OF' H. M. S. SCORPION June 21, I775--S«ptember IB^ 177B Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2011 with funding from The Library of Congress http://www.archive.org/details/captaintollemachOOtoll CAPTAIN TOLLEM ACHE'S JOURNAL OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF H. M. S. SCORPION June 2/, 1 775 -September 18, 1775 EDITED BY A. S. SALLEY, JR. Secretary of the Historical Commission of South Carolina PRINTED FOR THE COMMISSION By The State Company Columbia, S. C. 1919 "< \ >s INTRODUCTION. -The journal here printed is of interest to South Carolinians because the Scorpion brought Lord William Campbell to South Carolina m 1775, and almost immediately became involved in the proceedings which preceded the breaking out of hostilities be- tween Great Britain and the American provinces. The South- Carolina Gazette; And Country Journal for May 30 1775 an- nounced : ' ' On Friday last arrived here the Brig Rebecca, Capt. Sanders, who in- forms us, the Scorpion Man of War was on the 23d. of last Month at Madeira, on board of which, according to the latest advices, Lord William Campbell was to embark for this Province, so that his arrival may be hourly expected. -^ The same paper for Tuesday, June 20, 1775, published the rollowmg : On Saturday evening last his excellency the Right Hon. Lord William Campbell, Gov. &c. of this Province, with his Lady and family arrived Z the Scorpion Man of War from England. This journal is in the British Public Records Office under Admiralty, Captains Logs, Volume 872. A Journal of the Proceedings of His Majesty's Sloop Scorpion between 21^*. June and 18*^. Sepf. 1775 kept by the Honble Jn°. Tollemache. Week Days. Mo. Days Winds Course Distce. Lattd. in Longd. made Bearings & Distce: at Noon June 1 Wednesdy — 775 21 East II 11 n n II II II II II n n n It II II II It It n It les Town rolina. Thursdy — 22 Do. Friday 23 Do. 2 =5 Saturdy : 24 SSE SW wsw •-> u O OS Sunday 25 West SW Mondy. 26 Do. II II II II II II II II n II II II n n n II It II II ti II II II II It II II II II II II II Tuesday 27 S. W Wednesdy- 28 Do. in Rebellion Road. 3hnson S W ns Island Ei/oN Thursdy. 29 SW WNW ESE Friday 30 So-erly July Saturday 1 SW S fe CQ Sunday 2 Do. Mondy. 3 SW Tuesdy. 4 SW WSW WBS II II II II At Single Anchor ofE Charles Town Bar.^ I'-This Day the Scorpion Man of War, sailed for Cape Fear." — The South-Caro- lina Gazette; And Country Journal^ Tuesday, July 4, 1775. "On Tuesday last his Majestys sloop Scorpion, commanded by Hon. Capt. ToUe- mache sailed for Boston." — The South-Carolina and American General Gazette. Friday, July 7, 1775. Remarks &c. Fresh Breezs and Clear, sent a Petty Officer and two Men to Hobcaw to compleat the Watering. Left the Duty on Shore Andw. Herron. Do : W. Reed. "Water and Fresh Beef, left the Duty on Shore Jams. Oakes Marine D : W. Empd : Watering. Left the Duty on Shore Josh : Payne Marine. D : W. Stay'd the Masts and set the Rigging up, Pay'd the Ships sides with Tar Empd : Watering. Rec-d : Provisions, Punish'd Wm. Tompkins Marine with 12 Lashes for Disobedience of Orders. Do : W. Reed : on board Rum for the Ships Company. Empd. Watering left the Boat on Duty Jno. Laws and Richd : Ellis Seanian made a Signal for a Pilot, the Pilot came on board. Do: W. P. M. Reed: on board Wood and Water, at .5 A M Unmoor'd & hove Short on the Bt. Bower at S Weigh'd and Came to Sail at ^ past 9 came too with the Bt Bower in Rebellion Road at 10 Moor'd Ship. Do : W. Heel'd Ship and Bootop'd both Sides. First and Middle parts Fresh Gales and Squally with Thunder Lightning and Rain, Latter Fresh Breezs. and fair Empd. Watering Dry'd Sail. Left the Duty on Shore Isaac Edwards Marine and Wm. Watts Cooper. First part Fresh Gales and Squalles with Thunder Lightning and Rain iliddle and latter Fresh Gales and fair, P. M. Empd. Watering A M Dry'd Sails