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The son was Richajd Lundy the First, born in England, a resident of Axminster, an emigrator to the New World in 1676, a settler in Bucks County, Pennsylvania, and the Founder of the Lundy Family in America. He was an Elder in the Religious Society of Friends. Third. The grandson was Richard Lundy the Second, the first American-born Lundy. He was born in the County of Bucks, Pennsylvania, in 1692 ; and died in the County of Warren, New Jersey, in 1772. He was an Elder in the Relig- ious Society of Friends, and was active at the organization of three new Meetings, or Churches, in the wilderness — the Buck- ingham, the Plumstead, and the Hardwick. From this Rich- ard the Second have sprung numerous Lundy households, which are now widely scattered throughout the United States and Canada. We will now speak more fully concerning each of these three men. Sylvester Lundy. Very brief, indeed, is the account that has come down to us concerning this man who leads the list of our Lundy fore- fathers. We know his name and the town he lived in and that he begot a son Richard. These items, so meager and barely sufficient for the inscription on a tombstone, comprise the whole record ; there is nothing else known about him. No definite answer can be given to the many queries which naturally arise concerning his rank, occupation and religious belief, his wife, and his other .children, if others there were, and his parentage and remote ancestry. 6 SYLVESTER LUNDY. But our authority for what Httle we do know is excellent ; and a great satisfaction it is to have the history of the Lundy Family open, not with some vague tantalizing tradition, but with matter of early historical record. Our authority is an official entry which was made about 1685 in a book kept by a public officer in pursuance of a colonial law. The entry begins thus : "Richard Lundy, of x\xminster, in the County of Devon, son of Sylvester Lundy, of the said town in old England . . ." These words, as it will appear when we describe more fully the document from which they are quoted, were undoubtedly taken down by the Register of Bucks County, Pennsylvania, from the lips of Richard himself. We have now told all that is known about Sylvester Lundy and have given ouir authority ; and yet although we have a long genealogical story to tell, we cannot pass on at once, but feel that we must pause and muse in reverent spirit as by the side of an ancient grave newly-found wherein rests one of whom we would fain learn' more. Here, too, seems to l)e the appropriate place in our narrative to introduce a short account of Axminster, "the said town in old England," the trans-atlantic home of our ancestor Sylvester Lundy. What and where is Axminster, and why was it so named ? Devon is one of the southern counties of England, and Axmin- ster is one of the southern towns of Devon. It is a small market-town with less than three thousand inhabitants, on the river Axe, three miles from the English Channel. It is much too small to be on the map in a common geography ; on a map of larger scale, it will be found on the southern coast-line of Eng- land a little west of the Isle of Wight. How came the place to have that name? The word minster has the same origin as the word monastery, and means a church, a place of worship, and hence Axminster means the church on the river Axe. More than a thousand years ago King Aethelstan of England defeated the heathen Danes, who had invaded his realm, in a great battle on the banks of the river Axe ; and in his gratitude he erected a church on the field of his victory and called it Axminster. Gradually a village grew up around the church, and the name Axminster was then used to designate the town as well as the sacred edifice. Some persons who were carpet-weavers by trade settled there and made the place famous by the excellency RICHARD LUNDY I. 7 and peculiar style of their handiwork; and although this par- ticular form of industry long ago lost its characteristic import- ance at that village, yet the word Axminster as designating a certain make of carpet is still used everywhere in the commer- cial world. Richard Lundy the First. Richard Lundy I., the only known child of Sylvester, was the Founder of the Lundy Family in America. Richard left his native land for the New World during Sixth month, 1676, a date easily remembered, being exactly one hundred years before the Declaration of Independence. Sixth month was August, for in those times March was counted the first month of the year. He sailed from Bristol, an important sea port on the western coast of England, and landed at Boston in the province of Massachusetts. He remained in New England among the Puritans nearly six years ; but not a single item of information concerning his place of residence or his experience during that interval has come down to us. From history, we know that it was an uneventful period for the people of New England, a period of rest after their terrific conflict against the confederated Indians under King Philip. Richard's sojourn among the Puritans ended in 1682; on the 19th of 3rd month (May) in that year, he embarked and sailed for the Delaware river. What motives he had for leaving New England, we do not know ; but we do know that Pennsylvania was just at that time being energetically boomed as an ideal home for settlers. William Penn, the grandest figure in American colonial his- tory, was so good that we sometimes forget how wise and shrewd he was. Penn got his charter from Charles II. in March, 1781, and immediately published a circular describing his new country in glowing terms ; he then began to issue a series of public letters, which kept his colony before the eyes of the world ; and finally the great Proprietor himself set sail and reached Pennsylvania during the last week in October, 1682, and founded the city of Philadelphia. The total population of Pennsylvania at that time was estimated at six thousand; and immigrants continued to arrive at the rate of one thousand a year. Richard Lundy came to Pennsylvania in 1682 ; two years later he secured some real estate and took to himself a wife. In the Minutes of the Board of Property of the Province of s RICHARD LUNDY I. Pennsylvania, under date of 15 of 12 month, 1702, the following entry is found : "The Prop'ry, by a Patent, dated 6, 5 month, 1684, Granted to Rich'd Lundy 200 Acres of Land Situate in the County of Bucks at a penny pr. Acre, laid out 10, 6 month, 1682-3. R'd Lundy by Ind'r dated 8, 7 month, 1683, Granted the Said Land to Jacob Telnor." See Pennsylvania Archives, Second Series, vol. xix., page 359. He came to the Delaware river in 1682; and, so far as the records show, he seems to have made his first purchase of land in 1684; hence it is surprising to find the name of Richard Lundy on a map of that river dated 1681. It is suggested that the map may have been at first an outline sketch, and that the names of new-comers who took up land may have been inserted afterward. Mr. W. J. Buck in his history of Bucks county names Richard Lundy among the original owners of land in Bristol township. There was at that time living in Falls township a widow, Rebecca Bennet,. with her four unmarried daughters, Elizabeth, Rebecca, Sarah, and Ann. William Bennet, the father, then recently deceased, had left by will to each of his girls £30 in money and 200 acres of land. Richard Lundy L and Elizabeth Bennet were married by Friends' ceremony on 20 of 8 month, 1684. On 22 of 2 month, 1685, Elizabeth attended the wedding | of Joseph English and Joan Comly and signed their marriage certificate as one of the witnesses. Richard L owns a farm now and has a wife; of course, he ought to keep a cow or two. And he did ; even that is a matter of record, for he is described as an "owner of cattle." Very little land was fenced in ; it all lay out to the common. The early settlers allowed their live stock to roam at large through the woods and browse on the natural grass. Sometimes the cattle would stray far away and be gone a long time ; and in some cases it would be difficult for the owner to recognize his cattle and prove his right of property thereto to the satisfaction of neighbors or strangers ; and therefore each settler, before he turned his cows and calves loose for the summer, marked each of them plainly. He cut their ears in a certain way, or else he took a red-hot iron and blistered them on the shoulder leaving a permanent scar in the shape of a letter, criss-cross or other character. Marks thus made were easily seen and recognized, and could .be described with accuracy. Only one thing was yet RICHARD LUNDY I. ^ necessary for the successful working of this system of identi- fication ; and that was that no two owners should use the same mark. To this end, a registrar was appointed for the whole county, whose duty it was to keep in a book a list of all cattle owners with the marks used by each.. Indeed, the law of the province expressly declared that all cattle whatsoever of a year old and upwards should be accompted strayes which were not marked on the ear or otherwise with a brand mark. The book of registered cattle-marks for Bucks county was kept by Phineas- Pemberton at Penn's Manor, and bears the date 1684; this realistic relic of pioneer Hfe is still in existence, and may be seen at the library of the Pennsylvania Historical Society in Philadelphia. It is twelve inches long by four wide, contains about forty pages and is margined with a thumb index. The title on the outside of the parchment cover is "A Record of the Earc and Brand Marks for Bucks in Pennsylvania." The book contains one hundred five sets of ear-marks arranged six on a page ; and among them is the cattle-mark of Richard the First, which is here reproduced. The outline sketch or drawing represents the forehead and ears of a cow as she would stand facing her owner. The left ear half way down on the lower edge has a slit cvit in ; the right ear has a slit downward at the point, and is also cropped with a half- penny undercut. Neither ear-tip is cropped. The original drawings are not with- out a touch of the picturesque ; all the natural outline is in black, but all slits and the margins of all crops are penciled in red as though fresh-cut. A law requiring the enrollment of all emigrants was enacted at New Castle, on the loth day of the 3rd month, 1684, by the Governor and the Provincial Council and Assembly; and the EAR-MARK FOR CATTLE, REGISTERED IN 1684 BY RICHARD LUNDY I. OF BUCKS CO., PA. lO RICHARD LUNDY I. said law is herewith quoted in full as printed on page 170 in a volume entitled "The Charter of William Penn and Laws of the Province of Pennsylvania passed between the years 1682- 1700." "Chap. CLXIII. That there be a Registry kept of all free- man, as well as servants, that already are, or from time to time shall come, into this Province and territories not already regis- tered ; to which end all persons inhabiting therein are hereby required at or before the first day of the fifth month next ensu- ing, and afterwards all that shall henceforward come to inhabit in any County within this Government within three months after arrival to deliver in the names of his or her family, male and female, old and young, unto the Register of the respective Counties where bee, shee or they inhabit, To be by him regis- tered in a book or bookes for that purpose with their ages as neer as may be and where they wore born ; or from what part of Europe or other parts they came ; From whom the said Reg- ister respectively, shall have and demand no more than Three pence a peece. And if any person refuse or neglect to bring in the names of his or her or their families to be registered as aforesaid, within the time aforelimited, he shall for the said offence forfeit five shillings a head." Let us now turn to the register-book that was opened and kept in Bucks county as directed by the foregoing law. Four of the entries found in it have a bearing on the history of the Lundy family and are given herewith. "James Harrison of Bolton in the County of Lancaster, aged about 57 years. Shoemaker, and Ann his wife, aged about 61 years, Sailed from Liverpool, for this province in the ship the "Submission" of Liverpool, the M'r., James Settle, the 5th of the 7th Mo., 1682, and arrived at Choptank in Maryland the 2 1 St 9th Mo. following, being brought thither through the dis- honesty of the master, and arrived at Apoquinemene in this province the 15th of the nth Mo. following"; and then the record enumerates five persons who accompanied James and Ann Harrison, namely: Agnes Harrison, aged 81 years, mother of James ; Phebe. daughter of James Harrison and wife of Phineas Pemberton ; Robert Bond, Alice Dickerson, and Jane Lyon. James Harrison was a minister in the Religious Society of Friends ; he was the Stewart of William Penn and had charge of Penn's mansion and manor in Bucks county. RICHARD LUNDY I. il "William Bennet of Hammondsworth [Harmonds worth, near Longford] in the County of Middlesex, yeoman, and Rebecca his wife, arrived in this river 9th Mo., 1683, in the ship the "Jefifrey" of London. The Mr. Thomas Arnold." "Richard Lundy, of Axminster in the County of Devon, son of Sylvester Lundy of the said town in old England, came in a Catch from Bristol (the Mr. William Browne) for Boston in New Englanil, in the 6th Mo., 1676, and from thence came for this river [Delaware] the 19th of the 3d Mo., 1682." "Elizabeth Bennet, daughter of William Bennet late of the County of Bucks, and now wife to the aforesaid Richard Lundy, came from Longford in the County of Middlesex, in the ship the "Concord" of London. The Mr. William Jeffrey, Arrived in this river the 8th Mo., 1683." And then a few lines further down in the original record, a private memorandum by the Register of Bucks county is found, which reads: "I have given C. Taylor an acct. thus far, ist 3d Mo., 1686." Hence we conclude that the original entries just quoted concerning Richard Lundy and Elizabeth Bennet his wife, must have been made subsequently to the date of their marriage, 20 of 8 month, 1684, and prior to i of 3 month, 1686, the day on which the Register of Bucks county certified that he had furnished an official transcript to Christopher Taylor, the Register-General of the Province. Whether or not the original register-book for Bucks county is yet in existence, is not known ; but the Historical Society of Pennsylvania has in its possession a certified copy of the original. In 1885, the whole record was published in the Pennsylvania Magaainc of History and Biog- raphy, under the heading "A Partial List of the Families who Resided in Bucks County, Pennsylvania, Prior to 1687, with the Date of their Arrival"; see Vol. IX., pp. 223-234. If there be no confusion concerning the names of ships and masters, William Bennet and his daughter Elizabeth came from England about the same time Imt in different vessels ; but it is possible that the names of ship and master were incorrectly reported from memory. The ship "Submission" had been two months and sixteen days in crossing the ocean; two months' time was in those days deemed a prosperous voyage ; and the two weeks extra in this case were caused by unfavorable weather, which was the captain's excuse for landing his pas- sengers in Maryland. It may be remarked that the age of i2 RICHARD LUNDY 1. Richard Lundy is unfortunately omitted from the Register- book, and that Richard had not enrolled himself within the time- limit set by the statute, and hence had rendered himself techni- cally liable to the forfeiture of five shillings for neglect. Elizabeth (Bennet) Lundy, wife of Richard Lundy L, was buried on 14 of 6 month, 1687, less than three years after her marriage. A record of births and deaths among Friends was kept from 1682 to 171 1; only one Lundy burial is entered therein, that of Elizabeth herself; and no Lundy birth is recorded prior to 1692. The absence of a record of the birth of any Lundy child would seem to indicate that Elizabeth left no issue ; but, on the other hand, John Lundy of Bucks county, concerning whom we will speak fully a few pages further on, may have been her son. In 1688, William Penn confirmed to Richard Lundy a tract of land containing one thousand acres situate in Buckingham township, Bucks county. Pa. It was a fine piece of property fronting a mile on the old York Road, well-watered, embracing primeval forest and a lovely valley of unsurpassed fertility. An early survey of certain portions of Buckingham township is still extant and 'bears date 1703; a map of it, published by Gen. W. H. H. Davis in his History of Bucks County, shows a rectangular block of land inscribed as follows : "Rich'd Lundy 1025 A Laid out for 1000 A" Adjoining tracts were owned by Edmund Kinsey and Thomas Bye on the east, by Jno. Reynolds on the south, and by John Smith on the west. The middle point of a straight north-and- south line joining Easton and Philadelphia marks approxi- mately the position of the Lundy plantation in Bucks county. The village of Buckingham is seven miles from the Delaware river, and is about twenty-five miles south of Easton and the same distance north of Philadelphia. When and how was this tract disposed of? Only a partial answer can be given. Thomas Canby is said to have bought a part of a Lundy tract near Centreville in 1693 ; and James Lenox is said to have pur- chased, some years after this, 400 acres of land from Richard Lundy. The Lundy tract was near the recently-established post-ofifice named Holicong, and is now owned by the Paxsons, Elys and others. Richard Lundy owned land in Bristol-bor- JANE LYON, 13 oiigh, Bucks county, in 1706; and Watson's map showing owners of land in 1726 places the name of Richard Lundy on a tract along the Delaware river near the Penn Manor. In the fourth year after the death of his first wife, Richard Lundy I. married again. His second wife was Jane Lyon, the Quaker maiden previously mentioned as having come to America with the family of James Harrison. They were mar- ried at the Falls Monthly Meeting in Bucks county, Pa., on 24 of 4 mo. (June), 1691 ; and to them there was born in Bucks county on 20th day of 3rd month, 1692, a son Richard, desig- nated in this genealogy as Richard Lundy H., who married Elizabeth Large, settled finally in Warren county, N. J., and there died on 28th of 2nd month, 1772. We now quote from the minutes of the Buckingham Monthly Meeting two sen- tences relating to the marriage of Richard Lundy L and Jane Lyon. The minutes of a Meeting held in Falls township on the 1st day of the 2nd month, 1691, state that "Richard Lundy and Jane Lyon proposed their intentions of taking each other in marriage ; it being the first time, the meeting appoints John Cook and Joseph Kirkbride to inquire concerning his clearness and give an account to the next meeting" ; and the minutes of a meeting held at the house of Henry Baker on the 6th day of 3rd month, 1691, state that "Joseph Kirkbride relates that he hath made inquiry concerning Richard Lundy and finds nothing but that he may proceed with Jane Lyon ; Richard Lundy and Jane Lyon proposed their intentions of taking each other in marriage ; it being the second time and nothing appearing but that both parties are clear, the meeting leaves them to their liberty to accomplish the same." We insert here a literal copy of the marriage certificate of Richard Lundy I. and Jane Lyon : Richard Lundy of ye County of Bucks & province of Penn- silvania, husbandman, and Jane Lyon of ye Aforesaid County & province, spinster, having intentions of taking each other in mariage, did publish their said intentions according to law as also did declare them before severall publique meetings of ye people of god called Quakers whose proceedings therein, after deliberat consideration and consent of pairf:ys concerned, were Aproved by ye meetings ; Therefore these may certifie all whom it may concerne that on ye 24th day of ye fifourth mo., 1691, they ye said Richard Lundy and Jane Lyon Apeared in a pub- 14 RICHARD LUNDY I. lique & sollem assembly of ye said people mett together for ye end and purpose at ye publique meeting-house of ye aforesaid people, near the ffals of Dellaware in ye county aforesaid, according to ye example of ye holly men of god recorded in ye Scriptures of truth. He ye said Rich : Lundy, taking ye said Jane Lyon by ye hand, did openly declare as followeth, — ffriends, in ye presence of ye Lord & before you his people, I take this my ffriend Jane Lyon to be my wife, promising to be to her a faithful and loveing husband till death seperat us. And then and there in ye said assembly, she ye said Jane Lyon did in like manner declare as followeth, — ffriends, in ye fear of ye Lord & Before you his people, I take this my ffriend Rich : Lundy to be my husband, promising to be to him, through ye assistance of ye Lord, a faitlifull & loveing wife till it shall please god by death to seperat us. And ye said Rich : Lundy and Jane his now wife, as a further confinnation thereof, did then & there to these presents sett their hand Richard Lundy Jane Lundy And we whose names are here unto subscribed were wit- nesses to the said solemnization and subscription. Thomas Janney Rebecca Williams William Biles Ann Bennet William Baker Sarah Bennet James Dilworth Jane Biles John Martin Ann Dilworth John Philley Margery Hough Richard Hough Phebe Pemberton John Rowland Alice Dickerson Edward Mayes Priscila Rowland Phineas Pemberton Phebe Kirkbrid James Burges Sarah Cowgill Joseph Kirkbrid Mary Beckett Joseph Steward James Haworth Henry Sidall James Moone James Burges Joseph Burges JANE LYON. 15 The certificate .q'iven al)ove was transcribed l)y me from an old book now in the possession of the Middletown (Hicksite) Society of Friends, entitled "The Qnarterly Meeting Record for MarriajG^e Certificates in lUicks County, Beginning in the yeare 1683." In looking over tlie list of witnesses present at the wedding, it may be noted that not one among them, so far as is known, was of kin by blood to either the bride or the groom. Reliecca Williams, formerly Mrs. William Bennet, was the mother, and Ann and Sarah Bennet were the sisters, of Richard's first wife. Jane Lyon was born in England in April. 1666; she was sixteen years old when she came to America, and twenty-five years old when she married Richard. The ship "Submission" which she came in set sail on 5 of 7 month. 1682, and arrived in Chespeake bay, Maryland, on 21 of 9 month, 1682. A comparison of dates shows that the ship "Welcome" bear- ing William Penn on his first visit to America, was crossing the Atlantic ocean during this very time. Some of the passengers on disembarking from the "Submission" remained in the Chop- tank. Maryland ; but others, including those with whom Jane had come, soon removed to Bucks county. Pa. So it appears that Richard and Jane, not knowing of each other's existence, reached the land of William Penn within a year of each other, he by way of Delaware bay from New Eng- land, and she by way of Chespeake bay from Old England. "The Harrison and Pemberton families," says Watson in his Annals of Philadelphia and Pennsylvania in the Olden Time, Vol. L. page 47. "came over together among 50 passengers in the ship" Submission." Capt. James Settle, from Liverpool. The terms of passage were £4 5s. for all persons over twelve years of age, for all children £2 2s. 6d., and for all goods, £30 per ton. Their contract was 'to proceed to Delaware river or elsewhere in Pennsylvania to the best conveniency of freighters.' It may serve to know the execution of such voyages to learn that by distress of weather they were landed in the 'Potuxen River in Maryland' whence they came to Philadelphia and pro- ceded thence to Pennsbury neighborhood [Falls township, Bucks county], where they settled and occupied places of dis- tinguished trust. When James Harrison and his son-in-law, Phineas Pemberton. first entered Philadelphia on horseback, from Choptank in Maryland, the latter records that at that time l6 RICHARD LUNDY I. (Nov., 1682), they could not procure entertainment there for their horses ; 'they therefore spancelled them [by leathern hopples, I presume] and turned them out in the woods ! They sought them next morning in vain, and after two days' search [think what a wide range they must have enjoyed] they were obliged to take a boat to proceed up the river to Bucks county. One of those horses was not found till the succeeding January !" Although the records indicate that Richard Lundy I. was at an early day the owner of real estate situate in the township of Buckingham, the numerous references to Richard, found on the minutes of the Falls Monthly Meeting between 1693 and 1701, prove that he and his wife resided during that period in Falls township. The last occurrence that I observed of the name of Richard Lundy I. on the minutes of the Falls Monthly Meeting was in 1701. The record for the 4th month of that year says : "Agreed that Joseph Kirkbride and Edmund Lovet and Richard Lundy endeavor to find a spring near the meeting house and, if they find one, get it opened and cleaned" ; and two months later, it is stated that "the friends who were appointed to seek for a spring do say that they have searched, and cannot find one above the ground that is convenient to the meeting house." Jane Lyon had come to the New World unaccompanied by her parents, and she was therefore entitled, according to the homestead law of the colony, to fifty acres of land. At last, Richard L applied to the Board of Property of the Province of Pennsylvania for the head-land of his wife, Jane Lyon. In the Pennsylvania Archives, second series, vol. xix., page 643, under date of 18 of i month, 1717-18, we find that Richard Lundy, of the County of Bucks, had made it appear by the evi- dence of Joseph Mather that Richard's present wife (then Jane Lyon) came into this province with the families of Phineas Pemberton and James Harrison, and that Jane was entitled to head-land which had never yet been laid out ; and therefore Richard now desired it might be granted, which was complied with ; and a warrant was signed, dated 10, 9ber, 1718. Richard Lundy L was living in 1734; on the 8 day of 8th month in that year, his granddaughter, Mary Lundy, was mar- ried to Robert Willson at Plumstead, and among the witnesses were Richard Lundy (the bride's father), Richard Lundy (the JANE LYON. 17 bride's brother, aged nineteen), and Richard Lundy, senior (the bride's grandfather, who had been in America fifty-eight years). "Richard Lundy, Senior," presented to the Exeter Monthly Meeting in Berks County, Pa., on 24 of 9 month, 1737, a cer- tificate of membership from the Buckingham Monthly Meeting; this is probably Richard Lundy L ; and it is the last time that he is mentioned on the minutes. The said certificate contains no reference to his wife Jane ; hence it may be inferred that she had died previous to that date. Richard Lundy L probably died at Maiden creek, Berks county, f^a., about 1738; his name is not found among the witnesses to the marriage certificate of his grandson in 1739. Many years thereafter, a testimonial concerning their son, which was publicly approved by the Kingwood Monthly Meet- ing and signed by order of said Meeting at Hardwick the 13th of 8th month, 1772, mentions Richard and Jane Lundy as "Pro- fessors of the Truth with us," a statement which shows that Richard and Jane continued to walk in the plain and peaceful ways of the Society of Friends and died in that religious faith. The life of Richard Lundy, the Founder, has now been pre- sented as fully as it is possible to do from the scattered and detached references to him which have been discovered ; but we must return to the question of how many children he had. There was a certain John Lundy of Bucks county. Pa., and there was also a Margaret Lundy of the same place, possibly John's wife. Was this John Lundy a son of Richard Lundy, the Founder? This question cannot be answered conclusively from the scant evidence which has thus far been discovered. I will now state all the facts that are known concerning this John Lundy. John Lundy and Margaret Lundy were witnesses to the cer- tificate of Richard Lundy and Elizabeth Large, who were married in the township of Buckingham on 3rd day of 4th month, 1714, Margret's name standing immediately below John's, that being the usual order of signature for husband and wife ; and the names of John and Margret appear in the list just after those of the near kinsmen of the bride. A petition was presented in March, 1725, to the Court of Quarter Sessions of Bucks county. Pa., for the erection of a new township ; and among those who signed this petition were John Lundy and Richard Lundy, Jr. (2) l8 RICHARD LUNDY II. The name of John Lundy appears among the witnesses to the marriage certificate of Mary Lundy and Robert Willson, which is dated at Pkimstead, Bucks county, Pa., 8 of 8 month, 1734; and the name of Margret Lundy is among the witnesses to the marriage of Richard Lundy IIL and Ann Willson at Bucking- ham, Bucks county. Pa., on 10 of 8 month, 1739. "John Lundy and Richard Lundy, Jr.," says Gen. W. H. H. Davis in his History of Bucks County, "were among the origi- nal settlers of Solebury Township." In the library of the Pennsylvania Historical Society at Phila- delphia, there is a manuscript history of the townships of Buck- ingham and Solebury by John Watson ; and it is stated therein that a number of Friends came from Long Island in 1705 and in the list are given the names of John and Richard Lundy. Without questioning the fact of a Quaker migration from Long Island, we know that Watson's statement concerning Richard Lundy is erroneous, and it is possible that his statement concern- ing John Lundy is also erroneous. On 14 day of i month. 1751, a certain John Lundy presented to the Kingwood M. M. in Hunterdon county, N. J., a certificate of membership from the Gwynedd M. M. in Montgomery county, Pa. Query — Was John of Gwynedd identical with John of Bucks? Such are the facts. In the absence of further data, it is natural to suppose that John Lundy was a son of Richard Lundy I. by his first wife, Elizabeth Bennet. But this is a mere assumption ; there is no proof. John's birth is not found of record ; but the matter of registration might easily have been neglected amid the grief and changes attendant on Elizabeth's death in 6 month. 1687. in the third year after her marriage. Richard Lundy the Second. He was the son of Richard and Jane (Lyon) Lundy, and grandson of Sylvester Lundy of Axminister. He was born in Bucks county, Pa., on the 20th day of the 3rd month (May), 1692; and died on the 28 day of the 2nd month (February), 1772, in the 80th year of his age, in the township of Allamuchy, County of Warren, N. J. He was buried in the yard of the Hardwick Society of Friends on the bank of the Request river. Richard Lundy II. lived during his childhood and youth, with his parents, near the Friends' meeting-house in Falls township ; his home was not far from the mansion of William Penn, so ELIZABETH LARGE. 19 that this first American-born Lundy, when a lad of eight or nine years, must frequently have seen and sometimes heard the great Quaker statesman ; for Penn lived at the mansion during his second visit to America in 1700-01 and was a regular attend- ant at tlie little meeting-house for worship, and there, too, sometimes lifted up his voice in prayer and exhortation. Richard Lundy 11. and Elizabeth Large, daughter of Joseph Large of Bucks county, Pa., were married on 3 of 4 month, 1714. Two extracts are given herewith from the records of the Falls Monthly Meeting, Bucks county. Pa. : 7th of 2 mo., 1714. "Richard Lundy. Junior, and Elizabeth Large proposed their intentions of marriage ; it being the first time, this meeting doth appoint Joseph Fell and William Lacy to inquire into his clear- ness and conversation and make report to next meeting." 5th of 3 mo., 1714. "Richard Lundy and Elizabeth Large proposed their inten- tions of marriage : it being the second time, and nothing appear- ing to obstruct they are left to their liberty to proceed according to truth, therefore this meeting doth appoint Thomas Bye and Joseph Fell to see it orderly accomplished." The ]\Iarriage Certificate of Richard Lundy IL and Elizabeth Large is given in the Record of Marriages for Hardwick and Randolph Monthly Meeting, Warren and Morris counties. New Jersey ; it is the first certificate that was filed and copied, and begins on page one : — Whereas Richard Lundy. son of Richard Lundy, of the Township of Buckingham in the County of Bucks and Province of Pennsylvania, Batchelor, and Elizabeth Large (daughter of Joseph Large of the County of Bucks and Province of Pennsyl- vania, aforesaid, deceased). Spinster, haveing declared their intentions of Marriage with each other Before several Monthly Meetings of the People Called Quakers in the County of Bucks aforesaid according to the good order used amongst them, whose proceedings therein after a deliberate Consideration thereof, and haveing Consent of Parents & Relations Con- cerned. Nothing appearing to Obstruct, were approved of by the said Meetings . . . Now these are to certifie all whome it may concern that for the full accomplishment of their said Intentions this third dav of the fourth Month One Thousand 20 RICHARD LUNDY II. seven Hundred and fourteen ; they the said Richard Lundy & Elizabeth Large appeared in a Pubhk Meeting of the said People & others met togather at their usual meeting house in the Township of Buckingham & County aforesaid & the said Richard Lundy Takeing the said Elizabeth Large by the hand did in a solem maner openly declare that he took her to be his wife Promising to be unto her a loveing & Faithfull husband j untill Death should them seperate ; & then & there in the said Assembly she the said Elizabeth Large did in like manner I declare that she did take the said Richard Lundy to be her husband Promising to be unto him a loveing & faithfull wife untill death should them seperate ; Moreover, the said Richard Lundy & Elizabeth Large (she according to the Custom of Marriage assuming the Name of her husband) as a further Confirmation thereof did then & there to these Presents set their hands & we whose Names are here under subscribed, being amongst others Present at the solemnization of their said Marriage & subscription in maner aforesaid as Witnesses there- unto have also to these Presents set our hands the day & year above written. Richard Lundy, junr. Elizabeth Lundy. {Witnesses.) Richard Lundy Jane Skelton Joseph Large Mary Scarlirough John Large Mary Pickring Jacob Large Enoch Pearson Daniel Large John Skelton Sarah Large Ja : Holcombe John Lundy Jon. Scarbrough Margret Lundy Jon. Dawson Margret Pearson Jon. Hulcombe A list of the nine children of Richard Lundy the Second and his wife Elizabeth Large is found on the first page of the Record of Births kept by the Hardwick Society of Friends in Warren county, New Jersey. The names and dates are printed herewith word for word and line for line as written in the original record. Richard Lundy, son of Richard and Elizabeth Lundy, was born ye 23d day of the 4th Month in the year I7i5- I ELIZABETH LARGE. 2 1 Mary Lundy, daughter of Richard and Elizabeth Lunday, was Born ye 6th day of the 1 1 Month in the year 1716. Joseph Lundy, son of Richard and EHzabeth Lundy, was Born ye 24th day of the 4th Month in the year ^7^9- Jacob Lundy, son of Richard and Elizabeth Lundy, was Born ye 15th day of the 6th Month in the year 1721. Martha Lundy, daughter of Richard and Elizabeth Lundy, was Born ye ist day of the 6th Month in the year 1723- Thomas Lundy, son of Richard and Elizabeth Lundy, was Born ye 14th day of the 6th Month in the year 1725. Samuel Lundy, son of Richard and Elizabeth Lundy, was Born ye 13th day of the 12th Month in the year 1727. Elizabeth Lundy, daughter of Richard and Elizabeth Lundy, was Born ye loth day of the 3d Month in the year i730- Margaret Lundy, daughter of Richard and Elizabeth- Lundy, was Born ye 14th day of the 12th Month in the year 1732. Here our genealogical tree divides into many branches ; but, before considering that question, it will be well to string together such scattered items concerning the parents themselves as have been culled from various sources. Richard and Elizabeth lived for twenty-three years (1714- 1737) in Bucks county. Pa.; and then for ten years (1737- 1747) at Maiden Creek in Berks county. Pa.; and then (1747, until their deaths) in the township of AUamuchy, Warren county, N. J. The dates of removal are accurately determined from the certificate of membership given to them on each occasion by the Friends' meeting. They dwelt at first in Buckingham township, which is in the centre of Bucks county. Being at an inconvenient distance from any meeting-house, Richard and those Friends who had settled near him applied to the Falls Monthly Meeting for per- mission to organize a new Society ; their request was granted on 24 of 9 month, 1720, and they built the meeting-house at Buckingham that same year. The first entry in their book of minutes is dated 6 of 10 month, 1720 ; and the first pages are taken up almost exclusively by a long account of the efforts made by the Society at its monthly meetings to adjust a dispute between Christopher Topham and Richard Lundy IL concerning a bond and a book- debt. ^2 RICHARD LUNDY it Richard and his family soon moved to Plumstead, which was seven miles to the northwest. This was in 1724; for in the Buckingham minutes of that year, 2 of 10 month Richard Lundy, Junior, is alluded to as "now being Removed Ffar of." The location of their new home is indicated on an old map of that vicinity, drawn March 11, 1724, which places Richard's land in the southwestern part of the present township of Plum- stead. Among the petitioners to the Court of Quarter Sessions in March, 1725, for the erection of a new township were John Lundy and Richard Lundy, Jr. Here Richard was again active in organizing a new Society of Friends ; and as a result the Plumstead Preparative meeting was. established as a branch of the Buckingham monthly meet- ing. By this we understand that the Friends living in the vicinity of Plumstead were still enrolled at Buckingham and constituted a part of that monthly meeting; but that, in con sideration of their distance away they were permitted to hold meetings for worship at Plumstead in private dwellings at first until they greW strong enough to build a meeting-house. In 1730 they bought a lot and put up a log meeting-house; the deed for the land is dated January the 19th, and the trustees named therein are Richard Lundy IL, William Michener, Josiah Dyer and Joseph Dyer. At a monthly meeting held on 7th of II month, 1728-9, Josiah Dyer and Ehester Browne declared their intentions of marriage ; and the meeting appointed William Michenor and Richard Lundy [IL], Junior, to make inquiry into the s'd Josiah's clearness, which they did, and in due time reported "nothing to obstruct." On 4 of 4 month, 1729, Richard Lundy [II.], Jr., made a complaint before the Falls Monthly Meeting against a member for detain- ing a just debt; and two months later, Richard was left to his liberty to recover his money as the law directs. The statements copied below are taken from the records of the Monthly Meeting : 5th of 3 mo., 1735, at Buckingham. "Richard Lundy [IL], Junior, requested a certificate for himself, wife, and family to Gwynodd Monthly Meeting in order to join themselves thereto." 6th of 8 mo., 1735. "This meeting appoints Cephas Child to serve as an Elder in the place of Richard Lundy, for Plumstead Meeting. At this ELIZABETH LARGE. 23 meeting those friends that were appointed to inquire into Richard Lundy's clearance report that they find nothing to hinder his having a certificate ; they also brought one according to the order of the meeting which was read and ordered to be signed by the clerk in behalf of the meeting." 3rd of 9 mo., 1735. "This meeting appoints Lawrence Pearson and Joseph Brown as overseers m room of Richard Lundy and William iVIichenor for Plumstead Meeting." Richard Lundy IL and his family seem to have lived in Berks county for ten years. Their home is said to have been at Maiden Creek, which is about ten miles north of the city of Reading and about midway between the rivers Delaware and Susquehanna. Maiden Creek is the name of a village, of a township and of a stream of water. Those members of Friends' Society who lived at Maiden Creek were at first under the jurisdiction of the Gwynedd Monthly Meeting in Montgomery county. Pa. ; but in 1737 the Exeter Monthly Meeting was established in Berks county, and Friends living at Maiden Creek were assigned to the new meeting. For more than sixty years, 1682- 1744, the Quakers held con- trol of the Pennsylvania legislative assembly, and, of course, no military measures were taken to protect the people against the Indians. This caused great dissatisfaction to the non- Quaker element of the population, who succeeded in electing a majority of the legislature, and in 1747 passed a law permitting volunteer military organizations to be formed. This first serious blow at Quaker predominance marks the year in which the Lundy households removed to New Jersey. During Fifth month, 1747, Richard Lundy IL removed from Berks county. Pa., and settled in the valley of the Request river, at the upper end of the Great Meadows, in what is now AUa- muchy township, Warren county, N. J. In his new home he was far away from any organized Society of Friends; and so his certificate of membership was addressed to a Friends' Society in Hunterdon county, N. J., a meeting which has borne during its long history three different official titles — Bethlehem, Kingwood and Quakertown. On 25 of 4 month, 1747, he had requested from the Exeter Monthly Meeting a certificate for himself and family to the 24 RICHARD LUNDY II. Bethlehem Monthly Meeting, N. J.; and the women's records of the same place and date show that Elizabeth Lundy had applied for a certificate to Bethlehem "jointly with her husband and children" ; and an entry on the Exeter minutes dated 30 of 5 month, 1747, states that Elizabeth Lundy had removed with her husband to Bethlehem. Richard and Elizabeth and their minor children became members of the Bethlehem Meeting on presentation of their certificate on 8 of 8 month, 1747. Four of Richard and Elizabeth's children of mature age had pre- viously settled at the Great Meadows. At a Council of New Jersey held at Burlington 28 March, 1749, Richard Lundy was nominated as a justice of the peace for the County of Morris, which was assented to by the Coun- cil.— N. J. Archives, Vol. XVL, page 91. On 8th of 4 month, 1749, Richard Lundy, Sr., was appointed an Elder of' the meeting at Great Meadows by the Kingwood Monthly Meeting, N. J.. On 11 of 4 month, 1754, Josiah Dyer, Richard Lundy, Senior, and Samuel Schooley were appointed by the Kingwood Monthly Meeting to pay religious visits to the families of Friends belonging to Hardwick branch. There is a series of books, twelve in number, entitled Friends' Miscellany, the eighth volume of which, page 349, gives a short history of the Kingwood and Hardwick Monthly Meeting, wherein it is stated that Daniel Stanton and Joshua Emlen, two traveling Quaker preachers, visited Friends in those parts in 1764, and that they had a large meeting at Kingwood to edifi- cation and comfort, and that they went "thence to Richard Lundy's at the Great Meadows and had a meeting at his house, where was a number of tender hearted youth and others." The patriarchal Richard was now nearing the close of a long and well-spent life, and his heart rejoiced when he saw the goodly number and promising character of his descendants, so many of whom had gathered there on this occasion for public worship. In the course of conversation, Richard spoke to Daniel Stanton and said, "I have seventy children and grand- children ; and some of them are valuable Friends." Zeal and devotion to his religion led Richard Lundy IL to accept all appointments to attend the meetings of his Society. The monthly meetings were held alternately at Kingwood (now Quakertown), and Hardwick, the quarterly meetings at Bur- lington, N. J. ; and the yearly meetings at Philadelphia. These RICHARD LUNDY II. 2$ were no light undertakings, considering the distances, the con- dition of the roads, and the modes of travehng in use at that time. "Kingwood Monthly Meeting's Testimony concerning our ancient Friend and Elder Richard Lundy : "He was son of Richard and Jane Lundy of Bucks Co., Pa., Professors of the truth with us, born the 20th of the 3rd mo., 1692. He was a man much esteemed amongst Friends and others, being of a meek and quiet spirit, exemplary in life and conversation and a pattern of plainness and simplicity, diligent in attending meetings for worship and discipline, duly observ- ing the hour appointed, and in contribution for the service thereof gave freely according to his ability. He often gave up to attend monthly, quarterly and yearly meetings with great willingness even in his declining years until the indisposition of his wife rendered that service impracticable. He was an affectionate husband, a tender father and a kind friend, punc- tual and just in his dealings among men, evidencing to the world that he was concerned to do to others as he would have them do to him. His house was freely opened for those who travelled in the work of the ministry whose company he greatly valued, and often cheerfully travelled with such as a guide to other meetings. He lived in the fear of the Lord and was much concerned that love and unity might be maintained among Friends, and deeply affected when anything of a contrary nature arose to obstruct it. In his last illness, which was but short, he entirely refused the help of any physician, signifying his resignation to the Divine will, whether in life or death, and continued in a patient frame of mind when sensible, till his departure, which was on the 28th of the 2nd mo., 1772, aged near eighty years; and though our loss is great, we are comforted in the hope that he is gone to inherit the crown immortal which is laid up for all those who love and fear the Lord. He was decently buried in Friends' burying ground at Hard- wick the 29th of the same, attended by a large number of Friends and others. Signed by order of said meeting at Hard wick the 13th day of the 8th mo., 1772. By Jacob Smith, Clerk." / 26 RICHARD LUNDY II. The Last Will and Testament of Richard Lundy the Second, dated Feb. 21, iyy2, and recorded among Wills, Liber. 14, pages 440-442, in the Office of the Secretary of State, Tren- ton, N. J. : Richard Lundy "s Will. The twenty-first day of the Inventory second month in the year of our ^140. IS. I. Lord One Thousand Seven Hundred and Seventy two, I, Richard Lundy of Hardwick in the County of Sussex & in the Western Division of the Province of New Jersey, Being of perfect mind and memory and know- ing the mortality of my body, do make and ordain this my Last Will and Testament Touching such worldly estate wherewith it hath pleased God to bless me in this life which I give, devise, and dispose of in the following manner: First, it is my Will and I do Order that all my just debts and funeral charges be paid out of my personal estate. Secondly, I give unto Samuel Lundy, Junior, my Grandson, the sum of Six pounds. Thirdly, I give unto my Granddaughter Elizabeth Schooley the Younger, the Sum of Five pounds. Fourthly, I give unto my Three Granddaughters, Mary Willets, Charity Willits, and Martha Widifield, the sum of Ten pounds to be equally divided amongst them. Fithly, I give unto my two sons Jacob and Thomas Lundy the Sum of Five pounds each. And Lastly, I do give and bequeath unto my son Samuel Lundy whom 1 do constitute and ordain my sole Executor of this my Last Will and Testament all and every part of my lands and premises with all and every of the Appurtenances To Have and to Hold. All and every part of my said Lands unto my s'd son Samuel Lundy, to him, his Heirs and Assigns forever, together with all that Remains of my Personal Estate after the afs'd Sums are paid, I give and bequeath to my said son Samuel to him, and his Heirs and Assigns forever. And I do hereby utterly disallow, revoke, and disannul all and every former Testaments, Wills, Legacies, and Executors, by me in any wise before this time named, willed or bequeathed, ratifying and confirming this and no other to be my Last Will and Testament. Richard Lundy. (seal). feTCHARi) Lll>fDV II. 27 Sig^ned, sealed, published, pronounced, and declared by the said Richard Lundy as his Last Will and Testament in the presence of us the subscribers. Benjamin Heaton. Jacob Lundy. Deborah Willets. Benjamin 1 leaton & Jacob Lundy, two of the witnesses to the within Will (being of the People called Quakers) on their solemn affirmation which they respectfully took according to law, do declare that they saw Richard Lundy the Testator within, named sign & seal the same & heard him publish, pro- nounce and declare the within instrument to be his Last Will and Testament ; and that at the doing thereof the said Testator was of sound and disposing mind and memory as far as these affirmants know & as they verily believe. And that Deborah Willits, the other subscribing witness, was present & signed her name as a witness to the said Will together with these affirmants in the presence of the said Testator. Benjamin Heaton. Jacob Lundy. Affirmed at Newton the 13 day of May, 1772, Before me Thomas Anderson, Sur. The foregoing Will being proved, Probate was granted by His Excellancy William Franklin, Esq., to Samuel Lundy sole executor in said Will named, he being duly affirmed to perform the same, to exhibit a true inventory, and render a just and true account when thereunto lawfully required. Given under the Prerogative seal at Burlington on the day and year first above written. Chas. Pettit, Reg. In the preceding pages, I have arranged in chronological order and presented to the reader many passages gathered from Friends' records and from other trustworthy sources, relating to Richard Lundy L and Richard Lundy IL Especially to be prized are those extracts which bear witness to moral worth and religious character ; but even those which may seem at first to be unimportant serve at least one purpose exceedingly well — they enable us to locate our Lundy forefathers during their first century in America with a definiteness and exactness in regard to time and place that is very satisfactory. Anecdotes might 28 RICHARD LUNDY II. impart interest to the narrative ; but names and places and dates are the things that produce conviction and prove that the introductory sketches of the Lundy family have been deter- mined with historical certainty. The Children and Grandchildren of Richard Lundy II. and Elizabeth Large. There were five sons and four daughters. All were born in Bucks county, Pennsylvania, between the years 1715 and 1732. All had birthright membership in the Religious Society of Friends ; all finished their course and kept the faith. They all married ; and, with the possible exception of Margaret the youngest child, all left offspring and have numerous descend- ants living at the present time. They all settled in Warren county, New Jersey, between the years 1745 and 1748; this was before the French and Indian War, and Warren county was a part of Sussex. All continued to dwell there in the vicinity of Johnsonburg and AUamuchy, and all died there, except Martha (Lundy) Schooley, who, in 1759, removed to Newton only ten miles away.. Richard III. died in 1756 at 41 years of age, Joseph in 1759 at 40 years, Margaret in 1766 at 34, Thomas in 1773 or thereafter at 48 or more, Jacob in 1800 at 79, Samuel in 1 80 1 at 74, Martha in 1803 at 80, Mary in 1807 at 91, and Ehzabeth in 181 1 at 81. Their average age was sixty-two years. How many grandchildren were there? A full and correct list of the names of all children born to each family has been obtained, except in the case of Joseph and of Margaret. Richard HI. had eleven children, Mary eight, Jacob ten, Martha five, Thomas six, Samuel twelve, and Eliza- beth twelve, making a total of sixty-four grandchildren in these seven households. It is known with certainty that Joseph had at least one child, giving a total of sixty-five known grand- children. I. Richard Lundy III. was born 23 of 4th month, 171 5 ; his death date is given at the bottom of the first page of the Hard- wick Record of Births in these words : "The above-named Richard Lundy Departed this Life the 7th of the nth Month, 1757, and was Decently Buryed in Friends burying ground at HardWick." He married Ann Willson at Maiden Creek, Pa., in 1739, and ELIZABETH LARGE. 29 settled near Allamuchy, Warren county, N. J., in 1746. Ten of his eleven children grew to maturity : namely. Samuel, William, Amos, Sarah (Kester), Richard IV., Ann (Webster), Ebenezer, John, Eliezer, and Azariah. Samuel and William removed to Canada ; Samuel locating near Newmarket and William at Lundy's Lane ; Ebenezer and Eliezer settled in Bucks county. Pa. ; and Amos, Sarah, Richard IV., John, and the family of Azariah emigrated to Virginia. The names of all the descendants of Richard III., so far as it has been possible to trace and identify the same, have been classified in the accompanying genealogy under Group One. II. Mary Lundy was born 6 of 1 1 month, 1716. The first entry in the list of Burials kept by the Hardwick Society of Friends states that "Mary Willson, widow of Robert Willson, deceased, and lately residing in the Township of Independence, County of Sussex, N. J., died 3 month 4 day, 1807, at the age of ninety years, and was buried at Hardwick Meeting-house." Mary was an Elder in the Religious Society of Friends. She married Robert Willson at Buckingham, Pa., in 1734. They removed to Maiden Creek, Pa., in 1737, and thence to the great Meadows in Warren county, N. J., in 1747. Their homestead is still in the Willson name (1901). They had eight children, five of wdiom attained maturity and married ; namely, Ebenezer, Jonathan, Mary (Willets), Moses, and Martha (Widdifield). Their descendants are enumerated under Group Two. III. Joseph Lundy was born 24 of 4 month, 1719. There is reason to believe that he died in 1759. He married Susanna Hutton at Maiden Creek, Berks county, Pa., in 1743, and removed to Warren county, N. J., in 1745. Joseph and Susanna certainly had a son Enos of Newmarket, Ontario. Canada, and probably other children among whom may have been William of Newton, N. J., and Sarah (Carpenter) of Pennsylvania. In 1758 a Joseph Lundy married Sarah Willson. It is possible that among Joseph's children were also Nancy Lundy. Cather- ine Lundy. and Hannah Lundy. who married Samuel Shotwell of Sussex county, N. J. For further information, see Group Three. IV. Jacob Lundy was born 15 of 6 month. 1721. An old entry made on the inside of the first cover-leaf of the Hardwick Record of Births, opposite the entry of his birth date, states that "Jacob Lundy departed this Life the 17th day of the ist 30 RICHARD LUNDY II. Month, 1800, and was Decently buryed in Friends Burying ground at Hardwick the i8th of the same." He removed from Maiden Creek, Pa., to Warren county, N. J., in 1745. He married Mary Willson in 1748. Four of their ten children are known to have married and left descendants ; namely, Jacob H., Mary (Schmuck), Jonathan, and Deborah (Dennis); consult Group Four. V. Martha Lundy was born 1 of 6 month, 1723. An entry in an old Bible now in the possession of Mr. Benjamin D. Schooley of Newton, N. J., states that "Martha Schooley, wife of Benjamin Schooley, was taken sick on the 15th day of the seventh month eighteen hundred and three, and died on the eleventh day of the ninth month following. Age eighty years and about one month." Entry number 17 in the Hardwick Record of Burials says that "Martha Schooley, daughter of Richard Lundy, and a late resident of Sussex county, N. J., died 9th Month, the eleventh, 1803, and was buried at Newton." Martha married Benjamin Schooley in 1755 and settled at New- ton. Sussex county. N. J., about 1760. Four of their five children married; namely, Elizabeth (White), Ann (Dennis), Joseph, and Martha (Phillips). Their descendants so far as known are given in Group Five. VI. Thomas Lundy was born 14 of 6 month, 1725. The date of his death has not been ascertained ; he was living in 1772. In 1745 he removed from Maiden Creek, Pa., to Warren county, N. J., and in 1750 married Joanna Doan. They had six children, who married and left descendants ; namely, Susanna (Parker), Reuben of Columbia county. Pa., Ephraim of Lycoming county, Pa., Thomas IL of North Carolina, Joseph of Sussex county and of Rancocas, Burlington county, N. J., and Elizabeth ( Bunting) of Warren county, N. J. The descendants of Thomas and Joanna are named under Group Six. VII. Samuel Lundy was born 13 of 12 month, 1727. Entry No. 19 in the Hardwick Record of Burials states that "Samuel Lundy, son of Richard Lundy, and lately a resident of Sussex county, N. J., died on the 14th day of 2nd Month, 1801, at the age of seventy-four years, and was buried at Hardwick." He came to Warren county, N. J., with his parents in 1747. Samuel was a Judge of the Sussex County Court. He married ( i ) Ann Schooley in 1751, and (2) Sarah Willets in 1765. He had ELIZABETH LARGE. 3 1 twelve children, three by his first wife and nine by his second ; namely, Isaac, Daniel, George of Johnsonl)urj^, N. J. ; Ann (Patterson) ; Levi of Wyandotte county, Ohio ; Edith (Laing) ; Samuel II. of Waterloo, Seneca county, N. Y. ; Achsah (Laing); Jesse of Welland county, Ontario, Canada; Sarah (Lundy) of Allamuchy, N. J. ; and Amy (Adams) ; and Tamer, who died in infancy. The various lines of descent from Judge Samuel Lundy are recorded in Group Seven. \'IIL Elizabeth Lundy was born lo of 3 month, 1730. Entry No. 8 in the Hardwick Record of Burials states that "Elizabeth Willson widow of Gabriel Willson, and lately a resi- dent of Sussex County, N. J., died 25th of 5th Month, 181 1, at the age of eighty-one years, and was buried at Hardwick." Elizabeth married Gabriel Willson I. in 1748; they settled on the great meadows near Allamuchy, Warren county, N. J., and had twelve children, eight of whom grew to maturity and married; namely. Charity (Willets) of North Carolina, Eliza- beth (Schooley) of North Carolina, Robert of Kentucky, Daniel of Welland county, Ontario, Canada, Gabriel II. ; Ann (VHet) ; Jesse of Welland county, Ontario, Canada ; and Jeremiah of Indiana. Elizabeth (Lundy) Willson's descendants constitute Group Eight. IX. Margaret Lundy was born 14 of 12 month, 1732, "and Departed this Life the — day of the 4th month, 1776, and was Decently buryed in Friends Burying ground at Hardwick" ; the words in quotation marks are from the first page of the Hard- wick Record of Births. She married John Willson, who was born 13 of 12 month, 1723, and who had removed from Maiden Creek, Pa., to New Jersey in 1745. Their marriage is recorded in the Kingwood minutes vmder date of nth day of 8th month, 1750. No record of any children has been found. I copied the following from Wills, Liber. 14, page 409, in the office of the Secretary of State at Trenton, N. J. : "Samuel Lund3''s Account." "Be it remembered that the account of Samuel Lundy, execu- tor of John Willson, deceased, was settled and approved of before Rol)ert Burchan, surrogate, and a quietus issued under the prerogative seal by which it appears there is remaining in his hands a balance of two hundred twenty-six pounds, four- teen, and seven pence. Dated the 27 of November, 1771. Chas. Pettit, Reg." 32 RICHARD LUNDY II. It may be remarked that four of the children of Richard and EHzabeth (Large) Lundy married four of the children of Samuel and Esther (Overton) Willson ; to wit, Richard Lundy IIL married Ann Willson, Mary Lundy married Robert Will- son, Elizabeth Lundy married Gabriel Willson, and Margaret Lundy married John Willson ; and it may be observed further that a sister and brother of this same Lundy household married a brother and sister of the Schooley family ; to wit, Martha Lundy married Benjamin Schooley and Samuel Lundy married Ann Schooley, children of Samuel and Avis (HoUoway) Schooley. King- Philip's War marks the coming of the Lundy's ; the Revolutionary War marks the dispersal of the Lundy's. For one century the Lundy kith and kin clung together. During the last quarter of that century, 1746- 1776, they all resided in New Jersey, in the valley of the Request river, within a radius of a few miles of the Friends' Meeting-house ; they knew each other personally, and every father and mother of them could have told the exact relationship existing between all the house- holds. But since that time, it has been "scatter, scatter, scatter." From Warren county, their last united home, they have gone north and south and west. Yet notwithstanding these con- tinual losses by removal, the Lundy name has never ceased to be a familiar one in the old Quaker settlement on the Pequest. In reading the documents of colonial times, it is important to bear in mind the changes that have been made in the boundaries of political divisions by the formation of new counties and townships. Hunterdon county was erected in 171 3, and origi- nally included Sussex and Warren ; Morris was erected in 1738- 9, and included Sussex and Warren ; Sussex was organized in 1753, and included Warren, which was not separated from Sussex until 1824. The old township of Hardwick was erected by royal patent about 1713. Portion after portion has been cut off until the present township of Hardwick is only a remote corner of the wide area originally included under that ancient name. Independence was organized in 1782; and from Inde- pendence the borough of Hackettstown was cut off in 1853 ^"<^ Allamuchy in 1873. Three other townships have been taken from Hardwick ; namely. Green and Stillwater in 1824, and Frelinghuysen in 1848. Hardwick Patent has been the mother of townships. MAP OF WARREN COUNTY, N. J. 33 v^^ ^^^ N < BFLAWAUB / ^J ( C^ 5f^ \ ^^' r:Oi<-\^ Jr- '?'' .4^- .fp ^'\*' <\rp' V^C^^ ^s /• r J) •/ J^ ^ ^^'^ (SnviDeRE Z^' ,^^~ .e TY \ \ ■T-^ -c-^' -C^' /T^ ^4''' \ \ uiiLlfsBuRa OUTLINE /yiA? OF ^ \NAR'RE/y CouA^TY "Bucks Cov/^ry HiVavJooT^ MEETING Mou^E SKETCH-MAP OF WARREN COUNTY, NEW JERSEY. (3) 34 the pequest valley. The Pequest Valley. There is in the eastern part of North America a long, con- 1 tinuous, trongh-Hke depression called the Great Appalachian Valley, beginning at Quebec in Canada and extending south- ward to the State of Alabama. It is one and the same valley j throughout, although known in different sections of the country by various local names ; thus in Canada it is called the valley of the Sorel River, in Vermont the valley of Lake Cham- plain, in New York the valley of the Hudson River (as far south as Newbergh), in Pennsylvania the Cumberland Valley, in Virginia the Shenandoah valley, and further southward the valley of the East Tennessee River. That part of this great depression which crosses New Jersey is forty miles long and twelve miles wide, and is called the Kittatinny Valley. It is bounded on the northwest by the Kittatinny Mountain, which extends from New York State to the Delaware Water Gap and rises from 1,500 to 1,800 feet above the level of the sea ; and on the southeast by the Allamuchy Mountain, which rises to the height of 1,250 feet. The basin lying between these two parallel j ranges is 600 feet below their crests ; but it does not answer at " all to the conventional idea of a river valley, for the surface is broken by numerous outcrops of limestone forming knolls from 40 to 80 feet high, which impart to it a rough, mountainous aspect. The western end of the Kittatinny valley is drained into the Delaware river by two parallel, streams — the Paulins Kill, 36 miles long, flowing from Augusta to Columbia, and having a drainage area of 177 square miles; and the Pequest river, 32 miles long, flowing from Pinkneyville to Belvidere and having an area of 158 square miles. Each stream has its own railroad line ; the New York, Susquehanna and Western runs along the Kill ; the Lehigh and Hudson runs along the Pequest. These two subvalleys are separated by a long rolling slate plateau, 300 feet high, running lengthwise through the middle of the valley and fitly named from its structure the Ridge. The views from the Ridge are magnificent ; in one direction you look across the valley of the Pequest and see the Allamuchy Mountain ; in the opposite direction, you look across the valley of the Paulins Kill and see the Kittatinny Mountain with its level crest notched by that wonderful work of nature, the Delaware Water Gap. I 4^n*-^>"-^ ■'*■•■ (W ■%* By courtesy of the State Oeologist. THE PEQUEST VALl / I THE PEQUEST VALLEY. 35 I have mentioned the rugged character of the Kittatinny valley ; there is, however, one large level tract along the Pequest where the Jenny Jump, an isolated mass of Archaean rock 1,140 feet high, encroaches on the valley and makes it narrow, and right here across the narrow part lies a heavy dam of drift, a stifif clay intermixed with bowlders, dumped there, if we can credit the fairy tales of science, as a moraine by retreat- ing glaciers during the Age of Ice. This obstacle caused the river to backwater, forming a shallow lake four miles long and two miles wide, which, in the course of geological time, was filled with sediment and other washed-in material. This is the Great Meadows, called so in colonial days, but now more dis- tinctively named the Pequest Meadows. It is really a low swamp of peat-bogs and timber, too wet for cultivation and subject to overflow by freshets, the sluggish stream not being able to carry ofif the water poured into it so rapidly at times from the neighboring hillsides. But the land at the upper end of the swamp, being somewhat more elevated, makes choice farms with upland for grain and excellent meadows for hay and pasture. A st. light line joining Johnsonburg and AUa- muchy marks the upper edge of the Pequest Meadows, and there along the river is where the Quakers made their settle- ment and built their meeting-house. By the courtesy of the State Geologist of New Jersey, I am able to insert in this book a picture of the Pequest valley. The entire Quaker settlement is shown, but it does not take up the whole picture ; the settlement occupies one-third of the picture, the part to the right. The right edge of the picture is a line passing near Johnsonburg and the Southtown school-house ; the left edge includes Marshall Hibler's dwelling house, which is plainly visible, and extends some distance above the village of Andover. Start from Johnsonburg and climb the long high hill till you reach the ridge road on the county line separating Sussex and Warren. Cross the green so that the Yellow Frame Church does not obstruct the view and gaze to the southeast. You are looking over a valley 400 feet deep and 6 miles wide. The horizon is bounded by a waving line formed by the rounded crests of the Allamuchy Mountain ; you will notice that the snow-covered fields indicating cultivation spread over the flanks of the mountain and in some places creep far up toward 36 THE PEQUEST VALLEY. the summit. A road branching off at the church turns down the hill and passes a large oak-tree, the tips of the branches of which reach above the sky-line. Observe the row of nine apple-trees, beyond the fence, in the next field ; over them see two fields partly mowed. The snow has settled down into the standing stubble which causes the unmowed portion to appear dark in strong contrast with its belt of pure white. The public road already mentioned, which re-appears and separates those two partly-mown fields, leads over the hill to Greensville, a village two and a half miles from the Yellow Frame, and a half mile beyond the crest of the hill. Near the village, Benjamin Lundy, the philanthropist, was born and bred. The farm buildings on the old estate of Job J. Shaw, now William Vough's, are plainly visible in the field to the right ; and the minute lines on the further edge of the same field indicate a peach orchard. Along the mountain and above the partly-mown field to the left of the Greenville road, and marked in the picture by a dark patch a half inch long, may be seen the farm now owned and occupied by Henry Nelson and Rhoda (Decker) Lundy. This tract of timber which shows heavy and dark in the right of the picture and comparatively near the Yellow Frame is the Big Wood that extends from Johnsonburg to Dark Moon. The Tranquility Church is exactly in the middle of the picture from right to left ; the gleam of the spire, which is easily seen by the eye from this hill, has left its impress on only a few of the pictures. The course of the Pequest river is clearly indicated by a narrow dark line nearly continuous extending from left to right across the entire picture, the dark line being caused by the trees and bushes along the banks of the stream. The little village of Allamuchy nestles at the foot of the distant mountain. It is six miles from where we are standing, and its position is shown on the plate by a dark patch one and a quarter inches from the top of the picture and three and three-eighths inches from the right edge. The tall cedar-trees that fringe the road that leads from Allamuchy upward and to the right across the mountain to Hackettstown are plainly indicated by a dark streak. The meeting-house of the Hardwick Society of Friends cannot be seen, but it stands close to the Pequest river and almost exactly in line between the Yellow Frame Church and Allamuchy. The level character of the land in the Quaker settlement pre- HARDWICK SOCIETY OF FRIENDS. 37 sents no salient features for description. There is one thing more I wish to point out, and that is the sky-field. It looks like a piece of the sky, for it shows white and rests so high on the very top of the mountain, it is to the right of the oak limb, and one-fourth inch from the right-hand edge of the picture. That is not a patch of sky notching down into the mountain ; it is a distinctive and ever-present feature of the landscape as viewed from the valley ; it faces the dwelling of Judge Samuel Lundy and of George and Esther Lundy. Many a Willson and man}- a Lundy would recognize that high field as the land-mark of their childhood home, seen hundreds of times, clothed in green during spring-time and summer, but in winter snow-clad. And there it lies in the picture sparkling on the distant mountain top as natural as life. The Hardwick Society of Friends. Public meetings for the worship of God were held at the Great Meadows in Warren county, N. J., as early as July, 1745. These meetings were held at private houses. The members of Friends' Society who dwelt at the Meadows had on 13th of 3 month, 1745, made a request to the Kingwood Monthly Meet- ing for permission to hold such meetings every first day of each week ; and their request was granted on the eighth of fifth month (July), and Samuel Willson, Junior, was appointed by the Kingwood Meeting to serve as an overseer at the Hard- wick particular Meeting. Liberty to hold a meeting for wor- ship on the Fourth day of every week was obtained on i6th of 9th month, 1747. A public Meeting-house was needed, and steps were taken for the erection of one, but Friends became divided on the question as to where it should be located. This led to an appeal to the Kingwood meeting, which appointed a committee consisting of Jeremiah Williams, Joseph King, Sr., Joseph Webster, Joseph King, Jr., and William King to assist Friends at the Meadows in fixing upon a place for a building; to which committee there were afterward added John Emley, Peter Schmuck, Jacob S[mcock, and William Emley. This committee made a report to the Kingwood Meeting on 12 of 2nd month, 1750, and gave it as their opinion and judgment that the Meeting-house should be built at the same place where the graveyard had been made there. Those Friends who were 38 harL)WiCk society of friends. dissatisfied with this decision carried the case by appeal to the Quarterly Meeting, but without result; for on 17th of 7th month, 1750, it was reported to Kingwood by an extract from the minutes of the Quarterly Meeting that the judgment of the committee had been confirmed. It would seem that a log meet- ing-house was soon erected; and there can be little doubt that it was located near Friends' graveyard in AUamuchy township. A deed for land was given in 1752 by Richard Penn "for a Friends' meeting-house forever." This Richard was a grand- son of William Penn. It is of record in the office of the West Jersey Proprietors at Burlington that on March 10, 1714-15, a land-warrant was issued to William Penn for Lot ye 50th, that said lot was laid out by John Reading, an authorized surveyor, and that the legal transfer of the land from the Proprietors to William Penn was completed by the return of the warrant and survey to the office on May 2'j, 1715. The said lot is described as lying "on both sides of the Paquaessing river upon an Indian path which leads from Allamuchakohin to Pahukqualong," which, when modernized, becomes "on both sides of the Pequest river upon an Indian path which leads from AUamuchy to Pahaquarry." The public road from AUamuchy to Johnson- burg follows the ancient Indian path mentioned in William Penn's land-warrant ; and this was only a short section in the great trail, or Indian path, along which the Mincy Indians traveled to and fro in their annual excursions to Long Branch on the New Jersey coast, which, even before the coming of the white man, was a popular summer resort. The trail crossed the Kittatinny mountain at Wind Gap, passed through Marksboro, Johnsonburg, AUamuchy, and Hackettstown, and continued due southeast to the ocean, the whole distance from the Dela- ware to the sea, being seventy-five miles as the bird flies. The Quaker meeting-house and burying-ground are at the exact spot where the Indian trail crossed the Pequest river. The privilege of holding a Preparative Meeting at Hard- wick was granted on 13 of 5 month, 1756, which meeting was to be held every Fourth Day of the week next but one before every Monthly Meeting, and a report of the proceedings therein was to be made to the Kingwood Meeting if required. During 1757 Hardwick made several requests to Kingwood for the liberty to hold a youths' meeting. On 10 of 5 month, 1757, Hardwick Friends requested that the Monthly Meeting be held HARDWICK SOCIETY OF FRIENDS. 39 at their place sometimes ; and their request having been granted, it was arranged that the Monthly Meeting should be held at Hardwick every other month and continue so till Friends may see cause to order it otherwise. Accordingly the first Quarterly Meeting ever held in Warren county was held at Hardwick Meeting-house in 6th month, 1759, N. S. The Hardwick Society was now in its youthful vigor. The petty persecutions it had endured during the French and Indian War because of refusal to train for military service had only strengthened it. The regular coming of visitors from Hunter- don county to attend the Quarterly Meeting naturally excited a desire for a larger and better meeting-house. The matter was talked over and finally brought before the Quarterly Meet- ing in the form of a proposition to rebuild the Hardwick Meet- ing-house. A committee was appointed, and the sum of 80 pounds was raised by subscription at Hardwick and Kingwood. On 10 of 2 month, 1763, Peter Schmuck and Jacob Lundy were named as additional members of that committee ; and it was agreed that said house should be 40 feet long and 25 feet wide in the clear and one story high. The new building was finished in 1764. Hardwick was separated from Kingwood and authorized as a distinct Monthly Meeting on 21 of I month, 1797; the first minutes are dated the first day of sixth month the same year. The following Elders were continued in office : William Shot- well, Ebenezer Willson, George Lundy, Jacob Lundy, Jr., Mercy Brotherton, Mary Willson, Jehoaden Willson, and Esther Lundy. George Lundy had been an Overseer in the Kingwood Meeting since 1785. After the unhappy contro- versy of 1827 which rent in twain the Society of Friends, the Hardwick Monthly Meeting entered into fellowship with the branch commonly called Hicksite. The number of members was steadily diminished by a stream of removals to Pennsyl- vania, Virginia, New York, Ohio, and Canada. The last meet- ing at the Hardwick Meeting-house was held on 2nd day of 2nd month, 1854 ; and the Society was laid down at a meeting held on 9th day of 6th month, 1855, in the Mendham Meeting- house, in Randolph township, Morris county, N. J. The records were given to the Plainfield Society in Union county, N. J.. The meeting-house and the adjoining land was sold in 1865 to Jesse Adams ; the burying-ground is still owned by the 40 QUAKER MEETING. Society and is visited yearly by a committee of Friends from Plaintield. The meeting-house itself was torn down in 1866 and a school-house erected on the foundations. The foregoing account of the Hardwick Society of Friends until its separation from Kingwood is based almost entirely on the minutes of the Kingwood Monthly Meeting; I am indebted for many of the items to the kindness of Mary (Willson) Vail of Quakertown, N. J., since deceased, but the notes furnished by her have been supplemented by data taken from The Kingwood Records as edited by Prof. J. W. Moore, Lafayette College, Easton, Pa., and published in The Jcrscyuian by Mr. H. E. Deats of Flem- ington, N. J. Reminiscences. The following account of the homesteads in the Quaker Set- tlement with reminiscences of the Hardwick Society of Friends has been furnished to me by Mrs. Richard T. Armstrong: 'T will describe," writes she, "the meeting-house of the Hardwick Society of Friends. It was built of dark-colored limestone ; it was a low solid-looking structure forty feet by twenty-five on the inside, with a chimney at the west end and two front doors facing the south. It stood on elevated ground in the midst of a natural grove three acres in extent. A short distance east of the meeting-house and almost in line with it, there were substantial sheds for the horses to be tied in. The road coming from Johnsonburg forks at the corner of the woods ; one branch passes straight ahead along the western side of the lot, and the other, which leads to AUamuchy, turns sharp to the left and bounds the grove on the north. Barring the drive-ways, the grounds were well in with natural grass, free from straggling under-brush, and well shaded by the primitive forest trees. The beautiful greensward, the dense shade, the songs of the birds and the chirrup of the squirrels made it a cool and pleasant retreat. "On the north side of the building there was a small door, which opened into the east-room ; this door was never used for going in or out, but always stood open in hot weather during meeting-time for the purpose of ventilation, there being no window on that side of the building. The entrance doors, as I have said, were on the south side, one near the middle of each room; these doors were made of narrow boards fitted OtTAKER MEETING. 4I diagonally, a peculiarity which rendered them noticeable and always attracted the attention of passers-by as long as the meeting-house remained standing. "The interior was divided into two apartments by a partition so arranged that it could be removed and the two rooms thrown into one. This partition was paneled, and the upper part could be unfastened at the top and slid down on one side of the stationary part below which stood two and a half or three feet above the floor. This arrangement for dividing the house was a matter of economy as well as comfort, because in cold weather only one room was needed and only that part had to be warmed. In the west room there was a fireplace and chimney ; in the east room there was a large ten-plate stove. The movable partition was in three parts ; one of these was on the elevation, and the rest of it had to be in two pieces, because there was a door con- necting the two rooms. On special occasions when the parti- tions had been taken down, the door itself was removed for the time, but the posts were stationary. The seats were plain benches about eight feet long ; some of them had home-made cushions. The supports resting on the floor reached eight or ten inches above the seats at the ends, having a circular hole cut in each, rounding up on the front, and narrowing above to the back-rest, which was fastened across rather high. A few inches above the floor another narrow strip of board ran parallel to the seat, both front and back, which was convenient for the little folks to rest their feet on. The woodwork throughout was unpainted, but scrupulously clean. "On the north side and extending the entire length of the building, there was an elevated platform two steps up and about five feet wide. This was the pulpit. A seat along the wall, a railing in front about the right height for a person to put his hand on when speaking, a board-front reaching from the floor to the railing, a low bench along the front side convenient for the speaker to kneel on in prayer — these constituted the outfit for the speaker's accommodation. There was an aisle from each door, and each aisle ended in the front of each room at a stair of two low steps up to the speaker's platform; and the seats were so arranged with their ends along the aisle and their backs toward the door that the listeners sat facing the platform. "The stove in the east room was close to the platform. One seat was placed next to the sliding partition and facing the 42 QUAKER MEETING. Stove; the front seats being movable, were sometimes turned at right angles to the regular row ; and thus the people could sit facing the stove on both sides of it and in front of it, a good arrangement in cold weather. It was a large stove, between three and four feet high at least ; and it must have taken a stick three feet long, if not longer. While writing these lines, I seem to hear the ticking of that stove, which, as it cooled down or grew hotter by turns, gave out loud, clear, clock-like ticks constantly. Wood for use during service lay under the stove and by it ; but there was seldom any need to fix the fire during the time of worship, for the sexton understood his business well and had such a bed of hot coals that it kept the room warm throughout with little trouble. Many times have I sat on the bench by the stove with my back toward the partition, and warmed my feet and burned my face, and then, when thor- oughly warmed, have moved to the seat facing the front of the stove. In cold weather we did not venture to go very far from the stove. In the west room I always sat on the front seats back of the inner door. "Meetings for worship were usually held in the east room; the men always entered the house by the door of the east room ; and the women always entered by the west door and passed through that apartment into the east room. When both rooms were used, the women always sat in the room where the fire- place was. The older Friends generally sat on the front side- seats facing the stove, and the young people would sit farther back, so that if I looked up the aged members were the only ones I could see. When the old men on the front seats began to shake hands together, then we knew that the meeting was dismissed. On special occasions when the church would be filled and the partition removed, the older members always sat on the platform with the speakers, leaving the benches below for visitors. At these large gatherings, the women always spoke from the platform in the west room and the men from the platform in the east room. All the speakers were apt to lay their hands on the railing while they spoke ; and those who prayed aloud generally knelt on the foot-benches ; and better prayers have I never heard than I have in that old Quaker meet- ing-house, and some of the best speakers I ever heard I heard there also. "Once in a great while in the summer time, when the wor- QUAKER MEETING. 43 shipers were sitting there so quiet antl still with the doors wide open, a little squirrel would come tripping in, and, surprised at finding occupants, would quickly in its own dialect offer apology for its intrusion and make off again in a hurry. I was sure to look up as soon as I felt I dare at some of the dear old Quaker men, and I was just as sure to find one of them looking at me. "Meetings for worship were held twice a week, on Sunday and again on Wednesday or Thursday, or to express it in Friends" language, on First day and on Fourth or Fifth day. One of the mid-week meetings was termed the Monthly Meeting ; during the other weeks of the month, regular worship was held on the other day from what the Monthly Meeting was. Quarterly Meeting was held at Shrewsbury in May, at Rahway in summer, at Plainfield in the fall, and at Hardwick in the winter. My father's house was filled to overflowing at such times. The Friends from the other societies came to attend the meetings, which were continued during the greater part of the week, and were entertained among the members of the Hardwick society. My father's house seems to have been built with the purpose in view of entertaining large companies for days, it having five spare sleeping rooms ever ready for friends that might favor us with a visit, and when needed two more could be made to do duty with little change ; in fact, all the rooms could be con- verted into sleeping rooms with little trouble except the two largest, which were parlor and dining room ; for a second house with four large rooms stood but a few feet from the dwelling, and could be made to serve for kitchen and cook-house and for all the other work that was necessary at times like those. How we all enjoyed those days with the dear old Friends, who were accompanied by the younger members of their families. Among those I more particularly remember were Joseph La Fetra and his wife and daughters, especially his daughter Elizabeth only recently deceased ; John Borden and his wife Miriam and their adopted son, John W. Borden, who died years ago ; and Thomas Borden and his wife Susan. "My father and mother attended Quarterly Meeting at Shrewsbury in the spring of 1849 and took me along. It was on this trip and at New Brunswick that I saw ships for the first time in my life ; as father drove through the town, I could look down each cross street and see the ships on the Raritan river. 44 QUAKER MEETING. I was then thirteen years of age. It was a two days' journey. By starting early they reached Plainheld the first day, where they were entertained by Friends. Re-enforced by a number of Friends from that place, they set out early the next morning and drove to the homes of other Friends near Shrewsbury ; by noon the next day there would be several wagons in company, and they all stopped at the sand tavern, as we called it, from the fact that the hotel parlor was sprinkled artistically with white sand, it being in the pine lands where there was nothing but pine trees and sand for miles and miles. The night we reached our destination we stopped at Thomas Borden's, whose house was at Deal Beach, his being one of a few large houses that were filled with boarders during the summer season. They woke me early in the morning in time to go out on the porch on the east side of the third story of their house to see the sun rise out of the ocean, the first time I had ever gazed upon that watery waste. We attended all the sessions of the Quarterly Meeting. One night we stayed at John Borden's; he had just completed a new frame house, the yard yet to be levelled. We also stopped at Joseph La Fetra's a part of the time ; the visit- ing delegates being entertained at the homes of the different Friends. "On our return the traveling Friends were in company through the pines. A stranger was in danger of getting lost ; it was difficult to trace one's way over the loose soil because the scant verdure on being driven over a few times became stirred into the sand, which filled in the ruts behind the passing wheels so that no track was left. A woodroad could not be distin- guished from the main highway, except by those who were familiar with the country. While at the sand tavern on our return, a number of the younger members of the company wished to walk on in advance and let the wagons overtake them. After being carefully directed, we started, but before we were out of sight, one of the Friends who were hitching up the teams had to run to overtake us and shout to us that we had taken the wrong road. The soft, deep sand here in the pines quickly wearied our horses and made them break out into a dripping sweat, for they were accustomed to solid roads ; on the other hand when Friends from Shrewsbury came to Hardwick to attend Quarterly Meeting, our steep hills caused their horses to fret and worry. QUAKER HOMESTEADS. 45 "The Hardwick meeting-house was torn down to the foun- dation in 1866 by a gathering" of neighbors, and rebuiU for a school-house and made two stories high so as to have a Sunday- school room above. The nails in the woodwork had been made by hand and had large fiat heads more than an inch broad ; and the mortar was found to be so firm and strong that the stones broke before the mortar holding them together would give way. The date-stone incut with the year 1764 and showing that the building was more than a century old, was removed from the chimney and carefully reset in the south-side foundation." "Among the old members of the Hardwick Society were George and Levi Lundy and- their wives, Samuel Laing and his wife Edith, John Schmuck, Ebenezer Willson, Mordecai Will- son, Gabriel Willson and his wife Grace, Joseph Adams and his wife Amy, Abner Willson and his wife Elizabeth, and the sons and daughters of many of these, among whom I may men- tion James Willson and his wife Amy, Henry Willson and his wife Elizabeth, Christopher Schmuck and his wife Elizabeth, and Abner Willson's daughters, Mercy and Belinda, who mar- ried the brothers Alfred and Joel Buckley, and also Samuel Hoey and his wife Sarah and their daughter Mary." "When Richard Lundy H. and his wife Elizabeth Large came to New Jersey, they took up land lying on both sides of the Pequest river and extending from that river across Pine Run to Bear creek. He divided this property into two farms ; the one along the Request he deeded to his son Jacob Lundy ; the other he left by will to his son Judge Samuel Lundy. Jacob's share of the old estate is still in the Lundy name and is occupied by Eli Vought Lundy. The old stone dwelling is inscribed J L 1783, showing that it was built in the year 1783 by Jonathan Lundy. The property has been owned successively by Richard H., by Jacob, by Jonathan, by Eli, and now by Eli's grandson, Eli Vought Lundy." "In 1780, Judge Samuel Lundy built a stone dwelling-house along Pine Run on his share of the old plantation. When the Judge died in 1801, he left the farm by will to his son Samuel Lundy, Jr., who, in 1802, married Elizabeth Shotwell and dwelt on the homestead until 18 16. Joseph Adams of Delaware, Knowlton township, had married Amy Lundy, the youngest sister of Samuel, Jr. Joseph had decided to remove to New York State, and with this purpose in view he had purchased 46 QUAKER HOMESTEADS. Sussex cdu/vty YJ= WiUson CnlEf^SVlLLE EARLY HOMESTEADS IN THE QUAKER SETTLEMENT, WARREN COUNTY, NEW JERSEY. QUAKER HOMESTEADS. 47 some land near Waterloo in Wayne county, N. Y. In the spring of 1816, he started in a wagon with his family for his new home. Leaving Knowlton, he stopped the first night in the Quaker settlement at the house of his brother-in-law, Samuel Lundy, Jr. In the morning they could not proceed because of illness. The result of the entire matter was that Samuel Lundy, Jr., traded his homestead for Joseph's uncleared tract of land in Wayne county, packed up and started at once for his newly acquired possessions, leaving Joseph Adams permanently in the stone house where the intention had been to tarry but for a night. By this exchange of property, a large Lundy family was transplanted to the western part of New York State, and a large Adams family was located in the Quaker settlement. Since the death of Joseph Adams the farm has been owned by James Warbasse, Jesse Wilson, Sedgwick R. Reeder, and now by Sedgwick's son Ira." "Jesse Lundy, son of Judge Samuel Lundy, was a carpenter, and lived on a lot near the Southtown school-house. Jesse sold the lot and afterward removed to Canada. James Lundy, whose wife was Elizabeth Pettit, lived on the same lot before he went to Ohio. The lot was owned for a while by John Hill- man, but is now a part of the estate of George W. Lundy." "Levi Lundy, a brother of Jesse, lived farther south, on the edge of Tamarack swamp near the confluence of Bear creek and Pine Run. Levi sold the farm in his old age and removed to Wyandotte county, Ohio, with his married sons. Levi's place was afterward owned by Aaron Howell, son of Levi Howell. I have heard my father say that there once was a corduroy road extending from the end of Levi Lundy's lane to an island farm out in the swamp ; but this road was abandoned long ago. John Lundy, Levi's son, before he removed to Ohio, lived between Abner Willson's and Judge Samuel Lundy's. but on the opposite side of the road." "George Lundy, another son of Judge Samuel, married Esther Willson. Their old homestead lies on both sides of the road leading toward Johnsonburg, and borders on Glover's pond. It was owned by their son David, who married Sarah Wildrick, and afterward by George Wildrick Lundy, a son of David and Sarah. The Southtown school-house stands on land donated from this estate." "Jonathan Willson lived at first on the farm of his father 48 QUAKER HOMESTEADS. Ebenezer, near the Allamuchy station ; but he sold this and bought land at the foot of the Jenny Jump mountain, along Bear creek opposite Judge Samuel Lundy's. Jonathan left it to his son Lewis ; and it still remains in the family name. Abner and Elizabeth Bunting once lived at the same corner, on the opposite side of the road." "The homestead of Samuel and Edith (Lundy) Laing was about a mile and a half from Johnsonlmrg on the left hand side of the road leading to Alamuche. Their son, Joseph Chapman Laing, inherited the farm ; he married Phebe Ann Bunting, and had three daughters and a son Watson, who married Sarah Kennedy and left a son, George Irving Laing. The farm was eventually sold to Isaac Stickles and is now (1902) owned by Isaac's son John." 'Tra K. Willson during the earlier part of his married Hfe, lived between Johnsonburg and Samuel Laing's, over the hill from Dark Moon brook and the old stone dwelling-house of Dr. Samuel Kennedy." "Josiah Dyer, Jr., and his wife Rachel Schooley, settled at a very early day on the farm adjoining that of Samuel Laing. The Dyer farm was owned for many years by Cummins O. Harris, and has recently been purchased by Ford Staples." "Going from Samuel Laing's toward the meeting-house, we pass the houses of Joseph E. Dyer and Tobias Stillwell, and come to the property of Christian and Mary (Lundy) Schmuck, which passed to their son John, who married Martha Willets. The house stands elevated and on the right, with the other buildings across the road and below. John set off those fields which lie back from the road as a separate farm and willed it to the three children of his daughter, Sarah Hoey Schmuck, who had married Cummins O. Harris. This inner farm is now owned, but not occupied, by Levi Kittle. John's son Christian married Elizabeth Laing and settled some distance below Long Bridge, near Meadville school-house, where he farmed and ran a sawmill." "George Lundy, Junior, was the son of George and Esther (Willson) Lundy. He married Ruth Adams and settled near the Friends' meeting-house, on the road leading to Greensville. George died about 1824. When the children became of age, the farm was sold to William Hart, and afterward was owned by William's daughter Ellen (Hart) Craig, now deceased." QUAKER HOMESTEADS. 