\ a > A.l Cvxltxirc FOEEST T EVE Exhibiting the vast amount of T THE VARIOUS ADVANTAGES OF FOR And Directions for Plantinc, KEY. GEOEf Sturgeon GALE PRESS OF D. iw^ Conservation Resources , \<> \ Lig-Free® Type I \ Ph 8.5, Buffered Conservati(Hi Resources Lig-Free® Type I Ph 8.5. Buffered / SD 391 .P65 Copy 1 AN ESSA.Y UPON THE Cixltvire and. IVIaiTLag-e merit —OF— Forest Trees & Native EVERGREENS, Exhibiting the vast amount of Timber being Consumed Here, I THE VARIOUS PROFITS AND ADVANTAGES OF FOREST TREE CULTURE And Directions for Planting <& Cultivating the same, by EEV. aEORGE PINNEY, Sturgeon Bay, Wii./^ '■ ' ' ' '^ ^> X ^ I » ■ ^1 — i-^ •* * — '^ GALENA, ILLS. PRESS OF D. WILMOT SCOTT, 1869. PREFA-CE. Being almost daily in receipt of letters from our numerous customers in all parts of the country, asking for information and ligbt upon the culture of Evergreens and Forest Trees, — asking the best varieties to plant, the proper season of planting, the management and after culture and numerous other questions which it is impossible to answer in detail by letter, and at the same time keep up an extensive correspondence scattered over all the northern and western States — has induced me to attempt an answer to these questions in a brief and yet a plain scientific manner, and publish the whole in a cheap pamphlet. So little attention, has as yet been given, to the growth and management of Forest Trees in this country, that there is a small stock of experience from which to draw information. I have sought for all the experimental knowledge within reach, and have given copious extracts from the writings of others upon the subject. No greater boon could be be- stowed upon the " great west" than to reduce all horticultural operations to their first principles. But there are few persons competent to undertake the task. These loud calls for light upon the subject demonstrate that Forest Tree culture is receiving much attention throughout the United States. In view of my conscious inabil- ity to give the subject that analysis and digest that its importance demands, it is with much timidity that I present this little work to the public, with the earnest hope that ere long as experience multiplies, and the knowledge of arboriculture increases, a better mind, more thoroughly qualified for the task, will produce a work covering the whole ground, and letting a light in upon the subject, that shall clearly point the way to unfailing success. GEORGE PINNEY. Sturgeon Bat, Wis., Feb. 15th, 1869. ^Y' [\ %3 ^ THE GRE^T ^^ DEMAND FOR TIMBER. CHAPTER I. No people have equalled the Americans in boldness of enterprise and active industry. They have within a very comparatively brief period leveled the forests and let in the sim on many millions of acres, built mighty cities and formed a powerful and prosperous nation — opened canals, and sent railroads coursing through the continent, as mighty arteries through which commerce (the life-blood of the nation,) flows. Unfortunately this enterprise has not always been sufficiently guided by wisdom. The ne- cessity for clearing off" the forests, to make room for agriciilture seemed to grow into a propensity for cutting and slashing, regardless of the wants of future generations. It is my intention in this introductory chapter, to call the attention of the coimtry, by a plain and simple presentation of important facts, and a few pointed suggestions, to a great impending national danger, beyond the power of figures to compute, and beyond the reach of language to ex- press. T have reasons to believe that it will be long, perhaps a full centu- ry — after our children and our childrens' children liave in turn toiled and labored for the boon, before the full results at which we, as a nation, ought to aim, will be fully realized by our whole country ; that our pro- duction will be equal to our demands for fuel and timber. With the present outlook upon the movements of our people and nation, we can see these evils increasing upon us with a tenfold rapidity for the next thirty years to come. The rapid disappearance of our forests, together with the vast treeless regions of the west now being opened by the great national rail- road, is beginning slowly to excite the serious attention of our people. We have noticed, on the vast prairies of Illinois and Iowa, present- ing such great inducements to agriculture, with a soil of unyielding fer- tility, a climate scarcely second to none on earth, permeated in all direc- tions by deep, broad rivers, capable of floating the vast commerce, and driving the manufacturer's machinery of a mighty people, with no forests to clear off", or stumps to break the furrows, a population dense, prosper- 4 THE CULTURE OF FORESTk TREES AND EVERGREENS. ous and active, flow in like magic, " a nation was born in a day." We have also noticed the demand this vast population has made upon our for- ests. Houses and barns must be built, fuel must be had. Timber must be had for the building of their railroads and the manufacture of their agricultural machinery. Our woodlands are taxed to meet their demands, and the tax has now become exhausting. What may we expect as the results of the mighty torrent of emigration, that will flow along the path of the great Pacific railroad, in its march across the vast treeless regions of the western half of our great continent. Even now, the older portions of our country are drawing their sup- plies of lumber from the newer States, Hundreds of millions of feet of pine are annually taken, in some instances thousands of miles, from our northern lakes and the head waters of the Mississippi, to the Atlantic and Gulf States. Michigan, Indiana and Wisconsin furnishes the Blackwal- nut and many other woods now used in the manufacture of cabinet ware, waggons and machinery in the East. We are also exporting our forests to foreign countries. We send ofi'our Oak and Pine for the purposes of house and ship carpentery. Hundreds of thousands of feet of Blackwal- nut is exported for the manufacture of gun-stocks alone. This is all in addition to the demands of our Prairie States, which, because of their primitive barrenness of timber must be largely in excess ol all other de- mands. During the past year ending January 1st, 1869, there were re- ceived in Chicago market alone one thousand millions feet of lumber ; five hundred and fifty millions shingles; one hundred and fifty millions of lath, and one hundred and sixty thousand cords of wood. The average yield of pine lands is about ten thousand feet per acre and hard wood lands about twenty cords per acre. This would require for the lumber one hundred thousand acres, for the shingle fifteen thousand acres, for the lath seven thousand acres, and for the wood eight thousand acres; which would clear in the aggregate one hundred and thirty thousand acres of land of their native forests, to supply Chicago market alone. When we consider the vast amounts that flow down the Mississippi river and its tributaries and the amount shipped to other lake ports in connection with all the foregoing the amount swells beyond comprehen- sion. "The great State of New York still holds pre-eminence as a lumber State ; but twenty years ago it reached its maximum of ability to furnish lumber. With the enhanced price of 18G0, as compared with 1850, that State produced about one million of dollars less of lumber in 18G0 than in i'lSSO; wliilc the State during those ten years increased her population 783,341, she diminished her supply of lu'mber almost one million of dollars each year. Five other States in this Union also diminished their sup- plies of lumber during those ten years. Some of the newer States are de- •'veloping their lumber interests ; but our whole country (aided by foreign nations) is using up the products of their forests very rapidly. Speaking of New York, the completion of the new railroad from ■Saratoga springs northwestward, called the Adirondac railroad, and traversing the vast wooded region known as the "John Brown Tract," will, a few years hence, bring a groat amount of lumber into market, which has hitherto been inaccessible. But it is doubtful whether even THE CULTURE OF FOREST TREES AND EVERGREENS. this will equal the fimount of tiestruotion which will, in the meantime, take place in other sections of the State. The black walnut has almost wholly disappeared from the State. The wild cherry and cucuimbfr tree are .great strangers, the hard, maple and hickory in some sections are nearly gone, while entire counties, formerly heavy with hemlock and pine, can with difficulty supply now and then a farmer with a knotty sill for a small barn.'" — Starr. In this connection we must consider the many millions of fence posts, telegraph poles and railroad ties that are taken from our forests. I again quote Mr. Starr : Between 1850 and 1860 there was built in the United States 22,204 miles of new railroads. New timber was required for all these. But for nearly 8,589 miles of previously existing roads there was needed, during this period, for the replacement of old timbers, more than the amount necessary for their first construction. So that there was used in that time 65,897,020 pieces of timber, costing, at the low average of thir- ty-five cents a piece, $2-3,063,957. But, besides all this, there were build- ing and not yet brought into use, on January 1, 1862, about 17,827 miles of new road, for all of which new sleepers were needed. When it is re- membered that these sleepers are generally sound hemlock, chestnut, and especially oak ; that trees are selected to make them of a size just suffi- cient to furnish one or two sleepers only, (the tree being simply hewn on two sides, and having the heart entire",) the destruction of choice timber just approaching a size suitable for sawing is immense. When all this consumption is considered, the amount of land an- nually cleared, for lumber, timber and fuel, swells to two or three millions of acres. The average annual increase for the last ton years has been about twenty-five per cent. At this rate of increase five or six millions of acres will be cleared during the year 1872. With this drain, how long will our timber lands last? In considering the destruction of our forests, we must not forget the vast amounts annually cleared and the timber burned by the farmers. From 1850 to 1860 over 80,000,000 acres of land in all parts of the Union were brought into cultivation ; of which it is estimated three- fourths was timber land, making 60,000,n00 acres cleared by farmers, in ten years, or 6,000,000 acres a year; on an average, this rate of clearing is no less now than then. With all this array of facts and figures, it is no exageration to say that the amount of forest destroyed during the last year was between eight and ten million of acres. It is quite certain that the one-half of this generation cannot pass away before our forests will be so far consumed as to materially affect the prosperity of the country. The northei-n parts of Michigan, Wisconsin and the John Brown or Adirondac region is now all the heavy timber districts we have left ; and at the present increasing rate of consumption, fifteen years will not elapse before this supply will be exhausted. During ray residence of five or six years in northern Wisconsin I can observe this havoc in all the wood- lands of my acquaintance. One-half of the valuable timber standing five years ago are now swept away. In