E 353 .1 .P7 17 Copy 1 DDDDS02'=3D3A >» ^ (V e <» " « H O > BIOGRAPHICAL MEMOIR OF CAPTAIN DAVID PORTER. David Porter, the eldest son of Captain David Porter, was born in Boston on the 1st February, 1^80. His father was an officer in our navy during the revolutionary war, and distinguished himself on various occasions by his activity, enterprise, and daring spirit. Being necessarily absent from home for the greater part of his time, the charge of his infant family devolved almost en- tirely on his wife. She was a pious and intelligent woman ; the friend and instructor of her children, teaching them not merely by her precepts, but by her amiable and virtuous example. Soon after the conclusion of the war. Captain Porter removed with his household to Baltimore, where he took command of the revenue cutter the Active. Here in the bosom of his family he would indulge in the veteran's foible of recounting past scenes of peril and adventure, and talking over the wonders and vicissitudes (hat chequer a sea-faring life. Little David would sit for hours and listen and kindle at these marvellous tales, while his father, perceiving his own love of enterprise springing up in the bosom of the lad, took every means to cherish it, and to inspire him with a passion for the sea. He at the same time gave him all the education and instruction that his limited means afforded, and being afterwards in command of a vessel in the West-India trade, proposed to take him a voyage by way of initiating him into the life of a sailor. The constitution of the latter being feeble and delicate excited all the apprehensions of a tender mother, who remonstrated with maternal solicitude, against exposing the puny stripling to the dangers and hardships of so rude a life. Her ob- jections, however, were either obviated or overruled, and at the age of sixteen he sailed with his father for the West Indies, in the schooner Eliza. While at the port of Jeremie, in the island of Vol. IV. ^'€w Series. 29 *— Vk# O O --t» BlOGRAPHr OF T^>^ Tm ' ' 7 "*• / St. Domingo, a pressgang endeavoured (o board the vessel in search for men: they were bravely repelled with the loss of several killed and wounded on both sides; one man was shot down close by the side of young Porter. This affair excited considera- !)le attention at the time. A narrative of it appeared in the pub- lic papers, and much praise was given to Captain Porter for the gallant vindication of his flag. In the course of his second voyage, which he performed as mate of a ship, from Baltimore to St. Domingo, young Porter had a further taste of the vicissitudes of a sailor's life. He was twice impressed by the British, and each time eff*ected his escape, but was so reduced in purse as to be obliged to work his passage home in the winter season, destitute of necessary clothing. In this forlorn condition he had to perform duty on a cold and stormy coast, where every spray was converted instantaneously into a sheet of ice. It would appear almost incredible that his feeble frame, little inured to hardship, could have sustained so much, were it not known how greatly the exertions of the body are sup- ported by mental excitement. Scarcely had he recovered from his late fatigues when he ap- plied for admission into the navy ; and on receiving a midship- man's warrant, immediately joined the frigate Constellation, Com- modore Truxton. In the action with the French frigate the In- surgent, Porter was stationed in the foretop, and distinguished himself by his good conduct. Want of friends alone prevented his promotion at the time. When Commodore Barron was ap- pointed to the command of the Constellation, Porter was advanced to the rank of lieutenant solely on account of his merit, having no friends or connexions capable of urging his fortunes. He was ordered to join the United States schooner Experiment under Captain Maley, to be employed on the West-India station. During the cruise they had a long and obstinate engagement with a num- ber of brigand barges in the Bite of Leogan, which afforded him another opportunity of bringing himself into notice. He was also frequently employed in boat expeditions to cut out vessels, in which he displayed much coolness and address. Commodore Talbot, who commanded on that station, gave him charge of the Amphitrite, a small pilot boat prize schooner mounting five small swivels taken from the tops of the Constellation, and manned witK CAPTAIN DAVID PORTER. 227 ii(teen hands. Not long after taking this command he fell in with a French privateer mounting a long twelve pounder and several swivels, having a crew of forty men, and accompanied by a prize ship and a large barge with thirty men armed with swivels. Not- withstanding the great disparity of force, Porter ordered his vessel to be laid alongside the privateer. The contest was arduous, and for some time doubtful, for in the commencement of the action he lost his rudder, which rendered the schooner unmanageable. The event, however, excused the desperateness of the attack, for after an obstinate and bloody resistance the privateer surrendered with the loss of seven killed and fifteen wounded. Not a man of Porter's crew was killed; several, however, were wounded, and his vessel was much injured. The prize was also taken, but the barge escaped. The conduct of Lieutenant Porter in this gallant little affair was highly applauded by his commander. Shortly after his return to the United States he sailed, as first lieutenant, in the Experiment, com.manded by Captain Charles Stewart. They were again stationed in the West Indies, and af- forded great protection to the American commerce in that quar- ter. They had several engagements with French privateers, and were always successful, insomuch that they became the terror of those marauders of the ocean, and effectually