T4- AsA 5^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^H ^^^^^^^^^^^^^H ^SirriTr ' ji RECORDS t/' TOWN OF AMHERST, FROM 1735 TO 1788. Rkprintkdfroai the amhkkst Record of 18t>3-4. <^STOHj^>^ ^MHERST, MASS. : PRESS OF J. E. WILLIAMS, 1884. "^v^^ . INTRODUCTION. There are si^ns, in various parts of the L'ountry, of an awakening interest in the publication of historical records. Their value for the pui-pose of history is becom- ing better appreciated, and the danger of their destruction or loss suggests nieas- ires for their permanent preservation. •]very few weeks the pai)ers bring news of Liie total or partial loss of valuable records. To anyone who knows the importance of these historical sources, such destruction cannot fail to be a matter of great regret. The care and security with which our Amherst records are kept greatly reduce the dangers in their case ; but, still fur- ther, the publication of local records makes them accessible to a greater number of persons, and at greater convenience, es- l)ecially to non-re.>iidents. It would be well if the record.? of every town in the state could be pul)]ished. Tiiose already printed liave proved to be of great value not only to the student of local hi-story, but to those interested in tlie history of the State, in genealogy, in the modes of thought and the manners of our ancestors. It has been thought desirable to print, at first in the columns of the Kkcoru ami afterward in pamplilet form, the records of tills place. This will include the rec- ords of Hadley TJiird I'recinct from 1735 to 175;5, (when the Second I'recinct be- came South Hadley), of the new Second I'recinct from 1754 to 1758, of the Dis- trict of Amherst from 1759 to 1775 (legally it was a district until 1786) and of the town of Amherst from 177G to February, 1788, the period at which Massachusetts began her life under the Federal Consti- tution. Beyond this point it is not at present intended to carry the publication. It is needless to point out the impor- tance of the Amherst records to town his- tory, genealogy, and title-hunting; their usefulness, as a bit of material, to the growing school of historical students of local institutions is equally evident But anyone wlio takes even a general interest in past times will find nuich to engage his attention. From the point of view of lan- guage, for instance, he will notice from year to year the progress toward fixity of orthograpliy ; he will see, from their spell- ing, that the '-rude forefathers of the hamlet "' said deestrict and iii.heabitants and lentil, like the Yankees of to-day; he will notice the use, and sometimes the gradual on Moileratur : Voted to make Void a fnrmer Vote ot set- iiiij ye Meaiinif House ait ye llaitlintt ytacke also Voted to Set it upon ye East End of Noah Smiths Lot — At a MeatiuK in Match the 10: 17o5— Voted Jolm Nash Clark: V.ned John Ingram t^en Sam'll Boultwood Sain'll Hiiuley Commete to Call meatiusiS Voted Ebeiiezer Dickinson John Nash Aaron Smiiii Assessors Voted Naih'U Smitli Collector Voteil to liiis fiftt-eii pounds of money to be paid towjirds \e meiii>teis Kate Voted yt the Keniainder of m1 U-iie be paid out of ye Nonresedent Money and ye Remiiinder of sd Money to he Im- proved (or ye Building of ye Mealing House Voted that ye High way woik be done l)y lieads and Teams and yt a Team shall be Equal to a hand j)er day Samll Haulev Moderator Att a Lejjal Meeting Septem'b ye 16.1; ITol) Voted 1 to Hire a Minister six months — Voted 2 Sam'Jl Hauley Ebenezer Kellogg to hire a Minister Saji'll Hauley Modera'r Att a Legal Meeting Jane'r ve 30 1736 Voated to give Ebenezer Kellogg five pounds to [go] to Salem to Collect Non llesident nioi^ey also to pay said money out of the same Sam'll Boui.TWooD Moderator Att a Legal Meeting March ye 17ih 1737 Voated 1 John Nasii Clark Voated 2 John Inyrani Sam'll Boultwood Sani'li Hauley Committy to Call Meeting Voated 3 John Ingram Jr John Coles Solomon Boultwood Assessors Voaied 4 John Nash Precinct Tresurer Voated 5 Jonathan Authorton Collector Voated 6 to Cover ye Meetitig House Ebenezer Dickconson Moderator Att a Legal Meeting March ye 22 1737 Voated 1 to frani Raise & Cover ye Meet- ing House this year Ensuing Voated 2 Sam'll Hauley E'leiiezer Kellogg Eben- ezer Dickconson Jonathan Atliarton Aaron Smith a Comniiily to se to ye Building ye Meeting House Voaied 3 to do Highway work liy heads Aaron Smith (modera'r Att a Legal Meeting April ye 13 1737 Voated I to give Mr D ivid Parsons Jr a Call to settle in ye Ministry. Voated lor his settelment to give him tow Lots of Land that was Granted lieartofore by the town of iladley fir the Settlement of the Gospel in this Prei;einct Voated '. to siive him Eaighty pounds ye first year & five pounds t I be yearly adiled until it amounis to one Hundred Voated 3 also towards liuihlin-i a Dwelling House to set him up a frame futy fiots in Length in Bretli twenty one foots & two Storys lii^'li ami Cover sd House ami Btiiki ye Chimney & Cellor John Ingram Jit (Modera'r AtL a Leaal Meetinii on July ye 4 : 1737 Voated 1 yt in order to Enable ns to mak sum further off^r to Mr Parsons for to Setila among us we will tiy to get more Lands for Ins Settlement Voated 2 that John Nash & Ebenezer Dickconson should seek after sd Lands v& Voaied 3 that thay shall be paid for there pains Sam'll Hauley (Moderaier Alt a Legal Meeting Septem'r ye 20: 1737 Voated 1 to Give Mr David Parsi.ns Jnr one liumlred and twenty Poiimls shI- lery & for Settlement as was Voated lieare to fore Voat-d2 John Nash Aaron Smitli Assessors tor this yeaie Ebene'r Dickconson (Moderator Att a Letral Meeting Novem'hr ye 22 1737 Voated 1 to hire a Minister for five Months Voated 2 to Give a Minister forty shillings a sabbath > Voated 3 Jidin Nash Richard Chauncey a Committy to seek after a Minister John Nash (Moilerator Att a preceinct Meeting held March ye IG 1738 Voated 1 John Nash Clark for sd Records of Amherst from 1735 to 1788. Prf-ceinct Voated 2 El)enezer Dickinson Jolin Cowls John Na>h a Cominitte to Issu out womints tor Meetings Voateil 3 Jolin Nash Preceinct TreMirer Voated i Ebenezer Dickconson John Cowls Stephen Smith Assessors V'lated 5 pelitiah Smith Collector VoHted 6 sam'l! Mauley Ehenezer Kel- logg Ebenezer Dickconson Aaron Smith Jonathan Artliohton Cominitty to Build ye Meeting House Voated 7 to do high way work by pools [i. e. polls] Voated 8 to give Josiah Chauncey teen shillings for going to Mr Barbar Voated to John Nash for Hervis done for ye pre(;eiiict & money paid out two pound five shillings Voated to Eben- e'r Dickson for S' rvioes one pound teen shillings Voated to Aaron Smith fifte- ne shilliniis Voated to John Cowls for K-epiiitf Mr Parsons liors five shillings Voated to Jonathan Cowls for Keeping Mr Parsons upoi the Sahbatli Eaittht Shillings Voated to Moses Sjnith five shilliiiiis paid for ye precinct. Voated to pay theas Bills out ol ye noii resident money Ebene"r Dicivinson (Moderator Att a Preceinct Meeting held November ye 14 1738 Voated 1 to Mak V..id a form- er Voate of setiny the Meetinghouse upon Noah Smiths Lot Voated 2 to set ye Meeting House upon ye Hill East of John Nashs house John Nash (Moderator Att a Preceinct Meeting held Decem'b ye 15 : 1738 Voated 1 to Raise Nineteene pounds for Thomas Temple for franeing ye Meeting house Voated 2 to Ehenez'r Kellogg for Hum & Suger three pounds seventeen shillings Voated 3 to Raise one Hundred pounds for Mr David parsons for preaching the yeare past Voated i yt Each head & teame be Im- proved to get fire wood for Mr Parsons Eben'r Dickinson (Moderator Att a Legal Preceinct Meeting held on ye 25 of Jenew'r 1738 — 9 Voated 1 that we will sell ye L'lt granted to this preceinct in ye yeare 1738 Voated 2 Ebenezer Dickin- son Jonathan Smith John Nash Doc'r NaJ.ha'll Sniiili & Solomon Boultwood a Cominitty to sell and Dispose of ye afore sd Lot in ye Behalf of ye atore sd Lot in helialf of ye afore sd preceinct and lo Dispose ye aff cts of sd Lands as ye preceinct heare after se Best And the Commitiy before Named are hearlty Impoiiid to Convey a title to ye afore sd Lot John Cowls (Moderator Att a Lethal Precei.'.ct Meeting held in Hadley third preceinct Mareh ye 14ih 1738-9 Voated 1 J'din Nash Clark for ye yeare Ensuing Voated 2 Joi:n Na-h preceinct Tresurer Voated 3 Jonathan Smith Solom'o Boultwood Jona'n Cowls for a Committy to Issu out worrants for ye preceinct Meet- iiig-i Voaied i John Nash Ebenez'r Dickinson Aaron Smith for Assessors for ye yeare Ensuing: and to make ye Non resident tax that is still be hind Voated 5 Solomon Boultwood : Collector Voated yt John Nash Ebenezei' Dickinson to get ye Minisiers Lots Laide out Voted Solomon Boultwood John Nash Ehen'r Dickinson David Smith John Cowls a Committy to order ye Building ye Meeting House Peletiah Smith (Moderator Att a Legal Meeting held in Hadley third preceint ye 29 of June 1739. Voated yt the present Co itty for the Carrying on ye Building ye Meeting House Shall Dispose of ye first hundred and fifty pounds yt is and shall be paid by De'n Eleazor Matton as they think best Ebene'r Dickinson (Moderator Records of Amherst from 1735 to 17^ A Warrant for a preceinct Meeting Had- ley Third preceinct June ye 7th 1739 This is to Notifi all the freeholders and other Iiiliabiiants Quallified Accordinj; to Law to Voat in preceinct Meetings that tiiey Convean touetiier at ye Dwelling House of ye Wid'w Hannah Boultwoods in this preceii>ct on ye twenty sixth of this present June at one of the Clock of said day : then & thare to se what ye preceinct will do to settle Mr David Parsons Jn'r in ye Gospel Ministry in this preceinct & what may be thongiit Best towards Building a house for ye Minister : also liow De'n Mat- toons first Hundred & fifty pounds shall be disposd with all Given under oure liands Solomon Boultwood 1 Committee Jonathan Smith J The meeting was opened & Aj^yrnd to ye fifth of July, againe A'fjoyrnd to ye 12th of July A Worraiit for a preceinct Meeting Had- ley third preceinct September ye 22iid 1739 Tills is to Notifi all >e Freeholders and other Inliabitants of this preceinct Qualli- fied according lo L'lW to Voat in towne or preceinct Meetings that they Meet together at ye Dwelling House of Doc'r Natlia'll Smiths in sd preceinct upon ye twenty eaith day of this Instant Septem'r at two of the Clock in ye after noone then & there to do what may be thought necisary for to Encorage Mr David Parsons in ye Work of ye Ministry in tliis place : and also to do what may he thought necisary in order to ordaine Mr Parsons Given under oure hands Jona'n Smith 1 ^ T , ^ y Committy Jona n Cowls j ■' Att a Legal Meeting in Hadley tliird preceinct apointed by them as ye Law Di- rects in shuch Cases on ye fifteentii day of June 1739 : & after two Adjornments first to the fifth day of July : & then to the twelvth of July instant : they came to the following Voats : Voated 1 to give Mr David Parsims Jun'r an Invitation to settle with us as oure Gospell Minister For ills Settlement : Voated 1 to give him two Lots of Lands granted by the Town of Hadley for a Min- ister in this preceinct one lying in the Sec- ond Division the other in ye tliird Voated 2 for to give him one Hundred and Seventy five pounds of money towards Building his House Attested Ebene'r Dickinson [ Moderator Att a Legal Meeting held by ye Inhabi- tants of Hadley tliird Preceinct Septem'br ye 28: 1739 as an Addition to oure fornirr voats : for Mr David Parsons to Setile among us : to Enal)le him to Support ill ye Work of tlie Ministry among us they came into ve following Vi>aCs For his Salary Voaied 1 To pay him one hundred pounds ye first yeare and to make yearly Aditions as ye poles and Rateable Estates shall Encreass till ye salary Amounts to one hundred and sixty pounds (that is to say) iliose poles & Estates that are found in this precienct when ye last List was taken which was in January 1738 — 9 shall pay ye hundred pounds — & ye Adition sixty pounds salary shall be livyed & rais- ed upon ye Encrease of the polls and Es- tates inje preceinct this Sixty pounds to be Gradually Augmented as ye poles & Estates shall gradually Encrese : this Salary we propose to pay in Province Bills of ye old Teiiour or one third so mucii of ye New : which is to be ye onely fixed standard until the yeare 1741 Voated 2ly that after ye yeare 1741 ye Salary Nitall be paide in Money if any be passing or Some Comodity whicii shall be Equivalent to money upon the footing money now stands (that is to say) if the Country makes Good the Credit of Prov- ince Bills agreeable to promiss at the Rate of six shilling & Eaight pence new tennor tor one ounce of silver or twenty Records of Amherst from 1735 to 1788. shillings old tennor the ounce : then the abovt'sd sums mentioned to be setteled by that standard ; but if the Country fails of theire proiniss of tlie Vallue of Money above sd tlien the salary to be setteled at ye Rate of twenty six sliilling ye old tenor the ounce or a third part so much ye New ;the tru Intente of tliis Voate is to set forth the Value of money as it now stands : & how it shall stand in all future payments Voated Sly to Provide him all his firwood Voated -Ithly to pay him his Salary Annually in ye Month of March Attest Elezer Mattun 1- Moderator. Hadley 3il Preceinct Septem'br ye 28th 1739 Complifd with the Request of the Inhabitants of ye third preceinct in Had- ley P'r me David Parsons Jn'r At a Legal Mealing lield in Hadley t'lird preceinct March ye 18th 17iO Voat- ed 1 John Nash preceinct Clark for ye yeare Ensuing Voated 2 John Nash Ebene'r Dickinson Aaron Smith Assess- ors for ye preceinct & non resido-nt taxes Voated Sly John Cowls preceinct treas- urer Voateil 4 Joseph Clary Cnllector Voated 5 Richard Cliauncey & Do'ct Natlia'U Smith & David Smith a Com- mity to Issu out Warrarjts for preceinct meetings Voated 6 yt ye former Commity to Build ye Meeting House to go on wt ye work Voated 7 to do high way work l>y Poles After Ajoyrnment to ye 19th of this Instant Voated 1 to pass ye Bills of Charge of Building ye Meeting House with other pre(;einct Charges Voated 21v granted Ehener D'ckinson> and John Cowls Bill for ?."akirig Rates Voated 3 to John Nash Eleven pounds for provideing for ye ordenation of Mr Parsons Attest Ebene'r DiciiiNsoN [-Moderator An acount of ye Standard of Raising ye Rev'd Mr Parsons rate. Wharas in the agreement between the Rev'd Mr David Parsons and this Pre- ceinct att ye time of his Settelment it was proposd that an adetion of sixty pounds shook! be nidde to his salery of one Hundred pounds which adetional sixty pounds was to be Levied & Raised yearly att proportion to ye Encreas of pools anhiny; ye Meeting House Voated 4 yt John Nasli & Ebenez'r Dickinson take security t(jr ye abve sd Money Attest Eben'r Dickinson Moderator Att a Legal Preceinct Melting Held in Hadley third Preceinct Miirch ye llth 1742: by ajurnment to ye House of Nath'll Smith in sd precei:>ct Voated 1 John Nash preceinct Clark Voated 2 De Eben'r Dickinson Pre- ceinct Tresurer Voated 3 John Nash : Ehenezer Dickin- son Richard ChaunCey Assessors Voated 4 Joseph Hanley Collector Voated 5 Aaron Smith Nath'll Smith Richard Cliauncey to Ishue out Worrants for Preceinct Meetings Voated 6 yt ye Rev'd Mr Parsons Wood for this yeareshiU be proportiond upon pools & Estates : and that one Load of wood shall be Valued at Eaight shillings Voated 7 to do high way work by pools and Estates for this yeare After Ajornment to ye 25th of this In- stant to the Meeting house Voated 1 An aquittance to John Nash as to ye Disposal of De'n Eleazor Mat- tons Bond of 300 pounds Voated 2 to Make a tax or Rate to Answar all the preceinct Debts now Due : Voated (3) yt ye Assessors take a List and Make this Above granted tax — Attestt-d Ebene'r Kellogg Moderator Att a Legal Preceinct Meeting Held In Hadley 3d preceinct November ye 16th 1742— Voated 1 to provid f>r ye Rev'd Mr Parsons sixty Loads of fire wood for this yeare ' Voiited 2 yt ye Rev'd Mr Parsons Kate to be Made by ye same List yt is to be taken to kei'p his wood VoMted 3 Jr)hn Nash Ebene'r Dickinson to observe ye Loads of Wood Attested Solomon Boultvv^ood Moderator Att a Legal Preceii ct Meeting Held in Hadley third Preceinct March ye 21 : 1743: opend & Ajornd to \e 25th of this Instant to ye Meeting Hous att teeti of ye Clock of sd day After Ajornement said Meeting held lU)- on ye 25th of sd March and Voated as follows — Voated 1 John Nash Preceinct Clark for ye yeare Ensuing Voated 2 De Eben'r Dickinson Pre- ceinct Tresurar Voated 3 De Elezer Mattoon : Ebene'r Kellogg : John Cowls Assessors Voated 4 Aaron Smith Nath'll Smith Richard Chancey a Comuiitty to Issue out warrants for preceint Meetings Voated 5 that ye Assessors shall g > and Vine ye Ratable Lands in this Preceinct to Enable them to make a Just Valua- tion. Voated 6 yt High way work shall be Brought into a Rate Voated 7 to Provid 70 Loads of wood for ye Rev'd Mr Parsons also to rais sd wood by H Rate Voated 8 to Build a pound and to set sd pound upon or near the midle High way in ye First Division in ye most Conven- ient place Records of Amherst from 1735 to 17^ 11 Voiited 9 that Solomon Boiiltwood & De Eben'r Dickinson order the Buildiner sd p()unons Eaighty Loads of wood for this year and that Ench Loud to he Vallued at 8 Shillings VoHted 8 to Lt Jona'n Smiih De Elezo Mattoon John Nash to Vew ye Loads Voated 9 to give De Nath'll Smith teen shillings ould tennor to swt- ep ye Meeting House this yeare Voated 10 to give Jonnth'n Nash twenty Eaight Shillings old tenor to sound ye Signal Attest Ebene'r Kellogg Moderntir At a Legal Preceinct Meeting Held Nove'r the 3d 1744 Voated 1 to Leuve it whiih ye present Assessors to stiite tlie M-mej for ye Rais- ing ye Rev'd Mr Parsons SfiUary for this present yeare (Voated) 2d to Build two pues in ye Meeting Hnuse : one upon the womans side upon ye North West Corner and one upon ye North End upon ye Mens side : also to finish ye outside nf sd House Voated 3 De John Nash De Ebener Dickinson to se sd work is di.'ne Voated 4 Libarty to sum particular parsons to Build pues upon thare one Charg in those places as the preceinet [? may approve] sd p^irsons giving ii[) sd pues to ye Disposal of ye preceinct upon thare Demand sd preceinct paying ye cost of sd piies Voated 5 to Build a pound : find that sd pound shall be thirty feet square (Voat- ed) 6 De Ebentz'r Dickinson & Westwood Cook to Build sd pound Voated 7 that Lt Jona'n Smith De Ebene'r Dickinson Jobu Cowls John Nash : H Cominity to agree or Let out to men places for pues Attest John Nash Moderator Att a Legal Preceinct Meeting Held Decem'r the llih 1744 Voated 1 lo Revoak all ye forrniir [voats] respecting ye Building two pues : or Letting particular parsons Build pues Voated 2 to Build all ye pues Round ye Sids of ye meeting House Voated 3 Lt Jona'n Sini:h Soloni'n Boultwood De Ebene'r Dickinson Jolin Nash En's Ebene'r Kellogg John Cowls a Committee to see said work atFtcied Voated 4 and past ye Bills of preceinct Debts then Brought Att John Nash Moderator 12 Records of Amherst from 1735 to 1788. att a Legal Preceinct Meeting Held MmpcIi ye 19tli 1745 Voated 1 Jolin Nash Preceiiici Clark Voated 2 De Ebene'r Dickinson Pre- ceinct Tresurar VoMted 3 En>'ii Ebene'r Kellogg: John Cowls De Ebene'r Dickinson Assessors Voated 4 : Joseuh Hauley Westw-od Cook Aaron Wiirner a Coinmitty to Give out Worrants for Preceinct Meetintrs Voated 5 to Answar Hi^h wiiy work by a Rite tliis yeare — Voated 6 to Provide Eipjlit)' L'ads of wood for ye R'vd Mr Parsons Voated 7 to Rais forty Pounds of Mon- ey old teiinor to Provide sd wood Voated 8 to Give thirty shillings to Give j-e sianel when to meet npon ye sabhaths and Lecturs for iliis yeare Voated 9 that John Nash se \tye Meet- ing House lie swept this yeare Voated lOly That John Nash En's Eben'r Kellogkf John Cowls make up acornpts wt ye Tresurar Ebene'r Dickin- son of the preceinct Rat[e]s ;hat are not Cleard up: and Mak a Returne to. ye Pre- ceinct Attes't Eben'r Dickinson Moderator Att a Legal Preceinct Meeting Ht-ld in ye third Preceinct ot Haiiley Held March ye 18 1746 Voated 1 Peletiah Smith Moderator Voated 2 John Nash Preceinct Clark for this year Voated 3 De Ebene'r Dickinson Pre- Ci-inct Tresurar for this year Voated 4 VVestwood Cook Joseph Hauley Aaron Warner a Comniitty to Issue out Worrants for Prnct-inct Meet- ings Voated 5 Lt Jona'n Srnith John Nash De Naih'll Smith Assessors Voated 6 to Give John Nash forty shil- lings to sound ye Kunk for this yeare Voated 7 to Give ye Rv'd Mr Parsons but thirty three shillings upon the Ounce for his sallary this yeare — Voated 8 to Petition ye General Cort for a tax upon the Nonreseilent Propria- tors Lands Lying in this third Preceinct Voated 9 Lt Jona'n Smith De Ebene'r Dickinson John Nash Lt Ebene'r Kellogg a Commiity lo advise ami Promote ye so Peiitioning Attest Peletiah Smith Moderator Att a Legal Meeting Held In Hiidley third Preceinct April ye 21 : 1746 Voated 1 to Revoak a [voai] taken att Meeting Held March ye IBih 1746 to Give ye Rv'd Mr Parsons but thirty shillings ye ounce for his S diary. Vor.ted 21y to Give ye Rv'd Mr Parsons thirty five shillings ye ounce Attest Nath'll Smith Moderator Att a Legal Preceinct Meeting Held att ye Meeting House Novem'br ye 3d 1746 Voated 1 to aLow ye Debts of ye Pre- ceinct as they stiind in ye Bills Voated 2 that ye Present Assessors and Lt Ebene'r Kellosig and Peletiah Smith a Comniitty to agree wt ye Rv'd Mr Parsons how money shall be Valued In order to Raise his sallary this yeare Voated 4 to Build a pound Vt)ated 5ly yt De Ebene'r Dickinson and Moses Wor- ner build sd pound Voated 6 to Raise ye Rv'd Mr Parsons wood this yeare as it was ye Last yeare Voated 7 that Lt Jona'n Sniitii Jcdin Nash De Eben'r Dickinson : In ye Behalf of this Preceinct do Give Aaron Worner for this Preceinct security of High way Granied to this Preceinct to sell to sd Aaron Worner Ati't Eben'r Kellogg Moderator At a Precenct MeetingJEIeld In Hadley third Preceinct March ye 16ih 1747 after chois of a Moderator Voated as fidlows Voated 1 John Nash Preceinct Clark Votited 2 Dn Ehenez'r Dickinson Pre- ceinct Tresurar Voated 3 Nehamiah Strong De Ehenez'r Dickinson Nath'll Coleman assessors for this present yeare Records of Amherst from 1735 to 17f 13 Voated 41y David Nash John Field Alexand'r Porter a Comitty to Isliue out Warrants for Preceinct Meetings Attested by Ebene'r Dickinson Moderator Att a Legal Preceinct Meeting Held Decem'br ye 2(1 1747 After Choise of a Moderator they Voated as follows Voated 1 grant Eaight shillings a day for a hand : and for a Team a Day Voated 2 to grant seven shillings Pr Day for a hand and also seven shillings Pr Day fur a team Voated 3 the Assessors Eaight shilling PrDay Voated 4 Lt Jona'n Smith John Nash Richard Cliancey : Solomon Boultwood Nehamiah Strong De'n Eben'r Dickinson Nath'li Coleman : a Commity to Agree witli the Rev'd Mr Parsons how his sallery shall be this yeare Voated 5 to Give De Ebenez'r Dickin- son 36£ to provide the Rev'd Mr Parsons fire wood for this present yeare Begin- ning the sixteenth of this present Month Attested by EsENE'r Dickinson Moderator Att a Legal Preceinct Meeting Held in Hadley third Preceinct March ye loth : 1748: After ye Choise of a Moderator they Came into the Following Voats — Voated 1 Jolin Nash Preceinct Clark for this yeare Voated 2 De Ebene'r Dickinson Pre- ceinct Tresurar (or this yeare Voated 3 Lt Jona'n Smith John Nash De Ebene'r Dickinson Assesors Voated 4 Ephraini Kellogg Eben'r Mat- toon Sam'll Ingram a Committy to Ishu out warrants for Preceinct Meetings Voated 5 to Give De Nath'li Smith five shillings adition for sweeping the Meeting House for this yeare past Voated 6 to alow pay for ye work Done att ye East End of Jona'n Dickinsons Lot the yeare past Attested by Jona'n Cowls Moderator Att a Legal Meeting Held In Hadley third Preci'inct Noveni'r ye 16th 1748: after ye Choise of a Moderator they Came Into the folowing Voats Voated 1 to Give Nehamiah Strong 51 £ to Provid firewood for the Rev'd Mr Par- sons for the yeare Ensuing Voated 2 to Raise one Hundred pounds of Money to be Iniprovd toward Building Pues in ye Meeting House Voated 3 Lt Jona'n Smith Solomon Boultwood Eben'r Kellogg De Eben'r Dickinson John Nash a Commity to see ye sd work Done Solomon Boultwood Moderator Att a Legal Preceinct Meeting Held Jiinaw'r ye 27th 1748 After Choise of a Moderator they Came Into ye following Voats Voated 1 to Build a pound : also to Build sd pound thirty one feet and one half square: and to Make three Lengths Each side Voated 2 to set sd Pound In the street Joining upon John Nashs North Fence Voated 31y Solomon Boultwood Eben'r Dickinson John Nash to Build sd Pound Voated 4 Lt Jona'n Smith De Eben'r Dickinson John Nash a Commety to agree with ye Rev'd Mr Parsons what his sal- lary shall be for this Present yeare Voated 6 to Make this tax by the Last List Attested by me John Nash Moderator Att a Legal Preceinct Meeting Held March ye 13th 1749 After the Choies of a Moderator they Came Into ye following Voats Voated 1 John Nash Preceinct Clark for this yeare Voated 2 De Eben'r Dickinson Pre- ceinct Tresurar for this yeare Voated 3 John Nash Moses Smith Joseph Eastman Assessors for this yeer Voated 4 Jona'n Nash Semeon Clark Daiiiell Kellogg a Committy to Issu out Worrants for Preceinct JMeetings Voated 5 that the Present Assessors agree wt the Rev'd Mr Parsons : what his sallary shall be this yeare 14 Records of Amherst from 1735 to 176 Voated G tliat John Nash Ebpn'r Dick- inson Natli'll a Committy to Hire tliree scool Dames for three or four Monilis In the- Summer Sesoti to Larne Childreii to Read : sd Scouls to be In the Most Con- venient Places In tiie Prfceiiict Voaieii 7 Nt- ham'h Strouf; : Lt Eben'r Kellogg a Committy to Hire sutable Par- sons to Blow ye Kunk & sweep ye Meet- ing Hous for this yeare Attested By Eben'r Kellogg Moderator Att a Legal Preceinct Meating Held In Hadley tliird Preceinct Agust ve Sd 1749 After ye Choise of De Ebetrr Dickinson Moderator tiiey Came Into tlie folh>wing Voats Voated 1 to seate ye Meeting House : and to seate ye Males together and Femals to Getlier Except ye two pues next ye East End the Pulpit Voated 2 that the seators are Guided by the following Ruels — that is to say : by Age : Estate & Qallifications : and for Es- tates to be Guided by the Last years List Voated 3 to Make Choise of five meat Parsons to seat ye Meeting House Attested by Ebene'r Dickinson Moderator At a legal Preceinct Meeting Held Agust ye 25th 1749— After they Mad Choise of De Eben'r Dickinson Modera- tor they Came into ye following Voats Voated 1 to Make Choise of five meat parsons to seat ye Meating House Voated 2 to Leave the Deaaiing the seats with the seators Voated 3 Lt Jona'n Smith ~| Solomon Boultwood \ John Nash |- ., -^ ,. -r> 171 ' -r.- 1 • the Meetmg De Ebene r Dickinson | ^r Lt Ebene'r Kellogg J ^°^*® Attested by Eben'r Dickinson Moderator Att A Legal Preceinct [Meeting] Held In Hadley third Preceinct October 1749 : After they Mad Choise of a Moderator they Came into the following Voats Voated 1 to Provide ye Rev'd Mr Pur- Committy to seat sons Ninty Loads of fire wood for this Present yeare— Voated 2 to Raise one Hundred twenty two pounds teen shillings to procure ye Rev'd Mr Parsons fire wood for this yeare Voated 3 Mr Sam'll Hauley Lt Jona'n Smith Richard Chancey a Committy to Vieu ye Loads of wood Attested by Att A Legal Preceinct Meeting Held Jana'r ye 18th 1749—50 After ye Choise of De Ebene'r Dickin- son Moderator they Came into the follow- ing Voats Voated 1 John Nash : Moses Smith Jo- seph Eastman a Committy to agree with the Rev'd Mr Parsons what his sallery shall be the yeare past. Voated 2 to Build a Pound Voated 3 to Give Ebene'r Mattoon Nine teen pound teen shillings to Build sd Pound : as follows : to Build it thirty one feet and one half square tliree Length on Each Side and six Rails In Eacii Lengtii & a cap peace upon ye top : temented up- on Each post & ye Posts Set Neare three feet in the Ground & to find Iron Hang- ings & to finish sd pound workman Like Voated 4 to seat the Meeting House A Nue Voated 6 that Lt Jona'n Smith Solomon Boultwood John Nash Lt Ebene'r Kel- logg De Eben'r Dickinson Nehamiah Strong Moses Smith J(din Dickinson Joseph Eastman a Committy to seat ye Meeting House Voated 6 that the seaters Make it tliare Rule In seating : by Estates Aae & Qual- lifications Attest Ebene'r Dickinson [■ Moderator Att a Legal Preceinct Meeting Held In Hadley third Preceinct Mnrch ye 12tli 1750 they Came into the following Voats after the Choise of De Ebenz'r Dickinson Moderator Voated 1 Jolm Nash Preceinct Clark for this Present yeare Kecords of Amherst from 1735 to 1788. 15 Voated 2 De EbiMi'r Dickinson Pre- ceinct Tresurar (or this yeare 'Voated 3 Capt Jonn'n Smith De Eben'r Dickinson John Dickinson Assessors for tills Preeeinct for tliis present yeare Voated 4 Alexan'r Smith Jona'n Ed- wards Moses Cook a Comniitty to Issu out warrants for preceiiict Meetings tiiis yeiire Voated 5 to add to ye Re'd Mr Par- sons sallery wliicli was made alt fifty seven shillings & Eaij^iit pence the ounce to tliree pound ye ounce this yeitre Voated 6 to Give Nelia'ni Strong two pounds fitteen slliilings to Bh)W tlie Kunk for tiiif< yeare Voated 7 Jolin Nash Ricliard Ciiaiicey a Conii>iitty to agree with some parson to sweep ye Meeting House Attes't Ebex'k DicivINson Moder'd Att a Legal Preeeinct [Meeting] Held in Hadley third preeeinct Novem'r ye lotli 1750 after ye (.Mioise ot De Eben'r Dickinson Moderator they Came into ye Eollowing Voats — Voated 1 to R-iise thirteen pounds teen shillings Lawful! Money to procure ye Re'd Mr Parsons fire wood for the yeaie Ensuing Voated 2 that any Parson shall have Libarly to pay his parportion of above sd tiiirteen pounds teen shillings in wood iitt three shillings pr Load ate ye Judgment of a Commilty tor that purpus Voated 3 to provide Glass to Mend ye Meeting house windows Voated i that John Nash Lt Eben'r Kellogg Moses Smiih a Comm'iy to Jiuig the Loads of wood — Voated 5 tiiat John Nash De Eben'r Dickinson provide ye Glass for ye Meet- ing house & put it up Atte't Ebene'r DiciciNsoN Modera'r Att a Legal Preeeinct Meeting Held In lladley third prec'nt March ye 28ih 1751 : After ye Clioise of De Eben'r Dickinson Moderator tiiey Came into the following Voats — Voiited 1 John Nash Preeeinct Clark for this present yeare Voated 2 Alexan'dr Smith & David Nash William Boultwood a Commi'iy to Issu out warrants: for preeeinct Meet- ings Voated 3 De Eben'r Dickinson Pre- eeinct Tresurar for this yeare Voated i John Nash Ebene'r DiekiTison Nath'U Coleman Assessors for this Pres- ent yeare Voated 5 to Raise fiffeene pounds Law- ful Money to procure the Ilev'd Mr Par- sons fire wood for the yeare Ensuing 6b that Each Good Loiid shall be Vallued att tiiree shillings Voated 6 John Nash Solomon Boult- wood De Ebene'r Dickin«on a Comm'tt to prise ye Loads of sd wood Voated 7 to Give Ricliard Chancey one pound fifteen shillings to sweep ye Meet- ing H(juse ye yeare Ensuing — Voated 8 to Give John Nasii Jn foure pounds old tennor to Blow the Kunk ye yeare Ensuing Attes't Eben'r Dickinson Moderator Att a Legal Preeeinct Meeting held In Hadley third Preeeinct Deeeni'ber ye 2 1751 : After the Choise of John Nash Mod- eratore they Came into ye following Voats Voated 1 to Mak the Rev'd Mr Parsons Rate : & ye wood Rate by the same List to be Taken this Instant Deceni'br also that sd Rate to be Made twnty five pounds biger than to Aiisware ye Rev'd Mr Par- sons sallary : & tiiat sd twnty five pounds to [lie] Loged In the Tresurers offis to Answar the Debts ot this preeeinct for this yeare Voated 2 to finish ye Sleeting House this yeare Ensuing Voated 3 that Capt Jona'n Smith & De Eben'r ]3iukinson John Nash Lt Eben'r Kellogg: Joseph Eastman a Comniitty to provide \e Matter and to se sd House finished 16 Records of Amherst from 1735 to 17^ Voated 4 that De Elien'r Dickinson preceinct Tresurar sft" aiul yrit a Bond for the Money Du to this preceinct for ye Equiveland sold by ye towiui of Hadley Attes't John Nash Moderjitnr At A Legal Preceinct Meetiny; Helii In Hadley third Preceinct March ye 9th 1752 tliey Came into the following Voats — Voated 1 John Nash Preceinct Ci;irk for tills present yeare Voated 2 Dea Ei)en'r Dickinson Pre- ceinct Tresurnr for this yeare Voated 3 Capt Jona'n Smith De'n Eben'r Dickinson Lt Eben'r Kelloyg Assesors for this preceinct for tills yeare Voated 4 Nath'U Dickinson Eben'r Kellogg Jacob VVorner to serve a[s] Com- niittj to Issu out Worrants for Preceinct Meetings Voated [5] to alow John N ish Jn teen siiillings & Eaifjlit pence to Give ye signal upon ye sabbath for this yeare Voated 6 to Raise fifteene pounds to provide ye Eev'd Mr Parsons fire wood for ye Ensuing yeare : & that a Lojid -lull be valued att three shillings Voated 71y that John Nash Dea Eben'r Dickinson Lt Eben'r Kellogjr a Coormiity to Vallu ye Loads of wood & also to ap- point one Day or More to Bring sd wood — Voated 8 that De'n Eben'r Dickinson to treat with ye Owers and se if he Can Get ye Money Due to this preceinct upon Bond Attest EsEN'r Dickinson Moderator Att a Legal Preceinct [Meeiing] Held III Hadley third Preceinct April ye 9th 1752 they Came into the following Voats Voated 1 that ye first thirty pounds that was Granted to this preceinct for scooling be Improved to hire a scool Master att ye fall of ye yeare Voated 2 that the other tlierty pounds Granted ye Last Jana'r by tiie Town to be Iniprovd to hire Scoolo Dames In the Summer Voated Sly that Ji>hn Nash Mr Solomon Boullwood Richard Chancey En's Josiah Cmmcey Joseph Enstman Joiin Field Moses Smith Nath'll Coleman & John Dickinson to Hire Scooling and order wliare sd scooIp sIihII be keept Voated 4 that De El)en'r Dickinson to Receive ye fir.