Qass Book COPYRIGHT DEPOSIT LC Control Numb er tm P 96 026011 7> V 5^ B*£~~~f £^r PREFACE This book in being' brought before the pub- lic is not intended to take the place of any other book on the subject of psychology. There is not a thought, sentence or solution of a propo- sition in the entire book that is borrowed from anyone. I have reached my conclusions in this book by observation and demonstrations. A book of this nature has been in my mind for thirty years, but I preferred to wait to give it to the world until I had reached the years of ma- turity. Now having lived fifty-five years I am giving to the world the fruits of my labors. I hope and pray that it will serve the purpose for which your humble servant has given it. September the 23, 1918. • 6 Psychology Simplified instructed upon receiving it as to the purpose for which it was given. As it came to us, so will it pass from us ; by it we know r each and everything, coming into our lives. It enables us to separate the things we like from the things we dislike ; by it we choose and cling to those we love, those w T ho are near and dear to us for various reasons ; by it we de- spise and shun those whom we dislike ; by it we justify and by it we condemn. It is our all in time of peace and it never fails us in time of danger ; without it we would be valueless to our fellowman. We prize it above the wealth of the material universe. It cannot be bought or sold but the fruits of it can be. The entire wealth of the world is produced by it ; by it we think, these thoughts we clothe with words and express them ; by this process we are in- creasing or extending the dominion of the mind. The mind of man is subject to evolution. It maintains his identity as a man. It is composed of life and intelligence and is dependent upon the spirit for its life and the soul for its intelli- gence. Mind 7 The ether in the atmosphere is the medium through which the mind transmits thoughts from mind to mind. The mind formulates all messages and governs the transmission of the message both by mental telepathy and oral sug- gestion. It possesses, inherently, the power to adjust itself to other minds or to put itself in tune with other minds. It is indivisible and can pursue but one line of thought to a definite conclusion at one and the same time, otherwise, it would become confused and indefinite. It is dependent upon a higher intelligence than that possessed by man for its origin, maintenance and intelligence to act. It came by a scientific law guided by infinite intelligence. Its primary source is creative. It increases and maintains its existence by evolution. When the brain of man becomes impaired, the action of the mind becomes indefinite. The scientific law governing its action operates through the brain. When the convolution of the brain predominating the life of a man be- comes impaired to the extent that it is unfitted for service, insanity is the inevitable result. S Psychology Simplified The mind is not subject to a chemical analy- sis. It can only be defined by the work it per- forms. It is the mind of man that evolves the way by which the barren plains have been pene- trated and have made it possible for their vir- gin soils to blossom as the rose. It was mind that paved the entire way of transportation, from the stage to the aeroplane. Mind has made it possible to transmit wireless messages to any part of the material universe on land and on sea. It has put man in touch with man and nation in touch with nation. It has made it possible for a message to travel faster than our solar system, giving to us what has transpired hours before we reach that period of time on our journey of life. It controls the silent sub- tle forces within man and has made man what he is. It controls the entire destiny of the mate- rial universe and silently and scientifically forms the destiny of kings, dominions and na- tions ; by it our entire life is vividly portrayed to us. It is the primary source of all psycholog- ical phenomena existing, from the simplest to the most profound. It can penetrate the visible and invisible and give a definite and scientific Mind 9 solution of them if man will make it possible for him to receive it. The dormant condition of the avenues in the brain is the only thing intervening between man and the solution of psychic manifestations. Mind can remove the existing conditions in the brain and put man in touch with the solu- tion of these things. The mind of man is the fountain from which psychic problems emanate. Their origin can be traced to the human mind. There is no psychic phenomena that can be produced in the ab- sence of mind. By a proper development of the avenues of the brain each and every psychic phenomena can be accurately solved and its cause and purpose fully known by man. The evolution of mind is dependent upon the ■evolution of the brain, which constitutes the basis for its operation. If you wish to solve the unsolved things of a psychic nature you must prepare the instrument by and through which the mind operates in order to be able to do so. It is possible for you to prepare your mind to 10 Psychology Simplified act intelligently in solving all questions of this nature. The mind if given access to each avenue in the brain and the permission to use them intel- ligently can give the exact cause of all psychic manifestations and it can produce them accu- rately and at will. A working hypothesis for them can be evolved by the mind. The mind is limited by the instrument through which it operates. As you gain a knowledge of that instrument you are increas- ing the possibilities of your mind. The mind uses every part of the instrument that you make it possible for it to use. The brain of man is the only instrument and the only medium through which mind operates. The mind can,, under a properly developed brain, extract facts from inanimate objects and give that which is. contained within its invisible depths. Mind can unravel the mysteries of past ages and give the cause producing these mys- terious things. Mind can solve all mysteries when the brain is sufficiently developed for it to act intelligently. The mind is the home of Mind 11 mysteries. They have no other existence and can exist only in the mind of man. To know thyself is to have gained an in- telligent knowledge of that which gives form and existence to the things which are mys- terious to you. The only reason a mystery exists is because of the unprepared condition of your brain which limits the power of your mind and prevents it from penetrating and solving the thing done, which would remove all mys- tery surrounding that thing. Mind can solve every mysterious thing in the material universe with a properly developed brain which will give to the mind an unlimited field in which to operate. Mind can penetrate the great wall of thought intervening between the mortal and immortal and obtain intelligence inexpressible. Mind can penetrate each and every plane of life, yet it is impossible for a man to exist upon only one plane at one and the same time. He can evolve from plane to plane, until he reaches the highest plane upon which man can live while on earth. The evolution of your brain is that which 12 Psychology Simplified makes it possible to evolve to a higher plane of life. The only limitation the mind has is the brain in which it exists and operates. Each brain is subject to the will of the one possessing that brain. Evolution of Mind 13 Chapter II. EVOLUTION OF MIND After many years of careful study and demonstration I have arrived at conclusions which I hope will assist, to some extent at least, in clearing away the mist which seemingly surrounds this subject. Before a teacher can impart knowledge on a subject he must first understand the subject himself. One must have access to the light be- fore he can turn the light on. The reason we have not been able to solve many psychological propositions is because of the obstacles and re- strictions that have been thrown around them. Many have become discouraged and given up the fight in solving questions of this nature when they were almost in possession of the key that would unlock the door to the unlimited. In the study of psychology and its effects upon the human being I shall speak of it as the limited and the unlimited. I shall discuss this subject thoroughly both from a limited and un- limited standpoint. 14 Psychology Simplified . Man is a triune being. This fact can be demonstrated to the entire satisfaction of every one who is willing to take as evidence the scientific facts which we are able to extract from the primary principles manifested in the life of every human being. The psychic manifestations observed during life do not emanate from the body, brain or ma- terial mind of man. They are only mediums through which intelligence is expressed. Their existence and work are confined to this life only. The body and brain are subject to a chemical analysis. The material mind cannot be so analyzed. It receives the intelligence from the soul mind and transforms it into human intelligence. It is limited to the brain in whcih it operates and ceases to exist when dissolution of the body and brain occur. The soul and soul mind are not subject to a chemical analysis. They are not composed of material substance and are not limited to this plane of life. Our souls emanated from the Great Soul and the limitations of mortality are not applicable Evolution of Mind 15 to it and do not in any way effect it's existence. It dwells in this house of clay during our so- journ here and when this house can no longer supply it with a dwelling place it passes to a higher and purer plane of life. The work of the body, brain and material mind are limited to their development and they are dependent upon the soul and soul mind for intelligence to perform each act by which they maintain their existence and fill their purpose on this material plane of life. The soul is immortal, therefore, it is unseen. All human intelligence emanates from the soul. Human intelligence is limited, therefore the . power of the soul operating through the human being is limited. That brings us face to face with the subject of why human intelligence is limited. Evidently the Greal Soul, from which our souls emanated, is unlimited, to illustrate, light is limited but the source of all light is unlimited. You may have a brilliant light in a room, you can limit that light by closing the doors and drawing the shades which serves to restrict the 16 Psychology Simplified light to the room only, now by the simple pro- cess of opening the doors and raising the shades you remove these restrictions and let the light penetrate the darkness. The brain is a house in which the material mind dwells. If we close up all of the avenues of the brain, through which light emanates from the soul, then we would become darkness to the world in so far as intelligence is con- cerned. If by evolution of mind the avenues of light in our brain were opened, we would be- come light to the world, then comes the ques- tion, why is our soul limited? The body, with all its parts, is a dwelling place for the soul, which is the real being. Our bodies, as a whole, are subject to and under the direction of the soul. This is true normally but V we have become so abnormal that we use physi- cal means to limit that which was intended to be unlimited. We are limited by ourselves and those around us. Every one is just what he and those around him have made him. We limit ourselves by admitting that we cannot accomplish certain things, for instance ; Evolution of Mind 17 we say that we cannot free ourselves of disease, neither can we keep ourselves free after having become freed. Those around us say that it is impossible for us to do so, declaring that such is beyond human power to accomplish. We ac- cept this and by so doing we limit ourselves and fail to accomplish that which the Creator in- tended we should accomplish. Our bodies, with all their parts, are instru- ments of the reaJLJpeing and they were originally intended to be wholly under its control. The head is the only real governing power of the body, this being true, when and why did the real governing power lose its power to govern? It lost this power the instant it declared its inability to govern. The reason why it made this declaration was FEAR, the great enemy, the one that caused the downfall of humanity and is continually filling the world with sick- ness, sorrow, weakness and disolution. Fear is today one of the apparently immov- able obstacles in the way of advancement. Often w r e say we are going to break the shackles and free humanity from darkness and 18 Psychology Simplified superstition and, through fear of failure, we confine our steps to the footprints of those who have lived before us. What a sublime thought to be able to bind fear and banish failure and step out where there are no footprints of past ages, turn on the light where total darkness reign supreme, re- move the obstacles and extend the limit little by little until fear has lost its power to control us and failure has ceased to follow in our pathway. It requires an effort on our part to accomplish this. Only those have become great in the eyes of the world who have dared to step upon untrod- den ground and have refused to be limited. By a strong arm and a powerful mind they have climbed the ladder of fame and have plucked the golden fruit which, through fear, others have failed to reaeh. (fato In as much as fear is a hindrance to us in our investigation of this, the most wonderful of all themes, I will banish it from my mind in my search for the key that will unlock the door to Evolution op Mind 19 the -unlimited, to the storehouse from which all scientific laws emanate. The Great Soul is the source of all truth relative to every, scientific proposition, which alone can remove the mystery and darkness that has so long blinded the eyes and, baffled the brain of an intelligent race of human beings. The soul is the source of all human intelli- gence. The avenues of the brain are the chan- nels through which the soul operates. There are, at least, forty-two avenues through which it can be made possible for the soul to transmit intelligence on as many different subjects. By properly developing these avenues you are, evolving a material mind. The soul of the human being is limited in performing the work originally intended for it to do, by the dormant undeveloped avenues in the brain. This being true, we can see plainly why it is, that the soul itself, being unlimited, is limited in performing its work through the brain. Knowledge is that which develops every avenue of the brain. Knowledge dispels the 20 Psychology Simplified darkness from the peculiar work of every scien- tific law in the material universe. Knowledge is the key that will unlock every avenue of the brain and little by little we can see the light from the soul penetrating these avenues and imparting knowledge to those around us. I look about me and see the footprints of those who have gone on before me, then I realize that I am only doing that which some one else has done, making it possible for me to do. It is a rare occurrence that we will find a person who will get up courage enough to make the effort to explore the unexplored fields of scientific research and give to the world some food for thought. The primary source of knowledge is the thing itself of which we desire a knowledge, for instance, we analyze a stone, and by doing so we gain a knowledge of its composition. The stone is the only thing in the material universe that can impart to the human being that knowl- edge. This is true of every thing animate and inanimate, from the smallest to the greatest. When we gain a knowledge of one stone, Evolution of Mind 21 that does not give us a knowledge of all stones. Our knowledge is limited to that one stone, so we see by extending our knowledge, we are lessening our limitations. If we do not know that a certain stone exists, it is no evidence that the stone does not exist but it is conclusive proof that we have no knowl- edge of its existence. Then by producing the stone, our doubt of its existence has been re- moved. Now we have a knowledge of its exis- tence, yet we may be in total darkness as to its composition. An analysis of that stone will de- velop within us a perfect knowledge of the stone. Then we are not limited regarding that stone. In my process of reasoning I have not changed the stone in anyway, but I have added to my storehouse of knowledge, by the simple process of removing the darkness surrounding that stone. This is true of every other inani- mate object. The scientific law that governs a stone emanates from the same source that all scien- tific laws emanate, therefore, all scientific laws are related to each other. Each scientific law 22 Psychology Simplified is limited to its peculiar line of work. The source from which all scientific laws emanate is unlimited. If it were possible to change a scientific law you would destroy the object governed by that law. If the law that governs a stone loose its power to govern, the stone would become dissolved. It would cease to be a stone and its properties would go to make up other objects. It is beyond human power to change a scientific— law or to change in any way its method of government. You may. destroy the object governed by a scientific law and by so doing, defeat the purpose of the law but you cannot destroy or change the law in the least. The same is true of the scientific law that governs the human being. We are living in the "Now," it is impossible for us to do otherwise. We can never live one minute of our past life over again, neither can we live one minute of the time in the future until the time arrives for us to do so. Every human being is just as good as it is possible for him to be NOW. It would be Evolution of Mind 23 impossible for him to be otherwise, because the soul makes no choice of the avenues of the brain through which it operates. The de- velopment of the avenues through which the soul operates are wholly dependent upon the one possessing the brain. If every avenue of the human brain were developed to its fullest capacity, then the soul would be able to per- form anything known or unknown to the human being. We are not limited because we were origin- ally intended to be so but because we will not make the necessary effort to be otherwise. People in the past ages and even now, with few // exceptions are satisfied ;'to know the plain, simple things which can be learned from others and go through life with practically all of the avenues of their brains dormant. They are "dead, yet living". The avenues of their brains are locked up. They are like the room with a five hundred candle power light in it, with the doors locked and the shades all drawn. In the name of reason open the doors and raise the shades and let the soul penetrate the 24 Psychology Simplified avenues of the brain and give light to the world around, as it was originally intended that it should do. We are limited because we will not be otherwise. Knowledge will unlock every avenue of the brain through which the un- limited operates. Then get knowledge, get understanding. An effort on your part will bring the desired result. The soul or the real being within itself is unlimited but in its operation it is limited to the body in which it dwells. While it can and does operate independent of the body, in a sense, yet the body is its home, its dwelling place. All of the functions of the brain and body are under its direct control. Without it the body would dissolve and go back to its original state. The soul emanated from the unlimited, and as like will produce like, the soul being related to the unlimited is limited only by the channels through which it operates. The material mind is susceptible to development by gaining a knowledge of things. It was originally intended that the avenues Evolution op Mind 25 of the brain were to be developed, otherwise, they would not be there, neither would we have the ability to develop them. All of the avenues of the brain that are developed are active and those receiving the greatest develop- ment are the most active and predominate our lives. By our continuaHhinking along a certain line we are increasing the possibilities of the material mind on that line of work. No human being should be condemned for thinking, or for the kind of thoughts he thinks, we are not in the least responsible for so think- ing. Our environments are responsible for the development of our brain. The brain being developed by certain environments make it impossible to think otherwise. Thoughts are things. They have a real existence and when we entertain them, they become a part of us and we live them in our lives, regardless of whether they are good or evil. Let every human being have what he has, think what he thinks, worship what he wor- ships, until such time that you are in the 26 Psychology Simplified position to give him something better than he has to take the place of that which he has. This too is accomplished by the evolution of mind. In this way we develop other avenues of the brain, which in time will change our thoughts and manner of living. The question is often asked, "what is the soul and what part of the human being does it occupy?" To illustrate, we see a large fact- ory operated by electricity with its machinery all in perfect running condition, when you turn the electric current on, all of the machinery begins to run. Each performs its work correctly, you cannot see the electric current that moves this immense amount of machinery. This electric current is limited only by the machine