controlled their ra- pacity and kept them quiet in port. The gallant and lamented Trippe was second lieutenant of the Experiment at the time. When the first squadron was ordered for the Mediterranean, Porter sailed as first lieutenant of the schooner Enterprise, Captain Stewart. In this cruise they encountered a Tripolitan corsair of very superior force ; a severe battle ensued in which the enemy suffered great slaughter, and was compelled to surrender, while our ship received but little injury. In this brilliant action Porter ac- quired much reputation from the conspicuous part he acted. He afterwards served on board of different ships in the Mediterranean station, and distinguished himself by his intrepidity and zeal when- ever an opportunity presented. On one occasion he commanded an expedition of boats sent to destroy some vessels laden with wheat, at anchor in the harbour of old Tripoli ; the service was promptly and effectually performed ; in the engagement he receiv- ed a musket ball through his left thigh. 228 BlOGRAPIir OF Shortly after recovering from his wound he was transposed from the New-York to the Philadelphia, Captain Bainbridge, as first lieutenant. The frigate was then lying at Gibraltar, when he joined her in September, 1803. She soon after sailed for the blockade of Tripoli. No ev^ent took place worthy of mention until the 31st of October. Nearly a week previous to this ill- fated day, the weather had been tempestuous, which rendered it prudent to keep the ship off the land. The 31st opened with all the splendour of a Sicilian morning : the promise of a more delight- ful day never appeared. The land was just observed, when a sail was descried making for the harbour, with a pleasant easterly breeze. It was soon ascertained to be an armed ship of the enemy, and all sail was set in chase. After an ineffectual pursuit of seve- ral leagues. Captain Bainbridge had just given orders to hale off, when the frigate grounded. Every expedient that skill or courage could devise to float or defend her, was successively resorted tOf but in vain. The particulars of this unfortunate affair are too generally known to need a minute recital; it is sufficient to add that this noble ship and her gallant crew were surrendered to a bar- barous and dastardly enemy, whose only motive in warfare is the hope of plunder. Throughout the long and dreary confinement, which ensued, in the dungeons of Tripoli, Porter never suffered himself for a moment to sink into despondency ; but supported the galling indignities and hardships of his situation with equanimity and even cheerfulness. A seasonable supply of books served to beguile the hours of imprisonment, and enabled him even to turn them to advantage. He closely applied himself to the study of ancient and modern history, biography, the French language, and drawing ; in which art, so useful to a seaman, he has made himself a considerable proficient. He also sedulously cultivated the theo- ry of his profession, and improved the junior officers by his fre- quent instructions ; representing the manoeuvres of fleets in battle by means of small boards ingeniously arranged. He was active in promoting any plan of labour or amusement that could ameliorate the situation or dispel the gloomy reflections of his companions. By these means captivity was robbed of its heaviest evils, that dull monotony that wearies the spirits, and that mental inactivity that engenders melancholy and hypochondria. CAPTAIN DAVID PORTER. 229 An incident which occurred during his confinement deserves to be mentioned, as being highly creditable to Lieutenant Porter. Under the rooms occupied by the officers was a long dark passage, through which the American sailors, who were employed in pub- lic labour, frequently passed to different parts of the castle. Their conversation being repeatedly heard as they passed to and fro, some one made a small hole in the wall to comFnunicate with fhem. For some days a constant intercourse was kept up, by sending down notes tied to a string. Some persons, however, indiscreetly entering into conversation with the seamen, were overheard, and information immediately carried to the Bashaw. In a ^ew minutes the bolts of the prison door were heard to fly back with unwonted violence, and Sassi (chief officer of the castle) rushed furiously in. His features were distorted, and his voice almost inarticulate with passion. He demanded in a vehement tone of voice by whom or whose authority the wall had been opened; when Porter advanced with a firm step and composed countenance, and replied, " I alone am responsible." He was abruptly and rudely hurried from the prison,|and the gate was again closed. This generous self-devo- tion, while it commanded the admiration of his companions, height- ened their anxiety for his fate ; apprehending some act of violence from the impetuous temper and absolute power of the Bashaw. Their fears, however, were appeased by the return of Porter, after considerable detention ; having been dismissed without any further severity through the intercession of the minister Mahomet Dghies, who had on previous occasions shown a friendly disposition towards the prisoners. It is unnecessary here to dwell on the various incidents that occurred in this tedious captivity, and of the many ingenious and adventurous plans of escape, devised and attempted by our officers, in all which Porter took an active and prominent part. When peace was at length made, and they were restored to light and liber- ty, he embarked with his companions for Syracuse, where a court of inquiry was held on the loss of the Philadelphia. After an honour- able acquittal he was appointed to the command of the UniJed States Brig Enterprise, and soon after was ordered by Commodore Rodgers to proceed to Tripoli, with permission to cruise