all the sections remote from a mar- 6 THE CULTURE OP FOREST TREKS AND EVERGREENS. ket and where logs and lumber and firewood cannot be readily exported, however excellent the timber, the trees are slashed down and burned at once, or killed by girdling, and left to stand until overthrown by their own weight or the storms, and are then consumed by fire. The same results are witnessed in all our timbered regions. Our forests are fading like the morning dew. The land thus stripped is usually permanently aleviated from timber growing. All arable lands once cleared of tbeir timber are never again allowed to be overrun with forests. In fact, destructive man, so utterly robs and impoverishes the land of timber that he destroys the beauty of the landscape, and out- side the fence of his " wood-lot" leaves no shade for man or beast. In their haste to get their lands under cultivation, they girdle and burn vast tracts of the most beautiful forests, while they could, with the greatest advantage to the crops, and the general health and beauty of the country have left fine belts of timber from two to eight rods wide on one or two sides of every field. So thoughtless and reckless have men been in clear- ing up their farms, that they have not even exercised the forethought to select the knoll, and save the forest, where they build their residences ; but the spot is bared and wealth builds a large and costly house, and the old farmer, gray with age and worn with toil, begins just at the door of the grave, to enjoy the " meagre artificial shade prepared with long toil and heavy expense." We ought in this matter, to be as willing to be profited by the his- tory of other nations as in anything else. We study the history of the world, to gain the wisdom we need to conduct our national afiiiirs ; why not profit by the fearful record the world's history presents respecting the destruction of the forests. " Palestine and Syria, Egypt and Italy, F'rance and Spain, have seen some of their most populous regions turned into a forsaken wilderness, their most fertile lands into arid, sandy deserts." Our beloved land, is fast hastening in the same track ; and un- less some immediate, well concerted action is had, thirty years more will find destruction at our gates. I quote from Hon. G. P. Marsh : " There are parts of Asia Minor, of northern Africa, of Greece, and even of Alpine Europe, where the operation of causes set in action by man has brought the face of the earth to a desolation almost as complete as that of the moon; and though, within that brief space of time men call the " historical period," they are known to have been covered with luxu- riant woods, verdant pastures, and fertile meadows, they are now too far deteriorated to be reclaimable by man ; nor can they become again fitted for human use except through great geological changes, or other mysteri- ous influences or agencies of which we have no present knowledge, and over which we have no prospective control. " The earth is fast becoming an unfit home for its noblest inhabitant, and another era of equal human crime and human improvidence, and of like duration with that through which traces of that crime and improvi- dence extend, would reduce it to such a condition of impoverished pro- ductiveness, of shattered surface, of climatic excess, as to threaten the deprivation, barbarism, and, perhaps, even extinction of the species. " The destructive changes occasioned by the agency of man upon THE CULTURE OF FOREST TREES AND EVERGREENS. the flanks of the Alps, the Appenines, the Pyrenees, and other niountain ranges in central and southern Europe, and the progress of physical de- terioration, have become so rapid that, in some localities, a single gen- eration HAS WITNESSED THE BEGINNING AND THE END of the melaucholy revolution. " It is certain that a desolation like that which has overwhelmed many once beautiful and fertile regions of Europe, awaits un important part of the territory of the United States, unless prompt measures are taken to check the action of destructive causes already in operation. It is in vain to expect that legislation can do anything effectual to arrest the progress of the evil, except so far as the State is still the proprietor of ex- tensive forests. Both Clave and Dunoyer agree that the preservation of the forests in France is practicable only by their transfer to the state, which alone can protect them and secure their proper treatment. It is much to be feared that even this measure would be inadequate to save the forests of our American Union. THE GREAT ADVANCE IN PRICE OF LUMBER AND TIMBER. The price of lumber, timber and wood is rapidly advancing. "Among the things which are most fundamental to a nation's material grovi'th and prosperity, we name these four — cheap bread, cheap houses, cheap fuel and cheap transportation for passengers and freight." The destruction of our forests is interfering largely with the whole of these four elements ; but more particularly with the cheap houses, cheap fuel and cheap transportation. The present high price of lumber hinders the erection of dwellings. A poor man now is obliged to continue in his old log hut, laboring years longer to obtain his lumber for a house than he did ten years ago to build one equally commodious and comfortable. Years of his hfe arc simply thrown away just to meet the evils being en- tailed upon us by this wholesale slaughter of our forests. Tens of thous- ands are thus discouraged from ever becoming freeholders. The growth of our cities is retarded by it. Substantial and costly residences would spring up instead of the small uncomfortable tenements, which, by their uncouth appearance, and liability to fire, may be almost considered a nuisance in our large cities. The expensiveness of building compels the landlord to charge higher rents, which aids to " grind the face of the poor." In any region, hamlet, or city where fuel is dear, the want interferes with business and mars the happiness of its occupants. The consumption of fuel in all our large cities far exceeds the pro- duction of the immediate neighborhood; it must, therefore, be brought from a distance, and the transportation, usually far in excess of the first cost, more than doubles its value. This increases the expense of every class in community; but it is more especially felt by the industrious poor. It diminishes their happiness by forcing upon them imperfect cooking, exposure to cold and damp and consumes so larife a portion of their earn- ings that they are in a measure held back from purchasing comfortable clothing and securing for their families a home and education. High rates of transportation result from the increased cost of build- ing vessels and steamboats and building and equiping railroads. The material for ships and steamboats now cost fully double the expense a 8 THE CULTURE OF FOREST TREES AKD EVERGREENS. few years since. The increased cost of ties in laying the track, and of lumber used in the superstructure of a railroad, for its depots, and for the cars has added much to the capital upon which they must make divi- dends, or the bonds upon which to pay interest; and the enhanced value of fuel also increases the expense of running the road. And this expense is rapidly increasing and these evils are becoming more and more pun- gent. Manufacturing establishments are not erected in hundreds of places where they otherwise would be, were it not for the high price of fuel for the engines and lumber and material to use. All these interfere A^ery materially and palpably with the prosperity of the country. "A nation which produces the raw material for every species of manufactures and commerce, and that at low cost — whose people provide their own houses and raise all they consume — which can move its people, its products and manufactures quickly and cheaply, is in a condition to establish the most complete division of labor, and to give to every man the results of his ability, energy and skill. Such a nation must prosper. Its people will save and accumulate immense sums from their respective earnings." If the present onslaught upon our forests continues, and we know it must, the foregoing evils and burdens will become insupportable. What expedient, then, shall we resort to for procuring the materials for fencing and farm building ? Where shall we obtain timber for the construction of agricultural implements, for ships and steamboats, for bridges, railroads and machinery, and tlie fuel necessary to keep all in motion ? — to say notliing of the three or four thousans^ cords of wood now consumed in the dwellings in every township throughout the settled por- tions of the (country. This question must be tnet during the next ten years, by the planting and growth of forest trees all over the country. The timber of the new plantation will be needed quite as soon as suffi- cient growth can be attained. Horticulturists, nurserymen," and many other strong, intelligent minds are urging upon the country the importance of planting trees. This advice is being heeded in some degree. Public sentiment is be- ginning slowly to awake on this important subject. There should be at least one hundred millions of forest trees planted annually upon the prairies of the west. CHAPTER II. THE BENEFITS THAT WILL RESULT FROM AN EXTENSIVE PLANTING OP FOR- EST TREES. 1st — Direct iiicoine from the timber grown. THE BESULTS OF EXPERIMENTS. I have no accounts of any extensive and long continued experiments on the western prairies. The best experimental knowledge we possess is that furnished by Levi Bartlett of New Hampshire. His experience was in New Hampshire. We must remember, that trees upon the warm rich soil of the prairies will make a much more rapid THE CULTURE OF FOREST TREES AND EVERGREENS. growth. S. Edwards, of LaMoille, 111., furnishes us with an example of a White Willow from a cutting, planted on thebankof asodfence on the prai- rie, growing to three feet in diameter in sixteen years, of Poplars growing IS feetliigh and 4 inches in diameter in two years from the cutting, and of White Pine making a growth of four feet in a single year. Mr. Bartlett's experience extends over a period of fifty years, upon a tract that had been cleared of the timber and thoroughly burned over in a very dry time about the year 1800. It was immediately seeded with White and Norway Pines. In about twenty-five years Mr. B. came in possession of the tract. He immediately thinned out the growth on about two acres, re- moving over one-half the number of the smallest sized trees; the fuel much more "than paying the expense of clearing off. From that time nothing more was done with the lot for the next twenty-five years, having sold the lot during that time ; he found, however, upon examining the lot twen- ty-five years later, that by a careful estimate the lot thinned was worth at least 33 per cent, more per acre than the portion left to itself. He sold the land at ten dollars per acre and it would at that time readily bring one hundred dollars per acre ; he thinks that had the land been judicious- ly thinned out yearly, enough would have been obtained to have paid the taxes and interest on the purchase above the cost of cutting and draw- ing out, besides bringing the whole tract up to the value of the two acres thinned out. At the time Mr. B. thinned out the two acres (twenty-five years from the seed,) he took a few of the longest, about eight inches