the Pilot came on bd : and took Charge of the Ship. Reed : Fresh Beef. Left the Boat on Duty Felix Mc.Ginnes Fresh Breezs. and Cloudy Empd : Occasionally Reed : Water. Do. W. Empd : as before Reed. Fresh Beef First part Fresh Breezs. and hazey. Middle Squies. with Thunder Llghtg. & Rain, latter Fresh Breezs. & fair AM Dry'd Sails. Fresh Breezs. and fair Dry'd Sails Empd : Preparing for Sea. First part Mode with Rata Middle and latter Do. and fair at 3 Ail Un- moor'd and hove Shore on the Bt. Bower at 6 Weigh'd and came to Sail Vo past 9 came too off Charles Town Bar. in i-o less 7 fathm. Charles Town Light house W B N 4 or 5 Miles. Week Days Mo. Days Winds Course. Distce : Lattd. in Ix)ngd: made Bearings & Distce: at Noon July 17 Wednesdy. 75 5^ SBW SWBS II II II It Cape Fear N N E12 or 13 Leags. Thursdy 6 SWBS SWBW SW II II II II II II II II II II II 11 u Friday 72 s w w N NB At Single An( Cape Fe< Bar. Saturdy 8 EBN NE Sunday 9 EBN NE So. 32 E 33ms 33.22 No. 00.21 E Cape Fear No. 32 W 11 Leags : Monday 10 Varble No : 71 E 8 33.25 N. 00.30 E. Do. NW 12 Leags. Tuesdy. 11 Do: No:83W. 31 33.29 N. 00.10 W. Do : No : 00.22 E 7 Leags: Wednesdy 12 Do: So. 85 E. 56 33.33 N. 00.49 E. Do : No : 67 W. 13 Leags : Thursdy. 18 Varble No. 66 E 134ms. 84.27 N 3.15 E. Cape Fear S0.77 E. 55 Leags. Friday 14 W. BN NW SW N. 35E 106 35.54 N. 4.30 Et Cape Hatteras So. 69 30 E. 37 Leags. Saturdy 15 Varble No. 38 E. 72 36.25 N. 4.54 E. Do. So. 65 E. 55 Leagues. ^"I have the honor to inform your Loi-dship inat I received your several Dis- patches by the Sandwich P*-«ket yesterday, through the hands of Captain Tolemache Commander of His Majesty'^ Ship Scorpion, who has touched here on his way from Charles Town to Boston, for the sole purpose of delivering them." — Extract from a letter from Governor Martin, of North Carolina, to Lord Dartmouth, dated Fort Johnston, July 6, 1775, published in The Colonial Records of North Carolina, Volume X, pp. 69-71. 2-'l have engaged M"" Alex"' Schaw whom I have now the honor to introduce to your Lordship to charge himself with this Letter and my Dispatch No. 34." "M"' Schaw My Lord is an officer in the Customs in the Islanr". of St. Christo- phers" . . . ." "and was preparing to return to it, when Captain Tollemache's Remarks &c. Fresh Breezs. and hazey at 7 EM Weigh'd and came to Sail, kept Sound- ing First and Middle parts Fresh Breezs. and Clouds latter Mode : at 3 FM saw the Land from N W B N to N E b N % past 4 PM came too with the Be Br. in 7 fam. Water Veer'd away to Y2 a Cable. Cape Fear E b N % N 5 or 6 Miles Veer'd to a whole Cable. First part Mode : & Cloudy. Middle Fresh Breezs. with Thunder and Lightning latter Fresh Gales and Cloudy Empd. Occasionally, Supply His Maj. Sloop Cruizer with 1 Puncheon of Beef 1 4ins Hawser 24 Ham- mocks, 414 Barrels of Powder & some Rope, Reed, from her 2 old Cables one of 94 & the other of 46 fams. a Gins Hawser of 76 fams. Fresh Breezs. and Clear Empd : Occasionally. Mod. Breezs. and fair. PM Spared to Fort Johnson 3yi Barrels of Pow- der, at 12 hove Short, Weig'd and Came to Sail Pilot still on board. First part Squally with Rain, Middle and Latter Light Breezs. & fair PM. Sounded, Jack'd Ship Occasiy, at 9 AM saw a Sail in the NW Quar- ter, Wore & gave Chace Fir'd two 6 Pounders Shotted at the Chace. First and Middle parts Mode & Clear, latter Squally with Rain, at 3 PM Haul'd our Wind to the No.ward Sounded, & Kd. Ship Occasiy. in Stays Carried away the Mn. TopsL Yard Empd : getting another up at 2 AM got the Yard across and bent the Sail. Mode and Hazey kept the Lead going & Kd. Occasiy. at 6 PM. Came too with the Bt Bowr. Veer'd awaj^ to i^ a Cable. Hoist'd the Boat out & try'd the Current, found it to set E N E 214 Miles pr. hour, at 1 AJNI Weigh'd & came to Sail, the Lead Continually going. First part Mode. & Cloudy. Middle & latter