Book .'__ K 1^ J^ AN ESSAY . r^^ ^0 ^ ^i '^r ON CALCAEEOUS MANUEES; BY EDMUND EUFFIN. A PRACTICAL FARMER OP VIRGINIA FROM 1812 ; FOUNDER AND SOLE EDITOR OF THE farmers' REGISTER; MEMBER AND SECRETARY OP TIlE FORMER STATE BOARD OP AGRICULTURE: FORMERLY AGRICULTURAL SUR- VEYOR OF THE STATE OP SOUTH CAROLINA ; AND PRESIDENT OF THE VIRGINIA STATE AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY. FIFTH EDITION: AMENDED AND ENLARGED. J. W. RANDOLPH, 121, Main Street, Richmond, Va. 1852. \ssz. Entered according to Act of Congress in the year 1852, BY J. W. RANDOLPH. In the Clerk's Office of the District Court in and for the Eastern Dist. of Virginia. JUL 1 2 1933 PRINTED BY C. U. WYNNE, RICHMOND. f\. PKEFACE TO THE FIFTH EDITION. The publication of another edition of this Essay was not designed to be made during the life of the author, until recent circumstances served to induce a change of purpose. When closing my publication of the " Farmers' Register" — -to which service I had devoted and (in reference to my own interest) sacri- ficed the ten best years of my life — I had withdrawn from all connexion with the public, and had no thought of again leaving the quiet seclusion which I had sought and found. But though not expecting again to appear in print during my life, it was nevertheless my practice to make corrections of this Essay, and to prepare materials for future emendations and additions, as new lights were afforded by extended observation and investigation, or by my still extending practical experience. This labour was due to my own reputation. Further, I trusted that, when the results should finally be offered to my countrymen, this and also other previous services might be the more justly appreciated, because the author would then be beyond the reach of applause or recom- pense. Thus, at difi"erent and irregular times, separated by long intervals of cessation of this particular labour, this edition was prepared for posthumous publication. And though the publication is now advanced in time, the before-designed form and manner are not changed, except in the making of still later additions and corrections. Under all the existing circumstances, I trust it will not be deemed improper, or offensively egotistical, for me, at this time and in plain words, to assert my just claim to the most important of the truths which were first announced in the earliest and also in every subsequent edition of this Essay; and which truthSj though having formerly no other support than my obscure name, are now so generally accepted and recognised, that they may seem to have been long established and undisputed. Among these opinions, or facts, which I was the first to distinctly assert, and to maintain at length by proof and argument, were the following : — 1. The capacity of impoverished soils for receiving improve- ment from putrescent manures, being in proportion to their origi- nal or natural measures of fertility ; and that soils naturally poor (especially in this country) could not be enriched by these manures, durably or profitably, above their natural degree of productive- ness. 2. The almost universal and total absence of carhonate of lime in the soils of the Atlantic slope of Virginia, and (by inference) of most others of the United States — and even in most lime-stone iv PREFACE TO THE EIFTn EDITION. soils — while, from all existing testimony of preceding writers on agriculture, the very general, if not universal prevalence of carbo- nate of lime would have been inferred by every reader. 3. The general presence of some vegetable acid in all our natu- rally poor soils, and this acid acting as a cause of sterility. 4. The application of carbonate of lime to soils deficient in that necessary element, serving to neutralize the acid — and, by that and other stated and important operations or effects, serving to tit the before poor and unimprovable soils for speedy and profitable improvement. These positions were assumed and maintained in all tbe different editions of this essay, from 1821 to 1842.^ For my own practice they served, as soon as impressed on my mind, to direct and enjoin, as indispensable for any important and remunerating im- provement of poor soils, the application of calcareous manures ; and especially of the cheapest and most abundant resources in this region, the beds of fossil-shells (or marl), then scarcely noticed, and not used in any known practice. My just claim to the actual introduction in this country of this now wide-spread and most beneficial means for fertilization, and my making generally known the value, and inducing the later numerous and extensive applications by many other farmers, has not been openly disputed. Detractors in wish and intention have indeed thought that they had plucked from me some borrowed plumes, when stating that numerous older writers (in Europe) had recommended marling — that thousands of farmers in Europe had thus improved land — and that, even in this country, some few persons had tried disintegrated fossil shells as manure, and, in still fewer cases, with success. Such facts, as to European opinions and practice, have been long and well known to all reading farmers ; and it would have been impossible, if I had desired it, to shut out this information. The trials in America were so limited, and so little known (and of which but one case had then appeared in print, and that later than my earliest practice, in 1818), that not one of them had reached me until after my opinions had been formed and uttered, and my practice, founded thereupon, had been commenced and was in progress. And when these cases were subsequently heard of, I industriously sought to gather the facts ; and have published them all, at length, in the former editions of this work. But, in truth, none of these prior practices, or opinions * The principal and more important of these opinions had been asserted as early as 1818, in a communication to the Prince George Agricultui-al Society. ]5ut as that communication (whicli was the first concise sketch, since enlarged to this Essay) was not then printed, perliaps I may Lave no right to cite it as showing so early a date for my claims of discovery. Au extract from that communication will be embraced iu one of the pieces in the .Appendix. hf?" PREFACE TO THR FIFTH EDITION. V connected therewith, had any bearing on my claim — which is of showing why, and under what circumstances, calcareous manures are especially and generally necessary in this country, and of in- ducing the extensive use of the particular material above named, of which the existence had before attracted the notice of but few persons, and of which any value was suspected by still fewer — and the few earlier trials of which had been altogether empirical, and made without any knowledge of the mode of operation — and which therefore had generally ended in supposed failure and certain dis- appointment, and speedy abandonment of all further effort. As to the opinions above enumerated, which served to direct my practice from the beginning of 1818, they had either no sup- port from previous authority, or, if asserted by any, had been denied by higher authority and by general understanding. This latter case, of feeble assertion and stronger denial, covers only the doctrine of acid in soils. The other important positions had not been asserted by any known authority, previous to my declaration. Yet all these doctrines are now received either generally or uni- versally, and so appear in recent publications on scientific agricul- ture. And in regard to the existence of acid in soil, the actual discovery was truly made in Europe, later, indeed, than my first annunciation of the doctrine, by men of high scientific attainments, who most probably had never even heard of the opinions of so remote and obscure a writer as myself. Under these circumstances, when these now generally received opinions are seen stated in any of my former editions (and still more if in a subsequent edition), such appearance would not necessarily imply the originality of such opinions. For it might well bo inferred by the (otherwise well-informed) readei', that these doc- trines had been introduced in the later editions, after they had been discovered and published by other authorities. For it is the general and proper usage of authors of scientific and didactic works, to add to each successive edition any new lights on the subject, up to the latest time of publication. Hence, when dates and authorities are omitted (in regard to doctrines long established and received), it is left doubtful which of the positions of an author's latest edition had also been maintained in his earliest ; and also, whether such doctrines were original with the author then stating them, or belonged to some other discoverer not then cited. It is especially designed, in this last edition, to avoid every such source of error. For this purpose, the Chapters (from II. to VIII. inclusive) which will set forth all these theoretical doctrines, will exhibit an exact reprint of the edition of lSo2. No altera- tions of the original test v/ill be made, other than merely verbal and immaterial corrections. Any new matter, or extension of remark or illustration, will be designated in every case; and, 1* vi PREFACE TO THE EDITION OF 1832. however since amplified in expression or varied in form, these same positions, more concisely worded, were all embraced in the earlier edition of 1821 (in the "American Farmer"), and, as was before stated, the main points of these opinions were also set forth in the earlier communication of 1818. E. il. Marlbourne, II.'iNOVER, Va., August, 1852. PREFACE TO THE EDITION OF 1832. The object of this Essay is to investigate tlie peculiar features and qualities of the soils of our tide-water district, to show the causes of their general unproductiveness, and to point out means, as yet but little used, for their eflectual and profitable improvement. My observations are par- ticularly addressed to the cultivators of that part of Virginia which lies between the sea coast and the falls of the rivers, and are generally in- tended to be applied only within those limits. By thus confining the appli- cation of the opinions which will be maintained, it is not intended to deny the propriety of their being farther extended. On the contrary, I do not doubt that they may correctly apply to all similar soils, under similar cir- cumstances ; for the operations of Nature are directed by uniform laws, and like causes must everywhere produce like effects. But as I shall rely for proofs on such facts as are either sufdciently well known already, or may easily be tested by any inquirer, I do not choose to extend my ground BO far as to be opposed by the assertion of other facts, the truth of which can neither be established nor overthrown by any available or sufficient testimony. The peculiar qualities of our soils have been little noticed, and the causes of those p-^culiarities have never been sought ; and though new and valua- ble truths may await the first explorers of this opening for agricultural research, yet they can scarcely avoid mistakes sufficiently numerous to moderate the triumph of success. I am not blind to the difficulties of the investigation, nor to my own unfitness to overcome them ; nor should I Lave hazarded the attempt, but for the belief that such an investigation is all-important for the improvement of our soil and agriculture, and that it was in vain to hope that it would be undertaken by those who were better qualified to do justice to the subject. I ask a deliberate hearing, and a Bti-ict scrutiny of my opinions, from those most interested in their truth. If a change, in most of our lands, from hopeless sterility to a high state of productiveness, is a vain fancy, it will be easy to discover and expose the fallacy of my views ; but if these views are well founded, none deserve better the attention of farmers, and nothing can more seriously affect the future agricultural prosperity of our country. No where ouglit such im- provements to be more highly valued, or more eagerly sought, than among us, where so many causes have concurred to reduce our products, and the prices of our lands, to the lowest state, and are yearly extending want, and its consequence, ignorance, among the cultivators and proprietors. In pursuing this inquiry, it will be necessary to show the truth of vari- ous facts and opinions which as yet are iinsupportcd by authority, and most of which have scarcely boon noticed by agricultural writers, \uiless to be denied. Tlie number of proofs that will be required, and the discursive course through which they must be reached, may probably render more PREFACE TO THE EDITION OP 1832. vii obscure the reasoning of an unpractised writer. Treatises on agriculture ought to be so written as to be clearly understood, though it should be at the expense of some other requisites of good wi-iting ; and, in this respect, I shall be satisfied if I succeed in making my opinions intelligible to every reader, though many might well dispense with such particular explanations. Agricultui'al works are seldom considered as requii-ing very close attention ; and therefore, to be made useful, they should be put in a shape suited to cursory and irregular reading. A truth may be clearly established — but if its important consequences cannot be regularly deduced for many pages afterwards, the premises will then probably have been forgotten, so that a very particular reference to them may be required. These considerations must serve as my apology for some' repetitions — and for minute explana- tions and details, which some readers may deem unnecessary. The theoretical opinions supported in this Essay, together with my earliest experiments with calcareous manures, were published in the "American Far- mer" (vol. iii. page 313), in 1821. No reason has since induced me to retract any of the important positions then assumed. But the many imperfections in that publication, which grew out of my want of experience, made it my duty, at some future time, to correct its errors, and supply the deficiencies of proof, from the fruits of subsequent practice and observation. With these views, this Essay was commenced and finished in 1826. But the work had so grown on my hands, that instead of being of a size suitable for insertion in an agricultural journal, it would have filled a volume. The unwillingness to assume so conspicuous a position as the publication in that form would have required, and the fear that my work would be more likely to meet with neglect or censure than applause, induced me to lay it aside, and to give up all intention of publication. Since that time, the use of fossil shells as manure has greatly increased, in my own neighbourhood and elsewhere, and has been attended generally with all the improvement and profit that was expected. But from paying no regard to the theory of the operation of this manure, and from not taking warning from the errors and losses of myself as well as others, most persons have opei-ated in- judiciously, and have damaged more or loss of their lands. So many dis- asters of this kind seemed likely to restrain the use of this valuable ma- nure, and even to destroy its reputation, just as it was beginning rapidly to be extended. This additional consideration has at last induced me to risk the publication of this Essay. The experience of five more years, eince it was written, has not contradicted anj' of the opinions then ad- vanced — and no change has been made in the work, except in form, and by continuing the reports of experiments to the present time. It should be remembered that my attempt to convey instruction is con- fined to a single means of improving our lands, and increasing our profits ; and though many other operations are, from necessity, incidentally noticed, my opinions or practices on such subjects are not referred to as furnishing rules for good husbandry. In using calcareous manure for the improve- ment of poor soils, my labours have been highly successful ; but that suc- cess is not necessarily accompanied by general good management and economy. To those who know me intimately, it would be unnecessary to confess the small pretensions that I have to the character of a good farmer ; but to others it may be required, for the pui-pose of explaining why other improvements and practices of good husbandry have not more aided, and kept pace with, the efi'ects of my use of calcareous manures. E. R Prince George county, Virginia, January 20iA, 1832. Viii PREFACE TO THE EDITION OP 1835. EXTRACTS FROM THE PREFACE TO THE EDITION OF 1835. When the preceding edition of this Essay was published, it met with a re- ception far more favourable, and a demand from purchasers much greater, than the" author's anticipations had reached ; and it is merely in accordance with the concurrent testimony of the many agriculturists who have since expressed and published opinions on the subject, to say that the publication has already had great and valuable effects in directing attention, and in- ducing successful efforts, to the improvement of land by calcareous ma- nures. Experimental knowledge on this head has probably been more than doubled within the last two years; and the narrow limits of the region •within which marling had previously been confined, have been enlarged to perhaps ten-fold their former extent. Still, the circumstances now existing, however changed for the better, present a mere beginning of the immense and valuable improvements of soil, and increase of profits, that must here- after grow out of the use of calcareous manures, if their operation is pro- perly understood hy those who apply them. But if used without that know- ledge, their great value will certainly not be found ; and indeed, they will often cause more loss than profit. It is therefore not so important to the farmers of our country at large to be convinced of the general and great value of calcareous manures — and to those in the great Atlantic tide-water region to know the newly established truth, that their beds of fossil shells furnish the best and cheapest of manures — as it is, that all should know in what manner, and by what general laws, these manures operate — how they produce benefit, and when they may be either worthless or injurious. And this more important end, the author regrets to believe has as yet scarcely been even partially attained, by the dissemination and proper un- derstanding of correct views of the subject. Of course it is not to be sup- posed that this Essay has been read (if even heard of) by one in ten of the many who have been prompted by verbal information to attempt the prac- tice it recommends ; and of those who have read, and who have even ex- pressed warm approbation of the work, it has seldom been found that their praise was discriminating, or founded upon a thorough examination of its reasoning and theoretical views, on which principally rests whatever value it may possess. For all persons who are so easily convinced, it may truly be said, that the volume embraced nothing more, and was worth no more, than would be stated in these few words — "the application of calcareous manures will be found highly improving and profitable." It is not there- fore at all strange that the attentive reading of a volume, to obtain this truth, was generally deemed unnecessary. Though the previous edition of this work has been nearly exhausted, the circulation has as yet been almost confined to that small portion of the state of Virginia alone in which the mode of improvement recommended had previously been successfully commenced, or had at least attracted much at- tention. But this district is not better fitted to be thus improved than the remainder of the great tide-water region stretching from Long Island to Mobile — and to a great part of which calcareous manures may be cheaply applied. It is only in parts of jNIaryland and Virginia that many extensive and highly profitable applications of fossil shells, or marl, have been yet made. In North Carolina the value of the manure has been but lately tried ; in South Carolina and Georgia, no notice of it has yet been taken, or at least has yet been made kno'mi ; and in Florida and Alabama (parts of which are peculiarly suited to receive these benefits), it is most erroneously thought that such improvements are only profitable for long settled and iinpoverisUed countries. * * * * -x- tk PREFACE TO THE EDlTlOxV OP 1842. IX But though the circulation of this work -will be most useful through the great tide-water region, which is so generally supplied with underlying beds of fossil shells, and so much of the soil of which especially needs such manure, still the assertion may be ventured that there is no part of the country where the views presented, if true, are not important to be known ; and, if known, would not be highly useful to aid the improvement of soils. It is to the general theory of the constitution of fertile and barren soils, that the attention and severe scrutiny of both scientific and practical agriculturists are invited ; and to the several minor points there presented, which are either altogether new, or not established by autho- rity — such as the doctrine of acidity in soils — of the incapacity of iioor and acid soils to be enriched — and of the entire absence of carbonate of lime in most of the soils of this country. Aprdl, 1835. EXTRACTS FROM THE PREFACE TO THE EDITION OF 1842. In the few years which have passed since the issue of the preceding edition, it is believed that the use of marl and lime, in lower Virginia, has been extended over thrice as much land as had been previously thus im- proved ; and the previous clear income of the farmers thus fertilizing their lands has probably been already thereby increased in amount by several hundi'eds of thousands of dollars, and the intrinsic value of the lands raised by as many millions. These great augmentations of annual profits and of the true value of landed capital, from this single source, if they could be accurately estimated, would be seen to have produced an important item of additional revenue to the treasui-y of the commonwealth. And these additions of wealth to individuals and to the state, would be obvious as well as real, but for the existence of other circumstances which have operated to counteract or to disguise the proper results. The most im- portant of such influences will be merely referred to here in the cursory manner only that the occasion permits. In the first place — besides the deservedly very low appreciation of all lands in Virginia, founded on the smallness of their products, the market prices were formerly still more reduced by the almost universal urgent de- sire of proprietors to sell, that they might be enabled then to emigrate to the new and rich lands of the west. The impossibility of selling, even at the lowest valuation price, was the only thing which prevented the actual flood of emigration being so much more swelled as to leave half our lands unoccupied and waste. If purchasers had but presented themselves, fully half the farms in Prince George county (and it is presumed of many other counties) might have been bought up at a considerable deduction from the lowest estimated value ; and all the sellers would have removed, with all their capital, to the western wilderness. To the then actual and regular flow of emigration from the now marling district, an effectual barrier has been opposed by the introduction of that mode of improvement. All emi- gration has ceased wherever by trial of this means the cultivators of the land found their labours to be richly repaid. Thus, in estimating the gains of individuals and of the state, on this score, the comparison should be made, not with the value of property and population which remained twenty years ago, but with what would have remained now, if the then existing inducements to emigration had continued to go on and to increase, as they would have done, with time. Next — the actual increase of intrinsic value of marled lands is far from being even yet fully appreciated, because of the generally prevailing and X PREFACE TO THE EDITION OF 1842. very erroneous mode of estimating the values of the increase of permanent net income from land, (as will be made manifest in a part of this Essay—) and but few even of those persons who have obtained such values by marl- ing their lands, would estimate them at one-fourth of their true amount. The source of any jiermaiient net increase of only $G of annual income from land, adds $100 to the intrinsic value of the land. And this proposition is not the less true, and to the full extent asserted, even though the esti- mate of private purchasers and sellers, and of public assessors of lands, may all count for the market price but a small proportion of the increased real value. Next — even whatever of new appreciation the foregoing influences might have permitted to be exhibited in the increased marliet price of lands, and still more their new real value, have been disguised, or altogether concealed, by the great and frequent fluctuations of all market prices of praperty, and by the general misdirections of capital and industry, all caused by the universal individual and national gambling (whether voluntary or compul- sory), at the maddening and ruinous game of paper-money banking — to which system of delusion and fraud this otherwise most blessed country and fortunate people are indebted for so much of disaster, loss, and, still worse, of wide-spread corruption of habits and morals. The enormous apparent and illusory profits promised by this system, and by the stock- jol)bers who alone have fattened upon the facilities it offered for fraud and plunder, served powerfully to depress the market price of lands, and to discourage agricultural investments and pursuits. For, whatever actual pi-ofits the improvement and cultivation of the soil miglit oflTer to reward the care and labour of the proprietor, the stocks of various corporations, falsely appreciated by means of a bloated paper currency, and by the arts of stockjobbers, promised much higher profits, without requiring either care, labour, or risk. Thus, the higher that fictitious dividends of profits or the false values of stocks rose, and the stronger became the induce- ments to make stock investments, the more the prices of lands sank (com- paratively) below their true value, because of the general disposition to convert landed capital to stock capital. But the real and solid increase of income and of wealth to individuals and to the commonwealth, caused by the permanent improvement of the soil, is not the less certain, or the less profitable, because fictitious appreciations of values, caused by the fraudu- lent banking system, and the consequent speculations and madness of its votaries and victims, have been both so much higher and lower, at diiFer- cnt times, as to make the amount of actual improved values appear small in comparison, even if they were not thereby entirely concealed. But these delusive and ruinous causes of fluctuating prices and values are now fast showing their emptiness, and vanishing from view ; and whenever the fraudulent paper system shall be completely exposed and entirely exploded, then both lands and the paper-money system will be estimated at their true value. May the consummation be speedy, complete, ami final I But even though, if properly and accurately estimated, the true value of the lands already marled and limed in Virginia has been increased to the amount of millions of dollars, the gain is very small compared to that which yet remains ready to be obtained. Marling has not yet been extended over the hundredth part of the surface to which it may be pro- fitably applied ; and liming, not to the ten-thousandth part of the lands of the state to which lime may be brought. And elsewhere, with the exception of a small part of Maryland, the beginnings of marling only have as yet been made. Nevertheless, these beginnings are the widely- Bcattered seeds which will spring up and spread, and horeafter yield abundant harvests. December, 1842. CONTENTS. Preface to fifth edition iii Preface to earlier editions vi Chapter I. — Introductory. General description of agricultural eartlis and soils. Physical and chemical constituents of soils. Difficulties of defining eartlis and soils, 17, 18. Cliemists' definitions unsuitable for agricul- ture, 18. Agricultural earths, 19. Siliceous earth, 19. Aluminous, 20. Calcareous, 20; different definitions thereof by authors, 22. Chalk, 23. Magnesiau earth, 2-t. H\imu8, 25. Soils and sub-soils, 25. Constituents of soils, 26, and of sub-soils, 27. Physical and chemical constituents, 28, 29, 30. Nomenclature and definitions of soils, 31, 32, 33. Chap. II. — On the soils and state of agriculture of the Tide-water Dis- trict of Virginia. General features of the district and its soils, 34, 36. Ridges, 35. Slopes, 35, 36. River mar- gins and alluvial lands, 36. Exhausting tillage and small products, 36. Decreasing popu- lation, 38. Hopeless of improvement under existing circumstances, 39. Chap. III. — The different capacities of soils for improvement. Five principal propositions stated for discussion, 39. Natural fertility defined, 40. Perma- nency of either fertile or sterile character of different countries and soils, 41. Land natu- rally poor not capable of being enriched by putrescent manures, 41, 42. Opposing opinions and authorities, 43, 45. Facts in support, 44. The degree of original fertility the limit of profitable improvement by putrescent manures, 46, 47. Chap. IV. — Effects of the presence of calcareous earth. Calcareous earth not found in our poor soils, 48. Its presence indicating great fertility, 48. Natural grovrths on shelly and on poor soils, 49. All authority supports the general pre- sence of carbonate of lime in soils, 50 to 53, SoUs rarely calcareous in Virginia, 54. Re- cent confirming testimony (note), 54, 55. Chap. V. — Results of chemical examinations of various soils. Methods for testing the presence or absence of carbonate of lime in soils, 56 to 59. Various soils tested — calcareoas, 59 to 61. All known calcareous soils rich, and no poor soU calcar roous, 61. Chap. VI. — Chemical examination of rich soils containing no calcareous earth. Rich river lands. 62 — and also mountain lime-stone soils, 63 to 65. Prairie soils of Alabama generally highly calcai'cous, or super-calcareous, 66, 67. Chap. VII. — Proofs of the existence of acid and neutral soils. Lime in some form present in ever3' soil, 68. Acid not considered an ingredient of soil by any writers of authority, and denied by others, 69, 70. Proofs of acidity in soil, 70. Growth of acid plants, 71. Nourished best by dead acid plants, 71, 72. By other putres- cent manures, 72. Acid poi.sonoua to cultivated plants, 73. Disappearance of carlioiiate of lime in cultivated soils, 75 to 80. Wood ashes contain lime, 81, 82. Scientific confirmation of acid in soil, 82 to 88. Discovery of humic acid, 83 ; its properties, 86. Successive natu- ral changes of chemical character in soils, 88, 89, 90. Testimony of Loudon of originality of doctrine (note), 91. Chap.^VIII. — The mode of operation by which calcareous earth increases the fertility and j^roductivcncss of soils. gilicious and aluminous earths have no chemical power to retain putrcpcent manure, 92, 93. 94. Calcarcona earth has such power, and how, 94. 95. Examples of combining operas tions, 95. Power of fixing fertilizing matters in soils, 96. Power of neutralizing injurious acids, 97, 93. Pox or of altering and improving texture of both sandy and clayey soils, 98, (11) xii CONTENTS. 09 and of lessoniii'' evils of too much tlrynoss tincl moishwe, 09. Lime a necessary food for plants, but ouly within narrow limitation, 100, 101. Proportions of limo in ashes of various jjiantg, 102. Chap. IX. — Action of caustic lime as manure. Da^T's theory of limin- stated, 103. AppUed to practice, 104. Action of caustic Hmc gen^ rally to le avoided, 104. Lime acts generally as carbonate, 105. lorm of classification of manures, 10(5. Chap. X.— Introductory and general observations on marl and lime. Fossil shells, improperly called marl, 107. Incorrect use of terms in England, lOS-9. Dif- ferent and general misapplications of the name of •' marl" (note), 109, and of " marling' (note). 110. "Limius," in practice, equivalent to marling, 110 to 113. Preliminary remarks on experiments, 114. Oldest applications of marl in A'irginia, 114. Chap. XL — Experiments with, and effects of, calcareous manures on acid sancli/ soils, newly cleared. Experiments stated, and earliest and later results on light and acid loam, recently brought under cultivation, 116 to 122. Errors in the mode of experimenting stated, 122-i. Chap. XII. ^-Effects of calcareous manures on acid clay {or stiff) soils recently clcai'ecl. Description of the peculiar soil operated on, 124. Experiments and results stated, 125 to 129. Ilemarkable effects ou clover and grain crops, 127 to 129. Chap. XIII. — The effects of calcareous mamires on acid soils reduced by cultivation. Marling always effective on such soils, 130. Experiments stated, and early good results, 130 to 136. Diseased crops of grain caused by excessive marling, 133. Effects of marl witli putrescent manure, 137, 13S. Chap. XIV. — Effects of calcareous manures on "free light land." Character of such soil, 139. Experiments, 139, 140. Chap. XV. — Effects of calcareous manures onexliausted acid soils, under ilieir second growth of trees. Experiments of this kind, 141, 142. Chap. XYI.— -Effects of calcaremis mamires alone, or icitli gypsum, on calcareous and neutral soils. Inefficiency of marl on such soils, 143. Gypseous marl, 141. Experiments, 145 to 147. Chap. XVII. — Digression to the theory of the action of gypsum as ma- nure. Supposed cause of its ivant ofjwivcr and value on acid soils. General inefficiency of gypsum on Atlantic coast, and mistaken views as to the cause, 14T. Exceptions on neutral soils, 148. And the true cause of usual inefHcicucy, 149. Theory of this ineificieucy, and its removal, 151 to 154. Chap. XVIII. — The damage caused by too heavy dressings of calcareous manure, and the remedy. Earliest effects observed, and symptoms described, 155. Means for preventing or of curing the injury, 150-7. The disease found only on soils naturally acid, 157; and not caused merely by excess of calcareous earth, 158, and probably by humate of lime, 159. Chap. XIX. — Recapitulation and more full staloncnts of the effects of calcareous mamires. The results of marling have conformed to previous theoretical views, 159. Exceptions above the granite range, and causes, 161. Hazel loam, 161. Effects of calcareous manure pro- portioned to the organic matter in soil, 162. Marl on " palls," 163. I'revents the watching effects by rains, and the moving of sandy soils by winds, 164. Quantities of marl to 1» applied, 160. Effects in preserving vegetable matter from waste, 167. " Free light laud," and its sjieedy exhaustion, IPS. Marling deepens soils, 1G9. Gives peculiar value to sandy sub-soils, 170. Hastens maturing of crops — cotton — wlieat, 170. Strengtbinis straw of wheat, 171. Peculiar benefits to leguminous idiin's, and especially to clover, 172, and to some bad weeds, 17 3. Eailures of clover on marled lands, 173. Effect of calxiug iu eradicat- ing acid plants, 174r-5. CONTENTS. XUl Chap. XX. — Directions for the use of marl in connexion witJi otlier fanning operations. Usual difficulties of lieginners ■witlinut reason, 175. The labours to lie regular nnd continu- ous, 170. Keces^ity tbr intermixing marl regularly with the soil, 17G-7. Manner of drop- ping and spreading heaps, 177. Organic manure an essential accompaniment, 177,178; supplied by vegetable growth of the fields, 178. Ordinary farm-made manures, 179; other materials, 180. Chap. XXI. — Actual improvements and rbsidts of marling. Peculiar value of sandy soils. Cause's of dcfectiye results of earliest marling labours, 181-2. Actual results on Coggins Point farm, to 1842, 183. Crops from 181.3 to 1851, 18-t. Remarks and notes on same, 185-6. Culture and crops on Blarlbourne, 187-8. Causes of neglect of marling, and small effects, 189. Value of sandy .foils, 190. Poor soils of lower Virginia also very shallow, 191. Rates of increase of products from marling, on different lands, 192. Chap. XXII. — The extent of duration of the effects of calcareous manures. Duration of effects known by experience, 192-4. Ke-marlings, why required, 195. Question of duration of calxing, 196. Practice and opiuions in Britain, 197, 198. AUegcd reasons for waste of lime in soils, and answers thereto, 199 to 211. Sinking of lime in soil, 211, 212. Kffect of organic (or putrescent) manures made permanent by combination with cal- careous, 214 to 216. Apparent exceptions, 217. Actual duration of effects, 218. Antici- pated progress of improvement, and fixing of organic matter by calxing, 219 — and of steri- lity caused, xjnder reverse circumstances, 220. Chap. XXIII. — General observations on the valuations of lands and their improvements, and the expenses and profits of marling. Usual estimates altogether erroneous, 221. True mode of estimating values, 222 to 225. Supply and demand regulate selling prices of lauds, 227. Injiidicious marling labours, 228. General profits, 229. Chap. XXIV. — Other fertilizing potoers and effects of calcareous earth. Soils of ancient alluvial formation (or latter drift), 230. Effects of calxing thereon, 231 to 233. Action of calx by solvent power, 2.34. Sterility, when caused by calxing, and how, 235 to 237. Benefit of lenient cropping, 2.37, and supplying vegetable matter, 238. Erro- neous practice in South Carolina, 239 to 241. Organic matter in plants, 242; how consti- tuted, 243. Proportions of carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, and azote in plants, 244. Whence derived, 246 to 248. Supply of carbon from the atmosphere increased on calcareous soil, 248 to 250. Dr. Wight's experiments thereupon, 250 to 252. Other proofs, 253. Ai«5t6 supplied from the atmosphere through leguminous plants, 253 to 257. Their peculiar ma- nuring effects thus caused, 258. Residue of roots of clover, &c., 259. Value of the south- ern field pea (or bean), 261. Recapitulation, 262. Effect of lime in soils and compost heaps to produce nitrates, 263. This explains some ijractical results before not understood, 266, 267. Effect of lime in promoting the healthy constitution aud vigorous giowth of plants, 207, 268, and the better quality of products, 268. Chap. XXV. — The use of calcareous earth recommended to preserve putrescent manures, and to promote cleanliness and health. Effects of calcareous earth in preventing waste of products of animal matter, 209, 270. Cases for use of this power, 271 to 274. Unfitness of quick-lime for this purpose, 274. Benefit in preventing disease, 275, 270. How the burning of towns benefits health, 277. Benefits to health of calcareous soU in Alabama, 278 — iu Virginia, 279 to 281 — in I'rance, 281, 2S3 — in England, 283. CuAP. XXVI. — The excavation of marl-pits, and carrying oid and ap- plying marl. Dry and high-lying marl, 284. Wet marl in hilly lands, 285. Method of opening and work- ing pits of such marl, 286 to 289. Draining the excavation, 289, 290. Deep pitting, 290. Blachiiies for raising marl, 291 to 295. Making roads, 295. Implements and carts for marling, 297. Spreading, 298. Marling tables and estuuates, 299 to 302. Importance of marling labours being continuous, 303. Chap. XXVII. — Directions for the searching for and testing of marl. ■ Searcliiu" for marl, 304. Use of the auger, 305. Exposures of marl, 306-7. Extended labours anticipated, .307. Usual appearances of mnrl, 308-9. Po "ition and character of the strata, 309-10. Directions fur aualyziug, 310 to 313. Dislunt transportation of marl, 313 to 317. O Xiv CONTENTS. Chap. XXVIII. — Estimates of the cost of labour applied to marllny. The proper grounds for e?, 318. Cost of the labour of a negro man, 319 — of boy, woman, and girl, 320 ; of working horse and mule, 320 ; costs of carts and implements, 321. These estimates applied to particular operations of marling, 322 to 326. Chap. XXIX. — Details of actual and extensive marling labours. Actual labours on low-lying and wet marl, 327. Marl and accomp.anying beds described, 328-9. Excavation in "small perpendicular pits, 329. Horizontal plan of diggings, 330-31. Beginning and progress of labour, 329, 333. Work of a single mule, 33-1 to 339. Esti- mated cost of the work, and remarks, 336 to 341. Excavating marl in large graduated pits, 342 to 350. Savings of expense before incurred, 351-52. Expenses at various dis- tances, and rule for estimating, 353. Hazard of large excavations, 354. Quantity of marl removed, 355. Chap. XXX. — The progress of marling in Virginia. Usual obstacles to the progress of all new improvements in agriculture, 356. The beginning and progress of marling in Virginia, and general condition (in 1842), 357 to 360. Liming, S60. General effects of the use of calcareous manures in Virginia (to 1850), on values of lauds and products of taxation, general wealth, and population, 300 to 363. APPENDIX. Introductorg rcmarJcs 363 Note I. — Additional proof, offered in the production and existence of black waters, of the action of lime in combining vegetable matters with soil. Black waters of certain streams and ponds, and absence of colouring matter in others, 303 to 365. Causes, 365. Proofs and illustrations, 366. Clearness of lime-stone water, 367. Facts and causes of black waters, 368 to 371. Note II. — The statements of British authors on "marl," and their applications of the name generally incorrect, and often contradictory. Subject stated, 371-2. Correct definitions of marl, 373. Clay and shell marl, 374. "Marls" not calcareous, 375-6. Old authors. Marls not known to be calcareous by their describers, 377 to 380. American opinions deduced from English books, 380. Other manures not valued for their known calcareous parts, 381. Errors of modern writers, 382; Arthur Young, 382 to 385; Lord Kames and Sir John Sinclair, 386. Cases of English marling not serving to make .soil calcareous, 387-8. Sir John Sinclair confounding the operations of carbonate, phosphate, and sulphate of lime, 389. Marling of Norfolk, 390. Clays of New York calcareous, 391. Jlarshall's notices of marl and niarling, 391 to 394. Errors of Farmers' Journal, 395. Fossil sea-shell beds (or marl of Virginia) in Europe, 395. Falu>is andfulunage of Frano«, 397-8. Oldest and English views of the marl (now so called) of Vh-ginia, 399. Deductions, 399, 400. Marl and marling of the ancients — notices by Varro and Pliny, 401-2. Note III. — The earliest known successful applications of fossil shells as manure. Oldest applications unsuccessful, 403-4. First successful use in Virginia. 405, and in Mary- land, 405. John Taylor's slighting opinion, 406. Marling of John Singleton, 406 to 408. Note IV. — First views which led to marling in Prince George county. The author's early lessons and opinions, and errors in farming, 410-11. Former couditioTi of his land, and sources of opinions, 412. Taylor's and Davy's doctrines, 413. Acid in soils supposed, 414-15. First effort in marling, 416, and first results, 417. Earliest opinions of constitution of soils, 418 to 420. English views and writings opposing the use of our marl, 421. '• Kuflin's Folly" and first operation of example, 422-3. Succeeding labours, 423-4. Damage caused by marling, 424 to 426. Note V. — Description and account of the different kinds of marl, and oftJie gypseous earth of the tide-water region of Virginia. Need for the information to bo offered, 427. Character, constitution, and formation of true marl, 428 to 430. Classification of marls, 431. Chalk and rotten lime-stone, 432. Travertin, CONTENTS. X7 433. ArKillo-calcaroous, or true marl, 433. Shell-sand, 434. Shell marl, ns understood in Britain, 434-5. Tertiary fossil shell marl (in Virginia), 435-6. Miocene marl, 437 to 440. Varieties, 441 to 448. Crj'stallization in marl, 443-4. Loss of calcareous parts of marl, 448. Comparative values, 449. Eocene marl, 450 ; of Coggins Point, 450-1. Kxteutof same kind, 452. Qualities, 4.53. Other eocene marls, 454. Gypseous earth, 454. Gypseous earth of Jamea river, 455 to 475. Green-sand, 458. Use of gypseous earth as manure, 459. Sulphuret of iron (and gypsum) contained, 460. The Tarious strata at Evergreen, 462 to 464. At Coggins Point, 465 to 467. Harrison's Bar of gypseous earth, 467. Green-sand of New Jersey, 468. Analyses of green-sands of Europe and America, 469-70. Analyses of gypseous earth of Coggins Point, 471 to 473. Gypsum the main operating ingredient, 474. Eocene green- sand (or gypseous) marl of Pamunkey, 475 to 482. Different layers described, 476 to 479. Olive earth, 479-80. Gypseous earth of Pamunkey, 4S1-2. All appreciable effects due, not to green-sand, but to gypsum, 482. Po.sition and order of succession of the different layers of the Pamunkey eocene, 483 to 485. Sulphuret of iron in gypseous earth and some marls, 486-7. Alleged existence of green-sand, in quantity, in ordinary raiocene marls, 4S7-8. The assertion disproved, 489 to 491. Peculiar miocene. of Hampstead bed only, known to contain green-sand in considerable proportion, 491 to 493. AN ESSAY CALCAREOUS MANURES. CHAPTER I.— Introductory. GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF AGRICULTURAL EARTHS AND SOILS. PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL CONSTITUENTS OF SOILS. In discussions or instructions upon the fertilization of land, it is an important requisite that we should correctly distinguish be- tween earths and soils, and the many varieties of the latter com- pound bodies. Yet the terms used for this purpose, are generally misapplied ; and even among writers of high reputation and autho- rity, no two agree in their definitions of soils, or modes of classifi- cation. That such differences of definition, and contradiction of terms, should exist, will appear the less strange, and the resulting errors the more excusable, to those readers who have most care- fully studied this branch of agricultural science, and who, therefore, can best appreciate the difficulties of the required classification. Each writer on soils is compelled to use terms in senses different from the greater number of his many predecessors ; because but few of them have concurred in even the most important definitions. Where such great differences exist, and where no one known plan of nomenclature is so free from material imperfections as to bo referred to as a standard of authority, it becomes necessary for every one who treats on soils to define for himself ; though perhaps he may thereby add still more to the general mass of confusion previously existing. This necessity must serve to excuse the writer for whatever is new, unauthorized, or confessedly defective in the definitions and terms which will be here adopted, and used as required hereafter through this treatise. It would be inferred by most readers, from the general heading alone, that this introductory chapter must consist mainly of definitions and explanations already established by scientific authority, and generally received by and known to well-informed agriculturists. This inference would be correct to a considerable extent ; nevertheless, there will be many 2 * (17) 18 DIFFICULTY OF DEFINING EARTHS AND SOILS. of the views wliicli are either new and unsupported, or entirely opposed to all existing authority ; and which will require to be understood and borne in mind by all who desire to study with pro- per advantage the theory of fertilization which will be presented and maintained in this essay. Previous to the recent attention of chemists directed to agricul- ture, which may be said to have begun with the publication of Davy's admirable and very valuable (though necessarily very im- perfect) work on the '^ Elements of Agricultural Chemistry," agricultural writers had defined and described soils by their cjuali- ties obvious to the senses, and without much, if any, regard to their chemical, or even their physical constitution. Of course they were often in error ; as the sensible qualities, or textures of soils, do not always quadrate with, or conform to the proportions or kinds of their materials. For example : an open and light soil, is most generally made so by an excess of silicious sand ; but occa- sionally soils owe their possessing this texture to an excess of humus or vegetable matter, or of chalk ', and which soils may be greatly deficient in sand, and would be rendered even more com- pact by an addition of this earth. Again : the closeness and in- tractability of a soil is generally owing to the excess of clay; but a soil superaboundiug in clay, with large intermixture of vegetable and calcareous earths, may be much more friable and light than another with much less clay, and much more of silicious sand in a very finely divided state. More recently, when many men of science took their present ground as co-labourers in agricultural investigation, they brought to bear, on this branch of the science, terms and definitions exact and precise enough indeed, they being those recognised in chemis- try ; but altogether inapplicable to agriculture, because referring to conditions of purity, and simplicity of composition, having no existence in nature, nor even subject to the observation and senses of the agriculturist. Hence, when chemists, using their scientific nomenclature, attempt to instruct farmers of the composition of soils, and refer to their contents of the chemical earths proper, alumina, lime, magnesia, &c., they are speaking of things which have no existence in nature, nor even in agricultural art; and they might as well go farther back in search of scientific strictness, and treat of the elementary parts of these several earths — that is, oxy- gen, with the metals aluminum, calcium, and magnesium, respect- ively ; which elements arc rarely produced or preserved separate, and never except in the chemist's laboratory. The substances known in chemistry as earths, are, indeed, defined with precision, and their distinguishing properties are well understood by those who are even slightly acquainted with that science. But of the nine earths known to chemists, one only, silica, exists naturally in AGRICULTURAL EARTHS. 19 a state of purity, or uncompounded ; and in this state of purity (as rock-crystal, or pure quartz-rock), it can have no action whatever as an agricultural earth. Two other chemical earths, alumina and lime, are only found combined with other bodies ; and, as thus combined, exhibiting very different properties from the pure earths, which can be produced only by chemical decomposition. A fourth earth, magnesia, likewise is never found uncombined, and rarely in other than very minute proportions, and always intermixed with other earths, so as to be imperceptible by the senses. The other chemical earths (barytes, strontian, zircon, &c.) are so rarely found, and still more rarely in soil, and most of them only in such minute quantities that, as to any influence on agriculture, they may be deemed as non-existent.* These few preliminary remarks will serve to expose something of the difiiculty of distinguishing and clearly defining the earths of agriculture. That the attempt which will here be made will but imperfectly reach the desired object, will not be more evident to other persons than to the writer. The agricultural earths will here be understood as bodies natu- rally existing, and, when separate, as jiure as ever presented by nature ; and of which, each one, except humus, is composed princi- pally of some one chemical earth. They are five in number — silicious, aluminous, calcareous, magnesian, and vegetable or humus. These agricultural earths, variously intermixed, serve to compose the superficial layer of the globe. This layer, more or less productive of vegetable growth, is soil; and however varying in different places, all soils, for almost their entire bulk, are composed of one or more of the three principal agricultural earths — the silicious, aluminous, and calcareous, with more or less of humus, or vegetable mould. It is convenient, though still a farther departure from scientific strictness of definition, to include humus among the earths of agriculture. 1. Silicious earth is presented in the cleanest, most crystalline, * Tlic chemical earths are combinations of different metals (which are known only in these combinations) with oxygen. Before Davy's splendid discovery of these metals, and their combinations with oxygen, the earths were supposed to be simple bodies, or incapable of being decomposed. A single combination of one of these very rare chemical earths, the sulpliate of barytes, has been recently found to be a very effective manure, acting on clover with the remarkable power of sulphate of lime (gypsum). Pro- fessor Armstrong, of Washington College, has fully tested it by the practi- cal use of the earth as maniu-e. He also informed me that the sulpliate of barytes was found in some parts of that mountain region in sufficient quantity to be used for manuring, in the small proportions required for its effects. These interesting facts do not contradict the remarks in the text above, which referred to barytes and the other scarcer earths only as cou- etituents of soils. 20 SILICIOUS AND ALUMINOUS EARTHS. whitest, and purest sancl, as washed and deposited by rapid streams, or other water in motion. This, the very abundant agricultural or natural earth, often approaches nearly in purity to the chemical earth silica. Silicious earth generally appears as sand ; that is, in separate and loose grains of small size, which are rugged and irregular in shape, usually with sharp angles, rough to the touch, and'hard enough to scratch glass. This earth is not soluble in any acid except the fluoric, and cannot be made coherent by any mix- ture with water. The solidity of the particles of sand renders each one impenetrable by water ; and their loose and open arrangement permits water to pass easily through the mass. The same condi- tions of impenetrable grains and loose and open texture cause silicious earth to be incapable of absorbing moisture from the air, or of re- taining, with any force, either moisture or any aerial or gaseous fluid with which it may have been in any manner supplied. Sili- cious earth is also quickly and strongly heated by the sun, which increases thd rapidity with which it loses moisture. 2. Aluminous earth, or argil, or purest clay, as it may also be called for convenience, is composed, for a largo part, of the chemical earth alumina, from which this and all other less pure clays derive their peculiar and well-known qualities. Still, this purest of clays, naturally existing (or " pipe clay," as termed by some agricultural chemists), contains no more than 3G to 40 per cent, of aluminth, chemically combined with 52 to 60 per cent, of silica, and 3 or 4 per cent, of oxide of iron.* Thus even the juirest natural clay, or aluminous earth, does not approach the purity of the chemical earth alumina within some GO to 64 per cent. And all ordinarj^ and less pure clays, of course, have much more of silicious sand, the additional cpantity being in the state of mechanical mixture. Aluminous earth and all clays, in proportion to their purity, when dry, absorb water abundantly; and when wet, form tough and ductile paste, smooth and soapy to the touch. By burning, the mass becomes brick, hard like stone, and is no longer capable of being softened by water. When drying from a previous wet and softened condi- tion, aluminous earth and all clays shrink greatly, and, separating by numerous cracks and fissures, the mass is broken into hard lumps. 3. Calcareous eavtli, carbonate of limc,'\ or calx, is the next * Prof. J. F. W. .Jolinston's "Lectures on the Applications of Chemistry and Geology to Agriculture," p. 230, et seq. First Am. edition of Wiley and Putnam, New York, 1814. •|- Carhonaie of lime is the chemical name for the substance formed by the combination of carbonic acid with liinr. The names of all the thousands of different substances (neutral salts) which are formed by the combination of each of the many acids with each of the various earths, alkalies, and metals, are formed by one uniform rule, which is as simple and easy to be CALCAREOUS EARTH. 21 raost abundant agricultural earth. It is a combination of the che- mical earth lime with carbonic acid, in the constant proportions (in whole numbers) of 5G parts lime to 44 of carbonic acid. It is converted to pure or quicli-lime by red heat, which drives off tlie carbonic acid; and quick-lime, by exposure, and attracting carbonic acid from the atmosphere, soon reverts to its original condition of carbonate, or calcareous earth. It forms marble, limestone, chalk, and shells, with very small admixtures of other materials. Thus the term calcareous earth will not be vised here to include cither lime in its pure state, or any of the numerous combinations which lime forms with the various acids," except the one combination (carbonate of lime) which is beyond comparison the most abundant throughout the world, and most important as an ingredient of soils. Pure lime attracts all acids so powerfully, that it is never presented by nature except in combination with some one of them, and generally with the carbonic acid. When this compound is thrown into any stronger acid, as the muriatic, nitric, or even common vinegar, the lime, being more powerfully attracted, unites with and is dissolved by the stronger acid, and lets go the carbonic, which escapes with effervescence in the form of air. In this manner, the carbonate of lime, or calcareous earth, may not only be easily distinguished from silicious and aluminous earth, but also from all other com- binations of lime. Theforegoing definition of calcareous earth, which confines that term to the carbonate of lime, is certainly liable to objections, but less so than any other designation. It may at first seem improper and even absurd to consider as one of the principal earths which compose soils, one only of the many combinations of lime, rather than either pure lime alone, or lime in all its combinations. One or the other of these significations is adopted by the highest autho- I'ities, when the calcareous ingredients of soils are described ; and in either sense, the use of this term is more conformable with scientific arrangement than mine. Yet much inconvenience is caused by thus applying the term calcareous earth. If applied to understood and remembered as it is useful. To avoid repeated explana- tions in tlie course of this essay, tlie rule will now be stated by which these compounds are named. The termination of the name of the acid is changed to the syllable ate, and then prefixed to the particular earth, alkali, or metal with which the acid is united. With this explanation, any reader can at once understand what is meant by each of some thousands of terms, none of which might have been heard of before, and which (without this manner of being named) would be too numerous to be fixed in the most retentive memory. Thus, it will be readily understood that the carbonate of magnesia is a compound of the carbonic acid and magnesia— the sulphate of lime a compound of sulphuric acid and lime — the sulphate of iron a com- pound of sulphuric acid and iron — and in like manner for all other terms 50 formed. ="^ 22 CALCAREOUS EARTH. lime, it is to a substance wliicli is never found existing naturally, and which will always be considered by most persons as the artifi- cial product of the process of calcination, and as having no more part in the corapoyition of natural soils-than the manures obtained from oil-cake or pounded bones. It is crjually improper to include under the same general term all the combinations of lime with the fifty or sixty various acids. Two of these compounds, the sulphate and the phosphate of lime, arc known as valuable manures; but they exist naturally in soils in such minute quantities, as not to deserve to be considered as important physical ingredients. Many other salts of lime are known to chemists; but their several quali- tiesj as affecting soils, are entirely unknown — and their cpiantities are too small, and Iheir presence too rare, to require consideration. . If all the numerous different combinations of lime, having perhaps as many various and unknown properties, had not been excluded by my definition of calcareous earth, continual exceptions would have been necessary to avoid stating what was not meant. The carhonate of lime, to which I have confined that term, though only one of many existing combinations, yet in c{uantity and in import- rmce, as an ingredient of soils, as well as a part of the known por- tion of the globe, very far surpasses all the others. But even if calcareous earth, as thus defined and limited, is ad- mitted to be the substance which it is proper to consider as one of the important earths of agriculture, still there are objections^ to its name which I would gladly avoid. However strictly defined, many readers will attach to terms such meanings as they had previously understood : and the word calcareous has been so loosely and so differently applied in common language, and in agriculture, that much confusion may attend its use. Anything " partaking of the nature of lime" is "calcareous," according to Walker's Dictionary ; Lord Kames limits the term to pure Ivms ;* Davyf and Sinclair^ include under it pure lime and all its combinations; and Kirwan,l| Rozier,^ and Young, § whose example I have followed, confine the name calcareous earth to the carbonate of lime. Nor can an}' other term be substitutTjd without producing other difficulties. Carbon- ate of lime would be precise; but there are insuperable objections to the frequent use of chemical names in a work addressed to ordi- nary readers, and this one would be especially awkward and incon- venient for such use. Chalk, or shells, or mild lime (or what had been quick-lime, but which, from exposure to the air, had ngaiu * Gentleman Farmer, page 264 (2d Edin. ed.) f Agr. Chcm., page 223 (Phil. ed. of 1821.) X Code of Agricultm-c, page 184 (Hartford ed. 1818.) ij Kirwan on Manures, chap. 1. ^ " Tcrrcs" — Cours Complet d'Agricnlturc rrntiquc. ^ Young's Essay on Manures, chap. o. CALCAllEOUS EAEin. 