on the stump and forty to fifty feet high and hewed them on one side for rafters for a shed. When he visited it twenty-five years later, (about fifty years from the seed), he with the owner estimated that had the trees been equidistant apart over the two aci*es, thinned out, they would stand at the distance of six to eight feet. They were mostly Norway pine, ten to twenty inches in diameter and eighty to one hundred feet high. He was greatly surprised, upon visiting the lot seven years later at the great- ly increased growth of the trees, especially of the two acres thinned out thirty years before. Mr. Bartlett's own words are : "The owner had done nothing to it except occasionally cutting out a few dead trees for top poling walls. It was the opinion of both of us that the portion thinned out is now worth twice as much per acre as the part not thinned — not, however, that there is tAvice the amount of wood on the thinned portion, but from the extra size and length of the trees, and their enhanced value for boards, logs and timber. There are hundreds of Norway and white pine trees that could be hewn or sawed into square timber from forty to fifty feet in length, suitable for the frames of large houses, barns and other buildings. There are some dead standing trees among those which were thinned, but they are wholly the smallest sized ones that have been over- grown and shaded by the larger trees. On the part of the lot left to na- ture's thinning out, there are a vastly greater number of dead trees ; many of them have fallen, and are now lying on the ground, and are nearly worthless. Of the dead trees standing, cords might be cut ; they are well dried, and would make capital fuel. I scolded the owner for suffer- 10 THE CULTURE OF FOREST TREES AND EVERGREENS. ing such a waste of fire-wood. The trees are now about fifty-five years from the seed." According to the preceding statement, Norway pine trees grew in fifty years from the seed eighty to one hundred feet high and ten to twen- ty inches diameter, and standing six to eight feet apart each way. Allowing the trees to stand eight feet each way, and to average twelve inches in diameter, eighty feet high, there would be three HUNDRED AND FIFTY CORDS OF WOOD PER ACRE, there being six hundred trees to the acre, and every two trees making one and one-fourth cords wood. This estimate is doubtless too high, but Mr. B. could not be so wild as to make its extravagance very great. A very liberal reduction on his estimate, at his last visit, (about fifty-five years from the seed) there would be six hundred trees per acre large enough to cut four twelve feet logs each, 12 inches in diameter, would give one hundred and fifty THOUSAND feet LUMBER ; reducc this estimate by one-third, and v/e have one hundred thousand feet lumber per acre in fifty-five years from the seed, and enough timber taken off annually to pay the interest on the in- vestment, taxes and all other expenses of taking care of the woodland. If the above are not over estimated by more than one hundred per cent, it would then show big in favor of forest culture. The ordinary yield of our timbered lands, growing in a state of na- ture uncared for is about twenty-five to thirty cord of woods and ten to twenty thousand feet of lumber." In these instances the growth of the timber has had to take its natural course with all the disadvantages of be- ing too thin in some places, too thick and crowded in others, and with old and young promiscuously mixed together; and it is not at all unlikely that with the best management, whole tracts of woodlands might be reared to yield many times the amount found in the native forests, and that the estimates just made may not exceed probability. In 1848, R. S. Fay, of Massachusetts, started a plantation of soft maple, Norway maple, rock or sugar maple, pin oak, overcup white oak, American white elm, chestnut, birch, Scotch larch, Norway spruce, Austrian pine, Scotch fir and white pine. The trees were most- ly about three feet high. There was no cultivation of the soil where the trees stood and the only attention the trees received was a judicious thinning out; after fourteen years growth they were measured four feet from the ground and measured as follows : Silver maple, thirteen to fif- teen inches diameter ; Norway maple, eight to 11 inches ; rock or sugar maples, seven to nine inches ; pin oak, ten inches ; overcup white oak, seven inches ; white oak, six inches ; American elm, from seed, ten inches ; Spanish chestnut, eleven inches ; canoe birch, nine inches ; Scotch larch, eight to ten inches; Norway spruce, eight to ten inches ; Austrian pine, eight to nine inches ; Scotch fir, eight to nine inches ; white pine, nine to ten inches. Gov. Halbrook, of Vermont, furnishes the following statement of his own observations in relation to the successful growth of young tim- ber : " Ten years ago I cut the wood off a long stretch of side hill and in my inexperience burnt over a portion of it for pasture. The remainder was left to grow up again to wood. Many of the young trees are now THE CULTURE OP FOREST TREES AND EVERGREENS. 1 1 six to eight inches through ; they are all very straight and thrifty. I vahie one acre of this land more than five acres which are in pasture. I shall not again permanently clean up my steep hillsides.'^ " At the solicitation of a railroad friend a short time since I accom- panied him into the country to examine and estimate the value of some wood lots. I was forcibly struck with the amount of rugged, barren land, inaccessible for agricultural purposes, which had been thrown into open country, even by the present owners. Had a second growth of wood been permitted to run up on the land, instead of subjecting it to the burning and cropping process, it would have been now worth far more to the owners, for a railroad is tapping that country with its large and clam- orous demands for wood and timber. Riding along with vn old inhabi- tant of one of the towns visited, he pointed out a wood-lot which was cut over twenty years since and suffered to grow up again to wood, contrary to the usual custom. It was sold at auction a short time since for $3,400. It would not have brought over $800 had it been in pasture from the time it was cleared. " Warm hill-sides, having an eastern or southern slope, send up a second growth of wood with great rapidity. Although they may not event- ually support so heavy a growth as strong level land, they will yet produce all the wood they are capable of sustaining much sooner. A friend directed my attention the other day to a tract ot land with an eastern slope in a neigh- boring town which was cleared of an original growth of wood twenty-five years ago, and left to itself to produce another growth from the sprout. The land, with its present standing wood, was appraised a year or two since at $50 an acre. Ten dollars an acre is all that similar land in pas- ture in that vicinity has ever been worth. By the application of a little arithmetic, then, we find that the increase of this second growth of wood has been equal to 16 per cent, interest per annum on the worth of the land, without a dollar's expense for the cultivation; that is, $10 at 16 per cent., simple interest, for 25 years, amounts to $40 ; to which add the principal, the worth of the land, and we have $50, the appraised pres- ent value per acre. Several successful attempts have been made within my observation in improving rugged and exhausted lands by planting them out to trees. Within sight, while writing, is a knoll that has been completely renovated by a plantation of the white locust. It was originally a coarse, worthless gravel, barren of herbage of any kind. I remember that the proprietor was laughed at by his neighbors for attempting to grow trees on his bar- ren gravel. The locust got root, however, and, although their growth was slow and feeble, they gradually formed a soil by the annual shedding of their leaves; and as the soil became thus strengthened their growth be- came more vigorous, new shoots sprang up in all directions from the roots, and after awhile clover and other grasses begin to appear on the open ground. I have been curious to observe the gradual improvement of this land. Last summer I noticed that the grass was very luxuriant, and would have yielded at the rate of a ton or more of hay to the acre in the open spots. The locust wonderfully endows a poor soil with new energy and fertility. It seems to make its demands for nourishment more large- ly upon the atmosphere than any other tree, and gains foothold in soils 12 THE CULTURE OF FOREST TREKS AND EVERGREENS. absolutely barren of fertiliiy. Then, again, its leaves are small, with very rough edges, lying perfectly still where they fall, while those of most other trees are blown about by the wind, collecting in hollows or in large heaps." Governor Halbrook adds the experience of John Lowell. The land was a green sward that he thought needed "breakmg up ;" he cultivated potatoes upon it two years and then planted it with pine trees from the forest about five feet high and a few hard wood trees ; acorns were plant- ed in some places. In fourteen years he had a young, beautiful and thrif- ty plantation of trees, twenty-five to thirty-five feet high, and the largest, which were of pine, twelve inches in diameter. We have several ac- counts of the growth of forty cords of wood to the acre in ten years growth from the seed — an average of four cords per year. Great profits can be realized by those having low swampy bottom land, especially if overflown some portion of the year, by planting larch. Larch will exceed any other forest tree of equal value for timber in the rapidity and value of its growth. When taken in its favorite localities no other forest tree will produce as much money value in the same length of time as the larch. In rapidi- ty of growth it is excelled by but few. Its tall, straight and symmetrical trunk is excelled by none. In five years it will attain a height of thirty feet, on its favorite moist bottom land, with a deep rich soil, and can be plant- ed eight or ten thousand trees to the acre, and after the first five years growth ten thousand rails per acre can be taken ofl'and leave one-half the timber still standing in rows four feet apart and two feet apart in the row. In five or six years more these will have attained a size sufficient to allow iwo thousand trees more per acre to be taken out, large enough to make ten thousand moi'e rails or to work up into fence posts, small tim- ber scantling, stove wood, tfec, &c., and still leave two thousand trees standing far enough apart to allow them to attain a size sufficient to work into lumber. No other branch of agriculture will yield in fifteen years as much value per acre. 2nd — Their usefulness as screens and windbreaks in winter. Large tracts of unbroken country over which the cutting winds ol winter sweep fiercely, are injuriously affected in many ways. The snow which should form a protecting mantle, is swept off" into drifts, and the bare earth subjected to the full action of the hardest frosts, rendered doubly powerful by the chilling power of the unbroken winds. Young plants of grass and winter grain, after being heaved up by intense freez- ing, are beaten about and often actually torn out by the power of the wind. The cattle about the farm-yard, unprotected from the wintry blasts, stand with " all fours upon a sixpense" shivering in every joint and muscle ; stock thus exposed require much more food and care to bring them Avell through the winter. The amount of fuel required in these sections exposed to the unbroken blasts is much greater than in the shelter. The liability of both man and beast to take violent colds, from which much suffering and many mortal diseases result, is much greater when exposed to these unbroken winds than in sheltered localities. A writer in the Prairie Farmer, whose enthusiastic spirit is worthy of all praise, excbims : Who can compute the amount of winter grain, THE CULTUBB OF FOREST TREKS AND EVERGREENS. 