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The vision of Habakkuk, 9 Christ magnified, 11 Saviour, come, 12 Hebrew chant, , ... 13 Hymn, composed at a social conference,. ... 15 So run, that ye may obtain, 16 Christ's call to the church, 17 Awake, awake; put on thy strength, &c.,. . . 18 What of the night? 19 Again I say, rejoice, 20 Jerusalem, 21 Habakkuk, 3: 17, 18., 22 Without spot, and blameless, 23 On the death of a little girl, 23 The charitable widow, 24 The song of Moses, 25 On the bereavements of a friend, 29 The morning star, 30 )avid's lamentation over Saul and Jonathan . 31 D CONTENTS. Shibboleth, 33 On the death of Charlotte Elizabeth, 34 Hope of earth's holy men,. 35 To a friend, on the death of his wife, 36 On the death of a christian sister, 37 Anelli's Painting of " the end of the world," 38 On the death of an infant, 43 Paraphrase of Psalm 91., 44 Another of the same, 44 Paraphrase of Psalm 93, 45 Paraphrase of Psalm 92, 46 The blessings of the tribes, &c 47 For the parents of three children ; all of whom died, 51 Paraphrase of Psalm 137, 52 On the death of an infant girl, 53 Happy death of a christian sister, 53 To the parents of a deceased little girl, 54 On the death of a christian brother, 55 Hymns for good children, 56 For family worship, 59 Psalm I, versified, 61 do II, do 62 do III, do 63 do IV, do 64 do V, do 66 CONTENTS. 7 do VI, do 68 do VII, do 69 do VIII, do 71 do IX, do 72 do X, do 74 do XI, do 76 do XH, do 77 do XIII, do 78 do XIV, do 79 do XV, do 80 do XVI, do 81 do XVII, do 83 do XVIII, do 84 do XIX, do 89 do XX, do 92 do XXI, do 93 do XXII, do 94 do XXIII, do 97 do XXIV, do , 98 do XXV, do 99 do XXVI, do 101 do XXVII, do 103 do xxvm, do 105 do XXIX, do 106 do XXX, do 106 do XXXI, do 108 8 CONTENTS. do XXXII, do Ill do XXXm, do 112 do XXXIV, do 114 do XXXV, do 116 do XXXVI, do 119 do LXVm, do 120 SACRED PIECES IN VERSE. THE VISION OF HABAKKUK. The Lord from Teman came, The Holy One appear'd ; High praises to his name Through all the earth were heard : His glory veil'd the heavens with light, And sun was lost in beams so bright. The pestilence proclaim'd His awful presence nigh : And coals of fire his tread Bespoke: in majesty He stood, and earth survey'd, and shook Despairing nations at his look ! The tents of Cushan wept, And Midian's sons did quake ; Hills from their seats were reft, And mighty rocks did shake ; The everlasting mountains fled In terror, and were scattered. Oh ! did his anger blaze, (When thus in judgment dire Unto his people's praise He rode on steeds of fire, And as in pomp stupendous came, " Salvation" was his chariot's name)— 10 HYMNS, PSALMS, AND OTHER Oh ! did His righteous wrath Against the waters burn ? The rivers in their path Did at His presence turn : And loudly roar'd the ocean's flood, Whose waves upraised in horror stood. Thy bow was naked made, Thine arrows walked in light;* The sun and moon stood still, Thy spear was glitt'ring bright: And thus Thou marchedst through the land, And heathen fell before Thy hand. Salvation to Thy saints Thou wen test forth to bring: (Long had they pray'd and sigh'd For their avenging King) — And Thine Anointed came with Thee In glory and in majesty. The wicked sought to spoil The meek : the sufF'ring poor, In subtilty and guile, They studied to devour; And as the whirlwind rushing forth, They thought to sweep them off the earth. But lo ! One riding through The sea on horses white, Their guilty host pursue, And put them quick to flight: Their head He wounds: and earth and sky Ring with the shout of victory! 1 saw the rebels fall ; Their cities and their towers * Margin. SACRED PIECES IN VERSE. 11 Of strength cast down, and all They trusted in ; and powers Of earth and hell subdued : amazed, I stood in awe, and trembling gazed. The day, the dreadful day Of trouble hastens .near ; When God, the righteous Judge, In vengeance will appear! Awed at the thought, O Lord ! I pray That I may rest in that great day. Yes ! though the fig-tree cease To blossom ; or the vine To yield her fruit; the fields No pasture bear; and pine The flocks and herds, and die; and fail The olive : I will not bewail ! God is my hope, my strength, Salvation and my joy: My feet like to the hinds' He'll make; and up on high I'll walk, and ever hence proclaim Salvation to His sovereign name 1 CHRIST MAGNIFIED. Jesus, Lord, our souls adore Thee: All our sins are wash'd away By thy blood, and shall no more be Known throughout an endless day. Glorious, great, is Thy salvation, Prince of life, and Prince of peace Come, desire of every nation, Come, Thy Zion to release. 12 HYMNS, PSALMS, AND OTHER Thus we pray, and thus we praise Thee, In this mortal tent of clay : Hoping, waiting, shall our days be Spent while in this world we stay. Till thou comest the creation From its bondage to set free : Till the times of restoration ; Jesus Christ, we look for Thee ! SAVIOUR, COME. Son of God, thy saints are waiting For thy long expected reign : Still thy promises relating, Ever, ever, we remain Praying, looking, For our Lord to come again. Till the heav'nly glory streaming From the east to west appear ; Till the Lord of life, redeeming All his groaning people here, Shows his presence ; We will not our cries forbear. Famine speaks our Lord approaching, Pestilence shrieks forth her cry; Din of war, scoffers' reproaching, Signs in earth, and sea, and sky; All according, Lord proclaim redemption nigh. Zion's sons and daughters drooping, Lift your heads, the tokens see ! Ne'er to earth your spirits stooping, Forward press, and soon shall we, From this mortal, Rise to immortality. SACRED PIECES IN VERSE. 13 HEBREW CHANT. PARAPHRASE OF A PART OF THE JEWISH LITURGY. Hark! hark! 'tis the voice of Elijah declaring, I will mightily strengthen salvation to thee When Messiah shall come, thy deliverance bearing : Proclaim the approach of the great jubilee ! Hark ! hark ! 'tis the voice of the King, the Anointed, 'Midst thousands of thousands the brightest of all : Coming down to Olivet's mount as appointed, While the blast of the cornet the rebels appall. 'Tis the voice of the Bathkol loud roaring from Zion, [bound. Proclaiming glad freedom to earth's farthest 'Tis the voice making known the approach of the Lion Of Judah's fam'd tribe : hail, hail the blest sound ! 'Tis the voice to the captives proclaiming their rescue, [saints : And Messiah shall come with his myriads of Declare the glad tidings ! From all that oppress you, [complaints. Come, come forth ye children, and cease your I will shout the glad tidings ! 'tis the voice of compassion, Pressing Israel's seed, and as infants unborn They shall innocent be thro' Jehovah's salvation, And pure as the dew at the birth of the morn ! The voice of the Pure One! The voice of salva- tion ! thee ! Of the Lord who beholdeth, and worketh for 2 14 HYMNS, PSALMS, AND OTHER Declaring the season when earth's ev'ry natioft Shall acknowledge His name, the Great One: to be. I will shout the glad tidings ! 'Tis the voice of the MigEty Creator and Sovereign of Heaven and Earth, Exclaiming aloud (His words they delight me!) Shall a nation complete come forth at a birth ? I will shout the glad tidings ! The voice is pro- claiming The time of redemption, the end of the night J Which the prophet foresaw, when in spirit ex- claiming, It shall be — at eventide there shall be light I 'Tis the voice of the Saviour's going up to the mountain Of Zion, the sick to make whole, and restore All her children, whose names are past human recounting: To extend her possessions as never of yore ! I will shout the glad tidings ! ? Tis the voice loudly crying, Prepare to Damascus a place for thy sons, And thy daughters, who ne'er again weeping and sighing, [stones. Henceforth shall appear as the temple's bright 'Tis the voice to make joyful the fair rose of Sharon, For they shall arise that in Hebron do sleep ! Turn, turn ye to me, cries the voice, and declaring, On the day that ye hearken, salvation you'll reap ! I will shout the glad tidings ! 'Tis the voice crying^, Wake ye, Arise ye, and sing, who inhabit the dust ! SACRED PIECES IN VERSE. 15 "^Tis the voice of the Branch, who to Zion will take thee : The Branch who is David, the Blessed, the Just 'Tis the voice of the multitude praising Messiah ! His reign they admire, of his greatness they sing: I will shout the glad tidings ! I'll yet raise my voice higher, Making great thy salvation, Immanuel our King ! 'Tis the voice to his people bestowing salvation ! 'Tis the voice loud exclaiming, the wicked's vile name Shall utterly perish ! Yet Israel a nation, In glorious beauty, shall ever remain. COMPOSED AT A SOCIAL CONFERENCE. This is an hour, a happy hour, A precious season, Lord ; A time thy Spirif s gracious power Seals the blest living word. The word drops as the gentle dew, Refreshing as it falls ; Reviving, cheering, and anew All our past joy recalls. Diffusing through each soul its grace, It melts us into one ; And as we sing our heav'nly lays, We count our troubles gone. Sweet Jesus ! we would fain not leave This heav'nly happy feast ; Such loving-kindness we receive, Such precious blessings taste I 16 HYMNS, PSALMS, AND OTHER SO RUN, THAT YE MAY OBTAIN * I will not look behind me, no ! My face is Zionward : The kingdom is before me, and My Captain's voice I've heard ! Though father, mother, brother, friend, Affection's powers may try To win me back, I'll lend no ear: No tear bedim my eye ! Onward my steps are taken, and Still onward they shall press, Though persecution meet me, or Famine, and sore distress: The love of God is mighty love, And shall my soul sustain Through tribulation, Satan's ire, Fell want, or racking pain. Oh, who would look behind him, who, Upon this scene of gloom, Of sickness, anguish, sin, and death, From off that world to come? Where crowns that never fade away Shall shine with glory bright; And life eternal glad the soul, And beauty spread delight ! I will not look behind me, no! On those that with the name Of Jesus on their lips, refuse His advent to proclaim ! Who turn away from truth, and give To fables willing ear; * 1 Corinthians, ix : 24. SSTCRED PIECES IN VERSE. 1 « When He by truth to judge them comes, Can such his presence bear ? The Lord commands his people all To watch, and wait, and pray; Expect his coming, and to stand Prepared for the day ! How can thef stand prepared, who think His coming far away; And dread to hear of its approach, And meditate delay? Christian ! the Lord hath led the way— • Apostlos, martyrs, true To him, have trod the heav'nly path The path marked out for you ! Narrow the road, but sure the prize, " Onward," your watchword be : And onward, onward, onward press, Until the victory! CHRIST'S CALL TO THE CHURCH.* Hark ! I hear a heav'nly voice, A call that bids my soul rejoice,— Rise up, my love, my fair one, haste; For lo ! the winter time is past : The rain is gone, the warblers sing, The flowers salute the opening spring; The turtle's welcome voice we bear; The fig-tree and the vines appear With early fruit ; and sweet perfume The grapes do yield. My lov'cl one, come ! From my embrace no longer stay. Arise, my fair one, come away ! * Song of Solomon, ii : 10-13. 2* ]8 HYMNS, PSALMS, AND OTHER AWAKE, AWAKE; PUT ON THY STRENGTH, O ZIQN.* Zion, arise, put on thy strength ; Thy glorious day has come at length: Shake from the dust thyself, and shine In grace and loveliness divine : The mortal warfare now is done, The day of triumph is begun! O captive daughter! Liberty Is now proclaim'd : cast off from thee Thy bands : put on thy beauteous dress> Thou city of God's holiness ! Defil'd no more thy streets shall be, None but the pure shall enter thee. Zion ! upon the mountain see The feet of One approaching thee : How beautiful they do appear ! What doth this blessed one declare ? Hark to his voice, Jerusalem ! He cries aloud, " Thy God doth reign !" Thy watchmen shall together sing When God again doth Zion bring : In that glad day of righteousness, All shall be union and peace: " Salvation" shall thy walls be named, And " Praise," thy gates shall be proclaim'd. Let Salem's wastes to joyful songs Awake : to God her praise belongs ! When He his holy arm makes bare, Earth shall behold, and nations fear: His great salvation shall appear, And Israel shout, " Redemption's here !" * Isaiah, lii. SACRED PIECES IN VERSE. 19 WHAT OF THE NIGHT? Hark ! from Europe's continent, Sounds portentous reach this land: Nations all in discontent, Snatch the rule from kingly hand. Nobles — rich men — stand aghast: Statesmen are perplex'd — they quail — Commerce palls before the blast: Wealth is scatter'd ; men's hearts fail. Thrones are falling, monarchs flee ; Castles famed from days of yore, Halls of pomp and revelry, Once which were, are seen no more. Watchman ! portends this commotion, Aught of import to the world ? Trembles earth, and rages ocean ; Rulers from their seats are hurl'd. Dost thou ask me, blessed stranger, Of the meaning of these things ? Waiting pilgrim ! naught of danger, To thy soul this trouble brings. Guilty men are fast careering To the shades of endless night: Satan's overthrow is nearing; Jesus then shall reign in might ! These portend the day is hasting — Day of bliss without alloy: Is not now thy spirit tasting Earnest of eternal joy ? 20 HYMNS, PSALMS, AND OTHER Watchman ! thy sweet words do charm me ; Make my heart to leap within ; Hail bright day, when nought can harm me : End to death, and end to sin ! AGAIN I SAY, REJOICE .* Ye who wait for Christ, the King, Love His praises here to sing, Still your choicest tributes bring Before the Master's feet ; Never cease your joys to tell, Let your songs still louder swell! Jesus hath done all things well — His work He will complete. Saints ! the night is nearly gone, In your Captain's name go on ! Soon the conquest will be won: The Lord holds out the prize ! See the dawn of day appear : Tell the weak, Be of good cheer: Trembling one, shake off thy fear — Soon shall the sun arise! O what promises are ours ! Now we taste the heav'nly powers; Grace descends in copious showers; And we our strength renew. Crowns of glory, ever bright, God has in that land of light, To bestow on those who fight The glorious warfare through ! * Phillippiaus, iv: 4. SACRED PIECES IN VERSE. 