V y Speeches of Hon. LEONARD MYERS, ON ihl; pitixcii'i.i; iiiat "Actions Speak Louder Than Words." NOT PUI5L1S11KD OR FRANKED AT TIIK KXI'KNSK' OF TIIK GOVKIINMKNT. I'rom tW " Moriiini/ Posl.'' iicviT oultIiI to he ]i;ii(l. IJiil tlic «'vil is li_v WHO ARE THE RULERS? "'/ "'^"i"^^ /•""<■'"•"•) t<> this da.s of ,n rulers, nud not the ruled. The ob- ni.>nls, as well as in the Courts, but to use •I'ct of ^'overnnient is not to airord ujood thi'ir o(/( yersinember We are too apt to for-et this distinction; <»f <^""^''''r.\:»'-""» !"' ''"''1 l>'^H-'^-t- bel- aud, instead of ri-idlv criticising the acts ^:'>»"'^l'1: , ^ ''^ ^'■'"'•"■^ "' ^'"; .V'»"y/^"" >" of those we have sent to do our biddin- »!ivor ot the (.overnment, and the daina^.^ and demandiimriL'ht where wroim has I)een ^V'l'^' :i=:>^«''^sed at .si^ven thousand dollars. d,nie. we bow in meek submi.ssi.Hi. Innnec lateiv after lh.> rendition ot the ver- diet, ^Ir. Myers proceeded to \\ ashini:toii. ; and Itv nason of his ]iosition as a inenibi r /•Vow •• Su,.dni Morniinj,'' Dec. 2!, 18:;!). „j- C'„|,y,.,.ss he was able to obtain an order ^flRST-CLASS FACILITIES FOR, PLUN- tV"ni the Internal Ilevenue liurean direct- *, -mrPTWa TWP r^A-tj ctj-NTM-R-WT i"^' tl'^il f'"^' ca.se should be settNd .-olhcials. f,.,„„ the Third I'eiinsvlvania District, wlio who. haviuLC learned whil.-t in vKtsition all j^; known as a jiatent-fawver, is at all times the intricacies of the Deparlm.uts. are en- ,.,i^a;_r,.d in the pro.secution of ca.ses for his abled to pH through many claims that ! ^'\^^n\.s Ix-fore the Committee on Patents of the House of Reyiresentatives. and on its floor. If a man were cuilty of this sort of conduct in the earlier itnd bettiu- da^s of the Repulilie. he wouJaLhave been hurled from Iiis place, and ]ff»<|i'st or hich-toned man would have shunned liim: but, alas! there are now too many wlio esteem sucli doings as we have mentioned as a leuiti- niate means of uainino- money. But how is this evil to l>e correc1:.ed':' Congress alone can cure it; and unfin'tunatel}- there are too many men, in either House, whose moralit}- is as loose as that of this Piiila- delphia member: and it is hence that the people must provide the remedy, and this can only be done by setting their seal of condemnation on suclrmen at the very lirst opjiortunity. Let it be remember.nl "that he who would be free must himself strike the blow;"' and if the people will act on this old but admirable suggestion, the}' will soon get rid of the Congressional rascals, no matter to what party tliey may belong. From the '' Sunday Rf public '''' Our key-note, soundoil some few w«ek.s back, rofiues;- ina- that a now deal nii'iht be made for Conijfi-ess. snpms to have created a rattling a woag the dry bones. Quite a number of "good eitizeus'' have awakened tu the fact that has long been evident, that the business interests of the city siiould be represented by business men, and not have the entire representatiim composed of lawyers, who, the largi'st portion of their time are attending to tlieir private practice, in tl- fit of his entire time for the salary he receive?!, had bet- ter clear tlie track and tlius make room for some one who can. 'Wa '"threw up our hat" for the coming man.'- Let him put in. his appfarance. First. Si'cond. Third, and Fourth districts, &c., &c.. let us hear from you; don't be afraid tn spcnik out — n'lneraber, you iiave •'backing" tliat will "stick!" ■■Ei'eninrj Ilfrald," Feb. 1(1. 