Fresh Breezs. and Clear PM Sounded no Ground, at 10 AM Esercis'd Great Guns & Small Arms 6 fir'd at a Mark. First part Fresh Breezs. and hazey, Middle Squally with Thunder, Lightg & Rain, latter part Mode & hazey. Sounded no Ground. Punish'd Wm. Escott Seaman with 12 Lashes for Theft. First and Middle parts Mode. & Clear, latter Mode. OCloudy at ^A past 5 PM spoke a Sloop from Philadelphia bound to Providence. Sailmakers Empd. repairing the Jibb. arrival presented me with so fair an occasion to employ him advantageously for His Majesty's Service" .... "nothing remained but that I should engage Capt. Tollemache to stay 48 hours beyond the time he had appointed for his departure for my Dispatches and M"" Schaw's necessary preparation, which that officer most politely agreed at my request to do." — Ibid. "P : S : This will be delivered to you by my Brother who has just stole up from the Sound to bid me farewell ; he has not an hour to stay, he goes home with dispatches from the Governoi ?".... "Thank God my Brother got safe on Board the King's Ship and Sailed wltl ~!ap'. Tallmash in his Friget that same afternoon for England". — From a letter wiXllen from Wilmington at this time by Miss Jen. Schaw. and now in possession of Mr. Vere L. Oliver, of Whitmore Lodge, Sunning- hill, England. 10 "Week Days Rfo. Days Winds Course Distce. Lattd. in Longd. made Bearings & Distce: at Noon July 17 Sunday 75 16 WS"W NW NBB' No 43 Et 55 37.05 N 5.41 B St. Georges Shoals No. 20 B 94 Leags. Monday 17 Varble No 10 Et. 31 37.35 N 5.48E Nantucket Shoals No. 43 E. 61 Leags. Tuesday 18 SB NWBW SW No 44 Et 52 38.12 N 6.33 B Do. No. 43 Et. 45 Leags. Wednesdy. 19 sw No WNW No. 49 Et. 68 39.01 N 7.44 E Do, No. 36 Et. 20 Leagues Thursdy. 20 "Varble No. 44. 30 E 67 39.48 8.44 B So. End of St. Georges Bank. No. 20 Et. 48 Leags : Friday 21 "Varble No. 50 Et. 47 40.:I8N 9.17 Et. So. End of St. Georges Bank No. N Et 30 Leags. Saturday 22 NEBB NB N NB' No. 17 W 54 41.07 N 9.57 Et. St. Georges Shoals No. 20 W 14 Leags : Sunday 23 Varble N. 20 W 43 41.47 N 9.53 Et. St. Georges Bank So. 80 W. 4 or 5 Leags. 11 Remarks &a First part Fresh Breezs. and Cloudy. Middle Squalles with Rain Thun- der & Lightning, latter light Airs & Cloudy at 5 AM Ist, Rf. Topsails Kd & Wore Ship. First part Calm & Cloudy, Middle light Breezs. and Cloudy, latter Mode, with Rain, at 2 PM Air'd the Sails, found holes in the Courses eat by the Mice at I/2 past 5 try'd the Current found it set NE ^2 mile Pr- hour at 6 hoisted in the Boat and made Sail, at 8 taken a back First and latter parts Mode. Breezs. with Rain, Middle Light Breezes & Cloudy, latter Mode. & fair PM a large Swell from the SW, at 7 Shorten'd sail hove to and Sounded 140 fathms. no Ground. Wore and made Sail at 5 AJM two Sail in Sight, Split the Fore T. Ge. Sails. Empd. Repairing Do., at Noon Spoke a Ship from Newry to Philadelphia. First and Middle parts Light Breezs. & fair, latter Mode. & Cloudy, at 4 PM two Sail in Sight at 11 Shorten'd Sail hove to and Sound'd no Ground 100 fathms., Wore and made Sail at 6 saw a Sail to the Wt.ward. First part Fresh Gales and heavy Squalls with Rain. Middle Mode, and Hazey with Rain, latter Squally with Rain, at 2 PM Shorten'd Sail and hove to Spoke a Vessell from Liverpool, % past Spoke a Ship from Glasgow, at 5 PM Carried away the Starbd : Fore & Mn. Topmast, Steer^ ing Sail Booms. Close Reeft the Topsails Struck. T. Gt. Masts and Yards. First and latter part Fresh Gales and Squally with Rain Middle Mode. & hazey with Rain, Spoke 2 Vessels from England, at 5 PM Carried away the Starbd. Fore & Main Topmt. Steering sail Booms, Close Reeft Topsails and T. Gallt. masts Struck. First part Mode. & Cloudy with Squalls Middle & latter Calm at 1 PM hove to, Spoke a Schooner from Connecticut at 3 Kd. & set Single Rf. T. Sails at 8 up T. Gallt. Yards Sounded 110 fams. no Ground, saw a Sail to the Wt.ward. Light Airs and Clear, at 3 PM saw a Sail in the NW Quarter % past 6 hove to & spoke His Majesty's Ship Glasgow from Boston on a Cruize, at 8 made Sail, at 5 AM saw a Sail in the NW Quartr. 