Class Booi cY^ Ha confRicunr OEPosm YORK COUNTY and the WORLD WAR BEING A WAR HISTORY OF YORK AND YORK COUNTY AND A RECORD OF THE SERVICES RENDERED TO THEIR COUNTRY BY THE PEOPLE OF THIS COMMUNITY Compiled, Edited and Published by CLIFFORD J. HALL and JOHN P. LEHN m -3 !S20 ^ Copyright n. O 1 C York, Pennsylvania ©CI, A566o1o TO THE BOYS WHO "WENT WEST" AND TO THE LOVED ONES OF THOSE THAT MADE THE SUPREME SACRIFICE THIS BOOK IS DEDICATED CONTENTS Foreword Clifford J. Hall Sometime We'll Understand (Poem) James McGranahan The United States of America at War Clifford J. Hall A Proclamation Woodrow Wilson Why War Was Declared Woodrow Wilson In Memoriam Clifford J. Hall In Flanders Fields (Poem) Lt. Colonel John McCrea From Other Fields (Poem) John Mitchell Flanders Field Nelson Horn York County Court House Showing Honor Roll Shadle and Busser York County's Honor Roll The Editors Pictures and Sketches of Those Who Lost Their Lives The Editors The Return (Poem) Urita Danna Platt Alphabetical List of Those in the Service The Editors Letters of Interest from " Over There " Boys of the A. E. F. Group Pictures of Boys Before Leaving for Camps ,,• • • Ben Sweigart Gobdom (Poem) Clifford J. Hall Satire on the Kaiser Louis Syberkrop Overheard on a Train from Berlin to Holland Treat 'em Rough (Magazine) The Kaiser's Prayer. York County and the Early Wars of Our History George R. Prowell York in the World War Wadsworth M. George York: A City of Thrift Wadsworth M. George Aeroplane Pictures of York Ben Sweigart The Silent Hero Clifford J. Hall They Also Serve (Poem) Elizabeth N. Hepburn Some Prominent Men and Their Work John P. Lehn Fifth Liberty Loan Workers Grier Hersh Board of Directors York County Chapter Red Cross Shadle and Busser The Red Cross Report, York Chapter Rev. C. M. Ehehalt The Red Cxoss Report, Hanover Chapter Picture of Little Court House in Center Square. War Savings Stamps During the World War 0. Roland Read Report of the War Council James Rudisill The Scouts of York County During the War Ray F. Zaner Activities of the Y. M. C. A H. A. Bailey Work of York Theater's During the World War Wadsworth M. George Speaking Activities of the Four Minute Men G. Hay Kain General John Sedgwick Post No. 37, G. A. R G. P. Spangle r United Spanish War Veterans Charles A. Lutz York Post No. 127, American Legion Curtis A. Thomas World War Statistics John P. Lehn World War's Notable Dates John P. Lehn FOREWORD HE war time history of our community was not made solely by the l^ravery, the sacrifices and the victories of its soldiers, sailors and marines. Tlie activities of all the rest of its patriotic citizens, men, women, and children, played a vital part, whether their achievements were the result of individual effort, or of the co-ordinated work of such organizations as the American Red Cross, the War Camp Community Service, the Food Administration and others too numerous to mention, which surmounted every obstacle caused by the national emergency with a zeal and an unselfish devotion that made history for this old County of ours. In recording this history, it has been the honest aim of the editors to produce accurate and complete records. The undertaking has been so immense, however, that it is inevitable that some mistakes and omissions have been made, due to such obstacles as the failure of the relatives of some of the boys who lost their lives to send in photographs to complete the honor roll. In the compilation of the necessary data, the editors have received much valu- able assistance. Especially should recognition here be given to Mr. Grier Hersh for his kind help and encouragement. Further, without the splendid co-operation of the relatives of the boys who made the supreme sacrifice, the completion of this work would not have been possible. It is earnestly hoped that there is given, in these pages, a general, correct and vivid picture of the wonderful and glorious sacrifices of the York County people. If, in addition, this history brings us to a realization of the sacrifices of our friends, especially those that gave their all, then the aim of this work may be said to have been accomplished. Clifford J. Hall. N SOMETIME WE'LL UNDERSTAND OT now, but in the coming years, It may be in the better land, We'll read the meaning of our tears. And there, sometime, we'll understand. We'll catch the broken thread again, And finish what we here began; Heav'n will the mysteries explain. And then, ah then, we'll understand. We'll know why clouds instead of sun Were over many a cherished plan; Why song has ceased when scarce begun ; 'T is there, sometime, we'll understand. Why what we longed for most of all. Eludes so oft our eager hand ; Why hopes are crushed and castles fall. Up there, sometime, we'll understand. God knows the way. He holds the key, He guides us with unerring hand ; Sometime with tearless eyes we'll see ; Yes, there, up there, we'll understand. — James McGranahan. THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA AT WAR. OT for aggrandizement, acquisition of territory, covetoiis- ness of any kind or vainglory; but at war in the cause of humane rights — the only cause that could stir this great, powerful, peace-loving and law abiding country to the violence that war entailed. Our part of America is the giant among the nations of the world. It is a country of more than one hundred million people, with resources valued at more than two hundred and fifty billion dollars — figures that are by far too large for most of us to realize in their full signifi- cance. This was a vast force to inject into the terrible war that was convulsing the world, but powerful as it was, it could not have been given its full impetus without united action of the whole people. We — that is to say the bulk of the people — were slow to realize that a state of war existed. But not only did we make up our minds to the fact that the country was at war, but also to the fact that it needed our help. And we realized too, that the quicker we responded to the call and the more energy we put into our efforts the more apt we were to shorten the period of strife and save suffering for friend and foe alike. There was work for every one. Even those who did and gave but little should be cheered because of the fact that even that little counted. What each could and should have done was outlined by President Wilson in his proclamation, dated April fifteenth. Nineteen hundred seventeen. The people of York County did their share. Clifford J. Hall. PROCLAMATION My Felloiv Countrymen: HE entrance of our own beloved country into the grim and terrible war for democracy and human rights which has shaken the world creates so many problems of national life and action which call for immediate consideration and settlement that I hope you will permit me to address to you a few words of earnest counsel and appeal with regard to them. We are rapidly putting our navy upon an effective war footing and are about to create and equip a great army, but these are the simplest parts of the great task to which we have addressed ourselves. There is not a single selfish element, so far as I can see, in the cause we are fighting for. We are fighting for what we believe and wish to be the rights of mankind and for the future peace of the world. To do this great thing worthily and successfully we must devote ourselves to the service without regard to profit or material advantage and with an energy and intelligence that will rise to the level of the enterprise itself. We must realize to the full how great the task is and how many things, how many kinds and elements of capacity and service and self-sacrifice it involves. These, then, are the things we must do and do well, besides fighting — the things without which mere fighting would be fruitless: We must supply abundant food, for ourselves and for our armies and our seamen not only, but also for a large part of the nations with whom we have now made common cause, in whose support and by whose sides we shall be fighting. We must supply ships by the hundreds out of our shipyards to carry to the other side of the sea, submarines or no submarines, what will every day be needed there and abundant materials out of our fields and our mines and our factories with which not only to clothe and equip our own forces on land and sea but also to clothe and support our people for whom the gallant fellows under arms can no longer work, to help clothe and equip the armies with which we are co-operating in Europe, and to keep the looms and manufactories there in raw material; coal to keep the fires going in ships at sea and in the furnaces of hundreds of factories across the sea ; steel out of which to make arms and am- munition both here and there; rails for wornout railways back of the fighting fronts; locomotives and rolling stock to take the place of those every day going to pieces; mules, horses, cattle for labor and for military service; everything with which the people of England and France and Italy and Russia have usually supplied themselves but cannot now afford the men, the material or the machinery to make. It is evident to every thinking man that our industry and on the farms, in the shipyards, in the mines, in the factories, must be made more prolific and more efficient than ever and that they must be more economically managed and better adapted to the particular requirements of our task than they have been; and what I want to say is that the men and the women who devote their thought and their energy to these things will be serving the country and conducting the fight for peace and freedom just as truly and just as effectively as the men on the battlefield or in the trenches. The industrial forces of the country, men and women alike, will be a great national, a great inter- national Service Army — a notable and honored host engaged in the services of the Nation and the world, the efficient friends and saviors of free men everywhere. Thousands, nay hundreds of thousands of men otherwise liable to military service will of right and of necessity be excused from that service and assigned to the fundamental, sustaining work of the fields and factories and mines, and they will be as much part of the great patriotic forces of the Nation as the men under fire. I take the liberty, therefore, of addressing this word to the farmers of the country and to all who work on the farms: The supreme need of our own Nation and of the nations with which we are co-operating is an abund- ance of suppUes, and especially of foodstuffs. The importance of an adequate food supply, especially for the present year, is superlative. Without abundant food, alike for the armies and the people now at war, the whole great enterprise upon which we have embarked will break down and fail. The world's food reserves are low. Not only during the present emergency, but for some time after peace shall have come, both our own people and a large proportion of the people of Europe must rely upon the harvests in America. Upon the farmers of this country, therefore, in large measure, rests the fate of the war and the fate of the nations. May the nation not count upon them to omit no step that will increase the produc- tion of their land or that will bring about the most effectual co-operation in the sale and distribution of their products.'^ The time is short. It is of the greatest imperative importance that everything possible be done to make sure of large harvests. I call upon young men and old alike and upon the able-bodied boys of the land to accept and act upon this duty — to turn in hosts to the farms and make certain that no pains and no labor is lacking in this great matter. I particularly appeal to the farmers of the South to plant abundant food-stuffs as well as cotton. They can show their patriotism in no better or more convincing way than by resisting the great temp- tation of the present price of cotton and helping, helping upon a great scale to feed the Nation and the people everywhere who are fighting for their liberties and for our own. The variety of their crops will be the visible measure of their comprehension of their national duty. The Government of the United States and the governments of the several States stand ready to co-operate. They will do everything possible to assist farmers in securing an adequate supply of seed, an adequate force of laborers when they are most needed, at harvest time, and the means of expediting shipments of fertilizers and farm machinery, as well as of the crops themselves when harvested. The course of trade shall be as unhampered as it is possible to make it and there shall be no un- warranted manipulation of the Nation's food supply by those who handle it on its way to the consumer. This is our opportunity to demonstrate the efficiency of a great democracy and we shall not fall short of it! This let me say to the middlemen of every sort, whether they are handling our foodstuffs or our raw materials of manufacture or the products of our mills and factories: The eyes of the country will be especially upon you. This is your opportunity for signal service, efficient and disinterested. The country expects you, as it expects all others, to forego unusual profits, to organize and expedite shipments of supplies of every kind, but especially of food, with an eye to the service you are rendering; and in the spirit of those who enlist in the ranks, for their people, not for themselves, I shall confidently expect you to deserve and win the confidence of people of every sort and station. To the men who run the railways of the country, whether they be managers or operative employes, let me say that the railways are the arteries of the Nation's life and that upon them rests the immense responsibihty of seeing to it that those arteries suffer no obstruction of any kind, no inefficiency or slackened power. To the merchant let me suggest the motto: " Small profits and quick service:" and to the ship- builder the thought that the life of the war depends upon him. The food and the war supplies must be carried across the seas no matter how many ships are sent to the bottom. The places of those that go down must be supplied and supplied at once. To the miner let me say that he stands where the farmer does: The work of the world waits on him. If he slackens or fails, armies and statesmen are helpless. He also is enlisted in the great Service Army. The manufacturer does not need to be told, I hope, that the Nation looks to him to speed and perfect every process; and I want only to remind his employes that their service is absolutely indispensable and is counted on by every man who loves the country and its liberties. Let me suggest also that every one who creates or cultivates a garden helps and helps greatly to solve the problem of the feeding of the nations ; and that every housewife who practices strict economy puts herself in the ranks of those who serve the Nation. This is the time for America to correct her unpardonable fault of wastefulness and extravagance. Let every man and every woman assume the duty of careful, provident use and expenditure as a public duty, as a dictate of patriotism which no one can now expect ever to be excused or forgiven for ignoring. In the hope that this statement of the needs of the Nation and of the world in this hour of supreme crisis may stimulate those to whom it comes and remind all who need reminding of the solemn duties of a time such as the world has never seen before, I beg that all editors and publishers everywhere will give as prominent publication and as wide circulation as possible to this appeal. I venture to suggest also to advertising agencies that they would perhaps render a very substantial and timely service to the country if they would give it widespread repetition. And I hope that clergymen will not think the theme of it an unworthy or inappropriate subject of comment and homily from their pulpits. The supreme test of the Nation has come. We must all speak, act and serve together. — WOODROW WILSON 10 WHY WAR WAS DECLARED. At a joint meeting of the two houses of Congress assembled in extraordinary session, April 2, 1917, President Wilson delivered the following address which was the basis of the subsequent action of Congress in its declaration that a state of war existed with Germany. Gentlemen of the Congress: HAVE called the Congress into extraordinary session because there are serious, very serious, choices of pohcy to be made, and made immediately, which it was neither right nor constitutionally permissible that I should assume the responsibility of making. On the third of February last I officially laid before you the extraordinary announcement of the Imperial German Government that on and after the first day of February it was its purpose to put aside all restraints of law or of humanity and use its submarines to sink every vessel that sought to approach either the ports of Great Britain and Ireland or the western coasts of Europe or any of the ports controlled by the enemies of Germany within the Mediterranean. That had seemed to be the object of the German submarine warfare earlier in the war, but since April of last year the Imperial Government had somewhat restrained the commanders of its undersea craft in conformity with its promise then given to us that passenger boats should not be sunk and that due warning would be given to all other vessels which its submarines might seek to destroy when no resistance was offered or escape attempted, and care taken that their crews were given at least a fair chance to save their lives in their open boats. The precautions taken were meager and haphazard enough, as was proved in distressing instance after instance in the progress of the cruel and unmanly business; but a certain degree of restraint was observed. The new pohcy has swept every restriction aside. Vessels of every kind, whatever their flag, their character, their cargo, their destination, their errand, have been ruthlessly sent to the bottom without warning and without thought of help or mercy for those on board, the vessels of friendly neutrals along with those of belligerents. Even hospital ships and ships carrying relief to the sorely bereaved and stricken people of Belgium, though the latter were provided with safe conduct through the proscribed areas by the German Govern- ment itself and were distinguished by unmistakable marks of idenity, have been sunk with the same reckless lack of compassion or of principle. I was for a little while unable to believe that such things would in fact be done by any Government that had hitherto subscribed to the humane practices of civilized nations. International law had its origin in the attempt to set up some law which would be respected and observed upon the seas, where no nation had right of domination and where lay the free highways of the world. By painful stage after stage has that law been built up, with meager enough results, indeed, after all was accomplished that could be accomplished, but always with a clear view, at least, of what the heart and conscience of mankind demanded. This minimum of right the German Government has swept aside under the plea of retaliation and necessity and because it had no weapons which it could use at sea except those which it is impossible I 11 I to employ as it is employing them without throwing to the winds all scruples of humanity or of respect for the understandings that were supposed to underlie the intercourse of the world. I am not now thinking of the loss of property involved, immense and serious as that is, but only of the wanton and wholesale destruction of the lives of noncombatants, men, women and children, engaged in pursuits which have always, even in the darkest periods of modern history, been deemed innocent and legitimate. Property can be paid for; the lives of peaceful and innocent people cannot be. The present German submarine warfare against commerce is a warfare against mankind. It is a war against all nations. American ships have been sunk, American lives taken, in ways which it has stirred us very deeply to learn of, but the ships and people of other neutral and friendly nations have been sunk and overwhelmed in the waters in the same way. There has been no discrimination. The challenge is to all mankind. Each nation must decide for itself how it will meet it. The choice we make for ourselves must be made with a moderation of counsel and a temperateness of judgment befitting our character and our motives as a nation. We must put excited feeling away. Our motive will not be revenge or the victorious assertion of the physical might of the nation, but only the vindication of right, of human right, of which we are a single champion. When I addressed the Congress on the twenty-sixth of February last I thought it would suffice to assert our neutral rights with arms, our right to use the seas against unlawful interference, our right to keep our people safe against unlawful violence. But armed neutrality, it now appears, is impracticable. Because submarines are in effect outlaws when used as the German submarines have been used against merchant shipping, it is impossible to defend ships against their attacks, as the law of nations has assumed that merchantmen would defend themselves against privateers or cruisers, visible craft giving chase upon the open sea. It is common prudence in such circumstances, grim necessity, indeed, to endeavor to destroy them before they have shown their own intention. They must be dealt with upon sight, if dealt with at all. The German Government