1S70. THE RASCALITY OF LEONARD MYERS. The House ^lilirary Conimittee are still at work investigating the sale of cadetships iii the ]SIilitnry Academies, in connection therewith, we have a sttn-y to tell both for the benefit of our renders and the chairman of the comfiiittee engagt'd in the cadetship investigation. There is a naval cadet by the name of Tsiiac B. Elliott, who has re- cently l)een appointed and accredited- to the State of South Carf)lina. and of course the presumption is that the ("adet Elliott comes from some one of the old families of the Palinei to Slate. But such is not the case. Tills future defender of the starry flag is the hopeful heir of Internal Revenue As.sessor Ellliott. of the famous Third dis- trict of this State, and a resident of this city. The Assessor having ivaclied a com- fortable pf)sition under Uncle Sam. where the piiy is very fair and the opiiortunities good, had a natural doii'e to place his sou in a position where he would l^e in the lu,. of promotion for the shoes of brave Ad- miral Farragut. Possessing this laudable ambition, the Assessor set about linding some one who had a ]ilace to dispose of. and was not long in linding his man. A Congressman was soon {ound who had a naval cadetship for sale at the very mxltn-ate price of !!r'J.no;i. A bargain was quickly struck, and young Elliot was at once transferred from a clerkship in his lather's otlice to the Xaval Academy of the United Stales, and his name entered upon the rolls as being ap- pointed from the State of South Carolina. Tlie Congressman who sold the appoint- ment and bagiivd tlie two thousand ilollars of Elliott of Fhiladel)ihia -not EHif)tr of South Carolina — is said to bf- no less a per- sonage than the man who defrauded Dr. John Moffit of his .seai. Xo less a man. in fact, than the very honorable, honest, im- maculate Leonard ilyers. We r<'(]uest (Teneral Slotann and the com- mittee to make a note of this mattei*. Let them send for the Elliotts, and warm the ears of the Lord's pretended anointed, the honorable humbug of the Third Pennsyl- vania district. How are you. two thou- sanily From the ^'Sunr/m/ Morning. SOME OF CONGRESSMAN MYERS' PETS. -Mk. Editor: — Please peiiirfi me to give you a few items to add to your article of liec^'inhHr 2i;th. ISfiJ). entitled "First-class Facilities for Plunilei'ing tlie Government." One James Stewart, who was a (rovernmeut storekeeper at one of the distilleries of the no- torious Mountjoy, and tl olli.er, lille.l tip an.l and w.-nt into tlw country with his family the "Hsijinedr and insisted on. and tii.-d t.. in.s7 ff«n< of the kind— ^larce majority: and he refused to votn the most an erciit of inll>itle, not a skirmish, hut a < ;pomilar part" of the Uepiihlican ticket at the sort of Vi( kshui>:. Qu.-er time to ro to theeoun- _^,popular pa next j;eneral ei-ction. : .>ii The honorahle (t) ("oiijjressman. before se- ' caring for him ("Stewart) the storekeepership, endeavored to have him appointe>l/i, 1669. GEORGE MOUNT JOY'S DISTILLERY. 11 will 1... i-..c,,ii.r-i,Mi iiiiu il..- .li-till.-ry ..r <;.■.,!-'.• .M.iuiitiov was .•ici/.cil. jiiul wliili- uiul<.'r the cu.-iliiUy of till- I'liiti'd States walrhinaii the wliisky contaiued there- in was sjiiritfil uwuy. Jtoiiutjiiy was to liavo ;i lieiirini; ou Saturday before th« United states Cn u'h„ I, 'lis ,/oHe." He found quite '"".'::';lf^"'' ""• I"-'vilege^..r waiviui; it. and entered bail an exciiement caused by the approachitig trial '"^;^"'^^r^^ZTlu^^so of B.niamiu F. Erwiler, of the •• iiolorioiis MounllOil, held to l.ail at tne j.,„„.^ s, Stewart, and Theodore Killer was proceeded \ same time with Stiwart iV Co. There was a heavy representation of the Internal Revenue Deitirtmeiit, and from the antecedents of some I wa» not surprised to lo-ar them use language altogether in .sympaty with the prisoner and against the prosecuting Government officials, Vslii>, I therefore judged, could not be bribed or inrtuenccd from their duty. <1ne revenue official ("appointed by the same lionorable (?J Conure-^.^mau's i w il)i. and is as I'ollow Alexander 1'. Tutlon sworn— I am supervi.sor of iu- li-rnal revenue id' the Eastern district of Ijeniisylvania. and liavo he. mi actin^' as such for si-voral iiionllis: I know- wliere t!ie distillery of Geors^e .Mountjoy i<. and I have- Visited it: the first visit was on Saturday, the 7th of .Auirii-'t: I know Mr. Siewart: the gaui,'er, Jtr. Filler, I met there: never saw him before to kuow hiin: Jlr. Killer I .