F 474 .52 U2 STORY OF A GREAT cm IN A NUTSHEL BY H. B. WANQELL eiTV COITOn olobk-dcmocrat WORLD'S FAIR EDITION 500 FACTS ABOUT ST. LOUIS Louisiana Ij Purchase I I World's Fair I! Nutshell Publishing Co. cook avcnuk st louis, mo aass_EVHi_ The Third National Bank of St. Louis CAPITAL, $1,000,000. J' OFFICERS: CHAS. H. HUTTIG, President, W. B. WELLS, Vice-President. GtO. W. GALBREATH, Cashier. JOHN R.COOKE, Ass't Cashier. Directors. GEO. T. CRAM. Pres't American Central Fire Ins. Co. JNO. N. DRUMMOND. Capitalist. JNO. S. DUNHAM, Pres't Dunham Mfg.Co. H. F. KNIGHT, Treas A. G. Edwards & Sons Brokerage Co. J. B. M. KEHLOR. Kehlor Bros. Millers. EDW S. ORB, Gen'l Agent B. & O. S. W. R. R. Co. G. W. GALBREATH, Cashier. THOS. WRIGHT. Capitalist. C. H. HUTTIG. President. W. B. WELLS. Vice-President. J. R. COOKE, Ass't Cashier. CONDENSED STATEMENT OF REISOURCES. Loans and Discounts $8,121,660.38 U. S. Bonds & Premiums. 1,730,415 50 Other Stocks and Bonds . . 870,639.79 Banking House 200,000.00 Other Real Estate 10,500.00 Casli and Exchange 6.146,403.40 $17,079,619.07 CONDITION APRIL 24, 1901. I.IABIL1TIES. Capital Stock $1,000,000.00 Surplus and Undivided Profits 386,395.83 Circulation 996,500.00 Subscription to Increase of Capital Stock 855,695.00 Deposits 13,841,028.24 $17,079,619.07 Lincoln Trust Company, SEVENTH AND CHESTNUT STREETS. Transacts General Trust and Banking Business. 4% 2% INTEREST on Savings Deposits. on Regular Check Accounts, O A ET^ DEPOSIT d^^^ 00 P^** ANNUM ^^ r C BOXES, ^^.^^ AND UPWARDU . H. LEE, President. GEO. E. HOFFMAN, Cashier. R. FRANCIS, Vice-Pres't. R. T. STURGEON, Ass't Cashier. L SHAPLEIGH. 2d Vice-Pres't. D. A. PHILLIPS, 2d Ass't Cashier. The Merchants-Laclede National Bank OF ST. LOUIS. CAPITAL, $1,400,000.00 SURPLUS and UNDIVIDED PROFITS, 450,000.00 iscal Agent for the State of Missouri United States Depository. Interest Paid on Time Certificates of Deposit. Jtters of Credit Issued Available in All Parts of the World. K. Continental National Bank OF ST. LOUIS. OF=RICERS. Geo. a. Baker, President, Jos. M. Hates, Vice-President. F. E. Marshall, Cashier. Geo. W. Parker, '2nd Vice-Pres't. J. A. Lewis, Assistant Cashier. Capila], $1,000,000.00 NiirplMs and Undivided Profits. 500,000.<»0 Circulation, , . . . . 1.000,000.00 Deposits, 14,000,000.00 We solicit accounts of individuals, banks, bankers, nnanufacturers and nner- cantile houses to whom terms in detail will be furnished on application. DIRECTORS, H. A. CRAWFORD, Prest Mo. Iron Co. GEO W. PARKER, Capitalist. L. B. TEBBETS, Mansur & Tebbetts Imp. Co. B. E^SEMAN, Rice, Stix Dry Goods Co. M. M BUCK, Capitalist. JOS. M. HAYES, Jos. M. Hayes Woolen Co. C H. SPENCER. Capitalist. WM. J ORTHWEIN, Chas. F. Orthwein's Sons. H. S. PRIEST, Attorney, Boyle, Priest & Lehnnan. A. H, BAUER, Bauer Bros. GEO. A. BAKER, President, East St. Louis Trust Company, 21 NORTH MAIN STRILHT. Paid Up Capital, $500,000. M. M. Stephens, President. S. D. Sexton, Vice-President. W. K. Murphy, Second Vice President. Charles R. Hissrich, Treasurer. Nat. C. McLean, Secretary. YOUR PATRONAGE SOLICITED. AMERICAN EXCHANGE BANK ST. LOUIS. CAPITAL, FULL PAID, - $500,000.00 SURPLUS. - - - 400,000.00 UNDIVIDED PROFITS, - 66,865.47 ©fflccrs. Walker Hill, President. Ephron Catltn, Vice-President. L. A. BATTAILB, Cashier. EmiSON Chanslor, Ass't Cashier. Directors. Paul Brown, Director Continental Tobacco Co. A. H. DUNCAN, Vice-Pres't Paris Medicine Co. Sam M. Kennard, Pres't J. Kennard & Sons Carpet Company A. T, Kellet, Retired Merchant. H. F. Langenberg, of Langenberg, Bros. & Co. Geo. J. Kaime. J. B. C. LUCAS, Capitalist. Jas. Y. Lockwood, Treas. Interstate Car Transfer Co. Geo. a. Meyer, Pres't Meyer -Schniid Grocer Co. F. R. Rice, Pres't F. R. Rice Mercantile Cigar Co. L. A. Battaile, Cashier. Ephron Catlin, Vice President. Walker Hill, President. ANY PROFITABLE BUSINESS SOLICITED. THE MECHANICS' NATIONAL BANK OF ST. LOUIS. Capital, $1,000,000.00 Surplus, $500,000.00 R. R. HUTCHINSON, President. D. K. FERGUSON, Vice-President. B. B. GRAHAM, CHAS. 0. AUSTIN, Cashier. EDWARD BUDER, Asst. Cashier. DIRECTORS. R. R. H HUTCHINSON D. K. FERGUSON ISAAC SCHWAB M. HUBBARO MORRIS GLASER B. B. GRAHAM HENRY NICOLAUS CHAS. H. TURNER C. G. KNOX W. J. KINSELLA JAMES T DRUMMOND JAMES GREEN CHAS. 0. AUSTI N WE SOLICIT ACCOUNTS OF ALL NEEDING BANKING FACILITIES «K$$$$$$$$#$#$$$$$$$$$$$$$#jr 5^1 4h JEST |T I WE HAVE MADE CLAIMS OF SUPERIOR MERIT FOR THE I >«6 IJ ^ MjT Java and n CCr W Mocha COFFEE. 8 4b YOU WILL FIND THAT OUR CLAIMS ARE MODEST WHEN YOU BUY AN AIR-TIGHT CAN 4b 4t> 3 POUNDS, - ONE DOLLAR. <» « «$$$^$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$^ imm Belding Bros. cS Co.'s Spool Sewing Silh Is universally used and recom- mended by all High-class Dress- makers and for fine family sewing. It is STRONGER, SMOOTHER and FULL MEASURE, and in Every Way meets theWants of the Consumer. BE,LDING BROS. 6 CO.'S Wash Crochet Knitting Silk Is universallv used and recommended bv Knitters and Crocheters on account of its' superior Smoothness, Brilliancy of Dye, its FULL MEASURE and Fast Color, as it washes beautifully. BULBING BROS. IMPELLING FORCES. 87 chants in other states are shown the wisdom of buying in St. Louis rather than going further for their purchases ; and, altogether, the Association is yearly welding into imperishable strength the bonds that hook the Mound City to the great Southwest as its natural and logical metropolis. No less influential is the St. Louis Manufacturers' Association, organized in 1895, and incorporated in May of that year. The work of this guild consists chiefly in securing for St. Louis all possible material ad- vantages in competition with the most favored cities. The matters of transportation, taxation, legislation, in- surance and trade expansion receive the closest atten- tion from this association. But much of its work is largely of a private nature, and there is therefore no means of accurately computing the immense benefits that have accrued to the city from the operations of the St. Louis Manufacturers' Association. L. D. Kingsland is the president and T. L. Cannon secretary of the as- sociation. There is no wasteful diffusion of business energies in the Mound City. Each line of trade concentrates its efforts through the agency of some guild for the advance- ment of that particular branch of the city's business. Of course, some of these guilds, by reason of the larger- capital invested and the more extensive demands to be met, have domiciles of their own. Others, operating as auxiliary bodies, make their headquarters in the buildings of sister guilds. Among the fore Aost of these organizations are the Cotton, Lumber, Wool and Drug SS IN A NUTSHELL. Exchanges. Each of these represents one of the city's most extensive trades, and their members, belonging for the most part to other St. Louis business organizations, are among the leading commercial men of the com- munity. The wholesale and retail grocers and the wholesale and retail druggists of the city have separate organiza- tions, which have accomplished brilliant triumphs in extending St. Louis' trade. One of the most powerful guilds of the Mound City, representing as it does one of St. Louis' leading lines of business, is the Furniture Board of Trade. Perhaps none of the trade guilds in the Mound City gives it wider advertisement or more effective exploita- tion than the fact that it is the national headquarters of the Traveler's Protective Association of America, or, as it is better known ^ the T. P. A. It is an organization of commercial travelers and their employers, formed and equipped for the prompt promotion of commercial in- terests. In September, 1900, ten years after its or- ganization, the association had a membership of 16,590, distributed among twenty-nine states. Missouri is the leading state division, with a membership of.2,850. Mr. E. C. Burrows of Peoria, 111., and Mr. Louis T. La Beaume of St. Louis, are respectively president and secretary of the national' organization. Post A of St. Louis, the "Banner Post," has for its president and secretary Messrs. Louis Rosen and Will B. Webber respective^-. A kindred organization whose influences are immense IMPELLING FORCES. 89 throughout the territory with which St. Louis is pecu- harly identified, is the Western Commercial Travelers' Association. One of St. Louis' trade guilds embracing a tremen- dous amount of business energy, locally applied, is the City Drummers' Association. This organization of bright young business men makes its influence felt in all branches of commerce. RAPID TRANSIT, HOMPARISON is impossible between the rapid transit facilities of St. Louis and those of other cities. The street car systems of the Mound City were recognized years ago as furnishing the stand- ards by which the methods of urban transportation in other communities could be easiest measured. And St. Louis transit equipments are only mentioned nowadays to instance the closest approach that has been made to perfection in that field of human endeavor. From Baden on the extreme north to Carondelet on the south, from the Mississippi River on the east to the picturesque reaches of St. Louis County on the west, the city is literally gridironed with electric railways. But it is no more in their extensiveness than in the ex- cellence of their service, that the distinguishing features of these arteries of urban life are found. Every oppor- tunity for public convenience has been consulted in the construction of these lines, and arrangements of transfers have been so thoroughly perfected, that it is practically 90 RAPID TRANSIT. 9 1 possible for a passenger to go from any section of the city to another with the greatest dispatch for one fare. And connections are made with surburban lines that bring a dozen adjacent towns and villages within an hour's ride of the metropolis. So complete are the conveniences and facilities af- forded that, in view of the succession of splendid scenes presented from a street car window in St. Louis, the city's transit lines deserve to rank among the communi- ty's amusement resources. Certainly it is an exhilarating recreation to be whisked a dozen miles in a cushioned seat, along rails that glide under the cars with the smooth- ness of a summer sea, from an eminence that overlooks the majestic Mississippi, with its picturesque craft and mighty bridges, across which gleam the roof tops of East St. Louis and the waving Illinois corn-fields beyond ; from this panorama of two states through a crowd of archi- tectural wonders sheltering the commercial activities of a giant community ; on through long stretches of man- sions and snug cottages reflecting the placid happiness of a prosperous city of homes ; out into broad reaches of a Missouri plain, and on under the spreading foliage of a magnificent park. Such a ride is surely a method of diversion ranking in the highest order of amusement. In 1899 the street railways of St. Louis were as- sembled into two main systems, nearly all the lines be- ing consolidated into the larger concern, owned by the United Railways Company, and operated by the St. Louis Transit Company. The other system is that of the St. Louis and Suburban Company. The St. Louis 92 IN A NUTSHELL. Transit Company has 339.60 miles constructed and about 80 miles that is authorized, making a total of about 420 miles when all is completed, and now operat- ing 2,000 cars and adding to equipment as construction is completed ; while the St. Louis and Suburban Com- pany owns fully 100 miles of line with over 300 cars. The former concern is extending its services in all directions. Altogether, rapid transit is nowhere more convenient, expeditious or economical than in St. Louis. By the system of transfers adopted, a passenger finds it pos- sible to ride twelve and one-half miles for one fare — at a rate of two-fifths of one cent per mile. When coupled to this cheapness of fare are considered the manifold conveniences and comforts afforded by the most modern adjuncts of street railway service, the ad- vantages of St. Louis' rapid transit facilities become apparent. The remarkable progress and advance made in this direction assume an astonishing phase when it is re- called that less than fifteen years ago drivers were lash- ing street car mules into a semblance of animation on the principal thoroughfares of St. Louis. Then came the cable car. It was regarded in its time as a wonder- ful step of progress. The horse and mule slowly gave way to the cable grip in the street car service, and several years afterward — a decade smce — the trolley lines appeared. Now there is not a street railway in St. Louis that is not fitted with appliances for electric loco- motion. RAPID TRANSIT. 93 This rapid development of transit facilities is reflected in the remarkable expansion of the city's residence districts. As the electric lines reached out toward the city limits, the home-seeker followed. The congestion of down-town affairs was eluded, and St. Louis held forth the attractiveness of ideal residence sections. The far reaching electric lines have carried the hedges of the cottages and the parterres of the mansion-owner out beyond the intramural purlieus into the hills and val- leys of St. Louis County and the sylvan nooks along the Des Peres and Meramec Rivers. The compact busi- ness districts thus find expanded lungs and dilated nos- trils with which to inhale the odor of meadow land and forest, the garden and the orchard, brought to them from the homes of the clerk and the merchant prince at the other end of the car lines. ^^^^ CITY OF BEAUTIFUL HOMES. iS|REAT as is St. Louis commercially and industri- \jH ally, its pre-eminence in material matters is no more marked than its pre-eminence as a place of beauty and comfort. No feature of a residence place is more important than its climate. The son of the balmy Southland hesi- tates before plunging into the chill of the northern zones ; and the child of the cooler latitudes shudders at the prospect of continuous torridity. But St. Louis is in the happy mean where the heat -of summer and the cold of winter are so tempered with mildness that no stranger finds it necessary to go through the debilitating process of being acclimated. Situated in latitude 38 degrees 37 minutes and 37.5 seconds North, and longi- tude 90 degrees 11 minutes and 19.35 seconds West, it never experiences those extremes of temperature so common in most of the larger cities of the country, where the sun and snow annually claim scores of victims. In fact fatalities from weather causes are practically un- 94 CITY OF BEAUTIFUL HOMES. 