PS ^ *^ %-'^ • '/•^ LIBRARY OF CONGRESS. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. | >^4^.:i%r 6 -^C'%?- EASTER SONG CHARLOTTE PENDLETON //,/ OS T K.I TF.l) X E W YORK E . P. I ) I' T T ( ) N & C ( ) M V A X V 31 WksT TWKNl V-1][1K1) SiKKivr 1892 Boston Copyright, 1S91 Ry E. P. DUTTOX .V COMPANY <^%<^ Engravings by ^^^^, ^^ JOHN ANDREW & SON CO. Kocfeto.ll anB C),urcl,iU K O £ T O N ) Co my mother b\ vc'Mon of bcr IXobk beauty anb (Broat douraao became to ino the eniinplc of 3 fovfcct 'IBoilMll. C-terSon, Ladea -with spices r^re ar\d sweet; Ar\d sifeace broodiap overKead, Whfre the dshr L@r4 ^Ke Chrisr, lay WitKia Ike lomb; ^e very birds were sleepia^ still p "wafch ^bae urdll the dawa; ^ rc\i.rvtffed a.t fht brtaK ©f day ffi\d \h€ ^reat stor\f rofted away. i c ?»» whta to l\fr 9ladl surprise-. fr5r\9 eyes 3@ whan to hearte bowtd d©wr\ rlt sh@ws f|rmseff Ihis faster morr^, "The ri5€f\ l^©rd. wt scarcely Know TRe me^r^ir^ of thh.^ tmply tomb, to 9i00m /\nd w€ a^re alow nssA s sic ^€ mystery s^jblime ht over dd "" r ITlAa^^feK, mv^ ,-X^' :.Sv LIBRARY OF CONGRESS lliliiiiiiiniwwiiiiKiHi'i*" 016 165 459 / ^ • '"^^ ■ ^* ■'f 'i^^