■iideavorcd to see on Tuesday and Wednesday I'olliiwini.' the 7th of Aiiirusl. hut cmild not: I saw him 111 the loll.iwiiii.' niovniii!,' ai the ndlector's ollice. and he told ine he liad drawn off and gauircd wliisky at .Mounl- with exciting ges- ioy'splaee: nir-nroined the hour of the niuruiii:; it had ticufatiors. m his own favorite and cla.ssical been done, which I knrw was not eoi-rect. »sl had been • . . ... , »i , .. / tliercat that hour niyseli; he atterwards said he mifiht language, lulormcil his hearers tUat tliem ,„, ,„i^,.,i^,.„ ji.s to time: .Mr. Filler then went to the dis- micLprs" (motioning down the long entry in the direction of the District Attorney's. Marshall's, and Supervisor's uffici'SJ •'trerf no fwtiiirians. What in hell do they know about politics .'" The Supervisor (Tutton) seemed to come in iiir an iinusudl share tiliery with the rollector and assi-ssor of the district. and i)elerlives Bi ks and I'rini'-. and on openiDir th.» <-'.stei-n-n«oiii dour we found a uum>i>r of barrels .if whisky whicli Mr. Killer said he had i;iiaL'i-il thai morn- ilii; and marked, ami they « • le stamped with a bonded Wi-rehonse stamp; and i'n addition they were branded ■tax paiil. Auu'iist II. ISHO." when iu point .f i;., ;, :•;,. tax was not pa;d. and Mr. Killer knew it was not: the ;.'aiii.'er lia> ii" riu'lit to brand casks in that way until he has ilie stam]is iu his haml. and it can only be done when the whisky is wilhdrawn from the warehouse; tills whiskey never had been in the warehouse; then- were also ol'hiM' barrels of whisky iu that rooni that had been ;,'aui.'ed and marked in the same manner a fi-w davs bi'fore — thirleep, I thinU: Mr. Kitler said V< the packaifes wi-re branded in that way; I believe Jlr. Stewart told ill- the same iliiu:,': he was storekeepi-r at that place, and he said he was there on Saturday ui','lit, the 7(li id" August, .iiitl the followini; niirlil also: durintr roil inters and in favor of the (iovernnient. Illce: from Tuesday afternoon until lialf- lrier.dav iiioriiin::, from six hundred lo a riie j>risoner w;is convicted. ;i new trial after past si argument refused, ami he is now in jail, which tleo.-an.l bu^l.eU o. wheat were r. moved from the dis. , ^ ..,, ,.,,,;/ .- ;, ., lilierv: .Mr. Siewart t.dd me he was ..u duty that nif.'Iu sliows that "//o»Rs/,/ i.s- ti.ebe.st kintl of politics, _,^ si.'.rekeeper, bm he did not >ee it t.ikei.; 1 went t- tlie revenue officials and their "sUcker" theories ^B^O the contrary, notwithstan ling. ^^K One rriti'ttkiih'p fact in the testimony of the ^^boUector of this district was, that he seized Wh\s large distillery (the property of the so- distillery at h^ilf-past six and left at half-past seven : as I went away I met Mr. Stewart close by; he Knid In hail lie. n away an hour or su hour and u ([U.-irler s.'i- I'liL' breakfast"; asked Fiim if he wjs at the di'«lillery all iiiirlit. and he saiil lo- was; >aid h.- did not know wh- had taken tlie ifrain away: I iheu to..k bini up t" tli- rolleeloi"« office, verv niucli a)fain-t his will, and kepi [4] him there until the collector and Mr. Fitlor camo: and it was during tlie. time spoken of Mr. Fitler told nio he had gauyed the whisky, and had Stewart with hini: I knew Stewart could not have heeu there, as I had luni at the collector's office; .Air. Krwiler was the ostcnsihle day storekeeper; 1 never saw hiui at the distillery in H1.V several visits; I asked lor him. and I was t.dd "chat ho was not about, and had not been there: the thirty- three barrels were not there when I paid a visit to the place a short time alter, neither in the cistern-room nor iu the boii(U>d warehouse; that was eight or ten liays after tlie seiznie: that wa.s the first f knew per- sonally uf the removal of the whisky; don't know whether the barrels had the serial nuniber of tlio tax- paid stamp on them; there were ;io t;!X-paid stamps on them; Sir. I'ltler was suspended oi! my report: heard that Mr. ErwJler was at Atlantic City I'lr the benefit of his health, but it was not true; the thirty-three barrels • f wh .