-t thirty pounds above Men- tioned & to Let it out to Interest & take Bond tor sd Money upon Demand Attest Eben'r Kellogg Moderator At A Legal Preceinct Meeting Held In Hadley third Preceinct March the 21 1753— After they made Cliois of De Ebenez'r Dickinson Mnd^rator tbey Came into ;he following Voats Voted 1 John Nash Preceinct Clark Voated 2 De Ebene'r Dickinson Pre- ceinct Tresurar Voted 3 John Nash Aiexand'r Smith Elisha Ingram Assessors for the yeare En>uing Voted 4 Selncoii Dickinson Solomon Houltwood Jn & John Nash Jn : a Com- niitty to Issu out warrants : & warn pre- ceinct Meetings : for the yeare Ensuing Voted 5 to Raise fifteene pounds Law- full Money to provide the Rev'd Mr Par- sons fire wood for ye present year Voated 6 to alow three shillings a Load LawfuU Money Voted 7 J(din Nash Jona'n Dickinson Moses Smith a Commiiy to Vallu ye Loads of Wood Voted Sly Capt Jonatb'n Smith John Nash Jonath'ii Dickin>oii a Commity to take advice of sum Geiitelmen Concerning the Lands sequcstred for High ways In this preceinct Voted 9 to Hire fonre Bulls In this preceinct & that i-lie present Assessors to Hire sd Bulls for ye use of this preceinct for ye space of one yeare Voted 10 Sem-on Clark & Aaron Wor- ner a Committy to Hire sum parson or parsons to Give the Signal upon the sab- Records of Amherst from 1735 to 17f 17 biiili: & to sweep tlie Meeting House for tliis present yeare Attest Ebene'r Dickinson Modera'r Att a Legal Pr^-ceinct Meeting Held In Hadiey third Preceinot Jenew'r ye 23: 1753 after tliey Made Clioise of Joiin NmsIi Modt'i-ator they Came Into ye foUowing Votes- Voted 1 to Ridse teen pounds LavvfuU Money to Answer the matter that is pro- vided for finisliinii the Meeting House & for niiillin Bonis 8 pound thousan VoHted 2 that ye Bills of charge that was then Brought In at this Meating was alowed & past Voted 3 that Ji.lm Nash & De Eben'r Dickinson : a Conimitty to Examin ye state & take advice Conctrning the High ways in this preceinct Voted 4 to Rjiise foure pounds Lawfull Money t() promote soooling in this place Voted 5 to Ajorn this Meeting to fifth of Pehrewary next Sd Ajornment not attended Attes't John Nash Moderator Att a Legal Preceinct Meeting Heht In Hadley third Preceinct July ye 5tli 1753 tliey Came into ye followitig Voats after ye Choise of De Eben'r Dickinson Mod- erator Voted 1 tliat the Committy Made Clinise of the Last March Meeting- that they proceed & take advice ot sum Gen- telmen Concerning ye Lands that was sequestered for Higliways in this pre- ceinct by ye town of Hadley & act In that affaire according to thare best Judgment for the Interest of this preceinct Voted 2 yt the foure pounds yt was Granted by this preceinct for scooling & ye twenty pounds Granted by ye townd of Hadley (or ye sttme purpos be Disposed to provid three scools In this preceinct Kqualy Devided according to ye number of scollors Voted 3 Ens Josiah Cliancey John Field Joseph Eastni m a Conimitty to provide a scool in ye North part of this preceinct In ye Most Convenient place. Voted 4 that Semeon Clark David Nash & Aaron Worner provid scooling in ye Most Convenient place In ye Midele of this preceinct Voted 5 that Moses Smith John Dick- inson & Alexander Smith a Conimitty to provid scooling att ye South part of this preceinct Voted G to seat the Meeting House In tiiis preceinct After Ajornment to ye 9th of Agust they Came to the following Voats — Voied 1 to Make foure pues In ye Meeiine House whare the Hind seats are and to Move ye other seats forward to make more rome for sd pues Voted 2 that Ens Josiah Chancey John Field & David Nush a Committy to pro- vid matter & to Build sd pues Voted 3 that Capi Jonatli'n Smith John Nash De Ebenez'r Dickinson Richard Chancey Jonath'n Moodey Nuth'U Cole- man John ]3ickinson a Committy to seat the Meeting House Voted 4 that these Ruels in seating he by Miens age Esiats & Quallifications Attested by Erenez Dickinson Moderator Att A Legal Preoeinci Meeting Held Jenewary SOtli 1754 After they Made Choise of De Ebene'r Dickinson Modera- tor they Came into the following Voats Voted 1 to Devide the Money Belonging to this preceinct for the Equevelant Lands sold by Hadley Town to be Divided by a List — which the townd mad for a Rule to Divide it to EmcIi preceinct Vonted 2 to add to the Rev'd Mr David Parsons salery for this yeare Ninty two pounds teen shillings old tennor Voated 3 Moses Smith a Committy man with John Nash and Lt Ebene'r Kellogg to Examin the Tresurar of this preceinct Concerning preceinct Debts that are yet behind Voated 4 that Jona'n Cowls Joseph 18 Records of Amherst from 1735 to 17^ Eastman John Field Jona'n Dickinson seators with tliose that was Chosen Be- fore Attest Ebene'r Dickinson Modera'r Att A Legal Preceiiict Meeting Held in Hadley second preeeinct March ye 22d 1754 After they Had Made Choise of John Nasli Mnderator they Came Into the fol- lowing Voats — Voated 1 John Nash preeeinct Clark Voated 2 De Eben'r Dicluiison pri^tieinct Tresurar for this yeare Voated 3 De Ebene'r Dickinson De Natli'll Smith Natli'll Coleman Assesors for this preeeinct Voated 4 to Rais fourteen pounds Law- ful! money to procure the Rev'd Mr par- sons firewood fur this yeare Voated 5 that peletiah Smith Jr & Noah Dickinsoti Eben'r Di('kinson a Comniitty to Issu out warrants for preeeinct Meet- ings that any parson that shall bring a good Load of wood to Mr parsons shall be aLowed three shillings towards his |iro- portion In the above fifteen pounds Voated 6 that Mr Solomon Boultwood Nehamiah Strong Jonathan Dickinson a Committy to vew the Loa'ls of wood Voated 7 to R lise ioure pounds Law- full money to provide Scooling Voated 8 tliat Joseph Eastman John Field Moses Warner Jonathan Nash Joiin Dickinson Peter Smith a Comniiity to Provide Scooling Equally in all parts of this preeeinct as they Can : so far as the toure pounds above Granted and what may be Granted this yeare by the townd for Scooling in this preeeinct Voated 9 to Raise thirty two pounds old tennor to Hire Bulls for the servis of this preeeinct for ibis yeare and that the Assessors Hire Bulls as they think most Convenient for all parts of tlie place so far as the above thirty two pounds shall Hire Voated 10 that Ebene'r Dickinson John Nash Jr Noah Dickinson & Joseph Church have Liberty to Build a pue whare the two hind seats are in the front Galery on the mens side upon thare own Charge Voated 11 that the Late Seators of the Meeting House to Consider if tliey Can Resonably make any alteration in seating the Meeting House Voated 12 that the Late Committy Chosen to se about tlie Hid Precint have luiteied sil Court tn be st t of to be a Desirict Vot 2d Josiah Chauncy to be the Person to appear in Behalfe of the Pariish at tiie Generall (Jourt for the foresd Purpose Vot 3d that the Com'tt Chossen at a Legal Meetiny: in April 3d 1758 by the 2d Parrish to take such Measures as they thought Proper to be set of to be A Des- trict should be the Com'tt to Draw out of the treasurers office Wliat Money their is belonging to the Precint to Defray the Charges the forsd Com'tt have Expended in the forsd Servise of the Parish Atest Ebez'r Dickinson Moderator [By an act passed February 13, 1759, the second precinct in the town of Hadley was erected into a district by the name of Amherst. 4 Acts and Resolves, 1759, ch. 12.] At a Legal Meeting held In Amherst at the Meeting House on March 19 1759 alter Dea Ebez'r Dickinson was Chosen mod- erator they Came IiUo the following Vots Vote 1 Josiah Chauncy Destrict Olerck Vo't 2 Josepli Easman treasurer Vo't 3 Dec Ebez'r Dickinson sessor Jona'th Dickinson sesor Dec Nath'U Smith Ens John Dickinson Mosses Dickinson sesor Vo't 4 Pelitiah Smith sworn Isaac Goodale sworn Vo't 5 Joseph Easman sworn Jona'th Edwards sworn ^ selectmen Constables Recouds of Amherst from 173") to 1788. 21 Vo't 6 Giilf on Di(;kiiisoi\ sworn Diin'll Dickinson sworn El)ez"r Mnttoon sworn Surveyers Natli'll Dickinson sworn JmcdI) Wnrner Vo't 7 Simeon Clark sworn fnuc" Niitli'l! Coleman Viewers Vii't 8 J.)sepli Clmrcli sworn John Petty sworn Ilojr Uifts [i.p.Ke>'ves] Eeiibenlngr unsworn Vo't 9 Alex'tlr Smith Clerk nmrket Vo 10 that Hofis Runs^ & Yoakt Acor>l- \ng to Law may Run at Large Vo 11 That the Ilijih way work Be Done tliis Year By a tax Vo't to adjourn the meetiiiir to the 20 of March Instant then met and Came Into the foHowing Vots Vo'i 12 to Hire Six Bulls for the Di-<- trict Service this Year Vo't 13 the Select meti to Hire said Bulls Vo't 14 to Give the Rev'd Mr D^ivid Parsons Sixty Six Pounds thirteen shil- lings and four Pence LiwfuU Money In- cluding the Bind f)r the year Past Ser- vice — V.)'t 15 that anually the first Day of May the time To Pay Mr Parsons Sal lary Vo't 16 that from the twenty first Day of March To the first Day of May that Mr Pars >ns Sillary Shall Be Levied In the Presant Tax & Paid him and the In- terest for the foresaid time Vo't 17 to Raise twenty P uinds for this Years Sc'ooliiig In the Next Years tJix Vo't 18 I'l D scoiitinne one R >d in Width tweiiiv Rods In Leimth In the E ist Street of the High Way Upon the East Side of that L\nd the town i>f Lite Dis- continued Begining at the Soutli Side of Dan'll Kelloggs Lot & Extending Nirth the forsaid twenty R ids Vi>'t 19 To Raise fiveteen Pounds to Procure the Rev'd Mr P irsons fir(> wood for the year Ensuing Vo't 20 to Allow for Work Done at tlie Highways from the twenty ninth Day of March To octoher the tenth Sixteen Shil- lings P'r Day lor a haiul & foresd sum for teme & the Remainder Part of the Year twelve S'lillings P'r Day for hand & said sum for teme Vo't 21 that Ephraim Kellogg Ehez'r Dickinson 3il tliomas Mortton John Field Juii'r Noah Smith liave Liberty to Build a pew over the Stairs In the Gallary the Mens Side if it D m't Hinder Passing In the Attics & Ui)- ami Down Siairs Attest Ebez'r Dickinson Moderator Apiil 8 John Ellis & Ruth Keet Both of 1759 Amherst have Had their Intention of Mariadge Mad^ Publick februwary 20 then Solomm Rood & Sarah 1759 Gould Was loyned In Mir- iadge By Me test JosiAH Chauncy Jus Peace fel) 22 then J nni Young & Margeret Con- 1759 key Was loyned In Mariadge By Me test JuSIAH ClIAUNCY Jus Pa fel) 22 tiien Aaron Giay & Isabel Lucore 1759 was loyned In Mariadge By Me test JosiAH Chauncy Jus Pa April 24 then Benj'n Harwood & C ithirine 1759 Chauncy Was loyned In Mariadge By Me test JosiAH Chauncy J P.i, At a Legal meeting Held in Amherst at the meeting Hnuse on Wednesday the twenty first day of November 1759 After Dec Ehezr Dickinson was Chosen Mod- erator they Came Into the lollowing V.its Vot 1 to Cnuse a Com'tt to take such Measures as they think Proper in Mtkeing answer to the Geiierall Court why the Pe- tition that John Mortton & Nathan Dii:k- inson Hath Preferd to said Cnurt siiou'd Not Be Granted Vot 2 J.'siah Chau icy Dea Eoiz'r Dick- inson Joseph Eisman a Com'tt for the foresd Purjiose test Ebi:zk Dickinson Moderator 22 Records of Amherst from 1735 to 17J At a Legal Meetitig Ht-ld in aiulierst at tlie Meeting House on Wednesday ye twenty iliird Day of Janawary 17(50 after Josiali Cliauney was Cliost-n iiio'lemtor tliey Came Into the follnwinsi Vots Vii't 1 two Pounds Lawful! nioney To Be- Riised & tlie St'l. ct men have Liherty 'J'o fay Part or all Said two Pounds T" Keulieu Ingram for Keejiinii Dan'll Smith if Dt'terniined By iliiiu this Due tVoin tlie Destrict Vo't 2d tliat the Bills as they have Been Read & Ccmsiderd nre Parsed & the Pres- ant assessors to liaise sd sums In the Pre-aiit 3 ears tax «&, (jrder the same to he Paid where it is Due Vo't 3d To Give the liev'd Mr David Parsons tliis Year for his Sallary Sixty Six Pounds tiiirteen Shillings &four Pence To Be Levied in the Presant years tax — Vu't 4 to Raise ten Pounds thirteen Shillings & four Pence L M for the LTse & Benifit of Scoding to Be Lvied in the Preasant years tax test JosiAH Chauncy Moderator At a Legal meeting held in amherst feh- ruwary 11 1760 after Doctor NMth'li Smitii was Chosen Moderator they Came Into the following Vols Vo 1 Mr Jonnilian Dickinson Ens Johti Dickinson Josiah Chauncy ajienis tor the Destrict of Amherst to vJomen<'e an action in Law witii the town of Hadley respecting tiie niHinienenee of Dan'll Smith atest Nath'll Smith Moderator At a Legal Meeting in amherst Held at the Meeting House 'n'> this Preasant Year hy a Tax Voted that ilie Select nieii iiire Bulls fur this Year Voted that the Select men be Impowered to Dr«w out of the Treasurer so niucii Money as is Due to the Province for Last years Tax & Pay it out Voted that Mr Jonathan Dickinson have Four Acres & three Quaners of the Town Land Lying Between Mosses Warner & the higii way that Leads to Pellinm Begin- ing at tiie East End ol the said town Land taking tiie whole Breadth & Extending so Ffir West as to ninke up tlie fnresd Quan- tity wicli is For Satlistaclion to the aliovesd Dickinson for Daniiage Done to iiim By a County Road Being Laid across Part of his Land Atest JosiAH Chauncy Moderator at a Legal Meeting held at Amherst at tlie ineetinij house on the tweltli Day of October 1761 at two ot the Clock in the attcrnoon after nir Jonathan Dickinson was Chosen Moderator they Came into the following Vols Voted the Destnct will be at the Cost of mending the Road from the Sawmill through Edmunt Hubbards L.nd Voted the Select men Be a Coin'tt to Make Trial to See iiow they Can Exciiangc Land for a high Way wiih Jon'th Coles & Make Report to the Next Meeting Test Jon"th Dickinson Moderator at a Legal meeting Held in Amherst at the meeting house the 22d Day of Decem- ber 17G1 after Peter Smitli was Chosen Moderator they Came into the following Vots Voted 1 to Build a Scool House in the highway that Leads to Pelham Near the Place where Moses Warners house for- merly stood and John Billing Dan'U Kel- logg Lev't Will'm Boltwood a Com'tt to Build said House Voted 2d to build another Scooll.ouse in the highway that Runs East and West be- tween Joaepli Churcli and Jon'th Coles Near the midle of the Length of said waj' and Ens John Field and Joseph Easman and Sam'll Ingram a Coin'tt to build said house Voted 3d to Build Jinotiier Scool house in tie high way South of Nuth'U Colman« Lot East of Plum Brook upon the hill & Mosses Dickinson Peter Smith Lev't John Di(;kin«oii a Coin'tt to build said house Voted 4d that a midling Load Cari* d to mr Parsons Shall Be allowi d in ilie Pur- son* Rate that Caries it 0—2— 4—3 & the Selectmen are to Prise said Loads Voted 5th to Give the Rev'd mr David Parsons for his Sallary tlds year Sixty Six Pounds tiiirteen Shillings & four Pence Voted fi ii to Raise ten Pound to find mr Parsons ^^itll lire w.md the Ensuinii year Voted to adjourn this meeting to ihe first monday in fVlnuwiiry Next at Nine of tlie Clock in the morning tebruwary 1 1762 then Mett & Came Into the following Vots Voted 8 10 idlow for Sunier Work Done at the higli way Be two shiliinas Pr day & Eighteen Pence for fall work & the Bills as they have Been Considered & Now Stand are Voted Voted 9 that the assessors make a Tax to answer the above said Bills Voted 10th to Raise five Pound more for Scooling Voted 11 (o Give to the Rev'd mr David Parsons thirteen Pound Six Shilling & Eight Penc as a further aditilion to his Sallary Voted 12 John Field Asient to Northam- ton Court to m»ke Answer to said Court why tlie Petition that Ephraini Kellogg hath Exhibited to said Court for altering the high way ought Not to be Granted Voted 13 to Seet the meeting house Voted 14th Lev't John Dickinson Doc't Nath'U Smith Dec Jon'th Edwards Peter Smith John Field a Coin'tt to Seet the meeting house Records of Amherst from 1735 to 17i 25 Voted yt the Last List age & Quallifica- tions be the Kiiles tlie Seet tlie meeting liousfj by Voted 15th ti) Revoak the former Vole that was ti.keti Respecting the Place to Set the midle Suool house in tliis Des- trict. test Peter Smith Moderator At a Legal meeting held in Amherst at the Meeting hou.od Voted That the price of ordinary Load of \vooe of the Distriirt voted that the Price of a Diywork at Highways in Summer be two Shillings & five i)ence voted that a Day work in the Fall be one Sliilling & Eight pence voted to Release to Cap't Ebenezer Kel- logg his Rates that are unpaid voted That Simeon Strong prefer a Pe- tition to the Court ot general Sessions o( the Peace in Behalf of the District for dis- continuing the Kings Highway at the Bury- ing yard voted that the present Select men Settle & agree with Noadiah Lewis respecting the Road that lyes through his Lot voted To Establir.h the Highway laid out by tlie Select men at the Mills at the north part of the District which said way is laid out & Return thereof made to this meeting as follows (viz) '"The following "Highway was laid out by us tlie Sub- "scribers in the District of Amherst Nov'r "the 8th 1763 (viz) Beginning at a Rack "at the End of Mr Farnsworth's House & "Runs South 30" East Across the Bridge "above the Grist-mill nine Rods to the "End of s'd Bridge then South 28" west "13 Rods then South 6" East 36 Rods to "a black oak Staddie with a iieap of "Stones about it on the County Road — Surveyed pr Ebenezer Childs Elisha Ingram ~| Joseph Eastman T,ir T. r Select Men Moses Dickinson Simeon Clark j voted To choose a Committee to Treat with the Hev'd David Parsons respecting tlie Settlement of hi.- Sallary voted That Peter Smith Deacon John Nash Deacon Ebenizer Dickinson Jona- than Dickinson Jo-epli Eastman Josiah Chaiincy Esq'r Moses Smith Sanmel In- gram John Dickinson Moses Dickinson Jonathan Edwards William Boltwood Cap't Jonattian Smith Pelatiah Smith Doct'r Nathanael Smith & Jonathan Cowls l)e the Committee for the purpose above>aid & make their Report to this meeting Voted to adjourn this meeting to Wednes- day the twenty Eighth Day of March Cur- rent At a Legal meeting of the Inhabitants of the District of Amherst holden by ad- journment at the meetiiitj iiouse there on the twenty Eighth Day of march AD. 1764 voted That Hogs being yoked & Ringed according to Law may run at Large in Said District from the first of May next untill the first Day of September next voted to abate & Release to Tom Negro all Rates that have been assess-d to him in this District liiat are now unpaid The Committee chosen on the four- teenth Day of March Current by the afore- said Inhabitants to treat witii the Rev'd D ivid Parsons respecting the Settlement of his Sallary now make Report & cause to be read to this meeting the Proposals of Settlement made & directed to the said Records of Amherst from 173') to 171 29 Itiliabitaius by ihe said David Parsons in wriiing undnr liis l.uiiid in the following words (viz) To tlie I hahiiams of the District of Amherst at their District Meeting holden by adjournineiit on Wednesday the twenty Eifjhth D:iy of March AD. 176-t Brethren & Friends, Whereas at your meeting liolden on the Hth Diy ol march Cnrr't you clmse your C'im'tee t" treat with me respecting tlie St;iting & Settlement of my SaUary fur tbe future & to know (in what Terms I am Content to Settle the same I do therefiTe hereby uflfer & propose to ynu the follow- ing Terms of si-tilement (viz) that vote & Grunt me a Sallary nt E ghty ponnd lawful mo:iey to be my aiuinal Stilted S;illary for tlie tuture during my ministry wiih ymi ; & in Case money Siinuld become so Soiree as nut to he a common Sufficient medium of Trade tln-n I agree to accept the value of that Sum m Grain & other necessaries ot Life and that you provide my Firewood annually as you have done heretofore — Also in Case the aliove propoSHl ot provid- ing tny Fire-wood is not agreaide to y'U I miike you tlie tollowint; proposal instead thereof (viz) That you gi'aiit & Voie ni\ Sallary lo be Mnnually lor the future dur- ing my minisiiy with you ihe sum of ninety three pounds Six Shillings & Eigiit P. iice lawful money & in Case money Should become So Scarce as not to be a common Suffirieiit medium of Trade then I agree to accept the value of ihat sum in Grain & other necessruies of Life & in Case you Grant the Last memioned Sum then my proposal is that you are torevt-r tieed from any obligations to provide my Fire-wood Y'r affectionate Pastor David Paksons N. B. My Proposal is that in Case the above said Scarcity of money should hap- pen then said Sallary should be paid at the following Rate (viz) wheat at the Kite of tliree Shilliugs & Seven pence one Far- thing p'r Bushel & Rye at the Rate of two Shillings & five pence pr Bushell After the Reading of wlii'di P'ojiosals the Said Inhabitants proceed to vote in maiier Allowing the same vote being re- duced to writing & read to said Inhahitants & taken in the following words (vz) voted To grant & comply with the Rev'd David Parsoiis's second Proposal (viz) that the District vote & Grant said David Parson^.'s sallary for the future during his ministry with Said District the Sum of ninety three pounds Six Shillings & Eight pence; & in Case money Should be So Scarce as not to be a (Common sufficient me- dium ot Trade then sail Sum Should be paid in Grain & other necessaries of Life and the District be freed from any obliga- tions to provide said Par^^on'j. Firewood & in t;ase Said Scarcity of money should happen then said Sallaiy to be paid at the Rate of whrat at three Shillings & Seven pence one Farthing pr Bushel and Rye at the Rate ot tvvo Shillings & five pence pr Bushel Moses Dickinson Mod^ator At a legal Meeting of the Inhabitants of the District of Amherst holden at the Meeting House in Said District on the S.-venteeiitn Day of December AD. 1764 at 9 o'clock in the foienoon Vot'd Peter Smiih Mmlerator Vot'd to adjourn this Meeting for the Si'ace of one Hour then to meet at ye Same Place Met at said Meeting House alter s'd Space and Vot'd lo Release to Deacon Ehem-zer Di'kinsoii his Note of about six pounds old T. nor payable to the District Treas- urer for his Service in .\ e office of Treas- urer ten years Vot'd to Allow two Shillings pr Day for Labour done tor the District in Summer Vot'd to allow one Shilling & Six pence pr Day for fall Work Vofd to allow all the Bills as they have been read & Corrected Vot'd to impower the Assessors to levy a Tax on ye Inhahitants of this District 30 Records of Amherst from 1735 to 17i lor Defrajiiig tlie Det)ts arising on saiie twenty SluUiiigs for preachiiifi i)ere one Sabhath Vot'd to adjourn this meeting to the House of Mosfs Warner to meet there assooii as may be — n:et accordingly there and vot'd 10 raise twenty Pounds for the use of Scho(jliiig Vut'd to iinpower ihe Assessors to lay a Tax on the Inhrtl)itant[s] of Said District for Said tweniy pounds Vot'd to build four School Houses in this District Vot'd to Choose Several Com'tees to determine the Places where said Houses Shall be built Vot'd Moses Dickinson Pett-r Smith & Lieu't John Dickinson be a Com'tee to fix the Place for the Nortii School Uoii»e Vot'd Josiah Chauncy Esq'r Joseph EastniiU) Ens'n Joiin Fiela be a Com'tee tor fixfig the Place of the South School House Vol'd Daniel Kellogg Gideon Dickin>on John Billmg be a C'>ni'tee to fix the Place of the west Middle School House Vot'd Lieul Win Boltwood Isaac Good ale Simeon Strong he a Com'tee to fix the place of the East Middle Sciiool House Vol'd that the District will abide the Determination of the jiforesaid Com'tiees Vol'd to choose four other Com'tees to build said Houses where the afores'd Com'tees Shall determine Vot'd Elijah Baker Samuel Infjram Na tbanael Dickinson be a Com'tee to build the norih School House Vot'd Simeon Clark Deacon Nash Ins'n John Field be a Com'tee for building the west middle School House Vot'd Daniel Kellogg Jonathan Dickin son & Thomas Hastings be a Com'tee for Building the East middle School-House vot'd Nathanael Coleman Lieut. Jolin Dickinson Peter Smith be a Com'tee to build the South School House Vot'd that the four last mentioned Com'tees be one Joint Com'tee for Deter- mining the Size & Dimentions of each of the said School Houses Attest Peter Smith Moderator At a legal Meeting of ihe Inhabitants of the District of Amherst bolden at the j\I' eting House in Said District on the Eighieenth Day of March A D 1765 at 9 o'clock ill the forenoon Voted Jonathan Dickinson Moderator Voted Simeon Strong Clerk of said Dis- trict for tlie Eiisuing year — Voted Simeon Strong Treasurer of said District Voted John Billing Moses Dickinson Simeon Clark Joseph Eistman Azariah Dickinson Select Men Voted Elijah Bitker & Jonathan Moody Joi'r Constables Voted Gideon Henderson Thomas Has- tintjs & Lieut John Dickinson Wardens Voted Ins'n John Field Lieut William Boltwood Daniel Dickinson & Daniel Kel- logg surveyors of Highways Voted Daniel Keiloeg Isaac Goodale Joseph Dickinson Tithingnien Voted Jonathan Cowls & Peter Smitli ITinceviewers Voted Lieut John Dickinson Samuel IngrHin Daniel Kellogg & Lieut William Boltwood Surveyors of Wheat Voted Jonathan Dickinson Jiin'r Asahel Moody & Moses Cook Deer Keeves Votet the Highxtay afjaiiist the Buryim; Yard Dis continued and likewise fence the Burying yard assoon jis may l)e hy collecting the Inhabitants to labour at said Busitiess Voted To allow of and accept a Road laid out bv the Select-Men returned and certified by lliem to be laid out as follows (viz) "These may certify to thn Meeting that We the Subscribers have laid out a Highway three Rods Wide mcto-s thn Se- questered Lmd btgiiining at As^ihel Moody's South Line extendiiiir one Rod and a Halt Each Way from said Line run- ning from llie County Road West To the Town Highway running West ten Detrrees North attest John Billin>r Moses Dickin- son Joseph Eastman Select Men Attest At a legal Meeting of the Inhabitants of the District of Amherst holden at the Meeting House there on the fifih Day of January AD. 1767 Voted Jonathan Edwards Moilerator Voted to remove this Meetinji to the School House near Moses Warners Voted to grant and allow (the Bills brimghi in as read & Corrected Voted to inipower the Assessors to make an Assessment on the Inliabitants for Pay- ment of the Bills allowed & of the R, v'd David Parsons's Sallary for the ('urrtnt year Voted That Dea"n Ebenezer Dickin-on In'n John Field Joseph Eastman Moses Dickinson and Jonathan Dickinson he a Coni'tee to Consider how much Land Shall he granted to Mr Simeon Strong tor his purchasing for the District the Land where the Path goes from hartlin;^ Stake to ye Boundary near Wolfpitt Brook and to make Report to this Meeting en Ad journment Voted To Seat the Meeting House Voted Moses Dickinson John Field Jo- seph Eastman Jonathan Edwards Solomon Boltwood be a Com'tee for that Purpose Voted That for the Future tlie Annual Meetings of January and March be Warn- ed by Notifications posted on the South Door of the Meeting House fourteen Days before the respective Meetintfs Voted to adjourn this Meeting to Mon- day this Day Fort niglit to Meet at this Place at one o'Clock afternoon Voted To arant and raise twenty Seven pounds tor Schoolint; Voted That those that have brought in Bills to this adjourned meeting for Work at raising the West Bridge on Fort-River he aUi.ued two Shillings p'r Day Voted To allow iho>e that wrought at the East Bridge one Shilling and four Pence p'r D>iy Voted That ttmse th:it laboured at the West Bridge at oilier Labour than raising be allowed one Shilling ami Sixpenee by the Day V'>ied To allow the Bills brought into this ailj .uriied Meetiiit; as read & Cor- reced Voted That the Assessors make Assess- ment for Payment thereof Voted That Lieu't John Dickinson & Peter Smith he Agents for the District to appear in their Behalf at the next Court of general Sessions of the Peace to make Defence against the Petition of Jolin Bil- ling & others for a Road Voted To take of the Seque-tration from and Disc'intiniie the Town Highway be- tween Pelham Road & the Burying Yard fnr the whole Breadth thereof Voted To give and grant to Simeon Strong his Heirs and Assiifiis forever a Certain Parcel of Said Highway between Said Pelham Road and the Burying Yard hounded East on the Line bounding the East Side of Said Highway north on the Burying Yard, South on Pelham Road and Extending so far West as to make the Quantity of Six Acres, upon Condition of — his procuring all the Land between Hurtling Stake and a Boundary near to and South of Wolfpitt Brook and between Records op Amherst from 1735 to 1788. 