Ciass_Li^i Book u ,G\fc£^- '• THE ARMS OP THE UNITED STATES, AND OF THE SEVERAL STATES OF THE AMERICAN UNION. "L/ HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, ON A PLAN ADAPTED TO THE CAPACITY OF YOUTH, AND DESIGNED TO AID THE MEMORY BY SYSTEMATIC ARRANGEMENT AND INTERESTING ASSOCIATIONS. BY CHARLES A. GOODRICH. Containing General Views of the Aboriginal Tribes — Sketches of the Discoveries and Settlements made by different Nations — the Progress of the Colonies — the Revolution — the several Administrations, including those of Jackson and Van Buren, and of Harrison, Tyler. Polk, and a part of Taylor's — the whole interspersed with Notices of the different Eras of the Progress of Manners, Religion, Trade and Commerce, Agriculture, Arts and Manufactures, Population and Education. ILLUSTRATED BY EUGRAVIN&S. TO WHICH IS ADDED, THE CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES. REVISED AND ENLARGED FROM FORMER EDITIONS, AND BROUGHT DOWN TO 1850. BOSTON: JENKS, PALMER & CO 1850. Entered according to act of Congress, in the year 1850, BY CHARLES A. GOODRICH, In the Clerk's Office of the District Court of the District of Massachusetts. PREFACE. In the year 1834, the present work underwent a thorough revision, involving several important alterations and additions ; the latter in compliance with a suggestion of the late distin- guished principal* of the Female Seminary in Wethersfield, Ct., whose public recommendation of the work was as flattering as it was unexpected. It had then reached nearly its fiftieth edi- tion. Since that revision, it has been annually issued, to meet the demands of a growing population, to the present time. Meanwhile, time has travelled on, and the important adminis- trations of Gen. Jackson and Mr. Van Buren, and the short but eventful administration of General Harrison, and those of Mr. Tyler, of Mr. Polk, and a part of Gen. Taylor's, have transpired. This edition includes the principal events of each, down to this date ; many of them very interesting and momentous to the rising generation. As to time, therefore, the work is now as complete as can be desired. The principal object of dividing the History into periods is, to aid the memory by presenting certain marked eras, from which the whole subject of dates may be readily and distinctly viewed. Two sizes of type are employed. The matter in larger type is designed to give a, brief outline of the History of the United States, and may be read in connection. The matter in smaller type is to be regarded rather in the light of notes, which, without studying exact regularity, are thrown in as they may subserve the purposes of illustration and completeness in the delineation of events, or as they may contribute to support the interest and establish the recollections of the reader. March. 1850. * P^ev. Joseph Emerson. £n1 -_■■- INTRODUCTION. The study of History presents the following advantages : — 1. It sets before us striking - instances of virtue, enterprise, courage^ generosity, patriotism ; and, by a natural principle of emulation, in* cites us to copy such noble examples. History also presents us with pictures of the vicious ultimately overtaken by misery and shame, and thus solemnly warns us against vice. 2. History, to use the words of Professor Tytler, is the school of politics. That is, it opens the hidden springs of human affairs ; the causes of the rise, grandeur, revolutions and fall of empires : it points out the influence which the manners of a people exert upon a govern- ment, and the influence which that government reciprocally exerts upon the manners of a people : it illustrates the blessings of political union, aRd the miseries of faction ; the dangers of unbridled liberty, and the mischiefs of despotic power. 3 History displays the dealings of God with mankind. It calls upon us often to regard with awe his darker judgments ; and again it awakens the liveliest emotions of gratitude for his kind and benignant dispensations. It cultivates a sense of dependence on him, strength- ens our confidence in his benevolence, and impresses us with a convic- tion of his justice. 4 Resides these advantages, the study of History, if properly con- ducted, offers others, of inferior importance, indeed, but still they are not to be disregarded. It chastens the imagination 5 improves the taste ; furnishes matter for reflection ; enlarges the range of thought j strengthens and disciplines the mind. 5. To the above it may be added, that the History of the United States should be studied, 1. Because it is the history of our own coun- try 2. Because it is the history of the first civil government ever established upon the genuine basis of freedom. 3. Because it furnishes lessons upon the science of civil government, social happiness, and religious freedom, of greater value than are to be found in the history of any other nation on the globe. 4. Because it presents uncommon examples of the influence of religious principle. 5. Because an ac- quaintance with it will enable a person better to fulfil those dutie« which, in a free government, he may be called to discharge. 1# GENERAL DIVISION. The History of the United States of America may be divided into Seventeen Periods, each distinguished by some striking characteristic, or remarkable circumstance. The First Period will extend from the Discovery of America by Columbus, 1492, to the first permanent Eng- lish settlement in America, at Jamestown, Virginia, 1607, and is distinguished for Discoveries. Obs. Previous to the discovery of America in 1492, the inhab- itants of Europe, Asia, and Africa, were of course ignorant of its existence. But soon after this event, several expeditions were fitted out, for the purpose of making discoveries in what was then called the " New World." Accordingly, between 1492 and 1607, the principal countries lying along the eastern coast of North America, were discovered, and more or less explored. Aa our history, during this period, embraces little more than accounts of these expeditions, we characterize it as remarkable for discov- eries. The Second Period will extend from the Settlement of Jamestown, 1607, to the accession of William and Mary to the throne of England, 1689, and is distinguished for Settlements. Obs. During this period our history is principally occupied in detailing the various settlements, which were either effected or attempted, within the boundaries of the United States. It in- cludes, indeed, wars with the natives — disputes between proprie- tors of lands and colonies — the formation of governments, &c. &c. ; but these are circumstances which pertain to, and form a part of, the settlement of new countries. As this period embraces the settlement of most of the original states in the Union, viz. Massachusetts, including Maine, Connecticut, Rhode Island, New Hampshire, New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Maryland, Delaware, North and South Carolina, and Virginia, it is there- fore characterized as remarkable for settlements. GENERAL DIVISION. 7 The Third Period will extend from the accession of William a?id Mary to the throne of England, 1689, fo the declaration of the war by England against France, called " the French and Indian War," 1756, and is re- markable for the three wars of King William, Queen Anne, and George II. The Fourth Period will extend from the Declaration of War by England against France, 1756, to the com- mencement of hostilities by Great Britain against the American Colonies, in the battle of Lexington, 1775, and is distinguished for the French and Indian War. The Fifth Period will extend from the Battle of Lex- ington, 1775, to the disbanding of the American Army at West Point, New York, 1783, and is distinguished for the War of the Revolution. The Sixth Period will extend from the Disbanding of the Army, 1783, to the Inauguration of George Wash- ington, as President of the United States, under the Federal Constitution, 1789, and is distinguished for the Formation and Establishment of the Federal Con- stitution. The Seventh Period will extend from the Inaugura- tion of President Washingto?i, 1789, to the Inauguration of John Adams, as President of the United States, 1797. This period is distinguished for Washington's Adminis- tration. The Eighth Period will extend from the Inaugura- tion of President Adams, 1797, to the Inauguration of Thomas Jefferson, as President of the United States, 1801. This period is distinguished for Adams's Admin- istration. The Ninth Period will extend from the Inauguration of President Jefferson, 1801, to the Inauguration of James Madison, as President of the United States, 1809. This period is distinguished for Jefferson's Administration. The Tenth Period will extend from the Inaguration of President Madison, 1809, to the Inauguration of James Monroe, as President of the United States, 1817. This S GENERAL DIVISION. period is distinguished for Madison's Administration, and the late War with Great Britain. The Eleventh Period will extend from the Inaugu- ration of President Monroe, 1817, to the Inauguration of John Quincy Adams, as President of the United States, 1S25. This period is distinguished for Monroe's Ad- ministration. The Twelfth Period will extend from the Inaugu- ration of President Adams, 1S25, to the Inauguration of Andrew Jackson, as President of the United States, 1829. This period is distinguished for Adams's Adminis- tration. The Thirteenth Period will extend from the Inaugu- ration of President Jackson, 1829, to the Inauguration of Martin Van Buren, as President of the United States, 1837. This period is distinguished for Jackson's Ad- ministration. The Fourteenth Period will extend from the Inau- guration of President Van Buren, 1837, to the Inaugura- tion of William Henry Harrison, as President of the United States, 1841. This period is distinguished for Van Buren's Administration. The Fifteenth Period will extend from the Inaugu- ration of President Harrison, 1841, to the Inauguration of James K. Polk, as President of the United States, 1845. This period is distinguished for Harrison's and Tyler's Administrations. The Sixteenth Period will extend from the Inaugu- ration of President Polk, 1845, to the Inauguration of Zachary Taylor, as President of the United States, 1849. This period is distinguished for Polk's Administration. The Seventeenth Period commences with the In- auguration of President Taylor, 1849, and embraces the most important events to the year 1850. UNITED STATES PERIOD 1. DISTINGUISHED FOR DISCOVERIES. Extending from the Discovery of San Salvador, oy Columbus, 1492, to the first permanent English Settle' ment at Jamestown, Virginia, 1607. Sec. 1. The honor of first making known to the in- habitants of Europe, the existence of a Western Conti- nent, belongs to Spain, as a nation, and to Christopher Columbus, a native of Genoa, as an individual. After the discovery of America by Columbus, other nationa laid claim to this honor ; and thus attempted to deprive the Genoese navigator, as well as the Spanish nation, of the merit to which they were justly entitled. The only nations, however, who appear to have had even the semblance for such a claim, were the Welsh and Norwegians. By the former, it was maintained, that the continent was dis- covered by Madoc, son of Owen Gwynneth, who, returning to his country, again sailed for the land he had discovered, about the year 1170, taking with him ten ships, and 300 men, for the purpose of founding a colony. Of the fate of this expedition, nothing was ever known. As it is well established, however, that the first voyage of Madoc was not a long one, it is justly inferred, that the land, to which he was leading his colony, could not have been more westerly than the islands in the Atlantic, situated about half way between the Eastern and Western Continents, now known by the name of the Azores. The pretensions of the Norteegians were founded upon the dis- covery of an unknown land, some time in the eleventh century, by one Biron or Biorn, an Icelander. During a voyage to Ice- land, which, with Greenland, had been discovered and settled at an earlier date, Biron was driven south-east by a storm, and fell in with a country, to which, from its abounding with vines, he 10 period i.— 1492 to 1607. gave the name of Vincland. In his account of this voyage, tha description given of the appearance of the sun, in the country discovered, would seem to indicate, that it lay in latitude about 44 degrees. The fruits found there bore a resemblance to those now found in Newfoundland, or the country about the Gulf of St. Lawrence. Upon these uncertain data, the Norwegians founded their claims to a priority in the discovery of America ; but, on Biron's return, his discovery appears to have excited little interest among his* countrymen, and to have slept in forge tfulness, until after Co- lumbus had established the existence of a Western World. 2. The voyage of Columbus, which led to the forego- ing important discovery, and of which Ferdinand and Isabella, the sovereigns of the united thrones of Castile and Arragon, were patrons, was commenced on the 3d of August, 1492 ; at which time, the Genoese navigator sailed from Palos, an inconsiderable seaport in Spain, with a fleet, consisting of three small vessels, manned by ninety seamen. On the morning of the 12th of Oc- tober following, he fell in with an island, called by the natives Guanahani ; but to which he gave the name of San Salvador. This island, known on English maps by the name of Cat Island, belongs to the great cluster of the Lucayos, or Bahama Islands. During the same voyage, he discovered several other islands, among which were the important ones of Cuba and Hispaniola Columbus, whose discovery of the above islands led the way to a knowledge of the existence of a Western Continent, was born in the city of Genoa, about the year 1435 or 1436. His fa- ther was a reputable and meritorious man ; by occupation, a wool comber, long resident in the city of Genoa. Columbus was the eldest of four children, having two brothers, Bartholomew and Diego, and one sister. His early education was limited ; but he diligently improved the advantages, which the means of his father enabled him to enjoy. After spending a short time at the University of Pavia, he re turned to his father, whom he assisted in wool-combing. His enterprising disposition, however, prompted him to more, active employment ; and, at the age of fourteen years, we find him entering upon a sea- faring life. Having spent some time in the service of a distant relation, wha followed the seas, he repaired to Lisbon. He was at this time about 34 years of age ; a tall, well-formed, vigorous man j enter- DISCOVERIES. 11 prising in his disposition, and uncommonly dignified in his man ners. Taking up his residence, for a time, at Lisbon, he be* came acquainted with, and married the daughter of a distin- guished navigator, the former governor of Porto Santo, an island in the vicinity of Madeira, about 700 miles south-west from Lisbon. The father of his wife being dead, Columbus resided with his mother-in-law, who gave him the privilege of examining the pa- pers, charts, journals, and memorandums, of her deceased husband. These made Columbus acquainted with many important facts and suggestions, touching the great enterprise in which the Por- tuguese were, at that time, engaged, viz. the discovery of a pas- sage to the East Indies, by doubling the southern extremity of Africa. To a mind inquisitive and enterprising like that of Columbus, this subject was invested with the deepest interest and importance And the more he read and reflected upon the figure of the earth, the stronger was his belief, not merely that a western passage to India was practicable ; but that whoever should be sufficiently enterprising to navigate the Atlantic, by sailing due west, must meet with a large body of land, which might be an extension of the continent of India, designed to balance the lands lying in the eastern hemisphere. In this latter opinion, he was strengthened by various discov- eries in the Atlantic, such as pieces of carved wood, trunks of huge pine-trees, &c, which had been noticed, after long westerly winds ; but especially by . the well-established fact, that the bodies of two men had been cast upon one of the Azore islands, whose features differed from those of any known race of people. Having matured the plan of a voyage, with the above object in view, he first offered to sail under the patronage of the Portu- guese ; but, being disappointed in this application, and despairing of assistance from Henry VII. of England, to whom he had sent his brother Bartholomew, but who, being captured, did not reach England for some time, he repaired to Genoa, and offered to sail under the auspices of that republic. Finding, however, his native state not in a situation favorable to such an undertaking, he next repaired to Spain. By what route, or by what means, Columbus reached Spain, is uncertain. The first trace we have of him, in this country, is as a stranger, on foot, and in humble guise, stopping at the gate of the Convent of Santa Maria de Rabida, not far from the little seaport of Palos, and asking of the porter a little bread and water for a child — his son Diego, whom his deceased wife had left to him. While receiving this humble refreshment, the prior of the convent, happening to pass by, was struck with the appearance of the stranger, and observing, from his air and accent, that he was a foreigner, entered into conversation with him, and soon learned the particulars of his story. 12 period i.— 1492 to 1607. The prior was a man of extensive information, and entered warmly into the views and plans of Columbus. Through his in- fluence, the enterprising navigator was, at length, enabled to lay his plans before Ferdinand and Isabella, then on the united thrones of Castile and Arragon. For a time, these sovereigns were deaf to his application; but, at length, the queen undertook the enterprise, in behalf of the crown of Castile, and, to defray the expense of the outfit and voyage, parted with her royal jewels. The necessary funds being thus provided, a fleet, consisting of three small vessels, was, at no distant time, in a state of readiness for the voyage. Two of these were light barks, called caravals, not superior to river and coasting craft of more modern days. These were open, without deck in the centre, but built high at the prow and stern, with forecastles and cabins for the accommodation of the crew. The names of these vessels were the Pinta and Kind. The ship of Columbus was decked, and of larger dimensions. She was called the Santa Maria. On board this fleet were ninety mariners, together with various private adventurers — in all, one hundred and twenty persons. On Friday, the 3d of August, 1492, early in the morning, the squadron of Columbus set sail from Palos, steering in a south- westerly direction for the Canary Islands, from whence it was his intention to strike due west. Passing over many interesting incidents in their outward voyage — the storms and tempests which they encountered — the de- lusive appearances of land — their hopes and their fears — their high-wrought excitement, and then their deep dejection — the murmurs, and even mutinous spirit of the crew, and the happy expedients of Columbus to raise their courage, and to keep burn- ing within them the spirit of the enterprise — we arrive at the 11th of October, at which time the indications of land were so strong, that, at night, Columbus ordered a double watch, on the forecas- tle of each vessel, and promised to the first discoverer of the long- looked-for land, a doublet of velvet, in addition to the pension of thirty crowns, which had been offered by Ferdinand and Isabella. The greatest animation now prevailed throughout the ships ; not an eye was closed that night. As evening darkened, Columbus took his station on the top of the castle or cabin, on the high poop of his vessel. However he might carry a cheerful and confident countenance during the day, it was to him a time of the most painful anxiety. And now, when wrapped by the shades of night from observation, he maintained an intense and unremitting watch, ranging his eye along the dusky horizon, in search of the most vague indication of land. Suddenly, about ten o'clock, he thought he beheld a light glimmering at a distance. Fearing that his eager hopes might deceive him, he called to Pedro Gu- tierrez, gentleman of the king's bed-chamber, and demanded whether he saw a lijjht in that direction ; the latter replied in the DISCOVERIES. IS affirmative. Columbus, yet doubtful whether it might not be gome delusion of the fancy, called Rodengo Sanchez, of Segovia, and made the inquiry. By the time the latter had ascended the round-house, the light had disappeared. They saw it once or twice afterwards, in sudden and passing gleams, as if it were a torch in the bark of a fisherman, rising and sinking with the waves, or in the hand of some person on shore, borne up and down as he walked from house to house. So transient and uncertain were these gleams, that few attached any importance to them. Columbus, however, considered them as certain signs of land, and, moreover, that the land was inhabited. They continued their course until two in the morning, when a gun from the Pinta gave the joyful signal of land. It was first descried by a mariner, named Roderigo de Friana ; but the reward was afterwards adjudged to the admiral, for having previously perceived the light. The land was now clearly seen about two leagues distant; whereupon they took in sail, and laid to, waiting impatiently for the dawn. The morning at length arrived, October 12th; and before the delighted Spaniards lay a level and beautiful island, several leagues in extent, of great freshness and verdure, and covered with trees like a continual orchard. Columbus, in a rich dress, and with a drawn sword, soon after landed with his men, with whom having kneeled and kissed the 2 *14 period i.— 1492 to 1607. ground with tears of joj-, he took formal possession oi' the island, in the name of Queen Isabella, his patron. On landing, the Spaniards were surprised to find a race of people quite unlike any that they had ever seen before. The}' were of a dusky cop- per color — naked — beardless, with long black hair, floating on their shoulders, or bound in tresses round their heads. The na- tives were still more surprised at the sight of the Spaniards, whom they considered as the children of the sun, their idol. The ships they looked upon as animals, with eyes of lightning, and voices of thunder. Having spent some time in an examination of this island, he proceeded to visit several others not far distant; and at length, (in the 28th of October, came in sight of the important island of Cuba, and not long after fell in with the island of Hispaniola, or San Domingo. Having spent some time in examining the country, and in an amicable traffic with the natives, Columbus set sail on his return. He was overtaken by a storm, which had nearly proved fatal. During the storm, Columbus hastily enclosed in a cake of wax a short account of his voyage and discovery, which he put into a right cask, and threw it into the sea. This he did, hoping that, if he perished, it might fall into the hands of some navigator, or be cast ashore, and thus the knowledge of his discovery be pre- served to the world. But the storm abated, and he arrived safe in Spain, March 15th, 1493. For this discovery, it being the first, and having laid the foundation for all the subsequent discoveries in America, Colum bus was doubtless entitled to the honor of giving a name to the New World. But he was robbed of it by the address of Ameri- cus Vespucius. This adventurer was a Florentine, who sailed to the New World in 1499, with one Alonzo Ojeda, a gallant and active officer, who had accompanied Columbus in his first voyage. On his return, he published so flattering an account of his voyage, that his name was given to the continent, with manifest injustice to Columbus. After this, Columbus made several other voyages, but did not discover the continent of America until Aug. ] , 1498, during his third voyage, on which day, he, for the first time, obtained a view of the main contment, near the mouth of the Oronoco. Yet he was ignorant at the time, that the land in* question was an)' thing more than an island. During this voyage. Columbus was destined to experience severe afflictions. After his departure from Spain, having been appointed governor of the New World, his enemies, by false representations, persuaded the king to appoint another in his place. At the same time, the king was induced to give orders that Columbus should be seized and sent to Spain. This order DISCOVERIES. 15 was executed with rigid severity ; and the heroic Columbus re turned to Spain in irons ! Onhis arrival, he was set at liberty by the king; but he ffevei recovered his authority. Soon after his return from a fuurth voyage, finding Isabella, his patroness, dead, and himself neglected, he sunk beneath his misfortunes and infirmities, and expired on the 20th of May, 150G. His last words were, " Into thy hands, O Lord. I commend my spirit." The body of Columbus was deposited in the convent of St. Francisco, but was afterwards removed to a monastery at Seville, where, for a time, it rested with the remains of his son Diego. The bodies of both, however, were afterwards removed to Hispa- niola. and here again disinterred, and conveyed to Havana, in the island of Cuba, where, in peace, they now repose. We sball conclude this notice of the great pioneer to this west- ern world, in the eloquent language of the author to whom we have been indebted for the principal incidents in the life of this illustrious man.* " He (Columbus) died in ignorance of the real grandeur of his discovery. Until his last breath, he entertained the idea that he had merely opened a new way to the old resorts of opulent commerce, and had discovered some of the wild regions of the East. He supposed Hispaniola to be the ancient Ophir, which had been visited by the ships of Solomon, and that Cuba and Terra Firma were but remote parts of Asia. What visions of glory would have broken upon his mind, could he have known that lie had indeed discovered anew continent, equal to the whole of the old world in magnitude, and separated by two vast oceans from all the earth hitherto Known by civilized man !" 3. The discovery of Columbus naturally excited the attention of the civilized nations of Europe, and they became eager to share with Spain the honors and ad vantages of further discoveries in the new world. A* early as May, 1497, John and Sebastian Cabot, father and son, sailed, under the patronage of Henry VII., king of England, on a voyage of discovery ; and, in June following, fell in with the island of Newfoundland. which they called Prima Vista. Soon after, they dis- covered the smaller island of St. John's and the conti- nent itself . On their return, they pursued a southerly course to Virginia, and, according to others, to the cape of Florida. They returned without attempting a set- tlement, but took possession of the country in behalf of the crown of England. * JrvinS's Columbus 16 period i.— 1492 to 1607. John Cabot appears to have been a native of Venice, but to have settled in England, with his family, some time previous to the above voyage. The commission granted to him by Henry, which is the oldest American state paper of England, bore date March 5th, 1496, although he did not sail until the year follow- ing. This squadron was allowed to consist of six ships, of the burden of two hundred tons ; but, for reasons not well under- stood, they sailed with but two caravals, and three hundred men. These were freighted by the merchants of London and Bristol. They have the honor of making the first discovery of the conti- nent, Columbus not falling in with it until 1498, during his third voyage, as has already been related. The extent of this voyage of the Cabots appears not to have been settled by historians. Some writers suppose that they reached the latitude of 67°, while others make the limits of their voyage the 45th and 38th degrees of north latitude. 4. The French attempted no discoveries on the American coast, until 1524. This year, John Verra- zano, a native of Florence, sailed under the patronage of Francis I of France, and, in the course of his voyage, explored the coast from 30° to 50° of north latitude, and examined Florida with considerable accuracy. Historians differ in their account of this voyage of Verrazano. By some, he is supposed to have first made the American coast where the town of Savannah now stands. Others place his ap- proach in latitude 37°, whence it is supposed that he proceeded south to latitude 34°, in the neighborhood of Wilmington, North Carolina, where he landed. Thence sailing southerly, as far as the 30th degree, he resumed his northern course, touching, it is supposed, at Sandy Hook, and afterwards at some of the islands off Rhode Island,, whence he proceeded northerly to the 50th degree of north latitude, to Newfoundland. The following year, this enterprising navigator made another voyage to the American coast, during which, by some unknown disaster, he was lost, with all his crew. 5. In 1534, James Cartier, under a commission from the king of France, made a voyage to America, in which he visited the island of Newfoundland, and discovered the Gulf of St. Lawrence. The following year, during a second voyage, he proceeded up the Gulf of St. Law- rence, to the Isle of Orleans, and thence as far as Mon- treal. At the former place he spent the winter, and iu the spring returned to France. DISCOVERIES. 17 On his first voyage, Cartier sailed with two small ships, aim one hundred and twenty-two men. On the 10th of May, lit) made the island of Newfoundland ; but, being prevented by the ice from proceeding farther, he sailed southwardly. As soon, however, as the season would permit, he returned to the north, and visited several harbors in Newfoundland and Labrador. Pro- ceeding northerly, with the hope of passing to China, he dis- covered and entered the Gulf of St. Lawrence, but soon after was obliged, on account of unpropitious weather, to return to France. During his second voyage, he reached, as we have stated above, the island on which Montreal stands. Here he found a large Indian settlement, by the inhabitants of which he was well treated. This Indian settlement was called Hochelaga. Cartier gave it the name of Mount Royal, from a mountain in the neighborhood. From this circumstance, the island and city of Montreal derive their name. During the winter, which he passed at the island of Orleans, many of his men died of the scurvy, with w T hich they had been afflicted for some time. It may here be added, that, in 1540, Cartier again visited Ameri- ca, with the intention of forming a settlement. He built a fort at some distance from the Isle of Orleans ; but, in the following spring, not having received anticipated supplies, he set sail to return to France with his colony. At Newfoundland, he met with three ships and two hundred persons, on their way to the new settle- ment. Cartier proceeded on his voyage to France. The other ships continued their course to the fort which Cartier had left. After passing a distressing winter, the whole party, abandoning the settlement, in the spring returned to France. 6. In the spring of 1541, six years from the discovery of the river St. Lawrence, another equally important river, the Mississippi, was discovered. This honor be- longs to Ferdinand de Soto, a Spaniard, who, having projected the conquest of Florida from the natives, ar- rived from Cuba, 1539, with a considerable force. He traversed the country to a great distance, and in the spring of 1541, first discovered the Mississippi, five or six hundred miles from its mouth. # The object of Soto, in traversing so wide an extent of country, appears to have been to search for gold. The summer and win- ter of 1539 he spent in Florida. In 1540, he began his tour north-east, and having crossed the Altamaha, Savannah, and Ogechee rivers, he turned westerly, and, crossing the Alleghanies, proceeded southwardly as far as Mobile and Pensacola. The winter of this year he spent with the Chickasaws. The follow - ing spring, he made the important discovery above mentioned. 2* 18 period l— 1492 to 1607. The following year, he died on the banks of the Red river, soon after which, the remnant of his followers, who, at first, amounted to some hundreds, constructed several small boats, and, having sailed down the Mississippi, returned to Cuba. 7. In 15S4, Sir Walter Raleigh, under a commission from Queen Elizabeth of England, despatched two small vessels, commanded by Amidas and Barlow, to the American coast. On their arrival, they entered Pamli- co sound, now in North Carolina, and thence proceeded to Roanoake, an island near the mouth of Albemarle sound. Here they spent several weeks in trafficking with the natives, but effected no settlement. On their return to England, they gave so splendid a description of the beauty and fertility of the country, that Elizabeth bestowed upon it the name of Virginia, as a memorial that the happy discovery had been made under a virgin queen. Previously to the above voyage, under the auspices of Sir Walter Baleigh, two unfortunate attempts had been made by his brother-in-law, Sir Humphrey Gilbert, to effect a settlement in the new world. Both, however, proved ineffectual ; and during the last, while Sir Humphrey was returning to England, his ves- sel was shipwrecked, and all on board perished. Not discour- aged by the unfortunate issue of the enterprises of Gilbert, Raleigh fitted out an expedition, as we have above stated, in 1584. The report brought back by Amidas and Barlow induced Sir Walter, in 1585, to attempt a settlement at the island of Roanoake. This colony was, in a short time, reduced to great distress, and, in 1586, returned with Sir Francis Drake to Eng- land. The following year, however, another colony was sent out, consisting of one hundred and fifty adventurers. These, most unfortunately, were neglected, in respect to supplies; and when, at length, a vessel was despatched to inquire into their state, not a vestige of them remained. 8. In 1602, Bartholomew Gosnold, in a voyage from Falmouth to the northern part of Virginia, discovered the promontory in Massachusetts bay, which, since hia time, has been known by the name of Cape Cod, from the circumstance of his taking a great number of cod fish at that place. Gosnold was the first Englishman, who, abandoning the circu Rous route by the Canaries and West Indies, came in a direct DISCOVERIES. 19 course to this part of the American continent. He was but seven weeks in making the passage. After the discovery of Cape Cod, coasting south-west, he discovered two islands, one of which he named Martha's Vineyard, and the other Elizabeth island. On the western part of this latter island it was conclud- ed to settle, and a fort and storehouse were accordingly erected ; but, before Gosnold left the place, discontents arising among those who were to form the colony, it was thought expedient to aban- don the settlement and to return to England. The homeward voyage occupied but five weeks. NOTES. 9. As we are now about to enter upon a period which will exhibit our ancestors as inhabitants of this new world, it will be interesting *to know what was its as- pect when they first landed upon its shores. State of the Country. — On the arrival of the first settlers, North America was almost one unbroken wilderness. From the recesses of these forests were heard the panther, the catamount, the bear, the wild-cat, the wolf, and other beasts of prey. From the thickets rushed the buffalo, the elk, the moose, and the carra- bo ; and. scattered on the mountains and plains, were seen the stag and fallow deer. Numerous flocks of the feathered tribe enlivened the air, and multitudes of fish filled the rivers, or glid- ed along the shores. The spontaneous productions of the soil, also, were found to be various and abundant. In all parts of the land grew grapes, which historians have likened to the ancient grapes of Eshcol. In the south were found mulberries, plums, melons, cucumbers, tobacco, corn, peas, beans, potatoes, squashes, pumpions, &c. Acorns, walnuts, chestnuts, wild cherries, cur- rants, strawberries, whortleberries, in the season of them, grew wild in every quarter of the country. 10. Aborigines. — The country was inhabited by nu- merous tribes or clans of Indians. Of their number, at the period the English settled among them, no certain estimate has been transmitted to us. They did riot probably much exceed 150,000 within the compass of the thirteen original states.* In their physical character, the different Indian tribes, within the boundaries of the United States, were nearly the same. Their persons were tall, straight, and well * This is the estimate of Dr. Trumbull 20 period l— 1492 to .1607. proportioned. Their skins were red, or of a copper- brown ; their eyes black, their hair long, black, and coarse. In constitution, they were firm and vigorous, capable of sustaining great fatigue and hardship. As to their general character, they were quick of ap- prehension, and not wanting in genius. At times, they were friendly, and even courteous. In council, they were distinguished for gravity and eloquence ; in war, for bravery and address. When provoked to anger, they were sullen and retired ; and when determined upon revenge, no danger would deter them ; neither ab- sence nor time could cool them. If captured by an enemy, they never asked life ; nor would they betray emo- tions of fear, even in view of the tomahawk, or of the kindling fagot. They had no books or written literature, except rude hieroglyph- ics ; and education among them was confined to the arts of war, hunting, fishing, and the few manufactures which existed among them, most of which every male was more or less instructed in. Their language was rude, bat sonorous, metaphorical, and ener- getic. It was well suited to the purposes of public speaking ; and, when accompanied by the impassioned gestures, and uttered with the deep guttural tones of the savage, it is said to have had a singularly wild and impressive effect. They had some few war- songs, which were little more than an unmeaning chorus; but, it is believed, they had no other compositions which were preserved. Their arts and manufactures were confined to the construction of wigwams, bows and arrows, wampum, ornaments, stone hatch- ets, mortars for pounding corn; to the dressing of skins, weaving of coarse mats from the bark of trees, or a coarse sort of hemp, &c. Their agriculture was small in extent, and the articles they cultivated were few in number. Corn, beans, peas, potatoes, melons, and a few others of a similar kind, were all. Their skill in medicine was confined to a few simple prescrip- tions and operations. Both the cold and warm bath were often applied, and a considerable number of plants were used with suc- cess. For some diseases they knew no remedy, in which case they resorted to their powow, or priest, who undertook the re- moval of the disease by means of sorcery. It may be remarked, however, that the diseases to which the Indians were liable, were few, compared with those which pre vail in civilized society. DISCO VKIUi:^. I The employments of the men were principally bursting, fishing, and tear. The women dressed the food, took charge of the do- mestic concerns, tilled their narrow and scanty fields, and per- formed almost all the drudgery connected with their household affairs. The amusements of the men were principally leaping, shooting at marks, dancing, gaming, and hunting, in all of which they made the most violent exertions. Their dances were usually per- formed round a large fire. In their war-dances, they sung or re- cited the feats which they or their ancestors had achieved ; represented the manner in which they were performed, and wrought themselves up to an inexpressible degree of martial en- thusiasm. The females occasionally joined in some of these sports, but had none peculiar to themselves. Their dress was various. In summer, they wore little besides a covering about the waist; but in winter, they clothed themselves in the skins of wild beasts. They were exceedingly fond of or- naments. On days of show and festivity, their sachems wore mantles of deer-skin, embroidered with white beads, or copper ; or they were painted with various devices. Hideousness was the object aimed at in painting themselves. A chain of fish-bones about the neck, or the skin of a wild-cat, was the sign of royalty. For habitations, the Indians had weekwams, or wigwams, as pronounced by the English. These originally consisted of a strong pole, erected in the centre, around which, at the distance 22 period i.— 1492 to 1607. of ten or twelve feet, other poles were driven obliquely into the ground, and fastened to the centre pole at the top. Their cover ings were of mats, or barks of trees, well adjusted so as to render them dry and comfortable. Their domestic utensils extended not beyond a hatchet of stone . a few shells and sharp stones, which they used for knives ; stone mortars for pounding corn, rzid some mats and skins upon which they slept. They sat, and ate, and lodged, on the ground. With shells and stones they scalped their enemies, dressed their game, cut their hair, &c. They made nets of thread, twisted from the bark of Indian hemp, or of the sinews of the moose and deer. For fish-hooks, they used bones which were bent. Their food was of the coarsest and simplest kind — the flesh, and even the entrails, of all kinds of wild beasts and birds ; and, in their proper season, green corn, beans, peas, &c. &c, which they cultivated, and other fruits, which the country spon- taneously produced. Flesh and fish they roasted on a stick, or broiled on the fire. In some instances, they boiled their meat and corn by putting hot stones in water. Corn they parched, es- pecially in the winter ; and upon this they lived in the absence of other food. The money of the Indians, called icamjmm, consisted of small beads wrought from shells, and strung on belts, and in chains. The wampum of the New England Indians was black, blue, and white. That of the Six Nations was of a purple color. Six of the white beads, and three of black, or blue, became of the value of a penny. A belt of wampum was given as a token of friend- ship, or as a seal or confirmation of a treaty. There was little among them that could be called society. Except when roused by some strong excitement, the men were generally indolent, taciturn, and unsocial. The women were too degraded and oppressed to think of much besides their toils. Removing, too, as the seasons changed, or as the game grew scarce, or as danger from a stronger tribe threatened, there was little opportu- nity for forming those local attachments, and those social ties, which spring from a long residence in a particular spot. Their lan- guage also, though energetic, was too barren to serve the purposes of familiar conversation. In order to be understood and felt, it required the aid of strong and animated gesticulation, which could take place only when great occasions excited them. .It seems, therefore, that they drew no considerable part of their enjoyments from intercourse with one another. Female beauty had little power over the men ; and all other pleasures gave way to the strong impulses of public festivity, or burning captives, or seeking murderous revenge, or the chase, of war, or glory. War was the favorite employment of the savages of North America. It roused them from the lethargy into which they fell when they ceased from the chase, and furnished them an oppor- DISCOVERIES. 23 tumty to distinguish themselves — to achieve deeds of glory, and taste the sweets of revenge. Their weapons were bows and ar- rows headed with flint or other hard stones, which they dis- charged with great precision and force. The southern Indiana used targets made of bark ; the Mohawks clothed themselves with skins, as a defence against the arrows of their enemies. When they fought in the open field, they rushed to the attack with incredible fury ; and, at the same time-, uttered their appal- Xng war-whoop. Those whom they had taken captive they often tortured with every variety of cruelty, and to their dying ago- nies added every species of insult. If peace was concluded on, the chiefs of the hostile tribes ratified the treaty by smoking, in succession, the same pipe, called the calumet, or pipe of peace. The government of the Indians, in general, was an absolute mon- archy, though it differed in different tribes. The will of the sachem was law. In matters of moment, he consulted his counsellors ; but his decisions were final. War and peace, among some tribes, seem to have been determined on in a council formed of old men, distin- guished by their exploits. When in council, they spoke at pleas- ure, and always listened to the speaker with profound and re- spectful silence. " When propositions for war or peace were made, or treaties proposed to them by the colonial governors, they met the ambassadors in council, and, at the end of eacn paragraph or proposition, the principal sachem delivered a short stick to one of his council, intimating that it was his peculiar duty to remem- ber that paragraph. This was repeated, till every proposal was finished ; they then retired to deliberate among themselves. Af- ter their deliberations were ended, the sachem, or some counsel- lors to whom he had delegated this office, replied to every para- graph in its turn, with an exactness sear<$ely exceeded in the written correspondence of civilized powers. Each man actually remembered what was committed to him, and, with his assistance, the person who replied remembered the whole." T'he religious notions of the natives consisted of traditions, mingic'd with many superstitions. Like the ancient Greeks, Ro- mans, Persians, Hindoos, &c. they believed in the existence of two gods, the one good, who was the superior,. and whom they styled the Great or Good Spirit ; the other evil. They worship- ped both ; and of both formed images of stone, to which they paid religious homage. Besides these, they worshipped various other deities — fire, water , thunder — any thing which they conceived to be superior to themselves, and capable of doing them injury The manner of worship was to sing and dance round large fires Besides dancing, they offered prayers, and sometimes sweet- scented powder. Jn Virginia, the Indians offered blood, deer's suet, and tobacco. Of the creation and the deluge, they had dis- tinct traditions. Marriage among them was generally a temporary contract 24 period i.— 1492 to 1607. The men chose their wives agreeably to fancy, and put them away at pleasure. Marriage was celebrated, however, with some cere- mony, and, in many instances, was observed with fidelity; not unfrequently it was as lasting as life. Polygamy was common among them. Their treatment of females was cruel and oppressive. They were considered by the men as slaves, and treated as such. Those forms of decorum between the sexes, which lay the foun- dation for the respectful and gallant courtesy, with which women are treated in civilized society, were unknown among them. Of course, females were not only required to perform severe labor, bul often felt the full weight of the passions and caprices of the men. The rites of burial , among the Indians, varied but little through out the continent. They generally dug holes in the ground, with sharpened stakes. In the bottom of the grave were laid sticks, upon which the corpse, wrapped in skins and mats, was deposited. The arms, utensils, paints, and ornaments of the deceased, were buried with him. and a mound of earth raised over his grave. Among some tribes in New England, and among the Five Nations, the dead were buried in a sitting posture, with their laces towards the east. During the burial, they uttered the most lamentable cries, and continued their mourning for several days. The origin of the Indians inhabiting the country, on the arrival of the English colonists, is involved in much obscurity ; and sev- eral different answers have been given by learned men to the in- quiry, Whence did they come to America? The opinion best sup- ported is, that they originated in Asia, and that at some former period, not now to be ascertained, they emigrated from that coun try to America, over which, in succeeding years, their descend- ants spread. This opinion is rendered the more probable by the fact, that the figure, complexion, dress, manners, customs, &c. &c, of the nations of both continents, are strikingly similar. That they might have emigrated from the eastern continent is evident, since, in latitude (i6°, the two continents are not more than forty miles distant from each other ; and between them are two islands less than twenty miles distant from either shore. REFLECTIONS. 11. We shall find it pleasant and profitable occasionally to pause in our history, and consider what instruction may be drawn from the portion of it that has been perused. In the story of Columbus, we are introduced to a man of ge- nius, energy, and enterprise. We see him forming a new, and, in that age, a mighty project ; and, having matured his plan, we see him set himself vigorously about its execution. For a time he is either treated as a visionary or baffled by opposition. But, neither discouraged nor dejected, he steadily pursues his purpose, DISCOVERIES. "25 surmounts every obstacle, and at length spreads his sails upon the unknown waters of the Atlantic. A kind Providence au- spiciously guides his way, and crowns his enterprise with the un- expected discovery of a new world. While we admire the lofty qualities of Columbus, and look with wonder at the consequences which have resulted from his discovery, let us emulate his decision, energy, and perseverance. Many are the occasions, in the present world, on which it will be important to summon these to our aid ; and, by their means, many useful objects may be accomplished, which, without them, would be unattained. But, while we thus press forward in the career of usefulness — while we aim to accomplish for our fellow men all the amount of food in our power, let us moderate our expectations of reward ere, by the consideration that Columbus died the victim of in- gratitude and disappointment. Another consideration, of still deeper interest, is suggested by the story of Columbus. We , who live to mark the wonderful events which have flowed from his discovery, within the short space of three centuries, cannot but advert with awe to Him who attaches to the actions of a single individual a train of consequences so stupendous and unexpected. How lightly soever, then, we may think of our conduct, let us remember, that the invisible hand of Providence may be connecting with our smallest actions the most momentous results to ourselves and others. With respect to Americus Vespucius, it may be observed, that, although he deprived Columbus of the merited honor of giving his name to the new world, and gained this distinction for him- self, still his name will ever remain stigmatized, as having ap- propriated that to himself which fairly belonged to another. 3 UNITED STATES. PERIOD II. DISTINGUISHED FOR SETTLEMENTS Extending from the first permanent English Settlement at Jamestoivn, Virginia, 1607, to the Accession of William and Mary to the Throne of England, 1689. Sec. 1. Prior to the year 1607, a period of 115 years from the discovery of San Salvador by Columbus, seve- ral attempts, some of which we have noticed, were made to effect settlements in various parts of North America ; but none had proved successful. A sufficient reason may be assigned for the failure of the seve- ral attempts to effect permanent settlements in North America, viz. that they were undertaken upon individual responsibility, with bad calculations, and intrusted, in most instances, to men of mer- cenary views. And, as to the sovereigns of Europe, they were too much occupied with affairs at home, to engage in speculations abroad. Besides, no prince or statesman in Europe appears to have foreseen the advantages of planting colonies in this northern continent. Had it contained mines of gold and silver, like South America, they would have contended with one another for the prize. But it seems not to have been conceived how numerous, hardy colonies, could give such strength, opulence and grandeur to empires, as could never be derived from the gold and rich pro- ductions of the southern regions. One advantage, however, re- sulted to the nations of Europe, and which, for many years, they enjoyed in common, viz. the-fishery on the banks of Newfound- land'. For a time, it was prosecuted to an inconsiderable extent ; but, at length, it ripened into a system, and became a source of national emolument. SETTLEMENTS. 41 2. The year 1607 marks the era when the first per- manent settlement was effected by Europeans in North America. In the month of May of this year, a colony from England, consisting of one hundred and five per- sons, arrived in Virginia; and, on a beautiful peninsula in James river, began a settlement, which they called Jamestown. 3. This name was given to the above settlement in honor of James I. of England, who, the year previously, had granted to two companies, called the London and Plymouth companies, the lands in Narth America em- braced between the 34th and 45th degrees of north lati- tude — the southern part, called South Virginia, to the London, and the northern, called North Virginia, to the Plymouth company. The London company consisted of Sir Thomas Gates, Sir George Somers, Richard Hackluyt, Edward Maria Wingfield, &c. These were authorized to make a settlement at any place between the 34th and 41st degrees of latitude ; and in them was 28 period ii. — 1607 to 1689. vested the right of property in the land extending fifty miles each way from their place of habitation, reaching one hundred miles into the country. The Plymouth company consisted of Thomas Hanham, Raleigh Gilbert, William Parker. George Popham, and others, principally inhabitants of Bristol, Plymouth, and the east- ern parts of England. To this company was granted the lands between the 38th and 45th degrees of latitude. They were vest- ed with the right of property in lands to the same extent as in the southern colony : neither company, however, were to form set- tlements within one hundred miles of the other. 4. Under the auspices of the London company, the first settlement in Virginia was commenced. The expe- dition was commanded by Capt. Christopher Newport ; but the government of the colony was framed in Eng- land, before it sailed. It was to consist of a council of seven persons, with a president, to be elected by the council from their number. Who composed it was un- known at the time the expedition sailed, their names being carefully concealed in a box, which was to be opened after their arrival. The original intention of the colony was to form a settlement at Roanoake ; but, being driven by a violent storm north of that place, they discovered the entrance of Chesapeake bay, the capes of which they named Charles and Henry. Entering this, they at length reached a convenient spot upon which to com- mence a settlement. The code of laws, hitherto cautiously concealed, was now pro- mulgated ; and, at the same time, the council appointed in Eng- land was made known. It consisted of Bartholomew Gosnold, John Smith, Edward Wingfield, Christopher Newport. John Ratcliffe, John Martin, and George Kendall. Mr. Wingfield was chosen president. Among the most enterprising and useful members of this col- ony, and one of its magistrates, was Capt. John Smith. In his youth, he had been apprenticed to a merchant ; but, being of a roving turn, he quitted his master; and, although at this time but thirteen years of age, he travelled in France, whence he pro- ceeded to the Netherlands, Egypt, and Germany, and, at length, entered the service of the emperor of Austria, who was engaged in a war with the Turks. The regiment in which he served was engaged in several hazardous enterprises, in which Smith exhibited a bravery ad- mired by all the army ; and when Meldrick left the imperial service for that of his native prince, Smith followed SETTLEMENTS. 29 At the siege of Regal, he was destined to new adventures. The Ottomans, deriding the slow advance of the Transylvania array, the Lord Turbisha despatched a messenger with a chal- lenge, that, for the diversion of the ladies of the place, he would fight any captain of the Christian troops. The honor of accepting this challenge was determined by lot, and fell on Smith. At the time appointed, the two champions appeared in the field on horseback, and, in the presence of the armies, and of the ladies of the insulting Ottoman, rushed im- petuously to the attack. A short, but desperate conflict ensued, at the end of which Smith was seen bearing the head of the lifeless Turbisha in triumph to his general. The fall of the chief filled his friend Crualgo with indigna- tion, and roused him to avenge his death. Smith accordingly soon after received a challenge from him, which he did not hes- itate to accept ; and the two exasperated combatants, upon their chargers, fell with desperate fury upon each other. Victory again followed the falchion of Smith, who sent the Turk headlong to the ground. It was now the turn of Smith to make the advance. He de- spatched a message, therefore, to the Turkish ladies, that if they were desirous of more diversion of a similar kind, they should be welcome to his head, in case their third champion could take it Bonamalgro tendered his services, and haughtily accepted the Christian's challenge. When the day arrived, the spectators as- sembled, and the combatants entered the field. It was an hour of deep anxiety to all : as the horsemen approached, a deathlike silence pervaded the multitude. A blow from the sabre of the Turk brought Smith to the ground ; and, for a moment, it seemed as if the deed of death was done. Smith, however, was only stunned. He rose like a lion when he shakes the dew from his mane for the fight, and, vaulting into his saddle, made his fal- chion " shed fast atonement for its first delay." It is hardly necessary to add, that the head of Bonamalgro was added to the number. In a general battle, in which he was subsequently engaged, he was wounded and taken prisoner. On Ms recovery, he was sold as a slave, and was taken to Constantinople. He was re- quired to wait upon the lady of his master, who, captivated by his fine appearance, sent him, in the absence of her husband, to the care of her brother, who resided near the sea of Asoph. But he, being of a cruel disposition, treated Smith with so much inhumanity, that, one day, in a fit of desperation, he killed his new master, and fled into Russia. From this country, he trav elled through Germany, France, and Spain; and, at length, re turned once more to England. At this time, the settlement of America was occupying tha attention of many distinguished men in England. The life of 3 * 30 period ii.— 1607 to 1689. Smith, united to his fondness for enterprises of danger and diffi culty, had prepared him to embark with zeal in a project so novel and sublime as that of exploring the wilds of a newly-dis covered continent. He was soon attached to the expedition about to sail under Newport, and was appointed one of the magistrates of the colo- ny sent over at that time. Before the arrival of the colony, hia colleagues in office, becoming jealous of his influence, arrested him on the absurd charge, that he designed to murder the coun- cil, usurp the government, and make himself king of Virginia. He was, therefore, rigorously confined during the remainder of the voyage. On their arrival in the country, he was liberated, but could not obtain a trial, although, in the tone of conscious integrity, he repeatedly demanded it. The infant colony was soon involved in perplexity and danger. Notwithstanding Smith had been calumniated, and his honor deeply wounded, his was not the spirit to remain idlej when his services were needed. Nobly disdaining revenge, he offered his assistance, and, by his talents, experience, and indefatigable zeal, furnished important aid to the infant colony. Continuing to assert his innocence, and to demand a trial, the time at length arrived, when his enemies could postpone it no longer. After a fair hearing of- the case, he was honorably ac- quitted of the charges alleged against him, and soon after took his seat in the council. The affairs of the colony becoming more settled, the active spirit of Smith prompted him to explore the neighboring country. In an attempt to ascertain the source of Chickahoming river, he ascended, in a barge, as far as the stream was uninterrupted. Designing to proceed still farther, he left the barge in the keeping of the crew, with strict injunctions on no account to leave her / and, with two Englishmen and two Indians, left the party. But no sooner was he out of view, than the crew, impatient of re- straint, repaired on board the barge, and, proceeding some dis- tance down the stream, landed at a place where a body of In- dians lay in ambush, by whom they were seized. By means of the crew, the route of Smith was ascertained, and a party of Indians were immediately despatched to take him. On coming up with him, they fired, killed the Englishmen, and wounded himself. With great presence of mind, he now tied his Indian guide to his left arm, as a shield from the enemies' ar- rows, while, with his musket, he despatched three of the most forward of the assailants. - In this manner, he continued to retreat towards his canoe, while the Indians, struck with admiration of his bravery, fol- lowed with respectful caution. Unfortunately, coming to a sunken spot filled with mire, while engrossed with eyeing his SETTLEMENTS. 31 pursuers, he sunk so deep as to be unable to extricate himself, and was forced to surrender. Fruitful in expedients, to avert immediate death, he presented an ivory compass to the chief, whose attention was arrested by the vibrations of the needle. Taking advantage of the impres- sion which he had thus made, partly by signs and partly by lan- guage, he excited their wonder still more, by telling them of ;ta singular powers. Their wonder, however, seemed soon to abate, and their at- tention returned to their prisoner. He was now bound, and tied to a tree, and the savages were preparing to direct their arrows at his breast. At this instant, the chief holding up the compass, they laid down their arms, and led him in triumph to Powhatan, their king. Powhatan and his council doomed him to death, as a man whose courage and genius were peculiarly dangerous to the Indians. Preparations were accordingly made ; and when the time arrived, Smith was led out to execution. His head was laid upon a stone, and a club presented to Powhatan, who himself claimed the honor of becoming the executioner. The savages in silence were circling round, and the giant arm of Powhatan had already raised the club to strike the fatal blow, when, to his astonishment, the young and beautiful Pocahontas, his daughter, with a shriek of terror, rushed from the throng, and threw her* 82 period ii.— 1607 to 1689. self upon the body of Smith. At the same time, she cast an imploring look towards her furious, but astonished father, and, in all the eloquence of mute, but impassioned sorrow, besought his life. The remainder of the scene was honorable to Powhatan. The club of the chief was still uplifted ; but a father's pity had touched his heart, and the eye that had at first kindled with wrath was now fast losing its fierceness. He looked round as if to col- lect his fortitude, or perhaps to find an excuse for his weakness, in the pity of the attendants. A similar sympathy had melted the savage throng, and seemed to join in the petition which the weeping Pocahontas felt, but durst not utter, " My father, let the prisoner live." Powhatan raised his daughter, and the cap- tive, scarcely yet assured of safety, from the earth. Shortly after, Powhatan dismissed Capt. Smith, with assur- ances of friendship ; and the next morning, accompanied with a guard of twelve men, he arrived safely at Jamestown, after a captivity of seven weeks.* In 1609, circumstances having arisen to interrupt the friendly dispositions of Powhatan towards the colony, he plotted their entire destruction. His design was to attack them unapprized, and to cut them off at a blow. In a dark and stormy night, the heroic Pocahontas hastened alone to Jamestown, and disclosed the inhuman plot of her father. The colony were thus put on their guard, and their ruin averted. It may be interesting to add, concerning Pocahontas, that some time after this, she was married to an English gentleman of the name of Rolfe, with whom she visited England. She embraced the Christian religion, and was baptized by the name of Rebec- ca. She left one son, who had several daughters, the descend- ants of whom inherited her lands in Virginia, and are among the most respectable families in that state. 5. The colony, thus commenced, soon experienced a variety of calamities, incidental, perhaps, to infant settle- ments, Out not the less painful and discouraging. Ineffi- ciency and a want of harmony marked the proceedings of the council. Provisions were scarce, and of a poor quality. The neighboring tribes of Indians became jealous and hostile ; and, more than all, sickness spread among them, and carried a large proportion of their number to an early grave. By the middle of July, they were so distressed with the bad- ness and scarcity of provisions, with sickness, labor, and contin- * Burk'a Virginia. SETTLEMENTS. 33 nal guarding against the enemy, that scarcely ten of the whole company could walk, or even stand alone. By the end of the month, fifty of their number were no more. Among the dead, was that enterprising gentleman, Captain Gosnold, the projector of the whole scheme of the plantation. To increase their misfortunes, the president embezzled the public stores, and attempted to run away with the company's bark, and to return to England. It was therefore found neces- sary, for the common safety, to displace him. Mr. RatclifFe was elected to the presidency. But it very soon appeared that his abilities were by no means equal to the exigencies of the compa- ny ; and the whole weight of government fell, therefore, on Capt. John Smith.* The condition of the colony was, at length, somewhat im- proved, and their courage renewed, by the arrival of Capt. New- port, (who had been despatched to England,) with a supply of provisions, and an additional number of men. This number was not long after augmented, and a further supply of necessaries re- ceived, by the arrival of Capt. Nelson, who had sailed in company with Newport, but who had been separated from him during a storm, and for .some time was supposed to be lost. With these accessions, the colonists now amounted to two hundred men. This number was still further increased, before the end of 1608, by the arrival of seventy colonists, among whom were many persons of distinction. yS^ 6. Early in the year 1609, the London company, not having realized th/ir anticipated profit from their new establishment in/America, obtained from the king a new charter, with more ample privileges. Under this charter, Thomas West/ otherwise called Lord De la War, was appointed governor for life. The company, under their new act of incorporation, was styled, " The treasurer and company of adventurers and planters for the first colony in Virginia." They were now granted in absolute property, what had formerly been conveyed only in trust — a territory extending from Point Comfort two hundred miles north and south, along the coast, and throughout the land from sea to sea. 7. Lord De la War, being appointed governor of the colony, but not being able to leave England, immediately despatched to America nine ships and five hundred men, under command of Sir Thomas Gates, his lieutenant, and * Trumbull 34 period ii.— 1607 to 1689. Sir George Summers, his admiral. Eight of these ships arrived in safety at Jamestown, in the month of August ; but that on board of which was Sir Thomas and other officers, being wrecked on the Bermudas, did not arrive till May of the following year. The ship, thus wrecked, contained one hundred and fifty per- sons, the whole of whom were, for a time, in extreme danger of being lost. For three days, they were obliged to labor incessant- ly at the pump. The leak, however, still increasing, it was attempted to run her on shore ; but she stranded, at the distance of three quarters of a mile from land. By the help of .the boats, however, the crew and passengers were all saved ; and, having built two small vessels, again set sail for Virginia, where they arrived at the time stated above. 8. At the time Sir Thomas and the other officers ar- rived, the colony had become reduced to circumstances of great depression. Capt. Smith, in consequence of a severe accidental wound, had some time before returned to England. His departure was followed by disastrous consequences. Subordination and industry ceased ; the Indians became hostile, and refused the usual supplies of provisions. Famine ensued; and to such extremities had they sunk, that the skins of the horses were de- voured, as were also the bodies of Indians whom they had killed, and even the remains of deceased friends. Of five hundred persons, sixty only remained. At this juncture, the shipwrecked from Bermuda arrived. An immediate return to England was resolved upon ; and, with that intent, they embarked. But, just as they were leaving the mouth of the river, Lord De la War fortu- nately appeared, with supplies of men and provisions, and they were persuaded to return. By means of his judicious management, the condition of the colony soon wore a better aspect, and for several years continued to prosper. It was unfortunate, however, for the colony, that ill health obliged Lord De la War, in March. 1611, to leave the adminis- tration. He was succeeded by Sir Thomas Dale, who arrived in May. Hitherto, no right of property in land had been establish- ed, but the produce of labor was deposited in public stores, and SETTLEMENTS. 35 shared in common. To remedy the indolence and indifference growing out of such a system, Sir Thomas assigned to each in- habitant a lot of three acres as his own, and a certain portion of time to cultivate it. The advantages of this measure were soon so apparent, that another assignment of fifty acres waa made, and not long after the plan of working in a common field was abandoned 9. Iii 1613, several Dutch merchants erected a fort on Hudson's river, where Albany now stands, and a few trading houses on the island of New York, at that time called by the Indians Manhattan. Hudson's river derives its name from Henry Hudson, an Eng- lishman by birth, but who, at the time of this discovery, was in the service of the Dutch East India Company. Hudson left the Texel on the 20th of March, 1609, with the design of penetrat- ing to the East Indies by sailing a .north-westward course. Failing in this, he proceeded along the shores of Newfoundland, and thence southward as far as Chesapeake and Delaware bays. Thence returning northward, he discovered and sailed up the river which now bears his name. By virtue of this discovery, the Dutch laid claim to the coun- try, and the following year several Dutch merchants sent ships to the river to open a trade with the natives, The claim thus set up by the Dutch, was denied by the court of England, not on the ground that Hudson was not the first to discover and en- ter the river, but that, being an English subject, the right to the country belonged to them. The Dutch, having planted themselves at Manhattan, were visited the same year by Capt. Argal, of Virginia, with a naval force, who demanded the surrender of the place to the English crown, as properly constituting a part of Virginia. The Dutch governor, finding himself incapable of resistance, submitted him- self and his colony to the king of England, and under him to the governor of Virginia. Notwithstanding this surrender, the country still continued to be called, as before, New Netherlands, and the settlement, the place where New York now stands, New Amsterdam. These names they retained till the final conquest of the country by the English, in 1(5(14. (See Sec. 37.) 1(5. In 1614, Capt. John Smith sailed from England, with two ships, to North Virginia. During this voyage, he ranged the coast from Penobscot to Cape Cod, and gave names to several points of land, which now, for the first time, were discovered. On . his return home> hav- ing formed a map of the country, he presented it to 36 period ii.— 1607 to 1689. Prince Charles, who, in the warmth of admiration, de* clared that the country should be called New England. Cape Ann was so called by the prince in filial respect to his mother. 11. The year 1619 forms a memorable epoch in the history of Virginia, a provincial legislature being at this time introduced, in which the colonists (vere represented by delegates chosen by themselves. This colonial assembly, the first legislature to which the peo- ple of America sent representatives, was convoked by Sir George Yeardly, the governor-general of the colony, and met at James- town, on the 19th of June. Before this, the colonists had been ruled rather as soldiers in garrison, by martial law; but now they were invested with the privileges of freemen. They were di- vided into eleven corporations, each of which was represented in the assembly. The following year, the colony received a large accession to their number. Eleven ships arrived, with twelve hundred and sixty persons, for settlement. Nearly one thousand colonists were resident here before. In order to attach them still more to the country, Sir Edwin Sandys, the treasurer of the company, recommended to send over a number of young women of reputa- ble character, to become wives to the planters. Accordingly, ninety at this time came over, and sixty the following year. These were sold to the planters at the price, at first, of one hun- dred, and, afterwards, one hundred and fifty pounds of tobacco. Tobacco, at this time, was worth three shillings per pound. Debts incurred for the purchase of wives were recoverable before any others. Accessions to the colony, of a different character, were also made about this time. By order of King James, one hundred persons of profligate character, who had rendered themselves obnoxious to government by their crimes, were sent to the colony by way of punishment. This, perhaps designed for its benefit, ad the exiles were chiefly employed as laborers, was ultimately prejudicial to its prosperity. During the year 1620, slave-holding was introduced into the colony. A Dutch ship from Africa, touching at Jamestown, landed twenty negroes for sale. These were purchased by the planters ; and with these was introduced an evil into the coun- try, the sad effects of which are felt to the present day. 12. The year 1620 marks the era of the first settling of New England. On the 22d of December of this year, a colony originally from England, known by the SETTLEMENTS. 37 fiame of Puritans, landed at Plymouth, Massachu* setts, and began the settlement of that place. Although natives of England, they were driven thence by the arm of persecution, for urging a more thorough reformation in the church of England. They fled from England, first to Amsterdam, in Hol- land, in 1G07, with their pastor, the Rev. Mr. Robin- son. From Amsterdam, they soon after removed to Ley den, where they continued until they embarked for America. Among the motives which influenced them to remove to America, the prospect of enjoying " a purer worship and greater liberty of conscience," was the principal. To secure these objects, they were willing to become exiles from a civilized country, and encounter the dan- gers and privations which might meet them in a wil- derness. The people who first settled New England were principally from the counties of Nottinghamshire, Lancashire, and York- shire. In these counties, there prevailed, about the year 1602, an extensive revival of religion. The new converts, wishing to worship God in a manner more simple than was observed in the established church, but not being allowed to do it while they continued members of it, agreed upon a separation from it; and, for the sake of peace, and more liberty of conscience, resolved upon a removal to the States of Holland, which, at that time, granted a free toleration to different denominations of Prot- estants. The leader of these emigrants, in the year 1607, was an able and pious man, Mr. John Robinson, who, with his congregation, having disposed of their property, prepared for their removal, with a design to fix themselves at Amsterdam ; but now they found the ports and harbors carefully watched ; and, the design of this congregation being suspected, strict orders were given that they should not be suffered to depart. They were compelled to use the most secret methods, to give extravagant fees to seamen, by whom, notwithstanding, they were often betrayed. Twice they attempted to embark, but were discovered and prevented. At another time, having got onboard a ship, with their effects, the ship-master sailed a little distance, and then returned, and delivered them to the resentment of their enemies. The next year, they made another attempt, in which, after the 4 38 period ii.— 1607 to 1689 severest trials, they succeeded. Having engaged a ship belong- ing to Holland, for their conveyance, they were going on board By some treachery, their enemies had been informed of their design, and, at this juncture, a great number of armed men came upon them. A part of the men were on board, without any of their effects ; the women and children were in a bark approach- ing the ship. The Dutch captain, apprehensive of danger to himself, hoisted sail, and, with a fair wind, directed his course to Holland. The passengers used every effort to persuade him to return, but in vain. They saw their wives and children fall into the hands of merciless enemies, while unable to afford them any re- lief. They had none of their effects, not "even a change of clothes, on board. A violent storm came on, which raged seven days, without intermission. By the violence of the storm, they were driven to the coast of Norway. On a sudden, the sailors exclaimed, " The ship has foundered; she sinks; she sinks!" The seamen trem- bled in despair ; the pilgrims looked up to God, and cried, " Yet, Lord, thou canst save; yet, Lord, thou canst save." To the astonishment of all, the vessel soon began to rise ; rode out the storm, and, at length, reached its destined port. After some time, all their friends who had been left, arrived safely in Hol- land. This congregation fixed their residence at Amsterdam. But, in consequence of some unhappy disputes which then agitated the other English churches in that city, they thought it prudent to remove. Accordingly, they retired the next year, and settled in the city of Leyden. Here they were kindly received, and enjoyed a quiet habitation. As the flames of religious tyranny and persecution continued to rage in England, many of their countrymen joined them. Under the able ministry of their be- loved pastor, they continued in great union and prosperity, and became a numerous congregation. After remaining a number of years in Holland, this little flocb found their situation, on many accounts, unpleasant. The im moralities of their neighbors were dangerous to the rising gene- ration ; the difficulties of procuring a comfortable living induced not a few of their sons to enter the Dutch armies ; and. at no dis- tant day, there was reason to apprehend their posterity would become incorporated with the people of the country, and their church become extinct. These considerations, added to the more powerful motive, the hope of laying a foundation for the extensive advancement of the kingdom of Christ in the western wilderness, induced them to remove to America. Previous to their final determination, aa their governing maxim always was, " In all thy ways acknowl- SETTLEMENTS. 6\J «dge God, and he shall direct thy paths," tiiey set apart a day for fasting and prayer, to seek direction from God.* Having decided to settle in Virginia, their next object was to obtain a patent, which they at length effected, from the London company. At the same time, they received from King James an intimation, that they should riot be molested in respect to the enjoyment of their religion. They now began to prepare them- selves for their momentous enterprise. For this purpose, they procured two vessels, the Speedwell and the Mayflower. The Speedwell, of sixty tons, they purchased in Holland, with the intention of keeping her for their accommodation in America. The Mayflower, of one hundred and eighty tons, they hired at London. All things being in readiness for their departure fromLeyden, they kept a day of solemn humiliation and prayer. On the 21st of July, the pilgrims went to Delfthaven, a place about twenty miles from Leyaen, and two miles from Jlotterdam. Here they were to embark. To this port they were kindly attended by many of their brethren and friends from Amsterdam, as well as from Leyden. Leaving Delfthaven, they sailed for South- hampton, at which place they were joined by the rest of their company from London, in the Mayflower. On the 5th of Au- gust, 1620, both vessels set sail for the new world ; but before proceeding far, the Speedwell sprung a-leak, and at Plymouth, whither they put in, she was condemned as not seaworthy. Under these circumstances, a part of the emigrants were dis- missed, and the rest were taken on board of the Mayflower. With one hundred passengers, this vessel sailed from Plymouth, September 6th. For two months they were tossed and driven upon the tempestuous ocean; till, at length, on the 9th of No- vember, they had the happiness to descry the bleak and dreary shores of Cape Cod. The part then discovered was Sandy Point, called Cape Malabar, in Chatham. But they were stiil remote from the place which they had selected for a habitation. It was their intention to settle near the mouth of the Hudson. Toward that river they now bent their course. But the wintry season, the stormy prospect, " the perilous shoals and breakers " in their way, induced them to relinquish their design, and seek the nearest resting-place, where they might hope for tolerable accommodations. They therefore turned back, sailed round Race Point, and, after two days, November 11th, anchored in Cape Cod harbor, between Cape Cod and Plymouth. t Before landing, having devoutly given thanks to God for their safe arrival, they formed themselves into a body politic, forty- one signing a solemn contract, according to the provisions of which they were to be governed. Mr. John Carver was elected governor for one year. * Robbins's New England Fathers. t D >"- Pari3h 40 period ii.— 1607 to 1689. a Government being thus established, sixteen men, well armed with a few others, were sent on shore the same day, to fetch wood and make discoveries; but they returned at night, without having found any person or habitation. The company, having rested on the Lord's day, disembarked on Monday, the 13th of November; and soon after proceeded to make further discovery of the country. " On Wednesday, the 15th, Miles Standish and sixteen armed men, in searching for a convenient place for settlement, saw five or six Indians, whom they followed several miles, until night ; but, not overtaking them, were constrained to lodge in the woods. The next day, they discovered heaps of earth, one of which they dug open ; but finding within implements of war, they conclud- ed these were Indian graves; and, therefore, replacing what they had taken out, they left them inviolate. In different heaps of sand, they also found baskets of corn, a quantity of which they carried away in a great kettle, found at the ruins of an Indian house. This providential discovery gave them seed for a future harvest, and preserved the infant colony from famine. Before the close of the month, Mrs. Susannah White became the mother of an infant son, who was called Perigrine ; and this was the first child, of European extraction, born in New England. , On the 6th of December, the shallop was sent out with sev- eral of the principal men, Carver, Bradford, Winslow, Standish, and others, and eight or ten seamen, to sail round the bay, in search of a place for settlement. The next day, this company was divided ; and, while some travelled on shore, others coasted in the shallop. Early on the morning of the 8th, those on shore were surprised by a flight of arrows from a party of In- dians ; but on the discharge of the English muskets, the Indians instantly disappeared. " The shallop, after imminent hazard from the loss of its rudder and mast in a storm, and from shoals which it narrowly escaped, reached a small island on the night of the 8th ; and here the cempany, the next day, which was the last day of the week, re- posed themselves with pious gratitude for their safety. On this island they kept the Christian sabbath. The day following, they sounded the harbor, and found it fit for shipping ; went on shore, and explored the adjacent land, where they saw various cornfields and brooks ; and judging the situation to be convenient for a set- tlement, they returned with the welcome intelligence to the ship.; " On the 15th, they weighed anchor, and proceeded with the ship for this newly-discovered port, where they arrived on the following day. On the 18th and 10th, they went on shore for discovery, but returned at night to the ship. On the morning of the 20th, after imploring divine guidance, they went on shore again, to fix on some place for immediate settlement. Aftei viewing the country, they concluded to settle on a high ground SETTLEMENTS. 41 facing the bay, where the land was cleared, and the water was excellent. " On Saturday, the 23d, as many of the company as could v ith convenience, went on shore, and felled and carried timber to the spot designed for the erection of a building for common use. On the Lord's day, the 24th, the people on shore were alarmed by the cry of Indians, and expected an assault; but they continued unmolested. On Monday, the 25th, they began to build the first house. A platform for their ordnance demanding their earliest attention, they began one on the 28th, on a hill, which com- manded an extensive prospect of the plain beneath, of the ex- panding bay, and of the distant ocean. " In the afternoon, they divided their whole company into nine- teen families; measured out the ground, and assigned to every person by lot half a pole in breadth, and three poles in length, for houses and gardens. Though most of the company were on board the ship on the Lord's day, Dec. 31st, yet some of them kept sabbath for the first time in their new house. Here, there fore, is fixed the epoch of their settlement, which, in grateful remembrance of the Christian friends whom they found at the last town they left in their native country, they called Plymouth. This was the foundation of the first English town built in Nevf England."* 4 *'s Annals. 42 t^RioD ii.— 1607 to 1689. 13. In November, 1620, the same month in which the Puritans arrived on the American coast, James I. issued a patent granting to the Duke of Lenox, Ferdinando Gorges, and others, styling themselves " The Council of Plymouth, in the county of Devon, for planting and governing New England, in America," the territory be- tween the 40th and 48th degrees of north latitude, and extending through the main land from sea to sea. This territory had, until this time, been known by the name of North Virginia ; but now it received the name of New Eng- land, by royal authority. The patent thus issued to the council of Plymouth, was the foundation of all the subsequent grants, under which the colonies of New England were settled. 