95 known in St. Louis ; and even in the zenith of the heated term the Mound City is a place of relative comfort. From the mightiest river in the world, one of the most beautiful of cities lifts itself in a succession of ter- races to a plain garnished with some of the most taste- ful and costly residential structures in Amepica. St. Louis slopes gently upward from the Mississippi, a mile westward, where at Seventeenth Street the terrace on which its business districts are distributed gains its highest elevation, 150 feet above the river. A softly outlined valley leads up to the next terrace, the summit of which is at Garrison Avenue. Then, there is another undulation, west of which rises the third of the city's terraced divisions, at King's Highway Boulevard, four miles west of and 200 feet above the river. Thence the city reaches westward on a broad plateau whose gentle swells and dales, like the calm heaving of a great lake, add to the beauty of the landscape. Geologists have declared that this series of terraces on which St. Louis has assembled its beauties and its strength mark the flood plains of successive periods. Deposits of aqueous origin that are frequently upturned on the surface of the city's outlying districts, together with the analogous history of other borders of the Mis- sissippi River, bear out this theory. And more practi- cal scientists, who have turned their studies from the formations of the past to the uses of the present, find m these flood-cut table-lands St. Louis' surpassing advantages of natural drainage. 96 IN A NUTSHELL. Nature apparently set apart the Mound City's site for the abiding place of a great community ; and the arts, sciences and felicities of a happy people, directed by an ever-assertive progressiveness, have carried out this natural design. Perhaps no one feature con- tributes more to the pleasantness of life in St. Louis than the characteristics and tendencies of the people, best traced in the history of the city itself. Settled by the courteous and ceremonious French, the traditional chivalry of whom lingers in every annal of the com- munity, the trading post of Pierre Laclede Liguest en- tered its career mingling the pretty customs and comi- ties of old France with the rough and ready frankness of the plains. It was a pleasant mixture of open- hearted, alert and comradely spirit, tinctured with the fine fancies and polish that the frontiersman from Eu- rope could not entirely forget. Then came the new generation and more pioneers — Englishmen, Germans and adventurous spirits from all parts of the Old World. The young blood of the American-born, infused with the self-reliance and aggresive energy of colonial life, was tempered by contact with the softening influences from abroad. Common dangers and common hard- ships imparted to all a sense of fellowship ; and through the trials of pioneer days grew that sturdy race of men — ready to share cheer with their neighbors — who have since given to the world an understanding of Amer- icanism. From a truly cosmopolitan settlement, St. Louis has grown into a characteristically American metropolis. CITY OF BEAUTIFUL HOMES. 99 Its hospitality is the essence of its existence. Without it St. Louis would not be St. Louis. From the un- couth days when the settler's latch-string hung ready for the touch of the traveler, the community has been a fountain of hospitable amenities. With none of the rigors of the North, and all the balm of the South, with all the industry of the East and the freedom of the West, it has become the most delightful abiding place on the continent. Great gatherings that have passed into the nation's history evoked striking demonstrations of St. Louis hospitality. Delegates to national political conventions or to social and fraternal conclaves, re- turning to their homes, have echoed from one end of the land to the other the incomparable hospitality of the Mound City, giving to it a fame for open cheer that no other community in the world enjoys. It is this hospitable demeanor of the St. Louisan that adds one of the chiefest charms to the city as a place of resi- dence. Social intercourse brings pride of home. Linked with the hospitality of St. Louisans is a pervading spirit of public improvement. The desire to embellish and adorn the community has been the predominant public inclination throughout the municipal life of St. Louis. Encouraged by the wealth of natural beauties that abound on all sides, this desire has thrived and pros- pered on accomplishment until, at the dawn of the Twentieth Century, the finest ingenuity is required to devise some new means of enhancing the city's attrac- tiveness. lOO IN A NUTSHELL. The progress of the city's development as a place of pleasant residence is traced by the growth of building westward from the Mississippi River. In St. Louis' earliest days the plain but substantial homes of the pioneers were built on the crest of the incline that raises itself from the western bank of the great river. Then, as fortunes accumulated among the settlers, their resi- dences crept away from the noise and bustle of the river traffic and clustered along Lucas Place, on the first reach of the terrace that looks down on the great Father of Waters Perhaps no more comfortable homes were ever erected. The fanciful and fretted architecture of the end-of-the-century palaces presents more sprightly fronts, but certainly none of the latter-day mansions surpass in massive, substantial comfort the old-style, southern homes that were built on Lucas Place in the early days of St. Louis. Many of these structures still stand, quaint monuments of a quaint past, listening to the murmur from the venerable shade trees that sur- round them of those other times when chivalry reigned. As the wealth of the community increased, new resi- dence districts blossomed forth. The arts of the gar- dener and the skill of the builder created new beauties in the Lafayette Park district, along South Broadway on the Bluffs, westward from the Lucas Place environs to Lindell Boulevard and on Grand Avenue. Then came the period of superb palaces. Vandeventer Place was created — an exclusive demesne for the palatial homes of those who sought to test the architect's skill in devising beautiful abodes. CITY OF BEAUTIFUL HOMES. lOI The spirit of emulation among home-builders was abroad and it grew with the erection of each new palace. The residence districts scattered, and, in scat- tering, spread additional beauties of even greater grandeur. Westmoreland, Portland, Cabanne and West Cabanne Places were laid out, platted and built up into distinctive communities of social sacredness and architectural splendor. The Compton Heights vicinage grew into beauty under the hands of home-builders ; and Hawthorne and Longfellow Boulevards became garden spots, vieing in picturesque magnificence with the finest residence sections in the world. Since then clusters of beautiful mansions have been assembled in scores of neighborhoods throughout the city, until the face of St. Louis has grown like the sur- face of some great garden. On South Grand Avenue, almost in the Compton Heights district, at the other extreme of the city in North St. Louis and wherever the opportunities of site and surroundings were found, the lavish hand of the home-builder has been at work. Some of these beautiful sections still lack the finishing crown that will come when the prospective dwellers have erected their residences. But they have been laid out with great care in exquisite order for home purposes, with granitoid pavements, shaded by well-set trees, and inclosed with pretty walls and gates which mark them as exclusive reservations. These plats are held by their owners until a raise of values shall have come through the utilization of other residence districts. But these vacant spaces only set off the exquisite I02 IN A NUTSHELL. beauties of the idealic homes that group about them. To plunge from the noise and bustle and grime of the industrial centers into these home districts, is like en- tering an Elysian realm. The clang of bells, the hoarse whirr of wheels and the turmoil of trade, change to the chirp of birds in the trees, and the tinkle of musical instruments among the houses that nestle amid the foli- age. The murmur of fountains among vari-colored flower beds, the soft sighing of the willow as it sways under passing breezes, the quiet of home life, and all the sweet fancies that linger where Art and Nature meet, make of these Boulevards and Places veritable havens of happiness. The majestic spread of the elm and the sycamore in- close broad avenues along which rise marvels of the architect's fancy. Here a Parthenon front betrays the classic taste of the owner, and there a castellated annex tells of a leaning toward a different style of architecture. Drive-ways between oaks and maples and bordered by silver-leaf poplars lead to splendid palaces, whose fretted cornices and graceful outlines tell that the builders looked to the Renaissance for their architectural ideals. A walnut coppice across the way shelters a row of Ionic columns ; and beyond, a stretch of ash and gum trees show the minaret-Uke projections of a mansion erected along Moorish lines. One of the most striking features of St. Louis' do- mestic palaces is the diversification of architectural styles that attended their construction. Now and then a group of these palatial residences are built with some CITV OF BEAUTIFUL HOMES. 103 similarity of outlines, and the Flemish ideal will pre- dominate in this group, the Gothic in another, and the Doric further on. But the general rule seems to have been a diffusion of styles ; and in any one of the superb residence places, shut off from ordinary traffic at either end by fanciful gates depending from massive columns, and parked along the center of its entire length with series of variegated parterres and luxuriant foliage trees, are found a dozen different representations of archi- tecture. A search of modern palaces the world over will scarcely reveal a more striking array of homes than are found among these places and boulevards of St. Louis, such as, for example, those of Messrs. J. C. Van Blarcom, Thos. H. West, T. A. Meysenberg and E. C. Sterling, in Westmoreland Place ; of Messrs. J. B. M. Kehlor, H. I. Drummond, R. C. Kerens and H. C. Pierce, in Vandeventer Place ; of Messrs. S. M. Ken- nard, W. D. Orthwein, L. B. Tebbetts and J. A. Holmes, in Portland Place ; of Messrs. D. M. Houser, J. M. Carpenter, G. W. Garrels, J. B. C. Lucas, and scores of others on West Pine Boulevard ; of Messrs. E. A. Busch, Zach W. Tinker, Dr. H. M. von Starkloff and Wm. H. Dittman, on Longfellow Boulevard ; of Messrs. C. Stoffregen, W. T. Koken, Prof. C. M. Woodward and L. H. Lohmeyer, on Hawthorne Boulevard ; and of other merchant princes and representative St. Louisans in other residence districts PARKS AND GARDENS, '^ r ^ _^ HROXIMITY to public parks has appeared to be one of the desiderata in the selection of St. Louis residence sites. With a score of these "public lungs " scattered from one end of the community to the other, St. Louis might well be termed the city of parks. Stretches of green trees shading bubbling fountains and hiding pretty sylvan nooks, break the continuity of brick and stone in every quarter of the city. St. Louis parks represent a value of more than ^10,000,000, and among them are several that surpass any others in the world in several distinctive features. During its park-making career, the municipality has expended ^4,926,087.85 for their purchase. The remainder have either been bequeathed to the city, or are maintained as public re- sorts under special commissions. Thousands of dollars are expended annually in the maintenance and adornment of these beautiful reserva- tions. The skill of the gardener and the horticulturist demonstrate the beauteous issue of Nature's union with PARKS AND GARDENS. IO5 Art ; and statuary from the studios of some of the greatest artists of the day lend auspice to the other attractions of the parks. Statues of Washington, Lafayette, Hum- boldt and Shakespeare, of Benton, Clay, Blair and Grant, and of other statesmen, warriors and men of letters, grace opportune coigns in every park in the city. The largest of these stretches of natural beauty in St. Louis, and the second largest in the country, is Forest Park. It is more than a park, it is a place of gladsome resort for rich and poor alike. Entertainment of infinite variety and extent is afforded all classes. Throughout its 1371.94 acres of area are spread natural and artistic beauties, that both enthrall and entrance. The .pictur- esque River Des Peres winds its way through Forest Park, feeding the many lakes and ponds, on which pleasure craft ply on balmy summer afternoons or under the ro- mantic moonlight. There are menageries, aviaries and aquariums to amuse and instruct ; there are fish- hatcheries and plant reservations, in which piscatorial and vegetable specimens are perpetuated ; there are spacious picnic grounds for idlers, courts for tennis players, amphitheaters for athletic contests, and racing courses for wheelmen and horses. All are free to the public, and every citizen of the community is entitled to equal enjoyment of all these opportunities for diver- sion. The hoot of the owl, the croaking of frogs, the musical trill of the feathered songster, and the gurgle of plashing fountains join in one sweet melody that per- vades the great park, and, mingling with the hum of I06 IN A NUTSHELL. voices, tell of peace and rest in Nature's bosom. Then on summer evenings the strain of brass bands and loiter-, ing musicians, throbbing under the hundreds of electric lights that flash through the park, tell of the human joys and pleasures that come when the day's toil is over. Hiram W. Leifingwell, whose name indentifies itself with several imperishable institutions in St. Louis, con- ceived the first definite plan for the establishment of Forest Park. A bill to carry out his project was enacted by the state legislature , and approved on March 25,1872. But the enactment was opposed by several interested property holders, and a resort to the courts resulted in a decison that it was unconstitutional. St. Louis' char- acteristic perseverance was involved, and the park pro- moters again appealed to the legislature. There was a new enactment, approved on March 25, 1874, but this was also assailed in the courts. However, a final de- cision sustaining every clause of this second act was rendered before the expiration of another year, and the work of laying out the great park commenced at once thereafter. Three appraisers set the value of lands in- volved at $799,995- This