along the shore of Bengazi, and to visit the ruins of Leptis I>Iagna, an- 230 BIOGRAPHT OF ciently a Roman colony : He was accompanied in this expedition by some of his friends, and after a short and pleasant passage, an- chored near the latter place. Thej passed three days in wander- ing among the mouldering remains of Roman taste and grandeur; #and excavated in such places as seemed to promise a reward for their researches. A number of ancient coins and cameos were found, and, among other curiosities, were two statues in tolerable preservation; the one a warrior, the other a female figure, of beautiful white marble and excellent workmanship. Verde an- tique pillars, of large size, formed of a single piece, and unbroken, were scattered along the shores. Near the harbour stood a lofty and elegant building, of which Lieutenant Porter took a drawing : from its situation and form it was supposed to have been a Pharos. The awning under which the party dined was spread on the sitd, and among the fallen columns of a temple of Jupiter, and a zest was given to the repast, by the classical ideas awakened by sur- rounding objects. While in command of the Enterprise, and at anchor in the port of Malta, an English sailor came alongside and insulted the offi- cers and crew by abusive language ; Captain Porter overhearing jhe scurrilous epithets he vociferated, ordered a boatswain's mate to seize him and give him a flogging at the gangway. This well merited chastisement excited the indignation of the Governor of Malta, who considered it a daring outrage, and gave orders that the forts should not permit the Enterprise to depart. No sooner was Captain Porter informed of it, than he got his vessel ready for action, weighed anchor, and with lighted matches and every man at his station, with the avowed determination of firing upon the town if attacked, sailed between the batteries and departed unmo- lested. Shortly after this occurrence, in passing through the Straits of Gibraltar, he was attacked by twelve Spanish gun boats, who either mistook, or pretended to mistake, his vessel for a British brig. The calmness of the weather, the weight of their metal, and the acknowledged accuracy of their aim, made the odds greatly against him. As soon, however, as he was able to near them, they were assailed with such rapid and well directed vol- leys as quickly compelled them to shear off. This affair took CAPTAIN DAVID PORTER. 2Iil place in sight of Gibraltar, and in presence of several ships of the British navy; it was, therefore, a matter of notoriety, and spoken of in terms of the highest applause. After an absence of five years, passed in unremitted and arduous service, Captain Porter returned to the United States, and shortly after was married to Miss Anderson, daughter of the mem- ber of congress of that name, froju Pennsylvania. Being ap- pointed to the command of the flotilla, on the New Orleans sta- tion, he discharged, with faithfulness and activity, the irksome duty of enforcing the embargo and non-intercourse laws. He likewise performed an important service to his country, by ferret- ting out and capturing a pirate, a native of France, who, in a small well-armed schooner, had for some time infested the Chesapeake ; and who, growing bolder by impunity, had committed many acts of depredation, until his maraudings became so serious as to attract the attention of government. While commanding on the Orleans station, the father of Cap- tain Porter died, an officer under his command. He had lived to see the wish of his heart fulfilled, in beholding his son a skilful and enterprising sailor, rising rapidly in his profession, and in the estimation of his country. The climate of New Orleans disagreeing with the health of Captain Porter and his family, he solicited to be ordered to some other station, and was, accordingly, appointed to the command of the Essex frigate, at Norfolk. At the time of the declaration of war against England, the Essex was undergoing repairs at New-York, and the celerity with which she was fitted for sea reflected great credit on her com- mander. On the 3d of July, 1812, he sailed from Sandy Hook on a cruise, which Avas not marked by any incident of conse- quence, excepting the capture of the British sloop of war 'Alert, Captain Laugharne. Either undervaluing the untried prowess of our tars, or mistaking the force of the Essex, she ran down on her weather quarter, gave three cheers and commenced an action. In a few minutes she struck her colours, being cut to pieces, with three men wounded, and seven feet water in her hold. To re- lieve himself from the great number of prisoners, taken in this and former prizes, Captain Porter made a cartel of the x\lert, with 232 BIOGRAPHY OF orders to proceed to St. Johns, Newfoundland, and thence to New- York. She arrived safe, being the first ship of war taken from the enemy, and her flag the first British flag sent to the seat of government during the present war. Having returned to the United States and refitted, he again proceeded to sea, from the Delaware, on the 27th of October, 1812, and repaired, agreeably to instructions from Commodore Bainbridge, to the coast of Brazil, where different places of ren- dezvous had been arranged between them. In the course of his cruise on this coast he captured his Britannic majesty's packet Nocton, and after taking out of her about 11,000 pounds sterling in specie, ordered her for America. Hearing of Commodore Bainbridge's victorious action with the Java, which would oblige him to return to port, and of the capture of the Hornet by the Montague, and learhing that there was a considerable augmenta- tion of British force on the coast, and several ships in pursuit of him, he abandoned his hazardous cruising ground, and stretched away to the southward, scouring the