13 of fruit, of tender shrubs, destroyed by the intensely cold sweeping blasts which rave over the prairies of Illinois ? The question comes home to all the residents of such districts : Can nothing be done to soften the rigor of such sweeping storms '? Yes ; stud these prairies with belts and groves, with screens of evergreens and deciduous trees. Plant the railroads and highways with rapidly-growing trees, in double or treble rows, upon the sides from which drifting snows accumulate, and carefully attend to them after planting. The money spent in clearing and keeping clear, the tracks during a heavy storm, upon one of the western railroads, would have purchased trees or cuttings sufficient to have planted the en- tire line of road, which, in four or five years, would have grown to a per- fect barrier against accumulating snow-drifts. The benefit arising from planting trees would not stop with the saving of money to the corpora- tions, and with the saving of life and suffering to the people. The crops would be increased in certainty and amount, the health-giving fruits se- cured to us, domestic animals made comfortable and thrifty, and the sur- face of the country would become beautiful beyond conception. Do not forget the lesson the extreme storms of cold should teauh us. Let tree- planting go on henceforth with renewed earnestness and care, and anon we may laugh at the elements, and point with pride to the wonderful transformation the human hand has accomplished. Srd — Their benefits to Orchards and Crops during the shimmer and growing season. The attention of the farmer is more closely given to the protection afforded by the forests during the winter, than the summer ; biit experi- ence has shown that summer protection to orchards and crops is far more important and requisite. The destructive blighting which results from the rapid drying of the absorbing currents of westerly winds, relieved of all their humidity by the condensing power of the snow capped rocky range, and consequent sudden depression of temperature. My experience in Ohio, my native State, is to the effect that orch- ards protected on the northerly sides will be more sure to produce an abundant crop of fine fruit. The "old orchard" on my grandfather's farm, now over sixty years from the seed, Avas at first protected by a native forest on the north, and bore abundantly, after Avhich the forest was cut down, and several fruitless years followed. The old wood-lot was al- lowed to grow up with a second growth of timber; the "old orchard" come again into bearing, and at my last information was yielding an abundance of fine fruit. In general, the orchards throughout Ohio do not produce fine fruit; while twenty-five or thirty years ago, before the forests were so fully swept away, a failure to reap a rich harvest of fine fruit was not known. The lamented Dr. Peticolis, a devoted pomologist of Ohio, justly remarks, without seeming to appreciate the great cause of the failure : Out of one hundred and twenty or one hundred and thirty varieties of apple trees in bearing, it is difficult to select six kinds of good mer- chantable winter apples, because the product is not perfect, though it may be abundant. This imperfection is caused by the never-failing mil- dew or scab to which our apples are subject. Although some seasons are 14 THE CULTURB OF FOREST TREES AND EVERGREENS. not quite as bad as others, still one-half or more, as a general rule are un- fit for market, and it is really humiliating to think that we who, a few years ago boasted of the superiority of our fruit as compared with that of our eastern friends, (of western New York,) should now be obliged to acknowledge that they surpass us. Now, why is this? Why should such a change have taken place ? No such alteration, that I am aware of, has taken place in the east; their apples are as fair and as good now as they were twenty or thirty years ago. Some of our varieties are less prolific than they were fifteen years ago. Rambos then bore, at seven years old, ten bushels of good fruit, but since have never borne over four or five, even in the most favorable seasons, and these but inferior fruit. Redstreaks, the same time and age, bore thirteen bushels, but have never in any season since borne more than three or four of comparatively poor fruit. Nor can this change be attributed to the age of the tree, for trees of nearly all ages, of the same varieties, were nearly as unproductive. The white Belleflour was formerly one of the finest and best apples, but can no longer be realized as the same, being now so knotty and scabby, and producing but one-fourth of its former yield. The White Pearmain was another of the best keeping and finest dessert apples, but it no longer Is even fit to look at, being perfectly disfigured with the scab. Most of the others were in the same condition. Our desponding pomologist does not seem to imderstand the real evil. We are well aware that the American climate, particularly over a greater portion of the continent, is especially favorable to the production of fruits. Neither can we shut our eyes to the fact, that throughout many of the older portions of the country it is now of rare occurrence to find an orchard producing fruit not more or less imperfect. Apples are disfigured, warty and scabby; pears are cracked, woody and worthless; and peach trees are seldom allowed to even come into bearing. Blights, so called, are very common. We are also cognizant of the fact that in sheltered city gar- dens, vegetation commences at an earlier period, and as a consequence, fruits ripen earlier and in many instances attain a greater degree of per- fection, and are less liable to casualties and diseases than those in the open unprotected country. All have heard of the fine butter-pears that Isaac Baxter, of Philadelphia, grows yearly upon trees protected by brick and mortar. A gardener in the city of Camden, New Jersey, has sur- rounded his grounds with a very high board fence, produces pears upon his dwarf trees greatly exceeding any raised by his neighbors in their exposed localities. Smooth and beautiful fruits grow upon his trees, while theirs is knotty, gnarled and worthless, because exposed to the pelting northeasters, or the biting and drying winds of the northwest, with its keen and eager airs. All these circumstances combined, conspire to show conclusively, that the failure of fruit may be mainly attributed to the want of shelter. These drying winds suck the moisture from everything they come in contact with, and this evaporation is increased in a prodigiously rapid ratio, with the velocity of the winds ; no doubt but the pear-blight is THE CULTURE OF FOREST TREES AND EVERGREENS. 15 produced by their sucking the sap from the young and tender leaves, just as they are putting forth. The debilitating effects of these drying winds in summer is well known without really or fully understanding the source of the aridity ; but experience shows that timber belts and screens are the most effectual and at the same time the most available means of checking these drying winds. 4:th — They tend to produce a greater degree of atmospheric hiimidit't/ and consequently a more regular supply of rain. There appears to be no room to doubt, that greater dryness of the air is a result of the removal of the forests, and that the earth then ceases to be equally moist, or the springs to furnish an equal quantity of water. It is the experience of ages in various countries that the presence of forests really makes the climate comparatively wet and then removal makes it dry. It is not conceivable that they do this by absorbing vapor from the atmosphere, converting it into water, conveying it to their roots and thus furnishing a supply to the ground ; for this would make the atmos- phere dryer, but it is known that their presence makes it more moist. If forests do increase the moisture of the atmosphere and cause the springs to flow more abundantly, it can only be by causing more rain to fall. The progressive diminution of water in our streams and ponds is known to be closely connected with the removal of our trees. It has also been observed that thorough underdraining has, in a great measure, in many localities, restored in a great measure, failing springs. The rapid evapo- ration from the surface, by the action of the unbroken drying winds has in a great measure been checked, by facilitating the gradual descent and withdrawal of water from below. Underdraining is chiefly applied to lands formerly marshy or wet, holding water near the surface, such localities usually being the feeders of springs. I here present an extract from J. S. Lippencott illustrating the ac- tion of forests in production of moisture and rain. The increased facilities for drying the soil existing in an open, cleared, leA^el, cultivated country, become apparent on comparing the amount of water evaporated with the rain-fall at Haddenfield in 1864 and 1865, and with similar results, determined as correct, from actual meas- urements made near the headwaters of Anthony's creek, a tributary of Green Brier creek, an aflluent of the Kanawha river. The discharge of this creek, of which the area of drainage was carefully surveyed, was ascertained, by daily measurements for one year, to amount to 70 per cent, of the rain-fall, and 65^ per cent, of the average fall for five consec- utive years.* The waters thus hastened off by the sloping mountain sides, or sunken among the leaves or into the soil or rocky crevices, and shel- tered from evaporation by forests, restore a much larger proportion of the rain to the rivers directly. In this section, as generally in an open cham- paign country, where dry rain winds prevail and much land is exposed by tillage, evaporation may take place to the extent of three-fourths of the rain-fall throughout the year, or more than twice that fall for an entire summer. Hence the value of forests, as arresters of evaporation, or as barriers against the sweep of drying winds, becomes obvious. 