 realty feel lerable delicacy in speaking of it a1 all: nevertheless, in respect of the kind interest which thou hast been pleased to manifest in me, all unworthy of it as I feci, 1 will venture just to say, that .-ill the male of this monthly meeting have been engaged in laboring with me occasionally, for several mouths pa and as they are all members either of the (Quarterly or :rlv meeting's committee, theV have sometimes pro- to labor in one of these capacities, and sometimes in all three, and that too in the same interview. One of them, in a subsequent interview, freely declared that I had been exemplary and consistent with my profes- sion, from my childhood up to. this time; hut he said that they considered, that I had great influence over others, and that the good of the body required my disownment. notwithstanding; for I exercised that influence of which he had spoken, to draw Friends away from the body, and to oppose them in their prominent measures; I told him he was entirely mistaken with regard to mv having ex- erted any influence which I might possess, adversely to the I and unity of the body; that, on the contrary, I had krted it, sis I felt hound to do, to prevent a breach of unity, by taking a firm stand against the introduction of unsound doctrines into the Society, which had ever been the source of schisms in the Church. He said, if I would only acknowledge my error in opposing that certificate [the returning certificate for Joseph John Gurney, in New- England Yearly Meeting] and other measures in the yearly and quarterly meetings, and promise not to op- pose them in future, they would not molest me further, and a very little would do. But I told him I could not do any such thing; and that while I valued my birthright very highly. — as, by his admission, my whole course through life had given evidence, — I would sooner be de- prived of it than do violence to the testimony of the Spirit in mv conscience, which bore witness against those doc- 18 200 LIKE AND LETTERS OF [1844. tribes, and the "prominent measures' ' which had been taken in consequence of their introduction and adoption. They have sometimes appeared quite troubled in their own minds during these interviews, and in Bome measure to feel the Truth. And for their Bakes it is, that 1 am made willing to inert them, wherever and whenever they choose to require it: although, as I have not Bpared to tell them, I do not consider that they have any right to treat me as an offender, and of this they themselves seem to be sensible With unfeigned love to thee and thine. I am thy affectionate friend, Thomas B. Gould. To John Wilbur. Newport, 2.1 mo., 29th, 18 i l. My dear Friend : I have been greatly disappointed, inasmuch as I have not heard a word from thee, or from my dear friends at Westerly, since the quarterly meeting. I have felt no little embarrassment and mortification in respect of my failing to reach Providence myself, after having written to C. Perry for the purpose, among some others, of encou- raging him to be faithful in that particular. But I was really not a little sick, when the time came, and equally disappointed; for after all, in no ordinary degree, I did desire to u keep that passover;" albeit I knew that bonds and afflictions awaited me there, with a double portion of bitter herbs. But then the love of truth and Friends sometimes, through favor, casteth out fear, and maketli willing, yea, and more than willing, to suffer both for it and them. I know not why it is so (whether from our isolated, solitary condition, or otherwise), but I certainly never did experience so much of an enlargement of heart, and of the abounding of true and unfeigned love towards the whole household of faith, and to you, my dear friends, in particular, as of latter time. Truly this is what makes me so anxious to hear from you, as 1 cannot Bee you, which is more desirable, and, were it practicable on my part, !."] K>UU>. uoul be reali Bu1 prisoners must wait, if it ith pal th- Having bu neighborhood, I lately spent a night with our dear friends, Setb and Mary Davis* 1 ad them more feeble in health than I had ever before :h still about. They are, as might have :i expected, greatly bowed down under a sense of their and the Church's great loss, in the removal of dear James Tucker. I passed Vf. (J. s.*> door twice, and very much wished to have called there, but could not : and it was well 1 did not, for 1 broke down in Hilbourn Woods, about halfway from the head of Westport to the bridge, which made me very late home, and a very cold tedious time I had W. S. has closed up his business there, and the prospect is that he will leave this yearly meeting, whicn 1 very much regret, and sincerely hope he will i himself suffer loss by it. Ah, it is a great point to know where our lot is cast, and to keep in it. I am more and more persuaded that it' Ave. who are more immediately under bondage, suffering, and reproach, are but favored to keep the faith, and to abide in the patience, we shall and in our lot at the end of the days." Still, it is lifficult to refrain from saying, the Lord hasten it in his *. time ! Jethro Mitchell has had another opportunity with me, of at two hours and a half, though he denied its being official : and I have also submitted to 's falla- cious and unfruitful labors. She did try hard to convince me how dearly they all loved me, and how highly they med me. desiring my progress in my calling, cVc. : which her solemn asseverations, I was enabled to meet with direct evidence to the contrary. Some of the facts and circum- 3 thus adduced, she, as the shortest, easiest method, freely admitted were very improper in those who acted them ; hut still, she said their love and good will to me re- mained unchanged through all ! She told me, I could not think how much the prospect of my disownment troubled her. she could not sleep at nights in consequence of it, could not bear to think of it, &c. To this I responded. 1 111" AM) LSTTBA8 OF [1844. that T neither doubted it troubled her, nor marvelled at it ; and that I believed it would trouble her n. ind be heavier and bard< r For hei ar, if it did not, with other things, prove more than Bhe could bear. She said she wished the prospect was as hard to me as it was to her. I told her I would not have her think me insensible of the hardship and injustice of being deprived of my birthright without a cause ; which I was not disposed to Bell for a mess of pottage, nor at liberty to exchange, for another, the inheritance 01 my forefathers. But as! had labored after patience and resignation to whatever they might be per- mitted to do with me, 1 had found that which rendered hard things easy and bitter things sweet. This silenced her on this point, and she really seemed to feel it. But the next day after I saw , being the day before the last preparative meeting, they hatched up complaint : and Jethro having promised me a sight of it, hut being ashamed to come with it himself, sent it by. F. C; > • hut with a -trie! charge not to give or allow me to take a copy; though lie informed me that it was to he presented the next day [which was not done], and expressed much Surprise at the quietness and peace which I evinced on the occasion ; saying that he thought, if they were all in as good a frame of mind, these things might be easily settled ; and if the overseerd could see me as he saw me. and hear what he had heard, he thought they would not he disposed to carry this thing any further. But I told him they had n me under no other circumstances, neither had I mani- fested any different feelings; that I could truly say I felt no hardness towards any of them, nothing like revenge or retaliation, although they were disposed to persecute me and Others to the xi^ry extent of their power, and were not therefore to be blamed for not going further; hut on the contrary 1 really pitied them and deplored their con- dition (especially I). B.V). belifeving they could do no other, in the spirit they were in; ami that they were Hike a troubled sea. which could not rest, but whose waters cast up mire and dirt" continually T. 1]. Gould. 1844.] OM 18 ' LD. Fh u.\ Comfort to Thomas I». Gould. : month, 1 1. m; Friend : \\\ mind is almost continually with you in your afflic te, but 1 do not know what I can do more than to sym- hize with you, which I think I can feelingly, having jsed through a similar state of thin;.: When we arc ply engaged for the welfare of the Society and its members, then to be accounted as enemies to the truth, and evil-doers, dealt with and disowned from Society as h by those whom we have in time past taken Bweet counsel with — very close are the conflicts and trials of ':. especially when we see them trampling the order and bimonies of truth under their feet. Oh! this requires much patience, and deep indwelling upon the Bure founda- l, — l>nt as this travail is kept to, and this ground niain- ied, clear I am that all things, that in Infinite Wisdom may he permitted or ordered to come upon US, will work together for good, not only for us, but for the cause of our dear Lord and .Master; for lie can control the destroyer and his evil designs, and turn them to His own glory, and bring a heavenly blessing upon us; for He worketh some- times by ways as much higher than ours as the heavens above the earth. This my soul knoweth right well, for He did open a way for my deliverance when or where I saw no way. So it will be with thee, and with all the rest of the Lord's faithful servants, as there is a keeping the word of his patience; for lie will keep them in the hour of temptation, and glorious will be their crown of reward; while the enemies of truth will fret and weary themselves and shall not prevail, but shall howl for very anguish of soid ; which at times is the case with some of those who <>d evil. It i- no marvel then that they ]>er>eeute their Divine Ma-ter and His servants; nay. they cannot do otherwise hut on waxing worse and wotee, I mourn tor them, for they are in that state (the leaders of them) that the Apostle described, thai have tasted and bandied of the good Word of life, hut have "fallen away." I have heard they are about disowning thee. Heed it not, — keep near thy Divine Master, and He will enable thee to rejoice tha! thou art Worthy to suffer for His name's Bake; and He will enable thee to fill up thy measure of His sufferings which are left behind, for the body's sake. which is Hi- Church. If they numbered Him among the transgressors, think it not strange if we are accounted such. After the v;<>'>d Spirit departed from Saul because of transgressions, then it was that an evil spirit troubled him, and he sought to slay righteous David because his ways were upright, but he knew his were evil, and in his rage, Cain-like, slew the priests of the Most High without a cause, and in his jealousy and fury, hunted David to take his life, as a partridge is hunted in the mountains, even after he was convinced he had sinned and done wickedly. Ah! 1 have often thought of David's appeal to Saul, since I was in your land, when I have looked at the case of dear John Wilbur, and now at thine; for they are endeavoring to drive you from your "inheritance in the Lord." saymg unto you by their conduct. " I b», serve other gods." As the end of Saul was, so will their spi- ritual end be. unless they repent : but as David trusted in the Lord, and kept His righteous law, lie preserved him out of all evil, and set him on the throne, to reign over all [srael in Saul's stead. Thus it maybe with you, my dear !.] THOMAS I u>. 21 1 friends. The time may comi I ve it will come, when, instead of their disowning you without a cause, you, •in,' of you, will have to disown them for tlu-ir trans- ire had to do with those who went out from or they were not of us. 1 have heard they have confirmed the judgment of the monthly meeting, by the quarter, in dear John Wilbur's I hope he will appeal to the yearly meeting, that all the members may get to know what an arbitrary spirit there is amongst you, and that all that may be unjustly owned hereafter may like* ise appeal. Ii is a duty thi e to the Society, and to the cause of Truth, let the re- sult be what it may, and however humiliating and trying it may be. 1 hope the time will come when you may the way I if that outgoing spirit continues to go on i to sepa- rate from them, and represent your situation to some other body. There is certainly a large number in the limits of your yearly meeting, who cannot unite with the course in which things are carried on amongst you ; for the heavenly order which was established under divine direction by our early Friends, is totally laid waste in the yearly meeting, well as in its subordinate branches. All is done or rruled by committees, and every one that cannot unite with such a course of procedure, and ventures to let his dissent be known, is accounted disorderly and out of unity. While this is the case — while these committees do all the liness, first out of meetings, then in meetings — all con- cluded on out of meetings, and these conclusions carried through by the same persons in meetings, it is but a sham to hold such meetings ! Such a state of things as there IS in your yearly meeting, has never before been in any yearly meeting since we have been a people — a body w holly arbitrary, not governed by its own discipline, or its own decisions — which I was a witness to when in your meet- ing; but my desire is that all Friends, everywhere within your limits, may undauntedly and fearlessly (except the fear of the Lord, but in His fear, and in the authority which He gives) stand forth, and bear a faithful testimony against such an evil practice; for any one wdio has clear discern- ment must see that such a course of procedure, if pursued 212 LIFE AND LETTEBS OF [1844. by that, and all other similar bodies, will ultimately de- stroy the So for no association can continue without order and government. Oh what a departure from Truth! For Truth always leads into a blessed order and heavenly government; but this outgoing Bpirit has always been a wrathful, turbulent, persecuting spirit. My very soul's desire is, that we who are favored to see these things, may be preserved in great watchfulness and fear, that we may be enabled to walk in uprightness amidst these accumu- lated trials, and Bhow forth, by our meekness and humility, that we are following our meek, patient, and suffering Lord. Please give my love to all our Buffering friends as oppor- tunity may offer. Tell them I am almost continually with them in spirit and in Buffering. We are not exempt from trials here by the same restless spirit. I sometimes am ready to fear that our trials will be very heavy ; hut amidst these gloomy prospects, I am at times strength- ened by a degree of living faith, that after this day of shaking is passed over — for I believe the time has come, and is coming, when not only the earth but the heavens also will he shaken — that there mav not anything remain in Zion, the Church of Christ, hut that which cannot he shaken. Oh, saith my soul, may the Lord hasten that glorious and happy day, when the mountain of his house shall he established on the top of the mountains ! Then there will be again a flocking unto it, as there was in days that are past. I have seen a letter written to Alice Knight by dear John Wilbur. I was rencwedly comforted in hearing it read, being satisfied that he, amidst all the storms and tempests that have been permitted to beat against him, is -till favored to keep on that sure, immovable, and eternal foundation, that never can be shaken by all the combined powers of darkness ; and a- he keeps on it, it will keep and preserve him unto the end, and after this scene of conflict is over, glorious will be his crown. And I desire to be his companion unto the end. even if it may be in bonds for the QospeFs sake. 1 shall always be glad to receive letters from him, thee, or any of my dear suffering friends that feel a freedom to write 1844.] rno qould, 218 II. Gardner, and .-ill our dear Bufferi thIs tin I abated from * hat h w a m in person, bul in 1 ; and I pe it will increase, until \n< i are bound ap ther in that bundle of life that will never be separated. Ami the tender feeling of love and life thai I bad in parting in thee and thy dear companion, I trust will never I from my memory whilst I remain in muta- ity. Thy affectionate friend, K/.i;\ Comfort, From John Wilbub to T. B. G, Bopkwtoy, third month, 6th, 1844 Mi Friend, Thomas B. Gould : How corn- ting, confirming, and strengthening, that truly patri- :hal epistle, which thon hast copied from that man of 1 who has freely given himself up to be a fellow-sufferer with the Buffering seed in this land ! On my owfci part, I feed unworthy of the sympathies and fellowship of such a man ; hut more abundantly unworthy of the mercies and loving-kindness of Him. who not only visits His persecuted and suffering children with His own immediate manifesta- tion of lli> peace-giving and life-giving presence, but also is pleased to raise up and prepare eminent servants and handmaidens, through an experimental partaking of the ic cup of suffering, and by the constraining of His love and power, willingly to place themselves side by side with those who are placed as a mark for the archers, and to endure their part of the reproaches which have fallen on them. What shall we render ? Well, my dear Thomas, I found other comforting things on the sheet which thou sent me, besides the copy from our dear Ezra Comfort. I now allude to the account of thy- self being so mercifully sustained and comforted, under the extreme pressure of persecution by false brethren. In this Ave mutually participate, and, as I trust, at times rejoice in the goodness of God, and give thanks to His 214 LIFE AND LETTERS OF [1844. bless ed name, because He upholdeth and encampeth round about those whom !!<■ hath put forth in defence of the truth and His own exalted . May our faith- fulness and obedience be commensurate, in some degree, with the greatness of His purposes, the glory of the cause, and the favors which He bestows ! My almost constant prayer is, thai He who hath called us to Berve Him in the endurance of tribulations for His great name's Bake, will be our keeper and our preserver through all : and that all may redound to His honor and to His own eter- ■r nal glory J. Wilbur. Draft of a Letter from T. B. G. to . Newport, fourth month. 9th, Lfi My dear and much-esteemed Friend: It might not have been amiss if I had written ere they laid mo under dealing, feeling as I did at different times, more particu- larly engaged to it. just previously to that circumstance, which may now render this unacceptable and improper ; and it' it should, it will only go into the scale with other weights and burdens which have nearly overbalanced thy poor correspondent, ami which at times he is ready to fear will quite overbalance him. I do not mean to complain, but if those who are hunt- ing after my life, who are endeavoring to deprive me of my inheritance in the Lord and among His people, should l»e permitted so far to succeed as to change the feelings of the latter th ! the bitter- . and the cruelty of their n rath, n ho would separate thai which the Lord hath joined togctl i u indeed, at times and seasons, when it pleaseth Him who is Lord of all, favored to Bee thai they cannot eff lly and permanently do it. Xel when He hideth Him- :. and nothing cap be Been bnl my grand enemy within, and his agents and servants without, how he does multiply and augment my fears in this and other respects ! For he knoweth how tender I really am on this point ; and my outward enemies know it too; and persuaded 1 am thai they are not without hope thai Friends will cast us off, they have done and are doing. But 1 will try to re-train this gush of personal feeling, though, until self be slain, it will frequently appear: and perhaps thou mayst excuse it, as I do not pretend to have conquered that foe; than which I often think and feel, we have, or I have, few greater or more formidable to overcome in this warfare. And I will venture to expr< a hope that you, at your approaching solemnity, may be enabled, not for the Bake of the persons who suffer here, but for the cause 1 sake, for which, as I trust, they Buffer, to do something, which may have a tendency to promote it, or at any rate to prevent its falling into disrepute. So far as we can Bee and judge, it is not gaining ground here. The timid, who have hoped against hope for some time, are falling back and joining the ranks of the aliens almost dailv : and unless some decisive measures are taken soon, things will undoubtedly get worse and worse. I find that many very choice Friends with you, have strong hope that the two appeal cases, coming before our next yearly meeting, Avill produce a powerful effect therein. But it does not appear probable, to those who have had perhaps a better understanding of the way in which things are managed here, than they could well have, unless they had been eye-witnesses from the beginning, and so had in the "material," as one Friend said, of which this irly meeting is composed. Many who have perhaps some sincerity left, are so terror-stricken, that it would seem to require almost if not quite a miracle, to enable 216 LIFE AND LETTERS OF [1844*. them to rise above it, and miracles are not expected in My dear Martha And myself have, within a few days, returned from a visit to our mutually dear friend, John Wilbur. We spent about a week in Eopkinton and \Y terly, to our great faction ; and Friends there are aerally well. Dear J. Wilbur docs not appear to ha contracted even the smell of fire upofl his garments; though SO long in the furnace heated seven times hotter than it was Wont to be heated. I thought I never saw him clothed with so much brightness before. In sitting with him, an expression of William Penn's concerning George Fox I think, was much in my mind: "That his very presence expressed a religions awe.'" And his gen- tleness, condescension, meekness, and humility, as well as his patience under suffering, and resignation to it, which IS not in this day perhaps often exceeded, if it be equalled, are truly engaging, very instructive, and encouraging to those who hate an eye open to see through the clouds of dust which have been raised against him. His precious wife has been quite ill this spring, but is now much better in health. Jlis and her friends have been apprehensive, I believe, that he would be bereaved of his true help-meet, whose real worth is best known by those who are m intimately acquainted with her From T. B. G. to Ezra Comfort. Newport, 14th of 4th month, 1844. My endeared aged Friend, Ezra Comfort; Twice, since 1 received thy very kind and acceptable letter, 1 have commenced writing to thee, and in both in- stances, covered no inconsiderable portion of my sheets ; hut meeting with unexpected hindrances in completing what I wisheel to say, they have been laid aside, like the writer, as useless and out of date. I now merely mention it to let thee Bee that 1 have not heen unmindful of thv < kindness and paternal care, of which, indeed, I feel wholly unworthy, and also of addressing thee in this way. Neither do I seem to have anything to say now, which can 1844.] iflOM is i i.i'. 217 g : and yet it does app< due i«» th .... [t is ii"^ more than a v ncc my dea r and self returned from a visit to dear J. Wilbur and some oth( our friends in Hopkinton and Westerly. We found them generally well in all respects; and 1 beli< it was to our mutual satisfaction. It was trulv in » ad edifying to be with J. W., and to behold his meekness and humility, patience under suffering, and ation to it. The savor of life is to be fell in bis apany; and the expressions of David seem verified in him, " They thai be planted in the house of the Lord shall flourish in the courts of our God; they shall still bring forth fruit in old age; they shall be fal and fiour- ishii For notwithstanding he hath refused the portion of the king's meat, and the polluted wine also, yet he hath thriven upon the pulse and water, yea, upon the bread of adversity and the water of affliction. My mind is much with you, in this the time of your yearly meeting, not without some feeling like the pro- phet, when he said, "0 Judah! keep thy solemn feasts, perform thy vows:" believing also, that "in Judah God is known, that His name is great in Israel, that His habitation is in Jacob, and His dwelling-place in Zion." And in the strength of Him who reigneth King in the midst <>i' her. may you stand and abide; clearly manifi ing to her and your enemies, that you "have a strong city," and that " salvation is appointed for walls and bul- warks.'" And so, a banner being given you because of the truth, you will appear terrible unto them, and they will flee before you as the chaff is driven by the wind from the threshing-floor. But lest I should exceed my bounds, I will forbear. Nevertheless my cup seems full; and is it strange that we should fix our eyes steadfastly upon you, and expect somewhat of you ? I have thought, if you could only address an epistle to this yearly meeting, clearly pointing out the ground and cause of things with us, and remonstrating against th things, that great benefit would result from it, if it were written in the power and authority of that Spirit 19 218 LIFE AM) LETTERS OF [1844. which is as a Bword; and which is not only "a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart," but is able to make a separation between thai which is of the Lord, and that which is not of Him. For these people, however they may and do intrench themselves in their strong* holds, are exceeding Bore, and very jealous <>f their honor, as they esteem it. They despise correction, and will not bear reproof; both of which, as the regular cor- respondents of this yearlj meeting, you have a right to give : and arc you not bound, if the original object of a correspondence between different yearly meetings is carried out, to give it ? It doc- seem as it' there was never more necessity for the use of great plainness of speech. Great would l>c the relief to those who are suffering here, and ap- parently without a remedy, as it respects the members) of this yearly meeting. For although I perceive that several valuable Friends amount you have strong hope that those with us. who do not unite with the proceedings of our ad- versaries, will, when they ( L r et to be more fully informed, rise it]* and rebel against them, and put them down; yet those who have had perhaps a better opportunity of judg- ing, do not see any reasonable ground for such a hope, unless there Bhould he some very efficient help from abroad. 