denies the right of neutrals to use arms at all within the areas of the sea which it has prescribed, even in the defense of rights which no modern publicist has ever questioned their right to defend. The intimation is conveyed that the armed guards which we have placed on our merchant ships will be treated as beyond the pale of law and subject to be dealt with as pirates would be. Armed neutrality is ineffectual enough at best; in such circumstances and in the face of such pre- tensions it is worse than ineffectual: it is likely only to produce what it was meant to prevent; it is virtually certain to draw us into the war without either the rights or the effectiveness of belligerents. There is one choice we cannot make, we are incapable of making: we will not choose the path of submission and suffer the most sacred rights of our nation and our people to be ignored or violated. The wrongs against which we now array ourselves are not common wrongs ; they cut to the very roots of human life. With a profound sense of the solemn and even tragical character of the step I am taking and of the grave responsibilities which it involves, but in unhesitating obedience to what I deem my con- stitutional duty, I advise that the Congress declare the recent course of the Imperial German Govern- ment to be in fact nothing less than war against the Government and people of the United States; that it formally accept the status of belligerent which has thus been thrust upon it, and that it take immediately steps not only to put the country in a more thorough state of defense, but also to exert all its power and employ all its resources to bring the Government of the German Empire to terms and end the war. What this will involve is clear. It will involve the utmost practicable co-operation in counsel and [121 action with the Governments now at war with Germany, and, as incident to that, the extension to those Governments of the most liberal financial credits, in order that our resomces may, so far as possible, be added to theirs. It will involve the organization and mobilization of all the material resources of the country to supply the material of war and serve the incidental needs of the nation in the most abundant and yet the most economical and efficient way possible. It will involve the immediate full equipment of the navy in all respects, but particularly in supply- ing it with the best means of deahng with the enemy's submarines. It will involve the immediate addition to the armed forces of the United States already provided for by law in case of war, at least 500,000 men, who should, in my opinion, be chosen upon the principle of universal liability to service, and also the authorization of subsequent additional increments of equal force so soon as they may be needed and can be handled in training. It will involve also, of course, the granting of adequate credits to the Government, sustained, I hope, so far as they can equitably be sustained by the present generation, by well-conceived taxation. I say sustained so far as may be equitably by taxation because it seems to me that it would be most unwise to base the credits which will now be necessary entirely on money borrowed. It is our duty, I most respectfully urge, to protect our people so far as we may against the very serious hardships and evils which would be hkely to arise out of the inflation which would be produced by vast loans. In carrying out the measures by which these things are to be accomphshed we should keep con- stantly in mind the wisdom of interfering as little as possible in our own preparation and in the equip- ment of our own military forces with the duty — for it will be a very practical duty — of supplying the nations already at war with Germany with the materials which they can obtain only from us by our assistance. They are in the field and we should help them in every way to be effective there. I shall take the liberty of suggesting, through the several executive departments of the Government, for the consideration of your committees, measures for the accomplishment of the several objects I have mentioned. I hope that it will be your pleasure to deal with them as having been framed after very careful thought by the branch of the Government upon which the responsibility of conducting the war and safeguarding the nation will most directly fall. While we do these things — these deeply momentous things — let us be very clear, and make very clear to all the world, what our motives and our objects are. My own thought has not been driven from its habitual and normal course by the unhappy events of the last two months, and I do not believe that the thought of the nation has been altered or clouded by them. I have exactly the same things in mind now that I had in mind when I addressed the Senate on the twenty-second of January last; the same that I had in mind when I addressed the Congress on the third of February and on the twenty-sixth of February. Our object now, as then, is to vindicate the principles of peace and justice in the life of the world against selfish and autocratic power and to set up among the really free and self-governed peoples of the world such a concert of purpose and action as will henceforth insure the observance of those principles. Neutrality is no longer feasible or desirable where the peace of the world is involved and the freedom of its people, and the menace to that peace and freedom lies in the existence of autrocratic governments backed by organized force which is controlled wholly by their will, not by the will of their people. We have seen the last of neutrafity in such circumstances. We are at the beginning of an age in which it will be insisted that the same standards of conduct and of responsibility for wrong-doing shall be observed among nations and their Governments that are observed among the individual citizens of civilized States. I 13 ] We have no quarrel with the German people. We have no feeling toward them but one of sympathy and friendship. It was not upon their impulse that their Government acted in entering this war. It was not with their previous knowledge or approval. It was a war determined upon as wars used to be determined upon in the old, unhappy days when peoples were nowhere consulted by their rulers and wars were provoked and waged in the interest of dynasties or of little groups of ambitious men who were accustomed to use their fellow-men as pawns and tools. Self-governed nations do not fill their neighbor States with spies, or set the course of intrigue to bring about some critical posture of affairs which will give them an opportunity to strike and make conquest. Such designs can be successfully worked out only under cover and where no one has the right to ask questions. Cunningly contrived plans of deception or aggression carried, it may be, from generation to gene- ration can be worked out and kept from the light only within the privacy of courts or behind the carefully guarded confidence of a narrow, privileged class. They are happily impossible where public opinion commands and insists upon full information concerning all the nation's affairs. A steadfast concert for peace can never be maintained except by a partnership of democratic nations. No autocratic Government could be trusted to keep faith within it or observe its covenants. It must be a league of honor, a partnership of opinion. Intrigue would eat its vitals away; the plotting of inner circles who could plan what they would and render account to no one would be a corruption seated at its very heart. Only free peoples can hold their purpose and their honor steady to a common end and prefer the interests of mankind to any narrow interest of their own. Does not every American feel that assurance has been added to our hope for the future peace of the world by the wonderful and heartening things that have been happening within the last few weeks in Russia.'* Russia was known by those who know it best to have been always in fact democratic at heart in all the vital habits of her thought, in all the intimate relationships of her people that spoke their natural instinct, their habitual attitude toward life. The autocracy that crowned the summit of her political structure, long as it had stood and terrible as was the reality of its power, was not, in fact, Russia in origin, character or purpose; and now it has been shaken off and the great, generous Russian people have been added in all their native majesty and might to the forces that are fighting for freedom in the world, for justice and for peace. Here is a fit partner for a league of honor. One of the things that have served to convince us that the Prussian autocracy was not and could never be our friend is that from the very outset of the present war it has filled our unsuspecting com- munities and even our offices of Government with spies and set criminal intrigues everywhere afoot against our national unity and counsel, our peace within and without, our industries and our commerce. Indeed, it is now evident that its spies were here even before the war began; and it is unhappily not a matter of conjecture, but a fact proved in our courts of justice, that the intrigues which have more than once come perilously near to disturbing the peace and dislocating the industries of the country have been carried on at the instigation, with the support, and even under the personal direction of official agents of the Imperial Government accredited to the Government of the United States. Even in checking these things and trying to extirpate them, we have sought to put the most generous interpretation possible upon them because we know that their source lay, not in any hostile feeling or purpose of the German people toward us (who were, no doubt, as ignorant of them as we ourselves were), but only in the selfish designs of a Government that did what it pleased and told its people nothing. Rut they have played their part in serving to convince us at least that that Government f 14 1 entertains no real friendship for us and means to act against our peace and security at its convenience. That it means to stir up enemies against us at our very doors the intercepted note to the German Minister at Mexico City is eloquent evidence. We are accepting this challenge of hostile purpose because we know that in such a Government, following such methods, we can never have a friend; and that in the presence of its organized power, always lying in wait to accomplish we know not what purpose, there can be no assured security of the democratic Governments of the world. We are now about to accept gage of battle with this natural foe to liberty, and shall, if necessary, spend the whole force of the nation to check and nullify its pretensions and its power. We are glad, now that we see the facts with no veil of false pretense about them, to fight thus for the ultimate peace of the world and for the liberation of its peoples, the German peoples included; for the rights of nations great and small and the privilege of men everywhere to choose their way of life and of obedience. The world must be made safe for democracy. Its peace must be planted upon the tested foundations of pohtical liberty. We have no selfish ends to serve. We desire no conquest, no dominion. We seek no indemnities for ourselves, no material compensation for the sacrifices we shall freely make. We are but one of the champions of the rights of mankind. We shall be satisfied when those rights have been as secure as the freedom of the nations can make them. Just because we fight without rancor and without selfish object, seeking nothing for ourselves but what we shall wish to share with all free people, we shall, I feel confident, conduct our operations as belligerents without passion and ourselves observe with proud punctiho the principles of right and of fair play we profess to be fighting for. I have said nothing of the Governments aUied with the Imperial Government of Germany because they have not made war upon us or challenged us to defend our right and our honor. TheAustro- Hungarian Government has, indeed, avowed its unqualified indorsement and acceptance of the reckless and lawless submarine warfare adopted now without disguise by the Imperial German Government, and it has, therefore, not been possible for this Government to receive Count Tarnowski, the Am- bassador recently accredited to this Government by the Imperial and Royal Government of Austria- Hungary; but that Government has not actually engaged in warfare against citizens of the United States on the seas, and I take the hberty, for the present at least, of postponing a discussion of our relations with the authorities at Vienna. We enter this war only where we are clearly forced into it because there are no other means of defending our rights. It will be all the easier for us to conduct ourselves as belligerents in a high spirit of right and fairness because we act without animus, not in enmity toward a people or with the desire to bring any injury or disadvantage upon them, but only in armed opposition to an irresponsible Government which has thrown aside all considerations of humanity and of right and is running amuck. We are, let me say again, the sincere friends of the German people, and shall desire nothing so much as the early re-establishment of intimate relations of mutual advantage between us, however hard it may be for them, for the time being, to beheve that this is spoken from our hearts. We have borne with their present Government through all these bitter months because of that friendship, exercising a patience and forbearance which would otherwise have been impossible. We shall, happily, still have an opportunity to prove that friendship in our daily attitude and action toward the millions of men and women of German birth and native sympathy who live among us and share our life, and we shall be proud to prove it toward all who are in fact loyal to their neighbors and to the Government in the hour of test. [15] They are, most of them, as true and loyal Americans as if they had never known any other fealty or allegiance. They will be prompt to stand with us in rebuking and restraining the few who may be of a different mind and purpose. If there should be disloyalty it will be dealt with with a firm hand of stern repression; but if it lifts its head at all it will hft it only here and there, and without countenance except from a lawless and mahgnant few. It is a distressing and oppressive duty, gentlemen of the Congress, which I have bsfore me in thus addressing you. There are, it may be, many months of fiery trial and sacrifice ahead of us. It is a fearful thing to lead this great, peaceful people into war — into the most terrible and disastrous of all wars, civilization itself seeming to be in the balance. But the right is more precious than peace, and we shall fight for the things which we have always carried nearest our hearts — for democracy, for the right of those who submit to authority to have a voice in their own government, for the rights and liberties of small nations, for a universal dominion of right by such a concert of free peoples as shall bring peace and safety to all nations and make the world itself at last free. To such a task we can dedicate our lives and our fortunes, everything that we are and everything that we have, with the pride of those who know that the day has come when America is privileged to spend her blood and her might for the principles that gave her birth and happiness and the peace which she has treasured. God helping her, she can do no other. 16 \l\nt rnmra a mnm^nt tu lit? liurs nf mm ani mnmrn ml^nt tl|w tl^nuQl^la l|ol& a ptrturr m\h an rx;ir?SBtnu nf a man ani l|tH mnrlblg hnhB, bnl nn mnrJis ran bp f nnnJn t a rnnur^ ll|at utaion nf a mn&^rn l}nti to ll|p mnrlb aa il al|nnli ht ham. SltPH? l|rrn?a huh in Itnr nf intg. Nn man ran ha mnrr tn arrntng l|ta rnnntrg. (ElifforU 31. llfalL [H] TWO OF THE MOST BEAUTIFUL POEMS OF THE WAR IN FLANDERS FIELDS By LIEUTENANT-COLONEL JOHN McCREA (Died on the Field of Honor) IN Flanders fields the poppies grow Between the crosses, row on row, That mark our place; and in the sky The larks, still bravely singing, fly. Scarce heard amid the guns below. We are the dead. Short days ago We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow, Loved and were loved; and now we lie In Flanders fields. Take up our quarrel with the foe ! To you from falling hands, we throw The torch. Be yours to hold it high ! If ye break faith with us who die We shall not sleep, though poppies blow In Flanders fields. FROM OTHER FIELDS A Reply to "In Flanders Fields" By JOHN MITCHELL O SLEEP in peace where poppies grow. The torch your falling hands let go Was caught by us; again held high, A beacon light in Flanders' sky. That dims the stars to those below. You are our dead. You held the foe. And ere the poppies cease to blow We'll prove our faith in you who lie In Flanders' fields. As in rumbling sound, to and fro The lightning flashes; sky aglow; So mighty hosts appear. And high Above the din of battle cry, "Scarce heard amid the guns below," Are fearless hearts who fight the foe And guard the place where poppies grow. sleep in peace all you who lie In Flanders' fields. rest in peace, we quickly go To you who bravely died, and know In other fields was heard the cry. For freedom's cause, of you who lie So still, asleep, where poppies grow. In Flanders' fields. And still the poppies gently blow "Between the crosses, row on row." The larks still bravely soaring high. Are singing now their lullaby To you who sleep where the poppies grow In Flanders' fields. 18 FLANDKMS FIKLD YORK COUNTY COURT HOUSE— SHOWING HONOR ROLL YORK COUNTY'S HONOR ROLL APRIL 7, 1917— NOVEMBER 11, 1919 Harold H. Bair Edward B. Boser John H. Ferree Edwin C. Bebert George Fred Thoman Valentine K. Lutz Joseph H. Hendrickson Walter S. Garrett Warren B. Dietz Willi AiM J. Feldman Charles J. Slonaker Paul E. Lau Landis L. Trimmer bodney w. polack John F. Morton Allen Meckley David F. Miller Charles B . Burkholder Ernest C. Tipton Bernard P. Althoff Wilbur D. Buchmeyer Balph E. Weiler Erwin 0. Sheffer James E. Folkemer William T. Bingland Clarence E. Leash Samuel M. Markley George M. Lightner Horatio Smith Warren L. Thomas George E. Evans William F. Gehring David Bupp, 3rd Martin S. Weiser Harry B. Stough Walter B. Herrman Boy B. Worley Latimer Sayers George L. Stauffer Edward Swartzbaugh George H. Brenner J. Walter Ely George E. Strausbaugh George B. Monroe Harry E. Strayer Norman E. Smith Frank A. Sipe Howard Goodling John Urey William F. Geesey Cletus F. Bebert James F. Small George E. Burgess Joseph M. Miller Paul J. Althoff William M. Neff Albert J. Kinsell Howard B. Olewiler Wilbert Beever BoBERT G. Hays Baymond a. Lowe Howard H. Gilbert Wilford Bubrecht Calvin A. Carbaugh John E. Lillich BoBERT H. Weaver Claton D. Warner Baymond F. Knighton William M. Shive Wesley Heffer James F. Shuman Clarence Kopp Walter E. Myers Stewart W. Krider CuRviN H. Heiss Sherman C. Scott Augustus V. Strawbridge Melvin a. Bohrbaugh Charles B. Kohler Luther P. Shive Aaron D. Neff E. BussELL Markey Harry W. Brown Joseph E. Klinedinst Charles E. Kohr Chanceford Stambaugh Charles B. Hess Paul H. Utz Monroe B. Hunter Erwin E. Sayers Norman E. Shaffer Nevin 0. Hoffman Walter Leroy Fitzgerald William Henry Meckley Edward D. Heiss Parker William Weaver Victor Allen Meckley Melvin Nathan Jamison Charles S. Snydeman Charles W. Buie Sterling W. Seitz Herman Paul Tresselt QuiNTON Monroe Gerbrick David W. Mundis Sherman William Leifer Charles H. Sipe Harry William Withers Walter E. Grove Clarence W. March Frank 0. Shauck John Daniel Withers Chester Hannigan Harry Cleveland Ahrens Albert M. Hunt Oscar Fry EuRiAS C. Hayes George Woods George B. Hoffman- Chester H. Bair John M. Wise Charles G. Fetrow Sherman C. Leonard Harry C. Stover Harry E. Loose John L. Mayer Harold C. Noble John Austin McKee Harry P. Folkomer Lloyd S. Becker William Arnold Michael Garland Granville Smith Elmer H. Gemmill Cecil Crone William Roy Reisinger George H. Sechrist Kerwin E. Jacoby Austin L. Grove Roy a. McClane Milton M. Rittenhouse Wilton Abel Clark Mc Williams Albert D. Rell Henry Kinsey Lemon Stump George H. Frey Earl G. Harman Charles Witmer Clarence E. Knaub Noah R. Risker Alvin Rehmeyer Peter J. Smith George H. Leitheiser Elias M. Raugher Charles E. Kain, Jr. Ervin C. Miller George Audrey Rillmeyer Jeanette Zinn Russell Daniel Smith James Wilson Gailey John Albert Doll Wilbur C. Suiter William A. Myers David E. Poff James Danner William H. Reck Charles Schroll Harrison D. Heindle Millard Kearney Clarence S. Abel Harry Rarnhart Charles T. Cassett Walter R. Dick Thomas W. Haubert QuiNTON A. Hose John T. Lane Harry Miller Jacob Markline Homer N. Roth Harry R. Rodes Owen D. Sprenkle Lawrence W. Seiberlich Daniel Schroll Chester Trone Allen Hake Winter Harry R. Yingling Elmer Dunkle Edward H. Flory Henry Knaub 29 THE FOLLOWING PAGES CON- TAIN A DETAILED ACCOUNT OF THE SERVICES OF THOSE WHOSE NAMES>PPEAR ON THE HONOR ROLL. ^3l MISS JEANNETTE ZINN MISS Jeannette Zinn, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Zinn of 452 West College Ave., York, Pa., was the first woman from this city to give her hfe for the great cause of freedom. She was graduated with honors from the York High School in the class of 1910, being the valedictorian of her class and the class poet. Miss Zinn was also well known in amateur theatrical work, having taken part in several benefit plays given by the Girls' Club. From the