>t Mate imbeth Palace Library History of the United States to 1783 EXTRACT FROM to the Manuscript Materials for the History of the United States to 1783, in the British Museum, in Minor London Archives, and in the Libraries of Oxford and Cambridge I BY CHARLES M. ANDREWS AND FRANCES G. DAVENPORT PAGES 286-301 WASHINGTON, D. C. he Carnegie Institution of V IQ08 . L 75' J 9 OP THE LIBRARY OF CONGRESS WASHINGTON LAMBETH PALACE LIBRARY. Westminster, S. W. The Library is open to the public on Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday from 10 a. m. to 4 p. m. (May to July inclusive, 10 to 4:30) and during the forenoon on Tuesdays; except that it is closed during the week commencing with Easter Day, for seven days from Christmas Day and for six weeks from the end of August. Extracts from the MSS. may be made freely, but in case of a transcript being desired of a whole MS. the consent of the Archbishop must be previously obtained. No introductions are re- quired. The Library of the London residence of the Archbishop of Canterbury contains some 2500 volumes of MSS., to which a guide is furnished in the Catalogue of the Archie pise opal Manuscripts in the Library at Lambeth Palace. With an Account of the Archiepiscopal Registers and other Records there preserved, by Archdeacon H. J. Todd (London, 1812). Only one hundred copies of the catalogue were printed, of which one is accessible on the reference shelves of the Reading Room of the British Museum (press- mark, 2050. g.). The Registers, 1279- 1828, contain consecrations of arch- bishops and bishops, institutions to livings, official visitations of the diocese, consecrations of private chapels, licenses to preach, and many other particu- lars; but only the later registers contain references to America, beginning with the register of Archbishop Moore, 1783- 1805, which contains the con- secration of Bishops White and Provoost, . February 4, 1787, in Lambeth Palace Chapel. Succeeding consecrations follow, both to American and Canadian sees. The Act Book, 1663-1828, contains occasional references to consecrations to American sees, and ordinations to American livings. Each volume is indexed. A considerable number of the Lambeth manuscripts bearing upon the history of the Church of England in America, were transcribed by Dr. Francis L. Hawks, historiographer of the American Episcopal Church, dur- ing his visit to England in 1836. These copies together with other tran- scripts made by Dr. Hawks from the Fulham archives and from the archives of the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts, form eighteen folio manuscript volumes, which are preserved in the Church Mis- sion House, 281 Fourth Avenue, New York City. Some of these transcripts have been printed in Doctors Hawks and Perry's Documentary History of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the United States of America, containing numerous hitherto unpublished Documents concerning the Church in Con- necticut (2 vols.), and in Bishop Perry's Historical Collections relating to the American Colonial Church (4 vols.), treating of the colonies of Virginia, Pennsylvania, Massachusetts, Maryland and Delaware. In the following list the descriptions of those documents that have been identified as the originals of the Hawks transcripts are followed by (H.), except in the case of those printed in Bishop Perry's Collections, the descrip- 286 Lambeth Palace Library. 287 tions of which are followed by (P.), and in the case of a few which are noted as printed in Hawks and Perry's Connecticut. The identifications are doubtless very incomplete, since in a number of cases the data available to the compiler with respect to either the originals or the transcripts were not sufficient to establish with certainty their identity. 250. ii. ff. 176-180. "A trewe Reporte of Sir Fraunces Drake's voyage as followethe (wherein he dyed) in Anno Domini 1596." 250. 17. ff. 256-267. " All the Nyne Memorable Voyages made by the Righte Honorable George Erie of Cumberland, to and from the King of Spaynes territoryes: Whereof the seaven are here onely briefly comprehended, the other twoo viz. the Eighte and Nyneth onely at large collected and written oute of Credible advertiz- mentes. ,, (Includes "The Journall of this 9 Voyage; and his Honors Memorable Action at St. John Porto Rico, in the West India this last yeare. 1598. First penned at sea by Ro. Thornton, Mr. Walter Coxe and Peter Hay- burn Passingers 1508: Newly amplifyed and trewly written by other credible advertizmentes per me. R. R.") 250. 21. ff. 315-336. " Sir Walter Ralegh's discourse of his first voyage to Guiana, addressed to Lord Charles Howard and Sir Robert Cecil." 250. 22. ff. 338-341. "A Journall of ... . the Voyadge under the chardges of .... the Erie of Essex and the Lord Ch. Howard." 250. 23. ff. 383-392. " A Discourse of Virginia " by Edward Maria Wing- field, f. 382. This narrative is preceded by an anonymous letter relating to Virginia. (Printed by the American Antiquarian Society in i860 in Archaeologia Americana, IV. 61-103.) 250. 25. ff. 406-412. " The Jornall of our voiadge in the Indeavour [New- foundland] begunne the 7 of October 1612 ", by John Guy. 250. 26. ff. 414-416. " Captain William Morgans discourse concerninge the Northwest passage, from thence to the South Sea." 250. 2J. f. 419. " A briefe Narration of the discoverie of the Northern Seas, to approve his Majesties right to Greenland ", written in 1613. 494. 