33 liis own & Solomon Boltwoods Fenc-e on one' Side and the Kings Higiiway on the other Side; so that n Kings Hiyhway may be laid out from said Hartling Stake to said Boundary near Wolf-Pitt Brook as the travelling Path now goes without any Charge to the District of furchasing the Land or rendring Damages to the owner thereof and in Case the District cannut obtain a Disoontinuance of the Kings Highway where it now lies and a Kings Iligiiway laid where the Travelling Path now goes within one year then this Grant to be Void Voted To clioose Mr Simeon Strong Agent for tlie District in their Behalf to make Application to the Court of General Sessions of the Peace for a Discontinuance of the Kings Highway from Hartling Stake to a Boundary near Wolfpitt Brook : and f.ir another Highway to he laid luit be- tween said Limits as the l^atli now goes Attest Jon"th Edwards Moderator At a Legal Meeting of the Inhabitants of the District of Amherst holden at the Meeting House there on Tuesday the twenty Seventh Day of January AD. 1767. Voted Ins'n John Field Moderator Voted To make Such Amendments and Alterations in the Meeting House as the Coni'tee Chosen for that Purjiose have Reported to this Meeting in Writing under their Hand Voted That Ins'n Field Gideon Hender- son Joiin Billing Lieu't John Dickinson and Peter Smitli be a Coni'tee lo make Said Alterations and Amendments Attest Record of the Warrant for A Meeting of the Inhabitants of Amherst Jan'ry 5ih 17G7 & the Return thereof which is omitted in Proper Place & should have been re- corded bef')re the Record nf said Meeting 3 Pages Each [Seal] To the Constal>les in Amherst or either of them Greeting You are required in his Majesty's Name forthwith to warn all Freeholders & other Inhabit- ants of said District who are Qualified by Law to Vote in Town-Meetings that they Assemble at the Meeting House in said District on Monday thefifth Day of Jan- uary next at nine o'th Clock in the Morn- ing then & there after the Choice of a Moderator to do as fcdlows; 1st to Consider & pass the Debts which have arisen in the District this year past & to raise money as they shall find occasion 2illy To determine what they will do in opposition to the suit of a Highway tlKough Deacon Nashes Lot & onward 3dly To determine whetlier the District will take off the Sequestration from and discontinue the Town Highway or any Part thereof lying between the Highway cilled Pelham Road &the Land sequestred for a Burying Yard & between the first & Second Divisions of Land in Amherst 4ilily To determine wlsat Lands within sai>l Limits the District will grant to Mr Simeon Strong on Condition of his pro- curing the Land East ot his own & Solomon Boliwood's Fence & between said Fence & the west Line of the Higli- Way as it now lyes of sufficient Width for a King's High- way from the South-East Corner of said Strong's Fence as the Travelling Path now goes to a boundary about six Rods Soutii of Wolf-Pitt Brook so that the Dis- trict shall need be at no Charge of pur- chasing said Land. othly To choose an Agent to prefer a Petition LO the Hon'ble Court of General Sessions of ihe Peace next to be holden at Northampton that the King's Highway between the Hartling Stake & Said Wolf- Pitt Brook may be discontinued and laid out where the Path now goes lily Whether they will discontinue the Town HighwHv on a Spot of Land lying between Simeon Dickinson's South Line' and the County Road against where Moses Warner's House formerly Stood Suposed to be about two Acres giving Liberty lo Preserved Clap to take Possession thereof 34 Records of Amherst from 1735 to 17^ 7thly Whether tli^y will give Liberty to a Number who desire it to build a Pew or Pews in the Gallery at their own Cost 8thly Whether ihey will seat the Meet- ing House anew; or make any Alteration in the Sitting Otlily whether they will allow tluit an- nual Meetings whicii are in January & March be warned by Notifications and you are to make Return (.f this Warrant & of your Doings thereon to some one of us at or before saiii Time Given under our Hand & Seal this 29th Day of Decem- ber 176G John Dickinson ] John Field [Select Sam'll Ingram [ Men Alex'r Smith J Return of tiie Constable indorsed thus (viz; The Directions of this Warrant hatli been attended by Me Justus Williams a Constable At a Le^al Meeting of tlie Inhabitants of tlie District of Amlierst on Monday the Sixteenth Day of March 1767 at the Scool iiouse at Nine of the Clock in the Morning after Josiah Cliauiicy was Cliosen Mod- erator they Came Into the following Vots Voi'd Josiah Chauncy Clark Vot mr Simeon Strong Treasurer Vot Jon't'i Dickinson Nath'll Collman Joseph Easinan Select Men and Assessors Vot Mosses Dickinson Simeon Clark Sel- lect men Vo't Hezekiah Beldin Asael Moody Con- stables Vo't Simeon Pomroy Josepii Dickinson Jon'th Smith Surveyors Vo't Nath'll Colman Jon'tii Coles fence Viewers Vo't Ebenezer Dickinson Jun'r William Boltwood Martin Smitli Tithing Men Vo't Mosses Warner Jun'r Jon'th Moodey Jun'r Jacob Warner Jun'r Noah Smith Jon'tli Dickinson Jun'r Ilogrifs Vo't Ebez'r Dickinson Jun'r Simeon Smith Dearifs Vo't Peter Smith Elijah Baker Mosses Cook Thomas Hastings Surveyers of Wiieat and Flowr Vo't Gideon Henderson Sealer of Lea- ther Vo't Joseph Cliurch Surveyer of Lum- ber Vo't Aaron Warner Isaac Goodale Peli- liah Smith Wardens Vote to keep the Scooll one Month in the west Street North End Vo't Daniel Kellogg Surveyor Vo't to Do the lugh waj's tliis Year by a Tax Vo't to adjourn this Meeting to the twenty thirn the Eleventh Day of June 1767 after Jon'th Dickinson was Chosen Moderator Came Into the following Vote Vo't to Discontinue R.)ad or liiyhway Lately Laid out by the Courts Cominitty through Decoii John Naslies Lot he Now Lives on and through David Nashes Lot Jonathan Nash Lives an Near the South Line of said Lot attest Jon'th DiciiiNSON Moderator At a Legal Meeting held in Amherst on Monday the fourth Day ot Janawary at the Scool house at Nine of the t!lock in the Morning after Josiah Chauncy E>q'r was Chosen Moderator they Came Into the following Vots Vo't Mosses Dickinson Dan'll Kellogg Martin Stnith a Com'tt to Examme the Acounts of those that formerly builded Pews in the Meeting house & Make Re- port of the Sum to the Assessors [pass] [heen] Vo't that the hills as they have Read and Considered And also Six Pounds Granted by the District to John Hubbard lor Damiges Done him by Laying a Town Road Crost his Land and Likewise Mr David Parsons Sallary be Raised in a Tax on the District by the assessors & Paid out where Due Vo't twenty four Pounds further to be Raised for the Use of Scooling & Paid out by the asses>ors Vo't the North Scool be kept one halfe the Time in the West Street Vo't that the Select Men Build a New Pound Near Harding Stake or Repair the old Pound as they think Best attest Josiah Chadncy Moderator [Seal] Ham>liere St. to the Consta- bles, or Constabe of the Desirict of Am- herst or Either of them Greeting In his majesties Name you are requir.d forth- with to warn all the freeholders and other inhabitants Qualified for voting in Destrict metings that they Assemble & meet at the Schooihous near the hariling Stake in the west Street in s'd Destrict on the first nionday in March Next which is the 7th day of s,d March at nine of the Clock in the Morning viz to act upon the following articles 1st to Chuse a Moderator 2(lly to Couse Destrict ofiicers 3dly to see if the Destrict will get sum bixly to undertake to keep the bur- ling yard fence, d and Clear,d for Liberty to feed it and for land next to it to see if the Destrict will take of tiie Sequestoration from any higliway Land by the burling yard to Chuse a Committy to agree with some Person About Keeping the burling yard well fensed and Cieard for Land joining to it and for liberty to feed the yard and to give deed and take obligations of them that they Agree with 4thly to see if the Destrict will Except of a highway Laid out by the Select men l)eginning north of Elijah Bakers Run- i:ing into the Sawmill in Joseph Churches Land and Continuing Said Rhode through Mr Sharps Land 36 Records of Amherst from 1735 to 1788. 5thly To see if the Destrict will Lay a liigliway throngli the first Division from the west Street to the Sawmil in Joseph Churches Land Where they shall see fit 6tlily To see what mesures we Shall Come into to keep the higli ways in Re- pair fur tlie year iiisuing. 7thly To se if th^• Destrict will Except the Rhode Laid tlirough the middle Divi- sion on the South Side of Pelletiah Smiths Lot from tlie Est End to mill River 8thly To hear Mr Strongs request to Answer him the money which lie paid the Conimitty for alterinji the highway against the huring yard And make returne of this worrant and your Doings to one of us before S'd Day Given under our hands and seal this fif- teenth Day of February 1768. Jon'th Dickinson] Nath'll Coleman I Moses Dickinson f St-lectmen Simeon Clark j Joseph Easman J Return of the Constable Indos'd thus viz Hams'h ss. This may Ct-rtify that the Di- rections of this Worrant hath beti attended by Posting a Notification fourteen days before a meting according to the Vote ot the Destrict Hezekiah Belding Consta- ble for Amherst Att a Legal meting of tlie Inlieabitants of the Destrict of Amherst on monday the seventh day of March 1768 at the school hous near the hartling Stake at Nine of ye Clock in ye morning After Josiah Chauncy Esq was Chosen Moderator they Came into ye following Vots Vot'd Seth Coleman Clerk for the S'd District the Ensuing year Vot'd Mr Simeon Strong Treasurer Vot'd Levt John Dickinson, Alexander Smith Dea'n Jonathan Edwards Ins'n John Field Moses Dickinson Select Men Vot'd Dea'n Jonathan Edwards Moses Dickinson Alexander Smith assesors Vot'd to adjurn for the space of one hour and Meet at this Place Met at said School hous after s,d Space and Vot'd Nehemiah Dickinson John Nash jun'r Constables Vot'd Jonathan Cowls Peter Sinith Jon- athan Nash fens vewers Vot'd Joseph EsTiian Robnrd Emmons Jonathan Smith John Field junr Teithing Men Vot'd Pheilnp Ingram Samuel Ailing Joel Moody Oliver Clap Chileab Smith Hog-reeves Vot'd Moses Cook Elijah Baker Deer reeves Vot'd Thomas Hastings Gideon Ilander- son Timothey Green John Billings Sur- veyers of highways Vot'd Joseph Church survey er of lumber. Vot'd Gideon Honder^'on Sealer of Leather Vot'd Elisliar Ingram Dea'n Simeon Clark Ins'n John Field wardens the following Votes were Committed to riting and red in the audience of liie des- trict of Amherst which are as follows viz Amher>t District meting March 7th 1768 Vot'd To take of the Sequestration from the Liiid in the town Highway adjoining to the Burying Yard Northward as far as Thomas Bascoms Fence Vot'd to Dispose of and Grant Said Land the Highway adjoining to the Bury- ing Yard & as far North as Thomas Bas- combs Ftnce to D'n Setii Coleman in Fee he giving Good Security for Erecting and maintaining a Good & sufficient Fence about said Yard forever & keeping the same well Clear, d Vot'd that [ns'n John Field Dea'n Sim- eon Clark Joseph Eastman Daniel Kellogg & Mr Simeon Strong be a Com'tee in be- half of District to Dispose of & Grant Said Land to Said Seth Colem'n, & to Grant him Right of Feeding and Pasturing the Burying Yard in such manner & for so long time as S'd Com'tee shall think ■ Proper and that said Com'tee be impow- ered to make and Execute in Behalf of Records of Amherst from 1735 to 1788. 37 the District a Good Deed or Deeds for the Effecting the Purpose aforesaid to S'd Colnian, & to take & receive of him in like manner such securities & join in mak- ing such obligations, Covenants Indenters or to receive the same of him as Shall be affectual to secure the Performance of the Engagements on liis part Respecting the making Maintaining said fence and for Keeping said Yard always well Clear'd and the said Com'tee are to use their Discretion as to what Quantity or part of said Land they will Dispose of; and at what Price they will Sell the Same for over and above the Consideration of fencing & Clearing as aforesaid in Case on View of the land they shall find it of more Vahie than is now apprehended Test JosiAH Chauncy Moderator Vot'd To Repare the High-ways this year by a Tax Vot'd that hogs should run from tiie tenth of may next to the first of Septem- ber Ensuing being ring,d and yoked ac- cording to law Vot'd To Allow Mr Simeon Strongs bis bill for altering the highway against the burling yard ; which is as follows May 1767 To p'd for Record of Altering the highway North of Hartling stake £- To p'd for Kntry of Caution at Crb To p'd Capt Dwigbtfor laying out ye way £1 Vot'd To adjurn this meting to munday the 28th of march Currant at the School hous near the Hartling stake At a Legal meting of the Inhabitants of the District of Amherst hold at the meting bous on Wednesday the IGth day of march AD 1768 at 4 of the Clock in ye afternoon &c Vo't Moses Dickinson Moderator Vo't to remove to the School hous near Landlord M. Warners Vo't that all Persons that iiave Either Children or Prentices or any under their 17 •2 10 Care that have seats aseined them in the meting bous see to it that they take & keep their respective seats unless at any partic- ular time they were for some speatial rea- son invited into an nother seat by the -&ner or oners of the same On Monday ye 28tb of March 1768 the Inbeabitants of the Destrict of Amherst met by adjurnment at the School bous Near the liartling Stake at fore of the Clock in ye atternoon but paist no Votes Test JosiAH Chauncy Moderator Att a Legal Meting of the Destrict of Amherst Holden at ye Meting hous on Monday ye IQth of May AD 1768 at two of ye Clock in ye afternoon after the clu.ice of Moses Dickinscm Moderator Came into ye following Vots Vot'd To adjurn this meting for ye Space of a quater of an hour Vot'd To Come into some Measures to Clear off the incumbrences from the high way runing East and west between Moses Warners and Simeon Dickinsons on that Side next to Sd Dickinsotis Land Vot'd To Cbuse a Committe to agree with Jonathan Dickinson & Simeon Dick- inson about the Incumberrence on ye hit'bvvay aiijoining to Simeon Dickinsons Land Vot'd That Esq Chauncy feter Smith and Solomon Boltwood be the Committe Vot.d To Adjurn this meting to Mnnday ye 23d of May Currant at ye Metitig hous at fore of ye Clock in ye afternoon On Monday the 23d of May 1768 the In- bealiitar.ts of ye Destrict of Amherst met by adjurnment at ye Meting hous at Fore of ye Clock in ye afternoon Amherst meting May 23d 1768 Voted To Take of the Sequestration from a Sartain peas of town high-way Cut & bownded as follows viz Beginning at a black oake Staddle markt at about thirty seven rods East (as the line of ye lots run) of Simeon Dickinsons South East Corner thence running East upon the line of Simeon Dickinsons lot twenty three 38 Records of Amherst from 1735 to 17^ rods, tlience Snuth seven rods to a Stake • hence westwardley twenty three roils to a stake Thence Nortli Eleven rods to the former markt Black oake Steadle Vot,d That the above bouMdtr'd lot of land he granted to Preserved Clapp in fee lie Paying or giving good security for tlie Sum of Six Pound. Test Moses Dickinson Moderator At a Legal Meting of ye Destriet of Am- lierst St tile school hom on Monday ye 2d Day of January AD 1769 at nine of ye (.^lock in ye Morning after Josiali CliHuncy was Chosen Moderator Come Into thp fol- lowing Votes viz Voteii To Allow Jolin Nash junr his Bill for Money Expended far advice in ye aflfare of ye Highway on his lot viz fifteen Shillings Vot.d To adjurn this Meting f)r the Space of one hour and to meet at this place the InheabitHnts being met after sd space Vot,d To Chuse a Comniitte to agre with M'rss Nashes about the Damage dun them by a highway laid out through their land Vot,d To Cliuse five men for a Com- mitte for ye Purpus above Vot,d TothatJosiah Chauncy Esq Peter Smith Alex'nd Smith Ins. John Field and Moses Dickinson be the Coinmitte Vot,d that if the Committe Cannot agree with M'rss Nashes they Shall Nominate three men out of town to agree with the s,d Nashes & their judgment to he Dis- ciscive Vot.d That Josiah Chauncy Esq Ins John Field Daniel Kellogg he a Committe to settle the line between our Destriet and the Equevolent land Vot,d To Chuse a Committe to Exze- arain the bridge Near Mearicks and if wanted to build a new one Vot,d That Solomon Boltwood John Nash junr and John Billings be a Com- mitte for the Purpus above Vot,d To Reliulde or repear that Bridge Near Nathan Dickinson junr as a Com- mitte shall think best Vot,d That Peter Smith Daniel Kellogg Noali Dickinson be a Committe for the Purpus above Vot,d That Simeon Strong Esq. Josiah Chaun[<;y] Esq Moses Dickinson he a Committe to assertain the Bounds of the Town Ways in this District and to Erect Snfficient Boundaries Whereby Such Ways may be Clearly Known for the future and to Prosecute Such Persons as have Made Incroiichments Thereon Eccept in Such Cases Wherein they Shall think E.xpedient to Delay Prosecution in order for the Per- son to Appley to the Town for Discontin- uance Vot,d To Pay the Bills as they have bin Red & Considerd Vot,d That the Assesors Shall be ini- powered to rais the money that the Com- mitte shall allow to the Nashes and for ye Highway acros their Land Vot,d To rais twenty seaven pound ten Shillings for Schooling Vot,d To allow Mr Parsons ninty three pound six and eaigh Pence for his sallery and assesors impowerd to rais the same Test Josiah Chauncy Moderator At a Legal Meting of the Inheabitants of the Destriet of Amherst on Monday ye 13th Day of March 1769 at the Meting Hous at Nine of the Clock in ye Morning After Josiah Chauncy Esq Was Chosen Moderator Came Into the following Votes Votjd Seth Colernan Clerk Vot,d Simeon Strong Esq Treasurer Vot,d Simeon Strong, Joseph Eastman, Moses Dickinson, Nath'il Coleman, Jona- than Dickinson, Selectmen Vot,d to Adjurn this meeting for the space of one Hour and then to Meat at the School House Near Hartling Stake the Inheabitants being met at time & place Voted as follows (viz) Vot,d Joseph Eastman, Moses Dickin-^ son Simeon Strong Assesers Records op Amherst from 1735 to 1788. 39 Vot,d Simeon Pomeroy Ebeiiezah Dick- inson Junr Constiibles Vot.d Jonathan Coles, Natha'll Coleman Fens Vewers Vot,d Joel Moody, John Nasli junr Isaac Goodaie Teiihingmen Vot,d Henery Jonson Frankling, Thomas Hastings junr Jonathan Coles junr Joseph Eastman jun'r Gideon Dickinson jun'r Thomas Baskcum Hogreeves Vot,d that Hogs Shall run sum Part of the year liampered according to law Vot,d that Hogs shall run well rung and Yok,d from ye first of May to the Midle of August Next Vot,d Natlianiel Dickinson 2d Moses Coock Dear Reeves Vot'd Levt John Dickinson, Alexnd Smith Elijah Baker Samuel Ingram, Dan- iel Kellogg, Peter Smith Surveyers of Highways "Vot'd to do the Highway worke this year by the Pole Vot'd Joseph Church Surveyer of Lum- ber Vot'd Isaac Goodaie Sealer of Leather Vot'd Ebezer Mattoon Eli Parker Jon- athan Coles Vordens Vot'd To Clieuse a Coinniitte to Inspect the ways Irom the west Street to the East from the Highway by Jonathan Coles Lot to the Saw mil tliat was formerly Joseph Clareys & see Wliere is the best place for a Heighway to be laid Vot'd Pet^-r Smith Decn Jonathan Eil- wards, John Billings, be a Committe for the Purpus above, and to Make reporte to the Select Men Test Josioh Chauncy Moderator Seal Ilampehire ss. To the Constables of the District of Amherst or Either of [them] Greeting You are hereby requir'd in his majestys Name forthwitli to warn the Inhabitants of tlie s'd District that are Legally Qualli- fied to Vote in town Metings that they assemble at the Meeting Hous in Sd Dis- trict on Monday the twenty third Day of October Currant at one of the Clock after- noon then and there after Moderator Ciiosen to Consider of and Act on the following things (viz 1st To Hear tiie Report of the Comtee Chosen in March Last [to] Ascertain the bounds of the town ways in said Distrect 2d To Give said Comtee what farther Instructions they may think Proper respecting Clearing said Ways and prosecuting such as have made Incrochments thereon 3d To Hear the application of such as may apply to the Distrect to have any part of said Ways Discontinued and act and Determin thereon 4th To Give Such Instructions as they shall think proper to the Select Men for Laying out or altering town Ways 5th To Determin What Methods shall be us'd for obtaining or securing any Debts due to the Distrect Cth To Determin Whether the Distrect will allow fore month Schooling in tlie North Part Hereof fail not and Make due Return hereof with your Doing herein to us or Some one of us at or before the time liere- i 1 before Appointed for opening & holding said Meting Dated at amherst the Sixth Day of October in ye Ninth year of his Majestys Reign A. D. 1769 Simeon Strong ") JoNTH Dickinson |- Select men Moses Dickinson J Return of the Constables Indorsd thus VIZ the Directions of this Worrant has bin attended by us Simeon Pomeroy ") ^ , , Ebenezer Dickinson/ "-""stables Att a Legal Meting of the Distrect of Amherst at ye Meeting Hous on Monday ye 23d of October A D 17G0 at one of the Clock afternoon After Choice of Joslah Chauncy Esq Moderator Came into ye following Votes Viz Voted To adjurn to the School hous by ye Hartling Stake Voted To Allow the North and South Sciiools their Proportionable Part of 40 Records of Amherst from 1735 to 17^ Money for Schooling with the Middle Schools Voted That Simeon Strong Esq Treas- urer of ye District belmpower'd & Direct- ed lo Serve the Debts Due from John Keet to the Distri(;t Either by Taking Land Security or oilier wise at liis Discretion Voted that the Commille Chosen to Clear of Incuniberences from the town highway shall postpone the Prosecution of those Persons that have made incrochment tUl ye 1st Day of October A. D. 1770 Voted To Adjourn this Meting to tlie first of November Next at this Place at Nine of tlie Clock in tlie morning Att a Meeting of the Inhabitants ot Andierst hoiden by Adjurnment on the first Day of November being Monday at nine o'Clock in the Forenoon The Comtee Chosen in March last for Assertaining and Clearing of Incum- brances from tlie town Ways, And alter- wards at this Meeting begin and Hoiden on the twenty third Day ol October Laist, Instructed to hear the Applications of Such as desir'd or should Desire any Part of Said AVays Discontinued for their own Perticular Accomodation and to make heir Report to this Meeting Now Hoiden by Adjournment; heaving according to their said Instructions heard and CareluUy Consider'd the .Several Applications to them made and the Reasons Pleas & Alii gations of the Several Parties thereon do Now ac. ordingly Make their Reporte as follows vii; The Following Petitions and Reports were Each Seperately Voted according as follows viz Voted Upon the Petitions of Daniel Kellogg according to the Comtees Reports that the after described Piece of Lund adjoining to the front of his Lot be discon- tinued from being of the town Way (viz) Beginning at the South East Corner of His Lot and thence running Easterly in the Line of his Lot Continued Six Rods from the said Corner thence Northerly to a Station one rod Easterly of and Directly against tlie Southerly Side of his Hous Then Still Northerly leaving tlie Breadth of one Rod against Said House to tlie North East Corner of Sd House thence Northerly to the Stone Wall Whicli begins at the North Ea>-t Corner of his Corn house (hence Northerly by the Said Wall to the End of the same, and thence North- erly to fall in with the Line of the way at the Distance of Six Rods from the North End af Said Wall The above Piece is to be understood to Include within it all Former Discontinu- ances at the Front of the same lot Said Peace Containing Sixty Rods and that he pay therefor the Sum of Thirty Shilling Voted Upon the Petition of Nathan Dickinson, according to the Comtees re- porte that the after Describ'd Part of town way at the Front of his Lot be Discon- tinued (viz) Beginning at a station one rod north of the North West Corner of his Barn and three rods West of the Line of the townway thence a Line North to fall in with the Line of the way at the Distance of Ten Rods and Running from Said Station Soutii one rod Westerly of his Dwelling Uous till the Line Comes Against the South West Corner thereof then turning Easterly to fall in with the Line of the way at the Distance of twelve Rods the Same Containing Ninety two Rods of Land ; and that he Pay therefor the sum of forty six shillings Voted Upon the Petition of Gideon Dickinson for Discontinuing apart of the Way at the Front of his Lot in the third Division Where Moses Hawley New Dwells; according to the Comtees Report that (he following Piece be Discontinued (viz) Beginning at a Birch Stake a Rod West- erly of the Soutli Side of the Lot thence to the west Side of a Small apple Tree Mark- ed and Standing between the House & the Travelled Road thence to a Station half a rod West of the Northwest Corner of the Records of Amherst from 1735 to 1788, 41 Barn thence Northerly twenty three rods to fall in with tlie Line of tlie way, the Same Piece Containing one Hundred & fore Hods and that he pay therefor the Sum of forty four Shillings Voted Upon the Petition of Ebenezar Mattoon, according to the Comtees report that all that part of tlie Way which Lies within his fence at his front from the South Side of his Lot tliat he Lives on to his barn and within on Easterly of the Line of Said fence Continued to the North Side of the Lot be Discontinued and the Cointee being fully Satisfied that Said Land lias been once Purchased & paid for to the town of Iladley while the Land beloii^'d there, Report that no Farther Reconipence be made therefor Voted Upon the Petition of Solomon Boltwood, according to the Comtees Re- port, that All that Part of the way lying between his Dwelling Hous & his lious on the hill lately owned by his brother Wil- limn Boltwood tiiat is to say all that lies within the grant made to His Father by Hadley Conmiittf between Said bouses be Discontinued — and that be make no Rec- onipence therefor having Proved to ye Conitec that the Same has been paid (or to ye town of Hadley — Voted Upon the Petition of Moses Warner, according to the Conitee Report to Discontinue the followiui; Part of the way at the Front of liis Lot (viz) Begin- ning one Rod north of his House and Door Yard two Rods wide from the Line & Continuing tht' same Breadth Southerly to the Souih Side of his garden thence to a Point at tlie South Side of his Lot the same Containing fifty tour Rods, and that he pay therefor the Sum of forty Shil- liims — Voted Upon the Petition of John Nash According to the Comtee Report for Dis- continuing the after Discribed Part of the way at the front of his Lot (viz) Begiiiing at a Stake Erected by the Comtee at ye North West Corner of Said Lot as it is Now Inclosed, thence Runing a Strait Line [to] a Wliite Oake Tree about three Rods South of his Barn ; the same Peicc Containing twenty four Rods of Ground and that he pay therefor the Sum of Fifteen Shillings — Voted Upon the Petition of Elisha In- gram, and John Billings, and for Strait. ning as much as may be the Line of the Way on that Side according to tlie Com- tee Report, that the Line of the Way from the South East Corner of tlie Revd Mr David Parsonss Garden run Southward as his Fence now Stands to a Stake Erected by the Comtee thence Running to a Sta- tion west of Said Fence and one rod East of High lilack Oak Stump or Tree Mark,d H. W. thence to a Stake about three Rods Southward in the same line thence to a Stake Standing ten feet East of Ingrams Ditch tlience to the West End of Said Ingrains Sliop thence running to a Station four Feet East of an apple Tree Marked in John Billings Lot and thence falling in with the Line of the Way at the North East Corner ot Said Billings Shop and that all that Part of the townway which * now lies on the west side of said Line be Disconiinned, and Also the Land on Which Said Ingrams Shop stands and tluit said Ingriim pay for his partof S^id Lands being Sixteen Rods the Sum of ten Shil- lings and that Said Billings pay for his part of Said Lands being twenty five Rods the sum oi fourteen Shillings — Voted Upq Lot, then South 36 deg 30 min west 38 rods to a Stake in the Middle of the toad, Measuring off 10 rods Each way and Setting up a Stake, from ye Last mentioned Station in the middle of ye road, we run to the front of Isaac Goodales Lot to a Stake & Stones, near to the north 44 Records of Amherst from 1735 to 17^ East Corner of Sfl Lot from tlienee to Hartling Stake ye North East Corner of Mr Persdiis's Land, and from tlietioe to a Stake and Stones the North-East Corner of Mr Persons's original Lot, then south 30 min E>^^t 33 Rods to Mr Persoi s's Hors.-blnck ye Same Course Continut'd 2 rods further tn a S[t]iike & Sto les, fr..in tlipf.ce South 18 deg West 49 Rods to a Black Oake tree or Stump Miirk,d H. W. from thence to Eiishalngrahams Non-East Corni r Ditch from thenee to the Scuth- East Corner of Nathan Moody's original Lot, From thence South 4 deg 30 min west IGO rods to Large wliite ik S'unip standing on the Di'cending ground North of Mr Parkers Hous then 10 deg 30 min west 20 Rods to a Stake and Stones from thence S -uth 10 deg West 86 Rods to >x White Oak Tree Mark,d H. W. Standing on the Soutli Side of a Narrow, Valley, and from s,d White Oalc, South 9 deg West to apine reter,d to in the R ckord of S'd R.ad a Small White Oak Staddle Standing by it Mark'd 11. W. about 20 or 25 r<,ds South of Mr Greens ILnis, then Sou 1) 15 (leg 30, west 76 rods to a Pin- Stump suppose! to lie r"fer,d to (liy a pine tree) in the record where we S t a White Oak Slake Mark,d H. W. Then South 27 deg 30 min west 63 rods where it Strikes the front of Levt John Dickin- sons Origiixil Farm Where we set a pine Stake Mark,d II. W. Standing in the Ditch ye East Side of the patli, & from thence South 15 deg 30 min West to the South East Corner of Sanmtl Cliurclies Lot where we came tu a Ditch in which we set a pine Stake Mark,d H. W. 8th Road Leying Between Levt Dickin- son, s and Ebeni-zar Williams Land We began at the South East Corner of s'd Williams, s Lot from thence we Run West 7 deg Nortli to the End of the Division Marking Several Trees In the Corse with the Letters H. W. & Measuring across S,d road frequently and setting up Stakes 7th Road Leying Between Capt Moses Cook and Nath,ll Coleman we Began at S.d Colemans South-East Corner Jilid Run Southerly on the west line of the Streat 20 Rods to a Black Oak Stump, from thence we run Westerly to the west End of the Divisi >n to tlie Stump of the pine Tree mentioned in the Original R-cord — N. B. the 20 rods first mentioned takes in about one third part of Edward Smiths House 6th Road Leying between Den Clark, & Solr)mon Boltwood, we bpgan at a Stake about Six lods Nortli of said Clarks North-West Corner, from thence we Run 9 deir 30 min North 100 : rods to a Stake SfandiniT in Den Clarks Inclosure on the side Hill West of his Rons, then East 29 I'eg 30 min North 72 Rods within about one rod South of the South Door of Solomoti Boltwoods Easterraost FIous, from thence Eist9deg30min Nortli to the Kings Heigh- way which runs NortJierly to Sunderland the width of S,d road being often Measured and Stakes Set upon both sides IVIark,d H. W. 5th Road Leys Between Jointhan Dick- inson & Moses Warner, beginning 3 Rods WestofS,d Warners North-west Corner & 2 1-2 North of S,d Corner Measured North 10 deg 30 min East 20 : rods to a Stake the width of the road, & from ihenoe it runs East 10 deg 30 min South 139 rods to a. White O^k Staddle by s,d Dickinsons Fence Mark'd H. W. then East 16 deg 30 min S luth to ye East Street to a Stake Mark'd H : W • N : B : this Road is 16 roads wide at the East End, and the South Side of it as follows (viz) Begiiiiug at tlie End of the three rods mentioned first in this return & run East 8 deg South 45 rods to a Stake ]VIark,d H:W then North 10 deg 30 min East 3 rods to a Stake Mark,d H : W : then North 10 deg 30 min East 4 rods to a Stake Mark,d H: W : then East 16 deg 30 min South untill it intersects the North Line of his Land & then to the North-East Con.- ner of his Land 4th Road Lays Between Den Dickin- Records of Amherst from 1735 to 1788. 45 sou,s Land [and] Mr Townsends. We begHM at a heap of Stones tlie North- West Corner of S,d Townsends Lot which is a Little South of his North fence, & run East 15 deg 30 min South 12 rods to a heap of Stones tlien East 32 deg 30 inin North 16 rods to a Stake & Stones then 15 deg 30 min South 44 1-2 rods, to a Stake & Stones then East 22 deg 30 min South 50 rods to a Stake and Stones then East 13 deg 30 min Soutli to a Large White Oak Stump witli a Stake Set in it Mark,d H : W: tlien East 16 deg 30 min Soutii to a Stake & Stones where it straikes the West Side of the East Street Number Three The Above Roads Survey, d Pr Ebenezar Chiles Tiie Road South of Mr Nathall Cole- mans Lot & ajoiiiing thereto we run the South Line the[re].)f Takning the Cours agreeable to tiie Record tliereof only al- lowing 30 mill whicii we found was tiie veariation between ye Compasses we found none of tlie trees or boundaries mentioned in ye record of Sd road Mr Coleiuan Being Desirous ye Conitee would go again upon tlie road being Determined he Could Shew them the Boundaries thereof the Comtee Consented and went upon ye Spot and setting ye Compass at ye Soutii E.ist Cor- ner of ye road Mr Coleman Shew us a Mark,d Tree, which was from said Corner west 3 deg Nortli. then we went to said Tree whicli Mr Coleman Siiew us and he went forward to a nother to which we took ye Cours which was west 5 deg North agrea- hle to ye reckord tlien we Continued ye Same Corse Sum way furtlier where we found a Large red Oik Tree Markt H : W : abot one rod and one third part of a rod Soutii of us, then we run the Same Corse to ye End of the road and Were Six paces North of a pine Markt H. : W : Ebenezar Chiles Surveyer The above is a True Coppey of the original Test Setii Coleman Clerk Seel Hampshire ss Amherst To the Constables of the District of Amherst or Either of them Greeting — In his Majesties Name you are required fortiiwith to Notifiy and warn all the In- heabitants of S'd District that are Legally Quallified to Vote in town Metings tliat ihey assemble together at the School hous near the Dwelling Hous of Moses Warner in said Amherst on Monday the first Day of January next at nine of the Clock in the Forenoon then and theire after Moderator Chosen to Consider of and act upon the follywiiig Matters (viz) 1st To Make Grant of Monies to Such Persons to Whom the District is Indebted 2d To graint Money to Defray the Charges of Schooling 3d To Impower the Assessors to Make an Assessment on the Iiiiieabitan[ts] to rais the Monies Granted 4ih To Make Grants of Such Lands to persons requesting the Same as Shall be thought proper Sly To Consider whether the District will Dispose of the way soutii of Nathll Colemans Lot & purchase a way further .south where it may better accommodate the Inbeabitants 6ly To Consider whether the District will be at any Expence for repairing the new Road Leying Soutii of John Nashes Lot 7iy To Choose an Agent to appear for the District at the Court of General Ses- sions of the Peace to answer to any Pre- sentment that may be lying against them Hereof tail not and Make due Retur[n] hereof with your Doings herein at or before the lime herein before Appointed for the Opening and holding Said Meeting to us or Sum one of us — Dated at Amherst aforesaid the thirteenth Day of December in the tenth year of his Majeslys Reign A. D. 1769— Simeon Strong "j Joseph Eastman >■ Select Men Moses Dickinson J 46 Records of Amherst from 1735 to 17i Return of the Constable Iniiors,cl thus Tile Directions of tliis Worrjint lias bin attended by me Simeon Pomeroy Con- stable Att a LefiHl Meting of the District ot Anilierst on Monday the first Day of Jan- uary 1770 at Nine of the Cb'Ck in the Morning at the Sciiool hou.