very beginning of the war. Miss Zinn was an enthusiastic war worker. She was cap- tain of the winning team of the War Thrift Stamp contest, and active in the Girls' Club of York. Later, desiring to enter a larger field, she enlisted in the Business Women's Unit of the Y. M. C. A., and, after about a week in New York, she sailed for England, enroute to the Paris headquarters of the Y. M. C. A., where she was to have filled an executive position. Miss Zinn died in a hospital in Liverpool, England, a victim of pneumonia. She made the supreme sacrifice as did so many of our brave comrades. The memory of her actions and the record of her work will always be remembered by the people of York. C. H. Bear & Co., her former employers, furnished a room in her memory in the Girls' Club of York. 24 AMBULANCE DRIVER, JAMES WILSON GAILEY Croix de Guerre AMBULANCE Driver James Wilson Gailey, the son of Mr. and Mrs J. A. Gailey of New Park, Pa., was born July 20, 1895. He attended Fawn Township High School, and the Perkiomen Seminary at Pennsburg, Va., where he graduated in 1913, and entered Princeton LTniversity at Princeton, N. J., in the class of 1917. Immediately upon graduation from college, Gailey enlisted in the American Ambulance Corps, and was soon in active service in France. His bravery and devotion to duty were so conspicuous that he was awarded the Croix de Guerre by the French Government. On the night of July 28, 1917, Ambulance Driver Gailey, together with his regular driving partner, was bringing wounded back from the firing line. It was during a terrific bombardment, and he had been driving his ambulance all night in heroic relief work. He had just loaded his car with wounded when a German shell exploded near, and killed his companion outright. Gailey himself sustained wounds from which he died a few minutes later. He and his companion. T. R. Hamilton of CHnton. Mass., were buried at Meyer, France, near the spot where they fell. CORPORAL JOHN ALRERT DOLL Croix de Guerre CORPORAL John Albert Doll, son of Mrs. Lizzie Doll of 224 S. Newberry St., York, Pa., was employed in this city as a laborer before entering the service. He was one of the honor men of the American Expeditionary Force, having won official citations and a Croix de Guerre for his conspicuous heroism on several different occasions, while on active duty in the front lines. Corporal Doll was wounded at the beginning of an attack, but showed the greatest courage and skill in assembling his squad and leading them in the assault, despite his several wounds. He charged with his men until he was exhausted from loss of blood, and was obliged to stop, but not until his example had so inspired his men that they ultimately reached their objective. He died on October 31, 1918, at Olsens, Relgium, as a result of the wounds received in this battle. French Citation Certificates, setting forth the bravery and skill with which this young soldier conducted himself while under fire, and his Croix de Guerre, have been received by his mother. York people may well be proud of the splendid war record of Corporal Doll. MAKE MEN FREE." "HE DIED TO 26 / V. p LIEUTENANT WILBUR C. SUITER Croix de Guerre. LIEUTENANT SuiTER, of Shaiiiokin, Pa., was born June 8, 1890. He attended the public schools J of that city and was a graduate of the Shamokin High School. In 1913, he was graduated from the College of Civil Engineering at Cornell University, and immediately entered the employ of the York Manufacturing Company as an erecting engineer. While in York, he lived with his aunt, Mrs. Katherine A. Suiter. In July, 1917, Lieutenant Suiter volunteered for the aviation corps, and on July 9th started ground training at Ithaca, N. Y. He finished the course in eight weeks and then went to Mineola, L. I. He was shortly sent abroad and landed in England, October 2, 1917. Here he received his commission of First Lieutenant. He was then sent to France and reached Paris, July 15, 1918. Less than a month later, on August 9, 1918, he made his first flight over the German fines. It was on September 21st, the dispatch from Paris stated, that he, with his observer, had been cited for gallantry at the Lorraine Front. Two weeks later came the telegram announcing that he had been killed in action, September 17, 1918. Lieutenant Suiter was a young man of sterling Christian character, and loved by all who knew him. He was a member of the First Presbyterian Church, York, Pa. 27] p PRIVATE RUSSELL DANIEL SMITH Croix de Guerre RivATK Russell Daniel Smith, the son of Mrs. E. A. Smith of No. 554 W. Princess St., York, Pa., was born at New Oxford, Pa., and attended the pubhc schools in York. He enhsted from York in the Marine Corps, at the age of seventeen. Soon after leaving home he was sent to France and took an active part at the front for over five months. He was awarded a Croix de Guerre and a citation for the heroism he displayed in keeping his machine gun in action under intense fire during the whole day of June 6, 1918. He later received a second star in a citation which read as follows: "On July 19, 1918, near Vuryz he gave proof of re- markable courage and devotion in serving his piece under intense artillery bombardment." During the entire attack. Private Smith conducted himself with the most conspicuous gallantry, and his mother prizes very highly the honors won by her son. He was killed in action on Oct. 6, 1918, somewhere in Francs. 28 PRIVATE WILLIAM A. MYERS Distinguished Service Cross. PRIVATE William A. Myers, the son of Mrs. Howard Shelly of 11021^ West King Street, York, Pa., was one of the youngest soldiers, being but sixteen years old when he entered the service. He was rejected at the recruiting station when he first applied for enlistment, because of his youth, but with that never-give-up spirit which marked his whole army career, he kept trying until he was finally accepted, on his fifth attempt. Private Myers served nearly a year and a half with Rattery E, 10th Field Artillery at Fort Douglas, Arizona. He was then sent to Camp Merritt, N. J., and left Camp Merritt in April, 1918, for overseas duty. He saw two months active service in the front lines, taking part in the battle of the Marne. Private Myers was killed in action July 15, 1918, at Chateau Thierry, France. Since his death, the United States Government has sent his mother, Mrs. Howard Shelly, a Dis- tinguished Service Cross, awarded Private Myers, posthumously, for extraordinary valor under fire. He was just a boy in years, but he played a man's part. 29 HAROLD HAINES BAIR Killed in Action EDWARD B. ROSER Killed in Action JOHN H. FERREE Killed by Land-slide 30 REGIMENTAL SERGEANT MAJOR HAROLD HAINES RAIR 3i6th Headquarters Company Sergeant Major Rair, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Rair of 340 Walnut St., Hanover, Pa., was born January 14, 1891. He attended Hanover High School but discontinued to attend the York School of Rusiness, York, Pa. At the time of entering the service he was a member of the Expediting Rureau, Rethlehem Steel Co., Sparrows Point, Md. He left this work and was sent over seas where he was attached to the .316th Infantry. He was killed by a high explosive shell while on active duty in the Argonne Forest, September 29, 1918. PRIVATE EDWARD R. ROSER Company L, 9th Infantry Private Roser was killed while in action in France on November 3, 1918. He took part at the front in the Argonne Drive; it was in this engagement that he lost his life. He left York for Camp Lee, Virginia, and was assigned to a Replacement Company. He had formerly been a member of Company A, N. G. P., but when that Company entered the regular service, he was rejected. Previous to entering the service he was in the baking business and lived with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Simon L. Roser, 277 LInion Street, York, Pa. Private Roser was thirty-one years of age at the time of his death. PRIVATE JOHN H. FERREE 16th Company, Uth Training Battalion 155th Depot Brigade Private Ferree was the son of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Ferree, 220 N. Penn Street, York, Pa. He was born in York, December 30, 1890, where he attended the public schools. He was sent to Camp Lee, Va., with a contingent of York County men June 24, 1918. While in the service a few weeks he was killed by a land-slide of sand while on detail duty. He was killed instantly and his body was brought home for burial. He was given a military funeral by the Spanish War Veterans of York, Pennsylvania. 31 EDWIN CLARE REBERT Died of Wounds GEORGE FRED THOMAN Died of Wounds VALENTINE KILGORE LUTZ Died 32 SERGEANT MAJOR E. CLARE RERERT 316th Infantry Headquarters Company Sergeant Major Rebert was the son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Rebert. He was born at New Oxford, Pa., August 10, 1892. He attended the York County Academy and also Goldey College at Wilmington, Del. Refore entering the service, he was employed by the York Manufacturing Company in the complaint department. He was a member of Mt. Zion Lodge L 0. 0. F. and of the York Lodge Free and Accepted Masons, No. 266. He was also a member of the Grace Reformed Church. He enhsted and was sent to Camp Meade, Md., November 19th, 1917. He sailed for overseas soon after and was wounded in action September 30, 1918. He was ofTicially reported dead March 10, 1919. CORPORAL GEORGE FRED THOMAN Company A, 112th Regiment Corporal Thoman was the son of Mr. and Mrs. J. Theodore Thoman of 720 Pennsylvania Avenue, York, Pa. He was born at Jefferson, York County, May 21, 1896. He attended the public schools until he moved to York, where he was employed by the American Chain Company. He later took up his trade as pressman at the York Printing Company. He enlisted on his twenty-first birthday in York and left for Camp Hancock, Georgia, where he was appointed a Corporal and held that rank until his death. He also passed an examination as an expert automatic gunner on the Lewis and Browning Machine Guns. Corporal Thoman saw active service at Chateau Thierry and the Argonne Forest, where he was hit by a high explosive shell and instantly killed, October 8, 1918. He belonged to the Heidelberg Reformed Church and Sunday School of York, Pa. HOSPITAL APPRENTICE VALENTINE KILGORE LUTZ Philadelphia Navy Yards Hospital Apprentice Lutz was the only son of S. D. Lutz of Laurel, Pa. He served as a mail carrier for over two years, and was employed at A. M. Grove's Store at Muddy Creek Forks. He was graduated from the Cross Roads High School in April, 1917, prior to his entering the Service. He was stationed at League Island during the Influenza Epidemic and volunteered to care for some comrades who were very sick. While thus engaged, he contracted Influenza and died October 11, 1918, at the League Island Naval Hospital. Funeral services were conducted by Rev. Hunter of Quinston Church where interment was made. He was twenty-one years old at the time of his death. 33 JOSEPH HENRY HENDRICKSON Drowned WALTER STOVER GARRETT Died WARREN RLESSING DIETZ Died 34 SEAMAN, SECOND CLASS, JOSEPH HENRY HENDRICKSON U. S. S. Michigan Seaman Joseph Hendrickson was the first York boy to give his life while doing his bit for Uncle Sam. He was the son of Mr. and Mrs. Albert C. Hendrickson of 611 Jessop Place, York, Pa. He enhsted in the U. S. Navy during the early days of the war. In 1916 he was attached to the U. S. S. Prairieland and helped the Marines to guard and disarm the natives during an uprising at San Domingo. After seven months he was transferred to the U. S. S. Michigan. On October 30, 1917, Seaman Hendrickson died at his post while on a picket boat of his ship. His body was found on the beach at Mesick's Point, When found he was clad in blue suit and jumpers and kapack life belt; he had no special distinguishing features and was identified by stencils on his clothing and a letter in his pocket. Seaman Hendrickson was brought to York and interred in St. Patrick's Cemetery. AUTOMOBILE MECHANIC WALTER STOVER GARRETT Company D, 307th Regiment Automobile Mechanic Walter Stover Garrett, son of Rev. C. F. and Mrs. Estie M. Garrett, resided at 807 West Princess Street, York, Pennsylvania. Prior to his enlistment he was a chemist by occu- pation. He entered the Service July 15, 1918, and was sent to State College for a period of six weeks of intensive training : there he qualified as an expert automobile mechanic and truck driver. From State College he was sent to Camp Holabird, Md., where like many of our brave comrades he was stricken with the influenza epidemic. After pneumonia had developed he was taken to Fort McHenry Hospital, where, after a vain effort to save his life, he died. PRIVATE WARREN BLESSING DIETZ 28 ht Aero Squadron Private Dietz was born September 3, 1918, in Hallam, York County, Pa. He was employed by the American Wire Fabrics Company at Mt. Wolf, Pa., before entering the service. On December 12, 1917, he enlisted at York and was sent to Columbus Barracks. After two weeks there he was sent to Camp Grant, Rockford, Illinois. Here he trained for about three months and was sent to Park Field, Tennessee. From there he went to Garden City where he obtained a three day furlough to come home. He returned to Camp and shortly afterward sailed for overseas. Private Dietz was in France twenty-one days when he was taken sick with pneumonia and died September 26, 1918. He was twenty years old at the time of his death. 35] WILLIAM JOHN FELDMAN Died CHARLES J. SLONAKER Drowned PAUL EDGAR LAU Died 36 PRIVATE WILLIAM JOHN FELDMAN Headquarters Company, 18th Field Artillery Private Feldman was the son of Rev. and Mrs. William H. Feldman of 404 West Market Street, York, Pa. He was attending the York High School at the time of his enlistment November 20, 1917. He acted as Colonel's orderly and messenger at the front where he first saw active service on his birthday, July 14, 1918. He was wounded October 6, 1918, at Montfaucon while in some Ger- man barracks. The enemy's artillery was located in plain view several miles across a valley and part of the first shell to fall struck him. Private Feldman showed great courage under fire and after experiencing numerous narrow escapes he contracted pneumonia and died at Contrexeville on October 17, 1918. SEAMAN CHARLES J. SLONAKER U. S. S. Lake Moor Charles J. Slonaker enlisted in the LTnited States Navy, December 10, 1918, at York, Pennsylvania. He was sent to Philadelphia and later to Norfolk, Virginia, for training. Having been through some hard training he accompanied the U. S. S. Lake Moor on her Maiden Voyage to Europe. At mid- night April 11, 1918, she was torpedoed and sunk. Seaman Slonaker was instantly killed by the explosion. He was the son of Henry C. Slonaker of 68 West Boundary Avenue, York, Pa., and prior to his enlistment was a machinist. PRIVATE PAUL EDGAR LAU Company 7, Concentration Brigade Private Lau was the son of Mr. amd Mrs. Pius Lau of .33 West Hanover Street, Hanover, Pa. He was a Notary Public and was also in the insurance business in Hanover, Pa., prior to entering the service. He enlisted August 1, 1918, and was sent to Kelly Field, San Antonio, Texas. Later he was transferred to Buffalo. N. Y., where he was stationed at Acceptance Park, Military Road, where he contracted influenza and died October 15, 1918, in the Emergency Hospital at Buffalo, N. Y. [37] LANDIS LEVAN TRIMMER Died RODNEY W. POLACK Killed in Action JOHN FRANKLIN MORTON Died 38 PRIVATE LANDIS LEVAN TRIMMER Co. I, 18th Infantry Battalion Private Trimmer, son of Mr. and Mrs. Absolom Trimmer, 328 Reinicke Place, York, Pa., entered the service June 24, 1918, and was sent to Camp Lee, Va. His employment had been that of a truck salesman. He was one of the two men chosen to lead the First City District, when nearly two hundred York and York County boys left for Camp Lee, Va. It was while stationed at Camp Lee that Private Trimmer died of pneumonia, October 5, 1918. He was buried at the Burmudian Meeting House, East Berlin, without the regular ceremony, due to the ban on public funerals during the influenza Epedemic. ACTING CAPTAIN RODNEY W. POLACK Company D, 60th Regulars Acting Captain Polack was the son of Robert F. Polack of McClellan Heights, York, Pa. He attended Mercersburg Academy and later went to Virginia Military Institute. He was engaged in the jewelry business before enlisting in May, 1917. He went to Fort Oglethorp where he received a commission as First Lieutenant. Lieutenant Polack sailed for overseas in April, 1918, and saw extensive active service at the St. Mihiel front. He was promoted to acting captain and his name was forwarded for commission as such but it was not received before his death. As acting captain he led his company, capturing 205 prisoners, including several German officers. During this entire engagement there were only three of his men wounded, none of them seriously. For this work he was highly honored and his company was made Shock Troops. He was killed in action October 14th, 1918, at Cunel, France. JOHN FRANKLIN MORTON Section B, S. A. T. C. John Franklin Morton, son of Mrs. Ella Morton, 1532 W. Market Street, York, Pa., was a member of the Methodist Episcopal Epworth Church and Sunday School and the Reliance Fire Company of West York. After the death of his father he was the sole support of his mother, whom he always cherished greatly. Prior to his entering the service he was engaged in the silk business. He died October 11, 1918, while stationed at Philadelphia, Pa. His last words to his mother and sister were: "If I can only get to France and help crush the Kaiser I don't care how they bring me home. I would rather be a dead hero than a living coward." 39 ALLEN MECKLEY Died DAVID F. MILLER Killed in Action CHARLES RUSSELL RURKHOLDER Died of Wounds 40 PRIVATE ALLEN MECKLEY Motor Service Private Meckley was the son of Mr. and Mrs. Alpheus S. Meckley of Glenville, Pa. He was born in Codorus Township and attended the pubhc schools there. Before entering the service he was an engine and automobile mechanic. He was stationed at the Springgarden Armory at Philadelphia, Pa., and was injured at that place August 31, 1918. He was taken to the Jefferson Hospital and died September 4, 1918. PRIVATE DAVID F. MILLER Company I, 313th Infantry Private Miller was the son of Mrs. Annie Miller of Red Lion Pa. He was born in North Hopewell Township and attended Strayer's School. Before entering the service he was engaged in the cigar business at Red Lion. Private Miller was sent to Camp Meade, Md., during the month of May, 1918 , where he underwent training for two months, being sent overseas in July. He was engaged in the Argonne Forest drive and wounded September 26, 1918. Soon afterward he died from the wounds received while in action at that place. PRIVATE CHARLES RUSSELL BURKHOLDER Company F, 313th Infantry Private Burkholder was the son of Mrs. Margaret Burkholder, of Muddy Creek Forks, York County, Pa. Before entering the service he was engaged in farming. He left home for Camp Meade, Maryland, May 24, 1918. Soon after reaching Camp he was sent to France, where he was killed in action. September 28, 1918. He was buried in an American Cemetery at Halancourt, Meuse. France. Private Burkholder was thirty-one years old at the time of his death. 41 ERNEST C TIPTON Died of Wounds BERNARD PRESTON ALTHOFF Killed in Action WILBUR D. BUCHMEYER Killed in Action 42 PRIVATE ERNEST C. TIPTON Supply Company, 326th Infantry Private Tipton was the son of Mr. and Mrs. John Tipton and husband of Mrs. Minnie C. Tipton of 249 West York Avenue, York, Pa. He was born at Fort Royal, Virginia. Private Tipton was killed by an aerial bomb explosion, September 15, 1918, and buried in the American Cemetery at Jarville, France. Following is part of a letter received by Mrs. M. C. Tipton from one of his comrades: "Ernest and I were sleeping together at the time we were both wounded. We got up about midnight to watch an air raid but it was chilly so we went back to our lonely beds. Suddenly I heard an awful bang and saw Ernest going for the door saying he was hit. We were put in an ambu- lance and taken to Nancy. After undergoing an operation I asked about him and one of the boys told me he was dead." SERGEANT RERNARD PRESTON ALTHOFF Company B, M5th Infantry Sergeant Althoff, son of William J. and Sarah Agnes Althoff, was born in Hanover. Pa. He re- ceived his education at Gettysburg Parochial School, and after finishing school he assisted his father on the farm. Later, Sergeant Althoff moved to Elyria, Ohio, where, at the age of twenty-seven he was engaged in the insurance business. About June 20, 1917, he enlisted and was sent to Camp Sheridan; there he remained until June, 1918, when he was transferred to Camp Lee, Virginia. He then immediately sailed for France. Sergeant Althoff was wounded about September 26, 1918, and was killed in action September 28, 1918, in the Argonne Forest. CORPORAL WILRUR D. RUCHMEYER Company K, 112th Infantry Corporal Buchmeyer was the son of Mrs. Rosie J. Ruchmeyer, residing at 1439 Monroe Street, West York, Penna. He attended the public schools at home and before entering the service was employed in the paint department at the Martin plant of the Martin-Parry Corporation, West York. Corporal Ruchmeyer after receiving his overseas training sailed fof France with his company Soon after arriving in France he was sent to the front where he was fengaged in the Argonne drive. It was during this drive that Corporal Ruchmeyer was killed in action, October 5, 1918. 