14. In March, 1621, the colony of Plymouth, through Gov. Carver, entered into a league of friendship, com- merce, and mutual defence, with Masassoit, the great sachem of the neighboring Indians. This treaty, which was strictly observed until the breaking out of Philip's war, (a period of more than fifty years,) gave general peace to the colony, and laid the foundation for their in- timate and amicable correspondence with the neighbor- ing Indian tribes. The person chiefly instrumental in bringing this event to pass, was Samoset, a sagamore or chief of the country lying at the dis- tance of about five days' journey. He was the first visitant of the colony at Plymouth, and greatly surprised the inhabitants, by call- ing out, as he entered their village," Welcome, Englishmen ! wel- come, Englishmen !" Pie had conversed with the English fisher- men who had come to the eastern coast, and had learneo some of the language. He informed the colony that the place where they were settled, was called by the Indians Patuxet ; that, five years before, a plague had swept off all the natives from the place, so that there was neither man, woman, nor child remaining. Prov- idence had thus singularly prepared the way for the colonies to take possession of the land without molesting a single owner. Samoset, having been treated with hospitality by these stran- gers, was disposed to cultivate a further acquaintance with them ; and, on his third visit, was accompanied by Squanto, a native of the country, who had been carried away in 1614, by one Hunt, and sold into Spain, but had been taken to London, whence he had returned to America. They informed the English that Masassoit, the greatest sachem SETTLEMENTS. 43 of the neighboring Indians, was near, with a guard of sixty men Mutual distrust prevented, for some time, any advances from either side. But Squanto, who was at length sent to Masassoit, returned, saying that the sachem wished the English to send some one to confer with him. Mr. Edward Winslow was ac cordingly sent, bearing suitable presents to the chief. These proving acceptable, Masassoit left Mr. Winslow in the custody of his men as a hostage, and ventured to the English, by whom he was hospitably entertained, and with whom he concluded the treaty already noticed. 15. In 1621, the colony of Virginia received from the London company, through Sir Francis Wyat, who, at this time, arrived as governor, a more perfect consti- tution and form of government. The powers of this government were vested in a governor and two coun- cils. One of these was called the council of state, to advise and assist the governor. This council was to be appointed and removed by the company. The other was called the general assembly, consisting of the council of state, and two burgesses, or representatives, deputed from each town, hundred, or plantation. This assembly met annually, and were intrusted with the business of framing laws for the colony, the governor having a negative upon their proceedings. No laws were valid until ratified by a court of the company in England. 16. In 1622, the Virginia colony, which for some time had enjoyed great prosperity, and had received fre- quent accessions, experienced a stroke which proved nearly fatal. The successor of Powhatan, who was of a proud, revengeful spirit, and extremely hostile to the colony, concerted a plan to cut them off at a blow. On the 22d of March, it was so far put in execution, that three hundred and forty-seven of the colony, men, women, and children, were butchered almost in the same instant. The chief by whom this massacre was planned, and under whom it was executed, was Opecancanough, the successor of Powhatan, but a deadly foe to the English. The whole Indian population in the surrounding country had been enlisted by thi* 44 period ir. — 1607 to 1689. artful chief, and yet they visited the English settlements and even purchased arms and borrowed boats to enable them to ac- complish their savage purpose. " On the very morning of the fatal day, as also the evening before, they came, as at other times, into the houses of the Eng- lish, with deer, turkeys, fish, and other things to sell. At mid- day, the hour appointed, the blow fell ; and, in the work of death, neither sex nor age was spared. So quick was the execution, that few perceived the weapon or the blow which despatched them. u Those who had sufficient warning to make resistance, saved their lives. Nathaniel Causie, an old soldier of Capt. Smith's, though cruelly wounded, cleaved down one of his assailants with an axe, upon which the whole party who had surrounded him fled, and he escaped. At another place two men held pos- session of a house, against sixty Indians. At Warrasqueake, a Mr. Baldwin, whose wife was so badly wounded that she lay for dead, by repeatedly discharging his musket, drove off the enemy, and saved both her and himself. Ralph Hamer,the his- torian, defended himself in his house successfully, with spades, axes and brickbats. One family, living near Martin's Hundred, where as many as seventy-three of the English were slain, not only escaped the massacre, but heard nothing of it, till two or three days afterwards. Jamestown and some of the neighboring places were saved by the disclosure of a Christian Indian, named Chanco, who was confidentially informed of the design by his brother, on the morning of the 22d."* As soon as the English had time to recover themselves, they rose to avenge the death of their slaughtered friends, and succeeded in driving far into the wilderness such as they could not destroy. But by means of the calamities which fell upon the English, their settlements were reduced from eighty to eight: and by the year 1C24, out of nine thousand persons who had been sent from England, but eighteen hundred existed in the colony. 17. While the Virginians were mourning their losses, the Plymouth colony began to experience the distresses of famine. By the time their planting was finished, in 16*23, they were destitute of bread and corn. The most gloomy anticipations were indulged, but, by a remarkable and well-attested interference of Divine Providence, they were delivered. From the third week in May to the middle of July, there was no rain. Their corn, for which they had made their utmost exer- tions, withered under the heat of a scorching sun, and the greater part of it appeared irrecoverably lost. The Indians, seeing then * Thatcher's Indian Biography SETTLEMENTS. 45 prospects, observed that they would soon be subdued by famine, when they should find them an easy prey. A public fast was ap pointed and observed with great solemnity. The morning and most of the day was clear and hot, but towards evening, the clouds collected, and, like the gracious influences of God, the rain descended in moderate yet copious showers. This revived their expiring crop, and produced a plentiful harvest. After which they observed a day of public thanksgiving, the origin of the annual thanksgiving which is now observed in New England.* 18. In 1G23, a number of persons from England were sent to America by Ferdinando Gorges, to form settle- ments on lands which had been granted to them by the council of Plymouth, between the Merrimac and Saga- dahok, and extending from the ocean west to the rivers of Canada. These settlers, arriving in the river Piscat- aqua, began two settlements, one at the mouth, called Little Harbor ; the other still higher up the river, at Co- checo, afterwards called Dover. These were the first settlements in New Hampshire. 19. In 1624, the London company, which had settled * Robbins's New England Fathers. 46 period ii. — 1607 to 1689. Virginia, was dissolved by an act of King James I. un der pretext of the calamities which had befallen the colony, and the dissensions which had agitated the com- 'pany. Their charter was taken away, and the govern- ment of the colony assumed by the crown. The king himself appointed the governor, in whom, with twelve counsellors, the powers of government were vested. The London company, thus dissolved, consisted of gentlemen of noble and disinterested views, who had expended more than one hundred thousand pounds of their fortunes in this first at- tempt to plant an English colony in America ; and more than nine thousand persons had been sent from the mother country to people this new settlement. At the time of the dissolution of the company, scarcely two thousand persons survived. The dissolution of the charter was a most arbitrary act in the king ; and not less arbitrary and odious were his subsequent reg- ulations. Under these the people lived and suffered till 1636. At this time, inflamed to madness by the oppressive conduct of Sir John Harvey, the then governor, they seized him, and sent him prisoner to England. Their conduct in this was so displeas- ing to the king, Charles I., successor of James I., that he sent Harvey back. But, in 1639, the king appointed Sir William Berkley to succeed him, with instructions again to allow the Vir- ginians to elect representatives. (For the continuation of the History of Virginia, see Sec. 45.) 20. It has been stated that the lands upon which the Plymouth colony settled, were granted by the crown to " the Council of Plymouth," in England, in November, 1620. This was the same month that the Puritans had arrived in the country. (Sec. 13.) Being apprized of this grant, the colony, in 1626, began to take meas- ures to purchase these lands. The negotiations for this purpose ended the next year in a patent, which the com- pany granted them for one thousand eight hundred pounds sterling, with ample powers of government. The trovernment of the colony was at first formed and conducted according to a voluntary compact, entered into before landing (Sec. 12.) Till the year 1624, it consisted of a governor and one assistant only. From this period, five were annually chosen, the governor having a double vote. The number of assistants was afterwards increased to seven. The laws of the colony were enacted, and the affairs of government conducted, by these V SETTLEMENTS. 47 officers, for near twenty years. In 1630, the towns in this colo- ny, for the first time, sent deputies. The colony continued dis- tinct near seventy years, until 1691, when, by charter of William and Mary, it was united to the colony of Massachusetts and the Province of Maine. 21. In 1628, the foundation was laid for another colo- ny in New England, by the name of the Colony of Mas- sachusetts Bay. At this time, several enterprising men purchased of the council of Plymouth the territory which constituted the above colony. The same year, the purchasers sent out Mr. John Endicot, with about a hundred adventurers, to commence a settlement, which they effected at Salem, at that time called, by the Indians, Naumkeak. The territory included in the colony of Massachusetts Bay, ex- tended three miles north of the Merrimac river, and three milea south of Charles river, and east and west from the Atlantic to the South sea. The settlement of Massachusetts Bay, like the colony of Plymouth, was commenced by non-conformists, for the purpose of enjoying greater religious liberty in matters of worship and discipline. Among the most active in this enterprise was Mr Endicot, already mentioned, and Mr. White, a pious and active minister of Dorchester, in England. 22. The following year, 1629, the Massachusetts company was confirmed by King Charles in their title to the soil ; and, at the same time, received the powers of civil government. They were incorporated by the name of " the Governor and Company of Massachusetts Bay, in New England." Soon after, a form of govern- ment for the new colony was settled. Mr. Endicot, already in the colony, was appointed governor. On the appointment of Mr. Endicot as governor, an expedi- tion was fitted out for the purpose of giving an impulse to the colony. Five ships were provided, which, being laden with cat- tle and other necessaries, sailed from England, with nearly three hundred planters, and arrived at Salem in June. They found the settlement in prosperous circumstances ; yet, not being them- selves pleased with the situation of Salem, two hundred of them removed, and settled at a place which they called Ckarlcslown. 23. In the month of August of the same year, it was determined by the company in England, that the gov- 48 period ii. — 1607 to 1689. eminent and the patent of the plantation should be trans- ferred from London to Massachusetts Bay. At the same time, a new election of officers for the colony took place. John Winthrop was chosen governor, and Thom- as Dudley deputy-governor. Soon after their appoint- ment, they sailed with a large company, some of whom settled at Charlestown, others at Boston, and in towns adjacent. On the arrival of Gov. Winthrop, in June, who continued from that lime to his death the head and father of the colony, he found the plantation in a distressed and suffering state. In the preceding autumn, the colony contained about three hundred inhabitants. Eighty of these had died, and a great part of the survivors were in a weak and sickly state. Their supply of corn was not •sufficient for more than a fortnight, and their othei provisions were nearly exhausted. In addition to these evils, they were informed that a combina- tion of the various tribes of Indians was forming for the utter ex- tirpation of the colony. Their strength was weakness, but their confidence was in God, and they were not forsaken. Many of the planters, who arrived this summer, after long voyages, were in a sickly state, and disease continued to rage through the sea- son. By the close of the year, the number of deaths exceeded two hundred. Among these were several of the principal per- sons in the colnny. Mr. Higginson, the venerable minister of Salem, spent about a year with that parent church, and was re- moved to the church in glory. His excellent colleague. Mr. Skelton, did not long survive him. Mr. Johnson, one of the assistants, and his lady, who was a great patroness of the settle- ment, died soon after their arrival. Of the latter, an early his- torian observes, " She left an earthly paradise, in the family of an earldom, to encounter the sorrows of a wilderness, for the entertainments of a pure worship in the house of God ; and then immediately left that wilderness for the heavenly paradise." The succeeding winter commenced in December with great severity. Few of the houses which had been erected were com- fortable, and the most of them were miserable coverings. Un- used to such seventies of climate, the poor people suffered severely from the cold. Many were frozen to death. The in- conveniences of their accommodations increased tne diseases which continued to prevail among them. But their constancy had not yet been brought to the last trial. During the continuance of the severe season, their stock of pro- visions began to fail. Those who wanted were supplied by those who possessed, us long as any remained. A poor man came to thfl SETTLEMENTS. 49 governor to complain, and was informed that the last bread of hia house was in the oven. Many subsisted upon shell-fish, ground- nuts, and acorns, which, at that season, could not have been pro- cured but with the utmost difficulty. In consideration of their perilous condition, the sixth day of February was appointed for a day of public fasting and prayer, to seek deliverance from God. On the fifth of February, the 'ay before the appointed fast, the ship Lion, which had been ient to England for supplies, arrived laden with provisions. She had a stormy passage, and rode amidst heavy drifts of ice, after entering the harbor. These provisions were distributed among the people, according to their necessities, and their appointed fast was exchanged for a day of general thanksgiving.* 24. In 1632, Charles I. completed a patent to Coecil- ius Calvert, otherwise called Lord Baltimore, which had been designed for his father, by which was conveyed tc him a tract of country on the Chesapeake bay, which, in honor of Henrietta Maria, daughter of Henry the Great of France, he named Maryland. George Calvert, the father, having embraced the Roman Cath- olic religion, found his situation in England so unpleasant, that, for the sake of enjoying his religious opinions in peace, he made a visit to America, and having explored the territory above men- tioned, returned to England, for the purpose of procuring a pat- ent of it. Before it was completed, he died, and the patent was made out to his son, Cecil. By this patent, the latter came into possession of the country from the Potomac to the 40th degree of north latitude. This grant covered the land which had long before been granted to Virginia, as what was now granted to Lord Baltimore was in part subsequently given to William Penn. In consequence of these arbitrary acts of the crown, long and obstinate contentions arose between the descendants of Perm and Lord Baltimore. 25. In 1633, Lord Baltimore appointed his brother, Leonard Calvert, governor of the province, who, with about two hundred planters, mostly Roman Catholics, left Eng- land near the close of this year, and arriving, in 1634, at the mouth of the river Potomac, purchased of the Indians Yoamaco, a considerable village, where they formed a settlement, to which they gave the name of St. Mary. The charter granted to the inhabitants of Maryland. conferred on them more ample privileges than had been conferred on any * Robbins's New England Fathers 5 60 period ii.— 1607 to 1689. other colony in America. Among these privileges was that of passing laws without any reservation, on the part of the crown, to revoke them. This and other favorable circumstances con- tributed to the rapid settlement of Maryland. At first, when few in number, the freemen assembled in per- son, and enacted the necessary laws; but, in 1639, it was found expedient to constitute a " house of assembly." This consisted of representatives chosen by the people, of others appointed by the proprietor, and of the governor and secretary, who sat together. In 1650, the legislative body was divided into an upper and lower house — the members of the former being appointed by the pro prietor; those of the latter by the people. Few of the colonies escaped intestine troubles; nor did Maryland form an exception. In 1645, a rebellion broke out, chiefly caused by one William Clayborne. This man, under license from the king, had, as early as 1631, formed a settlement on the island of Kent ; and when the grant was made to Lord Baltimore, he re fused to submit to his authority. Being convicted of murder and other high crimes, he fled; but, in 1645, he returned, and, heading a party of insurgents, for a time overthrew the govern ment. The next year, order was restored, and Calvert, the gov ernor, who had been obliged to flee, resumed his office. In 1652, Lord Baltimore was deprived of the government, by the English parliament; but at the restoration in 1660, Philip Calvert was appointed governor, and the ancient order of things' was restored. In 1689, on the accession of William and Mary, persons in their interest usurped the government of the colony ; but in 1716, the proprietor was restored to his rights. From this* time until the revolution, he continued to enjoy them ; but, at this latter date, the people assumed the government to them selves. 26. In 1633, the first house was erected in Connecti- cut. This was a trading-house at Windsor, the mate- rials of which a party of Plymouth adventurers trans- ported in a vessel up Connecticut river. The first discoveries made of this part of New England were of its principal river, and the fine meadows lying upon its banks. Whether the Dutch at New Netherlands, or the people of New Plymouth, were the first discoverers of the river, is not certain. Both the English and Dutch claimed this honor, and both pur chased and made a settlement of the lands upon it nearly at the same time. In 1631, Wahquimicut, a sachem upon the river Connecticut, made a journey to Plymouth and Boston, earnestly soliciting the governors of each of the colonies to send men, to form settle- ments upon the river. He represented the country as exceed- SETTLEMENTS. 51 mgly fruitful, and promised that he would supply the English, if they would make a settlement there, with corn annually, and give them eighty beaver-skins. He urged that two men might be sent to view the country. Had this invitation been accepted, it might have prevented the Dutch claim to any part of the lands upon the river, and opened an extensive trade in hemp, furs, and deer-skins, with all the Indians upon it, and far into Canada. The governor of Massachusetts treated the sachem and his company with generosity, but paid no further attention to his proposal. Mr. Winslow, the governor of Plymouth, judging it worthy of attention, himself made a journey to Connecticut, discovered the river, and the lands adjacent. Two years from this time, the people of Plymouth began to make preparations for erecting a trading-house, and establishing a small company upon the river. In the mean time, the Dutch, having heard of the intended enterprise of the people of Plym- outh, sent a party to the river, who erected a fort, where the city of Hartford is now situated. Having at length prepared the frame of a house, William Holmes, who commanded the Plymouth expedition, proceeded in a vessel with his party for Connecticut. He had a commis- sion from the governor of Plymouth, and a chosen company to accomplish his design. After entering the river, he found that the Dutch had entered before him, constructed a light fort, and planted two pieces of cannon. This was erected at the place since called Hartford. The Dutch forbid Holmes going up the river, stood by their cannon, and ordered him to strike his colors, or they would fire upon him. But being a man of spirit, he assured them that he had a commission from the governor of Plymouth to go up the river, and that he must obey his orders. They poured out their threats ; but he proceeded, and, landing on the west side of the river, erected his house below the mouth of the little river in Windsor. The house was covered with the utmost despatch, and fortified with palisades. The Dutch, considering them as intruders, sent, the next year, a band of seventy men to drive them from the country; but finding them strongly posted, they relinquished the design. 27. In the autumn of 1635, a company, consisting of sixty men, women, and children, from the settlements of Newtown and Watertovvn, in Massachusetts, com- menced their journey through the wilderness to Con- necticut river. On their arrival, they settled at Wind* Bor, Wethersfield, and Hartford. They commenced their journey on the 15th of October. A wide wilderness spread before them. With incredible difficulty 52 period ii. — 1607 to 16S9 they made their way through swamps and rivers, over hills and mountains. So long were they on their journey, and so much time was spent in passing the river, and in getting over their cattle, that, after all their exertions, winter came upon them before they were prepared. This was an occasion of ^reat distress and damage to the planters. By the 15th of November, Connecticut river was frozen over, and the snow was so deep, and the sea- son so tempestuous, that a considerable number of the cattle, which had been driven from Massachusetts, could not be brought across the river. The people had so little time to prepare their huts and houses, and to erect sheds and shelters for their cattle, that the sufferings of man and beast were extreme. It being impracticable to transport much provision or furni- ture through a pathless wilderness, they were put on board sev- eral small vessels, which were either cast away or did not ar- rive. Several vessels were wrecked on the coasts of New Eng- land, by the violence of the storms. Two shallops, laden with goods from Boston for Connecticut, were cast away, and the men, with every thing on board, lost. A vessel with six of the Con- necticut people on board, which sailed from the river for Boston, early in November, was. about the middle of the month, cast away in Manamet bay. The men got on shore, and, after wan dering ten days in a deep snow and a severe season, without meeting any human being, arrived, nearlv spent with cold and fatigue, at New Plymouth. About the first of December, provisions generally failed in the settlements on the river, and famine and death looked the inhabitants in the face. Some of theni, driven by hunger, at- tempted their way, in this severe season, through the wilderness from Connecticut to Massachusetts. Of thirteen, in one com- pany, who made this attempt, one. in passing the rivers, fell through the ice, and was drowned. The other twelve were ten days on their journey, and would all have perished had it not been for the assistance of the Indians. Such was the general distress early in December, that a considerable part of the new settlers were obliged to abandon their habitations. Seventy per- sons, men. women and children, determined to go down the river to meet their provisions, as the onlv expedient to preserve their lives. Not meeting with the vessels which they expected, they all went on board the Rebecca, a vessel of about sixty tons. This, two days before, was frozen in. twentv miles up the river; but, by the falling of a small rain, together with the tide, the ice became so broken, that she was enabled to get out. She ran, however, upon the bar. and the people were forced to unlade her to get her off. She was reladed, and in five days reached Boston. The people who kept their stations on the river, suffered in ac extreme degree. After all the help they were able to obtain, by - ~- " ' ■ - - ' ' : - are broogh: . m pass lade. K \ . . _ - - -'--- = - - T - : : "_t: . — r ; " -:- ~ ~- r ::^:ir.i:.: I _ "in which the aboTe towns were settled :. -: d from England, a commission . rrnor of Conne: 1 J i the c 30H- cil of PI had sold, in - I 31. i patent the 1 E n z - -- - : - . j ■.---"." _ : - v. :.r._ :_t 5 iii 5ri Till; i; ~e :;.;:- — - -z.\ : C ~- ri raj at Basfo- a baiit : - - 1 1-: ; . vaL h _ " - ' - ' - - more. tied. T^ ... - ■ - - . . . . • - . ■ - - ■ '. . • - _ . ■ - ■ .- I - ■ - _ : a - : - _- _ ■ ] . - - ■ ■ 54 period ii. — 1607 to 1689. 29. This year, 1636, Roger Williams, having been banished from the colony of Massachusetts in 1634, re- moved with his family to Mooshawsic, and began a plantation, which he called Providence. From this we date the settlement of Rhode Island. Mr. Williams, who thus commenced the settlement of Rhode Island, came from England in 1631 ; and, having resided a short time at Plymouth, removed to Salem, in Massachusetts, and be- came the pastor of the church in that place. During his con- nection with the people of Salem, he promulgated opinions which were contrary to those prevalent at that day in the colo- nies, and among them, " that the civil magistrate is bound to afford equal protection to every denomination of Christians." On account of this doctrine, he was sentenced to depart out of the territory. At first he repaired to Seeconk, where he pro cured a grant of land from the Indians. " Being informed, how- ever, by the governor of Plymouth, that the land was within the limits of that colony, he proceeded to Mooshawsic, where, in 1636, with those friends who followed him, he began a plantation. He purchased the land of the Indians, and, in grateful acknowledg- ment of the kindness of heaven, he called the place Providence. Acting in conformity with the wise and liberal principle, for avowing and maintaining which, he had suffered banishment, he allowed entire freedom of conscience to all who came within his borders. And to him must be given the glory of having first set a practical example of the equal toleration of all religious sects, in the same political community. His labors were not confined to h'o civilized brethren. He labored to enlighten, im- prove, and conciliate the savages. He learned their language, travelled among them, and gained the entire confidence of theii chiefs. He had often the happiness, by his influence over them,. of saving from injury the colony which had proclaimed him an outlaw, and driven him into the wilderness."* In 1638, William Coddington and seventeen others, being per- secuted for their religious tenets in Massachusetts, followed Mr. Williams to Providence. By his advice, they purchased of the Indians the island Aquetneck, and began a settlement on the northern part of it. Others followed the next summer, and com- menced another settlement on the south-western side — dividing the island into two townships, Portsmouth and Newport. They formed themselves into a body politic, and elected Mr. Codding- ton chief magistrate. In 1640, the inhabitants of Providence agreed upon a form of government. Rhode Island, so called from a fancied resem blance to the ancient island of Rhodes, soon began to be exten * History of the United' States SETTLEMENTS. LUt sively settled, both on account of its natural fertility, and also on account of the religious freedom allowed to all denominations. In 1(544, Roger Williams visited England, as agent of the set- tlers, and obtained of the Earl of Warwick, one of the Plymouth company, a free charter of incorporation for Providence and Rhode Island plantations. In 1663, a royal charter was granted to them, by Charles II. This charter constituted an assembly, consisting of a governor, deputy-governor, and ten assistants, with the representatives from the several towns, all to be chosen by the freemen. In 168G, Andros being made governor of New England, he dissolved the charter of Rhode Island, and appointed a council to assist him in governing the colony. Three years after, Wil- liam, Prince of Orange, ascended the throne of England, and Andros was seized and imprisoned ; (Period iii. Sec. 1.) upon which the freemen assembled at Newport, and, having resumed their charter, restored all the officers whom Andros had displaced. 30. The year 1637 is remarkable, in the history of Connecticut, for the war with the Pequots, a tribe of Indians, whose principal settlement was on a hill, in the present town of Groton. Prior to this time, the Pequots had frequently annoyed the infant colony, and in several instances had killed some of its in- habitants. In March of this year, the commander of Saybrook fort, with twelve men, was attacked by them, and three of hia party killed. In April, another portion of this tribe assaulted the people of Wethersfield, as they were going to their fields to labor, and killed six men and three women. Two girls were taken captive by them, and twenty cows were killed. In this perilous state of the colony, a court was summoned at Hartford, May 1. After mature deliberation, it was determined that war should be commenced against the Pequots. Ninety men, nearly half the fencible men of the colony, were ordered to be raised ; forty-two from Hartford, thirty from Wind- sor, and eighteen from Wethersfield. With these troops, together with seventy river and Mohegan Indians, Capt. Mason, to whom the command of the expedition was given, sailed down the river Connecticut to Saybrook. Here a plan of operations was formed, agreeably to which, on the 26th of May, about the dawn o f day, Capt. Mason surprised Mystic, one of the principal forts oi the enemy, in the present tc ,vn of Stonington. On their near approach to the fort, a dog barked, and an Indian, who now discovered them, cried out, " O wanux ' O wanux !" Englishmen ! Englishmen ! The troops instantly pressed forward, and fired. The destruc- tion of the enemy soon became terrible, but they rallied at length 50 PERIOD II. 1607 TO 1689. And made a manly resistance. After a severe and protracted conflict, Capt. Mason and his troops being nearly exhausted, and victory still doubtful, he cried out to his men, We must burn Uiem .' At the same instant, seizing a firebrand, he applied it to a wig- wam. The flames spread rapidly on every side ; and as the sun rose upon the scene, it showed the work of destruction to be complete. Seventy wigwams were in ruins, and between five and six hundred Indians lay bleeding on the ground, or smoul- dering in the ashes. But, though the victory was complete, the troops were now in great distress. Besides two killed, sixteen of their number were wounded. Their surgeon, medicines, and provisions, were on board some vessels, on their way to Pequot harbor, now New London. While consulting what should be done in this emer- gency, how great was their joy to descry their vessels standing directly towards the harbor, under a prosperous wind ! Soon after, a detachment of nearly two hundred men, from Massachusetts and Plymouth, arrived to assist Connecticut in prosecuting the war. Sassacus, the great sachem of the Pequots, and his warriors, were so appalled at the destruction of Mystic, that they fled towards Hudson's river. The troops pursued them as far as a great swamp in Fairfield, where another action took place, in which the Indians were entirely vanquished. This was followed by a treaty with the remaining Pequots, about two hundred in number, agreeably to which they were di vided among the Narragansetts and Mohegans. Thus terminated a conflict, which, for a time, was eminently distressing to the colonies. This event of peace was celebrated throughout New England, by a day of thanksgiving and praise. 31. During the expedition against the Pequots, the English became acquainted with Quinnapiak, or New Haven; and the next year, 1638, the settlement of that town was effected. This, and the adjoining towns, soon after settled, were distinguished by the name of the colony of New Haven. Among the founders of this colony, which was the fourth in New England, was Mr. John Davenport, for some time a dis- tinguished minister in London. To avoid the indignation of the persecuting Archbishop Laud, in 1633, he fled to Holland. Hear- ing, while in exile, of the prosperity of the New England set- tlements, he meditated a removal to America. On his return to England, Mr. Theopliilus Eaton, an eminent merchant in Londcn, with Mr. Hopkins, afterwards governor of Connecticut, SETTLEMENTS. 57 and several others, determined to accompany him. They ar- rived in Boston in June, 1637. This company were inclined to commence a new plantation, and lay the foundation of a separate colony. Though the most advantageous offers were made them by the government of Mas- sachusetts, to choose any place within their jurisdiction, they pre- ferred a place without the limits of the existing colonies. They accordingly fixed upon New Haven as the place of their future residence, and on the 18th of April, they kept their first Sabbath in the place, under a large oak tree, where Mr. Davenport preached to them. 32. The following year, January 14, 1639, the three towns on Connecticut river, Windsor, Hartford, and Wethersfield, finding themselves without the limits of the Massachusetts patent, met, and formed themselves into a distinct commonwealth, and adopted a consti- tution. This constitution, which has been much admired, and which, for more than a century and a half, underwent little alteration, ordained that there should annually be two general assemblies, one in April, the other in September. In April, the officers of government were to be elected by the freemen, and to consist of a governor, deputy-governor, and five or six assistants. The towns were to send deputies to the general assemblies. Under this constitution, the first governor was John Haynes, and Roger Ludlow the first deputy- governor. 33. The example of the colony of Connecticut, in forming a constitution, was followed, the next June, by the colony of New Haven. Both constitutions were essentially alike. In October following, the government was organized, when Mr. Eaton was chosen governor. To this office he was annually elected, till his death, in 1657. No one of the New England colonies was so much distinguished for good order and internal tranquillity as the colony of New Haven. Her principal men were distinguished for their wisdom and integrity, and directed the affairs of the colony with so much prudence, that she was seldom disturbed by divisions within, or by aggressions from the Indians from without. Having been bred to mercantile employments, the first settlers belonging to this colony were inclined to engage in commercial pursuits ; but in these they sustained several severe losses; and, among others, that of a new ship of one hundred and fifty tons, which was foundered at sea, in 1647, and which was freighted with 58 period ii.— 1607 to 1689. a valuable cargo, and manned with seamen and passengers from many of the best families in the colony. This loss discouraged, for a time, their commercial pursuits, and engaged their atten- tion more particularly in the employments of agriculture. 34. This same year, 1639, Sir Ferdinando Gorges obtained of the crown a distinct charter, in confirmation of his own grant (Sec. 18) of all the lands from Piscat- aqua to Sagadahoc, styled the Province of Maine; soon after which, he formed a system of government for the province, and incorporated a city near the moun- tain Agamenticus, in York, by the name of Georgeana; but neither the province nor city flourished. In 1652, the province was taken under the jurisdiction of Massa- chusetts, by the request of the people of Maine, and continued in this connection till 1820, when it became a separate and independent state. It would exceed our limits to examine the different grants of territory, which were made, at different times, of the state of Maine. In 1(552, at the time the province was taken under the jurisdiction of Massachusetts, it was made a county by the name of Yorkshire. It had the privilege of sending deputies to the general court at Boston. Massachusetts laid claim to the prov ince, as lying within her charter of 1628, and, after various con- troversies, the territory was incorporated with her in 1G91. In 1786, 1787, 1802, and 1810, efforts were made by a portion of the people of Maine to become separate from Massachusetts proper ; but to this a majority of the inhabitants were averse. In 1818, however, this measure was effected; and, on the 3d of March, 1820, the district, by an act of congress, became an independent state. 35. The next event of importance in our history, is the union of the colonies of Massachusetts, Plymouth, Connecticut and New Haven, by the name of The United Colonies of New England. The articles of this confederation, which had been agitated for three years, were signed May 19th, 1643. To this union the colonies were strongly urged, by a Bense of common danger from the Indians, (a general «ombination of whom was expected,) and by the claims ind encroachments of the Dutch, at Manhattan, New )fork. SETTLEMENTS 59 By these articles of union, each colony retained its distinct and separate government. No two colonies might- be united into one, nor any colony be received into the confederacy, without the con- Bent of the whole. Each colony was to elect two commissioners, who should meet annually, and at other times, if necessary, and should determine " all affairs of war and peace, of leagues, aids, charges, and numbers of men for war," &c. Upon notice that any colony was invaded, the rest were immediately to despatch assistance. This union subsisted more than forty years, until the charters of the colonies were either taken away, or suspended, by James II. and his commissioners. In 1648, Rhode Island petitioned to be admitted to this con- federacy, but was denied, unless she would be incorporated with Plymouth, and lose her separate existence. This she refused, and was consequently excluded. The effects of this union on the New England colonies were, in a high degree, salutary. On the completion of it, several In- dian sachems, among whom were the chiefs of the Narragansett and Mohegan tribes, came forward and submitted to the English government. The colonies also became formidable, by means of it, to the Dutch. This union was also made subservient to the civil and religious improvement of the Indians. Prior to this period, Mr. Mayhew and the devoted Elliot had made considerable progress towards civilizing the Indians, and converting them to Christianity. They had learned the Indian language, and had preached to the Indians in their own tongue. Upon a report in England of what these men had done, a so- ciety was formed for propagating the gospel among the Indians, which sent over books, money, &c. to be distributed by the com- missioners of the United Colonies. The Indians, at first, made great opposition to Christianity ; and such was their aversion to it, that, had they not been over- awed by the United Colonies, it is probable they would have put to death those among them who embraced it. Such, however, were the ardor, energy and ability of Messrs. Mayhew and Elliot, aided by the countenance and support of government, and blessed by Providence, that, in 1660, there were ten towns of converted Indians in Massachusetts. In 1695, there were not less than three thousand adult Indian converts in the islands of Martha's Vineyard and Nantucket. 36. 1662. The colony of Connecticut, having pe- titioned King Charles II. through Governor Winthrop, for a charter of incorporation, his majesty, in accordance with their wishes, issued his letters patent, April 2d, constituting them a body corporate and politic, by the 60 period li.— 1607 to 1689. name of The Governor and Company of the English Colony of Connecticut, in New England, in America. The territory granted to Lord Say and Seal, and Lord Brooke, in J 631, (Sec. 28,) and confirmed by this charter to Connecticut, was bounded east by Narragansett river ; south by Long Island sound ; north by Massachusetts ; and extended west to the Pa cific ocean. The charter of Connecticut ordained that there should be a governor, deputy-governor, and twelve assistants, to be chosen annually. The charter instituted two general assemblies foi each year, to consist of the above officers, and deputies from the towns ; the former to compose the upper, and the deputies the lower, house. The government under the charter was essentially the same with that which the people had themselves adopted in 1639, (Sec. 32,) and continued to be the constitution of the colo- ny and state of Connecticut, until the year 1818, when a con- vention was assembled which framed a new constitution. This charter included the colony of New Haven ; but not be- ing agreeable to that colony, it did not unite with Connect tcut until two years after. The granting of a charter to Connecticut was followed, the next year, 1663, by a similar grant to Rhode Island and Providence plantations, as already noticed. (Sec. 29.) 37. In 1604, Charles II. granted to his brother, the Duke of York and Albany, the territory included in the several colonies of New York, New Jersey, and Dela- ware. In the course of the same year, the latter de- spatched an expedition, under command of Col. Richard Nichols, to the Dutch colony at Manhattan, which had, for many years, denied the right of the English to con- trol it. This expedition arrived at Manhattan in Au- gust, and demanded a surrender of the territory to his English majesty. The Dutch governor, being unpre- pared for defence, complied with the demand, and the whole country passed into the hands of the English. In honor of the duke, the two principal Dutch settlements were now named New York and Albany The first settlement of the Dutch at Manhattan, in 1613, and their surrender to the English the same year, have already been noticed. (Sec. 9.) Soon after, however, they revolted ; and, the claims of the English being neglected, they continued to man- age for themselves, until the above year, 1664. Nichols having entered the harbor, Stuy vesan4 , the Dutch £rov- SETTLEMENTS. 61 ernor, sent a letter to hira, to desire the reason of his approach. To this the latter replied, the next day, by a summons to sur« render. Stuyvesant, determining on a defence, refused to sur- render ; but, at length, finding himself without the means of resistance, and that many of the people were desirous of passing under the jurisdiction of the English, he surrendered the govern ment into the hands of Col. Nichols, who promised to secure to the governor and inhabitants, their liberties and estates, with all the privileges of English subjects. The administration of Nichols continued for three years, and was marked by great integrity and moderation. Upon his return to England, in 1667, he was succeeded by Col. Lovelace, who administered the gov- ernment with equal moderation. 38. A short time previous to the surrender of the Dutch, the Duke of York conveyed to Lord Berkley and Sir George Carteret the territory of New Jersey. This name was given it in compliment to Carteret, who had been governor of the Isle of Jersey, in the English channel. Soon after the grant, but before it was known, three persons from Long Island purchased of the natives a tract, which was called Elizabethtown grant, and a settlement was begun at Elizabethtown. Other towna were soon settled by emigrants from the colonies and from Europe. In consequence of these opposite claim3 to the territory, much discord prevailed between the pro- prietors and the inhabitants. The first settlement within the limits of New Jersey was made by the Danes, about the year 1624, at a place called Bergen. Some Dutch families, also, about the same time, planted them- selves on the Jersey side, near New York. In 1626, a colony of Swedes and Finns purchased land on both sides of the river Delaware, and formed a settlement on its western bank. In 1640, the English began a plantation at Elsingburgh, on its eastern bank. But this was soon after broken up by the Swedes, with the assistance of the Dutch from Manhattan. From this time, until 1655, the Swedes held possession of the country on both sides of the Delaware, when the Dutch governor, Stuyvesant, subdued them. The Dutch now held possession until 1664, when the territory passed into the hands of the English. 39. The next year, 1665, Philip Carteret, who had been appointed governor by the proprietors, arrived at Elizabethtown, which he made the seat of government 6 62 period ii. — 1607 to 1689. He administered the government according to a consti* tution which the proprietors had formed. This constitution ordained a free assembly, consisting of a governor, council, and representatives; the latter to be chosen by each town. The legislative power resided in the assembly ; the executive in the governor and council. (See Sec. 40.) 40. Delaware was also included in the grant to the Duke of York. At this time, it was in possession of the Dutch ; but an expedition being sent against it under Sir Robert Carr, it surrendered, October 1, 1664 ; soon after which it was placed under the authority of the English governor of New York. Delaware was first settled in 1627, by a number of Swedes and Finns, who, at the instance of Gustavus Adolphus, king of Swe- den, emigrated to America. They landed at Cape Henlopen, which, on account of its beauty, they called Paradise Point; the Delaware they named Swedeland Stream. The Dutch at New Netherlands laid claim, however, to the territory ; and mutual contests subsisted for a long time between them and the Swedes. After several times changing masters, the territory finally surrendered to the Dutch, who held posses- sion of it at the time of the English expedition against it under Carr, in 16C4. It was now considered a part of New York. In 1682, however, the Duke of York sold the town of New Castle, and the country twelve miles around it, to William Penn, and, some time after, the territory between New Castle and Cape Henlopen. These tracts, then known by the name of " Territo- ries," constitute the present state of Delaware. Until 1703, they were governed as a part of Pennsylvania ; but, at that time, they had liberty from the proprietor to form a separate and distinct assembly ; the governor of Pennsylvania, however, still exercis- ing jurisdiction over them. (Sec. 49.) 41. After the reduction of New York by Col. Nichols, (Sec. 37.) he, w r ith Sir Robert Carr, George Cartwright, and Samuel Maverick, proceeded to New England, un- der a commission from King Charles, " to hear and de- termine complaints and appeals, in all causes, as well military as criminal and civil," within New England, and to proceed in all things for settling the peace and secu- rity of the country. The conduct of these commissioners was exceeding- SETTLEMENTS. 63 ly arbitrary and offensive to the colonies. Under pre- text of executing their commission, 'they received com- plaints against the colonies from the Indians ; required persons, against the consent of the people, to be ad- mitted to the privileges of freemen, to church member- ship, and full communion ; heard and decided in causes which had already been determined by the established courts ; and gave protection to criminals. After involv- ing the colonies in great embarrassment and expense, they were at length recalled, and the country saved from impending ruin. 42. The settlement which next claims our notice is that of Carolina, so called in honor of Charles IX., under whose patronage the coast had been discovered in 1563. The territory thus named included the lands between the 30th and 36th degrees of north latitude, and extending from the Atlantic ocean to the South sea. In 1663, this tract was conveyed by Charles II., king of England, to Lord Clarendon and seven others, with am- ple powers to settle and govern it. Before the above grant to Clarendon, (between 1G40 and 1650,) a settlement was begun in Albemarle county, by planters from Virginia and emigrants from other places. This settlement was placed under the superintendence of Gov. Berkley of Vir- ginia. The second settlement was made in 1665. near the mouth of Clarendon or Cape Fear river, by emigrants from Barbadoes, who invested Sir John Yeomans with the authority of governor Both tbe above were within the present limits of North Carolina. The third settlement was at Port Royal, in the present limits of South Carolina, under direction of Governor Sayle, 1670. In 1671 , lie founded Old Charleston, on the banks of the river Ash- Isv. In 1660, this location was abandoned for Oyster Point, on which was commenced the present city of Charleston. In the year l'>71, Gov. Sayle dying. Sir John Yeomans. gov- ernor of Clarendon, was appointed to succeed him. In conse- quence of this, the inhabitants of this latter settlement, within a few years, removed to that of Charleston, and the three govern- ments consequently were reduced to two. Being widely separated, the distinctive names of North and South Carolina began to bo used in respect to them. During the administration of Gov. Sayle, a constitution, pre« 64 period i.— 1607 to 1689. Eared at the request of the proprietors, by the celebrated Mr iocke, was attempted to be put in force. By this constitution, a president of a palatine court, to consist of the proprietors, was to be chosen for life. An hereditary no bility was to be established, consisting of landgraves and caciques A parliament, chosen once in two years, was to be held, consisting of the proprietors, of the nobility, and of representatives from each district. All were to meet in one apartment, and to have an equal voice. No business, however, could be proposed in parlia- ment, until it had been debated in a grand council, .to consist of the governor, nobility, and deputies of proprietors. This constitution it was found impossible to reduce to practice. Great opposition was made to it ; and in Albemarle an insurrec- tion was occasioned by an attempt to enforce it. It was, there fore, at length, abandoned, and the former proprietary government restored. This latter sort of government continued from 16G9 to 1719, when the charter was vacated by the crown, and the gov- ernment taken under the royal protection. In 1729, the proprie- tors surrendered their right to the government, and interest in the soil, to the king, upon which the province was divided into North and South Carolina, and their governors and councils were ap- pointed by the crown. (See Period III. Sec. 20.) 43. The year 1675 was distinguished for a memorable war, in New England, with the Indians, called King Philip's war ; by which the peace of the colonies was greatly disturbed, and their existence, for a time, serious- ly endangered. For several years previous to the opening of the war, the In- dians had regarded the English with growing jealousy. They saw them increasing in numbers, and rapidly extending their settlements. At the same time, their own hunting grounds were visibly narrowing, and their power and privileges sensibly de- creasing. The prospect before them was humbling to the haughty descendants of the original lords of the soil. The principal exciter of the Indians, at this time, against the English, was Philip, sachem of the Wampanoags, grandson and successor of Masassoit, who, fifty years before, had made a treaty with the colony of Plymouth. (Sec. 14.) The residence of Philip was at Mount Hope, in Bristol, Rhode Island. The immediate cause of the war was the execution of three Indians by the English, whom Philip had excited to murder one Sausaman, an Indian missionary. Sausaman, being friendly to the English, had informed them that Philip, with several tribes, was plotting their destruction. The execution of these Indians roused the anger of Philip, who immediately armed his men, and commenced hostilities. Their SETTLEMENTS. G5 first attack was made June 24th, upon the people of Swanzey in Plymouth colony, as they were returning from public worship, on a day of humiliation and prayer, which had been appointed under an apprehension of an approaching war. Eight or nine persons were killed. The country being immediately alarmed, the troops of the colony repaired to the defence of Swanzey. On the 28th, a com pany of horse and a company of foot, with one hundred and ten volunteers from Boston, joined the Plymouth forces. The next morning, an attack was made upon a party of Philip's men, who were pursued, and five or six of them killed. This resolute con- duct of the English made a deep impression on the enemy. Philip, with his forces, left Mount Hope the same night ; mark ing his route, however, with the burning of houses, and the scalping of the defenceless inhabitants. It being known that the Narragansets favored the cause of Philip, he having sent his women and children to them for pro tection, the Massachusetts forces, under Capt. Hutchinson, pro- ceeded forthwith into their country, either to renew a treaty with them, or to give them battle. Fortunately, a treaty was conclud- ed, and the troops returned. On the 17th of July, news arrived that Philip, with his war- riors, was in a swamp at Pocasset, now Tiverton. The Massa- chusetts and Plymouth forces immediately marched to that place, and the next day resolutely charged the enemy in their recesses. As the troops entered the swamp, the Indians continued to retire. The English in vain pursued, till the approach of night, when the commander ordered a retreat. Many of the English were killed, and the enemy seemed to take courage. It being impossible to encounter the Indians with advantage in the swamps, it was determined to starve them out; but Philip, apprehending their design, contrived to escape with his forces. He now fled to the Nipmucks, a tribe in Worcester county, Massachusetts, whom he induced to assist him. This tribe had already commenced hostilities against the English ; but, in the hope of reclaiming them, the governor and council sent Captains Wheeler and Hutchinson to treat with them. But the Indians, having intimation of their coming, lurked in ambush for them, fired upon them as they approached, killed eight men, and mor- tally wounded eight more, of whom Capt. Hutchinson waa one. The remainder of the English fled to Quaboag, Brookfield. The Indians, however, closely pursued them into the town, and burnt every house excepting the one in which the inhabitants had taken refuge. This house also, at length, they surrounded, and " for two days continued to pour a storm of musket balls upon it, and although great numbers passed through the walls, but ono person was killed. With long poles they next thrust against it 66 period ii. — 1607 to 1689. brands ana rags dipped in brimstone; they shot arrows of fhe>, they loaded a cart with flax and tow, and, with long poles fastened together, they pushed it against the house. Destruction seemed inevitable. The house was kindling, and the savages stood ready to destroy the first that should open the door to escape. At this awful moment, a torrent of rain descended, and suddenly extin- guished the kindling flames." On the 4th of August, Major Willard came to their relief, raised the siege, and destroyed a considerable number of the as- sailants. During the month of September, Hadley, Deerfield, and North- field, on Connecticut river, w r ere attacked : several of the inhab- itants were killed, and many buildings consumed. On the 18th, Capt. Lathrop, with several teams, and eighty young men, the flower of the county of Essex, w 7 ere sent to Deerfield to trans- port a quantity of grain to Hadley. On their return, stopping to gather grapes at Muddy brook, they were suddenly attacked by near eight hundred Indians. Resistance was in vain ; and seventy of these young men fell before the merciless enemy, and were buried in one grave. Capt. Mosely, who was at Deerfield, hearing the report of the guns, hastened to the spot, and, with a few men, attacked the Indians, killed ninety-six, and wounded forty, losing himself but tw r o men. SETTLEMENTS. 67 Early in October, the Springfield Indians, who had hitherto been friendly to the English, concerted a plan, with the hostile tribes, to burn that town. Having, under cover of night, received two or three hundred of Philip's men into their fort, with their assistance they set fire to the town. The plot, however, was dis- covered so seasonably, that troops arrived from Westfield in time to save the town, excepting thirty-two houses, which had been previously consumed. Soon after hostilities were commenced by Philip, the Tarren- teens began their depredations in New Hampshire and the Province of Maine. They robbed the boats and plundered the houses of the English. In September, they fell on Saco, Scar- borough, and Kittery, killed between twenty and thirty of the inhabitants, and consigned their houses, barns and mills to the flames. Elated with these successes, they next advanced towards Piscata- qua, committing similar outrages at Oyster river, Salmon Falls, Dover and Exeter. Before winter, sixty of the English, in that quarter, were killed, and nearly as many buildings consumed. The Eastern Indians, however, had real cause of complaint. One cause was the cruel treatment practised upon the family of Squando, sachem of the Saco Indians, by a party of English seamen, who, having heard that Indian children could swim by instinct, overset their canoe, in which were Squando's squaw and infant child, for the purpose of testing the truth of the re- port. This act, wanton as well as childish, the savage justly resented ; and the more so, as the infant some time after died, owing, as the chief imagined, to an injury which, at that time, it received. Added to this, several Indians having been enticed on board a vessel, had been iniquitously sold for slaves. To re- dress these and similar wrongs, the Indians commenced hos- tilities. Notwithstanding the Narragansets had pledged themselves, by their treaty, not to engage in the war against the English, it was discovered that they were taking part with the enemy. It was deemed necessary, therefore, for the safety of the colonies, early to check that powerful tribe. Accordingly, Gov. Winslow, of Plymouth, with about one thousand eight hundred troops from Massachusetts and Con- necticut, and one hundred and sixty friendly Indians, com- menced their march from Pettysquamscot, on the 19th of December, 1G75, through a deep snow, towards the enemy, who were in a swamp about fifteen miles distant. The army arrived at the swamp at one in the afternoon. Soma Indians at the edge of the swamp were fired upon, but fled. The whole army now entered and pursued the Indians to their fortress. This stood on a rising ground, in the middle of the swamp 68 period ii.— 1607 to 1689. It was a work of great strength and labor, being composed of pali- sades, and surrounded by a hedge about sixteen feet in thickness. One entrance, only, led to the fort, through the surrounding thicket. Upon this the English providentially fell, and, without waitinor to form, rushed impetuously towards the fort. The English captains entered first. The resistance of the Indians was gallant and warlike. Captains Johnson and Davenpoit, with many of their men, fell at the entrance. At length, the English fell back, and were obliged to retreat out of the fort. At this crisis, the army being on the point of a fatal repubie, some Connecticut men, on the opposite side of the fort, discov- ered a place destitute of palisades : they instantly sprang into the fort, fell upon the rear of the Indians, and, aided by the rest of the army, after a desperate conflict, achieved a complete victory. Six hundred wigwams were now set on fire, and an appalling scene ensued. Deep volumes of smoke rolled up to heaven, mingled with the dying shrieks of mothers and infants, which, with the aged and infirm, were consumed in the flames. Even at this distant period, we cannot recall this scene without horror, and can justify the severity of our ancestors only by ad- mitting its necessity for self-preservation. The Indians in the fort were estimated at four thousand : of these, seven hundred warriors were killed, and three hundred died of their wounds ; three hundred were taken prisoners, and as many women and children ; the rest, except such as were consumed, fled. The victory of the English, complete as it was, was purchased with blood. Six brave captains fell ; eighty of the troops were killed or mortally wounded ; and one hundred and fifty were wounded who recovered. From this defeat the Indians never recovered. They were not yet, however, effectually subdued. During the winter, they continued their savage work of murdering and burning. The towns of Lancaster, Medfield, Weymouth, Groton, Springfield, Northampton, Sudbury, and Marlborough, in Massachusetts, and of Warwick and Providence in Rhode Island, were assaulted, and some of them partly, and others wholly, destroyed. In March, Captain Pierce, with fifty English, and twenty friendly Indians, were attacked, the former of whom were all slain, and nearly all of the latter. In April, Capt. Wadsworth, while marching with fifty men to the relief of Sudbury, was surround- ed, and the whole were either killed on the spot, or reserved foi long and distressing tortures. The success of the Indians, during the winter, had been freat ; but on the return of spring, the tide turned against them, 'he Narraganset country was scoured, and many of the natives were killed, among whom was Canonchet, their chief sachem. SETTLEMENTS. 69 On the 12th of August, 1676. the finishing stroke was given to the war in the United Colonies, by the death of Philip. After his flight from Mount Hope, he had attempted to rouse the Mohawks against the English. To effect this purpose, he killed, at various times, several of that tribe, and charged it uptm the English. But, his iniquity being discovered, he was obliged hastily to flee, and returned to Mount Hope. Tidings of his return being brought to Captain Church, a man who had been of eminent service in this war, and who was better able than any other person to provide against the wiles of the enemy, he immediately proceeded to the place of Philip's concealment, near Mount Hope, accompanied by a small body of men. On his arrival, which was in the night, he placed his men in ambushes round the swamp, charging them not to move till daylight, that they might distinguish Philip, should he attempt to escape. Such was his confidence of success, that, taking Major Sandford by the hand, he said, " It is scarcely possible that Philip should escape." At that instant, a bullet whistled over their heads, and a volley followed. The firing proceeded from Philip and his men, who were now in view. Perceiving his peril, the savage chief, hoping to effect his escape, hastily seized his powder-horn and gun, and fled ; but, directing his course towards a spot where an English- man and an Indian lay concealed, the former levelled his gun ; but, missing fire, the Indian drew, and shot him through the heart. Capt. Church ordered him to be beheaded and quartered. The Indian who executed this order, pronounced the warrior's epitaph : " You have been one very great man. You have made many a man afraid of you. But so big as you be, I will now chop you to pieces." Thus fell a savage hero and patriot — of whose transcendent abilities our history furnishes melancholy evidence. The advan- tage of civilized education, and a wider theatre of action, might have made the name of Philip of Mount Hope as memorable as that of Alexander or Caesar. After the death of Philip, the war continued in the Province of Maine, till the spring of 1678. But westward, the Indians, having lost their chiefs, wigwams, and provisions, and perceiv- ing further contest vain, came in singly, by tens, and by hun- dreds, and submitted to the English. Thu3 closed a melancholy period in the annals of New Eng- land history; during which, six hundred men, the flower of her strength, had fallen ; twelve or thirteen towns had been destroy- ed, and six hundred dwelling-houses consumed. Every eleventh family was houseless, and every eleventh soldier had sunk to his grave. So costly was the inheritance which our fathers have transmitted to us ! 70 period ii.— 1607 to 16S9. 44. The grant of the territory of New York, by Charles II., to his brother the Duke of York, in 1664, has already been noticed, (Sec. 37,) as also its capture from the Dutch, the same year. In 1673, a war com- mencing between England and Holland, the latter sent a small fleet to New York, to which the town immediate- ly surrendered. The following year, 1674, the war terminated in a treaty between England and Holland. By this treaty New York was restored to the English. To prevent controversy about his title to the territory, the Duke of York took out a new patent, and appointed Sir Edmund Andros governor, who entered upon the duties of his appointment in October of the same year. The administration of Andros, however, was arbitra- ry and severe. He admitted the people to no share in legislation, but ruled them by laws to which they had never given their assent. Connecticut also experienced* the weight of his oppression and despotism. That part of her territory west of Connecticut river, although long before granted to the colony of Connecticut, was included in the grant to the Duke of York. By virtue of this grant. Andros now claimed jurisdiction over the territ^rv. and in July. 1675, made an attempt with an armed force to take pos- session of Saybrook Fort. The governor and council of Connecticut, having notice of his design, despatched Capt. Bull to defend the fort. On the arrival of Andros at the mouth of the river, after making a show of force, lie invited Capt. Bull to a conference. This was granted; but no sooner had he landed, than he attempted to read his com- mission and the duke's patent. This Capt. Bull firmly and positively forbid ; and Sir Edmund, rinding the colonv determin- ed, at all events, not to submit to his government, relinquished his design, and sailed for Long Island. 45. The year 1676, so distinguished, in the annals of New England, for the termination of Philip's war, was not much less distinguished, in respect to Virginia, by an insurrection known by the name of " Bacon's rebel- lion," the evil effects of which lasted more than thirty years. The principal causes of this rebellion are said to have been the oppressive restrictions imposed upon SETTLEMENTS. 71 their commerce — the granting of large tracts of land by Gov. Berkley to his favorites, which belonged to the colony — and the imposition of extravagant taxes. The dissolution of the charter of Virginia by James I., in 1624, and the subsequent appointment of ^ir William Berkley, as nor. by Charles I., with the privilege to the people of elect- ing their own representatiyes, haye been noticed See. "24. For this priyilege. they were so grateful, that the Virginians continu- ed faithful to the royal cause, even after Cromwell had usurped the government. This loyalty brought upon them the vengeance of parliament in 1652, at which time a fleet was despatched to reduce them to submission. At this time, Gov. Berkley was obliged to retire. About the time of Cromwell's death, but before that event took place, the Virginians proclaimed Charles II., and invit- ed Berkley to resume his authority. On the accession of Charles, he confirmed Berkley in his ofhce. But from this time, the conduct of the governor was odious and oppressive. Agents were sent to England, to lay their Grievances at the foot of the throne : but agents were unsuccessful, and. at length, the dis- content of the people ripened into a formidable insurrection. The head of the insurgents was Nathaniel Bacon, an English- man, who. soon after his arrival, had been appointed a member of the council. He was a young man of commanding person, and distinguished for ambition, energy and enterprise. The colony, at this time, being engaged in war with the Sus- quehannah Indians, Bacon despatched a messenger to Gov. Berkley, requesting a commission to proceed against them. This commission the governor refused, and. at the same time, ordered Bacon to dismiss his men, and, on penalty of being declared a rebel, to appear before himself and the council. Ex- asperated by such treatment. Bacon, without disbanding his force, proceeded, in a sloop, with forty of them, to Jamestown. Here a sharp contention ensued, upon which Berkley illegally suspend- ed him from the council. Bacon departed in a rage, with his sloop and men ;. but. through the agency of the governor, he was not long after seized and brought to Jamestown. Finding that he had dismissed Bacon from the council illegal- ly, he again admitted him. and treated him with a show of kind cess. L pon this. Bacon renewed his request for a commission ; but, receiving a denial, he privately left Jamestown, and. collect- ing six hundred volunteers, returned to demand of the assembly, then in session, the required commission. Being overawed, the assembly advised the governor to errant it. But, soon after Bacon had departed, the governor, by the same advice, issued a procla- mation, denouncing him as a rebel. Hearing what the governor had done. Bacon, instead of 72 period ii.— 1607 to 1689. marching against the Indians, returned to Jamestown, wreaking his vengeance upon all who opposed him. Finding it in vain to withstand him, the governor fled across the bay, and the council dispersed, leaving Bacon in possession of supreme power. At length, the governor, with a small force, under command of Major Robert Beverly, crossed the bay to oppose the malecon- tents. Civil war had now commenced. Jamestown was burnt by Bacon's followers ; various parts of the colony were pillaged, and the wives of those that adhered to the governor's party were carried to the camp of the insurgents. In the midst of these commotions, it pleased the Supreme Ruler to withdraw Bacon by a natural death. The malecontents, thus left to recover their reason, now began to disperse. Two of Bacon's generals surrendered, and were pardoned, and the peo- ple quietly returned to their homes. Upon this, Berkley resumed the government, and peace was restored. This rebellion formed an era of some note in the> history of Virginia, and its unhappy effects were felt for thirty years. During its continuance, husbandry was almost entirely neglected, and such havock was made among all kinds of cattle, that the people were threatened with famine. Sir William Berkley, after having been forty years governor of Virginia, re- turned to England, where he soon after died. Three years after, 1679, Lord Culpepper was sent over as gov- ernor, with certain laws prepared in conformity to the wishes of the ministry of England, and designed to be enacted by the assembly in Virginia. One of those laws provided for raising a revenue, for the support of government. It made the duties perpetual, and placed them under the direction of his majesty. Out of the duties, Culpepper dishonestly took, as his salary, two thousand pounds, and one hundred and sixty pounds, in addition, for house-rent. On presenting these laws to the assembly, Culpepper informed them that, in case they were passed, he had instructions to offer pardon to all who had been concerned in Bacon's rebellion ; but; if not, he had commissions to try and hang them as rebels, and a regiment of soldiers on the spot to support him. Thus threat- ened, the assembly passed the laws. From this period to the occurrence of the French war, no events are to be found, in the history of Virginia, of sufficient importance to be noticed in the present pages. 46. In the year 1676, the province of New Jersey was divided into East and West Jersey, and continued thus divided until 1702, when the proprietors surrender- ed the government to the crown, under Queen Anne, upon which, the two provinces were united into one, and SETTLEMENTS. 73 Lord Cornbury was appointed governor over this and the province of New York. This arrangement of a single governor for the, two provinces continued till the year 1733, (although each chose a separate assembly ;) but at this time, the people of New Jersey having petitioned for an alteration, his majesty appointed Lewis Morris to the chief magistracy of the latter province. An account of the settlement of New Jersey, and the grant of it by the Duke of York to Lord Berkley and Sir George Carteret, in 1G64, will* be found at Sec. 38. In 1665, Carteret assumed the government, by agreement with Berkley. (Sec. 39.) In 1674, Lord Berkley made a conveyance of his half to John Fenwick, in trust for Edward Billinge and his assigns. Bil- linge, being in debt, presented his interest in the province to hia creditors, William Jones and others, being appointed trustees to dispose of the lands. In the division-of 1676, Carteret took East Jersey, the govern- ment of which he retained; and the trustees of Billinge, West Jersey. The Duke of York, though he had conveyed away his powers of government, when he sold the province to Berkley and Carteret, in 1664, unjustly claimed West Jersey, as a dependency of New York. These claims of the duke, Sir Edmund Andros, his governor in America, attempted to assert, and actually ex- tended his jurisdiction over the province. But, at length, through the discontent and remonstrances of the citizens, the subject was referred to commissioners, who decided against the Duke of York ; upon which, in 1680, he relinquished his claims to the proprietors. , In 1682, Carteret, disgusted with the people, sold his right to East Jersey to William Penn and others, who immediately sold one half of it to the Earl of Perth and his associates. Robert Barclay, the celebrated author of " the Apology for the Quakers," was the next year made governor of East Jersey. In 1686, both the Jerseys and New York were annexed to New England, in which connection they continued till the acces- sion of William and Mary to the throne of England, in 1639. *' A government under the proprietors of both the Jerseys had become extremely disagreeable to the inhabitants, who, from various causes, became so uneasy, that the proprietors surrender- ed the government of East and West Jersey to the crown in 1702, whicji Queen Anne very readily accepted." " The two provinces were now united into one, and Lord Cornbury was appointed governor over the united colony, and received his commission and instructions from the queen. " The freemen chose the house of representatives, consisting 7 74 period ii.— 1607 to 1689. of twenty -four members, but the governor and council, consisting of twelve members, were appointed by the crown. 47. In 1677, a controversy which had subsisted for some time between the colony of Massachusetts and the heirs of Sir Ferdinando Gorges, relative to the province of Maine, was settled in England, and the colony adjudged to Gorges' heirs. Upon this, Massachusetts purchased the title for one thousand two hundred pounds sterling, and the territory, from that time till 1820, was a part of Massachusetts. Both the colony of Massachusetts and the heirs of Gorges claimed the province of Maine ; the former by virtue of her patent of 1(528, {Sec. 21.) which was construed as including that territory ; the claim of the latter was founded upon a charter granted to Gorges in 1639. (Sec. 34.) 48. Two years after this adjustment, viz. in 1679, a commission was made out, by order of Charles II., for the separation of New Hampshire from the jurisdiction of Massachusetts, and its erection into a royal province. The form of government sent over by the king, ordained a president and council to govern the province, with an assembly, &,c. , the assembly to be chosen by the peo- ple ; the president and council to be appointed by the crown. [n 1629, the Plymouth company granted to John Mason the territory called New Hampshire. About the year 1640, the settlements now being considerable, the patent holders agreed to assign their right of jurisdiction to Massachusetts. The colony of New Hampshire, therefore, remained under the government of Massachusetts, until it was separated by the king's commis- sion, in 1679. The first legislative assembly, under the above commission, was convened March 16, 1680. when the colony of New Hamp- shire was declared to be inMependent of Massachusetts. This separation, however, was disagreeable to most of the people : for near forty years, they had enjoyed under Massachusetts the privi- lege of choosing their own rulers, and had derived great peace and harmony from an impartial government. Nor did this prov- ince long enjoy tranquillity. Mason, grandson of the Mason to wiiom New Hampshire had been originally granted, came over the next year, and demanded, by virtue of his claims to the soil, a seat in the council. This being granted, he soon after return- SETTLEMENTS. 75 ad to England, and surrendered a part of his claims to the king, and mortgaged the remainder to Edward Cranfield, who was appointed lieutenant-governor, and shortly after repaired to New Hampshire. It is necessary to add, that the Rev. Mr. Wheelright and oth- ers, in 1629, the same year that the grant was made to Mason by the Plymouth company, bought of the Indians a large tract of land in New Hampshire. The same land was. therefore, claimed under both these grants, and the foundation thus laid of serious disputes in the colony. Cranfield, finding it for his Interest to favor the claim of Mason to the province, soon called upon the inhabitants to take their leases under him. Suits were instituted against all the landholders who neglected this call, and the jurors, being selected by Cranfield, and interested in the result, uniformly gave judg- ment against them. Under these oppressions, the people despatched an agent, with complaints to his majesty, against the governor. After a hearing by the lords of trade, the iniquitous conduct of Cranfield was represented to the king, who recalled him. It may be proper to add, that the above controversy about the claims of Mason continued long to disturb the peace of the province, and was not finally terminated until the death of Samuel Allen, in 1715, to whom the heirs of Mason had sold their claim for seven hundred and fifty pounds: upon his demise, no one appeared to renew the claims, and the question dropped. 49. In 1GS1, King Charles II. granted to William Penn, son of Admiral Penn, in consideration of debts due the latter, for services done to the crown, the territo- ry of Pennsylvania, so named by the king after Penn himself. This patent encroached on the territory of Lord Baltimore in Maryland, one whole degree, or sixty-nine miles and a half; and on the north, nearly three hundred miles, across the whole terri- tory conveyed to Connecticut, in 1631,* and confirmed by the royal charter of 1662. Hence arose contentions between the colonies of Pennsylvania and Connecticut, about boundaries, that were not settled till a century after. Within a short time from the date of the grant by King Charles to Penn, two other conveyances were made to him by the Duke of York. One was a bill of sale of New-Castle, and a territory of twelve miles around it. The other was a bill granting a tract south of the former, as far as Cape Henlopen. These two deeds embraced * See Sec. 36, where the boundaries of the territory granted to Connecti- eut we given. 76 period ii.— 1607 to 1689. the whole state of Delaware, known at that time by the name ol the " Territories." Having thus obtained possession of a valuable territory, and desirous of founding a colony upon it, Penn offered the lands for sale, at the rate of one thousand acres for twenty pounds, or at an annual rent of one penny per acre. Many persons, chiefly Quakers, were induced to purchase ; and in the fall of the same year, three ships, with settlers, sailed for Pennsylvania. At the same time, Penn addressed a letter to the Indians, residing on the territory, assuring them of. his pacific disposition, and his determination, should difficulties arise between them and the emigrants, to have them settled on principles of equity. The next year, Penn published a form of government, by which the supreme power was lodged in a general assembly, to consist of a governor, council, and house of delegates ; the council and house to be chosen by the freemen ; the proprietor and govern- or to preside, and to have a treble voice in the council, which was to consist of seventy-two members. It was also agreed, that every person of good moral character, professing his faith in Christ, should be a freeman, and capable of holding any office ; and that none who believed in one God should be molested in his religion, or be compelled to attend or maintain religious worship. In October, Penn, with two thousand planters, mostly Quakers, arrived at New-Castle, which was a part of the " Territories." Upon this tract he found already settled about three thousand Dutch, Swedes and Finns. He proceeded to Chester, where, in December, he convoked an assembly ; but, so few delegates appearing, he ordered that, instead of seventy-two, three mem- bers only should constitute the council, and nine the house of as- sembly. This assembly annexed the Territories to the province. Penn now entered into a treaty with the Indians, of whom he purchased large tracts of territory ; at the same time, he com- menced the city of Philadelphia, which, in one year, increased to a hundred houses and cottages. Pennsylvania had a more rapid and prosperous settlement than any of the other colonies. This was doubtless owing, in part, to its healthful climate and fruitful soil ; partly to the fact, that the great obstacles of settlement had been overcome by the other colonies; and partly to the religious tolerance, mildness, and equity, which characterized its laws and their administration. In 16815, Penn convened a second assembly, which was held in Philadelphia; and, at the request of the freemen and delegates, granted them a second charter, by which eighteen persons were to form the council, and thirty-six the assembly. At this time it was ordained, " that, to prevent law-suits, three arbitrators, to be called peace-makers, should be chosen by the county courts, to hear and determine small differences between man and man— SETTLEMENTS. 7/ Ifaat children should be taught some useful trade — that factors wronging their employers should make satisfaction, and one third over — that all causes of rudeness, cruelty and irrelio-ion should be repressed — and that no man should be molested for hid religious opinions." To these wholesome regulations Penn- sylvania was indebted for her great prosperity and rapid settle- ment. In 1684, Penn returned to England, leaving the administration of the government in the care of rive commissioners. Soon after, James II. abdicated the throne. For this monarch Penn felt a sincere regard, and continued, even after his expulsion from the throne, to administer the colonial government in his name. This exciting the displeasure of William, successor of James, his friends caused Penn to be imprisoned several times ; and the government of the colony was taken from him, and given to Col. Fletcher, governor of New York. But, some time after, the charges of disloyalty to William having been proved to be unfounded, he was permitted to resume the exercise of his rights ; wh« reupon, he appointed William Markman to be his deputy-gove 'nor. In L699, Penn made a second visit to Pennsylvania. Finding discontents bad crept in, in relation to the government, he humanely prepared a new charter, on still more liberal principles. This was offe ed Oct. 28, 1701, and accepted on the same day, by the people ol Pennsylvania ; but the " Territories," now Dela- ware, declinh g, they were allowed a distinct assembly, under the same governi r. The assembly was first convened in 1703. (Sec. 40.) Having thutt settled affairs, Penn again returned to England, leaving the executive authority to be exercised by a deputy-gov- ernor. Discontentment, however, again appeared ; and, at times, the deputy-governors became quite obnoxious to the people. Still the colony prof.pered : they lived in great harmony with the In- dians, and increased in numbers and wealth. At length, afout the commencement of the revolutionary war, the people formed a new constitution, by which the proprietor waa excluded from ill participation in the government ; and, by way of discharging all quit-rents due from the inhabitants, he was allowed 370,0(K> dollars. 50. In tho year 1684, June 18, an event highly interesting to the colony of Massachusetts occurred in England. Tnis was a decision, in the high court of chancery, that she had forfeited her charter, and that henceforth her government should be placed in the hands of the king. th of March. 1691, Col. Sloughter arrived at New York, in the capacity of the king's governor. Nicholson and Bayard, who had been imprisoned by Leisler, were released. The latter was obliged to abandon the fort, and, with Milborn, his son-in-law, was apprehended, tried for high treason, and condemned. Their immediate execution was urged by the peo- ple ; but the governor, fearful of consequences, chose to defer it. To effect their purpose, an invitation was given him by the citi- zens to a sumptuous feast, and, while his reason was drowned in intoxication, a warrant for their execution was presented to him and signed. Before he recovered his senses, the prisoners were no more. Measures so violent greatly agitated the existing parties ; but, in the end, the revolution which had taken place, restored the rights of Englishmen to the colony. Gov. Sloughter convoked an assembly, which formed a constitution. This, among other provisions, secured trials by jury, freedom from taxation, except by the consent of the assembly, and toleration to all denomina- tions of Christians, excepting Roman Catholics. It may be added, in this place, that the civil history of New York, from this period to the French war, presents few events of special interest to the young. The governors, who succeeded Sloughter. during the above interval, were Fletcher, 1682 ; the Earl of Bellamont, 16!>8 ; Lord Cornbury. 1702 ; Hunter, 171U; Burnet, 1720 ; Montgomery, 1731 ; Crosby, 1732: Clark. 1736; George Clinton. 1743. In general, these governors were strong- ly attached to the interests of the crown, and often apparently more solicitous to subserve their own selfish purposes than to advance the permanent welfare of the colony. Hence collis- ions frequently arose between them and the colonial assemblies, which disturbed the general peace, and retarded the prosperity of the colony. 2. 