through which it operates. The source from which it comes is unlimited. The peculiar construction of the dynamo gives to it the peculiar power to attract this current from the unlimited and conduct it through properly arranged channels to the place where it is applied to the machinery. The soul fills the same place to the human Evolution of Mind 27 being, that the electric current does to the factory. It occupies all space, yet it does not consume any. The source from which it emanated is unlimited but it is limited in the work it performs by the channels through which it operates. If a man comes in contact with a live elec- tric wire and the shock of the electric current proves fatal, you say it was the electric cur- rent that did it but if a man had hit him a blow with the same result you would say that it was the man that did it, when in fact both men came in contact with the instrument through which the current and the soul operates, to- wit : the wire and the man. You can remove the wire and the man, but you cannot destroy electricity and the soul. By removing the current from the wire and the soul from the man, both would become absolutely^ harmless. The scientific laws that govern both emanate from the unlimited. If it were possible to suspend both laws, neither of them would exist. The limited cannot control the unlimited, 28 Psychology Simplified therefore it is useless to talk of changing the scientific laws that have for their origin and control the unlimited. When the brain becomes active, the soul brings the entire physical being into action to accomplish the purpose evolved by that avenue, in other words, each avenue of the brain has at its command the co-operation of the entire being to execute what it plans to do. Psychology is the primary source of every act performed by the human being. It has for its origin the soul, from which emanates every plan, thought, word, sentence and movement in the human being, and more than that, the intelligence that applies this power to the human being emanates from the soul. How many times each day do you say, I do not know? Now, dear reader, if you will put on your thinking cap and go with me, I will see if I can open, to your entire satisfaction, the way to the unlimited. Did I hear you say, or do you think, that you are afraid we will never reach it? If so, as long as that fear is in your mind, just stay where you are. I want only Evolution of Mind 29 those who have courage and hope to accompany me on this journey. I told you that I had bound fear and banished failure in undertaking this work, and so it MUST be. There are two planes upon which we can live, the psychic and the physical. We cannot live wholly upon either plane. Our intellect prevents us from living exclusively upon the physical and the physical prevents us from living upon the psychic plane ; one or the other will predominate our lives. The one in whose life the physical pre- dominates, can only use the material things in his comparisons. Comparison is the only way by which any thing can be known. He becomes skeptical regarding the psychic side of life and of every thing of a psychic nature. The same is true of the one in whose life the psychic predominates. Everything is psychic to him, he loses sight of the physical side of life. The one who is overdeveloped either way is unfortunate in being so, they cannot see the beauty and grandeur of the things so bounti- fully supplied for us. The one living upon 30 Psychology Simplified both planes, who is equally developed phy- sically and psychically can draw on the physical to clothe his psychic visions and on the psychic to give life and beauty to the physical. By so doing he is able to see and compare every object that exists if the avenues of the brain peculiar to that object are properly de- veloped. We should be very careful about our de- velopments for therein lies the secret of success. When properly developed it w T ill lead us to a higher and purer plane of life, where success will crown our efforts. Our intelligence is equal to the develop- ment of the brain. Knowledge is the road that leads to the unlimited. As we increase our knowledge, we are increasing the develop- ment of the brain. Which gives our intelli- gence a greater range of action, both upon the psychic and physical plane. Knowledge is the proper understanding of the structure and development of every thing animate and inanimate. Intelligence trans- mits this knowledge through the avenues of Evolution of Mind 31 the brain, which have been developed and pre- pared for action by the process of gaining this knowledge. This we call human intelligence, because it is limited in its action to the avenues in the brain. The brain is the basis of operation for every- thing known in the material universe. There is not an instrument of any kind that can be operated without a physical basis nor is there in existence today an instrument that did not have its origin in the brain of man. It is not possible for an instrument to be perfected in the absence of brain. Then the brain being material and the center from which all instruments and inventions emanated it would be impossible to evolve within the brain an instrument that did not require a physical basis for operation. Every mental science that is possible is dependent upon the brain for its basis of operation. The human brain is the most wonderful instrument in the material universe, without it, it would be impossible to attract the life force 32 Psychology Simplified from the atmosphere and conduct it to all of the tissues of the body. It is not possible for a thought to be evolved and come into existence without the avenues in the brain being developed, neither can the mind evolve to a point of intelligence without the use of the brain and in the absence of the brain life could not be applied to the body of man. Then the center and final consummation of everything by man is the brain. Some people have thought when they wished to accomplish a certain thing, that it ;was only necessary to call the All-Wise ; Creator's attention to their desire and He would bring about the^ results. There is no one who has accomplished a thing, it matters not how great that thing might have been, but that there was in the brain of that person the power to do so. The human brain has that power inherent in it. The greater the development of the brain, the greater the power to accomplish a thing. If every avenue of the brain was developed that Evolution of Mind 33 would make man absolutely unlimited from every standpoint. It is impossible for man to develop every avenue in his brain ; the average man will have all the way from fifteen to twenty avenues developed. These avenues are always active and are responsible for everything you do. The only way you can change a man is to cause him to think on another line of thought. This will evolve or develop another convolution. When that avenue becomes active it will counteract some other avenue differing in nature from it. A person, by evolving the convolutions of the brain is widening the field of his material- mind's operation. As these convolutions are enlarged and developed they will be prepared to intelligently deliver messages, either mentally or orally. Human intelligence emanates from the soul, hence, human intelligence can only be limited by the channels through which it operates. We can enlighten the world on any question in 34 Psychology Simplified the material universe, if the avenue peculiar to that line of thought is developed. By a combination of certain avenues of the brain, this intelligence can transmit messages to friends and loved ones any distance. Space does not interfere, in any way with intelligence in transmitting messages. The only thing that can interfere in this work is the undeveloped condition of the avenues of the brain. This intelligence can give you any informa- tion you may wish to know, where a friend or loved one is at any given time, what they are doing, where they are going, the time in the day or night that they will leave the place where they are and the time they will arrive at the place they are going. It will warn you of any danger along your pathway, giving you ample time to avoid it. Intelligence does not stop at this. It is continually knocking at your door, begging and pleading for you to allow it to assist you in solving the problems of life. It will never leave nor forsake you at any time but you cooly and calmly close and lock the channels through Evolution of Mind 35 * which it offers assistance to you, and go through life practically without any purpose, fearing troubles that never come, and crossing bridges that never will be built. Our entire life consists of the things we attract by our development. The pleasures of life are what we make them. Everything coming to us is governed by a well directed scientific law that cannot be changed. Things do not just happen so to us during our life. Neither do things just happen so in any department of life under any condition. They are so because, it is impossible for it to be otherwise. We put ourselves in the channel through which certain things come and we get them, regardless of our wishes for it to be otherwise. The only way we can avoid a thing, is to evolve out of the channel through which it comes. These laws are as unchangeable as any of the laws of nature. If you put your finger in the fire, you will get burned. You do not happen to get burned, you got burned because you came in contact €a 36 Psychology Simplified with fire which burns. Everything that you have or are, is so by the development of the avenues of your brain. The chemical compound entering into the composition of the brain of man, is scientifically compounded and puts man in touch with the scientific solution of all questions when the mind has evolved sufficiently to put in operation each avenue in the brain. Each chemical in nature is an attraction for a certain other chemical and it is in turn attracted by other chemicals. These chemicals in nature are both positive and negative. They are so by a well directed law emanating from the unlimited. A knowledge of this law pre- pares the avenues of the brain so that we can know what chemical is attracted by certain other chemicals. By the development of certain avenues of the brain, an instrument can be made with chemicals that will be attracted by certain ob- jects, but it does not in any way affect or change the scientific law that governs the object or chemical. Each chemical is limited only by Evolution of Mind 37 the law governing its existence. Our under- standing of these chemicals is limited by the development of the avenues of our brain. All of the chemicals entering into the composition of nature are scientifically com- pounded. They are arranged so by the unlimited, each chemical attracting and being attracted. They were so arranged that the - entire material universe is kept in motion and remains one harmonious whole in evblving light, heat sunshine and rain. All chemical compounds in nature are com- pounded so they are normal to the human body. The chemical compound of all fruits and vegetables are normal compounds and those adapted to the use of our bodies as food are normal in their chemical compound to our bodies. If we take into our bodies an abnormal amount of these chemicals we are defeating the scientific laws of nature in producing a normal body. If we should become familiar with the laws of nature and take into our bodies a normal amount of these chemicals that 38 Psychology Simplified are normal to our bodies, we would evolve a normal body. By so doing we would remove from us the aches and pains produced by our abnormal living. Then we would become un- limited in our praise to Him who does all things well in supplying everything in nature for our peace and happiness. There is no chemical in nature that is limited. The laws of nature do not limit or withhold from any process in nature any chemicals necessary to its growth and de- velopment. We limit the chemical compound entering into the composition of the apple by the number of apple trees we plant but the chemicals entering into the compound of the apple are unlimited. Everything in nature when governed and applied by the scientific laws of nature, is ab- solutely unlimited in evolving and maintaining a normal condition and will perpetuate all things until their purpose here has been accomplished. We, as human beings, have no limit thrown around us in drawing on the unlimited supply Evolution of Mind 39 in nature to make and keep our bodies normal. Why are we more abnormal than any other creature in the material universe? We have an intelligence, that properly applied, puts us in touch with the unlimited, from which comes all power to know and to do ; all good to have and to appreciate ; all joy abounding in love for the elevation of mankind to a plane where selfishness and greed has no abiding place; where the atmosphere is pure and our hearts are filled with love for nature ; for the wonder- ful things she has provided for our development and pleasure in helping us to evolve to a higher plane far above every other creature, making us master over the entire universe, making us see good in everything ; everywhere bringing sunshine, peace and happiness. The greater our knowledge of a thing, the greater our appreciation is for that thing. The more we know and appreciate the nearer we get to the unlimited governing that thing. When we reach the limit in developing that avenue, that will bring us to the unlimited. The unlimited is always where we reach our ) 40 Psychology Simplified limit. The limited leads us to the unlimited on every proposition in the material universe that we have access to. The source from which the laws emanate that govern us in reaching the unlimited on any proposition is unlimited. We have unlimited assistance while we explore the unexplored fields of scientific research. The soul mind is unlimited in solving all problems, but the material mind is limited in receiving the solution of these problems from the soul mind. The material mind is limited by its knowledge of all questions. The soul mind gives the solution of a problem to the material mind through the avenues of the brain. If the avenues of the brain, relative to that problem, are undeveloped it will be impossible for the soul mind to deliver the solution of that problem to the material mind. Therefore, it would be impossible for the material mind to receive the solution of the problem because of a dormant condition of the avenues of the brain, which is the only channel through which the soul mind can transmit intelligence upon any subject. Evolution of Mind 41 The soul mind being unlimited in solving questions does not assist the material mind in solving any question, unless we open the chan- nel through which it operates in giving to the material mind these solutions. The material mind is limited on every question by its knowl- edge of that question. It is not a question of the soul mind being able to solve the problem. It can solve any problem but it cannot give the solution to the material mind until the material mind is prepared to receive it. The avenues of the brain when properly developed, furnish ample conveyance for the soul mind to transmit the solution of all prob- lems to the material mind. Then we would be unlimited in transmitting intelligence upon every question in the material universe. The soul mind is ready at all times to give you the solution of any question if you will make it possible for it to do so. If you will not make an effort on your part in preparing the material mind to receive it, then it will never be given you by your soul mind. You may reap the benefit of the effort pf someone 42 Psychology Simplified else who has made it possible for his material mind to receive it, you are only doing that which someone else has made it possible for you to do. { The greater the effort required in solving a problem, the greater we appreciate our know- ing it, which gives us courage to pursue our efforts to the limit of that proposition and connects us with the unlimited. Then we will have opened the channel through which the unlimited operates, in transmitting messages to the material mind. There is so much in this life for everyone. If you will only make it possible for it to come to you, you can drive the storm clouds from the horizon of your life by being able to draw on the unlimited which can make all things possible for you. Will you make the effort of your life to evolve to the plane where peace can banish unrest from your life and hope can drive fear with its untold disapppointments from your pathway, where contentment and appreciation reign supreme, where love con- trols on every hand, right and justice prevail Evolution of Mind 43 and where you can bring sunshine every day to all? You may think the effort too great and become discouraged but it is worth more to you than words can express and the world will be blessed by your effort. With all that has been written on this subject no one has given us a solution of it, or a working hypothesis to reason from. Mind is a function of the brain. The brain is the basis of operation of the material mind. What I mean by the unlimited is the point that the mind reaches in de\ T elopment, where there is no more room in that avenue for de- velopment. When you desire to open a way or medium through which the soul mind can transmit to your material mind any intelligence upon any question, you are gaining a knowl- edge of that question. When a thing is presented to you in a way that it causes you to think, that thought has begun to evolve in that part of the brain an avenue peculiar to the thing of which you are thinking and that creates within the tissues of 44 Psychology Simplified the brain an active condition. That active condition develops the tissues of the brain. While these tissues are developing, all of the other tissues of the brain are inactive. When you have pursued that line of thought to a conclusion upon that matter, you have fully developed that avenue of the brain and you have placed it at the command of your soul mind, through which it can transmit to your material mind any intelligence that you may desire upon that question. That is preparing another convolution of the brain. A certain line of thought peculiar to that convolution has brought to you a development of that avenue of the brain. There are many other avenues contained within that convolution of the brain, and when you come into contact with another proposition along the same line of thought, the develop- ment of that convolution has prepared you to solve that proposition without any great effort upon your part because you have at your com- mand another avenue in that convolution of the ,bi\am to assist you in solving that proposi- Evolution op Mind 45 tion. For instance, if some object is brought before you and, in looking at the object, you are able to compare it by the avenue of your brain that is developed, at once you can determine what the object is. Otherwise, you would never become interested at all in that object. The human being is the only being in the material universe, that possesses a possibility of an intelligence that emanates from the soul mind. We know that no other being can possess this intelligence, because they have not the power within themselves to evolve. Then we say that man is the highest being in the material universe. The material mind of a man begins its evolution in infancy. It is just as weak, just as incompetent in the beginning as it is possible to conceive of incompetency. As the brain of that child develops, it is evolving a material mind. That mind is equal to the knowledge of that child. It can never go beyond that. It can be taught and can learn just as fast as you are able to evolve that child's mind. It begins to 46 Psychology Simplified know and appreciate things just as fast as it can know them. Its material mind operates through the avenues that it has learned to use. It is thought that after a person reaches the age of maturity, that they cannot remember things that occur like they could in childhood days. The reason that this is true is that in the child it is developing the avenues of it? brain and when there is only one thing in its brain, it is easy to remember that, but suppose there are added to that storehouse of knowledge ten things each day of that child's life, in fifty years you would have a volume of information that is impossible for it to call to mind at once. After we grow older, having had so much /experience in life, things must attract our attention before we consider them sufficiently ' strong to place them away in our memory for future purposes. Taking into consideration the life and ex- perience of men, the things that they have learned throughout their lifetime, the things that have come into their lives by so many ways, make it easier to forget them. Evolution op Mind 47 A man's memory, is just as good the last year of his life as at any time during his life. The only thing is, he does not give things the consideration in his after years that he gave them in the earlier years of his life. Lethargy is the cause of forgetfulness. Children are continually coming into contact with things and are developing the convolutions of their brain. In gaining a knowledge of things, they are developing their brain and, ten years after, they will remember having seen that before and call to mind every- thing that occurred in connection with it. In the absence of the development of an avenue of the brain, you do not have the proper balance in reaching decisions upon questions. All