LIBRARY OF CONGRESS ironiM ^.j 013 744 365 fi SANITARY COMMISSION. CAMP INSPECTION RETURN. Abbreviations. — Y, " r«;" N, "Ko;" n. c, "not exact;" Q? "So reported, but Inspector dotibts if correctly." Where one subdivision of a question is answered, the others may be disregarded. i?f_/;:>-c?iecs.— Keference is Tiiado to the reyiscd edition of the Army Regulations— that published pursuant to the order of the Secretary Of War, dated August 10, ISCl. Special Xote. — March 1, 18G2. Inspectors will be careful to remember that the answers of this Return are expected to present evidence of Investigation. Except in a few necessary cases, the answers are not intended to be those of the persons whom the Inspector examines, but to express hia own conviction after due inquiry and reflection. I. DESCRIPTION AND GENERAL CHARACTER OF BODY INSPECTED. 1. Name and localify of camp, (carefully giving direction and distance from some well-known locality)? 2. State? 3. Military department ? 4. Date ot conclusion of inspection ? 5. Name of inspector? G. Designation (or designations if more than one) of the body inspected? ■whose brigade?., ■whose division?. •An 7. Name and exact military title of its commanding officer? 7'. Was he educated at West Point? 7". Had he previous military experience ' 8. Where recruited ? (Specifying counties, if practicable)... 9. Predominating nativity? American ? Irish? German? Foreign, not Irish or German? , 10. When recruiting began ? 11. AVhen mustered into United States ser- vice? 12. At what places stationed since, and how long at each ? 12'. How long at the present camp site? 13. How strong when mustered in ? 13'. How many have since been discharged?. have deserted? have died? have resigned? have been transferred? .10 .11 12» .1.3 .13* 13''. IIow many have since been added to the roi'iment ? , how many have been promoted; how many have been reduced to the ranks ? 11. Present strength ? , .13" .14 II. CHARACTER OF CAMP SITE. 15. Who selected present camp site ?. 15'. Was the Surgeon consulted in the selec- tion? was his advice regarded ?. IG. Had the site been occupied shortly be- fore for the same purpose ? If so, date and condition* when last evacuated ? IG'. How often previously occupied, and by what regiments ? 17. Was the selection influenced by military considerations which might overrule sanitary ? 18. Situation of camp — upon n, hill-top ? upon a hill-side? upon a liill-foot ? in a glen ? on a plain ? slightly elevated ? 10. Is the site unshaded? " in the shade of woods?. .15' .IG .161 .18 .19 * As good, bad, or indifferent. 20. Is it sheltered by higher land?* 1 20 " wood?* 2 1 . From what quarter is the prevailing w iud ? 21>. What the authority for this reply ? 21". Is a meteorological registerf systemati- cally kept by the surgeon, or under his immediate supervision, and copies thereof transmitted monthly to the medical director? 21'". On how many days, according to the register for the calendar mouth last completed, was the direction of the wind — North? Northeast? East? Southeast? South?.. Southwest? West? Northwest? 21'^. How many days were fair?. were cloudy ? of rain ? of snow? 22. As to malaria, what is the reputation of the site? unknown?. I? not wholly good ? , bad? very bad? , ..21 .21' .21" .21"' 21''' * If so, show on what side by letters', as S. W. i Kev. Reg. pp. 2S1, 2S5, 320-323; pp. 1254, 12f4. 23. Local conditions presumptive of malaria: near a swamp ? near a pond? near a river? near a river delta?. 24. Soil of camp site — sandy ? loose gravel? loose loam? firm loam ? agglomerated pebbles, gravel, or sand, (bardpan) ? impervious clay ? 25. Sub-soil— sandy ? loose gravel? loose loam ?. firm loam ? agglomoratcd pebbles, gravel, or sand, (hardpauj ? impervious clay ' 26. Is the site favorable for surface drain- age (as to inclination) ? , .23 .24 .20 III. ARRANGEMENT AND CONDITION OF CAMP. 27. Is the camp arranged mainly in accord- ance with the "army regulations?".., more crowded ? . more open? 27'. If not, are satisHictorj' reasons given for departing from them? .27 28. How far apart are the tents in the rows?