43 RALPH E. WEILER Killed in Action ERVIN 0. SHEFFER Killed in Action JAMES ERVAN FOLCKOMER Drowned 44 PRIVATE RALPH E. WEILER Company G, 328th Infaniry Private Weiler, son of Mr. and Mrs. George Weiler, resided at 136 North Street, Hanover, Penna. He was killed in action when fighting with Sergeant York of Tennessee, who is credited as being one of the World War's greatest heroes. Private Weiler vohmteered with about seven others to wipe out a series of German machine gun nests that had been retarding their progress in the Argonne. The detachment was cut off by a hne of Hun Infantry, and between two fires battled for Hfe. There were 132 Germans and 35 enemy machine guns captured as the result of this attack. Five graves mark the scene of the fight at hill number 223, in the Argonne. They are the resting places of Private Weiler and four of his comrades who so nobly and successfully overwhelmed the enemy on October 8th, 1918. CORPORAL ERVIN 0. SHEFFER Co. I, 38th Infantry Corporal Sheffer resided at 1309 West King Street, York, Pa. Before entering the service, he was employed by the American Chain Company of York, Pa., being a chainmaker by trade. Corporal Sheffer sailed for France soon after he left home and while overseas took part in several large battles. He was on active duty at the Marne, the Vesele, St. Mihiel, and the Argonne Forest. It was at the latter place that Corporal Sheffer was killed in action on October 9, 1918. CHIEF PETTY OFFICER JAMES ERVAN FOLCKOMER U. S. S. Lawrence Chief Carpenter's Mate Folckomer of 120 W. Philadelphia Street, York, Pennsylvania, enlisted at the age of seventeen and was serving on his third term of enlistment at the time of his death. He saw active service at Vera Cruz, Cuba. Chief Carpenters Mate Folckomer was drowned October 29, 1918, at Savannah, Georgia. During his long period of enlistment he served on the following ships: U. S. S. Constellation, U. S. S. Yankee, U. S. S. Wabash, U. S. S. Dixie, U. S. S. Salem, U. S. S. Havford, U. S. S. Paducar and U. S. S. Lawrence. He is survived by his wife, Mrs. Clotien Folckomer. Previous to his enlistment he was engaged in the wood working industry. 15] WILLIAM T. RINGLAND Died CLARENCE E. LEASH Died SAMUEL McKINLEY MARKLEY Died [46] PRIVATE WILLIAM T. RINGLAND Company E, 316th Infantry Private William Ringland was the son of Mrs. J. G. Ringland of Delta, York County, Pa. Refore entering the service he was engaged in farming. He entered the service November 5, 1917, and was sent to Camp Meade, Maryland. Here he was taken ill, later developing pneumonia, from which he died in the Rase Hospital at Camp Meade, Maryland, on January 23, 1918 A letter from his Captain to his mother is in part as follows: "I want to assure you that we feel the loss of your boy as much as you do, for while you have lost a son. Uncle Sam has lost a brave and good soldier." PRIVATE CLARENCE E. LEASH Unassigned iSih Company Private Leash enlisted at the local recruiting station on December 26, 1917. He left for the district station at Harrisburg on January 7, 1918, and from there he was transferred to Camp St. Thomas, Kentucky. A short time afterward he was transferred to Fort Caswell, N. C. Private Leash enlisted as a musician and at the lime of his death he was waiting to be assigned to a band. He was a member of several York Rands and of the Emmanuel Reformed Sunday School orchestra. He was also a member of the Emmanuel Reformed Church and Rrotherhood. Private Leash was given a military funeral and buried in Mt. Rose cemetery by members of Colonel Watts Camp No. 68 United Spanish War Veterans, and by the members of his church. PRIVATE SAM McKINLEY MARKLEY 2'3rd Company, 6th Training Battalion, 15^th Depot Brigade Private Markley was the son of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Markley of Cly, York County. He attended the schools at Pleasant Grove. Refore entering the service he lived with his parents and was em- ployed by The York Haven Paper Co. He was sent to Camp Meade, Md., May 23, 1918, where he remained until his death, October 6. 1918. He was confined to the Hospital several times and had an operation preformed on his arm. Rlood poison set in, and it is thought that he also had influenza which developed into pneumonia. Thus his recovery was rendered impossible. GEORGE M. LIGHTNER Killed in Action Iv. HORATIO SMITH Died WARREN LEONARD THOMAS Died of Wounds 48 CORPORAL GEORGE M. LIGHTNER Company K, 26 fh Infantry Corporal Lightner enlisted at York in April, 1917. He was sent to Columbus, Ohio, and then to Mexico, where he served until June. He then went overseas and served with the First Division until he was killed on July 20, 1918, by a bomb dropped from a German aeroplane. This was the third day of the Rattle of Soisson, in which his division lost eight thousand men. Corporal Lightner's great grandfather, George M. Lightner, fought at North Point in the War of 1812 with Captain Spapgler's York Rifles, and his grandfather, Wilham H. Lightner, was a member of the 103rd Pennsyl- vania Volunteer Infantry during the Civil War. Corporal Lightner was also a good fighter according to a letter received from his Captain, in which great regret was expressed at losing such an excellent soldier. PRIVATE HORATIO SMITH Company C, 30Ulh Engineers Private Smith was the son of Jacob S. Smith of Seven Valleys, York County, Pennsylvania. He was born in Codorus Township and prior to his enlistment was employed as a laborer, living at Seven Valleys with his father. Sometime after entering the service he was taken sick and, although every- thing possible was done to save him, he died; thus playing his part in the great struggle for World Freedom. CORPORAL WARREN LEONARD THOMAS lim Light Field Artillery Corporal Thomas, son of Mrs. Mollie A. Thomas, 152 West King Street, York, Pa., entered the service May 31, 1918. He was sent to Camp Jackson, South Carolina, where he received his training for overseas duty. Soon after it was learned that his company was on the firing line. On September 9, 1918, he was wounded, and on September 14, 1918, he made the supreme sacrifice for his coun- try. Nothing definite has yet been received except that it is known he was killed in battle. Before leaving for the service. Corporal Thomas was employed by the Gillespie Laundry Company, York, Pennsylvania. GEORGE E. EVANS Died WILLIAM FRANCIS GEHRING Died DAVID RUPP III Killed in Action 50 FIRST LIEUTENANT GEORGE E. EVANS Ice Plant Unit No. 301 Lieutenant Evans was a Government Inspector dX the York Manufacturing Company. He was stricken with pneumonia and admitted to the York Hospital April 29, 1918, where he died on May 24, 1918, at the age of thirty years. Lieutenant Evans had expected to be sent to France but this was prevented by his sickness. The deceased had been employed at the York Manufacturing Company as a mechanical engineer for seven years prior to his enlistment. On March 25, 1918, he was married to Miss Viola Lewis, a bereaved bride of but a few brief months. He was a graduate of Cornell Uni- versity and the son of Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Evans of Great Rarrington, Mass., his former home. CORPORAL WILLIAM FRANCIS GEHRING Company A, l^Bth Machine Gun Battalion Corporal Gehiing, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Gehring, 303 High Street, Hanover, Pennsylvania, was the first Hanover hero to sacrifice his life on the battlefields in France. He enlisted in the early days of the war, June 6, 1916, at Reading, Pa. He served seven months with the 4th Regiment, N. G. P. on the Mexican Rorder. After being mustered out his company was again mobilized and he was transferred to a Machine Gun Rattalion, Rainbow Division, and was sent to France soon after. Corporal Gehring was killed March 10, 1918, by shrapnel. His mother received a letter from Chaplain Halliday which reads in part as follows: "William was on duty in the trenches and an ex- ploding shrapnel shell took its toll of his life. On March 11th, the funeral was held in a village back of the lines in the cemetery at Domjevin (Meurthe et MonoUe), France. Full military honors were accorded to your son and the grave properly marked." CAPTAIN DAVID RUPP III 313th Infantry, 79th Division Captain Rupp, son of Mr. and Mrs. David Rupp II and husband of Agnes W. Rupp, was born in York, January 28, 1884. He received his early education in the York County Academy and was graduated from the University of Pennsylvania in 1905. He then entered the paint manufacturing business. He enlisted March 7, 1913, as a private. In June, 1916, he served as First Sergeant at El Paso, Texas. In April, 1917, he was made First Lieutenant of machine gunners at F'ort Niagara. From there he was sent to Camp Meade, where he was attached to the 313th Infantry. On February 5, 1918, he was promoted to Captain and given command of a Company. On July 7, 1918, Captain Rupp sailed for France, where he was killed in action in the Argonne battle September 29, 1918, between Montfaucon and Nantillois. MARTIN SMYSER WEISER Died HARRY R. STOUGH Died WALTER RRYAN HERRMAN Killed in Action 52 LIEUTENANT MARTIN SMYSER WEISER U. S. Transport Service Lieutenant Weiser was born in York, May 10, 189L After the usual primary education Lieutenant Weiser attended the York Collegiate Institute for some years. Following a natural inclination he also attended a military institute of Louisville, Kentucky, and later the Pennsylvania Military College of Chester, Pa. He then attended Drexel Institute of Philadelphia for a year, following which he was employed by the Electric Light Company of York. During the Mexican Border trouble he spent several months in the service, and then, after several months of illness, he volunteered for service overseas. He won a commission as second Lieutenant and afterwards was promoted to first Lieu- tenant. After several months in the transport service he became ill with Influenza and died at Fort McHenry, October 7, 1918. His body was laid in the family burial ground. Lieutenant Weiser was a member of the First Presbyterian Church of York. PRIVATE HARRY B. STOUGH Company L, 18lh Training Battalion. « Private Stough was the son of Mr. and Mrs. P. E. Stough of 408 West Philadelphia street, York, Pennsylvania. He was born in York and attended the public schools, living with his parents. Before entering the service Private Stough was employed by the York Printing Company of York, as book- keeper. He left home on June 21, 1918, and was sent to Camp Lee, Virginia. After about three months training at Camp Lee, he was taken sick with pneumonia and died in the hospital at camp, September 26, 1918. His body was brought to York for burial. PRIVATE WALTER BRYAN HERRMAN Company C, lU5th Regiment. Private Herrman was the son of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Herrman of Red Lion, Pennsylvania, and husband of Mrs. Helen Landis Herrman of Linden Avenue, York, Pennsylvania. Soon after entering the service he was sent to France as a member of the American Expeditionary Force and saw active service on the Verdun Sector. It was while engaged in active duty at this place that he was killed, September 26, 1918. Thus he paid with his life the high'&st possible tribute' for a true and loyal American. 53 ROY RUDISILL WORLEY Died LATIMER SAYERS, JR. Died GEORGE L. STAUFFER Killed in Action 54 PRIVATE ROY RUDISILL WORLEY l^th Company, Depot Brigade Private Worley was the son of Mr. and Mrs. William Worley, 620 Rroadway, Hanover, Pennsyl- vania. He was born in Hanover and attended the pubhc schools at that place. At the time of entering the service he was engaged in farming and lived in Hanover. He left home for Camp Meade in May, 1918. In October he came home from Camp on a furlough to visit his parents. It was while on this furlough that Private Worley was taken sick with influenza and died after a week's illness. PRIVATE LATIMER SAYERS, JR. Second Trench Mortar Battalion, Battery A Private Sayers was the son of Mr. and Mrs. Latimer Sayers of 311 Smyser St., York, Pa. Refore entering the service he was employed by the Western Union Telegraph Co. He enlisted when about 16 years old, January 12, 1918, and was sent to Fort Thomas, Ky. Here he remained for two weeks and then was sent to Fort Monroe, Va. After being there for two weeks he was stricken with spinal meningitis and died February 12, 1918. His body was brought to York for burial. Private Sayers was a member of the Roy's Club, Y. M. C. A. and of St. Johns' Episcopal Church. He also had a brother killed in action in the Argonne Forest. FIRST CLASS PRIVATE GEORGE L. STAUFFER Headquarters Company, 11th Infantry First Class Private Stauff"er was the son of Mr. and Mrs. William Stauffer of Dillsburg, Pa. Refore entering the service he was employed by the Cumberland Valley Railroad. FoUowing is some infor- mation received from the American Red Cross by his mother: "We are told that Private Stauffer with others was in a German house about two and a half kilometers south of Remoiville during a part of the night of November 9th and 10th. About seven o'clock on the morning of the 10th, a shell hit the building and killed five men and wounded five. Private Stauffer was one of those that were killed, having been struck in the neck by a piece of shrapnel. He was buried by the Regimental Chaplain in grave number eight close to the place where he was killed on the south side of the road." oo EDWARD SWARTZBAUGH Died GEORGE HERBERT BRENNER Killed Flying J. WALTER ELY Died CORPORAL EDWARD SWARTZRAUGH Company 7. 30Uth Engineers Corporal Swartzbaugh was the son of William S. Swartzbaugh of Spring Grove, Pennsylvania. Refore he entered the service he was engaged in farming at Spring Grove, Pennsylvania. On May 25, 1918, he left home with a contingent of York County men for Camp Meade, Maryland, where he underwent about six weeks of intensive training. He left Camp Meade for France, July 6, 1918, and was promoted to the rank of Corporal. On October 9, 1918, he died of pneumonia while playing his part in the great World cause. FIRST LIEUTENANT GEORGE HERRERT RRENNER 8th Aero Instruction Center, Italy Lieutenant Rrenner was the son of Mr. and Mrs. John D. Rrenner, 311 N. Garfield Street, York, Pa. He was well known in York for his athletic activities while attending the York High School ; before his enlistment he was a druggist. He left for the Officers' Training Camp, Fort Niagara, N. Y., April 26, 1917, and later was sent to the Aviation Ground School at Cornell LTniversity. In October, he was sent to France and then to Italy where he was assigned to the 8th Aero Instruction Center located at Foggia, Italy, being of the first class of American Airmen to be sent to the Italian lines on bombing expeditions. In May, 1918, he was commissioned First Lieutenant, and while on his second solo practice flight he was killed in one of the famous Caponia aeroplanes, August 25, 1918. PRIVATE J. WALTER ELY Supply Company, 328th Infantry Private Water Ely was the son of Hiram A. Ely of Wrightsville, R. D. No. 2, York County, Pa. He entered the service of his Country, September 20, 1917, and was attached to the Supply Company of the .328th Infantry. After serving about five months in the ranks for Uncle Sam he died at Camp Gordon, January 28, 1918. Thus he paid with his life the highest possible tribute for a true and loyal American. GEORGE E. STRAUSBAUGH Died GEORGE ROSS MONROE Killed in Action HARRY EDGAR STRAYER Died 58] CORPORAL GEORGE E. STRAUSRAUGH Company F, 30Uih Engineers Corporal Strausbaugh was the son of Nathaniel Strausbaugh of Spring Grove, York County, Pennsylvania. Prior to entering the service he was employed as a railroad brakeman. He was a member of the American Expeditionary Forces, and while attached to the 304th Engineers he was taken sick with pneumonia and died somewhere in France, October 12, 1918. CORPORAL GEORGE ROSS MONROE Company N, 316th Infantry 79th Division Corporal Monroe was the son of Mr. and Mrs. Alex Monroe of 614 South Water St., York, Pa. He was a member of Calvary Presbyterian Church and also belonged to the L 0. O. F. Refore entering the service he was employed as a foreman and electrical engineer at Hog Island Ship Yards, Philadelphia, Pa. He enlisted in May, 1918, and was sent to Camp Meade, Md. From there he sailed for overseas in July of the same year. He was in active service in the Argonne Forest and it was while there engaged that he met his death, November 5, 1918. SERGEANT HARRY EDGAR STRAYER il2th Headquarters Company Sergeant Strayer, son of Mr. and Mrs. CM. Strayer, lived at 422 West Baptist Avenue, and was employed by the Dental Supply Company, York, Pa., prior to his entering the service. He enlisted early in April, 1917, in the National Guards, Company A, and received his overseas training at Camp Hancock, Georgia, where he was promoted to Sergeant. He sailed for France May 7, 1918, and was on the firing line from July until October. Here, in the Argonne Forest, after four months of severe fighting, he took sick and was sent to Mesues-Bulcy Hospital, France, where on October 18, 1918, he died of pneumonia. 50 NORMAN E. SMITH Killed in Action FRANK AUGUSTUS SIPE Killed in Action HOWARD LEE GOODLING Killed in Action 60 PRIVATE NORMAN E. SMITH Company L, 110th hifantry Private Smith was formerly connected with the old Company K, but left that Company at the expiration of his enlistment. Later he again joined the outfit and was transferred to Company L, 110th Infantry, and was the only York boy attached to that command at that time. He was sent to Camp Hancock and from there overseas, where he died August 4, 1918, from wounds received in action at the front. He was the son of Mrs. Susan Smith of 625 W. Princess Street, York, Pa., and before entering the service he was employed by H. G. Brockman. Private Smith was nearly twenty- four years old at the time of his death. PRIVATE FRANK AUGUSTUS SIPE Machine Gun Company, 112(h Infantry Private Sipe was the son of Mrs. Susan A. Sipe, 338 S. Court Street, York, Pennsylvania. He was born in York County and attended the Public Schools in York. Private Sipe enlisted in the old Company A, 8th Regiment, National Guards of Pennsylvania. He was later transferred to the 112th Infantry and attached to a Machine Gun Company. It was while in active duty in France with this outfit that he met his death during the drive in the Argonne Forest on September 6, 1918. He nobly perished in one of the greatest conflicts of the war, the decisive battle of the Argonne. PRIVATE HOWARD LEE GOODLING Company A, 112th Infantry Private Goodhng was the son of Mrs. J. A. Goodhng, Seven Valleys, R. F. D. No. 2, York County, Pennsylvania. He entered the service May 11, 1917. in the early days of the war. From York he went to Camp Hancock, Georgia, where he received intensive training. Soon after he was sent to France, he became the next best marksman in his Company. While going over the top, Private Goodling saved the life of Piivate Lawrence Budesheim his comrade by striking a German soldier over the head with the butt of his rifle. He was killed October 1, 1918, in the great Argonne drive where many of these brave lads gave their lives to the great cause. 61 JOHN W. UREY Drowned WILLIAM FRANKLIN GEESEY Died CLETUS F. RERERT Died 62 PRIVATE JOHN W. UREY Company A, 12th Machine Gun Battalion Private Urey was the son of Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Urey of R. F. D. No. 2, Laurel, York County, Pennsylvania. Refore entering the service he was engaged in York as a machinist. He entered the service in June, 1917, and soon after being sent to a training camp sailed for overseas. He was in France nearly two months when he was drowned June 16, 1918. Private Urey was twenty-four years old at the time of his death. SERGEANT WILLIAM FRANKLIN GEESEY Company E, 316th Infantry Sergeant Geesey was the son of William Harrison Geesey of Dallastown, Pa. He was one of the first to leave Dsillastown for the service, September 19, 1917. He was made a Corporal at Camp Meade, Maryland, and soon afterwards a Sergeant. He remained at Camp Meade until July 7, 1918, when he embarked with his Company for overseas. Letters were received frequently by his father, the last one being dated September 20, 1918. Sergeant Geesey was a well-known social and religious worker. He was a member of Christ Evangelical Lutheran Church and a member of the Young Men's Rible Class, he was also a soloist on the church choir. He was also a graduate of the Dallastown High School. Sergeant Geesey was gassed October 10, 1918, and died October 18, 1918, in a hospital in France. Prior to his entering the service he was in the cigar industry. PRIVATE CLETUS F. RERERT Company A, Section B, Ambulance Corps Private Rebert was born in Adams County in 1896, the son of Mr. E. H. Rebert, who is at present residing in Hanover. Refore the war Private Rebert was employed in Pittsburgh but left his work to enter the service September 5, 1918. He was stationed at Camp Greenleaf, Georgia, where he was taken ill with influenza which developed into pneumonia causing his death October 21, 1918, at Fort Oglethorp Hospital, Georgia. He was buried on the family plot at New Oxford, Pa. He was not permitted to enter the strife of battle to die in conflict with the enemy, but he none the less rendered that last full measure of devotion. 