1690. While the northern colonies were troubled as noticed in the preceding section, those of the Caro- linas were in a similar state of dissension and distress. To allay these, in the northern colony, Seth Sothel was appointed chief magistrate ; but, proving corrupt in his administration, he was banished by the assembly, in 1690; immediately after which, he repaired to Charles- ton, and usurped the government of the southern colony. Added lo this, a quarrel arose, between the proprietors and the English inhabitants, in relation to a body of WARS OF WILLIAM III., ANNE, AND GEORGE II. 93 French Protestants, which had planted themselves in the county of Craven — the proprietors demanding for them the privilege of electing representatives, which was stren- uously refused by the English Episcopalians. Such be- ing the general turbulence and disorder of the times, Sir John Archdale, one of the proprietors, was sent over, in 1695, as governor of both the Carolinas, with full powers to redress grievances, and to adjust, if possible, existing difficulties. These objects, by his singular wis- dom and address, he in a measure accomplished. In respect to the deep-rooted prejudices existing against the Above French Protestants, Archdale found it to be the part of wis- dom to leave them to be softened and removed by time. This a few years effected. The amiable deportment of the refugees so won upon the English, that they were cheerfully admitted to all the rights of citizens and freemen. At a subsequent date, the repose of the southern colony was grealb disturbed by the passage of a law by the general assem- bly, establishing the Episcopal religion, and excluding dissenters from a seat in the assembly. This gave birth to bitter animosities, and as bitter contentions. Complaints being made to Queen Anne, then on the throne, the law was declared to be void. This agitat- ing question being thus put at rest, the colony again enjoyed the blessings of domestic quiet. (See Sec. 17, 20.) 3. About this period, 1692, commenced in Dan vers, then a part of Salem, Massachusetts, a singular infatu- ation on the supposed prevalence of witchcraft. In a short time, this infatuation pervaded several parts of New England, producing, in its progress, the greatest distress in private families, and disorder and tumult throughout the country. The first suspicion of witchcraft in New England, and in the United States, began at Springfield, Massachusetts, as early as lb4.">. Several persons, about that time, were accused, tried and executed in Massachusetts; one at Charlestown. one at Dorches- ter, one at Cambridge, and one at Boston. For almost thirty years afterwards, the subject rested. But, in lli^Tor 1(588, it was revived in Boston ; four of the children of John Goodwin uniting in accusing a poor Irish woman with bewitching them. Unhap- pily, the accusation was regarded with attention, and the woman was tried and executed. Near the close of February, 1692, the subject was again re« 94 period in. — 1689 to 1756. vived, in consequence of several children in Danvers, Salem, beginning to act in a peculiar and unaccountable manner. Their strange conduct continuing for several days, their friends betook themselves to fasting and prayer. During religious exercises, it was found that the children were generally decent and still ; but after service was ended, they renewed their former inexpli- cable conduct. This was deemed sufficient evidence, that they were laboring under the influence of witchcraft. At the expiration of some days, the children began to accuse several persons in the neighborhood of bewitching them. Un- fortunately, they were credited, and the suspected authors of the spell were seized and imprisoned. From this date, the awful mania rapidly spread into the neigh- boring country, and soon appeared in various parts of Essex, Middlesex, and Suffolk. Persons at Andover, Ipswich, Glouces- ter, Boston, and several other places, were accused by their neighbors and others. For some time, the victims were selected only from the lower classes. But, at length, the accusations fell upon persons of the most respectable rank. In August, Mr. George Boroughs, some time minister in Salem, was accused, brought to trial, and con- demned. Accusations were also brought against Mr. English, a respectable merchant in Salem, and his wife ; against Messrs. Dudley and John Bradstreet, sons of the then late Governor Bradstreet ; against the wife of Mr. Hale, and the lady of Sir William Phipps. The evil had now become awfully alarming. One man, named Giles Corey, had been pressed to death for refusing to put him- self on a trial by jury ; and nineteen persons had been executed, more than one third of whom were members of the church One hundred and fifty were in prison, and two hundred were accused. At length, the inquiry was anxiously suggested, Where will this accumulating mischief and misery end ? A conviction be- gan to spread, that the proceedings had been rash and indefensi- ble. A special court was held on the subject, and fifty, who were brought to trial, were acquitted, excepting three, who were after- wards reprieved by the governor. These events were followed by a general release of those who had been imprisoned. " Thus the cloud," says the late President Dwight, ' ; which had so long hung over the colony, slowly and sullenly retired ; and, like the darkness of Egypt, was, to the great joy of the distressed in- habitants, succeeded by serenity and sunshine." We, who live to look back upon this scene, are wont to con- template, with wonder, the seeming madness and infatuation, not of the weak, illiterate, and unprincipled, but of men of sense, education, and fervent piety. Let us consider, however, that, at this period, the actual existence of witchcraft was takeu WARS OF WILLIAM III., ANNE, AND GEORGE II. 95 for granted, and that doubts respecting it were deemed little less than heresy. The learned Baxter, who lived at this time in England, where the same notions on this subject prevailed, pro- nounced the disbeliever in witchcraft, an " obdurate Sadducee ;" and Sir Matthew Hale, one of the brightest ornaments of the English bench, repeatedly tried and condemned those as cnm inals who were accused of witchcraft. In conclusion, it may be remarked, that no people on earth are note more enlightened on this subject than are the people of America. Nothing of a similar kind has since existed, and probably never will exist. Stories of wonder, founded upon an- cient tradition, or upon a midnight adventure, sometimes awe the village circle on a winter's night; but the 'succeeding day chases away every ghost, and lulls every fear. It becomes the present generation to advert with gratitude to their freedom from those delusions which distressed and agitated their ancestors, rather than to bestow invectives upon them, since they could plead, in palliation of their error, the spirit of the age in which they lived. * 4. Scarcely were the colonies relieved from the op- pression of King James, before they were visited with troubles of a nature still more distressing. The revolu- tion, which followed the accession of William and Mary, had indeed restored their liberties, but it involved them in a war both with the French and Indians, which con- tinued from 1690 to the peace of Ryswick, in 1697, commonly called " King William's War." King James, on leaving England, fled to France. Louis XIV., king of France, attempting to support him, kindled the flame of war between his own country and England. The subjects of Louis, in Canada, of course, directed their arms against the colo- nies of New England and New York, and instigated the Indians to join them in their hostilities. The governor of Canada, at this time, was Count Frontenac, a brave and enterprising officer. Inflamed with the resentment which had kindled in the bosom of his master, he fitted out three expeditions, in the dead of winter, against the American colonies — one against New York, a second against New Hampshire, and a third against the Province of Maine. Each of these parties, in the execution of their orders, marked their progress with plunder, fire, and death. 96 period in. — 1689 to 1756. The party destined against New York, consisting of about three hundred men, fell upon Schenectady, a village on the Mohawk, in February. The season was cold, and the snow so deep, that it was deemed impossible for an enemy to approach. The attack was made in the dead of the night, while the inhabitants were in a profound sleep. Not a sentinel was awake to announce the ap- proaching danger. Care had been taken, by a division of the enemy, to attack almost every house in the same moment. When the preparations were ready, on a preconcerted signal, the ap- palling war-whoop was begun ; houses were broken open and set on fire ; men and women were dragged from their beds, and, with their sleeping infants, were inhumanly murdered. Sixty persons perished in the massacre, thirty were made prisoners, while the rest of the inhabitants, mostly naked, fled through a deep snow, either suffering extremely, or perishing in the cold. The second party, directing their course to New Hampshire, burned Salmon Falls, killing thirty of the bravest men, and car- rying fifty-four of the inhabitants into a miserable captivity. The third party, proceeding from Quebec^estroyed the set- tlement of Casco, in Maine, and killed and captured one hun- dred people. 5. Roused by these proceedings of the French, the colony of Massachusetts resolved to attack the enemy in turn. Accordingly, an expedition, consisting of seven vessels and eight hundred men, under command of Sir William Phipps, sailed for the reduction of Port Royal, in Nova Scotia, which was easily and speedily effected. This was soon followed by a second expedition, under the same commander, by the colonies of New York, Connecticut, and Massachusetts, united, for the reduc- tion of Montreal and Quebec. A combination of un- fortunate circumstances, however, defeated the design, and the expedition, after encountering numerous disas- ters, returned. ; The plan was, for the troops of New York and Connecticut, consisting of about two thousand, to penetrate into Canada, by Lake Champlain, and to attack Montreal, at the same time that the naval armament, consisting of between thirty and forty ves- sels, with a similar number of men, should invest Quebec. The troops destined for Montreal, not being supplied either with boata or provisions, sufficient for crossing the lake, were obliged to re- turn. The naval expedition did not reach Quebec until October. After spending several days in consultation, the landing of the troops was effected, and they began their march for the town WARS OF WILLIAM III., ANNE, AND GEORGE II. 97 At the same time, the ships were drawn up ; but the attack, both by land and water, was alilfe unsuccessful. The troops were soon after re-embarked ; and the weather, proving tempestuous, scattered the fleet, and terminated the expedition. The success of the expedition had been so confidently antici- pated, that provision had not been made for the payment of the troops: there was danger, therefore, of a mutiny. In this ex- tremity, Massachusetts issued bills of credit, as a substitute for money ; the first emission of the kind in the American colonies. 0. The failure of the expedition to Quebec was hum- bling to New England, and productive of other unhappy consequences. The Indian tribes, Mohawks, Gneidas, Senecas, Onondagas, and Delawares, called the Five Na- tions, settled along the banks of the Susquehannah, and in the adjacent country, who were in alliance with Great Britain, and had long been a safeguard to the colonies against the French, became dissatisfied. They blamed the English for their inactivity, and manifested a dispo- sition to make peace with the French. To restore the confidence of the Indian allies, Major Peter Schuyler, the next year, 1691, at the head of three hundred Eng- lish soldiers, and as many Mohawk Indians, made an attack on the French settlements north of Lake Champlain. De Callieres, governor of Montreal, was waiting to oppose him. After seve- ral irregular, but successful conflicts, Schuyler made good his retreat, having killed thirteen officers and three hundred men. New York found great security against the encroachments of the French, in the Five Nations, who now carried on a vigorous war, along the river St. Lawrence, from Montreal to Quebec. But the eastern portion of the country; particularly New Hamp- shire, suffered exceedingly; the storm falling with the greatest severity upon them. Both Connecticut and Massachusetts raised troops for their defence ; but such was the danger and distress of the colony of New Hampshire, that the inhabitants were upon the point of abandoning the province. The winter of 1C9G was unusually severe. Never had the sountry sustained such losses in commerce ; nor had provisions, in any period of the war, been more scarce, or borne a higher price. 7, In the midst of these distresses, the country was threatened with a blow, which it seemed impossible that •t should sustain. The Marquis Nesmond, an officer of high reputation, was despatched from France, with 9 98 period in. — 1689 to 1756. • ten ships of the line, a galliot, and two frigates. Count Frontenac, from Canada, was expected to join him at Penobscot, with one thousand five hundred men. With this force, they were to make a descent on Boston ; to range the coast of Newfoundland, and burn the ship- ping which should fall in their way. To finish their work of destruction, they were to take New York, whence the troops, under Frontenac, were to return to Canada, through the country, wasting and destroying the regions through which they should pass. But De Nesmond sailed too late for the accomplishment of his purpose. On his arrival on the coast, not being able to join Frontenac in season, the expedition failed, and the colonies were saved. At length, December 10, 1697, a treaty was concluded between France and England, at Ryswick, in Germany, by which it was agreed, in gen- eral terms, that a mutual restitution should be made of all the countries, forts, and colonies, taken by each party during the war. King William's war, which was thus brought to a close, had been marked by atrocities, on the part of the French and Indians, until then unknown in the history of the colonies. Infants, when they became troublesome, were despatched by being dashed against a stone or tree ; or, to add to the anguish of a mother, her babe was sometimes lacerated with a scourge, or nearly stran- gled under water, and then presented to her to quiet. If unable soon to succeed in this, it was too effectually quieted by the hatch- et, or left behind to become the prey of prowling beasts. Some of the captives were roasted alive ; others received deep wounds in the fleshy parts of their bodies, into which sticks on fire were thrust, until, tormented out of life, they expired. The details of individual sufferings, which occurred during this war, were they faithfully recorded, would excite the sympathies of the most unfeeling bosom. One instance only can we relate. Jn an attack, by a body of Indians, on Haverhill, Massachu- setts, in the winter of 1G97, the concluding year of the war, a party of the assailants, burning with savage animosity, approached the house of a Mr. Dustan.i Upon the first alarm, he flew from a neighboring field to his family, with the hope of hurrying them to a place of safety. Seven of his children he directed to flc'e, while he himself went to assist his wife, who was confined to the bed with an infant a week old. But before she could leave her bed, the savages arrived. WARS OF WILLIAM III., ANNE, AND GEORGE II. 99 In despair of rendering her assistance, Mr. Dustan flew to the door, mounted his horse, and determined, in his own mind, to snatch up and save the child which he loved the best. He fol- lowed in pursuit of his little flock ; but, upon coming up to them, he found it impossible to make a selection. The eye of the parent could see no one of the number that he could abandon to the knife of the savage. He determined, therefore, to meet his fate with them ; to defend and save them from their pursuers, or die by their side. A body of Indians soon came up with him, and, from short dis- tances, fired upon him and his little company. For more than a mile, he continued to retreat, placing himself between his chil- dren and the fire of the savages, and returning their shots with great spirit and success. At length, he saw them all safely lodged from their bloody pursuers, in a distant house. . It is not easy to find a nobler instance of fortitude and courage, inspired by affection, than is exhibited in this instance. Let us ever cultivate the influence of those ties of kindred, which are capable of giving so generous and elevated a direction to our actions. As Mr. Dustan quitted his house, a party of Indians entered it. Mrs. Dustan was in bed; but they ordered her to rise, and, before she could completely dress herself, obliged her and her nurse, a Mrs. Tefl", wiio had vainly endeavored to escape with the infant, to quit the house, which they plundered and set on fire. In these distressing circumstances, Mrs. Dustan began her march, with other captives, into the wilderness. The air was keen, and their path led alternately through snow and deep mud ; and her savage conductors delighted rather in the infliction of torment than the alleviation of distress. The company had proceeded but a short distance, when an In- dian, thinking the infant an incumbrance, took it from the nurse's arms, and violently terminated its life. Such of the other cap- tives as began to be weary, and incapable of proceeding, the In dians killed with their tomahawks. Feeble as Mrs. Dustan was, both she and her nurse sustained, with wonderful energy, the fatigue and misery attending a journey of one hundred anc fifty miles. On their arrival at the place of their destination, they found the wigwam of the savage, who claimed them as his personal property, to "be inhabited by twelve Indians. In the ensuing April, this family set out, with their captives, for an Indian settle- ment still more remote. The captives were informed that, on their arrival at the settlement, they must submit to be stripped, scourged, and run the gantlet, between two files of Indians. This information carried distress to the minds of the captive women, and led them promptly to devise some means of escape. Early in the norning of the 31st, Mrs Dustan, awaking her 100 period in.— 1689 to 1756. nurse and another fellow-prisoner, they despatched ten of the twelve Indians while asleep. The other two escaped. The women then pursued their difficult and toilsome journey through the wilderness, and at length arrived in safety at Haverhill Subsequently, they visited Boston, and received, at the hand of the general court, a handsome consideration for their extraordi nary sufferings and heroic conduct. 8. Scarcely had the colonies recovered from the wounds and impoverishment of King William's war which ended in 1697, before they were again involved in the horrors of another war with the French, Indians, and Spaniards, commonly called " Queen Anne's War," which continued from 1702 to the peace of Utrecht March 31st, 1713. By the treaty of Ryswick, (Sec. 7.) it was in general terms agreed, that France and England should mutually restore to each other all conquests made during the war. But the rights and pretensions of either monarch to certain places in Hudson's Bay, &c. were left to be ascertained and determined, at some future day, by commissioners. The evil consequences of leaving boundaries thus unsettled, were soon perceived. Disputes arose, which, mingling with other differences of still greater importance, led England to declare war against France and Spain, May 4th, 1702. 9. The whole weight of the war in America unex pectedly fell on New England. The geographical po- sition of New York particularly exposed that colony to a combined attack from the lakes and sea; but just be- fore the commencement of hostilities, a treaty of neu- trality was concluded between the Five Nations and the French governor in Canada. The local situa- tion of the Five Nations, bordering on the frontiers of New York, prevented the French from molesting that colony. Massachusetts and New Hampshire were thus left to bear the chief calamities of the war. The declaration of war was immediately followed by incursions of French and Indians from Canada into these colonies, who seized every opportunity of annoy- ing the inhabitants, by depredation and outrage. On Tuesday, February 20th, 1704, at day-break, a party of French and Indians, three hundred in number, under command 4 WARfc OF WILLIAM III., ANNE, AND GEORGE II. 10a of the infamous Hextel De Rouville, fell upon Deerfield, Mass. Unhappily, not only the inhabitants, but even the watch, were asleep. They soon made themselves masters of the house in which the garrison was kept. Proceeding thence to the house of Mr. Williams, the clergyman, they forced the doors, and en- tered the room where he was sleeping. Awaked by the noise, Mr. Williams seized his pistol, and snapped it at the Indian who first approached ; but it missed fire. Mr. Williams was now seized, disarmed, bound, and kept stand- ing without his clothes, in the intense cold, nearly an hour. His house was next plundered, and two of his children, to- gether with a black female servant, were butchered before his eyes. The savages, at length, suffered his wife and five chil- dren to put on their clothes, after which he was himself allowed to dress, and prepare for a long and melancholy journey. The whole town around them was now on fire. Every house, but the one next to Mr. Williams's, was consumed. Having completed their work of destruction, in burning the town, and killing forty-seven persons, the enemy hastily retreated, taking with them one hundred of the inhabitants, among whom were Mr. Williams and his family. The first night after their departure from Deerfield, the sav- ages murdered Mr. Williams's servant; and, on the day succeed- ing, finding Mrs. Williams unable to keep pace with the rest, plunged a hatchet into her head. She had recently borne an infant, and was not yet recovered. But her husband was not per- mitted to assist her. He himself was lame, bound, insulted, threatened, and nearly famished ; but what were personal suffer- ings like*tbese, and even greater than these, to the sight of a wife, under circumstances so tender, inhumanly butchered be- fore* his eyes ! Before the journey was ended, seventeen others shared the melancholy fate of Mrs. Williams. On their arrival in Canada, it may be added, Mr. Williams was treated with civility by the French. At the end of two years, he was redeemed, with fifty-seven others, and returned to Deerfield, where, after twelve years' labor in the gospel, he en- tered into his rest. 10. In the spring of 1707, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, and New Hampshire, despatched an armament against Port Royal-, in Nova Scotia. The expedition, consisting of one thousand men, sailed from Nantucket, in twenty-three transports, under convoy of the Deptfort man-of-war, and the Province galley. After a short voyage, they arrived at Port Royal ; but March, the commander of the expedition, though a brave man, be* 9* 102 period in.— 1689 to 1756. ing unfit to lead in an enterprise so difficult, little was done beyond burning a few houses and killing a few cattle. While this unfortunate expedition was in progress, the frontiers were kept in constant alarm. Oyster River, Exeter, Kingston, and Dover, in New Hampshire, Berwick, York, Wells, and Cas- co, in Maine, were attacked, and considerably damaged by the enemy. 11. The colonies were now resolved on another at- tempt upon Canada. In 1708, Massachusetts petitioned Queen Anne for assistance, and she promised to send five regiments of regular troops. These, with twelve hundred men raised in Massachusetts and Rhode Island, were to sail from Boston to Quebec. A second division of one thousand eight hundred men, from colonies south of Rhode Island, were to march against Montreal, by way of Champlain ; but this pro- ject also failed, the land troops returning, after penetrat- ing to Wood Creek, in consequence of learning that the naval armament, promised from England, had been di- rected to Portugal. ■ 12. The patience of the colonies was not yet ex- hausted. Another application was made to the queen, and, in July, 1710, Col. Nicholson came over with five frigates and a bomb ketch, for the purpose of reducing Port Royal. In this expedition, he was joined by five regiments of troops from New England. The armament, consisting of the above frigates, and between twenty and thirty transports, belonging to the colonies, sailed from Boston, September 18th. On the 24th, it reached Port Royal, which surrendered October 5th, and, in honor of Queen Anne, was called Annapolis. Animated with his success, Nicholson soon after sailed for England, to solicit another expedition against Canada. Contrary to the expectations of the colonies, the ministry acceded to the proposal, and orders were issued to the northern colonies to get ready their quotas of men. Sixteen days after these orders arrived, a fleet of men-of-war and transports, under command of Sir Hovenden Walker, with seven regiments of the Duke of Marlborough's troops, and a bat WARS OF WILLIAM III., ANNE, AND GEORGE II. 103 talion of marines, under Brigadier-General Hill, sailed into Bos- ton. But the fleet had neither provisions nor pilots. Aided, however, by the prompt and active exertions of the colonies, on the 30th of July, the fleet, consisting of fifteen men-of-war, forty transports, and six store-ships, with nearly seven thousand men, sailed from Boston for Canada. Shortly after the departure of the fleet, General Nicholson proceeded from Albany towards Canada, at the head of four thousand men, from the colonies of Connecticut, New York, and New Jersey. The fleet arrived in the St. Lawrence, August 14th. In pro- ceeding up the river, through the unskilfulness of the pilots, ind by contrary winds, it was in imminent danger of entire de- struction. On the 22d, about midnight, the seamen discovered that they were driven on the north shore, among islands and rocks. Eight or nine of the British transports, on board of which were about one thousand seven hundred officers and soldiers, were cast away, and nearly one thousand men were lost. Upon this disaster, no further attempts were made to prosecute the expedition. The fleet sailed directly for England, and the provincial troops returned home. Gen. Nicholson, who had ad- vanced to Lake George, hearing of the fate of the expedition on the St. Lawrence, returned with the land forces, and abandoned the enterprise. The failure of this expedition was unjustly imputed, by the mother country, wholly to New England ; nor did the colonies receive any credit for their vigorous exertions in raising men and fitting out the fleet. The expedition was not, however, without a beneficial effect, as it probably prevented Annapolis from falling into the hands of the enemy. 13. The spring of 1712 opened with new depreda- tions of the enemy upon the frontier settlements. Oys- ter River, Exeter, York, Wells, &c, were again attacked and plundered. Many inhabitants, in different parts of the country, were murdered, although, in some portions of the colonies, one half of the militia were constantly on duty. 14. The northern colonies were not alone in the dis- tresses of Queen Anne's war. Carolina, then the south- ern frontier of the American colonies, had her full share in its expenses and sufferings. Before official intelligence had been received of the declaration of war by England against France and Spain, in 1702, although war had actually been declared, Gov 104 period m.— 1689 to 1756. Moore, of the southern settlements in Carolina, proposed to the assembly of the colony an expedition against the Spanish settlement of St. Augustine, in Florida. Although assured of its easy conquest, and of being amply rewarded by its treasures of gold and silver, num- bers of the more considerate in the assembly were op- posed to the expedition. A majority, however, being in favor of it, two thousand pounds were voted, and one thousand two hundred men were raised, of whom one half were Indians; but the expedition entirely failed. With the forces above named, and some merchant vessels, im- pressed as transports, Gov. Moore sailed for St. Augustine. The design was for Col. Daniel, an enterprising officer, to proceed by the inland passage, and to attack the town by land, with a party of militia and Indians ; while Moore was to proceed by sea, and take possession of the harbor. Daniel advanced against the town, entered, and plundered it. before the governor's arrival. The Spaniards, however, retired to the castle, with their princi- pal riches, and with provisions for four months. The governor, on his arrival, could effect nothing for want of artillery. In this emergency, Daniel was despatched to Jamaica for cannon, mortars, &c. During his absence, two large Span- ish ships appearing off the harbor, Gov. Moore hastily raised the siege, abandoned his shipping, and made a precipitate retreat into Carolina. Col. Daniel, having no intelligence that the siege had been raised, on his return, stood in for the harbor, and narrowly escaped the ships of the enemy. In consequence of this rash and unfortunate enterprise, the colony was loaded with a debt of six thousand pounds, which gave rise to the first paper cur- rency in Carolina, and was the means of filling the colony with dissension and tumult. 15. The failure of this expedition was soon after, in a measure, compensated by a successful war with the Apalachian Indians, who, in consequence of their con- nection with the Spaniards, became insolent and hostile. Gov. Moore, with a body of white men and Indian allies, marched into the heart of their country, and compelled them to submit to the English. All the towns of the tribes between the rivers Altamaha and Savannah, were burnt, and between six hundred and eight hun- dred Indians were made prisoners. WARS OF WILLIAM III., ANNE, AND GEORGE II. 105 16. Although this enterprise was successful, new dan- gers soon threatened the colony. Its invasion was at- tempted, 1707, by the French and Spaniards, in order to annex Carolina to Florida. The expedition, headed by Le Feboure, consisted of a French frigate, and four arm- ed sloops, having about eight hundred men on board. Owing to the prompt and vigorous measures of Johnson, who had superseded Moore as governor, the enemy were repulsed, and the threatened calamity averted. No sooner was the intended invasion rumored abroad, than preparations were commenced to repel the enemy. The militia were mustered and trained, and the fortifications of Charleston and other places repaired. These preparations were scarcely completed, before the fleet of the enemy appeared. Some time elapsed, however, before they crossed the bar, which enabled the governor to alarm the surrounding country, and to call in great numbers of the militia. At length, with a fair wind, the enemy passed the bar, and sent a summons to the governor to surrender. Four hours were allowed him to return his answer. But the governor informed the messenger that he did not wish one minute. On the recep- tion of this answer, the enemy seemed to hesitate, and attempt- ed nothing that day. The day succeeding, a party of the enemy, landing on James Island, burnt a village by the river's side. Another party, of one hundred and sixty, landed at Wando Neck. The next day, botli these parties were dislodged ; the latter party being surprised, and nearly all killed or taken prisoners. This success so animated the Carolinians, that it was deter- mined to attack the enemy by sea. This was attempted with a force of six vessels, under command of William Rhet; but on the appearance of Rhet, the enemy weighed anchor, and precipitate- ly fled. Some days succeeding this, Monsieur Arbuset appeared on the coast with a ship of force, and landed a number of men at Sewee Bay. Rhet sailed out against him, and, at the same time, Capt. Fenwick crossed the river, and marched to attack the enemy by Hand. After a brisk engagement, Fenwick took the enemy on land prisoners, and Rhet succeeded in capturing the ship. 17. In 1710, a large number of Palatines, inhabit- ants of a Palatinate, a small territory in Germany, whose governor or prince is called a Palatine, arrived and set- tled on the Roanoke, in Albemarle and Bath counties, 106 period in.— 1689 to 1756. within the boundaries of North Carolina. These wero a great accession to the strength and numbers of the colony, which, although of sixty years' standing, was ex- ceedingly small. The same year, near three thousand of the same people came to New York. Some settled in that city, and built the old Lu- theran church : others settled on Livingston's manor. Some went into Pennsylvania, and, at subsequent periods, were follow- ed by many thousands of their countrymen. Two years after the above settlers arrived in Carolina, and during Queen Anne's war, a plot was laid by the Corees and Tuscaroras, with other Indian tribes, to massacre the whole number. This plot was soon so far put in execution, that one hundred and seven settlers were butchered in their houses in a single night. In- formation of their distress being conveyed to Charleston, Col. Barnwell, with six hundred militia and three hun- dred and fifty friendly Indians, explored their way through the intervening wilderness, and came to their relief. On his arrival, Col. B. surprised the Tuscaroras, killed three hundred of them, and made one hundred prisoners. The surviving Indians fled to a town which had been fortified by the tribe ; but here they were again attacked by Barnwell, who killed great numbers of them, and compelled the remainder to sue for peace. It is estimated that the Tuscaroras, in this war, lost one thousand of their number. The remainder of the tribe, early after the war, abandoned the country, and became united with the Five Nations, which since that time have been called the Six Nations. 18. The following year, March 31st, 1713, a treaty of peace was concluded at Utrecht, between England and France. This relieved the apprehensions of the northern part of the country, and put a welcome period to an expensive and distressing war. After the peace was known in America, the eastern Indians sent in a flag and desired peace. The governor of Massachu- setts, with his council, and with that of New Hampshire, met them at Portsmouth, received their submission, and entered into terms of pacification. WARS OF WILLIAM III., ANNE, AND GEORGE II. 107 By the above treaty between England and France, Newfound- land and Nova Scotia were ceded to Great Britain. It was also stipulated, that " the subjects of France, inhabiting Canada and other places, shall hereafter give no hinderance or molestation to the Five Nations, nor to the other nations of Indians who are friends to Great Britain." By the treaty, also, the French relin- quished all claim to the Five Nations, and to all parts of their territories, and, as far as respected themselves, entitled the British crown to the sovereignty of the country. 19. The termination of Queen Anne's war gave peace to the northern colonies, but the contest with the Indian? continued for some time to distress the Carolinians. Scarcely had the people recovered from the above war with the Corees and Tuscaroras, before they were threatened with a calamity still greater and more general. The Yamosees, a powerful tribe of Indians, with all the Indian tribes from Florida to Cape Fear river, formed a conspiracy for the total extirpation of the Carolinians. The 15th of April, 1715, was fixed upon as the day of general destruction. Owing, however, to the wisdom, despatch and firmness of Governor Craven, and the blessing of Providence, the calamity was in a measure averted, and the colonies saved, though at the expense, during the war, of near four hundred of the inhabitants. The Yamosees were expelled the province, and took refuge among the Spaniards in Florida. 20. In 1719, the government of Carolina, which till now had been proprietary, was changed, the charter be- ing declared by the king's privy council to have been forfeited ; and from this time, the colony was taken un- der the royal protection, under which it continued till the American revolution. The people had long been disgusted with the management of the proprietors, and were resolved, at all hazards, to execute their own laws, and defend the rights of the province. A subscription to this effect was drawn up and generally signed. On the meeting of the assembly, a committee was sent with this subscription to the governor, Robert Johnson, requesting hiin to accept the government of the province, under the king, instead of the proprietors. Upon his refusal, the assembly chose Col. James Moore gov ernor, under the crown; and on the 21st of December, 1719, the convention and militia marched to Charleston fort, and proclaim- ed Moore governor in his majesty's name. The Carolinians, having assumed the government, in behalf of the king, referred their complaints to the royal ear. On a full 108 period in.— 1689 to 1756. hearing of the case, the privy council adjudged that the propria tors had forfeited their charter. From this time, therefore, the colony, as stated above, was taken under the royal protection, under which it continued till the American revolution. This change was followed, in 17!2I), by another, nearly as im- portant. This was an agreement between the proprietors and the crown, that the former should surrender to the crown their right and interest both to the government and soil, for the sum of seventeen thousand five hundred pounds sterling. This agree- ment being carried into effect, the province was divided into North and South Carolina, each province having a distinct gov- ernor under the crown of England. 21. It has been stated that peace was concluded by Massachusetts and New Hampshire, with the eastern Indians, soon after the pacification at Utrecht, in 1713. This peace, however, was of short duration, dissatisfac- tion arising on the part of the Indians, because of the en- croachments of the English on their lands, and because trading-houses were not erected for the purchase of then commodities. The governor of Massachusetts promised them re- dress ; but, the general court not carrying his stipula- tions into execution, the Indians became irritated, and, at the same time, being excited by the French Jesuits, were roused to war, which, in July, 1722, became gen- eral, and continued to distress the eastern settlements until 1725. The tribes engaged in the war were the Norridgewock.s, Pe- nobscots. St. Francois, Cape Sable, and St. John Indians. In June, 1725, hostilities ceased, soon after which a treaty was sign- ed by the Indians, and was afterwards ratified by commissioners from Massachusetts, New Hampshire, and Nova Scotia. This treaty was greatly applauded; and under it, owing to the more pacific feelings of the Indians, and the more faithful observance of its stipulations by the English, the colonies experienced un- usual tranquillity for a long time. 22. The settlement of Georgia was begun in 1733, and was named after King George II., at that time on the throne of England. In the settlement of Georgia, two objects were principally in view — the relief of indi- gent inhabitants of Great Britain and Ireland, and the greater security of the Carolinas. WARS OF WILLIAM III., ANNE, AND GEORGE II. 109 The charter was granted to twenty-one persons, under the title of trustees, and passed the seals June 9th. 173*2. The first settlers, one hundred and sixteen in number, embarked from England in November of the same year, under General Ogle- thorpe. They landed at Charleston, whence they repaired to Ytimacraro-bluff, on Savannah river, and commenced the town of that name. The colony, for many years, did not flourish. In their regula- tions for its management, the trustees enacted that all lands granted by them to settlers should revert back, in case of the fail- ure of male succession ; although certain privileges were to be allowed to widows and daughters. At the same time, all trade with the Indians was prohibited, unless by virtue of special li- cence. The use of negroes, and the importation of rum, were absolutely forbidden. Although the trustees were actuated by the purest motives — by principles of humanity, and a regard to the health and morals of the inhabitants — this system of regulations was unfitted to the condition of the poor settlers, and was highly injurious to their increase and prosperity. Emigrants, however, continued to arrive. The first adven- turers, being poor and unenterprising, a more active and efficient race was desirable. To induce such to settle in the colony, eleven towns were laid out in shares of fifty acres each ; one of which was offered to each new settler. Upon this, large num- bers of Swiss, Scotch, and Germans, became adventurers to the colony. Within three years from the first settlement, one thou- sand four hundred planters had arrived. To aid the colony, parliament made several grants of money , individuals also gave considerable sums for the same purpose : owing, however, to the impolitic regulations of the trustees, the colony maintained only a feeble existence. Oglethorpe and his party arrived on the banks of the Savan nah. on the first of February. For several days, the people were employed in erecting a fortification, and in felling the woods, while the general marked out the town. The first house was begun on the ninth, and the town, after the Indian name of the river, was called Savannah. The fort being completed, the guns mounted, and the colony put in a state of safety, the next object of Oglethorpe's attention was to treat with the Indians, for a share of their possessions. In his intercourse with the Indians, he was greatly assisted by an Indian woman, whom he found at Savannah, by the name of Mary Musgrove. She had resided among the English, in another part of the country, and was well acquainted with their language. She was of great use, therefore, to Gen. Oglethorpe, as an interpreter, for which service he gave her a hundred pounds a year. 10 110 period in.— 1689 to 1756 Among those who came over with Gen. Oglethorpe was a man by the name of Thomas Bosom worth, who was the chaplain of the colony. Soon after his arrival at Savannah, he married the above-mentioned Mary Musgrove. Unhappily, Bosomworth was at heart a bad man, though by profession a minister of the gospel. He was distinguished for his pride and love of riches and influence. At the same time, he was artful and intriguing; yet, on account of his profession, he was, for a time, much re- spected by the Indians. At one of the great councils of the Indians, this artful man induced the chiefs to crown Malatche,one of the greatest among them, emperor of all the Creeks. After this, he persuaded his wife to call herself the eldest sister of Malatche ; and she told the Indians, that one of her grandfathers had been made king, by the Great Spirit, over all the Creeks. The Indians believed what Mary told them ; for they had become very proud of her since Gen. Oglethorpe had taken so much notice of her, and had been so kind to her ; and they acknowledged her for their queen. They called a great meeting of the chiefs, and Mary made them a long talk. She told them, that the whites were their enemies, and had done them much injury — that they were getting away the lands of the Indians, and would soon drive them from all their possessions. Said she, " We must assert our rights — we must arm ourselves against them — we must drive them from our territories. Let us call forth our warriors — I will * head them. Stand by me, and the houses which they have erected shall smoke in ruins." The spirit of Queen Mary was contagious. Every chief present declared himself ready to de- fend her to the last drop of his blood. After due preparation, the warriors were called forth. They had painted themselves afresh, and sharpened anew their toma- hawks for the battle. Their march was now commenced. Queen Mary, attended by her infamous husband, the real author and instigator of all their discontent, headed the savage throng. Before they reached Savannah, their approach was announced. The people were justly alarmed. They were few in number, and though they had a fortification and cannon, they had no good reason to hope, that they should be able to ward off the deadly blow which was aimed against them. By this time, the savages were in sight of Savannah. At this critical moment, an Englishman, by the name of Noble Jones, a bold and daring man, rode forth, with a few spirited men, on horseback, to meet them. As he approached them, he exclaimed, in a voice like thunder, " Ground your arms! groumd your arms! . not an armed Indian shall set his foot in this town." Awe-struck at his lofty tone, and perceiving him and his com- panions ready to dash in among them, they paused, and soon af WARS OF WILLIAM III., ANNE, AND GEORGE II. Ill ter laid down their arms. Bosomworth and his queen were now summoned to march into the city — the Indian chiefs were also allowed to enter, but without their arms. On reaching the pa- rade ground, the thunder of fifteen cannon, fired at the same moment, told them what they might expect, should they persist in their hostile designs. The Indians were now marched to the house of the president of the council in Savannah. Bosomworth was required to leave the Indians, while the president had a friendly talk with them. In his address to them, he assured them of the kindness of the English, and demanded what they meant by coming in this war- like manner. In reply, they told the president that they had heard that Mary was to be sent over the great waters, and they had come to learn why they were to lose their queen. Findin ox nnn deuce Plantations 5 '** " **°> UUU Connecticut 100,000 New England 385,000 Mid. and S. Colonies 661,000 Total 1,046,000 New York 100,000 The Jerseys 60.000 Pennsylvania 250.000 Maryland 85,000 Virginia 85,000 North Carolina 45,000 South Carolina 30,000 Georgia 6,000 661^000 3£. Education. The southern colonies continued to treat the subject of education differently from the north- ern colonies, in this respect; in the north, one of the first objects of legislation was to provide for the educa- tion of all classes ; in the south, the education of the higher classes only was an object of public attention. The first public institution for the purposes of education, which succeeded in the south, was that of William and Mary College, in Virginia, established in 1692, by the sovereigns whose names it bears. Yale College, in Connecticut, was commenced in 1700 ; eleven of the principal ministers in the neighboring towns, who had been appointed to adopt such measures as they should deem expedient, on the subject of a college, agreeing to found one in the colony. The next year, the legislature granted them a charter. The col- lege was begun at Saybrook, where was held the first commence- ment, in 1702. In 1717, it was removed to New Haven, where it became permanently established. It was named after the Hon. Elihu Yale, governor of the East India Company, who was its principal benefactor. The college at Princeton, New Jersey, called " Nassau Hall," was first founded by charter from John Hamilton, Esq., president of the council, about the year 1738, and »was enlarged by Gov Bolcher, in 1747. REFLECTIONS. 36. The history of this period presents the North American colonies to our view, at the same time that they were visited with cruel and desolating wars, still advancing in population, extend- ing their commerce, forming new settlements, enlarging the boundaries of their territory, and laying wider and deeper the WARS OF WILLIAM III., ANNE, AND GEORGE II. 12J.J foundations of a future nation. And, while we look back, with admiration, upon the hardy spirit which carried our ancestors through scenes so trying, and enabled them to reap prosperity from the crimsoned fields of battle and bloodshed, let us be thank- ful that our lot is cast in a happier day ; and that, instead of shar- ing in the perils of feeble colonies, we enjoy the protection and privileges of a free and powerful nation. In addition to the reflections subjoined to the account which we have given of the " Salem witchcraft," we may add another, respecting the danger of popular delusion. In that portion of our history, we see a kind of madness rising up, and soon stretching its influence oveT a whole community. And such, too, is the pervading power of the spell, that the wise and ignorant, the good and bad, are alike subject to its control, and, for the time, alike incapable of judging or reasoning aright. Now, whenever we see a community divided into parties, and agitated by some general excitement ; when we feel ourselves borne along on one side or the other, by the popular tide, — let us inquire whether we are not acting under the influence of a delusion, which a few Sears, perhaps a few months, or days, may dispel and expose, for, at such a time, let us regard our sincerity, or our conscious- ness of integrity, or the seeming clearness and certainty of our reasonings, as furnishing an absolute assurance that, after all, we do not mistake, and that our opponents are not right. Another reflection of some importance, and one that may serve to guard us against censuring, too severely, the wise and good, is suggested by this account of the " Salem witchcraft." It is this, that the best men are liable to err. We should not, therefore, condemn, nor should we withhold our charity from, those who fall into occasional error, provided their characters are, in othef respects, such as to lay claim to our good opinion. UNITED STATES. PERIOD IV. DISTINGUISHED FOR THE FRENCH AND INDIAN WAR. Extending from the Declaration of War by England against France, 1756, to the Commencement of Hos- tilities by Great Britain against the American Colo- nies, in the Battle of Lexington, 1775. Sec. 1. The war which ended in the treaty of Aix la Chapelle, in 1748, (Period III. 28.) had been highly injurious to the American colonies ; and the return of peace found them in a state of impoverishment and dis- tress. Great losses had been sustained in their com- merce, and many of their vessels had been seized on the coast by privateers. Bills of credit, to the amount of several millions, had been issued to carry on the war, which they were now unable to redeem ; and the losses of men in various expeditions against the enemy, had seriously retarded the increase of population. The expenses of the northern colonies, including New Eng- land and New York, during the war, were estimated at not less than one million pounds sterling. Massachusetts alone is said to have paid half this sum, and to have expended nearly four bun- dled thousand pounds in the expedition against Cape Breton. The expenses of Carolina, for the war in that quarter, were not less in proportion. To supply the deficiency of money, hills of credit were issued to the amount of several millions. The bills issued by Massa chusetts, during two or three years of the war, amounted to be- tween two and three millions currency ; whilfe, at the time of FRENCH AND INDIAN WAR. 125 their emission, five or six hundred pounds were equal to only one hundred pounds sterling. Before the complete redemption of these bills, says Dr. Trumbull, in those colonies where their credit was best supported, the depreciation was nearly twenty for one. The losses sustained by the colonies, in the fall of many of their bravest men, during this and the last Indian war, were se- verely felt. From 1722 to 1749, a period of twenty-seven years, the losses of Massachusetts and New Hampshire equalled the whole increase of their numbers ; whereas, in the natural course of population, their numbers would have more than doubled. Such was the general state of the colonies, at the close of this war. The return of peace was hailed as the harbinger of better days, and the enterprising spirit of the people soon exerted itself to repair the losses which had been sustained. Commerce, therefore, again flour- ished ; population increased ; settlements were extended ; and the public credit revived. 2. Scarcely, however, had the colonies begun to reap the benefits of peace, before the sound of approaching war filled the land with general anxiety and distress. After an interval of only about eight years, from 1748 to May 18th, 1756, Great Britain, under George II., formally declared war against France; which declara- tion was reciprocated, on the 9th of June, by a similar declaration, on the part of France, under Louis XV., against Great Britain. The general cause, leading to this war, commonly called the " French and Indian war" was the alleged encroachments of the French upon the frontiers of the colonies in America, belonging to the English crown. These encroachments were made upon Nova Scotia in the east, which had been ceded to Great Britain by the 12th article of the treaty of Utrecht, but to a considerable part of which the French laid claim, and, in several places, were erecting fortifications. In the north and west, they were settling and fortifying Crown Point, and, in the west, were not only attempting to complete a li ne of forts from the head of the St. Lawrence to the Mississippi, but were encroaching far on Virginia. The circumstance which served to open the war, was the alleged intrusion of the Ohio Company upon the 126 period iv.— 1756 to 1775. territory of the French. This company consisted of a number of influential men, from London and Virginia, who had obtained a charter grant of six hundred thou- sand acres of land, on and near the river Ohio, for the purpose of carrying on the fur trade with the Indians, and of settling the country. The governor of Canada had early intelligence of the transactions of this company. Fearing that their plan would deprive^ the French of the advantages of the fur trade, and prevent communications between Canada and Louisiana, he addressed a letter to the governors of New York and Pennsylvania, claiming the country east of the Ohio to the Alleganies, and forbidding the further en- croachments of the English traders. As yet, the Pennsylvanians had principally managed the trade with the Indians. But, being now about to be deprived of it by the Ohio Company, which was opening a road to the Potomac, they excited the fears of the Indians, kst their lands should be taken from them, and gave early intelligence to the French, of the designs and transactions of the company. The French governor soon manifested his hostile determina- tion, by seizing several of the English traders, and carrying them to a French port on the south of Lake Erie. — The Twightwees, a tribe of Indians in Ohio, near Miami river, among whom the Eng- lish had been trading, resented the seizure, and, by way of re- taliation, took several French traders, and sent them to Pennsyl- vania. In the mean time, a communication was opened along he French creek and Allegany river, between Fort Presqu' lie, on Lake Erie, and the Ohio ; and French troops were stationed at convenient distances, secured by temporary fortifications. The Ohio Company, thus threatened with the de- struction of their trade, were loud in their complaints. Dinwiddie, lieutenant-governor of Virginia, to whom these complaints were addressed, laid the subject before the assembly, which ordered a messenger to be despatch- ed to the French commandant on the Ohio, to demand the reasons of his hostile conduct, and to summon the French to evacuate their forts in that region. FRENCH AND INDIAN WAR. hll 3. Tne person intrusted with this service was George Washington, who, at the early age of twenty-one, thu3 stepped forth in the public cause, and began that line of services which ended in the independence of his country. The service to which Washington was appointed, was both difficult and dangerous ; the place of his destination being above four hundred miles distant, two hundred of which lay through a wilderness inhabited only by In- dians. He arrived in safety, however, and delivered a letter from Gov. Dinwiddie to the commandant. Havinor received a written answer, and secretly taken the di- mensions of the fort, he returned. The reply of the commandant to Gov. Dinwiddie was, that he had taken possession of the country, under the direction of the gov- ernor-general of Canada, to whom he would transmit his letter, and whose orders only he would obey. 4. The British ministry, on being made acquainted with the claims, conduct and determination of the French, without a formal declaration of war, instructed the Virginians to resist their encroachments by force of arms. Accordingly, a regiment was raised in Virginia, which was joined by an independent company from South Carolina; and with this force, Washington, to whom the expedition was intrusted, marched, early in April, 1754, towards the Great Meadows, lying within the dis- puted territories, for the purpose of expelling the French,' The conduct of Washington and his troops was highly creditable to them ; but, the French forces being consid- erably superior, he was obliged to capitulate, with the privilege, however, of returning with his troops to Vir- ginia. On his arrival at the Great Meadows, he learned that the French had dispossessed some Virginians of a fortification, which the latter were erecting for the Ohio Company, at the confluence *>f the Allegany and Monongahela, and were engaged in com- pleting it, for their own use. He also learned, that a detachment from that place, then on its march towards the Great Meadowy had encamped for the night in a low and retired situation. 128 period iv. — 1756 to 1775. Under the guidance of some friendly Indians, and under cov. er of a dark and rainy night, this party he surprised and captured. Having erected, at the Great Meadows, a small stockade fort, afterwards called Fort Necessity, he proceeded, with his force, increased by troops from New York, and others from South Car- olina, to nearly four hundred men, towards the French fort, du Quesne, where Pittsburg now stands, with the intention of dis- lodging the enemy. Hearing, however, that the enemy waa approaching, he retired to Fort Necessity, where, not long after he was attacked by a large body of troops from Fort du Quesne, under command of M. de Villier. After an engagement of sev- eral hours, de Villier demanded a parley, and offered terms of capitulation. These terms were rejected ; but during the night, July 4th, articles were signed, by which Washinsrton was permit- ted, upon surrendering the fort, to march with his troops, unmo- lested, to Virginia. Such was the beginning of open hostilities, which were succeeded by a series of other hostilities charac- terized by the spirit and manner of war, although the formal declaration of war was not made until 1756, two years after, as already mentioned. 5. 1 he British ministry, perceiving war to be inevita- ble, recommended to the British colonies in America to unite in some scheme for their common defence. Ac- cordingly, a convention of delegates from Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, Connecticut, Pennsyl- vania, Maryland, with the lieutenant-governor and coun- cil of New York, was held at Albany, in 175*4, and a plan of union adopted, resembling, in several of its features, the present constitution of the United States. But the plan met with the approbation neither of the provincial assemblies, nor the king's council. By the former, it was rejected, because it gave too much power to the crown ; and by the latter, because it gave too much power to the people. According to this plan, a grand council was to be formed, of members chosen by the provincial assemblies, and sent from all the colonies; which council, with a governor-general, appointed by the crown, and having a negative voice, should be empower- ed to make general laws, to raise money in all the colonies for their defence, to call forth troops, regulate trade, lay duties^ FRENCH AND INDIAN WAR. 129 The plan, thus matured, was approved and signed, on the Fourth of July, the day that Washington surrendered Fort Ne- cessity, and twenty-two years before the declaration of Indepen- dence, by all the delegates, excepting those from Connecticut, who objected to the negative voice of the governor-general. One circumstance, in the history of this plan, deserves here to be recorded, as evincing the dawning spirit of the revolution. Although the plan was rejected by the provincial assemblies, they declared, without reserve, that, if it were adopted, they would undertake to defend themselves from the French, without assistance from Great Britain. They required but to be left to employ their supplies in their own way, to effect their security and predominance. The mother country was too jealous to trust such powers with the Americans ; but she proposed another plan, designed to lay a foundation for the perpetual dependence and slavery of the colonies. This plan was, that the governors, with one or more of their council, should form a convention to concert measures for the general defence, to erect fortifications, raise men, &c. &c, with power to draw upon the British treasury, to defray all charges ; which charges should be reimbursed by taxes upon the colonies, imposed by acts of parliament. But to allow the British government the right of taxation — to lay the colonies under the obligations of a debt to be thus liquidated — to subject themselves to the rapacity of king's collectors, we scarcely need say, was a proposal which met with universal disapprobation. 6. Early in the spring of 1755, preparations were made, by the colonies, for vigorous exertions against the enemy. Four expeditions were planned: — one against the French in Nova Scotia ; a second against the French on the Ohio ; a third against Crown Point ; and a fourth against Niagara. 7. The expedition against Nova Scotia, consisting of three thousand men, chiefly from Massachusetts, was led by Gen. Monckton and Gen. Winslow. With these troops, they sailed from Boston, May 20th, and on the 1st of June, arrived at Chignecto, in the bay of Fundy. After being joined by three hundred British troops, and a small train of artillery, they proceeded against Fort Beau Sejour, which, after four days' investment, surren- dered. The name of the fort was now changed to that of Cumberland. From this place Gen. Monckton pro- ceeded far her into the country, took other forts in pos- 130 period iv. — 1756 to 1775. session of the French, and disarmed the inhabitants. By this successful expedition, the English possessed themselves of the whole country of Nova Scotia, a part of which, as already noticed, (Sec. 2,) the French claim- ed : its tranquillity was restored, and placed upon a per- manent basis. In this whole expedition, the English lost but twenty men. Large quantities of provisions and military stores fell into their hands, with a number of valuable cannon. The French force in Nova Scotia being subdued, a difficult question occurred, respecting the disposal of the inhabitants. Fearing that they might join the French in Canada, whom they had belore furnished with intelligence, quarters, and provisions, it was determined to disperse them among the English colonies. Under this order, one thousand nine hundred were thus dis- persed. 8. The expedition against the French on the Ohio, was led by Gen. Braddock, a British officer, who com- menced his march from Virginia, in June, with about two thousand men. Apprehensive that Fort du Quesne, against which he was proceeding, might be reinforced, Braddock, with one thousand two hundred selected troops, hastened his march, leaving Col. Dunbar to fol- low more slowly, with the other troops and the heavy Daggage. On the 8th of July, Braddock had advanced sixty miles forward of Col. Dunbar, and within twelve or four- teen miles of Fort du Quesne. Here he was advised by his officers to proceed with caution, and was earnestly entreated by Col. Washington, his aid, to permit him to precede the army, and guard against surprise. Too haughty and self-confident to receive advice, Braddock, without any knowledge of the condition of the enemy, continued to press towards the fort. About twelve o'clock, July 0th, when within seven miles of the fort, he was suddenly attacked by a body of French and In- dians. Although the enemy did not exceed five hun- dred, yet, after an action of three hours, Braddock, un- der whom five horses had been killed, was mortally FRENCH AND INDIAN WAR. 131 wounded, and his troops defeated. The loss of the Eng- lish army was sixty-four out of eighty-five officers, and nearly half the privates. This unfortunate defea of Gen. Brad dock is to be ascribed to his imprudence and too daring intrepidity. Had he attended to those precautions which were recommended to him, he would not have been thus ambuscaded ; or had he wisely retreated from a concealed enemy, and scoured the thicket with his cannon, the melancholy catastrophe might have been avoided. But, obstinate- ly riveted to the spot on which he was first attacked, he vainly continued his attempt to form his men in regular order, although, by this means, a surer prey to the enemy, until, being himself wounded, he could no longer be accessary to the destruction of human life. A remarkable fact in the history of this affair remains to be told. Gen. Braddock held the provincial troops in great contempt. Consequently, he kept the Virginians, and other provincials, who were in the action, in the rear. Yet, although equally exposed with the rest, far from being affected with the fears that disorder- ed the regular troops, they stood firm and unbroken, and, under Colonel Washington, covered the retreat of the regulars, and saved them from total destruction. The retreat of the army, after Braddock was wounded, was precipitate. No pause was made until the rear division was met. This division, on its junction with the other, was seized with the same spirit of flight with the retreating, and both divisions pro- ceeded to Fort Cumberland, a distance of nearly one hundred and twenty miles from the place of action. Had the troops, even here, recovered their spirits and returned, success might still have crowned the expedition. At least, the army might have rendered the most important service to the cause, by preventing the devastations and innuman murders, per petrated by the French and Indians, during the summer, on the western borders of Virginia and Pennsylvania. But, instead of adopting a course so salutary and important, Col. Dunbar, leav- ing the sick and wounded at Cumberland, marched with his troops to Philadelphia. 9. The expedition against Crown Point was led by Gen. William Johnson, a member of the council of New York ; and although it failed as to its main object, yet its results diffused exultation through the American colo- nies, and dispelled the gloom which followed Braddock's defeat. The army under Johnson arrived at the south end of Lake George the latter part of August. While here, intelligence wag 132 peripd iv. — 1756 to 1775. received that a body of the enemy, two thousand in number, had landed at Southbay, now Whitehall,, under command of Baron Dieskau, and were marching towards Fort Edward, for the pur pose of destroying the provisions and military stores there. At a council of war, held on the morning of September 8th, it was resolved to detach a party to intercept the French and save the fort. This party consisted of twelve hundred men, com- manded by Col. Ephraim Williams, of Deerfield, Massachusetts. Unfortunately, this detachment was surprised by Dieskau, who was lying in ambush for them. After a most signal slaughter, in which Col. Williams, and Hendrick, a renowned Mohawk sachem, and many other officers, fell, the detachment was obliged to retreat. The firing was heard in the camp of Johnson ; and, as it seemed to approach nearer and nearer, it was naturally conjectured that the English troops were repulsed. The best preparations which the time allowed, were made to receive the advancing foe. Dieskau, with his troops, soon appeared, and commenced a spirited attack. They were received, however, with so much intrepidity — the cannon and musketry did so much execution among their ranks — that the enemy retired in great disorder, having expe- rienced a signal defeat. The loss of the French was not lesa than seven hundred killed, and three hundred wounded : this loss was rendered still more severe to the French by a mortal wound which Dieskau himself received, and in consequence of which he fell into the hands of the English. The loss of the English did not much exceed two hundred. Few events, of no greater magnitude, leave stronger impres- sions than resulted from the battle of Lake George. Following, as it did, the discomfiture of Braddock, it served to restore the honor of the British arms, and the tone of the public mind. At the time it was meditated to send a detachment, under Col Williams, to intercept Dieskau, the number of men proposed was mentioned to Hendrick, the Mohawk chief, and his opinion asked. He replied, " If they are to fight, they are too few. If they are to be killed, they are too many." The number was ac- cordingly increased. Gen. Johnson proposed also to divide the detachment into three parties. Upon this, Hendrick took three sticks, and, putting them together, said to him, " Put these togeth- er, and you cannot break them ; take them one by one, and you will break them easily." The hint succeeded, and Hendrick'a sticks saved many of the party, and probably the whole army, from destruction. Among the wounded of the French, as already stated, was the Baron Dieskau. He had received a ball through his leg, and, being unable to follow his retreating army, was found by an Eng- lish soldier resting upon the stump of a tree, with scarcely an attendant. Dieskau, apprehensive for his safety, was feeling for FRENCH AND INDIAN WAR. lo\) his watch, in order to give it to the soldier, when the man, sus- pecting that he was feeling for a pistol, levelled his gun, and wounded him in the hips. He was carried to the camp, and treated with great kindness. From the camp he was removed to Albany and New Yoik, whence, some time after, he sailed for England, where he died. He was a superior officer, possessed of honora ble feelings, and adorned with highly polished manners. One stain, however, attaches to his character. Before his engage- ment with Col. Williams's corps, he gave orders to his troops neither to give nor take quartef. 10. The expedition against Niagara was committed to Gov. Shirley, of Massachusetts, whose force amounted to two thousand five hundred men. But the season was too far advanced before his preparations were completed, to effect any thing of importance. After proceeding to Oswego, on Lake Ontario, the army being poorly sup- plied with provisions, and the rainy season approaching, the expedition was abandoned, and the troops returned to Albany. Thus ended Uie campaign of 1755. 11. In the spring of the ensuing year, 1756, Gov. Shirley was succeeded in command by Gen. Abercrom- bie, until the arrival of the Earl of Loudon, commander- in-chief of all his majesty's forces in America. The hostilities of the two preceding years had been carried on without any formal proclamation of war ; but this year, June 9th, as already stated, war was declared by Great Britain against France, and, soon after, by France against Great Britain, in turn. The plan of operations for the campaign of '56 em- braced the attack of Niagara and Croicn Point, which were still in possession of the French. Both these places were of great importance ; the former being the connect- ing link in the line of fortifications between Canada and Louisiana ; and the latter commanding Lake Cham« plain, and guarding the only passage, at that time, into Canada. But, important as were these posts, the reduc- tion of neither was this year accomplished, nor even at- tempted, owing, chiefly, to the great delays of those who held the chief command. 12 134 period iv.— 1756 to 1775. Troops were raised for the expedition againct Crown Point amounting to seven thousand, the command of whom was as- signed to Maj. Gen. Winslow,of Massachusetts. But his march was delayed by obstacles ascribed to the improvidence of Aber- crombie. After the mortal wound received by Dieskau, at the battle of Lake George, the Marquis de Montcalm, an able and enterprising officer, succeeded to the command of the French forces. In 'the month of August, this officer, with eight thousand regulars, Canadians and In- dians, invested the fort at Oswego, on the south side of Lake Ontario, — one of the most important posts held by the English in America, — and in a few days took it. On the receipt of this intelligence, Lord Loudon, who had arrived at Albany, and entered upon the command, despatched orders to Gen. Winslow, on his march towards Crown Point, not to proceed. The fall of the fort at Oswego was most unfortunate for the English ; and their loss of men made prisoners, and munitions of war, peculiarly severe. By the capture of this post, the enemy obtained the entire command of the lakes Ontario and Erie, and of the whole country of the Five Nations. Sixteen hundred men were made prisoners, and one hundred and twenty pieces of cannon were taken, with fourteen mortars, two sloops of war, and two hundred boats and batteaux. After this disastrous event, all offensive operations were immediately relinquished, although it was then three months to the time of the usual decampment of the army. Thus, through the inactivity of a man whose leading trait was indecision, not one object of the cam- paign was gained, nor one purpose accomplished, either honorable or important. 12. Notwithstanding the failure of the campaign of this season, the British parliament made great prepara- tions to prosecute the war the succeeding year, 1757. In July, an armament of eleven ships of the line and fifty transports, with more than six thousand troops, ar- rived at Halifax, destined for the reduction of Louisburg. The colonies had been raising men for an expedition against Ticonderocra and Crown Point. Great was then FRENCH AND LNDIAxNf WAR. 135 mortification and disappointment, when they learned from the orders of Lord Loudon, that these troops were to be employed against Louisburg. Such inconstancy and fluctuation appeared beneath the dignity of the com- mander-in-chief. But they were obliged to submit; and Lord Loudon proceeded to join the armament at Halifax. So dilatory were their measures, however, that, before they were ready to sail, Louisburg was reinforced by a fleet of seventeen sail, and with troops to make it nine thousand strong. On the reception of this intelligence, it was deemed inexpedient to proceed, and the expedi- tion was abandoned. 13. While weakness and indecision were marking the counsels of the English, the French continued to urge on their victories. Montcalm, still commander of the French in the north, finding the troops withdrawn from Halifax for the reduction of Louisburg, seized the occasion to make a descent on Fort William Henry, situated on the north shore of Lake George. The oar- rison of the fort consisted of three thousand men. With a force of nine thousand men, Montcalm laid siege to it. After a gallant defence of six days, the garrison surren- dered, thus giving to Montcalm the command of the lake, and of the western frontier. The spirited and protracted defence of the fort, against such numbers, reflects the highest honor upon its brave commander, Col. Munroe. Six days was the enemy kept at bay, with unabat- ed resolution, in full expectation of assistance from Gen. Webb, who lay at Fort Edward, only fifteen miles distant, with an army of four thousand men. The character of Gen. Webb continues sullied by his unpar- donable indifference to the perilous situation of his brethren in an is at Fort William Henry. It deserves to be known, that Sir William Johnson, after very importunate solicitations, obtained leave of Gen. Webb to march, with as many as would volunteer in the service, to the relief of Munroe. At the beat of the drums, the provincials, almost to a man, saHied forth, and were soon ready and easrer for'the march. Af- *er being under arms almost all day, what were their feelings when Sir William, returning from head-quarters, informed them that Gen. Webb had forbidden them to march ! 13G period it. — 1756 to 1775. The soldiers were inexpressibly mortified and enraged, and their commander did himself no common honor in the tears ha shed, as he turned from his troops, and retired to his tent. The defence of Fort William Henry was so gallant, that Col. Monroe, with his troops, was admitted to an honorable eapitula- tion . The capitulation, however, was most shamefully broken. While the troops were marching out at the gate of the fort, the Indians, attached to Montcalm's party, dragged the men from UVir ranks, and. with all the inhumanity of savage feeling, plundered them of their baggage, and butchered them in cold Out of a New Hampshire corps of two hundred, eighty were missing. It is said that efforts were made by the French to restrain the barbarians : but the truth of the assertion may well be doubted, when it is considered that Montcalm's force was at least seven thousand French, and yet these barbarians were not restrained. 14. In 175S. most fortunately for the honor of the British arms, and for the salvation of the colonies, a change took place in the ministry of England. The celebrated Pitt, Lord Chatham, now placed at the head of the administration, breathed a new soul into the Brit- ish councils, and revived the energies of the colonies, weakened and exhausted by a series of ill-contrived and unfortunate expeditions. The tide of success now turned in favor of the English, who continued, with some few exceptions, to achieve one victory after another, un- til the whole of Canada surrendered to the British arms. Pitt, upon coming into office, addressed a circular to the colonial governors, in which he assured them of the determination of the ministry to send a laroe force to America, and called upon them to raise as many troops as the "number of inhabitants would allow. The colonies were prompt and liberal in furnishing the requisite sup- plies. Massachusetts, Connecticut, and New Hamp- shire, unitedly, raised fifteen thousand men, who were *eady to take the field in May. 15. Three expeditions were proposed : — the Jirst against Louisburg : the second against Ticonderoga ; the third against Fort du Quesne.* 1(3. On the expedition against Louisburg, Admiral * Pronounced Du-Kane. FRENCH AND INDIAN WAR. 137 Boscawen sailed from Halifax, May 28th, with a fleet of twenty ships of the line, eighteen frigates, and an army of fourteen thousand men, under the command of Brig Gen. Amhe'rst, next to whom in command was Gen. Wolfe. On the 26th of July, after a vigorous resistance, this fortress was sifrrendered, and with it five thousand seven hundred and* thirty-seven prisoners of war, and one hundred and twenty cannon, besides which the en- emy lost five ships of the line and four frigates. At the same time, Isle Royal, St. Johns, with Cape Breton, fell into the hands of the English, who now became masters of the coast from the St. Lawrence to Nova Scotia. The surrender of this fortress was a more signal loss to France than any which she had sustained since the commencement of the war. It greatly obstructed her communications with Cana- da, and was powerfully instrumental in hastening the subjuga- tion of that country to the British crown. 17. The expedition against Ticondcroga was conduct- ed by Gen. Abercrombie, commander-in-chief in Ameri- ca, Lord Loudon having returned to England. An army of sixteen thousand men, nine thousand of whom were provincials, followed his standard, besides a for- midable train of artillery. Having passed Lake George, the army proceeded with great difficulty towards the fortress. Unfortunately, Gen. Abercrombie trusted to others, who were incompe tent to the task, to reconnoitre the ground and intrench- cnents of the enemy, and, without a knowledge of the strength of the places, or of the proper points of attack, issued his orders to attempt the lines without bringing up a single piece of artillery. The army advanced to the charge with the greatest intrepidity, and for more than four hours maintained the attack with incredible obstinacy. After the loss of nearly two thousand in killed and wounded, the troops were summoned away. The retreat was as unhappy as the attack had been precipitate and 12* 138 period iv.— 1756 to 1775. ill-advised. Not a doubt can rationally exist, that, had the siege been prosecuted with prudence and vigor, the re- duction of the place would have been easily accomplished without so great a waste of human life, as the garrison amounted to but little more than three thousand men. The passage of Abercrombie across Lake George, on his way with his army to Ticonderoga, was effected by means of one thousand and thirty-five boats. The splendor of the military parade on the occasion was eminently imposing, and deserves to be recorded. A late writer, Dr. Dwight, thus describes it : — ' ; The morning was remarkably bright and beautiful ; and the fleet moved with exact regularity to the sound of fine martial music. The ensigns waved and glittered in the sun-beams, and the anticipation of future triumph shone in every eye. Above, beneath, around, the scenery was that of enchantment. Rarely has the sun, since that luminary was first lighted up in the heavens, dawned on such a complication of beauty and magnifi- cence." How greatly did all the parade which was displayed, and all the anticipation which was indulged, add to the mortifi- cation of the defeat which followed ! After his repulse, Gen. Abercrombie retired to his former quarters on Lake George. Here, anxious in any way to repair the mischief and disgrace of defeat, he consented, at the solicitation of Col. Bradstreet. to de- tach him, with three thousand men, against Fort Fron- tenac, on the north-west side of the outlet of Lake On- tario. With these troops, mostly provincial, Bradstreet sailed down the Ontario, landed within a mile of the fort, opened his batteries, and, in two days, forced this important fortress to surrender. Nine armed vessels, sixty cannon, sixteen mortars, and a vast quantity of ammunition, &c. &*c. fell into his hands. >8. To dispossess the French at Fort du Qucsne, the bulwark of their dominion over the western rep-ions, was a third expedition contemplated this year. This en- terprise was intrusted to Gen. Forbes, who left Phi- ladelphia, in July, but did not arrive at du Quesne till late in November. The force collected for' the at- tack amounted to eight thousand effective men. An attack, however, was needless, the fort having been de- FRENCH AND INDIAN WAR. 139 eerted by the garrison the evening before the arrival of the army. On taking quiet possession of the place, Forbes, in honor of Mr. Pitt, called it Pittsburg. Notwithstanding the defeat of Ticonderoga, the cam- paign closed with honor to the colonies, and to the na- tion in general. The successes of the year prepared the way for the still greater achievements of the ensu- ing year. 19. Another event of this year concurred in bringing to pass the fortunate issues of the next. This was a treaty of peace and friendship with the Indian nations inhabiting between the Apalachian mountains, the Al- leganies, and the lakes. This treaty was concluded at Easton, sixty miles from Philadelphia. The managers of the treaty on the part of Great Britain, were the governors of Pennsylvania and New Jersey, Sir William Johnson, fur members of the c uncil of Pennsylvania, six mem- bers of assembly, and two agents from New Jersey. The tribes represented on this occasion, and with which the treaty was made, were the Mohawks, Oneidas, Onondagoes, Ca yugas, Senecas, Tuscaroras, Nanticoques, and Conays, theTute- loes, Chugnuts, Delawares, Unamies, Minisinks, Mohicans, and Wappingers. The whole number of Indians, including women and children, present, amounted to five hundred. 20. The campaign of 1759 had for its object the en- tire conquest of Canada. For this purpose, it was de- termined, that three powerful armies should enter Cana- da by different routes, and attack, at nearly the same time, all the strong holds of the French in that country. These were Ticonderoga and Crown Point, Niagara and Quebec. 21. Gen. Amherst, who had succeeded Abercrombie as commander-in-chief, led one division against Ticon- deroga, which he reached July 22d. This fortress soon surrendered, the principal part of the garrison having re- tired to Crown Point. Having strengthened Ticonde- roga, the army next proceeded against this latter place, and took quiet possession of it, the enemy having fled before their arrival. 140 period iv. — 1756 to 1775. The French retired to the Isle aux Noix, situated at the north- ern extremity of Lake Champlain, where they were strongly en- camped, with a force of three thousand five hundred men, and a powerful artillery. Gen. Amherst designed to follow up his suc- cesses against them in that quarter; but the want of a suitable naval armament prevented. 22. The second division of the army, commanded by Gen. Prideaux, was destined against Niagara, at which place they arrived July 6th, without loss or opposition. The place was immediately invested : on the 24th of the month, a general battle took place, which decided the fate of Niagara, and placed it in the hands of the Eng- lish. Four days previous to this battle, that able and distinguished officer, Gen. Prid«aux, was killed by the bursting of a cohorn. The command devolved on Sir William Johnson, who success- fully put in execution the plans of his lamented predecessor. 