6. ff. 273-278. " An Abstract of some materiall pointes that are in my discovery of New-land [Newfoundland] wch was presented to his Majestie at Huntington the 17th day of October 1619." (Letter from Richard Whitbourne to Lord Carew.) 645. 45. From the Duke of York to King Charles II., Portsmouth, 15 November .... "Yesterday Cap: Grove Cap. of the Martin, brought me an account from Nichols of his proceeding at Long iland, where all things are in a very good condition, he hath also reduced Orainge fort to your Ma: obediance and had sent Sir R: Car with the Guinne frigatt and a hundred Land men to reduce what the Dutch have in Delaware bay." 688. Second part. 19. "A Breife Journall of A voyage made in the Barque Warwick to Virginia and other parts of the Continent of America. A° 1631 by Henry Fleete." 12 pp. (Printed in E. D. Neill's The English Colonization of America, 221-237.) 711. 16. Account of Porto Rico. (Begins: "The Island of St. John de Porto Ricco is esteemed by most to bee very unhealthfull") 19 288 Lambeth Palace Library. 711. 17. Letter from several Indians to Archbishop Tenison thanking him and the Society for their kindness to them when in Britain. Boston, N. E., July 21, 1710. 711. 18. Bishop of London's paper about a suffragan for the plantations in America. December, 1707. (H.) 745. 3. " An answer to severall heads of enquiry concerning the present state of New England ", addressed by Mr. Randolph to the Com- mittee for Trade and Plantations. (P.) 754. " A Voyage to Virginia." Begins : " The month of August Anno 1649 being the time I engaged to meet my two Comrades Major Fran. Morrison and Major Richard Fox at London, in order to a full accomplishment of our purpose to seek our fortunes in Virginia." Quarto vol., 152 pp. (Printed in Force's Tracts, vol. III., no. 10.) 806. 14. " The Relation of a Voyage unto New England ; Began from the Lizard, the first of June, 1607, By Captn Popham in the ship the Gift, and Captn Gilbert in the Mary and John: written by ... . [sic] and found amongst the Papers of the truly Worshipfull Sir Ferdinando Gorges Knt by me William Griffith." 20 pp. (Printed in Proceedings of the Massachusetts Historical Society, vol. XVIIL, 1880- 1881; by the Gorges Society of Portland, Maine, 1892; and in H. S. Bun-age* s Early English and French Voyages, 1906.) 841. 7. " An Account Of the Colonys and Provinces of New England in generall. More particularly of that of the Massachusetts." 22 pp. (Begins: "Sir, He that stirs a nest of hornets, will have a confused dinn about his ears.") 841. 18. Proposals for erecting a School, Library, and Chapel at New York, 1712-13 by John Sharpe, Chaplain to her Majesties Forts and Forces in the Province of New York in America ; also a Cata- logue of Books belonging to John Sharpe intended to be given as a foundation of a Publick Library at New York. 34 pp. (H.) (Printed in Collections of the New York Historical Society, 1880, 341-363.) 930. 24. Letter from Lord Somers to Archbishop Tenison. May 30, 1698. (Begins: "The king was pleased last night to determine that Coll. Nichol- son should be Governour of Virginia, and gave mee leave to acquaint your Grace with it wch I said I was sure would please you very much ....") 930. 38. Letter from Mr. Henry Dodwell to Archbishop Tenison. August 29, 1700. (Urges that the plantations should have bishops of their own.) 933. 91. Proposals for "attempting some Advantageous Acquisition from the Spaniards in the West Indies: particularly .... the Isthmus of Darien." n. d. 933. 92. " The method propos'd for the Execution of the aforesaid (see 933. 91) Design." n. d. 937. 20. " An Abstract of Mr. Cordiner's Journall." (Begins: "Being admitted a missionary of the Honble Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts, to Shrewsbury Parish in Cecil County, Maryland." Relates numerous difficulties experienced in getting out to sea, where, on the third day out, he was taken prisoner by the French October 10, 1707; also an account of his hardships while prisoner in France.) Lambeth Palace Library. 289 941. 4. Minutes of the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts. June 19, 1704. 941. 9. Letter to Archbishop Tenison from James Blair, President of the College of Williamsburgh, concerning the affairs of that college. Williamsburgh in Virginia, September 2, 1706. (P.) 941. 16. Address to the Bishop of London from the Episcopalians of Strat- ford, Connecticut, complaining of the ill-treatment received from the Dissenters. April 1, 1707. 941. 24. Letter from Col. Francis Nicholson to Archbishop Tenison. May 22, 1710. (H.) (Relates chiefly to the need of a bishop for the colonies and the sending of some missionaries among the Indians.) 941. 39. Letter from Queen Anne to Archbishop Tenison requiring a col- lection in the city of London, and elsewhere, for the Society for Propagating the Gospel in Foreign Parts. May 18, 17 14. 941. 71. " The Memorial of Thomas Bray, D. D., Relating to the Libraries sent into America ". 1704. ^-. (Begins: "First there are 30 Parochial Libraries already sent into His Majties Plantations in America") 941. y2. " A Draught of a Bill For Converting the Negros, etc., In the Plantations." n. d. 941. 73. " The Missionaries Library Reviewed and Corrected and Enlarged (according to Order) by the Committee on the 13th Instant etc." (Endorsed : Missionary's Library etc. Approved by the Society, 15 March 1705.) 942. 45. " Extract from the Journals of Virginia and Maryland of 1691- 92-1694 shewing how acceptable Coll: Francis Nicholson hath been and is to those Governments." 