-ky w< le in the cistern-room wiien the s ^znre was made : the (leiendants were no: in ;i k iiliicia! posi- tion after the :;iii!'t.-;iii|i IVukJs proiiiisHS to !>,' w!-v full in rv- <;;iiil til ;il! piTsoiis implicnt.'d p\-,i'])t ihcihIi.t.- <>t til.- Uotise. It will foiit.-iiii ;\ recoimiieiiilii ~ tion tlittt (Icii Si;lit)epU; who pai.i Mr. iiiith-r lor ■.Wlfy''* •'"' '•iI'P"i"f'i""iit (•ftJeii. Tyl.-r's son. he f-qiiiivd to rcsiiin his piwitirtn as an I'xaiuitier iti the I'titent Oilicp. With a trr.'at.-r s.-n>e ot pro- J>iii'ty tlim lie w IS eiHiiiti'd with. (J.-n. Scho>-:.li' lias a];vidy resigned iiml ivtire.l tVoiii the i.nl)- lic .Sfrvi<:e. Thi- leport will iii.sj-t oti tlie trial by a Xaval Couit of (' nnnaiider Upslinr tin his alhfie.i otMiiplicity in liie tVaud.s 'iht' ex- .;'.e!in;iti .11 of Assessor l';iliott. of Thiheh Iphia. is .ilso ui-^.-.l, Aii.l. linallv. th- report will !•• '.•oMunena the, di-^niissal of fill (;a i-onic to a '-iiKxt laiiif and i npoteiit 1 oiu-liisioii " Con^rrt'ssiiUMi woni I liettHr pini i>h their own liiicksteiiiif: m.-mlper- lifton- hunt- ing' their toots nut of tire Patent (llTlce. (11 v,-reakin.^' le.venire upoii the la.ls at West I'oiiit , —A'. Y. 'I'rthnne. '^Suiidai/ Rep. X(- The iipce.ssity of having Philadelphia repre- sented by Congressmen of ab lity was never more forcibly illustrated than duiing the debate on the League Islami bill. Oh! that we had Congressmen equal to the eineigeney when a measure so itnportant to thousands of our in- d^^trillus Repulilican citizens conies up for con- sideration. Citji Ih-m, Feh. 19///. 1^70. A\'e hii\e received the speech of Hon. Leonard flyers upon the Letigue Isliind bill, and have sent it to Col. Fitzgerald to read. — Moritiiu/ Po^-t. A\'e have read all Ih' League Island speeches at least one dozen times, 'i'hey were poor originally, and repeated jierusal has made them stale, tlat. and unprolita- ble. If our members would work nnnv and spout less, they would do better. The loss of League Island should banish our (iitire delegtition from public life. They have disgraced themselves and their con- stituency. The League Island FiAsco.-The ( 'oniiiifrcinl Lhl says: "•The merchants and other citizens of Philadelphia will never learn wisdom, for they tiUow them- selves to be reprisented in I'ongress yetii after jvar by men utterly incompetent toj ])rotect our interests. When sb;ill we b;\vt a change V" / Dawes sa>s lift ean whip the whole Penn^iyl- vnuia Delegatioii >7ith one band tied_4jieliind him! Ki lly, .Myers, and () .VpiU,- where are you ? Let olf those same old speeidies at him. 'Ihev ought to kill him — thev kill<*d League Island! The Cause oe Defeat. — AVhen League Island was before tlie House some of our C:)ngressm''n begsin to make speeches in- stead of votes. With empty iitanposity and lauiihabk- verbosity, for Duucombe, they nhear.sed their st;i!e platitudes about the Island and an iron-dad navy, taking good care that their ofr-rejieated speeches should be very fidly reportt d in llu rrcHt^. Tlie result w;is defeat'— humiliating defeat - -and the loss of ;in expenditure of at leti^t thirty millions timong our artisans. Ffir this shameful mismanagement they should be repudiated ;uul disuraced. — C/Vy //(/», F(J>. 1'.), b^TO. i AXOTIIEIl KeMA1!KA1!LE Fact. — Hon. I^eonard Myers voted against the resolu- tion to oxpei Butler of Tennessee, for sell- ing a cadetship. "A fellow-foeling makcii us wondrous kind." LIBRARY OF CONGRESS l!ll!l!limill! 013 789 001 A « pHS^