23 become carbonated), all tbese arc the same chemical substance ; but none of these names would serve, because each would be supposed to refer to such certain form or appearance of calcareous earth as they usually express. If I could hope to revive an obsolete term, and, with some modification, establish its use for this purpose, I would call this earth calx — and from it derive calxing, to signify the application of calcareous earth, in any form, as manure. A general and definite term for this operation is much wanting. Liming, marling, applying drawn ashes, or the rubbish of old buildings, chalk, or limestone gravel, all these operations are in part, and some of them entirely, that manuring which I would thus call calxing. But because their names are different, so are their effects generally considered — not only in those respects where difi'erences really exist, but in those where they are precisely alike. Calcareous earth, in the agricultural sense here assumed (calx, or carbonate of lime), has almost no existence as an ingTcdieut of soil throughout all the great Atlantic slope of the United States north of Florida. Nor has it any existence, separate from soil, unless as lime-stone rock and travertine in the mountain region, and subterranean beds of fossil shells in the tide-water lands. In England, France, and some other parts of Europe, this earth occurs as chalk, in beds of great thickness and vast extent of surface. The whiteness of chalk repels the rays of the sun, and its open texture permits water to sink through almost as easily as through sand. Thus calcareous earth alone, or when constitviting the bulk of a soil, is remarkable for possessing some of the worst qualities of both sand and clay. But though the true chalk, which is so widely spread in Europe, does not exist in North America, there are very extensive regions of this continent of which the soils are composed in part, and their subsoils mainly, of calcareous earth, and which may be considered as chalk soils and subsoils in an agricultural, though not a geo- logical sense. Such are most of the '^ prairie" lands of Alabama, Mississippi, and Arkansas ; and (as I infer from analogy) of Texas, and of the vast prairie region west of the Mississippi River. The " everglades" of Florida, as I infer, and the nearest sea islands also, are of like constitution. The subsoil and inferior layers, known in many cases to be several hundred feet thick, are like an impure chalk, composed principally of carbonate of lime (of which there is a proportion from 70 to more than 80 per cent.), inter- mixed intimately, or combined, with fine clay, which constitutes the small remaining part. This great formation of impure calcareous earth maybe considered as either a very rich marl, or a poor chalk; and similar to true chalk in every relation to agriculture, except (in consequence of its argillaceous admixture) in being, in most cases, as much impervious to M^ater as true chalk is the reverse. 24 MAGNESIAN EARTH. 4. It seems doubtful whether magnesia, in any form or condition, should be counted among the earths of agriculture, or physical constituents of soils. Though very generally diffused through soils, it is usually in extremely small proportions. In this country, so far as my personal observation or other information has extended, no soil is known to contain magnesia, in any form, as a physical or considerable constituent ; and even as a chemical or manuring agent, the quantities present in soil have been so small, and, more- over, so associated with larger proportions of the kindred earth lime, that the effects of the magnesia alone could not be appre- ciated. Nor are the chemical effects of magnesia much better known in Europe, where they are more obvious to observation, and have been more or less remarked upon by all agricultural chemists. They have been considered by most writers as injurious to the fer- tility and productiveness of soils. But, though without any evidence of facts, I would infer the reverse operation of magnesia in small proportions. The grounds of this inference are presented in the general similarity of chemical character of magnesia to lime — and also the very general diffusion of magnesia, in some form of combination (though not often as carbonate), in soils, and espe- cially the richest soils.* In other parts of the world, however, magnesia ia much more abundant. It is present in large and (as there supposed) injurious quantity in the Gatinais (between the rivers Seine and Yonne), in France, f and also in Cornwall, in England. | Magnesia very much resembles lime in most of their known Cjualities, and especially in their respective chemical affmities to other bodies. The resemblance is perfect in this important respect, that the pure chemical earth magnesia has no natural existence, because of its strong attraction for acids. If made pure by art, it is then the " calcined magnesia" of druggists. In that artificial state, and in which only the pure chemical earth ever exists at all, if exposed to the atmosphere, it soon attracts carbonic acid, and so * In a specimen of the celebrated rich alluvial soil of Kcd Eiver, Louisiana, I found from 1 to 2 per cent, of carbonate of magnesia ; and something less in the equally rich deposit of the Mississippi River, on the Arkansas shore. The rich mud of the Nile contains 4 per cent, of this earth. (Regnault, quoted by Boussingault), Ptural Economy, &c., p. 338, (1st Am. ed., 1845.) I These peculiar soils were described at length in the "AmiaJcs d'Agri- culti/re Frangaise," by M. Puvis, 'whose article was translated for and pub- lished in the Farmer's Register, vol. iv., p. 212, accompanied by my reasons for doubting the conclusions of the author as to the magnesia being the cause of sterility. X The Lizard Downs. (Davy.) This soil is formed in part by the disen- tcgration of the underlying serpentine, a magnesian rock. (J. F. W. luhnston.) HUMUS; OR VEGETABLE EARTH. 25 becomes the carbonate of maguesia, wbicli is the ordinary mild substance used as medicine. This is a combination of 48 j^arts of magnesia with 52 of carbonic acid. It is to this compound only, the carhonate of magnesia, I affix the term of magnesian earth, and not to any other form of combination with other earths or with acids, nor to the pure chemical earth magnesia, which has no exist- ence in nature, and, of course, can have no natural influence on soils or on agriculture. 5. Humus is the partially decomposed remains of dead vegetablo growth, reduced by time to nearly an earthy texture, pulverulent when dry, and soft and slimy, and almost semi-fluid when full of water. This vegetable earth, as peat, and in its pvirest state, is very abundant in Great Britain and other cool and moist countries. But in Eastern Virginia, it has scarcely any existence, separate or alone, except in the Great Dismal Swamp, and in marshes covered by the tides. In these places, and also in the still larger swamps of North Carolina, the continual wetness and dense shade serve to prevent the complete decomposition of vegetable matter, as is done in Europe by the prevalence of cloudy and damp air, and low average temperature ; and under such conditions only, in our hotter and dryer climates, does humus occur alone, or even as forming the principal material of any soil. The peat soil of Europe is com- posed of pure vegetable matter, for GO per cent, or more of its dry weight. (Johnston.) The peat used for fuel is probably still more of vegetable constitution. Of four specimens of soil of the Dismal Swamp, selected and examined by myself, the vegetable parts were, respectively, 75, 90, and, in the other two, 96 per cent, of the bulk of the soil. Different specimens of soils, from both salt and fresh-water tide marshes, bordering on Powhatan (or James) Kiver, lost full 50 per cent, of their dry weight by being burnt thoroughly ; showing tliat half their weight, and probably five-sixths of their bulk, is pure vegetable matter. These soils are, per- haps, as near to pure humus as any in our climate. As a small, or chemical ingredient of soil, intermixed or com- bined with other earths and far more abundant materials, humus is present universally, serving as aliment to be drawn up by the roots of growing plants, and without which no healthy or luxuriant growth could be produced. Humus gives colour and value to the black rich mould of old garden ground, and to the richest forest or alluvial soils, before they are reduced in fertility by tillage. Soils and Suh-soils in General. All the agricultural earths, including humus as one, when sepa- rated pure, or as nearly pure as ever presented by nature, are nearly or entirely barren. This might be inferred from the mere 3 26 SOILS AND THEIR COMPOSITION. doscription of tlieir respective qualities. Further— the too large proportion of any one earth, in the mixture of several, is injurious to fertility in proportion to such excess. But the quantity which would thus be hurtful by excess would be very different in the dif- ferent earths, and also as to each one, as modified by attendant circumstances. Thus, as a supposition, or, at best, a mere ap- proximation to truth, we may suppose the following named pro- portions to be as large as can be present, respectively, in different soils, and under ordinary circumstances, without being injurious to production : — Silicious earth (as pure sand), in a particular soil, will be injurious by its excess, if more in propor- tion to the soil than - - - - 85 per cent. Or aluminous earth (argil, or purest clay), in ano- ther soil, - - - - - 25 " Or calcareous earth (carbonate of lime, or calx), iu another, - - - - - 5 ? " Or magnesian earth (carbonate of magnesia), in another, 2? « Or humus (nearly pure vegetable matter), in another, 12 ? " In such large proportion as indicated by the above quantities, the greater part of each earth could act only physicalli/ or mechan- ically. If considered merely as chemical or manuring constituents, and embraced in one soil, perhaps one per cent, of calx, a mere trace of magnesian earth, and five per cent, of humus, would be enough 5 while nearly all the remainder of the hundred parts would be of silicious earth mainly, and aluminous earth, serving merely as physical constituents, for nearly their whole quantities. But whatever may be the most suitable proportions, and however much the action and power of each one may be in some cases modified by other ingredients, or by attendant circumstances, still the admixture, in due proportions, of the different earths will serve to correct the defects of all, and thus to form soils of every charac- ter and variety. And various as are the soils naturally formed by mixtures of some or all of the different earths, and greatly defective as most of them are, there are but few which do not more or less fulfil their purpose of serving to sustain the growth of useful plants ; in which they may extend their roots freely, yet be firmly sustained in their erect position ; and obtain the necessary supplies of air, moisture, warmth, and food, without being too much oppressed by the excess of either. Such are the soils, though of various pro- portions and values, on all the surface of the globe wherever fit for culture. And though the qualities and values of soils are as various as the proportions of their ingredients are innumerable, yet they arc mostly so constituted that uo one earthy ingredient is SOILS AND SUB-SOILS. ^ 27 SO albundant but that tlae texture* of tlie soil is rQeclianically suited to some one valuable crop; as some plants require a degree of closeness, and others of openness iu the soil, which would cause other plants to decline or perish. The dept4i of soil seldom extends more than a few inches below the surftice, as on the surface only are received those natural suji- plies of vegetable and animal matters, which are necessary to con- stitute soil. Valleys subject to inundation have washings of soils brought from higher lands and deposited by the water, and there- fore are of much greater depth. Below the soil is the sub-soil, of uncertain depth, and which need not be considered as extending deeper than its texture or condition may affect the production of the soil above, whether beneficially or injuriously. It is, however, most common that the sub-soil is ap- parently nearly of the same constitution with the subjacent mass for several or many feet deeper. The sub-soil is usually a mixture of two or more earths, and the same as may predominate in the soil above. But the sub-soil is much more deficient in calcareous earth (except under chalky soils), and lime in every state, and also in humus; and, indeed, nearly all sub-soils in lower Virginia are totally deficient in all those ingredients essential to vegetable pro- duction. Even where such absolute deficiency may not exist, the usual great excess of either sand or clay in sub-soils would alone serve to render them nearly barren ; and, consequently, their mix- ture with the better soil lying above would be injurious rather than beneficial to its improvement. The qualities and value of soils depend on the proportions of their ingredients. "We can easily comprehend in what manner silicious and aluminous earths, by their mixture, serve to cure the defects of each other ; the open, loose, thirsty, and hot nature of sand being corrected by, and correcting in turn, the close, adhesive, and water-holding qualities of aluminous earth. This curative operation is merely mechanical ; and in that manner it seems likely that calcareous earth, when in large proportions, and serving as a mechanical constituent, also acts, and aids the corrective powers of both the other earths. This, however, is only supposition, as I have met with scarcely any such natural soil. But besides the mechanical effects of calcareous earth (which are weaker than those' of the other two), that earth has chemical powers far more effectual in altering the texture of soils, and for which a comparatively small quantity is amply sufficient. The chemical action of calcareous earth, as an ingredient of soils, wiU be fully treated of hereafter ; it is only mentioned in this place to * The texture of a soil means tlie disposition of its parts, wliicli produces i^cli sensible qualities as being close, adhesive, open, friable, i'cc. 28 niYSICAL AND CHEMICAL CONSTITUENTS OF SOILS. avoid tlie apparent contradiction which might be inferred, if, in a general description of calcareous earth, I had omitted all allusion to qualities that will afterwards be brought forward as all-important. Physical (or MccJianical) and Chemical Constituents of Soils. In the discussion of this general subject, we should always bear in mind the dificrent actions of the earths as the j'hi/sical, or me- chanical, and the chemical ingredients of soils. These different actions have already been incidentally referred to ; but they require more particular notice. Any of the earths which may serve as large materials in the composition of a soil, must act, for much their greater proportion, merely mechanically in the relation of the soil to the growth of plants. Thus, the various mixtures of silicious and aluminous earths existing in all ordinary soils — and these more rarely with large proportions of either calcareous or magnesian earth, or humus ' — serve, for much the larger proportions of each and all, to furnish merely that mechanical position and support for growing plants which is necessary for them to draw freely the available supplies of water, air, and food. The conditions necessary for this purpose are, that the soil shall have enough sand to be sufficiently permeable by moisture, and for the extension of the rootlets ; that there shall be enough clay to give firm support to the plant in its upright position, and sufficiently to close the too great openness of the sand. -These necessary physical conditions of the soil, in relation to its texture and powers of receiving, retaining, and transmitting moist- ure, are further improved, and opposite evils either modified or prevented, by additional admixtures of calcareous (and perhaps magnesian) earth, and humus. But so far the action of each and all these materials, in large quantities, (and for much the larger proportion being always understood), act only by their physical qualities, and exert such powers in proportion to cjuantities. Any one of these materials, for much its greater part, might be Substi- tuted by some other, if offering like physical qualities, though totally different in chemical character and constitution. Thus, when chalk greatly predominates in soil disposed to dampness, from position or climate, its physical qualities serve to increase the evil, as would clay ; and the soil is both colder and wetter than if there were no physical action of the calcareous earth. On the other hand, in a soil disposed to suffer by dryness, the like chalky constitution would increase that evil, as would sand, by its open texture permitting the too rapid escape of moisture. Humus, in large proportion, acting mechanically like clay, serves to close the too open pores of sandy soils; and, by its remarkable absorbent power, to make them more retentive of moisture wherever excess THYSICAL AND CHEMICAL CONSTITUENTS OP SOILS. 29 of moisture exists. Yet in a soil largely composed of clay, and as much deficient in sand, a very lai'ge natural supply of humus will prevent the tenacity and intractability which the clay otherwise would have induced; and cause the soil, when dry, to be friable, loose, and permeable. In wet seasons, however, the same soil will be again too close and adhesive. Further — if we can conceive that other materials could be sub- stituted, having entirely different chemical characters, they might serve as well for physical constituents of soils, as the earths of which they took the place. Thus the purest clay, or even pure alumina, if calcined to the state of brick, and then reduced to fine grains, would serve the same physical purposes in soil as silicious sand. And if an artificial soil were thus composed, it might have all the physical qualities of the most sandy soil, while its chemical composition would be more aluminous than ever exists in nature. The physical or mechanical action of earths has been kept gene- rally in view through the foregoing pages, inasmuch as the earths have been considered as forming large ingredients of soils. But besides this more obvious action of the agricultural earths, all of them, as well as many other different liodies, act also by chemical power. For the fullest exercise of this power by each, compara- tively very small proportions of each ingredient are required. In a soil composed of any proportion whatever of silicious, aluminous, calcareous, magnesian, and vegetable earths, perhaps the quantity of each acting chemically, might not exceed the hundredth, if the thousandth, part of the whole mass of soil — all the remainders of each earth, whether great or small, having, for the time, no other than mechanical action. But the magnitude and importance, and value to the farmer, of the mechanical and chemical ingredients of soils are not at all in proportion to the quantities reqiiired to exert the different powers. The chemical action is much the more valuable in effect and benefit produced; and also because the producing agents, from the small quantities required, are more or less under the control of man ; while the great quantity alone of any material required for physical effect, would generally place it entirely beyond control. All cliemical ingredients of soils, whether of the agricultural earths which also make the universal mechanical materials, or of any other bodies so far as they operate in soils by chemical action, are ma mires, which serve directly or indirectly, immediately or remotely, to give food to and promote the growth and production of plants. Thus, according to my views, and in the sense in which I use the terms, the pliyucal or vieclianiccd constituents of soils, and the agricnltural earths, when serving as earths, are the same ; and also, that so much of these earths as act clicinicalbj, or as chemical 3* 30 PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL CONSTITUENTS OF SOILS. coni^tituents of soils, are manures. The same substance (whether silicious sand, clay, chalk, or humus) which, when in quantity, and for the much larger proportion of such quantity, is a mere earth, or mere physical material, also, for a very small proportion, in the same or other soil, acts chemically and as a manure. And these different operations of the same substance may even oppose each other ; and then it will depend on other circumstances whether the manuring action of a minute proportion of the si;bstance will do more good than is produced of injury by the excess of the same substance as an agricultural earth and physical material of the soil. If I have succeeded in clearly showing the distinction of me- chanical and chemical action in soils of even the same substances, it will serve to remove much of the obscurity and mystery which have attended the general subject. When the application of cal- careous matter as manure is new, or but beginning in any country (as in Virginia thirty years ago), it has been deemed (by many par- tially informed persons) a sufficient objection to the promised benefit of a small application, that much larger natural proportions elsewhere did not always «iake rich lands. It seemed incradible that a proportion of calcareous earth less than 1 per cent, of the soil could much promote its fertilization and productiveness, when other soils had 5, 10, or 50 per cent, of that material, and were not always rich, and in some cases were extremely barren. But, in such cases, 1 per cent, (or less), perhaps, was as large a pro- portion of carbonate of lime as could act chemically and as a ma- nure. All beyond that proportion would be mere physical material ; and if in excess even for its mechanical operation, would be injuri- ous in proportion to its excess. Thus (as will be shown hereafter) a very small proportion of this earth serves to lessen the evil effects to soils of both too much wetness and too much di-yness, and the opposite evils of too much heat and also of low temperature. But in a chalky soil, where this ingredient is in great cjuantity, the mechanical action predominates and overpowers the chemical ; and such constitution o£ soil serves to aggravate all the opposite evils of dryness and moisture, heat and cold, which the chemical action, if alone, would greatly mitigate. The perplexity and erroneous deductions which have prevailed have been much increased by some writers of scientific celebrity. From analyzing specimens of remarkably fertile soils, and finding in most cases very large proportions of carbonate of lime, they have absurdly inferred that these were the most proper proportions. Hence, different chemists have indicated as the most suitable for the highest fertility of soil, proportions of this earth varpng from 2 to 30 per cent, of the whole mass of soil. They who advocated the larger quantities were ignorant that perhaps nine-tenths of the CLASSIFICATION OF SOILS, ol lime was either inert earth, or positively hurtful by its peculiar mechanical action ; and that" such soils, when highly fertile (as the mud of the Nile, with its 25 per cent.), were so by aid of their other useful ingredients, which enabled the soil to withstand the evil operation of the greater portion of its lime. It is scarcely necessary to state that neither of the agricultural earths applied to soil can serve as a manure (i. e., have any chemi- cal action), when there is already enough of the same earth present to have any mechanical action. And however useful each of the earths may be if applied where its chemical action is deficient, it would bo as absurd in reasoning as useless in practice, to apply sand to sandy, and clay to clayey soils, or lime to the chalky, or vegetable matters to peaty soils. The foregoing definitions and explanations ofi"er some materials, or ground-work, for the classification of soils. But, greatly as that is needed, it is not designed here to attempt the construction of a proper general classification or nomenclature — which would serve to add another failure to those of all preceding writers on soils. But as it is impossible to discuss the subjects to be presented for con- sideration in this essay without the use and aid of some definite terms, I will adopt, for present and provisional use, the following general terms for soils, deduced from their respective predominant or most operative •pliyslcal ingredients, and which will have rela- tion only to mechanical constitution, and such qualities and cha- racters of soils as are generally indicated by their texture, and are evident to the senses. In reference, then, to physical predominating ingredients only, each of the agricultural earths above described, by its quantity, • serves to make a different general character of soil — which, accord- ing to the predominant physical constituent earth, belongs to some one of the following five classes or general divisions of soils : — 1. A siUcious or sandy soil contains so large a proportion of silicious earth, in the state of sand, as by its excess to give more or less of the peculiar texture and mechanical qualities of that earth to the soil. Thus, a silicious or sandy soil will show most strongly such qualities as openness, looseness, want of adhesiveness when wet, permeability, rapidity in drying, &c., such as are still more strongly shown by pure silicious sand. 2. An aluminous, argillaceous, or clayey soil contains such ox- cess of aluminous earth, or purest clay, as will give to the soil the cjualitics of adhesiveness and plasticity when wet, more or less of obstruction to the passage or sinking of rain-water, great tendency to shrink in drying, and to hardness when dry, &c. 3. A chaUcy, or snjyer-calcareons soil, whether made so by true chalk, or by any other form of calx or carbonate of lime, from any • .other source, contains an excess of that agricultural earth large 32 CLASSIFICATION OF SOILS. enough to be injurious, in any of the modes indicated to the phy- sical properties above stated of that earth. No such soil exists in all Virginia, nor in any other of the Atlantic States north of Florida. As these general divisions of soils are determined according to their predominating or most operative physical ingredient only, the term calcareous soil (of which such frequent use will be made in this essay) has been designedly omitted above. But to prevent misapprehension, it will be merely mentioned, in anticipation, that calcareous soil will be hereafter used as a still more comprehensive term, embracing not only all the super-calcareous soils, but all others that contain even the smallest appreciable proportion of car- bonate of lime. Generally, however, the term calcareous will be that applied to soils in reference to their contents of small and harmless proportions of carbonate of lime (acting as a chemical constituent only or mainly) ; while those having larger and hurtful proportions will always be contra-distinguished as the chalky or super-calcai'cous.* 4. A magnesian soil would be one in which magnesian earth is in sufficient excess to make its physical qualities predominate over the other earths serving as ingredients. Such soils are of doubtful existence; certainly of extremely rare occurrence. 5. Khumicj peati/, or vegctahle so;7, has so large a proportion of humus that it is either injurious to production, or otherwise serves to counteract and overbalance the opposite injurious qualities of some other ingredient. Thus, a soil which by its aluminous constitution alone would have been very clayey, or another which would otherwise have been chalky, might have either of such de- fects of texture, &Cy counteracted, and partially remedied, by a greater predominance of humus ; and thereby be made a humic instead of either a clayey or chalky soil. For an earth to be predomina7it and excessive in a soil, as un- derstood above, and so to convey its qualities and its name, it is not necessary that it shall be the ingredient greatest in quantity — * The previous difficulties of definition and of imderstanding on this head, would be greatly increased by admitting the strange nomenclature of the latest vri-iter, Professor J. F. W. Johnston, Tvhose authority stands so high, and is so generally worthy of respect. He confines the term "cal- careous soil" (by express definition) to such as contain more than 20 per cent, of carbonate of lime ! Those containing from 5 to 10 pei' cent, he terms " marly soils ;" and all containing less than 5 per cent, are left ■without any distinguishing term or character in regard to their calcareous constitution. (Johnston's Lectures, p. 233.) According to these designa- tions, there would not be an acre of natural " calcareous soil," or even of "marly soil," in all Virginia; nor will there be, after all that shall be judiciously done by tlie industry of man in supplying calcareous manure to tlic soils deficient in that ingredient. DEFINITIONS OF BOILS. 33 which only is always the ease as to silicious earth. Of this, in its pure and uncombined state, as sand (capable of being separated by washing in water), it requires a very large proportion, say not less than 80 per cent, of the whole mass, to constitute a sandy soil. But, in other soils, though consisting for much more than half their mass of uncombined silicious sand, a much smaller proportion of cither one of the other earths would serve to make the latter the predominant ingredient, and properly to give character and name to the soil. Thus, from 35 to 40 per cent, of " purest clay" (which itself contains about 60 per cent, of silica), or 30 per cent, of calx, or 25 per cent, of humus, or peidiaps less of each, under ordinary conditions, would serve to constitute, respectively, either a clayey, a chalky, or a humic soil; though, in each case, the other and much larger ingTedients would be other earthy materials than the one so predominating. I3ut even in soils having some one physical ingredient sufficiently predominant and distinguished to indicate their general character and name, there also are usually apparent the manifest though weaker indications of the presence of some other influential ingredient. For such compound qualities, terms may be compounded of the foregoing, which will sufficiently express the characters referred to. For this purpose, there will be found a convenience in using also the term loam for all soils approaching to a medium texture and composition of the two usually most abundant, ingredients, silicious sand and clay — or soils in which the opposite qualities of silicious and aluminous earths serve in great measure to correct each other, leaving no great or injurious excess of either. Such a medium texture, or soil approaching nearly to such, would be simply a loam. If still more sandy, it might be termed a sandy loam ; or a clayey or chalky, or peaty loam, under other conditions of physical constitu- tion. Besides all these and other such compounded terms, others may be used for other physical and accidental qualities of soils, as stony, gravelly, ferruginous, &c., any of which may apply to any soil of diffijrent predominant character, and diiferent general de- signation.* * The convenient and very common term loam is defined above (it is pre- sumed) with enough precision and correctness ; and also in accordance with common understanding. Yet this term offers (next, perhaps, to "marl") one of the strongest examples of the conflict of definitions and confusion which jn-evail among agricultural writers. This term is so common that it is ijped by every one who writes of soils— and which, in some one or other sense, each writer probably considered as forming a very large, if not the greatest proportion of the cultivated soils of his country, and of the world. Some of various and contradictory and erroneous definitions will be here quoted : — liii'wan sajs — "Loam denotes any soil moderately cohesive, and more so CHAPTER II * ON THE SOILS AND STATE OF AGRICULTURE OP THE TIDE- WATER DISTRICT OP VIRGINIA. -"During several days of our journey, no spot was seen that was not covered with a luxuriant growth of large and beautiful forest trees, except where they had been destroyed by the natives for the purpose of cultivation. The least fertile of their fields, when left untilled and without seeding, are soon covered with grass several feet in height ; and unless prevented by subsequent culti- vation, a second growth of trees rapidly springs up, which, without care or attention, attain their giant size in half the time that would be expected on the best lands in England." than loose chalk. By tlic author of the ' Body of Agriculture,' it is said to be a clay mixed with sand." (Essay on Manures, ch. 1.) ^^ Loam, or that species of artificial soil into Avhich the others are gene- rally brought by the course of long cultivation." — " AVhere a soil is mode- rately cohesive, less tenacious than clay, and more so than sand, it is known by the name of loam. F?ora its frequency, there is reason to suppose that in some cases it mighU be called an ^original soil.'" [^Sinclair's Code of Agriculture — chap. 1.] "The word loam should be limited to soils containing at least one-third of impalpable earthy matter, cojiioushj effervescing icith acids." [Dain/'s Agricidtural Chemistry — Lecture 4.] According to this definition by the most scientific writer and highest authority in chemical agi-iculture, if we except the small portion of shelly land, there is certainly not an acre of natural loam between the sea-coast of Virginia and the Blue Ridge Moun- tains — and very few even in the limestone region. " By loam is meant any of the earths combined tcilh decayed animal or vegetable matter." [Appendix to Agr. Chem. by George Sinclair.'] "Loam — fat unctuous earth — marl." [Johnson's Dictionary, 8vo. ed., and also Walker's.] "Loam may be considered a clay of loose or friable consistency, mixed with mica or isinglass, and iron ochre." [Editor of American Farmery (old series) val. Hi., page 320.] [* In this and the next following seven chapters (II. to IX. inclusive), in which are set forth my peculiar views of the qualities of our soils, the general absence and want of calcareous earth, the mode of action of cal- careous manures, and, in general, the theory of fertilization, the entire matter of the edition of 1832 has been scrupulously retained, without aljira- tic'n, other than in a few transpositions of matter and merely verbal cor- rections, which have not at all altered the purport. AVhatevcr else has been added, in later editions and the present, whether to the text or as notes, will be designated by being enclosed in brackets, and will also, in most cases, be marked with the date of (he edition, or the writing, in which such additional passages first appeared.— 1852.] (34) TIDE-WATER DISTRICT OE VIRGINIA. 35 If the foregoing description was met with in a ' Jouraey through Cabul/ or some equally unknown region, no European reader woidd doubt that such lands were fertile in the highest degree — and many even of ourselves would receive the same impression. Yet it is no exaggerated account of the poorest natural soils, in our own gene- rally poor country, which are as remarkable for their producing luxuriant growths of pines, and broom-grass, as for their unpro- ductiveness in every cultivated or valuable crop. We are so ac- customed to these facts, that we scarcely think of their strangeness ; or of the impropriety of calling any land barren, which will pro- duce a rapid or heavy growth of any one plant. Indeed, by the rapidity of that growth (or the fitness of the soil for its production), we have in some measure formed a standard of the poverty of the soil. With some exceptions to every general character, the tide-water district of Virginia may be described as generally level, sandy, poor, and free from any fixed rock, or any other than stones rounded apparently by the attrition of water. On much the greater part of the lands, no stone of any kind is to be found of larger size than gravel. Pines of difierent kinds form the greater part of a. heavy cover to the silicious soils in their virgin state, and mix consider- ably with oaks and other growth of clay land. Both these kinds of soil, after being exhausted of their little fertility by cultivation, and '• turned out" to recruit, are soon covered by young pines which grow with vigour and luxuriance. This general description applies more particularly to the ridges which separate the slopes on differ- ent streams. The ridge lands are always level, and very poor — sometimes clayey, more generally sandy, but stiifer than would be inferred from the proportion of silicious earth they contain, which is caused by the fineness of its particles. Whortleberry bus'aes, as well as pines, are abundant on ridge lands — and numerous shallow basins are found, which are ponds of rain water in winter, but dry in summer. None o^ this large proportion of our lands has paid the expense of clearing and cultivation, and much the greater part still remains under its native growth. Enough, however, has been cleared and cultivated in every neighbourhood to prove its utter worthlessness under common management. The soils of ridge lands vary between sandy loam and clayey loam. It is difficult "to estimate their general product under cultivation; but judging from my own experience of such soils, the product may be from five bushels of corn, or as much of wheat, to the acre on the most clayey soils, to twelve bushels of corn, and less than three of wheat, on the most sandy — if wheat were there attempted to be made. The slojjes extend from the ridges to the streams, or to the allu- vial bottoms, and include the whole interval between neighbouring branches of the same stream. This class of soils forms another 36 TIDE-WATER DISTRICT OP VIRGINIA. great body of lands, of a higher grade of fertility, though still far from valuable. It is generally more sandy than the poorer ridgo land, and when long cultivated, is more or less deprived of its soil, by the washing of rains, on every slight declivity. The washing away of three or four inches in depth exposes a sterile subsoil (or forms a ''gall"), which continues thenceforth bare of all vegetation. A greater declivity of the surface serves to form gullies several feet in depth, the earth carried from which covers and injures the ad- jacent lower land. Most of this kind of land has been cleared and greatly exhausted. Its virgin growth is often more of oak, hickory, and dogwood, than pine ; but when turned out of cultiva- tion, an unmixed growth of pine follows. Laud of this kind in general has very little durability. Its best usual product of corn may be, for a few crops, eighteen or twenty bushels — and even as much as twenty -five bushels, from the highest grade. Wheat is seldom a productive or profitable crop on the slopes, the soil being generally too sandy. When such soils as these are called rich or valuable (as most persons would describe them), those terms must be considered as only comparative ; and such an application of them- proves that truly fertile and valuable soils are very scarce in lower Virginia. Almost the only very rich and durable soils below the falls of our rivers are narrow strips of high-land along their banks, and the low-lands formed by the alluvion of the numerous smaller streams which water our country. These alluvial bottoms, though highly productive, are lessened in value by being generally too sandy, and by the domage they suficr from being often inundated by floods of rain. The best high -land soils seldom extend more than half a mile from the river's edge — sometimes not fifty yards. These ir- regular margins are composed of loams of various qualities, but all highly valuable; and the best soils are scarcely to be surpassed in their original fertility, and durability under severe tillage. Their nature and peculiarities will be again adverted to, and more fully described hereafter. The simple statement of the general course of tillage to which this -part of the country has been subjected, is sufficient to prove that great impoverishment of the soil has been the inevitable con- sequence. The small portion of rich river margin was soon all cleared, and was tilled without cessation for many years. The clearing of the slopes was next commenced, and is not yet entirely completed. On these soils, the succession of crops was less rapid, or, from necessity, tillage was sooner suspended. If not rich enough for tobacco when first cleared (or as soon as it ceased to be so), land of this kind was planted in corn two or three years in succession, and afterwards every second year. The intermediate year between the crops of corn, the field was " rested" under a BARRENNESS OF TIDE-WATER DISTRICT, 37 crop of wlioat, if it would produce four or five bushels to the acre. If the saudiness, or exhausted condition of the soil, denied even this small product of wheat, that crop was probably not attempted ; and, instead of it, or oats, the field was exposed to close grazing, from the time of gathering one crop of corn to that of preparing to plant another. No manure was applied, except on the tobacco lots ; and this succession of a grain crop every year, and afterwards every second year, was kept up as long as the field would produce five bushels of corn to the acre. When reduced below that pro- duct, and to still more below the necessary expense of cultivation, the land was turned out to recover under a new growth of pines. After twenty or thirty years, according to the convenience of the owner, the same land would be again cleared, and put under similar scourging tillage, which, however, would then much sooner end, as before, in exhaustion. Such a general system is not yet every- where abandoned ; and many years have not passed since such was the usual course on almost every farm. How much our country has been impoverished during the last fifty years, cannot be determined by any satisfactory testimony. But, however we may difier on this head, there are but few who will not concur in the opinion, that [up to 1831] our system of cultivation has been every year lessening the productive power of our lands in general — and that no one county, no neighbourhood, and but few particular farms, have been at all enriched since their .first settlement and cultivation. Yet many of our farming opera- tions have been much improved and made more productive. Driven by necessity, proprietors direct more personal attention to their farms — better implements of husbandry are used — every process is more perfectly performed — and, whether well or ill directed, a spirit of inquiry and enterprise has been awakened, which before had no existence. Throughout the country below the falls of the rivers, and perhaps thirty miles above, if the best land be excluded, say one-tenth, the remaining nine-tenths will not yield an average product of ten bushels of corn to the acre ; though that grain is best suited to our soils in general, and far exceeds in quantity all other kinds raised. Of course, the product of a large proportion of the land would fall below this average. Such crops, in very many cases, cannot re- munerate the cultivator. If our remaining wood-land could be at once brought into cultivation, the gross product of the country woixld be greatly increased ; but the nett product very probably diminished ; as the general poverty of these lands would cause more expense than profit to accompany their cultivation under the usual system. Yet every year we are using all our exertions to clear wood-land, and in fact seldom increase either nett or gross products — because nearly as much old exhausted land is turned out of cul- 4 38 LOW PROFITS OP TIDE-WATER DISTRICT. tivation as is substituted by tlie newly cleared. Sound calculations of profit and loss would induce us even greatly to reduce the extent of our present cultivation, in lower Virginia, by turning out and leaving waste (if not to be improved), every acre that yields less than the total cost of its tillage."^ No political truth is better established than that the population of every country will increase, or diminish, according to its regular supply of food. We know from the census of 1830, compared with those of 1820 and 1810, that ovir population is nearly stationary, and, in some counties, is actually lessening; and therefore it is certain that [to 1830] our agriculture in general is not increasing the amount of foocb or the means of purchasing food — with all the assistance of the new land annually brought under culture. In these circumstances, a surplus population, with all its de2)lorable consequences, is only prevented by the great current of emigration which is continually flowing westward. No matter who emigrates, or with what motive — the enterprising or wealthy citizen who leaves us to seek richer lands and greater profits, and the slave sold and carried away on account of his owner's poverty — all concur in producing the same result, though with very diff"erent degrees of benefit to those who remain. If this great and continued drain from our j^opulation was stopped, and our agriculture was not im- proved, want and misery would work to produce the same results. Births would diminish, and deaths would increase ; and hunger and disease, operating here as in other countries, would keep down population to that number that the average products of our agri- cultural and other productive labour can feed, and supply with the other necessary means for living. A stranger to our situation and habits might well oppose to my statements the very reasonable objection, that no man would, or could, long pursue a system of cultivation of which the returns fell short of his expenses, including rent of land, hire of labour, interest on the necessary capital, &e. Very true; if he had to pay those expenses out of his profits, he would soon be driven from his farm to a jail. But we own our land, our labourers, and stock; and though the calculation of nett profit, or of loss, is precisely the same, yet we are not ruined by making only two per cent, on our capital, [* The foregoing description was written in 1826, and first published in ■ 1831, and particular exceptions to the general correctness of the applica- tion had been even then recently exhibited; and, ■with the j^assage of every year since, these exceptions have been becoming more numerous and more important, and in a rapidly increasing ratio. These recent facts of im- proved lands and increased production, as well as their peculiar causes, will be treated of siibsoqucntly. The observations and deductions presented in the remainder of this chapter Avcrc also of the same date as the forego- ing statements, on which they are founded. (18J;2.) ] FIVE GENEBAL PROPOSITIONS. 39 provided we can manage to live on that income. If we live on still less, we are actually growing richer (by laying up a part of our two per cent.), notwithstanding the most clearly-proved regular loss on our farming. Our condition has been so gradually growing worse, that we are either not aware of the extent of the evil, or are in a great measure reconciled by custom to profitless labour. No hope for a better state of things can be entertained, until we shake off this apathy — this excess of contentment, which makes no effort to avoid existing evils. I have endeavoured to expose what is worst in our situation as farmers; if it should have the effect of arousing any of my countrymen to a sense of the absolute necessity of some improve- ment, to avoid ultimate ruin, I hope also to point out to some of their number, if not to all, that the means for certain and highly profitable improvements are completely within their reach. CHAPTER III. THE DJFPERENT CAPACITIES OF SOILS FOR RECEIVINQ IMPROVEMENT. As far as the nature of the subjects permitted, the foregoing chapters have been merely explanatoi'y and descriptive. The same subjects will be resumed and more fully treated in the course of the following general argument, the premises of which are the facts and circumstances that have been detailed. The object of this essay will now be entered upon ; and what is desired to be proved will be stated in a series of propositions, which will now be pre- sented at one view, and afterwards separately discussed in their proper order. Proj)odtion 1. Soils naturally poor, and rich soils reduced to poverty by cultivation, are essentially different in their powers of retaining putrescent (or alimentary) manures ; and, under like circumstances, the fitness of any soil to be enriched by these ma- nures is in proportion to the degree of its natural fertility. 2d. The natural sterility of the soils of lower Virginia is caused by such soils being destitute of calcareous earth, and their being injured by the presence and effects of vegetable acid. 3d. The fertilizing effects of calcareous earth are chiefly pro- duced by its power of neutralizing acids, and of combining putres- 40 NATURAL FERTILITY. cent manures with soils, between wliich there would otlierwiso be but little if any chemical attraction.* 4th. Poor and acid soils cannot be improved durably, or profit- ably, by putrescent manures, without previously maldng such soils calcareous, and thereby correcting the natiu'al defect in their con- stitution. 5th. Calcareous manures will give to our worst soils a power of retaining putrescent manures, equal to that of the best — and will cause more productiveness, and yield more profit, than any other improvement practicable in lower Virginia. Dismissing from consideration, for the present, all the others, I shall proceed to maintain the First PRorosiTlON. — Soils naturally poor, and ricJi soils reduced to 'poverty hy cidtivation, are essentially different in tlicir poiccrs of retaininr/ putrescent (or alimentary^ manures; and, under like circumstances, the fitness of any soil to he enrieJicd hy these manures is in pi'oportion to the degree of its natural fcrt'dify. The naturcd fertility of a soil is not intended to be estimated by the amount of its earliest product, when first brought under cultiva- tion, because several temporary causes then operate either to keep down or to augment the product. If land be cultivated immediately after the trees are cut down, the crop is greatly lessened by the nu- merous living roots, and consequent bad tillage — by the excess of unrotted- vegetable matter — and the coldness of the soil, from which the rays of the sun had been so long excluded. On the other hand, if cultivation is delayed one or two years, the leaves and other vegetable matters are rotted, and in the best state to sup- ply food to plants, and are so abundant, that a far better crop will be raised than could have been obtained before, or perhaps can be again, without manure. For these reasons, the degree of natural fertility of any soil should be measured by its products after these * When any substance is mentioned as comliining 'witli one or more other substances, as different manures with each other, or with soil, I mean that a union is formed by chemical attraction, and not by simple mixture. Mix- tures are made by mechanical means, and may be separated in like manner; but comhinations are chemical, and require some stronger chemical attrac- tion, to take away cither of the bodies so united. When two substances combine, they both lose their previous peculiar qualities, or ncutrdJize them for each other, and form a third substance different from both. Thus, if certain known proportions of ninriatic acid and pure or caustic soda be brought together, their strong attraction will cause them to coml«ne immediately. The strong corrosive acid quality of the one, and the equally peculiar alkaline taste and powers of the other, will neutralize or entirely destroy each othei' — and the compound formed is eommon table salt, the qualities of which are as strongly marked, but totally dilicrcut from those of cither of its constituent parts. SOILS NATURALLY RICH OR POOR. 41 temporary causes liave ceased to act, wliicli will generally take place before the third or fourth crop is obtained. According, then, to this definition, a certain degree of permmiency in its early produc- tiveness is necessary to entitle a soil to be termed naturally fertile. It is in this sense that I deny to any poor lands, except such as were naturally fertile, the capacity of being made rich by putres- cent manures only. The foregoing proposition would by many persons be so readily admitted as true, that attempting to prove it would be deemed entirely superfluous. But many others will as strongly deny its truth, and can support their opposition by high agricultural authorities. General readers, who may have no connexion with farming, must have gathered from the incidental notices in various literary and descriptive works, that ,some countries or districts that were noted for their uncommon fertility or barrenness as far back as any accounts of them have been recorded, still retain the same general character, through every change of culture, government, and even of races of inhabitants. They know that, for some centuries at least, there has been no change in the strong contrast between the barrenness of Norway, Brandenburg, and the Highlands of Scot- laud, and the fertility of Flanders, Lombardy, and Valencia. Sicily, notwithstanding its government is calculated to discourage in dustry, and production of every profitable kind, still exhibits that fertility for which it was celebrated two thousand years ago. It seems a necessary inference from the many statements of which these are examples, that the labours of man have been but of little avail in altering, generally or permanently, or in any marked de- gree, the characters and qualities given to soils by nature. Most of our experienced practical cultivators, through a difi"erent course, have arrived at the same conclusion. Their practice has taught them the truth of this proposition ; and the opinions thus formed have profit«,bly directed their most important operations. They are accustomed to estimate the worth of land by its natural degree of fertility; and by the same rule they are directed on what soils to bestow their scanty stock of manure, and where to expect exhausted fiqlds to recover by rest, and their own unassisted powers. Bat, content with knowing the fact, this useful class of farmers have never inquired for its cause ; and even their opinions on this, as on most other subjects, have not been communicated so as to benefit other cultivators. But if all literary men, who are not farmers, and all practical cultivators, who seldom read, admitted the truth of my proposition, it would avail but little for improving our agricultural operations; and the only prospect of its being usefully disseminated is through that class of farmers who have received their first opinions of im- 4=i= 42 ERRONEOUS DOCTRINES OF WRITERS. proving soils from books, and whose subsequent plans and practices ' have gi'own out of those opinions. If poor natural soils cannot be durably or profitably improved by putrescent manures, this truth should not only be known, but be kept constantly in view, by every farmer who can hope to improve with success. Yet it is a remarkable fact, that the difference in the capacities of soils for receiving improvement has not attracted the attention of scientific farmers ; and the doctrine has no dii'cct and positive support from the author of any treatise on agriculture, European or American, that I have been able to consult. On the contrary, it seems to be considered by all of them, that to collect and apply as much vegetable and animal manure as possible, is sufiicient to insure profit to every farmer, and fertility to every soil. They do not tell us that numerous exceptions to that rule will be found, and that many soils of apparently good texture, if not incapable of being enriched from the barn-yard, would at least cause more loss than clear profit, by being improved from that source. When it is assumed that the silence of every distinguished author as to certain soils being incapable of being profitably enriched, amounts to ignoi'auce of the fact, or a tacit denial of its truth — it may be objected that the exception was not omitted from either of these causes, but because it was established and undoubted. This is barely possible ; but even if such were the case, their silence has had all the ill consequences that could have grown out of a positive denial of any exceptions to the propriety of manuring poor soils. Every zealous young farmer, who draws most of his knowledge and opinions from books, adopts precisely the same idea of their di- rections—and if he owns barren soils he probably throws away his labour and manure for their improvement, for years, before experience compels him to abandon his hopes, and acknowledge that his guides have led him only to failure and loss. Such farmers as I allude to, by their enthusiasm and spirit of enterprise, are capable of rendering the most important benefits to agric^ulture. Whatever may be their impelling motives, the public derives nearly all the benefit of their successful plans ; and their far more numerous mis- directed labours, and consecjuent disappointments, are productive of national, still more than individual loss. The occurrence of only a few such mistakes, made by reading farmers, will seVve to acquit me of combating a shadow — and there are few of us who cannot recollect some such examples. But if the foregoing objection has any weight in justifying Euro- pean authors in not naming this exception, it can have none for those of our own country. If it be admitted that soils naturally poor are incapable of being enriched with profit, that admission must cover three-fourths of all the high laud in the tide-water dis- trict. Surely no one will contend that so sweeping an exception DOCTRINE OF "ARATOR." _ 43 was silently understood by the author of ' Arator' as qualifying his exhortations to improve our lands; and if no such exception were intended to be made, then will his directions for enriching soils and his promises of reward be found equally fallacious, for the greater portion of the country which his work was especially intended to benefit. The omission of any such exception, by the writers of the United States, is the more remarkable, as the land has been so recently brought under cultivation, that the original degree of fertility of almost every farm may be known to its owner, and com- pared with the after progress of exhaustion or improvement. Many authorities might be adduced to prove that I have correctly stated what is the fair and only inference to be drawn from agricul- tural books, respecting the caj^acity of poor soils to receive improve- ment. But a few of the most strongly marked passages in ' Arator' will be fully sufficfent for this purpose. The venerated author of that work was too well acquainted with the writings of European agricul- turists, to have mistaken their doctrines in this important particular. A large portion of his useful life was devoted to the successful improvement of exhausted, but originally fertile lands. His instruc- tions for producing similar improvements are expressly addressed to the cultivators of the eastern parts of Virginia and North Caro- lina, and are given as applicable to all our soils, without exception. Considering all these circumstances, the conclusions which are evidently and unavoidably deduced from his work, may be fairly considered, not only as supported by his own experience, but as concurring with the general doctrine of improving poor soils, main- tained by previous writers. At page 54, third edition of ' Arator,' "enclosing" (i. e. leaving fields to receive their own vegetable cover, for their improvement, during the years of rest) is said to be " the most powerful means of fertilizing the earth" — and the process is declared to be rapid, the returns near, and the gain great. At page (31 are the following passages : " If these few means of fertilizing the country (corn-stalks, straw, and animal dung) were skilfully used, they would of themselves suffice to change its state from sterility to fruitfulness." — " By the litter of Indian corn, and of small grain, and of penning cattle, managed with only an inferior degree of skill, in union with enclosing, I will venture to affirm that a farm may in ten years be made to double its produce^ and in twenty to quadruple it.'' No opinions could be more strongly or unconditionally expressed than these. No reservation or exception is made. I may safely appeal to each of the many hundreds who have attempted to obey these instructions, to declare whether any one considered his own naturally poor soils excluded from the benefit of these promises — or 44 EVIDENCE OF FACTS. wlictlier a tithe of the promised benefit was realized upon trial on any farm having generally such soils. In a field of mine that has been secured from grazing since 1814, and cultivated on the mild four-sliift rotation, the produce of a marked spot has been measured every fourth year (when in corn) since 1820. The difference of product has been such as the dif- ferences of season might have caused — and the last crop (in 1828) was worse than those of either of the two preceding courses. There is no reason to believe that even the smallest increase of productive power had taken j)lace in all the preceding fourteen years. [Nor has there been, to 1841, in the apparent products of this ground, any manifestation that there has been any more of subsequent than of previous improvement, from the vegetable manuriugs furnished by its growth. 