2 I LINES SUGGESTED EY A VIEW OF BRUNETTl's MODEL OF ANCIENT JERUSALEM. Jerusalem ! thy name is sweet ; I love to think of thee; No city's mention bears a sound like thine — thrice dear to me ! I know thy sins have many been, and sad thy state is now : But yet no city on the earth has holy been as thou! In thee king David reign'd and sang his songs of joy and moan; And Solomon in splendid state was seated on his throne : The olden temple, vast and grand, for ages stood in thee ; And in thee stood the second one, which ages more did see. In thee dwelt kings that feared the Lord — Jehoshaphat the great — Josiah — Hezekiah — were are such of present date ? In thee the holy prophets wrote, and spake of things to come : And Israel's sons by thousands came to worship in thy dome. In thee, Jerusalem, the Lord did choose to place his name, Before all cities of the earth — exalted was thy fame ! Beyond all Jacob's dwellings were the gates of Zion lov'd : And those that wish'd thy happiness were pros- per'd and appro v'd. 22 HYMNS, PSALMS, AND OTHER The Saviour trod thy favor' d streets, and in thy temple taught: What wonders hast thou witnessed, which by his power were wrought! [the tree, The night before He gave himself an off'ring on He ate the Supper with his few — all this was done in thee ! In the He wept, in thee He pray'd, in thee He groan'd — He sigh'd; [He died! In thee He suffer'd, and He bled; He agoniz'd — In thee He lay three days and nights; in thee He burst the grave ! In the He proved himself to be the Mighty One to save! Jerusalem ! I love thy name: a city now above, Jerusalem the new, is one, which more than thee I love ! [shall me condemn, Wither this hand, be dumb this tongue; my heart If I forget thy precious name, belov'd Jerusalem! HABBAKKUK, III: 17, 18. Should the days of anguish come, When the fig-trees cease to bloom ; When the vine no more shall yield, And no herb be in the field — And the flocks and herds be gone, Dried the streams, the valleys lone— Yet will I lift up my voice, In my God I'll still rejoice! He will succor and direct, Me sustain and me protect, While the direful judgments last, Till the indignation's past! SACRED PIECES IN VERSE* 23 WITHOUT SPOT AND BLAMELESS.* Heav'nly Jesus, can I be Pure and spotless like to thee? Blameless, holy, dead to sin. Having thee alone within ? Yes : this mortal tent may be Temple of the Deity! By thy Spirit's gracious power, I can live and sin no more. Walking through this vale of woe, Still from strength to strength may go; Rising, pressing, urging on, Till the prize of glory's won ! * 2 Peter, iii : 14. LINES ON THE DEATH OF A LITTLE GIRL, WHOSE LOSS WAS DEEPLY MOURNED BY HER PARENTS. Parents ! your lovely child is gone — But she is not the only one Whom death has snatch'd away : On ev'ry hand his victims fall ; The high, the low ; the great, the small ; 'Tis thus from day to day. The old are seiz'd : the weak, the strong ; The proud, the lowly, and the young; The beautiful, the gay: And many at this moment mourn Their little ones, whom death has borne Away, like yours, away ! 24 HYMNS, PSALMS, AND OTHER Think not your loss to hard too bear: You can't obtain her back, to share Your cares, your love, your joys: If she did love the Saviour here, Shall she not with the blest appear, When from the dust they rise ? Parents ! are you prepar'd to meet Jesus, at His return ; and greet His advent, now so nigh ? If such you be, dry up your tears ; Lift up your heads, dismiss your fears; Your mourning turn to joy. THE CHARITABLE WIDOW. 4 Blessed are the poor that give Of their little to the Lord : Now, a blessing they receive, Then — obtain a rich reward. Widow ! desolate thou art, In the world's eye, but a gem, Priceless — earnest of a boon, Thou dost hold — unknown to them ! This they can not take away; Is not fleeting — has not wing, Like to theirs, which in a day Often leaves them, with its sting! Heav'nly treasure, glorious hope ! Here the love of God to know; And when death is swallow'd up, To his blissful presence go ! SACRED PIECES IN VERSE. 25 THE SONG OF MOSES— DEUT. XXXII. Give ear, O heavens, and thou, O earth, attend! My doctrine as the gentle rain shall fall Upon the herb, and as the dew descend: Yea, blessed shall it be to those who call Upon his holy name who form'd us all : His name I'll publish now, the God of power; Greatness ascribe to him, to him alone : Jehovah is his name ; the rock, the tower Of strength unto his Israel : we own Thee — God Omnipotent — to us thy name is known. A God of truth, holy and pure is he; His ways are judgment all, and righteousness: Ye foolish people and unwise, do ye Requite his favors thus, and spurn his grace, Whose wonders have been wrought before your face? Ye have yourselves corrupted, ye perverse And crooked generation ! Now give ear, While I his gracious dealings shall rehearse : He is thy God that bought thee : thou should'st fear, [are. And serve him all thy days — his chosen race we He made thee and established thee : recall To mind the years of generations gone : The days of old remember ; when a small, But precious people, in the desert lone, He found thee, wand'ring, poor, a feeble one ! Thy father ask, and he will shew thee ; and Thy elders — they will tell thee what thou wast: The time the Lord Most High did part the land Unto the nations each, from first to last, And separated Adam's sons — in ages past — 3 26 HYMNS, PSALMS, AND OTHER He set the people's bounds according to The number of thy children, Israel. God's portion is his people, whom he knewr Jacob, his lot, where he doth ehoose to dwell. (Rejoice ye saints these glorious things to tell!) He found him in the howling wilderness; He kept him as the apple of his eye: He led — instructed him — he gave him grace — He compass'd him about, he heard his cry : And shielded by his God, he could his foes defy. As cares the eagle for her tender young, Supports them, guides them, stirreth up her nest $ Takes on her wings, and beareth them along; So God did lead him, and none did molest: Jehovah was his hope, his joy, his rest: No strange god then was with him ; and he made His dwelling-place, earth's fairest, happiest, ground ; He was exalted; and his God forbade Nothing that he desir'd: all around Him fruitfulness was strewn ; in wealth he did abound. Oxen and sheep were his, and choicest rams Of Bashan's famous breed, and purest wine Of the rich grape ; and wheat, and fat of lambs ; Honey, and milk, and corn ; butter of kine ; Full increase of the field : O Israel, thine [blest,. Were these, and more : but when with fulness With fatness fill'd, thou did'st thy God forsake ; Lightly esteem'd the Lord who gave thee rest ; The rock of thy salvation : and did'st make Strange gods unto thyself, which can not hear or speak. SACRED PIECES IN VERSE. 27 Thus thou provoke dst God to jealousy; And he abhorr'cl thee, and in anger spake — I'll hide ray face away from them ; I'll see What shall their end be : all my laws they break : They turn from me, and I will them forsake ; Children they are in whom no faith is found: I'll scourge them with a nation which were not A people; and their troubles shall abound: A fire is kindled in my anger — hot — Which to the lowest hell shall burn, and spoil their lot. Mischiefs I'll heap upon them: I will spend Mine arrows on their heads: the burning heat, Bitter destruction, hunger fierce, I'll send — The teeth of beasts upon them ; at their feet The serpent's poison; and the sword shall meet Them, as they flee from the dread foe within: The virgin and the youth shall these consume — ■ The infant and the old — thus for their sin, Will I in fury visit them: their home Shall strangers seize, while they, a few, through earth shall roam. I said, that I would scatter them away — That their remembrance among men should cease ; Were it not that the enemy would say, Our hand is high — God hath not done all this. They are a foolish nation ; neither is Counsel or understanding found in them. Ungrateful Israel ! would that thou wert wise : Oh ! then thy foes should never thee contemn. How should one chase a thousand enemies — Two make ten thousand flee ; and none before thee rise. 28 HYMNS, PSALMS, AND OTHER For their rock is not as our Rock — our foes Of this themselves are judges — for their vine Is of the vine of Sodom — bitter woes Do these partake of — grapes of gall — their wine Is dragon's poison — venom of asps. Mine Are vengeance and due recompense : their feet Shall slide in time : with me in store is laid, And seal'd among my treasures, judgment meet The day is near when they shall be afraid — The evils that shall them befall, dread haste have made! For God shall judge his people, and repent Himself for his dear servants, when he sees Their power is gone, and they to earth are bent: And he shall say, where are their gods ? let these Rise up and help you : ye have bow'd your knees, And sacrific'd the flit of beasts, and pour'd Out wine to gods which have not life; now see That I alone am the Almighty Lord: I kill, I make alive — no god with me Has place — I wound, I heal : I, even I, am He ! I lift my hand to heaven : I say, I live Forever! If my glitt'ring sword I whet, And I take hold on judgment — I will give Due vengeance to my foes: them that me hate Will I reward, and justice compensate: Mine arrows shall be drunk with blood ; my sword Shall flesh devour ; blood of the slain shall flow. None can deliver from my hand; my word None can reverse: and this shall all men know, Which from the first were made, to the last friend and foe. SACRED PIECES IN VERSE. 29 Nations of earth rejoice, from east to west: From north to south, lift up your voices highi Join with Jehovah's people, that your rest May be with them, saved from the enemy! He will avenge his saints — their foes destroy: He will be merciful unto his land: Blessings shall crown his saints forevermore: Trust ye in him, and his almighty hand Shall keep and guard you on the sea or shore — And in his kingdom saved, you'll e'er his name adore ! THOUGHTS SUGGESTED BY THE BEREAVEMENTS OF A FRIEND. Is death a conqueror ? Oh, no ! Grim wretch ! I will not call thee so : Thy triumphs only are A little while ; and doom'd to die Thyself, thou art ; and victory Another One shall wear. His voice shall bid the sleepers wake : The dead shall hear, their graves forsake, Immortal, beauteous, bright: Triumphant shout the conquest gain'd O'er death and hell; the prize obtain'd; And glory greet the sight. Who is the conqueror, tben? His name Is Jesus : he who death o'ercame, And ope'd the gates of life. Haste, Saviour, haste, and bring the day When all thy foes shall flee away : Come, terminate the strife ! 3* 30 HYMNS, PSALMS, AND OTHER THE MORNING STAR.* Celestial language ! how divine This glorious promise sounds to me ! All I desire its words combine ; Desire to know — desire to see ! The morning star! its holy light Doth now my pilgrimage illume : Beyond the sphere of mortal sight, I view the endless world to come. Immanuel ! these words of thine My spirits fire with ardor new ; They thrill this constant heart of mine: I love them, Lord, for thou art true! Tongue can not tell their preciousness! Than richest treasures are they more, Far more to me, thou God of grace, Than goodliest gems in monarchs' store. With firmer grasp than misers hold Their idol gold, I them retain ; They should not go for wealth untold: I loathe for tbem earth's richest gain. Nought, O my Jesus, nought for Thee Will I exchange ; my soul's desire Thou art: thy love is shed in me; This matchless love shall ne'er expire! * Revelations, ii : 28. SACRED PIECES IN VERSE. 31 DAVID'S LAMENTATION OVER SAUL AND JONATHAN.* Slain ! slain ! is the beauty Of Israel's host: On yonder high places, The battle is lost ! The mighty are fallen ! O, let not the word In Gath or in Askelon Ever be heard ! Philistia's daughters Would loudly rejoice; The uncircumcis'd foe Would lift up his voice. On Gilboa's mountains Let no dew descend: No fruitful rain fall, Or ripen'd corn bend! The shield of the mighty Is cast away there ) The shield of King Saul, As a vile thing it were ! From the fat of the mighty, The blood of the slain, Did Jonathan's bow Nor Saul's sword turn again. 2 Samuel, i : 17—27. 32 HYMNS, PSALMS, AND OTHER So pleasant in life, And united in death, The king and his son Have yielded their breath f Excelling the eagle In swiftness they flew: In strength as the lion, They the foe did pursue. Ye daughters of Israel, Weep over Saul, Who in beautiful vestments Did clothe you withal. On the high places fallen Is Israel's might : The strong ones were slain In the midst of the light I O Jonathan ! thou Wert kind unto me : My soul is in anguish, Distressed for thee I Surpassing the love That women do show, Thy affection to me Intensely did glow. Oh ! weep for the fallen Of Israel's host! The weapons are perish'd ; The battle is lost ! SACRED PIECES IN VERSE. 33 SHIBBOLETH.* EPHRATMITE. I want to pass over, allow me to go [know. To the other side Jordan ; you are kind, I well GILEADITES. Stay, stay, friend, a moment, the passage is free For the children of Jacob, who honest ones be. If thou art one of this class,, thou shall go ; but if not, And a false one art found, thou shalt die on this spot. Now to prove thee, we give thee a word to repeat, Which if thou speak rightly, then go ; thou art meet ; Old Ephraim's tribe our enemies be : Art thou of them ? we wait for an anwer from thee. The Ephraimite thought to deceive them, and said, That he did not belong to them (rather afraid). Well, now, said the porters, to prove thou art true, Say Shibboleth plainly, and thou shalt pass through. The difficult word he tried to speak out ; And then Sibboleth said, with a feeling of doubt. " Come, come, thou vile Ephraimite, now thou shalt die ;" We've proved thee a false one, thou'st told us a lie." So the Gileadites took him, and straightway they slew him, [him. Nor a mite of compassion did they then show unto MORAL. Friend! to escape eternal death, Thou, too, must have thy Shibboleth. Oh ! none but those that holy are, Bright Canaan's blessedness shall share. Search well thy heart, be watchful, pray : That thou may'st 'bide the judgment day. * Jndges, xii : 1-6. 