49 "Adjoining the farm of George and Ruth stood the house built and occupied by Samuel Lundy of Muncy, whose wife Sarah was a daughter of Judge Samuel Lundy. Muncy Samuel died in that house and was buried in Friends yard. Sarah was a great lover of flowers ; and she had all the varieties, old and new, known at that time. Her flower-garden was the admira- tion of the neighborhood. She rented one of her front rooms to a Mr. Loder, but reserved a large bed of pinks in front of the door ; and Mrs. Loder used to say to her, 'I get all the praise of those lovely flowers without having any of the care of them.' "Samuel Patterson and his wife Lucy lived between the meeting-house and the grave-yard." "Ebenezer Willson, son of Robert and Mary, married Jehoaden Schooley and lived during the latter part of his life on the first farm west of the Allamuchy station in a dwelling- house which stood a short distance from the point where the road winding up from the meadows joins the main road between Allamuchy and Johnsonburg. After Ebenezer's death, his son Jonathan sold the estate to the late George H. Ayers." "Robert and Mary (Lundy) Willson lived along the same road westward and nearer the Request river. I call this the Robert Willson homestead, for it was first owned by Robert and has always been owned and occupied by some of his descendants in the male line ; he himself deeded it to his son Ebenezer on 22 day of 2 month, 1762 ; Ebenezer deeded it to his son David in January, 1822 ; and David to his son Amos on April I, 1842; and Amos's son John now has it." "At the junction of the three roads coming from Long Bridge, the meeting-house and Judge Lundy's was the Hoey lot, and here lived Samuel and Sarah Hoey and their widowed daughter Mary Shaw." "The home of James and Elsie (Smalley) Shotwell was on the road leading from Allamuchy to Long Bridge. Their stone dwelling-house bears the date 1770; it stands near the creamery and is in good repair. It was afterward owned by their son Jonathan and subsequently by Jonathan's daughter Emelissa, and now by Mr. J. C. Runyon." "Robert and Rhoda (Dell) Willson lived at Long Bridge near Allamuchy." "The Buckley homestead was in to the left of the road leading from Long Bridge to the Hoey lot ; it was a part of the early (4) 50 QUAKER HOMESTEADS. Lundy tract and was next owned by a Stevenson, who sold it to George Buckley ; it has since been owned by Silas Hibler, and is now owned by Sanford Hibler." "The homestead of Gabriel and Grace (Brotherton) Willson was on the road from the meeting-house to Long Bridge, lying on both sides of said road after turning to the right, say, half a mile south of the meeting-house, at a point where three roads meet. Moses Applegate lives there now. This land probably belonged to Gabriel's parents, Gabriel and Elizabeth (Lundy) Willson. After the death of Gabriel and Grace, the homestead was partitioned among their three sons — Enoch receiving 98 acres on the south side of the road ; James receiving the same amount on the north side, and Henry, who was a weaver by trade, receiving only 40 acres at the parting of the roads." "Joseph Willson lived near Gabriel, a little eastward, at the bridge across the river. I think this Joseph was a brother of my grandmother, Esther (Willson) Lundy. Joseph's farm passed to his son James, who sold it and removed to New York State." "Abner Willson, son of Gabriel and Heziah (Decker) Will- son, married Elizabeth Lundy and lived on what is now the Samuel Drake farm. After Abner's death the place passed to his son Abijah ; and after Abijah's death, it was sold to Samuel Drake, whose wife is a great-grandchild of Abner Willson. The farm is a short distance northwest of the Hoey lot." "Jacob Lundy, son of Eli and Abigail (Dickerson) Lundy, now dwells on the east bank of Bear creek along the road lead- ing from Johnsonburg to Judge Samuel Lundy's." "Eli Willson married Elizabeth, daughter of Isaac and Ann (Large) Lundy. Eli's home was in the settlement on the road leading from Johnsonburg to Judge Samuel Lundy's. Eli's farm passed to his daughter Deborah, who had married Theodore F. Johnson ; after Deborah's death the farm was bought by John Roe, thus passing out of the family." "Mahlon Willson. son of Samuel Willson HL and his wife, Deborah Collins, left the Quaker settlement in the year 1798 and bought land in Green township on its extreme edge toward Newton. His homestead was near the Big Spring and was west of Springdale on the road to Fredon ; and there, after Mahlon's day, dwelt his son Obed, and there now dwells Obed's son Obed." ORIGIN OF SURNAMES. 5 I "I must not omit to mention that there was a school near the Friends' grove; it was in the field west of the meeting-house, up in the corner, and nearly opposite the end of the road coming from Greensville past George and Ruth Lundy's. Every trace of the building has disappeared, even its foundations. Among the teachers were Betty Willson, Clarissa Chedister, Mary Atkinson ; I am told that these persons taught there previously to 1832 and that the building even then was old. Times were so hard during the Civil War and so much money had to be raised that no repairs were made if it could possibly be avoided; and thus the building got out of repair ; and at the close of the war, it was deemed wise to abandon the old school-house and erect a new one on the site of the meeting-house, which had not been used for worship by Friends for ten or twelve years." Origin of Surnames. Every family name had a beginning ; there was a time and a place and a reason for its first use ; and it may be of interest to specify here briefly a few of the ways in which surnames origi- nated. Many family names denote the trade or occupation of an ancestor ; thus if there were three men in the community, each bearing the baptismal name of John, they would, for the sake of distinction, be spoken of as John the miller, John the weaver, and John the mason ; and these descriptive terms would soon be shortened into John Miller, John Weaver, and John Mason. This is why we have so many Cooks and Bakers, so many Brewers and Shoemakers and Fishers and Hunters, so many Coopers, Carpenters, Painters, Sawyers, Turners, Potters, Skinners, Tanners, Thatchers, Taylors, Tylers, Smiths and Wrights. There is a large group of names that indicate parentage. George, the san of William, was called George William's-son, which, by a natural change of stress, became George William- son. Enoch, the son of Richard, was in like manner called Enoch Richardson; and in this way there were formed such names as Albertson, Anderson, Dixon, Edison, Morrison, Nel- son, Paterson, Thomson, Willson. Jefferson, Madison, Jackson and Harrison. Nicknames were common in all ranks of society, and so it happened that many epithets which were originally bestowed on 52 ORIGIN OF SURNAMES. individuals to describe some personal peculiarity have hardened into surnames ; to this class are to be assigned Little, Small, Large, Long, Short, Stout, Young, Rich, Poor, Quick, Gay, Sage, Wise, Hardy, Moody, Stark, Broadhead, Armstrong, Cruikshank, and Longfellow. Variations in complexion and in the color of hair or clothing have furnished the names of Brown, Black, Reed, White and Gray. Common nouns denoting locality have formed a very prolific source of surnames, having been added to the baptismal names of individuals. If there were three men by the Christian, name of John, one living near the ford and one in the lane, and the third along the marsh, they would naturally be spoken of among their neighbors as John Ford, John Lane, and John Marsh. An examination of the ancient tax-lists of an English village fur- nishes numerous illustrations ; for the names of the tax-payers are recorded after this fashion : Willilmus de Grene, Adam atte Hall, Ricardus atte Brigg, Ricardus atte Well, Johnannes del Hill, Jacobus under Wood, and Eduardus atte Water. Among the names of this origin are Park, Glen, Mount, Brook, Bank, Street, Down, Dell, Dale, Ridge, Peak, Mead, Lee, and Moore. Carlisle, Kent, and Lincoln may be cited as examples of family names that have been derived directly from the proper names of towns and parishes ; and here, too, belongs the end- less list of family names ending in -ham and -ton, meaning home and town, such as Cunningham, Burnham, Dunham, Durham, Markham, Pelham, and Windham, and Benton, Exton, Newton, Milton, Walton, Stockton, Hamilton, and Washington. Among the surnames that indicate official position are Butler, Page, Chamberlain, Porter, Bowman, Archer, Knight, Squire, Judge, Earl, Duke, Lord, Prince, King, Queen, Priest, Abbot, Bishop, and Pope ; some of these terms denote the actual rank of an ancestor ; others sometimes merely indicated employment in the service of a person of the rank named ; sometimes they were nicknames, pure and simple, based on some fancied resem- blance in appearance or character; and sometimes they were reminiscences of the theatrical part played by an ancestor in the outdoor pageantries once so popular in England. Some households bear the names of animals, such as Swan, Drake, Crane, Heron, Rook, Partridge, Pigeon, Finch, Hawk. ORIGIN OF SURNAMES. 53 Jay, and other birds ; and also Fox, Wolf, Lyon, Hare, Beaver, Hart, Roe, Hind, and Bull. It is probable that some of these were bestowed in the first place as nicknames, and that others were derived from the emblems painted on tavern signs or on business signs suspended out of shop windows ; for in those days very few persons were able to read, and hence it was neces- sary for business men to render their shops conspicuous by the display of pictured sign boards. The meaning of many names is concealed by the fact that they are derived from words once in common use but now obsolete ; thus Tod meant a fox, Brock a badger. Pollard a cropped tree, Hatch a gate. Beck a brook, Foss a ditch, Shaw a thicket, Penn a hilltop, Worth a farm, Cobb, a harbor. Holmes a flat island, and Chase a hunting ground. Hunt is a shortened form of hunter; Starr, of starling; Gunn, of gunner; Ball, of Baldwin; Spark, of sparrow hawk; and Norton and Sutton, of north-town and south-town. Payne is a mutilated form of pagan ; Snooks, of seven-oaks ; Summer, of summoner ; Foster, of forester ; Senkler, of St. Clair ; Collins, of St. Nicholas ; Dennis, of St. Dionysius. Hughes is from Hugh; Mills from Miles; Randall from Ralph; and Davis from Davids. Borden means the den of boars, and Harden the den of hares. Ray, Rae and Wray are old forms of roe, a deer. Boone and Bunn are from the Latin word "bonus," meaning good. The Shoemakers made shoes ; the Websters wove ; the Wag- nors and the Wainwrights made wagons ; the Arkwrights made meal-chests ; the Playters made coats of mail ; and the Reeders gathered reeds and thatched houses. Diminutive suffixes are an element in some surnames. Elliot means little Ellis; Hewitt, Httle Hugh; Emmet, little Emma; Willet and Wilcox and Wilkins, little Will ; Robins, little Rob- ert; and Dickens, little Dick. The illustrations thus far presented have been selected from the English language; it will be readily understood that the same principles apply to the origin of surnames among nations using other languages. The directory of any large city will furnish numerous examples of the family names of the Welsh, the Irish, the Swedes, the Dutch, the Germans, the French, the Spaniards, the Italians, the Poles, and the Russians. Many of these foreign names have a meaning, but not to our English 54 ORIGIN OF SURNAMES. ears. Pettit and Grant and Fort are of French origin, and mean little and grand and strong; Zimmerman is the German for carpenter ; and the descendants of an early Polish settler in New Jersey named Saberoweski now write their name Zabris- kie. Price and Bevan are contractions of the Welsh forms ap-Rice and ap-Evan, meaning son of Rice and son of Evan. In discussing the origin of surnames, it must be borne in mind that the same name as now pronounced and spelled may have sprung from several words radically distinct, and that each of these words may have been assigned for a different reason. This principle is well illustrated by the family name of Bell. Turning to the old records, we meet with "Walter le Bel" (that is, Walter the Fair), so called because of his beautiful complexion; and "Richard fil. Bell" (that is, Richard the son of Isabel), so named from his widowed mother ; and lastly, "John atte Bell,"" so designated because he dwelt at the Sign of the Bell. I will now speak concerning the Lundy surname. House- holds bearing this name existed at an early day in England, Scotland, Ireland, Norway, Sweden, Germany, and France. i his wide range of distribution makes it almost certain that they have descended from several different ancestors ; and con- sequently it is possible for the word Lundy to have several dif- ferent meanings. In the old Norse language there was a word "lundi"" which meant a puffin, a sea-bird that congregates in immense flocks on rocky coasts ; and it is said that the name was given to certain persons as a nickname. In England the word "lundy"' was an adjective and meant "heavy, clumsy" ; it became a descriptive surname. The adjec- tive "lundy"" is unknown in America, but it is still in use among the common people in several parts of England. Halliwell in his Dictionary of Archaic and Provincial Words defines it as "heavy, clumsy"' ; and Addy in his Glossary of Words used in the Neighborhood of Sheffield explains it as "awkward, clumsy, heavy; also strong, muscular."" I find the following illustra- tions of the meaning of the word in Notes and Queries (8th series, vol. X., page 2^2) : A stout elderly person unable to walk with ease, lacking nimbleness, is lundy ; a bulky article difficult to carry (not because of its weight) is lundy; and a reckless rough foot-baller plays a lundy game. ORIGIN OF SURNAMES. 55 There is a third way in which the word Lundy in some in- stances may have become a surname. We call a grass-plat a lawn ; our ancestors called it a laund ; see Bardsley's English Surnames, page 122. Those who had their habitations on the greensward in the heart of the forest received the family names of Laund, Land, Lander, Lound, Lond, and Lund. Lundy may be a diminutive of Lund, and mea,n "little lawn." The village of Largo is in Scotland on an inlet of the Firth of Fourth ; and in the middle of a park near this village stand three straight sharp stones, several yards high, which are known as "The Standing Stanes of Lundie." Nothing is known concerning their origin or how they got the name of Lundie ; but they were probably erected in connection with the religious rites of a heathen race that disappeared ages ago. There is an island named Lundy in the entrance of Bristol channel, eleven or twelve miles off the coast of Devonshire. It is a lofty rampart of rocks ; it covers an area of 920 acres and contains fewer than 200 inhabitants. It has always been occu- pied as a nesting place by enormous numbers of puffins ; hence its name, for the Isle of Lundy means the Isle of Puffins. There is no evidence that any family by the name of Lundy ever had anything to do with the island. In a book written by Joseph Besse and published by him at London in 1753, entitled "Sufferings of the People Called Quakers," the family name of Laundy occurs several times. I do not venture to affirm that this is identical with Lundy ; but in view of the fact that great carelessness and irregularity in the spelling of proper names prevailed in England at that time, the similarity is suggestive. Besse says : Richard Laundy was fined £5 and had a horse worth £8 10 s. taken from him for refusing to take an oath at the Quarter Sessions. In 1668, Richard Laundy of Boldenhurst (and others) was imprisoned on an Exchequer Process. In 1668 Richard Laundy of Bolden- hurst was fined for being at a meeting at the house of Thomas Sutton in Little Saunton ; see Vol. I., pp. 6-8, in the Bedford- shire lists. On January 13, 1660, Richard Laundy, Jeremy Laundy, and many others were arrested and imprisoned for being at Friends' meeting and refusing to take the prescribed oath. Lewis Laundy and John Laundy are also mentioned ; see Vol. I., p. 242, in the Hertfordshire lists. PREFACE TO THE GENEALOGY. This genealogy is not limited to individuals bearing the Lundy name, but includes, so far as my researches have been successful, every person who has in his veins any of the blood of Richard Lundy the Emigrator, no matter what that person's surname now is and no matter through how many different surnames that person's Lundy relationship is derived. Memory is fickle and our children forget in a week facts of relationship and ancestry and migration which we would re- member forever, and the entries which we write on the blank pages in the family Bible are liable to loss and destruction in a dozen different ways; and therefore it is evident that the only safety for a family record is in printer's ink. The distribution of printed copies bids defiance to fire and other accidents, some copies being preserved among kinsmen who are widely dis- persed, and other copies being safely lodged in the fireproof alcoves of historical societies and public libraries. The page can still speak on after the voice has become silent. Items have been culled from every possible source, — from old letters, family Bibles, tombstones, mortgages, deeds for land, last wills and testaments, minutes of Friends' meetings, local histories, and colonial documents ; and I am glad to say that in almost every line of descent I have found some indi- viduals who were willing and able to furnish information ; I deeply appreciate their kindness. But all the problems of the Lundy kinship have not been solved ; there are lost lines and missing households still, a fact not to be wondered at when we consider the long interval of time since the birth of the first American-born Lundy, the loss of written records, and the frequent migrations to distant re- gions in search of new homes. I hope that many households, unknown now to me and therefore unrecorded here, may be traced out hereafter and listed properly within the circle of the Lundy kinship. The publication of this book will render future investigation much more effective by revealing to all inquirers the exact points at which further information is most needed. The compilation of this family history has been to me a work of pride and reverence and love and duty. WILLIAM CLINTON ARMSTRONG. Johnsonburg, Warren County, New Jersey. GROUP ONE. THE DESCENDANTS OF Richard Lundy the Third Of Wahren County, New Jersey. Born in 1715; Died in 1756. LINEAGE. 1. Sylvester Lundy, of Axminster, England. 2. Richard Lundy L and Jane Lyon, of Bucks Co., Pa. 3. Richard Lundy IL and Elizabeth Large, of Warren Co., N.J. 4. Richard Lundy IIL and Ann Willson, of Warren Co., N. J. The line then divides into seven branches : L Samuel Lundy and Sarah Webster. IL William Lundy and Nancy Silverthorn. IIL Amos Lundy and Ann Collins. IV. Sarah Lundy and John Kester. V. Richard Lundy IV. and Mary Stockton. VI. John Lundy and Rebecca Silverthorn. VII. Azariah Lundy and Elizabeth Richard Lundy III., whose name stands at the beginning of this Group, was the son of Richard Lundy II. and Elizabeth Large. He was born in Bucks county. Pa., and lived there until he was a young man; in 1737, his parents removed to some place within the limits of the Exeter Monthly Meeting at 58 RICHARD LUNDY III. Maiden Creek, Berks county, Pa. On lo day of 8 mo., 1739, ■Richard Lundy III. married Ann Willson, born 5 day of 6 mo., 1720, died after 1778, daughter of Samuel and Hester (Over- ton) Willson and granddaughter of Robert and Ann Willson. Their marriage certificate is recorded on the fourth page of the Record of Marriages for the Hardwick and Randolph Monthly Meeting. I insert a copy of it, retaining the old style spelling and capitalization. Marriage Certificate. Whereas Richard Lundy, jur., of Maiden Creek in the County of Philadelphia and Province of Pensylvania, and Anne Will- son, daughter of Sam'l Willson of the same place afsd, having declared their intentions of marriage with each other before several Monthly Meetings of the People called Quakers in the County afsd, according to the good order among them, whose Proceedings therein after a deliberate Consideration thereof and haveing consent of Parents and Relations concerned, Nothing appearing to obstruct, were approved of by the sd Meeting. NOW these are to certify all whome it may concern that for the full accomplishment of their said Intentions this Tenth day of the Eighth month one thousand seven hundred and thirty nine. They the sd Richard Lundy and Anne Willson appeared in a Publick Meeting of the said people at Maiden Creek in the County afsd and the said Richard Lundy, Taking the said Anne Willson by the hand, did in a solemn manner openly declare that he Took her to be his wife promising through Devine as- sistance to be a Loveing and faithful Husband untill death should seperate them ; and then and there in the said Assembly She the said Anne Willson did in like manner declare that she took the said Richard Lundy to be her Husband Promising through Devine Assistance to be a Loveing and faithfull wife untill death should seperate them. And moreover the said Richard Lundy and Anne Willson (She according to custom of Marriage assuming the Name of her Husband) as a further confirmation thereof did then and there to these Presents set their Hands. And we whose names are hereunto subscribed, being amongst others present at the solemnization of their said marriage and subscription in manner afforesaid, as witnesses thereunto have ANN WILLSON. 59 also to these presents set our hands the day and year above writen. Richard Lundy, jur. Anne Lundy. (Witnesses.) Richard Lundy, Samuel Lundy, Elizabeth Lundy, Elizabeth Lundy, junr., Joseph Lundy, Mary Willson, Jacob Lundy, Martha Lundy, Robert Willson, Sarah Hutton, Elanor Rut- lidge, Mary Penrose, Phebe Penrose, Samuel Lundy, Richard Penrose, Tho's Lundy, Marg't Lundy, Deborah Starr, AUic Gibson, Esther Pearson, Margaret Starr, Eleanor Parvin, Sarah Willy, Sam'l Shaw, Mary Willy, Mary Shaw, Ann Pen- rose, Moses Starr, Francis Parven, Lawrance Pearson, Nehe- .miah Hutton, Isaac Starr, John Willy. On the 27th day of 12th mo., 1745-6 (that is, February, 1746), Richard requested a certificate of membership for him- self and family from the Exeter Meeting; and on 12th day of 4th mo., 1746, he presented said certificate before the Bethle- hem Monthly Meeting in Hunterdon Co., N. J. He settled at the Great Meadows near AUamuchy, Warren Co., N. J. He was elected to represent the old township of Hardwick on the Board of Justices and Freeholders of Sussex county during 1754 and 55, and is designated on the early records as Richard Lundy, Jr. When the log-goal was built at the village now known as Johnsonburg, a dispute arose between the contractors and the county authorities as to the manner in which the work had been done ; so the Board of Freeholders appointed Richard to meet the workmen and adjust the matter. ' The Court of the General Sessions of the Peace appointed him to serve as one of the commissioners to divide the county into additional pre- cincts. On the account book of the Collector of Sussex county, I find these two entries made during the year 1755 : "To Richard Lundy, Jr., for Wolf's head £3." "To Richard Lundy, Jr., for killing three groan "Wolves & 6 whelps £13 los." Items like these show that liberal bounties were paid for the destruction of these troublesome beasts of prey, and give us a glimpse of those early days, reminding us of the fact that Hard- wick township was at that time only a frontier settlement, Richard Lundy HI. died November 17, 1756, and left ten 6o RICHARD LUNDY III. children, the eldest of whom was only sixteen years of age. It is certain that Anne his widow was living in 1778, for in that year her son Eliezer produced before the Falls Meeting, in writing, Anne's consent to his marriage ; and tradition says that Anne removed in 1784 to Virginia with her son John and made her home with him and died there at the age of one hundred and two years. The last Will and Testament of Richard Lundy the Third, dated November i, 1756, is recorded among WILLS, Liber 8, pages 475-476, in the Office of the Secretary of State, Trenton, N.J. Richard Lundy. His Will. £222 8s. November ye First, 1756, I, Richard Lundy of the Township of Hardwick and County of Sussex and Western Division of New Jersey, being very sick and weak of body but of perfect mind and memory and knowing the mortality of my body, DO make and Ordain this my last will and testament touching such worldly Estate wherewith it hath pleased God to bless me in this life. I Give & Devise and dispose of the same in the fol- lowing manner and form : In the first place it is my will and I Do Order that all my Just Debts and funeral Charges be paid and Satisfied, and Sec-i ondly, I Give and bequeath unto Anne my beloved wife One third part of all the monies that shall be over and above paying my just debts and funeral charges which shall be raised and levied out of my real and personal Estate which I Do Order I shall be sold and disposed of for that purpose, only excepting one young natural-pasing mare and two cows, also a bed and furniture, which I give to Anne my beloved wife over and be-l sides the one third part of my estates as aforesaid; and thej other two thirds of my estate I do give and bequeath to be equally divided between my Ten Children. And Lastly, I Do Constitute, make and Ordain Anne my beloved wife my Only and Sole Executrix of this my Last Will and Testament, and I do hereby utterly Disallow, revoke and disannull all and every other former Testament, will, legacies. Executors, by me in any ways before this time named, willed and bequeathed, ratifying and confirming this and no other to be my Last Will and Testament. In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal the day & year above written, Richard Lundy, Jun'r. (Seal) ANN WILLSON. 6 1 Signed, sealed, published, pronounced, and declared by the said Richard Lundy as his Last Will and Testament before us the subscribers. „ t Richard Lundy. Samuel Large. Joseph Lundy. Richard Lundy and Joseph Lundy, two of the witnesses to the within will and of the people called Quakers, on their sol- emn affirmation, did severally affirm that they saw Richard Lundy, Jun'r, the testator within named, sign and seal the same and heard him publicly pronounce and declare the within instru- ment to be his Last Will and Testament, and that at the doing thereof the said testator was of sound and disposing mind and memory as farr as the said affirmants know and as they verily believe, and that Samuel Large the other subscriber was present at the same time. Richard Lundy. Joseph Lundy. Affirmations taken this 7th day of December, 1756. Theo. Severns, Surrog. Be It remembered that, the Last Will and Testament of Rich- ard Lundy, Jun'r, being duly proved as above said. Probate and Letters Testamentary were granted by the Hon. John Reding, Esq., president of the Council and Commander in Chief of the Province of New Jersey, unto Anne Lundy, sole Executrix in the said Testament named, she being duly affirmed to perform said will, to exhibit a true and perfect Inventory, and to render a just and true Account when thereunto lawfully required. Given under the Prerogative seal of the said Province at Burlington this 7th day of December Anno Domini One Thous'd Seven hundred and fifty seven. Cha. Read, Reg'r. THE children OF RICHARD LUNDY III. AND ANNE WILLSON. I. Samuel was born the 30th day of the 5th month, 1740, at Maiden Creek in the County of Philadelphia and Province of Pennsylvania. He married Sarah Webster and settled in the township of Whitchurch, county of York, Ontario, Canada, where he died in March, 1826. II. William, born the 31st day of the nth month, 1741, at 62 RICHARD LUNDY III, the Place afsd. He married Nancy Silverthorn and settled in Canada near Niagara Falls where he died in 1829. It was on his land that the battle of Lundy's Lane was subsequently fought. • III. Amos, born the 7th day of the 6th month, 1743, at the Place afsd. He married Ann Collins and in 1784 removed to Grayson county, Va. IV. Sarah, born the 19th day of the 12th month, 1744, at the Place afsd. She married John Kester and in 1784 removed to Grayson county, Va. V. Richard, born the 3rd day of the 2nd month, 1746, at the Place afsd. He married Mary Stockton and in 1785 removed to Grayson county, Va. He died before 1823. VI. Ann, the loth day of the nth month, 1747, at the Great Meadows in the county of Sussex and Western Division of the Province of New Jersey. She married William Webster. VII. James, born the Fifth day of the Fifth month, 1749, at the Place afsd. He died before the making of his father's will, which was written in 1756. VIII. and IX. Ebenezer and John was born at one birth the 19th of 9th month, 1751, at the place afsd. Ebenezer removed to Bucks county. Pa. John married Rebecca Silverthorn and in 1785 removed to Virginia and settled near Oldtown in Gray- son county, where he died May 5, 1831. X. Eliezer, born the 15th of the 2nd month, 1753, at the place afsd; and departed this Life the loth of 7th month, 1782. He removed to Bucks county. Pa., and married Christianna Brown. He was buried on the nth of 7th mo., 1782. XL Azariah, born the i8th of the 9th month, 1754, at the place afsd; and departed this Life the ist of 7th month, 1784. He was buried in the Hardwick yard in Warren county, N. J. He married Elizabeth . In 1785 his widow and chil- dren removed to Grayson ( now Carroll ) county, Va. The names and birth-dates of all the children enumerated above and the death-dates of Eliezer and Azariah are taken from the fourth page of the Record of Births for the Hardwick and Mendham Monthly Meeting; the other data have been gathered from various sources. Anne Lundy, jr., the sixth child, married with the approval of the Kingwood Monthly Meeting, Abraham Webster, possi- ANN WILLSON, 6$ biy the son (born 12 of 9, 1743) of Joseph and Ehzabeth Web- ster. Their first declaration of intentions to marry was made on 8 of 3, 1770. They had at least one child, Mary, who resided within the compass of the Hardwick M. M., and removed to Upper Canada some time previons to 1821 ; Mary had married a Mr. Tonkin as her second husband. Ebenezer Lundy applied to the Kingwood Meeting on 6 of 9, 1768, for a certificate of removal to the Wrightstown Meeting in Bucks county, Pa. At a Monthly Meeting held at Falls, Bucks county, on 8 of 10, 1777, Ebenezer was reported for hav- ing been engaged in military service so far as to be employed in making implements of war such as tents and other military atttire ; and the minutes further show that on being treated with he was so far from seeing his error that he rather endeavored to justify his conduct, and that a testimony against him was accordingly produced, read, approved and signed. Eliezer Lundy married Christianna Brown, daughter of Thomas Brown, with the approval of the Falls Meeting in Bucks county. Pa., on 18 day of 2 mo., 1778. Eliezer is desig- nated on the minutes as a son of Richard and as a brother of Ebenezer. Eliezer died in 7th mo., 1782. There is no record of any children. On the 8 of 10, 1777, Eliezer was charged be- fore the Falls Meeting with "being employed by his brother in making Tents, &c., for the army" ; he was present and ofTered a paper of acknowledgment for his misconduct which was read and received. On 15 day of 5 mo., 1793, Christianna Lundy (perhaps Eliezer's widow) married George Merrick of the Borough of Bristol, Bucks county. Pa. No further information concerning Anne, Ebenezer or Eliezer. The children of Richard Lundy IIP emigrated from Warren county. New Jersey, about the time of the Revolutionary War. So complete was the exodus that, so far as known, there is not a single person residing at the present time within the boundar- ies of the State of New Jersey that can trace his descent in either male or female line from Richard IIL The dispersal was to regions far remote. Samuel and William, the eldest sons, settled in Canada, Samuel locating near Newmarket in Ontario, and William at Lundy's Lane, near Niagara Falls. Amos, Richard IV., John, Sarah, and Azariah's widow went south and planted a colony in Grayson and Carroll counties, Virginia. 64 RICHARD LUNDY III. FIRST BRANCH. SAMUEL LUNDY AND SARAH WEBSTER. OF NEW JERSEY; OF YORK CO., ONTARIO. Richard Lundy II. in his will dated 21 of 2 mo., 1772, gives six pounds to his grandson Samuel Lundy, Junior. The minutes of the Kingwood Monthly Meeting show that Samuel Lundy, Jr., and Sarah Webster declared their inten- tions of marriage on 8 of 3 mo., 1759. In the minutes of the same meeting, under date of 13 day 2 mo., 1794, it is stated that William Lundy and Samuel Lundy III. requested certifi- cates of membership to the Exeter Meeting at Maiden Creek, Berks Co., Pa. ; and it is also stated under date of 30 day 5 mo., in the same year, that Samuel Lundy II. requested a certificate of membership to the Exeter Meeting for himself and four minor children. The records of the Society of Friends at Millville, Pa., show that a certificate was presented to that Meeting on 10 day 7 mo., 1794, by Samuel Lundy from the records of the Kingwood Monthly Meeting held at Hardwick, Sussex Co., N. J., recommending the aforesaid Samuel Lundy with his four children, John, Ebenezer, Sarah, and Eleazer. The records of the Exeter Meeting make mention twice of a William Lundy; it is stated that William Lundy came in 1795 from Kingwood, Hunterdon Co., N. J. ; and it is also stated, under date of 22 day 5 mo., 1798, that a report was received from the Muncy Preparative Meeting that William Lundy had accomplished his marriage with one not a member. Turning again to the Kingwood minutes, we find that a Richard Lundy declared his intention of marriage on 8 day 1 1 mo., 1787; and that on 12 day 11 mo., 1795, Richard Lundy requested a certificate of membership for himself and family to the Exeter Meeting. The statements above are gleaned from original sources and are indisputable as to the several particular facts ; the state- ANN WILLSON. 65 nients concerning Samuel Lundy, here called "the second" and "junior," refer to the same individual. This Samuel Lundy settled in the township of Whitchurch, York Co., Ontario, and died in March, 1826. He had seven children; four of his sons settled near him in Canada ; namely, Richard, William, John, and Eleazer; the three other children remained in the United States. After the death of Sarah, Samuel married Sarah, widow of James Willson and daughter of Peter Schmuck. CHILDREN OF SAMUEL LUNDY AND SARAH WEBSTER. I. Richard, died May 27, 1816; married Mary Lowe. IL \yilliam, h. June 11, 1770; married Agnes Randall, in. Samuel IL (he of Muncy, Pa.) ; married in 1798 Sarah Lundy (she of Johnsonburg, N. J.), a daughter of Judge Samuel Lundy ; see Group Seven. IV. John, mentioned in 1794 as a minor; married Elizabeth Toole prior to 7 mo., 1808. V. Ebenezer ; said to have married and to have had children. VI. Sarah ; said to have married a Mr. Walton ; no further record. VII. Eleazer, born in 1785; died April 4, 1853; married in 18 1 3 Euphemia Playter. It is said that Ebenezer married and had at least one child, a daughter named Mary Ann, who married a Mr. Buckley ; and it is also said that Mary Ann visited her kinsmen at New- market, Ontario, in 1853-54. No further information concern- ing Ebenezer. § A. RICHARD LUNDY AND MARY LOWE. Of Warren Co., N. J. ; of Canada. Richard Lundy (of Samuel, Richard III.) married Mary Lowe in 1787 and had three children : I. Ann, May 12, 1791 ; m. Mordecai Widdifield ; for descendants, see Group Two, Fifth Branch. II. Susannah; m. Joseph Hilbourn and re- moved to Canada. III. Ebenezer, b. January i, 1803; d. April 28, 1874. On the minutes of the Hardwick and Mendham (N. J.) Monthly Meeting, under date of 5th month. 1821, it is stated that a certificate addressed to the Monthly Meeting of Yonge Street in Upper Canada, had been requested for Mary Lundy, (5) 66 RICHARD LUNDY III, widow of Richard Lundy, her two daughters, Ann, wife of Mordecai Widdifield, and Susannah, wife of Joseph Hilbourn, and her son Ebenezer Lundy a minor. Ebenezer Lundy (of Richard, Samuel), m. April 21, 1825, Rachel Collins, b. 13 of 7 mo., 1804, daughter of Elijah and Elizabeth (Lundy) Collins; see Section A of Second Branch in Group Three. Six children: L Mary, b. March 16, 1826; d. January 12, 1885; m. Joseph Randall. IL Angelina, b. April 28, 1831. in. Elizabeth, b. January 15, 1834; d. May 21, 1885. IV. Sarah, b. July 21, 1841 ; d. September 12, 1857; m. Crawford MacPherson and had a son Joseph Alexander MacPherson. V. Joseph Collins, b. November 10, 1842. VI. Sarah H., b. March 7, 1845 ; m. Robert Tindall of Gooderham, Ontario. Angelina Lundy m., June i, 1852, Mark Spoffard, b. August 18, 1827 ; d. March 2, 1888, buried in the Dutch yard at Altona. Res. at Claremont, Ont. One child, Franklin Spoffard, b. October 22, 1856, who m., November 15, 1882, Lavinia Jane Lamb, daughter of Joseph and Annie (Leaper) Lamb, and has one child, William Leslie Lamb Spoffard. Elizabeth Lundy m. John Taylor and has two ch. : I. Nel- son. II. Rachel who m. Joseph Stephens and resides at Bo- garttown, Ont. Joseph Collins Lundy m., October 25, 1864, Charlotte Emily , daughter of Joel and Elizabeth , of Mount Albert, Ont. Res. at Newmarket, Ont. Five children : I. Pemberton, b. April 7, 1866. II. Emily Ida, b. September 22, 1867. III. Wilmot Clark, b. April 13, 1869. IV. Marshal, b. August 13, 1871 ; res. at Albany, N. Y. V. Annie May, b. January 5, 1873 ; m. Joseph M. Belfry and res. at Alliston, Ont. § B. WILLIAM LUNDY AND AGNES RANDALL. Of Newmarket, York Co., Ontario. William Lundy (of Samuel, Richard III.) m. Agnes Ran- dall, daughter of Comly and Mary Randall. They removed to Canada in 1800 and settled near Newmarket, Ontario. Seven children : I. Martha, b. February 20, 1796; m. William Wray, had ten children, and died at Whitby, Ont. II. Samuel, b. September 4, 1798; m. Hannah Starr. III. Sara, b. Septem- ber 4, 1798, a twin of Samuel ; m. Joshua Willson and had ten children. IV. William, b. January 23, 1802 ; died when a ANN WILLSON. 67 child. V. Edward; died in infancy. VI. Edward (aj^ain), b. July 6, 1804; died unmarried. VII. William (again); m. Martha Roadhouse. Samuel Lundy, b. 1798, m. his cousin Miss Randall and had a son William who died when about 25 years old. His wife having died, Samuel in 1838 m. Hannah Starr, daughter of Mordecai and Sara Starr, and had thirteen children, the eldest being Charles Lundy of Newmarket, Ont., b. April 22, 1839, who on October 6, 1863, m. Catherine Walks. Res. at New- market, Ont. Three children: I. Emma, b. November 7, 1864; died in 1893; m. Stephen Griffis. II. Edgar, b. April 16, 1866; m. Rachel Randall. III. Hannah, b. October, 1867; d. 1872. Among the other children of Samuel and Hannah (Starr) Lundy were: II. Agnes, now Mrs. Williamson, of Vandorf, Ont. III. Hannah, now Mrs. Sheridan, of Newmarket, Ont. IV. Susan, now Mrs. Lloyd, of Pine Orchard, Ont. V. Fran- cis, of Pine Orchard. VI. Joseph R., of Newmarket. VII. Comly, died February 8, 1897. Comly Lundy m. March 2, 1875, Mary Catherine Willson, daughter of Samuel Lundy Willson and his wife Jane Walks. (See § E in Fifth Branch, Group Two.) Res. at Venlaw, Manitoba. Two children: I. Samuel Milton, b. February 15, 1876, at Whitchurch, Ont. II. Ada G., b. July 20, 1879. William and Martha (Roadhouse) Lundy had eleven chil- dren : I. Edward ; m. Deborah Widdifield ; res. at Newmarket, Ont. II. Martha. HI. Samuel; m. Rachel James; see § D, Second Branch of Group Three. IV. Agnes. V. Henry. Vi. Ann. VII. Charles. VIII. Eli. IX. Phoebe Alma. X. George. XI. Elliott. Samuel and Rachel (James) Lundy reside at Seabright, Ont., and have five children : I. Everett. II. Edward. III. Eliza- beth. IV. Mabel. V. Boss. After the death of Samuel, Rachel m. Chancey Connor. § C. SAMUEL LUNDY AND SARAH LUNDY. Of Allamuchy, Warren Co., N. j. Samuel II. (of Samuel, Richard HI.) m. in 1798 in Warren County, N. J., Sarah Lundy, daughter of Judge Samuel Lundy and his wife Sarah Willets ; see Tenth Branch in Group Seven. 68 RICHARD LUNDY III. This Samuel Lundy II. had come to Warren County, N. J., from Muncy, Lycoming County, Pa., a town near the west branch of the Susquehanna river, fourteen miles southeast of Williamsport. To distinguish this Samuel from other individ- uals of the same name, he was frequently spoken of as Muncy Samuel ; and at a later day, some persons, not knowing the cir- cumstances, used the appellation as a middle name and called him Samuel Muncy Lundy. Samuel of Muncy built a dwell- ing house along the Pequest river above the Friends' Meeting- house, and there he lived and died and was buried in Friends' yard. After the death of Samuel, Sarah accompanied her son- in-law Abner B. Laing to Waterloo, N. Y., and made her home with his family until her death. Eight children: I. Elizabeth H., b. in 1800; died in 1857; married Zachariah Shotwell. II. Anna; married Caleb Van Duser; no further record. III. Amy, died August 14, 1855; Buried at Elba, Lapeer County, Mich. ; married William S. Bird. IV. Sarah, died unmarried March 30, 185 1, at Mace- don, N. Y. V. Eleazer, died in 1862 while on a visit at Mata- moras, Mich. ; married and left two children ; no further record. VI. Samuel III., died at Belvidere, N. J., about 1836 or 7; married Harriet Roney. VII. Achsah, b. January 15, 1813; d. December 14, 1844, at Waterloo, N. Y. ; buried in Friends' yard at Lundy's Corner; married Abner B. Laing. VIII. Levi, b. in 1818; d. at Elba, N. Y., December 27, 1844, aged 26 yrs. I mo. 27 days. Elizabeth H. Lundy, daughter of Samuel Lundy of Muncy so called, m. Zachariah Shotwell, son of Benjamin and Bath- sheba (Pound) Shotwell. Elizabeth H. was his third wife. For Zachariah's children by Elizabeth Lundy his first wife, see Group Seven, Fifth Branch ; for his children by Edna Lundy his second wife, see Group Seven, Second Branch. Zachariah and Elizabeth had two children : I. Samuel Lundy, b. November 21, 1829, who married Sarah (Smith) Underbill and resides at Escondido, Cal. II. Edna Ann, b. May 30, 1832; married Jesse McKeel. Amy Lundy, daughter of Samuel Lundy of Muncy so called, m. March 29, 1825, Wilham Stewart Bird, d. March 6, 1865, buried at Elba, Lapeer Co., Mich., son of Samuel and Sarah (Stewart) Bird of New Jersey. Ten children : I. Edna Marie, b. January 27, 1827, d Octo- ANN WILLSON. 69 ber 18, i860. II. Sarah Ann, b. November 24, 1828, d. Octo- ber 22, 1850. III. Albina, b. February 19, 1832, d. June 26, 1832. IV. Enoch Willson, b. February 13, 1833. V. Frances Jane, b. November 25, 1834. VI. John Lundy, b. April 22, 1837, d. April 12, 1863. VII. Levi, b. October 28, 1839, d. April 4, 1840. VIII. Milon William, b. March 23, 1841, d. April 12, 1863. IX. Amy Elizabeth, b. April 23, 1843. X. Sarah Almina, b. December 27, 1851, d. unmarried, July 15, 1883. Edna Marie Bird m. May 19, 1847, John A. Barber, who died at Elba, Mich., in April, 1863. Two children: I. Electa Amy, b. July 31, 185 1, resides at Fabius, N. Y. 11. Sophia, b. November 20, 1853, d. March 11, 1890, at Elba, Mich. Sophia Barber m. James Watts. Res. at Elba, Mich. Five children : I. Mary E., b. September 22, 1877. II. George B., b. Sep- tember 2, 1880. III. Edna E., b. May 9, 1883. IV. Carrie A., b. March 27, 1885. V. James H., b. May 15, 1887, d. June 23, 1892. Sarah Ann Bird m., December 21, 1848, John L. Bullock, who died July 15, 1850; no children. Enoch Willson Bird m., March 10, 1863, Frances Thompson. Res. at Elba, Mich. Four children : I. Milon L., b. July 25, 1865. II. Andrew M., b. December 5, 1867. III. Jennie A., b. April 18, 1870. IV. William L., b. February 16, 1873. Milon L. Bird m. Louisa Gotimere of Lockport, N. Y. Res. at Mayville. Three children : I. Milon W., b. in 1888. IL Edwin J., b. in 1890. III. Mabel Blanche, b. in 1893. Jennie A. Bird m. Lewis H. Burdick. Res. at Elba, Mich. Two children : I. Earl L., b. September i, 1890. IL Walter C., b. October 4, 1892. Frances Jane Bird m., November 18, 1855, D. C. Miller, b. June 7, 1832. Res. at Elba, Mich. Seven children: I. Wil- lard T., b. July 28, 1858. II. Willis D., b. July 28, 1858. III. R. D., b. August 3, i860, d. March 3, 1865. IV. Ella A., b. January 23, 1862, d. October 3, 1868. V. Bird, b. November 14, 1866. VI. Fred J., b. December i, 1868. VII. Mabel A., b. January 20, 1877. Willard T. Miller m., September 21, 1881, Ada R. Merrill, at North Branch, Mich. Five children: I. L. D., b. June 11, 1882, d. November 26, 1891. II. Adam W., b. June 2, 1884. III. Emma Leala, b. December 21, 1886. IV. Edward M., b. 70 RICHARD LUNDY III. November i, 1890. V. Ella M., b. June 4, 1893, d. September 14, 1893. Willis D. Miller m., November 18, 1888, at Utica, N. Y., Lillian Lirich. One child : Morrice Miller, b. February 16, 1890. Bird Miller m., at Utica, N. Y., December 16, 1891, Clara Darby. Two children: I. Hazel A., b. September 9, 1892. II. Vera, b. June 15, 1895. Amy Elizabeth Bird m. Andrew P. Glaspie, son of Henry and Harriet (Babcock) Glaspie. Res. at Oxford, Oakland Co., Mich. Three children : I. Andrew Bird, b. November 21, 1876. II. Harriet Lundy, b. December 9, 1878. HI. Philo Babcock, b. September 21, 1880. Samuel Lundy HI., son of Samuel Lundy of Muncy so called, married Harriet Roney, who is buried at Bushnell, 111. They had one child, Sarah Maria Lundy, b. at Belvidere, N. J., November 3, 1835, d. July 2'], 1896, and was buried at Bushnell, 111. After Samuel's death Harriet m. Mr. Beach, and went to Illinois in 1855, where she was joined the next year by her daughter. Sarah Maria Lundy m., in 1857, Dan Markham, b. June 9, 1824, d. March 17, 1880, buried at Bushnell, son of Dan and Anna (Miller) Markham. Seven children: I. Monroe, b. June 18, 1858, who now resides at Los Angeles, Cal. II. Har- riet M. HI. Ada M. IV. Clinton D. V. Elmer. VI. Wal- ter R., b. May 22, 1872, resides at Covina, Cal. VII. Chella. Achsah Lundy, daughter of Samuel Lundy of Muncy so called, m., March 10, 1832, Abner Bunting Laing, b. May 7, 1807, d. August 7, 1847, buried in Friends' graveyard at Mace- don Centre, N. Y., son of Elijah and Elizabeth (Bunting) Laing, and grandson of John Laing HI. and his wife Hannah Webster. Resided for a time at Johnsonburg, N. J., but, in the summer of 1840, removed to Waterloo, N. Y. Two children; I. George, b. May 7, 1833. II. Walter, who m. Maria Orton now deceased ; no issue. George Laing m. Penelope A. Cook, daughter of Caleb and Melinda (Orton) Cook. Res. at Richmond, Elgin Co., Ont. Three children : I. Emma Josephine, b. January 20, 1858, m. Charles H. Baxter and resides at Omaha, Neb. II. James C, b. October i, 1859. m- Lome, b. September 24, 1878. \ MONROE MARKHAM, Of San Francisco, California. Son of Dan }ilarkham and Sarah ]\Iaria Lnndy Of Samuel Lundy III. and Harriet Roney ; Of Samuel Lundy II. and Sarah Lundy; Of Samuel Lundy and Sarah Webster: Of Richard Lundy III. and Ann Willson: Of Richard Lundv II. and Elizabeth Large. ANN WILLSON. 71 § D. JOHN LUNDY AND ELIZABETH TOOLE. Of York County, Ontario. John Lundy (of Samuel I., Richard III.) m. Ehzabeth Toole and had five children who grew up and married, two sons dying in infancy. I. John Jr., m. Hannah Penrose. II. Sarah, m. William Reader. III. Agnes, m. John Willson. IV. Elizabeth, m. Henry Mintern. V. Levina, m. Joseph Mintern. John died October 5, 1855; Elizabeth, his wife, died November 13. 1857. John Lundy, Jr. and his wife Hannah Penrose had five chil- dren : I. John, m. Susan Williamson. II. Dan, m. Phoebe Randall. III. Mary Ann, m. John Randall. IV. George, m. Ruth Bowerman. V. Elizabeth, m. Charles Case. Two extracts are here inserted from the minutes of the Yonge Street Monthly Meeting of Friends. "13 of 7 mo., 1809. Received at this meeting a few lines from two friends appointed by Muncy M. M. informing that John Lundy forwarded to that meeting an offering condemn- ing his outgoing in marriage with desires that this meeting may take the necessary care in his case and report the result to that meeting. After time of deliberation thereon, the meeting appoints Isaac Wiggins, Frances Wesly and Samuel Hughes to visit him and report their sense of the state of his mind to next meeting." "17 of 8 mo., 1809. The committee appointed to visit John Lundy informed that they have visited him ; and upon inquiry concerning him, no other appears but that his conduct and con- versation during the time of his residence amongst us hath been in a good measure consistent with our profession. The clerk is directed to forward a copy of this minute to Muncy Monthly Meeting." § E. ELEAZAR LUNDY AND EUPHEMIA PLAYTER. Of Newmarket, Ontario. Eleazar Lundy (of Samuel I., of Richard III.) m., in 1813, Euphemia Playter, d. April 24, 1870, aged yy years, 6 month, daughter of Watson and Priscilla (Waterman) Playter. Six children : I. Watson, m. Sarah Willson. II. Samuel, m. Charlotte Bell and had five children. III. Pennington, m. Mary Ann Gamble and had ten children, five of whom are now 72 RICHARD LUNDY III. deceased. IV. Harriet, m. Ephraim May and had four chil- dren. V. Hannah, m. Jabez Johnson and had six children. VI. Mary Ann, m. Edward Reynolds. Watson Lundy (of Eleazar) m., 29 of 10 mo., 1840, Sarah Willson, daughter of James and Mary (Widdifield) Willson; see Fifth Branch, Group Two. Three children: Mary Eliza- beth, b. 3 of 7 mo., 1843, ni- Jo^^i^ Watson on 23 of 10 mo., 1863. 11. Euphemia, m. Sylvanus Brown on 15 of 11 mo., 1866. III. Milton, b. 17 of 11 mo., 185 1, d. ii of 6 mo., 1870. Mary Elizabeth Lundy m. John Watson. Four children : I. Elwood L., b. 15 of II mo., 1866, d. 2 of 6 mo., 1876. II. John J., b. 14 of 6 mo., 1869, m. 20 of 9 mo., 1894, Mary Phillips. HI. Wilmot M., b. 15 of 9 mo., 1873, ^- ^7 o^ 3 ^^-i 1896, Elva G. McMillan. IV. Mary Elma, b. 11 of 9 mo., 1875, m. 18 of 9 mo., 1900, Robert Ross. Euphemia Lundy m. Sylvanus Brown. Four children : I. Sarah Luella, b. 15 of 10 mo., 1867, m. George F. Richardson. H. Franklin Lundy, b. 30 of 3 mo., 1870, m. Agnes B. Cran- dall. HI. Milton Watson, b. i of 11 mo., 1874. IV. Carrie Ethel, b. 6 of 6 mo., 1881. Sarah Luella Brown m. 28 of 12 mo., 1887, George F. Rich- ardson. Seven children : I. Florence Beatrice, b. 16 of 5 mo., 1888. II. Adella Larene, b. 18 of 5 mo., 1890. HI. Howard Elwood, b. 16 of 8 mo., 1891. IV. Greeta Louise, b. 5 of 4 mo., 1893. V. Elma Mildred, b. 17 of 5 mo., 1894. VI. Clar- ence Russell, b. 23 of 9 mo., 1895. VII. Walter Harold, b. 12 of 12 mo., 1896. Franklin L. Brown m. i of i mo., 1895, Agnes B. Crandall. Two children: I. Anna Ruby, b. 31 of 10 mo., 1895. II. Leola Lundy, b. 25 of 12 mo., 1897. Mary Ann Lundy (of Eleazar) m., July 25, 1846, Edward Reynolds, d. July 14, 1872, aged 47 years, son of Edward and Mary Reynolds who came to Canada in 181 3 with their family from County Latram, town Molehill, Ireland. Res. at New- market, Ont. Seven children : I. Alward, d. in infancy. II. Emma Estella, b. November 8, 1850. HI. Allie Caroline, b. September 19, 1854. IV. Ada, b. November 28, 1856. V. Bert, b. November 14, 1858. VI. Alfred Ernest, b. January 9, 1861 ; d. in California, November 5, 1890, unmarried; VII. Mary Euphemia. Emma Estella Reynolds m. Jacob Traviss, son of Joseph ANN WILLSoN. 73 and Elizabeth Traviss. Res. at Queensville, Ont. Two chil- dren : I. Herbert Reynolds, b. February 3, 1877. II. Estella Mary, b. July 13, 1885. AUie Caroline Reynolds m. Albert Traviss, son of Isaac and Hannah Traviss. Res. at Newmarket, Ont. Three children : I. Eva Gertrude, b. December 26, 1875. II. Flora May, b. September 10, 1877. III. Albert Edward, b. July 10, 1883. Ada Reynolds m. John F. Cummings, son of John and Mary Cummings. Res. at Palmerston, Ont. One child, Ada Alex- andra Reynolds Cummings. Bert Reynolds m. Lydia Davis, daughter of Joseph and Mary Davis. Res. at Pine Orchard, Ont. Three children : I. Fred, b. May 13, 1893. II. Ada, b. August 12, 1895. III. Roy, b. March 5, 1897. SECOND BRANCH. WILLIAM LUNDY AND NANCY SILVERTHORN. OF LUNDY'S lane near NIAGARA FALLS, CANADA. William Lundy (of Richard III., Richard II.) married Nancy Silverthorn. He was a United Empire Loyalist and emigrated from Pennsylvania. CHILDREN OF WILLIAM LUNDV AND NANCY SILVERTHORN. I. Eli ; married Mary Keepher. II. Azariah ; married Elizabeth Miller. III. James ; married Mary Anderson. IV. Thomas ; married Catherine Shannon. V. Benjamin, born about 1813 ; married Rachel Shannon and dwelt near Niagara Falls; died during March, 1893, at Palatka, Fla., where he had an orange grove. VI. Joseph. No further information concerning any of these children except Azariah and Thomas. 74 RICHARD LUNDY III. § A. AZARIAH LUNDY AND ELIZABETH MILLER. Of Niagara Falls, Canada. Azariah Lundy (of William, Richard III.) married Eliza- beth Miller and had at least five children : I. Thomas. II. James Miller, b. in 1810 near Lundy's Lane; d. April 2, 1875, at Cleveland, Ohio, and was buried in Riverside cemetery. IV. Elizabeth. V. William. James Miller Lundy m. Sarah Maria Newkirk, who was born in 1819 and died January 25, 1884, daughter of Conrad and Lucretia Newkirk of Norwalk, Conn. Res. at Cleveland, O. Six children : I. Lucretia. II. Maria. III. John New- kirk, who died unmarried May 15, 1899. IV. Helen Van Ant- werp. V. Alice. VI. Elizabeth, who died in infancy. § B. THOMAS LUNDY AND CATHERINE SHANNON. Of Lundy's Lane, Niagara Falls, Canada. ■ Thomas Lundy (of Wilham, of Richard III.) m. Catherine Shannon, daughter of Daniel and Elizabeth (Garvey) Shan- non, granddaughter of Capt. Daniel Shannon and his wife Susan Drake, and of Alexander Garvey and his wife Catherine Borden, of New Jersey. Eight children: I. Susan, b. 1806; d. 1881. II. Nancy, b. 1807; d. 1871. III. Daniel, b. 1809; d. 1885. IV. William, b. 1813; d. 1885. V. Catherine Eliza- beth, b. 1816; d. 1853. ^I- Benjamin Corwin, b. 1818; d. 1890. VII. Lantry Shannon, b. January i, 1820; d. February 8, 1896. VIII. George, b. 1822; d. 1865. William Lundy (of Thomas) m. Hannah Schooley and had three children; I. Frances, deceased. II. George L., who married Miss A. F. Morse and had children. III. Florence Percy, who m. Mr. Fritz Thomson. Catherine Elizabeth Lundy m. Jesse Baxter and had one child, Catherine Elizabeth Baxter. Lantry Shannon Lundy (of Thomas) m. Elizabeth Pearson. Ten children: I. Louisa Elizabeth, m. Ivan O'Beime; no issue. II. Hannah M., who m. George Summins and had two chil- dren. III. Arthur Johnston. IV. Bayard Deverley. V. Anna M., m. George Biggar and had seven children. VI. William Leeming who m. Miss M. Butlery and had four chil- dren. VII. Elizabeth Baxter. VIII. Lilly Blackwell who m. Walter Pool. IX. Lundy Shannon. X. George Benjamin. BATTLE OF LUNDY S LANE. 75 The Canadian Post of Lindsay, Ontario, published the fol- lowing obituary in its issue of February 14, 1896: Niagara Falls, February 9. The Niagara district has lost one of its best known and highly respected citizens in the death of Mr. Lantry Shannon Lundy of Lundy's Lane, yesterday morning. He was the last surviving member of the family of Thomas Lundy, a son of William Lundy, the United Empire Loyalist, after whom the historic lane was named. The late Mr. Lundy was born and spent most of his life in the house in which he died and which was used as a hospital during the Battle of Lundy's Lane and as officers' quarters during 1814, his father's house having been burned by guerrillas in 1813. The original plot of the home- stead was granted by King George IIL January 6, 1796, thus having been in the unbroken possession of the family for more than a hundred years ; and the clock whose ticking marked his birth marked also his release from the weary hours of his suf- fering during which he was sustained by an unwavering Chris- tian faith. He was also of Revolutionary stock, his maternal grandfather having been Col. Shannon, a British officer, whose command was the last to surrender to American arms. He had entered upon his 77th year, having been born January, 1820. He had been a life-long Liberal, a justice of the peace for thirty- three years and had held many other public positions of trust. He was esteemed by all for his uprightness of character and kindness of heart ; and revered by those admitted to his friendship and home-circle. He leaves a sorrowing widow and a large grown-up family by whom he was dearly loved and by whom his memory will be held as their best possession. The funeral will take place from his late residence on Wednesday afternoon, February 12, at 2 o'clock, interment taking place at Drummond Hill Cemetery. x^S.Vm.N.N.m.NN'^NN.'^NX^XN.'^XN.^ BATTLE OF LUNDY'S LANE. During the summer of 18 14, the Americans formed a plan to capture and occupy the Niagara peninsula which includes the territory bounded by Lake Ontario, the Niagara River and the eastern end of Lake Erie. An army was assembled at Buffalo under Gen. Jacob Brown. On July 3, 1814, Brown 76 BATTLE OF LUNDT's LANE. suddenly invaded Canada and compelled the surrender of Fort Erie before Sir Phineas Riall, the British commander, could come to its relief. During the military operations which fol- lowed, three spirited battles were fought on the Canadian side of the Niagara River; namely, the battle of Chippewa, the battle of Lundy's Lane, and the siege of Fort Erie. Each of these battles was an American victory ; but, curious to relate, the final outcome of the whole campaign was a complete failure for the Americans. The British were entrenched along the Chippewa River ; the Americans took a position behind Street's Creek ; between which two streams there stretched a large open meadow. On July 5th, there was constant picket-firing and skirmishing between the armies thus facing each other ; at four o'clock in the afternoon of that day, Riall marched out on the plain with his whole army drawn up in order of battle, attacking the brigade of volunteers, quickly put them to flight ; but Winfield Scott brought his regulars into action and compelled the British to retire to their encampment. The loss on each side was about 300 men. This is known as the battle of Chippewa. Riall retreated to Lake Ontario. Brown, anxious to lead his army along the lake shore and capture Toronto and Kingston, made his headquarters at Queenston and remained there three weeks waiting in vain for supplies and re-inforcements ; then, disappointed, he fell back to the Chippewa River. Riall, who had been re-inforced by troops brought from Toronto by Gen. Drummond, again advanced southward toward the American position, concealing his movements very carefully. Brown began to fear that there migfht be some truth in the rumor that the British were preparing to invade New York State ; and he therefore sent Scott with a strong force to reconnoiter and find out where the British army was. This led to the famous battle which was fought in Canada near Niagara Falls on July 25, 1814, and which by mere acci- dent has made the name of Lundy a familiar word in every English-speaking community throughout North America. Scott advanced northward along the Niagara River. Riall on the alert, quickly learned of Scott's advance and prepared to check it. He selected his position with great skill ; he did not place himself directly in front of the Americans, but stationed his army a short distance to the west of the road, on elevated BATTLE OF LUNDY's LANE. 77 ground, whence he would be able to pour down a destructive fire into the ranks of the Americans if they should be rash enough to continue their forward movement along the main road. On this eminence, the key of the position, Riall planted a battery of nine cannon, drew up his army round about it, and waited. Scott realized the situation at once; it would be folly to advance along the main road ; either he must return to camp, or he must drive the British from that hilltop. He tried to carry the hill by storm, but was repulsed with severe loss ; this was about six o'clock in the afternoon. Major Jesup was sent to steal around to the rear of the British and he was so far suc- cessful as to capture some prisoners, including Riall himself. Brown arrived on the field with the main army just at dark ; and a new plan was immediately arranged with the view to force the enemy to abandon his position. Troops were selected for a storming column, and to them was assigned the duty of carrying the battery by a charge directly up the hill. An officer was wanted to head the line. The com- mander-in-chief summoned Major James Miller to his side and said, "Can you capture that battery?" Miller looked at the hill already sprinkled with the bodies of dead comrades and replied, "I'll try, sir." Fallling in line, they dashed straight up the hill in the face of the battery and captured it and held it, displaying a courage and gallantry that has never been surpassed in the annals of American warfare. The greater part of the American army was at once massed together on the hill. Three vigorous and determined attempts were made by the British to regain the battery, but without suc- cess ; and finally about midnight they retired from the contest. The Americans remained on the battle field a very brief time, and then in the darkness they, too, withdrew, so exhausted with the struggle that they were unable to take with them the cannon which they had captured and retained at such a fearful cost. The British re-occupied the blood-drenched hill and took possession of their lost cannon, unmolested. Each side had lost about 850 men, an exceptionally heavy loss in proportion to the number of men engaged. The opposing commanders were taken to Bufifalo, Brown having been severely wounded and Riall as a prisoner ; Scott also was wounded nigh unto death. Technically the victory rested with the Americans, for at the close of the fight they were the masters of the field ; but prac- yS RICHARD LUNDY III. tically all the fruits of victory were secured by the British, for the resistance which they made was so courageous and so stub- born that the whole scheme of invasion had to be abandoned. This sharp and bloody conflict is known in history as the battle of Lundy's Lane, for the land thereabout was owned by a Quaker farmer named William Lundy. and the lane which led to his dwelling house branched off at right angles from the main road and passed westward directly over the top of the hill on which the battle was fought. The Americans retreated in great haste to Fort Erie, where they were soon hemmed in by the British. General Drummond planned a surprise ; he led his army forward at midnight in three columns silently ; but the Americans were under arms waiting for him. Assault after assault was made by the British soldiers with matchless courage and persistency, even gaining one of the bastions and holding it until daybreak. Although compelled at length to desist from the attack, they continued to press the siege with energy for several weeks until the Ameri- cans made a sudden sally out of the fort and destroyed their batteries. This sortie was the last battle of the campaign. The contending armies then separated ; General Drummond relin- quished his attempt to capture the place and led his troops back to Chippewa ; the Americans abandoned the fort and returned to New York State. Thus ended the invasion of Canada. THIRD BRANCH. AMOS LUNDY AND ANN COLLINS. OF WARREN CO., N. J.; OF GRAYSON CO., VA. Amos Lundy (of Richard IIL, Richard IL) married Ann ] Collins. Their marriage is mentioned in the records of the Kingwood Monthly Meeting as having taken place previously to ID of 9 mo., 1767. Nine children were born to them in Warren County, N. J. On 10 day of 6 month, 1874, Amos made a request to the , Kingwood Meeting that his daughter Rachel (a minor) be I ANN WILLSON. 79 taken into membership. On 8 of 7 mo., Amos applied to the Kingwood Monthly Meeting for a certificate of membership addressed to the Deep River Monthy Meeting, North Carolina, for himself, his wife Ann, and their nine children, who are named in the order given below : CHILDREN OF AMOS LUNDY AND ANN COLLINS. I. Rachel, born, say, 1768. II. Ann. III. Ebenezer, b. in New Jersey, August 17, 1772; d. in Johnson County, Missouri, May 30, 1868; married Ruth Lundy. IV. Tamer. V. Nathan. VI. James, married, and has descendants in Iowa. VII. Jemima. VIII. Susannah. IX. Amos. X. Samuel, born in the South. XI. Enoch. Ebenezer, Amos and Samuel were members of the 78th Regi- ment of Virginia militia during the War of 1812, Ebenezer and Amos serving as privates and Samuel as sergeant. No further record of any of these children except Ebenezer and James. § A. EBENEZER LUNDY AND RUTH LUNDY. Of Grayson County, Va. ; of Johnson County, Mo. Ebenezer Lundy (of Amos, Richard III.) m. his cousin Ruth Lundy,, daughter of John and Rebecca (Silverthorn) Lundy. Ebenezer and his family removed from Virginia dur- ing September, 1839, and settled at Elm in Johnson County, Missouri. Twelve children: I. Jesse, b. April 27, 1801 ; d. May 9, 1882, in Mercer Co., Mo. ; m. Sarah Beck. II. John, b. May 26, 1802; died in infancy. III. Martha, called Patsy, b. February i, 1804; died December, 1893; m. a Mr. Shafer; no issue. IV. Asenath, b. November 5, 1805 ; died in 1890; m. William Mooney. V. Hezekiah, b. June 2, 1807; married and lived at Summerton, Belmont County, Ohio ; no children ; had an adopted daughter. VI. Samuel, b. May 20, 1809; died February 15, 1894; m. Lathena Collins. VII. Susanna, b. June II, 181 1 ; died in infancy. VIII. Creed, b. August 27, 8o RICHARD LUNDY III. 1813; married Myrtilla Smith. IX. Amos, b. November 19, 1815; died unmarried December 12, 1879. X. Ann, b. August 25, 1818; is living (1901) ; m. Jesse Williams. XI. Elias, b. June 17, 1821 ; died April, 1863; m. Lydia Ann Wilkinson. XII. Cyrus, b. February 22, 1823; m. Mary Ann James. Jesse Lundy, son of Ebenezer and Ruth, m. in Ohio, Decem- ber 21, 1826, Sarah Beck, who died in Linn County, Iowa, Oc- tober 24, 1878. Six children: I. Martha Ann, b. March 31, 1836. II. James, b. December 3, 1837; d. unmarried February 7, 1896. III. Rachel M., b. July 9, 1839; d. July 18, 1901 ; m. John T. Stobaugh. IV. Hannah Jane, b. April 9, 1841 ; m. Elisha Haines, of Cedar Rapids, Iowa. V. Hezekiah H. J., b. October i, 1843; ^i^d unmarried September 25, 1862, at mili- tary hospital in Philadelphia, Pa. VI. Sarah Elizabeth, b. April 25, 1845; d. in Washington County, Ohio, January 14, 1848. Martha Ann Lundy m. February 16, 1856, in Washington County, Ohio, Albert Rardin, and removed to Iowa in 1863, and to Kansas in 1873. Res. at Scottsville, Kansas. Two children: I. Levina Jane, b. March 11, 1858, who October 21, 1875, m. William Horn. II. Franklin Llewellyn, b. September 5, 1867. Asenath Lundy, daughter of Ebenezer and Ruth, married William Mooney, b. in 1804, died in 1884, son of John and Sarah (Cole) Mooney. Res. at Rockville, Miami county, Kan- sas. Nine children: I. Henderson, b. January 28, 1828, in Carroll County, Va. ; died November 12, 1877; m. Eliza Ed- wards. II. Madison, b. January 30, 1828; d. November, 1896; m. Mary Edwards. HI. Jefferson, b. June 17, 1830; m. Char- lotte Jane Farmer. IV. Ira C. ; d. at age of 60 years ; m. Nancy Conly : dwelt at Joseph, Oregon, and left sons George and Benjamin, the latter now deceased. V. John R., b. April 26, 1836. in Carroll County, Va. ; m. Martha Jane Wilson. VI. Granville; d. at age of 54 years; m. Ellen Robinson. VII. Amanda ; m. a Mr. Hawks, and resides at Pipers Gap, Va. VIII. Adeline Matilda, b. April 27, 1844; m. Darius M. Finch. IX. William C, b. in 1853; is unmarried and resides at Ham- ilton, Greenwood County, Kansas. Henderson Mooney m. Eliza Edwards; b. March 8, 1838; d. September 11, 1875, in Johnson County, Mo. Res. at La Cygne, Kansas. Five children: I. Almeda, b. July 4, 1859; II. Isabelle, b. November 9, 1864. HI- William A., b. Octo- ll ANN WILLSON, 8l ber 7, 1867. IV. Samuel L., b. October 15, 1871 ; ni. Tillie Hensley, who died April 21, 1899, and has a son Clyde; resides at La Cygne, Kansas. V. James A., b. June 17, 1875. Almeda Mooney m. William C. Barnard, b. August 16, 1842. Four children: I. Walter J., b. November 2, 1879; d. Febru- ary 6, 1890. II. Ira A., b. September 5, 1881. III. Dora A., b. October 5, 1883. IV. Zora A., b. February 27, 1890. Madison Mooney, m. Mary Edwards, d. in 1879. Res. at La Cygne, Kansas. Nine children : I. Hansford C, b. No- vember II, 1858. II. Sarah, b. March 8, i860. III. Mary, b. August, 1864. IV. Cyrus, b. October 6, 1867. V. Laran, b. in 1869. VI. Henry, b. August 27, 1871. VII. Hugh, b. February 7, 1873. VIII. Rosa, b. 1876. IX. James, b. in 1879. Jefferson Mooney m. November 7, 1855, Charlotte Jane Far- mer, daughter of John Farmer of Virginia and his wife Nancy Shockly. Res. at La Cygne, Kansas. Nine children: I. Sarah Ann Virginia, b. September 7, 1856; d. April i, 1857. II. Lafayette, b. Febraury 2, 1858; d. December 5, 1874. III. Mary Elizabeth, b. July 30, 1859; m. Joseph Smith. IV. Emily Lavina, b. August 18, 1861. V. Rush Floyd, b. January 16, 1863; m. Mattie Weeck. VI. Francis Marion, b. April 18, 1864; d. October 8, 1874. VII. Aurelia Florence, b. Novem- l)er 18, 1866; m. Joseph Sanders. VIII. Albert M., b. March 30, 1870; m. Minnie Jelly. IX. Irena Jane, b. June 24, 1873; d. December 5, 1874. John R. Mooney m. Martha Jane Wilson, b. July 5, 1835, daughter of Nathaniel and Nancy (Robinson) Wilson. Re- moved to Missouri in 1858, and to Pendleton, Kansas, in 1880. Eleven children, six of whom died in childhood : I. Thomas Joshua, b. September 7, i860; dwells at Pomona, California; m. Alice Vigus who died November 6, 1900, and has Oscar and Flossie. II. Samuel E., b. January 4. 1862; dwells at Gardner, Kansas, and has Sylvia, Elsie, Pearl, and Maud. III. Wilber Sanford, b. January 25, 1863. IV. Sarah Jane. b. Feb- ruary 9, 1873; m. Thomas Collins and has a son Joshua; after the death of Thomas she married Joseph Guy, and resides at Pendleton, Kansas. V. John William, b. March 7, 1875. Wilber Sanford Mooney m. April 7, 1889, Anna Elizabeth Eastwood, b. August 28, 1871, daughter of Andrew A. East- wood and his wife Elizabeth Jane Hatfield. Res. at Neosho (6) 82 RICHARD LUNDY III. Falls, Kansas. Five children : I. Elmer D., b. May 14, 1890. Herman Earl, b. March 3, 1892. III. Corlia Averil, b. Sep- tember 22, 1893. IV. Verna Mildred, b. October 6, 1897. V. Ada Irene, b. August 30, 1899. Granville Mooney m. Ellen Robinson. Res. at Paola, Kan- sas. Eight children : I. Sarilda. II. John. III. Julia. IV. Henry. V. George. VI. Edith. VII. Lizzie. VIII. Arthur. Adeline Matilda Mooney m. Darius Marsh Finch, b. Febru- ary 29, 1844, son of Thomas M. and Emily (Roby) Finch. Res. at Merwin, Mo. One child : Edwin Cicero Finch, b. August 21, 1867, at Kingsvillc. Mo., who married Lizzie C. Chadwick, b. 1872, daughter of John Wesley Chadwick, b. May 21, 1843, s"d his wife Mary Susan, b. March 14, 1851. Res. at Kinsley, Kansas. Three children : I. Ray Augustus, b. May 26, 1895. II. Edwin Clifton, b. February 6, 1899. III. Mary Adeline, b. February 2, 1901. Samuel Lundy, son of Ebenezer and Ruth, m. in Grayson County, Va., Lathena Collins, b. September, 1807, daughter of John and Mary Collins. They removed to Johnson County, Mo., in 1839. Seven children: I. Ebenezer, b. December 14, 1831. II. Louise, b. February 12, 1834; d. December 3, 1854; m. Elbert F. Edwards. HI. John Riley, b. August 18, 1836; d. January, 1863; m. Mahala Givens and had John C. Lundy who resides at Kingsville, Mo. IV. Mary Ann, b. October 7, 1838. V. James Monroe, b. July 13, 1841 ; d. unmarried in January, 1863. VI. Martha C, b. September 20, 1843. VII. Ruth E.. b. October 23, 1847. Ebenezer Lundy m. December 4, 1856, Paulina C. Chapman, b. in Butler County, Ky., September 20, 1835. Res. at Shubert, Nebraska, where they settled in 1863. Four children: I. James William, b. March 4, 1858, in Johnson County, Mo. II. Emma, b. October 6, 1865, in Richardson County, Neb. HI. Mary C, b. July 18, 1870. IV. Effie, b. April 8, 1875. James William Lundy m. March 26, 1884, Emma Barker. Four children: I. Lewis Ebenezer, b. December 15, 1884, in Nemaha County. Nebraska. II. Fred, b. May 27, 1886, in Richardson County, Neb. HI. Ray, b. August i, 1887. IV. Clark, b. May 30, 1895. Emma Lundy m. Anthony Hanika, b. June 28, 1857, son of Herman and Katy (Leash) Hanika. Res. at Shubert, Neb. Four children, all born in Richardson County, Neb. I. Lula, ANN WILLSON. 83 b. April 20, 1884. II. Lawrence, b. March 14, 1886. III. Olive, b. April 14, 1889. IV. Augusta, b. August 16, 1891. Effie Lundy ni. February 21, 1894, Daniel Lewis, b. March 8, 1871, son of John M. and Margaret (Hopkins) Lewis. Res. at Shubert, Neb. Three children : I. Guy Sutton, b. February 20, 1896. II. Dewey Ebenezer, b. July 14, 1898. III. Daniel, b. October 6, 1900. Louise Lundy m. in 1853, Elbert F. Edwards, b. January 13, 1835, son of Morris and Melinda (Fox) Edwards. One child: Thomas Granville, b. May i, 1854, who on April 18, 1880, m. Sarah E. Talley, daughter of Jacob and Nancy M. (Russell) Talley. Res. at Elm. Mo. Seven children : I. Nancy Louise, b. January 20, 1881. II. Elbert Franklin, b. March 26, 1883. III. Thomas Granville, b. May i, 1885. IV. Elsie May, b. September 16. 1889. V. and VI. Jessie and Jennie, b. April 30, 1894; both died in childhood. VII. Ted, b. August 3, 1899. Mary A. Lundy m. about 1858, John Kelly Longacre. Res. at Harwood. Vernon County, Mo. Five children : I. John S. II. Nora. III. Flora. IV. Lula. V. Charles. Martha C. Lundy m. April 23, 1868. Silas P. Paddack, b. February 21. 1841. Res. at Elm, Mo. Three children: I. Verner S., b. August 24, 1871. II. Everett B., b. August 25, 1875. III. Noah A., b. August 10, 1878. Verner S. Paddack m. January 25, 1893, Amanda M. Morris, and has three chil- dren : I. Ralph M., b. October 27, 1893. II. Edna V., b. Au- gust 26, 1895. III. Lowell, b. June 11, 1899. Ruth E. Lundy m. about 1868, Joseph P. Howard. Res. at Kingsville, Mo. Four children : I. Robert. II. Emmett. HI. Minnie. IV. Grace. Creed Lundy, son of Ebenezer and Ruth, m. Myrtilla Smith, who died September 24, 1863. Res. at Freeman, Cass County. Mo. Two children: I. Rosa J., b. July 17, 1845; d. Aug. 9, 1874; m. James F. Langston. II. William H., b. November 3, 1851. xA.nn Lundy, daughter of Ebenezer and Ruth, m. Jesse Wil- liams of Virginia. Nine children : I. Susan Carolina, b. April 12, 1846; d. April 28, 1887. II. James Polk, b. February 10, 18^9. HI. Joshua Morris, b. October 19. 1850; unmarried; resides at Elm, Mo. IV. Martha Ann, b. June 8, 1852; m. George Wakeman. V. Henry, b. April 28, 1854; m. Miss Pearcy. Vi. Cyrus, b. April 28, 1854; unmarried; resides at 84 RICHARD LUNDY III. Elm, Mo. VII. Amanda Jane, b. September 17, 1856. VIII. George, b. April 18, 1858; m. Florence C. Porter on February 9, 1887, and resides at Odessa, Mo. IX. Eliza, b. August 18, i860; d. July 31, 1869. Susan Carolina Williams m. October 17, 1868, William Col- son Martin, b. July i, 1842, son of John Young Martin and his wife Sarah Hopper. Res. at Sni Mills, Jackson County, Mo. Nine children : I. Ida Alice, b. December 19, 1870. II. Frances Marion, b. June 28, 1872 ; d. December 20, 1885. III. Amos Alfred, b. September 17, 1874; d. August 17, 1875. IV. Lettie Caroline, b. April 8, 1876; d. May 19, 1876. V. William Thomas, b. March 24, 1877. VI. Martha Ellen, b. January 31, 1879. VII. George Henry, b. January 21, 1881. VIII. James Edward, b. April 26, 1882. IX. Jesse Young, b. October 12, 1883; d. September 28, 1884. Ida Alice Martin m. October 20, 1895, Robert Lee Carpenter, b. June 4, 1 87 1, son of and Mary (Lingafelt) Carpenter. Two children: I. Earl Raymond, b. December 31, 1897. II. Leona May, b. July 24, 1901. Martha Ellen Martin m. October 12, 1896, William Watkins. Res. at Ridgeley, Piatt County, Mo. Two children : I. Zora, b. June 26, 1898. II. Zuly, b. July 11, 1899. James Polk Williams m. November 12, 1891, Ellen, b. March 17' 1857, widow of John A. Carter, and daughter of Josiah and Sarah (Wagnon) Harrell. Res. at Henrietta, Texas. Three children: I. Lula Grace, b. March 12, 1893. II. James Cyrus, b. May 16, 1897. HI. Henry Walton, b. November 10, 1899. Amanda Jane Williams m. Daniel Thomas Boisseau. Res. at Warrenburg, Mo. Five children : I. Alva. II. Charles Henry. HI. Marvin. IV. Jesse. V. Anna. Elias Lundy, son of Ebenezer and Ruth, m. June 14, 1848, Lydia Ann Wilkinson, b. January 8, 1829, daughter of William and Harriet (Wasner) Wilkinson. Five children : I. William Clark, b. 1849. H- John Calvin, b. February 3, 1852. III. Juriah A^rginia, b. August 3, 1854. IV. Laura Alice, b. Feb- ruary 22, 1857. V. Granville Elias, b. in 1861 ; dwells at Evans, Colo. ; m. Flora Pollerf and has Alpha and Bernard. William Clark Lundy m. Lavira Easley, daughter of Miller Easley and his wife America Cox. Res. at Elm, Mo. Three children: I. Jesse E., b. January i, 1884. II. Albert C, b. October 18, 1886. HI. Minnie, b. July, 1888. ANN WILLSON. 85 John Calvin Lundy m. February 10, 1878, Mary Eleanor Newman, b. April 21, 1858, daughter of Thomas and Lydia Harriette (Jones) Newman. Res.. at Fort Morgan, Colo. Five children : I. Granville Elias, b. December 3, 1878, in Johnson County, Mo. ; Res. at Woodlawn Farm, Evans, Colo. II. Katie Newman, b. February 12, 1883, in Welde County, Colo. III. John Thomas, b. September 9, 1889, in Morgan County, Colo. IV. Mary Lydia, b. January 7, 1896, in Morgan County, Colo. V. Edwin Lee, b. March 11, 1899, in Welde County, Colo, Juriah Virginia Lundy m. August 30, 1882, James Pitts Burks, b. February 28, 185 1, son of Richard Garnett Silas Burks and Elizabeth Susan Pitts his wife. Res. at Elm, Mo. Five children : I. Lulu May, b. January 20, 1884. 11. Sidney, b. October 15, 1886. III. Gussie, b. June i, 1888. IV. Mabel, b. March 30, 1891. V. Amos Lundy, b. November 28, 1892. Laura Alice Lundy m. April 12, 1879, Joseph Marion Miller, b. September 29, 1855, son of John D. Miller and his wife Mar- garet A. Scrutchfield, of Macon County, Mo. Three children : I. Frederic. II. Elsie. III. Edwin. Cyrus Lundy, son of Ebenezer and Ruth, m. Mary Ann James. They settled near Jacksonville, Oregon, in 1852. Five children : I. Nancy Jane, who m. M. D. Childers and has Ida and May. II. Martha Ann, who m. Robert Scott. III. Eliza- beth, who m. George Hamlin and has two children, Ed and Lena. IV. Ella, who m. J. T. Hamlin and has three children, Fred, Bertha, and Bert. V. Amos ; dwells at Bly, Oregon ; m. Carrie Anderson and has two children, Cyrus Garner and Pearl. § B. JAMES LUNDY AND . Of Grayson County, Va. ; of Iowa. James Lundy (of Amos, Richard HI.) married and had twelve children : I. Enoch. 11. Wilham. HI. Jessie. IV. Anna; married a son of Daniel and Lydia Hodgson. V. Levi; married and settled in Iowa. VI. James; married and settled in Iowa. VII. John, b. about 1814; d. in 1864; married Rachel Hodgson. VIII. Susannah. IX. Elizabeth. X. Cyrus. XL Asenath. XII. Rachel, who married Jehiel Green of New Providence, Iowa. No further information except concerning John. John Lundy married Rachel Hodgson, daughter of Daniel 86 RICHARD LUNDY III. and Lydia Hodgson and had six children : I. James D., who resides at Union, Iowa; his first wife was Mattie Matthews and his second AHce Knowles. II. Daniel, who resides at Adanton, Nebraska ; his first wife was Kate Emory, by who he had daugh- ters Ada and Minnie ; his second wife was Sarah Jackson, by whom he had Gertrude and Claude. III. Lydia; died unmar- ried at the age of eighteen. IV'. Louisa, who married Robert Masters of Layton, Kansas, and has May and Millie. V. Cyrus, b. in Illinois, January 12, 1850; died March 24, 1901 ; buried at Loveland, Colo. VI. Frank Miles, b. about 1859; resides at Natoma, Kansas ; m. Julia Welch, and has Ranel, Gladie, and Paul Vernon. Cyrus Lundy m. June 28, 1875, Sarah E. Riteman, b. Febru- ary I, 1853, daughter of John and Elizabeth (Fitzgerald) Rite- man. Res. at Loveland, Colo. Three children : I. Nora Belle, b. May 8, 1876, who m. Otto Anderson and has Bessie, b. March 8, 1895, and Geneva, b. March 20, 1897. II. William Robert, b. February 17, 1878. III. Bessie Myrtle, b. August 20, 1884. FOURTH BRANCH. SARAH LUNDY AND JOHN KESTER. OF NEW jersey; of VIRGINIA. Sarah Lundy (of Richard III., Richard II.) was married to John Kester in 1770. It was on 14 day of 6 mo., 1770, that they made their first declaration of intention to marry, before the Kingwood Meeting. On 8 day, 7 mo., 1784, John Kester applied to the Kingwood Monthly Meeting for a certificate of membership to the Deep River Meeting in North Carolina, for himself and his wife Sarah, and their children, eight in num- ber, whose names are written in the order given below. / ANN WILLSON. 87 CHILDREN OF JOHN KESTER AND SARAH LUNDY. I. William. II. Richard. III. Ann. IV. Mary. V. Deborah. VI. Edith. VII. John. VIII. Peter. No further information. FIFTH BRANCH. RICHARD LUNDY IV. AND MARY STOCK- TON, JR. OF WARREN CO., N. J.; OF GRAYSON CO., VA. Richard Lundy IV. (of Richard III., Richard II.) married Mary Stockton, jr. The marriage certificate is given on the 24th page of the Record of Marriages for Hardwick and Ran- dolph Monthly Meeting, and states that Richard Lundy of the township of Hardwick in the County of Sussex married Mary Stockton, daughter of Daniel and Mary Stockton of the same place at a Publick Meeting of Quakers in Hardwick on 16 of 6 mo., 1773. The witnesses were Daniel Stockton, Mary Stockton, Anne Lundy, Elizabeth Stockton, Robert Willson, Mary Willson, Gabriel Willson, Elizabeth Willson, Sarah Lundy, Hannah Laing, Abigail Willson, Isaac Lundy, Chris- tian Schmuck, Henry Widdifield, Rachel Lundy, Mary Lundy, Jane Suttin, John Laing, Esther Waterhouse, and Samuel Stockton. On 8 of 7 mo., 1784, Richard Lundy asked for himself, his wife Mary, and their children Daniel, William, Isaac, and Rhoda, a certificate of membership from the Kindwood M. M., New Jersey, to the Deep River M. M., North Carolina. On the same day Mary Stockton, Sr., asked for a certificate to the 88 RICHARD LUNDY III. same place ; this was Richard's mother-in-law. Richard settled near Fisher's Peak in Grayson county, Va. Richard died before 1823, but Mary lived several years after that date. CHILDREN OF RICHARD LUNDY IV. AND MARY STOCKTON. I. Daniel, b. 21 of 3 mo., 1774; went west; no further record. II. William, b. 13 of 2 mo., 1776; d. when a young man. III. Isaac, b. 28 of 4 mo., 1780; went west; no further record. IV. Rhoda, b. 30 of 3 mo., 1783; m. Philip Beamer. V. Mary, b. in Surrey county. North Carolina, the 28th of the 1st mo., 1786; m. Richard Harold. VI. Samuel P., b. March 9, 1796; d. February 12, 1875; m. Sarah Davis. VII. Sarah, b. October 7, 1797; d. October 2, 1871 ; m. Thomas Davis. VIII. Azariah, m. Elizabeth Holder. Daniel and Isaac went west before the recellection of their nephew. Rev. William Lundy, who was born in 1823. § A. RHODA LUNDY AND PHILIP BEAMER. Of Grayson Co., Va. Rhoda Lundy (of Richard IV., Richard HI.) married Philip Beamer, son of Peter and Charity Beamer. Six children : I. Peter ; dwelt in Carroll county, Va. ; m. ( i ) Elizabeth Cooley and (2) Sarah Bowers; no further record. II. Henry; no further record. HI. Isaac; m. his cousin Mahuldah Harold; see Section B. IV. Polly ; no further record. V. Tenny Rhoda, b. in Grayson county, Va., October 19, 182 1 ; m. Jona- than R. Sumner. VI. Irena, m. Elijah Edwards. Tenny Rhoda Beamer m. in 1837, Jonathan Roberts Sumner, who was born in 1814; Tenny and Jonathan are both living and reside at Nevada City, Mo. Thirteen children : I. Philip, b. October 28, 1838; wounded at Drury's Bluff, Va., on May i6th and died May 28th, 1864; m. Jane Malory; no issue. II. Henry Harrison, b. September 27, 1840; d. November 8, 1842. HI. Rosamond Ann, b. December 8, 1842; d. September 29, 1861. IV. Irena Ellen, b. September 13, 1845. V. Lozena Chipman, b. November 17, 1847. VI. Columbus, b. October ANN WILLSON. 89 23,1849. VII. Manoah Grafton, b. November 9, 185 1. VIII. Richard Fulton, b. March 23, 1854. IX. Harvey, b. October 19, 1856; d. November 8, 1856. X. Sarilda MeHssa, b. June 13, 1858. XI. Enoch Washmgton, b. October 10, i860. XII. Elza, b. July 19, 1863; d. December 21, 1863. XIII. Polly Ann, b. February 5, 1865. Irena Ellen Sumner m. John Booker, who died July 6, 1886. Eleven children: I. Ambrose. 11. Philip. III. Edward. IV. Clara. V. Lawrence. VI. Mary. VII. Mattie. VIII. Pearl. IX. Jonathan. X. Frank. XI. Ella. After the death of John, Irena m. Simon Avery, who died in 1898, leaving no issue. Irena resides at Sandstone, Mo. Lozena Chipman Sumner m. Houston Higgins. Res. at Meadow Creek, Va. Seven children : I. Alphonso. 11. Ger- trude. III. Laura. IV. George. V. Harvey. VI. Ruby. VII. Louis. Columbus Sumner m., first, Sarah Haynes, who was buried in the same coffin with her little baby boy ; second, Nancy Dixon. Res. at Little Osage, Mo. Eight children : I. Rhoda. II. Woodford. III. Elza. IV. Walter. V. Dixon. VI. Sydney. VII. Harry. VIII. Prince. Manoah Grafton Sumner m. Annie Vineyard. Res. at Guth- rie, Oklahoma, and had Tenny, Rhoda, Ila, and other children. Richard Fulton Sumner m. Ella Avery. Res. at Bellama, Mo;, and has Stella and WilHam. Sarilda Melissa Sumner m. Daniel T. Pilcher. Res. at Nevada, Mo. Four children : I. Daisy, deceased. II. Rosa. III. Ethel, deceased. IV. Birdie. Polly Ann Sumner m. June 11, 1884, George W. Donney. Res. at Nevada, Mo. Six children : I. Enoch. II. William McCulloch, deceased. HI. Cleveland, deceased. IV. Ver- non Forest. V. Francis Samuel. VI. George Dewey. Irena Beamer, daughter of Philip and Rhoda (Lundy) Beamer, m. Elijah Edwards and had at least one child, Fieldon Edwards, who m. January 21, 1875, Sarah Malinda Lundy now deceased, daughter of Rev. William and Lucy (Payne) Lundy of Cabell, Va. ; see Section C. Res. at Cap, Carroll county, Va. Four children: I. William Sanders, b. May 26, 1880. II. Clara Harriet, b. November 19, 1881. III. Lilian Daisy, b. January 19, 1884. IV. Lucy Irena Beamer, b. November, 1885. go RICHARD LUNDY III. § B, MARY LUNDY AND RICHARD HAROLD. Of Grayson Co., Va. Mary Lundy (of Richard IV., Richard III.) married Richard Harold. Eleven children: I. Rhoda. II. Daniel. III. Patsy. IV. and V. Darius and Mahuldah, twins, b. March 29, 1812. VI. Cyrus. VII. Nancy. VIII. Mariah. IX. Elizabeth. X. William. XI. Moses. All these children are now dead (1898) except Mahuldah, who is living at Chapel Hill, Mo. Mahuldah Harold m. (i) her cousin, Isaac Beamer, and (2) Samuel Lundy. Isaac Beamer was the son of Philip and Rhoda (Lundy) Beamer; see Section A. § C. SAMUEL p. LUNDY AND SARAH DAVIS. Of Grayson Co., Va. Samuel P. Lundy (of Richard IV., Richard III.) m. Sarah Davis, b. about 1799; d. July 29, 1843, daughter of Morris and Margaret (Ward) Davis. Three children: I. Nancy, b. September 24, 1817; d. April, 1896, in Florida; m. Green M. Branscomb. II. William, b. January 26, 1823 ; an Elder in the Church of the Primitive Baptists ; d. January, 1900, at Antioch, N. C; resided at Cabell, Va. ; m. Lucy Payne. III. Rhoda Ann, b. August '12, 1828; m. Abner Jones Dean. After the death of Sarah, Samuel P. Lundy m. Almira Stanley and had three more children: IV. Azariah ; resides at Thompson Valley, Va. ; m. Rebecca Ann Williams. V. Samuel P., jr.; resided at Ewing, Va. ; m. Elizabeth Dean. VI. James R., who removed with his parents to Tennessee in 1869; m. Elizabeth Taylor. Nancy Lundy (of Samuel P., Richard IV., Richard III.) married Green M. Branscomb. Removed to Santa Paulo, Florida. Seven children : I. Alexander Campbell. II. Ann. III. Harriet Adeline. IV. Virginia CaroUne; resides in the State of Washington. V. Rosa Ellen. VI. Mary Jane; re- sides at Palmascola, Florida. VII. Jefferson Davis. Of these children, Mrs. Ann Payne and Mrs. Rosa Ellen Ward reside at Max, Carroll county, Va. Rev. William Lundy (of Samuel P., Richard IV., Richard III.) married March 16, 1841, Lucy Payne, b. February 26, 1820; died June i, 1900, daughter of Levi and Polly (Payne) ANN WILLSON. 9 1 Payne. Res. at Cabell, Va. William was an Elder in the Church of the Primitive Baptists and served his denomination in that capacity for forty-six years. Eight children : I. Eliza Jane, b. April 15, 1844. II. Hezekiah Sanders, b. January 24, 1847. m- Enianuel Simeon, b. September 21, 1849. ^^^ Ann, b. August 21, 1853. V. Sarah Alalinda, b. December i, 1855 ; d. June 6, 1887 ; m. Fieldon Edwards ; four children ; see Section A. VI. Mary Irena, b. April 17, 1858; d. June 4, 1898. VII. Ahce Priscilla, b. December 15, 1861. VI 11. Daniel Robert Lee, b. August 2, 1864. Eliza Jane Lundy m. Abraham Wesley Dehaven, son of Abraham and Drusilla Dehaven. Res. at Cabell, Va. Eight children : I. Lucina. II. Cordellia. III. Leroy. IV. Luther. V. Eli J. VI. Madison. VII. Roscoe. VIII. Susan Jane. Hezekiah Sanders Lundy m. Susan Jane Throckmorton, daughter of Robert and Mary (Wayne) Throckmorton of Hali- fax county, Va. Res. at Rock Island, Texas. Eight children : I. William Robert, b. November 10, 1873; deceased. II. Louis Orville, b. February 22, 1877. III. Albert Richard, b. April 23, 1879; ""i- Alice McLean. IV. Daisy Wayne, b. November 2y, 1881. V. Payton Alexander, b. May 14, 1883. \'I. Delna Cleveland, b. March 4, 1885. VII. Ruby Alver- etta, b. November 7, 1887. \ III. Ellen Gertrude, b. March 19, 1890. Emanuel Simeon Lundy m. ( i ) Nancy A. Gardner, daughter of Daniel and Nancy Gardner; and (2) Emma Beamer, daughter of Rueben and Sarah Beamer. Res. at Cabell, Va. Six children, all by the first wife : I. Melissa, deceased. II. Lucy, deceased. HI. Fieldon, deceased. IV. Flora Irena. V. Pernetta. VI. Isaac Emory. Ann Lundy m. Charles Columbus Phillips, son of John and Lucinda Phillips. Res. at Mill, Va. Eleven children : I. Nora Catura, b. December 15, 1876. II. Charles Gilmor, b. April 15, 1877. HI. Lucy Lucinda, b. November 14, 1879. IV. Guy Frederick, b. November i, 188 1. V. Gertrude May, b. January 28, 1884. VI. Garland Cleveland, b. September 6, 1885. VII. Esther Lee, b. June 13, 1887. VIII. John Wil- liam, b. August 3, 1889. IX. James Clyde, b. May 27, 1891. X. Pell, b. April 6, 1893. XL Burton Sanders, b. November 20, 1896. 92 RICHARD LUNDY III. Mary Irena Lundy m. Stephen Nicholas Sumner, son of Samuel and Rhoda( Malory) Sumner, Res. at Mill, Va. Eight children : I. Houston Leroy. II. Sarah Alice. II. Lucy Vandelia. IV. Malinda. V. Linnie. VI. Fountain. VII. Andrew Porter. VIII. Wilham Carl. Alice P. Lundy m. October 3, 1881, Philip W. Sumner, b. March 29, 1864, son of Samuel and Rhoda (Malory) Sumner. Res. at Cabell, Va. Seven children : I. Claud Jerome, b. July 26, 1882. II, Simeon Monroe, b. January 2, 1884; d. June 4, 1884. III. Stephen Sanders, b. June 23, 1885. IV. Charles Martin, b. August 13, 1887. V. William Wyatt, b. July 18, 1889. VI. Robert Lawrence, b. August i, 1891. VII, Rufus Samuel, b. May 10, 1894, Daniel Robert Lee Lundy m. ( i ) Tennie Combs, daughter of St. Clair and Sarah Combs, and (2) Rachel Caroline Newman, daughter of Israel and Rosanna Newman. Res, at Cap, Va, Five children, all by his second wife : I, William W, II, Bessie Pauline, III. Frederick. IV, Howard. V. Clayton. Rhoda Ann Lundy (of Samuel P., Richard IV,, Richard HI.) m. May, 1846, Abner Jones Dean, b. March 7, 1822, son of Hiram Harrison Dean and his wife Nancy Adeline John- son. Res. at Ewing, Lee county, Va. Ten children : I. Se- lina, died in infancy, II. Granville Thompson, b, December 21, 1848; d, September 12, 1888. Ill, Letha, b. December 12, 1850. IV, Hester Ann, b. April 25, 1853; d. October 11, 1890, V, Lavinia Alice, b. June 29, 1855, VI. Kimbrough Williamson, b. May 6, 1857; d. July, 1889, unmarried. VII. Rufus Munsy, b. June 16, 1859. VIII. Elbert Heath, b. August 10, 1861 ; d. July, 1889, unmarried. IX. Laura, b. Oc- tober 22, 1865. X. Flora, b. November 5, 1867; m. W. B. Stidlam in 1898 and resides at Hartranft, Tenn. Granville Thompson Dean m. August 4, 1870, Anna Eliza Thompson, b. May 15, 1847, daughter of William and Catha- rine P. (Carter) Thompson. Res. at Tilda, Lee county, Va, Seven children: I. William Henry, b. June 22, 1871 ; m. Laura A. Powers. II. Catharine Alice, b. November i, 1873, III, Joshua Abner, b. August 17, 1876. IV. Pressley Young, b. February 12, 1879. V. Rhoda Mariam, b. January 21, 1882. VI. Grover Cleveland, b. November 22, 1884. VII. Lizzie Thompson, b. September 21, 1887; d. February 28, 1891. Hester Ann Dean m. March 15, 1877, Joshua Smith, b. 1854, ANN WILLSON. 93 son of Constantine and Mary Smith. Res. at Ewing, Lee county, Va. Five children: I. Kenley Marvin. II. Rosa SeHma. III. Richard Wesley. IV. Flora May. V. Rufus Jones. Lavena Alice Dean m. Joseph Yeary. Res. at Ewing, Lee county, Va. Nine children : I. John Melvin. II. Cora Ema- line. III. Rhoda Virginia. IV. Bonnie Laura. V. Donie Rachel. VI. Elbert Heath. VII. Harriet Lillian. VIII. Florida Amy, a twin of Harriet. IX. Nora ; d. in infancy. Rufus Munsy Dean m. September 2, 1896, Lenvia Yeary; b. June II, 1877, daughter of John B. and Martha Yeary. Res. at Ewing, Va. One child : Marie Dean, b. June 16, 1897. Azariah Lundy (of Samuel P., Richard IV., Richard III.) m. Rebecca Ann Williams. Res. at Thompson Valley, Va. Nine children: I. Eldridge E., b. April 20, 1867; married and has one child, John Elmer. II. Lillie Florence, b. June 21, 1868; d. November 8, 1888. III. EHzabeth Susan, b. July 5, 1872; m. John B. Pruett and has one child, Lizzie Marie. IV. Eugene McMinville, b. January 25, 1874. V. Carrie Ardime, b. January 4, 1878. VI. Lafayette Chapman, b. June 2, 1879. VII. William Ben Perry, b. May 12, 1881. VIII. Richard Bert, b. February 2, 1883. IX. Jesse Benbow, b. March 8, 1885. Samuel P. Lundy, Jr. (of Samuel P., Richard IV., Richard HI.) married Elizabeth Dean. Res. at Ewing, \^a. Four chil- dren : I. William; d. unmarried about 1894. II. Mollie; m. Frank Sherwood and resides at Holstein Mills, Va. III. Almeda. IV. Richard ; d. unmarried May 6, 1898. James R. Lundy (of Samuel P., Richard IV., Richard HI.) m. Elizabeth Taylor of Harlan county, Ky., granddaughter of David Lundy, who was formerly from Grayson county, Vir- ginia. James and Elizabeth were cousins of some degree. Res. at Hoop, Clairborne county, Tenn. Nine children : I. Nancy Almira. II. Laura Belle. HI. Sarelda Catharine. IV. Lorinda, b. January 2^, 1876. V. Olive. VI. William Charles. VII. James Hickam. VIII. John Patterson. IX. Louis O., b. about 1893. Nancy Almira Lundy m. November 5, 1881, in Lee county, Va., John O. Kinkaid, b. February 6. 1854, at English, Craw- ford county, Ind., son of John M. Kinkaid and his wife, Lucinda E. Ray. Res. at Heath, Tenn. Three children : I. 94 RICHARD LUNDY III. John O.. jr., b. August 21, 1882. II. Roy W., b. February 24, 1894 ; d. in childhood. III. Charles M., b. January 3, 1897 ; d. in infancy. Laura Belle Lundy m. Robert Silas Chad well of Hoop, Tenn., and has one child, Paris White. Sarelda Catharine Lundy m. Hiram Lifford of Cedar Creek, Tenn., and has one child, James Riley. Lorinda Lundy m. June 9, 1893, James Wesley Cox, b. March 29, 1875, son of William H. and Lucinda Cox. Res. at Maynardville, Tenn. Two children : I. James Harvey, b. May 5, 1894. 11. Rosa Magdeline, b. January i, 1896. Olive Lindy m. Thomas Chadwell of Hoop, Tenn., and has one child, Olive. § D. SARAH LUNDY AND THOMAS DAVIS. Of Grayson Co., Va. Sarah Lundy (of Richard IV., Richard HI.) married about 1817, Thomas Davis, son of Morris and Margaret (Ward) Davis. Eleven children : I. Rachel, b. about 1820. II. Polly Ann, b. 1822. HI. Ruth, b. 1825 ; unmarried. IV. Richard, b. 1827. V. Editli, b. 1829; d. i860; m. William Crawford; no issue living. VI. Rhoda, h. 1831 ; d. 1891. VII. Adaline, b. 1833. VIII. Margaret, b. 1835; d. 1892. IX. Nancy, b. 1839; d. unmarried. X. Tenny, b. 1842. XI. Christianna Matilda, b. May 9, 1844. Rachel Davis m. Enoch Williams. Five children : I. Lucretia. II. Sarah. HI. Irena. IW Huston. V. ■ — . Polly Ann Davis m. Martin Williams. Five children : I. Giles. II. Rosamond. HI. Mack. IV. Permelia. V. Richard Davis married and resided at Meadow Creek, Va. Eight children, three of whom were: I. Melissa. II. Josiah. HI. Lozena. Rhoda Davis m. Daniel Surratt and lived in Davidson county, N. C. Three children: I. Tenny. II. Richard. HI. Irena. Adaline Davis m. Jeremiah Davis and had four children : I. Margaret. II. Simeon. HI. Milhe Ann. IV. Delia. Margaret Davis m. John Faulks, who was killed in the Civil War; one child. Rev. John Faulks, a Baptist. Christianna Matilda Davis m. John C. Combs. Res. near REV. WILLIAM LUNDY. 