*, 28 * Distances should be stated in p.ices, (aot feet;) a military pace Is 2S inches, or 2'/^ feet. 29. How is the artificial drainage?.... systematic and complete?. partial, and with no general sys- tem? entirely neglected? 30. Are the drains mainly straight? are the drains very sinuous? 81. About how deep are the drains generally ? 32. About how wide at the top are the drains generally? , 33. Are the drains kept clean? " foul or clogged ? 34. Is there a good outlet for all the drains 'i 34'. AVhat ofBcer is charged with the super- iutendauce of the drainage? .29 .30 .31 .32 .33 ..34 .34' 35. Condition of the camp sti*eets — very clean ? 35 moderately clean? dirty or negiected? ' 3G. Edges of tents and spaces between tents — I very clean? 3G moderately clean ? i neglected and littered? 3G'. How often in the week is the camp po- liced? .36' IV. CHARACTER, VENTILATION, AND MANAGEMENT OF TENTS. 37. In what sort of tents are the privates mostly ? .37 Sibley or conical, with ventilator at top? regulation wall-tents?. regulation "scrv.ants," "com- mon," or "wedge shape?" If not of the above regulation patterns, state form and size ? What apparatus is used for heating the teats? stoves? earth flues?, peculiar?.... What provisions or arrangements for ventilation? 38. 39. Average number of men to each tent?. Is the ventilation of the tents looked after by any officer at n'ght?* 39'. By what officer 40. Are the tents struck on certain days for the purpose of a thorough cleansing and airing? if so, how often?. 40'. Are other means used for airing the tents?! , What is the present condition of the company quarters ? , neat and well ordered?, tolerably well kept?. ... dirty and neglected?.... V. BEDDING AND CLOTHING. 41. On what do the men sleep? rubber blankets? wooden tent floor? straw, hay, or leaves ? blankets laid on the bare ground ? 42. Do the men generally make any change of clothing at night? or after exposure to wet ? . .37' 38 .39 39* .40 .40i .40" .41 * Describe in '•General Remarks" the method of ventilation insisted on nt night. f It'tbe men are quartered in huts or barracks, state in report elsewhere how these arc constru'.te 1. heated and ventilated, and whether medical officers were consulted in regard to these questious. 42'. Is there a systematic inspection as to such chano-es? 42". Wbat officer is charged with the enforce- ment of orders in this respect? 4.3. Are the men supplied with two shirts each? 44. n.ive thej' blankets ? 1 each ? 2 each? 45. Of wbat quality are they? regular U. S. A.? not regular, but good ?.. not regular, poor? 46. Have they overcoats? how many are without ? 47. Is the overcoat of fair quality and in go(jd condition ? 48. Is the body coat or jacket of fair quality and in good condition ? 49. Are the trowsers of fair quality and in good coudiliou ? 49'. Is the regiment clothed in the regulation uniform?...' ■ 49«. Is it equally neat and serviceable ? 49"'. Do they take pride in it ? 49'^ AVhat the color of the coat? " " trowsers?.... 49^'. What sort of boots or shoes are gene- rally worn? 49". In what condition are they? how many are without ? 49™. Are they well provided with socks?. 49^'". What proportion are without? 49'". Have they a fatigue jacket? trowsers ? .42' .42"' .43 .44 .45 .46 .47 .48 .49 ..49i ..49" .49iii .49iv ..49'^ .49^' .49"i .49« 50. Are they required to regularly wash their underclorhinar? if so, how often ' 50». Arc there any laundresses* with the companies '.' 50". How mnuy to each company? 50'". Are thev furnished with certificates?. 50'^'. Has the price of washing soldiers' cloth- ing been fixed by the Council of Ad- ministration ? 51. Arc the men required to remove dust from and otherwise cleanse their other clothing? 