appraisement was approved, and the municipal park board, after the usual processes of condemnation of the selected area, assumed charge of the land. April 15, 1875, witnessed the inauguration of permanent improvements, which have since been carried on with unremitting energy. To an Englishman who adopted America as his country and St. Louis as his home, the Mound City owes at least two of its world-famous parks. One, PARKS AND GARDENS. IO7 the Missouri Botanical or Shaw's Garden, is peerless in its assemblage of horticultural and floral specimens. In 1858 Mr. Henry Shaw, who had amassed a fortune and retired from commercial life, secured permission to establish his garden at Shaw and Tower Grove Avenues. In that year he organized the collection of plants tha'j has since given to the botanists of the universe one of their deepest interests, and to millions who have had " an eye for the beautiful," or a sympathy for Nature's charms, one of their keenest pleasures. It is claimed that every flower, plant, tree and shrub in the world is represented in Shaw's Garden. Spread over an area of forty-five acres is a marvelous gathering of plant wonders from every corner of the globe. The giant cacti and lilies of the tropics shelter delicate orchids from the temperate zones ; magnificent forest monarchs, standing here and there in isolated splendor, set off the beauties of gorgeous flowers from near-by parterres. Sylvan grottoes and picturesque dells dot this spread of plant beauties, and between the reaches of floral grandeur hot-houses and conservatories intersperse a number of more fragile growths that require the tender nursing of indoor culture. An extensive botanical library, with more than 10,000 volumes, and two her- bariums — one the work of Dr. George Engelman — form important adjuncts of the great garden. Henry Shav, died in 1889, bequeathing a large estate valued at more than ^1,000,000 for the maintenance of his matchless garden as a public resort. The directions of his will are carried out with scrupulous nicety, and hundreds of I08 IN A NUTSHELL. thousands of persons annually marvel at the surpassing grandeur of the botanical collections. Admission is with- out charge, and ample provision is made to render a visit to the garden both instructive and entertaining. Just South of Shaw's Garden is St. Louis' most beauti- ful park. While Tower Grove Park lacks the area of other pubHc reservations, it makes up in exquisiteness of design and beauty of arrangement what it lacks in di- mensions. It is one of the most artistically kept parks in the world. Tower Grove Park is also a gift to St. Louis from Henry Shaw, but its bequest was conditioned on the annual appropriation by the city of $25,000 for its maintenance. The yearly expenditure of this sum insures the most careful preservation and the most in- dustrious 'extension of the park's beauties, and they are countless. It is Tower Grove Park that contains the most beautiful statues in the city's custody. It is Tower Grove Park, too, that contains a mulberry tree which has reared its spreading branches from a slip brought from Shakespeare's tomb on the Avon, and planted here by Adelaide Nielson of histrionic fame. Tower Grove Park has an area of 266.67 acres, and, like Shaw's Botanical Garden, is under the care and supervision of a special Board of Trustees. Carondelet Park, in the extreme southern portion of St. Louis, has an area of 180 acres. Next in point of dimensions ranks O' Fallon Park, at the other end of the city, with 158.32 acres. Besides the parks mentioned are the following: Compton Hill Reservoir Park, on South Grand Avenue ; Benton Park, Jefferson Avenue and Arsenal Street ; Carondelet, at Ninth and Kansas ; ■■fS^T-PftJft**''^ PARKS AND GARDENS. HI Carr Square, between Wash, Carr, Fourteenth and Sixteenth Streets ; Clifton, at Simpson and Bowman Avenues ; Fountain, at Bayard and Fountain Avenues ; Frisco, at Clifton and Wilson Avenues ; Gamble, be- tween Gamble and Dayton Streets and Glasgow and Garrison Avenues; Gravois, on Louisiana Avenue, be- tween Potomac and Miami Streets ; Hyde, between Salisbury and Bremen and Blair Avenue and Twentieth Street; Jackson Place, Eleventh and North Market Streets; Kenrick Garden, Lindell Boulevard and Van- deventer Avenue ; Klondike, Grand Avenue and Mer- amec; Laclede, Iowa Avenue near Osage; Lafayette, between Mississippi, Lafayette and Park Avenues ; Lemp's, Thirteenth near Utah Street; Lyon, on Broad- way, between Arsenal and Utah Streets; O'Fallon, on Broadway near Bircher Street ; South St. Louis Square, between Broadway, Courtois and Pennsylvania Avenue ; St. Louis, between Benton, Hebert and Twenty-first Streets. In addition to these are the great Fair Grounds and New Sportsman's Park, in Northwest St. Louis ; Cherokee Garden, and other pleasure retreats, where entertaintment is offered amid the refreshing odors of foliage and flowers. But St. Louis has not ceased making parks nor stopped its efforts to beautify the community. A beautiful park is being laid out at Chain of Rocks, overlooking the Mississippi in North St. Louis ; and a great project is under way for a riverside drive that will lead from the center of the city along the western bank of the Father of Waters to Jefferson Barracks on the south, and to the Water W^orks on the north. EDUCATION AND LITERATURE. ^1 |URNING from a scrutiny of material conveniences to the higher needs of mind and soul, one is struck by the educational and moral advantages of St. Louis. The best tribute to its public school sys- tem is found in the fact that numbers of other cit^'es have followed its lead along various plans of education. St. Louisans point to no valued possession of their city with more pride than to its pubHc schools. And this is justly so. No city in the world can boast a better plan of public education more extensively applied. Under the direction of a Board of Education, whose officials seek constantly to keep abreast of the times, not only in the matter of curriculum, but in the spirit, means and methods of instruction as well, the pubHc school system of St. Louis easily becomes a source of interest to educational circles throughout the world. For in- stance, an experiment, which is being closely watched by the school boards of a number of the larger cities of the country, is in progress in St. Louis. It consists of 112 EDUCATION AND LITERATURE. I I3 the construction and use of portable schools to meet the changing necessities of the scholastic population in the outlying districts. This venture, which was planned and first placed in operation in 1899, is proving emi- nently satisfactory. There are 125 public school buildings in St. Louis, containing 1,275 separate rooms. These school houses are massive structures, acknowledged models, and the High School on Grand Avenue is a veritable palace of learning. In 1901 there were 1,638 teachers, with an enrollment of over 112,000 pupils. In the higher-grade schools, manual training and domestic science have been added to the course of study. Educators of in- ternational reputation have acknowledged that the niethods pursued in these schools are excelled nowhere in the world. The range of instruction is considered sufficiently comprehensive to well fit an ambitious youth for a creditable struggle in life. And, indeed, the more liberal plans that obtain nowadays in the uni- versities of the country, a diploma from the St. Louis High SchQol is regarded as sufficient equipment to gain admission to almost any of them. Every phase of the student life has been and is closely studied by those who direct the city's pubHc schools. Not only are the mental and moral elements carefully looked after, but the physical well-being of every pu- pil is safely guarded. Hygiene and physical culture are prominent features of the public schools' manage- ment. So broad is the scope of instruction that at the High 114 IN ^ NUTSHELL. School a military training is furnished. There, as at all the other larger educational institutions of the city, is stationed a United States Army officer, who serves as a military instructor. The arms and accouterments are furnished by the Federal Government, while the other expenses of this branch of training are defrayed by the Board of Education, in the case of the High School, and by the universities, colleges and academies them- selves in the cases of the other institutions. Students from every zone and every country attend these latter institutions. The fame of Washington and St. Louis Universities extends to the remotest corner of civilization. Universities these great establishments are in every sense that their name implies, embracing as they do teachings and students of the whole universe. No study is absent from their curriculum, from the last sciences to the most modern utilities. Washington University is credited with one of the largest aggregate endow- ments ever possessed by an educational establishment. Just beyond Forest Park, work has been commenced on a series of mammoth structures in which are to be assembled the University and its auxiliaries, now domi- ciled at Seventeenth Street and Washington Avenue and in other buildings near the center of the city. An idea of the extensiveness of the institution is given by the statement that it comprehends the following estab- lishments: Undergraduate Department, including the College and the School of Engineering, at Washington Avenue and Seventeenth Street ; Henry Shaw School of EDUCATION AND LITERATURE. I I 7 Botany, 1724 Washington Avenue; St. Louis School of Fine Arts, Nineteenth and Locust Streets; St. Louis Law School, 141 7 Locust Street; St. Louis and Mis- souri Medical College, 1806 Locust Street; and Mis- souri Dental College, 18 14 Locust Street. The follow- ing schools have also been organized under the charter of the University : Smith Academy, Washington Avenue and Nineteenth Street; Mary Institute (for girls), at Locust and Beaumont Streets ; and the Manual Train- ing School, at Washington Avenue and Eighteenth Street. All the funds required for the establishment of the University on its new site beyond Forest Park are al- ready in the hands of the Board of Directors. The ground, covering 153 acres, admirably adapted to uni- versity purposes, was purchased for ^350,000, sub- scribed by citizens of St. Louis. The new buildings will be as follows : A hall, which will include the ad- ministration offices of the University, and rooms for such subjects of instruction as do not require labora- tories, to cost ^250,000, the gift of Mr. Robert S. Brookings ; two buildings for the engineering depart- ment — civil, mechanical and electrical — together with the architectural branch, to cost ^250,000, the gift of Mr. Samuel Cupples ; a building devoted to chemistry, to cost ^100,000, the gift of Mr. Adolphus Busch ; and a dormitory, to cost $100,000, the gift of Mrs. John E. Liggett. The Board also holds the gifts of the late Stephen Ridgley, amounting to $100,000, to be ex- pended in the construction and maintenance of a library ii8 IN A NUTSHELL. building. All the new structures are to be ready for occupancy by September, 1901. Washington University was incorporated under the State laws on February 22, 1853. Considerably older, with a superb structure at Grand Avenue and West Pine Boulevard, is the St. Louis Uni- versity. It was founded as the St. Louis College by the Jesuit Fathers in 1828, and on December 28, 1832, the state legislature granted the institution a charter under its present title. The magnificent domicile in which the University is conducted was built in 1888. In extent, proportions and beauty of design, it is one of the architectural pHdes of the city. Year by year the great structure has been added to, until the series of buildings now occupies the greater part of an unusually spacious block. Some of the most famous men in Missouri's history have claimed St. Louis Uni- versity as their alma mater. One of the prettiest fea- tures of this great University is furnished by its military element. The cadets are regularly organized into military companies in regimental formation, with a drum and bugle corps. One of the most famous educational institutions in the West is the Christian Brothers' College, located on a peculiarly favorable site in the northwestern portion of the city, on Easton Avenue. It was founded in 185 1 at the request of Archbishop Kenrick, by Brothers Patrick, Dorothy, Paulian, Barbas and Noah, of the Brothers of the Christian Schools. The estab- lishment was incorporated by the state legislature in EDUCATION AND LITERATURE. ng 1855, being empowered "to grant diplomas, confer degrees and bestow all literary honors usually conferred by universities of learning." The aim of the College is to give the highest type of liberal education in liter- ature, the sciences and commerce. The most lavish encomiums are well deserved by its conscientious corps of instructors, and no institution of learning in the world has won a relatively larger measure of success than the Christian Brothers' College. The faculty pays close attention to physical culture and discipline. More than ten acres of the College grounds have been converted into ball fields, tennis courts and athletic arenas, and there are, in addition, two fully-equipped gymnasiums. All the students are required to take part in the regular gymnastic training. Not one whit behind the universities and colleges for boys are St. Louis' great institutions of learning for girls. Mary Institute and Forest Park University are known from one end of America to the other. But it is to the convents of St. Louis that one is naturally di- rected by mention of establishments for the instruction of girls. The sweet incense of maidenhood that lingers around those sacred edifices is mingled with an exalt- ing sense of the great work that is done inside their cloistered halls. The Academy of the Sacred Heart at Maryville in South St. Louis is indissolubly linked with the educational achievements of the Mound City. It is conducted by the Religious of the Sacred Heart, under direction of a Mother Superior. The beautiful grounds surrounding the Academy contain twenty-two I20 IN A NUTSHELL. acres of wood and lawn on a bluff overlooking the Mis- sissippi River. A unique feature of the institution is that the French language is the only tongue heard within its portals, save in the class-rooms. No less picturesque is the Young Ladies' Academy of the Visitation in Cabanne Place, between Belt and Union Avenues. Its Sixty-Eighth Annual Commence- ment exercises were held in June, 1901. The Aca- demy is conducted by the Religious Sisters of the Order of the Visitation, founded in 16 10 in Haute- Savoie, France, by St. Francis, Count of Sales, and Ste. Jane Frances, Baroness of Chantal. It is located on an elevated site, with shaded walks, ample grounds, an extensive and commodious range of buildings, and a gymnasium and bowling alley for exercise in incle- ment weather. Of course, as in all similar institutions, music, deportment, the polite languages and everything that goes to make up the complement of womanly ac- complishments, receive especial attention in the course of instruction. Another hilly eminence in St. Louis is adorned by the Ursuline Academy, at Twelfth Street and Russell Avenue. It was opened as a modest school on No- vember 2, 1848, on Broadway — then Fifth Street — by four Sisters of the Ursuline Order. On January 2, 1850, the site of the present Ursuline Academy was selected by Archbishop Kenrick. The building is spacious, and the appointments of the most carefully selected character. St. Vincent's Seminary and a number of other con- EDUCATION AND LITERATURE. 