95 Piper's Gap, Va. Four children: I. James. II. Sarah C. III. Ambrose E. IV. India. § E. AZARIAH LUNDY AND ELIZAKETH HOLDER. Of Grayson Co., Va. Azariah Lundy (of Richard IV., of Richard III.) married EHzabeth Holder and had ten children : I. Daniel. II. Wil- liam. III. Richard. IV. Mary. V. Lydia Ann. VI. Anthony. VII. Isaac. VIII. Azariah. IX. David. X. Elizabeth, who married Mr. Gallion and lived at Low Gap, Surry county, N. C. Mary and Lydia Ann married and lived in North Carolina. \^V'».'^\\^,NNm.\N'^XN^,NS^,\N^ REV. WILLIAM LUNDY OF VIRGINIA. I 823- I 900. William Lundy was the son of Samuel P. Lundy and Sarah Davis, and a grandson of Richard Lundy IV. and Mary Stock- ton. He was born in 1823 near Fisher's Peak, Carroll county, Virginia ; and it was amid the romantic scenery of that weird region that he received his first impressions of human life and what it means. He became a dextrous hunter and an expert shot with the rifle ; in middle life he could shoot offhand and hit a squirrel's head in the top of a tall tree. Many a deer run- ning at full speed has gone down at the crack of his gun ; once in a deer chase in his early life, he was accidentally shot and dangerously wounded by one of his companions. Without the aid of schools he acquired a good rudimentary education and taught school for several years. In the olden times when read- ing, writing and cyphering were the only branches taught in the common schools, Mr. Lundy was one of the teachers that could cypher through the rule of three and extract the cube root, in Pike's old arithmetic. In 1841 he married Lucy Payne, who lived and cheered his life for the next forty-nine years. William joined the Primitive Baptist Church at Crooked Creek on the i6th day of August, 1854, and on the next day was baptized in the clear and limpid waters of that wandering stream. He came up out of the water a preacher and preached his first sermon on the day of his baptism and was thenceforth to the day of his death an earnest, faithful and zealous preacher. g6 REV. WILLIAM LUNDY. When Virginia in 1861 called for volunteers to repel the inva- sion of her territory by the Federal Government, Mr. Lundy volunteered and was made captain of Co. E in the 45th regi- ment of Virginia Infantry. Capt. Lundy participated in all the battles fought in western Virginia during the campaigns of 1861-62; and under many a shower of leaden fire proved him- self to be a brave officer and gallant soldier. He was always kind and considerate toward his men and obedient to his super- iors in office. He never disobeyed but one order, and that was an order from his colonel to burn some wheat and other grain. He positively refused to obey this order, saying that he would not burn grain when so many women and children were suffer- ing for it. During the battle at Laurel Creek, West Virginia, Capt. Lundy stood where he was fully exposed to the enemy's fire ; and his tall and commanding form made him a target for their bullets. When urged to get behind a tree, he said, "Every shot they fire at me will miss my men." It is needless to say that wherever Capt. Lundy led the way, his men would follow him. Retiring from military service, he took up again more vigor- ously the sword of the spirit and preached the gospel to human creatures. As a parent, Mr. Lundy was all that a strong loving father could be ; as a neighbor and friend, he was always ready with heart and hand to do his whole duty and more too. As a public speaker, his language was remarkably direct and vigor- ous ; when his mind was made up on any subject, he was sure to blurt it out in language that never betrayed his meaning. In talking with young people Mr. Lundy used to say : "When you were children, you trampled on your parents' toes. Now you are grown, you trample on their hearts. Remember that you are heavy and the heart is a tender organ, and let your steps be light when you tread there." He preached his first sermon at Crooked Creek Church in 1854; he preached his last sermon on the 7th day of January, 1900, at Piney Creek Church in Alleghany county, N. C, from the text : "And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations ; and then shall the end come." Between the dates of these two sermons there rolls a period of more than forty-five years, during which he traveled and preached through seventeen States of the American LTnion. Indeed, his tours were so extensive that it would seem that REV. WILLIAM LUNDY. 97 there can be but few Primitive Baptists in the Southern States who have not heard him preach. In his long and extensive career as a minister of the gospel, he failed to fill only seven appointments, six of these failures occurred while he was pros- trated with sickness, and one while he was ice-bound. He would ford rivers and streams to meet his appointments, although those who were acquainted with the fords would beg him not to undertake it. He was ever an ardent and devoted student of the Scriptures : they were to him the very bread of life. He studied and inter- preted Scripture by Scripture and never used commentaries, articles of faith or theological tenets as aids. He was Calvin- istic in his views, although he knew nothing of the writings of John Calvin. When his mind was fixed, he preached his doc- trines with great boldness and with much energy. His blows fell on sin and sinners with the force of a sledge hammer. When his mind was not clear, he would say : "I will leave that with the Almighty." His views were the honest productions of his earnest brain, heart and conscience, arrived at in the fear of God but in the fear of God alone. He lived and died with an unsubdued aversion to ministers who preached for stated salaries. In his early career, he did not own a horse to ride to his appointments. He would labor hard in the fields day in and day out to make bread for the wife and children he loved, but when the day came for him to preach, he would get up early in the morning and often walk fifteen to twenty miles to reach his appointment. On these preaching tours, he has left his wife too sick to reach up and clasp his hand as he bade her goodby, and his little children have often followed him past the door and begged papa to come back. But he said he felt the Master's hand upon him requiring him to preach and that he could leave his wife and children in the hands of an all-wise God to whom he prayed for their protection. He never allowed himself to become a charge on his church ; he preached to thousands upon thousands, but he never took up a collection. With the labor of his own hands, he supported his family and himself ; the voice that called him to preach never suggested pay. He died away from home on one of his preaching tours. The friends who heard Brother Lundy's last sermon say that he stood up straighter in the pulpit that day than usual ; that his (7) 98 REV. WILLIAM LUNDY. voice seemed clearer than usual, and that he was blessed that day with superior gifts in the way of delivery. He was thrown from his buggy as he went away from the church and much hurt ; he got into the buggy again and rode on to the house of a friend where he had started to go ; and on arriving, he said : "Do not let my children know I am hurt ; they could do me no good ; and I do not think it will kill me." When he seemed to be getting better from his injuries, he was stricken with paraly- sis and soon died. His mind seemed clear to the last. When the faithful band of church members and friends who gathered around were speaking in whispers lest they should disturb the dying man, he aroused up and said : "All come right up here and sing me one more song." Then in response to the inquiry "What shall we sing. Brother Lundy?" he said: "Just sing glory, glory, that will do." They sang a few appropriate stanzas, to which he seemed to listen with great delight. When the song was fin- ished, he turned his head slightly upon his pillow and said : "Now I must cross that river," and soon sank into the dream- less sleep of the dead. His body was buried in the graveyard at Antioch, North Carolina; and notwithstanding the snows and storms of January, fully one thousand people gathered around the open grave to witness the last sad rite. Thus in peace and confidence ended the life of a hardy moun- taineer who had accepted for himself the gospel of Jesus of Nazareth and had preached it faithfully unto others, a typical instance of the power of the gospel story to touch and mould minds of strength and energy among the common people. ANN VVILLSON, 99 SIXTH BRANCH. JOHN LUNDY I. AND REBECCA SILVERTHORN. OF WAKREN COUNTY, N. J. ; OF GRAYSON CO., VA. John Lundy I. (of Richard III.) was born 19 of 9 mo., 1751, in Sussex (now Warren) county, N. J., and died on his home- stead near Oldtown, Grayson county, Va., May 5, 183 1, at the age of eighty-two. His will is dated April 30, 1831. Rebecca Silverthorn was born al)out 1753, and died December 24, 1839, at the age of eighty-two. The approximate date of the mar- riage of John and Rebecca, as given in the minutes of the Kingswood Monthly Meeting of the Society of Friends, is 1 1 of 12 mo., 1777. Several children were born to them in New Jersey; on the 10 of 2 mo., 1785, John requested from the Kingwood M. M. a certificate of membership addressed to the Deep River Monthly Meeting in North Carolina. John settled in Grayson county, Virginia, and secured from the land-ofiice at Richmond a treasury-warrant for one hundred acres of land. The warrant was No. 7.339. and was dated August 15, 1787. He selected his land at once and built a cabin, and began to clear away the timber so as to have fields for crops, but he did not have his land surveyed until July 6, 1798 ; and ten years more elapsed before he completed his title by obtaining the final legal document called a patent. The patent is dated 1808, and is signed by William H. Cabell, Governor of Virginia. John seemed to have taken his time to it ; and it strikes us moderns as being an exceedingly leisurely way of acquiring title to real estate ; but the original warrant fortified by actual pos- session was doubtless all that the law required, a survey not being necessary until neighbors began to crowd in around him, and a patent not being necessary until a transfer of title to other parties was thought of. Fisher's Peak is a high knob on the Blue Ridge, part of it being in Virginia and part of it in North Carolina. A man named Fisher was the first to trim out a way across that part of the mountain range, and so the notch through which he made the path was named after him and called Fisher's Gap. This same man was one of the surveyors that laid out the State line ; lOO RICHARD LUNDY III. and while overheated he drank too much cold water from a spring which flows out of a rock near the top of the hill, and at this spring he died ; and that is the reason why the summit goes by his name and is called Fisher's Peak. Richard Lundy settled within two miles of Fisher's Peak ; his farm is now owned by Barnett Paine. ^ Azariah also settled along the side of the Blue Ridge ; his farm is now owned by Floyd Brannock. The old house went to ruin long, long ago, and its location is now indicated only by some old pieces of logs and some foundation stones. When Carroll county was organized and set off from Grayson, Azariah's place fell within the new county. The road leading from Fisher's Gap to Oldtown divides and sends off a branch or spur which leads to the Little Old Iron Works. Here in the fork made by the main road and the spur John and Amos Lundy settled on adjoining farms. John built his cabin on a hill ; this made it unhandy to get water, every drop of which had to be carried uphill from the spring, which was two hundred yards away. These old homesteads are two miles from the present post office of Meadow Creek, four miles from Oldtown, and six from Fisher's Gap. The land taken up by Amos is now owned by Greggs Kampton ; but John's home- stead is still in the Lundy name, being now occupied by his great-great-grandsons, Churchwell O. and Emmet W. Lundy. The only means those pioneers had to carry things was on their backs or on horses ; and it was the hardest kind of work to carry things even that way ; for the roads were narrow, rough, and steep, going straight up one ridge, over the hill-top, and straight down the other side, keeping in quite straight lines, much more so than now, when many of the roads have been changed and graded around the hills. Some of the old trails may be seen even at this day, leading up over hills, which have not been cleared. Some of the early settlers had a hard time to get started. With only a few fields cleared, when their crops failed or were destroyed, they would run sbort of things to eat.. In these times of want, they would follow close after the cows as they roamed through the woods, and whatever the cows would eat, they would gather for pottage, seeking thus to make their little stock of provisions last longer and to add variety to their monotonous bill of fare. ANN WILLSON. lOI Wolves were a great scourge. They would howl so nights that no one could sleep. Shooting at them as they skulked in the shadows did not stop their throats except for a little while ; for they would soon start at it again. The best way to keep them quiet was to build a large bonfire of brush and logs in the yard or garden or field near the house. Wolves are cowards and love a thicket ; and for this reason children when playing around the doorsteps were much safer when the house stood on high ground. The undergrowth was much thicker on the lowlands ; and the wolves were much more likely to attack a person down there ; for they could skulk through the dense brush and get close to him without exposing themselves to view, especially late or at night. And for this reason too, a wide space was kept cleared around the spring. The pigs and calves had to be put into strong pens every night. It was an incessant care to the settler to guard the two or three sheep which he had secured from a distance at much cost and trouble to have wool to spin. Wolves would prowl around and at nightfall would sometimes become so bold as to make in pack fierce attacks on the sheep pen. Of course, they could not break into the pen, but they would cause the sheep to injure themselves through fright; so that through fear of this result the farmer would be compelled to bring his sheep into the house during the night, putting them into a large box by the chimney corner. These ferocious "var- mints" are now very scarce ; but every three or four years a small pack passes through. I have said that John Lundy perched his cabin high up on the hillside ; all the other pioneers did the same. This looks somewhat foolish at this distance of time ; but they were wise in their day and generation. Death lurked along the water- courses. The meadows were undrained and leaves and other litter clogged up the streams. Fever and ague has ever been the dread of those who clear away the forests and break up the virgin soil ; and bitter experience everywhere taught the first settlers to look upon the damp air of the lowlands as a slow poison. Of course, they did not build their houses on the highest knobs which are mountainous and almost destitute of water, but on ridges of land somewhat elevated. John and Rebecca Lundy had two sons and six daughters. Aaron, the older son, married and settled on a farm half-way tetween his father's and Oldtown; Amos, the younger son, I02 RICHARD LUNDY III. married and finally obtained the homestead; Rachel, the youngest child, remained at home and took care of her father John in his old age. Rachel herself was blessed with a long life and a good memory, and she enjoyed telling the younger generation about her father and mother and the inconveniences and hardships which they had endured as early settlers. She is still remembered as walking around the dooryard with two canes ; and when the little sons of her nephews and nieces came to help her by doing small jobs, such as chopping wood, pulling weeds, gathering berries and apples, and carrymg water, she would sit down by them after their work was done and tell them stories about the by-gone days, and would further show her appreciation of their kindness by giving them for keep- sakes various little articles that had once )belonged to their great grand parents. And it is needless to say that these relics, the quaint cup and saucer, the fancy buckle, the spectacle case, the old-fashioned buttons, the razor hone, and such like things, are now prized even more highly as the years go by. CHILDREN OF JOHN LUNDY I. AND REBECCA SILVERTHORN, I. Ruth, b. in Warren county, N. J., September 2"], 1778; lived in Virginia from 1785 to 1839; d. in Missouri October 17, 1861. II. Aaron, b. January 21, 1780; d. 1876. III. Joanna, d. unmarried. IV. Ann, married Levi Darnell of Va. ; no further record. V. Achsah, married Jesse Wells of Va. ; no further record. VI. Edith, married James Woods ; no issue. VII. Amos, b. about 1792 ; d. January 22, 1859, ^^ the age of 67 years ; buried in Nuckells cemetery, Grayson county, Va. VIII. Rachel, left no children; her first husband was John Armstrong of New Jersey ; her second husband was John Robertson. § A. RUTH LUNDY AND EBENEZER LUNDY. Of Grayson Co., Va. ; of Johnson Co., Mo. Ruth Lundy (of John, Richard III.) married her cousin, Ebenezer Lundy ; for names of their descendants, see Section A in the Third Branch of this Group. ANN WILLSON. I03 § B. AARON LUNDY AND MAHALA SEAGUR. Of Oldtown, Grayson Co., Va. Aaron Lundy (of John, Richard III.) married Mahala Seagur, who was born January 22., 1789. Aaron lived on a farm two miles from Oldtown, Va. Twelve children : I. John, b. June 11, 1807; d. June 18, 1887; m. Martha South. II. Rebecca, b. October 29, 1808; living ( i8y8) ; m. George McKenzie. III. William, b. January 7, 1810. IV. Elias, b. De- cember 10, 181 1 ; d. February, 1882; buried in cemetery of Pleasant Hill Church, Grayson county, Va ; m. Jane F. A. Ross. V. Elizabeth, b. January 16, 1814; d. young. VI. George, b. March 3, 181 5 ; m. Sarah Thomas. VII. James, b. March 22, 1817; d. unmarried about 1893. VIII. Nancy, b. September 3, 1819; d. young. IX. Azariah, b. March 28, 1821. X. Martha, b. January 7, 1823 ; m. Alvin Anderson. XI. Ann, b. November 9, 1824, Hving (1898); m. Constantine William Robbins. XII. Judith, /b. March 28, 1828; m. Stephen Thomas. John Lundy (of Aaron, John, Richard III.) married Martha South, who was born about 1810. In August, 1897, Martha was living at Independence, Grayson county, Va. ; she is a widow and has been blind several years. Four children : I. Zilpha K. II. Byram B. III. Martin W. IV. Aaron. Zilpha K. Lundy married Azariah Lyons and had three chil- dren : I. Fay. II. Elizabeth. III. Emma. Rebecca Lundy (of Aaron, John, Richard III.) m. George McKenzie, son of Greenberry and Rebecca (Blair) McKenzie. Two children : I. Greenberry Lundy, who married Elizabeth Stone, has seven children and dwells in Missouri. II. James P. James P. McKenzie m. Margaret Williams, daughter of James and Priscilla (Farmer) Williams. Res. at Oldtown, Va. Four children : I. Fanny B., b. September, 1871. II. Columbus P., b. January, 1873. III. Alexander B., b. Octo- ber, 1875. IV. Emma B., b. July, 1877. After the death of Margaret, James married , and had two children: V. George G., b. April, 1890. VI. Sid- ney B., b. May, 1891. William Lundy (of Aaron, John, Richard III.) m. and had at least seven daughters, five of whom were : I. Zemia. II. I04 RICHARD LUNDY III. Frances. III. Elizabeth. IV. Ellen. V. Nancy. The family afterwards settled in the west, some say in Ohio. Elias Lundy (of Aaron, John, Richord III.) m. November 5, 1838, Jane Fitz Allen Ross ; b. November 5, 181 1 ; d. Novem- ber 18, 1892, daughter of David and Sarah (Anderson) Ross of Patrick county, Va. Res. at Oldtown, Va. Three children : I. William Wiley. II. Lavenia. III. Melissa Ann, b. August 22, 1847. Rev. William Wiley Lundy m. Barbara Ann Burkett, daughter of Daniel Burkett of Ashe county, N. C. Res. at Gravelly, Yell county, Arkansas. Five children : I. Roy B. II. Elmer I. III. Virginia A. IV. Bruner E. V. Harley Summer. Melissa Ann Lundy m. Wiley Hicks Carico, son of John Stevenson Carico and his wife, Lucy Hale Wright, grandson of and Martha (Byrd) Carico. Res. at Clito, Grayson county, Va. Five children : I. Laurence Emerson, b. Septem- ber 7, 1879. II. Arthur Ross, b. July 20, 1881. HI. Daisy Isabella, b. April 11, 1884. IV. Emma Viola, b. July 11, 1888. V. Helen McFerrin, b. December 15, 1890. George Lundy (of Aaron, John, Richard III.) m. Sarah Thomas. Res. at Independence, Grayson county, Va. Two children: I. Fielden J. II. Rebecca, who married and has several children. Fielden J. Lundy m. Elizabeth Dickey, daughter of James and Elizabeth Dickey. Res. at Independence, Va. One child, Ellis L. Ellis L. Lundy m. Julia Alice Hale, daughter of Wiley D. and Martha J. Hale. Res. at Independence, Va. Six children : I. Clarence E. II. Mattie E. HI. Laura Grace, IV. Leona A. V. Jannita E. VI. Fielden H. Martha Lundy (of Aaron, John, Richard HI.) m. Alvin Anderson, who died February 27, 1886, son of Jesse and Nancy (Harper) Anderson. Res. at North Branch, Va. Eight chil- dren: I. George Washington, b. September 6, 1839; served four years in the Confederate army, 8th Reg., Co. C ; m. Cenia Ann Howk. II. Amanda, m. Samuel F. Smith. III. Jesse, m. Lucy Smith. IV. Orville, m. Mary Goodwin. V. Aaron, unmarried. VI. Sabra Virginia, m. Heath Hensly. VII. Ellen, m. Fielden Vaughnnow, deceased, and has one child, FIELDEN JOHNSON LUNDY, Of Independence, Grayson County, Virginia. Born November i8, 1836. Son of George Lundy and Sarah Thomas; Of Aaron Lundy and Mahala Seagur : Of John Lundy and Rebecca Silverthorn : Of Richard Lundy IIL and Ann Willson ; Of Richard Lundy IL and Elizabeth Large. ANN WILLSON. 105 Mallie. VIII. Caroline, m. John Wampler; resides at North Branch, and has Robert Boyd and Virginia. George W. Anderson m. September 11, 1864, Cenia Ann Hovvk, b. January 26, 1844, daughter of Martin and Susan Hovvk. Res. at North Branch, Va. Four children : I. Mary Leonia, b. February 3, 1868. II. Sarah Florence, b. January 25, 1871. III. Ellis Rush, b. February 2^, 1874. IV. Myrtle Frances, b. January 14, 1882. Mary Leonia Anderson m. November 23, 1893, Frank Mon- roe Vaught, b. February 24, 1859, son of Jackson and Amanda (Miller) Vaught. Res. at Fallville, Grayson county, Va. One child, Glenn, b. September 6, 1894. Sarah Florence Anderson m. May 9, 1897, Emory Johnson Hines, b. October 5, 1871, son of Frederick and Eveline (Roberts) Hines. Res. at Spring Valley, Grayson county, Va. One child, John M., b. February 18, 1898. Amanda Anderson m. November 10, 1870, Samuel F. Smith, son of Thomas Henry and Mary (Whitlock) Smith. Res. at Cedar Springs, Smith county, Va. Four children : I. William Miles. II. Margaret Ellen. III. Martha Virginia. IV. Robert Boyd. William Miles Smith m. Susan Hull, daughter of Jackson and Nancy (Meredith) Hull. Res. at Cedar Springs, Va. Three children: I. MoUie Ionia. II. Robert Boyd. III. Lettie Jane. Res. at Cedar Springs, Va. Margaret Ellen Smith m. Edward Fowler. Res. at Cedar Springs, Va. Two children: I. Jane. II. Cleo. Jesse Anderson m. Lucy Smith, daughter of Thomas Henry and Mary (Whitlock) Smith. They settled at Kingsport, Sul- livan county, Tenn. Eight children: I. Charles. II. Alvin. HI. Bruce. IV. Jennie. V. Susan. VI. Mirabel. And two whose names are not remembered ; two of Jesse's daughters married and went to Texas. Orville Anderson m. Mary Goodwin. Res. at Rural Retreat, Va. Eight children : I. Walter. II. Thomas. HI. Mattie. ,IV. Larry. V. Ida. VI. Meda. VII. Lydia. VIII. Sarah. Sabra Virginia Anderson m. Heath Hensly. Res. at North Branch, Va. Five children. I. Mary Ellen, b. September 17, 1876. II. Minnie Elizabeth, b. January 6, 1881. II. James Onnie, b. July 14, 1884. IV. Lessie Novelar, b. July 21, 1888. V. DoUie Harrison, b. July 21, 1888. Io6 RICHARD LUNDY III. Ann Lundy (of Aaron, John, Richard III.) m. October 17, 1861, Constantine Wilham Robbins, b. March 30, 1820; d. March 8, 1882; son of Benjamin and Nancy (James) Robbins. Two children : I. Elbert Lida, b. September 29, 1865. II. Sarah EHzabeth. Elbert Lida Robbins m. December 28, 1890, Ettie L. Spencer, b. February 24, 1871 ; d. January 2, 1897; daughter of Gran- ville and Malinda Spencer. Res. at Grassy Creek, Ashe county, N. C. Three children : I. Millard, b. in 1892. II. William. III. Flossie. Sarah Elizabeth Robbins m. January 28, 1884, James Lida Ring; b. January 24, 1863; d. March 29, 1893; son of Peyton and Cynthia (Carrico) Ring. Four children : I. Cora A. II. Letia M. III. Ettie L. IV. Ethel E. After the death of James, Sarah Elizabeth m., in 1897, William James, and resides at Rural Home, Va. Judith Lundy (of Aaron, John, Richard III.) m. Stephen Thomas, who died in 1876, son of Jonathan Thomas. They settled at Kihgsport, Sullivan county, Tenn. Four children: I. Martha Ann, b. April 14, 1840. II. Ellen. III. Ferdinand, who m. Ellen Sankins, resides at Peltier, Tenn., and has Wil- liam and Margaret. IV. Eliza, who m. Rupert Brewer, who died in November, 1897, leaving three children. V. William. Martha Ann Thomas m. June 4, 1875, Jeremiah Faulk, son of James W. Faulk. Res. at xA.rcadia. Seven children: I. Alcesta, b. in 1878. II. Nancy. III. Cordie. IV. Susan. V. John. VI. Samuel. VII. Bordie, b. in 1894. § C. AMOS LUNDY AND POLLY BEDSALL. Of Grayson Co., Va. Amos Lundy (of John, Richard III.) m. Polly Bedsall, who died in 1885, daughter of Elisha and Margaret (Edwards) Bedsall. Six children : I. Churchwell Oglesby, b. October 14, 1818; d. May 24, 1888; buried in Meadow Creek cemetery near Oldtown, Va. ; m. Caroline Ward Trimble. II. Melvinia, b. April 7, 1820; d. April 11, 1880; m. John Lyons. III. Eliza, b. in 1821 ; living (1901) ; m. Martin Stoneman. IV. Elisha, never returned from the Civil War ; m. Elizabeth Ann Axsom. V. Clark, d. unmarried ; buried in Surry county, N. C. VI. John, b. May 20, 1826; living (1901) at Oldtown, Va. ; m. Matilda Jane Right. ANN WILLSON. 1 07 Churchwell Oglesby Lundy (of Amos, John, Richard III.) m. March 2, 1841, Carohne Ward Trimble, b. December 11, 1821 ; hving (1898) ; daughter of John and Susan (Nuchelle) Trimble. 1 hey lived for a few years in Surry county, N. C, and then settled on the old homestead near Oldtown, Va. Ten children : 1. Lafayette Nuchelle, b. December 6, 1843, near Dobson, Surry county, N. C. ; taken to Va. in 1846; remained there until March 27, 1867, when he went to Indiana. II. Susan Trimble, b. February 24, 1846, near Dobson, N. C. III. Amos, b. December 20, 1847, on the old homestead near Old- town, \^a. I\'. Rosa Jane, b. February 8, 1850 V. Columbus, b. March 25, 1852; resides at Blockwell, "K," Oklahoma. VL Charlotte Virginia, b. May 23, 1854. VII. Sarah Evelina, b. April 20, 1857; ^^- i" 1886; d. in 1887; no issue. VIII. Churchwell Oglesby, jr., b. February 25, 1859. ^X- James Marion, b. August 10, 1861. X. Emmet WilHam, b. May 9, 1864. Lafayette Nuchelle Lundy m. February 22, 1872, Sarah Jane McGee, b. August 8, 1852, daughter of Ralph and Sarah Blackford (Jones) McGee. Res. at Greensburgh, Decatur county, Ind. Two children : I. Ida May, b. December 26, 1872. II. Thomas Elbert, b. September 30, 1874. Ida May Lundy m. May 8, 1898, Charles Emmons Logan, b. August 8, 1874, son of Samuel and Luhanna (Peck) Logan. Res. at Letts Corner, Ind. One child, Earl Vandola, b. February 15, 1899. Thomas Elbert Lundy m. February 8, 1894, Eva Bark- ley, b. June 28, 1875, daughter of Armstrong and Sarah Eliza- beth (Whittier) Barkley. Res. at Harris, Ind. Two children: 1. Ethel Lundy, b. September 30, 1896. II. Carl, b. February 25, 1901. Susan Trimble Lundy m. Solomon Davis, b. February 3, 1848, son of and Candace (Ward) Davis. Res. at Parsons, Kansas. Eight children : I. Laura Emaline, b. May 7, 1865. II. Mirabelle, b. August 21, 1867. III. Charles Frederick, b. January 7, 1869. IV. Lafayette Lundy, b. Sep- tember 10, 1870. V. Carohne, b. September 10, 1872; m. Frank Harris, and resides in Chicago. VL Churchwell Nathan, b. February 6, 1875. VII. Columbus Frank, b. Feb- ruary 21, 1877. VIII. Grace May, b. February 22, 1878. The first four were born in Virginia; Caroline was born in Osage county, Kansas, and the others in Platte City, Mo. Io8 RICHARD LUNDY III. Mirabelle Davis m. November i6, 1887, Edgar M. Cabness, who died July 17, 1896. Two cliildren: I. Wilbur Jesse, b. August 8, 1888, ill Kansas City, Mo. II. Lorena Maud, b. July 16, 1 89 1, at Memphis, Tenn. Charles Frederick Davis m. January 24, 1891, Louetta Goble of Pleasant Hill, Mo. Two children : I. Earl Frederick, b. October 2, 1891. II. Charles Franklin, b. September 26, 1893. Lafayette Lundy Davis m. March 15, 1896, Sarah Lenora McQuaid, b. July 28, 1876. One child, Arthur, b. February 9, 1897. Rosa Jane Lundy m. October 13, 1870, Andrew McKnight, b. June 8, 185 1, son of Nicholas and Polly (Blevins) Mc- Knight. Res. in Grayson county, Va., until March 28, 1889, then they moved to Cherry Lane, Alleghany county, N. C. Thirteen children: I. Nettie, b. September 10, 1871. II. Nicholas, b. October 17, 1872. III. Columbus Spotswood, b. May 13, 1874. IV. Nancy Collins, b. March 28, 1876. V. Churchwell, b. June 3, 1878. VI. James Isaac, b. May 26, 1879. VII. Sarah Luella, b. March 22, 1881. VIII. Frederic, b. December 30, 1882. IX. Thomas Jefferson, b. February 2, 1885. X. John Clark, b. May 21, 1887. XL Andrew Coy, b. July 13, 1889. XII. William Samuel, b. March 6, 1892. XIII. Bessie Leota, b. August 25, 1895. Nicholas McKnight m. Fanny Edwards. Res. at Hooker, N. C. Two children : I. Walter. II. Lillie Pearl. Charlotte Virginia Lundy m. December 23, 1875, Spottswood Blevins, b. January 17, 1849, son of Samuel Blevins, b. Novem- ber 23, 1802 ; d. September 29, 1893, and his wife, Nancy Cox, b. July 12, 1817, d. July 12, 1854. Res. at Ennice, Alleghany county, N. C. Five children : I. Robert, b. September 25, 1876; d. January 11, 1877. II. Samuel, b. December 9, 1877. III. Nancy Caroline, b. October 28, 1879. IV. James Marion, b. December 3, 1881. V. Margaret Leonia, b. October 17, 1885. Churchwell Oglesby Lundy, jr., m. February 6, 1887, Sarah Ellen Swain, daughter of I. F. and Frances Swain. Res. near Oldtown, Va. Five children : I. Frances Caroline, b. April 22, 1888; d. June 25, 1888. II. Amos, b. August i, 1889. III. Isaac Franklin, b. February 18, 1891. IV. Bertha Leona, b. December i, 1892; d. August 24, 1898. V. Rebecca Virginia, \>. February 22, 1897. VI. Susan Jane, b. November 27, 1898. ANN WILLSON. 109 James Marion Lundy m. January 23, 1893, Minnie Nancy Hampton, b. September 12, 1875, daughter of Griggs Jasper Hampton and his wife, Susan Evalina Todd. Res. at Oldtown, Va. Two children: I. Eunice May, b. February 23, 1894. H. Otis Amos, b. August 21, 1897. Emmet William Lundy m. March 28, 1886, Nancy Catherine Jennings, b. July 9, 1868, daughter of William and Emily ( Blevins) Jennings. Res. near Oldtown, Va. Seven children : I. Coy. b.'May 23, 1887; d. July 16, 1888. H. Geedy, b. August 31, 1888. HI. Chester, b. January 26, 1890. IV. Cur- tis, b. March 5, 1892. V. Maurice, b. December 9, 1893. VI. Melvin. b. October 25, 1895. ,VII. OUie Sophia, b. February 19, 1898. Melvinia Lundy (of Amos, John, Richard III.) m. Decem- ber 25, 1835, John Lyons, b. November 25, 1812; d. May 14, 1855. Res. at Watanga, Washington county, Va. Nine chil- dren: I. Eliza, b. October 14, 1836; deceased. II. Robert, b. January 10, 1839; d. in Civil War. III. Churchwell, b. March 7, 1841 ; d. in Civil War. IV. Louhania, b. August 9, 1843. V. Martha, b. in 1845. VI. Martin S., b. February 2, ,1848. VII. Zachariah T., b. April 3, 1850. VIII. Isaac, b. October 14, 1852 ; deceased. IX. Charlotte Emaline, b. January 3, 1855. Louhania Lyons m. October 12, 1865, William Williams, b. August 31, 1824, son of Henry and Sarah (Kenwether) Wil- liams. Res. at Abingdon, Va. I. Sarah M., b. May 14, 1866. II. Mary M., b. September 21, 1867. III. William, jr., b. July 21, 1869. IV. Francis, b. March 13, 1871. V. Robert, b March 15, 1873. VI. Birdie T., b. June 13, 1875. VII Amanda, b. March 5, 1877. VIII. James E., b. July 27, 1879 d. March 23, 1880. IX. Joseph S. F., b. February 27, 1881 X. John H., b. July 31. 1883. XL Jesse, b. October 29, 1886 Martha Lyons m. Lee Taylor ; d. in 1884 ; son of William and Susan (Fletcher) Taylor. Res. at Clip, Va. Eight children I. Samuel, b. 1870. II. Amanda, b. 1872. HI. John, b. 1874 IV. Alice, b. 1876. V. Reuben, b. 1878. VI. Lundy, b. 1879 VII. Millie, b. 1881. VIII. Allie, b. 1883. Samuel Taylor m. Ida Sawyer. Res. at Clip, Va. Three children: I. Raymond. 11. Agnes. HI. Samuel. Martin S. Lyons m. Elizabeth Walker. Res. at Groseclose, Va. Seven children : I. Lulu. 11. Laura Ann. HI. Emma, no RICHARD LUNDV III. m. A. B. Cregar and has Blanche, Bessie, James and Lawrence. IV. Alice. V. Amanda. VI. Alberta. VII. John Wesley. Zachariah T. Lyons m. ( i ) Mary Ann Brooks, daughter of Joseph and Elizabeth Brooks, and (2) Mary Sipes. daughter of Jeremiah and Priscilla Sipes. By his first wife he had : I. Robert. II. Jasper. III. John. IV. Blanche. V. Joseph. By his second wife he had : VI. Earnest. \'II. Charles. Res. at Groseclose, Va. Jasper Lyons m. Roxanna Cregar, daughter of William and Ellen Cregar, and has two children: I. Rozella. II. Lulu. Charlotte Emaline Lyons m. April 15, 1880, David Sipes, son of Jesse and Priscilla Sipes. Res. at Watanga, Va. I. Jesse Lafayette, b. April 28, 1881. II. John H., b. November 19, 1882. III. Mattie, b .April 2, 1887. IV. Tippie, b. September 2, 1889. V. Willie, b. September 25, 1890. \'I. Charles, b. May 18, 1892. VII. Amanda Melvinia, b. July 21, 1895. Eliza Lundy (of Amos, John, Richard III.) m. in 1840, Mar- tin Stoneman, son of John and (Hickman ) Stoneman. Res. in Grayson county, Va. Eleven children : I. Mildred A., m. John Walker and resides at Redfield, South Dakota. II. H. Floyd, m. three times ; had a son and a daughter by his first wife; resides at Munceytown, Ind. III. Elisha, resides at Monaret, \^a. I\^. Melvinia, b. 1847; m. Rev. Elisha Burnett. V. Sarah, m. B. F. Landrath of Monaret, Va. VI. Garland A., m. and resides at Elkhorn, Montana. VII. Charlotte, m. Charles Monaret, Va. VIII. Jonathan, b. September 8, 1858. IX. Estelle, deceased ; m. but left no issue. X. Stephen D., b. April 2, 1861. XI. Robert Lee, b. January 28, 1864. Jonathan Stoneman m. October 3, 1878, Catharine Carrico. Res. at Coalcreek, Va. Six children : I. Ella May. II. Lizzie. III. Cyntha. IV. Delia. V. Gerzilda. VI. John Harden. Stephen D. Stoneman m. Lydia Bowers, b. August 21, i860, daughter of George Bowers and his wife Mary, daughter of Jacob and Pietz Linaberry. Res. at Monaret, Va. Five chil- dren : I. Emory Burton, b. February 25, 1881. II. George Washington, b. December 26, 1882. III. Lawrence Cory, b. April 16, 1884. IV. Bertha Elizabeth, b. September 8, 1885. V. Myrtle Eunice, b. June 8, 1894. Elisha Lundy (of Amos, John, Richard III.) m. Elizabeth Ann Axsom, daughter and Susanna (Lundy) Axsom, and granddaughter of Thomas Lundy II. and his wife, Elizabeth ANN WILLSON. Ill Stockton ; see Fourth Branch of Group Six. Elisha resided at Rusk, in Surry county, N. C. Four children: I. Martin. II. Plutina, who is said to have married a Mr. Key and to have resided at Richmond, N. C. III. Martha. IV. Tenny, who is said to have married a Mr. Holder. John Lundy (of Amos, John, Richard III.) m. Matilda Jane Right, daughter of John and Matilda (Bird) Right. Res. near Oldtown, Va. Ten children: I. Judith, died unmarried. II. Zilpha. III. Malinda. b. September I, 1854. IV. Frances. V. Emma, died unmarried. VI. Clark, b. March 22, 1861. VII. Fieldon. VIII. Miles W. IX. Helen, b. about 1867. X. Lafayette. Zilpha Lundy m. John Noblette. Res. at Oldtown, Va. Five children: I. Thomas. II. Elbert. III. George. IV. Haunah. V. Matilda. Malinda Lundy m. March 21, 1878, Isaac W. Combs, b. June 12, 1857. Res. at Coldspring, Carroll county, Va. Eight chil- dren : I. Stephen, b. January 8, 1879. II. Matilda C, b. November 24, 1880. III. Nancy Ellen, b. January 21, 1883. IV. John Wesley, b. April 28, 1885. V. Floyd Jefferson, b. October 22, 1887. VI. Julia Ann, b. August 6, 1890. VII. Elbert Elnathan, b. March 23, 1893. VIII. Charles Franklin, b. September 26, 1896. Frances Lundy m. Charles Mooney. Res. at Gossan, Carroll county. Va. Five children : I. Matilda, deceased. II. Fieldon. HI. Ellen. IV. Cora Belle. V. Alice. Clark Lundy m. Emma Borne, daughter of Thornton and Elizabeth Borne. Res. at Wolf Glade. Carroll county, Va. Two children: I. Lilly, b. December 23, 1882. II. Mallia, b. De- cember 23. 1884. After the death of Emma, Clark m. July 16, 1890. Elizabeth Spears, b. May i, 1873. daughter of Andrew and Jane Spears. Four children: HI. Margaret Ann, b. March 28, 1891. IV. Troy Lafayette, b. September 9, 1893. V. Charles Edward, b. June 23. 1895. VI. Matilda Jane, b. February 6, 1897. Miles W. Lundy married and resides at Wolf Glade, Va. Eight children: 1. Nancy. II. Belle. HI. John F. IV. Fieldon. V. Martha. VI. James. VII. William. VIII. Charles. Helen Lundy m. Homer Kegley, b. November 14, 1869, son of Lee and Jane Kegley. Res. at Meadow Creek, Va. Three 112 RICHARD LUNDY III. children : I. Cora Alice, b. October i8, 1892. II. Bertha May, b. September 12, 1894. III. MalHe Jane, b. January 6, 1897. SEVENTH BRANCH. AZARIAH LUNDY AND ELIZABETH OF WARREN CO., N. J.; OF GRAYSON CO., VA. Azr.riah Lundy (of Richard III.) m. Elizabeth and had two or more children. Azariah died on the ist of 7 mo., 1784. On the 9th of 9th mo., 1785, his widow, Elizabeth, applied to the Kingwood Monthly Meeting for a certificate of removal for herself and her children to the Deep River Monthly Meeting in North Carolina. She settled in Grayson (now Carroll ) county, Va. Her homestead was along the Blue Ridge Mountains, only four or five miles from Richard Lundy's. No further information. GROUP TWO. THE DESCENDANTS OF Mary Lundy Wife of Robert Willson. Of Warren County, New Jersey. Born in 1716; Died in 1807. LINEAGE. 1. Sylvester Lundy, of Axminster, England. 2. Richard Lundy L and Jane Lyon, of Bucks Co., Pa. 3. Richard Lundy ILand Elizabeth Large, of Warren Co., N.J. 4. Mary Lundy and Robert Willson, of Warren Co., N. J. The line then divides into five branches : L Ebenezer Willson and Jehoaden Schooley. IL Jonathan Willson and Abigail Schmuck. in. Mary Willson and John Willets. IV. Moses Willson and Ann Schmuck. V. Martha Willson and Henry Widdifield. Mary Lundy, daughter of Richard IL and Elizabeth, whose name stands at the beginning of this Group, married on 8 day of 8 mo., 1734. in Bucks county. Pa., with the approval of the Chesterfield Monthly Meeting, Robert Willson, son of Samuel and Esther (Overton) Willson and grandson of Robert and Ann Willson. Robert was born i day of 9 mo., 1709, and departed this life 2.2 day of 4 mo., 1785, and was decently buried in the Friends' yard at Hardwick. (8) 114 ROBERT WILLSON. The course of proceedings according to the good order observed amongst Friends is described in the original minutes as follows: Second of 7 mo., 1734, first monthy meeting of Buckingham and Plumstead separate from Wrightstown. "At this meeting Robert Willson and Mary Lundy declared their intentions of marriage with each other, it being the first time; the s'd Robert belonging to another monthly meeting, produced a certificate in respect of marriage and of an orderly conversation." 7th of 8 mo., 1734. "At this meeting Robert Willson and Mary Lundy declared their intentions of marriage ; it being the second time and noth- ing appearing to obstruct their proceedings they were left to their liberty to consummate their intentions according to the good order of truth. The meeting appoynts James Shaw and William Michenor to tend s'd marriage to see it decently accomplished and make report thereof next meeting." 4th of 9 mo., 1734. "At this meeting those friends that were appoynted to tend the marriage of Robert Willson and Mary Lundy report that the s'd marriage was decently accomplished." The marriage certificate is copied on the third page of the Record of Marriages for the Hardwick and Randolph Meeting, and reads as follows : Whereas Robert Willson of Bethlehem in the County of Hunterdon, West Jersey, and Mary Lundy, Daughter of Richard Lundy of Plumsted in the county of Bucks & Prov- ince of pensylvania, Haveing Declared their Intentions of Mar- riage with each other before several Monthly Meetings of the people called Quakers at Buckingham in the County of Bucks afsd. according to the good order used among them & Having Consent of Parents and Relations concerned, sd proposals of marriage was allowed by the sd Meetings. And these are to certify whom it may concern that for the full accomplishment of their sd Intentions, This 8th Day of the 8th Mo. in the year, 1734, They the sd Robert Willson & Mary Lundy appeared in a Publick Meeting of the sd people for that purpose appointed at plumsted in the County & Province afsd ; and the sd Robert Willson Taking the sd Mary Lundy by the Hand Did in a solemn manner openly Declare that He took Her the sd Mary Lundy to be his Wife promising by the MARY LUNDY. I15 Lord's assistance to be unto her a Loving & Faithful Husband untill Death seperate them (or words to that effect) ; and then and there in the same assembly the sd Mary Lundy Did in like manner Declare that she took the sd Robert Willson to be her Husband promising by the Lord's assistance to be unto him a Loving & faithful Wife untill Death should seperate them (or words to that effect) ; And moreover, They the sd Robert Willson & Mary Lundy ( She according to the custom of marriage assuming the Name of her Husband) as a further confirmation thereof Did then & there to these presents set their Hands ; and we whose Names are hereunder subscribed being present at the "Solemnization of the sd Marriage & subscription, as witnesses thereunto have set our hands the Day & year above written. Robert Willson, Mary Willson. The witnesses were Samuel Willson, Richd Lundy, Eliza- beth Lundy, Samuel Large, Samuel Willson, jr., Richd Lundy, Richd Lundy, sen., John Lundy, James Willson, Sarah Will- son, Deborah Willson, Joseph Lundy, Jacob Large, Joseph Large, jur., Sarah Hall, Har'm Kester, Robert Russell, Eliza- beth Large, James Shaw, Mary Shaw, Mary Goode. Robert and Mary lived at first in Bucks county, Pa., and afterwards moved to Maiden Creek in Berks county and became members of the Exeter Monthly Meeting. On 28 day II mo., 1747-8, they requested a certificate of membership from Exeter to the Bethlehem Monthly Meeting (afterward King- wood, now Quakertown) in Hunterdon county. N. J., which certificate they presented at Bethlehem on 14 day 4 mo.. 1748. They settled in the great meadows near Allamuchy, Warren county, N. J. In 1756 Mary was appointed one of the Elders for the Hardwick Society of Friends. THE CHILDREN OF ROBERT WILLSON AND MARY LUNDY. L Robert. Jr.. born in Bethlehem, Hunterdon county, N. J.. loth day of ye ist mo., Old Stile, 1736, and departed this life at Hardwick and was decently buryed in Friends burying ground at Hardwick afsd. H. Samuel, born at Maiden Creek in the County of Phila- delphia in Pennsylvania ye 8th day of ye 10 mo., Il6 ROBERT WILLSON. 1737, and departed this life at the same place afsd, and was decently buryed in Friends burying place. III. Ebenezer, born at Maiden Creek in the County of Phila- delphia ye 7th day of ye 7th mo., old Stile, in ye year 1739; d. 2nd day of 6th mo., 1824, aged 84 years, and was buried at Hardwick ; m. Jehoaden Schooley. IV. Jonathan, born at Maiden Creek in the County of Phila- delphia ye 8th day of ye 8 mo., 1741, old Stile; m. Abigail Schmuck. V. David, born at Maiden Creek in Philadelphia 8th day of ye ist mo., 1743, old Stile; and departed this life at Hardwick and was decently buryed in Friends burying place at Hardwick. VI. Mary, born at Maiden Creek in the County of Phila- delphia in Pennsylvania ye 4th day of ist mo., 1745, old Stile; m. John Willets. VII. Moses, born at (formerly called the Great Meadows, but now) Hardwick in the County of (formerly Morris, but now) Sussex in the Province of West Jersey, ye 27th day of ye 8th mo., 175 1 ; m. Ann Schmuck. VIII. Martha, born at Hardwick in the County of Sussex, West New Jersey, ye i8th day of ye 2nd mo., 1754; m. Henry Widdifield. FIRST BRANCH. EBENEZER WILLSON AND JEHOADEN SCHOOLEY. OF ALLAMUCHY, WARREN CO., N. J. Ebenezer Willson, son of Robert Willson and his wife, Mary Lundy (of Richard II.), m. Jehoaden Schooley. The minutes of the Kingwood Monthly Meeting show that they made their first declaration of intentions to marry on 9 day 11 mo., 1758. Ebenezer was collector for Independence township, Sussex MARY LUNDY. II7 (now Warren) county, N. J., in 1788. They had five children, perhaps more ; Ebenezer's will mentions David, Jonathan, Phebe, Edith, and Mary. After the death of Jehoaden, Ebenezer married in 1802 Sarah Knight of Bucks county, Pa., who died 2t, of 4, 1829; there was no issue by this second mar- riage. CHILDREN OF EBENEZER WILLSON AND JEHOADEN SCHOOLEY. I. David, born 22nd of 8th mo., 1759; m. Mary Ware. II. Jonathan, born in 1761 ; d. in 1856 or '57 ; m. Sarah Stack- house. III. Phebe, m. John Wright. IV. Edith, m. Septimus Hough. V. Mary, no further record. VI. Aaron, m. Belinda . § A. DAVID WILLSON AND MARY WARE, Of Allamuchy Township, Warren Co., N. J. David Willson, son of Ebenezer and Jehoaden (Schooley) Willson, m. on 28 of 11 mo., 1781, Mary Ware; b. i of 4 mo., 1 761, daughter of John and Grace Ware. A copy of their mar- riage certificate is found on 25th page of Record of Marriages for the Hardwick and Randolph Monthly Meeting. Eleven children: I. Grace, b. December 14, 1784; no further record. II. Joseph, b. December 23, 1786; d. June 6, 1787. III. John, b. May 15, 1788. IV. David II., b. January 29, 1791 ; d. December 16, 1866; m. Mary Brotherton. V. Mary, b. March 9, 1794; m. John Dennis. VI. Asa, b. April 11, 1796; m. Elizabeth Slaughter. VII. Joshua, b. June 23, 1798; d. Sep- tember 17, 1828; m. Charity Drake. VIII. Amos, b. June 12, 1800; d. October 13, 1891 ; m. (i) Sarah Groff and (2) Ann Gillam. IX. Margaret, b. October 13, 1802; d. unmarried. X. Phebe, b. September 21, 1804; m. Joel Vail. XI. Sarah, b. August 10, 1808; m. Samuel Bell. David Willson II., son of David and Mary (Ware) Willson, m. Mary Brotherton; b. in Township of Randolph, Morris county, N. J., 31 of 8, 1789; d. 28 of 4, 1825; daughter of William and Sarah (Dell) Brotherton, granddaughter of Henry and Mercy (Schooley) Brotherton. David II. m. (2) Mary (Lundy) Stevenson, and (3) Mary 1x8 ROBERT WILLSON. Caton of Muncy, Pa. ; no issue except by his first wife. Five children: I. Lydia Brotherton, b. 3 of 8, 1816, at Randolph, Morris county, N. J.; buried at Farmington, N. Y. II. Harts- horn, b. 5 of 2, 1818, in Independence township, Warren county, N. J.; buried at Farmington, N. Y. ; m. ; left no issue. III. Azaliah, b. in Independence township, Warren county, N. J., 7 of II, 1820; m. Rozella Ames. IV. Richard, d. in infancy. Lydia Brotherton Willson m. in 1836 John Jay Doty, son of John and Lydia (Stewart) Doty. Three children: I. Jane, m. Mr. Converse, resides at Ferry, Mich., and has five children. II. John M., m. and resides at Cadalac, Mich. ; has a daughter Lydia. III. Rose R. m. March 30, 1880, Edwin J. Gardner, son of John W. and Anna B. (Cotton) Gardner. Res. at Farmington, Ontario county, N. Y. Two children : I. Mary R. II. Lindley Jay. Azaliah Willson m. July 4, 1844, at Elba, N. Y., Susannah Weeks, and had two sons, who died in infancy. After the death of Susannah, Azaliah Willson m. in November, 185 1, at Blackrock, N. Y. (now within the city limits of Buffalo), Rozella Ames, b. in the city of Rochester, N. Y., May 5, 1827; d. October 22, 1895 ; buried at Cedar Falls, Iowa, daughter of Stephen Hughes Ames of Duchess county, N. Y., and his wife, Rachel Moore. Eight children: I. Mary Jane, b. January 16, 1853, in the town of Oakfield, Genesee county, N. Y. II. Franklin David, b. August 19, 1855, in Oakfield, N. Y. ; d. July 6, 1882; m. Annie Laura Covil ; no children now living. III. John Melvin, b. January 12, 1857; d. April 4, 1857; buried at Elba, N. Y. IV. Lydia Elizabeth, b. August 2, 1859, at Oak- field, N. Y. V. Herbert Stephen, b. March 3, 1862, at Farm- ington, Ontario county, N. Y. VI. Enoch Richard, b. June 20, 1864; res. at Hume, Alleghany county, N. Y. VII. Rachel Vania, b. April 30, 1866; d. March 24, 1896; m. Josiah Lang- don, and had one child, now deceased. VIII. Charles Graham, b. May 18, 1868; res. at Cedar Falls, Iowa. Mary Jane Willson m. August 15, 1877, Emory Haasze Covil, b. September 18, 1850; d. March 4, 1897, son of John B. Covil and his wife, Caroline Haasze. Res. at Manchester, N. Y. Two children: I. Franklin Emory, b. January 31, 1884. II. Clara Isidore, b. January 22, 1887. Lydia Elizabeth Willson m. August 2, 1878, James Howard MARY LUNDY. II9 Bennett; d. October 3, 1894, at Cedar Falls, Iowa, son of Wil- liam Penn Bennett and his wife, Lavinia Wheat. Two chil- dren : I. Nellie Rozella, b. March 10, 1880. II. Delbut Howard, b. January 31, 1882; after the death of James, Lydia m. July 7, 1897, Andrew Johnson, son of John and Carrie (Clausen) Johnson. Res. at Sheboggan, Wis. Mary Willson, daughter of David and Mary (Ware) Will- son, m. John Dennis. They are said to have had two daughters and seven sons. The names of only five have been ascertained : I. John, died unmarried at Newton, N. J. II. David Will- son, d. in 1872, at Stillwater, Sussex county, N. J. III. Lewis. IV. Amos. V. Sarah Ann, m. John Sherwood and settled at the "Brier Patch" near Scranton, Pa. After the death of Mary, John Dennis married Martha Eaton ; and after Martha's death, he moved to Stark county. 111., with his sons Lewis and Amos. David Willson Dennis m. Sarah Elizabeth Read, daughter of David and Mary (Hawk) Read. Eight children: I. David Read, drowned in the Atlantic ocean, July 12, 1891 ; buried at Stillwater, Sussex county, N. J. II. Frank Welling- ton. III. Anna Mary. IV. John O., drowned in a tan vat at age of 15 months. V. William Elmer, resides at Far Rock- away, L. I., N. Y. VI. Violetta L. VII. Flora L. VIII. Martin R., died at age of 22 months. David Read Dennis m. August 28, 1878, Virginia R. Shreakgast, daughter of Daniel F. and Evaline (Stewart) Shreakgast. Three children : I. Kirby Wellington, b. April 13, 1880. II. Albert Coble, b. December 23, 1883. III. Ethel Viola, b. January 22, 1889. After the death of David, Virginia m. A'. Atwood Garis and resides at Summit, N. J. Frank Wellington Dennis, M. D., m. June 23, 1887, Mary Wisner, daughter of Gabriel and Harriet (Elston) Wisner, granddaughter of Col. John C. Wisner. Res. at Unionville, N. Y. One child, Edna Elston Dennis, b. May 6, 1892. Anna Mary Dennis m. Marshall Cook, son of Elisha Cook. Res. at Hope, N. J. One child. Myrtle E. Cook. Violetta L. Dennis m. January 30, 1896, Thomas William Thompson, b. at Ripon, England, son of William John and Jennie Thompson. Res. in Brooklyn, L. I., N. Y. Flora L. Dennis m. April 28, 1897, Dr. Albert Myers Van Sickle, son of Jacob V. and Hannah Matilda Van Sickle. Res. in Brooklyn, N. Y. 120 ROBERT WILLSON. Asa Willson, son of David and Mary (Ware) Willson, m. April 19, 1 82 1, Elizabeth Slaughter. They resided for nine years in Warren county, N. J. ; in 1830 they removed to Foun- tain, Indiana. Twelve children : I. Amos, b. October, 1822. Res. at Steam Corner, Ind. ; is married and has a married daughter. II. David, b. in 1825 ; buried at Rob Roy, Ind. III. Martha, b. June 2-7, 1827; m. Mr. Ratclifit'e. Res. at Kingsman, Ind. IV. Dennis, b. December 25, 1830. Res. at Hillsboro, Ind. V. William, b. December 25, 1830; d. in 1895 ; buried at Waynetown, Ind. VI. Mary J., b. October, 1832; d. in 1888; m. James Parnell, and had a son Mount Par- nell residing at Kingsman, Ind. VII. Elizabeth, b. November 5, 1834; m. B. F. Pearson, and resides at Riverside, Ind. VIII. Asa, b. November 5, 1834; buried at Rob Roy, Ind. IX. Rachel, b. August 19, 1836; m. Joseph M. Booe, and died leav- ing one son, Edward M. Booe. X. John Calvin, b. April 17, 1838; m. and has four children. Res. at Wallace, Ind. XI. Henry, b. December 26, 1840; m. Armilda Ann Livengood. XII. Sarah C, b. March 7, 1843 ; m. F. M. Black. Res. at Kingsman, Ind. Henry Willson m. Armilda Ann Livengood, daughter of Andrew and Reuhama (Meyers) Livengood. Res. Guelph, Kansas. Two children: I. Andrew. II. Stella, b. March 31, 1869. Andrew Willson m. October 30, 1891, Marguerite De Van, daughter of Joshua B. and Sarah B. (Penn) De Van. Res. at Washington, D. C. Stella Willson m. John Montgomery Crick. Res. at Kildare, Oklahoma. Four children: I. Hattie Pearl. II. Albert. HI. Alva De Van. IV. Oliver. Joshua Willson, son of David and Mary (Ware) Willson, m. Charity Drake, an orphan, who had been brought up by her grandfather Groff. Charity died about 1835. They settled at Farmington, N. Y. ; and Joshua was buried there in Friends' yard. Four children: I. Mary, b. December 20, 1821 ; d. at Macedon, N. Y., January 24, 1898. II. Julia Chandler, b. May 29, 1823, at AUamuchy, Warren county, N. J. HI. Elizabeth, d. November 12, 1893; m. Smith Wood and had five children. IV. Joel Vail, b. November 20, 1827, in Farmington, N. Y. ; settled in the South in 1849. Mary Willson m. June 26, 1844, John Longstafif ; b. in Eng- Mary luNdy. 121 land August 8, 1814; d. January 27, 1885; son of Robert and Jane (Suddick) Longstaff. Res. at Canandaigua, N. Y. Eight children: I. William Wood, d. November 11, 1886. II. Louisa Adelaide, d. March 26, 1875. III. Emma Elizabeth, b. October 15, 1848. IV. Julia, m. M. C. Thompson; res. at Texarkana, Ark. V. Margaret J. VI. Cornelia M. VII. Mary Willson, d. April 5, 1862. VIII. Martha A. Emma Elizabeth Longstaff m. December 24, 1870, William B. Thompson; b. June 16, 1839; d. October 29, 1889; buried in Woodlawn Cemetery at Canandaigua, N. Y., son of Joshua and Maria (Crane) Thompson. Res. at Williamsport, Pa. Margaret J. Longstaff m. December 25, 1873, David George Baker, son of John and Elizabeth (Hall) Baker. Res. at Macedon, N. Y. Two children: I. David George, jr., b. November 24, 1876. II. Mary Elizabeth, b. July 25, 1878. Cornelia M. Longstaff m. January 30, 1875, Henry M. Littell, son of John and Harriet T. (Allen) Littell. Res. at Macedon, N. Y. Two children : I. Allen T., b. December 31, 1875. II. Mabel D., b. March 28, 1877. Martha A. Longstaff m. December 26, 1889, James L. Bates, son of Francis and Mary (Greenleaf) Bates. Res. at Canan- daigua, N. Y. Julia Chandler Willson m. April 22, 1845, at Farmington, N. Y., William Wood; b. November 3, 1812, at Millbrook, Duchess county, N. Y. ; d. July 4, 1883. Two children, both born at Farmington, N. Y. : I. Charles Henry, b. July 2, 1846. II. Cora Elizabeth, b. January 19, 1865 ; d. November 15, 1886. Charles Henry Wood m. December 23, 1875, Adelaide Hal- lock, of Milton, Ulster county, N. Y. Res. at Farmington, N. Y. I. Walter H., b. December 27, 1876. II. William C, b. April 24, 1880. III. George H., b. January 2, 1883. IV. Grace Willson, b. December 2, 1886. Joel Vail Willson m. June 3, 1852, Cornelia Indiana Harper, b. in Halifax county, N. C, June 13, 1833 ; d. December i, 1887. One child, William Woodson Willson, b. in Richmond, Va., May 27, 1854, who m. in 1883, Alice W. . Res. at Raleigh, N. C. Five children: I. Lizzie Vail. II. George Hollowell. HI. Joel Andrew, deceased. IV. Alice Harper. V. Annie Herndon. Amos Willson, son of David and Mary (Ware) Willson, married twice. By his first wife, Sarah Groff, b. October 13, 122 ROBERT WILLSON. 1788; d. October 8, 1845, daughter of Benjamin Groff, he had four children ; by his second wife, Ann Gillam, he had eight children: I. Asa, b. February i, 1824. II. Mary, b. Decem- ber 15, 1825. III. David, b. July 17, 1827. IV. Margaret Emaline, b. August i, 1829; m. Abijah Willson; for descend- ants, see First Branch, Group Four. V. John, b. March 2"^, 1850. VI. Caroline, b. May -zy, 1852, deceased. VII. Juha, b. March 3, 1854. VIII. Laura, b. March 4, 1856, deceased. IX. Phebe, b. May i, 1858, deceased. X. William, b. Sep- tember 19, 1859; "^^ Annie Hibler. XL George, b. March 15, 1861. XII. Edwin, b. February 17, 1863. Asa Willson m. Lucy Austin, daughter of Ebenezer and Almena (Fuller) Austin. Res. at Grand Blanc, Mich.; Asa left N. J. December 6, 1846, and rode 300 miles on horseback to Farmington, N. Y. ; in 1851, he settled in Michigan. Mary Willson m. Charles Ira Redfield, b. April 6, 1825 ; d. June 22, 1866; buried at Middletown, N. Y., son of David J. and Christianna (Shorter) Redfield. Two children: I. Wil- liam Henry, b. November 6, 1848, near AUamuchy, N. J. 11. Amos Willson, b. November 5, 1851, in Orange county, N. Y. John Willson m. in 1871, Irene Danley ; b. September, 1850, daughter of John C. and Nancy (Criger) Danley. Res. near AUamuchy, N. J. Three children: I. Lillie A., who m. in 1897, Joel Till, son of John Till, and has one daughter, Vida. 11. John, jr., who m. in 1897, Lucy Seals, daughter of William Seals. III. Arthur. Caroline Willson m. Marshal Cook, son of Elisha Cook. Three children: I. Gussie. II. Willson. III. Leander. After the death of Caroline, Marshal m. Anna Mary Dennis. George Willson m. a daughter of Alvin Hibler, and has three children: I. Nonie. II. Mary. III. Georgianna. Res. at AUamuchy, N. J. Laura Willson m. Watson Gibbs and has William and Jesse. Phebe Willson m. John Stillwell and had two children : I. Charles. II. Laura. Edward Willson m. Ella Banta ; res. at Irvington, N. J., and has one child, Amos. Julia Willson m. John Angle ; res. at Walnut Valley, N. J., and has two children : I. William. II. Annie. Phebe Willson m. Joel Vail; b. July 17, 1801, in Randolph township, Morris county, N. J. ; d. June 25, 1884, at Kalama- MARY LUNDY. 123 ZOO, Mich.; son of Thomas Vail. Eleven children: I. Sarah Brotherton, b. March 9, 1827, at Canandaigua, N. Y. ; died June 10, 1897; m. Charles Downing. II. Mary, b. October 13, 1828, at Canandaigua, N. Y. ; m. Edward S. Wicks. III. Mercy, b. March t."], 1830, at Canandaigua, N. Y. ; m. Richard Pearce. IV. William Brotherton, b. November 21, 1831, in Ontario county, N. Y. ; d. March 31, 1850. V. Ann, b. Sep- tember 21, 1833, at Farmington, N. Y. ; m. Gideon Richard Hewitt. VI. Grace Ware, b. July 17, 1836, at Farmington, N, Y. ; m. Oscar Hawley. VII. David Willson, b. April 21, 1838, at Farmington, N. Y. ; res. in Indiana. VIII. Katharine Louisa, b. April 2, 1839, in Ontario county, N. Y. ; m. John S. Pixley. IX. John, b. August 15, 1840; d. in infancy. X. Augusta Eliza, b. November 23, 1841 ; d. January 10, 1853. XI. Richard Brotherton, b. April 3, 1844; d. September 26, 1864. Sarah Brotherton Vail m. October 24, 1847, Charles Down- ing, who was born in 1817. Res. at Schoolcraft, Mich. Five children: I. Maria Louisa, b. in 1850 at Fairport, N. Y. ; m. Charles Weimer, who is now deceased, and had one child, Cora ; Maria Louisa has married again and res. in Dakota. II. Frances, b. in 1852 at Fairport, N. Y. ; m. Oscar McKeel and had four children ; after Oscar's death, Frances m. James Nor- man, and res. at Plainwell, Mich. III. Adelbert, b. in 1854 in Michigan ; married and lives in Chicago, 111. IV. Ernest, b. in 1857 in Michigan; d. about 1895. V. Mary, m. Albert Cor- nell, and had one child, Jessie, and dwells at Schoolcraft, Mich. Mary Vail m. January i, 1850, Edward S. Wicks, b. Janu- ary 7, 1828; d. August 12, 1892; son of William H. and Susanna (Sheffield) Wicks. Res. at Kalamazoo, Mich. Five children: I. Flora I., b. October 8, 1854, at Cooper, Mich. II. Frank E., b. February 9, 1858, at Cooper, Mich. III. Frederick Vail, b. April 17, i860, at Cooper, Mich. IV. Eulalia M., b. March 15, 1865, at Cooper, Mich. V. Edward S., b. September 21, 1875, at Kalamazoo, Mich. Flora I. Wicks m. Janaury i, 1878, Sheldon Allen, b. No- vember 5, 1848. Res. at Grand Rapids, Mich. Three children: I. Claude S., b. October 30, 1878, at Kalamazoo, Mich.; m. September 4, 1901, Nellie Dregge, b. November, 1878. II. Mabel E., b. December 12, 1883, at Kalamazoo, Mich. III. Florence E., b. July 2, 1888, at Cooper, Mich. 124 ROBERT WILLSON. Frank E. Wicks m. April 17, 1882, Belle E. Dunning; b. September 26, 1864. Res. at Detroit, Mich. Two children: I. Dollie, b. July 20, 1883; d. July 22, 1884. II. Louise, b. October 30, 1885, at Detroit, Mich. Fred. Vail Wicks m. June 16, 1885, May Wormley, b. March 31,1868. Res. at Kalamazoo, Mich. Five children : I. Mar- garet Vail, b. June 20, 1889. II. Helen, b. June 23, 1891 ; d. June 17, 1895. III. Mary, b. July 17, 1895. IV. Ellen, b. August 10, 1898. V. Dorothy, b. August 4, 1900; d. May i, 1901. Eulalia M. Wicks m. July 15, 1890, John L. Wallace; b. May 20, 1866. Res. at Kalamazoo, Mich. Three children: I. Ralph W., b. October 10, 1893. II. Donald E., b. June 21, 1895. III. Fred., b. April 22, 1897; d. January 17, 1898. Edward S. Wicks m. February 8, 1901, Grace B. Lutz; b. September 26, 1875. Mercy Vail m. April 23, 1853, Richard Pearce; b. June 25, 1822; d. October 17, 1896; son of Richard and Ann (Reed) Pearce of Bosvethick, County of Cornwall, England. Res. at Kalamazoo, Mich. Six children, all born at Randolph, Morris county, N. J. I. Phebe Ida, b. June 30, 1854. II. Augusta Louise, b. September 19, 1856. III. Cornelia Ann, b. May 7, 1858; d. September 6, 1883. IV. Elizabeth Jane, b. January 10, 1861 ; d. March 28, 1873. V. Mary Allie, b. April 17, 1863. VI. Laura G., b. June 7, 1865. Phebe Ida Pearce m. June 26, 1878, Willis Arthur Coleman; b. August 28, 1855, at Kalamazoo, son of Oscar and Mary (Leveezey) Coleman. Res. at Kalamazoo, Mich. Four chil- dren: I. Augusta Louise, b. July 16, 1879, at Onarga, 111. II. Nina May, b. September i, 1882, at Kalamazoo. III. Clar- ence Leroy, b. March 22, 1885, at Kalamazoo. IV. Marjory, b. June 27, 1890; d. in infancy. Augusta Louise Pearce m. June 26, 1878, William Leroy Brownell ; b. September 20, 1856; son of Thomas and Lydia (Palmer) Brownell. Res. at Kalamazoo, Mich., where all their children were born. Four children : I. Ethel Pearce, b. July 31,1879. II. Arthur Leroy, b. April 20, 1882. III. Winifred Lenore, b. July i, 1886. IV. William Donald, b. August 17, 1889. Cornelia Ann Pearce m. April 7, 1881, Timothy Wallace Sherwood: b. November i, 1856; son of Thomas Russel and MARY LUNDY. 1 25 Anna (Wallace) Sherwood. Res. at Kalmazoo, Mich., where their only child, Marion Pearce Sherwood, was born January 8, 1882. Mary Allie Pearce m. June 10, 1884, Edwin Samuel Shep- herd; b. March 24, 1862; son of Oscar and Jenny (Hyde) Shepherd. Res. in Chicago, 111. Five children, of whom the first four were born in Kalamazoo, Mich., and the fifth in Chi- cago: I. Edith Lizzie, b. March 31, 1885. IL Clinton Oscar, b. June 24, 1886. III. Scott Samuel, b. August 19, 1888. IV. Edwin Bruce, b. March 28, 1900. V. Richard Pearce, b. De- cember 3, 1 90 1. Laura G. Pearce m. June 3, 1886, William Warford Wagner, son of William and Anna (Yawger) Wagner. Res. at Kala- mazoo, Mich. One child, Anna Pearce Wagner, b. March 15, 1899, at Kalamazoo. Ann Vail m. March 24, 1855, Gideon Richard Hewitt ; b. August 28, 1832, at Peru, N. Y. ; d. December 15, 1869; son of Harley and Clarinda (Benson) Hewitt. Res. at Kalamazoo, Mich. Six children: I. William Harley, b. October 4, 1856, at Randolph, Morris county, N. J. ; m. April 2, 1879, Amanda Maidens; b. February 28, 1858, and res, at Kalamazoo, Mich. II. Wallace Vail. b. November 28, 1858, at Peru, N. Y. ; d. October 6, i860. III. Hattie, b. December 8, i860, at Peru, N. Y. ; d. March 20, 1865, at Hoboken, N. J. IV. Clarinda, b. February 11, 1865, at Hoboken, N. J. V. Phebe Emma, b. March 24, 1867, at Hudson City, N. J. VI. Anna Vail, b. February 12, 1869, at Hudson City, N. J. Clarinda Hewitt m. November 3, 1897, George Barnes; b. November 19, 1867, at Kalamazoo ; son of John L. and Matilda (Cook) Barnes. Res. in Chicago, III, where their son Arthur Hewitt Barnes was born April 16, 1899. Phebe Emma Hewitt m. June i. 1887, Albert Buechner ; b. September 21, i860, at Decatur, Mich. ; d. April 5, 1901 ; son of Caspar and Margarette (Ihling) Buechner. Res. at Kalama- zoo, Mich., where two children were born: I. William, b. March 3, 1888. II. Pauline, b. November 7, 1890. Anna Vail Hewitt m. Janutry 19, 1888, Ward Doubleday ; b. February 4, 1867, at Kalamazoo; son of Abner and Maria (Casler) Doubleday. Res. at Kalamazoo, Mich. One child, George Hewitt Doubleday. Grace Ware Vail m. November i, 1871, Oscar Hawley; b. 126 ROBERT WILLSON. October i6, 1844; son of Crowell and Clarissa (Pardue) Haw- ley. Res. at Kalmazoo, Mich. Three children: I. Lillian Grace, b. November 18, 1872; d. September 24, 1873. II. Howard, b. June 13, 1875; d. January 10, 1901. III. Adah M., b. May 5, 1878, at Hopkins, Mich. Katharine Louise Vail m. October 25, i860, John S. Pixley ; b. October 18, 1833, in Erie county. N. Y. ; son of William and Ruth (Wheeler) Pixley. Res. at Swartz Creek, Mich. Eight children: I. Helen Augusta, b. August 18, 1862, at Somerset, N. Y. ; d. June 29, 1896 ; m. December 30, 1886, Edwin J. Good- win ; b. July 29, 1848; son of Hiram and Hannah (Morey) Goodwin. II. Ruth Ada, b. January 17, 1864, at Somerset, N. Y. ; res. at Ann Arbor, Mich. III. George Vail, b. January 20, 1866, at Somerset, N. Y. IV. Grace, b. November 13. 1867. at Somerset. N. Y. V. Ralph Holly, b. October 13, 1869; d. March 25, 1895. VI. Bertha Estelle. b. November 5, 1874, at Sanborn, N. Y. VII. William Joel, b. June 3. 1877, at San- born, N. Y. ; dwells at Swartz Creek, Mich. VIII. Phoebe Emily, b. July 18, 1881, at Swartz Creek, and there dwells. George Vail Pixley m. July 18, 1894, Zaide Eloise Howes; b. July, 1870, at Birch Run, Mich.; daughter of Henry and Harriet (Wheeler) Howes. Res. at Skaneateles, N. Y. Two children, born at Prairieville. Mich. : I. Rex Arthur, b. Febru- ary 9, 1896. II. Catharine Harriet, b. May 13, 1898. Grace Pixley m. September 2, 1890, Charles Edward Sutton ; b. November 18, 1866, at Royal Oak, Mich.; son of Benjamin and Penelope (Gibson) Sutton. Res. at Sennon, Mich., where both their children were born. Two children : I. Ralph Pix- ley, b. September 10. 1891. II. Muriel Emma. b. April 16, 1890. Bertha Estelle Pixley m. January 13. 1897, Harry P. Youells; b. January 13. 1872. at Clayton, Mich.; son of Abraham and Harriet (Eaton) Youells. Res. at Flushing, Mich., where their daughter, Irene Viola, was born March 19. 1898. Sarah Willson, daughter of David and Mary (Ware) Will- son m. Samuel Bell, a brother of Joseph Bell. Samuel and his family removed to the West and settled, it is said, at Mexico, Wyandotte county, O. Five children : I. Arnold. II. David, who died at Hillsdale, Mich. HI. Mary Jane, who m. and removed to Iowa. IV. Margaret, of whom no information. V. Ellen, who m. Mr. Morgan, and res. at Cedar Falls, Iowa. MARY LUNDY. 12? § B. JONATHAN VVILLSON AND SARAH STACKHOUSE. Of Warren Co., N. J. Jonathan Willson, son of Ebenezer and Jehoaden (Schooley) Willson, m. Sarah Stackhouse, who was a sister of Joseph Stackhouse and an aunt of Jonathan Stackhouse. Six children : I. Ebenezer, b. December 24, 1789; m. Ehzabeth WiUiams. II. Joseph, b. July 18, 1793; d. in 1878 or '79, while on a visit to Kansas; m. Marshia Willson. III. Lucinda, b. October 19, 1796; ni. John H. Price. IV. Triphena, b. May 22, 1800; d. in 1886. V. Lewis, b. March 16, 1804; d. November 8, 1885; buried at Free Union, near Danville, N. J. ; m. Rachel Sutton. VI. Septimus, b. January 26, 1810; buried at Newton, N. J.; m. Effie Space. Ebenezer Willson, son of Jonathan and Sarah m. Elizabeth Williams. Ebenezer was a miller by trade ; he res. in Warren county, N. J. Twelve children: I. Nancy, b. August i, 181 1 ; d. December 8, 1865 ; buried at the Yellow Frame, near John- sonburgh, N. J.; m. (i) John Wilson and (2) Jacob Arm- strong. II. Jonathan, m. and had several children; dwelt near Anderson, Warren county, N. J. III. Shafer, d. April 12, 188 ; buried at Canton, 111. ; m. Charlotte N. Potter. IV. Corinda, d. at Newton, N. J., in 1897; m. (i) Harvey Raymond, and (2) Harrison Cole; no issue. V. Edith, removed to Califor- nia ; m. Abraham Beatty, and had at least two sons. VI. Cum- mins O. H., m., and dwelt at Mendham and at Newton, N. J.; no descendants living at the present time. VII. Morris, a tailor by trade, m. and had a son Eugene. VIII. Caroline, m. Dr. Duey and removed to South America ; no issue. IX. Sarah, m. George Rorback and had a daughter Fannie, who m. Philetus R. \'an Horn of Newton, N. J. X. Hampton Stin- son Armstrong. XI. Edward, m. and had a family. XII. Elias, m., but left no children. The descendants of Nancy, Shafer, and Edward are enumerated below. Nancy Wilson m. ( i ) John Wilson, who died at Marksboro, N. J., in 1835; son of Joseph and Mary (Probasco) Wilson. Two children: I. John T., b. May 10, 1833; d. February 21, , at Newark, N. J., and was buried in Fairmont Cemetery. II. William, b. in 1835; d. August 25, 1879, at West Point, Troup Co., Ga. ; buried there. After the death of John, Nancy m. (2) October 9, 1834, Jacob Armstrong; b. May 2"^, 1787; d. 128 ROBERT WILLSON. April 27, 1862; son of John and Sarah (Stinson) Armstrong, grandson of N^ithan and Uphamy (Wright) Armstrong. Res. on the old Armstrong homestead near Johnsonburg, Warren county, N. J. Nine children. III. Sarah Elizabeth, b. August 31, 1835. IV. Euphemia Maretta, b. July 20, 1837; d. May 12, 1879. V. Nathan, b. June 10, 1839; d. July 8, 1871. VI. Thomas Benton, b. April 13, 1841 ; d. April 2^, 1875. VII. Mary Eleanor, b. September 16, 1842. VIII. xAnna Caroline, b. October 29, 1844; d. September 14, 1872. IX. Ophelia Rebecca, b. February 22, 1847; d. in 1897; buried at Yellow Frame, near Johnsonburg, N. J. X. Isabella Florence, b. January 8, 1850; d. February 2, 1869. XL John Jacob, b. February 28, 1852 ; d. May 16, 1875. John T. Wilson m. Macrina Wildrick; b. May 14, 1838; daughter of John Marvin and Susan (Stewart) Wildrick. Res. at Newark, N. J. One child, Elmer, b. February 25, 1861, who m. Abbie Hahn ; b. March 22, 1863; daughter of Henry and Julia Hahn ; dwells at Newark, N. J., and has one child, Macrina,; b. August 13. 1888. Macrina (Wildrick) Wilson recently married Garret De Bow. William Wilson m. in 1861, at Franklin, Ga., Ava Watts, daughter of William Martin Key Watts and his wife, Mary Tait. Res. at West Point, Troup Co., Ga. Two children : I. Alice B. II. William Watts, who resides at Senoia, Ga. Sarah Elizabeth Armstrong, m. May 21, 1870, Nathan Chedister, son of Stephen O. and Elsey (Hazen) Chedister. Res. at Chicago, 111. Three children ; all died in childhood : I. Grace. II. Elmer. HI. Clarence. Nathan Armstrong m. Martha Firth, daughter of Eli Firth. Two children: I. Edith. II. Isabella. Edith Armstrong m. in October, 1889, William B. Banker, of Passaic, N. J. Two children : I. Helen. II. May. Thomas Benton Armstrong m. Majoris Irene Wildrick, daughter of William Tracy and Sarah (Youngs) Wildrick. One child, Edward Wildrick Armstrong, b. in 1873 ; d. Septem- ber 17, 1874. Thomas belonged to Co. M, Second Regt., N. J. Cavalry. Mary Eleanor Armstrong m. February 6. 1872, William Mc- Lain, b. October 18, 1840; son of James and Osea (Wells) McLain. Res. at Johnsonburg, N. J. ^ ;i 1 MARY LUNDY. I29 Ophelia Rebecca Armstrong m. February 22, 1871, James H. Conch. Res. at Morristown. N. J. Three children: I. Isa- bella. 11. Harry Lane. III. Nathan Chedister. Shafer Willson m. April 2, 1842, Charlotte N. Potter, who d. March 29, 1866; buried in Ellisville township, Fulton county, 111. ; daughter of Nathan Baldwin Potter and his wife, Lucy Northup. They settled in Illinois. Six children: 1. Rena, m. Mr. Van Winkle. II. Lucy. III. Sarah. IV. Carrie, b. October 24. 1853. ^- Marshall, left no issue. VI. Francis, left no issue. Lucy Willson m. May 24, 1866, Francis Aringdale, son of John P). and Mahala Aringdale. Res. at Avon, Fulton county, 111. Four children: I. Marshall Sherman, b. May 12, 1867. II. Mahala Josephine, b. September 5, 1869. III. Frank, b. January 28, 1871. IV. John W., b. November 9, 1873. Sarah Willson m. Moses IMpitt. Res. at Randolph, Iowa. Five children: I. Carrie, b. in 1873, deceased. II. Frank, b. in 1875; m. in 1897, Alma Stotts. III. John, b. in 1877. IV. Bert. 1). in 1879. V. Asa, b. in 1884. Carrie Willson m. February 4, 1875, Silas Hendrix, son of Jacob and Elizabeth Ann (Ogden) Hendrix. Res. at Avon, III. Three children : I. Lizzie, b. May 12, 1883. II. Silas, jr., b. May 30, 1887. HI. Charlotte Ann, b. September 26, 1 89 1 ; d. when 17 months old. Edward Willson. son of Ebenezer and Elizabeth, m. and had four children : I. Mary. II. Eva. HI. Nellie J., b. Novem- ber 9. 1868. at Port Murray, Warren county, N. J. IV. Edward, res. recently at Washington, N. J. Nellie J. Willson m. November 24, 1887, at Fredon, Sussex county. N. J.. Jesse Budd ; b. January 14, 1863; son of Mahlon and Margaret S. (Hunt) Budd. Res. between Yellow Frame Church and Newton. N. J. Five children: I. Helen Coleman, b. December 7, 1888. II. Mahlon Willson, b. February 22, 1890. HI. Fred. Hawk, b. May 4, 1891. IV. Miller C., b. January 4, 1893. V. Henry Hunt, b. February 21, 1895. Joseph Willson, son of Jonathan and Sarah, m. Marshia Will- son, daughter of Mordecai and Elizabeth (Larrison) Willson. Two children : I. Abner, who m. Mary J. Danley, now deceased, and res. at Allamuchy, N. J. II. Theodore F., who married Margaret McManus and res. at Midland, Texas. Lucinda Willson, daughter of Jonathan and Sarah, m. John (9) 130 ROBERT VVILLSON. H. Price, son of David Price. Lucinda was John's second wife ; John's first wife was Mary, daughter of Mahlon Willson. Seven children : I. Nelson, m. and had a daughter, who m. Nicholas Bennet. II. Sarah, m. Isaac Osborn, and has a son John. III. Caroline, deceased. IV. Absalom Willson. V. Amy, m. Jackson Best ; no descendants living. VI. Rebecca. VII. James, deceased ; left no children. Absalom Willson Price, m. Susan A. Crippen ; dwells at Newton, N. J., and has two children: I. Carrie H. II. Susan D. Rebecca Price m. Jacob Bryan; dwells at Newton, N. J., and has four children : I. Annie. II. Nora. III. John. IV. Charles, deceased. Lewis Willson, son of Jonathan and Sarah, m. Rachel Sut- ton ; b. about 181 1 ; d. July 9, 1884; buried at the Free Union, near Danville, N. J., daughter of Aaron and Experience (Sut- ton) Sutton. Four children: I. Harriet L., b. December 2, 1839. II. John A., b. May 2, 1842 ; buried at Johnsonburg, N. J. ; m. and had a son Adam. III. Jonathan, b. October 24, 1845 '■> buried at Johnsonburg, N. J. ; m. Mrs. (Chambers) Vail, and had a son Albert. IV. David E., b. December 13, 1849. Harriet L. Willson m. January 3, 1872, Albert Roe, son of John Roe. Res. at Johnsonburg, N. J. Four children : I. Bertha H., b. October 10, 1872. II. Burt, b. March 16, 1875. III. Minnie, b. November 16, 1877. IV. James F., b. June 22, 1880. Septemius Willson, son of Jonathan and Sarah, m. Efifie Space, daughter of Edward and Margaret (Mains) Space. Res. at Newton, N. J. Three children : I. Sarah M., b. Janu- ary 15, 1832, at Allamuchy, N. J. II. John, b. 1834; d. 1856; m. Bessie Parsons; no issue. III. Samantha P., b. 1844; d. 1884, at Elizabeth, N. J. Sarah M. Willson m. February 20, 1850, Caleb M. Clark; b. August 25, 1825 ; son of Stephen Clark and his wife, Phebe Meeker, of Morris county, N. J. Four children : I. Effie Isa- belle. TI. George W. III. John W., b. January 21, 1858; d. August 23. 1892. IV. Frank W. John W. Clark m. September, 1881, Bessie Norinski, daughter of Joseph and Josephine (Maley) Norinski. Five children: I. John W., b. November 21, 1882. II. Horace M., b. December 9, 1884. III. Walter N., b. January 26, 1887. MARY LUNDY. 131 IV. Newton L., b. December 29, 1889. V. George F., b. April 25, 1892. Samantha P. Willson m. William A. Morrell, jr., of Eliza- beth, N. J., who died a few years before Samantha. Three chil- dren : I. Fannie, who m. Julius F. Schindler and res. in Phila- delphia. II. Effie. III. Frank. § C. PHEBE WILLSON AND JOHN WRIGHT. Of Warren Co., N. J. ; of Canada. Phebe Willson, daughter of Ebenezer and Jehoaden (Schooley) Willson, m. John Wright. They had at least two children ; John died and Phebe removed to Canada many years ago. Phebe Wright was one of the witnesses to the marriage of her sister Edith in 1796. No further information. § D. EDITH WILLSON AND SEPTEMUS HOUGH. Of Warren Co., N. J. ; of Bucks Co., Pa. Edith Willson, daughter of Ebenezer and Jehoaden (Schooley) Willson, m. on 18 of 5 mo.. 1796, Septemus Hough. The marriage certificate is copied on the 36th page of Record of Marriages for the Hardwick and Randolph M. M. They had several children. Septimus died in the autumn of 1845. Sep- temus Hough became a member of the Kingwood M( M. b> certificate from Buckingham M. M. on 12 of 8, 1795; and in 1 8 19 the Hardwick records mention S Hough as having gone to reside within the compass of the Buckingham M. M. in Pennsylvania. No further information. § E. AARON AND BELINDA WILLSON. Of New Jersey ; of Ohio. Aaron and Belinda Willson had six children : I. Eliza, b. 26 of 8, 1800. II. Bulina, b. 10 mo., 14. 1804. III. Belinda, b. II mo., 25, 1808. IV. Arnold R., b. 10 mo., 9, 1810. V. Charles, b. 8 mo.. 8. 1813. VI. Aaron, b. 11 mo., 8, 1815. "All these are grandchildren of Ebenezer Willson," so state the birth records of Hardwick Monthly Meeting. Which of the parents was the child of Ebenezer? In 1819 Aaron Willson, with his wife Belinda and five minor children, moved within the compass of the Cincinnati Monthly Meeting, Ohio. At the same time, to the same place, went Elizabeth Smith (late Will- son), and Anna Willson. 132 ROBERT VVILLSON, SECOND BRANCH. JONATHAN WILLSON AND ABIGAIL SCHMUCK. OF WARREN CO., N. J.; OF CATAWISSA, PA. Jonathan Willson, son of Robert and Mary (Lundy) Will- son before a public meeting of Friends held at Hardwick on 1 5 of 4 mo., 1767, m. Abigail Schmuck ; b. 2-/ of 3 mo., 1748; daughter of Peter and Abigail (Stevenson) Schmuck. All the children o^ Jonathan and Abigail were born in old Hardwick, Sussex county, N. J. CHILDREN OF. JONATHAN WILLSON AND AP.IGAIL SCHMUCK. I. Elizabeth. Ix 18 of i mo., 1768; d. 13 of 9 mo., 1793; buried at Hardwick. H. Elihu, b. 5 of 8 mo., 1769; m. Margaret Ware. HI. Margaret, b. 24 of 6 mo., 1771 ; d. 14 of 10 mo., 1793; buried at Mendham, Morris county, N. J. ; m. Henry Brotherton. IV. and V. Aaron and Moses, twins, b. 24 of 3 mo., 1773; Aaron died 25 of 12 mo.. 1774, and was buried at Hardwick. VI. Jonathan, jr., b. 15 of 3 mo., 1775; removed to Catawissy, Pa., in 1797 with his parents. VII. Robert, b. 17 of 9 mo., 1777; m. Rhoda Dell. VIII. Abigail, b. 30 of 4 mo., 1783; removed to Cata- wissy, Pa. IX. Gulielma Maria, b. 5 of 3 mo.. 1786; d. 21 of 10 mo., same year; buried at Hardwick. X. Clifton, b. 27 of 8 mo., 1787; removed to Cata- wissy, Pa. XL Amy, b. 20 of it mo., 1789; d. 1790. In 1797 Jonathan Willson asked the Hardwick Monthly Meeting for a certificate of removal to Catawissy, Pa., for him- self, his wife Abigail, and his children, Abigail and Clifton. MARY LUNDY. 133 No further information concerning any of these children, ex- cept Ehhu and Robert. § A. ELIHU WILLSON AND MARGARET WARE. Of Catawissy, Pa. Ehhu Willson m. on 2 of 6 mo., 1791, Margaret Ware, daughter of John and Grace Ware, and had at least three chil- dren : I. Jonathan. II. John. III. Sarah. Elihu and his family accompanied his father Jonathan to Catawissy, Pa., in 1797. § B. ROBERT WILLSON AND RHODA DELL. Of Allamuchy, Warren Co., N. J. Robert Willson m. at Mendham, Morris county, N. J., on 8 of 5 mo., 1800, Rhoda Dell of Hanover township, daughter of Richard Dell. Res. near Allamuchy, Warren county, N. J. Their marriage certificate is recorded in full on page 44 in Record of Marriages for Hardwick and Randolph Monthly Meeting. Seven children : 1. Richard, m. Phebe Willson. II. Elizabeth, m. George Bunn Lundy; for descendants, see Group Seven, Ninth Branch. III. Thomas, no further record. IV. Elisha, dwelt at Sycamore, Ohio; d. May 18, 1866; m. Huldah Dennis Shotwell ; no children ; see Group Seven, Fifth Branch, Section A. V. Jehu, no further record. VI. Chris- tian Schmuck, b. November 13, 1813; m. Anna Willson; see Group Eight, Fifth Branch. VII. Jane Hunt, b. 23 of 9 mo., 1816; d. 30 of 4 mo., 1897; m. Nathan Willson; for descend- ants, see Group Eight, Fifth Branch. Richard Willson m. Phebe Willson, daughter of Jesse and Ann (Shotwell) Willson; see Section C of Seventh Branch, Group Eight. Eight children : I. Elizabeth, m. George W. Brown. II. William, m. Elizabeth Kester. III. Thomas, m. Caroline A. Creelman. IV. Robert, m. Martha Ann Brown. V. Anna, d. August 5, 1898; m. Nicholas Clark. VI. Jane, m. Sherman Brown. VII. Levi, m. Melissa Williams. VIL Nathan, d. young. Elizabeth Willson m. George W. Brown, b. December 12, 1812; d. July 20, 1884; buried in Friends' yard at Pelham; son of Richard Brown. Two children: I. George Washington, b. July 16, 1854; d. October 14, 1856. II. Richard W., who on November 6, 1878, m. Agnes R. Weed; b. July 26, 1847; 134 ROBERT WILLSON. daughter of William and Anna Weed, and has one child, Anna Elizabeth ; dwells at Fenwick, Ont. William Willson m. Elizabeth Kester, and has two children : 1. Emma, who m. Everett Van Slyke. II. Frances, who m. George Bartow; dwells at Fontiac, Mich., and has AUie Dell, Grace (deceased), William, George, Ralph, and Frank. Thomas Willson m. Caroline Amanda Creelman. Three children : I. Fernando Thomas, b. October 25, 1855, who m. April 25, 1877, Mary Betsy Shot well, daughter of William and Susanna (Kester) Shotwell ; dwells at Coldstream, Ont., and has Herman and Charles. II. Fhebe Ann, b. January i, 1864; m. Thomas Hugh Shotwell. III. Elizabeth. Robert Willson m. Martha Ann Brown. Res. at Ridgeway, Ont. Four children : I. Edward, who m. Catharine Canfield, and has a child, Carlton. II. Jane. III. Ella. IV. William. Anna Willson m. Nicholas Clark. Res. at Redlield, Iowa. Four children: I. Oscar. II. Alonzo. III. Effie. IV. Ida. Jane Willson m. Isaac Brown ; no issue ; after the death of Isaac, Jane m. Sherman Brown and had a son John, who dwells at Whitby, Ont. Levi Willson m. Hannah Brown ; after the death of Hannah, who left no issue, Levi m. Melissa Williams, and dwells at Welland, Ont. Six children : I. George Arthur, who m. May Dell and has a child, Minnie. II. Alice Maud, who m. Harley Dawdy, dwells at Fenwick, Ont., and has a child, Alice Pearl. HI. Charles B. IV. Eva. V. Mabel Melissa. VI. Richard D. Christian Schmuck Willson m. February 9, 1836, Anna Will- son, daughter of Jesse and Ann (Shotwell) ; Section H of Seventh Branch, Group Eight. They removed finally to Den- mark, Mich., but their children were born in Ontario, Canada. Seven children: I. Lydia Adaline, b. July 31, 1837, in Wel- land county. II. Jesse Fremont, b. August 6, 1842, in Elgin county. HI. Louisa F., b. July 28, 1845, in Elgin county. IV. Mortimer, b. August 2, 1847, at Malohide, Elgin county. V. Albert, b. November 25, 1850, in Welland county; d. April I, 1864. VI. Eugene, b. October 25, 1853, ^^ Welland county. VH. Ida Anna, b. April 5, 1857, in Welland county. Jesse Fremont Willson m. April 16, 1870, Sarah Blood; b. february 7, 1845, at Austinbury, Ohio; daughter of Zachariah MORTIMER WILLSON, M.D. Of Port Hurdii, Micliigan, Son of Christian Sclnnnck Willson and Anna Willson Of Robert Willson and Rhoda Dell: Of Jonathan Willson and Abigail Schnnick : Of Robert Willson and }*Iary Lundy: Of Richard Lundy II. and Elizabeth Large. MARY LUNDY. 1 35 and Mary (Buck) Blood. Res. at Gaylord, Mich. Three chil- dren : I. Lena, b. August 17, 1871; m. January i, 1893, Charles Blanchard, son of John and Josephine (La Barge) Blanchard ; and has Leo and Sarah Josephine. IL Anna May, b. June 28, 1877, who m. May 23, 1897, Daniel Allen, son of William and Priscilla (Preston) Allen. 111. Alberta, b. July 11, 1879, who m. May 18, 1896, Theodore Allen, son of Samuel and Mary (Smith) Allen. Louisa F. Willson m. March 12, 1866, Asa Alexander; b. in 1845; d. July 12, 1872; son of Joseph and Laura Alexander of Ohio. Two children : I. Horace Albert, b. December 24, 1866, who on November 11, 1896, m. Ella Daugherty, and dwells at Vassar, Mich. II. Leola Anna, b. September 18, 1868, who on December 25, 1884, m. Charles E. Read; res. at Denmark, Mich., and has Christian and Jesse. After the death of Asa, Louise m. (i) Wesley Shingler, and (2) Cyrus P. Leonard, and res. at Vassar, Mich. Mortimer Willson, M. D., m. January 30, 1889, Jennie Jen- kinson, daughter of William and Eliza J. Jenkinson. Res. at Port Huron, Mich. One child, William Jenkinson Willson ; b. September 14, 1894. Rev. Eugene Willson m. January i, 1882, Ellen Viola Wilsie ; d. September 7, 1888; daughter of Roswell and Rhoda (Cromwell) Wilsie. Res. at Justin, Mich. Two children, born at Denmark, Mich. : I. Audley Earl, b. December 8, 1882. II. Lydia Ethel, b. October 27, 1883. Ida Anna Willson m. March 22, 1875, Joseph E. Thompson; b. July 7, 1845. Res. at Reece, Tuscola county, Mich., where their children were born. Four children : I. Edith M., b. December 26, 1876. II. Helen Gertrude, b. March 19, 1879. III. Maurice Christian, b. August 30, 1881. IV. Mortimer Edward, b. May 14, 1886. 136 ROBERT WILLSON. THIRD BRANCH. MARY WILLSON AND JOHN WILLETS. OF WARREN CO., N. J. Mary Willson, daughter of Robert and Mary (Lundy) Will- son, before a public meeting of Friends held at Hardwick, on 15 day of 6 mo., 1768, m. John Willets, son of Joseph Willets; both parties being of the township of Hardwick, Sussex (now Warren), N. J. The marriage certificate is given on the 20th page of the Record of Marriages for Hardwick and Randolph Monthly Meeting. The witnesses are Joseph Willets, Joseph Willets. jr.. Henry Willets, Sarah Lundy, Mary Willets, Jona- than Willson, Abigail Willson. Martha Willson, Elizabeth Willson. Cha'rity Willson, Gabriel Willson, Deborah Willson, Samuel Willson. Joseph Willson, Titus Doan, Richard Lundy, Richard Lundy. jr., Jacob Lundy, Rachel Lundy, Anne Schmuck, Sarah Schmuck. ' Mary (Willson) Willets is named in the will of her grandfather Richard Lundy H. CHILDREN OF JOHN WILLETS AND MAKV WILLSON. L David, b. 5 of 3, 1769. H. Sarah, b. 20 of 8, 1770. HL John, b. 10 of 3, 1773. IV. Joseph, 1). 5 of 8. 1774. and died the next day. V. Mary, b. 5 of 6, 1775. VL Robert, b. 15 of 2, 1777. VH. James, b. 29 of 12, 1778; d. 8 of i, 1797. VHL Martha, b. 26 of 9, 1780. IX. Ann, b. 21 of 3. 1782. X. Gideon. 1). 11 of 6, 1784. XI. Jonathan, b. 22 of 9, 1786. XII. Amy, b. 18 of 12, 1787. XIII. Hannah, b. 31 of 7, 1790. MARY LUNDY. 137 FOURTH BRANCH. MOSES WILLSON AND ANN SCHMUCK. OF WARREN CO., N. J.; OP CATAWISSA CO., VA. Moses Willson, son of Robert and Mary (Lundy) Willson, m. Ann Schnnick ; b. 13 of 10, 1746; daughter of Peter and Abigail (Stevenson) Schmuck. They made their first declar- ation of intentions to marry on 14 of II, 1776. On 14 of 4, 1796, a certificate of removal was requested from the King- wood Meeting for Moses Willson and his wife and their chil- dren to Catawissa, Pa. And on 12 of 5, 1796, Moses Will- son, jr., removed to the same place. FIFTH BRANCH. MARTHA WILLSON AND HENRY WIDDIFIELD. OF NEW JERSEY; OF NEWMARKET, ONTARIO. Martha Willson m. Henry Widdifield. Henry dwelt within the limits of the Kingwood Monthly Meeting; and on 11 of 12 mo., 1766, he applied for a certificate to Wrightstown, Bucks county, Pa. ; but he came back within three years and pre- sented to Kingwood a return certificate on 10 of 8 mo., 1769. Henry and Martha were married soon after his return. Richard Lundy H. in his will dated February 22, 1772, gave a small legacy to his granddaughter, Martha Widdifield. Henry Widdifield on 10 of 5 mo., 1792, asked for a certificate from Kingwood to Exeter, Pa., for himself, and his wife Martha, and their children : John, Mark, Henry, Martha, Mardecai, Robert, William, Joseph, and Benjamin. Their 138 ROBERT WILLSON. youngest daughter, Mary, was probably born in Pennsylvania. They removed from Pennsylvania in 1801 and settled in Canada. CHILDREN OF HENRY WIDDIFIELD AND MARTHA WILLSON. I. John ; married and had Phoebe, Henry, and Timothy. II. Mark; married and had Mordecai, Henry, and Mary. III. Henry; married Phebe Randall. IV. Martha; married Joseph Webster and had seven chil- dren: Joseph, Moses, Abram, Martha, Mary, Ben- jamin, Ruth, Anna, and Charlotte. V. Mordecai; married Ann Lundy. VI. Robert, b. 12 of 2 mo., 1785 ; no further record. VII. Wilham, b. 12 of 2 mo., 1785, d. 19 of i mo., 1872; m. Anna Willson. VIII. Joseph; married Christianna Willson. IX. Benjamin; married and had three children. X. Mary, born in 1794 or 5, went on horseback with her parents, about the year 1800, from Pennsylvania to Canada; died in the spring of 1886 or 7; married James Willson. § A. HENRY WIDDIFIELD AND PHEBE RANDALL. Of Newmarket, Ontario. Henry Widdifield, son of Henry and Martha (Willson) Wid- difield, m. Phebe Randall. Three children : I. Charles Ellis, who m. Angelina Hughes and had a son Joseph Henry who is sheriff of York county. II. Mary Ann, who m. George Play- ter. HI. Mercy, who m. Ira Brown. § B. MORDECAI WIDDIFIELD AND ANN LUNDY. Of York County, Ontario. Mordecai Widdifield, son of Henry and Martha (Willson) Widdifield, m. Ann Lundy, daughter of Richard and Mary (Lowe) Lundy; see Section A in First Branch of Group One. They dwelt in Whitchurch township, York county, Ontario. Thirteen children: I. Samuel, b. November 30, 1810; m. Mercy Kester, and had Benjamin, Watson, Samuel Edward, Erastus, Cedelia, and Elizabeth. II. Sarah, b. December 22, 181 1 ; m. James Hilbourn ; no issue. HI. Benjamin, b. August 24, 1813; d. January 30, 1874; m. (i) Elizabeth Willson, and MARY LUNDY. 1 39 (2) Mary Orton. IV. Martha, b. November 11, 1815; 111. Jacob Kimerly, and had Ehzabeth Susan, WiUiam Henry, Lu- cinia, and Annetta. V. Richard, b. in 1817; d. December 28, 1897, aged 80 years and 3 months; m. Jane Stewart. VI. Angehna, b. February 7, 1820; m. Bartholomew Plank. Vii. Harriet ; m. Andrew Henderson and had Benjamin, George, Angelina, Ann, and William. \111. Susan, b. May 2, 1824; d. April, 1899; m. David Walks. IX. Euphemia; m. (i) James Alcock, and {2) B. Plank; resides now at Uxbridge, Ontario. X. Anna Jane ; m. Simon Alcock, and had John, Agnes, Mor- decai, Ella, and two others. XI. John; m. Elizabeth Stouten- bury ; is living now at Uxbridge, Ontario. XII. Agnes; m. William Pugh ; no issue. XIII. Mary; m. Frederick Blodget and had James, Marion, Harriet, Charlotte, and Lafayette. Benjamin Widdifield was twice married. His first wife was Elizabeth Willson, daughter of Peter and Julia Ann (Brook) Willson, by whom he had two children : I. Wellington, b. April 19, 1839. II. Gideon, deceased. His second wife was Mary Orton, b. May 6, 1813; d. April 20, 1890; daughter of Gideon and Elizabeth Orton, by whom he had five children: III. Gideon, b. November 9, 1844; deceased. IV. Elizabeth, b. April I, 1846. V. Mary Ann, b. October 29, 1848. VI. Freeman Clark, b. December 27, 185 1. VII. Mordecai, b. No- vember 2;^, 1857. Wellington Widdifield m. Nancy Flavel. Res. at Uxbridge, Ontario. Three children : I. Benjamin Franklin, who m. Ida Dinah Littlejohn and has one child, Darcey Arlingford. II. Albert Leslie. III. Herbert Arlingford, deceased. Elizabeth Widdifield m. Watson Thomas Playter, b. April 25, 1845, son of Watson and Harriet Playter. Res. at Pine Orchard, Ont. One child, Watson Stanley, b. February 22, 1878. Mary Ann Widdifield m. Charles Playter, son of Watson and Harriet Playter. Six children : I. Lihan. II. Phoebe. III. Frank. IV. Josephine, deceased. V. Alberta, deceased. VI. Florence, deceased. Lilian Playter m. Walter Armitage and has one child, Ray- mond Walter, and resides at Newmarket, Ont. Phoebe Playter m. Edgar Bramer and has one child, Frank Edgar, and resides at Newmarket, Ont. Freeman Clark Widdifield m. Susan Widdifield, daughter of 140 ROBERT WILLSON. Mordecai Widdifield. Res. at Uxbridge, Ont. One child, Marietta. Mordecai Widdifield m. Evangeline Faulkner*. Res. at Sault Ste Marie. Seven children: I. Benjamin Everett. 11. Eva May. III. Charles. IV. Fred. V. Florence. VI. Evangel- ine. VII. Herbert. Richard Widdifield m. Jane Stewart. Nine children : I. Margarite ; m. Dr. R. W. Forest, and has James, Frank, Byron, and Flossie. II. Sarah Ann; m. Robert Rose. III. Lina, de- ceased ; m. John Nelson. IV. Mercy Jane. V. Mary Elea- nor ; m. William Allen of Newmarket, and has Jennie, May, Marguerite Susan, Gladys, and William Leshe. VI. James; m. Emaline Tool. VII. Ebenezer; m. Fanny Sumnierville. VIII. Edward; m. Olive Niles. IX. John. Susan Widdifield m. David Walks. Nine children : I. J. E., b. February 2, 1849; d. June i, i8y6. II. Annie C, b. March 2, 1851. III. Mordecai E., b. about 1853. IV. William, de- ceased. V. Rosa Alberta, b. about 1858; m. Mr. Wellman. VI. Sarah Catherine. VII. Nelson Goldsmith. VIII. Cath- W\ erine A. ; m. Mr. Simpson. IX. Susan, deceased. Annie C. Walks m. October 29, 1873, Charles M. Marsh, son of Henry and Anne (Waldron) Marsh. Res. at Valley City, N. Dak. Five children: I. Apha Unita, b. March 18, 1874. II. Nellie V. T.. b. December 29, 1875. III. Catherine, Laura, b. August 17, 1878. IV. Henry D. W. C, b. April 4, 1881 ; deceased. V. Roy E. /\.. b. September 10, 1885. Apha Unita Marsh m. Fred .Smith, and has Herbert, Alice, and Nellie. Nellie V. T. Marsh m. David Anderson, and has Ross. Catherine Laura Marsh m. Fred Stearrrs, and has Hart- ley and Dora Ann. § C. WILLIAM WIDDIFIELD .\ND ANNE WILLSON. Of Newmarket, Ontario. William Widdifield, son of Henry and Martha (WiUson) Widdifield, m. Anna Willson, b. 26 of 8 mo., 1799; d. 18 of 6 mo., 1882 ; daughter of Obed Willson. Ten children : I. Jon- athan, b. 21 of 7 mo.. 1817. II. Rachel, b. 16 of 6 mo., 1819; d. "18 of 7 mo., 1899; m. John James, a descendant of Joseph Lundy ; see Group Three. HI. Ruth Anna, b. i of 4 mo., 1821 ; d. II of 6 mo., 1839. IV. Hannah, b. 22. of 12 mo., 1823 ; m. David Lyons; no issue. V. Martha, b. i of 7 mo, 1826; d. -, MARY LUNDY. 14I HS of 2 mo., 1863. VI. Obecl 1). 10 of 9 mo., 1828. VII. ^H\nna, b. 5 of 9 mo., 1832. X'lTI. Deborah, 1). 8 of 4 mo., 1835; m. Edward Lundy ; no issue. IX. William Henry, b. 24 of 1 i mo., 1837; m. on 10 of 7 mo., 1859, EHen Hilborn ; no issue. X. Sarah, b. 25 of 9 mo., 1840. • Jonathan Widdifield m. Mercy Johnston. Four children : I. Levi. II. Harriet. III. John Harvey. IV. Robert. Levi Widdifield m. Elizabeth Case. Five children : I. Ida. II. Henry. III. Elma. IV. Fred. V. Frank. Harriet Widdifield m. William Bassett. Seven children : I. Alvin. II. Ella. III. Myrtle. IV. Gertrude. V. Evelyn. VI. Harriet. VII. Alfretta. John Harvey Widdifield m. Mary Case. One child, Charles. Robert Widdifield m. Harriet Conner. Four children : I. Ernest. II. Almeda. HI. Almira. IV. Evelyn. Martha Widdiefild m. George Penrose. Seven children : I. HoUavvell ; m. Eusan Thompson. II. Matilda ; deceased. HI. Comley. IV. Oris. V. Elizabeth. VI. John Nelson; m. Sarah MacDougall. VII. Florence. Comley Penrose m. Martha Case. Four children : I. Wil- liam. TI. Elizabeth. HI. Oscar. IV. Elsie. Oris Penrose m. Phoebe Thompson, deceased. Five chil- dren : I. Willard. II. Howard. HI. Pearl. IV. Ethel. V. Ina. Elizabeth Penrose m. Henry Andrew. Three children: I. Ethel. II. Ivan. HI. Beryl. Florence Penrose m. Neil MacDougall. Four children: I. Alfred. II. Annie. HI. Ruth. IV. Donald Gordon. Obed Widdiefield m. Emeline Hamilton. Six children : I, John William: m. Cicely Hilborn. II. Annie Jane: deceased. III. Rachel Elma. IV. Alfred Nelson. V. Albert Edward: deceased. VI. Franklin : m. Miss Bascom. Annie Jane Widdifield m. Richard Williams. Three chil- dren : I. Ethel. II. Milton. HI. Elma. Rachel Elma Widdifield m. Francis Lehman. Three chil- dren : I. Earl. II. Dela. III. Alfred. Alfred Nelson Widdifield m. Elizabeth Lehman. Five chil- dren : I. Wilbert. II. Minnie. HI. Aletta. IV. Colar. 