1 believe it would be as easy for the Ethiopian to change his >kin. as for the class of Friends referred to to rise above the fear of man. and the terror by which they are Stricken down. Indeed, there seems to be, even among those of whom we had hoped better things, an increasing disposition to get over, swallow down, and reconcile, or rather, to be reconciled to, things which they at least have known to be wrong, and in direct violation of the truth. And is there not great reason to fear that such will remain servants forever? Oh, this desire for ease, together with the fear of man. is a snare into which many, very many, have {'alien, and arc falling — for the number is apparently increasing! And our adversaries are very busy, throwing dust continually into their eyes, and heaping reproaches upon us. X<> Stone is left unturned by tliein: their en- gines are constantly at work, both day and night; yea, I and land are encompassed to make one proselyte. 1844.] MOM L8 B. QOUUfc 219 While, on our part, nothing is done, save what may be accomplished by an endeavor to Buffer patiently ; For, com- paratively speaking, ire open not our mouths, but rather lie in Backeloth and ashes, although, it may be, u unburied, in the Btreets of the great city, where also our Lord was - crucified," as silent witnesses againsi them and their doings! Oh! the mockings, Bcoffings, and revilings which we meet with ! Great, too, are their rejoicings "vei- ns, in «> 1 hope thou mayst feel towards me; who am the leasl and hindmost of the flock, if indeed one of that number; and having, at any rate, no other claim than a feeling sense that 1 do love the brethren, and a true will- ingness, yea, a strong desire, to be in subjection to them, however stubborn and rebellious I may be accounted by those who Bay they are Jews, and are not. And if thou Bhouldst feel incline d to write to me, I beseech thee spare not any advice, reproof, or correction that thou mayst feel disposed to give, in any respect or as to any particu- lar; for I could receive it from thee, and that too, as a great kindness: and I do wish thou wouldst write tome whenever and as often as thou mayst find freedom. Thy last was a greater comfort to me, than I have language to e<»nvey an adequate idea of. Having passed through a similar trial thyself, to that which I am now under, though not in so much weakness, thou canst understand the temp- tation- peculiar to it: but it does seem as if none but those who have travelled in the same path, can fully realize the hair-breadth trials to which such are subjected. And I can truly Bay, that next to the loss of the Divine love and favor, comes in the fear of being estranged and iarated from His people, cast out upon the wide world, without either house or home, in a visible church sei and therefore exposed to greater dangers and manifold privations. Eel I dare not compromise or retract the ground which ha- given my adversaries bo much offence ; although, 1 doubt not. great weakness has been mani- fested, in my yet sincere endeavors to maintain that ground. 1844,] Thomas b. GOULD. 221 :nn«'t but lope that t 1m >u ix) ay si be required to come k to this Bo ton government, although, in a manner, "banished upon pain of death." .... 1 do hope, if it should be laid upon thee, thou will give up to it, nothing doubting. But do not misunderstand me* as to the ground of my speaking of it My dear parents and sistn* unite in dear love to thee, in which my Martha and I would affectionately join them, ann this subject ! — I have sometimes thought, the less the better. It was the remark 10* 2 ; 2'2 LIFE AND LETTERS OF [1844. of some one, and I think, of Thomas Clarkson, that the language of real grief was always short. And should not the language of sympathy and condolence, on occasions like the present, be short too? When 1 came to that pari of thine, how involuntarily my hearl throbbed for our darling little prattler, and I son-lit to make the case my own ! ('. T. and D. K. attended this meeting, two weeks ago yesterday. Their communications were very striking, and David's remarkably so. lie commenced with the decree of the king Nebuchadnezzar, and the published conse- quences of the lack of obedience; the faithfulness of the three children, their preservation, and the honor which resulted therefrom to their Almighty Preserver in the fiery trial to which they were subjected; dwelling upon it, as a No on the destruction of the image which he saw in his dream, by the stone cut out of the mountain ; saying, the day of the Lord was coming upon everything which was high and lifted up, upon all the high mountains and gilded towers ; and that although the image was in part made of gold, vet even this, which was accounted the most precious of metals, was dashed in pieces and destroyed by that little stone, &c. lie then spoke of Daniel, and his refusing to obey the king; that he still continued to call upon the name of his God in a public manner; hut, he Baid, the king Darius had been unwittingly brought to Bign this decree, through the influence which the presi- dent.-, governors, councillors, &c, had over him; and when he found how seriously it affected Daniel whom he loved, he Bel his heart upon him to deliver him ; but then came in the presidents, the governors, the councillors, and the captains, with the argument that the law- of the Modes and Persians could not he changed : and so they prevailed with the king ami over Daniel. Then he expatiated upon his deliverance, and the exaltation of the name and power of the Lord thereby, applying it, in a very remarkable manner, to some of us: wno knew of states ami circum- stances existing in that meeting, of which most probably he was wholly ignorant, as to outward information : for he assorted altogether with our adversaries, on this [aland, 1844,] THOM kfi B. QOULD. and in Newport put ap al M. II. B/s, It did 3eem more lik( ■; rv than anything 1 had heard in b long while, and bo did their communications in the afternoon, al Ports- month, whither I went. ... It is near one o'clock in the morning, after a laborious day in other respe 1 mt it is really pleasant to converse with thee once more in this way. . . . Farewell. T. B. Gould. To Ethan Foster. Newport, 10th month, 28th, 184 I. 1 cannot divest myself of an impression thai thou, my dear friend, hast had to tread in very low plac< 9, and to drink as of the hitter waters of Marah ; and the language has sweetly arisen, "Let thy Urim and thy Thunnnini be with thy Holy One." If it be a season of conflict, of dee]) and painful conflict and strife, keep thy singly to Jlim who is Loth light and perfection. Do not, oli ! do not cast away thy confidence and the shield of faith, lest thou find to thy cost (as I have done) that without faith it is impossible, either to please God, or to stand fast in the day of trial. Being, through the wiles of the grand enemy' of all good, divested of the shield of faith, the poor way-worn and beclouded traveller is left exposed and defenceless to his every attack; then, many and grievous are the wounds which he inflicts with his barbed arrows and cruel darts, till one is ready to give all up as lost, and to listen to his teaching, and feed upon it, to the great loss and weakening of the soul ! I do not throw out these hints as charges against thee, by any means; and I maybe altogether mistaken in supposing thou art or hast been tried in this way; but having had some reason to know what a hard taskmaster he is, by the things which I have suffered at his hands, after he had got my attention fixed upon his temptations and snares (in- stead of keeping it to that, and upon that, which would have discovered them, and preserved from them), I felt inclined to encourage thee to press through the crowd of difficulties, dangers, and besetments, even to Him iri whom 224 LIFE AM) LETTERS OF [1844. the living virtue and the blessed healing and preserving power is; that bo thou mays! not suffer as I have done for the want of it. It is a blessed and happy state, so to keep the watch in the Light, as to walk in the shining of it with great fulness of spirit, as S. Crisp said. Here the enemy cannot hurt or destroy. But I do not speak as having attained: far from it; nevertheless this is the mark, this is the prize of our high calling. Last fourth-day evening L received, in all probability, the last visit from my committee, viz.: E. W. and wife, d. S., and F. C. They wore extremely arbitrary in their behavior, and manifested much bitterness of feeling, with the exception <>{' Elizabeth W On sitting down together, sonic time was passed in silence, which was at length broken by Edward saying they had come to sec what I had to offer to the committee. But I told them I was waiting to see what they had to offer, and I was wil- ling to hear what they might have to say. desiring them to speak freely. Their business, they said, was to get an acknowledgment from me : that was their business. I told them, I must first know my offence. They said, the overseers and the monthly meeting would require an ac- knowledgment, a written acknowledgment of what I said to it and them: that I knew what it was, well enough; there was no need of talking about it, or of my seeing the complaint — which I had called for, and which they said they had forgotten to bring with them. I asked them, if it was not necessary to exhibit their charges in writing, why it was necessary lor me to make a written acknowledg- ment ! They said, because the overseers and the monthly meeting would not he satisfied unless it was in writing: that they were not unwilling to show me the complaint, and never had been ! " Why then did you refuse to do so?" Do please mark the answer given by J. S. : "Be- cause David Buffum said thee had seen it !" I will not go into all that was said, pro and con: but I told them that 1 was the aggrieved party (going into many particulars which I need UOl name to thee, and which they were not very willing to hear, continually interrupting me), and might with more reason require an acknowledgment from 1844.] THOMAfi B. 301 u». 226 them. They Baid thai I had declared my disunity with bat 1 had 1 had do unity with the monthly meeting. This I denied, in langu; moderate as 1 could, and to meet the case. They then undertook to justify tlif charge, by referring to my objections to parti- cular Buhjects before the monthly meeting, &c. ; this, they I, was whal they founded the charge of disunity upon. But I told them thai I could name many eminent discipli- narians who united in the sentiment, although I would confine myself to one — T. E. — a Friend who entertained y different views from myself with regard to Joseph John Gurney, but who told me that, to lay a Friend under dealing for having entertained or expressed different views from others with regard to the transaction of the affairs of the Church, or for having objected to particular things (which is the right of all to-do), was unheard of in our :iety. They did not like to hear this. Edward said that J. J. (i. had gone home; we had nothing to do with him, or he with it (which was more fully Bpoken to and explained by me) : and lie immedi- ately changed ground, and charged me with having labored for many vears, bv writing and showing letters, and other- wise, to produce a schism in the Society. I told him, I was conscientiously clear of the charge; that the object and end of my labors had been to prevent a schism, &c. ; but inquired if this was a part of the original complaint, and asked if he had ever seen anything which I had written, and called upon him to produce the letters he ke of, that I might know what they were. He said they could he produced, in a manner which showed that they could not be by him, and that he merely did it to frighten me ; but without producing that effect ; and then, with rapid motion, he charged me with having planned the separation in Fall River, and advised and assisted in its accomplishment. But I told him, the first knowledge I had of that event was communicated to me in detail by one of their own number, Job Sherman, and of I denied the charge. But he asked me. if I was not very intimate with Israel Buffinton ? to which, re- gardless of consequences, I answered in the affirmative, 226 LIFE AMi LETTERS OF [1844. adding, ** lit- is a very particular friend of -mine!" They continued repeatedly to pre-- me to an acknowledgment : and I continued t< them wherein I had been 8 grieved, and how zealously they had labored to ensm me, and to make me an offender. After a great deal more, of this kind and similar, had passed, Edward pro- posed to go, and P. C. thought it was no! edifying to y : but Job wished Friends to sit a little in silenc for which, if thou hadst been present, thou wouldst not have suspected me of unwillingness, after what 1 had heard. And so, after a little while, E. tried to preach to me, which was I think the first time she had said any- thing after the first silence : and she now seemed to find hard work of it, although I must say she was moderate respectful, and even tender, bo far as words go. Another Bhort pause succeeded, and they made another motion to leave ; when I said, that 1 would be glad if they would sir a little longer; which they appeared to do willingly, and for some considerable length of time : until I was constrained to <»pen my mouth amongst them, in much brokenness and {'ear. and in a few words : wherein an appeal was made to the Searcher of hearts, who knoweth what is in man. and needeth not that any should testify unto Him of man; with the expression of a fervent desire, that He would be pleased to furnish with wisdom to guide amidst the storm, and strength to endure and Stand firm, that so His name might not be dishonored. The feeling which had spread, before and after this, was peculiarly solemn, and it did seem as if E. could not wholly resist it. and was constrained by it to respond to ami endorse what I had said. But this was more than Edward could bear, even from her : and so he kicked right out, and said, that he had been looking for an evi- dence of the right thing, but he could not feel it. This was ;ii parting : and 1 told him, as I had occasionally done before in the course of the evening, thai it did re- quire a right disposition of mind and a qualification in himself, to feel and appreciate the evidence of divine re- gard which the Great Master was pleased to afford. They urged me again, to send in an acknowledgment 1844.] SHOMAfl r. GOULD. 227 the monthly meeting next fifth-day ; when, they should iv]H»n according to their feelings. But 1 told them, I did nol feel like * riting one, ht, and bo we parted. The Belecl meeting the ne day, without anything of note being done or attempted : but l>. r>. was very busy, that afternoon and the ne morning, Beeking interviews with my committee, in order, as I doubted not, to direct their movements and superin- tend their report. Most probably they will finish this part of tin* business on fifth-day A- respects a division in the quarterly meeting, I was intending to express to thee my fears, if it does take place, whether it can be carried out satisfactorily in the different monthly meetings With dear love to thee and thine, and your COUSinS \vu t<»\\ n. farewell. T. B. G. The events at this time transpiring in the Society at large, and particularly developing in his section of it, pressed heavily on his mind, and at times greatly affected his bodily health : though it is evident from his letters, that through all he was graciously supported by that Arm of divine power and goodness on which he relied ; and that his faith was from time to time mercifully reneAved, when it was almost ready to fail. His wife, writing to their brother and sister in Ohio, in the eleventh month, 1844, thus described his condition, and briefly alluded to some of the causes of his sore trials. " I had wished my Thomas to write to you at this time ; but he is so depressed on account of these things, that it is as much as I can do to keep him up at all. The burdens resting upon him of latter time, have been greater than he could bear. His case is still before this monthly meeting, and the committee keep coming from time to time; and have latterly been so abusive ami insulting, that I could scarcely suffer them to continue in the house. But he treats them well, and abides in the everlasting patience. Truly, if ever 'patience had its perfect work,' I think it has in him." 228 LIFE AND LETTERS OF [1814. And about the same date, Thomas wrote to his brother? in-law, Joshua Maule, as follows: — •• I would freely give thee an account of things as they transpire, if 1 had time and ability ; but the former 1 am very much limited for 3 and the Latter extremely defi- cient in, in every respect. Those things, referred to by my Martha, have a powerful effect upon my health, and writing is extremely irksome and xrry injurious to nic. Sometimes, when I otherwise might <1<> it. I cannot write at all. such is the rush of blood to my head, and the dis- ordered state of my nervous system altogether. My liver also is much diseased, and although I have been hard at work all day, it lias been very painful even to walk about. What the end will he, or when, I cannot tell; but I often think it will soon come. My great desire is, that the mea- sure of Suffering may he idled, and that the prize may he gained. But it is a great matter, so to walk as to obtain, in the midst of this crooked and perverse generation." . . The separation of the innovating party from the true Society of Friends in New England, commenced in the autumn of 1;S44: a disorderly secession having been ef- fected by them (through the interference of the committee of the yearly meeting), in Swanzey Monthly Meeting at Kail River, a branch of Rhode Island Quarterly Meeting. to which Thomas B. Gould belonged. This secession, the fruit of the determined efforts to support the cause of J. J. Gurney, spread through New England Yearly Meet- ing, -weeping large multitudes along in its headlong course; and T. 1>. Gould was brought into very dee]) concern and exercise of mind, that the remnant which had stood faithful to the ancient principles of the Society, and were now left much stripped and scattered, might be ena- bled to sustain their meetings to the honor of truth. From T. P>. (i. to Ethan Foster. Newport, 11th mo., 19th, 1844. My dear Friend : In these times of great and awful shaking, when it not 1844.] THOMAS B. GOULD, 229 onl\ as it" everything thai can be shaken mil be shaken, but when it really —and those who have od hitherto have need of all the strength and enconra men! which may be and is doubtless derived, in this day as it was formerly anion-" those who feared the Lord, from a frequent speaking one unto another in Bis fear, — I thought it might not be amiss for one of the least and hindmost of the flock, again to call unto thee, and to in- quire of thee in the language, but L trust not in the spirit, of those who Btood upon the mount of ESsau: "Watch- man! what of the night?" It may however serve no other purpose, in the present instance, than to let thee know that 1 am looking for tidings, while I communicate a few But if the quarterly meeting had only directed the monthly meetings to adjourn in such manner as to accommodate their committee, it would have covered and ob via ted many difficulties in regard to meeting, which will now undoubtedly occur, both in this monthly meeting and that of Providence, and, I fear, insurmountable difficulties, in our present weak, stripped, and scattered condition. But it does appear to me that you may, at Ilopkinton, with propriety, after the separation shall have taken place in Greenwich Monthly Meeting, change the place of hold- ing your meeting for worship there, and thus get rid of such heads as you now meet under; always provided that it shall appear best and right to do so, when met under the canopy of Divine Wisdom. In a general way, it strikes me that Friends had better patiently endure until after the yearly meeting. If I could believe that our women would endure the exposure of meeting in the open air at Portsmouth, at this inclement season of the year, I should think best that they do so patiently, and good might come of it ; but I doubt their being able to do it, or to abide a contest for the house each time. Thou mayst think this a needless burdening of to-day with the weight of futurity ; but I cannot help looking at the difficulties, as well as at the advantages of our present condition for some there, inasmuch as the day of our deliverance from them seems to have dawned, — " The morning cometh, and 20 230 LIFE AND LETTERS OF [1844. also the night." I want to know thy judgment of these things. It never was at any time, perhaps, more impor- tant that we should be guided in wisdom and by wisdom; whether we are owned by any other yearly meeting or not, which 1 much doubt will take place very soon, if ever With dear love to thee and thine, with those above named and their families, in which my dear M. unites, I must conclude, and remain thy sincere friend. Tuos. B. Gould. To John Wilbur. Newport, 19th of 12th month, 1844. My dear Friend : .... We have felt much solid satisfaction and com- fort in the attendance of our religious meetings ; several of them have been mercifully owned in a remarkable man- ner, though held in silence until last first-day, when lie, who openeth and none can shut, set before me an open door, and there was much brokenness apparent in several who were in attendance, in a particular manner It was truly one of those seasons for which we have cause to be thankful, and from which we may take courage ; notwithstanding the rage of our adversaries, and that in- creasingly, in order to stop that which is beyond them ; for they, even they, are limited The weight of things, as thou must see, rests heavily upon a few, and the responsibility is great, which I would gladly divide, and more too. I can truly say, I find the cross as great as ever, and a deeply settled aversion and unwillingness to take it up; still there is something which compels, and it feels increasingly constraining and diffu- sive ; but lest I go too far, I w T ill not add, even to thee, whom I look upon afi a lather indeed: and in the scarcity of such, perhaps thou wilt excuse the simplicity and free- dom of a little child: and believe me to be, in all sincerity, truly thine, with love unchanged. T. B. Gould. L8 14.] THOMAS B. GOULD. To Pjbleg Mitchell. Newport, 30th of L2th mo., 1844. Mv yi:iiy DBAB FrIBND : Few letters have been more n-ulv acceptable or deeply interesting, than one which I received from thee of the 8th ult.: and I fully intended to have written ere this; although 1 did purposely omit an immediate reply, on account of some little indecision for a time, as to whether it might not be proper for me to be in New Bedfordat the time of your quarterly meeting, when I hoped to have met thee. And knowing that our dear, tried, but faithful friend, J. Wilbur, was intending a visit to your island [Nantucket] soon after our quarterly meeting, and that he could better inform thee and others thereof the events of that eventful day, than I could by letter or otherwise, there did not seem to be so much necessity for me to speak of them. But as thou hast not probably had as good an opportunity to hear from the monthly meetings, 1 wished to have given thee some account of them; but have been so pressed with cares and concernments of different kinds, that I could not seem to do it when I wished and as I wished. Thou mayst however have heard about the visits of the committee of the quarterly meeting as sustained by Friends. to the different monthly meetings. So, before I speak of that, I will say, that the separatists carried complaints against my Martha, my father, and cousin John Mitchell, into our preparative meeting immediately following the quarter, on account of their having, as the?/ said, attended a separate quarterly meeting ; and our Friends' endeavors to prevent these charges from being sent forward to the monthly meeting, having proved unavailing, both men and women remained in the house, after the others had gone through with their business (having declared their intention to do so, upon their minuting these charges), and held the preparative meeting in the order of the Society ; but not without great opposition and much abuse, from those dis- orderly and intolerant people. ... A separation also took place in Western and Ilopkinton Preparative Meet- 232 LIFE AND LETTERS OF [1844. inga upon similar grounds, before the next monthly meet- ing occurred after the quarter, viz. : their persisting in entering and forwarding complaints against Othniel Foster and his wife (I think), in the one. and Thomas and Phcbe Foster in the other, for having attended and sustained the quarterly meeting. I know not what yon may think of this, but Friends here thought the time for effectual resist- ance had then come, and that otherwise they would cer- tainly give up the ground which our Friends had taken in the quarterly meeting, by suffering them to be laid under dealing for sustaining the same. The committee of the quarterly meeting first attended Providence Monthly Meeting, and were enabled to sustain it ; although they encountered great abuse, and met with continual interruption from J. M., W. J., and many others; who, notwithstanding they adjourned their meeting, in con- sequence of the presence of the committee and others who, they said, were under dealing, jet they did not leave the house, but stayed there during the whole time that Friends were engaged in the transaction of their business (as I was told by several of the committee), warning them out of the house, in < very character and office they could think of, and ridiculing and upbraiding them on account of the small- ness of their number, the meanness of their appearance, and the diffidence, &c, of their clerk. And not only so, but the young men would, sometimes, hiss, groan, and laugh outright at them, looking up at J. M. for approba- tion : who would nod his assent and laugh with them, in true Hicksite style. Hicksite, did I say? Nay; this is worse than Hicksism; for they never did claim to be ex- clusively u the body," or that they were infallible ! But how universal ami lusting is the authorized criterion, not- withstanding it seems to be very generally overlooked or unheeded by those who, ww having eyes, see not," — " By their fruits ye shall know them !