1842.] [A still more striking proof, because of the much larger scale, as well as long continuance of the experiment, has been very recently (in 1842), as well as in former times, mentioned to me, as confirm- ation of my views in tjlis respect. Col. Gleorge Blow, of Sussex, a highly respectable gentleman and intelligent and observant farmer, had adhered for nearly thirty years to Taylor's " enclosing system," and with a very mild rotation, on a farm of 600 arable acres, of sandy soil, and originally poor; and had taken but one crop (corn) in every three years. A few spots only of better quality (the sites of old buildings, &c.) were put in wheat or oats after the corn; the great body of the land having had regularly two years in three to rest, and to manure itself by its volunteer growth of weeds and grass. Very little grazing, and that but rarely, was permitted. There could have been no material mistake as to the general products and results ; and the proprietor is confi- dent that the land has not improved in production in all this long time. Yet, on soil differently constituted, Col. Blow has improved and increased the products, rapidly and profitably. These two facts, though observed more particularly and for longer time than any others known, agree with, and are but confirmatory of others presented to some extent on almost every farm 'in the tide-water region of Virginia. 1842.] It is far from my intention, by these remarks, and statements of facts, to deny the propriety, or to question the highly beneficial results, of applying the system of improvement recommended by * Arator,' to soils originally fertile. On the contrary, it is as much my object to maintain the facility of restoring to worn lands their natural degree of fertility, by vegetable applications, as it is to deny the power of exceeding that degree, however low it may have been. One more quotation will be offered, because its recent date and the source whence it is derived furnish the best proof that it is still OPPOSING DOCTRINE. 45 the received opinion, among agricultural writers, that all soils may be profitably improved by putrescent manures. An article in the ' American Fanner,' of October 14th, 1881, on " manuring large farms," by the editor (Gr. B. Smith), contains the following ex- l^i'essions. ''By proper exertions, every farm in the United States can be manured with less expense than the surplus profits arising from the manure would come to. This we sincerely believe, and we have arrived at this conclusion from long and attentive obsei'va- tion. We never yet saw a farm that we could not point to means of manuring, and bring into a state of high and profitable cultiva- tion at an expense altogether inconsidei-able when contrasted with the advantages to be derived from it." The remainder of the article shows that putrescent manures are principally relied on to produce these effects; marsh and swamp mud are the only kinds referred to that are not entirely putrescent in their action ; and mud certainly cannot be used to manure every farm. Mr. Smith having been long the conductor of a valuable agricultural journal, as a matter of course, is extensively acquainted with the works and opinions of the best writers on agiiculture ; and therefore, his advancing the foregoing opinions, as certain and undoubted, is as much a proof' of the general concurrence therein of preceding writers, as if the same had been given as a digest of their pre- cepts.* Some persons will readily admit the great difference in the capa- cities of soils for improvement, but consider a deficiency of clay only to cause the want of power to retain manures. The general excess of sand in our poor lands might warrant this belief in a superficial and limited observer. But though clay soils are more rarely met with, they present, in proportion to their extent, full as much poor land. The most barren and worthless soils in the county of Prince George arc also the stiffest. A poor clay soil will retain manure longer than a poor sandy soil — bu^t it will not the less certainly lose its acquired fertility at a somewhat later period. When it is considered that a much greater quantity of manure is required by clay soils, it may well be doubted whether the tem- [* Thougli not then known to me, and probably to few if any others in Amei'ica, there was then in print the expression of the ojiinion which I have announced and maintained above. This exception I subsequently met ■with, and republished the article in the Farmer's Register (Vol. iv. p. 335.) It was a communication from the excellent practical farmer, William Daw- son, of Scotland, to the Farmer's Magazine, published in Edinburgh. In this communication, the writer, and, so far as I know, he only, before myself, asserts opinions which approach very nearly to the doctrine above maintained, of the incapacity of naturally poor soils for being profitably or dural)ly improved by putrescent manures alone — and also their newly ac(|uircd fitness for being enriched after having been limed.] 46 LIMIT TO IMPROVEMENT OP SOILS. porary improvement of the sandy soils would not be attended ■with more profit — or, more properly speaking, with less actual loss. It is true that the capacity of a soil for improvement is greatly affected by its texture, shape of the surface, and its supply of moisture. Dry, level, or clay soils, will retain manure longer than the sandy, hilly, or wet: But however important these circum- stances may be, neither the presence nor absence of any of them can cause the essential differences of capacity for improvement. There are some rich and valuable soils with either one or more of all these faults — and there are other soils the least capable of re- ceiving improvement, free from objections as to their texture, degree of moisture, or inclination of their surface. Indeed the great body of our poor ridge lands are more free from faults of this kind, than soils of far greater productiveness usually are. Unless then some other and far more powerful obstacle to improvement exists, why should not all our wood-land be highly enriched, by the thousands of crops of leaves which have successively fallen and rotted there ? Notwithstanding this vegetable manuring, which infinitely exceeds all that the industry and patience of man can possibly equal, most of our wood-land remains poor ; and this one fact (which at least is indisputable) ought to satisfy all of the impossibility of enriching such soils by putrescent manures only. Some few acres may be highly improved, by receiving all the manure derived from the offal of the whole farm — and entire farms, in the neighbourhood of towns, may be kept rich by continually applying large quantities of purchased manures. But no where can a farm be found, which has been improved beyond its original fertility, by means of the vegetable resources of its own arable fields. If this opinion is erroneous, nothing is easier than to prove my mistake, by adducing undoubted examples of such improve- ments having been made. But a few remarks will suflace on the capacity for improvement of worn lands, which were originally fertile. With regard to these soils, I have only to concur in the received opinion of their fitness for durable and profitable improvement by putrescent manures. After being exhausted by cultivation, they will recover their pro- ductive power, by merely being left to rest for a suf&cient time, and receiving the manure made by nature, of the weeds and other plants that grow and die upon the land. Even if robbed of the greater part of that supply, by the grazing of animals, a still longer time will serve to obtain the same result. The better a soil was at first, the sooner it will recover by these means, or by artificial manuring. On soils of this kind, the labours of the improving farmer meet with certain success and full reward ; and whenever we hear of remarkable improvements of poor lands by putrescent morER MODE OF INVESTIGATION. ' 47 manures, furtlier inquiry will sbow us that these poor lands had once been rich. The continued fertility of certain countries, for hundreds or even thousands of years, does not prove that the land could not be, or had not been, exhausted by cultivation; but only that it was slow to exhaust and rapid in recovering ; so that whatever repeated changes may have occurred in each particular tract, the whole country taken together always retained a high degree of productive- ness. Still the same rule will ajjply to the richest and the poorest soils — to wit, that each exerts strongly a force to retain as much fertility as nature gave to it — and that when worn and reduced, each kind may easily be restored to its original state, but cannot be raised higher, with either durability or profit, by putrescent ma- nures, whether applied by the bounty of nature, or the industry of man. CHAPTER IV. EFFECTS OF THE PRESENCE OF CALCAREOUS EARTH IN SOILS. Propositj:on 2. — The natural sterility of the soils of lower Virginia is caused hy such soils being destitute of calcareous earth, and their heing injured hy the presence and effects of vegetahle acid. The means which would appear the most likely to lead to the causes of the different capacities of soils for impi-ovement is to inquire whether any known ingredient or quality is always to be found belonging to improvable soils, and never to the unim- provable — or which always accompanies the latter, and never the former kind. If either of these results can be obtained, we will have good ground for supposing that we have discovered the general cause of fertility, in the one case, or of barrenness, in the other; and it will follow that, if we can supply to barren soils the deficient beneficial ingredient — or can destroy that which is injurious to them — their incapacity for receiving improvement will be removed. All the common ingredients of soils, as sand, clay, or gravel — and such qualities as moisture or dryness — a level, or a hilly surface — however they may affect the value of soils, are each sometimes found exhibited, in a remarkable degree, in both the fertile and the sterile. The abundance of putrescent vegetable matter might well be considered the cause of fertility, by one who judged only from lands long under cultivation. But though vegetable matter in sufficient quantity is essential to the existence of fertility, yet will 48 FERTILITY OF SHELLY SOILS. tliis substance also be found inadequate for the cause. Vegetable matter abounds in all rich land, it is admitted ; but it has also been furnished by nature, in quantities exceeding all computation, to the most barren soils known. But there is one ingredient of which not the smallest jjroportion can be found in any of our poor soils, and which, wherever found, (and not in great excess), indicates a soil remarkable for natural and durable fertility. This is calcareous earth, or carbonate of lime. These facts alone, if sustainetl, will go far to prove that this earth is the cause of fertility, and the cure for barrenness. On some part of most farms touching tide-water, either mussel or oyster shells are found mixed with the soil. Oyster shells are confined to the lands on salt water, where they are very abundant, and sometimes extend through large fields. Higher up the rivers, mussel shells only are to be seen thus deposited by nature, or by the aboriginal inhabitants, and they decrease as we approach the falls of the rivers. The proportion of shelly land in the counties highest on tide-water is very small ; but the small extent of these spots does not prevent, but rather aids, the exhibition of the pecu- liar cjualities of such soils. Spots of shelly land, not exceeding a few acres in extent, could not well have been cultivated differently from the balance of the fields of which they formed parts — and therefore they can be better compared with the worse soils under like treatment. Every acre of shelly land is, or has been, remark- able for its richness, and still more for its durability. There arc few farmers among us who have not heard described tracts of shelly soil on Nansemond and York rivers, which are celebrated for their long resistance of the most exhausting course of tillage, and which still remain fertile, notwithstanding all the injury which they must have sustained from their severe treatment. We are told that on some of these lands, corn has been raised every successive year, without any help from manure, for a longer time than the owners could remember, or could be informed of correctly. But without relying on any such remarkable cases, there can bo no doubt that every acre of our shelly land has been at least as much tilled, and as little manured, as any in the country; and that it is still the richest and most valuable of all our old cleared lands. The fertile but narrow strips, along the banks of our rivers (which form the small portion of our high-land of first-rate quality), seldom extend far without exhibiting spots in which shells arc visible, so that the eye alone is suflicient to prove the soil of such places to be calcareous. The similarity of natural growth, and of all other marks of character, are such, that the observer might very naturally infer that the former presence of shells had given the same valuable qualities to all these soils — but that they had so generally rotted, and been incorporated with the other earths, that NATURAL GROWTHS OF DIFFERENT SOILS. ** 49 tliey remained visible only in a few places, where they had been most abundant. The accuracy of this inference will hereafter be examined. The natural growth of the shelly soils (and of those adjacent of similar value) is entirely different from that of the great body of our lands. Whatever tree thrives well on the one, is seldom found on the other class of soils — or, if found, it shows plainly, by its imperfect and stunted condition, on how unfi'iendly a soil it is placed. To the rich river margins are almost entirely confined the black or wild locust, hackberry or sugar-nut tree, and papaw. The locust is with great difficulty eradicated, or the newer growth of it kept under on cultivated lands; and from the remarkable rapidity with which it springs up and increases in size, it forms a serious obstacle to the cultivation of laud on the river banks. Yet on the wood-land only a mile or two from the river, not a locust is to be seen. On shelly soils, pines and broom-grass \^A7idro2)0(/on scopa- rius\ cannot thrive, and are rarely able to maintain even the most sickly growth. Some may say that these striking differences of growth do not so much show a difference in the constitution of the soils, as in their state of fertility ; or that one class of the plants above named delights in rich, and the other in poor land. No plant prefers poor to rich soil — or can thrive better on a scarcity of food, than with an abundant supply. Pine, broom-grass, and sheep-sorrel, delight in a class of soils that are generally unproductive — but not on account of their poverty; for all these plants show, by the greater or less vigour of their growth, the abundance or scarcity of vegetable matter in the soil. But on this class of soils, no quantity of vegetable manure could make locusts flourish, though they will grow rapidly on a calcareous hill-side, from which all the soil capable of supporting other ordinary plants has been washed away. In thus describing and distinguishing soils by their growth, let me not be understood as extending these rules, without exception, to other soils and climates than our own. It is well established that changes of kind in successive growths of timber have occurred in other places, without any known cause; and a difference of climate may elsewhere produce effects, which here would indicate a change of soil. Some rare apparent exceptions to the general fertility of shelly lands are found where the proportion of calcareous earth is in great excess. Too much of this ingredient causes even a greater degree of sterility than its total absence. This cause of barrenness is very common in France and England (on chalk soils), and very extensive tracts are not worth the expense of cultivation, or im- provement. The few small spots that are rendered barren here are seldom (if ever) so affected by the excess of oyster or mussel shells 50 ERRONEOUS VIEWS OF AUTHORS. in the soil. These effects generally are caused by hods of fossil sea-shells, which in some places reach the surfoce, and arc thus exposed to the plough. These spots (which are the only super- calcareous or chalky soils of this region) are not often more than thirty feet across, and their nature is generally evident to the eye ; and if not, is so easily determined by chemical tests, as to leave no reason for confounding the injurious and beneficial eifects of cal- careous earth. This exception to the general fertilizing effect of this ingredient of our soils would scarcely require naming, but to raark what might be deemed an apparent contradiction. But this exception, and its cause, must be kept in mind, and considered as always understood and admitted throughout all my remarks, and which therefore it is not necessary to name specially, when the general qualities of calcareous earth are spoken of. [After all, this exception is only in appearance, as it is found only in mper-cal- carcous soils, and never in any soil in which calcareous earth is not so abundant as to form a physical material. — 1849.] In the beginning of this chapter, I advanced the important fact that none of our poor soils contain naturally the least particle of cal- careous earth. So far, this is supported merely by my assertion — and all those who have studied agriculture in books will require strong proof before they can give credit to the existence of a fact, which is either unsupported, or indirectly denied, by all written authority. Others, who have not attended to such descriptions of soils in general, may be too ready to admit the truth of my assertion — • because, not knowing the opinions on this subject heretofore re- ceived and undoubted, they would not be aware of the importance of their admission. It is true that no author has said expressly that every soil con- tains calcareous earth. Neither perhaps has any one stated that every soil contains some silicious or aluminous earth. But the manner in which each one has treated of soils and their constituent parts, would cause their readers to infer that neither of these three earths is ever entirely wanting — or at least that the entire absence of the calcareous is as rare as the absence of silicious or aluminous earth. Nor are we left to gather this opinion solely from indirect testimony, as the following examples, from the highest authorities, will prove. Davy says, ''four earths generally abound in soils, the aluminous, the silicious, the calcareous, and the magnesian ;'^* and the soils of which he states the constituent parts, obtained by chemical analysis, as well as those reported by Kirwan, and by Young, all contain some proportion (and generally a large propor- tion) of calcareous earth. f Kirwan states the component parts of * Davy's Agr. Chern., Lecture 1. f Agr. Chem., Lect. 4. — Kirwan on Manures — and Young's Prize Essay on Miiuiu'cs. ASSERTIONS OF CALX IN SOIL BEING USUAL. 51 a soil wliich contained thirty-one per cent, of calcareous earth, and he supposes that proportion neither too little nor too much.* Young mentions soils of extraordinary fertility containing seventeen and twenty per cent., besides others with smaller proportions of calcareous earth — and says that Bergman found thirty per cent. in the best soil he examined. f Rozier speaks still more strongly for the general diffusion and large proportions of this ingredient of soils. In his general description of earths and soils, he gives examples of the supposed composition of the three grades of soils which he designates by the terms rich, good, and viiddliiig soils; to the first class he assigns a proportion of one-tenth, to the second, one-fourth, and to the last, one-half of its amount of calcareous earth. The fair interpretation of the passage is that the author considered these large proportions as general, in France — and he gives no intimation of any soil entirely without calcareous earth. J The position assumed above, of the general or universal concur- rence of former European authors in the supposed general presence of calcareous earth in soils, could be placed beyond dispute by ex- tracts from their publications. But this would require many and long extracts, too bulky to include here, and which cannot be fairly abridged, or exhibited by a few examples. No author says directly, indeed, that calcareous earth is present in all soils; but its being always named as one of the ingredients of soils in general, and no cases of its absolute deficiency in tilled lands being directly stated, amount to the declaration that calcareous earth is very rarely, if ever, entirely wanting in any soil. We may find enough directions to apply calcareous manures to soils that are deficient in that in- gredient ; but that deficiency seems to be not spoken of as absolute, but relative to other soils more abundantly supplied. In the same manner, Avriters on agriculture direct clay, or sand, to be used as manure for soils very deficient in one or the other of those earths; but without meaning that any soil under cultivation can be found entirely destitute of sand or of clay. My proofs from general treatises would therefore be generally indirect; and the quotations * Kirwan on Manures, article " Clayey Loam." f Young's Essay on Manures. J "Composition of soils. Examples of the various composition of soils: Eich soil ; silicious earth, 2 parts; aluminous, 6; calcareous, 1 ; vegeta- ble earth, [humus'] 1 ; in all, 10 parts. Good soil — silicious, 3 parts ; aluminous, 4; calcareous, 2^; vegetable earth, ^ of 1 part; in all, 10 parts. Middling soil [sol mediocre ;] silicious, 4 parts; aluminous, 1; cal- careous, 5 parts, less by some atoms of vegetable earth ; in all, 10 parts. We see that it is the largest proportion of aluminous earth that constitutes the greatest excellence of soils ; and we know that independently of their harmony of composition, they require a sufficiency of depth." — Translated from the article " Tcrrrs," in the " Cours Complct d'Agi'iculture Pratique, etc. par I'Abbe Rozier," 1815. 52 CONCURRING AMERICAN AUTHORITIES. necessary to exhibit them would show what had not been said, rather than what had — and that they did not assert the absence of calcareous earth, instead of directly asserting its universal presence. Extracts for this purpose, however satisfactory, would necessarily be too voluminous, and it is well that they can be dispensed with. Better proof, because it is direct, and more concise, will be furnished by quoting the opinions of a few agriculturists of our own country, who were extensively acquainted with European authors, and have evidently drawn their opinions from those sources. These quota- tions will not only show conclusively that their authors consider the received European doctrine to be that all soils are more or less calcareous — but also, that they apply the same general character to the soils of the United States, without expressing a doubt or naming an exception. These writers, as all who have heretofore written of soils in this country, have uttered but the echoes of preceding English general descriptions of soils. They seem not to have sus- pected that any very important difference existed in this respect between the soils of England and of this country ; and certainly not one had made the slightest investigation by any attempt at chemical analysis, to sustain the false character thus given to our soils. 1. From a "Treatise on Agriculture" (ascribed to General Armstrong), published in the American Farmer. \Vol. i. page 153.] "Of six or eight substances, wliicli chemists have denominated earths, four are ividely and abundantly diffused, and form the crust of our globe. ■ These are silica, alumina, lime, and magnesia." — " In a pure or isolated state, these earths are wholly unproductive ; but when decomposed and mixed, and to this mixture is added the residuum of dead animal or vege- table matter, they become fertile, and take the general name of soils, and are again denominated after the earth that most abounds in their composi- tion respectively." 2. Address of R. H. Rose to the Agricultural Society of Susque- hanna. [Am. Far. Vol. ii. p. 101.] " Geologists suppose our earth to have been masses of rock of various kinds, but principally silicious, aluminous, calcareous, and magnesian — from the gradual attrition, decay, and inixture of which, together with an addition of vegetable and animal matter, is formed the soil ; and this is called sandy, clayey, calcareous, or magnesian, according as the particular primitive material preponderates in its formation." 3. Address of Robert -Smith to the Maryland Agricultural So- ciety. [Am. Far. Vol. iii. p. 228.] " The soils of our country are in general clay, sand, gravel, clayey loam, sandy loam, and gravelly loam. Clay, sand, and gravel, need no description, &c." — '■'■Clayey loam is a compound soil, consisting of clay and sand or gravel, with a mixture of calcareous matter, and in which clay is predominant. Sandy or gravelly loom is a compound soil, consisting of sand or gravel and clay with a mixture of calcareous matter, and in which sand or gravel is predominant." CALCAREOUS SOILS SUPPOSED COMMON. 53 The first two extracts merely state tlie geological theory of the formatiou of soils, which is received as correct by the most eminent agriculturists of Europe. How far it may be supported or opposed by the actual constitution and number of ingredients of European soils, is not for me to decide, nor is the consideration necessary to my subject. But the adoption of this general theory by American writers, without excepting American soils, is an indirect, but com- plete application to them of the same character and composition. The writer last quoted states positively, that the various loams (which comprise at least nineteen twentieths of our soils, and I pre- sume also of the soils *of Maryland) contain calcareous matter. The expression of this opinion by Mr. Smith is sufficient to prove that such was the fair and plain deduction from his general reading on agriculture, from which source only could his opinions have been derived. If the soils of Maryland are not very unlike those of Virginia, I will venture to assert, that not one in a thousand of all the clayey, sandy, and gravelly loams, contains the smallest propor- tion of carbonate of lime — and that not a single specimen of cal- careous soil can be found, between the falls of the rivers and the most eastern body of limestone. But though the direct testimony of European authors, as cited in a foregoing page, concurs with the indirect proofs referred to since, to induce the belief that soils are very rarely destitute of cal- careous earth, yet statements may be found of some particular soils being considered of that character. These statements, even if presented by the authors of general treatises, would only seem to present exceptions to their general rule of the almost universal diffusion of calcareous earth in soils. But, so far as I know, no such exceptions are named in the descriptions of soils in any general treatise, and therefore have not the slightest influence in contradict- ing or modifying their testimony on this subject. It is in the description of soils of particular farms, or districts, that some such statements are made ; and even if no such examples had been men- tioned, they would not have been needed to prove the existence, in Europe, of some soils, like most of ours, destitute of calcareous earth. These facts do not oppose my argument. I have not asserted (nor believed, since endeavouring to investigate this sub- ject), that there were not soils in Europe, and perhaps many exten- sive districts, containing no calcareous earth. My argument merely maintains, that -these facts would not be inferred, but the contrary, ^y ^iiy general and cursory reader of the agricultural treatises of Europe with which we are best acquainted. It has not been my purpose to inquire as to the existence, or extent, of soils of this kind in Europe. But judging from the indirect testimony furnished by accounts of the mineral and vegetable productions, in general descriptions of different countries, I would infer that soils having 5* 51: VIRGINIAN SOILS NOT CALCAREOUS. no calcareous earth were often found in Scotland and the northern p:irt of Grcrmauy, and that they were comparatively rare in England and France. With my early impressions of the nature and composition of soils, derived in like manner from the general descriptions given in books, it was with surprise, and some distrust, that, when first attempting to analyze soils, in 1817, 1 found most of the specimens entirely destitute of calcareous earth. The trials were repeated with care and accuracy, on soils from various places, until I felt authorized to assert, without fear of contradiction, that no naturally poor soil, below the falls of the rivers, contains the smallest propor- tion of calcareous earth. Nor do I believe that any exception to this peculiarity of constitution can be found in any poor soil above the falls ; but though these soils are far more extensive and im- portant in other respects, they are beyond the district within the limits of which I propose to confine my investigation. These results are highly important, whether considered merely as serving to establish my proposition, or as showing a radical difference between most of our soils, and those of the best cultivated parts of Europe. Putting aside my argument to establish a par- ticular theory of improvement, the ascertained fact of the universal absence of calcareous earth in o\ir poor soils leads to this conclusion, that profitable as calcareous Inanures have been found to be in countries where the scftls are generally calcareous in some degree, they must be far more so on our soils that are quite destitute of that necessary earth.* [* Since the first and even the last edition (1842) containing the above deductions, the later agricultural chemists have removed much of the ob- scurity before resting uj)on the calcareous character of European soils. Two recent European works have been republished in the United States, which, on soils and calcareous manures especially, are more full and satis- factory than any which had previously reached me. One is Boussingault's "Rural Economy, in its relations with Chemistry, &c.,&c." This volume was first published in this country in 1845 (by Appleton, & Co., N. Y.), from the English translation and first edition. Ther6 is no date given to show the time of publication of the original work in French, nor of the English translation. But both were manifestly very recent; and probably neither had been introduced or was accessible in this country before the American edition appeared. As there is contained a reference to analyses of all the crops made in 1841 on the author's farm, in which "long and tedious labour" he "spent nearly a whole year," the original work could not have been printed before the close of 1842, even if so early. ' The author, be- sides being one of the most profound and able of modern chemists, and who has directed much research to agricultural chemistry, was also a prac- tical farmer, on a scale of operations sufficient to inform him how to pro- perly direct his scientific investigations. Therefore, many of his subjects and reported results are full of instruction, and doubtless are to be relied on as among the latest and most certain lights aud truths yet derived from a^'plyiug chemistry to agriculture. The other work referred to above is CHAPTEK V. RESULTS OF THE CHEMICAL EXAMINATIONS OP VARIOUS SOILS. Proposition 2 — continued. The certainty of any results of cliemical analysis would bo doubted by most persons who have paid no attention to the meana employed for such operations ; and their incredulity will be the more excusable, when such results are reported by one knowing very little of the science of chemistry, and whose limited knov,-- ledge was gained without aid or instruction, and was sought solely with the view of pursiiing this investigation. Appearing under such disadvantages, it is therefore the more incumbent on me to show my claim to accuracy, or to so explain my method as to ena- JoLnston's " Lectures on the Applications of Chemistry and Geology to Agriculture," which -nms first published, complete in four parts, in London in 1844. But as the earlier parts had been published in succession, I had been able to see the first three at the close of 1843. The third part con- tains the author's views and compilation of facts, chemical and agricultural, of lime, as a constituent of soils and as manure. On these subjects, he is more full of information than any or all preceding authors, because able to draw from, compare, and decide upon the views of all his predecessors, with the aid of the latest information as to European scientific i-esearcli and agricultural practices and results — and which advantages seem to have been used generally with ability and discretion. It appears from both Boussingault's and Johnston's works, that the new and still very defective science of agricultural chemistry no longer labours under some of the grossest defects and errors which were indirectly and justly charged in my remarks above ; or is liable to the formerly just censure there indicated, as will appear in the course of this essay. It is not now left to be inferred, as before, that all or nearly all soils of England and France contain carbonate of lime; and the errors of the process of analyzing soils, used by Davy, and all other chemists, previous to a very recent time, are pointed out, which errors led to the erroneous conclusion that carbonate of lime is almost universally present in soils. These two authors state many particular soils, as well as classes of SQJls by inference, which contain not a trace of lime in the state of carbonate, as 1 had before declared, in opposition to all the then existing authority, to be the case with nearly all the soils of our Atlantic states. But still, after removing this obscurity, it appears manifest from the many reported contents of soils given by Boussiugault, Johnston, and Liebig, that soils containing carbonate of lime, and usually in large jiroportions, are very general in Europe, so far as investigation has gone ; in this respect confirming my own previous inferences, as stated above. Some of the statements of tlicse latest and ablest authorities, which now offer confirmatory testimony for my formerly unsupported and novel opinions, will be quoted iu notes, or otherwise, on proper occasions. — 184.11.] (55) 56 MODE OF TESTING THE PRESENCE OF CALX. ble others to detect its errors, if any exist. To analyze a specimen of soil completely, requires an amoimt of scientific acquirement and practical skill to which I make no pretension. But merely to ascertain the absence of calcareous earth (or carbonate of lime), or, if present, to find its quantity, requires but little skill, and less science. The methods recommended by different agricultural chemists for ascertaining the proportion of calcareous earth in all soils, agree in all material points. Their process will be described, and made as plain as possible. A specimen of soil of convenient size is dried, pounded, and weighed, and then thrown into muriatic acid diluted with three or four times its quantity of water. The acid combines with, and dissolves the Uriie of the calcareous earth, and its other ingre- dient, the carhonic acid, being disengaged, rises through the liquid in the form of gas, or air, and escapes with effervescence. After the mixture has been well stirred, and has stood until all effer- vescence is over (the fluid still being somewhat acid to the taste, to prove that enough acid had been used, by some excess being left), the whole is poured into a piece of blotting paper, folded so as to fit within a glass funnel. The fluid containing the dissolved lime passes through the paper, leaving behind the clay and silicious Band, and any other solid matter ; over which, pure water is poured and passed off several times, so as to wash off all remains of the dissolved lime. These filtered washings are added to the solution, to all of which is then poui*ed a solution of carbonate of j^otash. The two dissolved salts thus thrown together {muriate of lime, composed of muriatic acid and lime, and carbonate ofj^oianh, com- posed of carbonic acid and potash), immediately decompose each other, and form two new combinations. The muriatic acid leaves the lime, and combines with the potash, for which it has a stronger attraction — and the muriate of potash thus formed, being a soluble salt, remains dissolved and invisible in the water. The lime and carbonic acid being in contact, when let loose by their former part- ners, instantly unite, and form carbonate of lime, or calcareous earth, which, being insoluble, falls to the bottom. This precipitate is then separated by filtering paper, is washed, dried and weighed, and thus shows the proportion of carbonate of lime contained in the soil.* In this process, the carbonic acid which first composed part of the calcareous earth, escapes into the air, and another supply is afterwards furnished from the decomposition of the carbonate of potash. But this change of one of its ingredients does not alter the quantity of the calcareous earth, which is always composed of * More full directions for the analysis of soils may be found in Kirwan'.s Essay on Jlanures, Ptozier's Cours Complet, &c., and Davy's Agricultural Chemistry. TESTING THE PRESENCE OF CALX. 57 certain invariable proportions of its two component parts ; and when all the lime has been precipitated as above directed, it will necessarily be combined with precisely its first quantity of carbonic acid. This operation is so simple, and the means for conducting it so easy to obtain, that it will generally be the most convenient mode for finding the proportion of calcareous earth in those manures that are known to contain it abundantly, and where an error of a few grains cannot be very material. But if a very accurate result is necessary, this method will not serve, on account of several causes of error which always occur. Should no calcareous earth be present in a soil thus analyzed, the muriatic acid will take up a small quantity of aluminoas earth, which will be precipitated by the carbonate of potash, and without further investigation, would be considered as so much calcareous earth. And if any compounds of lime and vegetable acids are present (which, for reasons hereafter to be stated, I believe to be not uncommon in soils), some portion of these may be dissolved, and appear in the result as carbonate of lime, though not an atom of that substance was in the soil. Thus, every soil examined by this method of solution and precipitation will yield some small result of what would appear as carbonate of lime, though actually destitute of that ingredient. The inaccura- cies of this method were no doubt known (though passed over without notice) by Davy, and other men of science who have recommended its use; but as they considered calcareous earth merely as one of the earthy ingredients of soil, operating me- chanically (as do sand and clay), on the texture of the soil, they would scarcely suppose that a difference of a grain or two could materially aflect .the practical value of an analysis, or the character of the soil under examination.* The pneumatic apparatus proposed by Davy, as another means for showing the proportion of calcareous earth in soils, is liable to none of these objections; and when some other causes of error, peculiar to this method, are known and guarded against, its accu- racy is almost perfect, in ascertaining the quantity of calcareous earth — to which substance alone its use is limited . * "Chalks, calcareous marls, or powdered limestone, act merely by form- ing a uspful earthy ingredient iri the mil, and their efiBcacy is proportioned to the deficiency of calcareous matter, which in larger or smaller quantities 'seems to be an essential ingredient of all fertile soils ; necessary perhaps to their proper texture, and as an ingredient in the organs of plants." [Da- vy's Agr. Chem. page 21— and further on he says] "Chalk and marl or carbonate of lime only improve the texture of a soil, or its relation to absorp- tion ; it acts merely as one of its earthy ingredients." [It is evident, from these expres-sions, that Davy considered calcareous earth important only as a physical constituent of soils ; and it does not appear that he had any con- ception of its far more important and useful ser-\nce, in very minute pro- portions, as a chemical agent, essential to fertilization.] 58 BY PNEUMATIC APPAEATUS. The following representation and description ivill make the ope- ration quite clear : *' A, B, C, D, E, represent tlie different parts of this apparatus. A repre- sents the bottle for receiving the soil. B the bottle containing the acid, furnished with a stop-cock. C the tube connected with a flaccid bladder. D the graduated measiu'e. E the bottle for containing the bladder. When thi.-j instrument is used, a given quantity of soil is introduced into A. B is filled with muriatic acid diluted with an eqx^al quantity of water ; and the stop-LOck being closed, is connected with the upper orifice of A, which is ground to receive it. The tube C is introduced into the lower orifice of A, and the bladder connected with it placed in its flaccid state into E, which is filled with water. The graduated measure is placed under the tube of E. When the stop-cock of B is turned, the acid flows into A, and acts upon the soil ; the elastic fluid generated passes thi-ough C, into the bladder, and displaces a quantity of water in E equal to it in bulk, and this water flows through the tube into the graduated measure ; and gives by its volume the indication of the proportion of carbonic acid disengaged from the soil ; for every ounce measure of which two grains of carbonate of lime may be estimated." — Davy's Agr. Chem. The correctness of this mode of analysis depends on two well- established facts in chemistry : 1st, That the component parts of calcareous earth always bear the same proportion to each other, and these proportions are as 43.7 parts (by weight) of carbonic acid, to 5(5.3 of lime ; and, '2d, That the carbonic acid gas which two grains of calcareous earth will yield, is equal in bulk to one ounce of fresh water. The process, with the aid of this apparatus, disengages, confines, and measures the gas evolved; and for every measure equal to the bulk of an ounce of water, the operator has but to allow two grains of calcareous earth in the soil acted on. It is evident that the result can indicate the presence of lime in no other combination except that which forms calcai'eous earth ] nor of any CALCAREOUS SOILS. 69 other earth, except carbonate of magnesia, which, if present, might be mistaken for calcareous earth, but which is too rare, and occurs in proportions too small, to cause any material error in ordinary cases, and in soils of this region. But if it be only desired to know whether calcareous earth is entirely wanting in any soil — or to test the truth of my assertion that so great a proportion of our soils are destitute of that earth — it may be done with far more ease than by either of the forego- ing methods, and without apparatus of any kind. Let a handful of the soil (without drying or weighing) be thrown into a large drinking-glass, containing enough of pure water to cover the soil about two inches. Stir it until all the lumps have disappeared, and the water has certainly taken the place of all the atmospheric air which the soil had enclosed. Remove any vegetable fibres, or froth, from the surface of the liquid, so as to have it clear. Then pour in gently about a table spoonful of undiluted muriatic acid, which by its greater weight will sink, and penetrate the soil, with- out any agitation being necessary for that purpose. If any calca- rcoiis earth is present, it will quickly begin to combine with the acid, throwing off its carbonic acid in gas, which cannot fail to be observed as it escapes, as the gas that eight grains only of calca- reous earth would throw out, would be equal in bulk to a gill measure. Indeed, the product of a single grain only of calcareous earth would be abundantly plain to the eye of the careful operator, though it might be the whole amount of gas from two thousand grains of soil. If no effervescence is seen even after adding more acid and gently stirring the mixture, then it is absolutely certain that the soil contained not the smallest portion of carbonate of lime ; nor of carbonate of magnesia, the only other substance which could possibly be mistaken for it. The examinations of all the soils that will be here mentioned were made in this pneumatic apparatus, except some of those which evi- dently evolved no gas, and when no other result was required. As calcai-eous earth is plainly visible to the eye in all shelly soils, they only need examination to ascertain its proportion. A few examples will show what proportions we may find, and how greatly they vary, even in soils apparently of equal value. 1. Soil, a black clayey loam, from the top of the high knoll at the end of Coggins Point [then my own farm], on James River, con- taining fragments of mussel shells throughout. Never manured, and supposed to have been under scourging cultivation and close grazing from the first settlement of the country; then (1818) ca- pable of producing twenty-five or thirty bushels of corn — and the soil well suited to wheat. One thousand grains, cleared by a fine sieve of all coarse shelly matter (as none can act on the soil until minutely divided), yielded "sisteeu ounce measures of carbonic acid 60 CALCAREOUS SOILS. gas, wliich showed the finely divided calcareous earth to be thirty- two gi-ains. 2. One thousand grains of similar soil from another part of the same field, treated in the same manner, gave twenty-four grains of finely divided calcareous earth. 3. From the east end of a small island, at the end of Coggina Point, surrounded by the river and tide marsh. Soil, dark brown loam, much lighter than the preceding specimens, though not sandy — under like exhausting cultivation — then capable of bring- ing thirty to thirty-five bushels of corn — not a good wheat soil, ten or twelve bushels being probably a full crop. One thousand grains yielded eight grains of coarse shelly matter, and eighty-two of finely divided calcareous earth. 4. From a small spot of sandy soil, almost bare of vegetation, and incapable of producing any grain, though in the midst of very rich land, and cleared but a few years. Some small fragments of fossil sea-shells being visible, proved this barren spot to be calca- reous, which induced its examination. Four hundred grains yielded eighty-seven of calcareous earth — nearly twenty-two per cent. This super-calcareous soil was afterwards dug and carried out as manure. [It is, in fact, the upper layer of a bed of fossil-shell earth, the shells there being entirely disintegrated and invisible.] 5. Black friable loam, from Indian Fields, on York River. The soil was a specimen of a field of considerable extent, mixed through- out with oyster shells. Though light and mellow, the soil did not appear to be sandy. Rich, durable, and long under exhausting cultivation. 1260 grains of soil yielded 1G8 — of coarse shelly matter, separated mechanically, 8 — finely divided calcareous earth. The remaining solid matter, carefully separated (by agitation and settling in water), consisted of 130 grains of fine clay, black with putrescent matter, and which lost more than one-fourth of its weight by being ex- posed to a red heat, 875 — white sand, moderately fine, 20 — very fine sand, 30 — lost in the process. ioGi 6. Oyster shell soil, of the best quality, from the farm of Wills Cowper, Es^., on Nansemond River — never manured, and supposed to have been cultivated in corn as often as three years in four, since the first settlement of the country — now yields (by actual nica- Buremcnt) thirty bushels of corn to the acre — but is very unproduc- ALL POOR SOILS NOT CALCAREOUS. 61 tive in wlieat. A specimen taken from the surface, to tlie depth, of six inches, weighed altogether 242 dwt., which consisted of 126 — of shells and their fragments, separated by the sieve, 116 — remaining finely divided soil. Of the finely divided part, 500 grains consisted of 18 grains of carbonate of lime, 330 — silicious sand — none very coarse, 9-4 — impalpable aluminous and silicious earth, 35 — putrescent vegetable matter — none coarse or unrottcd, 23 — loss. 500 It is unnecessary to cite any particular trials of ou.r poor soils, as it has been stated, in the preceding chapter, that all are entirely destitute of calcareous earth — -excluding the rare, but well marked exceptions of its great excess, of which an example has been given in the soil marked 4, in the foregoing examinations. Unless then I am mistaken in supposing that these facts are universally true, the certain results of chemical analysis, as well as more extended general observation, completely establish these general rules — viz. : 1st. That all calcareous soils are naturally fertile and durahle in a very high degree — and, 2d. That all soils naturally j^oor are entirely destitute of calca- reous earth. It then can scarcely be denied that calcareous earth must be the cause of the fertility of the one class of soils, and that the want of it produces the poverty of the other. Qualities that always thus accompany each other cannot be otherwise than cause and ejfect. If further proof is wanting, it can be safely promised to be fur- nished when the practical application of calcareous manures to poor soils will be treated of, and the effects stated. These deductions are then established as to all calcareous soils, and all poor soils — which two classes comprise nine-tenths of all. This alone would open a wide field for the practical exercise of the truths we have reached. But still there remain strong-objections and stubborn facts opposed to the complete proof and universal application of the proposition now under consideration, and conse- quently to the theory which that proposition is intended to support. The whole difficulty will be apparent at once when I now proceed to state that nearly all of our best soils, such as are very little if at all inferior in value to the small portion of shelly lands, are as destitute of calcareous earth (carhonate of lime) as the poorest. So far as I have examined, this deficiency is no less general in the 6 62 MANY IIICU SOILS NOT CALCAREOUS. richest alluvial lands of the upper country — and, what will be deemed by some as incredible, by far the greater part of the rich limestone soils between the Blue Ridge and Alleghany Mountains are equally destitute of calcareous earth. These facts were not named before, to avoid embarrassing the discussion of other points — nor can they now be explained, and reconciled with my proposi- tion, except through a circuitous and apparently digressive course of reasoning. They have not been kept out of view, nor slurred over, to weaken their force, and are now presented in all their strength. These difficulties will be considered, and removed, in the following chapters. CPIAPTER VI. CHEMICAL EXAMINATION OF RICH SOILS CONTAINING NO CALCA- REOUS EARTH. Proposition 2 — continued. Under common circumstances, when any disputant admits facts that seem to contradict his own reasoning, such admission is deemed abundant evidence of their existence. But though now placed exactly in this situation, the facts admitted by me are so opposed to all that scientific agriculturists have taught us to expect, that it is necessary for me to show the grounds on which my ad- mission rests. Few would have believed in the absence of calca- reous earth in all our poor soils, forming as they do the much larger part of all this region — and far more strange is it that the same deficiency should extend to such rich soils as some that will be here cited. The following specimens, taken from well known and very fertile soils, were found to contain no calcareous earth. Many trials of other rich soils have yielded like results — and, indeed, I have never found calcareous earth in any soil below the falls of the rivers, in which, or near which, some particles of shells were not visible. 1. Soil from Eppcs' Island, which lies in Powhatan, or James- river, near City Point ; light and friable (but not sandy) brown loam, rich and durable. The surface is not many feet above the highest tides, and, like most of the best river lands, this tract seems to have been formed by alluvion many ages ago, but which may be termed recent, when compared to the general formation of the tide-water district. RICH RIVER AND LIME-STONE SOILS. 63 2. Black silicious loam from the celebrated lands on Back river, near Hampton. 3. Soil from rich land on Pocoson-river, York county. 4. Black clay vegetable soil, from a fresh-water tide marsh on James river — formed by recent alluvion. 5. Alluvial soil of first-rate fertility above the falls of James river — dark brown clay loam, from the valuable and extensive body of bottom land belonging to General J. H. Cocke, of Flu- vanna. The most remarkable facts of the absence of calcareous earth are to be found in the lime-stone soils, between the Blue Kidge and Alleghany Mountains. Of these, I will report all that I have examined ; and none contained any calcareous earth, unless when the contrary will be stated. Before the first of these trials was made, I supposed (as proba- bly most other persons do) that limestone soil was necessarily calcareous, and in a high degree. It is difficult to get rid of this impression entirely — and it may seem a contradiction in terms to say that a lime-stone soil is not calcareous. This I cannot avoid. I must take the term lime-stone soil as custom has already fixed it. But it should not be extended to any soils except those which are so near to lime-stone rock, as in some measure to be thereby afi'ected in their qualities and value. 1 to 6. Lime-stone soils selected in the neighbourhood of Lex- ington, Virginia, by Professor Grraham, with the view of enabling me to investigate this subject. All the specimens were from first- rate soils, except one, which was from land of inferior value. One of the specimens, Mr. Graham's description stated to be " taken from a piece of land so rocky [with lime-stone] as to be unfit for cultivation, at least with the plough. I could scarcely select a specimen which I would expect to be more strongly impregnated with calcareous earth." This specimen, by two separate trials, yielded only one grain of calcareous earth, from one thousand of soil. The other five soils contained none. The same result was obtained from 7. A specimen of alluvial land on North river, near Lexington. 8. Brown loam from the Sweet Spring valley, remarkable for its extraordinary productiveness and durability. It is of alluvial for- mation, and before it was drained, must have been often covered and saturated by the Sweet Spring and other mineral waters, which hold lime in solution. [The carbonate of lime dissolved in these watei's is so abundant, and so readily parted with, that it is depo- sited on every twig that is exposed therein, forming rapidly grow- ing incrustations.] The surrounding high land is of lime-stono soil. Of this specimen, taken from about two hundred yards be- low the Sweet Spring, from land long cultivated every year, threo 64 LIME-STONE SOILS. hundred and sixty grains yielded not a particle of calcareous earth. It contained an unusually large proportion of oxide of iron, though my imperfect means enabled me to separate and collect only eight grains, the process evidently wasting several more. About a mile lovrer down, drains were then making (in 1826) to reclaim more of this rich valley from the overflowing waters. Another specimen was taken from the bottom of a ditch just opened, eighteen inches below the surface. It was a black loam, and exhibited to the eye some very diminutive fresh-water spiral shells, about one-tenth of an inch in length, and many of their broken fragments. This gave, from two hundred grains, seventy-four of calcareous earth. But this cannot fairly be placed on the same footing with the other soils, as it had obviously been once the bot- tom of a stream, or lake, and the collection and deposit of so large and unusual a proportion of calcareous matter seemed to be of ani- mal formation. Both these specimens were selected at my request by one of our best farmers, and who also furnished a written description of the soils, and their situation. 9. Wood-land, west of Union, Monroe county. Soil, a black clay loam, lying on, but not intermixed at the surface with lime- stone rock. Sub-soil, yellowish clay. The rock at this place, a foot below the sur&ce. Principal growth, sugar maple, white wal- nut, and oak. This and the next specimen are from one of the richest tracts of high land that I have seen. 10. Soil similar to the last, and about two hundred yards distant. Here the lime-stone showed above the surface, and the specimen was taken from between two large masses of fixed rock, and about a foot distant from each. 11. Black rich soil, from wood-land between the Hot and Warm Springs, in Bath county. The specimen was part of what wf^s in contact with a mass of lime-stone. 12. Soil from the western foot of the Warm Spring mountain, on a gentle slope between the court-house and the road, and about one hundred and fifty yards from the Warm Bath. Ilich brown loam, containing many small pieces of lime-stone, but no finely divided calcareous earth. 13. A specimen taken two or three hundred yards from the last, and also at the foot of the mountain. Soil, a rich black loam, full of small fragments of lime-stone of different sizes, between that of a nutmeg and small shot. The land had never been broken up for cultivation. One thousand grains contained two hundred and forty grains of small stone or gravel, mostly lime-stone, separated mechanically, and sixty-nine grains of finely divided calcareous earth. 14. Black loamy clay, from the excellent wheat soil adjoining the town of Bedford, in Pennsylvania : the specimen taken from LIME-STONE AND ALLUVIAL SOILS. 65 bencatli and in contact with lime-stone. One thousand grains yielded less than one grain of calcareous earth. 15. A specimen from within a few yards of the last, but not in contact with lime-stone, contained no calcareous earth ; neither did the red clay sub-soil, six inches below the surface. 16. Very similar soil, but much deeper, adjoining the principal street of Bedford — the specimen taken from eighteen inches below the surface, and adjoining a mass of lime-stone. A very small disengagement of gas indicated the presence of calcareous earth — but certainly less than one grain in one thousand, and perhaps not half that quantity. 17. Alluvial soil on the Juniata, adjoining Bedford. 18. Alluvial vegetable soil near the stream flowing from all the Saratoga Mineral Springs, and necessarily often covered and soaked by those waters, and 19. Soil taken from the bed of the same stream — neither con- tained any portion of carbonate of lime. Thus it appears that of these nineteen specimens of soils, only four contained calcareous earth, and three of these four in exceed- ingly small proportions. It should be remarked that all these were selected from situations which, from their proximity to calca- reous Yocli, or exposiire to calcareous waters, were supposed most likely to present highly calcareous soils. If five hundred speci- mens had been taken, without choice, even from what are commonly called lime-stone soils (merely because they are not very distant from lime-stone rock, or springs of lime-stone water), the analysis of that whole number would be less likely to vshow calcareous earth, than the foregoing short list. I therefore feel justified, from my own few examinations, and unsujiported by any other authority, to pronounce that calcareous earth will very rarely be found in any soils between the falls of our rivers and the navigable western waters.