6.3 JAMES FRANCIS SMALL Died GEORGE GUY RURGESS Killed in Action JOSEPH MAUSE MILLER Died of Wounds 64. PRIVATE JAMES FRANCIS SMALL 327th Quartennasler Corps Private James Small enlisted August 6, 1917, and was sent to Columbus, Ohio, then to Texas, and later to Fort Sill, Oklahoma. He resided with his wife and three children at 674 West College Avenue, York, Pennsylvania. It was nearly a year before he received his first furlough of ten days and was able to come home. About three months after he returned to Camp he was striken with influenza, which developed into pneumonia. He died November 4, 1918, and was sent home for burial. He was much esteemed by the men of his Company. REGIMENTAL COMMISSARY SERGEANT GEORGE GUY RURGESS Headquarters Campany 1st Battalion '18th Infantry Regimental Commissary Sergeant Rurgess was the son of Dr. and Mrs. Wakefield Rurgess of Roston, Massachusetts. Roth of his parents are dead. He was a regular army man, having enlisted for service in Roston, Massachusetts, shortly after the death of his mother, when he was about eighteen years old. He served with General Pershing in Mexico. He re-enlisted in the service at Statesburg, Georgia, on January 4, 1917. Sergeant Rurgess was stationed at Gettysburg and while there married Miss Elsie May Neff of 6.39 E. King Street, York, Pa. He always regarded York as his home. Fol- lowing is a telegram received by his wife from Washington : "Deeply regret to inform you that Sergeant George G. Rurgess, Infantry, is officially reported as killed in action, May 12th." CORPORAL JOSEPH MAUSE MILLER Company D, 328th Infantry Coi^oral Miller was the son of Mr. and Mrs. John Miller of Hanover, Pennsylvania. He was born in Conewago Township and attended the public schools at Midway. Refore entering the service he was employed as a salesman in Ohio, from where he went to Camp Meade, Maryland, and was later transferred to Camp Gordon and then sailed for France. He was wounded October 15, 1918, on Summerons Hill. Coiporal Miller with his and two other squads of picked men were chosen to capture a machine gun nest where there were about three Germans to one American. Four of his men were killed at .3 A. M. and later Corporal Miller was wounded by machine gun bullets in the stomach and shoulder. The object was gained, but he died the following day, thus paying the precious price of victory. 65 1 PAUL J. ALTHOFF Died of Wounds WILLIAM M. NEFF Killed in Action ALBERT J. KINSELL Died 66 SERGEANT PAUL J. ALTHOFF 51st Company, 2nd Battalion, 5th Regiment Marines Sergeant Althoff enlisted August 23, 1916, at Baltimore, Md., in the U. S. Marine Corps. He was sent to Paris Island for training, later to Cuba, Haiti, and then to France. His mother, Mrs. /Vnna Althoff 139 South Park Ave., received word from his captain which stated that Sergeant Althoff volunteered to capture a certain machine gun, with several of his comrades. While thus engaged he was struck by machine gun bullets and died several hours after from the wounds, in Field Hospital No. 15, on June 11, 1918. The objective was gained and the woods were named Bois de la Brigade de Marines in honor of the United States Marines who fought there in June, 1918. FIRST CLASS PRIVATE WILLIAM M. NEFF Company A, 112th Infantry Machine Gun Company Private Neff was the son of Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Neff of 1010 North Duke St.. North York, Pa. He left home for El Paso, Texas, and was later stationed at Gettysburg. He sail.^d in May, 1918, for France where he spent several months in active service. He was killed in action September 6, 1918. Private Neff was a member of the first U. B. Church of York, and was the Brother of Corporal Aaron D. Neff, who lost his hfe while on active service at the front, October 14, 1918. Thus the brothers made the supreme sacrifice almost within the same month. SERGEANT ALBERT JOSEPH KINSELL Company D. 12th Battalion Sergeant Kinsell was the son of Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Kinsell of Hanover, Pa. Before entering the service he was employed at Hanover as a bookkeeper. He was sent to Camp Meade in preparation for overseas service. Sergeant Kinsell was taken sick with pneumonia and although everything possible was done to save his fife, he died at Pigeon Point, Delaware on October 12, 1918. HOWARD B. OLEWILER Died WILBERT REEVER Died of Wounds ROBERT G. HAYS Died PRIVATE HOWARD B. OLEWILER Company H, 3Mth Infantry Private Olewiler was the son of Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Olewiler of Red Lion, Pa. He was born at East Prospect in 1893, where as a young man he attended the pubhc schools. He was a member of the United Evangehcal Church and also a member of the band at East Prospect. Before entering the service he was engaged in the cigar business at that place. He left his home in May, 1918, for Camp Meade, Maryland, where he remained for two months before being sent to France. He was taken sick with pneumonia and died at Base Hospital No. 380, October 16, 1918. While in the hospital he was under the care of Miss Esther F. Tipton, A. N. C. of Gettysburg, Pennsylvania. PRIVATE WILBERT REEVER Company B, 328th Infantry Private Reever was the son of Mrs. John W. Reever, 34 East Eighth Avenue, North York, Pennsylvania. He was wounded October 15, 1918, near Somerana where he, with his Company, was ordered to advance to a woods and hold it. He was removed to a hospital at Fleury Sai-Aire near Verdun, where he died from the wounds received in action. He was buried by a chaplain among eight hundred others, with military honors of the flag, bugle and firing squad. A large memorial service was held in Private Reever's honor by the 328th Infantry before leaving France. WAGONER ROBERT G. HAYS Company E, 56th Engineers Wagoner Hays was the son of Crull M. Hays of Newberrytown, York County, Pennsylvania. He entered the service in March, 1918, and was assigned to the 154th Depot Brigade. Later he was transferred to Company E, 603rd Engineers, Search Light Division. While attached to this outfit he was sent to the LTnited States Rifle Range at Annapolis, Maryland. From there he was transferred to Company E, 56th Engineers and sent overseas. About December 20, 1918, he caught a slight cold and three days later was sent to the Camp Hospital where he died of pneumonia at five o'clock Christmas morning. He was buried in the Military Cemetery at Moselle, France. 69 RAYMOND A. LOWE Killed in Action HOWARD H. GILRERT Killed in Action WILFORD RURRECHT Died of Wounds 70 CORPORAL RAYMOND A. LOWE Company I, 61st Infantry Corporal Lowe was the son of Mrs. Alfred Lowe of 10 Ridge Avenue, Hanover, Pennsylvania. Refore entering the service he was in the silk industry. On January 15, 1918, he left for Camp Meade, Md., where he trained for several months. He was then sent to Camp Greene, and soon after left for overseas. His mother received a letter from one of the boys who went from York County to camp and to France with Corporal Lowe, which is in part as follows: "Raymond was killed while going over the top on November 5, 1919. I helped to bury him about one mile north of the town of Dun-Sur-Meuse along the Meuse River on a high hill overlooking one of the most beautiful valleys I have ever seen. His grave is marked with a large cross, to which his identification tag is nailed." Corporal Lowe was a member of the Trinity Reformed Church and Sunday School and of the Hanover Lodge of the Order of Moose. PRIVATE HOWARD H. GILRERT Company C, 313th Infantry Private Gilbert was the son of J. F. Gilbert of R. F. D. No. 1, Wrightsville, Pa. He worked on a farm until he was twenty -one years of age and then he went to Reading, Pennsylvania, where he was employed by the Reading Iron Company. He left for Camp Meade, Maryland, May 25, 1918, and underwent training until July 8, 1918, when he sailed for France. Private Gilbert was killed in action in the Meuse drive September 28, 1918, after courageous conduct on the field of battle. He has the distinction of having been engaged in this, one of the most memorable combats of the war, where he helped to pay the price for that glorious victory. PRIVATE WILFORD RURRECHT Second Trench Motor Battery Private Rubrecht lived on Linden Avenue, Hanover, Pennsylvania. He was the son of Mrs. Emma Rubrecht and was employed by the Sheppard and Myers Shoe Company of Hanover, Pa. After training for some time on this side he was sent to France as a member of the American Expeditionary Forces. After seeing active duty in the front line trenches for several months he was killed by a piece of shrapnel on April 3, 1918. Little more is known concerning the manner in which he met his death. 71 CALVIN A. CARBAUGH Killed in Action JOHN E. LILLICH Died ROBERT H. WEAVER Died 72 PRIVATE CALVIN H. CARBAUGH Company M, 316th Infantry Private Carbaugh, son of Mrs. George F. Rhinhold of 134 South Cherry Avenue. York. Pa, entered the service June 5, 1917. He was born in Hanover in August, 1891. He went away to school near Philadelphia. Before entering the service he was employed at the Keeley Stove Works, Columbia, Pa. Private Carbaugh tried three times to enlist but was rejected on account of disability. He was trans- ferred to Co. I, 4th U. S. Infantry Regular Army. He was sent to France with his regiment and was killed in the battle of Chateau Thierry, July 5, 1918. He was buried in a Cemetery with several other American soldiers near where he fell. FIRST CLASS PHARMACIST MATE JOHN E. LILLICH U. S. S. Delaivare First Class Pharmacist Mate Lillich was the son of Mr. and Mrs. John K. Lillich of 205 N. West St., York, Pa. He was born in Monoghan Township, York County. He attended the University of Maryland and was employed at the Dale Drug Co. this city before entering the service. He enlisted July 15, 1918, and was sent to Wissahickon Barracks, Cape May, New Jersey, where he received several months training, later being attached to the U. S. S. Delaware. While home on a forty-eight hour furlough he died of influenza the 4th day of October, 1918. He was a member of the St. Matt- hews Church. Mr. and Mrs. Lillich also have another son who served in the LI. S. Navy. ENSIGN ROBERT H. WEAVER U. S. S. Mississippi Ensign Weaver was the son of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Weaver of Seitzland, York County, Pennsylvania. He enlisted in the LTnited States Navy about four years ago and was given the rating of Chief Gunner's Mate. On October 12, 1917, he was promoted from Chief Gunner's Mate to Ensign. He was attached to the U. S. S. Mississippi but was taken sick and removed to the Naval Hospital at Norfolk, Virginia, where he died February 2, 1918. He was one of the few commissioned officers of the IJ. S. Navy from York County to give his life for the cause. 7.3 CLAYTON D. WARNER Killed in Action RAYMOND FRANCIS KNIGHTON Killed in Action WILLIAM MORTON SHIVE Died of Wounds 71 PRIVATE CLAYTON D. WARNER Company C, 321st Machine Gun Battalion Private Warner was the son of Mr. and Mrs. Chester Warner of Seven Valleys, York County, Pa. He was born in Springfield, Pa., and attended the public schools at that place. Before entering the service he was in the cigar business at Seven Valleys. Soon after leaving camp he arrived in France and was sent to the front. Word was received by Eli C. Warner of Seven Valleys, that his brother Clayton was killed September 15, 1918, at St. Mihiel, France. CORPORAL RAYMOND FRANCIS KNIGHTON Company K, 112fh Infantry Corporal Raymond Knighton was probably the youngest and one of the first to enter the war from York, Pennsylvania. He enlisted July 6, 1916. at the age of fifteen years and served with Company K, National Guards of Pennsylvania, during the trouble at the Mexican Border. In France he was at- tached to Company K, 112th Infantry, and was killed in action somewhere in the Argonne Forest, October 4, 1918. Corporal Knighton was the son of Mr. and Mrs. William H. Knighton, 249 E. Walnut Street, York, Pa. Corporal Raymond Knighton was employed at the American Candy Factory prior to his enUstment. PRIVATE WILLIAM MORTON SHIVE Company K, J12lh Infantry Private Shive was the son of Mrs. L. A. Shive who resides at 429 W. College Avenue, York, Penn- sylvania. Prior to his entering the service, he was engaged as a barber by Benjamin Shriver, York, Pa. He enlisted August 1.3, 1917, in the old Company K, 8th Regiment, N. G. P.. with which Company he was sent to Camp Hancock, Georgia, for training. On May 7, 1918, he sailed for- France and was later transferred to the 3rd battalion, scout section. Private Shive was killed in action July 24, 1918, at Chatteau Thierry, France. '5 1 WESLEY HEFFNER Died of Wounds JAMES F. SCHUMAN Died CLARENCE EDWARD^ KOPP Killed in Action 76 PRIVATE WESLEY HEFFNER Infantry Private HefFner was the son of Mr. and Mrs. Amos Heffner of Laurel, R. F. D. No. 2, York County, Pennsylvania. Soon after entering the service he was sent to France as a member of the American Expeditionary Forces, where he saw active service at the front for several months. He was injured in battle and removed to a hospital in France, where he died a few days afterward. Very little is known about his death. He nobly perished in one of the greatest conflicts of the war, helping to pay the price for that glorious victory. LIEUTENANT JAMES F. SCHUMAN Replacement Unit No. 301, Motor Transportation Corps Refore entering the service Lieutenant Schuman resided at 119 West Philadelphia Street, York, Pa., with his grandmother, Mrs. Sallie Schuman. He was employed at the Martin Truck and Rody Corporation of West York, and was in charge of the assembling department. He enlisted in October, 1917, after a special trip to Washington D. C. He was then sent to Washington and sailed for overseas in January of 1917. He enlisted as a private being promoted to the rank of sergeant before sailing and was later commissioned a second lieuteant. Lieutenant Schuman died at Nievere, France, on March 6, 1919, of pneumonia. PRIVATE CLARENCE EDWARD KOPP Company G, 125th Infantry Private Clarence Kopp was the son of Mr. John T. Kopp of 810 York Street, Hanover, Pennsyl- vania. He entered the service, being attached to the 32nd Division at the time of his death. He was ofiicially reported killed in action October 24, 1918. No definite information has yet been re- ceived as to how he met his death; it is only known that he rendered his last full ineasun> of demotion. WALTER E. MYERS Died STEWARD W. KRIDER Killed in Action CURVIN H. HEISS Killed in Action 78 PRIVATE WALTER E. MYERS Company L, U. S. Infantry Private Myers was the son of Mr. and Mrs. Rert Myers of 732 West York Ave., York, Pa. Before entering the service he was employed at the American Chain Co. this city. He left home unexpectedly and enlisted June 11, 1917. He was only 15 years old and left home without consulting his parents, fearing they would object to his enlisting, because of his youth. He was sent to Camp Sheridan, Alabama, where he contracted double pneumonia and died October 28, 1918. Private Myers was a member of the Lutheran Church of York. He was 16 years old at the time of his death. He was York's youngest soldier. BUGLER STEWART W. KRIDER Company C, 60fh Infantry Rugler Krider was the son of Mrs. Jeremiah Sipe of 526 Salem Avenue, York. Pennsylvania. He was a member of the 60th Infantry, Company C, American Expeditionary Forces. He saw extensive active service abroad and was killed at Phont Mosson, France. Little is known regarding the manner in which he met his death, except that he was killed while on active duty. He was only sixteen years old at the time of his death. While only a boy in years, he did a man's part. PRIVATE CURVIN H. HEISS Company B, 11th Infantry Private Heiss was the son of Mrs. Elian N. Stump of Dallastown, York County, Pennsylvania. He attended the public schools at York, Pa. Before entering the service he was engaged in the cigar business. After several months of intensive training on this side, he sailed for overseas in April. 1918, as a member of the American Expeditionary Forces. Private Heiss was killed in action Sep- tember 12, 1918. Private Heiss was a member of the United Brethren Church at Dallastown. He had a brother Edward D. Heiss who also died in the service, from pneumonia, at Camp Logan, Texas. SHERMAN C. SCOTT Killed in Action AUGUSTUS VICTOR STRAWBRIDGE Died MELVIN A. ROHRBAUGH Killed in Action 80 PRIVATE SHERMAN C. SCOTT Company K, l%ih Infantry Private Sherman C. Scott was the son of Mrs. Lizzie V. Scott of 173 South Pine Street, York, Pennsylvania. He enlisted in York, Pennsylvania, and was attached to Company K, 146th Infantry of the 37th Division. Soon after his arrival in France he took part in the Argonne Drive. It was during this drive that Private Scott was killed in action near Cierges, France. His death was caused by a high explosive shell; he was buried near the place where he fell, a martyr to a great cause. PRIVATE AUGUSTUS VICTOR STRAWRRIDGE Company E, ll'2ih Infantry Private Strawbridge was the son of Mary Frances and Hugh C. Strawbridge of Rridgeton, York County, Pennsylvania. He entered the service in 1917, being sent to Camp Meade, Md. After eight months of intensive training he sailed for France July 7, 1918. After having been gassed in France he was stricken with bronchial pneumonia and died October 26, 1918. The gas made his recovery impossible. Private Strawbridge was buried in the American Cemeteiy A. P. 0. 780, France, with full military honors. PRIVATE MELVIN A. ROHRBAUGH 3'27ih Infantry Private Rohrbaugh was the son of Edward M. Rohrbaugh of Spring Grove, Pa. He enter(>d the service September 20, 1918, and was sent to Camp Gordon, Georgia, and then transferred to Camp Upton, sailing for overseas April 25, 1918. He then went to Liverpool, Winchester, South Hampton, and from there across the English Channel to Le Havre, France. He first saw active duty on th(> Toul front and later started for the Argonne Forest. Private Rohrbaugh was in the town of Cornay when it was retaken by the Germans. He remarked to a friend that he would never be captured. As there were about thirty of our men taken at that time, it was thought that he was kil](>tl whil.> resisting capture. 81 CHARLES R. KOHLER Killed in Action LUTHER P. SHIVE Killed in Action AARON D. NEFF Killed in Action 82 PRIVATE CHARLES R. KOHLER Company I, 316fh Infantry Private Kohler was the son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kohler of 737 West Clark Avenue. He was born at Stewartstown where he later attended the pubUc schools. Before entering the service he was engaged as a stone cutter by Victor M. Gross, York, Pennsylvania. He enlisted September 24, 1917, and was sent to Camp Meade, Maryland, where he underwent intensive training for ten months and then sailed for France a member of the American Expeditionary Forces. He was in active service overseas for more than five months. While on guard duty somewhere in France, he was instantly killed by shrapnel. Private Kohler was a member of the Knights of Malta Lodge of York, Pa. PRIVATE LUTHER P. SHIVE li2th Supply Company, 28th Division Private Luther Shive was the son of Mrs. Kate Shive of 466 West King St., York, Pa. He enlisted in York on June 13, 1917, with Company K, 8th Regiment, N. G. P., and was sent to Camp Hancock, Georgia, where he was transferred to the 112th Regiment. He sailed for France, May 7, 1918, with the 28th Division. In France he was in active service in a machine Gun Supply Company. On August 7, 1918, he was struck by a shell and killed while guarding a ration dump. He was buried where he fell, about one and one-half miles back of Fismes. CORPORAL AARON D. NEFF Company E, 60th Infantry Corporal Neffwas the son of Mr. and Mrs. C. L.Neff of No. 1010 NorthDukeSt., York,Pa. Before entering the service he lived at the home of his parents and was engaged in the baking business. He left for camp and underwent several months training before being sent overseas a member of the American Expeditionary Forces. He served about four months at the front and was kill(Ml in action October 14, 1918, in France. He was a member of the First Moravian Church of York. Mr. and Mrs. NefT also gave another son, William M. Neff, for the great cause. He was a member of Co. A,, 112th Inft., and was killed in action, Sept. 6, 1918, in France. 83 E. RUSSELL MARKEY Killed in Action HARRY WILLIAM RROWN Died of Wounds JOSEPH E. KLINEDINST Killed in Action 84 CORPORAL E. RUSSELL MARKEY Company K, 112th Infantry Corporal Markey enlisted May 10, 1917, and was sent to Camp Hancock for training. On May 6, 1918, he was sent to France where he fought in the battle of Chateau Thierry and in the Argonne Forest. It was at the latter place that he was killed. He was made a Corporal just three days before his death, and it was while leading his squad that he was shot by a sniper on October 8, 1918. He also had a very narrow escape on the morning of his death when a shell exploded near and hurled him bodily through the air. A letter was received from Corporal Markey's Captain, by his mother Mrs. Laura R. Markey of 330 W. King Street, York, Pa., stating that he regretted very much the loss of such a brave soldier. He was never known to falter, always cheerful and liked by all of his company. PRIVATE HARRY WILLIAM RROWN Company A, 112th Infantry Harry W. Rrown, son of Reuben H. and Annie Elizabeth Rrown , 112 S. Penn St., York . Pa., was born in York, January 6, 1899. He attended the public schools of York, and was one of the youngest and first to enter the service in the early days of the war. He enlisted in the N. G. P. of Company A, April 10, 1917. He was transferred to Camp Hancock, September 10, 1917, where he was transferred to the 112th Infantry. On May 7, 1918, Private Rrown sailed for overseas where he served nearly five months in the front line trenches. His bravery can best be appreciated when it is known that he went over the top six times. He was injured in the Argonne Forest, September 28, 1918, while going over the top, and died October 1, 1918, at Etretet Rase Hospital No. 115 of his wounds received in action. PRIVATE JOSEPH E. KLINEDINST Company F, kth Infantry Private Khnedinst was the son of R. H. KUnedinst of 24 North Highland Ave., West York, Pa. He enlisted July 3,1917, at the local recuiting station and was sent to Gettysburg, Pa., where he received several months training before being sent to Camp Green, N. C. On March 5, 1918. he embarked for overseas. Private Klinedinst was a messenger at the front, and it was while acting in that capacity that he wast killed on Octobei' 12, 1918, in the Verdun Sector. Prior to his enlistment he was in the sheet metal business. CHARLES EMANUEL KOHR Died CHANCEFORD STAMRAUGH Killed in Action CHARLES R. HESS Killed in Action 86 PRIVATE CHARLES EMANUEL KOHR Headquarters Company, 15Uth Depot Brigade Private Kohr entered the service on May 26, 1918, and was sent to Camp Meade, Maryland. He was the first Mt. Wolf boy to die in the service of his Country. Before leaving for camp he was assistant cashier at the Union National Bank of Mt. Wolf and an active member of the L-nited Brethren Church, being assistant superintendent of the Sunday School. Private Kohr was a member of the Mt. Wolf Fire Company and band, and a member of the following organizations: Mt. Wolf Lodge No. 1196, L 0. 