942. 48. Copy of the charter of William and Mary College, Virginia. Dated 8 Feb. 4 Wm. and Mary. 942. 49. " Remarks from [on] the Charter of William and Mary College in Virginia." n. d. 942. 50. Paper beginning " Sir E. Andr. [os] is an enemy to the College of W. and M. in Virga." n. d. 942. 82. Copy of Geo. Everett's Memorial to the Lords of the Councill, appointing a Committee of Trade and Plantations. London, Feb- ruary 25, 1694/5. 942. 98. Letter to Archbishop Tenison from the Maryland Assembly rela- tive to acts for the establishment of the Protestant religion in the province. Annapolis, May 22, 1695. (P.) 942. 149. Letter to Archbishop Tenison from the churchwardens and vestry of Trinity Church in New York concerning the enmity of the then governor to the church. May 22, 1699. (H.) 952. 24. Copy of an address from William Vesey, John Sharpe, and Wil- liam Urquhar[t] in behalf of Mr. Honyman of Rhode Island, n.d. (H.) 953. 24. Letter from council and burgesses in behalf of free schools in Maryland. Maryland, October 18, 1694. (P.) 65. Letter from William Blathwayt to Archbishop Tenison touching Dr. Bray's petition to Lords of the Treasury. September 1/11, 1699. 953. 290 Lambeth Palace Library. 953. 103. Letter from John Chamberlayne to Archbishop Tenison in which he begs " leave that Coll. Hunter's chaplain Mr. Sharpe might be permitted to wait on your Lordship to give you a True State of the Church at N. York, wch both he and the Governor are very Desirous your Grace should be inform'd of." August 1, 1713. 954. 38. John Smith's map of New England. (Printed 1612.) 954. 60. Paper beginning " Sir E. And. [ros] no real friend to the Clergy ". Imperfect, continued in 1029. 22 ; not dated or signed, but in same hand as 942. 50. (P.) 1025. 3. " An account of the Revolution at Boston ". 18 pp. Against Governor Andros, 18 April, 1689. No name. (P.) 1029. 22. Imperfect. A continuation of 954. 60. (P.) 1123. Papers relating to the American colonies, three volumes. I. 1. Printed pamphlet entitled A Petition of W. C. Exhibited to the High Court of Parliament now assembled, for the propagating of the Gospel in America, and the West Indies .... by William Castell (1641). 2. Plain Dealing: or, Newes from New England .... by Thomas Lechford (London, 1642). 3. Printed paper entitled Proposal for the Encouragement and Pro- moting of Religion and Learning in the Foreign Plantations. Signed by archbishops and bishops. Undated. 4. Printed paper entitled The Present State of the Protestant Religion in Maryland. Undated. (P.) 5. Will of Archbishop Tenison, containing bequest to the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts. 17 15. (Printed.) I. 6. Copy of a petition dated May 27, 1725, from a convention of Boston ministers to the lieutenant-governor, council and representatives of Massachusetts, asking that a synod be convened. Signed by Cotton Mather in the name of the ministers assembled in their general convention. (P.) I. 7. Copy of letter from the Bishop of London to the Duke of Newcastle, Fulham, August 17, 1725, referring to the above petition (I. 6), and suggesting that it may be unwise to grant it. (P.) I. 8. Id. from same to same, August 21, 1725, on same subject. (P.) I. 9. Id. from same to same, Fulham, August 31, 1725, relating to pro- ceedings of the council and representatives of New England upon the petition, I. 6. (P.) I.jo. Id. from Charles Delafaye, for the Lords Justices, Whitehall, Sep- tember 24, 1725, requesting that further information be sent to the attorney-general. Relates to petition, I. 6. (P.) I. 11. Id. from Charles Delafaye to solicitor and attorney-general, White- hall, September 24, 1725, directing investigation of legality of pro- ceedings with regard to the proposed synod. Cf. I. 6. (P.) I. 12. Id. from same to same, Whitehall, September 25, 1725, enclosing papers. (P.) 1. 13. Id. from Charles Delafaye for the chief justices to governor of New England, Whitehall, October 7, 1725, stating that proposed synod (cf. I. 6) is illegal, and should, if in session, be interrupted. (p.) Lambeth Palace Library. 291 I. 14. Copy of petition of the Rev. Timothy Cutler and others, for the repeal of several acts passed in Massachusetts, to the prejudice of members of the Church of England. Addressed to the king in Council. 1726. (P.) I. 15. Account of the steps which were taken on the petition of the Rev. Mr. Timothy Cutler and others. 1727. (P.) 1. 16. Commissio regia pro exercenda jurisdictione spirituali et ecclesias- tica in plantationibus Americanis, printed; dated, in writing, April, 1728. I. 17. Letter recommending Robert Auchmuty for governor of Massa- chusetts in place of Belcher. Boston, June 25, 1737. Signature torn off. (P.) •L 18. Letter from Alexander Garden to Philip Bearcroft, Charleston, May 6, 1740, proposing plan for education of negro and Indian slaves. (H.) I. 19. Id. from Philip Bearcroft, Charterhouse, January 28, 1740/1. In- formation regarding converted negroes. I. 20. Id., Charterhouse, February 3, 1 740/1, concerning money voted by the Pennsylvania assembly, and relations between Episcopalians and Dissenters. (P.) I. 23. Id., Charterhouse, March 14, 1 740/1, dealing with attitude of colo- nial governments toward Episcopalians. (P.) I. 24. Letter from George Whitefield, London, June 9, 1741, criticising character of missionaries sent to America by the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts. I.26. Id., London, June 18, 1741, on same subject. I. 27. Letter from Philip Bearcroft, Charterhouse, June 27, 1741, on same subject, with copy of a letter from George Whitefield, November 30, 1740, appended. (H.) I. 28. Printed paper headed Several Proceedings in the two late Sittings of Assembly, on the Affair of raising Money, Men, &c, for the Expedition now on foot against the Spanish West-Indies, dated Pennsylvania, 1740. 