*' Rhode Island Monthly Meeting, which was held at New- port, occurred the nexl day after that of Providence, which occasioned our friends a hard drive to gel here, hut divers of them came. The men's monthly meeting, at this season of the year, is held in the committee-room over the little 18 U.] THOU \s B. GOULD. 238 part of the house; and at the close of the public meeting, when our Friends attempted to ascend the stairs, they found a Btrong guard of the ( rurneyites posted thereon, r bo told them, without exception, they could not go up; and they actually forbade those whom they did no! even pretend to have laid under dealing ! But there were some who argued the case with them until they wore fain to admit that they had not power to keep them out, and, to cover their shame, finally told them they might go in; but reply was made that they should not he free to do so unless their friends too might he admitted. These went far enough to see that they had a pensioned naval officer, though of low degree, standing by the door at the top of the stairs, hold- ing the hasp over it, and J. F. M. at his side, to give him the necessary information as to who might go in. . . . .... Our men Friends, being thus excluded, sat down quietly in the large cold room below, where the men's yearly meeting is held; and having proceeded to appoint a clerk, and make a minute of the acceptable presence of the quarterly meeting's committee, as w r ell as some others explanatory of their present situation and circumstances, they concluded to adjourn, to meet again at two o'clock that afternoon at my father's house; and having given the women this information, they adjourned accordingly. The women were differently circumstanced ; not being compelled to move, they could not be got rid of so easily ; so after the clerk had opened the meeting, the quarterly meeting's committee laid the minute of their appointment on the table ; which, as might have been expected, Avas not noticed ; but they proceeded for some time with my Martha's case without noticing her presence, although they must have known she was there. At length, on the accep- tance of the minute of the quarterly meeting being urged (I think), as well as objection being made to what they were doing in regard to Martha, they began with vehe- mence to request her to withdraw ; and the clerk then said she did not know of her being present, which it re- quired some of J. J. G.'s "simple faith, — mere credence" to believe ! But sister Lydia now stood up and said, that as the clerk had refused to recognize the minute of the 20* 234 LIFE AND LETTERS OF [1S4-L quarterly meeting, or the presence of its committee, and as she had p< I in entering a complaint on the mini against an individual, on account of her having united with others in sustaining the quarterly meeting, after a portion of its members had separated themselves from it, Bhe would inquire whether the time had not come for Friends to appoint a clerk who would serve the meeting in subordination to the quarterly meeting, according to discipline and good order (or words to this import), and proposed the appointment of Martha S. Gould; which being united with, she was accordingly appointed, when they proceeded in much the same manner as the men (lid (only both meetings were held in the same room at the ae time), until they received information from the men of their conclusion to adjourn, when they also adjourned, to meet again at our house, at the same hour that the men met at father's. the adjournment, the men took my case into conside- ration (as it stood referred to this monthly meeting), and after lull investigation and solid consideration, concluded t<» dismiss it. and to restore me to my rights ; the women's meeting having been consulted and uniting therein; and both men and women made minutes, embracing the pecu- liar circumstances of the ease, ami the irregular and ill- founded manner in which it had heen introduced into that meeting, and continued from month to month, by those who had now separated themselves from Friends. After the women's meeting had concurred herein, and the minute had heen completed, they called me into the meeting, and I took my seat once more among them : having lived to see fulfilled an impression made on my mind at the time of their laying me under dealing, and which 1 ventured t<> mention to our friends, Setli and Mary Davis, as well as some others (I think); that there would he Some change in the p08ture <>f things ere they got through with me, BO that I should not have to appeal; and 1 even went SO far as t<> say to them, that I should not he disowned by the Society: howbeit those people made a minute against me that day. hut it did seem to me not a little remarkable that they themselves should have pro- 18 1 L] 'i B0MA8 B. QOULD. 285 duced a separation, and that it should, in the ordering or rruling of things, have extended as far as the quarterly . i re thej seemed to have power i<> do it ; for the will was not wanting vein-.- ag However, no tongue oould utter, nor the pen of the most ready writer describe, whal I have had to pass through, and more especially during the latter pari of the time of their dealing with me. Friends also took into solid consideration the state and condition of Newport Particular Meeting; and apprehend- ing the time had fully come for it to be held apart from those people who have possession and entire control of our meeting-houses, concluded thai it should be held, "until a different arrangement can be made," at our house, at the usual hours on first and fifth-days; which has been Bince done, to the great relief and comfort of Friend.-, as well as of some others who meet with us. A< the minute of the appointment of the quarterly meeting's committee to visit subordinate meetings author- ned them to act therein on behalf of the quarter, in rendering them such "advice and assistance as circum- stances might seem to require and way open for;" and Friends having been at this time forcibly excluded from their usual meeting-room, and having no reason to expect anything better at the next month, when the monthly meeting would in course be held at Portsmouth ; and our friend William Boyd of that town, although not a member of our Society (though his wife is), having witnessed these and other their acts of intolerance, and having freely offered his house to hold the monthly meeting in, and thus opened the way for it ; the quarterly meeting's committee were united in judgment that it would be best for us to adjourn to meet there at the usual time in the twelfth month, and to hold the public meeting there too, at the same time as heretofore ; and a minute was accordingly and regularly made in both men's and women's meetings to this effect. And before I leave this subject, I must be allowed to say that I have seldom witnessed more weight and solemnity over a meeting, than during the time these two propositions were under consideration. Greenwich Monthly Meeting did not occur until after 236 LIFE AM) LETTERS OF [1844. ours, and by this time the G-urneyites had laid nearly or quite all the members of the quarterly meeting's committee under dealing; nevertheless, they went through with all their business iii their presence, without an adjournment, and so, according to their own confession, committed another violation of the discipline, which they seem to consider themselves at liberty to do. whenever they please, Upon the minute of the quarterly meeting being laid on the table in the men's meeting, and rejected, Friends pro- ceeded to appoint a clerk and open the meeting, and then waited patiently till the others had got through; when they were enabled to transact their business to a good degree of satisfaction, and without much, if any, disturb- ance from their adversaries, although R. G. and several others stayed during the whole time; but for some reason they did not think lit to act as their brethren did at Pro- vidence I believe the women did not ap- point a clerk until the others had left the house. Tims thou seest, my dear friend, the monthly meetings in this quarter have all been sustained Speaking of the sanguine expectations of our friends there [in Philadelphia], of those people giving back and coming over to us, I am free to acknowledge that I am not so much looking for an increase that way, as from the highways and hedge-. Several items in thy letter tended to revive the hope, and confirm the belief, which has been raised in my heart, and with irresistible force again and again, and from time to time, during the course of these years of deep trial and proving, yea, even at times of the deepest trial, and when tilings, as to all outward appear- ance, and humanly speaking, were at the worst : that there would bean increase of faithful standard-bearers and burden-bearers gathered into the true sheepfold of rest, and the green pastures of life, even to sit under the free and immediate teachings of Christ, the great Shepherd and Bishop of souls, every man under his own vine and fig-tree, where nothing could hurt them or make them afraid: for nothing can hurt or destroy in the Lord's holy mountain. And how sweetly and encouragingly has the language been sounded in my spiritual ear: " Strangers 1^1 L] TH0MA8 B. &01 u>. 287 sliall stand and feed your Hocks, and the Bona of the alien I] be your ploughmen and your vinedre But, in that day when the Lord of the harvest and of the rine- yard > 1 1 a 1 1 accomplish this, His " strange work," and bring to pass " His Btrange act,' 1 and incomprehensible to the eye of man's wisdom, yet neither Btrange nor impossi- ble to and with him who calleth them that arc not as those that arc, that no flesh may glory in Sis presence, or have the praise of His works, — well will it be if those who account themselves, and arc too generally accounted, the children of the kingdom, are not cast out ! Thy Bincere friend, Thomas 1>. GOULD. To Joshua and Sarah Maule. Newport, 16th of third month, 1645. My deab Brother and Sister: [One of you] inquired as to the progress of the separation. It has not yet extended be- yond the limits of Rhode Island Quarterly Meeting, and probably will not until after the yearly meeting. This quarter, since the dissolution of South Kingstown Monthly Meeting, is composed of four monthly meetings, viz. : Rhode Island. Greenwich, Swanzey, and Providence. In Rhode Island Monthly Meeting only twenty adults remain with Friends decidedly, although several others decline attending either meeting, professing to be waiting for the action or decision of other yearly meetings. Only one member of old Greenwich Monthly Meeting remains with Friends ; but there are at least fifty adults (including some very aged and infirm Friends) who were formerly members of South Kingstown Monthly Meeting : quite as many (and I believe more) in Swanzey Monthly Meeting, to which may be added several undecided yet : and in Providence Monthly Meeting only thirteen. Here, again, are several undecided persons, and from among these, now and then, one comes straggling over to us : but I have not yet heard of one who stood with us at the time of the division, that has since gone over to them. But LIFE AX I) LETTERS OF [184o. there were, I think, Beventy persons who signed the ap- peal against the dissolution of South Kingstown Monthly Meeting, some of whom did eventually go with the Gur- neyites. In all these enumerations, both sexee are in- cluded. The four monthly meetings have all been sus- tained ; Borne of the preparative meetings have not, their members, as well as of divers particular meetings, having all gone off in the separation. When the separation shall have taken place in the yearly meeting, &c, J think in all probability there av i 1 1 be as many left with Friends, in Salem and Sandwich Quarterly Meetings each, as in this ; perhaps half the number in Dover Quarter; and it is feared that the remaining four quarters will go off. Still, divers have stayed with us whom ^ve did not expect, and some who may not do us much good : in view of which, I some- times think of the " mixed multitude," who went up with the children of Israel out of Egypt, though we cannot so well speak of a multitude. . . . The Gurneyites in Swanzey Monthly Meeting have come to actual force, to keep Friends out of their public meeting, when a meeting for business followed it, in divers instances: and in others, to seizing some by the collar, and otherwise, and dragging them out so : lest, these being seated in the house, tl Bhould have to adjourn ! Are not these legitimate fruits of a spurious ministry and unsound principles ? Farewell. T. B. Gould. To Setii and Mary Davis. Newport, 25ih of third month, 1845, My very dear Frirnds, Setii and Mary Davis : Although a long time lias elapsed since I have written, vet I have no! been unmindful of you ; but on the con- trary you have been much and often in my affectionate remembrance, however opportunity has not presented for saying so in this way. As your quarterly meeting has approached, and under an apprehension that it may or will ho a season of renewed or increased trial to you and other dear friends within its limits, 1 have felt inclined to L845, j MtOM 18 ]:. OOULD. address you, and it' it may be, in the language of encour- ment to endure and Btand faithfully and firmly in the of the truth, in whatever way it may require your Bupport and defence. Ami oh, my beloved elders therein, what nice attention it doea require, what dedication of our- selves, and devotion of our all, if we do yield obedience in these trying times! I have sometimes feared that, on the part of some, there has been a withholding of thai which would have been offered it" there was less to be feared on account of the offering. So that through fear of suffer- ing, or of the consequences, a sufficient degree of light and strength of motion to act in, has been lost, while waiting for clearness. But it does appear that there is no time to be lost, and that unless what little there is left be faithfully improved, not only particular states, but the Church will sutler great, and perhaps irreparable loss But, friends, have we not encompassed a dark mountain in the wilderness long enough, and is it not time, high time, to journey forward ? Is it not time for Zion to arise and shake herself, seeing the bands with which she has long been bound down are being loosed by Him who only can open the gates of brass, and burst asunder the bars of iron ': Hath he not said to some, and is He not saying to other prisoners of hope, — Go forth! — and renewing his commandments, as of old to those who sat in darkness, to show themselves in the Light ? Yea, I am persuaded that it is so — that what may be compared to the year of Jubilee — of release — has nearly come, wherein all who will, may go out free. But verily those who will not, must remain servants forever ! And I greatly fear there are some (though among this number you will not suppose I reckon you), who will prefer servitude, with the enjoy- ment of the leeks and onions of Egypt, to deliverance therefrom, with the inconvenience and exposure of dwell- ing in tents, and the perils of continual warfare, until the old inhabitants of the land shall have been overcome and cast out. But the former need not expect any greater honor among the Egyptians, such of them at least as have had some sense of their bondage and the darkness which 240 LIFE AND LETTERS OF [184.",. covers that land, — they need not expect any greater honor than being made hewers of wood, and drawers of water; — while the latter, in the Lord's due and appointed time, when the necessary portion of Buffering is filled up, and the warfare is accomplished, will not only gain | sion of the gates of their enemies ; — but of the Land of Pro- mise itself! In looking at the state of some, who have had, in a good degree, a right Bense of the state of things in this yearly meeting, and who, from their age, station, and experien may have been fitly called masters in Israel, I have been often and forcibly reminded of good old Jacob's descrip- tion of his Bon [ssachar: " [ssachar is a strong ass, crouch- ing down between two burdens; and he saw that rest was good, and the land that it was pleasant, and lie bowed his shoulder to bear, and became a servant unto tribute.'' And heavy, very heavy, I believe such will find their bur- dens to be, in the great day of account ! — while those who choose rather to suffer affliction with the people of God, than to enjoy the pleasures of sin for a season, will not only n-ceivr a double portion of the " recompense of the reward" while here, but reap the fruition of joy unspeak- able and full of glory in the presence of the Father — " the God of Abraham, of Isaac, and of Jacob" — in the world to come. May lie preserve US all in faithfulness to Him- self, whatever portion of suffering and reproaches may be involved therein ! Truly the difficulties which we in this quarterly meeting have met and arc likely to meet with, in sustaining our meetings, are neither few nor small; but as these have abounded, the consolations of the Gospel of peace and reconciliation have also abounded, as some of us can Bay from, 1 trust, a good degree of living experience, and I think we might add, to His praise! And my fervent, heartfelt desire is, that whatever may transpire, the crea- ture, and all that appertain.- thereunto, under whatever re- finements it may exist, or however deceitfully the " treach- erous dealer" may operate, may be continually reduced, and under every dispensation, whether of Buffering hunger, 18 15. | THOMAS i LD. 2 II tbounding in the good thi ' the K ing : ' m, laid in the dual f 1 sup] have Been J. J. I rurn William V. Mott, which his pdmirers are now indi culating, in order to produce the impression thai he disposed to make satisfaction for his departures; but it . thai any who are a1 all aware of the ex- tent of his defection in principle, should be so credulous ;ke this letter for his and their justification : inasmuch as he therein again fully justifies and defends hiswritin and declines anj emnation, by Baying expressly that he has peace in the retrospect of his labors as an author, without making any exception. He places all his boasted n of his writings, upon the ground of condescen- i, and not at all upon the defective character of the writings themselves. Moreover, his submission, if Buch it may be railed, was, by his own account, to a few friends r London — to a few of his own persona] friends, — and these, by other and independent accounts, were of his own on, such as he knew would handle them very ten- derly and carefully indeed, because they were in full unity with the innovations and modernizations of doctrine which they contain. And thus, as he doubtless foresaw, these new views would receive an additional sanction, without incurring the least danger of their being willing to spare " the passages which have given all sound Friends Quch concern. It is plain enough to be -eon at a glance. by all men who have read this celebrated letter, that the ■ only error which he admits, or even supposes, or for which he ex; gret or Borrow, is, that he printed the "Brief Remarks' 1 without the sanction of the morning meeting. Xo allusion is made to any erroneous vi< in it, although he must know that when the views which it inculcates are once adopted, the whole foundation of Quakerism is removed as it respects those who imbibe his views therein expressed: and doubtless he thinks it a pity that they got into circulation so soon, as they were so glaringly inconsistent as to .-hock the minds of Friends, both in England and America But if he did regret the circulation of this book on 21 *242 Lin; and letters of [184.",. mit of the principles it contains, would lie not bo, — would lie not c<»ni'' honestly forward and retract and condemn those principles, and would lie not be forward to do this as publicly and as widely. as the books containing them have been circulated, without regard to the mode in which they obtained that circulation ? I !an anv man BUp- that such an author would he satisfied to do it by a private letter to an obscure individual *: But lie has been content to let these principles pass without any condemna- tion at all — he only thinks it was unwise to print it with- out the sanction of the morning meeting I must hid you affectionately farewell, and remain very sincerely your friend, Thomas B. Gould. To Peleo Mitchell. Newport, 25th of 3d mo., 1845* Mv dear Friend : . . . I fully intended writing to thee earlier, hut have been much pressed for time, in consequence of the very severe illness of both my beloved parents at the time of our quarterly meeting in the second month (which prevented any of us from attending that meeting); and since they have partially recovered, my hands have been fully employed with other matters of importance. My dear wile and self attended the adjournment, which, as well as the other, was a very satisfactory good meeting, wherein Friends were favored to feel, in a good, and of latter times an uncommon degree, the preciousness and blessedness of brethren dwelling together in unity, and harmoniously laboring for Truth's honor, instead of the honor of man and the establishment of a confederacy for the subversion of truth and the right way of the Lord. [In reference t<> the prospect of a separation in the yearly meeting, and of the Grurneyites' probable at- tempt to prevent Sandwich Quarterly Meeting from being held on Nantucket, he Bays:] If they should make this attempt, and you should passively suhiuit to it without 18 I THOMAS i u>. 2 18 >n, rely upon it. oor adversaries will take advanta it. and throw it in your teeth afterwardi they have failed to do idly In other notwithstandi their own unparalleled exertion- to prevent Friends from ine expression to their feelings, and their own conscious- js that it has been owing to a tender fear of being drawn out into an activity beyond the limitations of truth. But, my dear friend, 1 am, upon very serious consideration, abundantly convinced that our arch-adversary, the trans- forming angel, lias been too successful in thus preventing the prompt and faithful exercise of our ( christian testimony inst wrong things and unsanctified manoeuvring. As you are, on Nantucket, perhaps the most numerous and impacted body of experienced and solid Friends that we ean hope for, within the limits of this yearly meeting, to strengthen our feeble and remotely stationed bands and ranks in resisting the hosts displayed and arrayed against US, it does appear to mo that a propor- tionally greater degree of responsibility rests upon you, and others of similar character within the limits of Sand- wich quarter And truly, as Stephen Crisp said, the weight of things comes daily more and more upon some, with an undoubted evidence as to the source from whence it springs. That this may he our individual experience, that we may be in- asingly prepared and qualified, not only to feel for the afflictions of Joseph, hut to labor for his deliverance out of bondage, that bo Israel may serve the Lord in the line of divine appointment, and with the offerings of His own preparing, in the place which He shall choose, is what I greatly desire; and I believe the Lord "will hasten it in His time," whether few or more shall be found willing to accept of the way which He hath provided for their de- liverance. For surely, He hath opened and is opening, a- dear Ezra Comfort said, a way for our deliverance, where we could see no way, and at a time when we looked not for it Thy sincere friend, Thomas B. Gould. 1244 LIFE AND LETTERS OF [1845. CHAPTBB V. The separation which had been produced by tlio advo- cates and adherents of J. J. Grurney (members of the meeting for sufferings, and of the standing committee of the yearly meeting), in the Monthly Meeting of Swanzey, held at Fall River, and which, as we have seen, extended, in the eleventh month, 1844, to the Quarterly Meeting of Rhode Island, to which Swanzey Monthly Meeting be- longed, was, in the course of events, the procuring cause <>f a similar division in the ensuing Yearly Meeting of New England in the summer of 1845. From the large portion of labor and exercise which consequently devolved on T. B. Gould, it is needful to record here the principal eireum- stances of that important crisis. This is the more nee sary, as it ha- been followed by like separations from the true Society of friends, on the part of the same modern- izing class, in various portions of the Society, where their influence and power have been sufficiently great to bring about their own measures, and a remnant of faithful Friends lias been endued with strength to stand firm to their an- cient faith and discipline. In such eases, a due regard for the safety of the ark of the testimony, for the very existence of the Society on its original ground, and for the fulfilment of their own individual duty as members of it. has constrained the honest-hearted to unite together in withstanding the further inroads of error in principle and practice, and in refusing to he identified with the modified system, and with the schismatic course by which it \ sustained. They have herein acted according to the prin- ciples clearly advocated by Robert Barclay, in unison with the Apostle Paid, that after due and ineffectual endea\ < I s 15. ] Tin \o\ u>. avinee and reclaim, they who Btand faithful to the true dootrim aally accepted, uol only have the power, bul are cinder a solemn obligation, to "withdraw" from those wjio are introducing into the Church Buch innova- tions and disorderly practices ta would be fundamentally inc nl with its original character, and involve them in complicity with a departure from the true faith of the body. £fter the separation in Rhode Island Quarterly Meet- ing, the leaders of the innovating party foresaw the con- flict thai would follow in the yearly meeting, and took »mpl measures to provide for their own numerical buc- ■ the crisis. They issued from the meeting for ■uf- ferings an illusory representation of what had already iurred; assuming to themselves a high tone of religious authority, by which the minds of many were entangled, before they had an opportunity of knowing the truth or falla.