* In a few specimens of some of the best soils from the borders of the Mississippi and its tributary rivers, I have since found calcareous earth present in all — but in very small propor- tions, and in no case exceeding two per cent. [When the total deficiency of carbonate of lime, in nearly all the soils of Virginia, was first asserted, as above, in the earliest publi- cation of this essay (1821, in Amcrlccui Farmer, vol. iii.), the [* Recent Confirmatory Testimony. — Still more strange cases of the total absence of (carbonate of) lime have been stated recently in Johnston's Agricultural ■Chemistry: " It is a fact which will strike you as not a little remarkable that soils ■which rest upon chalk, as well as upon other lime-stono rocks, even at the depth of a few inches only, are often, and especially when in a state of nature, so destitute of lime, that not a parti- cle cau be detected iu them." (p. 377.) The author of course meant the carbonate of lime. — 1849.] 6* 63 PRAIRIE SOILS CALCAREOUS. proposition was so entirely new, and so opposed to all inferences from authority then existing, that it was indispensably necessary to adduce my facts, as is done above, to sustain the otherwise unsus- tained doctrine. And such support, for the same reason, continued to be wanting through the two nest editions. Now (in 1842) the case is altogether different. The fact of the absence of carbonate of lime, as generally as I had assumed, through the eastern or seaward slope of the United States, and especially in New England, has been confirmed by all the analyses of soils which have been since made by Professor Hitchcock and other accurate scientific investigators ; and the proposition, however untenable or incredible it might have been deemed before, is now universally admitted, and indeed is placed beyond question or doubt, as an important feature in the chemical constitution of soils. — 1842.] [The only soils of considerable extent of surface which, from the specimens that I have examined, appear to be highly calcareous, and to agree in that respect with many European soils, are from the prairies, those lands of the south-west which, whether rich or poor, are remarkable for being destitute of trees, and covered v/ith. grass, so as to form natural meadows. The examinations were made but recently (in 1834), and are reported because presenting striking exceptions to the general constitution of soils in this country. 20. Prairie soil of the most productive kind in Alabama; a black clay, with very little sand, yet so far from being stiff, that it becomes too light by cultivation. This kind of land is stated by the friend to whom I am indebted for the specimens, to " produce corn and oats most luxuriantly — and also cotton for two or three years ; but after that time cotton is subject to the rust, probably from the then open state of the soil, which by cultivation has by that time become as light and as soft as a bank of ashes." One hundred grains of the specimen contained eight of carbonate of lime. All this prairie land in Alabama lies on a substratum of what is there called "rotten lime-stone" (specimens of which con- tained seventy-two to eighty-two per cent, of lime), and which rises to the surftice sometimes, forming the ''bald prairies," a sam- ple of the soil of which (21) contained fifty-nine per cent, of car- bonate of lime. This was described as " comparatively poor — neither trees nor bushes grow there, and only grass and weeds be- fore cultivation — corn does not grow well — small grain better — and cotton soon becomes subject to the rust." The excessive pro- portion of calcareous earth is evidently the cause of its barrenness. The substratum called lime-stone is soft enough to be cut easily and smoothly with a knife, and some of it is in appearance and texture moi'c like the chalk of Europe, than any other earth that I have seen in this country. PRAIRIE SOILS. 67 22. A specimen of the very rich " cane brake" lands in Marengo county, Ah\baTna, contained sixteen per cent, of carbonate of lime. This is a kind of prairie, of a wetter nature, from the winter rains not being able to run oif from the level surface, nor to sink through the tenacious clay soil, and the- solid stratum of lime-stone below. 23. A specimen from the very extensive "Choctaw Prairie" in Mississippi, of celebrated fertility, yielded thirteen per cent, of carbonate of lime. Several other specimens of different, but all of very fertile soils from southern Alabama, and all lying over the substratum of soft lime-stone, were found to be neutral^ containing not a particle of lime in the form of cai-honate. These specimens were as follows : 24. One from the valley cane lan*l — " very wet through the winter, bat always dry in summer — and after being ditched is dry enough to be cultivated in cotton, which will grow from eight to twelve feet high." 25. Another from what is called the best "post-oak land," on which trees of that kind grow to the size of from two to four feet in diameter — having but little underwood, and no cane growth — " thought to be nearly as rich as the best cane land, and will pro- duce 1500 lbs., or more, of seed cotton, or fifty bushels of corn to the acre." 26. Another from what is termed " palmetto land, having on it that plant as well as a heavy cover of large trees growing luxuri- antly. It is a cold and wet soil before being brought into good tilth ; but afterwards is soft and easy to till, and produces corn and cotton finely. The cane on it is generally small — the soil from four to ten feet deep." One more prairie soil only will be adduced, from many analyses which have furnished general results like the foregoing (20 to 26) ; and this one is given because it serves as a fair specimen of a very large class of the prairie lands. It was selected by Dr. R. W. Withers, in 1835, and described by him as follows : (^Farmers' Register, vol. iii. p. 498.) 27. Soil of Greene county, Alabama, " from our open ov hold prairie, \i. e., totally without trees,] which has been cultivated for seven or eight years — produces corn very well — nearly fifty bushels to the acre are now standing on the ground ; but cotton does not pro- duce so well on it as on poor sandy soil. I feel very confident that this specimen is highly calcareous, as there are many fragments of shells mixed with the soil, and the rock is not two feet from the surfiice. Of all the specimens hitherto sent, this is the one which will give the nearest approach to the general character of our open prairie land in this part of the country." — This specimen was found to contain 33 per cent, of carbonate of lime. — 1835.] The foregoing details, respecting limc-stonc lands, may perhaps 68 LIME ESSENTIAL TO FERTILE SOIL. lie considered an unnecessary digression, in a treatise on the soils of the tide-water district. But the analysis of lime-stone soils furnishes the strongest evidence of the remarkable and novel fact of the general absence of calcareous earth — and the information thence derived will be used to sustain the following steps of my argument. ^ All the examinations of soils in this chapter concur in opposing the general application of the proposition that the deficiency of calcareous earth is the cause of the sterility of our soili^ And having stated the objection in all its force, I shall now proceed to inquire into its causes, and endeavour to dispel its apparent opposi- tion to my doctrine. CHAPTER VII. PROOFS OF THE EXISTENCE OF ACID AND NEUTRAL SOILS. Proposition 2 — continued. Sufficient evidence has been adduced to prove that many of our most fertile and valuable soils are destitute of calcareous earth. But it does not necessarily follow that such has always been their composition ; or that they may not now contain enough lime com- bined with some other acid than the carbonic. That this is really the case, I shall now offer proofs to establish; and not only main- tain this position with regard to those valuable soils, but shall con- tend, that lime, in some projioriion, comLined icith vegetahle acid, is present in every soil capable of supporting vegetation. But, while I shall endeavour to maintain these positions, without asking or even admitting any exception, let me not be understood as asserting that the degree of natural fertility of a calcareous soil is in proportion to the amount of calcareous earth contained ; or, that the knowledge of the proportion of calcareous earth, or of lime in any form, contained, would serve to measure the capacity of the soil for production or for fertilization. On the contrary, chalky and calcareous soils, not differing materially in agricultural qualities or fertility, sometimes exhibit remal-kable differences in their pro- portions of calcareous earth ; so that one soil, having less than one per cent., may seem as well constituted and as valuable as another having ten per cent., or more. [The reason is, that a very small proportion is enough for the full chemical action ; and that any surplus, even if not hurtful by its amount, will have no other than the comparatively feeble mechanical action — which may even be injurious, and iu opposition to, and counteracted by the chemical action.] ACID AND NEUTRAL SOILS DEFINED. 60 Tn all naturally poor soils, producing freely pine and whortlG- berry in their virgin state, and sheep-sorrel after cultivation, I sup- pose to have been formed some vegetable acid, which, after taking up, and combining with whatever small quantity of lime miglit have been present, still remains in excess in the soil, and nourishes in the highest degree the plants named above, but is a poison to all useful crops 3 and effectually prevents such acid soils from becom- ing rich, by either natural or artificial applications of putrescent manures. In a neutral soil, I suppose calcareous earth to have been suffi- ciently abundant at some former time to induce a high degree of fertility — but that it has been decomposed, and the lime taken up, by the gradual formation of vegetable acid, until the lime and the acid neutralize and balance each other, leaving no considerable ex- cess of either ; and that such are all our fertile soils which are not now calcareous. Both these suppositions remain to be proved, in all their parts. No opinion has been yet advanced that is less supported by good authority, or to which more general oppT)sition may be expected, than that which supposes the existence of acid soils. The term sour soil is indeed frequently used by. farmers, but in so loose a manner as to deserve no consideration. It has been thus applied to any moist, cold, and ungrateful land, without intending that the term should be literally understood, and perhaps without attaching to its use any precise meaning whatever. Dundonald only, of all those who have applied chemistry to agriculture, has asserted the exist- ence of vegetable acid in soils :* but he has offered no analysis of soils in proof, nor any other evidence to establish the fact 3 and his opinion has received no confirmation, nor even the slightest no- tice, from later and more able investigators of the chemical cha- racters of soils. Kirwan and Davy profess to enumerate all the common ingredients of soils; and it is not intimated by either that vegetable acid is one of them. Even this tacit denial by Davy more strongly opposes the existence of vegetable acid, than it is supported by the opinion of Dundonald, or any early writers on agriculture, if there be any who may have admitted its existence. [For it cannot be supposed that so able and profound an investiga- tor would have omitted all reference to an ingredient of soils so general, and therefore so important, as is here asserted, even if its presence had been even suspected by him, much less if fully known.] (xriscuthwaite, a late writer on agricultural chemistry, and who has theP advantage of knowing the discoveries, and comparing the opinions, of all his predecessors, expressly denies the possibility of any acid existing in soils. His JVew ' Theory of Agriculture ■\ con- * Dundonald' s Connexion of Chemistry and Agriculture. I Republished in Ameiican Farmer, (old) vol. ii. 70 CHEMICAL AUTHORITY OPPOSED TO ACID SOIL. tains the following passage : " Chalk has been recommended as a substance calculated to correct the sourness of land. It would surely have been a wise practice to have previously ascertained this existence of acid, and to have determined its nature, in order that it might be effectually removed. The fact really is, that no soil was ever yet found to contain any notable quantity of .acid. The acetic and the carbonic are the only two that are likely to be gene- rated by any spontaneous decomposition of animal or vegetable bodies, and neither of them have any fixity when exposed to the air." Thus, then, my doctrine is deprived of even the feeble sup- port it might have had from Duudonald's mere opinion, if that opinion had not -been contradicted by later and better authority ; and the only support to be looked for, will be in the facts and argu- ments that I shall be able to adduce. I am not prepared to question what G-risenthwaite states as a chemical fact, "that no soil was ever yet found to contain any notable quantity of acid." No soil examined by me for this pur- pose, with such poor means as I could apply, gave any evidence of the presence of uncombined acid. Still, however, the term acid may be applied with propriety to soils in which growing vegetables continually receive acid from the decomposition of others (for which no " fixity" is requisite), or in which acid is present, not free, but combined with some base, by which it is readily yielded, to promote, or retard, the growth of plants in contact with it. It will be suifi- cient for my purpose to show that certain soils contain some sub- stance, or possess some quality, which promotes almost exclusively the growth of acid plants— that this power is strengthened by adding known vegetable acids to the soil — and is totally removed by the application of calcareous manures, which would necessarily destroy any acid, if it were present. Leaving it to chemists to determine the nature and properties of this substance, I merely contend for its existence and effects; and the cause of these effects, whatever it may be, for the want of a better name, I shall call acid it I/. The proofs now to be offered in support of the existence of acid and neutral soils, however weak each may be when considered alone, yet, when taken in connexion, will together form a body of evidence not easily to be resisted. First proof . — Pines and common sorrel \_rumcx acctocclla] have leaves well known to be acid to the taste ; and their growth is fa- voured by such soils as are here supposed to be acid, to an extent which would be thought remarkable in other plants on the richest soils. Except wild locust on the best of our river land, no growth can compare in rapidity with pines on soils naturally poor, and even when greatly reduced by long cultivation. Pines iisually stand so thick, on old exhausted fields, that the increase of size in PROOFS OF ACID SOILS. 71 eacli plant is greatly retarded ; but if the wliole growth of an acre were estimated, it wouhl probably exceed in quantity the diflerent growth of the richest soils, of the same age and on an equal space. Every cultivator of corn on poor light soil knows how rapidly sorrel* will cover his otherwise naked field, unless kept in check by continual tillage — and that to root it out, so as to prevent the like future labour, cannot be eifected by any mode of cultivation what- ever. This weed too is considered far more hurtful to growing crops, than any other of equal size. Yet neither of these acid plants can thrive on the best lands. Sorrel cannot even live on a calcareous soil; and if a pine is sometimes found there, it has nothing of its usual elegant form, but seems as stunted and ill- shaped as if it had always suifered for want of nourishment. In- numerable facts, of which these are examples, prove that these acid plants must derive from their favourite' soil some kind of food pe- cidiarly suited to their growth, and quite useless, if not hurtful, to cultivated crops. 2d. Dead acid plants are the most effectual in promoting the growth of living ones. When pine leaves are applied to a soil, whatever acid they contain is of course given to that soil, for such time as circumstances permit it to retain its form, or peculiar pro- perties. Such an application is often made on a large scale, by cutting down the second growth of pines, on land once under till- age, and suffering them to lie a year before clearing and cultivating the land. The invariable consequence of this course is a growth of sorrel, for one or two years, so abundant and so injurious to the crops, as to more than balance any benefit derived by the soil from the vegetable matter having been allowed to rot. From the gene- ral experience of this eifect, most persons put pine land under tillage as soon as cut down, after carefully burning (to destroy) the whole of the heavy cover of leaves, both green and dry. Until within a few years, it was generally supposed that the leaves of pine were worthless, if not hurtful, in all applications to cultivated land — which opinion doubtless was founded on such facts as have been just stated. But if they are used as litter for cattle, and heaped to ferment, the injurious quality of pine leaves is destroyed, and they become a valuable manure. This practice is but of recent origin — but is highly approved, and rapidly extending. [Still later it has been found that when these leaves are applied unrotted, as raked up in woodland, to calcareous land, they produce only and * Sheep sorrel, or Rumex acetocella. The ■wood sorrel {Oxalis acetocella) is of a very different character. The latter prefers rich and even calcareous soils, and I have seen it growing well on spots calcai'eous to excess. It would seem, therefore, that wood sorrel forms its acid from the atmosphere, aneVioes not draw it from the soil, as I suppose to be the case with common sorrel. [The wood sorrel is a trefoil, and pod-bearing or leguminous plant,] 72 TEOOFS OF ACID SOILS. always beneficial results ; and that this is the best as well as cheap- est naode of their application.] On one of the washed and barren declivities (or galls) which are so numerous on all our farms, I had the small gullies packed full of green pine bushes, and then covered with the earth drawn from the equally barren intervening ridges, so as nearly to smooth the whole surface. The whole piece hud borne nothing previously ex- cept a few scattered tufts of poverty grass (ciristlda gracilis) and dwarfish sorrel, all of which did not prevent the spot seeming quite bare at mid-summer, if viewed at some distance. This operation was performed in February or March. The land was not culti- vated, nor again observed, until the second summer afterwards. At that time, the piece remained as bare as formerly, escept along the filled gullies, which, throughout the whole of their crooked courses, were covered by a thick and uncommonly tall growth of sorrel, re- markably luxuriant for any situation, and which, being bounded exactly by the width of the narrow gullies, had the appearance of some vegetable sown thickly in drills, and kept clean by tillage. So great an eifect of this kind has not been produced within my knowledge — though facts of like nature, and leading to the same conclusion, are of frequent occurrence. If small pines standing thinly over a broom-grass old-field are cut down and left to lie, un- der every top will be found a patch of sorrel, before the leaves have all rotted. 3d. The growth of sorrel is not only peculiarly favoured by the application of vegetables containing acids already formed, but also by such matters as will form acid in the course of their decomposi- tion. Farm-yard manure, and all other putrescent animal and vegetable substances, form acetic acid as their decomposition pro- ceeds.* If heaps of rotting manure are left without being spread, in a field but very slightly subject to produce sorrel, a few weeks of growing weather will bring out that plant close around every heap ; and for some time the sorrel will continue to show more benefit from that rank manuring than any other grass. For several years my winter-made manure was spread and ploughed in on land not cultivated until the next autumn, or the spring after. This practice was founded on the mistaken opinion, that it would prevent much of the usual exposure to evaporation and waste of the manure. One of the reasons which alone would have compelled me to aban- don this absurd practice was, that a crop of sorrel always followed, (even on neutral or good soils that before barely permitted a scanty growth of it to live), which so injured the next grain crop as greatly to lessen the benefit from the manure. Sorrel unnaturally produced by such applications does not infest the land longer than * Agr. Chem. p. 187. (Phil, cd.) PROOFS OP ACID SOILS. 73 until we may suppose the recent supply of acid to have been re- moved by cultivation and other, causes. It may be objected that, even if fully admitted, my authorities prove only the formation of a single vegetable acid in soil, the acetic — that my facts show only the production of a single acid plant, sorrel — and that the acid which sorrel contains is not the acetic, but the oxalic* In reply to such objections, it may be said, that from the application of acids to recently ploughed land, no acid plant except sorrel is made to grow, because that one only can spring up speedily enough to arrest the the fleeting nutriment. Po- verty grass (^Arktida gracilis or A. dichotomd) grows only on the same kinds of soil, and generally covers them after tl^iey have been a year free from a crop, but does not show sooner ; and pines re- quire two years before their seeds will produce plants. But when pines begin to spread over the land, they soon put an end to the growth of all other plants, and are abundantly supplied with their acid food, from the dropping of their own leaves. Thus they may be first supplied with the vegetable acid ready formed in the leaves, and afterwards with the acetic acid, formed by their sub- sequent slow decomposition. It does not weaken my argument, that the product of a plant is a vegetable acid different from the one supposed to have nourished its growth. All vegetable acids (except the prussic), however different in their properties, are com- posed of the same three elementary bodies, differing only in their proportionsf — and consequently are all convertible into each other. A little more, or a little less of one or the other of these ingre- dients, may change the acetic to the oxalic acid, and that to any other. We cannot doubt but that such simple changes may be produced by the chemical powers of vegetation, when others are effected far more difficult for us to comprehend. The most tender and feeble organs, and the mildest juices, aided by the power of animal or vegetable life, are able to produce decompositions and combinations which the chemist cannot explain, and which he would in vain attempt to imitate. 4th. This ingredient of soils, which nourishes acid plants, also poisons cultivated crops. Plants have not the power of rejecting noxious fluids, but take up by their roots everything presented in a soluble form.j Thus the acid also enters the sap-vessels of culti- vated plants, stints their growth, and makes it impossible for them to attain that size and perfection which their proper f lod would insure, if it were presented to them without its poisonous accom- paniment. When the poorest virgin wood-land is cut down, it is * Agr. Chem. Lecture .S. I Carbon, oxygen, and liydrogen. Agr. Cbem. Lecture ?, p. 78. X Agr. Cliem. Lecture t>, page 180. 7 74 PROOFS OP NEUTRAL AND ACID SOILS. covered aud filled to excess with leaves and other rotted and rotting vegetable matters. Can a heavier vegetable manuring be desired? And as this completely rots during cultivation, must it not oifcr to the growing plants as abundant a supply of food as they can re- quire ? Yet the best product obtained may be from ten to fifteen bushels of corn, or five or six of wheat, soon to come down to half those quantities. If the noxious quality which causes such injury is an acid, it is as certain as any chemical truth whatever, that it will be neutralized, and its powers destroyed, by applying enough of calcareous earth to the soil ; and precisely such effects are found wherever that remedy is tried. On land thus relieved of this un- ceasing au'Qoyance, the young plants of corn no longer appear of a pale and sickly green, approaching to yellow, but take immediately a deep healthy colour, by which they may readily be distinguished from any on adjoining ground, left in its former state, before there is any perceptible difference in the size of the plants. The crop will produce fifty to one hundred per cent, more, the first year, be- fore its supply of food can possibly have been increased^ and the soil is soon found not only clear of sorrel, but absolutely incapable of producing it. I have anticipated these effects of calcareous ma- nures, before furnishing the evidence ; but they will hereafter be established by facts beyond contradiction. The truth of the existence of either acid or neutral soils depends on the existence of the other ; and to prove either, will necessarily establish both. If acid exists in soils, then whenever it meets with calcareous earth, the two substances must combine with and neu- tralize each other, so far as their proportions are properly adjusted. On the other hand, if I can show that compounds of lime and vege- table acid are present in most soils, it follows inevitably that nature has provided means by which soils can generally obtain this acid j and if the amount formed can balance the lime, the operation of the same causes can exceed that quantity, and leave an excess of free acid. From these premises will be deduced the following proofs. 5th. It has been stated (page 57) that the process recommended by chemists for finding the calcareous earth in soils was unfit for that purpose, because some precipitate was always obtained, even when no calcareous earth or carbonate of lime was present. Fre- quent trials have shown me that this precipitate is considerably more abundant from good soils than bad. The substance thus ob- tained from rich soils by solution and precipitation, in every case that I have tried, contains «ome carbonate of lime, although the soil from which it was derived had none. The alkaline liquor from which the precipitate has been separated, we are told by Davy, will, after boiling, let fall the carbonate of magnesia, if any had been in tho soil ; but when any notable deposit is thus obtained, it will DISAPPEARANCE OP CARBONATE OP LIME IN SOILS. 75 often bo found to consist more of carbonate of lime, than of mag- nesia. The following are examples of such ijrocliicts : One thousand grains of tide-marsh soil (page 03, No. 4), acted on by muriatic acid in the pneumatic apparatus, gave out no car- bonic acid gas, and therefore could have contained no carbonate of lime. The precipitate obtained from the same weighed sixteen grains ; which being again acted on by sulphuric acid, evolved as much gas as showed that three grains had become carbonate of lime, in the previous part of the process. Two hundred grains of alluvial soil from Saratoga Springs (page G5, No. 18), containing no carbonate of lime, yielded a precipitate of twelve grains, of which three was carbonate of lime — and a deposit from the alkaline solution weighing six grains, four of which was carbonate of lime. Seven hundred grains of limestone soil from Bedford, Pennsyl- vania (part of the specimen marked 14, page 64), contained about two-thirds of a grain of carbonate lime — and its precipitate of twenty-eight grains, only yielded two grains : but the alkaline solution deposited eleven grains of 'the carbonates of lime and magnesia, of which at least five was of the former, as there remained seven and a half of solid matter, after the action of sul- phuric acid.* [Eleven hundred and fifty grains of the rich alluvial earth depo- sited by the Mississippi river, in Arkansas, yielded, in the pneu- matic apparatus, 9^^ ounce measures of carbonic acid gas, and of course could not have contained more than nineteen grains of carbonate of lime, — or, so far as the carbonate was of magnesia, something less in proportion. But by adding carbonate of potash to the acid solution, fifty-two grains were precipitated, all of which, according to Davy, should have been carbonate of lime ; and from the alkaline solution thus made, by standing and boiling, 201 grains more of solid matter was precipitated, which, according to Davy, should have been carbonate of magnesia ; and making of * The measurement of the carbonic acid gas evolved was relied on to show the whole amount of carbonates present — and sulphuric acid was used to distinguish between lime and magnesia, in the deposit from the alkaline solution. If any alumina or magnesia had made part of the solid matter exposed to diluted sulphuric acid, the combinations formed would have been soluble salts, which would of course have remained dissolved and in- visible in the fluid. Lime only, of the four chemical earths, forms with sulphuric acid a substance but slightly soluble, and which therefore can be mostly separated in a solid foiTa. The whole of this substance (sulphate *of lime) cannot be obtained in this manner, as a part is always dissolved ; but whatever is obtained, proves that at least two-thirds of that quantity of carbonate of lime had been present ; as that quantity of lime which will combine with enough carbonic acid to make 100 parts (by weight) of car- bonate of lime, will combine with so much more of sulphuric acid, as to form about 150 parts of the sulphate of lime, or gypsum. 76 NEUTRAL SOILS. botli precipitates (52 + 202==) 722- grains of carbonates of lime and magnesia, for the quantity in the original specimen of soil. Yet the first operation clearly proved there could have been no more than nineteen. Subsequent information and experience showed tlyit Davy's mode for sGf)arating the results of lime and magnesia was as little to be relied on, as that for ascertaining the quantity of carbonate of lime alone.] From these processes, there can be no doubt butihat the soils con- tained a proportion of some salt of lime (or lime combined with some kind of acid), which being decomposed by and combined with the muriatic acid, was then precipitated, not in its first form, but in that of carbonate of lime — it being supplied with carbonic acid from the carbonate of potash used to produce the precipitation. The proportions obtained in these cases were small ; but it does not follow that the whole quantity of lime contained in the soil was found. However, to the extent of this small proportion of lime, ia proved clearly the presence of enough of some acid (and that not the carbonic) to combine with it. Neither could it have been the sulphuric, or the phosphoric acid ; for though both the sulphate and phosphate of lime are in some soils, yet neither of these salts can be decomposed by muriatic acid. Q)th. The strongest objection to the doctrine of neutral soils is, that, if true, the salt formed by the combination of the lime and acid must often be present in such considerable proportions, that it is scarcely credible that its presence and nature should not have been discovered by any of the able chemists who have analyzed soils.* This difficulty I cannot remove, but it may be met (or * This difficulty, founded on my then profound and often misplaced re- spect for all scientific authorities, "would have Ireen less, if my own acquaint- ance with chemistry and chemists had been greater. Boussingault says fhat any substance in minute quantity, not appearing among the results of analyses by chemists, is by no means evidence that such substances might not have been present, and even easily detected in the original body ana- lyzed. Thus, he adds, "iodine and bromine for along time escaped notice in all the analyses of sea-water. Chemists, in fact, only discover readily the bodies which exist in some very appreciable qiiantities in the com- pounds they examine. The substances whose presence is not foreseen, those which only enter in extremely small quantity in a mineral, are apt to pass the eyes unperceived, of even the most skilful and conscientious." Rur. Econ. lants:' (p. 280.) The last words of the passage 88 FORMATION OP ACID IN SOIL. Supposing the doctrine to be sufficiently established by my own proofs offered above, it may be useful to trace the formation and increase of acidity in different soils, according to the views which have been presented, and to display the promise which that quality holds out for improving those soils which it has heretofore rendered barren and worthless. * Every neutral soil at some former time must have contained cal- careous earth in sufficient quantity to produce the uniform effect of that ingredient of storing up and fixing fertility. [It was then ?i calcareous soil, however small might have been the proportion of free carbonate of lime contained.] The decomposition of the suc- cessive growths of plants, left to rot on the rich soil, continually formed vegetable acid, which, as fast as formed, united with the lime in the soil. At last these two principles balanced each other, and the soil was no longer calcareous, but neutral. Instead of its former ingredient, cai-bonate of lime, it was now supplied with a vegetable salt of lime. This change of soil does not affect the na- tural growth, which remains the same, and thrives as well as when the soil was calcareous ; and when brought into cultivation, the soil is equally productive under all crops suited to calcareous soils. If the supi)lies of vegetable matter continue, the soil may even be- come acid in some measure, as may be evidenced by the growth of sorrel — ^but without losing any of its fertility before acquired. The tlegree of acidity in any one soil frequently varies ; it is increased by the growth of such plants as delight to feed on it, and by the decomposition of all vegetable matters. Hence the longer a poor field remains at rest, and not grazed, the more acid it becomes ; and this evil keeping pace with the benefits derived, is the cause why so little improvement, or increased product, is obtained from putting acid soils under that mild treatment. Cultivation not only pre- vents new supplies, but also diminishes the acidity already present of course I oppose ; deeming all acid products of soil, alone, as injurious to fertility and productiveness of tlie land for useful crops. Besides the state of carbonate, Johnston says that lime exists in fertile soils as chloride of calcium (muriate of lime), as sulpliate, pliosphatc, silicate, or humate of lime. "In combination with humic acid, lime exists most frequently in soils wliich abound in vegetable matter — in peaty soils, for example, to which lime or marl have been added. * * * Few in- vestigations have as yet been made in regard to the proportion of lime which exists in the soil in the state of humate. It has generally been taken for granted, either that a soil teas destiiute of lime, if it exhibited no sensible eifervescence with dilute muriatic acid, or, when further research was made, and the quantity of lime rigorously detei'mincd, that the whole of this lime must have existed in the state of carbonate. That this is not necessarily the case, however, appears to be proved by some recent examinations of certain soils in Normandy, which contain as much as 14 to 15 per cent, of lime, and yet exhibit no eifervescence, and contain no carbonate. The whole of the lime is said to Ik; in the state of humate. (p. 230-1. — 1819,] LIME PRESENT IN ALL SOILS, NOT BARREN. 89 in- excess, by exposing it to the atmosphere ; and therefore the more a soil is exhausted of its fertility, the more will also be less- ened its acidity, [in absolute quantity ; though not relatively to its degree of fertility, which will be lessened still more.] We have seen from the proof furnished by the analysis of wood ashes, that even poor acid soils contain a little salt of lime, and therefore must have been slightly calcareous at some former time. But such small proportions of calcareou.s earth were soon equalled, and then exceeded, by the formation of vegetable acid, before much productiveness was caused. The soil being thus changed, the plants suitable to calcareous soils died off, and gave place to others which produce, as well as feed and thi-ive on, acidity. Still, however, even these plants furnish abundant supplies of vegetable matter, sufficient to enrich the land in the highest degree ; but the antiseptic power of the acid prevents the leaves from rotting for years, and even then the soil has no power to profit by their pro- ducts. Though continually wasted, the vegetable matter is continually again forming, and always present in abundance ; but must remain almost useless to the soil, until the accompanying acidity shall be destroyed. [It may well be doubted whether any soil destitute of lime in every form would not necessarily be a perfect barren, incapable of producing a spire of grass. No soil thus destitute is known, as the plants of all soils show in their ashes the presence of some lime. But it is probable that our sub-soils, which, when left naked by the washing away of the soil, are so generally and totally barren, are made so by their being entirely destitute of lime in any form. There is a natural process regularly and at all times working to de- prive the sub-soil of all lime, unless the soil is abundantly supplied. What constitutes soil, and makes the strong and plain mark of separation and distinction between the more or less fertile soil and the absolutely sterile sub-soil beneath ? The most obvious cause for this difference which might be stated, is the dropping of the dead vegetable matter on the surface ; but this is not sufficient alone to produce the effects, though it may be so when aided by another cause of more power. When the most barren surface earth was formed or deposited by any of the natural agents to which such effects are atti'ibuted by geologists, it seems reasonable to suppose that the surface was no richer than any lower part of the whole upper stratum so deposited. If, then, a very minute proportion of lime had been equally distributed through the body of poor earth to any depth that the roots of trees could penetrate, it would follow that the roots would, in the course of time, take up all the lime, as all of it would be wanting for the support of the trees ; and their death and decay woukf afterwards leave all this former ingredient of the soil, in general, on the surface. This 8* 90 DORMANT FERTILITY OF UNrRODUCTIVE LANDS. process must have the eifect, in the course of time, of fixing on and near the surface the whole of a scanty supply of lime, and of leaving the subsoil without any. But if there is within the reach of the roots more lime than any one crop or growth of plants needs, then the superfluous lime will be permitted to remain in the sub-soil, which sub-soil will then be improvable by vegetable sub- stances, and readily convertible to productive soil. The manner in which lime thus operates will be explained in the next chapter. —1835.] Nearly all the woodland now remaining in lower Virginia, and also much of the laud which has long been arable, is rendered un- productive by acidity; and successive generations have toiled on such land, almost without remuneration, and without suspecting that their worst virgin land was then richer than their manux'ed lots appeared to be. The cultivator of such soil, who knows not its peculiar disease, has no other prospect than a gradual decrease of his always scanty crops. But if the evil is once understood, and the means of its removal are within his reach, he has reason to rejoice that his soil was so constituted as to be preserved from the effects of the improvidence of his forefathers, who would have worn out any land not almost indestructible. The presence of acid, by restraining the productive powers of the soil, has in a great measure saved it from exhaustion ; and after a course of cropping which would have utterly ruined soils much better con- stituted, the powers of our acid land remain not greatly impaired, though dormant, and ready to be called into action by merely being relieved of its acid quality. A few crops will reduce a new acid field to so low a rate of product, that it scarcely will pay for its cultivation ; but no great change is afterwards caused, by continu- ing scourging tillage and grazing, for fifty years longer. Thus our acid soils have two remarkable and opposite qualities, both pro- ceeding from the same cause : they can neither be enriched by ma- nure, uor impoverished by cultivation, to any great extent. Quali- ties so remarkable deserve all our powers of investigation ; yet their very frequency seems to have caused them to be overlooked ; and our writers on agriculture have continued to urge those who seek improvement to apply precepts drawn from English authors, to soils which arc totally different from all those for which their instructions were intended.* [* Confirmalory fcslimoni/. — Professor Johnston affirms tliat lime is indis- pensable to the fertility of soils, as I have done. But he goes still farther than what is true, at least as to America, in the following passage: " The results of all the analyses hitherto made of soils naturally fertile, show that lime is universally presgnt. The percentage of lime in a soil may be very small, yet it can always be detected when valuable and healthy crops will grow upon it. Thus the fertile soil of the TESTIMONY OP J. C. LOUDON, 91 IVrarsli lands of Holstein contains 0.2 per cent, of carbonate of iimc. Salt marsh iu East Frieslaud . O.G " " Rich pasture near Durham . 1.31 " " > But though the percentage of lime in these cases appears small, the ab- solute quantity of lime present in the land is still large. Thus, suppose the first of these soils, which contains the least, to be only six inches deep, and each cubic foot to weigh only 80 lbs.— it would contain about 3500 lbs. of carbonate of lime to every acre." — Though the author at first speaks of "lime" as universally present in very fertile soils, it is clear, from the con- text, that he meant carbonate of lime. In succeeding passages he claims the presence of lime in all producing soils, upon the same grounds that I did, viz. : the presence of lime in all ashes of j)iants. [Johnston^ s Lectures, pp. 378-9.) It is interesting to compare this recent admission of Johnston, of even more than I claimed (or would admit), and the now general acceptation of the true doctrine, with the following expressions of the late J. C. Loudon, perhaps then the highest agricultural authority in England, if not in all Europe. IJoth the passages were editorial, in his "Gardener's Magazine" for 1836. The first is part of a short notice of the first edition of this essay (of 1832), which had been "jDirated," garbled, and disguised by the editor of the "British Farmer's Magazine," and so published, as if a com- munication to that periodical. In this notice Mr. Loudon copies the heads of my five propositions, and says — " These propositions contain the mar- row of the Essay, which is closely reasoned, and in several particulars original. Mr. Ruffin has the merit of first pointing out that tlicre can be no such thing as naturally fertile soil without the presence of calcareous earth ; but where this earth is present, the soil, lioAvcver exhausted it may have been by culture, will, when left to itself, after a time regain its origi- nal fertility ; that soils which contain no calcareous earth are never found naturally fertile, .... and that all that art can do to them, exclusive of adding calcareous earth, is to force crops by putrescent manures ; but that when these manures are withheld, the soil Avill speedily revert to its oi-igi- nal sterility. Mr. Ruffin observes that no agi'icultural or chemical writer ever denied these facts; but, he 'asserts, and we think loith truth, that by not one of them have they ever been distinctly stated. AVe are not quite certain as to Grisenthwaite, but we are so as to Ivirwan, Dundonald, Davy, Chaptal, and other agricultural chemists of the continent. ... It is due to Mr. llufiin to state it as our opinion, that he has performed a very important service to the scientific agriculturist iu this counti-y, as well as in America." And again, in a subsequent long editorial article, noticing all the im- portant and valuable discoveries or new improvements in agriculture during the preceding ycai% iMr. Loudon says — "In agricultural science, the only point that we can recollect worthy of notice, that has occm-red during the past year, is the advancement of the principle by the American agricultural writer, Mr. Ruffin, that no soil whatever will continue fertile for any length of time that does not contain calcareous matter. This we believe was never distinctly stated as a prin- ciple by Kirwan, Chaptal, Davy, or any other European chemist or agri- culturist. "—1 819. ] CHAPTER VIII. THE MODE OF OPERATION BY WHICn CALCAREOUS EARTH IN- CREASES THE FERTILITY AND PRODUCTIVENESS OF SOILS. Proposition 3. — The fertilizing effects of calcareous earth are chiefly 'produced hy its power of neutralizing acids, and of com- hining putrescent manures loith soils, between xvhich there would otherwise he hut little, if any, chemical attraction. Proposition 4. — Poor and acid soils cannot he improved durahly, or profitahly, hy putrescent manures, without previously making them calcareous^ and therehy correcting the defect in their con- stitution. It has already been made evident that the presence of calcareous earth [in small proportion, or not in too great escess], in a natural soil, causes great and durable fertility. But it still remains to be determined, to what properties of this earth its peculiar fertilizing effects are to be attributed. Chemistry has taught that silicious earth, in any state of divi- sion, attracts but slightly, if at all, any of the parts of putrescent animal and vegetable matters.* But even if any slight attraction really exists when this earth is minutely divided for esperiment in the laboratory of the chemist, it cannot be exerted by silicious sand in the usual form in which nature gives it to soils ; that is, in particles comparatively coarse, loose, and open, and jet each particle impenetrable to any liquid, or gaseous fluid, that might be passing through the vacancies. Hence, silicious earth can have no power, chemical or mechanical, either to attract enriching manures, or to preserve them when actually placed in contact and intermixed with them ; and soils in which the qualities of this earth greatly predominate, must give out freely all enriching mat- ters which they may have deceived, not only to a growing crop, but to the sun, air, and water, so as soon to lose the whole. No por- tion of putrescent matter can remain longer than the completion of its decomposition ; and if not arrested during this process, by the roots of living plants, all will escape in the form of gas (the latest products of decomposition), into the air, without leaving a trace of lasting improvement. With a knowledge of these pro- perties, we need not resort to the common opinion that manure is * Davy's Agr. Chem, page 129. (92) SINKING OF MANURES, THROUGH SOILS AND SUB-SOILS. 93 lost by sinking throngli sandy soils, to account for its usiially rapid and total disappearance* Aluminous earth, by its closeness, mechanically excludes those agents of decomposition, heat, air, and moisture, which sand so freely admits; and therefore clay soils, in which this earth pre- dominates, give out manure much more slowly than sand, whether for waste or for use. The practical effect of this is universally understood — that clay soils retain manure much longer than sand, but require much heavier applications to show as much effect early, or at once. But as this means of retaining manure is altogether mechanical, it serves only to delay both its use and its waste. * Except the very small proportions of earthy, saline, and metallic mat- ters that may be in animal and vegetable manures, the whole remainder of their bulk (and the whole of whatever can feed plants) is composed of different elements which are known only in the forms of r/ascs — into which manures must be finally resolved, after going through all the various stages of fermentation and decomposition. So far from sinking in the earth, if in quantity, these final results could not be possibly confined there, but must escape into tlie atmosphere as soon as they take a gaseous form, unless immediately taken up by the organs of growing plants, [or unless held by the soil's absorbing chemical power.] It is probable, however, that but a small portion of any dressing of manure remains long enough in the soil to make this final change ; and that nearly all of it is used by growing plants, during previous changes, or carried off by air an^water. [During the progress of the many changes caused by fermentation and decomposi- tion, every portion of the manui'e fit for use, becomes soluble. When in the soluble state only, it is ready for the use of i^lants ; and if not then so used, is as ready to be wasted, if the soil has not enough of attracting and combining power to hold the soluble products. I infer that it depends mainly, if not eiatirely, on the presence or absence of such chemical power in a sandy soil, with also a sandy or other pervious sub-soil, whether the soluble products of putrescent manures are lost by sinking. If there is not enough such power in the soil — (that is, if it contains very little lime in any state) — and there is too much manure in a soluble state for the roots of growing plants to take up immediately, then the remainder will be dis- solved in the first rain, and follow the course of the excess of water, wlicther to flow off the surface, or to sink deep into the sub-soil. Of so much as thus sinks, the further decomposition and final conversion to gases must be retarded by the greater seclusion from heat and air. In the mean time, the substance continues to be soluble, and liable to be again cai-ried deeper, by successive heavier rains, until, with their excess of water, pene- trating to the sources of springs, either temporary or permanent, and thug passing into the streams. We know that springs are thus supplied by the rains, and that their waters are in many cases polluted by organic as well as miuernl soluble matters. This waste by sinking, even of the fertile parts of natural or uumanured soil, is manifest on tilled land of which the pervious sub-soil needs and has failed to receive drainage. In such cases, the water below is oozing away after every wet spell ; and sometimes the soil disappears as if washed away, though having nearly a level surface. The dark-coloured organic and alimentary parts only have been thus re- moved, leaving that which had been soil as poor as its sub-soil. — 18-19.] 9-1 RELATIONS OF CLAY AND CALX TO PUTRESCENT MANURES. Aluminous earth also exerts some cliemical power in attracting and combining with putrescent manures, but too feebly to enable a clay soil to become rich by natural means. [For though clays are able to exert more force than sands in holding manures, their closeness also acts to deny admittance beneath the surface to the enriching matters furnished by the growth and decay of plants. And therefore, before being brought into cultivation, a poor clay soil would derive scarcely any beuetit from its small power of com- bining chemically with putrescent matters. If then it is con- sidered how small is the power of both silicious and aluminous earths to receive and retain putrescent manures, it will cease to cause surprise that such soils cannot bo thus enriched, with profit, if at all. It would indeed be strange and unaccountable, if earths and soils thus constituted could he enriched by putrescent manures alone.— 1835.] Davy states that both aluminous and calcareous earth will combine with any vegetable extract, so as to render it less soluble (and con- sequently not subject to the waste that would otherwise take place), and hence '' that the soils which contain most alumina and carbo- nate of lime, are those which act with the greatest chemical energy in preserving manures." Here is high authority for calcareous earth possessing the power which my argument demands, but not in so great a degree as I think it deserves. Davy apparently places both earths in this respect on the same footing, and allows to aluminous soils retentive powers equal to the calcareous. But though he gives evidence (from chemical experiments) of this power in both earths, he does not seem to have investigated the difference of their forces. Nor could he deem it very important, holding the opinion which he elsewhere expresses, that calcareous earth acts '' merely by forming a useful earthy ingredient in the soil," and consequently attributing to it no remarkable chemical effects as a manure. I shall offer some reasons for believing that the powers of attracting and retaining manure, possessed by these two earths, differ greatly in their degrees of force. The aluminous and calcareous soils of this country, through the whole of their virgin state, have had equal means of receiving vegetable matter ; and if their powers for retaining it were nearly equal, so would be their acquired fertility. Instead of this, while the calcareous soils have been raised to the highest condition, many of the tracts of clay soil remain the poorest and most worthless. It is true that the one laboured under acidity from which the other was free. But if we suppose nine-tenths of the vegetable matter to have been rendered useless by that poisonous quality, the re- maining tenth, applied for so long a time, would have made fertile any soil that had the power to retain the enriching matter. [Many kinds of shells arc partly composed of gelatinous animal MODE OP OPERATION OF CALX AS MANURE. 95 matter, wliich, I suppose, must be cliemically combined vv'itb tbo calcareous eartb, and by that means only is preserved from the putrefaction and waste that would otherwise certainly and speedily take place- Indeed, the large proportion of animal matter which thus helps to constitute some kinds of shells, instead of making tliem more perishable, serves to increase their firmness and solidity. When long exposure, as in fossil shells, has destroyed all animal matter, the texture of the calcareous substance is greatly weakened. A simple experiment will serve to separate, and make manifest to the eye, the animal matter which is thus combined with and pre- served by the calcareous earth. If a fresh-water mussel-shell is kept for some days immersed in a weak mixture of «»nuriatic acid and water, all the calcareous part will be gradually dissolved, leaving the animal matter so entire, as to appear still to be a whole shell — but which, when lifted from the fluid which supj^rts it, will prove to be entirely a flaccid, gelatinous, and putrescent sub- stance, without a particle of calcareous matter being left. Yet this substance, which is so highly putrescent when alone, would have been preserved in combination with calcareous matter, in the shell, for many years, if exposed to the usual changes of air and moisture ; and if secured from such changes, would be almost im- perishable. — 1835.] Calcareous earth has power to preserve those animal matters which are most liable to waste, and which give to the sense of smell full evidence when they are escaping. Of this, a striking example is furnished by an experiment which was made with care and attention. The carcase of a cow, that was killed by accident in May, was laid on the surface of the earth, and covered with about seventy bushels of finely divided fossil shells and earth (mostly silicious), their proportions being as thirty-six of calcare- ous, to sixty-four of silicious earth. After the rains had settled the heap, it was only six inches thick over the highest part of the carcass. The process of putrefaction was so slow, that several weeks passed before it was over ; nor was it ever so violent as to throw off any efiluvia that the calcareous earth did not intercept in its escape, so that no offensive smell was ever perceived. In October, the whole heap was carried out and applied to one-sixth of an acre of wheat — and the effect produced far exceeded that of the like calcareous manure alone, which was applied at the same rate on the surrounding land. No such power as this ex-periment indicated (and which I have since repeated in various modes, and always with like results), will be obtained, or expected, from using clay as the covering earth. Quick-lime is used to prevent the escape of offensive efiluvia from animal matter ; but its operation is entirely different from that of calcareous earth. The former effects its object by " eating" 96 TRESERVING AND FIXING MANURES. or decomposing the animal substance (and nearly destroying it as manure), before putrefaction begins. The operation of calcareous earth is to moderate and retard, but not to prevent putrefaction ; not to destroy the animal matter, but to preserve it effectually, by forming new combinations with the products of putrefaction. This important operation will be treated of more fully in a subsequent chapter. The power of calcareous earth to combine with and retain putres- cent manure, implies the power of fixing them in any soil to which both are applied. ■ The same power will be equally exerted if the putrescent manure is applied to a soil which had previously been made calcareous, whether by nature, or by art. When a chemical combination is formed between the two kinds of manure, the one is necessarily as much fixed in the soil as the other. Neither air, sun or rain, can then waste the putrescent manure, be- cause neither can take it from the calcareous earth, with which it is chemically combined. Nothing can effect the separation of the parts of this compound manure, except the attractive power of growing plants — which, as all experience shows, will draw their food from this combination as fast as they require it, and as easily as from sand. The means then by which calcareous earth acts as an improving manure are, comj>lcteljj preserving putrescent manures from waste, and yielding them freely for use. These particular benefits, however great they may be, cannot be seen very quickly jafter a soil is made calcareous, but will increase with time, and, with the means for obtaining vegetable matters, until their accu- mulation is equal to the soil's power of retention. The kind, or the source, of enriching manure, does not alter the process de- scribed. The natural growth or the soil, left to die and rot, or other putrescent manui'es collected and applied, would alike be seized by the calcareous earth, and fixed in the soil. This, the most important and valuable operation of calcareous earth, then gives nothing to the soil ; but only secures other ma- nures, and gives them wholly to the soil. In this respect, the action of calcareous earth in fixing manures in soils, is precisely like that of mordants in '^setting" or fixing colours on cloth. When alum, for example, is used by the dyer for this purpose, it adds not the slightest tint of itself — but it holds to the cloth, and also to the otherwise fleeting dye, and thus fixes them permanently together. " Witlii)ut the mordant, the colour might have been equally vivid, but would be lost by the first wetting of the cloth. [Thus, reasoning a priori from that chemical poAvcr possessed by calcareous earth, which is wanting to both sandy and clayey earths, would load to the conclusion that calcareous earth serves to combine putrescent matters with the soil in general ; and the known results of fertility being therein so fixed, might serve for NEUTRALIZING ACIDS IN SOILS. 