16 THE CULTURE OF FOREST TREES AND EVERGREENS. Many well attested instances of local change of climate and in the even and regular suppl}' of rain referred to the influence of forests might be cited. We give one other extract taken from the Philadelphia In- quirer, May 17, 1866: While we write, it is announced in the daily papers that the inhab- itants of the Cape Verde islands are again in distress from famine through the lack of rain. Having destroyed their forests they suffer terribly from periodical droughts. From 1830 to 1833 no rain is said to have fallen, and 30,000 {>eoplo perished, or more than one-third of the population. Though it has been proposed to replant the forests, such is the ig- norance and indolence of the people that little has been done toward res- toration. That forests do exert a marked influence upon the quantity of rain is a fact well understood by meteorologists. The action of forests in adding to the rain-fall, appears to be due to their offering an obstruction to the free flow of currents loaded with vapor, and the upward tendency such obstructions give to the air, by which it is piled up and retarded until accumulated at sufliciently high elevations to induce condensation into clouds and rain. This is one of the regular effects of mountain ridges, and any cause which shall, in like manner, force the air to rise in any particular locality may produce a similar re- sult. The friction against the surface of the level earth impedes the free motion of air or winds, and that which follows tends to pile upon the back of that resting on the earth, and that behind to climb still higher. If, then, the impediment of a dense forest be added to the obstruction al- ready existing to free motion, the ascent of the strata of air will increase according to the force of the wind bearing vapor with it. When this storm encounters a forest, the resistance must be materially augmented, and the retardation of the strata becomes greater, the overlapping and ascent of the current increased, more abundant condensation takes place, and more rain falls, and the district thus becomes more wet than it would have been had the bare ground alone been left to retard the progress of the lower portions of the wind. Forests, therefore, cause the surface cur- rents to rise higher upon their sides, as up an inclined plane, and to attain a great height, thereby affecting a district as would mountains of moder- ate elevation. — -IIopJd)i's Meteorological Essays. oth — Their effect in ameliorating sudden changes of temperature. A slight reference to a few of the well known principles of caloric, will open this section very clearly. The heat or warmth upon the earth's surface is entirely drawn from the sun. In the conversion of water into vapor or steam, a large amount of heat is consumed, or becomes latent; in other words the evaporation of water is a cooling process. This is a well known fact. The laborer knows that when he sweats profusely, he can stand the heat much better, than when he is unable to sweat at all ; this is because the evaporation of the sweat cools his heated body. Hence any wet body exposed to the sun is less effected by the heat than one perfectly dry : this may be illustrated by wetting one hand and hold- ing both up to the sun, in a slight current of air, the wet hand will be found to grow cold rapidly, while the dry one will feel quite sensibly the warmth of the sun. Again, a portion of perfectly dry air will absorb moist- THE CULTURE OF FOREST TREES AND EVERGREENS. 17 urc, (evaporated water) very rapidly, but as the air becomes more and more charg^ed with the moisture it will eva|)orate with less and less facil- ity until it ceases to evaporate at all. Clothes, or any wet substance, will dry much more rapidly in the wind than in a calm ; and every farmer '-"ows how refreshing a breeze is to a man laboring and sweating in a liol day. This is because the atmosphere next the body is being changed as fast as it becomes saturated with moisture, and a more rapid evaporation is the consequence. The great cooling process is radiation, which, under the vibratory theory is giving off vibrations of heat in every direction from th.e heated body. Radiation is caused by a constant tendency for an equilibrium of the temperature of all bodies, and also a constant radiation into space. The reason" or occasion of this constant radiation into space has never been satisfactorily settled among philosophers. It is pretty well settled that intense cold reigns supreme in all the vast regions of space beyond the atmosphere of the planets; and it may be this tension for an equilibrium, that draws radiation into space. The vibrations are sent ofi'in straight lines from the heated body, and continue to be given off in every direction until every object in their path is heated to a temperature equal to the body giving off heat. No body or substance is heated by these vibrations except it intercepts or destroy those vibrations. Pure dry air does not obstruct radiation sufficiently to become sensibly heated by radiation alone ; but air charged with moisture does obstruct this radiation and becomes heated ; and the greater the amount of moisture in the air the greater the obstruction, and the sooner does it attain the same temperature of the radiating substance. Another ruling process is conduction or the passage of heat from one particle to another of the conducting medium ; but as neither dry or moist air are conductors of heat, it is unnecessary to notice it here. The air is heated only by the immediate contacts of its particles. As the rays of heat from the sun do not heat the atmosphere in their passage, through it, it follows that the air is heated only by immediate contact with the eai'th ; and, as soon as the particles of air in immediate contact with the earth became of equal temperature with the earth, the cooling of the earth by conduction would cease, were not these heated particles re- moved and other colder particles brought into contact. It is well known that the atmosphere becomes lighter as its temper- ature increases, hence the warmer particles, if unobstructed, rise and are replaced by other colder particles. By reference to these few simple principles of philosophy it will be seen that there is but one source of heat, on the earth's surface, — the sun ; and three great means of counteracting the heating effect of the sun, — absorption by vaporization, radiation and conduction. In the preceding section we have seen that forests are productive of an increased and more regular supply of rain, and that vegetation, es- pecially fruits, flourish more vigorously in their vicinity, consequently the atmosphere in such locations contains a greater and more regular supply of moisture. With these well known principles before our eyes it is easy to see the powerful influence that forests have upon climate. The vibratory 18 THE CULTURE OF FOREST TREES AND EVERGREENS. theory has brought to light the facts that rays of heat of low intensity, such as are given off by the soil and plants, cannot be radiated, through aqueous vapor to any extent — hence the heat of the earth cannot be ra- diated or projected toward the sky by night, they being all absorbed by the vapor contained in the air. Prof, Tytidall calculates that of the heat radiated from the earth's surface warmed by the sun's rays, one tenth at least is aVjsorbed by the vapor within ten feet of the surface in ordinary moist regions ; he says also : "The removal for a single summer night of the aqueous vapor from the atmosphere that covers Englar.d, would be at- tended by the destruction of every plant, which a freezing temperature would kill. In short, it may be safely predicted that whenever the air is dry the daily thermometric range or the difference between the ex- tremes of heat and cold, will be very great." R. Russell says in the Smithsonian report of 1S54: The influences of moisture in tempering the sun's rays is a remarkable fact and well wor- thy of further investigation. When the dew-point is high, or the air is filled with moisture, radiation from the earth is prevented and the tem- perature of the night remains almost as high as that of the day. When the dew-point is low, the sun's rays pass without absorption to the earth, and impart little of their heat directly to the air. The medium dew- points are therefore most favorable to extreme heat in the atmosphere, and the greater heat beyond the tropics is probably owing to this cause. The fact that the amount of moisture in the air regulates the temperature of the nights has not received the attention it deserves. Ti*avelers in all parts of the world tell us of the connection between dry air and extreme heat by day and cold at night. On the desert of Sahara where "the soil is fire and the wind is flame," it is very cold at night, sometimes forming ice. While on the contrary beneath the trop- ics of America, where there is the most dense and luxuriant forests the world affords, the temperature of the day and the night remain nearly uniform, seldom rising above 80^ or falls below 50 '^ ; while in the tree- less and consequently dry regions of the west, Capt. Beckwith says : " We observed the greatest contrasts between the heat of the day and of the night, in these mountain valleys," (upon the route of the Pacific rail- road) from noon to 3 p. m., the thermometer standing at 87 ° to 90 "^ , and at night falling below the freezing point. Col. Emory, in his reconnoissances of California says : On the 23d of October we retired with the thermometer at 70 '^ , and awakened in the morning shivering, with the mercury marking 25 "^ , notwithstanding our blankets were as dry as if we had slept in a house. Daniel, in his Meteorological Essays furnishes us several examples right in point, which I quote : Mr. Inglis, in his travels through Spain, relates that he was oppressed by the hot rays of the sun in the valley of Grenada while the hoar frost \vas lying white in the shade. Eastern travelers in the desert often complain of the broiling heat of the air during the day, and of its chill temperature at night. Beautiful allusions to the same law are also found in scripture, where it is related that one of the greatest hardships which Jacob ex- perienced while tending the flocks of Laban, was that through the " drought by day and the frost by night, sleep departed from his eyes." THE CULTURE OF FOREST TREES AND EVERGREENS. 19 These conclusions are confirmed by recent travelers in a remarkable man- ner. We need no longer doubt the stories of Captains Riley and Pad- dock, as told in their once incredible narratives, when they relate thnt ihe intense heat of the sun had scorched and blistered their bodies and limbs, so that they were covered with sores, * * * while as soon as the burning sun had sunk beneath the hori/on, the fresh wind cooled the earth, which became even cold before dark, * * * to be followed by fierce and chilling blasts of wind. The experience of Captain Sabine, made on the coast of Africa, show that while the sea breeze was blowing upon his station, the hydiom- eter denoted the dew-point to be about 60 - ; but when the wind blew strong from the land, it sunk to 37^ ® , the temperature of the air being 66 ^ . Notwithstanding the heat of the evaporating surface of the Sahara, the burning sands of the desert yield so little vapor that there does not exist in the winds wafted to the coast, and which constitute the true harmattan, a greater force of vapor than that which rests upon the Polar seas , for at both places the constituent temperature of the vapor, or the point of deposition, is below 32 "^ . The sea breeze above referred to con- tained eighty per cent, of relative humidity, the land breeze from the Sa- hara less than twenty per cent, of the same. These sudden changes of temperature are a great evil and can only be remedied by an extensive and systematic planting of forest trees. Not that forests increase or diminish the mean temperature. Mr. Becauerel has made in the Jardin des Plantes, with a sensitive thermom- eter, certain observations at different hours of the day, by comparison of which it was found that about 3 p. m., when the temperature is highest, the difference sometimes amounted to 2 ° or 3 ° in favor of the atmos- phere above the tree, whilst at sunrise, after a clear night, the excess was on the other side, on account of the nocturnal radiation. This experi- ment proves the cooling of trees and the atmosphere surrounding them under the influence of nocturnal radiation. Vegetables near a wood are sooner affected by spring frosts and the cold of autumn than vegetables at a distance from them. Under the influence of solar radiation above the trees, there is a current of warm air ascending during the night, and in the morning a current of cold descends to cool the soil. When the sky is cloudy these differences of temperatiire are very small. These experi- ments of M. Becquerel also prove the correctness of the conclusions of Humboldt from the observations upon the temperature observed at thir- ty-five stations in North America, extending over 40 ° in longitude, nan\e- ly, that the mean annual temperature over this extent of country has not been sensibly changed by the great destruction of wood which has taken place during the time of the observations. Their effect is simply to equalize the temperature. The day time is rendered cooler by the continual absorption of the heat of the sun in evaporating the increased amount of moisture and the removal of this moist air is prevented by the forests acting as windbreaks or screens. The rapid cooling at night is prevented by the vapors with which the at- mosphere is charged, A systematic planting of forest trees, especially evergreens, in dense belts, along the westerly and northwesterly sides of the fields and farms. 