> by the Hari- ling Stake after the Choice of Josiali Cliauncy Esq Moderator Came into the following Votes (viz) Voted To adjurne for the space of one hour and meet at this place the Iidieabit- ants being met at s,d time & place — Voted That the Bills as they have bin red and Considered Should be allow, d Voted that Simeon Strong E-q be an agent at the Court of general sessions of the Peace to answer to any Presentment that may [be] Leying against the Distrect Voted That the Several tracts of Land discontinued from ye town ways at the Request of Sundry Petitioners at the Last Meeting be granted to Each Petitioner re- spectively on Conditions of his paying or giving good Security to the Treasurer for the sum at which Said Tracts were re- spectively appraised as Appears by the Report of the Comtee in the Record of S,d Meting by the first Day of may Next Voted that Assessers raise twenty nine pound Six Shilling for Schooling the Pres- ent year Voted that the Assesers rais ninety three pound Six and Eaight pence for the Revd Mr Persons, 8 Sallery Voted that the Assesers be Impower,d to rais the Several Sums of money as they have bin Voted and that they be impower,d to pay the Same where they are due &c Voted thpt tlie Selectmen Inspect the Heighway adjoining south of Nath'll Cole- mans Lot and See for what it may be sold and also where they Can find the most advantagous place to accomodate the pub- lick with a rode Still farther South and how it Can be obtained andLayoutthe Heighway or omit it as they shall think best and mikereiurn to March Meting Hampshire ss Amherst To the Constable of the Said Distiict Oi Amherst or Either of them Greeting In his Mnjesties Name Yon are Com- manded To Notify and Warn the Inliabii- ants of Amhersi that are Legally qiialli- fyed to Vote in Town Meetings that as- sen\t)le together at the Meeting hous there on Monday the fifth Day ot March next at Nine o Clock in the Forenoon then and there (alter Moderator Chosen) lo Cnu- sider Delermin and act upon the Several Matters following (VIZ) 1st To Choose oth.^ers for the Ensuing Year 2dly To acce,iC and E-;tahlish Several Alterations made by the Select Men in the Town Ways (\iz) oi e agninsttlie East End ol Deacon Jonth Edwards, s Lot ; another against the Side of Gideon Dickinsons Lot &. Joseph Dickinsons Lot; another against the North Side of Joseph Churches Lot — 3dly To accept of and Establish a Town Way Laid by the Select men Leading from the townway North of Eijah Bakers Lot to C[r]oss the Mill River near Clarevs Mill; and another way from said Clarys Mill to Meet w iih the same — and Also a Private way for the use of Pelatiah Smith Junr Laid from his Lot on the East Side of Fort River Southeriy to the Town Way and Bounding Westerly onSaidRiver 4:thly To Determin Whether the ways shall be repaired b\ Poll or by Rate tiie ensewing Year — Stilly To Discontinue the town Way South of & adjoining to the Lot of Nathan- iel Colemans 61y To grant all the Lands Contained in Said Way to Said Nathaniel Coleman ; and Impower a Comtee in behalf of the Dis- trict to Execute to Said Coleman and his Heirs a Dead thereof With Covenant for quiet Enjoyment Records of Amherst from 1735 to 1788. 47 Tilily To accept of a Deed from Said NatliHiiiel Coleman i)f a fiece of Land in Atntierst wliicli Said Coleman Lately bought of ElisliH C'lok wliicli was Laiely the South Side of Said Cooks Lot in the Middle Division beins; Ten Rods In Breadth & Running througli Said Division — 8thly To Make a Grant or Leas [of] the Same or of the wood & Timber thereon Standing or being to Sucli Person, or Persons, and for Such Term of time, and On Such Conditions as Shall be thought proper 9tlily To agree upon what Metliod may be ihought proper To preserve the B>)un- daries of tlie town Ways 10!hi> To Hear the Report of tlie Com- tee heretofore appointed To E-^timaie tlie Damage done to Lent. William Boltwood by Laying a Way on the Nortii Side of his Li)t and act theron and Give him So Much Land as shall be Hiougl.t proper — llthly To appoint a Comtee to Layou and ascertain the Bonds of tlie Burying Yard 12ilily To Discontinue So Much of the Town Way north of Landlord Moses War- ners Luth of Gid- eon Dickinsons Lot the the Said Select Men finding it Necessary to make an Ad- dition to the hredth of the Said Way to avoid the Miry Gutter between Said Dick- insons & M'r Towensends L it, have ac- cordingly made the following addiiion thereto (viz)-^ Beginning at a Small White Oak Stad- dle Markt with Stones about it on the Side Hill on the North Side of the Path and about twenty rods Westward of the West Side of said Gideon Dickinsons Lot, thence Running East ten Degrees North twenty three Rods to a Stump Standing North of & Close to the Path in the Mid- dle of the gutter thence East Seventeen Degrees South twenty Seven rods to a Stake marked with Stones about it on the Top of the Hill, thence East twenty five Degrees Soutii to the Line of the way — the Lands South of the above mentioned Lines, being now added to the Way & Said Lines f)r the future to be the North Side of the Way — Another Alteration, in the Way lying on the South Side of Jonathan Cowls Lot; the Said Select men have made an Addition to the Breadth of the Road at the Bridg,in the following Manner (viz) Begiiiing at a Heep of Stones one R pd & Half .South of a Great white Oak Tree Mark,d Standing three or four rods E^st of the Bridge thence running west ten Degrees South to the Line of the way, & from Said Heep of Stones East thirty Seven Degrees North to fall in with the Line of the Way — the before described Line for tiie future to be the South Side of the Way at Said Place— And the Said Select Men further re- porte of a private Way Laid out by them on the 29. h Day of January Laist at the Reque-t of Peletiah Smith Ju.'nr on the East Side of Fort l^iver near said Smiths Dwelling Hous in order to accommodate him for traveling trom his Lot thence to the town way; Which Private way is de- scribed and bounded as follows (viz) It Begins at the south side of Said Peletiah Smiths Lot and on the East Side of Fort River and thence running Southerly to the town way, The River being the bounds on Said Private way on the Westerly Side, ami heing bounded & Limited on the Last- ly Side by a black Oak Staddle near the South Side of Said Smitlis Lot & three Stakes Southerly of Said Tree Erected hy us, the Line described by Said I'ree and Stakes being the Easterly Line of said way which is about Eaiuht Rods in Breadth, and Laid so Wide on account of the uneven Ground next to the River; and Becaus the said private Way is only for tlie use & Benefit of Said Smith, and not of Puh- lick use to the District we further R-port Records of Amherst from 1735 to lit 49 tliat Siiid Ppletiali Smith ouglit to pay to AiironMiittliews for his Damage occasioned thereby the sum of twenty four shillings — Simeon Strong "] Jonathan DickiNsoN 1 g^,^^^ j^^^ Nath ll Coleman Moses Dickinson J Voted To Accept of a Townway Laid from the town way North ot Elijah Baknrs Lot to Cross the Mill river near Clary. s Mill and another way from Snid Clarys Mill to Meet with tiie same — The Report of the Select men for Lay- ing of said way is as follows (viz) At the Annual Meeiinii of the Inheahitants of Amherst March ye fifth A. D. 1770 The Select Men of Amherst pnrsiiant to the repnrte of the Com'tee Lately «ppoi(U- ed by the District have Laid out the Ways hereafter described for the u>e of the In- lieHbitants of Andierst (vizj Beginning at ihe town Way North ot E i.iah BaUers Lot, and at a pine Tree Mark,d (which is in the Middle of ye same way Laid out l)y us) thence running North tliirty Eaight Degrees and thirty Minutes west, forty two rods ; thence North thirty dtrict to Execute to said Coleman and Heirs a Deed thereof, with Covenant for quiet Enjoyment Voted Simeon Strong Esq Ins John Field Jonathan Dickinson be a Com'tee for the purpus aforesaid — On Nathaniel C'olemaiis affering to this meeting a deed of Conveyance ot a Piece of Land in this District which Said Cole- man lately Bought of Elisha Cook, Wliich was Lately the South Side of Said Cooks, Lot in the iVlidle Division being ten Rods in Breadth and running through said Di- vision Voted To accept the Same and Receive the Estate thereby Granted accordingly Voted To Lease the Same Land So pur- ched To Ahner Lee for the Term of Eight Years and Grant him the wood and Timber thereon Voted To Chose a Comtee to Visit the boundaries of the town amd renew such as Destroyed and make them Notorious Voted That Moses Dickinson Elijah Baker John Nash Ju'nr be a Com'tee for the Purpus aforesaid Voted To Chose a Comtee to Inspect the Town Way North of Moses Warners & say howmuch Land and in what form shall be assoined to Jonathan Dickinson as a Recumppence for the County rods going acros his Lot & make return to the next meting Voted Ins John Field Solomon BoltWood Thomas Hastings a Com'tee for the Pur- pus above 50 Records of Amherst from 1735 to 17^ Voted to Chose a Comtee To say and Determine how niucli Land and in What Form shall be allow, d to William Bolt- wood at the west End of his Lot as a Kec- ompenoe for Laying a town Way on the North Lide of his Lot and make return to tlje Next Meeting Voted That Josiah Chauncy Esq Moses Dickinson Elijah Baker be a Com'tee for the Purpus afore said Voted That the Select Men be a Com'tee to Lay out and prefix sufficient bounda- ries to tiie Buring Yard and Make Reporte to tiie Next Meeting Voted That Nehemiah Dickinson be re- leas, d from being accomtable for the Rates of Joseph Gould and Noah Gould Voted to Do sunitliing to tlie town Heigliway between John Nash Jun'rs and William Boltwoods Lot Voted To Do Ten Days Worke to the way above mentioned Voted To begin a Granier School at the first of Miiy next and the same to continue through tlie year Voted To Discontinue asertain Piece of townway Nortli of Josepli Churchs Hous being as follows (viz) one rod north of his Hous four Rods wide runing Nortlierly twenty five rods and then fall in with tlie Line of the Lots and grant the same to said Churcii Voted That Hogs Shall Run from the midle of May to to the First of August — Attest Simeon Strong Moderator For tiie Remaining Records See Vol- ume2'd &c [On the last leaves of this first book occur the following miscellaneous entries] Nov 7 1762 Taken up & Strayed by Ephrain Kellogg of Amherst a Sorrel mare about twelve Years old without any Mark or Brand & I apointed Ebez'r Dickinson Jun'r & Joseph Dickinson to aprise sd Mair & they aprised her at two Pound Law- tuU money by us John Nash Nath'U Siniih Nath'll Dickinson Ass'rs for this precinct to pro- cure fire wood for the Rev'd M'r Parsons and his Sallary : and other Cliarges as follows Commited to M'r Sam'll Ingram a tax to Collect 333 13 11 Also to M'r Jonathiin Edwards a tax of 264 17 09 598 11 8 the Debts Commited to tlie Tresurar to pay out 576 02 In the Yeare 1758 Thare was a tax made August 21 1759 taken Up In Damiadge feasant And Straid By Epliraim Kellogg & Mosses Warner a Roan Mair about three years old With a Blase in her tace & a Nattural Pacer Without mark or Brand A Record of the proceeding In y'e tax of two pence p'r a3or Granted by the Gen- eral Coart Pursuent to tlie Order of this Precinct the Assesors proceeded to Expose to Sale so Much of the Land* of the Nonresident propriators (who had been Delinciiient in paying the tax Assesed upon thare Lands by vertu of the Grant of the Grtite and General Court to this Precinct to enable them to settel a Gospel Minister and) as was Judged would be Sufficient to Detray and pay up the Remaining part of the Assesnient yet Du Accordingly y'e Rate of Shuch Delin- quentPropriators Land was posted Publick- ly at Springfeild at the House of M'r Woi- thontons & In Hadley 3d Preceinct att the House of M'r Kellogg & att Each publick House the 29th Day of August 1739 : After which on the first Day of March 1739 40 Notifications of the Sale of y'e Delinquent Propriators Lands was Pub- lickly posted att y'e Aforesd Places In Springfeild first Parish att y'e House of M'r Worthoiiton & In Hadley 3d Precinct att y'e House of M'r Kellogg Seting forth Records of Amherst from 1735 to 17^ 51 ye Quantety of Lands or Number of Acors Exposed to sale of Exeli Delinquent Pro- prietors Lots : Allso setins foriii y'e time or D tys Name you are Requir,d forthwith To w«rn all the Freeholders & other Inheabitants of the Distrect of Am- herst Qualified to Vote in town ami Dis- trict Meetinjis that theary Conve«n & meet to Gether at the Meeting Hous in 8,d Di§- trect on thirsday the twenty fourth Day of May Currant at four of Clock in the after noon, then and there after a Moderator Chosen, 1st To know the minds of the Distrect whether they will accept of the List of Jurors the Select men have Drawn up 2d Whether the Distrect Will accept of the Reporte of the Select Men Respect- ing the bounds of the Burying Yard 3d Wheather the Distrect think it nec- essary for the Select men T> Lay a high- way from Hoddens in the East Street Northerly to John Adams Corn Mill — and Make Return of this Warrant with your Doings therein to one of us before s,d Meeting JosiAH Chancy T John Dickinson {-Select Men Solomon BoltwoodJ Return of the Constable indors. thus (viz) The Directions of this Worrant has bin attended by me David Smith Constable the Directions of Worrant have bin answer, d by me Nathen Dickinson Jn'r Constable for Amherst May : 24 : 1770 Att a Legal Meeting of Distrect of Am- herst hohlen at the Meeting hous on Thirsday the twenty forth day of May 1770 fore of the Clock in y'e afternoon, Come into the following Votes (Viz) Voted Simeon Strong Esq Moderator Voted To Accept of the List of Jurers as they have bin Red Voted To Accept of the Report of the Select Men Respecting the bounds of the burying yard wbo is as follows (Viz) We the Select Men of the Distrect of Amherst according to the Vote of the town have setup the bounds of the Bury- ing Yard According to our best Judgment & is as follows (Viz) Beginning at a Siake and Stones two Rods Ewsterly of Docter Coleman, s North East Corner of his Ketching thence East- erly Nineteen Roods to a Slake and Stones thence Northerly twenty two Rods to a Strtke and Stones tlienc? Westerly four Roods to a St;ike and Stons thence South- westerly Eaighteen Rods & one half to Stake and Stones thence Southerly Eleven 52 Records of Amherst from 1735 to 1788. Rods & one half to the first Mentioned Corner JosiAH Ohauncy ^ John Dickinson | Gideon Dickinson }■ Select Men Jon'th Edwards | Sol'n Boltwood J Voted that the Select Men Lav a Ileigh- way in the E*st Street from Hoddings or Eastmans Lot to Shuteshury Kode and make Reporte to March Meeting Test August 21 1770 Att A Legall Meeting of the Distrect of Amherst on tuesday y'e 21d of August 1770 at 5 of tlie Oh)ck in ye afternoon, after tlie Clioice of Simeon Strong Esq Modeialor Voted as Follows (Viz) Voied to Come Into sum Measures for Regulating or Eaising of the burden of a Roade requested and About to be Laid tiirough the third Division of Lots in Amherst Voted To Ciiews a Cora'tee To Inspect and See if tiieir Cant lie a way found fo[r] a rode through tlie third Division ot Lots as Good for the Publick with Les Damage to tlie Privite then tiie Way Now Ropos,d through John Billings Lot in Its triangu- lar Point Voted that Ins John Field Moses Dick- inson and Gideon Dickinson Be a Com tee for the Purpns aforesaid, and tiiat in Case tiiey Can find such a place for a Rode as is Mention, d at)ove tliat tiiey reporte to some one who Siiall [he] Chosen to act at Court in behalf of tlie Distrect Voted tliat Simeon Strong E^q. be an Agent at Court tor the Distrect Incase a Com'tee be Cliosen to Lay out S'd way that if Posiable tlie S'd Com'tee may have their orders Left in Sum measure at Large and Not Confined to one Perticular Place Test. January 14tli 1771 Att A Legal Meeting of the Distrect of Amherst on Monday y'e 14th of Janary A D 1771 at the Midle School-House in the first Division at Nine of the Clock in the morning Voted as follows (Viz) Voted Josiali Chauncy Esq Moderator Voted to Adjurn this Meeting for the Space of one Hour & then meet at tliis Place. Voted to Allow two shillings Per Day for summer worke. Voted to Allow one Shilling and Six pence for fall Worke Voted To Allow the hills as they bin Red and Consider, li and that the Assesers Leavey a tax for raising the Same Voted To allow the Re'vd M'r Parsons ninety three pound Six shillings and Eaight Pence & that the Assesers Leavey a );ix for raysing the S.ime. Voted to rais thirtey Pouml for school and that the Assesers Leavey a tax for Eaising tl'.e Same Voted to Bui'.d a Bridge over the mill River near Clareys mill So Call,d Voted to Chews a Cointee to Settle with De'n Ebenezer Di(;kinson a former Tres- urer Respecting a Sum of Money Lodg,d in his hands whic'i is the Eqiiivolent or Reward of a sartin Tract of Land former- ly Call,d the Equivolent Land Voted that Josiah Chauncy E^q Simeon Strong Esq and John Billings be a Com'tee for rhe Purpus shove Test Josiah Chauncy Moderator (Seal) Hampshire ss. To the Consta- bles of the Distrect of Amherst or Either of them Greeting In his Majessfys Name you are R^quir'd to Worn all the free- liolders and otiier Iidieabitants that are Qualified Acording to Law to Vote in Town & Ditrect Meetinsjs that they Con- vene and meet Together at the Middle School hous in the first Sireet in Amherst on Monday the twenty first Day of Jan- uary Currant at two of the Clock in the after Noon to Consider and Act upon the following Articles 1st Wheather the Distrect will set up another School Records op Amherst from 1735 to 1788. 53 - Select Men 2d Whether tlie Distrect Discontinue and Sell any Part of tlie Heigliway in tliis Distrect 3d Wlieatlier the Distrect will Seat the Meeting hous or Make any alteration — and Miike Due Return of tiiis Worrant with your Doing therein to some one or more of us the suhscribers before S'd Meeting. Given under our hand and Seals this Seventeenth Day of Janunry 1771 JOSIAH ChAUNCY Jonathan Edwards Sol'n Boltwood Gideon Dickinson j Return .if the Constables Iiidors thus (viz) — the Directions of this warrant haih bin attended by us Nathan Dickinson Jn'rl ^ , , , ,^ c< >■ Constables David Smith j January 21it 1771 Alt a Legal Merting of tiie Di.strect of Amherst bolden at the School hous near Harllins Stake on Monday y'e twenty first of January A D 1771 Voted as fdlows (viz) Voted Josiah Chauncy Esq Modera- tor Voted that the Select Men Set up a new school at tlie north End of the Distrect the Space of Six weeks in addition to the present school Voted to make sum alterations in seet- ing of the Meetinjf hous — Voted that Lmi. John Dickinson De'n Jonathan Edwards, Ins. John Field Josiaii Cliauncy E>q and Moses Dickinson be a Com'tee for tiie Purpus above Voted that the Above Com'tee be regu- lated by tiie List to be taken for the Pres- ent year to Gether with Kage E-tate and Qualifications Test. Josiaii CiiMuncy Moderator Andierst Distrect Meeting Jan'ry 21st 1771 Voted that there be Granted, to Lieut. William Boltwood and John Nash Jur. all the Land between tiie after Mentioned Line and the Lots in wliicii they Dwell that is to say Eacli of tiiem to have that which lies against his own Lot that is to say. Beginning at a Stake and Stones at the Northwest Corner of the Said John Naslies Lot on Wliich lie Dwells as tbe \ Same ax now Inclos,d thence Running ^ Souiherly to White Oake Tree about three Rods South Said Nasbes Barn llience run- ning to a Stake and Stons Near the South- west Corner Said Nasli,« Lot thence Still Soutlierly to a Stake and Stones at the W)rthwest Corner of Said William Bolt- woods Lot Crossing the townway two rods wide hence to a Stake and Stones about two rods & half westerly of said B dtwoods Birn; tlie said Grant to Said Boltwood being 111 Recoiiipese of the Damage done by Laying the town Way on y'e north side of his La; and the Grant to Said Nash being on Condition of his paying or securing to ibe District 'i'reasurer the sum ot thirty two shillihgs within this Month of January Test Josiah Chauncy Moderator N. B. See Page 9 for J. Nashs land (Seal) Hunpshire ss. To the Cons- tables of tbe Destrict of Amherst tir Either of iheiii Gieeting in his Majestys Name you are required forthwith to Warn all the Freeholders and other Inbeabitaiits of tbe Destrict of Amherst Qualified to Vote in town or District meeting tliat they Con- vene and meet togeiher at the School Hous in tbe first Street in Amherst Near Pel- ham Road Tuesday tbe fifth Day of March Next at Nine of the Clock in the inorning then and there after a Moderator Chosen to See if the Destrict will Vote the follow- ing articles 1st To Chuse Destrict officers Ensuing Year 2d Wheather the Destrect will Con- sider & Determine Respecting such Con- ditional Grants as Have here to fore bin Made by the Destrict whether the Condi- tions are fuUfilled or not and to Conform the Grants lo the Grantees respectively 54 Records of Amherst from 1735 to 17f and make them Absolute Wliere the Grants appear to have been fulfilled. 3d Wliether tlie Destrict will Discon- tinue any Part of the highway in said Des- trict and sell the Same iu any Veary spec- ial Case or Cases — & further more to see if the Destrict will accept of the return of the Select men of a town road Laid out from the North End of the Second Street up Near to G'ulds mill So Call.d 4tli To Deterinin whot what method to repare the Heighways the Ensuing Year 5tli Wheather the Distrect will Let Hodgs run at Large any Part of the Year Ensuing if they are rung & Yoaked accord- ing to Law 6th To see whether the Destrict will accept of the report of the Com'tee Chosen to Seet the Meeting Hons 7ih Wheath'-r the Destrict will Vote that Every Person Seated Sliall Take their Seats where they are Seate.l & id be Es teemed Disorderly if no. & l)e Liable to such a fine as the Court Judge Proper — & malce Due Eeturn of this Warrant with your Doings therein to sum one of us be- fore s,d meeting — Given under our hands & Seal this IStli Day of February 1771 & in the Eleventh year of his Majestys Reign JosiAH Chadncy ] John Dickinson | Sol'n Boltwood }■ Select Men Gideon Dickinson | Jonathan Edwards J Return of the Constables Indors this (viz) the Directons of this Warrant hath Itin attended by me Nathan Dickinson Jnr Constable March 5ih 1771 Alt a Legal Meeting of the Inheabitants of the District of Atnlierst liolden at the School Hous. Near the hartling Stake on Tusday ye 5th Day of March A D 1771 at Nine of the Clock in y'e Morning and Voted as Follows, (viz) Voted Josiah Chauncy. Esq. Modera- tor Voted. Setli Coleman Clerk Voted. Simeon Strong Esq. Treasurer. Voted. Smieon Strong E«q. Ins. John Field. Mose-i Dickinson Alexan'd Smith an I IVter Smith Select men Voted, to adjurn this Meeting for the Spac • of one hour and then to meet at the Scliool hous at or Near the Hartling Stake Voted. Peter Smith I's Jolm Field. Alexan'd Smith Assesers. Voted. Jonathan Dickinson Jn'r Pliilup luiiram Constables. Voted. Simeon Dickinson De'n Simeon Clark. Asael Moody Nath'll Dickinson E ijah Baker Surveyers of Heighways. Voted John Nash Ju'r Gideon Hander- son Jonaihan Moody Jn'r Tithing Men V lied Natli'll Coleman Jonaihan Cowls fens Vewers Voted John Hcddens. Oiver Cowles Gideon Lee Joel. Billings. Lemuel Myody Hogreeves. Voted Moses Cook John Nash Ju'r Joel Moody Joseph Eastman Ju'r Deer Reeves. Voted Jonathan Smith David Blodgit Robert Emmons Wardens. Voted Isaac Goodale Sealer of Leather Voted that the former Com'tee Chosen to Survey the Heighway heretofore go again onto the Line between De'n S. Clarks Lot and the Heighway adjoining to more Critically assertain if Posiable the Line between s,d Simeon Clarks Lot and Heighway adjoining Voted that liie Com'tee Chosen hereto- fore to Survey the town Heighway go on- to the Line at the front of Hezekiah Beld- iiigs Lot and Say how mucii Land if any Shall be Sold to S,d Belding to accommo- date him around his barn, shop & well, and in what form & for how much 'he shall have the Same & make return to the Next Meeting Voted to Chens a Com'tee to Vew the Heighway at the East End of Id's John Fields & Moses Cooks Lot and Say how nmch Land if any Shall be Sold To Sam- Keicords of Amherst from 1735 to 1788. 55 uel Gould in what form and for wliat Sum and make return to the Next meting Voted Si>h)ni()ii Boltwood John Nash Jn'r Daniel Kellogg be a Com'tee for the Purpus above Voted to repare the Heighway this year by a tax Voted that hogs Shall run from ye 20th of May To 20th of August ring,d and yok.d according to Law Voted to adjourn to the meeting hous Voted to accept of tlie Com'tee report in the regulation of the Seats in the Meet- ing hous Test Josiah Chauiicy Moderator A Highway Laid out by us the Sub- scribers in Amiierst May y'e 30th 1770 as follows (viz^ We began at a Large Red Oak Stump Supposed to be the North East Corner of Joseph Eastmans Lot y'e body of the Tree being on the ground being Mark,d H. W. from thence we Ran on the west Side of S,d highway north 14 deg 30 mill East 6o rods tts which Place the Heighway is Laid 12 rods wide oppo- site to which Stands a Stake & Stones on ye East Side y'e Steak Mark,d H. W. then the Heighway Runs on the East Side North 36 deg East 9 1-2 rods to a heap of Stones and a Stake Markt H. W. then North 11 deg East 17 rods to a heap of Stones and a Stake markt H. VV. about 14 or 15 rods to the South of Hoddens Hous where the road is 13. rods & 6. Links wide then we Went to the West Side of S,d Heighway to where we Ended the 60 rods first Mentioned & Continued the Cours North 14 deg 30 min East 12 rods to a pine Stake Mark,il H. W. theji we went to the Laist mention, d Station on ye East Side & ran North 9 deg 30 min West 46 rods to a heap of Stones & Stake Mark,d H. W. than we went to the Laist mention, d Station on y'e West Side (viz) a Pine Stake & ran North 12 deg West 42 rods to a Large White Oak Stump Mark, d H. W. from whence forward the highway is Laid 2 rods wide from said White Oak Stump it run West 31 deg North 11 rods to a heap of Stcmes & a Stake mark,d H. W. then west 34 deg Nortii 28 rods to a Pine Stadle niark.d H. W. then North 38 deg West 45 rods to a pine Stadle marked H W. then North 27 deg West 5 rods to a Pine Stadle Mark,d H. W. then North 43 deg west 7 1-2 rods to a Pine Stadel mark,d H. W. then North 32 deg West 3 rods to a pine Stadle Mark,d H. W. then Nortli 45 deg West 31 rods to a Small Pine Stadle Mark.d H, W. then Nortli 36 deg West 9 rods to a Pine Stadel Mark,d H. W. then Nortli 25 deg West 26 rods to a Small Wiiite Oak Stadel Mark,d H. W. then North 14 deg West 12 rods to a Small Wir.te Burcii Stadel Mark.d H. W. then Nortii 1 deg West 54 rods to a Walnut Stadel in a run of water Mark.d H. W. then North 16 deg west 39 rods t(t a White Oak Stadel Mark.d H. W. then Continued the Same cours 46 rods further to the County Road Survey, d By Eben'r Childs. Damages as Estimted by the suscribers To Ebenezer Williams £0 5 To Joseph Eastman 6 6 To Elijah Baker 10 To Noah Smith 10 Josiah Chauncy ^ Gideon Dickinson I Select Men Jon'th Edwards J The Above lleporte of the Select Men is Voted Test Josiah Chauncy Moderator Voted tiiat Daniel Kellogg Natlian Dick- inson Gideon Dickinson Moses Warner John Billings Josiah Moody Eli Parker James Meri'-k Timothey Green Aaron Warner Lemuel Moody Simeon Strong Joseph Eastman & Jonathan Dickinson have fullfill,d the Conditions of their Re- spective Grants made to them at the Dis- trict Meeting Janu'y Ist 1770 of Land that were before Part of the townway and that the Said Grants be & hereby are made absolute to them respectively and their Heirs forever — 56 Records of Amherst from 1735 to 1788. Voted that Ji)hn Niish Jn'r has fulfilled the Coiidiuoii oi the Grant of Land made to him rtt tiie last Jaunary Meeting and tliat lie hold tlie Same Land in Fee .Voted that Sim ■on Sirnnij ji^s fulfilled the Condition of the Grant made to him of that Piece of L md wiiich Lies Uftw-^en Peiham Road & the Burying yard & that the Same Land be & hereby is Confirmed to him & his Heirs Voted that Preseved Clnp lias fulfilled the Condition of the Grant Made to liim of Land on the South Side (if Simeon Dick- insons Lot & that tile Same be & hereby is Confermed to him and his Heirs Test JosiAii Chauncy Moderator April 22. 177L Alt A Letjal Meeting of the Dislr. ct of Amheist at the Meeting House on Monday y'e twenty Seuond Day of April A D 1771 at two of the Clock in y'e afternoon, and Voted as tollows (viz) Voted Moses Dickin>on Moderator VoLed to accept of the List of Jurers as they have been red Voted to Clmse a Com'tee to agree with Eben^zar Williams respecting a Bit of his Lot North of his hous wanted tor a rode and make a reporte to sum futer meeting Voted Peter Smith Moses Dickinson and Nath'U Coleman a Com'tee for the purpus above Voted To accept of the Report of the Com'tee Chosen to Settle with De'n Et)en- ezer Dickinson &c Test Moses Dickinson Moderator Seal Hampshire ss. Amherst To the Constab[l]e8 of the Destrict of Amherst or Either of them Greeting — Y>u are hereby required in his Majestys Name to Notify the Inheabitants of Said District Qualified by Law to Vote in Town affairs that tliey Meet together at the Meet- ing Hons in Said District on Wednesday the fifth Day of June Next at two ol the Clock afternoon, then and there after Moderator Chosen to Do & transact the following things (viz) 1st To Hear tlie Petition of Landlord Moses Warner for discontinuing that Part of the town way lying on the North Side of his Lot which he has incl()s,d within his Fence or Such part thereof as Shall be Necessary to make up the Breadth of his Lot; or otherwise to make him a grant of Land in some other Part of the Said way sufficient to Make up the Land that is wanting in his said Lot 2d To Hear the Reporte of the Com'tee heretofore Chosen to Consider what Land should be granted To Jonathan Dickinson in said way as a Keeompence for his Land taken up in the Kings Heigliway artd grant so much Land t') saiil Dickinson as shall be thought proper & to Discontinue such part of said way as shall be granted to him 3d To hear the Request of Jidin Mor- ton for Discontinuing a part of the town- way which lie has Inclos,d & sel to him so much of said Lfind as shall be thought pr.'per 4iy To Determine Wheather the Dis- trict will allow Aimer Lee to keep up his Fence about his Field in the town way and on VViiat Condition and for what time oly To Determine wheather the Dis- trict will allow De'n Simeon Clark to Keep up his fence round Ins Crop Sowed in the town way Eist of his hous & tor what lime & for what Consideration Hereof fail not and make due Return of this Worrant & your Doings hereiii at or before the time of holding said Meeting. Dated at amherst the 31st Day of May Ano dotnini 1771 SiMKON Strong "] Peter Smith I o i ^ in iM ,, ^ - Select Men Moses Dickinson | Alex'd Smith J Return of the Constables Indors. thus (viz) The Directions of this Worrant hath bin attended by us Jonathan Dickinson Jn'r PiiiLUP Ingram : Constables Records of Amherst from 1735 to 1788. 