avenues of the brain should have at least some development which prepares you to consider any proposition that may come before you at any time during your life. You must make the effort in some way to evolve a field in which your material mind can operate, other- wise, in after years, if it should be necessary for you to pass on any proposition which re- 48 Psychology Simplified quires the services of these avenues, you are entirely lost and unable to make up your mind. Possibly there might be something of value to you in considering that question, yet you are unprepared to make any decision. If you have made an effort to develop, to some extent, every avenue of your brain, you are not en- tirely lost at the time upon any question that may come before you. If a person has certain avenues undeveloped, and inactive and without any warning upon his part a proposition is presented to him that is worth his consideration and that avenue of his brain is dormant it cannot appeal to him in any way from any standpoint-it may cause j him to think but, as I have told you, you must always think before you can act. It will re- : quire enough time for you to think and evolve in your brain an avenue peculiar to that line of work before you can intelligently consider that proposition. After you have done that it may be too late for vou to be benefitted bv that proposition. . Within the human brain and its convo- Evolution of Mind 49 lutions, there are certain convolutions that exert greater influences over the life than other convolutions. The convolutions of the brain in which a greater number of avenues are de- veloped will predominate your life. The influences of those convolutions of the brain that carry the greatest volume of in- telligence, is greater than the influence of the avenues of your brain, which serves to you as a field in which your material mind can operate in the low planes of life. The convolutions of the brain in which is evolved the higher thoughts of life, are greater in number than the convolutions with which you think upon the low material planes. When man was created, he was given a greater power to govern intelligently. There are a great many people in the world who have not developed to any extent those convolutions that lead them to the good influences of life, love, mercy, truth and all of the things by which they influence everyone around them to a better plane of life. The reason why this is true is because their environment has been. 50 Psychology Simplified such that it develops those avenues of the brain which predominate greec^Jiatred and things of that nature. It is their environment that has made them what they are. The only way by which these things can be overcome is by presenting thoughts to them and thereby evolving other avenues of the brain. You might just as well talk about building a ship to go to one of the planets as to talk about changing a mans life from evil to good without preparing the avenues and convolutions of his brain in which to evolve this kind of a life. That is the reason why there are so many failures in reforming the life of a person. Perhaps it w r as through untiring efforts of a friend or loved one that you were evolved to a higher and better plane of life. Everyone is equal to the possibility of the material mind which is the continual process of evolution when properly exercised. The way to success must be carefully and thoroughly paved if you reach it of your own accord. If it is thrust upon you by the efforts of someone else without first preparing you to Evolution of Mind 51 receive it, it will be of short duration, it will be as seed sown by the wayside it will soon be consumed by fleeting pleasures. By a proper development of the brain, you can look at a man and instantly tell the plane of life that he is living upon and you will be able to adjust yourself to the same plane of life which will put you in tune with him and enable you to impart knowledge to him to the limit of your ability to do so. It will re- quire an effort on your part to determine those things. It will not come to you instantly. Some men cannot raise wheat ; some cannot raise corn ; some cannot raise the various kinds of vegetables, because of their psychic effect upon those things. It governs everything- in your life from the least to the greatest. The first thing that people should do, is to have an intelligent understanding of themselves. When the doctor goes to a patient and cannot diagnose the case, cannot become interested in it to the extent that the patient is thoroughly convinced of his ability to handle the case, it is conclusive proof that the doctor 52 Psychology Simplified does not understand the plane of life the patient lives and thinks upon, neither does he under- stand himself well enough to put himself in tune with his patient, the result is he is unable to handle the case. A proper evolution of the material mind will avoid all failures of this kind and is the road to success not only in this, but every other profession of life. What the world needs most to-day is a better developed brain and less theory which would save millions of our fellow travelers from premature journeys across the great wall of thought where theory has no abiding place. The science governing the evolution of mind emanated from the unlimited and is unlimited in securing results when scientifical- ly applied to the human being. When the mind has been properly developed it will put you in touch with the scientific law that will produce the desired result if in harmony with the laws of nature. Everything in the Universe is governed by Evolution op Mind 53 law, that law emanated from the All-Wise Creator and is absolutely perfect from every standpoint. It never varies. It is just the same as going out in your orchard and finding a perfect peach tree. If a man comes along and asks you the question. "How often does that peach tree bear plums?" You would know something was wrong. That is just as in- telligent as thousands of questions that are asked by people and they seem so simple because you are so accustomed to the peach tree. If you had never seen a peach tree in your life, you would if somebody told you it bore plums, believe them, because you had no intelligent understanding of that tree. Scientific law governs that peach tree. Every time that tree bears fruit, it will be peaches. You cannot change that law but you can defeat the purpose of that law by destroying the tree. If you want to gain a knowledge of the hu- man being, you must go to the human being for that knowledge. If you understand the human being sufficiently to know of what he is com- posed, you are ready to proceed intelligently 34 Psychology Simplified as to what that being may perform. You can never learn the possibilities of a man until you have learned the entire composition (soul, body and spirit) of a man. If you have not learned all this the part which you have not learned may be of great importance. The brain is the instrument in which the material mind develops from infancy to dissolu- tion. The material mind has no other home, it has no other abiding place, it has no other field of operation, it has no other purpose to serve, only man. It has no other life to live, only the present life. As the avenues of the brain are developed the material mind grows strong. It widens its field of operation. If you want your material mind to assist you upon any proposition, you must prepare its home so that it will increase its power to operate. There is a great difference between the material mind and the soul of man. The material mind is as great as the development of the brain. That is the reason why we call it the material mind. When we speak of the Evolution op Mind 55 material mind, we are speaking of the mind that lives, operates and develops in the brain. The environments of a man are responsible for his thoughts and it is impossible for a man to control his environments. If the en- vironments surrounding a man has been such that it has developed certain avenues of his brain, it is impossible for him to think other- wise than the way he thinks. If an avenue of his brain is fully developed, in spite of every- thing he may do, he will entertain thoughts of that nature, because those thoughts are a part of him, a part of his life which is true with reference to every line of thought. It is impossible for a man to think one kind of a life and live another kind. They may suc- ceed for the time being but just as sure as they entertain thoughts along a certain line, they will become a part of them and begin to live these thoughts every day of their lives. The responsibility comes with us in entertain- ing these thoughts, knowing them to be good or evil. It is impossible to change a scientific law, 56 Psychology Simplified that law will govern man's life until by the evolution of thought you set in motion within your brain another scientific law. When that scientific law has evolved the brain to the extent that he has an active working under- standing of that proposition, then the avenues that were active begin to lose their power of action and the other ones are gaining their power to govern and control that man's life. Some people will say that a man is one way today and another way tomorrow, a man differs in his life each* day, then the scientific law governing a man must necessarily change. That cannot be true, simply because he is using an avenue of his brain today that is governed by a scientific law if he should live fifty years, every time he sets in motion the scientific law governing that avenue, his life will be the same. Tomorrow another avenue of his brain may be active. The reason why it becomes active is because that man has set in motion the scientific law governing that avenue of his brain. There is a scientific law governing every human being's brain and the avenues you are Evolution of Mind 57 using. That scientific law is preparing to give to that avenue the power to operate and to you the understanding of every proposition that you are trying to solve which requires the exercise of that avenue of the brain to reach and under- stand all the proposition. Every scientific law in the material universe is related to each other. The relationship existing both to the human being and to every- thing in nature. 58 The Mind's Mind Chapter III. THE MIND'S MIND. The material mind of a normal man is equal to his knowledge of things. It uses the various avenues of the brain, through which it receives and imparts knowledge to its full capacity. In this mind thoughts are evolved. We clothe these thoughts in words and express them. These thoughts grow until they influence our lives, become a part of us and we live them in our life. Sometimes we hear the expression, "I did it before I thought". This is impossible, no one can do a thing that is not, or has not been thought out to a decision in his mind. You have decided in your mind at sometime in your life, just what you would do under those cir- cumstances, otherwise, you would not act until you thought what to do. The material mind is not capable of acting until it is prepared by development to act. It needs to be cared for and exercised the same as our bodies in order that it may develop and The Mind's Mind 59 grow strong, which increases its usefulness. It must be taught to act before it can act. Its sphere of operation is within the brain. It is dependent upon both the soul and body for its existence and power to operate. The brain is its home. It has no power to act in the ab- sence of the spirit. The spirit can not operate the brain in the absence of the intelligence. The spirit is dependent upon the soul, the brain upon the spirit and the material mind upon the brain. Mind being the only thing capable of trans- mitting intelligence and as a thing can not be superior to the thing from which it emanated, therefore, the material mind is limited to the development of the brain in its field of opera- tion. If all the avenues of the brain were fully developed, the material mind would be un- limited in its operation through the brain, it being limited to one brain through which to operate. To have all the avenues in the brain developed would require the All-Wise Creator to intercede and develop them for us. He has given us the avenues to develop and the ability 60 Psychology Simplified to develop them. If we do our best we have done enough in the short time we have on this plane of life. We are not responsible for not doing a thing which is impossible for us to do. We can only do our best, this everyone can do. Everyone should desire to be useful. The greater the development of your brain, the greater your usefulness will be. The material mind is dependent upon the brain for its existence. It grows and develops with the brain and ceases to operate when the brain becomes inactive. No brain, no material mind to operate, there being no instrument for it to operate through. It is peculiarly adapted to the brain, it sleeps and takes its rest the same as the brain does. It is wholly uncon- scious during the time we sleep and it becomes active when we awaken. We have another mind superior to this mind within us, which is not wholly dependent upon our brain for its operation, neither does it sleep and take rest like our material mind does. Now let us see if we can solve this question and make our connection. The Mind's Mind 61 The material mind which is an outgrowth of the brain and is dependent upon the avenues of the brain for a place in which to operate, must necessarily be dependent upon the same thing for its existence that the brain is. If there is no brain, there is no instrument to which the power can be applied. So the spirit or power cannot produce a material mind in the absence of a brain for it to develop in. The spirit, brain and material mind are dependent upon a superior power to apply them, that they may operate intelligently. The soul is possessed of the intelligence to do this. The material mind has not the power within itself to operate itself. The brain has not the power within itself to operate independently and the spirit is not possessed of the intelligence to apply and operate itself independently; then the evidence is conclusive that all of these are dependent upon a higher source of in- telligence to apply and operate them. This higher or superior intelligence is the soul mind. It has the power and intelligence inherent 62 Psychology Simplified within it to apply and operate the spirit through the brain in evolving the material mind. The soul mind is capable of maintaining its existence and operating independent of the human being, and is in no way dependent upon it for its existence. The human being together with all the functions of the brain and body, including the material mind, are wholly depend- ent upon the soul mind for their power to operate. The spirit is that which connects the soul and body. In the absence of the spirit, the soul cannot operate through the body. The material mind can only solve such ques- tions as come within the range of its knowledge and development, which is limited to the avenues of the brain. The spirit is both human and divine in its nature, forming a perfect union between the soul and body. It partakes of the nature of both. The soul mind is unlimited in solving all problems. It emanated from the unlimited and is unlimited within itself w T hile it is limited when operating through the body, yet its plane of operation is not limited to the body. The The Mind's Mind 63 soul mind knows no limit, only when operating through the body. It is not limited in knowl- edge, but it is limited in transmitting its knowledge to the material mind by the develop- ment of the avenues of the brain through which it transmits intelligence. The soul mind is our real being and preserves our identity. The soul is unlimited in its knowledge, wisdom and power, it being in touch with the unlimited from which it emanated and has inherent within it unending life. As the material mind is dependent upon the soul mind for its existence and power to de- velop and operate, then the soul mind governs and controls the material mind. The soul mind is the material mind's mind. The soul mind assists the material mind in performing its work to the full extent of the development of the avenues of the brain through which the material mind operates. The soul mind can see, hear and express itself independent of the body in a way so that the material mind can understand what is being said and done. It can go at the dead hour of 64 Psychology Simplified night when your body, brain and material mind is wrapt in deep slumber, and perform a work that is impossible for you to perform while you are awake. When it is properly and intelligenly directed it can remove diseased conditions while you. sleep, that cannot be removed by you when you are awake. We should always express our utmost confidence in the ability of our soul mind to remove diseased conditions at any time and at any distance. You will not be disappointed if you will give it the proper di- rections, as to what you want it to do. Instruct it fully as to where you want it to go, stating the length of time you want it to put in on each case, with unlimited faith on your p-irt of its ability to do as you direct. You will be astonished at the results secured while you are sleeping soundly. The deeper you are wrapt in slumber, the greater the results will be. The soul mind does not possess creative power within itself. It is unlimited within itself to secure results by using that which exists, but it has not the power to produce a thing independent of that which exists. Creative The Mind's Mind 65 power is inherent only in the All-Wise Creator from whom our souls emanated and upon whom it is dependent for its power to operate. If it did not have access to this unlimited source of all things it would be powerless to operate and would cease to exist. This being true, that the soul mind is dependent upon the All-Wise In- telligence for its power to operate, our con- clusion must necessarily be, that the All- Wise Intelligence is the soul mind's mind. He is the source of all intelligence limited and un- limited. When the scientific laws are properly and scientifically applied there would be perfect harmony all along the line, from the brain to the All-Wise Creator, which is the source of all intelligence, truth, love, mercy and all things to elevate and uplift the human race on their journey from plane to plane; on and on, higher and higher until we lay aside mortality and enter the plane of perfection. This intelligence will still guide our footsteps until we reach the plane that knows no bounds ; the plane for which all other planes were created, the home 66 Psychology Simplified of the soul, where there is no past, present or future, but all is now ; where time and space are not reckoned as we count and measure it now with our material minds. It is just beyond the great Avail of thought. When a loved one passes over the Great Divide, and we are not informed of their de- parture, they are just across the way in another city and we expect to see and sometime be associated with them. In our mind we see them busily attending to the duties of life, but when we are informed of their departure we build a wall of thought between them and us by declaring that we cannot see and be associated with them any more on this plane. This wall of thought is built with all the power of our material minds which surrenders all hope of communication and physical contact with them. This wall has been built for ages and is still being built stronger each day along life's pathway. In passing across this wall the soul and soul mind undergoes no change within them- selves. They are possessed of the same in- The Mind's Mind 67 telligence and the power to use it, as when they were on this physical plane. The soul minds on this plane are in constant telepathic communication with each other, but the chan- nel of thought through which it transmits all information gained in this way is closed and securely locked, not that you have not the power within you to unlock and keep them open, but because you do not will to do so. Your soul mind can get in touch with any other soul mind and secure any information desired, but it cannot give this information to the material mind so it can be known and appreciated by you, until you unlock the avenues of your brain through which the material mind receives all such information. All information claimed to have been received in any other way, or through other channels, is not susceptible to demonstration. Truth has always existed and can be received and ap- preciated by the material mind but it cannot be evolved in the material mind. Our thoughts regarding a thing with which we come in con- tact are evolved in the material mind, but those 68 Psychology Simplified thoughts may be true or false. Because we think a thing, is by no means proof that our thoughts are true. When we get the truth regarding any proposition, we just simply get that which has always existed. A thing cannot rise higher than the source from which it emanated. This great wall of thought between the physical and immortal planes is thought to be impregnable by a ma- jority of people. While we do not deny that it can be penetrated by living beings and messages obtained from departed ones but I have never met one who could do so, not because it is impossible to do so but because their efforts are directed in the wrong channel to get the proper connection. However, there are certain scientific laws that cannot be overcome, and to defeat them in their oper- ation is beyond the power