'V Walter. Albert Edward Widdifield m. Fanny Lehman. Two chil- dren : I. Alberta. II. Willis. 142 ROBERT WILLSON. Anna Widdifield m. Robert Cook. Eight children: I. Henry. II. Annie EHzabeth ; m. George Hall. III. George. IV. Ella; m. Edward Barnes, and has Mabel. Clifford, and Ruth. V. John. VI. Rachel. VII. Adda. VIII. Charles. Sarah Widdifield m. Eli H. Hilborn. Two children: I. Elizabeth Elcetta. II. Florence. Elizabeth Elcetta Hilborn m. William Forfar. Five chil- dren : I. Florence. II. Sarah ; deceased. III. Howard. IV. Lillian. V. Gordon. Florence Hilborn m. Charles Forfar. Two children : I. Russell. II. Letitia May. § D. JOSEPH WIDDIFIELD AND CHRISTIAN.\ WILL.SON. Of York County, Canada. Joseph Widdifield, son of Henry and Martha (WilLson) Widdifield, m. June 25, 1813, at Whitchurch. Ont.. Christiana Willson, b. 22 of 2 mo., 1781 ; d. December 16, 1865; daughter of James and Abigail (Schmuck) Willson. Five children: T. Sarah Ann, b. 30 of 3 mo., 1814; d. 11 of ti mo.. 1841 ; m. Duncan Town, and had Joseph E.. William H., and Martha. II. Martha, b. 7 of 5 mo., 1816; d. t6 of 9 mo., 1820. III. Abigail, b. 4 of 10 mo., 1818; d. same year. IV. Deborah Amelia, b. 31 of 10 mo.. 1819; m. Jarvis S. Fraser. V. Samuel Lundy. b. 4 of 6 mo.. 1823 ; d. same year. Deborah Amelia Widdifield m. 27 of i mo., 1845, Jarvis S. Fraser. They dwelt in township of Whitby, Ont., until 1854. and then they rmoved to Union. Elgin county. Ont. Eight children: I. William P.. b. November 23. 1845. ^^- Clarissa A., b. June 30. 1847. HI- Eliza Jane, b. April 26, 1849. I^^- Sarah Ann, b. June 7, 1851. V. Mary Clarinda, b. July 31, 1853 • "i- Silas V. Tabor at Tilsonburg, Ont.. on May 25, 1874. VI. Joseph E., b. September 7, 1855. ^'H- Jarvis Edwin, b. January 8, 1858; d. January 25, 1863. \'III. Robert Walker, b. March 12. i860; d. the same month. William P. Fraser m. January 22. 187 1. at Colchester, Conn.. Martha Switzer. and has one son. William Edward, b. Novem- ber 18. 1877, at Springford, Ont. Eliza Jane Fraser m. September 4, 1876, at Springford, Ont., William Hanvey Chute of Calton, Ont. Two children : T. Grace, b. July 10. 1878. II. Earle Fraser, b. May 25, 1882. Sarah Ann Fraser m. November i, 1873, in Colchester, MARY LUNDY. 143 Conn., Walter North, who died March 24, 1883. One child, Flora Ellen, b. July 2"], 1876, who m. in Philadelphia, Pa., on October 5, 1899, Dwight West Hakes. After the death of Walter, Sarah Ann m. at Colchester, Conn., on December 8, 1884, Rowland H. Gardner. Joseph E. Eraser m. May 13, 1880, at Sparta, Ont., Mary Oke. They have resided at St. Thomas, Ont., since 1883. Eight children : L Walter Collin, b. at Port Stanley, Ont., April 29, 1881 ; d. September 29, 1885. IL Henry Le Roy, b. at Port Stanley, Ont., February 18, 1883. TH. Katie Amelia, b. at St. Thomas, July 11, 1884. IV. John H. Basil, b. De- cember 12, 1886. V. Frances Neil, b. November 8, 1888. VL William Stanley, b. January i, 1891. VH. Clara Pearl, b. October 9, 1893; d. August 29, 1894. VHI. Russel P>elfery, b. April II, 1895. § E. MARY WIDDIFIELD AND JAMES WILLSON. Of Newmarket, Ontario. Mary Widdifield, daughter of Henry and Martha (Willson) Widdifield, m. James Willson, Jr., b. 26 of 9 mo., 1783 ; d. 2 of 12 mo., 1852; son of James and Abigail (Schmuck) Willson. Six children : L Henry, b. 25 of 12 mo., 1813 ; d. 14 of 6 mo., 1872; m. Sarah Ann Walks. H. Sarah, b. 16 of 5 mo., 1816; d. 14 of I mo., 1896: m. Watson Lundy : see First Branch, Group One. HI. Samuel Lundy, b. 9 of 8 mo., 1818; d. 26 of 9 mo.. 1878; m. Jane Walks. IV. Martha, b. 14 of 10 mo., 1820; d. 1 1 of 1 1 mo., 1895; m. first Lewis Webster, and sec- ond J. B. C. Brown. V. Mercy, b. 4 of 5 mo., 1823 ; d. 4 of 3 mo., 1850; m. Thomas Rogerson. VI. Mary Ann, b. 10 of 11 mo., 1825 ; unmarried, still living. Henry Willson m. 21 of 5 mo., 1857, Sarah Ann Walks. Seven children: I. Walter J., b. 28 of 4 mo., i860; m. Mary McKinnon. II. George A. Willson ; d. 14 of 6 mo., 1872. HI. Almeda E., b. 13 of 9 mo., 1864; d. 14 of 6 mo.. 1872. IV. Almira, b. 13 of 9 mo., 1864; m. Frederick Western. V. Franklin H., b. 4 of 12 mo., 1866; m. Emily Templeton. VI. Helena, b. 12 mo.. 1868; d. 6 of 5 mo., 1872. VII. Freeman Clark, b. 2'] of i mo.. 1871 : d. 13 of 6 mo., 1872. Walter J. Willson m. 24 of 11 mo., 1892, Mary McKinnon. Four children: I. Hazel B., b. 21 of 10 mo., 1893. II. Jeane 144 ROBERT WILLSON. Evelyne, b. i6 of 4 mo., 1895. III. Florence M., b. 30 of 9 mo.. 1897. IV. Lillian, 1). 12 of 9 mo., 1899. Almira Willson m. i of 8 mo., 1895, Frederick Western. Two children: I. Almeda Blanche, b. 8 of 1 mo., 1897. II. Edith Anna, b. 29 of 10 mo., 1898. Franklin H. Willson m. i of 4 mo., 1894, Emily Templeton. Two children: I. Florence E., b. 6 of 1 mo., 1896. II. Kate, b. 15 of 12 mo., 1897. Samnel Lundy Willson m. 21 of 5 mo.. 1855. Jane Walks. Nine children: I. Mary Catherine, b. 11 of 4 mo., 1856; m. Comley Lnndy ; see § B of First Branch, Gronp One. II. Al- berta Eng-enia, b. 13 of 7 mo., 1858; m. Nelson Lundy Taylor, and resides at Venlaw, Manitoba. III. Howard Atwood, b. 18 of 5 mo., i860. lY. Sarah Jane, b. 25 of 8 mo., 1862; res. at Courtney, N. Dak. V. James Walks, b. 17 of 7 mo.. 1865: d. October 29, 1900, at Courtney, N. Dak. VI. Elizabeth Ida, b. 22 of 8 mo., 1867. VII. John Harrison, b. 23 of 8 mc , 1870. MIL. Charles Everett, b. 23 of 8 mo., 1870; res. at Seattle, Wash. IX. Henry Widdifield, b._25 of 12 mo., 1872; res. at Wimbleton, N. Dak. Alberta Eugenia Willson m. March 9, 1878, Nelson Lundy Taylor. Res. at X'enlaw, Man. Three children : I. Eva May, b. March 3. 1879: d. in infancy. II. Ethel Maud, b. May 19. 1881. HI. Stewart Jay, b. April 8. 1883. Sarah Jane Willson m. September 20, 1881, Franklin Joshua Willson. Howard Atwood Willson m. June, 1893, Mary Elizabeth Hillborn. Res. at Helena, N. Dak. Four children : I. Mikon Hillborn, b. March 17, 1894. II. Clifford Henry, b. November II, 1896. HI. Fred Stewart, b. October 25. 1899. IV. Gordon Lee, b. March 25, 1902. James Walks Willson m. November 21, 1892, Alartha Simonson. Elizabeth Ida Willson m. March 2, 1892, Robert E. Man- ning. Res. at Newmarket, Ont. Henry Widdifield Willson, M. D., m. October 5. 1897, Eliza- beth May Flewell. daughter of Thomas and Sarah M. Flewell. Res. at Wimbledon, N. Dak. Two children: I. Roy Elvin, 1). September 20. 1898. II. Elmer Ronald, b. March 12, 1902. Martha Willson m. 14 of 9 mo., 1841. Lewis Webster. Four children : I. Sarah Melissa, b. 4 of 7 mo., 1842 ; deceased. II. MARY LUNDY. 1 45 James Willson, b. 28 of 7 mo., 1844; deceased. III. Mary Adeline, b. 30 of 11 mo., 1846. IV. Abram F., b. 3 of 3 mo.. 1849. After the death of Lewis, Martha m. 31 of 7 mo., 1851, Joseph Brown. Three children: V. Thomas P. S., b. 19 of 4 mo., 1854. VI. Byron Greek, b. 19 of 6 mo., 1857; m. EHza- beth Faran. VII. Frankia I. Maud, b. 14 of 12 mo., 1862. Byron Greek Brown m. 2 of i mo., 1890, Elizabeth Faran. One child, Faran Eugene Caldwell, b. i of 6 mo., 1891. Mercy Willson m. Thomas Rog-erson. One child, Thomas H., b. 25 of I mo., 1850, who m. 25 of i mo., 1888, Eliza Alma Penrose, and has four children: I. Sarah Helena, b. 9 of 12, 1888. II. Stewart, b. 2 of 9 mo., 1891. III. Charles Leslie, b. 30 of 8 mo., 1893. IV. Kenneth Edwin, b. 4 of 8 mo., 1895. (10) GROUP THREE. THE DESCENDANTS OF Joseph Lundy Of Warren County, New Jersey. Born in 1719; Died in 1759. LINEAGE. 1. Sylvester Lundy, of Axminster, England. 2. Richard Lundy L and Jane Lyon, of Bucks Co., Pa. 3. Richard Lundy ILand Elizabeth Large, of Warren Co., N.J. 4. Joseph Lundy and Susanna Hutton, of Warren Co., N. J. The line then divides into three branches : L Sarah Lundy and Joseph Carpenter. IL Enos Lundy, Sr., and Rachel Carpenter, in. Hannah Lundv and Samuel Shotwell. Joseph Lundy, whose name stands at the beginning of this Group, was the son of Richard Lundy H. and Elizabeth Large. Joseph was born in Bucks county, Pa., 24 of 4 mo., 1719- The first occurrence of his name is found on the minutes of the Exeter Monthly Meeting at Maiden Creek in Berks county, Pa.; in which minutes it is stated that on 31 day of i mo., 1743, Joseph Lundy and Susanna Hutton were left at liberty to marry. Joseph and his wife Susanna requested on 30 day 3 mo., 1745. from the Exeter Meeting a certificate of membership addressed to the Bethlehem (afterward Kingwood, now Quakertown) Monthly Meeting in Hunterdon county, N. J.. SUSANNA HUTTON. 147 which certificate they presented at Bethlehem of the 8 day of 5 mo. following. Joseph was a witness to the will of his brother Richard 111. in 1756. On the 14 day of 9 mo., 1758, a certain Joseph Lundy declared his intention to marry Sarah Willson of Hardwick township. In 1759, letters of administration were granted on the estate of a Joseph Lundy ; see Liber IX., page 392, among Wills, at Trenton, N. J. Since no descriptive term such as senior or junior is applied to either of the two Josephs last men- tioned, it seems natural to regard them as identical with Joseph the husband of Susanna Hutton. It is not known how many children Joseph and Susanna had ; definite information has been obtained in regard to only one of them, their son Enos. Tradition has handed down the name of a daughter Sarah ; this Sarah may have been the Sarah Lundy who with Joseph Carpenter made their first declaration of intention of marriage, before the Kingwood Monthly Meet- ing on 8 day of 9 mo., 1768. Among the witnesses to the marriage of Jesse Dennis and Ann Schooley on 18 of 10 mo., 1781, at Newton, N. J., were Nancy Lundy and Hannah Lundy ; and among the witnesses to the marriage of George Lundy and Esther Willson at the Hardwick Meeting-house on 15 of 3 mo., 1780. was Catharine Lundy. The parentage and relationship of Nancy, Hannah, and Catharine have not been ascertained. There is no further record concerning Nancy and Catharine; Hannah in 1788 mar- mied Samuel Shotwell and settled in Sussex county. N. J. I venture to classify Nancy, Hannah and Catharine, provision- ally, as the children of Joseph Lundy. THE CHILDREN OF JOSEPH LUNDY AND SUSANNA HUTTON. I. William, of Newton township, Sussex county, N. J., assigned here inferentially ; m. Mary Webster. II. Sarah, assigned here by tradition ; m. Joseph Carpenter. III. Enos. Sr., b. 31st day of ist mo., 1749. in New Jersey: d. on 28th day of 3rd mo., 1832, at Whitchurch, York county. Ontario; m. Rachel Carpenter. IV. Hannah, assigned here doubtfully ; m. Samuel Shotwell. 148 JOSEPH LUNDY. V. Nancy, possibly ; no further record. VI. Catherine, possibly; no further record. William Lundy, on April 13, 1769, obtained from the civil government a license to marry Mary Webster ; the bond given at that time by him in order to obtain the license is recorded at Trenton, N. J., in volume L, Licenses of Marriage, years 1764- 1794. Asa Schooley was William's bondman ; and all the persons are described as of Newton, Sussex county, N. J. No further record. It may be of interest to insert here a copy of the marriage license anciently required by law in the province of New Jersey. Know all men by these Presents that we William Lundy and Asa Schooley, both of Newtown in the County of Sussex & Province of New Jersey, are holden and do stand justly indebted unto his Excellency Wm. Franklin, Esq., Governor and Commander in Chief in & over ye province afsd in the Sum of Five Hundred Pounds of current lawful money of New Jersey to be paid to his said Excellency Wm Franklin, Esq.. his successors or assigns, for which Payment well and truly to be made and done, we do bind ourselves, our heirs, executors and administrators, and every of them, jointly and severally, firmly by these Presents ; sealed with our seals, dated this thir- teenth Day of April Annoque Domini One Thousand Seven Hundred and Sixty Nine. The Condition of this Obligation is such, That Whereas the above-bounden William Lundy hath obtained License of Mar- riage for himself of the one Party and for Mary Webster of Newtown afsd of the other Party : Now, if it shall not here- after appear that they the said William Lundy and Mary Web- ster have any lawful Let or Impediment of Precontract, Affinity, or Consanguinity, to hinder their being joined in the Holy Bands of Matrimony and afterwards their living together as Man and Wife; then this Obligation to be void or else stand and remain in full Force and Virtue. William Lundy, Asa Schooley. Sealed and Delivered in the Presence of Thomas Anderson. SUSANNA HUTTON. 149 FIRST BRANCH. SARAH LUNDY AND JOSEPH CARPENTER. OF EXETER MONTHLY MEETING, PA. Sarah Lundy married Joseph Carpenter. Declarations of their intentions to marry were made before the Kingwood Monthly Meeting on 8 of 9 mo., and 13 of 10 mo., 1768. On 10 of 6 mo., 1773, Joseph Carpenter for himself and his wife and children requested from the Kingwood M. M. a certificate of membership to the .Exeter Monthly Meeting in Pennsyl- vania. No further record. SECOND BRANCH. ENOS LUNDY, SR., AND RACHEL CARPENTER. OF NEWMARKET, ONTARIO. Enos Lundy Sr., son of Joseph and Susanna, married Rachel Carpenter; born 29th day of 6th mo., 1760; died in 1829 at Whitchurch, York county, Ontario ; daughter of Samuel and Elizabeth Carpenter of Pennsylvania. In 1785, Enos Lundy, Sr., produced to the Exeter Monthly Meeting, Berks county. Pa., a certificate of membership from the Kingwood Monthly Meeting in Hunterdon county, N. J. ; and in 1789 a certificate of membership came from the same place for his wife and children. A portion of the Exeter Meet- ing was set oflf and organized as the Millville Meeting; Enos and his family were assigned to the new Meeting. Enos served on a committee in Friends' Society at Millville, Pa., in 1796. On 22 day of 12 mo., 1798, his daughters Elizabeth and Sus- anna requested to become members of the Millville Meeting; and at the same time Enos requested that his son Isaac and his daughter Ruth (minors) become members. In the spring of 150 JOSEPH LUNDY. 1805, Enos and his family emigrated to Canada, and settled in York county, Ontario, two miles or less from the village of Newmarket, on the lot of land afterwards owned by his son Isaac ; it being lot No. 26 in the second concession of the town- ship of Whitchurch ; and there Enos and Rachel lived until they were laid to rest in Friends' yard on Yonge Street. CHILDREN OF ENOS LUNDY, SR., AND RACHEL CARPENTER. I. Joseph Lundy, b. 31st of 8th mo., 1776; d. when two years old. II. Elizabeth, b. i6th of 6th mo., 1778; d. 12th of 9th mo., 1865 ; buried in Friends' yard at Pine Orchard in Whitchurch township; m. Elijah Collins. III. Jeremiah, d. 3rd of loth mo., 1856, in Scott township, Ontario, Ont. ; m. Jerusha Stevens and Rebecca Crossley. IV. Susannah, b. 21st of 7th mo., 1783; m. William McCausland. V. Isaac, b. 25th of loth mo., 1786; d. January 12, 1868; buried in Friends' yard on Yonge Street in Whit- church township ; m. Keziah Bostwick. VI. Ruth, b. 22nd of 3rd mo., 1789 ; d. June 2"], 1870; buried in Friends' yard on Quaker Hill in Uxbridge. VII. Sarah, b. 29th of 12th mo., 1791 ; m. Joseph Mowder. \"III. Enos II., b. 29th of loth mo., 1794; d. about 1877; buried at Aurora, Ontario ; m. Margaret Bostwick. XI. Rachel, b. 26th of 8th mo., 1798; m. Joshua Vernon. Jeremiah, the third child, had two children by his first wife Jerusha Stevens, and several children by his second wife Rebecca Crossley ; the names of no children have been ascer- tained. He lived first in Uxbridge and then in Whitchurch ; he next went to Tecumseh and lastly to Scott township where he died at the age of seventy-six. He was of tall slight figure ; he was in the British army during the war of 1812 and took part in several battles. He was also engaged in the Rebellion of 1837 where he lost his rifle, but escaped being caught. Sarah, the seventh child, m. Joseph Mowder ; they lived and died on Lot No. 25 in the second concession of Whitchurch. They left a large family ; at least two of their descendants are SUSANNA HUTTON. 151 now living, Mary Bostwick, and Henry Mowder of Pine Orchard, Ontario. Rachel, the ninth child, m. Joshua Vernon and had three children, John, Edward, and Sarah. After the death of Joshua, Rachel was twice married, but had no other children. § A. ELIZABETH LUNDY AND ELIJAH COLLINS. Of Uxbridge, Ontario. Elizabeth Lundy (of Enos, Josephh, Richard II.) m. 4th of 4th mo., 1799, in' Pennsylvania, Elijah Collins; b. 3rd mo., 1765; d. 2ist of 7th mo., 1861, aged 96 years and 4 months; buried beside his wife in Friends' burying ground at Pine Orchard in Whitchurch; son of Elijah and Rachel Collins of Muncy, Lycoming county. Pa. They went to Canada in the spring of 1805 ; and were the first settlers in the township of Uxbridge in the county of Ontario, Province of Ontario, cut- ting the road ahead of them for two days sixteen miles beyond the last settlement. Elizabeth was a consistent member of the Society of Friends, a devoted wife and mother, an ever ready nurse wherever sick- ness called her in the neighborhood. Her whole life was a beautiful example of Christian piety, and she went to her grave in a ripe old age having the love of all who ever knew her. EHjah and Elizabeth (Lundy) Collins had three children: I. Joseph, b. 18th of 4 mo., 1800; d. 14th of i mo., 1882; buried in Friends' burying ground at Pine Orchard, York county, Ont. II. Rachel, b. 13th of 7 mo., 1804; m. Ebenezer Lundy ; for descendants, see Section A in First Branch of Group One. III. Sarah, b. 27th of 9 mo., 1807; m. James Taylor and had John and David. Joseph Collins m. Ruth Lee Gould, daughter of Jonathan Gould of Uxbridge. One son, Joseph Jonathan CoUins, b. ist of 5 mo., 1838, who m. Jane Charlotte Pearson and had three sons: I. Arthur Everett, M. D. II. Joseph Pearson, L.D.S. III. Robert W. ; L.D.S. After the death of Jane, Joseph m. Mercy Ann Widdifield, daughter of Charles Widdifield of Newmarket, Ontario, and has two children : IV. Herbert E. V. Evelyn Maud. Res. at St. Catharines, Ontario, Canada. Josephh Pearson Collins m. July 29, 1897, Florence Etta Hastings, daughter of James and Julia (Eraser) Hastings, and dwells at Boone, Iowa. 152 JOSEPH LUNDY. § B. SUSANNAH LUNDY AND WILLIAM m'cAUSLAND. Of York Co., Ontario. Susannah Luncly (of Enos, Joseph, Richard II.) m. WiUiam McCausland and had a large family. William was drowned in Lake Ontario near Scarboro Heights. He and his son William were taking a boat load of lime from Pick to Toronto ; the lime got wet and set the boat on fire. The father was drowned and his body was never recovered ; but the son William managed to get on a plank, kept his head above water during the night and was floated ashore the next day. Eight of Susannah's children were: I. Enos. II. William, Jr. HI. Joseph. IV. Gideon. V. James. VI. Rebecca. VII. Rachel. VIH. Sarah. All of these children removed to the United States except Enos and Sarah. Susannah Lundy by her second husband, Jabez Lyons, had no children. § C. . ISAAC LUNDY AND KEZIAH BOSTWICK. Of Uxbridge, Ontario. Isaac Lundy (of Enos, Joseph, Richard II.) m. May 29, 181 5, Keziah Bostwick ; b. September 24, 1790; d. 3rd of 4 mo., 1852; daughter of John and Mary (Lardiner) Bostwick. Keziah was buried in Friends' yard on Yonge Street in the township of Whitchurch. Isaac lived all his life and died on the old homestead on which his father Enos had settled. Seven children: I. Mary, b. 3 mo. 3, 1816; d. April 3, 1880; m. (i) Robert Wallace (2) John Allen; no issue. II. Elizabeth, b. 10 mo. 29, 1817; d. December 21, 1833; m. Griffith Lloyd; no issue. III. Rachel, b. 4 mo. 10, 1819; d. 8 mo. 24, 1820. IV. Rachel, b. 12 mo. 22, 1821. V. Sarah, b. 5 mo. 22, 1824. VI. John Bostwick, b. i mo. 2^, 1826. VII. Silas, b. 11 mo. I, 1828; d. 12 mo. 12, 1887, at Sheffield, Ont. ; buried at Gait, Ont. Rachel Lundy m. May i, 1843, James John Hunter, M. D. ; b. at Eton, Yorkshire, England; d. January 11, 1899; son of James Hunter, M. D., and his wife Elizabeth Story. Res. at Lemonville, Ont. Three children : I. Louisa Genivieve, b. November 6, 1845. H- Mary Emily, b. July 23, 1849. HI. James Wilmot, b. February 13, 1859, at Newmarket, Ont. ; d. January 7, 1896; buried in cemetery at Newmarket. Louisa Genivieve Hunter m. March 30, 1865, Edward Clarke SUSANNA HUTTON. 153 Campbell of Uxbridge; b. in 1836; d. at Lemonville, Ontario, August 4, 1896; buried at Newmarket; son of Judge Edward Clarke Campbell of Niagara and his wife Isabella, daughter of Robert Burns of Niagara. Two children : 1. Emily Isabella. II. Stuart, who resides at Lemonville, Ontario. Emily Isabella Campbell m. Amos St. John. Res. at Sunder- land, Ontario. Three children : I. Oscar Hilliard II. Frank III. Helena. Mary Emily Hunter m. Martin Heaton. Two children : I. Edith Stanley, who m. Edward D. B. Macdonald. II. Alice Maud. Sarah Lundy m. John Sanderson Crawford ; b. February 1837; son of George and Ester (McKinney) Crawford. Res. at Birtle, Manitoba. Two children, both born in village of Sheffield, township of Beverly: I. Mary Etta Isabelle, b. January 12, 1861. II. Gertrude Keziah, b. April 14, 1864; d. November 13, 1896; buried at Birtle. Mary Etta Isabelle Crawford m. Rev. ThoUing. Res. at Wolseley, North Western Territory, British America. One child, Thomas Arnold. Gertrude Keziah Crawford m. Robert W. Gibson. Res. at Birtle, Manitoba. Two children: I. Mariah R., b. in 1891. 11. Clarence Crawford, d. at age of 3 months. John Bostwick Lundy m. October i, 1856, Lydia Eck, daughter of Thomas and Lydia (Pegg) Eck, who went from Pennsylvania to Canada. Res. at Preston, Ont. Six children : I. Florence, b. December 28, 1857. II. Frank B., b. January 12, i860; a physician and resides at Portage La Prairie, Mani- toba. III. Nellie, b. March 14, 1862. IV. Keziah, b. April 3, 1864. V. Lorita, b. November 24, 1867; d. October 22, 1893; buried in Mount View Cemetery at Gait; m. James Wardlaw, M. D. ; no issue. VI. John Edgar, b. October 7, 1875 ; gradu- ated at Toronto L'^niversity in 1897. Nellie Lundy m. James Graham. Res. at Gait, Ont. Four daughters: I. Lydia Christine. II. Isabella. III. Agnes Evelyn. IV. Jeanette Carlysle. Keziah Lundy m. Frank George Hughes. Res. at Gait, Ont. Three children: I. Leonora May. II. Kate Louisa. III. John Franklin Lundy. Silas Lundy m. November 12, 1856, Mary Jane Snure; b. in Louth county, Ont., April 8, 1832, daughter of Jacob and 154 JOSEPH LUNDY. Rebecca (Bradt) Snure. Two children : I. Frederick George, b. at Whitchurch, Ont., June 24, 1861 ; d. April 19, 1896; buried at Inkster, North Dakota. II. Oscar Bostwick, b. at Newmarket, Ont., May 6, 1863. Frederick George Lundy m. September 13, 1893, Lila Woods, daughter of Samuel and Mary (Montgomery) Woods, One son, John Silas Lundy, b. at Inkster, N. Dak., July 6, 1894. Oscar Bostwick Lundy m. June 30, 1896, Annie S. True, daughter of William H. and Susan A. (Springer) True. Res. at Bottineau, North Dakota. § D. RUTH LUNDY AND EZEKIEL JAMES. Of Uxbridge, Ontario. Ruth Lundy (of Enos, Joseph, Richard II.) married May 28, 1807, Ezekiel James; b. June 6, 1782; d,. August 13, 1870; buried in Friends' yard on Quaker Hill ; son of Ezekiel and Kezia James. Res. near Uxbridge, Ont. Nine children : I. Isaac, b. May 10, 1808; murdered on September 24, 1828, in a thick woods ten miles from home ; the murderer was captured near Rochester, taken to Toronto, tried, convicted and hung. II. Job, b. January 14, 1810; d. December 2, 1859. m* Samuel, b. July 14, 1812; d. in infancy. IV. John, b. June 3, 1813 ; d. April 29, 1876. V. Ann, b. July 7, 1815 ; d. in infancy. VI. Mary, b. October 14, 1816; d. December 17, 1891 ; m. Joseph Gould. VII. Rachel, b. October 7, 1818; d. August 2, 1892; m. Gideon Vernon. VIII. Sarah, b. October 21, 1820; m. John Vernon. IX. Harvey, b. March 30, 1826; d. Novem- ber 25, 1850; unmarried. Job James m. February 23, 1840, Hannah Palmer Moore; b. March 14, 1817; living (1898); daughter of Andrew and Agnes (Brown) Moore; granddaughter of Jeremiah and Mary (Wildman) Moore, and of Alexander and Hannah (Palmer) Brown. Six chhildren : I. Isaac, b. March 20, 1841. H. Mary Elma, b. July 4, 1843. III. Agnes, b. April 2, 1846 IV. Alexander, b. September 7, 1848. V. Harvey, b. Febru- ary 12, 1852. VI. Andrew, b. July 11, 1854. Isaac James m. December 6, 1864, Emily Gould; b. October 30, 1841 ; daughter of Jesse and Mary Ann (Bolton) Gould. Res. at Uxbridge, Ont. Six children. I. Jesse Elwood, b. October 14, 1865; m. Hannah Jane Ball. II. Mary, b. De- SUSANNA HUTTON. 155 cember 22, 1867. m- Melincia, b. September 12, 1869; m. William Ball. IV. Eva, b. June 24, 1876. V. Albert, b. De- cember 2y, 1879. VI. Mercy, b. January 31, 1884. Mary Elma James m. February 6, 1862, John Kellington; b. June, 1841 ; son of John and Mary (Jennings) Kellington from Yorkshire, England. Res. at Uxbridge, Ont. Four chil- dren : I. James Henry, b. July 15, 1863. II. Mary Agnes, b. February 16, 1868. III. Julia, b. June 16, 1883. IV. John E., b. June 16, 1885. Agnes James m. February 12, 1866, Charles Chapman; b. December, 1839; son of Isiah and Ruth Anna (Webster) Chapman. Res. near Flint, Mich. Seven children: I. Joseph A., b. November 26, 1866. II. Isaac, b. June 22, 1869. III. Agnes M., b. November 17, 1873. IV. Alberta, b. September II, 1876. V. Charles H., b. May 31, 1879. VI. Martha, b. December 13, 1882. \II. Oliver, b. January 20, 1885. Alexander James m. August 26, 1873, Jane McClure, daughter of Thomas and Sarah (Johnson) McClure. Res. at Uxbridge, Ont. Ten children: I. Hannah b. July 22, 1874. II. Andrew, b. January 6, 1877. HI. Isaac, b. October 27, 1878. IV. Martha, b. August 21, 1885. V. Henry, b. May 8, 1887. VI. Stella, b. February 26, 1889. VII. Richard, b. December lo, 1890. VIII. Alma, b. September i, 1892. IX. Annie, b. January 7, 1895. X. Walter, b. July 14, 1897. Harvey James m. August 20, 1872, Julia Ann Wilson, daughter of Calvin and Mary (Jerome) Wilson of Holland Landing. Res. at Ypsilanti, Mich. Two children : I. Maude, b. May 23, 1873. II. Laura, b. September 26, 1877. Andrew James m. September 6, 1887, Clara Justin, who died October 12, 1888. After the death of Clara, Andrew m. March 30, 1893, Addie Hunley. Res. in New York City. Three chil- dren : I. Walter E., b. October 15, 1894. II. Evahne, b. October 26, 1896. HI. Clara, b. October 15, 1897. John James m. March 6, 1837, Rachel Widdifield ; see Fifth Branch of Group Two. Ten children : I. Ruth. II. Henry. HI. Hannah; m. Henry Copeland. IV. Anna; m. George Armitage and has Clarkson and Berta. V. John Alfred. VI. WilHam. VII. Rachel; m. Samuel Limdy; see § B, First Branch of Group One. VIII. Sarah; m. Arwood Case and has Rosetta. IX. Alonzo; m. Mercy Hilborn. and resides in Pakotah. X. Joseph. I 156 JOSEPH LUNDY. Ruth James m. Alfred Hamilton and had one child, Florence. Henry James m. Nancy Amsberry. Res. at Hartney, Mani- toba. Six children : I. Frank. H. William. H. Rosetta. IV. Rachel. V. Walter. VI. Charles. After Nancy's death, Henry m. Carrie TurnbuU. John Alfred James m. (i) Emeline Johnston, and (2) Mary Ball. Res. at Uxbridge, Ont. Two children,one by each wife : I. Bertha. II. Zella. William James m. Euphema Johnston. Several children : I. Mary Ann. II. Hannah. Mary James m. January i, 1839, Joseph Gould; d. June 29, 1886. Nine children : I. Isaac J. II. Joseph E. III. Charles. IV. Harvey J. V. Jonathan ; resides in Markham, Ont. VI. Mary; m. H. A. Crosby of Uxbridge, Ont. VII. Sarah; m. Mr. Watt of Brantford, Ont. VIII. Elizabeth; m. Rev. E. Cockburn. IX. Alma ; m. T. W. Dale, and labors at Hartney, Manitoba, as a missionary of the Society of Friends. Rachel James m. in December, 1840, Gideon Vernon ; d. September 6, 1850. Two children : I. Nathaniel. II. Nelson. After the death of Gideon, Rachel m. in 1855, Rev. Thomas Foster, who died November 19, 1890. Nathaniel Vernon mar- ried and had a daughter Rachael, who m. Thomas Ball, son of John Ball. Res. at Uxbridge, Ont. Sarah James m. in December, 1839, John Vernon; d. in July, 1870. Seven children : I. Ruth ; m. Thomas Graham of Man- chester, Ont. II. James. III. Ezekiel. IV. Gideon. V. Nathaniel. VI. Phebe Jane ; m. Mr. Vlckers. VII. Wilhel- mina; m. Mr. Thorndike. § E. ENDS LUNDY AND MARGARET BOSTWICK. Of Whitchurch Township, York Co., Ontario. Enos Lundy, Jr. (of Enos, Joseph, Richard II.) married Margaret Bostwick; b. October 28, 1796; d. about 1877; buried at Aurora, Ontario; daughter of John and Mary (Lardner) Bostwick. They lived and died on lot No. 26 in the third con- cession of Whitchurch. Ten children : I. Jane Marie, b. April 7, 181 7; m. Joel Gould and had a son and a daughter; parents and children are now dead. II. Emily, b. December 31, 1818; deceased. III. George, b. January 15, 1821. IV. Shadrach Bostwick, b. December 24, 1822 ; d. in King township near Aurora, Ont., January 4, 1894. V. Rachel, b. April 11, 1825. SUSANNA HUTTON. 157 VI. Daniel A., b. November 8, 1827; m. Louisa Willson; resides in Toronto, Ontario. VII. Charles Wesley, b. May 27, 1830; d. April 7, 1865 ; buried at Glen Allen, Peel county, Ont. ; m. Mary Wetherell. VIII. Alfred, b. February 25, 1833; d. in 1870. IX. Horace D., b. January 22, 1836; m. Katherine Harris, and resides at Aurora, Ont. X. Sylvester, b. February 15, 1841 ; ni. Mary Terry, and resides at Aurora, Ont. Emily Lundy m. Joseph Hunt and had a son who removed to British Columbia about 1865, and three daughters, among whom is Margaret, wife of Baynard McLain of Toronto, Ont. George Lundy m. May 25, 1842, Fanny Gould; b. November 13, 1820; d. June 19, 1895; daughter of William and Rachel (Hilborn) Gould. Five children: I. Shadrach, died in infancy. II. Caroline Ann, b. September 4, 1846; m. Gideon Broderick of Lindsay, Ont. III. Emily Matilda, b. May 6, 1849; m. Reuben Armstrong. IV. Sarah Louisa, b. March 9, 1852. V. Sylvester Charles, b. March 26, 1854. Sarah Louisa Lundy m. January 3, 1877, Isaac Hilborn. Res. near Drayton, Peel county, Canada. Four children : I. Howard Alger, b. June 15, 1878. II. Herman, b. February 7, 1880; d. May, 1880. HI. Ethel Rose Estella, b. August 31, 1883. IV. Seth Milne, b. October lo, 1888. Shadrack Bostwick Lundy m. July 14, 1846, in Newmarket, Ont., Jane Hunt; b. February 15, 1820, in Carlton upon Trent, Nottinghamshire, England ; d. January 2, 1894, in King town- ship near Aurora, Ont. ; buried at Aurora ; daughter of Joseph Hunt, St., and his wife Jane. Three sons : I. Wheildon Bost- wick, b. May 6, 1847; <^- at La Salle, III, March 25, 1881. II. Albert Joseph, b. December 10, 1850; d. in Whitchurch, Ont.. January i, 1894; buried at Aurora, Ont. III. Arthur Dewick, b. in King township near Aurora, Ont., June 19, 1856. Wheildon Bostwick Lundy married and had three children : I. Myrtle. II. Edwin Wheildon. HI. Ada Kate. Res. at Wallaceburg, Ont. Arthur Dewick Lundy m. January 29, 1879, in the township of King, Ont., Mary Ann Clarkson ; b. in King township. Ont., January 29, 1852; daughter of John and Ann (White) Clark- son. Res. at Aurora, Ont. Three children, all born in King township, Ont. : I. Alice Mary Dewick, b. March 14, 1880. II. Reginald Arthur Clarkson, b. December 28, 1885. III. Flossie Rebecca, b. May 28, 1889. 158 JOSEPH LUNDY. Rachel Ltindy m. William Wetherell ; d. about 1886; son of Lincoln and Tacy (Kinsey) Wetherell. One daughter, Lavila Maria Wetherell, who married John Granger and had a son and a daughter. Lavila is now a widow and resides at Vandorf, Ont. Charles Wesley Lundy m. Mary Wetherell ; b. October 6, 1828; daughter of Lincoln and Tacy (Kinsey) Wetherell, granddaughter of Solomon and Sarah Wetherell and of James and Mary (Hunt) Kinsey. Seven children: L Selina Frances, b. at Sharon, Ont., December 21, 1853; ^'"- January 24, 1872, at Newmarket, John Gaschain, who died September 22), 1886; no issue. IL Josephine Adaline, b. at Bradford, Simcoe county, January 13, 1856. IIL William Horace, b. at Bradford, November 17, 1857. IV. Charles Wilmer, b. at Bradford May 28, 1857. V. George Maklin, b. at Glen Allen, Peel county. May 18, 1861 ; d. October 8, 1893 ; buried at New- market, Ont. VL Ella Louise, b. at Glen Allen, April 11, 1863; d. there April 21, 1865. VH. Mary Emaline, b. at Glen Allen, January 3, 1865; d. there April 3, 1865. Josephine Adaline Lundy m. at Newmarket, York county, October 2, 1876, Daniel Smith Wright; b. February 22, 185 1 ; son of Walter Henry Wright and his wife Mary Catharine Smith. Res. for many years at Newmarket; but in 1894 removed to Manitoba, arriving at Carbury on May 31. Mrs. Mary (Wetherell) Lundy accompanied them. Eight children: L Mary Gertrude, b. July 23, 1879; d. at Carbury, July 23, 1896. H. Charles Francis, b. March 2, 1880. HI. William Percy, b. December 27, 1882. lY . John Norman, b. December 26, 1884. V. Ruby Josephine, b. February 4, 1887; d. Novem- ber 14, 1888. VL Daniel Gordon, b. March 19, 1890. VH. Hazel Irene, b. September 24, 1892. VIII. Retia Louisa, b. at Carbury, February 24, 1895. William Horace Lundy m. June 9, 1883, in Toronto, Bessie Ransom McAlster. Res. in East Toronto, Ont. Three chil- dren : I. Charles Stewart, b. June 2, 1886, at Toronto. II. Wesley Clifford, b. May 31, 1891, at Toronto. III. William Maxwell, b. November 8, 1892, at Toronto. Charles Wilmer Lundy m. September 15, 1883. Ada Maria Volker, in Monroe City, Mich. Res. at Stratford, Ont. Three children: I. Wilmer Henry, b. September 6, 1884, at Strat- ford, Perth county, Ont. II. George Andrew, b. July 11, SUSANNA HUTTON. 159 1886, in Landon township, Monroe county, Mich. III. Robert Roy, b. October 27. 1889, at Stratford. George MakHn Lundy m. September 15, 1886, LiUian Bertha Forsith. Res. at Newmarket, Ont. Four children: I. Frances Lillian, b. September 9, 1887. II. Clarence Mar- shall, b. May 7, 1889. III. George Oswald, b. July 7, 1891. VI. Mary Amy, b. September 2, 1893. Alfred Lundy m. Mariam Scanleon. One son, William John Lundy. who resides at Newmarket, Ont. After the death of Alfred, Mariam m. Peter Kitto and resides at Newmarket, Ont. THIRD BRANCH. HANNAH LUNDY AND SAMUEL SHOTWELL. OF SUSSEX CO., NEW JERSEY. On 13 of 12 mo., 1787, Hannah Lundy requested from the Kingwood M. M. a certificate of membership to the Rahway and Plainfield M. M. ; Joseph Laing at the same time made a similar request. Hannah Lundy of Piscataway township, Middlesex county, N. J., was married at Plainfield, N. J., on 21 of 5 mo., 1788, to Samuel Shotwell ; d. 1804. probably son of Abraham and Mary (Jackson) Shotwell. On 8 of 4 mo., 1790, Samuel presented to the Kingwood M. M. a certificate of membership from the Rahway and Plain- field M. M. for himself, his wife Hannah and their son Abraham. They settled in Frankford township, Sussex county, N. J., where Samuel died in 1804 and Hannah several years later. CHILDREN OF SAMUEL SHOTWELL AND HANNAH LUNDY. I. Abraham, mentioned in certificate. II. Joseph. l6o JOSEPH LUNDY. III. James, b. May 30, 1792; d. October 15, 1867; married Mary Van Gorder. IV. Mary ; married Charles Van Gorder. V. Sarah: married Jacob Bale, son of Peter and Elizabeth (Strnble) Bale, and grandson of Henry and Elizabeth Bale. No further information concerning any of these children except James. James Shotwell m., first, Mary \'an Gorder who died about 1836. daughter of Peter Van Gorder; second, on August 10, 1839, Sarah Jane Roe, b. May 18, 18 10, daughter of George and Margaret (Struble) Roe. Res. in Sussex county, N. J. James had three chhildren by his first wife and seven by his second wife: I. Hannah: m. Canfield Struble. II. Sarah Ann; m. Samuel Smith. III. Maria, b. August 12, 1822; ni. Oliver Struble. IV. Margaret O. ; m. William M. Mac- Danolds. V. Arminda ; m. William Slater and left three chil- dren : Mary. Isabel, William H., and Willis J. VI. Lucy Irene: m. Henry S. Smith of London, Va. VII. Lutheria ; m. Jacob Slater. VIII. Alwilda : m. Joseph Smith of Connecti- cut. IX. James H., of East Stroudsburg, Pa. X. Elba Jane; m. Dr. J. C. Price of Branchville, N. J. Maria Shotwell m. June, 1842, Oliver Struble: b. March 28, 182 1 ; son of Peter L. and Ruth (Morris) Struble, and grand- son of Leonard and Margaret (Longcor) Struble. Res. in Hampton township, Sussex county, N. J. Eight children : I. Peter L. II. Albert, deceased. III. James C. IV. James D. V. O. Linn. M. J. Watson, deceased. VII. Ruth, died voung. VIII. H. Jennie. Albert Struble married Mattie Price and had a daughter Alberta who lives at Branch- ville, N. J. a^-i^n^^j^i j^ of Sussex County, New Jersey. Burn in 179^: died in 1867. Son of Samuel Sin it well and Hannah Lundv. I GROUP FOUR. THE DESCENDANTS OF Jacob Lundy Of Warren County, New Jersey. Born in 1721 ; Died in 1800. LINEAGE. 1. Sylvester Luiuly of Axminster, England. 2. Richard Lundy I. and Jane Lyon, of Bucks Co., Pa. 3. Richard Lundy ILand Elizabeth Large, of Warren Co., N.J. 4. Jacob Lundy L and Mary Willson, of Warren Co., N. J. The line then divides into four branches : L Jacob Lundv IL and Sarah (Shotwell) Hampton. II. Mary Lundy and Christian Schmuck. III. Jonathan Lundy and Rebecca Heaton. IV. Deborah Lundy and John Dennis. Jacob Lundy I. whose name stands at the beginning of this Group was the son of Richard Lundy II. and Elizabeth Large. Jacob was born in Bucks county. Pa., in 1721. It is natural to assume that he accompanied his parents in 1737 when they left Bucks county and moved westward to some place within the jurisdiction of the Exeter Monthly Meeting at Maiden Creek in Berks county. Pa. Here he remained until 1745. On 30 day of 3 mo. (May), (II) 1 62 JACOB LUNDY. 1745, he requested a certificate of membership from the Exeter Monthly Meeting and on the 8 day of 5 mo. he presented said certificate at the Bethlehem (afterward Kingwood, now Quakertown) Monthly Meeting in Hunterdon county, N. J. Jacob Lundy I. married Mary Willson in 1748, their first declaration of intention to marry having been made before the Kingwood Meeting on 13 day of 8 mo. in that year. Marriage Certificate. Whereas Jacob Lundy of the great Meadows in the County of Morris and Western Division of the Province of New Jersey, & Mary Willson, daughter of Samuel Willson, junr., of the same place, Haveing Declared their Intentions of mar- riage with each other before several Monthly Meetings of the people called Quakers at Kingwood in the County of Hunter- don & Province afsd. according to the good Order used among them whose proceedings therein after a Deliberate Consider- ation thereof & haveing consent of parents & Relations con- cerned, Nothing appearing to Obstruct, were approved of by the sd Meeting. No2v these are to certifie all whome it may concern that for the full accomplishment of their sd. Intentions this twenty third Day of the Ninth Month in the year of Our Lord One Thou- sand and seven Hundred & Forty Eight, They the said Jacob Lundy & Mary Willson appeared in a publick meeting of the said people at the great Meadows afsd & the sd Jacob Lundy Taking the sd Mary Willson by the hand did in a Soleme manner openly declare that he took her to be his wife Promising thro Devine assistance to be a Loveing & faithful Husband until Death should seperate them, & then and there in the same assembly the said Mary Willson did in Like manner declare that she Took the sd Jacob Lundy to be her Husband promising thro Devine Assistance to be a Loveing & faithful Wife untill Death should separate them. And moreover the sd Jacob Lundy & Mary Willson (she according to the Custom of Marriage assuming the Name of her Husband) as a further confirmation thereof Did then & there to these presents set their Hands. And we whose Names are hereunto subscribed being amongst Others present at the Solemnization of sd Marriage & Subscription in the manner afsd. as Witnesses thereunto MARY WILLSON. 1 63 have also to these presents set our hands the day and year above written. Jacob Lundy Mary Lundy Richard Lundv Deborah Willson, Junr. Samuel Willson, Jr. David Willits Elizabeth Lundy, Ser. Sarah Willson Deborah Willson Joseph Willson Mary Willson Gabriel Willson Martha Lundy Samuel Large, Senr. Margaret Lundy Joseph Willits Richard Lundy, Jur. Const. Overton Samuel Willson, Senr. Jonathan Collins Hester Willson. Samuel Schooley Anne Lundy Joseph Lundy Avis Schooley Robert Willson Anne Collins Gabriel Willson Anne Schooley John Willson Henry Coats, Senr. Titus Doan Robert Willson, Jur. Jno. Schofield Samuel Willson Jona. Myers. Mary Coats On January 5, 1768, Jacob's father, Richard Lundy H., being at that time in his seventy-sixth year, deeded to Jacob one of the homestead farms in Warren county ; the consideration of this transfer of real estate is stated in the words of the deed itself to have been "the love and natural affection which he hath and beareth to his son Jacob Lundy." At a council held at Perth Amboy, N. J., September 17, 1772, Jacob was nominated by Governor William Franklin to be made a justice of the peace for the County of Sussex ; which was assented to by the Council. For three years, 1773-5. he was a member of the Board of Justices and Freeholders of Sus- sex county. In an old account book that belonged to the "Union Iron Works" in Hunterdon county, N. J., there is an entry under date of December 3, 1773, which reads "Bo't 2 fat cattle of Jacob Lunday of Sussex Co,", a transaction which illustrates the fact that one source of income to the farmers of northern New Jersey in colonial times was to raise and fatten horned cattle and then drive them to market. 1 64 JACOB LUNDY. Jacob died 17 day of i mo., 1800, at the age of seventy-nine; Mary Willson, his wife, died 29 of 12 mo., 1816, at the age of eighty-three ; both were buried at Hardwick. They settled on the great meadows in Warren county, N. J. They had ten children, all born "at Hardwick township, County of Sussex, and Province of New Jersey." Their family Bible is now in the possession of Mrs. Price Stickles, Johnson- burg, N. J. The Last Will and Testament of Jacob Lundy the First, dated November 3, 1795, and recorded among Wills, Liber 38, pages 514-515, in the Office of the Secretary of State. Trenton, N. J. Jacob Lundy's Will. The third day of Eleventh month in the year of our Lord one thousand and seven hundred and ninety-five, I, Jacob Lundy of Independence in the County of Sussex and State of New Jersey (yeoman) being of perfect mind and memory, knowing the mortality of my body, do make and ordain this my last will and testament touching such worldly Estate which it hath pleased the Lord to bless me with in this life, which I give, devise, and dispose of in the manner and form following viz. I do order that all my just debts and funeral charges be first paid out of my personal Estate. 2nd. I give and bequeath unto Mary my beloved wife one half of the remainder of my personal Estate to be at her choice to her and her assigns forever. & 3rdly, I give unto my two daughters, Rachel & Martha, the remainder of my personal Estate to be equally divided between them and their assigns forever. 4th. I give unto Jacob my son all my real Estate on the fol- lowing conditions, — that he shall procure and provide a suit- able and ample maintainance for his Mother whilst she remains my widow, and also for his sister Rachel as long as she remains unmarried, but if she should marry then he is to pay her the sum of twenty pounds ; and likewise he is to pay his sister Martha, if she lives, the sum of thirty pounds within one year after my decease ; all which sums I give unto them and their assigns forever ; Mary Smucke and Deborah Dennis having had their shears heretofore. And also he is to pay within one year after my decease MARY WILLSON. 1 65 twenty shillings to my son Jonathan, 1 having conveyed him his shear by deed heretofore. And lastly, 1 do make and ordain, constitute and appoint my sons Jacob and Jonathan Lundy to be my executors to this Will and testament, and I do hereby utterly disallow, revoke, and disannull all and every other former wills and testaments, lega- cies or executors by me before this time named, willed, or bequeathed, ratifying and confirming this and no other to be my last Will and Testament. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal the day and year above written. Jacob Lundy. (seal.) Signed, sealed, published, pronounced, and declared by the said Jacob Lundy as his last will and testament in the presence of us. Amy Hampton, Benjamin Hampton, Thomas Lundy. Be it known to all men by these presents that I, Jacob Lundy, have made and declared my last will and testament in writing bearing date the third day of the eleventh month Anno Domini 1795 ; I, the said Jacob Lundy, by this codicil do ratify and con- firm my said last will and testament and I do hereby ordain, constitute, and appoint my son in law Christian Schmuck exec- utor, and my will and meaning is that this codicil or schedule be adjudged to be a part and parcel of my last will and testa- ment and that all things therein mentioned and contained be faithfully and truly performed as fully and amply in every respect as if the same were so declared and set down in my said last will and testament. Witness my hand this eighteenth day of the 12th month, Anno Domini, 1798. Jacob Lundy. Witness present : Samuel Lundy. The foregoing will and testament being proved in the usual form before Thomas Anderson, Esq., surrogate for the County of Sussex on the nineteenth day of February, A. D. 1800, by Benjamin Hampton, one of the subscribing witnesses to the said will, and Samuel Lundy, the subscribing witness to the said codicil. Probate was granted by his Excellency, Richard 1 66 JACOB LUNDY. Howell, Esq., unto Jacob Ltindy, Jonathan Lundy, and Chris- tian Schmuck, executors in the will and codicil named, they having been first duly affirmed well and truly to perform the same, exhibit a true and perfect inventory, and render a just and true account when thereunto lawfully required. Given under the Prerogative seal the day and year last aforesaid. John Beatty, Reg. THE CHILDREN OF JACOB LUNDY L AND MARY WILSON. I. Rachel, b. 7 mo. 2 day, 1749, O. S. ; d. 4 mo. 6, 1800; buried at Hardwick ; unmarried. II. Jacob II., b. 7 mo. 30, 1751, N. S. ; d. 3 mo. 22, 1806; buried at Hardwick; married Sarah (Shotwell) Hampton. III. Mary, b. 12 mo. 24, 1753; d. 5 mo. 6, 1806; buried at Hardwick ; married Christian Schmuck. IV. Jonathan, b. 5 mo. 3, 1756; d. 10 mo. 7, 1820; married Rebecca Heaton. V. Abigail, b. 6 mo. 8, 1758 ; no further record. VI. Deborah, b. 9 mo. 22, 1759; married John Dennis. VII. Ehzabeth, 8 mo, 21, 1761 ; no further record. VIII. Margaret, b. i mo. 16, 1766; no further record. XI. Meles, b. 12 mo. 2^, 1770; no further record. X. Martha, b. 3 mo. 9, 1773; d. 3 mo. 25, 1850; buried at Hardwick ; unmarried. Martha the youngest is still remembered by many through the Quaker Settlement as 'Wunt Patty" ; she lived during the latter part of her life at the home of John Hall, who was the son of her niece Ann H. (Lundy) Hall, and to him she bequeathed her house and lot. MARY VVILLSON. I 67 FIRST BRANCH. JACOB LUNDY II. AND SARAH SHOTWELL. OF WARKEN COUNTY, NEW JERSEY. Jacob Ltindy II. (of Jacob I., Richard II.) was married 25 of 9 mo., 1783, at Rahway, N. J., by Friends' ceremony, to Sarah (Shotwell) Hampton. Sarah was the daughter of Benjamin and Ame (Halletj Shotwell, and the widow of VVilham Hampton of Woodbridge, Middlesex county, N. J. ; she died 8 day of 10 mo., 1803, and was buried at Hardwick. According to the Kingwood records, Jacob Lundy, Jr., received a certificate of clearance on 14 day 8 mo., 1783, to marry Sarah Hampton of the Rahway and Plainfield Monthly Meeting. They settled at the great meadows, in Warren county, N. J. Jacob's will is on file in the surrogate's office at Newton, N. J. ; it is dated 3 mo. 12, 1805, and was proven April 3, 1806. In it he mentions his three daughters Lydia, Elizabeth, and Mary ; and also four children of his wife by her first husband, namely, Benjamin Hampton, Amy (Hampton) Clifton, William Hamp- ton, and Sarah (Hampton) Adams. CHILDREN OF JACOB LUNDY II. AND SARAH SHOTWELL. I. Mary, b. at Rahway, N. J., 6 mo. 26, 1784; twice married; no issue. 11. Elizabeth, b. in Independence township, Warren (then Sussex) county, N. J., 11 mo. 10, 1787; d. 3 mo. 16, 1838; buried at Hardwick; married Abner Willson. III. Lydia, b. 7th of Ninth mo., 1789; d. 15 of 5 mo., 1814; buried at Hardwick ; married Thomas Brotherton. Mary's first husband was John Stevenson, Jr., son of John and Mercy (King) Stevenson; and her second husband was David Willson, of Farmington, N. Y., son of David and Mary (Ware) Willson; no children. 1 68 JACOB LUNDY. Testimonial concerning Jacob Lundy, 175 1- 1806, an Elder in the Society of Friends. The following testimonial is recorded in Friends' Miscellany, Vol. VI., 1835, pp. 141-3; for a copy of it, I am indebted to Ambrose M. Shotwell in his Annals of Our Colonial Ancestors. "Jacob Lundy was descended of sober, honest, and respect- able parents, Jacob and Mary Lundy, of the Society of Friends, members of Hardwick monthly meeting, New Jersey. He was a dutiful and affectionate son, and lived with his parents in much harmony, and in the decline of life, he was a comfort and staff for them to lean upon. May others be engaged to go and do likewise, that they may reap the reward of an approving conscience, which appeared to be his happy experience. Being for some time in poor health, he told his physician to speak his mind plainly, for he did not fear. After he was confined to his room, he remarked to those present, that he did not expect to go out until he was carried out. About two weeks before his decease, he desired to have his children sent for, his step- daughter being one of them, to whom he had extended a parental care, and to whom he expressed himself tenderly, say- ing, 'Dear child, I am glad to see you again' ; and repeated it twice. He appeared to bear his bodily suffering, which was great, without a murnuir, — was very patient and quiet, as though his day's work was done, except bearing the pain of the mortal body ; yet sometimes, when in great distress through oppression, he would say, 'what can be done? 1 fear 1 am not patient enough.' "He was favored throughout with his rational faculties with- out much change ; and, near half an hour before he departed, he fell into a quiet sleep, and drew his breath shorter and shorter, until he expired without a sigh or groan, or the least motion, so calm and easy that death seemed disarmed of his terrors. At this solemn period, his aged mother, standing by, bore this testimony, 'Why should we wish his stay, seeing his way is made so easy?' "He was an example of piety and virtue ; and in early life, was called upon to fill very important stations in the Society. He was for many years clerk of the monthly meeting. In 1772, he was chosen to the station of an Elder; the duties of which he was careful to fulfill with dignity and uprightness, to the end of his days. In the year 1783 he was married to Sarah, MARY WILLSON. ' 1 69 the widow of William Hampton, of Railway ; she being a min- ister to whom he was a helpmate in her christian exercises ; and and when she was concerned to travel oh Truth's account, he endeavored to open the way for her to fulfill the work she believed herself called unto, by assisting her freely. "Jacob Lundy also traveled in the service of Truth, on his own concern, to visit Friends in their meetings for discipline. In the second month of the year 1801, he was furnished with a ninute of the unity of his friends, to attend a few meetings for discipline, in the remote parts of Pennsyl-vania. — Again, in 1805, the monthly meeting set him at liberty to attend Red- stone Quarterly and the monthly meetings composing it, stating in his certificate, that he was 'an elder in good esteem." "He was very diligent in the attendance ot all our religious meetings, those near home as well as monthly. Quarterly, and Yearly Meetings ; encouraging his family also in this important duty. He was a careful neighbor, and careful over his own house to make them comfortable. He was of a tender spirit, so that, at times, when reading, or hearing others read the Bible, he has appeared to be aifected, even to tears. He was ever ready to entertain strangers, particularly those who were travel- ing on Truth's account, who found him kind and hospitable, to the comforting, as well as refreshing of the weary, so that oh times, the visitors and the visited have had to rejoice together, feeding, as it were, at the banqueting table of heavenly love." Several families of Indians dwelt in Hardwick township when the first white settlers came. They went away during the French and Indian war and sought more western homes along the waters of the Susquehanna river ; but after peace was made, some of the native Indians returned to New Jersey every year on a short excursion to linger in their old haunts and revisit the graves of their forefathers; and incidentally to enjoy an outing and sell trinkets and willow-ware, to beg for old clothes and gather in small coin from visitors before whom they would exhibit their skill in the use of the bow and arrow. They generally encamped in the wood along the road between Hoey's and Buckley's. Elizabeth Lundy, born 1787, afterward Mrs. Abner Willson, used to relate concerning the Indians many incidents that occurred in her childhood days when she and other children visited the encampment. I70 JACOB LUNDY. § A. ELIZABETH LUNDY AND ABNER WILLSON. Of Warren County, N. J. Elizabeth Lundy (of Jacob II., Jacob I., Richard II.) mar- ried in 1808, Abner Willson, b. 15 of 2 mo., 1785; d. in 1835, son of Gabriel and Keziah (Decker) Willson. Abner and his wife were buried in Friends' yard on the Pequest River, War- ren county, N. J. Elizabeth was an Elder in the Hardwick Society of Friends. Seven children: I. Jacob Lundy, b. 11 mo. 9, 1810; d. 3 mo. I, 1863; m. Bathsheba Pound Shotwell. II. Abijah, b. 9 mb. 22, 1812; d. 9 mo. 22, 1878; m. Margaret Emaline Willson. III. Joel Stevenson, b. 8 mo. 11, 1814; d. 2 mo. 26, 1882, at Castleton, III, and was buried in Smith Cemetery; m. Dulcena Youngs.. IV. Mercy, b. 2 mo. 25, 1817; d. May, 1889; buried in Friends' yard on Pequest River, Warren county, N. J.; m. Alfred Buckley; no children. V. Ezra, b. 3 mo. 28, 1819; d. February 6, 1898; m. Anna A. Kester. VI. Lydia Durling, b. 4 mo. 22, 1821 ; d. 10 mo. 25, 1866; m. Jacob Riker. \'I1. Belinda, b. 6 mo. 11, 1823; d. 5 mo. 16, 1893 ; buried at Streator, 111. ; m. Joel Turner Buckley. Jacob Lundy Willson, son of Abner and Elizabeth (Lundy) Willson, married on 7 of 12 mo., 1831, Bathsheba Pound Shotwell, b. 6 of 9 mo., 181 1, daughter of Zachariah and Eliza- beth { Lundy ) Shotwell. Res. at Deunquat, Wyandot county, Ohio. Seven children: I. Elizabeth Edna, b. 7 mo. 9, 1833; d. 4 mo. I, 1863; m. on 10 mo. 13, 1857, Charles S. Rouse; no children. II. Abner, b. 10 mo. 12, 1835; d. 11 mo. 17, 1861. III. Albert Zachariah, b. 8 mo. 20, 1837; m. trances Brown. IV. Levi Lundy, b. 4 mo. 16, 1839; d. August 22, 1866; m. Elizabeth Lupton. V. George, b. 6 mo. 9, 1844; m. Margaret Brown. VI. Edwin Samuel, b. 2 mo. 16, 1846; m. Ehza C. Price. VII. WaUer, b. 5 mo. 30, 1854; d. 3 mo. 6, 1885; buried in Kansas ; m. Minerva M. Danby. Albert Zachariah Willson m., June 16, 1859, Frances Brown, b August 21, 1838; d. November 16, 1873, daughter of Henry and Elizabeth Brown. Five children : I. Roselle B., b. June 29, i860; d. October 30, 188 1. II. William L., b. June 29, 1863 ; d. November 28, 1867. III. George E., b. June 14, 1869 ; d. May 11, 1890. IV. Eva Augusta, b. May 20, 1871 ; d. April 8, 1874. V. Sarah Elizabeth, b. November 11, 1873. After the death of Frances, Albert m., September 10, 1874, Matilda Pallin. MARY WILLSON. 171 Sarah Elizabeth VVillson 111. November 11, 1891, Joseph Wesley Rank, b. July 16, 1865, son of George Crawford Rank and his wife Christina Frey. Res. at Bucyrus, Ohio. One child, Eunice May, b. June 26, 1892, Levi Lundy Willson m.. May 3, i860, Elizabeth Lupton, b. September 1, 1836, d. April i, 1873, daughter of John and tUirbara Ann Lupton. Two children : L Elma B., b. March 9, 1863, d. October 8, 1864. IL Edith Vernon, b. December 10, 1865. Edith Vernon Willson m., December 23, 1884, Stephen A Ranck, b. xVugust i, 1861, son of Benjamin K. and Frances B. Ranck. Res. at Sycamore, O. Two children : L Ward W., b. March 11, 1887. IL Jesse Paul Willson, b. June 30, 1889. George Willson m., in 1864, Margaret Brown, daughter of Henry and Elizabeth Brown. Res. at Kimbal, Kansas. Three children: L Levi. IL Emery. III. Alfred B. Levi Will- son m., first, Amica Hewitt and, second, Amanda Heaton. One child, Carl, by his second wife. Emery Willson m. May Hewitt, daughter of Charles Hewitt. Levi and Emery res. at Erie, Kansas. Edwin Samuel Willson m., March i, 1866, Eliza Charity Price, b. July 7, 1848, daughter of George Banghart and Anna (Manning) Price. Res. at Sycamore, Ohio. Six children: 1. John Levi, b. June 12, 1867; d. August 2, 1894. II. Anna Edna, b. September 7, 1870. III. Abner J., b. May 16, 1872. IV. Lillie Bathsheba, b. September 22, 1873. V. George Earl, b. July 26, 1880; d. December 9, 1882. VI. Evert Price, b. March 2, 1882. Abner J., Lillie and Evert res. at Syca- more, O. John Levi Willson m., October 2, 1888, Ida Palmer. Res. at Shelby, O. Three children: I. Whitaker; d. January 8, 1890. IL Homer J. III. Maggie Belle; d. December 15, 1895. Anna Edna Willson m., September 25, 1889, William Robin- son Whittaker, b. July 19, 1869, son of John and Margaret (Robinson) Whittaker. Res. at Marion, Marion county, O. Three children: I. Lloyd Edwin, b. December 30, 1891. IL Hazel Margarette, b. January 20, 1895 ; d. July 20, 1895. III. Walter John, b. May 3, 1896; d. August 29, 1896. Abner J. Willson m., December 5, 1893, Bertha May Roberts, b October 27, 1875, daughter of John B. Roberts and his wife Harriet Olive Gulp. Res. at Sycamore, Ohio. Two children : 172 JACOB LUNDY. I. Elsie Verne, b. October zy, 1895. II. Gladys Viola, b. June ^7, 1897. ^ ^ Walter Willson, son of Jacob Lundy Willson, m., September 30, 1874, Minerva Montague Danby, b. in Canada, January 25, 1856, daughter of George and Ruey (Slack) Danby, grand- daughter of Richard Danby. Three children : I. Bertha Elnora, b. December 17, 1875. II. Laura Violetta, b. May 11, 1878; d. April I, 1892; buried at Lincoln, Kansas. III. Elva Bathsheba, b. September 27, 1881. Bertha and Elva res. at Sycamore Springs, Kansas. After the death of Walter, Minerva m. Rev. Edwin Cameron. Abijah Willson, son of Abner and Elizabeth (Lundy) Will- son, m. Margaret Emaline Willson, b. August i, 1829, d. De- cember 15, 1875, daughter of Amos and Sarah (Groff) Will- son, granddaughter of David and Mary (Ware) Willson, great granddaughter of Ebenezer and Jehoaden (Schooley) Willson; see Group Two. They lived in the Quaker settlement on the homestead of Abijah's father. Fifteen children: I. Ezra, b. 12 mo, 9, 1848. II. Mary, b. 10 mo. 25, 1850. III. Sarah, b. 3 mo. 8, 1852. IV. Elizabeth, b. 11 mo. 15, 1853. ^- Mercy, b. I mo. 26, 1855. \1. Abner, b. 8 mo. 29, 1856. VII. Amy Laing, b. 2 mo. 24, 1858. VIII. James, b. December 8, 1859; res. in Michigan. IX. David, b. March 6, 1861 ; d. March 2, 1895, at Erie, Keosho county, Kansas. X. Amos, b. January 29, 1863. XI. Asa, b. December 21, 1864. XII. Belinda, b. June 29, 1866; res. at Spring Brook, N. Y. XIII. Frank, b. February 28, 1868; res. at Vancouver, Clarke county. Wash. XIV. Lucy D., b. November 15, 1869. XV. Grace May, b. March 28, 1874. Ezra Willson m. Phebe Gibbs, daughter of John and Elsie (Snover Gibbs. Res. in Quaker settlement. One child, Ora Lena. Mary Willson m. Alexander Staley. Sarah Willson m. Elihu Lovett, son of Aaron and Hetty (Noble) Lovett. Res. at Amity, Orange county, N. Y. Elizabeth Willson m. John Lewis, son of James and Sarah (Coleman) Lewis, grandson of John and Elizabeth (Baird) Lewis. Res. at Fredon, Sussex county, N. J. One child, James, b. March, 1881. Mercy Willson m. Martin Gibbs, son of James Nelson and MARY WILLSON. 1 73 Elizabeth (Newman) Gibbs. Res. at Hope, N. J. Two chil- dren: I. Ella. II. George. Abner Willson m. Savilla Runyun, daughter of Hampton and Mercy (McCann) Runyon. Res. at Amity, N. Y. One child, Ernest. Amy Laing Willson m. Mr. Labar. Res. at Amity, N. Y. Lucy D. Willson ni. George Bail. Res. at Lafayette, N. J. Joel Stevenson Willson, son of Abner and Elizabeth (Lundy) Willson, m. Dulcena Youngs, daughter of John and Susan (Daily) Youngs. Six children: I. Amia, b. February 12. 1840. in Warren county, N. J., died in infancy and was buried in Friends' yard. II. Mary Elizabeth b. June 11, 1842, in Seneca county, Ohio. III. Sarah Ann, b. February 5, 1844, in Seneca county, Ohio. IV. Jacob Young, b. June 24, 1847, in Seneca county, Ohio. V. Letitia Justina, b. August 29, 1849, inStark county, 111. VI. Harriet Matilda, b. Novem- ber I, 185 1, in Stark county. 111. After the death of Joel Dulcena married Christopher Handley of Castleton, Stark county, 111. Mary Elizabeth Willson m. July t.'j, 1865, James Montooth. Res. at Toulon, 111. Seven children : I. Elizabeth Dulcena. II. Mary Letitia. III. Laura M. IV. Edith Sarah ; m. John E. Johnson and had James Lovell. V. James L. ; m. Jennie Hili. VI. Samuel Willson. VII. Charles Stuart. VIII. John Abner. Elizabeth Dulcena Montooth m. William C. Renwick. Six children: I. Frederick W. II. Walter M. HI. Elizabeth F. IV. Ruth E. Y. Mary. VI. Charles M. Mary Letitia Montooth m. Frank Renwick. Four children : I. James M. IT. Jessie Elizabeth. HI. Forest A. IV. Jar- ville H. Laura M. Montooth m. Thomas Milens. Two children : I. Margaret C. II. Keith" J. Sarah Ann Willson m., December 8, 1864, William Hibler Fleming, b. August 7, 1838, son of John C. and Desire (Hib- ler) Fleming. Res. at Erie, Neosho county, Kansas. Seven children : I. Elma Justina, b. December 25, 1865, in Stark county. 111. II. John Edward, b. October 28, 1867. HI. Edna Jane, b. December 8, 1869. IV. Mary Dulcena, b. December 28, T872, in Erie, Kansas: d. April 26, 1891 ; buried at Erie. V. Joel Willson, b. September 22, 1875 ; m. and has a daughter 174 JACOB LUNDY. Jennie. VI. Hattie M., b. June 17, 1877; d. January 12, 1878. VII. Annie Belle, b. September 6, 1881. Elma Justina Fleming m. Andrew W. Horn. Res. at Toulon, 111. Three children: I. Lillie. II. Charles William. III. Ralph Edwin. John Edward Fleming m. Nettie Whithworth. Res. at Erie, Kansas. Two children : I. Nellie Dulcena. II. Ruth Elmira. Edna Jane Fleming m. John Ellsworth Mock. Res. at Toulon, 111. Three children: I. Flora Beatrice. II. James Edwin. III. Annabel. Jacob Young Willson m., in May, 1871, Jennie Emery. Res. at West Jersey, 111. Seven children: I. Hannah Ella. II. Clara Dulcena, deceased. III. Walter. IV. Joseph. V. Oliver. VI. Lillian Lavina. VII. Byran. Letitia Justina Willson m. at Newark, N. J., February, 1872, Morgan Henry Van Syckle, b. October 31, 1849, son of George Washington and Sarah (Hulick) V^an Syckle. Res. at Fenton, Mich. Two children : I. Eva Frederika, b. at Detroit, August 9, 1875. II. Glenn Alfred, b. in Holly township, Oak- land county, Mich., September 3. 1884. Eva Frederika Van Syckle m., August 25, 1896, Niles Ells- worth Valentine, b. March 9, 1865, son of Theodore and Betsy (Cornell) Valentine. Res. at Fenton, Mich. Ezra Willson, son of Abner and Elizabeth (Lundy) Willson, m. Anna A. Kester, daughter of Arnold and Mary (Kester) of Fishing Creek, Pa. Mary was the daughter of Benjamin and Rachel (Hambelton) Kester of Pittstown, N. J. Res. at Elma, Erie county, N. Y. Eight children: I. Mariette, b. 10 mo. t8. 1844. II. Edward A., b. 11 mo. 29, 1846. III. Amos L., b. 4 mo. 24, 1849. IV. Elisha A., b. 5 mo. 2j, 1852; d. 6 mo. 14, 1878; buried in Friends' yard at East Hamburg. V. Sarah M., b. 3 mo. 17, 1855. VI. Alfred B., b. 12 mo. 28, 1857. VII. Emily A., b. 12 mo. 22, 1863. VIII. Laura E., b. 12 mo. 13. 1867. Mariette Willson m. Alfred Willson, son of Nathan and Jane Hunt (Willson) Willson; see Fifth Branch of Group Eight. Edward A. Willson m., February i, 1872, Emma J. Niles, b. April I, 1845, daughter of William and H. Eliza (Eddy) Niles. Res. at Boston, N. Y. Three children : I. Niles E., b. Novem- ber 7. 1875 ; m. June 5. 1901, Lizzie Potter. II. Alice, b. December 9, 1881. III. Anna, b. May 31, 1889. MARY WILLSON. 1 75 Amos L. Willson m. Angelia Sweet. Res. at Springbrook, Erie county, N. Y. Four children : I. Dwight S. II. Elsie C. III. Fannie. IV. Emma. Sarah M. Willson m. William H. Dixon, b. in Aurelia, Canada, October 17, 1853. Res. at Buffalo, N. Y. Eight chil- dren : I. Corneha AI., b. December 31, 1875. II. Willson J., b. March 18, 1878; d. April 25, 1878. III. William E., b. June 15, 1879. I^'- Jessie A., b. March 12, 1881. V. Alfred E., b. December i, 1883. VI. Ethel M., b. September 22, 1887. VII. Robert J., b. April 4, 1893. VIII. Grace E., b. October 6, 1895. William E. Dixon m., September 11, 1900, Mabel Johnston. Res. at Bessie Place, Buffalo, N. Y. Alfred B. Willson m. Mary Buckley. Res. at San Jose, Cal. Four children : I. George. II. Anna. III. Elsie. IV. Pearl. Emily A. Willson m. December 14, 1898, Michael K. Muma. Res. at Coldstream, Ont. Laura E. Willson m. December 14, 1898, Solomon Leppert, son or Dionis and Matilda Leppert. Two children, Laurina and Ethel, both deceased. Res. at Fenwick, Ont. Lydia Durling Willson, daughter of Abner and Elizabeth ( Lundy ) Willson, married Jacob Riker. Removed to Tymocty township, Wyandot county, Ohio. Several children : 1. Sa- villa; m. Mr. Wills. II. Abijah Willson. III. Jane; m. Mr. Harkins ; no issue. IV. William Henry. V. Celia, b. in 1852. yi. Eliza Ann. Celia Riker m. James Marshall Staples, son of Hiram Staples (born in 1799), and grandson of John Washburn Staples, who was an early settler in Byram township, Sussex county, N. J. Res. near Allamuchy, N. J. Four children : I. Lydia Mercy, II. Clara Mary. HI. Sandford. IV. George. Belinda Willson, daughter of Abner and Elizabeth (Lundy) Willson, m. April 6. 1884. Joel Turner Buckley, b. January 4. 1814, d. December 19, 1896, son of George Buckley and Mar- garet Givens of Sussex county, N. J. Res. at Streator, 111. Nine children: I. Abner Willson, b. May 6, 1845; d. January 2/. 1863; member of Co. F, T04th 111. Vols. II. Mary Jane. III. Margaret. IV. Sarah Elizabeth. V. George, b. Febru- ary 27, 1854; d. March 25, 1855. VI. Georgie Ann. VII. Elsie Belle. VIII. Jessie Fremont. IX. Harriet S. Sarah Elizabeth Buckley m. January 2t,, 1873, James Harri- 176 JACOB LUNDY. son Fry, son of Solomon and Sarah Mariah (House) Fry. Three children: I. Reneldo Thurston, who m. Mary Esther Goodrich, daughter of Clark Horace Goodrich and his wife Frances Matilda McGill. H. Ota Leonore. HI. Adessa V., who m. Jesse Curtis Everett, son of Alfred Curtis Everett and his wife Nancy Louisa Blanchard, and has one child, Jesse Cur- tis. Jr. Georgia Ann Buckley m. July 4. 1878, William F. Fry, son of Solomon and Sarah Mariah (House) Fry. Three children: I. Cora Belinda, who m. Ulvsses Smally Thomas, son of Jos- eph Smally Thomas and his vvife Martha Houder. H. Jessie Belle. HI. William Alva. Elsie Belle Buckley m. October 4, 1883, Fred D. Ferguson, son of Arnold and Elizabeth (Blackman) Ferguson. One child, Harold Joel. Harriet S. Buckley m. January 17, 1894, William K. Ward, son of Kerley and Roxey (Phillips) Ward. Two children: I. Williston B. H. Russell K. § B. LVDIA LUNDY AND THOMAS BROTHERTON. Of Morris County, N. J. Lydia Lundy (of Jacob H., Jacob I., Richard H.) married Thomas Brothcrton, b. 16 of 2 mo., 1786, son of William and Sarah (Dell) Brotherton, grandson of Henry and Mercy (Schooley) Brotherton, great grandson of Henry and Ann (Shotwell) Brotherton. Four children: I. Amy, b. 22 of 6 mo., 1808; died young. II. Jacob Lundy, b. August 14, 1810 d. January 23, 1887: buried in Friends' yard at Dover, N. J. m. Sarah Maria Bunting. HI. William, b. 1 1 of 4 mo., 1812 m. Rebecca Stevenson ; no children. IV. John, b. in Inde- pendence township, Warren county, N. J., 2 of 5 mo., 1814; d. in 1823. The first three children were born in Randolph town- ship, Morris county, N. J. Jacob Lundy Brotherton. M.D., m. Mrs. Randolph ; they had one child. After the death of his wife, Jacob m. Sarah Maria Bunting, daughter of Abner and Anna (Coursen) Bunt- ing, granddaughter of Israel and Elizabeth (Lundy) Bunting, and thus a great granddaughter of Thomas and Joanna (Doan) Lundy; see Third Branch of Group Six. Jacob and Sarah Maria had one child, Phebe Brotherton, who married Henry A. Cook, son of Samuel and Lucinda Cook, and had three chil- dren, Clara B., Henry, and Charles. Res. at Dover, N. J. MARY WILLSON. 177 SECOND BRANCH. MARY LUNDY AND CHRISTIAN SCHMUCK. OF JOHNSONBURG, WARREN COUNTY, N. J. Mary Lundy (of Jacob I.. Richard II.) married in 1775 Christian Schniuck, Sr., who was born 23 of 6 mo., 1752; died 21 of 9 mo., 1827, son of Peter and Abigail (Stevenson) Schmuck. Their first declaration of intention to marry was made on 12 of 10 mo., 1775. They dwelt between Johnsonburg and Allamuchy, Warren county, N. J. CHILDREN OF CHRISTIAN SCHMUCK AND MARY LUNDY. I. John, b. 23 of 2 mo., 1777, in Independence township, Warren county, N. J.; d. 15 of 5 mo., 1853, aged 76 years, 2 mo., 23 days ; married Martha Willetts. II. Jessie (called Jane in some records), b. in Independence, 6 of 7 mo., 1779 ; d. 1 1 of 10 mo., 1826, aged 47 years, 3 months. III. Amy. b. 9 of 9 mo., 1781 ; m. 10 of 10 mo., 1804, Rich- ard Kester, son of Harmon and Rachel Kester of Kingwood. IV. Jesse, b. 12 of 9 mo., 1784; d. 16 of 3 mo., 1808; buried at Hardwick. V. Sarah, b. 23 of 4 mo., 1787; m. Samuel Hoey and had a daughter, Mary, who m. a Mr. Shaw and had a son. William Shaw, who went to the Mexican War. VI. Peter, b. 12 of 11 mo., 1790. VII. Rachel, b. 24 of 4 mo., 1796; m. in 1821 Edward War- basse, son of Joseph and Phebe (Hull) Warbasse. VIII. Mary, b. 24 of 4 mo., 1796; d. 29 of 10 mo., 1813. Of Amy, Sarah, Peter, and Rachel, there is no further in- formation. John, Jessie, Jesse, and Mary, and their parents, rest in the Hardwick yard. I am told that John and Sarah were the only children that left descendants. (12) 178 JACOB LUNDY. § A. JOHN SCHMUCK AND MARTHA WILLETS. Of Allanuichy, Warren County, N. J. John Schmuck, son of Christian and Mary (Lundy) Schmuck, m. on 8 of i mo., 1800, Martha Willets, b. 1780, d. 2 of 8 mo., 1843, daughter of John and Mary Willets. Nine children, all born in Independence (now Allamuchy) town- ship, Sussex (now Warren) county, N. J.: I. Christian, Jr., b. 30 of 9 mo., 1800; d. September 2, 1855; m. Elizabeth Laing. II. James, b. 14 of 2 mo., 1802; married and had children, among them Malvina. III. Aaron, b. 22 of i mo., 1804; d. 2 of 10 mo., 1822, aged 18 years, 8 months. IV. Mary, b. 11 of 2 mo., 1807 ; d. 6 of 6 mo., 1833 ; m. Aaron D. Addis. V. Eliz- abeth, b. 4 of 2 mo., 1809; d. 23 of 2 mo., 1809, aged 19 days. VI. Sarah Hoey, b. 22 of 2 mo., 181 1 ; d. 22 of 2 mo., 1845 ; m. Cummins O. Harris. VII. Rachel, b. i of 6 mo., 1813; d. 2"] of 5 mo., 1850; buried at Hardwick. VIII. Peter, b. 29 of 8 mo., 181 5 ; d. 20 of 2 mo., 1842, aged 26 years, 5 mo., 24 days; dwelt at Columbia. N. J. IX. Hannah Barclay, b. 23 of 9 mo.. 1817; d. 20 of 12 mo., 1890. After the death of Martha, John m., 8 of i mo., 1846, Nancy (Shotwell) Vliet ; no issue. Christian Schmuck, Jr., m. Elizabeth Laing, daughter of Samuel and Edith (Lundy) Laing; see Sixth Branch of Group Seven. Three children: I. John, b. July 5, 1823; d. June, 1825. II. Aaron, b. in Warren county, N. J., May 11, 1826; d. January or February, 1883 or 4; buried at Madison, St. P'rancis county, Ark. HI. Edwin Watson, b. March 30, 1829; d. October i, 1874; m. Josephine Shotwell; no children. Chris- tian and Elizabeth and their sons John and Edwin are buried in Friends' yard in Allamuchy township, Warren county, N. J. After the death of Christian, Elizabeth married James Willson; no children. Aaron Schmuck m. Sarah Elizabeth Madlock, b. April 7, 1829; d. August 3, 1864; buried at Danville, Warren county, N. J. They lived at first on the Great Meadows in Warren county, N. J., but removed in 1851 and settled in West Jersey township. Stark county. 111. Four children : I. John Edwin, b. March 16. 1849. H. Margaret Elizabeth. III. Ella Amelia. IV. Lorenzo Dow. The last three died in childhood, and were buried at West Jersey, 111. After the death of Sarah, Aaron married again. MARY WILLSON. 1 79 John Edwin Schinuck m., April 29, 1877, in Warren county, N. J., Annie Schilling, b. December 13, 1857, daughter of George Frederick and Anna Catherine (Metzer) Schilling. Have resided since 1888 at Corona, Long Island, N. Y. Two children: I. Elvira, b. near Vienna, N. J., June 25, 1878. II. Minnie, b. at Hackettstown, N. J., August 8, 1880. Mary Schmuck m. Aaron D. Addis. Two children : I. John Schmuck, b. in Oxford township, Warren county, N. J., 16 of 4 mo., 1829. II. Sarah Elizabeth Schmuck, b. 14 of 4 mo., 1833. in the township of North Brunswick, Middlesex county, N. J. ; d. 30 of 8 mo., 1835, aged 2 years, 4 mo., 16 days. Sarah Hoey Schmuck m. Cummins Oliver Harris, b. October 8, 181 1 ; d. December 16, 1900; buried in the Christian grave- yard; son of John and Mary (Howell) Harris, grandson of David Harris and also of Levi Howell. Res. at Johnsonburg, N. J. Three children: I. George W., b. September 30, 1836; d. February 12, 1899; married and left several children. II. Sarah Elizabeth, b. March 8, 1840; d. November 18, 1879; bur- ied in the Christian graveyard ; married Mellville Van Horn of Netcong. N. J. HI. Marietta; m. James Brotherton of Dover, N. J., and has several children. Rachel Schmuck m. David Green and dwelt at Stroudsburg. Pa. One child, Martha Green, who m. Sydenham Walton, and has two children : I. Alice. II. Edward. Hannah Barclay Schmuck m. Samuel Read. Two children : T. George. II. Elizabeth, who m. Levi Kittle, son of John and Almeda Kittle. Res. near Johnsonburg, N. J., and has two children : I. Charles. II. Rose. l8o JACOB LUNDY. THIRD BRANCH. JONATHAN LUNDY AND REBECCA HEATON. OF WARREN COUNTY, N. J. Jonathan Lundy (of Jacob I., Richard II.) m. on 22 of 10 mo., 1783, Rebecca Heaton, b. 7 mo. 15, 1758, d. 10 mo. 25, 1834, daughter of Benjamin and Rebecca Heaton. Their first declaration of marriage was made on 11 day of 9 mo., 1783, before the Kingwood Monthly Meeting. They settled at the Great Meadows in Warren coimty, N. J. Their old Bible, now in the possession of Mr. Jacob Lundy of Johnsonburg, N. J., contains these two entries elaborately written in Old English : "Jonathan, son of Jacob and Mary Lundy, was born at Hard- wick Township, County of Sussex and Province of New Jer- sey, the 3rd day of the 5th mo. and second day of the Week Anno Dom. 1756." "Rebecca Lundy, daughter of Benjamin and Rebecca Hea- ton, was born in the Township of Newtown, County and Prov- ince aforesaid, the 15th day of the 7th mo. and seventh day of the Week A. Do. 1758." CHILDREN OF JONATHAN LUNDY AND REBECCA HEATON. I. Jacob, b. 7 mo. 11. 1784; d. about 1818; buried in Friends' yard at Daniel Webster's at Eden, Erie county, N. Y. ; married Anna Bunting. II. Tamar, b. 3 mo. 27, 1786; d. 7 mo. 3, 1818, at Galen, Sen- eca (now Wayne) county, N. Y. ; married Thomas Shot- well. III. Anna H., died October 22, 1834; buried in Friends' yard on the Pequest river, Warren county, N. J. ; married Peleg Hall. IV. Eli ; married Abigail Dickerson. § A. JACOB LUNDY AND ANNA BUNTING. Of Warren Co., N. J. ; of Erie Co., N. Y. Jacob Lundy (of Jonathan, Jacob I., Richard II.) married MARY WILLSON. l8l Anna Bunting, b. 2 of 2 mo., 1786, buried in Friends' yard at Eden, N. Y., daughter of Israel and Elizabeth (Eundyj Bunt- mg; see Group Six, Third Branch. They lived in the Quaker settlement a number of years ; here their seven children were l)orn. Then they moved to the western part of New York State and settled at Eden, Erie county, about twelve miles from the city of Buffalo. Jacob purchased a tract of heavy timber, which he cleared up into a fine farm. Seven children: 1. Jon- athan, b. 5 mo. 26, i8n ; m. Margaret Ester, and had William Henry, Susan, and Elizabeth, all now deceased. IL Sarah, b. 1 mo. 21, 1813; buried in Frineds' yard at Galen, N. Y. ; m. William Loveland, and had a daughter Gustie, who m. Gifford Moore and died without issue. 111. Tamar, b. 3 mo. i, 1814; d. 3 mo. 2'], 1895 ; buried at Southwick cemetery, Junius, N. Y. ; m. John Hampton. IV. Catherine, b. 8 mo. 15, 1815; d. April 28, 1 886; buried at Marengo, N. Y. ; m. Matthew Rogers. V. Christian, b. 10 mo. 31, 1817; d. July 9, 1846; m. William R. Sherman. VI. Eli L., b. 10 mo. 30, 1819; d. November 14, 1901 ; m. Mary Jane Hampton. VH. Levi, b. 2 mo. 22, 1822; m. (1) Julia B. Rogers, and (2) Phoebe W. Bonnell; no chil- dren. Tamar Lundy m. John Hampton, b. April 14, 1809; d. Sep- tember 28, 1884. Three children : I. Chester Jacob, b. No- vember 22, 1835. II. Eli William, b. November 19, 1838; d. November, 1873. HI. Emily Alice, b. July 23, 1845. Chester Jacob Hampton m. August 5, 1891, Susie Thorn, b. October 26, 1846, daughter of Hugh D. and Eleanor (Reynolds) Thorn. Catherine Lundy m. Matthew Rogers, b. April, 1815; d. April 30, 1856 ; buried at Marengo, N. Y. ; son of Matthew and Phebe Rogers. Five children : I. Eli R., b. December i, 1840; m. Mary Macomber ; resides at Border City, N. Y., and has Nora and Grace Edna. 11. Eliza S., b. December 28, 1841 ; m. John Deuel, who died in the army, and had Carrie A., who m. Frank Bates and lives at Sutherland, Neb. HI. Jacob L., b. June 17, 1848; m. and had daughter Catherine; dwells at Bige- low, Minn. IV. James B., b. October, 1850; m, and, by his wife Josephine, had a son Grant ; dwells at Marengo, N. Y. V. Stephen R., b. November 16, 1853; m. Laura Smith, and lives at Niagara, N. Y. Christian Lundy m. March 26. 1840, William R. Sherman, b. August 9, 181 5; d. December 25, 1895; son of Elkanah l82 JACOB LUNDY. Sherman, who died October 3, 1853, ^t the age of 63 years, and his wife Pliebe Hunt, who died October 15, 1853, ^t the age of 58 years. Three children : I. Celina, b. January 22, 1841 ; d. January 9, 1897. 11. Hannah, b. January 13, 1843. ^^^- ^i^" Hs Harrison, d. when six weeks old. After the death of Chris- tian, William m. February, 1848, Dinah Heath. Celina Sherman m. Isaac J. Burt. Res. at Carson City, Mich. Seven children: I. Jentilla; m. George A. Thayer. 11. Brit- tie. 111. Willis Harrison. IV. Alma Dina. V. Mellie. VI. Mary L. Vll. Fred N. Hannah Sherman m. August 10, 1864, John Medcalf, b. Feb- ruary 10, 1842, son of John and Susan (Hartley) Medcalf. Res. at St. Thomas, Ont. One child, Frances Emma Medcalf, b. December 27, 1867, in Yarmouth township, Elgin county, Ontario, who m., June 12, 1888, Edward David Paulin, b. July 16, 1866, son of David and Mary Ann (Charlesworth) Paulin. One child, Frances Marie, b. October 2, 1896. Eli L. Lundy m. March 19, 1848, Mary Jane Hampton, b. July I, 1824, daughter of Joseph and Rebecca (Hampton) Hampton. Res. at Junius, N. Y. Four children: 1. Phylura L. II. Herbert C. HI. Charles Fremont. IV. William Melvin. Phylura L. Lundy m. December 24, 1867, Charles Richards, b. March 28, 1841, son of Russell and EHzabeth (Wood) Rich- ards. Res. at Wolcott, N. Y. Two children : I. Joseph Hampton, b. November 25, 1872. II. Clarence Eli, b. August 17, 1874. Herbert C. Lundy m. Rosetta Eddy, b. May 22, 1856, daughter of Charles and Grace Ann Eddy. Res. at Junius, N. Y. Six children: I. Albert Eli, b. September 13, 1877. II. Walter Nathaniel, b. December 13, 1879. HI. Arthur Washington, b. February 22, 1884. IV. Chester Hampton, b. October i, 1887. V. Clarence Herbert, b. January 13, 1891. VI. Edna Grace, b. February 24, 1897. Charles Fremont Lundy m. Flora Amelia Vosburg, b. Janu- ary 16, 1865, daughter of Tunis and Carolyn Vosburg. Res. at Junius, N. Y. Two children : 1. Mary Edith, b. April 20, 1887. II. Carolyn Lizette, b. June 9, 1898. William Melvin Lundy m. Ellen Maud Serven, b. February 26, 1867, daughter of George and Eliza Serven. One child, John Alvin, b. January 18, 1897. ELI L. LUNDY, Burn in 1819 in Warren County, New Jersey. Dicfl in 1901 at Junius. New "S'ork. Sun of Jacob Lundy and Anna Bunting: Of Jonathan Lundy and Rebecca Heaton ; Of Jacob Lundy and Mary Will son : Of Richard Lundv IL and Elizabeth Large. m ( i MARY WILLSON. 183 § B. TAMER LUNDY AND THOMAS SHOTWELL. Of Galen, Wayne County, N. Y. Tamer Lundy (of Jonathan, Jacob 1., Richard II.) m. i of 3 mo., 1808, Thomas Shotwell, b. 25 of 8 mo., 1786, at Rahway, N. J.; d. I of I mo., 1856; son of Benjamin and Bathsheba (Pound) Shotwell. Res. at Galen, Wayne county, N. Y. Four children: I. Rebecca Lundy, b. 12 of 1 mo., 1809; d. 26 of 3 mo., 1875, at Odell, Livingston county, 111. II. Zachariah Pound, b. 17 of II mo., i8ii ; d. 17 of 12 mo., 1895. III. Ben- jamin Heaton, b. 9 of i mo., 1815. IV. Rachel, died young. After the death of Tamer, Thomas m. Hannah Lundy, daugh- ter of Daniel and Elizabeth (Laing) Lundy; for descendants by this second marriage, see Second Branch of Group Seven. Rebecca Lundy Shotwell m. 26 of 5 mo., 1827, Benjamin Franklin Pound, b. 8 of 10 mo., 1805, in township of Bertie, Lincoln county, Canada ; d. at Aumsville, Oregon, May 7, 1896 ; buried at Salem, Oregon; son of Daniel and Prudence (Jones) Pound. Eight children : I. Tamer, deceased. II. Thomas Shotwell. ILL Jacob D. IV. Hannah E., b. March 18, 1837. V. Susan Margaret, b. December 7, 1841 ; d. February 17, 1885; buried at Jewell City, Kansas. VI. Frank L. VII. Clarence E., b. March 16, 1847, at Marengo, N. Y. VIII. Julia Frances, b. at Marengo, N. Y. Tamer Pound m. Henry Peacock and resided at Somerset, N. Y. Two children : I. Frank. II. Wallace. Thomas S. Pound m. Harriet N. Angell. Res. at Ionia, Jewell county, Kan. Three children. I. Mattie A. 11. Eu- gene F. ; m. Alice I. Tombaugh. III. Ethan A.; m. Anna E. Hayman. Mattie A. Pound m. Clarence R. Aerl. Two children : Bes- sie and AUie. Jacob D. Pound m. Charlotte Ostrander, who is now de- ceased. Res. at Odell, 111. One child, Lora R. Hannah E. Pound m. January 7, 1857, Thaddeus O. Bannis- ter, b. June 13, 1833, son of Augustus C. and Mary V. Bannis- ter. Res. at Odell, 111. Three children. I. George S., b. July 23, i860. II. Harry J., b. April 29, 1867. III. Thaddeus O. Jr., b. June 15, 1884. Harry J. Bannister m. Flora Todd. Res. at Stamford, 111. One child, Fannie C. 1 84 JACOB LUNDY. Susan Margaret Pound m. September 12, 1866, Samuel R. Deach ; d. May 4, 1881 ; buried near Jewell City, Kansas; son of Jacob Deach and his wife Mary Ann Shibley. Three chil- dren : I. Anna Lapham, b. June 10, 1867. II. Charles Ar- thur, b. January 5, 1869; removed to Oregon on July 29, 1890. III. Franklin Jacob, b. November 3, 1872; resides at McMinn- ville, Oregon. Anna Lapham Deach m. November 24, 1887, Charles Keiffer Bradrick, b. September 16, 1858; d. December i, 1888; buried near Jewell, Kansas; son of William and Eliza Jane (Keiffer) Bradrick. After the death of Charles, Anna m. January 20, 1892, Charles Reno Tombaugh, b. October 1, 1862, son of Mat- thias and Elvira Jane (Leatherman) Tombaugh. Res. at Pon- tiac, 111. Two children: I. Alice Vivian, b. January 20, 1894. il. Glen Deach, b. January 20, 1896. Charles Arthur Deach m. February 20, 1895, Clara Estella Miller, daughter of William Henry Miller and his wife Ann Elizabeth Carr.. Res. at North Yamhill, Oregon. Two chil- dren : I.' Bessie Anna, b. December 14, 1895, at McMinnville, Ore. II. Berenice, b. August 21, 1897, at North Yamhill, Ore. Frank L. Pound m. May 16, 1867, Susan M. Downing, b. in Lynn, Mass., July 7, 1846; d. September 24, 1872; buried in Wallace Cemetery, Jewell City, Kansas ; daughter of Thomas and Lydia (Disher) Downing. Two children: I. Flora B., b. January 4, 1870. II. Orman A., b. February 10, 1871. After the death of Susan, Frank m. February 8, 1875, Eliza- beth M. Winslow, b. at Ottawa, 111., March 2, 1858, daughter of Avery and Elizabeth D. (Bullock) Winslow. Res. at Aums- ville, Oregon. Five children: III. Lottie S., b. November 21, 1875. IV. Jessie M., b. July 24, 1886. V. Benjamin F., b. January 15, 1889. VI. Eva R., b. June 5, 1894. VII. Janette B., b. July 29, 1896. Flora B. Pound m. John Bascom Dresslar, b. July 6, 1863, son of Peter and Hester A. (Brumnemer) Dresslar. Res. at Ionia, Jewell county, Kansas. Four children : I. Edgar Or- man, b. June 21, 1888. II. Lester Eugene, b. August 12, 1890. III. Elmer Linn, b. March 4, 1894. IV. Adelbert, b. Novem- ber 16, 1896. Orman A. Pound m. February 15, 1896, Lenora M. Coss, daughter of John and Sarah (Scouten) Coss. Res. at Ionia, Kansas. One child, Georgeanna Jewell Pound, b. December 12, 1896. MARY WILLSON. 185 Clarence E. Pound was married September 17, 1871, by El- der Allen Ives, at the residence of the bride's father on the Lime Stone, Jewell county, Kansas, to Ellen K. Howard, b. January 16, 1856, m Hamdton, Marion county, iowa, daughter of VVdliam and Mary E. (Stillwellj Howard, of Hamilton, iowa. Said marriage was the first in the county of Jewell and is so recorded. Res. at McMinnville, Yamhill county, Oregon. Six children: I. Hattie, b. November 22, 1872; d. in infancy. 11. Gertrude May, b. January 29, 1875. HI. Bert F., b. July 12, 1877. IV'. Lillian Frances, b. December 17, 1879. V. Charles E., b. March i, 1882, at Yamhill, Yamhill county. Ore. VI. Ethel v., b. February 17, 1890. Gertrude May Pound m. B. F. Bones. Res. at McMinnville, Oregon. Lillian Frances Pound m. July 4, 1896, William Edward Lawrence, b. February 2, 1865, son of James Madison and Ta- litha (Eliottj Lawrence. Res. at Solado, Oregon. Julia Frances Pound m. December 25, 1883, at Jewell City, Kansas, Thomas Jefferson Wyland, son of Alexander and Su- sannah (Dalrymple) Wyland. Res. at Smith Centre, Kansas. Two children, both born on the Wyland homestead, five miles from Smith Centre: I. Florence Estella, b. March 19, 1886. II. Gerald Pound, b. September 11, 1889. Zachariah Pound Shotwell m. in 1835, Margaret Zavitch, b. 1814, d. 1861, daughter of Jacob and Elizabeth (Pound) Zavitch. For the names of the children and grandchildren of Zachariah and Margaret, we are indebted to the Annals of the Shotwell Family, compiled by Ambrose M. Shotwell. Eight children: I. Tamer Ann. II. Thomas Benjamin. HI. Jacob Zavitch, b. 25 of 4 mo., 1840; m. Arabella J. Cox, daughter of Joseph and Hannah (Briggs) Cox, and resides at Garrison, Neb., and had Catherine E., Josephh, William Merrit, Annette, and Elizabeth May. IV. Daniel Pound, b. 8 of 2 mo., 1842 ; resides at Garrison, Neb.; m. Sarah V. (Bond) Shotwell, and has one daughter, Cora Ethel, b. 25 of 7 mo., 1888. V. Eliza- beth Emily. VI. Eli Lundy, b. 29 of 11 mo., 1849; resides at David City, Neb. ; m. Leah Bunting, daughter of Ebenezer and Susan Bunting. VII. Benjamin Heaton, b. 23 of 8 mo., 1853; resides at Brainard, Neb.; m. Melissa Lowes, daughter of Caleb and Susannah Lowes, and had Margaret Susannah, Law- rence Elsworth, Eli Lowes, Lottie Pearl, Charles Willis, l86 JACOB LUNDY. Thomas Le Roy, and Ida Francis. VIII. Merritt Elmer, b. 26 of I mo., 1859; d. 20 of 3 mo., 1879; m. Sarah V. Bond, daughter of John and Jane Bond. Benjamin Heaton Shotwell (of Thomas) m. Susan L. Thorn, daughter of Samuel and Rachel (Laing) Thorn, and had one child, Rachel T., who m. Solomon Bishop. After the death of Susan, Benjamin m. Paulina (Richards) Davis, and had Katie, now deceased, and Ella, who resides at Hadley, Mich. § C. ANN H. LUNDY AND PELEG HALL. Of Johnsonburg, Warren County, N. J. Anna H. Lndy (of Jonathan, Jacob I., Richard II.) married Peleg Hall. They lived in the Quaker settlement; both were buried in the Friends' cemetery. Peleg was a blacksmith by trade and had come from Connecticut; he died about 1832, be- ing a comparatively young man. Two children: I. John, b. December 16, 1822; d. April 29, 1889. II. Rebecca, b. 3 mo. 13, 1825; d. 9 mo. 26, 1834. John Hall m. January 11, 1845, Fanny Robinson; d. April 29, 1888, aged 67 years; daughter of William Robinson. Res. at Johnsonburg, N. J. John and Fanny are buried in Christian cemetery. They had seven children. I. Mary Jane, b. January 8, 1846. II. William Bradley, b. October 16, 1847; went west. III. Sarah Elizabeth, b. May 14, 185 1 ; d. July 25, 1887. IV. Roxanna, b. November 5, 1854. V. El wood C, b. October 7, 1856. VI. Emma Arilla, b. November 15, 1858; d. Decem- ber 4, 1885. VII. Albert K., b. April 6, 1863. Mary Jane Hall m. Joseph Price Stickles, son of Isaac and Sarah (Vail) Stickles. Res. at Johnsonburg, N. J. Four chil- dren : I. Fanny E., b. March 8, 1878. II. S. Lizzie, b. May 14, 1879. III. John Hall, b. January i, 1881. IV. Isaac, b. September 21, 1886. Sarah Elizabeth Hall m. David Bartley Shuster, b. October 4, 1835; d. September 14, 1900; son of John Shuster. Res. at Stillwater, N. J. Three children. I. Fanny. II. Arilla. III. Albert. Roxanna Hall m. Clarkson Teel, son of John L. and Phebe (Gibbs) Teel. Res. at Blairstown, N. J. Three children: I. Emma. II. Calvin. III. Raymond. Elwood C. Hall m. Jane Stickles, daughter of Isaac and Sarah (Vail) Stickles. Res. at Hope, N. J. MARY WILLSON. 187 Albert K. Hall m. Marietta Snover, daughter of Jacob and Jane (Luse) Snover. Res. at Hooper, Dodge county, Neb. § D. ELI LUNDY AND ABIGAIL DICKEKSON. Of Warren County, N. J. Eli Lundy (of Jonathan, Jacob 1., Richard H.) married Abi- gail Dickerson, b. June 13, 1796, daughter of Caleb and Mary (Roseberry) Dickerson, of Morris county, N. J. They lived in the Quaker settlement on the old Lundy homestead now oc- cupied by Eli V. Lundy. Two children : L Jacob, b. January 26, 1822. H. Mary D., b. December 24, 1824; d. August 7, 1829, Jacob Lundy m. November 9, 1844, Nancy H. Vought, daughter of Joseph and Jane (Harden) Vought. One child, Eli Vought Lundy, b. September 16, 1845. After the death of Nancy, Jacob m. Sarah Read, daughter of Archelaus and Mary (Smith) Read. Three children : L Stella J., b. November 16, i860. H. Henry Nelson, b. May 19, 1864. HL George E., b. October i, 1870. Stella J. Lundy m. Charles Depue. Henry Nelson Lundy m. Rhoda Decker, daughter of Job Decker, and res. at Andoyer, N. J. George E. Lundy m. Rettie Luse, daughter of Aaron and Emaline (Rice) Luse, and has a daugh- ter Mabel ; res. at Johnsonburg, N. J. Eli Vought Lundy m. Margaret Westbrook, daughter of Kelly and Emily (Decker) Westbrook. Three children: L Julietta. H. Margaret. HL Jacob. After the death of Mar- garet, Eli m. a daughter of Barnet Elyea. Julietta Lundy m. George Wilson Pierson, son of John Wes- ley and Eunice Ellen (Runyon) Pierson, grandson of John and Mary (Newman) Pierson. l88 JACOB LUNDY. FOURTH BRANCH. DEBORAH LUNDY AND JOHN DENNIS. OF WARREN CO., N. J. Deborah Lundy (of Jacob I., Richard II.) married John Den- nis. Only two references to Deborah, besides the entry of her birth date in the family Bible, have been found. The marriage of Deborah Dennis is mentioned on the Kingwood records under date of 13 day of 12 mo., 1781 ; and her father Jacob in his will mentions Mary Smucke and Deborah Dennis as "hav- ing had their shears heretofore." Deborah's seven children were born in old Hardwick, Warren county, N. J. CHILDREN OF JOHN DENNIS AND DEBORAH LUNDY. I. Aaron, b. 23 of 8 mo., 1781. II. Edith, b. 28 of 12 mo., 1783. III. Asenath, b. 6 of 2 mo., 1786. IV. John, Jr., b. 30 of 12 mo., 1787. V. Keziah, a daughter, b. 14 of i mo., 1790. VI. Mary, b. 6 of 3 mo., 1793. VII. Rachel, b. 12 of 7 mo., 1795. GROUP FIVE. THE DESCENDANTS OF Martha Lundy Wife of Benjamin Schooley Of Sussex County, New Jersey. Born in 1723 ; Died in 1803. LINEAGE. 1. Sylvester Lundy, of Axminster, England. 2. Richard Lundy L and Jane Lyon, of Bucks Co., Pa. 3. Richard Lundy ILand Elizabeth Large, of Warren Co., N.J. 4. Martha Lundy and Benjamin Schooley, of Sussex Co.. N. J. The line then divides into four branches : ' I. Elizabeth Schooley and White. IL Ann Schooley and Jesse Dennis, in. Joseph Schooley and Susan Case. IV. Martha Schooley and Joseph Phillips, Jr. Martha Lundy, whose name stands at the beginning of this Group, married at Hardwick, on 21 day of 5 mo., 1755. Benja- min Schooley, who was born 24 day of 4 mo.. 1733, and departed this life the 17 of 12 mo., 1809, in Newton township, near Sus- sex court-house. Martha had lived with her parents in Penn- ipO BENJAMIN SCHOOLEY. sylvania, under the care of the Exeter Monthly Meeting in Berks county, until the winter of 1744-45. ^^'^en she brought a certificate of membership from that meeting and presented it to the Kingwood Meeting in Hunterdon county, N. J., on 12 day of 12 mo., 1744-45. Benjamin was the son of Samuel and Avis (Holloway) Schooley, grandson of Thomas and Sarah (Parker) Schooley, and great grandson of Robert and Alice Schooley. Benjamin and Martha settled in the township of Stillwater. Sussex county, N. J. Benjamin's last will and testament is dated November 13. 1804. and was probated at Newton, N. J., De- cember 26, 1809. Marriage Certificate, copied from the Record of Mar- riages for Hardwick and Randolph Monthly Meeting. Whereas Benjamin Schooley of Newtown in the coimty of Sussex in the Eastern Division of the Province of New Jersey and Martha Lundy of Hardwick in the county and Province afsd. Having declared their Intentions of Marriage with each other before several Monthly Meetings of the people called Quakers in the county of Hunterdon in the Province afsd ac- cording to the good Order used among them, whose Proceed- ings therein after a Deliberate Consideration thereof & Having Consent of parents and relations concerned, nothing appearing to obstruct, were approved of by the said Meetings ; NOW these are to certifie all whome it may concern that for the full accomplishment of their sd intentions this 21st Day of the 5th Month, 1775, They the sd Benjamin Schooley & Martha Lundy appeared in a publick ■Meeting of the sd people at Hardwick afsd & sd Benjamin Schooley taking the sd Martha by the hand Did in a solemn manner openly Declare that he took her the sd Martha Lundy to be his Wife promising thro Divine assitance to be a Loving & faithful Husband till Death should seperate them (or words to that efifect) & then & there in the same assembly she the sd Martha Lundy Did in like manner Declare that she took the sd Benjamin Schooley to be her hus- band promising thro Divine assistance to be a Loving & faith- ful Wife till Death should seperate them (or words to that efifect) ; And moreover the sd Benjamin Schooley & Martha Lundy (she according to the custom of marriage assuming the Name of her Husband) as a further Confirmation thereof Did then MARTHA LUNDY. I9I & there to these presents set their hands ; & we whose names are here under subscribed, being among others present at the Sol- emnization of sd Marriage & Subscription in the manner afsd, as witnesses thereunto, have also to these presents set our Hands the Day & year above Written. Benjamin Schooley Martha Schooley. The witnesses were Samuel Schooley, Richard Lundy, Avis Schooley, Mary Willson, Anne Lundy, Margaret Willson. Elizabeth Willson, Robert Willson, Mary Lundy, Joanna Lundy, Richard Lundy, jur., Joseph Lundy, Samuel Lundy, John Willson, Ebenezer Willson, Jonathan Willson, David Willson. Benjamin Schooley was appointed in 1781 by a Monthly Meeting held at Hardwick as a member of the Committee on Sufferings. The purpose of this committee was to estimate and keep an "account of the losses sustained by Friends because of their adherence to the principles of peace ; these losses were generally in the form of fines for refusal to serve in the army or to take the test oath to the Continental Congress, and confiscation of property. On II of 7, 1782, the committee reported thai the sufferings of Friends at Hardwick amounted to £206. 