SF BEE PRIMER FOR THE PROSPECTIVE BEEKEEPER By C. P. DAD ANT Editor of the American Bee Journal PUBLISHED BY G. B. LEWIS COMPANY MAKERS OF LEWIS BEEWARE WATERTOWN, WISCONSIN, U. S. A. COPYRIGHT, 1914, BY C. P. DADANT Price Fifteen Cents 1 * *f \ I, J, M INDEX TO SUBJECTS Advice to Beekeepers Page ig Apiary, Location of 15 Artificial Swarming 8 Beginners, Instructions to 17 Bee Escapes 13 Bee Gloves i Bees, Handling i Bee Hive 4 Bees, Italian 8 Bee Moth 13 Bees and Poultry 20 Bee Veils i Bellows, Smokers i Brood Chamber 4 Body 4 Bottom 4 Brood Frames 5 Clothes for Bee Yard i Comb Foundation 4-14 Comb Honey 8 Cover 5 Development of Brood 3 Division Board 5 Diseases of Bees 12 Drones 3-7 Escapes, Bee 13 Extracted Honey g Feeding 11 Foundation Comb 4 Foul Brood 12 Frames, Brood 5 Gloves I Handling Bees i Honey Extractor g Honey Knife g History, Natural 2 Hive 4 Handling Honey Page 13 Honey Crops g Horticulture 17 How to Start Right 21 Instructions to Beginners 17 Knife Uncapping 9 Location of Apiary 15 Natural History 2 Poultry and Bees 20 Prevention of Swarming 7 Propolis 4 Queen 2 Queen Rearing 8 Rearing, Queens 8 Robbing 10 Sections 5-8 Section Holder 5 Separators 13 Smokers, Bellows i Super 4 Swarm Catcher 6 Swarming 6 Swarming, Artificial 7 Swarming, Prevention of 7 Section Honey 14 Shipping Case 14 Spring 18 Sundry Advices ig Start Right 21 Transferring Bees 15 Uncapping Knife 9 Veils, Bee i Wax Rendering 17 Wintering Bees 10 Wintering for Beginners 17 Workers 3 INDEX TO ILLUSTRATIONS Among the Bees Page i Bee Cellar 1 1 Bee Escape 13 Bee Hive 5 Bees Lying Out y Brood Frames 5 City Apiary 21 Comb Foundation 4 Drone o Extracting Hive g Foul Brood 12 Gloves I Hives in Snow 11 Honey Board 13 ^ ley Extractors g iioney Knife g Not Afraid of Bees 2 APR 25 Pretty Swarm Page 7 Queen 2 Queen Cells 2 Ready for Business i Sealed Brood 4 Sections 5 Section Holders 5 Separator 13 Smoker i Shipping Case 14 Swarm Catcher 6 Veils I Worker 3 Worker and Drone Cells 4 Well Filled Sections 6 Well Sealed Honey 9 Winter Case ., ^ 1 1 1914 ©GI.A369852 NEW Bingham p^ P> ee5moker- ^1^ Patented ,11 \ -C^ ,/ HANDI 11X10 RFF^ "^^^ ^^^^ °^ stings is the greatest hindrance to the popular I IrAl 11/1^11 1\# UL.L-J keeping of bees. Were it not for this, bees would be found on farms as commonly as poultry, for their honey is one of the most delicious of Nature's products. Yet, there is VERY LITTLE DANGER OF STINGS when bees are properly handled. A little smoke, provided by the use of a BELLOWS SMOKER (Fig. i), at the entrance of the hive and over the combs when opening a hive will render the bees tractable. Bees do not sting' when filled with honey. Like a man who has just eaten a good meal, they feel peaceable. Frightening them with smoke, before opening the hive, will cause them to fill themselves with honey in anticipation of ejection from their home. Keeping smoke within reach after that will secure a quiet behavior in ordinary circum- stances. You are in no more danger from a properly managed hive of bees than you would be from the heels of your favorite horse or from the horns of a gentle milch cow. Bees may be handled without smoke, but a novice should use smoke until he has become an expert. A BEE VEIL (Fig. 5) should be used to protect the face in case of accident and gloves (Fig. 3) may be worn, but the latter make your actions clumsy. We do not recommend their use. When you go among the bees avoid wearing black or woolen clothes. White or light colored cotton clothes are best, for cotton is a vegetable fibre, familiar Fig. 2. Uearty fur business. to bees, while wool is an animal product and is there- fore disliked by them. Have your coat off and wear a straw hat (Fig. 4). Bees returning from the fields, or flying abouv fields, are not prone to sting. Those leaving the hive PAGE ONE ^LK^ I ^ "^"''"f ^' '^^ '''^'- ^'■^ '^^ °">y °"^^ that need be feared Do not carelesslv jar the hive, or strike at them or fight them, but go about quietly and avSd nnn^.tc ^ quick motions or standing in the Hne of their flight to and from the hive """""'^^"^y NATURAL HISTORY The honey-bees are scientific- ally classed in the hymenoptera, because, like the wasps, horn- ets and bumble-bees, they have four membraneous gauzy wings. The scientific name of the