123 vents amplify the capacities of the city for the educa- tion of girls, while several hundred private and paro- chial schools are distributed throughout St. Louis. Beside these are numbers of business, independent and technical colleges, among them being the Barnes Medi- cal College, Bishop Robertson Hall, Marion-Sims Col- lege of Medicine, Hosmer Hall, and the St. Louis Col- lege of Physicians and Surgeons. Closely allied to the educational system of the city, if not properly a part thereof, are the public libraries. There are a number of these with a scope of books suf- ficiently extensive in range to meet the tastes and wants of the best educated community in the world, and with a population twice as numerous as that of the Mound City. The Public Library, in the Board of Education Building at Ninth and Locust Streets, was established in 1865 by the School Board. It now contains 140,000 volumes and 27,000 pamphlets. The reading-room is supplied with 549 regularly-furnished periodicals and twenty-one daily newspapers. Admission to this world of literature and knowledge is absolutely free. The total issue of books and periodicals at the Public Library aggregates 1,000,000 annually. Rivaling the Public Library in every way is the Mer- cantile Library, at Broadway and Locust Street. In 190 1 it numbered 3,700 members, who had access to upward of 112,000 volumes and 480 regularly-furnished periodicals. The annual attendance at the Mercantile Library approximates 125,000. Of course, every institution of learning in St. Louis J 24 IN A NUTSHELL. has its library, but in addition to these are a number of public collections of books attached to various organi- zations and establishments. Among these are the St. Louis Law Library, established in l8:^8^ having 26,000 volumes in 1900; the Odd Fellows' Library, at Ninth and Olive Streets ; and the Young Men's Christian Association and St. Louis Turn Verein Libraries. With its schools and libraries, the Mound City pos- sesses an abundance of encouragement for literature and the arts. Indeed, St. Louis ranks among the most generous patrons of the worlds of letters and ideals. She has set some of the brightest figures in the dramatic and literary firmaments, while sculptors and painters have gone forth from the Mound City to lasting fame. The success that St. Louisans have won in the literary field has been fostered and is reflected by the city's press. St. Louis boasts eight daily newspapers, each of which is conducted on the most progressive metro- politan plans. The St. Louis Globe-Democrat, the or- gan of Missouri Republicans, is one of the world's foremost morning newspapers. Its energetic com- petitor, the St. Louis Republic, founded in 1808, rep- resents the Democracy in the morning newspaper field. The St. Louis Post-Dispatch, one of the leading after- noon newspapers of the country, is famous for its ear- nest championship of the Democratic party ; while one of its competitors, the St. Louis Star, is equally as zealous in the support of Republicanism. The St. Louis Chronicle, also an afternoon newspaper, maintains an independent attitude in political affairs, though being recognized as an organ of the masses. EDUCATION AND LITERATURE. 12 r The Westliche Post, a morning newspaper printed in German, has an extensive circulation. By many it is accounted the foremost German-American daily news- paper. Its local competitor in the morning newspaper field, the Amerika, is devoted largely to German reli- gious affairs. The Abend Anzeiger, really the after- noon edition of the Westliche Post, is an influential paper with marked energy and progress. The Daily Hotel Reporter occupies a field all its own. A number of high-class weekly, semi-monthly and monthly periodicals add to the current literature of St. Louis. Some of these are technical publications. Others are devoted to certain cults and societies, and a number of them are printed in foreign tongues. Al- together, the Mound City has 267 regular publications. |HE officers of THE LOUISIANA PURCHASE EXPOSITION COMPANY, the corporation organized to create and conduct the World's Fair, are: President, - - David R. Francis, Treasurer, - - William H. Thompson, Secretary, - - Walter B. Stevens. \_Headquarters^ sixth and seventh floors Laclede Buildings Southwest Cor. Fourth and Olive Streets.'} VICE-PRESIDENTS. CoRwiN H. Spencer, Daniel M. Houser, Seth W. Cobb, August Gehner, Samuel M. Kennard, Cyrus P. Walbridge, Chas. H. Huttig, Pierre Chouteau. DIRECTORS. D. M. Houser, D. R. Francis, William H. Thompson, F. W. Lehmann, James L. Blair, Nathan Frank, Pierre Chouteau, C. W. Knapp, John Schroers, W. C. Steigers, A. A. Allen, W. B. Wells, Charles F. Wenneker, J. J. Wertheimer, Edwards Whitaker, A. A. B. Woerheide, W. H. Woodward, George M. Wright, B. F. Yoakum, Norris B. Gregg, W. T. Haarstick, A. B. Hart, 12(5 Officers Louisiana Plkchase Exposition Co. 1. Pierre Chouteau. 5. Walter B. Stevens. 9. Charles H. Huttig. 2. Corwin H. Spencer. 6. David R. Francis. 10. August Gehner. 3. Sam. M. Kennard. 7. Daniel M. Houser. 11. Cvrus F. Walbridge. 4. ^Vul. n, Thompson. 8. Seth W. Cobb. world's fair. 129 DIRECTORS CONTINUED. George A. Baker, Nicholas M. Bell, C. F. Blanke, W. F. Boyle, A. D. Brown, George W. Brown, Paul Brown, Adolphus Busch, James G. Butler, James Campbell, Murray Carleton, Seth W. Cobb, James F. Coyle, George T. Cram, John D. Davis, Alexander N. DeMenil, S. M. Dodd, L. D. Dozier, Harrison I. Drummond, R. B. Dula, George L. Edwards, Howard Elliott, S. M. Felton, A. H. Frederick, August Gehner, J. E. Smith, C. H. Spencer, Charles A. Stix, R. H. Stockton, J. J. Turner, Charles H.Turner, J, C. Van Blarcom, Festus J. Wade, C. P. Walbridge, Julius S. Walsh, C. G. Warner, Walker Hill, John A. Holmes, C. H. Huttig, Breckinridge Jones, S. M. Kennard, Goodman King, W. J. Kinsella, Doctor J. J. Lawrence, W. H. Lee, William J. Lemp, Thomas H. McKittrick, George A. Madill, C. F. G. Meyer, Isaac W. Morton, F. G. Niedringhaus. W. F. Nolker, D. C. Nugent, Peter A. O'Neill, Ed. S. Orr, George W. Parker, H. Clay Pierce, Joseph Ramsey, Jr., David Ranken, Jr., Jonathan Rice, Clark H. Sampson, Julius J. Schotten, Isaac Schwab, R. M. Scruggs, John Scullin, A. L. Shapleigh, J W. McDonald, W. B. Stevens, H. W. Steinbiss, Melville E. Ingalls, Samuel Spencer. 130 IN A NUTSHELL. INCORPORATORS. Moses C. Wetmore, H. T. Kent, S. W. Fordyce, John H. Terry, L. H. Laidley, W. S. Eames, James Cox, L. C. Nelson, Arthur Ittner, Isaac S. Taylor, F. W. Baumhoff, Emil Preetorious, James W. Bell, H. S. Potter, Dean Cooper, Charles Clark, F. N. Judson, Gerhard Geralds, William H. Thompson, Charles Nagel, Henry Hiemenz, Jr., Charles F. Vogel, Daniel Evans, Nathan Cole. J. E. Marshall, WHO THEY ARE. David R. Francis, President of the Louisiana Purchase Exposition Company, is the head of the firm of Francis Bro. & Co. ; vice-president of the Mer- chants-Laclede National Bank ; director of the Mississippi Valley Trust Company, and connected officially with or interested in many other great financial and business concerns. Thoroughly indentified with the growth of St. Louis from boy- hood, he is recognized as a leader in the city's so- cial, business, and political life. Born in Rich- mond, Ky , Oct. I, 1850; came to St. Louis when only 16 ; graduated from Washington University in 1870; entered commercial life as a clerk ; began business for himself in 1877. He was vice-presi- dent Merchants' Exchange in 1883, and president in 1884. His popularity forced him into politics, WORLD S FAIR. 13I and he was elected Mayor of St. Louis in 1885 ; elected Governor of Missouri in 1888; and served as Secretary of the Interior during a portion of President Cleveland's second term. Gov. Fran- cis married in 1876 Miss Jennie Perry. They have six children, all boys. The family residence on Maryland Avenue is one of the handsomest homes in the city. William H. Thompson, Treasurer, is president of the National Bank of Commerce, and officially con- nected with half a hundred other financial and business. concerns. He is vice-president of the Laclede Building Company; treasurer of the Odd-Fellows' Hall Company, an officer and one of the organizers of the Commonwealth Realty Company that built the Planters' Hotel. Though a banker by profession, and recognized as a great financier, he is or was a plumber by trade. He was born in Huntington, Pa., Oct. 13, 1830 ; came to St. Louis in 1853, and worked as a plumber. Eleven years afterwards he established a factory for the manufacture of lead pipe and sheet lead. He organized the Missouri Lead and Oil Company in 1 87 1, and was elected president of the Bank of Commerce in 1883. He was formerly president of the St. Louis Gas Company. Is thoroughly identified with the financial and commercial growth of the city. The family residence is on Lindell Boulevard. Walter B. Stevens, Secretary, was born at Meriden, 132 IN A NUTSHELL. Conn., in July, 1848. His parents moved west when he was five years old, and he grew up in Peoria, 111. In 1866 he went to Ann Arbor and entered the Michigan State University, from which he graduated in 1870. Within ten days of his graduation, when 22, he began his newspaper work as a reporter on the St. Louis Times. In 1 88 1 he joined the staff of the St. Louis Globe- Democrat, where in a short time he was made city editor. Later he became traveling correspondent for that paper, and in 1885 was made its Wash- ington correspondent, which position he held until called to the secretaryship of the Louisiana Purchase Exposition Company. While traveling correspondent he wrote several series of articles on ' ' Convict Camps and Penitentiaries in the South," "Black Labor in the South," "Among the Mormons: Talks with Saints and Sinners," and others. Among his classmates at Ann Arbor were Wm. R. Day, late secretary of state, and now United States Circuit judge ; Prof. Bernard Morse, of the University of California, and now a member of the Philippines Commission ; Alfred Noble, member of the Government Isthmian Canal Commission ; William L. Penfield, solicitor for the Department of State at Washington ; and Marcus Baker, United States Geographer of the Geological Survey. Daniel M. Houser, Vice-President, is the president of The Globe Printing Company, publishers of the world's fair. 133 Globe-Democrat ; director of the St. Louis Trust Company, and interested in many other great fi- nancial and business concerns. He has been a prominent figure in public affairs, a power in na- tional, state and city politics, and a leader in the city's progress for almost half a century. Inde- fatigable as a worker, he has built up, in the Globe- Democrat, one of the greatest newspapers in the world. Mr. Houser was born in Washington County, Maryland, December 23, 1834; family moved to Missouri four years later, and came to St. Louis in 1846. He was employed by the St. Louis Union in 1851, remaining with the paper un- til it merged with the Missouri Democrat ; became book-keeper and business manager of the Demo- crat. He was one of the founders of the Globe in 1872, that afterwards absorbed the Democrat. The consolidated papers became the Globe-Democrat. Mr. Houser became president of the Company ir. 1879, and has directed the destinies of the great paper ever since. Though a very wealthy man, he works as many hours a day and as hard as any one of his hundreds of employes. He can be met at almost any hour of the day, and often as late as midnight, in some part of the great Globe-Demo- crat establishment giving personal directions, or chatting genially with heads of departments or workmen, for all his employes are his personal friends. Mr. Houser has been twice married. The family home is on West Pine Boulevard. 