^dr OctU and UiLrbLrh \_ t J^iilt 'Zi^'n^irud^ion Sdo/c -^ll u^^roAifiQ- [fl-iL^i a rOQ ht^ ^dr OoJki and ^Xrhir^ di, ft Fit nilrilL luiicbtdn ^U, ffd. / — THE ELITE INSTRUCTION BOOK ILLUSTRATING Latest Crochet and Tatthig Designs FOR CAKE AND SHERBET SERVING SET COLORED LUNCHEON SET PINE NEEDLE LUNCHEON SET SQUARE TEA CLOTH HONITON BRAID CENTERPIECE DAINTY LACE DOILY BREAD TRAY NIGHT GOWN YOKE CORSET COVER YOKES FANCY TOWEL EDGINGS INSERTIONS AND EDGINGS OVAL CENTERPIECE AND DOILY IN TATTING TATTING EDGINGS CHILD'S SET BABY OUTFIT BABY CARRIAGE COVER JEWEL CASE WITH COMPLETE DIRECTIONS Copyiithi 1916 By PIERRE C. BRIN Chicaeo. III.'' COPYRIGHT 1916 CHICAGO. ILL. \ 'ye Materials: For the baskets, 6 Gingerale Glasses. 4 balls of No. 20 mercerized crochet cotton, No. 5 steel hook. For the tray, 1 piece of glass cut circular, 12 inches across, 3 balls of No. 10 mercerized crochet cotton. No. 3 steel hook. For the basket, start with 6 ch sts, join forming a circle. First Row: 3 ch sts make 17 d c into this circle. Second Row: 3 ch sts 2 d c into each st of preceding row. Tliird Row: 5 ch sts. 1 d c into 2nd st, of preceding low. * 2 ch sts. 1 d c skip 1 st, repeat *. Foiirtli Row: 5 ch sts, * 1 d c over ch of preceding row, 3 ch sts, repeat *. Fiftli Row: 3 ch sts, * 3 d c over ch, repeat *. Sixth Row: * 1 s c skip 2 sts, 5 d c into the nejct st, skip 2 sts, repeat *. Seventli Row: * 1 s c into each of the first 2 sts, 3 ch sts, 1 s c into each of the next 4 sts, 3 ch sts, 1 s c into each of the next 2 sts, repeat * and break thread. This completes the base. Start at the top of the 5th row, 3 ch sts, 1 d c into each st of the 5th row, and 2 sts into the last st, repeat until yuu have 6 rows. Seventh Row: 3 ch.stsj d c into the 2nd it, * 2 ch sts, 3 d c skip 2 st£>' cpea^T'T'"^-^.^^^ Blehth Row! 5 c' * 3 d c overch-oJ preceding j|Ow, 2 ch sts, rPiieat until you have 7 rows or until Tgft*i*^^A aj;h the / ijl.ice where your glass widens, then make 4 a c o\Vj' ■ :ich ch for 3 rows or to the top of the glass. Scallop 3 ch s'.s, 1 t c over ch. 3 ch sts, repeat until you have 7 t c with 1 p, between each, repeat for each ch. 1 For the handle catch into the top row before the scallop, make 3 ch st.s. 3 d c, 1 ch st, 3 d c all into same st, 3 ch sts. turn, 3 d c. 1 ch st. 3 d c all over ch of preceding row and repi at for length re'quired, crochet to opposite side of basket. For the tray, cut a pattern of heavy wrapping paper the exact size of the glass. Tlie medalions are cro- cheted separately and basted to the pattern. Make 4 large medalions and 5 small ones. For the large medalion, make 5 ch sts, ji n to form a circle. First Row: Make 8 s c into this circle. Seeond Row: 2 s c into each st of preceding row. Third Row: li ch sts. * 1 d c into the 2iid st, 3 ch sts, repeat * make 8 sps for this row. Fourth Row: " 2 s c. 5 ch sts form 1 p, 2 s c 5 ch sts form 1 p, 3 s c, 1 p, repeat * making 2 p, in each sp and 3 s c over the separations. Fifth Row; 12 ch sts, * 1 t c catch into the center of the 3 s c, 8 ch sts, repeat " make 8 sps for this row. Sixth Row: 1 s c, into each st. Seventh Row: Repeat 6th row. Eiehth Row: 1 s c into each st for the first 9 sts, catching the front loop of each st only, 1 ch st turn, skip the first st, 1 s c into each st omitting tlie last st, making 7 sts, 1 ch st turn, 1 s c into each of the 7 Sts, 1 ch st, turn, skip the first st. 1 s c into each st, omitting the last st, 1 ch st, turn 1 s c into each st, 1 ch st, turn, skip the first st. 1. s c, into each st, omit- ting the last st, continue making 1 s c into each ist. along the side of this point until you reach the 7th row. repeat * for each point until you have 8 points^ Nintli Row: * 9 ch sts. connect with the first st of the first point, 1 ch st, turn, 1 s c into each ch ^t, form pojnt as before. 3 ch sts. fasten with 1 s c along the side, make 3 loops to the base, continue thes^ lo'ops down the point below and up the next one. Across the top of this point make 1 s c into each st repea,t * break thread. For the small medalion use the first 4 rows only. Baste the medalions to the pattern as per illustration, connect with 2 ch sts, 1 d c to fill all spaces. For the rim make 1 d c Into each st repeat lor 4 r