20 THE CULTURE OF FOREST TREES AND EVERGREENS. throughout the vast western prairies, will not only affect the climate di- rectly as above, but will in a great measure destroy the drying and con- sequent cooling effects of the westerly winds, so prevalent, which have lost all their moisture in passing the treeless mountainous regions of our " Great American Deserts." Now, let us ask ourselves what are the causes operating around or above us, producing excessive dryness in our atmosphere and in the soil? A west or northwest wind is undoubtedly a cause, largely, if not wholly, competent to reduce the amount of vapor in the air, and to render it inca- pable of preventing the escape of heat absolved by the earth during the day. We know that the winds which are flowing towards the northeast from the regions of the tropics, part with their moisture in rains and showers over the temperate districts. We know that on the Pacific coast the prevalence of westerly winds give a great uniformity to the tempera- ture, and that most of the rains come from that quarter ; that the cloud- bearing winds, by passing up the slopes of ihe Rocky mountains, lose their moisture by condensation into clouds and deposition as rain and snow, so that as they pans eastward they are dry winds, and must so con- tinue over the vast desert region, arid and waste, which extends from the mountains on the west to the borders of the Mississippi valley on the east. These conclusions seem so well established, that it has been well remarked of the northern Atlantic States, says Robert Russell, " So long as the westerly winds continue to hlovr in winter, there is no cessation of your cold ; and so long as they continue to blow in a broad, regular stream in summer, there is no end to your drought." — Smit/isonian Report^ 1854. The necessity for this protection is not confined to prairie districts alone, but the timbered portion of the country are likewise suffering. " We have been reckless in using the gifts of Providence to our fathers. We have razed with ruthless hands the forests which were both orna- ments of our region and the safeguard from the ravages of drouth and cold. The truest wisdom may be learned in the school of nature, and it is only as man imitates the plans of the Creator that he can hope to pros- per." ^th — The very make of our country demands extensive Forest Tree Planting in the West. Upon this point I shall extract largely from Mr. Starr : Geographers, by an averaging of the coast and boundary lines of the United States, have fixed its geographical centre in the State of Kansas, about twenty-five miles west by six miles south of the city of Leaven- worth. This is the real centre, though far too much to the west for the probable centre of population. The theimometrical observations taken for many years at Cantonment, Leavenworth (Avhile that was still " In- dian" and then "Nebraska" Territory) showed " that Fort Leavenworth was subjected, beyond any other part of the United States where similar observations were made, to sudden and extreme changes, both of heat and cold, of moisture and drought." (Authority of Major E. D. Ogden, U. S. A., 1854.) Since the settlement of Kansas the terrible droughts experienced, and the many men who have perished with the cold on the ))lain8 between Leavenworth and Salt Lake, bear evidence to the truth of the observations. THE CULTURE OF FORKST TREES AND EVERGREENS. 21 An entire absence of moisture seems to characterize the prevailing westerly winds through nearly all the vast regions west of this centre. Mr. Starr goes on to say : And this is to be expected in the nature of things. There is no body of water in the centre part of the North American continent, west of the Mississippi river, which is able to exert any controlling influence upon the temperature of all that region. When we go north from Fort Leaven- worth five degrees we are in a cold and frozen climate, closed early in the tall and locked in frost until late in the spring. Pass five degrees south- ward, and you have almost forsaken the region where ice may be said to form ; hence this middle ground is wholly controlled by th(! prevailing type of the season, interspersed with the sudden and ofttimes violent in- terjection of short periods of temperature from the opposite points of the compass. Thus the general winter may be mild, without snow, with scarcely frost enough to prevent ploughing a single week through the en- tire winter, and there may come one, two, or five days, when the ther- mometer shall stand anywhere from zero to 26 ^ below zero. On the other hand, in a long, cold, snowy winter, a period oi very spring or early summer, as regards its bahuliness and comfort, may break in with equal suddenness. The same latitude upon either the Atlantic or Pacific coast ' is no criterion by which to iudofe of the temperature of the plains. The presence of a great ocean, with its broad, open bosom continually expo- sing to thebiting air the fresh warm currents of her inmost being, gives a stability and produces a control over the temperature which is unknown when we reach a point almost two thousand miles from each ocean, and one thousand from the Gulf of Mexico. No portion of the world more needs the presence of great and numerous forests to preserve an equilib- rium of temperature than the central parts of North America, and espe- cially upon this latitude, which, as it approaches either ocean, is so admi- rable and so much sought for. The same causes which produces such instability of temperature have an almost equal and direct effect upon the amount of moisture in the atmosphere. The depth of the Missouri and Mississippi are insufiicient to produce mucli effect upon temperature by their simple, positive pres- ence ; the results which are obtained come rather from the processes of evaporation. I suppose that were the Missouri river, from its mouth to the headwaters of the Yellowstone, to be laid out in a straight line, and its tributaries to be laid on each side of it, side by side, that the surface of that mighty river would average a mile in width by three thousand in length, giving an evaporating surface of 3,000 square miles. When we remember that the Missouri river discharges all the water east of the Rocky mountains north of the Arkansas headwaters, except what is car- ried by the St. Peter's and the Des Moines into the Mississippi, it will be seen that a little lake, sixty miles long and fifty wide, is not a large sur- face from which to evaporate water in so vast a territory. As these westerly winds move eastward, they become again charged with moisture drawn from the streariis, and increasing forests and vege- tation, together with the great western lakes. Having now presented many of the incentives and advantages of planting forest trees, we come to the subject of propasatins:: 22 THE CULTURE OF FOREST TREES AND EVERGREENS. Forest trees can be propas^ated either by plantiiio; the seed, by cut- lings, or by transplanting from the native forests. All varieties may, with a knowledge of the subject and proper care, be started from the seed ; but few, comparatively, can be started from the cuttings. All may be successfully transplanted from their native forests. All labor and expense of transplanting would be considerable on an extensive scale, and as some kinds of trees are difficult to transplant suc- cessfully, such, for example as the chestnut, hickory and tulip tree, it has been found cheaper and better to plant the seeds where the trees are to remain, and in two years remove every alternate plant, and transplant on another portion of the plantation, and in three or four years later every alternate row. But the raising of forest trees, especially evergreens, from the seed, is a tedious operation — few but professional nurserymen either know how to do it successfully, or are willing to bestow the requisite amount of care and attention. Starting from cuttings is also an uncertain operation. But few va- rieties will start from the cuttings. It is quite impossible to start an evergreen, or any variety of tree possessing a resinous sap from the cut- ting. Transplanting then is the only method of starting a forest tree plan- tation worthy of universal commendation. I will, however, devote a few pages to propagating from the seed. PLANTING SKEP. Nature teaches the best lessons in planting seeds of her spontaneous productions. In studying the proper condition of the seed, the nature and condition of the soil in which to plant, and the time of planting forest tree seeds, the best text books are the forests themselves. From them we learn that the proper time for planting is just the time nature does her planting, and the proper condition of the seed is the exact condition we find the seed in when dropped from the tree. The particular time of dropping the seed is not so essential as the particular condition of the seed. If all other conditions and circumstances are right in every particular the time of planting is not important. The condition of the seed is liable to change after dropping from the tree; in many instances the original con- dition can be restored by artificial means, and in others by the warmth and moisture of the soil; while other classes of seeds can never be re- stored if allowed once to become dried. There being then so many classes of trees, (growing in all kinds of soil and in all climates,) — no two having seed the same in all their peculiarities — keeping their seeds at nearly all seasons of the year that it would require volumes to give anything like a detailed description of the peculiarities and circumstances necessary to successfully raising all classes of forest trees from the seed. A few practical hints, upon a few of the leading varieties, is all I will venture here. I shall not confine myself to classes found in northern Wisconsin, but will refer to nearly all varieties adapted to forest culture on the prairies. Deciduous trees (those that shed their foliage in the fall) being more easily propagated from the seeds than evergreens, will be first noticed. THE CULTURE OF FOREST TREES AND EVERGREENS. 