1. 29. Letter from George Whitefield, dated at sea, July 28, 1741, on character ' of the missionaries sent to the colonies by the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts. Cf. I. 24, 26. (H.) I. 30. Bishop of Oxford to Whitefield, dated Cuddesden, September 17, 1 741, answering Whitefield's objections. (H.) I. 35. Letter from Samuel Johnson, Stratford, Conn., July 25, 1745, deal- ing with training of missionaries in colonial colleges, and the need of bishops in America. I. 36. Copy of letter from Bishop of Oxford to Samuel Johnson, West- minster, March 8, 1745/6, on same subjects. (H.) I. 37. Printed paper entitled Abstract of Two Letters from the Rev. Mr. Hoedmaeker, and the Rev. M. Pietat .... containing what they offer to the Consideration of the Ministers of His Majesty's Dutch Chapel at St. James's, and the Dutch Minister of London, and what they desire of them in Behalf of the Palatines in Pensilvania. (1746). A plea for aid in supporting the clergy. 292 Lambeth Palace Library. I. 38. Letter from the Church of England clergy in New England and New York, dated June I, 1748. Congratulation on accession to the archbishopric. 18 signatures. 1.39. Id. from H. Frankland to his uncle, London, December 13, 1748, describing state of religion in New England, from Church of Eng- land standpoint. (P.) 1.40. Id., from Samuel Johnson. Undated. Criticising New England government. " Liberty is here Licentiousness ; a Junto rule ", and it would be advisable for the Crown to resume the government. 1. 41. Letters from William Gibbs, Simsbury, October 9, and Hartford gaol, December 28, 1749, complaining of injustice that Episco- palians should be forced to contribute to support of a Dissenting minister, and enclosing copy of the warrant for his commitment for non-payment of church rates. 1. 42. Letter from Samuel Johnson, Stratford, March 5, 1749/50, dealing with subject of bishops for New England. I. 43. Minutes of meeting of Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts, April 20, 1750, containing reports from mis- sionaries in Newport, Narragansett, Newbury, Providence, etc. I. 44. Letter from Henry Barclay, New York, April 9, 1750. A plea for bishops. I.45. Paper beginning "To the Kings Most Excellent Majesty, The Humble Petition of Hans Jacob Reimsperger, Late of Tuggenburgh in Switzerland, now of Saxe Gotha in South Carolina, relating to Swiss and German settlers in South Carolina. Undated. I. 47. Minutes of meeting of Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts, July 20, 1750. Reports of troubles on the ques- tion of church rates. I. 48. Paper by Philip Bearcroft beginning " The Charter of the Colony of Connecticut," relating to Presbyterian assumption of position of established church. Undated. I. 49-50. Papers relating to finances of the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts. 1750. I. 51. Letter of H. Walpole, London, January 2, 1750/1, relating to the establishment of bishops in West Indies. I. 52. Letter from George Cadogan et al., Augusta, August 31, 1751, on church affairs in Georgia. (H.) I. 53-56. Papers relating to collection of funds for the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts. 1751/1752. I. 60. Copy of a letter from Jonathan Edwards to Joseph Paice, Stock- bridge, February 24, 1752, relating to education of Indians, and contrasting French and English policies in this matter. I. 61. Letter of Joseph Paice referring to Edwards's letter. London, July 18, 1752. I. 62. Minutes of the Society for the Pennsylvanian Germans. London, March 23, 1753. I. 63. Letter from Samuel Johnson, Stratford, June 25, 1753, introducing William Smith and commending his defence of the proposed col- lege against newspaper and other opposition. I. 64. Id., June 25, 1753, mentioning Independent Whig and Independent Reflector. Lambeth Palace Library. 293 1. 65-68. Letters recommending William Smith, from Samuel Seabury, et al., John Ogilvie, Henry Barclay, James De Lancey, and Th. Penn. June 25, 1753. I. 69. Letter from Timothy Cutler, Boston, August 30, 1753, on contro- versial pamphlets published in New England on the state of the church. I. 70. Id. from Benjamin Avery, Guy's Hospital, November 9, 1753, deal- ing with the case of John Pitts. I. 71. Id. from David Thomson, Amsterdam, November 16, 1753, refer- ring to English assistance in his labors. I. J2. Extract from letter of Thomas Prince, Boston, December 31, 1753, dwelling upon liberality of treatment accorded to Episcopalians in Boston. (P.) I. 73. Letter from Samuel Chandler, London, February 5, 1754, dealing with German emigrants to Pennsylvania. 1. 74. Copy of letter from Archbishop to Samuel Chandler, Croydon House, February 7, 1754, on same subject. I. 75. Letter from Samuel Chandler, London, February 26, 1754, on same subject. I. y6. Id., London, March 17, 1754, on same subject. I. yy. Id. from Samuel Johnson, New York, July 10, 1754, mentioning proposed college in New York. I. 78. Id., July 10, 1754. I. 81. Id. from Timothy Cutler, Boston, August 28, 1754, on controversial publications in the colonies, and giving opinion of Jonathan Edwards, " A New Light ". I. 82. Dr. MacSparran's narrative of the lawsuit concerning the glebe land at Narragansett in New England. (1752 c.) I. 83. Letter from William Smith, Philadelphia, October 17, 1754, plead- ing for more missionaries on the frontiers. 