common or black bee is "apis mellifica," owing to her production of honey from the nectar of flowers, which she gathers. A slight chemical change is made in the nectar while in the honey-sack of the bees, but its color, flavor and quality remain the same. Syrup, glucose or molasses, if fed to bees, would not change in ap- pearance, and clover honey does not resemble either alfalfa provide for them is a BEE-HIVE. ^^^ habitation which men r^jrJ^^^^ f ^ ^^"^^ different kinds of inhabitants in a bee-hive the QUEEN, the WORKERS, the DRONES. THE OUEEN ^^'^ ^a) is the only perfect female in the . . ^ hive, she is the mother and lays all the eggs. This is her only duty, and so well does she perform it, that she deposits, at some seasons, especially in spring, as many as 3,500 eggs in 24 hours. The eggs are carefully laid at the bottom of each ceil neve'^aSrThLT" '" ^u" u^"' ^^°''' ''^ "^^^^ ^^''' ^'' ^'"h' '" ^^e fields, on the wing. She fivTv./rf TT ^'f^'V^' h've, except with a swarm. Her life's duration is from two to five years. Usually after the second or third year her fertility decreases. A queen which has been prevented from mating by accidental con- finement to the hive for a period of about three weeks after birth, is no longer able to mate, but she can still lay eggs that will hatch. These, however, will produce only drones. This ability to lay eggs that produce life with- o u t impregnation belongs only to a few insects, and is called "parthenogenesis." The queens hatch in a queen-cell, a peculiar shaped cell hanging like an acorn cup from the combs. (Fig. g.) There is but one queen in each hive at one time, except when new ones are raised for swarming or when an old Fig. 9. Queen Cells, greatly enlarged PAGE TWO queen is being superseded or replaced by the bees, when two or more queens may exist in the hive at one time. In ordinary circumstances, queens fight each other to death. THF WORKFRS (^^S- 7^) are the most numerous inhabitants of the bee-hive, as IIIL. Vtv7I\1\LI\J also the smallest. They number from a few thousand up to eighty thousand or more. They do what their name implies, build the combs, rear the brood by feeding it and keeping it warm, harvest the honey, chase intruders away and keep the hive clean. They ventilate their home in the summer by the fanning of their wings and cluster together for warmth in the winter. They have short, thick, smooth manibles that enable them to tear the corolla of flowers and to build their combs out of soft wax, but they have no teeth like wasps or hornets. They are therefore UNABLE TO CUT THE SMOOTH SKIM OF ANY KIND OF SOUND FRUIT. ^^ • " Bees have five eyes, three small round eyes in a triangle at the top of the head, called "ocelli," and two large composite eyes formed of thousands of facets, one of these large eyes on each side of the head. The latter enable them to see at a distance, the former enable them to see within the hive, on the combs, in the dark. They have FOUR WINGS, two on each side of the corslet or second segment of the body. These wings fold over each other to enable them to enter within the cell where the brood is hatching. They have THREE PAIRS OF LEGS, also fastened to the second segment of the body. On the last or rear pair of legs of the workers, a small cavity, called the pollen basket, enables them to carry home the pollen of flowers, which some people, who see them so loaded, imagine to be wax, but which is used to make the pap for the young. It is popularly called bee-bread and is the fertilizing dust of flowers. The HONEY-SAC, or first stomach, is located in the abdomen or third segment of the body of the worker-bee. The ovaries, or egg pouches, which are very large in the queen, are almost absent in the workers, who are therefore incomplete females and unfit for mat- ing, although they may occasionally be able to lay a few eggs which hatch as drones. On the other hand, the sting, which is curved in the queen and used only to fight other queens, is straight in the worker and accompanied by a much better developed poison sac, which deposits venom in the wound made. The ^v'orker may live as long as six months or more in the winter, when she is not flying about, but in summer her life is very short, averaging less than forty days. She