52. Is a careful and systematic inspection with reference to these matters un- dertaken ? by whom ?.. how often ? , 53. Do YOU tliink it efficient (judging by the appearance of the men ?) .50" 50"i .SOi" .51 .53 VI. PERSONAL CLEANLINESS. 5-1. Do the men bathe frequently? . Are they required to bathe under the eye of an officer? .54 .55 50. 5G'. 50". 5Gi!l. 50'^ 5GV. if so, how often each man? ' (Omitted.) Do the officerssystematically enforce Reg- | ulation 100, requiring the feet of the men to be washed at least twice a week '; Do they enforce the same regulation with regard to the hair and beard? Do they, as a regular part of their duty, enforce Regulation 101, in respect to i thewashingof thefaceand hands daily' Are the faces and necks of the men generally cban ? Is Regulation 101 carried out in respect to the combing ot the head? .50' .56" .5G"i .5G'v .56^ * Ilevised Reg., pp. 24, 112, 1[1[ 128, 7S3. 10 57. Is eviilence of neglect of cleanliness of person looked for at inspection? 58. Are the men infested with vermin ?. 59. If so, has any application been made to remove them? .57 .59 VII. CLEANLINESS OF CAMP. GO. Do yru observe scraps of food, bones, or rubbish collected in the edges of tents?. .GO in the drains ? in the camp streets ? between the tents? near the cooking places? 61. Are refuse slops and food disposed of systematically, so as not to be otfen- sive ? 62. Do you observe odors of decay in the camp ? 63. Do the men void their urine within the camp ? at night? both day and night?. 64. How far is the men's privy from the tents of the body of the camp, (in paces,) and in what direction there- from? 65. Is there a sufficient pit or trench for the purpose ? 66. Is it provided with a sitting rail ? 67. Is it provided with a screen ? 68. Is earth regularly thrown in it daily ?... 69. Are disinfectants used in it, and what ?. 70. Are the men forbidJen to ease themselves elsewhere? 71. Do you find this prohibition to have been enforced ? 71i. Are the privies of the men frequently inspected by the commanding officer ?*. .61 .62 .63 .64 .65 .66 .67 .68 .69 .70 .71 .71' * Rev. Reg., p. 46, \ 306. 11 71 '. What officer is charged with tlie enforce- ment of all rules regarding privies ?.. 72. Is there a separate sink for officers ?. how far from nearest sleeping tents ? At what distance from the tents are the cattle or horses picketed ? 73i. 74. If too near, for what reason' What number? Is their dung daily removed, or so placed or covered as to be unobnoxious? What is the average number of horses, mules, and cattle accompanying the regiment ? Of these what number died during the calendar month last cojupleted ? At what distance from the camp were they buried, and at what depth? , VIII. WATER, SOURCE AND QUALITY. 7G. From what source is water procured?. surface springs? •wells? stream? pond ? ditch, slough, or puddle? swamps 77. Is the water clear? 78. Does it seem to be of unwholesome quality^ 79. Has it a reputation of being of unwhole- some quality ? .71' .70 IX. RATIONS AND COOKING. 80. Do the captains make requisitions for the rations of their companies ? * .80 * See form 13, page 267, Revised Army Regulations. 12 Do they instruct their sergeants as to the amount due to their companie.s from the regimental commissary? Do they cause strict accounts with tlie regimental commissaries to be kept, — so that, by comparing what is received from the commissary with what is due to their companies from the Govern ment, they can ascertain the surplus ■which remains due to them from the Governmeut? ■ 80'". Do they frequently direct what articles, | and what (juautities of each, shall be issued to their men? 81. Do the captains generally look after the suppliesof their companies, to see that they are not used too rapidly, and that they are properly served and cooked ?* 82. Is any officer required to examine and taste the food of the men before it is served at any moal, or is this done generally by the captains or other ofii- cers, either by order or voluntarily?.. 