of the human being to do. People have become confused as to the messages from their departed friends. A message may be formulated in the mind of a person while living, with a full determination The Mind's Mind 69 on the part of a person formulating it, to de- liver the message to the one for whom it was intended and they depart this life without de- livering the message. Sometime later the mes- sabe is received by someone and delivered to the one for whom it is intended and he is told that it is a message from his departed loved one. Messages are continually being received in this way. These messages were not for- mulated by the person after departing this life. I have received many messages of this kind. These are not messages from departed friends sent by them after they have passed The Great Divide. These kind of messages have been known to exist for years after the one who had formulated them had passed away and then be delivered to the one for whom they were in- tended. These messages are received by the soul mind and transmitted to the material mind through the avenues of the brain which had been developed sufficiently for the soul mind to operate through them. The soul mind can give the correct answer to any question of the material mind, if your 70 Psychology Simplified m/aterial mind is prepared to receive it. The All-Wise Creator, from whom our souls emanated, knows all things. There is nothing which is hidden from him and, as like will pro- duce like, our souls are unlimited in being able to obtain knowledge. The Great Spirit, from which our spirit emanated, is the power that was used and ap- plied by the All-Wise Creator in creating all things. The instrument, to which the spirit was applied, was the Word. So we have in every human being an exact likeness of the unlimited in a limited form. Our souls emanated from the Great Soul or All-Wise Creator. Our spirits emanated from the Great Spirit, and our bodies from the word. We are told that, "This word became flesh and dwelt among us". So we have the soul (in- telligence), Spirit (power), word (body). There was perfect harmony in the original there should be perfect harmony in the latter. The human race has fallen far short of what it should be. The human race today is more inclined to deteriorate than it is to evolve. A The Mind's Mind 71 great per cent of them are content to live and think upon a low material plane of life. Some only exist because they have no other place to go. Every effort of our life should be to evolve to a higher and purer plane, where we can live a greater and broader life; where we can be more useful in our day and generation, where we can be a power in filling the world w r ith deeds of love and mercy, where we can invite our fellow-travelers to come higher and lend them a helping hand. The grandest thing in one's life is to see good in everything everywhere. To live upon this plane of life is worth the effort that is necessary in order to obtain it. The greater the development of the avenues of the brain the greater the material mind is capacitated to apprecciate the good things of life and enjoy them. It broadens your field of operation in which to do good. The power or ability to evolve to the highest plane in the material universe is inherent in the 72 Psychology Simplified human being and can be exercised at his will. To will is to set in operation the spirit within you. The will is controlled in its operation by the material mind. When you will that the soul mind remove diseased conditions you are admitting that the £otil mind is superior to the material mind and can perform work that can- not be performed by the material mind. Your psychic influence is equal to your ability to will intelligently. Your ability to will intelligently is dependent upon your plane of life. The lower the plane upon which you are living the greater the carnal and material things such as lust, selfishness, hatred and greed will be manifested in your life. On this plane of life the avenues of amativeness, self- esteem and desturction are fully developed and the entire power of soul and body are active in accomplishing things of this nature. The avenues of reason are dormant in a life of this nature. The power is inherent in us to over- come this nature and to evolve to a higher plane of life, where we partake of the nature of Him who is love, truth, mercy and good- The Mind's Mind 73 ness ; where all the world will be blessed by us having lived and the un-born generations will rise up and point the finger of pride at us for having sown the seed of knowledge by which they are blessed with the privilege of gathering the flowers all along their pathway. 74 Mental Telepathy Chapter IV. MENTAL TELEPATHY This is a subject that has been thought of a great deal but there has been very little ser- ious investigation of it. People have believed for years that there was such a thing as mental telepathy but for some cause they have stayed entirely clear of any serious examination of the question to the extent that it could be de- termined just what it is. To know all the field covered by it one must first understand the nature of a human being". Otherwise, an investigation of this question would be fruitless and, because of the field which it covers, it would be impossible to get a working hypothesis. Mental telepathy is operated by a union of the material and soul mind. In the absence of a proper understanding of the operation of the soul mind, mental telepathy would be im- possible and, without a knowledge of how to govern and control the operation of the material Mental Telepathy 75 mind, it would be impossible to transmit a message by mental telepathy. The great mistake that people have made in past ages, and even at the present time, is that they think the transmission of a message by mental telepathy does not require an exact and definite plan upon which to operate. This question is like every other question with which you have to do. There is a law that governs the performing of this science and one must understand how to apply the law in order to succeed in transmitting a message. The time will soon come when the world will have a recognized system of mental tele- pathy. Every human being uses it to some extent but, in order that you may do so in- telligently, you must understand }how it is performed. If at any time anyone has giv£n to the world a scientific method upon which to oper- ate mental telepathy I have never been able to find it. It has only been in the last ten years that I really thought that I understood the manner of operating it while for thirty- 76 Psychology Simplified five years I have been able to transmit messages from mind to mind. There have been many things in the past thirty-five years that have seemed easy to be done but, to me, they were as dark as the dark- est night of life. If you will do what I tell you to do it will only be a matter of time until you can transmit a message any distance and that message will be undersoood by the one that you intend to receive it. In order to transmit a message by mental telepathy you must do as the man does who sends a message upon the wire. He knows the form of each word that he has written, he opens his instrument and transmits that message word by word over the wire. If the instrument at the point of receiving the message was not in tune and properly arranged the person to whom the message was sent would never re- ceive it on account of the condition of his instrument. The two instruments being identically alike the message is received at the Mental Telepathy 77 other point by the operator who is there for that purpose. You must not transmit a message by mental telepathy until you get in tune with the one to whom you are sending the message. As soon as you make up the message that you mean to send, writing it word by word until you have completed it, using the words that express the exact thought that you wish to transmit, you have just begun the work of sending the message. You have done just what the oper- ator has done when he finished writing the message he intended to send. After you have completed this part of your work you must get in touch with your soul mind. You must tell your soul mind that you have a message to be delivered to a person by the name of John Doe, that you want that message delivered at 2 :15 A. M., that you want the person receiving that message to under- stand the entire meaning of the message de- livered. The message I want delivered at this hour is, "I want to see you on important busi- ness/' 78 Psychology Simplified You have prepared your message and de- livered it to your soul mind. You are through with your part of the work. Dismiss it from your mind entirely. Go to sleep and at 2:15 A. M. your soul mind will deliver that message to the soul mind of John Doe and immediately on receiving that message his material mind will understand that you have sent the message and that he is wanted at once. If there is anything that interferes with him going he may telephone to you, to say the least he will write to you that very day. These things have been demonstrated over and over again. About fifteen years ago a com- mittee was selected to see whether or not a message could be delivered by mental telep- athy, to try to determine the distance that the message could be delivered and to see if it were possible to receive a reply. The com- mittee waited upon me in my office and asked me to deliver the message to a lady living about eight hundred miles distant. In the presence of that committee I sent the message. Just two days from that day a member of the com- Mental Telepathy 79 mittee received a letter from the lady to whom this message was delivered and she told him the very things we were discussing in the message. They immediately tried to find out if I had sent a telegram and there was no record of any sent from the town where w r e w r ere. After discussing the matter they remem- bered that no one had mentioned the lady's name. All this happened before they allowed me to see the letter. This lady sat down at almost the exact hour that this committee was in my office and wrote that letter. It is possible to transmit a message any distance. There are various things done by mental telepathy. We are only beginning to evolve a system. It is just beginning to dawn upon the minds of the people what can be accomplished in this way. The same principal by which a message is transmitted from mind to mind is being oper- \ / ated by wireless telegraphy. The only way by which a message can be transmitted by wireless telegraphy is to make two instruments identic- ally alike, put these two instruments in tune 80 Psychology Simplified with each other and then when you send a message it is carried to the instrument that is in tune and will vibrate upon that instrument and they know by the vibrations what the message is. It has been made possible to send messages anywhere in the world where there is an in- strument to receive it. If that instrument were not in tune with the instrument from which the message was transmitted it would never receive the message, but, being in tune, the same mo- tion in the instrument transmitting the message is produced in the instrument receiving the message. Just as a telegraph message is conveyed by the wires, as a phone message is conveyed by wire, as sound is conveyed by atmosphere, thoughts are conveyed by ether. People have looked upon thoughts as idle pastime but every thought going from your mind lives until some mind in tune with your mind gets that thought. That is the ordinary way of thoughts living and being received by someone but, to send a message mentally, you Mental Telepathy 81 must be exact in your mind as to the delivering of that message to the one for whom it is in- tended. When the hour arrives for it to be delivered you may be sound asleep and the message, will be delivered. It is possible to prepare a message and have it delivered at any hour during the night while you are asleep, that message being of a nature, when received by the soul mind of a person and the soul mind of that person applying the message to the physical being, to reduce fever at any distance. It is going to be so after awhile that all that will be necessary will be to call the doctor and tell him that you need help. He will not have to come, he can formulate a message and deliver it to the patient that will change his physical condition and relieve him in a very short time. These things are being done but are not done in a scientific way. The power is within every human being to do them but every one cannot do them, not because it is- impossible for them to prepare themselves to do them, but 82 Psychology Simplified because they do not will that they prepare themselves. You can blindfold me and put me up before one hundred people and I will tell you the volume of thoughts governing them, whether they want me to speak or whether they have any interest in what I say. If their thoughts are adverse to my speaking I will never become interested in my subject but if I have the volume of thought of these minds favorable to me it is possible to say what I meant to say. These things are done by preparing the mind to receive them. It is necessary, if you want to work intelligently along these lines, to learn how to prepare your mind to send messages. If you are wanting to attract messages or thoughts upon any line to you you must first learn concentration. You must teach yourself how not to think. You must leave your mind in a position that you are not thinking. Thoughts continually come to the surface. There are two ways by which we think, one by effort and the other psychically. Mental Telepathy 83 The best way you can prepare your mind to concentrate is to place it upon the tick of a watch. Have someone come and move the watch without you hearing them move it, you will still hear the tick. I have been able to hear the tick of a watch, by concentration, for the distance of twenty feet. By learning to concentrate you can attract messages and thoughts. These things may seem peculiar but they are true and anyone who may desire to test themselves will be surprised at the con ect transmission of messages. There are things that cannot be accom- plished without this combination of forces. These things enter into every profession. They enter into and become a part of every one's life who is successful. It is like many other things with which we come in contact. People attribute some things to a higher power than that possessed by a human being. They perform a work and say that God did it through them when the truth is that they possessed the power within themselves and not only do they possess it but every normal human 84 Psychology Simplified being possesses the same power if developed. If man was created with these powers inherent in him why are they there unless the Creator intended him to use them? Man was never given a work to do without the ability to per- form that work. ' The question may come to you why did the Creator create you and give you the desire to do evil? Because you could not know good unless there was evil. It would be impossible for good to exist unless evil existed. If we had no evil to overcome we could not gain strength for good. If He had not given you the power to do evil He would have been an unjust Creator to have given you the power to do good. It makes you a responsible being. There is always a negative to every affirmative and the power is in you to choose between the two. In the study of mental telepathy you are raising yourself to a higher plane of life. You are getting yourself away from the material things and the further you get from them the greater your capacity to do good. If it is within your power to transmit Mental Telepathy 85 messages to the soul minds of friends and by the transmission of those messages make them better you are doing one of the greatest things that can be accomplished. You cannot change a man's mind religously, by mental telepathy, if he has been educated along religious lines, neither can you change his mind morally, if he is educated along moral lines. The only way you can change a person's morals is by oral suggestion, appealing to the better things within them. By doing that you can cause the soul mind of that man to arouse the material mind to act along the line that will have a tendency to elevate him. All the principals of psychology scientific- ally applied, will elevate every human being. There is nothing of a psychic nature that does not carry with it an elevating influence. When you are dealing with psychology you are deal- ing with that which emanates from the soul of man. Evil things emanate from the material mind and, unless the soul mind overcomes them, the entire life will be evil. The only redeeming thing about a human being is his 86 Psychology Simplified soul. The soul mind will, if possible, arouse the material mind to act intelligently upon every proposition and, by so doing, elevate the man to a different plane of life. We reach the higher planes by evolution. The soul mind of man is that which evolves within him a nature and desire to become elevated until he reaches a plane where evil things have lost their control over him. When the intellectual nature in a human being has evolved to the point where it predominates the life of man he is admitting that the psychic has lead him. If the material nature predom- inates he is deteriorating instead of evolving. This evolution in man is governed by the soul mind. Every principal that will make him better emanates from the soul. With the principals governing man's life emanating from the soul man is elevated to a plane where justice and right predominate his entire being. Man is capacitated to perform work of any nature except that which is performed by creat- ive power. He is limited to forming things out of that which exists. With the proposition be- Mental Telepathy 87 fore us that man is only limited by creative power we are ready to proceed with our in- vestigation of the subject under consideration. There must be principals upon which a science is based. Mental telepathy is a science and I will establish this fact. It is based upon principals and by evolving these principals into a system I have evolved a system of mental telepathy. After having established the fact that there is a system by which mental telep- athy is operated it becomes necessary for us to gain a knowledge of that system and by so doing we come into the principals upon which the science is based. Then it becomes neces- sary for us to be able to execute the principals in order to set in operation the system. It requires a preparation peculiar to that line of work. When we have prepared the in- strument, which is the body and brain of man, to set in motion the principals of which the system of mental telepathy is composed it is possible for us to see and appreciate the results. These six principals that I have just mentioned give us the basic principals of mental telepathy. 