23 The elm, and silver or soft maple, both being adapted to a moist, rich soil — such as usually make best meadow lands — are usually found growing together. The seeds should be gathered and planted as soon as ripe, which is very early in the season — (in May or June;) they will grow at once, and will make a good growth the first season. If the seed is to transported any distance, it must be packed in such a manner as to keej) moist. If allowed to dry it will seldom germinate, especially the maple. To keep them moist they must be packed in boxes with wet sav/dust, sand or moss. The sugar maple, oak, ash, white and red pines, white and black walnuts, all mature their seeds much later and will thrive on a greater diversity of soils; they will thrive very fair on a lean, sandy soil, but much better on a rich clayey loam, and, with the exce|)tion of the walnut, will not thrive well upon the same soil, and along with the ehn and silver maple. We sometimes see a solitary white pine and oak grow- ing here and there (of gigantic size) in a forest of elm and maple. In such cases they are the "monarchs of the forest." White pine and white oak will thrive exceedingly well on a low, damp, (not water soaked) soil, (such as is adapted to a silver maple and elm) if once well started, but there is usually great difficult}' in getting them started, as a hard freeze in winter, when water stands on the ground is sure to kill the young plants, but when once sufficiently rooted, too deep for the frosts, they make very- rapid hardy growth. This is evidenced by their growing so scattering and to such dimensions, whether growing alone or in connection with other classes of trees, in such locations. But few of the young plants succeedins: in withstanding the freezintj ordeal. Asjjain the erround must drain out, deep enough, so the roots will not find water "standing'" in the soil. Planters had always best select high and dry land for the above trees. There are varieties, however, that will thrive best in very wet soils. Larch, birch, balsam, fir, arborvitte, and spruce, for instance, will germi- nate very quickly, in very wet ground, and will grow very rapidly, espe- cially larch, which will make from four to six or eight feei growth annu- ally on rich swamp lands. There are through the West thousands of acres of swamp lands, now entirely valueless, which if planted to larch and spruce, would soon yield a rich income to the owners. Drying does not injure the seeds of the above varieties if sown on very wet, swampy soil. All can be transplanted, after the seedlings are well started on uplands, and will thrive very well in a rich loam or clay, but seldom do well on sand, I have now given a general review of the planting of seeds. I will now give some directions more in detail. PREPARING THE SOIL AND PLANTING THE SEEDS. If the seed is to be planted where it is intended the forest shall ul- timately stand and in tillable land, prepare it thoroughly for corn, (and if you plant the seed in autumn), with a shovel-plow make furrows about four feet apart for the rows, strew the seeds in the bottom of this furrow, cover them slightly with old compost, rotted leaves, straw or moss, leav- ing the earth to be worked down the sides of the furrow by the freezing and thawing during the winter. If you plant in the spring, prepare the ground as you would for corn or potatoes, as soon as the frost is out of the ground ; plant your seed in hills or drills ; be sure and plant seed enough, 24 THE CULTURE OF FOREST TREES AND EVERGREENS. SO you will have plenty to thin out and leave the best trees to grow ; cov- er the seed slightly with soil afterwards, at the proper season plant corn in the spaces between. Nature, almost always, starts her seedlings in the shade; the corn will do the shading, and thus prove of great benefit to the seedlings ; besides, in cultivating,''the corn and seedlings can be hoed together. In any case, whether in fall or spring planting:, the seedlings should be shaded for the first two or three years, either by planting corn, or with a covering of lath erected over the rows to protect them from the sun. The seedlings should also be hoed, (the soil kept loose and free from weeds,) and the plants properly cared for during the first two or three years, to allow them to get a good vigorous start. After the first year the ground shouhl be mulched Vith rotated sawdust, old compost, or any substance that will keep the sun and di-y winds from the soil. (Mulch- ing is of jfdvantage the first year, taking care not to choke or obstruct the growth of the young seedlings.) A continued cultivation for a few years will give the trees sufficient size as to require no further attention ; their shade, with the mulching of the leaves they shed, will keep the soil in good condition. It should be remembered that the seeds of forest trees sprout very early in the spring ; and in such soils as cannot be worked the moment the frost disappears from the ground, it is necessary to perform the planting in the fall. This method of planting (where the forest is intended to stand) is not usually practicable with any varieties except those growing naturally on dry land, and having large, coarse seeds — such as walnut, chestnut, oak, hickory, &c. But the maples, birches, elm, larch, and all classes of evergreens, have such small seeds and their seedlings are so minute as to render this method of planting unsafe. I may add, however, that maple and elm may be successfully planted on bottom lands, in this manner, but in all circumstances it is much better to bed them out. Those trees having very small seeds and consequently, very minute seedlings shouuld be first started in a bed. The soils best adapted are, firs, white and Norway pines, hemlocks, red uedar and birch, a dry sandy loam, or clayey loam, and for spruce, arborvitse, fir and larch, a wet san- dy, or loamy soil, the wetter the better if not so wet as to absolutely drown the young seedlings, and for elm and silver maple, a moist clay loam or clay is best. The kind of soil where the tree is found growing in the native forest is not always the best soil for them to grow in ; for experiment has shown that some kinds (as fir, spruce, and arborvitre) are nearly always inhabitants of wet places and swamps, and yet grow more rapid when transplanted to the uplands, but their seeds germinate more readily and the seedlings get a surer start in the wet swampy places, consequently they are seldom met on the uplands. When sowing the seed we should select a location as nearly similar to the one occupied in the native forest as practicable. The soil should be thoroughly worked and pulverized and made in- to beds about four feet wide, the same as for sowing onion seed and the seeds sown in drills six or eight inches apart. They should be covered by sifting fine mould through a riddle, to a depth not exceeding one-fourth of an inch, then throw on two or three THE CULTURE OF POKEST TREES AND EVERGREENS. 25 inches of chaff or fine straw or sand. They should be shaded as soon as the minute plants make their appearance, and a portion of the straw re- moved to give the plants air. This may be done by suspendinglath upon poles a foot above the bed. Cotton cloth has been recommended but lath are preferable as they can be easily moved along on the poles while weeding and cultivating; all weeds should be carefully kept away fiom the young plants, and as soon as their size will admit, a slight mulching should be applied ; after being thus carefully cultivated for two or three years, and having attained asize of eiglit or ten inches, they may be transplanted to their ultimate destination, where they wUl require but a year or two cultivation and mulching, when they will have attained sufficient size and strength to master intruding weeds faithfully and regularly, and will fur- nish their own mulching. I add a few directions and suggestions from S. Edwards, of La- Moille, 111., the pioneer grower of evergreens in his own great Prairie State, and now the honored president of the " Noi-thern Illinois Horticul- tural Society." He says : The ground for seed-beds should be deeply pulverized, and three or four inches of the surface should be mostly coni]»osed of sand and wood soil, sand predominating. The small varieties of seeds should be barely covered ; the largest ones never over half an inch. Beds four feet in width, running- east and west, may be covered with strip lath, naileulse of nature is to supply new mouths with which to feed during the season for growing; this impulse is excited by the moisture absorbed by the roots. In the spring, these mouths or spongioles, are all open and grasp- ing for moisture and nourishment; the foliage is struggling to burst from the confinement of the winter ; the sap, which has been lor months dor- mant, is struggling to begin again to course its way thi-ough the forest ; any condition of the roots that prevents their absorbing moisture, after the death of the spongioles, is death to the tree. These spongioles are in reality the lower terminus of the pores in the "sap" of the tree, and it is through them only that nourishment is taken from the soil, hence the moisture absorbed by the roots, after the death of the spongioles does not nourish the tree itself, but only excites an effort on ihe part of the roots to reopen, the lower terminis of the pores, and thus form new mouths, or spongioles, forthe taking of food. This taking of food is only put in op- eration during the summer or growing season, hence, all other circumstan- ces being equal, the fall is the best time to remove trees, as then they have more time for the roots to absorb moisture and excite the reopen- ing of the pores, (i. e.,) forming new spongioles, before the growing season commences. The difficulty in transplantation is augmented very much in propor- tion to the size of the tree; the larger trees send iheir roots farther and the spongioles are much wider spread, and much more liable to destruc- tion. If by any means the spongioles could be preserved unharmed, there THK CULTURE OF FOREST TREES AXD EVERGREENS. 