literally wears herself out. THF PiPONF^ (F'&- yc) are the largest inhabitants of the hive. They are reared in IIIL lylWllLJ spring or summer and are usually killed as soon as the crop fails. When any of them are noticed in a hive after the honey crop is ended, it is an almost sure sign that the hive is queenless. They are the males, do not work at anything, feed on the rtores within the hive and spend the pleasant hours of the day flying about for pleasure and in search of queens. The drone dies in the act of mating, and only one or two drones are needed to fertilize the young queens of each colony. But they are numerous, sometimes a thousand or more, so that the ijiuuf young queen may readily meet one in the field. The drones of one or two hives are ample for an apiary of hundreds of colonies, and it is always best to replace with worker combs as much as we can of the drone comb within the hives from which we do not wish to breed. The EGGS, which are laid by the queen, hatch into grubs, or larvae, within three days. At that time any larva that would hatch into a worker may be changed to a queen by their enlarging the cell containing it, a worker-cell, into a queen-cell (Fig. g), and feeding it plentifully of the best larval food prepared by the workers. That is why a hive which has been made queenless may rear another queen, provided it has eggs, or brood, in worker- cells, less than three days old. Dozens of queen-cells (Fig. q) are often built by the bees in such an emergency, or in preparation for swarming. DURATION OF DEVELOPMENT OF THE BROOD, FROM THE EGG TO THE PERFECT INSECT. In the eg-g Day; Growth of larva Days Spinning of cocoon Day- Period of rest Days Pliange in clirysalis or pupa Days (^liange to winged insect Days Averag'p duration of changes PAGE THREE ET AAAAAASf***********.******* The COMB! h a n g i n , downwaru from the ceil- i n g of the hive, are built by the work- ers, of bees- wax, produced by eating honey, much as animals produce fat, and are thus quite expen- sive, both in labor and ma- . .. , , T, , terial. The of SlmIlcI Brood. ... , . , cells m which the workers hatch, measure about five to the inch from wall to wall: those of the drones about four to the inch: those of the queens, resembling acorn cups, are built as occasion demands. About twenty-seven cells for workers and eighteen for drones, are found on each side of comb, for every square inch. When combs are filled, they are sealed by the bees. VV'Vt m Fig. 12. A New Comli, Worker and Drone Cells. this reason the most simple hives are the best, combs and the hive, is called a COLONY called a SWARM. COMB FOUNDATION (^i,^ 13) has been invented to help the bees, by sup- plying them with the BASE OF THE COMB made of their own product, beeswax. The rudiments of worker-cells are printed on both sides. It helps to secure straight combs in brood frames and in the little honey sections, saves much labor and material to the bees and helps to prevent the building of much drone comb. Thus three very positive advantages are derived from its use. PROPOI K °^ bee-glue, is gathered r rvvyr v/li j j^y ^j^^ j^^^g ^^ ^-^^.^^ j^^^ as is the pollen, and is used to close up the cracks and crevices. It is gathered from the gum of several trees, is very sticky in warm weather and brittle in winter, and entirely prevents the use of drawers or tight-fitting implements within the hives, when such implements are left in their reach during the late summer or fall. For The combination formed by the bees, the The bees, without hive, combs or honey, are (Fi£ THE BEE -HIVE ^^^ modem bee-hive is composed of the following parts: 14, next page.) Floor, known to bee-keepers as BOTTOM. Living room, known as BROOD-CHAMBER or BODY, in which the bees rear their brood, xeep the pollen, and should have sufficient amount of honey for their needs in all seasons. Store room or SUPER, in which the bees store the surplus honey which we take away from them. This super may be for COMB HONEY or for EXTRACTED HONEY, TAHE FOUR ilaiu I'arts and is slightly different in each case. Several supers may be piled on top of each other during a good honey harvest. The bees must have the free access of all at THAT time. Roof or COVER, which should fit on either the body or the different