0. F., Mt. Wolf Castle No. 454, K. G. E., Washington Camp No. 42, P. 0. S. of A. of Manchester, Zeredetha Lodge, F. & A. M., York, and a member of the Tall Cedars of Lebanon, and the Junior Mechanics of Manchester. Death was caused by Pneumonia. PRIVATE CHANCEFORD STAMBAUGH Company K, Uth Infantry Private Stambaugh was the son of Mrs. Annie Stambaugh of Jackson Township, York County, Pennsylvania. On July 16, 1918. he was killed instantly going over the top in the Marne drive. He was twenty-one years, eleven months and sixteen days old when he lost his life. He was a member of the Christ Lutheran Church of Jackson Township where memorial services were held in his honor, September 29, 1918. Rev. F. S. Geesey preached the sermon. PRIVATE CHARLES B. HESS Company E, 328th Infantry Private Hess was the son of Mrs. Susie Hess of Franklintown, York County, Pennsylvania. After spending several months in various camps on this side where he received extensive training, he sailed for overseas July 8, 1918. He was engaged in the Argonne drive and it was in that battle, in which so many of our Pennsylvania boys gave their fives, that he was kified, on October 9, 1918. He had the distinction of having been engaged in this, one of the most memorable (combats of the war. where he helped to pay the price for that glorious victory. PAUL H. UTZ Died MONROE R. HUNTER Killed in Action ERWIN E. SAYERS Killed in Action 88 PRIVATE PAUL H. UTZ Company F, 304lh Engineers Private Utz was the son of Jacob S. Utz of West Manheim Township, York County, Pa. He attended the pubhc schools, residing at Hanover, Pa., R. D. No. 2. Refore entering the service he was employed on a farm, his mother being dead. Soon after leaving home he was sent overseas a member of the American Expeditionary Force. While somewhere in France he was taken sick and died. It is thought that pneumonia superinduced by influenza was the cause of his death. PRIVATE MONROE R. HUNTER Company A, 56th Regiment Private Hunter was the son of David Hunter of Mechanicsburg Pennsylvania. He was engaged in farming before entering the service. He left for camp in March, 1918, with a contingent of York County men. After serveral months of intensive training on this side he sailed for France a member of the American Expeditionary Forces. After serving two months at the front, he was wounded September 28, 1918. He died later from the results of the wounds received in action. Little official information is known about his death. WAGONER ERVIN E. SAYERS Company C, 112th Infantry Wagoner Sayers was the son of Mr. and Mrs. Latimer Sayers of 311 Smyser St., York, Pa., who also lost another son, Latimer Sayers, Jr., in the World War. Wagoner Sayers was nineteen years old when he enlisted and before entering the service he was employed in York as stableman for Mr. Joe Kindig. He was killed in action October 2, 1918, in the Argonne Forest, France. Before sailing for overseas he won highest honors in an inspection held by several Q. M. C. officers, among them being Capt. Riddle of Philadelphia. For this good work he was given a certificate of honor which he sent to his sister. Miss M. Sayers of 311 Smyser St., York, Pa. Wagoner Sayers was a mem- ber of St. John's Episcopal Church and also a member of the Boys' Club. 89 ■**«l^* NORMAN E. SHAFFER Killed in Action 3* ^-■ Fiilllt NEVIN 0. HOFFMAN Killed in Action WALTER LEROY FITZGERALD Died 90 PRIVATE NORMAN E. SHAFFER Machine Gun Company, 311th Infantry Private Shaffer was the son of Mrs. Laura Hare of Dover township, R. D. No. \. Refore entering the service he was employed in York by the S. Morgan Smith Co. He was sent to camp Dix where he received about six weeks training before being sent overseas. In April, 1918, he reached France where he served for six months as a member of a machine gun company. Private Shaffer gave his life for tjie great cause October 6, 1918. He was killed in action on that date. CORPORAL NEVIN 0. HOFFMAN Company K, 7th Infantry Corporal Hoffman was the son of Mrs. Robert H. Hoffman, of York, R. F. D. No. 7. He enlisted July 17, 1917, and was sent to Gettysburg, where he trained until November, 1917. He was then sent to Camp Greene, Charlotte, N. C, and later left there for Camp Merrit where he sailed for over- seas. He landed in France April 22, 1918. Here he served for six months, until he was killed in the Argonne Forest, France. An official report is, in part, as follows: "The enemy was shelling heavily and our Companies suffered some casualties. Corporal Hoffman in charge of his squad was with Company K advancing bravely in the face of the heavy fire of the enemy. After a large shell exploded close by, Corporal Hoffman fell fatally wounded. He died about one-half hour later and was buried in the evening of October 4, 1918, directly behind the Catholic Church in Cierges, France." PRIVATE WALTER LEROY FITZGERALD U8th Aero Squadron Private Fitzgerald was the son of Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Fitzgerald of 428 E. Prospect Street, York, Pa. He graduated from the York High School in 1914. He enlisted July 15, 1917, and was sent to Columbus Barracks, Columbus, Ohio, from there to Kelly Field, Texas, and then to France, where he served four months. Private Fitzgerald died of spinal meningitis January 6 1918, at Tours, France. He was buried at Toure Indre Et Loire, France. He was a member of the First Moravian Church and the Y. M. C. A. of York. 91 WILLIAM HENRY MECKLEY Died EDWARD D. HEISS Died PARKER WILLIAM WEAVER Killed in Action 92 PRIVATE WILLIAM HENRY MECKLEY Company C, 30Uth Engineers Private Meckley was the son of Mrs. Daisy J. Meckley of 110 McAllister St., Hanover, Pa. In civil life his occupation was that of a stone cutter. He entered the service May 25, 1918, and was sent to Camp Meade, Maryland, where he was assigned to the 304th Engineers of the 79th Division. On July 8, 1918, he left Hoboken, N. J., for overseas. He was gassed September 25, 1918, while on duty in the Argonne Forest. Later, on October 11, 1918. he died of pneumonia at Base Hospital No. 54, France. He was buried in the Government Cemetery at Mesves, France. PRIVATE EDWARD D. HEISS Company L, 57th Infantry Private Heiss was the son of Mrs. Elian N. Stump of Dallastown, York County, Pennsylvania. He attended the public schools at Dallastown and was employed at a box factory at that place at the time of entering the service. He was stationed at Camp Logan, Texas where he contracted pneumonia and died October 6, 1918. He was a member of the LInited Brethren Church at Dallastown. Private Heiss had a brother Curvin H. Heiss, who was killed in France. PRIVATE PARKER WILLIAM WEAVER Company A, 327th Infantry Private Parker Weaver, son of Mr. amd Mrs. C. K. Weaver, Harrisburg St., Dillsburg. Pa., was the first boy from Dillsburg to be reported killed in action. He left home October 6, 1917, to go to Camp Meade, Maryland, and ten days later he was transferred to Camp Gordon, Atlanta, Ga., where he remained until April, 1918, going from there to Fiance. Many interesting letters were received from Private Weaver by his parents, from which it was learned that he was undergoing some hardships but was determined that only Glory and Victory should be the final result. He was killed in action October 16, 1918, in the Argonne Forest by being hit with a piece of shrapnel. He was buried where he fell; grave No. 6 of burial plot slope on Hill No. 180. He was a member of the Ignited Brethren Church and Sunday School, and also of the Dillsburg P. 0. S. of A. 93 M /4 f^ VICTOR ALLEN MECKLEY Died MELYIN NATHAN JAMISON Killed in Action CHARLES S. SNYDEMAN Died i^i5ti.i1?'-"»*£^r'*iM imM-^A^^ "94 PRIVATE VICTOR ALLEN MECKLEY south Engineers Private Victor Meckley was the son of Mr. William W. Meckley of Seven Valleys, R. F. D. No. 1, York County, Pennsylvania. He entered the service of Uncle Sam, June 1, 1918, and was sent to Camp Meade, Maryland. After extensive training he was sent to France, July 4, 1918. While in France, Private Meckley was stricken with pneumonia and made the supreme sacrifice for his Country, October 4. 1918. He was twenty-four years old and previous to his entering the service was engaged in the cigar business. PRIVATE MELVIN NATHAN JAMISON 8th Machine Gun Battalion. Private Jamison was the son of Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Jamison of Spring Grove, Pa., at which place he attended the public schools. He enlisted at the age of twenty-three, at Gettysburg, July 18, 1917, in Company L, 7th Infantry and on November 21, 1917, he was transferred to the 8th Machine Gun Battalion stationed at Camp Greene, N. C. He sailed for France in April, 1918. On the night of July 14th at Nesles, about a mile south-east of Chateau Thierry, while on duty, carrying a message through the barrage thrown over by the Germans, in preparation for the attack, he was struck by shrapnel and instantly killed. Private Jamison was a member of Mt. Zion Reform Sunday School. CORPORAL CHARLES S. SNYDEMAN Company B, Lafayette Training Detachment Corporal Snydeman enhsted August 15, 1918. Previous to his entering the service he was engaged in the silk business, and resided with his mother, Mrs. Arvilla S. Blackl()ck,at 223 South Queen Street, York, Pennsylvania. On his second furlough home he became ill with influenza, which later developed into pneumonia. He died at the home of his mother October 20, 1918. He was not permitted to enter the strife of battle to die in conflict with the enemy, but he none the less rendered that last full measure of devotion. 95 CHARLES W. BUIE Died STERLING W. SEITZ Died HERMAN PAUL TRESSELT Died 96 PRIVATE CHARLES W. RUIE Company A, Medical Unit No. 54 Private Buie was the son of Mr. and Mrs. John Buie of Seven Valleys, Pa. Befoie entering the service he was engaged in fanning. He left home September 5, 1918, for Camp Greenleaf, Georgia. After training there for about a month he was transferred to Camp Upton, N. Y. It was while sta- tioned at the latter place that he became ill with pneumonia about the time his outfit sailed for over- seas. Unable to recover from the terrible disease that claimed so many of our brave boys, he died October 6, 1918. PRIVATE STERLING W. SEITZ Company, A, SMth Infantry Private Seitz was the son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Seitz of Yoe, York County, Pennsylvania. He attended the pubhc schools at Yoe and was employed as a cigar box maker before entering the service. After several months of intensive training on this side he was sent overseas as a member of the American Expeditionary Forces. Soon after landing in France he was sent to the front Hne trenches and wounded September 26, 1918. He was removed to a hospital at Souelly, France, where he died October 2, 1918. from the wounds received in action. He was buried at the cemetery near where he died in grave No. 13. PRIVATE HERMAN PAUL TRESSELT Company F, 30^th Engineers Private Tresselt entered the service May 25, 1918. and was sent to Camp Meade, Maryland. On July 9, 1918, he left for overseas. He was about to be promoted for his efficiency in service when he was taken ill with pneumonia in an Evacuation Hospital, France, and died October 11 , 1918. Private Tresselt was ill only four days when his death occurred. He was buried about ten miles distant from where his Company was fighting at the time. Before entering the service he was engaged in the silk business and resided at 310 W. Cottage Place with his wife. He was twenty-three years old at the time of his death. QUINTON MONROE GERBRICK Killed in Action DAVID W. MUNDIS Killed in Action SHERMAN WILLIAM LEIFER Killed in Action ^..;*^kaa»J^ 98^ PRIVATE QUINTON MONROE GERRRICK Company C, 60th Infantry Private Gerbrick was the son of Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Gerbrick of Glen Rock, Pa. Refore entering the service he was employed as a brakeman. He was sent to Camp Meade, Md., and later was trans- ferred to Camp Green, N. C, from which place he sailed for overseas. Little is known of the way in which he met his death and the only official communication received by his parents was a telegram which read as follows: " Deeply regret to imformyou that Private Quinton M. Gerbrick, Infantry, is officially reported as killed in action October 14, 1918." Though the last resting place of his body be unknown, yet his spirit ever dwells with those for whom he made the supreme sacrifice on the field of battle. SERGEANT DAVID W. MUNDIS Company E, 3l6lh Infantry Sergeant Mundis was the son of Mr. and Mrs. Michael Mundis of 1421 West Market Street, York, Pennsylvania. Refore entering the service he was in the plumbing business in York, Pa. He left for Camp Meade on September 20, 1917, with the first contingent of York County men. After ten months of intensive training he sailed for overseas July 7, 1918, and served several months at the front. He was killed September 29, 1918, while advancing thiough the Argonne Forest with his Company. He was twenty-five years old at the time of his death. PRIVATE SHERMAN WILLIAM LEIFER 6lh Regiment Engineers, 3rd Division Private Leifer was the son of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. F. Leifer 359 E. Market St., York, Pa. He was born in York, October 28, 1899, where he attended the public schools. He was among the fiist to respond to the call of his Country, enlisting in the 6th Regiment, Third Division. He was killed July 15, 1918, back of the town of Creyzency near the Maine River, during the morning of the first day of the battle of Chateau Thierry. At the time of his death he was working with his outfit constructing machine gun emplacements, erecting barbed wire entanglements, and fire rafts on the river. He was buiied in St. Eugene Cemetery, France. 99 CHARLES H. SIPE Killed in Action HARRY WILLIAM WITHERS Killed in Action WALTER E. GROVE Killed in Action [ 100 PRIVATE CHARLES H. SIPE Company B, 109th Machine Gun Battalion Private Sipe, son of Mrs. Emma Catherine Sipe, resided at 232 Maple Street, York, Pa., before entering the service. He was killed in France, September 7, 1918, near Fismes. Following is the letter received by his mother: "Dear Madam : I received your letter this morning inquiring about your son Charles. He was killed in action while guarding some ammunition, being struck with a piece of shell and was instantly killed. The boys of his Company buried him and marked the grave by a large cross. His name, rank, and organization were inscribed on the cross. His grave is just north of Cour- landon, about two miles northeast of Fismes. Charley was a good boy and never shirked his duty; he has seen some very bitter fighting and died nobly. You can be proud that he so nobly gave his life so that the world might be saved from the German Autocracy."" PRIVATE HARRY WILLIAM WITHERS ii2th Infantry, 28th Division Private Harry Withers was the son of Daniel H. Withers of 568 W. King Street, York, Pa. He, with his brother John Withers enlisted April 12, 1917, in Co. A. Eighth Regiment. Both boys went to Camp Hancock, Augusta, Ga., September 10, 1917, and were sentover seas in May, 1918, with the 112th Infantry. Private Harry Withers was with his Company through all the hard fighting from the first day until his death. He was killed in action September 6, 1918, being hit by part of a large shell. PRIVATE WALTER E. GROVE Company C, iU5th Infantry Private Grove was the son of Mr. and Mrs. John H. Grove of Red Lion, R. D. No. 2, York County, Pennsylvania. He lived with his parents at the time of entering the service. After several months of intensive training on this side he sailed for overseas a member of Company C, 145th Infantry of the American Expeditionary Forces and was killed in action while fighting in France. The date of his death is officially reported as November 4, 1918, only a week before the Armistice was signed. He was one of the last boys from Red Lion to give his life to his Country. 101 r: M-' CLARENCE W. MARCH Died FRANK 0. SHAUCK Died JOHN DANIEL WITHERS Killed in Action Sii£;^.iS2ti:^^^^S2s;iwai<-'s."*««s*«^ «— 102 PRIVATE CLARENCE W. MARCH Company A, 112th Infantry Private March was the son of Mrs. EHzabeth, March of Dover R. F. D. No. 4, York County, Pennsylvania. Hewasamember of Company A, 112th Infantry, 28th Division, known as the Keystone Division or Iron Men's Division, which entered the front line trenches and did such good work on June 25, 1918. Private March received a shrapnel wound in the right arm on August 23, 1918, at Chateau Thierry. Later he contracted pneumonia and died. PRIVATE FRANK 0. SHAUCK Chemical Warfare Service Frank 0. Shauk was the son of Mrs. F. R. Shauck of New Freedom, Pennsylvania. He was a student at Dickinson College before he entered the service, and later he became a member of the Research Division of the American LTniversity Experiment Station, Chemical Warfare Service. He died October 12, 1918, of pneumonia at the Walter Reed Hospital, Washington, D. C, while in the service of his Country. FIRST CLASS PRIVATE JOHN DANIEL WITHERS 112th Infantry, 28th Division First Class Private John Withers enUsted with his brother Harry, with whom he was sent to camp. Nearly all the time from the day they enlisted until they were both killed by the same shell, they fought side by side. Surely these noble boys rendered their last full measure of devotion that their Country might be victorious. First Class Private John Withers was sent to the Hospital on June 2, 1918, where he was confined until August 20, 1918. He returned to his Company and was with them only seventeen days when he was severely wounded by the shell that killed his brother. He died the next day, September 7, 1918. Thus were the brave brothers closely knit in life and death, exiiibiling a sacrifice as rich as it is rare. i();5 CHESTER HANNIGAN Died HARRY C. AHRENS Died ALBERT M. HUNT Killed in Action 104 FIRST CLASS PHARMACIST MATE CHESTER HANNIGAN U. S. Navy First Class Pharmacist Mate Hannigan was the son of the late David and Margaret Hannigan of East Prospect, York County. He enlisted in the Navy in 1900 in the medical department. From the lowest place on the roster he was successfully promoted until he reached the rating of Firs Class Phar- macist Mate. In December, 1917, he was sent to a Naval Station in Paris. He died of pneumonia while overseas, on the 31st day of March, 1918. He was 35 years old at the time of his death and was buried with military honors at a naval cemetery in Paris. PRIVATE HARRY CLEVELAND AHRENS Motor Transport Company No. 537 Private Ahrens was the son of Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Ahrens of 457 S. Queen Street, York, Pa. He attended the public schools in York. Refore entering the service he was employed by his father as a butcher. He left for Camp July 24, 1918, and after three months of training in the LTnited States, sailed for overseas. Private Ahrens died the day he reached France, October 15, 1918. He was twenty- three years old at the time of his death and was a member of the Memorial Reformed Church of York, Pa. Death was caused by influenza which developed into pneumonia. PRIVATE ALRERT M. HUNT U. S. Infantry Private Hunt, the son of Mr. and Mrs. George Hunt, resided at the home of his parents in Spry, York County, Pennsylvania, before entering the service. Soon after leaving home for Camp he was sent overseas. Private Hunt was killed in action while serving at the front in September, 1918. Thus he gave his life that his country might be victorious. No man can do more. 10.