coast as far as Rio de la Plata. From thence he shaped his course for the Pacific Ocean, and, after suffering greatly from want of provisions, and heavy gales off Cape Horn, arrived at Valparaiso, on the 14th of March, 1813. Having victualled his ship, he ran down the coast of Chili and Peru, and fell in with a Peruvian corsair, having on board twenty-four Americans, as prisoners, the crews of two whaling ships, which she had taken on the coast of Chili. The Peruvian captain justified his conduct on the plea of being an ally of Great Britain, and the expectation likewise of a speedy war between Spain and the United States. Finding him resolved to persist in similar aggressions. Captain Porter threw all his guns and ammu- nition into the sea, liberated the Americans, and wrote a respect- ful letter to the viceroy explaining his reasons for so doing, which he delivered to the captain. He then proceeded to Lima, and luckily recaptured one of the American vessels as she was enter- ing the port. After this he cruised for several months in the Pacific, inflict- ing immense injury on the British commerce in those waters. He was particularly destructive to the shipping employed in the spermaceti whale fishery. A great number with valuable cargoes CAPTAIN DAVID PORTER. 233 were captured ; two were given up to the prisoners ; three sent to Valparaiso and laid up; three sent to America; one of Ihem he retained as a storeship, and another he equipped with twenty guns, called her the Essex junior, and gave the command of her to Lieutenant Downes. Most of these ships mounted several guns, and had numerous crews; and as several of them were captured by boats or by prizes, the officers and men of the Essex had fre- quent opportunities of showing their skill and courage, and of ac- quiring experience and confidence in naval conflict. Having now a little squadron under his command, Captain Por- ter became a complete terror in those seas. As his numerous prizes supplied him abundantly with provisions, clothing, medi- cine, and naval stores of every description, he was enabled for a long time to keep the sea, without sickness or inconvenience to his crew ; living entirely on the enemy, and being enabled to make considerable advances of pay to his officers and crew without drawing on government. The unexampled devastation achieved by his daring enterprises, not only spread alarm through- out the ports of the Pacific, but even occasioned great uneasiness in Great Britain. The merchants, who had any property afloat in this quarter, trembled with apprehension for its fate ; the un- derwriters groaned at the catalogue of captures brought by every advice, while the pride of the nation was sorely incensed at beholding a single frigate lording it over the Pacific, roving about the ocean in saucy defiance of their thousand ships; revelling in the spoils of boundless wealth, and almost banishing the Brilish flsg from those regions, where it had so long waved proudly pre- dominant. Numerous ships were sent out to the Pacific in pursuit of him; others were ordered to cruise in the China seas, ofiT New Zedand, Timor and New Holland, and a frigate sent to the River La Plata. The manner in which Captain Porter cruised, however, completely baffled pursuit. Keeping in the open seas, or lurking amor/g the numerous barren and desolate islands that form the Oallipagos groupe, and never touching on the American coast, he left no traces by which he could be followed ; rumour, while it magnified his exploits, threw his pursuers at fault; they were distracted by vague accounts of captures made at different places, and of friga(eu Vol. IV. ISeiv Series. 30 234 BIOGRAPHY OF supposed to be the Essex hovering at the same time ofF different coasts and haunting different islands. In the mean while Porter, though wrapped in mystery and uncer- tainty himself, yet received frequent and accurate accounts of his enemies, from the various prizes which he had taken. Lieutenant Downes, also, who had convoyed the prizes to Valparaiso, on his return, brought advices of the expected arrival of Commodore Hill- jar in the Phoebe frigate rating thirty-six guns accompanied by two sloops of war. Glutted with spoil and havoc, and sated with the easy and inglorious captures of merchantmen. Captain Porter now felt eager for an opportunity to meet the enemy on equal terms, and to signalize his cruise by some brilliant achievement. Having been nearly a year at sea, he found that his ship would require some repairs, to enable her to face the foe ; he repaired, therefore, accompanied by several of his prizes, to the Island of Nooaheevah, one of the Washington groupe, discovered by a Captain Ingraham of Boston. Here he landed, took formal posses- sion of the island in the name of the government of the United States, and gave it the name of Madison's Island. He found it large, populous and fertile, abounding with the necessaries of life ; the natives in the vicinity of the harbour which he had chosen received him in the most friendly manner, and supplied him with abundance of provisions. During his stay at this place he had several encounters with some hostile tribes on the island, whom he succeeded in reducing to subjection. Having calked and com- pletely overhaled the ship, made for her a new set of water casks, and taken on board from the prizes provisions and stores for up- wards of four months, he sailed for the coast of Chili on the 1 2th December, 1813. Previous to sailing he secured the three prizes which had accompanied him, under the guns of a battery erected for their protection, and left them in charge of Lieutenant Gamble of the marines and twenty-one men, with orders to proceed to Valparaiso after a certain period. After cruising on the coast of Chili without success, he pro- ceeded to Valparaiso, in hopes of falling in with Commodore Hillvar, or, if disappointed in this wish, of capturing some mer- chant ships said to be expected from England. While at anchor at this port Commodore Hillyar arrived, having long been search- Captain david porter. 