07 June 5tli A D 1771 Att a Legal meeting of tlie Distivct of Ainlierst liolden at tlie Meetiny: Hous on Weilnesday y'e 5tli June 1771 at two of y'e Clock in y'e after noon Voted as fol- lows (viz) Voted Josiah Cliauncy Esq. Modrator Votfd to Cliuse a Coin'tee to survey Lau'd Moses Warners Lot and see how much land the town has taicen of his Lot for a liighway on tde Nortli side and De- termin how mneli Land sliall be ascined to Moses Warner where and in what form Also to affix boundarys to h bit of Land formerly ascined toJonatiian Dickinson as a Rr-compence for the Land taken from him for a Heighway and the survey of the same &c Voted That Simeon Strong Esq Moses Dickinson Josiah Chauncy E-q be aConi'- tee for tilt* Pnrpus above Voted that the same Com'tee be direct ed on the Petition of John Morton to Vt-w the town way near Jolin Mortons House & se what Land is nicessary for the town to allow him to hold there & make Reporte to the Meeting Voted that the said Com'tee do not Pro- ceed to prosecute Aaron Lee for Incum- bring the way till the further order of the town Voted that a Com'tee be Chose to De- termin what rent De'n Clark give to the Town for his Land in y'e town way East of his Hous Voted that Isaac Goodale Moses Cook and John Nash Jr be a Com'tee for that Purpose. Voted that this Meeting be adjiirned to the Monday after next at ftmr of the Clock afternoon Attest Josiah Chauncy Moderator Amherst District Meeting by Adjurn- ment on Mondiy the 17th Day of January. i a Clock afternoon Voted that there be granted to Jonathan Dickinson in Recompence for Land for- merly taken for y'e Kings Heighway from the Lot whereon his Son Simeon Dickin- son now dwells, four Acres and three Quarters of an Acre of Land in the town way north of & adjoining the Lot of Moses Warner in Pi.rni following (viz) Begin- ning at tiie Rear of the Second Division Lota the whole Breadth of the way being sixi,t> n Rods thence running Westerly Carryina the Whole Breadth of said Way forty six rods two feet and half to Bounds marked & made by the Com'tee and that the whole of the Town Way Lying within the before mentioned Limits be & hereby is discontinued. Voted that the southerly Line of the said town way from said Jonathan Dick- insons Grant westerly hereafter shall beas follows (viz) Beginning at a Stake & Stones in tlie Westerly Line of Said Dick- inson, s Grant and nine Rods Northerly from the Southwest Corner thereof thence running West seven Degrees thirty Min- utes north about fifty four rods to a burch Slake & Stones not far Soutli of the Parth thence West forty two Degrees North ten rods to a Stakes & Stones thence West fif- teen Decrees & thineen Minutes North to a Stake Six rods : thence the same Point Eighty two rods to a Stake and Stones in Moses Warners Fence south from Preserv- ed Claps Shop, thence West fourteen De- grees South twelve rods to a Stake & Stoiit s thencd west 11 deg South 6 rods to a Siaite Markd H. W. & Stones, thence West 30 deg 30 inin north 10 rods to a Stake & Si;oiies thence about thirty Rods west 3 deg North to a Stake & Stones in the front Line of the original Lots and that all that Part of said Way which Lies south of Said Line be & hereby is discontinued Voted that all the Land in Said Way south of the Line aforesaid being tour Acres & half and sixteen Rjds more then Moses Warner has Inclosed be and hereby is Granted to Moses Warner as a compen- sation for his original Lot taken formerly in Said Way and which now makes a Part of said Jonathan Dickinsons Grant 58 Records of Aivjherst from 1735 to 17^ and for what was wanting in Quantity of Land formerly Granted to liim & wiiich he boui^ht of the Town of Hadley The Above Votes Piiist in District Meeting Attest JosiAH Chauncy Moderator Meeting October 30th 1771 Att a Legal meeting of the District of Amherst Hol(ien at the Meeting hous on Wednesday the thirtieth day ut October at tliree oCiock atternoon A 1771. Voted as follows (viz) V.ited Peter Smitli Moderator Voted that the Select men be impowerd to Draw money out of the Treasury to pay the Necessary repairs of the Meeting hous & School houses Tes't Peter Smith Moderator Meeting Novein'r 8. 1771 Att a Letial meeting of the District of Amherst Holden at the Meeting hous on Friday the E iij^th Day of November 1771 at two of the Cluck after noon, anil Voted as follows (viz) Voted Simeon Strong Esq Moderator Voted to take sum further Measurs to obtaiii an alteration of the Heighway Lately Laid through the third Division to Belchers town through John Billings Lot. Voted Moses Dickinson be an Aiient to forward a Petition to Court for the purpus aforesaid Test. Simeon Strong Moderator Meeting December 21 1771 At a Legal Meeting of the District of Amherst Holden at the Meeting hous on Monday y'e 2d Day of December 1771 ai one of the clock in y'e afternoon Voted as follows (viz) Voted Peter Smith Moderator Voted to Adjurn to the school hous iieai the Heartling Stake Voted that the Courts Cora'tee Lately Chosen to vew the County rode Lately Laid in the third Division in order to make sum alteration or removal of said rode Shall come Voted to Chuse a Coin'tee to wait on the Courts Com'tee Voted that Simeon Strong Esq & Peter Smith be a Coin'tee for y'e purpus above Voted that the Comtee be shewed acros the East End of the third Division of Lots Leading from Log town ta Pelham Kode and also a rode Leading from Noah Dickin- sons by De'n Jonathan Edwards and thomas Hasting, 8 to Come in with the New County Rode Near Nath'll Pecks. Test. Peter Smith Moderator Meeting January 13th A. D. 1772 Att A Legal Meeting of the District of Amherst holden at the School hous Near Landlord Warners on Monday the thir- teenth Day of January A. D. 1772 at Nine of the Clock in morning Voted as follows (viz) Voted Alexander Smith Moderator Voted to adjurn this Meeting for the space of one hour and then return to this Place Voted to Allow two Shillings per Day in Summer for worke & one Shilling & Sixpence per day in fall Voted to Allow the Bills as they have bin red & Considerd Voted to Allow the Re'vd David Persons his Sallery as in years Paist Voted that the Assesers be impowerd to Asses the money Voted above Voted to Allow Simeon Strong Esq forty fore Shillings it being money he paid to the Corts Com'tee for their Ser- vices 111 December 1771 V'lted to Take sum Measures to divide the District into two Pearishes Voied To adjurn tills Meeting to the 14tli Day of January Current at one of the Cb'ck afternoon Amherst District Meeting by Adjiirn- ment on Tuesday the 14th Day of January A. D. 1772 one Clock afternoon Voied that the Select Men be Directed to Preambiilate the Line between Hadley and Amherst Records of Amherst from 1735 to 1788. 59 Voted ti) CImse (I Coni'tee to Lay out a lleciimpence in Land to Josepli Clmrcli fi)r his Land taken for a town way & make a report to sum futer meeting Voted that Elijaii Bdk.T & Et)enezer Dickinson Jn'r be a Com'tee for tlie Pur- pose above Voted llmt the School house that is near Edward Smiths lious be removed to the Ertst Side of the Street upon Private Expenue and tliat tiiere be a Com'tee Cliosen to aay wheare it shall stand Voted that Isaac G^xidale Solomon Boltwood & .j'hn Billings be a Coni'tee tor the Purpus al)ove Voted to Make De'n Ebenezar Dickiii- soti som Mllowance for his former trouble in Collecting Alvords Debt Votet. Alexand'r Smith Moderator Meeting March lOlh 1772 Att a Legal Meeting of the District of Amherst holdeii at the Meeting llous on Tuesday the tenth Day of March at Nine of the Clock Forenoon A. D. 1772 Come Into the following Votes (viz) Voted Alexander Smith Moderator Voted Seth Coleman District Clerk Voted Simeon Strong Esq Treasurer Voted John Dickinson Natl.i'll Dickin- son Moses Dickiiuon Rut)en Dickinson & John Billings Selectmen Voted John Billings John Dickinson Ruben Dickinson Assesers Voted to adju'-n for the Space of one hour and then to Meat at this place Voted Joseph Dickinson Joel Moody Constables Voted Eli P-.rker William Boltwood David Hlotchet Joseph Church Surveyors of Highways Voted Jonathan Cowles Nath'll Coleniati Fens Vewers Voted Jonathan Moody Jn'r John Nash Jn'r Dear Rives Voted Elijah Buker Daniel Dickinson David t/owles Tytbiiiti men Voted Jacob Warner Jn'r Timothey Green Jn'r Oliver Clap Robert Emmons Ezerah Roode Hog Rives Voted Joseph Cbureli Surveay of Lum- ber Voted Isaiic Goodale Sealer of Leather Voted to Repare the Heighways this year by the Pole Voted E i»har Ingram Isaac Goodale Asaliel Moody Wardens Voted to Let Hogs run well ring,d and yoked sum part of the year Voted that liogs shall run from the fifteenth of May' to the tenth of August next Hamperd as above Voted to a'ljuin to the 11th Day of March Currant at Nine of the Clock in the morning then meet at this Place Amherst District Meeting by adjurn- ment on Wednesday the 11th of March 1772 at Nine of the Clock in the morning Voted to adjurn to the School hous by Landlord Warners Voted to adjurn for the space of one hour then to meet at this Place Voted that the Select Men Draw Money out of the Treasurey to Pay for Schooling this year Voted to accept of the report of a Com'- tee Chosen to Lay out a bit of Land to Josepli Church which is as follows Amherst March 9th 1775 Att a Legal Meeting on January the 13th we the Subscribers being Chosen a Com'- tee to Lay out sum Land to Joseph Church accordingly we liave gon and laid it out as follows Beginning at the Mill Siver on the west Side of the way N. then Runing Mt. seven rods & half t,) a Chesnot Siadel which we 60 Records of Amherst from 1735 to 17^ Markt H. W tlieii runing south forty ro.ls ti> a pino Stadt^l tliat we marked H W tliPiiee Mr. seven rods & half tliis jjives liim one acre & seven sc..re rods cfLaiid which we find by the survt-yers Plan to be tlie same in quaniity that the town had of him for a hi^jhway by us Elijah Ijaker Ebenzar Dickinson Jn'r the Vole tnken respecting the Dividing of the Distrect into two Districts or par- ishes was pai,»t in ihe NejjHtive by a tie of Votes Test Alexander Smith Moderator iM-eii..n April 21. A D 1772 Att a Lagal meeting of the District of Amher>t H.dden at the Meeting IIous on Tuesday y'e twenty fii>t day of aprii at fore of the Chick aftern..on Voted as fol- lows (viz) Voted John Billings Moderator Voted to accej)! ofihe Jurers as they have bin agreed on l)y the Select Men Ti-st. Meeting August 17th. 1772 Att a LegHJ Meeting of the DiKtrect of Amnerst liolden at the Meeting hous on Monday the 17ih D^y of August 1772 at three of the Clock afternoon Voted a* follows (viz) Voted Josiah Chauncy E-q. Moderator Voted To apj)rove the Doings of tlie Select Men in employing M'r Gay B>.llan- tine to Keep the Grammar School Voted to Improve M'r William Guy Balleiitine for Six months from Ins first Entering in the School Voted to Chuse a Com'tee to transact the affaire of schooling for the six^nonth mention, (1 above Voted that Moses Dickins Lev't John Dickinson & John Billings be the Com'tee above Voted that the Com'tee ab ive Should weight on Mr. William Gay Ballantine & inform hitn of the Votes of the town as they Stand above &c Attest Josiah Chauncy Moderator Meeting Aug'st 17tli [24?] A d 1772 At a Legal Meeting of the Distrect of Amherst holden at the Meeting lious on Monday y'e twente of August 1772. Voted as follows (viz) Voted John Billing" Moderator. Voted to Take .-uin further measures for the removal of the Coutitey Rode through John Billings Lot Voted to Shew tlie Courts Cotn'tee that is Coming to vew the County rode throUjj,li John Billings Lot the Kode Call,d the Nonh rode Attest Meeting January y'e 18 AD 1773 Alt a Legul Meeting of the District of Amherst Holden at the Meeting Hous on Monday y'e 18th D»iy of January A. D. 1773 at Nine of the Clock in the Morning Voted as follows (viz) Voted Moses Dickinson Moderator Voted to Adjurn to the School hous Near Landlord Fieles Voted to accept of ilie Bills as they have bin Red and Consider, d VotKl to adjurn for the Space of one hour and then Meet at this Place Voted that the Assesers be Inipowered to Leavey a tax sufficient to Defreay the Debts of the District as they have been paist & also to pay tlie Rev'd David Par- son'* his Salery as in years paist Voted upon the Petition of Peletiah Smith Jn'r and Nathan Dickinson for Damages that they Sustain l)y the Coun- tey rode being Liid across their Liiid in the third Division to Chews a Com'tee to go on the Land and See wheather they Shall haVB any Damages or Either of them and if any how much and make Report to the Next Meeting Voted that Moses Dickinson Esq Chauncy and Solomon Boitwood be a Com'tee for the Piirpus above Voted upon the Petition of Simeon Strong E-^q. to Cheuse a Com'tee to see Wheather M'r Strong sliall have tiie Lib- erty of Purchasing a gore of Land before Records of Amherst from 1735 to 1788. V 61 Ids liouse as mention in the Warrant (viz) twelve feet wide from Near tlie Placf wlie;ir his old linrn formerly stood runitifj to a point at the wi-st suit- dt his L •' & for what sum and that ihej make report to tiie Nex Meeting Voii-d ])Mni KeliDiTK, Es(j Channey, Ins. John Field, he a Com'tee for the Pnrpus above &c Voted to liaise thirtey five Pounds far tlie use of sciiooling in the year Insewintj V'lted thii 111' Ansesers he Impovvcrd to rais the money mentinned almve for tiie use of Schooling and give auder for tiie Same Voted tliat article of proviiiitiyr (or more scliD.iiin;; for Small t.;hildri-n in li silish Schools Shall Be Postponed to March Meeting Voted that tiie Self-ct men Shall waigiit on Abner Lee for tiie Performance ot liis agreement of repairini; the Heighway across the Second Division of Lots Near the South End of Amherst lill iiie Laist Day of May Next and if it is not tlien Repar,d the Select Men Shall aud^r the Treasurer to Prosecute Abner Lee. Attest. Moses Dickinson Moderator Meeting March y'e 8ih A D 1773 Att a Legal Meeting of the District of Amherst holden at the Meeting hous on Monday y'e 8th Day of March A D 1773 at Nine of the Clock in the morning Voted as follows (viz) Voted John Billings Moderator Voted Seth Coleman Destrict Clerk Voted Simeon Strong Esq. Treasurer Voted John Dickinson Moses Dickinson Nath'll Dickinson Ebenezar Mattoon Tlu- ben Dickinson Select men Vi'ted Ebenezar Mattoon Moses Dick- ins'in Ruben Dickinson Assesers Voted Ruben Ingram Simeon Smith Constables Voted to Adjurn tiiis Meeting for the .Space of one hour and then meet at this place Voted Natlian Dickinson, Jomtthan Smith, Isjiao Hu I)im| Daniel Dicdtinson, Mariiiiii Kellogg Thomas lla>tings Sur- veyers of highways Voted Martain Smith Hezekiah Belding Joseph Ciiurch tything Men Voted Jonathan Cowles Nath. Coleman fens Vewers Voted Elishar Dickinson Elislier Good- ale, Aarctn Warner Jn'r Simeon Elmer Jost ph Smith Hogreeves Voted Jonathan Dickinson Jn'r Jotiathan Mooily Jn'r Deer reeves Voted Thomas Hastings Seler of Leath- er Voted that Hogs shall run ring,d and yoke,d according to Law from the Midle of May Next to the lir.st of September Next Voted Martaiu Smith oliver Cowles Pliilup Ingram Wardens Voted to allow five month schooling to Each Quarter of the town in the Insuing year in that Part of the year when the Select men Sliall Judg most profatable ior the Inlieahitanis Voted to adjurn to the School hous Near Landlord Fields hous Voted that the Preambulatry of the Line between Hadley & Amherst Lately run by the Selectmen of Hadley and Amherst be acctpted as follows (viz) from the bay rode to the >V. M. tree Standing at the Soutwest Corner of John Billings Lot and no further; tiiis being the report of the Selectmen as by them returned Voted to Allow Peletiah Smith tiie Sum of three pounds as reward for the County rode Lately Laid a Cross his Lot in the third Division Voted to Allow Nathan Dickinson Jn'r. three pounds a[s] a reward for the County R lad Laid a Cross his Lot in the third j Division. Voted to accept of the Report of a Com'- , tee Chosen to Set of a bit of Land to Sim- eon Strong Esq. before his dore (viz) be- ginning twenty feet wide against wiiere his old barn stood runing to a point against ^% ^QQRD* OFTAmHEKSTi^ROM 1735 TO 17^ Ips h>ini as it now StHnds Containing about Si^ ,I,iiids,f(pprais,(i at three shillings Voted to Allow Nathen Dickinson Jn'r Preserved Clap Provence Rme ior the year 1771 Attest John Billings Moderator The Report of the Select Men for a Heitihway whicli is as follows (viz) Amherst february y'e 8th 1773 this May inform that we the Subscribers have Laid a town Rode through Peter Smiths Lot wliear on his lious Stnnbury road said rode to be four rods in wedth. P'r Simeon Parsons Surveyer the Above reporie of tiie Select men for a Rode Voted Attest John Billings Moderator Meeiitig April y'e 14th. A D 1773 Att a Legal Meeting of the* Distrect of Amhearst holden at the Meeting Hous on Wednesday the forteenth Day of April A D 1773 at one of the Clock after Noon Voted as follows (viz) Voted Moses D.ckinson Moderator Voted to be at the Expence of twelve month schooling for gramer schooling in the Winter Ceason Voted to Build two Meetinghouses in the Distrect of Amherst Voted that Timothey Green Shall have Liberty to fence and Improve all tiie town way between the front of his lot and the County Rode for the ^pace of two year and then fling it up to Commonage weell seeded to grass Voted to Exchange Sutn of the Heigli- way wiih Noali Dickinson for sum of liis Land Voted to Chuse a Comt'ee for the pur- piis above and thnt they make Reporte to Sum fuier Meeting Voted De'n. Jonathan Edwards Daniel Kellogg and Joseph Church be a Com'tee for the Purpus above The Petition of Sundry of the Inhe ibit- ants to be free,d from the Charge of Build- ing two Meeting houses (as has Oin Voted above) was Consider, d and Paist in the Negative &c Meetitig January 3d: AD 1774 Art, a Legal Meeting of the District of Amherst Holden at the Meeting Hons on Monday the 3il Day of January 1774 at Nine of the Clock in the Morning and Voted as follows (viz) Voted Moses Dickinson Moderator Voted to accept of the Bills as they liave t)in Red and Corrected and that the asses- ers he impowered to Leavey a tax for raising the Same Voted to allow the Re'vd David Parsons his Salery as in years paist and that the Assesers Leavey a Tax tor Raising the Same Voted to Adjurn this Meeting for the Space of one Hour and then to meet at this place Records of Amherst from 1735 to 17^ Voted to Make wnswer to tlie Pi-tition of Sundry of tlie Inlieahitats of Aiidierst and the CitHtiiMi tlifTeby Sent from the general Conn Voted to Clioose ii Ciun'tee to Draw up said answer and forward ilie Same to tlie general Court. V Moses Diikinson Lev't, John Dickinson. Moses Smith Ruben Dickinson Joseph VViliianis Eli Parker Ebenez ir Dickinson be the Com'tee for the Purpus above Voted to Leave the Conduct of tlie affears for which the Com'tee [were] Chosen to be Conducted by tliein as they Sliall think best for tlie Town Voted to Divide tlie District of Amherst by an East and west Line from the Cen- tre of the Meeting House as it now Stands by a Large Majority Voted to Chews a Com'tee for the Pur- pus above Voted To refer it to the former Com'tee Chi'sen to make Answer to tlie CduiIs Ci- tation Moses Dici^inson Modnrator Meeting January 2(>rh AD 1774 Att a Legal Meeting of the District oi Amherst Holden at the Meeting Hotis on Wetnesday y'e 26th Day of January at Nine of the Clock in y'e morning Voted as follows (viz) Voted Moses Dickinson Moderator Voted to Choose tWD Atretits to Refer a Petition to the General Court to obtain the Division of the Distr. ct of Amherst as it was voted in the Laist Meeting Voted that Moses Dickinson be one of the Agents above Voted that Rubin Dickinson be the other Voted that these Agents be impowerd to Draw Money out of the Trcasurey to Defray the Necessary Chardges of S,d Pe- tition Voted that the Select Men be Impowerd to give auder upon the Treasurer to Draw out twelve pound of money for the above S.'d A'-'enis to Defray their Necessary Chardges of S,'d Petition Voted to Authourise two Men to Make answer to the general Courts Citation in Consequence of a I'etition of a Number of the Inheabitaiis nf Amherst Voted Ruben Dickinsim be one of the Agents Voted Moses Dickinson Be the other V 'icl til Chews a Com'tee of Corris- poiidence t > Refer with the Com'tee of Cnrrispondance in the Town of iJoston Voted Ruiien Dickinson JosephWilliums Moses Dickinson Jacob McDaniel Naih'll Dickinson he the Com'tee affore S,'d Voted that the Cmn'tee Lraw up a Let- ter for the Com'tee of Corrispondance in Boston to Be Red m the Next iM<'eting Moses Dickinson Moderator Meetir-.g Marcl) Hth 1774 Att a Legal Meeting of the District of Amherst Holden at the Meeting lions on Monday the 14ih Day of March A D 1774 at Nine of the Clock in the morning. Voted as follows (viz) Voted Moses Dickinson Moderator Voted Seth Coleman District Clerk Voteil SiniecHi Strong Esq District Treasurer Voted Ruben Dickinson John Dickin- son Moses Dickin»on N^tli'll Dickinson Ebenezar Muttoon Selectmen Voted Moses Dickinson John Dickin-. son Ruben Dickinson Assesers Votfd Oliver Cowles John Williams Constables Voted Ilenerey Jonson Frankling Enos Coleman Gideon Dickinsim Jn'r Edivard Smith T> thing Men Voted To adjiirn this Meeting for the Space of one hour and then Meet at this Place Voted Abner Adorns Nath'U Dickinson 81 Alexaiid Smith Njithan Dickinson Jn'r Noah Smith Timothey Green Gideon Dickinson Surveyers of Highways 64 Records of Amherst from 1735 to 17^ Voted (() D^) Ht-igliway VVorke lliis year by the Pole Voted iliat Town Heigliwnys Sluill be Put in Repar Equally Wiili tlie Comity Rods Voted Asael Moody Mart. .in Kt-llogtf Dearrits Voted Jonathan Cowles Naili'll Colf- niaii fens Vewtrs Voted Tliomas Hastin^is Seler of Leath- er Vote.) M..se» Cook, Jonallian Moody Jn'r Jolin Billings Daniel Church Barna- bas Sabin.i Samufl Hruery Hogrif> Voted Joseph Church Survey, r of Luni ber Voted Noali Dickinson, Lent. William Boltwood Isaac Hiibhard Wardens Voted to allow Saiwuel goiilds Bill for Sweeping the Meeting hoiis and fasten- ing the Dors (viz) £1-0 4 Voted to Chews a Conftee to wait upon the Courts Coni'tec that is to K^ pare to Ainhejstto Discide the Dispute respect- ing the Divieion of Amherst &c Vol d Kiiben Dickin.son Moses Dickin- son M6se» Smith be ihe C^m'tee ab.ve Voted to Allow ihe Coiirtee above a Reason.iiiie ie«,ird For tlieir C rvic-s Voted to Accept of the Letter of C.-r- r. >.. ndahce Diaw.i up by the C .lll'lee Chosen y'e Laist Meeting to Refer w.ih the Com'tee of C..rrespond in B .ston as it haili bill Now led Voted thai the same should be Record- ed on y'e town book &c Att MosKs DiUKiNsox Moderator liOrter of Correspondence At a meeting of the Freeholders and other loheabitinis of the District nf Am- hersi in the C"uniy of Hampshire on Wed nesday the 26tli of January Laist, it was Voted that the Letter Receiv.l from the Com'tee of CJorresuondance in the towu of Boston should be red and Consider,d — whereupon the f .llowing gentlemen, vizt. Moses Di.-kinson Ruben Dickin-nn, Ja- cob McDaniel, Nathain'l Dickinson, & Joseph Williams were Chosen and appoint- ed a Com'tee to prep ir an answer at their Next Annual Meeting in March when the following was submitted to the Consider- ration of Said District To the Respectable Committee of Cor- respcMidence in the town of Boston Geiit.'n We think it needless to Recapitulate all those grievancses Wideh we suffer in Common with our oppre^t Brethren and Neiabbois. Sufficient to Say that tiio we have been L uig siUiit we are not insensi- ble of th-^ oppressions we suffer and the ruin whicli tlireatens us or regardiis of the Diaboliral Desisjiis of our Mercenary and ManevolPiit Enemies Foreign and Domes- tic and are r^ady not onley to risque but even to Sacrifice our Lives and Properties in Defence of our just rights & liberties at Present we are only Gilled not subdued and think oursplves heajiv in bavintr such visfilaut and faithful gardiins of our rights in the Metropolis on liooni we Can Depend to Call on ns in Sea»on to unite with our suffering Country nen in the Common Cause of Americn we hope and beg that you will Still Persevere iu that most Honorrble & importent Imploynient of WMtcbiui; over us with the Same Care and Fidelity which has hitherto Distin- guish, d & grately Dignified your Charac- ters in the Esiiniaiion of all who have a just sence of that hest of Blessings Liber- ty & an Equal abhorence of that tame sub- mition which tends to Pintail on our Pos- terriiy that worst of Curses Sb'Very Every Avenue to the Royal E ir seems to be blocked up by the gross falsities & Dei-itrnil Misrepresentations of those from sum of whom at Least we initjht have Ex- pected better things but there is a King who Cannot be Deceived & who will not be mocked who has pointed out a never failing resource when Petitions & Renion- stances, Triiih & justice are iinsuccesfully Opposed to Tiroiiey and Oppression fals- Records of Amherst from 1735 to 17< 65 liDOil & Coiriiptioii & when you feel that iiiil)UNe wliicli will iioi hrocik I er I ' - la^', llie vvixhim ot'ihe People will iiamral- ly wriie ill the iiioii.- i)t the hesl ApjeHl, to which }ou most Disiant Brethren Ex- pect to be siinimoned unless prevent, d b> ii suihiiiiy unexpected & very fnvourable (.niand^-e ot fitieais. their are whom Ju-tice torliids to live l)Ut whom we would spare to t;.iiiviiice the world we Despise thiir utMHisi li;ue & maliciiiiis Cuiuiiiik- the Colonies united t-rvaiioii of llint union outweighs every other ConsidHratinii and is at Pres- ent our most Iinp>>rtant Concern, while that is secure we have nothing to fear bui may Ltugh at all attempts to Enslave us we know of no punishment wliicli Can be Inflicted on tluise vilros in Exalted- Sta tions adi qiiate to ilieir own leflections & remorse accompanyd witli our Neglect, Contempt & Detestation luit at the s mie time should tiiink ourselves happier if Everey banefull Nnxinus weed Could by aney means be Eradicated from this our lair garden of Liberty, we Entirely ap- prove & Concurf with you in every me s- ure liitherto ad'ipted & Coiuhicted & re- turn our uratefuil thanks to the People ot Boston & the Neighboring towns iu n Per- ticuler nianiier for tne seasonable Indeav- ours & mandley opposition to prevent the Lmdint; of the East Imlia Cumpanys teas which Plan we are Convi,ic,d was arteful- ly Projected to open the gate for the adini- tioii (jf Tyrany & oppression with all their Papacious followers to Stalk at Lanje & niicontrnl.d to Ifavage our fare & Dear bought Possessions. Everey ine'isure which shall apnear Conducive to the Pub- lick good we are warranted to asiire you will alwa}s hp approved & support, d by a Larue Majorrity in tliis District and [y?]our Continual Correspondence as Loiitf as you sliall think occaiion requires meet with Due respect & attention we are in behalf of the District vt^ry Ke>ptciluily Gent'm your oblig'd & most hble, servts Moses Dickinson '\ KiiUBEN Dickinson Jacob McDaniel {-Committee Nath i.L Dickinson Joseph Williams Voted that ilif above be lleconied and an attes'd t'<>py be Transfer'd to the Hon- ourable Com'tee of Correspondance in the town of Boston Meeting May 23d 1774 At a Legal Mt-eting of the District of Amherst Uolden at the Meetinjj houa on Monday the 23d Day of May A D 1774 at two of the Clock in the afternoon Voted as follows (viz) Voieii liut)en Dickinson Moderator Voted to spnd Rubi'n Dickinson as an agent to the general Court to hear the lle- pourt of the Couits Committee Voted that the above said agent shall Coiidui't the att'ear as he shall, think best for the town Voted to furnish the agent with money Voted to Impower the Selectmen to Draw out S vei. pound of money for the agent above to Defray his Necessary Chardges Voted to Accept of the Jurys as they have bin r . (I &,■ KuBEN Dickinson Moderator Meeting Sept. 20th 1774 Alt a Meeting of District of Amherst ou Tuesday y'e 20th of Sept 1774 Voted as follows (viz) Voted Natli'll Dickinson Moderntor Voted to Chose a Com'tee of Correspon- dence as a Standing Com'tee Voied Moses Di(;kinson Joseph East- man Jacob McDaniel John Dickinson & Natb'll Dickinson Jn'r l.e tiie Com'tee aflfore Said Voted to Chose three Deligates to Meet in beiialf of the District at Nortliam|iton on y'e 22d of Inst Sept. 66 Records of Amherst from 1735 to 17< Voted Moses Dickiiisx)ii Jacob McDan- iel & John Dickinson be the Deligates afFore Said &c Nathll Dickinson Moiierator Meetirifi October 3d 1774 Att a Legnl Meeting of the Freeholders and other Inheahiiants of the District of Amherst Qualified by L> ting Voted Unanimously to Send one Dele gate and but one to attend at the Proren- tial Conyress at Concord aff"ore Snid Voted that M'r Nath'll DicUin-on Jn'r be the Person to attend to the Provincinl Congir«s at Concord siOove Mentiom d .V itr.'t MosKs Dickinson Moderator jVleeiina dannary 2>l 1775 Att a Legal Meeting of the Freeholders and Hther Iidiahitants of the Di-trict of Amherst Qualified to Vote for a Repre- sentative on Monday the second Day ot January 1775 at Nine of the Clock in the forenoon Pursuant to a Legal Worrant for that purpose Voted that NhiIi'II Dickinson Jn'r be a Moderator to Govern said Meeting Voted to Send one Delagate & but one to att.-nti \ ' Pr.iVenliiii Co 'gress to be h olden at Cambridge on y'e first Day of febniary Next or sooner if(^iM,ii t .r Voted that Natb'll Dickinson junr be tlie 1) .. t;aie to attend the Piovential Congress to be holdeii at Cambridge as affore S,d Attest Natb'll Dickinson for moderator. MeeiiMti February 23d An a Leyral \!eeing of the District of Amherst holden at the Meeting bous on thir-day y'e twenty third Day of February 1775 at Nine of the Clock in the morning Voted as follows (viz) Voted Moses Dickinson Moderator Voted to allow M'r Natb'll Dickinson Jr's Bill for going to the two Provential (^llli>r■•sses Paist Voted to allow all the Bills as they have bin r- il & Corrected tor the year Paist Voted to allow M'r Josiah Peirs our Proportional part of his Chardges for goint; tenezar Boltwood Sim- eon Clark & Moses Dickinson be the Com'tee for y'e purpus above Voted that when ihe Constal)les (or ilie year 177-i have Collected ihe Provence Tax for said year that ihey Shall Pay the Same to the above Com'tee Cliosen for that Puipiis Voted that it the (.^..nsables for y'e year 1771 i'roiince a recp't from y'e Com'- tee or Either of ihem for the Payment ot any part of the Provence Tmx to them or Eitiier of ihem this District will indemnifi ye Sd. Constables lor such Money so paid Voted that this District will use their Utmost Iiideavour to ascist the Coiistahles ill Colleciiiig their taxes Voted to Chose a Com'cee of Inspec- tion who shall Exert themselves in Cans ing the associaiioii of the Coniinental Congress as also a Resolve of the Provin- cial Congress Pais,d on y'e first Day ot December laist for Carying into Execu- tion the association to he truly adlie^rjd to & Executed as also to suppress all Ped- lers & Petty Chapmen Voted Noidi Dickinson Nathan Dickin- son Hezekiali Belding Joseph Williamsj Isaac Hubliard Ehentzr Dickinson, Gid- eon Dickinson John Billings Nath'll Dickinson Jn'r be the Com'tee above Voted to Cho>e a Com'tee who shall Gary a subscription Paper to tiie several Pheamileys within this District to give them an opertunity to subscrihe such things as they shall Pleas for the Relief of the Poor of Boston & Charletnwn and Make Return thereof to March Meeting Voted Ehenezor Mattoon Ebenez;»r Eaatnian Jonathan Dickinson Jn'r Joel Moody Nathan Dickinson jnr be the Com'tee atiove Attest: MosKS DiCKmsoN Modemtor At n Leirsil meetintt of the Fr^-ehohlers and other Inhabitants of the District of Amherst Qualified to vote in Town affairs on Teusday the twenty eighth Day of March A D 1775 at Nine of the Clock in the forenoon Pur«ui»nt to a Legal War- rant for that purpose Voted. That Mos-es Dickinson be a Moilernior to govern said meeting Voted. That Naih'll Dickinson Jun'r be tlie Clerk f..r tins District the ensuing year Voted. That Nath'll Dickinson Jun'r be the Treasurer tor this District the ensuing year Voted. That Moses Dickinson, John Dickinson, Reuben Dickinson, Nath'll Dickinson and Elinnezer Mattoon be the Select men for this District the ensuing year Voted. That Joseph Eastman, Nath'll Dickinson Jun'r and Moses Dickinson be the Assessors for this District the ensuing year Voted. That liohert Emmons and James Merrick be the Constables for this Dis- trict the ensuing year Voted. That Timothy Green, Isaac Hulibard. Reuhen Dickinson, Henry Franklin, Tho nas Bascom, and Jonathan Dickinson Jn'r be surveyors ol Heighways tile ensuing year Voted. Th'inas Bascom, Nath'll Dick- inson 2'd, Edward Smith, Joel Billings Eiezer Cowls, and Elisha Smith be the Tytliinginen for this District the ensuing year Voted. That Joseph Dickinson & Eli Parker be Fence vit wers for this District the ensuing year Voted. That Barnabas Edy, Abner Adams, Israel Dickinson, Eiezer Cowls, 68 Records of Amherst from 1735 to 17^ Samuel Boltwood, Gideon Dk-kinson Jun'r ami John Billing Jun'r be Uogreaves for til s District tlie ensuii\ff year ^' .