- OSCAR FRY Killed in Action EURIAS C. HAYES Killed in Action GEORGE WOODS Killed in Action 106 PRIVATE OSCAR FRY Company A, 327th Infantry Private Fry was the son of Mr. and Mrs. George Fry of near Star view, York County, Pa. Before entering the service he was employed at the Mt. Wolf Furniture Company, Mt. Wolf, Pa. He left with the first contingent of men from York County for Camp Meade, Maryland, in September 1917. After several months of intensive training on this side he sailed for overseas. He was killed in action October 16, 1918, somewhere in France. Little information is known about his death. PRIVATE EURIAS CHARLES HAYES Company K, ll'ith Infantry Private Hayes was the son of Mrs. Mary Hayes, Violet Hill, York County, Pennsylvania, and of the late Henry Hayes. He was an old member of Company K, 8th Regiment, N. G. P., and with that outfit went to Camp Hancock, Atlanta, Georgia, where members of the old 8th Regiment were attached to the 112th Regiment of the 28th Division. After several months of intensive training he sailed for France. Private Hayes was killed in action October 4, 1918. He was a member of the Second United Brethren Church of Spry, York County, Pa. PRIVATE GEORGE WOODS Uist Machine Gun Battalion Private Woods, the son of Mrs. Anna Woods, formerly resided with his parents at 428 East King Street, York, Pennsylvania. He left home for Camp Lee, Virginia, with a large contingent of men early in 1918. After a brief training he was sent overseas and became attached to the 41st Machine (jun Battahon. Private Woods was killed in action in September, 1918, somewhere in France. 107 GEORGE B. HOFFMAN Killed in Action CHESTER H. BAIR Died JOHN M. WISE Killed in Action 108 SEAMAN GEORGE B. HOFFMAN U. S. S. President Lincoln Seaman Hoflman was the son of Mr. and Mrs. Michael B. Hoffman of York. He enlisted at the age of 17 years in York, June 18, 1917. He was sent to Newport, R. I., where he received his pre- liminary training. In December of that year, he was assigned to the ill-fated ship President Lincoln as a seaman. He was retm'ning from his fourth trip across when his ship was sunk by a German submarine. Prior to his enlistment he was employed by the American Chain Co. and lived with his step-brother Mr. Alfred H. Billet. He was a member of the West Street Methodist Episcopal Church. PRIVATE CHESTER HARRIS BAIR Company B, 56th Pioneers Private Bair was the husband of Nelhe M. Bair of Bridge ton, York County, Pennsylvania. He was born in Brogueville in 1889 and attended the public schools at the Brogue. Before entering the service he was engaged in farming. He entered the service on August 9, 1918, and was sent to Camp Wadsworth After three weeks training he was sent overseas with his outfit. While in France, Private Bair was stricken with spinal meningitis and died November 27, 1918, having served overseas about two months for his country. Private Bair was a member of the Methodist Church and Sunday School at Bridgeton, Pa. PRIVATE JOHN M. WISE Headquarters Company, 316th Infantry Private Wise of Bryansville, York County, enlisted November 4, 1917. In July, 1918, he sailed for France, where he was on active duty at the fiont foi' about three months. Private Wise was killed September 29, 1918, with three of his companions, while rescuing a comrade, who had been severely wounded. A memorial service was held at the United Evangelical Church, Bryansville, April 30, 1919, in honor f)f the brave soldier who so nobly sacrificed his life by attempting the rescue of a strick(Mi comrade. Private Wise was a member of the United Evangelical Chuich of Bryansville, Pa. 109 CHARLES G. FETROW Killed in Action SHERMAN C. LEONARD Died HARRY C. STOVER Killed in Action 110 PRIVATE CHARLES GILBERT FETROW 126th Regiment, 32nd Division Private Fetrow was the son of Mrs. Seville Fetrow of Roundtown, York County, Pennsylvania. Prior to his enlistment he was employed in Detroit, Michigan, where he left with a contingent of men for Battle Creek, Michigan. Later he was sent to Waco, Texas, and from there to Camp Merritt, N. J., from which place he sailed for France in February, 1918. While on active duty in the front line trenches he was gassed and conveyed to a hospital where he recovered and again sent to the front where he was instantly killed by shrapnel November 5, 1918. PRIVATE SHERMAN C. LEONARD Camp Humphreys, Va. Private Leonard was the son of Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Leonard of York, Pa. He resided with his sister Mrs. Ansbaugh, 1429 W. King St., York, Pa. Private Leonard was a well known and prominent waiter of this city and a member of the local union and for some time had been employed at several of the local lunch rooms. He died of influenza at Camp Humphreys, October 9, 1918. Private interment was made in Greenmount Cemetery. PRIVATE HARRY C. STOVER Company G, 16th Infantry Private Stover was the son of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Stover of La Botte, Jackson Township, York County, Pa. He left in November, 1917, for Camp Meade, Md., where he was stationed until July 15th, at which time he sailed for overseas. He was killed in action September 28, 1918. He was a member of Christ Lutheran Church, Jackson Township. He is survived by two sisters and three brothers, besides his parents. Ill HARRY E. LOOSE Killed in Action JOHN L. MAYER Killed in Accident HAROLD C. NORLE Killed in Action 112 PRIVATE HARRY E. LOOSE Company C, 14th Machine Gun Battalion, 5th Division Private Loose was the son of Rev. and Mrs. H. H. Loose of Menges Mills. He left home foi" Camp Meade January 15, 1918, and on February 5, 1918, was sent to Camp Greene, N. C. He was placed in Co. C. 14th Machine Gun Rattalion and went overseas in May, 1918. Was in the Vosge Moun- tains until the St. Mihiel drive which started September 12, 1918. He was killed September 16th near Thia Court by shrapnel aged 25 years, 10 m. and 18 days. Two years prior to going into service he was engaged as assistant superintendent on Loose & Sons Fruit Farm. His permanent address was Menges Mills, York County, Pa. MAJOR JOHN L. MAYER U. S. Marines Major Mayer was the son of the late Mr. Charles H. Mayer, who was some years ago Treasurer of the York Street Railways Company. He left York about seven years ago, enlisting in the U. S. Marines. He had been stationed in Hayti where he was in command of the American Marines at Port Prince. He with his men were ordered out to round up Haitian bandits about April 1, 1918, and while engaged in a battle with them, was the victim of a bayonet wound. Mr. Grier Hersh was notified as follows: "Deeply regret to inform you cablegram received today states Major John L. Mayer, U. S. Marine Corps, killed in action with bayonet thrust in Hayti 4th inst." CADET HAROLD C. NORLE Cadet Aviation Harold Caruthers Noble, son of Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Noble, 23 CarHsle Ave., York, Pa., was gradu- ated from the York High School in the class of 1911. Prior to his enlistment he was Assistant Manager of the Roston, Mass., office of the Certain-teed Products Corporation. He enlisted for service on Dec. 28, 1917. He was sent to Princeton ground school and was transferred to Chanute Field, 111., where he met his death June 28, 1918. He was the first aviator from York to lose his life. He was caught in a blinding rain storm and it was thought he lost control of his machine and fell at Ludlow, five miles from Chanute Field. He was alone in the plane at time of accident. Ho was a member of the First Presbyterian Church of York, Pa. He was buried in the Greenmount Cemetery, York, with military honors. 11.3 ] JOHN AUSTIN McKEE Died HARRY P. FOLKOMER Killed in Action LLOYD S. RECKER Died [114] PRIVATE JOHN AUSTIN McKEE Battery C, 3rd Fietd Artillery Private McKee was the son of Mr. and Mrs. CD. McKee of Cardiff, Md. Prior to entering the service he was employed at the American Chain Co. of this city as a machinist and resided at 154 S. Albermarle St., York, Pa. He left for Pittsburg as an automobile mechanic in July, 1918, and after a few weeks in Pittsburgh, Pa., he left for overseas where he was taken sick soon after landing and died in France, September 28, 1918, of pneumonia. He was a member of the Ridge Avenue Methodist Episcopal Church and also a member of the I. 0. 0. F. and Jr. 0. U. A. M. and Knights of Malta Lodges. He was 26 years old at the time of his death. PRIVATE HARRY P. FOLKOMER U. S. Infantry Private Folkomer was the son of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Folkomer, of York New Salem. He was employed at the Martin Plant of the Martin-Parry Corporation, West York, Pa., before entering the service. Soon after leaving home for camp he was sent overseas, and after a brief training was sent to the front where he saw extensive active duty. He was reported missing in action on October 15, 1918. Upon investigating it was found that he was killed in action on that date. Private Folkomer was twenty-three years old at the time of his death. PRIVATE LLOYD S. RECKER Company G, 316th Infantry Private Recker was the son of Mr. and Mrs. William Recker of Spring Grove, Pa. Refore entering the service he was employed by the American Chain Company of York, Pa. He was sent to Camp Meade, September 24, 1917, with the first contingent of York County men. After several months of intensive training he sailed for overseas. While in France he was taken sick with pneumonia and removed to the Rase Hospital where he died October 17, 1918. Private Recker was a member of Zeigler's Church of the Seven Valleys' Lutheran chai'ge and was twenty-four yeai's old at th<> t'lnw of his death. I 115 ] SERGEANT WILLIAM ARNOLD U. S. Infantry Sergeant Arnold was the son of Mr. and Mrs. Eli Arnold of Dillsburg, Pa. Early in June, 1918, he enlisted at Harrisburg and sailed for France, June 18, 1918. He was killed in action in France on July 19, 1918. Sergeant Arnold was 18 years old at the time of his death and was survived by his parents, wife and one brother. PRIVATE MICHAEL GARLAND 28th Canadian Battalion Private Garland served two- enlistments in the U. S. Army during which time he took part in the Spanish American War and also saw service in the Phillippines. His father, Mr. Silas Garland, was in the Civil War, a member of Company R, 2nd Regiment, Massachusetts Cavalry. At the time of the World War, Private Garland was working in Canada and enlisted in the Canadian Army, being attached to the 53rd Rattalion. Later he was transferred to the 28th Rattalion and became a member of the Canadian Expeditionary Force. He was killed during the early days of the war at the battle of the Somme, September 15, 1916. Thus he worthely upheld the tradition and honor of his family. PRIVATE GRANVILLE SMITH U. S. Infantry Private Smith was the son of Mr. and Mrs. George Smith, Royal, Dover Township, York County, Pennsylvania. Private Smith left with the first contingent of York County men for Camp Meade, Maryland, in September, 1917. After serving several months at Camp Meade, Md., he was transferred to Camp Gordon, Georgia, and from there to France. He was killed in action somewhere in France, October 15, 1918. He was twenty-six years old at the time of his death. 16 PRIVATE ELMER H. GEMMILL 23rd Company, 16lh Development Battalion Private Gemmill was the son of Mrs. Mary Gemmill, who recently moved to Lancaster, Pa. Refore he entered the service, he was a plumber by trade. He was sent to Camp Meade where he died of pneumonia Oct. 9, 1918. He was 25 years old at the time of his death. He was much esteemed by the men of his company and although he did not reach France, he sacrificed all that a man can give. PRIVATE CECIL CRONE U. S. Infantry Private Crone was the son of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Crone of Lewisberry, York County, Pa., R. D. No. 1. After leaving home he spent several months in a training camp in the LTnited States before saihng for France. Soon after arriving overseas he was taken sick with pneumonia superinduced by influenza, and died in November, 1918. PRIVATE WILLIAM ROY REISINGER Company E, 20th Battalion I. R. C. Private Reisinger was the son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Reisinger of near Red Lion, York County, Pa. He left home for Camp Lee, Virginia, where he underwent several months training. He was taken sick with pneumonia October 8, 1918, and died in the camp Hospital in spite of the fact that everything possible was done to save his life. Interment was made in the Pleasant Grove Church cemetery. [117] PRIVATE GEORGE H. SECHRIST 31Mh Infantry Private Sechrist was the son of Mr. and Mrs. George B. Sechrist of Felton, Pa. He was employed in the Felton Box Factory at the time he entered the service. He was sent to Camp Meade, Md., May 25, 1918, and sailed for overseas July 8, 1918, with the 314th Infantry. He died in France, November 14, 1918, of pneumonia. He was a member of the Bethany United Evangelical Church. He was 31 years old at the time of his death. He is survived by his mother, brother and two sisters. PRIVATE KERVIN E. JACOBY Company A, SOUth Engineers Private Jacoby was the youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. David Jacoby of Manchester Township, York County, Pennsylvania. He was born in the year 1887. His parents having died he lived with his brother, H. A. Jacoby, 927 North Duke Street, York Pa. Before entering the service he was em- ployed by the A. B. Farquhar Co., Ltd. On May 25, 1918. he left with a contingent of York County men for Camp Meade, Maryland, and in July he sailed for France. While in France he was taken sick with pneumonia and died September 9, 1918. PRIVATE AUSTIN L. GROVE Headquarters Co., 313th Infantry Private Grove was born at Glen Rock in 1892 and was graduated from the Glen Rock High School in 1903, being valedictorian of his class. He was graduated from F. and M. College in 1913. He then became principal of the Terre Hill, Lancaster County High School, later becoming a member of the faculty of the F. and M. College where he was teaching at the time he entered the service. He left for Camp Meade, Md., in May, 1918, and was attached to the 313th Infantry at the time he landed in France in July. He was engaged in the battle of Mont Faucon, where he met his death. A large memorial service was held in his honor on November 25, 1918, at Glen Rock. He was a member of the Assistant Worker's Bible Class and of Friends Lodge No. 287 K. of P. 118 PRIVATE ROY A. McCLANE Battery F, 115th Field Artillery Private McClane, son of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel McClane, R. D. No. 7, York, enlisted at the local recruiting station May 6, 1917. Two days later he left for Columbus, Ohio, from there he was sent to El Paso, Texas and later to Syracuse, N. Y., being transferred from the 4th Field Artillery to the 15th Field Artillery. He was sent to Pine Camp, N. Y., and then to Camp Merrit, N. J., shortly after he sailed for overseas. Private McClane was killed in action on June 25, 1918, at 4 A. M. by a high ex- plosive shell, after a hard night serving the piece under intense shell fire, near Chateau Thierry. He was nineteen years of age at the time of his death, and was buried at the American cemetery, Charly Sur Marne Aisne, France. CORPORAL MILTON M. RITTENHOUSE Company K, 7th Regiment Corporal Rittenhouse was the son of Mr. J. C. Rittenhouse of 937 South Queen Street, York, Pa. Refore entering the service he was employed as a steamfitter in Philadelphia, Pa. He entered the service in April, 1918. After two months of intensive training he sailed for France, arriving there the latter part of June, 1918. Private Rittenhouse served about four months at the front and was wounded October 10, 1918, in the Argonne Forest drive. Two days later he died from the inflicted wounds. PRIVATE WILTON AREL U. S. Coast Artillery Private Wilton Abel was the son of Mr. Harris Abel of Wrightsville, Pa. Refore entering the service he was employed by the Wrightsville Hardware Co. of Wrightsville, Pa. He enlisted in the local re- cruiting station in May, 1918. He was immediately assigned to an infantry unit at Fort Slocum, N. Y. He was sent overseas where he was on active duty at the front. He died of pneumonia while on board ship enroute from France to America on the U. S. Transport American. He was 21 years old at the time of his death. He was a member of the First Presbyterian Sunday School and is survived by his father, six sisters and two brothers. 119 CORPORAL CLARK McWILLIAMS Company G, 316th Infantry Corporal McWilliams was the son of Mr. and Mrs. Morris L. McWilliams of Franklin St., Hanover, Pa. Before entering the service he was employed in Levy Bros, silk mill. He left home with the first contingent from York County, September, 1917, and was stationed at Camp Meade, going overseas with his company early in July, 1918. He was killed in action on Sept. 28, 1918. Corporal McWiUiams was a member of the Emanuel Reformed Church and Sunday School and was killed just two days prior to his 21st birthday. FIRST CLASS MACHINIST MATE MILLARD KEARNEY U. S. Navy First Class Machinist Mate Kearney, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Kearney of New Freedom, York County, Pennsylvania, enlisted in the U. S. Navy early in 1917. He was stationed at the Navy Yards at Newport, R. I., where he was taken sick with pneumonia, superinduced by influenza, which caused his death, September 27, 1918. CHAPLAIN ALBERT D. BELL 310th Infantry Chaplain Bell was the son of Rev. and Mrs. Albert Bell, East Maple St., York, Pa. He was a former resident of this City and was graduated from the York High School and the Gettysburg The- ological Seminary. Before entering the army he was in charge of a Lutheran charge at Sparrow's Point, Md. He served as Chaplain in the U. S. Army since early in the war. Chaplain Bell died in France at the front of pneumonia. He was the only army Chaplain from York to lose his life in the World War. 120 PRIVATE HENRY KINSEY U. S. Infantry Private Kinsey was the son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry M. Kinsey of Dover, York County, Pa. He left for Camp Meade, Sept. 19, 1917, with the first contingent of drafted men from York County. After several weeks training he was sent to Camp Gordon. Ga. He died in the Government hospital at Fort Rurgard, New Mexico, October 8, 1918, of pneumonia, after an illness of eight months. He was buried in Salem Union Church Cemetery near Dover, York County, Pa. PRIVATE LEMON STUMP Company C, 30ith Engineers Private Stump was the son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Stump, Smith's Station, York County, Pa. Refore entering the service he was employed by S. Morgan Smith and Co. He was selected by the third County District and was sent to Camp Meade, May 25. 1918, and in July he sailed for overseas. He died October 6, 1918 of pneumonia in France. He is survived by his parents and two sisters of York, Pa. PRIVATE GEORGE H. FREY Company C, 313th Infantry Private Frey was the son of Mr. and Mrs. John P. Frey of Long Level, York County, Pa. He left York with the County contingent in April, 1918, for Camp Meade. He was later transferred to Camp Merritt, N. J., where he died of pneumonia following influenza on October 6, 1918. Interment was made in Salem Church Cemetery, York County, Pa. 121 PRIVATE EARL G. HARMAN Company K, 112ih Infantry Private Harman was the son of Alderman Joseph S. Harman of 12 East North St., York, Pa. He was wounded at Augusta, Ga., while stationed at Camp Hancock, Ga., and died soon after on November 21, 1917, at the University Hospital at Augusta, Ga. Private Harman was 23 years old at the time of his death and leaves a wife besides his parents, two sisters and three brothers. He was given a military funeral by the United Spanish War Veterans at the Prospect Hill Cemetery, York, Pa. PRIVATE CHARLES WITMER U. S. Infantry Private Witmer was the son of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Witmer, Dover, R. D. No. 3. He left home May 25, 1918, with a large contingent from York County for Camp Meade, Maryland. After several months training he sailed for overseas landing in France. While stationed in France, he was taken sick with pneumonia and died September 9, 1918. He was twenty-five years old at the time of his death. CORPORAL CLARENCE E. KNAUB Company F, 316th Infantry, 79th Division Corporal Knaub was the son of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Knaub of Red Lion. Before entering the service he was employed as a painter at Red Lion. He left home in September 1917, and was sent to Camp Meade where he was stationed until he left for overseas on July 7, 1917. Corporal Knaub lost his life with two of his companions by drowning on July 24, 1918. He was buried in France with military honors. Corporal Knaub was 25 years old at the time of his death. He was a member of the Reformed Sunday School, Red Lion, and of the Improved Order of Red Men. 122 ] CORPORAL NOAH R. RISKER Uth Machine Gun Battalion Corporal Risker was the son of Mrs. Annie Risker of Yoe, York County, Pa. Corporal Risker entered the service early in 1917 and was sent to France soon after. After several months of active duty at the front Corporal Risker was severely wounded, September 15, 1918, and died as the result of these wounds. He had not been heard from for ten months and only after an investigation by Congressman Rrooks, was the official communication concerning his death received. Corporal Risker was awarded a Distinguished Service Cross for his bravery. CORPORAL ALVIN REHMEYER Company F, 316th Infantry Corporal Rehmeyer left Red Lion, September 19, 1917, with the first contingent of drafted men from York County for Camp Meade, Md. He remained at Camp Meade until July 7, 1918, when he sailed for overseas. Soon after arriving in camp Corporal Rehmeyer was sent with his outfit to the front line trenches. On September 26, 1918, after an attack he was reported missing in action. There was some doubt as to his fate. After investigation it was later found that he was killed in action, probably at the time he was reported missing in action, as his grave was found on March 20, 1919. near