82'. DoanyoftheofScersmess with their men' 82". Are the calls for meals beaten at regu- lar hours ? 82'''. Are these hours the same fur all the companies? 83. Arc the rations found sufficient in quantity ? 8-1. Are they generally considered good in quality, each of iis kind? If not, mention what is alleged to be poor?.. 8-5. Are you satisfied of the justness of this allegation ? .80" .80«« .81 ,..82i .82" .82"' ...83 .84 .85 86. About how often is fresh meat served?. f re sh re getables ? desiccated vegetables ? desiccated meats or soups ? dried fruits? 87. Is the cooking in most instances done with portable stoves ? .87 with earth flues?. * See Eevised Army Regulations, 1[ 116, page 23. 13 in trenches ? ou the unbroken ground?. 88. 89. Is " the greatest care observed in wash- ing and scouring cooking utensils V'*. Is most of the food of the regiment pre- pared by cooks who perform that duty reguhirly ? [a] or by men taking short terms at it, and wlio generally liave no skill? (/>) 90. 91. ITow is it probable that the food is gene- rally cooked — well? badly ?f . Is the last question answered with the more contidence from personal obser- vation ? Is tea sometimes drawn in the ration instead of coffee? .88 .89 .01 .92 93. 94. 9ii. 95. (Omitted.) Is soft bread served? Is it served hot? , or moderately stale '. .94 94' Is it baked in the regiment, or at a gen- eral bakery? 90. Is it generally of good quality? 90'. Have any companies been able to save from their rations? in kind? or, in money, by commutation ?. .9-3 .96 .90* 90". From what articles mainly liave the savinars occurred? .9C'i X. REGIMENTAL AND COMPANY FUNDiJ. 90"'. What was the amount of the Regimen- tal Fund according to the last four- monthly report of the treasurer of the regiment?! .90"i 9G'v. IIow much was contributed to this fund from the tax on the sutler ? .OO'v * Keviscd Army lioguliitionK, f 138, p»g;e 23. f ."^co llevised Anuy llcgulations, \\ 117, page 23 X Kev. Kog., p. ou, Yi 'Ail, 204. 14 how much from the saving on the flour ration? how much from fines! 96- how much (if anything) from other sources? How much over and above expendi- tures remained for distribution to the Company Funds?* 'JG^'. Is there a Regimental Council of Ad- ministration ? 9G™. Is it convened at least once in every two months, as required by the Army Regulations? f when was it last convened !. 97. Has the Company Fund arrangement been successfully established in any case?t with several companies? with all? 97». What the aggregate amount of the seve- ral company funds, accoi'ding to the last four-monthly accounts submitted by the company officers to the com- •manding officer of the regiment ?g 97". How much of this aggregate was re- ceived from the distribution of the regimental fund ? how much consisted of savings from the company rations? how much (if any) from other sources ? 97i". Are Company Councils convened at least once in every two months, as re- quired by the Army Regulations? in several companies ; in all? When were the regimental books and papers last examined by a Govern- mental Inspector ?|| ,.9G^ .96^' .96™ .97 .97^ .97" .97=" .07! Ri-r. Reg., p. 36, W 202, 204. Hev. Ileg.. pp. 34. 36. ^^ 19.3, 204. Rpv. Reg., p. 36 Iflf 205, and Gen. Ord. War Dep., Nos. 82 and lOi . Rev. Reg., p. 36, If 206. Revised Army Regulations, p. 39, <[1f 32-1, 325. 15 XI. SUTLERS. 98. Is there a regimental sutler?. 99. Who appointed him? 100. Are the prices of articles on sale fixed in accordance with the Army Regula- tions ?* 100'. Are such prices conspicuously posted?. 100". Does the commanding officer of the regiment carefully scrutinize from time to time the tariif of prices pro- posed by the Council of Administra- tion, and take care that the stores ac- tually furnished by the sutler corres- pond to the quality prescribed ?j- 100"'. Are peddlers allowed to sell eatables to the men? 100'^. Are their wares inspected ? 