-'1. Tliat Tliorans Husiinsis be a sealer of Leather for this Disnic-t !lie ensuinjf yenr Voted. That EUnIui Insiraham l)e aitded to the Committee appoimeii to receive and pay the Province monies to Henry Gardner E>q"r Voted. That l'liili(> In^raham be paid tli' Slim f one r '■ il four >.iiilliM^s hy order of the Select men out of tlie 1 ) rict Treasury Voted. That this District Doth npurove of Elislia Inaraham as a Tavern keeper and recommend it to the selectmen that they grant him their approbation for the same Attest Moses Dickinson Moderator Att a Legal meeting of the Inhabitants of the District of Amherst assembled at tbe meeting bous in S'd District on the fourth Day of May 1775 — Voted. John Billings Moilerator Voted. To choose a Committee to pro- vide Stores tor the support of the Army collected at Cambridge & Towns around Voted. M'r McDaniell, Simeon Smith, John BilliiiL,'s, Daniel Keliogii, Alexander Smith be a Coin'tee for that Purpose Voted. That tbe Committee ciiosen act Discretionary in providing stores Attest John Billings Moderator Voted. Upon the general clause in the Warrant J i.epli Eastman Moderator Tile Tf seven Voted. That Capt'n Reuben Dickinson, Leivt Simeon Smith, Moses Dickinson E q Leivt Elijah Baker, Simon Fohes, Ehen^zer Mattoon and Martin Kellogg be the said Committee Attest Moses Dickinson Moderator At a Legal meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Amherst on Monday tlie iwenty fifih Day of March, 1776 Vot'd Most-s Dickinson Esq'r Modera- tor Vot'd Nath'll Dickinson Jnn'r Town Clerk Vot'd Nath'll Dickinson Jun'r Town Treasurer Vot'd Joseph Eastman, J()se()h Williams, Mos>'S Dickinson E>q'r L't Simeon Smith, Simeon Dickinson selectmen Voted. Moses Dicdcinson Esq'r Joseph Eastman Nath'll Dickinson Jun'r Asses- sors Voted — Martin Smith, & Lemuel Moody Constables Voted Daniel Kellogg, Jonatlian Smith, Josiiih Warner, David Smith, L't John Dickinson, Joel BillintiS, Surveyors of Higii^ays — Voted 'I'homas Hastings Seal- er of Leather — Voted. Joseph Dickinson, Nath'll Coleman Fence Viewers — Voted — Elisha Intjram, Jonathan Dickinson Juti'r James Merrick John Nash, Elislia Smith, Tytliintjmen — Vot'd Henry Frank- lin, Ebei-iezer Boltwood, Zrtcheriah Haw- ley, Elezer Cowls, John Lee, Joseph Peck, Hogreeves. Vot'd Jncoh McDaniell, Noah Dickin- son, Noah Smith, Wardens. Voted. To Choose Nine men for a Com- mittee of Correspondence Voted. That Moses Dickinson Esq'r Elijah Baker, Cap't Reuben Dickinson 70 Records of Amherst from 1735 to 17^ Natli'll Dickinson .lun'r James Merrick, L't Simeon Smith, Joseph Eastman John Billing, Ehenezer Dickinson be the Cora- mitte of Correspondence Voted— That Hogs Yoked & rung ac- cording to Law he allowed to run in the Commons from the iniildle of May to the mid'lle of August — Voted — To raise a sum of money to repair the liighways — VotM — To raise Sixiy Poumis to repair tlie Heigh- ways — Voteil — To allow two shillings and eitilit Pence per Day for work in summer anil two shillings P'r Day fur work in fall Votfd — That tliH Assessors proceed by the Laist List to make tlie Assessment Voted — That the Assessors be empower- ed to assess the Sum of Sixty Pounds to repair the HfighwMys — Vot'd — T'lat Sam- uel Henry have Leave to take earth from unch-r the meeting-house to make Salt Petre Attest Moses Dickinson Moderator At a meetinif of ilie Freeholders and other Inhahitants of the Town of Amherst Qualifi-il to vote for a Representative May the 22'd. 17*76 Voted — M'r John Billing a Representa- tive the ensuing year Moses Dickinson ^ select men Attest Joseph Williams y of Simeon Dickinson J Amherst At a Legal Meetintt of Che Inhahitants of the Town ot Amherst June 13th 1776 Voted Joseph Exstmau Moderator Voted Nath'U Dickinson Jun'r to take Recogeiizances of Deins Voted — That should the Honourable Congress, fir the safety of the united Col- onies in America : Declare them Independ- ant of the Kimidom of Great- liritnin ; We the Inhahitants of the town of Amiierst solemnly engage with our lives and for- tunes to support them in the measure — And that this Resolve be transmited to our Representative in General Assemby as in- fltructons to him Attest At a Legal meeting of the Inhabitants of t'le Town of Amherst (qualified to vote in town affairs) the 20ih Day of January 1777 Vot'd Joseph Williams Moderator Vot'd two Shillings per day for work Done at Bridges in the fall & Spring Vot'd two Sliilling & eight pence pr Day for work Done at iirulttes in Sum- n)er Vot'd Seven Shillings & Six Pence per Hundred for two inch Oak Plank Vot'd To allow the Bills as read and corrected Voted. To Grant twenty five pounds to procuie a town Stock ol Ammunition Voted. To Grant thirty ((ouiids to pay for Schooling Vot'd to ailjourn till tomorrow at twelve O'clock At a meeting pursuant to the above adjoummeiii Vot'd To empower the Assessors to Assess a Sum on the Inhabitants of this town which shall be sufficient to pay the Bills that liave heen read & accepted Vot'd To empower the Assessors to Assess a sum on the Inhabitants of this town which shall he sufficient to pay the Rev'd David Parsons his salary untill the annual meeting of the Inhahitants of this town in March next Vot'd to improve English Schoolmasters only — Vot'd — That the conduct of the Rf-v'd David Parsons is not friendly with regard to the Common Cause Vot'd To Choose a Committee to in- inforni M'r Parsons of the preceeding vote Vot'd That D'n Clarke, D'n Edwards, Joseph Williams, Moses Dickinson Esq,r and Elijah Baker be the Committee Vot'd That the Treasurer be Directed to Collect tiM moiiev Due to the town to procure a town stock of Ammunition Attest Joseph Wilhajis Moderator At a Legal meeting of the Inhabitants of Amherst March 24th 1777 Records of Amherst from 1735 to 1788. 71 Viited, Joseph EHStman Moderator Voted Nath'l Dickinson Jun'r Town Clerk and Town Treasurer Voted, Moses Dickinson Esq'r, John Billing, Capt Reuben Dickinson Elijah Baker, Josph Williams Select-men Vi't'd Moses Dickinson Esq'r John Billing, Nath'l Dickinson Jun'r Assesors. Voted, John Billing, Cap't Rnuhen Dickinson, Elijah Baker, Natli'l Dickin- son Jiin James Merrick, J >seph Williams, Joseph Dickinson he the Coniinittee of Correspondence Inspection & Safety Voted, Martin Kellogg and Moses Dick- inson Jun'r Constables Voted, Henry J. Franklin, Eben'r East- man, Ezra Rood, Timothy Green Jun'r David Blodgett, D'n Simeon Clarke Sur- veyors of Highways Voted, Oliver Cowls, Cliiiiab Smith, Enos Coleman, Elijah Hastings Ty thing- men Voteied — that Isaac Goodale'.s Name be struck out of the list Voted — that William Boitwood's Name be struck out of the list Attest MosKS Dickinson Moderator At a Legal meeting of the Inhabitants of Ainlierst January y'e 12'th 1778 Voted — Crip't Reuben Dickinson Mod- erator Voted to accept the Bills as read and correctted Voted — That tlie Assei'sors be empower- ed to Assess a sum of money on the In- habitants of this town sufficient to pay tiie Bills that are accepted as also to Pay M'r Parsons liis Salary for the year past and to pay what was not paid him for his Sal- ary ending with April 1777 Voted. To allow twelve shillings P'r Hundred feet of two inch oak plank Voted. To Grant fifty pounds to su|>p()rt tlie schools Voted — that the Assessors make the town n;te by the last list taken Attest Reuben Dickinson Moderator At a Letful meeting of the Inhabitants of Amherst March y'e ll'th 1778 Voted M'r John Billings Moderator — Voted. To consider the second Article in the Warrant — Voted — That Persons uot owning Independance on the Crown of Great Britain agreeable to the Declaration of Congress shall not vote — Voted. Nath'l Dickinson Jun'r Town Clerk and town Treasurer — Voted. Moses Dickinson Esq'r Joseph Williams, Cap't Ruben Dickinson Elijah Baker, John Billing Select men — Voted. John Billing, Elijah Baker Moses Dickinson E-q'r Assessors — Voted — Jo seph Williams, Cap't Reuben Dickinson. EHj ill Maker, Joseph Dickinson, Josiah Warner, L't Ehen'r Matoon, John Billing Conmiittee of Correspondence &c. Voted. David Blodget & Henry J.Frank- lin Constables Voted. Stephen Smith, Waitstill Dick- inson, Simeon Peck, Daniel Kellogg Jun'r Noali Smith, Ezra Rood Surveyors of Highways Voted — Oliver Clapp, Joseph Dickin- son, Joel Moody, Simeon Peck Tything- men — Voted L't Thomas Hastings Sealer of Leather Voted John Ingram, James Hendrick, Deer re* ves V ited — Noadiah Smith, Enos Cowls, Elijah Baker Jun'r Azariah Dickinson 2'd Simeon Peck Jun'r Paul Newton, Aaron Dickinson Hogreeves Voted — Timothy Green, Eben'r Mattoon Fence viewers Voted, that the Select men proportion the money Due on the Highway rate to the surveyors for the present year Attest John Billing Moderator At a Legal meeting of the Inhabitants of the town of Amherst November 14th 1777 Voted Mr John Billing Moderator. Voted to Grant fifty Pounds for the purpose of maintaining schools the current year Attest John Billing Moderator At a Legal Meeting of the Inhabitants ot the Town of Amherst March 26th 1778 Voted Moses Dickinson Esq'r Modera- tor Voted Enos Dickinson Constable Voted. To release Lemuel Moodey from collecting the whole of the rates assessed on Oliver Smith for the year 1776 — V-Jted — To reimburse to Lemuel Moodey the sum of four Dollars for a Counterfeit Bill received by him in part for a rate collect- ed by him — Voted — To allow six sl;illings P'r Day for work Done at Heighways the preceeding year — Voted to adjourn ot thursday the 16th Day of April next at Nine o'Clock forenoon Records of Amherst from 1735 to 1788. 73 April IGtIi 1778. Then being met accordiiifr to ailjouniment — Voted — To C^iDose a Committee to seat the meeting liouse; Tliat said Committee Consist of seven : Tliat Elij ill Baker L't Tlio's Hast- ings Cap't Reuben Dickinson Cap't. Eli Parker John Billing, Jonath'n Dickinson Jun'r and Natli'll Dickinson Juii'r be the Committee aforesaid — Voted — That the Committee proceed according to Age, Estate & Qualifications. At a Legal meeting of the Inhabitants of the town of Amherst April 30tli 1778 Voted Moses Dickinson Esq'r Modera- tor — Voted To except of the Nomination made by the Select men for Jurymen — Voted — That swine Yoked & ring'd ac- cording to Law he allowed to run at lar^e — Voted. To Leave it to the Select men of Amherst to agree with the Select men of Leverett for the S;-ttlement of the Line Between Amherst & Leverett by leaving it to indifferent men from the Neighbour- ing Towns Attest Moses Dickinson Moderator j At a Legal meeting of the Inhabitants of Amherst September 4ih 1770 Voted Elijah Baker Moderator — Voted Isaac Hubbard and Nath'll Dick- inson 2'd Collectors of Taxes — Voted. That tiie Select men Prosecute an Appeal from a Judgment of the Infer- ior Court in favour of Simeon Strong against David Blodget — and prefer a Peti- tion to the General Assembly respecting the same At a Legal meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Amherst Nov'r 5tli 1778 Voted John Billing Moderator. — Voted. To Grant one hundred pounds for the use and maintenance of schools— Voted — That the Persons who send scholars shall pro- vide wood for the scliools — Voted — That the Select men be empowered to Draw money out of the town treasury to Defray the expence they have been at or may be at in Defending a suit brought against David Blodget by M'r Simeon Strong — Voted — That the Town is Desirous to h ive a new Constitution formed — Voted — That the Committee of Correspondence &c of this Town confer with the Committees of the Neighbouring Towns respecting calling a County Convention to consider some method to procure a Constitution Attest John Billing Moderator At a Legal meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Amiierst Nov'r 1778 Voted Elijah Baker Moderator— Voted that the Select men build a House for the Use of the Poor of this Town of such big- ness and in such place as they shall Judge fit— Voted— Tliat a school be kept three iiionihs at the North School house also three months in the west Street in the Northern part of the Town the ensuing winter — At a Legal meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Amherst Dec'r 28th 1778 Voted M'r John Billing Moderator- Voted — To give fifteen shillings P'r Day for work Done in the summer season — Voted — To give twelve shillings P'r Day for work Done in the fallsei son — Voted— To give Seven Dollars P'r Hundred feet of Oak Plank— Voted— To allow the Asses- sors three Dollars P'r Day for making rates— Voted— An adilition of five shillings P'r Day to (he Assessors for taking the valuation List— Voted— to Allow the Bills as read & corrected — Voted— To empower the Assessors to assess a sum on the In- habitants of this town sufficient. to pay the Debts allowed, and ihe Rev'd David Par- sons his yearly Salary— Vott-d-To Grant the sum of One hundred & sixty six jiounds for the maintenance of schools and to em- power the Assessors to Assess the same on the Inhabitants of this town — Vpted— To choose a Committee to take some meas- ures for Annexing the first Division of Inner Commons in the Town of Hadley to the town of Amherst — Voted— That Nath'll Dickinson Jun'r Joseph Eastman and Capt Parker be the Committee — and report their Doings at 74 Records of Amherst from 1735 to 17^ the ne-xt meeting — Voted — To empower tlie S^-lfC't men to Draw eigliteen pounds out of ihe Town Treasury to Defrays cliargHS in the Town — Voted — Tliat the Select men Draw fifteen pound'* out of tlie Treasury for ch;iry;es arisen in said town A'test John Billing Moderator At a Leaal nie.-tin^ of tlie Inliabi'ants of the Town of Amherst January 7tli 1779 V..n.,l — Elijali B .ker Moderator— Voted — 'I'har the money raised for the use of Sc'liiioliiiy; in the North part of tliis 'I'own be ex endeii in the North School lii-use — Votetl — To hear the Petition of Josepli Boles and choose a Committee to view the Land petitioned for by liim and report at the next town meeting — Voted — Cap't Dickinson; Joseph Eastman, Hezekiali Belding a Committee for tlie purpose above mentioned — Voted — That Capt Dickinson go to Hadley and exaniine the record* concerning the Grant of the Priviledtjes of the stream near Clarkes mill to certain Persons and make report at next March meeting — Voted — To adjourn the present meeting to Thirsd'iy next at one O'Olock afternoon to nieei at the meeting house — Beintr met according to Adjournment — Voted — To ratify all votes passed at a meeting on the tw my eighth Day of De cember 1778— Voted — That Ehen'r Mat- toi>n be added to a Committee on Josepii Boles's petition On tlie report of Capt Dickinson — Voted — That the Town of Amherst hath a riaht to the Stream and Privileges on Fort River where Clarke's and other Mills now stand » Attest Elijah Baker Moderator Joseph E-istinan's Mark for Cattle and Sheep is — a Crop on the Near ear and a Slit on the ton of the off ear — At a Legal meetinu of the Inhabitants of the town of Amherst March 8th 1779 Voted — Joseph Williams Moderator — Voted Naih'll Dickinson Jun'r Clerk & Treasurer — Voted — To Adjourn for the space of one hour — Met according to ad- journment — Voted — James Merrick, Nath'- II Dickinson jun'r, Joseph Dickinson, Josi:i.'i Warner L't Eben'r Mattoon jun'r Select men — Voted — Nath'll Dickinson jun'r James Merrick D'n Simeon Clarke Assessors — Voted — Isaacs Iluhbard & John Penis Constables — Voted — Maj'r Nath'll Peck, Timothy Green, Henry J. Franklin Gideon Handerson L't Eben'r Mattoon C mittee ot Correspondence &c — Voted — Stephen Cole, Ezra Rood, Oliver Cowls, Thiuiias Ba:»coni, Thoma'* Hastings Jun'r Suiveycirs of Highways — Voted — Elisha South, Alex'r Smith Jonathan Dickinson J .or Simeon Clarke Jun'r Tythiiignien — Voted — Nath'll Dickinson Jun'r Ehenezer M iit.H.ii Jun'r Waitstill Dickinson, Joel Billing, Thomas Bascom, Simeon Elmore, Isaac Marshall, Ho^reeves — Voted — Joel Moody & Martin Kellogg Deer reeves — Voted — L't Thomas Hastings Sealer 'of Leather — Voted — Oliver Cowls and Timo- thy Green fence viewers — Voted — Oiver Clapp Collector of Taxes — Voted — That the Surveyors of Highways c;ill on people to work at highways and lay their accounts before the Town at their meeting in Jan- uary next for allowance — Voted — To ad- journ to Monday next at one O'Clock afternoon---Met according to adjournment — Voted — To Choose a Committee to write to the Town ot Hadley respeciing annex- ing a certain Tract ol Land (^Lying in Hadley and adjoining to the town of Amherst) to the Town of Amherst — Voted — Nath'll Dickinson Jun'r L't Eben'r Mat- toon Jun'r Maj'r NaUi'll Peck be the Com- mittee — Voted — That said Committee be Directed to inform the Town of Hadley that in case the whole of one Division of Lots lying in Hadley ami adj ining to the Town of Amherst and being North of D'n Clarkes South Line is annexed to the Town of Amherst the' town of Amherst will maintain all roads and Bridges within the bi>unds of S'd Land — Voted — That the Committee heretofore chosen to view the Records op Amherst from 1735 to 17^ 75 Larnl petitii)ne(l for l»y Joseph Boles be Directed to consider tlie matter further and report >it tlie next meeting — Voted— D'n SimeDii Clarke, Elijaii Baker & Gid- eon Handerson be a Committee to view the Land Petitioned for by Cwpt Eli Par- ker and make report at the next meeting — Voted — Tliai Joseph fi^Mstman, Maj'r Nath'll Peck, L't John Dickinson be ap- pointed to prosecute all Breaches of the Act to prevent Monopoly and Forestallinii — Voted — To Build a house for tlie Poor of the Town of the same Bigness as the foundation already laid for that purpose near Clarkes mill — Voted — To set said House in Cowls Lane ^M called — Voted — H./.ikiali Beld- ing, Eben'r Dickinson, Jonathan Dickin- son Jun'r Cap't Eli Parker and Elijali Buker be a Committee to build said liouse — V — That I he Select men be Direct- ed to procure a sum of money on Inter- est or oili. rwise to pay Maj'r Naih'll Peck for Boarding Moses Hawley & wife accord- ing to the Agreement of former Select men — Voted — That the Select men be Directed to pr(jcure money on Interest and agree with and Pay Simeon Peck for Boarding Eunice Hawley Joseph Williams Moderator At a Legal meeting of the Inhabitants of the Nown of Amherst March 29th 1779 Voted — Nath'll Dickinson Jun'r Moder- ator — Voted — Waitstill Dickinson & Oli- ver Clapp C(nistKbles — Voted — Simeon Dickinson and John Injfram Surveyors of Highways — Voted — To Grant the sum of three Hundred Pounds for tiie support of tlie Poor of the town and replace money taken out of the Treasury and that the assessors tie empowered to assess the same on the Iidiabitants of this Town — Voted — To Discontinue the Highway two rods in widtli in front of Cap't Par- kers Barn and from thence running Nortli- erly & Southerly on an Angle to the east side of the Heighway so far as to contain twenty rods of ground ; and grant the same to Cap't E i Parker — Voted — To Discontinue tiie Highway where Joseph Boles's tan yard now is three yards in widtii and six rods in length and grant the same to Joseph Boles he paving the value of the same — Voted — To Discontinue a part of the Highway at the east end of Eben'r Mattoons Lot four rods in « idth and sixteen rods in lengtli and grant tiie same to Joseph Boles he paying the value thereof Ai .-I Nath'll Dickinson Jun'r Modera- tor At a Legal meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Amherst May 17th 1779 Voted. That they cliuse at this time to have a new Con-titution or Form of Gi)veriiineiit maile — Voted— -That they will impower their Representative for the next year to vote for the calling a State Convention for tlie sole purpose of form- ing a new Constitutio i Voted— To accept the List of Persons to serve as Petit Jur..rs l.id before the town by the Select men Attest Eben'r Mattoon Jun'r Modera- tor At a Legal meeting of tlie Inhabitants ot the Town of Anih.Tst July 12ih 1779 Voted Nath'll Dickinson Jun'r Moder- ator After the Duo Consideration of tlie Proceedings of the Inhabiiants of the Town of Boston— M'r Eben'r Mai toon Jun'r was chosen to rep- resent this Town in a State Convention to be liolden at Concord the 1-lth instant Attest Nath'll Dickinson Juti'r Mod- erator At a Legal meeting of the Iidiahitants of the Town of Amherst August 9tli 1779 Voted L't Eben'r Mattoon Jun'r Mod- erator — Voted — To cliuse a Committee to consider the Doings of a State Convention Begun ai'd held at Concord on tiie 14tli Day of July last. Said Committee to re- port to this nieetinif at the time to which it slull Adjourn — Voted — Cap't Reuben Dickinson, Elijah Baker, John Billing, 76 Records of Amherst from 1735 to 1788. Mosfs Dickinson Esq'r Oiileon HKiider- son. Heznkiah Belding & Nath'U Dickin- son Jun'r be the Committee aforesaid — Voted — That John Billing, D'n Simeon Clarke Cap't Eli Park-r, .Joseph Eastman, Eben'r Mattoon be a Corurnittee to Con- verse witli the Rev'il David Parsons re- specting a settlement with him for all monies Due to him from this town on or before the first Day of May 1779 said Com mittee to report to tliis meetinaf at the lime to whicli it shall adjourn — Voted. To Grant L't Ehen'r Mattoon Jun'r forty Pounds for his expence and service in attending a State Convention at Concord on the 14rth Day of July last — Voted. To Adjourn to Teu^day the 17th Instant at 3 O'clock afternoon August 17th 1779 Being met according to Adjournment-Voted-That Elijah Baker be appointed to carry on the Suit commenced against David Blodtiet by Simeon Strong — Voted, That the Treasurer be Directed to Tender to M'r Parsons the Nominal Sum Due to him for Salary Attest Eben'r Mattoon Jn'r Moderator At A Legal meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Amherst October 21^t 1779 Nath'll Dickinson Jun'r being appoint- ed Moderator — Voted — To Grant the sum of four Imiidred and tliirty four pounds ten sliillings to replace money taken out of the Treasury to Pay Bounties & Mileage to soldiers and that the Assessors be Directed to assess the same and order it Paid into tlie Treasury immediately — Voted — To Chuse a Committee of Nine to Determine how many Schools shall be kept in Town the present year and at what places — voted. That Nath'll Dickinson Jun'r James Merrick Josiah Warner D'n Clarke Moses Dickinson E^q'r Cap't Reu- ben Dickinson L't Hastings be the Com- mittee afores'd Attest Nath'll Dickinson Jun'r Moder- ator At a Lf-gal Meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Amherst January 3d 1780 Voted. L't Eben'r Mattoon Moderator — Voted to Adjourn to the house of Elisha Ingram — Voted — To adjourn the meeting to tliursday the 6th instant at 12 O'Clock ill the morninfi^ then to meet at the meet- ing-house ; Being met according to Ad- journment — Voted — To adjourn to tiie house of Elisha Ingram — Voted To allow two shillings and six pence p'r Day for work Done at Highways in summer and two shillings p'r Day for work Done at Highways in the fall and spring the said sums t') be Doubled twenty four for one, Also to allow twenty four for one for all Deiits examined and accepted by the Town — Voted — That the Selectmen set- tle with Aaron Warner for sounding the Conque and sweeping the meeting house — Voted — To Allow the Debts as read and corrected — Voted — To adjourn to tliurs- day next at Nine O'Clock in the morning to meet at the meeting house Being met according to Adjournment voted to adjourn to the house of Maj'r Wales — Voted — To Grant the sum of fourteen hundred Pounds for supporting schools — The Committee heretofore ap- pointed to Determine how many schools shall be kept in the Town of Amherst and at what places, Report as follows (viz) That there be six schools kept in said Town, that is to say, one in the west street in the Northern part of the town ; one in tlie street leading from Ezra Roods to Andrew Kimbals; one at each school house in or near the Middle of the town; one in the west street at the southern part of the town : one in the school house at the southern part of the Town. — Where- upon voted — To accept the report of said Committee with this alteration that the school ordered to be kept in the street leading from Ezra Rood's to Andrew Kim- hal's be kept at Samuel Henry's the pres- ent year — Voted — That the Assessors be empowered to Assess a sum on the Inhab- itants of this Town sufficient to pay the Records of Amherst from 1735 to 171 Debts allowed nnd M'r Parsons his usuhI salary and fourteen Immlred pounds for the support of scliools — Voted — That tliere be eighteen months schoDling in town tiie present yeiir — Voted — Tliat L't John Dickinson, Moses Dickinson E^q. and Timothy Green be a Committee to view the Land petitioned for by Daniel Church and report at March meeting — Voted to allow the Constables for Counterfeit mon- ey — Voted-— Tliat Gideon Dickinson, Julin Billing, C'lp't Eli Parker James Merrick am] El)en'r Mat'0(«n be a Coninntti-e to Confer with the Rev'd David PHrsons re- specting a settlement with him for the monies Due to him frooi tlie town. Attest Eben'r Mattoox Jun'r Moderator At a Leiial meeiing ut the Inhaliiianis of the Town of Amherst Jatiu;iry 13ih 17S0 Voted — M'r John Billing Moderator — . Voted — That the Select men Prefer a Pe- tition lo the General Court praying that the time appointed fir the payment of the Tax last granted by said Court may be postponed two months — Voted — That M'r Abraham Hill be prohibited from Preach- ing in this Town in future and that Cnp't Dickinson, Nath'll Dickinson Jn'r & James Merrick be a CommiUee to write to him concerning the matter Attest Nathan Dickinson Jun'r his Mark for Cattle and Sheep A Crop of from the off Ear two half Penny's on the same ear one on the upper the other on the under side At a Legal meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Amherst March SOtli 1780 f Alexander Smith chosen Moderator, the following votes passed Voted. Nath'll Dickinson Jun'r Town Clerk and Town Treasurer — voted — Cap't Eli Parker, L't Tim's Hastings, Alexander Smith, Jonathan Dickinson and Martin Kellogg, Select-men — voted — Nath'll Dick- inson Jun'r Hezekiali Belding and Elisha Sniitii Assessors — voted — Timothy Green Jun'r Thomas Bascom and Ebenezer Dickinson 2'd Constables — voted — Gideon Dickinson, Ezra Rood Nathan Dickinson Jun' John Field Jun'r Enos Coleman and Joel Moody, Surveyors — voted — Samuel Hastings, llezekiah Belding, John Mor- ton Jn'r — Elijah Hastings, Isaac Goodale and Ji)iiathan Smith, Titliingmen — voted — Oiver Cowls anil Enos Coleman, Fence viewers — voted — Julm Morton Jn'r and Elisha Smith Sealers of Leather — vnted — Joseph Church Surveyor of Lumoei — voted — Tho's Hastings Jn'r &Nu!iii Smith D'-er reeves — vntt-d — Israel Dickinson Z icheriah Hawley, Simeon Cowls, M ses Warner, Benjamin Smiih H'lgre' ve^ — ■ Voted — Tliat the Surveyors lay an acuoiint betore the Town at their meeting in J»iii- uary next for ailownnce of all woik Done in their respectivf Districts, ami that tli.-re be allowed to those Persons who sludl work at Highways ihe Common price of labor at tiie time they shall work-r-vutt-d — ' To Pay Mr David Parsons three sahirieg (which will be Due to him the flist Day of May next) in Silver together with the inierest and that the Assessors assess the same seperate from all other Taxes — voted — Cap't Ell Parker, Gideon Dickin- son & Hezekiah Beldinti be a Commiitee to view the Land petitioned lor by Zach- eriah Hawley and report to the next m^-et- mg — voted — Moses Dickinson Esq Nath'll Coleman and Asaliel Moody be a Commit- tee to view the land petitioned for ny Aaron Warner and report to the next meeiing — voted — That the Committee ap- pointed to view the Land petitioned for by Daniel Church report to the next m.-et- ing — Voted— To Grant Maj'r Nath'll Peck his part of the schoolmoney — voted — To Grant Wailstill Dickinson one Hundred Dollars lor Counterfeit money received by him for Taxes -voted — ^To Grant six hundred pounds for the use of the poor of the Town and the Assessors are empower- ed to assess the same Alex'r Smith Moderator 78 Records of Amherst from 1735 to 1788. At a Lejjal meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town ..f Amherst April 20th 1780 Cap't Eli Parker chosen Moderator — the following votes passed — Voted — To Discontinue that part of the Higliway hereafter mentioned and Grant tiie same to Daniel Cliurch on Condition that said Church give security for the Payment of fourteen Bushels of Rie for tile use of tlie Town — (viz) Beginning at the south east corner of Samuel Church's lot, thence Nortli 32 deg east 36 rods, thence north 22 deg east 20 rods, tlience North 10 deg east 21 rods and half, tlience west 10 deg north 10 rods, to said Church's east Line, tlience South 15 deg west to tlie first mentioned corner, containing three acres and seventy nine rods of ground — voted — To Discontinue the Highway staked cut by the C'unmittee for Zacheriah Hawley and Grant the same to said Haw- ley on Condition tliat said Hawley give security for the payment of ten Bushels of Indian Corn for tlie use of the town — voted — To Discontinue the Higliway (viz) twenty three rods of Ground at the rear Aaron Warner's Lot and Grant the same to said Hawley on Conditon that he give security for the payment of seven Bushels and an half of Indian Corn for the use of the town — voted — To repair the Doors, windows, seats, underpinning and Plastering of the meeting iiouse The Question being put whether the town will be at any further charge respect- ing the suit between Strong & Blodget, passed in the Negative —voted — To accept the List of Jurors laid before the town by the Select men Attest Eli Parker Moderator At a Legal meeting of the Inhabitantg of the Town of Amherst — June 15th 1780 — Voted Natli'U Dickinson Jun'r Modera- tor Voted To Grant the sum of five Hun- dred Pounds for the support of the Poor of the Town and for Repairing the Meet- ing House and that the Assessors Assess the same and order paid immediately into the Town Treasury — Voted. To Grant Waitstill Dickinson Ninety Dollars re- ceived by liim in Counterfeit money re- ceived by him for Taxes — Voted — That Simeon Dickinson, Cap't Reuben Dickin- son, Nath'll Dickinson Jr Cap't Eli Par- ker, Mnses Dickinson Esq John Billing and Gideon Handerson be a Committee to seat the meeting house Attest Nath'll Dickinson Jr Moderator At a Legal Meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Amherst on Monday the fourth Day of September Anno Domini 1780 Votes were brought in for a Governer as follows — viz — The Hon'ble John Hancock Esq'r For- ty three The Hon'ble James Bowdoin Esq'r eight Votes for a Lieutenant Governor as follows — viz. The Hon'ble James Warren Esq forty Nine The Hon'ble Artemas Ward Esq'r three Votes for Senators as follows — viz — Joseph Hawley Esq'r forty seven John Bliss Esq. forty four David Smead Esq. forty four Samuel Mather Esq'r thirteen Noaii Goodman Esq'r Nine John Billing — twenty four John Hastings E-^q four Elisha Ingram one John Chester Williams Esq two Nathan Dickinson Jr two David Sexton E«q two Caleb Strong E^q'r two Eleazer Porter Esq'r two Eli Parker ] Select men Jonathan Dickinson j and Thomas Hastings I Town Alex'r Smith j Clerk Martin Kellogg | of N ath 'll Dickinson Jr j Amherst At a Legal meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Amherst Oct'r 16. 1780 Records of Amherst from 1735 to 1788. 