1/2 past hove to Spoke a Snow from Piscataway to Tobago. Wore and made Sail. 12 Week Days Mo. Days Winds Course Distce. Lattd. in Longd. made Bearings & Distce. at Noon July 17 Monday 75 24 SWBS SW SWBW No. 61 W 82 42.26 N 9.43 Et Boston Lighthouse W. 52 Leags: Tuesday 25 Varble No. 89W 36 42.25 N 9.03 Et Do. West 40 Leags. Wednesdy. 26 w 1 SW N0.68W South 1 18 43.32 N 8.38 Et. Do. No. 86 W. 32 Leags: Thursdy. 27 S.BW II II II II Not Seeing the Land imagine the Current has set us to the Et. Wd. Friday 28 SBWiW SBW South SBW II II II II Saturdy. 29 ssw w sw ssw II II II n .Q 02 K H ^ Sundy. 30 w NW II II II II Moor'd i Castle Long Mondy. 31 w sw wsw II II II II 13 Remarks, &c. First part mode. & fair. Middle Fresh Gales and Cloudy, latter Fresh Gales and Squally with Rain. Sounded every hour no Ground out 2d Rfs., at noon hove to spoke a Brig from Boston to London. First part Fresh Breezs. and Foggy Wt., Middle Mode. & Clear. Latter light Airs & fair, at 12 Sounded 130 fams. no Ground at 2 A. M. Kd : Ship at 8 Sounded 130 fa"", brown Sand. First part Light Airs & fair. Middle D". with a thick Fog. Latter light Airs & hazey at 2 P. M. saw a Sail to the W.ward at 5 Sounded soft muddy Ground. Set T. Gallt. Sails out 1st Reefs. First and Middle parts Light Breezs. & foggy, with Lightning & Rain latter mode. & fair at 8 P M hove to & Sounded 110 fams. soft Muddy Ground. First & Middle parts Light Breez^ and Hazey with Rain, latter mod*, and fair. Sounded 55 fam. hard Ground at 4 P M saw the Land from WNW to NWBIS y, past 11 Came to with the Bt. Bower in 23 fam., fir'd a Gun <& made a Signal for a Pilot at 12 Repeated the Signal, at 6 A M hove In to % of a Cable Fir'd a Gun for a Pilot at 8 Weigh'd & came to Sail at 10 Came onb*. a Pilot. First part liight Breez' and hazey with Rain, latter part mod*. & fair, P M Bmpd. working into Nantasket Bay in Company with His Maj. Ships Merlin & Falcon, at 8 Came to in Boston Harbour with the Bt, Bower in 5 fam. water, Veer'd to i/^ a Cable found riding here His Majs. Ships the Preston Vice Adml Graves and Sommerset with a large Fleet of Transports, at 5 AM Saluted Adml. Graves with 13 Guns, Moor'd Ship with the Stream Anchor to the Seward. Castle William SE ^S. Long Wharfe WNW at 10 Punish'd Jas. Ryan for Drunkeness First part Fresh Gales and Clear, Middle mode. & latter fresh Breezs. & fair, sent on shore the Empty Water Casks Reed : Water. D". W. Emp'i. Watering, at 8 sent a Boat with a party of Men, Man'd «&: Arm'd on a Seci*et Expedition, at 7 A M Weigh'd the Stearn Anchor at 9 Weighed & came to Sail, hove to made Sail Occasly. 14 Week Mo: Winds Course Distce. Lattd : Longd. Bearings & Days Days in made Distce : at Noon August 17 75 W.erly o Tnesdy. 1 Calm SSE ti II II II ■^ J?^ r-; 6C W ^ •r: OJ -^ 2 ° i?; Wednesdy. 2 Do. n II II II Moor'd off Point Aider! Lighthouse ] Thursdy. 3 SE It II II II Moor'd in Boston Harbour. NNW WNW Friday 4 W.erly NW. II II II II Saturdy. 5 W.erly II II II II > u IB 'u X! a Q Sunday 6 Do. 11 II II II ENE a Monday 7 East n II II II § ENE Tuesdy. 8 Calm W.erly II II II 11 wsw Wednesdy. 