34 HYMNS, PSALMS, AND OTHER ON THE DEATH OF CHARLOTTE ELIZABETH. When in the records of the dead, Elizabeth's dear name I read, My heart in sadness moved: A pang so sore 1 seldom knew, That cruel Death should take her too ; The one so much beloved. Beloved by those of kinder hope ; Loved by the poor, and treasured up Is her sweet memory, By Albion's girls who sigh and weep, Whom hard oppressors daily keep, In heartless slavery. But rjot to her own sex confined, For every soul of human kind, Subject of wrong: she felt. Could she have moved quick as desire, To each, from youth to aged sire, A portion she had dealt. The rose leaf dead, its odor gives; And Charlotte, tho' entomb'd, still lives , And speaks, in volumes prized: Their contents rich with truth impart To mind a feast, and joy to heart : Such treasure there comprised. Her race is run, her toils are o'er: She sleeps, like worthy ones of yore, And those of modern date, S Until the resurrection day Shall call them from their bed of clay, And God shall recreate ! SACRED PIECES IN VERSE. 35 She saw the day of Jesus near — O then, methinks she will appear In brightness round the throne : Pangs that she tasted here shall gain No entrance there ; for woe and pain And death, shall be unknown ! HOPE OF EARTH'S HOLY MEN. " O thou who art the joy of the universe, the Saviour of the lost, whose right it is to reign, come, wear thy many crowns ! The saints are waiting for thy coming ! The earth groans for thy coming ! Hell is moved at thy coming ! Heaven is silent for thy coming ! Come, Lord Jesus, come quickly." " Hark, there is a voice that says, Behold, I come quickly. Even so, come. Lord Jesus. Amen, amen." — Trade on Prophe. cy, No. 1. Hope of earth's holy men, Appear, appear ! Lord, whose right it is to reign, Haste, haste to earth again ; Stay the creation's pain : Thy own crowns wear. The joyful news we've heard — Saints wait for Thee : All earth shall greet her Lord ; Hell is at thy coming stirr'd! Heaven is silent at the word ! Thine, Lord, are we. Hark ! hark ! there speaks a voice — Quickly I come : It makes our hearts rejoice : Amen ! each saint replies : Come, Lord, and bid us rise — Welcome to home. 36 HYMNS, PSALMS, AND OTHER TO A FRIEND, ON THE DEATH OF HIS WIFE. Thy tender wife is dead, and thou art in affliction deep: And we remember the command to " weep with them that weep :" And we, dear brother, mourn with thee ; the tear falls from our eye : Our soul within us sorroweth, and heaves the heart's deep sigh. We call to mind the infant, who, awhile ago was laid Beneath the sod, safe from a world, which sad by sin is made ; And we think of the little boys, of mother's care bereft ; And then we think the more of thee, companion- less now left! It is not, brother, I would make thy anguish keener felt, That I the strokes relate, which God, to thee in love, hath dealt: But well I know the stricken soul doth find a sweet relief, When friends do words of kindness drop, and fellowship our grief. A pang like thine, this heart of mine hath tasted, and I know Its depth, its sharpness, and its might ; its bitter- ness, its woe ! An infant's cry hath pierced my soul, when mother could not hear; And death had frozen her warm heart, and dried affection's tear. SACRED PIECES IN VERSE. 37 Yet, brother, there is One, whose power to soothe surpasses far The choicest human friends, though dear as thy own soul they are : The balm divine he pours into his children's wounded hearts : His love excels all other love, and heav'nly joy imparts. O brother, God doth chasten us, then let us kiss the rod: Set thy heart's love on him entire; he is a jealous God! When Jesus parts the skies, and calls the saints to their reward, May you, with them, be welcom'd to the presence of the Lord! ON THE DEATH OF A CHRISTIAN SISTER. Rest, lovely wife: rest, tender mother, rest! Thy work is over and thy end is blest. We saw thee gently laid deep in the ground : And then we thought of the glad trumpet's sound. Ere long its blast shall rend thy grave; and then, Oh, then, sweet sister, thou shalt rise again ! Arise, and live, no more to die! O day, Day of eternal glory, wing thy way! We want to see thy brightness break ; we long To sing with her the new, triumphant song! We want to greet her on the heav'nly plain, Where saints shall meet, and evermore remain: There, where the Lamb the light is of the place: There, where the King unveils his lovely face ! There, where no tears shall be, no death, no pain : Where life, and love, and joy, forever reign ! 38 HYMNS, PSALMS, AND OTHER ANELLI'S PAINTING OF "THE END OF THE WORLD." The sun shone forth in all his splendor; and All nature seemed composed, happy, serene : But in a moment are the dazzling rays Shorn of their brightness, and a sickly tinge Spreads o'er the firmament, dimming the whole. Disturb'd and wondering, the multitude Look for the cause of this ; and meanwhile heaven Deepens from lurid red to crimson dye ; And now the thunder peals and shakes the globe. Astonishment and terror seize mankind: And now they rally, thinking to escape, And refuge find in cave, defile, or tower* Vain is the thought! there is no hiding-place: As pangs of travail the last day is come ! Thick clouds of darkness traverse now the sky, Till all is dark; dark as man never saw Before : save that the bloody hue yet streams Around the horizon: earth shakes again; And fire descends upon the distant sea. But see ! Effulgence brighter than the sun, Sudden as lightning's flash appears: it is A cross of light : signal of Jesus' reign* Begun ! The kingdoms of the earth are now Become the Lord's, and he shall reign for aye ! Behold the Bride ! long had she waited for Her Lord's return : how lovely she appears ! Her spouse is at the door! she stands serene, Unmoved, amid the scenes of black despair. There is the contrite one, prostrate in prayer; * The painter is here wrong, I think. To me, the sign of the Son of man in heaven, appears to be, the appearance of one sitting On a throne. See Revelations, vi : 1G. II. II. SACRED PIECES IN VERSE. 6\3 And there the one who from his sins has turn'd, In true humility waiting on God: Well 'tis for them thus to be found; and hope Is in their case. But ah! behold your pair Who have neglected calls of love divine : The fatal hour has come : the woman hides Her face in husband's breast: but his embrace Affords her no protection from the storm, Which now has come on sinners all; alas, His mind is filled with terror and dismay! There see procrastination's dupe ; she lays In desperation : oftimes did she think She would one day break off her sins ; but not To-day. Gone ! gone ! forever gone, has now The golden opportunity : in vain That anguish, that remorse: judgment has come! See yonder family — the sire a prince : Power aud wealth through life were his ; but he Abused his gifts: in pomp, and luxury He spent his days ; he fear'd not God himself, And taught his children not blest wisdom's ways. Ah prince ! A greater one than thou has come, Whose right it is to reign: His is the power In heaven and earth, all placed in his hands By the Eternal Father: King of kings, And Lord of Lords — Immanuel is his name! Where are thy honors now? of what avail Is all thy wealth ? Thou fool! thou didst not lay Up treasures for the world to come. Terror And rage, dismay and anguish, doth his face Bespeak. Not thus the wife : pious and good She lived: although from morn to night, fashion, Display, and pride, surrounded; tempted, vex'd. Oft would she leave her mansion to seek out The sons and daughters of affliction: they Would blessings from on high implore for her! There is the elder son, reproaching sire, 40 HYMNS, PSALMS, AND OTHER Because he taught him not the things of heaven. And there the younger, prostrate, worships God! He gave good heed to mother's counsel : he Made Christ his friend, and bore his cross before The world: and undismay'd he seems. Alas, The daughter, father clasping, daring not To raise her head a moment ; hoping he May be protection in the dreadful hour, Evinces guilt: the fleeting joys of earth, Her choice have been : she has in Christ no hope ! Yon see the athiest! reality Is here! Confounded utterly he seeks To hide himself, and tries in vain. There is A God! He owns it, feels it — but too late ! We turn from him to view a better sight — Three persons nigh each other : widow poor, Daughter, and infant. Mother's heart is right With God; and her sweet, humble, countenance Expresses hope ; and though the daughter seems To shrink at nature's sudden change ; yet still She seems to know the joys of pardon'd sin ; And no accusing conscience troubles her: Her Lord has come — O yes — the Lord she loves. The tender infant knows not what it means, And clasps its mother — fear not lovely child. But there, behold a man, the prey of sin, Licentious sin ! .and the vile woman too. O ye, the slaves of lust, think of the day When deeds of darkness shall be brought to light: The holy Son of God to judgment conies! In field, in store, on travel, some he finds; And some in lustful intercourse. Remorse, Despair, and shame, their guilty conscience seize. O ere he rises up to shut the door, Repent, believe on Him: be ye baptized, And wash away your sins in his shed blood! There is a female, elegant in form; SACRED PIECES IN VERSE. 41 A mother ; yea, a mother : can it be, That still she should delight in vanity, With daughter now in years of womanhood? Yea, so it is. Though she has lived to age Beyond life's summer, folly yet she loves: That daughter, near her, she did not direct, As mother should, unto the way of life. Ah daughter, thou wast taught to look unto This world for thy enjoyment — idle dream. Ah mother, thou would'st mercy now obtain : But vain are thy implorings: mercy's gone From thee, and thou must face the righteous Judge : And thy poor daughter, terror-struck, but makes Thy conscious guilt still more intensely felt. Who is that person stricken by the light Hiding his face in mantle — fine his form? That is the debauchee : O what a day Is this for him ? appall'd he stands, leaning Against the wall, in speechless agony. And there an aged man, heart worshipper Of mammon ; a vile hypocrite — a wretch Who aim'd through life to pass a christian man : The day has come — the day of hypocrites' Surprise : yet still he tries to hold his gold : Just now the Bride of heaven arrests his eye : The holy calm upon her countenance Strikes bim with horror, condemnation, dread. Near him stands one guilty, full of amaze, And fear unutterable. And again, A little distance off, three others, whom Despair has seized : and there alone behold A sinful woman, desolate, undone. There see another female : conscious crime Torments her, and a temple near she seeks For refuge from the storm of wrath divine ; But this no refuge now affords. And oh ! That wretched man, with arms upraised, implores 4# 42 HYMNS, PSALMS, AND OTHER Relief from present pain : and nigh to him, There is another, writhing in despair, The shunner of. repentance ! and yet near, Another in confusion and amaze. But who is that, unlike the rest — he stands Upon the temple's steps ? The sophist he ! But just before, he was the multitude Advising to reject the word of God: And, while haranguing them, the sign appears! His followers with him together are Struck with confusion, terror, and dismay. He spake with eloquence ; appear'd to give Strong reasons for his views: wonders and signs, J±?en he could show: Jesus said such should come. Farther away a flame is seen to rise : Many are congregated round it: they Are prostrate, praying ; and a sacrifice They offer, hoping to appease God's wrath Thereby. Worthless, abominable, is Your act. Why did ye not avail yourselves Of Christ's own sacrifice ? His merits are Only accepted by the Holy God: Ye would not hear His calls in mercy's time: — Now }e are left His vengeance to endure. And, in the distance, see a multitude, Some supplicating mercy, and again, Some flying to a cave. Now fire descends ! The city is in flames ! and on the sea, The ships are blazing! and the sun is now Blackness become! terrific thunder peals! And vivid lightning darts from east to west! The kings of earth, the great men, and the rich, Chief captains, mighty men, the bond the free, Seek to the clefts of rocks to hide themselves: They wail aloud, and say, Mountains and rocks, Fall ye on us, and hide us from the face Of him that sitteth on the throne, and from SACRED PIECES IN VERSE. 43 The wrath of the avenging Lamb: the day, The great day of his wrath is come ! andwhOj, Who can endure his awful presence now? Sinner! the day is near, it greatly hastes! The tidings of the reign of Christ are preachM: O welcome them, repent, believe and be Baptized for the remission of your sins, In name of Father, Son, and Holy Ghost: And live to God henceforth, that when the Lord Shall come— -for He will come — and speedily, You with the saints may be accounted meet To stand before Him ; and amidst the wail T And consternation of the unprepared, You may with joy salute the King of kings^ And shout exultingiy, Our Lord is come ! ON THE DEATH OF AN INFANT. Sleep, baby, sleep, till Jesus wake thee From thy cold and silent tomb: A little while, and he shall take thee, Where sad death shall never come. Father, mother, brothers, loved thee, Griev'd to lay thy body here ; In thy pains they tried to soothe thee, For thee shed affection's tear. But she's gone ! and tears and sorrow Will not move her where she lays : But there comes a joyful morrow. Ending all our mourning days. Great Redeemer ! lovely Jesus ! Keep us till salvation come: Not a moment, Saviour, leave us, Till we reach that heav'nly home. 44 HYMNS, PSALMS, AND OTHER PARAPHRASE OF PSALM XCI, Under the shadow of his love, Who dwells enthron 7 d in light above, My soul abides secure: I dread no ill by night or day; His word 7 s my trust, his arm my stay — Defence — forever sure. At midnight hour, around my head r His shelt'ring wing is overspread, And sweet is my repose: No dismal fears my soul dismay ; The darkness is as bright as day, Where God his favor shows. When vengeance on the wicked falls* And terror ev'ry breast appalls, I shall behold then* doom: But God my refuge then shall be, No evil shall come nigh to me ; Secure my lasting home. Upon the adder I shall tread ; My God will bruise the serpent's head, And tread the lion down: Soon Christ will rend yon azure sky, His waiting ones to place on high, And all with glory crown. ANOTHER OF THE SAME. Thou art my refuge, O my God ! In thee I put my trust ; My strength and help in time of need, For thou, O Lord, art just. SACRED PIECES IN VERSE. 