1. 84. The Charter of the College of New York, in America. 1754. I. 85. Letter from Samuel Johnson, Stratford, October 25, 1754, dealing with troubles with Dissenters. (H.) I. 88. Id. from Timothy Cutler, Boston, January 1, 1755, giving informa- tion concerning William McClenachan. II.89. Id- fr° m Philip Bearcroft, Charterhouse, January 18, 1755, on church affairs in New England. (H.) II. 91. Paper entitled " Some Hints humbly offer'd. With a View to the preserving, supporting and propagating, the great Interests of Christianity and the Protestant Religion, amongst the numerous Body of German and Swiss Emigrants, settled in the Backparts of the Province of Pennsylvania &c, and for encouraging them and their Children to learn the English Language " Undated. II. 92. Letter from Samuel Chandler, London, February 3, 1755, on educa- tion of German settlers in Pennsylvania. II. 93. Id., February 24, 1755, on same subject. II. 94. Id. from Archbishop to Bishop of Oxford, Croydon House, Feb- ruary 2y, 1755, on same subject. II. 95. Id. from Bishop of Oxford to Archbishop, London, March 1, 1755, on same subject. 294 Lambeth Palace Library. II. 96. Address of churchwardens of St. Paul's Church, Narragansett, South Kingston, March 17, 1755, concerning difficulties with the Dissenters. (H.) II. 97. Extract from a letter to Dr. MacSparran from one of his parish- ioners " unless all the Colonys be reduced to some uniformity in Government and are by Some Means reduced to a single Direction we are all undone, and shall sooner or later, be reduced to Colonys of France ". Narragansett, March 27, 1755. II. 105. Letter from William Smith, Philadelphia, November 1, 1756, begin- ning " The Misery and distress of this unhappy Province, bleeding under the murderous Knives of a Savage Enemy, instigated and led on by Popish Cruelty .... and the Confusion arising from a Quaker Government." Deals with the missionaries, and criticizes the government. II. 106. Id. from Thomas Coram, suggesting founding of a college at Cambridge, Massachusetts, to be called King's College. Undated. II. 109. Id. from Thomas Barton, York, Pennsylvania, March 12, 1757, dealing with conditions since Braddock's defeat. II. no. Supplement to the Pennsylvania lournal, No. 782, dated Philadel- phia, October 29, 1757, containing letter of William Moore to Gov. Denny, defending his conduct. II. in. Letter from Samuel Johnson, New York, December 5, 1757, deal- ing with need of bishops, and vacancies in the ministry. II. 112. Id. of William Smith, dated Philadelphia County Gaol, February 7, 1758, criticizing Quaker policy. (P.) II. 113. Paper entitled "A Brief Narrative of the Case of the Rev. Mr. Smith ", giving an account of his imprisonment for publication of letter of Moore. Cf. II. no. (P.) II. 114. Letter from Robert McKean to Dr. Bearcroft, New Brunswick, New Jersey, February 5, 1758, about the case of William Smith. (p-) II. 115. Extract from a letter of William Allen to Dr. Chandler, Philadel- phia, February 4, 1758, criticizing the government of the colony. II. 116. Paper entitled "The humble Address of the Governors of the College of the Province of New York ". New York, May 27, 1758. II. 117. Copy of the Public Advertiser, London, June 9, 1758, containing letter of Gov. Denny to Pennsylvania Assembly, dated April 27, 1758. II. 118. "The humble Address of the Clergy of the Provinces of New York and New Jersey in America ". New York, June 22, 1758. A request for bishops, and announcement of first commencement of King's College. II. 119. Letter from Samuel Fayerweather, New York, July 3, 1758, con- taining reference to first commencement at King's College. II. 121. Copy of letter from the Archbishop to Samuel Johnson. Lambeth, September 27, 1758. Brief notes of colonial affairs. (H.) II. 122. Letter from the Church of England clergy in Connecticut. Octo- ber 5, 1758. Congratulations on accession to the archbishopric. II. 123. Id. from Samuel Johnson, New York, October 25, 1758, about candidates for the ministry. Lambeth Palace Library. 295 124. Id. from Robert Jenney, Philadelphia, November 27, 1758, criti- cizing William Smith. (P.) 125. Letters from William Allen and Richard Peters, Philadelphia, November 28, 1758, on the education of German settlers, and the case of William Smith. 130. Letter from Samuel Johnson, New York, March 20, 1759, mention- ing the Independent Reflector and other colonial publications. (H.) 132. Id. from Henry Caner, Boston, April 7, 1759, on the subject of a mission in Cambridge. " Socinianism, Deism, and other bad Princi- ples find too much Countenance among us." (P.) 133. Id. from Samuel Johnson, New York, April 15, 1759, on same subject. 136. Minutes of a council at Philadelphia on the bill against lotteries and plays. Philadelphia, June 2, 1759. 139. Copy of report of the attorney and solicitor-general in the case of Rev. Dr. Smith. London, June 2, 1759. 140. Letter from William Smith, June 25, 1759, about his case. 141. Copy of the minutes of the Committee of Council in Dr. Smith's case. London, June 26, 1759. 143. Copy of letter from the Archbishop to Dr. Jenney, Lambeth, July 18, x 759> about Smith's case. 144. Id. to Henry Caner, Lambeth, July 19, 1759, about the proposed Cambridge mission. (P.) 145. Id. to Samuel Johnson, Lambeth, July 19, 1759, on same subject. 