-y of statements so boldly and authoritatively as- ted; and in several of the quarterly meetings, when representatives were to be appointed to the ensuing yearly meeting, they attempted, too successfully, to control the appointments, so as to secure a very large preponderance of their own adherents in the representative body. So that, when the yearly meeting assembled, the representa- tives, with few exceptions, were found to be a "packed" body, composed mainly of those who had been active in the persecution of sound Friends for their testimony against innovation, and of those who, they knew, from previous circumstances, would act according to their own bidding. A\ hen the yearly meeting assembled, in the sixth month, U was expected, two sets of representatives appeared from Rhode Island, one from each of the meetings claiming to be the true Rhode Island Quarterly Meeting. If strict impartiality had been exercised between the two claimants, in ignorance of their respective merits, neither set of re- aentatives would have been minuted as such, until the yearly meeting had concluded its judgment as to which represented the true body. But the clerk, who was one of the advocates of J. J. Gurney, read, anion- those from the other quarters, the report of the Gurney meeting and 246 LOT AM) LETTERS OF [1845. minuted the name- of its representatives at once, as to ■' the representatives of that quarter, and afterwards the others merely as purporting to be such ; thus forestalling the judgment of the meeting, and placing the latter in a disadvantageous position. It was now proposed that the question should be referred to the decision of all the repre- sentatives, except those <»f both parties from Rhode Island. This would have Insured a result favorable to the Grurney party, and with a knowledge <>f the certainty of such a result, they pressed it. Sound Friends could not submit to its reference to a body so made up beforehand. They represented to the meeting, that several of the representa- tives were members of the yearly meeting's standing com- mittee, already implicated in this very question, and active participants in the measures which had produced it: that unfair and prosoriptive measures had, in some of the quar- ters, been resorted to iii the appointments; that the im- partial character of the body of representatives was thus greatly vitiated, and a fair adjudication rendered entirely improbable, if not impossible, inasmuch as the suffer:: of faithful Friends, in their endeavors to stand for the cause of truth, and the sad difficulties in which the yearly meeting was now involved, were mainly attributable to the proceedings of those very men who, in the body of repre- sentatives, would have the entire control of the decision. They therefore urged that the yearly meeting itself should deliberate on the matter, that all the members present might have an opportunity of hearing and judging on the merits of the case. There was considerable expression in favor of this proposal, ))Y Friends from different quarterly meetings; hut many continued to urge the reference to the representatives. The sound portion from Rhode Island informed the meeting that they could not consent to such a reference under the circumstances. Hut the clerk made a minute, giving it that direction. He then made a truly extraordinary proposition to the meeting, — no less than the suspension (for the accomplishment of the purpose then in view) of'an organic rule of their own printed discipline, — a proceeding probably never heard of before in the Society of Friends, lie proposed to suspend that rule of the dis- 184 i SOMAS r. GOULD. 2 IT line of * x 'land Yearly Meeting fin the langu of the world, th< , which requires the representatives to meel at the conclusion of the Bitting on tond-day morning, and agree upon a clerk for the year, and report the same to the adjournment. This was a very important feature in the discipline of New ESngland Yearly Meeting, founded upon the long-established sentiment among Friends, of the necessity 01 a judicious selection in the nomination to a Bervice ot Buch weight and re^onsi- bility. Although this proposal was objected to on the | the Bound representatives from Rhode [sland, and the yearly meeting was reminded that its adoption would he a departure from the injunction of the discipline, yet a minute was made in accordance with the clerk's sugges- tion, — thereby displaying a Borrowful example to its mem- bers, of a body professing to be a yearly meeting of Friends, breaking one of its own laws to suit a temporary, necdf 1 factious purpose. The meeting, after this, adjourned t<> four o'clock in the afternoon. Before the adjournment k place, in view of the condition into which the yearly meeting was now brought, Friends desirous of maintaining the ancient principles and practices of the Society, and anxious that the yearly meeting should be sustained on its original foundation, were invited to take a solid opportu- nity of conferring together, to endeavor unitedly to sec, under the guidance of Divine Wisdom, what step might appear right for them to take in this very peculiar and trying state of things. Many Friends accordingly remained in the house after the conclusion of the sitting; but find- ing it impracticable to confer together there without inter- ruption, they agreed upon another place of meeting, and then quietly withdrew. Arrived at this stage in their proceedings, it may be best to quote their own statement of the subsequent transactions: " Friends were introduced into deep exercise and travail of spirit, wherein living desires were raised in the hearts of many, for best help and direction : and when the)* again mbled, free from interruption, under an awful sense of the importance of moving only in the line of Divine appointment, they were united in judgment that it would 248 LIFE AND LETTERS OF [18 not be right to aj^ear with their case, before the repre- Bentative3 then Bitting in our meeting-house; who w< immediately informed of this conclusion. It wa the united Bense and judgment tends, thai in order to tain the yearly meeting in conformity with its long- established Discipline, and upon iginal ground, with the ancient doctrines and testimonies of ti iety unim- paired, it was indispensable that the representatives should . and agree upon and propose n Clerk to the next sittin ( L r . as by discipline and former usage is required. ihe yearly meeting having again convened in the af- ternoon, soon after the opening minute was read. Prince Gardner [of Nantucket], on behalf of the representatives who met on Clerks (which included all those from Rhode [sland [sound Friends] and some from Sandwich Quarterly Meeting), reported that they were united in proposing the names of Thomas B. Gould for Clerk, and Charles Perry for Assistant Clerk, for the ensuing year. This proposal was united with by many, but a large number opposed it, and the former Clerks continued to sit at the table. Whereupon, those agreed to and proposed by the repre- sentatives, were requested to take their seats at a table in a part of the house where most of the Friends who had united in their appointment were sitting. [This was a part of the meeting-house at one side of the portion occu- pied by the hulk of the assembly, and divided from it by a sliding partition, bul which was at this time left open above the level of the benches.] After making a minute of tin- appointmenl of Clerks, &c., the names of the repre- sentatives from Rhode Island Quarterly Meeting of Friends were called, and all responded thereto. The Clerk then proceeded to read the report from that meeting, in which lie was greatly interrupted by many in different parts of the house. Abraham Shearman, Jr. (the former Clerk), left hi* ami passing along the ministers' gallery to- wards that part oi it where the Clerk wa> standing, called upon him to desist : hut after a short pause, the reading was calmly proceeded in. until finished. After appointing a committee to prepare and produce to a future sitting, a more extended minute, to hi- entered on our record.-, cm- 18 15.] THOM kfi B, GOULD, y trying circumstances in which h pla 1th the 1 and cause tb it did not ap] pr( on1 of the greal interruptii •) Friends m< I introduce any further business at tha ting, yearly meeting concluded to adjourn, to inert on third-day morning at the tenth hour, of which the women's meet!! informed, and adjourned accordingly. f i fact being reported to the separate [Gurney] meeting by their messengers, they adjourned, to meet at the same place, nt the ninth hour. ** Friends assembled on Ihird-day morning, and found our meeting-house already occupied by the sepa- rate meeting, — whereupon I arly meeting gathered opened in the yard, the men's meeting near one 1 of the house, and the women's at the other. Each me appointed a committee to apply to these in the house for the vacation of the Clerks 1 tables for the use of the yearly meeting and its ( !lerks, and also for the transfer of the books and papers thereof; which application having n made ami unconditionally refused, ^ve were deprived of the reports from all our quarterly meetings, except Rhode Island. One representative from Salem and three from Sandwich Quarterly Meetings, uniting with us, were recognized as such by the meeting ; which., with those from Rhode Island, made thirteen representatives to the men's meeting who have remained with Friends. "After being thus obliged to hold our meeting, both of men and women Friends, standing in the open air for nearly two hours, it was concluded to adjourn the yearly meeting to the Baptist meeting-house in Clarke Sjrect, which was kindly opened for that purpose. Friends hav- ing removed from our meeting-house yard in a body, con- vened again immediately at the place proposed; and sitting for a time together, our hearts were tendered and united under the cementing influence of the Great Head of the Church, who. as we iced bowid reverently to acknowledge, has been pleased in His unmerited mercy, and in a re- markable manner, to own U8 in the way which we go, to manifest Himself among us by His Spirit, to uphold and preserve US by His power, amid the varied conflicts which 250 LIFE AND LETTERS OF [1845, we have had to pass through, for His great name's sake, Under feelings of d >rrow and concern for those who have been drawn aside from the truth, and of thankfulm to the Lord our Pr< olemnity and the preciousm the covering which, in adorable men was spread overus, thai it was concluded to adjourn with- out introducing any business at thai time. " The subsequent sittings of the yearly meeting have been regularly held al the same place ; and although greatly reduced in numbers, Friends have been mercifully favored during these several sittings, to experience renewed and abundant evidence, that Jle who Ieadeth the blind by a way which they know not, and in paths which they have not -con. is not unmindful of His people, — and that, while, in the counsels of His own will, He hath permitted them to be thus sifted and very closely tried, yet that lie will, in His own good time, gather the outcasts of Israel and the dispersed of Judah, raising up judges as at the first, and counsellors as at the beginning, who shall not en- in vision or stumble in judgment, hut who shall he enabled, by His holy help, to lay judgment to the line, and right- eousness to the plummet : for Zion was to he redeemed through judgment, and her converts with righteousnei and we are persuaded that lie who reigneth King in the midst of Zion* will verify His ancient promise, * I will restore health unto thee, and L will heal thee of thy wounds, saith the Lord, because they called thee an outcast, saying, This is Zion whom no man seeketh after.' ' Behold, I will bring again the captivity of Jacob's tents, and have mercy on his dwelling-places; and the city shall he builded upon her own heap, and the palace shall remain after the manner thereof. And out of them shall proceed thanksgiving, ami the voice of them that make merry : and I will multiply them, and they shall not be few: 1 will also glorify them, and they shall not be small. Their children also shall hi- as aforetime, and their rongregation shall be esta- blished b . and 1 will punish all that oppr* tern. " Furthermore, we are engaged to testify and declare, that while we have the fullest unity with the THOMAS i . i.!>. anc blished principles, doctrines, testimonies, and jcipline ciety of Friends, as held and supported from the beginning, and as published authori- tative] he world in Robert Barclay's "Apology for the true Christian Divinity," his " Catechism and Con- don of Faith," and his treatise on "Church Govern- ment;" also by George Fox, William Penn, [saac Pen- tngton, George Whitehead, and all those brighi Bona of the morning in unity with them ; — yel we have no unity :ii]> with those adverse principles and doctrines of Joseph John Gurney, as exhibited in the following extracts from his published works, and illustrated by the disorderly practices and proceedin his adheres those principles and doctrines being, as the extracts from the writings of some of our early Friends, which we have contrasted therewith, will show, plainly inconsistent with the doctrines of the Gospel of our Lord and Saviour Jesus ( Ihrist and His Apostles, as recorded in the Holy Scriptures of truth, which are of divine authority, being given by in- spiration of God, and written by holy men of old, as they were moved by the Holy Ghost. *• We therefore entreat and exhort our dear- friends, Tywhere, to be on their guard against receiving or imbibing any principles or doctrines that are not in accordance with those- held and promulgated by the early approved writers and ministers of our Society, which we have herein referred to ; and who were made in their day eminent instruments in the Divine Hand, of reviving pri- mitive Christianity, exalting the standard of truth, and of gathering a distinct and peculiar people unto Him who was the foundation of the prophets and apostles, Jesus Christ himself — the Rock of Ages — being the chief corner- stone." " In conclusion, Ave feel concerned affec- tionately and earnestly to invite all those who make a profession of the truth under our name, in this time of great commotion, to centre more and more to the unflat- tering witness, and gift of divine light and grace within themselves, which never will deceive those that faithfully follow its leadings. Thus shall we know more and more 252 LIFE AND LETTERS OF [18 i~>. of :ni establishment on thai Bock on which the tree Church of Chrh rilded, and against which the hell shall never bi ed to prevail. May none of our dear friends be discouraged in view of the great suf- ferings which a faithful adherence to the truth may bring upon them : but remembering the glorious reward promised our Holy Redeemer to those who are willing joyfully to Buffer for His Bake, and to sacrifice near and dear things for His cause, may we all look to Him who re- mains to be the Helper of His people, with earnest desii for preservation, •• And as, in the integrity of our hearts, this is the <•. although in His inscrutable wisdom, He may permit us to be Boreiy tried, even to an hair's breadth, both for our furtherance in the ever-blessed truth, and the advance- ment of His own glorious cause in the earth, yet as we abide in the everlasting patience, we shall know the angel of His presence to go with us, and be permitted to enjoy the reward of that inward peace and satisfaction, which the more dweller in the outward court may talk of, but never can possess/ 1 An undue confidence in certain leaders of the people, and desire to stand well with the rulers, had taken p ssion of many minds, even among those who at first had :i more or less clearly the discordance between our ancient principles and those of the modern school. The arch enemy of all truth, who is ever ready to take advan- I* our weakness, easily persuaded these, that it was very comfortable to take the words and deeds of those in whom they had placed their confidence, as unquestionably correct and safe for them to follow, instead of Bubmittii to the arduous engagement of entering individually into close religious travail and exercise of spirit, by which they might have been qualified to discern between the voice of the stranger, and the still small voice of Him who would have led them Bafely by the footsteps of the flock, in the green pastures of life. Thus lending a willing ear to the ''charmer," they became more and more bewildered, till they stumbled in judgment, and were carried away in mul- titudes by the delusive representations now set afloal : ,x| THOBI 18 I i.i>. that in some quarters very fev round prepared to *"' 'ng ,1 "' true standard, in opposition to the » e , rful mpaences brought I upon them from within and from \\ ithout. The yearly meeting, in view of the distracted condition into which the Society i„ NVw England was now thrown by the disorderly and factious proceedings of the Gun party, the fallacious representations spread abroad by them P*ro*«>n whirl, had taken place, and the almost erwhelming prevalency of defection in influential quar- s, believed that great difficulties would attend the honest endeavors ot Friends to sustain their meetings in accord- •-• with the ancient principles and practices of the S* '}'■ * committee was therefore appointed, to v'mi the quarterly monthly, and other meetings, as way might open 'f. and extend aid, as enabled, in the support of the timonies of tnuh as always professed by as T B dd being one of this committee, an^interesting view of some features of the visits may be gathered from several of the following letters. Ur received, about this time, an encouraging letter among others, iron, a Friend in the ministry, then residing in JNew Jersey. ° Fkom AVilliam Scattergood to T. B. G. - _, MiLltillb, 7th mo. 21st, 1845. Dear Friend, T. IS. Gould: My thoughts have been so often turned towards thee with some others in your parts, during the past few weeks.* that I seem to see no other way than to endeavor to impart somewhat of the sympathy that attends ,„v mind towards thee m tins way It is not in the sense of abounding, nor of having much to communicate ; hut as a trying period has overtaken some of you, who are engaged to stand for the law and the testimony, it cannot hut tend to affect all such as love the Lord Jesus in sincerity, with feelings of lively and tender inter, "When one member suffers all the members suffer with it," is the language of the ex- perienced apostle, and is witnessed by such as are alive in no .)- 4 LIFE AND LETTERS OF [184."). the L<>rd down to this day; and as there is a patient abiding with the Beed which is under Buffering, ther< something known of being one another's helpers as well as joy in the Lord. We are happily thus far placid in a situation in which we arc not immediately involved in the confusion caused by unruly and unsettled spirits, who, having losi ground in themselves, arc Beeking to keep up an outward prof< sion, and more than that, are Beeking pre-eminence over others and in the church. Hut I apprehend we shall not long witness immunity from the desolating effects of this unhappy defection from the cross of Christ, which is the groundwork of all schism and contention in the church. Well, 1 think 1 can Bay, in looking at the wave that is rolling towards us, and which is no doubt to overwhelm many in its progress, may our dependence and foundation be upon the everlasting Bock which cannot be moved, and against which the winds and waves yrill beat in vain. J low- important, in those who are engaged to stand against the innovations of the present day, that they be found with their loins girded about and their lights burning : that they should witness a fresh and fervent engagement, day by day, to have on the whole armor of light, that so they may stand against the wiles of the devil ! I have felt, in looking at the prospect before us, of having again to enter as it were into warfare with unruly spirits, as though it was an awful one : and having been a participator in a degree in a former separation, the thought of this lias affected me, with more than ordinary desires that my own depen- dence and Btrength might be alone in Him who is mighty to save. It is only as we are thus brought in true humility to depend upon Him, that we can hope for safety as regards ourselves, or victory, in a church capacity, over the enemies of the cross of ( Ihrist. May our abiding then, my dear friend, be here, and may we be more concerned that truth and righteousness may prevail, than any other thing. Truth is truth, though all men forsake it: and as we hold fast to it, lie who is said to be the Way, the Truth, and the Life, will maintain his own cause, and we shall witness true exaltation in His way and time, which 18 \->. ] THOM L6 B. GOULD. i> Doi to be hastened or promoted by any contrivance or tlic natural mind or will, < w ! it is good to dwell low with Him, in his holy fear ! have had accounts of your late yearly me. and while we mourn with you over the defection of bo mai 1 look forward with hope, that those who remain at- tached to our religious principles and testimonies may be bo afresh engaged to know their abiding to be in the Vine, that heavenly and blessed fruil may be more eminently manifest among as than for the time that is past, If this isnot the case, if love, joy, peace, long-suf- fering, meekness, goodness, faith, are not more eminently to be Been among as, whal profit Bhall this separation be to us *: ( >ur unity and fellowship is not bo much in the belief of opinions and notions about religion, as in that holy and blessed Spirit whereinto all the living members of Christ's spiritual body arc truly baptized, whereby they arc made one body, oven as we arc called in one hope of our calling. May this be more and more our experience as a religious body, and may this sifting, shaking season, tend to drive us home to the impregnable fortress, where the Lord's presence dwells ! My heart is enlarged in feelings of tender solicitude for those of my own age and younger, that we may be preserved in the hollow of the Lord's holy hand, and that, in our engagements in the church, we may be preserved from doing anything to hinder or mar the Lord's work. As we are thus preserved patient and watchful before Him, he will at seasons clothe with his divine power, so that one shall chase a thousand, and two put ten thousand to flight. I could enlarge much upon this weighty and solemn lasion ; but as I have no desire to multiply words, have only to commend thee, with other of our dear friends in your parts, to the keeping and guidance of the Shepherd of Israel. May lie be your bow and battle-axe, your shield and exceeding great reward. If this is the ca though Israel be not gathered, though there may be little left of us as a religious society, yet will you be precious in the eyes of the Lord, and He will afford the sweet con- solation, of which He is the only Source and Fountain. 256 LIFE AND LETTERS OF [1845. My love to thy wife, in which my Elizabeth joins ; also to Mich as 1 may have some acquaintance with in your quarterly meeting, &c. : and with the salutation of near affection, 1 remain thy Friend and brother, William Scattergood. From T. B. G. to Joshua Maulb. North Berwick, Maim:, 26th of 8th mo., 1845, Mv yeky dbab Brother, Joshua Maulb: Such has been the press of business growing OUt of our peculiar situation in New England, that I have been able to pay scarcely any attention to my own affairs, since J parted with thy Sarah. I am now here, with others of our yearly meeting's committee, waiting for Dover Quarterly Meeting, which is to be held at this place to-morrow and the day following. . . . We sat nearly eight hours in Salem Quarterly Meeting, held last fifth-day at Lynn, before the Gurneyites got ready to ad- journ and leave Friends in possession of the house. About fifty men remained, including the committee of the yearly meeting; there were, however, but six or seven women, the rest clinging to the skirts of a distinguished female minister there, who is not j'ct prepared to take a stand herself with us, although she -advised her husband and children to do so, and they did. Oh, the baneful effects of the love of popularity! How few there are that arc willing to be of no reputation, for His sake who left us an example that we should follow Him ! North Berwick Monthly Meeting occurred the same day as Salem Quarterly Meeting: and the ( iiirneyites here, with J. D. L. at their head, separated themselves there- from, in consequence < f the old Clerk being in unity with Friends; and the time of his appointment having expired, they sought to effect a change, much in the same way they did in Swan/ey Monthly Meeting, as told in the Address. Hut failing to do so in the regular way. they persisted in the appointment of a new one, Organized a new meeting, adjourned it, and left Friends with the regular Clerk ill the house, On the men's side, and he also retained the 1 B 15. ] THOMAS B. QOl LD, books and papers. But the women's Clerk wen! off, and k the books and papers with her. Fifteen men and man; women remained in the house. In Salem, it ap- peared tin 4 leaders had previously agreed to make no reply anything we might say. To numy of their members, much have they been kepi in the dark), the Btate of things was comparatively new and unheard of: they ac- dingly made many inquiries as to the ground and cause of things, which were very fully answered by Friends, embracing what our opposers do doubt considered high cha gainst themselves in regard to doctrine, disci- pline, and bo forth. But they never disputed one single word which we uttered, during the six hours we remained ; and thus very fully manifested the extreme weakness of their cause, especially as they were requested had in any respect misrepresented them. And some of their yearly meeting's committee were pre- sent, both old and new ; for they have, it seems, disbanded their standing committee, and have now merely got one similar to ours, to sustain their meetings, &C. Thou hast doubtless heard, that in Sandwich Quarterly Meeting, held on Nantucket, there were as many men left attended our yearly meeting: and more women, there being very nearly, if not quite, one hundred women. Truly, in our passing along under many difficulties and heavy burdens, we d<> find some bright spots, even such as We had not thought or heard of: even such as have been fitted and prepared as in the mountains, for the rebuilding of the temple: which I have no doubt will yet, as faith- fulness is abode in, be beautified and made glorious, as in days of old and as in former years. Nevertheless, the work is great, the burdens are heavy, and the faithful laborers few Friends are very anxious to hear how it will go in Ohio. Nevertheless, they have seen enough to convince the most doubtful of those who endured the test at the yearly meet- ing, that it was done in the ordering of Best Wisdom, and that a way was wonderfully opened for us. beyond what we could have asked, or thought of, or believed. That New York committee, which was designed to assist in and 22 k LIFE AND LBTTBR8 OF [184'). complete our overthrow, together with the English people, proved the means of our being safely and honorably de- livered; the counsel of Ahithophel being turned into fool- islnn Truly thine, Thomas B. Gould. To Mabtha S. Gould. Nobtb BxawiGK, Maine, 26th of 8th mo., 1- ; My dear Mabtha : We had a tedious time at Lynn; yet I did not Buffer as much during the six hours we waited upon our opposers, after tin* shutters were closed, before they got ready to adjourn, and leave Friends in the house, as I did on Nantucket. In this time we had a fine opportunity to open up the ground and cause of things; and J. AV. did it very fully, without one word of reply from any of them, although he charged them boldly. When they at length got ready to adjourn, they left about fifty men in the house, including the yearly meeting's committee. But among the members of Salem Quarterly Meeting who remained, there are some very choice Friends, who have been fitted and prepared, as in the mountains, for this day Thomas B. Gould. To Martha S. Gould. WeSTBROOK, Maim:. 