97 tlie like proof, even -without tlie other course of reasoning. There is still another proof of this combination being formed, which is ob- tained by a chemical process, but which is so simple that no chemi- cal science is requisite to make the trial. If a specimen of any naturally poor soil, after being dried and reduced to powder, be agitated in a vessel of water (as a common drinking glass), and then allowed to stand still, the coarser sili- cious sand will subside first, the finer sand next, and last the clay. In this manner, and by pouring oif the ligliter parts, before their subsidence, it is very easy to separate with suificient accuracy the sand from the clay. But if a specimen of a good rich ncxdral soil be tried in that manner, it will be found that the finest sand and the clay and putrescent matter hold together so closely that they cannot be separated by mere agitation in water. Then take another sample of the same soil, and pour to it a small quantity of diluted muriatic acid ; and though no effervescence is produced (the lime not being in the form of carbonate), the acid will take away the lime, or destroy its combination with the other earths, so that the sand and the clay may then be separated by agitation in water, as perfectly and easily as in the case of the poorest soils. This dif- ference between good and bad soils (whether light or stiff), or those naturally rich and those naturally poor, cannot escape the observa- tion of the young experimenter; and the cause can be no other than what I have supposed. This then serves as the third mode of proof of the important position, that calcareous earth (or lime in some other form) not only combines with vegetable and animal matters, but also serves (as a connecting link) to combine these matters with the sand and clay of the soil. — 1842.] The next most valuable property of calcareous manures for the improvement of soil is their poicer of neutralizing acids, which has already been incidentally brought forward in the preceding chapter. According to the views already presented, even our poorest cultivated soils contain more vegetable matter than they can beneficially use ; and when first cleared, they have it in great excess. So antiseptic is the acid quality of poor woodland, that before the crop of leaves of one year can entirely rot, two or three others will have fallen ; and there are always enough, at any one time, to greatly enrich the soil, if the leaves could be rotted and fixed in it at once. [This alleged antiseptic effect of vegetable acid in our soils re- ceives strong support from the facts established with regard to j^eat soils, in which vegetable acids have been discovered by chemical analysis ; and though the peat or moss soils of Britain differ entirely from any soils in eastern Virginia (except that of the great Bisuial Swamp, the only extensive peat bog known), still some facts relating to the former class may throw light on the properties 9 98 ALTERING TEXTURE ANB ABSORBENCY OP SOILS. of our own soils, different as they may be. Not only does vegeta- ble matter remain without putrefaction in peat soils and bogs, and serve to increase their depth by regular accretions from the succes- sive annual growths, but even the bodies of beasts and men have been found unchanged under peat, many years after they had been covered.* It is well known that the leaves of trees rot very quickly on the rich lime-stone soils of the Western States (neutral soils), while the successive crops of several years' growth, in the different stages of their slow decomposition, may be always found on the acid woodland of lower Virginia. The presence of acid in soils, by preventing or retarding putre- faction, keeps the vegetable matter inert, and even hurtful on cul- tivated land; and the crops are still further injured by taking up this poisonous acid with their nutriment. A sufficient quantity of calcareous earth, mixed with such a soil, will immediately neutralize the acid, and destroy its powers; and the soil, released from this baneful influence, will be rendered capable, for the first time, of using the fertility which it really possessed. The benefiti thus produced is almost immediate ; but though the soil will show a new vigour in its earliest vegetation, and may even double its first crop, yet no part of that increased product is due to the direct operation of the calcareous manure, but merely to the removal of acidity. The calcareous earth, in such a case, has not made the soil richer in the slightest degree, but has merely permitted it to bring into use the enriching principles it had before, and which were concealed by the acid character of the soil. It will be a dangerous error for the farmer to suppose that calcareous earth can enrich soil by direct means. It destroys the worst foe of produc- tiveness, and uses to the greatest advantage the fertilizing powers of other manures ; but of itself it gives no fertility to soils, nor does it furnish the least food to growing plants. f These two kinds of action are by far the most powerful of the means possessed by calcareous earth for fertilizing soils. It has another however of great importance — or rather two others, which may be best described together as the j)oiver of altering the texture and ahsorhency of soils. At first it may seem impossible that the same manure can pro- duce such opposite effects on soils as to lessen the faults of being either too sandy or too clayey — and the evils occasioned by both the want and the excess of moisture. Contradictory as this may * See Aiton's Essay on Moss Earth, republished in Farmers' Register, vol. v., p. 462. [•}■ Confirmation. — Lime "neutralizes acid substances, ■which arc naturally formed in the soil, and decomposes or renders harmless other noxious com- pounds which are not unfrequently within reach of the roots of plants."' Johnston's A jr. Chem. p. 400.] ALTERING TEXTURE AND ABSORBENCY OF SOILS. 99 appear, it is strictly true as to calcareous earth. In common with clay, calcareous earth possesses the power of making sandy soils more close and firm — and in common with sand, the power of making clay soils lighter, or more open and mellow. When sand and clay thus alter the textures of soils, their operation is alto- gether mechanical ; but calcareous earth must exert chemical action in producing such efiects, as its power is very far greater than that of either sand or clay. A very great quantity of clay would be required to stiffen a sandy soil perceptibly, and still more sand would be necessary to make a clay soil much lighter — so that the cost of such improvement would genei'ally exceed the benefit obtained. Far greater effects on the texture of soils are derived from much less quantities of calcareous earth, besides obtaining the more valuable operation of its other powers.* Every substance that is open enough for air to enter, and the particles of which ^ are not absolutely impenetrable, must absorb moisture from the atmosphere. Aluminous earth, reduced to an impalpable powder, has strong absorbing powers. But this is not the form in which such soils can act — and a close and solid clay will scarcely admit the passage of air or water, and therefore can- not absorb much moisture except by its surface. Through sandy soils, the air passes freely ; but most of its particles are impene- trable by moisture, and therefore these soils are also extremely deficient in absorbent power. Calcareous earth, by rendering clay more open to the entrance of air, and closing partially the too open pores of sandy soils, increases the absorbent powers of both. To increase that power in any soil, is to enable it to draw supplies of moisture from the air, in the drycst weather, and to resist more strongly the waste by evaporation of light rains. A calcareous soil will so quickly absorb a hasty shower of rain as to appear to have received less than adjoining land of different character; and yet if observed in summer, when under tillage, some days after a rain, and when other adjacent land appears dry on the surface, the part made calcareous will still show the moisture to be yet remain- ing, by its darker colour. All the effects from this power of calca- reous manures may be observed within a few years after their ap- plication — though none of them so strongly marked, as they are on lands made calcareous by nature, and in which time has aided and perfected the operation. These soils present great variety in their proportions of sand and clay ; yet the most clayey is friable enough, and the most sandy firm and close enough, to be considered soils of good texture; and they resist the extffemes of both wet [* Trofessor Johnston confirms this remarkable power of calcareous manures to make clay soils lighter, and light soils more close ; but (strangely enough), ascribes these opposite operations to the physical or vKchankal action of lime. (P. 400, Agr. Chem.)— 184'J.] 100 LIME AS POOD FOR TLANTS. and dry seasons, Ibettev than any other soils whatever. Time, and the increase of vegetable matter, will bring those qualities to the same perfection in soils made calcareous by artificial means, as they are in soils made calcareous by nature. The subsequent gradual accumulation of vegetable or other putrescent matter in the soil, by the combining or fixing power of calcareous earth, must have yet another beneficial ciiect on vegetation. The soil is thereby made darker in colour, and it con- sequently is made warmer, by more freely absorbing the rays of the sun. [This must cause earlier ripening of all the vegetable growths.] [There is another power or function of lime in soil, indispensa- ble to the perfection, healthy growth, and perhaps even to the ex- istence of every plant ; and which has already been considered as a proof of neutral soils. This is to supply, through the roots, to every growing plant some lime in soluble state which will remain fixed in the plant. This quantity varies with the kind of plant, and its wants in different stages of growth ; and however varying in difl^ercnt kinds of plants, even when most abundant, it is always very small in proportion to the other (organic) matters taken up by and retained in the substance of plants. By reducing the plant to ashes only can the lime taken up by the roots be found, and the proportion to the ashes and to the former vegetable substance be known. It may be perhaps deemed a contradiction, or drawing a distinc- tion where there is no real difi'erence, to affirm the absolute necessity of every plant receiving through its roots, a certain proportion of lime, however minute, and yet denying that lime serves as food for plants. I admit the difficulty of clearly discriminating by defini- tion between the two functions. Still, there is great difference between the manner and results of the supply of lime to plants, and of the aliment which they draw from putrescent manures, humus, or other soluble organic matter. According to the quantity of soluble putrescent manure supplied to or naturally in a soil (unless so enormous as to be hurtful), so will be the quantity of the earliest vegetable growth thereon. But if a soil has been so moderately supplied with lime, as to be barely rendered neutral, the subsequent addition of any greater quantity of lime will add nothing directly, or speedily, to the production of grain or other ordinary crops — nor to the quantity of lime taken up by the whole of such succeeding growth. If a soil so destitute of organic mat- ter — such as is recognised by all as furnishing food to plantS' — as to be nearly barren, is supplied properly and profusely with putres- cent manures, the next growth of vegetables may be remarkable for luxuriance and heavy product. But if this rich supply of food had been entirely withheld, and lime or calcareous earth given SPECIFIC MANURE FOR CERTAIN KINDS OP PLANTS. 101 instead, in any quantity, either a very slight increase of productive power, or none at all, would be shown in the next immediately succeeding attempt to produce a crop thereon. Whether then it be correct to consider lime as food for plants, or not, it is all-important tliat farmers should act, in applying calcareous manures, as if they thereby furnished no food whatever to plants in the direct manner that is done by dung. And great as is this error of the opposite opinion, it has had extensive influence and very injurious conse- quences. In the greater number of cases, where ignorant farmers have just arrived at the before unknown truth that calcareous ma- nures are of benefit to crops and land, they proceed immediately to the false conclusion that they will produce benefit in the same manner as putrescent manures ; and they apply them by the same rules and to similar soils, in the vain expectation of in like manner supplying food to the crops. Such course can result only in dis- appointment and loss of means, if not injury to the land. As has been stated, all known plants, not excepting the acid kinds, contain some lime, and therefore it may safely be assumed that some lime is indispensable to the growth of every plant, and to even the lowest productive power of every soil. But, for the greater number of plants, the quantity of lime required is so ex- ceedingly small, that they readily obtain their needed supplies from soils the least supplied by nature with lime. And many plants (like pines and sorrel) prefer the soils having such scant supply of lime as to permit an excess of acid. Other plants require com- paratively large supplies, such as clover, and all other of the legu- minous or pea tribe. The ashes of these plants contain compara- tively very large proportions of lime. Ked clover, lucerne, and still more sainfoin, cannot thrive well, except on soils largely sup- plied with lime in some state ; though, for most of such plants, perhaps a rich neutral soil will offer the requisite supplies of lime as well as if calcareous, or containing carbonate of lime. Among trees, locust, papaw, and hackberry (or sugar nut), are also plants to which lime in considerable quantity in the soil is essential. For all such plants, lime is a specific manure; that is, it improves their growth in a peculiar and remarkable degree, though none of them can- take up into their bodies more than a very small amount of lime. The following list, showing the proportions of lime in many cultivated plants, is extracted and abridged from the late publica- tion of Johnston, who copied the analyses of Sprengel. The quantities of pure lime are here understood, without reference to the acid (or its kind) with which the lime was combined. 1000 parts in each case of the dry vegetable matters are supposed to bo burnt to ashes, and the weights of ashes, and of the pure lime they contain, are only stated. (J* - 102 LIME IN ASHES OF VARIOUS PLANTS. 1000 lbs. of Grain of wheat Straw of wheat Grain of barley Straw of barley Grain of oats Straw of oats Grain of rye Straw of rye Field bean seed Do. straw Field peas (English) Do. straw Common vetch seed {vicia sativa) [our part- "I ridge pea?] J Straw of same Rye grass Red clover White clover Lucerne Sainfoin . . . . ' Gives total of Of which there ashes. is limu (pure). 11.77 0.96 35.19 2.40 23.49 1.06 52.42 5.54 26. 0.86 57.-5 1.52 10.5 1.22 28. 1.78 21. 3G 1.65 31.21 6.24 24.64 0.58 49.71 27.30 29.9 1.60 51.1 19.55 52.86 7.34 74.78 ' 27.80 91.82 23.48 95.53 48.31 69.. 57 21.95 —1849.] Additional and practical proofs of all these powers of calcareous earth will be furnished, when its use and effects as manure will be stated. I am persuaded, however, that enough has already been said both to establish and account for the different capacities of soils for improvement by putrescent manures. If the power of fixing manures in soils has been correctly ascribed to calcareous earth, that alone is enough to show that soils containing that in- gredient, in proper quantities, must become rich; and that alumi- nous and silicious earths mixed in any proportions, and even with vegetable or other putrescent matter added, can never form other than a sterile soil.* [* The several peculiar or stronger powers for increasing fertility and production ascribed above to calcareous earth in soil, are those whicli were presented to my mind cither in advance of all practical applications of the earth as manure, or otherwise were the results of actual observation within a few years after the commencement. The chemical laws and agencies were of course gathered from books. The confirmatory facts were mostly found in my observation of the characters of natural soils, and in the earliest results of my calcareous manurings. It is not necessary here, and would scarcely bo proper, to adduce other powers of calcareous manures, learned from mvich later practical results, or which have since been presented by later and much more scientific investigators. Sundry other useful and some very important agencies of calcareous earth in soils may be seen in the "Lectures on the Applications of Chemistry and Geology to Agriculture," by J. F. AV. Johnston. It is gratifying to me, that this author in most respects sustains my doctrine ; though in some points we are entirely opposed. These diiiereuccs, as well as the most im- CHAPTER IX. ACTION OF CAUSTIC LIME AS MANURE. The object of this essay is to treat only of calcareous eartt (as before defiaed) as a manure, and not of pure caustic lime, nor of manures in general. Still the nature of that which is properly my subject is so intimately connected with some other kinds of manures, and is so liable to be confounded with others which act very dif- ferently, that frequent references to both classes have been and will be again necessary. To make such references more plain and useful, some general remarks and opinions will now be submitted, as to the peculiar modes of the operation of various manures, and particularly of lime. Until now I have been careful to say as little as possible of j^ure or quick-lime, for fear of my meaning being mistaken, from the usual practice of confounding it with calcareous earth ; or of con- sidering both its first and later operations as belonging to one and the same manure. The connexion between the manures is so inti- mate, and yet their actions so distinct, that it is necessary to mark the points of resemblance as well as those of difference. Mjt own use of quick or caustic lime as a manure has not ex- tended beyond a few acres ; and I do not pretend to know any- thing from experience of its first or caustic effects. But Davy's simple and beautiful theory of its operation carries conviction with it, and in accordance with his opinions Fsliall state the theory, and thence attempt to deduce its proper practical use. By a sufficient degree of heat, the carbonic acid is driven off from shells, lime-stone, or chalk, and the remainder is pure or caustic lime. In this state it has a powerful decomposing power on all putrescent animal and vegetable matters, which it exerts on every such substance in the soils to which it is applied as manure. If the lime thus meets with solid and inert vegetable matters, it hastens their decomposition, renders' them soluble, and brings them into use and action as manure. But such vegetable and animal matters as were already decomposed, and fit to support growing plants, are injured by the addition of lime; as the chemical action portant of other operations and values of calcareous manui*es wliich he pre- sents, will be brought in view, and considered, at a later part of this essay. Other passages confirming my opinions previously advanced, havo been or will be quoted in notes. — 1849.] (103) 104 QUICK-LIME AS MANURE. ■wliich takes place between these bodies forms different compounds, which are always less valuable than the putrid or soluble matters were, before being acted on by the lime.* This theory will direct us to expect profit from applying caustic lime to all soils containing much unrotted and inert vegetable matter, as our acid wood-land when first cleared, and perhaps worn fields, covered with broomgrass ; and to avoid the application of lime, or (what is the same thing) to destroy previously its caustic quality by exposure to the air, for all good soils containing soluble vegetable or animal matters, and on all poor soils deficient in inert, as well as in active nourishment for plants. The warmth of our climate so much aids the fermentation of all putrescent matters in soils, that it can seldom be required to hasten it by artificial means. To check its rapidity is much more necessary, to avoid the waste of manures in our lands. But in England, and still more in Scot- land, the case is very difi"erent. There, the coldness and moisture of the climate greatly retard the fermentation of the vegetable matter that falls on the land ; so much so that, in certain situa- tions, the most favourable to such results, the vegetable cover is increased by the deposit of every successive year, and forms those vegetable soils which are called moor, jicaf, and bo(/ lands. Vege- table matter abounds in these soils, and sometimes it even forms the greater bulk for many feet in depth ; but it is inert, insoluble, and useless, and the soil is unable to bring any useful crop, though containing vegetable matter in such great excess. Many millions of acres in Britain are of the different grades of peat soils, of which almost none exist in the eastern half of Virginia. Upon this ground of the difference of climate, and its effects on ferment- ation, I deduce the opinion that caustic lime would be serviceable much more generally in Britain than here ; and indeed that there are very few cases in which the caustic quality would not do our arable lands more harm than good. This is no contradiction to the great improvements which have been made on many farms by applying lime ; for its caustic quality was seldom allowed to act at all. Lime is continually changing to the carbonate of lime ; and, in practice, no exact line of scpai-ation can be drawn between the transient effects of the one, and the later, but dui-able improve- ment from the other. Lime powerfully attracts the carbonic acid of which it was deprived by heat, and that acid is universally dif- fused through the atmosphere (though in a very small proportion), and is produced by every decomposing putrescent substance. Con- sequently, caustic lime, when on land, is continually absorbing and combining with this acid ; and, with more or less rapidity, according to the manner of its application, is returning to its for- * Davy's Agr. CLem. Lect. vii. QUICK-LIME SOON CAIIBONATED. 105 mcr state of mild calcareous earth. If spread as a top-dressing on grass lands — or on ploughed land, and superficially mixed with the soil by harrowing — or used in composts with fermenting vege- table matter — the lime is probably completely carbonated, before its causticity can act on the soil. In no case can lime, applied properly as manure, long remain caustic in the soil. Thus most applications of lime are, in effect, and even from the beginning of the manuring action, simply applications of calcareous earth; but acting with greater energy and power at first, in proportion to the quantity, because more finely divided, and more equally distributed. [Whether lime, or carbonate of lime, or calcareous earth, may be the term used in reference to any such manure used, or recom- mended, the general, most important, and all effects other than some of the earliest and least certain to occur, are the same in practice of all. The operation in every case is that of calxing. In presenting the theory, and in reasoning, and instruction, it is im- portant to maintain the precise line of separation and distinction between the artificial product, quick or caustic lime, and the naturally existing calcareous earth, or carbonate of lime. But in practical effects they are the same, excepting those only which may be due to the different early conditions of the different sub- stances. Therefore, (always allowing for those early and transient and minor differences), whatever I may say of the operation of calcai-eous earth as manure, would as well be produced by the pro- per use of lime ; and whatever other writers on lime as manure have correctly stated, even though perhaps designed by them to be confined to quick-lime, would, as to all abiding and important effects and operations, apply as well to mild and naturally existing calcareous earth, in any of its various forms. Further — even when the first chemical characters of both caustic lime and carbonate of lime have been altered in the soil, and they may have become changed to other salts of lime, by combining with diff"erent afcids of soils, still, judging from all experienced and abiding effects, the general and beneficial operations of the original manures still continue. The only known exception is, and which is abundantly obvious, that the power to neutralize acids has then been fully used, and cannot again be exercised by the same lime on any subsequently produced acids. — 1849.]* [* Recent Confirmation. — .Johnston says — " The eifects of pure lime upon the land, and upon vegetation, are ultimately the same, -whether it be laid ou in a state of hydrate [or newly slaked], or of carbonate." " In general, however, the chemical action of the marls and calcareous sands is precisely the same in kind as that of lime in the burneJ and slaked state, and so far the effects which we have already seen to be produced by marls, represent also the general effects of lime in any form." — Lectures, p. 390. And further — "You may safely proceed on the priuoiplc that the iime iu the maiis, &c., will ultimately produce precisely the same effects lOG FORM OF CLASSIFICATION OF MANURES. upon your land, as the lime from the kiln, provided you lay on an equal quantity, and in an equally minute state of division. The effect will only be a little more slow," &c.— lb. p. 387. — 1849.] [By adopting the views which have been presented of the action of cal- careous earth and of lime as manures, and those which are generally re- ceived as to the modes of operation of other manures, the following table has been constructed, which may be found useful, though necessarily imper- fect, and in part founded only on conjecture. The various particular kinds of manures are arranged in the supposed order of their power, under the several heads or characters to which they belong ; and when one manure possesses several different modes of action, the comparative force of each is represented by the letters annexed — the letter a designating its strongest or most valuable agency, b tlie next strongest, and so on as to c and d. Pr-OrOSED CLASSIFICATION OF MANURES. ^ Feathers, hair, woollen rags, I Pounded bones, [h) All putrescent animal and vegetable substances, as dung, \ Stable and farm-yard manures, (a) Straw, (a) Green crops ploughed in, and dead grass and weeds left on the sur- f^xce. («) 'Quick-lime, [a) Potash and soap He, [a) ' Wood ashes not drawn, [d) Paring and bui-ning the surface of the soil, (a) '' Calcareous earth, including Lime become mild by exposure, {a) Chalk, (a) Lime-stone gravel, (a) Wood ashes, (6) Fossil shells (or shell marl), (a) Marl (a calcareous clay), («) Old mortar and lime cements. All calcareous manures, (6) Quick-lime, {b) Potash and soap lie, {b) Wood ashes, (c) Clay, Sand, J Clay marl, {h) Fermenting vegetable manures, (5) Green manures, (i) L'nfcrmented litter, {b) ' Sulphate of lime, or gypsum (for clo- ver). Gypseous earth (or gi-een-sand earth), for clover, - Calcareous manures (for clover) Phosphate of lime (for wheat) in Bones, (a) and Drawn ashes, (a) Salt, for asparagus, (a). — 1835.} Alimentary, or servin food for plants — as Solvent of alimentary ma- mures — as Fixers, or 3Iordants — serving to combine with or set other manures in soils — as Neutralizing acids — as Mechanical, or improving by altering the texture of soil — as Specific, or furnishing in- gredients necessary for par- ticular plants — as CHAPTER X. INTRODUCTORY AND GENERAL OBSERVATIONS ON MARL AND LIME.* Proposition 5. — Calcareous manures will give to our worst soils a power of retaining putrescent manures, equal to that of the best — and loill cause more productiveness, and yield more profit, than any other improvement practicahle in lower Virginia. The theory of the constitution of fertile and barren soils, has now been regularly discussed. It remains to show its practical application, in the use of calcareous earth as a manure. If the opinions which have been maintained are unsound, the attempt to reduce them to practice will surely expose their futility ; and if they pass through that trial, agreeing with and confirmed by facts, their truth and value must stand on impregnable ground. The belief in the most important of these opinions (the incapacity of poor soils for improvement, and its cause) first directed the commencement of my use of calcareous manures; and the manner of my practice has also been directed entirely by the views which have been exhibited. Yet in every respect the results of practice have sustained the theory of the action of calcareous manures; unless indeed there be claimed as exceptions the injuries which have been caused by applying too heavy dressings to poor and acid lands ; and also the beneficial efi'ects of proper practice being found to exceed in degree what the theory seemed to promise. My use of calcareous earth as manure has been almost entirely confined to that form of it which is so abundant in the neighbour- hood of our tide-waters — the beds oi fossil shells, together with the matrix, or earth with which they are found mixed. The shells are in various states — in some beds generally whole, and in others [* My views of the theory of fertilization have been presented in the pre- ceding pages, (chapters ii. to ix. inclusive), precisely as they appeared in 1832 (and, in substance, at a still earlier time), the later additions being all distinctly marked as such. This was deemed necessary to the main- tenance of my claim of priority or of originality of opinions, some of which, though then novel and unsupported by other authority, have since been recognised as true, and are now generally if not universally received by writers on agricultural chemistry. The like necessity will not apply to the remainder of this work ; and therefore the distinguishing of l*ter additions to or alterations of the edition of 1832, will not be regularly marked for distinction. Still it will be done whenever it may be required for more clear exposition, or where the later dates of additions are deemed of any importance to their purport. — 1852.] 108 FOSSIL SHELLS AND MARL. reduced nearly to a coarse powder. The earth which fills their vacancies, and serves to make the whole a compact mass, in most cases is principally silicious sand, and usually contains no putres- cent or valuable matter, other than the calcareous.* The same effects, in the main, might he expected from calcareous earth in any other form, whether chalk, lime-stone gravel, wood ashes, or lime — though the two last have other qualities besides the calca- reous. During the short time that lime can remain quick or caustic, after being applied as manure, it exerts (as before stated) a solvent power, sometimes beneficial and at others hurtful, which has no connexion with its subsequent and permanent action as calcareous earth. These natural deposits of fossil shells are commonly, but very improperly, called marl. This misapplied term is particularly ob- jectionable, because it induces erroneous views of this manure. Other earthy manures have long been used in Europe under the name of marl, and numerous publications have described their general effects, and recommended their use. When the same name is given here to a different manure, many persons will consider both operations as similar, and perhaps may refer to English authorities for the purpose of testing the truth of my opinions, and the results of my pi-aetice. But no two operations called by the same name can well differ more. The process which it is my object to recommend, is calxing, or simply the aj^pUcation of calca- reous earth in any form ichatever, to soils ivanting that ingredient, and generally being quite destitute of it ; and the propriety of the application depends entirely on the knowing that the manure con- tains calcareous earth, and what proportion, and that the soil con- tains none. In England, the most scientific agriculturists apply the term onarl correctly to a calcareous clay of peculiar texture. But many authors, as well as the illiterate cultivators, have used that name for any smooth soapy clay, which may or may not have contained, so far as they knew, any proportion whatever of calca- reous matter. Indeed, in most cases, they have seemed uncon- scious of the presence as well as of the importance of that ingre- dient, by their not alluding to it when attempting most carefully to point out the distinguishing characters by which marl maybe known. Still less have they inquired into the deficiency of calcareous earth in soils proposed to be marled — but applied any earth which either science or ignorance may have called marl, to any soils within a [* From later observation I have formed the opinion that the colouring matter of blue marls is vegetable extract, chemically combined with the calcareous matter, of which opinion the grounds will be stated hereafter. But still the amount of this vegetable admixture is too small to have much appreciable eifect as food for plants; and, for all practical use, the general position assumed above may yet bo considered as altogether true. — 1812.J MAUL AND MARLING IN ENGLAND. 109 convenient distance — and relied upon the subsequent effects to direct whether the operation should be continued or abandoned. These remarks more especially apply to the older writers ; but even the later authors, of the highest character (as Sinclair and Young, for example), when telling of the practical use and valua- ble effects of marl, omit giving the strength of the manure, and generally even its nature — and in no instance have I found the in- gredients of the soil stated, so that the reader might learn what kind of operation really was described, or be enabled to form a judgment of its propriety. From all this, it follows that though what is called marlimj in England may sometimes be (though very rarely, as I infer) the same chemical operation on the soil that I am recommending, yet it may also be either applying clay to sand, or clay to chalk, or true marl to either of those soils, or to some other soil still more calcareous than the earth applied ; and the reader will generally be left to guess, in every separate case, which of all these operations is meant by the term maiiinrj. For these reasons, the practical knowledge to be gathered from all this mass of written instruction on marling will be far less abund- ant than the errors and mistakes of the authors, and the consequent inevitable false deductions by their readers. The recommenda- tions of marl by English authors, induced me very early to look to what was here called by the same name, as a means for improve- ment. But their descriptions of the manure convinced me that our marl was nothing like theirs, and thus actually deterred me from using it, until other and original and more correct views in- structed me that its value did not depend on its having " a soapy feel," or on any admixture of clay whatever.* [* The remarks above were written in 1820, and are much less applica- ble to authors of hiter date. How well justified my expressions then were, will fully appear in the Appendix, in the testimony furnished by quotations of the language and opinions of many authors. There is no want of precision and clearness in the definitions of marl given by modern scientific writers. Though even with some of them, there are still very remarkable misapplications of the terms ; as incorrect, in- deed, as could be expected from the most ignorant cultivators. Thus the former geological surveyor of New Jersey habitually applies the name of marl to the " green-sand" of tliat country ; which remarkable earth is a soft incoherent crumbly mass of separate grains, neither clayey nor marly in texture or compactness, nor in the least calcareous in its chemical com- position. Still more strange than this, is an example found as late as 18-19, in the " Second Visit to the United States" of the distinguished geologist Sir Charles Lyell. This author says, when passing from New y^ork to Philadelphia, " In New Jersey we passed over a gently undulating surface of counti-y, formed of red marl and sand-stone, resembling in appear- ance, and of about the same geological age as the new red sand-stone (trias) of England." Vol. i. p. 191. This error was not caused by merely the careless use of an incorrect provincial term ; for the "new red 10 110 THE KAME OF MAUL MISAPl'LIEl). [Nevertlielcss, much valuable information may be obtained from these same English works, on calcareous manure, or on marl (in the sand-stone" formation of England is largely composed of a true (calcare- ous) "red marl." The soil in question was probably a red clay, but, as I should suppose, containing not a particle of calcareous earth — and cer- tainly having no quality in common with any marl, true or false, or agree- ing with any of the difl'erent understandings of what marl is, in texture or composition. According to scientific definition, marl is composed of carbonate of lime and fine clay. When taken moist from its bed, such marl is not ductile or plastic, like ordinary clay ; and is broken more easily tlian bent. It is cut by a knife to a smooth surface, having an unctuous or soapy feel. When a lump has been dried, and is then put into water, it speedily crumbles to powder, or into thin laminae. Puvis (in his " Essai sur la Marnc'''), con- siders the clay and carbonateof lime in marl to be chemically combined — which opinion seems well founded. lie also supposes marl to be generally, if not universally, of fresh-water formation — as shown by the shells con- tained. The term mai'l may be considered as xanderstood in four principal signi- fications, and two of these running into numerous provincial varieties. With all the precision and care in defining that can be used, it will not be possible for me to avoid using the term sometimes in the dilfcrent senses in which it is used by other authorities to whom I may refer, or whose opinions may be quoted. Therefore, it will serve for better understanding and greater clearness, to state, in general terms, all the different meanings ap- plied to the term marl, by different classes. 1. The definition of marl by mineralogists, and men of science, is tho most exact and most restricted in application — a calcareous clay of pecu- liar texture and physical qualities, as described more at full above, and elsewhere in this work. 2. The most extended sense — in which I shall iisc it in reference to its fertilizing operation, (calxing), to embrace every kind of substance of earthy texture, containing carbonate of lime in useful quantity to serve as manure, and that being the principal manuring ingredient. 3. The sense in which it is understood by modern British agricultural authors — which is the mineralogical marl, but also embraces other earths used for the calcareous contents. 4. All the provincial applications of the term in different regions — as to fine clay (in England) — fossil shells, in lower Virginia — calcareous tiifa, or travertine, in our mountain region — and non-calcareous green-sand, in New Jersey, &c. : In short, to any kind of earth that experience has proved, or that ignorance has supposed, to be useful as manure. The operation called "marling" in England is even less like what is known by the same name here, than are the different substances used un- der that name. That which I have done, and advise, and call marling (in conformity to our provincial and incorj'ect name given to the substance used), is, as above stated, the application of calcareous earth of any kind, or from any source, to soils deficient in that ingredient — and also, in quan- tities no greater than will serve to produce the desired chemical change in each particular soil. This required proi:)ortion of carbonate of lime is rarely more than will make one per cent, of the soil for its ploughed depth ; and generally less than half that quantity is enough for profit and for safety. Hence, according to the strength of the manure and the condi- tion of the soil, the usual applications lie between the extremes of 100 and MiUlLINa IN ENGLAND. Ill sense in which that term is used among us) — but under a different head, viz., lime. This manure is generally treated of with as little 500 bushels to the acre — and more generally between 200 and 300. In England, (even where we know that the manure is truly marl, or is calca- reous), the quantities applied are enormous, and must act mechanically for much the greater part, even if^acting chemically at all. For there can be no chemical action, if the soil was calcareous in the slightest degree before the application. The expense there is great, because of the heavy applications; and liming, though that also is there very much heavier and therefore more expensive than with us, is always deemed cheaper labour, and is substituted for marling whenever water-borne lime can be obtained. The case here is reversed — marling being always nracli cheaper than the cheapest liming, if the marl is dug ou or near to the farm to which it is applied. I will cite a few facts and authorities to show the enormous quantities in which marl is applied in Britain. Arthur Young (in his Farmer's Calendar, 10th London collection, p. 40), describes and commends the labours- of Mr. Rodwell, who put 140,000 loads of marl (efl'ervescing with acids), to 120 acres of leased land, with great profit. The size of the load not stated. But if 20 bushels, this would be (171 loads of 20 bush.) 3420 bushels to the acre. Sir John Sinclair says the red marl (which is calca- reous, certainly, as I learn from the Agricultural Report of Lancashire) is the great sovirce of fertilization in Lancashire and 'Cheshire. " Tlie quantity used is enormous ; in many cases 300 middling cart-loads to the acre, and the fields are sometimes so thickly covered as to have the ap- pearance of a red-soiled fallow, fresh ploughed." (Code of Agriculture.) Counting these loads at 20 bushels, makes GOOO bushels to the acre. The Lancashire Report, made by order of the Board of Agriculture, says that the carts for marling are usually drawn by 3 horses, and carry about 15 cwt. (1680 lbs.) This is a very light load, for short distances and level ground. This Report gives sundi-y facts concurring with the foregoing. A few only will be here quoted. " The qxiantity [of marl] laid on is from 2 to 3 J cubic roods of 64 [cubic] yards to the statute acre; the expense of which is, according to the distance cari-ied, if within 60 rods [330 yards] on the average, about £8 [or nearly $40] the acre." — " A cubic rood of marl, of 64 [cubic] yards to the rood, adds nearly half an inch to the staple of the soil to a statute acre of land." — Consequently, the usual dressing, of 2 to o\ such "cubic" roods, must give a coat of from nearly 1 inch to nearly 1| inches to the soil. A particular piece of 9 acres of "a wretched black sandy waste" (which however was bought for £83 6s. Qd. per acre), was afterwards marled "at nearly 12 roods, of 64 cubic yards to the acre of 8 rods." [This is a provincial measure, equal to 2 acres, and 18| perches, statute measure.] This was equal to 20,730 cubic feet to the [large] acre — and more than as many heaped bushels, if the cubic measure of the marl was made in its bed. The cost of this marling was £27 los. 6c?. per [large] acre — [or about $135, or not quite half this quantity and price, per statute acre]. In this same report, particular estimates are made of the expenses of marling, at stated rates and distances, which of course we must suppose ordinary cases. 1. A field of 30 rods square (about 6 statute acres), marled from a pit in the centre, at 6 cubic roods, would cost for cartage per rood, 18*., or £82 8s. for the 6 acres. 2. If a like square, adjoining the first, be marled from the same pit, the previous average distance of 15 rods will be increased by 30, or to 45 rods ( X 5^ yards = 247 yds.), the increased expense will be 12s. the acre, or £54 ia 112 MAllLUNG IN ENGLAND. LIMING. clearness or correctness, as is done "with marl; but the reader at ! least cannot bo mistaken in this, that the ultimate effect of every i application of lime must be to make the soil more calcareous ; and to that cause solely are to be imputed all the long-continued bene- I ficial consequences, and great profits, which have been derived | from liming. But excepting this one point, in which we cannot ] be misled by ignorance or want of precision, the mass of writings 1 on lime, as well as on calcareous manures in general, will need I much sifting to yield instruction. • The opinions published on the mode of operation of lime are so many, so various, and so contra- i dictory, that it seems as if each author had hazarded a guess, and added it to a compilation of those of all who had preceded him. , For a reader of these publications to be able to reject all that is J erroneous in reasoning, and in statements of facts — or inapplicable on account of difference of soil, or other circumstances — and thus all for marling the 6 acres. 3. Another 6 acres, adjoining the last, at 75 ; rods average distance from the pit, would cost £79 4s. So that at this very | small distance of 412 yards only, and on even, firm, and level ground, the : cost of ordinary marling is about $35 the English statute acre. Of coiirse, j for one or more miles, the expense would he intolerable. 1 Neither is this marl (or even the poorer "clay" as there termed) in Lancashire wanting in calcareous matter. Of 4 specimens stated, the ) calcareous proportions were between 19J and 22 per cent. I infer, from j general notices, that others are much richer. There is no intimation in j the report as to whether the soils are or are not calcareous before being 1 marled. But there is other and better authority for supposing that the i soils are naturally calcareous. The red marl of Lancashire is of the " new red sand-stone" geological formation, and so I presume is the i over-lying soil (Morton on Soils, p. G7). If so, this would remove all i chemical action from the very heavy dressings of calcareous marl in ! Lancashire. At p. 70, the same author speaks of the great improvement made by luiiing "on the red marl" in Somerset and Devonshire. The de- . Bervedly high authority of this writer is enough to establish these facts : of improvement which he asserts. But it requires no argument to prove ; that vi'hen lime is found a beneficial application to a "red marl" soil, or i any soil befoi'e calcareous, that it must be by some other mode than that ] chemical action which I call marling or calxing, and which always consists j in rendering a soil calcareous, which was not so before. We might safely i infer that the farmers of Lancashire do not incur the enormous expense ! of their marlings merely to put the calcareous ingredient on their lands. But the author of the "Report" leaves no doubt on that point. He says: j " Undoubtedly the calcareous matter contained in either marl [the clay or \ the richer marl] is of the highest importance ; hut ohviaiing the natural de- j ficicncies of the soil, bg adding sand to dag, or dag to sand, is of more conse- , quence than the mere calcareous stimulus, which might be obtained at a much ' lighter expense" — [i. e. by using lime instead.] ] In the appendix there will be presented many more facts in confirmation, i But these alone Avill go far to prove that the marling of England is still \ more diiferent from the "marling" or calxing which I have recommended 1 and practised, than is our "marl" from the substances so called in Eui-ope. I —1851.] 1 LIMING. 113 obtain only what is true, and useful — it would be necessary for bim first to understand the subject better than most of those whose opinions he was studying. Indeed it was not possible for them to be correct, when treating (as most writers do) of lime as one kind of manure, and every different form of the carhonate of lime as so many others. Only one distinction of this kind (as to mode of operation and effects) should be made, and never lost sight of — ■ and that is one of substance, still more than of name. Pure or quick-lime, and carbonate of lime, are manures entirely different in their powers and effects. But it should be remembered that the substance that was jmre lime when just burned, often becomes carhonate of lime before it is used (by absoi'biug carbonic acid from the atmosphere) ; still more frequently before a crop is planted ; and probably always before the first crop ripens. Thus, it should be borne in mind that the manure spoken of as lime is often at first, and always at a later period, neither more nor less than calcareous earth ; that lime, which at different periods is two distinct kinds of manure, is considered in agricultural treatises as only one ; and to calcareous earth are given as many different names, all considered to have different values and effects, as there arc different forms and mixtures of the substance presented by nature. — 1835.] But, however incorrect and inconvenient the term marl may be, custom has too strongly fixed its application for any proposed change to be adopted. Therefore, I must submit to use the word marl to mean beds of fossil shells, notwithstanding my protest against the property of its being so applied.* [* The geological character of this tide-water region renders impossible the existence of true marl beds, which can only be sought for with hope, if anywhere in Virginia, in the valleys of our mountain lime-stone region — where it would be as much in vain to seek for the fossil shells, so abundant elsewhere. The latter deposit is the product of the ancient ocean (during the tertiary formations), of which the bottom, witli its beds of shells, has been subsequently "up-lieaved" to the jDositiou of dry land. True marl, when found in considerable quantity, is usually, if not always, a fresh-Avater formation ; being produced from the earth torn ujj and borne along by rapid rivers and mountain streams, flowing over a chalky or other highly calcareous countiy. By such suspension and intermingling, the heavier sand is first dropped, and the still floating calcareous and aluminous earths mix and then combine chemically in suitable proportions ; and when the susjicnding water becomes nearly still, by reaching a lake or estuary, the lightest earthy matter is deposited and forms marl. This natural process continues until the receptacle is filled, and the deposit is raised above the water. However much it may appear like fine clay in some respects, true marl is very diiferent in others. It is not in the least plastic. If laid in water after drying, it speedily crumbles to smair frag- ments, showing a laminated structure, the result of the manner of its de- position. Some clays, however, destitute of lime, exhibit this mechanical 10* 114 REMARKS ON EXPERIMENTS. j The following experiments are reported, either on account of having been accurately made and carefully observed, or as pre- senting such results as have been generally obtained on similar ; soils, from applications of fossil shells to nearly six hundred acres of Coggius Point fiirm (made before 1830). It had been my i habit to make written memoranda of such things ; and the mate- ' rial circumstances of these experiments were put in writing at the time they occurred, or not long after. Some of the experiments were, from their commencement, designed to be permanent, and their results to be measured as long as circumstances might per- mit. These were made with the utmost care. But generally, . when precise amounts are not stated, the experiments were less carefully made, and their results reported by guess. Every ^ measurement stated, of land or of crop, was made in my presence. The average strength of the difi'erent marls used was ascertained by a sufficient number of analyses; and the quantity applied ] was known by measuring some of the loads, and having them i dropped at regular distances. At the risk of being tedious, I shall j state every circumstance supposed to affect the results of the ex- i periments ; and the manner of description, and of reference, , necessary to use, will require a degree of attention that few readers , may be disposed to give, to enable them to derive the full benefit of these details. But, however disagreeable it may be to give to j them the necessary attention, I will presume to say that these ex- '■ periments deserve it. They will present practical proofs of what \ otherwise would be but uncertain theory — and give to this essay ; its principal claim to be considered truly instructive and useful. | When these operations were commenced, I had heard of no j other experiments having been made with fossil shells, except two, j which had been tried long before, and were considered as proving j the manure to be too worthless to be resorted to again. ; The earliest of these old experiments was made at Spring Gar- ; den, in Surry, about 1775, by Mr. Wm. Short, proprietor of that j estate. The extent marled was eight or ten acres, on poor sandy , land. Nothing is now known of the effects for the first twenty- five or thirty years, except that they were too inconsiderable to ^ induce a repetition of the experiment. The system of cultivation . was doubtless as exhausting as usual at that time. Since 1812, I the farm lias been under mild and improving management gene- • rally. No care has been taken to observe the progress either of improvement or exhaustion on the marled piece ; but there is no ^j doubt that the product has continued for the last fifteen years stiucture and cliai'actcr in as marked manner as any true marl. Such clays, in former times, were not distinguished by farmers, or even agri- cultural writers, from marl. — 1849.] EARLIEST TRIALS OF MARL IN VIRGINIA. 115 better than that of the adjacent land. Mr. Francis Euffiri, the present owner of the farm, believed that the product was not much increased in f;ivourable seasons ; but when the other land suffered either from too much wet or dry weather, the crop on the marled land was comparatively but slightly injured. The loose reports that have been obtained respecting this experiment are at least conclusive in showing the long duration of the effects produced. The other old experiment referred to was made at Aberdeen, Prince George county, in 1803, by Mr. Thomas Cocke. Three small spots (neither exceeding thirty yards square) of poor land, kept before "and since generally under exhausting culture, were covered with this manure. He found a very inconsiderable early improvement, which he thought altogether an inadequate reward for the labour of applying the marl. The experiment, being deemed of no value, was but little noticed until after the com- mencement of my use of the same manure. On examination, the improvement appeared to have increased greatly on two of the pieces, but the third was evidently the worse for the application. Ji'or a number of years after making this experiment, Mr. Cocke Lad considered it as giving full proof of the worthlessness of the manure. But more correct views of its mode of operation, caused by my experiments and reasoning, induced him to recommence its use; and no one has met with more success, or produced more valuable early improvement. Inexperience, and the total want of any practical guide, caused my applications, for the first few years, to be frequently injudicious, particularly as to the quantities laid on. For this reason, these experiments will show what was actually done, and the effects thence derived, and not what better information would have directed as the most profitable course. The measurements of corn that will be reported were all made at the time and place of gathering. The measure used for all ex- cept very small quantities was a barrel, holding five bushels when filled level, and which being filled twice with ears of corn, well shaken to settle them, and heaped, was estimated to make five bushels of grain ; and the products will be reported in grain, ac- cording to this estimate. This mode of measurement will best serve for comparing results; but in most cases it is far from giving correctly the actual quantity of dry and sound grain, for the fol- lowing reasons. The common large soft-grained white corn was the kind cultivated, which was always cut down for sowing wheat before the best matured was dry enough to grind, or even to be stored in the ear for keeping ; and when the cars from the poorest land were in a state to lose considerably more by shrinking. Yet, for fear of some mistake, or mixture of the difterent quantities, occurring if measurements were delayed until the crop was gathered 116 EXPERIMENTS IN MARLING. _ these experiments were measured when the hxnd was ploughed for v/hcat in October. The subsequent loss from shrinking would of course be greatest on the corn from the poorest and most backward land, as tlie most defective and unripe ears would always be there found. Besides, every ear, however imperfect or rotten, was in- cluded in the measurement. For these several reasons, the actual increase of product on the marled land was always greater than will appear from the comparison of quantities measured ; and from the statements of all such early measurements, there ought to be allowed a deduction, varying from 10 or 15 per cent, on the best and most forward corn, to 30 or 35 per cent, on the latest and most defective. Having stated the grounds of this estimate, practical men can draw such conclusions as their experience may direct, from the dates and amounts of the actual measurements that will be reported. Some careful trials of the amount of shrink- age in particular experiments will be hereafter stated. No grazing had been permitted on any land from which experi- ments will be reported, since 1814 (or since being cleared, if in forest at that time), unless the contrary shall be specially stated. The cropping had also been mild, during that time, though previ- ously it was the usual exhausting three-shift and grazing course. CHAPTER XL EXPERIMENTS WITH ANB EFFECTS OF CALCxVREOUS MANURES ON ACID SANDY SOILS, NEWLY CLEARED. Proposition 5 — continued. As most of the experiments on new land were made on a single piece of twenty-six acres, a general description or plan of the whole will enable me to be better understood, as well as to be more concise, by references being made to the annexed figure. It forms part of the ridge or high table land lying between James River and the nearest stream running into Powell's creek. The surface is nearly level, but slightly undulating. The soil in its natural state very similar throughout, but the part next to the line B C somewhat more sandy, and more productive in corn, than the part next to A D ; and, in like manner, it is lighter along A c, than nearer to D/". The whole soil, a gray sandy acid loam, not more than two inches deep at first, resting on a yellowish sandy subsoil, from one to two feet deep, when it changes to clay. Natural - ON NEWLY CLEARED AND ACID LANDS. 117 A. V o growth mostly pine — next in quantity, oaks of different kinds — a little of dogwood and cliinquepin — whortleberry bushes throughout in plenty. The quality of the soil better than the average of ridge Jauds in general, but yet quite poor. Judging from experience of adjoining grounds and similar soil, this land would have pro- duced as its early and best crop, ajad under the best treatment, about 12 bushels of corn to the acre, well ripened and fully shrunk. And if thereafter kept under ordinary culture and management, the products would have gradually and speedily sunk to 5 bushels to the acre. Being still less suitable to wheat, that crop would have been scarcely worth being sown on the land in its best natural state (when the product might be 6 bushels), and certainly not at all after a few years of the usual downward progress. The effects of putrescent manures were very transient, as on all such poor lands. Experiment 1. The part B C (/ 7t, about 11 acres, grubbed and the trees cut down in the winter of 1814-15 — suffered to lie three years with most of the wood and brush on it. February, 1818, my earliest application of marl was made on the smaller part B C m I, about 2^ acres. Marl, containing 33 per cent.' of pure calcareous earth, and the balance silicious sand, except a very small proportion of clay J the shelly matter finely divided. Quantity of marl to the acre, one hundred and twenty-five to two hundred heaped bushels. The whole space B C iece, two of them within, and two without the marled part, measured as follows : Not marled. No. 1, Ql) , ,, ooi t, i, i j? Do No 4 51. r fiverage to the acre 22 J bushels of gram. Marled, No. 2' 8 J) o^i ^ 1 i Do. No. 3' 8M ^^®^'^S^ 5^^ bushels. The remainder of this piece was marled before sowing wheat in 1821. 1823. At rest. 1824. In corn — distance 5 J by o]- feet, making 2436 stalks to the acre. October 11th, measui'cd two quarter acres very nearly, if not precisely, coinciding with Nos. 2 and 3 in the last measure- ment. The products now were as follows : No. 2 brought 7 bushels 3 J pecks, ") or per acre, .... 31.1 [• average 31. 2'K No. 3 brought 8 bushels, . . 32 ) Average in 1821, 33.1 Experiment 3. The parte/ (7 h was cut down in January, 1821, and the land planted in corn the same year. The coultering and afler-tillage very badly executed, on account of the number of whortleberry and other roots. As much as was convenient was marled at sis hundred bushels, 37 per cent, and the dressing limited by a straight line. Distance of corn 5j by 3j feet — 2202 stalks to the acre. Results. 1821. October — on each side of the dividing line, a piece of twenty-eight by twenty-one corn hills measured as follows : No. 1, 588 stalks, not marled, 2 bushels, equal to 7 bushels 3 pecks the acre. No. 2, 588 stalks, marled, 4^ bushels^ equal to 16 bushels 2} pecks the acre. 1822. In wheat, the remainder having been previously marled. 1823. At rest. During the following winter it was covered with a second dressing of marl at 250 bushels, 45 per cent., making 850 bushels to the aci'e altogether. 1824. In corn. Two quarter acres, chosen as nearly as possible on the same spaces that were measured in 1821, produced as follows : No. 1 made 8 bushels, 2 pecks, or to the acre, 34 bushels. The same in 1821, before marling, . . 7.3 J- Increase, 26. Of 120 ON NEW AND ACID LAND. No. 2 made 7 bushels, 2 J pecks, or to tlio acre, 30.2 The same ia 1821, after marling, , . 1G.2J Increase average, ..... 