33 would be no reason why large forest trees could not be removed as safely as the smallest nursery trees; but their preservation is rendered imprac- ticable in proportion to the increasing size of the tree. Plants reared in pots are transplanted so much more successfully than if taken from the soil, because of the security of the spongiolos from injury when the earth is undisturbed. This difficulty of moving large trees may be in a measure obviated by cutting with a spade the lai-ger roots the year previous to removal. In a healthy plant new clusters of fibres with new spongioles are emitted wherever the roots are cut through, and the plant is much more easily taken out of the ground, with the spongioles uninjured than if the roots terminating with spongioles were longer and much more scattered through the soil. In such cases, however, the soil about the tree should be kept supplied with an abund- ance of nutriment. The occasion of trees sending out these long roots is to seek new supplies of food, the nourishuient in the soil being nearly or quite exhausted about the trunk ; and preserving the roots but interferes with the growth of the tree rather than inducing it to send out new fibres. This action of the spongioles is kept up by perspiration or evaporation from the leaves. The evaporation tending to produce a va- cuum, draws the sap from below; hence trees should never be removed during the growing season, as during their transit their condition must necessarily be very unfavorable for the spongioles to supply the loss by evaporation — and the more rapid the evaporation the greater the danger. Evergreens can be removed with much less danger during the growing season than deciduous trees — their evaporation being so much less copi- ous, that with proper care they can be transplanted in almost all months. Yet, even evergreens cannot be safely removed in the hottest months in the year, because then the action of such spongioles as may be saved in the operation would not be sufficient to supply the waste by evaporation. Evaporation takes place in plants to an inconceivable degree under cei'tain circumstances. It is known, by the experiments of Di". Hales, that a sun-flower plant will lose as much as 1 pound 14 ounces by perspi- ration in twelve hours ; and that in general, "in equal surfaces and equal times, a man would perspire one-fittieth, the plant one hundred and sixty-fifth, or as 50 is to 15;" and that taking all things intoaccount, a sun-flower perspires seventeen times more than a man. The same most accurate observer found that a cabbage perspired in twelve hours 1 pound 9 ounces; a Paradise stock in a pot, 11 ounces; and a lemon plant 8 ounces. Guettard states that he found a Cornus mascula perspire twice its own weight in a day ; and Mr. Knight has remarked a vine in a hot day losing moisture with such rapidity that a glass placed under one of its leaves was speedily covered with dew, and in half an hour the perspira- tion Avas running oflfthe glass. In damp or wet weather, this evaporation is least ; in hot, dry weather, it is greatest. This loss has all to be supplied by the moisture introduced into the system b}- the spongioles ; and hence, if the spongioles are destroyed, and evaporation takes plnce before they can be replaced, a plant must necessarily die. This is the reason why de- ciduous trees cannot be transplanted when in leaf; it is difficult to remove them without injuring their spongioles, and it is equally difficult to hinder 34 THE CULTURE OF FOREST TREES AND EVERGREENS. the evaporation by their leaves ; but if they are kept in pots, it matters not at what season their removal takes place, because, as their spongioles are then uninjured, even excessive evaporation would be made good by their action. — John Lindly, M. D. I v/ill notice one other peculiarity of evergreens and larches. Na- ture has supplied their sap with a large proportion of resinous matter, which, on a little inactivity and drying coagulates or thickens and be- comes resin, which fills and clogs the pores of the tree, so that nourish- ment cannot ascend, and this gum or resin is not soluable in water, and can never be induced to resume its original consistency. The distinctive peculiarity of nursery trees is the position of these spongioles. In nurseries properly conducted, a systena of root pruning is practiced and the soil in the immediate vicinity is by proper manures and culture constantly kept charged with food for the growing tree and a thorough system of root-pruning is pursued, and the spongioles are thrown out in great abundance immediately about the stem, and conse- quently a less number are destroyed in digging; yet, with improper hand- ling allowing these spongioles to dry, there is, particularly in the case of evergreens, as much danger of nursery as of native trees. From the foregoing it is easily understood what is the proper method of digging, handling, packing and planting native evergreens. The fol- lowing rules are but corrolaries to the foregoing: 1st. In digging lift all the roots possible, however wide spreading and long they may be. 2d. Never allow the moisture to dry off the roots. If dug in a drying day, they should not be allowed even five minutes exposure to the air, but should be immediately covered with wet straw, moss or leaves, and thus protected until packed or healed in, in moist soil. 3d. They should be packed in such a way thnt the roots will re- main thus moist and preserved from drying and at the same time sup- plied with food for their use during transit. To secure this the most ef- fectually, the roots should be thoroughly immersed in a puddle of clay or adhesive soil, and packed in wet moss, which will supply the requisite moisture, and the air as effectually excluded from the roots as while growing, and the tops allowed sufficient air to carry off the exhalations of the leaves, and thus prevent heat and mould. The boxes should be as much as possible exposed to the air, (but not to the sun), they should not be packed closely in the holds of vessels or steamboats, as then their noxious exhalations cannot escape. The following remarks clearly elucidate the three foregoing rules : 1st. As many as possible of the long roots should be secured to secure as large a number as possible of the spongioles which are mainly upon the extremities of these long I'oots. 2d. The moisture should be preserved in order to preserve the spongioles uninjured, and more particularly in the case of evergreens, as the drying so coagulates and converts the sap into resin, as to effectually clog the pores, in the roots especially, where the sap is much more resin- ous than in the branches, and completely check the flow of sap upwards. This rule is much more important than the first, as if the spongioles are nearly all destroyed and the roots kept moist and healthy, they will at THE CULTURE OF FOREST TREKS AND EVERGREENS. 35 once open out new spongioles, and succeed in withstanding the shock of removal, if the season is favoraV>lc an0, or deductincT three-fourths for lal)or and expenses, leaves $62.50. This will be its minimum annual yield for fifty years or more. The timber would advantageously increase in quantity until the trees were 100 years old ; but would give a profitable yield of timber when the trees would average twenty inches, as at that size they would give a cord of wood to each tree or 160 cords; and which could not be estimated in the tree at much less than $5 per cord ; giving the value of the acre of timber at $800. This estimate will not appear high, when it is remem- 46 TIIK CULTURE OP FOREST TREES AND BVERGREENS. bered, that twenty-five feet in length of each tree can be sawed into lum- ber, making 300 feet to each tree, or 48,000 feet of sawed lumber, worth at present prices |30per thousand, or |1,440 ; and the balance of the trees go to the cord wood, giving eighty cords to the acre. The interest on the value of the land, the cost of planting and taxes would be paid by the trimmings, leaving the land as valuable as when the trees were planted, and the sugar and tnnber may be estimated as profit for care and fore- thought. Its superior excellence for fuel, together with its value as hard, strong timber for all purposes where firmness and strength are required, together with its many qualities as an ornament, render it the most desir able of all deciduous trees for general planting. LARCH. Mr. Lapham says: The larch is a conifers, though the leaves are deciduous, in autumn. It is a tall, slender grower, with heavy, coarse- grained, durable and valuable wood, wherever light, straight timber, such as hoop-poles, is required. The trees should be cut in the winter, and the bark stripi)ed off in the spring. Unless this be done the poles wdl soon decay from retaining moisture under the bark. It is also a valuable wood for fuel, but burns rapidly, and with great heat, being much used for puddling iron, and in other places where a hot flame is required. It grows naturally on low, wet, even swampy grounds, in all the northern states and Canadas ; yet it flourishes far better when brought out and planted in dryish soil. When the American larch is planted on such land and tended the same as the European or Scotch larch, it grows much more rapidly than in its native swamps. Those who desire to make plan- tations of the larch, should take into consideration the character of the land to be planted ; if it be wet, then the American larch should be chosen. The large trees can be sawed into good boards, plank and other sawed timbers, or be hewed into large building timbers, for which purposes it is eminently adapted. The larch makes excellent piles for docks, or for the foundation of buildings in wet grounds. That it will last for ages we have abundant proof. Larch piles have been taken up where it is positively known that they have been driven more than a thousand years, and yet they were sound and uninjured. So too, larch logs have been dug from peat bogs "buried 12 to 15 feet deep and where they must have been buried before the adamic period, and yet such logs were sufiiciently sound to be cut into timber." My f^ither in Wrightstown, Wisconsin, three or four miles back frouT the Fox river, in digging a well found at the bottom, about 15 feet below the surfixce, a tamarack log as sound as the day it fell. The entire 15 feet above is solid red clay. Several such discoveries have been made in that neighborhood at depths ranging from 12 to 20 feet. These facts show that larch is very durable, nay, almost indestruetacable. It far ex- cells cedar for fence posts, is equally durable, provided the sap be hewn off the portion set in the ground, and is far superior for liolding nails. Notwithstanding the much that may be said in lavor of the Euro- pean larch, we must say with Mr. Bates, that the American larch is " every way superior." Upon the value of larch I give an extract from Mr. Bates, of Chica- THE CUI.TUBK OP FOREST TREES AN1> EVERGREKNS. 47 gOj ill his paper, upon the ^^ Shij) timber of the United States -y '■'■Hackmatack or tamarack is the American larch. It is a very important wood to the ship-builder, every way superior to the European larch, and is becoming rare in the United States. In the British prov- inces it is a flourishing tree, not untVequently found growing on hard and dry soil, and of superior quality; but in the United States the hackma- tack is confined in its growth principally to the swampy parts of the pine II>. Job Printing in German i English, A Printing Office at your own Door. U.S. Postage on Printed Matter, 2 Cents for 4 Ounces, Whatever the Distance. Six Presses— New Types— Unrivalled Facilities—Twenty-Six Years' Experience. D. WILMOT SCOTT, Calena, Illinois, Would say to Nurserymen and others that he has one of the hirgest and best selected JOB F»RINTI]Nra OFFICES to be found in the West, and is prepared to do every variety of -S 'rm^ f) HIS STOCK OF Cuts, Illustrative of Fruits and Plants, is complete, embracing all the new and most of the old varieties of Fruits and Plants in cultivation. "Having an intimate knowledge of the names of Nursery Stock, he can guar- antee coRKECTNKss in the spelling of names, the absence of whicli so often disfigures such work. f^yrserymen's Sypplses. Such as Tree Order, Note, Receipt and Draft Books, Labels, Shipping Cards Sc Tags, &c., Sec, CONSTANTLY ON HAND. Samples of Work Sent on Applcation to GrArleZlA., Xlls