5.3. the children of benjamin schooley and martha lundy. L Elizabeth, b. at Hardwick, Sussex (now Warren) county, N. J., the 20th day of the 8th mo., 1757 ; married White. H. Ann, b. at Hardwick, Sussex (now Warren) county, N. J., the 14th day of the ist mo., 1759; and "departed this life on the 21st day of the fifth month and 7th day of the week betwixt the hours of eight and nine o'clock in the evening in the year 1785 and was buried the 23rd of the same" ; married Jesse Dennis. HL Joseph, b. at Newton. Sussex county, N". J., the 2nd day of the nth mo., 1760; died June 6, 1846, at Stillwater, Sussex county, N. J. ; aged 85 years, 7 months and 4 days ; married Susan Case. ip2 BENJAMIN SCHOOLEY. IV. Martha, b. at Newton, Sussex county, N. J., the 2rst day of the 8th mo., 1762. She married (i) Joseph PhilHps, and (2) Van Kirk. An entry in the family Bible says that "Martha Van Kirk was taken sick at the. home of her brother, Joseph Schooley, the 24th of the 8th month and died about 5 o'clock on the loth day of the 9th month, A. D. 1830, aged sixty-eight years and twenty days." V. Benjamin, b. at Newton. Sussex county, N. J., the 7th day of the nth mo., 1746; of whom no further record. FIRST BRANCH. ELIZABETH SCHOOLEY AND WHITE. OF ANDOVER, SUSSEX CO., N. J. Elizabeth Schooley married White. Their son, Samuel S. White, dwelt near Andover, N. J., and was for many years a justice of the peace and a judge of the county court. The names of Elizabeth's other children have not been ascer- tained. Samuel S. White married and had at least four sons : I. Syl- vester. II. Sanford. III. Elias M. IV. Nathan. Elias M. White studied law at Newton, N. J., and was admitted to the bar in June, 1864; settled at Dover, N. J., and. was a member of the legislature ; he afterward removed to Staten Island. Nathan White married and had at least three daughters ; his sons-in-law were 'Professor Magee of New York City, Mr. J. B. Byram of Morristown, N. J., and Mr. Hornbaker of Wash- ington, N. J. Nathan White's widow married Prof. J. D. Reynolds. MARTHA LUNDY. 193 SECOND BRANCH. ANN SCHOOLEY AND JESSE DENNIS. OF WANTAGE TOWNSHIP, SUSSEX CO., N. J. Ann Schooley, daughter of Benjamin and Martha, on 18 of 10 mo., 1781, at a pubHc meeting of Friends at Newton, N. J., married Jesse Dennis, b. 30 of i mo., 1755, d. 27 of 9 mo., 1802, son of Joseph Dennis, Jr., and his wife Hannah Lewis. CHILDREN OF JESSE DENNIS AND ANN SCHOOLEY. I. Ezekiel, b. 2nd day of the 9th mo., 1782; d. 7th of 10 mo.. 1832, aged 50 years, one month and five days; m. (i) Mary Baldwin, and (2) Sarah Baldwin. II. Schooley, b. 13th day of the 9th mo., 1784; d. at Independ- ence, Mich., March 8, i860, and was buried at Sashabau Plains ; m. Anna Mabee. After the death of Ann. Jesse Dennis married MarthaMcCoy and had other sons. The marriage certificate of Jesse and Ann is recorded on the 29th page of the Record of Marriages for Hardwick and Ran- dolph Monthly Meeting. The witnesses are Joseph Dennis, Benjamin Schooley, Martha Schooley, Lewes Dennis, Joseph Schooley, Martha Schooley, Hannah Dennis, Elizabeth White, Joseph Dennis, Jr., Elizabeth Willson, Samuel Schooley, Elizabeth Schooley, Mary Schooley, Thomas Lundy, Jr., Joseph Moore, Gabriel Willson, Henry Widifield, Henry Clifton, Jane Price, Mary Ogden, Sarah Dunlap, Mary Lundy. Mar't Hepbourn, Anne Snook, Anne Willson, Martha Widdifield, Nancy Lundy, Hannah Lundy, Jane Morrow, Francis Price, Jacob Chestnutwood, David Willson. § A. EZEKIEL DENNIS AND MARY BALDWIN. Of Newton, Sussex County, N. J. Ezekiel Dennis m. 10 of 9 mo.. 1814. Mary Baldwin, daughter of Benjamin and Isabella (Wright) Baldwin. Res. at Newton, Sussex county, N. J. Five children: I. Ann, b. (13) t. ■ 194 BENJAMIN SCHOOLEY. 20 of 7 mo., 1815; d. unmarried. 11. Alfred Lewis, b. 4 of 4 mo., 1817; d. December 8, 1890; he founded the Public Library at Newton, Sussex county, N. J. IIL Mary Isabella, b. 14 of I mo., 1820. IV. Frances, b. 11 of 11 mo., 1821 ; m. Harvey Camp and had a daughter Josephine, who married and died without issue. V. Martin Ryerson, b. 26 of 4 mo., 1823. After the death of Mary, Ezekiel m. in second month, 1825, Sarah (Baldwin) Smith, a sister of his first wife, and had one child. VI. Sarah Malvina, b. 14 of 10 mo., 1828. Alfred Lewis Dennis, the founder of the Dennis Library at Newton, N. J., m. in September, 1841, Eliza Abigail Shepard, daughter of Major James Shepard of Norfolk, Conn., and his wife Abigail Mills. Res. at Newark, N. J. Five children : I. James Shepard, b. at Newark, N. J., December 15, 1842. 11. Frederic Shepard, M.D., F.R.C.S., England, b. at Newark. N. J., April 17, 1850; Professor of Clinical Surgery, Cornell Uni- versity Medical College, New York City ; attending surgeon to St. Vincent and Bellevue Hospitals. III. Samuel Shepard, b. at Newark, N. J., September 11, 1852. IV. Warren Egerton, b. at Norfolk. Conn., September 23. 1854. V. Mary Eliza, b. at Norfolk, Conn., July 21, 1861. Rev. James Shepard Dennis, D.D., a Professor in the Protestant College at Beyrout, Syria, is the author of a sys- tematic work on "Christian Missions and Social Progress." published in three volumes, to which has been added a supple- mental volume of statistics entitled a "Centennial Survey of Foreign Missions." James Shepard Dennis m. at Newark, N. J., on June 26, 1872, Mary Elizabeth Pinneo, b. at Newark, N. J., August 6, 1837, daughter of James B. and Eliza (Lyman) Pinneo. Res. in New York City. One child, Alfred Lewis Pinneo Dennis, born at Beyrout, Syria, Ottoman Empire, May 21, 1874, who married on June 7, 1899, Mary Boardman Cable, b. August 23, 1872, daughter of George W. Cable and his wife Louise Stew- art Bartlett. Res. at Brunswick, Maine. One child. Mary Elizabeth, b. April 13, 1900. Alfred L. P. Dennis is Professor of History at Bowdoin College. Samuel Shepard Dennis m. Eliza Thomas. Res. at Morris- town, N. J. Three children : I. Helen Eliza. II. James Shepard. III. Dorothy. Warren Egerton Dennis m. May 15, 1886, Mary James, ^ ^ J^ Founder of Public Library at Newton, Sussex County, New Jersey. Born in 1817 at Newton, N. J. Died in 1890 at Newark, N. J. Son of Ezekiel Dennis and Mary Baldwin; Of Jesse Dennis and Ann Schooley : Of Benjamin Schooley and Martha Lundy ; Of Richard Lundy IL and Elizabeth Large. MARTHA LUNDY. I95 daughter of William and Elizabeth (Mossip) James. Res. in New York City. Three children: I. Frederic James. 11. Warren Egerton, Jr. 111. Mildred. Mary Eliza Dennis m. February 5, 1885, James Christy Bell, b. January 12, 1850, son of James Christy and Harriet (Thomes) Bell. Res. in New York City. Three children: I. Alfred Dennis, b. August 7, 1886. II. James Christy, b. Feb- ruary 4, 1889. III. Samuel Dennis, b. January 19, 1892. Mary Isabella Dennis m. May 25, 1853, at Newark, N. J., Samuel Shepard, of Norfolk, Conn., b. December 10, 1814, at Winsted, Conn., d. January 16, 1872, at Norfolk, Conn., son of James Shepard, b. December 21, 1774. m. February 19, 1800, d. January 31, 1844, and his wife Abigail Andrus, b. October I3< 1779. d. September 2, 1861. Two children: I. Edward Martin, of Drury College, Missouri. II. Mary Isabella. Edward Martin Shepard m. June 28, 1881, Harriet Elma Ohlen of Madison, N. J., b. January 16, 1853, daughter of Stephen van Rensslaer Ohlen and his wife Nancy Clark. Martin Ryerson Dennis m. April 24, 1850, Josephine Rose, b. March 11, 1832, daughter of Joseph Rose and his wife Frances Stanton Willet. Three children: I. Martin, b. Janu- ary 8, 1851. II. Joseph Rose, b. April 14, 1854. III. Alfred Lewis, b. October 26, 1857; res. at Newark, N. J. Martin Dennis m. June 26, 1877, Carrie Cooper Ross, b. June 26. 1856. daughter of William Wallace Ross and his wife Hannah Eliza Cooper. Res. at Newark, N. J. Three children : I. Adelaide, b. June 8, 1880. H. Harold, b. December zj, 1883. III. Mildred, b. August 18, 1891. Adelaide Dennis m. December 20, 1899, Harris Fenton Brownlee, M.D., b. September 14, 1866, son of James and Mary ( Stryker) Brownlee, and resides at Danbury, Conn. Sarah ]\Ialvina Dennis m. June 13, 1855, Edward A. Lewis, b. at Deckertown, N. J., April 29, 1829. son of Azariah and Sally (Clay) Lewis of Sussex county, N. J. One child, Alfred Dennis Lewis, b. in Bridgeport, Conn., March 12, 1857; m. June 2, 1886, Mary Runette Welch, b. in Wallingford, Conn., December 23, i860, daughter of William Welch of Cleveland, Ohio, and his wife Julia Ann Jackson of Sharon, Conn. § B. SCHOOLEY DENNIS AND ANNA MABEE. Of Sussex Co., N. J. : of Oakland Co., Mich. Schooley Dennis, son of Jesse and Ann (Schooley) Dennis. 196 BENJAMIN SCHOOLEY. m. September 2^. 1809, Anna Mabee, b. February i, 1789, in Sussex county, N. J., daughter of John and Sarah (Givens) Mabee; d. at Waterford, Oakland county, Mich., January 3, 1870, and was buried at Sashabau Plains, Oakland county, Mich. Res. in Sussex county, N. J. ; removed to Michigan in 1840, and located at Independence, Oakland county. Two chil- dren, both born in Sussex county, N. J. I. Jesse, b. August 2^^, 1810; unmarried; d. in Sussex county, N. J., July 3, 1831, and was buried there. II. Susan, b. August 15, 1812; d. at Pontiac, Oakland county. Mich., April 22, 1839, and was buried at Sashabau Plains, Mich. Susan Dennis m. January 31. 1833. William Marrs ; d. at Pontiac, December 17. 1852, and was buried at Sashabau Plains, Mich. Four children : I. Jesse Dennis, b. in Sussex county, N. J., November 7. 1833. TI. Anna, b. in Sussex county, N. J., May 14, 1835. III. Sarah Jane. b. in Sussex county, N. J., January 5, 1837. IV. Susan, b. at Pontiac, Oak- land county. Mich., March 15, 1839; d. at Brandon, Mich., Feb- ruary 20. 1841, and was buried at Sashabau Plains, Mich. Jesse Dennis Marrs m. April 3, 1866, Jane Sackett of Assyria. Barry county. Mich. ; d. at Chicago, 111., April 25. 1878, and was buried at Assyria, Mich. Res. at Waterford, Oakland county, Mich. Four children : I. Anna Lauretta, b. July 19, 1867, at Assyria, Mich.; d. November 23. 1873. at Waterford. Oakland county. Mich., and was buried at Sash- abau Plains. II. Buddington Chapman, b. March 31, 1869. at Assyria, Mich. III. Lutie Pearl, b. September 20, 1875, at Waterford. Mich. ; res. in Buffalo, N. Y. IV. Arthur Earl, b. November 10, 1877, at Chicago, 111. ; res. at Waterford, Mich. Anna Marrs m. at Waterford, Mich.. December 3, 1857, Nel- son Ross Ganong; d. January 18, 1892. and was buried at Sash- abau Plains. Res. at Waterford. Mich. One child, Eliza Den- nis, b. October 23. 1858, at Independence, Mich., who married September 10, 1879, at Waterford, Mich., Peter Erb, M.D., of Buffalo, N. Y. ^^ Sarah Jane Marrs m. May 11, 1864, at Waterford, Mich., Buddington Chapman; d. February 12, 1896, at Pontiac, Mich., and was there buried. One son, Jesse Harold, b. at Independ- ence, Mich., September 16, 1873. Jesse Harold Chapman m. May 18, 1897, Addie A. Soper, and resides at Pontiac, Mich. alfred lewis dennis. i97 alfred lewis dennis. Born in 1817 ; Died in 1890. Founder of the Dennis Library at Newton, N. J. It is the chief glory of our country that it sets an open door before young men, bidding them enter if they be worthy ; and ihe most fascinating pages of our country's history are those which record the struggles, the courage and the successes of young men with no resources but their own in reaching high positions among their fellows. This is illustrated in the career of Alfred Lewis Dennis. He was born at Newton, Sussex county, N. J., on 4th day of 4th month, 1817. He was the son of Ezekiel Dennis and Mary Baldwin, grandson of Jesse Den- nis and Ann Schooley, and great grandson of Benjamin Schooley and Martha Lundy. He received his early education in a small classical school established by the Rev. Clarkson N. Dunn, rector of Christ Church. At the age of thirteen he went to Newark, N. J., and found employment for a short time as a grocer's clerk. His worldly goods consisted of a small bundle of clothes and his mother's blessing. Mr. William Tuttle, who had a bookstore at the corner of Broad and Academy streets and was the pro- prietor of. the Sentinel of Freedom, advertised for a boy to learn the bookbinding business ; the same evening a lad of diminutive stature applied for the place. Mr. Tuttle looked at the lad and said, 'T am afraid you are not big enough to handle the press- bar," referring to the iron-bar used in pressing the sheets for binding. The boy answered with words that at once won him a life-long friend, and which also were the true index of his character and the key to his future success : 'T am large enough to try it!" He at once became an apprentice to the business, and also a member of Mr. Tuttle's household ; for in those days the master-mechanics and employers of Newark boarded their apprentices in their own families, an old-fash- ioned but excellent custom. Mr. Tuttle in the regular performance of his duty as a direc- tor in the Newark Banking and Insurance Company went to New York City every Thursday to effect the exchanges for the bank ; and this Thursday trip took all day and sometimes a large part of the night if the slow ferry-boat were delayed by wind 198 ALFRED LEWIS DENNIS. or fog or ice. This day of bank exchange became an important circumstance in the hte ot the young apprentice. No sooner had Alfred been placed ni the bindery, than he began "to show the stuii' there was in hnii" ; not merely by provmg that he was large enough to handle the press-bar and to master other details ot the trade, but by studying the nature of the business itself, especially as related to the materials used in it. In this way he studied the subject of binders" leathers, the process and cost of their manufacture, where they were chiehy made, and even the laws regulating their importation into this country. After Mr. Dennis had been some months in the bindery, he asked Mr. Tuttle to be allowed to act as clerk in the bookstore at night. At once he began to display his characteristic trait of getting a thorough knowledge of the business. He soon knew the position on the shelves of all the books, and their cost and price, and the principles on which the bookselling business was conducted. Not long after this night service was in successful operation, Mr. Dennis worked five days a week as an apprentice in the bindery, but served as clerk in the bookstore every Thursday while his employer went to New York for the bank. So skill- fully did he conduct his sales and so well did he conciliate cus- tomers, that the sales of books on Thursday were perceptibly larger than those on other days. Of course, it was not long before he became the trusted clerk whose services were devoted entirely to the bookstore. All this while the young man was increasing his knowledge both of bookmaking and bookselling, and of the thoughts and contents of books. As the day of his majority was drawing nigh, the question of his own future was one that caused young Dennis no little anxiety. He had carefully studied bookselling as a business, and especially bookselling at the old store, corner of Broad and Academy. Not long before he was twenty-one he astonished his employer by a proposition to buy out his business as a book- seller, with all the stock in hand. He admitted he had no capi- tal, but was sure he soon would have some if he could have a chance. After careful consideration, Mr. Tuttle — a man noted for his caution — agreed to sell out his store to Mr. Dennis on terms satisfactory to both. At once a great change was effected in the stock of books and ALFRED LEWIS DENNIS. /^ I99 in the business. The "dead-stock" of the upper shelves was sent to the auction rooms to be sold for what it would bring in cash. With great sagacity he also devised and introduced into his business a method at that time unknown in any salesroom of Newark — the taking orders for merchandise in his line and filling them by immediate purchase in New York. Several times a week he went to the city and each night he would be ready to furnish his customers with the merchandise ordered. Of course, he made quick sales, turned his capital often, and accunmlated no dead stock. Careful of his credit and on the alert for custom, he soon greatly enlarged his business. Some- times he seemed rash to his old employer, but he rarely failed to make his investments profitable. In due time he not only paid Mr. Tuttle for his books, but he had purchased the valu- able property on which the store was located. This last pur- chase, however, was not made until after Mr. Tuttle's death. Mention has been made of the fact that when in the bindery Mr. Dennis had carefully studied the history of binders' leathers. Confident that his venture would prove profitable, he quietly invested a few hundred dollars in sheepskins only partially finished in England. He had the process completed in Connecticut, and then among the first to whom he offered his leathers were the Harper Brothers, who finding his wares excel- lent and his prices reasonable, purchased largely. In a very short time he had disposed of his stock at a fair profit and had ordered a larger invoice from England. This was the begin- ning of a large and profitable business so shrewdly managed that it led the wealthy firm of Abram Bell & Co., of New York, in 1849, to offer him an interest in their business and to give him its principal control. This proved to be one of large profit. Meanwhile Mr. Dennis continued the book business at Newark, having taken his brother, Martin R. Dennis, into partnership; in 1861, he disposed of his interest to his partner and retired from the firm. Mr. Dennis proved so successful in the investment of his sur- plus capital that he had become an acknowledged authority in matters of finance, and about 1856 he was elected a director of the same bank of which Mr. Tuttle had been a director ; he also became an influential director of the Howard Savings Institu- tion of Newark, which stands among the best managed in this country. i 200 ALFRED LEWIS DENNIS. Having married in Connecticut, he was led to examine the condition and probable outcome of the Naugatuck Railroad, and he finally purchased a large amount of stock and was elected its vice president. Not a little owing to his tact is due the fact that this road cleared off its entire bonded debt and regularly paid satisfactory dividends. In 1861, Mr. John P. Jackson, the vice president of the New Jersey Railroad and Transportation Company, died, and Mr. Dennis was elected his successor; and in 1864, when Gen. John S. Darcy, the president of that railroad, died, Mr. Dennis was elected his successor — a position which he filled with great ability until the road was leased in 1872 to the Pennsylvania Railroad Company. It almost bewilders one to think that the boy so slight of stature who in his poverty uttered those words of pluck, "1 am large enough to try it," rose finally to occupy so many positions of great responsibility in the business world ; the vice president of the Naugatuck Railroad, vice president of the United Rail- roads of New Jersey, the fiscal and executive agent of the Pennsylvania Railroad at New York, and president of the Jersey City Ferry Company. He was also an active director in the Delaware, Lackawanna and Western Railroad, and in con- nection with such men as Jay Gould, John I. Blair, and Samuel Sloan, built the extension of that road from Binghamton to Buffalo. While this enumeration does not exhaust the list of his responsible trusts, it is sufhcient to indicate the confidence placed in his sagacity and executive ability as a business man. While Mr. Dennis had been investing his fortune so advan- tageously in these great corporations, he did not forget the city of his adoption, but freely invested in buildings in Newark and in other ways helped to enlarge the city. Occasionally as a railroad executive he met with some very marked incidents. Such a one was his placing a palatial train from Jersey City to Washington at the service of the Grand Duke Alexis of Russia, then visiting this country. It was a graceful and complimentary act in honor of our distinguished guest. The Grand Duke recognized the act by a beautiful souvenir, and also an autograph letter, which he sent to Mr. Dennis. When the Civil War broke out, threats were freely made that )f the New Jersey Railroad took troops South, the torch would DENNIS LIBRARY BUILDING. Newton. Sussex County, New Jersey. ALFRED LEWIS DENNIS. 20I be applied to the bridges over the Hackensack and the Passaic. General Darcy, the president of the road, and Mr. Dennis, ont of the directors, were one whole night looking after these bridges and directing the batteries whose guns were trained to guard every foot of the endangered structures. They were sur- rounded by a mob of desperate men bent on burning the bridges. General Darcy and Mr. Dennis, in the carriage of the general, were driving to the scene of danger when they were beset by the roughs who took the horse from the carriage. General Darcy was popular with the men, and finally induced them to hitch the horse to the wagon and allow them to drive on. It was a night of danger, but prudence, courage and the well-loaded cannon brought the matter to a safe conclusion ; so that not a single train was detained. In 1866 Mr. Dennis determined to aid in founding a public library in Newton, Sussex county, N. J., the place of his birth. Accordingly he pledged the sum of twenty-five thousand dollars on certain conditions. Private subscription were obtained suf- ficient to secure his gift. On September 28, 1872, the building was dedicated, and addresses made by Col. Robert Hamilton, Judge Martin Ryer- son, and other distinguished gentlemen of Sussex county. "It is with much pleasure," said Colonel Hamilton in deliver- ing the address of welcome, "that I am allowed to officiate at the presentation of this beautiful building, with its ample dimensions and well-ordered apartments. For it we are indebted to a gentleman who is with us, who, though a native of our town, has gone abroad and prospered, and who in his success forgets not his native town and people. I feel assured that you will be glad with me to express to him our grateful acknowledgments for his generosity in the following resolution : 'Resolved, that we tender to Alfred L. Dennis, Esq., our most heartfelt thanks for his munificent endowment of twenty-five thousand dollars for the library enterprise in Newton, and that we present to him our best wishes for his continued welfare.' The building is 45 feet front by 75 feet deep, three stories in height, with a basement, has a mansard roof and ornamental tower, and is constructed of pressed brick with blue limestone corners. The first story is occupied by business offices, the second story by the library and reading room ; and the third 202 BENJAMIN SCHOOLEY. Story, extending over the whole area of the building, is used as a public lecture-room and known as Library Hall. Mr. Dennis was an active patron of many worthy objects that came before him, and was a trustee, with William E. Dodge, S B. Chittenden, William A. Booth, and others, of the Syrian Protestant College at Beyrout, Ottoman Empire. The foregoing sketch of the life of Alfred Lewis Dennis is based on an article printed in Snell's History of Sussex and Warren counties, N. J. THIRD BRANCH. JOSEPH SCHOOLEY AND SUSAN CASE. OF SUSSEX CO., N, J. Joseph Schooley, son of Benjamin and Martha, married Susan Case, b. February 3, 1766, d. December 6, 1832, daughter of Joshua Case, who served in the New Jersey militia during the Revolutionary War. Joseph lived one mile from Newton on the road to Deckertown ; he afterward bought two farms above Middleville in Stillwater township, and there lived and died. CHILDREN OF JOSEPH SCHOOLEY AND SUSAN CASE. L Benjamin, b. June 10, 1876; d. December 28, 1861, aged 75 years, 6 months, 18 days; m. Hester Vance and afterward Patience Coon. H. John, b. August 9, 1788; d. April i, 1878, aged 88 years, 5 months, 9 days ; m. Phebe Case ; removed to Canada and left sixteen children, among whom was a daughter Martha, who cared for him in his old age ; John was living in the fall of 1873, a widower; no further record. HL Elizabeth, b. February 23, 1796; d. at Stillwater, N. J., November 18, 1878, aged 85 years, 9 months, 23 days; unmarried. IV. Aaron Case, b. October 24, 1798; d. November 2, 1874, aged 76 years, 10 days; m. Permelia Howell. MARTHA LUNDY. 203 v. Martha Ann, b. February ii, 1801; d. at Glanford, Canada West, on the 3rd day of October, A. D. 1849, aged 48 years, 7 months, and 22 days; m. Jacob S. Hartwell ; removed to Canada and left a large family ; no further record. VI. Rhoda, b. January 21, 1803; d. at Stillwater, N. J., JMay 21, 1883; unmarried and "the last survivor of the family, aged 80 years and 4 months." VII. Susan, b. April 25, 1805 ; d. in 1847; m. George Vance. § A. BENJAMIN SCHOOLEY AND (l) HESTER VANCE AND (2) PATIENCE COON. Of Sussex County, N. J. Benjamin Schooley (of Joseph), was married four times. His wives were (i) Hester Vance; date of marriage March 17, 1808; (2) Mary Inglis, who left no issue; (3) Patience Coon; date of marriage October 27, 1817, and (4) Sarah (Pettit) Fox, who left no issue. Hester died January 12, 1809; Patience died January i, 1823. Benjamin Schooley 's two children, the daughter being by his first wife and the son by his third wife: I. Hester, b. January 12, 1809; d. November, 1893; m. Benjamin Anderson. II. Evi Britton, b. at Newton, N. J., January 28, 1822; d. March 29, 1891 ; buried at Newton, N. J.; m. Mary Tunison. Hester Schooley m. July 5, 1831, Benjamin Anderson, b. January 2-], 1809, d. January 1, 1895, son of John Anderson. Three children : I. Austin, b. February 16, 1839. I^- Martha HI. Evi Dayton, b. in 1842 ; unmarried ; member of Co. I, 15th N. J. Vol. ; d. during September, 1863, on the march to Gettys- burg, Pa. ; buried in the old cemetery at Newton, N. J. Austin Anderson m. June 2, 1863, Josephine M. IngersoU daugher of William S. IngersoU. Res. at Westtown, Orange county, N. Y. Eight children : I. Charles D., b. August 24, 1865. II. Bertha E., b. November 15, 1867; m. Archibald S. Welch, and died May 31, 1900, leaving a daughter, Josie E., who died at the age of two years. HI. Hettie S., b. March 15, 1870; d. April 4, 1890. 'IV. Ida Jeannette, b. August 2, 1873 ; m. Dewitt Little of Deckertown, N. J., on June 28, 1893. V. Augusta, b. October 6, 1875. VT. Benjamin A., b. January 24, 1880. VII. Frank I., b. March 15, 1882. VIII. Robert Pryor, b. September ii, 1884. 204 BENJAMIN SCHOOLEY. Charles D. Anderson m. November 15, 1894, Mary J. Edsall. Res. at Middletown, N. Y. Three chhildren: I. Adaline Wood, b. August II, 1896. II. Austni, b. January 11, 1898. 111. Maud 1., b. November 8, 1900. Martha Anderson m. James Comings of Newton, N. J. Three children : 1. Frank, resides at Newton. 11. Ida, died unmarried. 11. Emma, deceased. Emma Comings m. Harvey E. Garris of Newton, N. J., and died leaving one son, James, who was born about 1897. Evi Britton Schooley m. December 9, 1853, Mary Tunison, b. December 16, 1820, living (1901), daughter of John and Sarah (Roof) Tunison. Two children : 1. Benjamin Dayton, b. July 3, 1855, at Stillwater, N. J. II. Elizabeth, b. August 8, 1857; m. Moses Roof; see Section B. Benjamin Dayton Schooley m. Lydia E. Blanchard, b. March 19, 1858, daughter of Israel and Mary C. (Stevens) Blanchard. Res. at Newton, N. J. Three children: 1. Benjamin, b. June 2, 1880. II. Mary, b. September 9, 1882. III. Austin, b. October 30, 1884. § B. AARON C. SCHOOLEY AND PERMELIA HOWELL. Of Stillwater Township, Sussex County, N. J. Aaron C. Schooley, son of Joseph, married Permelia Howell, Permelia was a twin of Cornelius Howell, who married Sarah Bale and removed to Canada, and a daughter of Mr. Howell and his wife Rebecca Peters. They dwelt at first in Hampton township, but afterward removed to Stillwater. Ten children: I. John, b. June 17, 1822; d. March 11, 1877; m. Martha Huff. II. Elizabeth, deceased; m. Rev. George A. V'an Horn ; no issue. Hi. Rebecca, b. May 24, 1825 ; living ( 1901 ) ; m. David Emmans. IV. Susan, b. February 10, 1827; living (1901); m. Jacob Roof. V. Joseph, b. November 14, 1828; living (1898); m. Julia Groover. VI. Mary C, b. in 1832; m. Elijah Hankinson. VII. Augustus C, m. Ella Smith; lived in Chicago. VIII. Elmira, living (1901) at Centerville, N. J.; m. Anson B. Kintner. IX. Louisa, deceased; m. Dr. Charles Hand. X. Catherine, deceased ; m. Edwin Bevans. After the death of Permelia, Aaron married Katherine Dennis, and had seven children: XI. Stephen. XII. Georganna, who mar- ried Harrison Bedell, and dwells at Middletown, N. Y. XIII. Rhoda, who married, first, William Smith, and, second, Jacob MARTHA LUNDY. 205 Westbrook of Hainesville, N. J. XIV. Aaron. XV. Daniel, who died unmarried in 1898. XVI. Harriet, who married Thomas Shay of Andover, N. J. XVII. WiUiam, who died at the age of two years. John Schooley m. November 9, 1844 Martha Huff, b. De- cember 14, 1822, d. June 17, 1889, daughter of John and Ann (Vought) Huff. Res. in Sandyston township, Sussex county, N. J. Nine children: I. Elizabeth, b. August 2, 1845. II. George V. III. Joseph A., b. February 20, 1850. IV. Mary Amelia, b. March 14, 1852. V. Martha, deceased. VI. Sarah E., b. October 6, 1856. VII. Florence. VIII. Louisa, b. October 20, 1861. IX. AHce, b. November 22, 1865. Elizabeth Schooley m. December 5, 1866, Dayton Bevans, b. June 26, 1 84 1, son of John and Margaret (Bell) Bevans. Res. at Layton, Sussex county, N. J. Two children : I. Floyd Elmer, b. October 13, 1867. II. Estella Mabel, b. August 2, 1869. Floyd Elmer Bevans m. Elizabeth Van Gorden. One child, Hilda. _ . Estella Mabel Bevans m. William Dusenberry. One child, Mildred Elizabeth. George V. Schooley m. Elizabeth Young, daughter of John and Catherine (Stoll) Yovmg. Res. at Middletown, N. Y. One child, Floyd. Joseph A. Schooley (of John), m. February 25, 1875, Rebecca C. Merrell, b. August 12, 1852, daughter of Ehas M. and Electa C. Merrell. Res. at Stillwater, N. J. Two children: I. John A., b. March 6, 1876. II. Lewis M., b. September 5, 1880. Mary Amelia Schooley m. December 10, 1873, John Smart- wood Rosenkrans, b. March i, 1846, son of Everitt and Mary (Buss) Rosenkrans. Res. near Flatbrookville, Sussex county, N.J. Three children : I. Maud, b. July 31, 1875. II. Cora, b. July 26, 1877. III. Everitt Schooley, b. April 7, 1888. Sarah E. Schooley m. June 6, 1877, Edgar Layton, b. May 10, 1850, son of John and Marie (Kyte) Layton, Jr. Res. at Newton, N. J. Six children : I. Mattie Adelia, b. December 27, 1879. II. John Schooley, b. December 8, 1881. III. Lester, b. November .17, 1883. IV. Grace, b. February 10, 1888. V. Julia Hedges, b. March 3, 1897. VI. Edgar, b. December 17, 1899. 2o6 BENJAMIN SCHOOLEY. Florence Schooley m. John B. Rosenkrans, son of Alfred Rosenkrans. Res. at Hainesville. N. J. Three children: I. Lottie. II. Allie. III. Grace. Louisa Schooley, daughter of John, m. January 3, 1883, Alvin Roy, b. October 12, 1855. son of Robert I. and Margaret (Dives) Roy. Res. at Stillwater. N. J. Six children: L Robert I., died in infancy. II. Lillian A., b. February 11, 1885. III. Walter S., died in infancy. l\. I. Clinton, b. August 1. 1888. V. Chester A., b. January 9, 1890 ; d. November 9, 1901. VI. Marion E., b. October 21, 1892. Alice Schooley m. September 19, 1895, Jacob T. Keen, b. July 9, 1857, son of John W. and Sarah M. (Tunison) Keen. Res. near Newton, N. J. One child, Laura, b. December 6, 1896. Joseph Schooley, son of Aaron C. Schooley, m. Julia Ann Groover, b. March i, 1832, daughter of Philip and Sarah (Ingersoll) Groover. Joseph removed to Michigan in the spring of 1872. Res. at Davisburg, Oakland county, Mich. Seven children, all born in New Jersey : I. Sarah Minerva, b. April 28, 1851 ; d. December 26, 1885 ; m. in 1874, Edward M. Sutton, now deceased, and had a son Clinton, now deceased. II. Augustus P., b. April 8, 1853. III. Bertha E., b. June 16, 1854; d. August 19, 1872. IV. Josephine, b. August 31. 1857. V. George, b. August 31, 1857; f'- August 12, 1876. VI. John, b. November 4, 1864. \^II. Elvir M., b. August 15, 1872. Augustus P. Schooley m. August 28, 1878, Maria Harger, b. May 29, 1853, daughter of Stephen and Lucy (Yorden) Har- ger. Res. at Davisburg, Oakland Co., Mich. One child, Nina, b. August 29, 1886. Josephine Schooley m. January i, 1878, Porter A. Wright, b. April 29, 1854. Res. at Holly, Mich. One child, William A., b. June 15, 1883. John Schooley m. January 15, 1896, Mary Serace. b. Novem- ber 7, 1 87 1, daughter of George and Sarah (Beden) Serace. Res. at Davisburg, Mich. One child, William L., b. July 7, 1899. Rebecca Schooley (of Aaron C.) m. December 9, 1848, David Emmans, b. January 26, 1824; d. October 11, 1885: son of Asher and Fanny (Hunt) Emmans. Res. near Newton, N. J. Eight children: I. Fannie A., b. August 25, 1849. H- Aaron Schooley, b. May 10, 185 1, m. Maria Ackerson, and has one JOSEPH SCHOOLEV. (Ji l)a\islmrg, ()al n^- Thomas Shotwell. n. Ann, b. 20 of 11, 1791, in Independence township, Warren county, N. J. ; m. Jesse Dell. III. Edna, b. 21 of i, 1796; m. Zachariah Shotwell. IV. Daniel II., b. 9 of 8, 1798; m. Anna S. Laing. Hannah Lundy m. in New Jersey, 12 mo. 13, 1819, Thomas Shotwell, b. in 1786; d. in 1857, son of Benjamin and Bath- . sheba (Pound) Shotwell. They had one son, Jonathan Lundy Shotwell, who was born in 1821 ; resides at Galen, N. Y. ; m. Elizabeth Fitz Patrick in 1857, and had a son Frank Lundy Shotwell, b. in 1864. Ann Lundy m. on 9 of 6, 1819, Jesse Dell. b. 3 of 4, 1792, son of Thomas Dell, the surveyor, and his wife Mary. Res. in Randolph township. Morris county, N. J., on a farm between Kenville and Succasunna. Three children: I. Edward, b. about 1823; d. unmarried in the spring of 1891. II. Alfred. III. Walter K., who married and went to California many years ago ; he had five sons, one of whom is George. Alfred Dell m. Agnes C. Totten, daughter of Jeremiah and Hannah (Price) Totten. Res. at Newark, N. J. Two chil- dren : I. George. II. Cornelia, who m. John Drake. i Edna Lundy m. Zachariah Shotwell, b. August 8, 1788, d. September 18, 1857, son of Benjamin and Bathsheba (Pound) Shotwell. Edna was Zachariah's second wife. Two children : I. Daniel Lundy, b. October 19, 1819; d. January 31, 1890. II. Edwin Benjamin, b. November 28, 1821. After the death of ANN SCHOOLEY. 277 Edna, Zachariah married for his third wife EHzabeth H. Lundy ; see Tenth Branch of Group Seven. Daniel Lundy Shot well m. Mary P. Ide n, b. June 26, 1820, daughter of Thomas and Rachel (Parry) Iden. Res. at Dowagiac, Mich. Two children : I. Helen Edna. II. Charles. Edwin Benjamin Shotwell m. Sarah Harkness, b. May 27, 1825, daughter Daniel and Beulah (Estes) Harkness. Res. at Fitchburg, Mich., and has a daughter Maria Eliza. Daniel Lundy II. m. Anna S. Laing, daughter of John and Achsah (Lundy) ; see Eighth Branch of Group Seven. Four children : I. Webster, who died at East Oakfield, N. Y., a few weeks after his marriage. II. Sarah Ann, deceased. HI. Elizabeth, deceased. IV. Daniel HI., b. at Batavia, N. Y., November 2^, 1827. Daniel Lundy HI. m. Caroline A. Lawton of Cheboygan, Wis. Two children: I. Frank, b. October 3, 1859; m- Susan Eddingfield of Magnolia, 111., and has one child, Inez Vera, who dwells at Magnolia, 111. II. William B., b. January i, 1863; dwells at Pontiac, 111. After the death of Daniel II., Anna married Joseph Gardner ; see Eighth Branch of Group Seven. THIRD BRANCH. GEORGE LUNDY AND ESTHER WILLSON. OF JOHNSONBURG, WARREN CO., N. J. George Lundy, son of Samuel I. and Ann, married Esther Willson. Esther was born March 30, 1754, and died Decem- ber 20, 1836; she was the daughter of Samuel and Deborah (Willets) Willson, granddaughter of Samuel and Esther (Overton) Willson and great granddaughter of Robert and 278 SAMUEL LUNDY I. Ann Willson, who were English Quakers, and came from Yorkshire to Philadelphia in 1682. George and Esther first declared their intentions to marry, on 10 day 2 mo., 1780; and they exchanged their marriage vows on March 15, 1780, before a meeting of the Hardwick Society of Friends in Warren (then Sussex) county, N. J. Their homestead is on the edge of the great meadows, bordering on Glovers Pond and stretching across Bear Creek. George and Esther were buried in Friends' yard near the Pequest river. Their oldest son Isaac was killed in front of the house when a young man as he was mounting his horse to go to Friends' meeting. They had nine children, seven of whom left descend- ants. The homestead was bequeathed to the four sons, Aaron, David, James, and Jonathan ; but David finally secured sole ownership by purchasing the shares of his three brothers. Whereas George Lundy, son of Samuel Lundy and Anne Lundy, of the Township of Hardwick, County of Sussex and Western Division of the Province of New Jersey, and Esther Willson of the Township, County and Province afsd, daughter of Samuel Willson and Deborah Willson, Having Declared their Intentions of Marriage with each other before several Monthly Meetings of the People called Quakers at Kingwood and Hardwick, according to the good order used amongst them, whose proceedings therein after a Deliberate Consideration thereof and having Consent of Parents And nothing appearing to obstruct, were approved of by sd Meetings ; Now these are to certify all whom it may concern that for the full accomplishing of their said Intentions This Fifteenth Day of the Third Month in the Year of our Lord one thousand seven Hundred and Eighty, they the said George Lundy and Esther Willson appeared in a Public Meeting of said People and others at Hardwick Aforesaid, And the said George Lundy takeing the said Ester Willson by the Hand did in a solemn manner openly Declare that he Took her to be his Wife, Prom- ising to be unto her a Faithful and Loving Husband, untill Death seperates them. And then and there in the same assembly the said Ester Will- son did in like manner Declare that she Took the said George Lundy to be her Husband promising to be unto him a Loving and faithful Wife till Death should them seperate. ' o/nw^i k ^Mi --(. SIGNATURES TO THE MARRIAGE CERTI Subscribed on 15th day of 3d month, 1780, at the meeting-fi 7 fu^l/^ 'Cp-n^ /^^ c^v^ V f/^4 IRGE LUNDY AND ESTHER WILLSON. wick Society of Friends in Warren County, New Jersey. # -i I I I ANN SCHOOLEY. 279 And moreover they the said George Lundy and Ester VViU- son, she as is customary in Marriage Asuming the sur-name of her Husband, as a further confirmation thereof Did then and there to these presents set their Hands. And we whose Names are here under Written being among others present at the Solemnization of their said Marriage and Subscription in manner aforesaid, as witness have also to these presents set our Hands the Day and Year above Written. George Lundy Ester Lundy A fac-simile of the signatures to the Marriage Certificate of George Lundy and Ester Willson, signed on the 15 day of 3 month, 1780, at the Meeting-house of the Hard wick Society of Friends, Warren county, N. J., is presented in this book ; and the following explanation is here given for convenience of identification. WITNESSES. George Lundy, the bridegroom, aged 24 years, son of Judge Samuel Lundy and Ann Schooley. Esther Willson, the bride, aged 25 years, daughter of Samuel Willson and Deborah Willets. Samuel Lundy, the bridegroom's father, aged 53 years, son of Richard Lundy H. and Elizabeth Large. Sarah Lundy, the bridegroom's step-mother, daughter of Joseph Willets. Daniel Lundy, the bridegroom's brother, aged 27 years. Jonathan and Deborah Lundy, the bridegroom's cousins, children of Jacob Lundy and Mary Willson. Samuel Willson, Junior, the bride's brother. Ebenezer Willson, the bridegroom's cousin, aged 41 years, son of Robert Willson and Mary Lundy. Joseph Willson, the bride's brother. Elizabeth Willson, the bridegroom's aunt, wife of Gabriel Willson L, and sister of Samuel Lundy named above. Joseph Willets, the father of Sarah (Willets) Lundy named above. Thomas Lundy, Junior, the bridegroom's cousin, aged 24 years, husband of Elizabeth Stockton, and son of Thomas Lundy and Joanna Doan. Daniel Hunt ; not of kin. 28o SAMUEL LUNDY I. Deborah Willson, daughter of Joseph Willets, and wife of Samuel Willson, Junior, named above. Jacob Smith, clerk of the Hardvvick Meeting; in 1790 a cer- tain Jacob Smith married Susanna Willson, the bride's sister. Daniel Stockton, father of Mary and Elizabeth Stockton, who married Richard Lundy IV. of Virginia and Thomas Lundy, Junior, above named. Jacob Chestnutwood ; not of kin. Rachel Willson, the bride's niece, daughter of Samuel Will- son, Junior, and Deborah Willets, both above named. Keziah Willson, the bride's sister-in-law, daughter of Lawrence Decker, and wife of Gabriel Willson the tailor. Elizabeth Willson, the bride's sister-in-law, daughter of Peter Schmuck, and wife of Joseph Willson above named. Anne Willson, the bridegroom's cousin, daughter of Eliza- beth (Lundy) Willson named above. Reuben Lundy, the bridegroom's cousin, aged 28 years, son of Thomas Lundy and Joanna Doan, and brother of Thomas Lundy, Junior, above named. Joseph Lundy, the bridegroom's cousin, aged 18 years, son of Thomas Lundy and Joanna Doan, and father of Benjamin Lundy the philanthropist. Joseph, Sarah, and Mary Stevenson, children of John Stevenson and Mercy King. Ann Schooley, the bridegroom's cousin, aged 21 years, daughter of Benjamin Schooley and Martha Lundy; Ann mar- ried Jesse Dennis in 1781. Catherine Lundy, possibly a sister of William Lundy of Newton, N. J. CHILDREN OF GEORGE LUNDY AND ESTHER WILLSON. L Phoebe, b. January 11, 1781 ; d. January 6, 1853; "i- (i) Alexander Adams, Jr., and (2) William Fowler. IL Isaac, b. September 15, 1782; d. about 1802, unmarried. III. Aaron, b. February 22, 1785; d. in Wyandot county, Ohio ; married Elizabeth Vought. IV. George, Jr., b. May 2, 1787; d. October 30, 1824; buried in Friends' yard near AUamuchy ; married Ruth Adams; V. Esther, b. March 4, 1789; d. March 4, 1821 at Johnson- burg, N. J. ; buried at Hardwick ; married William Gibbs, ANN SCHOOLEY. 281 VI. David, h. October 8, 1791 ; d. September 19, 1853; buried in Friends" yard near Allaniuchy, N. J. ; mar- ried Sarah Wildrick. VII. James, b. July 27, 1793; d. March 22, J857; l)uricd in Friends' yard in Wyandot county, Ohio ; married Ehzabeth Pettit. VIII. Edith, b. September 26, 1795; d. November 4, 1834; buried in Friends yard near Allamuchy, N. J.; un- married. IX. Jonathan, b. September 10, 1797; d. January 10, 1884, at Toledo, Ohio ; married Caroline A. Rich. By deed dated March 6, 1784, George Lundy, yeoman, of Hard wick, obtained seventy acres of land from Nathaniel Pierson and his wife Ann, the consideration therefor being one hundred and thirty pounds lawful money in hand paid, and said land lying in Hardwick and being butted by lands belonging to Samuel Lundv, Charles Coxe and others. By deed dated November 5, 1787, George Lundy obtained from James Kinsey of Burlington county, N. J., 130 acres of Proprietary Rights, land that had never been located. The consideration was £15 12s. This transaction is a good illustra- tion of the method of securing real estate in colonial times. The instrument shows that John Hind had obtained on August 4, 1773, from the West Jersey Proprietors a land warrant for 40,000 acres of land unlocated ; and that James Kinsey had purchased from Hind's estate a right to 200 acres of this land "to be laid forth and surveyed anywhere in the Western Division of New Jersey not before legally located." Kinsey now subdivides his warrant, retaining 70 and selling the remaining 130 acres. George Lundy, as soon as he received his deed for the 130 acres of Proprietary Right, selected that amount of land in Hardwick adjoining that which he already owned, called in an authorized surveyor to stake it and map it out for him, and completed his title by going to the land-office at Burlington and filing papers given to him by the surveyor. On January i, 1794, George Lundy, farmer, of Hardwick, obtained by deed from Thomas Lundy, mason, of the same place, in consideration of £55, thirty-eight and one-quarter acres of land, abutting land already owned by George Lundy. 282 SAMUEL LUNDY I. § A. PHOEBE LUNDY AND (l) ALEXANDER ADAMS AND (2) WILLIAM FOWLER. Of Delaware, N. J.; of Stroudsburg, Pa. Phoebe Lundy (of George, Samuel, Richard II.) was twice married. Her first husband was Alexander Adams, Jr., b. 12 mo. II, 1780; d. 2 of 9 mo., 181 1 ; buried at Knowlton, Warren county, N. J., son of Alexander Adams, the pioneer, and his wife Ann Bellis. Phoebe and Alexander were married at the Hardwick Meeting on 7 of 10 mo., 1801. Three children: I. Esther, b. 3 mo. 22, 1803, d. 11 mo. 21, 1870, buried at Stroudsburg, Pa. ; m. Zachariah Flagler. II. George, b. 3 mo. II. 1805, d. 8 mo. II, 1829, at New Orleans, La. III. Daniel Curlis, b. 9 mo. 18, 1807, d. 12 mo. 14, 1891, buried in Adams cemetery, Fairview. Phoebe's second husband was William Fowler, son of Andrew Fowler of Platterhill township, Ulster county, N. Y. William was born in West Chester county, N. Y., of Scotch parents, but at the time of his marriage was living in Lower Smithfield township, Northampton county. Pa. He was nine years old when the British landed in New York City; he died 7 mo. 21, ] 852, and was buried at Stroudsburg, Pa. Phoebe and William were married 3 mo. 3, 1816. Resided on the Fowler farm, four miles northwest of Stroudsburg. Three children : I. Susan, b. 2 mo. 28, 1817; d. II mo. 3, 1896; buried in Friends' ceme- tery, Stroudsburg, Pa; m. William Smiley. II. Alexander, b. I mo. 13, 1819; d. 1902; m. Maria Rafiferty; no children. III. Sallie Ann, b. 11 mo. 13, 1821 ; d. 4 mo. 2, 1887; buried in Oak Hill cemetery at Pontiac, Mich. ; m. Jesse B. Sharp. Esther Adams m. 4 mo. 4, 1822, Zachariah Flagler. Res. at Stroudsburg, Pa., and there they are buried. Four children : I. John A., b. I mo. 28, 1823; d. about 1890; m. Phoebe Pal- mer; no children. II. Mary M., b. 11 mo. 19, 1825; d. when a young lady. III. Phoebe, b. 8 mo. 9, 1827; d. 11 mo. 7, 1890; buried at Stroudsburg, Pa. IV. Enoch, b. i mo. 20, 1838. Phoebe Flagler m. James B. Morgan, b. April 25, 1819, d. October i, 1893, son of James and Hannah Morgan. Res. at Stroudsburg, Pa. Eight children: I. Esther, b. August 10, 1848. II. Rachel, b. May 9, 1850; d. July i, 1857. III. Frances, b. July 30, 1852. IV. Emily, b. June 13, 1854; m. ANN SCHOOLEY. 283 Alfred W. Teeter. V. Edward l\., b. December 17, 1855. Vi. Elizabeth, b. December i, 1857. Vll. William, b. October 22, i860. VTII. Howard, b. September 6, 1867. Edward B. Morgan m. January 11, 1881, Nora Tims, daughter of John and Elizabeth Tims. Res. at East Strouds- burg. Pa. Two children: I. Lizzie, b. May 31, 1882. II. James, b. January 19, 1887. Elizabeth Morgan m. R. W. Reynolds. Res. at East Stroudsburg, Pa. Two children: I. Verner, b. 1888. II. Claire Howard, b. 1896. Howard Morgan m. Myrtle Weller, and has a daughter Leila. Enoch Flagler m. Catharine Shiffer, b. 10 mo. 4, 1842, d. 3 mo. 22,, 1862, buried in Friends' yard at Stroudsburg, Pa., daughter of Randolph and Sarah (Strunk) Shiffer. One child, I. Stewart, b. August 9, i860. After the death of Catharine, Enoch m. Mary Ann Shiffer, a sister of his first wife, and had II. James A., b. September 9, 1863. III. Howard. IV. John. Mary Ann died 5 mo. 13. 1887, and was buried at Stroudsburg. After her death, Enoch m. Hester A. Rinker. Res. at Strouds- burg, Pa. Stewart Flagler m. September 21, 1882, Medina Kistler, daughter of William and Polly (Kline) Kistler. Res. at Stroudsburg, Pa. Three children : I. Mary. II. Helen. HI. Clarence. James M. Flagler m. September 25, 1885, Alice Custard, daughter of Abraham and Catharine (Stackhouse) Custard. Res. at Stroudsburg, Pa. Two children : I. Charles Steward, b. November 24, 1888. II. Mary Ada, b. April 7, 1891. John Flagler m. and had two children: I. Joseph. II. Granville. Daniel Curbs Adams m. 10 mo. 17, 1833, Catherine Snyder, b. 9 mo. 17, 181 1, d. 3 mo. 17, 1892, buried at Adams cemetery in Knowlton township, daughter of William Snyder and his wife Sarah Putnam, who was of New England Revolutionary stock ; granddaughter of Joseph Snyder. Res. near Delaware, N. J. Four children : I. George Crocket, b. 1834 ; d. January 14, 1902. II. William S., b. i mo. 10, 1837; d. 3 mo. i. 1864; buried in Adams cemetery. HI. John, b. April 30, 1842; de- ceased. IV. Sarah ; died unmarried. George Crocket Adams m., first, Lizzie Strahan of Cuba, f! 284 SAMUEL LUNDY I. N. Y. ; second, Lizzie Brown, b.' 12 mo. 2.2, 1850, at Shawnee, Pa.; d. 12 mo. 19, 1894; buried in Adams' cemetery, daughter of Daniel Brown, b. i mo. 19, 1803, d. 12 mo. 3, 1874, and his wife Mary Hallock, b. 3 mo. 21, 1806, d. 10 mo. 4, 1880. George has two children by his second wife: I, Katharine Mary, b. 5 mo. 9, 1888. II. Amy Elizabeth, b. 3 mo. 28, 1892. John Adams m. October 11, 1886, Martha Belle Bair, daughter of Edward D. and Sarah (Meshorn) Bair. Res. in Philadelphia, Pa. Susan Fowler m. William Smiley, son of David and Mary (Staples) Smiley. Three children: I. Sarah Ann; m. John L. Dewitt of Spragueville, Pa. II. and III. Frank and Alex- ander, who died when school boys. Sallie Ann Fowler m. November 30, 1851, Jesse B. Sharp, b. April 16, 1 82 1, son of Christopher and Elizabeth (Barns) Sharp, who are buried at Belvidere, N. J. Res. at Pontiac, Mich. Three children, born at Belvidere, N. J. : I. Alex- ander Fowler, b. August 25, 1855; d. February 26, 1900; buried at Pontiac. II. Jacob Milton, b. November i, 1856. III. Annetta, b. January 25, 1858. Alexander Fowler Sharp m. April 20, 1887, Jessie F. Pither, b. December 25, i860, daughter of Charles and Mary Pither. Res. at Pontiac, Mich. One child, Irwin Pither Sharp, b. April 17, 1890. Jacob Milton Sharp m. July 19, 1883, Susannah Strickland, b. March 22, 1858, at London, Canada, daughter of William and Frances (Toft) Strickland. Res. at Muskegon, Mich. One child, Elizabeth Annetta, b. July 24, 1894. Annetta Sharp m. May 14, 1879, Gregory H. Turk, b. August 6, 1857, son of Thomas and Maria (Gregory) Turk. Res. at Pontiac, Mich. Two children : I. Ada, b. April 17, 1880. II. Thomas Jesse, b. December 29, 1885. § B. AARON LUNDY AND ELIZABETH VOUGHT. Of Wyandot County, Ohio. Aaron Lundy (of George, Samuel, Richard II.) married Elizabeth Vought, daughter of Andrew and (Hull) Vought. They emigrated in wagons in May, 1837, from New Jersey to Ohio. Several children : I. Phebe Ann ; d. in New Jersey. II. James ; m. Hannah Lundy ; no issue. III. Esther. IV. Isaac. V. . ANN SCHOOLEY. 285 Esther Lundy m. William Hawk, a brother of George Warren Hawk of Johnsonburg, N. J. Eight children : I. Riifns, died when a young man. H. Sarah. HI. Aaron. IV. J. K. V. Lubre; m. in 1865. VI. James; m. in 1867. VII. Theodore ; m. in 1870. VIII. Amanda. Isaac Lundy m. Mary Clingman ; res. at Belle Vernon, O. ; one child, Angelina, b. about 1858, who married William vShafer. § C. GEORGE LUNDY II. AND RUTH ADAMS. Of Warren County, N. J. George Lundy II. (of George, Samuel, Richard II.) married on 10 of 9 mo.. 1806. Ruth Adams, daughter of Alexander and Anna (Bellis) Adams. George settled along the Request River near the county line between Warren and Sussex, on a farm of 125 acres which he had purchased of Israel and Eliza- beth (Lundy) Bunting by deed dated May 6, 1808.. Eight children, relative ages not ascertained : I. George HI., d. in 1879; m. Caroline Moore. II. Samuel; m. Rosella Ash. HI. Sarah Adams, b. 181 1; d. 1890 at New Brunswick, N. J.; buried in the old Baptist cemetery in that city ; m. John J. Rose. IV. Permelia Fields, b. 1812; d. 1890; buried in Pit- man M. E. cemetery at New Brunswick, N. J. ; m. Daniel Vliet. V. Alexander ; died unmarried. VI. John ; m. Jane Reading. VIT. Susan ; m. Aaron Stikes on April 29, 1837, left at least two children; namely, Calvin, and George of Plains- ville, Ind. VIII. Elizabeth ; m. Mr. Barton ; it is probable that they were the parents of Elmira, who married Nelson White and dwelt near Johnsonburg, N. J., about 1857; Elmira was certainly the daughter of Elizabeth or of her sister Susan. George Lundy II. died in 1824; and letters of administration were granted to his brother Jonathan, who by order of the Court, sold to William Hart. Jr., a tract of 15 acres at $22 an acre, thus clearing up the debts and leaving 1 10 acres in posses- sion of Ruth and her children. Here they lived until, in 1841, Ruth sold to William Hart, Jr.. all her dower right. George, Samuel, and John removed to Indiana ; Ruth, their mother, accompanied them and died at Loogootee,, Martin county, Indiana, January 3, 1866. Samuel finally left Indiana and settled in Arkansas. George Lundy III. m. in 1852, Caroline Moore, b. January, 286 SAMUEL LUNDY I, 1830, daughter of and Elizabeth (Sydner) Moore, who Hved near Allaniuchy, N. J. Res. at Loogootee, Indiana. Eight children : I. Ruth. II. Alexander. III. Wesley, b. in 1858; became blind when he was 13 years of age. IV. Mary, deceased. V. Sarah. VI. William. VII. Augustus, killed by the cars when 12 years of age. VIII. Eva. Ruth Lundy m. September 28, 1878, Charles Tewell, who was struck by the railroad cars and killed September 7, 1896. Res. at Loogootee, Indiana. Six children: I. Frank, b. 1879. II. Henry, b. 1881. III. Theresa, b. 1884. I\'. Ethel, b. 1886. V. Sarah, b. 1889. VI. George, b. 1892. Alexander Lundy m. Catherine Tewell, a cousin of Charles Tewell. Res. at Bedford, Lawrence county, Ind. Two sons : I. Lewis. II. Bernard. Mary Lundy m. Mr. Chatten. One child, Ella, b. 1883, who m. August 17, 1901, Daniel Snow of Loogootee, Ind. Sarah Lundy m. James Tewell. Res. at Bedford, Ind. Four children: I. Lennie. II. Joseph. III. Augustus. IV. Edgar. William Lundy m. Carrie Gasser, deceased. Res. at Bed- ford, Ind. One child, Lewis. Eva Lundy m. James Arvin, who d. in 1899. Res. at Loogootee, Ind. Two children: I. Margaret, b. in 1897. II. Lucy, b. 1899. Samuel Lnndy m. Rosella z-Xsh, widow of James Strange. Res. at Beaver, Arkansas. Five children : I. John Amos, b. in Davis county, Ind., November 2, 1853 ; removed when a child to Martin county, Ind., and in 1868 to Benton county, Ark. ; the only one of the five children who did not die in child- hood. II. Mary. III. Almira. IV. Sarah Permelia. V. Maretta. John Amos Lundy m. February 28, 1876, Rachel Jane Kelly. Settled at Beaver, Ark., in 1882. Seven children: I. George Alexander, b. August 28, 1877. II. Clara Eleanor, b. March 10, 1879. III. Dorcas Rosella, b. August 29, 1881 ; m. John Walden. IV. Ruth Jane. b. October 10, 1883. V. Charles, b. October 16, 1885. VI. Samuel, b. September 27, 1887. VII. Thomas, b. May 3, 1890. Clara Eleanor Lundy m. James B. Walden. Two children : I. Lida, b. in 1899. II. Nettie, b. in 1901. Sarah Adams Lundy m. in 1831, John Johnson Rose. Res. SAMUEL LUNDY, Of Beaver, Arkansas. Son of George Limdy IT. and Rnth Adams Of George Lnndy and Esther Willson : Of Samnel Lnndy and Ann Schooley; Of Richard Lnndy IL and Elizaheth Large. ANN SCHOOLEY. 287 at Easton, Pa. Ten children: I. Lyclia Ann, b. 1832. II. Permelia Lundy, b. 1834; d. 1901, at Camden, N. J. III. Elizabeth Lundy, resides in New Brunswick, N. J. IV. Wil- liam, b. 1839; d. 1897, at Trenton, N. J., and was buried there. V. George Brackley, b. 1841 ; was killed October 22, 1862, in the battle of Pocotaligon. South Carolina, and was buried on the battlefield. VI. Daniel Miller, b. 1843; fl- 1894, at New Brunswick, N. J., and was buried there in Willow Grove ceme- tery. VII. Sarah Adelaide, b. 1846; d. 1849. VIII. John Johnson, resides at Jersey City, N. J. IX. Hannah Margaret. X. Mary Emory. Permelia Lundy Rose m. Thomas Gray. Two children : I. Henrv, who m. Maria Todd, and had two children, Irene and Florence. II. Jennie, who m. in 1893, James MacGonegal of Camden, N. J., and has three children, Earle, LeRoy, and Mary Elizabeth. William Rose m. in 1864 x\manda Hazard. Res. at Trenton, N. J. Six children : I. Randolph, deceased. II. Caroline, deceased. III. W^illiam, deceased. IV. Benjamin, deceased. V. Mary, who in 1900 m. Jacob Davis. VI. John Johnson, who in 1898 m. Fleda Patton. Lydia Ann Rose m. in 1855. Frederick Tilton. Res. at New Brunswick, N. J. Four children: I. Reuben Franklin, b. 1856; d. 1858. II. Miriam, b. 1857; d. 1859. III. Harriet, b. 1867; d. 1869. IV. Mary Elizabeth. Mary Elizabeth Tilton m. in 1881 William Hamer. Res. at New Brunswick, N. J. Seven children: I. Frederick. II. Anetta, b. 1884; d. 1889. HI. Ethel. IV. Russell. V. Hazel, b. 1895 ; d. 1897. VII. Chester. Daniel Miller Rose in 1864 m. Elizabeth Tallman. Res. at New Brunswick, N. J. Six children, all now deceased except Frank: I. Cecelia. II. Charles. HI. Lilian. IV. Percy. V. Jessie. VI. Frank, who m. Miss Buzzee. John Johnson Rose m. in 1870. Sarah Ward. Res. at Jersey City, N. J. Four children: I. Lydia. II. George, who m. Caroline Snedeker, and has two children, Edwin Snedeker and Retta. HI. Permelia Vliet. IV. Mary. Hannah Margaret Rose m. (i) in 1870. William Norman, and (2) in 1883. Abraham Bennett Ferguson. Hannah by her first husband had two children: I. Walter. II. Oscar. Hannah bv her second husband also had two children: III 288 SAMUEL LUNDY I. Jesse, b. 1884: d. the same year. IV. Elizabeth Rose, b. 1885; d. 1892. Waher Norman in 1893 m. Belle Stone and has four chil- dren: I. Russell. II. Lester. III. Walter. IV. Bertram. Mary Emory Rose in 1877 m. Theodore Hamer. Res. at New Brunswick, N. J. Three children : I. Arthur. II. Sarah Theodora, b. 1883 ; m. Frederick Mosher in 1900, and died in 1901, leaving an infant whose name is Majorie Theodora. III. Jetta Benvenuto. Permelia Fields Lundy m: in 1838, Daniel Vliet, b. 18 12, d. 1881, buried in Pitman M. E. cemetery, New Brunswick, N. J., son of Daniel C. and Mary A. Vliet. One child, Sarah Elizabeth Vliet, who in 1867 m. Rev. John H. Wray, b. at Sancton, England, in 1822, d. December 14, 1878, buried in old Pitman M. E. cemetery at New Brunswick, N. J., son of Rev. Thomas Wray and his wife Elizabeth Jackson, who was the daughter of Rev. Thomas Jackson of Sancton. Res. at New Brunswick, N. J. Six children : I. Permelia, b. 1868; d. 1869. II. Angelina Wark. III. Permelia Elizabeth. IV. Annie Vliet. V. Daniel Jackson. VI. Henrietta, b. January 5. 1879; d. July 6, 1879. Angelina W. Wray is the author of a volume of Talcs and Foe JUS published in 1890 at New Brunswick, N. J. Miss Wray is also the author of Jean Mitchel's School, a Story, recently published by the Public School Publishing Co., Blooming- ton, 111., a work admirably designed to encourage and inspire young teachers. John Lundy m. Jane Reading of Tranquillity, Sussex county, N. J. Three children: I. George; dwells at Dover Hill, Ind. II. James. HI. John, Jr. After the death of Jane, John mar- ried Charlotte Narrigan ; there were no children by this second marriage. § D. ESTHER LUNDY AND WILLIAM GIBBS. Of Warren County, N. J. ; of Warren County, Pa. Esther Lundy (of George, Samuel, Richard II.) married, about 1812, William Gibbs, who died in April, 1847, at the age of 67 years, son of John and Nancy (Swayze) Gibbs. Five children: I. Edith Lundy, d. September 25, 1834, aged 21 years, 10 months, 7 days. II. Morris Sharp, d. August 17, 1838, aged 24 years, 2 months, 11 days. HI. Cynthia, d. Sep- ANN SCHOOLEY. 289 tember 19, 1855, in 40th year of her age.. IV. William S. H., d. May 4, 1844, aged 26 years, 5 months, 12 days. V. George Lundy, b. about 1820; d. about 187 1. Cynthia was the only one of these who married and left a family. After the death of Esther, William married Sarah Dixon, and about 1829 removed to Corydon, Warren county. Pa. He was a Justice of the Peace for many years. When William left New Jersey, his daughter Edith remained at her grandfather George Lundy's, where she died about five years afterward. George Lundy Gibbs went to Ohio with his uncle Jonathan Lundy, studied medicine, and settled at New Albany, Indiana, where he practised his profession. He never married. During the war, he attended the families of soldiers without charge; he was very decided and outspoken in support of the Union, and a plot was made to assassinate him, but one of the con- spirators cautioned him not to take his usual route, and so the attempt failed. He visited his kinsmen in New Jersey ; and, alluding to his excellent health and splendid physique, he remarked that he considered himself good for a hundred years. But he died suddenly soon after his return to Indiana. The following extract is from a letter headed "Corydon, Pa., November 6, 1831," and written by William Gibbs to Samuel Laing of Johnsonburg, N. J. : "I live on the Alleghany river where the State of New York and of Pennsylvania crosses said river. I am getting on in years and cannot stand portage. My family is well. They started the 6 of July in the evening, and landed at Bufifalo the 15th and at home the i6th. I wish there could be som.e way for me to get Edith here. I should have sent for her when I sent for the others, but I thought she had one year to stay with her grandmother. If you or any safe person should come near this place, I will pay the expense if you will bring her here. The best way to get here is to take the canal and come to Bufifalo, thence to Portland, and by land 8 miles to Mayville, then by water to Jamestown, then by land 25 miles to this place. I live 4 or 5 miles from the Pounds, that is, Thomas, Daniel, and Jonathan." Cynthia Gibbs m. in 1834, Benjamin Tome. b. April 5, 1809; d. Janaury 7, 1870, son of Philip and Mary (Yaunts) Tome. Res. at Corydon. Pa. Nine children : I. Henry, b. February 25, 1835; m. in 1858, Eliza Jewell, and had Clara, who m. J. U9) 290 SAMUEL LUNDY I. B. Fowler; Sadie, who m. H. B. Banks, and George H. II. Esther Limdy ; m. in 1855, F. R. Case and had Theodore now deceased, and Addie, who was born June 28, 1868, and who on October 5, 1901, married George N. Mead. III. Juliette Leadeth ; m. Marshall H. Wilcox. IV. Sarah Oella, b. May 4, 1840; m. Hiram M. Borst. V. Nancy Jane; by her first hus- band, Martin James, she had a daughter Katherine ; by her second husband, Jacob Kelly, she has a son George. VI. George Lundy ; m. Ida J. Wilcox. VII. O. J., who died in the ITnion army in 1864 at Memphis, Tenn. VIII. Edith, who died in infancy. IX. Luella, b. November 29, 1852; m. Clark H. Way, b. October 25, 1852, son of David and Sarah (Hurd) Way; res. in East St. Louis, 111., and has Blanche, b July 13, t88o. Juliette Leadeth Tome m. at Pine Island, Mich., Marshall Henry Wilcox, d. February 18, 1891. Seven children: I. Blanche Roberta, b. April 2. i860, at Pine Island. II. Halleck Bruce, b. April 13, 1862. at Pine Island. IT. George Gibbs, b. August 4, ite, at Corydon, Warren county, Pa. IV. Grant Henry, b. Jime 13, 1870; d. at age of three months. V. Glenn Marshall, b. June 13, 1870. VI. Ruble May, b. June 25, 1878. VII. Rodney Ray, b. July t6, 1880. Blanche Roberta Wilcox m. 1882. William Thomas Brown of Sodus, N. Y., b. in 1856; d. April 9, 1892, at Kansas City, Mo. Three children : I. Elizabeth, b. November 4, 1883. II. William Porter, b. August 5. 1885. HI. Francis Charles, b. September, 1889. After the death of William, Blanche m., 1894, James W. Kennedy. Res. at Corydon, Pa. Halleck Bruce Wilcox m. Kate Caraig, who died May 12, 1893. Two children : I. Nellie, b. February 2, 1890. HI. Harry H., b. August 10, 1891. Ruble May Wilcox m. Day. Two children : I. Harold, b. July 31, 1896; buried on the first anniversary of his birthday. II. Ivan William, b. September 26, 1897. Sarah Oella Tome m. August 16, i860, Hiram Mullen Borst, b. August 7, 1835, son of Jacob and Margaret (Mullen) Borst, grandson of Henry I. and Lanie (Van Rensaelar) Borst, and also grandson of Thomas Mullen. Res. at Frecks, N. Y. Four children: I. Margaret Jane, b. September 2, 1861. II. Hiram Lundy, b. September 2, 1863. HI. Cynthia, b. June 8, 1866; m. January 26, 1887, James Henry Tanner and has -n SARAH Wll.DRICK, (Wife of David Lundy). C)f J()hn,>(jn1)Ui-g, Warren (■(ninly, New Jersey. Born in 1805: died in 1S83. Dangliter of George Wildrick and Catherine lu'wine : Of John Wildrick, from Ba\-aria, Germany. ANN SCHOOLEY. 29 1 Glenn Mullen, b. December 10, 1887. IV. James linxlcr, 1). June 20, 1872. Margaret Jane Borst m. January 2.^, 1879, William bjiglisb Arrowsmith. Res. at W. Wasbington. Pa. Five cbildrcn : 1. William Madison. II. Harold Kirk. III. Harry. IV. Hiram. V. Guy. George Lundy Tome m. Ida Jean Wilcox, daughter of Steven Wilcox, b. at Carrol, N. Y., April 24, 1820, and his wife Patience Akins, b. at Carrol, N. Y., April 6, [821, and grand- daughter of Alfred and Jane (Stebbens) Wilcox. Res. at Corydon, Pa. Seven children, all born at Corydon. Pa.: I. O. J., b. October 12, 1873. II. Maud May, b. March 30, 1876. HI. Orrie Orton, b. January 26, 1881. IV. Cecelia Louisa, b. November 12, 1884. V. Nellie Juliet, b. September 26, 1887. VI. Cynthia Gibbs, b. May 29, 1890. VII. Ruth Lillian, b. November 16, 1893. § E. DAVID LUNDY AND SARAH WILDRICK. Of Johnsonburg, Warren County, N. J. David Lundy (of George, Samuel, Richard II.) m. Sarah Wildrick of Marksboro, N. J., b. February 19, 1805 ; d. January 31, 1885. daughter of George and Catherine (Erwine) Wild- rick, and granddaughter of John Wildrick, who came from Bavaria, Germany. He and his wife are buried in Friends' vard on the Request river. David owned and occupied his father's homestead bordering on Glover's pond. Five children : I. Catharine Maria, b. November 29, 1825 ; m. Elisha O. Wil- son. II. Jonathan, b. January 14, 1828; d. January 7, 1877: buried in the cemetery at the Brick school-house near Blairs- town, N. J.; m. Margaret Vliet. HI. Julia, b. July 9, 1831 ; d. July II, 1843; buried in Friends' yard. IV. Esther Ann, b. January 10, 1836: m. Richard T. Armstrong. \\ George Wildrick, b. July 25, 1840; d. June 19. 1897; buried in cemetery of Christian Church at Johnsonburg, N. J. ; m. Harriet Eliza- beth Ayers. Catharine Maria Lundy m. November 22. 1854. Elisha O. Wilson, d. August 26, 1865, buried at Marksboro, N. J., son of William W. and Ellen (Vliet) Wilson of Markboro, N. J. They lived at Susquehanna. Pa., until Elisha's death. Three children: I. Alvaretta Isabella, b. October 7, 1855. 11. Sarah Ella, b. November 22, 1857; d. January 9, 1881 ; buried at 292 SAMUEL LUNDY I. Markboro. III. George Franklin, b. October 7, 1863. On December 3, 1868, Catharine m. John P. Lewis, who d. Feb- ruary 27, 1894. Alvaretta Isabella Wilson m. Jesse Lewis, b. May 1836. Three children : I. Arthur, b. January 17, 1875 ; buried at Marksboro. II. Clarence, b. November 13, 1885, in Brooklyn, N. Y. III. Ella Beatrice, b. July 15, 1891. Jonathan Lundy m. Margaret Vliet, b. March 10, 1825, daughter of Abraham M. and Ann (Biles) Vliet, grand- daughter of Cornelius and Eleanor (Melick) Vliet. They lived several years in the Quaker settlement and then purchased a farm in Knowlton township. Four children : I. George Adams, b. August 22, 1853. II. Sarah Ann, b. October 26, 1856. TIL Julia Elizabeth, b. December 12, i860; d. May 10, 1902. IV. William Vliet. Sarah Ann Lundy m. December 31, 1878, Albert S. Raub, b. January 4, 1852, son of Jacob B. and Rachel D. Raub, grand- son of Andrew .and Catherine Raub. Res. near Blairstown, N. J. One child, Charles J., b. June 2, 1882. Julia Elizabeth Lundv m. John Bird, son of Thomas S. and Euphemia (Lanterman) Bird. Two children: I. Wilbur, b. January 23, 1886. II. Sarah, b. June 27, 1889. William Vliet Lundy m. Elizabeth Ackley. Res. at Dela- ware, N. J. One child, George Ackley, b. January, 1888. Esther Ann Lundy m. December 21, 1853, Richard Turner Armstrong, b. January 15. 1823, son of John and Lydia (Kirk- patrick) Armstrong, grandson of George and Sarah THunt) Armstrong, great grandson of Nathan and Uphamy (Wright) Armstrong, Scotch-Irish settlers of Warren county, N. J. Res. at Johnsonburg, Warren county, N. J., where their four children were born : I. W^illiam Clinton, b. May 6, 1855. XL John W., b. April 24, 1857. III. Sarah Georgietta, b. Sep- tember 21, 1858; d. November 30, 1859; buried at the Yellow Frame Presbyterian Church. IV. George Lundy, b. April 12, 1861. William Clinton Armstrong, A.M., the compiler and pub- lisher of this genealogy, prepared for college at Schooley's Mountain Seminary near Hackettstown, N. J., entered Prince- ton University, took the regular classical course and graduated in the class of 1877. He studied law and was admitted to the bar. He taught school at Johnsonbuurg, at New Providence. ESTHER ANN LUNDY. (Wife of Richard Tiinicr Armstrong), Of Johnsonburg, Warren Connty. New Jersey. Daughter of David Linidy and Sarah Wildricl^ Of George Lundy and Esther Willson; Of Samuel Lundy and Ann Schooley : Of Richard Lundy IL and Elizabeth Large. I ANN SCHOOLEY. .293 and at Roselle, N. J. In September, 1891, he became Principal of the Piibhc High School at New Brunswick, N. J.; in Janu- ary, 1899, he was elected Superintendent of Schools in that city. He published in 1895 A Genealogical Record of the Descend- ants of Nathan Armstrong. William Clinton Armstrong m. at El Mora, near Elizabeth, N. J., December 19, 1888, Stella Virginia Lenher, b. at Jersey City, June 14, 1870, daughter of George Hauck Lenher and his wife Sarah Ann Macdougall, granddaughter of William and Hannah (Likens) Macdougall, and of John and Mary (Hauck; Lenher. Five children: L Marion Lenher, b. at El Mora, Union county, N. J., October 4, 1889. H. Richard Chnton, b. at Ehzabeth, N. J., October 6, 1891. HL George Lenher, b. at Elizabeth, N. J., May 27, 1893. IV. John Mac- dougall, b. at Elizabeth, N. J., April 22, 1895. V. William Clinton, Jr., b. at New Brunswick, N. J., April 21, 1897. John W. Armstrong m. February 2, 1878, Laura Ellen Will- son, b. October 31, i860, daughter of Jesse and Amanda Henrietta (Hibler) Willson, granddaughter of Samuel and Jane (McCarick) Willson, Jr. Two children: L Mabel Edna, b. at Longford, Kansas, May 15, 1884. H. John Willson, b. near Marksboro, N. J., September 20, 1897. George Ltmdy Armstrong m. September 8, 1883, Sarah Frances Reeder, b. August 17, 1862, daughter of Sedge wick Rusling and Elizabeth (Stuart) Reeder, granddaughter of Benjamin and Mary (Marlatt) Reeder, great granddaughter of John and Rachel Reeder. Res. near Johnsonburg, N. J. Two children : L Carrie, b. November 25, 1884. H. Bessie, b. August 23, 1892. George Wildrick Lundy m. January 24, 1866, Harriet Eliza- beth Ayers, b. September 15, 1841, daughter of Robert and Melinda (Cummings) Ayers. They lived near Johnsonburg, N. J., on the old homestead of George Lundy, Sr. Six chil- dren : L Edwin Schmuck, b. June 7, 1867. H. Robert Ayers, b. November 13, 1868. HL David, b. July 7, 1872. IV. Alva, b. February i, 1875; d. March 7, 1877; buried in Christian cemetery at Johnsonburg. V. Andrew, b. February i, 1878. VI. Sarah, b. February 6, 1882 ; m. November 22, 1899, Robert D. Mabey, b. February 19, 1878, son of Daniel and Emma (Stickles) Mabey; dwells at Passaic, N. J. Edwin Schmuck Lundy m. July 18, 1888, Margaret Cassady, 2 94 SAMUEL LUNDY I. b. October 9, 1865, daughter of William and Ann (Anthony) Cassady, granddaughter of Alexander Cassady. Three chil- dren : I. Leigh, b. November 24 (Thanksgiving Day), 1889, at Johnsonburg, N. J. IL Georgia, b. July 31, 1891 ; d. the same year; buried in Union cemetery at Hackettstown, N. J. III. Edna May, b. April i, 1896; d. August 17, 1896; buried at Hackettstown. Robert Ayers Lundy m. November 18, 1896, Leonora Gray Van Ness, b. July 13, 1873, daughter of George and Catherine (Smith) Van Ness, granddaughter of Cornelius and Margaret (Taylor) Van Ness, and also of George and Catherine (Cooper) Smith. Res. at Butler, N. J. Two children: L Robert Victor, b. June, 1898. IL Vincent. David Lundy m. February 22, 1899, Mary W. Marlatt, daughter of Aaron Robinson and Phebe Kinney (Caskey) Marlatt. Res. at Johnsonburg, N. J. One child, Aaron Mar- latt, b. July 28, 1900. The children of the earliest settlers were taught at private houses. A natural desire on the part of parents that their chil- dren should be able to read and write would lead to a confer- ence among the neighbors ; the services of some member of one of the families would be available, a grown up daughter perhaps or a maiden aunt ; a vacant room would be secured con- venient for the children, and a school opened. Little tots would gather there in fall and spring, but would give way in part during winter to learners of a larger size. A home-school of this kind could be readily shifted from one part of the neighborhood to another, according to the ever-varying cir- cumstances of the dififerent households. Sometimes abandoned dwellings or empty tenement-houses would be used tempor- arily for school purposes. When special buildings were put up, it was generally done by the united work of several of the lead- ing families, the natural result of this being that those who built the school-house could control it, choosing between rival teachers or closing it up altogether. This system, or rather lack of system, was perhaps the best possible for those days ; but in the course of time reformers arose and agitated for better schools with this result that in January, 1838, the State legislature passed an act which author- ized the formation of local boards to manage school afifairs, and WILLIAM CLINTON ARMSTRONG, Of Johnsonlnirg, Warren County, New Jersey. Son of Ricliard Tnrner Armstrong and Estlier Ann Lnndy ; Of David Lnndy and Sarali Wildrick ; Of George Lnndy and Esther Willson; Of Samuel Lnndy and Ann Schooley ; Of Richard Lnndy II. and Elizabeth Large; Of Richard Lnndy I. and Jane Lyon; Of Sylvester Lundy, of Axminster, England. ANN SCHOOLEY. 295 directed the appointment of examiners to license teachers, and empowered townships to raise school-money by taxation. An old school-house which stood between Levi Lundy's and Jonathan Willson's appears to have been the first building in that neighborhood devoted exclusively to school purposes. Here taught John Armstrong (not of kin to Nathan Arm- strong the pioneer; and Mr. Phip'ps, and also Daniel Vliet, who married Permelia Lundy. It was abandoned in 1838; and school was opened in the new building which had been erected at the upper corner of the road on the property of David Lundy. David Lundy and Sally, his wife, by deed dated August 13, 1838, donated to the first trustees of the Union District of the townships of Hardwick and Independence a lot whereon to build a school-house "exclusively for the only proper use and purpose of schooling and educating children." This was the Southtown school which for the next twenty years was the best school in that section of the country. The teachers were far above the average in ability and ambition, nearly every one of them having enjoyed unusual educational advantages ; some were studying law, and others were prepar- ing for the ministry. They were able to teach advanced sub- jects and were anxious to do it; and thus they attracted and retained in school a large class of young men and women. The drill in reading was especially thorough ; English grammar including analysis and parsing received much attention and was studied by all the larger pupils. There were classes in rhetoric, physiology, chemistry, botany, and astronomy. The names of these school-masters were Mr. Decatur, Albert Waterman, who was the son of a sea captain, and pleased the children by showing them shells and other curios from the Indian ocean, Mr. Burnham, Salmon Fay, who was slightly lame, but very much liked, Mr. Norris, Jonathan Cotton, who married a Warbasse, Samuel Stevenson, who had been edu- cated at a Friends' High School in Pennsylvania, and who was modest and retiring and in every respect a first-class teacher, ElamM. Smith, who was a son of David Smith of Lafayette, N. J., and Jesse Berry of New York State, who was an excel- lent teacher, but who was fond of changing schools, and taught ofi and on between the going and coming of other teachers. Three Gaylord brothers also taught here ; of these Wilberforce, 296 SAMUEL LUNDY I. who was somewhat of an orator, K:ame first; he was followed by Jackson and then by Edson, a younger brother, who had the school in 185 1-2. Then came Ira K. VVillson and Elder J. S. Maxwell, the Christian minister. Decatur and the four who followed him, and also the Gaylord brothers, were from New England, from the same neighborhood in which Ethan Allen was born. The text-books were Cobb's Speller, Daboll's Arithmetic, Kirkham's Grammar, Olney's Geography, the Juvenile Readers, the National Preceptor, Newman's Rhetoric, and Calvin Cutter's Physiology, Anatomy and Hygiene. The Philosophy, the Botany and the Geology were by Comstock ; the text-book in astronomy was Burritt's Geography of the Heavens, the constellations being traced by the aid of an excel- lent star-atlas. Books were bought by the trustees and loaned to the scholars free of charge, some of the patrons not being able to purchase books in the advanced subjects which their children were able and anxious to study. William W. Wilson was County Super- intendent ; and when he visited Southtown in the forenoon, there would be no school in the afternoon, tor the teacher would go along with him to inspect other schools ; and Jesse Berry used to tell with pride how the Superintendent turned to him once and said : "How I wish we had some of your scholars here to read for them." Berry was a Whig; Moses Hazen, who lived near by was a Democrat ; both were very well informed on the political issues of the day; and they would sit in the shade on the rocks near the school and argue by the hour. There was a debating society for men, which held regular meetings in the school- house at night ; political questions were discussed freely, and sometimes the room would be filled to overflowing with people who had come some distance, either to take part or to listen. It was Edson Gaylord who encouraged the pupils to make flower-gardens on the play-ground. All the narrow strips of soil along the ledges were carefully utilized. The teacher supervised operations so as to secure the proper general effect, and he helped shift the larger rocks so as to make the terraces more regular, while the children carried stones and built fences. It was a hard task and a long one, but they all worked with a will, morning, noon and night, and thought it was fun. The ANN SCHOOLEY. 297 soil was marked out into beds and a definite portion was assigned to each ptipil to plant and cultivate according to his pleasure. Seeds and bulbs and roots were brought from home, the selection of each having formed a topic of long and ani- mated discussion. While Edson Gaylord was teaching at Southtovvn, there was a total eclipse of the sun. He explained in detail to all the children the cause of the eclipse, using diagrams on the black- board to show the relative positions of the sun, moon and earth. He had the children come to school for several days a half hour earlier than usual so as to gain time ; and then during the after- noon of the eclipse no lessons were heard, but all the pupils remained on the playground watching the eclipse through the smoked glasses which they had prepared and brought from home. Some of the children were afraid, and certainly it was a sight to inspire awe ; for as the eclipse became total, the trees cast gloomy shadows, the stars came out, and the hens went to roost in the little barn near by. The frequent repetition of the names Lundy and Willson in these memoranda adds point to the story told about the Scotch- Irishman who came there an entire stranger and, finding that no school was being taught at the time, applied for the use of the building, and then according to the custom of those days, started through the settlement to get the parents to put their names on his stibscription list, pledging payment for so many days' attendance at school on the part of their children. He got subscribers fast enough, for children were numerous and very healthy ; but he was surprised at the lack of variety in the family names, and so at the next house, when the father made his appearance, the Irishman said to him, "Sir, is your name Willson or Lundy? I never saw such a place. It is Lundy and Willson, and Willson and Lundy all the time. You are a very mixed multitude." The Quaker Settlement was a station on the Underground Railroad. Slaves fleeing from bondage would pass through Philadelphia to Burlington, N. J. ; and then traveling north- ward by way of Quakertown or Plainfield would reach the Quaker Settlement. Here thev obtained rest and food, and were concealed in barns and cellars. Witnesses to these scenes are still living ; they remember hearing voices of prayer from fugitives hidden in the cellar, and they remember seeino^ 298 SAMUEL LUNDY I. a black mother start like a wild bird as she sat behind the stove feeding her two children when she heard a horse and carriage driven up to the door. These fugitives came in the night and went away in the night ; one morning they would be there, and a morning or two after they would be gone; they were always carefully directed to the next station and sometimes taken a part of the way concealed in the bottom of a wagon. The next station in their long flight to Canada was among the families of some Friends who lived on the drowned lands in the valley of the Wallkill river,, Sussex county, near the New York State line. § F. JAMES LUNDY AND ELIZABETH PETTIT. Of Warren County, N. J. ; of Wyandot County, O. James Lundy (of George, Samuel, Richard II.) married on December 29, 1820, Elizabeth Pettit, b. October 5, 1801 ; d. Oc- tober 17, 1880; buried in Friends' yard near Sycamore, O. ; daughter of San and Elizabeth (Webster) Pettit. James and his family moved from N. J. to Ohio and settled Crawford (now Wyandot) county, on May 24, 1837. Res. at Sycamore, O. Three children: I. Amos Pettit, b. September 21, 1822; d. January i, 1876. II. Esther Ann, b. August 25, 1828; m. October 10, 1844, James V. S. Hoyt; res. at Upper Sandusky, 0. III. James Schooley. Amos Pettit Lundy m. Sarah Ann Betzer. Three children : 1. Sarah. II. Rilla. III. William, b. about 1855; m. Sarah E. Wilson. . James Schooley Lundy m. Mariah Mcllvaine. Six children : I. Leona. II. Seldon T. III. Edna; m. C. R. Martin. IV. Margaret ; m. William Werner. V. Maud. VI. Laura. § G. JONATHAN LUNDY AND CAROLINE A. RICH. Of Toledo, Ohio. Jonathan Lundy (of George, Samuel, Richard II.) married on October 18, 1840, at Rome, N. Y., Caroline Amelia Rich, b. at Junius, N. Y., September 3, 1821 ; d. in Toledo, O., July 25, 1867. Jonathan was one of the pioneer settlers of the Maumee Valley; he removed to Manhattan (now Toledo), Ohio, in 1836, taking with him his nephew George Lundy Gibbs. He returned to Johnsonburg, N. J., in 1840, disposed of his property interests in the Quaker settlement, and married JONATHAN LUNDY, B(irn in 1797 near Jolinsonlmrg, New Jersey. Died in 1884 at Toledo, Ohio. Son of George Lundy and Esther Willson ; Of Samuel Lundy and Ann Schooley : Of Richard Lundy IL and Elizabeth Large. SARAH WILLETS. 299 on his wa}- back to Ohio. He was prominent in the construc- tion of the Wabash and Erie Canal, and was interested in a hne of packets that ran upon it. Four children: I. Elizal)eth, d. in childhood. II. Jay Gibbs, b. October i, 1845 • ^1- i'^ boyhood. III. Morris Rich, b. March 4, 1847. IV. Edith Amelia, b. December 2, 1853. Morris Rich Lundy married and has three children: 1. Charlotte. II. Caroline. III. Catherine.. Edith Amelia Lundy m. Levi Trudeau and had two chil- dren. I. Jonathan Lundy, who died at age of eight years. II. Carlotta Genevieve. Edith afterward m. J. McCormick. FOURTH BRANCH. ANN LUNDY AND JOHN PATTERSON. OF DOVER, MORRIS CO., N. J. Ann Lundy, daughter of Samuel I. and Sarah, married on 18 of 10 mo., 1786, John Patterson, b. 15 of i mo., 1760, son of John and Mary (Doane) Patterson. Their first declaration of intention to marry was made 14 day of 9 mo., that year. They settled near Dover, N. J. ; both were members of the Society of Friends. Ann was buried at Rahway, N. J. ; and John was buried at Randolph, Morris county, N. J. After the death of John, Ann m. in 1805 John Hance, son of Isaac and Joanna Hance ; there were no children by this second marriage. CHILDREN OF JOHN PATTERSON AND ANN LUNDY. I. Samuel, died 15 of 7 mo., 1844; married Lucy Williams. II. Sarah ; married Sylvanus Hance. III. Mary, died unmarried at the age of forty years. § A. SAMUEL PATTERSON AND LUCY WILLIAMS. Of Allamuchy, Warren County, N. J. Samuel Patterson, son of John, married on 13 of 4 mo., 1820, 300 SAMUEL LUNDY I. Lucy Williams of Dover, N. J. They dwelt in the Quaker settlement and were buried in the Friends" yard. Six children : 1. John. II. Elias. III. Mary ; married John Compton. IV. Sarah, died May 8, 1852; buried in Friends' yard on the Pe- quest; m. Lewis Bell; see First Branch of Group Six. V. Joseph. VL Henry Willson, died unmarried about 1890. Mary Patterson m. John Compton and had three children : I. Mary Jane, b. in 1849; "i- ^^^- Shafer. II. Samuel Patter- son, b. in 1851. III. Elizabeth. After the death of John, Mary m. Mr. Banghart; no children. Samuel Patterson Compton m. and has two children, Edith and Lester. Res. at Buttzville, Warren county, N. J. Sarah Patterson, daughter of Samuel, m. Lewis Bell, d. May 12, 1886, at Phillipsburg, N. J. ; buried in Friends' yard on the Pequest; son of Joseph and Elizabeth (Parker) Bell. Four children: I. Elizabeth; m. John Faux; no issue. II. Jose- phine. III. Watson H., b. December 11, 1849; d. February 20, 1901 ; buried in Greenwood cemetery, Boonton, N. J. IV. Edward J., b. February 15, 185 1, at Great Meadows, near Vienna, N. J. Josephine Bell m. Jonathan Hill, son of David and Ellen (^Wildrick) Hill. Ellen was daughter of John Wildrick, grand- daughter of Michael Wildrick and great grandduaghter of John Wildrick. One child, Jennie Hill. After the death of Josephine, Jonathan married Maggie Bell, a half-sister of his first wife, and resides in Jersey City, N. J. Jennie Hill m. Frank Oaks. Res. in New York City. Three children: I. Ethel. II. Jessie. III. Josephine. Watson H. Bell m. December 26, 1874, Ida Hawk, b. Feb- ruary 23, 1843, daughter of William D. and Diana (Sherres) Hawks. Res. at Boonton, N. J. Eight children: I. Lewis E., b. September 2t„ 1875. II. Harry G., b. June 6, 1877; d. July 16, 1896. III. William H., b. August 29, 1879. IV. Leslie Dryden, b. November 20, 1882; d. October 7, 1888. V. Charles Scott, b. December 23, 1886. VI. Emma Q., b. March 10, 1889. VII. Raymond G., b. October 8, 1891. VIII. Mar- garet M., b. January 29, 1894. Edward J. Bell m. March 9, 1872, Lizzie Hann, daughter of Albert and Anna (Hall) Hann. Res. at Jacksonburg, N. J. Three children: I. Minnie, b. July i, 1873, at Lebanon, Hun- terdon county, N. J. II. Lily, b. at Lebanon, N. J., August 4, SARAH WILLETS. 30 1 1874. III. Annie, b. at Lebanon, N. J., August 4, 1884; buried at Bloomsbury, N. J. Minnie Bell m. December 29, 1897, at Yonkers, N. Y., Rev. Dr. George T. Leeds, b. at Hannibal, Mo. On New Years Day they sailed from Philadelphia by way of Liverpool for Burmah, India, where work in the mission field awaits them under the auspices of the Baptist Mission of the United States. § B. SARAH PATTERSON AND SYLVANUS HANCE. Of Morris County, N. J. Sarah Patterson, daughter of John, married on 12 of 7, 1810, Sylvanus Hance, probably son of John and Elizabeth (Miller) Hance. They settled in Morris county, N. J., where their five children were born: I. Elizabeth, b. 19 of 6, 1812; m. Henry Willson, son of Gabriel Willson II. and his wife Grace Brother- ton, and had one son Isaac ; for whose marriage and descend- ants, see Group Eight. II. Catherine, b. 8 of 9, 1814; m. Zebulon Compton. HI. Mary, b. 13 of 11, 1816. IV. Amy L., b. 14 of 2, 1819; m. Judge John Moore of Marksboro, N. J. ; no children. V. Margaret B., who married, first, Aaron G. Laing, and second, John Dietrich. Elizabeth and Cather- ine were buried in Friends' cemetery at Plainfield, N. J. ; Amy was buried in Hillsdale cemeterv' . Catherine M. Hance m. Zebulon Compton of Plainfield, N. J. Eight children. I. Sarah. II. Joseph, who married but left no issue. HI. Mary. IV. Emaline. V. Sylvanus. VI. Jane, now deceased. VII. George, who went to Montana many years ago. VIII. Anna. Sarah, Mary and Anna died unmarried. Emaline Compton m. Mr. Smith and has three children, Edward, Catherine and Jane. Jane Compton m. Samuel S. Bogart and had two children, Alice and Joseph. 302 SAMUEL LUNDY I. FIFTH BRANCH. LEVI LUNDY AND SARAH TOMER. OF WARREN CO., N. J.; OF WYANDOT CO., OHIO. Levi Lundy, son of Samuel I. and Sarah, married, in the spring of 1791. Sarah Tomer, daughter of C. and Elizabeth (Webster) Tomer. They lived for many years on a farm at the foot of the Jenny Jump Mountain, Warren county, N. J. Levi was clerk of the Hardwick Meeting and on 5 of 10 mo., 1809, signed Benjamin Lundy's certificate of removal to West- moreland, Pa. In the spring of 1835, Levi with his two sons and their families settled in Wyandot county, Ohio. CHILDREN OF LEVI LUNDY AND SARAH TOMER. L Elizabeth, b. 6 mo. ly. 1792; d. 12 mo. 13, 1816; m. Zach- ariah Shotwell. IL John, b. August 29, 1796; d. September 22, 1861; m. Elizabeth Willson. in. Christianna ; d. September 10, 1872; m. Enoch Willson; no children. IV. Willets, b. August 14, 1804; d. April 7, 1846; buried in Friends' yard in Sycamore township, Wyandot county, Ohio ; m. Sarah Howell. § A. ELIZABETH LUNDY AND ZACHARIAH SHOTWELL. Of Wayne County, N. Y. Elizabeth Lundy (of Levi, Samuel I., Richard II.) married Zachariah Shotwell, son of Benjamin and Bathsheba (Pound) Shotwell. Elizabeth was Zachariah's first wife. Four chil- dren: I. Sarah Lundy, b. September 16, 1809; d. December 30, 1852; buried in Friends' yard at Sycamore, O. ; m. Jona- than L. Kester. II. Bathsheba Pound, b. September 6, 181 1; m. Jacob Lundy Willson, son of Abner and Elizabeth (Lundy) Willson ; for descendants, see First Branch of Group Four. III. Huldah Dennis, b. April 10, 1814; m. in 1833, Elisha Will- son ; no children ; see Section A, Second Branch, Group Two. IV. Levi Lundy, b. November 21, 1816; m. Nancy P. Pratt. SARAH WILLETS. 303 After the death of Ehzabeth, Zachariah ni. Edna, daug-hter of Daniel Lundy; for children by second marriage, see Secoml Branch of this Group. Sarah Lundy Shotwell m. Jonathan L. Kester, b. August 18, 1805; d. December 30, 1852; buried in Friends' yard at Syca- more, O. Five children : I. Elizabeth. II. Amy Ann. III. Sabina. IV. Jason. V. Louisa. Levi Lundy Shotwell m. Nancy Pearsall Pratt, daughter of Elisha Pratt, and dwelt at West Windsor, Mich. Two chil- dren : I. Albert, who is married and has several children ; dwells at Dimondale, Mich. II. Mary Elizabeth; m. Madison Carman. After the death of Nancy, Levi m. Asenath Wil- liams. III. Levi J., who m. Hannah Jones, daughter of Jesse and Louisa (Stanley) Jones; resides at West Windsor, Mich., and has one child, Frederick Adebert, who m. Florence Pang- born. § B. JOHN LUNDY AND ELIZABETH WILLSON. Of Johnsonburg, N. J. ; of Sycamore, O. John Lundy (of Levi, Samuel I., Richard II.) m. Elizabeth Willson, b. October 7, 1792; d. March 19, 1841 ; daughter of Gabriel Willson and Grace Brotherton, and granddaughter of Gabriel Willson and Elizabeth Lundy ; see Group Eight. They lived for a time in the Quaker Settlement. Warren county, N. J., but in the spring of 1835 removed to Ohio. John and Elizabeth were buried in Friends' yard at Sycamore, O. Ten children : I. Sarah B., b. 24 of 5 mo., 181 5 ; d. 17 of 9 mo., 1852; m. Jesse Lundy Adams, son of Joseph Adams and Amy Lundy ; for descendants, see Eleventh Branch of this Group. II. Hannah, b. 7 of 5 mo., 1817; twice married; left no issue; her first husband was James, son of Aaron Lundy ; her second was Samuel, son of Joseph Adams. HI. Henry, b. February 28, 1819; d. March 4, 1852; m. Harriet A. Tallman. IV. Eliz- abeth, b. March 31, 1821 ; d. in Vernon township, Blackhawk county, Iowa, April 11, 1894; buried in Washington township, same county; married Abraham Eyestone. V. Abner, b. 14 of 5, 1823; died unmarried. VI. Willson, b. it of 7, 1825; died unmarried. VII. Evi, b. 26 of 7, 1827. VIII. Mary Ann, b. 10 of 3, 1830. IX. Emma W., b. July 7. 1832; d. June 24. 1886; m. John Simpson. X. Huldah, b. 4 of 8, 1834; died un- married. 304 SAMUEL LUNDY I. Henry Lundy m. September 4, 1844, Harriet A. (Tallman) Babcock, b. September 20, 1819; d. October 5, 1849. Both are buried in Friends' yard at Sycamore, O. Two children: I. Evi A., who resides at Sycamore, O. H. Willets, who m. Emma S. Bare, daughter of Abraham and Mary (Miller) Bare, and has one son, Harry A., who m. Annie Stover and resides at Sycamore, O. Elizabeth Lundy, daughter of John Lundy. m. December 2, 1 84 1. Abraham Eyestone, b. January 8, 181 5, in Ross county, Ohio; d. June 7, 1886. in Calhoun county, Iowa; son of John and Sarah Eyestone. They removed to Iowa in 1856 and settled at Cedar Rapids. Six children : I. Amos Lundy, K January 5, 1843; d. September 25, 1898; m. Flora Ann Mc- Donald. II. Emma Jane, b. February 4, 1845, i" Wyandot county, O. ; m. Solomon G. Leversee. HI. Willets John, b. February 15, 1847; ""i- O) ^^^^ ^- Skehan and (2) Sadie Riblett. IV. Sarah Elizabeth, b. July 5, 1849; m. Thomas Hol- loway. V. Huldah Anna, b. October 10, 1852, in Wyandot county, O. ; m. Samuel Walker. VL Etta Hannah, b. Decem- ber 18, 1857, in Blackhawk, county., Iowa; m. Jacob Harsh- barger. Amos Lundy Eyestone, son of Abraham, m. April 11, 1867, Flora Ann McDonald, b. in lona, Scotland, December 17, 1846, daughter of Donald and Mary McDonald; Donald and Mary having been born in lona, Scotland, he on March 17, 1800, and she in 1802. Res. at Waterloo, Blackhawk county, Iowa, where all their children were born. Five children; I. Wil- liam Sherman, b. May 4, 1870. II. Mary Elizabeth, b. June 12. 1872. III. Ethzeida, b. July 5, 1874. IV. William Alex- ander, b. July 2, 1877. V. Jeanette, b. June 14, 1884. William Sherman Eyestone m. December 25, 1891, Margaret Ann Paget, b. May 28, 1874, in Blackhawk county, Iowa, daughter of William Paget, b. in England in 1884, who in 1867 married Rebecca Gaston, b. in Michigan in 1849. Three chil- dren: I. Roy Amos, b. July 6, 1894. II. Ray William, b. July 6, 1894; d. February 8, 1897. III. Earl, b. May 10. 1895. Mary Elizabeth Eyestone m. October 30, 1895, Seth Gil- bert, b. January 23, i860, in Will county. 111., son of Frank Gilbert, b. in Vt. in 1840, and Henrietta Collins, b. in 111. in 1848. Three children; I. Frank Amos, b. September 2, 1896; SARAH WILLETS. 305 d. March 3 , 1897. II. Henry, b. February 4, 1898. III. Harry L., b. February 12, 1900. Ethzelda Eyestone m. March 29, 1893, WilHani Henry Deeming, b. April 2, 1867, son of WilHam Deeming, b. in Eng- land March 7, 1834, and Ellen Ford of Wyandot county, Ohio, b. September 9, 1838, who were married November 28, 1858. Res. at Cedar Falls, Iowa. One child, Ralph Henry, b. June 13, 1896. Emma Jane Eyestone, daughter of Abraham, m. at Cedar Falls, Iowa, December 24, 1865, Solomon Giles Leversee, b. in Rensselaer county, N. Y., March 20, 1838, son of Dow Leversee, b. in Rensselaer county, N. Y. ; m. February 10, 1835; d. March i8, 1873, and his wife Katherine Knapp, b. in Rensselaer county, N. Y., May 20, 1810; d. November 3, 1899. Res. at Cedar Falls, Iowa. Six children : I. William Dow, b. October 14, 1866; d. unmarried October 23, 1888. II. Flor- ence Anna, b. December 6, 1868. III. Marquis Abram, b. October 17. 1875. IV. Samuel Tilden, b. April 19, 1877. V. Amos Cooper, b. March 6, 1879. VI. Rena Elizabeth, b. Oc- tober 3. 1881. Florence Anna Leversee m. October 10, 1891, Wright Mar- vin. One child, Dow, b. February 4, 1893. After the death of Wright, Florence m. March 26, 1896, Edward D. Hollenbeck, b. March 17, 1855, at New Hartford, Iowa. Res. at Cedar Falls, Iowa. Two children : I. Giles William, b. August 10, 1898; d. August 17, 1899. II- Samuel Floyd, b. December 17, 1900; d. January 17, 1901. Samuel Tilden Leversee m. January 28, 1900, Harriet Bell Whillis, b. January 23, 1881, daughter of James Whillis. b. in Scotland, January 23. 1847, who at Waverly, Iowa, December 24, 1873, married Alma Wilson, b. February 10, 1855, at Cam- bria, N. Y. Res. at Cedar Falls, Iowa. One child, Luella, b. April 3, 1901, at Cedar Falls, Iowa. Amos Cooper Leversee m. September 12, 1900, Luella Maud Heifer, b. May 23, 1882, daughter of Jesse Monroe Heifer, b. in Ind. October 8, 1850. and Hannah Abbott Crawford, b. May 13, 1851, who were married November 17, 1867. Res. at Cedar Falls, Iowa. Willets John Eyestone, son of Abraham, m. September 15, 1873, Ella R. Skehan, b. July 21, 1850; d. November 17, 1888; buried in Circle Mound cemetery. Rising City, Nebr., daughter (20) 3o6 SAMUEL LUNDY I. of Cornelius and Bridget Skehan. Res. at Cottonwood, Nebr. Two children: I. Mona Bell, b. April, 1875; d. June, 1885. II. Emmett Abram, b. September 21, 1880. After the death of Ella. Willets m. Sadie Riblett, daughter of Lewis Riblett and Mary Jane Dougherty, and had three children: III. Ray Lewis, b. June 18. 