23. While the English ti oops were achieving these important victories in Upper Canada, Gen. Wolfe was prosecuting the most important enterprise of the cam- paign, viz. the reduction of Quebec. Embarking at Louisburg with eight thousand men, under convoy of Acfrnirals Saunders and Holmes, he landed with his troops, in June, on the island of Orleans, a little below z Quebec. After several attempts to reduce the place, which proved unsuccessful, Wolfe conceived the project of as- cending, with his troops, a precipice of from 150 to 200 feet, by which he would reach the plains of Abraham, lying south and west of the city, and thus gain access to the enemy, in a less fortified spot. This ascent he effected with his army, and ere Mont- calm, the French general, was aware of it, the army had formed on the heights of Abraham, and were prepared for battle. Here, on the morning of the 13th of September, Wolfe met the French army under Montcalm, and, after a se- vere and bloody contest, in which both these brave com- manders fell, victory decided in favor of the English. FRENCH AND INDIAN WAR. 141 A thousand prisoners were taken, and a thousand of the enemy were killed. The loss of the English, in killed and wounded, did not exceed six hundred. Five days after, the city capitulated : the inhabitants were to enjoy their civil and religious rights, and remain neutral dur- ing the war The city was garrisoned under the com- mand of Gen, Murray. Determined from the first to take the place, impregnable as it was accounted, the measures of Gen. Wolfe were singularly bold, and apparently repugnant to all the maxims of war. His attention was first drawn to Point Levi, on the southern bank of the St. Lawrence, upon which, after taking possession of it, he erected batteries. By means of these, he destroyed many houses ; but from this point it was soon apparent that little impression could be made upon the fortifications of the town. Finding it impracticable tlms to accomplish his purpose, Wolfe next decided on more daring measures. Fur the purpose of drawing Montcalm to a general battle, Wolfe, with his troops, crossed the river Montmorenci, and attacked the enemy in their mtrenchments. Owing, however, to the grounding of some of the boats which conveyed the troops, a part of the detachment did not land so soon as the others. The corps that first landed, without waiting to form, rushed forward impetuously towards the enemy's intrenchments. But their courage proved their ruin. A close and well-directed fire from the enemy cut them down in great numbers. Montcalm's party had now landed, and were drawn up on the beach in order. But it was near night, a thunder-storm was ap- proaching, and the tide was rapidly setting in. Fearing the con- sequences of delay, Wolfe ordered a retreat across the Montmo- renci, and returned to his quarters on the Isle of Orleans. In this rencounter, his loss amounted to near six hundred of the flower of his army. The difficulties of effecting the conquest of Quebec now press- ed upon Wolfe with all their force. But he knew the importance of taking this strongest hold — he knew the expectations cf hia countrymen — he well knew that no military conduct could shine that was not jrilded with success. Disappointed thus far, and worn down with fatigue and watch ing, General Wolfe fell violently sick. Scarcely had he recover- ed, before he proceeded to put in execution a plan which had been matured on his sick bed. This was to proceed up the river, gain the heights of Abraham, and draw Montcalm to a general engage- ment. Accordingly, the troops were transported up the river about nine miles. On the 12th of Sept., one hour after midnight, Wolfe 142 period iv. — 1756 ro 1775. and his troops left the ships, and in boats silently dropped down the current, intending to land a league above Cape Diamond, and there ascend the bank leading to the station he wished to gain. Owing, however, to the rapidity of the river, they fell below the intended place, and landed a mile, or a mile and a half, above the city. The operation was a critical one, as they had to navigate, in silence, down a rapid stream, and to find a right place for landing, which, amidst surrounding darkness, might be easily mistaken. Besides this, the shore was shelving, and the bank so steep and lofty, as scarcely to be ascended, even without opposition from an enemy. About an hour before day, the army began to ascend the preci- pice, the distance of one hundred and fifty or two hundred feet, almost perpendicular ascent, above which spread the plains of Abraham. By day-light, Sept. 13th, this almost incredible enter- prise had been effected — the desired station was attained, the army was formed, and ready to meet the enemy. To Montcalm, the intelligence that the English were occupy- ing the Weights of Abraham was most surprising. The impossi- bility of ascending the precipice he considered certain, and there- fore had taken no measures to fortify its line. But no sooner was he informed of the position of the English army, than, perceiving a battle no longer to be avoided, he prepared to fight. Between nine and ten o'clock, the two armies, about equal in numbers, met face to face. The battle now commenced. Inattentive to the fire of a body of Canadians and Indians, one thousand five hundred of whom Montcalm had stationed in the cornfields and bushes, Wolfe di- rected his troops to reserve their fire for the main body of the French, now rapidly advancing. On their approach within forty yards, the English opened their fire, and the destruction became immense. The French fought bravely, but their ranks became disordered, and, notwithstanding the repeated efforts of their officers to form them, and to renew the attack, they were so successfully pushed by the British bayonet, and hewn down by the Highland broad- sword, that their discomfiture was complete. During the action, Montcalm was on the French left, and Wolfe on the English riirht, and here they both fell in the critical mo- ment that decided the victory. Early in the battle, Wolfe re- ceived a ball in his wrist; but, binding his handkerchief around it, he continued to encourage his men. Shortly after, another ball penetrated his groin ; but this wound, although much more se- vere, he concealed, and continued to urge on the contest, till a third bullet pierced his breast. He was now obliged, though re- luctantly, to be carried to the rear of the line. Gen. Monckton succeeded to the command, but was immedi FRENCH AND INDIAN WAR. 143 ately wounded, and conveyed away. In this critical state of the action, the command devolved upon Gen. Townshend. Gen. Montcalm, fighting in front of his battalion, received a mortal wound about the same time, and Gen. Jennezergus, his seeond in command, fell near his side. Wolfe died in the field, before the battle was ended; but he lived long enough to know that the victory was his. While leaning on the shoulder of a lieutenant, who kneeled to support him, he was seized with the agonies of death : at this moment was heard the distant sound, " They fly — they fly. The hero raised his drooping head, and eagerly asked, " Who fly?" Be ing told that it was the French — " Then," he replied, " I die happy," and expired. " This death," says Professor Silliman," has furnished a grand and pathetic subject for the painter, the poet and the historian, and, undoubtedly 'considered as a specimen of mere military glory, it is one of the most sublime that the annals of war afford." Montcalm was every way worthy of being the competitor of Wolfe. In talents, in military skill, in. personal courage, he was not his inferior. JNfor was his death much less sublime. He liv- ed to be carried to the city, where his last moments were employed in writing, with his own hand, a letter to the English general, recommending the French prisoners to his care and humanity. When informed that his wound was mortal, he replied, " I shall not then live to see the surrender of Quebec." 24. The capture of Quebec, which soon followed, important as it was, did not immediately terminate the war. The French in Canada had still a powerful army, and some naval force above the city. 25. In the ensuing spring, 1760, Monsieur Levi ap- proached Quebec, from Montreal, assisted by six frigates, for the purpose of recovering it from the English. Gen. Murray, who commanded the English garrison, marched to meet him, with only three thousand men ; and, on the 2Sth of April, after a bloody battle, fought at Sillsery, three miles above the city, the English army was defeat- ed, with the loss of one thousand men, the French hav- ing iost more than double that number. The English retreated to Quebec, to which the French now laid siege. About the middle of May, an English squadron arrived with reinforcements, soon after which the French fleet was taken and destroyed, and the siege was raised. 144 period iv. — 1756 to 1775. 26. The attention of the English commander-in-chief, Gen. Amherst, was now directed to the reduction of Montreal, the last fortress of consequence in the posses- sion of the French*. To effect this, he detached Col. Haviland, with a well-disciplined army, to proceed to Lake George, Crown Point, and Lake Champlain ; Gen. Murray was ordered from Quebec, with such forces as could be spared from the garrison, while Gen. Am- herst himself proceeded, with ten thousand men, by Lake Ontario, down the river St. Lawrence. Generals Amherst and Murray arrived at Montreal the same day, Sept. 6th, and were joined by Haviland on the day succeeding. While preparing to lay siege to the place, the commander of Montreal, M. de Vaudreuil, perceiving that resistance would be ineffectual, demand- ed a capitulation. On the 8th, Montreal, Detroit, Mich- ilimackinac, and all the other places within the govern- ment of Canada, were surrendered to his Britannic ma- jesty. 27. Thus ended a war which, from the first hostilities, had continued six years, and during which much dis- tress had been experienced, and many thousand valuable lives lost. Great and universal was the joy that spread through the colonies, at the successful termination of a contest so long and severe, and public thanksgivings were generally appointed, to ascribe due honor to Him who had preserved to the colonies their existence and liberties. 28. While the troops were employed in the conquest of Canada, the colonies of Virginia and South Carolina suffered invasion and outrage from the Cherokees, a powerful tribe of savages on the west. But, in 1761, they were signally defeated by Col. Grant, and compel- led to sue for peace. Intelligence being communicated to Gen. Amherst of the dan- ger of these colonies, he despatched Gen. Montgomery, with one thousand two hundred men, for their protection and relief. Being joined by the forces of the province of Carolina on his arrival, he immediately proceeded into the country of the Chero- FRENCH AND INDIAN WAR. 145 kees, plundering and destroying their villages and magazines of corn. In revenge, the savages besieged Fort Loudon, on the confines of Virginia, which was obliged, by reason of famine, to capitulate. The capitulation was, however, broken, and the troops, while on their march to Virginia, were assaulted, numbers of them killed, and the rest taken captive. The next year, 1761, Gen. Montgomery being obliged to re- turn, Col. Grant was sent to continue the war. With an army of near two thousand six hundred men, he began his march to- wards the enemy's country. On the fourth day, the army fell in with a body of savages, and, after a strongly-contested battle, put them to flight. Following up this victory, Col. Grant proceeded to destroy their magazines, burn their cornfields, and consume their settlements, until, having effectually routed them, he re- turned with his troops. Soon after this, the Cherokee chiefs came in, and a peace was concluded. 29. The conquest of Canada having been achieved in 1763, a definitive treaty, the preliminaries of which had been settled the year before, was signed at Paris, and soon after ratified by the kings of England and France ; by which all Nova Scotia, Canada, the isle of Cape Breton, and all other islands in the gulf and river St. Lawrence, were ceded to the British crown. NOTES. 30. Manners of the Colonists. The change in respect to manners in the colonies, during this period, consisted chiefly in a gradual wearing away of national distinctions and peculiarities, and a tendency to a stiH greater unity and assimilation of character. The rapid increase of wealth, and the frequency of intercourse with Europe, began to introduce among the colonies the tastes, and fashions, and luxuries, of European countries. But the introduction of them produced little enervation of character among the people of America. Such an effect was counteracted by the bloody but successful war with the French and Indians, and the boundless prosperity which seemed to open to the country, and call forth its energies. Instead, therefore, of a growing weakness in the colonies, we perceive a more vigorous 13 146 period iv. — 1756 to 1775. spirit of commercial enterprise pervading the country ; a consciousness of political importance becoming con- firmed ; and a deep and ardent love of civil liberty breathing over the land. 31. Religion. The only religious sect introduced into America, during this period, was that of the Sha- kers, or Shaking Quakers, who arrived from England in 1774, and settled at Niskayuna, near Albany. Although the spirit of religious intolerance had disappeared from the colonies, and the Puritanical severity of the north had become much softened, yet, until the commencement of the French and Indian war, the religious character of the colonies had remained essentially the same. But dufing this war. infi- delity was extensively introduced into the army, by means of the foreign English officers and soldiers who were sent into the country. From the army it spread itself into society, and pro- duced a considerable relaxation of morals, and a looser adhe- rence to correct principle. 32. Trade and Commerce. During this period, trade and commerce made great advances ; the annual amount of imports from Great Britain was about two and a half millions of pounds sterling, from 1756 to 1771; from 1771 to 1773, it was three millions and a half annually, on an average. The annual amount of exports of the colonies to Great Britain and elsewhere, was about four million pounds sterling, at the close of this period. The articles of export, and the nature of the trade of the colonies, were essentially the same as stated in the Notes to Period III. In 1769, the number of ships employed by Great Britain and the colonies, in the trade with the colonies, was one thousand and seventy-eight, manned by twenty-eight thousand nine hun dred and ten seamen. The whale and other fisheries in the colonies had become of great importance. In 1775, there were employed in the fishery generally, and in carrying the fish to market from New England, one thousand four hundred and fifty vessels of all descriptions, of one hundred thousand tons burthen, and eleven thousand fishermen and seamen. 33. Agriculture. During this period, a gradual progress was made in agriculture ; but it does not need fl nv specific notice. FRENCH AND INDIAN WAR. 147 34. Arts and Manufactures. Great Britain still continued to oppose the progress of arts and manufac- tures in the colonies, and, therefore, there was but a moderate advance of these interests during this period. 35. Population.. At the close of this period, the white and black population of the colonies did not vary greatly from three millions. 36. Education. In the year 1769, the college at Hanover, New Hampshire, was founded, and called Dartmouth College, in honor of the Earl of Dartmouth, who was one of its principal benefactors. In 1770, the university in Rhode Island, called Brown University , was established at Providence. It was incorporated in 1764, and first located at Warren. At this place the first commencement was held, 1769. REFLECTIONS. 37. The preceding short period of our history presents several interesting subjects of reflection. The American colonies be- came the theatre of a bloody conflict, attended by all the appal- ling features of savage war. Although feebly supported by Eng- land, and embarrassed by the want of political union, they sur- mounted every obstacle, and compelled the French, their ene- mies, to depart from their shores forever. But no sooner was this conflict ended, than they began to feel, with added weight, the hand of British oppression. Not hum- bled, however, by injustice, nor crushed by severities, they vigorously put forth their strength in commerce, trade, and agriculture. They spread innumerable sails upon the ocean; they converted forests into meadows and wheat-fields ; estab- lished seminaries of learning ; founded cities; and built churches to God. Nay, more — we see that those very steps which were taken by the mother country to cripple the American colonies, were so ordered, as to add to their strength. By leaving them to bear the war of 175(5 almost alone, she showed them that they could not expect defence from her; she taught them the necessity of relying upon their own energies ; gave them an opportunity to learn the art of war, and to ascertain their own strength. The long line of British acts, designed to crush the colonies, and to keep them in humble subjection, passed, as they were, in wil- ful ignorance of the feelings and power of America, awakened 148 period iv. — 1756 to 1775. the spirit of the revolution, and laid the foundation of a great nation. What a lesson may tyranny gather from this ! And how thank- ful should ive be, that a just Providence is above, who regards the affairs of men — who turns aside the trampling heel of op- pression, and causes the blood wrung out by tyranny to cry fiorn the ground, and to call forth the spirit of liberty ! UNITED STATES. PERIOD V. DISTINGUISHED FOR THE WAR OF THE REVOLUTION. Extending from the Commencement of Hostilities by Great Britain, against the American Colonies, in the Battle of Lexington, 1775, to the Disbanding of the American Army, at West Point, 1783. Sec. 1. On the 19th of April, 1775, was shed at Lex- ington, Massachusetts, the first blood in the war of the revolution ; a war which terminated in the separation of the American colonies from Great Britain, and in their change, from this humble character and condition, to that of free and independent states. 2. The causes which led the colonies to take up arms against the mother country, deserve a distinct recital in this portion of our history, as they will clearly show the justice, the wisdom, and the necessity, of those acts of resistance, to which, at that trying period, resort was had. " The independence of America," it has been ob- served, " was found by those who sought it not." When the fathers of this country left Great Britain, they had no intention of establishing a government independent of that of England. On the contrary, they came out as colonists, and expected still to acknowledge allegiance to the mother country. For many years, when they spoke, or wrote, or thought, of England, it was under the filial and affectionate idea of " home" " And even 13* 150 period v.— 1775 to 1783. at the commencement of the controversy with Greal Britain," if we credit those who lived at that time, " there existed no desire, nor intention, of becoming in dependent.'' For these feelings of affection for the mother country, the col onies deserve the highest encomium. Causes existed which might have justified a less degree of attachment, and were cal- culated to produce it. These were the oppression and losses which they endured ; the shackles imposed upon them ; the re- straints upon their commerce ; the parsimony with which aid was administered by the mother country ; the maladminis- tration ; the peculation and arbitrary conduct of the royal gov- ernors ; — these things were sufficient, and more than sufficient, to stifle every feeling of affection, and shake the last remains of their allegiance. Yet through all this oppressive subordination ; through the calamities of war ; through the attempt to wrest from them their charters, and their dearest rights, — they could say, and did say, " England, with all thy faults, I love thee still." Nor is it probable that these friendly dispositions of the colo- nies would at this time have been withdrawn, had not Great Britain interrupted them by a grievous change of policy towards the inhabitants, touching the subject of revenue and taxation. 3. Before the peace of '63, the subject of taxation had been wisely let alone. The colonies had been permit- ted to tax themselves, without the interference of the par- liament. But from and after this period, the ancient sy - tem was set aside, and a different and oppressive policy adopted. The first act, the avowed purpose of which was a revenue from the colonies, passed the parliament, September 29th, 1764, the preamble to which began thus — " Whereas it is just and necessary that a revenue be raised in America, for defraying the expenses of de- fending, protecting, and securing the same, we the com- mons," &c. The act then proceeds to lay a duty on " clayed sugar, indigo, coffee, &,c. &c, being the produce of a colony not under the dominion of his majesty." 4. This act the colonies could not approve. They could not approve of it, because it recognized the ex- istence of a right to tax them — a right not founded ira justice, and which, since their existence, nearly one hun- WAR OF THE REVOLUTION. 151 dred and fifty years, had, until now, seldom been named. But the colonies could submit to it, although unpleasant and unjust ; nor would this act alone have led to perma- nent disaffection, had it not been followed by other acts, still more unjust and oppressive. On the subject of the right of the British parliament to tax the colonies, it was asserted, in the mother country, " to be essential to the unity, and of course to the prosperity, of the empire, that the British parliament should have a right of taxation over every part of the royal dominions." In the colonies, it was contend- ed, " that taxation and representation were inseparable, and that they could not be safe, if their property might be taken from them without their consent." This claim of the right of taxation on the one side, and the denial of it on the other, was the very hinge on ichich the revolution turned. 5. In accordance with the policy to be observed to- wards America, the next year, 1765, the famous stamp act passed both houses of parliament. This ordained that instruments of writing, such as deeds, bonds, notes, &c, among the colonies, should be null and void, unless executed on stamped paper, for which a duty should be paid to the crown. When this bill was brought in, the ministers, and particularly Charles Townshend, exclaimed : — " These Americans, our own children, planted by our care, nourished by our indulgence, protected by our arms, until they are grown to a good degree of strength and opulence : will they now turn their backs upon us, and grudge to contribute their mite to relieve us from the heavy load which overwhelms us ?" Col. Barre caught the words, and, with a vehemence becoming a soldier, rose and said : — " Planted by your care! No ! your oppression planted them in America : they fled from your tyranny into a then uncultivated land, where they were exposed to almost all the hardships to which human nature is liable, and, among others, to the savage cruelty of the enemy of the country, a people the most subtle, and, I take upon me to say, the most*truly terrible of any peo- ple that ever inhabited any part of God's earth ; and yet, ac- tuated by principles of true English liberty, they met all these hardships with pleasure, compared with those they suffered in their own country, from the hands of those that should have been their friends. " They nourished by your indulgence ! They grew by your neg. lect- as soon as you began to care about them, that care was ex. 152 period v.— 1775 to 1783 ercised in sending persons to rule over them in one department and another, who were, perhaps, the deputies of the deputies of some members of this house, sent to spy out their liberty, to mis- represent their actions, and to prey upon them ; men whose be- havior^ on many occasions, has caused the blood of these sons of liberty to recoil within them ; men promoted to the highest seats of justice, some of whom, to my knowledge, were glad, by going to foreign countries, to escape the vengeance of the laws ir their own. " They protected by your arms ! They have nobly taken up arms in your defence, have exerted their valor, amidst their constant and laborious industry, for the defence of a country whose fron- tiers while drenched in blood, its interior parts have yielded for your enlargement the little savings of their frugality and the fruits of their toils. And believe me, remember, I this day told you so, that the same spirit which actuated that people at first, will continue with them still." The night after this act passed, Doctor Franklin, who was then in London, wrote to Charles Thompson, afterwards secretary of the continental congress, " The sun of liberty is set ; the Ameri- cans must light the lamps of industry and economy." To which Mr. Thompson answered, " Be assured we shall light torches quite of another sort "—thus predicting the convulsions which were about to follow. 6. On the arrival of the news of the stamp act in America, a general indignation spread through the country, and resolutions were passed against the act, by most of the colonial assemblies. The assembly of Virginia was the first public body that met, after the news of the act reached America. Towards the close of the session, five resolutions were introduced into the house of burgesses, by Patrick Henry, a young man highly distinguished for his moral courage and bold and manly eloquence. The first four of these resolutions asserted the various rights and privileges claimed by the colonists, and the fifth denied, in no doubtful terms, the right of parliament to tax America. The debate on these resolutions was animated, and even vio- lent. Nothing like them had ever transpired in America. They evinced a settled purpose of resistance, and conveyed to the ministry of Great Britain'a lesson which, had they read witlv un- prejudiced minds, might have saved them the fruitless struggle of a seven years' war. There were those, in the house of bur- gesses, who strongly opposed the resolutions ; but the bold and powerful eloquence of Henry bore them down, and carried the resolutions, though by a majority of only one. In the heat of the debate, he boldly asserted, that the king had acted the part of & WAR OF THE REVOLUTION. 15^ Ujriiut ; and alluding to the fate of other tyrants, he exclaimed, " Ciesar had his Brutus, Charles I. his Cromwell, and Georg« III." — here pausing a moment till the cry of " Treason, treason,' resounding from several parts of the house, had ended — he added — " may profit by their example ; if this be treason, make the most of it." The next day, in the absence of Mr. Henry, the fifth resolution was rescinded ; but that and the others had already gone forth to the world • by the friends of freedom they were received with enthusiasm, and served to raise still higher the justly indignant feelings of a people whose rights were disregarded. 7. In June, Massachusetts recommended the meeting of a colonial congress, to consult for the general safety. The recommendation being well received by most of the colonies, in October, twenty-eight members assembled in New York, where they remonstrated against the stamp act, and petitioned its repeal. At the same time, they drew up a declaration of rights, in which taxation and representation were declared to be inseparable. This patriotic movement, on the part of the colony of Massa- chusetts, was made prior to any intelligence of the proceedings of Virginia, and was in accordance with the spirit of liberty which early manifested itself in that province. Three commissioners were appointed by Massachusetts to at tend the proposed congress, and a circular was addressed to each of the colonies, to appoint commissioners, for the same ptvrpose. To this proposal, eight colonies acceded, viz. Rhode Island, Con necticut, New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Ma- ryland, and South Carolina — commissioners from each of which met those from Massachusetts at New York, on the first Tuesday of October, 1765. This was the first general meeting of the colonies. Timothy Ruggles, a commissioner from Massachusetts, was chosen president. In their declaration, they acknowledged their allegiance to his majesty, and their willingness to render due honor to the right- ful authority of parliament; but they claimed that they had in- Uresis, rights, and liberties, as the natural born subjects of his majesty ; and that, as they could not be represented in parliament, that body had no right to impose taxes on them, without their consent. They declared the stamp act, and other acts of parlia ment, to have a manifest tendency to subvert the rights and lib erties of the colonists. This congress adjourned on the 25th of October ; and their pro- ceedings were approved by all the members, except Mr. Ruggles of Massachusetts, and Mr Ogden of New Jersey, both of whom 154 period v. — 1775 to 1783. left New York without signing the address and petitions. The commissionersfromSouthCarolinaand Connecticut were limited by their instructions to make report to their respective legisla tares ; and the committee of New York, who had been admitted as members, had no authority to apply to the king or parliament. The address and petition were, therefore, signed by commission- ers from six of the colonies only. The proceedings of the con- gress were, however, afterwards sanctioned not only by the as- semblies of South Carolina, Connecticut, and New York, but by those of the colonies not therein represented. 8. The stamp act came into operation on the first day of November. But on that day, not a single sheet of all the bales of stamps, which had been sent from England, could have been found in the colonies of New England, New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Maryland, and the two Carolinas. They had either been committed to the flames, had been reshipped to England, or were safe- ly guarded by the opposition, into whose hands they had fallen. A general suspension, or, rather, a total cessa- tion of all business, which required stamped paper, was the consequence. The printers of newspapers, only, continued their occupation ; alleging for excuse, that if they had done otherwise, the people would have given them such" an admonition as they little coveted. None would receive the gazettes coming from Canada, as they were printed on stamped paper. The courts of justice were shut ; even marriages were no longer celebrated ; and, in a word, an absolute stagnation in all the relations of social life was established. It would scarcely be possible, by means of language, to con- vey an adequate idea of the strong feelings of opposition to this most odious act, which pervaded the friends of liberty in Ameri- ca. As might be expected, these feelings were manifested in various riotous proceedings, which scarcely admit of a full jus- tification. As early as the middle of August, on the morning of one day, there were discovered two effigies hanging on the branch of an old elm, in the southern part of Boston, one of which was de- signed to represent a stamp officer — the other a jack-boot, out of which rose a horned head, which appeared to look around. . The novelty of the spectacle soon attracted a multitude to the spot, which continued to increase all day. Towards evening WAR OF THE REVOLUTION. 155 the effigies were taken down, placed on a bier, and carried in funeral procession through several streets — a host following, and shouting/'Liberty and property forever ! — no stamps !" At length, arriving in front of a house, owned by one Oliver, which they supposed was intended for a stamp office, they demolished it to its very foundations. From this, they proceeded to his dwelling, and, finding Oliver had fled, they destroyed his fences, broke open the doors of his dwelling, and greatly injured his furniture. On the following day, apprehensive of a second visit from this lawless multitude, Oliver gave public notice, that he had forwarded to England his resignation as a stamp officer. This becoming known by the populace, which had assembled to renew the last night's assault, they gave three cheers to Oliver, and departed without doing further damage. The opposition of the friends of liberty in other places, was manifested by proceedings of a similar kind. 9. About this time, associations were formed in all the colonies, under the title of Sons of Liberty, the ob- ject of which was, by every practicable means, to oppose the unjust and arbitrary measures of the British govern- ment. Added to this, societies were instituted, includ- ing females as well as males, the members of which re- solved to forego all the luxuries of life, rather than be indebted to the commerce of England. These societies denied themselves the use of all foreign arti- cles of clothing : carding, spinning and weaving became the daily employment of women of fashion : sheep were forbidden to be used as food, lest there should not be found a sufficient supply of wool ; and to be dressed in a suit of home-spun was to possess the surest means of popular distinction. And so true were these societies to their mutual compact, that the British merchants and manufacturers soon began to feel the necessity of uniting with the colonies in petitioning parliament for a repeal of the obnox- ious law. Artificers and manufacturers in England were left without employment, and thrown upon the charities of the pub- lic ; for, even at that early day, this class of people were in a great measure dependent on the colonial consumption for their support. The warehouses of the merchants were, for the same reason, filled with unsalable goods ; and the table of the minis- ter was soon loaded with petitions and remonstrances from all the large towns in the kingdom. 10. Fortunately for the interests both of the colonies and of Great Britain, a change took place, about this 156 period v.— 1775 to 1733. time, in the administration of England, by which several of the friends of America came into power. The Mar- quis of Rockingham was appointed first lord of the treasury, in the room of Lord Grenville, and the Duke of Grafton and Gen. Conway secretaries of state. To this new ministry, it was obvious, that measures must be taken either to repeal the odious statute, or to make America submit by force of arms. The former being deemed the wiser course, a motion was made in parlia- ment to that effect. The debate on the question of re- peal was long and angry. It was, however, at length carried ; but only by accompanying the repealing act by one called the declaratory act, the language of which was, that parliament have, and of right ought to have, power to bind the colonies in all cases whatsoever. On the meeting of parliament, Jan. 7th, 1766, his majesty, in his speech, spoke of the above opposition of the colonies to the stamp act in terms of severe reprehension. On the usual mo- tion for an address to the king, Mr. Pitt, the invariable friend of the colonies, delivered his famous speech on American liberty, m which he declared it to be his opinion that the kingdom had no right to tax the colonies ; that he rejoiced that they had resisted, and he hoped that they would resist to the last drop of their blood. On the 22d of February, General Conway introduced a motion to repeal this act. The debate lasted until three o'clock in the morning ; and never was there a debate which excited more warmth of interest or more vehemence of opposition. The lob- bies of the house were crowded with the manufacturers and traders of the kingdom, whose anxious countenances plainly showed that their fates hung upon the issue. A division at length being called for, two hundred and seventy-five rose in support of the motion, and one hundred and sixty-seven against it. On learning this vote, the transports of the people were un governable. Impressed with the conviction that they owed their deliverance to Mr. Pitt, their gratitude knew no bounds : when te appeared at the door, in the language, of Burke, '"they jump- ed upon him, like children on along absent father. They clung to him as captives about their redeemer. All England joined in his applause." In the house of peers, the opposition to the motion was still more obstinate. Some of the dukes, and the whole bench of bishops, were for forcing the Americans to suomit, with fire and sxcord. Opposition, however, was, at length, wearied WAR OF THE REVOLUTION. 157 out ; and the motion to repeal was carried by a majority of thirty- four, a compromise having been made by introducing the above declaratory act. 11. The satisfaction of the colonies, on the repeal of the stamp act, was sincere and universal. Elevated with the idea of having removed an odious and oppressive burden, and believing, notwithstanding the declaratory act of parliament, that the right of taxing the colonies was at length surrendered, better feelings were indulg- ed ; commercial intercourse was revived, and larger im- portations of goods were made than ever. On the meeting of the house of representatives of Massachu- setts, a vote of gratitude to the king, and of thanks to Mr. Pitt, the Duke of Grafton, and othei*s, was passed by that body. By the house of burgesses in Virginia, it was resolved to erect a statue in honor of the king, and an obelisk in honor of all those .whether of the house of peers or of the commons, who had dis- tinguished themselves in favor of the rights of the colonies. 12. In July, 1766, the administration of the Marquis of Rockingham was dissolved, and a new one formed, under the direction of Mr. Pitt, at this time created Earl of Chatham. Unfortunately, it was composed of men of different political principles, and attached to different parties. Among the members of the new cabinet, hos- tile to America, was Charles Townshend, chancellor of the exchequer. Influenced by Lord Grenville, this lat- ter minister, in the year 1767, introduced into parlia- ment a second plan for taxing America, viz. by impos- ing duties on glass, paper, pasteboard, painters' colors, and tea. 13. During the discussion of this bill, Mr. Pitt was confined by indisposition, and hence unable to raise his voice against it. Without much opposition, it passed both houses, and, on the 29th of June, received the royal assent. At the same time were passed two other acts , ■ — the one establishing a new board of custom-house officers in America; and the other restraining the legis* iature of the province of New York from passing any 14 158 period v.— 1775 to 1783. act whatever, until they should furnish the king's troops with several required articles. 14. These three acts reached America at the same time, and again excited universal alarm. The first and second were particularly odious. The new duties, it was perceived, were only a new mode of drawing money from the colonies ; and the same strong opposition to the measure was exhibited, which had prevailed against the stamp act. Several of the colonies, through their colo- nial assemblies, expressed their just abhorrence of these enactments, and their determination never to submit to them. Soon after the establishment of the new board of custom-house officers, at Boston, under the above act, a fit occasion presented itself, for an expression of the public indignation. This was the arrival at that port, in May, 1768, of the sloop Liberty, belonging to Mr. Hancock, and laden with wines from Madeira. During the night, most of her cargo was unladen, and put into stores ; on the following day, the sloop was entered at the cus- tom-house, with a few pipes only. A discovery being made ci" these facts, by the custom-house officers, the vessel was seized, and by their order removed alongside of the Romney, a ship of war, then in harbor. The conduct of the custom-house officers, in this transaction, roused the indignant feelings of the J3ostonians, who unwarrantably attacked the houses of the officers, and even assaulted their persons. No prosecutions, however, could be sus- tained, from the excited state of public feeling. Finding them- selves no longer safe in the town, the officers prudently sought protection on board the Romney, and subsequently retired to Castle William. 15. The public excitement was soon after increased by the arrival in the harbor of two regiments of troops, under the command of Colonel Dalrymple. These were designed to assist the civil magistrates in the preserva- tion of peace, and the custom-house officers in the exe- cution of their functions. On the day after its arrival, the fleet was brought to anchor near Castle William. Having taken a station which command- ed the town, the troops, under cover of the cannon of the ships, landed without molestation, and, to the number of upwards of 700 men, marched, with muskets charged, bayonets fixed, martial music, and the usual military parade, on to the common. In the WAR OP THE REVOLUTION. 159 evening, the selectmen of Boston were required to quarter the two regiments in the town; but they absolutely refused. A tem- porary shelter, however, in Fanueil Hall, was permitted to one regiment, that was without its camp equipage. The next day, the state house, by order of the governor, was opened for the reception of the soldiers; and after the quarters were settled, two field pieces, with the main guard, were stationed just in its front. Every thing was calculated to excite the indignation of the inhabitants. The lower floor of the state house, which had been used by gentlemen and merchants as an exchange, the representatives' chamber, the court house, Fanueil Hall — places with which were intimately associated ideas of justice and free- dom, as well as of convenience and utility — were now filled with regular soldiers. Guards were placed at the doors of the state house, through which the council must pass, in going to their own chamber. The common was covered with tents. Soldiers were constantly marching and countermarching to relieve the fuards. The sentinels challenged the inhabitants as they passed, 'he Lord's day was profaned, and the devotion of the sanctuary disturbed by the sound of drums and other military music. There was every appearance of a garrisoned town. 16. In Feb., 1769, both houses of parliament went a step beyond all that had preceded, in an address to the king, requesting him to give orders to the governor of Massachusetts — the spirited conduct- of which province was particularly obnoxious to the ministry — to take no- tice of such as might be guilty of treason, that they might be sent to England and tried there. A measure more odious to the people of America, or more hostile to the British constitution, could not be named, than for a man to be torn from his country, to be tried by a jury of strangers. The house of burgesses of Virginia met soon after the official accounts of this address were received, and, in a few days, passed several spirited resolutions, expressing " their exclusive right to tax their constituents, and denying the right of his majesty to remove an offender out of the country for trial." The next day, the royal governor of that colony sent for the house of burgesses, and addressed them laconically as follows : — " Mr. Speaker, and gentlemen of the house of burgesses, 1 have heard of your re- solves, and augur ill of their effects. You have made it my duty to dissolve you, and you are accordingly dissolved !" The as- sembly of North Carolina passed similar resolutions, and were dissolved by their governor, in a similar manner. *60 period v.— 1775 to 1783. In May following, the assembly of Massachusetts convened but refused to transact any business while the state house was surrounded by an armed force. This force, however, the governor would not remove, but adjourned the assembly to Cambridge. At this place, the assembly passed resolutions expressing their belief, that the maintenance of a standing army in the colony, in time of peace, was an infringement of the natural rights o* the people. They refused to make any of the appropriations of money desired by the governor, in consequence of which he pro- rogued them. In August, the governor (Bernard) was recalled, and the government devolved upon Lieutenant-Governor Hutchinson. 17. During the session of parliament in 1770, the Duke of Grafton, first lord of the treasury, resigned, and was succeeded in that office by the afterwards celebrat- ed Lord North. In March, this latter gentleman intro- duced a ill, abolishing all duties, imposed by the act of 1707, on all the articles, except tea. This partial suspen- sion of the duties served to soften the feelings of the Amer- leans ; but the exception in relation to tea, it was quite apparent, was designed as a salvo to the national honor, and an evidence, which the British ministry were unwill- ing to relinquish, of the right of parliament to tax the colonies. 18. While affairs were thus situated, an event occur- red, which produced great excitement in America, par- ticularly in Massachusetts. This was an affray, on the evening of the 5th of March, 1770, between several of the citizens of Boston, and a number of British soldiers,, stationed at the custom-house. Several of the inhabit- ants were killed, and others severely wounded. The quarrel commenced on the 2d of March, at Gray's rope walk, between a soldier and a man employed at the rope walk. The provocation was given by the citizen, and a scuffle ensued, in which the soldier was beaten. On the 5th of the month, the soldiers, while under arms, were pressed upon and insulted, and dared to fire. One of them, who had received a blow, fired at the aggressor ; and a single discharge from six others succeed- ed. Three of the citizens were killed, and five dangerously wounded. The town was instantly thrown into the greatest commotion, the bells were rung, and the general cry was, ""To arms." In a short time, several thousands of the citizens had WAR OF THE REVOLUTION. 161 assembled, and a dreadful scene of blood must have ensued, but for the promise of Gov. Hutchinson, that the affair should be settled to their satisfaction in the morning. Capt. Preston, who commanded the soldiers, was committed with them to prison. Upon their trial, the captain and six soldiers were acquitted; two were convicted of manslaughter. For several subsequent years, the evening of the day on which this outrage was committed was commemorated by the citizens of Boston, and the event gave occasion to addresses the most warm and patriotic, which served to waken up and increase the spirit of the revolution 19. During the summer of 1772, another event occur- red, which presented a fresh obstacle to a reconciliation between America and the mother country. This was the destruction, by the people of Rhode Island, of a British armed schooner, called Gaspee, which had been sta- tioned in that colony to ussist the board of custom in the execution of the revenue and trade laws. The destruction of this vessel grew out of an odious requisition of her commander, upon the masters of packets, navigating the bay, to lower their colors, on passing the schooner. On the 9th of June, as the Providence packet was sailing into the harbor of Newport, her captain was ordered to lower his col- ors. Upon his refusal, a shot was fired at him from the schooner, which immediately made sail in chase. By a dexterous manage- ment, on the part of the master of the packet, he led the schooner on a shoal, where she grounded, and remained fast. At night, it was determined by a number of fishermen, "and others, headed by several respectable merchants of Providence, to make them- selves masters of her, and then set her entire. When the knowl- edge of this event came to the governor, a reward of five hundred pounds was offered, by proclamation, for the discovery of the offenders, and the royal pardon to those who would confess their guilt. Commissioners were appointed also to investigate the offence, and bring the perpetrators to justice. But after remain- ing some time in session, they reported that they could obtain no evidence, and thus the affair terminated. 20. In '1773, an important measure was adopted by most of the colonies, viz. the appointment of committees of correspondence and inquiry, in various parts of their re- spective territories, by means of which a confidential and invaluable interchange of opinions was kept up be- tween the colonies, and great unity of sentiment was thereby promoted. 14* 162 rERiOD v. — 1775 to 1783. This measure had its origin in Massachusetts, in which town meetings were called to express their views of the oppressive acts of the British parliament, and especially of an act by which a salary was voted to the royal governor of Massachusetts by par- liament, and the people of that colony required to pay it. In these meetings, the town of Boston took the lead. A committee was appointed to address the several towns in the colony, and to urge upon them the importance of an unanimous expression of their feelings, with regard to the conduct of the British ministry. The proceedings of the assembly, and of the towns in Massa- chusetts, were communicated to the house of burgesses in Vir- ginia, in March, 1773, upon which that body passed a resolution appointing a committee of correspondence and inquiry, whose business it was to obtain the most early and authentic intelligence of the proceedings of the British government in relation to the colonies, and to maintain a correspondence with the other col- onies touching all affairs of mutual interest. Upon the recommendation of Virginia, similar committees of correspondence and inquiry were appointed by the different co- lonial assemblies, and a confidential interchange of opinions was thus kept up between the colonies. 21. During these transactions in America, a plan was devised by the British ministry to introduce tea into the colonies. For some time little of that article had been imported into the country, from a determination of the people not to submit to the payment of the duty upon it. In consequence of this, the teas of the East India com- pany had greatly accumulated in their warehouses. To enable them to export their teas to America, the British minister introduced a bill into parliament, allowing the company to export their teas into America, with . a drawback of all the duties paid in England. As this would make the tea cheaper in America thau in Great Britain, it was presumed that the Americans would pay the small duty upon it, which was only three pence. In this, however, the parliament mistook. Not a single penny, by way of duty, was paid upon it, nor a single pound of it consumed. On the passage of this bill, the company made a shipment of large quantities of tea to Charleston, Philadelphia, New York, and Boston. Before its arrival, the resolution had been formed by • lie inhabitants of those places, that, if possible^ it should not even WAft OF THE si OI.IITION. 103 be landed. The cargo destined for Charleston was, indeed, land- ed and stored, bnt was not permitted to be offered for sale The vessels which brought tea to Philadelphia and New York, were compelled to return to England, without even having made an entry at the custom-house. It was designed by the leading patriots of Boston to make a similar disposition of the cargoes expected at that place ; but, on their arrival, the consignees were found to be the relations or friends of the governor, and they could not be induced to re- sign their trust. Several town-meetings were held on the sub- ject, and spirited resolutions passed, that no considerations would induce the inhabitants to permit the landing of the tea. Orders were at the same time given k> the captains to obtain clearances at the custom-house, without the usual entries; but this the col lector pertinaciously refused. It was in this state of things that the citizens of Boston again assembled to determine what measures to adopt. While the dis- cussions were going on, a captain of a vessel was despatched to the governor to request a passport. At length, he returned to say that the governor refused. The meeting was immediately dis- solved. A secret plan had been formed to mingle the tea with the waters of the ocean. Three different parties soon after sal- lied out, in the costume of Mohawk Indians, and precipitately made their way to the wharves. At the same time, the citizens 164 period v.— 1775 to 1783. were seen in crowds directing their course to the same place, to become spectators of a scene as novel as the enterprise was bold. Without noise, without the tumult usual on similar occasions, the tea was taken from the vessel by the conspirators, and expedi- tiously offered as an oblation " to the watery god." 22. Intelligence of these proceedings was communi- cated, in a message from the throne, to both houses of parliament, on the 7th of March, 1774. The excite- ment was peculiarly strong. In the spirit of revenge against Massachusetts, and particularly against Boston, which was considered as the chief seat of rebellion, a bill was brought forward, called the "Boston Port Bill" by which the port of Boston was precluded from the privilege of landing or discharging, or of loading and shipping goods, wares, and merchandise. A second bill, which passed at this time, essentially altered the charter of the province, making the appoint- ment of the council, justices, judges, &,c. dependent upon the crown, or its agent. A third soon followed, author- izing and directing the governor to send any person in- dicted for murder, or any other capital offence, to another colony, or to Great Britain, for trial. 23. On the arrival of these acts, the town of Boston passed the following vote : " That it is the opinion of this town, that, if the other colonies come into a joint resolution to stop all importation from Great Britain and the West Indies, till the act for blocking up this harbor be repealed, the same will prove the salvation of North America and her liberties." Copies of this vote were transmitted to each of the colonies. As an expression of their sympathy with the people of Boston in their distress, the house of burgesses in Virginia ordered that the day on which the Boston port bill was to take effect, should be observed as a day of fasting and prayer. Obs. The words Whigs and Tories were, about this time, intro- duced as the distinguishing names of parties. By the former was meant those who favored the cause of Boston, and were zealous in supporting the colonies against the parliament ; by the latter was meant the favorers of Great Britain. WAR OF THE REVOLUTION. 165 24. During these transactions in Massachusetts, meas- ures had been taken to convene a continental congress. On the fourth of September, 1774, deputies from eleven colonies met at Philadelphia, and elected Peyton Ran- dolph, the then late speaker of the Virginia assembly, pres- ident, and Charles Thompson, secretary. During its ses- sion, this body agreed upon a declaration of their rights; recommended the non-importation of British goods into the country, and the non-exportation of American prod- uce to Great Britain, so long as their grievances were unredressed ; voted an address to his majesty, and like- wise one to the people of Great Britain, and another to the French inhabitants of Canada. The congress, which thus terminated its session, has justly been celebrated, from that time to the present; and its celebrity will continue, while wisdom finds admirers, and patriotism is regard ed with veneration. Both at home and abroad they were spoken of in terms of the highest admiration. Abroad, the Earl of Chatham, in one of his brilliant speeches, remarked of them : — u History, my lords, has been my favorite study ; and in the cele- brated writings of antiquity have I often admired the patriotism of Greece and Rome ; but, my lords, I must declare and avow that, in the master states of the world, T know not the people, or senate, who, in such a complication of difficult circumstances, can stand in preference to the delegates of America assembled in general congress at Philadelphia." At home, they were celebrated by a native and popular bard, in an equally elevated strain : — Now meet the fathers of this western clime ; Nor names more noble graced the rolls of fame, When Spartan firmness braved the wrecks of time, Or Latian virtue fann'd the heroic flame. Not deeper thought the immortal sage inspired, On Solon's lips when Grecian senates hung ; Not manlier eloquence the bosom fired, When genius thundered from the Athenian tongue. 25. An assembly was ordered, by Gov. Gage of Mas- sachusetts, to convene October 5th ; but before that pe- riod arrived, judging their meeting inexpedient, he coun- teracted the writs of convocation, by a proclamation. The assembly, however, to the number of ninety, met at Salem, where the governor not attending, they ad- 166 period v.— 1775 to 1783. journed to Concord. Here they chose John Hancock president, and, after adjourning to Cambridge, drew up a plan for the immediate defence of the province, by enlisting men, appointing general officers, &c. In November, this provincial congress met again, and resolved to ejquip twelve thousand men, to act in any emergency ; and to enlist one fourth part of the militia as minute-men. At the sam** time, a request was forwarded to Connecticut, New Hampshire, and Rhode Island, jointly to increase this army to twenty thou- sand men. 26. Early the next year, January 7th, 1775, Lord Chatham, Mr. Pitt, after a long retirement, resumed his seat in the house of lords, and introduced a conciliatory bill, the object of which was to settle the troubles in America. But the efforts of this venerable and peace- making man wholly failed, the bill being rejected by a majority of sixty-four to thirty-two, without even the compliment of laying it on the table. The rejection of this bill was followed the next day by the introduction of a bill, which finally passed, to restrain the trade of the New England provinces, and to forbid their fishing on the banks of Newfoundland. Soon after, restrictions were imposed upon the middle and southern colonies, with the exception of New York, Delaware, and JNorth Carolina. This bill, designed to promote disunion among the colonies, happily failed of its object. Thus we have given a succinct account of the system of measures adopted by the ministry of England toward the American colonies after the peace of '63 — measures most unfeeling and unjust ; but which no petitions, how- ever respectful, and no remonstrances, however loud, could change. Satisfied of this, justice permitted the people, and self-respect and self-preservation loudly sum- moned them, to resist by force. 27. The crisis, therefore, had now arrived, the signal of war was given, and the blood shed at Lexington opened the scene. Gen. Gage, the king's governor of Massachusetts, learning that a large quantity of military stores had been deposited by the provincials at Concord, detached Lieut WAR OF THE REVOLUTION. 167 Col. Smith, and Major Pitcairn, with eight hundred grenadiers, to destroy them. On their arrival at Lex- ington, on the morning of the 19th of April, 1775, seventy of the militia, who had hastily assembled upon an alarm, were under arms on the parade. Eight of these were, without provocation, killed, and several wounded. The greatest precaution was taken by Governor Gage, to pre- vent the intelligence of this expedition from reaching the country. Officers were dispersed along the road to intercept expresses, who might be sent from Boston. But the precaution proved in- effectual. The alarm was given, and was rapidly spread by means of church bells, guns, and volleys. The slaughter of the militia at Lexington was extremely wan- ton. Major Pitcairn, the British commander, on seeing them on the parade, rode up to them, and, with a loud voice, cried out, " Disperse, disperse, you rebels ; throw down your arms and dis perse." The sturdy yeomanry not immediately obeying his or ders, he approached nearer, discharged his pistol, and ordered his soldiers to fire. From Lexington, the detachment proceeded to Cohcord, and destroyed the stores. After killing several of the militia, wno came forth to oppose them, thev retreated to Lexington with 1GS period v. — 1775 to 1783. some loss, the Americans firing upon them from behind walls, hedges, and buildings. Fortunately for the British, here Lord Percy met them, with a reinforcement of nine hundred men, some marines, and two field-pieces. Still annoj^ed by the provincials, they continued their retreat to Bunker's Hill, in Charlestown, and the day follow- ing crossed over to Boston. The British lost, in killed and wounded, during their absence, two hundred and seventy-three. The loss of the Americans amounted to eighty-eight killed, wounded and missing. *28. Hostilities having commenced, it was deemed important to secure the fortresses of Ticonderoga and Crown Point. Accordingly, a number of volunteers from Connecticut and Vermont, under command of Col. Ethan Allen and Col. Benedict Arnold, marched against Ticonderoga, and, on the 10th of May, took it by sur- prise, the garrison being asleep. The fortress of Crown Point surrendered shortly after. On the arrival of Allen at Ticonderoga, he demanded the fort. " By what authority? " asked the commander. " 1 demand it," said Allen, '*in the name of the great Jehovah, and of the con- tinental congress." The summons was instantly obeyed, and the fort was. with its valuable? stores, surrendered. WAR OF THE REVOLUTION. 109 29. The taking of Ticonderoga and Crown Point was soon followed by the memorable Battle of Bunker's Hill, as it is usually called, or of Breed's Hill, a high emi- nence in Charlestown, within cannon-shot of Boston, where the battle was actually fought, on the 17th of June. The evening preceding, a detachment of one thousand Ameri cans was ordered to make an intrenchment on Bunker's Hill ; but, by some mistake, they proceeded to Breed's Hill, and, by the dawn of day, had thrown up a redoubt eight rods square and four feet high. On discovering this redoubt in the morning, the British com- menced a severe cannonade upon it, from several ships and float- ing batteries, and from a fortification on Copp's Hill, in Boston, which was continued until afternoon. The Americans, however, never intermitted their work for a moment, and, during the fore noon, lost but a single man. Between twelve and one o'clock, three thousand British, under command of Major- Gen. Howe, and Brigadier- Gen. Pigot, crossed Charles River, with an intention to dislodge the Americans. A3 they advanced, the British commenced firing at some dis from the redoubt ; but the Americans reserved their fir« until the enemy were within twelve rods. They then opened, and 15 170 period v. — 1775 to 1783. the carnage was terrible. The British retreated m precipitate confusion. They were, however, rallied by their officers, being, in some instances, pushed on by their swords, and were again led to the attack. The Americans now suffered them to approach within six rods, when their fire mowed them down in heaps, and again they fled. Unfortunately for the Americans, their ammuni- tion here failed ; and, on the third charge of the British, they were obliged to retire, after having obstinately resisted, even longer than prudence admitted. The British lost in this engage- ment two hundred and twenty-six killed, among whom was Major Pitcairn, who first lighted the torch of war at Lexington, and eight hundred and twenty-eight wounded. The Americana lost one hundred and thirty-nine killed, and of wounded and miss- ing there were three hundred and fourteen. Among the killed was the lamented Gen. Warren. The horrors of this scene were greatly increased by the con- flagration of Charlestown, effected, during the heat of the battle, by the orders of Gen. Gage. By this wanton act of barbarity, two thousand people were deprived of their habitations, and property to the amount of one hundred and twenty thousand pounds sterling, perished in the flames. Wanton, however, aa the burning of Charlestown was, it wonderfully enhanced \he dreadful magnificence of the day. To the volleys of musketry and WAR OF THE REVOLUTION. 171 the roar- of cannon ; to the shouts of the fighting and the groans of the dying; to the dark and awful atmosphere of smoke, en- veloping the whole peninsula, and illumined in every quarter by the streams of fire from the various instruments of death ; the conflagration of six hundred buildings added a gloomy and amaz- ing grandeur. In the midst of this waving lake of flame, the lofty steeple, converted into a blazing pyramid, towered and trem bled over the vast pyre, and finished the scene of desolation. To the Americans, the consequences of this battle were those of a decided victory. They learned that their enemies were not invulnerable. At the same time, they learned the importance of stricter discipline and greater preparations. As the result of the battle spread, the national pulse beat still higher, and the arm of opposition was braced still more firmly. 30. The second continental congress met at Philadel- phia, on the 10th of May. As military opposition to Great Britain was now resolved upon by the colonies, and had actually commenced, it became necessary to fix upon a proper person to conduct that opposition. The person unanimously selected by congress was George Washington, a member of their body from Virginia. The honor of having suggested and advocated the choice of this illustrious man, is justly ascribed to the elder President Ad- ams,, at that time a member of the continental congress. The army was at this time at Cambridge, Massachusetts, under Gen. Ward. As yet, congress had not adopted the army, nor had it taken any measures to appoint a commander-in-chief. These points could with safety be neglected no longer. This Mr. Adams clearly saw, and by his eloquence induced congress to appoint a day when the subject should be discussed. The day was fixed. It came. Mr. Adams went in, took the floor, urged the measure of adopting the army, and, after debate, it passed. The next thing was to get a lawful commander for this lawful army, with supplies, &c. All looked to Mr. Adams, on this occasion ; and he was ready. He took the floor, and went into a mmute delineation of the character of General Ward, bestowing on him the epithets which, then, belonged to no one else. At the end of this eulogy, he said, " But this is not the man I have chosen." He then portrayed the character of a commander-in- chief, such as was required by the peculiar situation of the colo- nies at that juncture ; and after he had presented the qualifica- tions in his strongest language, and given the reasons for the nomination he was about to make, he said, " Gentlemen, I know these qualifications are high, but we all know they are needful, at this crisis, in this, chief. Does any one say that they are not to ba 172 period v.— 1775 to 1783. obtained in the country ? 1 reply, they are : they reside in on« of our own body, and he is the person whom I now nominate George Washington, of Virginia." Washington, who sat on Mr. Adams's right hand, was looking him intently in the face, to watch the name he was about to an- nounce ; and not expecting it would be his own, he sprung from his seat the moment he heard it, and rushed into an adjoining room, as quickly as though moved by a shock of electricity. An adjournment was immediately moved and carried, in order to give the members time to deliberate on so important a meas- ure. The following day Washington was unanimously appoint- ed commander-in-chief of the American forces ; and on present- ing their commission to him, congress unanimously adopted the resolution, " that they would maintain and assist him, and ad- here to him, with their lives and fortunes, in the cause of Ameri- can liberty." Following the appointment of Gen. Washington, was the ap- pointment of four major-generals, Artemas Ward, Charles Lee, Philip Schuyler, and Israel Putnam ; and eight brigadier-gen- erals, Seth Pomeroy, Richard Montgomery, David Wooster, William Heath, Joseph Spencer, John Thomas, Jonn Sullivan, and Nathaniel Greene. 31. Gen. Washington, on his arrival at Cambridge, on the second of July, was received with joyful acclama- tions by the American army. He found it, consisting of 14,000 men, stretched from Roxbury to Cambridge, and thence to Mystic River, a distance of twelve miles. The British forces occupied Bunker and Breed's Hill, and Boston Neck. The attention of the commander-in-chief was immediately di- rected to the strength and situation of the enemy, and to the in- troduction of system and union into the army, the want of which pervaded every department. This was a delicate and difficult attempt ; but the wisdom and firmness of Washington removed every obstacle, and at length brought even independent freemen, in a good degree, to the control of military discipline. 32. While Washington was employed in organizing the army, and preparing for future operations, an impor- tant expedition was planned against Canada, the charge of which was assigned to Gens. Schuyler and Montgom- ery. On the 10th of September, one thousand Ameri- can troops landed at St. Johns, the first British post in Canada, (one hundred and fifteen miles north of Ticon- WAR OF THE REVOLUTION. 173 deroga,) but found it advisable to retire to the Isle aux Noix, twelve miles south of St. Johns. Here the health of Gen. Schuyler obliging him to return to Ticonderoga, the command devolved on Gen. Montgomery. This en- terprising officer, in a few days, returned to the invest- ment of St. Johns, and, on the 3d of November, received the surrender of this important post. On the surrender of St. Johns, five hundred regulars and one hundred Canadians became prisoners to the provincials. There were also taken thirty-nine pieces of cannon, seven mortars, and five hundred stands of arms. Gen. Montgomery next proceeded against Montreal, which, without resistance, capitulated. From Montreal he rapidly proceeded towards Quebec. Before his arrival, however, Col. Arnold, who had been despatched by Gen. Washington with one thousand American troops from Cambridge, had reached Quebec, by the way of Kennebeck, a river of Maine, — had as- cended the heights of Abraham, where the brave Wolfe ascended before him ; but had found it necessary to re- tire to a place twenty miles above Quebec, where he was waiting for the arrival of Montgomery. Seldom was there an expedition attempted during the Ameri- can war, in which more hardship was endured, or more untiring perseverance manifested, than in this of Arnold's. In ascending the Kennebeck, his troops were constantly obliged to work against an impetuous current, and often to haul their batteaux up rapid currents and over dangerous falls. Nor was their march through the country, by an unexplored route of three hundred miles, less difficult or dangerous. They had swamps and woods, mountains and precipices, alternately to surpass Added to their other trials, their provisions failed, and, to support life, they were obliged to eat their dogs, cartouch-boxes, clothes, and shoes. While at the distance of one hundred miles from human habita- tions, they divided their whole store, about four pints of flour to a man. At thirty miles' distance, they had baked and eaten their last pitiful morsel. Yet the courage and fortitude of these men continued unshaken. They were suffering in their country's cause, were toiling for wives and children, were contending fof the rights and blessings of freedom. After thirty-one days of in- cessant toil- through a hideous wilderness, they reached the hab Stations of men. 15* 174 period v. — 1775 to 1783. 33. Montgomery, having effected a junction with Arnold, commenced the siege of Quebec. On the 5th ©f December, after continuing the siege nearly a month to little purpose^ the bold plan was adopted of attempting the place by scaling the walls. Two attacks were made, at the same time, in different quarters of the town, by Montgomery and Arnold. The attempt, however, proved unsuccessful, and, to the great loss and grief of Ameri- ca, fatal to the brave Montgomery. He fell while at- tempting to force a barrier : and with him fell two distin guished officers, Capt. M'Pherson, his aid, and Capt. Cheeseman. After this repulse, Arnold retired about three miles from Quebec, where he continued encamped through a rigorous winter. On the return of spring, 1776, finding his forces inadequate to the reduction of Quebec, and not being reinforced, he retired. By the 18th of June, the Americans, having been compelled to relinquish one post after another, had wholly evacuated Canada. The garrison of Quebec consisted, at the time of the above at- tack, of about one thousand five hundred men ; the American forces were near eight hundred. The loss of the Americans in killed and wounded was about one hundred, and three hundred were taken prisoners. The death of General Montgomery was deeply lamented both m Europe and America. " The most powerful speakers in the British parliament displayed their eloquence in praising his vir- tues and lamenting his fall." Congress directed a monument to be erected to his memory, expressive of their sense of his high patriotism and heroic conduct. In 1818, New York, his adopted state, removed his remains to her own metropolis, where the monument had been placed ; and near that they repose. 34. During this year, 1775,* Virginia, through the in- discretion of Lord Dunmore, the royal governor, was involved in difficulties little short of those to which the inhabitants of Massachusetts were subjected. From the earliest stages of the controversy with Great Britain, the Virginians had been in the foremost rank of opposition ; and, in common with other provinces, had taken meas« ares for defence. WAR OF THE REVOLUTION. 175 These measures the royal governor attempted to thwart, by the removal of guns and ammunition, which had Been stored by the people in a magazine. The con- duct of the governor roused the inhabitants, and occa- sioned intemperate expressions of resentment. Appre- hending personal danger, Lord Dunmore retired on board the Fowey man-of-war, from which he issued his procla- mations, instituting martial law, and proffering freedom to such slaves as would repair to the royal standard. Here, also, by degrees, he equipped and armed a num- ber of vessels ; and, upon being refused provisions by the provincials, from on shore, he proceeded to reduce the town of Norfolk to ashes. The loss was estimated at three hundred thousand pounds sterling. Nearly six thousand persons were deprived of their habitations. In like manner, the royal governors of North and South Caro- lina thought it prudent to retire, and seek safety on board men-of- war. Royal government generally terminated this year through- out the country, the king's governors, for the most part, abdicat- ing their governments, and taking refuge on board the English shipping. 35. Early in the spring of 1776, Gen. Washington con- templated the expulsion of the British army from Boston, by direct assault. In a council of war, it was deemed expedient, however, rather to take possession of, and fortify Dorchester Heights, which commanded the har- bor and British shipping. The night of the 4th of March was selected for the attempt. Accordingly, in the even- ing, a covering party of eight hundred, followed by a working party of twelve hundred, with intrenching tools, took possession of the heights unobserved by the enemy. Here, betaking themselves to work with so much ac- tivity, by morning they had constructed fortifications, which completely sheltered them. The surprise of the British cannot easily be conceived. The English ad- miral, after examining the works, declared that, if thb Americans were not dislodged' from their position, his vessels could no longer remain in safety in the harbor, 176 period v. — 1775 to 1783. It was determined, therefore, by the British, to evacuate Boston, which they now did ; and on the 17th, the British troops, under command of Lord William Howe, successor of Gen. Gage, sailed for Halifax. Gen. Wash- ington, to the great joy of the inhabitants, army, and nation, immediately marched into the town. The r'ear guard of the British was scarcely out of the town, when Washington entered it on the other side, with colors dis- played, drums beating, and all the forms of victory and triumph. He was received by the inhabitants with demonstrations of joy and gratitude. Sixteen months had the people suffered the dis- tresses of hunger, and the outrages of an insolent soldiery. The town presented a melancholy spectacle, at the time the army of Washington entered. One thousand five hundred loy- alists, with their families, had just departed on board the British fleet, tearing themselves from home and friends, for the love of the royal cause. Churches were stripped of pews and benches for fuel, shops were opened and rifled of goods to clothe the army, and houses had been pillaged by an unfeeling soldiery. 36. While affairs were proceeding thus in the north, an attempt was made, in June and July, to destroy the fort on Sullivan's Island, near Charleston, S. C, by Gen. Clinton and Sir Peter Parker. After an action of upwards of ten hours, the British were obliged to retire, having their ships greatly injured, and with the loss of two hundred killed and wounded. The loss of the Americans was but ten killed and twenty-two wounded. The fort was commanded by Col. Moultrie, whose garrison consisted of but three hundred and seventy-five regular troops, and a few militia. On the fort was mounted twenty-six cannon of eighteen and nine pounders. The British force consisted of two fifty gun ships, and four frigates, each of twenty-eight guns, besides several smaller vessels, with three thousand troops on board. By this repulse of the British, the Southern States obtain- ed a respite from the calamities of war for two years and a half. Among the American troops who resisted the British, in their attack on Fort Moultrie, was a Sergeant Jasper, whose name has been given to one of the counties in Georgia, in commemoration of his gallant deeds, and who deserves an honorable notice in every history of his country. In the warmest part of the contest, the flag-staff was severed by a cannon-ball, and the flag fell to the bottom of the ditch, on the outside of the works. This acci< dent was considered, by the anxious inhabitants in Charleston, WAR OP THE REVOLUTION. 177 as putting an end to the contest, by striking the American flag to the enemy. The moment Jasper made the discovery, that the flag had fallen, he jumped from one of the embrasures, and took up the flag, which he tied to a post, and replaced it on the parapet, where he supported it until another flag-staff was procured. 37. During these transactions in the south, the con- tinental congress was in session, intently observing the aspect of things, and deeply revolving the probable issue of the present important contest. The idea of inde- pendence had now been broached among the people, and the way was, in a measure, prepared to bring the subject before congress. Accordingly, on the 8th of June, Richard Henry Lee, one of the deputies from Virginia, rose and made a mo- tion to declare America free and independent. 38. The resolution of Mr. Lee was eloquently sup- ported by him and others, and was still further dis- cussed on the 11th of June. On this last day, it was postponed for further consideration to the first day of July ; and at the same time it was voted that a commit- tee be appointed to propose a Declaration to the effect of the resolution. This committee was elected by ballot on the following day, and consisted of Thomas Jefferson John Adams, Benjamin Franklin, Roger Sherman, and Robert R. Livingston. It is usual, when committees are elected by ballot, that their numbers are arranged in order according to the number of votes which each has received. Mr. Jefferson, therefore, probably re eeived the highest, and Mr. Adam's the next highest number of votes. The difference is said to have been but a single vote. Mr. Jefferson and Mr. Adams, standing thus at the head of the committee, were requested by the other members to act as a sub- committee to prepare the draft ; and Mr. Jefferson drew up the paper. The original draft, as brought by him from his study, with interlineations in the hand-writing of Dr. Franklin, and others in that of Mr. Adams, was in Mr. Jefferson's possession at the time of his death. The merit of this paper is Mr. Jefferson's; some changes were made in it on the suggestion of other members of the committee, and others by congress, while it was under dis cussion. But none of them altered the tone, the frame, the ar- rangement, or the general character of the instrument. As a composition, the Declaration is Mr. Jefferson's. It is the produc 178 period v.— 1775 to 1783. tion of his mind, and the high honor of it belongs to him clearljf and absolutely. While Mr. Jefferson was the author of the Declaration itself Mr. Adams was its great supporter on the floor of congress. This was the unequivocal testimony of Mr. Jefferson. " John Adams," said he, on one occasion, " was our Colossus on the floor : not graceful, not elegant, not always fluent in his public addresses, he yet came out with a power, both of thought and oi expression, that moved us from our seats." And at another time he said, " John Adams was the pillar of its support on the floor of congress ; its ablest advocate and defender against the multi- farious assaults which were made against it." 39. On the arrival of the day assigned, the subject was resumed, and on the 4th of July, 1776, upon the report of Thomas Jefferson, John Adams, Benjamin Franklin, Roger Sherman, and Philip Livingston, the thirteen confederate colonies dissolved their allegiance to the British crown, and declared themselves Free and Independent, under the name of the Thirteen United States of America. This Declaration was ordered to be handsomely engrossed on parchment ; and on the 2d of August, 1776, was signed by all the members then present, and by some who were not members on the 4th of July. A signature to this instrument was an act of serious concern. In England, it would be regarded as treason, and expose any man to the halter or the block. This the signers well knew ; yet, having counted the cost, they proceeded to the transaction, pre- pared, if defeat should follow, to lead, without repining, in the way to martyrdom. The only signature on the original docu- ment, which exhibits indications of a trembling hand, is that of Stephen Hopkins, who had been afflicted with the palsy. In thia work of treason, John Hancock led the way, as president of the congress, and by the force with which he wrote, he seems to have determined that his name should never be erased. The pen with which these signatures were made, has been preserved, and is now in the cabinet of the Massachusetts Historical Society. The number who signed the Declaration was fifty-six ; and the average length of their lives was about sixty-five years Four of the number attained to the age of ninety years and upwards, fourteen exceeded eighty years; and twenty-three, or one in two and a half, reached threescore years and ten. The longevity of the New England delegation was still more remarkable. Their number was fourteen, the average of whose lives was seventy five years. Who will affirm that the unusual age to which thtj WAR OF THE REVOLUTION. 179 signers, as a body, attained, was not a reward bestowed upon them for their fidelity to their country, and the trust which they in general reposed in the overruling providence of God ? Who can doubt the kindness of that Providence to the American peo- ple, in thus prolonging the lives of these men, till the principles for which they had contended, through a long series of years, had been acknowledged, and a government been founded upon them ? Of this venerable body, not a single one survives. They are now no more. They are no more, as in 1776, bold and fearless advocates of independence. They are dead. But how little is there of the great and good which can die. To their country they yet live, and live forever. They live in all that perpetuates the remembrance of men on earth ; in the recorded proofs of their own great actions, in the offspring of their own great inter- est, in the deep-engraved lines of public gratitude, and in the respect and homage of mankind. They live in their example ; and they live emphatically, and will live, in the influence which their lives and efforts, their principles and opinions, now exercise, and will continue to exercise, on the affairs of men, not only in , our own country, but throughout the civilized world. The Declaration of Independence, when sent abroad among the people, was received with transports of joy. Public rejoicings were made in various parts of the Union. The ensigns of royalty were destroyed — public processions were made — bells were rung — cannon were fired, with other suitable demonstrations of pub- lic exultation. 40. Soon after the evacuation of Boston by the British troops, (Sec. 35,) Washington, believing that the posses- sion of New York would be with them a favorite object, determined to make it the head-quarters of his army, and thereby prevent their occupation of it, if such a step had been contemplated. Accordingly, he soon removed to that city, with the principal part of his troops. 41. On the 10th of June, Gen. William Howe, with the army which had evacuated Boston, arrived from Halifax, off Sandy Hook. Here he was soon after join- ed by his brother, Admiral Lord Howe, from England, with a reinforcement. Their combined forces amount- ed to twenty-four thousand. On the 2d of August, they landed near the Narrows, nine miles from the city. 42. Previous to the commencement of hostilities, Ad- miral and Gen. Howe communicated to Washington 180 period v.— 1775 to 1783. that they were commissioned to settle all difficulties be- tween Great Britain and the colonies. But not address* ing Washington by the title due to his rank, he thought proper to decline receiving their communication. It appeared, however, that the power of these commission- ers extended little farther than, in the language of their instructions, " to grant pardons to such as deserve mercy." 43. The American army, in and near New York, amounted to seventeen thousand two hundred and twenty-five men, a part of whom were encamped near Brooklyn, on Long Island. On the 27th of August, this body of the Americans, under command of Brigadier- Gen. Sullivan, were attacked by the British, under Sir Henry Clinton, Percy, and Cornwallis, and were defeat- ed, with the loss of upwards of a thousand men, while. the loss of the British amounted to less than four hundred. Gen. Sullivan, and Brigadier-Generals Lord Stirling and Woodhull, fell into the hands of the British as pris- oners. In the heat of the engagement, Gen. Washington had crossed over to Brooklyn from New York, and, on seeing some of his best troops slaughtered or taken, he uttered, it is said, an exclama- tion of anguish. But, deep as his anguish was, and much as lie wished to succor his troops, prudence forbade the calling in oi' his forces from New York, as they would by no means hav>* sufficed to render his army equal to that of the English. 44. After the repulse at Brooklyn, perceiving the oc- cupation of his position on Long Island to be of no prob- able importance, Washington withdrew his troops to New York, and soon after evacuated the city, upon which, on the 15th of September, the British entered it. Seldom, if ever, was a retreat conducted with more ability and prudence, or under more favorable auspices, than that of the American troops from Long Island. The necessary preparations having been made, on the 29th of August, at eight in the even- ing, the troops began to move in the greatest silence. But they were not on board their vessels before eleven. A violent north- east wind, and the ebb tide, which rendered the current very rapid, prevented the passage. The time pressed however. For- WAR OF THE REVOLUTION. IS I Innately, the wind suddenly veered to the n:>rth-west. They immediately made sail, and landed in New York. Providence appeared to have watched over the Americans. About two o'clock in the morning, a thick fog, and at this season of the year extraordinary, covered all Long Island, whereas the air was per- fectly clear on the side of New York. Notwithstanding the en- treaties of his officers, Washington remained the last upon the shore. It was not till the next morning, when the sun was already high, and the fog dispelled, that the English perceived the Americans had abandoned their camp, and were sheltered from pursuit. 45. On retiring from New York, Gen. Washington, with his army, occupied for a short time the heights of Harlem, and several stations in that neighborhood. On the 16th of September, the day after the British took posses- sion of New York, a considerable body of the enemy appearing in the plains between the two camps, the general ordered Col. Knowlton, with a corps of rangers, and Major Leitch, with three companies of a Virginia regiment, to get in their rear, while he amused them by making apparent dispositions to attack their front. The plan succeeded. A skirmish ensued, in which the Americans charged the enemy with great intrepidity, and gained considerable advantage ; but the principal benefit of this action was its influence in reviving the depressed spirits of the whole army. Major Leitch, who very gallantly led on the detachment, was soon brought off the ground, mortally wounded ; and not long afterward, Colonel Knowlton fell, bravely fighting at the head of his troops. The Americans in this conflict engaged a battalion of light infantry, another of Highlanders, and three companies of Hessian riflemen ; and lost about fifty men killed and wounded. The loss of the enemy was more tlxan double that number. 