9 West 11 II It II J5 Remarks &c. JVIode. Breezs. & fair ^ past 1PM came to with ttie Bt. Br. in 5 fam. off the Lighthouse, Veer'd to V2 a Cable, at 4 Veer'd away & Moor'd a Cable each way with Springs on them, our Boat return'd with . the Officer and Men at 9 fir'd 4 Shot at the Rebels on Shore at the Light- house, sent a Boat Man'd and Arm'd to watch their motions. People under Arms all night AM Empd; making Boarding Nettings &c. Do. W. Empd : as before AM sent the Boat on shore to Watch the motion of the Rebels, at 11 unmoor'd & hove Short on the Small Br. Pun- ished Geo. Payler Marine for Neglect of Duty Do. W. at 2 PM Weighed & came to Sail Vs past 5 came too with the Br. Bower in Boston Harbour Moor'd with the Stream Anchor, at 6 made the Signl. for a Pilot 14 past the Pilot came onbd : at 7 Weigh'd & came to Sail Stood up the Harbour, at 9 Came to with the Bt. Bowr. V2 past 10 AJM Fir'd a Gun and made the Signal for Assistance. Came onbd : Mr. Jas. Drew Lieut. Reed : his Commissn : at 11 Weigh'd & Carried the Stream Anchr. out, the Ship Sheering too near the Shore let go the Und. Bowr. under foot Carried the Bt. Br. Anchor out to Windward. Mode. & fair at 3 PM Weigh'd the Small Br. & hove Short on the Bt Bower Fir'd a Gun and made a Signal for Assistance, Boats of the Fleet Empd. Carrying out Anchors & Warps, at 8 came too with the Bt. Br. off Charles Town at 4 Weigh'd and Warp'd abreast the Mouth of Cambridge River. Mode. & Clear Veer'd away & Moor'd with the Stream Cable fast to the Ring of the Small Br to Moor head & Stern AM RoAv'd Guard, EmiKJ. Occasly. Do. W. Anchor'd here His Majs. Ship Fowey, Lashed Booms across the Cables to prevent being Boarded by the Rebels. Read the Articles of War &c. Do. W. with Rain, Empd. Watering, Punished Geo: Mortimer with 12 Lashes for Neglect of Duty. Mode : & Clear, Reed. Spruce Beer. Punished Wm. Smallshanks with 12 Lashes for Disobedience of Orders. Reed. Boatswains & Carpenters Stores Empd. Watering. Varble W. Carpenters making a New F. T. Sail. Yard Empd. making Nippers. 16 Week Days Mo. Days tVinds Course Distce. Lattd : in Longd : made Bearings & Distce. at Noon. August 17 Thursdy. 75 10 SW SSW Calm II II II II Moor'd in Cambridge River Friday 11 East NE II II II II Single Anchor off Charles Town Saturdy. 12 Calm NW II II II II Sunday 13 W.erly II II II II Monday 14 NW II II II II - Tuesday 15 SE W.erly II II II II Wednesdy. 16 W.erly II II II II K H l> Thursdy. 17 W.erly II II II II Moor'd in Bo Castle Willi. Long Wharf Friday 18 1 Do. II II II II Saturdy 19 1 W.erly NE II II II II Sunday 20 W.erly II II II II Monday 21 SW II 11 II II Tuesdy. 22 SW W WNW II II II II Moor'd in Nantasket Road Wednesdy. 23 SBW South East 81 42.30 N 1.49 E St. Georges Bank So. 47 E 32 Leags. IT Remarks, &e. First and Middle parts Fresti Gales and Squall3'- with Rain, latter Calm and Cloudy, Carpenters Empd. Fir'd a Six poundr. Shott'd at the Rebels. Empd. Waterg. Mode, with Thunder & Lightning, AM Unmoor'd, Fir'd a Gun and made Signal for Assistance Weigh'd and Warp'd abreast of Charles Town. First part Calm with Rain, Middle and latter Light Airs & Cloudy, at 2 PM came too with the Bt. Br. in Boston Harbr. Moor'd with the Stream Anchr. found riding here the Preston, Somerset, Kings Fisher & Cancer. Mode. & Cloudy, Reed. Provisions. Dry'd Sails. Light Breezs. & fair Empd. Watering. AM. Air'd the Spare Sails Reed. Rum & Shingle Ballast. Do. W. Reed: Bread & Pease & Shingle Ballast Caulkers, Empd. on board. Do. W. Reed. Provisions & Soatswains Stores, Shipwrights & Caulkers. Empd. onboard. Mode. & fair. Reed : Boatswain's Stores, got up a New Fore Topsl Yard, Kiel'd & Bootop'd Caulkers & ShipAvrights Empd : onboard. Do. W. Artificiers as before Empd. Boarding Yessells, Punish'd Robt : Fames with 12 Lashes for Mutiny, Dry'd Sails. Do. W. Reed, on board Water, Empd. as before, AM Sailed hence His Majs. Ship Somerset. Do. W. Empd. Occasly. Dry'd Sails. Do. W. p}mpd. boarding Vessels AM getting Ready for Sea, at 10 a Pilot came onboard. Do. W. PM Unmoor'd V2 past 1 Weighed & Came to Sail at 7 Came too with the Best Br. in Nantasket Road, Veer'd away & Moor'd with Springs on the Cables, Town of Nantasket S E B S Long Island N W B W, found Riding here His Ma.is. Sloop Merlin, Empd. Watering. Fresh Gales & Squally at 3 PM Unmoor'd & hove Short on the Bt. Br. V2 past 7 Weighed & came to Sail the Pallaser in Company, the Light- house W B N 3 miles at 11 in T Gallt. Sails, at 3 AM Rft. Topsails at 4 saw a Sail on the Larbd. Bow, hove to Spoke a Sloop for Nantucket, made Sail. Transport in Company. 