134 IN A NUTSHELL. Cyrus P. Walbridge, Vice-President, is president of the J. S. Merrell Drug Company. He has been conspicuous in professional, business and official life for thirty years, for he has attained success as a lawyer, a drug merchant and a politician. Born at Madrid, New York, July 20, 1849; educated at Carleton College in Minnesota ; took law course at Ann Arbor ; began the practice of law in St. Lo.uis in 1870. Became legal adviser, in 1872, of Jacob S. Merrell, then the city's leading drug merchant. Married Miss Lizzie Merrell, and on the death of his father-in-law became president of the company, and later became president of the Western Wholesale Druggists' Association. In 1 88 1 he was elected to the Municipal Assembly, serving two terms in the House of Delegates. Was elected president of the City Council in 1889, and in 1893 was elected mayor. Mr. Walbridge is a thoroughly progressive man, energetic, enthusiastic and one of the busiest men in town. The family residence is in Westminster Place. CoRWiN H. Spencer, Vice-President, is a capitalist, whose name is identified with St. Louis' progress and prosperity. He is first vice-president of the Mercantile Trust Company, vice-president St. Louis Transit Company, third vice-president Mer- chants' and Manufacturers' Investment Company, director of the Continental National Bank, St. Louis Title Guarantee Company, Fort Scott and Memphis Railroad, besides a number of smaller corpora- world's fair. 135 tions. Mr. Spencer was born in Morgan County, Ohio, and began mercantile life as a clerk. After a business college course in St. Louis, he be- came connected with the grain commission house of Harlow, Gelston & Co., and rapidly rose, becoming a member of the firm in 1876, the firm name being changed to Harlow, Spencer & Co. The firm went out of business in 1882, but Mr. Spencer remained identified with the grain com- mission trade, and in 1889 organized the firm C. H. Spencer & Co., which was incorporated a year later as the C. H. Spencer Grain and Elevator Company. July i, 1897, Mr. Spencer closed out his active commercial interests, and became inter- ested in street railways, becoming president of the Southern Electric Road, and president of the National Railway Company. When the street railways in St. Louis were consolidated, Mr. Spencer became, through his properties, interested in the Transit Company and United Railways Com- pany. He served one term as president of the Merchants' Exchange ; served as chairman of the St. Louis Traffic Bureau, and 'as vice-president of the Business Men's League. He belongs to the Noonday, Commercial, St. Louis, Log Cabin and Country Clubs. In 1875 he married Miss Mary E. Harlow. His family residence is in Washington Terrace. Charles H. Huttig, Vice-President, is president of the Third National Bank ; president of the Huttig 136 IN A NUTSHELL. Sash and Door Company of St. Louis; director of the American Central Fire Insurance Company ; director of the Mississippi Valley Trust Company ; director of the St. Louis Safe Deposit and Savings Bank, and financially interested in other large enter- prises. Mr. Huttig was born in Muscatine, Iowa, and received his early business training in the bank of Cook, Musser & Co., in that city. Came to St. Louis in 1885, and shortly after established the Huttig Sash and Door Company. A man of pro- gressive ideas, energetic and quick to think and act, he has been a foremost figure in business and pub- lic affairs almost from the day of his arrival in St. Louis. He is a member of the Merchants' Ex- change, and of the Mercantile, St. Louis and Noonday Clubs. Served nearly five years as a member of the Board of Education, and three years as secretary of the Citizens' Smoke Abate- ment Association. In 1892 he married Miss Annie E. Musser of Muscatine, la. The family residence is on Raymond Avenue. Samuel M. Kennard, Vice-President, is president of the J. Kennard & Sons Carpet Company ; president of the Missouri Savings and Loan Company ; direc- tor of the American Exchange Bank ; director of the Mississippi Valley Trust Company ; director of the Kinloch Telephone Company ; director of the St. Louis and Suburban Railway Company, and largely interested in several real estate and other corporations. He has been a resident of St. Louis World's Fair Directors. 1. W. C. Steigers. 5. John Schroers. 8. Joseph Ramsey, Jr. 2. James Campbell. 6. Paul Brown. 9. Chas. W. Knapp. 3. Ed. S. Orr. 7. Nathan Frank. 10. R. H. Stockton. i. F. W. Lehman. world's fair. 139 since 1857, coming here with his parents from Lexington, Kentucky, where he was born in 1842. During his entire business life he has been con- nected with the great business firm his father founded in 1857. He served in the Confederate Army, and at the close of the Civil War he became a partner in his father's firm. On the death of the senior Kennard the firm was incorporated, with Samuel M. Kennard as president. He is a direc- tor and was once president of the St. Louis Expo- sition and Musical Hall Association. He is a member of the Mercantile, St. Louis, Noonday and Commercial Clubs. In 1867 he married Miss Annie R. Maude, and has six children. The magnificent home of the Kennards is in Portland Place. Seth W. Cobb, Vice-President, is the head of the grain and commission firm of Cobb & Gardner, and has for many years been a prominent figure in the commercial life of St. Louis. He was born in Southampton County, Va., December 5, 1838, and at the beginning of the Civil War entered the Confederate Army as orderly sergeant, rising to the rank of major. Was a grocery clerk in Peters- burg for a short time after the war, and then be- came editor of the Petersburg, Va., Index. In 1867 he came to St. Louis, and after serving as clerk with various firms began business on his own account in 1875, ^^^ the firm with some changes still exists. In 1889 he was elected to Congress I40 IN A NUTSHELL. from the Twelfth Missouri District and served three terms. He was president of the Merchants' Exchange when the Merchants' Bridge was pro- jected, and became president of the company that built the bridge. In 1876 he married Miss Zoe Desloge. They have one daughter. The family residence is in Westminster Place. August Gehner, Vice-President, is head of the firm of August Gehner & Co., real estate ; president of the German American Bank ; vice-president of the German Insurance Company ; director of the Mis- sissippi Valley Trust Company ; one of the owners of the Rialto Building, and actively connected with a dozen other concerns. He was born in Hano- ver, Germany, September 18, 1846, and came to St. Louis when only thirteen years old. Entered government employ when he attained man's estate, serving under the United States Surveyor-Gen- eral. In 1868 he established the firm of August Gehner & Co., of which he is still the active head. Pierre Chouteau, Vice-President, is a capitalist. He is the eldest son of Charles Pierre Chouteau, and the family history is a part of the history of St. Louis. He was born in St. Louis in 1849, but was educated abroad, principally at the Royal School of Arts, Mines and Manufactures in Liege, Bel- gium. He adopted the profession of engineering, but followed it only a short time, the control of the family estates calling for all his time and attention. WORLD S FAIR. 141 STANDING COMMITTEES. Executive. — President D. R. Francis, Chairman; W. H. Thompson, Howard Elliott, C. W. Knapp, Nathan Frank, C. G. Warner, Murray Carleton, John Scullin, L. D. Dozier, A. L. Shapleigh, James Campbell, Breckinridge Jones. Press and Publicity. — R. H. Stockton, Chairman; D. M. HouGer, C. W. Knapp, Nathan Frank, John Schroers, W. B. Stevens, W. C. Steigers. Ways and Means. — F. J. Wade, Chairman; T. H. McKittrick, Jonathan Rice, R. B. Dula, W. J. Kinsella, D. C. Nugent, E. S. Orr, Geo. M. Wright, C. F. Wenneker. Transportation. — Julius S. Walsh, Chairman; Jos. Ramsey, Jr., B. F. Yoakum, S. M. Felton, C. H. Turner, A. A. Allen, Geo. W. Parker. Finance. — Geo. A. Madill, Chairman; W. H. Lee, Geo. A. Baker, Edwards Whittaker, Walker Hill, W. H.Thompson, ex-officio. Grounds and Buildings. — W. H. Thompson, Chairman; S. M. Kennard, W. F. Nolker, P. A. O'Neil, H. W. Stein- biss, W. B. Wells, Jno. A. Holmes. Concessions. — Geo. L. Edwards, Chairman; J. J. Wertheimer, W. B. Wells, J. J. Turner, C. F. Blanke. Insurance. — Geo. T. Cram, Chairman; R. M. Scruggs, A. D. Brown. Foreign Relations. — Adolphus Busch, Chairman; W. F. Boyle, W. T. Haarstick, John D. Davis, M. E. Ingalls, D. C. Nugent, J. C. Van Blarcom. Supplies. — Norris B. Gregg, Chairman ; James F. Coyle, Vice Chairman ; J. J. Schotten, J. E. Smith, Charles A. Stix, J. W. McDonald, R. M. Scruggs. Sanitation. — C. P.Walbridge, Chairman; Alex. N. De Menil, Vice Chairman; A. D. Brown, Dr. J. J. Lawrence, C. F. G. Meyer. Police. — Harrison I. Drummond, Chairman ; C. H. Turner, Vice Chairman ; J. J. Wertheimer, W. C. Steigers, J. G. Butler. 142 IN A NUTSHELL. Ceremonies. — C. H. Spencer, Chairman; W. H. Lee, Vice- Chairman; J. G. Butler, J. C. Van Blarcom, L. D. Dozier, C. P. Walbridge, James L. Blair. Legislation. — Daniel M. Houser, Chairman; W. C. Steigers, Vice Chairman ; Nicholas M. Bell, George W. Parker, F. G. Niedringhaus, James Campbell, Seth W. Cobb. Agriculture. — Paul Brown, Chairmati ; Festus J. Wade, Vice Chairman; Nicholas M. Bell, Julius S. Walsh, David Ranken, Jr., Wm. J. Lemp, John Scullin. Mines and Mining. — W. J. Kinsella, Chairman; John D. Davis, Vice Chairman; David Ranken, Jr., C. F. G. Meyer, Isaac Schwab. State and Territorial Exhibits. — C. H. Huttig, Chairmaji; Edward S. Orr, Vice Chair?nan; A. H. Frederick, B. F. Yoakum, J. J. Schotten, J. W. McDonald, Clark H. Samp- son. Manufactures and Liberal Arts.— Geo. W. Parker, Chair- man; Goodman King, Vice Chairman ; W. H. Woodward, Jas. F. Coyle, Geo. W. Brown, Jonathan Rice, C. F. G. Meyer. Electricity and Electrical Appliances. — J. E. Smith, Chairman; Joseph Ramsey, Jr., Vice Chairman; Clark ■ H. Sampson, August Gehner, Charles A. Stix, A. A. Allen, S. M. Dodd. Fine Arts. — Isaac W. Morton, Chairman ; S. M. Dodd, Vice Chairman ; J. E. Smith, Geo. A. Madill, Adolphus Busch, Thos. H. McKittrick, Samuel Spencer. Fish and Fisheries. — Seth W. Cobb, Chairman; A. B. Hart, Vice Chairman ; H. Clay Pierce, J. C. Van Blarcom, George M. Wright, Harrison I. Drummond, C. G. Warner. Ethnology and Anthropology. — F. W. Lehmann, Chair- man; Goodman King, Vice Chair?nan ; Walker Hill, Ed- wards Whittaker, Isaac Schwab, A. A. B. Woerheide, C. F. Blanke. Education. — John Schroers, Chairman; R. B. Dula, Vice Chairman ; A. A. B. Woerheide, A. L. Shapleigh, Wm. H. Woodward, George W. Parker, George A. Madill. WORLD S FAIR. 1 43 Historical. — Pierre Chouteau, Chairman; Alex. N. De Menil, Vice Chairman; A. B. Hart, Wm. J. Lemp, Wm. H. Woodward, W. T. Haarstick, George T. Cram. Chief of Fine Arts Department — Prof. Halsey C. Ives. Chief of Department of Education — Prof. Howard J. Rogers. Chief of Department of Mines and Metallurgy — Dr. David T. Day. Field Director of Department of Mines and Metallurgy — Dr. W. S. Ward. Foreign Representative to Asia and Australasia — Mr. John Barrett. NATIONAL COMMISSIONERS. Hon. Thomas H. Carter of Montana, President. Hon. Martin H. Glynn of New York, Vice-President. Hon. John M. Allen of Mississippi. Hon. George W. McBride of Oregon. Hon. William Lindsay of Kentucky. Hon. John M. Thurston of Nebraska. Frederick A. Betts of Connecticut. Philip D. Scott of Arkansas. John F. Miller of Indiana. NATIONAL COMMISSION COMMITTEES. Judiciary — Lindsay, McBride and Thurston. Executive — Carter, ex- officio member; Miller, Betts, Scott and Allen. Arbitration — Thurston and Allen. Plan and Scope — McBride, Betts, Miller, Lindsay and Glynn. Hon. Joseph Flory of St. Louis is secretary of the National Commission. {^Headquarters^ Southern Hotel.'] WORLD^S FAIR LOCATION. \:^ |HE western half of Forest Park and territory ad- jacent thereto, selected as the site of the great Exposition commemorative of the centennial of the Louisiana Purchase, is considered an ideal location in every respect. The combined wisdom, experience and foresight of men identified with the progress and prosperity of the community, selected the Forest Park site after most careful deliberation and mature consid- eration ; and their choice was unanimously approved by the National Commission. The location is so easy of access from all directions that it might almost be considered in the heart of the city. From the Union Station it is only twenty minutes ride by electric car, and less than half an hour allows ample time to reach the location from either of the big down-town hotels or from the business center. The system of transfers in operation will land a passenger by trolley car on the grounds from the extreme limits of the city in any di- rection for one fare — five cents. 144 WORLD S FAIR LOCATION. 1 45 Forest Park, the western half of which will be occu- pied by the Fair, is in the central western part of the city. A line due west from the postoffice, the court house. Union Station, City Hall, Four Courts, or either of the present large down-town hotels, will strike an en- trance to the park. It is the second largest city park in the United States, Fairmount Park in Philadelphia alone exceeding it in size. The exact area is 1371.94 acres. The eastern half is splendidly cultivated and artistically arranged to the limit of the landscape gar- dener's skill and talent. The western half is as nature made it — almost primeval forest. This portion of the park includes 668 acres. Take a map of the city, and, beginning at a point on the southern edge of Forest Park, about midway between Euclid Avenue and the Skinker road, trace a Hne northward across the park to a point on " The Concourse," directly west of the pagoda, keeping Mirror lake and the music stand to the east, and the big lake to the west; thence north- westwardly to and following the Wabash Railroad to the northern line of the park. Within the space bounded by this hne on the east, and the northern, western and southern limits of the beautiful reserve, is a little more than one-half of Forest Park. This and such additional territory as may be required outside the park on either side will be the site of the great World's Fair — between 1000 and 1200 acres, all seemingly especially designed by nature for the purpose. A "jog" or notch at the northwest corner of the site is made necessary by the location of the magnifi- 146 IN A NUTSHELL. cent new buildings of Washington University, now in course of construction. The University will overlook the western part of the Fair. There is, however, no obstacle, either legal or physical, to extending the Fair site area almost indefinitely on the west, north or south. Because of the natural condition in which the western half of Forest Park has been kept it has come to be known as " The Wilderness." Over the entire stretch tall, stately shade trees grow luxuriantly. A single driveway, an extension of the Concourse, penetrates this portion, climbing hills and winding around ridges until the level plateau is reached, and then penetrating almost to the western boundary of the park. The eastern portion for perhaps one-third of the distance to the western line of the park is hilly. There is a suc- cession of three or four of these hills, none of them very high and all with gentle slopes. From the Catlin tract on the north and near the Skinker Road on the west, the river Des Peres enters the park and coils and winds about down to the eastern limit of the park site and thence into the improved portion of the park. No less than six small tributaries enter it as it journeys to the eastward before reaching the boundary of the Fair grounds. The largest lake in Forest Park is included in the Fair site. Its most eastern limit and that of the site itself are practically identical. Just to the west of the lake is the large track and hippodrome of the Gentlemen's Driving Club, the diagonal line drawn in a northwesterly direction in tracing the boundaries of the site almost touching the grand stand. Close by World's Fair Directors. 1. D. 0. Nugent. 5. Norris B. Gregg. 8. A. D. Brown. 2. J. C. Van Blarcom. 6. Dr. J. J. Lawrence. 9. Jonathan Rice. 3. Murray Cai-leton. 7. A. L. Shapleigh. 10. J. J. Schotten. 