13.3 J The second dressing of marl, or the larger quantity, had hut little effect iu making the increase of crops greater than in 1821. The diiference was caused mainly by the greater length of time since the clearing of the land. 1825. The whole twenty-six acres, including the subjects of all these experiments and observations, were in wheat. The first marled piece, in Exp. 1, was decidedly the best — and a gradual decline was to be seen to the latest. I have never measured the product of wheat from any experiment, on account of the great trouble and difficulty that would be encountered. Even if the wheat from small measured spaces could be reaped and secured separately, during the urgent labours of harvest, it would be scarcely possible afterwards to carry the different parcels through all the operations necessary to show exactly the clean grain derived from each. But without any separate measurement, all my obser- vations convince me that the increase of wheat, from marling, was at least equal to that of corn, during the first two years, and cer- tainly greater afterwards, in comparison to the product before using marl. It was from the heaviest marled part of Exp. 1, that soil was analyzed to find how much calcareous earth remained in 1826 i(page 78.) Before that time the marl and soil had been well mixed by ploughing to the depth of five inches. One of the specimens of this soil then examined consisted of the following parts — half an inch of the surface, and consequently the undecom- posed weeds upon it, being excluded. 1000 grains of soil yielded 769 grains of silicious sand moderately fine, 15 finer sand, 784 8 calcareous earth, from the manure applied, 108 finely divided gray clay, vegetable matter, &c. 28 lost in the process. 1000 This part, it has been already stated, was originally somev>-hat lighter than the general texture of the remainder of the land. Experiment 4. The four acres marked A D n o were cleared iu the winter of ON NEW AND ACID LAND. 121 1823-4. The lines ^:) q and r s divide the piece nearly into quar- ters. The end nearest A j? o is lighter, and best for corn, and was still better for the first croj), owing to nearly all that half having been accidentally burnt over. After twice coultcring, marl and putrescent manures were applied as follows; and the products measured, October 11th, the same year. s q not marled nor manured — produced on a quarter acre (No. 4), of soft and badly filled corn, Bush. r. 3 bushels, or per acre 12. q r and r 2:>, marled 800 bushels (45 per cent.) by three measurements of diff"erent pieces — Quarter acre (No. 1) 5 bushels, very nearly, or per acre 19.3 J Eighth (No. 2) 2.3i ("average) . . . 22.2 Eighth (No. 8) 3.1} | 24.1 i | . . .27. s t manured at 900 to 1100 bushels to the acre, of which, Quarter acre (No. 5) with rotted corn stalks, from a winter cow-pen, gave 5. 2 J . . . . . 22.2 Eighth (No. 6) with stable manure, 4. If . . 35.2 Eighth (No. 7) covered with the same heavy dress- ings of stable manure, and of marl also, gave 4.2 . 36. p w, marled at 450 bushels, brought not so good a crop as the adjoining r p at 800. The distance was 5 J by 3} feet. Two of the quarter acres were measured by a surveyor's chain (as were four other of the experi- ments of 1824), and found to vary so little from the distance counted by corn rows, that the difference was not worth notice. 1325. In wheat, the different marked pieces seemed to yield in comparison to each other, proportions not perceptibly different from those of the preceding crop — but the best not equal to any of the land marled before 1822, as stated in the 1st, 2d, and 3d experi- ments. 1827. Wheat on a very rough and imperfect summer fallow. This was too exhausting a course, (being three grain crops in the four-shift rotation), but was considered necessary to check the growth of bushes that had sprung from the roots still living. The crop was small, as might have been expected from its bad pre- paration. 1828. Corn — in rows five feet apart, and about three feet of -distance along the rows', the seed being dropped by the step. Owing to unfavourable weather, and to insects and other vermin, not more than half of the first planting of this field lived ; and so much replanting of course caused its product to be much less ma- tured than usual, on the weaker land. All the part not marled (and more particularly that manured) was so covered by sorrel, as to require ten times as much labour in weeding as the marled parts, 11 122 ON NEW AND ACID LAND. which, as in every other such case, bore bo sorrel. October 15th^ gathered and measured the corn from the several spaces, which were laid off (by the chain) as nearly as could be, on the same land as in 1824. The products so obtained, together with those of the previous and subsequent courses of tillage, will be presented below in a tabular form, for the purpose of being more readily compared. [On the wheat succeeding this crop, clover seed was sown, but very thinly, and irregularly. On the parts not marled, only a few yards width received seed, which the nest year showed the ex- pected result of scarcely any living clover, and that very mean. On the marled portions, the growth of clover was of middling quality. Was not m.owed or grazed, but seed gathered by hand both in 1830 and 1831.] 1832. Again in corn. It was soon evident that much injury was caused to the marled half q p o n, by the too great quantity ap- plied. A considerable proportion of the stalks, during their growth, showed strongly the marks of disease from that cause, and some were rendered entirely barren. A few stalks only had appeared hurt by the quantity of marl in 1828. On the lightly marled piece, w p, and also on w t, where the heaviest marling was accom- panied by stable manure, there appeared no sign of injury. The products of the [three] successive crops were as follows: s DEscraPTio:*. PRODUOTS OF G^^AIN PER ACBE. 1st course. 2d course. [3d course. 03 1824. 1828. 1832. October 11. October 15. October 26. Bush, pecks. Bush, pecks. Bush, pecks. s q Not marled or manured. 12 21 1 17 3i qr 1 Marled at 800 bushels, 19 3J 28 \l 28 rp 2 rp 3 The same. The same. 22 2 ) 27 / 31 0} 27 3 s t 5 Cow-pen manure only, 900 to 1100 bushels, 22 2 25 2 more than s q s t 6 Stable manure only, 900 to 1100 bushels, 35 2 29 28 1 IV t 7 Marl and stable manure, both as above. 3fi 38 2 37 Z\ 10 p Marled at 450 bushels. Less than r \ P (800) / Equal to r p 31 3 An accidental omission prevented the measurement oi s tb, in 1832.] [This experiment has been made with much trouble, and every care bestowed to insure accuracv. Still several causes have ope- rated to affect the correctness of the results, and to prevent the comparative products showing the true rate of improvement, ERRORS OP THE EXPEEIMENTS. 123 citliev from the marl or the putrescent ma.itiire. These oaascs will be briefly stated. 1st. The quantity of marl (800 bushels) m q r and r p ip nearly double the amount that ought to have bef^n used; and this error has not only increased the expense uselessly but has served ';o pre- vent the increase of product that would have takoL place. This loss is proved by the gradual increase, aa-i at *ast the greater product of w p, marled at only 450 bushels. 2d. The comparative superiority of all the marled ground to s q, not marled, is lessened by this circumstance : most of the large logs, as well as all the small branches, were burnt upon the land, when it was cleared in 1824, before the experiment was com- menced ; and the ashes have durably improved a spot where each of these large fires was made on s q, but have done no good, and perhaps have been injurious, to the marled pieces that were made sufficiently calcareous without the addition of ashes. At least, the good effect of ashes, on spots, is very evident in s q, and has helped somewhat to increase all its measured products, and no such benefit has been visible on the marled parts. 3d. The quantity of putrescent manure applied to s t (900 to 1100 bushels) was much too great both for fiur experiment and profit; and the excess of quantity, together with the imperfectly rotted state of the stable manure, has given more durability to the effect, than is to be expected from a more judicious and economical rate of manuring on such land when not marled. For these several seasons, it is evident that far more satisfactory results than even these would have been obtained, especially in the amounts of oictt products, if only half as much of either marl or manure had been applied. There are other circumstances to be considered, which, if not attended to, will cause the comparative increase or decrease of pro- duct in this experiment to be misunderstood. It is well known that poor land put under tillage immediately after being cleared, as this was in 1824, will not yield near as much as on the next succeeding course of crops. This increase, which depends merely on the effects of time, operates independently of all other means for improvement that the land may possess ; and its rate, in this experiment, may be fairly estimated by the increase on the piece s q from 1824 to 1828. The increase here, where time only acted, was from 12 to 21^- bushels. But as the corn gathered here was always much the most imperfectly ripened, and would therefore lose the most by shinking, I will suppose eight bushels to be the rate of increase from time, and that so much of the product of all the pieces should be attributed to that cause. Then, to estimate alone the increased or diminished effects of marl or manure on the 124 ERRORS or THE EXPERIMENTS. other pieces, eight bushels should be deducted from all the dif- ferent applications, and the estimate will stand thus : 1824. 1828. gr 1 rp 2 rp 3 s t 5 St 6 p. y- 4 U 35 2 U 31 29 B. P. 2 1 IJ 5 2 14 2 From 800 bushels of marl. 800 " of marl. 1000 1000 cow-pen manure, stable manure. Even the piece covered with both marl and stable manure (to t) shows according to this estimate a diminished effect equal to lOj bushels ; which was owing to the marl not being able to combine with, and fix, so great a quantity of manure, in addition to the vegetable matter left by its natural growth of wood. The piece w p, marled at 450 bushels alone, has shown a steady increase of product at each return of tillage, and thereby has given evidence of its being the only improvement made in such manner as both judgment and economy would have directed. [After the crop and measurement of 1832, it was inferred that the separate products of such small spaces could no longer be relied on, owing to the mixture of the surfaces of adjacent parts, necessa- rily caused by tillage. Therefore the previously omitted parts were marled before the next course of crops came round. — 1842.] CHAPTER XII. " EFFECTS OF CALCAREOUS MANURE ON ACID CLAY (OR STIFF) SOILS, RECENTLY CLEARED. Proposition 5 — continued. The two next experiments were made on another field of thirty acres of very uniform quality, marled and cleared in 1826 and the succeeding years. The soil is very stiff, close, and intractable un- der cultivation — seems to contain scarcely any sand — but, in fiict, about one half of it is composed of silicious sand, which is so fine, when separated, as to feel like the finest flour. Only a small pro- portion of the sand is coarser than this state of impalpable powder. Clayey earth of a dirty pale yellow colour forms nearly all of its remaining ingredients. Before being cleared of the forest growth, and ploughed, the soil is not an inch deep; and all below, EXPERIMENTS ON NEW AND ACID CLAY LANDS. 125 * for many feet, is apparenily composed of the like parts of clay and fine sand. This is decidedly the most worthless kind of soil, in its natural state, that our district furnishes. It is better for wheat than for corn, though its product is contemptible in every- tliing. It is difficult to be made wet, or dry — and therefore suffei's more than other soils from both dry and wet seasons, but espe- cially from the former. It is almost always either too wet or too dry for ploughing ; and sometimes it will pass through both states in two or three clear and warm days. If broken up early in win- ter, the soil, instead of being pulverized by frost, like most clay lands, runs together again by freezing and thawing ; and by March, will l>ave a sleek (though not a very even) crust upon the surface, quite too hard to plant on without a second ploughing. The natural growth is principally white and red oaks, a smaller proportion of pinc^ and an under-growth of whortleberry bushes throughout. Experiment 5. On one side of this field a marked spot of thirty-five yards square was left out, when the adjoining land was marled at the rate of five hundred to six hundred bushels {37 per cent.) to the acre. Paths for the carts were opened through the trees, and the marl dropped and spread in January, 182G, and the land cleared the following winter. Most of the wood was carried off for fuel ; the remaining logs and brush burnt on the ground, as usual, at such irregular distances as were convenient to the labourers. This part was perhaps the poorer, because wood had previously been cut here for fuel ; though only a few trees had been taken, here and there, each winter, for a long time past. Results, 1827. Planted in corn the whole recent clearing of fifteen acres — all marled, except the spot left out for experiment : broken up late and badly, and worse tilled, as the land was gene- rally too hard, until the season was too far advanced to save the crop. The whole crop so small, that it was useless to attempt to measure the products. The diff"erence would have been only between a few imperfect ears on the marled ground, and still less ' — indeed almost nothing — on that not marled. 1828. Again in corn — as well broken and cultivated as usual for such land. October 8th — cut down four rows of corn running through the land not marled, and eight others, alongside on the marled — all fifty feet in length. The rows had been laid off for five and a half feet — but were found to vary a few inches — for which the proper allowance was made, by calculation. The spaces taken for measurement were caused to be thus small by a part of the corn having been inadvertently cut down and shocked, just before. The ears were shelled when gathered ; and the products, • 11* 12G ON NEW AND AMD CLAY LANDS. measured in a vessel which held (by^ trial) l-80th of a bushel, were as follows : On land not marled, 4 rows, average 5 feet, and 50 in length (500 square feet) 13^ measures, or to the acre 7i bushels. On adjoining marled land, 4 rows, average 5 feet 1 J inches by 50 feet= 512 square feet, 25| measures, or to the acre 13 ^ bushels. 4 nest rows, 5 feet 4 J inches by 50 = 537 square feet, 271 mea- sures, or to the acre 14 bushels. 1829. In wheat. 1830. At rest — the weeds, a scanty cover. 1831. In corn. October 20th — measured by the chain equal spaces, and gathered and measured their products. The corn not marled was so imperfectly filled, that it was necessary to shell it, for fairly measuring the quantity. The marled parcels, being of good ears generally, were measured as usual, by allowing two heaped measures of ears, for one of grain. On land not marled, 303 square yards made ..... 3 gallons, or to the acre, ...... 5 bushels. On marled land, close adjoining on one side, 363 square yards made rather more than 6 gallons — to the acre, 10 bushels. 363 square yards on another side, made not quite 8 gallons, or to the acre, 12 bushels. The piece not marled coincided with that measured in 1828, as nearly as their difference of size and shape permitted — as did the last named marled piece, with the two of 1828. The last crop was greatly injured by the wettest summer that I have ever known, which has caused the decrease of product exhibited in this experi- ment — which will be best seen in this form : Product of grain to the acre. 1828— October 18. 1831— October 20. Not marled. Marled (average). 7 bushels 1 peck. 18 « 3 " 5 bushels. 11 " Experiment 6. e D |c A E r^ B / MARLING ON ACID CLAY SOIL. 127 The remainder of the thirty acres was grubbed during the win- ter of 1826-27 ; marled the next summer at five hundred to six hundred bushels the acre — marl 40 per cent. A rectangle (A) 11 by 13 poles, was laid off by the chain and compass, and left without marl. All the surrounding laud supposed to be equal in quality with A — and all level, except on the sides E and B, which were partly sloping, but not otherwise different. The soil suited to the general description given before ; no material difference known or suspected between the lajid on which 5th experiment was made and this, except that the latter had not been robbed of any wood for fuel, before clearing. The large trees (or all more than ten inches through) were belted, and the smaller cut down in the be- ginning of 1828, and all the land west of the line c J\ was planted in corn. As usual, the tillage bad, and the crop very small. The remainder lying east of e f, was coultered once ; but, as more labour could not be spared, nothing more was done with it until the latter part of the winter, 1820, when it was broken by two-horse ploughs, oats sown and covered by trowel ploughs ; then clover sown, and a wooden-tooth harrow passed over to cover the seed, and to smooth down, in some measure, the masses of roots and clods. Results, 1829. The oats produced badly ; but yielded more for the labour required than corn would have done. The young clover on the marled land was remarkably good, and covered the surface completely. In the unmarled part, A, only two casts through had been sown, for comparison, as I knew it would be a waste of seed. This looked as badly as had been expected. 1830. The crop of clover would have been considered excellent even on good land, and was most remarkable for so poor a soil as this. The strips sown through A, had but little left alive, and that scarcely of a size to be observed, except one or two small tufts, where I supposed some marl had been deposited by the cleaning of a plough, or that ashes had been left, from burning the brush. The growth of clover was left undisturbed until after midsummer, when it was grazed by my small stock of cattle, but not closel3^ 1831. Corn on the whole field. October 20th, measured care- fully half an acre (10 by 8 poles) in A, the same in D, and half as much (10 by 4) in E. No more space could be taken on this side, for fear of getting within the injuriovis influence of the con- tiguous woods. No measurement was made on the side B, because a large oak, which the belting had not killed, affected its product considerably. Another accidental circumstance prevented my being able to know the product of the side C, which however was evidently and greatly inferior to all the marled land on which oats and clover had been raised. This side had been in corn, followed by wheat, and next (1830) under its spontaneous growth of weeds. 128 EFFECTS ON ACID CLAY SOIL. The corn on eacli of the measured spaces was cnt down, and put in separate shocks — and on Nov. 25th, when well dried, the parcels were shucked and measured, before being moved. We had then been gathering and storing the crop for more than fifteen days; and therefore these measurements may be considered as showing the amount of dry and firm gTain, without any unusual deduction being required for shrinkage. Bush. Pks. A (half acre) made 7i bush, of ears, or of grain to the acre, 7 1 D (half acre) 16| 16 3 E (quarter acre) 11 22 The sloping surface of the side E, prevented water from lying on it, and therefore it suffered less, perhaps not at all, from the extreme wetness of the summer, which evidently injured the growth on A and D, as well as of all the other level parts of the field. [1832. The field in wheat. 1833. In clover, which was grazed, though not closely, after it had reached its full growth. ' 1834. Corn, a year earlier than would have been permitted by the four-shift rotation. The tillage was insufficient, and made still worse by the commencement of severe drought before the last ploughing was completed, which was thereby rendered very labori- ous, and imperfect withal. The drought continued through all August, and greatly injured the whole crop of corn. Jicstdts continued. October 22d. Marked ofi" by a chain half an acre within the space A (8 by 10 poles) as much in D, and a quarter acre (10 by 4 poles) in each of the other three sides C, B, and E, having each of the last four spaces as near as could be to the outlines of the space A. The products carefully measured (in the ears) yielded as follows : A, not marled, yielded 6 bush. Of peck of grain, to the acre. D, marled, " 19 " 3 J " " E, do. " 20 " 1 " « C, do. " 20 " 2 " « B, do. " 20 " 1* " • " In comparing these products with those of the same land in 1831, stated above, it should be remembered that the corn formerly measured was dry, while that of the last measurement had yet to lose greatly by shnnking. As, after early gathering, the corn from the poorest land of course will lose most by drying, and as the ears on A were generally very defective and badly filled, if the measurement had been made in the sound and well dried grain of each parcel, the product of A could not have exceeded one-fourth of that of the surrounding marled land, and probably was less. But though these differences of product present the improvement caused by marling in a striking point of view, this close and stub- EFFECTS. ON ACID CLAY SOIL. 129 born soil at best is very unfit fof the corn crop ; and its highest value is found under clover, and in wheat on clover, of which some proofs will be found in the next experiment. The first crop of clover, however, after marling, has not since been equalled. — 1835.] [My subsequent distant residence prevented my observing this field when under any matured crop, until in 1842, when in wheat. The then growth on the unmarled space was certainly not more than one-fourth as much as that of the surrounding ground. — 1842.] Experiment 7. Another piece of land of twenty-five acres, of soil and qualities similar to the last described (Exp. 5 and 6), was cleared in 1818, and about 6 acres marled in 1819, at about three hundred and fifty bushels. The course of cultivation was as follows : 1820. Corn — benefit from marl very unequal — supposed to vary between twenty-five and eighty per cent. 1821. Wheat — the benefit derived great'Cr. 1822. At rest. 1823. Ploughed early for corn, but not planted. The whole marled at the rate of six hundred bushels (40 per cent.), again ploughed in August, and sown in wheat in October. The old marled space more lightly covered, so as to make the whole nearly equal, 1824. The wheat much improved. 1825 and 1826, at rest. 1827. Corn. 1828. . In wheat, and sown in clover. 1829. The crop of clover was heavier than any I had ever seen in this part of the country, except in some very rare cases of rich natural soil, where gypsum was used and acted well. The growth was thick, but unequal in height (owing probably to unequal spreading of the marl), standing from fifteen to twenty-four inches high. The first growth was mowed for hay, and the second left to manure the land. 1830. The clover not mowed. Fallowed in August, and sowed wheat in October, after a second ploughing. 1881. The wheat was excellent, almost heavy enough to be in danger of lodging. I supposed the product to be certainly twenty bushels, perhaps twenty-five, to the acre. As it had not been designed to make any experiment on this land, the progress of improvement was not observed with mxich eare. But whatever were the intermediate steps, it is certain that the land, at first, was as poor as that forming the subjects of the two preceding experiments in the unimproved state (the measured pro- ducts of which have been given), and that its last crop was at least 'four times as great as could have been obtained, if marl had not 130 EFFECTS ON IMPOVERISHED ACID SOILS. been applied. The peculiar fitness of this kind of soil for clover after marling, and the supposed cause of the remarkable heavy first crop of clover, will require further remarks, and will be again referred to hereafter. CHAPTER XIII. THE EFFECTS OF CALCAREOUS IMANURES ON ACID SOILS REDUCED BY CULTIVATION. Proposition 5 — continued. My use of marl has been more extensive on impoverished acid soils than on all other kinds, and has never failed there to produce striking improvement. Yet it has unfortunately happened that the two experiments made on such land with most care, and on which I relied mainly for evidence of the durable and increasing benefit from this manure, have had their beneficial eifects almost destroyed by the applications having been made too heavy. These experi- ments, like the 4th and 6th, already reported, were designed to re- main without any subsequent alteration, so that the measurement of their products, once in every succeeding course of crops, might exhibit the progress of improvement under all the different circum- stances. As no danger was then feared from such a course, marl was applied heavily, that no future addition might be required ; and for this reason, I have to report my greatest disappointments exactly in those cases where the most evident success and increas- ing benefits had been expected. However, these failures will be stated fairly, and as fully as the most successful results ] and they may at least serve to v.'arn from the danger of error, though not to show, as was designed, the greatest profits of judicious marling. [It should be observed that the general rotation of crops pur- sued on the farm, on all land not recently cleared, was that of four shifts (corn, wheat, and then the land two years at rest and not gi-azed), though some exceptions to this course may be remarked in some of the experiments to be stated.] Experiment 8. Of a poor sandy acid loam, seven acres were marled at the rate of only ninety bushels (37 per cent.) to the acre ; laid on and spread early in 1819. Resitltii, 1819. In corn — the benefit too small to be generally perceptible, but could be plainly distinguished along part of the outline, by comparing with the part not marled. EFFECTS ON IMPOVERISHED ACID SOILS. 131 1820. Wheat — the effect something better ; and continued to be visible on the weeds following, until the whole was more heavily marled in 1823. Experiment 9. In the same field, on soil as poor and more sandy than the last described, four acres were marled at one hundred and eighty bushels (37 per cent.), March 1818. A part of the same was also covered heavily with rotted barn-yard manure, which also extended through similar land not marled. This furnished for observation, land marled only — manured only — marled and manured — and some without either. The whole space, and more adjoining, had been heavily manured five or six years before by summer cowpens, and stable litter — of which no appearance remained after two years. Remits, 1819. In corn. The improvement from marl very evi- dent; but not to be distinguished on the part covered also by ma- nure, the effect of the latter so far exceeding that of the marl as to conceal it. 1820. In wheat. In 1821 and 1822, at rest. 1823. In corn — 5| by 3^ feet. The following measurements were made on adjoining spaces on October 10th. The shape of the ground did not admit of larger pieces, equal in all respects, being measured, as no comparison of products had been contemplated at first, otherwise than by the eye. Bush. Quarts. From the part not marled, 414 corn-hills made 75 quarts — or per acre, 13 26 Marled only, 414 . . . . 100 . 18 12 Manured only, 490 . . . . 105 . 15 5 Marled and manured, 490 . . . 130 . 20 20 The growth on the part both marled and manured was evidently inferior to that of 1819. This was to be expected, as the small quantity of calcareous earth was not enough to fix half so much putrescent manure ; and, of course, the excess was as liable to waste as if no marl had been used. Experiment 10. Twenty acres of sandy loam, on a sandy sub-soil, covered in 1819 with marl of about 30 per cent, average proportion of calcareous earth, and the remainder silicious sand — at 800 bushels to the acre. This land had been long cleared, and much exhausted by cultiva- tion ; since 1814 not grazed, and had been in corn only once in four years ; and, as it was not worth sowing in wheat, had three years in each rotation to rest and improve by receiving all its scanty growth of weeds. The same course has been continued from 1819 to 1832, except that wheat has regularly followed t^e crops of 132 EFFECTS ON ACID AND SANDY BOILS. corn, leaving two years of rest in four. This soil was lighter than the subject of any preceding experiment, except the 9th. On a high level part, surrounded by land apparently equal, a square of about an acre (A) was staked off, and left without marl — which that year's work brought to two sides of the square (C, D, and E). c 1 ...A 2 d' B E Results, 1820. In corn. October 13th, three half acres of marled laud were measured, and as many on that not marled, and close ad- joining, and produced as follows : Not marled. Bush. Half acre in A, 7 The same in A, 7 Half acre in B, 7 Marled. Pecks. Bush. Pecks. 1 adjoining in C, 12 3 1 " D, 13 31 21 " E, 15 0^ The average increase being 12 J bushels of grain to the acre, nearly 100 per cent, as measured, and more than 100 if the defect- ive filling, and less matured state of the corn not marled, be con- sidered. The whole would have lost more by shrinkage than is usual from equal products. 1821. The whole in wheat ; much hurt by the wetness of the season. The marled part more than twice as good as that left out. 1822 and 1823. At rest. A good cover of carrot weeds and other kinds had succeeded the former growth of poverty grass and sorrel, and every appearance promised additional increase to the next cultivated crop. November, 1823, when the next ploughing was commenced, the soil was found to be evidently deeper, of a darker colour, and firmer, yet more friable. The two-horse ploughs with difficulty (increased by the cover of weeds) could cut the re- quired depth of five inches, and the slice crumbled as it fell from the mould-board. But as the furrows passed into the part not marled, an immediate change was seen, and even felt by the ploughman, as the cutting was so much more easy, that care was necessary to prevent the plough running too deep ; and the slices turned over in flakes, smooth and sleek from the mould-board, like land too wet for ploughing, which however was not the case. The marling of the field was completed at the same rate (800 bushels), DISEASE OF CllOrS FROM OVEII-MAHLING. 133 which closed a third side (B) of the marked square. The fourth side was my neighbour's field. 1824. lu corn. The newly marled (on B) showed as early and as great benefit as was found in 1820 on C and D; but yet was very inferior to the old^ until the latter was 10 or 12 inches high, when it began to give the first known evidence of the very injviri- ous efi"ccts of using this manure too heavily. The disease thus produced became worse and worse, until many of the plants had been killed, and still more were so stunted as to leave no hope of their being otherwise than barren. The effects will be known from the measurements which were made as nearly as could be on the same ground as the corresponding marks in 1820, and will be ex- hibited in the table, together with the products of the succeeding rotations. Besides the general injury suffered here in 1824, there were one hundred and three corn-hills in one of the measured quarter acres (in C), or more than one-sixth, entirely barren, and eighty-nine corn-hills in another quarter acre (D). In counting these, none of the missing hills were included, as these plants might have perished from other causes. [This unlocked for disaster diminished the previous increase gained by marling, by nearly one- half; and the damage has since been still greater, at each succes- sive return of cultivation until some years after 1832. Just before planting the crops of 1832, straw and chafi" very imperfectly rotted by exposure, and which contained no admixture of animal manure, were applied at the rate of 800 bushels the acre to half the square without marl (A, 1), and to the adjacent parts of the marled land. The vegetable manure showed but slight benefit, until after all the worst effects of excessive marling had been produced; and the later operation of the manure served barely to prevent a still farther diminution being exhibited by the land injured by marl. > f3 DESCRIPTION. PRODUCT IN SHELLED CORN PER ACRE. 1st course 2d course Sd course 4th course P^ 1S20. 182-4. 1828. 1832. October 13. October 16. October 13. October 19. Cush. pk. Bush. pk. Busb. pk. Bush. pk. A N^ot marled, 14 2 16 1 11 3J 9 3 Al After manuring, 16 3 not mea- 1". Xot marled until 1823, 15 1 28 19 2 sured. K 1 Marled in 1819 — manured with cliaff, &c., in 1832, (-25 \ 27 3J (30 1" 19 2 20 not mea- 15 19 not mea- 18 . 19 i not mea- sured. sured. sured. 12 134 EFFECTS CONTINUED. The crops of wheat were throughout less injured by the excess of marl than the corn. For the crop of 1828, ploughed with three mules to each plough, from six to seven inches deep — seldom turning up any sub-soil (which was formerly within three inches of* the surface), and the soil appearing still darker and richer than Avhen preparing for the crops of 1824:. The ploughing of the square not marled (A) no- where exceeded six inches; yet that depth must have injured the land, as I can impute to no other cause the remarkable diminution of product, through four courses of the mild four-shift rotation. It was evident that a still greater depth of furrow was not hurtful to the marled land. A strip across the field, in another place, was in 1828 ploughed eight inches deep for experiment, by the side of another of four inches, and the corn on the deepest ploughing was the best. Another strip was trench-ploughed twelve inches deep, without showing any perceptible diiference, either of product or in the effects of damage from the excess of marl. This square left without marl was the land previously referred to (page 41) as showing a diminished product through three succes- sive courses of the rotation recommended by the author of ' Arator' as enriching. Since, another crop has been made and measured, and found to be still smaller than any previous. To whatever cause this continued falling of, for 16 years, may be attributed, it is at least a remarkable contradiction to the doctrine of vegetable matter serving alone to make poor land rich. Much trouble has been encountered in attending to this experi- ment, and much loss of product submitted to, since its commence- ment, for the purpose of knowing the progress and extent of the evil caused by the excess of marl. Eut another portion of the field, marled as heavily in 1824, and whore equal damage was ex- pected to ensue, has been entirely relieved by intermitting the corn crop of 1828, sowing clover, which (by manuring with gypseous earth, or green-sand earth, at 20 bushels to the acre) produced well, and which was left to fall and rot on the land. The next growth of corn on this part of the field (1832) was free from dis- ease, and though irregular, seemed to the eye to amount to full twenty-five bushels to the acre. — 1835.] [After 1836, the rotation and management of this field ceased to be regular or uniform, as previously ; and also, by cross plough- in"', &c., during so many years, marl had necessarily become slightly diffused over the space designed to remain without marl. Therefore no more measurements were made, as they could no longer be relied on for accurate comparison. The unmarled part, even with its slight accidental gain of marl from the surrounding ground, and half the piece having also been dressed with putres- cent manure in 1832 (as stated above), is but very little improved EFFECTS ON ACID SIANDY SOILS. 135 since 1820. This and other spots, at first omitted for comparison, when no longer fit for that purpose, were subsequently marled. — 1849.] Experiment 11. The ground on which this experiment was made was in the midst of nineteen or twenty acres of soil apparently similar in all respects — level, gray sandy loam, cleared about thirty years before, and reduced as low by cultivation as such soil could well be. The land that was marled and measured was about two hundred yards distant from experiment 2, and both places are supposed to have been originally similar in all respects. This land had not been culti- vated since 1815, when it was in corn — but had been once ploughed since, November 1817, which had prevented broom-grass from taking possession. The ploughing then was four inches deep, and in five and a half feet beds, as recommended in 'Arator.' The growth in the year 1820 presented little except poverty grass (Aristida gracilis), running blackberry briers, and sorrel — and the land seemed very little if at all improved by its five successive years of rest. A small part of this land was covered with calca- reous sand (20 per cent.), quantity not observed particularly, but probably about 600 bushels. C Results. 1821. Ploughed level, and planted in corn — distance 5 J by 3i feet. The measurement of spaces nearly adjoining, made in October, was as follows : 23 by 25 corn-hills, not marled (in A) made 2 J bushels,") or per acre, .... . Og ^ „„„,.!„ 23 by 25 corn-hills, marled (on the side B) 5f . 22 i ) "^''^^J^' '1822. At rest. Marled the whole, - except a marked square of fifty yards, containing the space measured the preceding year. Marl 45 per cent, and finely divided — 350 bushels to the acre — • from the same bed as that used for experiment 4. In August, ploughed the land, and sowed wheat early in October. 1823. Much injury sustained by the wheat from Hessian fly, and the growth was not only mean, but very irregular ; but it was supposed that the first marled place (on the side B) was from 50 to 100 per cent, better than the last marled, and the last superior to the included square not marled (A), in as great a proportion. 1824. Airain in corn, The effects of disease from marling were 136 EFFECTS ON ACID SANUY SOILS. as injurious here, both on the new and old part, as those described in experiment 10. No measurement of products made, owing to my being from home when the corn was cut down for sowing wheat. 1825. The injury from disease less on the wheat than on the corn of the last year on the latest marling, and none perceptible on the oldest application. This scourging rotation of three grain crops in four years was particularly improper on marled land, and the more so on account of its poverty. 1826. White clover had been sown thickly over forty-five acres, including this part, on the wheat, in January, 1825. In the spring of 1826, it formed a beautiful green though low cover on even the poorest of the marled land. Marked spots, which were so diseased by over-marling as not to produce a grain of corn or wheat, pro- duced clover at least as good as other places not injured by that cause. The square, which had been sown in the same manner, and on which the plants came up well, had no clover remaining by April, 1826, except on a few small spots, all of which together would not have made three feet square. The piece not marled, white with poverty grass, might be seen, and its outlines traced, at some distance, by its strong contrast with the surrounding dark weeds in winter, or the verdant turf of white clover the spring before. 1827. Still at rest. No grazing allowed on the white clover. 1828. In corn — the land broken in January, five inches deep. October 14th, made the following measurements : In the square not marled (A), 105 by 104 j feet (thirty-six square yards more than a quarter of an acre), made one barrel of ears — ' Bushels. Pecks. Or of grain to the acre . . . . 9 If The same in 1821 8 IJ Gain, 1 Oi Old marling (in B)— 105 by 104J feet— 2i barrels, 22 2 The same in 1821 22 0^ Gain, 1^ New marling, 105 by 104 J feet, on the side that seemed to be the most diseased (D), li barrels — or nearly 12 bushels to the acre. [1832. Again in corn. Since 1826, the mild four-shift rotation had been regularly adhered to. Ploughed early in winter five inches deep, and again with two-horse ploughs just before planting, and after manuring the land above the dotted line D x. The ma- nure was from the stable yard, the vegetable part of it composed of straw, corn-stalks, corn-cobs, and leaves raked from wood-land, had been heaped in a wet state a short time before, and was still EFFECTS WITH PUTRESCENT MANURE. 137 Lot from its fermentation when carrying to the field. It was then about half rotted. The rate at which it was applied was about 807 heaped bushels to the acre, which was too heavy for the best nett profit. The corn on the oldest marling (B) showed scarcely a trace of remaining damage, while that on J) 2 (not manured) was again much injured. On the manured part, D 1, and C, the symptoms of disease began also to show early; but were so soon checked by the operation of the putrescent manure, that very little (if any) loss could have been sustained from that cause. The following table exhibits all the measured products for comparison : > DESCRIPTION. PKODUCT IN GRAIN, PER ACRE. 1st course 2d course Sd course 4th course W 1821 1824. 1828. 1832. October - October 14. October 20. Bush. pk. None measur- Bush. pk. Bush. pk. A r Not marled, "| 8 1^ ed, but the 9 1| 9 2n Al \ Not marled & ma- l product of B ( nured in 1832, j much reduced the same 23 3 J C Marled in 1822, and manured in 1832, by excess of marl, and D 31 IJ B Marled in 1821 (lightly) 22 oj and C equally 22 2 25 D ] Marled in 1822 (more injured from heavily) the same 12 17 3 ^ Dl[ The same — and manur- cause. \ J ed in 1832, the same 34 3 j The products of the spaces A and B, in 1828, were not only estimated as usual from the measurement of the corn in ears (which estimated quantities are those in the table), but they were also shelled on the day when gathered, and the grain then measured, and again some months after, when it had become thoroughly dry. Care was taken that there should be no waste of the corn, or other cause of inaccuracy. The result showed nearly double the loss from shrinking in the corn not marled, and of course a proportional greater comparative increase of product in that marled, besides the increase which appears from the early measurement exhibited in the table. The grain of A, not marled, when first shelled, mea- sured a very little more than the quantity fixed by estimate — made as usual by measurement of the ears, and lost by shrinking 30 per cent. The marled grain, from B, measured at first above 4 per cent, more than the estimate, and after shrinking, fell below it so much as to show the loss to be 16 per cent. The loss from shrink- ing in this case was greater than usual in both, from the poverty and consequent backwardness of the part not marled, and the un- commonly large proportion of replanted and of course late corn on the whole. 12* 138 EFFECTS "WITH PUTRESCENT MANURE. J I The two last experiments, as well as tlie 4th, were especially de- I signed to test the amount of increased product to be obtained from 1 marling, and to show the regular addition to the first increase, \ which the theory promised at each renewal of tillage. As to the i main objects, all the three experiments have proved failures — and ] from the same error, that of marling too heavily. Although, for this reason, the results have shown so much of the injurious cifects, still, taken altogether, the experiments prove, clearly, not only the great immediate benefit of applying marl, but also its con- tinued and increasing good eifects when applied in proper quantities. —1835.] Exioeriment 12. On 9 acres of sandy loam, marled in 1819 at 400 bushels (25. per cent.), nearly an acre was manured during the same summer, by penning cattle. With the expectation of preserving the ma- \ nure, double the quantity of marl, or 800 bushels in all, was laid on that part. The field in corn in 1820 ; in wheat, 1821 ; and at i rest 1822 and 1823. ^ | Results, 1824. In corn, the second rotation aftef marling. The i effects of the dung have not much diminished, and that part shows no damage from the cjuantity of marl, though the surrounding corn, marled only half as thickly, gave signs of general, though very slight injury from that cause. Experiment 13. Nearly two acres of loamy sand were covered with barn-yard manure, and marl (45 per cent.), at the same time, in the spring i of 1822, and the field put in corn the same year, followed by wheat. < The quantity of marl not remembered — but it must have been ; heavy (say not less than six hundred bushels to the acre), as it was \ put on to fix and retain the manure, and I had then no fear of ! damage from heavy dressings. Result, 1825. Again in corn; and except on a small spot of sand almost pure (nearly a " blowing sand," or liable to be drifted by high wunds in dry weather), no signs of disease from over- marling were seen, then or afterwards. I CHx\PTER XIV. EFFECTS OP CALCAREOUS MANURES ON " FREE LIGHT LAND." Proposition 5 — contimied. The soil known in this part of the country by the name of " free light land" has so peculiar a character that it deserves a particular notice. It belongs to the slopes and undulating lands, between the highest ridges and the water-courses, but has nothing of the dura- bility which slopes of medium fertility sometimes possess. In its wood-land state it would be called rich, and may remain productive for a few crops after being cleared ; but it is rapidly exhausted, and, when poor, seems as unimprovable by vegetable manures as the poorest ridge lands. In its virgin state, this soil might be sup- posed to deserve the name of neutral ; but its productive power is so fleeting, and acid growths and qualities so surely follow its ex- haustion, that it must be inferred that it is truly an acid soil. Experiment 14. The subject of this experiment presents soil of this kind with its peculiar characters unusually well marked. It is a loamy sandy soil (the sand coarse), on a similar sub-soil of considerable depth. The surfiice waving, almost hilly in some parts. The original growth principally red-oak, hickory, and dogwood, not many pines, and very little whortleberry. Cut down in 1816, and put in corn the next year. The crop Avas supposed to be twenty -five bushels to the acre. Wheat succeeded, and was still a better crop for so sandy a soil ; making twelve to fifteen bushels, as it appeared standing. After 18 months of rest, and not grazed, the next corn crop, of 1820, was evidently and considerably inferior to the first; and the wheat of 1821 (which however was a very bad crop, from too wet a season) could not have been more than five bushels to the acre. In January, 1820, a piece of 1^ acres was limed, at 100 bushels the acre. The lime, being caught by rain before it was spread, formed small lumps of mortar on the land, and produced no benefit on the corn of that year, but could be seen slightly in the wheat of 1821. The land again at rest in 1822 and '23, when it was marled, at 600 bushels (.37 per cent.), without omitting the limed piece ; and all sowed in wheat that fall. In 1824, the wheat was found to be improved by the marl, but neither that, nor the next crop of 1828, was equal to its earliest product of wheat. The limed part showed injury in 1824, from the quantity of manure, but none since. The field was now under the regular four-shift (139) 140 EFFECTS ON " FREE LIGHT LAND." \ rotation, and continued to recover ; but did not surpass its first i crop until 1831, when it brought rather more than thirty bushels ^ of corn to the acre (estimated by the eye) — being five or six j bushels more than its supposed first crop. I Experiment 15. I Adjoining this piece, six acres of similar soil were grubbed and | the trees belted in August, 1826— marl at 600 to 700 bushels (37 j per cent.), spread just before. But few of the trees died until the i summer of 1827. In 1828, planted in corn ; the crop did not ap- I pear heavier than would have been expected if no marl had been i applied; but no part had been left without, for comparison. 1829, ■ wheat. 1830, at rest. 1831, in corn, and the product supposed to be near or quite thirty -five bushels, or an increase of thirty-five or' forty per cent, on the first crop. No measurement was made ; but the product was estimated by comparison with an adjacent piece, i which measured thirty-one bushels, and which seemed to be inferior to this piece. \ The operation of marl on this kind of soil seems to add to the i previous product very slowly, compared with other soils ; but it ia j not the less effectual and profitable in fixing and retaining the vege- , table matter accumulated by nature, which otherwise would be j quickly dissipated by cultivation, and lost for ever. The remarkable sand}^ and open texture of the soil on which the last ; two experiments were tried, will be evident from the following state- ment of the quantity and coarseness of the silicious sand contained. ; 1000 grains of this soil, taken in 1826 from the part that had been' both limed and marled, was found to consist of 811 of silicious sand moderately coarse, mixed with a few grains; of coarse shelly matter (the remains of the marl). I 158 finely divided 'earthy matter, part fine sand, as well as clay, and organic matter. i 81 loss. ! 1000 i At the same time, from the edge of the adjoining wood-land; which formed the next described experiment, 15, and which had| not then been marled, a specimen of soil was taken from between^ the depths of one and three inches — and found to consist of the! following proportions. This spot was believed to be rather lighter than the other in its natural state. 865 grains of silicious sand, principally coarse, 107 finely divided earthy matter (partly fine sand), &c. ! 28 loss. 1000 CHAPTER XV. EFFECTS OF CALCAREOUS MANURES ON EXHAUSTED ACID SOILS, UNDER THEIR SECOND GROWTH OF TREES. Proposition 5 — continued. Not having owned much land under a second gi'owth of pines, I can only refer to two experiments of this kind. The improvement in both these cases has been so remarkable, as to induce the belief that the '■' old fields" to be found on every farm, which have been exhausted and turned out of cultivation thirty or forty years, offer the most profitable subjects for the application of calcareous manures. ' Experiment 16. May 1826. Marled about eight acres of land under its second growth, by opening paths for the carts ten yards apart. Marl 40 per cent. ; put 500 to 600 bushels to the acre — and spread in the course of the summer. In August, belted slightly all the pines that were as much as eight inches through, and cut down or grub- bed the smaller growth, of which there was very little. The pines (which Avere the only trees) stood thick, and were mostly from eight to twelve inches in diameter — eighteen inches where standing thin. The land joined experiment 15 on one side ; but this is level, and on the other side joins ridge wood-land, which soon be- comes like soil of experiment 1. This piece, in its virgin state, was probably of a nature between those two soils ; but less like the ridge soil than the " free light land.'^ No information has been obtained as to the state of this land when its cultivation was formerly abandoned. The soil (that is, the depth which has since been turned by the plough) a whitish loamy sand, on a sub-soil of the same; in fact, all was .s?t5-so<7,. before the ploughing, except half an inch or three quarters, on the top, which was principally composed of rotted pine leaves. Above this thin layer were the later dropped and unrotted leaves, lying loosely several inches thick. The pines showed no symptoms of being killed, until the autumn of 1827, when their leaves began to have a tinge of yellow. To suit the cultivation with the surrounding land, this piece was laid down in wheat for its first crop, in October, 1827. For this pur- pose, the few logs, the boughs, and grubbed bushes were heaped, but not burnt ; the seed then sowed on the coat of pine leaves, and ploughed in by two-horse i^loughs, in as slovenly a manner as may be supposed from the condition of the laiad : and a wooden-tooth (141) 142 ON LAND or SECOND GROWTII. i barrow then passed over, to pull down the heaps of leaves, andi roughest furrows. ! liesults. The wheat was thin, hut otherwise looked well while, young. The surface was very soon again covered by the leaves { dropping from the then dying trees. On April 2d, 1828, most of ] the trees were nearly dead, though but few of them entii-ely. Tho^ wheat was then taller than any in my crop, and, when ripe, was aj surprising growth for such land, and such imperfect tillage. • j 1829 and 1830. At rest. Late in the spring of 1830 an acci- j dental fire passed over the land ; but the then growing vegetation ; prevented all of the older cover being burnt, though some waa, destroyed everywhere. ] 1831. In corn. The growth excited the admiration of all whoj saw it, and no one estimated the product so low as it actually . proved to be. A square of four (two-pole) chains, or four-tenths^ of an acre, measured on November 25th, yielded at the rate of j thirty-one and three-eighths bushels of grain to the acre. ■ Exjjeriment 17. . ] In a field of acid sandy loam, long under the usual cultivation, tj a piece of five or six acres was covered by a second growth of pinea thirty -nine years old, as supposed from that number of rings being counted on some of the stumps. The largest trees were eighteen \ or twenty inches through. This ground was altogether on the side of a slope, steep enough to lose soil by washing, and more ! than one old shallow gully remained to confirm the belief of the j injury that had been formerly sustained from that cause. These circumstances, added to all the surrounding land having been con- | tinned under cultivation, made it evident that this piece had been \ turned out of cultivation because greatly injured by tillage. It ; was again cut down in the winter of 1824-5. Many of the trees furnished fence-rails and fuel, and the remaining bodies were heaped and burnt some mouths after, as well as the large brush. ' In August it was marled, supposed at 600 bushels (37 per cent.), twice coiiltered in August and September, and sowed in wheat— the seed covered by trowel ploughs. The leaves and much of the , smaller brush, left on the ground, made the ploughing troublesome and imperfect. The crop (1826) was remarkably good; and still better were the crops of corn and wheat in the ensuing rotation, ' after two years of rest. On the last crop of wheat (1830) clover was sown — and mowed for hay in 1831. The growth stood about ■ eighteen inches high, and never have I seen so heavy a crop on | sandy and acid soil, even from the heaviest dunging, the utmost ; care, and the most favourable season. The clover grew well in the | bottoms of the old gullies, which were still plainly to be seen, and | which no means had been used to improve, except such as all the \ MARL ON CALCziREOUS AND NEUTRAL SOILS. 143 land liad received. Within two feet of the surface the sub-soil of this land is of red clay, which probably helped its growth of clover. CHAPTER XVI. EFFECTS OE CALCAREOUS MANURES ALONE, OR WITH GYPSUM, ON CALCAREOUS AND NEUTRAL SOILS, Proposition 5 — continued. Reason had taught that applications of calcareous earth alone to calcareous soils were so manifestly useless, that no more than two experiments of that kind have been made by me, of which, as ex- pected, neither had any improving effect that could be noticed, in the twelve ensuing years during which the experiments were ob- served. When calcareous manures have been applied to neutral soils, whether new or worn, no perceptible and manifest benefit has been obtained on the first crop. The subsequent improvement has gra- dually increased, as would be expected from the power of fixing manures ascribed to calcareous earth. But however satisfactory these general results were to myself, they are not such as could be reported in detail, with any advantage to other persons. It is sufficiently difficult to make fiiir and accurate experiments where early and remarkable results are expected- But no cultivator of a farm can bestow enough care, and patient observation, to obtain true results from experiments that scarcely will show their first feeble effects in several years after the commencement. On a mere experimental farm, such things may be possible; but not where the main object of the farmer is to reap profit from his general and varied operations. The effects of changes of season, of crops, of the mode of tillage — the auxiliary efi"ects of other manures, and many other circumstances — would serve to defeat any observations of the progress of a slow improvement, though the ultimate result of the general practice might be abundantly evident. Another cause for being unable to state with any precision the practical benefit of marling neutral soils, arises from the circum- stance that nearly all the calcareous manure thus applied by me has been accompanied by a natural admixture of gypsum ; and though I feel confident in ascribing some effects to one, and some to the other of these two kinds of manure, yet this division of operation must rest merely on opinion, and cannot be received as certain by any other than him who makes and carefully observes 144 GYPSEOUS MAUL OP COGGINS TOINT. the experiments. Some of these applications will be described, that other persons may draw their own conclusions from them. The cause of these manures being applied in conjunction was this. A singular bed of marl lying under Coggius Point, and the only one within a convenient distance to most of the neutral soil of that farm, contains a very small proportion (perhaps about one per cent.) of gypsum, scattered irregularly through the mass, seldom visible, though sometimes and very rarely to be met with in small crystals. The calcareous ingredient, on a general average carefully made, was found to be 62 per cent. If this manure had been xxsed before its (jyi^^eous quality was discovered, all its effects would have been ascribed to calcareous earth alone, and the most erroneous opinions might thence have been formed of its mode of operation. What led me to suspect the presence of gypsum, in this bed of fossil shells, was the circumstance that throughout its whole extent, of near a mile along the river bank, this bed lies on another earth, of peculiar character and appearance, and which, in maiiy places, exhibits gypsum in cr3'stals of various sizes. This earth has evi- dently once been a bed of fossil shells, lilic that which still remains above ; but nothing now is left of the shells, except numerous im- pressions of their forms. Not the smallest proportion of calcare- ous earth can be found, and the gypsum into which it must have been changed (by meeting with sulphuric acid, or sulphuret of iron) has also disappeared in most places ; and in others, it remains only in small quantities — say from the smallest perceptible proj^or- tion, to fifteen or twenty per cent, of the mixed mass. In some rare cases, this gypseous earth is sufficiently abundant to be used profitably as manure, as has been done, by Mr. Thomas Cocke, of Tarbay, as well as myself. It is found in the greatest quantity, and also the richest in gypsum, at Evergreen, two miles below City Point. There the gypsum frequently forms large crystals of varied and beautiful forms. The distance that this bed of gypseous earth extends is about seven miles, interrupted only by some bodies of lower land, apparently of a more recent formation by alluvion. In the bed of gypseous marl above described, there are regular layers of a calcareous rock, which was too hard to use profitably for manure, and which caused the greatest impediment to obtaining the softer part. This rock contains between eighty -five and ninety per cent, of pure calclireous earth, besides a little gypsum and iron. It makes excellent lime for cement, mixed with twice its bulk of sand, and has been used for part of the brick-work, and all the plastering of my present dwelling-house (at Shellbauks), and for several of my neighbours' houses. The whole body of marl also contains a minute proportion of some soluble salts, which pes- GYPSEOUS MARL. 145 sibly may have some influence on the operation of the substance, as manure or cement. Thus, from the examination of a single body of marl, there have been obtained not only a rich calcareous manure, but also gypsum, and a valuable cement. Similar formations may perhaps be abundant elsewhere, and their value unsuspected, and likely to re- main useless. This particular body of marl has no outward ap- pearance of possessing even its calcareous character. It would be considered, on slight inspection, as a mass of gritty clay, of no worth whatever. [The last preceding paragraphs present, as in the previous edi- tions, my earliest views of this particular bed of marl. Further information has taught that it is of the eocene, or more ancient formation; and that the underlying stratum (which is usually not at all calcareous), which I formerly named and treated of as '* gyp- seous earth," is what geologists call " green-sand," a term still less descriptive, and not at all more accurate. A full account of both of these bodies will be given in the Appendix. — 1842.] This gypseous marl has been used only on sixty acres, most of which was neutral soil, and generally, if not universally, with early as well as permanent benefits. The following experiments show results more striking than have been usually obtained ; but all agree in their general character. Experiment 18. 