100\ Do the men get eatables of the inhabi- tants? 100". Are there sources of dangerous sup- ply, as of unwholesome fruit? .98 .90 ,.100 .lOOi .100" .lOOi'i .lOOiv .lOOv .100^' XII. INTOXICATION. 101. Is ardent spirit sold by the sutler ?J... wine or beer? 102. Do the men obtain spirits otherwise ?. 103. Is there much intoxication ? 104. What is about the average daily number of men sent to the guard-house ? , 105. Are these cases chiefly from intoxica- tion ? lOG. Are peddlers of drinks allowed access to the men in camp? lOG'. Under what restrictions ? .101 .102 .103 .104 .105 ..100 . 1 Otji XIII. ABSENCES FROM CAMP. 107. Are the men strictly and effectively kept withiu the camp, except those having leave of absence? - .107 See ^ 216. page 37, Revised. Kovised Army lieguliitiuns, p. 35, ^ 197, and ."0th Article of War. See Articles of War, art. 29, end of volume of Army Kegulations. 16 108. AYhat is the largest number of the men ever allowerl to be absent from camp except on duty? ., 109. What is the ordinary daily number of absences? .108 .109 XIV. RECREATIONS. ll(t. Are the men generally in good spirits?. 111. Are means sj'stematically used to pro- mote cbeerfulucss, by games, enter- tainments, &c. ? 112. Is there a regimental band ?. llo. Is it maintained, in any degree, from a fund to -which the men contribute?.... by the oiBcers? , 113'. Is there a regimental library? 113". If so, are the books mainly of a reli- gious character ? 113"'. Is it maintained by contributions from the men? 113'^. If no library, is the regiment other- wise tolerably supplied with reading matter ? 113^. Is there much reading? , IIS"^-. Is target-shooting regularly or fre- quently practiced? 113^'' If so, how often does each man have his turn at it ? .110 .111 .112 .113 ..113i ,.113" .113"i .113!^ ..118^ ..113vi .113"* XV. BENEFIT SOCIETIES, AND TRANSMISSION OF SAVINGS. 114. Are there any provident or mutual ben- efit societies within the regiment ?.... 115. Do the men generally s.ave or send home a i)art of their wages? 115a. What number of the men so save and transmit? 11. 5i. How are the savings transmitted ?. by mail or express? by allotment roll ? .lU .115 .llSrt ..115' 17 lio". About how much of the last bi-monthly payments was probably transmitted by express or mail? j 115" by allotment roll?. XVI. GENERAL DISCIPLINE. lie. Does the general discipline of the camp appear better or worse than in camps generally ? IIG'. Are the common military signs of dis- cipline punctiliously enforced or prac- ticed, as the salute between men and officers ?* IIC". Are officers or soldiers on duty allowed to have their coats partially unbut- toned, or otherwise to follow personal inclinations in matters proper to be made uniform and regular? 110'''. Are the sentries alert and soldier-like in appearance ? , llG'^. Is the regiment frequently exercised in difficult field manoeuvres? IIG^ Is the brigade exercised in brigade manoeuvres ?f 11 G^ Have the men been of late much em- ployed in labor or field works, or in other severe fatigue duty? XVII. MEDICAL INSPECTION ON ENLISTMENT. 117. 118. Was there a medical inspection of the men on their enlistment ? If so, state name of official by whom it was made ? , 110. Was it thorough? 120. lias there been any subsdiuent medical inspection ? 121. If so, state name of official by whom it was made, and when ? , 122. Was it thorough ? 122 How many rejected on second inspec- tion? * Revised Army Regulations, 1[Tf 2.5i-257, page 41. t A review, or dross parade, or drill in line, is not to be consideeril us a mananivre. .116 .lie ..IIC" .llGi" .llGiv .IIG^ .IIG" .117 .118 .119 .120 .121 .122 .122' 18 123. Has every man in the regiment been vaccinated since enlistment ? 123'. If not, state the number so vaccinated?., 123". Upon how many existed evidence of previous vaccination ? ..123 .123' 123'". Of these state the number who had been vaccinated more than once? 123". Of primary vaccination, how many were successful ? , 123^'. Of re-vaccination, how many were successful ? 