235 ing in vain for the Essex, and almost despairing of ever meeting with her. Contrary to the expectations of Captain Porter, how- ever, Commodore Ilillyar, beside his own frigate, superior in itself to the Essex, was accompanied by the Cherub sloop of war, strongly armed and manned. These ships, having been sent out expressly to seek for the Essex, were in prime order and e(|uip- ment, with picked crews, and hoisted flags bearing the motto " God and country, British sailors' best rights : traitors offend both.^* This was in o{)positioa to Porter's motto of " Free trade and sailors' rights,'' and the latter part of it suggested doubtless, by error industriously cherished, that our crews are chiefly com- posed of English seamen. In reply to this motto Porter hoisted at his mizeo, " God, our country, and liberty : tyrants offend them." On entering the harbour the Phoebe fell foul of the Essex in such manner as to lay her at the merc)^ of Captain Porter ; out of respect, however, to the neutrality of the port, he did not take advantage of her exposed situation. This forbearance was afterwards acknowledged by Commodore Hillyar, and he passed his word of honour to observe like conduct while they remained in port. They continued therefore, while in harbour and on shore, in the mutual exchange of courtesies and kind offices that should characterize the private intercourse between civilizetl and generous enemies. And the crews of the respective ships often mingled together and passed nautical jokes and pleasantries from one to the other. On getting their provisions on board the Phoebe and Cherub went off the port, where they cruised for six weeks, rigorously blockading Captain Porter. Their united force amounted to 81 guns and 600 men, in addition to which they took on board the crew of an English letter of marque lying in port. The force of the Essex consisted of but 46 guns, all of which, excepting six long twelves, were 32 pound carronades, only serviceable in close fighting. Her crew, having been much reduced by the manning of prizes, amounted to but 255 men. The Essex junior being only intended as a storeship, mounted ten 18 pound carronades and ten short sixes with a complement of only 60 men. This vast superiority of force on the part of the enemy pre- vented all chance of encounter, on any thing like equal terms. 236 BIOGRAPHY OF sinless by express covenant between the commanders. Captain Porter, therefore, endeavoured repeatedly to provoke a challenge, (the inferiority of his frigate to the Phoebe not justifying him i» making the challenge himself,) but without effect. He tried fre- quently also to bring the Phoebe into single action ; but this Com- modore Hillyar warily avoided, and always kept his ships so close together as to frustrate Captain Porter's attempts. This conduct of Commodore Hillyar has been sneered at by many, as unworthy a brave officer : but it should be considered that he bad more im- portant objects to effect than the mere exhibition of individual or national prowess. His instructions were to crush a noxious foe, destructive to the commerce of his country; he was furnished with a force competent to this duty ; and having the enemy once within his power, he had no right to waive his superiority, and, by meeting him on equal footing, give him a chance to conquer, and continue his work of destruction. Finding it impossible to bring the enemy to equal combat ; and fearing the arrival of additional force, which he understood was on the way, Captain Porter determined to put to sea the first oppor- tunity that should present. A rendezvous was accordingly ap- pointed for the Essex junior, and having ascertained by repeated trials that the Essex w^as a superior sailer to either of the block- ading ships, it was agreed that she should let the enemy chase her off; thereby giving the Essex junior an opportunity of escaping. On the next day, the 28th March, the wind came on to blow fresh from the southward, and the Essex parted her larboard cable and dragged her starboard anchor directly out to sea. Not a moment w as lost in getting sail on the ship ; but perceiving that the enemy was close in with the point forming the west side of the bay^ and that there was a possibility of passing to windward, and escaping to sea by superior sailing, Captain Porter resolved to hazard the attempt. He accordingly took in his top gallant sails and braced up for the purpose, but most unfortunately on round- ing the point a heavy squall struck the ship and carried away her main top mast, precipitating the men who were aloft into the sea, who were drowned. Both ships now gave chase, and the crippled state of his ship left Porter no alternative but to endeavour to CAPTAIN DAVID PORTER, 23? legain the port. Finding it impossible to get back to the common anchorage, he ran close into a small bay about three quarters of a mile to leeward of the battery, on the east of the harbour^ and let go his anchor within pistol shot of (he shore. Supposing the enemy would, as formerly, respect the neutrality of the place, he considered himself secure, and thought only of repairing the damages he had sustained. The wary and menacing approach of the hostile ships, however, displaying their motto flags and having jacks at all their masts' heads, soon showed him the real danger of his situation. With all possible despatch he got his ship ready for action, and endeavoured to get a spring on his cable, but had not succeeded, when, at 54 minutes past 3 P. M. the enemy com- menced an attack. At first the Phoebe lay herself under