9th mo., 5th, 1845. My dbab Martha : 1 wrote h<»me from the house of Timothy Varney, of Kennebunk; and the next evening received thy note, at the house of J. IF. in the town of Gorham, about five miles the other side of Windham meeting-house, where the quarterly meeting was held yesterday. We got to J, IF - bouse about sunsel (twenty-five miles from Kennebunk), that is, J. Wilbur, I. Bufiinton, and myself, and were very kindly received and comfortably entertained ; they being farmers, and very clever SOTt of people, although they go 18 15. | THOMAS i:. QOl LD. b " tlif body." William and Elizabeth Hill, and Mary I us there in about an hour after; the two former having returned from Kennebunk, in order to d and bring dear Mary Davis; she having been home since the quarterly meeting at Berwick, and returned again bear us oompany in this painful Bervice, to the conclusion thereof. Perhaps this was the largest quarterly meeting ever held here. It not being known thatwewere in the neigh- borhood (by the rulers), until we drove ap to the meeting- house, it produced great excitement among them: and Stephen Jones, his brother Thomas, and Nathan Pope, an elder, joined by Edward Wing, took an opportunity with John Wilbur before meeting, and charged him to leave alter the first meeting closed. I. seeing they had J. W., joined them: I. B. followed; when Edward Wing told them he supposed they knew we had all been disowned! which however did not frighten any of as. We took com- modious Beats in the meeting; and soon after, a young upstart, whoso name is J , delivered one of their broad- sides, and a little after A. It. poured out another, which last was quite ingeniously done. She alluded to Balaam'* being hired to curse Israel, his seeking for and using divinations and enchantments, Israel's abiding in their tents, and his curse being turned into blessing, &c. But J. Wilbur od up shortly, and turned it all back upon her and them in a most workmanlike manner; showing that that people were no longer safe than while they did truly abide in their tent, dwelt alone, &c. : and that even Balaam taught Balak to lay a stumbling-block before the children of Israel ; how they stumbled and fell upon it, and event- ually became scattered and mixed among the people, for want of truly and really abiding m Him who had led them and preserved them while they stood in obedience to and dependence upon Him. This stirred up a silly woman who has lately been recommended here. The burden of her song was love, love, love !— everything that occasioned strife, she said, was Anti-Christ, and so might be known. etc. Here I could scarcely refrain from reviving the query: " Think ye that I came to send peace on earth? 260 LIFE AND LETTERS OF [1845. I 1 1*11 you nay, but a sword/ 1 and " to Bet the son against the father, and the daughter-in-law against her mother-in- law;" — and "the greatest enemies a man hath shall be they of his own household." But before 1 thought it sea- sonable to stand up, J. II., who i> very deal', and proba- bly did not hear anything that had been said, rose op, speaking comfortably to those who were oppressed; but he did expose the nakedness and shame of the rulers. He uttered much sound doctrine and many home-truths; hut I could not feel easy to follow linn. He is a thorough " come-outer," of whom there are many in these parts, who serve to rebuke those degenerated professors; as it is written, " I av i 1 1 rebuke them by them that are no people, and by a foolish nation will I anger you;" but as they would gladly join hands with us if we would have them, it makes our path the more difficult. Young J however again stood up, and said something more ; when they shook hands; after which Stephen Jones requested "Friend*" both men and women, to keep their seats, and those who were not) to withdraw. Many left the house, — all, I sup- pose, who were desired to leave, except ourselves. After sitting.ior some time, we were formally requested to leave. John Wilbur attempted to make reply, on which he was eral times interrupted by Stephen and Thomas Jones; for whom he stopped till they had done, and then went on again, they crying out, "We have no unity with thee or thy company/' But John proceeded till Stephen Jones requested men Friends to go into the women's apartment (the house being in two parts), which they seemed to understand, and acted accordingly, going out in confusion, while John Wan-en cried aloud, " We have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness!" On getting out of the door, we found a strong guard placed at that into which ^t/tr body" were entering. One of the sentinels was calling out, " Friends, walk in — walk in. Friends!" So I stepped up towards the door ; upon which he said, "Thee can't go in, thee can't go in!" I inquired, u Is this the way you entertain strangers ?" — he being a man whom 1 had often seen at Newport. He said, " It is the way we entertain such as come here to impose 1 8 IV ] THOMAS B. GOULD, 261 upon as and disturb as." — " How have I imposed upon or you?" — " Thee has been disowned!" — by the of Friends." — "Well," said he, "thee is o member of our Society; thee can't go in : we can'1 disturbed." I told him, I should not pro.-- it any fur- ther than to clear myself; it was a relief to me that they had themselves prohibited us; we were clears and the burden must rest upon themselves. There were bu1 two male members of this quarterly meeting, who stayed out with us. Poor Mary Mavis and Elizabeth Hill had it to bear alone in the women's meeting, except dear B.A., who is a Bwe£t-spirited woman. After waiting about an hour, and finding they would not even open the meeting until they left, and that nothing eould be done further than the relief of their own minds, these three Friends came out and left them. And having ridden seven miles, we have found a place of rest and safety at this house, where we expect to remain tonight also, as John Wilbur has an appointed meeting here this afternoon T. B. Gould. To Martha S. Gould. Yassaluoro', ninth month, Dili, 1845. My dearest Martha : I wrote last at the house of Ehenezcr Austin, on sixth- day I think. The next morning we left in their company for Durham, a distance of twenty-four miles ; but John Wilbur feeling a concern to appoint a meeting at the village of Freeport, six miles short, we stopped there at a public house, and stayed the night. Although the notice was short, the meeting was large, the landlord kindly in- teresting himself to notify the people. Neither himself nor wife seemed to know anything of Friends, nor to have attended their meetings, although so near to Durham, which is a very large one. But I suppose our early Friends would have said she was convinced. She was truly tender and broken ; could not do enough for us, apparently ; and was very reluctant to part with us. However, we set out on first-day morning, and rode six 202 LIFE AM) LETTERS OF [1645. miles to Durham Meeting, in a hard rain : hut we wont dry and comfortable before it. Here live S. and T. J., and they have poor X. I), for their chief preacher, whom they have converted into a hewer of wood and a drat of water for them. But on this occasion they had B. J., of whom I have before Bpoken, to do their drudgery for them : and although we Baid never a word, yet our pre- sence was sufficient to call forth their bitterest ire; and the Baid Benjamin did preach at us, and "call on the name of his Grod" to deliver them, vehemently. Thou canal imagine the worst, and not exceed the reality per- haps : yet we could bear it very patiently While we were in meeting, they turned our horse and carriage out of the Bhed under which, as we came early, Ave had hitched it : and nmeli ado Ave had to find it, among the great number of carriages. No one invited us to dine, so Ave rode on, about four miles, crossed the great Andro- ggin River, and stopped to dine at a tavern on this side, and in full view of it. It is the most rapid river I ever saw, running violently over a rocky bed, much of which is exposed at this season, as the river is low. When high, it must be terrific, even here, yet more so at Brunswick, about five miles below this bridge Being kindly entertained, and having had a comfortable night, we rode on, about eleven or twelve miles, to Augusta, the seat of government in the State of Maine. Here we stopped at a tavern to dine and have our carriage mended : for when within a mile or so of Lot Groddard's house, down came the hack bar of our carriage After dinner, our carriage being ready, we once more set forward towards the north, crossed the Kennebec, by the great bridge of Augusta, ami rode up its east hank (through the southerly part of the town of Vassalboro*), about ten miles, close by the river Bide all the way. Then turning east about one mile, we came to the house of David Elowland, who, with his wife and aged mother, gave us a hearty welcome. They were expecting as, as William Hill had written, and it was truly grateful to our feelings, once mpre to meet with those who could sympathize with US and joyfully r [8 15.] THOMAfl B, GOULD. ib. . . . Vassalboro' Quarterly Meeting is held on Bixth-day, about a mile from this hou I have felt very anxious lately: ye1 I have Bometin thought, that He who calls for dedication to His cause, can keep those who are SO \rvy dear to inc. and whom 1 have left for its Bake alone, it' it please Him, whether I am present or absent. My dear love to father and mother, sisters L. and M., and to thyself more than can be written or uttered. Thy own, T. B. Could. obi T. B. (i. TO . Newport, 19th of ninth month, 1845, My dear : What do they make of us '.' Do they really think that we are so had that we are not fit foi- ia!, for relative intercourse ? Truly I have had many, very many hitter cups to take at the hands of the Gurney- ites, but none were half so bitter as some such as these being administered by those who have professed to be our friends. Nevertheless I have once more ventured to write freely, and as 1 used to do, respecting our affairs. If it IS burdensome, I shall regret it sincerely, as I love thee and all thine: under which conviction I conclude, and am as ever thy affectionate Thomas B. Gould. When we were coming home from the East, we met dear Mary Macey, with Benjamin and Rachel Gardner, going down to visit the families of such as would receive them, in those Eastern quarters. She had visited many families in Lynn, who did not go with us at the time of the separation there ; and there were others whom she expected to visit on her return. I was at Lynn Meeting, both morning and afternoon, last first-day, and had good reason to be glad I was there, although it cost dear. But I was received beyond all expectation, and very differently from what 1 met with East, even by Our- neyites. 264 LIFE AND LETTERS OF [1845. From Zkno Carpenter to T. B. <-. The lltb of 7th mo. 1M.». My much beloved Friend : I Balute thee in the love of the Gospel, fellow-traveller and fellow-soldier, bound to the land and city of God. My mind hath been drawn in much sympathy toward thee at times, since I saw thee in the city of Philadelphia. I wish thy preservation and prosperity every way : that thou mayst stand firm and immovable in the living and eternal truth. Let thy whole trust and confidence be in the holy Rock of Ages, Christ Jesus our Lord. He is the same as ever he was, strong and mighty, Lord of heaven and of the whole earth. 1 believe thou hast had many trials to pass through, many oppositions from those thou once travailed in spirit with : may thou be preserved, is the fervent prayer and supplication of thy friend, thy brother and companion in tribulation. It is beyond the expression of pen or tongue to set forth the mercy, the goodness, and loving-kindness of the "Ancient of days," to His poor dependent creature man. How humbly thank- ful ought we to be for His many mercies and kind favors conferred upon us ! He is infinite in goodness ; lie is often pleased to look down from His excellent glory to bless, and favor, and strengthen, and confirm the poor weary traveller, that is on the way to the land of eternal rest. Well, dear friend, be not discouraged nor dismayed : if the Lord is on thy side, who can be against thee? Though all the powers of death and darkness, and even hell itself, should combine together, yet they will never be able to dismount or overthrow a servant of the living God, mounted upon the King's horse, and arrayed in royal apparel. No, verily: lie is omnipotent and omnipresent; He ruleth in the army of heaven, and in the kingdom of men ! 1 trust it is in Gospel h>ve that I felt thus to address thee. It lias not been for thyself only, but tbv dear com- panion, that I never saw that 1 know of: I felt that love t«> flow towards you, that is without bounds. May you join heart to heart, and travel hand in hand, in the glo- L8 15. ] THOMAS D GOULD. 265 rious cause; and keep to the law and testimony, and to the Bentiments of the Society of Friends, though many may deviate therefrom. I beseech it of you, dear friends and feljow-travellcrs, thai you would stand firm and im- movable, always abounding in the work of the Lord. Sou will often witness t ho love of God, and His glory, to shine in and fill the BOul. What can be named more precious and comfortable ? < Hi, matchless goodness and marvellous loving-kindness, that a Being, altogether complete without as, should thus condescend to bless and to favor! It is cause of humility and self-abasement, and to bow in awful reverence before the Mosl High, for such dignified favors from the great and holy Head of the Church, whose mer- cies are innumerable, and still continue to be over all His works, new every morning, from generation to generation. May we, dear friends, serve, reverence, and adore, and love Him, in preference to all sublunary attainments! I feel for von in that part of the land: trials, and deep ones, await you. Give not back ; maintain your ground, your station and standing in truth ; and keep on the watch- tower, a place of safety, under the sanctuary of our Lord, and out of the reach of the enemy of souls, who is con- tinually on the alert, going to and fro in the earth, and walking up and down in it. His power is a limited one. The power of the Lord is above and over all, almighty, eternal, and incomprehensible. Therefore let us trust in the Lord, and lean not upon a hollow reed, nor trust in man, whose breath is in his nostrils, for therein is no safety. Let us pray fervently that the Lord from on high will be pleased, in unmerited mercy, to remember us, poor, frail, and finite creatures. There is nothing that we can do of ourselves, as men and creatures, that will in the least redound to the honor and dignity of the great and holy Head of the Church. May the u Ancient of days" keep and preserve you, and poor me, in His holy fear and counsel ; that we may be strengthened to pursue the high and holy way that leads to the land of everlasting rest, and out of the reach of all trouble and temptation, to join the celestial family, and the spirits of just men made per- 23 2GG LIFE AND LETTERS OF [1846. fret, to Bing the holy song of redeeming love, where God i riumphantly with His saints ! From your affectionate friend and well-wisher, Zbno Carpenter. From T. B. G. to Joshua and Sarah Maule. Newport, 1st month, 6th, 184G. My dear Brother and Sister: .... As you may not have heard how we poor pil- grims fared after Ave left Berwick, where, I think I stated in my last, Dover Quarterly Meeting was to be held, I will just say that no quarter below Dover was sustained, al- though we went down to Fairfield, which is the lowest. It appealed that the Gurneyites came to a conclusion, after Dover Quarter, not to allow us to sit in the meetings for discipline; thus laying aside their resolutions to be quiet and bear with us, which they made so much boast of at Lynn. And at Dover, J. D. L. and his partisans nearly raised a mob while so earnestly recommending quietness and patience under their sufferings; sufferings produced only by our presence and pleading with them not to sell their birthrights for a mess of pottage, nor to exchange the inheritance of their forefathers for another. But they found, to their great chagrin and vexation, that while they allowed us to sit and state our case, as way opened for it, we gained the ears of some in every quarter, who had before been kept in ignorance of the true ground of the controversy: that they were losing ground, and we were gaining it, and that it would not do any longer to " suffer patiently," even such as it was, and as they suffered. But they must resort next to stratagem, and then to force. So, at Falmouth Quarter, which followed Dover, they did allow us to enter the public meeting; not, however, without vainly attempting to extort a promise of silence therein, and of leaving at the close. And at the close, they first requested those who were not members to withdraw, and BO gOl rid of spectators. Then, as we did not leave, they singled US out. and formally requested us to do so, but not very civilly. We did not comply; and they then requested 18 16.] THOMAS B. aoi u>. the men to withdraw into the women's apartment, and hur- ried them, first oul of that part of the meeting-house, and then into the other, while a strong guard at the door pre- vented us from entering; which, however, we made no other attempt to do in any case, than just to advance to- wards it in a peaceable and becoming manner. But it' we had advanced with the same determination to enter, which they manifested to keep as out, we should soon have brought them to Mows! It was, however, no way flattering to the intellects of those assembled, to witness how submissively thev Buffered themselves to be dragged into the assemblies of a professedly non-resisting people. However, at Fair- field Quarter (the next in point of time), they would not allow any of US, either male or female, to enter the public meeting for worship (so called): our women Friends had not been reached by the manoeuvre which excluded the male members of the committee from Falmouth Quarter, and had had some effective service in the women's meet- ing; although thev were of course not able to sustain it. Thev would not even open that meeting during their pre- sence, under a pretence they had no right to sit; yet neither of them had even been treated with at that time. So, after clearing themselves, they quietly withdrew, and joined the men Friends, who Avere standing in the yard, hard by the meeting-house ; into which the poor Gurney people were crammed and locked, for very fear that any one should even feel a curiosity to speak with us outside ! Truly we were made spectacles to men at least; but we did not envy them their condition, or covet their feelings ; and I con- j, theirs seemed to me a truly pitiful case. But to return to Fairfield. We reached the meeting- house early, and found the doors locked, and a guard close by, watching. Our dear friend, Mary Davis, first ascended the steps, which were several feet above the ground, and tried the door in vain ; upon which she took her stand on one side of it, against the Bide-light of the door, from which she did not move, after, till we left ; as when the people began to muster, the guards stood between her and the door, to prevent her entrance. Many people collected and stood around, Avondering; they not 268 LIFE AND LETTERS OF [1846. seeming as willing — other persuasions I mean — to be drag- ged or driven in. as our former Friends at Falmouth. It produced quite a sensation among the bystanders. And one of the guard, named D. D., in the station of an elder, treated Mary Davis verv rudely, pushing, and crowding, and elbowing her, to get her off' the platform of the steps endwise, whence she must have fallen several feet to the ground. Bui standing as she did between the posts, and against the side-light of the door, she was enabled, without any unseemly effort, to keep her feet ; and during this time she had a remarkable testimony to bear to these door- keepers : in which she spoke in a singular manner, which I could not then exactly comprehend, of the shortness of time, and how very dangerous it was to do anj'thing, under excitement, and a false, blind zeal, which would militate against us, and prove our burden, at the day of righteous retribution ! She did not speak loud, or so as to disturb those in the house, and moreover she was outside of the porch door. But David made a deal of noise, crying out against her for speaking, and trying to push her down while under that exercise. However, she did speak several times particularly to them, and before she had done, he gave over pushing. A. W., another of their elders, and late superintendent of the yearly meeting school, peremptorily commanded us to leave the premises, and declared, if we did not, they would make us ; for, said he, in a very boisterous manner (which, however, did not seem to disturb those in the house), "we will have none of your preaching here." After a while, the doorkeepers having succeeded, by great efforts, in get- ting all but ourselves into the house, and our friends feel- ing easy to do so, we got into our carriages, and joyfully turned our faces homewards. However, we still had an- other such scene to pass through, the same week, at Vas- salboro' Quarter; only here the guard failed to drive, or to call, and invite, and persuade, and entreat all present to enter the house. Quite a company remained outside with us. We withdrew a convenient space from the house; the young nun brought logs from the woods; and it proved one of the most solid and remarkable meet- 18 16. | THOMAti B. QOl LD. 269 ings which I ever attended. Ye\ those members of this quarter who stayed with as, did not think they could bus- tain the quarterly meeting ; which I regretted, as there was quite a sufficient number, it' they had had a little more faith. On looking over this letter, I find, that I omitted to Btate, while speaking of the very remarkable communication which dear Mary Davis delivered to the doorkeepers on the steps of Fairfield Meeting-house, how her communication, which seemed singular to me, although I had at the time no doubt of her authority, was explained. Two days afterwards, we heard that a noted Gurneyite minister, who went down, on the other Bide, to visit these quarterly meetings (and who had been extremely severe and abusive on John Wilbur and Mary Davis, both in the public and business meetings at Falmouth Quarter, the week before), had died very suddenly, and apparently in- sible, while on her way to Fairfield ; and her husband was then on his way home with her corpse ; of which neither Mary Davis nor any of our company had then heard, or had the least outward hint ; but which was well known to these people, and when we afterwards heard of it, served to explain some of their conduct otherwise not easily accounted for, any more than Mary's preaching. "What puzzled me, was her speaking to them of such a thing having occurred among their ranks, as she did, and warning them therefrom, dwelling upon it, enforcing it ; when I could not think of any case to which what she said was applicable, in the sense in which it was uttered. But they doubtless thought she knew all about it, and so shifted it off; although I know she was entirely unin- formed of the fact, until two days afterwards. And to me it afforded a fresh and instructive evidence, that the spirit of prophecy is still bestowed even upon some of those who are accounted as the outcasts of Israel. . . . Truly and affectionately yours, Thomas B. Gould. 23* 270 LIFE AND LETTERS OF [184G. To Ethan Foster. Newport, 22d of first month, 184G. My dear Friend : As for , I have not heard from him since 1 saw thee. I have never written to him since the yearly meeting, when I did reply to hia notice of the famous committee of their meeting for Bufferings eoming here; which letter I believe lie never received. I very much regret he should have acted as he did, according to the account in thy letter. But when I see the con pursued by some in Philadelphia, of whom we have had more reason to expect different things (for has always treated us and our cause more or less in a business- like, counting-house, or political manner), I am the less disposed to marvel at him, this time, although I wholly disapprove of it. We certainly have seen something of the same thing at head-quarters, though manifested per- haps in a somewhat different and more refined way : and how they are going to extricate themselves from the dilemma in which, as I view it, they are becoming more and more involved, I am wholly at a loss to deter- mine. Poor is in a very delicate and critical situa- tion, between two fires, and hard work I think he finds it, to reconcile and explain matters. If our Philadelphia " Friend" had taken high, and truly Christian, or Quaker ground, with what additional weight would they have been enabled to rally to the standard of truth, which they still profess a strong desire to adhere to ; but it is mournfully evident, that it musl nevertheless be in their own way and time. They do not like at all, for us to suppose that there is any change amongst them adverse to us ; and yet it requires but little discernment, to see that there is, and in promi- nent places too. There certainly, as E. Wardlaw said, in another case, has been an amazing falling off; — a sor- rowful disposition "to do the dews a pleasure," at our expense. There is a deal of working, manoeuvring, and contrivance, to avoid the conflict, all neatly done up under the convenient plea of waiting for the right time to come. 18 16.] Tih'.M \s B. QOULD. 