123'''. If none vaccinated, state the reason .123" ,123i» , 123iv .123^ .123" XVIII. MEDICAL OFFICERS. 124. 125. 12G. 127. 128. 129. 13U. Name of surgeon? , When appointed ? , Cy whom ? , At whose nomination or suffsestion ?. Waffe he previously examined and ap- proved of by a Slate or other medical board? superior medical officer? If so, give the title? .124 .125 .120 .127 .128 What had been the nature of his prepa- ration or previous experience? where graduated in medicine, and when ? general country medical prac- tice? (a) , general town medical? (b) , limited hospital experience? (c). extensive ? [d) , surgical practice ? (c) qualified only as a student? (/). no valuable experience or pre- paration? (g) .12'J .130 131. 132 Name of assistant surgeon ?. By whom appointed ? .131 .132 19 133. Qualifications? (Answer by repeating the letter opposite the appropriate suggestion after question 180.) .133 XIX. CAMP HOSPITAL, AMBULANCES, &c. 134. 135. 130. 137. 138. 130. 13(»i. 140. 141. Is a camp hospital organized? -jo^ Non-combatant rc. Is its floor covered with boards ? 148". How is it heated ? by stoves ? by earth-flues? peculiarly?. 149. Is it well ventilated ? 140'. Are the hospital floors sanded ? 149". Are spittoons provided in the hospital?. 149"'. Is smoking allowed in the hospital?.... 150. Is there a separate sink for hospital patients? 151. Is it well arranged ? 1 52. Is it carefully and adequately deodorized ? 152'. What disinfecting agents are used?f. ..143 .143a ,.143' .143" ..144 ..145 .146 .147 .147' .147" .147"' ...lis ..148' ,.148" ..149 ..149' .149" .149'" .150 .151 .152 .152' * In Pome instance=i it has been found misused for the colonel's lieadiiuarters or a mess-room. t If fumigations have been used, carefully investigate the results, and make a special report of them. 21 153. Are there a few sheets and suitable hojpLtal dresses ? 154. Are there any special hospital stores, (delicacies and cordials ?) 154'. Whence were the ahove-raentioued arti- cles received or obtained ? from the hospital fund? from other (and what) sources' 154''. Is there a hospital fund; 154'". What was its amount on the 1st of January, 18G2? 154'^. What its present amount ? . 154^^. Does the senior medical officer of the regiment or hospital transmit monthlj-- to the medical director of the depart- ment a copy of the " Statement of the Hospital Fund," as required by the regulations ?* 154". Is the diet of the sick of suitable quality? and quantity 154v Is the hospital inspected on the last day of each month by the command- ing officer?! 154^"'. Is inspection of the hospital, the men's quarters, the guard-house, &c., fre- quently made at other times by such officer ?| , 154'-'^. When was the hospital last visited by him ? .153 .154 .1541 .154" .154iii .154'^ ,.154v .154vi .I54"i .154viil ..154'^ XX. SICKNESS AND MORTALITY. 155. What are the prevailing diseases ?. .155 * Kevipeil Army Ifosnlation.', pp 2S5, ."3',>. ^ 126-1, ami Form 19. t KeviseU Army liegulatiuus, p. 46, ^i^f 304, 321. + ReTised Army Kogulations, p. 40, ^ 305. 22 155i. 155» 156. 157. 158. 15'J. ICO. If varioloi J or small-pox has occurrcil, were proper means taken to prevent either from spreading? If measles have prevailed, are troul)le- some sequela; more frequent than in civil life, in the judgment of the sui*- IIow many patients from the regiment are now in general hospital? IIow many patients are in the regimental hospital? IIow many "sick in quarters?' excused from all duty ?... on full or light duty? Are there any serious cases in the regi- mental hospital ? If so, has it been impracticnble to re- move them to the general hospital ?... and why ?. IGOi. Have any instructions been received in re'zard to the distribution of patients between general and regimental hos- pitals ? if any, what?. ICl. 102 1C3. Are there any contagious or infectious cases ?. Are they kept in a separate tent or house from the others ? Are the discharges from the latter placed in the privy used by others? (Omitted.) (Omitted.) Are the dead buried near the camp ' 1G4. 