88 Psychology Simplified Upon these principals it must stand or fall. Mental telepathy is governed by a scientific law and, when reduced to a system, with the principals set forth scientifically applied, the results are always sure and the same. There should be no limit but because of the unde- veloped brain, limitations have prevented man from becoming able to scientifically and ac- curately deliver messages in this way. There are preparations necessary that re- quire a great effort on the part of man to over- come but, by proper and continued effort on his part these limitations, little by little, will be overcome. If a thing is not founded on truth it can never become a science. The principals upon which scientific propositions are based contain within them a true relationship to that proposi- tion. The truth that is associated with the science of mental telepathy composes the principals contained in the system. You must understand at this point that the subject under consideration is entirely different Mental Telepathy 89 from oral suggestion. The ways, by which a man can be reached and influenced by mental telepathy are : any messages you may desire to send to anyone, if the person to whom you are sending the message is informed upon that line of work or, in any way associated with it, he can receive that message and his material mind can understand the entire message. A man cannot become an operator of wire- less telegraphy until he has learned the principals by which it is operated. He must have a knowledge of the instrument he uses and the code used, not only is that true, but he must have a knowledge of how to receive messages sent. This all requires time. It re- quires a working knowledge. The laws gOA^erning mental telepathy are just as exact as the laws governing the bearing of fruit on the peach tree. The law governing that tree never changes. There is no excep- tion to this rule. The transmission of a message by mental telepathy requires, upon the part of the oper- ator, a knowledge of the law governing that 90 Psychology Simplified message or the preparing of it and unless you can, within your brain, evolve a way by which you can intelligently prepare that message you are not in a position to operate. When we think upon this question some- times we are a little inclined to trespass upon the rights of nature in our thoughts in that we attribute the performing of certain things to a power superior to that possessed by man. You may study and plan until your life's work is ended and you cannot devise a way by which you can formulate a message of any nature without the use and exercise of the avenues that are contained within the convolutions of the brain. You cannot receive a message that has been sent until you have accurately prepared the avenues in your brain so the message can be delivered through that avenue to the material mind. Everything that is must have its boundaries or the performing of the work peculiar to that thing would be indefinite. Every principal of mental telepathy is subject to the material Mental Telepathy 91 mind, which is limited to the development of the avenue of the brain. Otherwise it would be impossible for a man to solve the proposi- tion of what mental telepathy is. It would be impossible for a man to determine what the principals were governing the sending of a message unless the All-Wise Creator should prepare him for this service. It is impossible for a science to be given to the human family until the brain of man is properly prepared to impart that knowledge. There are two ways that messages are applied to the one receiving them. I have told you the first one, the second one is that a message can be prepared and delivered to the soul mind, that message dealing wholly with the physical part of man ; the soul mind can deliver that message to the soul mind of the person that you desire it should be delivered to and that soul mind can apply that message to the physical body and brain without that person having any knowledge whatever of how it is being done. If a man understands the law governing the 92 Psychology Simplified various systems of the body, he can formulate a message by his material mind, deliver that message to his soul mind with instructions that his soul mind deliver that message to another soul mind with the instructions that it perform a work in that man changing the function of any organ of his body to a normal condition and the instructions will be carried out though you may be sleeping soundly. The soul mind of that man will perform that work identically as you have instructed your soul mind in the message to the soul mind of that person. Anyone understanding the law governing mental telepathy can, in this way, transmit a message to anyone that he desires and the soul mind of the one receiving the message can absolutely reduce the pulsations in that man. Not only can you do that but by formulating a definite message, with instruction, you can in- crease the pulsations of that man though he be wrapt in slumber. The material mind of a man understanding the law governing mental telepathy, can formu- late a message, deliver that message to his Mental Telepathy 93 soul mind with the instructions that the message be delivered at 1 :00 A. M., and that message is that the soul mind of that person arouse the material mind of the person receiving the message so that he will awaken at 1 :00 A. M. You can go sound asleep and sleep through the entire period and your soul mind will deliver that message to the soul mind of the one you desire to receive it and at 1 :00 A. M. his soul mind will awaken him. The material mind can prepare a message, deliver it to the soul mind with instructions as to whom it is to be delivered, the hour and minute, and the message is that you desire the person receiving it to fall asleep at 10:00 P. M. The person receiving the message will fall asleep though he may be one thousand miles from where you are. This has been demon- strated at a distance of two thousand miles. The only thing that prevents everyone from being able to do this is a lack of understanding of the principals contained in the system governing mental telepathy. Fifty years ago, if t a man had told the 94 Psychology Simplified people that it would be possible to transmit a message by wireless telegraphy there would have been few people w r ho would have believed him. When you speak about a thing that seems impossible, the people, not having a knowledge of that thing, will laugh you to scorn because you make the statement. There are people living today who will look back over their lives and think about the time wdien they used a telephone, the time when they used a telegraph and it has been considered, for a long time that they were the only ways by which intelligence could be transmitted. At the present time the system of wireless telegraphy is a recognized system and is being used successfully. In the future we will have a system of wireless telephone, then will come the system of mental telepathy and the end is not yet. The brain is the greatest instrument in ex- istence. There is no instrument that in any way compares with it. From the brain of man emanated every invention that exists or has existed since time began. That being the Mental Telepathy 95 field through which the material mind of man operates we find that it occupies a place in everything accomplished in the material uni- verse. The brain of man is the physical basis for the operation of mental telepathy. It is the alpha and omega of every message sent in this way. In the absence of the brain there would be no material mind and the soul mind could not transmit a message of any kind by mental telepathy. When the brain is developed sufficiently for you to transmit a message to your soul mind you are able to receive a message of the same nature from your soul mind. Now that you have prepared the medium, through which the material mind, operates, it is easy for you to reach your soul mind on any question of that nature. I say of that nature because each con- volution of the brain occupies a field peculiar to itself. You cannot draw upon one convolution of the brain for the solution of a proposition that is foreign to that convolution. When the 96 Psychology Simplified avenues in a convolution are ^dormant that line of thought is as dark to you as midnight and it is impossible for you to receive a message through that avenue. It is just like a building with each opening closed and securely locked making it impossible for you to gain entrance. When you have gained a knowledge of the purpose of the various avenues in your brain you will be able to locate each avenue and tell the purpose for which it was intended. Man is practically unlimited, if normally developed. It puts your material mind in touch with your soul mind on every proposition existing. There is only one immovable limitation placed around man, that is creative power. No human being at any time will be able to per- form the feat of creation. You cannot create a disturbance any more easily than you can create a building or the sun, moon or stars. Man's brain does not include a plane upon which creative power can be exercised. I am using the word create in its primary meaning, which means to make something out of noth- ing. You say that you create a disturbance Mental Telepathy 97 but you have everything necessary to do that, which is not creating it. In order that we may have a working hy- pothesis we must understand these things, for when you have given man creative power you have given him the same latitude as the All- Wise Creator. Man is limited to making things out of that which is given him. Provided that you have prepared the field through which the material mind operates, you have the power within yourself to formulate any mes- sage that you desire. After you have formu- lated that message in your brain, by the aid of your material mind and the channel leading to the material mind is open you can transmit that message through the avenues of the brain to your soul mind. That you may understand and operate in- telligently you must have confidence in your ability to deliver to your soul mind the message that you want delivered. This message could not have been sent by your material mind be- cause its field of operation is within your brain and when you sleep your material mind sleeps. 98 Psychology Simplified Its duty is to assist in performing every work done during your waking hours. It is an in- strument that is subject to your command at the present time, so that you are not able to know what your soul mind is doing. It was not intended that you should know. Your material mind can formulate a mes- sage, deliver it to your soul mind and, before the time comes for the delivery of it, you may have passed across the Great Divide, how- ever, your message will be delivered at the hour you had instructed. The soul mind is always ready and at your command to deliver any message you may de- sire. It never makes a mistake, neither does it sleep and is always perfectly exact in per- forming its work if there should be any mis- take it would be on the part of your material mind or the material mind of the one receiving the message. If you sleep during the time the message is to be delivered you have re- moved everything that interferes with the soul mind and it operates with ease. The soul mind directs every pulsations of Mental Telepathy 99 the heart, every respiration of the lungs and governs all the functions of every organ of the body, if allowed to operate normally. I have on numerous occasions prepared a message to be delivered at a certain hour dur- ing the night to a patient with the instructions that the patient's soul mind apply the message to the body for some specific purpose and, on the following morning the results of that message could be plainly seen. Messages of this nature do not require that the brain of the one receiving them be prepared because it is never delivered to the material mind of the person. In solving these things I have not worked for one year, nor five, but constantly for a period of thirty-five years. It has required an efifort on my part to solve these questions with- out assistance. No one ever learned to spell without spell- ing, to read without reading, or to speak with- out speaking, neither w r ill you learn to send a message by mental telepathy without a 100 Psychology Simplified knowledge of the principals governing the sending of it. In sending messages by mental telapathy to correct the diseased condition of the body and brain you must be careful to place a limit upon every message, stating the length of time that you want the message applied and what you want done. Otherwise, you will fail to accomplish your purpose. We will suppose that you understand the anatomy of a human being and wish to send a message to increase the pulsations of the heart, you must know the number of heart beats that would be normal, stating, in your message, the number of pulsations you want it increased being careful never to reach the danger point and the length of time that you want the message applied. The soul mind will not receive and apply a message to the body and brain if that message, when applied, would prove fatal. Suppose that you should formulate a mes- sage and in that message instruct your soul Mental Telepathy 101 mind to change the chemical compounds of some person's body and his soul mind should begin at once to make the change, you have no means of knowing the change it would pro- duce in that person. Your message was in- definite and might be the means of changing a normal compound to an abnormal one. When you send a message mentally always remember to limit that message because if you do not place some restrictions on it you can never tell what the results will be. In sending a message to change an ab- normal chemical compound to a normal one if you are careful to state in your message that you want each chemical in the body to be normal, you have benefited your patient. It is always best when sending messages of this nature to give instructions that would have a tendency to produce within that person a normal condition. Even though the person's condition should be normal you have nothing to lose by adding that to your message. A short time ago I had a case in which it was necessary for me to use mental telepathy. 102 Psychology Simplified The nature of the case was such that I was not fully decided whether it was best for the patient, to remove the condition that existed or not. It is possible in removing one con- dition to cause another one more grave in nature than the one that first existed. I in- structed my soul mind to instruct the soul mind of my patient to remove that condition entirely by dissolving each particle, provided that in the elimination of it, it would not cause a condition more fatal than the one existing. The system of mental telepathy, within a few years, will be used extensively in cases of this nature when all other efforts fail. The time will come when people will depend upon the person who has intelligently prepared him- self to transmit messages mentally. There is not an intelligent person in the world who can not be reached in this way although there are many who can not be reached by oral sugges- tion and apply that suggestion to themselves. If the person benefited physically were skeptical upon this question, and knew that you were going to make this effort, they would Mental Telepathy 103 use all the power within them to defeat your purpose so it is better, when you perform a work of this nature, to do so without any knowledge upon the part of the one receiving the message. A person who lives wholly upon the material plane will not get the best results. In making an instrument for any purpose the finer the material used the better work that instrument will perform. If it is used to perform work of a very delicate nature it is made of the very best material. The same principle is' true in mental telepathy, the most elevating avenues are used in transmitting messages. The lower your plane of life, the coarser your nature becomes and the farther you get from the possibilities of operating telepathy. As you evolve to a higher plane of life, the more elevated you become in your thoughts and manner of living the more proficient you will be in sending messages. The man in whose life the gross, material things predominate can never operate mental telepathy. Those avenues in his brain, which are the most active, 104 Psychology Simplified do not enter into the combination by which messages are transmitted. This is an infalli- able proof that the law by which man came into existence was governed by an intelligence great- er than that possessed by man. It is within the power of man to evolve each avenue of his brain by which this science is successfully operated. Each avenue that is developed is always at your command at any time you are in need of its service. It may become inactive but it never loses its power to act, unless the tissue of which it is composed should become impaired by disease which may render it wholly incapacitated to operate. In that case it can never be restored to a normal condition and your work in sending messages would be indefinite. So, after having prepared the avenues of your brain for service of this nature you must see to it that they are kept in first class condition. Every man and woman should have some well defined purpose in life. If you do not have some goal that you are striving to reach you will be discontented, unsettled and pur- Mental Telepathy 105 poseless. For every work of life that you ex- pect to perform successfully you must have some definite purpose in view. Pursue that purpose with a full determination from the depths of your soul and place it upon an im- movable basis and in time you will win a trium- phant victory over all obstacles ; your name will be carried down the stream of time and mentioned as one who dared to do. 106 Oral Suggestion Chapter V. ORAL SUGGESTION. Suggestion is the presentation of a thought clothed in words spoken to another person. The suggestion carries with it all of the power possessed by the one giving it and his knowl- edge of the laws governing the one that he desires to reach and control by the suggestion given. The soul mind being unlimited can se- cure any results or bring about any change in the one to whom the suggestion is given. That far all suggestions are unlimited but the soul mind must depend upon the instrument through which it operates to prepare the suggestion. The material mind must have an understanding of the laws governing suggestion in order to intelligently transmit the suggestion through properly developed channels to the soul mind of the one it is intended for. The suggestion so given will bring about changes in the one receiving it without a knowledge of the laws on his part. His soul mind, like the one giving the suggestion, is unlimited, yet his material Oral Suggestion* 107 mind is undeveloped and cannot understand how or why the suggestion secures certain changes in his body. He does not stop to think that there are many changes taking place every minute of his life in his body that are unknown to him, which is under the direct control of his soul mind. The channels through which a suggestion reaches the soul mind are always open in every human being. It is the soul mind that accepts and acts upon the suggestion even though the material mind is not properly developed to fully understand the nature and purpose of the suggestion. If the one giving the suggestion has a proper understanding of the structures of the human body and brain and its functions, he can scien- tifically transmit a suggestion to the soul mind of another person for the purpose of securing certain changes in his body, such changes will be equal to the operator's understanding of the laws governing the application of suggestion. The primary source of suggestion is un- limited, and if scientifically applied through 108 Psychology Simplified properly developed channels, it is unlimited in its results. A suggestion is always limited by the one giving it. If you fail to secure the desired results, the fault is in your ability to give the suggestion understandingly. The soul mind of a man can be reached by suggestion while he sleeps and the results are far better than during his waking hours, you do not have to get the consent of his material mind to reach his soul mind. Suggestion will secure certain changes in the body and brain with or without the consent of the material mind. The only thing that can limit suggestion, is the material mind of the one giving the suggestion. The nearer you get to a perfect understanding of the scientific laws governing the human being, the nearer you get to the unlimited. This is like every other problem in the material universe. A perfect knowledge will lead you to the unlimited. By a proper development of the avenues in the brain, which gives the material mind freedom of action, a suggestion can be transmitted to the soul mind of anyone, any distance and the soul mind receiving it can Oral Suggestion 109 arouse the material mind to the extent that it will act on the suggestion, if the material mind is developed on that peculiar line of work suffi- ciently to act intelligently, otherwise, it will not act on the suggestion, unless the suggestion is given for the purpose of bringing about certain changes in the body or brain over which the material mind has no control. The material mind of everyone is educated to some extent at least upon religious, moral and financial questions. Any changes along these lines cannot be accomplished in anyone only by the consent of the material mind of the one operated on. It requires oral suggestion to bring about changes along these lines of living, or upon any other line that certain avenues of the brain are well developed. A person's manner of living is governed wholly by the avenues of his brain that are de- veloped. A suggestion that is given for a specific purpose, should not be burdened with any other kind or class of work. The material mind is indivisible and cannot direct a suggestion in 110 Psychology Simplified two or more ways at the same time as the mind becomes confused in the application of the suggestion. If the material mind has a perfect understanding of the laws governing the appli- cation of suggestion, then he would be un- limited in securing results. Your success depends upon your efforts in preparing the channels through which the soul mind transmits suggestion. Your success in every profession of life is wholly dependent upon the development of the avenues of your brain through which the soul mind transmits the solution of every problem. You can develop the avenues of your brain and become successful in business just the same as in the application of suggestion. There are forty-two direct ways by which you can be put in touch with the unlimited. Every other way is reached by a combination of developments. Faith is absolutely indispensable on the part of the operator and the person operated on when oral suggestion is given. There is no Oral Suggestion * 111 exception to this rule. The prevalent idea that there is an exception to all rules does not hold good. Law is a rule of action, law is unchange- able. If a scientific law never changes, the rule by which it is applied cannot change, so there can be no exceptions to any rule by which a scientific law is applied. The results are always the same. A doubt on the part of the operator robs a suggestion of its power to accomplish the purpose for which it is given. In all cases where we desire to reach a person through his material mind, we must first get his consent to do so. In giving his consent he expresses his faith in our ability to relieve him. If I have unlimited faith in my ability to reach and free a person of diseased conditions, I can do so without any knowledge or faith on the part of the person upon whom I am operat- ing. This has been demonstrated so often that no one will deny the truthfulness of it who hag made an effort to inform himself on the subject. To accomplish this requires no faith or knowledge on the part of the person being 112 Psychology Simplified operated upon, when the operator uses mental