79 Natiril Dickinson Jun'r was chosen Representative Voted. To Grant the sum of Ten thou- sand Pounds to pay for Beef agreeable to a Resolve of tlie General Court of Sep'r 25tli 1780 and that the assessors be Direct- ed tu assess the same on the Inhabitants ot this Town immediately and Order the same Paid accoidiiitc in saii R> solve — Voted — M'r John Billing Maj'r Nath'U Peck & Cap't David Rich be a Committee to procure the Beef ordered by the Re- solve aforewaid Eli Parker Alex'r Smith Attest Tho's Hastings Jon'th Dickinson Jn'r Martin Kellogg At H Le^al meeting of the Inhabitants of the District of Amherst Dec'r 4tli 1780 M'r John iiilnnti Cliosen Moderator V • eind Petitioned U>r i y J lel iiilling and report at the next March meeting Attest Nath'll Dickinson Jur Moderator At a Legal meeting of tne Inhabitants of Amherst January 8lh 1781 — Cap't Eli Parker «as chosen M "I • or Voted, To allow the Debts a^ read and corrected, and that the Assessors be em- powered to assess a sum on the Inhabitants of this Town sufficient to Pay the same — Voted. To allow three Shillings P'r Da\ for work done in summer ami tw.) Shillings P'r Day for work dnie in the fall — Voted, To allow three shillings P'r Day to the assessors — Voted, To allow nine shillings P'r hundred tcir two inch o>ik Plank — voted — To accept the report of the C 'in- mittee for seating the meetiog house — voted — i' < .oi|Onrti the meeting to thurs- day next at one O'Clock afternoon — Being met according to adjournment — voted — That the Select men should take part of the money raised for schoiding to Pay Debts contracted for the support of the Poor — Voted — To appropriate the remain- der of the money raised to procure Beef, to Pay for the Horses purchased for the C Miiiiient At a Legal Meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Amherst March 19th 1781 Major Nath'll Peck was chosen Moder- ator Voted — John Billing, EliJMh Baker, Isnac Hubbard, Gideon Hamlerson and Moses Dickinson Esq'r. Select men — Voted — Nath'll Dickinson Jiin'r Town Clerk and Town Preasurer — Voted — John Billing, Moses I )iekinson Esq'r ami Nath'll Dickitison Jun'r Assessors — Voted — John Ingram, L't Aaron Dickinson and Nath'll Alex r Smith Constables — Voted — Tinu)- thy Green Jun'r Simeon Clark Jn'r Me- (iad Diekinson, Josiah Warner and Asahel Moody Tytliingmen — voted — John Billing, Martin Kellogg and Oliver Clapp Church Wardens-voted-Nathan Dickinson Jun'r, Stephen Cole, Nath'll Dickinson 2d, Ezra Iluod Jonathan Dickinson Jn'r and Ruben Ingram Surveyors ut Highways — voted — John Billing ami Jo epU DicKi sun Deer Reeves voted L't Tlio's Hastings Sealer of Leather voted — Joseph Church Surveyor ot Lumber Voted — Nath'll Coleman and Abner Ailams Fence viewers Voted — Ambrose Williams, Zacheriah Ha^ley, Abner Adams, Tnnotiii Smi.li, Giles Church, John Field Jun'r Samuel Smith, Noadiah Warner and Jacob War- ner Jr Hot; reeves — Voied — That Daniel Kellogg, Dea'ii Edwards and L't Hastings be a Committee to view the Land petition- ed tor by Noah Dickinson and report what is proper to be done — Voted — To Discon- tinue a jiart ot the Highway at the trout of Joel Billing's Lot, beginning a. the northwest corner ot said Lot and extend- ing Six rods in width and thirty rods in lengiii and grant the same to Joel Billing on Condition that he Pay the treasurer of Amherst tor said Land at the rate of forty shillings pr. Acre Voted— To Appropriate co much of the money raised for schooling as to Pay what remains due for Horses bought for the Continent Voted — To Choose an Agent to carry on the Suit Pending between M'r Strong iiECOKDs OF Amhekst fkom 17oo to 1788. ;i and M'r Blodget and that Elij ih Baker be f the Agent Voted —To Choose a Committee to set- tle with the Heirs of the Kev'd David Parsons tor the Sahiries Due to them, and Elijah Baker, John Billing and Gid- eon Ilanderson were chosen tor said pur- pose At a Meeting of the Inliabitants of tiie Town of Amherst April 2d 1781 Votes for a G'lVernor being called for were hrou^iit in as foMows (viz) for his Excellency Juiin Hancock Esq'r fifty seven for the IIon'!)ie James Bowdoin Esq'r Nine Votes tor a Lieutenant Gover- nor being called for were nrouijht in as follows (viz) for his Honor Tliomas Gush- ing Et GlUKON Handerson and Elijah Bakek f town clerk Isaac Hubbard | of Nathll Dickinson Jii J Amherst At a Legal meeting of the Iiihabiiants of the Town of Amlierst April 2(1 1781 Elijah Baker was chosen Moderator Voted — Tiiat ench Person who advanced any money, as a Hire to the Soldiers who served six or three months in the Army last summer he allowed the same at the rale of filty Dollars pr. Bushel for rie ; and in case any Person shall Draw the soldiers wages, such Person be allowed oue fourth part in addition to said wages and the Assessors are empoweri^d to assess the Inhabitants of this Town for payment of the same Voted — To repair the Highways by a Tax — Voted — That Moses Dickinson Esq'r Jolm HilliiiK, and Cap't Eii Parker he a Conuiiittee to settle with L't Mattoon re- specting a quantity of Gun Powder in his possession — Voted — To Grai>t the sum of fifteen Pounils for the support of the Poor — the Assessors are empowered to Assess the same At a Legal meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town ot Amherst May 18th 1781 Moses Dickinson Chosen Moderator Voted. That the Select men t)e a Cora- mitte to provide the town with a Preacher At a Legal meeting of the Inhaldtants of the T>iwn of Amlierst June 25th 1781 C;ip't Eli Parker was chosen Modera- tor Voted. That as soon as convenient the Town will he in a way for the Resettle- ment of the Gospel Ordinances among them. Voted. That the Town are willing to Concur with the Church in all proper measures for the Resettlement of the Gos- pel Ministry and Ordinances Voted — To choose Seven Persons as a Committee to join with the Committee of the Churi:h to procure a resettlement of the Gospel Ordinances in this Town — That Mayin Kellogi/, Elijah Biker, Isaac Huhb^.rd, D'r Seth C(deman, Nath'll Dick- inson Jr hiislia Smith and James Merrick be the Committee aforesaid. Voted. To give said Committee the following instruc- tions (viz) that when occasion requires they shall Confer with the Committee of the Chuich and endeavor a union and har- mony in all measures which relate to the Resettlement of Gospel Ordinances in this town — Voted — That the Committee be Directed to employ M'r David Parsons to supply the Pulpit for the present — Voted — That the Assessors take the Continental money now in tlie 'J'own Treasury to Pay tlie State Tax — Voted — That Nath'll Cole- man, Simeon Pomroy and M'r Daniel Cooley be a Conmiittee to view the Land 82 Records of Amherst from 1735 to 1788. Petitioned for by Stephen Smith apprise the same and report to the Town what is proper to he Done tlieron At a I>e(iHl Meeting of the InhaV)itaiit8 of tiie Town of Amherst July 6tli 1781 C/it(>'t Eli Parker was chosen Modera- tor Voted — 'I'o f"!h()ose a Comniittee to Pro- cure the Beef assessed on the Town by the General Court and that John Billing, Joseph Eastman and Cap't Eli Parker be the C inniiir. e — Voted — Tliat t^e Com- mittee be Directed to Borrow the liard money to Purchase the Beet and give Obli- gations in behalf of the town for the same — Voted to Pay the Executor of the Eev'd David Hai«..iis D'd the whole of the sala- ries Due to him on the first Day of May 1781 in Gold or Silver with the interest Due on the same and the Assessors are Directed and empowered to assess the same on the InhnbitHnts of this Town Voted — To Discontinue that part of the Highway hereafter ineMtioneil and Grant tiie same to SiepliHH Smith on Condition that Said Smith Pay the Treasurer of this Town at the rate of three Pounds fifteen shillings p'r acre for said Land — viz) Be- ginning at the south west Corner of said Smith's Lot extending two rods and tiiree quarters west, then Parrellel with the Street fence ten rods and an half, then an- gurlalry lumLet-n rods an h;ilf i«o ro join I he west end of Saul Siniili's Lot con- tainintr fifty one rods of ground At a Legal meeting of the Inliahitants of the Town of Amherst July 30th 1781 Elijah Baker was chosen moderator Voted — To choose a Cimimittee to Hire the Men required of this Town to serve m the Army for tliree months and that Maj'r Naih'll Peck, L't Jonathan Dickinson, L't Joei Billniti. L't Aaron Dickinson and L't Ezra Ro.mI lie th- Committee — Votr^.i — that the Town will Pay such sums as the Committee shall engage to the Men they may hire — that the (Committee give obli- gations to the Men they may hire in be- half of this Town for such sums as they shall engage to Pay them — Voted — to Pay the money engaged by the Committee afores'd to the soldiers they may engage on or before the first Day of January next — voted that the said Committee be empowered to hire such sums of money as may be necessary to March the men they may hire Voted. To Pay the noney that may be engaged by the Conmiittee appointed to Purchase Beef on (ir before the first Day of January next At a Legal meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Amherst Sep'r 13th 1781 Isaac Hubbard was chosen Moderator Voted — That the Committee appointed to procure a Preacher be directed to em- ploy M'r David Parsons as a Preacher in this Town for the space of thrte months after the Term for which he is now engag- ed i sexpired Attest Isaac Hubbard Moderator At a Legal meeting of the Iniiabitants of the Town of Amherst — November 7th 1781 Elijah Baker was chosen Moderator Voted — To grant the sum of twenty four Pounds for the mantenaiice of Schools- -Voted — To choose a Committee to Determine how many and at what places Schools shall be kept in tiie Town the present year — Voted— That L't Jolin Field, Daniel Ivellogg, Elisha Smith, Josiali Warner L't David Smith, L't John Dick- inson and Elisha Ingram be the Commit- tee afores'd — Voted — That the Select men and town Treasurer be a Committee to settle with those Persons to whom the town is indebt- ed as tliey Judge fit Voted — Tliat Levi Smith and Jonathan Kellogg be Discharged from paying any proportion of tiie money engaged to the men hired in this Town to serve three months in the Army the present year Records of Amherst from 1735 to 17J 83 At a Legal meeting of the Inlidbitmits of tlie Town ot Amherst December 17th 1781 Nath'll Dickinson Jun'r was chnsen Moderator. Voted — Tiiat the Committee appointed to procure a Preacher have a Discretion- ary power in procuring a Preacher for tlie present. — And that the aforesaid Commit- tee be Directed ms Soon as may be to pro cure a Candidate for the Ministry to Prench in tliis Town Attest Natii'll Dickinson Jun'r Moder ator At a Legal meeting of the Inhabitants of tlie Town of Amherst January 7ili 1782 Josiah Clianncy Esq'r was chosen Mod- erator Voted — To allow two Shillings and five pence P'r Day for work Done at the Higliways in Summer and one Shilling and eiglit pence P'r Day for work Done at the Highways in the fall — Voted — To allow five Shillings P'r hun- dred for inch and half oak Plank — Voted — To allow two Shillings P'r hurtdred for Brick — Voted — To allow two shillings and eight Pence P'r Day to the Assessors for their Service — voted — to allow twenty shillings pr. thousand feet of Boards — Voted — To allow the Bills ! s read and corrected and the assessors are Directefl to make a Tax on the Inhabitants of this town for the paytnent of the same — Vott-d — To Grant the sum of twenty four Pounds for the maintenance of Schools and the Assessors are Directed to Assess the same — voted — to Discharge the Constable for collecting the Taxes Assessed on Simeon Peck Jun'r in the year 1780 — Voted — That Daniel Kellogg, L't Tho's Hastings and Cap't David Rich be a Committee to view the Land petitioned for by Philip Edwards and report to the town at their next Murcli meeting what is proper to be Done con- cerning the same — Voted — To release to Maj'r Nath'll Peck and Simeon Peck their propornoii of the School money — Voted — That John Billing, D'n Eleaz^-r Smitli and Josiah Cliauncy E^-q'r be a Connnittee to view the Land Petitioned for by Ileuben Smitli and report to the Town at their next MiIi, Simeon Dukin^oii, Smi- eoii CiHrk Jun'r Elijah Ha^tinjis lieuben Ingiam hikI Mal'iin Kt-lldgK, Ty ilniigmen — Voieil — Stephen Siiiiih, David Blod^el, L't Divid Smiili, ami D'n Eleazer Smith, Wardens ViteM — Oliver Cowls ami E"os Colmian feiic viewei> — Vut.d — Gulf"!) DickiiiNOii Jun'r En.is Cowlt*, Perez Momly, Ephraim Kelli'^a and Eims Dickin>oii Hug Reeves — V.'ttd — L'l Thci's Hasting- Sealer ot L.-aiher and Joseph Church Surveyor of Liimbrr V"ieii — To Grant the Sum of titty Pu\i .,- lu ivjiair n e Highways ami the A>.->eSScii » art- 1> veiled lo Assess .»aid suni Oil the Inliabitants of this Town— Voied — T'i allow three Mulling.-* P'r Uiy tor work D me ai iiiiihways in the Summer ami two 8hilliiit!S 1^'r iJ . . >^ ik .■■■i;eai th.- Highways in the tall — Voted — Thai Miriiii Kt-liugg, Joseph Eastman Jun'i David lil'idtset, Enos C 'leman Stepiio Cole aoii Mo»es Cooke he Collectors of tlie Highway rate — Voi. ii — I'hat l/'.i Eleazer Smith, Josiah C f > i'J-ii'r and Enos wiciviii>oii ne a Committee to view the LaiKi petitioned f n b nil >* .1, .,:..« .iiiti rejiori, >'> u.*- Tov/n what is proper to be Done concerning tii<- saine Voted— To accept the Report of ilie Select men and establish that part ot a llignway ai Described in their Report (winch IS a» toilows :) to wit — Aiiiiier>t March 2d 1782 — A Return of the Survey oi fail oi the Town Road letliiinn troin the Count} Road leading to Shutt->- liury, to Williams's Mill Standing on ihe Mill River 111 ihe west Division ot Ainhersi HS liMiotvs (viz) Beginning at the Bridge- Standing on M'r Dana's South line, run- ning North Seven Degrees west Seven rods to a Stak^- and Stones; thence North thirty iive Degrees west tony Nine rods to a Biai;k oak tree marked U. W. ihence to R ui)en Ingrain's Soiuli line twenty } Select mer of Aiuhersr. two rods thence west on the North Siite of Dana's farm seventy rods to theC'-unty roid leading to SuncierlaiKi the above De- sciibfd roHii is two rods in width John Hilling ) Select men till'KON H ANDERS; Isaac Hubbard Voted — To Discontinue that part of the Highway hereatii-r De>crined ami Grant tile Same to Reuben Smith on Condition that Said Smith (five Snfficit-nt ScuMty to tlie Town Treasurer within one m^nth t > Pay tor the Same at the rate ot tiiree R unds ten Shilling-' p'r Acrt*. Said L .lids Descritied as follows (viz) Bejiin- iiing at the trout of AI. x'r Smiili's larni, near the top of the IJill hy the Mill and runiiitiii west twelve r id- and an h ilt lo a Stake and thence north twenty eight rods to a Stake Standing ten rods «e>t troin S lid A -x'r Simih's from, theiicf nojili- easterly eiglneeii roil.> to said Smiili's t'r,,m, containing two Acies and three quarters. — Voted — I'o Discniitiiiue a Fii-ce ot the Town way lying east ot L't Noah D.ckmsoii's lionif ii.t and joining to it, from the i"->ciuth easl corner ot Saiil Lot, one rod wide, rtmning iiorthv liiirty rods and from iiieiiuf tioi ih wariily to a poini at toy wo>!, line of Sai.i Town way, containint; thirty two rod- and an half of tiround and Grant tlie Same to L't No-h Dickinson on C'ndi'ion th it the said l:)ickinson give a Legal Tul-- wiihii> one month to the Inhaniiants of Amherst of a Piece of Land lyititf at the north east Cor- ner of Said Dickinson s liome lot, Six roils and an halt' wide at the east side, running westwardly ten rods to a point, bounded east on the Town way and Norili- wardiy on the County R -ad, containing thirty two rods and an half Voted. To Discontinue a part of the Highway at the east e;id of Aisnm War- ner's House Lot, Lying trnm the Northeast corner of Said Warner's L't eight rods South, and from the west line of said Highway four rods and an half east, con- Records of Amherst from 1735 to 1788. 85 taiitiiit! thirty -ix rods (4' grouni),an(l G'^ t tlie sHiiiM lo Philip Edwards, on Condition that sail! E IWHrdi Sh-ill within one moiith give .Miffi i> ni Sfiurity to the Town Tiea-- UF' r to l'.i> for the sHiiie at tlie rale of tint e p.iunds p'r acre At a L gal Meeting of the Inimhitants ot the Tiwii lit Aiidierst April Ist 17S2 Eiijiii iiaker was chosen Moderator Voted — To accept of the List of Jurors pr» >. ni^il 113 the y eci men. the rt-ni ail- ing ArticlfS in the Warrant Were Negativ- es li. ■ e T.vvii Attest At a L^sai Met iMi« ot tile laii.ildtaiits ot the T.wu ol Aiulierst (Qualitieil 10 V''tf for a G ivei n 'f t&c on Mond-iy tlit firs. D.y of Ap.ii AD. 1782 Toe Votes tor a (i >veruor were as fol- lows (viz) For iiis Excellency John Hancock E^q'r Filiy Srven F'lr the Hon'ble James Bowdoiii E-q'r Twenty three Tiie Vt'tes f'lr a Lieutenant Govermir Were as f iliows (viz) Ftir his IL.nor I'lionias Cushing Esq'r tliirty three For tlie Hon'ble Azor Orne E>q'r Twen- ty MX Votes for four Senators were as lollows VIZ — For tlie Hon'ble John Bliss E-q'r Fifty six For the Hon'iile Noah Goodman E.-q'r Twenty four For Capt Ebenezer Mattoon — Twelve For iMaj'r Gen'l Tirnotliy Danielson Twenty seven For the Hon'ble Caleb Strong Esq'r Tweiiiy seven For Nathaniel Dickinson Esq'r Twenty fiv- For Oliver Phelps Esq'r Six For i^avid Smead E-q'r Nineteen For the Hon'ble John Hastings Esq'r Fifteen For VVarhani Parks Esq'r Eleven F' 'T the lion l)le Samuel Mailier E-q'r three Ftir M'r Eli>ha [iigram — Four For iM'r J .iin Billing — Two F.f M'r EiiJMh B;.l«'r— one Jonathan Smith ] select (ilDKON DlUICIN.SON j men Attest Jonathan DicivInson Jn'r }- of Elijah liAicER | Am- PjLisha Smith J herst Naih'ii Dickinson Jnr Town Cler'k At a Leaal mt-eting of tlie InhahitHnts of tlie town of Amherst April 8th 1782. E ijah Hakt r wms chosen Moderator — Vied — Toloiic. M'r David Parsons to I'leach here on Probaiion for St-ttle- nieiii i t ilie (iospel Mini-try, fir the Spiice of two months.— Voted — That the Com- miitee for Supplying the Pulpit, he em- powered to Draw nn ney out of the Treas- ury to Pay M'r Ely tor his Services. At a Legal m. eiing of the Iidiahiiants of the To>*!i of Ann. erst May 17tn 1782 Elij ih Uaker was chosen Moderat ir Voied; to Discontinue that part of the Highway hereafii-r mentioned (viz) Be- uinning at a Slake and Stones near the South Side -It Aaron Warners Lot and runniciti North to ihe S uth west (-orner post of said Warners L-ine leading from his house to the street, the said Land c n- laining twenty rods, and Grant the same to Aaron Warner on Condition that said Warner Pay the Treasurer of this Town for the use of the Inhabitants of said Town at the rate of foui;teen Pounds p'r Acre tor said Land Voted, That L't John Field, Isaac G -od- ale and Maj'r Nath'il Peck be a Cyomniit- tee to view the Land Petiiioned lor by Moses Cooke Jn'r and report to the Town what is proper to be Done respeciing the sanie and to sell said Land at Publick Vendue At a Legal meeting of the Inhahiiauts of ihe Town of Amherst June 17th 1782 Gideon Dickinson was chosen Modera- tor 86 Records of Amherst from 1735 to 1788. — Voted, To Con(;ur with thy Chiircli in their vote to give M'r David Pfirsoiis an invitHtion to settle in the Ministry of the Go-pel in this town — Voted — That in Case M'r Parsons will settle in the Minis- try in tills to«'n, To Grant him three hun- dred pounds tor a settlement to be paid in the following manner, to wit, one hundred pounds within one year after his settle- tntiir, and one hundred pounds within two years after liis settlement and one hun- dreil pounds witiiiii three years after Ids Settlement; Also to grant liini Ninety pounds as a Salary for the first year att<-r his .S''ttlenient and Ninety five pounds for the Second year after hi-- >S itleuient, and one hundred pounds for each year after- ward- durinsj his Miid»try here — Voted, that the Committee for Supply- ing the Pulpit be Directeij to employ M'r Parsons to Supply the Pulpit untill he gives his Answer to the foetioing propo- sal — md that Said C'Tiinittee inform M'l Parsons of the above — mentioned Votes — Voted, to adjourn for the Space ot four weeks to meet at the meeting house at three of the Clock in the afternoon Ju y 15th 1782. Being met aei;ordiujj to Adjournment — Voted — To Provide twentyfive Cords oi fire wood for M'r Parsons the first year after his Settlement in the Mirdstry here, and to add five Cords annually uniill it shall amount to forty Cords, which shall be Himiially provi'ed for liinj afterwaids Durinsi his said Ministry Attest Gideon Dickinson Moderator At a Legal meeting of the Inhahitanis of the Town of Amherst August 12 h 1782 Gideon Dickinson was chosen Modera- tor [The Rev'd Davjid Parsons's Answer to Proposals heretofore made to him for Settling in the Ministry [was rece]ived and read in the words following (viz) [To the] Inhabitants of Amher»t in Town meeting Assembled on the 12tli Ins't Ausust 1782 Gentlemen — Inasmuch as you have passed Sundry Votes respecting my encouragement and support in case I should settle with you in the work of the Gospel Miinstry ; and as it: is always expedient thai the meaiung of Parties in Transactions of this Nature should i)e well explamed and clearly un- derstood, lo prevent any Dispute or mis- understanding between them afterwards, I beg Leave to express to you my, sense, oi iiie meanintj of your Proposals as I un- derstand them, which is as follows (viz) The se\eial sums whicii you off"er me in Settlement and Salary, I understand to be in Silver money, Spanish Milled Dollars at -ix shillings, or other Silver or Gold .quivaient. And as to the Payment of my Settlement, I understand tiiat you will procure me Keal Estate to tne value, in case, any suuh can be procured to my accept- ance ; oth-rwise that you will pay me the money according to your first vote. — And as to the Article id" Wood I understand, that the m.ist that I am ever to expect is forty Cords of fire wood of good quality in a year; unless the town shall volunta- rily make addition on being satisfied that forty Cords is not sufficient for my reason- able U-. — Give me Lf-ave tuniier to add that I must understand it to be yuur intent, that no advantage shall ever be taken of any Paper Ciirreui^y Depreciated, or of any act ol Government that may be pass- ed, to avoid the fair honest and equitable intent of the Contract. If this be your meaning as I have expressed my sense of It, and if nothing more than I kimw of shall appear to prevent you may expect an Answer in the Affirmative to the Churches Call your affectionate friend and servant David Parsons Voted, To accept the foregoing answer as the true intent and meaning ot the Town expressed in their Votes referred to by M'r Parsons in his answer aforesaid Records of Amherst from 1735 to 17{ 87 Vmed — Tliat tlif town Tr-astirer be empiiwered, on behalf of the town to give S cuiity to M'r Parsons or to any other Person iif wlioni an Eitate may be pur- chased for liis Settlement, for the sum lieretoiore granted him as a settlement. — Vot>^d — To Piy the usual expenct- tliai niiiy attend M'r Paisois's Orilina- tidii ; and that L't John Fiehl, Elijah Parker, Josiali Chauncey Esq'r, Nath'll DicUiiisun Jun'r M'r Daniel (Jooley, Cap't Eli Parker, S'eplien Smith, L'l Aaron Dickinson & M'r Eben'r Boltwood be a Coniniiitee with a Disiiretionary Power to make t!ie usual and Dect-nt Preparation> lor the ordination and to give invitations to whom they think fitfortiieir Atteridanct- — Voted — Tliat the TreaNurer be empow- ered to advance monies to the aforesaid Committee to Pay the expeiice they ma> be at i'l making said Preparations for the ordination Aiie-t Gideon Dickinson Moderator At a Legal meeting ot the Inhabitanis of the Town ot Amherst Aujiiist 6tn 178'i M'r Gideon Dickinson was chosen Mod- erator Voted — John Bdling, Elijah Baker and Martin Kellogg Delegntes to attend a County Convention to be holuen at Hat- field Attest — Gideon Dickinson — Moderator Att a Legal Meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Amherst December Otli 1782 Gideon Dickinson was chosen Modera- tor Voted — To Concur with the Church in their Vote to invite an Ei-clesiastical Council to look into the Affairs of the Church, and {iive their advice respecting the Brethren who stile them-elvns the ag- grieved, and have withdrawn themselves from the Communion of the Church — Vot- ed — that the 'I'own will Pay the expence of said Council — Voted — To choose a Com- n ittee to make the necessary Provi>ion for the support of the Council — Voted — That L't John Field. Stephen Smith, Martin Kellogg, M'r Daniel Cooley, L't Aaron Dickinson, Tho's Hastings Jn'rM'r Ehen'r Boltwo )d, L't Ezra R lod and Nath'll Dickinson Jn'r be the Committee afore- said — Voted — that the Committee afores'd be empowered to Draw money out of the Treasury to Defray the expence they may incur A test — Gideon Dickinson Moderator At a Legil uit-eting ot the Inhabitants of the Town of Amherst January 20ih 1783 Gideon Dickinson was chosen Modera- tor Voted — To choose f )ur Wardeos, viz, Stephen Smith, David Blodget, John Bil- inii and Isaac Goodale. Votf-d — To allow three shillings p'r Day to the Assessors for their Service — Vot^J — To allow three Shilling'* p'r Day to the Committee who have been appointed by ihe town to attend Conventions — Voted — To allow (»ne Shilling tor Horsf hire to the mt-n >»ho attended the Convention at Hatfield and one shilling ami four pence lo those who attended the Convention at Shutesbitry — Voted — To accept the Bills as read and corrected — and to empower the Assessors to assess a Sum on the In- habitants of this Town sufficient to Pay the same — Voted — To Grant thirty six pounds for the maintenance of Schools in this Town and that there be six Schools kept in said Town — Voted — That the Assessors be empowered to Assess such sum as shall he Due to the Rev'd David Parsons for his Salary on the first Day of May next, also to Assess one hundred pounds granted to M'r Parsons in purt for his Settlement Attest Gideon Dickinson Moderator At a Legal meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Amherst March 3d 1783 M'r Jacob MuDaniell was chosen Mod- erator Records of Amherst from 1735 to 1788. Voteil — That the Town will make an- swer til (ii l^etition of'NHthan Dickinson and others lar.Hiy prefeffil to tiie General Court — Voted — That Simeon Strong E-q'r Natiril Dickiii- 11 J <'r Moses (^ooke, D'n Eleazer Smitii, i^ap't En Parker E'n John Nash, M'r Daniel Cooley, Tho's Hastinjis Jun'r and Jusiah Ciiauncy Esq'rbe a Com- mitter to prepare the said Answer — Voted — Tiiat the Assessors he Directed to Post- pone making the Town Rate untill tlie General Court sUmH tli.Hy i)<;ie lume respectiiiii the above mentioned Petitioti — Voted — To Adjourn for the space of four weeks March 31st 1783 Being Assembled ac- cording to Adjournment — Voted— That the Commitce." appointed to make answer to the Petition of Nathan Dickinson and otiiers, be empowered to appoint an Agent to Appear in Behalf of the towti to make answer to said Petition before the Gene- ral Court — Voted — that the Answer be Signed by the Town Cierk hy order and in belialf of th'- Town — Voted— That the Committee be empowered to Draw money out of the Tr -asury to Pay the expence of the Agency Aitest Jacob McDaniel Moderator At a Legal Meeting of the Inhabitants ot the Town of Amherst Marcli luth 1783 M'r Elislia Smitli was chosen Modera- tor — Voted — Nath'll Dickinson Jnr Town Clerk and Treasurer — Voted— Cap'i Eli i'arker D'n Eleazer Siuuh, Martin Kellogtj, L't Joel Billing and Tho's Hastings Jiin'r Select-men — Voted — Nath'll Dickinson Jun'r Ji.nathan Dickinson Jn'r and Elisha Smith Asses- sors — Voted — Stephi-n Cole, J .hn Field Jun'r and Ephraim Kellogg Constables — Voted— Timothy Clapp, Josiah Warner, Siineear be committed to the Surveyors the present year — Voted — Josiah Warner, Moses Cooke, Sim'n Peck Saniuel Hast- ings, Timothy Greeu Jnr and Daniel Kel- loyg Jnr Collectors Attest Elisha Smith Moderator At a Legal meeting of the Inhabitants ot the Town of Amherst April 7ih 1788 ' M'r Jacob McDaniell was chosen Mod- erator Voted — To accept the List of Jurors laid before the Town by the Select men Voted — That Elisha Smith, John Lee and Stephen Cole be a Committee to view the Land Petitioned for by Jonathan War- ner aud report to the Town wiiat is proper to be Done respecting the <q'r — Niiieieeii For the llon'ble John Bliss E-q'r — twenty nine For the Hon'ble John Hastings Esq'r — Nineteen For David Srnead Esq'r — Seventeen For the Hon'ble Timotliy Danielson Esq'r Eleven For the Hon'ble Caleb Strong E>q'r — Tliirteen For ilie Hon'iile Samuel M-ither Esq'r — Eleven F'T ilie Hon'ble Noah Goodman E^q'r — Two For Gideon Burt Esq'r Three Eleazer Smith \ select men Attest 'I'ho's Hastings Jun'r >- of Mahtin Kellogg J Amiierst Naili'll Dickinson Jnr Town Clerk Al a Legal Meetint; of he Inhabitants of the Town of Amherst May 13ih 1783 was chosen Moderator — Voted — That En's Jolin Nash, Moses Dickinson E»q'r and Capt Eli Parker he a Committee to settle tlie Line between Am- iierst and Hadley — Voted — That Capt Eli Parker Moses Cooke and L't John Field he a Commitiee to Preanibulate ihe Line Between Amherst and Leverett — Voted — 'I'o Grant the west street their Proportion of Schonl money to be by them used to employ school Dames — Voted— To Grant Maj'r Natiril Peck leave to build his fence on the Bank of the Kiver to secure the west end of his L i — Voted — That Dea'n Edwards L't Tho's Hastings and L't Joel Billins; be a Com- mittee to view the Land Petitioned tor by Simeon Pomeroy and report what is proper to be Done respecting the same Attest At a Legal Meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Andierst October 16th 1783 D'n Eleazer Smith was chosen Moder- ator Voted, To accept the Report of the Committee appointed to Perambulate the Line between Hadley and Amherst; and t the same be recorded as follows (viz) Ji ginning at the li ly-road at a Stake and Stones, thence North 12 deg East 670 rods to a heap of Stones, thence North 8 deg 15 mill East 144 rods, to a Black Oak t te inarkeil W M — thence North 8 deg E t . ID rods, to a Stake on the South side of M'r Parsons's lot — thence North 11 deg 30 min east 197 rods, to a Pine Stubb, thence North 13 deg east 93 rt)ds, to Sir eStaddles; thence Nortii 8 deg east 336 rods, to Porters Ditch, thence North 13 deg east 370 rods to a Stubb by the river, ih. nee North 11 deg east 380 rods to Suinlerland Line V.)ted— To accept the Report of the Committee appointed to Peranit)ulate the Line lietween Leverett and Amherst, which is as f..llows (viz) That the Line be- tween Leverett and Amherst runs East three Degrees and forty five minutes North, which in general is agreeable to the old markeil trees ; said Line examined from Mohawk- Brook to Shntesbnry, at a Stake and Stones — Voted, M'r Elijah Baker be a Member of the County Convention to be convened at Hatfield October 20tli 1783— Voted— that the Select men take such care of Mos>-s Hawley and family as they think necessary — Voted — To grant thirty Pounds for the Support of Schools At a Legal Meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Amherst January 19th 1784 M'r Ebenezer Boltwood VFas chosen Moderator Voted, To allew three Shillings P'r Day for work Done at the Bridges in sum- 90 Kecords of Amherst from 1735 to 1788. mer and tvvro shillings per Day for work Done in the fall Voted — That Zacheriah Hawley may take up a Note that lies against him in the Treasury with an Order he has upon the Treasurer and a Bill he has against the Town; if said suras are sufficient to Pay said Note Voted — To Grant the sum of forty five Pounds to make up three months School- ing in each School house and other past expences Voted — To Grant a sum sufficient to Pay a Note given to L"t John Field by the town Treasurer in behalf of the Town and Payable in October next Voted, to Allow the Bills as read and Corrected Voted. That the Assessors Assess the Several Sums Granted on the Inhabitants of the Town Voted, That Simeon Strong Esq'r Nath'll Dickinson Jun'r and L't John Field be a Committee to Petition the General Court for Abatement of the fine laid on the Town for not sending a Representative Voted — That the Treasurer call on the Constables to Pay the Debt Due to the Heirs of the Late Rev'd Duvid Parsons for Salaries ; as soon as may be Attest Eben'k Boltwood Moderator At a Legal Meeting of the InhabiiHUts of the Town of Amherst March 22cl 1784 Nath'll Dickinson Jun'r was chosen Moderator Voted — Nath'll Dickinson Jun'r Town Clerk and Treasurer Voted — Joel Moody, Jonathan Dickin- son Jun'r, Enos Dickinson, Stephen Smith xnd M'r Ebenezer Boltwood, Select men Voted — Nath'll Dickinson Jun'r Enos Coleman and Elijah Baker Assessors Voted, Thomas Hastings Jun'r and Noah Smith Constables Voted — Moses Cooke Jun'r Timothy Handerson, Joel Dickinson, Joseph Pettis, Ebenezer Eastman, John Eastman, Oliver Clapp, and Joseph Williams Tything- men Voted — Gideon Dickinson Jun'r Mar- tin Kfllofjg, Samuel Boltwood, David Cowls, Enos Coleman Nathan Dickinson Jn'r and John Lee Surveyors of Heigh- ways Voted— L't John Field, M'r Daniel Cooley, David Trowbridge, M'r El)eii'r Boltwood Calvin Rich and L't Noah Dick- inson Hog reeves Voted. Gideon Dickinson Jun'r Mnr- tin Kellogg, Samuel Boltwood, David Cowls, Enos Coll man Nathan Dickinson Jun. and John Lee Collectors of Taxes Voted — Simeon Clark Jun'r, L't Noah Dickinson, Oliver Cowls and Elijah Bak- er Wardens Voted — Oliver Cowls and Enos Cole- man, Fence viewers Voted— Joseph. Church Surveyor of Lumber Voted L't Thomas Hastinijs Sealer of Leather — Voted, that ihe Assessors issue their Warrants to the Collectors to enable tbeni to Collect the Highway rate Com- mitted to them the last year — Voted — To allow three shillings per Day for work Done in the Summer and two shillinss per Day f'T woikDone in ihe month of Sep- tember and one shilling and cix pence tor work Done in the tall atier September — Voted — To Grant the sum ot seventy Poutids to repair the Heigbways the pres- ent year Voted— To Discharge Enos Ralf (rom Paying the Town Taxes in the Constables hands against him At a Legal Meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Amherst April 5th 1784 The Votes for a Governor were a* fol- lows — viz — For his Excellency John Hancock Esq'r thirteen For the Ilon'hle James Bowdoin Esq'r twenty one The Votes tor a Lieutenant Governor were as follows viz — Records op Amherst from 1735 to 1788. 