46. Finding his position at Harlem and its vicinity untenable, Washington broke up his camp, and retired with a part of his forces to White Plains. Here, on the 28th of October, he was attacked by the British and Hessians, under Generals Howe, Clinton, Knyphausen, and De Heister. A partial engagement ensued, and several hundreds fell on both sides ; but neither party could claim any decided advantage. Shortly after, a strong British reinforcement arriving, under Lord Percy, Washington, deeming his position unsafe, left it on the night of the 30th, and retired with 16 182 period v. — 1775 to 17S3 his forces to North Castle, about five miles from White Plains. Leaving about 7500, under command of Gen. Lee, Washington crossed the North river, and took post in the neighborhood of Fort Lee. 47. The British general, failing to draw Washington to a general engagement, next turned his attention to the reduction of Forts Washington and Lee, which had been garrisoned for the purpose of preserving the com- mand of the Hudson river. On the 10th of November, the former of these forts was attacked by the British. The defence of the fort by the brave Col. Mag aw was spirited ; but at length he was obliged to capitulate, and, with the fort, to surrender his whole force, consisting of between 2000 and 3000 men. On the 18th, the British army, crossing the Hudson, proceeded to the attack of Fort Lee. The garrison in this fort, at first, determined to defend it ; but, ascertaining that the contest would be en- tirely unequal, they evacuated it, and, under the guid- ance of Gen. Greene, joined Washington, who had at this time taken post at Newark, on the south side of the Passaic. 48. Finding Newark too near his triumphant foe, Washington retreated to Brunswick, on the Raritan, and Lord Cornwall is on the same day entered Newark. The retreat was still continued from Brunswick to Princeton ; from Princeton to Trenton ; and from Trenton to the Pennsylvania side of the Delaware. The pursuit was urged with so much rapidity? that the rear of the Amer- ican army, pulling down bridges, was often within sight and shot of the van of the enemy employed in building them up. This retreat through New Jersey was made under circumstances of the deepest depression. The Americans had just lost the two forts Washington and Lee, and with the former more than 2000 men. Numbers of the militia were daily claiming to be discharged and precipitately retired to their habitations ; and even the regu- lar troops, as if struck with despair, also filed off, and deserted in bodies. This left the army of Washington so reduced, that it scarcely amounted to three thousand men ; and even these were WAR OF THE REVOLUTION. 183 poorly fed, and were exposed in an open country, without instru- ments to intrench themselves, without tents to shelter them from the inclemency of the season, and in the midst of a population little zealous, or rather hostile to the republic. Added to this, numbers of the leading characters, both in New Jersey and Pennsylvania, who had been friendly to the American cause, were changing sides, and making peace with the enemy. This example became perni- cious, and the most prejudicial effects were to be apprehended from it. Every day ushered in some new calamity ; the cause of America seemed hastening to irretrievable ruin. The most discreet no longer dissembled that the term of the war was at hand, and that the hour was come, in which the colonies were about to resume the yoke. But Washington, in the midst of so much adversity, did not despair of the public safety. His constancy was an object of admiration. Far from betraying any symptoms of hesitation or fear, he showed himself to his deject- ed soldiers with a serene countenance, and radiant, as it were, with a certain hope of a better future. Adverse fortune had not been able to vanquish, nay, not even to shake, his invincible spirit. Firmly resolved to pursue their object through every for- tune, the congress manifested a similar constancy. It appeared as if the spirit of these great minds had increased with adversity. 49. Notwithstanding the general aspect of affairs, on the part of America, was thus forbidding, the con- tinental congress, so far from betraying symptoms of despair, manifested more confidence than ever ; and, as if success must eventually crown their enterprises, calmly occupied themselves in drawing up various Arti- cles of Confederation and perpetual union between the states. Such articles were obviously necessary, that "the line of distinction between the powers of the respective states, and of congress, should be exactly defined. In this way, only, would collisions be avoided, and the peace and harmony of the Union be preserved. Accordingly, such articles were now digested, and, at the sitting of congress, October 4th, 1776, were signed by all the members, and copies immediately sent to the respective assemblies of each state for approbation. 50. Fortunately, Washington, about this time, re- ceived reinforcements of militia and regular troops, which, together with his previous forces, gave him ar 184 period v. — 1775 to 1783. army of about 7000 effective men. But this numbei being soon to be reduced by the retirement of a large body of militia, whose period of enlistment would close with the year, Washington formed the bold resolution of recrossing the Delaware, and of attacking the British at Trenton. This plan was carried into effect on the night of the 25th of December ; and on the following day, Hessian prisoners to the amount of one thousand were taken by the Americans, with the loss of scarcely a man on their side. This was a brilliant achievement and served to arouse the desponding hopes of America The American troops detached for this service arrived, in the dusk of tiie evening, at the bank of the river. The passage of the river by the troops and the artillery, it was expected, wo.uld be effected before midnight. But this was found to be impracti- cable. The cold was so intense, and the river so obstructed with floating ice, that the landing of the artillery was not accomplished until four in the morning. An immediate and precipitate march was made towards Trenton, with the hope of reaching it before day. But a thick fog setting in, and a mist, mingled with sleet, «o retarded their march, that they did not reach Trenton until WAR OF THE REVOLUTION. 185 eight o'clock ; yet, at this late hour, the Hessians had no suspi cion of the approach of the enemy. 51. Justly elated with the success at Trenton, Wash- ington soon after proceeded to Princeton, where, on the 1st of January, he attacked a party of British, of whom upwards of one hundred were killed, and the remainder, amounting to about three hundred, were made prisoners. The loss of the Americans was less than that of the British ; but in that number were several valuable officers, and among them the brave General Mercer. 52. Soon after the above victories, Washington retired (January 6th, 1777) to winter quarters, at Morristown, where his army were nearly all inoculated with the small-pox, that disease having appeared among the troops, and rendering such a measure necessary. The disease proved mortal but in few instances ; nor was there a day in which the soldiers could not, if called upon, have fought the enemy. 53. On the opening of the campaign of 1777, the army of Washington, although congress had offered to recruits bounties in land, and greater wages, amounted to little more than 7000 men. Towards the latter end of May, Washington quitted his winter encampment at Morristown, and, about the same time, the royal army moved from Brunswick, which they had occupied dur- ing the winter. Much shifting of the armies followed, but no definite plan of operation had apparently been settled by either. Previous to this, however, General Howe sent a detachment of two thousand men, under command of Gen. Tryon, Gen. Agnew, and Sir William Erskine, to destroy some stores and pro visions deposited at Danhury, in Connecticut. Meeting with no resistance, they reached Danbury on the 26th of April, and de- stroyed one thousand eight hundred barrels of beef and pork, and eight hundred of flour, two thousand bushels of grain, clothing for a regiment, one hundred hogsheads of rum, and one thousand seven hundred and ninety tents^ Besides the destruction of these articles, the enemy wantonly burned eighteen houses with their furniture, murdered three unoffending inhabitants, and threw them into the flames 16* 186 period v.— 1775 to 1783. Generals Sullivan, Wooster, and Arnold, happening to be m the neighborhood, hastily collected about six hundred militia, with whom they marched in pursuit, in a heavy rain, as far as Bethel, about two miles from Danbury. On the morning of the 27th of April, the troops were divided, Gen. Wooster, with about three hundred men, falling in the rear of the enemy, while Arnold took post in front, at Ridgefield. Gen. Wooster proceeded to attack the enemy, in which engage- ment he was mortally wounded, and from which his troops were compelled to retire. At Ridgefield, Arnold warmly received the enemy on their retreat, and, although repulsed, returned to the attack the next day on their march to the Sound. Finding themselves continually annoyed by the resolute and courageous yeomanry of the country through which they passed, they hastened to embark on board their ships, in which they sailed for New York. Their killed, wounded and missing, amounted to about one hundred and seventy : the loss of the Americans was not admitted to exceed one hundred. Gen. Wooster, now in his seventieth year, lingered with his wounds until the 2d of May. Congress resolved that a monument should be erected to his memory. To Gen. Arnold they presented a horse, properly ca- parisoned, as a reward for his gallantry on the occasion. 54. At length the British Gen. Howe, leaving New Jersey, embarked at Sandy Hook, with sixteen thousand men, and sailed for the Chesapeake. On the 14th of August, he landed his troops, at the head of Elk river, in Maryland. It being now obvious that his design was the occupa- tion of Philadelphia, Washington immediately put the American army in motion towards that place, to pre- vent, if possible, its falling into the hands of the enemy. The two armies met at Brandywine, Delaware, on the 11th of September ; and after an engagement, which continued nearly all day, the Americans were compelled to retire. The loss of the Americans in this action was estimated at three hundred killed, and six hundred wounded. Between three and four hundred, principally the wounded, were made prisoners. The loss of the British was stated at less than one hundred killed, and four hundred wounded. In this battle several foreign officers greatly distinguished themselves. Among these was the heroic Lafayette, who, un- fortunately, while endeavoring to rally some fugitives, was wound ed in the lea;. WAR OF THE REVOLUTION. 187 On the night following the battle, the Americans retired to Chester, and the next day to Philadelphia. Not considering the battle of Brandywine as decisive, congress, which was sitting in Philadelphia, recommended to the commander-in-chief to risk another engagement ; preparations for which were accordingly made. Washington repassed the Schuylkill, and met the enemy at Goshen, Sept. 16th. But a violent shower of rain occurring, as the advanced guards began to skirmish, the powder in th8 cartridge-boxes of the Americans became wet, and the command- er was compelled to withdraw his troops. 55. An easy access to Philadelphia being now present- ed to the enemy, on the 26th, Howe entered the place without molestation. The principal part of the British army was stationed at Germantown, six miles from Phil- adelphia. Congress adjourned to Lancaster, and Wash- ington encamped at eighteen miles' distance from Ger- mantown. 56. Immediately after the occupation of Philadelphia, he attention of Gen. Howe was drawn to the reduction of some forts on the Delaware, which rendered the nav- igation of that river unsafe to the British. Accordingly, a part of the royal army was detached for that purpose. Washington seized the opportunity to attack the remain- der at Germantown. This attack was made Oct. 4th; but after a severe ac- tion, the Americans were repulsed, with a loss of dou- ble that of the British. The loss of the Americans was two hundred killed, six hundred wounded, and four hundred prisoners ; that of the British was about one hundred killed and five hundred wounded. After this action, the British removed to Philadelphia, where they continued long inactive. Washington re- treated to Skippack creek, eleven miles from German- town, where he encamped. Great was the chagrin- of Washington, on account of the re pulse at Germantown, which was much increased by the auspi- cious commencement of the battle, and the flattering prospect of a speedy and complete victory. The ultimate failure of the Americans was attributed to the inexperience of a part of the troops, and to embarrassments arising from a fog, which increas- ed the darkness of the night. Congress, however, expressed [88 period v.— 1775 to 1783. their approbation of Washington's plan of attack, and highly ap plauded the courage and firmness of the troops. 57. While such was the progress of military opera- tions in the Middle States, important events were taking place in the north. It has already been noticed, (Sec. 28.) that in May, 1775, Ticonderoga and Crown Point had been taken by surprise, by Colonels Allen and Arnold ; that in the ensuing fall, Gen. Montgomery had reduced the fort of St. John's, (Sec. 32,) captured Montreal, and made an ineffectual though desperate assault upon Quebec. On the return of spring, the American army gradual- ly retired up the St. Lawrence, and after a loss of one post and another, in June, 1776, entirely evacuated Can- ada. (Sec. 33.) In the spring of 1777, it was settled in England, that an invasion of the States should be attempted from the north, and a communication formed between Canada and New York. Could such a plan have been executed, it would obviously have precluded intercourse between New England and the more southern states. The execution of the plan was committed to Gen. Burgoyne, who left Canada with seven thousand troops, besides a powerful train of artillery, and several tribes of Indians. 58. On the 1st of July, Burgoyne landed, and invest- ed Ticonderoga. The American garrison here amount- ed to three thousand men, under command of Gen. St. Clair, an officer of high standing. Deeming this force inadequate to maintain the post, especially as Burgoyne had taken possession of Mount Defiance, which commanded Ticonderoga, and not hav- ing provisions to sustain the army for more than twenty days, St. Clair perceived no safety for the garrison but in a precipitate flight. Accordingly, on the night of the 5th, Ticonderoga was abandoned. By a circuitous march, St. Clair continued to retreat, first into Vermont, lit hough closely pursued, and thence to Hudson river, WAR OF THE REVOLUTION. 181) ivnere, after having lost one hundred and twenty pieces of artillery, with a quantity of military stores, he joined Gen. Schuyler, commanding the main army of the north. After this junction, the whole army continued to retire to Saratoga and Stillwater, and at length took post on Van Shaick's Island, in the mouth of the Mohawk, on the 18th of August. 59. After taking Ticonderoga, Gen. Burgoyne, with the great body of his troops, proceeded up the lake, and destroyed the American flotilla, and a considerable quantity of baggage and stores, which had been deposit- ed at Skeensborough. Having halted at this place for nearly three weeks, he proceeded to Fort Edward, on the Hudson, where he did not arrive until July 30th, his way having been obstructed by Schuyler's army, which felled a great number of trees across the road, and de- molished the bridges, while on their retreat. 60. While Gen. Burgoyne lay at Fort Edward, a de- tachment of his army, consisting of five hundred Eng- lish and one hundred Indians, under Col. Baum, who had been sent to seize a magazine of stores at Bennincr- ton, in Vermont, was totally defeated, and Col. Baum slain, by a party of Vermont troops called Green Moun- tain Boys, and a detachment of New Hampshire militia, under command of Gen. Stark. Baum, on his arrival near Bennington, learning that the Americans were strongly intrenched at that place, halted, and despatched a messenger to Gen. Burgoyne, for a reinforce- ment. Gen. Stark, now on his march, with a body of New Hampshire militia, to join Gen. Schuyler, receiving intelligence of Baum's approach, altered his movement, and collected his force at Ben- nington. Before the expected reinforcement could arrive, Gen. Stark, having added to his New Hampshire corps a body of Vermont militia, determined to attack Baum in his intrenchments. Ac cordingly, on the l(5th of August, an attack was made, which re- sulted in the flight of Baum's detachment, at the moment in which the reinforcement of troops, despatched by Gen. Burgoyne, arrived. With the assistance of these, the battle was now re- lieved, but ended in the discomfiture of the British forces, and 190 period v. — l?To to 17^3. with a loss, on their part, of about seven hundred in killed and ied. The loss of the Americans was about one hundred. 61. The battle at Bennington greatly revived the courage of the Americans, and as greatly disappointed : opes of Gen. Burgoyne, as it served materially to embarrass and retard his movements. The situation of this general, at this time, was seri ously perplexing, being greatly in want of provisions, and course of wisdom and prudence being not a little diffi- cult to determine. To retreat was to abandon the ob- ject of his expedition: to advance seemed replete with iky and danger. This latter step, however, at :. appeared the most judicious. Ac tgly, on the loth and 14th of September, he passed the Hudson, and advanced upon Saratoga and Stillwater. On the 17th, his army came nearly in con- tact with that of the Americans, now commanded by Gen. Gates, who had succeeded Schuyler. August '21 : some skirmishing ensued, without bringing on a oeneral battle. 62. Two days after, the two armies met. and a most Bate, though indecisive, en^ao;ement ensued, in which the Americans lost, in killed and wounded, be- tween three and four hundred, and the British about six hundred. On the 7th of October, the battle was renewed, bv a movement of Gen. Burgoyne towards the left of the Americans, by which he intended to effect his retreat to the lakes. The battle was extremely severe : and dark- s only put an end to the effusion of blood. During the night which succeeded, an attempt was made by the royal army to retreat to Fort Edward. — sparing to march, intelligence was received : was already in possession of the Americans. venue to escape now appeared open. Worn down stain toil and watching, and having ascertained tint he had but three days' provisions, a council of war wns called, which unanimously resolved to capitulate tc WAR OP THE REVOLUTION. liM Gen. Gates. Preliminaries were soon after settled, and the army, consisting of five thousand seven hundred effective men, surrendered prisoners of war on the Hth of October. Gen. Gates, immediately after the victory, despatched Col. Wilkinson, to carry the happy tidings to congress. On being introduced into the hall of congress, he said, " The whole British army has laid down arms at Sarato- ga; our sons, full of vigor and courage, expect your or- ders ; it is for your wisclom to decide where the country may still have need of their services." 63. It would be difficult to describe the transports of joy, which the news of the surrender of Burgoyne ex- cited among the Americans. They now began to look forward to the future with sanguine hopes, and eagerly expected the acknowledgment of their country's inde- pendence by France and other European powers. The capitulation of Gen. Burgoyne, at Saratoga, was soon followed by an acknowledgment of the independence of America at the court of France,* and the conclusion of a formal treaty of alliance and commerce between the two countries — an event highly auspicious to the inter- ests of America. The treaty was signed Feb; (ith — - " neither of the contracting powers to make war or peace, without the formal consent of the other." For more than a year, commissioners from congress, at the head of whom was Dr. Franklin, had resided at the aoxa\ of France, urging the above important measure. But the success of the American struggle was yet too doubtful for that country to embroil herself in a war with Great Britain. The capture of the British army at Saratoga seemed to increase the probability that the American arms would finally triumph, and decided France to espouse her cause. 64. Upon the conclusion of the campaign of 1777, the British army retired to winter quarters in Philadelphia, and the American army at Valley Forge, on the Schuyl- kill, fifteen miles from Philadelphia. * Holland acknowledged the independence of the United States in i" Sweden in February, 1783; Denmark in the same month ; Spain in March* Russia in July. 192 period v. — 1775 to 1783. Scarcely were the American troops established in their en campment, which consisted of huts, before they were in danger of a famine. The adjacent country was nearly exhausted, and that which it might have spared, the inhabitants concealed in the woods. At this time, also, bills of credit had fallen to one fourth of their nominal value, so thai one hundred dollars, in paper, would command no more than twenty-five dollars, in specie. In addition to these scenes of perplexity and suffering, the army was nearly destitute of comfortable clothing. Many, for want of shoes, walked barefoot on the frozen ground ; few, if any, had blankets for the night. Great numbers sickened. Near three thousand at a time were incapable of bearing arms. While the defenders of the country were thus suffering and per- ishing, the royal army was enjoying all the conveniences which an opulent city afforded 65. On the alliance of America with France, it was resolved in Great Britain immediately to evacuate Phila- delphia, and to concentrate the royal force in the city of New York. In pursuance of this resolution, the royal army, on the 18th of June, passed the Delaware, into New Jersey, and continued their retreat to New York. Gen. Washington, penetrating their design, had already sent forward a detachment to aid the New Jersey militia in impeding the progress of the enemy. With the main body of his army, he now crossed the Delaware in pursuit. June 28th, the two armies were engaged at Monmouth, sixty-four miles from Philadelphia, and, after a severe contest, in which the Americans, upon the whole, obtained the advantage, were separated only by night. Gen. Washington and his army reposed on the field of battle, intending to renew the attack in the morning. But the British ?eneral, during the night, made good his retreat towards New ork. The sufferings of both armies during this engagement, from the heat of the day, were unparalleled in the history of the revo- lutionary war. No less than fifty-nine British soldiers perished from heat, and several of the Americans died through the same cause. The tongues of many of the soldiers were so swollen, that it. was impossible to retain them in the mouth. The loss of the Americans was eight officers and sixty-one privates killed, and about one hundred and sixty wounded; that of the British, in killed, wounded, and missing, was three hundred and fifty-eight men, including officers, One hundred were taken prisoners, and one thousand deserted during the march. 66. On the 1st of July, Count D'Estaing arrived at Newport, R. I., from France, with twelve ships of the WAR OF THE REVOLUTION. 193 line and six frigates, to act in concert with the Ameri- cans in an attempt on Rhode Island, which had been in possession of the British since December, 1776. Hearing of this expedition, Admiral Howe followed D'Estaing. and arrived in eight of Rhode Island the day after the French fleet had entered the harbor of Newport. On the appearance of Howe, the French admiral, instead of co-operating with the Americans, sailed out to give him battle. A storm, however, arising, separated the fleets. D'Estaing entered Boston to repair. Howe, after the storm, returned to Rhode Island, and landed Sir Henry Clinton, with four thousand troops; but, fortunately, the Americans had raised the siege of Newport the day before, and left the island. Sir Henry Clinton soon after sailed again for New York. 67. Hitherto the conquest of the States had been at- tempted by proceeding from north to south ; but that order, towards the close of this year, began to be invert- ed, and the Southern States became the principal theatre on which the British conducted their offensive opera- tions. Georgia, being one of the weakest of the Southern States, was marked out as the first object of attack, in that quarter of the Union. In November, Col. Campbell was despatched from New York by Gov. Clinton, with a force of two thou- sand men, against Savannah, the capital of that state. This expedition proved successful, and Savannah, and with it the state of Georgia itself, fell into the power of the English. On the arrival of Campbell and his troops at Savannah, he was opposed by Gen. Howe, the American officer, to whom was in- trusted the defence of Georgia. His force, consisting of only six hundred continentals, and a few hundred militia, was inade- quate, however, to resist the enemy. After an engagement, in which the Americans killed upwards of one hundred, and took about four hundred and fifty prisoners, with several cannon, and large quantities of military stores, the capital surrendered. In the succeeding year, 1779, Count D'Estaing, who, after re- pairing his fleet at Boston, had sailed f )r the West Indies, re- turned, with a design to co-operate with the Americans againsl the common enemy. In Sept. he arrived upon the coast of Georgia so'unexpectedlv, that the Experiment, a man-of-war of 17 194 period v.— 1775 to 1783 fifty guns, and three frigates, fell into his hands. As soon as his arrival was known, Gen. Lincoln marched with the army under his command, and a body of militia of South Carolina and Geor- gia, to co-operate with him in the reduction of Savannah. Be- fore Lincoln arrived, D'Estaing demanded the surrender of the town. This demand, Gen. Prevost, the English commander, requested a day to consider, which was incautiously granted. Before the day expired, a reinforcement of eight hundred men joined the standard of Prevost from Beaufort, whereupon he bid defiance to D'Estaing. On the arrival of Lincoln, it was deter- mined to lay siege to the place. Much time was spent in prepara- tion ; but in an assault under D'Estaing and Lincoln, the Ameri- cans suffered so severely, both as to their number and in their works, that it was deemed expedient to abandon the project. Count D'Evtaing re-embarked his troops, and left the continent. 68. The campaign of 1779 was distinguished for nothing splendid, or decisive, on the part either of America or England. The British seemed to have aimed at little more than to distress, plunder, and consume, it having been, early in the year, adopted as a principle upon which to pro- ceed, "to render the colonies of as little avail as possible to their new connections." Actuated by these motives, an expedition was fitted out from New York for Virginia, which, in a predatory incursion, took possession of large naval stores, maga- zines of provisions, and great quantities of tobacco. Af- ter enriching themselves with various kinds of booty, and burning several places, they returned to New York. Soon after this expedition to Virginia, a similar one, under the command of the infamous Gov. Tryon, was projected against the maritime parts of Connecticut. During; this expedition, New Haven was plundered ; East Haven, Fairfield, Norwalk, and Green's Farms, were wantonly burnt. In an account of the devastations made by the English in this expedition, which was transmitted to congress, it appeared that at Fairfield there were burnt two houses of public worship, fifteen dwelling-houses, eleven barns, and several stores; at Norwalk, two houses of public worship, eighty dwelling-houses, sixty-seven barns, twenty-two stores, seventeen shops, four mills, and five vessels. In addition to this wanton destruction of property, va- WAR OF THE REVOLUTION. 19i nous were the acts of brutality, rapine, and cruelty, committed on aged persons, women, and prisoners. At New Haven, an aged citizen, who labored under a natural inability of speech, had his tongue cut out by one of the royal army. At Fairfield, the deserted houses of the inhabitants were entered ; desks, trunks, closets, and chests, were broken open, and robbed of every thing valuable. Women were insulted, abused, and threatened, while their apparel was taken from them. Even an infant was robbed of its clothes, while a bayonet was pointed at the breast of its mother. About this time, Gen. Putnam, who had been stationed with a respectable force at Reading, in Connecticut, then on a visit to his out-post, at Horse Neck, was attacked by Gov. Tryon, with one thousand five hundred men. Putnam had only a picket of one hundred and fifty men, and two field-pieces, without horses or drag-ropes. He, however, placed his cannon on the high ground, near the meeting-house, and continued to pour in upon the advancing foe, until the enemy's horse appeared upon a charge. The general now hastily ordered his men to retreat to a neighboring swamp, inaccessible to horse, while he himself put spurs to his steed, and plunged down the precipice at the church This is so steep, as to have artificial stairs, composed of nearly one hundred stone steps, for the accommodation of worshippers ascending to the sanctuary. On the arrival of the dragoons at 196 period v. — 1775 to 1783. the brow of the hill, they paused, thinking it too dangerous t > 238 period vi.— 1783 to 1789. portation of merchandize from Great Britain, during this period, — much of which was sold at low prices, — checked the progress of manufactures in the United States, which had been extensively begun during the war of the revo- lution. Iron works, however, for the construction of axes, ironing of carriages, and the making of machinery, &c. &c, were still kept up in all parts of the United States. Some coarse woollen and linen cloths, cabinet furniture, and the more bulky and simple utensils for domestic use, &,c. &c, were manufactured in New England. 15. Population. The population of the United States, at the close of this period, was nearly four millions. 16. Education. Several colleges were established during this period — one in Maryland, at Annapolis, called St. John's college; a second, in 1785, at Abing- ton, in the same state, by the Methodists, called Cokes- bury college; a third, in the city of New York; and a fourth, in Lancaster, Pennsylvania, in 1787 — the former, by the name of Columbia college, and the latter, by that of Franklin college. The North Carolina university was incorporated in 1789. The subject of education, during this period, seems to have attracted public attention throughout the United States, and permanent institutions, for the instruction of youth, were either planned or established, in every section of the country. REFLECTIONS. 17. The history of the world furnishes no parallel to the histo- ry of the United States, during this short period. At the com- mencement of it, they had but just emerged from a long and distressing war, which had nearly exhausted the country, and imposed an accumulated debt upon the nation. They were united by a confederation inadequate to the purposes of govern- ment; they had just disbanded an army, which was unpaid and dissatisfied ; and, more than all, they were untried in the art of Belf-orovernment. ESTABLISHMENT OF THE FEDERAL CONSTITUTION. 239 In circumstances like these, it would not have been strange had the people fallen into dissensions and anarchy, or had some bold, ambitious spirit arisen, and fastened the yoke of monarchy upon them. But a happier destiny awaited them. In this hour of* peril, the same Providence, that had guided them thus far, still watched over them, and, as victory was granted them in the hour of battle, so wisdom was now vouchsafed in a day of peace. Those master spirits of the revolution, some of whom had recently retired from the camp to the enjoyment of civil life, were now called to devise the means of securing the indepen- dence which they had won. Perhaps they exhibited to the world a no less striking spectacle as the framers of our excellent constitution, than as victors over the arms of Britain. UNITED STATES. PERIOD VII. DISTINGUISHED BY WASHINGTON'S ADMINISTRATION Extending from the Inauguration of President Wash ington, 1789, to the Inauguration of John Adams, as President of the United States, 1797. Sec. 1. On the 30th of April, 1789, Gen. Washington, in the presence of the first congress under the federal constitution, and before an immense concourse of spec- tators, was inducted into the office of president of the United States, by taking the oath prescribed by the con- stitution. The ceremonies of the inauguration being concluded, Wash- ington entered the senate-chamber, and delivered his first speech. In this, after expressing the reluctance with which he obeyed the call of his countrymen, from repose and retirement, so ardently coveted, after a series of military toils, and the diffidence with which he entered upon an office so full of responsibility, he pro- ceeded thus : — " It will be peculiarly improper to omit, in this first official act, my fervent supplications to that Almighty Being, who rules over the universe, who presides in the councils of nations." Immediately after his inaugural, address, he, with the members of both houses, attended divine service at St. Paul's chapel. Thus, in the commencement of his administration, did Wash- ington, by every suitable means, acknowledge his sense of per- sonal dependence upon divine wisdom, to guide with discretion the affairs of a nation committed to his care ; thus did he set an example worthy of imitation by all who are elevated to place*? of authority and responsibility. WASHINGTON'S ADMINISTRATION. 241 2. Business of importance, in relation to the organ- ization and support of the new government, now pressed upon the attention of the president and of congress. A revenue was to be provided ; the departments of govern- ment wore to be arranged and filled ; a judiciary was to be established, and its officers appointed ; and provision was to be made for the support of public credit. In respect to a revenue for the support of government, and the discharge of the debt contracted in the revolutionary war, it was agreed that duties should be laid on merchandise imported into the country, and on the tonnage of vessels. Laws were passed, creating a department of state, of the treasury, of war ; and Mr. Jefferson, Mr. Hamilton, and Gen. Knox were appointed secre- taries. During this session, also, a national judiciary was con- stituted and organized, and several amendments to the constitu- tion were proposed, which were afterwards ratified by the states. In the debate on establishing the executive departments, an important inquiry aros'e by whom these important officers could be removed. After a long discussion, it was decided that the power should reside in the president alone. But notwithstanding the question was settled in this manner, there were strong objections to placing a power in the hands of an individual which might be greatly abused ; since it was ap- parent that the president might, from whim, or caprice, or favor- itism, remove a meritorious officer, to the great injury of the public good. But to this it was well replied by Mr. Madison : — " The danger consists in this ; the president can displace from office a man whose merits require that he should be continued in it. What will be the motives which the president can feel for such an abuse of his power, and the restraints to operate to pre- vent it ? In the first place, he will be impeachable by this house before the senate for such an act of maladministration ; for I con- tend, that the wanton removal of meritorious officers would sub- ject him to impeachment and removal from his own high trust." 3. Before the adjournment of congress, deeply im- Dressed with a sense of the divine goodness, that body requested the president to recommend to the people a day of public thanksgiving and prayer, in which they should unitedly acknowledge, with grateful hearts, the many and signal favors of Almighty God, especially in affording them an opportunity peaceably to establish a constitu- tion of government for their safety and happiness. 4. On the 29th of September, the first session of 21 242 period vii.— 1789 to 1797. eongress closed. It was among their concluding acts, to direct the secretary of the treasury to prepare a plan for adequately providing for the support of the -public credit, and to report the same at their next meeting. 5. During the recess of congress, Washington made a tour into New England. Passing through Connecti- cut and Massachusetts, and into New Hampshire as far as Portsmouth, he returned by a different route to New York. With this excursion, the president had much reason to be gratified. To observe the progress of society, the improvements in agriculture, commerce, and manufactures, and the temper, circumstances, and dispositions of the people — while it could not fail to please an intelligent and benevolent mind, was, in all respects, worthy of the chief magistrate of the nation. He was every where received with expressions of the purest affection, and could not fail to rejoice in the virtue, religion, happiness and prosperity of the people, at the head of whose government he wri placed. 6. The second session of the first congress commenced January 8th, 1790. In obedience to the resolution of the former congress, the secretary of the treasury, Mr. Hamilton, made his report on the subject of maintaining the public credit. In this report, he strongly recommended to congress, as the only mode, in his opinion, in which the public credit would be supported, — 1. That provision be made for the full discharge of the foreign debt, according to the precise terms of the contract ; 2. That provision be made for the payment of the domestic debt, in a similar manner; 3. That the debts of the several states, created for the purpose of carrying on the war, be assumed by the gen- eral government. The public debt of the United States was estimated by the secretary, at this time, at more than fifty-four millions of dollars Of this sum, the foreign debt, principally due to France and the Hollanders, constituted eleven millions and a half of interest , and the domestic liquidated debt, including about thirteen WASHINGTON S ADMINISTRATION. %-I;J n)illions of arrears of interest, more than forty millions ; and the unliquidated debt two millions. The secretary recommended the assumption of the debts of the several states, to be paid equally with those of the Union, as a measure of sound policy and sub- stantial justice. These were estimated at twenty -five millions of dollars. 7. The proposal for making adequate provision for the foreign debt was met cordially and unanimously ; but, respecting the full discharge of the domestic debt, and the assumption of the state debts, much division pre- vailed in congress. After a spirited and protracted de- bate on these subjects, the recommendation of the secre* tary prevailed, and bills conformable thereto passed, by a small majority. The division of sentiment among the members of congress, in relation to the full, or only a partial payment of the domestic debt, arose from this. A considerable proportion of the original holders of public securities had found it necessary to sell them at a reduced price — even as low as two or three shillings on the pound. These securities had been purchased by speculators, with the expectation of ultimately receiving the full amount. Under these circumstances, it was contended by some, that congress would perform their duty, should they pay to all holders of pub- lic securities only the reduced market price. Others advocated a discrimination between the present holders of securities, and those to whom the debt was orig-inally due, &c. &c. In his report, Mr. Hamilton ably examined these several points, and strongly maintained the justice of paying to all holdeis of securities, without discrimination, the full value of what appeared on the face of their certificates. This, he contended, justice demanded, and for this the public faith was pledged. By the opposers of the bill which related to the assumption of the state debts, the constitutional authority of the federal gov- ernment for this purpose was questioned, and the policy and jus- tice of the measure controverted. To cancel the several debts which congress thus undertook to discharge, the proceeds of public lands, Tying in the western ter- ritory, were directed to be applied, together with the surplus revenue, and a loan of two millions of dollars, which the president was authorized to borrow, at an interest of five per cent. This measure laid the foundation of public credit upon such a basis, that government paper soon rose from two shillings and sixpence to twenty shillings on the pound, and, indeed, for u short time, was above par. Individuals, who had purchased cer- tificates of public debt low, realized immense fortunes. A p-en 244 period vii.— 1789 to 1797. eral spring was given to the affairs of the nation. A spirit of enterprise, of agriculture, and commerce, universally prevailed, and the foundation was thus laid for that unrivalled prosperity which the United States, in subsequent years, enjoyed. 8. During this session of congress, a bill was passed, fixing the seat of government for ten years at Philadel- phia, and, from and after that time, permanently at Washington, on the Potomac. 9. On the 4th of March, 1791, Vermont , by consent of congress, became one of the United States. The tract of country, which is now known by the name of Vermont, was. settled at a much later period than any other of the eastern states. The governments of New York and Massa- chusetts made large grants of territory in the direction of Ver- mont; but it was not until 1724, that any actual possession was taken of land within the present boundaries of the state. In that year, Fort Durance was built, by the officers of Massachusetts, on Connecticut river. On the other side of the state, the French advanced up Lake Champlain, and, in 1731, built Crown Point, and began a settlement on the eastern shore of the lake. Vermont being supposed to fall within the limits of New Hampshire, that government made large grants of land to settlers, even west of Connecticut river. New York, however, conceived herself to have a better right to the territory, in consequence of the grant of Charles II. to his brother, the Duke of York. These states being thus at issue, the case was submitted to the English crown, which decided in favor of New York, and confirmed its jurisdiction as far as Connecticut river. In this decision New Hampshire acquiesced; but, New York persisting in its claims to land east of the river, actions of ejectment were instituted in the courts at Albany, which resulted in favor of the New York title. The settlers, however, determined to resist the officers of justice, and, under Ethan Allen, associated together to oppose the New York militia, which were called out to enforce the laws. On the commencement of the revolution, the people of Ver- mont were placed in an embarrassing situation. They had not even a form of government. The jurisdiction of New \ r ork be- ing disclaimed, and allegiance to the British crown refused, every tning was effected by voluntary agreement. \n January, 1777, a convention met, and proclaimed that the district before known by the name of the New Hampshire Grants, was of right a free and independent jurisdiction, and should be henceforth called JS'eic Connecticut, alias Vermont. The convention proceeded to make known their proceedings to congress, and petitioned to be admitted into the confederacy. To this New York objected, andj Washington's administration. 245 fcr a time, prevailed. Other difficulties arose with New Hamp- shire and Massachusetts, each of which laid claim to land within the present boundaries of the state. At the peace of 1783, Ver- mont found herself a sovereign and independent state de facto, united with no confederation, and therefore unembarrassed by the debts that weighed down the other states. New York still claimed jurisdiction over the state, but was unable to enforce it ; and the state government was administered as regularly as in any of the other states. After the formation of the federal con- stitution, Vermont again requested admission into the Union. The opposition of New York was still strong, but, in 1789, waa finally withdrawn, upon the agreement of Vermont to pay her the sum of thirty thousand dollars. Thus terminated a contro- versy, which had been carried on with animosity, and with in- jury to both parties, for twenty-six years. A convention was immediately called, by which it was resolved to join the federal Union. Upon application to congress, their consent was readily given, antf, on the 4th of March, 1791, Vermont was added to the United States. 10. At the time that congress assumed the state debts, during their second session, the secretary of the treasury had recommended a tax on domestic spirits, to enable them to pay the interest. The discussion of the bill, having been postponed to the third session, was early in that session taken up. The tax, contemplated by the bill, was opposed with great vehemence, by a majority of southern and western members, on the ground that it was unnecessary and unequal, and would be par- ticularly burdensome upon those parts of the Union which could not, without very great expense, procure foreign ardent spirits. Instead of this tax, these mem- bers proposed an increased duty on imported articles generally, a particular duty on molasses, a direct tax, or a tax on salaries, &c. &c. After giving rise to an an- gry and protracted debate, the bill passed by a majority of thirty-five to twenty-one. 11. The secretary next appeared with a recommen- dation for a national bank. A bill, conformed to his plan, being sent down from the senate, was permitted to progress, unmolested, in the house of representatives, to the third reading. On the final reading, an unex- oi a Ml 246 period vii.— 1789 to 1797. pected opposition appeared against it, on the ground that banking systems were useless; that the proposed bill was defective ; but especially that congress was not vested, by the constitution, with the competent power to establish a national bank. These several objections were met, by the supporters of the bill, with much strength of argument. After a debate of great length, supported with the ardor excited by the importance of the subject, the bill was carried in the affirmative, by a majority of nineteen voices. A bill which had been agitated with so much warmth, in the house of representatives, the executive was now called upon to examine with reference to its sanction or rejection. The presi- dent required the opinions of the cabinet in writing. The secre- tary of state, Mr. Jefferson, and the attorney-general, Mr. Ran- dolph, considered the bill as decidedly unconstitutional. The secretary of the treasury, Mr. Hamilton, with equal decision, maintained the opposite opinion. A deliberate investigation of the subject satisfied the president, both of the constitutionality and utility of the bill, upon which he gave it his signature. The capital stock of the bank was ten millions of dollars, twc millions to be subscribed for the benefit of the United States, and the residue by individuals. One fourth of the sums sub- scribed by individuals was to be paid in gold and silver, and three fourths in the public debt. By the act of incorporation, it was to be a bank of discount as well as deposit, and its bills, which were payable in gold and silver on demand, were made receivable in all payments to the United States. The bank was located at Philadelphia, with power in the directors to establish offices of discount and deposit only wherever they should think fit, within the United States. The duration of the charter was limited to the fourth of May, 1811 ; and the faith of the United States was pledged, that, dur- ing that period, no other bank should be established under their authority. One of the fundamental articles of the incorporation was, that no loan should be made to the United States, for more than one hundred thousand dollars, or to any particular state, for more than fifty thousand, or to any foreign prince, or state, un- less previously authorized by a law of the United States. The books were opened for subscriptions in July, 1791, and a much larger sum subscribed than was allowed by the charter ; and the bank went into successful operation.* The bill which had now passed, with those relating to the * Pitkin Washington's administration. 24? finances of the country, the assumption of the state debts, the fund- ing of the national debt, &c, contributed greatly to the complete organization of those distinct and visible parties, which, in their long and ardent conflict for power, have since shaken the United States to their centre. 12. While matters of high importance were occu- pying the attention, and party strife and conflicting interests were filling the counsels of congress with agi- tation, an Indian war opened on the north-western frontier of the states. Pacific arrangements had been attempted by the president with the hostile tribes, without effect. On the failure of these, an offensive expedition was planned against the tribes north-west of the Ohio. The command of the troops, consisting of three hundred regu- lars, and about one thousand two hundred Pennsylvania and Kentucky militia, was given to Gen. Harmar, a veteran officer of the revolution. His instructions required him, if possible, to bring the Indians to an engagement ; but, in any event, to de- stroy their settlements on the waters of the Scioto, a river falling into the Ohio, and the Wabash, in the Indiana territory. In this expedition, Harmar succeeded in destroying some villages, and a "quantity of grain, belonging to the Indians; but in an en- gagement with them, near Chilicothe, he was routed with con- siderable loss. Upon the failure of Gen. Harmar, Major- General Arthur St Clair was appointed to succeed him. Under the authority of an act of congress, the president caused a body of levies to be raised for six months, for the Indian service. 13. Having arranged the north-western expedition, directing St. Clair to destroy the Indian villages on the Miami, and to drive the savages from the Ohio, the pres- ident commenced a tour through the Southern States sim- ilar to that which he made through the northern and central parts of the Union, in 1789. The same expressions of respect and affection awaited him, in every stage of his tour, which had been so zealously accorded to him in the north. Here, also, he enjoyed the high satisfaction of witnessing the most happy effects, resulting from the administra- tion of that government over which he presided. 14. In December, intelligence was received by the president, that the army under Gen. St. Clair, in a bat* 248 period vii.— 1789 to 1797. tie with the Indians, near the Miami, in Ohio, had been totally defeated, on the 4th of the preceding month. The army of St. Clair amounted to near one thousand five hundred men. The Indian force consisted of nearly the same number. Of the loss of the Indians, no estimate could be formed ; but the loss of the Americans was unusually severe i thirty-eight commissioned officers were killed in the field, and five hundred and ninety-three non-commissioned officers and privates were slain and missing. Between two and three hundred officers and privates were wounded, many of whom afterwards died. This result of the expedition was as unexpected as unfortunate ; but no want either of ability, zeal, or intrepidity, was ascribed, by a committee of congress, appointed to examine the causes of its failure, to the commander of the expedition. 15. Upon the news of St. Clair's defeat, a bill was in- troduced into congress for raising three additional regi- ments of infantry, and a squadron of cavalry, to serve for three years, if not sooner discharged. This bill, although finally carried, met with an opposition more warm and pointed, from the opposers of the administra- tion, than any which had before been agitated in- the house. By those who opposed the bill, it was urged, that the war with the Indians was unjust ; that militia would answer as well, and even better, than regular troops, and would be less expensive to support ; that adequate funds could not be provided ; and, more than all, that ihis addition of one regiment to the army after another, gave fearful intimation of monarchical designs on the part of those who administered the government. On the other hand, the advocates of the bill contended, that the war was a war of self-defence ; that, between the years 1783 and 1790, not less than one thousand five hundred inhabitants of Kentucky, or emigrants to that country, and ptobably double that number, had been massacred by the Indians ; and that re- peated efforts had been made by the government to obtain a peace, notwithstanding which, the butcheries of the savages still con- tinued in their most appalling forms. 16. On the 8th of May, 1792, congress adjourned to the first Monday in November. The asperity which, on more than one occasion, had discovered itself in the course of debate, was a certain index of the growing exasperation of parties. With their adjournment, the WASHINGTON'S ADMINISTRATION. 249 conflicting feelings of members in a measure subsided ; the opposition, however, to the administration, had be- come fixed. It was carried into retirement, was in- fused by members into their constituents, and a party was thus formed throughout the nation, hostile to the plans of government adopted by Washington, and his friends in the cabinet. 17. On the 1st of June, 1792, Kentucky, by act of congress, was admitted into the Union as a state. The country now called Kentucky was well known to the Indian traders, many years before its settlement. By whom it was first explored is a matter of uncertainty, and has given rise to controversy. In 1752, a map was published by Lewis Evans, of the country on the Ohio and Kentucky rivers ; and it seems that one James Macbride, with others, visited this region in 1754. No further attempt was made to explore the country until 1767, when John Finley, of North Carolina, travelled over the ground on the Kentucky river, called by the Indians, " the dark and bloody ground." On returning to Carolina, Finley communicat- ed his discoveries to Col. Daniel Boone, who, in 1769, with some others, undertook to explore the country. After a long and fa- tiguing march, they discovered the beautiful valle}* of Kentucky. Col. Boone continued an inhabitant of this wilderness until 1771, when he returned to his family for the purpose of removing them, and forming a settlement in the new country. In 1773, having made the necessary preparations, he set out again with five fam- ilies and forty men, from Powell's Valley, and, after various im- pediments, reached the Kentucky river, in March, 1775, where he commenced a settlement. In the years 1778, 1779, and 1780, a considerable number of persons emigrated to Kentucky ; yet, in this latter year, after an unusually severe winter, the inhabitants were so distressed, that they came to the determination of abandoning the country for ever. They were fortunately diverted from this step by th«» arrival of emigrants. During the revolutionary war, they suf- fered severelv from the Indians incited by the British govern- ment. In 1778, Gen. Clarke overcame the Indians, and laid waste their villages. From this time, the inhabitants began to feel more secure, and the settlements were extended. In 1779, the legislature of Virginia, within whose limits this region lay, erected it into a county. In 1762, a supreme court, with an attor- ney-general, was established within the district In the years 17d3, 1784, and 1785, the district was laid out into counties, and a great part of the country surveyed and patented. In 1785, an attempt was made to form an independent state but, a major- 250 period vii.— 1789 to 1797. , !ty of the inhabitants being opposed to the measure, it was de laved until December, 1790, when it became a separate state. "in 1792, as stated above, it was admitted into the Union. Th« growth of Kentucky has been rapid, and she has obtained a re- spectable rank and influence among her sister states. 18. During the recess of congress, preparations were \ hastened by the president, for a vigorous prosecution of the war with the Indians ; but such small inducements were presented to engage in the service, that a sufficient number of recruits could not be raised to authorize an expedition against them the present year. As the clam- or against the war, by the opposers of the administration, was still loud, the president deemed it advisable, while preparations for hostilities were advancing, to make another effort at negotiation with the unfriendly Indians. The charge of this business was committed to Col. Har- den and Maj. Freeman, two brave officers, and valuable men, who were murdered by the savages. 19. On the opening of the next congress, in Novem- ber, a motion was made to reduce the military establish- ment; but it did not prevail. The debate on this subject was peculiarly earnest, and the danger of standing armies was powerfully urged. This motion, designed as a reflection upon the executive, was followed by sev- eral resolutions, introduced by Mr. Giles, tending to criminate the secretary of the treasury, Mr. Hamilton, of misconduct, in relation to certain loans, negotiated under his direction. In three distinct reports, sent to the house, the secre- tary offered every required explanation, and ably defend- ed himself against the attacks of the opposition. Mr. Giles, and some others, however, were not satisfied : other resolutions were, therefore, offered, which, although rejected, were designed to fix upon the secretary the reputation of an. ambitious man, aiming at the acquisi- tion of dangerous power. During these discussions, vehement attacks were made upon the secretary, in the public prints. Hints also were suggested against the president himself; and although he was not openlj Washington's administration. 251 accused of being the head of the federal party, of favoring their cause, or designing to subvert the liberties of his country, yet it was apparent that such suspicions were entertained of him. On the 3d of March, 1793, a constitutional period was put to the existence of this congress. The members separated with obvious symptoms of irritation ; and it was not to be doubted that their efforts would be exert- ed to communicate to their constituents the feelings which agitated their bosoms. 20. The time had now arrived, 1793, when the elec- tors of the states were again called upon to choose a chief magistrate of the Union. Washington had deter- mined to withhold himself from being again elected to the presidency, and to retire from the cares of political life. Various considerations, however, prevented the declaration of his wishes, and he was again unanimously elected to the chair of state. Mr. Adams was re-elected vice-president. 21. Through the unceasing endeavors of the president to terminate the Indian war, a treaty had been negoti- ated with the Indians, on the Wabash ; and, through the intervention of the Six Nations, those of the Miamis had consented to a conference during the ensuing spring. Offensive operations were, therefore, suspended, although the recruiting service was industriously urged, and as- siduous attention was paid to the discipline and prepara- tion of the troops. 22. The Indian war, though of real importance, was becoming an object of secondary consideration. The revolution in France was now progressing, and began so to affect our relation with that country, as to require an exertion of all the wisdom and firmness of the govern- ment. Early in April, also, information was received of the declaration of war by France against England and Holland. This event excited the deepest interest in the United States A large majority of the people, grateful for the aid that France had given us in our revolution, and devoted to the cause of lib- erty, were united in fervent wishes for the success of the French 252 period vii. — 1789 to 1797. republic * At the same time, the prejudices against Great Brit ain, which had taken deep root during the revolution, now sprung forth afresh, and the voice of many was heard, urging the propriety of the United States making a common cause with France against Great Britain. A pressing occurrence had called Washington to Mount Vernon, when intelligence arrived of the rupture between France and England. Hastening his return to Philadelphia, he summoned the attention of his cabinet to several questions, respecting the course of conduct proper for the United States to observe in relation to the belligerents. Although sensible of the prejudices existing in the country against Great Britain, and of the friendly dispo- sition which prevailed towards France, it was the unan- imous opinion of the cabinet, that a strict neutrality should be observed by the United States towards the contending powers. The council was also unanimous, that a minister from the French republic should be re- ceived, should one be sent. In accordance with the ad- vice of his cabinet, the president issued his proclamation of neutrality, on the 22d of April, 1793. This proclamation, being without legislative sanction, soon became the subject of loud invective. The opposition party, through the press, pronounced it "a royal edict," an assumption of power on the part of the president, and a proof of his monarchi- cal disposition. They denounced the conduct of the executive as dishonorable, and an act of neutrality, as high ingratituae towards France, the firm and magnanimous ally of the United * The revolution in France commenced about the year 1789. It seems to have been hastened, or brought on, by the new ideas of freedom, which had been imbibed by the French army inthe United States, and thence dissem- inated among the people of France, for a long time oppressed and degraded by a despotic government. Unfortunately, the revolution fell into the hands of selfish and unprincipled men, who, in 1793, executed their king. Louia XVI., and, soon after, his family, and murdered or imprisoned those who were suspected of hostility to their views, and involved France in a scene of guilt and bloodshed, which cannot be contemplated without horror. In the first stages of this revolution, the friends of liberty throughout the world were full of hopes for a melioration of the political condition of France ; but these hopes were soon blasted by the sanguinary steps adopted by the revolutionists. Had they been men governed by reason and religion, instead of unbridled ambition ; actuated by a philanthropic regard to the good of the people, instead of a selfish thirst of power; France to this day might have enjoyed the blessings of a free government. Washington's administration. 253 States, which had assisted in achieving the liberties of the country. 23. As was anticipated, the republic of France re- called the minister of the crown, and appointed a min- ister of its own, Mr. Genet, to succeed him. His mis- sion had for its object the enlisting of America in the cause of France, against Great Britain. Flattered by the manner in which he was received by the people, as well as by their professions of attachment to his country, Mr. Genet early anticipated the accomplishment of his object. Presuming too much upon this attachment, he was led into a series of acts infringing the neutrality proclaimed by the president. He also attempted to rouse the people against the government, because it did not second all his views. At length, on the advice of his cabinet, the president solicited of the French re- public the recall of Mr. Genet, and the appointment of some one to succeed him. Monsieur Fauchet was ap- pointed, and was instructed to assure the American gov- ernment, that France totally disapproved of the conduct of his predecessor. Mr. Genet, on his arrival in the country, landed at Charleston, S. C. He was received by the governor of that state, and by the citizens, with a flow of enthusiastic feeling, equalled only bv that which had been evinced towards his nation at the conquest of York town. Soon after landing at Charleston, he began to authorize the fit- ting and arming of vessels in that port, enlisting men, and giv- ing commissions to cruise and commit hostilities against nations with which the United States were at peace. Vessels captured by these cruisers were brought into port, and the consuls of France, under the authority of Genet, not yet recognized as a minister by the American government, assumed the power of holding courts of admiralty on them, of trying and condemning them, and of authorizing their sale. On the meeting of congress, December. 1793, the proclamation of neutrality was approved by them, as well as the conduct of the government towards Mr. Genet. Finding on most questions, arising between the French minis- ter and the government of the United States, a wide and an in- creasing difference of views, and perceiving no beneficial effects 22 254 period vii. — 1789 to 1797. resulting from his continuance in that character, the cabinet unanimously advised his recall. 24. 1794. On the last day of December, 1793, Mr. Jefferson, the secretary of state, resigned his office, and was succeeded by Edmund Randolph, the then attorney- general. This latter office was filled by William Brad- ford, a gentleman of considerable eminence in Pennsyl- vania. 25. During the session of congress this year, a resolu- tion passed to provide a naval force adequate to the pro- tection of the commerce of the United States against the Algerine corsairs. The force proposed was to con- sist of six frigates, four of forty-four, and two of thirty-six guns. This measure was founded upon the communications of the president, from which it appeared that the prospect of being able to negotiate a treaty of peace with the dey of Algiers was doubt ful ; that eleven American merchant vessels, and upwards of one hundred citizens, had been captured by them ; and that further preparations were making for a renewed attack upon unprotect- ed vessels belonging to the United States. 26. During this session of congress, a law passed, prohibiting the carrying on of the slave trade from the American ports. England had been actively engaged ;n the slave trade nearly fifty years, when the first settlement was effected in Virginia. Slavery was early introduced into the American colonies. The first slaves, about twenty in number, were brought to Virginia, in 1619, by a Dutch ship. The importation of them gradually in- creased, and although principally bought by the southern plant- ers, slaves were soon found, in great numbers, in all the colo- nies. In 1784, they amounted to six hundred thousand ; in 1790, to six hundred and ninety-seven thousand six hundred and ninety-six. A disgust towards this inhuman traffic appeared very early in the colonies ; but it was countenanced and patronized by the English government, and thus introduced into, and fastened upon the country, without the power, on the part of the colonies, to arrest it. In Massachusetts, in 1645, a law was made, " prohibiting the buying and selling of slaves, except those taken in lawful war or reduced to servitude by their crimes." In 1703, the same r.olony imposed a heavy duty on every negro imported; and, in Washington's administration. 255 a subsequent law on the subject, they called the practice " the tin- natural and unaccountable custom of enslaving mankind." In Vir- ginia, as early as 1G99, attempts were made to repress the impor- tation of slaves, by heavy duties. These, and other acts, show that the North American provinces would, if left to themselves, have put an end to the importation of slaves, before the era of their independence. In 1778, Virginia abolished the traffic by law ; Connecticut, Rhode Island, Pennsylvania, and Massachusetts, prohibited it be- fore the year 1789. The continental congress passed a resolu- tion against the purchase of slaves imported from Africa, and exhorted the colonies to abandon the trade altogether. The third congress of the United States, as stated above, prohibited the trade, by law. Thus we see, in the United States, a very early and settled aversion to the slave trade manifesting itself; and be- fore European nations had consented to relinquish it, several of the states had utterly prohibited it. 27. At this session, also, several measures were adopt- ed in anticipation of a war with Great Britain, growing out of her commercial restrictions, which bore heavy, and operated most unjustly, upon the United States. Bills were passed for laying an embargo for thirty days — for erecting fortifications — for organizing the militia, and increasing the standing army. As an adjustment of dif- ferences, however, seemed desirable, Mr. Jay was ap- pointed envoy extraordinary to the court of St. James, and succeeded in negotianug a treaty with Great Britain the following veer. Among the offensive acts of the government of Great Britain, was an order of June, 1793, prohibiting the exportation of corn to France, and authorizing the capture of neutral vessels carrying it thither. Under this order, many American vessels were cap- tnred, and carried into England. In November following, addi- tional instructions were given by the British cabinet, to ships of war and privateers, to bring into port, for trial, all ships laden with goods from France, or her colonies, and such as were carry- ing provisions, or other supplies, to either. To these causes of complaint, Great Britain had added another, viz. neglecting to deliver up the western posts according to treaty. While measures were taking, in anticipation of war, the presi- dent received advices from England, that the order of November had been considerably modified ; that most of the merchant \es- sels which had been carried into port for trial, would be released; 256 period vii.— 1789 to 1797. and that a disposition for peace with the United States existed in the British cabinet. These advices opened to the president the prospect of restoring a good understanding between the two nations, and induced him immediately to nominate an envoy to settle existing differences, and to negotiate commercial arrangements. The nomination of Mr. Jay was approved, in the senate, by a majority often. To those opposed to the administration, no step could have been more unexpected or disagreeable, than this decisive meas- ure of the president. Prejudices against Great Britain had risen to their height, and hostilities against her were loudly de- manded, as both just and necessary. It was not singular, there- fore, that, for this act, the president should receive the severest censures of the opposition party, nor that all who favored his efforts for peace should be included in the general denunciation. 28. The suspension of hostilities against the Indians in the north-west, in consequence of their consenting to a conference in the spring of 1794, has already been noticed. (Sec. 21.) This effort to conclude a treaty with them failing, Gen. Wayne, who had succeeded Gen. St. Clair, engaged the Indians, August 20th, 1794, on the banks of the Miami, and gained a complete victory over them. The American troops engaged in this battle did not exceed nine hundred; the Indians amounted to two thousand. In this decisive engagement, Gen. Wayne lost one hundred and seven in killed and wounded, including officers. After the battle, he proceeded to lay waste the whole Indian country. By means of this victory over the Miamis, a general war with the Six Nations, and all the tribes north-west of the Ohio, was prevented. 29. This year, 1794, was distinguished by an insur- rection in Pennsylvania, known by the name of the " Whiskey Insurrection," growing out of laws enacted by congress, in 1791, laying duties on spirits distilled within the United States, and upon stills. In August, the president issued his proclamation, commanding the insurgents to disperse. This not having the desired effect, a respectable body of militia was ordered out, un- der Gov. Lee, of Maryland, on whose approach the in- surgents laid down their arms, solicited the clemency of Washington's administration. 257 the government, and promised future submission to the laws. From the time that duties were laid upon spirits distilled with- in the United States, &c, combinations were formed, in the four western counties of Pennsylvania, to prevent their collection. Numerous meetings were held at different times and places, at which resolutions were passed, and, in several instances, vio- lences were committed upon the officers of the revenue. Eigh- teen of the insurgents were taken, and tried for treason, but not convicted. 30. 1795. January 1st, Col. Hamilton resigned the office of secretary of the treasury, and was succeeded by Oliver Wolcott, of Connecticut. Nearly at the same time, Timothy Pickering succeeded Gen. Knox, in the department of war. 31. In June, Mr. Jay having succeeded in negotiating a treaty with Great Britain, the senate was convened to consider its merits. After an elaborate discussion of it, that body advised to its ratification by a majority of twenty to ten. Notwithstanding the great opposition to it that prevailed among the enemies of Great Britain, the president gave it his signature. Contrary to the predictions of many in the country, the treaty settled existing difficulties between the two nations, prevented a war, which previously seemed fast approaching, and proved of great advantage to the United States. The treaty, when published, found one party prepared for its condemnation, while the other was not ready for its defence. Time was necessary for a judicious and careful consideration of its merits. In the populous cities, meetings were immediately called, and resolutions and addresses forwarded to the president requesting him to withhold his assent. Upon the president, however, these had no other effect, than to induce him to weigh still more care fully the merits of the treaty. When, at length, he was satisfied of its utility, he signed it, although he thereby incurred the cen- sures of a numerous portion of the citizens. 32. In the course of the following autumn, treaties were concluded with the dey of Algiers, and with the Miaruis in the west. By the former treaty, American 22* 258 period vii.-— 1789 to 1797. citizens, in captivity in Algiers, were liberated ; and by the latter, the western frontiers of the United States were secured from savage invasion. A treaty with Spain soon after followed, by which the claims of the United States, on the important points of boundary, and the navigation of the Mississippi, were fully conceded. 33. On the first of June, 1796, Tennessee was ad. mitted, by act of congress, into the Union as a state. Tennessee derives its name from its principal river. This name, in the language of the Indians, signifies a curved spoon, the curvature, to their imaginations, resembling that of the river Tennessee. The territory of Tennessee was granted, in 1064, by Charles II. to the Earl of Clarendon, and others, being included in the limits of the Carolinas. About the beginning of the next century, Carolina was divided into two provinces, and Tennessee fell to the lot of tne northern province. Near the year 1754, fifty fam- ilies were settled on the Cumberland river, where Nashville now stands ; but they were dislodged by the savages soon after. In 1765, a number of emigrants settled themselves beyond the pres- ent limits of North Carolina, and were the first of the colonists of Tennessee. By the year 1773, the inhabitants had considera- bly increased. When the constitution of North Carolina was formed, in 1776, that district sent deputies to the meeting. In the year 1780, a small colony of about forty families, under the direction of James Robertson, crossed the mountains, and settled on the Cumberland river, where they founded Nashville. In 1785, the inhabitants of Tennessee, feeling the inconveniences of a government so remote as that in the capital of North Carolina, endeavored to form an independent one, to which they intended to give the name of the " State of Franklin ;" but, differing among themselves, the scheme for the time was abandoned, in 1789, the legislature of North Carolina passed an act ceding the terri- tory, on certain conditions, to the United States. Congress, in the following year, accepted the cession, and by another act, passed on the 26th of May, 1790, provided for its government under the title of "The territory of the United States, south of the Ohio." In 1796, congress passed an act enabling the people to form a state constitution, which having been adopted and ap- proved, Tennessee was acknowledged as a sovereign state in the Union. 34. On the meeting of congress in 1796, resolutions were passed to carry into effect the treaties negotiated ADMINISTRATION. 259 the preceding year. On the subject of the treaty with Great Britain, the liveliest sensibility still prevailed. After a spirited and protracted debate of seven weeks, on the subject of making the necessary arrangements for this treaty, resolutions to that effect passed the house by a majority of only three. 35. As the time for a new election of the chief magis- trate of the Union approached, Gen. Washington signi- fied his intention to retire from public life. Wishing to terminate his political course with an act suitable to his own character, and permanently useful to his country- men, he published a valedictory address to the people of the United States, fraught with maxims of the highest political importance, and with sentiments of the warm- est affection for his country. In conclusion, this great and good man bore his solemn testi- mony to the importance of religion and morality, as intimately connected with political prosperity. " Of all the dispositions and habits which lead to political prosperity," he observed, "religion and morality are indispensable supports. In vain would that man claim the tribute of patriotism, who should labor to subvert these great pillars of human happiness, these firmest props of the duties of men and citizens. The mere politician, equally with the pious man, ought to respect and cherish them. A volume could not trace all their connections with private and public felicity. Let it simply be asked, Where is the security for property, for reputa- tion, for life, if the sense of religious obligations desert the oaths which are the instruments of investigation in courts of justice ? And let us with caution indulge the supposition, that morality can be maintained without religion. Whatever may be conceded to the influence of refined education on minds of peculiar struc- ture, reason and experience both forbid us to expect that national VtOrality can prevail in exclusion of religious principle." 36. In February, 1797, the votes for his successor were opened and counted in the presence of both houses of congress. The highest number appearing in favor of Mr. Adams, he was declared to be elected president of the United States, for the four years ensuing, commeno ins on the 4th of March. Mr. Jefferson succeeded Mr, Adams in the vice-presidency. 360 period vii.— 1789 to 1797. NOTES. 37. Manners. We can remark, during this period, no very distinct change in the manners of the people of the United States, except that the introduction of French philosophy seems to have affected, in some de- gree, the sober habits and strict morality of the people, which, although relaxed by the war, had now begun to resume their influence. 33. Religion. At the close of the preceding period^ we observed that religion had revived, in a degree, from the injuries it suffered during the revolutionary war; and we might have expected, that, under the auspices of a wise and settled government, conducted by a practical Christian like Washington, it would have acquired a still more commanding influence. Such, however, was not the fact. As the people of the United States heartily espoused the cause of the revolution in France, and sympathized with that people, in their struggle for freedom, it was but too natural, that the sentiments of the revolutionists, on other than political subjects, should be imbibed. As the French revolutionists were alsiost universally deists, or atheists, these sentiments were extensively spread over the United States. For a time, the boldness of the enterprises, the splendor of the victories, and the importance of the conquests, achieved by the French republic, promoted the extension of French infidelity in the United States. " Most eyes," says Dr. Dwight, " were disabled from seeing the nature of the purposes which the revolutionists had in view, and of the characters which were exhibited on this singular stage. In the agitation and amazement excited in all men. few retained so steady optics as to discern, without confu sion. the necessary consequences of this stupendous shock.'" Infidelity was also greatly extended, at this time, by the writ ings of Paine, Godwin, and others, which were industriously circulated through the country.* The perspicuous and sim- * Godwin's Political Justice, and Paine's Age of Reason, powerfully urged on the tide of infidelity. An enormous edition of the latter publica- tion was printed in France, and sent to America, to be sold for a few pence wlv ; and Where it could not be sold, it was given away. Washington's administration. 261 pie style of Paine, his keen powers of ridicule, directed against the Bible, and above all, the gratitude which multitudes felt for the aid his pen had given to our revolution, contributed to im- part to him a peculiarly powerful influence. His vicious life, however, and the horrible enormities committed by the French revolutionists, gave such a fearful comment upon their principles, as at length, in a great measure, to bring them into discredit, and to arrest their growing influence. 39. Trade and Commerce. These flourished, dur- ing this period, beyond all former example. m In 1797, the exports of the United States, of all kinds, amounted to fifty-six millions eight hundred and fifty thousand two hundred and six dollars. The imports amounted to sev- enty-five millions three hundred and seventy-nine thou- sand four hundred and six dollars. Our vessels visited every part of the world, and brought wealth and luxu- ries from every country. 40. Agriculture. Aside from the importance of agriculture, as furnishing us with the greatest portion of our food, it began now to derive greater consequence, as furnishing materials for our manufactures, and, still more, as contributing largely to our exports. In 1796, it was estimated that three fourths of the inhabitants of the United States, if not a greater proportion, were em- ployed in agricultural pursuits. 41. Arts and Manufactures. During this period, manufactures attracted the attention of government. Mr. Hamilton, secretary of the treasury, made a report to congress, on the subject, in which he set forth their importance to the country, and urged the policy of aid- ing them. Since that time, the revenue laws have been framed with the view to the encouragement of manu- factures, and their promotion has been considered as u part of the settled policy-of the United States. Although the flourishing state of commerce commanded the atten- tion, and absorbed the capital of the country, in some degree, to the exclusion of other objects, still manufac- tures made considerable progress. 42. Population. The inhabitants of the United 262 period vii.— 1789 -to 1797. States, at the close of this period, amounted to about five millions. 43. Education. The adoption of the federal consti- tution placed the political affairs of the United States on a permanent basis ; and since that period, learning has flourished. In 1791, the University of Vermont was established at Burling- ton; Williams' College, Massachusetts, in 1793 ; Union College, at Schenectady, New York, and Greenville College, Tennessee, in 1794 ; Bowdoin College, at Brunswick, in Maine, 1796. An Historical Society was formed in Massachusetts, in 1791, and in- corporated in 1794. It has published twenty-three volumes of documents designed to illustrate the past and present state of the country. • REFLECTIONS. 44. A short time since, we were occupied in considering the United States struggling for independence, under Washington, as a leader of their armies. Under his guidance, we saw them triumph, and become a free nation. We have also seen them, with Washington at the head of the convention, forming our ex- cellent constitution. We note see them, with Washington their chief magistrate, taking their place among the sovereignties of the earth, and launching forth on the full tide of successful ex- periment. Under Washington, as our leader, we won our independence , formed our constitution ; established our government. And what reward does he ask for services like these ? Does he ask a dia- dem ? Does he lay his hand upon our national treasury ? Does he claim to be emperor of the nation that had risen up under his auspices ? No. Although " first in war, first in peace, first in the hearts of his countrymen," — he sublimely retires to the peaceful occupations of rural life, content with the honor of having been instrumental in achieving the independence, and securing the happiness of his country. There is no parallel in history to this ' By the side of Wash ington, Alexander is degraded to a selfish destroyer of his race , Caesar becomes the dazzled votary of power; and Bonaparte, a baffled aspirant to universal dominion. Washington has been the theme of eulogy in every nation. " His military successes," it has been well said, " were more solid than brilliant, and judgment, rather than enthusiasm, regu- lated his conduct in battle. In the midst of the inevitable dis- oider of camps, and the excesses inseparable from civil war, Washington's administration. 263 humanity always found a refuge in his tent. In the mcrning of triumph, and in the darkness of adversity, he was alike serene ; at all times tranquil as wisdom and simple as virtue. After the acknowledgment of American independence, when the unani- mous suffrages of a free people called him to administer their government, his administration, partaking of his character, waa mild and firm at home, noble and prudent abroad."* * Inchiquin'a Lettsns. UNITED STATES. PERIOD VIII. DISTINGUISHED FOR ADAMs's ADMINISTRATfON. Extending from the Inauguration of President Adams, 1797, to the Inauguration of Thomas Jefferson, as President of the United States, 1801. Sec. 1. On the fourth of March, 1797, Mr. Adams, in the presence of the senate, of the officers of the general and state governments, and a numerous con- course of spectators, took the oath of office, as president of the United States. The condition of the country, at the close of Wash- ington's administration, and the commencement of Mr. Adams's, was greatly improved from that of 1789, the period at which the former entered upon his office. At home, a sound credit had been established; an immense floating debt had been funded in a manner perfectly satisfactory to the creditors, and an ample revenue had been provided. Those difficulties, which a system of internal taxation, on its first introduction, is doomed to encounter, were completely re- moved ; and the authority of the government was firmly es- tablished. Funds for the crradual payment of the debt had been provided; a considerable part of it had actually been discharged ; and that system which is now operating its entire extinction, had been matured and adopted. The agricultural and commercial wealth of the nation had increased beyond all former example. The numerous tribes of Indians, on the west, had been taught, by arms and by justice, to respect the United States, and to continue in peace. ADAxMS*S ADMINISTRATION. 