146. Letter from Samuel Johnson, New York, July 25, 1759, giving an account of church and missions. (H.) 147. Id. from the churchwardens of Christ Church, Philadelphia, Octo- ber 3, 1759, about William Macclenachan and other clergymen. 149. Id. from William Spurgeon, Philadelphia, November 29, 1758, pleading for bishops, and giving an account of William Smith's case. 150. Paper docketed "Case of Rev. William Smith of Philadelphia". London, January 27, 1759. 151. Letter from J. Wetmore to Dr. Johnson, Rye, October 12, 1759, about the case of Dr. Beach. 152. Id. from Samuel Johnson, New York, October 20, 1759, about the Cambridge mission, college and church affairs. 153. Paper docketed "Remonstrance of the Clergy of Pennsylvania against Mr. Macclenachan ". Philadelphia, October 21, 1759. 154. Letter from William Smith, Philadelphia, October 21, 1759, chiefly about William Macclenachan, with references to events of the war. 155. Id. from Samuel Johnson, Stratford, October 29, 1759, dealing with relations toward Dissenters. (H.) 156. Id. from William Smith, Philadelphia, November 2y y 1759, giving an account of religious affairs in the colony, with estimate of numbers belonging to various denominations, and details of griev- ances in Christ's Church. 158. Copy of letter from William Smith to Thomas Penn, November, 1759, in defence of lotteries. 159. Letter from Henry Caner, January, 1760, on the Macclenachan affair. 296 Lambeth Palace Library. II. 162. " Observations and Questions concerning the Barbadoes Estate ". January 26, 1760. II. 163. Letter from Abraham Immer to the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts, February 14, 1760, appealing for assistance. (In Latin.) II. 164. Id. London, February 15, 1760, expressing thanks, and hope for continued protection of his church in Carolina. (In French.) II. 165. Id. from Samuel Johnson, Stratford, Connecticut, February 15, 1760, dealing with affairs of King's College. II. 166. Id. from Henry Barclay, in behalf of Committee of Governors of King's College, New York, February 16, 1760, on same subject. II. 167. Extract from the last will of Gov. Christopher Codrington, be- queathing estates in Barbadoes to the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts. Undated. II. 168. Letter from Bishop Drummond, London, February 29, 1760, deal- ing with Barbadoes plantations. II. 169. Id. from Archbishop to Bishop Drummond, Lambeth, March 3, 1760, on same subject. II. 170. " Memorandum for Mr. Trecothie of some Covenants proper for a Lease of the Society's Plantations." (Barbadoes.) March 11, 1760. II. 171. Letter from Bishop Drummond. London, March 15, 1760. II. 172. Draft of a letter from the -Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts to their attornies in Barbadoes. March 15, 1760. II. 174. Copy of letter from Samuel Nicolls to Dr. Jenner et ah, London, March 25, 1760, about William Macclenachan. II. 175. Paper entitled " Mr. Morton abt Philadelphia College." April 12, 1760. Note on the support of Pennsylvania College by lotteries. II. 176. Letter from Thomas Penn, Philadelphia, April 12, 1760, on same subject. II. 177. Paper entitled " The humble Petition of a poor negro Woman, commonly called by the name of Esther Smith." July 19, 1760. Appeal of a slave born in New York and brought to England. II. 178. Letter from Lord Hardwicke, London, July 19, 1760, delivering opinion that a slave brought to England is still a slave, and that baptism does not alter this status. II. 179. Id. from Dr. Squire, Greenwich, July 20, 1760, concerning Esther Smith. II. 180. Id. July 21, 1760. II. 181. Id. from Silas Told on same subject. Undated. Received August 20, 1760. II. 182. Id. from Churchwardens and vestrymen, Westchester, August 1, 1760, requesting appointment of a missionary. II. 183. " Minutes of a Convention or voluntary Meeting of the Episcopal Clergy of Pennsylvania ", Philadelphia, April 30, 1760. II. 184. " Some Account of the Missions in Pennsylvania, etc., delivered in at a Convention of the Clergy of that Province ", Philadelphia, May 2, 1760. II. 186. Letter from Presbyterian ministers of Pennsylvania, May 24, 1760, in behalf of William Macclenachan. 18 signatures. Lambeth Palace Library. 297 II. 187. " The humble Address of the Missionaries and other Clergy of the Church of England residing in and near the Province of Penn- sylvania ", 1760, setting forth difficulties facing the churches. (P.) II. 188. Letter from Thomas Penn, Spring Garden, June 13, 1760, enclos- ing copy of minutes of assembly on subject of lotteries. II. 189. Id. from William Smith, July 1, 1760, on church affairs in Penn- sylvania. (P.) II. 190-191. Id. from Samuel Johnson, New York, July 13-30, 1760, deal- ing with affairs of church and colony. Postscript mentions death of Gov. De Lancey, and importance that his successor be " not only a good Statesman, but a Friend to Religion and the Church." Printed in Hawks and Perry's Connecticut, I. 310-315. II. 193. Copy of letter from Archbishop to Lord Barrington, Lambeth, August 22, 1760, referring to Ogilvie and the Mohawk Indians. II. 194. Letter from several members of the Church of England at Phila- delphia, on behalf of William Macclenachan. Undated. Received August 23, 1760. II. 195. Id. from William Macclenachan, giving an account of himself. Undated. Received August 23, 1760. II. 196. Id. from William