telepathy. When the work is properly and scientifically done the result will be the same in each case. There is no exception to this rule. If the person upon whom I am operating is informed of my intentions or of what I am doing I will fail to remove his diseased con- dition as I intended to do. Truth cannot differ from truth and still be the truth. What is true now when a scientific law is properly applied has always been true and always will be true as to the results obtained. If I can, by the power within me, reach a person by suggestion and free him of physical disease, whether with or without faith on his part, then every other case of the same nature is amenable to the same law. . The scientific laws emanated from the un- limited and they are governed in performing their work by an unlimited intelligence. ' A suggestion when properly and scientific- ally applied by the soul mind puts in operation Oral Suggestion 113 this unlimited intelligence in harmony with the scientific law governing that part of the human being to which the suggestion is directed and the purpose for which it is given is accom- plished. If I give a suggestion and direct it in the proper channels, the results will be that for which it was given. The power and in- telligence which set in operation this scientific law is inherent in me. The All-Wise Creator does not intercede to apply these laws in order to get the desired results. Everything necessary to relieve suffering humanity is placed at our command if we will evolve to the proper plane where we can intelligently apply them. You can evolve to this plane and become a blessing to yourself and to all with whom you come in contact. If you desire to become useful in re- lieving human brings of their afflictions you should prepare the channels through which this intelligence is transmitted. This can be done by a proper evolution of your brain, which in- creases the power of the material mind and will 114 Psychology Simplified greatly increase your usefulness in relieving your fellow-beings by suggestion. The soul mind is prepared to perform any act within its sphere of operation. It partakes of the nature of the All-Wise from whom it emanated but it is limited in the material mind by the brain of man. The power is within man to know and apply every scientific law governing our being, yet we do not understand them, not that we cannot understand them, but because we do not will to. The power is within man to send telepathic messages to anyone any distance, yet everyone cannot do so, not because he has not the power inherent in him, but because he does not will to. Every act that is performed by the human being matters not the nature of that act, it can be traced to an avenue of the human brain. When we reach the point in life that we under- stand the evolution of mind, we will be prepared to solve every mysterious psychological mani- festation that has existed or will ever exist while time lasts. There is no mystery in the Oral Suggestion 115 entire universe, only that which dwells in and occupies a part of the human mind. If you will think for a few minutes, it will be clear to you that the reason why a thing seems mysterious is because you do not un- derstand the nature of that thing. Suggestion is the origin, development and final consummation of everything existing. Suggestion has made the human family what it is today. It has formed and is forming the des- tiny of men and nations. Everything that exists began by the simple process of sug- gestion. You may take two boys equally pre- pared to undertake the affairs of life equal mentally, equally capacitated to think and act. Take one of those boys and hold the thought continually over him that he is going to make a wonderful man, that he is going to make his mark in the world, that the world is going to be greatly benefited by him having lived in it. Every time that he succeeds encourage him, tell him there is nothing beyond his power to accomplish and he will be a success. The other boy, hold the thought over him that he is not 116 Psychology Simplified worth anything, that he is not capacitated to accomplish anything and he will only be a burden upon the people during his life-time, he will be a failure. You will notice these two boys separate, one will immediately begin to strive for greater things and to attain things of a higher nature. His entire mind and energy is applied to develop his brain so he may be able to accomplish those things. You see the other boy going off to himself, he is studying why it is that he has been brought into this world. There is nothing in it for him and he is sure he is not going to be worth anything. Life immediately begins to be a burden to him and as he grows older, he seems to be a burden to everyone. While on the other hand, the other man is developed, because of the sug- gestion that has been given to him in his earlier life. These things have made the human family what they are, not only is that true but it is going to continue to form the destiny of the entire human race. The convolutions of the brain are developed by an effort upon the part Oral Suggestion 117 of the one possessing the brain and in order to begin an evolution in that brain, there must be a suggestion preceding that effort, other- wise, there will never be an effort made. Then after the suggestion is given there is a continual evolution going on in the convolutions of that brain. That suggestion is influencing that evo- lution, he is nearing the unlimited, which is reached when a convolution or avenue of the brain is fully developed. A suggestion given for the purpose of chang- ing a man, should be given for a specific pur- pose. People will come to understand that these things are not done by accident, or that they happen to be so, but that a law is put in operation every time that a thing is accom- plished. There is nothing in this material uni- verse that has just happened to be so. Every- thing that is, is so by a scientific law that is unchangeable. There is no way by which it can be changed. Then that being true, in order to accomplish a thing by oral suggestion, you must have that avenue of your brain developed 1 18 Psychology Simplified so that you understand how to put in operation the scientific law producing that result, then you do not do that by accident. The law governing suggestion is as definite as the law in nature that governs the rising and setting of the sun, when the time arrives in the revolution of the earth the sun will appear, just as sure as that is true, when a scientific law is put in operation governing a certain part of the human body, the result is inevitable. People should learn to w T ork along these lines intelligently. The only way by which people can operate intelligently is to gain a knowledge of these things and when you have gained a knowledge, you can act intelligently upon that question. A suggestion cannot be given by the material mind without the assist- ance of the soul mind. The entire power is applied by the soul mind of the person, this suggestion has the power to set in motion a scientific law, which is absolutely definite in the work it performs. The material mind only has the power to formulate a suggestion, it has not the power to set in motion a scientific law. Oral Suggestion 119 You have learned to formulate a suggestion that can be applied by the soul mind of a person and set in motion that law. As far as the material mind of man is concerned, it can only operate in the material part of the work per- formed by oral suggestion, or for that matter, any other work you undertake to perform. The material mind can only formulate the plans by which a thing is to be done, it has not the power to execute these plans. The body and brain of man compose the instruments through which the soul mind operates. Just as the material that goes into and forms a wireless machine to send wireless messages, has not the power to operate itself, so it is with the brain and body of a man. It has not the power within itself to operate itself, so the brain of man, while it is the basis of operation of every instrument in the material universe and is responsible for the existance of every instrument, yet it has not the power within itself to operate itself and accomplish these things. It forms the material part of the instrument through which these 120 Psychology Simplified things are accomplished. It is the instrument and the brain of man being developed gives to the material mind a field in which to operate. The material mind cannot operate in the ab- sence of the development of the avenues of the brain. Just as soon as you develop an avenue of the brain, you have increased the field upon which the material mind operates. Each avenue of the brain represents a certain line of thought or work and, until you have developed that avenue in your brain, the ma- terial mind is powerless in performing a work of that nature. Not only is that true, but it is impossible for the soul mind to penetrate that avenue of your brain and give to the material mind any intelligence whatever upon that line of thought. The soul mind never developed an avenue of the brain, has no choice as to the avenues it uses, is wholly dependent upon the material mind to develop the avenues of the brain. The brain has no power inherent in it. It is dependent upon another source for the power it possesses in order to accomplish things. It has no power to apply itself to Oral Suggestion 121 any problem, or to apply any suggestion that it may be able to formulate to any object to accomplish the purpose of that suggestion. The soul mind of a person has the power within itself to apply the power to the brain of man and cause the material mind to operate. The body and brain of man has neither life, energy, power or intelligence within itself. It is just an instrument through which every- thing that we do is accomplished. The spirit of man has power and energy but no intelligence. The soul of man has the intelligence to apply the power, which is the spirit to the brain and body to operate them. All of the intelligence manifested by the human being emanates from the soul. It is transmitted through the avenues of the brain to the material mind. In a way the material mind understands how to apply that intelli- gence to itself, while it can formulate any kind of a message that the development of the brain will permit and tell that suggestion to the soul mind and the soul mind has the intelli- gence to apply that suggestion to the one you 122 Psychology Simplified desire to receive it. To the extent of the de- velopment of your brain you are capacitated to suggest and the suggestion will produce the desired results. For instance, every suggestion given by a person carries with it the amount of power that there is in the brain of that being to formulate and give that suggestion power to produce the thing you desire. If a person does not understand the nature of a human being, it is a waste of time to under- take to accomplish anything within that being by suggestion, because he cannot give to that suggestion the intelligence and force necessary to accomplish the thing he desires. No suggestion will operate upon the human being for the purpose of securing normal re- sults, only that which is applied intelligently. There are various ways by which suggestion can be applied to the body. One very impres- sive way by which suggestion is carried, is to sit down to a nice meal and think how you will enjoy that meal. With this thought in your mind and all the pleasure possible for you to possess at that moment, let someone step to the Oral Suggestion 123 door and tell you that some loved one of your's has passed away, your entire appetite is gone, you have no desire to eat. The chemical com- pound of your stomach is changed in a very short time. Then there is another way by which these things can be accomplished, you sit down with all these good things in your mind and if someone should come up and insult you, your appetite is gone and the chemicals in your stomach are turned to poison. If you ate anything it would be impossible to digest it. It is only a suggestion, but it is given under peculiar circumstances. I talked with a lady a short time ago, on the subject of suggestion, she told me of a circumstance that she knew of personally. There was an elderly lady who was very wealthy who became very much at- tached to a young lady, who afterward married her son. In after years this lady became very offensive to the elderly lady, one day she spoke very unbecomingly to her mother-in-law, call- ing her, a gray-headed fool. The elderly lady very kindly said to her, "May you know what it is to be gray", within three months the young lady's hair was perfectly white. If these 124 Psychology Simplified things can be done, which are being done, is it not possible in a quiet way, without any un- pleasantness, without any anger to formulate a suggestion and apply it to the human being and produce within that human being, a con- dition that you desire by that suggestion? Mental, telepathy is performed silently and in the absence of the knowledge of anyone else, if you care to. These suggestions are applied by the soul mind in the same way. The soul mind applies oral suggestions, but in oral sug- gestions you cannot give a suggestion without the person to whom you are giving it knowing what you are doing. If they do not desire you to give the suggestion it is useless to do so. If he knows and refuses to allow you to give this suggestion, quietly get off and formulate one and send it by mental telepathy, and it will act. In oral suggestion, the message is prepared by the material mind and with his permission you can speak that to him. He receives it and his soul mind applies the suggestion to him. In the other way you formulate your sugges- Oral Suggestion 125 tion, tell it to your soul mind and your soul mind tells the message to the soul mind of the one receiving it. The application of both are made in the same way, by the same power and intelligence. The conditions under which they are given are entirely different. A man can prepare a message and transmit that message by mental telepathy one thousand miles and relieve pain almost instantly. After you deliver a message to your soul mind, your material mind has nothing mare to do with it. The soul mind can deliver the message ten thousand miles as easily as ten feet. A suggestion, in order to secure the de- sired results, must be prepared by the material mind with a definite intention, free from doubt. If you doubt you had just as well never have given it. There is nothing in the material universe that can be accomplished in the ab- sence of faith. If you have no faith in your ability to do, you are a failure in any propo- sition. 126 Know Thyself Chapter VI. KNOW THYSELF. The primary source of knowledge is the thing of which we desire to gain a knowledge. If all the phases of psychology of which we de- sire a knowledge are susceptible to demon- stration in the human being, then one must have an intelligent knowledge of the human being and the relationship of each part entering collectively into the composition of the entire human being, soul, body and spirit before he is prepared to enter the field as a psychologist. The primary source of all things is life, power, energy and intelligence. When you have gained a knowledge of the soul, body and spirit you have prepared yourself to enter the field of psychic research intelligently. It will enable you to see the beauty and harmony in the entire make up of man. It will also unfold to you an unlimited field of thought in which the many mysterious things that have baffled your brain in the past will be the simplest Know Thyself 127 things in your life. You have only to raise the veil intervening between you and the com- position of man and the light of knowledge will drive away the dark clouds of superstition and mystery that have been hovering around you all along your journey through life. Psychology will have a new meaning to you. You will have evolved to a plane of life where you can see as you never saw before; where you can live as you never lived before ; where you can appreciate and enjoy the things which at one time seemed beyond your power to grasp and comprehend. The road leading to psychology is indeed a rugged one and few they are who have traveled it, giving to the world a waybill to guide the tired, weary traveler along the dark and rugged pathway to the plane where light has driven the darkness away and knowledge reigns supreme. The soul, body and spirit supplies us with the only source from which this knowledge can be gained. This can be accomplished by the material mind which increases its ability to 128 Psychology Simplified know, through the evolution of thought. We must live and move in order to maintain our being. We must be possessed of a soul and spirit in order to do this. In the absence of the soul and spirit we would have no being. All we would have is a corpse. If we have the soul and spirit only and no body for them to dw T ell in, then there would be no channel through which they could make their existence known, in the absence of either of the three we could not have a living human being. In order to have this we must have intelligence, power and instrument. In the soul we have the intelligence, in the spirit we have the power, in the body we have the instrument. Then we have entering into the composition of the human being, a soul, body and spirit together with their functions, all being absolutely in- dispensable in a normal man. Suppose you should gain a perfect knowl- edge of the human body together with all of its systems and organs and their functions, if you were not able to evolve beyond this you would Know Thyself 129 be doomed to be a materialist all the days of your life. If you could evolve one step higher and solve the purpose and function of the spirit, and you were not able to continue your evolu- tion, you would be a materialist still, without one ray of hope of a future life, because there would be nothing in which to preserve your identity. In reality you would have no identity to preserve, as intelligence does not emanate from the body or spirit. You would be like the engine with a full head of steam with no in- telligence to apply the steam to the engine to operate it. This intelligence in man we call the soul of man. In the absence of this intelligence the spirit could not apply itself to the body to move it and the inevitable result would be suspended animation. When we learn the composition of the body, the place it fills in its relation to the human being; when we learn what the spirit is, of what it is composed and its relationship to man in its work ; what the soul is, of what it is composed and the relationship it sustains in 130 Psychology Simplified the evolution of man, we will have learned the basic principles of psychology. Psychology is the science of the soul, but when you remove the body and spirit you re- move the instrument and power by and through which it transmits this science to the world. The soul does not possess, within itself, the power and medium through which it can trans- mit its science to mankind. If it did it would be foolish to burden it with a body and spirit and limit the transmission of this science by and through them. The All-Wise Creator in His wisdom, good- ness and mercy has decided that it shall be so. We meekly submit to his wisdom in the ar- rangement of man. The material, power and intelligence should form a union in which there is perfect harmony in purpose, action and final consummation of its entire being. The soul is this intelligence, which emanated from the Great Soul or All- Wise Creator, it is unlimited within itself. It is composed of life, power, energy and intelli- gence, a real being within itself. Its being is Know Thyself 131 the exact form of a human being. Its power to operate emanated from the unlimited power which gives it unending life. Its intelligence emanated from the unlimited, the source of all wisdom and knowledge. It is "the inner man" the one created by the All-Wise Creator to dwell in the material man which he formed of the dust of the earth afterwards, the body in which the created being lives. He united them by inspiring into the material man the power of life (spirit) and he became a living soul. The spirit is that which unites the soul and body, animates and gives life to the body. The soul is the source of all intelligence. The spirit gives the power to the body to receive this intelligence from the soul. The spirit is composed of life, power and energy. It is the power that operates the body and brain of man. It is supported by the life force in the atmosphere. It possesses a peculiar attraction for this life force and it is the power that applies them to the entire body and brain, which secures a normal function of the entire human being if allowed to do so. It is to man 132 Psychology Simplified what a motor is to an engine. It does not have the intelligence to apply and operate itself. The spirit is man's motor, the soul is the intelligence that applies the power (motor) to the dynamo which extracts the life force from the atmosphere and conducts them to every tissue of the body and brain which places the human being upon a plane of continual evolu- tion physically. This evolution continues until the material mind of man has determined definitely that the body and brain have reached the age in which they can no longer maintain their evolution, at this period of life the mate- rial mind begins to build weaker tissues and he begins to deteriorate physically, the final con- summation