45 Though thousands fall at my right hand, — Protected by thine arm, Nor ill by night, nor ill by day, Shall e'er my soul alarm. Because I am resolvM to be The Lord's, and his alone; I shall behold his face, and see The glories of His throne ! Yes ; sin may tempt, and Satan strive, To lead my soul astray: ^Twill be in vain, for unto thee, O Lord, I'll ever pray : And thou wilt answer me, and show, That thou ait ever nigh Him that seeks thee, and with long life, His soul wilt satisfy. PARAPHRASE OF PSALM XCIIL The Lord Jehovah reigns Begirt with might: Saints raise your loftiest strains — He dwells in light! Great Source of Being! great, Beyond compare — Beyond the grasp of thought, Thy glories are ! Of old Thou laid'st the world's Foundation sure : According to Thy will, It shall endure. Ere time began its years, Thou God alone, Above the heaven of heavens, Didst set thy throne. 46 HYMNS, PSALMS, AND OTHER The floods lift np their waves, And loud they roar : Jehovah speaks the word — Their rage is o'er ! Thy testimonies firm, To endless days, Shall stand : and all Thy works Resound Thy praise. PARAPHRASE OF PSALM XCIL Oh, how full of delight, how lovely, how sweet, The place where the Christians accustom to meet ! Jehovah's great love to show forth and proclaim, To pray and sing praises to God and the Lamb! How vast are His works, and His thoughts how profound! Unworthy are we, who are dust of the ground, To speak of His wonders, or tell of His might, Who all things created, and clothed them with light. For ever and ever the Lord shall abide ! His people shall live, and His foes be clestroy'd: If as grass for a moment they flourish and grow, It is unto anguish, damnation, and woe. But the saints of the Lord, releas'd from the tomb, In beauty and loveliness ever shall bloom: When rebels and scorners are slain by his sword. The righteous onus enter the joys of their Lord! •SACRED PIECES IN VERSE, 47 THE BLESSINGS OF THE TRIBES, AND THE EXCELLENCY OF ISRAEL.* From Sinai Jehovah came, And up from Seir to them rose: From Pagan's mount he shined — his fame Was heard, and terror seized his foes: A fieiy law from his right hand Went forth for Jacob's chosen band. Attended by ten thousand saints He came: all saints are in his hand! He loved the people; their complaints The Lord regards in ev'ry land. Each one did at thy feet sit down : Thy words are given to ev'ry one. Moses commanded us a law, E'en us, the sons of Israel : When it was giv'n, we stood in awe : Words from the Lord we heard him telL Our heads and tribes together were, When he did then the law declare. He was our King, when on that day, He bless'd our tribes, and thus he spake : Let Reuben's men be few, yet may He live, and not of death partake. To Judah's voice, O God, attend: Him from his enemies defend. Bring him in strength into his lands: Blest be his portion, high his name : Sufficient for him be his hands : His brethren shall declare his fame. * Deuteronomy, xxxiii. 48 HYMNS, PSALMS, AND OTBEK Great is his honor — Judah hail ! Before thy strength the foe shall quail, O Levi, with thy Holy One, Thy Thumroim and thy Urim be: At Massah was his power shown ; Thou strov'st with him at Meribah ; Brethren and children own'd he not: The Lord alone is Levi's lot. Incense before thee they shall place, And whole burnt sacrifice upon Thine altar set: to Israel's race, Thy law shall Levi's sous make known, Accept his service, Lord, and bless His wealth, and crown him with thy peace. Smite through the loins of them that rise Against him: them that hate him slay: Crush'd be for aye his enemies, So none against him shall array Themselves; yea, thus let Levi be, Secure and saved, O God, by thee. The loved of God shall safely dwell By Benjamin, and all the day The Lord shalLshield him, and shall quelJ The rising fear, and he shall lay Upon his bosom safe and blest: Pleasant and fruitful be his rest. Blessed of God be Joseph's land: The deep below, the heaven above, Shall pour their gifts into his hand: He, who had not his brothers' love, Shall have the precious things of earth; The good the ripening sun puts forth. SACRED PIECES IN VERSE. 49 Each month its several fruits shall yield ; The ancient mountains, their supply Of precious things; of the rich field, Joseph the fullness shall enjoy: Ten thousands Ephraim's sons shall be : His thousands shall Manasseh see. High shall their glory be among Their brethren : and like to the horn Of unicorns, their power be strong; And to earth's utmost bounds be known. On Joseph's head let favor rest : His land shall of the Lord be bless'd. Zebuiun, in thy going out Rejoice ; and thou, O Issachar, Safe in thy tents, with gladness shout : Pleasant and good their dwellings are: The people to the mountain they Shall call, who shall the word obey: And sacrifice of righteousness Shall they together offer there : Of the abundance of the seas, And hidden treasures they shall share : Of Gad he said, blessed be he That makes him great — blest shall he be. Strong as a lion dwelleth Gad : He meets the foe, and takes his land: The first part for himself he had; As lawgiver he there did stand : Israel's enemies he fought ; The justice of the Lord he wrought. 50 HYMNS, PSALMS, AND OTHER Dan, as a lion young, shall leap From Bashan forth: and Naphtali, With favor satisfied, shall keep The west and south ; the Lord most high Shall hless his portion : Asher too, With children bless'd, shall not be few. Let Asher acceptable to His brethren be : with oil and wine, Honey and milk, his portion flow, And flourish as a goodly vine : Firm shall he stand and riches gain, And as his days, his strength remain. God of Jeshurun! there is none Can be compared to Him ; he rides In Israel's help the skies upon ; Under his care no ill betides ; Safe in his everlasting arms, Thou shalt not fear the foe's alarms. The Lord shall thrust the enemy Out from before thy face, and say, Destroy them ! then shall Israel be Alone in safety — in that day, His land of corn and wine shall view: His heavens above shall drop down dew. O happy people ! who with thee, Among the nations, can compare? The Lord of hosts thy shield shall be; And lie thy sword of conquest wear: Before thy face the foe shall bow; Jeshurun hail ! blessed art thou. SACRED PIECES IN VERSE. 51 FOR THE AFFLICTED PARENTS OF THREE CHILDREN; ALL OF WHOM DIED. Three babes were ours ; the first one came A week of years ago : But she ne'er spake mamma's fond name — So soon was she laid low! A little boy next took her place, And lived four summers through; And in the midst of his bright race, Came sweet Louisa too. They loved each other: and as we Full oft knew pain and grief; How would their smiles and childish glee Afford a kind relief! But Charley's smiles and glee one day Seemed wholly to have fled : And, " Father, take me home, and lay Me down" — dear Charley said. And then he droop'd; and sister felt So sorrowful and lone — And by a chair one morn she knelt: The Lord observed her moan ! And then she sicken'd too ; and death Took brother soon away : And sister then resigned her breath: So 'neath the turf they lay ! And now when father from his toils Returns at eventide ; No children greet him with their smiles: His children all have died ! To mother not one babe remains, lTo watch with mother's care; To wipe its tears, and soothe its pains; And its sweet joys to share. 52 HYMNS, PSALMS, AND OTHER The world appears a wilderness Indeed to mother now : O God, we do our faults confess ; Beneath the rod we bow ! Forgive our wand'rings, Lord, we pray — We give our hearts to thee ; In yon bright world, through endless day, Grant us thy face to see ! PARAPHRASE OF PSALM CXXXVIL "By the rivers of Babylon, there we sat down;" We thought of lost Zion, bereft and alone; We hanged our harps in the midst on the willows ; We wept, and our tears were lost in the billows ! The men that did us to captivity bring, That desolate made us, required us to sing One of Zion's sweet songs — how can we when brought 'Mongst foes, and with sorrows our bosoms are fraught ? Oh Salem, lamented ! our hearts dwell on thee: To see the again, how we sigh to be free ! If thy mem'ry e'er from this bosom be severed, My tongue become mute, my right hand be with- ered ! Great God of Jerusalem ! O hasten the hour, When Edom and Babel shall fall by thy power; When our bondage shall cease, and our mourning be o'er, And thy Zion arise to sorrow no more. SACRED PIECES IN VERSE. 53 TO THE PARENTS OF AN INFANT GIRL, ON THE OCCASION OF HER DEATH. Little Ida came and went — Brief but precious was her stay : Fast the time flew that we spent With our babe, as yesterday ! Mornings come — our opening eyes See no baby as before : Days we pass — her tender cries Wake affection's care no more. Now we sorrow, now we weep : But her own last tear is shed ! Day and night she'll sweetly sleep, 'Till the Lord awakes the dead ! Jesus ! take these hearts of ours ; Be our comfort, be our stay ; With eternal life's blest powers, Save us in redemption's day ! HAPPY DEATH OF A CHRISTIAN SISTER.* I hear she died in glorious hope Of an eternal day — Her pains without a murmur bore, While suffering she lay — She sang of Christ the night before She fell asleep in Him, Expecting on blest Canaan's shore, To raise her voice again. ♦Written on hearing of the happy death of a Christian Sister, at Albany N. Y., which took place a few days before the great fire in that city, 1848. 5* 54 HYMNS, PSALMS, AND OTHER Had she survived a few more days, It might have been more sad : The city's fire terrific came, And devastation made. It would have been a sore distress, To hurry her away From home, amidst tumultuous scenes- 'Twas well she did not stay ! Troubles may thicken all around, But she will sweetly sleep ! Until the resurection morn, The Lord the saints will keep. O Sun of righteousness, we wait To see thy light appear! The night of woe is well-nigh gone — The day of joy is near! TO THE PARENTS OF A LITTLE GIRL, ON HEARING OF HER DEATH. I thought, if I saw you again, I should see little Emily too : How playful and healthy she seemed: — Dear child, her bright days have been few! She knew not the evils of life, Excepting some bodily pain: But she sleepeth in quietness now ; And will never know sickness again ! But oh ! it is hard to inter A baby beneath the cold sod: — We would hold them, unmindful of care, If such were the will of our God. SACRED PIECES IN VERSE. 55 He giveth — He taketh away — His chastisement let us endure ; And secure a home in that world, Where life everlasting is sure ! ON THE DEATH OF A CHRISTIAN BROTHER. They who in Jesus die, For evermore are blest : A while beneath the turf they lie, In peaceful rest : Their toils and sorrows past, They only wait to rise At the great trumpet's joyful blast, To endless joys ! We sorrow when they leave ; But sweeten'd are our tears : We grieve not as the hopeless grieve, Nor know their fears : For Christ has died before, And all in Him who sleep, Like Him shall live for evermore — In hope we weep. Sister, to Jesus cling ; Children, His love obtain : And soon his praises you shall sing — He comes to reign ! Great God! the widow guard, Protect the fatherless : O may they share the saints' reward : The mourners bless. 56 HYMNS, PSALMS, AND OTHER HYMNS FOR GOOD CHILDREN. DAILY MORNING HYMN. Safely through another night God hath kept me, and the light Of another day I see : — Lord, HI sing a hymn to thee. Heavenly Father, thou didst give Breath to me and mad'st me live : Food and raiment, friends and home, From thy gracious hand do come. I am glad that I was born, And I see another morn ; And that I do health enjoy, And no pain doth me annoy. Lord, I love thee ; I will praise, I will bless thee, all my days ; Now I'll serve thee, that I may Happy be to endless day. Keep me, Lord, from ill this day — In my Jesus' name I pray: Should he come before to-night, Say my heart, shall I be right ? DAILY EVENING HYMN. Now the sun is out of sight : Now return the shades of night: Praise the Lord, my soul doth say, Who hath kept me through the day. SACRED PIECES IN TERSE. God doth all my wants supply ; Nothing good doth he deny Unto them that fear his name, For he always is the same. If I've sinned, O Lord, this day, Pardon me, I humbly pray : Give me all the grace I need, For I would be thine indeed. Heavenly Father, while I sleep, Me, thy child, in safety keep : In thy gracious hands I lay, Till shall dawn another day. And when I awake I'll sing Praise again to thee, my King: Night and day I thine will be : Thine, to all eternity. But if Jesus parts the skies, And I wake, and with these eyes See my Lord this very night, How it will my soul delight ! SABBATH MORNING HYMN. Hail the Sabbath's welcome light ; Sweet it breaks upon my sight ; Drowsiness I'll cast away, Rise to greet the sacred day. See the golden tints adorn Where the sun doth shed the morn As he mounts the sky, his light Now becomes intensely bright, 58 HYMNS, PSALMS, AND OTHER Lovely morn! let heav'n and earth Hail another Sabbath's birth ! Let the trees and fields rejoice ; Warblers, raise to God your voice. Six days of the week I may All my work perform, and play; But this sacred day is blest — 'Tis the day of holy rest. Til its precious hours employ, Serving God with holy joy: Fll attend the house of prayer, With the saints who worship there. When I read and hear Thy word, Grant me thy good Spirit, Lord ; That I more of truth may know, And in heavenly wisdom grow. Saviour, keep me in thy care ; Let me still thy favor share : Welcome, Lord ! my heart doth say, Should'st thou come to earth to-day. SABBATH EVENING HYMN. Now another Sabbath day Hath forever passed away ; Sweet its mem'ry is to me — Lord, I've spent this day to thee. Earthly Sabbaths quickly flee ; But I do expect to see One that will forever last, And its richest pleasures taste ! SACRED PIECES IN VERSE. 59 Lord, I thank thee for thy grace, Which attends me all my days; I would not thy Spirit grieve, If more days I've here to live. O, my Saviour, heav'nly, mild; Keep, O keep thy trusting child ; Guard me thro' the hours of night : Darkness hides not from thy sight. Lord, I fall asleep in thee ; Jesus ! I expect to see In yon sky, ere long, thy sign — Should'st thou come to-night, I'm thine. FOR FAMILY WORSHIP. MORNING HYMN. I Again the morning light we greet, And blessings new our wants supply : We'll bow before the mercy seat, And bless the name of God most high. His goodness has preserved us through The dangers of another night; Our holy worship is His due ; Be it our every heart's delight. Father, we ask Thy grace this day ; The Spirit's guidance we implore, That we may walk the heavenly way, And from that path may stray no more. If our expected King we see On this — this day — is my heart right? Let each enquire — and shall I be Approved, and blameless, in His sight? 