tiers of supers. For convenience, all parts should fit on any of the hives, so as to be inter- changeable. Nothing is more inconvenient than to have two or more different sizes of hives in an apiary. The BROOD-FRAMES (Fig. 15) are wooden frames or racks, in which the combs are s u spended s e parately so that the bee-keeper or apiarist may be able to take a hive of bees entirely apart and examine every nook, to ascertain the conditions, hunt for the queen, take away or exchange brood or honey and do all the manipulations that may suit his method or his fancy. It must be borne in mind that modern hives are a progress because of the in- sight they give us into the bee-hive, which is no longer a closed book as it was centuries ago. The man who buys modern hives and does not avail himself of the manipulations they permit, may as well go back to the box hives of his grandfather. The brood frames are placed from i^ to iV, inches apart from center to center. Eight and ten-frame hives are principally used in this country, and the most popular frame in use is the I.angstroth. During the summer, the combs in the brood chamber or body are filled mainly with brood, pollen and a little honey, but as fall approaches less brood is reared and honey enou<^h to winter the colony is usually stored by them in the upper part of the combs and in the rear. They never place their honey between the cluster or group and the entrance, becauseit ^ would be too much in reach of robber-bees. The SECTION- HOLDER (Fig. 16) is just what its name signi- fies. It is a contrivance to hold the sections in place within the super Brood Frames. Section Holder. The SECTIONS, or honey boxes (Fig. 17) are little square frames placed in the super to be filled with honey during the harvest (Fig. 18, next page). The sections are from i^4 to 2 inches from center to center, the ordinary size being 1%. They are usually made in one piece of smooth lumber, of pliable material like basswood, and folded. They are pro- vided with a strip of very thin comb foundation by the apiarist. A guide is indispensable, for the combs must be built straight and in the center of the sec- tions, otherwise they would be unmanageable and difficult to ship without breakage. Sections or Honey Boxes. Fig. 19. Division Board. A DUMMY, or division-board (Fig. 19), is often used in the brood chamber or body, to narrow down the space, in weak PAGE FIVE colonies, by removing unoccupied frames for winter or early spring to keep the bees warm. In this way a large hive may be fitted to the needs of either a small or a popul- ous colony. In the spring or early summer, after several weeks of incessant laying by the queen, when thou- sands of young bees hatch daily and the combs of the hive can no longer accom- modate its teeming popu- lation, the bees prepare for swarming, which is the natural way of in- crease, by building a num- ber of queen-cells (Fig. 20) to replace the old queen who will leave the hive with the swarm, usually after the first ""'"'•''■ ""-i> '-""i ^<" : i"^^^ ^f SetluToTs'tor by combs may add to the usualweight of a h"ve Sn pounH " ^^' °' '^^ ''''"'''■ ^ery old Twenty-five pounds of honey, at leas Is necessar'v tn °!; "T" '^'*''°"' comaining honey, be wintered with less in the cella^ but ZlZf^ J!!^' ^^^' °"' °^ d°°"- They may spring to rear brood. INDOOR winding 'houW he ^b^'^'T"' '"^^ '""^ ^^ '^^"^s-y - the Mississippi valley and Lake reTiSn (DUTDoOr ^' ' "° - °^ *^' ^'^ '^'^"'' *" are ^S^n "f^^SJ^f^.^S » ^Va^f " " i" a „.„-„,,. 3i,„. TH. „,„.Hes ?,""''" f " much ,he%es., thougJ™ i„d sp.nsabl a Put'.ht?""- "' ""'"""^ °"'' woolen carpel,, bags full „£ charts, leaS e^c ^n' '>"»'5 , "•"''^- ™ch as old thaw and freeze at the entrance and intercem v^m-T',- .'1"°' "■>'"•«"= if " does not weather is well sheltered. Should a wirm da. c^™, Ih"' * '""' """=" '" "•""" i» ""> StthtS %°4t,'" """ ="■» --"r^^rr-^rja^-d^-e-rp'e^' PACK TEN honey-dew nor fruit juices, which are sometimes gathered from decaying fruit in bad seasons, the bees will stand a very long cold spell. FFFnilSin should be resorted to only when the iLt-Ullivl ^ggg j^^^g 3n insufficient amount of winter stores, or in spring when the blossoms are delayed, or during the interval between the fruit bloom and the white clover