4. Festns J. Wade. WORLD S FAIR LOCATION. I49 are the smoothly-surfaced lawn tennis courts. All of these of course will be wiped out at almost the first stroke of World's Fair work in the park. The land outside the park included in the area as now laid out is hilly on the west, and unimproved. On the north it is perfectly level and has been platted for residence purposes. A portion of it, known as the Catlin tract, is classed as among the highest-priced residence ground in the city. On the south the land is high, and a portion of it is improved. The existing facilities of approach to the Fair site render the problem of transportation, always a serious one in affairs of this kind, easier of solution than is generally the case with enterprises of so vast a nature. Forest Park is the western terminus of practically all the east and west street railway lines of St. Louis. Inside of the park there are now three street railway stations. In addition five steam railways run in close proximity. The Laclede Avenue and Market Street electric lines terminate at a pavilion at the eastern limits of the park, and the OHve Street line at the northeast corner. The Delmar Avenue line enters a pavilion on De Baliviere Avenue, inside the site. The Transit Company's Clayton line runs on Skinker Road, the western limit of the park, and included in the Fair grounds. All of these lines have their eastern termini in the center of the downtown business district of the city. A line of the Suburban Railway crosses from the north on Union Boulevard and forms a loop inside of the park. For all of the lines not actually entering the Fair grounds, 150 . IN A NUTSHELL. possibilities of extension are offered. At Forsythe Junction, one block north of the park, and included in the contemplated limits, is a station of the Wabash and Colorado railroads. The Missouri Pacific, Frisco and Iron Mountain lines enter the city a few blocks south of Clayton Road. Between their tracks and the Fair grounds the land is such as to make the construction of switches and extensions an easy matter. The proposed belt line contemplates the location of a station inside of the grounds. For drivers, bicyclists and patrons of automobiles the grounds are of easy access. The approaches on all sides are thoroughfares of the very finest of street paving construction. Lindell Boulevard, on the north limit of the park, is nationally famous as a drive- way. Delmar, McPherson and Maryland Avenues, ap- proaching from the east, all are splendidly paved, beautiful residence streets. Union Boulevard and Goodfellow and Hamilton Avenues, which extend to the grounds from the north, are popular for driving and wheeling purposes. Skinker Road, on the west, and others of the adjacent county roads are macadamized and always are in the best of condition. Forest Park is the undisputed property of the city of St. Louis, the municipal park board having assumed charge in 1874. The adjoining properties whose use is contemplated will be leased from the owners, or se- cured through condemnation proceedings, for which careful provision has been made by law. The use of the park portion of the site was made world's fair location. 151 possible by the passage of an ordinance by the Munici- pal Assembly. When suggestions for sites were called for, seven locations for the fair were suggested. All these had their ardent advocates ; but when the Forest Park site selection was announced all sectional or fac- tional feeling faded, and, with that spirit of civic pride that is characteristic of St. Louisans, everybody ap- proved. What little opposition was shown by people whose love for Forest Park prompted them to protest against the destruction of any of its attractions, disap- peared when it was made plain that the eastern half of the park would be preserved, and that the Louisiana Purchase Exposition Company was obligated to set aside an ample fund for the complete restoration of the park immediately after the close of the great Expo- sition. ^fe^^** CHRONOLOGY OF THE ■^ EXPOSITION. irillllTH a World's Fair assured on a scale of mag- |iAJ| nificance never before attempted, in which the Nation, the City of St. Louis as a corporation, and the people of St. Louis are equal factors, the story of how and why the great project was commenced and brought to full fruition is replete with interest for all the world. It is now an accepted fact that the nations of the earth will assemble in St. Louis in 1903 to join in the celebration of the centennial of the purchase by the United States of that vast area known as the Louisiana Territory. Fifteen million dollars have been subscribed for stock in the Louisiana Purchase Exposition Company — five million by the United States Government, five mil- lion by the City of St. Louis, and five million by popu- lar subscription. The State of Missouri has appro- priated one million dollars to be expended in making a fitting exhibit of the State's resources. Other States have made or will make similar provision for a like 152 CHRONOLOGY QF THE EXPOSITION. 153 purpose. The Government has appointed a board of commissioners to act in an advisory capacity and guard the Government's interest. The Louisiana Purchase Exposition Company has perfected organization and got the work under such splendid progress, directed by men of such energy, that there is every reason to feel assured that the gates of the great exposition will be thrown open on time. In the spring of 1897 the Missouri Historical Society and the press began the agitation of a plan to celebrate the one hundredth anniversary of the acquisition of the " Louisiana Purchase " by the United States, and the citizens of the States within the Territory were invited to make suggestions bearing on the celebration. In September, 1898, the Missouri Historical Society appointed a committee of fifty to decide upon the man- ner of holding the celebration, and the committee, in turn, appointed a committee of ten to consider the various methods proposed and to suggest the best and most practicable. November 26, 1898 — The committee of ten reported to the committee of fifty, advocating a celebration by all the States in the Purchase, and the committee of fifty approved the recommendation. It was forwarded to Gov. Lon V. Stephens, with a recommendation that a convention of representatives of the Louisiana Pur- chase States be called for St. Louis, to decide upon the place of holding such celebration. December 13, 1898 — Gov. Stephens issued a call for a convention in St. Louis for January 10, 1899. 154 IN A NUTSHELL. January lo, 1899 — Representatives of all the Louis- iana Purchase States met in St. Louis at the Southern Hotel, and decided that a World's Fair would best commemorate the event, and that it should be held in St. Louis in 1903. January 11, 1899 — An executive committee was ap- pointed, with former Gov. David R. Francis as chair- man, and a committee of fifty was named to carry out the World's Fair idea. February 11, 1899 — The general committee was raised to two hundred and organized, with Pierre Chouteau as chairman and Jas. Cox as secretary. Finance and legislative committees were appointed, with Wm. H. Thompson and Frederick W. Lehmann as chairmen, respectively. February 25, 1899 — The Senators and Representa- tives of the States of the Louisiana Purchase were ten- dered a banquet at Washington by members of the general committee. April 23, 1899 — A citizens' mass-meeting was held at Music Hall, and ^4,244,670 was subscribed toward the ^5,000,000 fund which St. Louis was pledged to raise. April 27, 1900 — Hearing at Washington, D. C, of the World's Fair plan by the special committee of Congress, members of the executive committee, and representatives from most of the Purchase States ap- pearing in its behalf. June 4, 1900 — Passage by Congress of the Sundry Civil Appropriation Bill carrying an amendment pledg- CHRONOLOGY OF THE EXPOSITION. 1 55 ing the National Government's support of the World's Fair project, together with an appropriation of ^5,000,- 000, conditioned on the raising of ^5,000,000 by pop- ular subscription, and the appropriation of ^5,000,000 by the City of St. Louis. January 12, 1901 — Popular subscription of ^5,000,- 000 by citizens of St. Louis completed and certificate to that effect prepared for submission to authorities at Washington. January 25, 1901 — Certificate of the fullfilment of St. Louis' obligation presented to special committee of Congress, and Tawney bill read. March 4, 1901 — Appropriation finally made by United States Senate after some opposition, and the national government became a stockholder in the World's Fair enterprise, without a vote, to the extent of ^5,000,000. March 30, 1901 — Appointment by President Mc- Kinley of the national World's Fair Commission, with instructions to the same to meet within thirty days after the passage of the World's Fair bill. April 23, 1 90 1 — The national commission met at the Southern Hotel, in St. Louis. The World's Fair com- pany was incorporated, under the name " Louisiana Purchase Exposition Company," with a capital stock of ^6,000,000. A banquet was given by the Business Men's League of St. Louis at the Planters' Hotel to the national commission and members of Congress who were foremost in effecting the passage of the bill. April 24, 1901 — The national commission met at 156 IN A NUTSHELL. the Southern Hotel and organized, with ex-Senator Thomas H. Carter as president, ex-Congressman Mar- tin H. Glynn as vice-president, and Mr. Jos. Flory of St. Louis, secretary. May 3, 1 90 1 — Meeting of the directors and election of the following officers of the Louisiana Purchase Ex- position : President, David R. Francis; treasurer, Wm. H. Thompson ; secretary, Walter B. Stevens ; vice-presi- dents, Corwin H. Spencer, Samuel M. Kennard, Dan- iel M. Houser, Cyrus P. Walbridge, Seth W. Cobb, Chas. H. Huttig, August Gehner and Pierre Chouteau. The president, treasurer and eight vice-presidents were appointed as a committee on organization to report at the next meeting recommendations on number and formation of standing committees ; draft of by-laws of in- corporation ; suitable offices for temporary headquarters of incorporation ; director general ; general counsel for corporation. May 9, 1 90 1 — The Committee on organization re- ported. By-laws were adopted and Mr. Jas. L. Blair, recommended by the committee as counsel general, was elected unanimously. May 10, 1 90 1 — Municipal Assembly passed ordi- nance authorizing the use of city parks for the World's Fair if desired by the organization. May 28, 1 90 1 — Nine Standing Committees of the company appointed, as follows: Executive; Press and Publicity ; Ways and Means ; Transportation ; Finance ; Grounds and Buildings ; Concessions ; Insurance ; For- eign Relations. CHRONOLOGY OF THE EXPOSITION. 157 May 29, 30, 31, June i, 1901 — Seven proposed sites inspected by Executive Committee. June 4, 5, 6, 1 90 1 — Executive Committee listened to arguments of advocates of tiie seven proposed sites. June 8 to 23, 1901 — Daily meetings of Executive Committee to consider proposed sites, the problem of transportation facilities for materials for building and for exhibits proving a difficult one. Meetings also of Press and Publicity Committee, at which methods of advertising the Fair, and applications for positions were considered. June 24, 1901 — Executive Committee decided on the Forest Park, but did not announce decision. June 25, 1 90 1 — Meeting of Board of Directors at which selection of Forest Park site was announced and unanimously approved. June 26, 1 90 1 — Meeting of National Commissioners. Forest Park visited. June 27, 28, 1901 — National Commissioners ap- proved the site selection, and formulated a declaration of the legal responsibilities, duties and rights of the Commission. June 30, 1 90 1 — Officers, Members of the Executive Committee and prominent citizens went to Pan-Ameri- can Exposition, Buffalo. July 2, 1901 — Dedication of Louisiana Purchase Building at Pan-American Exposition, Buffalo. % THE J '§ LOUISIANA PURCHASE. |HE acquisition of the territory of Louisiana from France in 1803 may be regarded, from several points of view, as the most important event in the whole history of the United States. It added 1,171,931 square miles to the United States — a terri- tory greater by 300,000 square miles than the entire domain of the nation as it then existed. The thirteen States and two territories which have since been carved out of the Purchase have, by the census of 1900, a population of 17,777,081, or nearly one-fourth of the population of the United States. Missouri, the fifth State in the Union, is in the Louisiana territory, as is also Texas, the sixth. As the crowning glory of the vast reaches of mining, agricultural and grazing lands embodied in the old Louisiana territory there have arisen great cities — St. Louis, the fourth city in the United States ; San Antonio, one of the oldest towns in the country ; the twin cities of Minneapolis and St. Paul, centers of the summer resort region and the inland lakes ; 158 World's Fair Directors. 1. Howard Elliott. 5. W. J. Kinsella. 8. J. J. Wertheimer. 2. AdolphTis Busch. 6. C. F. G. Mever. 9. A. A. B. Woerheide. 3. Clark H. Sampson. 7. Walker Hill. 10. C. F. Blanke. 4. James F. Coyle. THE LOUISIANA PURCHASE. l6l Hot Springs, whither people go by the thousands to re- gain their health; New Orleans, with its Mardi Gras, its opera and its whirl of gay society; Denver, the Mecca of all who seek a tonic of ozone ; rapidly growing Omaha; and the five towns, Dubuque, Des Moines, Davenport, Burlington and Council Bluffs, in that State of Iowa which calls itself proudly the ' ' State of large towns and no cities." Great navigable rivers — the Mississippi, the Missouri, the Rio Grande, the Arkan- sas, the Red, the White, the Platte, and the Iowa — sweep through the Louisiana territory to their ultimate outlet in the Gulf of Mexico. Pike's Peak, and a large por- tion of the Rockies, kings among the mountains of the earth, are within old Louisiana's borders, and here also is the Yellowstone National Park, set apart by the United States government as a place of sight-seeing for all future generations. But greater than all this is the fact that the purchase of the Louisiana territory, and the opportunities for development that it afforded, for- ever prevented the nation of the United States from being merely a province, a small portion of land set down on the Western Continent between the Mississippi River and the Atlantic Ocean, with opposing powers on every side except the east. Instead of this narrow fu- ture there was secured for the youthful nation a vast extent of possession which should be bounded, in the words of the enthusiastic statesman, "on the east by the Atlantic, on the west by the Pacific, on the south by the Gulf of Mexico, and on the north by the Da" of Judgment." 