60 HYMNS, PSALMS, AND OTHER EVENING HYMN. Another evening sun has set, Another day's forever gone : But there's a faithful record kept Of all that every one has done. In that great day when Christ shall call The nations to His judgment seat; Each shall be there ; the great, the small ; And a just recompense will meet. How has this day been spent by me ? Each ask himself— do I desire, E'en now, my glorious King to see? Or do I dread his vengeful ire ? Oh ! let us occupy each hour As in Jehovah's sight; and live Prepared to meet him, when in power He comes, the saints a crown to give. Great God ! if Thou hast seen this day Sin in our souls: Oh! cleanse, forgive : In Jesus' hallowed name we pray, Who died, that we might ever live. From evil guard us all this night : We'll take our rest, and rest in Thee : And should'st Thou come ere morning light, We'll joy our Heavenly King to see. SACRED PIECES IN VERSE. 61 PSALMS VERSIFIED. PSALM I. i. Blest is the man whose heart's delight Is in God's law by day and night: Who standeth not in sinners' ways, And evil counsel disobeys. n. As trees by streams of water set, Yield fruits in season fair and sweet; God shall his deeds with blessings crown ; His daily walk with favor own. in. But the ungodly are not so: Like as the chaff the wind doth blow, And drive away — they shall be driven : Nor taste the happiness of heaven. IV. Sinners who make not God their trust, Shall perish from among the just; Shall not abide the dreadful day, When earth and skies shall pass away. v. Blessed the souls who firm remain Unto the end, through toil and pain; Have made the Lord their righteousness : Peace shall be theirs, and endless bliss. 6 62 HYMNS, PSALMS, AND OTHER PSALM II. Why do the heathen rage ; The people meditate A vain device ; the kings of earth, And rulers, contemplate Warfare against the Lord, And his Anointed One ? And say, we'll break their bands away, And we will reign alone ? ii. He who in heav'n doth dwell, Shall scorn their pimy ire ; And then in anger he will speak, And spoil their base desire : Yet, saith the Lord, I've set Upon my holy hill Of Zion, my anointed King, Who shall perform my will. in. I'll give forth the decree : The Lord hath said to me, (Hearken :) thou art my Son, this day Have I begotten thee. Make thy request to me, And to the heathen thine Inheritance I'll give ; all earth, To thee I do assign. IV. Thou shalt in pieces dash Them, like a potter's vase: And thou shalt with an iron rod, Break all their sinful race : SACRED PIECES IN VERSE. 63 Therefore be wise ye kings: Ye judges of the land, Receive instruction from the Lord, And own his mighty hand. Serve ye the Lord with fear, And tremblingly rejoice: Embrace the Son, lest he be wroth ; O, now obey his voice ! When his dread wrath shall rise, Though but a little, those Who slight him, shall his vengeance feel: Perish shall all his foes. VI. Blessed are they who place Their trust in him alway : Sinners shall fall, but they shall rise, And live through endless day. Messiah shall come forth ; The time is drawing nigh: He shall appear, and take his power y And reign in majesty. PSALM III. O Lord, my foes are multiplied ; Many against me rise : They triumph in their hearts and say, God heareth not his cries. 64 HYMNS, PSALMS, AND OTHER II. Bnt thou, O Lord, thou art my shield: Thou liftest up my head ; And thou my glory art, my rock, And my defence indeed. in. I cried unto thee with my voice ; Thou heardest my request : I laid me down in peace, I woke ; For thou didst give me rest. IV. I will not fear ten thousand foes, That have themselves arrayed Against me round about, and think To make me sore dismayed. v. Arise, O Lord : save me, my God : Glory unto thy name! Thine enemies and mine do fall: Thy power I'll now proclaim. VI. Salvation to the Lord belongs: He is my only trust: His blessing shall forever be The portion of the just. PSALM IV. O hear me when I call, God of my righteousness: Have mercy ! thou hast me enlarg'd When I was in distress. SACRED PIECES IN VERSE. 65 II. Ye sons of men how long Will ye my glory turn To shame ? how long love vanity, And for vile leasing burn ? in. But know, the Lord hath set Apart the godly one For Him : and he will hear me when I pray 'neath mercy's throne. IV. Stand ye in awe ; sin not ; Commune with your own hearts Upon your beds, and be ye still: Search deep the inward parts. v. Bring then your off'rings pure, And in the Lord confide : Offer the righteous sacrifice, And e'er in Him abide. VI. Many there be that say, Who can show us good things ? O Sun of righteousness, arise With healing in thy wings ! VII. Lord, let thy countenance On us thy servants shine ; This, this, with gladness fills our hearts, More than their corn or wine. 6* 66 HYMNS, PSALMS, AND OTHER VIII. The worldling's joy in vain: In God alone is rest : He guards his saints by night and day : His name be ever blest ! PSALM V. i. Unto my words, O Lord, give ear; My soul seeks for thy grace : Still, still, to thee I cry in prayer; Hear from thy dwelling place. ii. Early in morn, my voice I'll raise, And thou shalt hear me, Lord : I'll worship toward thy holy place, Confiding in thy word. in. Thou hatest wickedness, nor shall Aught evil dwell with thee : The foolish shall not stand, nor one That works iniquity. IV. The Lord abhors the man of blood, And him that loves a lie ; And them that speak with leasing tongue, Quickly will he destroy. v. But in thy mercy's fulness, Lord, I'll come into thy house : In fear I'll worship, and with joy Will I perform my vows. SACKED PIECES IN VERSE. 67 VI. O lead me in thy righteousness, Because of all my foes: Make thy way straight before my face, Nor let me taste their woes. VII. There is no faithfulness in them ; Their inward part is sin ; Their throat's an open sepulchre ; All vile they are within. VIII. They flatter with the tongue ; their mouth Is filled with base deceit ; Destroy thou them, O God ; and lay Snares for their guilty feet. They have against thee, Lord, rebel!' d ; And in the multitude Of their transgressions cast them out: In guilt they are imbrued. x. But let all those that trust in Thee, Rejoice forever more ; For thou, O Lord, defendest them, Who thee in truth adore. XI. The Lord will bless the righteous man : With favor, as a shield, He'll compass him around : my soul, Thy praises to him yield. 68 HYMNS, PSALMS, AND OTHER PSALM VI. In thy displeasure, O my God, Chastise me not, I pray ; Nor in thy anger me rebuke j Remove thy rod away. n. Lord, I am weak, my bones are vex'd ; Have mercy, and me heal : My soul is griev'd : how long, O Lord, Shall I this burden feel ? in. Return, my God, and free my soulf Save for thy mercies' sake : The dead can not remember thee, Nor in ^iy praise partake. IV. My groaning wearies me ; all night My bed is wet with tears: Mine eye consumes because of grief ? No joy for me appears. v. Because of all my enemies, Light from my eye departs : Yet I will hope in God, who hears Prayer poured from contrite hearts, VI. The Lord hath heard my voice at length ; My tears he doth regard : The workers of iniquity Shall have their due reward, SACRED PIECES IN VERSE. 69 VII. Let shame and torment fill my foes: Quick let their troubles come : Praises to God I'll sing; he gives To all a righteous doom. PSALM VII. i. O Lord, my God, in thee Do I put all my trust; Save thou, and rescue me From those who are unjust: Lest now they take me and destroy. When there is no deliv'rer by. ii. If I have done this, Lord ; If sin is in my hand; If I did ill reward Him, who in peace did stand With me (yea, I have him set free r That causeless was my enemy) : — in. Then, let the bitter foe Thy servant persecute ; And lay mine honor low; And my tongue shall be mute: Yea, let him take my soul : — to earth Tread down my life, as nothing worth. IV. O Lord, in wrath arise, Because of the fierce ire Of my vile enemies ; And blast their hearts' desire : 70 HYMNS, PSALMS, AND OTHER O let the righteous judgment come, That these, my foes, may have their doom. v. So shall the people praise Thy name, O God of might; And they shall love thy ways, Great God, who doest right: Judge me in truth and righteousness; Maintain my cause, thou God of grace. VI. Now, for thy people's sake, Return, O Lord, on high ; To judgment now awake, And wickedness destroy: The hearts and reins are tried by thee; The righteous shall established be. VII. The Lord is my defence, Who saves the pure in heart; The just he'll recompense With an eternal part In that new earth, where saints shall dwell, Redeem'd from death, and saved from hell. VIII. God is displeased with those, Who still in sin abide ; If they remain his foes, Soon shall they be destroyed : The instruments of death are made; Their judgments shall not long be stayed. IX. Lo, in the soul, with sin, They Travail ev'ry hour; Mischief's conceived within, And falsehood they have bore ; SACRED PIECES IN VERSE. 7 1 And for the righteous snares have laid, With which themselves they have betrayed. x. Their mischiefs shall return To their own souls in haste; And violence shall burn, And all their hopes shall blast: But I will praise the God of power; His righteous name fore'er adore ! PSALM VIII O Lord, how high is thy great name In ev'ry land through earth abroad: Thy glory yonder heav'ns proclaim ; But yet above them shines their God ! Out of the mouth of children young, Hast thou ordained strength, because, Thy enemies, with voices strong, Blaspheme thy name, and scorn thy laws. ii. O God! when I thy heav'ns survey, The moon, the stars, that gild the night ; The glorious sun that rules the day ; Which all bespeak thy matchless might: When these I contemplate, O Lord, What, what is man, my soul inquires ; That thou shouldst him so much regard, And satisfy his heart's desires? 72 HYMNS, PSALMS, AND OTHER III. Lower than angels thou hast made Man, but a little, and him crown'd With glory, and hast honor laid On him, and his dominion own'd Over the works of thy own hand; Under his feet hast all things placed; Whatever treadeth on the land, Or aught the ocean's paths hath traced. IV. O Lord, our Lord, in all the earth Thy name is excellent — is high ! Ye sons of men, with holy mirth, Join in his praises, shout for joy ! He is your Maker — he hath giv'n His creatures — all — into your hands ; The beast of earth, the fowl of heav'n; — His goodness all your love demands. PSALM IX. i. O Lord, I will praise thee; my heart shall rejoice; Of thy marvellous works, I will speak with loud voice: In thee I'll be glad, I will sing to thy name; Thou art the Most High, in all ages the same ! ii. While my enemies rage, in thee I confide: In the day of thy vengeance they shall not abide Thy presence, O Lord ! O then they shall fall ! And perish before thee — perish shall all ! SACRED PIECES IN VERSE. 73 III. For thou hast maintained my right and my cause; In the throne thou didst sit, executing just laws; Thou the heathen hast check'd, and the wicked hast slain, And forever and ever hast put out their name ! IV. The enemy now no longer destroys ; His cities are wasted, ne'er more to arise ! And with their destruction their mem'ry is gone : Yet the Lord shall endure while ages roll on! v. The Lord hath his throne for judgment prepar'd; Unto ev'ry one he'll right judgment award; The oppressed will find him a refuge for them, When he shall to anguish the wicked condemn ! VI. They that know the Lord's name, shall confide in his power; [and their tower ; Those that seek him, shall find him, their strength, Sing praises to God who in Zion doth dwell ; And to all the people his glorious deeds tell. VII. When Jehovah doth make inquisition for blood, He remembers the humble, he spareth the good: Now, Lord, I beseech thee, have mercy on me ; Wicked men me afflict, yet I stay upon thee. VIII. Thou hast me deliver'd when nigh to death's gates ; [waits : Thou preservest me still, and on thee my soul O rescue me now, and I'll show forth thy praise ; And in thy salvation rejoice all my days. 7 74 HYMNS, PSALMS, AND OTHER IX. The heathen are sunk in the pit they have made ; In the net which they hid, their own foot is betray'd : The Lord by the judgment he worketh is known; The wicked are snar'd in the work they have done. x. They that God now forget into hell shall be cast, When the needy and poor find their sorrows are past; [rejoice; Though now they're forgotten, they then shall And quickly their Lord in then cause shall arise ! XI. Arise now Jehovah ! let man not prevail ; Cause the strength of the furious nations to fail: Let the heathen be judged in thy sight, that they may Know themselves to be dust : O hasten the day ! PSALM X. i. Why, Lord, dost thou stand off so far, When we in times of trouble are ? The wicked persecutes the poor; His heart is proud — he feels secure. ii. The wicked boasts, and joineth hands With men possessing gold and lands : Let him be taken in the snare, He for the righteous doth prepare. in. The covetous forgets the Lord ; The wicked cares not for his word : He'll have no God, himself beside — And so he stalketh in his pride. SACRED PIECES IN VERSE. 75 IV. His ways are always hard to bear : God's judgments far from his sight are, He puffs at foes, and thinks that he Shall stand for aye, from sorrow free, v. His mouth is full of fraud and guile, And cursing too ; and mischief vile, And vanity are 'neath his tongue : For evil work his soul doth long. VI. In lurking places he will sit; In secret, wickedness commit: The innocent he slays — the cries Of poverty he doth despise. VII. Like as a lion lies in wait, He seeks to catch into his net The poor : humility he'll feign, If he, thereby, his ends can gain. VIII. God hath forgotten — thus thinks he — He hides his face — he sees not me — Lift up thine hand, O God! arise; Regard the humble when he cries. PART 2, IX. Why do the wicked God contemn ? They think his eyes are not on them While they their wicked deeds perform^ And crush the poor man as a worm. 76 HYMNS, PSALMS, AND OTHER X. But though in their own hearts they say, God sees us not, we'll have our way — The Lord beholds their harm and spite ; And with his hand he'll them requite. XI. The poor commits to Thee his part : Help of the fatherless thou art! Avenge him, Lord ; break thou the arm Of him who purposes his harm. XII. Forever and forevermore The Lord is King — we'll him adore ! Perish'd are sinners from the land Prepar'd for saints by God's own hand. XIII. Lord, thou hast heard the meek man's prayer ; Thou dost his heart for thee prepare: The fatherless and the oppress'd Shall in the Lord securely rest. PSALM XI. Ye foolish ones, say ye to me, Like a chased bird to your hill flee? My trust is in the Lord Most High ; I scorn your threats, your power defy. ii. The wicked now their darts prepare To slay the men who upright are ; If the foundations be destroyed, How can the godly ones abide ? SACRED PIECES IN VERSE. 