of which is the dissolution of the entire body and brain. The power by which this entire process is accomplished in evolving and deteriorating is the spirit of man. Without it we could not maintain an existence as a hu- man being. It manifests itself distinctly in three ways in man, by energy in active life, power in normal sleep, life in suspended ani- Know Thyself 133 mation. The body does not possess either of these in the absence of the spirit. The power to know man is within man. When this power is applied to the brain it ex- tends the limits of the material mind and enables it to become more useful by helping others to free themselves of the unpleasant things in their lives, which can be laid aside by them at their will. This power in man is the spirit of man. It is one of the primary causes of his existence. It gives to him the power to live, move and have his being as a man. It is that which gives the material mind the power to prepare a mess- age intelligently. Without it you would be powerless to express yourself in any way. You would be like a motor with no electric current. It is the main spring of thought, action and life. It prepares and places our messages upon the wings of the soul mind which delivers them safely to their destination. It dwells in the body and brain of man. It is always at home during the entire sojourn of man. It has no material or intelligence of its own, it does not 134 Psychology Simplified receive or transmit suggestions but it gives to the material mind the power to receive it and to the soul mind the power to transmit it. By the aid of the spirit all thoughts are evolved in the material mind. These thoughts compose the store house out of which suggestions are formed. The body is the house in which the spirit dwells. It is composed entirely of material substances which are susceptible to analysis. The body itself does not contain life, power, energy or intelligence. When these are added to the body it becomes a living intelligent hu- man being. While the body maintains its exis- tance, the life, energy and intelligence can be increased in it. When we reach the time along lifes journey that our bodies become so im- paired that these cannot be applied to it, the spirit will return to the unlimited from whence it came, and the soul to the plane where the afflictions which attack our bodies /are not known, in which our entire identity is pre- served perfectly, where we know no sorrow, pain or separation, where love reigns supreme, Know Thyself 135 where there are no storm clouds of grief, lust or passion to trouble our souls, where we have exchanged troubles and persecutions for inex- pressible peace and contentment, where we exchange mortality for immortality together with all that immortality means. It is the celestial home that seems so far, yet is so near. It is just beyond the great wall of thought which seems so impossible for us to penetrate. This plane of life and thought can only be reached by those who apply themselves to the scientific side of life both in thought and manner of living. It requires an effort on your part, lest you be led away by the mater- ial things of life, with which you are con- tinually coming in contact, that today pre- dominates the lives of the human race. It is easy to follow the trend of thought of those around you, but you have the power inherent within you to rise above the low material things in this life and evolve to a higher and purer plane where others will be influenced by you and follow in your foot steps. Then you will not only become better and happier your- 136 Psychology Simplified self, but you will have become a blessing to others all along your way. Your life is a suggegstion which you are giving continually each day. You are helping to create the environment for others to live in. Then you should pave the way to higher things by living so that you will scatter light and sun- shine for those who are striving to reach a higher plane of thought and a more perfect life in which love, mercy and goodness are the primary elements entering. Where sweet com- munion vibrates from soul to soul and each one feels that it is good to be there. Then let each effort of your life be for the purpose of evolving every one with whom you come in contact to a higher plane. On this plan.e your worth to the human race cannot be estimated, while you have the power and intelligence to mould the life and destiny of those around you for good, which within itself is a grand and noble work that cannot be expressed in words. People in the last few years have begun to awaken to the fact that thought force is a power when properly and scientifically applied in the Know Thyself 137 evolution of man. One desire of my life is to live to see the time when the human race will be fully awakened to a realization of these things and the greatness of their influencee in forming the destiny of the entire human family. 138 Suspended Animation Chapter VII. SUSPENDED ANIMATION The peculiarities of a thing can usually be known and expressed by a person who has ex- perienced them, but this peculiar condition, still remains unsolved to some extent. Just what takes place during suspended animation may never be fully known. The body loses its power of motion and its functions are suspended for the time being. The brain does not cease to function entirely and there is no deterioration of the tissues in either body or brain. The material mind re- tains full consciousness during the entire period, which indicates that the brain, its home, retains its activity to some extent at least. The body, to which the soul mind applies the spirit to animate and give it life, suspends operation for the time being and it must await the pleas- ure of the soul mind to restore the power of motion to it. This process has been going on in the body for a period of time in which there Suspended Animation 139 has been a continual war-fare between the material and soul mind as to which had the in- herent right to govern and control the func- tion and processes of the body and brain. People have been educated from infancy to give to fruits, vegetables and medicine more intelligence than they give the soul mind credit with having, thereby evolving within the ma- terial mind the right and supremacy to control the functions of the body which is inherent in the soul mind, by so doing they are setting in motion a war-fare between the two minds. When a process, known as disease, begins to make its presence known in the body, the material mind begins to apply material reme- dies, attributing to these remedies the intelli- gence to abate the process that is active in the body. It does not consider for an instant that there is a superior intelligence, (soul mind) that is continually watching over the entire body and brain securing the proper and normal functions of every organ in the body and brain, while the material mind is wrapt in deep slum- ber, taking its rest which is normal for it to do. 140 Psychology Simplified The material mind of ninety per cent of the human race has no knowledge of what is taking place in their bodies and brains, and the other ten per cent are not conscious of it while sleeping. If the soul has the intelligence to see after the entire functioning of the body and brain while you sleep, by what law or reason does it lose its power to do so while you are awake? Your thinking that it does, does not take away its right to do so by any means. When the human race has the proper knowledge and understanding of the intelli- gence which has the inherent right to govern their bodies, the abnormal processes will find no field in which to operate, for in gaining this knowledge you will evolve to a different plane of living. This continual warfare between the soul and material mind has caused the human family untold suffering, both in body and mind, and it will continue to do so until they evolve out of the low plane of life and thought in which they are living to the plane where Suspended Animation 141 fruits and vegetables are food to the body and brain, to be taken into the body to build tissues. Food is food and intelligence is intelligence ; food is not intelligence, neither is intelligence food. Food has no intelligence to do good or evil within itself, neither does it receive this intelligence from the soul mind, which has the inherent right to govern the entire process of digestion and assimilation. The food we eat receives all of this intelligence from the material mind, which has no right of its own to give such intelligence. Everything containing chemicals that are normal to our bodies, is food to our bodies, but, "To him that thinketh a thing is unclean to him it is unclean". The warfare between the two minds, is the primary cause of what is called, suspended animation. The material mind assumes the right to govern the entire process of the body, which is wholly out of its sphere of operation, by doing so it interferes with the inalienable rights of the soul mind. If the material mind wins in this conflict and holds the right of way 142 Psychology Simplified in applying material remedies to the body, dis- solution of the body will be inevitable. The intention of the material mind was good, in that it wanted to assist the body in eliminating the disturbing elements in the body, it having been taught that it could do so. With this thought fully developed in the material mind, it uses every effort within its power to unbuild its home, the only dwelling place it has in which to develop and operate. In doing this, it is interfering with the soul mind in its efforts to carry on its work nor- mally in securing harmony in the body. The soul mind is superior to the material mind in power and intelligence to control all of the processes in the body, and it would do so if the material mind would not interfere and assume the right to do that which belongs to the soul mind, but it will continue to do so as long as it is educated from infancy that it has that right. When the disease which has attacked the body is not of a fatal nature with- in itself, the process being a normal effort to free the body of the disturbing elements, the Suspended Animation 143 conflict between the soul and material minds for supremacy has reached the limit and the soul mind withdraws all effort for the time being, the spirit remains in the body with no power within itself to apply its power of mo- tion to the body, the result is, suspended ani- mation, the entire functioning of the body and all processes normal and abnormal are sus- pended for the time being, yet life is not extinct. When we think of the millions of objects that live and move that cannot be seen with the human eye, it proves to us that life may exist in every tissue of the body and brain, while we may not be able to detect it, yet it is gently performing its work. In this condition the material mind is forced to surrender all control over the body. It being powerless within itself to control the functions of the body, the soul mind has put the material mind within the limit of its sphere of operation, where it remains during this period of time wholly conscious of everything that is trans- piring around it. The soul mind begins to make the necessary repairs in the body and 144 Psychology Simplified brain, removing all of the abnormal processes to enable it to assume again its journey along life's pathway. All cases of suspended animation will re- cover if given a chance to do so. This con- dition may exist from a few minutes to weeks. The longest case personally known to me, was fourteen days. It is owing to the nature and magnitude of the intervening process produc- ing this suspension, as to the length of time it will exist. The soul mind takes complete control of the body and brain during this period and frees it of all diseased conditions. A person in this condition should be given plenty of time and encouragement. They know what you are doing and saying. In some cases every test known can be applied without securing any evidence of life. To prick the eyelids with a pin or a mirror laid on the face is the surest test for life, if there is life in the body a slight moisture can be seen on the mirror. A twitch of the eyelid can usually be observed when pricked with a pin if there is life in the body. Suspended Animation 145 Do not give up hope until every trace of life has disappeared an infallible proof of dissolu- tion is observed in the body. The number of bodies that have been laid away in this con- dition to awaken when it is too late, is sur- prisingly great. When life and all hope of their recovery are gone it is time enough then to lay their bodies away to rest, when we are sure their spirit has returned to the source from whence it came, and the soul has crossed over the Great Divide from which there is no return and no desire to do so as far as we know. They could not if they would, neither would they if they could. Life does not leave the body in suspended animation. The spirit is the power that ani- mates the body. When the spirit leaves the body dissolution begins. In suspended animation the spirit remains in the body, then the inevitable conclusion is, that there is life in the body, not withstanding our inability to detect it. The active condition of the material mind during this period is also conclusive evidence that there is life in the 146 Psychology Simplified body. To lay a person away in this condition to awaken later, should not be permitted by an intelligent race of people, such as we claim to be. The inevitable hand that we can not stay, will touch us soon enough without hasten- ing our time in this world. Remember dear reader, the laws of the material universe give us absolutely no pro- tection in cases of this kind, your loved ones can lay you away if they choose to do so, and you are helpless to protest, you being perfect- ly conscious of what they are doing, and of what is going to happen to you later when your power of motion returns to your body, yet you are powerless to plead with them for mercy. In suspended animation they lose the power to move, there is no way by which they can express themselves. There is life in the entire body and brain, but in a very limited amount. It is nature's last resort or effort to free the body of disease. The work will be done com- pletely if it is allowed to complete its work. In cases where this condition exists, sugges- tions of an encouraging nature should be given Suspended Animation 147 the person, giving them the assurance that you will give them plenty of time and that you are sure they will recover and be alright. If sug- gestions of this nature are given they will revive much quicker and it will be more pleas- ant for them. 148 The Soul of Man Chapter VIII. • THE SOUL OF MAN, In the discussion of this question it is necessary for us to mention the various parts entering into the composition of man in order to demonstrate the possibilities of the soul in performing the various things which could not be performed in its absence. The body and brain of man are subject to a chemical analysis, making it possible to deter- mine each chemical entering into their com- position. The soul of man can be defined by the work it performs in assisting him to main- tain his existence as a living human being. Every living animal in the material universe possesses something that occupies the same relationship to that animal as the soul does to a human being, but man alone has the power to evolve a material mind to which the soul mind can impart intelligence and by which he can successfully demonstrate his right to exist on a plane of life where no other creature in the The Soul of Man 149 material universe has the intelligence to ques- tion his inalienable right to occupy. This in- telligence in man emanates from the soul. The soul is composed of life, power, energy and intelligence. The life entering into its composition emanated from the unlimited and is unlimited. The power emanated from the Great Spirit, which was the power used in creating all things. The energy in the soul of man is of the peculiar kind which can main- tain a perpetual motion and in its nature is, like the soul, unending. This intelligence emanated from the Great Soul from which the soul of man came. The soul is the source of all intelligence manifested in the entire life. There is no period of time that is not wholly directed by the soul. It gives each thought its existence, gives ex- pression and directs them on their mission for good or evil. The body and brain of man does not possess, within themselves, life, power, energy or in- telligence. The soul has the intelligence to apply the spirit to the body and brain. 150 Psychology Simplified The spirit is composed of life, energy and power. When the soul applies the spirit to the body and brain of man it forms a union of the three. This union, if allowed to operate normally, forms a basis for perpetual harmony. The body and brain is the instrument through which this universal harmony is manifested. The body is the instrument, the spirit is the power and the soul is the intelligence entering into the composition of man and makes him a living, intelligent human being. The spirit does not possess the intelligence to apply itself to the body and brain of man to give them the power to operate. The spirit is the power by which the body performs each act during life. Without it the body would be powerless. Man cannot evolve without the soul to apply the power to him. Everything that exists is dependent upon a higher intelligence than that possessed by it for its existence, pur- pose of life and its destination. The soul of man emanated from the Great The Soul of Man 151 Soul, and as like will produce like the soul of man possesses life, power and intelligence of the same kind and nature of the Great Soul from which it came. It is the offspring of the Great Soul and possesses, inherently, wisdom, knowledge and understanding. It is unlimited within itself but in imparting its knowledge to the human family it is limited to the brain of man. As the Great Spirit, the power by which all things have been accomplished, is subject to and under the direction of the Great Soul and is wholly dependent upon His command to act in maintaining harmony in the entire universe, so the spirit in man is wholly de- pendent upon the soul for its permission to operate the body and brain of man. When the body and brain becomes so im- paired that the soul can no longer apply the spirit to them, dissolution of the body and brain will be the inevitable result. The body and brain of man are dependent upon the spirit to maintain their existence. The spirit is dependent upon the soul to dwell 152 Psychology Simplified in the body and brain to animate and per- petuate their existence. The soul of man is dependent upon the Great Soul for its knowl- edge, power and intelligence to apply the spirit to the body and brain of man making it pos- sible for him to evolve with his brain a material mind which gives him the ability to solve the various problems of life. The material mind is wholly dependent upon the brain for its field of operation. It performes its work by the assistance of the avenues of the brain. When the avenues be- come impaired from any cause the material mind becomes indefinite in its work. Transmutation is only permissible between two objects of the same nature and kind. Two objects differing in their nature yet perform- ing the same act ; the final consummation of that act resulting in one object, must neces- sarily have a medium interceding between them to form a complete blend between the two. In order that harmony prevail in the ob- ject produced, harmony must exist between the objects producing it. The Soul op Man 153 The inter-cellular substance is the basis of all tissue in man. There is no scientific law by which it can produce tissue varying from human tissue. This being true, man could not have evolved from a being composed of tissue differing in nature from human tissue. Man can and does evolve and deteriorate and his tissue can change from a normal to an abnormal condition, but in all his changes his tissue at all times and under all conditions will be strictly human tissue. The body and soul of man differ in their nature and composition but the purpose of both is the evolution of man, his advent into the material universe, his development and his final destination. The body and soul differ in their nature so they must have a medium to intercede between them and blend them to- gether in order that they accomplish their purpose. The spirit is not composed of material or intelligence with in itself. The body is com- posed of material and the soul of intelligence. The spirit draws on the body for its material 154 Psychology Simplified and on the soul for its intelligence. It par- takes of the nature of both, forming a union be- tween the body and soul and making a per- fect blend between the two. This puts the evolution of man under the direction of the intelligence which emanates from the Greau Soul. He created and placed the intercelular substance in man out of which he evolves human tissue. Nature's laws are scientific and they will never vary. So, dear reader, do not become alarmed, every heir born to you will be, un- mistakably a human being. This is, as exact as all laws of nature, which makes it impossible for any plant or tree to bear other than its own kind of fruit or flowers. So long as there is a spirit in man to form a perfect union between the body and soul your off-spring will always be a human being with a body soul and spirit if allowed to enter the world a normal being. The Evolution op