Smith, Philadelphia, August 26, 1760, stating his position. II. 197. Id. from Lord Barrington, War Office, August 28, 1760, dealing with question of places of worship and chaplains for the army in America. II. 198. Minutes of Committee of Council about bills from Pennsylvania, August 27, 28, 1760. II. 199. Letter from Bishop Drummond, Brodsworth, September 24, 1760, about Barbadoes. II. 200. An extract from the books of the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel .... dated 1760, relating to Mr. Macclenachan. II. 201. Letter from Samuel Nicolls, Northall, Middlesex, October 3, 1760, about William Macclenachan. II. 205. Id. from Henry Caner, Boston, October 6, 1760. II. 206. Copy of letter from Archbishop to Macclenachan, Lambeth, October 9, 1760, reviewing his case. II. 207. Id. to William Smith, Lambeth, October 12, 1760, about the Phila- delphia convention of clergymen. II. 208. Id. to same, Lambeth, October 20, 1760, containing reference to Free-Masons. II. 213. Id. to Samuel Johnson, Lambeth, November 4, 1760, chiefly about King's College. (H.) II. 214. Draft of proxy for Archbishop's representative on board of gov- ernors of King's College, dated 1760. III. 216. Letter from Samuel Johnson, New York, November 24, 1760, on colonial publications and affairs of King's College. III. 217. Copy of letter from Archbishop to Samuel Johnson, Lambeth, January 20, 1761, dealing with affairs of King's College and atti- tude of the king toward the American churches. III. 218. Letter from Episcopal clergymen of Boston and vicinity, Boston, January 26, 1761, enclosing No. 219. 16 signatures. 298 Lambeth Palace Library. III. 219. Address from ministers in and about Boston to George the Third. 1 76 1. A note states that it was not presented, because it asked for bishops. III. 224. Letter of Samuel Johnson, New York, May 2, 1761, concerning candidates for the ministry, and the question of bishops. III. 225, 226. Address of the Governors of the College in the Province of New York to George III. May 12, 176 1. 2 copies. III. 227. Letter from Samuel Johnson, New York, May 20, 1761, chiefly on college affairs. III. 228. Draft of projected address enclosed in No. 224. III. 229. Letter from Jean Moore to Bourdillon, London, May 21, 1 761, in relation to Abraham Immer. (In French.) III. 230. Id. from Bourdillon to Jean Moore, May 22, 1761, dealing with Immer's position in Carolina. III. 231. Id. from Episcopal clergy of Philadelphia, Philadelphia, May 28, 1 761, dealing with William Macclenachan. III. 233. Id. from Samuel Johnson, New York, June 14, 1761, on church affairs. III. 234. Id. from Charles Inglis, Dover, June 21, 1761, containing refer- ences to Dunkards. III. 235. Id. from William Smith, Philadelphia, July 20, 1761, about church matters. III. 236. Id. August 20, 1 76 1. III. 238. Copy of letter from Archbishop to William Smith, Lambeth, Octo- ber 10, 1761, about church matters. III. 242. Memoranda of letter from Archbishop to Samuel Johnson, Decem- ber 10, 1761. III. 244. Letter from George Harrison, New York, January 2, 1762, about church affairs on Long Island. (H.) III. 245. Id. from Samuel Johnson, New York, January 9, 1762, on King's College affairs. III. 246. Id. from Henry Barclay, New York, January 11, 1762, in behalf of committee of governors of King's College. III. 247. Id. of Archbishop of York to Dr. Burton, London, January 23, 1762, about estate in Barbadoes. III. 250. Id. from Henry Barclay, New York, February 12, 1762, in behalf of committee of governors of King's College. Duplicate of no. 246. III. 251. Id. from Samuel Johnson, New York, February 2y f 1762, on church matters. III. 252. Id. from Dr. Bentham, Christ Church, March 11, 1762, referring to Mr. Cooper's leaving Oxford for New York College, and the Archbishop's patronage of the college. III. 254. Letter from Myles Cooper, Queen's College, Oxford, March 15, 1762, relative to his appointment in the College of New York. III. 255. Archbishop's reply to Mr. Cooper approving of his having reason- able time to prepare for his voyage. An unsigned copy. III. 256. Letter from Mr. Cooper, Queen's College, Oxford, March 24, 1762, stating that he is ready to sail for New York. III. 257. Id. from William Smith, London, March 29, 1762, about college affairs, and need of more missionaries. Lambeth Palace Library. 299 III. 258. An Humble Representation. By William Smith, D. D., Provost of the College, Academy, and Charitable School of Philadelphia; in Behalf of the said Seminary, and by Appointment of the Trus- tees thereof. 1762. III. 259. Id. from Samuel Johnson, New York, April 10, 1762, on church and college affairs. (H.) III. 262. " An humble Address of the Governors of the College of the prov- ince of New York ", May 14, 1762, on the need of funds. III. 263. Letter from George Harison, New York, July 5, 1762, asking for recommendation as judge of vice-admiralty court. III. 264. Id. from James Jay, July 19, 1762, on the plan for raising funds for King's College. III. 265. Id. July 21, 1762. III. 268. Id. from William Smith and James Jay, London, August 9, 1762, on funds for the colleges. III. 269. Id. from Henry Caner, Boston, August 9, 1762, on a rival society for converting the Indians. (P.) III. 270. Printed paper headed " Colleges of Philadelphia and New York, in America." August 19, 1762. A grant from king to collect money in Great Britain and Ireland. III. 271. An Act to incorporate certain Persons by the Name of the Society for propagating Christian Knowledge among the Indians of North America. 