1819. Across the shelly island numbered 3 in the examinations of soils (page 60), but where the land was less calcareous, a sti-ip of three-quarters of an acre was covered with mussel-shell marl, a deposit on parts of the river banks supposed to have been made by the aboriginal inhabitants. Adjoining this, through its whole length, another strip was covered with gypseous marl, 53 per cent., at the rate of 250 bushels. Results. 1819. In corn. No perceptible effect from the mussel- shells. The gypseous marling considerably better than on either side of it. 1820. Wheat — less difference. 1821. Grrazed. Natural growth of white clover thickly set on the gypseous marling, much thinner on the mussel-shells, and still less of it where no marl had been applied. The whole field afterwards was put in wheat on summer fallow every second year, and grazed closely the intervening year : a course very unfavourable for observing, or permitting to take place, any effects of gypsum. Nothing more was noted of this experi- ment until 1825, when cattle were not turned in until the clover reached its full size. The strip covered with gypseous marl showed a remarkable superiority over the other marled piece, as 13 146 GYPSEOUS MARL ON NEUTRAL SOILS, well as over tlie land wLicli was still more calearcous by nature, and which had produced better in 1820. In several places, the white clover stood thickly a foot in height- Experiment 19. A strip of a quarter acre passing through rich black neutral loam, covered with gypseous marl at 250 bushels. Results. 1818. In corn. By July, the marled part seemed, the best by 50 per cent., but afterwards the other land gained on it, and little or no difference was apparent when the crop was matured. 1819. Wheat — no difference seen. 1820 and 1821. At rest. In the last summer the marled strip could again be easily traced, by the entire absence of sorrel (which had been gradually increasing on this land since it had been secured from grazing), and still more by its very lusuriaut gi-owth of bird-foot clover, which was thrice as good as that on the adjoin- ing ground. Experiment 20. 1822. On a body of neutral soil which had been reduced quite low, but was well manured in 1819 when last cultivated, gypseous marl was spread on nine acres, at the rate of 300 bushels. This terminated on one side at a strip of mussel-shell marl ten yards wide — its rate not remembered, but it was certainly thicker, in pro- portion to the calcareous earth contained, than the other, which I always avoided laying on heavily, from a mistaken fear of causing injury by too much gypsum. The line of division between the two marls was through a clay loam. The sub-soil was a retentive clay, which caused the rain water to keep the land very wet through the winter, and early part of spring. Results. 1822. In corn, followed by wheat in 1823 — not particu- larly noticed, but the benefits must have been very inconsiderable. All the mussel-shell marling, and four acres of the gypseous, sowed in red clover, which stood well; but was severely checked, and much of it killed, by a drought in June, when the sheltering wheat was reaped. During the next winter (by neglect) my horses had frequent access to this piece, and by their trampling in its wet state must have injured both land and clover. From these disasters the clover recovered surprisingly; and in 1824, two mow- ings were obtained, which, though not very heavy, were better than from any of my previous attempts to raise this grass. In 1825, the growth was still better, and yielded more to the scythe. This was the first time that I had seen clover worth mowing on the third year after sowing ; and had never heard of its being com- parable to the second year's growth anywhere in the lower country. The growth on the mussel-shell marling was very inferior to the CAUSE OP THE NON-ACTION OP GYPSUM. 147 other, and was not mowed at all the last year, being thin and low, and almost eaten out by wire-grass (^Cijnodon dacf>//on). 1826. In corn — and it was remarkable that the diiFerence shown the last year was reversed, the mussel-shell marling now having much the best crop. In these and other applications to neutral soils, I ascribe tho earliest effects entirely to gypsum, as well as the peculiar benefit shown to clover, throughout. The later effects, and especially on grain, are due to the calcareous earth in the manure. CHAPTER XVII. DIGRESSION TO THE THEORY OF THE ACTION OF GYPSUM AS MA- NURE. SUPPOSED CAUSE OP ITS WANT OP POWER AND VALUE ON ACID SOILS. Proposition 5 — contmued. Another opinion was formed from the effects of gypseous marl, as stated in the foregoing chapter, which may lead to profits much more important than any to be derived from the limited use of this, 'or any similar mineral compound — viz. : that gypsum may he pro- Jitahly used after calcareous manures, on soils on which it teas totally inefficient before. I do not present this as a fact fully esta- blished, or, even if established, of universal application ; for the results of some of my own experiments are directly in opposition. But, however it may be opposed by some facts, the greater weight of evidence, furnished by my experiments and observations, de- cidedly suppoi'ts this opinion. If correct, its importance to our low country is inferior only to the value of calcareous manures alone — which value may be almost doubled, if the land is thereby fitted to receive the wonderful benefits of gypsum on clover. It is well known that gypsum has failed entirely as a manure ""on nearly all the land on which it has been tried in our tide-water district; and we may learn from various publications, that as little general success has been met with along the Atlantic coast, as far north as Long Island. To account for this general failure of a manure so efficacious elsewhere, some one offered a reason, which was received without examination, and which is still considered by many as sufficient, viz. : that the influence of salt vapours destroyed the power of g3'psum on and near the sea-coast. But the same general worthlessness of that manure extends one hundred miles higher than the salt water of the rivers, and the lands where it is 148 NON-ACTION OP GYPSUM ON ACID SOILS. I i profitably used are much more exposed to sea air. Such are th^ rich neutral soils of Curie's Neck, Shirley, Berkley, Westoverj, Brandon, and Sandy Point, on James river, on all which gypsum on clover has been extensively and profitably used, in advance of marling or liming. On acid soils, I have never heard of enough benefit being obtained from gypsum to induce the cultivator to ex- tend its use further than making a few small experiments. When any efi"ect has been produced on an acid soil (so far as known from my own experience, or the information of others), it has been caused by applying to small spaces comparatively large c^uantities J and even then, the effects were neither considerable, durable, nor profitable. Such have been the results of many small experiments made on my own acid soils — and very rarely was the least percepti- ble efi"ect produced. Yet on some of the same soils, after marling, the most evident benefits have been obtained from gypsum on clover. The soils on which the 1st and 10th experiments were made (at some distance from these experiments) had both been tried with gypsum, and at difi"ereut rates of thickness, before marl- ing, without the least eff"ect. Several years after both had been marled, gypseous earth (from the bed referred to, page 144) was spread at twenty bushels the acre (which gave four bushels of pure gypsum*) on clover, and produced in some parts a growth 1 have never seen surpassed. It is proper to state that such results have been produced only by heavy dressings. Mr. Thomas Cocke, of Tarbay, in the spring of 1831 sowed nearly four tons of Nova Scotia gypsum on clover on marled land, the field being a continua- tion of the same ridge that my 1st, 2d, 3d, and 4th experiments were made on, and very similar soil. His dressing, at a bushel t(D the acre, before the summer had passed, produced evident benefit, where it is absolutely certain, from abundant previous experience, that none could have been obtained before marling. On soils naturally calcareous, I have in some experiments greatly promoted the growth of corn by gypsum, and have doubled the growth of clover on my best land of that kind. When the marl containing gypsum was applied, benefit from that ingredient was almost certain to be obtained. All these facts, if presented alone, would seem to prove clearly the correctness of the opinion, that the acidity of most of our soils caused the inefiicacy of gypsum, and that the application of calca- reous earth, which will remove the acid, will also serve to bring gypsum into useful operation. But this most desirable conclusion is opposed by the results of other experiments, which, though fewer in number, are as strong as any of the facts which favour that * There wa.s very little of the gypseous earth so rich as this limited layer — which was soou all removed for use. NON-ACTION OF GYrSUM ON ACID SOILS. 149 conclusion. If the subject were properly investigated, these facts, apparently in opposition, might be explained so as no longer to contradict this opinion, or perhaps might help to confirm it. Good reasons, deduced from established chemical truths, may be oifered to explain why the acidity of our soils should prevent the operation of gypsum ; though it may be deemed premature to attempt the explanation of any supposed fact, before every doubt of the existence of the fact itself has been first removed. One of the circumstances will be mentioned, which appears at first glance most strongly opposed to the opinion which has been advanced. On the poor acid clay soil, of such peculiar and base qualities, which forms the subject of the 5th, 6th, and 7th experi- ments, gypsum has been sufliciently tried, and has not produced the least benefit, either before marling, or afterwards. Yet the first growth of clover on this land after marling is fully equal to what might be expected from the best operation of gypsum. Now if it could be ascertained that a very small proportion of either sulphuric acid, or of the suJpliate of iron, exists in this soil, it would completely explain away this opposing fact, and even make it the strongest support of my position. The sulphate of iron has sometimes been found in arable soil,* and sulphuric acid has been detected in certain clays. "j" I have seen, on the same farm, a bed of clay of very similar appearance to this soil, which certainly had once contained one of these substances, as was proved by the form- ation of crystallized sulphate of lime, where the clay came in con- tact with a bed of marl. The sulphate of lime was found in the small fissures of the clay, extending sometimes one or two feet in perpendicular height from the calcareous earth below. Precisely the same chemical change would take place in a soil containing sulphuric acid, or sulphate of iron, as soon as marl is applied. The sulphuric acid (whether free or combined with iron) would imme- diately unite with the lime presented, and form gypsum (sulphate of lime). Proportions of these substances, too small perhaps to be detected by analysis, would be sufficient to form three or four bushels of gypsum to the acre — more than enough to produce the greatest known effect on clover — and to prevent any benefit being derived from a subsequent application of gypsum; because there being already in the soil more gypsum than could act, no additional quantity could be of the slightest benefit. J * Davy's Agi-. Chem. p. 141. f Kirwan on Manures. [J Confirmatory testimony. — Johnston has since fully sustained this rea- soning, liy chemical facts. Besides the sulphate of iron, he names the siil- phates of alumina and magnesia as occasionally present in soils, and liable to be hurtful to plants. He adds: "When soils which contain any of the three salts I have named, have ouce been limed or marled, it is in vain to 13* 150 GYPSUM MADE ACTIVE ON MARLED LAND. '< [Since fhe publication of the foregoing part of this chapter, in i the edition of 1832, my use of gypsum, on land formerly acid, has | been more extended, and the results have been such as to give ad- | ditional confidence in the practice, and, indeed, an assurance of good profit, on the average of such applications. But still, as be-| fore, disappointments, either total or nearly so, in the effect of such • applications, have sometimes occurred, and without there being' any known or apparent cause to which to attribute such disappoint- ment in the results. < In 1832, nine acres of the same body of ridge land above re- ' ferred to, adjoining the piece on which the 1st, 2d, 3d, and 4th : experiments were made, and more lately cleared, were sown in : clover in the early part of 1831, on wheat. The next spring. French gypsum was sown at the rate of a bushel to the acre, ex-' cept on four marked adjoining squares, each about one-third of an acre, one of which was left without gypsum, and the others received it at the several rates of 2, 3, and 4 bushels to the acre. The ; whole brought a middling crop, and was mowed for hay, except the'j square left without gypsum, which did not produce more than half | as much as the adjoining land where gypsum was applied at one! bushel the acre. The products of the other pieces were slightly ' increased by each addition to the gypsum, but by no means in - proportion to the increased quantity used; nor was the effect of the- four bushels near equal to that formerly obtained, in several cases, j from 20 bushels of gypseous earth taken fi'om the river bank.! Hence it seems that it was not merely the unusual quantity of i gypsum applied in this earth, which produced such remarkable! benefit; and we must infer that it contains some other quality orj ingredient capable of giving additional improvement to clover. I —1835.] j [Since the first publication of the foregoing passage (in 1835),] and in accordance with the views there presented, more than 10' tons of good French gypsum has been used, in different years and' with less effect, in general, than formerly, in the first few yeara' after the marling. This general diminution, and more frequent' total failures, may be owing to the longer time that the land has! been marled, and, by the increase of its vegetable supplies serving^ as putrescent manure, the land being thereby changed from calca^i rcous to neutral, and perhaps in some cases even approaching againi to being acid. If this supposition be well founded, then a repetition! of the marling would not only be profitable in other respects, but^ apply gypsum for favouring the clover crop, since the lime, in decomposing the sulphates, has alread}' formed an abundant supply of this compound for all the purposes of vcgctatiou." Lectures on Agr. Chcm. — p. 414.] THEORY OP THE NON-ACXION OF GYPSUM. 151 would increase or restore tlie capacity of the soil to receive benefit from gypsum. — 1842.] 1832. — The following are my views of the general causes of the inertness and worthlessness of gypsum as manure, on all acid soils, and for the different and valuable results from gypsum, after the soils have been made calcareous. I do not pretend to explain the mode of operation by which gypsum produces its almost magical benefits ; it would be equally hopeless and ridiculous for one having so little knowledge of the successful practice to attempt an explanation, in which so many good chemists and agriculturists, both scientific and practical, have completely failed. There is no operation of nature heretofore less understood, or of which the cause, or agent, seems so totally dispro- portioned to the efi"ect, as the enormous increase of vegetable growth from a very small quantity of gypsum, in circumstances favourable to its action. All other known manures, whatever may be the nature of their action, require to be applied in quantities very far exceeding any bulk of crop expected from their use. But one bushel of gypsum spread over an acre of land fit for its action, may add more than twenty times its own weight to a single crop of clover hay. But without pretending to account for the wonderful action of gypsum as manure, and without entertaining any confidence in any of the numerous theories heretofore presented, [not excepting the latest set forth, by Professor Liebig], I concur in the general opinion expressed by Davy. This accurate investigator, who took nothing upon trust which could be subjected to the test of rigid experiment, pursued that mode to obtain light on this obscure sub- ject. He found by chemical analysis, that gypsum was always present in the ashes of red clover, and in quantity, in a good crop, amounting to three or four bushels to the acre. He inferred that gypsum, thus always forming a portion of the clover plant, was essential to its healthy existence ; and that it is necessary to the structure of the woody fibre of clover and other grasses. But it is enough if Davy was correct in the main opinion, that a certain though very small proportion of gypsum is an essential component part of certain plants, of which the clover tribe furnishes the most noted examples. If this be so, no matter what may be the ofiice or function of the gypsum, the small amount necessary for the de- mands of the plants must he jiresenl in the soil^ or otherwise the plants needing it cannot live, or inaintain a healthy growth. It will follow, further, that on soils well adapted for clover in other respects, but almost totally deficient in gypsum, the application of so small a dressing as one bushel of that substance to the acre may enable a full crop of clover to grow, and twice or thrice as much as the land could have brought without this small application. 152 THEORY OF GYPSUM ON ACID SOILS. Sucli I suppose to be the circumstances of those lands of this country on which gypsum exerts the greatest power. But in Eng- land, though clover culture is universally extended, gypsum has shown scarcely any benefit as manure, and though extensively experimented with, has not been found suificiently operative to be brought iuto ordinary practice on any one farm in the kingdom. This may be accounted for by supposing the soils generally tojse supplied by nature abundantly with gypsum, so that no more is re^ quired. Davy found gypsum in the soil itself of four farms, examined with this view, and in one of them the very large propor- tion of nearly one per cent. (^Agricultural Chemistry, Lecture vii.) But there is another and numerous class of cases in which gypsum cannot be supposed to be jH'csent, and yet when applied shows no benefit. These are the poor acid soils of lower Virginia (and else- where), and the cause of which it seems to me not difficult to explain. However wonderful and inscratable the fertilizing power of this manure may be, and admitting its cause as yet to be hidden, and entirely beyond our reach, still it is possible to show reasons why gypsum cannot act in many situations, where all experience has proved it to be worthless. If this only can be satisfactorily ex- plained, it will remove much of the uncertainty as to the effects to be expected ; and the farmer may thence leam on which soils he may hope for benefit for this manure, on which it will certainly be thrown away, and by what means the circumstances adverse to its action may be removed, and its efUcacy thereby secured. This is the explanation that I shall attempt. If the vegetable acid, which I suppose to exist in what I have called acid soils, is not in part the oxalic (which is the particular acid in sorrel), at least, every vegetable acid, being composed of different proportions of the same three elements, may easily change to any other, and all to the oxalic acid. This, of all bodies known by chemists,' has the strongest attraction for lime, and will take it from any other acid which was before combined with it; and for that purpose, the oxalic acid will let go any other earth or metal, which it had before held in combination. Let us then observe what would be the effect of the known chemical action of these substances, on their meeting in soils. If oxalic acid were produced in any soil, its immediate effect would be to unite with its proper proportion of lime, if enough were in the soil in any combination whatever. If the lime were in such small quantity as to leave an excess of oxalic acid, that excess would seize on the other substances in the soil, in the order of their mutual attractive forces ; and one or more of such substances are always present, as magnesia, or, more certainly, iron and alumina. The soil then would not only contain some proportion of the oxalate of lime, but also the oxalate of cither GYPSUM ON ACID SOILS. 153 one or more of the other substances named. Let us now suppose gypsum to be applied to this soil. The substance (sulphate of lime) is composed of sulphuric acid and lime. It is applied in a finely pulverized state, and in quantities from half a bushel to two bushels the acre — generally not more than one bushel. As soon as the earth is made wet enough for any chemical decomposition to take place, the oxalic acid must let go its hase of iron or alumina, and seize upon and combioe with the lime that formed an ingredient of the gypsum. The sulphuric acid left free, will combine with the iron, or the alumina of the soil, forming copperas in the one case, and alum in the other. The gi/ps^um no longer exists — and surely no more satisfactory reason can be given why no effect from gypsum should follovr. The decomposition of the gypsum has served to form two or perhaps three other substances. One of them, oxalate of lime, like all salts of lime, is probable valuable as manure; but the vei-y small quantity that could be formed out of one or even two bushels of gypsum, might have no more visible effect on a whole aci'e, than that small quantity of calcareous earth, or farm- yard manure. The other substance certainly formed, copperas, is known to be a poison to soil and to plants — and alum, of Avhich the formation would be doubtful, I believe is also hurtful. In such small quantities, however, the poison would be as little perceptible as the manure ; and no apparent effect whatever could follow such an application of gypsum to an acid soil. So small a proportion of oxalic axid, or any oxalate other than of lime, would suffice to de- compose and destroy the gypsum, that it would not amount to one part in twenty thousand of the soil. Why gypsum sometimes acts as a manure on acid soils when applied in large quantities for the space, is equally well explained by the same theory. If a handful, or even a spoonful of gypsum is put on a space of six inches square, it would so much exceed in proportion all the oxalic or other vegetable acid that could speedily come in contact with it, that all would not be decomposed, and the part that continued to be gypsum would show its peculiar powers perhaps long enough to improve one crop. But as tillage served to scatter these little collections more equally over the whole space — or even as repeated soaking rains allowed the extension of the attractive powers — applications like these would also be destroyed, after a very short-lived, limited, and rarely profitable action. Soils that are naturally calcareous, or even neutral, cannot con- tain oxalic acid combined with any other base than lime. Hence, gypsuia applied there continues to he gi/ps^im, and exerts its great fertilizing power, as in the counties of Loudoun and Frederick. But even on these most suitable soils, this manure is said not to be certain and uniform in its effects ; and, of course, more certain results arc not to be looked for with us. I have not undertaken 154 GIYI'SUM ON ACID SOILS. to explain its occasional failures any more than its general success, on the lands where it is profitably used in general — but only why it cannot act at all, on lands of a different kind. The same chemical action being supposed, explains why the power of profiting by gypsum should be immediately awakened on acid soils after making them calcareous ; and v/hy that manure should seldom fail, Avhen applied mixed with much larger quantitiea of calcareous earth. [When the foregoing attempt to explain the cause of the non- action of gypsum on acid soils was written, and first published in 1832 (as it here appears distinguished from the later additions), the dis- covery of humic acid by European chemists was not known to me, and its very general existence in soils, now universally recognised, was scarcely known to any. Without pretending to identify the acid of soil whose existence I maintained, as early as 1818, to be almost universally present and injurious in this country, it is now clear and unquestioned that the humic acid is thus plentifully and generally diffused. The effects ascribed above to the supposed oxalic acid, of decomposing and destroying sulphate of lime when applied as manure, may be as much produced by the actually pre- sent humic acid. For, not only is the latter convertible to the former, as above argued of all vegetable acids, but, without the need of such conversion, the humic acid is now understood to have the like power of decomposing sulphate of lime. This is stated fully and distinctly in a very recent publication (Browne's Ame- rican Muck Book, 1852), as follows: '^Gypsum is decomposed by carbonate and muriate of barytes, the carbonates of strontia, potash, soda, and ammonia, as well as by oxalic and humic acich^ and where any of the four last named occur naturally in the soil, or are applied by artificial means, new combinations take place, which are attended in some cases with beneficial results. If, however, it [the soil] contains too much free humic acid, it iviU decompose the gypsum, so that humate of lime will be formed, and the sulphuric acid set free, which may then act as a corrosive on the roots of jilants" (p. 71.) Nothing is wanting to the fullest and clearest establishment of my doctrine as stated above, except that the humic acid, like the oxalic, has stronger affinity for lime than the sulphuric, and therefore will decompose sulphate of lime (gypsum), and form instead humate of lime, of which the effect as manure is altogether different. And that humic acid (or what- ever may be the acid of soil) really has this stronger affinity for lime, is sustained by enough agricultural facts within my personal observation, even if the proposition had no support whatever froia chemical science. — ^1852.1 CHAPTER XVIII. THE DAMAGE CAUSED BY TOO HEAVY DRESSINGS OE CALCAREOUS MANURE, AND THE REMEDY. Proposition 5 — continued. The injury or disease in grain crops produced by marling has BO lately been presented to our notice, that the collection and com- parison of many additional facts will be required before its cause can be satisfactorily explained. But the facts already ascertained will at least show how to avoid the danger of such injury in future, and to find remedies for the evils already inflicted by the injudi- cious use of calcareous manures. The earliest effect of this kind observed was in May, 1824, on the field containing esperiment 10. The corn on the land marled four 3^ears before sprang up and grew with all the vigour and luxu- riance that was expected from the appearance of increased fertility exhibited by the soil, as before described (page 133.) About the 20th of May the change commenced, and the worst symptoms of the disease were seen by the 11th of June. From having as deep a colour as young corn shows on the richest and best soils, it be- came of a pale sickly green. The leaves, when closely examined, seemed almost transparent, afterwards were marked through their whole length by streaks of rusty red, separated very regularly by other streaks of what was then more of yellow than green ; and next they began to shrivel and die downwards from their extremi- ties. The growth of many of the plants was nearly stopped. Still some few showed no sign of injury, and maintained the vigorous growth which they began withj so as by contrast more strongly to mark the general loss sustained. The appearance of the field was such, that a stranger would have supposed that he saw the crop on a rich soil exposed to the worst ravages of some destructive kind of insects; but neither on the roots or stalks of the corn could any thing be found to support that opinion. Before the first of August this gloomy prospect had somewhat improved. Most of the plants seemed to have been relieved of the infliction, and to grow again with renewed vigour. But before that time many were dead, and it was impossible that the others could so fully recover as to produce anything approaching a full crop for the land. It has been shown in the report of the products of Exp. 10, what diminution of crop was then sustained, and that the evil was not abated in the three succeeding courses of cultivation. (155) 156 I>ISEASED CROPS CAUSED BY MARLING. Still, neither of the diseased measured pieces has fallen quite aa low as its product before marling; nor do I think that such has been the result on any one acre together on my farm, though many smaller spots have been rendered incapable of yielding even so much as a grain of corn or wheat. The injury caused to wheat by marling is not so easy to describe, though abundantly evident to the observer. Its earliest growth, like that of corn, is not affected. About the time for heading, the plants most diseased appear as if they were scorched, and when ripe will be found very deficient in grain. On very poor spots, from which nearly all the soil has been washed, sometimes fifty heads of wheat, taken together, would not furnish as many grains of wheat. This crop, however, suffers less than corn on the same land ; perhaps because its growth is nearly completed by the time that the warm season begins, to which the ill effects of calcareous manures seem confined. The injury to corn is also greater in a wet than a drier summer. When these unpleasant discoveries were first made, two hundred and fifty acres had already been marled so heavily that the same evil was to be expected to visit the whole. My labours, thus be- stowed for years, had been greatly and unnecessarily increased ; and the excess, worse than being thrown away, had served to take away that increase of crop which lighter marling would have insured. But though much and general injury was afterwards sustained from the previous work, yet it was lessened in extent and degree, and sometimes entirely avoided, by the remedial measures which were adopted. My observation and comparison of all the facts presented, led to the following conclusions, and pointed out the course by which to avoid the recurrence of the evil, and the means to lessen or remove it, where it had already been inflicted. 1st. No injury has been sustained on any soil of my farm by marling not more heavily than two hundred and fifty heaped bushels to the acre, with marl of strength not exceeding 40 per cent, of calcareous earth. 2d. Dressings twice as heavy seldom produce damage to the first crop on any soil ; and never even on the after crops on any calca- reous, or good neutral soil; nor on any acid soil supplied plenti- fully with vegetable matter. 3d. On acid soils marled too heavily, the injury is in proportion to the extent of one or all these circumstances of the soil — poverty, sandiness, and severe cropping and grazing, whether inflicted pre- viously or subsequently. 4th. Clover, both red and white, will live and flourish on the spots most injured for grain crops by marling too heavily. Thus, in the case before cited of laud adjacent to the pieces measured in experiment 10, and equally over-marled, very heavy red clover was DISEASED CROPS CAUSED BY MARLING. 157 raised in 1830, by adding gypseous earth, and wliich was succeeded by a good growth of corn, free from every mark of disease, in 1832. 5th. A good dressing of putrescent manure removes the disease completely (see Exp. 11, 12, 13). All kinds of marl (or fossil shells) have sometimes been injurious ; but such effects have been more generally experienced from the dry yellow marl, than from the blue and wet. The inferences to be drawn from these fiicts are obvious. They direct us to avoid injury by applying marl lightly at first, and to be still more cautious according to the existence of the circumstances stated as increasing the tendency of marl to do harm. Next, if the over-dose has already been given, we should forbid grazing entirely, and furnish putrescent manure as far as possible ; or omit one or two grain crops, so as to allow more vegetable matter to be fixed in the land — apply putrescent manures — and sow clover as soon as circumstances permit. One or more of these remedies have been used on most of my too heavily marled land ; and with considerable, though not always with entire success, because the means for the cure could not always be furnished at once in suffi- cient abundance. Other persons, who permitted close grazing, and adopted a more scourging rotation of crops, have suffered more damage, from much lighter dressings of marl than those of mine which Avere injurious. But though the unlooked-for damage sustained from this-^ause produced much loss and disappointment, and has greatly retarded the progress of my improvements, it did not suspend my marling, nor abate my estimate of the value of the manure. If a cover of 500 or 600 bushels was so strong as to injure land of certain qualities, it seemed to be a fair deduction, that the benefit expected from so heavy a dressing, might have been obtained from half the quantity; if not on the first crop, at least on every one after- wards. That surely is nothing to be lamented. It also afforded some consolation for the evil of the too heavy marlings already applied, that the soil was thereby fitted to seize upon and retain a greater quantity of vegetable matter, and would thereby ultimately reach a higher grade of fertility. The cause of this disease is less apparent than its remedies. It is certain that it is not produced merely by the quantity of calca- reous earth in the soil. If it were so, similar effects, shown in diseased crops, would always be found on soils containing far greater proportions of that earth. These injurious effects have not been known, to any extent, except on soils formerly acid, and made calcareous artificially ; and not on neither neutral or calcareous soils, even by the addition of a great excess of marl. The small spots of land that nature has made excessively calcareous, by marl beds cropping out at the surface of cultivated fields (as the speci- 14 158 DISEASED CEOrS CAUSED BY MARLING. men 4, page 60), produce indeed a pale feeble gro^vtli of corn, such as might be expected from poor gravelly soils ; but whether the plants yield grain, or are barren, they show none of those pecu- liar and strongly marked symptoms of disease which have been described. Some such places on my farm, from which great quan- tities of poor sandy marl had been removed for manure, and where the remainder still was of unknown depth, have been afterwards cultivated with the surrounding land ; and with no more aid than the portion of the adjacent soil carried thereto necessarily by the plough, these places have gradually improved to a product equal to 12 or 15 bushels of corn per acre, and have never exhibited any mark of the marl disease. By calculation, it appears that the heaviest dressing causing in- jurious consequences, if mixed to the depth of five inches, has not given to the soil a proportion of calcareous earth equal to two per cent. This proportion is greatly exceeded in our best shelly land, and no such disease is found there, even when the rich mould is nearly all washed away, and the shells mostly left. [Soils of re- markable fertility from the prairies of Alabama and Mississippi have been shown (page 66) to contain from 8 to 16 per cent, of calcareous earth, all of which proportions were in the state of most minute division, and therefore most ready to produce this disease, if it could have been produced by the quantity of this ingredient, A specimen of soil remarkable for its great fertility, and maintaining it under 40 years of successive corn culture, in Scioto valley, Ohio, was sent me by Dr. Thomas Massie. It contained 10 per cent, of carbonate of lime and magnesia. The soil of the borders of the Nile, celebrated for its exuberant fertility through thousands of successive crops, contains about 25 per cent, of carbonate of lime. {LyelVs Geoh'jy.y] Very fertile soils in France and England sometimes contain 20 or 30 per cent. Among the soils of remarka- ble good qualities analyzed by Davy, one is stated to contain about 28 per cent., and another, which was eight-ninths of silicious sand, contained nearly 10 per cent, of calcareous earth. Nor does he intimate that such proportions are very rare. Similar results have been stated, from analyses reported by Kirwan, Young, Bergman, and llozier (page 51) ; and from all the same deduction is inevita- ble, that much larger natural proportions of calcareous earth, than our diseased lands have received, are very common in France and England, without any such effect being produced. From, the numerous facts of which these are examples, it is cer- tain that calcareous earth acting alone, or directly, has not caused this injury ; and it seems most probable that the cause is some new combination of lime formed in acid soils only; and that this new combination is hurtful to grain under certain circumstances; which RECAPITULATION. 159 we may avoid, and is liigbly l3eneficial to every kind of clover. Pcrliaj^s it is the [hamate, or some other vegetable] salt of lime, formed by the calcareous manure combining with the acid of the soil, which, not meeting with enough vegetable matter to combine with and fix in the soil; causes, by its excess, all these injurioua eflfects. CHAPTER XIX. EECAPITULATION AND MORE FULL STATEMENTS OF THE EFFECTS OF CALCAREOUS MANURES. Proposition 5 — contimied. From the foregoing experiments may be gathered most of the effects, both injurious and beneficial, to be expected from calcareous manures, on the several kinds of soils there described. Information obtained from statements in detail of agricultural experiments is far more satisfactory, to the attentive and laborious inquirer, than a mere report of the general opinions of the experimenter, derived from the results. But however conclusive may be this mode of re- porting facts, it is necessarily deficient in method, clearness, and conciseness. It may therefore be useful to bring together the general results of these experiments in a somewhat digested form, to serve as rules for practice. Other effects of calcareous manures will also be stated, which are likewise established by experience, but which did not belong to any one accurately observed experiment. The results that have been reported confirm in almost every particular the chemical powers before attributed to calcareous ma- nures, by the theory of their action. It is admitted that causes and effects were not always proportioned, and that sometimes trivial apparent contradictions were presented. But this is inevi« table, even with regard to the best established doctrines, and the most perfect processes in agriculture. There are many practices universally admitted to be beneficial • yet there are none of these which are not found sometimes useless, or hurtful, on account of some other attendant circumstance, which was not expected, and perhaps not discovered. Every application of calcareous earth to a deficient soil is a chemical operation on a great scale. Decompo- sitions and new combinations are produced, and in a manner gene- rally conforming to the operator's expectations. But other and unknown agents may sometimes have a share in the process, and thus cause unlooked-for results. Such differences between jiractice and theory have sometimes occurred in my use of calcareous ma- 160 RESULTS HAVE CONFOKMEL* TO TIlEUiiY. nurcs (as may be observed in some of the reported experiments), but they have neither been frequent, uniform, nor important. [But in nearly all such cases of disproportion between causes and eflfects in the use of marl, the manner of variation has been in the effects surpassing the anticipated power of the causes (as previously inferred from reasoning and in advance of any practice), and in very few, if indeed any cases, of the contrary operation, of the results falling short of what might have been inferred from the theory of the action of calcareous manures. For such variation as this, it may be that no reader will require either excuse or explana- tion ; nevertheless it is as much due to truth that it should be stated, as if the opposite kind of difference existed. Before my earliest trials, or practical knowledge, of the effects of marl, I was well assured, by my theoi'etical reasoning, that this manure would correct the acidity of poor soil, and enable it to be enriched by putrescent manures. But I was still totally at a loss to know, or to guess, how much calcareous earth would be required for that result, or how much time might be required for the suffi- cient quantity to produce its full effect ; and there were grounds to fear that the quantity of the manure and time for its operation, and consequently the cost compared to profit, would be much greater than after-experience has shown. If 1000 bushels of ordi- nary marl had been required for an acre, and 10 years' time for that application to raise the product to double its previous rate, the theory of the action of calcareous manures would have been sus- tained. But in fact, as great effect as this has been usually pro- duced (in judicious and proper practice), by measures of marl and of time less by three-fourths than those just stated. And thus, while effects have almost universally exceeded in measure the sup- posed power of their causes, I may safely assert that in not a sin- ■ gle case, in the tide-water region, of a judicious application of marl or lime, has it been known that the effect fell short of what would be indicated by my theory of the action of calcareous earth as manure. But there is still another exception to admit, if it be one, or of apparent want of accordance between theory and practice; and unluckily, this case is of the effects falling short of the supposed power of causes. There has as yet been made but little use of lime in the region immediately above the granite ridge which forms the lower falls of our eastern rivers. But almost all the failures of lime to act that have been heard of, or of effects falling much short of what were expected and are usual, are among the few ex- periments which have been made within fifty miles above the granite ridge. While truth requires that the fact of these failures should be stated, I pretend not to account for them. It may be the case, and probably is, that there is a general difference of DIFFERENCE OF LANDS. 161 cliemieal constitution between lands even of like apparent texture and qualities, above and below the falls, as there certainly was a great difference of geological formation.* Of the poor lands above the falls, my knowledge is but slight, and founded only on general and slight personal observation, or the report and better information of resident cultivators. But judg- ing from such uncertain lights, I would infer that the lands above the falls were much less acid than those below, even when as poor. The growth of pine and of sorrel is more scarce on lands above the falls ; and gypsum often acts there on natural soils, and lime (in some known trials) has produced but slight benefit. On the con- trary, gypsum is scarcely ever operative on any natural soil below the falls (that is, on any of the great body of acid soil), and lime never fails to act well on these same lands. The most important observation to be made on the disproportion of causes and effects, in the tide-water region, is in regard to good neutral soils, and especially as to that best class known by the common name of "chocolate" or "mulatto land," or "hazel loam," as designated more properly in England. On such soils, which constitute the chief value of the best farms of James river, the applications of lime have been the most extensive, and always highly effective. * The falls of the rivers of eastern Virginia mark the eastern and lower outline of the primitive region. The soils of that region have been formed more inimediately or recently from the disintegration of rocks ; and this natural process is still going on, in the gradual continued disintegration of the still remaining rocks, and even of gravel and sand. For, however much the materials of the soils have been intermixed by natural causes, and the soils thereby made more of uniform character, still each remaining stone, and even each grain of sand, is a fragment and sample of the original com- pound rock from which it crumbled down. Most of the different rocks contain, chemically combined, several, if not all the important chemical earths; though, as in poor soils, silica and alumina are usually most abundant, and lime and magnesia are in very minute proportions. Still, in the intermixture of fragments of all the ordinary rocks of that region, and by their continued gradual disintegration, there are still furnished to every soil so formed new supplies of all the necessary earths, and of potash also. Small as may be the amount of lime and potash, there is some of each furnished every year to evei'y such soil, by the disintegration of its re- maining fragments of rocks. On the other hand, the soils and sub-soils of the region below the falls are composed of a much earlier disintegration of rocks. Except some rarely found hard pebbles, and gravel (mostly of quartz), all rounded by being water-rolled, everything in these soils has been reduced to the minutest particles. Even if these soils had been originally produced from the same kinds of rocks, as those above the falls, still there must be a great difference between the soils in which the process of disintegration and decomposition is yet in continual progress, and those in which it has been completed and has Ceased for countless ages. 14* 162 CALCAREOUS "WITH VEGETABLE MATTER. ' The fact tliat the effects of calcareous manures so generally ex- ceed in measure the supposed power and operation of the causes, and more especially in regard to neutral soils, seemed to indicate that calcareous manures possessed other fertilizing powers, be- sides those set forth in Chapter VIII. This, which formerly was stated as a probability, may now be considered as certain. Evi- dence of such effects, and of the supposed auxiliary and lately known causes, will hereafter be presented. Dismissing them from consideration for the present, I will return to stating the results of applying marl as they have occurred almost without exception in my own earlier practice, and which are confirmed by the con- currence of all known and certain testimony in regard to practical operations in the marl region of Virginia.] Under like circumstances in other respects, the benefit dei'ived from marling will be in proportion to the quantity of vegetable or other putrescent matter given to the soil. It is essential that the cultivation should be mild, and that little or no grazing be per- mitted on poor lands under regular tillage, and which have no supply of putrescent manure, except the grass and weeds growing on them while at rest. AVherever farm-yard manure is used, the land should be mai-led heavily ; and if the marl is applied first, so much the better. The marl cannot act by fixing the other manure, except so far as they are in contact, and when both are well mixed with the soil. [When I first asserted the agency and force of calcareous ma- nures in fixing alimentary manures in soils, and maintained the great and indispensable necessity of that operation, the proposition was founded almost exclusively on reasoning, and on observation of natural soils, and not at all on practical effects then experienced from applications of marl or lime. From the very nature of the case, such effects as these, however important and valuable, could not be seen at first, nor fully even in a very few years after begin- ning to marl, nor their extent be understood and appreciated. ]\Ioreover, my earlier experience had shown so fully the incapacity of my acid or naturally poor soils to retain alimentary manures, and my labours and expenditures to apply them had been so very unprofitable, that I was not myself prepared for the full extent of the contrary operation, after marl had been applied. And though the views and estimation of such new operation have been yearly enlarging, from the experience of practical results, still my esti- mate of the fi-ic!n(j value of marl fell short of what is now confi- dently believed, and which is every season manifest, of the greater effect and permanency, and far greater profit of alimentary ma- nures, caused solely by the presence of calcareous earth in the same soils. Notwithstanding that the theory of the action of cal- careous manures, as set forth in this essay, 'and published as early CALCAREOUS WITH VEGETABLE MATTER, 163 as 1821, made this fixing operation the first of the two most im- portant agencies, and though that theoretical view guided my prac- tice from the beginning, still it was not u.ntil after a long time, that gradually and slowly I fully and truly estimated the full value and profit of this operation. My early and zealous eiforts (before be- ginning to marl) to improve naturally poor lands by the vegetable and animal manures of the farm, had been so much disappointed, and the effects had been so inconsiderable as well as so fleeting, that it was long before I arrived at the conviction of the full ex- tent of the opposite and new condition of the soil. But during latter years, the certain and j^rofitable operation, and durable ope- ration, of every kind of vegetable or alimentary manure, no mat- ter how or when applied, has been made obvious ; and now my estimate of value would be, that if marling had no other operartion whatever than this one of making other manures much more active and durable, the profit from this one source alone would amply re- ward all the usual labours and expenses of the operation.*] On "galled" spots, from which all the soil has been washed, and where no plant can live, the application of mai'l alone is utterly useless ; at least, until time and accident shall furnish some addi- tion of vegetable matter also. Putrescent manures alone would there have but little efiect, unless in great quantity, and would soon be all lost. But marl and putrescent matter together serve to form a new soil, and thus both are brought into useful action ; the marl is made active, and the putrescent manure permanent. The only parfect cures that I have been able to make, at one operation, of galls produced upon a barren sub-soil, were by applying heavy dressings of both calcareous and putrescent manures together ; and this method may be relied on as certainly efi"ectual. But though a fertile soil may thus be created, and fixed durably on galls othei*- wise irreclaimable, the cost will generally exceed the vakie of the land recovered, from the great quantity of putrescent matter re- quired. Much of our acid hilly land has been deprived, by wash- ing, of a considerable portion of its natural soil, though not yet made entirely barren. The foregoing remarks equally apply to this kind of land, to the extent that its soil has been carried off. It will be profitable to apply marl to such land ; but its effect will be diminished', in proportion to the previous removal of the soil. Calcareous soils, from the difference of texture, are much less apt to wash than other kinds. Within a few years after marling a hilly [* Confirmatory testimony. — Liming "increases tlie effect of a given ap- plication of [putrescent] manui'e ; calls into action that which, having been previously added, appears to lie dormant ; and though manure must be plentifully laid upon tlie land after it has been well limed, yet the same degree of productiveness can still be maintained at a less cost of manure than where no lime has been applied." Johnston's Lectures, p. S91.] 164: MARLING PREVENTS WASHING EFFECTS OF RAINS. field that has been injured by washing, many of the old gulleys will begin to produce vegetation, and show that a soil is gradually forming from the dead vegetables brought there by winds and rains, although no means bad been used to aid this operation. [This newly acquired ability to resist the washing power of rains, is one of the most beneficial effects of marling on hilly lands. And this effect is no less certain, than it is conformable to the theory of the action of marl and to reason. On soils containing very little lime (or almost none, as in naked sub-soils), whether they be sandy or clayey, there is nothing to combine the vegetable matter with the soil, nor the different ingredients of the soil with each other. Consequently they have no cohesion, and whenever made very soft, or semi-fluid by rains, and there is any declivity, there is nothing to prevent the soil, or upper surface, being washed off by excessive rain, though falling gently. Of course, torrents of rain produce the same injurious eflects much more rapidly and effectually. But when such soils have been made calcareous, a chemical combination and bond of union and coherence is formed between the lime and the putrescent or organic matter, and of both with the silicious and argillaceous parts of the soil ; which combi- nation is able to resist any but an unusual force of the washing action of rains.* Moreover, by the increase of productive power thus given, grass grows more kindly and rapidly, and by its decay the vegetable mould is continually augmented, and thereby the power of resisting washing is still more inci'eased as the fertility of the soil is increased. This is but another aspect and operation of the power of calcareous manure in soils to fix and retain manures. The tendency of some very sandy soils to be moved, and in part blown away, by high winds, is also produced by the want of cohe- sion of the particles. The wind operates on the soil in its dry state in the same way, and for the same defect of its constitution, as does water in rain torrents. The same remedy, calcareous ma- nure, is even more effectual to prevent the wasting operations of wind than of water. The absorbent power given to the before loose and more rapidly drying particles of sandy soils serves to preserve more moisture at the surface. This alone would tend much to prevent the moving effect of the wind, which can take place only on earth nearly or quite dry and pulverulent. Further, both directly and indirectly (by combining the organic with the earthy parts), the calcareous manure, when thoroughly diffused, interposes some cohesive particles between the particles of sand. * Confirmation. — Johnston speaks of organic (or putrescent) matter be- ing presented to the action of lime "in the state of chemical combination with eartliy substances — with the alumina, for example, and with lime and magnesia — already existing in the soil." p. 402. AND THE BLOWING AWAY OP SANDS BY WIND. 165 The effect in practice is most striking. Fields and farms, which before were noted for the dense and enormous clouds of dust pass- ing away from them in every high and drying wind, become free from such loss in a short time after being marled or well limed.*] The effect of marling will be much lessened by the soil being kept under exhausting cultivation. Such were the circumstances under which we may suppose that marl was tried and abandoned many years ago, in the case referred to in page 114. Proceeding upon the false supposition that marl was to enrich by direct action, like dung, it is most probable that it was applied to some of the poorest and most exhausted land, for the purpose of giving the manure what is called a '' fair trial. '^ The disappointment of such ill-founded expectations was a sufficient reason for the experiment not being repeated, or being scarcely ever referred to again, unless as evidence of the worthless^ness of marl. Yet with proper views of the action of this manure, this experiment might at first have as well proved the early efficacy and value of marl, as it now does its durability. ■{- When acid lands are equally poor, the increase of the first crop from marling will be greater on sandy, than on clay soils ', though the latter, by heavier dressings and longer time, may ultimately * I have heard (but do not know from my own personal observation), that the well-known and valuable farm of Lower Wj^auoke, the property of the late Fielding Lewis, presented a remai'kable example of the frequent loss of soil by winds, before the liming, and of the cessation afterwards. On March 1st, 1850, a few days before the writing of these lines, I saw from the eminence on which my present dwelling stands, a very remarka- ble exhibition of this conservative power of marl. The night before, there had fallen a heavy shower ; and also some drizzle after day-break, suc- ceeded by bright sunshine and a furious wind. Though the rain-water had stood in puddles in the ruts and low spots of hard roads in the morning, by 11 o'clock, a. m., dense clouds of dust, rising as high as the tops of the forest trees on the higher lands, were seen drivQU off from the light fields of three different and detached neighbouring farms, and which had not been marled. A miich broader space of surface, intermediate or adjoining, was also in view, much of which was equally sandy, and fully as much exposed to the wind. All this land (except one small field, which was both stiff, and low-lying, and of course not then dry) had been well marled ; and from none of it was any dust seen to rise. Of the several thousand acres of arable land in sight, and mostly of sandy soil, all the farms and fields not marled (and not of clay or wet soil) might have been designated by the clouds of dust then rising and passing off from them. f Confirmation. — "One thing, however, must be borne in mind by those who, in adopting the best system of [successive] liming, do not wish both to injure their land and to meet with ultimate disappointment. Organic matter — in the form of farm-yard manure, or green crops ploughed imdcr, &c. &c., must be abundantly and systematically added, if at the end of 20 or 40 years the land in which the full supply of lime is kept up is to retain its original fertility. . . . Otherwise present fertility and gain will be followed by future barrenness and loss." Johnston's Lectures, p. 386. 166 QUANTITIES OF MARL REQUIRED. become the best land, at least for wbeat and for grass.