1G5. IGC. IGC. At what depth ? IGG". How many were under treatment in regimental hospital and quarters at the beginning of the calendar month last completed ? .155i ,155" .156 .157 .158 .159 .169 .160' .161 .162 .163 ..166 .lG6i .166" sick? convalescent ' 1 GG'i'. Of these, how many were excused from all duty? ICG"'. IIo w many new cases came under treat- ment durinjr the month ? IGG^. IIow many cases during the month were sent to general hospital? how many returned to duty absent on furlough at close of month? discharged from service?. deserted? died? IGG^i. How many were remaining in regi- mental hospital and quarters at the close of the month ? sick? convalescent?. IGG"'. Of these, how many were excused from all duty? IGG^"'. Does the surgeon make monthly re- ports of the sick and wounded to the medical director, as required by the regulations? , IGG"'^. Date of last report' ICC^. How many from general hospital re- turned to duty during the month ? how many, at general hospital — belonging to the regiment — were discharged from service during the month ? how many — belonging to the regi- ment — died at general hospital during the mouth ? 1G7. Is the general health of the regiment improving or deteriorating?* 1G7'. Is malingering for feigning sickness) often attempted, in the opinion of the surgeon ? .1GG'» .IGG'^ .IGGv .IGGvi .IGGvii .ICG^iii ....49-:^ .IGG^ .1G7 .ig; If the chaugo shoalJ bo consideralilc, ttate,. umlor " Gciienil Remarks," its pi-esumptive cau.^es. 24 XXI. PREVENTIVE DUTY OF SURGEON.* 1G8. 109. 170. 171. 172. 173. 174. 175. 17G. Does the surgeon understand that he is responsible for all conditions of the camp or regiment unfavorable to health, unless he has warned the com- manding officer of them ? Does the surgeon make a daily inspec- tion of the camp, -with reference to its cleanliness? Does he inspect the food, and see how the cooking is done ? Does he report on these matters, and urge remedies upon the company offi- cers, and, when necessary, upon the commanding officer? Is anything administered to the well men to guard against the effects of malaria ? (Prophylactics) Is there a drill before breakfast? If so, does the surgeon approve of it?. If not, has he remonstrated against it with the commanding officer? .168 .169 .170 .171 .172 .173 .171 .175 What is the length of time the men are on drill daily ? 176 XXII. ARMS AND ACCOUTREMENTS. 177. 177i. 178. 179. 180. What is their arm? Have the men confidence in it ?. Isthereany limit placed upon the weight of the knapsack for heavy marching order ? If so, what?. Is the C!irtridge-box sustained only by abelt? or, has it the additional support of a shoulder strap? if. by belt alone, what effect has the surgeon observed, if any If. ,.177 .177' .178 .179 .180 * St.ate in ' Kemarks" bow often . of divine worship? for profane language ? , .181 .181' .181« .181i" .181iv .182 .183 ..184 ,.185 .18G .187 .188 .189 .190 .191 * Keviael Army negulations. pp. 4(1-40, ^f 303-32G. Also p. 71, 1[ 471. t The e.\trarts from the Aitides of War, given in General Order No. 12— Headquarters of the Army, of the Potoiiiao— are required by Buch order to be read every Sunday morning to each compiwiy and detaebment Berving in that army. X Article of War, 101, Revised Regulations, p. 515. 26 XXV. GENERAL REMARKS. Note. — State what special charflftPri*«f,Vo ^p „ spector. ^ cnaracteristics of camp or regiment were noted by the in- What advice given. the'Etmrhi/iShet j" "' °''''"°° "' «"' -*«">■■. which .ay affect E 631 .fll7 Copy 1 SANITARY COMMISSION, I? O H 3^1 ^ . i2srsT=ii]CTioiNr laETTJE^isr. DESIGNATION OF BODY INSPECTED, DATE OF CLOSE OF INSPECTION, 18G ' Inspector.