77 III. The Lord is in his holy place ; Enthron'd on high he sees our race ; He hates the wicked, tries the good ; He loathes the men who thirst for blood. IV. Upon the wicked he shall rain Brimstone and fire, snares of pain : A tempest horrible shall come Upon them — such shall be their doom! v. The righteous Lord loves righteousness; The upright he delights to bless : On them his countenance divine, Throughout eternal day shall shine. PSALM XII. i. Now to our help, O Lord, arise! For lo, the godly man doth cease : How long shall men of earth despise Thy laws, and shun all righteousness ? ii. Each with his neighbor speaketh guile: With flattering lips, and double heart, They speak unblushingly the while : Thus, day by day, they play their part, in. From among men the faithful fail; Our lips, they say, are all our own; And with our tongue will we prevail — We'll answer to ourselves alone. 7# 78 HYMNS, PSALMS, AND OTHER IV. But though in arrogance and pride, They do as their own hearts desire ; The poor oppress, the good deride — Soon they shall feel God's righteous ire ! v. The Lord shall flatt'ring lips destroy, And tongues that boastingly do speak: The Lord regards the needy's sigh, And he shall his oppressors break. VI. Now, saith the Lord, will I arise ; I will avenge the meek, the poor; I've seeu their wrongs, I've heard their cries; I'll place them from their foes secure. VII. As silver in the furnace tried, God's words are truth, and shall endure : Yea, like to silver purified Full seven times, his words are pure ! VIII. The wicked walk on every side, When vilest men exalted are ; But they shall fall — while shall abide The just, the faithful, safe from fear. PSALM XIII. i. How long wilt thou forget me, Lord ? Wilt thou forever hide thy face From me, thy servant? shall unheard Be all my prayers ? unmark'd my case ? SACRED PIECES IN VERSE. 79 II. How long with sorrow in my heart, Daily shall I my counsel take Lone with myself? Doth God depart Wholly from me when men forsake ? in. How long o'er me shall this my foe Be so exalted ? O my God, Let not the wicked triumph so ; But let him feel thy righteous rod. IV. O Lord my God, lighten my eyes; Let me not sleep the sleep of death : How would my bitter enemies Take pleasure in my dying breath ! v. But in thy mercy still I trust; In thy salvation I'll rejoice: Crush' d shall my foes be small as dust — The Lord at length hath heard my voice ! PSALM XIV. i. The foolish in their hearts have thought, There is no God. How base they are ! Abomination they have wrought: That they are vile, their deeds declare. ii. The Lord from heav'n look'd down to see If there were those that understood, And practised not iniquity, And virtue loved, and sought for God :- 80 HYMNS, PSALMS, AND OTHEK III. They are become corrupt; not one There is that doeth good ; do all Who to iniquity are gone, And on the Lord who never call ; IV. Who use thy saints as they were bread For them to eat — do these know nought? See ! they are filled with guilty dread, While saints are into safety brought. v. Ye ignorant! did ye suppose, Because the poor man now is low, That God Avould leave him to his foes? God is his strength ! this he doth know. VI. Jacob's salvation, who will bring? When God his people shall release From their long bondage, they will sing, And dwell thenceforth in endless peace. PSALM XV. Who, in thy temple, holy Lord, Shall sojourn ? Who alway Shall dwell in Zion's mount secure, And in thy presence stay? n. ' 'Tis he who walketh uprightly, And worketh righteousness: Who in his heart doth speak the truth ; And loves the way of peace. SACRED PIECES IN VERSE. 81 III. Who never backbites with his tongue, Nor doth his neighbor ill : Against him takes not up reproach, And beareth no ill-will. IV. He, in whose eyes a person vile Is base, and is despised : He honors them who fear the Lord: — These by his soul are prized. v. He that abideth by his word, Though to his hurt he swear : He changes not; and unjust gain Will he by no means share. VI. Against the innocent, reward He never will receive : — Such is the man who shall abide, And in God's presence live. PSALM XVI. Great God ! Preserve me ; for in thee Do I alone confide : Thou art my Lord, my only hope : Me from the evil hide. ii. My goodness can not thee avail : Yet to the saints on earth, In whom my soul delights, I may, Through grace, become of worth. 82 HYMNS, PSALMS, AND OTHER III. Their sorrows shall be multiplied, Who serve another God : I will not speak their names, nor pour Their offerings of blood. IV. Of my inheritance and eup, The Lord the portion is : My lot he doth maintain, and I Forever shall be His. The lines are fallen unto me Into a pleasant place : I have a goodly heritage — Blest be the God of grace! VI. Yea, I will bless the Lord, who is My counsel and my guide : My soul doth think on him by night ; And I secure abide. vn. I have the Lord before me set (And he hath me approved :) Because he is at my right hand, I never shall t>e moved. VIII. Therefore my heart is glad — my soul Rejoices in the Lord : My flesh also shall rest in hope, For I believe His word. SACRED PIECES IN VERSE. 83 IX. My soul Thou wilt not leave in hell : Thine Holy One to see Corruption, thou wilt not permit: Triumphant shall he be. x. Thou wilt show me the path of life ; Fullness of joy with thee : At thy right hand for evermore, Pleasures divine I'll see. PSALM XVIL Hear thou the right, O Lord ; attend Unto my cry, accept my prayer; Forth from my heart it shall ascend : To feign, O God, I will not dare ! ii. Lord, let my sentence come from thee ; Behold the things that equal are : In the still night thou searchest me : My heart thou know'st — no wrong is there. in. My mouth, O Lord, shall not transgress ; The works of wickedness I'll shun : I've kept thy word, I love thy ways ; And still the heav'nly race I'll run. IV. Lord! I have called in faith on thee; And still I pray, for thou wilt hear: My cry regard; O, answer me ! Now graciously incline thine ear. 84 HYMNS, PSALMS, AND OTHER Show me thy wondrous love, O Lord : Thou savest them by thy right hand, Who trust in thee, when with the sword To slay — the wrathful foe doth stand. VI. Me, as the apple of the eye, Preserve, and shelter with thy wings; Because the wicked would annoy, And vex me as the serpent stings! VII. Rich they have grown, and proudly speak: As rav'ning lions watch for prey, And lurk in secret — these men seek To slay the just, from day to day. VIII. Arise, and cast them down, O Lord! Prevent their purposes, and save Me from the wicked by thy sword — From men who here their portion have. IX. Their all is here : their seed partake Of goods they leave them on the earth: But from corruption I shall wake, And gain from God celestial birth ! PSALM XVIII. i. My fortress, my tower, my strength, is the Lord ; My horn of salvation, my shield, and my sword: I will call on his name, 1 will love him always: lie guards me, he keeps me ; my llock I will praise ! SACRED PIECES IN VERSE. 85 II. The sorrows of death all around were array'd Against me, and wicked men made me afraid: The waves of destruction before me did roll, And the pains of the pit seem'd to enter my soul ! in. 'Twas then in distress I call'd on the Lord ; I cried to my God, and he graciously heard: Then the earth shook and trembled because he was wroth, And the mountains were moved to foundation beneath ! IV. From his nostrils a smoke, and devouring fire, Came out from his mouth, kindling coals in his ire: And the heavens he bowed, and then he came down, With darkness beneath him — how dread was his frown ! He flew on the wind, and on cherub he rode, And darkness he made for his secret abode: Thick clouds of the skies, and dark waters were there, As pavilion around him — so God did appear! VI. Dark clouds at the brightness before him appear'd ; Coals of fire and hail his vengeance declar'd : He thunder' d on high, and his voice was then heard ; And the fire and hail came down at his word. 8 86 HYMNS, PSALMS, AND OTHER VII. He sent out his arrows — he scatter'd them wide ; And his lightnings flew — they could not abide: The world's very base was disclosed at his word, And the waters were oped at the blast of the Lord ! VIII. He sent from above, and he rescued my soul From sorrow's deep waves, that o'er me did roll: My foes he rebuked; they that hated me fell; Too strong were they forme, but God did prevail. PART 2. IX. They laugh'd at me in my calamitous day; They rejoiced at my grief, but God was my stay He placed me in safety, away from their ire ; He answer'd my prayer, he mlfill'd my desire. x. The Lord me rewarded according to right; I wickedness shunn'd, aud was clean in his sight His path I have kept, and not wander'd away; His laws were before me by night and by day. XI. From sin I was free — in uprightness I stood; And God in his grace recompens'd me with good With merciful men, God will merciful be ; The upright, God's uprightness, ever shall see. SACRED PIECES IN VERSE. 87 XII. The pure shall purity also obtain ; But the froward shall meet with sorrow and pain; The haughty and proud the Lord will bring down ; But to the afflicted his love shall be shown. PART 3. XIII. When darkness surrounds, the Lord is my light; I've vanquish'd my foes by his sovereign might: His ways are all perfect, and tried is his word; To all that believe him, a shield is the Lord ! XIV. For who is a God save the Lord ? there is none : A rock, firm for aye, is Jehovah alone ; He girds me with strength, and make's perfect my way; I may run as the hind, yet not go astray. xv. He instructs me to war — he sets me on high ; And the enemy's power I wholly defy: Thy shield of salvation I bear — thy right hand Upholds and defends me, and firmly I stand. PART 4. XVI. My path thou hast brighten' d — with meekness I'm blest; My foes now are fallen — they can't me molest : With strength thou hast girded me unto the fight; Sunk for ever they are, by thy terrible might. 88 HYMNS, PSALMS, AND OTHER XVII. The lives of my foes thou hast placed in ray hand ; And them that me hated are slain off the land; They cried out aloud, but to save there was none ; To God they did cry, but his mercy was gone. XVIII. Small as the dust I them made in that day ; As mire of the streets I did cast them away : The people are still, and the heathen me own ; And tribes shall serve me, that I have not known. XIX. At the sound of my name they shall humbly obey; The sons of the stranger their homage shall pay : God liveth for ever — my Rock is the Lord — The strangers shall fail, when God's name shall be heard ! xx. To the holes of the rocks, they swiftly shall run, In trouble and fear God's presence to shun: God is my avenger — the people to me, He lays in subjection — exalted is He ! XXI. He delivers me from the hand of my foes; He raises my head above all that oppose : From the violent man in safety I stand — I'll tell of his goodness throughout the whole land. XXII. Deliverance mighty he gives to his king — Among all the heathen his praises I'll sing! His anointed and me He will crown with his love ; And my seed evermore his mercy will prove. SACRED PIECES IN VERSE. 89 PSALM XIX. i. The firmament above, The heav'ns on high declare Their Maker's power and love, Their Maker's wond'rous care : Each night and day, A God proclaim; They speak His name — His skill display. ii. To men of ev'ry clime, Of ev'ry tongue and land; Throughout the course of time, They prove a Sov'reign Hand : Their line is gone The wide earth through; Their words unto Earth's ends are known. in. In them is placed the sun, Which from his chamber goes, Like a strong man to run — His heav'nly path he knows : He starts at morn, As bridegroom glad, In light array 'd, Earth to adorn. IV. From farthest east to west, He runs his shining way; He never taketh rest — Supplying all with day: 8* 90 HYMNS, PSALMS, AND OTHER God is the King — And, at His word, His heat is pour'd On ev'ry thing. PART 2. v. The law of God the Lord Is perfect ; and converts The souls who love His word, And keep it in their hearts : They grow in grace ; They grow in strength ; Until at length, They see His face. VI. God's testimony sure, The simple ones makes wise : And His commandment pure, Enlighteneth the eyes : His statutes right, Rejoice the heart: They bliss impart ; They shed delight. VII. Clean is Jehovah's fear, And everlasting too: His judgments shall appear Righteous and alway true : Than finest gold, Much more are they Desired to be ; Or wealth untold. SACRED PIECES IN VERSE. 91 VIII. Due warning I receive By them ; and great reward In keeping them, I have : What pleasure they afford I Than honey they Much sweeter are To me by far, From day to day. PART 3. IX. O God! thy searching eye Man's heart discerneth through : Let me thy love enjoy; With grace my soul endue ! O cleanse thou me From secret sin; That all within May holy be. x. And from presumption's thrall, Keep back thy servant, Lord: O may I never fall By hasty act or word ! Thus I shall be Upright and pure ; And can endure From sinning free. XI. O let my ev'ry word, And each thought, in thy sight Be acceptable, Lord ; And alway just and right: 92 HYMNS, PSALMS, AND OTHER My strength, my King, Redeemer too: Forever true — To Thee I'll sing. PSALM XX. In the dark day, when trouble's near, O may the Lord to thee give ear ! The God of Jacob thee defend, And from his temple succor send. ii. May He thy off'rings call to mind, And thou His strength from Zion find May He accept thy prayer, and own Thy sacrifices from His throne ! in. In God's salvation we will joy ; And in His name our banners high We will upraise ; he shall fulfill Our whole desire — perform our will. IV. Now I am sure the Lord Most High Saves his anointed: — ever nigh Is He to him ; and He will hear From His most holy place, his prayer. On chariots — horses — some rely For safety ; but to God we cry ! The saving strength of His right hand la our defence, and firm we stand. SACRED PIECES IN VERSE. 