1892. IV. Howard, b. April, 1894. V. Glenn W. Sarah Elizabeth Eyestone, daughter of Abraham, m. Janu- ary I, 1872, Thomas Holloway. Res. at Sac City, Iowa. Nine children : I. William, deceased. II. Frederick H. III. Flora E. IV. Elma M. V. Bessie. VI. Jennie. VII. Mable. VIII. Bertha, deceased. IX. . Huldah Anna Eyestone, daughter of Abraham, m. March i, 1871, Samuel Walker, b. August 23, 1845. Res. at Burhngton, Kansas. Four children : I. Maud Ettie, b. February 4, 1872. II. Emma May, b. November 11, 1873. III. Hannora Belle, b. February 23, 1875. IV. Amos Ebenezer, b. December 9, 1881. Maud Ettie Walker m. February 6, 1890, David Karr ; dwells at Spirit Lake, Iowa, and has Effie Pearl, b. April 8, 1892. Emma Mav Walker m. April. 1892, IMurray Robert Evans; dwells at Lake View, Iowa, and has two children : I. Burrell Edgar, b. March 6, 1893. II. Anna May, b. January 20, 1895. Etta Hannah Eyestone, daughter of Abraham, m. March 16, 1880. at Lake City, Iowa, Jacob Harshbarger, b. September 7, i860, in Keokuk county, Iowa, son of Henry Harshbarger, b. August 30, 1839, in Miami county, Ind., and Mary McVey, b. September 30, 1840. Res. at Waterloo, Iowa. One child, Roy Henry, b. July 7, 1882, in Calhoun county, Iowa. Emma W. Lundy m. December 11, 1851, John Simpson, b. September 28, 1828 ; d. May 28, 1894, son of James and Harriet (Squires) Simpson. Emma and John are buried in Beulah cemetery, Belleville, O. Two children : I. John Edwin, b. February 6. 1853. ^^- Harriet Elizabeth, b. November 15, 1857- John Edwin Simpson m. October 20, 1880, Elizabeth M. Lockheart, b. January 19, 1856. daughter of Aaron and Ann Maria (Lafiferty) Lockheart. Res. at Belleville, O. Two chil- dren : I. Fred L., b. Julv 9, 1881. II. Edith Jane, b. May 31, 1883. Harriet Elizabeth Simpson m. March 27, 1878, James Wes- SARAH WILLETS. 307 ley Kelly, M.D., b. September 16, 1854, son of Josepb Harper and Harriet Tomar (Baker) Kelly. Res. at Belleville, O. Four children : I. Leeta Simpson, b. June 14, 1882. H. Emma Jessica, b. February 3, 1884; tl. February 18, 1888. HI. Josie Davidson, b. July 28, 1887. IV. Ruth Lundy, b. June 18, 1893. § C. WILLETS LUNDY AND SARAH HOWELL. Of Johnsonburg, N. J. ; of Sycamore, O. Willets Lundy (of Levi, Samuel I., Richard II.) m. Febru- ary 17, 1829, Sarah Howell, b. February 9, 18 10, daughter of Levi and Mercy (Bell) Howell. Res. in Warren county, N. J.. until 1835, when they removed to Wyandot county, Ohio. Four children: I. Aaron Howell, b. March 5, 1830; d. Janu- ary 15, 1879; buried in Prairie View cemetery near Cawker City, Kan. II. Savilla, b. December 16, 1832; d. March 12, 1850; buried in Friends' cemetery in Sycamore township, Wyandot county, O. HI. Rufus Willson, b. February, 1834. IV. Sarah Tomer, b. September 26, 1846. Aaron Howell Lundy m. October 4, 1853, Frances Cougill, b. August 21, 1832; d. April 25. 1863; buried in Sycamore township. Three children : I. Ferris Levi, b. September 26, 1855. II. Alice Ethelene, b. January 4, 1858. HI. Elma Sarah, b. September 3, 1861. After the death of Frances, Aaron m. Sydney Lewis, daughter of John Lewis ; no children. Ferris Levi Lundy m. on March 9, 1881, Maria Caldwell, daughter of John Harrison and Mary Ann (Prather) Cald- v^'ell. Res. at Glen Elder, Kansas. Two children • I. Howell W., b. June 2, 1883 ; d. March 29, 1896. II. Verne L., b. Janu- ary 29, 1890. Alice Ethelene Lundy m. on January 4, 1875, Theodore M. Fisher. Res. at Terre Haute, Ind. Six children : I. Eddie F. II. Maud. HI. Anna. IV. Elma. V. Daniel. YJ. Alaria. Elma Sarah Lundy m. November 7, 1883, Ransom W. Dud- ley, son of Robert and Livona (Childs) Dudley. Res. at Glen Elder, Kansas. Three children: I. Vona. II. Floyd. III. Roy. Rufus Willson Lundy m. Mary Jane Emerson, daughter of Noble and Mary Emerson. Res. at Myrtle Point, Oregon. 3o8 SAMUEL LUNDY I. Four children: I. Eva E. II. Mabel E. III. Lillian, deceased. IV. Willets E. Eva E. Lundy m. Emerson B. Lane, son of Coleman and Barbara (Kennedy) Lane, grandson of Jeremiah and (Youmans) Lane, and of William and Elizabeth (Travis) Kennedy. Mabel E. Lundy m. Robert W. Dreisbach, son of Charles and Susan (Beers) Dreisbach. Sarah Tomer Lundy m. September 27, 1870, J. O. Martin, b. April II, 1842, son of Jonathan and Lydia-(Reed) Martin. Res. at Davenport, Iowa. Three children : I. Mabel Edna, b. July 19, 1871 ; m. Edward Hartley Hall, b. in Hampshire, England. II. Walter Guy, b. July 25, 1873; m. Flora Love Lea, and has one child, Guy Verdier. III. Ralph Earl, b. De- cember I, 1880. SIXTH BRANCH. EDITH LUNDY AND SAMUEL LAING. Edith Lundy, daughter of Samuel I. and Sarah, married Samuel Laing; the 8th day of 11 mo., 1792, is the date of the first declaration of their intention to marry, as entered on the minutes of the Kingwood Meeting. Samuel, b. 18 of 9, 1767, d 6 of 5, 1834, buried at Hardwick, was the son of John and Hannah (Webster) Laing, grandson probably of William Laing, and great grandson of John and Margaret Laing. Edith was an Elder in the Hardwick Society of Friends. CHILDREN OF SAMUEL LAING AND EDITH LUNDY. I. Sarah, b. 7 mo. 31 day. 1794; no further record. II. John, b. 7 mo. -zy, 1797; married Jane Willson. HI. Amy, b. 11 mo. 8, 1799; d. 11 mo. 29 day, 1849; buried at Hardwick; m. James Willson; no children. SARAH WILLETS. 309 IV. Elizabeth, b. 12 mo. 30, 1801; d. March 30, 1873; in. Christian Schmuck ; see Second Branch in Group Four. V. Joseph Chapman, b. 2 mo. 11, 1804; married Phoebe A. Bunting. VI. Achsah, b. i mo. 28, 1806; d. unmarried. VII. Edna, b. 3 mo. 30, 1808; married John W. Moore. VIII. Samuel Webster, b. 7 mo. 24, 1810; d. 7 mo. 24, 1867; married Charlotte Miller. IX. Isaac, b. 7 mo. 24, 1810; married Rachel Bird. X. Aaron G., b. 2 mo. 6, 1813 ; married Margaret B. Hance; no children. § A. JOHN LAING AND JANE WILLSON. Of Sussex County, N. J. John Laing m. Jane Willson, daughter of Mahlon Willson. Three children : I. John Chapman ; dwells at Cass City, Mich. II. Harriet ; m. Amos Predmore. III. Violetta. Violetta Laing m. Elias Warbasse, son of James and Ruth (Tuttle) Warbasse. Three children : I. Amy W. II. Eva, d. when a young lady. III. James, d. when a school boy. Amy W. Warbasse m. George Miller Laing, b. November 16, 1850, son of Samuel Webster and Charlotte (Miller) Laing. Res. at Windom, Minn. § B. JOSEPH C. LAING AND PHOEBE A. BUNTING. Of Johnsonburg, Warren county, N. J. Joseph C. Laing m. Phoebe A. Bunting, daughter of Abner and Anna (Coursen) Bunting, granddaughter of Israel and Elizabeth (Lundy) Bunting; see Section A., Third Branch of Group Four. They lived on the Laing homestead between the Quaker meeting-house and Johnsonburg. Four children : I. Watson, b. 8 mo. 11, 1834; d. 9 mo. 2"], 1863; buried at the Yellow Frame, but afterwards removed to Tranquillity. II. Anna, d. at Stroudsburg, Pa., when a young lady. III. Emma. IV. Olivia, m. Edward Morgan of Cheshire, Conn.; no children. Watson Laing m. Sarah Kennedy, b. 5 mo. 31, 1842, daughter of Amos Hart and Catherine (Stillwell) Kennedy. One child, George Irving Laing of Tranquillity, N. J. 3IO SAMUEL LUNDY I. § C. EDNA LAING AND JOHN W. MOORE. Of Scraiiton, Pa. Edna Laing m. John W. Moore. They dwelt at Scranton, Pa.; they were buried at Belvidere, N. J. Four children: I. Marshall G. II. Austin, d. November 24, 1894. III. Syl- vester L. IV. Eugene H. Marshall G. Moore m. Annie Wilson, b. 1844, d. November, 1901 ; buried at Belvidere, N. J., daughter of George and Effie (Bartow) Wilson. Res. at Roselle, N. J. Five children: I. Fred. II. George. III. William. IV. Robert. V. Russell. Austin Moore m. Catherine Mattison, daughter of James and Rebecca Mattison of Washington, N. J. Two children : I. Marshall G., who m. Lulu Weaver and has Austin Laing and Walter Weaver. II. Josephine Laing, who m. Walter Weaver, and has Kathryn Moore. Sylvester L. Moore m. Elizabeth Douglass, daughter of George Douglass of Scranton, Pa. Res. at Bridgeport, Conn. Three children : I. George Douglass. II. Edna Laing. III. Edwin Schmuck. Eugene H. Moore m. Annie Couch, d. in 1895, daughter of Richard Couch. Res. at Lambertville, N. J. Two children : I. Ada, b. about 1876. II. John, b. about 1895. § D. SAMUEL WEBSTER LAING AND CHARLOTTE MILLER. Of Canada ; of West Jersey, Illinois. Samuel Webster Laing m. January 24, 1836, Charlotte Miller, b. January 26, 1819; d. September i, 1867; daughter of Anthony and Elizabeth (Kitchen) Miller, granddaughter of George and Margaret (Airhart) Miller, great granddaughter of Joseph Miller, who came from Germany to Warren county, N. J., in 1752. Samuel and Charlotte are buried at West Jersey, 111. Nine children: I. Edna, b. December 7, 1838, at Jersey ville, Went worth county, Canada. II. Emma, d. in childhood. III. Elizabeth Ann, b. August 3, 1840. IV. Robert Coursen, b. June 25, 1846. V. Jennie M., b. February II, 1848. VI. George Miller, b. November 16, 1850; d. June 17, 1898. VII. Aaron G., b. April 5, 1852. VIII. Clara, d. in childhood. IX. Ida Violetta, b. December i, i860; d. unmarried July 29, 1888. Edna Laing m. at Hope, N. J., August 20, 1868, William • SARAH WILLETS. ^II. Brown Pool, son of William Brown Pool and his wife Eliza- beth Van Syckle. Res. at Dover, N. J. Two children : I. May Belle, b. July 26, 1869; d. September 2^, 1877. II. Flor- ence Ethel, b. December 11, 1874; m. August 20, 1897, Carl Godfrey Allgrumm, b. at Nyborg, Denmark, February 9, 1873, Son of Matias Christopher Godfrey Allgrum and his wife Anne Maeghretta Schow. Res. at Bethlehem, Pa. One child, Ken- neth Laing, b. August 9, 1899. Jennie M. Laing m. October 2, 1879, Reuben M. Priest, son or Richard and Ellen (Moore) Priest. Res. at Windom, Minn. One child, Edna, b. July 24, 1880; d. July 3, 1887. Elizabeth Ann Laing m. November 5, 1864, John S. Wilson, b. May 20, 1842, son of John M. and Dinah (Smith) Wilson. Res. at St. Thomas, Ont. Three children, Edwin Marshall, Charlotte Melissa, Jennie Etta; all buried in Innerskip ceme- tery, Oxford county, Ont. Robert Coursen Laing m. Josephine Van Sickle, b. March 31, 1874, at West Jersey, 111., daughter of Aaron D. Van Sickle, b. at Hackettstown, N. J., March 24, 183 1, and his wife Mary Kelly, b. in city of Cork, Ireland. Res. at Jerico, Mis- souri. Six children : I. Samuel, deceased. II. Gertie Jannita, b. August 21, 1877, in West Jersey, 111. III. Elbert George, b. October 27, 1878; he is now serving in the Philippine Islands in Co. L, 20 U. S. Vol. IV. Elizabeth Amelia, b. September 21, 1881, in Lamar, Mo. V. Edna, b. March 10, 1885; d. De- cember 10, 1886. VI. OHvia Mabel, b. September 17, 1891, in Jerico, Mo. Gertie Jannita Laing m. March 15, 1895, Guy A. Davidson, son of William and Adessa (Shannon) Davidson. One child, Adessa, b. August 25, 1896. George Miller Laing m. Amy Warbasse. Res. at Windom, Minn. Four children: I. Dewitt B. II. Donald W. III. Margaret. IV. Webster J. Aaron Green Laing m. July 11, 1875, Lucy Goss, b. March 25, 1853, daughter of David and Eliza (Foster) Goss. Res. at Thunder Mountain, Idaho. Three children : I. Jennie C, b. April 28, 1876. II. Emma Violetta, b. November 23, 1878. III. David C, b. June i, 1881. Jennie C. Laing m. May 24, 1901, George W. Lewis, son of George and Katherine (Kester) Lewis, and resides at Yellow Jacket, Idaho. 312 SAMUEL LUNDY I. Emma Violetta Laing m. September 8, 1896, Gwinn Fuller, son of William and Eliza (McMahan) Fuller. Res. at Emmett, Idaho. Three children : I. John R., b. May 6, 1897. II. Harry E., b. October 15, 1898. III. George Laing, b. June 9, 1900. § E. ISAAC LAING AND RACHEL S. BIRD. Of Oakland County, Mich. Isaac Laing m. September 20, 1836, Rachel S. Bird, b. August 20, 1 8 16, d. December 8, 1893, daughter of Elisha and Elizabeth (Stephens) Bird and granddaughter of Elisha and Rachel Bird. Eleven children: I. Aaron Robert, b. March 30, 18838, at Stony Creek, Oakland county, Mich. II. Mary Elizabeth, b. April 11, 1840. III. John More, b. February 8, 1842. IV. Eliza Jane, b. May 6, 1844. V. Theodore F. H., b. April I, 1846; d. unmarried November 7, 1868. VI. Edna Ann, b. July 7, 1848 ; d. May 4, 1887 ; buried at Paradise, Grand Traverse county, Mich. \ II. Levi Chapman, b. March 4, 185 1, at Brandon, Oakland county, Mich. VIII. Sarah Clarissa, b. March 28, 1854. IX. Orlando Chester, b. March 25, 1856. X. George Amzi, b. June 2"^, 1859. XL Elisha Watson, b. November 11, 1861. Aaron Robert Laing m. in 1863, Dency Arminda Travis, b. January 31, 1839; d. May, 1872; buried at Oxford, Mich., daughter of Hiram and Dency Travis. In 1874, Aaron m. Hannah P. Sutherland, who died June 4, 1876; for his third wife, Aaron m. Emma Ann Russell. Aaron had two children by his first wife and one by his second wife. Three children: I. Mary Rachel, b. May 7, 1864. II. Jane Mulford, b. Sep- tember 13, 1866. III. Alice Emma, b. March 26, 1876. Mary Rachel Laing m. June 24, 1888, George Albert Hutch- inson, son of Alanson Abiram Hutchinson and Aloisa Prindle. Res. at Lansing, Mich. Three children : I. Mabel Althea, b. October 19, 1891. II. Vera Gertrude, b. December 8, 1893. III. Wendell Arthur, b. December 13, 1898. Jane Mulford Laing m. August, 1892, Edwin A. Barnhart. Res. at Ypsilanti, Mich. One child, Kenneth, b. May, 1893. Alice Emma Laing m. in spring of 1894, Harvey Knicker- bocker. Res. at Mt. Morris, Mich. Three children : I. Neita, b. May. 1895. II. Harry, b. November, 1898. III. . John More Laing m. Emma Lindey, daughter of Stephen SARAH WILLETS. 313 and Letha Ann (Martin) Lindey. Res. at Boise, Idaho. Eight children: I. George Warren b. January, 1867. II. Dora Edward, b. 1868. III. Nettie May, b. 1870; ni. Alex- ander Willson. I\'. Orlando Judson, b. 1872. V. Stephen Day, b. 1874. VI. Aaron Frederick, b. 1878. VII. Chester Augustus, b. 1882. VIII. Elmer Raymond, b. 1885. George Warren Laing m. Paulina Bell, and has three chil- dren : Claude, Earl and Rosamond. Eliza Jane Laing m. Jabez Osborn Harris, son of Thomas White and Mary Ann (Osborn) Harris. Res. at Detroit, Mich. Three children : I. Osborn Laing, b. at Fentonville, Mich., March 2^, 1868. II. Theodore Frelinghuysen, b. August 8, 1870. , III. Mabel Jennie, b. in Detroit, Mich.. March i, 1882. Osborn Laing Harris m. May 14, 1890, Jerusha King of Blyth, Ontario. Two children : I. Ralph Osborn, b. at De- troit. Mich., Julv 5, 1891. II. George Clark, b. January 21, 1893. Theodore Frelinghuysen Harris m. November 25, 1891, Emma Andrews of Detroit. Two children : I. David Theo- dore, b. in Detroit, Mich., December 17, 1893. II. Earl Casper, b. May 8, 1896. Edna Ann Laing m. Benjamin F. Church, b. November 24, 1847, at Independence, Mich, son of Benjamin F. and Nancy H. (De Puy) Church. Res. at Summit City, Mich. Seven children: I. Henry Lewis, b. November 2y, 1870, at Atlas, Genesee county, Mich. ; d. May 10, 1895 ; buried at Paradise, Mich. II. Jennie May, b. January 15, 1873. HI. Rena Belle, b. July 8, 1877. IV. Thomas Elliott, b. March 8, 1881, at Dayton, Mich. V. Wilfred Jay, b. August 3, 1883. VI. Benjamin Isaac, b. December 15, 1885, at Paradise, Mich. VII. Marion Edna. b. April 20, 1887. Levi Chapman Laing m. Zorada E. Harris, b. August 27, 1853, at Sandy Hill, Warren county. N. Y., daughter of Noel and Cordelia (Griffin) Harris, and granddaughter of Joseph Harris. Res. at Argentine, Mich. I. Noel O., b. April 3, 1877, at Fenton, Mich. II. Watson A., b. January 20, 1883, in Fayette county, Iowa. III. Earl Ray, b. March 21, 1886. IV. Lemuel Levi, b. Septtember 12. 1894. Sarah Clarissa Laing m. on October 5, 1876. Ephraim Mar- tin Washburn, son of Martin and Silva (Harris) Washburn, 314 SAMUEL LUNDY I. Res. at Detroit, Mich. They have an adopted daughter, Marion Edna. Orlando Chester Laing m. March i, 1882, Almira Otis, daughter of Edward and Ehzabeth (Braid) Otis. Res. at Ortonville, Mich. Three children: I. Lottie Maud, b. Sep- tember 18, 1884. II. Winifred Blanche, b. October 23, 1889. III. Mildred O., b May 3, 1896. George Amzl i^aing m. Loretta C. Mclntyre, daughter of Peter L. and Arvilla H. (Water) Mclntyre. Res. at Clarkston, Mich. Three children: I. Inez, b. at Kingston, Mich., in 1889. II. Bernice, b. in 1890. III. Arthur Jay, b. at Detroit, Mich., in 1893. Rev. Elisha Watson Laing m. Emma Jane Ewing, daughter of Andrew Adam and Emily (Smith) Ewing. Res. at Martin, Mich. Two children : I. Harold Raymond, b. August i, 1894. II. Harlow Emerson, b. December 3, 1895. SEVENTH BRANCH. SAMUEL LUNDY H. AND ELIZABETH SHOT- WELL OF WATERLOO^ N. Y. Samuel Lundy II., son of Samuel I. and Sarah, on 10 mo. 13, 1802, m. Elizabeth Shotwell, b. 12 mo., 1781 ; d. at Water- loo, N. Y. ; daughter of Benjamin and Bathsheba (Pound) Shotwell. They lived for some years at the great meadows in Warren county, N. J., in the stone house built by Samuel Lundy I. In 1816, they removed to Seneca county, N. Y., a section then known as the Lake Country, and settled near Waterloo, within the compass of the Junius Monthly Meet- ing. Here Samuel cleared up 300 acres, the land being so smooth that there was scarcely a stone on it large enough to *■ throw at a bird. When building stones were required, he * bought them at $4 a cord and carted them from Waterloo. He SARAH VVILLETS. 315 and his wife were members of the Society of Friends and are buried in Friends' yard at Waterloo. Sunderland Gardner, an aged minister among Friends, preached at the funeral of Elizabeth and afterward at the funeral of Samuel. CHILDREN OF SAMUEL LUNDY II. AND ELIZABETH SHOTWELL. I. Levi, b. 7 mo. 11, 1803; d. at Gibraltar, Spain, 3 mo. 10 1834; unmarried. II. Bathsheba, b. 2 mo. 2, 1805 ; d. unmarried, 8 mo. 4, 1822 ; buried at Waterloo, N. Y. III. Sarah, b. 9 mo. 11, 1807; d. 7 mo. 13, 1828; married Webster Laing. IV. Mercy, b. 10 mo. 26, 1809; d. i mo. 30, 1836. V. Joel Levi, b. 8 mo. 18, 1812; buried at Lawrence, Kan. ; married Mary A. Quimby. VI. Ira, b. 12 mo. 22, 1814, in Warren county, N. J.; mar- ried Lucinda Rozell. VII. Emmor K., b. 5 mo. 8, 1817, near Waterloo, N. Y. ; mar- ried Mary Bates. VIII. Samuel Daniel, b. 6 mo. 10, 1819; d. 7 mo. 28, 1880; buried in New York City ; married Mary E. Shotwell ; no children. IX. Eliza, b. 8 mo. 13, 1822; d. 3 mo. 8, 1850; married John Laing; no children. X. Azel, b. 4 mo. 8, 1824; d. 11 mo. 5, 1882; buried in New York City ; married Mary Rozell. Sarah Lundy m. Webster Laing. Two children : I. Ansel, who died when a small boy. II. Bathsheba, who, after her mother's death, lived with her grandfather Lundy on a farm adjoining that of her father. After the death of Sarah, Webster m. again and had a son Stephen. Bathsheba Laing m. James Rozell, son of Daniel and Anna (Burnett) Rozell of Lyons, N. Y., and had two daughters, the elder of whom was named Sarah ; the family removed to Michigan. Mercy Lundy m. Azaliah Schooley. Two children : I. Samuel Lundy ; married, but his wife died leaving no issue ; resides in New York City. II. Levi, deceased. After the death of Mercy, Azaliah m. Mrs. Shotwell of Rah way, N.J. H 3l6 SAMUEL LUNDY I. Joel Levi Lundy m. Mary Ann Quimby. They had one child, Josephine Lundy, now deceased, who m. John Webster, son of James Russell Webster and his wife Elizabeth Mullen- der of Waterloo, N. Y. John and Josephine Webster had two children : L Frank Lundy, who is editor of The Gazette pub- lished at Lawrence, Kan. IL May, who m. Mr. Spencer and resides at Omaha, Nebr. Ira Lundy m. Lucinda Rozell, daughter of Daniel and Anna (Burnett) Rozell. Three children : L Levi. IL Ann Eliza, d. at Ocean Port, N. J., November 2y, 1887, in tthe 47th year of her age. III. Mary Elizabeth. Ann Eliza Lundy m. Mr. Parmele and lived at Grinnell, Iowa ; they had two sons and a daughter. Mary Elizabeth Lundy m. Orville Fluke and lived in Arkan- sas City. Emmor K. Lundy m. Mary Bates, daughter of David Bates of Washington, D. C. Res. at Washington, D. C. One child, Edwin K. Lundy, b. 10 mo. 24, 1851, who married Myra Bella Edwards, daughter of Jonathan Smith Edwards and his wife Roxanna B. Willets of Cape May county, N. J. Two children : I. Edwin K., b. i mo. 28, 1878. II. W. Don, b. 10 mo. 21, 1879. Azel Lundy m. Mary Rozell, a sister of Lucinda Rozell. Four children: I. Lida, deceased. II. Samuel D. III. Ansel R., deceased. IV. Frank ; resides at Oceanport, N. J. SARAH VVILLETS. 317 EIGHTH BRANCH. ACHSAH LUNDY AND JOHN LAING. OF WARREN COUNTY, N. J. Achsah Lundy, daughter of Samuel I. and Sarah, in 1795 married John Laing, son of John and Hannah (Webster) Laing ; their first declaration of intentions having been made on 14 day of 5 mo. before the Kingwood Meeting. They had at least one daughter. After the death of John, Achsah, mar- ried before Friends' Meeting at Junius, N. Y., on 9 mo. 27, 1827, as second wife, William Shotwell of Rahway, N. J. ; no children, CHILDREN OF JOHN LAING AND ACHSAH LUNDY. I. Anna S., b. 7 mo. 26, 1804; d. about 1843 3-t East Oakfield, Genesee county, N. Y. ; married (i) Daniel Lundy II., and (2) Joseph Gardner. Anna S. Laing's first husband was Daniel Lundy II., son of Daniel and Elizabeth (Laing) Lundy. Daniel and Anna had four children ; see Second Branch of this Group. Anna S. Laing's second husband was Joseph Gardner, of Oakland, N. Y., who died in 1854 at Ottawa, 111., son of John and Elizabeth (Adams) Gardner. Joseph and Anna had three children: I. Lucy, who married Mr. King and lived thirty years ago at Racine, Wis., and had Fred, Hattie, and Harry. II. Oscar, deceased. III. Levi, who lived for several years after his mother's death in the family of the late Wanton Aldrich of Elba, N. Y., and then removed to Michigan where he now dwells. 3l8 SAMUEL LUNDY I. NINTH BRANCH. JESSE LUNDY AND, FIRST, PHEBE BUNN ; AND, SECOND, MIRIAM ADAMS. OF WARREN CO., N. J. ; OF WFLLAND CO., ONT. Jesse Lnndy, son of Samuel T. and Sarah, was twice married. His first wife was Phebe Bunn. They were married previous to 12 mo., 1801, as is shown by a deed wherein Jesse Lundy and his wife Phebe conveyed land to Samuel Lundy II. They lived in the Quaker settlement and had eight children. After the death of Phebe, Jesse married Miriam Adams, b. 18 of 5, 1803, daughter. of Joseph and Elizabetth (Shotwell) Adams, and granddaughter of Alexander Adams the pioneer. Jesse continued to live in the settlement for a number of years, but in 1835 he removed witth his family to Plainfield, Union county, N. J. ; after residing there for three or four years, he emigrated to. Canada and settled in the township of Pelham, County of Welland. Ontario. Of Jesse and Miriam's six chil- dren, two were born in Warren colunty, N. J., one at Plain- field, N. J., and three in Pelham, Ontario. CHILDREN OF JESSE LLTNDY AND PHEBE BUNN. I. George Btmn, b. June 12, 1803; buried at White Frame in Pelham ; m. Elizabeth Willson. II. Mary, buried at White Frame ; m. Mr. Devol ; no children. III. Rachel, died unmarried. IV. Jesse II., b. September 6, 1812; d. April 22,, 1884; buried at Walpack, Sussex county, N. J. ; m. Eliza Hart- pence. V. Willets, no further record. VI. Phebe Ann, no further record. Vir. Miriam, d. October 13, 1884; buried at Quakertown, Hunterdon county, N. J. ; m. Richard Brewer. VIII. Joanna, died in infancy. SARAH WILLETS. 319 CHILDREN OF JESSE LUNDY AND MIRIAM ADAMS. IX. Elizabeth, b. July 24, 1825 ; m. Aaron Page of Welland county, Ontario, in February, 1843; no issue. X. Ozias, b. February 28, 1830; m. Anne M. (Foss) Lundy, on October 12, 1874; resides at Fen wick, Ont. XI. Joseph A., b. April 2, 1837; d. May 20, 1873; buried in North Pelham cemetery ; m. Anne M. Foss. XII. Catherine, b. June 26, 1840; d. unmarried September 24, 1871 ; buried at the White Frame. XIII. Sarah Jane, b. June 6, 1842; m. May 20, 1872, John Myron Dean, son of Philomen and Rebecca (Kenny) Dean ; dwells at Fenwick, Ont., and has Ambertson Myron, b. August 16, 1878, and Miriam Rebecca, b. August 4, 1 88 1. XIV. Aaron P., b. July 27, 1844; m. (i) Anna Mary Sava- cool, and (2) Mary E. Ellis. § A. GEORGE BUNN LUNDY AND ELIZABETH WILLSON. Of New Jersey; of Welland Co., Ont. George Bunn Lundy m. in New Jersey, but moved to that part of New York State known as the Lake country. His wife was Elizabeth Willson, daughter of Robert and Rhoda (Dell) Willson of Warren county, N. J. ; see Group Two, Second Branch. About the year 1837 they settled in Canada. Six children : I. Thomas Dell Willson, b. February 20, 1829. II. Rhoda Jane, b. May 10. 1835. III. Phoebe Ann, b. May i, 1838. IV. Natthan, b. June 22, 1840. V. George Willets, b. September 17, 1842. VI. Alpheus Allen, b. January 24, 1850. After the death of Elizabeth, George m. Hannah , who was buried at White Frame, in Pelham township. Thomas Dell Willson Lundy m. Sarah Elizabeth Legatt of Pelham, Ont., and had two children : I. Martha Jane, b. Sep- tember 13, 1855; d. August I, 1882. II. Benjamin, b. Decem- ber 28, 1861. Thomas settled at Marburg, Ont., in 1873. Martha Jane Lundy m. in 1879, Richard Alonzo McBride. Res. at Marburg, Ont. One child, Frances Leota, b. July 22, 1882. Benjamin Lundy m. September 22, 1897, Hannah Alwilda Alarr. b. August 27, 1875. Res. at Marburg. Ont. One child, ' '^ Allen Benjamin, b. July 28, 1899. ,jr^. f. 320 SAMUEL LUNDY I. Rhoda Jane Lundy m. September 20, i860, Benjamin House of Bertie township, Welland county, Ont. Benjamin and Rhoda removed from Welland county to Norfolk county in 1868, and thence to Western Ontario in 1874, and later to Michigan. Several children, four of whom were born before 1874: I. Rebecca Ann, b. September 28, 1861. II. Henry Willis. III. Joseph. IV. Minerva Jane. Phoebe Ann Lundy m. William Johnston in 1859 and died in 1861, leaving a daughter Phoebe Ann, who is now married and resides in Indiana or Illinois. George Willets Lundy is married and has one or more chil- dren ; resides at Fonthill, Ont. Alpheus Allen Lundy m. Mercy Ward, daughter of Nehe- miah and Mercy (Beckett) Ward; resides at Fenwick, Ont. § B. JESSE LUNDY IL AND ELIZA HARTPENCE. Of Sussex Co., N. J. Jesse Lundy, Jr., married Eliza Hartpence, b. March 23, 1817; d. April 25, 1864; buried at Walpack, daughter of Elijah and Mary Ellen Hartpence. Jesse moved to Sussex county, N. J., about 1844. Thirteen children : I. Mary Ellen, b. Novem- ber 6, 1837; d. January 13, 1843. II. Julia Ann, b. October 26, 1838. III. George, b. February 21, 1840". IV. William C., b. September 29, 1841. V. Elizabeth, b. March 21, 1843. VI. Amos, b. September 21, 1844; d. April 24, 1885. VII. Savilla, b. March 20. 1846. VIII. Elijah Hartpence, b. Janu- ary 28, 1848. IX. Isaac, b. September 25, 1849. X. Peter, b. September 29, 185 1 ; d. March 26, 1862. XL James M., b. April 28, 1853. XII. Aaron, b. December 15, 1854. XIII. Phebe, b. May 13, 1856; m. Wilham C. Morse; dwells at Wee- hauken, N. J. Julia Ann Lundy m. Andrew Losey. Res at Plymouth, Iowa. Four children: I. William. II. Frank. III. Ella. IV. Jesse. George Lundy m. Jennie Sheets, daughter of Samuel and Elizabeth Sheets. Res. at Montague, N. J. Two children : I. Bessie. II. Louis D. William C. Lundy m. Margaret Snook. Two children : I. Eddie. II. Mabel, deceased. Elizabeth Lundy m. Seth W. Sigler. Res at Hainesville, N. J. Two children: I. Jesse L. II. Samuel T. SARAH WILLETS. 32 1 Amos Lundy m. Emma Terwilliger. Two children : I. Eugene. II. Josephine. Savilla Lundy m. Townsend Westbrook. Res. at Port Jervis, N. Y. Three children : I. Clarence. II. Allen. III. Harriet. Elijah Hartpence Lundy m. Catherine Bevans; res. at Centreville, N. J., and has a daughter Lilly. Isaac Lundy m. Anna Ormiston. Res. at Port Jervis, N. Y, Four children: I. Jennie. II. Solon W. III. Olive Leona. IV. Kathreen Ormiston. James M. Lundy m. Lizzie Cole; res. at Port Jervis, N. Y., and has a son Abraham. Aaron Lundy m. July 3, 1875, Margaret Sutton, daughter of Joseph and Sarah (Riffenbury) Sutton. Res. at Newark, N. J. Two children: I. Sylvester Jesse, b. at Hackettstown, N. J. II. Minnie Belle, b. at Mt. Olive, Morris county, N. J. Minnie Belle Lundy m. August 4, 1897, Charles Elmer Bradford. § C. MIRIAM LUNDY AND RICHARD BREWER. Of Hunterdon County, N. J. Miriam Lundy m. October i, 1842, Richard Brewer, d. De- cember 8, 1889; buried at Quakertown, N. J., son of William Brewer. Res. near Quakertown, N. J. Eight children : I. Phebe Ann, b. August 29, 1843. H- ^my W., b. January 7. 1845. Ill- James W., b. November 15. 1846; d. June 15, 1856. IV. Aaron H., b. October 31, 1848. V. Wilhs L., b. September 28, 1850. Vr. Wesley Robinson, b. January 24, 1852; d. 1896. VII. Charles Wolverton, b. May 15, 1854. VIII. EHza I., b. November 17, 1856. Charles Wolverton Brewer m. Arabella T. Scott, b. 1862, daughter of George Warner and Mary Ray (Trout) Scott. Res. near Quakertown, N. J. Three chilldren : I. Mabel Vavavia, b. 1886. II. Alva Harrison, b. 1889. III. Ines Velvia, b. 1891. § D. JOSEPH A. LUNDY AND ANNE M. FOSS. Of Welland County, Ont. Joseph A. Lundy m. January 30, 1861, Anne Margaret Foss, of Pelham, Ont., who died December 22, 1899, at Binghamton, N. Y. Anne was the daughter of Daniel and Margaret (Brown) Foss, and granddaughter of Moses and Abi (Rice) (21) 32 2 SAMUEL LUNDY I. Foss. Res. two miles south of Fenwick, in Township of Pel- ham. Three children : I. Alfred Pharez, b. December 8, 1865, in Welland county, Ontario. II. Franklin Joseph, b. March 6, 1867. III. Huldah Louisa, b. February 8,. 1870; m. George F. Holmes ; dwells at Alberta, Canada. Alfred Pharez Lundy m. June 7, 1893, Myrta Jane Lloyd, b. October 16, 1868, daughter of Edwin Godfrey and Henrietta Eugenia (Tennant) Lloyd. Res. at Binghamton, N. Y. Two children : I. Nina Josephine, Ix July 6, 1894. IT. Lloyd Llew- ellyn, b. November 13, 1895. Franklin Joseph Lundy m. September 27, 1893, Nellie Maud Page, daughter of John Kilman Page and his wife Jane Chap- man. Res. at Chantler, Out. , . § E. AARON p. LUNDY AND (l) ANNA M. SAVACOOL, AND (2) MARY E. ELLIS. Of Binghamton, N. Y. Aaron P. Lundy left Canada, March 3, 1869, ^^^ the land of his forefathers and spent several years in New Jersey and finally settled at Binghamton, N. Y., in April, 1884. He mar- ried Anna Mary, daughter of Philip and Mary (Savacool) Savacool. They had one child : I. William Edgar, b. in Hackettstown, N. J., July 14, 1872. After tthe death of Anna, Aaron married Mary E. Ellis, daughter of George W. and Martha R. (Mills) Ellis, and had four children. II. Grace Addie, b.'in Hackettstown, N. J., January 28, 1877. TIL Jesse, b. April 2. 1883, and d. the following August. IV. Gladys, b. in Binghamton, N. Y., October 14, 1892. . V. Charles Wesley Horton, b. January 16, 1896. William Edgar Lundy m. August 3, 1892, Anna May Old- field, b. April 12, 1874, daughter of James Charles and Mary (Haynes) Oldfield. Res. at Binghamton, N. Y. Two chil- dren : I. Glen Evans, b. September 8, 1893. II. Harold Walter, b. July 15, 1896. V SARAH WILLETS. 323 TENTH BRANCH. SARAH LUNDY AND SAMUEL LUNDY. OF ALLAMUCHY, WAKKEN CO., N. J. Sarah Lundy. daughter of Samuel T. and Sarah, ni. in 1798 in Warren county, N. J., Samuel Lundy (called Samuel of Muncey), son of Samuel and Sarah (Webster) Lundy, and grandson of Richard Lundy IIL They dwelt near Friends' Meeting-house in AUamuchy township, Warren county. New Jersey. They had eight chil- dren : see Section C, First Branch, Group One. ELEVENTH BRANCH. AMY LUNDY AND JOSEPH ADAMS. OF ALLAMUCHY, WARREN CO., N. J. Amy Lundy, daughter of Samuel L and Sarah, married Joseph Adams of Knowlton township, Warren county, N. J., son of Alexander Adams, the pioneer ; Joseph died before the year 1840. CHILDREN OF JOSEPH ADAMS AND AMY LUNDY. L Elizabeth, born 9 of 6 mo., 1805 ; died unmarried. IL Edith, born 13 of 5 mo., 1807; died 17 of 6 mo., 1845; buried at Hardwick ; married William White. in. Jesse Lundy, born 5 of 5 mo., 1809, in Knowlton town- ship; died I of 7 mo., 1896; buried in Friends' yard at Hardwick ; married Sarah B. Lundy. IV. Samuel, born 11 of 5 mo., 181 1; married Hannah, daughter of John Lundy ; no issue. 324 SAMUEL LUNDY I. V. Emmor Kimber, born 19 of 5 mo., 1816; married Eliza- beth G. Loder. VI. Sarah, born 28 of 6 mo., 1818; died unmarried. VII. Levi; married Sarah, daughter of Robert Blair; no issue. VIII. Joel; married Miss Winter; no issue. IX. John Ouincy; married and dwelt at Minburn, Iowa; no issue. Edith Adams m. William White, buried in Friends' yard at Shrewsbury, N. J., son of and Phebe (Parker) White. Three children: I. Clarence, b. 11 mo. i, 1831 ; lived near Shrewsbury, N. J. ; d. unmarried 10 mo. 19, 1894. II. Phebe. III. Amy. Phebe White m. October 13, 1867, at Red Bank, N. J., John Dwyer, son of Richard and Johanna (King) Dwyer. Res. at Ocean Port, N. J. Three children : I. Caroline, b. February 27, 1870, at Shrewsbur}'. N. J. II. Estella, b. May 7, 1872, at Ocean Port. III. William, b. December 28, 1874, at Ocean Port. Estella Dwyer m. May 5. 1895, Edward Moran, son of Morgan Moran of Matawan. N. J. Two children: I. Nellie. II. Edna. Jesse Lundy Adams m. March 12, 1835, Sarah B. Lundy, daughter of John and Elizabeth (Willson) Lundy, grand- daughter of Levi and Sarah (Tomer) Lundy; see Section A, Fifth Branch. Res. between Johnsonburg and Allamuchy, N. J. Seven children: I. Elizabeth, b. 2 mo. 29. 1836; d. same year. II. Joseph, b. 12 mo. 12, 1838; d. i mo. 13, 1864. III. Amy Lundy, b. ii mo. 17, 1840; d. 10 mo. 24, 1876. IV. Elma W., b. 12 mo. 7, 1842; d. 7 mo. 12, 1861. V. Amos, b. i mo. 26, 1845 '■> tl- T mo. 14, 1846. VI. John Lundy, b. 7 mo. 5, 1847. VII. Huldah Ann, b. 8 mo. 27, 1850: d. 4 mo. 19, 1854. After the death of Sarah, Jesse m. in 1871, Lydia Brotherton, daughter of Richard Brotherton of Dover, N. J. ; no children. Amy Lundy Adams m. Josephus Rhodes, who died 5 mo. 24,1881. Two children : I. Lincoln J. II. Luella. Lincoln J. Rhodes m. Mary Baker and has three children : I. Helen. II. Richard. III.' Ralph. Luella Rhodes m. William Hamilton, resides near Quaker Meeting-house and has a daughter Ethel. SARAH WILLETS. 325 John Lundy Adams m. Harriet Till, daughter of Joel and EHzabeth (Hazen) Till. Three children : 1. Elnia, deceased. II. Caroline L., deceased. Ill, Sarah, who m. George Mott Harden, son of Edwin J. and Emma (Snyder) Harden. Emmor Kimber Adams m. Elizabeth Gardiner Lodcr, daughter of Samuel and Rachel (Gardiner) Loder of Belvi- dere, N. J. Res. at Belvidere for a time, but afterward removed to New York City. Seven children : I. Caroline. II. Sarah A. HI. Rachel. IV. George. V. Henrietta. VI. Emmor K.. Jr., resides at Cranford, N. J. VII. Charles, d. when four- teen months old. Sarah A. Adams m. Benjamin Franklin Tuthill. Res. at Montclair, N. J. Five children : I. Florence. II. Anne. HI. James Albert. IV. Frank Libby. V. Irving Adams. Rachel Adams m. Henry W. Jackson, deceased. Res. at Bogata, N. J. Four children : I. Grace Sherwood, who m. Luciano Saintos Rubira. II. Emmor Adams. III. Henry W. IV. Frederick Arthur. George Adams m. Julia Lowerre. Res. in Brooklyn, N. Y. Three children : I. Charles Henry. II. Alice. HI. George. Henrietta Adams m. first, Frank M. Libby, and, second, Stanley Beckwith Tyler. By her first husband Henrietta had one daughter, Helen Louise Libby, who m. Alexander McKim Barton. GROUP EIGHT. THE DESCENDANTS OF Elizabeth Lundy Wife of Gabriel Willson. Of Warren County, New Jersey. Born in 1730; Died in 181 i. LINEAGE. 1. Sylvester Lundy of Axminster, England. 2. Richard Lundy L and Jane Lyon, of Bucks Co., Pa. 3. Richard Lundy II. and Elizabeth Large, of Warren Co., N.J 4. Elizabeth Lundy and Gabriel Willson I., of Warren Co., N.J. The line then divides into five branches : I. Charity Willson and Henry Willets. II. Elizabeth Willson and Samuel Schooley II. III. Daniel Willson and Ann Dennis. IV. Gabriel Willson II. and Grace Brotherton. V. Jesse Willson and Ann Shotwell. ^x\'^\\^\v^\\^w^x\m.x\'« Elizabeth Lundy whose name stands at the beginning of this Group was born in Bucks county. Pa., the 10 day of 3 mo., 1730; and died in Warren county, N. J., on 25 day of 5 mo., 181 1. In 1748, she was married, according to the cere- mony of the Society of Friends, to Gabriel Willson I., both parties being at that time under the care of the Kingwood (now Quakertown) Monthly Meeting in Hunterdon county, N. J. ELIZABETH LUNDY. 327 Gabriel, her husband, was born 23 day 7 mo., 1725, and died 28 day of 10 mo., 1805 ; he was the son of Samuel and Esther (Overton) Willson and grandson of Robert and Ann Willson. They settled on the great meadows along the Pequest river near Allamuchy, Warren county, N. J. THE CHILDREN OF GABRIEL WILLSON I. AND ELIZABETH LUNDY. I. Charity, born 6 of 11, 1749; married Henry Willets. II. Elizabeth, born 7 of 8, 175 1 ; married Samuel Schooley 11. III. Robert, born 26 of 8, 1753; died in Kentucky in 1816; i married Mary Heaton in 1775; no further record. IV. Jemima, born 26 of 9, 1755 ; died in 1803, unmarried. V. Daniel, b. 19 of i, 1758; died 29 of 4, 1807, in Pelham township, Welland county, Ontario; married Ann Dennis. VI. Gabriel 11. , born October 29, 1759; died 10 of 3, 1816; buried at Hardwick ; married Grace Brotherton. VII. Margaret, born 24 of 4, 1761 ; died in childhood. VIII. Ann, born 12 of 5, 1763 ; died 6th day of loth mo., 1815 ; buried at Hardwick; married William Vliet in 1789; no further record. IX. John, born 6 of 10, 1765; died in childhood. X. Jesse, born 27 of 9, 1766; died 2 of 6, 1845, i" Pelham township, Welland county, Ontario; married Anna Shotwell. XL Isaiah, born i of i, 1769; died in childhood. XII. Jeremiah, born 10 of 8, 1771 ; died in Indiana in 1827; married Joanna Moore of Woodbridge, N. J. ; and on II of 4, 1793, requested for himself and wife a certifi- cate of membership to Westland, Pa. ; no further record. 328 GABRIEL WILLSON. FIRST BRANCH. CHARITY WILLSON AND HENRY WILLETS. OF NEW jersey; of FORSYTH CO.^ N. C. Charity Willson, daughter of Gabriel I., married in Warren county, N. J., Henry Willets, they having made their first dec- laration of intention to marry before the Kingwood (now Quakertown) Monthly Meeting, Hunterdon county, N. J., on 14 day of 7 mo., 1768. They remained under the care of that Meeting for seventeen years; but on 11 day of 8 mo., 1785, Henry asked a certificate of removal for himself and his wife and their eight children to the Deep River Monthly Meeting in North Carolina. The family went South and settled in Stokes county, N. C, one of the northern tier of counties bordering on Virginia. Danbury is the county-seat of Stokes ; and a correspondent of mine who lives in that town says that there are two deeds bearing the Willets name recorded in the office of the Registrar of Deeds, one dated 1802, and given by Elizabeth Pike to Gabriel Willets for land on Muddy Creek; the other dated 1804 and given by Gabriel Willets to David Phillips for land on the Middle Fork of Muddy Creek ; said tracts now lie in Forsyth county which was organized about 1850. Richard Lundy H. of Warren county, N. J., in his last will gives a small legacy to Charity Willets, his granddaughter. children of HENRY WILLETS AND CHARITY WILLSON. I. Sarah. II. Gabriel. III. Ann. IV. Elizabeth. ,: V. Margaret. ] VI. Newel. | VII. Achsah. VIII. Mary. No further information concerning this Branch. ELIZABETH LUNDY. 329 SECOND BRANCH. ELIZABETH WILLSON AND SAMUEL SCHOOLEY IL OF NEW jersey; of VIRGINIA. Elizabeth Willson, daughter of Gabriel I., married Samuel Schooley II., son of Samuel and Avis (Hollovvay) Schooley. This was in 1770, the parties having declared their intention of marriage on 13 day 9 mo. of that year before the Kingwood (now Quakertown) Monthly Meeting, Hunterdon county, N.J. He decided to settle in the South, and on 1 1 day of 8 mo., 1785, he requested from the Kingwood Meeting a certificate of removal to the Deep River Monthly Meeting, N. C. The record names himself, his wife Elizabeth, and their five chil- dren. It is said that the family settled in Grayson county, Va., which being one of the southern tier of counties and bordering on North Carolina, was probably within the jurisdiction of the Deep River Meeting. CHILDREN OF SAMUEL SCHOOLEY II. AND ELIZABETH WILLSON. I. Leah. II. Margaret. III. James. IV. John. V. Samuel. No further record of this Branch. SSO GABRIEL WILLSON. THIRD BRANCH. DANIEL WILLSON AND ANN DENNIS. OF PELHAM TOWNSHIP^ WELLAND COUNTY, ONTARIO. Daniel Willson, son of Gabriel and Elizabeth (Lundy) Will- son, married in 1780 Ann Deiinis, born October 11, 1758, died August 2y, 181 3, daughter of Joseph and Hannah (Lewis) Dennis of Warren county, N. J. Daniel and Ann settled in Warren county, N. J., and had nine children. On the 2nd day of 4th month, 1801, Daniel requested from the Hardwick Monthly Meeting a certificate of membership for himself, his wife Ann, and their children as named in the list below. The family removed to Canada, and settled in the Township of Pel- ham, County of Welland. CHILDREN OF DANIEL WILLSON AND ANN DENNIS. L Hannah, n. Isaac; m. Phebe Shotwell, daughter of William and Elizabeth (Pound) Shotwell. HI. Lewis. IV. Elizabeth. V. Joseph. VI. Sarah, born in 1790; died April 24, 1813; married Benjamin Birdsall. VII. Margaret. VIII. Anne. IX. Edith. No further record of any of these children except Sarah. Sarah Willson married Benjamin Birdsall, a minster in the Society of Friends, who was born January 3, 1783, and died January 22, 1854. Benjamin and Sarah Birdsall had three children, all born in the Niagara district, Canada West : I. Daniel, b. July 12, 1807; d. May 4, 1894; buried in Woodlake cemetery. Yellow Medicine county, Minn. II. Martha, b. June 16, 1809; d. May 25, 1812. III. Margaret, b. September 3, 1812; d. unmarried, September 10, 1830. Daniel Birdsall married, June 21, 1829, Gulielma Willson, ELIZABETH LUNDY. 331 daughter of Jesse and Ann (Shotwell) Willson, grand- daughter of Gabriel and Ehzabeth (Lundy) Willson; see Fifth Branch of this Group. Ten children, all born in Canada West, the first five in the Niagara District and the others in the Lon- don District: I. Samuel, b. "April 26, 1830; m. Harriet Ryck- man. II. Margaret Sarah, b. August 30, 1831 ; d. July 21, 1897; m. Sheldon L. Wheeler. III. Jesse Willson, b. May. 12, 1833; m. Mary C. Raymond. IV. Elizabeth, b. June 14, 1835; d. April, 1836.* V. Benjamin Franklin, b. February 8, 1837; m. Myra Thair. VI. Anna Catherine, b. September 5, 1838; d. April 24. 1873; m. Milton L. Clark. VIT. William Henry, b. May 14, 1840; d. June 10, 1888; m. (i) Rebecca E. Walker, and (2) Evelyn R. Pope. VIII. Henrietta, b. May 20, 1842; d. same, year. IX. Hannah Sophia, b. May 17, 1843; m. John S. Tunittin and had two children, Ada and Edwin, both of whom died in childhood. X. Seth Willson, 1). June 14, 1845; m. Jennie L. Thayer. Samuel Birdsall m. March 17, 1849, Harriet Ryckman, daughter of Jacob and Harriet Ryckman, and had one child, Benton L. Birdsall, now deceased. After the death of Harriet, Samuel m. Thurza Walker, daughter of Henry and Jane Walker. Res. at Springfield, Minn. Two children : I. Elma J. II. Daniel Henry. Elma J. Birdsall m. Julius S. Dutton, son of Horace and Catherine (Wilson) Dutton. Res. at Springfield, Minn. Six children: I. Nellie, deceased. I'l. Harold, deceased. III. Olive, deceased. IV. Fred Chfford. V. Edith Cecil. VI. Annie Catherine. After the death of Julius, Elma m. Mr. Hall. Daniel Henry Birdsall m. Julia R. Paterson. Res at Spring- field, Minn. Seven children: I. Guy, deceased. II. Ethel E. HI. Cora E. IV. Percy Ellsworth. V. Rostella. VI. Maud F. VII. Samuel. Margaret Sarah Birdsall m. April 9, 1849, Sheldon Lyman Wheeler, d. November 3, 1867, son of Amos Wheeler. Seven children: 1. Lewis Joseph, b. May 7, 1851 ; d. in infancy. II. Eliza Anna, b. June 7, 1852 ; d. in infancy. IH. Volney Paine, b. February 4, 1855. at St. Peter, Minn. IV. Henrietta, b. November 30, 1856, at Cordova, Minn. V. Lillian Drusilla, b. December 8, 1858, at St. Peter, Minn. VI. Agnes Elma, b. July 20, 1865, at New Orleans, La. VII. Sheila Viola, b. De- cember 14, 1867, at Fairbault, Minn. After the death of Shel- 33^ GABRIEL WILLSON. don, Margaret m. January 25, 1872, Eleazar W. S. Jenks, d. in 1875 or 6. One child, Clarence Edwin, b. June 22, 1874, who has taken the surname Wheeler and in 1896 m. Minnie Heffner. Henrietta Wheeler m. July 3, 1877, Frank Wright. Res. at Wood Lake, Minn. Three children : I. Claude Lyman, b. September 20, 1878. IL Inez Edna, b. January 19, 1883. IIL Gaylord Lansing, b. June 9, 1894. Lilian Wheeler m. September 3, 1893, Benjamin Green Hall. Res. at Wood Lake, Minn. Two adopted children: L Howard Wendell b. January 5, 1895. H. Helen Livermore, b. March 6, 1897. Sheila Viola Wheeler m. December 26, 1894, Rev. John Joseph Lutz, b. January 28, 1855, son of Jacob and Ann (Musser) Lutz. Res. at Stanton, Minn. Two children: L Josephine b. July 21, 1896. H. Margery, b. October 9, 1897. Jesse Willson Birdsall m. October 25, 1855, Mary Catherine Raymond, b. August 21, 1839, daughter of Jason and Polly Ann (Dane) Raymond. Res. at Madrid, Iowa. Eight chil- dren : I. Henry D., b. July 25, 1856. II. Albert J., b. Janu- ary 6, 1858. III. Jesse Franklin, b. September 28, i860. IV. Elizabeth, b. October 20, 1862; d. November 7, 1862. V. Edward A., b. October 15, 1863; d. August 18, 1864. VI. Andrew Lincoln, b. July 18, 1865 i d. September 23, 1865. VII. Edwin Grant, b. June 20, 1871. VIH. Ernest, b. April 11, 1875; d. August 13, 1875. Henry D. Birdsall m. October 5, 1877, Sarah Angeline Fisher, daughter of John and Mary Ann (Harvey) Fisher. Res. at Oakland, Oregon. Eight children: I. Mary Olive, b. September 20, 1878. II. Jessie Belle, b. January 31, 1882. IIL Effie Maud, b. December 16, 1884. IV. Claude, b. August 7, 1886. V. Ida, b. January 31, 1888. VI. Raymond, b. October 10, 1890. VIL Etta. VIII. Wayne. Albert J. Birdsall m. September 18, 1878, Emaline M. Sellon, daughter of Milo and Mary Sellon. Four children : I. Minnie, b. March 7, 1881 ; m. Albert Pugh, res. at Pueblo, Colo. II. Frank, b. October 11, 1882; d. December 7, 1900. HI. Grace, b. December 25, 1883. IV. Carl, b. February 17, 1885. Jesse Franklin Birdsall m. April 27, 1887, Laura E. Wright, daughter of Jay and Elizabeth (Pierce) Wright. Res. at Madrid, Iowa. Two children : I. Harry Ellsworth, b. May, ELIZABETH LUNDY. ^;i^ 1888; d. October 10, 1893. 11. Edwin Harold, b. October 17, 1893. Edwin Grant Birdsall m. July 30, 1890, Eva Frances Filmer, daughter of Joseph and Rebecca (TiUison) Fihner. Res. at Madrid, Iowa. Two children: I. Forest, b. April 30, 1891. II. James Ralph, b. October 29, 1894. Benjamin Franklin Birdsall m. Myra Thair, b. January n, 1849. R^s. at Tenil, Iowa. Eleven children : I. Lettie, b. November 11, 1865; d. March 26, 1897. II. Sheldon, b. July 4. 1867. III. Charles, b. May 9, 1869. IV. William F., b. March 20, 1871. V. Nellie, b. December 5, 1872; d. Deceml>er 15, 1898. VI. Elton, b. August 15, 1874; d. August 25, 1874. VII. Ernest, b. July 11, 1876. VIII. Arthur, b. February 4, 1880. IX. Bertha, b. January i, 1883. X. Harry, b. Decem- ber 2, 1884; d. September 11, 1885. XL Roy, b. October 24, 1891. Anna Catherine Birdsall m. February 15, 1854, Milton Lee Clark, son of Hiram and Harriet (Smith) Clark. Eight chil- dren: I. Curtis Clark, b. February 10, 1857. II. Edwin Hiram, b. June 24, 1859. HI. Evalyn, b. April 23, 1861 ; m. W. Tunnitin. IV. Harriet Elma, b. March 20, 1864. V. Mary Jane, b. March 7, 1866; m. James McKay. VI. Charles Henry, b. July 4, 1868. VII. Frank Clareuce, b. April 26, 1870. VIII. Anna Catherine, b. March 27, 1873. William Henry Birdsall m. January 28, 1863, Rebecca Ellen Walker, d. October 6, 1872. Two children: I. Edmund L., b. November 6, 1863; d. September, 1865. 11. Ida Belle, b. June 6, 1866. After the death of Rebecca, William m. July 13, 1873, Evelyn Rebecca Pope, d. March, 1885, daughter of Isaac and Rebecca Pope. Four children : III. Louis Pope, b. November 3, 1875. IV. Cora A., b. June 11. 1878; m. Wil- liam Thomas. V. Alice Emma, b. May 6, 1880. VL Grace Rebecca, b. March 2t„ 1882. After the death of Evelyn, Wil- liam married and had a daughter. VII. Jessie. Ida Belle Birdsall m. July 7, 1885, Charles Henry Purinton. son of Amasa and Mary Purinton. Res. at Morristown, Minn. I. Ethel Rebecca, b. March 31, 1887. II. Nellie Mary, b. August 21, 1888. HI. Louise Grace, b. October 7, 1890. IV. Ralph Henry, b. February 16, 1895 ; d. August 27, 1895. Seth Willson Birdsall m. December 22, 1867, Jennie L. 334 GABRIEL WILLSON. Thayer, daughter of Israel and Mary A. (Ensign) Thayer. Res. at Caldwell, South Dakota. I. Edgar F., b. December, 1868. n. Addie Elma, b. June, 1870; deceased. III. Herbert. IV. Curtis Willson. V. George W. VI. Oliver Seth, deceased. VII. Mabel Elva, deceased. VIII. Lester Ensign, deceased. IX. Gertrude Ida, b. 1886. X. Maud Isabelle, b. 1888. XI. James Weaver, deceased. Edgar F. Birdsall m. Allie Ripley and has one child, Donald. Res. at Summit, South Dakota. Addie Elma Birdsall m. Louis Temple, who resides at Mor- ristown, Minn. Three children : I. Lyle Edgar. II. Arthur Ray. III. Ida Maud. Curtis Willson Birdsall m. Mary Schvetz ; res. at Morris- town, Minn., and has Addie M. George W. Birdsall m. Delia Stafford ; res. at Caldwell, S. Dak., and has one child, Leslie George. FOURTH BRANCH. GABRIEL WILLSON II. AND GRACE BROTHERTON. OF WARREN CO., N. J. Gabriel Willson II., son of Gabriel and Elizabeth (Lundy) Willson, married in 1788 Grace Brotherton, b. 16 of 8 mo., 1760, d. 29 of I mo., 1840, buried at Hardwick, daughter of James and Alice (Schooley) Brotherton, and granddaughter of Henry and Ann (Shotwell) Brotherton. It was on 10 day 4 mo., 1788, that Gabriel obtained his cer- tificate of clearance from the Kingwood Monthly Meeting to marry Grace, who was of the Rahway and Plainfield Monthly Meeting. They settled in the valley of the Request River, near Allamuchy, Warren county, N. J. CHILDREN OF GABRIEL WILLSON AND GRACE BROTHERTON. I. Mary, born 3 mo. 28, 1789; married Richard Brotherton. II. Enoch, born i mo. 27, 1791. ELIZABETH LUNDY. 335 III. Elizabeth, born 10 mo. 7, 1792; married John Luncly, son of Levi and Sarah (Tomer) Lundy ; see Fifth Branch of Group Seven. IV. and V. Ann and Rachel, born 5 mo. 19, 1795; both died unmarried; Ann died 10 mo. 14, 1861, and was buried at Hardwick. VI. James, born 5 mo. 25, 1798; left no children, his first wife was Amy Laing, his second was Eliza- beth (Laing-) Schmuck. "VII. Henry, born 4 mo. 27, 1799; married Elizabeth Hance. VIII. Hannah, born 10 mo. 25, 1802; died March 20, 1889 '- buried at Ransom, 111. ; married John Stevenson. § A. MARY WILLSON AND RICHARD BROTHERTON. Of Morris County, N. J. Mary Willson, daughter of Gabriel IT., married Richard Brotherton, son of Richard and Sarah (Dell) Brotherton, grandson of Henry and Mercy (Schooley) Brotherton, great grandson of Henry and Ann (Shotwell) Brotherton. Eight children: I. Gabriel, b. 12 of 3, 1815; died young. II. Hannah, b. 7 of 9, 1816; died young. HI. William, b. 28 of 12. 1819; died young. IV. Sarah, b. 22 of 10, 1821 ; m. Charles Thompson; no issue. V. Anna, b. 26 of 3, 1824; died in 1896, unmarried. VI. Lydia ; married Jesse Lundy Adams ; no issue. VII. James ; married Marietta Harris. VIII. Rachel ; married John Elwood Vail of Plainfield, N. J., who died 22 of 2, 1896 ; no issue. James Brotherton m. Marietta Harris, daughter of Cummins O. Harris, dwells at Dover, N. J., and has several children; see Second Branch of Group Four. § B. HENRY WILLSON AND ELIZABETH HANCE. Of Allamuchy, N. J. Henry Willson, son of Gabriel II., married Elizabeth Hance, daughter of Sylvanus and Sarah (Patterson) Hance, grand- daughter of John and Ann (Lundy) Patterson; see Fourth Branch of Group Seven. They had one child, Isaac, who mar- ried Evaline G. Newton, daughter of Isaac and Susanna (Blackwell) Newton of Allamuchy, N. J. Res. at Vineland, 2:^6 GABRIEL WILLSON. N. J. Three children : I. Andrew Henry, who m. Edith M. Winchester, daughter of John and EHza Winchester, and has a son Raymond Eugene. II. Amy Louisa. III. Katie E., who m. Herbert H. P. Fish, son of Henry Clay and Mary Fish, and has one child, Mary Elizabeth Evaline. § C. HANNAH WILLSON AND JOHN STEVENSON. Of Allamuchy, N. J. ; of Scotch Plains, N. J. Hannah Willson, daughter of Gabriel II., married May 12, 1824, by Friends' ceremony, John Stevenson, b. May 16, 1801, at Kingwood, N. J., d. March 12, 1854; buried at Quakertown, N. J.; son of Joseph and Susannah (Kester) Stevenson; see a series of articles under the title of "Thomas Stevenson of London, England, and his Descendants in New Jersey," pub- lished in the Jcrseyinan during 1 898-1 901, by Dr. John R. Stevenson of Haddonfield, N. J. Nine children : I. Joseph, b. April 7, 1825, at Allamuchy, N. J., unmarried, now lives at Pasadena, Cal. II. James Willson, b, April 30, 1827. at Alla- muchy. HI. Samuel, b. March 17, 1829, at Allamuchy; d. August 17, 1882; buried at Clarks Green, Pa. IV. Elmira, b. December 12, 1830, at Allamuchy. V. Edmund, b. Decem- ber 19, 1833, at Quakertown, N. J.; d. August 23, 1834; buried at Quakertown. VI. William, b. September 24, 1835. at Quakertown, became General Superintendent of the Lehigh Valley Railroad ; d. unmarried ; buried at Sayre, Pa. VII. Edward Burroughs, b. October 2, 1837, at Scotch Plains, N. J.; d. unmarried May 11, i860; buried at La Porte, Sullivan county, Pa. VIII. Daniel Webster, b. February 24, 1840, at Scotch Plains. IX. Walter Raleigh, b. August 4, 1842, at Scotch Plains. James Willson Stevenson m. March 11, 1851, in the township of Rutland, La Salle county. 111., Comfort America Milliken, b. December 28, 1829, at Newark, Licking county, Ohio. Res. at Sunrise, La Salle county. 111. 3i>^ children : I. Emma, b. March 9, 1852, at Clear Creek, Putnam county. 111. II. John, b. August 24, 1853, St Bloomsbury, Warren county, N. J. HI. Edward Burdette, b. May 2, 1857, in Bruce township, La Salle county, 111. IV. Byron, b. October 12, 1858, in Bruce town- ship ; d. October 24, 1888, at Ransom, La Salle county, HI. V. Ernest Ellsworth, b. October 18, 1863, in Bruce township. ELIZABETH LUNDY. 337 VI. James W^ilHam, b. May 4, 1873, in Otter Creek township, La Salle county, 111. John Stevenson m. March 9, 1879. at Ottawa, 111., Florence May Carver, b. December 25, 1855, in Otter Creek township, La Salle county. 111., daughter of Cyrus and Hannah Jane (Hopple) Carver. Res. at Sunrise, 111. Two children: I. Crace Edith, b. September 29, 188 1, in Crand Rapids town- ship. La Salle county, 111. II. John Roy, b. January 23, 1887, in Otter Creek township. Ernest Ellsworth Stevenson m. February 6,1889, at Geneseo, 111., Marie Vail, b. January 20, 1866, in Munson township, Henrv count}-. 111., daughter of Sidney and Ruth Ann (Ben- nett) \m\. Res. at Sunrise, 111. Two children: I. James Vail, b. November 12, 1889, in Otter Creek township. La Salle countv. 111. II. Elmira Comfort, b. August 10, 1895, in Ottei Creek township. James William Stevenson m. December 28, 1898, Mabel Spencer, b. April 5. 1879, daughter of Thomas H. and Carrie (Leach) Spencer. Samuel Stevenson m. September 21, 1858, at Waverly, Lackawanna county. Pa., by Friends' ceremony, Emily Amelia Parker, b. September 21, 1835, at Abington, Pa., daughter of Charles and Susannah (Hall) Parker. Two children: I. George Edward, b. March 30, i860, at Danville, Montour county. Pa. II. William Alonzo, b. January 12, 1866, at La- tonia, Venango county. Pa. George Edward Stevenson m. September 18, 1884, at Wav- erly, Pa., Mary Emily Miller, b. May 13, 1862, at Waverly, Lackawanna county. Pa. Res at Clarks Green, Pa. Eight children: I. Joseph Miller, b. December 17, 1885, at Clarks Green, Pa. II. Helen, b. July 17, 1888, at Clarks 'Green. III. Harold Franklin, b. October 2, 1889, at Clarks Green. IV. John Samuel, b. August 5. 1892, at Waverly, Pa. V. Edwin Wilson, b. October 18. 1894, at Waverly. VI. George Wil- liam, b. August I, 1896, at Waverly. \'II. Robert Louis, b. April 22. 1898, at Waverly. \TII. Ruth, b. October 9. 1899. at Waverly. William Alonzo Stevenson m. December 19, 1891, at Wav- erly, N. Y., Grace Maria Merriam, b. July i, 1870, at Waverly, Tioga county, N. Y. Res. at Sayre, Bradford county. Pa. Three children: I. Frances Mary, b. November 3, 1892, at (22) 338 GABRIEL WILLSON. Waverly, n! Y. II. William Merriam, b. April 8, 1895, at Sayre, Pa. III. Margaret. Elmira Stevenson m. November 28, 1865. at Latonia, Pa., by Friends' ceremony, Hiram Deats, b. April 12, 1810, at Flemington, N. J., d. November 22, 1887, buried at Cherry ville, N. J., son of John and Ursula (Barton) Deats. One child, Hiram Edmund Deats, b. May 20, 1870, at Stockton, N. J. Hiram Edmtmd Deats m. September 2"], 1893, at Keyport, N. J., Eva Augusta Taylor, b. August 25, 1870, at Keyport, N. J., daughter of Capt. James G. Taylor. Res. at Flemington, N. J. Four children: I. Elsie May, b. July 31, 1894; d. April 4, 1902. n. Marian Elizabeth, b. October 26, 1897. HI. Charles Taylor, b. January 12, 1899. IV. Helen Taylor, b. July 16, 1900. Daniel Webster Stevenson m. June 19, 1866, Harriet y\ugusta Williams, daughter of Samuel White and Mary (Marsh) Williams. Res. at Streator, 111. Two children, both born in Otter Creek township, La Salle county, 111. : I. Walter Stanley, b. March 7, 1868. II. Arthur Leslie, b. March 27, 1872. Walter Stanley Stevenson m. July 15, 1891, Maggie E. Stevens. Res. in Clark City, 111. Arthur Leslie Stevenson m. September 15, 1894, Mabel Com- fort Wilson, b. June 16, 1875, at Grand Rapids, 111. Res. at Eureka, Kansas. Walter Raleigh Stevenson m. May 31, 1866, at Morristown, N. J., Mary Elizabeth Hunt, b. January 20, 1836, at Vernon, N. J., daughter of John Doty and Phoebe (Utter) Hunt. Res. at Pasadena, Cal. Two children : I. Harriet Amelia, b. Oc- tober 7, 1871, at Oil City, Pa. II. Florence Josephine, b. De- cember 30, 1873, st Oil City, Pa. HIRAM EDMl'Xl) DF.ATS. Of Flcniingt( n. I luiilt-rdiw County. Xl-\v Jersey. Son of Hiram Deals and Elmira Stevenson: Of John Stevenson and Hannali W'illson : Of Gabriel Willson H. and Grace Brotliertcn: Of Gabriel Willson and Elizabeth Lundy : Of Richard Lundv U. and Elizalieth Large. ELIZABETH LUNDY. 339 FIFTH BRANCH. JESSE WILLSON AND ANN SHOTWELL. OF PELHAM, WELLAND CO., ONTARIO. Jesse Willson. son of Gabriel I. and Elizabeth, married, first, on 26 day of 5 mo.', 1791, Hannah Dell, dauj^hter of Richard and Elizabeth Dell of Morris county, N. J., who died 12 day of 3 mo., 1792, leaving no issue; second, on 9 day of 8 mo., 1798, he married Ann Shotwell, b. 31 day of 8 mo., 1777, d. i day of 10 mo., i860. They settled in Canada. CHILDREN OF JESSE \^'rLLS0N AND ANN SHOTWELL. T. Hannah, m. Thomas GrahauL and d. about 1876: buried in Friends' yard at Zarmont, Ontario. II. Elizabeth, m. Thomas Locker, and d. 17 day of 4 mo.. 1835; buried in Friends' yard at PelhauL Ontario. HI. Phebe, m. Richard Willson; see page 133. IV. Jesse, Jr., b. in Pelham ; d. March 5, 1885; buried at Guilford, Mich. V. Gulielma, b. August 8. 1808; d. June 10, 1883; buried at Waterville, Minn. ; m. Daniel Rirdsall ; see Third Branch of this Group. VI. Nathan, b. 2 day of 9 mo., 1810; living (1897). yil. Levi, d. when a young man. V'lII. Seth, married Lydia Flumphrey. IX. Anna, b. January 20, 1818; d. November 14, 1859; m. Christian S. Willson; see page 134. § A. HANNAH WILLSON AND THOMAS GRAHAM. Of Union, Elgin County, Ontario. Hannah Willson, daughter of Jesse and Ann (Shotwell) Willson, married 12 mo. 8, 18 19, Thomas Graham, b. in 1788; d. in 1873, at Union, Ont., buried in Friends' yard at Zarmont; son of John and Hannah (Dodson) Graham, and grandson of 340 GABRIEL WILLSON. Robert Graham. Nine children : I. Hannah, b. April 2, 1821 ; d. in March, 1847; m. John Lawer. II. Elwood, b. December 1, 1822; m. Anna M. Kipp. III. John, b. November 9, 1824; m. Ursula High. IV. Anna, b. January 29, 1827; m. William M. Mills. V. Jesse, b. April 13, 1829; d. April 20, 1864; buried near Dubuque, Iowa ; m. Eleanor Hathaway. VI. Thomas, b. April 9, 1833; d. in March, 1897; buried in Green- wood cemetery. Grand Rapids, Mich.; m. Adelia Ripley. VII. Robert, b. June 19, 1835 ; m. Margaret Maria Willson. VIII. Joseph, b. August i, 1837; m. Melissa Willson, daughter of Mordecai and Rachel (Van Syckle) Willson, and dwells at Union, Elgin county, Ontario. IX. Sarah Jane, b. February 24, 1 84 1 ; m. George Wood. Hannah Graham m. John Lawer and had one child, Thomas Lawer, b. in 1845, who married and had four children ; Thomas finally removed to Omaha, Nebr. Elwood Graham m. ist of ist mo., 1850, Anna Maria Kipp, b. June 15, 1833, daughter of Jesse and Eliza (Morgan) Kipp. Res. in the suburbs of Grand Rapids, Mich. Four children : I. Isabelle, b. September 19, 1853. II. Robert D., b. Novem- ber II, 1855. III. Eliza, b. February 10, 1859. IV. Thomas E/, b. February 16, 1865. Isabelle Graham m. October 8, 1872. George P. Hogadon. b. 4th of II mo., 1850. Five children: I. Bertha, b. nth of 7 mo., 1874. II. Anna M., b. 27th of 4 mo., 1876. III. Mar- garet, b. 22nd of 2 mo., 1879. IV. Bessie, b. 26th of 10 mo., 1883. V. Elwood, b. 4th of II mo.. 1886. Bertha Hogadon m. Herbert Shighter. Two children : I. Clififord, b. November 23, 1894. II. Glendon, b. November 29, 1897. Robert D. Graham m. September 30, 1880, Anna Grose, b. March 4, 1856, daughter of Wilhet and Oramena Grose. They reside near Grand Rapids, Mich., and have an adopted daughter, Josephine, who was born 7th of nth mo., 1885. Eliza Graham m. Cleanthese Michaelides, b. in Athens, Greece, 12th of 7 mo., 1849. Res. in Liverpool England, where their three children were born : I. Constantine. b. 28th of II mo., 1882. II. Helen, b. 3rd of 7 mo., 1884. III. Irene, 1). 31st of I mo., 1886. Thomas E. Graham m. August t8, 1888, Alice Elmondorf, daughter of Truman and Elizabeth Elmondorf. Two children : 1m ELIZABETH LUNDY. 34 1 I. Lazelle, b. June 5, 1889. II. Robert, b. September 15, 1891. John Graham m. Ursula High. J\es. at Grand Rapids, Mich. Three children : I. Arthur, b. May 24, 1875. li. Willson, b. November 18, 1879. III. Colon, b. April 4, 1890. Anna Graham m. February 9, 1845, WiUiam Martin Mills, b. March 18, 1825, son of Cornelius and Matilda (Beadle) Mills. Res. at Lac qui Parle, Minn. Eleven children : I. Celestia Ann, b. May 4, 1846. II. Rosetta Hannah, b. in 1848. HI. Ira Cornehus, b. August 4, 1850. IV. Albert Thomas, b. October 20, 1855. V. Sarah Emily, b. October 20, 1855. VI. Matilda Adaline b,. in 1857. VII. William Elmer, b. June 9, 1859. VIII. Arthur Franklin, b. December, 1861, deceased. IX. Charles Edward, b. January 24, 1863. ^■ Eldora Elma, b. February 20, 1866. XI. Mable Annie, b. May 10, 1869. Celestia Ann Mills m. December, 1866, Henry Nipple. Res. at Bird Island, Minn. Five children : I. William H. II. Charles. HI. Annie May. IV. John Jesse. V. Cleveland. Rosetta Hannah Mills ni. in 1869, Charles Nash. Seven children: I. Annie May. II. Nettie. HI. Ida. IV. Walter. V. Maud. VI. Claud. VII. Edward. Ira Cornelius Mills m. Minnie Thomas, daughter of Robert S. and Isabella Thomas. Res. at North Detroit, Mich. Eight children: I. Ethel Louisa, b. in 1878. II. Beatrice Grace. HI. Alice Ehzabeth. IV. Inez Rachel. V. Edna Mural. VI. Anna Isabella. VH. Clarence Roy. VIII. Cecil Samuel, b. in 1896. Albert Thomas Mills m. Clara Peck. Res. at Hewitt, Minn. Six children: I. Elmer. II. Alta. HI. Grace. IV. Phoebe. V. Ella. VI. William. Sarah Emily Mills m. Scott Bremmer. Res. at North Yamhill, Ore. Three children: I. Bernice. II. . Roy. HI. Hazel. Matilda Adaline Mills m. Ned Bremmer. Four children: I. Robert. II. Annie. HI. Isabelle. IV. Edward. Charles Edward Mills m. Sarah Strong. Res. at Montevideo, Minn. Two children : I. Frances. II. Dorothy. Eldora Elma Mills m. David Blanchard ; they dwell at Port- land, Mich., and have one child, Ruth. Mable Annie Mills m. April 11, 1893, Joseph Peter Strong, b. at Benton, Wis., November 23, 1867, son of Charles Asa and 342 GABRIEL WILLSON. Nancy Jane Strong. Res. in Minneapolis, Minn. Three cliil- dren : I. Lucilla Graham, b. May 13, 1894. II. Wayland Mills, b. April 9, 1896. III. Philip Carr, b. June 23, 1898. Jesse Graham m. Eleanor Hathaway, daughter of Samuel and Martha (Bowerman) Hathaway. Res. at Dyersville, Iowa. Five children : I. Eugene, b. August 18, 1852 ; d. Feb- ruary I, 1861. II. Alfred William, b. March 14, 1855. III. Edward Byron, b. March 5, 1857; d. February 10, 1861. IV. Samuel Hathaway, b. December 7, 1859. V. Jesse, Jr., b. November 21, 1862. After the death of Jesse, Eleanor m. I'atrick McTigue, and dwells at Newell, Iowa. Alfred William Graham m. February 11, 1880, Ella Augusta Baldwin, b. October 13, i860, at Farley, Iowa, daughter of Cyrus Sterling Baldwin and his wife Mary Ann Miller. Res. at Estero, Fla. Four children : I. Florence Luella, b. Janu- ary 23, 1 88 1, at Storm Lake, Iowa. II. Bertha May, b. August 25, 1883, at Storm Lake. III. Robert Leroy, b. February 25, 1886, at Urafino, Nebr. IV'. Lloyd Thomas, b. November 29, 1888, at Orafino. Samuel Hathaway Graham, M. D., m. April 17, 1891, Emma Elizabeth Palmer, daughter of Frederick and Mary (Harris) Palmer. Res. at West Richfield, Summit county, Ohio. One child, Mary Elenore Graham, b. September 22, 1892. Jesse Graham, Jr.. m. June 11, 1884, Anne E. Patterson, b. June 9, 1 86 1, at Darlington, Wis., daughter of George C. and Anne (Patterson) Patterson. Res. at Albion, Nebr., where they settled March i, 1887. Four children: I. George Elwood, b. March 8, 1885, at Sulphur Springs, Iowa. II. Ivan Joseph, b. February 22, 1891. III. Laura A., b. June 8. 1892. IV. Raymond, b. June 16, 1895 ; d. February 6, 1896. Thomas Graham m. Adelia Ripley and dwelt at Grand Rapids, Mich. Two children : I. Ralph, b. June 8, 1878. II. Helen, b. February 12, 1889. Robert Graham m. Margaret Maria Willson, b. 8 mo. 26, 1842 (daughter of Mordecai and Rachel (Van Syckle) Willson, granddaughter of Levi and Margaret (Willson) Willson of New Jersey. Res. at Union, Elgin county, Ontario. Three children: I. Clara, b. 2 mo. 4, 1869; m. William Burgess and has one child, Marie. II. Ernest Arthur, b. 10 mo. 14, 1870: m. Florence E. Wildon, daughter of Thomas and Anna Wil- don. III. Edith Evangle, b. 4 mo. 17, 1874. ELIZABETH LUNDY. 343 Sarah Jane Graham m. December 18, 1865, George Wood, M.D., b. at Norfolk, Ontario, February 3, 1829, d. May 31, 1897; buried at Delhi, Mich. Res. at Delhi, Ont. Three chil- dren: I. Charles Graham, b. January 28, 1867. II. Wilham Howard, b. March 16, 1868. III. Estelle Lazelle, b. October 6, 1870; m. September 27, 1893, John McKenry Charlton, b. June 2, 1869, son of Thomas Charlton and his wife Mary Pol- lock McKenry. § B. ELIZABETH WILLSON AND THOMAS LOCKER. Of Welland County, Ontario. Elizabeth Willson, daughter of Jesse and Ann (Shotwell) Willson, married, first, a Mr. Taylor, who died leaving no children, and second, at Friends' Meeting-house, JPelham, Ont., on 12 day of 4 mo., 1826, Thomas Locker, who died 8 of 2 mo., 1874, and was buried at Luton, Ontario. Four children, all born in Pelham : I. Anna, b. 16 of 8 mo., 1827; m. Charles Hill. II. William, b. 2 of 2 mo., 1830; d. in California in 1896. III. Levi, b. 2 of 10, 1832; d. in Virginia City, Nev. ; married and left one child. IV. Elizabeth, b. 17 of 4 mo., 1835 ; d. October 3, 1857, at Sparta, Elgin county, Ont. ; m, Albin Jay. Anna Locker m. Charles Hill, and resides in San Francisco, Cal. Seven children: I. Josephine. II. Elizabeth. III. Thomas. Elizabeth Locker m. Albin Jay, b. at Semly in Wiltshire, Eng., in November, 1827, son of James Jay. Two children: I. Herbert, died in boyhood about 1862. II. James Thomas, who emigrated to Rook wood, Australia, in 1878, and on June 27, 1883, married Harriet Eliza Smith, b. in Sydney, Septem- ber 10, 1858, daughter of Henry and Juliette (Bradley) Smith, and has two children: I. Elizabeth May, b. in Rookwood, February 5, 1885. II. Albin Henry, b. in Sydney, Septem- ber 29, 1887. § C. JESSE WILLSON AND CHLOE MARTIN. Of Welland County, Ontario. Jesse Willson, Jr., son of Jesse and Ann (Shotwell) Willson, m. Chloe Martin, b. at Lyons, N. Y., daughter of Benjamin Percy Martin and his wife Lenora Parks. Seven children : I. Elizabeth, b. in 1842; m. Thomas Ray. II. George, died 344 GABRIEL WILLSON. young. III. Benjamin; m. Jane Gimblett. IV. Levi L. ; m. Rose Alber. V. Sarah Jane ; m. John McAlpine, resides at Denmark, Mich., and has one child, Frank. VI. Minerva ; m. Martin Mclntyre. VII. EHza, died young. Ehzabeth Willson m. in 1859, Thomas Ray, son of John and Elizabeth (Elliot) Ray. Two children : I. Clara; m. Edward Metier, resides at North Pelham, Ont. II. Alberta ; m. March 20, 1888, Lacklin H. Taylor, son of Elisha and Caroline (Moore) Taylor; resides at Niagara Falls, Ontario. Benjamin Willson m. June 27, 1882, in San Francisco, Cal., Jane Gimblett, who was born in England. Res. at Galena, Nevada. Three children, all born at Galena : I. Ben Frank- lin, b. October 2'j, 1883. II. Jennie Viva, b. September 15, 1885. III. Ruby Beatrice, b. November 22, 1886. Levi L. Willson m. Rose Alber, b. in Ypsilanti, Mich., daughter of Jacob and Mary Catherine (Hepfer) Alber. Res. at Denmark, Mich. Two children : I. Mary Chloe, b. March 16, 1881. II. Fi-ed Lowell, b. April 27, 1885. Minerva Willson m. Martin Mclntyre. Res. at Denmark, Mich. Four children: I. Charles; m. Clara Declute. II. Budd. III. Martin, Jr. IV. Mary. § D. NATHAN V/ILLSON AND JANE HUNT WILLSON. Of Welland County, Ontario. Nathan Willson, son of Jesse and Ann (Shotwell) Willson, m. 2 mo. 3, 1836, Jane Hunt Willson, daughter of Robert and Rhoda (Dell) Willson; see Second Branch in Group Two. Five children: I. Alfred, b. 4 mo. 13, 1837. II. Angeline, b. 8 mo. 19, 1839. III. Mary Jane, b. 10 mo. i, 1846. IV. Robert Freeman, b. 12 mo. 15, 185 1 ; d. 2 mo. 23, 1872. V. Isabel Elma, b. 10 mo. 8, 1855. Alfred Willson m. 31 of i mo., 1867, Mariette Willson, b. i of 10 mo., 1844, daughter of Ezra and Anna A. (Kester) Will- son ; see First Branch of Group Four. Res. at Ridgeway, Welland county, Ontario. Three children : I. Edgar Free- man, b. 8 mo. I, 1870. II. Elston Edward, b. i mo. 15, 1873. III. William Herbert, b. 9 mo. 22, 1875. Edgar Freeman Willson m. January i, 1900, Phebe C. Zavitz, daughter of Isaac and Sarah V. Zavitz of Coldstream, Ont. Res. at Chantler, Ont. One child, Isaac Alfred, b. August 13, 1901. ELIZABETH LUNDY. 345 William Herbert Willson 111. December 27, 1899, Martha Leppert, daughter of Dionis and Matilda Leppert of Fenwick, Ont. Res. at Welland. Ont. One child, William Raymond, b. November i, 1900. Mary Jane Willson ni. 11 mo. 6, 1878, James Harmon Weed, b. 7 mo. 26, 1843; ^1- ^~ "i*^- ^> 1889. Five children: I. Anna Jane, b. 10 mo. 21, 1879. II. Edith May, b. 9 mo. 25, 1881. III. Ada Isabel, b. 8 mo. 4, 1883. IV. William Willson, b. 5 mo. 22, 1886. V. George Carlton, b. 5 mo. 15, 1888. § E. SETH WILLSON AND LYUIA HUMPHREY. Of Welland County, Ontario. Seth Willson, son of Jesse and Ann (Shotwell) Willson, m. Lydia Humphrey. Four children: I. Sarah. II. Eliza Jane. III. William Henry. IV. Helen ; m. Samuel Beckett. Sarah Willson m. Seth Page and had two children: T. Estella. II. Gertrude. Estella Page m. Horace Van Every and had William Stanley and Ethel Winnifred. Eliza Jane Willson m. John Linderberry. Five children : I. Clara; m. James Rol^inson, and has one son, Guy Carlton. II. Seymour; m. Minnie Reveley and has one son Stanley. III. William ; m. Georgianna May and has one daughter Eva. IV. Nellie ; m. Allan Westbrook. V. Homer Ross. William Henry Willson m. Jean Folkes. Seven children : I Edna Luella. II. Henrietta Ethel. HI. Alfred. IV. Henry. Y. Bessie. \"I. Robert. VII. Jennie. I! ADDENDA. Items received too late for classification. Rebecca Lundy, daughter of George and Sarah (see page 104), married John Troy and had eight children: I. Emma, who m. F. H. VVysong, and left a daughter Georgie. II. W. Ii. who m. Jennie Black. III. George W. who m. Laura Funk. W . Robert F. V. Rufus, deceased. VI. Nannie. VII. Myrtle. VIII. Ettie who m. L. F. Murphey. Eliza (Lundy) Stoneman died during July, 1902; and John Lundy died April 15, 1900; page 106. Charlotte V. Lundy married Spottswood Clevins ; and Churchwell O. Lundy mar- ried Sarah Ellen Swaim ; page 108. James Marion Lundy has other children : III. Swift James, b. August 8, 1899. IV. Ray Clinton, b. September 20, 1901 ; and Emmet William Lundy has other children: VIII. Phebe E., b. January 13, 1900. IX. Ada, b. January 12, 1902; page 109. Charlotte Stoneman married Charles Bryant and dwells at Monarat, Va. ; page 1 10. Ellen Lundy was the ninth child of John Lundy, and married Homer Kegley; page iii. Robert Widdifield, b. 12 of 2 mo., 1785; d. June, 1858, son of Henry and Martha (see page 138), married Lydia Wray and had ten children: I. Anna, m. Stephen Blaskey and had Clara, Frank and others. II. Thomas, m. Amanda Twining and had Charles, Lydia Ann, Jefferson and Sarah Jane. III. William, m. Rachel Berehard and had Miranda, Lydia, Robert, Phebe and Mark. IV. Robert, m. Amanda Baker, resides at New London, Ohio, and has George and Grant. V. Phebe m. William Cook and had Lydia, Maria, Eva, Julia, AUie, Sarah, Millie, Emma and Emmet. VI. Henry, m. Jane Poyer and had Flora, Clara and Frank. VII. Rachel, m. Arthur Starks, of Defiance, Ohio, and had Rosetta, Mordecai, Charles, George, William and Fred. VIII. Mark, m. Sarah , resides at LaSalle, 111., and had Olive and Mark. IX. Mordecai, m. Ra- chel Hobbs and had Eugene, Barton, William and Mordecai. X. Mary Ann, m. H. H. Brundage, of Harlan, Indiana, and had Luella, b. March 11, 1861, and Mina, b. June 27, 1864; of ADDENDA. 347 these, Luella m. Frank Reichelderfer and has WiUie, and Mina m. John Gruber and has Charles, NelHe and Emmet. Charles E. and Angelina Widdifield (page 138) had nine children : I. Joseph Henry, who is High Sheriff of Toronto. H. Agnes, who married George B. Knowles, of Pasadena, California, and has three children : Emma (now Mrs. Ells- worth McMillen), Helen (now Mrs. John Taylor, of Hamil- ton, N. Y.), and Fred. HI. Alma, who married Walter Play- ter, of Newmarket, Ont., and has three children : Florance (now Mrs. Lome McCormack), Gretta and Verna. IV. Jennie. V. Mercy Ann, who married Joseph Jonathan Col- lins, of St. Catherines; see page 151. VI. Vv^illiam, who dwells in Newmarket, Ont., married Emma Cane and has Marjory and Cathleen. VH. Edward J., who dwells near Newmarket, married Emma Watson, and has Ethel, Charles and Wentworth. VHI. Howard, deceased. IX. Rosa, de- ceased. Wellington Widdifield married Nancy Flewell ; page 139- Silas and Mary Jane Lundy (page 154) had four children: I. Marion Keziah, b. Cktober 15, 1857, at Jordon, Ont. II. Frederick George. III. Oscar Bostwick, who married Annie S. True and has a son Fred Ralph, b. September i, 1902. IV. Mary Rebecca, b. April 26, 1868, at Newmarket, Ont. Marion Keziah Lundy m. October 23, 1878, at Newmarket, Ont., John W. Smith, M.D., of Dundas, Wentworth Co., Ont. Four chil- dren : I. Essa Muriel, b. October 11, 1880, at Sheffield. II. \'ida Gwendolin, b. July 17, 1885, at Sheffield. HI. Marion Kathleen, b. June 27, 1887, d. May 25, 1888. IV. Russell Lundy, b. September 27, 1890, at Dundas, Ont. Mary Rebecca Lundy m. April 8, 1891, at Inkster, N. Dak., Edwin Ethan Cjould, b. January 29, 1867, at Chatfield, Minn., son of John Wesley Gould, b. May 15, 1836, at Stillwater, Saratoga Co., N. Y., and his wife Anna Martha Smith, b.April 27, at Loms- bury. Pa., and grandson of Adam Gould, b. August 8, 1776, at Poughkeepsie, N. Y., and his wife Judith Coffin, b. June 6, 1775. Res. at Arbor Lodge, Portland, Oregon. Three chil- dren, born at Inkster, N. Dak. : I. Hal Lundy, b. January 1, 1892. II. Beatrice Marie, b. June 7, 1894. HI. Edwin Cur- tis, b. August 7, 1899. Leroy Sands m. Sarah, daughter of Amos and Amanda (Millet) Kitchen; page 230. Charles Carpenter Heacock m. 348 ADDENDA, Ida Solomon, and has one child, Carl; res. at Williamsport, Pa.; page 232. Lydia Ann (Harvey) Eves, d. 16 of 9 mo.. 1902, and was buried in. Friends" yard, at Millville, Pa.; page 233. Walter C. Trapp m. Helen Sunderland, and dwells at Pennsdale, Pa. ; page 234. Sarah B. Rich d. 9 of 11 mo., 1897 ; page 234. Martha Jane (Griest). Rich, d. 2 of 7 mo., 190 1; page 235. Margaret Masters Rich, in October, 1901, m. Charles Hicks, and dwells in Williamsport, Pa. ; page 235. Benjamin H. Rich d. 17 of 10 mo., 1897; and Benjamin Lundy Rich d. 17 of 9 mo., 1898; page 236. Richard Lundy, son of Joseph and Mary, d. 30 of 7 mo., 1872 ; page 253. Charles Lundy, son of Richard, has a daughter Mary W. ; and George and Mary Betts have a son William; page 257. Joseph and Etta Hilton have a son Stan- ley ; page 258. Whitfield Holloway Johnson, mentioned in line 19, page 274, was a brother of Theodore F. Johnson. Robert Willson, b. 1753, son of Gabriel and Elizabeth (Lundy) Willson (page 327), married Mercy Heaton. Mercy Willson with her children John, Benjamin, Isaiah, Robert, Massey, Caleb, Gabriel and Rebecca, removed from the Quaker Settlement in 1796. I close this register of our kin with a summary of the num- ber of persons who have descended from Richard Lundy XL and his wife Elizabeth Large. 1. Richard Lundy III 1075 2. Mary, wife of Robert Willson 840 3. Joseph Lundy 285 4. Jacob Lundy 395 5. Martha, wife of Benjamin Schooley. . . . 225 6. Thomas Lundy 1 165 7. Samuel Lundy 880 8. Elizabeth, wife of Gabriel Willson 395 Lundy descendants 5260 Information concerning some individuals and families who bear the name of Lundy but w4io are not the descendants of Richard Lundy the First, is given elsewhere in this book ; con- sult the surname Lundy among the Associated Families. BENJAMIN LUNDY, THE FOUNDER OF AMERICAN ABOLITIONISM. A paper by WiUiain Clinton Armstrong, read October 21, 1897, before the Historical Club, Rutgers College, New Jersey. Mr. President, Ladies and Gentlemen : American history is wide in its range of topics and abundant in its material ; yet amid this variety and richness, the student need not be confused if he keeps steadily in mind the two vital issues that unify our history : the formation and preserva- tion of the Union, and the growth and abolition of Slavery. 1 1 is a safe rule to regard those events in our history as the most important which have exerted the most direct influence on the one or the other of these great issues. The great movements of history, not its episodes, should be the central topics of study. But historical movements as they sweep onward become complex and difficult to analyze, and hence it is the part of wisdom to study the beginnings of great movements. "Know- est thou not," asks the broad-browed Plato in his immortal Republic, "knowest thou not that the chiefest part of every work is its beginning?" True, and therefore it is eminently wise for the student of history to emphasize the beginnings and to investigate them thoroughly, going back often to the ori- ginal motives and first actors in any great reform. Bearing these admonitions in mind, I have chosen for the subject of my paper this evening, Benjamin Lundy, the Founder of American Abolitionism, a theme that relates direct- 1} to the slavery conflict and takes us back to the days when the advocates of human freedom were a feeble folk. After the close of the Revolutionary war anti-slavery views were quite popular in this country, but activity along that line soon ceased. This early anti-slavery sentiment seems to have been a mere corollary to the discussion that had raged concern- ing the rights of man as set forth in the Declaration of Inde- pendence. It never called forth much self-sacrifice 1)iU it did lead to the extinction of slaverv in the Northern States. 35© BENJAMIN LUNDY Slavery discussion previous to the War of 1812 was only the echo of a storm that had passed ; slavery discussion after the War of 18 1 2 was the muttering prelude of a coming cyclone. No greater conflict has ever rocked this continent than that which grew out of the agitation commenced by Benjamin Lundy, the abolitionist. "What whets the knife For the Union's life? Hark to the answer : — Slavery." Two generations ago abolitionism was in its formative period. The pioneers of the movement were beginning their labors. They were establishing newspapers, inaugurating a system of public lectures and organizing their scattered follow- ers into a compact body for the purpose of disseminating their doctrine more efifectively by united efforts. Then they were poor, despised, persecuted, because they dared to work for the overthrow of slavery ; but they have proved themselves to be the noblest group of reformers in American history. By their toils and struggles, they laid anew the moral foundations of a continent ; and among this band of heroes, Benjamin Lundy stands first in time, in entire conse- cration, in patient perseverance and in self-sacrifice. Horace Greeley, a man well qualified to speak, says of Lundy: "He was the first of our countrymen who devoted his life and all his powers to the cause of the slaves. He gave to the cause of emancipation neither wealth, nor eloquence, nor lofty abilities ; for he had them not ; but his courage, persever- ance and devotion were unsurpassed." Dr. Von Hoist, of the University of Chicago, in his Consti- tutional Historv of the United States, speaks of Benjamin Lundy as the father of the abolitionists, mentions his wander- ings and his sacrifices, and then adds : "The XlXth century can scarcely point to another instance in which the command of Christ to leave all things and follow Him has been so literall\' construed and followed." Benjamin Lundv, son of Josenh and Elizabeth (ShotwelH T undy, was born 4th day of ist Month, 1789, in Sussex county. N. T., and lived there for nineteen years. He started to school at the age of four and learned his letters; but his mother died and this loss took him out of school for two years. After his 1 THE PHILANTHROPIST. 35 I father's second iiiHrriage, Benjamin went to school for two years and learned t(j read and write ; this was all the schoolinj^ he ever had except one quarter's attendance during the winter he was sixteen when he devoted himself to working- the prob- lems in the back part of the arithmetic. Thus his book-learning was very meager. Benjamin was brought up in the religious faith of the So- ciety of Friends and was trained to their plain way of living; and in this faith and way he lived and died. He was frail of body. While yet a boy he tried to do a man's work on a farm, with this result, — that he became partially deaf and also impaired his health so seriously as to cause anxiety. Finally it was decided to try a complete change of environment ; and so in his nineteenth year, he went to Ohio and stopped at Mt. Pleasant, a cluster of six log-cabins. Benjamin's general health improved, but partial deafness continued to be throughout his life an embarrassing affliction to him as traveler and lecturer. Having resolved to learn a trade, he went to Wheeling, ten miles away, now the metropolis of West Virginia, and entered into apprenticeship with a saddler. There he remained four years, receiving wages as a skilled workman during the last eighteen months. Since Benjamin Lundy was the originator of the abolition movement in the United States, it becomes a matter of interest to note the origin of the idea in his own mind. As bearing on this phase of the subject, the beginning of the beginning, T will state the testimony of the Society of Friends concerning slavery ; I will then describe slavery as Benjamin Lundy saw it during his youth in New Jersey and as he saw it during his apprenticeship in West Virginia. The doctrine of the Society of Friends against human slavery was clear and strong ; the Quakers have been the bold- est and most aggressive advocates of personal freedom. No denomination of Christians has a nobler record in opposition to slavery than the Quakers. Such was the religious training re- ceived by Benjamin Lundy; and often during his youth, at meetings for worship, had he heard holy voices raised in solemn warnings against the sin of slave-holding. There were only a few slaves on the Jersey frontier ; the census taken in Lundy's native township shows that there was v 3^2 BENJAMIN LUNDY at that time only one negro slave to every fifty-two white in- habitants. The bondage was of a mild type; masters, slaves, bonnd boys and hired men all went to the same field and asso- ciated and worked together ; it was only in messing and lodging that there was any distinction between the white laborer and the black. There was no profit in slave labor among the rock- ribbed hills of Jersey; it was, however, a domestic convenience to have a Dinah to cook and a Pompey to take care of the horses : but the possession of a family of blacks was coveted most as a mark of social standing; for in those days wherever you saw a slave, his master was sure to be a county judge, or a church elder, or a captain of militia. Perhaps in no part of the United States had negro slavery assumed a milder form than among the mountains of northern New Jersey ; and perhaps in no part of the United States did the system of African slavery exhibit its repulsive features in so open a form unrelieved by any redeeming trait, as it did at this very time at the city of Wheeling. Such a thing as the slave trade was unknown in northern New Jerse}' during the period of Benjamin's boyhood, but when he entered Wheeling he found the slave trade organized and carried on systematically. It was the traffic in human flesh on a commercial basis that confronted Benjamin. Observe the position of Wheeling. It was on the Ohio river, the boundary line of the slave country, the line over which Ben- jamin oscillated every week. He worked at his trade in \'ir- ginia, a slaveholding state; but during First Days, he visited his friends and attended religious services across the river in Ohio, a free-soil state. The contrast between free labor anfl slave labor was kept continually before his mind. Observe also, what is still more important, the position of Wheeling as related to the western and eastern group of slave- holding states. In the west, Kentucky and Missouri were be- ing rapidly settled. Emigrants hungry for land were rushing there in crowds and there was a constant demand for slaves to operate the new plantations. In the east, Maryland and \'ir- ginia were the breeding-ground for this western market. Here the slaves were raised and sold to traders. These traders, when they had gathered a sufficient number of negroes. chaine<'l them together in long gangs to prevent escape into the free states here so near at hand, and marched them westward, head- THE PHILANTHROPIST. 353 ing for the Ohio river, where the slaves could be placed on boats and floated down to their destination. As these gangs started westward from the various parts of Maryland and Vir- ginia, thev naturally converged and struck the National Turn- pike that had been built by Congress, and followed it to its western terminus, — Wheeling on the Ohio. Thus it was that Benjamin Lundy frequently saw these coffles passing through the city. He saw no glimpses of h.app\' plantation life, only the hard, stern realities of the slave trade. He heard no melodies from their lips, only the monotonous clicking of the chains as the long lines filed slowly . I^y. It seemed to him like an endless procession of woe, to see company after company of these wretched beings come down I he road from the mountain gorge and pass through the streets on their way to the slave pens by the river to await transporta- tion. The gloomy fate of those held in bondage touched the heart of Benjamin Lundy ; and his whole being revolted against the iniquitous traffic in human flesh and against the legalized svstem of human slavery. Benjamin left Wheeling in 181 2 and returned to Alt. Pleas- ant. Ohio, where he secured employment at his trade. Here he had a friend, William Lewis, and William Lewis had a sister Esther, and Esther Lewis was a fine girl, in Benjamin's opinion a very fine girl. Two years passed and then Benjamin came east on a visit to his father who was now living in Burlington county, N. J. He stayed during the summer and fall and this long visit enables us to have a good view of the young saddler. He was slender, and slightly under middle size, with light com- ]>lexion, blue eyes and wavy hair. He was cheerful, unassum- ing and studious. A younger sister remembered him as always having a book in his hand. Returning to Mt. Pleasant he was married by Friends' cere- mony, 2 mo. 13. 1815, to Esther, daughter of Henry and Susan Lewis. He bought a lot at St. Clairsville, Ohio, eleven miles west of Wheeling, built thereon a dwelling-house and a shop, and started in business for himself. Harness-making was a good trade in a community where every spring brought a swarm of new settlers and every settler cleared up a new farm. The demand for saddlery was brisk ; so he enlarged his shop j and secured two apprentice boys. He paid oflf his debts and 354 BENJAMIN LUNDY found he was worth three thousand dollars. His sales still in- creasing he secured more apprentice boys and also employed some journeymen. A competence was within his grasp ; a few years more and he would be beyond the reach of want. We have seen how Benjamin Lundy had his mind and heart aroused against slavery; we will now trace the steps by which he became actively engaged in anti-slavery work. Lundy's convictions were strong and deep ; and his feelings of pity for the slave were so keen as to fill his soul with an- guish ; but so far as can be learned, no act of his life previous to the completion of his twenty-fifth year (1815) had ever been prompted or even influenced in the slightest degree by his views on the subject of slavery. But this was to change quickly. He began housekeeping, as I have said, in the spring of 181 5, at St. Clairsville. As soon as he was fairly settled in a home of his own, he invited some of his new neighbors to come to his house on the evening of a certain day. Five or six persons came at the appointed time. To them he unbosomed his feelings. Finding sympathetic hearers, he proposed a public meeting for further agitation. His plan was approved, a date fixed and the public invited. At this second meeting, which was also held at Lundy's house, an anti-slavery association was formed called the Union Humane Society. It grew rapidly and soon enrolled five hundred members. From this local success Lundy conceived the idea of organizing a number of such societies, and to this end he wrote an address to the philanthropists of the United States. He made five or six copies with his own hand and circulated them through the neighborhood. That autumn a yearly meet- ing of the Society of Friends was held at Mt. Pleasant. Lundy attended the meeting and distributed some more manuscript copies of his appeal. Some of the Friends who thus received copies, on returning to their respective homes, organized similar associations and, in making a report thereof to Lundy urged him to print his appeal for general distribution. Lundy complied with their suggestion and published his "Address" on his birthday, Jan- uary 4, 1816. Horace Greeley in his American Conflict, speaks of this circular of Lundy's and says that it contained the germ of the whole anti-slavery movement, THE PHILANTHROPIST. 355 Lundy begins his appeal with a skillful allusion to the tri- umphant suppression of the African slave trade, and then drives home the thought that the seeds of the evil system had already been planted in our soil, that these seeds were springing up and producing increase, and that the mere closing of our harbors to the importation of new slaves from Africa did not touch the root of the evil. He urges renewed effort and proposes the fol- lowing lines of action : 1. That societies should be formed wherever a sufficient number of persons could be induced to join in them. 2. That a title should be adopted common to all the societies. 3. That they should all have a uniform constitution, "vary- ing only on account of necessity arising from location." 4. That a correspondence should be kept up between the so- cieties to promote their common purpose ; and 5. That delegates should be chosen to meet in general con- vention for the transaction of any important business that might arise. He closes his circular with these solemn words of consecra- tion : "T have had this subject long in contemplation, and I have now taken it up, fully determined for one never to lay it down while I breathe or until the end shall be attained." A local newspaper. The Philanthropist, had recently been established at Mt. Pleasant, and the proprietor, Charles Os- borne, opened the columns of his paper for the discussion of slavery. Lundy saw here an opportunity to aid the anti-slavery cause. He selected articles wherever he could find them and had them published in the Philanthropist. As soon as he gained confidence in the tone of the paper, he began to canvass his neighborhood for subscribers. Whenever the editor opened Lundy's letters he found therein anti-slavery clippings and the names of some new subscribers and a few lines written by Lundy himself; all these were duly appreciated, for Lundy's comments began to appear among the editorial paragraphs. It was not long before Lundy received an invitation to assist in editing the paper. He was surprised ; and mistrusting his own ability, he hesitated. The invitation being repeated, he consented to try. and soon his articles appeared regularly on the editorial page. He still plied his saddler's tools and talked harness to his customers ; but his mind was ten miles away in the office of the Philanthropist. He was next invited to become J 356 BENJAMIN LUNDY a partner in the printing business and to come to Mt. Pleasant and take charge of the office. He decided to accept the offer, and proceeded at once to close out the harness-business. He discharged his journeymen ; and thinking that the best market would be on the western frontier, he took a load of finished articles to Missouri to sell and was gone six months. When he reached home, he took all the rest of his stock and put it in a boat and started down the Ohio river, his apprentice boys ply- ing their trade in the boat while he steered. In going up the Mississippi river against the current, the boys had to lay aside their aprons and pull at the oars. On reaching St. Loviis he was unable to dispose of his merchandise, for a financial depression had swept over the country. Unwill- ing to sacrifice his property, he rented a couple of rooms, boarded himself and his boys and opened a harness store. It was an unfortunate venture ; business stagnation grew worse and worse. He stayed one year hoping in vain for better times and then sold out at a heavy loss. But it had been a year of excitement and intellectual activity for Lundy. Missouri was knocking at the door for admission to the Union; and the great fight was on as to whether she should come in free or slave. Lundy spent every spare moment he had in exposing the evils of slavery in numerous original articles which he con- tributed to the newspapers of Missouri and Illinois. Saddened by defeat, and after a year's absence Lundy started for home. 600 miles away, afoot in the winter time. For a year and a half Lundy had directed all his business affairs with the idea of becoming the editor of the' Philanthro- pist and of making it the medium of his attack on slavery ; but during his absence the newspaper had changed hands, and now the door is closed against him and he cannot speak his views freely through its columns even as a correspondent. Lundy rose to the occasion grandly. He decided to establish a periodical of his own and to do it at once, and he did. He wrote a prospectus and had it printed and circulated it. He obtained six subscribers ; and on the strength of this he prepared his material and in January, 1821, he issued No. i of Volume I. of The Genius of Universal Em- ancipation. This is believed to have been the first newspaper in America, perhaps in the world, devoted exclusively or even mainly to THE PHILANTHROPIST. 