crop, as they breed heavily at that time and consume a great deal. Bees may me found starving even when there are blossoms in the fields, if the weather is not favor- able to the secretion of honey. Allowing them to starve at such time is worse than killing the hen that lays the golden eggs. Feeders of all kinds are to be had. The best are those which place the food nearest to the brood and the farthest from the entrance. Do not feed any unknown honey, no matter how good it may appear, for it may contain germs of bee diseases which are harmless to human beings, but death to the bee-larvae. Feed honey from your own bees or from some other known source, or feed sugar syrup made by diluting two pounds of the best granulated sugar in one pound of water; sugar candy made like the popular "fudge" and placed over the combs, is also good winter food. For spring, the liquid food is best, especially if warm. In feeding your bees and in all the other manipulations of the apiary in times of scarcity, avoid attracting robbers, especially if the colony is weak. If the robber, who flies about the hive in a quick, sneaking, nervous way, can gain adrnit- tance, it will carry away the stores and bring others from its own hive until the colony is Via. :M). In tlie Snow in Midwiutm'. PAGE ELEVEN overpowered. A short method to protect a hive from robbing when it is threatened and has been fed or handled, is to throw a bunch of fine grass over the entrance. In this grass the guards of the hive can readily seize and frighten the robbers. If feeding is done in the evening, the bees are less apt to be annoyed by robbers and have time to put the food away in the cells, where it gives less smell and is safer. Syrup attracts robbers less than honey. Combs of honey from rich colonies exchanged for dry comb of destitute colonies are very useful for feeding. DISEASES OF BEES are few. Those of the adult insect consist first in. DIARRHEA, which is caused by thin or unhealthy honey consumed in very cold, long winters. It is rare, but has been known to destroy entire colonies. The best way to pre- vent it is to have none but good, ripe honey in the combs for winter. Another disease of the adult bee is the MAY DISEASE, also called PARALYSIS and CONSTIPATION. The bee crawls about in misery with loaded and fetid bowels, and sooner or later dies. This usually disappears at the opening of the crop. It is uncommon and rarely destroys entire colonies. The worst of all bee diseases attacks th brood and is called FOULBROOD. (Fig. 31.) The true, malignant, contagious foulbrood is readily recognized, when sufficiently advanced, by three positive signs: the ROPINESS of the decayed matter; when you insert a small stick into it, it stretches into ropy or rubber-like filaments : the COFFEE COLOR, the larva is at first whitish, then yellow, and afterwards of a dark brown color: the GLUE POT SMELL, this is usually noticeable only when the disease is far advanced. Foulbrood is due to a fast reproducing microbe called "bacillus larvae" (by some "bacillus alvei"), whose spores are readily transported from hive to hive by the bees or by the apiarist, most especially in the honey. Luckily, it is infrenuent, the writer having kept bees for forty years before he saw a single case. But owing to its rapidity in reproducing, it should be fought with the utmost vigor, as colonies attacked by this disease soon die out. Modern bee-keeping tends to increase its spread, owing to the frequent shipping of honey, bees, queens, etc., from one part of the country to another. TO CURE FOULBROOD, open the hive in the evening, preferably at the beginning of the honey harvest, when there are no robbers about, remove all the bees by shaking them on a sheet of paper or oil-cloth, in front of a clean, empty hive with only foundation starters in the frames and located on their own stand. Leave them three days without combs or food, so they may use up the honey within their stomachs. At the end of that time transfer them again into a hive containing sheets of foundation. The combs of the old hive should be melted into wax and the wax and honey heated thoroughly and kept about the boiling point of water for an hour. The brood should be burnt up. It is best to singe the inside surface of the old