93 VI. Vanquish'd are they and fallen low; But we the Lord's salvation know! Forever our salvation be, Great King — we look alone to Thee ! PSALM XXI. i. The king shall exult in the strength of the Lord, And in his salvation rejoice : The request of his lips Thou hast graciously heard, And heeded his suppliant voice ; — His way with the blessings of goodness hast spread ; Hast granted the wish of his heart; A crown of pure gold thou hast placed on his head ; And from him wilt never depart. ii. Thou gavest him life at his humble request; His days shall be joyful and long: With honor and majesty Thou hast him blest: — Salvation is ever his song! Yea, blessed for aye, Thou hast made him to be ; Thy countenance glads him with joy: Through thy mercy, O God, for he trusted in Thee, His foes he shall ever defy. in. The Lord shall deliver thy foes in thy hand, And swallow them up in His ire ; Each one of their seed He shall root from the land, Because of their evil desire. In the day when Jehovah his saints shall reward, Like chaff will their enemies be : — In thy own matchless strength, be exalted, O Lord : The power we'll ascribe unto Thee ! 94 HYMNS, PSALMS, AND OTHER PSALM xxn. I. Why hast thou left me, Lord ? O why, Dost thou not hear my plaintive cry ? By day and night I pray to thee ; Why, Lord, art thou so far from me ? ii. But Thou, who brought thy people through* Their evils, holy art, and true: Our fathers called on Thee, and they Were rescued from the enemy. in. But I'm despised — accounted nought — And lower thau the lowest brought: His trust in God he did avow, Men say — then let Him save him now. IV. But I my being owe to Thee; Thou wast my hope in infancy: Upon thy goodness, Lord alone, From my first moment was I thrown. v. O be not far from me, for woe Is near; no help but thine I know! My foes all round have compass'd me, And triumph in my misery. VI. My bones are broken — weak am I — My spirit fails, my strength is dry: The wicked mock — my tongue is dumb: Unto the dust of death I'm come ! SACRED PIECES IN VERSE. 95 VII. My bones they pierce — my feet — my hands ; Aud each upon me gazing stands: They part my garments — vesture seize — And cast lots for it as they please. VIII. But be not far from me, O Lord ; Rescue thy servant from the sword: The hand of the blood-thirsty stay; O God, my strength, help now I pray ! IX. Thou didst thy succor interpose, When I was placed mid savage foes: As dogs and lions now they stand Around me — save me by thine hand ! x. Courage my soul ! I'll yet proclaim Unto my brethren, God's great name: 'Midst the assembly I will praise The God of might, in future days. PART 2. XI. O all ye saints who fear the Lord, Give him the praise with one accord : Ye seed of Jacob, glorify , Your King, and fear the Lord Most High ! XII. The Lord hath not despised the moan, And prayer, of the afflicted one: Unto his case he has regard ; And when he cried to Him — He heard. 96 HYMNS, PSALMS, AND OTHER XIII. My praises unto thee, O Lord, In the assembly shall be heard : My vows I will perform before The men who God's great name adore. XIV. All they that seek the Lord shall praise Their King unto eternal days: Their heart forevermore shall live : — The meek shall plenteousness receive. xv. And all the ends of earth shall turn Unto the Lord, and goodness learn ; The kindreds of the nations, all, Rememb'ring God, before Him fall. XVI. The kingdom is the Lord's, and He Among the nations King shall be! All who on earth in fulness live, Shall eat with joy, and worship give. XVII. All they that unto dust go down, To Him shall bow — his greatness own : None can sustain himself — not one; — Life to preserve, is God's alone. XVIII. A seed, a generation named, Shall serve the Lord — forever famed ! Yea they shall come, and shall proclaim To future people, His blest name. SACRED PIECES IN VERSE. 97 XIX. Awake, awake, the blessed morn, When to a people now unborn, They shall His righteousness make known, And tell abroad what God hath done ! PSALM XXIII. The Lord of love, the Lord of might, My Shepherd is, my soul's delight : I shall not want, I will not fear; He, my defence, is ever near ! In pastures green, secure I lay; By gentle streams I take my way: Refresh'd each day with draughts of grace, I keep the paths of righteousness ! ii. Yea, should my journey lay where death Darks with his shade the vale beneath; — Strength of my soul! thy guardian care Should be thy servant's safety there ! 1 would not tear — thy staff, thy rod, My stay and comfort are, O God ! A table stands with rich supplies, In presence of my enemies ! in. The Lord anoints my head with oil ; He glads me with his favor's smile: My cup with blessedness o'erflows ; My soul his loving-kindness knows! 9 98 HYMNS, PSALMS, AND OTHER Mercy and goodness shall pursue Me, as this life I journey through: And when the saints from death shall rise, I shall obtain enduring joys ! PSALM XXIV. Earth by Jehovah's hand was laid Upon the seas, and steadfast made : Established upon the flood, It hath for ages firmly stood. ii. It is the Lord's — its fulness too : — He made each herb before it grew : And all of ev'ry kind and kin, Are His also, that dwell therein. in. Oh, who shall be accounted meet, Within his holy place, his feet To set? Or who is he who will Ascend unto His holy hill? IV. 'Tis he whose hands are clean — whose heart Is pure — who hath not had a part In vanity — not sworn with guile : And truth defended all the while. v. He shall the blessing from the Lord Receive: to him will God accord The gift of righteousness; and He, His great salvation e'er will be. SACRED PIECES IN VERSE. 99 VI. The generation of the meek, Men who the God of Jacob seek, Are such — the holy of the land : And they shall in His presence stand. VII. Ye gates and doors, wide entrance give- And glory's King with joy receive! Who is this King? Jehovah — He! The Lord of might and majesty. VIII. Lift up your heads, ye gates of praise ! Ye everlasting doors, upraise Yourselves; receive the glorious King:- Let heav'n and earth with praises ring! IX. This King of glory — what His name ? The Lord of hosts — of endless fame — In battle mighty — this is He : The King of strength and victory. PSALM XXV. i. Father, I lift my soul to thee : Let not the spiteful enemy Put me to scorn and shame: Let shame be the transgressors' fate ; But honor theirs, on thee who wait ; And love and fear thy name. 100 HYMNS, PSALMS, AND OTHER II. Shew unto me thy ways, O Lord; Instruct me from thy holy word: On thee I wait all day. Thy tender mercies and thy love, Redeeming Saviour, let me prove: From ancient times are they. in. My sins of youth remember not; And all my late transgressions blot Out of thy book, O^God : Regard me for thy goodness' sake ; Let me thy mercy rich partake ; Nor feel thy vengeful rod. IV. The Lord is upright, good, and kind: Sinners who call his ways to mind, Mercy obtain, and peace. The meek in judgment he will guide: His ways they learn, and safe abide; And stand in righteousness. v. To such as keep his statutes pure, His truth and mercy shall endure, Now and through endless day. All my iniquity forgive, O Lord, I ask, and let me live, And in thy favor stay. VI. What man is he who fears the Lord? He shall derive from his blest word, Wisdom, and light, and grace: SACRED PIECES IN VERSE. 101 His soul in goodness shall remain ; His seed inheritance obtain In earth, and dwell in peace. VII. They who in fear of God do live, The secret of the Lord receive: His covenant they know : On him my eye is ever set; He'll pluck my feet out of the net ; And safely I shall go. VIII. Turn unto me, look on my state ; I am distress'd and desolate ; My troubles many are : Thy mercy grant, my sins forgive ; Safe from my foes, O let me live ! Sore hate to me they bear. IX. O save, and keep me, for I wait On thee, O God; let not my fate Be shame before my foes : Let justice keep me; and redeem Thine Israel, Lord, from all of them, Who would their peace oppose. PSALM XXVI. i. I've trusted in the Lord most High; I shall not slide away: I've walk'd in mine integrity: Judge me, O Lord, I pray. 9* 102 HYMNS, PSALMS, AND OTHER II. Examine me, and prove me, Lord, And try my heart and reins: I've kept the precepts of thy word : Thy love my soul sustains. in. With the dissemblers and the vain, I have not passed my days : I will not sit with the profane : — I hate the sinner's ways. IV. With holy hauds, thine altar, Lord, I'll compass, that I may With grateful voice declare thy word, And wondrous works, alway. v. The habitation of thine house, Lord, I have loved, and where Thy honor dwells, I'll pay my vows; And thy blest name declare. VI. With sinners and with men of blood, Take not my life away : Mischief and bribes they love, and good, They shun from day to day. VII. But as for me, I'll ever stand In mine integrity : Redeem me from destruction's hand ; Thy mercy grant to me. SACRED PIECES IN VERSE. 103 VIII. Rejoice my soul! the Lord is mine; My surety, and my stay: With the assembly I will join In blessing him alway. PSALM XXVII. i. God is my light — salvation too ! I will not fear what man can do : Strength of my life, great God thou art: I dread not Satan's fiery dart. ii. The time my foes against me came, Fierce to devour, as burning flame; They stumbled and they fell, and I Was safely kept, for God was nigh. in. Although an host in stern array, Should stand against me, no dismay My heart should feel: though war should rise, I would not dread my enemies. IV. One thing I've craved, and still desire ; — 'Tis in God's temple to inquire, And dwell therein throughout my days: And see the beauty he displays. v. In His pavilion me He'll hide, When trouble shall the world betide : Beneath his shelt'ring wing secure, Firm as a rock, I shall endure. 104 HYMNS, PSALMS, AND OTHER VI. Mine head above my foes He'll raise ; Therefore I'll sing aloud his praise, And offer sacrifice of joy: — hear me, Lord, whene'er J cry! VII. Answer thou me, and grant thy grace :- 1 heard thy word, seek ye my face : I'll seek thy face, my heart replied : Thy face, Lord, from me, never hide! VIII. In anger put me not away; Thou art my help from earliest day: God of my life, whom I adore, Be thou my help forevermore ! IX. When father, mother, me forsake, The Lord me to Himself will take : O Lord, instruct me in thy way : The foe stands round, my soul to slay. x. False witnesses against me rise ; — O save me from these enemies! O God, I still believe to see Thy goodness where the living be. XI. Courage, my soul — the Lord is thine ! Though men against me do combine; O Lord, I still will wait on Thee ; And I shall thy salvation see. SACRED PIECES IN VERSE. 105 PSALM XXVIII. O Lord, my rock, I'll cry to Thee ; Be thou not silent unto me, Lest I become like them that go Down to the pit of death and woe. ii. Hear thou my prayer whene'er I cry : — With men that work iniquity, Who utter peace with guile in heart, may I never have a part. in. Meet out to them a due reward, According to their deeds, O Lord: And as they meant their neighbor's ill; With evil, Lord, their bosoms fill. IV. The works of God they heed not, and Among the just they shall not stand: Jehovah shall their souls destroy: For them no peace — for them no joy! v. My supplications God hath heard: Blessed forever be the Lord ! He is my strength, He is my shield : Praise unto Him I'll ever yield. VI. My heart rejoices — I will sing Praises to Him, my strength, my King! 1 trusted in Hirn, and I found, His help unto me to abound. 106 HYMNS, PSALMS, AND OTHER VII. O Lord, thy people save, and bless Thine own inheritance with peace : Thou art our strength — Thee we adore : Be Thou our joy for evermore ! PSALM XXLX. i. In the beauty of holiness worship the Lord, Ye sons of the mighty, and give to His name The strength and the glory with gladsome accord; And loud let the Universe echo the fame! His voice on the waters — in thunders is heard — The waves of the ocean His presence bespeak: The cedars of Lebanon break at his word; And towering mountains as timid things quake. ii. The voice of Jehovah divideth the flame; And by His mighty word the cattle increase: The wilderness shakes at the sound of His name; But He blesses His people with favor and peace. He sits on the flood — He is King evermore — The strength of His people forever He'll be : O come, all ye saiuts, and His goodness adore ; Redemption is coming — the great jubilee ! PSALM XXX. I cried to God — he answer'd me, And suffer'd not the enemy To mock at my distress: From death the Lord hath kept my soul : Therefore his power I will extol: His name I'll ever bless. SACRED PIECES IN VERSE. 107 II. Thrice holy is our heav'nly King ! Therefore, ye saints, give thanks and sing: Life in his favor is. His anger but a moment stays: Though tears outlast the night, the rays Of morn bring joy and bliss. in. And in my soul's prosperity, I said, I never mov'd shall be ; — Lord, by thy favor, thou Hast made my mountain firmly stay: — But when he hid his face away, In trouble I did bow! IV. I cried again to thee, O God: What profit is there in my blood, If down to death I go ? How shall the dust, thy truth and praise, Declare ? O Lord my soul upraise ; Thy help unto me show. v. My mourning into joy hath he Turn'd; and with gladness girded me; My sackcloth cast away : Henceforth thy praise aloud I'll sing Unceasingly, O God my King, Throughout eternal day. 108 HYMNS, PSALMS, AND OTHER PSALM XXXI. O Lord, I trust in thy great name ; O let me ne'er be put to shame ; O save me in thy righteousness: Rescue me now ! Lord, hear my cry ; Send me deliv'rance iron} on high ; — Be help and safety in distress. ii. My fortress and my rock art Thou: O Lord, direct and guide me now, Because I've made thy name my tower: O take my feet out of the net, Which privily for me they set : — O Lord, my strength, display thy power. in. To thee my spirit I commit, O Lord : thou hast redeemed it ; Thou God of truth and holiness : I've hated them that vanities Regard, and have delight in lies: My hope art thou, O God of grace. IV. And in thy mercy I will be Glad and rejoice, for thou didst see My trouble and adversity: Safe from the wrath of those who sought My harm, thou hast my servant brought; And from their snares hast set me free. SACRED PIECES IN VERSE. 