1 62 IN A NUTSHELL. The treaty by which the United States purchased the territory of Louisiana from France bore the date of April 30, 1803. That territory has since been divided into thirteen States and two territories. The States — the number identical, by an odd coincidence, with the thirteen original States which formed the Union — are Louisiana, Arkansas, Missouri, lowa, Minnesota, North Dakota, South Dakota, Nebraska, Kansas, Colorado, Montana, Wyoming and a part of Texas. The two territories are Oklahoma and the Indian Territory. The fact that only a part of Texas was contained in the Purchase was the reason why an invitation to the Governor of Texas was omitted in the preliminaries incident to the Louisiana Purchase Conference in January, 1899. Nevertheless, the Gov- ernor of Texas excused the oversight, and was a mem- ber of that body. Although it was early in the history of the United States as a nation that Louisiana became a part of its possessions, the territory of Louisiana had been named and was known to the civilized world more than a cen- tury before the year 1803. La Salle, sailing down the Mississippi in 1682, bestowed upon all the unknown region west of that river the name of Louisiana, in honor of his sovereign, Louis XIV., King of France. The far-reaching limits of this magnificent and fertile territory became better known in the next century ; and as the island of New Orleans was soon colonized and grew to be the depot of supplies for the entire region, that small portion of land east of the Mississippi became THE LOUISIANA PURCHASE. 163 naturally a part of Louisiana, although all the rest of the territory was west of the river. Louisiana was claimed by France until 1762, when the treaty of Fontainebleau transferred it from France to Spain, to repay Spain for losses suffered in the French and Indian War. The people of Louisiana — for by that time the territory, especially New Orleans, had been settled by many traders and planters — ob- jected to this transfer, protesting so strongly that it was not until 1769 that Spain actually took possession. From that time forward it was the hope of the French to recover this splendid territory for their own. The Americans — by which name the citizens of the United States were called even at that early period — were, on the other hand, better satisfied that Spain should pos- sess Louisiana than that this extensive territory should be owned by France. In case any jealousy or enmity should arise, the Americans argued that Spain would be a more sluggish adversary than France. The situa- tion, from the American standpoint, was expressed in the words of Montesquieu, afterward quoted by Robert R. Livingston, United States minister to France: "It is happy for trading powers that God permitted Turks and Spaniards to be in the world, since they are of all nations the most proper to possess a great empire with insignificance." The people of the present generation, or even of the preceding generation, can with difficulty appreciate the importance of the Mississippi River in the year 1800. Railroads were unknown, neither were there any good 1 64 IN A NUTSHELL. wagon roads west of the State of Pennsylvania. One who wished to go, for instance, from Nashville, Tenn., to New York, must ride in a flatboat — for steamboats were not yet invented — down the Cumberland river to the Ohio, down the Ohio to the Mississippi and on to the mouth of that river, then by sailing vessel out on the Gulf and along the Atlantic coast. It was the only means of travel. For commerce the rivers were an ab- solute necessity, and the Mississippi outranked all other rivers. Madison said of it: "It is the Hudson, the Delaware, the Potomac, and all the navigable rivers of the Atlantic States formed into one stream." New Orleans was the key to the Mississippi River. Without it as a depot the western products could not be taken to a market and western commerce was paralyzed. Therefore, when Morales, Intendant of New Orleans, on October i6, 1802, arbitrarily suspended the right of deposit at New Orleans to all "foreigners," his act excited the greatest indignation among the peo- ple of the United States. It was supposed by American statesmen that this de- cree came from Spain, but that it was dictated by France, for by this time there was a strong suspicion in the minds of Americans that France had succeeded in her cherished desire of regaining Louisiana from Spain. As far as Morales' decree was concerned, the light of sub- sequent history shows that the decree was his own ofificious act, sanctioned neither by Spain nor France. Nevertheless, France had actually secured possession of Louisiana by the secret treaty of St. Ildefonso on THE LOUISIANA PURCHASE. 1 65 October i, 1800. Napoleon, with his wondrous power over men, had accomplished this by an empty promise of giving to the Spanish King's son-in-law the kingdom of Tuscany, yet he was afraid to let his triumph be made known, lest England with her great navy should prevent French occupation of Louisiana. It was im- possible for Napoleon to send troops to Louisiana at once because of the rebellion against France in St. Domingo, where brigade after brigade was brought low by tropical fever as rapidly as they could be transported. In the meantime Rufus King, U. S. Minister in Lon- don, had sent Jefferson positive proof that Louisiana now belonged to France (November 20, 1801), and the President had dispatched Robert R. Livingston as minister to France. The excitement in America was intense. The Westeners went so far as to say that if Congress and the president could not secure for them the right of deposit at New Orleans and the free navi- gation of the Mississippi they would form a separate government of their own. James Ross, of Pennsylvania, made an impassioned speech in the Senate counseling strong measures. " Plant yourselves on the rivers," he said, *' fortify the banks, invite those who have an in- terest at stake to defend it. When in possession you will negotiate with more advantage." Mr. Livingston arrived in Paris, in December, 1801, and for the next twelve months consumed his energies in what seemed fruitless measures — first, to learn the truth about the retrocession from Spain to France, and, second, to make some terms with France. This was I 66 IN A NUTSHELL. slow work. On September i, 1802, Livingston wrote to Madison, Jefferson's Secretary of State: "There never was a government in which less could be done by negotiation than here. There are no people, no legislators, no counsellors. One man is everything. His ministers are mere clerks, and his legislators and counsellors parade officers." Rumors were current that Napoleon intended to plant an army in Louisiana. First it was Gen. Gollet, a dis- graced French officer, who was to be sent with a great company of disaffected and exiled English, Scotch and Irishmen. Then a reputed Frenchman named Francis Tatergem appeared on the scene, pretending that he had great friendship with the Creek Indians, that they hated Americans and loved the French, and that he could raise an army in Louisiana of 20,000 Indian warriors. These reports were received in America with varied emotions. Perhaps the most sensible, albeit the mildest view, was that taken by Senator Jackson, of Georgia, who said: "Should Bonaparte send an army of 40,000 men here and should they not be destroyed by our troops, they would within twenty years become Americans and join our arms. No other people can long exist in the vicinity of those of the United States without intermixing and ultimately joining with them." With all the web of mystery which Napoleon wove around himself, however, he was nevertheless seriously considering the advances made on behalf of the United States. Livingston had been aided in France by Dupont de Nemours, a Frenchman, who was a friend of both National Commissioners, World's Fair. 1. Hon. Thomas H. Carter, President. 2. Hon. G. W. McBride. 5. Hon. F. A. Betts. 8. Hon. John F. Miller. 3. Hon. Wm. Lindsay. 6. Hon. P. D. Scott. 9. Hon. J. M. Thurston. 4. Hon. M. H. Glynn. 7. Hon. John M. Allen. 10. Joseph Flory, Secretary. THE LOUISIANA PURCHASE. 169 Jefferson and Bonaparte, and pressure was brought to bear also from Spain through Charles Pinckney, U. S. Minister at Madrid. Some of Napoleon's advisers urged, moreover, that since restoration of slavery had brought about a rebellion in St. Domingo, its existence as an institution in Louisiana might also breed trouble for the French. But the fear of England was a more powerful argument than any other. Jefferson did not hesitate openly to threaten that if the French occupied Louisiana, the United States would form an alliance with England. "From that moment," he said, "we must marry ourselves to the British fleet and nation." On January 11, 1803, President Jefferson nominated James Monroe as a special minister to France to assist Livingston and Pinckney, as the commission stated, " in enlarging and more effectually securing our rights and interests in the river Mississippi and in the territory eastward thereof." At first, it will be seen, the Presi- dent did not contemplate the purchase of the vast ter- ritory of Louisiana. He desired New Orleans and the Floridas, if he could get them, and for these posses- sions Monroe was instructed that he might pay a sum not to exceed ^10,000,000. Monroe sailed March 8, 1803, and arrived in Paris April 7. After all, Living- ston and Pinckney might have performed the work un- aided, for Monroe found ripened fruit ready for the gathering. Napoleon was as anxious to sell Louisiana as the United States was to buy New Orleans, and there only remained a little haggling over terms, and the consent of the United States to take Louisiana along j^Q IN A NUTSHELL. with New Orleans. The Floridas were impossible at that time, as when the truth was known it was found that France did not own them. Monroe was presented to Napoleon April i6, 1803, and negotiations were immediately opened between the two countries. It was agreed to include in the pur- chase price the claims of certain American citizens for indemnity against France, amounting to ^3,750,000. The sum agreed upon for the territory itself was ^11,- 250,000, making a total of ^15,000,000. The treaty was signed May 2, and the copies in English were made out so that they were all done about May 8 or 9, but the date of the treaty was' fixed at April 30, as this was the actual time of the agreement between the min- isters. When the treaty was concluded there was a general handshaking among the ministers. Both sides were pleased with the transaction. Livingston said: *' We have lived long, but this is the noblest work of our lives; "and Napoleon declared: "This accession of territory strengthens forever the power of the United States. I have just given to England a maritime rival that will sooner or later humble her pride." Gayarre, a distinguished historian who died a few years ago, spoke of the treaty as ' ' the most important ever signed in the nineteenth century, if it be judged by its conse- quences to the United States and to the rest of the world." The United States Senate ratified the treaty October 19, 1803, and the ratifications of the two countries THE LOUISIANA PURCHASE. j^j were exchanged October 21. Jefferson signed the document on November 10, and on December 20, 1803, the Spanish Governor of Louisiana peacefully surrendered the province to Laussat, a commissioner appointed by Napoleon, who immediately passed it over to the government of the United States — a little less than eight months after the signing of the treaty. Thus came to a conclusion that great event in his- tory, the loolh anniversary of which is to be celebrated in St. Louis in 1903 with the Louisiana Purchase World's Fair. PLAN AND SCOPE OF THE INTERNATIONAL EXPOSITION AT ST. LOUIS IN 1903, CELEBRATING THE CENTENNIAL OF THE LOUISIANA PURCHASE. PLAN. |HE foundation plan of the St. Louis World's Fair will be that of an exposition both national and international in its character, so that not only the people of the Louisiana Purchase Territory, but of our Union, and all the nations as well, can participate. It will be so projected and developed as to insure the active interest of all the peoples of the world and induce their participation upon a scale without parallel in any previous exposition. It will present in a special degree, and in the most comprehensive manner, the history, the resources, and the development of the States and Territories lying within the boundaries of the Louisiana Purchase, showing what it was and what it is ; what it contained 172 PLAN AND SCOPE. 173 and produced in 1803 ; what it contains and produces in 1903. It will make it plain that the prophecy of 1803 has been more than fulfilled, and show that a veritable em- pire now lies between the Gulf of Mexico and Puget Sound, within the limits of the territory Jefferson ob- tained by the Louisiana Purchase. It will show the history, resources and development of the possessions of the United States, including Porto Rico, Alaska, Hawaii, Samoa, Guam and the Philip- pines. It will embrace in a similar portrayal Cuba and any other country which may enjoy the special and ex- ceptional protection and guardianship of the United States. It will depart from the plan of all past expositions and make life and movement its distinguishing and marked characteristics. To this end it will aim defin- itely at an exhibition of man as well as the works of man ; at the presentation of manufacturing industries in actual conduct as well as of the machines out of action ; at the exhibition of processes as well as of completed products. It will carefully plan in the location, the construction and arrangement of all buildings and works so as to as- sure the highest degree of convenience, ease and com- fort for visitors who come to inspect the wonders con- tained within its enclosure. It will make it both easy and comfortable to get to the Exposition Grounds from every quarter of the city and from every railway termi- nating in St. Louis. It will in like manner make it easy 174 IN A NUTSHELL. and comfortable to move about the Exposition Grounds, and to pass from building to building and from point to point within every building of large area. In short, it will make the transportation of visitors the subject of special study and spare no expense in the solving of this vital problem, so that the St. Louis World's Fair may go down in history as the first great international exhibi- tion which a visitor could inspect without enduring fa- tigue and hardship. Finally, it will embody and illustrate the latest and most advanced progress in the employment of the en- ergies of nature. It will be up-to-date in the use of all new motive forces, and be fully abreast with science in the utilization of every novel invention or discovery that has practical value. SCOPE. In order that the general plan outlined for the Loui- siana Purchase Exposition may be fulfilled in its actual accomplishments, it will exhibit the arts and industries, the methods and .processes of manufacture of the whole world; it will gather the products of the soil, mine, forest and sea from the whole earth. It will comprehend man in his full twentieth century development, exhibiting not alone his material, but his social advancement. It will show humanity at rest as well as at work, presenting man in his hours of recrea- tion, his exercises, his games and his sports. It will illustrate the modern home with the infinity of com- forts and conveniences that have been brought into PLAN AND SCOPE. 