271 ertheless, we have some firm Friends left there yet, but evidently themselves under bondage to those, who, John Barclay once said, in a Letter to thy father Wilbur, " stand 1 1 i i_r 1 1 and bear rule, but whose feet have well-nigh slipped, the dragon having nearly swept them down with those who have fallen." However, I am nol without an impression that all these manceuvrings will be overruled for good in the end. I Bhould not be surprised if it should result in Philadelphia as it did here ; if the very plans, which arc laid with the utmost caution in the power of man (whoso wisest conn-els are often foolish- should prove the means of helping us, and of the ipe of Mich among themselves as are hound with a heavy yoke It seems they have already granted certificates to enable their members to marry on the other side: within the limits of their yearly meeting, which is ** never going to own the Gurneyites !" — and it turns out, in the conclu- sion of the whole matter, that it is only " pretty much understood that there shall be no obstruction thrown in the way of marriage, until [that] yearly meeting decides the question !" We may guess when this is to be done, by a hint or two thrown out, that they are anxious to obtain all the information they can; so that, if way should open for it, they may prepare and publish a statement of the rise and progress of this heresy, beginning with Beaconism, bringing in Henry Bewley's book, and so beating about the bush, and prolonging the thing, as "to allow time" for their members to consider and understand the matter, before they are called upon to decide upon our epistle ; or rather, before they do decide to receive it ! Why, we have been gravely informed, that there is no doubt but we shall in time be owned by Philadelphia Yearly Meeting, "if" — mark — " if we are careful to keep up our yearly meeting !" Now, my dear friend, how long dost thou think we shall have to keep it up, according to this rule, before that material event takes place ? I could give names, but I forbear Thy sincere friend, Thomas B. Gould. 272 LIFE AND LETTERS OF [1846. From Zeno Carpenter to T. B. and M. S. Gould. CncA. the 7th of Dili mo., 1846. Dearly beloved Friends: I received your \rvy acceptable letter the day before I left New Y<>rk. about the time the yearly meeting ended. Sou have at times been brought very fresh to my memory, and near to my best life, fellow-travellers, bound to Zion, the city of the Living God; be not discouraged nor dis- mayed, though trials may await you. It's through great tribulation that the righteous enter the kingdom, and the seed is under suffering. Well, my dear friends, I feel myself poor and dependent, stripped and destitute, with nothing to rely on but the mercies and merits of Jesus Christ, often having to go as into the stripping-room, sometimes concluding I am one of the least of all the family: ami have been of late under many discouragements on account of the situation of this poor Society. How I have most fervently desired that we might unite and har- monize together ! I have heard nothing from you in that land since your yearly meeting, how you fare, whether you still are encouraged to believe you have pursued a right course. I have fervently desired for you, that in your solemn assemblies you may find Him, of whom Moses in the law and the prophets did write, Jesus of Nazareth, to strengthen you to pursue the heavenly journey to- wards the land of promise. I have prayed fervently for the preservation of the " smaller body" in New England, Bhall 1 say. the little flock and royal family. May the "Ancient of days" keep and preserve you in His fear and Counsel, that you may stand firm and inflexible in the glo- rious cause of Truth and Righteousness! Keep low and humble, in humiliation and self-abasedness, and to sound orthodox Quaker doctrine. Let us harbor no new views, nor newfangled sentiments, but those laid down by our forefathers and predecessors in the truth — never a more consistent chain of religious sentiments; let us keep firm thereto, and be careful of imbibing these new floating doc- trines in our land, of those who say they are in accord- ance with ancient Friends. I believe there will be a small L8 16, ] thou \s b, aoi i.!'. 278 Dumber who will Btand through all the storms and tem- 1 through :ill the trials that await as; — thai y will never be extinct. There will be, I firmly believe, a remnant preserved thai will serve the Lord with fidelity and uprightness. These will be more and more engthened to combal every difficulty, every trial and temptation of the enemy of souls, who is continually on the alert to draw aside from the narrow rpad. II' these stand firm, Satan with all his combined forces, never will be able to surmount n<>r overcome these dedicated servants and handmaidens, thai put their whole trusl in the Omnipo- I Arm of divine power, who is God over all and blessed forever ! It is a day of days, a day of mourning and lamentation, as ii was anciently, " Rachel weeping for her children, and would not be comforted because they are not." The ways of Zion do truly mourn, because bo few come up to her solemn feasts, bo few are concerned to come up to the help of the Lord, against the mighty, that old, hateful and potent enemy. I am a secret mourner, I go mourn- ing on the way, not only for my own short-coming, but for the declension of the Church from her ancient and primitive simplicity and purity. " Call the husbandman to mourning, and those that are skilful of lamentation to wailing ; for in all streets shall be wailing !" Oh ! my friends ! how I do sincerely pray that this little flock and family may be preserved, her stakes lengthened, and cords strengthened, that there may still continue to be a succession of living standard and testimony bearers, that will stand firm for the cause and testimony, and through divine assistance stand immovable against all the powers of death and darkness. This is the fervent desire of one that wisheth health and salvation to the whole human race and family, and especially to the household of faith. I should have liked to have heard how you got along in your yearly meeting ; whether you were favored with the owning presence of kind Providence, and to feel J lis holy and sweet influence to the soul. What more precious than when we can feel the love of God and his glory to 21 ! LIFE AND LETTE [1846. Bhine in and fill the bou] ? I am enamoured with it — it is worth more than a thousand of this world in a day that id fasl approaching, when we must appear before the Lord and Judge of all the earth, to receive a reward for the deeds done in the body. And may we, dear friends, be prepared for it. having oil in our vessels, and lamps burn- ing, that we may have a welcome admittance into the Joys of our Lord! 1 feel comforted this morning, while 1 am writing, and am humbly thankful if I can be favored to feel a quiet mind. Oh, matchless goodness and marvel- lous loving-kindness, that He is Btil] mindful of us, and has not forgotten to be gracious. — that a Being altogether DO © < complete without US, should thus condescend from His ex- cellent glory, to bless and to favor with His sweet and sanctifying presence ! 1 Bhould like to know, if thou wast willing to inform me, how you got along in your yearly meeting. There are many reports, and many hard sayings, concerning the " small body," as that there are " only a few stragglers gone off." I wish you in that part of the land to pay heed to this holy Teacher and Guide into all truth. Then no doubt you will advance in piety and virtue, and in- crease in number. There are comparatively few in this yearly meeting but what are Gurneyitcs; some meetings about all. I now conclude, hoping I have written nothing that will be disagreeable to read; and may we, dear friends, if we never meet again in mutability, meet in the royal palace of God, to sing the song of redeeming love! four sure friend, Zeno Carpenter. Draft oka Letter prom T. B. G. to Zbno Carpenter. Newport, 9th mo. 11th, 1846. Mv ENDEARED FATHERLY FRIEND : It is truly pleasant and strengthening to my dear wife and to myself, to gel thy sweet and lively epistles, exhibiting a greenness in old age, and that " thine eye is not dim," in a spiritual sense, nor thy "natural 18 16, | THOMAS B, GOULD, 275 force abated/ 1 thai thy Bword is bright and thy harm ! li-i\N \'rw are left, compared with the " thou- ds of ferae! " who once quickly responded to the Bound the trumpet, and were "prepared for war" when well-known and certain sound "waked ap the mig men!'' These things, the present of things in our now poor and tempest-tossed, but once highly favored and firmly anchored 8 y, as thou very justly remarkest, call for mourning and lamentation, and no1 only so, but for those who are "skilful" therein. Yel how few there are who are truly skilful in this day, in discerning the signs of the times! 1 1 « » a should those be able to discern and distinguish clearly, who have not only turned their hacks upon the light which maketh manifest, but are even dis- posed to deny its existence? Still I am comforted in the belief, that there is a living remnant preserved, up and down, who go sorrowing on their way, k * weeping day and night for the slain of the daughter of my people;" and that, for the sighing of these poor and the crying of the needy, who have none in heaven or in all the earth to look unto, but Him who is mighty to save and able to deliver even unto the uttermost, the Lord Almighty, in His own due and appointed time, will arise. Even when the days of mourning are ended, and the time is fulfilled, then He will give unto these the oil of joy for mourning, and the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness; then will Zion arise and shine, because her light is come, and the glory of the Lord hath arisen upon her. Thou inquirest about our yearly meeting, and whether Friends are still encouraged to believe they have pursued a right course ; also in regard to our numbers. Now, it is true we are few in number, compared with those who have gone out from us because they were not of us, and because they were seeking an easier way than that of the cross. Still, our yearly meeting this year was much larger than last, there being between eighty and ninety men. and more than a hundred women in attendance ; which, if I am rightly informed, is larger than Baltimore has ever been since the .Hicksite separation. But if we had ever sup- posed that the right and wrong of the matter depended on 276 LIFE AND LETTERS OF [1840. the relative numbers, we have been favored to witn enough of the presence of Him whose promise is as good to the "two or three" who meet in His name, and arc gathered to His power, as to the multitude, — to convince us of the contrary. So far as 1 know or ran judge, Friends are still encouraged, and I think more and more so, to believe thai they did pursue a right course. Nothing which has since transpired has ever shaken my faith herein. Indeed it is cause of humble thankfulness, that we have been favored to receive so many confirmations of the rec- titude of the course, which, under an extremity, we pur- sued, hut not without "great searching of heart," and fervent and united aspirations for Best Help and Direc- tion: which, through adorable mercy, was not withheld, as we humbly trust, either then or since. Surely the Lord is good to them that wait upon Him, to the soul that keth Him : and as in the individual, so in the collective capacity. I think I never sat in a more solid yearly meeting, or more favored with the overshadowing of good. Still ^e feel very weak, and wo are so. Much, yerymuch, needs to be done, to bring things into the good order of the Grospel, which has been so long disturbed by the im- position of unsanctified hands From T. B. G. to John Wilbur. Newport, 10th mo. 11th, 1846. My dear Friend, John "Wilbur: I have not been unmindful of having given thee encou- ragement at parting, that I would write on my return from Nantucket. But as I stayed there over first-day, I did not reach home until Last third-day, and have been very closely and necessarily engaged ever Bince. . . . Nathan Page and wife, and Lois Ives, were there. The former had an appointed meeting on Fourth-day evening, which Was large, and very solid, although it held considerably more than two hours: I marvelled at the patience of the people. The meeting held one hour before Nathan said anything; he stood an hour the first time, ;md about twenty minutes the second, with some pause between, and "Kill.] rnoiM OULD. 277 more after. Bui although he was thought to he favored, I did insider him to be as much Id I he >rning, or the public quarterly m< the next day. On both these occasions, he seemed to me and others to be eminently favored. The Bhutters also were opened on his account, after the business was concluded, and the service on this occasion devolved wholly upon him. Ilr had, I understood, a public meeting at Padan Aram (or some Buch place), in the neighborhood of New Bedford, first-day morning, and public notice given of his attend- ance at New Bedford in the afternoon. I was told, their new house was nearly or quite filled, and that he stood about an hour and a half at each place. . . . On h and seventh-days, I went with Prince Gardner and Peleg Mitchell, to see a few sick and afflicted people, — sonic six or eight families. — without seeing much more ... than a compliance with Friends' desire, that they should l>e noticed, except in two or three cases, where I felt par- ticularly drawn. These last were to me times of favor, soon to be forgotten ; and as for the others, I suppose the purpose was answered merely by our calling. I felt well satisfied with sitting with Friends there, in their meetings on first-day, without any notice being given. There appeared to be over two hundred persons present, both fore and afternoon. The meetings were mostly silent By a letter recently received from Philadelphia, it ap- pears there are others there who entertain the same views as dear old E. C. The letter says, we "need not expect much from those who stand high and bear rule in the city;" that if they can only get matters settled without a separa- tion, they will care but little what becomes of us ! In order to effect this, the writer thinks that they will write again to London, complaining of J. J. G., and that he will eventually be induced to take back some things and smooth down others, and so the whole thing will be hushed up and quieted down, without being probed to the bottom ! To prepare the way for this, she says, the doctrine of quiet- ness, charity, forbearance, &c, is being preached now by some who have been themselves subjected to this kind of 24 278 J.I I i: AND LETTEB8 OF [184lh censure, formerly, on account of the same kind of "im- prud< nee," by plain-speaking and straightforward conduct, which, in their turn, they now bestow upon others not yet remodelled. She Bpeaks of B. II. W. and many other honest friends, as having been brought under this quieting influence, 30 as to be made willing to wait "five years," for those not yet prepared to take a stand in our favor, without 1'idiiu: aware of the nature and design of it at all. .... . She says, this kind of feeling prevails most, where the man. whom W6 all most deeply lament and deplore, as a standard-bearer having fainted, has most influence. The letter gives rather a discouraging view of things, Loth as it respects their standing and our prospects, so far as it relates to our being owned l>y them as a yearly meeting. The writer, however, seems to think we are as well off as any other yearly meeting; and of this, BO far as it relates to Grurneyism, under one phase or other, there seems to be little doubt Thy sincere friend. T. B. Gould. To John Wilbur. North Berwick, Me., L9th of 10th mo, 1846. Mi drab Friend, John Wilbur: .... .....* Salem Quarterly Meeting was attended by about five- and-twenty men ; and about half that number of women stayed through the meeting, some haying left at the close of the public meeting, which was long silent, and laborious indeed to me; although, after Nathan Page had spoken, the clouds seemed to disperse. The meetings for business, both men's and women's, seemed to be times of more open- ness and favor, and I trust it ended pretty well. The next evening we had an appointed meeting at a pretty village, about a mile northeast of Nathan Page's house: which was well attended, the house being nearly filled; among the rest, one of Governor Endicott's descendants, bearing his name, was present. The people seemed raw enough, ami scarcely to know anything of Friends 1 principles, Some of which were opened to them; and eventually the 18 16.] THOM L8 B. 601 LD. 279 w:iv was made for the declaration of the Gospel to th< in, I humbly trust, a good degree of the spirit and power of it. After which, Nathan preached to them a pretty long while; when, having expressed satisfaction with the company of Buch as had given attendance, the meeting separated under a covering of much solemnity. Sesterday, being first-day, we sal with Friends of North Berwick in the morning, and in the evening attended a meeting previously appointed for us at Great Falls. J went to it under a feeling of inexpressible discouragement. The whole day and evening was very wet, dark, and un- comfortable; but I was surprised, on entering the Town Hall, a very targe and beautiful building, in which it was held, to find many people already assembled, notwithstand- ing the inclemency of the weather; and I can truly say, that I rejoiced in the conviction that the Master was with them. Others soon came in. to the number, a- Friends thought, of seven or eight hundred; and I thought I was never made more feelingly sensible of the flowing and abounding of Gospel love towards any people, than to them; of which I soon apprehended it to be my duty to inform them. A door of utterance and of entrance was mercifully and largely opened. Many literally said, Amen, to the Gospel truths declared; and. having taken my seat, a Methodist minister present, who, it seems, had been previously pre- pared to believe and to practise upon that divine precept, " Freely ye have received, freely give," stood up and ex- pressed his great joy at having been not only permitted to hear the word of the Lord, but to feel the power, life, and substance of the things spoken of; adding, that he also could say, that he was not ashamed of the Gospel of Christ, because it is the power of God unto salvation to them that believe, — that, as long as he could remember, Friends had borne testimony to the power of the Gospel, to vital, practical, inward religion, to the substance of things, and against the form and shadow, — that his heart's desire and prayer was, that they might never lower this standard: but, on the contrary, might go on and prosper, and be enabled to exalt it, until others should be induced 280 LIFE AND LETTERS OF [184G. to rally to it. and to fighl under it, — adding, there never 3 more need, &c. Ii !, 1 thought, a little too loi ilemnity continued ; and belies ing it right for me to add a very few words, by way of acknowledgment, of their company and <:<><>d l)oliavior, and earnestly and affec- tionately commending them unto I rod and the word of His grace, as to thai which was able to build them up, and to give them an inheritance among all those who are sancti- fied, the meeting was concluded, under a feeling of unut- terable thankfulness to the God and Father of all our Bure mercies, who had been pleased to send us help from the sanctuary, and to strengthen as out of Zion. Thou seest I have written freely to thee, believing it was thy due to know a little how Ave have grot along Do please write to me; and when it is well witli thee, remember one of the poorest and weakest children (if I may he called one) that was ever sent out on sueh an errand. Farewell. Thine as ever. Thomas B. Gould. To Martha S. Gould. Salem, 24th of 10th month, 184G. My dear Martha : .... We reached William Hill's about nine o'clock, and the next day went, in company with William and Elizabeth, down to Kennebunk, where the Baptist meet- ing-house was well filled with people ; who. although much unacquainted with Friends, came in very orderly at a quarter before eighl o'clock, and behaved solidly and well through a pretty long Bilence; and how much longer it would have remained so 1 do not know, if Mary Varney had not "opened a door" for me, which I found it my place to enter, and things were opened which perhaps they never thought or heard of before. After which, dear Eli- zabeth Hill did preach mosl Bweetly to them. She rather i>xc('r<\^ my expect at ions: still I had expected much of her. A fter she sal down, I found it my place to show iV<>m Joel, [UOted and applied by the Apostle Peter, that the Spirit 1846. | Tll-M LS B. GOULD. 281 was to be poured oul on daughters as well as bods, &c. I fell great openness, both in regard to the call and quali- fication for the ministry, and the aature of Divine worship : Jso of tin' necessity for all ministers of Christ Impli- citly to obey EDs injunction: " Freely ye have received, freelv rive." We returned the Bame night to William Bulls, and reached there about twelve o'clock. But there was one thing 1 forgot to mention. Soon after we got to Timothy Varney's, at Kennebunk, J. M. and his wife, who live some thirty miles l»rlow. came there, on their way home, to stay all night, not knowing of om- presence. They wore Gur- neyites, old people, and the woman had abused John Wil- bur shamefully, when he Was lately in their country. Be- fore meeting, W. Hill and I, Buffinton accosted her pretty smartly about it. She shrunk back, as much as I ever saw one, but they drew her forth: and when I saw this fairly done, I thought I would try a little to help; and opening things somewhat as though I did it not, the old man began to fall in with what was said, and own it to be truth : which he did more and more, till he was not a little convinced, and I thought it well to leave the subject. But not thinking for all this, that they would dare to go to meeting, when we were about to go, Israel said I had better take leave of them, as they would most likely retire before we came back from meeting : so I shook hands with the woman, but offering my hand to her husband, he said he thought he should go with us. His wife made some objection, but he seemed determined to go, feeble as he -. and he went; after which he expressed to Israel his satisfaction with the meeting. We returned to William Hill's that night, a distance of fifteen miles, and reached there about twelve o'clock. The next day I was down sick, not having been far from it for some days before. Fourth and fifth-days, quarterly meeting at Berwick ; about sixty Friends present ; both meetings times of favor. An appointed meeting on fourth- day evening, at North Berwick village, although Joshua Meader and others thought well of it, did not seem to me to be quite so well. I had to move very slowly and cau- 24* 282 LIFE AM) LETTERS OF [1846. tiously to find the Btepping-Btones, and to keep on them. Sixth-day, after quarterly meeting, we went to Lowell, William Hill in company; and had an appointed meeting there the same evening. But there were not more than sixty or seventy people present, the notice being short, as it waa late before we could find a place to hold it in ; and those who did come were not exactly the persons I had wished to see There were some plain and close things delivered. We lodged at a great hotel ; and in the morning (seventh-day) went, before breakfast, to Boston, some twenty miles, after which we proceeded to Rox- bury We went back to Salem that night, where I commenced and wrote the first two sides of this sheet. Attended Salem meeting in the morning, and Lynn in the afternoon of first-day. After meeting, went over to Boston and lodged, in order to reach Fall River (where I am now writ- ing) in time to attend their monthly meeting yesterday, which I did. I go to Freetown, about eight miles north of this, to an appointed meeting this evening, and to-mor- row to Luther Lincoln's, twenty-two miles, where there Is another meeting appointed for to-morrow evening. . . . Thy own, • T. B. Gould. To Rebecca Walton. Newport, 11th mo., 10th, 1846. My dear Friend, Rebecca Walton: I have wanted and intended writing to thee, almost ever since thou left ; but waa either too unwell, or top busy to do it, before I left home for my eastern journey. When 1 started, I provided myself with writing apparatus for this very purpose, and I think J can truly say that I never lost sight of it for a day: but I suffered so much with asthma the whole time, that all I could do was now and then to write to my dear Martini. In respect both to bodily suffering and exercise of mind, this journey has, indeed. COSt me dear; but, through un- 16.] THOMAS i:. &OULD. . i had no to doul I the rectitu of the concern. < to the contrary, I h; in it day by day; and way baa been made for me to aloi my bumbling admiration, unspeakable rel and apparently to the ction of Friends wherever I bave been. 1 > u t it ha med much my lol to go forth > the highways and hedges, having meetings in div( places where, so far as was known to me or Friends, none were ever held before. And although the service v laborious, many of the people seeming quite str; to our principles, and alike ignorant of " the m; which has been hid for ages and generation : many of th< on being turned to Christ within, as the Way, the Truth, and the Life, the all-sufficient Teacher of His people, and the Bure hope of the Baints! glory, — received the word with "gladness," and acknowledged that these thing >, — some of them in a very remarkable manner. Divers, even of the ministers of other societies, Episcopalian, Bapti and Methodist, who not only freely opened their meeting- houses to US, but themselves attended the meeting — (al- though I am very sure their principles were not advocated), — acknowledged what was delivered was the word of faith which the apostles preached; and in many instances, feel- ingly. I thought, hade us God speed. But among the people more especially, there evidently was a precious seed to be visited, and. I have no doubt, to be yet gathered ; for it did and does still seem to me, that in many places the fields are already white unto the harvest. But, alas ! the faith- ful laborers are few, very few indeed ! Would that the Lord of the harvest would send such into the field : and if Mich as have been raised up, and qualified and concerned to go forth, are unfaithful, I am more and more persuaded and convinced, that, as it were, the very stones will cry out. At Great Falls. New Hampshire, Ave had a meeting on a first-day evening, in the Town Hall. The day and even- ing were as wet, cold, and uncomfortable as a severe northeaster in that cold country could well make it : audi did not suppose that there would be more than fifty or sixty people out. (There is but one family of Friends in LIFE AND LETTERS OF [1840. the town, and this family is with us.) But to my great surprise, when we reached the house, there were Four or five hundred already assembled; and I thought, as 1 en- tered and took my seat, that the Master Eimself was with them of a truth. Nearly as many more soon after came in, and it proved to be, through Holy 1I<'1]». a time long to be remembered \t another place, a woman having walked five miles to the village of Westport in the morning, about her own business, saw the notice there of our meeting at three o'clock the same afternoon. I felt a strong desire to attend it, but could not without returning home ; which she did on foot, and returned in the Bame way, making, — if Bhe walked home again, which she expected to do, — twenty miles in all, that day. She mod a feeble woman, too, but did not apparently regret coming. She said, it was ten years since she had attended a Friends' meeting. In our passing up and down, now and then we fell in with some of the Gurney side, who came to meeting, and afterwards went from one meeting to another: hut these were young people, wdio probably did care much about the matter. Having appointed a meeting at Kennebunk, a small town in Maine, about fifteen miles east of North Berwick, avc went thither, and stopped at the house of Timothy Varney, the only Friend.