365 Abroad, the differences with Spain had been accommodated. The free navigation of the Mississippi had been acquired, with the use of New Orleans, as a place of deposit, for three years, and afterwards, until some equivalent place should be designated. Those causes of mutual exasperation, which had threatened to involve the United States in a war with the greatest maritime and commercial power in the world, had been removed; and the military posts which had been occupied within their territory, from their existence as a nation, had been evacuated. Treaties had been formed with Algiers and Tripoli, and no captures ap- pear to have been made by Tunis ; so that the Mediterranean was opened to American vessels. This bright prospect was, indeed, in part, shaded by the dis- contents of France. But the causes of these discontents it had been impossible to avoid, without surrendering the right of self- government. Such was the situation of the United States at the close of Washington's, and the commencement of Adams's administration. 2. Just before Washington retired from office, learn- ing that France meditated hostilities against the United States, by way of depredations on her West India com- merce, he had recalled Mr. Monroe, then minister to that court, and despatched Gen. C. C. Pinckuey, minis- ter plenipotentiary, to adjust existing differences. Immediately upon succeeding to the presidency, Mr. Adams received intelligence that the French republic had announced to Gen. Pinckney its determination " not to receive another minister from the United States, until after the redress of grievances," &c. On the receipt of this intelligence, the president is- sued hie proclamation to convene congress on the 15th of June. In his speech on that occasion, having stated the indignity offered the United States by France, in refusing to receive her minister, the president, in the tone of a high-minded and independent American, urged congress " to repel this indignity of the French govern- ment, by a course which shall convince that government and the world, that we are not a degraded people, hu- miliated under a colonial spirit of fear and a sense of in- feriority, fitted to be the miserable instruments of foreign 23 266 period viii.— 1797 to 1801 influence, and regardless of national honor, character, and interest." Notwithstanding this language, the president still retained a desire for peace. Upon his recommendation, three envoys extraordinary, C. C. Pinckney, Elbridge Gerry, and John Marshall, were appointed to the French republic, to carry into effect the pacific dispositions of the United States. 3. For a considerable time, no certain intelligence reached the country respecting the negotiations at Paris. At length, in the winter of 1798, letters were received from the American envoys, indicating an unfavorable state of things ; and in the spring, despatches arrived, which announced the total failure of the mission. Before the French government would acknowledge the envoys, money, by way of tribute, was demanded in explicit terms of the United States. This being refused, an attempt was next made to excite the fears of the American ministers for their country and themselves. The immense power of France was painted in glowing colors, the humiliation of the house of Austria was stated, and the conquest of Britain was confidently anticipated. In the friendship of France alone, they were told, could America look for safety. During these transactions, occasion was repeatedly taken to insult the American government ; open war was continued to be urged by the cruisers of France on American commerce ; and tha flag of the United States was a sufficient justification for the cap ture and condemnation of any vessel over which it waved. 4. Perceiving further negotiations to be in vain, con gress now proceeded to the adoption of vigorous meas ures for retaliating injuries, which had been sustained, and for repelling still greater injuries, which were threat- ened. Amongst these measures was the augmentation df the regular army. A regiment of artillerists and engineers was added to the per- manent establishment, and the president was authorized to raise twelve additional regiments of infantry, and one regiment of cav- alry. He was also authorized to appoint officers for a provisional army, and to receive and organize volunteer corps. By the unanimous consent of the senate, Gen. Wash* ington was appointed lieutenant-general and command- , ADAMS'S ADMINISTRATION. 267 er-in-chief of all the armies raised, or to be raised, in the United States. 5. While preparations were thus making for war, in- direct pacific overtures were communicated by the French government to the president, and a willingness expressed to accommodate existing differences on rea- sonable terms. Solicitous to restore that harmony and good under- standing, which had formerly existed between tha two countries, the president listened to these overtures, and appointed three envoys — Oliver Ellsworth, chief justice of the United States ; Patrick Henry,* then late govern- or of Virginia ; and William Vans Murray, minister at the Hague — to discuss and settle, by treaty, all contro- versies between the United States and France. On the arrival of these envoys at Paris, they found the government in the hands of Bonaparte, who had not been concerned in the transactions which had disturbed the peace of the two countries. Negotiations were com- menced, which terminated in a treaty of peace, Septem- ber 30, 1800 ; soon after which the provisional army in America was, by order of congress, disbanded. 6. On the 14th of December, 1799, Gen. Washington expired, at his seat at Mount Vernon, in Virginia, leav- ing a nation to mourn his loss, and to embalm his mem- ory with their tears. Believing, at the commencement of his complaint, that its con- clusion would be mortal, he economized his time in arranging, with the utmost serenity, those few concerns which required his attention. To his physician he expressed his conviction that he was dying ; " but," said he, " J am not afraid to :o 270 period viii.— 1797 to 1801. should be closed, during the balloting, except against the officers of the house ; that, in balloting, the representatives of the respec tive states should be so seated, that the delegation of each state should be together. The representatives of each state were to ballot among themselves : duplicates of these ballots were to be made, and placed in two ballot boxes. When all the states had thus voted, the ballot boxes were to be carried by the sergeant- at-arms to two separate tables. The ballots were then to be counted by tellers, eight in number, at each table. When count- ed, the reports were to be announced from each table : if these reports agreed, they were to be accepted, as the true votes of the states ; if they differed, a new balloting was to be made. On Wednesday, the 11th of February, the votes from the sev- eral electoral colleges were counted in the senate chamber, in presence of both houses ; and the result was declared by the president to be, no choice — Mr. Jefferson and Mr. Burr having each an equal number of votes. The question therefore devolving upon the house of representa- tives, that body returned to their chamber, wjjiere seats had been previously prepared for the members of the senate. A call of the members of the house, arranged according to states, was then made ; upon which it appeared that every member was present, except Gen. Sumpter, who was unwell, and unable to attend. Mr. Nicholson, of Maryland, was also unwell, but attended, and had a bed prepared for him in one of the committee rooms, to which place the ballot-box was carried to him, by the tellers, oik the part of the state. The first ballot was eight states for Mr. Jefferson, six for Mr. Burr, and two divided ; which result continued to be the same after balloting thirty-five times. The thirty-sixth ballot deter- mined the question. This important decision took place at twelve o'clock on the 17th of February, when there appeared for Mr. Jefferson ten states; for Mr. Burr four states; and the remaining two were blank ballots. The states which voted for Mr. Jefferson were, Georgia, North Carolina, Tennessee, Kentucky, Virginia, Mary- land, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, New York, and Vermont. The states for Mr. Burr were, New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Con- necticut, and Rhode Island. The blank states were Delaware and South Carolina. • NOTES. 10. Manners. Tlie manners of the people of the United States underwent no marked change during this period. adams's administration. 271 11. Religion. Although infidelity does not seem to have made much progress in the United States, during this period, it was evident that it had taken deep root in many minds. Infidels, however, were less confident, and less ready to avow their sentiments. They stood abashed before the world, at the fearful and blood-chilling horrors which their principles had poured out upon France. Their doctrines were, at the same time, powerfully refuted by the ablest men both in England and Ameri- ca. At length, they ceased to make proselytes, spoke favorably of the Christian religion, generally admitted that it was absolute- ly necessary to good government ; and error, with regard to re- ligion, assumed a new form. Towards the close of this period, a revival of religion com- menced in New England, and seems to have been the beginning of that series of revivals which have since overspread the United States. Some sects, which had before regarded " revivals of re- ligion " with suspicion or aversion, became convinced of their utility, and began to promote them. 12. Trade and Commerce. Trade and commerce were still prosperous, and the remarks made in respect to them, under Period VII., apply to them during this period. The exports, in 1801, were ninety-three millions twenty thou- sand five hundred and seventy-three dollars ; the imports, one hundred and eleven millions, three hundred and sixty-three thou- sand five hundred and eleven dollars. 13. Agriculture. Agriculture still continued to flourish. 14. Arts and Manufactures. The general remarks on the preceding period, relative to this subject, apply, without material alteration, to this period. 15. Population. The number of inhabitants, at the close of this period, was not far from five millions five hundred thousand. 16 Education. We have nothing particular to ob- serve in relation to education. Public and private schools, however, were multiplied, as the people in- creased, and as new settlements were made. In 1798, a college was founded at Lexington. Kentucky, called 272 period viii.— 1797 to 1801. the Transylvania University. Middlebury College, in Vermont, was founded in 1800. At the commencement of the 18th centu ry. there was, in New England, but one college completely founded, but now there were six; in the colonies south of Con necticut, there was only one, but now there were fifteen or six teen. UNITED STATES. PERIOD IX. DISTINGUISHED FOR JEFFERSON^ ADMINISTRATION. Extending from the Inauguration of President Jefferson, 1801, to the Inauguration of James Madison, as Presi- dent of the United States, 1809. Sec. 1. On the 4th of March, 1801, Mr. Jefferson, agreeably to the constitution, was regularly inducted into the office of president of the United States. 2. The commencement of Mr. Jefferson's administra- tion was marked by the removal of a great portion of those who held responsible and lucrative offices, on the ground, that they were too exclusively the friends of the party opposed to that, which had elevated him to office. 3. Congress met on the 8th of December. In his speech at the opening of the session, the president re- commended the abolition of the internal taxes ; the re- peal of the act passed towards the close of Mr. Adams's administration, reorganizing the United States courts, and erecting sixteen new judges ; and an enlargement of the rights of naturalization. The debates on these several topics, in both houses of congress, were extend- ed to great length, and displayed much eloquence, argu- ment, and warmth. The recommendation of the presi- dent, notwithstanding the opposition, prevailed and bills in accordance therewith were passed. 274 period ix.— 1801 to 1809. The internal taxes, from the time of their establishment, had been extremely unpopular with the party which had elevated Mr. Jefferson to the presidency. It was a favorite measure, therefore, of his, to procure their abolition. The national judicial establishment originally consisted of a supreme court, with six judges, who twice a year made a tour of the United States in three circuits. Under this arrangement, great inconveniences were experienced by the court, the bar, and the suitors. The new arrangement in the judicial system, and the increase of judges at the close of Mr. Adams's term, had excited, in a large portion of the citizens, the hope of a more prompt and impartial administration of justice. To that portion of the community, the .repealing act was a painful disappoint- ment. 4. In 1802, Ohio was admitted, by act of congress, as an independent state, into the Union. The state of Ohio derived its name from the river Ohio, which sweeps the south-eastern border of the state. Until 1787, it was inhabited only by Indians, a few Moravians, and trespassers on lands belonging to the public. By virtue of her charter, the territory was claimed by Virginia, and held by her, although the original charter of Connecticut, extending west to the Pacific ocean, included a great part of it. In 1781, the legislature of Virginia ceded to the United States all her rights to the territory north-west of the river Ohio, ex- cepting some few military tracts. In 1788, the first settlement was begun at Marietta, under Gen. Rufus Putnam, from New England. It had been, the year before, erected into one district, including the present territories of Michigan, Illinois, and In- diana. Until 1795, the settlement of Ohio was retarded by constant wars with the Indians. But at that time, a general peace with the different tribes being effected, by Gen. Wayne, under Wash- ington, the population of the territory rapidly increased by emi- grations from Europe, and still more from New England. 5. In July, 1804, occurred the death of Gen. Alexan- der Hamilton, who fell in a duel fought with Aaron Burr, vice-president of the United States. Col. Burr had addressed a letter to Gen. Hamilton, in which he demanded a denial or acknowledgment, on the part of the latter, of certain offensive expressions, contained in a public pa- per. Hamilton, declining to give either, was challenged by Burr. Although averse, from principle, to this mode of settling personal controversies, in an evil moment, Hamilton, actuated by a false sense of honor, accepted the challenge, and, on meet* jefferson's administration. 275 ing his enemy, fell by means of his first fire. Among his personal and political friends, his death caused a deep sensation. The people of New York city, in which he resided, paid him extra- ordinary honors. Few men have shone with greater brilliancy in our country ; few have been gifted with a more powerful elo- quence, or have been more justly respected for their talents 01 attainments. 6. Mr. Jefferson's first term of office ending this year, a new election took place, at which he was re-chosen oresident, and on the 4th of March again took the oath of office. George Clinton, of New York, was elected vice-president. 7. During the year which commenced the second of Mr. Jefferson's presidency, a war, which had been con tinued for several years between the United States and Tripoli, was concluded, and a treaty of peace negotiated by Col. Lear, between the two countries, by which the Tripolitan and American prisoners were exchanged, and the sum of sixty thousand dollars given to the pacha. The history of this war deserves a place in these pages. The commerce of the United States had been long annoyed by the Tripolitan cruisers — many merchantmen had been taken, and their crews imprisoned and cruelly treated. As early as 1803, a squadron under Com. Preble had been sent to the Mediterranean, to protect the American commerce, and to bring the corsairs to submission. During the same year, Capt. Bainbridge, in the Philadelphia, joined Com. Preble, and, in chasing a cruiser into the harbor of Tripoli, grounded his vessel ; and he and his crew were taken prisoners. Shortly after the surrender of the Philadelphia, the Tripolitans got her afloat, and warped her into the outward harbor. In this situation, Lieutenant, afterwards Commodore Decatur, conceived the bold plan of attempting to set her on fire. He had the day before captured a small xebec, laden with fruit and oil, which was bound to Tripoli ; and having on board the Enterprise, which he commanded, an old pilot, who understood the Tripolitan lan- guage, he suggested his plan to Commodore Preble, who ap- proved of it. He would accept of only twenty men, although a much greater number volunteered, and but one officer, Mr. Mor- ris, a midshipman. With these men, concealed in the bottom of the xebec, on the approach of night, he sailed for the Philadel- phia, taking with him the old pilot. On approaching the frigate 27(5 period ix.— 1801 to 1S09. the xebec was hailed, when the pilot answered, that he had lost his cable and anchor, and begged premission to make last to the frigate until the morning. This the crew refused, but said he might make fast to their stern hawser, until they sent a boat to the admiral for leave. As the boat put off for the shore, Lieut. Decatur, with his brave companions, leaped on board the frigate, and in a few minutes swept the deck of every Tripolitan. Of fifty, not one reached the shore. The frigate was now set on fire, and while, the flames rose, to spread consternation among the Tripolitans, they served to lighten the heroic Decatur and his band back in safety to the American squadron. Of the party, not one was killed, and but one wounded. This was a seaman who saved the life of his commander. In the first desperate struggle on board the Phila- delphia, Decatur was disarmed, and fell. A sabre was already lifted to strike the fatal blow, when this seaman, observing the perilous situation of his officer, reached forward and received the blow of the sabre on his arm. In consequence of the burning of the Philadelphia, the suffer- ings ot^ Commodore Bainbridge and his crew, as well as those of other Americans in captivity at Tripoli, were greatly increased. The accounts of their sufferings, transmitted to the United States, excited the sympathy of all classes, and a general cry for oxer tions to effect their deliverance was heard from all parts of the Union. It happened, that some time before this, the then reigning bashaw of Tripoli. Jussuf, third son of the late bashaw, had mur- dered his father and eldest brother, and proposed to murder the second, in order to possess himself of the throne. But the latter, Hamet Caramelli, made his escape, and Jussuf, without farther opposition, usurped the government. Hamet took refuge in Egypt, where he was kindly treated by the beys. Here he was, on the arrival of an accredited agent of the United States. Gen. Eaton, who revived his almost expiring hopes of regaining his rightful kingdom. Gen. Eaton had been consul for the United States up the Mediterranean, and was returning home when he heard of the situation of Hamet. Conceiving a plan of liberating the Ameri- cans in captivity at Tripoli, by means of the assistance of Hamet, and, at the same time, of restoring this exile to his throne, he advvsed with Hamet. who readily listened to the project, and gave his co-operation. A convention was accordingly entered into between Gen. Eaton, on the part of the United States, and Hamet, by which the latter stipulated much in favor of the Americans, and was promised to be restored, to his throne. With a small force, consisting of seamen from the American squadron, the followers of Hamet. and some Egyptian troops, jeffersox's administration. 2 . Gen. Eaton and Harnet, with incredible toil and suffer!. the desert of Barea, and took possession efDerne, the capil a large province belonging to the kingdom of Trijxdi. of Eaton were now so much increased, and the can Harnet had become so popular, that the p. ing of his being able to reduce the city of Tripoli, and of effecth. \ liberation of the captives without ransom. The success of Eaton struck the usur S with terror. Trembling for his fate in this juncture, he proposed to Mr. . the consul-general of America, then in the Mediterranean, to enter into negotiation. Mr. Lear, who WBM authorized to into negotiation^ accepted the proposal, although he k:. success of Eaton and Harnet, and a treaty ensued. Eaton and Harnet were consequently arrested in the prosecution of their purpose, and the unfortunate exile failed of his promis- tion to the throne. In 1805, Harriet visited the United States, with the expeel of obtaining some remuneration for his sendees from America, and for her failure in fulfilling her stipulations to him Eaton. A proposition to this effect was brought befor- but, after much discussion, was rejected. 8. During this year, i805 5 Michigan became a dis- tinct territorial government of the United StaJ The Michigan territory, when first discovered by the wlrite3, was inhabited by the Harons, a tribe of Indiai were converted to Christianity by the About the year 1670, the Huron ted and dis; by the Six Nations, about which tin. h took p Bion of the territory, and built a fort at Detroit, and another at Michiilirnackinac. Tittle, however, was done to settle the country. At the peace of 1763, the territory was ceded by the French to Great .Britain, and by the latter to the United States in Until 17*7, it remained in the sam :' nature. rfl merit or any considerable settlements: but the several states which had claims upon it, ceded them to the United States, and a tf-ritorial government v all the territory north- v. %st of the Ohio. This territory remained under or. rnment until I when the present state of Ohio was detached, and mad- government. This w» = followed, in I a further of Indiana and Iltinuie: and, in 1805, Michigan tached, and was erected into a distinct territorial gc Gen. Hull was appointed by Mr. Jefferson the first governor. 9. In the autumn of 1806, a project was detected, at the head of which was Col. Burr, for revolutionizing 24 278 period ix.— 1801 to 1809. the territoi ' west of the Alleganies, and of establishing an independent empire there, of which New Orleans was to be the capital, and himself the chief. Towards the accomplishment of this scheme, which, it afterwards appeared, had been some time in contemplation, the skilful cunning and intrigue of Col. Burr were directed. Happily, however, government, being apprized of his designs, arrested him, while as yet he had few adherents, and before his standard was raised. He was brought to trial at Richmond, on a charge of treason committed within the district of Virginia ; but, no overt act being proved against him in that state, he was released. In addition to this project, Col. Burr had formed another, which, in case of failure in the first, might be carried on independently of it : — this was an attack on Mexico, and the establishment of an empire there. A third object was provided, merely ostensible, to wit, the settlement of the pretended purchase of a tract of country on the Washita, claimed by a Baron Bastrop. This was to serve as a pretext for all his preparations, an allurement for such followers as really wished to acquire settlements in that country, and a cover under which to retreat, in the event of a final discomfiture of both branches of his real designs. He found at once that the attachment of the western country to the present Union was not to be shaken ; that its dissolution could not be effected with the consent of the inhabitants ; and that his resources were inadequate, as yet, to effect it by force He determined, therefore, to seize New Orleans, plunder the bank there, possess himself of the military and naval stores, and proceed on his expedition to Mexico. He collected, therefore, from all quarters, where himself or his agents possessed influence, all the ardent, restless, desperate, disaffected persons, who were for an enterprise analogous to their characters. He also seduced good, well-meaning citizens, some by assurances that he possessed the confidence of the govern- ment, and was acting under its secret patronage ; and others by offers of land in Bastrop's claim in the Washita. 10. 1806. To understand the subsequent political history of the United States, and those measures of gov- ernment, which were taken in relation to foreign powers, it is necessary to glance at the state of the European nations, at this period — particularly that of England and France. These two countries were now at war willi JEFFERSON S ADMINISTRATION. 279 each other, and in their controversies had involved most of the continental powers. Towards the belligerents, America was endeavoring to maintain a neutrality, and peaceably to continue a commerce with them. It was hardly to be expected, however, that jealousies would not arise, between the contending powers, in relation to the conduct of America, and that events would not occur,' calculated to injure her commerce, and disturb her peace. In addition to these circumstances, a controversy had long existed, and continued to exist, between the United States and Great Britain, in respect to the right of searching neutral ships and impressing seamen. Great Britain claimed it as among her prerogatives to take her native born subjects, wherever found, for her navy, and of searching American vessels for that purpose. As yet, no adjustment of this controversy had been ef- fected. Notwithstanding the remonstrances of the American government, the officers of the British navy not unfrequently seized native born British subjects, who had voluntarily enlisted on board our vessels. They also impressed into the British service some thousands of American seamen. 11. May 16th, 180G, the British government issued an order in council, declaring the ports and rivers from the Elbe, a river in Germany, to Brest, a town of France, to be in a state of blockade. By this order, American vessels, trading to these and intervening ports, were lia- ble to seizure and condemnation. 12. In the ensuing November, 1806, Bonaparte issued his celebrated decree at Berlin, called the "Berlin decree" by which all the British islands were declared to be in a state of blockade, and all intercourse with them was prohibited. This decree violated the treaty between the United States and France, and the law of nations. The following are the principal articles of that decree, which related to the obstruction of American commerce : — 1. The British islands are in a state of blockade. 2. All commerce and correspondence with them is prohibited. 3. No vessel coming directly from England, or her colonies, 280 period ix.— 1801 to 1809. or having been there since the publication of this decree, shall be admitted into any port. 13. This decree of Bonaparte, at Berlin, was in part retaliated by the British government, in an order of council, issued January 7th, 1S07, by which all coasting trade with France was prohibited. " Whereas the French government has issued certain orders, which purport to prohibit the commerce of all neutral nations with his majesty's dominions," &c. — " his majesty is pleased to order, that no vessels shall be permitted to trade from one port to another, both which ports shall belong to, or be in possession of, France or her allies, or shall be so far under their control as that British vessels may not freely trade thereat," &c, on pain of capture and condemnation. 14. While measures were thus taking by France and England, whose tendency was to injure American com- merce, and to involve her in a controversy with both, an event occurred, which filled the American people with indicrnation, and called for immediate executive notice. This was an attack upon the American frigate Chesa- peake, Commodore Barron, off the capes of Virginia, by the British frigate Leopard, of fifty guns. The at- tack was occasioned by the refusal of Commodore Bar- ron to surrender several seamen, who had deserted from the British armed ship Melampus, a short time previous, and had voluntarily enlisted on board the Chesapeake. After crippling the American frigate, which made no resistance, the commander of the Leopard took from her the seamen in question, two of whom had been proved to be American citizens. The persons who deserted from the Melampus, then lying in Hampton roads, were William Ware, Daniel MartiAi. John Stra- chan, John Little, and Ambrose Watts. Within a month from their escape from the Melampus, the first three of these desert- ers offered themselves for enlistment, and were received on board the Chesapeake, then at Norfolk, Virginia, preparing for sea. The British consul at Norfolk, being apprized of this circum- stance, wrote a letter to the American naval officer, requesting these men to be returned. With this request the officer refusing jefferson's administration. 281 tc comply, the British agent lost no time in endeavoring to pro- cure an order from government for their surrender. In conse- quence of this application, the secretary of the navy ordered an examination into the characters and claims of the men in ques- tion. The required examination resulted in proof that Ware, Martin, and Strachan, were natives of America. The two former had protections, or notarial certificates of their being American citizens. Strachan had no -protection, but asserted that he lost it previously to his escape. Such being the circumstances of the men, the government refused to surrender them. On the 22d of June, the Chesapeake weighed anchor, and proceeded to sea. She passed the British ships Bellona and Melampus, lying in Lynnhaven bay, whose appearance was friendly. There were two other ships that lay off Cape Henry, one of which, the Leopard, Capt. Humphreys, weighed anchor, and, in a few hours, came alongside the Chesapeake. A British otficer immediately came on board, and demanded the deserters. To this, Capt. Barron replied, that he did not know of any being there, and that his duty forbade him to allow of any muster of his crew except by their own officers. During this interview, Barron noticed some proceedings of a hostile nature on board the adverse ship, but he could not be per- suaded that any thing but menace was intended by them. Af- ter the British officer departed, he gave orders to clear his gun- deck, and after some time, he directed his men to their quarters, secretly, and without beat of drum ; still, however, without any serious apprehensions of an attack. Before these orders could be executed, the Leopard com- menced a heavy fire. This fire, unfortunately, was very destruc- tive. In about thirty minutes, the hull, rigging, and spars of the Chesapeake, were greatly damaged, three men were killed and sixteen wounded ; among the latter was the captain himself. Such was the previous disorder, that, during this time, the ut most exertions were insufficient to prepare the ship for action, and the captain thought proper to strike his colors. The British captain refused to accept the surrender of the Chesapeake, but took from her crew, Ware, Martin, and Strachan, the three men formerly demanded as deserters, and a fourth, John Wilson, claimed as a runaway from a merchant ship. 15. Such was the agitation of the public mind, in consequence of this outrage committed on the Chesa- peake, that the president, on the 2d of July, issued his proclamation, ordering all British armed vessels to leave the waters of the United States, and forbidding them to enter, until satisfaction for the attack on the Chesapeake should be made by the British government. About th« 24* 282 period ix.— 1801 to 1809. same time, instructions were forwarded to the American minister in England, Mr. Monroe, to demand reparation for the unauthorized attack upon the Chesapeake, and, as an essential part of that reparation, security against future impressments from American ships. The British min- ister, Mr. Canning, however, protested against conjoin- ing the general question concerning the impressment of persons from neutral merchant ships, with the particular affray between the Leopard and the Chesapeake. Mr. Monroe not being authorized to treat these sub- jects separately, further negotiation between these two ministers was suspended, and Mr. Rose was appointed, by the British government, as a special minister to the United States, empowered to treat concerning the par- ticular injury complained of, but not to discuss the gen- eral question of impressing persons from merchant ships. 16. While such measures were taking in England, in relation to the affair of the Chesapeake, congress, which had been summoned by proclamation of the president, met on the 27th of October. In his message to congress at this time, the president entered fully into the state of our relations with Great Britain — informed them of a treaty which had been negotiated with the British government, by Messrs. Monroe and Pinckney, but which he had rejected, principally because it made in sufficient provision on the subject of impressments — stated the affair of -the attack on the Chesapeake — his proclamation to British armed vessels to quit, the waters of the United States — his instructions to the American minister at London, in relation to reparation expected from the British government, and his expectation of speedily hearing from England the result of the measures which had been taken. 17. On the 11th of November were issued, at London, the celebrated British Orders in Council, retaliatory upon the French government for the Berlin decree of November, 1806. By these orders in council, France and her allies, all nations at war with Great Britain, and all places from which the British flag is excluded, were declared to be under the same restrictions in point of jepferson's administration. 283 trade and navigation, as if the same were in a state of blockade. 18. Before the arrival of Mr. Rose, congress was sed- ulously employed in considering the state of the nation, and in making provision for putting the country in a posture of defence. Acts passed, appropriating one million of dollars to be employed by the president in equipping one hundred thousand of the national militia ; eight hundred and fifty-two thousand five hundred dollars for building one hundred and eighty-eight gun-boats ; one million of dollars for building, repairing, and completing fortifications, and for raising six thousand six hundred men, infantry, riflemen, artillery, and dragoons, as an addition to the standing army. On the 22d of December, an act passed, laying an embargo on all vessels within the jurisdiction of the United States 19. On the 17th of December, Bonaparte, by way of retaliating the British orders in council, issued a decree, called " the Milan decree," declaring every vessel dena- tionalized, which shall have submitted to a search by a British ship ; and every vessel a good prize, which shall sail to or from Great Britain, or any of its colonies, or countries, occupied by British troops. 20. Mr. Rose arrived in America on the 25th of De- cember. The American minister was soon after informed that he, Mr. Rose, was expressly forbidden by his gov- ernment to make any proposal, touching the great sub- ject of complaint, so long as the president's proclama- tion of July 2d, excluding British armed vessels from the waters of the United States, should be in force. For a time, the president refused to annul this procla- mation, till the atonement was not only solemnly of- fered, but formally accepted ; but, in order to elude this difficulty, he finally agreed to revoke his proclamation, on the day of the date of the act, or treaty, by which reparation should be made for the recent violence. This concession, however, was built on two conditions : first, the terms of reparation which the minister was charged to offer, must be previously made known ; and, sec- ondly, they must be such as by the president should be accounted satisfactory. 284 teriod ix.— 1801 to 1809. But as the British minister declined to offer, or even to mention, the redress of which he was the bearer, till the American proclamation was recalled, and the presi- dent deeming its recall inexpedient, the controversy, for the present, closed. The controversy respecting the Chesapeake was finally adjust- ed in November, 1811, at which time the British minister com- municated to the secretary of state, that the attack on the Ches- apeake was unauthorized by his majesty's government; thattha officer, at that time in command on the American coast, had been recalled ; that the men taken from the Chesapeake should be re stored ; and that suitable pecuniary provision should be made for those who suffered in the attack, and for the families of the sea- men that fell. To these propositions the president acceded. 21. The difficulties with France and England, regard- ing commerce, still continuing, and the existing embargo having failed to coerce these powers, as was anticipated, into an acknowledgment of our rights, a more complete stop to our intercourse with them was deemed advisa- ble by congress. Accordingly, on the 1st of March, congress interdicted, by law, all trade and intercourse with France and England. 22. Mr. Jefferson's second term of office expired on the 3d of March. Having previously declined a re- election, James Madison was chosen president, and George Clinton vice-president. NOTES. 23. Manners. The bitterness of party spirit, which had now raged in the United States for some years, be* gan to have a visible effect upon society. It interrupted, to no small extent, the general harmony, and even re- strained the intercourse of friends and neighborhoods. The strife for power also introduced a disposition to in- trigue ; political cunning became fashionable, and polit- ical duplicity lost much of its deformity. These things necessarily affected the state of manners. They with- drew the finger of derision, which used to point at mean jefferson's administration. 285 ness of all kinds, and blunted that love of honor, and manliness of conduct, which existed before. Cunning began to take the place of wisdom ; professions answered instead of deeds ; and duplicity stalked forth with the boldness of integrity. 24. Religion. Powerful revivals of religion per- vaded the country, during this period, and tended str jngly to prevent open infidelity, and to check the tide of pollution, which was invisibly spread over the land. 25. Trade and Commerce. Trade and commerce made great advances about the year 1803. The Euro- pean powers being involved in war, and the .United States remaining neutral, our vessels carried to Europe, not only the produce of our own country, but also the produce of other countries. This is usually called the carrying trade, and was very profitable to the country. In 1805,6, and 7, our average annual exports amounted to one hundred and two millions five hundred and sixty-seven thousand four hundred and fifty-four dollars, of which forty-four millions eight hundred and sixty-three thousand five hundred and seventeen dollars, were for domestic produce; and fifty-seven millions seven hundred and one thousand nine hundred and thirty-seven dollars, for foreign produce. The annual average of imports during these three years amounted to about one hundred and forty millions of dollars ; a large proportion of the articles forming this amount, were re-exported to the West Indies, South America, and elsewhere. After the year 1807, the commercial restrictions laid by France and England, began to curtail our trade ; and the embargo, im- posed at the close of the same year by our government, interrupt- ed it still more essentially. 2G. Agriculture. Agriculture, during a part of this period, received great encouragement from our foreign trade. Europe being involved in contentions, the people had little leisure there to cultivate the soil ; they were therefore supplied from other countries, and the United States furnished them with a great amount, and were thence deriving great profits, when the commercial re- strictions interrupted the trade. The first merino sheep were introduced into the country, in 1802, by Robert R. Livingston, and, the same year, a greater 286 period ix.— 1801 to 1809. number, one hundred, by General Humphreys, then late minis- ter to Spain. Great attention was paid to the breeding of them, and they are now numerous in the United States. 27. Arts and Manufactures. Arts and manufac- tures still progressed. 28. Population. The population of the United States, at the close of Mr. Jefferson's administration, was about seven millions. 29. Education. The enlightened views respecting the importance of general information, entertained before, continued to prevail. New literary and scientific pub- lications were commenced ; more enlightened methods of instruction were adopted ; academies were multiplied ; colleges founded ; and theological seminaries liberally endowed. A theological seminary was founded at Andover, Massachu- setts, in 1808. The amount which has been contributed for its permanent use, and which was given by six families, is more than three hundred thousand dollars. This sum includes the permanent fund, library, and public buildings. In 1822, the of- ficers were four professors, and the number of students, one hun- dred and thirty-two. The library contains about five thousand volumes. A majority of the students are supported, in whole of in part, by charity. UNITED STATES. PERIOD X. DISTINGUISHED FOR MADISON'S ADMINISTRATION AND THE LATE WAR WITH GREAT BRITAIN. Extending from the Inauguration of President Madi- son, 1809, to the Inauguration of James Monroe, as President of the United States, 1817. Sec. 1. On the 4th of March, 1809, Mr. Madison was inducted into the office of president of the United States, according to the form prescribed by the consti- tution. The condition of the United States, on the accession of Mr. Madison to the presidency, was in several respects gloomy and critical. The two great powers of Europe, France and England, being still at war, were continuing to array against each other violent commercial edicts, both in contravention of the laws of nations, and of their own solemn treaties ; and calculated to in- jure and destroy the commerce of nations desirous of preserving a neutrality. America was also further suffering under the restric- tions of commerce, imposed by her own government. Every effort to secure the due observance of her rights, from the contending powers, had hitherto failed, and the sad alternative was present- ing itself to the American people, either to suffer the evils grow- ing out of foreign and domestic restrictions, or to take up arms, and risk the consequence of a war with the belligerents. 2. Previously to the adjournment of the last congress, under Mr. Jefferson, an act passed, as already noticed, 1st of March, repealing tl^e then existing embargo, and interdicting commercial intercourse witli France and 288 period x.— 1809 to 1817. Great Britain. If either of these powers, however, should revoke its hostile edicts, the president was authorized to renew the intercourse, in regard to the nation so re- voking. In April, Mr. Erskine, the British minister at Wash- ington, engaged, on the part of his government, that the orders in council, so far as they affected the United States, should be withdrawn on the 10th of June ; and the president immediately issued the proclamation pre- scribed by law. This event produced the highest satisfaction through- out the country ; but was speedily followed by a disap- pointment as great. The British government denied the authority of Mr. Erskine to enter into any such stipula- tions, and refused its ratification. On learning this re- fusal, the president issued his proclamation, August 10th, renewing the non-intercourse with Great Britain. 3. Early in September, Mr. Jackson arriving at Wash- ington, as successor of Mr. Erskine, a correspondence was opened between this minister and the secretary of state, which, after continuing several weeks, was sud- denly closed by the president, on account of an alleged insult on the part of Mr. Jackson. 4. 1810. On the 23d of March, Bonaparte issued a decree, usually called the " Rambouillet decree," de- signed to retaliate the act of congress, passed March 1st, 1809, which forbade French vessels entering the ports of the United States. By the above decree, all Ameri- can vessels and cargoes, arriving in any of the ports of France, or of countries occupied by French troops, were ordered to be seized and condemned. 5. On the 1st of May, congress passed an act, ex- cluding British and French armed vessels from the wa- ters of the United States ; but, at the same time, pro- viding, that, in case either of the above nations should modify its edicts before the 3d of March, 1811, so that they should cease to violate neutral commerce, of which fact the president was to give notice by proclamation, madison's administration. '289 and the other nation should not, within three months after, pursue a similar step, commercial intercourse with the former might be renewed, but not with the latter. 6. In consequence of this act of the American gov- ernment, the French minister, the Duke of Cadore, at Paris, informed the American minister, Mr. Armstrong, then in France, that the Berlin and Milan decrees were revoked, and that, from and after the 1st of November, they would cease to have effect. But, at the same time, it was subjoined, that it was " understood, that, in conse- quence of this declaration, the English shall revoke their orders in council," &c. About the same time, it was announced, that the Rambouillejt decree had also been rescinded. Although the condition subjoined to the Duke of Ca- dore's declaration rendered it doubtful whether the Ber- lin and Milan decrees would in fact cease to take effect after the 1st of November, the president issued his proc- lamation on the 2d of that month, declaring that those decrees were revoked, and that intercourse between the United States and France might be renewed. 7. While the affairs of America, in relation to the belligerents, were in this posture, an unhappy engage- ment took place, May, 1811, between the American frigate President, commanded by Captain Rodgers, and a British sloop-of-war, the Little Belt, commanded by Captain Bingham. The attack was commenced by the latter vessel, without provocation, and, in the rencontre, she suffered greatly in her men and rigging. A court of inquiry was ordered on the conduct of Capt. Rod- gers, which decided that it had been satisfactorily proved to the court, that Capt. Rodgers hailed the Little Belt first — that his hail was not satisfactorily answered — that the Little Belt fired the first gun — and that it was without previous provocation, oi justifiable cause, &c. &c. 8. Congress was assembled by proclamation on the 5th of November. In his message, at the opening of he session, the president indicated the expectation of 25 290 period x.— 1809 to 1817. hostilities with Great Britain at no distant period, since her orders in council, instead of being withdrawn, were, when least to have been expected, put into more rigor- ous execution. 9. In December, the president communicated to con- gress an official account of the battle of " Tippecanoe"— near a branch of the Wabash — fought November 7th, between an army under Gen. Harrison, governor of the Indiana Territory, and a large body of Indians, in which the latter were defeated. The attack was commenced by the Indians, about four o'clock in the morning, while the army of Harrison were in a measuie unprepared. But, notwithstanding this disadvantage, after a hard-fought action, the Indians were repulsed with a loss of near ly seventy killed, and upwards of a hundred wounded. The loss of the Americans was severe, being, according to official return, one hundred and eighty-eight in killed and wounded. 10. During the following year, 1812, Louisiana was admitted into the Union as a sovereign state. Until the year 1811, Louisiana comprehended that vast tract of country which was ceded to the United States by France, in 1803. At that time, however, the Territory of Orleans, which was then a distinct territorial government, assumed the name of Louisiana, and was admitted, the following year, as a state, into the Union; since which time, the remaining portion of original Louisiana has received distinct denominations. Louisiana was first discovered in 1541, by Ferdinand de Soto. In 1683, Monsieur de la Salle, an enterprising Frenchman, sail- ed up the Mississippi a considerable distance, and named the country Louisiana, in honor of Louis XIV. A French settle- ment was begun in 1699, by M. d'Ibberville, in Lower Louisiana, near the mouth of the river Perdido. The progress of the colony was slow. In 1712, although twenty-five hundred emigrants had arrived, only four hundred whites and twenty negroes were alive About this time, the French government made a grant of the country to M. de Crozat for a term of ten years ; but after five years, he relinquished hi.s patent to the Mississippi company. In the same year, 1717, the ciw of Orleans was founded. By the treaty of 1763, a!l Louisiana east of the Mississippi was ceded to England, together with Mobile, and all the possessions of France in that quarter. About the same time, the possessions of France west of the Mississippi were secretly ceded to Spain. After the cession to Great Britain, that part of the territory which madison's administration. 29 . jay west of the Mississippi received the name of West Florida. On the breaking out of the revolutionary war, Spain, after con- siderable hesitation, took part with the United States, incited, probably, by the hope of regaining her possessions east of the Mississippi. In 1779, Galvoy, the governor of Louisiana, took possession of Baton Rouge ; and the other settlements of the English in Florida surrendered successively. By the treaty of 1783, the Mississippi was made the western boundary of the Uni- ted States from its source to the 31st degree of latitude, and fol- lowing this line to the St. Mary's. By a treaty of the same date, the Floridas were ceded to Spain without any specific boundaries. This omission led to a controversy between the United States and Spain, which nearly terminated in hostilities. By a treaty with Spam, however, in 1795, boundary lines were amicably set- tled, and New Orleans was granted to American citizens as a place of deposit for their effects for three years and longer, un- less some other place of equal importance should be assigned. No other place being assigned within that time, New Orleans continued to be used as before. In 1800, a secret treaty was signed at Paris, by the plenipo- tentiaries of France and Spain, by which Louisiana was guar- antied to France, and, in 1801, the cession was actually made. At the same time, the Spanish intendant of Louisiana was in- structed to make arrangements to deliver the country to the French commissioners. In violation of the treaty of Spain with the United States, the intendant, by his proclamation of October, 1802, forbade American citizens vmy longer to deposit merchan- dize in the port of New Orleans. Upon receiving intelligence of this prohibition, great sensibility prevailed in congress, and a proposition was made to occupy the place by force ; but, after an animated discussion, the project was relinquished, and negotia- tions with France were commenced, by Mr. Jefferson, for the purchase of the whole country of Louisiana, which ended in an agreement to that effect, signed at Paris, April 30th, 1803, by which the United States were to pay to France fifteen millions of dollars. Early in December, 1803, the commissioners of Spain delivered possession to France ; and on the 20th of the same month, the authorities of France duly transferred the country to the United States. Congress had provided for this event, and under their act, William C. C. Claiborne was appointed governor. By an act of March, 1804, that part of the ceded country which lay south of the parallel of thirty-three degrees was separated from the rest, and called the Territory of Orleans. In 1811', this district was erected into a state, and, in 1812, was admitted into the Union by the name of Louisiana. 11. On the 3d of April, 1812, congress passed an act laying an embargo, for ninety days, on all vessels within 292 period x.— 1809 to 1817. the jurisdiction of the United States, agreeably to a recommendation of the president. This measure, it was understood, was preparatory to a war with Great Britain, which the executive would soon urge upon congress to declare. 12. On the 4th of June, 1812, a bill declaring war against Great Britain passed the house of representa- tives, by a majority of seventy-nine to forty-nine. After a discussion of this bill in the senate till the 17th, it pass- ed that body also, by a majority of nineteen to thirteen, and, the succeeding day, ] 8th,* received the signature of the president. The principal grounds of war, set forth in a message of the president to congress, June 1st, and further explained by the committee on foreign relations, in their report on the subject of the message, were, summarily — The impressment of American seamen by the British ; the blockade of her enemy's ports, sup- ported by no adequate force, in consequence of which, the Ameri- can commerce had been plundered in every sea, and the great staples of the country cut off from their legitimate markets ; and the British orders in council. Against the declaration of war, the representatives belonging to the federal party presented a solemn protest, which was written with distinguished ability, and which denied the war to be " neces- sary, or required by any moral duty, or political expediency." *The following are the orders in council, French decrees, and the conse- quent acts of the American government, with their respective dates, present- ed in one view : — 1806, May 16th, British blockade from the Elbe to Brest. " Nov. 21st, Berlin decree. 1807, Jan. 6th, British order in council, prohibiting the coasting trade. " Nov. 11th, The celebrated British orders in council. " Dec. 17th, Milan decree. " Dec. 22d, American embargo. 1809, March 1st, Non-intercourse with Great Britain and France, establish- ed by congress. " April 10th, Mr. Erskine's negotiation, which opened the trade with England. " June 19th, Non-intercourse with Great Britain. 1810, March 18th, Rambouillet decree. ' " May 1st, Act of congress conditionally opening the trade with Eng- land and France. ** Nov. 2d, President's proclamation, declaring the French decrees to be rescinded. 1812, April 4th, American embargo. " June 18th, Declaration of war by the United States against Great Britain. • madison's administration. 293 But not in congress only did this difference of views exist re- specting the war; but it extended throughout the country, the friends of the administration universally commending, and its opposers as extensively censuring and condemning the measure. By the former, the war was strenuously urged to be unavoidable and just ; by the latter, with equal decision, it was pronounced to be impolitic, unnecessary, and immoral. 13. The military establishments of the United States, upon the declaration of war, were extremely defective. Acts of congress permitted the enlistment of twenty-five thousand men ; but few enlisted. The president was authorized to raise fifty thousand volunteers, and to call out one hundred thousand militia, for the purpose of de- fending the sea-coast and the frontiers. But the want of proper officers was now felt, as the ablest revolutiona- ry heroes had paid the debt of nature. Such was the situation of things at the commencement of hostilities. 14. On the 16th of August, Gen. Hull, governor of Michigan, who had been sent, at the head of about two thousand five hundred men, to Detroit, with a view of putting an end to Indian hostilities in that country, sur- rendered his army to the British Gen. Brock, without a battle, and with it the fort of Detroit, together with all other forts and garrisons of the United States, within the district under his command. In his official despatch, Gen. Hull labored to free his conduct from censure, by bringing "into view the inferiority of his force, compared with that of the enemy — his not exceeding eight hun- dred effective men — that of the enemy amounting to thirteen hundred, of whom seven hundred were Indians; — and also the dangers which threatened him from numerous western tribes of Indians, who were swarming in the neighboring woods, and who were ready, in case of his defeat, to rush to the indiscriminate slaughter of the Americans. Whether the views which induced this surrender of Hull were m reality justly founded or not, the public mind was altogether unprepared for an occurrence so disastrous and mortifying. Not long after, Gen. Hull was exchanged for thirty British prisoners. Neither the government nor the people were satisfied with his excuses. The affair was solemnly investigated by a court-martial. He was charged with treason, cowardice, and un- officer-like conduct. On the first charge, the court declined giv 25* 294 period x.— 1809 to 1817. jng an opinion ; on the two last, he was sentenced to death; but was recommended to mercy, in consequence of his revolutionary services, and his advanced age. The sentence was remitted by the president; but his name was ordered to be struck from the rolls of the army. 15. On the 19th of August, three days after the un- fortunate surrender of Detroit, that series of splendid naval achievements, for which this war was distinguish- ed, was commenced by Capt. Isaac Hull, of the United States' frigate Constitution, who captured the British frigate Guerriere, commanded by Capt. Dacres. The American frigate was superior in force only by a few guns, but the difference bore no comparison to the disparity of the con- flict. The loss of the Constitution was^even killed, and seven wounded, while that on board the Guerriere was fifteen killed, and sixty-three wounded : among the latter was Capt. Dacres. The Constitution sustained so little injury, that she was ready for action the succeeding day ; but the British frigate was so much damaged, that she was set on fire and burnt. 16. On the 13th of August, another naval victory was achieved — the United States' frigate Essex, Capt. Porter, falling in with and capturing the British sloop-of-war Alert, after an action of only eight minutes. This engagement took place off the Grand Bank of Newfound- land. A single broadside from the American frigate so complete- ly riddled the sloop, that, on striking her colors, although sbe had but three men wounded, she had seven feet of water in her hold. The frigate suffered not the slightest injury. 17. Upon the declaration of war, the attention of the American commander-in-chief, Gen. Dearborn, was turned towards the invasion of Canada, for which eigrn or ten thousand men, and considerable military stores, were collected, at different points along the Canada line. Skilful officers of the navy were also despatched, for the purpose of arming vessels on Lakes Erie, Ontario, and Champlain, if possible to gain the ascendency there, and to aid the operations of the American forces. The American troops were distributed into three di- visions — one under Gen. Harrison, called the North' western army ; a second under Gen. Stephen Van madison's administration. 295 Rensselaer, at Lewistown, called the army of the Cen- tre; and a third under the commander-in-chief, Gen. Dearborn, in the neighborhood of Plattsburg and Green- bush, called the army of the North. 18. Early on the morning of the 13th of October, 1812, a detachment of about one thousand men, from the army of the centre, crossed the river Niagara, and attacked the British on Queenstown heights. This de- tachment, under the command of Col. Solomon Van Rensselaer, succeeded in dislodging the enemy ; but, not being reinforced by the militia from the American, side, as was expected, they were ultimately repulsed., and were obliged to surrender. The British general i Brock, was killed during the engagement. The forces designated to storm the heights, were divided into two columns; one of three hundred militia, under Col. Van Rensselaer ; the other of three hundred regulars, under CoL Christie. These were to be followed by Col. Fenwick's artillery and afterwards the residue of the troops. Scarcely had Col. Van Rensselaer effected a landing, before he was severely wounded ; upon which the troops, now under com- mand of Capt. Wool, advanced to storm the fort. Of this they gained possession ; but, at the moment of success, Gen. Brock arrived from Fort George, with a reinforcement of six hundred men. These were gallantly driven back by the Americans. In attempting to rally them, the heroic Brock was killed. Gen. Van Rensselaer, who had previously crossed over, now returned to hasten the embarkation of the " tardy " militia. But what was his chagrin, to hear more than twelve hundred men, who a little before were panting for the battle, refuse to embark ! He urged, entreated, commanded — but all in vain. Meanwhile, the enemy being reinforced, a desperate conflict ensued, and in the end the British were completely victorious. Had, however, but a small part of the " idle men " passed over at the critical mo- ment, when urged by their brave commander, revolutionary his- tory can tell of few nobler achievements than this would haye been. 19. On the 17th of October, another naval victory was achieved over an enemy decidedly superior in force, and under circumstances the most favorable to him. This was the capture of the brig Frolic, of twenty-twa guns, by the sloop-of-war Wasp. 29(> period x.— 1809 to 1817. Capt. Jones had returned from France two weeks after the declaration of war, and, on the 13th of October, again put to sea. On the 17th, he fell in with six merchant ships, under convoy of a brig, and two ships, armed with sixteen guns each. The brig, which proved to be the Frolic, Capt. Whinyates, dropped behind, while the others made sail. At half past eleven, the action be- gan by the enemy's cannon and musketry. In five minutes, the main-top-mast was shot away, and, falling down with the main- top-sail yard across the larboard fore and fore-top-sail, rendered her head yards unmanageable, during the rest of the action. In two minutes more, her gaff and mizzen top-gallant-mast were shot away. The sea being exceedingly rough, the muzzles of the Wasp's guns were sometimes under water. The English fired as their vessel rose, so that their shot was either thrown away, or touched only the rigging of the Ameri- cans ; the Wasp, on the contrary, fired as she sunk, and every time struck the hull of her antagonist. The fire of the Frolic was soon slackened, and Capt. Jones determined to board her. As the crew leaped on board the enemy's vessel, their surprise can scarcely be imagined, as they found no person on deck, ex- cept three officers and the seaman at the wheel. The deck was slippery with blood, and presented a scene of havoc and ruin. The officers now threw down their swords in submission, and Lieut. Biddle, of the Wasp, leaped into the rigging, to haul down the colors, which were still flying. Thus, in forty-three minutes, ended one of the most bloody conflicts recorded in naval history. The loss on board the Frolic was thirty killed and fifty wound- ed ; on board the Wasp five were killed and five slightly wound- ed. The Wasp and Frolic were both captured the same day, by a British seventy-four, the Poictiers, Capt. Beresford. 20. The above splendid achievement of Capt. Jones was followed, on the 25th of October, hy another not much less splendid and decisive, by Commodore Deca- tur, of the frigate United States, of forty-four guns, who captured the Macedonian off the Western Isles, a frigate of the largest class, mounting forty-nine guns, and man- ned with three hundred men. In this action, which continued an hour and a half, the Mace- donian lost thirty-six killed, and sixty-eight wounded : on board the United States, seven only were killed, and five wounded. The British frigate lost her main-mast, main-top-mast, and main yard, and was injured in her hull. The United States suffered so little, that a return to port was unnecessary. An act< of generosity and benevolence, on the part of our brave lars of this victorious frigate, deserves to be honorably recorded madison's administration. The carpenter, who was unfortunately killed in the conflict with the Macedonian, had left three small children to the care of a worthless mother. When the circumstance became known to the brave seamen, they instantly made a contribution among themselves, to the amount of eight hundred dollars, and placed it in safe # hands,to be appropriated to the education and maintenance of the unhappy orphans. 21. December 29th, a second naval victory was achieved by the Constitution, at this time commanded by Commodore Bainbridge, over the Java, a British frigate of thirty-eight guns, but carrying forty-nine, with four hundred men, commanded by Capt. Lambert, who was mortally wounded. This action was fought off St. Salvador, and continued nearly two hours, when the Java struck, having lost sixty killed and one hundred and twenty wounded. The Constitution had nine men killed and twenty-five wounded. On the 1st of January, the commander, finding his prize incapable of being brought in, was obliged to burn her. 22. Thus ended the year 1812. With the exception of the naval victories already mentioned, and some others of the same kind, equally honorable to America, nothing important was achieved. Neither of the armies destined for the invasion of Canada had obtained any decisive advantage, or were in possession of any post in that ter- ritory. Further preparations, however, were making for its conquest. Naval armaments were collecting on the lakes, and the soldiers, in their winter-quarters, were looking forward to " battles fought and victories won." 23. The military operations of the campaign of 1813 were considerably diversified, extending along the whole northern frontier of the United States. The location of the several divisions of the American forces was as fol- lows : — The army of the west, under Gen. Harrison, was placed near the head of Lake Erie ; the army of the centre, under Gen. Dearborn, between the Lakes Onta- rio and Erie ; and the army of the north, under Gen. Hampton, on the shores of Lake Champlain. The British forces in Canada were under the general super- intendence of Sir George Provost, under whom Colonels PERIOD X. 1S09 TO 181' tor ami Vincent had in charge the defence of the I pper Provinces ; while the care of the Lower Provinces was committed to Gen. SheafFe. :24. The head-quarters of Gen. Harrison, on the com- mencement oi' winter, wine at Franklinton, in Ohio. The plan of this general had for its object to concentrate a considerable force at the Rapids, whence he designed to make an attack upon Detroit, which was still in the possession of the British. In the mean while, Gen. Winchester continued at Fort Defiance, with about eight hundred men, chiefly from the most respectable families in Kentucky. Early in January, intimations were re- ceived from the inhabitants of the village of Frenchtown, which is situated on the river Raisin, twenty-six miles from Detroit, that a large body of British and Indians were about to concentrate at that place. Exposed as they must be from the presence of a ferocious enemy, they sought protection from the American general. Con- trary to the general plan of the commander-in-chief, Winchester resolved to send a force to their relief, and accordingly detached a body of men, with orders to wait at Presque [sle, until joined by the main body. On reaching the latter place, it was ascertained that a party of British and Indians had already taken pos- session of Frenchtown. The resolution was immediate- ly taken to attack them, without waiting for the arrival of Winchester. In this attack the Americans were suc- cessful, and, having driven the enemy from the place, they encamped on the spot, where they remained until the twentieth, when they were joined by Gen. Winches- ter. The American force now exceeded 750 men. Here, on the morning of January 22d, the Americans were suddenly attacked by a combined force of British and Indians, under Gen. Proctor. Unfortunately, the Americans were signally routed — many of them were killed, and not far from five hundred were taken prison- ers, among whom was Gen. Winchester. After the sur- ender, nearly all the American prisoners were inhumanly madison's administration. 299 butchered by the savages, although Proctor had pledged his honor, that ih<;ir lives and private property should be secure. Scarcely had the Americans surrendered, than, contrary I press stipulation*, the swords of the officers were taken from them, and many of them were stripped almost naked, and robbed. The dead also were stripped and scalped, while, the tomahawk put an end at once to such of the wounded as were unable to The prisoners wlio now remained, with but f<-,w exceptions, in- stead of being guarded by British soldiers, were delivered to the charge of the Indians, to be conducted in the rear of the uniiy to Maiden. J>ut few of them, however, ever reached the British garrison, being either inhumanly murdered by the Indians at the time, or reserved to he roasted at the stake, or to be f I ed at an exorbitant charge. By this bloody tragedy, all Kentucky, observes an historian,* was literally in mourning; for the soldiers thus massacred, tor- tured, burnt, or denied the common rites of sepulture, were of the most respectable families of the stale ; many of them young men of fortune and property, with numerous friends ana rela- tives. The remains of these brave youth lay on the ground, beat by the storms of heaven, and exposed to the beasts of the I until the ensuing autumn, when their friends and relation tured to gather up their bleaching bone;;, and consigned them to the tomb. . Historians do not agree as to trie number of Am* i< Dr. Holmes states the number at 1100. The force o consisted, according to this author, of 300 Bliti b GOO Indians. 2-j. On the 23d of January, the day following the memorable action of Frenchtown, an engagement took place between the Hornet, Capt. James Lawrence, and the British sloop-of-war Peacock, Capt. William Peake, off South America. This action lasted but (if! utes, when the Peacock struck. On surrendering, a signal of disfo rered on board th>; Peacock. She had been so much damaged, thai she had six feet of water in her hold, and I were immediately despatched for the wounded, and <■■ ure taken, which was practicable, to keep her afloat until the crew could be removed. Her gun /."•:<: thl shot-holes were plugged, and a part of the \\rder, " to move on." This they now did under Col. Pearce j and, proceeding towards the town, took possession of th# bar- racks. On approaching it, they were met by the officers of the Canada militia, with offers of capitulation. At four o'clock, the -troops entered the town. The loss of the British, in killed, wounded, and prisoners, amounted to seven hundred and fifty ; the Americans lost, in killed and wounded, about three hundred. 29. The news of the unfortunate occurrence at French- town (Sec. 24.) reached Gen. Harrison, while on his march with reinforcements to Gen. Winchester. Find- ing a further advance of no importance, he took post at the Rapids, where he constructed a fort, which, in honor of the governor of Ohio, he named Fort Meigs. Here, on the first of May, he was besieged by Gen. Proctor, with a force of one thousand regulars and militia, and one thousand two hundred Indians. For nine days, the siege was urged with great zeal ; but, finding the capture of the place impracticable, on the 9th, Proctor raised the siege, and retreated to Maiden. Gen. Harrison returned to Franklinton, in Ohio, leaving the fort under the care of Gen. Clay. On the third day of the siege, an officer from the British de- manded the surrender of the fort ; to which Harrison character- istically replied, " Not, sir, while I have the honor to command." On the fifth, intelligence was received of the approach of a reinforcement of American troops under Gen. Clay, from Ken- tucky. Aided by these, a sortie was made upon the British, which proved so disastrous to both, that, for the three following days, hostilities were suspended, and prisoners exchanged. On the ninth, preparations were made to renew the siege ; but, sud 20 302 period x.— 1809 to 1817. denly, the British general ordered it to be raised, and with hia whole force retired. 30. During the remainder of the spring, the war con- tinued along the Canada line, and on some parts of the sea-board ; but nothing important was achieved by either power. The Chesapeake Bay was blockaded by the British, and pred- atory excursions, by their troops, were made at Havre de Grace, Georgetown, &c. Several villages were burnt, and much prop- erty plundered and destroyed. To the north of the Chesapeake, the coast was not exempt from the effects of the war. A strict blockade was kept up at New York. The American frigates Unitefl States and Macedonian, and the sloop Hornet, attempted to sail on a cruise from that port, about the beginning of May, but were prevented. In another attempt, they were chased into New London harbor, where they were blockaded by a fleet un- der Commodore Hardy, for many months. Fort George, in Canada, was taken by the Americans. Sacket's Harbor was attacked by one thousand British, who were repulsed with con- siderable loss. 31. On the first of June, the American navy expe- rienced no inconsiderable loss, in the capture of the Chesapeake, by the British frigate Shannon, off Boston harbor — a loss the more severely felt, as on board of her fell several brave officers, among whom was her com mander, the distinguished and lamented Capt. Lawrence. Capt. Lawrence had been but recently promoted to the com- mand of the Chesapeake. On his arrival at Boston, to take charge of her, he was informed that a British frigate was lying off the harbor, apparently inviting an attack. Prompted by the ardor which pervaded the service, he resolved to meet the enemy, without sufficiently examining his strength. With a crew chiefly enlisted for the occasion, as that of the Chesapeake had 'mostly been discharged, on the first of June, he sailed out of the harbor. The Shannon, observing the Chesapeake put to sea, imme- diately followed. At half past five, the two ships engaged. By the first broadside, the sailing-master of the Chesapeake was. killed, and Lieut. Ballard mortally wounded. Lieut. Brown and Capt. Lawrence were severely wounded at the same time. A second and third broadside, besides adding to the destruction of her officers, so disabled the Chesapeake in her rigging, that her quarter fell on the Shannon's anchor. This accident may be considered aa deciding the contest; an opportunity was given Vhe enemy to rake the Chesapeake, and, toward the close of the madison's administration. 303 notion, to board her. Capt. Lawrence, though severely wounded, still kept the deck. In the act of summoning the boarders, a mus- ket ball entered his body, and brought him down. As he was carried below, he issued a last heroic order — " Don't give up the skip;" but it was too late to retrieve what was lost; the British boarders leaped into the vessel, and, after a short but bloody strug- gle, hoisted the British flag. In this sanguinary conflict, twenty-three of the enemy were killed, and fifty wounded : on board the Chesapeake, about sev- enty were killed, and eighty-three wounded. 32. The tide of fortune seemed now, for a short time, to turn in favor of Great Britain. On the 14th of August, the Argus, of eighteen guns, another of our national vessels, was captured by the Pelican, of twenty guns. The Argus had been employed to carry out Mr. Crawford, as minister, to France. After landing him, she proceeded to cruise in the British channel, and, for two months, greatly annoyed the British shipping. At length, that government was induced to send several vessels in pursuit of her. On the 14th of August, the Pelican, a sloop of war, of superior force, discovered her, and bore down feo action. At the first broadside, Capt. Allen fell, severely woTinded, but remained on deck for some time, when it was necessary to carry him below. After a hard-fought action, the Argus was obliged to surrender, with a loss of six killed and seventeen wounded. On board the Pelican there were but three killed and five wounded. Captain Allen died soon after in Eng- land, and was interred with the honors of war. 33. After the loss of the Chesapeake and Argus, vic- tory again returned to the side of America. On the 5th of September following, the British brig Boxer surren- dered to the Enterprise, after an engagement of little more than half an hour. The Enterprise sailed from Portsmouth on the 1st, and was on the 5th descried by the Boxer, which immediately gave chase. After the action had continued for fifteen minutes, the Enter- prise ranged ahead, and raked her enemy so powerfully* that in twenty minutes the firing ceased, and the cry of quarter was heard' The Enterprise nari one killed and thirteen wounded ; but that one was her lamented commander, Lieut. Burrows. He fell at the commencement of the action, but continued to cheer nis crew, averring that the flag should never be struck. When the sword of the enemy was presented to him, he exclaimed, " I die contented." The British loss was more considerable. Among their killed was Capt. Blythe. These two commanders, both in 304 period x.— 1809 to 1817. the morning of life, were interred beside eachothei, at Portland with military honors. 34. During these occurrences on the sea-board, im- portant preparations had been made for decisive meas- ures to the westward, and the general attention was now turned, with great anxiety, towards the movements of the north-western army, and the fleet under command of Commodore Perry, on Lake Erie. This anxiety, not long after, was, in a measure, dis- pelled, by a decisive victory of the American fleet over that of the British, on Lake Erie, achieved, after along and desperate conflict, on the 10th of September. The American squadron consisted of nine vessels, carrying fifty-four guns ; that of the British, of six vessels, and sixty-three guns. The line of battle was formed at eleven, and at a quarter before twelve, the enemy's flag ship, Queen Charlotte, opened a tremendous fire upon the Lawrence, the flag ship of Commo- dore Perry, which was sustained by the latter ten minutes before she could bring her carronades to bear. At length she bore up and engaged the enemy, mkaing signals to the remainder of the squadron to hasten to her support. Unfortunately, the wind was too light to admit of a compliance with the order, and she was compelled to contend, for two hours, with two ships of equal force. By this time, the brig had become unmanageable, and her crew, excepting four or five, were either killed o* wounded. While thus surrounded with death, and destruction still pour- ing in upon him, Perry left the brig, now only a wreck, in an open boat, and, heroically waving his sword, passed unhurt to the Niagara, of twenty guns. The wind now rose. Ordering every canvass to be spread, he bore down upon the enemy — passing the enemy's vessels Detroit, Queen Charlotte, and Lady Prevost, on the one side, and the Chippewa and Little Belt on the other, into each of which he poured a broadside, — he at length en- gaged the Lady Prevost, which received so heavy a fire as to com- pelher men to retire below. The remainder of the American squadron, now, one after another, arrived, and, following the example of their intrepid leader, closed in with the enemy, and the battle became general. Three hours finished the contest, and enabled Perry to an- nounce to Gen. Harrison the capture of the whole squadron, which he did in this modest, laconic, and emphatic style : — " We have met the enemy, and they are ours." The loss in the contest was great in proportion to the numbers engaged. The Americans had twenty-seven killed and ninety* madison's administration. 305 six wounded. But the British loss was still greater, being about two hundred in killed and wounded. The prisoners amounted to six hundred, exceeding the whole number of Americans en- gaged in the action. 35. The Americans being now masters of Lake Erie, a passage to the territory which had been surrendered by Gen. Hull was open to them. With a view of making a descent upon Maiden and Detroit, Gen. Harrison called on a portion of the Ohio militia, which, together with 4000 Kentuckians, under Gov. Shelby, and his own regular troops, constituted his force, for the above object. On the 27th of September, the troops were received on board the fleet, and on the same day reached Maiden. But, to their surprise, they found that fortress and the public storehouses burned. On the following day, the Americans marched in pursuit of Proctor and his troops ; and on the 2!)th entered, and took posses- sion of Detroit. Leaving Detroit on the second of October, Harrison and Shel- by proceeded with 3500 men, selected for the purpose, and, on the fifth, reached the place of Proctor's encampment, which was the Moravian village, on the Thames, about eighty miles from Detroit. The American troops were immediately formed in the order of battle, and the armies engaged with the most determined courage. In this contest, the celebrated Tecumseh was slain. Upon Iris fall, the Indians immediately fled. This led to the de- feat of the whole British force, which surrendered, except about two hundred dragoons, which, with Proctor at their head, were enabled to escape. Of the British, nineteen regulars were killed, fifty wounded, and six hundred made prisoners. The Indians left one hundred and twenty on the field. The loss of the Americans was up- wards of fifty, in killed and wounded. On this field of battle, the latter had the pleasure to retake six brass field pieces which had been surrendered by Hull ; on two of which were inscribed the words, " Surrendered by Burgoyne, at Saratoga." Tecumseh, who fell in this battle, was in several respects the most celebrated Indian warrior which ever raised an arm against the Americans. " He had been in almost every engagement with the whites, since Harmer's defeat, although at his death ha scarcely exceeded forty years of age. Tecumseh had received the stamp of greatness from the hand of nature ; and had his lot been cast in a different state of society, he would have shone one of the most distinguished of men. He was endowed witb 26* 30G teriod x.— IS09 to 1817. a powerful mind, with the soul of a hero. There was an uncom- mon dignity in his countenance and manners ; by the former, he could easily be discovered, even after death, among the rest of the slain, for he wore no insignia of distinction. When gird- ed with a silk sash, and told by Gen. Proctor that he was made a brigadier in the British service, for his conduct at Brownstown and Magagua, he returned the present with respectful contempt. Born with no title to command, but his native greatness, every tribe yielded submission to him at once, and no one ever disput- ed his precedence. Subtle and fierce in war, he was possessed of uncommon eloquence : his speeches might bear a comparison with those of the most celebrated orators of Greece and Rome. His invective was terrible, as may be seen in the reproaches which he applied to Proctor, a few days before his death, in a speech which was found among the papers of the British officers. . His form was uncommonly elegant ; his stature about six feet, his limbs perfectly proportioned. He w T as honorably interred by the victors, by whom lie was held in much respect, as an invet- erate, but magnanimous enemy."* 86. The fall of Detroit put an end to the Indian war in that quarter, and gave security to the frontiers. Gen. Harrison now dismissed a greater part of his volunteers, and, having stationed Gen. Cass at Detroit, with about one thousand men, proceeded, according to his instruc- tions, with the remainder of his forces, to Buffalo, to join the army of the centre. 37. The result of the operations of the north-west, and the victory on Lake Erie, prepared the way to at- tempt a more effectual invasion of Canada. Gen. Dearborn having some time before this retired from the service, Gen. Wilkinson was appointed to suc- ceed him as commander-in-chief, and arrived at Sachet's Harbor on the 20th of August. The chief object of his instructions was the capture of Kingston, although the reduction of Canada, by an attack upon Montreal, was the ulterior object of the campaign. The forces destined for the accomplishment of these purposes were an army of five thousand, at Fort George ; two thousand under Gen. Lewis,, at Sachet's Harbor ; four thousand at Plattsburg, under the command of Gen. * Brackenridgc. madison's adminjstration 307 Hampton, which latter, proceeding by the way of Cham- plain, were to form a junction with the main body, at some place on the river St. Lawrence ; and, finally, the victorious troops of Gen. Harrison, which were expected to arrive in season to furnish important assistance. On the fifth of September, Gen. Armstrong, who had recently been appointed secretary of war, arrived at Sacket's Harbor, to aid in the above project. The plan of attacking Kingston was now abandoned, and it was determined to proceed immediately to Montreal. Un- expected difficulties, however, occurred, which prevent- ed the execution of the plan, and the American force under Wilkinson retired into winter quarters, at French Mills. The forces of Gen. Hampton, after penetrating the country some distance to join Wilkinson, retired again to Plattsburg. The forces of Gen. Harrison were not ready to join the expedition, until the troops had gone into winter quarters. The forces of Gen. Wilkinson were concentrated, previous to embarkation, at Grenadier Island, between Sacket's Harbor and Kingston, lbO miles from Montreal, reckoned by the river. Owing to tempestuous weather, the fleet was detained some days after the troops were on board ; but finally set sail on the 30th. Unexpected obstacles impeded the progress of the expedition, especially parties of the enemy, which had been stationed at every convenient position on the Canada shore. To disperse these, a body of troops, under command of Gen. Brown, was landed, and directed to march in advance of the boats. On the 11th, the troops and flotilla having arrived at Williams- burg, just'as they were about to proceed, a powerful body of the enemy, 2000 in number, was discovered approaching in the rear. Wilkinson, being too much indisposed to take the com- mand, appointed Gen. Boyd to attack them, in which his troops were assisted by the brigades of Generals Covington and Swartwout. JTor three hours, the action was bravely sustained by the op- posing forces. Both parties, in the issue, claimed the victory ; but neither could, in truth, be said to be entitled to it — the Brit- ish returning to their encampment, and the Americans to theii boats. In this engagement, the loss of the latter was 330, of whom 102 were killed. Gen. Covington ally woundeo and died two days after. The Briti hi 308 teriod x.