109 PART 2. v. In trouble I am brought again ; Grief dims my eye — in sorrow, pain, And sighing, now I pass my years: Because of mine iniquity, My soul consumes, my strength is dry: In mercy, Lord, regard my tears ! VI. To all mine enemies, my name A word of mere reproach became : And to my neighbors deeper scorn: And my acquaintances with dread Were seized ; and those that saw me fled Thus was I left — alone, forlorn. VII. Just as the dead are out of mind, Or worthless thing is left behind, I am forgot : from day to day I'm made afraid : when they had met To plan against me, snares they set To take me, and my soul to slay. VIII. But Lord, I trusted still in thee : I said, thou art my God : O be My safety from the enemy: My times are in thy hand — now make Thy face to shine : and for the sake Of thy great mercies, rescue me. IX. O let not shame come unto me; For I have called, O Lord, on thee : Shame to the vile, accord — and death ! 10 110 HYMNS, PSALMS, AND OTHER Let lying lips be closed, which speak Witli pride and scorn, against the meek, Words of unrighteousness and wrath. PART 3. x. How great thy goodness is, O Lord, Which thou hast mercifully stored, For them that fear thee : thou hast wrought Salvation for the men who trust In thee, the Mighty and the Just; And count the arm of flesh but nought. XI. From strife of tongues, and from the pride Of man, thou shalt in secret hide Their souls, and keep them in thy care : And I will bless the Lord, for he His wondrous kindness unto me Hath shown, and answered my prayer. XII. When in the city, fenced and strong, I saw that I was placed among The treach'rous men ; in haste I said, I am cut off before thine eyes, O Lord ; but thou didst hear my cries : And into safety I was led. XIII. Love ye the Lord, all saints, for he Preserves the faithful : ever be Of courage strong, and he shall give Strength to your souls : he will accord Unto the proud a due reward : But ye shall in his favor live. SACRED PIECES IN VERSE. Ill PSALM XXXII. That man hath blessedness indeed, Who from iniquity is freed; To whom the Lord imputes not sin ; Whose spirit guileless is within. ii. When I kept silence, all the day And night, in deep distress I lay; A moment's ease I could not find; And gloom and sorrow fill'd the mind. in. I then confess'd my sin to thee, Lord, and thou forgavest me : 1 said, I'll my transgressions own; — And mercy unto me was shown. IV. For this each godly man shall pray To thee, in an accepted day : And when destruction's flood shall come, He shall escape the sinner's doom. v. God is my hiding place ; and he From trouble shall preserve me free : Loudly with joy I will proclaim Songs of deliv'rance to his name. VI. Lest I should ever go astray, He will instruct me in the way, Where I should go ; and safely keep Me, when awake, and when I sleep. 112 HYMNS, PSALMS, AND OTHER VII. Children of men, with ready mind, Seek ye the Lord, and good you'll find: Be not as brutes, unthinking, wild; But teachable, obedient, mild. VIII. Sorrow to sinners shall abound; But mercy shall the good surround : Be glad in God, all ye who trust In him; rejoice aloud, ye just. PSALM XXXIII. Rejoice ye righteous in the Lord: Let harp and voice, with glad accord, Join in His praise, who is your trust; For praise is comely for the just. ii. O come ! your choicest music bring ; And a new song with gladness sing; Because his word is right and pure ; — His works are true, and shall endure. in. Judgment and righteousness he loves; The bounteous earth his goodness proves: At his command the heav'nly frame, With all the worlds, to being came. IV. He doth the waters of the deep, Gather together as an heap: He lays the ocean's depth in store : — Let all the world the Lord adore ! SACRED PIECES IN VERSE. 113 V. Jehovah spake, and it was done; The earth appear' d — the moon, the sun: This orb stood fast at his command :— Fear Him, ye men, in ev'ry land. VI. The heathen's counsel unto nought, By the Almighty shall be brought: The people's vile devices, he Maketh of none effect to be. VII. Jehovah's counsel shall stand fast; His thoughts and purposes shall last Throughout all generations sure ; And with eternity endure. PART 2. VIII. Happy the nation — there is none Like them so blest, whom for his own Inheritance, the Lord shall claim : He is their God ! blessed their name ! IX. The Lord from his exalted throne, Beholds the sons of men — each one: He forms their hearts alike ; he knows Their ev'ry work — their joys, their woes. x. No king by multitude of host Is saved : let not the mighty boast Of his great power ; vain is his arm, Or the strong steed, to save from harm. 10* 114 HYMNS, PSALMS, AND OTHER XI. The Lord beholds the meek, the just, The men who in his mercy trust, And fear his name, their soul to save From death, and famine's dreadful grave. XII. Our souls wait on the Lord: he is Our help, our shield, our hope, our bliss : Because we've trusted in his name, We will his praise aloud proclaim. XIII. O let thy mercy ever be According as we hope in thee, O Lord; and we will lift our voice In song, and in thy love rejoice. PSALM XXXIV. Each day I'll bless the Lord ; His praise Upon my lips shall ever be : My soul shall boast in Him always: The humble shall rejoice with me. ii. come, let us exalt the Lord; Together magnify His name : 1 sought Him, and my prayer He heard: From fear He saved me, and from shame. in. My friends sought God; and then they fear'd No more, but confidently stood: This poor man cried — the Lord him heard, Saved him from harm, and show'd him good. SACRED PIECES IN VERSE. 115 IV. His angel stands around to save From ill, the souls that keep His word : What blessings they who trust Him have Come, taste the goodness of the Lord. v. O fear the Lord, ye saints; and you Shall feel no want: the lions young Do lack, and suffer hunger too: But ye shall live — secure and strong . PART 2. VI. Ye children, come, give ear to me, That you may learn Jehovah's fear: What man desire th good to see, And many days of life would share ? VII. From evil keep thy tongue ; from guile Preserve thy lips ; wholly depart From sin ; do good ; and all the while Seek peace — pursue it with thy heart. VIII. Jehovah's eyes are on the just, And to their cry he giveth ear: He shall the wicked grind to dust, None shall on earth their names declare. IX. He saves the meek, whene'er they cry, From all their troubles ; and to those Of broken heart, the Lord is nigh : The contrite soul his mercy knows. 116 HYMNS, PSALMS, AND OTHER X. Many the good man's sorrows are ; But soon they all shall flee away : The Lord will keep him in his care, Secure unto salvation's day. XI. Evil shall all the wicked slay : The good man's foes shall be destroyed: But God will be His servants' stay ; And they forever shall abide ! PSALM XXXV. i. Lord, I submit my case to thee : — Strive thou with them that strive with me ; Defeat those who against me fight: Take hold of buckler and of shield: Lord in thy strength I will not yield: — Be thou my help — maintain my right. ii. Draw out the spear, and stop the way Of those who seek my soul to slay; Tell me, thou my salvation art : Ashamed, confounded, be all those, Who are my deadly, hating foes : Let bitter anguish fill their heart. in. As chaff before the wind be they; All dark and slippery their way : And send thine angel, Lord, to chase, And persecute them: for, for me, A snare they've planted privily: Yea, causeless, have they done all this. SACRED PIECES IN VERSE. 117 IV. O let destruction, unaware, Come upon them ; and in the snare, They hid for me, themselves be caught: And joyful in the Lord I'll be, When his salvation I shall see : His help in vain I never sought. v. Thy goodness, then, I will record ; And I will say, Almighty Lord, Who unto thee shall be compared ? Thou hast the poor man's foe withstood, And saved the humble and the good: Loud shall thy mercies be declared. PART 2. VI. False witnesses with malice fill'd, Men who my soul's destruction will'd, Charged me with things I did not know; How deep was their iniquity! They ill for good rewarded me; And sought to aggravate my woe. VII. But I my dress of sackcloth made, When they were sick: I fasted— prayed: And to myself my prayer return'd : I bowed down heavily, as though My brother or my friend lay low ; Or one who for his mother mourn'd. VIII. But in mine own adversity, How they exulted over me: — The meanest abjects with them join'd ! 118 HYMNS, PSALMS, AND OTHER It was their happiness to see My very deepest miseiy : To vex my soul they all combined. IX. Almighty Lord, how long wilt thou Behold all this ? O rescue now Thy servant from their savage hate Lord, I believe I yet shall see The day when I shall sing to thee Praise in the congregation great. PART 3. x. O suffer not the enemy Longer to triumph over me ; For mischief alway they devise Against the peaceful of the land: The time they thought me in their hand, How glad were they to spread their lies ! XI. This has been seen, O Lord, by thee : O keep not silence ; unto me Be near; — in my behalf arise ! Judge me, O Lord, in righteousness: Let them no more destroy my peace ; Let them no more thy child despise. XII. Permit them not to boast and say, He is destroy' d — a castaway : But to confusion and to shame, Together let them all be brought, Who have my soul's destruction sought, Loathed and dishonor'd be their name. SACRED PIECES IN VERSE. 119 XIII. But let them shout for joy, that show Kindness to me when I am low : Yea, let them say continually, Let God be magnified, who loves To bless the man his heart approves : And I myself will joyful be. PSALM XXXVI. Why doth the wicked so transgress ? It is because he fears not God: Himself he flatters in his ways, Till he is loathed all abroad. ii. His words are wickedness and guile ; Wisdom and righteousness he shuns ; Evil he loves, and all the while In broad destructions way he runs. in. But though the wicked hate the just, And fain would drive them from the land- The souls that make the Lord their trust, Despite their rage, shall surely stand. IV. O Lord, Thy mercy is on high ; Thy judgments are a mighty deep: Thy faithfulness unto the sky Reacheth; and justice thou wilt keep. 120 HYMNS, PSALMS, AND OTHER All creatures are preserv'd by Thee : How dear Thy loving-kindness is! For this mankind shall happy- be, And trust in Thee, their strength, their bliss. VI. And with the fatness of Thy house, They shall abundantly be fed: From Thee life's fountain ever flows : — Unto its streams they shall be led. VII. Lord, in Thy light shall we see light ! Let them that know Thee taste Thy love Forevermore ; and the upright Alway Thy truth and justice prove. VIII. Let not the proud against me come, Nor let the wicked me o'erthrow : Soon shall the sinner meet his doom ; And rise no more, life's good to know. PSALM LXVIH. Jehovah! in thy might arise, disperse thy hating foes: Yea, let them flee, as smoke is driv'n, where thou thy presence shows. As wax before the fire gives way, so let them all consume : Or as the fat of lambs is lost, be such their righ- teous doom ! # * Psalm 37: 20. SACRED PIECES IN VERSE. 121 But let the saints be glad, let them rejoice aloud and sing ; Hosannas raise, in highest praise, to their Al- mighty King! Extol Him on the heavens who rides in majesty sublime ; A father of the fatherless, unto the end of time. God in his holy dwelling is a judge of widows low; He sets the lone in families, and lets the prisoners go. But rebels dwell in thirsty lands, and sinners find it ill, To break the laws of God, and walk according to their will. O God, when through the desert thou didst lead thy people forth, The heavens did drop, old Sinai moved, and fear'd the trembling earth! When thine inheritance was faint, a plenteous rain came down : It was confirm' d thereby and bless'd — the Lord his people own'd. And of thy goodness God of love, thou hast pro- vision made For Israel's poor and desolate, making their bosoms glad. The Lord gave forth the word, and great the preachers' host became, Kings of great armies fled apace; captains re- nown'd of fame. Their chariots and their horse were nought, their purposes and toil ; While she who calmly staid at home, divided all the spoil ! 11 122 HYMNS, PSALMS, AND OTHER Though ye have lieu among the pots, yet as the silver'd wings And gilded feathers of the dove, ye shall come forth like kings ! Why leap ye so, ye tow'ring hills? The hill of God appears ! This is the hill wherein the Lord will dwell through endless years. The chariots of Israel's God are twenty thousand strong ; The Lord is with them; angels too, in thousands swell the throng. Thou hast ascended upon high, and led captivity Captive itself; and precious gifts for men, that they may see Thy goodness, Lord, thou hast received; yea, for the rebels too : — O ! bless his name, whose mercies are, each morn and even new. The God that is our God is He who brings salva- tion down To men, and saves from death, and doth His saints with glory crown ! But God shall wound the heads of those who still transgress His laws, When he himself appears and comes to vindicate his cause ! The Lord said, I will bring again my people from the sea, That in the blood of enemies, thy feet may dipped be. When in the sanctuary, Lord, thy goings were display'd, The singers led, the damsels young, aloud the timbrels play'd: SACRED PIECES IN VERSE. 123 In raptVous notes, sweet music gave its sounds to swell the praise- Children of Israel ! bless your God to everlasting days. Benjamin, Judah, Naphtali, and Zebulon are there, With ruler, princes, counsellors— all these thy goodness share. Strengthen, O Lord, the gracious Work, which thou for us hast wrought; And presents from earth's kings shall be unto thy temple brought. Rebuke the spearmen's company, the rebels near and far, Till each submit; and scatter thou those that de- light in war. Princes from Egypt's land shall come ; O ! tell it all abroad, And Ethiopia shall soon stretch out her hands to God! Kingdoms of earth, sing unto God ; in Him let all rejoice, That rideth on the heav'n of heav'ns, and gives the mighty voice. Ascribe ye strength to God, the power belongs to Him alone ; His excellency over us, his Israel, is shown. Out of thy holy places, Lord, how terrible thou art! But goodness, power, and blessedness, thou dost to us impart. Redeem'd from death, we'll sing anew, thy praises evermore — Join heaven and earth, with one accord, Jehovah to adore! wis -•*? <* ^TTT* g* ^ -o . Deacidified using the Bookkeeper process. Neutralizing agent: Magnesium Oxide Treatment Date: Sept. 2009 o PreservationTechnologies A WORLD I EAOER IN COLLECTIONS PRESERVATION 111 Thomson Park Drive Cranberry Township, PA 16066 (724)779-2111 • .^^ w VJ' V/ffi *■ ' ° - ^ <& e. ° N ° * <>^ ri^ • »• ' * a °o