-' family in the place, of any iription Believe me to be sincerely, Thy affectionate friend. To Redecca Walton. Nkwpokt, 23d of 12th mo.. 1- U>. My dear Friend: In one of thy letters then asked me to give thee that anecdote of Isaac LawtOD and the lit tie negro hoy, which I related to thee when thou wast here. I quite forgot it when I wrote. It is as follows, as nearly as 1 remember : During the war of the Revolution, the British army took possession of the island of Rhode Island, and kept 18 16.] THOM \B B. GOULD, it for some time — I think one or two years. A company at Portsmouth. One day, while Friends thus de- prived of the use of it. Isaac Lawton, a minister in good esteem, who belonged to thai meeting, fell his mind drawn _m to the meeting-house, from which he lived about I miles distant. Be went; and after some time, comment preaching to the Boldiers present. The opening on his mind was large, tin >ern weighty, and he expected to have much I : but he had nol proceeded far, when his way seemed entirely closed, he fell a full and sat down abruptly. This surprised him, after bo large an opening, and having, as he thought, clearly seen how he to treat the Bubject. He had, however, scarcely taken his Beat, when a little negro boy (I think about twelve years of age), who was present in attendance upon one of the officers, stood up With the same subject, commenc- ing where Isaac had left off, and treating it as lie had expected to do. lie went on with such clearness and authority, and kept so close to what had been opened to Isaac's view, that the latter fully expected to be released from further labor on that occasion. But the little bey, after having spoken at some length, sat down as suddenly and unexpectedly to Isaac, as his appearance had been unexpected and striking. Isaac Lawton took up the sub- ject where the boy left it, and continued to speak until he had relieved his own mind. Such is the account of this remarkable incident, as nearly as I can remember, in the language of Abigail Robinson and Stephen Gould, both of whom related it to me in their day, and they both knew I. Lawton well. I have also, some time since, seen it substantially the same in print — I think, in the " Irish Friend." Abigail Robinson was an eminent minister of this meeting, and Stephen Gould was a valuable elder, who collected an abundance of remarkable anecdotes. . . Brother George and sister paid us a visit, the first of this month, on their way home from Sandwich Quarterly Meeting, held at New Bedford. They reported a good meeting, and well attended, although the day was very stormy. Seth and Mary Davis, and several Nantucket 28G i. in: and LETTERS of [1847. Friends of their quarterly meeting's committee, had been down on the Cape, to visit Sandwich Monthly Meeting, a day or two previous. They were not very kindly re- ceived, nor allowed to enter the public meeting ! The committee reported accordingly, and the quarterly meet- ing, having conic to the judgment that that monthly meet- mg ought t" be laid down, unless it would conform, &c, — made a minute to that effect : which they directed to the monthly meeting, in order that if their advice and iudg- ment be not regarded, they may dissolve it at their next quarter, and attach their members to New Bedford Monthly Meeting. I was glad to heat this, as there were some suffering cases among the members of that monthly meeting, who did not, in effect, belong any- where Thy sincere friend, Thomas B. Gould. From Prince Gardner to T. B. (i. Nantucket, seventh month, 6tb, 1S47. My dear Friend, Thomas B. Gould : Thy acceptable letter of the 28th was receive d in due time. It was truly a satisfaction to hear from thee and thy dear Martha, who has an affectionate abiding-place in my mind, haying been long since, I trust, brought into the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace. What a precious favor, to be thus united into that oneness with our dear friends, whereby we may be enabled to rejoice with those that do rejoice, and to mourn with them that mourn ! I think 1 may Bay, that thou art at times brought to feel as bone of my bone and flesh of my flesh, with living desires that the dear Redeemer may be round about, in every proving, trying dispensation that may be meted out for the accom- plishment of His great and sovereign will ; that Ave may be enabled often to Bay, thy rod and thy Btaff they comfort me. Sensible we are, dear friend, of the truth of the decla- ration, that as gold and silver are tried in the lire, SO are acceptable men and women in the furnace of affliction. I L847.] TE( i.i>. often feel desirous for myself, thai patience may have ita perfect work ; being fully liverance will be wrought, by and through Him who \ "a man of Borrows and acquainted with grief." An. I we have much to be thankful for; many are our 1>I< I was ready to Bay, why do these things arise, to write to one who knows them well : but perhaps for our mutual encouragement, to be enabled to bear all and Buffer all that may be dispensed in unerring wisdom, and to lay our mouths as in the dust, trusting in the encouraging pron Him who Baid, " I will never leave thee nor forsake tin- May this be our individual experience, saith my til. I was pleased to hear of your particular meeting, thai thou felt satisfied, and I have no doubt thou wilt : and it seems to me as though there might be an in- crease. But be that as it may, it' we can feel something of the dear Redeemer near, who is often pleased to m with those who have to sit in low and solitary places, what more can be asked or desired ? To feel something of that solemn, quiet covering, which is not at our command, is cause of a little renewal of strength ; though I believe every rightly exercised mind will feel the awful respon- sibility to hold all our meetings in the power of the Lord. Our love is affectionately to and wife, I think I can say, with fervent desires for their en- couragement, in this day of close trial and proving of our faith and allegiance to the great Head of the Church : waymarks to honest inquirers for the truth as it is in Jesus, the great Preserver of men; speaking the language, in the line of conduct and intercourse with the world, Come follow us, as we are endeavoring to follow the great Head of the Church. How often are such made preachers of righteousness in their daily walks in life ! Thou wilt please give our love to thy dear parents, who are often in my remembrance, with desires that they, in the decline of life, may know a being supported by that supporting arm of power, which can cause their setting sun to go down in peace. My love is to all who love the unchangeable 288 LIFE AM> LETTE [18 IT. truth. Now I musl . with Baying that a letter from ,v time will be wry acceptable. Thou hast not to learn, thai I am neither a Bcholar nor much of a letter-writer; bul in love I do feel at times to adds' friends. My dear Mary joins in affectionate love to thee and thy dear Martha. Farewell for this time. From thy attached friend, Prince Gardner. From T. B. GL to John Wilbur, Newport, 20th of ninth month, 1847. Mv dear Friend, John Wilbur: A friend, who visited Ezra Comfort a short time before his death, told me recently, that such was Ezra's concern to come here, that he then said, if he had strength of body suffi- cient, he should make the attempt, notwithstanding the objections and opposition of those who hear rule in the city. . . . . . How lone will these things have to be? Ilowlonir will y be permitted to rule, both at home and abroad? — hindering some from going, and ethers from coming ; neither entering heartily into the work, nor suffering others ': I have been ready to query sometimes, whether the cause of truth was not likely to suffer as much from some who stand high and hear rule in that city, as from those whom some of themselves used to denominate the " Providence Clique." And it would seem, from the effects and extent of their operations, that they are not less strongly •■ combined together," to weary us out, and rid themselves Of US; however zealously they may exert themselves to put forth testimonies against unsound doc- trine in the abstract. May they not expect to dispose of our rights and interest in the case, the easier, on account of having issued these testimonies, as it relates to our sincere but unsuspecting friends in that and other yearly meetings ? Thy sincere friend, Thomas l>. Gould. 18. | TIIoM \S B. 001 II'. TO J< 3H1 \ M LI LE. \ no. 27tl M\ DE LB BROTHEB : Thine of the 20th was duly received yesterday, and ire were truly glad to gel it, haying heard nothing from you since your last letter, giving an account of your very close trials, although we have fell very anxious to hear. Thy accounl of the pause to which your ad- versaries seemed to have come, reminded me of the pro- irs, before the separation. They often oaed to come to their " nd," and would sometimes -call visible action for several months together; but we illy found the old adage verified in them, "after aim there comes a storm :" for they never lost sight of their work, and would fall upon it again with redoubled >r; and it frequently appeared that they had been dili- ttly engaged, all the while, maturing their plans, and preparing materials in secret, so as to advance with more eeiaaint v and effect. But I have sometimes thought, and especially since I read thy letter at Greenwich, that the worse they act, the better for you, provided always that Friends are vigilant and firm. After such a calm time, when they 'started again, we generally found they had gained one or more, sometime- several, wdio had pre- viously travelled with us: and in this way our sufferings were greatly increased, until Ave were so reduced in strength and numbers, that there seemed to he literally nothing left to cling to or rely upon, but the Helper of His people ; when all men seemed to forsake us. as they did and still generally do. forsake Him. Well, my dear brother ami Bister, for very near and very dear you both are to my best feelings (as well as natural), whatever conflicts of spirit and trials of faith may be your portion, and however great the perils to which you may be exposed, among false brethren; may your bow abide in strength, and the arms of your hands be made strong by the power of the mighty I of Jacob, who remains to be both the Shepherd and the stone of Israel! He is the Good Shepherd who laid down His life, his most precious life, for the sheep ; He 25 290 LIFE AND LETTERS OF [1848. gathers the lambfi in his arms, and carries them in his bosom, and Bweetly strengthens their Faith, animates their hope, and enc ;es them to bear up and press forward, with his own divine injunction and promise: "Fear not, little flock, for it is your Father's good pleasure to give you tlic kingdom.' 1 Oh! I am persuaded that as you and other Friends there abide faithful unto Him, amidst all that has been or may be suffered to como upon you, He will more and more lead you into the green pasta of life, and cause you to lie down beside the still waters thereof, where nothing can hurt you or make you afraid ! Even when it shall hail, coming down with destructive effect upon the forest (the tall cedars of Lebanon and the sturdy oaks of Bashan), " the city shall be low, in a low place." The city which the Lord hath chosen, to place His name there, to manifest His power there, shall be low, in a low place ; and so it, as well as all the inhabitants thereof (who have been gathered into it by the power of Him who reigneth King in the midst thereof, for it is the city of the saints' solemnities, where their spiritual sacri- fices and offerings arc daily offered up); — it with its in- habitants shall be preserved by Him, who remains to be a shadow from the heat, and a covert from the tempest and from the storm, even when the blast of the terrible one -hall heat against the wall. This is the city which hath inundations, whose builder and maker the Lord alone is. J [ere the Stone of Israel is found. " Behold I lay in Zion, for a foundation, a stone, a tried stone, a sure founda- tion:" whosoever believeth therein and buildeth thereon shall neither make haste nor be confounded. Every tongue that risetfa up in judgment against these, they shall condemn, because they are not to be judged by man's judgment, any more than the apostle was. For he that is spiritual judge th all things by the spirit of judg- ment and of a sound mind, which has been bestowed upon him and restored to him, yet he himself is judged of no man. Such are not to subject themselves, or rather, sub- ject th-- Lord's work and service, to man's judgment ; but they are to keep a single eye to Him, and to the support of His testimonies, and the honor of his worthy name, and 18 I s . | THOMAfl B. QOULD. '1 of the ble88ed unchangeable truth. "To whom ^< i gave place by subjection," Baid the faithful and experienced apostle, when Borne who Beemed to be somewhat, withstood and opposed him, "no, nol for an hour, thai the truth of the Gospel might continue with you ! M Ami when the truth of the Gospel is involved and at stake, there is nothing gained by yielding, time-serving, and political manoeuvring; but on the contrary, the cause is given or thrown away by it, and our own habitations in the truth are not k * kept," but are always greatly endangered, if not ulti- mately and wholly lost I conclude, and re- main with sincerity, your affectionate brother, Thomas B. Gould. Fkom Prince Gardner to T. B. G. Nantucket, 2d mo. 21st, 1848. My dear Fribnd, Thomas B. Gould: I have at times thought to address thee in a few lines, I trust from near unity of spirit which binds together the whole household of faith, extending over sea and land; if nothing more, than to serve as a token of my remem- brance of thee and thine, and of the many hours spent together, in sweet communion ; knowing at times what it is to Buffer together, and favored at seasons to be permitted to rejoice together, so that we have cause to number our blessings, under all our privations. And what a mercy, from Him who knows what is best for us, that a little evi- dence is at times vouchsafed, that we have so merciful a High Priest, touched with the feeling of our infirmities, and knowing how to succor all those that put their trust and confidence in Him ! Thou knowest well, dear friend, what it is to have deep afflictions and many discouragements, when at times almost ready to say, " Carest thou not that we perish?" But, through adorable Mercy, thou hast at seasons felt the lifting up of His countenance upon thee, and the Sun of righteousness to shine on thy path, and been ready to say, " What shall I render unto thee, oh, Lord, for all thy benefits !" Then is there not cause to lift up the head in hope, trusting in the Lord, journeying forward in the way 292 LIFE AND LBTTERS OF [1848. He is pleased to lead? My mind is engaged for thy en- couragement, bo that, in tin- final completion of Hie great and sovereign will, thou, with all the faithful, mayst Enow a being gathered into that rest prepared for the people of ( rod When we take a new over our tried Society, and se< many who have stood as bright and shining lights, and now their brightness is eclipsed, a veil drawn over their brightness, is it not enough to make the faithful tremble for themseb es, saying, % * Who is sufficient for these things?" — having cause to fear thai too many, from not dwelling low and humble before the Lord, have been dandled as on the lap of Delilah; and strong men have fallen asleep, until Bhe has taken the seven locks of their strength, as it respects their best interest : and then, in this situation, when attempting to move in a sphere they once were en- abled rightly to move in. behold their strength is gone ! Yet, unwilling their loss should be discovered and their nakedness appear, they must be doing something, lest they lose their reputation. Thus they join with the great, the popular, the worldly and high-minded, or follow in their tracks, and fall an easy prey to speculative opinions and traditions of men: tossed to and fro, carried about with every wind of doctrine — almost anything rather than lose their great name ! Well, surely, such do not produce the peaceable fruits of righteousness, but on the contrary, dis- order and confusion. I have long believed, as Friends remain faithful, keeping their ranks in righteousness, they need not he over anxious as to the future. 1 have an anshaken belief that the Lord will ever have a living remnant, whom he will he pleased t<> set His name amongst : so that I i'eel desirous that Friends making so high a profession may he more ami more bringing forth fruits agreeable thereto ; and I hope ;iml trust it is so. Ami now. in drawing to a close, dear friend, I can say we are favored with health, our friends generally so. . . Mary unites with me in affectionate love to thee, t<» Martha, and your dear children, to thy dear parents and their family, to all our friends as though named, in thy freedom. I can truly Bay 1 love all who L848.] tiim.m i 01 ld. 298 e the unchangeable truth. Farewell. From thy at- tached friend, Princi I Gardner. From T. B. (!. to John L. Kits. NewtobTj 3d mo. iTtlu 1848. My dbar Friend : Thy Inter was duly received, and we were truly glad to hear from thee, although the remembrance of thee and of thy timely visit had not passed away. We have often re- curred to it. as one of the pleasant things permitted for our encouragement, in the course of our solitary pilgrimage through a wilderness country, where but few travellers are met with who are willing to pursue the same course, and to give US the light hand of fellowship. Thou mayst suppose that I have been unmindful of thy request, to give thee an account of James Scribbens; but notwithstanding the delay, it has not been forgotten; al- though, being compelled to rely upon tradition, after taking some pains. 1 find myself wholly unable to tell thee even where he was born, or when he died. The anecdotes which I have heard of him, were chiefly related to me by several worthy Friends, since deceased, and independently of each other, hut all substantially agreeing : That he was a man of very small natural talents indeed, not having common sense, or being capable of procuring his own livelihood, or even of knowing when he had eaten or drunken suffi- ciently : but that he had a very striking, convincing, and remarkable gift in the ministry conferred upon him, under the exercise of which it was no unusual occurrence for him to bring tears from the eyes of the audience, to such a spree, that there would be wet spots upon the floor be- tween the benches on which the people sat; although, on his first rising, his appearance was so contemptible, and his matter so incoherent, and sometimes [apparently] so nonsensical, that it produced laughter among those 4 who were assembled. But the old man would pull the cap which he wore upon his head, one way and another, and say to such as made themselves merry, " My good Master 294 LIFE AM' LETTERS OF [1848, has not come yet. When Be does come, you will laugh on the other Bide of your mouths !" — which was generally verified, as the Life and Power arose into dominion; the lellency of the Power being n I more fully appa- rent, by the manifest weakness of the instrument made use of, thai no flesh should glory in the Master's presence. Abigail Robinson (Mary R. Morton's Bister), a very supe- rior woman, and an excellent minister, who lived and died in this town, told me, many years ago, thai when Jan Scribbens had a concern to travel as a minister, Peter Davis (of whom Joseph Oxley makes honorable mention in his Journal, and who, by the way, was John Wilbur's grandfather), generally, if not always, went with him, to take care of him; for, Bhe added, he was not capable of taking care of himself out of meeting. And I have heard J. Wilbur say, that his grandfather Davis found it par- ticularly necessary to watch over him at the table, it being customary in those days to put eider and other strong drink upon it ; and when James took up the tankard, Peter would say, "Take care, James; that's strong cider/' When they came to Newport, to attend the yearly meet- in-'. A. Robinson informed me, they were wont to lodge at the house of her maternal grandparents, Thomas and Mary Richardson, which, as 1 am passing, I will say was at that time the house for Friends of note to lodge at : T. and ML Richardson being truly honorable elders; and he was for a long time Clerk of the yearly meeting. Their house was thronged with company of the best and most discern- ing kind. Yet it had been handed down from them to Abigail Robinson, that (I think on more than one occa- sion) after dames had been powerfully engaged in testi- mony in the 1 large public meetings during yearly meeting week, on returning to his lodgings, before a room lull of company, he boasted that he preached, and thai he preached excellently. tOO. " No, James," said Mary Richardson, '-thou art greatly mistaken: thou hast not preached this day.' 1 — Why, he was sure he bad, and that he did it well. — "No, James, it was thy Gfrtft that preached,' 1 said Mary Richardson. On one occasion of his being in Newport, I think, it so 1- 18.] THOMAS I I !•. ha] ■ ; alone, by an envious priest, who w ire of I challenged him to a public di ipute in relation to Friends' principles and doctrines, which he readily accepted. A time and place were fixed, upon the spot, and James ran home to his lodgings, and reported it to his friends; who, not a little alarmed at the intelligence, told him it would never do; that the priest was a man of md learning, and would certainly get an advanto r him, and that he mui bis o% n infirmiti and the honor of Truth. But James was inflexible, and quit ident of bucc< 98 ; 3aid that he had accepted the challenge, and it would be dishonorable to flinch : and not only bo, but that u ] od Master would Btand by him, and Bupport His own caug Friends finally yielded, and bore liim company, and. in the language of my informant, he came oil' "entirely notorious I think I had this from John Wilbur. James Scribbena belonged to South Kingston Monthly Meeting, and lived sometimes with one Friend, and some- times with another, in different parts of the Narragansett country. JI<- was usually employed in some way which did not require much skill or thought; and at one til while residing in the family of a Friend who lived near one Doctor MacSparran (an Episcopalian missionary, who was Bent over from England by u The Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Pan-.*' and settled in Narragansett, in 17-7. I think, and ap] to have been a learned and eloquent man), and being engaged in repairing a breach in a stone wall (or fence), by the road- e, the Doctor, who entertained a most contemptible opinion of the Quakers in general, and of James Scribbens in particular, in passing by on horseback, reined up his horse, and thus accosted him: "Well, James, how many ton- of pudding and milk will it take, to make forty rods hen I was a child, and before one of these aneedot* elated to me, or I had otherwise heard his name, I frequently heard | who -we re not connected with Friends, use the proverb, "Afl weak as Scribbens." I have no doubt it had relation to him. I have also heard ee that time. It is a common saving here. 296 LIFE AM) LETTERS OF [1848. of stone wall?' 1 Whereupon James dropped the stone which he 1 i * 1 < 1 in his hand, and looking at the self-suffi- cient Doctor, said. " Just as many as it will take, of hire- ling priests, to make a Gospel minister !" .... It so happened, that a man of note and learn- ing, whose name L have forgotten, although I think lie was a lawyer and a statesman, and eminent iii both re- Bpects, attended a, meeting in which James Scribbens preached; and was so affected by what lie heard, that at the close of the meeting, he requested some Friend with whom he was acquainted, to introduce him to the speaker; commending the sermon in strong terms, and remarking that so great a preacher must be a very sensible and learned man, and that he wished to have some religious conversation with him, and to ask him some questions. The Friend (whose name I have also forgotten), endea- vored to divert him from his purpose, by explaining the nature of our principles with regard to the ministry ; that it was neither natural nor acquired abilities, but the recep- tion of a heavenly gift, and the renewed extension of Divine favor, which rendered the labors of our ministers so weighty and powerful: that they were not however always alike favored; that this gift was sometimes be- stowed in a remarkable manner, not only upon illiterate men, but upon those of small natural understanding ; so that if he were introduced to such in private, after wit- nessing their public services, he would be at once sur- prised and disappointed. It was difficult to put the inquirer by ; but the Friend at length succeeded, telling him withal that J. S. would probably attend a meeting at another place the next day, I think. To that meeting, however, the interested man followed James Scribbens; who was again engaged in testimony, in such a way as to increase the desire he felt to be introduced to and converse with him; of which 'lie failed not to inform the Friend, who had invited him to attend it, and who found it still more difficult at this time to prevent their coming in con- tact with each other, than before. Hut he finally suc- ceeded, and also gave similar information of another meet- ing at some distance, to which J. Scribbens was bound. 