18 Week Days. Mo. Days, Winds Course DiStce. Lattd : in Longd : made. Bearings & Distce. at Noon August 17 Thursdy. 75 24 WSW W NE E % S 96 42.16 N 3.58 Et. Do : So : 41 W 13 Lea,gs : Friday 25 Varble So 73 E 27 42.08 N, 4.33 Et. Charles Town So. 46 W 276 Leags. Saturdy — 26 Do. No. 8W 29 42.34 N 66.08 W Do. So. 45W 281 Leags. Sundy. 27 Do: So. 8W 95 42.20 N 66.11 W Do. So. 45W 278 Leags. Monday 2S Varble So. 69 Et. 42 42.10 N 65.19 W Charles Town So. 48 W 284 Leags. Tuesdy 29 South SBW No. 87 Et. 53 42.13 N 64.08 W Do. So. SOW 299 Leags. Wednesdy. 30 SSW SW SWBS SE 48 41.39 N 63.34 W Do. So. 53 W 301 Leags. Thursdy 31 SW SSE SEE So. 37 E 32 41.48 N 63,09 W. Do. So. 55 W • 304 Leags. Septemr. Friday 1 Varble So. 73 E 42 42.07 N. 62.17 W. Do. So. 57 W 312 Leags. Saturdy. 2 SWBW WSW ssw So. 34 Et 56 40.21 N 61.30 W Do. So. 63 W 339 Leags. 19 Remarks &c. Fresh Gales and hazey at 4 AM Sounded 45 fam. Coarse brown Sand being Foggy lost Sight of the Transport at 11 hove to Fir'd Six 6 Foundrs. & 20 Musquets as Signals to her. First part Mode. & Foggy Middle & latter Mode. & Clear at 2 PM saw the Transport at 6 joined Compy. Mode. iS: fair at 3 PM Sounded 70 fm. no Ground. Empd. Repairing the larger Cutter. Recv'd a New Tiller Rope. Transport in Compy. First part Mode. & Clear Middle & latter Foggy at 2 PM hove too sup- plied the Transport with 10 Musquets & 10 Cartouch Boxes at 2 AM lost sight of her Tinckled the Bell & fir'd Musqts. which she Answer'd at 8 sa^ the Transport. P'irst and Middle parts light Airs & Foggy Latter Mode. & Clear, at 9 PM lost Sight of the Transport Fir'd Musquets and Tinckl'd the Bell which she Answ'd. at 1 AM Fir'd a 6 Pounder which the Transport Answd. at 8 saw a Sail in the SE Fir'd a 6 Pounder Shotted & brought her too, Hove too Main Topsl. to . the Mast a Ship from Londonderry for Rhode Island Vz past 10 Kd. & made Sail Transport in Compy. First pt. Mode. & Clear. Middle & latter light Airs & Foggy 5 PM saw a Sail in the NE, gave Chace at 6 left off Chace, at 3 AM lost Sight of the Transpt. Tinckl'd the bell which she Answd. fir'd a 6 Pounder as p Signal to her. Light Breezs. & a thick Fog at 2 PM Transport fir'd a Gun Answd. Do. at 4 saw the Transport at 10 Lightning in the NW. First pt. Light Airs & fair Middle Squally ■oath Thunder Lightning & Rain latter Mod. & Cloudy at 1 AM in st.Rf. T. Sails at 7 out Reefs First & Middle pts. Light Breezs. & Cloudy latter Fresh Breezs. & Clear at 2 I'M Kd. at 10 AM in Is Rf. T. Sails Transport in Company. Fresh Breezs. & Squally with Rain at 4 PM out Rfs. at 12 Fir'd a Gun & K. as p. Signl. at 2 A:\I Kd. & fir'd a Gun at 6 Close Reeft T. Sails, Hand'd Fore & Mizn. T. Sails Struck T. G. Mts. & Yards. Transport in Compan.Y. 20 Week Days Mo. Days. Winds Course Distce, Lattd : in Longd : made Bearings & Distce. at Noon Septembr. Sunday 1775 3 SWBW West WBS NEbN Sonth 64 39.18 N 61.30 W. Do So. 65 W 308 Leags. Monday 4 NE East South SSW So. 22 Et. 61 73 38.22 61.01 W Do. So. 68 W 310 Leags. Tuesdy. 5 s w So. 54 Et. 37.39 N 59.46 N Charles Town So: 73 W 304 L^gs. Wednesdy. 6 sw SE SWBS WSW No. 4W. 48 38.16 N 59.51 N Do. So. 69 W 327 Leags. Thursdy. 7 Varble So. 9Bt. 33 37.55 N 59.44 N Do. So. 71 W 326 Leags. Friday 8 Do. No. 83 W. 44 66 38.00 N 60.40 W. Do. So. 70 W. 312 Leags. Saturdy. 