1762. III. 273. Letter from William Smith, London, September 2y, 1762, about Mr. Harison. III. 275. Id. from James Jay, September 30, 1762, on collections for the colleges. III. 276. Copy of letter from Archbishop to Bishop of London, Lambeth, October 5, 1762, on a " Society for propagating Christian Knowl- edge among the Indians in North America. ,, III. 277. Id. to Henry Caner, October 6, 1762, on same subject. (P.) III. 278. Id. to Samuel Johnson, Lambeth, October 6, 1762, on controversial publications, and the rival society. (H.) III. 279. Id. from Bishop of London, Bath, October 11, 1762, on the rival society. (P.) III. 281. Id. from William Smith, London, November 22 f 1762, on the rival society. (P.) III. 282. Paper entitled : " Remarks on an Act lately passed in the Massa- chusetts Government erecting and incorporating a New Society 1 for propagating Christian Knowledge among the Indians in Amer- ica ' ", by William Smith. (Nos. 269, 273-282, 287-289, 294, 309, refer to this act.) (P.) III. 283. Letter from Francis Alison, Philadelphia, December 2, 1762, about funds for freeing captives from among the Indians. III. 284. Id. from Myles Cooper, New York, December 2, 1762, about King's College. III. 285. Id. from Anthony Benezet, Philadelphia, December 4, 1762, against the slave trade. III. 286. Id. from Samuel Johnson, New York, December 5, 1762, about King's College. III. 287. Id. from Bishop of York, London, December 11, 1762, about the new society. 300 Lambeth Palace Library. I. 288. Id. from Henry Caner, Boston, December 23, 1762, on same sub- ject. (P.) I. 289. Id. from Samuel Johnson, New York, January 6, 1763, on same subject. (H.) 1. 290. Id. from Henry Caner, Boston, January 7, 1763, about contro- versial literature published by Dissenters. (P.) I. 291. " The Address of the Trustees of the College, Academy and Charity School in the City of Philadelphia". Philadelphia, January 11, 1763. A letter of thanks. 1. 292. Letter from Richard Peters, Philadelphia, January 15, 1763, on church and college affairs. I. 294. Id. from Edward Chester, London, February 1, 1763, on the new society. 1. 295. Id. from Jacob Duche, Philadelphia, February 4, 1763, on church affairs. 1. 296. A letter of thanks on behalf of the college from governors of King's College. New York, February 6, 1763. I. 297. Letter from John Burton, Eton College, February 25, 1763, about Barbadoes. I. 298. Id. from members of St. Andrew's Church in Simsbury, Connecti- cut, appealing for aid for the church. Undated. Received March, 1763. 29 signatures. 1. 300. Copy of letter from Archbishop to Samuel Johnson, Lambeth, March 30, 1763, on church affairs. (H.) I. 301. Id. to Henry Caner, Lambeth, March 30, 1763, dealing with the troubles with Dissenters. (P.) I. 305. Id. to Richard Peters, Lambeth, April 18, 1763, on the same sub- ject. (H.) I. 306. Id. from Anthony Benezet, Philadelphia, April 24, 1763, against the slave trade. I. 309. Id. from Henry Caner, Boston, June 8, 1763, on troubles with the Dissenters. (P.) I.311. Id. from Myles Cooper, New York, June 23, 1763, on King's College affairs. I. 316. Id. from Samuel Johnson, Stratford, August 10, 1763, concerning bishops and missions. (H.) I. 317. Id. from Henry Caner, Boston, August 16, 1763, on the " Estab- lished Church " of New England. (P.) I. 319. Copy of letter from Archbishop to Henry Caner, Lambeth, Sep- tember 15, 1763, chiefly about the rival society. (H.) I. 320. Id. to Jacob Duche, Lambeth, September 15, 1763, stating that there is danger of the college of Philadelphia becoming " a mere Presbyterian faction." (P.) 1. 321. Letter from Archbishop of York, September 15, 1763, dealing with Barbadoes. I. 322. Copy of letter from Archbishop to H. Barclay, September 19, 1763, on King's College affairs. I. 323. Id. to Myles Cooper, Lambeth, September 19, 1763, on same sub- ject. I. 324. Id. from Myles Cooper, New York, September 23, 1763, on same subject. Lambeth Palace Library. 301 III. 325. Copy of letter from Archbishop to Samuel Johnson, September 28, 1763, referring to Mr. Cooper and to missions in New England and New York. (H.) III. 327. Id. from Thomas Barnard to William Hooper, Salem, October 15, 1763, on the character of William Walter. (P.) III. 328. Letter from Richard Peters, Philadelphia, October 17, 1763, on the college ; Mr. Whitefield ; the great number of Presbyterians ; and the question of bishops. (P.) III. 329. Id. from Samuel Johnson, Stratford, October 20, 1763, on church affairs in Connecticut. Cf. Hawks and Perry's Connecticut, II. 53-55- III. 330. Id. from Myles Cooper, New York, November 2, 1763, about his salary as president of King's College. III. 331. Id. from Henry Caner, Boston, November 16, 1763, on Dr. May- hew's publications. (P.) III. 332. Id. from William Hooper, Boston, November 23, 1763, on a bequest to the church. (P.) III. 335. Id. from Archbishop of York, London, December 16, 1763, deal- ing with Barbadoes. III. 336. Id. from Samuel Johnson, Stratford, December 20, 1763. " Is there then nothing more that can be done, either for obtaining Bishops, or demolishing these pernicious Charter Governments, and reducing them all to one form, in immediate dependance on the King?" (H.) 1124. Three volumes of MS. Journals of the S. P. G., 1758-1766, containing full abstracts of letters from the Society's missionaries in America and elsewhere. LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 027 211 101 7