* The moro acid the growth of any soil is, or would be, if suffered to remain, the more increase of crop may be expected from marl; which is directly the reverse of the effects of putrescent manures. The in- crease of the first crop on my worn acid land, I h-ave never known under fifty per cent., and more often it is as much as one hundred; and the improvement continues to increase, under mild tillage, to three or four times the original product of the land. (See Exp. 11, page 185, and Exp. 4 and 6.) In this, and other general state- ments of effects, I suppose the land to bear not more than two grain crops in four years, and not to be subjected to grazing during the other two ; and that a suflicient cover of marl has been laid on for use, and not enough to cause disease. It is true, that it is difficult, if not impossible, to fix that proper medium, varying as it may on every change of soil, of cropping, and of the kind of marl. But whatever error may be made in the proportion of marl applied, let it be on the side of light dressing (except where putrescent manures are also laid on, or designed to be laid on before the next course of crops begins) ; and if less increase of crop is gained to the acre, the cost and labour of marling will be lessened in a still greater proportion. If, when tillage has served to mix the marl well with the soil, sorrel should still show to any extent, it will sufficiently indicate that not enough marl had been applied, and that it may be added to, safely and profitably. If the nature of the soil, its condition and treatment, and the strength of the marl, all were known, it would be easy to direct the amount of a suitable dressing ; but without knowing these circumstances, it will be safest to give not more than 200 or 2.50 bushels of marl, of say 40 per cent, to the acre of worn acid soils. Twice or thrice as much might be given, safely and profitably, to newly cleared wood-land, or well manured land. Or, I would advise that the first dressing should not exceed the quantity which would furnish one per cent. of carbonate of lime to the soil, for its ploughed depth. If only 3 inches deep, 218 bushels of marl, of 40 per cent., would furnish 1 per cent, to the soil. Besides avoiding danger, it is more profita- ble to marl lightly at first on weak lands. If a farmer can carry out only ten thousand bushels of marl in a year, he will derive more product, and confer a greater amount of improvement, by spreading it over forty acres of the land intended for his next crop, than on twenty ; though the increase to the acre would pro- bably be greatest in the latter case. By the lighter dressing, the land of the whole farm will be marled, and be storing up vegetable matter for its progressive improvement, in half the time that it could be marled at double the rate. * Confirmation. — "On clay lands more lime is necessary than on light and sandy soils." Johnston's Lectures, p. 382. PRESERVING OF VEGETABLE MATTER, 1G7 The greater part of the calcareous earth applied at one time cannot begin to act as manure before several years have passeJ, owing to the coarse state of many of the shells, and the want of thoroughly mixing them with the soil. Therefore, if enough marl is applied to obtain its full eifcct on the first course of crops, there will certainly be too much afterwards. Perhaps the greatest profit to be derived from marling, though not the most apparent in the first few years, is on such soils as are full of wasting vegetable matter. Here the efiect is mostly pre- servative, and the benefit and profit may be great, even though the increase of crop may be very inconsiderable. Putrescent manure laid on any acid soil, or the natural vegetable cover of those newly cleared, without marl, would soon be lost, and the crops reduced to one-half or less. But when marl is previously applied, this waste of fertility is prevented ; and the estimate of benefit should not only include the actual increase of crop caused by marling, but as much more as the amount of the diminution which would otherwise have followed. Every intended clearing of wood-land, and espe- cially of those under a second growth of pines, ought to be marled before cutting down ; and it will be still better if it can be done several j'cars before. If the application is delayed until the new land is brought under cultivation, though much putrescent matter will be saved, still more must be wasted. By using marl some years before obtaining a crop from it, as many more successive growths of leaves will be converted to useful manure, and fixed in the soil; and the increased fertility will more than compensate for the delay. By such an operation, the fanner makes a loan to the soil, at a distant time for payment, but on ample security, and at a high i-ate of compound interest. Some experienced (though certainly not land-improving) culti- vators have believed that the most profitable way to manage pine old fields, when cleared of their second growth, was to cultivate them every year, until worn out — because, as they said, such land would not last much longer, no matter how mildly treated. This opinion, which would seem at first so absurd, and in opposition to all the received rules for good husbandry, is considerably supported by the properties which are here ascribed to such soils. When these lands are first cut down, an immense quantity of vegetable matter is accumulated on the surface, which, notwithstanding its accompanying acid quality, is capable of making two or three crops nearly as good as the land was ever before able to bring. But as the soil has no power to retain this vegetable matter, it will begin rapidly to decompose and waste, as soon as exposed to the sun ; and will be lost, except so much as is caught, while escaping, by the roots of growing crops. The previous application of marl^ 1G8 ErFECTs ON "free light land." however, would make it profitable in these, as well as other cases, to adopt a mild and meliorating course of tillage. Less improvement will be obtained by marling worn soils of the kind called " free light land/' than other acid soils which originally produced much more sparingly. The early productiveness of this kind of soil, and its rapid exhaustion by cultivation, at first view seem to contradict the opinion that durability and the ease of im- proving by putrescent manures are proportioned to the natural fertility of the soil. But a full consideration of the circumstances will show that no such contradiction exists. In defining the term natural fertility, it was stated that it should not be measured by the earliest products of new land, which might be either much reduced, or increased, by temporary causes. The early fertility of free light land is so rapidly destroyed, as to take away all ground for considering it as fixed in, and belonging to the soil. It is like the effect of dung on the same land afterwards, which throws out all its benefit in the course of one or at most two years, and leaves the land as poor as before. But still it needs explanation why so much pi'oductiveness can at first be exerted by any acid soil, as in those described in the 14th experiment. The causes may be found in the following statement. These soils, and also their sub-soils, are principally composed of coarse sand, which makes them of more open texture than best suits pine, and (when rich enough) more flivourable to other trees, the leaves of which have no natural acid, and therefore decompose more readily. As fast as the fiillen leaves rot, they are of course exposed to waste ; but the rains convey much of their finer parts down into the open soil, where the less degree of heat retards their final decomposition. Still this enriching matter is liable to be further decomposed, and to final waste ; but though continually wasting, it is also continu- ally added to by the rotting leaves above. The shelter of the upper coat of unrotted leaves, and the shade of the trees, cause the first as well as the last stages of decomposition to proceed slowly, and to favour the mechanical process of the products being mixed with the soil. But there is no chemical union of the vege- table matter with the soil. When the land is cleared, and opened by the plough, the decomposition of all the accumulated vegetable matter is hastened by the increased action of sun and air, and in a short time everything is converted to food for plants. This abundant supply suffices to produce two or three fine crops. But now, the most fruitful source of vegetable matter has been cut ofl"; and the soil is kept so heated (by its open texture) as to be unable to hold enriching matters, even if they were furnished. The land soon becomes poor, and must remain so, as long as these causes operate, even though cultivated under the mildest rotation. When the transient fertility of such a soil is gone, its acid qualities OPERATION OP DEEPENING SOIL. 169 (which ■wore before concealed in sonic measure by so mixcli enrich- ing matter) become evident. Sorrel and broom-grass cover tho land, and if allowed to stand, pines will then take complete pos- session, because the poverty of the soil leaves them no rival to contend with. Marling deepens cultivated sandy soils, even lower than the plough may have peueti'ated. This was an unexpected result, and when first observed seemed scarcely credible. But this effect also i.s a consequence of the power of calcareous earth to fix manui'cs. As stated in the foregoing paragraph, the soluble and finely divided particles of rotted vegetable matters are carried by the rains below the soil ; but as there is no calcareous earth there to fix them, they must again rise in a gaseous form, after their last decomposition, unless previously taken up by growing plants ; [or descending still lower in the sub-soil, dissolved in rain-water, may go ofi" into the sources of springs, and so be lost to the land.] But after the soil is marled, calcareous as well as putrescent matter is carried down by the rains as far as the soil is open enough for it to pass. This will always be as deep as the ploughing has been, and somewhat deeper in loose earth; and the chemical union formed betweea these different substances serves to fix both, and thus increases the depth of the soil. This effect is very different from the deepening of a soil by letting the plough run into the barren sub-soil. If, by this mechanical process, a soil of only three inches is increased, to six, as much as it gains in depth, it loses in richness. But when a marled soil is deepened gradually, its dark colour and apparent richness are increased, as well as its depth. Formerly, single-horse ploughs were used to break all my acid soils, and even these would often turn up sub-soil. The average depth of soil on old land did not exceed three inches, nor two on the newly cleared. Even be- fore marling was commenced, my ploughing had generally sunk into the sub-soil — and since 1825, most of this originally thin soil has required three mules, or two good horses to a plough, to break the necessary depth. The soil is now fxom six to eight inches deep generally, from the joint operation of marling and deepening the ploughing a little in the beginning of every course of crops ; [and to that depth, or very nearly, the land is now ploughed when- ever preparing for corn, or for wheat on clover. The summer ploughing of clover land requires four mules to a plough. Since marling was begun, the deepening of the soil has much more generally preceded than followed the deepening of the plough- ing. How destructive to the power of soil this present depth of ploughing would have been, without marling, may be inferred from the continued decrease of the crop, through four successive courses of a very mild rotation, on the spot kept without marl iir experi- ment 10. Yet the depth of ploughing there did not exceed sis 15 170 HASTENING MATURITY OF CROPS. inclies, and depths of nine and even twelve inches were tried; with- out injury, on parts of the adjacent marled land. — 18o5.] [This remarkable and valuable effect of aiarling, in deepening the soil, is increased in action by the sub-soil being sandi/, which is commonly deemed the worst kind of sub-soil. Land having a clay sub-soil, which is known in common parlance as land with "a good foundation," is almost universally prized ; and that impervi- ous sub-soil is supposed necessary to prevent the manure and the rains from sinking, and being lost. And such, indeed, may be among the disadvantages, before marling, of poor land having a Bandy sub-soil. But not so after marling. While the open texture of such a sub-soil permits so much of the water as is superfluous and injurious to sink and disappear, and the combined manures to sink enough to deepen the soil (by converting barren sub-soil to productive soil), the attractive force of the calcareous earth, for both putrescent matter and moisture, will much more effectually prevent either from being lost to the soil, than would the mechanical ob- struction of a clay sub-soil. Great as are the objections enter- tained by most farmers to sandy sub-soils, or to what they call " land without any foundation," I would decidedly prefer such to lands having an impervious clay sub-soil — supposing both to be ef[ually barren. The subjects of all my experiments stated as : mtidc on acid sandy loams, had also sub-soils of yellow and barren sand ; and on such lands have been made my greatest and most profitable improvements by marling. However, a sub-soil (and also a soil) more of medium texture, would no doubt have been as much better than the very sandy, as the latter was better than the very stiff and impervious clay sub-soils. — 1842.] [Besides the general benefit which marling causes equally to all crops, by making the soils they grow on richer and more productive, there are other particular benefits which affect some plants more than others. For example, marling serves to make soils warmer, and thereby hastens the ripening of every crop, more than would take place on the like soils, if made equally productive by other than calcareous manures.* This quality of marled land is highly important to cotton, as our summers are not long enough to mature the later pods. Wheat also derives especial benefit from the warmth thus added to the soil. It is enabled better to withstand the severe cold of winter ; and even the short time by which its ripening is forwarded by marling, serves very much to lessen the danger of that crop * Conjirmaiion. — '^Liming hastens the maturity of the crop. — It is true of all our cultivated crops, but especially those of com [wheat] that their ^ growth is attained more speedily when the land is limed, and that they are ready for the harvest from 10 to 14 days earlier." Johnston's Lectures, p. 302. PECULIAR BENEFITS TO WHEAT, ETC. 171 from rust, tlie most frequent and destructive of all its diseases. This, much more than any other grain crop, seems to be especially favoured by calcareous earth in the soil. The product is not only always much increased, but other accessary effects are produced, for want of which on the lands most highly manured, but still defi- cient in lime, the wheat crop is made feeble, and in danger of great loss or destruction from different disasters. Thus, if a heavy growth of wheat is produced by putrescent manures only, the straw is weak, and the crop is almost sure to be laid by its own weight before ripening, even without stormy weather, and is very much reduced in value. On limed or calcareous land, the crop is far safer ; and is seldom laid, even when very heavy, unless by violent ' storms, which is owing to the greater strength of the straw.* The opening of the texture of close clay soils by the operation of cal- careous manures, by permitting the better percolation of surplus water, serves in some measure as drainage, and especially enables wheat better to withstand the always redundant wet of winter on such soils, which is much more the cause of '' winter-killed" wheat, than the severity of cold, or altoi'ations of temperature. Wheat also profits by the absorbent power of marled land (by which sands acquire, to some extent, the best qualities of clays), though less so than clover and other grasses that flourish best in a moist^^ climate. Indian corn does not need more time for maturing than our sum- mers afford (except on the poorest land), and can sustain much drought without injury, and therefore is less aided by these quali- ties of marled land. Most (if not all) the different plants of the leguminous or pod-bearing tribe, including all the varieties of clo- ver, peas, and beans, derived such peculiar benefit from marling, that it indicated some peculiar operation on these plants. "What this is, has recently been made clear by the researches of chemists. The analyses of the ashes of leguminous plants show that they contain very large proportions of lime, and far exceeding those of any other cultivated plants. Of course, they need a larger and ready supply of lime in the soil ; and they profit in proportion to their wants, by such supply being furnished. — 1845.] On acid soils, without heavy manuring, it is scarcely possible to raise red clover ; and even with every aid from putrescent manure, the crop will be both uncertain and unprofitable. The recommenda- tion of this grass, as part of a general system of cultivation and improvement, by the author of ' Arator,' is sufficient to prove that his improvements were made on soils far better than such as are common. Almost every zealous cultivator and improver (in prospect) of acid soil has been induced to attempt clover culture, either by * Tliib effect is also affirmed by Johnston, p. 392. 172 TECULIAR, BENEFIT TO CLOVER. the recommendations of wi'iters on this grass, or by tlie succesa witnessed on better constituted soils elsewhere. The utmost that ] has been gained, by any of these numerous efforts, has been some- j times to obtain one, or at most two mowings, of middling clover, j on some very rich lot, which had been prepared in the most perfect I manner by the pi-evious cultivation of tobacco. Even in such ; situations, this degree of success could only be obtained by the concurrence of the most favourable seasons. Severe cold, and sudden alternations of temperature in winter and spring, and the spells of hot and dry weather which we usually have in summer, j were alike fatal to the growth of clover, on so unfriendly a soil. The few examples of partial success never served to pay for the "more frequent failures and losses ; and a few years' trial would ( convince the most ardent, or the most obstinate advocate for the clover husbandry, that its introduction on the ordinary poor soils of lower Virginia was absolutely impossible ; and scarcely pi'acti- cable, even partially, on such lands when very highly manured. , Still the general failure was, by common consent, attributed to any- ' thing but the true cause. There was always some reason offered for each particular failure, sufficient to cause it, and but for which ; (it was supposed) a crop might have been raised. Either the I young plants were killed by freezing soon after first springing from j the seed — or a drought occurred when the crop was most exposed i to the sun, by reaping the sheltering crop of wheat — or native and i hardy weeds, aided by very favourable weather, overran the crop ; * and all such disasters were supposed to be increased in force, and ' rendered generally fatal, by our sandy soil, and hot and dry sum- mers. But after the true evil, the acid nature of the soil, is re- j moved by marling, clover ceases to be a feeble exotic. If with- j standing the early dangers of frost on the newly sprouted plants, j and of drought soon after, clover is then naturalized on our soil, . and is able to contend with rival plants, and to undergo every . severity and change of season, as safely as our crops of corn and wheat — and offers to our acceptance the fruition of those hopes of , profit and improvement from this grass, with which previously we ,j had only been deluded. After much waste of seed and labour, and years of disappointed efforts, I had abandoned clover as utterly hopeless. But after marling the fields on which the raising of clover had been vainly attempted, there arose from its scattered and feeble remains, a growth which served to prove that its cultivation would then be safe and profitable. It has since been gradually extended over all the fields. It will stand well, and maintain a healthy growth on the poorest marled land ; but the crop is too scanty for mowing, or perhaps for profit of any kiud, on most poor sandy soils, unless aided by gypsum. Newly cleared lands yield better clover than THE BAD WEEDS PRODUCED BY CALXING. 173 tlio old, tliougli the latter may produce as heavy grain crops. The remarkable crops of clover raised on some-very poor clay soils, after marling, have been already described. This grass, even without gypsum, and still more if aided by that manure, will add greatly to the improving power of marl ; but it may do as much harm as service, if we greedily take from the soil all of the supply of putrescent matter which it affords.* Some other plants, less welcome than clover, are equally favoured by marling. Unless both the tillage and the rotation of crops be good, greensward (^poa pratensis), blue grass (^j^oa comjrrcssa), wire-grass (cynodon dactylo'ii), and the vetch, or partridge pea (yicia sativa), will soon increase so as to be not less impediments to tillage, or to the grain crops, than manifest evidences of an entire change in the character and power of the soil. [The power of calcareous manures is still more strongly shown in the eradication of certain plants, as has been before incidentally [* Tliere is great difficulty, and frequent failure of securing a "stand" of the young clover plants, even when the subsequent growth of those which escape early destruction is ever so vigorous. This is not owing to any defect of soil (after calxing), but to our climate. It is necessary to BOW clover seed before the close of winter, to avoid, by its early growth, the greater evils of the following summer's di-ought, which most afl'ects the youngest plants. The time of sowing is usually not later than February. It almost always happens that a succeeding warm spell causes most of the seeds to sprout, and then a severe frost kills them, while in their most tender state. Sometimes, the wliole young growth is thus killed by late frosts. The danger from drought, and the hot sun, after reaping the shading cover of wheat, is scarcely less than from frosts at the earlier period. One or both of these disasters liave occurred for four of the first five seasons for ray sowing clover on Marlbourue ; so that but one good "stand" of plants, and of course but one sufficiently thick crop was ob- tained. The loss was the greater, because no clover had previously been on the land, and, of course, there was no volunteer growth, which other- wise and usually furnishes as many plants as the new seed. Indeed, after a field has once been well covered with clover, and the ripe seeds ploughed under, there is not half the danger at any time afterwards of failing to secure a stand of plants. But a greater evil has been found than this, since the publication (in 1842) of the passages above reporting so favourably of the growth and hardiness of clover. On the Coggius farm, and elsewhere, on the formerly acid soils marled more than twenty years ago, the clover crops have recently been much more apt to fail, as above, and are much inferior in product, even when not failing to stand, than previously ; and this where the land certainly has not lost anything of its richness, and where other crops than clover show no diminution. It is not certain whether this change is owing to the land being "clover-sick," (a common result in England, but not known here, before), or that the acid of the soil (or sub-soil) is increasing and overbalancing the qiiantity and effects of the calcareous earth. Some facts sustain this'latter supposition. Eemarlings, at lighter than the earlier rate, have been found, in some cases, to restore the before reduced power of the land to produce clover.— 1849.] 15* 174 ACID PLANTS ERADICATED. mentioned. Sorrel (rumex acetocella) is the most plentiful and injurious weed on the cultivated acid soils of lower Virginia; an unmixed growth of poverty grass (aristida gracilis) is spread over all such lands, a year after being left at rest; at a somewhat later time broom-grass (^aiid i-oj^ioffon) of diflerent kinds covers them completely ; and if suffered to remain unbroken a few years longer, a thick growth of young pines will succeed. But as soon as such land is sufficiently and properly marled, there remains no longer the peculiar disposition or even power of the soil to produce these plants. Sorrel is totally removed, and poverty grass no more is to be found, where both in their turn before had entire possession. The appearance of a single tuft of either of these plants is enough to prove that the acid quality of the soil on that spot still remains, and that either more marl, or more complete intermixture, is still wanting. Thus, the presence of either of these plants is the most unerring as well as most convenient and ready indication of a soil wanting calcareous manure. The most laborious analyses, by the most able chemists, directed to ascertain the different characters of soils in this respect, are not to be compared for accuracy to the tests furnished by either the appearance or total absence of sorrel or poverty grass. In regard to broom-grass and pines, the change is not so sudden, or complete ; but still the soil will have been made manifestly unfriendly to both. Some striking apparent ex- ceptions to these rules have caused some persons to doubt of their correctness, when full examination of the circumstances would have confirmed my positions. I have known a mere top-dressing of marl, left for some years on a worn-out old field, to eradicate the before general growth of broom-grass, and substitute a cover of annual weeds. Yet on other tillage land, after marling and one crop of wheat on fallow, I have seen 'the growth of broom-grass return, and seemingly with greater than its former vigour. But this return and vigour were but temporary, and the land is now comparatively free from this injurious weed. When soil, already filled with its seeds, is very imperfectly mixed with marl by plough- ing, there is nothing to prevent the broom-grass springing from all the spots not touched by the marl, whether these spots be above or below or between unmixed masses of marl. And the growth being thin and scattered, and not covering the surface completely as formerly, will cause the separate tufts of broom-grass to be much more luxuriant, and greater impediments to tillage, than previously. But the next course of tillage will serve to mix the marl and soil completely, and remove all this appearance of marl being favourable, instead of destructive to broom-grass. Sorrel may often be seen growing out of the heaps of pure marl, dropped from the carts on acid laud, and the heaps left thus, unsprcad, through a summer. But this apparent and very striking exception DIFFICULTIES WITHOUT CAUSE. 175 may bo fully exjjlained. The heaps of marl, thus left, had not as yet by any intermixture affected the original composition of the soil below ; and the seeds or roots of sorrel therein were therefore free to spring and grow ; and the great hardiness and remarkable vital power of that plant enabled it to rise through the (to it) dead matter and great obstruction of several inches thickness of pure marl above. On examining the roots of sorrel thus growing out of marl, it will be seen clearly, and invariably, that they drew all their support from the still acid soil below, and merely passed through the marl^ without drawing anything therefrom.*] CHAPTER XX. DIRECTIONS FOR THE USE OF MARL IN CONNEXION WITH OTHER FARMING OPERATIONS. Proposition 5 — continued. From the foregoing reasoning and statements, the general course most proper to pursue in using calcareous manures, aud for cultiva- tion in connexion with them, may be well enough deduced. But as I have found that, notwithstanding all such aids, many persons still require aud apply for more special directions to guide their operations, the following suggestions and remarks will be offered, at the risk of their being deemed superfluous. These directions, like all the foregoing reasoning, may apply generally, if not en- tirely, to the use of all kinds of calcareous manures, and to soils of every region. But to avoid too wide a range, I shall consider them as applying more especially to the lands of the tide-water region ; and as addressed to farmers who have just begun the im- provement of such lands, by means of the fossil shells or marl of the same region. jMauy persons, at first, attach much importance to some of the conditions of marling which I deem scarcely worth consideration. Numerous inquiries have been addressed to me for the purpose of * In Engl.ind the effect of lime in preventing the gTowtli of sour plants is stated by Johnston, though most of the plants are different from ours of that character. Elsewhere he speaks doubtfully, and upon report only, of calcareous manure eradicating sorrel. He says, liming ••kills- heath, moss, aud sour and benty {agrostvs) grasses, and brings up a sweet herbage, mixed with red and white clovers." "All fodder, whether natural or arti- ficial, is said to be sounder and more nourishing when grown upon land to ■which lime has been applied abundantly. On benty grass the richest animal manure often produces little improvement, until a di-essing of limo haa been laid on." p. 391. 176 PROPER PROCEDURE OF BEGINNERS. ] I learning, in the case of each particular applicant for directions, at ! what time and in what manner to apply marl, and which of different | kinds of marl to prefer for different soils. There would be hut i small danger of misleading any one, if to all such inquiries this ' one general answer were given : '■'■ Put on the most accessible marl, ' over as much land as possible, and speedily, without regard to any ] attendant circumstances whatever." If the soil requires marling ; (and there are scarcely any exceptions in lower Virginia), and the i available bed is truly and sufficiently calcareous, there can be no important error made in applying it, except by too heavy dressings, ': or by very unequal spreading. If merely avoiding these two errors, I should deem that procedui-e the best by which the new beginner can put on his fields the greatest quantity of calcareous earth in the shortest time. But though comparatively of little importance, still there are advantages and disadvantages to bo found in the circumstances to which so much undue importance has been attached. These I will proceed to remark upon. To marl extensively or economically, it is essential (as has been before stated) to devote to this business a certain labouring force, either for the whole year, or for such certain parts of the year as may be deemed more proper ; and for the time this force ghall be \ so directed, the proprietor must not allow the labour to be diverted i to any other object. If he draws upon the marling force whenever' he or his overseer thinks the labour is needed to forward other farm | operations, it will soon be found that the marling will be generally • suspended; and yet, in all probability, the other labours be not thej better performed because of this always ready resource for extraj aid. \ Then supposing that the marling is going on throughout thei year, or through different designated portions of the year, it isj obvious that the marl cannot be always applied to any one condition of the land. In the beginning, the new marler should aim to cover] as much land as possible for his next corn or other tillage crop. ] After that crop shall have been planted, the marling can proceed no farther on that field ; and the operation will be then eommcncedl on the field for corn tillage the following year. It is much better' that marling should be followed first by some tilled crop ; so that' the dift'ercnt ploughings and harrowings shall well mix the marl; and soil throughout, to the depth of the ploughing. This mixingi is best and most certainly effected, when the marl has been spread; over the ploughed surface. The subsequent shallow tillage, by! small ploughs, cultivators, harrows, and hand-hoes, at every move^, ment continually stirs and mixes the marl with the soil. j But if the subsequent tillage processes should be such as tOj effect the object of mixing tho marl and soil intimately, I would, INTERMIXTUllE OF MANUUE AND SOIL. 177 prefer spreading tlie marl before ploughing, on the vegetable cover of the land. When thus placed in contact with the putrescent mattei', it has seemed to me that the marl acted more speedily and better. But, if marl be thus applied on the grass and ploughed under, the first ploughing should not be deeper than will be at least one thorough ploughing for the subsequent tillage of the first crop. Otherwise, the maid will not be mixed with the soil above, and-will remain unchanged and inert in the masses, whether soft ^d loose, or lumpy, as turned under by the plough. In such cases, the marl can have but little eifect, until brought up again by as deep a ploughing, perhaps some years after. Each of these modes of applying marl then has difi'ercnt ad- vantages ; and may have also disadvantages, if they be not guarded against. But in either mode, by proper care, the important condition of sufficient mixture of the marl and soil may be secured. When marl must be ploughed under (for a corn crop), it is import- ant that the first ploughing should be as shallow as consistent with good culture, and that the tillage, in part, shall be fully as deep. If it be preferred to spread marl on the ploughed surface, that may be done, for the greater part of the land, even after dropping the marl, throughout the previous summer, on the grassy surface. For this purpose, the marl heaps must be dropped accurately along the middles of beds, if the land was then in beds designed to be reversed; or along parallel lines, marked by the plough, if not in beds. The spreading must be postponed until after the in- tervals of land between the rows of marl shall have been ploughed for the next crop, leaving merely the narrow strips on which the heaps lie. In this manner, from two-thirds to three-fourths of the whole surface is ploughed before the spreading of the marl. This is next done, over the whole surface, after which the before omitted strips are ploughed. After the first year, generally, the farmer may be able to marl fast enough to keep ahead of his cultivation ; and even should he (to cff"ect that end) reduce the extent of his previous tillage one- half, it will be best for him not to put an acre under crop which has not been first marled. Fifty acres can^ in most eases, be both marled and tilled at least as cheajDly as one hundred can be tilled without marling ; and the fifty with marl will usually (if on soil before acid), produce as much in the first course of crops as the hundred without, and much more afterwards. The most important auxiliaiy to marl, is to supply vegetable matter (or any putrescent matter) to the land. The cheapest and most efficient means, and especially for poor lands having no foreign sources of supply, will be found in the non-grazing system, by which the land, when not under cultivation, manures itself, by the growth, and death, and decay of its own weeds and grass. Poor 178 VEGETABLE MATTER ESSENTIAL. and scanty as may be sucli products and sucli manuring of poon lands, they very much exceed any substituted supplies ; and more-< over cost nothing.* i That rotation of crops which gives most vegetable matter to the" soil, is best to aid the effects of marl recently applied. The four-; shift rotation is convenient in this respect, because two or thre^ years of rest may be given in each course of the rotation at first,^ upon the poorest land ; and the number of exhausting crops mayj be inci-eascd, first to two, then to three in the rotation, as the so^< advances to higher states of productiveness. But it is only whila land is poor that I would advise the four-shift rotation, with aSj much as two years rest in the course; or the entire exclusion of, grazing under any rotation. Both tend to make the fields foul withj both weeds and insects; and when the land has been under such treatment for some 8 or 10 years, and has been made riehcr as welt as fouler thereby, it will be expedient to graze moderately and- judiciously, and to adopt a different and better rotation. ;' After marling, clover should be sown, and gypsum on the clover. ■ On poor, though marled land, of course only a poor growth of i clover can be expected ; but wherever other manures are given,J and especially if gypsum is found to act well, the crop of cloverj becomes a most important aid to the improvement by marling.. * If there is one of the requisitions or acoompaniments of marlingi more insisted on than all others — and both by my theoretical views ancli practical instructions — in all my writing on this subject — it is the necessity! for providing oi"ganic (or putrescent) mauur-c for all land in full proportiou; to the calcareous earth supplied. Without this being done, not only willj the early effects of the calxing be small, but, in the end, the land will b©] more completely exhausted of its actual organic ingredient, and conse-: qiiently and ultimately of its fertility, than if it had not been calxed. It j is not necessary, however, that all the required organic manure shall be| furnished from the stable and stock-pens — or shall even be what is ordina-' rily termed manure. As much of this as may be available should be ob- ! tained from these sources. But a much larger supply, and far mora^ cheaply, will be furnished by the fields themselves, in their vegetable < cover, whether of clover or weeds, suffered to grow and to die and rot oq ■ or under the soil. This is the natural and the greatest source of supply ■ of organic manm-e to the calxing farmer — and which he can increase to ; any desired extent, by merely giving more time for the land to rest from, tillage, and to produce more of alimentary or manuring growths. Bat as often and as strongly as I have urged the indispensable necessityii for this course, scarcely any of my disciples have obeyed the injunction '; fully and properly. Nine out of ten of all the farmers who have viseclJ! marl, and to great profit, still have drawn too heavily from their land, and'' are lessening, instead of continuing to increase, the fund of productive power in the soil, which calxing had made active. But with this important truth they cannot be im.pressed. They cannot be persuaded that tliey are I operating to exhaust their fields, while they still continue to deri\ei IX'OW them crops three-fold greater than formerly could be gx'owu. ORGANIC MANURES. " 179 Without clover, and without returning the greater jiart of the early product to the soil, the greatest value of marling will not be seen. A small proportion of the clover may be used for mowing and grazing ; and in a few years even this small share will far exceed all the grass that the fields furnished before marling and the limit- ation of grazing. This limitation, which is at first objected to as lessening the food of grazing stock, and their products, within a few years becomes the source of a far more abundant supply of both. During the first few years of marling, but little attention can (or indeed ought to) be given to making putrescent manures, be- cause the soil much more needs calcareous manure ; and three or four acres may generally be supplied with the latter, as cheaply as cue with the former. But putrescent manures cannot anywhere be used to so much advantage as upon land after being made calcare- ous ; and no farmer can make and apply vegetable matter as ma- nure to greater profit than he who has marled his poor fields, and can then withdraw his labour from applying the more to the less valuable manure. After the farm has been marled over at the light rate recommended at first (say 200 to 300 bushels), every efi"ort should be made to accumulate and apply vegetable manures j and with their gradual extension over the fields, a second applica- tion of marl may be made, making the whole quantity, in both the first and second marling, 500 or 600 bushels to the acre, or even more ; which quantity might have been hurtful if given at first, but which will now be not only harmless, but necessary to fix and retain so much putrescent and nutritive matter in the soil. The above injunction, that " every efibrt should be made to ac- cumulate and apply vegetable manures," should not be limited, as most new improvers would be apt to do, to the mere economical use of the vegetable materials for manure furnished by the crops, and those only as prepared by being first used as litter for animals. Not only these, but every other vegetable and putrescent material that is accessible should be saved and applied, and even without any intermediate process of preparation, and at any time of the year, and state of the fields, provided no growing or commencing crop be thereby molested. Surplus straw, not needed for food or litter, is most valuable and cheaply applied as top-dressing to clover or other grass ; though it is an inconvenient and troublesome ma- nure if soon after to be ploughed under. Leaves from the woods of the farm may be used most profitably in the same manner, to the full extent of the resources offered. And though the manuring operations on the Coggins Point farm have not yet been extended beyond the last-named putrescent material (and of that, not to much extent), it is believed that other and abundant sources yet remain untried and unproductive on that and most other farms, and 180 RESOURCES EOR ORGANIC MANURES. to use wliich would be but a waste of labour or money, if in ad- vance of marling. Among the most abundant of sucli materials, may be mentioned marsh grasses and marsh or pond mud, espe- cially if used in compost ; and also the purchase of rich alimentary manures from towns, to be carried by land or by water carriage to much greater distances than has yet been done, or can be afforded to be done, on other lands. Even saw-dust and spent tanner's bark, which, because of their insolubility, are generally deemed of no value as manures, would form important and valuable materials for fertilization, in situations where they can be obtained cheaply and in great quantity. Mixing these or other insoluble vegetable substances with rich putrescent matters, and still more if with some alkaline matter also, would render them soluble, and convert them to food for plants. These inert substances would be most pi'ofitably used as litter for stables and cattle pens in summer, where the ordinary more decomposable materials are too quickly rotted, and subject to great loss thereby. But putting aside the consideration of all such unusual or un- tried resources and operations for additional fertilization, and limit- ing the present view merely to the ordinary materials furnished by the fields of every farm, the progress and profit of improvement by such means only, after marling, will be greater than will be at first believed by most cultivators of acid soils, not yet marled or limed. If, on such soils, the general course above advised be pur- sued (and using merely the resources of the farm after marling), the products of crops on all the marled land usually will be doubled in the first course of the rotation — often in the first crop immedi- ately following the marling; and the original product may be expected to be tripled by the third return of the rotation. And this may be from merely applying marl in sufficient (and not ex- cessive) quantities, and giving the land two years' rest in four without grazing.' But on the parts having the aid of farm-yard and other putrescent manures, and of clover, still greater returns may be obtained. CHAPTER XXL ACTUAL IMPROVEMENTS AND RESULTS OE MARLING. PECULIAR VALUE OF SANDY SOILS. Proposition 5 — continued. When sucli promises of improvement and of profit from marling are stated as in the preceding chapter, there will naturally occur to the mind of every inexperienced reader the questions, " Has the writer himself met with so much success — and what have been the actual results of his labours in the mode of improvement which he so strongly recommends ?" From these questions the writer has no excuse for shrinking ; though to answer them there must neces- sarily be obtruded much egotism, and references made to many trivial details, which are certainly not worth being offered to public notice, except as explanatory and in support of the more general and important foots asserted in this essay. In answer, then, to these supposed questions, I have to admit that, in my earlier: marling labours, the progress of fertilization was not so rapid, in general, and the average profits therefrom not so great, as might be expected from the general views and antici- pations stated in the last preceding chapter ; though, more recently, the benefits have been much greater, and full as j)rofitable as were anticipated, or could be counted upon, from the foregoing views applied to the existing circumstances of the lands under the opera- tions. Among the sufficient causes of the stated slower improve- ment, and lower profits of my earlier labours, were the following : 1st. The greater part of my land, on the Coggins Point farm in Prince George county, was not of either such surface or soil as is adapted for the greatest improvement by calxing : some having been naturally calcareous, and therefore not needing marl ; and a large part of the farm, where hilly or even of undulating surface, having lost more or less of its soil — and on very many slopes, all the soil — by the washing rains acting on bad tillage. 2d. Having at first everything to learn in regard to the practice, and to prove by actual trial, without any light from either expe- rience, or the prior or coteniporary operations of other farmers, anuch of my labour was lost uselessly in wrong procedure , or was worse spent in excessive applications of marl, which subsequently proved to be injurious. 3d. The fitness given to the before acid soil, by marling, to pro- duce clover, was not found out, until several years after best auxiliary to the fii'st improvement ought to have been in full use, 16 (181) 182 CAUSE OJF DEFECTIVE RESULTS. 4tli. Because of tlie want of enough labour to use properly both calcareous and putrescent mauures, the collecting and applying of the latter were greatly neglected as long as there was full employ- ment in and need for marling. 5th. The adoption of cotton culture, for five years, occupied for that crop and for that time the best land of the farm, and some- times the whole of the very gooi land, and took all the prepared putrescent manure, to the great diminution of other crops ; while .this culture caused (by its clean and continual tillage) more wast- ing of soil, and more detriment to general fertilization, than grain and clover husbandry. 6th. The general bad practical management, and want of economy in details, which, I have to confess, have attended all my business, and throughout my life, of course injuriously affected this import- ant branch of my farming ; though in a less degree, because it was, as much as possible, kept under my personal and close attention. 7th. In 1827, my residence was removed from my farm, and my personal attention much decreased ; and some years later was en- tirely withdrawn. To what extent all these drawbacks to full success operated, as well as the actual degree of success achieved, may be inferred from the tabular statement of the crops made, both before and since marling, and from 1813 to 1851. The much greater increase of production obtained in later years on the Coggins Point farm was mainly owing to the adoption of a better rotation of crops, includ- ing clover-f\illow for wheat, and to the residence, and personal and judicious direction of my eldest son, who since the beginning of 1839 has been the occupant of the farm (and more lately the sole proprietor), and, throughout this time, the sole director of its cul- tivation and general management. Until this change of direction occurred, the actual measure of productive power in the land, which had been created by the marling, was not known. A large share of this power, before dormant and concealed, was now brought for the first time into action, and made ajjparent. The like condi- tions of residence, attentive supervision, and a better system of rotation, in my own case, also greatly hastened and increased the success of my later marling labours (resumed after a long diversion of my efforts to different objects), in a new locality, and under very difficult and also very different circumstances from those of my earlier farming. These recent labours, and the results, will again be brought forward. The following general statement of the then condition of the farm was published in 1842. The still later and much greater productiveness will appear in the annexed table of crops, which will be now extended so as to include the latest obtained. The many and extensive old galled parts of sloping land, ACTUAL RESULTS ON COGGINS PARxM. 183 wlicrcvcr dressed witli marl, and even without the further help of barn-yard manure, arc now nearly all skinned over by a newly formed soil ; and though such soil is still both poor and thin, and may yet long remain so, the 7cJwk of its present productive power is due to marling; as such galled land was before naked, entirely barren, and irreclaimable by other manures. Where much or rich putrescent matter has been also applied to galls, with or after marl, both rich and durable soil has been formed, though at great cost. The more level parts of the old and greatly exhausted fields, and the newly cleared wood-land (both kinds being naturally poor, thin, and acid soils), are the only lands which have enjoyed anything like the full beneficial efiects of marling. These have been in- creased in product from 5 and 10 bushels of corn per acre (which may be considered the usual minimum and maximum rates), to at least 20, and in some cases to 30 bushels, even without the aid of barn-yard manure. Where putrescent manures have been also applied, they have raised the products much higher; and these manures are now as durable and as profitable as formerly they were fleeting and pi-ofitless in effect. The before poor and light soil which formed the greater part of the old arable lands, and which was not above three inches in depth (and scarcely tv.'o inches when in its natural forest state), is now seven inches or more, and requires three-horse ploughs to break it to proper depth, where the one-horse ploughs formerly would fre- quently I'each and bring up the barren sub-soil. The fertilizing operation of marl has increased with time, even where the effects were also the most speedy, and most profitable on the first crop after the application. The soil, which before was totally unable to support red clover, is now (except on the most sandy spots) well adapted to the growth, and capable, according to the grade of fertility, of receiving the great benefit which is offered by that most valuable of improving crops. And generally — notwithstanding all the many and great errors committed in my marling (for want of experience), and of still worse general farm management — and though a considerable proportion of the old land was either but little or not at all fit to be improved by marling — and though the land added since by new clearings was all very poor, and worthless for its natural producing power — still, the general annual grain products of the farm have been increased from three to four-fold, and the net profit of cultivation and tlie intrinsic value of the land have been increased in a still greater proportion.— [1842.] , 184 INCREASE OF CROPS FROM MARLING, Statement of marlinxj and crops, on Coggins Point (iioxo Beech' toood) Farm.^-^ Acres marled. WHEAT. 1 CORN. 1 1^ ^ ii ^5 a> < . to ci t-t 1813 145 810 5.58 125 2250 18. 1814 110 550 5. 163 1340 8.18 1815 78 520 6.07 136 1955 14.38 1816 104 896 8.61 144 2300 10.90 1817 79 595 7.52 188 2050 10.90 1818 fl5 63 450 7.14 ^IGO *2670 16.68 1819 1820 02 25 132 119 1015 1020 7.69 8.57 M37 =^164 *2000 *2780 14.59 17. S A tw . 1821 80 160 1049 6.56 ^77 §1775 23. H " 2. 1822 93 154 1627 10.56 -114 *2250 19.73 0) q2 1823 100 139 1475 10.61 158 *3000 19. ^^ 1824 1825 80 50 194 195 1850 1452 9.54 7.45 156 70 * 8405 21.80 17.9] 1254 48 182(3 24 170 1390 8.17 138 *2275 16.48 70 1827 «?27 151 1366 9.01 104 *1665 16. 76 3711 1828 .0 153 936 6.12 112 1750 15.62 90J 55 1829 .0 134 908 6.78 133 2300 17.37 96" f830 1831 1832 50 501 38 2160 0" — 126 2830 22.46 — — — a .3 to" 1835 4000 CO a5 cs 2 'K 183G 10 184 e394 2.17 4415 SO CO *^ ,:; 1837 147 2056 13.98 2()20 < S 1838 150 2117 14.1] + 2070 1839 2 107 tl252 7.49 190 4500 23.68 80 1840 cl2 228 1942 8.6] 143 8540 24.40 50 5e 1841 c32 212 2475 11.62 146 3800 25.33 10 10 e 1842 30 250 8377 18.50 155 50 10 e 1843 { «13} sl5 807 4725 15.89 166 8380 20.36 1844 270 4600 17.01 100 2500 25. 1845 1840 s70 270 290 8000 3000 13.33 1 10.31 100 140 1600 8115 vl6. 22.25 1847 s90 234 2571 u 10.99 144 5070 35'. 20 1848 s5 274 3544 12.93 150 4625 30.83 1849 6 40 225 2600 X 11.55 170 5010 29.47 1850 s90 321 4112 12.81 110 3150 28.64 1851 { S25} 2G3 4420 10.81 118 8750 32.61 ** After 1827, I ceased to keep a regular farm journal, as had been done before. Hence the blanks in the table -which appear afterwards to 1836. The occupancy and direction of the present proprietor, Edmund Ruffin, jr., began with the year 1839. CROPS OP COGGINS POINT FARM. 185 Explanatoi-y Remarks on the Land and its Management. Quantity of land for cultivation (exclusive of ■waste parts), at first 472 acres ; increased by new clearings to 602 by 1826; to 652 in 1832 ; and no more in 1842, though 30 more acres have since been cleared and tilled, be- cause as much in 1836 converted to a permanent pasture. All the new land added by clearing was poor, and very few acres of it would have pro- duced more than 10 bushels of corn, or 5 of wheat (without the marling), after the 3 or 4 first crops. Of course the new land added served to reduce instead of increasing the general average product per acre. Rotation at first of three-shifts, viz. : 1 corn, 2 wheat on the richer half, 3 at rest, and after 1814 not grazed. This changed gradually to 4 shifts (by 1823) of 1 corn, 2 wheat, 3 and 4 at rest. 1820, began to fallow for wlieat, in part and only in some years. In 1826 or 1827 began to sow the ■wheat fields -generally in clover, and about 1835, to fallow a part (say one- fourth to one-third) of each clover field for wheat the year preceding the crop of corn. This changed in 1840 to a five-shift rotation, one-fifth of the arable land being in corn, two-fifths in wheat (and oats), and two-fifths in clover (or weeds), or other green or manuring crops. The crops of wheat for first six years (1813 to 1818) raised on the richer parts of each shift, making not much more than one-half the land only; the remainder being then much too poor to be sown. As these poorest parts were marled, all were sown in wheat, in their turn. Therefore, the earlier average products of wheat per acre as stated, were for the richer part of the land, while since 1822 the average is for the worst as well as the best laud of each shift. Grazing the clover fields commenced partially about 1830, and increased since. Latterly about 20 head of cattle and 100 of hogs on the clover during the grazing season. The crops of hay, corn-foddei*, &c., being all consumed on the farm, their products have not been estimated. Notes on Particular Crops, ^c. a 1818 to 1822, inclusive, 27 acres of rich embanked marsh in corn every year, which served to increase these crops, and their average — which land sunk too low after 1823 for corn, and has since been under the tide. fin 1818, the first marling. 1828, oats on 17 acres. 1826 to 1830, a succession of bad seasons for wheat, or of crops — made much worse (as I afterwards believed), by the laud having been so long kept from being grazed and trodden by cattle. * These crops not actually measured, but amoimts otherwise estimated. All other quantities measured, unless stated otherwise. § The richer half of the shift only cultivated in corn this year (1821). ?? Marling nearly extended over all the cleared arable land requiring it, and injurious where too thick. From 1825 to 1830 inclusive, the richest land of the farm kept under cotton, which served greatly to lessen the general products, and still more the average product per acre of the wheat crops, during that time. Also, fallowing for wheat had ceased (the sidtable land being occupied by cotton), and this had served still more to reduce the crops of wheat. The largest crops of wheat raised previously (1819 to 1825) were partly owing to the crop being in part raised on summer fallow. And though this was in ad- vance of having the all-important aid of clover, as green manure, still ■wheat on fallow always produced much better than would the same land if iu wheat after corn, as usual. My first largely increased crop of wheat IG* 188 CROPS OP COGGINS POINT FARM. (in 1822), vras in part owing to the fallow process on a large space. But as the same land had been then marled, and this was its first wheat crop after the marling, I incorrectly ascribed all the great improvement of produc- tion to the new fertility caused by marling. In after time, when the same field yielded a much lighter crop of wheat, following corn, there was great disappointment, for the supposed diminished fertility. In truth, there was great improvement of fertility at first, from marling, and no diminution afterwards. But a still greater measure of temporary production was superadded at first by the fallow prepai'ation — which increase ceased when this kind of preparation was not used. So generally now is known this superiority of the yield of fallow wheat, that no farmer could be deceived in this respect. Nevertheless, not only was I so deceived formerly, in the beginning and partial use of summer fallow, but most other persons were as ill-informed. For nearly all other improving farmers, in addition to whatever means of fertilization they employed, soon also began to fallow for wheat, and on clover, if the land had been enabled to bring clover. The first and all succeeding crops so prepared for, would be more than double any made previously on the saxue land, in the formerly universal course, after corn. And this more than doubled production of the next succeeding crop, when published, was supposed by all to be the result of a doubled degree of fertility so quickly induced. Several such reports ap- peared from diflFerent and excellent improving farmers in the "Farmers' llegister;" and great as were the actual measures of new fertility in all these cases, it is certain that the writers of these reports, as well as the readers, wei-e deceived by the then new and little known peculiar benefits of the summer fallow preparation for wheat — and consequently ascribing less benefit to the mode of tillage, and more to the newly created fertility of the field, than was proper. It was not until about 1835 that fallow pre- paration had become my annual procedure, even to small extent ; nor un- til 1839 that it was made a regular part of the rotation, extending to one- fifth of the fai-m each year. Afterwards, as will be seen, the crops of wheat ■were greatly and permanently increased over the general former products ; they then having nil the before produced fertility, caused by marling, to- gether with the surface under wheat being extended to two-fifths of the land, and half of that quantity of fallow preparation, and with clover, so far as this manuring crop could be made to grow. 1113,027 lbs, of cotton, net weight as sold, or 170 lbs. to the acre. e 1836, the wheat crop nearly destroyed by rust, as was general through eastern Virginia. t Corn crop of 1838 and wheat crop of 1839 very much lessened by the ravages of the chinch-bug. c c On 26 of these acres the marling was a second application. e The root crops (turnips and beets), and pumpkins and cymlings, occu- pied part of the most highly enriched land — all consumed on the farm, and products not estimated. s 3 s Second dressings of marl, at about 250 bushels the acre ; applied where first dressings had been lightest, or where moi*e seemed to be wanting. V Severe drought in 1845 cut short the corn crop. t Remarkable wet time for harvest in 1846, and much loss of wheat. u In 1847, much Hessian fly in wheat. ^ In 1849, three freezing nights in April cut down all the forward wheat. In 1844, my residence and labours were removed to the farm, Marlbourne, iu Hanover, wbicli bad been recently bought, and FARMING ON MARLBOURNE. ' 187 which I then began to marl, and to cultivate. I here brought to bear much experience, and also judgment, both of which had been wanting to my first marling labours, and therefore I now had more speedy and complete success. Still there were important counter- vailing obstacles, in the great existing differences of the soil and level of my new farm, from the hilly lands on which my earlier labours had been bestowed.. Owing to my want of knowing the peculiar requisitions for land entirely new to me, each field had to pass once at least through its course of culture, before I learned, from my errors, what should be its proper tillage and management. The arable land of Marlbourne, about 750 acres, was nearly all of Pamunkey flats of high level, or "second low-grounds." The surface generally is so level and also so much of it in shallow basin-shaped depressions, as to need much labour and judgment in draining; the soils of all shades of texture between very sandy and light, and very stiff and intractable, under tillage. The origi- nal qualities had varied between rich and less than medium fertility. The cultivation had been very exhausting ; all the land (not too wet to cultivate), had been greatly reduced ', and much of it was extremely poor. About 80 acres, in many separated spots, of cleared land, had been the bottoms of formerly existing ponds. These "black-lands" only still were rich, and also of very stiff soil. Most of the other clay lands were the poorest of the farm, and extremely poor. The sandy soils all bore sorrel, thus giving evi- dence of their then acid condition. About 60 acres had been marled, but quite insufficiently, and required full as much more marl as had been laid on. All the remaining land had to be marled for th'e first time. Of the procedure and the results, this occasion per- mits only the general statement which will follow, of the quantities of marl carried out (obtained from an adjacent farm), and the crops made. It is understood that no previous crop of wheat, made on the farm for many years before my occupancy, had reached the amount of 1000 bushels ; and even my first crop (reaped in the second year) was increased by being partly on laud I had marled, and also by having an over-proportion of the richest ground, taken in detached spots. 18S CROPS OF MARLBOURNE. '^ P? v2 ^ -1 lr~ CO ^ O -H CO CI t- (X> Oi -fl CI CC O lO 05 (M CO OO -^ CO T^ CO CO CO o CI O CO O T-H CO Oi cr ~j o o o ici lO O l^ O O lO 1~ CO 1—1 C) CO T— I CO 1— I £2 6 J 00000t-<00 CO O C' O CO CO o o CO O O i-O O -t* i-O CD CI T-H CO -* CO lO CO CO o o o o o o O C: lO o ■* O t.-J C) o CI '"' ^ -: -tl o ^ o H i-O P Ol 1 — 1 O M <« ^ Ol O O 01 o CO o C) T-l ^ verage to acre. »0 CI CI CI CO CO 'tl t^ ■* CO O CO t-- 1"^ ^ -A^A d> ci ci ci Tt< I— 1 i-i T-t Cq ,— 1 r-H Cl < 00 * 2 '^' a ■* CI t^ O O tr~ Cl CD O CO CD O i-H t— -1 t^ 1-1 CI CO T-l CO t^ i-( cq CO -^ CO -^ lO H o w t^ Cl T-H t^ »0 lO Cl 2-S 1- CO ^ CI t- c: t^ MH C.' -* LC .-H CO lO o !s o r-l CI CO UO CO rtl CD -Q c3 ID 'S'S A O CO O ^ 00 >-0 CO ■rt* ^ t~ CI lO CI t^ Is i-H CI cq CI CA cq CI M ai m O ^ ■— 1 lO CD CO CO 1-- ;z; CO O CO >0 CD CO CD .-1 cq c^ c^ cq c^ cq <1 lO ci lO o CD c:^ i-o o l^ T-l "# t^ O CD CO lO CO lO lO lO 1-1 rH CD 00 TtflOCDI^CCOOrH c5 "tl ^ -t< -H -* -* i-O O ->^ 00 CO CO CO CO CO CO 'DO J^ 1— li— li— li— 11— (I— It— li— I H •hcq teg ■A 'n "^ O) o O) o d m OJ ^ t> > ^ ^J o =i 3 o !U t^ -ti IS & ce .3 t^. c:> .^ i o ID (D