hive, body, bottom, cover and frames, by coating them slightly with oil and al- lowing the flames to cover them for a few seconds. Better yet, they may be singed with a tinner's or p a i n t e r ' s gasoline torch. The operator should care- fully cleanse his hands and all in- s t r uments after each ope ration. By following this method foulbrood is suppressed N. E. FRANC State ln?imrff^r nf PAGE TWELVE before it has had time to spread. If there is no honey in the fields, the bees, of course, '""Anothe'r'form of foulbrood, called "BLACK BROOD" or "EUROPEAN FOUL- BROOD," in which the symptoms are slightly different, the ropiness less apparent, may be cured by removing the queen or caging her so as to allow the bees to clean out all dead Sood. Shortly after the last bees have hatched, or in about thirty days, the queen may be released or a new queen given. By that time the disease is usually overcome. But this is impracticable in the true ropy foulbrood, because the bees can never clean out all the dead 'arvae. Even if they did!^it is well proven that such combs P^Pf "^^^^^'^^/^X; unless strong amiseptics are used, which the average operator cannot ^Jo'-d t° ^mher with. In either of these diseases, the seals or caps of the «"\^°"^^\"'"g,f;fVfcKLED Dunctured or sunken. A very mild form of disease of the brood is called PICKLED ^ROOD Some larvae die, but usually dry out so that they may be shaken out by inverting the combs. It is unimportant. Unimportant also is chilled brood, ^Jat has been k 11^^^ by accidental exposure to cold, or starved brood, which has died for lack of sufficient food. The BEE-MOTH has been considered a very dangerous enemy of bees. But modern methods have proven that this insect cannot harm healthy, strong colonies of bees. Like Se carrion file's that lay eggs in the body of dead or dying ->--l%-^C BEE-CULTURE VERSUS POULTRY RAISING Poultry is raised by the masses. The large or small farmer, the horticulturalist, the m.arket-gardener, the suburban, especially if a man of small means, but often even when he has large means, the clerk, the doctor, the minister, the widow of small income, all raise poultry, unless they are living within the limits of thickly populated districts or unless their revenue is sufficient to make them careless of small earnings like the home production of eggs and chickens. Bee-culture is not followed by more than one in a hundred among poultry raisers, but is nevertheless a very practicable and economical adjunct, in similar conditions. A small back yard in any suburb may be used for a few hives right among the chickens. It is suffi- cient that the hives be placed in a shed or on a stand at an elevation of a few feet above the chicken yard, so that the chickens should be unable to jump on the hives, which they would soil more or less, besides the danger of their angering the bees by the jar. Neither should the hives face too directly into the chicken yard, unless it be so they may fly above it. The writer has often seen bees kept right among the chickens, and they seemed to learn at their first flight that the poultry were not to be considered as enemies. With a large back yard or only a flat roof, in the thinly populated suburbs of even as crowded cities as St. Louis or Chicago, large apiaries may be kept, very profitably. We know of a gentleman who has thus kept as many as 85 colonies and harvests thousands of pounds of honey, which readily retail among his neighbors at good prices, as customers in his vicinity know that he raises the honey himself and have confidence in its quality, for that very reason. Without aiming at such large results, the owner of a small home, anywhere in the reach of pasture lands, vacant lots covered in summer with a growth of white clover, sweet clover or melilot, heartsease or smart weed, Spanish needles or other wild blossoms ; where fruit trees may be found in small numbers in every yard, or near a dairy or a park, such a party, man or woman, may easily add to the annual income, by keeping a few hives of bees. Very few industries require so little capital. As you have invested a few dollars in chickens and erected a little shed for them, you invest a few dollars in a couple colonies of bees of good breed and in sound movable-frame hives, a