Man 155 Chapter IX. THE EVOLUTION OF MAN Truth is scientific in all of its applications, to determine the truth underlying every propo- sition necessitates that we have an under- standing of the primary principles entering into it in order to appreciate it as such. If a propo- sition cannot be aualyzed and its basic prin- ciples fully understood it can never be estab- lished as a scientific fact founded upon truth. If the proposition that man is a product of evolution is scientific then the basic principles underlying it can be fully understood by man. It can be analyzed and every principle entering into and forming a part of the system can be demonstrated proving that the entire process is based upon truth. Upon these facts it must stand or fall. It is not my purpose to infringe upon the unknown things of the past, present or future 156 Psychology Simplified or to be swayed either way in solving this ques- tion by what others have said on the subject. I have a more sure way of obtaining the scien- tific facts relative to the evolution of man. The thing of which we desire a knowledge contains within itself the information of which we are in search. This being scientifically true, we can get all of the facts as to the evolution of man, from man. It would be a waste of time and energy to try to settle the origin and nature of man by any other object or being. Everything in nature has its purpose and evolves upon its plane, serves its purpose and fills its mission. There is not one of them from the least to the greatest, from the simplest to the most profound, that proves or disproves the origin of man. The only way this question can be settled scientifically is to analyze the entire compo- sition of man and from this analysis determine the relationship each part sustains to man as a whole. This can only be done by making a proper division of man and keep each part en- tirely separate until we can determine accurate- The Evolution of Man 157 ly the scientific purpose of each part. With an unbiased mind this can be unfolded by the same rule other questions of importance are solved. The first important question to be settled is law. That the laws of nature are fixed and un- changeable is not questioned. It is being demon- strated to us every day. This being true, they are scientifically performing their work with profound accuracy. A peach tree cannot bear peaches one sea- son and apples the next, as the seasons come and go each succeeding season, true to its kind it will bear peaches. With this question fully settled in our minds I am ready to unfold man with the same accuracy and simplicity as I did the peach tree. The scientific law that governs man is as true to man as the law governing the peach tree is to the tree. That man, as a whole, is an instrument possessed of power and intelligence is a fact that can be scientifically demonstrated. From man, as such, we can and will extract the truths which are the basic principles upon which rests the origin and destiny of man. 158 Psychology Simplified The work performed by the body and brain of man, as an instrument, is of grave im- portance, the nature of it being such, that the entire animal kingdom is subdued by it and nations, dominions and dynasties are subject to and governed by it and out of it emanates wisdom and knowledge of the same nature and kind manifested by the Great Intelligence, from which alone it receives its power and intelli- gence to operate as an instrument. There is no other instrument in the entire material uni- verse that can perform a work of this nature. There is no other fountain capable of endowing man with his superior intelligence except the Great Intelligence, which is the primary source of his existence. There is no instrument existing that pos- sesses the intelligence within itself to operate itself. The power operating it must be applied to it. This power like the instrument, does not possess the intelligence within itself to apply itself to the instrument to operate it. So there must be an intelligence separate and apart from the instrument and the power oper- ating it. Neither of them possessing in- The Evolution of Man 159 herently, intelligence must depend upon an instrument far superior to it in nature and composition which is capable of manifesting this intelligence to the extent that it can apply the power to the instrument so the instrument can perform the work for which it was con- structed. The body and brain of man is an instrument composed of various tissues which we call bone, ligament, muscle and brain tissues, all of which are scientifically arranged. Each tissue in man is peculiarly fitted for the nature of work it is intended to perform. The work to be performed by the instrument, as a whole, is superior to that performed by any other instrument. It is operated upon a higher plane than that occupied by any other instrument. Human tissue, as it is, could not have evolved out of intercellular substance varying from the nature and kind existing in man. The intercellular substance out of which human tissue evolves could not exist in the absence of a soul and body blended together by the spirit to produce it, neither could it perpetuate its 160 Psychology Simplified existence as such in the absence of a soul and soul mind possessed of an intelligence capable of reasoning upon a plane of life far superior to any other creature in the entire material uni- verse. It places him above and beyond the common level in the animal kingdom and gives him dominion over all the earth. A tissue superior to human tissues cannot be produced by a chemical compound and maintain an existence on a material plane of life. The body and brain of man are composed- of chemicals scientifically compounded. The arrangement of this chemical compound into a body and brain was directed by Infinite wis- dom. If it were possible for the offspring of man to differ from man in nature and kind (which we maintain could not occur) he would loose his relationship to the scientific law governing man and would cease to exist as a man. Man with his intelligence could have evolved from an intelligence superior to that possessed by man, which is scientifically true so far as The Evolution of Man 161 the real being (soul) is concerned. It is the offspring of the Great Soul which is the pri- mary source of all intelligence manifested in the entire Universe. The body and brain of man being so con- structed that it can manifest this All-Wise and limitless intelligence to the entire approval of the All-Wise Creator. The purpose to be accomplished with this body and brain necessi- tates that its composition be of a superior nature and texture which borders on the thresh- old of perfection and as such it stands out separate and apart from all other compositions of tissue. Man from a scientific view point has existed as a man ever since there was a scientific law to govern and protect him. It is the same law today that it was the instant it began its service. It is as unchangeable as the Great Soul from which it emanated. The same is true of man which it governs. Man may de- teriorate in his nature until he reaches the lowest plane of material life and still hold his identity as a man. He may evolve to the 162 Psychology Simplified highest and purest plane that it is possible to reach in this life yet he is still a man and is governed by the same scientific law that has governed man from the beginning of his existence. This scientific law has protected with accuracy the composition of man, his evolution and offspring. The offspring of man may be superior to its parents both physically and mentally but these variations cannot continue to occur on and on indefinitely, if this were possible man would finally evolve beyond the divine pur- pose of the Great Intelligence that blessed him with his existence as a man. The law governing man is impartial in performing its work in unfolding the purpose of man, making it possible for him to evolve to a plane of life where he can grasp and manifest the highest degree of intelligence within his reach. The question is asked how long did it take man to evolve into a human being known as. man? That you may fully understand my answer to this question, I will ask a question, by answering this question you will have The Evolution of Man 163 answered the other question. How long will it take a gold nugget in a mine to evolve into a United States twenty dollar piece? It never could have done so unless assisted by an intelli- gence greater than that possessed by the gold nugget. The same is true with the body and brain of man. An intelligence greater than that possessed by man formed him into a being of the same chemical compound that he is at the present time. He partakes of the same nature and kind out of which he evolved. Nature looses nothing by the process of chang- ing the gold nugget into an article of greater value. Neither did nature lose anything in changing the chemicals into an instrument of superior value. All of the chemicals used still exists in the body and brain of man. In the dissolution of man they will return to their original state of existence. From a scientific standpoint it has never been proven to be true, nor is it possible that it will ever be established as true that man is a product of evolution, primarily speaking. Every argument offered and every solution 164 Psychology Simplified given to support the proposition has for its origin and maintenance the material mind of man, all of which can be traced to a certain avenue, contained within a convolution of the brain, which has become over active from long continued use. The Great Intelligence has so arranged the composition of man that he can live upon a material plane of life and with intelligence, when given freedom of action, can penetrate the entire depths of his own origin, evolution and final destiny with profound accuracy. This intelligence in man can, little by little, precept by precept, trace man from the earliest dawn of his existence as a man, on and on, plane after plane throughout an unending Eternity with the All-Wise Creator from which his soul emanated and back to Him he is evolving with amazing rapidity, guided by the hand of Infinite Wisdom which no mortal can stay. So far I have been reasoning upon man purely as an instrument constructed of ma- terial peculiarly adapted to the nature of service The Evolution op Man 165 he performs, without life, energy or intelli- gence, all of which exists independent of the body and brain of man. They can be with- drawn from, and applied to the body and brain at the proper time when the scientific demands of nature requires its presence. The next question to settle is the material mind of man. The material mind in its nature and purpose occupies a closer relationship to the brain than any other part of his compo- sition. The brain is its home, its abiding place during its entire period of existence. It in- creases in volume as the brain evolves. It is purely and scientifically a function of the brain. It is limited in the work it performs to the avenues of the brain. Knowledge alone can de- velop the avenues which places at its service a plane upon which to operate, in which to per- form its work from infancy to dissolution. By the process of gaining a knowledge of things we increase the possibilities of the material mind. This can be accomplished by the com- bination of avenues known as the five senses, 166 Psychology Simplified either may evolve a plane upon whirh the ma- terial mind can operate at ease. The material mind being a function of the brain is wholly dependent upon it for its existence. It is capable of demonstrating ac- curately the entire development of each avenue in the brain. The possibilities of an instrument can be determined by its field of operation. All in- struments, whatever nature they may be, must have a physical basis to operate from. There is no scientific variation from this rule. The material mind cannot manifest itself in the absence of brain tissue. Brain tissue is the only tissue capable of evolving a material mind. No brain, no material mind. When the brain becomes impaired the material mind becomes indefinite. When the avenues of the brain become unfitted for service, insanity is the inevitable result. This demonstrates the fact that the material mind is dependent upon the brain as an in- strument through which to operate. All brain The Evolution of Man 167 tissue is not involved in the construction of the avenues through which the material mind operates. A greater part of the brain tissue s-erves an entirely different purpose to that, out of which the avenues in the brain are con- structed. A majority of the brain tissues form an instrument which performs the pecu- liar function of extracting the life force from the atmosphere and conducting it through the nerves to all of the tissues in the body. When the tissues in the brain which perform this work become unfitted for service, dissolution of the entire body and brain is inevitable. We can have a case of insanity resulting from the impaired condition of the cortex of the brain and a fairly normal body resulting from the internal tissues of the same brain, which makes it possible to determine the nature of services rendered by the different parts of the brain. The tissues of the brain entering into and form- ing the avenues vary in their nature, according to the nature of work it performs, for each avenue performs a work entirely different from all other avenues in the brain. 168 Psychology Simplified There are quite a number of avenues in every brain that remain dormant during the entire life of a human being. The material mind cannot operate through these avenues by reason of their undeveloped condition. This can be demonstrated by the brain of every living human being. Being universal in its application it proves my statement, that the material mind is a function of the brain. The body and brain of a man is constructed to perform a work peculiar to it, which it per- forms scientifically. One of the works it performs is the evolution of a material mind, which deteriorates and ceases to operate when dissolution of the brain occurs. If this was all entering into and composing man, as he is, he could not evolve beyond a material state of existence. His identity as a man would fade away as a flower. He would fold his barque and glide away to exist no more. For mortality cannot inherit immortality. So far we have found man composed wholly of material substance. As such, he could not have had his existence without the unerring The Evolution of Max 169 hand of Intelligence to guide his entire evo- lution, and make him a being far superior to the one we have unfolded to your view. In- deed he is as much greater as the one who builds a house is greater than the house. The material mind can manifest the intelli- gence existing in man, but this intelligence is not evolved by the brain or material mind, neither is it dependent upon either for its existence. The arrangement of man is such, that the entire being is blended together in a way, so that he forms a basis for universal harmony. The body and brain serves as a physical basis through which the intelligence is manifested. In the brain the material mind evolves, not that the brain is possessed of an intelligence to cause, or even assist, the ma- terial mind in its unfolding. Neither can the material mind unfold itself independent of an intelligence separate and apart from either of them. The fact that brain tissues does not possess intelligence, w r ithin itself, can be scien- tifically demonstrated. The same is true with the material mind. Brain tissue does not have 170 Psychology Simplified the power to impart to the material mind an intelligence, which it does not possess itself. Intelligence does not emanate from the brain. The brain is an instrument that supplies a plane upon which the material mind operates. The material mind is an instrument, through which intelligence can be manifested. The avenues in the brain are the channels through which intelligence is transmitted to the ma- terial mind. If the avenues in the brain were dormant, this intelligence could not be trans- mitted through them to the material mind. Then the material mind could not manifest it for the sole reason that it could not be trans- mitted to it. This intelligence existed just the same and it is not responsible for its inability to reach the material mind. If it was not intended that man should manifest this intelligence through the various avenues of his brain, the avenues would have never have been given him to develop and exercise. The power that operates the body and brain of man is not evolved by them. The The Evolution op Man 171 chemicals entering into their composition do not possess within them, the power to give life and motion to man. When the body and brain is in a condition to be operated, they possess inherently an attraction for the pecu- liar kind of power that operates them, which makes it possible for the power to be applied to them. The body, brain and power does not possess the intelligence to apply this power to the body and brain to operate them. Neither can the body, brain and material mind main- tain their existence, as such, in the absence of this power which operates them and makes it possible for them to attract the life force from the atmosphere which animates and per- petuates them as a living human being. All of this is dependent upon an intelligence great- er than that possessed by either of them. The power entering into and operating man as a human being is of a different nature, and kind to that possessed by any other creature in the material universe. The reason why this is true, is because of the nature of the work it performs. It serves three purposes, 172 Psychology Simplified namely ; motion, attraction and blending, which does not occur in any other living animal. Human tissue is the most refined tissue known within the realm of material life. It is the only known tissue capable of being blended with the soul and soul mind possessed by man, which makes him a being far superior to any other living creature, giving him the ability to reason upon finite and Infinite questions with ease and accuracy. The next question of importance to settle, is the intelligence in man. The part it performs in the economy of man. We have found that man is possessed of a body, brain and material mind, which does not separately or collectively possess power, energy or life within them- selves, all of which must be applied to him in order that he be able to operate as a living human being. When these are absent from the body, he is powerless to operate. The intelligence in man is far superior in its nature and kind to the body and brain. As like will produce like, the source from which it The Evolution of Man 173 emanated must be located, or we will fail in our analysis of man. The inteligence in man possesses inherently wisdom, knowledge and justice, and the ability to rule and reign over its entire dominion, to give reward to its servants, who are subject to it and performs its will with ease and accu- racy. We must go beyond this intelligence in man in our search for a fountain capable of supplying us with ample evidence as to the source from which this inteligence emanated. The Great Intelligence is All-Wise : has all knowledge and He is all in all : He was the beginning of all things. The Great Spirit was the power used by Him in executing His will. The Word was the instrument through which He operated, to which He applied the Spirit (Power) in providing an existence for all things. The Great Intelligence has always operated through an instrument to accomplish His pur- pose. This instrument is operated by the Great Spirit, (Power), applied to it by the Great In- telligence. So it is in man, the body, (instru- 174 Psychology Simplified ment), cannot operate in the absence of the intelligence. In man we have an exact repro- duction of the higher order of things, from which man receives the intelligence to apply the spirit to the body and brain, this begins his evolution towards maturity on and on until the body and brain of man become so impaired, that the intelligence cannot apply the spirit to them to operate them, then dissolution is the result. As the Great Intelligence is the mind of the Great Soul and expresses its will, so this intelligence in man, is the mind of his soul, which transmit all of the intelligence he mani- fests through the avenues of his brain to his material mind, while passing through the ave- nues in the brain this intelligence undergoes a process of blending and upon reaching the material mind it is clothed with human intelli- gence. The body, brain and material mind are wholly dependent upon the soul and soul mind for their life, power, energy and intelligence to exist and operate as such, The body is The Evolution of Man 175 composed of material which can be analyzed, the soul of man is not subject to a chemical analysis. They differ both in nature and kind, must have a medium to intercede between them in order to secure a union of the two. The spirit in man is the only thing, that can fill this office, it partakes of the nature of both, it unites the soul and body forming them into one being. The soul has the intelligence to apply the spirit to the body and brain of man to operate them and prepare in them an abiding place for the soul and soul mind in which the soul occupies all space, but consumes none. Man as we have unfolded him to your view, is capable of maintaining an existence upon every plane of life, whether it be mortal or immortal. H -TZcT ¥■ TIMES-JOURNAL PUBLISHING CO.