357 abolitionism. It was a diminutive publication. It was 9^ inches long and 5^ inches wide, with two columns of printed matter on the page. Lundy had moved his family from St. Clairsville to Mt. Pleasant, and here the first number of the Genius was printed for him at the office of the Philanthropist; but the next seven numbers were printed for him at Steubenville, a town twenty miles away. Every month Lundy walked to that village for his papers and carried them home on his back. It was impossible for this condition of affairs to continue long. But the Genius of Universal Emancipation was to live. There came a change. Only eight numbers were published in Ohio ; the next numbers were to be published in Tennessee. An anti-slavery paper called the Emancipator had been established by Elihu Embree at Jonesborough in Eastern Ten- nessee. Embree died in a few months and his friends did not know how to dispose of the office and its equipments. Hearing of Lundy's struggle to found an anti-slavery paper, they wrote to him inviting him to come and see the establish- ment with a view to purchase. Lundy went to Jonesborough, a journey of eight hundred miles, and examined the printer's outfit. Here was an opportunity to secure for his young periodical a permanent home where under one roof he could write his editorials and do all his own work in composition and printing. He rented the establishment, brought his family to Jonesbor- ough and dwelt there nearly three years. Without ever having served an hour's apprenticeship, he took his place at the composing desk ; heretofore he had been only editor and proprietor, now he becomes also typesetter and printer. Here thirty-five numbers of the Genius, 9 to 43, were published. It was impossible to treat effectively of the evils of the slave system in the midst of which he was living without stirring up at times considerable bad blood. On one occasion two slave- holders endeavored to force him to retrace certain statements he had made in the Genius. They invited him into a private room and then set upon him with clubs. He suffered but he would not yield and was finally released by outsiders who heard the disturbance. While in Tennessee he made one trip to Philadelphia, travel- 358 BENJAMIN LUNDY ing in all nearly 1,200 miles on horseback in the winter time, to attend the American Convention for the Abolition of Slavery. His w^as the only anti-slavery paper in the United States; and during this visit to the East, he decided to remove his paper to some city on the Atlantic seaboard, hoping thereby to extend the sphere of its influence. On returning to Tennessee he made arrangements at once to transfer the Genius to the city of Bal- timore, Having disposed of his printing office in the summer of 1824, he bids farewell to his wife and children and starts afoot for lialtimore. But he does not take the direct route. He visits kinsmen in southwestern Virginia and in North Carolina. This journey of Lundy's is memorable as witnessing the in- auguration of a new form of anti-slavery work; 1 refer to the system of public lectures. It was at the Deep River Meeting House in Guilford county, North Carolina, in the summer of 1824, that Benjamin Lundy gave the first public lecture ever delivered in America in favor of the abolition of slavery. The meeting house is near West- minster post office and about four miles north of Jamestown. I quote from Lundy's reminiscences: "1 shall never forget the incidents of that meeting. It was held by the side of a fine spring in a beautiful shady grove near the Friends' Meeting House at Deep Creek, after the meeting for worship had closed. The audience signified their approbation by appointing another meeting for me to be held in the meeting house on a subsequent day. The second meeting having been publicly advertised was attended by many persons besides members of the Society of Friends, and before its adjournment an anti-slavery or abol- ition society was organized." Lundy was overjoyed at his success and devoted himsef to his new work with enthusiasm, seeking every possible oppor- tunity to obtain an audience. Was there a house to be raised? Benjamin always felt moved to attend that gathering, and those who assembled al- ways had an opportunity to hear his anti-slavery lecture. Was there a muster of tht lOcal militia on training day? Benjamin was sure to appoint an abolition meeting for the same time and place ; and in one instance it so happened that the captain of the militia company was elected president of the newly-formed abolition society, with a Quaker as secretary. THE PHILANTHROPIST. 3^9 Among Lundy's converts on this journey was an intelligent and energetic young man by the name of William Swain, who conceived a strong friendship for Lundy, followed him to Bal- tmiore and learned the printer's trade in Lundy's oftice, work- ing for six months on the Genius. It was characteristic of Lundy's mission that so many of his converts did not merely say, '• Yea, Lord," but took up the work themselves and became active propagandists. Swain afterwards returned to North Carolina and settled at Green- boro, where he published a newspaper called The Patriot, in which he openly and boldly wrote against slavery. Another of his converts was David Patterson, of Orange county, N. C, who owned eleven slaves and wished to emanci- pate them ; but the law did not allow slaves to be set free unless they were removed at once from the state. Lundy promised to make arrangements for transporting the slaves to the island of Hayti. He held about twenty meetings in North Carolina and suc- ceeded in organizing a dozen abolition societies ; then he turned northward through Virginia, holding meetings and establishing societies as he traveled until he reached the city of Baltimore. And here it may be well to remark that the discourses delivered by Lundy on these occasions were ultra-orthodox in anti-slavery sentiment. He argued openly and boldly for the emancipation of every slave, founding his appeals on the prin- ciples of Christian humanity and of civil liberty as based on eternal justice. During the next five years and a half Lundy delivered anti- slavery lectures before more than two hundred public meetings. To show the extent to which this lecture system was afterwards developed by the abolitionists, I may state that in 1836 the American Anti-Slavery Society maintained thirteen lecturing agents constantly in the field on salary. On reaching Baltimore Lundy lost no time in getting to work. He had no office and a very slender purse . Moreover, his reception even by the professed friends of emancipation in the city was very cool and distant. Vague expressions of hope for his success were the only encouragement he received. Evi- dently the idea of having the mouthpiece of abolitionism located at their very doors did not arouse much enthusiasm. Lundy secured employment by the day in a printing estal?- 360 BENJAMIN LUNDY lishment as type-setter, but all his spare moments he devoted to his own editorial work, and when his manuscript was ready he took it to his employer and hired him to print the first Balti- more number of the Genius, paying him in his own coin. This was Genius No. 44, dated October, 1824; and in it Lundy commenced a series of articles on emigration to Hayti, explaining its advantages and setting forth the terms offered by the Haytian government. These were followed by another series of articles on the do- mestic slave-trade in which Lundy brought out with consider- able detail the cruel features of the coast-wise trade in slaves, i'.altimore was the headquarters for the purchase and collection of negroes and their shipment by boat to South Carolina and Georgia. General LaFayette, while traveling through the United States, saw at Baltimore a copy of The Genius of Universal Eina)icipation and expressed a wish to see the editor. Lundy having been sept for. General LaFayette "encouraged him to go on and expressed his regret at finding so many slaves still in the country." We have seen that he had been instrumental in sending to Hayti the slaves of David Patterson. In March, 1825, he opened at Baltimore a Haytian Office of Fmigration, and was active in assisting negroes to go to Hayti ; a work in which he was aided by Richard /\llen, a negro Bishop of the Methodist Church. Among the shipments from Lundy's office was a colony of 88 slaves, valued at $30,000, who had been emancipa- ted by their owner, David Minge, of Charles City, Va. V Increased support enabled Lundy in October, 1825, to change the Genius from a monthly to a weekly. The relative advantages of Liberia and Hayti were being dis- cussed in the public press and Lundy was anxious to ascertain by personal observation the condition of affairs in Hayti and also to make definite arrangements with parties living there as ic the settlement of any negroes whom he might thereafter send. So he sailed for that island in the fall of 1825, and was gone five or six months. The Philanthropic Society of Hayti offered favorable induce- ments and agreed to advance money for the cost of passage. But each negro was to repay the Society by working on a plan- tation for a certain length of time after his arrival ; and after THE PHILANTHROPIST. 361 the expiration of this apprenticeship every negro man who had a family was to receive fifteen acres of land. Un the clay before Lundy sailed for home, a vessel arrived which brought him the sad tidings of his wife's death, leaving two infants less than a week old. "1 returned," said Lundy. "to Baltimore with a heavy heart. On our arrival our vessel was ordered to perform quarantine, and the persons on board were forbidden to land until the next day." "I persuaded the captain, however, to go on shore with me at night that I might see m}- little orphan children. We rowed a small boat several miles to the shore. T hastened to m\- dwell- ing, but found it deserted. All was lone and dreary within its walls. I roused some of my neighbors, but they could tell me nothing about my children. "I returned with the captain before daylight to the vessel and the next day obtained legal permission to land. On further in- quiry, 1 found that my little ones were scattered among my friends. I collected my children together, placed them with friends in whom I could confide and renewed my vow to devote my energies to the cause of the slave until the nation should be effectually roused in his behalf. "1 relinquished every prospect of the future enjoyment of an earthly home until that object should be accomplished." Lundy resumed his work on the Genius, which was now a weekly. He published a second series of articles on Haytian emigration ; and in a few weeks he sent to th-e island under his arrangement with the Philanthropic Society, a colony of eman- cipated slaves, 1 16 in number. Those early abolitionists drew the moral line pretty straight when it came to questions of indirect compUcity with the guilt of slave-holding. They refused to hire slaves from their masters ; they refused to give out contracts to those who would employ slave-labor in their performance of said contracts ; and some refused even to employ for wages those slaves who hired themselves from their masters for the purpose of accumulating a fund to bu_\- their freedom. They refused, moreover, to purchase any article that had been produced by slave-labor, endeavoring thus to discounten- ance the use of the fruit of the unrequited toil of the si i\ e. Some of their conclusions were, perhaps, too finely drawn 'o 362 BENJAMIN LUNDY be appreciated by the general public; one good purpose, how- ever, was secured, — the abolitionist kept his own conscience pure and untouched by the hated sin; and it gave hhn, too, an additional method of manifesting his personal hostility to the national iniquity. , Lundy opened a free-produce store in Baltimore There were at this time only two others in the United States ; one at Phil- adelphia and one at Wilmington, Delaware In these stores every article offered for sale must be entirely the product of free labor. The coffee, the spices ,the tropical fruits, the rice, the sugar and molasses must all be undeliled by the touch of a slave. Cotton fabrics were the hardest to obtain ; but at last a Rhode Island manufacturer agreed to supply such articles and held himself ready to prove that his raw material had been raised entirely by free labor. There was in Baltimore a slave-trader by the name of Austin Woolfolk, notorious for the heartless brutality with which he carried on his v/retched business. He sent a gang of twenty- nine slaves on a boat to Georgia. When at sea the slaves rose for their liberty, murdered the captain and mate, reached New York city and escaped, — all except one who was caught and hung. When led to the place of execution, the condemned negro, according to the custom of those days, was allowed to make some remarks expressing his penitence. Woolfolk, who was present, interrupted the unfortunate man with oaths and abusive language and would not desist until compelled to do so by the indignant spectators. An account of this disgusting spectacle was published in the New York Christian Inquirer; and reprinted by Lundy in the Genius. Soon after this, Woolfolk met Lundy near the post-office in Baltimore, caught him by the throat, threw him upon the pave- ment, choked him until he was nearly unconscious, and then stamped on his head and face with the heel of his boot. Wool- folk was arrested and tried for assault and battery. The jury found Woolfolk guilty ; and the judge, in whose discretion the penalty was, sentenced him to pay a fine of one dollar. The judge said from the bench that Lundy got nothing more than he deserved, and he took the copy of the Genius containing the objectionable article and sent it to the grand jury charging them to indict Lundy for libel, which they refused to do. On May i, 1828, Lundy started from Baltimore on a trip # ^ THE PHILANTHROPIST. ;^6:i through the Middle and New England States. His object was to secure subscribers for the Genius and to arouse a more gen- eral interest in the cause of emancipation by a series of public lectures. The journey was performed almost entirely on foot, with the exception of a short sea-voyage. 1 will first indicate his Hne of travel and then describe some of the incidents of the tour. He passed through Philadelphia, through Burlington and Rancocas, N. J.; Westchester and New Rochelle, N. Y. ; Bridgeport, New Haven, Hartford, Brooklyn and Norwich, Conn. ; Newport and Providence, R. 1. ; New Bedford and Nantucket, Mass., whence he sailed for Portland, Me. Turning southward he passed through Portsmouth, N. H., and New- buryport, Andover, Salem, and Lynn to Boston. He visited Charleston and Brighton. He passed westward through Wor- cester, Leicester, Springfield and Northampton in Mass. From Albany he crossed New York State by way of Lockport to Niagara Falls and returned through Utica to Albany and Poughkeepsie, and then south to Baltimore. He reached home on October 25, having been absent six months lacking six days, and having held forty-three public meetings, generally in town halls, court houses, college build- ings or churches. At Philadelphia he found a Free Produce Store, but it had only a few customers ; so he called a public meeting to encour- age the use of free-labor products, the first meeting of this kind ever held in the United States. I will quote a few passages from his journal. "June II. I had a good-sized meeting at Norwich, Conn., but it was only attended by men. The people here are all too politic and will do nothing for our cause." "June 16. Attended Friends" Yearly Meeting at Newport, R. L, and on the 20th held at that place my twelfth anti-slavery lecture. It was attended by few, and they were all men. Sec- tarianism nearly closed up my way here, I being but a moder- ate Quaker." , "Aug. I. I am making arrangements for a meeting in Bos- ton, which are embarrassed by there being too many other meetings, as negroes are, everywhere and always, the last to be thought of or noticed." "Aug. 20. Saw this morning a cotton factory at New Ro- \ 364, :benjamin lundy chelle, near which were fifteen or twenty boys from eight to fourteen years of age, all at play, hopping and jumping. They went to work at the ringing of the factory bell. This is the way the Yankees get rich : — no idlers out of the cradle." "x\ug. 22. I walked from Leicester to Springfield, a dis- tance of 45 miles, being the greatest walk I have accomplished in a single day." "On the 25th I arrived at Northampton, after 9 o'clock in the evening, and called at three taverns before I could get lodgings or polite treatment." "Sept. 6. At Albany I made some acquaintances. Philan- thropists are the slowest creatures breathing. They think forty times before they act." I have reserved one incident of his visit to Boston on this trip to relate more at large. On reaching Boston Limdy had made diligent inquiry for abolitionists, desiring to fellowship with them and to plan with them for active work ; but, strange as it may seem-^ he did not find a single abolitionist in the metropolis of New England. He had to begin his work single- handed and alone. I cannot forego rementioning the fact that Lundy, whose footsteps we are now following as he blazes a path for freedom over the Puritan hills, was a native and a citizen of the Middle States. He went to Boston as the setter forth of a new doctrine ; and, like Paul at Athens, he began his disputation with devout per- sons. He invited the ministers of the various denominations to a conference in the parlor of his boarding-house. Eight appeared, and he gave them an informal talk. Some of the boarders being in the room were involuntary listeners. Among them was William Lloyd Garrison. Lundy was- the editor of the Genius of Universal Emancipation, the first abolition jour- nal in the world ; Garrison was the editor of the National Phil- anthropist, the first total abstinence newspaper in the world. It was not at all picturesque, this accidental meeting in a second-class boarding-house of Ltmdy and Garrison, the deaf Quaker and the near-sighted Baptist ; but it had in it elements of a deeper and more permanent influence for the uplifting of mankind than many a historical scene that has been pencilled into fame by the skill of artists. In Garrison's heart Lundy's words fell as seed in good THE PHILANTHROPIST. 365 soil. Toward the close of this private conference wIumi the snbject of emancipation was open iov general discussion, Gar- rison came across the room and took part in the conversation, expressing- openly his approbation of Lnndy's doctrine. Gar- rison was aroused; and, as he pondered on the matter, there dawned on his mind the justice, greatness and holiness of this new reform. Garrison was Lnndy's convert. He ha map of the country west of Baltimore through which Lundy intended to pass, indicating the dwelling-houses, vil- lages, streams and roads ; and below the maj) this friend had given some directions. Here you see the map itself and the directions \\-rittcn beUnv it. 366 BENJAMIN LUNDY OiLsA CnJlsk DomU^ -^^^^^^ REGION WEST OF BALTIMORE, MARYLAND. ( Reproduced from Benjamin Lundy's memoranda of his jour- ney to Bennington, Vt., November. 1828.) "When you get to New Market, you had better enquire the shortest road to Smith's, & also if it is the same Smith you want to see. When you get to Backey town, enquire of Geo. Hopelbock who keeps store there — the firm I beUeve is Hopel- bock & Cunningham — if you mention my name to them they will give you every assistance and direction in their power. "On your wa}- to Pipe Creek you will pass through Frederick 10 Liberty where yovi will call on Alex. Lindley and perhaps 30U had better have a meeting there. The Hains's at Pipe Creek will put you in a way to get to Gunpowder." On the other side of the paper we find in Benjamin Lundy's handwriting the following memoranda of his journey from Baltimore, Maryland, to Bennington, \^ermont, in November and December, 1828, for the purpose of seeing William Lloyd Garrison. 1828. Nov. II. Set out before day — took a wrong road — cross rock}- stream many a time — 15 miles by daylight — Patap- sco bridge 2 miles further — turnpike (tav.) 12 miles — trav. this day 29 miles. 1 6. THE PHILANTHROPIST. 367 12. Lisbon— 2 miles — 4 miles further take the stage- Frederick 15 miles— I. L. Smith's 3 miles— trav. to- day 29 miles. 13. return to Frederick, 3 miles. 14. Liberty — snow storm — 12 miles meet- ing (select) — trav. 12 ms. 15. Mr. Cole (at Liberty) offer sla. lib.— chil. wont have them— Union Bridge meeting, short notice, very respectable — trav. to-day 8 miles, set out early — trav. on horseback 9 miles — Hamp- stead. Black Rock Mills, Jesse Scott's — 23 miles— trav. to-day 32 miles. 17. Mordecai Price's, E. Mathew's, &c. 4 miles. 18. L D. Maulsbys, Esqr's, near Bell Air, 21 miles. 19. Port Deposit 14 miles — New London X Roads, 20 miles (stage), trav. 34 miles. 20. Philada (by stage) — rainy day — 45 miles 21. Tarry in Philada 22. Do Do 23. Do Do 24. Do Do 25. Go to Wilmington (S Boat) 40 miles^ — New Castle (in 63 minutes on foot) 6 miles — back to Wilm. 6 miles — trav. 52 miles. 26. Tarry in Wilm. 2^. Do meeting, evening, T. Hall, very respectable — ma. only. 28. return to Philada, (S. Boat) — 40 miles. 29. Proceed to Burlington, N. J. (Do) 20 miles — to An- cocas (on foot, 6 miles) — trav. to-day 26 miles. 30. Visit Mount Holly, 5 miles — meeting, very respectable — return to Ancocas, 5 miles — trav. to-day 10 miles. Dec. I. Proceed to Burlington, meeting ma. & fem., pretty large and respectable. Bap. M. House — S. E. and Lady — travel to-day 6 miles. 2. New^ York, (S. B. and Stage), 80 miles. 3. Tarry at N. Y. 4. Do Do 5. Albany (by S. B.), 170 miles. 6. Bennington, Vt., (20 miles on foot) — 37 miles. V 368 BENJAMIN LUNDY In the memoranda given above, it is evident that stands for anti-slavery ; sla. for slaves ; lib. for liberty ; trav. for traveled ; S. for sail ; and T. for town. Lundy found Garrison at Bennington and invited him tu come to Baltimore and join him in editing- the Genius. But Garrison was at that time publishing a newspaper of his own and could not come : so that Lundy's trip was a fruitless one for the time l)eing, so far as his main object was concerned. In the spring of 1829 Lundy found it necessary to visit Hayti again. It was now over three years since he had been there and man>- changes had taken place on the island. He took with him a small colony of emancipated slaves and obtained for them, on easy terms for a period of nine years, leases of rich land already cleared. On his return he announced that he had completed arrangements whereb\- an}- negroes who might wish to get to Hayti could obtain leases of plantations with buildings on them for seven years, the first two years free of charge and the remaining five at a moderate rent. In the Genius for September, 1829, Lundy announces that Garrison had come to Baltimore and was now his associate in ihe editorship. The paper assumed at once a strong political cast, opposing Jackson and favoring Clay; Lundy felt that way, but the expression of such views in the Genius was large- ly the work of Garrison. There was a falling away of sub- scribers ; the reason for this was that the question of emanci^ pation was beginning to get mixed up with sectarianism and politics. "We are resolved," wrote Lundy in the Genius, "to have nothing to do with sectarian or party disputation, in our public proceeding, unless the question of slavery should appear to be involved in it ; yet we are grieved to see , in numerous instances, old and faithful labourers in that sacred cause, aban- doning it, simply because others are actively engaged in pro- moting it, with whom they differ in some religious or political tenet "Now this is a deplorable state of things. It is like a civil war in a military camp, when a dangerous enemy is forcing the gates. It is like a family quarrel in which the inmates of a house are engaged, while it is burning over their heads." A vessel owned by l\Ir. Todd, of Newburyport, Mass., came to Baltimore and took on a cargo of slaves to be sold in New Orleans. Garrison denounced this transaction, branded it as THE PHILANTHROPIST. 369 an at of domestic piracy, and declared that he would cover all the^erpetrators with thick infamy. Garrison was arrested for lib , tried and convicted, fined fifty dollars and costs, and tlf Iwn in prison. Liindy, who had been absent on a lecture ty^\ returned to Baltimore and then hurried to New York Ci , to obtain money to release Garrison ; but on returning to Baltmore, Lundy himself as co-editor, was arrested and im- prisaied for a few days. Tie partnership between Lundy and Garrison was dissolved on Karch 5, 1830, having lasted just six months. In resuming entire control of the paper, Lundy announced that he Genius "will hereafter treat exclusively upon the sub- ject (f emancipation." Reformers have their dark hours ; and Lundy's were very man-v and very dark. The income from subscriptions was so pitifilly small that he was compelled to reduce the Genius to a montily. Lundy himself was driven from Baltimore by the malignant spirit of tyranny. He removed the Genius to Wash- ington, and made that city the nominal office of publication. There was a greater necessity than ever for Lundy to travel and collect dues and secure new subscribers ; so he w^ould en- gage the services of some friend of the cause to manage the Gcnins during the time he expected to be absent. After his departure two or three numbers of the paper would appear and then the temporary editor would suspend publication for lack of funds. Learning of this, Lundy would himself prepare manuscript on the road, and have the next number printed at whatever town he happened to be. He never had any trouble to secure the use of a local printing press, it generally stand- ing idle several days a week ; as to type it was dififerent. so he found it best to carry with him a quantity of his own. There were two circumstances that threw additional difficul- ties in Lundy's way: the establishment of the Liberator in Massachusetts and Nat Turner's insurrection in Virginia. Garrison started an abolition paper of his own at Boston of a very radical type, called the Liberator. Lundy welcomed the Liberator kindly: but nevertheless it was a financial rival. On the first Sunday of August. 1831, an insurrection of slaves broke out in Southampton county, Virginia. Nat Tur- ner, a negro preacher and slave, murdered his master, and then with fifty followers rushed on from plantation to plantation 370 BENJAMIN LUNDY killing men, women and children, sixty-three victims in all . ^^^^ they were soon overtaken and captured, and most of then. ^^ to death. This outbreak was fatal to the abolition societies o^n ^■^^^, South ; they collapsed like bubbles ; and this in turn was a ^^j.^ blow to the Genius, many of whose subscribers resided in ^^\^^^ section. » I will read a note of comfort received by Lundy during^ ^^[[5 trying period from Whittier, the poet of abolitionism. Dear Friend : By favor of our mutual friend, J. Well, I drop thee i^ jjj^g to let thee know I have not forgotten thee and that it wa^^, y^jth no small degree of pleasure that I rec'd the last number c^£ -j-j^^ Genius. ' At this time when some of our early friends are turning^ aside after other objects, I rejoice to know that the "pioneer e'^j^-Qj." of abolitionism is still resolved to keep his eye single t'^ ^j^^ great object — the emancipation of the slave. Our \ '■paj-jy Meeting is just over — the subject of slavery had a weight^ ^^^^ deep consideration. " It was said to be like one of our Yearly Meetings when j farob Lindley and Warner Mifflin were moved to speak out for ^■^^q bondman. Farewell. May God bless and preserve thee. Ever and truly thy friend, ^ Jno. G. Whittier. -■ January, 1832. Lundy is off on his travels again, this timf^ to Canada. Now why to Canada? ' The black population of Canada consisted of a few slaves im^"^ ported directly from Africa ; of some runaway slaves from th(^\ Southern States ; and of many free negroes from the Northern ' States, who had left their homes through fear of being kid- napped and sold South, or who had fled panic-stricken at the enactment of laws requiring them to file freedom-papers, which they did not possess. As early as 1803. Ohio had passed a law forbidding negroes to settle in the State unless they filed in a public office their cer- tificate of freedom ; this was known as the "black law." In 1828 this old law was dug up, and the attempt to enforce it caused a sudden exodus of several thousand negroes to Canada. The negroes of Canada did not live scattered here and there all over the country ; but they had gathered themselves into col- THE PHILANTHROPIST. 37 I oiiies. They would locate in a forest along some lonely wood- road and put up cabins and form a community by themselves. Some of these communities included five or six hundred indi- viduals. What was the condition of these settlements? and what ad- vantages did Canada offer as an asylum for emancipated slaves? Lundy wished to base his opinion on facts gathered from personal observation ; and so he made a journey through Canada in January, 1832. He visited the Wilberforce colony consisting of about thirty families on the Au-Sable river, twelve miles west of London; it was a new settlement and had been the rendezvous of 2,000 refugees who had soon passed on seek- ing homes in other parts. The permanent settlers were sober, industrious and thrifty, and maintained two churches and two schools. He considered Canada an excellent place for the settlement of negroes who had lived north of the 34th parallel ; but the soil and climate were not suited to the cultivation of cane, rice and cotton, — the great crops raised by negro labor. One afternoon while he was traveling on foot through a thin- ly populated section of Canada, he came to a stream with a strong deep current, the footlog over which was partly dis- lodged. He walked part way across on the log and then step- ped to the trunk of a fallen tree ; but the tree turned and threw him into the water. He nearly perished ; he climbed out and walked on, but soon sank down exhausted and became so cold that he had to crawl a long distance on his hands and knees through the snow to the next hut. Almost all the anti-slavery men admitted sorrowfully that slavery was profitable to the master. Lundy held to the con- trary ; he believed that slavery was unprofitable, that it was a poor policy financially for a community. He believed that the jilanters of the South would clear more money every year if they would set their slaves free and hire them as free laborers. Talking with the planters, he asked them. How much net profit do you get ofif of a field-slave in a year ? and they said. Each slave clears us about $100 a year. Lundy said. Emanci- pate them and you will clear more; and their reply was. You prove that and we will emancipate them. Alany said, also, that the negroes were incapable of existing as a law-abiding body of free laborers. This was asserted so 372 BENJAMIN LUNDY emphatically and repeated so often that it became a great obstacle in the way of emancipation. Lundy believed that the one thing needful for the further advancement of the aboli- tion cause was a demonstration to the world that the negro was capable of self-government and could prosper as a free laborer. Remember that Lundy never dreamed of an emancipation backed by the sword ; he was opposed to violence and war ; his appeal was solely to the reason and the conscience. His hope was to win the masters themselves. Therefore he proposed to establish a colony of negroes beyond the borders of the United States, with the ultimate object of thus securing emancipation on the soil of all the slaves who remained at home in the United States. His was not a money-making scheme ; his was an ar- gument-making scheme. Lundy's idea was unique. Colonies had been planted in Africa for the good of Africa ; and colonies had been planted in other places for the purpose of getting all the free negroes out of the United States. Why not plant a colony for the purpose of universal emancipation ? Lundy was a man of action ; he was not content to sit in the editorial chair and preach this idea to others ; he began to carry the plan into effect himself ; he would prove by experiment that the American negro could prosper as a free laborer. Inspired by this noble and far-reaching hope, and knowing that the strength of slavery was in the cultivation of cotton, rice and sugar, Lundy made three journeys to Mexico, suffer- ing great hardships and encountering many dangers in his efforts to obtain from the Mexican authorities permission to plant his colony in that semi-tropical land. Texas was rapidly becoming the storm center of political passions : it was swarming with land speculators, and under- neath all the turmoil was the burning slave question. One President of Mexico had issued a proclamation freeing all slaves at once, but that President was arrested and put to death ; another President had modified the proclamation and restored slavery in Texas. IMany of the new settlers in Texas had come from the United States and were rank slavery men at heart, especially Austin's colony. The aggressiveness of this faction boded ill for Mexico. Going to New Orleans and thence ascending the Red River Lundv struck across the wilderness, afoot and alone, carrying THE PHILANTHROPIST. 373 a knapsack. After a journey of one hundred and sixty miles, he reached Nacogdoches on July i, 1832. He immediately drew up a petition addressed to the proper state officers asking for a tract of land whereon he might plant a colony. He left this petition in the hands of true men to be forwarded to Mon- clova, the capital of the State of Coahuila, Leaving Nacog- doches on July 7, he descended the Red River ; ascending the Mississippi, he returned to Philadelphia. Lundy remained at home about five months. In April, 1833, he started on his second trip to Mexico; on May 5th he had reached Cincinnati. While floating down the Ohio and the Mississippi on a freight boat, he studied the Spanish language and argued with his fellow passengers con- cerning the rights of man. When the boat stopped at a wharf a few hours to take on freight, he enquired after prospective colonists ; when the boat stopped at a town over night, he held a public meeting. Having taken passage from New Orleans in the schooner Wild-Cat, he disembarked in Texas at the mouth of the Brazos River, traveled up that stream for several days, and then struck overland for Monclova on the Rio Grande three hundred miles to the westward. "I prepared," says he, "to camp out by providing myself with a pocket pistol and ammunition. I set out before daylight. The grass was so dewy that I had occasion to stop three times before breakfast to pour the water from my shoes and wring out my stockings. When night came on I lay down in the grass by the roadside, my knapsack serving for a pillow and my small thin cloak for sheets and counterpane, while my hat, my stafif and my pistol lay at arm's length from my person." We see him at one time camping with a band of Indians; and at another wandering alone through an arid region and almost perishing for lack of water to drink. The cholera is raging ; and some of the larger towns through which he passed had lost one-tenth of their inhabitants by the scourge. He him- self is stricken down several times by symptoms of the dread disease. His money gives out and he is compelled to sell his watch and some of his clothing. , On entering a village he rents a room and supports himself by repairing shoes and harness, and by making suspenders and other articles from panther and deer skins. An entry in his 374 BENJAMIN LUNDY journal says : "I have sold to-day a shot-bag and a pair of sus- penders for $1 each. Thus I am quite in funds again." Reaching Monclova, the capital of Coahuila, he calls on the Secretary of State and explains his plan. He draws up a petition, has it translated into Spanish, and visits the Governor. He is looked upon at first as a Texas schemer, one of Austin's roarers. He is now confronted by a legal difiiculty. The Mexican Congress had recently passed a law prohibiting persons from the United States from holding land in the Mexican Republic. One ray of hope appears ; the news comes that one branch of the Mexican Congress had passed a hill to repeal that law of 1830. Lundy waits and becomes acquainted with some land speculators. They wish him to bear witness to their good standing morally, socially and financially. But Lundy was cautious. Then they endeavored to persuade him to employ them as agents in securing his grant of land. But Lundy did not fall into that scheme. Then they turned on him openly ; they declared that he was not the person that he represented himself to be ; that he was not the prominent anti-slavery editor but an out and out impostor. Slowly it dawned on Lundy's mind that land speculators, at least the Texan variety, were an interesting class of rascals. He waited a month, and on December 8th ofiicial news is received that the Mexican Congress has repealed the law of 1830, the appeal to take effect six months hence. The Gov- ernor says he can not act now, not until the six months have expired. However, he pledges his word that Lundy shall have the first grant when the time limit is up. Lundy finds it neces- sary to return to the United States ; and in order to make as- surance doubly sure, he concludes an agreement with a friend of his to take out two grants of land for him ; his friend being a British subject and hence not within the statute. He started for home on January 23, 1834, and going to Matamoras took a boat for New Orleans. Several passengers died of cholera. The only ship they met flying the Stars and Stripes was one carrying a cargo of slaves. On reaching Cincinnati the students of Lane Seminary, an institution at which the conflict between colonization and eman- cipation wds especially bitter, arranged a meeting for him at which he explained the radical dififerences between his plan of THE PHILANTHROPIST. 375 negro settlement and the aims and operations of the Coloniza- tion Society. He had been absent just one year on his trip to Mexico. The sole purpose of his flying visit home at this time was to secure funds to be used in obtaining his grant of land, but in this he was only partially successful. At the end of three weeks, with scant and inadequate re- sources, he set out on his third and last trip to Mexico. The yellow fever was raging in the southwest but he never hesita- ted. He went up the Red River and then crossed Texas, travel- ing at first on foot but afterwards securing an Indian pony. On reaching Monclova he was informed that the State Legis- lature of Coahuila had passed a law against the citizens of the United States, estopping them from buying land within her boundaries, including her territory of Texas. This ended all hope of obtaining a grant in those places. Lundy determined, therefore, to apply to the neighboring- state of Tamaulipas. Having been assured by Colonel Almonte that land could be obtained without going to Victoria, the cap- ital, he journeyed four hundred miles eastward to the seacoast and arrived at Matamoras penniless, where he rented a house, opened a saddler's shop and remained three months waiting in vain for the Governor of Tamaulipas to visit the city. Finding that he must go to the capital, he works every day and almost ever}' night, borrows thirty-five dollars, mounts his pony and starts for Victoria. 250 miles to the southwest. Here, after a number of vexatious delays, he obtained from the governor the long-sought-for grant of land. It was for 138,000 acres. He agreed to introduce 250 settlers and their families, but he could not select the land and have it surveyed until he brought some of his settlers ; so he hurried home, traveling by boat and reaching Nashville on May 4, 1835, having been absent one year on this his third and last trip tc Mexico. He prepared handbills setting forth the advantages of Lundy's Grant in Tamaulipas, printed a private letter to his friends, and published in the Western Methodist an address on his Mexican Plan. The first name entered on his list of colonists was that of R. P. Graham, of Nashville, a man possessing property worth ten thousand dollars. Andrew Donelson, a brother-in-law of ^ 376 BENJAMIN LUNDY President Jackson, died and left twenty-one slaves to be freed, but the court decided that the will could not be held valid as ^ to the emancipation of slaves unless they were removed from the United States ; so Lundy, at the request of the slaves and with the consent of Stokely Donelson, the executor, applied to the court to be allowed to take them to his colony. A southern philanthropist was preparing to liberate 100 slaves and a large number of these had expressed a wish to go with Lundy to Mexico. These serve to illustrate the character of the colonists. Lundy issued a pamphlet of 16 pages, the title page readintj a.>- follows : "A circular addressed to Agriculturists, Manufac- turers, Mechanics, &c., on the subject of Mexican Colonization, with a General Statement respecting Lundy's Grant in the State of Tamaulipas, accompanied by a Geographical Description, &c., of that interesting portion of the Mexican Republic." He appointed Philadelphia as the place and February, 1836, - as the time for the sailing of the first expedition. But a crisis w^s rapidly approaching in Mexican affairs. In- surrection developed into revolution, and the government of Texas, founded on slavery and christened a republic, received a baptism of blood. Amid the clash of arms, Lundy's expedition was postponed and finally entirely abandoned to the intense disappointment of its originator. Lundy was now one of the best informed men in the country as to the true condition of affairs in Texas and Mexico. He ' furnished John Quincy Adams, both by letters and by personal interviews, with much valuable material used by Adams in his public debates in the House of Representatives. He brought out in 1835 a pamphlet of 32 pages, entitled "The Origin and True Cause of the Texan Insurrection." In May, 1836, he printed another pamphlet of 56 pages, entitled "The War in Texas, a review of facts and circumstances showing that this contest is the Result of a long-premeditated crusade against the government set on foot by slaveholders, land-specu- lators, &c., with a view of reestablishing, extending and per- petuating the system of slavery and the slave-trade in the Re- public of Mexico. By a Citizen of the United States." In this pamphlet is found that remarkable passage predicting the Southern Confederacy, and expressed by Lundy in these words : "Our countrymen, in fighting for the union of Texas THE PHILANTHROPIST. 377 with the United States, will be lighting for that which at no distant period will inevitably dissolve the Union. The slave states, having the eligible addition to their land of bondage, will ere long cut asunder the federal tie, and confederate a new and distinct slaveholding republic in opposition to the whole free republic of the north. Thus early will be fultilled the pre- diction of the old politicians of Europe that our Union could not remain one century entire; and then also will the maxim be exemplitied in our history that liberty and slavery can not long inhabit the same soil." During the winter of 1835-6, Lundy contributed a series of articles on Texas and Alexico to the colunms of the Motional Gazette of Philadelphia. On August 3, 1836, he commenced a new anti-slavery paper at Philadelphia ; it was a weekly called the National Enquirer. He also published the Genius every month. He issued both papers as sole proprietor regularly until the third week in March, 1837, on which date he entered into an. agreement with the Pennsylvania Anti-Slavery Societ}' whereby the Society assumed the financial responsibility for the publica- tion of the Enquirer, which was to become the official organ of the Society, Lundy retaining the editorship. This arrangement continued until March 9, 1838, just one year. Then an entire change of programme was made. The Penn- sylvania Anti- Slavery Society took the Enquirer, changed its name to the Pennsylvania Freeman, and secured the services of John Greenleaf Whittier as editor. Thus relieved of editorial responsibility, Lundy planned to begin life anew ; he would go west, buy a home and gather his children around him, equip an office and resume the publication of the Genius. Such were his plans, but Jie did not start west at once. He lingered, desiring to attend a series of abolition meet- ings which were to be held in Philadelphia the middle of May. One of the difficulties encountered by the anti-slavery re- formers was the impossibility of renting public halls in which tr hold their meetings. To remedy this, the abolitionists of Pennsylvania had decided to buy a lot in Philadelphia and erect on it a building dedicated to Freedom and the Rights of Man. They raised $30,000 ; and their edifice, named Pennsylvania Hall, was opened for meetings on May 14, 1838. The Anti- Slavery Convention of American Women, an organization 37^ BENJAMIN LtTNDY which Lundy had been very active in promoting, held there its annual meeting. Public meetings were held for three days. This gathering of abolition agitators caused great excitement in the city. On the evening of the 17th, John Swift, the mayor of Philadelphia, went to the managers of the hall and requested them not to hold any evening session lest they should endanger the safety of the building. To this they agreed; and to him they surrendered the keys. The mayor made a speech to the mob which had gathered on the street in front of the hall, ad- vising them to go home and go to bed as he intended to do. But the mob remained and becoming bolder soon burst open ihe doors and set fire to the hall, the police making little, if any, resistance. When the firemen arrived the mob would not allow them to save the hall but compelled them by threats to confine their efforts to protecting the surrounding property. In the anti-slavery office in this hall Lundy had collected all the property which he intended to take west with him, includ- ing most of his private journals and complete sets of the Genius. Everything was burned. The next morning Lundy wrote to a friend and announced his loss, closing his letter in these words: "My papers, books, clothes — everything of value (except my journal in Mexico, etc. ) are all, all gone — a total sacrifice on the altar of Universal Emancipation. They have not yet got my conscience, they have not yet taken my heart, and until they rob me of these, they can not prevent me from pleading the cause of the suffering slave. 1 am not disheartened, though everything of earthly value (in the shape of property) is lost. We shall assuredly triumph yet." These words vibrate with the unconquerable spirit of the man and of his cause. Gazing on the blackened and smoking walls of Pennsylvania Hall, impoverished, homeless, and with the wild jeering of the mob yet ringing in his ears, he breaks forth into, an exclamation of victory, — "We shall assuredly triumph vet." The prophecy came true, the Cause did triumph ; but for IJenjamin himself the close of life was not far off. As a reformer he was firm and uncompromising; he stood during his whole career as stiff as a steel-beam for the freedom of every human being everywhere. But at the same time he THE PHILANTHROPIST. ^^79 was conciliatory, and appealed calmly to reason; and die end he aimed at was an emancipation brought about without the use of fire and sword ; his temper and methods were in the main acceptable to man}- southern people. It will always re- main a matter of speculation whether or not slavery could have been abolished withottt civil war ; but this much is certain, — it never could have been so done except under the leadership of men gifted with Lundy's patience and common sense. In September, 1838, Lundy went to Hennepin, Illinois, and tried to resume there the publication of the Genius; but he encountered much difficulty in securing type and paper. Dur- mg the delay he was induced to locate at Lowell, a town site that had recently been laid out but which had not yet secured the convenience of a post office. There in the winter of 1838-9 he built a house and a printing offtce. In the spring he bought as a home for his unmarried children a small farm four miles away. At last Benjamin's life had fallen in pleasant places ; he had his children around him ; he had an office ; and the Genius of Universal Emancipation began once more to go abroad. In August he was taken with a slight fever which was then epidemic in that section. While working in his printing office on the afternoon of the 21st, he was seized with severe pains so that he could not go to his home but spent the night at the house of his friend William Seely. He grew worse and suffered much pain all the next day. At ten o'clock on the evening of August 22,' 1839, the pain ceased and he became easy ; it was the sign of approaching death, and one hour later he breathed his last. Such was the life of Benjamin Lundy. the Founder of Amer- ican Abolitionism. Such were the toils and struggles of this tireless and effective worker in the cause of human freedom, a heroic spirit inspired to lead the way in changing the thoughts and feelings and morals of a mighty nation. As God naturally wrought out his decree for the abolition of slavery in America, he called forth Lundy and Lincoln — the saddler to begin, and the rail-splitter to complete, that great and glorious work. LETTERS AND OTHER WRITINGS BY, TO, OR CONCERNING BENJAMIN LUNDY. While preparing my paper on Benjamin Lundy in 1897, 1 wrote to Susan M. Wierman, eldest daughter of Benjamin Lundy, soliciting the loan of copies of the Genius and of any original letters or other documents which she might have, in order that I might exhibit the same at the meeting of the His- torical Club. She very kindly complied with my request, and in her letter said : "Nearly all of father's papers were destroyed by fire in Penn- sylvania Hall in 1838. "Zebina Eastman, of Chicago, commenced to collect material for a book and we sent him all the material we had which was not much ; but he died suddenly — before he had much done, I presume — and none of the material has been returned. Zebina was with father in Lowell at the time of his death, and had been with him for some weeks ; was an ardent friend of his and of the Cause. "I have not one whole number of the Genius, and the scraps 1 have contain little but what has been used ; I furnished Pro- fessor Williams with all the material in my possession and he used it quite largely in his article. However, I send thee such letters and papers as I have ; I hope they may prove of interest to the members of the historical society, and thee is free to make such use of them as may seem best. Should be pleased to hear of thy success, and would gladly do anything in my power to help." One of the papers loaned to me for the occasion by her kind- ness I have already given word for word on pages 366-367, it being the itinerary of Lundy's journey from Baltimore to Bennington ; I now present several others along with some ex- cerpts gathered by me from various sources as severally indi- cated. THE PHILANTHROPIST. 381 I. Letter written hy David Lee Child and addressed to Ben- jamin Lundy, Moorestovvn, Burlington county, N. J. Mr. Child graduated from Harvard in the class of 1817; he was a lawyer, and edited the Massachusetts Weekly Journal. pnl)lished at Boston. New York, Mch. 28, 1830. Dear Friend, — Yours of the 17th Inst, was duly received. I am glad you have determined as you there state. I go to Boston and thence to my father's at West Boylestown, County of Worcester and State of Massachusetts where any communication will reach me. Let me know all you learn about the progress or retro- gression of "the blackhearted ingrates." Is it not curious that even now, after dipping their felon hands up to the elbows in blood, they are not grateful to Santa Anna for not driving them out of Southern heathendom or into the Gulf of Mexico. God's will be done tho it is a sore trial to any observer to wait so long for their destruction. Accounts in the newspapers are so con- tradictory that I put no confidence in them. Whenever you get correct information, let me have the pleasure of it for I shall be in the country where I shall not be superabundantly supplied with news. We left Joseph Carpenter and his family all well. That is one of the best men I ever saw. He was pleased to be remembered by you. He is one of your old friends, and if you could be able to visit him, you would give and receive great pleasure. We have been fortunate to form the acquaintance and I hope acquire the friendship of two such persons as he and his sweet and blessed daughter Esther. They have the Turpie children to bring up. These children will be rendered, I hope, very important to the cause of truth. My wife desires remembrance to you. Yr Sincere friend, Mr. Benjamin Lundy. D. L. Chii-d. II. Letter written by Benjamin Lundy and addressed to Lydia S. \^^ierman, care Joel Wierman, York Springs. Pennsylvania. Lyd a, Benjamin's sister, had recently married ; she conducted 382 BENJAMIN LUNDY a Boarding-School for Girls at York Sulphur Springs in Adams county, one hundred miles west of Philadelphia. Philad-a. 5th mo. 29, 1831. Dear Sister, — T expected to receive a letter from thee, before now. I \\ill. however, excuse thee for thy neglect; for, judging from the past, I fear I shall often stand in need of similar favors. Well, I have engaged our friend, Amos Gilbert, to assist in the editorial management of the Genius, while I perform my great tour ; and he is now in Washington, and I am on my jour- ney. But, as I shall take such a zig-zag, round-about course, I expect to be in Washington again before I get far away from home. I have it in prospect to visit some parts of the State of Delaware, New Jersey, and Maryland, immmediately. After leaving Washington again, (probably in 4 or 5 months from this date) I shajl shape my course pretty directly to your part of the country. I shall not go far away until I see what kind of a home my dear sister has. I have just been to see sister Phebe. vShe has a fine daughter, and has named it "Lydia S." I am in hopes William has provided a snug home for his family. Father, mother, Deborah and Mary are now to the eastward. I have not seen any of the family, at home, since thee left them ; but 1 expect to visit them in a week or two. Several of them attended the Y. Meeting, as I did also myself. I then saw thy letter to H. Townsend ; (and when at brother Wm's, Phebe showed me the one thee sent her) ; from which T gather that thee did not fancy our slave system in the South ! Thee told some prett}- tough stories about us ! Well, dear sister, I do not know but that I will let Susan go and live with thee a few months, this summer and fall, if it will still be agreeable to both Joel and thyself. The woman, that she first went to, has quit the business on account of ill- health ; and she has since been a short time with another. But the latter demands terms that I am not disposed to comply with. Some inquiry has been made for a situation here ; and she can be accommodated in the fall. I have talked with Sarah Mar- shall of Philadelphia : she will take Susan in the fall : and T think it would be a good place. Should no other opportunity ofifer, she may pay thee a visit, if thee can give her som; em- ployment. She must not (go where she may) contract liabits THE PHILANTHROPIST. ^S^ of idleness. Please write nie at Washington as soon as this comes to hand, and inform me whether thee is .still willing- to have her with thee a few months. If thy letter reaches Wash- ington before my return, it will be opened by A. Gilbert and shewn to her. 1 am glad to learn that thee is pleased with th\ new home and new connexion. And, my dear sister. I truly hope and trust that thee will long enjoy the happy satisfaction of a peaceful and plentiful home. If I am not exceedingly de- ceived, thee has a kind and worthy husband. 1 have esteemed him ver) highly ever since I became acquainted with him, hut circumstances forbade my expressing the kindly feeling of my heart towards him. I knew however that he had good sensf' enough to approve, rather than condemn, my seeming taci- turnity. The case is now altered, — and I tender him the assur- ance of a brother's kindest affection. And thee must impress it on his mind. When I sat down 1 did not think of writing half so much ; but as I forgot to stop sooner, thee must pardon my proli.xity. Sincerely, Dear Sister, I am Thy Loving Brother, B. LUNDY. Lydia S. Wterman. III. Letter written by Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna, President of the Mexican Republic and Commander-in-Chief of the Army ; and addressed to Sr. Dn. Benjamin Lundy, Monclova, Mexico. Lundy had forwarded a picture of George Washington to Santa Anna who in the following letter thanks Lundy for the gift. Manga de Clavo, Fbro. 20, 1834. MUY SOR-MIO, La muv atenta Carta de V. fha 8 del ppdo. Enero me im pone con la mayor satisfacsion que bubo la vondad de depositar en la estafeta el Retrato del insigne Republicano el Sor George Washington, con el objeto de que llegase a mis manos, como un obsequio ; el que he recivido con la satisfacsion mas cumplida v le tributo las mas ecspresivas gracias por un favor tan distin- guido. que sabre apreciar en cuanto merece el Ilustre personage 384 BENJAMIN LUNDY que representa, y Ctiyas relevantes virtudes. ! Ojala me fuese posible imitar ! Esta ocasion oportuna me proporciona el honor de ofreserme a las ordenes de V. Como un amigo y mas a tento. S. S. Q.'b. S. M. A. L. DE Sta. Anna. IV. Resolutions adopted at a public meeting held in the City of Matamoras, Mexico, on the afternoon of April 2, 1835, during Benjamin Lundy's last visit to that city. The preamble and the first two resolutions have not been preserved. 3. A colony of this character would demonstrate the value of free labor in the culture of sugar, cotton, etc., almost side by side with the planters of Louisiana and adjacent States. On this point mainly the advocate of slavery presumes to argue now^ ; and the practical argument which may thus be adduced in favor of the abolition of slavery will, we are confident, be more efifectual than any other in extinguishing the system of slavery upon pacific principles. Tt will remove the last plank from under the foot of him who entrenches himself on the quag- mire of prejudice and despotism ; and he inust then sink amid the quicksand of human turpitude or immediately place him- self on the solid ground of rational justice. 4. Resolved, That, altho' the Mexican people have but re- cently emerged from the gloom of a most oppressive despotism under which they had, for ages, struggled with ignorance and persecution ; yet they have nobly thrown off the shackles of tyranny and degradation ; they have embraced the true princi- ples of genuine republicanism ; they have made rapid advances in carrying these principles into effect, not merely in theory but also in practice ; — and we have not the least doubt that this Re- public is destined to rank high among the most free, enlight- ened, opulent and powerful nations of the earth. 5. Resok'ed, That, having taken up our abode in this part of North America under the fostering protection of the Mexican Republic, we speak from experience when we say that in our opinion it is the most suitable location in the world for such of our colored brethren in the United States of the North as may be (like we were) desirous to change the place of their resi- THE PHILANTHROPIST. 385 dence for one where they may in fact, as well as in name, enjov the blessings of freedom and the "c(|ual riohts of man." As the genial rays of the most brilliant heavenly luminaries are shed, alike, on men of all colors and conditions, so are the con- sistent provisions of Mexican legislation. Merit alone, not color, is a passport to distinction here. This may, therefore, be emphatically termed "the home of the free." It is, indeed, a home for the man of color. Here he may "repose under his own vine and under his own fig tree, where there are none to molest or make him afraid." Some of us have resided in this country 'many years; and when we consider its contiguit\ to that of our brethren, and the consequent facility of migration, the amenity and salubrity of the climate, the fertility of the soil and its adaptation to every species of culture known upon the American Continent, its cen- tral location, convenience for manufactures and commerce, and proximity to the best markets in the world ; the remarkable healthiness of this particular region even for northern constitu- tions, the total absence of prejudice among the natives on ac- count of color and the perfect equality social and political which is extended by them to persons of all colors from all nations ; — we say when all these things are taken into consideration we feel ourselves full}- warranted in adopting the conclusion ex- I'Tessed in the first part of this resolution. 6. Resolved, That, notwithstanding we have abandoned the nation of our birth on account of the persecution and oppression to which ourselves and our brethren were then subjected, — still we take a deep and lively interest in the welfare and happiness of those we have left behind us. 7. Resolved, That we shall hail with pleasure the arrival of our colored friends* in this country, whenever they may choose il as the place of their residence and will do everything con- sistent with our convenience to welcome and assist them in establishing themselves in business, and we do assure them, that in case they prove themselves to be moral, industrious and ]»rudent and demean themselves well, they will not only receive ihe most hospitable treatment, unequivocal friendship and safe l)rotection from the Mexican people and government, but that they will also be invested with all rights, privileges and immu- nities, social, political and religious, that are extended to the in- dividuals of any nation or color ; and further, that the door of 386 BENJAMIN LUNDY improvement being here plainly open and every obstacle in the way of emulation and honest competition removed, they may by a proper exercise of their faculties, according to their various talents and capacities soon acquire wealth, respectabil- ity and honor, however humble may have been the stations they had previously occupied when prejudice reigned triumphant over them and tyranny had shrouded them in darkness and ob- scurity. 8. Resolved, That the Secretary be directed to furnish Mr. Lundy with a copy of the proceedings of this meeting to be used by him in whatever manner he may judge proper for the infor- mation of our friends and brethren relative to our feelings, views and sentiments as above expressed. Signed by order of the meeting. Henry Powell, Chairman. Attest: Jeff. Hamlin, Secretary. V. Extract from a letter written to Benjamin Lundy by some correspondent in Mexico. .... But the pump for raising water is of the first and in- dispensable importance. Hubbard's is the one to be preferred. One large pump might water many small farms but probably the better way would be for each farmer to be independent of another with regard to his water and use a smaller and less ex- pensive pump worked by a horse power which must be procured with the pump. Hubbard's second size will answer the pur- pose well. The largest size would be sufficient for a farm that would employ fifty hands. It would require an eight horse- power to carry it. The price of the largest size is 140$, that of the common size 40$, and the manual or smallest 25$. Gear- ing, pipes & machinery accompanying extra. The vessel owned by, or employed by the colony when not required in transport- ation should take mules from this port to Mobile or Pensacola and return with timber. In this way she would make money instead of sinking it ; but great pains should be taken in pro- curing her captain and crew. They should understand their business well. The vessel must come provided with everv thing for such a cargo, for nothing but the mules can be procured here. The hay, water, oats & corn for the mules, halters and THE PHILANTHROPIST. 387 chains for tying them, sHngs for keeping them up and the timber for their mangers must all come with the vessel. Your idea of separating families, or rather of bringing at first only single men, I cannot approve. Married men are the most efficient at all times and will give greatest satisfaction to the government. Their morals are also more to be relied on. I recommend that a vessel be bought of about 90 or a 100 tons with not over 7 or 8 feet draft for the use of the colonists. There will be great economy in this as she can ply in the trade between this port and New Orleans & pay her own ex- penses besides transporting the colonists with all their agricul- tural implements. VI. Letter written by Col. I. N. Almonte, Mexican Minister to the United States, and addressed to Benjamin Lundy, Esqr., 94 North Fifth street, Philadelphia. New York, Sept. the 24, 1835. Dear Sir, — On my return from Canada, which was three days ago, I was agreeably surprised to find on my table your much esteemed letter of the i ith inst. I had the pleasure to converse with Mr. Child and I got some interesting information from him in re- gard to Texas. I shall see him again when he returns to town. I can positively assure you that our gov't never will part with Texas ; we know too well to appreciate good things, and not only that but the sale of Texas would produce a revolution in Mexico. I had advices from that city up to the ist of Sept. inst., and by them I learn that everything goes on smoothly. The Congress has not yet declared whether it is to be constit- uent or convocant, and many assure me that the Const'n. will not be changed but amended only. We shall see by next Packet what has finally been done. T am extremely obliged to you for the information you give me of Melish's map : would you be so good as to call on Messrs. Follin & Cuerta. No. 36 Walnut street, and let them know the price of the said map^ They will in that case give you the money and you will still be kind enough to buy it and deposit it into Mr. Cuerta's hands. You can show this part of my let- ter to them and they will, I doubt not, serve me. 388 BENJAMIN LUNDY I shall not pass through that town until December and there- fore I shall wait it to have the pleasure of seeing you. I live in Cortland street No. 40, near Broadway, and will be happy t«) see you there. Yours truly, I. N. Almonte. VII. Articles of agreement between Benjamin Lundy, of Wash- ington, D. C, and Lyman A. Spalding, of Lockport, N. Y., dated January 28, 1836. Articles of Agreement between Benjamin Lundy and Lyman A. Spalding. (Done in duplicate.) These articles of agreement made and executed on the twenty-eighth day of January in the year one thousand eight hundred and thirty-six between Benjamin Lundy of the city of Washington, in the District of Columbia, of the one part, and Lyman A. Spalding, of Lockport, in the State of New York, of the other part, Witness that whereas the said Benjamin hath entered into a treaty with the Governor of the free and sover- eign State of Tamaulipas, Republic of Mexico, bearing date the tenth day of March in the year one thousand eight hundred and thirty-five, whereby a grant of lands in the said state was made to the said Benjamin under certain clauses and restrictions as by reference to said treaty (which was published at Philadel- phia in the same year one thousand eight hundred and thirty- five) will more fully appear, now for and in consideration of the premises, also of the said Lyman's having advanced to said Benjamin certain sums of money as set forth in two previous articles of agreement, bearing date respectively the twelfth day of first month (January) 1832, and the first day of eleventh month (November) 1832, also of one dollar to him now in hand hand paid the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, and also of other good and lawful considerations, the said Benjamin and Lyman have agreed and by these presents do agree to be- come and do become copartners, hereby covenanting and agree- ing each to and with the other in manner and form following, that is to say — THE PHILANTHROPIST. 389 1st. — The said Benjamin shall proceed to colonize the land granted to him by said treaty upon the terms and in the manner required thereby, so soon as in his judgment it shall be sate and expedient so to do, transacting the whole of the business of such colonization whether the same be with the authorities of the State of Tamaulipas or with any other person or persons, body or bodies politic whatever in his the said Benjamin's own name and in the manner which he shall think best. 2d. — The reasonable costs accrued and expenditures incurred by said Benjamin in colonizing the said land shall from tinie to time as may be deemed convenient, be fully and correctly stated and proper accounts thereof be submitted to said Lyman or his proper attorney; which said costs and expenditures shall be equally borne and defrayed by the parties hereto, provided nevertheless the said Benjamin shall besides paying his own moiety furnish as far as may be practicable the funds towards defraying the said Lyman's half until this shall have amounted to the sum of five hundred dollars (in which sum the said Ben- jamin is well and truly indebted to the said Lyman upon a bond bearing date the twelfth day of first month (January) one thousand eight hundred and thirty-two, alluded to in the for- mer articles of agreement above referred to) : and all payments so made by said Benjamin for said Lyman shall be duly credited upon said bond it being understood by both par- ties that in case of difficulties preventing the completion of the colony designed or in case said Lyman's moiety of the expenses as above paid by said Benjamin shall not amount to said sum of five hundred dollars, then the balance of said sum after de- ducting the amounts paid shall be considered a loan to said Benjamin to bear interest at the rate of seven dollars for every one hundred dollars per annum as mentioned in the agreements already referred to. 3d. — Immediately upon said Benjamin's receiving the deeds of said lands in fee simple or of any part thereof according to the provisions of the said treaty, they shall be equally divided ac- cording to quantity and quality between the said Benjamin and said Lyman or their respective heirs or assigns, to be held sever- ally by them subject to the terms of the treaty and laws of the country, provided nevertheless the said Benjamin shall have the full and entire right and power (which is hereby fully granted and conceded by said Lyman) of granting and conveying to 390 BENJAMIN LUNDY each of the colonists required by said treaty gratis and without charge such portions of land as may be necessary to induce them to become settlers or in general of using such other measures in the transfer of portions of said land to the colon- ists as will in his opinion best promote the interests of the par- ties hereto, he hereby binding himself to exert his best efforts in promoting the same. 4th. — Should it at any time hereafter (before the deeds be received as aforesaid and the division made) be the desire of the parties to farm or improve any portion of said land upon their individual accounts, the said Benjamin shall have the first choice of a tract (say a league or labor as he may select) and said Lyman shall have the second choice, which portions so selected shall be held by each party in fee simple, absolutely, separately and apart from the partnership hereby formed as to the residue of the Grant. 5th. — It is further mutually agreed that in case the parties hereto shall at any future time deem it expedient to purchase a tract of land in some suitable place in the vicinity of the land granted by the treaty and herein before alluded to for the pur- pose of establishing a commercial city, the said Lyman shall purchase the same for his own sole use and benefit, and the said Benjamin shall select or aid in selecting the site, prepare the plan, lay out said city, name it as he shall see fit, as also its avenues, streets, squares, &c., ])ublish an accurate state- m.ent of its location with its commercial advantages, all at the cost of said Lyman. In compensation for these services the said Benjamin shall receive of and from the said Lyman a fee simple title to six lots in said city and one labor in its vicinity of the land thus purchased, he choosing the labor and one of the said six lots wherever he shall see fit, the other five remain- ing lots to be equitably selected according to the advantages of situation. 6th. The articles of agreement heretofore executed and now superseded by these presents are hereby declared of no further force and effect but null and void. To the true performance and execution of all and singular the foregoing covenants and agreements, the said parties do respectively bind themselves, their heirs, executors, adminis- trators and assigns by these presents. In testimony whereof we have hereunto severally set our THE: PHILANTHROPIST. 39! hands and affixed our seals on the day and year first above written. B. LuNDY. [Seah] L. A. Spalding. [Seal.] Signed, sealed and delivered in the presence of us, Witnesses to the signature of B. Lundy, W. Sim. J. Cole. Witnesses present at signing of L. A. Spalding. C. S. Muck. John W. Pound. VIII. Letter written by Lydia Maria Child, wife of David Lee Child, to Benjamin Lundy. Circumstances had prevented Benjamin from starting to Mexico with his settlers during February, 1836, the favor- able month; and therefore he had proposed that he and Mr. Child should proceed together to New Orleans, in disguise, and thence to Matamoras. Mrs. Child was the editor of the Anti-Slavery Standard. New Rochelle, [N. Y.], March 14th, [1836J. Esteemed Friend^ — I received your letter yesterday. I was very much distressed for fear that Mr. Child would fall in with your proposed route; but he has pledged himself not to go without me, and now I feel easy concerning him. But your danger will be a hundred fold greater than his. I do beseech you not to be so rash as to think of running this great risk, merely for the sake of gaining a few weeks' time. In the common course of nature it cannot be very long before the ice breaks up. This delay is over-ruled by Providence for some good ; and being impatient under it will only be produc- tive of mischief. I think we had better wait till we can all go together. Mr. Child has proposed to go by way of Jamaica; but this would increase expense, and be accompanied with uncertainty. What very important difference can a few weeks make ? I pray you do not go by way of N. Orleans. Having sur- 392 BENJAMIN LUNDY vived so many dangers, do not hazard all on one throw, just as the way seems open for the final accomplishment of your wishes. Very Respectfully & sincerely your Friend, L. Maria Child. P. S. — Joseph Carpenter & his family desire to be remem- bered. (On the back of the foregoing letter the following passage is found.) I have little to add to the enclosed letter ; but I hope to get something more definite soon concerning the situation, views and purposes Plenipe F — has recently arrived, and has promised us news. I fancy the late Charge is not disposed to be very communica- tive. Well, he has a right to be close, and as a general rule it is his duty. It seems to me that the Texan traitors are now going down hill to destruction as fast as the greatest sinners need to, unless Andrew the first (and last 1 hope) picks a quarrel & sends the "6th Regiment," which is now on army observation, to whip the Mexicans into the Pacific Ocean. It appears to me that Santa Anna is displaying consummate statesmanship. I see now why the Texans began to call him "the archfiend" about two months ago. The Mexican nation and government have been so long harassed, irritated, and insulted by these insolent slavite desperadoes that they will, I doubt not, make thorough work with them now. They must look unfavorably upon any new emigrants from the United States. IX. Letter written by David Lee Child to Benjamin Lundy. The heading of the letter has been lost. The season when we wished to go has already passed and a few days or weeks cannot now be very important. I should suppose that very little can be done this year except in planting provisions, erecting dwellings and laying out lots so as to begin betimes next January. I wish to be there and will go by the first opportunity altho' I regret that the best and healthiest months for arriving there have passed away. But THE PHILANTHROPIST. 393 temperance & regularity render almost any changes of climate safe. Let us know immediately whether you concur in our views. Arrived at our destination, our land selected, and the nature of the soil, climate, &c., tried, we shall be able to put forth a circular in the U. S. which will bring us settlers as fast as they can be accommodated. Affect'y Yr Friend, D. L. Child. Mr. Benj-a Lundy, Philadelphia. X. A extract from The War in Texas, a pamphlet of fifty-six pages, written and published by Benjamin Lundy in 1836. It is susceptible of the clearest demonstration that the im- mediate cause and the leading object of this contest originated in a settled design among the slaveholders of this country (with land-speculators and slave-traders) to wrest the large and val- uable territory of Texas from the Mexican Republic in order to reestablish the system of slavery; to open a vast and profit- able slave-market therein ; and ultimately, to annex it to the L^nited States. We can no longer disguise the fact that the advocates of Slavery are resolved at all hazards to obtain the territory in question, if possible, for the avowed purpose of adding five or six more slave-holding states to the Union ! It is now time for the people of the LInited States who are opposed to this horrible evil (an evil unparalleled in the present state of the world) to arouse from their lethargy and nip the monstrous attempt in the bud. XL Resolution adopted by the Anti-Slavery Society of the State of Pennsylvania at its convention held at Harrisburg from Jan- uary 31 to February 2, 1837: Whereas, We recognize and appreciate the self-denying zeal and untiring efiforts of Benjamin Lundy, by which he sus- tained The Genius of Uniz'ersal Emancipation for eight years of general apathy on the subject of slavery, when no pecuniary embarrassment, no privations of society, no cold neglect or in- difiference to his warning voice could dissuade him from his 394 BENJAMIN LUNDY fixed principles of duty, but finally the attention of many was roused by it throughout the land ; therefore, Resolved, That Benjamin Lundy receive the thanks of this Convention. XIL / Letter written by Benjamin Lundy, and addressed to Wil- liam C. Wierman, York Springs, Pennsylvania. Philadelphia, 4th mo. 6th, 1837, My Dear Children, — I have been very unwell much of the time since I saw you. A'ly time has also been so incessantly occupied when I have been able to attend to business that it has been out of my power to pay much attention to matters of a private nature. This will account for my delaying so long to write to you. The time is near at hand when I suppose you will set out for the west. 1 have thought much upon the subject since my return home, and indulge the hope that everything may be arranged to your satisfaction. Eliza seems at a loss to decide whether to go to the west, just now, or to wait until I can go also. As the State Society has now taken the National Enquirer on the condition that I shall still continue its editor, I do not expect that I can leave this part of the country before next Fall, or Spring. I have no ex- pectation that my location here will be permanent. I wish to arrange matters so that 1 can spend the remainder of my life among my children, if possible; and it is altogether likely that I shall obtain a discharge from my present station after a while. The friends of our cause will not listen to anything of the kind at present; and, in fact, I beheve, myself, that it would not be proper for me to seek repose, during the heat of the great moral warfare in which I have been so long engaged. As for Charles, I am of the opinion that he had best accom- pany you, if it is your desire. You will probably need his as- sistance, both in performing the journey with your goods, &c., and in preparing your new habitation. Even if he should re- turn again after a while, or choose to learn a trade, I have no doubt that it be the best for himself to go with you In fact, I scarcely know what he could do here, to advantage. If you should not have full employment for him, he would find no THE PHILANTHROPIST. 395 difficulty in g-etting it among our friends in that part of the country. Should he incline to learn a trade, as aforesaid, he could get better terms in a new country than in the old settlements. I have got a pretty good situation for Eliza, but I have no idea that one could be had, about here, for Charles, unless he would serve an apprenticeship of five or six years. I wish you to write me, soon after the reception of this, and let me know, candidly, your views upon this subject. Let me know, also, what Charles thinks of it himself. And further, I wish to understand the precise time of your intended depart- ure, that I may, if possible, see you again before you set out. I received a letter from sister Mary a short time since She has not yet arrived in the city but we expect her to-morrow. I got Susan's letter, a few days ago. She sends her love to you all. Soon after my return here I wrote to Brother William Lewis but have got no answer yet. Have }'ou received anything from him lately? We learn that our friends in New Jersey are generally in usual health. Isaac Lewis, Morgan Lewis' son, from Short Creek, Ohio, was here last week. He saw Father Lewis, Brother Samuel, Sister Ann Fullerton. and their folks a week or two before, who were all in common health. Do not forget to write me immediately. That is the popular tioctrine now. Give my love to Lydia, Joel, Charles, and all the children. You have so many there, it would occup}' too much time and space to name them all here. Your affectionate Father, B. LUNDY, Wm. C. Wierman, Susan M. Wierman. xin. A Pre-Emption Claim. This is to certify that this deed is recorded in the book of the Vermethun Land Association. March 7, 1839. L. Woodward. Parties : Thomas O'Brien, Benjamin Lundy. Consideration $75. O'Brien sells his right to Lundy. "The north half of section 3 (containing 320 acres) of 396 BENJAMIN LUNDY Township No. 31 North of Range No. 2 East of the 3rd prin- cipal meridian," being the land claimed by Edward Ruvan and Thomas O'Brien, and sold by surviving partner, Th. O'Brien, to satisfy the debts of the Firm. Given second day of March, 1839. Witnesses : E. R. Williams, Jethro Harch, E. G. Ahord. XIV. Letter written by Benjamin Lundy to William C. and Susan M. Wierman, Clear Creek, Putnam Co., Illinois. It is dated August 21, 1839, the day he was stricken down with sickness ; he died the next day. Lowell, 8th mo. 21st, 1839. Dear Wm & Susan, — Esther has been taken down with the Ague fever, and there is no one here to pay her the proper attention. I am confined to my bed more, than half the time. I want Susan to take care of her, while her illness continues. When she gets able to work she may help Eliza, if she wants her. I will pay fully for her board, &c. &c. while she is unable to work. My journeyman is about leaving me, and I must shut up my office again. I will see you all as soon as I am able to ride that distance. Affectionately, B. Lundy. P. S. — I do not think it would do to send Esther to Eliza, now. B. L. XV. Obituary notice of Esther (Lewis) Lundy, wife of Benjamin Lundy ; written by her husband and published in The Genius on June 3, 1826: The editor has never made it a practice to insert obituary notices in this work, but he trusts that his readers will hold him excused for occupying a small space in the present num- ber, with the view of paying a tribute to the memory of his late bosom companion, whose untimely demise was noticed a few weeks since, during his absence. Though nothing can be said that will rescue from the power of the grave the friends that we love, after the relentless hand of death hath been laid upon THE PHILANTHROPIST. 397 them, still we may be permitted to breathe our last adieu, in obedience to the mandates of true and genuine afifection. Esther Lundy was born in the county of Chester, in the State of Pennsylvania, on the 26th day of the 3d month, 1793. She was the eldest daughter of Henry Lewis, who removed with his family to the State of Ohio, in the early settlement of that part of the country, where he still resides. She had a birth- right in the Society of Friends, which she retained until the day of her death. Since we formed our matrimonial connex- ion, it has frequently been my lot to be from home, for many months at a time. And in consequence of the peculiar duties of my calling, since I have been in a public line of business, I several times found it necessary to change my place of resi- dence. All this must have occasioned some trials to my wife ; and in addition thereto, she was for several years of the latter part of her life severely afflicted with a rheumatic complaint, that sometimes appeared to her with imminent danger. Yet amidst every difficulty, and under every afflictive dispensation, she evinced an unusual degree of fortitude, for one of her sex. Whenever it fell to my lot to be called from home, and what- ever might be the state and condition of her health, she uniform- ly and cheerfully gave her consent thereto; observing that she could not find a freedom in urging anything as a hinderance to the success of my labours in the cause of philanthropy. It may truly be said that she was actuated by the spirit that directs the Christian in the path of duty; and that the irreparable loss of her numerous friends and relatives is her eternal gain. She has left five small children, in addition to her bereaved husband, to lament her untimely death. In ordinary cases the severance of near and dear connexions by the cold hand of death, is sufficient to out-weigh every consideration that excites the pang of sor- row and keen regret. Yet when this is attended with peculiarly distressing circumstances, the barbed arrow of grief is doubly pointed, and the mind must suffer all the poignancy of deep and heart-rending affliction. It happened at a time when every relative, except her little hapless children, was absent, that the messenger of death appeared with his awful summons. Yet she was surrounded with Christian neighbors, who spared no ex- ertions to administer the balm of relief in the hour of distress. But alas! what could they do? It was the appointed time for her to receive the glorious reward of her many virtues. Her 398 BENJAMIN LUNDY Saviour called — she passed the ordeal of dissolution with per- fect calmness and serenity of mind — and her spirit reposes in the mansion of eternal happiness. XVI. Editorial written hy Benjamin Lundy and pviblished in the Genius on September 6, 1828. More than seven years have now elapsed sint-e the first num- ber of The Gtvilus of Unk'crsal Emancipation was issued from the press, and sent abroad to take its luck in a fault-finding world and stand or fall by its own merits alone. No hireling prints were employed to trumpet a fame which it never deserv- ed. No associations of wealthy and influential individuals were formed for the purpose of giving it a circulation or pop- "* ularity which its own character could not sustain or extend. Its pecuniary prospects all grew out of barely six individual subscriptions ; and its success, in every other respect, was left to grow out of its own little self, with this limited circulation. But this was not the only difficulty wath which it was doomed to grapple. Many of the declared friends of emancipation, dis- trusting its slender hold upon the favour of the people, de- nounced the attempt as "wild and Quixotic." The "great mass" looked "askance" at a project so novel ; while interested knaves poured forth their vollies of wrath and seasoned their execrations with threats by no means creditable to themselves or flattering to the editor. Nothing but a firm conviction of the correctness of our views, the justice of our cause and the rectitude of our inten- tions, could have sustained us in our undertaking, during the earliest stages of this discouraging conflict. But the fates have decreed that "perseverance in well-doing shall be rewarded." Our paper has worked its way through many opposing difficulties, and gradually extended and in- creased its patronage. And we now have the pleasure to say ihat it is supported by many of the most exemplary and in- fluential men — both political and religious — in the United States. The immense pecuniary sacrifices, however, which have been necessarily made to sustain it thus far, have not been sufficiently repaired to give it that independent, firm, and dig- nified character which its advocates might wish. The difficulties to be encountered in conducting a periodical THE PHILANTHROPIST. 399 like this are numerous and appalling. Each man who len(l> his support thinks that he thereby obtains an un(|ualificcl right to chalk out the course to be pursued by its conductor. And as opinions relative to this course are various and conflicting, we must reject all but our own. and adopted it as a rule of conduct. Some of our subscribers who believe that the condition of the African race is materially involved in the ensuing Presiden- tial election, urge us to devote a larger portion of our paper, at this eventful period, to that important subject, — others, again, when they discover the most distant allusion to a "purely political" question of this kind, very gravely order us to strike their names from our list, and assign for a reason that we '' have "abandoned our first principles and commenced the pub- lication of a political paper." XVII. Editorial written by Benjamin Lundy and published in the Genius of x\pril 30, 1830, that being the first issue after the dis- solution of the partnership with William Lloyd Garrison. The G cuius has been a weekly publication ; it is now reduced to a monthl}-. The amiable writer alluded to was the poetess, Elizabeth Margaret Chandler, who was for several years assist- ant editor of the Genius. THE EDITOR TO THE PUBLIC. Again I find myself, alone, at the editorial desk ; and again I resume a monthly correspondence with the readers of The Genius of Uniirrsal Emancipation. I yet hope to have the as- sistance of an amiable and talented writer whose services in the cause are invaluable, but the care and responsibility of the publication depend entirely upon myself. Nine years have nearly elapsed since this work first made its appearance. During that period I have witnessed many vicis- situdes in the afifairs of life, have experienced something of the fickleness of fortune and a goodly share of what the world /■ calls hardship and privation. From the commencement until very lately, however, it gradually increased in size, and it is believed in interest. The many difficulties that presented tlicm- selves have occasionally produced some irregularity in its pub- lication ; and this, together with the unpopularity of the subject 400 BENJAMIN LUNDY upon which it treats, in a portion of the country, and the gen- eral apathy among those who are friendly to the undertaking, have prevented as extensive a circulation as had been antici- ]>ated. The strong desire that I have ever felt to contribute my mite towards the promotion of the good cause, has induced me not only to make great exertions to issue a weekly publication devoted to it but also to render what assistance I could in every other way. But I find that the people are not prepared to go with me quite so far. To speak in phrase a la militaire, I am too near the entrenchments of the enemy. — and, of course, like a prudent soldier, must retreat a little, until our troops can "screw up their courage" somewhat more. That they will ere long go farther I feel well assured ; and I shall still "fight on," and "keep the faith," hoping and believing that a glorious vic- tory will ultimately crown our eflforts. That I shall yet have a severe struggle for a time, even with the monthly publica- tion, is to be , expected : and I submit it to the con- sideration of those who profess a willingness to aid in promoting the work of emancipation — those who approve the course I have pursued — whether it be reasonable or just, that T should be subjected to in- conveniences and hardships almost intolerable when they are equally as much interested in the matter as I am myself, and have it in their power, by giving a little further assistance, to relieve me from a portion of the burden and enable me to labor much more efficiently for the attainment of our great and im- portant object. I do not wish to speak boastfully of what I have done, or essayed to do, in advocating the question of African Emanci- pation ; and I do detest the idea of making a cringing appeal to the public for aid in my undertaking. I am willing to work ; and can support myself and family by my own labor. But after a ten years' struggle to promote the cause to the best of my humble abilities, and in every possible manner, it may not be amiss to inform those who take an interest in this publica- tion, that I have (within the period mentioned) sacrificed several thousand dolllars of my own hard earnings, have travelled upwards of five thousand miles on foot, and more than twenty thousand in other ways ; have visited nineteen of the states of this Union and held more than two hundred pub- lic meetings, with the view of making known our object, &c. ; I THE PHILANTHROnST. 401 and in addition to this, have performed two voyages to the West Indies, by which means the hberation of a considerable number of slaves has been efifected, and I hope the way has been paved for the enlargement of many more. What efifect this work has had in turning the attention of the public to the subject of the abolition of slavery, it would not become me to say, though I have carefully noted every- thing relative thereto that came within the range of my obser- vation. Of this, others who have acquainted themselves with the matter must judge. But I am fully persuaded that something of the kind is greatlv needed and mav be instrumental in doing much good. There is not another periodical work, published by a citizen of the United States, whose conductor dare treat upon the sub- ject of slavery as its nature requires and its importance -de- mands. And viewing the matter in this light, I shall persevere in mv efforts, as usual, while the means of doing it are afforded, or until more efficient advocates of the cause shall make them- selves known. I shall now devote my undivided attention to this publication, and endeavor to make it as in- teresting as possible. I will neither be cajoled by the smiles nor awed by the frowns of any to a derelic- tion of principle or an abandonment of the cause. My humble exertions shall be directed to the one great end — my whole self shall be devoted to the holy work — my march shall be steadily onzvard; and neither sectarian pride, party zeal, nor even persecution itself, from the "powers that be," or that may be, shall turn me to the right hand or to the left. If I obtain a reasonable patronage for the work, it shall go on, upon the principle that it has ever done when under my imme- diate direction, notwithstanding all the opposition that tyranny and malice can array against it. B. LUNDY. XVIII. Extract from a speech delivered by Wendell Phillips before the Massachusetts Anti-Slavery Society, in Boston. January 27, 1853, on "The Philosophy of the Abolition Movement." (a6) 402 BENJAMIN LUNDY See Speeches, Lectures and Letters by Wendell Phillips, page ii6, published by Lee and Shepherd, 1884. "Any one who will examine John Quincy Adams's speech on Texas, in 1838, will see that he was only seconding the full and able exposure of the Texas plot, prepared by Benjamin Lundy, to one of whose pamphlets Dr. Channing in his 'Letter to Henry Clay' has confessed his obligation. Every one ac- quainted with those years will allow that the North owes its earliest knowledge and first awakening on that subject to Mr. Lundy who made long journeys and devoted years to the in vestigation. His ( Lundy 's) labors have this attestation that they quickened the zeal and strengthened the hands of such men as Adams and Channing. I have been told that Mr. Lundy prepared a brief for Mr. Adams and furnished him the materials for his 'Speech on Texas.' " XIX. Eulogy on Benjamin Lundy, written by Thomas Earle and imblishcd as introductory paragraphs to "Earle's Life of Lundy." "It has, perhaps, been too often the province of Biography to record the achievements of the heroes of the sword — of those whose principal distinction arose from the torrents of blood they had caused to flow, from the number of widows and or- l)hans they had made, and from the extent of the countries which they had devastated or enslaved, with no better motive than that principle of self-aggrandizement which actuates the thief, the robber and the pirate. "Our enterprise is of a dififcrent character. Its purpose is to record the deeds of a hero of the soul — of one who toiled in- cessantly, and patiently endured every privation in order that he might heal the wounds which tyranny had inflicted : that he might bind up the hearts which avarice had rent ; that he might sanctify the rights of consanguinity ; that he might se- cure to labour its just reward, to virtue its due protection, to ihe rights of man their full enjoyment, to human intellect its freedom of expansion, to life the shield of just laws : and that he might elevate his race to a more full conformity to that re- ligion which teaches peace on earth and good will to men." TIIR PTTTLAXTHROPIST. 