9 WBS North NBBE South 36.54 N. 60.40 W. Do. So. 74 W. 307 Leags. Sunday 10 Do. No. 85 W 32 36.56 N. 61.20 W. Do. S. 73 W 298 Leags: 21 Remarks &c. First pt. Fresh Gales and Squally with Rain. Middle Mode, latter Light Airs & fair at 6 PM hove too Mn. Topse. to the Mast at 7 bore down to the Transport sett Close Rf. Topsails up T. G. Mts. & Yards at 10 out 2 Reefs at 2 AM saw a Sail to the Et.wd. made Sail and gave Chace, at 3 Sett Steering Sails % past Spoke the Chace a Sloop from Cape Cod, at 6 made Sail, Read Articles of War &c to the Ships Company. First part Light Breezs. latter Fresh Breezs. & Clear at 6 PM saw a Sail to the So. wd. gave Chace, Flr'd 2 Shott at the Chace at 7 lost sight of her made Signl. & Kd. at 3 AM saw a Sail to the Et.ward gave Chace, at 7 left off Chace, Split the Jib. Sailmn. Empd. Repg. it in Compy. as before. Fresh Breezs. & Cloudy at 1 PM in 2d. Reefs at 6 saw 3 Sail gave Chace at 8 left off Chace at 10 Handed Mizn. T. Sail at 4 AM saw a Sail to the Et.ward, made Sail and gave Chace, at 6 fir'd a Shot at the Chace. at 8 Hove too spoke a Sloop from Cape Fear in Im. Rfs. and made Sail to the SE gave Chace fir'd a Shott at the Chace. First pt. Fresh Gales and Cloudy with Squalls at 3 PM fir'd 2 Shot at the Chace at 6 fir'd 2 Shot at the Chace & brot. her too Hove too & Exam'd her a Brig from Si\ Cruze for Milford Haven at 8 made Sail at 2 AM in 2d. Rfs. at S Split the Jibb at 10 Close Reeft T. Sails Struck T. Gt. Yards & Masts. Transport in Company. First pt Strong Gales and Cloudy Middle & Latter Mode, at 1 PM Handed F & Mizn. T. Sails at 4 set Do. at 7 up T. G. Masts out Reefs. Transport in Company. First and Middle parts Mode. & hazey lattei* Squally with rain, in 2d Reefs. Transport in Company. First and Middle parts Fresh Gales and Squally with Rain, latter Mode. & Clear, V2 past 3 PM Kd : in 3d. Reefs at 4 Handed Fore and Mizn. T. Sails at 9 Sett Fore & Mizn. T. Sails out Reefs at 5 AM Split Mn. T. Gallt. Sail Repaired Do. in Compy. as before. Light Airs &: Cloudy in Company as before. 22 Week Days Mo. Days. Winds Course. Distce. Lattd. in Longd : made Bearings & Distce. at Noon Septembr. Monday 1775 11 SW SEW SWBS No. 84 W 65 37.03 N 62.37 W Do. S. 71 W 271 Leags. Tuesday 12 ssw WNW NWBN So. 33 Et. 6 36.58 63.45 W Do. So. 70 W 270 Leags. Wednesdy. 13 NW.BN Nortb So. 38 W 90 35 41N 64.29 W. Do. So. 76 W 245 Leags. Thursdy. 14 No. East So. 30 W 72 34.39 N 65.45 W Cape Fear So. 85 W 201 Leags. Friday 15 East SE So. 39 W 102 33.20 N. 66.58 W Do. No. 88 W 184 Leags. Saturdy. 16 SBBE EbS East So. 44 W 87 32.28 It Do. No. 80.33 166 Leags. Sunday 17 East EBS ESE II II II II St. David's Head SSW 4 or 5 Miles. Monday 18 East ESE II n II 62.41 W Moor'd in St. Georges Harbour Island of Bermudai ^The Scorpion appears to have continued cruising off the east coast of North America from Boston to the West Indies. The South-Carolina Gazette; And Country Journal for December 2, 1775, says : "On Wednesday of last week, arrived here from Cape-Fear, his Majesty's Sloop Scorpion, Commanded by the Hon. Capt. Tollemach, with a large Transport ship. These vessels have likewise been at Bermuda, and we hear that at both places they dismantled some Forts. His Excellency Governor Martin of North Carolina is on board the Scorpion. 23 Remarks, &c. First part Light Breezs. & Clear Middle & latter Fresh Gales & Squally at 3 AM Carried away the Jibb Stay and Halliards, Split the Jibb. Reer'd new Stay & Halliards bent the new Jibb Handed Fore and Mizn. Topsails' at 5 Split Maintopsl part of which blew away. Bent another. Close Reeft it down T. G. Yards and Masts at 12 set the Mainsail and lay too Transport in Company (Strong Gales and hazey with a great at 2 AM Rolled away the Driver Boom Yi past 4 Wore fir'd a six pounder p. Signal to Transport at 5 set Fore SI. & Mizen latter Mode, set Topsails and up Top Gallt. masts, in Company as before. First part Fresh Gales and Cloudy Middle and latter Mode, & Cloudy at 7 AM out 1st Reefs, at 8 Exercis'd Great Guns and Small Arms. Fir'd five 6 Pounders at a mark Transport in Company. Light Breezs. & Cloudy at 2 PM bent a New Foresail Emprl. Repairing the Jibb in Company as before. Mode. & Clear, at 10 AM