— 1S09 to 1817. A few days previous to the battle, as Gen. Harrison had not arrived, Wilkinson despatched orders to Gen. Hampton to meet him, with his army, al St. Etegis. On the 12th, a communication \v;is returned from Hampton, in which he declined a compliance with the above orders, on the ground, that the provisions of Wil- kinson were not adequate to the wants of both armies, and that it would be impossible i>> transport provisions from Plattsburg. On the receipt of this intelligence, a council of war was sum- noned by Wilkinson, by which it was decided to abandon the attack on Montreal, ami to go into winter quarters at French Mills. Shortly aiter, Gen. Hampton, learning that the contemplated expedition against Montreal was abandoned, himself paused in his advance towards Montreal, by the way of Chateaugay, and returned to Plattsburg, where he established his winter quarters. So<-n after, his health failing, he resigned his commission, and was succeeded in command by Gen. Izard. Thus ended ;i campaign, which gave rise to a dissat- isfaction proportioned to the high expectations that had been indulged of its success. Public opinion was much divided as to the causes of its failure, and as to the par- ties to whom the blame was properly to be attached. 38. The proposal of the emperor of Russia to medi ate between the United States and Great Britain, has been mentioned. [Sec. 27.) This proposal, however, Great Britain thought expedient to decline ; but the prince regent offered a direct negotiation, either at Lon- don or Gottenburg. The offer was no sooner commu- nicated to our government, than accepted, and Messrs. Henry Clay and Jonathan Russel were appointed, in addition to the commissioners already in Europe, and toon after sailed for Gottenburg. Lord Gambier, Henry Goulbourn, and William Adams, were appointed, on the part of the court of St. James, to meet them. The place of their meeting was first fixed at Gottenburg, but sub- sequently was changed to Ghent, in Flanders., where the commissioners assembled in August. 39. Soon after the northern armies had gone into winter quarters, as noticed above, the public attention was directed to a war which the Creek Indians, being instigated thereto by the British government, dec] against the United States, and which proved ding- madison's administration. 309 ]y sanguinary in its progress, during the year 1813, and until the clo.-c of the summer of 1814, when Gen. Jackson, who conducted it, on the part of the Americans, having, in several rencounters, much reduced them, and finally and signally defeated them, in the battle of Tohopeka, or IIorse-Shoe-Bend, concluded a treaty with them, August 9th, on conditions advantageous to the United States. Having accomplished this service, Gen. Jack- son returned to Tennessee, and was soon after appointed to succeed Gen. Wilkinson in the command of the forces at New Orleans. The commencement of hostilities by the Creeks was an attack upon Fort Mimms, on the 30th of August, 1813, by six hundred Jndians, who, taking the fort by surprise, massacred three hun- dred men, women, and children, excepting seventeen, who alone effected their escape. On the receipt of this disastrous intelligence, two thousand men from Tennessee, under Gen. Jackson, and 500 tinder Gen. Coffee, immediately marched to the country of the Creeks. In a series of engagements, first at Tall ushatches, next at Talladega, and subsequently at Autossee, Emucfau, and other places, the Creeks were defeated, though with no inconsiderable loss, in several instances, to the Americans. But notwithstanding these repeated defeats and serious 1 the'Creeks remained unsubdued. Still determined not to yield, they, commenced fortifying the bend of Tallapoosa river, called by them Tohopeka, but by the Americans Horse-Shoe-Bend. Their principal work consisted of a breast-work, from five to eight feet high, across the peninsula, by means of which nearly i hundred acres of land were rendered admirably secure. Through this breast- work a double row of port-holes were so artfully ar- ranged, that whoever assailed it must be exposed to a double and cross fire from the Indians, who lay behind, to the number of' i:°. thousand. Against this fortified refuge of the infatuated Creeks, Gen. Jackson, having gathered up his forces, proceeded on the 24th of March. On the night of the 26th, he encamped within six miles of the bend. On the 27th, he detached Gen. Coffee, with a conv {>etent number of men, to pass the river, at a ford three miles be- ow the bend, for the purpose of preventing the Indians effecting their escape, if inclined, by crossing the river. With the remainder of his force, Gen. Jackson now advaneed to the front of the breast-work, and, at half past ten, planted his artillery on a small eminence, at only a moderate distance. Affairs being now arranged ? the artillery opened a tremendoua 310 period x.— 1809 to 1S17. fire upon the breast-work, while Gen. Coffee, with his force be« Low, continued to advance towards an Indian village, which stood at the extremity of the peninsula. A well-directed lire across the river, which here is but about one hundred yards wide, drove the Indian inhabitants train their houses up to the fortifications. At length, finding all his arrangements complete, and the favor- ite moment arrived. Gen. Jackson led on his now animated troops to ihe charge. For a short time, an obstinate contest was main* tained at the breast-work — muzzle to muzzle through the port- holes — when the Americans succeeded in gaining the opposite side of the works. A mournful scene of slaughter ensued. In a short time, the Indians were routed, and the whole plain was strewed with the dead. Five hundred and fifty-seven were found, and a large number were drowned in attempting to escape by the river. Three hundred women and children were taken prisoners. The loss of the Americans was twenty-six killed, and one hun- dred and seven wounded. Eighteen friendly Cherokees were killed, and thirty-six wounded, and five friendly Creeks were killed, and eleven wounded. This signal defeat of the Creeks put an end to the war. Short- ly after, the remnant of the nation sent in their submission Among these was the prophet and leader, Weatherford. In bold and impressive language, he said — " I am in your power. Do with me what you please. I have done the white people all the harm 1 could. I have fought them, and fought them bravely. There was a time when I had a choice; I have none now — even hope is ended. Once 1 could animate my warriors; but I cannot animate the dead. They can no longer hear my voice; their nones are at Tallushatches, Talladega, Enmclau, and Tohopeka. While there was a chance of success, I never supplicated peace ; but in)- people are gone, and I now ask it for my nation and my- self." On the 9th of August, a treaty was made with them by Gen. Jackson. They agreed to yield a portion of their territory as in- demnity for the expenses of the war — to allow the opening of roads through their lands — to admit the whites to the free navi- gation of their rivers — and to take no more bribes from the British. 40. On the 2d of December, the fifteenth congress commenced its second session. The principal objects to which its attention was directed were the enactment of restriction laws, (embargo and non-importation acts) — the subsequent repeal of these acts — the offer of the unprecedented bounty of one hundred and twenty-four dollars to all soldiers who should enlist for. five years or MADISON S ADMINISTRATION. 311 during the war — and an appropriation of half a million of dollars to construct one or more floating steam bat- teries. An extra session of congress had been held, extending from May 24th to August 2d, the same year. The principal business of this session was the providing of means to replenish the treasu- ry. This it was at length decided to accomplish by a system of internal duties ; and accordingly laws were passed laying taxes on lands, houses, distilled liquors, refined sugars, retailers' li- censes, carriages, &c. From this source the sum of five millions and a half of dollars was expected to flow into the treasury ; in addition to which, a loan of seven millions and a half was au- thorized. Early in the regular session of 1813 — 1814, an embargo was laid upon all American vessels, with a design to deprive the enemy's ships on the coast of supplies, and to secure more effectually the American shipping from introducing British manufactures. Against such measures the opposers of the war were loud in their complaints, on the ground that they were needless, and highly injurious to the prosperity of the country. Although these acts passed, in the month of April following, owing to important changes in the relative state of the belligerent nations of Europe, they were repealed. 41. The spring of 1814 was distinguished for the loss of the American frigate Essex, Commodore David For tor, which was captured on the 28th of March, in the bay of Valparaiso, South America, by a superior British force. 42. Two other naval engagements took place about this time, both of which resulted in favor of the Ameri- can flag. The first of these was between the United States' sloop of war Peacock and the British brig Eper- rier, April 29th ; and the second, June 28th, between ihe sloop Wasp and the English brig Reindeer. Pre- viously to the action with the Reindeer, the Wasp cap- tured seven of the enemy's merchantmen. The action between the first two mentioned vessels lasted but fortv-five minutes. During its continuance, the Eporvier had eight men killed, and fifteen wounded. The Peacock escaped with but a single man killed, and with only two wounded. This engagement look place in lat. 27° 47' north, and long. 30° W. The action between the Wasp and Reindeer was but eighteen 312 pertod x.— 1809 to 1817. minutes; yet the destruction of life was much greater. The lat- ter vessel lost her commander, Capt. Manners, and twenty-seven men killed, and forty-two wounded. Twice the British attempt- ed to board the Wasp, but were as often repulsed. At length, the American tars boarded the Reindeer, and tore down her colors. The loss of the latter, in killed and wounded, was twenty-six. Their prize was so much injured, that, on the following day, she was burned. 43. Gen. Wilkinson continued encamped with his army at French Mills, (Sec. 37,) whither he had retired in November, 1813, until February, 1814, when, by or der of the secretary of war, he detached 2000 troops, under Gen. Brown, to protect the Niagara frontier ; v won after which, destroying his barracks, he retired with the residue of his forces to Plattsburg. The British, apprized of this movement, detached a large force, under Col. Scott, which destroyed the public stores, with the arsenal of the Americans, at Malone, which had belonged to the cantonment of French Mills ; but, on hearing of the approach of a large American force, they hastily retreated. 44. The movements of Gen. Wilkinson indicating a disposition to attempt the invasion of Canada, a detach- ment of two thousand British, under Major Hancock, was ordered to take post and fortify themselves at La Colle Mill, near the river Sorel, to defeat the above object. With a view of dislodging this party, Wilkinson; at the head of 4000 men, crossed the Canada lines, on the 30th of March. On the following day, he commenced a can- nonade upon the works of the enemy ; but finding it im- practicable to make an impression on this strong build- ing, he retired with his forces, having lost in the affray upwards of 140 in killed and wounded. The unfortunate issue of this movement, and the equally un- ' fortunate termination of the last campaign, brought Gen. Wil- kinson into such discredit with the American public, that, yield in- a time so dark, at length passed away. In 1835, the president an- nounced that France had acknowledged the validity of our claims ».s liquidated by the treaty of 1831, although payment was still with- held. In 1836, the president announced that the appropriations havingbeen made, our diplomatic relations with France had been resumed, and promised to be mutually beneficial to the two countries. The long cherished hostility of the president to the hank of the United States caused him to give it a long notice in his message. " It has," says he, "become the scourge of the people. Its interference tc postpone the payment of a portion of the national debt, that it might retain the public money appropriated for that purpose, to strengthen it in a political contest — the extraordinary extension and contraction of its accommodations to the community — its corrupt and partisan loans — its*"exclusion of the public directors from a knowledge of its most important proceedings — the unlimited authority conferred on the presi dent to expend its funds in hiring writers, and procuring the execution of printing, and the use made of that authority — the retention of the pension money and books after the selection of new agents — the groundless claim to heavy damages, in consequence of the protest of a bill drawn on the French government, have, through various channels, been laid before congress." The public pecuniary and mercantile distress was charged by the pres- ident to the management of the bank, and the importance of separation between this institution and the government was strongly urged. The at- tention of congress was earnestly invited to the regulation of the deposits in the state banks by law. The subject of internal improvements was again discussed, and the inexpediency and unconstitutionality of ap- propriations therefor, without an amendment of the constitution, acam maintained. 17. The first session of the twenty-fourth congress commenced on the 7th of December, 1835. James K. Polk was elected speaker of the house of representatives. The most important act of this session was the " deposit and distri- bution act" — or a law requiring and regulating the deposit of the money of the United States with the banks of the several states, and the distribution of the surplus revenue among the several states. In the senate, the vote on the engrossment of this bill was, yeas, 40 ; says, 6. In the house, yeas, 163 ; nays, 44 360 period xiii.— 1829 to 1837. 18. On the second of April, 1836, an act passed con» gress establishing the Territory of Wisconsin. This territory is bounded north by lake Superior and the territorial line of the United States ; west by the Mississippi river ; south by Illinois ; east by lake Michigan. 19. On the 15th of June, 1836, a resolution passed congress admitting Arkansas into the Union on an equal footing with the original states. On the same day, a resolution passed congress admitting Michigan into the Union under certain conditions. [See period xi., sec. 13. J The condition upon which Michigan was to be received into the Union was an assent of a convention of delegates, to be elected by the people of said state, to the boundaries of said state, as described in the act of admission. A controversy had arisen between Ohio and Michi- gan as to the boundary line between those states, whicli was settled by the above act, and to this the assent of Michigan was required. This assent was subsequently given, and her admission followed on that assent. 20. On the 11th of July was issued from the treasury department, an important circular in relation to the funds which should be received in payment for public iands. By this circular the receivers of public money were instructed, after the 15th day of August next ensuing, to receive in payment of the pub- lic lands nothing except what is directed by the existing laws, viz., gold and silver, and in the proper places, Virginia land scrip. In order to secure the faithful execution of these instructions, all receiv- ers were strictly prohibited from accepting for land sold, any draft, certificate, or other evidence of money or deposit, though for specie, unless signed by the treasurer of the United States, in conformity to the act of April 24, 1820. 21. The second session of the twenty-fourth congress commenced on the 5th of December, 1836. On the following day, the president transmitted his last annual mes- sage — before another session, he would have retired once more to pri« Tate -life. The foreiga relations of the country continued in an amicable state. The deposit, or distribution act, passed by the preceding congress, had received, lie said, his " reluctant approval," and " the consequences apprehended from it. had been measurably realized." It was an act jackson's administration. 361 merely for tne deposit of the surplus moneys of the United States m the state treasuries, for safe keeping, until wanted for the service of the general government — but it had been spoken of as a gift — would be so considered— and might be so used. Contrary to the views of a large portion of the citizens of the United States, the president represented the "specie circular" of the 11th of July, as producing "many salutary consequences." " It is confidently believed," said he, " that the country will find in the motives which induced that order, and the happy consequences which will have en- sued, much to commend and nothing to condemn." In opposition to this opinion of the president, there were those who attributed to the operation of thai circular, a great part of the pecuniary embarrassment and disturbance of the currency, which afflicted the country. The management of the government funds by the state banks was represented to be safe and judicious. " Experience continues to realize," said he, "the expectations entertained as to the capacity of the state banks to perform the duties of fiscal agents for the govern- ment, at the time of the removal of the deposits. It was alleged by the advocates of the Bank of the United States that the state banks, whatever might be the regulations of the treasury department, could not make the transfers required by the government, or negotiate the domes- tic exchanges of the' government. It is now well ascertained that the real domestic exchanges performed, through discounts, by the United States Bank and its twenty-five branches, were at least one third less than those of the deposit banks, for an equal period of time ; and if a comparison be instituted between the amount of service rendered by these institutions, on the broader basis which has been used by the advocates of the United States Bank, in estimating what they con- sider the domestic exchanges transacted by it, the result will be still more favorable to the deposit banks." 22. On the 14th of Jan., 1837, the " Expunging Resolution," so called, originally introduced into the senate, March 18, 1836, by Mr. Benton, of Missouri, was adopted by the senate. The resolution, which, from the time of its adoption, March 28th, 1834, censuring the president for removing Mr. Duane, and assuming power over the public revenue not conferred by the constitution, had given Gen. Jackson and his friends such serious annoyance, and against which he had entered his protest, Mr. Benton had until now vainly endeavored to blot out from the senate's journal. But, at length, he succeeded by a small majority; and late at night, on the 16th of Jan., 1837, the secretary of the senate, by order, brought the journal of 1833-4 into the senate chamber, and spread open the condemned nage upon the table. He then proceeded to draw black lines on the tour sides of the recorded resolution, and on the face of it. wrote — " Ex- punged by order of the senate, Jan. 16, 1837." Against this proceeding, Daniel Webster, in behalf of himself and colleague, read a solema protest. 31 362 beriod xiii.— 1829 to 1837. 23. Feb. 8th, 1837, the votes for president and vice president were counted, and Martin Van Buren, of New York, was declared to be elected to the former office for four years from the 4th of March, 1837, and Richard M. Johnson, of Virginia, to the latter, for the same period, and from the same date. The whole number of votes given for Mr. Van Buren, including Michigan, were 170; for William Henry Harrison, 73; Hugh Lawson White, 26; Daniel Webster, 14; William P. Mangum, 11. Majority for Mr. Van Buren, if the votes of Michigan be counted, 148 ; if not counted, 146. The votes given for Richard M. Johnson as vice-president, including Michigan, 147 ; for Francis Granger, 77 ; John Tyler, 47 ; William Smith, 23. According to this vote, no candidate was elected by the electors to the office of vice-president. Hence, it devolved upon the senate to elect from the two nighest on the list of electoral votes, viz., Richard M. Johnson and Francis Granger. On the following day, the former was elected by that body. 24. In drawing this sketch of the administration of Gen. Jackson to a close — and a sketch only was design- ed — it may be remarked, that the events of his adminis- tration are not yet ripe for the regular historian. The day when a fair exhibition of his government can be given is still distant. " His measures," as a writer re- marks, " have not produced their full results. His pol- icy has not yet compassed their full development." The author has, therefore, confined himself chiefly to a nar- ration of facts and events, leaving it for the future histo- rian to chronicle the decision of the nation, in respect to the merits or demerits of a ruler, whose administration, in its progress, has been the subject of loud praise and deep-toned censure — the former by friends, the latter by opposers. UNITED STATES. PERIOD XIV. DISTINGUISHED FOR VAN BUREN S ADMINISTRATION. Extending from the Inauguration of President Van Buren, 1837, to the Inauguration of William Henry Harrison, as President of the United States, 1841. Sec. 1. The inauguration of Mr. Van Buren, as president of the United States, took place on the 4th of March, 1837, in accordance with the forms prescribed by the constitution, and in the presence of an immense multitude, gathered from all quarters of the country to witness the imposing ceremony. The inaugural address of Mr. Van Bnren disappointed both friends and foes. The temper of it was conceded, even by his opposers, to be good, and its entire exemption from invidious comparisons and allu- sions, was worthy of all commendation. It was even less partisan, perhaps, than the political friends of the new president expected or de- sired ; but to his opponents it induced the hope, that the vindictive strife which had long harassed the country, would be followed by a more tolerant policy. By way of conciliating the south, Mr. Van Buren distinctly stated, that no bill, which had for its object the abolition of slavery in the Dis- trict of Columbia, against the wishes of the slaveholding states, would receive his sanction, during his presidential career. On the day of inauguration, along and elaborate farewell address by Gen. Jackson to the people of the United States, was circulated in Washington, and thence was extensively spread through the countrv. 364 period xiv.— 1837 to 1841. " My public life," said he, "has been a long one, and I csnp.ot hops that it has, at all times, been free from errors. But I hatr°> the co.iso- lation of knowing, that if mistakes have been committed, they have not seriously injured the country ; and at the moment when I surrender my last public trust, / leave this great people prosperous and happy ; and in the full enjoyment of liberty and peace, and honored and re- spected by every nation of the world." In opposition to these declarations, the opposers of his administration averred, that the course which he had pursued in relation to the cur- rency ; his uncompromising hostility to the Bank of the United States; his removal of the national deposits from that institution — the influence of the executive, which had in evei-y possible way been brought to bear upon it, in consequence of which a renewal of its charter had been de- feated, and public confidence as to the management of it had become weakened — and the paper system of the country, and even a mixed cur- rency, had been decried — these measures, in their view, had caused a derangement of the currency, had destroyed confidence, and paralyzed trade and commerce ; and hence they were not prepared to admit that the country was either prosperous or happy. 2. The new senate, according - to usage, assembled in their chamber, at Washington, on the day succeeding the inauguration, and confirmed in their executive sittings the nominations made by Mr. Van Buren of the follow- ing gentlemen to compose his cabinet ; viz., John For- syth, Secretary of State ; Levi Woodbury, Secretary of the Treasury ; Joel R. Poinsett, Secretary of War ; Mahlon Dickerson, Secretary of the Navy ; Benjamin F. Butler, Attorney General. 3. In less than a month after the adjournment of congress, the monetary state of the country, deranged as it had been, became visibly worse. The pressure in New York, the commercial metropolis of the country, became so severe, that immediate measures were deem- ed essential to prevent a general failure of the mercan- tile interest. In this crisis, it was proposed to apply to the United States Bank for aid; and, with this object in view, a deputation of merchants proceeded to Philadel- phia, and upon their representations of the existing and growing pressure, the United States Bank, greatly to ita credit, furnished important, but, as. it resulted, only tern* porary aid. van euren's administration. 365 By the 8th of April, so rapidly had the work of mercantile ruin pro- cessed, that, according to a respectable journal, the failures in the city of New York were as follows, omitting the notice of hundreds of a more unimportant character. 5 Foreign and Exchange Brokers, .... $15,080,000 30 Dry Goods jobbers, .... 16 Commission Shoe and Clothing Houses, 28 Real Estate speculators, 8 Stock Brokers, . . . . 6 Miscellaneous, 15,000,000 7,000,000 20,000,000 1,000,000 2,500,000 $60,500,000 At this time the sale of merchants' notes, even of the most consider- able and responsible, was at an end. No one dared trust his neighbor. Men who had been living in affluence, and who supposed themselves worth an independent fortune, were distressed, and not a few of them, who retired in comparative ease and comfort at night, awoke bankrupt, and without a home, in the morning. 4. At length, on the 25th of April, a very numerously attended meeting of citizens of New York was held, at which a committee of fifty was appointed to proceed to Washington, to lay their grievances, and those of the country, before the executive, and to solicit his inter- vention for such relief as might be within his power; particularly that he would rescind the "specie circular;" that collectors of the revenue, in all the ports of the United States, might be instructed not to commence suit upon any bond, which may lie over for non-payment, until after the first day of January next; and, finally, that the president would call an extra session of con- gress at an early day, in order that the representatives of the nation might have an opportunity to devise suita- ble remedies for the unprecedented and alarming embar- rassments of the country. Pursuant to their appointment, this committee proceeded to Wash- ington, and on the 3d of May made known by letter to the president their presence in the city, and their object. On the following day, the president replied, that in a few days a de- finite reply would be given to the first request of the committee, viz., that the government would instruct collectors not to put bonds in suit, &c. In respect to a repeal of the " specie circular," he had not been able to satisfy himself that it was his duty to rescind it ; and, lastly, he could not see sufficient reasons to justify him in convening congress at an earlier day than that appointed by the constitution. 31 * 366 period xiv.— 1837 to 1841. With this answer of the president, the committee returned to Ne* York, where, on Monday evening, the 8th, to an assembled multituda of anxious and interested citizens, they were obliged to make known the failure of their commission, in respect to the two most important objects of it. Subsequently, the request of the citizens, through the committee, in relation to the postponement of the collection of merchants' bonds, was acceded to. This afforded sensible relief in numerous cases where real embarrassment existed. 5. Two days after the report of the above committee, the banks of the city of New York, without exception, ceased to redeem their notes in specie. This exciting and depressing intelligence travelled with unwonted speed, producing in its progress, in all parts of the country, a similar suspension on the part of the banks. To the country, generally, this suspension was unexpected; but to those who, for some months, had been watching the progress of events, it was by no means marvellous. It was the unavoidable result of the diversion of specie to the west, and the drain upon the banks in the Atlantic cities for exportation to Europe. By the friends of the admin- istration, with some exceptions, the measure was severely censured ; by its opposers, it was deemed necessary and unavoidable, due to the country, and due to the stockholders. Yet every class lamented its necessity ; and none could fail to perceive that it must reach, in its ul- timate effects, almost every individual, and have a bearing upon every order of business. Yet of the two evils, suspension was deemed the least. 6. On the 15th of May, the president issued his proclamation requiring congress to convene in the city of Washington, on the first Monday of September, to attend to " great and weighty matters claiming consid- eration." To the committee of merchants, who had waited on the president on the 3d of May, and which had pressed the subject of an extra session of congress, he had replied, that he perceived no adequate reason for assembling the national legislature. The sudden and unexpected sus- pension of the banks essentially changed the views of the executive, and forced upon him a measure, which, but a few days before, he had declined. Not only were the mercantile interests of the country suffer- ing, but noio the government itself was likely to be embarrassed, and indeed it felt the pressure immediately. The deposit banks themselves had bowed to the general prostration, whereby the government was rendered incapable of discharging its obligations to the country, and to individuals. In this state of embarrassment, it was deemed severe van btjren's administration. 367 lhat the government should require specie only for all its dues, espe« cially when that specie was to be obtained only at extravagant premi- ums. But the treasury and post-office departments issued circulars, requiring collectors and postmasters to receive only specie, or the notes of specie-paying banks ; while, at the same time, checks and drafts were drawn by the government upon deposit banks which had suspend- ed ; and even instances occurred in which merchants' bonds were re- quired to be paid in specie, while checks upon the deposit banks, drawn by the government, were refused, when offered as payment in part of such bonds. Pressed as the government was known to be, these requi- sitions and measures bore severely on the people of the country, and excited loud and bitter complaints. 7. On Monday, the 4th day of September, congress convened, agreeably to the summons of the executive, being the first session of the twenty-fifth congress. The house was organized by choosing James K. Polk, of Tennessee, speaker. 8. The following day a message from the president was presented, in which, after alluding to the suspension of the banks, and the necessity that adequate provision should be made for the unexpected exigencies affecting the government, which had arisen, and which were likely to exist, the president proceeded to assign the causes, which, in his view, had led to the pecuniary dis- tress of the country. These were over-action in busi- ness, arising from the excessive issues of bank paper, and other facilities for the acquirement and enlargement of credit ; the contraction of a large foreign debt ; invest- ments in unproductive lands ; vast internal improve- ments ; and the great loss sustained by the commercial emporium of the nation in the fire of Dec, 1835. 9. The president next adverted to the best mode of keeping the public funds. A national bank, as a fiscal agent, he repudiated, and also local banks, they having failed to answer the expectations of the government in this particular. He would propose " a separation of the fiscal operations of the government from those of indi- viduals or corporations ;" a divorcement of the govern- ment from banks and banking, and a thorough change in the keeping and management of the public revenue 368 period xiv.— 1837 to 1841. As a means of immediate relief, he advised to the" post- ponement of the fourth instalment of the deposits with the states, and the issue of treasury notes, receivable for all public dues, but without interest. Both by the president and the secretary of the treasury a new mode was proposed of keeping the public revenue; viz., to place it in the custody of commissioners, or receivers-general, at certain central points, subject to the call and control of the treasurer. Most of the money, it was supposed, could be paid out near the places where it was col- lected, and thus save the expense and hazard of transmission to the seat of government. " This organization," said the secretary, " would be advantageous as a separate establishment for this business alone, and as an independent check on most of those collecting the revenues." 10. The extra session of congress closed on the 16th of October. The two principal measures adopted, de- signed for the relief of the government, were the post- ponement to the 1st day of January, 1839, of the pay- ment of the fourth instalment of the deposits with the states ; and the issue of treasury notes to an amount not exceeding ten millions of dollars, reimbursable in one year, and of denominations of not less than fifty dollars. In accordance with the recommendation of the president and secre- tary of the treasury, a bill was early introduced into the senate for the safe keeping of the public funds, commonly denominated the sub- treasury bill. This was intended to be the prominent measure of the session, and was urged with great power, and by numerous considera- tions, upon the senate and house of representatives. By the senate it was adopted, by a vote of 26 to 20. In the house, after undergoing an animated and protracted discussion, it was laid upon the table, by a vote of 120 to 107. Subsequently, an effort was made to reconsider the vote by which the bill was laid upon the table, but was lost, the motion for reconsideration being itself disposed of in the same manner, by a vote of 119 to 104. In his message, the president had ascribed to certain causes the dis- tress and embarrassments of the country, which have already been noticed. The friends of his administration, in the course of the ses- sion, reiterated the same statements, and made the same explanations. To the opposition, these causes, and the arguments by which they were attempted to be supported, were insufficient. Other and more adequate causes, they believed, existed, and could be pointed out. They claimed that, prior to that series of unfortunate measures, which had for its object the overthrow of the Bank of the United States, and the discontinuance of its fiscal agency for the government, ao people upon earth ever enjoyed a better currency, or had exchanges van bueen's administration. 369 teeter regulated, than the people of the United States. Our monetary system appeared to have attained as great perfection as anything human can possibly reach. What a reverse, said they, and why has it come upon us? Who can doubt that if the Bank of the United States had been re-chartered — that if the public deposits had remained undisturbed — and the specie circular, or treasury order, had never been issued, the currency would at this time be sound, and the suspension of specie payments been avoided? The president asserts that the suspension has proceeded from over-action — over-trading — the indulgence of a spirit of specula- tion, produced by the banks and other facilities. But whence the mul- tiplication of banks? — whence these facilities? Are not these to bo traced to the overthrow of the United States Bank, and the stimulation of the local banks to discount freely upon the deposits which were trans- ferred to them ? 11. The second session of the 25th congress com- menced on the first Monday of Dec, 1837, and ended on the 9th day of July, 1838. In his message, the pre- sident represented the foreign relations of the country as amicable and favorable, excepting with Mexico and Portugal. The issue of four millions and a half of treasury notes would be necessary for the year. The attention of congress was again " invited to the neces- sity of additional legislative provision in respect to the collection, safe keeping, and transfer of the public money ;" and not understanding the action of the extra session on this subject as final, he again recommended the sub-treasury scheme, as, in his view, designed to subserve the interests of the country better than any other plan proposed. A bill to authorize the re-issue of treasury notes passed the house of representatives by a vote of 106 to 99. In the senate, for the bill 27, against it 13. During this session of congress, an event occurred, which excited the sensibilities of the whole nation, and called forth expressions of deci- ded disapprobation from the candid of all parties. This was a. duel fought with rifles near the city of Washington, between Jonathafl Gil- ley and William J. Graves, both members of the hou^e, the former from Maine, the latter from Kentucky. On the third fire, Mr. Cilley fell, mortally wounded. The remains of the murdered man were attended to the grave by the president, the heads of department, the members of both' houses of tongress, and a large concourse of citizens. The judges of the supreme «mrt, then in session, were invited to attend the funeral. Most honor- 370 period xiv.— 1837 to 1841. able to themselves, and honorable to the exalted stations they held, they entered upon their records the following resolves : Resolved, That the justices of the supreme court entertain a high re- spect for the character of the deceased, sincerely deplore his untimely death, and sympathize with his bereaved family in the heavy affliction which has fallen upon them. Resolved, That with every desire to manifest their respect for the house of representatives, and the committees of the house by whom they have been invited, and for the memory of the deceased, the jus- tices of the supreme court cannot, consistently with the duties they owe to the public, attend in their official characters the funeral of one who has fallen in a duel. Resolved, That these proceedings be entered on the minutes of the court, and that the chief justice enclose a copy to the chairman of the committee of the house of representatives. The above tragical event justly excited the indignation of the nation. From every quarter a demand was made for some law to prevent such " wickedness in high places." At length, a bill for an act was reported by a committee appointed for that purpose, which passed by a vote of 110 to 21. The first section provided, that if any person shall, in the District of Columbia, challenge another to fight a duel ; or accept a challenge ; or shall knowingly carry a challenge to fight a duel in or out of the District of Columbia ; and such duel shall be fought in or out of said district, and either of the parties shall be slain or mortally wounded, the surviving party, and others connected, shall, on conviction, be punished by imprisonment and hard labor in the penitentiary for a term not exceeding ten years. A second section provided, that the mere challenge, or aiding and abetting a challenge, which resulted in no duel, should be punished as above, for a term of five years. A third section provided, that if any person guilty of assaulting, striking, or wounding another, for refusing to accept a challenge ; or who shall post or publish any person, or use towards them opprobrious language, for refusing to accept a challenge, shall, on conviction, be punished as above for a term not exceeding three years. 12. An event, important to the business of the country, occurred on the 13th of August, 1838. This was the resumption of the payment of specie generally through- out the United States, by previous concert. On the 23d day of July previous, a convention was held in the city of Philadelphia, in which the banks of the states of Massachusetts, Connecticut, Rhode Island, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Maryland, Vir- ginia, Kentucky, and Missouri, were represented, and which unani- mously resolved to recommend the 13th of August as a suitable and convenient time, on which to resume. Accordingly, on the arrival of that day, the resumption was generally effected without commotion^ without injury to themselves, and without inconvenience to the mercan- tile part of the community. van buren's administration. 371 Tliis was an event which had been long devoutly looked for, and was Welcomed by the whole country. Some anxiety was felt as to the effeci resumption would have upon the specie-paying banks ; but, genera. ly. it was accomplished with ease. In Philadelphia, where this anxiety was perhaps the greatest, the demands for specie were confined to the wants of the community for change. 13. On the 9th of October, however, of the following year, 1839, the banks of Philadelphia again suspended the payment of specie. This suspension w^as soon aftei followed by a suspension on the part of the banks in the interior of Pennsylvania, and of all the states south and west. The suspension of specie payments in May, 1836, was begun by the banks of New York, and the rest of the Union followed. In 1837, the banks of New York were required by law to resume. They naturally endeavored to induce other banks to do voluntarily, what they were compelled to do by law. The public also were anxious for resumption. An effort was made to accomplish this object, and was effected, con- trary, however, to the opinion of some of the ablest financiers of the country, who predicted a relapse. Unfortunately, the grain crops in England failed ; in consequence of which large importations of grain were required. These were made, not from the United States, but from her neighbors, who could furnish it cheaper. But as they were small consumers of English products, specie chiefly was obliged to be advanced. This demand so drained the Bank of England, as to threaten that institution with suspension. By a natural consequence, money rose to a great value ; the staples of this country were unsalable, except at ruinous prices; the stocks held by states, banks, or by individuals, were wholly incontrovertible; leaving as the safest and the most favorite mode of payment, the ex- portation of specie. Large shipments of coin were made, leaving a deficiency in the vaults of the banks, and which was to be supplied by demands upon creditors to pay in gold and silver, which they could not do but at ruinous sacrifices, or to suspend specie payments for a season. This latter course was considered most conducive to the true interests of the public ; and accordingly the banks in Philadelphia announced their suspension, which of course compelled the banks south and west to adopt a similar measure. The banks of New York and New Eng- land, with some few temporary exceptions, resolved to continue the pay- ment of specie, which with great effort they were able to accomplish. 14. The first session of the 26th congress convened at Washington, conformably to the constitution, on the second day of December, 1839. Unexpectedly, how- ever, the house of representatives was not organized for some weeks, in consequence of an exciting question 372 period xiv.— 1837 to 1841. which arose as to the admission of the representatives from New Jersey, on the ground, that, while they had received certificates of election from the governor of that state, those certificates should have been given to others, who, it was claimed, had been duly elected. It is usual for the last clerk of the house of representatives to make out a list of members elect, which, at the precise hour of twelve o'clock of the day on which congress assembles, he proceeds to read. On the day and at the hour above mentioned, the clerk, Hugh A. Garland, rose at his desk, and said that, in conformity with the practice hereto- fore observed, he was now ready, if it was the pleasure of the house, to call a list, which he had formed of members elect of the house of representatives for the twenty-sixth congress, at this its first session. No objections being made, the roll was commenced, and the members of the several New England states, and also those from the state of " New York, answered to their names. • He next proceeded to the state of New Jersey, and called the name of Joseph F. Randolph. Here he paused, and stated that there were five of the seats belonging to representatives of this state which were contested, and not feeling it to be his duty to decide the question of a right to them, he would, if such a course should be approved by the house, pass over the remaining names, until the other states should have been gone through with; after which he would submit such vidence as was in his possession, touching the several claimants to seats from that state. To this course, which would have been acceptable to some, there were strong objections. Besides, the whig members from New Jersey, on their part, demanded, that the evidences of their titles to seats should be read, and that, if their certificates were authentic, they should be admitted to equal rights with other members. Upon this representation and demand, the clerk stated that he had five certificates from the governor of New Jersey, declaring William Halsted (whose name stood next upon the roll) and John B. Aycrigg, J. P. B. Maxwell, Thomas Jones York, and Charles C. Shulton, to have been duly elected representatives trom the state of New Jersey. Having these certificates duly attested, it was contended that, ac- cording to all former precedents, and agreeably to the laws of New Jer- sey, the ahove gentlemen should be admitted to their oath, that after the organization of the house, if their seats were claimed by others, the question could be taken up, examined, and fairly disposed of. On the other hand, it was claimed, that the seats of right belonged to other gentlemen, who had received a majority of votes in their respective districts, and who should have received certificates from the governor of New Jersey. The two political parties in congress were thus suddenly arrayed against each other, and the state of feeling which followed can scarcely be described. At length, the following resolution was offered to the house by Mr. Graves : " van btjren's administration. 373 Resolved, That the acting clerk of the house shall proceed with the call of the members from the different states of the Union in the usual way, calling the names of sich members from New Jersey as hold the regular and legal commissions from the executive of that slate. The discussion of the above resolution was continued until it was apparent to the whole house — the clerk refusing to put it — that unless some other and extraordinary measure was adopted, commensurate with the difficulties ia which they were involved, no organization could be effected. In this juncture, a resolution was offered, appointing Mr. Adams chairman of the house, which being adopted by a large major- ity, he was conducted to the chair. Under the guidance of Mr. Adams, the house proceeded on the 12th to ballot for a speaker. Six ballotings were taken, when, no choice having been made, an adjournment to the 16th was moved and carried. On this latter day, the balloting was resumed, and resulted, on the eleventh balloting, in the choice of Robert M. T. Hunter, the New Jer- sey members not voting. On the 20th, the question was taken on a resolution to administer the oath to the five gentlemen from the state of New Jersey, who had pre- sented credentials to the speaker and demanded to be sworn, and de- cided in the negative, 116 to 112. This decision created a great sensation throughout the Union. It was a wide departure from precedent, and deeply wounding to the pride ot New Jersey, as well as injurious to her interests. The subsequent history of this case is interesting, but, in the opinion of the whig party, reflected great discredit on the majority in the house of representatives. An investigation of the subject was ordered, and the committee on elections entered upon the duty assigned them. They were proceeding in their investigation, when, on the 28th of February, the house directed the committee " to report forthwith which five of the ten individuals claiming seats from the state of New Jersey, re- ceived the greatest number of lawful votes from the whole state for representatives in the congress of the United Stales, at the election of 1838 in said state." This committee reported m favor of the five administration candidates. A minority report was at the same time presented, which was ordered to lie on the table. On the 10th of March, a resolution Avas introduced by Mr. Petriken, declaring the five persons who had brought no legal certificates, enti- tled to their seatSj and directing the speaker to qualify them. The previous question being moved by the author of the resolution, debate was suppressed, and the vote taken, and the resolution adopted by a vote of 111 to 81 ; several whig members refusing to vote. . To a portion of the American people, no act could have appeared more arbitrary and unjust, however right and proper it might have seemed to the party in power ; nor could many divest themselves of the impres- sion, that this course was adopted to secure certain objects which the administration had in view. 15. On Wednesday, December 4th, two days after the opening of congress, and while scenes of great interest 32 374 period xiv.— 1837 to 1841. ami excitement were in progress in the capitoi, a fully attended whig national convention assembled at Harris- burg, Pennsylvania, for the purpose of nominating can- didates for the office of president and vice-president of the United States. The deliberations of this convention at length resulted in the nomination of Gen. William Henry Harrison, of Ohio, for the former, and John 'Tyler, of Virginia, for the latter. The whole number of votes cast for president was 254. Of these, General Scott received 16; Henry Clay 90; and General Harrison 148. The nomination thus made was unexpected to a considerable portion of the whig party. For a long time, their attention had beenturned towards Henry Clay, and an anxious wish prevailed, on the part of his special friends, that he should be put in nomination. They confl- dentlv expected it. But antecedently to the meeting of the convention, it had been the general, and even the universal opinion, that when that body should assemble, and an interchange of views had been made, the man should he selected who, it was thought, could concentrate the greatest strength against the existing administration. Preferences were, therefore, to be surrendered at the shrine of the country's good. While, therefore, it was at first with painful emotions that the friends of Mr. Clay yielded, it was done with great unanimity, and even cheer- fulness, when it was perceived that by the nomination of Gen. Harri- son other influences and interests would be secured, which were likely to result in his election. 16. Seldom has a congress of the United States held a session of such length, as was that of the first session of the twenty-sixth congress, without arriving at more important results. Two acts only of a public character are worthy of notice : the one providing " for the taking 1 of the sixth census of the United States," and the other " for the collection, safe keeping, transfer and dis- bursement of the public revenue." The act, viz., that for the collection, &c, of the public revenue, usually denominated the sub-treasury system, may be regarded as the great financial measure of Mr. Van Buren's administration. It was early proposed by him, and in every subsequent message was urged upon the consideration of congress, as the best scheme which could be devised, by which the public revenue could be collected, safely kept, transferred, and disbursed. The debates on this system, by the sup- porters and opposers of the administration, during the several sessions in which it was agitated, would fill volumes. By the president and hi? van buren's administration. 375 friends, it was eulogized and warmly recommended ; by the opposition party, it was as pointedly resisted and condemned. On this measure, and others of a financial character connected with it, perhaps more than on any others, Mr. Van Buren staked his political fortune. With this, he entered into the election as a candidate for the presidency a second term. 17. The second session of the twenty-sixth congress was begun and held on Monday, the 7th day of Decem- ber, 1840. On Wednesday following, Mr. Van Buren presented his last annual message. On the subject of the national finances, the president felicitated him- self, that, notwithstanding the various embarrassments which the gov- ernment had to encounter ; the great increase of public expenditures by reason of the Florida war; the difficulty of collecting moneys still due from certain banks, and the diminution of the revenue, &c, the busi- ness of the government had been carried on without the creation of a national debt. Nominally, it had indeed no such debt; but a few months following the accession of a new administration, the disclosure was officially made, that the country was deeply involved in debt, and congress was called upon to provide means to sustain the credit — the waning credit of the government. 18. On the 10th of February, 1841, the ceremony of counting and announcing officially the votes for presi- dent and vice-president took place. At twelve o'clock of that day, the members of the senate, preceded by their sergeant-at-arms, the vice-president, (Col. Johnson,) the secretary and his assistants, bearing a box containing the different Eackages in which the votes were enclosed, went in procession to the all of representatives, where seats had been provided for them on the right of the chair. The members of the house received the sena- tors standing. The vice-president was conducted to the speaker's chair, as presiding officer of the meeting. The assemblage being seated, the vice-president rose, and said, that, in conformity to the duty imposed by the constitution, ne would now proceed to open the packages which had been addressed to him, con- taining the votes of the different states. The votes having been counted, the vice-president announced the result as follows: — For president — William Henry Harrison, of Ohio, 234 ; Martin Van Buren, of New York, 60. For vice-president — John Tyler, of Vir- ginia, 234 ; Richard M. Johnson, of Kentucky, 48 ; Littleton W. Taze- well, of Virginia, 11 ; James K. Polk, of Tennessee, 1. Thus, for months, had a warm and exciting, and, in some cases, even tngry contest been going on, moving the country from Georgia to Maine, 376 period xv.— 1841 to 1845. and affecting the most obscure and distant neighborhood and village ot the west. The day of decision, however, had come. The freemen bad been gathered to the polls ; the mighty mass of interested human beings had cast in their votes ; these votes had been collected and forwarded to the national metropolis ; and here, in the presence of the assembled coun- sellors of the nation, they were counted ; and the final result was now officially announced, that William Henry Harrison was elected presi- dent of the United. States, for four years from the ensuing fourth day of March. UNITED STATES. PERIOD XV. DISTINGUISHED FOR HARRISON'S AND TYLER'S ADMINIS- TRATIONS. Extending from the Inauguration of President Harri- son, 1841, to tJie Inauguration of James K. Polk, as President of the United States, 1845. Sec. 1. On the 4th of March, 1841, William Henry Harrison took the oath prescribed by the constitution, and entered upon the office of president of the United States. The ceremony of inauguration was, as usual, grand and imposing ; — the more so, perhaps, from an unwonted joy and enthusiasm on tne occurrence of a change of administration, and a desire on the part of the friends of the new administration to give an appropriate welcome to the hero whom they had elevated to office. The inaugural address of General Harrison was a clear, plain, and comprehensive document ; less stately than that of Washington ; less philosophic than Jefferson's ; and less terse than Mr. Madison's ; but to the great body of the president's constituents, it was very acceptable. It contained a recognition and a decided approbation of the great prin- ciples and doctrines of the whig politicians and statesmen, and a pledge to administer the government according to the constitution, as under- stood by the f ranters of that important instrument, and the early admin- istrators of the government. In conclusion, the new president beautifully and forcibly alluded to the Christian religion, as intimately connected with, and essential to, the interests of the country. " I deem the present occasion," said he, Harrison's administration. 377 K sufficiently important and solemn, to justify me in expressing to my fellow-citizens a profound reverence for the Christian religion, and a thorough conviction that sound morals, religious liberty, and a just sense of religious responsibility, are essentially connected with all true and lasting happiness ; and to that good Being who has blessed us by the gifts of civil and religious freedom, who watched over and prosper* ed ihe labors of our fathers, and who has hitherto preserved to us in- stitutions far exceeding in excellence those of any other people, let us unite in fervently commending every interest of our beloved country in all future time." 2. The new senate, having been convened, proceeded, shortly after the induction of General Harrison into office, to confirm the nominations made by him, of gen- tlemen whom he wished to constitute his cabinet. Daniel Webster, of Massachusetts, was appointed Secretary of State ; Thomas Ewing, of Ohio, Secretary of the Treasury; John Bell, of Tennessee, Secretary of War ; George E. Badger, of North Carolina, Secretary of the Navy; John J. Crittenden, of Kentucky, Attorney General ; and Francis Granger, of New York, Postmaster General. 3. The new administration had now been organized ; the party which had come into power were grateful for the change, connected, as they believed it to be, with a change of policy, by which the government would be administered ; they were satisfied with the president ; with his inaugural address ; with the principles and pledges which that address contained; they were more than satisfied with the distinguished names composing the cabinet counsellors of the president. Thus, all things were combining to fulfil the nation's joy, and were full of promise in respect to the future — when, un- expectedly, rumors of a sad sickness, which had suddenly fallen upon General Harrison, were spread through the nation, and before those rumors could have reached the limits of the country, they were followed by the intelli- gence of his death! In one short month from the time he stood on the steps of the eastern portico of the capitol, lifting his hand to heaven, and swearing to be faithful to God and his country, he was a pallid corpse in the National mansion. On the morning of the 4th of April, the members of the cabinet is suad the following circular to the nation : 32 * 378 period xv.— 1S41 to 1845. ' An all-wise Providence having suddenly removed from this life William Henry Harrison, late president of the United States ; we have thought it our duty, in the recess ot" congress, and in the absence of the vice-president from the seat of government, to make this afflict- ing bereavement known to the country, by this declaration, under our hands. " He died nt the president's house, in this city, this fourth day of April, Anno Domini 1841, at thirty minutes before one o'clock in the moaning. " The people of the United States, overwhelmed, like ourselves, by aa event so unexpected and so melancholy, will derive consolation from knowing that his death was calm and resigned, as his life has been fiatriotic, useful, and distinguished ; and that the last utterance of his ips expressed a fervent desire for the perpetuity of the constitution, and the preservation of its true principles. In death, as in life, the happiness of his country was uppermost in his thoughts." Thus ends all human greatness ! " The boast of heraldry, the pomp of power, And all that beauty, all that wealth e'er gave, Await, alike, the inevitable hour — The paths of glory lead — but to the grave." For such a bereavement, the nation was in no wise prepared. It came upon them with the suddenness of lightning, and as a thunder- bolt from the hand of Almighty power. The mourning was sincere, as it was deep and universal. Even political opponents united to do the deceased president honor. Funeral processions were had in every principal city ; and funeral orations were pronounced in his favor; or funeral discourses delivered by the ministers of religion, in which suit- able admonitions were imparted to the people. 4. The legitimate successor, by the constitution, to the presidential chair, on the demise of General Harrison, was John Tyler, of Virginia, who had been elected to the office of vice-president, at the time the former had suc- ceeded to that of president, and who now entered upon the administration of the government. Mr. Tyler arrived in Washington before the funeral obsequies of General Harrison, and assumed not only the duties, but also the title, of president of the United States. At a proper time he reco r .mended a day of public lasting and prayer, on account of the nation s bereave- ment. This was well received by all classes ; and, when the day arrived, it was appropriately observed. It was an impressive thought, that a whole nation was at the same time before the altar of God, re- cognizing his righteous judgment, in removing a beloved chief magis- trate. 5. On the 31st of May, 1841, congress assembled in extra session, in accordance with a proclamation issued by General Harrison, before his death. t tyler's administration. 379 The first measure adopted, was to establish a uniform system of bankruptcy throughout the United States. Many thousands of unfor- tunate debtors needed relief; and the object of the system was to absolve them from the claims of their creditors, on their relinquishment of all their property. A second measure adopted was the repeal of the sub-treasury law, enacted towards the close of Mr. Van Buren's administration. Period xiv. sec. 16. „ A third bill passed, providing for the distribution among the severaS states of the net proceeds of the public lands, according to their popu- lation. But the great object of the extra session was the establishment of a national bank. Such an institution, it was thought by many, was greatly needed. But the president, having strong objections to it, vetoed two bills, both of which, but especially the latter, it was thought would meet his approbation. These vetoes gave great dissatisfaction to the members of President Tyler's cabinet, all of whom, excepting Mr. Webster, resigned. Their places were filled as follows: Walter Forward, Secretary of the Trea- sury ; John McLean, Secretary of War ; Abel P. Upshur, Secretary of the Navy ; Hugh S. Legare, Attorney General ; and Charles A. Wick- clifle, Postmaster General. 6. On the 6th of December following-, the twenty- seventh congress commenced its second session. At this session, the census of 1S40, which had been completed, was exhibited, and showed the population of the United States to be 17,069,453 ; making an increase over the census of 1330, of 4,202,646, and showing a gain in a ratio exceeding 32i per cent, for the last ten years. An act was passed apportioning the representatives among the sev- eral states, according to the above census. The ratio adopted, was one representative for every 70,680 inhabitants. * 7. On the 31st of March, 1842, congress being still in session, Mr. Clay resigned his seat; and, taking an affec- tionate leave of the senate, retired to private life. Mr. Clay had been in the service of his country nearly thirty-six years. But, now. for the last time, he rose to address the senate. The scene was solemn and impressive. At one time, his voice failed, and he paused to wipe the tears from his eyes. Few eyes of those present remained dry. In conclusion, he said: "In retiring, as I am about to do, forever from the senate, suffer me to express my heartfelt wishes, that all the great and patriotic ohjects of the wise framers of otir con- stitution mav be fulfilled, and that the high destiny designed for it may be fully answered ; and that its deliberations, now and hereafter, may- eventuate in securing the prosperity of our beloved country, in main- taining its rights and honors abroad, and upholding its interests at home." After invoking a blessing on all and each of the members, he said : "And, now, Mr. President, and Senators, I bid von a long, a lasting, and a friendly farewell." 380 period xv.— 1841 to 1845. 8. During the month of June, 1842, the exploring" ex- pedition returned to the United States, having heen absent three years and ten months, and having sailed nearly 90,000 miles. The vessels attached to this expedition left the Capes of the Chesa- peake, Aug. 19, 1838. After reaching Nassau Bay, in Terra del Fuego, the Peacock, Porpoise, and two schooners, sailed on a cruise towards the south pole. The next year, they made a second cruise, and discov- ered, as they believed, an antarctic continent in lat. 66° 30', long. 16J east. During their absence, they surveyed nearly two hundred and eighty different islands, besides eight hundred miles in Oregon, and one thou- sand five hundred miles along the icy barrier of the antarctic continent. The number of sketches of natural scenery brought home was about five hundred ; the number of portraits about two hundred. Of birds about one thousand species, and twice that number of specimens, were collected, besides great numhers of fishes, reptiles, insects, shells, &c. This expedition was fitted out at a great expense, and its results have proved highly honorable to the nation which projected, and the officers who executed it. Several volumes, containing a history of the expe- dition, with its discoveries, scientific researches, &c, have been pub- lished at the national expense. 9. On the 20th of August, 1842, an important treaty with England, the first, it is believed, ever negotiated with that power in the United States, was ratified by the senate, by a vote of 39 to 9. By this treaty, the north- eastern boundary was settled. The questions relating to this boundary line had, at times, agitated a both countries for nearly half a century ; and, on several occasions, had well nigh produced hostilities. But, now, perceiving the importance of decisive action in relation to it, England commissioned Lord Ashbur- ton, a gentleman in every respect qualified for the task, to proceed to America, and institute negotiations, with reference to an amicable anil final settlement of it. The negotiations were conducted on the part of the United States, by Daniel Webster, then secretary of state. In a few months, these able statesmen fixed a divisional line, which has pr&ved satisfactory to both governments. On the 10th of November, 1842, the president issued his proclamation, announcing that a treaty, settling the boundary line in question, had been ratified by both govern- ments. 10. Towards the close of the 2d session of the twenty- seventh congress, a bill passed making essential altera- tions in the tariff, or duties paid on goods imported into the United States. This is known as the tariff of 1S42. The revenues of the country are chiefly raised by means of such du- ties • it is necessary, therefore, that they should be graduated so as to tyler's administration. 381 raise sufficient funds for the government. This is conceded by all par- ties ; but a portion of the country would limit the tariff to the actual wants of the government, whatever should become of the manufacturing interest. On the other hand, this interest claims that, in fixing a tariff respect should also be had to home industry, and that, if necessary to foster and protect it, the tariff should so far be discriminating and pro- tective. The tariff of 1842 was designed not only to raise revenue, but to protect such branches of manufacture as could not be sustained without it. Hence, the bill was powerfully sustained by its friends, and as strongly opposea by its enemies. It passed both houses of congress, but the president vetoed it. This was a severe trial to the friends of the measure ; and? for a time, they were at a loss how to proceed. But, fortunately, a second bill was introduced, divested of its objectionable features, and to this the president gave his sanction. 11. The twenty-seventh congress commenced its 3d session, December 5, 1842. Two important bills passed ; one providing for a repeal of the bankrupt law; the second for promoting friendly intercourse with China. At the time the bankrupt law was passed, Sec. 5, there existed a strong sentiment in its favor, throughout the country. But dishonest men took advantage of it to defraud their creditors. Many concealed their property, at the same time declaring that they had none. This brought an otherwise good law into disrepute, and led to its early repeal. The act for promoting friendly intercourse with China placed $40,000 at the disposal of the president, to enable him to establish commercial relations with that government. Under this act, he appointed Caleb Gushing commissioner, to proceed to China, for the accomplishment of the above object. 12. On the 8th of June, the president, accompanied by the secretary of the treasury and the postmaster general, left Washington upon a visit to Boston, to attend the celebration of the completion of the Bunker HiU Monument. During his progress, he was received with the honors due to the chief magistrate of a great and powerful nation. The celebration took place on the 17th. An oration was pronounced by Daniel Webster. It was a grand and imposing scene. Thousands were gathered to the spot once moistened by the blood of patriots ; and grateful homage went up to Him, under whose fostering care the nation enjoyed a measure of prosperity unknown to any other nation on the globe. But searcely were the festivities of the occasion ended, when the melancholy intelligence was circulated, that Mr. Legare, the attorney general, and acting secretary of state, had suddenly deceased at his lodgings irvBoston. He had followed the president, to mingle in the 382 period xv.— 1841 to 1845. joys of the occasion ; but sickness fell upon him, and in a britf space he was numbered with the dead. He sustained the reputation of a man of rare endowments, of great acquisitions, and exalted character. 13. On the 8th of July, 1S43, the cabinet of the pres- ident was reorganized by the appointments of Abel P. Upshur, Secretary of State ; John C. Spencer, Secretary of the Treasury ; J. M. Porter, Secretary of War ; C. A. Wickcliffe, Postmaster General; and John Nelson, Attorney General. 14. On the 2d of March, a tragical event occurred on board of the United States steam ship Princeton, during her return from an excursion down the Potomac, by which several persons were killed, among whom were Mr. Upshur, the secretary of state, and Mr. Gilmer, secretary of the navy. Captain Stockton, the commander of the ship, had invited the presi- dent, secretaries, with their families, and several members of congress, to an excursion down the river. The day was fine ; the company large and brilliant, probably not less than four hundred of both sexes. Dur- ing the passage, one of the large guns on board, called the " Peace- maker," carrying a ball of 225 pounds, was fired several times, exhib- iting the great power and capacity of that formidable weapon of war. The ladies had partaken of a sumptuous repast ; the gentlemen had succeeded them at the table, and some of them had left it. The vessel was on her return up the river, opposite the fort, when Capt. Stockton consented to fire another shot from the same gun, around and near which, to observe its effect, many persons had gathered, though by no means so many as had witnessed the previous discharge. The gun was fired. The explosion was followed, before the smoke cleared away so as to observe its effect, by shrieks of woe, which an- nounced a dire calamity. The gun had burst three or four feet from the breech, and scattered death and desolation. Mr. Upshur, secretary of state, Mr. Gilmer, recently appointed secretary of the navy, Com- modore Kennon, one of its" gallant officers, Virgil Maxey, lately returned from a diplomatic residence at the Hague, Mr. Gardiner, of New York, formerly a member of the senate of that state, were among the slain. Beside these, seventeen seamen were wounded, several of them mortally. Others were stunned by the concussion, among whom were Capt. Stockton, Col. Benton, of the senate, Lieut. Hunt, of the Princeton, and W. D. Robinson, of Georgetown. Shortly after the above sad event, Mr. Upshur's place in the depart- ment of state was supplied by the appointment of John C. Calhoun, of South Carolina, and the vacancy occasioned by the death of Mr. Gilmer was filled by the appointment o"f John Y. Mason. % * 15. During the month of May, 1844, three conven- tions were held in the city of Baltimore, for the^ purpose tyler's administration. 383 of nominating candidates for the first two offices in the country, to be voted for in November, 1844. The first of these was a whig convention, convened May 1. Every state in the Union was represented. Henry Clay, of Kentucky, was unanimously recommended as the whig candidate for the office of president. Theodore Frelinghuysen, of New Jersey, was nominated for the office of vice-president. On the 27th of the same month, a democratic national convention assembled for a similar object. Previous to the meeting, it was gener- ally expected that Martin Van Buren would be the candidate ; but his popularity had diminished ; and hence, his opposers succeeded in se- lecting James K. Polk, of Tennessee. This was effected by requiring a majority of two-thirds of the delegates present, in iavor of the can- didate nominated. George M. Dallas, of Pennsylvania, was nominated for the vice- presidency. On the same day, in another part of the city, a third national conven- tion was held. This last nominated John Tyler, as a candidate for the presidency. But, towards the close of August, Mr. Tyler, finding him- self supported by but a few, and those few without political influence, withdrew his name from the list of candidates. 16. The twenty-eighth congress closed its first session on the 17th of June, and on the 2d of December follow- ing, again assembled, it being its second session. 17. On the 10th of January, 1845, an important treaty between the United States and the Chinese Empire was ratified by the senate, by a unanimous vote. This treaty was concluded by Caleb Gushing. United States commis- sioner to China, and Tsiyeng, the governor-general, on the part of the emperor Taow Kwang, at Hang-Hiya, on the 3d of July, 1844. By chis treaty, our relations with China were placed on a new footing, eminently favorable to the commerce and other interests of the United States. 18. On the 23d of January, a joint resolution for the annexation of Texas was adopted by the house of repre- sentatives, by a vote of 118 to 101. This was in accordance with the wish of the president, and agree- ably to his recommendation. The measure also met the approbation of the southern members generally. But, to others, this mode of admit- ting a territory appeared unconstitutional, and fraught with serious consequences to the country. It was represented to be an act of injus- tice to Mexico, and likely to involve the United States in hostilities with that government — besides greatly increasing the public debt of the country, and increasing the "area of slavery ;" but the measura found advocates sufficient to carry it. 19. On the 12th of February, the ceremony of opening 384 period xv.— 1841 to 1845. and counting the votes of the electors of president and vice-president of the United States took place, in the presence of both houses of congress. Tellers were appointed, as usual, who, having read and counted the votes, made duplicate lists thereof. These being delivered to the pres- ident of the senate, he made declaration of the result, viz. : That the whole number of votes given was 275 ; of which, James K. Polk, of Tennessee, had 170, and was duly elected president of the United States, for four years from the fourth day of March ensuing. Henry Clay, had 105 for the same office. The vote for vice-president stood, 170 for George M. Dallas, of Pennsylvania ; for Theodore Freling- huysen, of New Jersey, 105. 20. On the 4th of March, at half past two in the morning, the second session of the twenty-eighth con- gress was brought to a close ; and at the same time was terminated the presidential career of John Tyler, who soon retired to his farm in Virginia. UNITED STATES. PERIOD XVI. DISTINGUISHED FOR POLK S ADMINISTRATION. Extending from the Inauguration of President Polk, 1845, to the Inauguration of Zachary Taylor, as President of the United States, 1849. Sec. 1. On the 4th of March, 1845, James K. Polk was duly inaugurated as president of the United States. The ceremonies at the capitol, on the occasion, were witnessed by a large concourse of citizens, both from the vicinity and from a distance. As is usual, the president elect, on taking the oath of office, delivered an address, explanatory of his political sentiments, or those funda- mental principles by which he designed to administer the government during his presidential term. Among other things, he expressed himself opposed to a national bank. He was in favor of a tariff for revenue, and such as would afford incidental protection to our home manufactures, but opposed to a tariff for protection merely. He advocated the annexation of Texas. Our title to Oregon he thought clear and unquestionable, up to 54 degrees, 40 minutes. 2. Soon after his induction into office, the president proceeded to the formation of his cabinet. The new senate being in session, he nominated James Buchanan, of Pennsylvania, as Secretary of State ; Robert J. Walker, of Mississippi, Secretary of the Treasury ; William L. Marcy, of New York, Secretary of War ; George Ban- croft, of Massachusetts, Secretary of the Navy; Cave Johnson, of Tennessee, Postmaster General, and John Y« Mason, of Virginia, Attorney General. 33 386 period xvi.— 1845 to 1S47. 3. On the evening of the 8th of June, an event oc- curred, calculated to make a deep impression on the people of the United States. This was the death of General Jackson, who breathed his last, at his residence, at the Hermitage, Tennessee, in the seventy-ninth year of his age. The funeral solemnities took place on Tuesday, the 10th, the Rev. Dr. Edgar preaching a most impressive and eloquent discourse on the occasion. After the religious services were ended, the body was con- veyed to the vault prepared many years before for its reception. Several thousands of persons were present at the solemn ceremonies, which were closed by the discharge of three volleys over the grave. General Jackson was a soldier of dauntless courage, vigor and perse- verance, and an officer of skill and sagacity. That he was stern and severe, too stern and severe, his friends admit. That he loved his country, and wished her prosperity, is acknowledged ; but the measures which he sometimes pursued during his administration to secure that prosperity, are thought by some to have been both unwise and some- times unconstitutional, and to have failed in securing their object. It is said that he died a Christian. He expressed his belief in the Gospel, and rested his hopes of pardon and acceptance with God, on the merits of Jesus Christ. He took an affectionate leave of his family, expressing his hope that he should meet them in a better world. The news of his death was everywhere received with due sensibility, and its announcement followed by appropriate demonstrations of re- spect, in all parts of the United States. 4. The first session of the twenty-ninth congress commenced December 1, 1845. The Hon. John W. Davis, of Indiana, was elected speaker of the house of representatives. On the following day, the president transmitted his message to both houses of congress ; the principal topics of public interest embraced in, it, related to Texas — to our relations with Mexico — to Oregon — to the tariff — to the public lands, and to the sub-treasury. In regard to Texas, the president informed congress, that the terms of annexation, which were offered by the United States to that govern- ment, by the joint resolution of the last congress, had been accepted by Texas, and that nothing, therefore, remained to consummate that annexation, but the passage of an act by congress, to admit the state of Texas into the Union, upon an equal footing \ h the original states. The president next spoke of our relations with Mexico, " which," he observed, "have not since the last session, been of the most amicable character." On account of her refusal to receive Mr. Slidell, who had Deen appointed to proceed to Mexico, with reference to an adjustment polk's administration. 0:: ; ? t>f all difficulties between the two governments, and her otherwise belligerent conduct, he had ordered a strong squadron on her coast ; and the army, which had been sent to Texas, to defend her against any attack which might be made upon her, he had ordered to take a posi- tion between the Nueces and Del Norte. The question as to the title of the Oregon territory was still unset- tled. Three several attempts had been made, in the years 1818, 1824, and 1826; but the negotiations had failed to accomplish their object. In 1818, it was agreed between England and America, that the citizens of each country might settle the country, till it, and occupy it as they pleased, for ten years. In 1827, this joint occupation was extended for an indefinite period ; or until one of the parties should give the ether party one year's notice, in which case the agreement should terminate at the end of that time. This notice the president advised congress to make — adding that, " by so doing, at the expiration of a year, we shall have reached a period when our national rights in Oregon must eithei be abandoned, or firmly maintained." He also recommended an alteration of the tariff* of 1842, on the ground that it furnished so much protection to some branches of in- dustry, as to operate injuriously to portions of the country — particularly the south. He further recommended a revival of the sub-treasury law, which had been repealed at the extra session of congress, following the death of General Harrison. The president also proposed that the public lands should be reduced to one dollar per acre, and even lower in respect to such lands as had been long in market. Such were the views of the executive in regard to these great ques- tions of national policy. Great differences of opinion existed among the American people in relation to several of them. It was foreseen that the public discussion of them would intensely excite the nation, and great apprehensions were entertained lest hostilities should grow out of the question pending between the United States and Great Britain. A war with Mexico at even an earlier day had been predicted, and the message of the president was not calculated to allay anxiety respecting it. •5. In accordance with a recommendation of Mr. Polk, joint resolutions for the admission of Texas as a state into the Union, were introduced at an early day of the session, into the house of representatives. They were as follows : " Be it resolved by the senate and house of representatives of the United Stales of America, in congress assembled, That the state of Texas shall be' one, and is hereby declared to be one, of the United States of America, and admitted into the Union on an equal footing with the original states in all respects whatever. " Be it further enacted, That until the representatives in congress shall be apportioned, according to an actual enumeration of the inhab- itants of the United States, the state of Texas shall be entitled to ;hoose two representatives." 388 . period xvi.— 1845 to 1847. Four objections of great weight were urged against these resolutions: 1. That to enlarge the boundaries of our government, or the territory over which our Jaws are now established, would be to endanger the permanency of our institutions. 2. That the admission of Texas would extend and perpetuate slavery. 3. That it would lead to a collision with Mexico ; and 4th, that the process of admission was unconstitutional. The friends of annexation, however, deemed the measure wise, just, safe, and constitutional ; and the resolutions received the support of a large majority in both houses of congress. 6. In anticipation of further and still more serious difficulties with. Mexico, the president, some time during 1 the winter, directed General Taylor, commanding a body of troops in Texas, to pass the Nueces, and to concentrate his forces on the left bank of the Del Norte. For some months, the above troops had been encamped at Corpus Christi. This place they left on the 11th of March, 1846, and on the 28th of that month, arrived on the left bank of the Del Norte, opposite Matamoras. About the same time, a depot was established at Point Isabel, near the Brazos Santiago, thirty miles in the rear of the encamp- ment. These measures, adopted by the president, by which the American troops passed the Nueces, the houndary claimed by Mexico, were con- sidered by a large portion ol the people of the United States as impolitic, if not unjust ; and strongly tending to strengthen the misun- derstanding already existing between the two governments. At least, the territory thus occupied was a subject of dispute, and by many its occupation was deemed a belligerent act. It was naturally so considered by Ampudia, who was commanding the Mexican forces at Matamoras, and who notified the American gen- eral to break up his camp within twenty-four hours, and retire beyond the Nueces. On the 24th of April, General Arista superseded Ampudia in command, and forthwith communicated to General Taylor, that " he considered hostilities commenced, and should prosecute them." On the same day, a party of dragoons of sixty-three men and officers from the American camp, who had been despatched up the Del Norte to re- connoitre, were attacked by a body of Mexican troops. Sixteen were killed and wounded, and the remainder taken prisoners. 7. For a time following the occupation of the left bank of the Del Norte, the situation of the American army was exceedingly critical. Supplies of food were difficult to be obtained. Communication with Point Isabel was supposed to be interrupted. The Mexican forces were increasing. Thus situated, it became necessary to call for more troops, and to effect a communication with Point Isabel to obtain supplies. This latter object was polk's administration. 389 accomplished without meeting with any resistance ; and on the 7th of May, General Taylor, who had himself conducted the expedition to Point Isabel, commenced his return to the camp, opposite Matamoras. During the absence of General Taylor, the Mexicans made an attack upon the American works opposite Matamoras, garrisoned by 700 or 800 ; but the latter re/urned the fire with so much effect as to silence, in a short time, the Mexican batteries. The loss on the American side was but a single man. The Mexican loss was considerable. 