403 XX. There was an article published in The Independent in 1868 on The Anti-Slavery Lalxirs of lienjamin I ,undy, which article consisted of two contributed letters, with some comments thereon by the editor of the paper. One of these letters was written by Mrs. Susan M. W'ierman, and gave a short historv of Tlic Genius: T do not re])rint .Mrs. W'ierman's letter for it contains no new facts. The other letter was written by Mr. Thomas H. denin, an aged citizen of St. Clairsville, Ohio, who speaks from ])ersonal knowledge concerning the beginning of Benjamin Lundy's public career, concerning I.undx's success in organizing the Union Humane- Society, and concerning the character of the work carried on by that association. I reprint Mr, Genin's letter in full. St. Cl.mrsville, O., March 25, 1867. To the Editor of The Independent: In your notice of Leutze's intent to paint the emancipators (January 3, 1867). you say, "William Lloyd Garrison is the jiioneer and founder of the grand moral movement which gen- erated the public sentiment in obedience to which slavery in the I'nited States was abolished." I would not detract from him. Init would allow the just claims of others. Garrison could have been scarce eleven years old when Benjamin Lundy assembled by his importunity some persons who had virtue in abundance but rusty for want of use, at the tavern of William Sharpless, in St. Clairsville, Ohio, — among them Charles Hammond, sub- .sequently of the Cincinnati Gaacfte — to form an abolition association under the name of "The Union Humane Society." The record of their proceedings, in Lundy's handwriting, is before me. It is without date, but the 34th article of the con- stitution they adopted provides that "All persons who subscribe this constitution on or before the 20th day of A])ril. t8i6, shall meet at Mt. Pleasant on that day for the purpose of organizing the society." Lender this constitution, by Lundy's exertions, eight local associations were formed, which sent delegates semi-annually to Mt. Pleasant for several years, and the central society was represented by delegates to the Abolition Convention lield in Philadelphia. I was a delegate in 1819. The inhabitants of St. Clairsville, Ohio, indulged in some 404 BENJAMIN LUNDY pleasantries at Lundy's efforts in 181 8, '19 and '20, to sell his little house in that town for the purpose, as he said, of getting means to publish an abolition paper. In the latter part of 1820 he arranged to have such a paper printed at Mt. Pleasant, called The Genius of Universal Emancipation. The enclosed letter of Mrs. Susan M. Wierman, of Magnolia. Putnam county. III, eldest daughter of Mr. Lundy, gives its history. Mr. Lundy sold his house in St. Clairsville, closed his sad- dlery shop, issued The Genius of Universal Emancipation, de- voted himself soul, body, and business, to the cause of abol- itionism from the year 18 [5 until his death in 1839. He pub- lished the first abolition paper, commencing January, 1821, and continued it with little interrruption for nineteen years. He lectured and traveled much, and urged others to aid the cause. Not the least of his triumphs is his bringing Mr. Garrison into the field. This recruit has done him distinguished honor, though he did not appear in arms until Lundy had been thir- teen years engaged — eight years as an editor and five as an efficient agitator in other respects. As a fruit of his agitation. I send for Mr. Tilton's inspection an oration of May 14, 1818, of which the "LTnion Humane Society" distributed a large edition. It aims to remove prejudices against negroes, and its arguments seem as much needed now as then. Thomas H. Genin. XXI. Extract from the History of the United States, by Dr. H. von Hoist; Vol. II., pages 81-82. The immediate precursor and, in a certain sense, the father of the abolitionists was Benjamin Lundy a Quaker, born in New Jersey. In Wheeling, West Virginia, where he learned the saddler's trade, he had ample opportunity to become ac- quainted with the horrors of slavery as great cargoes of slaves on their way to the southern states frequently passed the place. Lundy had been endeavoring for some years to awaken an ac- tive interest among his neighbors in the hard lot of the slaves when the Missouri question brought him to the resolve to con- secrate his whole life to their cause. In 182T he began to publish The Genius of Unii'ersal Eman- cipation, which is to be considered the first abolition organ. The XlXth century can scarcely point to another instance in THE PHILANTHROPIST. 405 which the commandment of Christ to leave all things and fol- low Him was so literally construed and followed. Lundy gave up his flourishing business, took leave of his wife and of his two dearly beloved children and began a rest- less wandering life, to arouse consciences everywhere to a deeper understanding of the sin and crime of slavery. XXII. A list of books and printed articles relating to Benjamin Lundy, the philanthropist. The Life, Travels and Opinions of Benjamin Lundy, includ- ing his journeys to Texas and Mexico; with a sketch of co- temporary events, and a notice of the Revolution in Hayti. Compiled under the direction and on behalf of his children. Philadelphia: Published by William D. Parish, 1847. [Com- piled by Thomas Earle.] Thomas Earle was a lawyer and an abolitionist, and in the presidential campaign of 1840 had been the candidate of the Liberty Party for Vice-President of the United States. He was a man of culture and at the time of his death was engaged in translating Sismondi's Italian Republics. He had known Lundy personally ; and he undertook the task of compiling a biography at the request of Benjamin's half-sister, Lydia S. Wierman, who furnished him with all the available material. An examination of Earle's Life of Lundy reveals the fact that the book consists of three parts; namely, (a) Lundy 's per- sonal narrative or autobiography, pages 13-31, 186-189, copied nearly in his own words from a series of letters written in Illinois by Lundy during the last year of his life and addressed to a young Quaker lady in Chester county. Pa., whom he had met in 1838 and to whom he became engaged to be married ; (b) Lundy 's travels, pages 31-186, in Texas and Mexico, based on a journal which Lundy kept from May 5, 1833, to July 3, 1835; (c) Lundy's opinions, pages 189-303, being a summary of the most important articles printed in The Genius of Univer- sal Emancipation, drawn from- the files of that periodical and arranged in chronological order. 4o6 BENJAMIN LUNDY History of the Ajiicrican Conflict, by Horace Greeley; Vol. I., page III. History of the People of the United States, by John Bach McMaster; Vol. II., pages 208-212. Constitutional History of the United States, by George Ticknor Curtis; Vol. II., pages 244-250. The Anti-Slavery Labors of Benjamin Lnndy; an article published on January 2, 1868, in The Independent, New York City. Benjamin Lnndy: a sketch of his life and of his relations with his disciple and associate William Lloyd Garrison, em- bracing an unpublished letter of tribute from that gentleman. This fragment, pages 501-520, is in the Ford Collection at the New York Public Library (Astor). 1 infer that it was pub- lished about 1868 in The Northern Monthly. Tlie Constitutional and Political History of the United States, by H. vop Hoist (translated from the German ])y John J. Lalorj, 1879. William Lloyd Garrison: The Stor\ of His Life, told by his children ; published by The Centur}- Company, New York City, 1885 ; Vol. I., pages 87-218. Benjamin Lnndy, the First Abolitioti Journalist, article by Frank B. Sanborn, of Concord, Mass., published in the Cos- mopolitan, New York City, May, 1889. Sanborn's article was reprinted in Friends' Intelligencer and Journal of Fifth Month, 1 8th and 25th, 1889. James G. Birney and His Times, a book written by William Birney and published in 1890 by D. Appleton Company. //; Lundy's Land, an article by Wendell Phillips Garrison, published in the Pennsylvania Alagacine of History and Bio- graphy, October, 1895, No. 75 ; pages 340-350. An article on Benjamin Lnndy, the Philanthropist, his an- cestors, descendants, other near relatives, and a sketch of his life and public services ; in the Annals of Our Colonial Ances- tors,, pages 249-263. compiled by Ambrose M. Shotwell, of Con- cord, Michigan, and published by him in 1897. Benjamin Lnndy, Pioneer, Hero, and Martyr, an article writ- ten by Veytrus R. Williams, of Streator, Illinois, and published in the Inter Ocean, a newspaper of Chicago, March 7th and March 14th, 1897. SONNETS BY WILLIAM LLOYD GARRISON. I. To Benjamin Lundy The early, steadfast, intrepid advocate of Emancipation. Self-taught, unaided, poor, reviled, contemned. Beset with enemies, by friends betrayed, As madman and fanatic oft condemned. Yet in thy noble cause still undismayed! Leonidas thy courage could not boast ; Less numerous were his foes, his hand more strong; Alone, unto a more than Persian host. Thou hast undauntedly given battle long. Nor shalt thou singly wage the unequal strife; And to thy aid with spear and shield I rush, And freely do I offer up my life And bid my heart's blood find a wound to gush ! New volunteers are trooping to the field — To die we are prepared, but not an inch to yield. II. To THE Memory of Benjamin Lundy. Thank God that, though thy body Death hath slain, Thy quenchless spirit nothing could subdue ; That, though thou art removed from mortal view. Thou livest evermore — and not in vain ! Our loss is but thine everlasting gain ! Of Freedom's friends, the truest of the true Wast thou, as all her deadly foes well knew ! For bravely her good cause thou didst maintain. No threats could move, no perils could appal, No bribes seduce thee, in thy high career : O, many a fettered slave shall mourn thy fall. And many a ransomed one let drop the tear ; A nation wakened by thy trumpet-call — The world itself — thy memory shall revere! ASSOCIATED FAMILIES. Under this title there will be given genealogical sketches of some of the families that have intermarried with the Lundy family or with descendants of the Lundy family. No persons herein named are of Lundy descent except those whose names are immediately followed by a page reference to the Lundy genealogy proper. Adams. Laing. SCHMUCK. Armstrong. Large. Schoolev. Buckley. • Lenher. Shotwell, Dennis. Lewis, Stockton. DiLTS. Lundy. Van Horn Foss. Parker. WiLLETS. GiBBS. Patterson. WiLLSON. ADAMS FAMILY. Alexander Adams was born in England on December 5, 1746, and came to America when he was a young man. He settled on a large tract of land in Knowlton township, Warren county, N. J., where he died in June, 1805. His first wife was Ann Bellis ; his second, Sarah . Children of Alexander Adams: L Christianna, b. 2 of 11, 1772, m. Philip Angle; their daughter Ziporah m. Wm. K. Willson; see page 273. H. Joseph, b. i of 9, 1774; married, first, Elizabeth Shotwell and had a daughter Miriam who m. Jesse Lundy, see page 318; and second, Amy Lundy, see page 323. HL Samuel, b. 4 of 10, 1778; dwelt in Warren county, N. J., and had a daughter Mary. IV. Alexander, b. 11 of 12, 1780; m. Phebe Lundy, see page 282. V. Andrew, b. 10 of 2, 1783. VI. Ruth, b. 22 of 4, 1785 ; m. George Lundy II. ; see page 285. VII. Abram, b. 8 of 4, 1787; went west. VIII. Amos, b. 7 of 7, 1789; m. Hannah Kerr. IX. Anna, b. 9 of i, 1793; m. Jacob Decker. X. Kezia, b. 10 of 10, 1795 ; m. Alexander Decker. XL Zip- porah, b. 8 of 11, 1796; m. William Leida. XII. Mary; m. William Mott. XIII. Tirzah ; m. Charles Green. XIV. Samuel ; m. Sarah Hampton, daughter of William and Sarah (Shotwell) Hampton. XV. Abi ; m. John Lawlor. XVI. Zadoc; m. Mahala Leida. XVII. Jeremiah. I JOHN ARMSTRONG. Of Jdlnisunhurg, Warrcii C'Hiiity, Xcw Jersey. Born in 17S8: died in 1873. Son of George Armstrong and. Sarah Hum; Of Nathan Armstrong and Upliamy Wright. ARMSTRONG FAMILV. 409 ARMSTRONG i^VVMlLY. Nathan Armstrong, an early settler of Warren county, New- Jersey, was born about 1717, near Londonderry in the province of Ulster, Ireland. He was a linen weaver by trade, a Scotch- irishman by race, and a Protestant by religious faith. He came to America- about 1740 and made his way to the northwestern frontier of New Jersey, where he met and loved and married a Scotch-Irish maiden named Uphamy Wright. He bought a large tract of uncleared land, built a log-cabin thereon and became a farmer, and continued thereafter during a period of twenty-nine years to enjoy the blessings of health and home and the rewards of industry and thrift. He repre- sented his township on the County Board of Freeholders, and was one of the original incorporators of Christ Church at New- ton, being named as such in the charter granted to that church in 1774 by the provincial government. He died August 11, 1777. Nathan's homestead, which is one mile northwest of John- sonburg and fourteen miles from the Delaware Water Gap, was held in the Armstrong name for three generations (1748- 1880), a period of 132 years. Nathan and Uphamy (Wright) Armstrong had seven children ; namely, Elizabeth, George and John, William, Mary, Hannah and Sarah. Each of these children grew to maturity, married and has descendants living at the present time. Elizabeth Armstrong, the eldest child, born March 12, 1747, was the wife of x\rchibald Stinson, of Danville, N. J. George and John Armstrong were twins; George married Sarah Hunt, and John married Sarah Stinson. William Armstrong married in 1778 Elizabeth Swayze, dwelt at Johnsonburg, N. J., and left four daughters; namely, Lydia, the wife of Abraham Shafer, Jr.; Euphemia, the wife of John T. Bray; Mary, the wife of John Casper Roy; and Sarah, the wife of Ephraim Green, Jr. Mary Armstrong was the wife of Capt. Robert Beavers, of Change water, Warren county, N. J. Hannah Armstrong was the wife of Alexander Linn, and when a widow removed in 1800 with her six children to Espy- ville, Crawford county, Pa. Sarah Armstrong was the wife of Capt. Abraham Shafer, of Stillwater, Sussex county, N. J. 41 ARMSTRONG FAMILY. A Genealogical Record of the Descendants of Nathan Arm- strong was compiled and published in 1895 by William Clinton Armstrong, the author of this Lundy genealogy. The Last Will and Testament of Nathan Armstrong, the pioneer, is dated August 5, 1777, and is recorded among wills, Liber 20, pages 306-310, in the Oflice of the Secretary of State in the State House at Trenton, N. J. A copy of said will is presented herewith. Nathan Armstrong's Will. To all Christian People Greeting. Know ye that Nathan Armstrong in the Township of Hardwick in the County of Sussex and in the province of New Jersey, Yeoman, Being this fifth day of August one thousand Seven hundred and Sevent}' Seven weak in Lod}- but of perfect mind and memory, thanks be given to Almight}- God, & knowing that it is appoint- ed for all men to die, and as it hath pleased God to bestow on me of the Temporal Blessings of this Life, I thought it proper to make this my last Will and Testament ; I commend my Soul unto God that gave it, and I commend my Body to the Earth to be buried in a Christian manner, by my Executors herein- after named, hoping to receive the same at the General Resur- rection b}- the Almighty power of God. First. It is my Will that any funeral charges & all my just debts be .paid. Item. I do give and bequeath unto my well-beloved wife Effie Armstrong all my Household furniture, her riding Horse and Side Saddle, and two Cows, and the Benefit of one good room where she ma}- choose to live in so long as she continues in this Life and to have twenty-five pounds a year paid her by my sons as shall be hereafter mentioned during her Natural Life. Item. I give and bequeath unto my Son George Armstrong one half of the Plantation I now live on. Item. I give and bequeath unto my Son John Armstrong the Other half of the said Plantation ; my Son George is to have the South End thereof and Son John the North End thereof and to be equally divided between them in Quantity of Acres, the said Lands I purchased from Samuel Green One ARMSTRONG FAMILY. 4II hundred acres and from Edw'd i'ennington two hundred and Sixty acres, and from George Brian sixty two acres, which makes up the I'lantation as above to be divided, be the same more or less. Item. 1 give & Bequeath unto my son WiUiam /Vrm.siruug the Plantation I purchased from David Cox, Esq., and also one Other Lot 1 purchased from John (ireen; all the aforesaid Land lies in the Township of Hardwick aforesaid. Item . I give and bequeath unto my Daughter Elizabeth, the Wife of Archibald Stinson, the sum of fifty pounds. Item. I give and bequeath unto my Daughter Mary, the Wife of Robert Beavers, jun'r, the sum of fift}- pounds. Item. I give and Bequeath unto my Daughter Hannah one Hundred pounds and also two Cows. Item. I give and Bequeath unto my Daughter Sarah the Sum of One Hundred pounds and also two cows. Item. I do hereby Constitute and appoint my well-Beloved Wife EtBe Armstrong and my three Sons, George Armstrong, John Armstrong and William Armstrong, my executors of this my last Will and Testament., and I do utterly revoke all Other Wills or former Testaments by me before made to be void and of no efifect and this only to be my Will and Testament as Witness my hand and seal the day and year above written. Nathan Armstrong. (Seal.) Signed, Sealed, published, pronounced, and delivered by the said Nathan Armstrong as his last Will and Testament in the presence of us who in his presence and in the presence of each Subscribed our names. Richard Shackleton. Stephen Shiner. Joseph Reeder. Be it known to all men by these presents that I Nathan Arm- strong of Hardwick in Sussex County in the province of New Jersey, Yeoman, have made my Last Will and Testament in writing as above specify 'd this fifth day of August, 1777. I the said Nathan Armstrong by this present Codicil do rat- ify & Confirm my said last Will and Testament, and it is fur- ther my Will that if an}- of my said Children — legatees in said Will and Testament — should die without issue then the lands and Legacies which belong to them should be Equally divided \ 4i2 ARMSTRONG FAMILY. among the Survivors of them and that this Codicil be adjudged to be a part and parcel of my last Will and Testament, and that all things therein mentioned and Contained be faithfully and truly performed and as fully and amply in every respect as if the same were so declared and set down in my said last Will and Testament. Witness my Hand and Seal the day and year above written. Nathan Armstrong. (Seal.) Signed in the presence of us. R'd Shackletgn. Stephen Shiner. Stephen Shiner and Joseph Reeder, two of the Witnesses to tlie annexed Will, being duly Sworn on the Holy Evangelist of Almighty God, did severally depose that they saw Nathan Armstrong, the Testator therein named. Sign and Seal the same and heard him publish, pronounce, and Declare the an- nex'd Instrument to be his last Will and Testament and that at the Doing thereof the said Testator was of sound and dis- posing mind and memory as far as these deponents know and as they verily beUeve, and that Rich'd Shackleton, the Other Sub- scribing Witness, was present and Signed his Name to the s'd Will together with these Deponents in the presence of the s'd Testator; and the said Stephen Shiner upon his Oath doth fur- ther say that he saw the said Testator Sign and Seal the Codi- cil to the Will thereunto annexed and heard him publish, pro- nounce, and Declare the same to be part and parcel of his last Will and Testament and that at the Doing thereof the said Tes- tator was of Sound and Disposing mind & memory as far as the s'd deponent knows and as he verily believes, and that the af'd Rich'd Shackleton the Other Subscribing Witness to the said Codicil was present & Signed his Name as a Witness to the s'd Codicil, together with this Deponent in the presence of said Testator. Stephen Shiner. Joseph Reeder. Sworn at New Town, i8 May, 1778, Before Tho's Anderson, Surr. The foregoing Will being proved. Probate was granted by his Excellency Gov'r Livingston unto Effey Armstrong, Ex- \ THREE AR.MSTROXC ( iEXERATlOXS. Ricliard 'I'urner Armstning. of Johiisonburg. X. J. William Clinton Armstrong, son. Kichrtrd Clinton .\rmstrong. grandson. R. T. Armstrong is the son of John .Armstrong and Lydia Kirkpatrick : Of George Armstrong and Sarah Hunt: Of Nathan Armstrong and Cphamy Wright. ARMSTRONG FAMILY. 413 ecutrix, George Armstrong, John Armstrong, and William Armstrong, Ex'rs, in the said Will named, they having hcen first duly Sworn truly to perform the Same, exhihit a true In- ^-entory, and render a true Account when thereunto lawfully required. Given under the j^rerogative seal the day and year aforesaid. Bowes Reed, Reg. ( Entry on margin.) Compared with the Original by John l'hillii)s, Reg'r. I insert here the lineage of all the Armstrongs descending in the male line from Nathan the pioneer, referring to the Genea- logical Record mentioned above for the female lines. All the Armstrong families of this kin descend from the one or the other of Nathan's twin sons, George and John. First Branch. George Armstrong, the Presbyterian Elder. K^.-^'y^^-ryrUfy^y-^ ^ George Armstrong, born 1749, died 1829, was town clerk for twenty-two years, assessor of the township for thirty-one years, collector of the county for five years, clerk of the Board of Freeholders, and a member of the New Jersey Legislature. He w^as a ruling Elder in the Yellow Frame Presbyterian Church for over thirty-six years. He received half of the homestead and dwelt thereon. He married Sarah, daughter of Lieut. Richard Hunt, and had twelve children, among whom were John and David H. § A. John Armstrong (1788- 1873), of Johnsonburg, N. J.. ■married Lydia, daughter of Capt. John Kirkpatrick, and had among other children William and Richard Turner. ^^ 414 AR.^^STRONG FAMILY. William Armstrong; (1819-1879), of Johnsonburg. afterward of Belvidere, N. J., married in 1869 Elizabeth Mackey and had John M., Israel, and Eutokia. Richard Turner Armstrong-, of Johnsonburg, N. J., (born January 15, 1823, died November 26, 1903, buried at the Yel- low Frame), married in 1853 Esther Ann Lundy and had Wil- liam Clinton, John W., and George Lundy : see page 292. William Clinton Armstrong, at present of New Brunswick, N. J., married in 1888 Stella Virginia Lenher and has Marion Lenher, Richard Clinton, George Lenher, John Macdougall and William Clinton, Jr. John W. Armstrong, of Marksboro, N. J., married in 1878 Laura Ellen W'illson and has Mabel Edna and John W. George Lundy Armstrong, of Johnsonburg, N. J., married in 1883 Sarah Frances Reeder and has Carrie and Bessie. JP^^f— t-^ J^V^ >^^yf<^ § B. David H. Armstrong ( 1802- 1879), of Johnsonburg, N. J., married in 183 1 Mary Ann Albertson and had George A., Lsaac A., William P., Milton N. and Clinton O. George A. Armstrong, of Dorchester, Neb., married in 1868 Marthia Calla Wintermute and has Austin Craig, David Wil- liam, Flora Belle and Marilda Anna. Lsaac A. Armstrong, of .Shelby county, Iowa, married in 1872 Maria T. McCallister and had Mary C, Alice L., Edwin and Hugh Hunt. William P. Armstrong married Alice Wildrick and had Lizzie, who was born in 1866. Milton N. Armstrong, M.D., of Newton, N. J., married in 1883 Elizabeth Blair and has'Robert B. and Mary. Clinton O. Armstrong, of Milford, Pa., married in 1886 Elizabeth S. Mott and has Harold Rodney, IMaxwell Mott and Natalie Bartow. Second Branch. lolii! Aniisfroiii^. the Comity Judge. >/; i^^^yy /yi^^''^^ I MARGARET SARAH AR.\rSTRONG. (Wife of Josepli W. McCordj, Born in iSoy at Jolmsonburg. New Jersey. Died in 1807 at Baltimore. Maryland. Daughter of John Armstrong, Jr.. and Elizabeth Shafer Of John Armstrong and Sarah Stinson : Of Nathan Armstrong and Uphamy \\'right. AR^rSTRONr. FAMILY. 411; John Annstron- ( 1747- 1836) inlieritcd half of the home- stead. He was count\ surveyor, a director of the Sussex Bank. and County Collector for eight years. hcoi„„i,io- ,7X4. He hinlt and operated a refining- iron-forge at i»aulina. He hecame a Judge of the Court of Common Pleas in 1801, and served in that of^ce for thirty consecutive vears. In 1-7S lu' married Sarah Stinson and had nine childVcn, among wlm,,, were John, Jr., and Nathan. § A. John Armstrong, Jr. (1779-1845), of Euclid, Ohio, married in 1808 Elizabeth Shafer and had Margaret Sarah who married Joseph W. McCord. After the death of Eliza- beth, John Jr. married in 1812 Phebe Stewart and had Samuel Snover, John Stinson and DeWitt Clinton. Samuel Snover Armstrong (1816-1895), of Nottingham, Ohio, has a son George Washington, b. 1840, by his first wife. Sarah Lloyd, and a son John Chester, b. 1857, by his second wife, Mary Gunn. George Washington Armstrong married Mary A. Rice and had a son Frank who married Ada E. Felgemaker. and resides ^ at Meadville, Pa. John Chester Armstrong, of Trenton, Mich., marriel Lillian M. Rose and has a daughter Alice Elizabeth. • John Stinson Armstrong, unmarried, has not been heard from since 1861 ; he is supposed to have died in the U. S. Navv during the Civil War. DeWitt Clinton Armstrong, of Wicklifife, Lake county, Ohio, married in 1862 Anna E. Kline and has John S., Lucy C. Ver- non D. and Grace F. § B. Nathan Armstrong (1785-1831), of Paulina, \\'arren county, N. J., married in t8it Elcy H. Kerr and had John Lock and Henry Palmer. John Lock Armstrong (1811-1889), of Johnsonburg, N. J., married in 1835 I-«cretia Sutphen and had William LLampton. b. 1842. William Hampton Armstrong married Mary E. Sutton and had Austin Elisha, John Lock and Lucretia Drake. 4l6 ARMSTRONG FAMILY. John Lock Armstrong, born 1871, married in 1891 Lois A. Yawger and has Roy and Ellsworth ; resides at Newton, N. J. Henry Palmer Armstrong, of Columbia, Warren county, N. J., married in 1837 Abbie Maria Harris and had Elmer Ro- zell, b. in 1859. Elmer Rozell Armstrong, of Easton, Pa., married in 1884 Sadie Budd and has Donald Budd, Margaret and Lawrence Elmer. « Ancestors of William Clinton Armstrong. PARENTS. Richard Turner Armstrong, born 1823. Esther Ann Lundy, born 1836. GRANDPARENTS. John Armstrong, born 1788, died 1873. Lydia Kirkpatrick, born 1794, died 1828. David Lundy, born 1791, died 1853. Sarah Wildrick, born 1805, died 1885. GREAT GRANDPARENTS. George Armstrong, 1749- 1829. Sarah Hunt, 1763- 1830. John Kirkpatrick, -1822. Lydia Lewis, 1794-1828. George Lundy, 1756- 1833. Esther Willson, 1754-1836. George Wildrick, -1850. Catherine Erwine. FOURTH GENERATION. Nathan Armstrong, 1717-1777, from Londonderry, Ireland. Uphamy Wright, 1724-1811, from Ireland. Richard Hunt, 1720-1819. Mercy Hull. Andrew Kirkpatrick, from Wattle's Neach, Scotland. ARMSTRONG FAMILY. Samuel Lundy, 1727-1801. Ann Schooley, 1728- 1758. Samuel Willson 1!.. 1706-1785. Deborah Willets, 1712-1772. John Wildrick, 1707- 1793. f^m Bavaria, German v 417 FIFTH GENERATION. Samuel Hunt II., -1752, of Mercer County, N. J. Abigail , his wife. Richard Lundy II., 1692-1772. Elizabeth Large. Samuel Schooley. 1698-1761. Avis Holloway, 1706-1785. Samuel Willson I., 1681-1761, of Hunterdon County. X. J. Esther Overton, 1682- Joseph Willets, of Hunterdon County, N. J. All ancestors thus far named were of Warren Count\-. X. j except as otherwise stated. .SIXTH GENERATION. Samuel Hunt I. (will dated 1717), of Mercer County, X. J- Richard Lundy I., died 1738, of Bucks County, Pa. Jane Lyon, born 1666, died about 1736. Thomas Schooley, died 1724, of Burlington County, X. J. Sarah Parker. Robert Willson, from Scarboro, England. Ann Hoag. Samuel Overton. Hannah , his wife. , SEVENTH GENERATION. Ralph Hunt ( will dated 1676), of Xewtown, I . I.. X. V. Sylvester Lundy, of Axminstcr. England. Joseph Large, of Bucks County, Pa. John Schoolew of York.shire, England. Alice , his wife. (27) 4l8 BUCKLEY FAMILY. BUCKLEY FAMILY. John Buckley, a tanner and currier by trade, came from New England, settled at Hackettstown, N. J., married Miss Turner of New Foundland, N. J., and had six sons: L Robert settled near Seneca Lake, N. Y. IL John m. daughter of Simon Wade. in. Amos, died unmarried. IV. Reuben m. a daughter of Simon Wade and dwelt in Hardyston township, Sussex county, N. J. V. James m. a Howell and settled in In- diana. VI. George m. Margaret, daughter of George Givens, removed to the Quaker Settlement, and had five children ; namely, John, Mark who died in California, Joel who m. Be- linda Willson (page 175), Alfred who m. (i) Mercy Willson and (2) Ellen Hendershot, and Elsie who m. Andrew Arm- strong from Ulster, Ireland. DENNIS FAMILY. Joseph Dennis, Jr.. m. on 20 of 5, 1752, at Quakertown, Bucks county. Pa., Hannah Lewis, b. 5 of 2, 1730, daughter of Lewis and Ann ( ) Lewis ; their marriage certificate is re- corded in the books of the Richland M. M. They removed to Warren county, N. J., in 5th mo., 1767. Seven children: I. Ezekiel, b. 12 of 6, 1753. II. Jesse, b. 30 of i, 1755 ; see below. III. Sarah, b. 11 of 4, 1757. IV. Anna, b. 11 of 10, 1758; m. Daniel Willson ; see page 330. V. Lewis, b. 22 of 4, 1761 ; m. Mary Dyer in 1786. VI. Josei)h, b. 18 of 7, 1763. VII. Han- nah, b. 22 of 5, 1765. Jesse Dennis m., first. Ann Schooley (page 193). and, second, on 16 of 5, 1787, Martha McCoy, b. 7 of 5, 1760, d. January 21, 1849, daughter of George McCoy, who came to Sussex from Bucks county. Pa. Jesse and Martha had two sons: John, b. 12 of 5, 1788, and Joseph, b. 28 of 9, 1790. John Dennis, son of Jesse, m. Diadama Tingley and had eleven children : Joseph, James, Levi, Nathaniel, John, Ezekiel, Jack- son. David, Mary and Elizabeth (twins b. May 20, 1819), and Matilda. Of these, Mary m. William Kinney. DIETS FAMILY. Daniel Dilts came from Germany and settled in Hunterdon county, N. J. His son Daniel II., b. 1741, d. 1827, m. Rebecca Marlatt, dwelt in Morris county, and had Peter, John, George, Joseph, Daniel III., b. 1789, d. 1867, Sarah, Rachel and Re- FOSS FA^rlLY. 419 becca. Daniel TTl. ni. Elizabeth Neighbor, and ha.l Xailian. Elijah N., b. 1818, d. lyoi, Rebecca (wife of Peter S. P.ergcn), Isaiah. Abner and George. Elijah N. Dilts ni. Mar-arcl Ib.tT- man. settled at Washington. N. J., and had llcnrv C, Emma E. (wife of Henry Johnson), Ella \'. (wife of Joseph Arm- strong Lnndy: see page 222), William C". and Ulysses. Mar- garet HolTman. b. 1819, d. 1877, was the daughter of Henrv 1. Hoffman and his wife Margaret Eritts ; granddaughter of Jolin Hoffman and his wife Ann I^lizabcth Young, great-grand- daughter of Henry Hoffman, who sailed for America about 1730. and great-great-granddaughter of :\Iartin Hoffman, a Count Palatinate. FOSS FAMILY. iMoses Foss li^-ed in Pennsylvania. He married Abi Rice, removed to Canada and became one of the first settlers in Pel- ham township, Welland county. Seven children : I. Daniel, m. Margaret Brown. II. Thomas, who m. Mary Pattison and died without issue. III. Philip, who m. Miss Hainor and set- tled in Lincoln county, Mich. IV. Moses, Jr., m. Almira Slough. V. Mary, m. David Bradshaw. VI. Elizabeth. \1T. Margaret, m. Michael Guy. Daniel Foss m. Margaret Brown of North Pelham, and had Absalom Carson, Anne Margaret and William Daniel. Ab- salom Carson Foss m. Mary Ann Wilford and had two children ; namely, Helen Elizabeth, wdio m. Aimer Cosby of the tow^nship of Wainfleet, and Joseph Carson, who m. Miss King of Humberstone township, Welland county, and now resides at Niagara Falls. N. Y. Anne Margaret Foss m. ( i ) Josej^h A. Lundy, and (2) Ozias Lundy ; see page 319. William Daniel Foss m. Helen, daughter of William Kilman. dwells in Norwich township, Norfolk county, Ont., and has Arthur. Walter and Ida. Moses Foss, Jr.. m. Almira. daughter of Jacob Slough, and settled finally in the township of Charlotteville. Norfolk county. They had several children : Henry lives in Alberta : Marshall resides in Charlotteville ; Willoughby m. Delia Eastman, resides neir Fonthill in Thorold township, and has Ann, Clarence and Helen ; Alvinzy is married and resides in Alberta. Mary Foss m. David Bradshaw and had five children ; namelv. Lucetta, who m. Elihu Price; Levi, who .settled in 420 GIBBS FAMILY. Michigan ; Minerva, who m. Ehas Hooer, dwelt at the town of Welland, and left a daughter and a son Dexter ; Sylvester, who m. Mary Jane Rinker ; and Walter, who died and left wife and children. Margaret Foss m. Michael Guy and had several children ; their daughter Mary Catherine m. Nelson Tobias, dwells at Welland and has Thomas, of Inwood. Ont., John, of Buffalo, N. Y., and Joseph, of Welland. Ont. GIBBS FAMILY. John Gibbs, supposed to have come from Rhode Island, m. Nancy Swayze and settled on a farm near Hope, N. J. He died about 1838, and this remark of his is remembered, 'T have sat at my own table for 63 years." Nine children : I. Polh' m. Samuel B.' Garrison, of Succasunna, N. J. II. Phebe m. Charles Morgan and removed to Michigan. III. William removed to Corydon, Pa. ; his first wife was Catherine Linn ; his second, Esther Lundy; see page 288. William and Cather- ine had two children, John L. and Nancy. IV. John settled near Ithaca, N. Y. V. James married and had Israel, John. Catherine, Phebe, Nancy and James Nelson, who m. Elizabeth Newman. VI. Christopher m. Susanna Bunting; see page 261. VII. Richard died unmarried. VIII. Asa settled in Michigan. IX. Daniel died unmarried. LAING FAMILY. John Laing and his wife Margaret lived at Craigforth, in the county of Aberdeen, Scotland. They came to America in the summer of 1685 and settled two or three miles south of the present center of the city of Plainfield, N. J. They had two sons, William and John II. William had a son Samuel. John 1 1, had a son John HI. A certain John Laing m. Hannah Webster ; this John Laing was probably the son of Samuel and grandson of William. John and Hannah had eight children : I. Elizabeth, b. 29 of 8, 1765, m. Daniel, son of Judge Samuel Lundy; see page 275. H. Samuel, b. 18 of 9, 1767, d. 6 of 5, 1834; m. Edith, daughter of Judge Samuel Lundy ; see page 308. III. Joseph, b. 20 of 10, 1769, m. Annie Smith. IV. John, died an infant. V. John (again), b. 20 of 10, 1772, m. Achsah, daughter of Judge Samuel Lundy; see page 317. VI. William, b. 26 of 12, 1775, LARGE J^AMILV 421 m. Susan Fangboncr. VII. Abraham, h. 18 of 8, 1778. Vlll. Elijah, b. 4 of 4, 1780, m. EUzabeth Bunting. Joseph, WiUiani and EUjah settled in Canada. Children of Elijah and Elizabeth (Bunting) Laing : i. Ab- ner Bunting m. Achsah Lundy; see page 70. II. Elnia ni. James Kester and had Elizabeth (Mrs. John Blake), and Levi, whose children are Harrison, Jefiferson and Emerson. III. Israel, unmarried. IV. Hannah, twice married; no issue. V. John m. Julia Marshall and had Lucy and Charles; settled at Williamstown, N. Y. VI. Elijah II. m. Catherine Mills and settled in Ontario, Can.; two children, John of Chicago, and George W. of Omaha. After the death of Elijah, Elizabeth m. David Pound, of St. Thomas, Ont., and had two daughters, Mrs. Sarah Ann Post and Mrs. Athilea Titus. LARGE FAMILY. Joseph and Henry Large were among the earliest settlers in Buckingham township, Bucks county. Pa. In 1714, Eliza- beth Large, daughter of Joseph Large, deceased, m. Richard Lundy II., and among the witnesses were Joseph, John, Jacob, Daniel and Sarah Large. On 17 of 12 mo., 1725-6, Henry Large m. Elizabeth, daughter of Jeremiah Scaife; and among the witnesses were Deborah Large, Elizabeth Large, Joseph Large and Richard Lundy. In 1734-5, Joseph Large changed membership from the Falls iVI. M. to the Buckingham M. M., and the records of the latter state that "Joseph Large departed this life ye 23 of ist month, 1746." Samuel Large, b. in England in 1688, d. 1761, was a min- ister among Friends, m. Rebecca Willson, removed in 1729 from Burlington county, N. J., to Hunterdon, and had a son Jacob, b. 1714, d. 1799, who m. Mary Bunting, b. 1724, d. 1792. Jacob's will, dated 12 of 11 mo., 1792, is recorded on page 462, Liber 38, at Trenton, N. J., and names three sons, Sanniel, Ebenezer and William, and two daughters, Ann King and Mary Allen, and his grandson Amos Lundy. Amos was Ann's child by her first husband, Isaac Lundy ; see page 270. In the Buckingham records Samuel Large is named in a list of prominent Friends under the heading of "Sons," where 42 2 LENHER FAMILY. Ebenezer Large is the only man of that patronymic who pre- cedes. LENHER FAMILY. Philip Lenhert, born about 1763, died January 3, 1841 ; mar- ried Barbara Hollinger, born January 10, 1766, died October 28, 1846. They dwelt near Ephrata, Lancaster county, Pa., and had twelve children, ten of whom left descendants. The following inscriptions have been copied from the tomb- stones which mark the graves of Philip and Barbara in the cemetery of the Brickerville Reformed Church. The last six words of the second inscription have become obliterated. |)ier rii[)et 'lUiillip 2en()ert cieftorbcii ben "Mm ^nniuir, 1841. '2ein filter mar Dl)ntuid)r 78 ^afjrc. "2:0 laft mid) luui in nieiiiev diiil) Uiib get)t uad) eiirer .C)eimat() ju ; . Sin ittt9 beiite 'JJac^t itnb Jag, ime eS einft felig [terbeii mag. i)it'r rut)et iijuibiira (5f)ei\attin Don 'iU)itlip 2enl)ert cjcbuvcn beii 10 Saiuutr, 1766. etarb ben 28 October 1846, ^2llter 8U ^ain 9 momt uiib 18 2:09. D fiiubiger SJtenjd) befin bod) otd) ; ©rob unb t)iid)tcr vadjeii fid) 3n allem wai bii vcb'ft unb tuft. THE CHILDREN OF PHILIP LENHERT AND BARBARA HOLLINGER. I. Jacob, b. September 29, 1786, d. August 29, 1864, m. Lydia Sprinkle ; both buried at Pendleton, O. II. Samuel, b. December, 1790, d. March 8, 1865, m. Mary Snyder ; both buried at Greencastle Lutheran Church. III. John, b. April 15, 1793, d. January 12, 1859, m. Mary Hauck ; both buried in Lancaster, Pa. IV. Nancy, b. September 2, 1795, d. August 3, 1879, m. John Byers, lived in Franklin county, Pa. ; both are buried in the Whitechurch graveyard, at Marion, near Chambersburg, Pa. V. George, b. January 29, 1799, d. March 9, 1888, m. El- izabeth Schetz, lived in Maytown, Pa., where they are both buried. Lenher family. 42;^ VI. David, b. December 25, 1800, d. October 5, 1878, in. Magdalena Diehl, lived in Franklin county ; both are buried at Greencastle Lutheran Church. VII. Philip, b. September 15, 1801, d. January 15, iSyo, m. Elizabeth Biemersderfer ; both buried in the Brickerville cemetery. VIII. Elizabeth, ni. Samuel Mutch. They left no children, but had an adopted daughter, Mary Bricker. Resided in Corn- wall, Lebanon county, Pa. IX. Veronica, b. March 2, 1806, d. December 3, 1853; m. David Kreiter. X. Catherine, m. Jacob Thuma; lived in Lancaster county, Pa. XL Barbara, m. Christian Dullabone; lived in Lancaster county, Pa. XII. A daughter, died in infancy. § A. JACOB LENHART AND LYDIA SPRINKLE. Jacob Lenhart, a minister in the River Brethren Church, m. April 14, 1816, Lydia Sprinkle, b. February 18, 1800, d. De- cember 14, 1867. They dwelt at first in York county. Pa., but removed to Ohio about the year 1825. Sixteen children : I. Harriet, b. June 7, 1817, d. February 12, 1881, in Missouri; m. Jacob Metzler. II. Frances, b. September 3, 1818, d. April 28, 1820. III. George, b. July 7, 1820, d. February 24, 1879; m. Elizabeth Legron. IV. Jacob, b. February 17, 1822, d. March 3, 1842. V. David Sprinkle, b. December 3, 1823, d. June 5, 1902; m. Eliza Comer. VL Henry, b. December 3, 1823; m. (i) Adaline Brancht; (2) Annie Reed. VII. Peter Sprinkle, b. July 16, 1825 ; m. Mary Louise Bartley. VIII. Catherine, b. June II, 1827, in Mahoming county, O., d. August 7, 1871 ; m. January 23, 1868, William Green, of Mofifit, Hancock county, Ohio, and had Austin Lenhart, b. December 3, 1869, and a daughter, b. August i, 1871, d. August 18, 1871 ; Austin Lenhart Green m. August i, 1900, Grace Mountz. After the death of Catherine, William Green m. her sister Mary Anna. IX. , a son who died in infancy. X. John Sprinkle, b. March 22, 1830; m. Ellen Elizabeth Sparks. XL Lydia, b. January 13, 1832; m. Caleb Ackerman. XII. Reuben Sprinkle, b. February i, 1834; m. January 5, 1881, Laura J. Jaudon, and had one daughter, who died in infancy. Res. in 424 LENHER FAMILY. Canton, Ohio. XIII. IMartha, b. April i, 1836; m. John Cart- wright. XIV. WilHam, b. February 13, 1838, d. October 12, 1896; m. Matilda Hall. XV. Mary Anna, b. December 24, 1839; m. December 29, 1872, William Green and had Loa Idella, b. January 10, 1874, (who m. November i, 1898, Silas W. Driesbach, of Moffitt, Ohio, and has one child, Ralph Dwight, b. December 21, 1901) ; Irvin Orlo, b. December 11, 1877; Pearl May, b. June 29, 1880, d. September 11, 1882; and Carl Monroe, b. December 10, 1884. XVI. Jonas, b. February 19, 1842, served for three years in the Union Army ; m. Mar- etta Dukes, and has two children, Roy, b. January 7, 1886, and Robert, b. June 29, 1891, d. February 9, 1902; res. in Toledo, Ohio. Harriet Lenhart, daughter of Jacob and Lydia, m. November 26, 1835, Jacob Metzler, b. October 8, 1815, d. May 10, 1863. Seventeen children : I. Isaac ,b. July 3, 1836, d. March 13, 1840. II. Abraham, b. January 3, 1836; served in the Union Army; m. Nancy Adeline Black; res. in Creighton, Mo. III. Benjamin, b. June 2t„ 1839; m. Minerva J. Williams; res. in Ord way, Colo. IV. Henry, b. April 12, 184 1, d. April 30, 1892; m. Caroline A. Reed. V. Lydia, b. April 15, 1843, d. March 30, 1851. VI. Samuel, b. May 19, 1845; m. Emily E. Whitmore. VII. Amos, b. June 27, 1847, deceased. VTII. Nancy, b. December 9, 1849, m. Slyvanus Hatch. IX. Jacob L., b. May 10, 1850. X. Harriet, b. February 9, 1852, d. Aug- ust 24, 1866. XI and XII. Twin sons, b. January 9, 1854, d. January 23, 1854. XIII. Alida, b. January 23, 1855; res. in Kansas City, Mo. XIV. Victor Emanuel, b. May 18, 1857; m. May Sowles. XV. Emma, b. April 20, 1859, m. December 22, 1 88 1, Cyrus Monroe Anderson, b. May 2y, 1854, d. Decem- ber 12, 1882; no children. After the death of Cyrus, Emma m. December 9, 1897, Thomas Berry Downey, b. December 14, 1867, and had Alan Metzler, b. January 29, 1900; res. in Ord- way, Colo. XVI. IMartha, b. December 29, i860, m. C. E. Clark, deceased. XVII. Cyrus Metzler, b. March 2, 1863. Abraham Metzler m. Nancy Adeline Black, b. February 5, 1836, in Macon County, 111., d. July 13, 1889. Five children: 1. Robert Franklin, b. January 16, 1863, d. January i, 1864. n. Lola I\Iontez, b. November 10, 1866, m. William Bamford : res. in Creighton, Mo. III. A daughter, b. December 22, 1870, d. January i, 1871. IV. Milton Bird, b. September 12, 1873; leNher family. 425 res. at Heffner, Oregon. \'. Cora Add, b. August 21, 1875. m. December 9, iSyO, John Walter Boggess, b. Seiiteiiiber j(j, 1870; and has Nolla Mar\ , 1). December 31, 1897, and Rulh Montez, b. July 24, 1899; res. in Garden City, Mo. Lola Ai. Metzler m. May 21, 1885, at Marietta, 111., Charles William Bamford, b. February 7, 1855; res. at Creighton, Mo. Three children : I. Herbert Metzler, b. March i, i8Sr), al Day- ton, Mo. 11. A son, b. January 24, 1888; d. xMarch 14. 1888. III. Noire, b. July 4, 1889, at Creighton, Mo. Benjamin Metzler m. August 30, 1866, Minerva J. Williams. Five children: 1. Charles ().. h. January 20, 1868, m. June 19, 1901, Mary Lillian Mershon, b. November 17, 1880; res. in Hastings, Nebraska. II. Dora A., b. October 16, 1871. 111. Edwin E., b. March 6, 1875. '""i- Olive Bryant Coyle. IV. Lena, b. August 16, 1877, m. October 22, 1901, Edgar Hubbard Golladay, b. May 27, 1875 ; res. in Holden, Mo. V. Clyde Carleton, b. August 6, 1881 ; res. in Harvard, Neb. Edwin E. Metzler m. xApril 30, 1899, Olive Bryant Coyle, b. February 14, 1883. Two children: I. Benjamin I*"ranklin, b. November 27, 1899. II. Philip Hawkins, b. April 20, 1901 ; res. in Ordway, Colo. Henry H. Metzler m. September 26, 1865, Caroline A. Reed, b. August I, 1842, d. August 13, 1899. Seven children: I. AMllis M., b. September 21, 1866, m. February 23, 1902, Lola A. Cross. II. John Reed, b. March 2, 1868, m. December 21, 1892, Attie C. Hull, b. March 26, 1870, and has one child, Catherine, b. February 14, 1895. III. Harriet R., b. December 29, 1869. IV. Samuel S., b. August 28, 1871. V. Blanche, b. March 26, 1877. \l. Myrtle May, b. July 17, 1878. VII. Bessie B., b. December 17, 1882. Samuel Metzler m. November 13, 1873, Emily E. Whitmore, b. November 13, 185 1. Two children: I. Daisy Dawn, b. September 6, 1874. II. Edwin Samuel, b. Ai)ril i, 1883. Res. in Altaloma, Texas. Nancy Metzler m. January 2, 1873, to Sylvanus liiggins Hatch, b. January 20, 1843. Five children: T. Effie Estella. b. July 12, 1874, d. July 14, 1874. II. Arthur Lcroy. 1). Julv 14, 1877, d. September 27, 1877. III. Carleton liiggins, b. May II, 1880. IV. Walter Lenhart, b. January 14. 1883. V. Emma Louise, b. March 18. 1887, d. May 14. 1887. Res. in Salem, Oregon. 426 LENHER FAMILY. Victor Emanuel Metzler m. October 5, 1887, May Sowles, b. May i, 1866, at Alburgh, Vt. Four cbildren: 1. Son, b. and d. at Crested Butte, Colo., February 14, 1890. II. Son, b. and d. at Crested Butte, Colo., September 5, 189 1. III. Al- berta, b. November 16, 1897. IV. Victor Sowles, b. October 7, 1 90 1. Res. at Crested Butte, Colorado. George Lenhart, son of Jacob and Lydia, m. December 6, 1845, Elizabeth Legron, b. February 20, 1823, living (1902) at Bowling Green, O. One child: Cyrus W. Lenhart, b. Sep- tember 6, 1846, who m. May 6, 1869, Harriet N. Diver, b. February 10, 185 1, and had Bertha A., b. July 2, 1871, d. Sep- tember 29, 1888, and Edna M., b. December 16, 1873, who m. April 2, 1896, William Harcourt Caverly, b. January 18, 1869, and has one son, Harcourt Lenhart Caverly, b. March 14, 1897. Res. in Bowling Green, Ohio. David Sprinkle Lenhart, son of Jacob and Lydia, m. in 1855, Eliza Comer, b. April 12, 1837, ^- ^^^Y I5» ^902. Res. at Leipsic, O. Bight children: I. Harrison, b. September 21, 1856, in Hancock county, O. II. Laura Jones, b. May 22, 1858, in Wood county, d. November 11, 1862. III. David C, b. September 18, 1863. ^^ • Theodore P., b. January 6, 1866, d. March 9, 1896, in Putnam county. V. Jonas L., b. June 29, 1869. VI. Orion Anne, b. March i, 1872, d. April 5, 1872. \TI. Elmer, b. September 10, 1873. VIII. Cora Ellen, b. July 25, 1875, m. Earl McClish. Henry Lenhart, son of Jacob and Lydia, m. Adaline Brancht, June 29, 1851, d. February 20, 1870. Seven children: I. Oliver, b. September 27, 1853, d. March 29, 1874. II. Mary Elizabeth, b. August 31, 1855, m. John Edwards, d. September 30, 1901. III. Emma J., b. April 18, 1858, m. John Herman White. IV. Martha, b. December 20, i860, m. Alfred J. Lowry. V. Nelly, b. September 18, 1862, m. James Willis Lowry. VI. Lincoln, b. February 8, 1865, "^- Clara Updike. VII. Melvin, b. November 8, 1869, m.Mary Sheater. After the death of Adaline, Henry m. September 28, 1871, Annie Reed, d. June 19, 1897; no children. Res. in Leipsic, Ohio. Mary Elizabeth Lenhart m. John Edwards, who d. Septem- ber 30, 1901. Res. in Leipsic, Ohio. Four children: I. Henry Clyde, of Leipsic, Ohio, who m. Miss Hadsell, and has one son. Max Rowland. II. Thomas Charles, who m. Miss Paterson, and has two sons, John Leon and Thomas Robert ; res. in Con- Leniier family. 427 tinental, O. III. William Kaiic, h. November 3, i88i. iV. Oliver Pearl, b. November 3, 1881. Emma J. Lenhart m. April 24, 1879, J*^>li'i Herman White, b. August 17. 1854. Eleven children: 1. Gertha Mae, b. April 2T„ 1881. II. Lulu Maude, b. December 24, 1882. 111. lie.ssie Adeline, b. May 15, 1885. IV. Velma X'iena, b. bebruary 3, 1887. V. x\mzy Reeve, b. November 27, 1888. VI. Henry S., b. November 14, i8yo. \1I. l-lossie Estella, b. November 2, 1892. VIII. Verda Pet, b. November 18, 1894. IX. Nancy Mabel, b. October 1, 1896. X. Dee Robert, b. May 2, 1899. XI. John Russell, b. October i, 1901. Res. in Leipsic, (Jhio. Martha Lenhart m. September 25, 1884, Alfred |. Lovvry, b. February 26, i860. Two children : 1. Ethel Mae, b. Novem- ber 20, 1885. II. Reba Monnetta, b. October 12, 1895. Res. in Romeo, Michigan. Nelly Lenhart m. September 25, 1884, James Willis Lowry, b. November 30, 1862. Three children: I. Chloe, b. May 23, 1888, d. August 9, 1888. II. Serge R., b. December 4, 1890. III. Forrest H., b. June 17, 1901. Res. in Leipsic, Ohio. Peter Sprinkle Lenhart, son of Jacob and Lydia, m. April 25, 1854, Mary Louisa Bartl}-, b. November i, 1836, d. August 26, 1891. Res. at Freeburg, Stark county, O. Five children: I. Jacob Emanuel, b. April 29, 1855. II. Edwin Cyrus, b. April 29, , d. March 22, 1862. III. Francis Edgar, b. August 28, 1863, d. January 24, 1865. IV. William Otto, b. July 19, 1866, m. Lillie Firestone. V. Charles Ellsworth, b. February 2, 1870. m. M. E. Smith. Jacob Emanuel Lenhart m. August 7, 1878, at Ada, O., Sarah Jane Strain, b. August 10, 1854, in Putnam county. Res. at Tacoma, Wash. Five children : I. John Bartley, b. March 16, 1883, in Leipsic, O. II. Laura Edna, b. January 26, 1885. in Leipsic, O. III. Florentine Elizabeth, b. October Ti. 1886, in Mt. Hope, Kansas, d. February 13, 1899, in Puy- allup, Wash. l\ . Ruth Rebekah. b. August 11. 1888. in .Alt. Hope, Kansas, d. there July 23, 1889. V. Edwin Smith, b. March 29, 1899, in Puyalluj). Wash. William Otto Lenhart m. June 10, 1891, Lillie Belle Fire- stone, b. September 4, 1872. Two children : I. Otto Wendell,, b. September 17, 1894. II. John Uri Lloyd, b. July 3. 1896. Res. at La Harpe, Kansas. John Sprinkle Lenhart, son of Jacol) and Lydia. m. Decern- 42^ LENHER FAMILY. ber 2.2, 1857, Ellen Elizabeth Sparks, b. April 19, 1840; res. in Peru, Indiana. Six children: I. Charles Henry, b. October 23, 1858. II. William Franklin, b. December 7, i860, m. Sep- tember 1892, Jeannette Gidds; one daughter, Elizabeth Nichol, b April 27, 1902 ; res. in Peru, Ind. III. Emma May, b. Jan- uary 7, 1863, d. in infancy. IV. Francis Austin, b. November 6, 1866, d. September 1867. V. Mary Agnes, b. August 8, 1871. VI. Maggie Blanch, b. July 9, 1873; m. October 17, 1900, Harry L. Miller. Charles Henry Lenhart m. June 30, 1886, Emma Gahs, and has Margaret, b. June, 1887, d. in infancy, and Georgie Lo- dema, b. March 29, 1893. Res. in Chicago, 111. Lydia Lenhart, daughter of Jacob and Lydia, m. 1853 to Caleb W. Ackerman, b. March 23, 1824, d. June 3, 1891. Four children : I. Alice A., b. October 5, 1855, m. October 20, 1876, Leonard Sweetland, b. November 15, 1848; res. in Primrose, Williams county, O. II. Franklin Monroe, b. December 25, 1858, m. Cora Agnes Wightman. HI. Elida M., b. October 27, 1863. IV. William W., b. June 2, 1866. Franklin Monroe Ackerman m. January 31, 1884, Cora Ag- nes Wightman, b. September 5, i860. Seven children: I. Ethel Mae, b. November i, 1884. II. Lyman Ernest, b. No- vember 13, 1889. HI. Sarah Genevieve, b. May 3, 1891. IV. Caleb Franklyn, b. September 7, 1892. V. Hiram Kennedy, b. September 5, 1895. VI. Delia Miriam, b. September 8, 1897. VII. Donald Eaton, b. February 25, 1900, d. April 23, 1900. Res. in Ottawa, Ohio. Martha Lenhart, daughter of Jacob and Lydia, m. March 10, 1864, John Cartwright, b. February 10, 1840; res. in Pan- dora, Ohio. Five children : I. Anna Bathilda, b. June 24, 1866, m. October 15, 1899. II. Cora E., b. April 12, 1868, d. January 12, 1875. HI- William Otis, b. April 4, 1870, d. Feb- ruary 14, 1872. IV. James Horner, b. March 3, 1872, d. Jan- uary 4, 1873. V. Harry Wilbur, b. December 3, 1873. William Lenhart, son of Jacob and Lydia, m. November 9, 1865, in Webster, O., Matilda Hall, b. November 17, 1840, d. June 10, 1899. Three children : I. Lulu, b. August 18, 1866, m. July 23. 1889, William M. Reese, b. January 12, 1863, and has one child, Jesse Lenhart, b. May 13, 1891, in Columbus Grove, O. ; res. in Ottawa, O. II. Nettie, b. February 7, 1872, d. July 19, 1872. III. Adella, b. October 4, 1874. LENHER FAMILY. 429 § B. SAMUEL r^ANTTARR AND l\rARY SNYnF.R. Samuel Lanharr ni. Mary Snyder, h. August 2, 1796, d. August 7, 1886. Thirteen children: I. George I.anliarr, h. September ii, 1813; went west, deceased; no further record. IT. Andrew Lanharr, b. August 25. 1815; went west, deceased. III. Samuel Lanharr, b. November 28. 1817; deceased, no fur- ther record. IV. Philip Lanharr, b. October 22, 1819; no fur- ther record. V. David Lanharr, b. August 28, 1822, d. Decem- ber 13, 1901 : m. Harriet Barnett. VT. Henry, b. February 14, 1824: no further record. VII. Emanuel Lenherr. b. Feb- ruary 14 1824; res. at Greencastle. Pa.; m. (i) Jane Buckson ; (2) Ann B. Warner. VIII. Margaret, b. January 25, 1826; no further record. IX. Julia, b. December 2. 1831, d. July 26, 1889; m. January 30, 1850, Levi Orelman. X. Salina, b. De- cember 2, 183 1, m. George Riddle. XI. Franklin, b. October 24. 1834 ; probably died young ; his name is omitted from some lists. XII , an infant, b. November 21. 1836. XIIT. Elizabeth, b. March 25, 1838; no further record. David Lenherr, son of Samuel and Mary, m. January 18, 1844, Harriet Barnett, b. June 30, 1822, decea.sed ; buried at Cedar Hill cemetery. Nine children : I. William Dalles, b. May 8, 1845, d. January T, 1847. TI. Newton Howard, b. January 29, 1847 • ^^^- ""• Springfield, Ohio. HI. William Barnett, b. December 20, 1849, m. July 4, 1880, Mary Ann Val- entine, b. October 15, 1856; res. at Payne, O. IV. Marv Susan, b. September 22, 1851, m. George Alson Kaufifman. V. Adam Kisecker, b. March 7, 1853, d. 1854. VI. An infant, b. May 2, 1856. VU. Anne Amelia, b. May 3, 1857. d. Sep- tember, 1857. VIIT. David Upton, b. March 13, 1859, d. N'ovember 20, 1863. IX. Georgie Anna Belle, b. September 25, 1863, d. February 20. 1867. ]Mary Susan Lenherr, m. November 14, 1872, George .\lson KaufiFman, b. August 14. 1851; res. at Greencastle, Pa. Ten children:. I. :Martha, Bell, b. September 14, 1873. IT. Hattie Barnett, b. December 22, 1876, d. May 25, 1877. ITT. :Mary Ellen, b. March 8. 1878, d. IMay. t88o. TV. Cora Grace, b. February 2, 1880, d. January 19, 190T, who m. AVrnon Smith, and had one son, George W. Smith, b. IMarch 2T, 1900. ^^ Nellie, b. July ^o. 1882. Yl. Pearl, b. November 2. 1885. d. December 5. 1885. VII. David Newton, b. April. t886. VITT. .\nnie Bertha, b. December 3. t888. TX. William, b. Septem- 430 LENHER FAMILY. ber, 15, 1889, d. March 14. 1890. X. Blanche, b. November 26, 1 89 1, d. January 4. 1892. Emanuel Lenherr, son of Samuel and Mary, m. Jane Buck- son, b. May 11, 1827. Eight children: I. ^largaret, b. Feb- ruary 28, 1847. II- Joseph, b. April 14, 1849. HI- Helen Josephine, b. April r8, 185 1. IV. Theodore, b. April 14, 1853, V. Harry Fremont, b. July 5, 1856. VI. William Hamilton, b. February 14, 1858. A^II. Barbara Jane. b. January 2. i860. VIII. Charles Melvin. b. November 13, 1862. After the death of Jane, Emanuel m. Ann B. Warner, and had ten children: I. Augustus Warner, b. December 11. 1865. II. Clara Augusta, b. December 11, 1865. III. Elizabeth, b. July 24, 1866. IV. An infant, b. August i, 1868. V. William Newton, b. November 24, 1869. \^I. Martha Belle, b. Novem- ber 6. 1871. VII. Anna ]\Iaria. b. August 25, 1874. VIII. Hetty May, b. September it. 1876. IX. David, b. March 27. 1885. X. Alfred Warner, b. May 30. 1887. No further record of these children. Julia C. Lanharr. daughter of Samuel and Mary. m. Jan uary 30, 1850, Levi Orelmen. b. November 15. 1814. d. April 8, 1892. Nine children : I. Mary C, b. October 18. 1850, m. May 16, i866'. Simon . II. Archibald F., b. October 14, 1852. d. August 22, 1853. III. Samuel Philip, b. March 9. 1854. IV. William P., b. January 27, 1857; res. in Mercers- burg, Pa. V. Annie Cordelia, b. July 18. i860, d. March 30. 1861. VI. Adam Walter, b. January 7, 1861 ; res. in Waynes- boro, Pa.; m. (i) October 9, 1881. Annie B. Dififenderfer, and had one child. Carrie Bell. b. January 22. 1886; m. (2) October TO. 1897, Vernie O. — . VII. Margaret Alice Elizabeth, b. June 5, 1865, d. May 15. 1868. VITT. John F., b. January 3, 1869, m. September 10, 1891, Mary Ellen Martin,. IX. Oscar, b. October 9, 1875. § C. JOHN LENHER AND MARY HAUCK. John Lenher m. June 14. 1819, Mary Hauck, b. November 18, 1795, d. December i, 1857. John Lenher was a machinist, senior member of the firm of Lenher and Pennell. Lancaster T ocomotive and Boiler Works. He built the Hugh Keys, the first engine to run west of Philadelphia. Nine children : I. Fiana, b. April 5. 1820, d. January 2. 1891. in Mechanicsburg. Pa.; unmarried. II. Sarah, b. June 24, 1821, d. October 18. LENHER FAMILY. 43 I 1821. ITI. Levi Hauck, h. Oct()l)er 19, 1822, d. Ai)ril, 1896 ; twice married; (i) Mary Ann Martin, (2) Susan Keller. l\\ Samuel, b. August 26, 1826, d. June 20. 1870: unmarried. V. John, b. June 17. 1827, d. October t, 1833. \1. George Hauck. b. March 8. 1829, d. December 4, 1874: m. thrice; ( t) Mnrion Bull, (2) Frances Haff, (3) Sarah .\nna Macdougall. VTI. Amanda, b. May 8, 1834, d. January 25, 1838. Y]]]. Mary. b. September i, [835, d. July, 1898; m. James Alex- ander Brandt. TX. David Augustus, b. February 8, 1837, m. Susan Bowman ; Walter, a son of Susan bv her first hus- band, assumed the family name of Lenher. The three children who died in childhood are buried in the private burying-ground of George Hauck, on land now owned by the Rev. Jacob Win- gard. Levi Hauck Lenher, son of John and Mary, m. September 25. 1845, Mary Ann Martin, b. October 20, 1820, d. April 23. 1867, daughter of William and Jane (Martin) Martin; Wil- liam was born August 15, 1770, d. March 14, 1841 ; and Jane was born October 15, 1789, d. November 16, 1865. Four children: L Clarence, b. December 29, 1846. IT. Samuel, died in infancy. HL Mary Jane, b. March 4. 1857. IV. Irene, died in infancy. After the death of Mary Ann. Levi m. Jan- uary 28, 1869, Mrs. Susan Burnett, b. February 6, 1829. daughter of Samuel Keller, b. January 3, 1794. d. September 7, 1858, and his wife Ehzabeth Erb, b. October T2, 1792, d. February 1866, of Keller's Mills, near Lititz, Pa. To them were born two children: I. Elsie Hortense. b. July ir, 187T, and II. Victor, b. July 13, 1873, who m. August 29, 1900. Mary Blood, b. May 18. 1874. Mrs. Susan Burnett had one son, Eugene, bv her first husband. Levi Hauck Lenher was a physician, graduating from the Pennsylvania College of Medi- cine, at Philadelphia, in 1843. He practiced in Fphrata. Churchtown, and afterwards in Mechanicsburg. Pa., where he died. George Hauck Lenher, son of John and Mary, m. August 1848, Marion Bull, of Virginia, who d. in 1851. at the age of 21 years. To them were born: I. Ellis, and II. Marion, both dving in infancy. After the death of Marion. George m. July 8, T855, Francis HafT. of Sing Sing, b. Julv 22. 183 t. d. April 22, i86r. To them were born: I. Lenher George, b. October 8. 1856, d. September 7, 1900, m. M. Belle . an' 28, 1884. VII. Sherman C, b. December 9, 1885. VI 11. Ed- ward M., b. December 9, 1885. Res. in Berkley S])rings, W. Va. Catherine Byers, daughter of Nancy and John, m. October 15, 1845, Ephraim Stabler, b. November 5. 1820, d. August 13, i860. Four children : I. An infant, b. December 3, 1847, d. December 3, 1847. II. Mary Ellen, b. March 15, 1849, m. John T. King. III. Franklin Pierce, b. April 27, 185 1, m. blorenco \'iola Burgess. IV. William Augustus, b. December 29, 1856. Res. in Steelton, Pa. Franklin Pierce Stadler m. October 14, 1879, Florence Viola Burgess, b. November 16, 1858. Four children : I. Delia May, b. April 28, 1880. II. Emma Viola, b. June 2, 1882. ITT. Er- nest Earl, b. November 28, 1883. IV. William Warren, b. January 4, 1888. Res. in Sterling, 111. Mary Ellen Stabler m. July t8, 1871, John T. King, b. Nov- ember 19, 1845. ?'even children: T. Infant son, b. October 27,. 1872, d. October 29, 1872. II. William Eugene, b. Decem- ber 7, 1874. III. Infant son. b. April 30. 1876. d. August 7, 1876. \y. Florence Edith, b. July 4, 1878. V. Garnet Edgar, b. January 11, i88a, d. September 21, 1882. VI. Franklin, b. July 22, 1883, d. August 29, 1883. VII, Charles E., b. Feb- ruary 2, 1889. Res. in Steelton, Pa, (28) 434 LENHER FAMILY. Emanuel Byers, son of Nancy and John, m. March lo, 1857, Louisa MacDonald, b. February 9, 1833. d. June 7, 1868. Four children : I. Margaret Annie, b. March 4, 1858, m. Edward Miller Nitterhouse. II. Mary Elizabeth, b. February 23. i860, m. January 8, 1882, Charles Alfred. Mellinger, b. May 2, 1858, and has one child, Mary Ida, b. August 8, 1892 ; res. in Hagers- town, Md. III. McClellan Ellsworth, b. November 11, 1862, d. March 6, 1864. IV. Virginia Bell, b. August 23, 1866, m E. P. Snyder. After the death of Louisa, Emanuel m. Septem- ber 17, 1872, Mary Elizabeth Mellinger, b. September 2, 1849, and had William Heyser, b. April 9, 1875, and Harry Stine, b. August 20, 1885 ; res. in Chambersburg, Pa. Margaret Annie Byers, m. March 4, 1874, Edward Miller Nitterhouse, b. September 8, 1852. Nine children: I. Albert Byers. b. August 14, 1876, d. August 20, 1876. II. Charles Stickel, b. September 11, 1877, d. June 4, 1882. III. Julia Mel- linger, b. July 14, 1879, d. April i, 1880. IV. Grace Elizabeth, b. January 8, 1881, d. June 12, 1882. V. Frederick Lewis, b. May 30, 1883. VI. Annie Louise, b. May 13, 1884. VII. Ida Virginia, b. April 24, 1886. VIII. Nellie Potter, b. January 13, 1888. IX. Bertha Kerlin, b. August 4, 1897. Res. in Cham- bersburg, Pa. Virginia Bell Byers m. October 28, 1890, E. P. Snyder. Three children : T. Rachel J., d. in infancy. II. Charles P., died in infancy. III. Alfred S. Res. in Guilford Springs, Pa. § E. GEORGE n. LENHERT AND ELIZABETH SCHETZ. George H. Lenhert m. Elizabeth Sheets, b. August i, 1806, d. March 19, 1885. Nine children : I. Cyrus, b. December 26, 1828, d. January 8, 1897; m. thrice: fi) Mary Gish, (2) Ros- anna Feandt (no children), (3) Nancy Huntzberger. II. -Anna, b. September 5, 1830, m. Samuel Hoffman. III. Jacob, b. September 23, 1832, d. September 22, 1899, "''• Martha Brubaker. IV. Catharine, b. October 22, 1834, m. David M. Eyer ; no children. Mr. Eyer had seven children by a former marriage. V. Elizabeth, b. December I'l, 1836, m. Jaccb llerr. VT Martha, b. February i, 1838; died at age 'of two years. VII. Sophia, b. April 8, 1841. VIII. Maria, b. July 27, 1843, m. Henry. Eyer. IX. Barbara, b. May 15, 1846, m. ]\Iichael Smith, and has three children: George, b. November i, 1866, m. Mary Evaline Eschue ; Cyrus, b. March 19, 1868. and Emma. b. December 9, 1875. LENHER FAMILY. 435 Cyrus Lenhert. son of Georo^e and Elizabeth, m. tliricc: (I) March 27. 1851. Mary Cish. h.April 2. 1830, d. January 25. i86r. Five chihhvn : I. A dauo-hter, b. January 10. 1852: (1. in infancy. II. Lizzie, I) .December 11, 1852. III. Susie, b. November 20, 1854, m. .March S, 1898. |<,lin Caskcy, b. June 21, 1849. Mr. Caskey had three children by a \'>vu'cv marriage. IV. Anna, b. February 12, 1856, m. Isaac lishcl- man. \\ A i^ou. b. January 20. 1861; d. in infancy. After the death of Alary, Cyrus m. October 14. 1862. Ro.sanna Feandt, b. 1832, d. 84 days after her marriat^c. After the death of Rosanna, Cyrus m. March 8, 1864, Alary Huntzberger, b. June 2, 1835; i't\s. in Abilene, Kansas. Six children: VI. John H.. b. Alarch 18, 1865. m. Katie Hertz. VII. George, b. February to, 1867. "i- Martha Gish. VIII. Simon H., b. Feb- ruary 10. 1867. m- Susie Wingerd. IX. Mary H. Lenhert. b. September 30. 1869. d. December 12. 1901. X. Katie, b. June 18, 1873, ni. December 28. 1897. Jacob Landis, b. December 7. 1873. and had Cyrus Earl. b. October 9, 1899. XT. Henry H.. b. February 20, 1876. Anna Lenhert m. January 30, 1881, Isaac Eshelman. b. I'cb- ruary 4, 1856. Four children: I. Raymond L.. b. SeiMember 9. 1882. IT. Cyrus L.. b. December 9. 1883. III. Alvin L.. h. September 7, 1885. T\'. Abner Roy, b. June 14, 1889. Res. in liope. Kansas. John Lenhert m. December 3, 1889. Katie Hertz, b. March 6. 1869. Three children: I. Ella May, b. March 3, 1891. II. Edna Nancy, b. October 10, 1893. III. Alice Frances, b. Se]> tember 27, 1896. Res. in Abilene. Kansas. Simon H. Lenhert m. November 13, 1888, Susie Wingerd. Seven children : L Anna Mary Lenhert, b. January 25. 1890. IT. Elizabeth Eldora, b. December it, 1891. TIL Ida Martha, b. October 17, 1893. T\^ Samuel W.. b. March 29. 1895. \'. Cyrus W.. b. March 29. 1895. VI. Harry W.. b. September 14, 1897. VII. Emma May, b. June* 16, 1899. Res. in ]]n]^r. Kansas. George T enhert m. February 12, 1896, Martha E. Gish, b. September 5, 1869. Three children : I. Esther, b. January 28, 1897. II. Frances, b. January 6, 1900. TIL Harry, b. June 12, T901. Res. in Acme, Kansas. Anna Lenhert, daughter of George and Elizabeth, m. Octo- ber 27, 1853, Samuel E. Hoffman, b, February 2, 1816. Ten 436 LENHER FAMILY. children: I. Enoch, b. March 2, 1855, d. November 4, 1882, in Kansas. II. Aaron, b. December 28, 1856, m. Mary Halde- man, III. Levi Lenhert, b. January 19, 1859, m. Annie Hoff- man. I\\ Samuel Lenhert, b. January 4, 1861, m. October 26, 1882, Annie Sheets, b. April 10. 1865, and has one child, Katie, b. October 13, 1883. V. Jonas Lenhert, b. February 7, 1863, d. April 8, 1898, in Kansas, m. Ida Brandt. VI. Elizabeth, b. November 20, 1864, d. February 15, 1895, in Kansas, m. Abram Mellinger. VII. Maria, b. October 28, 1866. VIII. Ellen, b. January 6, 1868. IX. John, b. November 25, 1869, d. November 26, 1892, in Kansas. X. Annie, b. July 17, 1874, m. November 25, 1897, Harvey Brubaker, b. January 16, 1869, and has Clarence, b. August 10, 1899. Aaron Hoffman m. September 14. 1889, Mary Haldeman, b. March 19, 1857. Four children: I. Lottie, b. March 13, 1880, m. October 10, 1899, Abram Engle, and has Ruth, b. February 7, 1901. II. Sadie, b. December 16, 1882. III. Mary, b. October 23, 1888. IV. John, b. March 30, 1893. Res. in Maytown, Pa. Levi Lenhert Hoffman m. Annie Hoffman, b. May 12, 1863. Six children : I. Ada, b. September 7, 1885. II. Horner, b. May 18, 1888. HI. Earl, b. April i, 1891. IV. Lester, b. De- cember 31, 1893. V. Mabel, b. July 13, 1896. VI. Harold, b. December 14, 1900. Res. in Donegal, Kansas. Jonas Lenhert Hoffman m. Ida Brandt, b. August 24, 1865. Three children : I. Russell Harrison, b. September 5, 1889. II. Ruth B., b. August 18, 1894. III. Gladys Evelyn, b. July 13, 1896. Res. in Newton, Kansas. Elizabeth Hoffman, b. November 20, 1864, d. February 15, T895, m. Nov. 18, 1890, Abram Mellinger, b. March 6, 1865, d. October 23, 1892; left one child. Miriam H. Jacob Lenhert, son of George and Elizabeth, m. Martha Brubaker. Six children : I. William B., b. August 26, 1857, d. June 7, 1872. IT. Samuel B., b. March 3, i860, m. EHza- beth Neiman, b. September 4, 1859, and has George Roy, b. February 3, 1883 : res. in Maytown, Pa. III. Martha B.. b. August 15, 1861, m. September 5, 1882, Amos Hess Engle. b. April I, 1854; res. in Maytown, Pa. IV. Katie B., b. Feb- ruary 15, 1864, d. February 17, 1876. V. Fannie B.. b. De- cember II, 1865, "''• Solomon Engle, and has two children, Mabel and Jacob ; res. in West Philadelphia. VT. Harry B . LENHER FAMILY. 43^ b. October 31, 1871, m. November 26, 1895, Daisy Allison, b. October 14, 1876, and has Henry Claude, b. July 6, lyoi ; res. in York, Pa. Elizabeth Lenhert, daughter of George and Elizabeth, m. Jacob Herr. Five children: 1. George, b. March 8, 1867, ^■ January 24, 1868. 11. Jacob, b. February 7, 1870, m. Emma Keely, b. September 27, 1869, and has Fred Lamar, b. January I, 1893; res. in Philadelphia. HI. h:iizabeth, b. July 28, 1872, d. January 17, 1875. IV. Mary, b. November 9, 1876, m. December 7, 1897, John Kaylor, b. August 23, 1873, and has Jacob, b. March 20, 1900; res. in Newton, Kansas. V. Kath- ryn, b. June 4, 1878. Maria Lenhert, daughter of George and Elizabeth, m. Henry Eyer; res. in Abilene, Kansas. Ten children: I. Susan L., b. August 20, 1866, m. Jacob Gish. H. Lizzie L., b. September 6, 1868, d. April 23, 1870. 111. Eugene L., b. June 26, 1870, m. December 12, 1896, Annie Senn. IV. John L., b. March 20, 1872, m. December 23, 1895, Annie Bookenau. V. Annie L., b. October 16, 1873, m. J. Riley Daniels. VI. Martha L., b. August 31, 1875. Vll. Katie L., b. July 29, 1877, m. James Eyster. Vlll. Rosa L., b. April 19, 1880. IX. George L., b. February 24, 1883. X. Fannie E., b. November 5, 1886, d. November 9, 1891. Susan Eyer, m. December 4, 1889, Jacob Gish, b. February 18, 1865. Seven children: 1. Jessie A., b. July 12, 1891, d. March 25, 1899. 11. Henry J., b. March 2, 1893. III. Roy E., b. October 20, 1894. IV. Lester E., b. August 25, 1896. V. Harvey A., b. March 4, 1898, d. April 11, 1899. VI. Ray W., b. November 13, 1899. Vll. Paul E., b. October 3, 1901. Res. in Abilene, Kansas. Annie Eyer m. October 31, 1893, James Riley Daniels, b. February 23, 1867. Three children: I. William Henry, b. September 14, 1894. II. Fannie Ethel, b. September 10, 1898. HI. Mary Irene, b. January 21, 1900. Res. in Bonnacord, Kansas. Katie L. Eyer m. October 16, 1900, James R. Eyster, b. April 5, 1871, and has Mamie Ethel b. October 19, 1901. Mr. Eyster has by his first wife one child, b. March 30, 1898 ; res. in Thomas, Oklohoma. § F. DAVID LENHERR AND MAGDALENA DIEHL. David Lenherr m. Magdalena Diehl, b. September 9, 1805, 438 LENHER FAMILY. d. April 27, 185 1. Seven children: I. Henry, b. in Antrim township, Franklin county. Pa., May 2"], 1827, d. January 26, 1903; served in Civil War as sergeant of Co. D., I58tli Regt. ; m. Julia Ann Gearheart. II. Barbara Catherine, b. March 20, 1829, m. William Sites. III. Sarah Ann, b. Sep- tember 25, 1831, d. March 4, 1901 ; m. William Bowman; no children. IV. Magdalena, b. March 4, 1834, m. Samuel Bartle. V. Michael Diehl, b. January 23, 1837, d. August 31, 1842. VI. Lydia, b. December 31, 1838, d. January 16, 1849. ^^I- Mary Elizabeth, b. March 16, 1842, m. John Atherton. Henry Lenherr, son of David and Magdalena, m. June i, 1848, Julia Ann Gearheart, b. December 26, 1828. Golden wedding celebrated June i, 1898. Res. in Greencastle. Six- teen children : I. Margaret Elizabeth, b. November 4, 1848, d. Januar}- 3, 1862. II. Mary Jane, b. May 12, 1850, d. December 15, 1861. III. Infant, b. August 1851 ; d. in Iowa. IV. Eliza Kisecker, b. November 8, 1852, in Franklin county, Pa., m. John J. Brindlc; V. John Kisecker, b. January 27, 1854, m. Ellen Dice. VI. Susan, b. October 8, 1855, i^^- Daniel Over- cash. V^II. Josephine Gearheart, b. December 4, 1856, d. August 2, 1857. VIII. George Smith, b. January 8, 1858, m. Emma Jane Minnich. IX. Hannah Smith, b. January 8, 1858, m. David Gelwicks. X. Sarah Adaline, b. April 15, i860, m. Franklin Sumner Shartzer. XL Harry, b. November 13, 1861, m. January i, 1884, Catharine Shartzer, and has six children living. XII. Emma, b. January 27, 1863, m. December 20, 1883, David Shartzer, b. January 18, 1862, and has Lydia Viola, b. August 2, 1884; res. in Edenville, Pa. }vIII. Abra- ham Lincoln, b. April 27, 1865. XIV. Barbara Anna, b. April 13, 1867; d. in infancy. XV. Lydia Anna, b. June 4, 1868. XVI. David Samuel Hofifman, b. July 31, 1870, d. in July 1902, m. June 10, 1897, Anna G. Small, b. September i, 1876, and has Chester Paul, b. May 25, 1898; res. in Housum, Pa. Eliza Kisecker Lenherr m. February 11, 1875, John J. Brindle, b. March 10, 1852; res. in Mason and Dixon, Pa. Two children : I. Julia Ann, b. June 5, 1876, d. December 3, 1 88 1, in Washington county, Maryland. II. Leah Emma, b. August 22, 188 1', m. Albert Hicks, and has Julia Ann. John Kisecker Lenherr m. February 24, 1876, Ellen Dice, b. August 28, 1856. Six children: I. Harry L., b. September 7, 1877. II. W. Floyd, b. December 27, 1879, d. October 30, LENHER FAMILY. 439 1881. III. Bertha A., b. April 30, 1883. IV. Julia C, b. June 2, 1885, d. June 12, 1885. V. C. Alcesta, b. April lO, i88y. VI. Walter A., b. January 18, 1891. Res. in liousuni, Pa. Susan Lenherr m. Dec. 27, 1877, Daniel Overcasli, b. Feb- ruary 22, 1852, in Franklin county, Pa. Two children: I. Ira Benton, b. December 3, 1878, in Saline county, Nebraska. 11. Anna Grace, b. October 17, 1880, in Saline county, Nebraska. Res. in Lanark, 111. George Smith Lenherr m. August 5, 1884, Emma Jane Min- nich, b. October 10, 18O1. Two children: i. Joseph Henry, b. and d. July 26, 1887. il. Dorothy Annie, b. February 6, 1 89 1. Res. in Wingerton, Pa. Hannah Smith Lenherr m. January 12, 1882, David Gel- wicks, b. September 23, 1857. Three children : I. Clayton E , b. December 29, 1882. II. Annie G., b. November 19, 1887. III. Carrie B., b. May 12, 1891. Res. in Housum, Pa. Sarah Adaline Lenherr m. Franklin Sumner Shartzer, b. January 18, 1863, d. August 16, 1895. Four children: I. David Henry, b. August 12, 1881, d. August 16, 1895. II. Wert Cloyd, b. March 25, 1884. III. Lincoln Harrison, b. February 9, 1889. IV. Clarence Lenherr, b. October 26, 1893. Res. near Chambersburg, Pa. Barbara Catherine Lenherr, daughter of David and Magdal- ena, m. December 11, 1851, William Sites, b. June 25, 1821. Seven children : I. Mary Magdalen, b. January 26, 1854, d. March 21, 1874. II. James Russell, b. April 5, 1856, m. Octo- ber 10, 1895, Barbara M. Magsam, b. June 12, 1863; res. in Greencastle, Pa. III. David Lenherr, b. February 5, 1859. IV. William Calvin, b. April 2" , 1862, d. December 26, 1895. V. John Henry, b. November i, 1864. VI. Lydia Diehl, b. April 21, 1866, d. July 21, 1866. VII. Laura Agnes, b. Feb- ruary I, 1869. Res. in Housum, Pa. Magdalena Lenherr, daughter of David and Magdalena, m. January 25, 1855, Samuel Bartle, b. February 16, 1830; res. in Housum, Pa. Seven children: I. Sarah Catharine, b. Oc- tober 28, 1855, m. Daniel Crider. II. David Lenherr, b. De- cember 31. 1857. III. Mary Diehl, b. November 9, 1861, m. William B. Minnich. IV. Laura Alice, b. April 18, 1864, m. Johnson B. Martin. V. Lydia May, b. March 18, 1868, m. George L. Stoner. VI. Samuel Henry, b. September 22, 1870, 446 LENHER FAMILV. d. March 29, 1875. VII. Eliza Bell, b. January 22, 1873, m. James McCrea Clary. Lyda May Bartle m. November 11, 1891, George L. Stoner, b. December 17, 1861. Three children: I. Zella Blanche, b. May 6, 1893. II. Samuel McKinley, b. December 15, 1896. III. Helen Magdalene, b. August 1901. Res. in Greencastle, Pa. Eliza Bell Bartle m. March 7, 1890, James McCrea Clary, b. July 9, 1870. Four children : I. Walter Harrison, b. June 2, 1891. II. Ida May, b. August 12, 1895. ^ HI. Alice Blanche, b. July 7, 1898. IV. Howard Pinkney, b. August i, 1900. Res. in Austin, 111. Mary Elizabeth Lenherr, daughter of David and Magdalena, m. March 18, 1856, John Atherton, b. May 24, 1830; res. in Greencastle, Pa. John S. Atherton entered the military ser- vice of the U. S. February 22, 1865, in Co. M., looth Pa. In- fantry, as a private, and was killed at Ft. Steadman, March 25. 1865. He is buried in Poplar Grove Cemetery, near Petersburg, Va., in Div. A, Sfection C, No. 179. F"ive children: I. George W., b. April 18, 1857, m. Emma J. Kuhn. II. David F., b. July 20, 1859. III. Mary D., b. February 20, 1863, m. John Albert Murray. IV. Elizabeth. V. Bertha. George W. Atherton m. August 12, 1883, Emma J. Kuhn, b. May 10, 1863. Seven children: I. Flora, b., October 16, 1885. II. John H., b. February i, 1888. III. Paul D., b. Jan- uary 27, 1890. IV. Lillian, b. May 9, 1892. V. James, b. November 14, 1894. VI. Helen, b. January 9, 1898. VII. Thomas Nevin, b. December 11, 1899. Res. in Chambersburg, Pa. David F. Atherton m. November 23, 1882, Emma Petty, b. June 19, 1863 ; res. in Austin, 111. Six children : I. John Henr}', b. September 9, 1883. II. Sarah Elisabeth, b. April 29, 1885. HI. Emma Jean, b. August 20, 1887. IV. Thomas Raymond, b. January 17, 1889. V. William Alan, b. July 3, 1892. VI. David Carl, b. August 9, 1897. Mary D. Atherton m. June 3, 1886, John Albert Murray, b. December 4. 1861. Seven children: I. Mary Elizabeth, b. Jan- uary 13, 1888. II. Sarah Catharine, b. January 31, 1890. III. Harry Chritzman, b. October 23, 1891. IV. Emma Susan, b. March 9, 1894. V. John McKinley, b. February 26, 1897. LENHER FAMILY. 44' \'I. George Atherton, b. January 21, 1900. VII. Inl'ani, dv- ceased. Res. in Hade, Pa. § G. PHILIP LENHERT AND ICI.l/.AUETH JJIEMERSDERFER. Philip Lenhert ni. Elizabeth iJieniersderler, b. January 2y, 1806, d. December y, 1889. Six children: I. Emanuel, b. Jan- uary 21, 1826. 11. L'rius, b. February 8, 1830, m. Sarah Zarl- man. 111. Catharine, b. February 17, 1833, d. September 25, 1897; m. October 28, 185 1, Henry S. Shriener, b. December 14. 1825, d. February 22, 1852, and had one child, Amanda, 1). August 8, 1852, d. Ai)ril 21, 1857. l\ • Elizabeth, b. May 7, 1838. V. /\manda, b. June 6, 1844, d. F'cbruary 10, 1845. V'l. Samuel, b. April 13, 1848, m. Annie Z. Enck ; res. in Clay, Pa. Emanuel Eehnhert, son of Philip and Elizabeth, m. March 28, 1848, Martha FYeilich, b. July 16, 1830, d, November 24, 1884. Five children: 1. Sirena F., b. January 24, 1849, <-!• May 17, 1850. II. John F., b. September 8, 1850, m. October 4, 1874, Elizabeth McQuade. 111. Elmirah F., b. March 10, 1853, <^1- February 7, 1873. IV. A son, b. March 1859; d. in infancy. V. Mary F., b. March 29, 1861, m. Aaron Sauble. VI. Samuel F.. b. January 29, 1863, d. March 31, 1864. Res. in Old Line, Pa. John F. Eehnhert m. Elizabeth McQuade, b. February 10, 1854. Thr^e children: I. Mary M., b. September 4, 1875, m. Fred Dresches ; res. in Mount Joy, Pa. II. Annie M., b. April 5, 1879. III. Ehzabeth M., b. October 16, 1881. Urias Lenhert, son of PMiilip and Elizabeth, m. October 9, 1852, Sarah Zartman, b. August 14, 1832, d. December 30, 1862; res. in Lexington, Pa. Two children: I. Martin A., b. June 27, 1853, m. Elizabeth Buffenmeyer. II. Elizabeth, b. January 7, 1859, m. 1882 Jonathan H. Lowery. Res. in Lex- ington, Pa. Martin A. Lenhert m. December 12, 1875, Elizabeth Buffen- meyer, b. July 2. 1859; res. in Lititz, Pa. Three children: 1. Ada Therese, b. November 7, 1876. II. Wayne B., b. July 4. 1880, m. June 20, 1899, Daisy Hacker, and has Clyde Raymond, b. January 5, 1901. III. Harry B., b. May 18, 1883. § H. VERONICA LENHART AND DAVID KREITER. Veronica Lenhart m. David Kreiter, b. October 5. 1799, near 44S LENHER FAMILY. Lititz, d. April 27, 1845. Nine children : I. Harriet, m. John Saylor. 11. Fianna, b. November 17, 1830, m. (i) December 29, 1859, Abraham Coldren, b. June 12, 1831, d. December 20, 1883; m. (2) October 23, 1890, Jacob Blickensderfer, d. Feb- ruary 26, 1899. III. Elias, b. January 26, 1832, d. May 9, 1842. IV. David Kreiter m. Sophia Diehm; both deceased. V. Edward Kreiter, deceased, m. Rebecca Graybill. VI. Sarah, m. Henry Pautz. VII. Jacob, b. May 7, 1841, d. April 2, 1842. VIII. Mary; res. in Reading, Pa. IX. Samuel; res. in Elkhart, Ind. Fianna Kreiter, daughter of X'eronica and David, m. Decem- ber 29, 1856, Abraham Coldrefi, b. June 12, 183 1, d. December 20, 1883. Four children: I. Mary J., b. June 20, 1858, m. Joseph Garman. II. John, m. Katie Hafer. III. Edward m. Katie Weidler. IV. Abraham, d. in infancy. After the death of Abraham, Fianna m. October 23, 1890, Jacob Blickens- derfer, a widower ; no children. Mary J. Coldren m. December 17, 1876, Joseph Garman, b. June 21, 1855. Sixteen children: I. Alice, b. June 23, 1877. II. Stella, b. October 15, 1878, m. August 18, 1901, William Randier, of Mount Joy. HI. A son, b. December 11, 1879; d. in infancy. IV. Servartus, b. December 11, 1880. V. Agnes, b. November 21, 1882. VI. Mazie, b. January 21, 1884. VII. A daughter, b. December 15, 1885 ; d. in infancy. VIII. Lillie, b. November 22, 1886, ; d. in childhood. IX. Eddie, b. Decem- ber 23, 1888; d. in youth. X. Mabel, b. January 4, 1890; d. in childhood. XL Lottie, b. January 21, 1891. XII. Joseph, b. November 22, 1892. . XIII. Lloyd, b. September 24, 1895. XIV. A son, b. January 12, 1897; d. in infancy. XV. Frances, b. September 24, 1899. XVI. Florence, b. December 2'], 1900. Res. in Lititz. John Coldren m. October 23, 1884, Kate Y. Hafer, b. April 9. 1864. Five children: I. Edward, b. July 26, 1885. II. Emma, b. August 17, 1886. III. Jennie, b. December i, 1888. IV. Ella, b. July 31, 1890. V. Kate, b. February 17, 1892. Res. in Reading, Pa. § I. CATHARINE LENHART AND JACOB THUMA. Caharine Lenhart m. Jacob Thuma. Twelve children : I. Levi, b. November 20, 1824, d. December 9, 1901. II. Abra- ham, m. Maria , and had Henry, Jacob, Wilfred, Ann Lenher family. 443 Maria and Lizzie. III. John, ni. and had Samuel and Emma. J\'. Jacob. \'. IJenjamin, m. EHzabeth Eshehuan, and had Katie, Emma, I-rank and Libby. \1. l^ianna, m. Sanniel llul- hnger, and had John, Samuel, Jacob, xMoal and Amanda. \11. Catherine, m. John Spickler, and had Benjamin; res. in iMastersonville. Vlli. Eannie, m. Clem C. Boyd, and has Ben- jamin, Alan and Clem. IX. Mary, m. Henry i'elers. X. Sarah, m. Henry Cinder, and had Lizzie and Barbara; res. in Mastersonville. XL Barbara, m. Jacob Craybill. XH. Eliza- beh, twice married; (i) Snyder; (2) Musser. Levi Thuma, son of Jacob and Catherine, was a life-long member of the River Brethren Church, and, at the time of his death, a deacon in the church at Mastersonville, i'a. ; he m. Mary Hollinger, b. September 23, 1827, d. April, i88y. Six children: L Sarah Anna, b. September 22, 1851, tl. September 25, 1856. H. Hiram, b. May 14, 1849, ^1. March 5, 1850. HL Henry H., b. May 13, 1853, m. Elizabeth Click. 1\ . Jacob, b. February 3, 1858, d. November 27, 1858. V. Elizabeth, d. July II, 1862. \'I. Emma, b .October 30, 1870, m. Abraham L. Beltz. Henry H. Thuma m. December 21, 1876, Elizabeth B. Click, b. October 29, 1855. Five children: L Benjamin L., b. Sep- tember 23, 1877. H. Harvey B., b. October 27, 1879, d. Jan- uarv 5, 1898. HL Pearl B., b. February 3, 1882. IV. Bertha, b. October 27, 1892, d. January 12, 1898. V. Floyd, b. Novem- ber ij, 1897. Res. in Springfield, 111. Emma Thuma, daughter of Levi and Mary, m. December 30, 1890, Abraham L. Beltz, b. May 24, 1862; res. in Ramona, Kansas. Seven children : I. Laura Jane, b. November 30, 1891. II. Anna Elizabeth, b. February 16,1893. III. Daniel Franklin, b. July 27, 1894. W . Flora May, b. April 26, 1897. N. Bertha Ellen, b. January 14, 1899. VI. Levi Henry, b. December 18, 1900. \'II. Rossie. b. December, 1902. Emma Louisa Thuma, daughter of Benjamin and Elizabeth, m. January 4, 1886, Franklin S. Brubaker, b. January 4, 1865. Three children: I. Jacob Thuma, b. February 28, 1887. II. Benjamin Franklin, b. June 15, 1892. HI. Laban Thuma, b. September 16, 1896. Res. in Manheim, Pa. § J. BARBARA LENHART AND CHRISTIAN DULLEBONE. Barbara Lenhart, b. , d. March 1837, m. Christian Dulle- 444 LEWIS FAMILY. bone, b. , d. about 1850. Ten children : I. John, m. Mary Seiders. II. EHzabeth, m. Isaac Dupple. III. Isaac, m. Ehz- abeth Buck. IV. Salhe, unmarried. V. Susan, m. George Croton. VI. Henry, m. Lavina Earing. VTI. Barbara, m. John Watson. VIII. Samuel, m. Mary Kurtz. IX. Levi, b. February 6, 1827, m. Sarah Dupple; res. in Brickerville, Pa. X. Cyrus, m. Messner. All these children, with the ex- ception of Levi, are dead, but they have left descendants. The foregoing genealogy of the Lenher Family was compiled by Dr. Sarah Marion Lenher, of Elizabeth, N. J. LEWIS FAMILY. Henry Lewis removed from eastern Pennsylvania to Mt. Pleasant, Ohio, and there died a very old man. He had ten children: I. Wiliam, m. Lydia Stanton, a sister of Edmund M. Stanton's father; they had one daughter who is now Mary A. Burns, of Ottawa, Kansas ; and this Mary has one daughter who is now Esther Lundy Marsh. William and Lydia are buried at Clear Creek, 111. William's house was one of the stations on the underground railroad, and he took many a slave on the road to freedom. II. Lewis went to Illinois with his family about the beginning of the Civil War ; his children are widely scattered. III. Mary died unmarried. IV. Esther married Benjamin Lundy, the philanthropist ; see page 254. V. Catherine died in 1836, unmarried. VI. Samuel died at an advanced age ; many of his grandchildren live at Chesterville, Morgan county, Ohio. VII. Ann m. William Fullerton, of Clear Creek, 111. VIII. Susan m. Johnson Timberlake. IX. Henry died unmarried. X. Elisha married, but has drifted out of the knowledge of the other members of the family. LUNDY FAMILY. There are persons in the United States and Canada who bear the Lundy name but who are not descended from Richard Lundy the First. I shall mention a few emigrators who in re- cent years have come from various parts of Europe and have established in America small Lundy groups unrelated to us and apparently unrelated to each other; and then I shall enu- merate several Lundy groups, older and more extensive, some of which may have descended from Richard Lundy the First, LUNDY FAMILY. 445 but which can not at this writing- he located definiteh- on tlu- Liindy tree. Frederick Lundy, a lad of fourteen years, was hn lu-ht \<> Long Island, N. Y., from r>remen Haven, ricnuanx, in 1S3S. by the Nostrand family. Frederick had lost holh his i)arcnts when a child and had been reared by his g-randmoiher. in after years he wrote several times to F)remen Haven and uiade in- (|uiry about his ancestry, Init he was unable to gain anv infor- mation. He married and left a family ; among his children were John, Charles, Jerome, Frederick, Jr., and Walter. Ilis sons under the firm name of Lundy Rrothers now control the seafood market at Manhattan Beach, Long Island. Tindall Lundy and his son James R. came to Canada in 184') and settled at Niagara Falls, Ontario. Tindall was the son of Riley Lundy, of North Cove, Yorkshire, England. Francis Henry Lundy, of New York City, came to America in 1855 from Stockport, Lancashire, England. His brother John Lundy came in 1872. They were the sons of William and Jane (Stean) Lundy. John E. Lundy, a fruit-vender at Bath Beach. Long Island, is a native of Stockholm, Sweden, and came to America in 1876. Several years ago a Mr. Limdy came from Dublin. Ireland, and settled in Newark, New Jersey, where three or four of his married sons now dwell. Eli Lundy (parentage not ascertained) m. Phoebe McVeigh. They dwelt at first in Pennsylvania ; then they lived for a time in Ohio, but finally removed to Peoria, Iowa. They had five children: I. Levi, who m. Mary Ann Golden and had William L.. of Buckeye City. O.. Cyrus. Cecelia. Emma, Joseph. John and Martha. IT. John, who has a son Lafayette. HI. Eli. TV. Elias, who has a son John W. at Harvey, Iowa. \^ Wil- liam L. James Lundy (parentage not ascertained) was born in 180T and died in 1833. He married Susan Easter, dwelt in Georgia, and had a son ^Matthew Washington Lundy. who m. Susan TTead and had eight children: I. George Washington. II. Thomas W., who m. Euphemia Walker, lives at Perry. Flor- ida, and has Argus Velnier, b. 1898. and Frederic Thomas, b. T900. TIL Annie Laura. TV. Lillie. V. Julia Frances. VI. Marv. VTI. Tames. VIII. William. 446 L'JNDY FAMILY. Zachariah Lnndy and John Lundy were brothers, and Hved in the Edgefield District, South CaroHna. Nothing is known concerning John. Zachariah Lundy m. a French lady and had four children : I. James, who is said to have removed to Au- gusta, Georgia, and thence to Galveston, Texas. He is said to have been a surveyor. IT. John T., b. about t8ii, was edu- cated at Louisville, Ky., became a physician, and died in 1861 ; m. Katharine Durkee. IIL Nancy. T\^. Mary, name some- what uncertain. One of these daughters married Mr. Frisby and settled at Lexington, Ky. : the other married Mr. Mackey and remained in South Carolina. John Lundy T. removed to the vicinity of Augusta, Ga., and thence in 1839 to Savannah, Ga.. where he married Katharine Durkee, b. May i, 1823. daughter of Robert and Nancy (Whiten) Durkee, grand- daughter of and Elizabeth (Turner) Durkee. They went to Florida, and then to Nashville, Tenn., and then to Living- ston county, Ky., and finally to Rerryville, Arkansas. Eight children: L Francis, b. March 30, 1841. TL Frank, b. 1842; killed in Civil War in 1864. TIT. Zachariah, b. 1846; killed in Civil \A''ar in 1862. TV. John TT., b. August 5, 1849, at Frank- fort, Tances O. Johnson ; see page 275. VII. Elvin Amelius, b. May 20, 1863, d. October 5, i8f 5 ,1,,,.. 1S42. IW Peter, b. 10 of 10 mo., 1845, ()_>. \ . Mary Elizabeth, b. 22 of 8 mo., 1847; m. John Clark on j_> of f, nio'. 1887. VI. Sarah Ann, b. 26 of 4 mo.. 1850. \ II. James Henry, b. 13 of 6 mo., 1853. VITT. F.liza C\. 1.. f, ,,i S mo.. 1854. IX. Joseph R., b. 2 of 7 mo., 185S. IVtcr Willscn m. 12 of 6 mo., 1883, Isabella Graham, and has one child. Mar ietta, b. 18 of 12 mo., 1889. James Henry Willson m. 24 ol i mo., 1883, Charlotte Westcott, and has Kmma. h. 1 of 6 mo.. 1884, and Jennie, b. 5 of 2 mo., 1891, and Henrietta, h. 20 of 11 mo., 1894. Sarah Ann Will.son m. 15 of 3 mo., 187S. John Clark, and has Eno^enia, b. 3 of 6 mo., 1879, and Russell, h. 20 of 3 mo.. 1881. Eliza C. Willson m. 11 of 10 mo.. 1876. Wil- liam Beare. Five children: I. Hattic C, b. 17 of 8 mo., ]>^ji). II. James Leslie, b. 15 of 4 mo., 1883. III. Lanra W., h. 4 of 8 mo., 1886. IV. Florance, b. 20 of 5 mo., 1889. V. Nellie I., b. 23 of 10 mo., 1892. SECOND BRANCH. James Willson, b. 1713, son of Samuel Willson I., married in 1736 Martha Laino^, dauq-hter of John and P^lizalu'lli ( Shot- well) Laing. They had eig-ht children . I. Sanniel. 1). 22 of 6, 1737. in Kingwood. Hunterdon connty, N. J., d. 4 of 2. 1822; buried at Kingwood ; unmarried. II. Elizabeth, b. 29 of 4, 1739. d. 29 of 10. 1758. O. S. III. John. b. 7 of 8, 1741. IV. Josiah. b. 29 of 7, 1743. V. Sarah, b. 5 of 11, 1746. \'I. Esther, b. 17 of i, 1749. VII. Anne, b. 15 of 7, 1753, O. S.. d. 7 of 4, 1822 ; buried at Kingwood ; unmarried. VIII. James, b. 20 of I, 1760, N. S.. d. at homestead in 1785; m. in 1781 Lucretia Freeman who died in 1789. James and Lucretia (Freeman) Willson left two sons: I. Samuel, b. 27 of 11 mo., 1782, d 17 of 7 mo., 1846; hurie Lacey '^7i Laing 275, 308, 315. 3i7, 420 Laketimber 444 L,andrath no Lane 3o8 Langston 83 Lanterman 274 Large 19, 270, 421 L,awer 340 Lawrence 185 Lawton 235 Layton 205 Lee 261 Leeds.'.'.'." 258, 301 Lehman 14^ Lemons 237 Lenher 293, 422 Lepard 221 Leppert i I75 Leversee 305 Lewis 83, 195, 292, 311, 416, 444 Libby 325 Lifford 94 Likens 293 Linaberry 262 Linderberry 345 Linn 238, 409 Littell 121 Little 203 Littley 228 Lloyd 67 Logan 107 Longacre '83 Longstaff 120 Lorah 234 Losey 320 Lovett 172 Lowe 65 Lundy 444 Lutz 214, 332 Lyon 13, 261 Lyons 103, 109 -M- Mabee 195 Mabey 293 McAlpine 343 McBride 214, 319 McCausland 152 McClelland 223 McCord 415 M cCormack 347 McDanolds 160, 263 Macdonald I53 Macdougall 141, 432 McFarland 239 MacGonegal 287 Mclntyre 343 Mackay 262 McKinley 241 McKeel 68, 123 McKenzie 103 McKnight 108 McLain 157 McMillen 347 MacPherson 66 Magee 192 Manning 144, 214, 218 Markham 70 Marlatt 294 Marrs 196 Marsh 140 Martin 84, 298, 308, 343 Marvin 305 Mason 243 Masters 86 Matlock 262 ALittison .' 260 M ay 72 Mead 290 Medcalf 182 Mendenhall 233 Metier 343 Milens 173 Miller 69, 72>, 74, 85, 310 Mills 340 Minier 217 Mintern 71 Mock 174 Montague 243 Montooth 173 Mooney 80, in Moore 208, 212, 215, 224, 327 Moran 324 Morgan 126, 282 Morrell 131 Morrison 244 Morse 320 Mosher 288 Mowder 150 Mudge 237 Muma 175 Murphey 346 Musgrave 216 -N- Nash 341 Newkirk 74 Newman 262 Newton 228 Nipple 341 Noblette in Norman 287 North 143 Norton 241 Nottingham 224 INDEX TO SURNAMES. 483 -0- Oaks 300 Oliver 207 Omsted 207 Osborn 130 Overton 417 -P- Paddock 83- Page 345 Pangborn 3^3 Parker 211, 237, 448 Parmele 316 Parnell 120 Patterson 217, 236, 299, 448 Paulin 182 Payne 90 Peacock 183 Pearce 124 Pearson 74, 120, 226, 260 Penrose 141 Pentz 223 Pettit 298 Phillips 91, 209 Philo 256 Pierson 187, 274 Pilcher 89 Pipitt 129 Pixley 126 Plank 139, 242 Playter 71, 138, 139, 347 Plotts 215 Polhemus 227 Pool 74, 311 Pound 183 Predmore 309 Price 130, 160 Priest 3H Pruett 93 Purinton 333 -R- Raley 258 Ranck 171 Randall 66, 71, 138 Rank 171 Rardin 80 Ratcliffe 120 Rathmell 232, 233 Raub 292 Ray 343 Read 135, 179, 275 Reader 71 Redfield 122 Reed 243 Reeder 293 Reid 229 Remala 228 Renwick 173 Reynolds 72, 283 Rhodes 324 Rich 234, 298 Richards 182 Richardson 72 Rider 241 Riker 175 Ring 106 Robbins 106 Roberts 227 Robinson 34s Roe 1 30 Rogers 181 Rogerson 145 Roof 207 Rorback 127 Rose 140, 280 Rosenkrans 205, 206, 20c Rote 228 Roy 206, 207, 401} Russel 244 -s- St. John 153 Salmon 207 Sanders 81 Sands 229 Saule 214 Savacool 322 Schindler 130 Schmuck 132, 137, 177, 44-.; Schooley 189, 269, 315, 329, 417, 449 Scott 85 Seagur 103 Search 272 Searles 26J Sennett 224 Shadwick 228 Shafer 285, 409 Shannon 74 Sharp 284 Shaw 177 Shay 205 Shepard 195 Shepherd 125 Sheridan 67 Sherman 181 Sherwood 93, 119, 124 Shively 228 Shoemaker 218 Sliotwell 68, 159, 302, 330, 339, 455 Shuster 186 Sigler 320 Sil verthorn ^3, 99 Simmons 260 Simons 241 Simpson 140, 306 Sipes , no Slater 160 Smiley 284 Smith 92, 105, 140, 160, 301, 347 484 INDEX TO SURNAMES. Snooks 208 Snyder 233, 429 Spencer 316 Spoffard 66 Sprinkle 423 Stackhouse 127 Staley 172 Staples 175 Starks 346 Stearns 140 Steele 262 Stephens 66 Stevenson 336 Stickles 186 Stidlam 92 Stikes 285 Stillwell 122 Stinson 409 Stockton 87, 250, 271, 457 Stoddard 217 Stoneman no Stroh 273 Strong 341 Struble 160, 208 Stucker 242 Summins 74 Sumner ; 88, 92 Surratt 94 Sutton 126, 258 Swayze 262, 409 -T- Tabor 142 Tanner 290 Taylor 66, 109, 144, 151, 343, 347 Teel 186 Teeter 283 Temple 334 Terry 221 Tewell 286 Thayer 182 Tholling 153 Thomas 106 Thompson 119, 121, 135 Thorndike 156 Thorpe 225 Thuma 442 Till 122 Tilton 287 Tindale , 66 Titman 217 Titus 252 Tombaugh 184 Tome 289 Tomer 302 Toole 71 Town 142 Trapp 234 Traviss 72, 73, 221 Troy 346 Turk 284 Tuthill 325 -V- Vail 122 Valentine 174 Vance 203, 208 Van Every 345 Van Gorder 160 Van Horn 179, 275, 458 Van Ness 294 Van Scoten 262 Van Sickle 119 Van Syckle 174 Vass 208 Vaughnow 104 Vaught 105 Vernon 151, 156 Vickers 156 Vliet 288, 292, 327 Voorhees 271 Vuught 284 -w- Wade 229 Wagner 125 Wagnor 237 Wakeman 83 Walden 286 Walker no, 306 Walks 140 Wallace 124 Walters 229 Walton 65, 179 Wampler 105 Warbasse 177, 309 Ward 90, 176, 256 Ware 117, 133 Washburn 313 Waterman 242 Waters 239 Watkins 84 Watson 72 Watt 156 Watts 69 Weaver 310 Webster 62, 64, 138, 144, 316 Weed 344 Weimar 123 Welburn 221 Wellman 140 Wells 102 Werner 298 Westbrook 205, 227, 321, 345 Western 144 Wheeler . . : 331 White 192, 285, 324 Whittaker 171 Wicks 123 Widdifield : 137 Wierman 254, 258 Wilcox 290 Wildrick 291, 416 Wiley 264 INDEX TO SURNAMES. 485 Willets 136, 178, 328, 459 Wright 130, 158, 257, 332, 409 Williams 83, 94, 109, 141, 299 Wyland 185 Williainson 67 Wills 175 -- Willson 66, 143, 277, 293, 348, 460 — I— Wilson 127, 291, 311 Winner 231 Yeary 93 Winter 263 Yocum 213 Wisnell 254 Youells 126 Wood 120, 121, 342 Young 242 Wray 66, 288 Yount 217 >#. ^ % \^ .. •*- '"" ^^ ^0 .0-r. ■<^