1848, ] thom is ' u>. 297 This meeting proved to be a time of more eminenl favor than either of tfa rs; and al the close of it a detei nation was manifested to converse with James, which the Friend could no longer resist. He accordingly introduced the parties to each other al another Friend's house (where I think they all dined): but the man whose feelings had been so wrought upon, and whose expectations had been raised to Buch a height, manifested his surprise and disap- pointment, upon attempting to enter into religious con- versation with J. S., by exclaiming to the Friend who had d«>ne his best to prevent it. •• He is a fool !" — and instead of putting difficult theological questions to this weak but sometimes highly favored instrument, for solution, he sim- ply asked him the meaning of some ordinary words in the English language; to which James with great simplicity replied, that he did not know. — "But," said the inquirer, "you ma.de use of those word- in your preaching today." — " Very well," said J. Scribbens, "I knew then .'" In the conclusion, this man confessed that he had read many books upon the subject, but that his acquaintance with James Scribbens had furnished the most conclusive evi- dence of the truth of the Quaker doctrine of divine imme- diate revelation, that he had ever met with. It is said, there is but a step from the sublime to the ridiculous ; and so it is related of James Scribbens, that while riding in the woods, he was sorely affliated with toothache ; and verily thinking he should not live, he dis- mounted, tied his horse to one tree, and lay down under another to die. Directly it occurred to him, that if he should die there, people would say that he died drunk, and what a reproach it would be ! So he got up, and with a piece of chalk which he took from his pocket, Avrotc upon the tree, "James Scribbens died with the tooth- iiehe," — and lay down again to die. By-and-bye his tooth ame easier ; he mounted his horse and rode off, leaving the notice of his death, and the cause of it, plainly in- scribed upon the tree. Xow, although I have, in a bungling way, and without regard to order and method, put down the chief of what I have heard respecting J. S., yet I want thee distinctly to N 298 LIFE AND LETTERS OF [1848. understand, that even if thou should think it worth while to print any part of it, I shall expect thee to put it into better shape than this for the press. The last anecdote, and several other particulars, I have merely noticed, to give thee as full an idea of the man as I well could, with the scanty materials at command. I intended to have written to John Wilbur for information respecting him, but owing to my many engagements, have omitted it, until it was too late, if thou get this in any reasonable time. I should think lie would be as likely to know about him as any- body now living, if not more so. Christopher Jlealy once lived in the same neighborhood, and may probably have some knowledge of him Fourth mo., 2und «i al& '• r of the ! 1; but it may be detected by those in wh< int- ideth, ] q ii denietb the power thereof. And from Buch we have aj authority for turning ;iv. for coming out from among them and being Beparate from them ; an not the gracious prom i. saitb the Lord ':" I I ad no e ation of • L r thus when I commenced, and it will doubt em Btri that I haye \ bus itten ; : things ha ted to my mi under a :"■ of much sympathy and near unity v . under Borne Bense of th< of things among you, J have put them down in gi om, and L'T'-a* fidence in thy discretion, the recep- : or rej i of. And it' it ma; con- vince thee how glad I should hai to have communed a little with thee, hen thou wast here, ")• be of the least encouragement t<> thee, when thou walkesl by the way and r I do beli lording to Bmall i e, I have had bo tperimental knowle< of similar trii which have fallen, and may yet fall, to thy lot), my object in writing will he, at least in . Ami bo, with the salutation J remain thy affi Ti: B. Gould. To Charles Peri b of 3d mo., l B52. My dear Friend : Thine of i' h inst. was duly and from that time t<» the ]. . J h;r. i :<'ll thee how truly acceptable and deeply inte ie and my dear M. We had heard nothing of our d LIFE AND LETTERS OF [1852. friend J. Wilbur's getting along, except his arrival at New Hope (\ think it was), and of his expecting to attend Duck- Quarter the next day What the result of this visit may be, I suppose the wisest amongst as, or even among them, can scarcely foresee: km ..!' tin- weakest and hindermost of the flock, like myself, may possibly be permitted to hazard the expression of a belief, that our dear aged friend's head will continue to be covered in the day of battle, and that He, who hath evidently called him forth and gone before him, will " deliver him from the people and from the Gentiles :" inasmuch as it is evident, that they are not all Israelites who have keen accounted such, or who still doubtless consider themselves "masters in Israel." How strange and unac- countable it seems, that poor should have keen apparently so ready to go on his errand, and so prompt to deliver his message at Damascus! For I suppose there is little room to doubt, that he was sent by authority of the chief priests and rulers of the synagogue. But if the ut- most stretch of that popular (shall I use the expression?) Christian virtue, charity, will not admit of the supposition that he did it ignorant ly, yet is it not possible that even one who has been as eminently favored as he has doubtless been, may. by letting in the reasoner, and adopting the doctrine of expediency, become so blinded as to think that he was doing the truth a service? Notwithstanding, BO far as thou hast informed me, there ms to have been, considering all the circumstances, a remarkably "open door" set before our dear friend, yet I cannot doubt but he lias also been "in deaths oft;" for it is an awful thing " to be baptized for the dead :" and I am ready to Bay, -till more so, to have to stand, as it were, between the living and the dead : and if I am not mistaken in my own feelings in regard to the nature ok his servii it ha- keen somewhat in this line. Oh! may the plague be stayed! He is almost constantly in my mind. I have thought ok writing to him, just to let him know that much ; km really am so xcvx poor a- t<» feel myself unable, totally unable and unworthy even to hand a cup of cold water in the name of a di-ciple. J)ut 1 do nevertheless BtlU love _\ I T1M.M \s B. GOULD. the brethren ; and when thou art writing, if ii be not too much trouble* thou mi him know thai 1 love the fathers and the elders also. And when thou sees! thai mother in Israel, his wife, whom I have ever loved cerely, and desired to honor in the truth, do please tell her, it' thou judgesl it meel for me to Bay so, thai I have thought much of her in her loneliness, and under her por- tion of the burden of this weighty and (is it no1 ?) rather peculiar work and Bervice; and that I have fell for her too, according t<» my -mall measure; jusl querying of her withal, whether David's men. who staved by the stuff, did i the spoil with those who went forth to battle? lint I did nol expect to have run on thus when L com- menced, or to have written many line-, being also pressed for time. Thou must, dear Charles, excuse the haste, cVc, and BO I conclude, with dear love to thee and thine, and the rest of our dear friends there, as if named. Thy sincere friend, Thomas B. Gould. To William Hodgson. Elmside, Newport, 15th of 4th month, 1S.V2. My dear Friend, 'William Hodgson, Jr. : It may seem strange that I should inflict one of my poor scrawls upon thee, just at the commencement of your yearly meeting, when thy time and attention will no doubt be fully and more profitably employed. And yet it did seem right, even for me, to send thee a salutation of love, and to bid thee "good speed" and "good cheer" just at this time. Is there not such a scripture as this : " Go thy way, cat thy bread with gladness, and drink thy wine with a merry heart, for now thy work is accepted ?" I may not quote it correctly, for it is long since I have read it, or even thought of it, till since I have been writing these last few lines. But really, my dear friend, is there not cause for thee, and perhaps others, to be encouraged ? I am not indeed looking for or expecting great things (and hope I shall not be so understood), or for any great and remarkable 304 LIFE AND LETTERS OF [18 change to take place immediately; although it may all things are possible with Him whose power is omni- potent, and whose name is Wonderful; and we kno*w that He can, if He pleases, change the hearts of the children of men, as a man changes the water-course in his field; and will He not overturn, overturn, overturn, until He comes to reign, whose only right it is to reign in His Church and anion-- His professing people? Yea. and is it no1 manifest that He hath arisen already, and com- menced the work, going, as of old, before His disciples into GaliL .... I cannot doubt that the company and .services of our dear aged friend, John Wilbur, have been truly acceptable and encouraging to thee and many more; while to many among you who do not pass for Gurneyites, I suppose the fact of his being there has produced similar sensations to what those unsound professors formerly ex- perienced, when they were wont to exclaim, upon the arri- val of G. Fox amongst them, " The man in leather breeches has come !" I think no one could have gone thither, whose visit would have been less acceptable to such as these, or so difficult for them to escape from the effects of it; nor bo likely to be really and extensively useful in the promotion of the great and good cause which even these still prof to have in view and at heart; although the singleness and uprightness of their purposes, and the usefulness and ac- ceptability of their services, seem to be rendered exceed- ingly doubtful, by the continual "bleating of sheep, and lowing of oxen," and an evident intention of saving the besl of these, with the king, alive, however great the necessity, or positive the injunction, utterly to destroy Amalck. Well, those things which oppose and resist the progress of this people, and hinder them from following their Leader, and supporting, in their ancient purity, the doctrines of the I Jo-pel. and the testimonies of truth, which have been given us to bear, will continue to oppose and resist, as they did Israel of old, until they are overcome and removed OUl of the way. And when we shall have been emptied from vessel to vessel, and sifted as from sieve to siei as to be brought OUt of the mixtures, where- 2. ] THOMAS i:. GOl LD. with even Ephraim hath mixed and is mixing I the people, until he hath lost his Btrength, althoi he seemeth not to know it : then, may we not hope tl as a people, in some places at Least, there may be a re- ;il of strength, and of a degree of ancient zeal for the d's honor, and that the truth may again prosper, and Bhine forth with its wonted brightness? But with regard to some, who appear to have Badly failed, and stopped it of the mark, turning back in the day of battle, al- though they had been eminently favored and eminently useful, apparently, having been manifestly preferred to Manasseh, art thou not often ready to adopt, in relation to them, the mournful language, "How shall I give thee , 0! Bphraim? how shall I deliver thee, ! Israel? How Bnal] I make thee as Admah? how shall I set thee as Ze- a*:" I cannot doubt that thou art often greatly dis- I for Buch as these, and that thy soul is in bitterness on their account, as for thy first-born. But the measure suffering must be filled up; and it is required of some, not only to stand in jeopardy every hour, but in the gap . as a mark for every archer, while they are deserted by many who have stood for a time exceedingly near. To witness the desertion and the fall of these, and to be bap- tized for them, is very close, hard work, sufficiently so to make us of all men most miserable, if it were not for the consolations of the Gospel communicated, with the pro- mise. I will stand by thee and deliver thee; I will never thee, nor forsake thee. Be thou faithful unto death, and I will give thee a crown of life ! And is there not also solation in the belief, that He who hath promised, is able to raise those up also who may have fallen, to heal those who have been wounded, and even to breathe again upon, re-animate, and bring together, such as have been scattered hither and thither, and become exceeding dry, like the dry bones of the valley; causing them again to stand upon their feet firmly, and even to fight His battles? I may acknowledge, perhaps, with safety and in confidence to thee, that, even at this distance, and without having ever stood, like thyself, in very close connection with some among you, whom I have nevertheless "e.-teemed very 26* 306 LIFE AND LETTERS OF [18-" highly in love for the work's sake," my spirit has been often, and is, clothed with mourning for them, earnestly if it be possible, thai they may be induced to ie down, that they may be made willing to be of as little account aa the truth is, and to continue to follow in the footsteps of tic flock of the companions of Christ, let who will turn aside, and although Buch as were accounted members of Israel, and of the family, should be lacking in their tribes, having chosen to remain in Egypt, "where also our Lord is crucified." When I have considered how valiant some of these were in contending for the faith, and how much better they seemed qualified for it than any of us (only excepting that able and veteran soldier, J. W.), and moreover, that like the men of Ephraim formerly, they Beemed almost ready to chide with us if they were not called to the battle, and placed in the forefront of it too, — which place, for one, I have ever been more than willing they should occupy, having always esteemed " the gleaning of the grapes of Ephraim/' in a certain sense, as being u better than the vintage of Abi-ezer" — when I have considered these things, it hat med not only very sad, but very Btrange and unnatural alsp, that there should be any cause to fear that David's description of the death of Abner might in any event be applied .justly to any of them. And yel it does not seem probable, though their hands are not bound, nor their feet put into fetters, that they will be Blain while fighting the Lord's battles, in whose victorious army they were wont to be ranked among the "first three mighty men." But how true it is, that the race is not always to the swift, nor the battle to the strong; nor durable riches and righteousness to men of great natural understanding, or even of uncommon spiritual gifts and large experience of thi and mercy of the Lord in the land of the living; unless there is an abiding in humility and in the Vine of life ! How ninny .-tars, appa- rently of the first magnitude, the dragon seems to have obtained power, nearly or quite to sweep down in these days, and in this time of times upon which we have fallen; wherein it doc- seem as if everything that can be shaken or removed, would be shaken and moved out of the way; ■J. I THOMAS B. QOULD. not tli*' earth only, but heaven also; that that which can- not be shaken may remain; even the ne^ heaven and the in w earth, wherein righteousne - shall dwell! For 1 do believe that there are those now living, who will afresh ive the injunction, i" u be glad and rejoice forever in that which I create;" forasmuch as He whose promises are unfailing will, in His own due tinou Jerusalem a rejoicing, and her people a joy." Thou wilt not, 1 trust, suppose that I have had any- thing in view, more than what is included in, or conveyed by the declaration, that "they who feared the Lord spake often one unto another ;" and however thou may receive this il writing, it ha£ done under a sense of much weakness, and in fear. I Bhall feel quite anxious to hear how J. W. fares next week ; as also how you are getting along with the committees apart for your especial benefit and restoration to the body of modified Quakerism ; which at best is but as cank- ered gold, or as wine mixed with water, in comparison with ancient Quakerism, with primitive and vital Chris- tianity It is late, and I must bid thee farewell ; although I feel almost reluctant to part with thee even so; for thou hast n brought very near. Thomas B. Gould. To Peleg Mitchell. Newport, 18th of 5th mo./ 1852. My dear Friend : At Greenwich, in the public quarterly meeting was largely opened, upon the nature and qualification for the performance of true worship under the Gospel dispensa- tion. He was lively and skilful in administering and di- viding " the word of the truth of the Gospel ;" showi with clearness and effect, how, as individuals and meetii are gathered to that spirit, and truth, and power, in whi alone true and acceptable worship can be performed, all forward spirits and unsanctified offerings would be kept down, and that would rise into dominion and prevail over LI] !■: AND LETTERS OF [1£ all, which remains to be the crown of glory and diadem of auty in every rightly gath< jsembly. As 1 sal he- Bide him, and 1 with admiration and joy at the excellence of the gift, not wholly without feelings of thankfuln the divine Author and heavenly Giver reofj I could not repress the fervent though secret p< tion : that neither one thing nor another might be permitted tarnish its lustre, that the gold might not become dim, nor the most fine gold changed !* 1 must conclude, with dear love to thee and thine, in which my dear M. unit* , Thomas B. Gould. To Martha S. Gould. New Bedford, 10th month, 11th, 1S52. My dear Martha : .... The kindness of Friends everywhere could not needed : and I have also got along in other re my humbling admiration, and even to my astonishment : doctrines of the Gospel, and the mysteries of the kingdom, having never been so largely opened to me or through me before. Dear cousin Francis Taber is wvy ble, and was, before he went to Nantucket : but he told me after the select meeting last fourth-day, that he felt better, adding emphatically, "for it has been a good meet- And it was bo, Indeed, and a truly remarkable one, of which, dear Mary Macey, Mary Davis, and others, bore public testimony in the meeting. On sixth-day evening, I had an appointed meeting at Siasconset: the house ¥ filled, and the people were remarkably attentive and quiet throughout On first-day, the afternoon meeting was put off till four nek. Public notice was given, and the house was very rly tilled. The morning meeting was no1 a small one. And in the evening a meeting of the colored population, no of their own meeting-houses, which was tilled, and *The secret impression of danger implied above, as prompting the petition in the mind of T. 1> <■.. tor the of this individual, was iwfully verified i afterwar _\ ] THOM IB B. GOl LD. was to the sal iod of Friends al least. The onlj re- ining aative Indian left upon the island [Nantucket] happened also to be, or was present; of which, when I it, I was glad, li was an interesting meetii In the midst of a large opening d'^v me), I fell a full stop and sal down, though not apparently so abruptly as to particularly noticed; whereupon dear C arose, and had a lively and striking testimony, in harmony with my own feelings. Dear followed him, af hich L was favored in a few words to obtain relief, and the m< ing closed, in as hard a rain and as dark a night. I reckon, dear Mary Barnard and Sarah Paddack, and Thaddeus and Eliza Coffin were out in; for we literally led home, through Band and water, and they seemed almost like quicksands to, me, when I thought of the women, and the first two especially. We had an exceed- ingly rough passage, the fir§t half of it, today. . . . 1 expect to have an appointed meeting at Fair Haven, the village opposite to this place, to-morrow evening ; to attend Dartmouth meeting on fourth-day morning, and an appointed meeting at Padanaram in the evening ; North Dartmouth meeting on fifth-day; an appointed meeting in Slocum's Neck fifth-day evening or sixth-day; possibly one at the head of>Westport River on seventh-day, and probably both meetings at this place on first-day next; to go to Fall River on second-day, and to return home the same evening Know assuredly that I am thine affectionately, T. B. Gould. 310 LIFE AND LETTEBS OF [1( C 11 A PTEB V 1. On the 7th day of eleventh month, 1852, Thomas B. Gould attended a public meeting for divine worship in Friends 1 meeting-house near Little Oompton, a village on tlic eastern passage into Narragansett Bay. An indi- vidual present, not a member of the Society of Friends, attempted to take down in writing what was delivered by Thomas on that occasion : probably not being then aware of the strong objections held by the speaker, in common with Friends generally, against the practice of writing down, in a religious meeting, communications of that kind. This person afterwards sent a transcript of it to the Friend who had accompanied Thomas to the meeting, and the following copy is believed to be substantially correct, as far as it goes. It may safely be inserted in these pages (since the decease of the speaker), as afford- an interesting and instructive view of his doctrine and expression in preaching the Gospel; and without any in- tention of introducing, or sanctioning, the practice of pub- lishing the communications of our ministers, in a general way. After Bitting for some time in silent waiting on the Lord, he i and declared as follows : % * I believe that it is quite possible for men and women, while they con- tinue to observe forms which have been abrogated, to aim sincerely at the substance; and also, that it is equally pos -i 1 le for those who reject the use of forms, to fail of to an experimental knowledge of the substance ; and y worship and serve Him who created them, and who not 1852. ) Tlh-V tfi p.. ,;,■! [ D. 81 I only cr them, bul created them for the vn-v purp< of worshi] ing, and glori nd, hath not ujK.n His rational, accountable creation, the mea lining to the knowledge of Hi*. ' the v. I the manner in which we should come before the d, and bow ourselves before the mosl high God, in li a manner as will find acceptance with Him who has d declared to be the God of knowledge, and thai by Him the actions of all creatures are weighed in the <• scales of divine justice, of divine wisdom, of divine know- ledge; and Hisjudgmenl is just, for just and true are all His ways. And yel it is or maybe matter, and should be matter of great encouragement to us, and of thankful- 38 by us, that mercy still covers the judgment-seat, that God i> indeed merciful and long-suffering unto the children of men, and that, although they may pass a -•rear part of their lives in a state of lamentable forgetful- 38 of Him, and want of right qualification to worship and serve Him; yet in His unutterable mercy and un- bounded love. He is not slack concerning His promise-. but is faithful toward us; not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to the knowledge of Him and of His truth, and so be prepared to worship and ns as this; neither is it, or over was it. my prac- tice. I am not ashamed to acknowledge it ; nay, verily, but on the contrary, i'^v some reason or other, — I know not, neither am I curious to know, — I believe it to be in- cumbent upon me thus publicly to acknowledge it. It is not the practice of any authorized minister of this Society, when they assemble with their brethren for the purpose of performing worship unto God ; — it is not their practice to sit down in a meeting and consider what they shall speak unto the people; but rather, to turn their minds inward unto Him, unto that God who is a Spirit, and who is to he worshipped in spirit and in truth ; to get themselves unto the watch-tower in the secret of their own souls, and there to hearken what the Lord shall say unto them by the manifestation of His own Spirit and of llis own power: and not only so, hut what they Bhall answer when they are themselves reproved — for men and women, although they may have received a gift of the ministry from our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, yet they are men and women of like passions, and subject to like infirmities as others, and I have sometimes thought arc permitted to be ailed by greater temptation-. "And yet there are assuredly no idlers in the Lord's house, or amongst his people; and it is indeed a great mis- take for any t<> Buppose, when they assemble themselves together for the worship of God, that any man. however eminently gifted, can possibly he enabled to perform, for them, divine service, divine worship: but it does indeed , ('times, and it may frequently happen, that among such are gathered together for the worship of God, into a -taic of solemn, awful, reverential silence before Him, thai some one or other among these inward spiritual worshippers may be renewedly qualified and raised up to ;. ] THOMAS B. GOULD. B18 Bpea rord in due Beason unto such as are weary, to e forth a word of exhortation or reproof, accordi the Lord's Spirit shall give them utterance and qualify them so to do; and such an engagement may indeed be blessed both to Buch as are exercised in it, and to Buch as hear them. But it is no1 worship, merely to assemble jcther for no other purpose than to listen to the words of ministers. There m us t be a preparation in the hearts of those who hear oven the Gospel itself, or else we Bhall not be edified at all thereby. For we have the testimony and authority of the Holy Scriptures for declaring, that ept the word preached be mixed with faith in those who hear, it Bhall not profit the people. And faith is a heavenly gift. It is the gift of