smoker, a bee veil, a hive tool. The total cost does not need to exceed $15.00 and you are sufficiently equipped for the beginning. Do not think of buying an extractor or other implements until the first crop begins to show in the super. But be sure to buy some literature, a good book, for you must be informed in the theory if you wish to succeed in the practice. Do not be afraid of handling your bees and examining them, provided you don't expose the brood to the cold air or the combs to robber bees. If they are carefully looked after, supplied with room PAGE TWENTY A City Apiary. when needed, a little syrup when they are short of stores — which may happen even at the opening of the honey harvest, kept well sheltered from the hot sun or the coldest weather, they will give you much greater proportionate returns than any similar sum invested in poultry, consider- ing the amount of labor, for they need no morning or evening feeding, no weekly cleaning of the coop, but take care of themselves in all ordinary circumstances. In other words, they work for you and board themselves, if they are only given a chance. If you must be away all day at your occupation, even during swarming time, arrangements may be made by which absconding swarms will be but a remote possibility. If you should occasionally lose a swarm, there will still be very satisfactory returns from your little pets. Of course, care must be exercised not to anger the bees and cause them to sting the neighbors, but should such an accident happen, remember that the gift of a pound or two of honey will do more to smooth such wounds than the most urbane excuses. However, the accomplished bee-keeper does not have cross-tempered bees, for he learns how to handle them properly at the start, and those who have carefully read this little pamphlet know how it may be done without exertion. A word, in closing, to the school teacher. There is no business which a teacher may undertake, more fitting than bee-culture. Nearly all of the bee work is needed during the vacation months, from May to October. Many teachers have an inadequate salary and see mature age coming with an impossibility of gathering a decent bank account. Earningr may be made during the summer months, equal to the salary of the entire school term, on a small plot of land, through bee-keeping. START RIGHT BY USING LEWIS BEEWARE IF YOU HAVEN'T A COPY OF OUR ANNUAL CATALOG. SEND FOR ONE. IT IS FREE. PAGE TWENTY ONE The American Bee Journal The Standard Magazine on Bees. Oldest Bee- Paper in the English Language. The editor has been a practical bee-keeper for nearly fifty years. Many interesting de- partments are conducted in each issue. Every section of the country is covered ; every phase of bee-keeping is taken up. BEGINNERS have their questions ans- wered in the "Question Box Department" and save the price of the Journal many times over. Read what some of our subscribers have to say: — "I could not get along without The Ameri- can Bee Journal, as it gives so much informa- tion and so many good ideas on handling Ijees." • Thomasville, 111. J. H. HART. "I find that The American Bee Journal made a profit of over double for me this year toy doing what it advised." Yutia City, Calif. H. BLEVIN. THE HONEY BEE The Classic in Bee Culture. By Langstroth and Dadant. 575 pages, 229 engravings, cloth bound, with gilt front and back; an ornament in any library. It is suitable for all. It gives the natural history of the honey-bee in detail, descriptions of the latest and best bee-hives, natural and artificial swarming, queen rearing, comb and extracted honey production, transporting bees, establishing apiaries, handling bees, treating diseases, enemies, wintering, feeding, robbing, marketing honey, rendering wax, etc. "A guide that leads the bee-keeper by the hand to the practice of rational apicul- ture and informs him in all the necessities of it." A. DeRAUCHENFELS. Editor of the Italian Bee Journal. The Book and Journal together form a com- plete library of reference for the bee-keeper, whether a beginner or an experienced apiarist. $1.20, Postpaid. Write to AMERICAN BEE JOURNAL, Hamilton, Illinois 1 iV^Kina WISCONSIN co., printerb, milwauker LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 002 837 431" 8