91 For the Hon'ble Azor Orne Esq'r six- teen His Honor Tliomns dishing Esq'r eighteen Votes for Senators for tlie County of Hampshire were as as follows (viz) Timothy Danielson Esq'r twenty Caleb Strong Plsq'r — twenty six Samuel Matlier E-q'r — nineteen John Bliss E-q'r forty Noah Goodman Esq'r two M'r Eben'r Boltwond three John Hastings E^q'r twenty three Eben'r Mattoon Esq'r eleven Joseph Hartley Esq'r twelve Ezra Rood one John Billing three Simeon Dickinson one John Ingram one Ruggles Woodhridge Esq'r four David Sniead Esq'r three Simeon Strong Esq'r five Martin Kellogg one Josiah Warner one Gideon Handerson one Noah Smith two Oliver Cowls two Luke Coffeen one Jomth'n Dickinson J'r "| g^,ie(.t Eben'r Boltwood | 'jyjj,,, Attest Joel Moody }■ r Enos Dickinson | ^niherHt Stephen Smith J Nath'll Dickinson Jun'r Town Clerk Att a Legal meeting of the Inhabitants of tiie Town of Amherst April 5tli 1784 Nath'll Dickinson was chosen Moder- ator "Voted — To Accept the list of Jurors laid before the Town by the Select men Voted— that John Billing, Cap't Eli Par- ker, Jonathan Dickinson Jun'r Joseph Dickinson and Moses Cooke be a Com- mittee to Build a Town Pound Attest Nath'll Dickinson Jun'k Moder" ator At a Legal Meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Amherst May 10th 1784 L't John Field was chosen Moderator Voted — That Moses Dickinson, John Billing and Moses Cooke be a Committee to Confer with the Select men or Commit- tea of the Town of Belciiertown gin order to settle the Line Between said Towns — and report at some future meeting At a Legal meeting of tiie Inhabitants of the Town of Amherst Angust 18th 1784 Natli'll Dickinson Jun'r was chosen Moderator Voted, That the Town will Indemnify Jonatlian Dickinson Jun'r and Elisha Smiih res[)eiting ihe Action Commenced against them by Hezekiah Belding — Voted — To Choose a Committee to make De- fence against the before mentioned Action — Voted— That Simeon Strong Esq'r L'j John Field and Capt Eli Parker be the Committee aforesaid — Voted — That the Treasurer be Directed to receive into the Town Treasury so much Paper money of the New Emission as L't Aaron Dickinson hath collected for Town Taxes; and that tlie Town will make recompence to Said Dickinson for all Losses he hath neces- arily Sustained, by nreans of Losses in collecting Taxes, Provided Said Dickinson return into the Treasurers Office Such Notes as he hath against tor the same Sum or Sums as he gave for them Attest Nath'll Dickinson Jun'r Moder- ator At a Legal meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Amherst Nov'r 15th 1784 Eben'r Mattoon Esq'r was chosen Mod- erator Voted — That the Select-men Set up Six Schools within the town four of which to be in the places they usually have been kept in, and the other two in Such places as the Select men think fit Voted — To Grant thirty Pounds to maintain the Schools and the Assessors are empowered to Assess the same At a Legal tneting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Amherst Janua'y 3d 1785 92 Records of Amherst from 1735 to 17^ Nath'll Dickinson Juri'r was cliosen Moderator Voted— To accept tlie Bills as read and corrected and the Assessors are empower- ed to Assess a Sum on tlie Inhabitants of tills Town Sufficient to Pay the Same — Voted— To allow Six SliillioKS p'r Hun- dred feet of two inch Oak Plank and five Shillings p'r Hundred for inch and half Oak Plank — Voted— To Grant the sum of thirty Pounds far the support of Schools —Voted — That the Schools be kept three months in ejich part of the town where Schools ate kept Voted— That Capt. Eli Parker, Nath'll Dickinson Jun'r and Moses Cooke he a Committee to examine the Petition of John Billings and others and report what is proper to be Dme Voted — That the Assessors be empower- ed and Directed to Assess the sum of one hutidred pounds on ihe Inhahitants of this Town for the Payment of a Note given to L't John Field iti behalf of t!:e Town Attest Nath'lt. Dickinson Jun'r Mod- erato r At a Legal meeting of the InhabitHuts of the Town of Amherst January 28th 1785 M'r Eben'r Boltwood was chosen Mod- erator Vott-d — Elisha Smith an Assessor — Vot- ed — that the Assessors Assess a Sum Suf- ficient to Pay the Bills exhiliited by D'r Cutler— Voted — To Grant the Sum of Six Founds in Addition to the Bounty of the Commonwealth to -any Inliabitant of this Town, who shall Kill a Wolf witiiin Ten miles of Amherst meeting House, or tak- ing the track of a Wolf withm said limits, shall pursue and kill the same in any place whatever Attest Eben'r Boltwood Moderator At a Legal Meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Amherst March 14th 1785 Nath'll Dickinson Jun'r was chosen Moderator Voted— Nath'll Dickinson Jun'r Town Clerk and D'n Seth Coleman Treasurer Voted — Joseph Church, Noah Smith, Elisha Smith, Jonathan Dickinson Jn'r and En. John Nash Select men — Voted-— Joseph Cliurch, Elisha Smith and Nath'll Dickinson Jn'r Assessors — Voted — Stouglitou Dickinson Surveyor of Shin- gles — Voted — Barnabas Sabin and Simeon Clark Jn'r Constables — Voted — Oliver Clapp, Eben'r Eii>tman, Josiah Warner, Stephen Smith Timothy Green Jn'r and L't Aaron Dickinson Surveyors Of High- wa}s — Voted — Elijah Dickinson, D'n Sim- eon Clark, Timothy Handerson, Joel Moody, Stephen Cole and David Blodgett Juu'r Tyihingmfn Voted — Jonathan Moodv Jn'r — John Ingram 2il and Sitneon Dickinson War- dens — Voted — Elisha Smith Sealer of Leather — Voted — Samuel Boltwood and L't Joel Billing Fence Viewers — Voted — VVilliam Clapp, Jonathan Barnes Zaelie- riah Hawley, Eleazer Cowls, Moses Cooke and John Morton Jn'r Ilogreeves Voted — That Hogg 3'oked and Rung according to Law may run on the Com- mons from the middle of May to the mid- dle of August Attest Nath'll Dickinson Jn'r Moder- ator At a Legal Meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Amherst Qualified accord- ing to the Constitution to Vote for a Gov- ernor &c April 4th 1785 The Votes for a Governor were as fol- lows — viz — For the Hon'ble John Worthington Esq'r — Sixteen For the Hon'ble James Bowdoin Esq'r Nine His Honor Thomas Cushing Esq'r — Two For the Hon'ble Azor Orne Esq'r — Ten For the Hon'ble Benjamin Lincoln E«q'r Two The Votes for a Leiutenant Governor were as follows (viz) Records of Amherst b^rom 1735 to 111 93 For liis Honor Tliomas Cashing Esq'r — tliirty two For til.' Ilon'ble Jiunes Bowdoin E-q'r — one For the Ilon'ble Benjaman Lincoln Esq'r — -two For tlie Ilon'ble Azor Oine Esq'r — one For the Ilon'ble John Wortliington Esq'r — -ix The Vo'ea for Senators were as follows (viz) For David Sniead E-^q'r Eleven For John Hastings Esq'r Ten For Noah Goodman Esq'r — eitiht For John Bliss Esq'r — twenty three For Timothy Danielson Esq'r — Ten For C^Hleb Strong Esq'r — wenty eight For Warhani Parks E q'r — thirteen For Moses Bliss Esq'r — twenty For Doct'r Eben'i" Hunt — seven For M'r John Williams — three For Simeon Strong Esq'r — five For N ith'U Dickinson Esq'r — tiiree For M'r Jolm Nush — five For M'r Jonathan Arms — three For M'r John Billing — three For M'r Phineluis Htebbiiis — two For M'r Caleb West — two For Samuel Mather Esq'r — four Joseph Church "] Se- NoAH Smith | lect Attest Elisha Smith \- men Jonathan Dickinson Jun'r I of John Nash J Am- herst Nath'U Dickinson Jn'r Town Clerk At a Legal meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Amherst April 4th 1785 Ensign John Nash was chosen Modera- tor Voted — To Grant the Sum of Seventy Pounds to repair the Highways and the Assessors are enspowered to Assess the same on the Inhabitants of the Town — Voted — To allow three shillings p'r Day for work Done at the Highways from the first Day of May to the first Day of Octo- ber and one Shilling and Six pence for work in the fall — Voted— Cap't Eli Parker, John Billing and Moses Dickinson a Committee to en- deavour a Settlement of the Lines between Belchertowii, Pelliam and Andierst and that they report to the Town — Voted — To accept the list of Jurors — Voted — Asahel Mooily, D'n Eleczer Smith Moses Dickin- son he a Conunittce to view the Lands Petitioned for by Elijah Hastings and Daniel Cooley and report wliat is proper to he Done Attest At a Legal meeting of the Iidiabitants of the Town of Amherst May 2d 1785 Noah Smith was chosen Moderator Voted — To allow to John Fielil Jun'r the Rates ctmmitted to him to Collect of Josiah Chauncy, Isaac Chauncy, Moses Chauncy and Lemuel Root unless he shall have opportunity to Collect them of said Persons abovenamed — Voted — To Discontinue that part of the Hitthwav Petitioned for by Elijah Hastings and Grant the same to him on Condition that said Hastings give his security to the Treasurer of the. Town within one niontli for the Payment for the same at the rate of eight Pijunds for sin acre Vott'd — To Discontinue that part of the Heighway Petitioned for by'Daniel Cooley and Grant the same to him on Condition that said Cooley give his security to the Treasurer of the Town, within one montli for the Payment for the same at the rate of eight Pounds for an acre Voted — That the Select men and Treas- urer have a Discretionary Pow-r to call into the Treasury the monies Due to the Town on Notes of hand Attest At a Legal meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Amherst May 16tii 1785 Elisha Smith was chosen Moderator Voted — unanimously not to consent to a Division of the County of Hampshire -Voted — That Eben'r Mattoon Esq'r John Billing and M'r Eben'r Boltwood be a Committee to make answer to the Peti. 94 Records of Amherst from 1735 to 17^ tion presented to the General Court for tlie Division of the County aforesaid Voted — Tliat in Case a Division of said County should be obtained the Inhab- itants of tliis Town request to belong to the south part of the County Attest Elisha Smith Moderator At a Legal meeting of the Inhabitants of tlie Town of Amherst October 13ili 1785 D'n John Billing was chosen Modera- tor Voted — To Grant forty Pounds for main- tenance of scliools Attest John Billing Moderator At a Lecfal meeting of tlie Inhabitants of the Town ot Amherst Jaimary 9tli 1786 Joseph Churcii was chosen Moderator Voted — to allow the Bills as read and corrected, and to empower the Assessors to assess a sum sufficient to Pay the same — Voted — to Grant eight Pounds ten Shil- lings to support the schools — Voted — That the Town of Hadley and annexed to the Town of of Amherst will Refer the mat- ters contained in a Petition signed by John Field and others lately Prefered to the General Court (Praying that their Lands Lying in the first Division of Hadley inner Conmions may be Disannexed from the Town of Andierst) to Arbitrators mutual- ly to be chosen by Committees appointed by each of said Towns, wliich said Com- mittee sliall have a Discretionary Power to appoint tlie time and Place for said Ar bitrators to meet, and Conduct the Busi- ness relating to Said Petition in Behalf of said Towns in the same manner as Individ- uals might Do in References Depending between Party and Party Voted — Nath'll Dickinson Jn'r Cap't Eli Parker and En'sn John Nash be a Committee for tlie abovemeniioned pur- pose- Voted — To Allow; Nathan Dickin- son Jun'r the sum of one Pound one shil- ling and eight pence money paid by him for a Continental Soldier — Voted — To Discharge the Rev'd M'r Parsons's Heirs from Paying a Tax assessed on them Dat- ed September 18th 1781 for the sum of five Pounds four shillings — Voted — To Allow a reasonable reward to tiiose Persons who built the schoolhouse in the Northerly part of the Town on the road leading to Sun- derland — Voted — To Direct the Select men to lay a Town Road from the road leading from Eben'n Eastman's to Kelloggs Mill, to the road leading from Maj'r Peck's to Leverett — Voted To all[ow] Six Sir.l- lings p'r hundred feet of two inch Oak Plank and four shillings and six pence p'r hundred feet of inch and half Oak Plank. Voted That Timothy Green Jun'r he paid his Bill for work at Highwnys by monies Due on the Highway Rate and that the Assessors issue their Warrant to Collect ihe same — Voted — To allow two shillings and eitjlit pence p'r Day for work Done at Bridges Attest Joseph Church Moderator At a Legal meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Amherst March 6th 1786 Leiut John Field was chosen Modera- tor Voted — Nath'll Dickinson Jun'r Town Clerk Voted — Doct'r Beth Coleman Town Treasurer Voted— D'n Elisha Smith, Cap't Moses Cooke, Joseph Church, Joseph E..stman Jn'r and M'r Ebenezer Boltwood, Select men Voted — Cap't Moses Cooke, D'n Elisha Smith, and Eben'r Mattoon Esq'r Assess- ors Voted — Stephen Stnitli, John Eastman and Daniel Kellogg Jnr Constables Voted — Stephen Cole, Cap't Eli Parker, Elijah Dickinson, Joel Moody Andrew Kimlial Jn'r Elijah Elmer and Moses Hastings Surveyors of Highways and Col- lectors of Taxes Voted Samuel Hastings, Timothy Handerson, Simeon Cowls, Edward Smith Simeon Dickinson Jn'r and John Eastman Tythingmen Voted — E'n Elijah Hastings, Moses Records of Amherst from 1735 to 1788. 95 Cooke Hiui L't Noah Dickinson — Wardens Voted — William Clapp, Israel Dickin- son, Tiniotliy Green Jnr. David Warner Andrew Kiuibal Jnr and David Ingram — Hay wards Voted — Jacob McDai'ieli, Oliver CuwU and Timothy Green Jn'r Fence viewers Voted — Josepli Church Surveyor of Shiii^jles and Clapboards Voted — L't Thomas Hastings, Sealer of Leather Voted — To Grant the sum of seventy Pou.ds to repair the Highway Voted — To Allow three shillings p'r Day for work Done at Heighways from the first Day of May to the first Day of September and two shillings p'r Day in tlu- month of September and one shilling and six pence afterwards Voted — Tliat Hogs yoked and ringed according to Law may run on the Com mons from the Middle of May to the Mid die of August Voted — To Build a Suhoolhouse in the Northeast part of the Town Voted — Tliat Elijah Baker, Josiah War- ner and Enos Dickinson be a Committee to build the same Voted — John Billing, Eleazer Smith and Jacob McDaniell be a Committee to ex- amine the Siate of the Treasury Voted — to accept the following report ot the Select men for laying out a road from tlie road which leads troiii Ebenezer East- man's to Kellogg's Mill, into the Road by Jonatlian Howard's House, said Road is laid out three rods in widih till it comes to the top of Pine hill, then two rods wide to the road leading by Howards liouse — Described as follows — East 87 rods on Amariah Dana's North line to a Town road — then East crossing the abovesaid town way 4 rods to a Stake and stones it being a Corner of David and Eleazer Cowls Land — them East 1 deg 30 min North on the abovesaid. Cowls Land 24 rods to a stake — then East 24 deg south on Eben'r Eastman's land 17 rods and 12 links to a stake and stones, tlien Ka^^t 13 deg Norili on said E istman's land 8 rods to a stake ar.d stones ; then East 28 deg North on said Eastman's land l(j rods to a stake and stones, them easterly to a white Oak, then East 11 deg North 16 rods to a white Oak, then East 5 deg 30 min North 10 rods to a stake; then East 28 rods to the road North of Howard's — the line between Eleazer Cowls, David Cowls and Ebenezer Eastman to be the Centre of the road Attest John Field Moderator At a Legal meeting of the Inhabitants of Amiierst April 3d 1786 Votes, for a Governor were as follows (viz) For his Excellency James Bowdoin Esq'r twenty three Hon'ble Benjamin Lincoln Esq'r eleven Hon'ble Joliii Hancock Esij'r one Votes for a Lieutenant Governor were as follows (viz) For the Hon'ble Nathaniel Gorham Esq'r twenty three His Honor Thomas Cashing Esq'r seven Votes for the Senators were as follows (viz) For Timothy Danielson Esq'r thirty two Caleb Strong Esq'r forty three John Hustings Esq'r thirty three Oliver Piielps E?q'r forty one William Shephard Esq'r seventeen Simeon Strong Esq'r three Samuel Mather Esq'r three Joseph Church "j selectmen Attest Eben'r Boltwood V of Joseph Eastman Jn'r J Amherst Nath'll Dickinson Jn'r Town Clerk At a Legal meeting of the Inhabitants of Amliersl April 3d 1786 Joseph Eastman Jnr was chosen Moder- ator Voted — To Accept the List of Jurors laid before the Town by the Select men At a Legal meeting of thelnliabitants of Amherst May 1st 1786 L't John Field was chosen Moderator 96 Records of Amherst from 1735 to 1788. Vated — That Simeon Strong Esq'r be requested to Continue the Action brouglit by the Executors of the Rev'd David Par- sons Dec'd against the Town untill Au- gust Term — Voted — To Direct the Treasurer to Col- lect the Debts Due to the Town from in- dividuals as soon as he can by Law — Voted — L't Moses Rowe, John Billing and L't John Field a Committee to view the Land Petitioned for by Martin Kellogg and report to the Town what is proper to be Done respecting the same Voted — That Martin Kellogg and Moses Dickinson Esq'r be Joined to the Com- mittee appointed to examine into the State of the Treasury At a Legal meeting of the Inhabitants of Amherst May 1st 1786 Nath'U Dickinson Jun'r was cliosen Moderator Voted — Eben'r Mattoon Esq'r and Cap't Eli Parker Delegates to meet in County Convention to take into Consideration tlie expediency of a Division of the County or any alterations as to the places of holding the Courts and Register's OflSce in said County Voted — That the Treasurer be Directed to Pay Elisha Porter Esq'r liis Demands on an Execution he hath against ilie Town Attest Nath'll Dickinson Jn'r Moder- ator At a Legal meeting of the Inliabitants of the Town of Amlierst June 12tli 1786 D'n Elisha Smith was chosen Modera- tor Voted — To Discharge Nath'll Dickinson Jn'r late Treasurer of tliis Town from all Demands against him as Treasurer and said Dickinson hereby Discharges the Town from all Demands against them as Treasurer — Voted — That each Surveyor expend the money Committed to him within the District he is ordered to repair — Vot- ed — That upon either of the Surveyors of Highways for tlie year 1786 presenting hia Rate Bill to the Town Treasurer and Cer- tifying on the same that the whole sum committed to him has been by him collect- ed and expended in repairing that part of the Heigliway committed to his care, or a part thereof being collected in Labour with a Sum of money amounting in the whole to the sum Committed to him To Direct the said Treasurer to receive such rate bill so executed as above or a part in money as above Described and give the Surveyor presenting the same a Discharge therefrom — Voted — The Select men a Committee to find how much is Due from the Town to the Heirs of the Rev'd David Parsons Deceas'd — Voted — That L't Moses Rowe Cap't Moses Cooke and Eben'r Mattoon Esq'r be a Committee to view the Land Petitioned for by L't Zebina Mon- tague and report to this meeting— Voted to adjourn to friday 16th inst at three of the Clock in the afternoon, being met according to Adjournment — Voted — Cap't Jonathan Dickinson, Major Mattoon and M'r Isaac Goodale a Committee to view and Apprise the Land Petitioned for by Martin Kellogg — Voted— to Discontinue that part of the Highway hereafter De- scribed and Grant the same to L't Zebina Montague he giving security to the Town Treasurer for Payment for the Same at the rate of fifteen Pounds P'r acre on or before the first Day of May next; said Lands are Described as follows — viz — Be- ginning at the North west corner of said Montagues shop and runs east 19 deg 30 min North ten rods, thence east 5 deg north 14 rods and 12 feet thence East 26 deg South 14 rods and 11 feet — thence south four feet — thence west 37 rods and 3 feet adjoining Moses Warner's north Line — containing one Acre and fourteen rods Attest At a Legal meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Amherst August 7th 1786 Major Eben'r Mattoon was chosen mod- erator — Voted To reconsider the vote Records of Amherst from 1735 to 1788. 97 passed the last meeting Directing the Treasurer to Postpone Collecting tlie town Debts, and that he be Directed to Collect them immediately agreeable to a former vote of the Town respecting the Treasur- ers collecting the town Debts without Delay Attest Eben'r Mattoon Moderator At a Legal meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Amherst July 13th 1786 M'r Eben'r Boltwood was chosen Mod- erator—Voted — That Cap't Eli Parker, Moses Cooke and Isaac Goodale be a Com- mittee to Apprise the Land Petitioned for by Titus Stevens Voted— To Grant the Sum of two Hun- dred and fifty Pounds to Pay the Debts Due to the Heirs of the Rev'd David Par- sons Deceas'd and the Assessors are em- powered to Assess the Same Attest Eben'r Boltwood Mod'r At a Legal meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town ot Amherst Jan'y 1st 1787 Cap't Moses Cooke Jun'r was chosen Moderator Voted — To allow Six Shillings for two inch Oak Plank and five Shillings for inch and half Oak Plank Voted — To allow tlie Bills as read a:id corrected, and that the Assessors be em- powered to Assess a sum on the Inhabi- tants of the Town sufficient to Pay the same Attest At a meeting of the Inhabitants of Am- herst January 12th 1787 M'r Daniel Cooley was chosen Modera- tor The following Petition was read and passed ; and thereupon ordered that the Moderator send an attested Copy of the same as the General Court for their con- sideration at their next Sessions The Petition is as follows, to wit — Comnionwealtii of Massaciiusetts To the Honorable the Senate and House of Representatives in their present Ses- sions — A Petition Wherein your Petitioners the Inhabi- tants of the Town of Amherst Humbly Sheweth — That your Petitioners being Deeply aflfected with the Calamities and Distresses that attend and embarrass the Good People of this Commonwealth; your Petitioners being sensible that there aro many things in the transactions of our Publick Affairs that have a Direct tenden- cy to involve the Common People in a State of Slavery and Poverty without some speedy relief. Your Petitioners therefore think it their Duty and Do encourage themselves in presenting this their Petition to your Hon- ors for relief in the following Articles all which we apprehend are within your Hon- ors power to redress — The Existance of the Court of Common Pleas ; a grievance as all matters cognizable before may be brouglit to a final Issue by a Jury of 12 men Drawn out of the Box by order of a Justice — Tlie General Court Sitting in Boston — a Grievance — as there is an undue influence upon the Members by the Mer- chants and other Inhabitants of said Town, together with many other Diversions by attendance to Trade, and much noise and Claims stretched, likewise as eatables are much Dearer at the second or third hand — The Grants made to the Officers of Government — far beyond their Deservings or the Principles of the Constitution and the Peoples abilities to Pay — The Present mode of Paying State Securities without ■ any Description between the original Owners and those who purclmse them — Tiie present appropriation of the Excise and Impost money ; as it ought to be im- proved to answer the Demands of the foreign Debt — The late great Tax imposed on the People for far beyond their abilities to Pay under their Distressing circum- stances together with the speedy collection of the same — The present mode of Taxa- tion, as it operates unequally between Poles and Estates, and the Mercantile and Landed Ir.terest a grievance — The want of 98 Records of Amherst from 1735 to 17^ a sufficient Medium of Trade to prevent the mischiefs arising from a scarcity ot money, n Grievance. To which your Petitioners add their most fervent Desires that your Honors would Repeal the Sus- pension of the Writ of Habeas Corpus likewise tlie Riot Act; the continuance of those Acts your Petitioners apprehend will be greatly subversive of the Constitu- tional Protection of the good People of this Commonwealth — Your Petiiioners request your Honors to empower the Select-men of the Several Towns in tliis Commonwealth to effect the whole malterx of Licencing Inniiolders and Retailers, likewise the registering of Deeds in every Town — That tlie Treasurer of each Town be empowered to collect the Excise money —The often Sitting of the Court of Ses- sions, a Grievance, as we think one ses- sion of said Court in a year would Serve to all intents and purposes — We likewise Pray your Honors to send to all the Towns in the Commonwealth to Know tlieir minds witli regard to the Revival of the Constitution as your Petitioners appre- hend great improvements may be made upon the same — That the Settlement of Estates or all Probate matters be accom- modated and settled in CHch Town, as it will be a vast saving to the Fatherless and Widows — To all which your Petitioners beg leave to suggest, that the gratifying the above requests will be a happy means to prevent a strenuous movement of the western Counties to be formed into a sep- arate State — all which is humbly submit- ted to your Honors Candor and Wisdom — as in Duty bound shall ever Pray by order The forementioned meeting being as- sembled January 12th 1787 made choice of John Billing, Cap't Eli Parker, Moses Dickinson Esq Martin Kellogg and E'n John Nash to Draught the foregoing Pe- tition and adjourned to the Wednesday following when being met according to adjournment the same was read and ac- cepted and ordered to be Recorded in the Town Book of Records Attest Daniel Cooley, Moderator At a LeLjal meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Amherst March 26lli 1787 M'r Zebina Montague was chosen Mod- erator Voted, NatirU Dickinson Jun'r Town Clerk — Voted — D'r Seth Colemau Town Treasurer — Voted — L't John Field, D'n Elisha Smith, M'r Eben'r Boltwood, Joseph Church and Jonathan Dickinson Jun'r Select men — Voted — D'n Elisha Smith, D'n Seth Coleman and D'n Heze- kiah Belding Assessors; — Voted — Zebina Montague, Daniel Cooley, Elijah Baker David Blodgett and Solomon Boltwood Wardens — Voted — Capt'n Moses Cooke Major Eben'r Mattoon, Simeon Clarke Jun'r E'n Joseph Pettes, and D'n Heze- kiah Belding. Ty thingmen — Voted — Gid- eon Dickinson, Stoughton Dickinson, Gideon Parsons, David Blodgett, Eleazer Cowls, Simeon Clarke Jun'r Surveyors of Heighways — Voted — Joseph Eastman Ju'r and Enos Cowls Constables — Voted L't John Field and L't Noah Dickinson Fence Viewers-Voted-Gideon Dickinson, Stough- ton Dickinson, Gideon Parsons, David Blodgett, Eleazer Cowls, and Simeon Clark Jun'r Collectors of the Heighway rate — Voted — Joseph Church, surveyor of Shingles — Voted — D'n Elisha Smith Sealer of Leather- Voted — E'n Elijah Hastings, Levi Cooke, David Cowls, Nath'il Edwards and Eldad Moody and L't John Field Haywards — Voted — Jonathan Dickinson Jun'r Packer of Beef — Voted — To grant the sum of Seventy Pounds to repair the Heighway and the Assessors are empowered to Assess the same— Voted — To allow three Shillings p'r Day for work Done at Highways from the first Day of May to the first Day of September and two Shillings p'r Day in September and October and one Shilling and six pence the remainder of the year — Voted — To Grant to Isaac Hubbard Six Pounds for Records of Amherst from 1735 to 1788. 99 killing a grown Wolf and the Assessors are empowered to Assess the same — Vot- ed, that Hogs yoked and rung according to Law may run on the Common from tlie first Day of May to tl»e first Day of Sep- tember Attest At a Legal meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Amherst on the first Mon- day of April A D. 1787 Voted for Governor as follows — viz, His Excellency James Bowdoin Esq'r thirteen The Hon'ble John Hancock Esq'r eight Voted for Lieutenant Governor as fol- lows, viz, the Hon'ble Benjamin Lincoln Esq'r twenty two — Voted — for Senators as follows — viz For David Smead Esq'r Seventeen William Shephard Esq'r Nineteen Caleb Strong Esq'r twenty one John Bliss Esq'r twenty one Oliver Plielps Esq'r four J»hn Hastings Esq'r one John Field 1 Select Eben'r Boltwood I men Attest Elisha Smith > of Jonathan Dickinson J'k J Amherst Joseph Church J Natli'll Dickinson Jun'r Town Clerk At a Legal meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Amherst May 14th 1787 M'r Daniel Cooley was chosen Moder- ator Voted — To relinquish to Isaac Hubbard a Town Tax against him and committed to Stephen Cole to collect, he having paid the same or Similar Tax in another Town — Voted — To empower the Select men to give an order to Isaac Hubbard to Draw Six Pounds out of the Town Treas- ury for his killing one gruwn Wolf — Vot ed — to accept the List of Jurors laid be- fore the Town by the Selectmen — Voted — That the Select men be empowered to give an order to Stephen Smith to Draw Seven Shillings and Six pence out of the Town Treasury for removing a Poor Family to Sunderland — Voted — That the Town Tax which should have been com- mitted to Daniel Kellogg Jun'r be com- mitted to the Constables for the present year and the Assessors are Directed to Issue their warrants accordingingly Attest Daniel Cooley Moderator At a legal meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Amherst August 13ih 1787 The votes for a Register of Deeds for the middle District in the County of Hamp- shire were as follows For Solomon Stoddard Esq'r thirty eight For Eben'r Hunt Esq'r two At a Legal meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Amherst Oct'r 15th 1787 L't John Field was chosen Moderator Voted — To Grant fifty Pounds to Sup- port Schools Voted — to keep the Schools the ensuing year Voted — that the east School in the mid- dle, shall have one month more than the others to make up what they wanted of their proportion the last year Voted — that each District or School shall have a sixth part of the [sum] that is granted for the Support of Schools Voted — To choose a Committee to In- struct our Representative Voted— That D'n John Billing, Martin Kellogg, L't Moses Rowe Elijah Baker, Moses Cooke Cap't Eli Parker and Joseph Dickinson be the Committee aforesaid Voted — to Adjourn to Iriday the 19th instant at three O'Clock P. M. then to meet in this place At a Legal meeting of the Inhabitants of Amherst Oct'r 29th 1787 Cap't Eli Parker was chosen Modera- tor Voted to adjourn this meeting unto the 12th Day of November next Nov'r 12th 1787. Being met according to adjournment — Voted — to Sell some part of the Town Heighway — Voted — That the Heighvyays 100 Records of Amherst from 1735 to 1788. d^.. North }ind South shall be in no place less than Six rods wide where they are now so wide — Voted — That the Committee act Discretionary as to the width of the Cross Highways — Voted— To choose a Commit- tee to Dispose of said Highways or any part thereof as tliey think proper — Voted — Cap't Eli Parker, Moses Dickinson Esq'r Simeon Strong Esq'r L't John Field M'r Daniel Cooley, Joseph Churcli, Jo- siah Warner, Enos Dickinson, and Noah Smith be tiie Committee aforesaid — Voted — To allow the People in the Nortiieast part of Amlierst, eighteen pounds, in Case they shall build for the Town such a School house as is built in the Nortliwest part of the Town — Voted — To Abate to L't Ezra Rood the Rates that were made against him when in Nortliampton Goal — Voted — To Dis- charge L't Ezra Rood from all other Rates in the Constables hands against him pro- vided he give a Note to the Town Treas- urer for the same sum on interest, for the use of the Inhabitants of this Town Attest Eli Parker Moderator At a Legal meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Amherst January 14th 1788 Joseph Church was chosen Moderator Voted — to adjourn to Monday next at one of the Clock afternoon then to meet at ihe first Parisli meeting house — being met according to Adjournment — Voted — to accept the Bills as read and corrected and to empower the Assessors to Assess a Sum of money on the Inhabi- tants of this Town sufficient to Pay the same — Voted — six shillings P'r Jmndred feet for two inch Oak plank and five shil- lings for inch and half Oak Plank — Voted — three ^shillings P'r Day to the Assess- ors — Voted — three shillings P'r Day for work Done al Bridges and three shillings and four pence P'r Day for Hewers of Tim- ber — Voted — two shillings P'r Day to each of the Committee appointed to Ascertain the Town and County Heighways — Voted — To Adjourn to the Seventh Day of Feb- ruary next at one of the Clock afternoon then to meet at the first Parish meeting house — Being met according to Adjourn- ment — Voted — To allow thirty Pounds for Building the schoolhouse in the north east part of the Town — Voted — To Abate to Nath'll Dickinson 2d the rates he had to collect against Daniel Clieney, Enos Rolph and William Moores — Voted — To abate to Thomas Marsliall the whole of the rates Due from liim to the Constables of this Town not by them collected — voted — To choose a Committee to pro- portion the money that may arise from the sale of Highways to each Parish in this Town— Voted— That D'r Setli Cole- man Col. Eben'r Mattoon, D'n John Bil- ling, L't Zebina Montague be the Commit- tee aforesaid Attest Joseph Church Moderator [the end]. ^^M^^^On^