175 common use within tlie century the St. Louis World's Fair will commemorate. It will embrace within its scope a comprehensive an- thropological exhibition, constituting a congress of races, and exhibiting particularly the barbarous and semi-barbarous peoples of the world as nearly as possi- ble in their ordinary and native environments. It will bring together the ,wild life of the forests, plains and waters, showing visitors a zoological collec- tion of untrained and untamed animals as nearly as practicable with the surroundings of their native state. The progressiveness of the Exposition will be most especially manifest in the manner and extent of its use of artificial light, both for purposes of illuminating and as a means of decoration. Electric lighting in the latest, most striking and most effective form, as well as all other new and efficient modes of illuminating, will be so liberally employed that the Exposition Grounds and Buildings will blaze with light at night, and their beauties successfully rival the attractions of daylight. For the development of the Exposition to the full scope outlined, it will provide for the housing and care of exhibits divided into a number of grand sec- tions, each of which will be again divided into de- partments and sub-departments. The principal sec- tions into which the Exposition will be divided will be as follows: Agriculture, Anthropology and Ethnology, Athletics and Outdoor Sports and Games, Chemical In- dustries, Civil Engineering, Colonization, Decoration, Furniture, etc., Diversified Industries, Education and 176 IN A NUTSHELL. Instruction, Electricity, Fine Arts, Food Stuffs, For- estry, History, Horticulture and Arboriculture, Liberal Arts, Machinery, Military and Naval, Mining and Metallurgy, Social Economy, Textiles, Transportation, Wild Animals. Adopted by the Board of Directors of the Louisiana Purchase Exposition Company. David R. Francis, Walter B. Stevens, President. Secretary. Delmar «g^ Garden J^ Delmar Boulevard, Melville and Adelaide Avenues, Forty Acres of Magnificent Grotind, Replete with Natural Beauty and Embellished with the Latest Amuse- ment Devices at an Outlay of over One Hundred and Twenty -five Thousand Dollars. U/>e Great S/jotzf 'Place of St. Lotitj: strictly modern Opera Stage enclosed by a pavilion comfortably seating four thousand spectators. Steeple Chase annually carries three hundred thousand lovers of spirited and wholesome sport. Midway contains more amusing and instructive novelties than any other similar resort in the United States. The Cottage is in charge of the most accomplished and popular Caterer in the Mississippi Valley: Refreshments and Cuisine unexcelled. DELMAR AMUSEMENT COMPANY, JOHN C. JANNOPOULO, President. Blankets Faust Blend Coffee has achieved fame greater than any other Coffee on the market* This is due only to its superior drinking quality* There is no other coffee that has such universal indorsement* If you wish the very best to be had, insist upon your gffocer givingf you FAUST BLEND, put up by C. F, Blanke Tea and Coffee Co«, Promoters of Higfh-Grade Coffees and Proprietors of the most complete coffee plant in the United States, sr. louis, new york, Chicago. Kansas city . STOCKS i:e3::i grain CELLA Commission Company BUY AND SELL FOR CASH OR MARGIN. 200 N. FOURTH STREET, ST. LOUIS, MO PAID UP CAPITAL, $50,000.00. Being the Best Equipped Wire House West of the Mississippi Enables Us to Render You SUPERIOR SERVICER — ' COTTON re, B.,,-„.„3 1 PROVISIONS NEW SUBURBAN GARDEN A FAMILY RESORT. NEW MANAGEMENT. NEW POLICY. IMPROVED AND ENLARGED. NEW CAFE AND RESTAURANT. LOUIS CAESAR, PROPRIETOR. Meals furnished at all times on short notice. Careful attention given to family and social parties. NEW ELECTRIC FOUNTAIN. HIGH-GRADE V AUDEVILLE IN THEATRE. Matinee Free. Reserved Seats 10 Cents. Nights, . 10, 25 and 35 Cents. Seats Reserved, 1118 Olive Street. ADMISSION TO PARK FREE. ALL CAR LINES. The New Ferguson Extension of the St. Louis and Suburban Railway now in Operation. Cars leave Suburban Garden every thirty minutes — at fifteen and forty- five minutes after the hour. UH RIG'S CAVE or* Corner of Washington and Jefferson Aves. The Summer Season of 1901 Opened on SUNDAY, JUNE 2nd, WITH THE^i^^H^^^^ B MAUDE LILLIAN -^^- errT OPERA CO. ^*^ Presenting High-class LIGHT and COMIC OPERA every even- ing at 8:30. Saturday Matinee at 2:30. T^ J C j_ on sale at A. A. Aal Cloak Co.» IvCSCrVCCl OC3.tS 5I5LccustSt.,and at Ostertag Bros., Florists, Washington and Jefferson Avenues. Forest Park Highlands. MOST BEAUTIFUL AL FRESCO PARK IN THE WORLD. ESPECIALLY ADAPTED FOR LADIES AND CHILDREN. LARGEST PAVILION IN AMERICA. FINEST STAGE IN ANY SUMMER GARDEN. LARGEST AND FINEST EQUIPPED SCENIC RAILWAY ON THE GLOBE. MOST ATTRACTIVE WIRE MAZE-ENTIRELY NEW. IMMENSE COVERED WALKS. NO EXPOSURE TO RAIN. HIGHEST-CLASS VAUDEVILLE IN HOPKINS' PAVILION. TWO PERFORMANCES DAILY. RAIN OR SHINE. BAND CONCERTS AFTERNOONS AND EVENINGS. ADMISSION TO GROUNDS FREE. Gars Direct to Forest Park Highlands: LACLEDE : Route— Over Chestnut Street, Laclede Ave. and Euclid Ave. CHOUTEAU: Route— Over Washington Ave., 14th Street and Chouteau Ave. EUCLID : Route— Over Taylor and Euclid Aves . ALL OTHER LINES IN THE CITY TRANSFER TO THESE DIRECT LINES. Columbia Theatre, SIXTH AND ST. CHARLES STREETS. COLUMBIA THEATRE CO., Owners. GEORGE MIDDLETON, Pres't. FRANK R. TATE, Secy and Treas. DKVOTKD TO >.>HIGH- CLASS.-. CONTINUOUS VAUDEVILLE •^^ c^* x^^ t^^ ENTIRE CHANGE OF BILL EVERY WEEK. C^* 4(^ C^* 5(^ PRICES ALWAYS THE SAME, t5, 25, 30 Cents, 5^* C^* {^^ C^* Orchestra Chairs (Reserved a Weel< in Advance), 50 Cents. HOW TO STUDY ART! • We give in our illustrated catalogue FREE valuable •j[^« information and advice to those contemplating the study • of Art. Send postal for catalogue. HALSEY c. IVES. ST. LOUIS SCHOOL OF FINE ARTS, DIRECTOR. ST. LOUIS, MO. LfA.CLEDE Hi ACLEDE AAOTEL. Chestnut and Sixth Streets. European plan, IRooms Stnsle or JSn Suite, RATES, $1.00, $1.50 AND $2.00 PER DAY. Cars to and from Union Station pass the door. Cafe of superior excellence with moderate prices. Meals a-la- carte ; also popular priced regular Breakfast, Dinner and Supper. J. L. GRISWOLD, Owner and Proprietor. The 6reat St. Louis Fair October 7th to 12th Inclusive COMPETITION OPEN TO THE WORLD. SPACE AND ENTRIES FREE. C. A. TILLES, JOHN HACHMEISTER, PRESIDENT. SECRETARY. JOHN H. HAVLIN'S ST LOUIS = = = ENTERPRISES Grand Opera House, Market, near^ixth. Devoted to High-Class Comedy Combinations. Prices, 15, 25, 35, 50 and 75 Cents. Performances every Evening. Matinees, Sunday, "Wednesday and Saturday. The Imperial Theatre, Tenth and Pine Sts. Devoted to producing New and Old Successes. Change of bill weekly. Matinees, Daily. Prices, J 5, 25, 35 and 50 Cents. Havlin's Theatre, Sixth and Walnut Sts. Devoted to Melodrama Combinations. Change of bill weekly. Matinees, Sunday, Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. Prices, 15, 25, 35 and 50 Cents. J. I. EPSTEIN, R.eal Estate and Financial Agent Real Estate Bought, Sold and Exchanged. Loans Negotiated. 610 CHESTNUT ST., ST. LOUIS. GEO. D. BARNARD & CO. Manufacturing Stationers. PRINTING, BLANK BOOKS, LITHOGRAPHING. DIRECTORS. GEO. D.BARNARD E. T. USTICK W. K. RICHARDS GEO. S. M'GREW FLOYD SHOCK Laclede and Vandeventer Aves. St. Louis. No order too large for our capacity. No order too small for our careful attention. CHAS. F. VOOEL, REAL ESTATE and FINANCIAL AGENT 624- CHESTNUT STREET, ST LOUIS. Hotel Sto NIchoEa. o o o A strictly modern entirely fireproof European plan hotel of the first-class. Conducted for the accommodation of those who want the best at reasonable cost. Famous for the perfection of its cuisine and service, its beautiful and homelike appointments and splendid location. Every convenience desired by patrons of high -class hotels ♦♦.Three Restaurants... Gentlemen^s Flemish Buffet and Cafe. ST. LOUIS, .fi«rYOU CAN DEPEND UPOtTS ' V^BOUGHT OR RENTED OFI TniEBESOTIERLIN w MV^IC CO , .^^ > U18 OLIVE ST.I liMi Our Sheet Music Stock is the Most Complete in the Louisiana Purchase. CATALOGUES SENT FREE TO ANY ADDRESS. WM. BOOTH fe CO. (WM. BOOTH PAPIN.) R EAL ESTATE AGENTS. Money to Loan at Lowest Rates. 618 Chestnut St., St. Louis. JOHN R. PARSON, ^ REGALIA, . . FLAGS AND BANNERS . . 109 N. Eighth St., St. Louis, Mo. GREENWOOD & CO. S:SHS^SSr?B. Real E>state and Investment Brokers. We make a specialty of furnishing information and data for the con- sideration of non-residents contemplating investments. Bell, Main 70. Kinloch. 1881 A. JOHN H. BOOGHER, Lawyer, >U1TE 600 CARLETON BUILDING, ST. LOUIS. In General Practice, State and Federal Courts. Refer: Carleton Dry Goods Co. Continental National Bank. Mississippi Valley Trust Co. TELEPH0»S|-™S.14V\1S: CHARLES P. JOHNSON, Attorney at Law. ROOMS 812 AND 813 LINCOLN TRUST BUILDING. Residence, 4300 Washington Ave. ST. LOUIS. HENRY BOYD DAVIS, Attorney at Law, 600-603 KOE BUILDING. L. FRANK OTTOFY, Attorney and Counselor, WALTER F. McENTIRE, Attorney and Counselor 36 LACLEDE BUILDING, at Law, FOURTH AND OLIVE STREETS. r'A'RTFTA'Nr TITTTT "HTXr; TELEPHONE, MAIN 44. SIXTH AND OLIVE STREETS, ST. LOUIS. ST. LOUIS. CLINTON ROWeLL, Clinton Rowell ' and J. H. Zumbalen. John H. Douglass, Jr. RIALTO BUILDING, S. E. FOURTH AND OLIVE STS., ST. LOUIS. R CHL^HOUN Iurr»yCarleton Dw»RO S Orr % OrOUHoAre* 3J8X<38 MuSIC HaLL SEATING 4000 NtW COLIStUM SEATING ( (JROUNO AotA Coliseum i90X3is Arcnaii2X222 Olive i3" k' Telephones aCLL MAIN £67 yu, . i_„,„-„„ friNLOCM c 670 W J Atkinson 6ENCRAL MANMiER STCHARLEIS STREETS. w/^1^.^^^- 18TH ANNUAL EXPOSITION Se\)\. 9\\v \o 6c\. m\v, \^0\ AMONG THE ATTRACTIONS ALREADY ARRANGED ARE Vocal Concerts Nightly; Solos, Quartettes, Choruses, Etc. Supplementing Four Concerts Daily by SEYMOUR'S FAMOUS 50. FINE ART EXHIBIT. Mexican, Japanese, Chinese and other Foreign Exhibits by the Philadelphia Commercial Museum. SPECIAL ATTRACTIONS IN COLISEUM. Admission, 25 cents j Children under 12, 10 cents; under 6, Free, THE FERNHOLTZ BRICK MACHINERY CO. MANUFACTURERS OF -^j||yr_,, The Fernholtz Improved Brick Press. The Fernholtz Patent Clay Pulverizer ! ■ ^milHim!!!!^^ * The Fernholtz Clay Mixer Dealers in Brick Yard Supplies Sales Agents "Fuller^^ Elevator • Bucket Machinery Repairing. ST. LOUIS, U. S. A. *'Good All the Way Through. RICHTER'S DURABLE PAINT Made to paint buildings with. A. A. E.BE.RSON & CO., SOLE MANUFACTURERS FOR UNITED STATES TRADE. ST. LOUIS. BALTIMORE. ^o^enberg 'Bond and SfocK.Co. 212 North Fourth Street, St. Louis, Mo. TELEPHONES :{Bfrhn??!?: Execute orders in Stocks, Bonds, Cotton, Grain and Provisions on New York and Chicago Exchangees over our own private wires on 3 to 5 per cent* margin. DR. OZIAS PAQUIN. claimed hundreds of relapses from other treatment will send facsimile letters and endorsements from business firms and ministers of DRUNKENNESS. The excessive use of alcohol produces a disease which yields easily to the PAQUIN IMMUNE TREATMENT. This treatment for alcoholism is self-administered by the patient at home without publicity or de- tention from business. The craving appetite is permanently removed without resorting to will power, as the patient is en- tirely immunized from further desire as well as cured from the disease which causes the desire for the stimulants. It is in high favor as there are no bad after effects. This treatment has re- Upon application we national reputation. PAQUIN CHEMICAL BUILDING IMMUNE COMPANY, Department 24. ST. LOUIS, MO. S Chas. a. Niemeyer, H. p. Fritsch, ^ J President. Sec'y-Treasurer. ^ % ^ m The Pioneer Ready-Mixed Paint Makers of America. ^^ I i I THE VANE-CALVERT PAINT CO. | 1^ ST. LOUIS, U. S.A. I % f, I Makers of the Famous | Palace Car Paints and | 4s \Buehler Phelan Colors. vV % ^ i^ Office, Salesroom and Color Works, I White Lead and Mixed Paint Works, ^ ji 823 LOCUST. | 615617-619 N. MAIN. % ^^^^^^HS^^RWraRS^B- ^"^iBBP^ MANSUR & TEBBETTS IMPL'T CO. St. Louis-Dallas- New Orleans. SOLE AGENTS MAKERS OF CHAS. E. BRADLEY. S. F. QUINETTE. THIRTY YEARS' EXPERIENCE IN ST. LOUIS. 715 CHESTNUT STREET, SALES. KINLOCH, PHONE A 1089. LOANS. RENTING. FAUST & SONS, Oysterand Restaurant Co. WE CONIKOL AND OPERATE 5 PLACES, VIZ., Delniar Garden. Fulton Market, 412-414-416 Elm St. Wholesale Department, 414-416 Elm St. Restaurant and Cafe, Broadway and Elm St. Exposition Cafe, Exposition Building. If you stick it with Reardon's Glue, it stays stuck." Reardon Mnfg. Co, MANUFACTURERS OF Qlue, Curled Hair, Cold Water Paint, Gums, Qlue Substitutes, Disinfectants. Two "actories St. Louis, Mo. Two Factor! « THE PERRY SCHOOL OF ©ratorg anD Dramatic Bit. Y. M. C. A. BUILDING, Cor. Grand and Frankim Aves.,St. Louis, Mo. Our aim is to cultivate the speaking voice, and promote physical culture on the lines of health, grace and develop- ment. All graduates receive diplomas. Individual instruction is given if de- sired. Preparation for orations and public speeches is made a specialty. There is a thorough course for teach- ers in expression. Terms reasonable. Address EDWARD P. PERRY, Director. Headquarters J^or All Classes of RUBBER GOODS " The Largest General Dealers of Rubber Goods in the United States." "lT".tL';s%o Day Rubber Co. ^ifromST. LOUIS..,. THE OFFERS THE MOST COMFORTABLE . . . AND PICTURESQUE ROUTE TO Texasand Oklahoma ##* City Ticket Office : S. E. Cor. Eightli and Olive Sts, THE COTTAGE . .. IN . . . FOREST PARK. HIGH CLASS KAMILY RESORT. 'HE BEST CONCERTS OF EVERYTHING DURING THE AT ALL TIMES. SUMMER IDEAL PLACE TO SPEND AN EVENING. CHAS. SCHWEICKARDT, Proprietor, IdiL ^" §5 o I- <0 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 014 703 921 9 i ^■• r ^.