his stern and the Cherub on his starboard bow ; but the latter soon finding herself exposed to a hot fire, bore up and ran under his stern also, where both ships kept up a severe and raking fire. Captain Poiter succeeded three different times in getting springs on his cables, for the pur- pose of bringing his broadside to bear on the enemy, but they were as often shot away by the excessive fire to which he was exposed. He was obliged, therefore, to rely for defence against this tremendous attack merely on three long twelve pounders, which he had run out of the stern ports ; and which were worked with such bravery and skill as in half an hour to do great injury to both the enemy's ships and induce them to hale off and repair damages. It was evidently the intention of Commodore Hillyai* to risk nothing from the daring courage of his antagonist, but to take the Essex at as cheap a rate as possible. All his manoeuvres were deliberate and wary ; he saw his antagonist completely at his mercy, and prepared to cut him up in the safest and surest man- ner. In the mean time the situation of the Essex was galling and provoking in the extreme ; crippled and shattered, with many killed and wounded, she lay awaiting the convenience of the enemy, to renew the scene of slaughter, with scarce a hope of escape or revenge. Her brave crew, however, in place of being disheartened, were aroused to desperation, and by hoisting ensigns in their rigging and jacks in different parts of the ship, evinced their defiance and deterwination to hold out to the last. oot> "*^ BIOGKAFHY OF The eimuy Laving repaired his dama^rs now nU i i- , >via. bo.h ,.is ship, on ,he ..board ..aHetZ/E ^et'lT I reach of her carronades, and where her stern guns couw'n , h ^rough, ,0 bear. Here he kept up a «,„st ^JZXt "„ Lt a was not „, Captain Porter's po.er to return ; the latter, thlXo saw no hope of injuring him without ge((i„. unde.' wav ,' becooung the assailant. Fro™ the n,a„g,fd state oH s rS„rh 'd1„rh Tl"" T" ""^ "^""= *"^= '"'^ hecausef o\: hoisted cut h. cable, and ran down on both ships, wilh an inten tion of laj.ng the Phoebe on board. I > '''m an niten- For a short time he was enabled to close wilh the enem. and the fir,ng on both sides was tremendous. The decks of he F were strewed with dead, and her cockpit fillel w ,h wo 'dL .t had been several times on fire, and was in fact a perfec wr'ect st.l! a feeble hope sprung up that she might be saved inT Caence of the Cherub being compelled to hlle off L; ,t cril X Mate; she (hd not return to close action a^ain h„,t , "'PP^*^ tant firing with her long gun. The Ta Et Jj^^^: however did not permit her to take advantage ottj^m' wale PhT' "',"" t "''' ""-^''^ '° '^-p "' ciS ; r: .'.•e...havocVm^g:^.^r^M~^^^^^^^^^ .je rendered useless, and man, had their wlLleCwfdelt^ they were manned from (hose that were disabled /, ''~''«'^- pa.lcular was three times 'n^n., ^2^:1^ :^2^:'^ m the course of the action, though the captain of it escaned wW only a shght wound. Captain Porter n^w .ave u,> all hnn r closmg with i,e enemy, but finding the wi^d f voL 1 Jelf mined to run his ship on shore, land the crew, and des ;; e ' He had approached within n«r.ket shot of the shore nd had' every prospect of succeedin,-, vAen in a„ i„TTr . shifted from the land -.nA i l , "' *^^ """"l uom me lanU and drove her down upon the Phmh„ exposmg her again to a dreadful rakin.^ fire The sh! now totally unmanageable ; yet as her 1.1 . '^ '™' CAPTAIN DAVID PORTEK. 239 tf no avail in the deplorable state of the Essex, aiul fiiuling from he enemy's putting his helm up, that the last attempt at boarding tvould not succeed, Captain Porter directed him, after he had been ten minutes on board, to return to his own ship, to be pre- ;)ared for defending and destroying her in case of attack. He took with him several of the wounded, leaving three of his boat's crew on board to make room for them. The Cherub kept up a hot fire on him during his return. The slaughter on board of the Essex now became horrible, the enemy continued to rake her, while she was unable to bring a gun to bear in return. Still her com- mander, with an obstinacy that bordered on desperation, persisted In the unequal and almost hopeless conflict. Every expedient that a fertile and inventive mind could suggest was resorted t#, in the forlorn hope that they might yet be enabled by some lucky chance to escape from the grasp of the foe. A halser was bent to the sheet anchor, and the anchor cut from the bows, to bring the ship's head round. This succeeded ; the broadside of the Essex was again brought to bear; and as the enemy was much crippled and unable to hold his own, Captain Porter thought she might drift out of gunshot before she discovered that he had anchored. The halser, however, unfortunately parted, and with it failed the last lingering hope of the Essex. The ship had taken fire several times during the action, but at this moment her situa- tion was awful. She was on fire both forward and aft; the flames were bursting up each hatchway ; a large quantity of pow- der below exploded, and word was given that the fire was near the magazine. Thus surrounded by horrors, without any chance of saving the ship. Captain Porter turned his attention to rescuing as many of his brave companions as possible. Finding his dis- tance from the shore did not exceed three quarters of a mile, he hoped many would be able to save themselves should the ship blow up. His boats had been cut to pieces by the enenues' shot, but he advised such as could swim to jump overboard and make for shore. Some reached it — -some were taken by the enemy, and some perished in the attempt ; but most of this loyal and gallant crew preferred sharing the fate of their ship and their commander. Those who remained on board now endeavoured to extinguish