Lost a Log and 2 Lines, in Compy. as before. First and Middle parts Fresh Breezs. & Squally with Rain, latter Mode. & fair at 3 PM in 1st Rfs. at 9 Sounded 50 fathm. no Ground brot too Mn. Topsl. to the Mast at 5 AM made Sail Transport in Compy. First part Mode. & Cloudy Middle & latter Fresh Breezs. & Cloudy at 4 PM saw the Island of Bermuda WlAN 6 or 7 Leags. at 10 Fir'd two Musquets pr : signal to the Transport at 3 AM fir'd 2 Guns as a Signal for a Pilot \L past 10 Pilot came onboard Kd. brot. too & made Sail Occasiiy. Fresh Breezs. and Cloudy W. at 1 PM came too with the Bt. Br. in 7 fam. in St. Georges Harbour as did the Transport Veer'd to 14 a Cable at 4 Veer'd away & Moor'd abreast of the Town. Church No. a Cables length. On Wednesday last the Scorpions Long Boat took off this Bar, the sloop Thomas and Stafford, Solomon Gibbes, master, the property of Elias Young, of Bermuda bound here, in Ballast from St. Christopher, and the sloop Hetty, .Jacob Milligan master, the property of Messrs Crouch and Grey, and James and Neilson, of this Town, bound here from Jamaica and about 60 Hogshead of rum. Both vessels were regularly cleared. There are at present in the Road, the Tamer, Thornbrough, of 20 guns, the Scorpion, Capt. Tollemache, of 14, the Cherokee, Capt. Ferguson, of 8, a ti-ansport ship, the two sloops above mentioned, and two Schooners, one of which has some swivels." INDEX . Alderton, 14. American provinces, 3. Bermuda, 22(2), 23(2). Boston, 6, 8, 11, 13, 22. Boston Harbour, 12,13,14,15,16,17. Boston Lighthouse, 12. British Public Records Office, 3. Cambridge River, 14, 15, 16. Campbell, Lord William, Governor of South Carolina 3(3). Cancer, H. M. S., 17. Cape Cod, 21. Cape Fear, 6, 8(3), 9, 21, 22(2). Cape Hatteras, 8. Castle William, 12, 13, 16. Charles Town, Mass., 15, 16, 17, Charles Town, S. C, 8. Charles Town (S. C.) Bar, 6, 7. 18(2), 20. Charles Town (S. C.) Lighthouse, 7. Cherokee, H. M. S., 23. Colonial Records of North Carolina, The, 8. Charles Town (S. C.) Harbour, 6. Crouch and Grey, 23. Dartmouth, Lord, 8. Drew, James, 15. Eames, Robert, 17. Edwards, Isaac, 7. Ellis, Richard, 7. England, 3, 8(2). Escott, William, 9. Falcon, H. M. S., 13. Ferguson, Capt, 22. Fort Johnson, 6. Fort Johnstnii (N. C), 8. Gibbes, Solomon, 23. Glasgow, H. M. S., 11. Graves, Vice- Admiral, 13(2). Great Britain, 3. Grey, Crouch and, 23. Herron, Andrew, 7. Hetty (sloop), 23. Hobcaw, 7. Jamaica, 23. James and Neilson, 23. Kings Fisher, H. M. S., 17. Laws, John, 7. London, 13. Londonderry, 19. Long Wharf, 13, 16. Madeira, 3. Martin, Josiah, Governor of North Carolina, 8, 22. McGinnes, Felix, 7. Merlin, H. M. S., 13, 17. Milford Haven, 21. Milligan, Jacob, 23. Mortimer, George, 15. Nantasket, 17. Nantasket Bay, 13. Nantasket Road, 16, 17. Nantucket, 17. Nantucket Shoals, 10. New Providence, 9. Newry, 11. Neilson, James and, 23. North America, 22. North Carolina, 8, 22; The Colonial Records of, 8. Oakes, James, 7. Oliver, Vere L., 8. Pallaser, 17. Payler, George, 15. Payne, Joshua, 7. 25 Philadelphia, 9, 11. Piscataway, 11. Preston, H. M. S., 13, 17. Rebecca (brig.), 3. Rebellion Road, 6, 7. Rhode Island, 19. Rum. 7, 23. Ryan, James, 13. Sanders, Capt., 3. Sandicich Packet, S. Schaw, Alexander, 8. Sehaw, Jen., 8. Somerset, H. M. S., 13, 17(2). Smallshanks, William, 15. South-Carolina and American Gen- eral Gazette, The, 6. South-Carolina Gazette; And Coun- try Journal, The, 3, 6, 22. Sr. Cruze, 21. St. Christophers, 8, 23. St. David's Head, 22. St. George's Bank, Mass., 10(3), 16 St. George's Harbour, Bermuda, 22, 23. St. George's Shoals, Mass., 10(2). Sullivan's Island, 6. Sunuinghill, England, 8. Tamer, H. M. S., 23. Thomas and Stafford (sloop), 23. Thornhrough, H. M. S., 23. Tobago, 11. Tompkins, William, 7. Watts, William, 7. West Indies, 22. Whitmore Lodge, 8. Wilmington, N. C, 8. Young, Elias, 22.