8. On the 8th and 9th of May, occurred the battles of Palo Alto and Resaca de la Palma, in which the Amer- ican arms were signally triumphant. The object of the Mexicans was to intercept the American general, and, if practicable, %) prevent his return to his camp. With this in view, the former had been concentrated at Palo Alto, and here the two armies met in a battle, which, for five hours, raged in a manner the most terrible and destructive. The Mexican force exceeded 5000 men, with seven pieces of artillery and 800 cavalry. The American troops were 2300, with but two eighteen pounders and two light batteries. The loss of the Americans was comparatively trifling. Two brave officers were severely wounded, Major Ringgold and Captain Page, the former of whom soon after died. The loss of the Mexicans, according to the official report of General Arista, was, in killed, 93 ; wounded and miss- ing, 142. The American army encamped on the field. On the following day, General Taylor again moved with his forces towards his camp opposite Matamoras ; and, on reaching Resaca de la Palma, a few miles only from his destination, he again encountered the enemy, and a battle, shorter iii its continuance, but far more severe, ensued. The Americans were still more triumphant, capturing eight pieces of artillery, with a large quantity of ammunition ; three stand- ards, and several hundred prisoners, among whom was General La Vega. The loss of the Americans in this action exceeded that of the preceding day. According to the report of General Taylor, in both ac- tions there were 3 officers and 40 men killed, and 13 officers and 100 men wounded. General Arista reported as killed, officers and men, 154 ; wounded, 205 ; and missing, 156 : making a total of 515. 9. While affairs were thus progressing in the south between the two contending armies, an intense interest was kindling up in every part of the United States ; and while, with but few exceptions, the people regretted the occurrence of hostilities with Mexico, a general sympa- thy was felt for the American army, — (intelligence had not yet been received of the battles of the 8th and 9th of May,) — environed, as it was supposed to be, by a supe* rior force, and nearly destitute of supplies. 33* 390 period xvi.— 1S45 to 1847. Congress now forthwith authorized the president to accept th6 ser- vices of 50,000 volunteers ; at the same time, measures were adopted to increase the regular army several thousands. This provision for an increase of the effective force of the country, was immediately followed by a proclamation of the president, announc- ing the existence of war " by the act of the republic of Mexico •" and calling upon 1: the good people of the United States to exert themselves in preserving order and in maintaining the authority of the laws, and in supporting such measures as might be adopted for obtaining a speedy, a just, and an honorable peace." 10. The winter had been spent by congress in the discussion of topics of great national interest, of which the most prominent related to Oregon ; and particularly to the question arising out of the recommendation of the president in his annual message, whether the convention of August 6th, 1827, between the United States and Great Britain, in relation to the joint occupation of that territory, should be abrogated by giving to the latter government the year's notice required by said conven- tion. _ Since the formation of the government, no question, perhaps, excited greater interest, or elicited warmer discussion than this. By not a few it was apprehended that the practical effect of such notice would be a war between the two governments. The debate took a wide range, and several were the modes suggested, or the resolutions offered, ac- cording to the terms in which the notice should be given. But at length the following form of notice was adopted — (the preamble being omitted ) : " Resolved by the senate and house of representatives of the United States, in congress assembled, That the President of the United States be, and he is hereby, authorized, at his discretion, to give the British government the notice required by its said second article, for the abro- gation of the said convention of the 6th of August, 1827." It still remained to be known in what spirit this resolution would be received by her majesty's government ; but it was devoutly desired that it might lead to a final and harmonious settlement of all ques- tions pertaining to the territory of Oregon. And so it resulted, fortunately for the peace of the two powers immediately concerned, and to the peace of the continental powers of Europe. On the 28th of April, the president gave official notice to her majesty, Queen Victoria, that, "the convention of August 6th, 1827, would ter- minate at the end of twelve months from and after the delivery of these presents." Before the delivery of this notice, however, the subject of an ami- cable settlement of all questions relating to Oregon had occupied her majesty's government ; and, on the 18th of May, Mr. M'Lane, our minister, informed Mr. Buchanan that the British minister at Wash- polk's administration. 391 higton would soon receive instructions to submit a new and furthei proposition, on the part of the British government, for a partition of the territory in dispute. On the 10th of June, the president made a special and confidential communication to the senate, informing that body that such a proposal had been made, and requesting their advice as to the action, which, in their judgment, it was proper to take in reference to it. On the 12th of June, the senate advised the president to accept the proposal of the British government for a convention to settle bounda- ries, &c, between the United States and Great Britain, west of the Rocky Mountains. On the 16th of June, the president communicated a copy of such a convention, or treaty, which was approved by the senate. Thus was settled, on the limits of forty- nine degrees and the straits of Juan de Fuca, a question which had involved the two governments in discussions for a series of years and which, in its progress, was threatening the peace and amity of the two nations. 11. Several 'important bills were passed during the session, among which was a bill to protect the rights of citizens of the United States residing in Oregon ; a bill for the establishment of a Smithsonian Institute, for the increase and diffusion of knowledge among men, from funds, to the amount of about half a million dollars, which fell to the United States in 1835, left them for that purpose, by James Smithson, Esq., a generous and philanthropic Englishman, who died in England in 1826 ; a bill reestablishing the sub-treasury ; a ware- housing bill ; a bill for the improvement of certain rivers and harbors within the United States ; and a bill to indemnify citizens of the United States for French spo- liations. The indemnity thus provided for French spoliations was only an act of justice, and of justice long deferred. They occurred during the reign of Napoleon, and prior to 1S00. The manner in which the United States became responsible for these spoliations to American citizens may be learned from Period xiii., Sections 8, 14, 16. The two last named bills, to the great regret of persons interested therein, as well as many others, who desired to see the interests of navigation advanced and protected, and that numerous class of citizens indemnified for losses which they had years since sustained by reason of French depredations, and which, according to agreement, the govern- ment of the United States were solemnly bound to pay, were vetoed by President Polk. Loud complaints were uttered against the president for his course pursued in relation to these bills, which had been dis* cussed with signal ability, and had received the decided sanction of both houses of congress. 392 period xvi.— 1845 to 1847. Towards the close of the session, a hill for the alteration of the tariff of 1842 passed the house by a majority of nineteen votes ; in the senate it was carried only by the casting vote of the vice-president. The tariff of 1S42 was designed, while it furnished revenues for the government, to protect certain branches of manufactures, which needed protection ; hence, a larger duty was laid on some than on others, and this has been the policy of the government from the beginning. Duties have been discriminating and specific, — i. e., varying according to the necessity of protection, — and laid on the article without rigid regard to value. By the tariff of 1S46, this system of protection was aban- doned, and an ad valorem duty, or a duty according to the value of the article, substituted. To this alteration the democratic party was pledged, and their pledge was now redeemed ; but by those who were satisfied with the tariff of IS42, the alterations proposed by this bill were strongly condemned. They predicted as a consequence, and one which could not be avoided, the ruin of some branches of manu- factures. 12. On the 10th of August, 1846, at noon, congress brought its long and stirring session to a close. It had lasted 253 days, or more than two thirds of a year. During few previous sessions had more important sub- jects come under debate. It was considered an occasion of just congratulation that our difficulties with Great Britain had been amicably adjusted; but matter of se- rious regret that war should be continued with Mexico. 13. During the summer of 1846, the United States squadron in the Pacific, under Commodores Sloat and Stockton, were employed in the subjugation of Cali- fornia ; and on the 22d of August, the flag of the United States was flying at every commanding position within that territory. Commodore Sloat entered the harbor of Monterey on the 2d of July, and on the 7th demanded a surrender of the place. This being refused, an adequate force from the squadron was landed, and, without blood- shed, took possession of it. On the 9th, Francisco, in like manner, was taken by Commander Montgomery. These events were soon after followed by the occupation of the capital itself, Ciudad de los Angelos, following which, Commodore Stockton issued his proclamation, consti- tuting a new government, appointing its officers, and declaring himself governor of the territory, by authority of the president of the United States. 14. The operations of the "home squadron" were confined to the capture of several maritime towns in the Gulf of Mexico — the most important of which were Tobasco and Tampico. folk's administration. 393 Two attempts were made by Commodore Conner upon Alvarado, on the south of the Gulf; but owing to the rapidity of the current, both failed. In October, Tobasco fell into the hands of Commodore Perry, and the capture of this was followed, November 12, by the surrender to Commodore Conner, without resistance, of the still more important town of Tampico. 15. The military operations were conducted by Gen- erals Kearney, Wool, and Taylor, who, commanding' distinct portions of the American army, separately took possession of New Mexico, Chihuahua, and New Leon. On the 30th of June, General Kearney, with 1600 men, moved from Fort Leavenworth upon Santa Fe, the capital of New Mexico, which he took on the 13th of August — the Mexican forces, 4000 strong, retiring with their governor, Arm i jo, without attempting resistance. The American general proceeded to establish a provisional government, pro- claiming himself governor, and appointing several civil officers to act under his authority. The operations of General Wool were in the provinces of Chihuahua and Coahuila. General Taylor having taken Matamoras, with several other places in that vicinity, his next object was the capture of Monterey, the capi- tal of New Leon. On reaching that city, on the 19th of September, it was found to be strongly fortified. A large work had been constructed, commanding all the northern approaches, added to which, the bishop's palace and some heights in its vicinity, near the Saltillo road, had been fortified, and been occupied with troops and artillery. Believing it practicable, how- ever, to throw a column on to the Saltillo road, and thus turn the posi- tion of the enemy, General Worth was directed, with his division, to make the attempt. On the afternoon of the 20th, he succeeded in occu- pying a defensive position, just without range of a battery above the bishop's palace. Early on the morning of the 21st, he gained a position on the Saltillo road — thus cutting off" the enemy's line of communica- tion. From this position, the two heights south of the Saltillo road were carried in succession, and the gun taken in one of them was turned upon the bishop's palace. On the 22d, the heights above the palace were taken ; soon after which the palace itself surrendered. During the night of the 22d, the enemy evacuated nearly all his defences in the lower part of the city. On the morning of the 23d, the America?! troops advanced from house to house, and from square to square, until they reached a street but one square in rear of the princi- pal plaza, in and near which the enemy's force was mainly concen- trated. Early on the 24th, the Mexican general, Ampudia, proposed to evac- uate the town : a suspension of hostilities was arranged till 12 o'clock, during which, at the request of Ampudia, General Taylor had an inter- view with him, which resulted in a capitulation of the place, the Mex- ican forces having leave to retire. These forces consisted, besides forty-two pieces of mounted cannon, of 7000 troops of the line, and 2000 irregulars. The American force was 425 officers, and 6220 men. 394 period xvi.— 1S45 to 1847. Their artillery was small hut efficient. Their loss was estimated a. 103 killed ; 31 officers, and 337 wounded. The loss of the Mexicans was still more considerable. An armistice of eight weeks was allowed by General Taylor, subject to be revoked by either government. On receiving intelligence of this armistice and its conditions, the American government directed its immediate termination. The Mexican army was permitted to retire, and marched out with the honors of war. The capture of Monterey was considered a bold and daring achieve- ment, and added to the already acquired honors of the hero of Palo Alto and Resaca de la Palma. 16. The 2d session of the twenty-ninth congress was opened in due form, on the 7th of December, 1846; soon after which, President Polk communicated his annual mes- sage, which was chiefly devoted to a justification of the Mexican war, and of the part which he had acted in relation to it. " The wrongs which we have suffered from Mexico," said the presi- dent, " ever since she became an independent power, and the patient endurance with which we have borne them, are without a parallel in the history of modern civilized nations." These wrongs, according to the message, consisted of seizures and confiscations of merchant ves- sels ; insults to our national flag; neglect to fulfil promises and stipu- lations solemnly made and often repeated ; rejection of an accredited minister, &c. &c. To the charge of injuries and insults to the United States, thus solemnly made, no one could reasonably object, — it was all true ; but that these presented a just cause of war was not so clear in the view of many even of the friends of the administration ; while its opposers were firm in the conviction that such a terrible resort for redress was both needless and unjust. Mexico was guilty of wrong, but it was her tyrannical and factious rulers who had perpetrated that wrong, and not her uninfluential and oppressed citizens. It was further urged that if cause of war did exist, it belonged to congress " to decide upon the time, the mode, and the measure of redress " to be had from Mexico ; while the whole duty of the president would have been ful- filled in laying the subject before that body, and recommending the measure, if he deemed such measure expedient. At an earlier day, the president had directed the officers of the blockading squadron on the coast of Mexico not to obstruct the return of Santa Anna to Mexico from Havana, should he attempt to do so. This chieftain, it is well known, had been banished from Mexico, but was now, it was supposed, on the eve of his return, once more to take part in her distracted affairs. Believing Santa Anna to be favorable to a peace between the United States and Mexico, the president gave the above order ; and for so doing, by many he was severely censured, as he did not and could not know with certainty the dispositions of that artful and changeful man ; but still more was he censured for thus giving publicity to his object, thereby rendering it necessary for Santa Anna, in order to convince his countrymen of his patriotism, to act ia entire contrariety to the expectation of the president. polk's administration. 395 17. The principal acts of Congress, of a public na- ture, during its session, naturally had reference to the war with Mexico, and to the adoption of such measures, regarding men and money, as were deemed necessary to its successful prosecution. The army was ordered to be increased by the enlistment of ten additional regiments, with an appropriate number of officers, general and subordinate ; the naval power and operations were to be enlarged, and still more diversified ; munitions of war and supplies for the army were liberally voted ; treasury notes, and a loan to the amount of twenty-eight millions, were allowed to be issued and negotiated. An act was also passed for the admission of Iowa as a state into the union. Joint resolutions of thanks were also passed to General Taylor, and the officers and soldiers under his command, for their bold and heroic conduct in storming the city of Monterey. 18. But the most exciting subject of the session had relation to an appropriation of three millions of dollars, recommended by the president to be employed by him in such manner as he pleased, in securing a peace with Mexico. To such an appropriation it was strenuously objected, that it was contrary to the constitution, inasmuch as that authorized appropriations orJy for specific objects ; beside that it was inexpedient, and bad as a precedent, to intrust so larg'e a sum to a president of the United States, without knowing in what manner he would use it. On the other hand, it was urged that such a sum might be of great importance in securing a peace — in hastening that desired object, and in the acquisition of certain portions of the Mexican territory important to the interests of the United States. To this resolution an amendment was offered by a member of the house, by the name of Wilmot, and hence called the " Wilmot Pro- viso," which excluded slavery from all territory which might be ac- quired by the United States from Mexico, either by conquest or treaty. The subject of this appropriation and proviso gave birth to long and exciting debate in both houses of congress — the members from the slave- holding states advocating the appropriation, but opposing the proviso ; while members from the non-slaveholding states insisting that if the one was adopted the other should accompany it. On taking the vote in the house, both the appropriation and the proviso were adopted. By the senate the proviso was rejected; and the resolution, on being returned to the house thus amended, a number of members from the non-slaveholding states were influenced to change their former votes sufficient to carry it shorn of the proviso. Such an issue was most unexpected to the friends of freedom throughout the United States. It remained, however, still to be determined, on the final set- tlement of our difficulties with Mexico, whether any of her territory shall come under the sway of our republican institutions; and if so. whether it shall be free from, or incumbered with, the institution ot slavery. 396 period xvi.— 1845 to 1849. 19. The capture of Monterey having been effected, several months were spent in the occupation of Victoria, the capital of Tamaulipas, Saltillo, the capital of Coa- huila, and neighboring places. On the 31st of January, 1847, General Taylor, with less than 5000 troops, (the main portion of his army having been ordered to join General Scott,) proceeded 65 miles, from Monterey to Sal- tillo, now garrisoned by General Worth; reaching which, he advanced to Buena Vista, 11 miles beyond. Here, on the 23d of February, occurred the famous battle of that name, in which General Santa Anna, at the head of more than 20,000 troops, was signally defeated. On reaching Saltillo, February 2, General Taylor proceeded 20 miles further, taking a position at Agua Nueva. But as the camp at this place was deemed. insecure, he fell back upon Buena Vista. At this latter place, the enemy appeared on the morning of the 22d. To a haughty demand from Santa Anna to General Taylor, to surren- der, the latter returned a characteristic refusal. At sunrise the follow- ing day, the armies became engaged in a warm and sanguinary con- test ; nor did it cease but with the close of the day. Both armies rested on the field. Before morning, the Mexicans withdrew, leaving behind 300 killed; the wounded amounted to 1500. Few victories, whether in ancient or modern times, -have been more complete. The loss of the Americans, in officers, was severe — 28 being killed, among whom may be mentioned as conspicuous, not only for their grade, but for their skill and bravery, Capt. George Lincoln, Acting Assistant Adj. Gen., Cols. Hardin, McKee, and Yell, and. Lieut. Col. Clay; the last a son of the distinguished American statesman of that name. The victory of Buena Vista secured to the Americans the quiet possession of the northern provinces of Mexico proper ; consequently, active operations in this quarter ceased ; and some months after, Gen- eral Taylor, leaving General Wool in command at Monterey, returned to the United States, to receive the admiration and honor to which he was justly entitled. 20. During the month following the battle of Buena Vista, the Americans, under General Scott, achieved a signal victory over the Mexicans, (March 26th-29th,) in the capture of Vera Cruz, their principal sea-port in the Gulf of Mexico, and the Castle of San Juan d'Ulloa, situated on an island in the vicinity of the city The American force employed in this memorable siege, amounted to 13,000 men, many of whom were taken from the army of General folk's administration. 397 Taylor, as noticed above, which will serve to explain the reason of the small number which the latter had at the battle of Buena Vista. The rendezvous of the invading army was the island of Lesbos, 125 miles from Vera Cruz. From this point they were conveyed by a squadron under Commodore Connor. The landing was effected on the 2d of March, and the city invested on the 13th. The garrison refusing to surrender, a tremendous bombardment of the city was commenced, on the night of the ISth, with seven mortars in battery, which soon after was increased to ten. About the same time two steamers and five schooners opened abrisk fire, which continued, with intermissions, up to 9 o'clock on the following morning. On the 23d, at daylight, a naval battery of three 32-pounders, and three eight-inch Paixhanguns, — which the previous day had been transported from the ships, with incredible difficulty, a distance of three miles, and over a sandy and difficult route, to a commanding height within 700 yards of the city, — was prepared to open its terrible fire on the unsuspecting place. The destruction caused by these guns was fearfully great. Early on the morning of the 26th — the work of destruction having been completed — the governor offered to surrender. By the terms of capitulation the garrison were to be considered prisoners of war, and all the materiel of war, and all public property, were to belong to the United States. The 4000 troops belonging to the Mexican army were dismissed upon their parole of honor. Not less than 6700 shot and shells were thrown by the American batteries — weighing, in the ag- gregate, more than 400,000 pounds. " No power of language," says a writer, " can portray the sufferings, agony, despair, and helpless misery, which the inhabitants of Vera Cruz endured for five days and nights previous to the cessation of hostilities." The number of killed and wounded can never be ascertained. 21. The reduction of Vera Cruz, and its adjoining fortress, was followed, on the ISth of April, by an en- gagement between American troops under General Scott, and Mexican forces under General Santa Anna, at a mountain pass called Cerro Gordo, on the road to Jalapa, 60 miles from. Vera Cruz. The heights or cliffs near this pass had been so strongly fortified by Santa Anna, that a front attack of them was exceedingly hazardous, if not impossible. Fortunately, the American general was able, by means of a third road, to turn the enemy's position on the left flank, and thus secure one of his fortifications. This was successfully em- ployed against that which adjoined, ancfto one height after another was taken, until the whole were in possession of the Americans ; and the Mexicans, to the number of 3000, were made prisoners. Besides these, five generals were added to the American triumph. As for Santa Anna, he effected his escape on a mule taken from his carriage, which latter was left behind. In or near it was found his cork leg, he having had his limb shot off in a battle some years before. 34 398 period xvi. — 1845 to 1849. 22. The battle of Cerro Gordo was soon followed by the occupation of Jalapa, Perote, and Puebla, at which last place the army rested for some time and recruited. Jalapa was surrendered to the Americans without resistance ; and from Perote, distant from Jalapa some 50 miles, the Mexican troops were withdrawn. The castle or fortress of Perote was considered one of the strongest in Mexico. Large quantities of military stores and munitions of war were found within its walls. Next, an advance was made upon Puehla, a walled and fortified city of some 50 or 80,000 inhabitants. A spirited opposition was here anticipated, but the effort of Santa Anna, with a body of lancers, was feeble and ineffectual. In this city General Scott established his head quarters, where, for some time, he rested his army, while Santa Anna proceeded toward the capital. 23. General Scott having- at leno-th received a small reinforcement, broke up his camp at Puebla, and, on the 7th of August, commenced his march toward the me- tropolis ; in his progress thither, occurred, on the 20th of August, the celebrated battle of Contreras, in which the Americans were decidedly victorious. The Amer- ican force which marched from Puebla was 10,728, while 3000 were left in hospital, and as a garrison under Colonel Childs. On the third day after leaving Puebla, the army reached the summit of the Cordilleras, when the grand valley of- Mexico burst upon their gaze in all its glory. Lakes, plains, cities, and cloud-capped moun- tains spreading around and beneath, rendered the prospect enchanting. " Far to the left was descried the giant peak of Popocatapetl ; before them lay the Lake Tezcuco ; and beyond, the domes and towers of the Montezumas." On the 1 lth, the advance, under command of General Twiggs, reached Ayotla, north of Lake Chalco, fifteen miles from the capital. Between this and the city, by the Vera Cruz road, was a strong fortification, called El Penon, eight miles from Mexico, and which was deemed im- pregnable. Taking advantage of a concealed road, this fortification was avoided, and the army at length encamped at St. Augustine, on the Acapulco road. Between this point and the city was the for- tress of Antonia, and a mile and a half further north, the strongly for- tified hill of Churubusco. In the neighborhood of the encampment was Contreras, which was occupied by General Valencia with 6000 Mexican troops, and defended by 22 heavy guns. A little past mid- night, on the morning of the 20th, a portion of the American army, 4,500, engaged the Mexican force. In 17 minutes the camp of the latter was carried, and 83 Mexican officers and 3000 men were made prisoners. 33 pieces of artillery were captured, and 700 of the enemy were killed. polk's administration. 399 Of the pieces of artillery captured, two were brass six-pounders which had been taken by the Mexicans at the battle of Buena Vista. They were received by the victors of Contreras with shouts of joy, in which the commander-in-chief most heartily participated. 24. The victory of Contreras was followed the same day by other brilliant achievements, viz., the forcing of San Antonia, the battle of Churubusco, the capture of the enemy's citadel, and another victory achieved by General Shields, in the rear of Churubusco. We cannot attempt a particular description of these several engage- ments. Suffice it to say, that the forcing of San Antonia was accom- plished chiefly by General Worth's division. Next followed the attack on Churubusco — a hamlet bearing ibis name, which, with a convent, had been strongly fortified. Within supporting distance of these works were the whole of the remaining forces of Mexico, some 27,000 men. All these defences were succes- sively carried, notwithstanding that the Mexicans fought with a bravery and determination proportioned to the magnitude of their cause. In these several battles, 32,000 Mexicans had been engaged and defeated. 3000 prisoners, including eight generals, had been taken, and 205 other officers. 4000 of all ranks had been killed or wounded, and 37 field- Eieces had been captured. The loss of the Americans was 1053 in illed and wounded. Of the killed, sixteen were officers, and of the wounded sixty. 25. The victories thus achieved presented an easy access to the capital, which might have been occupied the same evening ; but at this point .General Scott decided to halt his army, for the purpose of allowing Mr. Trist, a Commissioner from the United States, to effect, if possible, an adjustment of difficulties with the Mexican government; and, with this object in view, an armistice was proposed and agreed upon. Some time previously, the president of the United States deputed Nicholas P. Trist, Esq., to proceed to Mexico to effect a treaty with that government. The present was deemed a fit moment to accomplish that object, ere the victors entered the city. Accordingly, the com- mander-in-chief decided to pause and await the action of the Mexican counsellors. On the 24th of August an armistice was agreed upon. This was followed by consultations between Mr.' Trist and Mexican Commissioners, in relation to terms of peace. 26. The armistice having, however, been repeatedly violated by the Mexicans, and the negotiations having 400 period xvi. — 1S45 to 1849. failed, General Scott entered anew upon a spirited pros- ecution of the war ; and the first important event which occurred was the battle of Molino del Key, or the King's Mill. Molino del Rey was within a little more than a mile of Tacubaya, the head-quarters of General Scott. The battle occurred on the 8th September. In this action, Santa Anna commanded in person. It continued two hours, and was attended with great loss on both sides, but resulted in the triumph of the American arms. 27. One further object only remained to be secured, in order to an easy access to the capital — the reduction of the fortress of Chapultepec, the bombardment of which was commenced on the morning of the 12th of Septem- ber, and which capitulated the following day. Chapultepec is a natural and isolated mound, or hill, of great ele- vation, and was strongly fortified at its base and on its acclivities and heights. Here was now the military school of Mexico. On the night of the 11th of September, General Scott erected four heavy batteries, bearing on the fortress. On the morning of the 12th the bombardment was commenced, and continued on the 13th. The Mexicans resisted, with stubborn obstinacy, and yielded at length only from dire necessity. The officer who had the honor of striking the Mexican flag from the walls, and planting the American standard was Major, afterwards Colonel Seymour, of the New England Regiment, soon after he had succeeded the gallant Colonel Ransom, who fell while leading his troops up the heights of Chapultepec. Thus the fate of this fortress was sealed, and access to the city opened to the American army. 28. On the day following the fall of Chapultepec, Sep- tember 14th, the American army realized the object of their long and eventful march — the occupation of the capital of the Mexican empire. At four o'clock on the morning of the 14th, a deputation from the city council waited upon General Scott, demanding terms of capitu- lation in favor of the church, the citizens, and the municipal authority. These demands were promptly met -and denied. Generals Worth and Quitman were directed to move forward — the one to the Alameda, and the other to the Grand Plaza, where were now reared, above the Na- tional Palace of Mexico, the stars and stripes of the American Republic*. Soon after, the commander-in-chief made his grand entrance, with a suitable escort of cavalry. He was welcomed on the Plaza by the victorious army, and here, with his companions in arms, took formal possession of the now conquered city of the Aztecs. On the 16th, the polk's administration. 401 army was directed to offer public and private thanks to God for victory. On the 19th, martial law was proclaimed, in consequence of disturb- ances occasioned by 2000 convicts liberated by the flying government the night before. 29. Before the entrance of the American forces into the city, Santa Anna retired. Gathering a small force, he proceeded to the neighborhood of Puebla, then under command of Colonel Childs, which he invested, and attempted to retake ; but in this attempt, as in his other enterprises, he signally failed. The city of Puebla had been placed in command of Colonel Childs, as already noticed, on the march of the American army towards Mex- ico, with a force of 400 men ; while the hospitals at that place were filled with 1800 sick. On the night of the 22d, Santa Anna laid siege to the place, which he continued for 30 days and 30 nights. During this time, the troops and the sick endured almost, every possible degree of suffering. At length, however, assistance came to their relief. Gen. Lane, with 3000 recruits, reached Puebla on the 13th of October, at 1 o'clock ; immediately upon which, he entered the city, and forced the enemy to retire. 30. Following the capture of Mexico, two other engage- ments took place between the American and Mexican forces — the one at Huamantla, on the 9th of October, and the other at Atlixco, on the 18th, in both of which the Americans were the victors. In both these actions General Lane commanded the American troops. The Mexicans were led by Santa Anna, in person. In the battle of Huamantla the gallant Captain Samuel H. Walker, of the American mounted riflemen, fell, mortally wounded. The Mexican Colonel, La Vega and Major Iturbide, son of the former chief of the republic, were taken prisoners. The battle of Atlixco was fought ten leagues from Perote. During this action, but one American was killed, and one wounded. The Mexican loss was 219 killed, and 300 wounded. From this time, Santa Anna was abandoned by his troops, and soon resigned his offices. 31. The occupation of the city of Mexico by the American army, may be considered as essentially ter- minating the war. To the Mexicans, this event was as humiliating as it was unexpected.' It crushed their hopes and paralyzed their efforts; leaving to them no 34^ 402 period xvi. — 1845 to 1849. rational prospect of longer successfully continuing the struggle. 32. On the 2d of February, 1848, a treaty was signed by Mr. Trist and Mexican Commissioners, at Guada- lupe Hidalgo. Twenty days afterwards, the treaty was adopted, with alterations, by the President of the United States, and Senate. Antecedently to the signing of this treaty by Mr. Trist and the Mexi- can Commissioners, the powers of the former had been revoked by the American executive. Notwithstanding this revocation, and his recall, Mr. Trist presumed to act in the existing emergency, and had the ap- probation of General Scott. As the treaty had undergone important modifications by the American government, President Polk appointed Mr. Sevier, of the Senate, and Mr. Clifford, Attorney General, to proceed to Q,ueretaro, the seat of the Mexican Congress, to explain the modifi- cations made, and to procure the ratification, in which they were successful. 33. The ratified treaty was announced to the Ameri- can people by the President's proclamation, bearing date July 4th ; thus coinciding with that of the declaration of American Independence. The most important stipulations of this treaty were the following. 1st. That the American armies should evacuate Mexico within,- three months. 2d. That for territory gained, the American government should pay to Mexico three millions of dollars, in hand, and twelve millions in four annual instalments, besides assuming her debts to American citizens to the amount of three millions and a half more. 3d. That the limits, as relate to Mexico, should begin at the month of the Rio Grande, thence to proceed along the deepest channel of that river, to the southern boundary of New Mexico ; thence th^y should follow the river Gila to the river Colorado ; thence straight to the Pacific, at a point ten mile? south of San Diego. 34. On the 23d of February, 1848, John Quincy Adams, a former president of the United States, greatly distinguished for his learning, philanthropy, and patri- otism, expired at Washington, at the advanced age of 81 years, while attending to his duties in the national legis- lature, of which he was a member. Mr. Adams was suddenly struck by a fatal paralysis during the debates in the house of representatives. He was removed to the speaker's room, where, on the 23d, he expired, uttering, shortly before pole's administrations 403 his death, in the presence of relatives and several congressional asso- ciates, the brief but impressive sentence, " This is the last of earth." He had long been characterized as " the old man eloquent." For more than sixty years he had been employed in the service of his country ; and in the various important stations which he had filled, whether at home or abroad, he had honored himself and honored his country. 35. The territory of Wisconsin was admitted into the American Union as a State, on the 29th of May, 1848. Wisconsin was so named from the river of the same name, when a territorial government was formed, in 1836. 36. The territories of New Mexico and Upper Califor- nia, acquired by conquest, during the war with Mexico, are said to contain two millions of square miles. By many they were considered, at the time of the conquest, as of comparatively little value to the United States, except- ing the Bay of San Francisco on the Pacific, as a harbor for our ships. Since their acquisition, however, Cali- fornia has become an object of great interest and attrac- tion, from its mineral wealth, especially its gold. Nearly the whole civilized world were astonished' by its reported golden treasures, and thousands upon thousands set forth for this western El Dorado. New, or Upper, California was discovered by Sir Francis Drake, in 1579, at which time he took possession of the country in the name of Elizabeth, the then reigning sovereign of England, calling it New Albion. The right of the English to the country, however, was lost, as they. neglected to colonize it. At an earlier period, 1536, Cortes, under Spanish authority, had discovered Old California. About 1603, Sebastian Viscaino discovered and took possession of the harbors of Diego and Monterey. The first permanent settlement was commenced in 1769, about 80 years since, by a colony of priests, of the Franciscan order. Subsequently, other places, as Ciudad de los Angeles, and St. Francisco, were settled. Up to 1840, neither of these places had a thousand inhabitants. When Mexico became a federal republic, California was erected into a territorial government ; at the breaking out of the war between the United States and Mexico, Senor de Castro was the military governor, and Los Angeles, containing 1500 inhabitants, was its capital. At this time a few American emigrants had penetrated as far as the rich valley of the Sacramento, where they were found by Colonel Fre- mont, during his exploration of that country. California is separated into two divisions by a range of mountains called the Sierra Nevada, or snowy ridge, which stretches along the coast at the general distance of 150 *niles from it. East of this range, and between the Sierra and the Rocky Mountains, is the great 404 period xvi. — 1845 to 1849. Basin of California, in which lies the territory of Deseret, settled by the Mormons after they were driven from Nauvoo, and who are quite numerous and prosperous. To the west of this range are the valleys of San Joaquin and the Sacramento, which are watered by the rivers of the same name. They rise at opposite ends of these valleys ; and, at length meeting, enter the bay of St. Francisco together. The greatest point of interest in this "newly acquired territory, is the val- ley of Sacramento, which is distinguished for its gold deposits, or "placers," as they are called. The first discovery of these deposits was made in February, 1848, while the treaty with Mexico was yet pending. It was accidental, upon the land of a Captain Sutter. Such a discovery could not long be concealed ; the news spread from country to country, exciting the most intense interest, and kindling in the bosoms of thousands an irrepressible desire to secure a portion of these reported treasures. It is impossible, perhaps, at present, to state with accuracy the number of vessels which have been freighted with emigrants and stores for this western El Dorado. Francisco has become a populous and important place. Millions of gold have already been gathered. New deposits are almost daily discovered, and in widely separated localities. Notwithstanding that thousands have already died, thousands are continually nocking to the country, and are helping to swell the population, which, according to the best esti- mates, exceeds one hundred thousand souls. 37. On the 7th of Novemher, according to the requi- sitions of the act of Congress of January 23d, 1845, all the states of the Union voted, for the first time, on the same day, for electors of President and Vice-President. On the 6th of December following, the electors in the several states met at their respective capitals, and voted for President and Vice-President. Their votes were counted in the presence of both houses of Congress, on the 25th of January, when it appeared that Zachary Taylor, of Louisiana, and Millard Filmore, of N. York, were elected to these important offices, for four years, from March 4th, 1849. The opposing candidates were, Louis Cass, of Michigan, and William O. Butler, of Kentucky. The whole number of electoral votes was 290, of which General Taylor and Mr. Filmore had each 163. General Cass and Mr. Butler had each 127. 38. The second session of the 30th congress ended on March 3d, 1849. The principal acts of the session were the erection of Minesota into a territory ; the creation of a new department, called the " Home De- partment," designed to relieve the state and treasury departments ; and the extension of the revenue laws over Upper California. UNITED STATES PERIOD XVII. DISTINGUISHED FOR TAYLOR'S ADMINISTRATION. Commencing with the Inauguration of President Taylor, in 1S49, and embracing the most important events to the year 1850. Sec. 1. The 4th of March falling on the Sabbath, the Inauguration of General Taylor took place on the 5th, with the usual imposing ceremonies. It was an occasion of great rejoicing, when the hero of Buena Vista stood on that spot, on the eastern portico of the national capitol, where had stood Jefferson, Madison and others, and, baring his head, took the prescribed oath to support the constitution, which was adminis- tered to him by Chief Justice Taney. The inaugural address of General Taylor, like all his official commu- nications to government while in the field, was brief — shorter than any similar address by any other president, except Mr. Madison. To a majority of the people it proved quite satisfactory, and in England was pronounced an eloquent production. Previous to his election General Taylor had declined all pledges, excepting the assurance to the nation that he would never be the president of a party, but, if elected, would endeavor to bring back the government to the spirit of the constitution, as understood and administered by Washington. Other pledges than this he now declined, standing as he did before God and the nation ; but this pledge he was ready to renew. " In the discharge of these duties," said he, " my guide will be the constitu- tion, which I this day swear to preserve, protect, and defend." 2. On the following day the President proceeded to the formation of his cabinet, which was constituted as follows: — John M. Clayton, Delaware, Secretary of State ; William M. Meredith, Pennsylvania, Secretary of the Treasury; Thomas Ewing, Ohio, Secretary of the Home Department ; George W. Crawford, Georgia, Secretary of War ; William B. Preston, Virginia, Secre- 406 • PERIOD XVII. tary of the Navy ; Jacob Collamer, Vermont, Postmaster- general ; Reverdy Johnson, Maryland, Attorney General. 3. On the 15th of June, 1849, Ex-President Polk died, at his residence, Nashville, Tennessee, aged 54. Mr. Polk was a native of Mecklenburgh County, N. C, where he was horn on the 2d of November, 1795. His father was an enterpris- ing farmer. His career at the university is said to have been dis- tinguished. At the early age of thirty he became a member of Congress. " He was a warm supporter of Mr. Jefferson, and, through life, a firm and undeviating democrat." For a time he presided over Congress as its speaker ; subsequently he served as governor of Tennes- see for two years. In 1845 he was elevated to the presidency. His administration was signalized by many important events. Yet, it cannot be said to have been popular, even with the party to which he owed his elevation. Towards the close of his term, few, if any, seriously advocated his reelection. He was cut off, as it were, in the midst of his days ; and when, at the close of an administration replete with toil and anxiety, he was naturally looking forward to the enjoyment of repose among his friends and in the bosom of his family. 4. During the year 1849, the United States were again visited by the cholera, which was most violent in the valley of the Mississippi, but which had nearly ceased its ravages before 1850. In the course of this year also the temperance cause received a great stimulus by the arrival here of an Irish Roman Catholic priest, called Father Mathew, who, after having given the abstinence pledge to over three million persons in his own country, visited the United States, and is said to have administered it, between the time of his arrival and the year 1850, to at least 175.000 persons in this country. In the year 1849, President Taylor promptly and effectually, by means of a naval force of the government, dispersed a multitude of per- sons collected at an island in the Gulf of Mexico, with the design to invade Cuba, belonging to Spain, with whom we were at peace. During the same year, there commenced among the Canadians them- selves, the agitation of the peaceable secession from their mother coun- try, and either the admission to our Union, or the establishment of a separate government. 5. Upon the assembling of Congress for the session 1849 — 50, the message of President Taylor adverted to various measures for the good of the country ; and he referred particularly to matters of great national interest, a ship canal from the Atlantic to the Pacific Ocean, and a railroad across the Isthmus of Panama. He expressed his approval of these measures, and recommended that Taylor's administration. 407 the use of these routes be guarantied to all nations, that the works might be a " bond of peace" between them. He recommended also the examination of lines of com- munication, within the territory of the United States, from the navigable waters of the Atlantic or the Gulf of Mexico to the Pacific Ocean. President Taylor ended his message with an appeal to the patriotism of the people and their love for the Union, in the following language : — " Our government can only be preserved in its purity by the suppres- sion and the entire elimination of every claim or tendency of one co- ordinate branch to encroachment upon another. With the strict observ- ance of this rule and the other injunctions of the Constitution ; with a sedulous inculcation of that respect and love for the union of the States, which our fathers cherished and enjoined upon their children, and with the aid of that overruling Providence which lias so long and so kindly guarded our liberties and institutions, we may reasonably expect to transmit them, with their innumerable blessings, to the remotest posterity. " But attachment to the union of the States should be habitually fos- tered iu every American heart. For more than half a century, during which kingdoms and empires have fallen, this Union has stood un- shaken. The patriots who formed it have long since descended to the grave ; yet still it remains, the proudest monument to their memory, and the object of affection and admiration with every one worthy to bear the American name. "In my judgment, its dissolution would be the greatest of calami- ties, and to avert that should be the study of every American. Upon its preservation must depend our own happiness and that of countless generations to come. Whatever dangers may threaten it, I shall stand by it and maintain it in its integrity, to the full extent of the obliga- tions imposed, and the power conferred upon me by the Constitution." 6. In the session of 184.9 — 50, the most intense inter- est was excited among the members of Congress and the people of the country, by the discussions, in the Senate and House of Representatives, of the slavery question, and in regard to the admission of California into the Union, as a state, and the organization of the Territories, formed out of the tract of country ceded to us by Mexico. One party claimed that slavery should be forbidden in the new states and territories, and the other that no such clause should be introduced in regard to them. The Constitution of California, as a state, under and with which she applied for admission to the Union, contained a provision against slavery. At the commencement of the year 1850, these matters were a source of serious embarrassment to national legislation, and 408 PERIOD XVII. still undecided, and continued so for succeeding months of the session, affording an opportunity for several of the most distinguished states- men of the country to explain their sentiments, in Congress, in relation to the absorbing topic referred to, and their regard for the interests of the whole country, by eloquent speeches, some of which will hereafter be deemed historically important, elucidating, as they do, the interest felt in these subjects, and the different views and feelings of those who represented the various sections of the country at the Capitol. * 7. On the 31st of March, 1850, died, at Washington, Jdhn C. Calhoun, at the time of his decease Senator in Congress from South Carolina, aged 68. There are few statesmen whose names have been more intimately connected with the political history of the country than Mr. Calhoun. His career of public service extended over nearly half a century, — an eventful period, during Avhieh he exerted a powerful influence over the policy of the nation. He entered Congress previous to the last war with Great Britain, [described in Period X.,J as representative from South Carolina, since which time he has been almost uninterruptedly connected with public affairs and measures, having successively filled the offices of Representative, Senator, Secretary of War, Vice Presi- dent, and Secretary of State, the duties of which offices he performed with ability and stern integrity. The highest honors were paid to his memory. THE CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA; Framed by a convention of delegates, of which Washington was the president, which met at Philadelphia, from the slates of New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Connecticut, New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Maryland, Vir- ginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Georgia — and adopted 17th September, 1787. NOTE. — The author has given, at pages 233 and 234, an abstract of the Constitution of the United States ; but deeming- it important that the youth of our country should be made acquainted with its several requirements and provisions as thoroughly as possible, it has been inserted here, at length. PREAMBLE. We, the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect Objects, union, establish justice, ensure domestic tranquillity, provide for the common defence, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this constitution for the United States of America. ARTICLE I. SECTION I. 1. All legislative powers herein granted shall be vested in a congress Legisiai- of the United States, which shall consist of a senate and house of rep- iTe P ower » resentatives. SECTION II. 1. The house of representatives shall be composed of members House of chosen every second year by the people of the several states ; and the Re P- electors in each state shall have the qualifications requisite for electors of the most numerous branch of the state legislature. 2. No person shall be a representative who shall not have attained Qualifies to the age of twenty-five years, and been seven years a citize'n of the ^ ons of United States, and who shall not, when elected, be an inhabitant of p " that state in which he shall be chosen. 3. Representatives and direct taxes shall be apportioned among the Apportit a several states which may be included within this union, according to ""ent °< their respective numbers, which shall be determined by adding to the P' whole number of free persons, including tfhose bound to service for a term of years, and excluding Indians not taxed, three fifths of all other persons. The actual enumeration shall be made within three years after the first meeting of the congress of the United States, and within every subsequent term of ten years, in such manner as they shall by law direct.. The number of representatives shall not exceed one for every thirty thousand, but each state shall have at least one representative; 35 410 CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES. Vacancies, how filled. Speaker, how ap- pointed. No. of Sen. from each ctate. Classifica- tion of Sen. and until such enumeration shall be made, the state of Netc Hamp- shire shall be entitled to choose three; Massachusetts eight; Rhode Island and Providence Plantations one ; Connecticut five ; New York six; New Jersey four; Pennsylvania eight; Delaware one; Maryland six ; Virginia ten ; North, Carolina five ; South Carolina five ; and Georgia three. 4. When vacancies happen in the representation from any state, the executive authority thereof shall issue writ3 of election to fill up such vacancies. 5. The house of representatives shall choose their speaker and other officers, and shall have the sole power of impeachment. SECTION III. 1. The senate of the United States shall be composed of two senators from each state, chosen by the legislature thereof,. for six years; and each senator shall have one vote. 2. Immediately after they shall be assembled in consequence of the first election, they shall be divided, as equally as may be, into three classes. The seats of the senators of the first class shall be vacated at the expiration of the second year, of the second class at the expiration of the fourth year, and of the third class at the expiration of the sixth year, so that one third may be chosen every second year; and if va- cancies happen, by resignation or otherwise, during the recess of the legislature of any state, the executive thereof may make temporary appointments until the next meeting of the legislature, which shall then fill such vacancies. 3. No person shall be a senator who shall not have attained to the age of thirty years, and been nine years a citizen of the United States, and who shall not, when elected, be an inhabitant of that state for which he shall be chosen. 4. The vice president of the United States shall be president of the senate, but shall have no vote, unless they be equally divided. 5. The senate shall choose their other officers, and also a president pro tempore, in the absence of the vice president, or when he shall exercise the office of president of the United States. 6. The senate shall have the sole power to try all impeachments. When sitting for that purpose, they shall be on oath or affirmation. When (he president of the United States is tried, the chief justice shall preside ; and no person shall be convicted without the concurrence of two thirds of the members present. 7. Judgment in case of impeachment shall not extend further than to removal from office, and disqualification to hold and enjoy any office of honor, trust or profit, under the United States ; but the party con- victed shall nevertheless be liable and subject to indictment, trial, judgment, and punishment, according to law. SECTION IV. Elections 1. The times, places, and manner of holding elections for senators °f r 6 "' and an( ^ re P resentat -' ves shall be prescribed in each state by the legislature ° ep ' thereof; but the congress may, at any time, by law, make or alter such regulations, except as to the places of choosing senators. Meeting of 2. The congress shall assemble at least once in every year, and such congress, meeting shall be on the first Monday in December, unless they shall by law appoint a different day. SECTION V. 1. Each house shall be the judge of the elections, returns, and quali- fications of its own members ; and a majority of each shall constitute a quorum to do business ; but a smaller number may adjourn from day » day, and may be authorized to compel the attendance of absent members, in such manner and under such penalties as each house may provide. Qualifica- tions of Sen. Presiding officer of Sen. Senate a court for trial of im- peach- ments. Judgment in case of convic- tion. Organiza- tion of •ongress. CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES. 411 2. Each house may determine the rules of its proceedings, punish its Ruie« ». members for disorderly behavior, and, with the concurrence of two pr° cee pass any bill of attainder, ex post facto law, or law impairing the obli- gation of contracts ; or grant any title of nobility. 2. No state shall, without the consent of the congress, lay any imposts Powers or duties on imports or exports, except what may be absolutely necessary further for executing its inspection laws; and the neat produce of all duties iefined - and imposts, laid by any state on imports or exports, shall be for the use of the treasury of the United States, and all such laws shall be sub- ject to the revision and control of the congress. No state shall, with- out the consent of congress, lay any duty of tonnage, keep troops or ships of war in time of peace, enter into any agreement or compact with another state, or with a foreign power, or engage in war, unless actually invaded, or in such imminent danger as will not admit of delay. ARTICLE II. SECTION I. 1. The executive power shall be vested in a president of the United Executst States of America. He shall hold his office during the term of four P° wer > in years, and, together with the vice president, chosen for the same v es t^ term, be elected as follows : 2. Each state shall appoint, in such manner as the legislature thereof How may direct, a number of electors, equal to the whole number of sen- elected - ators and representatives to which the state may be entitled in the congress; but no senator, or representative, or person holding an office of trust or profit under the United States, shall be appointed an elector. 3. The electors shall meet in their respective states, and vote by Proceed- ballot for two persons, of whom one at least shall not be an inhabitant in S a of of the same state with themselves. And they shall make a list of all glfd'of* the persons voted for, and of the number of votes for each; which list House of they shall sign and certify, and transmit sealed to the seat of the gov- Rep. ernment of the United States, directed to the president of the senate. The president of the senate shall, in the presence of the senate, and house of representatives, open all the certificates, and the votes shall then be counted. The person having the greatest number of votea shall be the president, if such number be a majority of the whole num- ber of electors appointed ; and if there be more than one who have such majority, and have an equal number of votes, then the house of repre- sentatives shall immediately choose, by ballot, one of them for presi- dent; and if no person have a majority, then, from the five highest on the list, the said house shall, in like manner, choose the president. But, in choosing the president, the votes shall be taken by states, the representation from each state having one vote ; a quorum for this purpose shall consist of a member or members from two thirds of the states, and a majority of all the states shall be necessary to a choice. In every case, after the choice of the president, the person having the greatest number of votes of the electors shall be the vice president. But if there should remain two or more who have equal votes, the sen- ate shall choose from them, by ballot, the vice president. 4. The congress may determine the time of choosing the electors, Tim* of and! the (tay on which they shall give their votes ; which day shall be choostnj tho same throughout the United States. elector*. 35* 414 CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES. Qualifica- tions of the president. Resort in case of his disabi.ity. Salary of president. Oath re- quired. Duties of president. May make treaties, appoint ambassa- dors, iudges, &C May fill vacancies. May con- vene cong. 5. No person, except a natural born citizen, or a citizen cf the United States at the time of the adoption of this constitution, shall be eligible to the office of president : neither shall any person be eligible to that office, who shall not have attained to the age of thirty-five years, and been fourteen years a resident within the United States. 6. In case of the removal of the president from office, or of his death, resignation, or inability to discharge the powers and duties of the said office, the same shall devolve on the vice president, and the congress may, by law, provide for the case of removal, death, resignation, or inability, both of the president and vice president, declaring what officer shall then act as president, and such officer shall act accord- ingly, until the disability be removed, or a president shall be elected. 7. The president shall, at stated times, receive for his services a compensation, which shall neither be increased nor diminished during the period for which he shall have been elected, and he shall not receive within that period any other emolument from the United States, or any of them. 8. Before he enter on the execution of his office, he shall take the following oath or affirmation : 9. " I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the office of president of the United States, and will, to the best of my ability, preserve, protect, and defend, the constitution of the United States." SECTION II. 1. The president shall be commander-in-chief 'of the army and navy of the United States, and of the militia of the several states, when called into the actual service of the United States; he may require the opinion, in writing, of the principal officer in each of the executive departments, upon any subject relating to the duties of their respective offices ; and he shall have power to grant reprieves and pardons for offences against the United States, except in cases of impeachment. 2. He shall have power, by and with the advice and consent of the senate, to make treaties, provided two thirds of the senators present concur : and he shall nominate, and by and with the advice and consent of the senate, shall appoint ambassadors, other public ministers and consuls, judges of the supreme court, and all other officers of the United States, whose appointments are not herein otherwise provided for, and which shall be established by law. But the congress may, by law, vest the appointment of such inferior officers as they think prop- er, in the president alone, in the courts of law, or in the heads of departments. 3. The president shall have power to fill up all vacancies that may happen during the recess of the senate, by granting commissions which shall expire at the end of their next session. SECTION III. 1. He shall, from time to time, give to the congress information of the state of the Union, and recommend to their consideration such measures as he shall judge necessary and expedient ; he may, on ex- traordinary occasions, convene both houses, or either of them, and, in case of disagreement between them, with respect to the time of ad- journment, he may adjourn them to such time as he shall think proper ; he shall receive ambassadors and other public ministers ; he shall take care that the laws be faithfully executed; and shall commission all the officers of the United States. How offi- cers mtj be re- moved. SECTION IV. 1. The president, vice president, and all civil officers of the United States, shall be removed from office on impeachrjTent for, and convic- tion of, treason, bribery, or other high crimes and misdemeanors. \ CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES. 415 ARTICLE III. SECTION I. I. The judicial power of the United States shall be vested in one Judicial supreme court, and in such inferior courts as the congress may, from power, Mine to time, ordain and establish. The judges, both of the supreme *°™ ui and inferior courts, shall hold their oflices during good behavior; and shall, at stated times, receive for their services a compensation which shall not be diminished during their continuance in office. SECTION II. 1. The judicial power shall extend to all cases in law and equity, To what arising under this constitution, the laws of the United States, and trea- ca * es u ties made, or which shall be made, under their authority ; to all cases affecting ambassadors, other public ministers and consuls ; to alf cases of admiralty and maritime jurisdiction; to controversies to which the United States shall be a party ; to controversies between two or more slates; between a slate and citizens of another state; between citizens of different states; between citizens of the same state claiming lands under grants of different states; and between a state, or the citizens thereof, and foreign states, citizens, or subjects. 2. In all cases affecting ambassadors, other public ministers and Jurisdie- consuls, and those in which a state shall be a party, the supreme court *' on o{ tb * shall have original jurisdiction. In all the oiher cases before-men- Court™* tioned, the supreme court shall have appellate jurisdiction, both as to law and fact, with such exceptions, and under such regulations, as the congress shall make. 3. The trial of all crimes, except in cases of impeachment, shall be by Rule* jury, and such trial shall be held in the state where the said crimes "?pecting shall have been committed; but when not committed within any la ' state, the trial shall be at such place or places as the congress may by law have directed. SECTION III. 1. Treason against the United States shall consist only in levying Treason war against them, or in adhering to their enemies, giving them aid defined. and comfort. No person shall be convicted of treason unless on the testimony of two witnesses to the same overt act, or on confession in open court. 2. The congress shall have power to declare the punishment of trea- How pun son; but no attainder of treason shall work corruption of blood, or lsll *d, forfeiture, except during the life of the person attainted. ARTICLE IV. SECTION I. 1. Full faith and credit shall be given in each state to the public Righu of acts, records, and judicial proceedings of every other state. And the « tate l * d ** congress may, by general laws, prescribe the manner in which such ne ' acts, records, and proceedings, shall be proved, and the effect thereof. SECTION II. 1. The citizens of each state shall be entitled to all privileges and Privilege immunities of citizens in the several states. ef citizen*. 2. A person charged in any state with treason, felony, or other Executive crime, who shall flee from justice, and be found in another state, shall, requisi- on demand of the executive authority of the state from which he fled, t ' on * be delivered up, to be removed to the state having jurisdiction of the crime. 3. No person held to service or labor in one state, under the laws Law re»u. thereof, escaping into another, shall, in consequence of any law or lating ier. regulation therein, be discharged from such service or labor; but shall vice, orl*- be delivered up on claim of the party to whom such service or labor "•*• may be due. 416 CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES. New dates, how formed and ad- mitted. Power of congress ever putt- lie lands. Republi- can gov. guaran- tied. SECTION III. 1. New states maybe admitted by the congress into'this union; but no new state shall be formed or erected within the jurisdiction of any other state, nor any state be formed by the junction of two or more states, or parts of states, without the consent of the legislatures of the states concerned, as well as of the congress. 2. The congress shall have power to dispose of, and make all needful rules and regulations respecting the territory or other property belong- ing to the United States; and nothing in this constitution shall be so construed as to prejudice any claims of the United States, or of any particular state. SECTION IV. 1. The United States shall guaranty to every state In this union a republican form of government, and shall protect each of them against invasion; and. on application of the legislature, or of the executive, (when the legislature cannot be convened,) against domestic violence. ARTICLE V. Conititu- 1. The congress, whenever two thirds of both houses shall deem it tion ; how necessary, shall propose amendments to this constitution ; or, on the Imead d application of the legislatures of two thirds of the several states,- shall ' call a convention for proposing amendments, which, in either case, shall be valid to all intents and purposes, as part of this constitution, when ratified by the legislatures of three fourths of the several states, or by conventions in three fourths thereof, as the one or the other mode of ratification may be proposed by the congress; provided, that no amendment which may be made prior to the year one thousand eight hundred and eight, shall in any manner affect the first and fourth clauses in the ninth section of the first article : and that no state, with- out its consent, shall be deprived of its equal suffrage in the senate. ARTICLE VI. 1. All debts contracted and engagements entered into, before the adoption of this constitution, shall be as valid against the United States under this constitution, as under the confederation. 2. This constitution, and the laws of the United States which shall be made in pursuance thereof and all treaties made, or which shall be made, under the authority of the United States, shall be the supreme law of the land ; and the judges in every state shall be bound thereby, anything in the constitution or laws of any state to the contrary not withstanding. 3. The senators and representatives before mentioned, and the mem- bers of the several state legislatures, and all executive and judicial officers, both of the United States and of the several states, shall be bound by oath or affirmation to support this constitution: but no re- ligious test shall ever be required as a qualification to any office or public trust under the United States. ARTICLE VII. Katifjc*. 1. The ratification of the conventions of nine states shall be sufficient «•«». for the establishment of this constitution between the states so ratify, ing the same. Done in convention, by the unanimous consent of the states present, the seventeenth day of September, In the year of our Lord one thou- sand seven hundred and eighty-seven, and of the Independence of the United States of America, the twelfth. In witness whereof, we have hereunto subscribed our names. GEORGE WASHINGTON, President, and Deputy from Virginia* Validity of debts rec- ognized. Supreme law of the kind de- fined. Oath; of wham re- quired and for what. CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES. 417 The constitution was ratified by the prescribed number of states Conrtltti- , __ _ _ . -— — tt i - r i tion. whfttt in 178S, and went into operation in 1789. Vermont, the first of the ratified, new states which joined the union, gave her assent early in 1791. The number of delegates chosen to the convention was sixty -five ; ten did not attend ; sixteen declined signing the constitution, or left the convention before it was ready to be signed. Thirty-nine signed, as follows : NEW HAMPSHIRE. John Langdon, Nicholas Gilman. MASSACHUSETTS. Nathaniel Gorman, Rufus King. CONNECTICUT. Wm. Samuel Johnson Roger Sherman. NEW YORK. Alexander Hamilton. NEW JERSEY. William Livingston, David Bearley, William Paterson, Jonathan Dayton. PENNSYLVANIA. Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Mifflin, Robert Morris, George Clymer, Thomas Fitzsimons, Jared Ingersoll, James Wilson, Governeur Morris. VIRGINIA. John Blair, James Madison, jun. NORTH CAROLINA. William Blount, Ricli'd Dobbs Spaight, Hugh Williamson. SOUTH CAROLINA. DELAWARE. George Eead. Gunning Bedford, jun., J° hn , Kutledge, ohn Dickinson, Richard Bassett, Jacob Broom. MARYLAND. Charles Cotesworth Pinckney, Charles Pinckney, Pierce Butler. James M'Henry William Few, Daniel of St. Thomas Ahpaham T, al i_, Jenifer, Daniel Carroll. Abraham Baldwin. Attest, WILLIAM JACKSON, Secretary. AMENDMENTS TO THE CONSTITUTION. At the first session of the first congress, twelve amendments to tha constitution were recommended to the states, ten of which were adopted; the others have since been adopted. Art. 1. Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the free- dom of speech, or of the press ; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances. Art. 2. A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. Art. 3. No soldier shall, in time of peace, be quartered in any house Without the consent of theovvner; nor in time of war, but in a manner to be prescribed by law. Art. 4. The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated ; and no warrants shall issue but upon probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized. Art. 5. No person shall be held to answer for a capital or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a grand jury, except in cases arising in the land or naval forces, or in the militia, when in actual service, in time of war or public danger ; nor shall any Derson be subject for the same offence to be twice put in jeopardy of Freeao <- in religion — speech-* press. Militia. Soldiers. Search warrant. Capital crimes. 418 CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES. Trial by Juiy. Suits at common law. BaU. Certain rights de- fined. Rights re- served. Judicial power lim- Amend- mentto an. II. sect. 4, re- specting election of president and vice president. life or limb; nor shall be compelled, in any criminal case, to be a witness against himself; nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without dVe process of law ; nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation. Art. 6. In all criminal prosecutions the accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy and public trial, by an impartial jury of the state and dis- trict wherein the crime shall have been committed, which district shall have been previously ascertained by law, and to be informed of the nature and cause of the accusation; to be confronted with the wit- nesses against him ; to have compulsory process for obtaining witnesses in his favor; and to have the assistance of council for his defence. Art. 7. In suits at common law, where the value in controversy shall exceed twenty dollars, the right of trial by jury shall be preserved ; and no fact tried by a jury shall be otherwise re-examined in any court of the United States, than according to the rules of the common law. Art. 8. Excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines im- posed, nor cruel and unusual punishments inflicted. Art. 9? The enumeration in the constitution of certain rights shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people. Art. 10. The powers not delegated to the United States by the con- stitution, nor prohibited by it to tlie states, are reserved to the states respectively, or to the people. Art. 11. The judicial power of the United States shall not be con- strued to extend to any suit in law or equity, commenced or prose- cuted against one of the United States by citizens of another state, or by citizens or subjects of any foreign state. Art. 12. § 1. The electors shall meet in their respective states, and vote by ballot for president and vice president, one of whom, at least, shall not bean inhabitant of the same state with themselves; they shall name in their ballots the person voted for as president, and in distinct ballots the person voted for as vice president; and they shall make distinct lists of all persons voted for as president, and of all per- sons voted for as vice president, and of the number of votes for each, which lists they shall sign and certify, and transmit sealed to the seat of the government of the United States, directed to the president of the senate ; the president of the senate shall, in the presence of tho senate and house of representatives, open all the certificates, and the votes shall then be counted ; the person having the greatest number of votes for president shall be the president, if such number be a majority of the whole number of electors appointed : and if no person have such majority, then from the persons having the highest numbers, not ex- ceeding three, on the list of those voted for as president, the house of representatives shall choose immediately, by ballot, the president. But, in choosing the president, the votes shall be taken by states, the representation from each state having one vote; a quorum for this purpose shall consist of a member or members from two thirds of the states, and a majority of all the states shall be necessary to a choice. And if the house of representatives shall not choose a president when- ever the right of choice shall devolve upon them, before the fourth day of March next following, then the vice president shall act as president, as in the case of the death or other constitutional disability of tho president. 2. The person having the greatest number of votes as vice president shall be the vice president, if such number be a majority of the whole number of electors appointed; and if no person have a majority, then from the two highest numbers on the list, the senate shall choose tha vice president : a quorum for the purpose shall consist of two thirds of the whole number of senators, and a majority of the whole numbei shall be necessary to a choice. 3. But no person constitutionally ineligible to the office of president, •hall be eligible to that of vice president of the United States. THE END. Z SCHOOL BOOKS, PUBLISHED BY JENKS, PALMER & CO. WORCESTER'S IMPROVED SERIES OF READ- ING BOOKS, WITH RUSSEL.I/S ELOCUTION- ARY ADDITIONS. The attention of County Superintendents, School Committees, Teachers, and others interested in Education, is requested to the following series of Readers, by Rev. Samuel Worcester; viz., WORCESTER'S PRIMER, or First Book, 72 pages, IS mo. WORCESTER'S SECOND BOOK, for Reading and Spell ng, 168 pages, 18 mo WORCESTER'S INTRODUCTION TO THIRD BOOK, for Reading and Spelling, with Rules and Instructions, the University of Vermont. D SCHOOL BOOKS, PUBLISHED BY JENKS, PALMER & CO. EMERSON'S ARITHMETIC. Part I. for beginners. Part II. for all scholars. Part III. containing the higher operations. To the Publishers op Emerson's Arithmetic : Gentlemen, — I have examined the Third Part of Mr. Emerson's Arithmetic with great pleas- ure. The perspicuity of its arrangements, and the clearness and brevity of its explanations, combined with its happy adaptation to the purpose of practical business, are its great recommendation. I hope it will soon be introduced into all our schools, and take the place of ill-digested treatises, to which our instructors have hitherto besn compelled to resort. Respectfully, BENJAMIN PIERCE, Professor of Mathematics and Nat. Philosophy, Harvard University. 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X LORING LOTHROP, Endicott School. A CHARLES KIMBALL, Boylston School. 6 JOSEPH HALE, Johnson School. y SAMUEL L. GOULD Winthrop School. y Boston, Jas. 23, 1842. Y Emerson's Arithmetic, Part Third, has for several years been a text-book y in the Boston English High School. I think tkat it is a highly useful book Y for those scholars who have faithfully learned the Second Part, which, in X my opinion, is an excellent work. THOMAS SHERWIN, / Principal of the Boston English High School. y Recommended also by Messrs. Luther Robinson. Sub-master, and Francis S. Williams, Usher, of the Boston English High School [From the Masters of the Public Schoois of Proviilence.] Emerson's Arithmetic has been used for several years in the Public Schools of Providence, and we regard it as decidedly the best system of Arithmetic with which we are acquainted. J. D. Giddings. Fountain st. School. D. Burbank, Prospect st. " Amos Perry, Summer st. " C. T. Keith, Benefit st. School. C. Farnum, Jr., Elm st. " N. B. Nichols, Arnold st. •' Providence, Dec. 15, 1842. KEY TO EMERSON'S ARITHMETIC, containing Solutions and 6 Answers, for the use of Teachers. Also, Questions to the Third Part J -'do. y SCHOOL BOOKS, PUBLISHED BY JENKS, PALMER & CO. PARLEY'S HISTORIES FOR COMMON SCHOOLS. THE FIRST BOOK OF HISTORY, OR HISTORY. ON THE BASIS OF GEOGRAPHY, comprehending the countries of the Western Hemi- f sphere, with sixty Engravings, from original designs, and sixteen Maps of / the different sections of the United States and the various countries of the X Western Hemisphere, executed in the most beautiful manner, on steel /) plates ; revised edition. The work contains the history of all the countries in North and South America, including Greenland, Iceland, and the West Indies, down to the present time. It is on the inductive plan, beginning at home and leading the pupil gradually into the subject, while the introduction of numerous cuts, authentic and modern maps, lively anecdotes, and descriptions of natural scenery, curiosities, manners and customs, render it the most at- tractive and useful introduction to history ever published ; and a3 Geogra- phy and History ought never to be separated, the child naturally desiring to know something of the history of the countries which are described to him, there are exercises previous to each lesson, to test and fix his geo- graphical knowledge in his mind; for he can have but little correct and lasting knowledge of the history of a country with whose geography he is unacquainted. THE SECOND BOOK OF HISTORY; comprehending the Modern History of Europe, Asia, Africa, &c, illustrated with fifty Engravings and sixteen Maps, (from steel plates,) of the different countries. This book is designed as a Sequel to the " First Book of History. By the Author of Parley's Tales," and is on the same plan. THE THIRD BOOK OF HISTORY; by the same author, and on the same plan; comprehending Ancient History, in connection with Ancient Geography ; with Maps and Engravings. In preparing this series of Histories, two prominent things have been kept constantly in view, — in the first place to make it useful — and in the second, to make it entertaining. To accomplish these ends, each of the books is provided with finely and distinctly engraved maps, and the pupil, before he enters upon the history of any state or country, is required l\ to learn its shape, boundaries, rivers, &c. He is then briefly made ac- /> quainted with its present state, its towns and cities, and the occupations of < V its inhabitants. v A familiar style has been adopted and great care taken to introduce pre- jt cise dates. A large number of engravings have been inserted for illustra- A tion, and for fixing certain prominent ideas permanently in the memory of j /> the pupil. Each book of the series is furnished with questions on both the History and Geography of the countries described, and a chronological table is Y added recapitulating the principal events noticed in the body of the work. y The first editions of the First and Second Books were published several Y years ago, since which time they have run through nearly two hundred edi- A lions, and acquired a very extensive circulation. 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This is an elementary treatise, on the inductive plan. It is especially intended for the use of Common Schools, and of teachers who have not had an opportunity to become acquainted with the science. In his preface, the author remarks, " / have aimed to prepare a work, which any boy of twelve years, who is thoroughly acquainted tvith the fundamental rules of Arithmetic, can understand, even without tlie aid of a teacher." The book has been used, with entire success, in schools whose teachers had nc knowledge of Algebra when it was introduced. By a vote of the School Committee of Boston, Bailey's Algebra has been used in the Public Schools of the city. It is highly recommended by FREDERICK EMERSON, Author of N. A. Arithmetic. F. P. LEVERETT, Author of Leverett's Lexicon, §>c. N. CLEVELAND, Principal of Dummer Academy, Newbury. PROF. E. A. ANDREWS, Author of Series of Latin Books. BENJAMIN GREENLEAF, Principal of Bradford, Mass., Academy. SAMUEL R. 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The constantly increasing demand for it is the best test of its excellence and ailaptedness to the pur- pose for which it was designed. QUESTIONS ON THE ENLARGED AND IMPROVED EDITION OF GOODRICH'S SCHOOL HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES, to which are added Outline Tables, for general review, on a New Plan. This book of Questions is by the author of the History, by whom it was prepared at the time of the revision of that work. The questions are dis- tributed in Periods and Sections, corresponding to the periods and sections of the History. In addition to the questions which relate particularly to the text of the History, other and more general questions are interspersed, designed to exercise the skill and judgment of the pupil, and test the fidelity with which he has attended to the study. In audition to the Ques- tions, the book contains a Plan for General Review, consisting of Outline Tables in relation to various subjects treated of in this History. QUESTIONS AND SUPPLEMENT TO GOODRICH'S HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES. By the Rev. Joseph Emerson, Principal of the Female Seminary, Wethersfield, Conn. MISCELLANEOUS. Grund's Geometry, Parts I. and II. Do. Philosophy. Do. Chemis- try. Do. Arithmetic. Do. Algebra. Sullivan's Class Books, Political, Moral, and Historical. . Frost's Grammar. Bossuet's French Phrase Book. Holbrook's Geometry. Abbott's Little Philosopher. Notes' Penmanship. Parley's Arithmetic. Hildreth's United States. Hall's Lectures to Teachers. Blair's Outunes of History. Johnson's and Walker's School Dictionary. The Child's Botany. School Committees, Teachers, &c, desirous of examining any of the above, will be supplied without charge. In addition to the above, always for sale at satisfactory prices, a com- plete assortment of School, Music, and Miscellaneous Books, Station- ery, &c.