the flames, and having succeeded, went again to the guns and kept 240 BIOGRAPHY OF up a firing for a few minutes ; but the crew had hy this time be- come so weakened that all further resistance was in vain. Captain Porter summoned a consultation of the officers of divisions, but was surprised to find onlj' acting Lieutenant Stephen Decatur M'Knight remaining; of the others some had been killed, others knocked overboard, and others carried below disabled by severe wounds. The accounts from every part of the ship were deplo- rable in the extreme ; representing her in the most shattered and crippled condition, in imminent danger of sinking, and so crowded wilh the wounded that even the birth deck could contain no moie, and many were killed while under the surgeon's hands. In the mean while the enemy, in consequence of the smoothness of tine wlter and his secure distance, was enabled to keep up a de- liberate and constant fire, aiming with coolness and certainty as if firing at a target, and hitting the hull at every shot. At length, utterly despairing of saving the ship, Captain Porter was couipelled, ,at 20 minutes past 6 P. M. to give the painful order to strike the colours. It is probable the enemy did not perceive that the ship iiad surrendered, for he continued firing; several men were killed and wounded in different parts of the ship, and Captain Porter thinking he intended to show no quarter, was about to rehoist his flag and to fight until he sunk, when the enemy desisted his attack ten minutes after the surrender. The foregoing account of this battle is taken almost verbatim from the letter of Captain Porter to the secretary of the navy. Making every allowance for its being a partial statement, this must certainly have been one of the most sanguinary and obstinately contested actions on naval record. The loss of the Essex is a sufficient testimony of the desperate bravery with which she was defended. Out of 255 men which comprised her crew, fifty-eight were killed; thirty-nine wounded severely; twenty-seven slightly, and thirty-one missing, making in all 154. She was completely cut to pieces, and so covered with the dead and dying, with man- gled limbs, with brains and blood, and all the ghastly images of pain and death, that the officer who came on board to take posses- sion of her, though accustomed to scenes of slaughter, was struck with sickening horror, and fainted at the shocking spectacle. CAPTAIN DAVID PORTER* 241 Thousands of the inhabitants of Valparaiso were spectators of the battle, covering the neighbouring heights : for it was fought so near the shore that some of the shot even struck among the citi- zens, who, in the eagerness of their curiosily, had ventured down upon the beach. Touched by the forlorn situation of the Essex, and fdied with admiration at the unflagging spirit and persevering bravery of her commander and crew, a generous anxiety ran throughout the multitude for their fate : bursts of delight arose when, by any vicissitude of battle, or prompt expedient, a chance seemed to turn up in their favour ; and the eager spectators were seen to wring their hands, and uttered groans of sympathy, when (he transient hope was defeated, and the gallant little frigate once more became an unresisting object of deliberate slaughter. It is needless to mention particularly the many instances of in- dividual valour and magnanimity among both the officers and com- mon sailors of the Essex: their general conduct bears ample testi- mony to their heroism ; and it v*^ill hereafter be a sufBcient distinc- tion for any man to prove that he was present in that battle. Every action that v/e have fought at sea has gone to destroy some envious shade which the enemy has attempted to cast on our rising reputation. After the affair of the Argus and the Pelican, it was asserted that our sailors were brave only while successful and unhurt, but that the sight of slaughter filled them with dismay. In this battle it has been proved that they are capable of the highest exercise of courage — that of standing unmoved among incessant carnage, without being able to return a shot, and destitute of a hope of ultimate success. Though, from the distance and positions which the enemy chose, this battle was chiefly fought on our part by six twelve pounders only, yet great damage was done to the assailing ships. Their rriasts and yards were badly crippled, their hulls much cut up; the Phoebe, especially, received 18 twelve pound shot below her water line, some three feet under water. Their loss in killed and wounded was not ascertained, but must have been severe ; the first lieutenant of the Phoebe was killed, and Captain Tucker, of the Cherub, was severely wounded. It was with some difficulty that the Phoebe and the Essex could be kept afloat until they anchored the next morning in the port of Valparaiso. Vol. TV. New Series. 31 242 BIOGRAPHY Ofc Much indignation has been expressed against Comaiodore Tliilyar for his violation of the laws of nations, and of his private agreement with Captain Porter, by attacking him in the neutral waters of Valparaiso ; waiving all discussion of these points, it may barely be observed, that his cautious attack with a vastly superior force, on a crippled ship, which, relying on his forbear- ance, had placed herself in a most defenceless situation, and which for six weeks previous had offered him fair fight, on advan- tageous terms, though it may reflect great credit on his prudence, yet certainly furnishes no triumph to a brave and generous mind. Aware, however, of that delicacy which ought to be observed towards the character even of an enemy, it is not the intention of the writer to assail that ot Commodore Hillyar. Indeed, his con- duct after the battle entitles him to high encomium; he showed the greatest humanity to the wounded, and, as Captain Porter acknowledges, endeavoured as much as lay in his power to alle- viate the distresses of war by the most generous and delicate de- portment towards both the officers and crew, commanding that the property of every person should be respected. Captain Porter and his crew were paroled, and permitted to return to the United States in the Essex junior, her armament being previously taken out. On arriving off the port of New-York, they were overhaled by the Saturn razee, the authority of Commodore Hillyar to grant a passport was questioned, and the Essex junior detained. Captain Porter then told the boarding officer that he gave up his parole, and considered himself a prisoner of war, and as such should use all means of escape. In consequence of this threat the Essex junior was ordered to remain all night under the lee of the Saturn, but the next morning Captain Porter put off in his boat, though thirty miles from shore ; and, notwithstanding he wa§s pursued by the Saturn, efiected his escape, and landed safely on hong Island. His reception in the United States has been such as ilia great services and distinguished valour deserved. The various interesting and romantic rumours that had reached this country concerning him, during his cruise in the Pacific, had ex- cited the curiosity of the public to see this modern Sinbad ; on arriving in New-York his carriage was surrounded by the popu- CAPTAIN DAVID PORTER. 245 iace, who took out the horses, and dragged him, with shouts and acclamations, to his lodgings. The length to which this article has already been extended, notwithstanding the brevity with which many interestifig circum- stances have been treated, forbids any further remarks on the character and services of Captain Porter. They are sufficiently illustrated in the foregoing summary of his eventful life, and parti- cularly in the history of his last cruise, which was conducted with wonderful enterprise, fertility of expedient, consuuiRiate seaman- ship, and daring courage. In his single ship he has iiiilicted more injury on the commerce of the enemy than all the rest of the navy put together; not merely by actual devastation, but by the general insecurity and complete interruption which he occasioned to an extensive and invaluable branch of British trade. His last action, also, though it terminated in the loss of his frigate, can scarcely be considered as unfortunate, inasmuch as it has given a brilliancy to his own reputation, and wreathed fresh honours around the name of the American sailor. The Feast of the Poets, with Notes, and other pieces in verse. By Leigh Hunt. I'Smo. Republished by Van Winkl-e and Wiley, New-York* We have seldom seen a volume which comprises, ia so small a compass, such a copious fund of literary entertainment. The Feast of the Poets is a poem in familiar verse, founded on the old idea of a visit of the god of poetry to his liege subjects upon earth, in which he receives the homage of all the living bards and bardlings of every degree ; and after dismissing the herd of minor poets, whom he treats with various degrees of respect, he finally ^elects those who partake most largely of his inspiration, crowns them with the appropriate emblems of their genius, and feasts them with a most poetically brilliant repast. The groundwork of the poem is of Italian origin, and has been used in England as a vehicle for cotemporary satire by Suckling, Rochester, and Buckin|;bamj three of the wits of the court of Charles IL^ whose 244 OKlGiNAL RKVIEW. fashion has long ago gone by, and whose wit (tor wit must be allowed them) was happily not sufficient to preserve their gross- ness from merited oblivion. This poem is followed, according to the fashion of our times, by a large number of not«s of about ten times the size of the poem ; in which the poet throws aside his lyre to seize the critical rod, brandishes it without ceremony over the heads of all his brother bards, decides very dictatorially upon their relative merits, and utters the boldest literary and critical opinions with the most amusing originality and self confidence. The poem itself is a sprightly and vigorous frolick of the imagi- nation, full of fancy and taste, and occasionally enlivened with the Iiappiest humour. At the same time, the grave critic who reads solely for the pur- pose of gratifying literary pride, and displaying his acuteness in mousing after faults, will not be disappointed in his object — he may here find plenty of this small game. Mr. Hunt, both in his poetry and his prose, is fond of certain idiomatic expressions, and simple old English words, which, however used, almost always have a very pleasing effect from the habitual associations which they have power to call up. This circumstance seems to have concealed from the author, as it certainly does from the cur- sory reader, the want of precision in thought and perspicuity of expression. We are presented with some vague and undefined image or sentiment, conveyed in language so familiar to our most pleasing recollections, that we can seldom pause long enough to perceive that the sense is of that jack-o-lantern kind which plays lightly and brilliantly before the mind, but never suffers itself to be firmly grasped. We do not know whether we have succeeded in conveying our own meaning very perfectly ; but if the reader will turn to the description of the person of Apollo, where he is described as .'' Bloominfif, and oval of cheek, And youth down his shoulders went smootluDg and sleek, Yet his look with the reach of past ages was wise, And the soul of eternity thought through his eyes," &c. &c, or to the very magnificent md noble description of his transfiga« ration, where ^^-v^. V • >^ A^ *r{^ k- _ _ .v-^ /%> • • • » 'TV ^ > < A > "C^ rt > <> * « • • • » ^%. % •" ^" >>