Mont Faucon. SERGEANT PETER J. SMITH Company G, 16th Infantry, Uth Division Sergeant Smith enUsted in the regular army in 1907 and served with his regiment in Alaska, the Philippines and Mexico. He sailed with his outfit and after receiving overseas training was sent to the front. While engaged in active duty he was severely wounded, and died October 5, 1918, as a result of his wounds. His sister Mrs. John A. Crimmins of Atlantic City, N. J., became worried at not hearing from her brother and upon cabling to France the news of Sergeant Smith's death was confirmed in four days. 123 1 PRIVATE GEORGE H. LEITHEISER Company I, 26th Infantry Private Leitheiser. son of Mr. Harry and the late Irene Leitheiser of Wrightsville, Pa. He enlisted in the U. S. Infantry at the York Recruiting Station, May 8, 1917, at the age of 21 years. He was sent oversea in July, 1917, and died July 10, 1918, in a base hospital somewhere in France of pneumonia. He is survived by his father who resides at Lancaster, Pa., one brother and one sister. He was a member of the First Methodist Episcopal Church at Wrightsville, Pa. PRIVATE ELIAS M. RAUGHER U. S. Infantry, Camp Lee, Va. Private Raugher was the son of Mr. and Mrs. Freeman Raugher of near Jefferson, York County, Pa. He left for Camp Lee, June 24, 1918, with the third County quota of drafted men, where he died of influenza. Prior to entering the service he was engaged in farming in Frederick County, Md. In- terment was made at the Chestnut Grove Church of the Rrethren. He was 26 years old at the time of his death. He is survived by three brothers and three sisters besides his parents. PRIVATE ELMER DUNKLE Company D, 28th Regiment Private Dunkle was the son of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Dunkle of Pequa, Lancaster County, Pa. Refore entering the service he lived at 840 E. King St. and was employed in York as a machinist. He was one of the first boys from York County to meet his death in action, having enlisted at the local recruiting station in June, 1917. He was sent to Camp Renjamin Harrison, Ind., where he was stationed for five months. He was then sent to France where he took part in several hand-to-hand bayonet fights. Private Dunkle was killed in France May 28, 1918. He was a member of the Lutheran Church and the Independent Order of Red Men. 124 PRIVATE CHARLES E. KAIN, JR. U. S. Signal Corps Private Kain was the son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Kain of 33 Columbia Avenue, York, Pa. He was prominent in the Boy Scouts of York, being a patrol leader. At the time of his enlistment he was a student at the York High School. He enlisted in the regular army May 27, 1917, and sailed for France the following December. He was in several German air raids while stationed in Paris. His father received the following telegram from Adjutant-General Harris, Washington. D. C: "Deeply regret to inform you that it is officially reported that Private Charles E. Kain, Jr., Signal Corps, died of drowning, May 19, 1919. Body recovered." Private Kain was a member of the First Methodist Episcopal Church of York. SERGEANT ERVIN C. MILLER Company, 316th Infantry Sergeant Miller was the son of Mr. and Mrs. Isaac C. Miller of Hanover, R. D. No. 6. He left home for Camp Meade, Md., October 6, 1917. Soon after reaching Camp he sailed for overseas. His parents received a letter from him dated October 21, 1918, in which he stated he was near the front. It was later reported that he was missing in action on November 4, 1918. As nothing further was heard from him it is supposed that he was killed in action on that date. PRIVATE GEORGE AUDREY BILLMEYER 22nd Recruiting Company, G. S. I. Private George Audrey Billmeyer, son of Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Billmeyer, Queen and Market Sts . York, Pa., was born in York, March 11, 1887. He attended the Y. C. I. and later went to Peekskill, Milit6uy Academy, Peekskill. N. Y., where he spent three years. Early in the war he enlisted in the Aviation Corps, but was physically disqualified. Not discouraged he again offered himself and was sent to Camp Lee, Va. After his rejection for physical reasons, with unbounded patriotism he applied for special and limited service and was sent to Fort Thomas, Kentucky, and assigned to the Urst Platoon, 22nd Recruiting Company, G. S. I. On October 11th he was taken ill with influenza, followed by pneumonia and died on October 17, 1918. His body was brought home and on the morning of October 21, 1918, with appropriate ceremonies he was laid to rest in the family lot in Prospect Hill cemetery. He was a member of the First Presbyterian Church, York, Pa. [ 125 ] PRIVATE DAVID E. POFF Medical Corps Private PofF was the son of Mrs. Mary PofF of Wrightsville, Pennsylvania. Before entering the service he resided with his parents in Wrightsville. Private PofT died of pneumonia October 3, 1918. PRIVATE JAMES DANNER U. S. Engineers Private Danner was the son of Mr. and Mrs. Enoch Danner of Cly, R. D. No. 1, York County Pennsylvania. He sailed for France soon after leaving home. Private Danner was killed in action November 3, 1918. PRIVATE WILLIAM H. BECK U. S. Infantry Private Beck resided at Dover, York County, Pennsylvania, before entering the service. Soon after arriving at camp he was sent overseas where he died, September 16, 1918, somewhere in France. COOK CHARLES SCHROLL U. S. Infantry Cook Schroll was the son of Mrs. Lillie Witmer of Cly, York County, Pennsylvania. He enHsted early in the year of 1918 and soon after was sent to France where he died of wounds July 22, 1918. PRIVATE HARRISON D. HEINDLE U. S. Infantry Private Heindle, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Heindle, resided at 18 E. Market Street, York, Pa. He enlisted in the U. S. Infantry and soon after being sent to camp, he was taken sick. Private Heindle died in camp October 5, 1918. 126 PRIVATE CLARENCE S. ABEL Hallam PRIVATE HARRY BARNHART Yoe PRIVATE JOHN HARRY BASEHORE Goldsboro PRIVATE WALTER S. BRAME Aspers PRIVATE CHARLES T. CASSETT Hanover PRIVATE WALTER B. DICK Dillsburg PRIVATE EDWARD H. FLORY York PRIVATE FRANK E. GARDNER Gardners PRIVATE J. W. GEISER ThomasviUe PRIVATE THOMAS W. HAUBERT Spring Garden Township PRIVATE CHARLES H. HEAPS Delta PRIVATE QUINTON A. HOSE Dallastown PRIVATE HENRY KNAUB Dallastown PRIVATE CHARLES KRAL York Springs PRIVATE JOHN T. LANE Peach Bottom PRIVATE HARRY MILLER Brogue PRIVATE ROBERT B. MILLER Dillsburg PRIVATE JACOB MARKLINE Penn Township PRIVATE CLAIR RICHWINE Gardners PRIVATE HOMER N. ROTH Hanover SERGEANT HARRY B. BODES York PRIVATE OWEN D. SPRENKLE Glen Rock PRIVATE LAWRENCE W. SEIBERLICH York PRIVATE JOSEPH SCIORTINO York PRIVATE DANIEL SCHROLL Saginaw PRIVATE GEORGE S. SWEITZER York CORPORAL CHESTER TRONE Marburg PRIVATE ALLEN HAKE WINTER Yorkana CORPORAL HARRY R. YINGLING Hanover .=te ^1^^,. . 127 ALPHABETICAL LIST OF OVER SIX THOUSAND FROM YORK COUNTY WHO SERVED IN THE WORLD WAR. 128 ■i 3, ,\./V;;' Hail them, our soldiers, returning victorious, Peace they have brought to us, hard-worn but glorious. They were our power — yea, our fate, our salvation. Invincible, selfless, sole hope of the nation. Cheerfully they have given. For us they have bled. Our heart's homage we render. Forget not the dead. If weary and saddened we will give to them rest With home-fires and their loved ones they shall be blest. Joyfully we will serve them for great is their need. Return them their work. To their soul-cry give heed. Saved they the nation. They are citizens again. Let work sweeten their lives — 'tis the blessing of mfen. This the reward. Ever^eading, victorious. Strength shall be ours ever mighty and glorious. The strength of a unified, war-chastened nation. Return them their place in life. This our salvation. — Urila Dana Plait. -fn^V J; i ) kgi.i8ia.ia{'iiy'i"''f"'ir"-; Abenstein, William J., Private, U. S. Army. Abel, Albertus, Private, Artillery, A. E. F. Wounded. Abel, Alber Alvin, Private, Engineers. Abel, Harry E., Private, Aviation, A. E. F. Abel, Harvey, U. S. Army. Abel, Herbert, Petty Officer, Navy. Abel, Peter B., U. S. Army. Abel, Raymond L., Second Lieutenant, Infantry, A. E. F. Wounded. Abel, Wilton, Private, Coast Artillery, A. E. F. Died. Abenschoen, Frank E., Navy, S. S. Georgia. Adams, Charles K., U. S. N. Dental Corps. Adams, Charles L., Private, Trench Mortar Battery, A. F. E. Adams, George L., Private, 18th Co., 3rd Reg., A. S. M., A. E. F. Adams, George T., Private, Infantry. Adams, Harry Van Dyke, Private, Aviation. Adams, James E., Private, Pioneer Infantry. (Colored). Adams, Joseph H., Private, Camp Raridan, N. J. Adams, Jules, Private, Engineers, A. E. F. Wounded. Adams, Ray, Private, Camp Lee, Va. Adams, William A., Private, Infantry, A. E. F. Ahrens, David M., Private, Infantry, A. E. F. Ahrens, Harry C, Private, Military Truck Co., A. E. F. Died. Alb AN, Golden, Merchant Marine. Albright, Denton, Fort Thomas, Ky. Albright, George W., Sergeant, Infantry, A. E. F. Albright, Howard J., Marine Corps. Albright, John W., Limited Service. Albright, Myrtle, Red Cross Nurse. Albright, Peter, Private, Ice Plant LInit No. 301, A. E. F. Aldinger, Clarence, Private, Navy. Aldinger, Clark S., Private, Infantry. Aldinger, Earl L., Private, Ice Plant Unit No. 301, A. E. F. Aldinger, Fred. E., Sergeant, Engineers. Aldinger, Howard S., U. S. Army. Aldinger, John W., Private, Aviation, A. E. F. Aldinger, Gordon E., Private, Infantry. Aldinger, Oscar C, Private, Trench Mortar Battery. Aldinger, Raymond G., Machinist, Navy, A. E. F. Aldinger, Russell V., Private Engineers, A. E. F. Aldinger, Raymond G., Second Machinists' Mate, U. S. N. Aldinger, Stewart L., Sergeant, Infantry, A. E. F. Decorated for bravery Alexander, Charles, Lieutenant, Medical Corps. Alleman, Edwin M., Private, Aviation. Alleman, William, Private, Hospital Corps, A. E. F. Alleman, Winnemore, Seaman, Navy. Alleman, Winnemore, Private, Tank Corps. Allen, Albert H., Private, Ice Plant Unit No. 301, A. E. F. Allen, Edward J., Corporal, Marines. [ 130 1 Allen, Francis P., S. A. T. C. Allen, George, Chief Quartermaster, Navy, A. E. F. Allewelt, Charles B., Private. Ammunition Train, A. E. F. Allewelt, Richard B., Sergeant, Artillery, A. E. F. Allewelt, Robert L., Lieutenant, Navy. Allison, Chauncey Neiman, Private, Ordnance. Allison, Clinton W., Private. Infantry, A. E. F. Wounded. Allison, Earl, Corporal, Coast Artillery, A. E. F. Allison, Horace B., Private, Aviation. Allison, John M., Apprentice Seaman. Navy. Allison, Reuben V., Private, Medical Corps, A. E. F. Allison, Roy E., Private, Aviation. Allison, Wesley, Sergeant, Infantry. Allison, William Henry, Sergeant, Motor Transport Corps. Alloway, Charles E., U. S. Army. Alloway, Clarence H., Artillery. Alloway, Clarence W. H., Aviation, A. E. F. Almony, Arnold, Camp Meade, Md. Almony, Earl, Merchant Marine. Almony, Samuel L., Private, Marine Corps. Almoney, William A., Stenographer, Limited Service. Althen, George R.. Private, Ice Plant Unit No. 301, A. E. F. Althoff, Arthur F., General Service, Camp Forrest, Ga. Althoff, Bernard, Sergeant, Infantry, A. E. F. Killed. Althoff, Leo C, Private, Infantry, A. E. F. Althoff, Paul Jacob, Sergeant, Marines, A. E. F. Died from Wounds. Altland, Amos Nathaniel, Private, Trench Mortars, A. E. F. Altland, George, Medical Corps. Altland, George W., Private, Marines, A. E. F. Altland, Harry E., Medical Corps. Altland, Leon P., Sergeant, Infantry. Altland, Maurice C, Camp Lee, Va. Altland, Norman Franklin, Private, Artillery, A. E. F. Wounded. Altland, Percy, Private, Engineers, A. E. F. Altland, R., Limited Service, Camp Dix, N. J. Altland, Richard M., Private, Infantry, A. E. F. Gassed. Alwine, Byran, U. S. Infantry. Alwine, Charles E., Private, Infantry, A. E. F. Wounded Severely. Alwine, Harry Sylvester, Private, Infantry, A. E. F. Alwood, Carl B., Navy. Served in Italy. Alwood, Raymond J., Coast Artillery. Ambrose, John C, Private, Artillery. Ambush, Joseph McK., Camp Custer, Michigan. Amig, John H., Second Lieutenant, Infantry. Amig, Philip H., U. S. Infantry. Ammerman, Frank J., Private, Field Artillery, A. E. F. Wounded. Ammerman, John H., Private, Infantry, A. E. F. Ammerman, John R., Private, Infantry. [ 131 1 Amsberger, Herbert H., Camp Meade, Md. Amspacker, Clinton E., Private, U. S. Army. Amspacker, Fred. A., Corporal, Infantry, A. E. F. Amspacker, Rufus, Camp McClellan, A. E. F. Amspacker, S. S., Camp Greenleaf, Ga. Anders, Rarer R., S. A. T. C, Dickinson College. Carlisle, Pa. Anderson, Charles E., Private, Infantry, A. E. F. Wounded and Gassed. Anderson, Edward, Private, A. E. F. Anderson, George F., Private, Camp Meade, Md., A. E. F. Anderson, George J., First Lieutenant, Infantry. Anderson, George N., Private, Engineers, A. E. F. Anderson, George W., Private, Engineers, A. E. F. Anderson, Reed A., Corporal, Infantry, A. E. F. Gassed. Anderson, Robert Porter, Corporal, Infantry, A. E. F. Wounded. Anderson, Thomas H., Private, Infantry. Anderson, Thomas H., Private, Camp Lee, Va. Anderson, Thomas R., Private. Infantry. York Haven. Anderson, Thomas R., Private, Infantry, R. D. No. 6, York, Pa. Anderson, W. A., Navy, LT. S. S. Mallory. Andrews, Paul E., Camp Lee, Va. Andrews, Percy F., Apprentice Seaman, Navy. Angelo, Di Galatano, Private, Artillery. Anstadt, Charles Benson, Private, S. A. T. C. Gettysburg College. Anstine, Carl F., Limited Service, Camp Dix, N. J. Anstine, Curtis, Private, 317th Infantry, Company F, 80th Division, A. E. F. Anstine, Edward, Aviation Corps. Anstine, Edward L., Private, A. E. F. Anstine, Melba, Army Hospital Nurse. Anthony, J. M., Private, Infantry, A. E. F. Appell, Loltis, Department of Military Aeronautics, Washington, D. C. Appleby, Carl D., Private, Infantry. Arentz, Charles M., U. S. Navy. Arigo, Philip, Private, Field Artillery, A. E. F. Armspacher, Jacob, Private, Artillery, A. E. F. Arndt, Adam F., Corporal, Infantry, A. E. F. Wounded. Arnold, Anthony L., U. S. Infantry. Arnold, Benjamin H., Corporal, Engineers, A. E. F. Arnold, Clarence B., U. S. Infantry. Arnold, C. E., Private, Artillery, A. E. F. Arnold, Charles R., Corporal, LT. S. Infantry. Arnold, Earl A., Private, Infantry, A. E. F. Arnold, Edgar M., Corporal, Infantry, A. E. F. Arnold, Frank, Private, LI. S. Infantry. Arnold, Harrison M., Corporal, Engineers, A. E. F. Arnold, Harry W., Private, Infantry, A. E. F. Arnold, John D., Cook. U. S. Army. Arnold, John W., Camp Meade, Md., A. E. F. Arnold, Lewis N., Sergeant, Artillery. [ 132 1 Arnold, Morgan C, Private, Field Artillery, A. E. F. Arnold, Paul E., Private, Artillery. Arnold, Philip J., Cook, Infantry, A. E. F. Arnold, Richard M.. Private. Infantry. Arnold, Paul F., Private, Battery E, 38th Artillery. Arnold, Spurgeon L., U. S. Army. Arthur, Donald R., Corporal. Machine Gun Battalion, A. E. F. Gassed. Arthur, Reginald W., Ensign, Naval Aviation. Ashbrook, Frank. First Lieutenant, Sanitary Food Commission Co. AsHBROOK, Samuel F., Chief Boatswain Mate, U. S. N. AsPER, John Blaine, Private, Infantry, A. E. F. Attig, Marvin L., Private, Camp Wadsworth, S. Carolina, A. E. F. Atkins, Chas. H., Sergeant, Quartermaster Corps. AuBiTZ, William L., Private, Aviation. AucHEY, Samuel C, Private, Camp Gordon, Ga. Dev. Battalion, No. 2, Company A. AuMEN, Bernard F., Corporal, Limited Service. AuNGST, David G., Camp Lee, Va. AuTS, Earl C, Private, Ice Plant Unit No. 301, A. E. F. Axe, Harry S., LI. S. Army. Axe, Stewart H., LT. S. Army. Axe, William Franklin, Private. Infantry. Ayers, Wilmot, First Lieutenant, British Army. Ayres, Peasly R., Camp Lee, Va., A. E. F. Baechle, Norman E., U. S. Aviation. Bear, Harry B., Private, Engineers, A. E. F. Injured in Auto Accident. Bear, Harry S., Second Lieutenant, Artillery, A. E. F. Bahn, Clarence H., LT. S. Infantry. Bahn, Earl, U. S. Infantry. Bahn, Wilbert G.. LI. S. Army. Bailey, Charles E., Private, Chemical Warfare Service. Bailey, Eugene S., U. S. Army. Bailey, Furham Floyd, Private, S. A. T. C. Millersville State Normal. Bailey, Harry A., Corporal, 5th Field Artillery, LI. S. Army. Bailey, Harry F., Camp Greenleaf, Ga. Bailey, Harry J., LI. S. Army. Bailey, James A., Private, Ice Plant Unit No. 301 A. E. F. Bailey, Jerome C, Private, Infantry, A. E. F. Bailey, Russell E., Private, Aviation, A. E. F. Bair, Charles Wilbur, Private, P. N. A. Col. Training Detachment. Bair, Chester H., U. S. Army. Bair, Clarence E., Private, 13th Cavalry. Bair, Edward, Private, Camp Curtis, Mich. (Colored.) Bair, Harold Haines, Regimental Sergeant-Major, Infantry, A. E. F. Killed. Bair, Henry, C. U. S. Army. Bair, Hoke, Coast Defense at Desert Island, N. J. Bair, H., W. U. S. Infantry. Bair, J. Wilmer, Private, Medical Corps, A. E. F. [ 133 1 Bair, M. Zacharias, Captain, Construction Division at Camp Taylor, Ky. Bair, Nelson, U. S. Marines. Bair. Robert M., U. S. Infantry. Baird, Roy H., U. S. Army, A. E. F. Baker, Calvin, Camp Greenleaf, Ga. Baker, Charles S., Camp Meade, Md. Baker, Clarence C, Private, U. S. Infantry. Baker, Daniel H., Camp Meade, Md. Baker, Earl, Apprentice Seaman, U. S. Navy. Baker, Edward, U. S. Cavalry. Baker, Ellis H., Camp Lee, Va. Baker, George Bush, Corporal, Ordnance Department School at University of Pennsylvania. Baker, George W., Camp Lee, Va. Baker, Harry B., U. S. Engineers. Baker Kirkwood, Corporal, Infantry, A. E. F. Baker, Jacob E., Medical Corps. Baker, J. Walter, LT. S. Marines. Baker, Leroy, Camp Meade, Md. Baker, Oliver F., Campe Lee, Va. Baker, William H., U. S. Navy. Balloch, Mrs. Grace, Y. M. C. A., A. E. F. Baltman, Oscar J., U. S. Cavalry. Baltozer, Jacob, U. S. Infantry. Bamberger, Leroy Hilbert, Navy, U. S. S. Madawakka. Bange, Henry C, Camp Meade, Md. Bankert, Harold, U. S. Navy. Bankert, Jarius F., Lehigh LIniversity, Technical Training. Banks, Leon H., Sergeant, Stevedore Regiment, A. E. F. (Colored) Barbehenn, Wilford, Private, Medical Corps, A. E. F. Bare, Claude L. Medical Corps, A. E. F. Bare, James 0., Camp Meade, Md. Bare, Oscar, Camp Humphries, Va. Barley, Harry Jesse, Corporal Infantry, A. E. F. Barnes, Albert G., Limited Service, Fort Taylor, Ky. Barnes, George E., Camp Lee, Va. Barnes, Paul L., Private, Infantry, A. E. F. Barnes, Ralph, U. S. Marines. Barnett, Grover, First Sergeant, Tank Corps. Barnhart, Charles E., LI. S. Cavalry. Barnhart, Daniel, U. S. Army. Bar]vhart, Edgar, Infantry, A. E. F. Barnhart, Faber C, Private, Engineers, A. E. F. Barnhart, Harry E., Infantry, A. E. F., Wounded or Missing. Barnhart, Leroy, U. S. Army. Barnhart, John Walter, Sgt. Machine Gun Battalion, A. E. F. Wounded. Barnhart, Otis, Medical Corps. Barnhart, Roy L., U. S. Navy. Barnhart, John E., Corporal, Machine Gun Battalion, A. E. F. Wounded. Barnitz, Edward, Yoeman, U. S. Navy. f 134 1 Barnitz, Robert C, Private, Tank Corps, A. E. F. Barnitz, Walter H., Private, Ice Plant Unit No. 301, A. E. F. Barret, Mrs. George, Nurse at Camp Colt, Gettysburg, Pa. Barrick, Mervin J., Second Lieutenant, Infantry. Barshingeb, Benjamin Jr., Camp Meade, Md. Barshinger, Calvin H., Camp Meade, Md. Barshinger, Charles, Camp Meade, Md. Bartell, Floyd L., Private, Tank Corps. Bartels, Horace E., First-Class Machinists' Mate, U. S. Navy. Bartells, Raymond L., Assistant Helmsman, Navy, A. E. F., S. S. Leviathan. Barton, Frank, Private, Ice Plant LTnit No. 301, A. E. F. Barton, George F., Private, Infantry. A. E. F. (Colored.) Barton, John, Private, Ice Plant Unit No. 301 A. E. F. Bartz, Harold J., Limited Service, Camp Dix, N. J. Barwager, Clark C. Corporal, Infantry, A. E. F. Wounded. Barwager, Edward, Infantry, A. E. F. Wounded. Bashore, George E., Private, Engineers. Bashore, Earl E., Corporal, Aviation. Bassler, Charles K., Cook, Infantry, A. E. F. Bassler, David K., Private, Medical Corps, A. E. F. Bassler, Henry Jr., Sergeant, Depot Brigade. Bateman, Henry, Private, U. S. Infantry. Bates, Charles D., Camp Meade, Md. Bates, George S., Camp Meade, Md. Bates, Martin L., Private, U. S. Infantry. Bates, Weiser G., Corporal, Signal Corps, Field Signal Battalion. Batterman, Harvey L., Private, Infantry, A. E. F. Baublitz, Elmer, Sergeant, Infantry, A. E. F. Gassed and Wounded. Baublitz, Harry M., Field Artillery. Baublitz, Oliver Sylvester, Quartermaster, U. S. Navy. Baublitz, Orville Leroy, Second Lieutenant, Coast Artillery. Baublitz, Walter S., Aviation Corps. Baublitz, William H., Major, Infantry, N. G. P. Baugher, Elias M., Private, Camp Lee, Va. Died of influenza at Camp Lee. Baugher, James E., Private, Company I, 17th Infantry. Baugher, Ervin S., Private, U. S. Infantry. Baughman, Anna, A. E. F., Nurse. Baughman, John A., Camp Meade, Md. Baughman, Robert I., Private, S. A. T. C. Pennsylvania State College. Baum, Jacob L., U. S. Infantry. Baumeister, Charles E., Camp Lee, Va., Sergeant, Infantry. Bayer, Frank C, Private, U. S. Infantry. Bayler, Charles Augustus, Jr., Major, Infantry, A. E. F. Gassed. D. S. C. Baylor, Paul E., Corporal, 112th Infantry, A. E. F. Beam, Charles, Private, Ammunition Train, A. E. F. Beam, Charles, U. S. Army. Bear, Clarence J., Medical Corps. Bear, Clyde B., Private, Medical Corps. \ 13.5 1 Bear, John Oscar, Private. Engineers, A. E. F. Bear, Noel E., U. S. Army. Bear, William Henry, Private, Infantry, A. E. F. Beard, A. D., Limited Service, Camp Greene, N. C. Beard, John H., S. A. T. C. Pennsylvania State College. Beard, Balph Herbert, Second Lieutenant, Infantry, A. E. F. Beard, Robert Stanley, Captain, U. S. Army. Beard, William C, S. A. T. C. State College. Beatty, Bob John, S. A. T. C. Pennsylvania State College. Beauchamp, Alford, Medical Corps. Beaver, Elmer C, Camp Meade, Md. Beavers, Edgar F. S., Private, Ice Plant Unit, No. 301 A. E. F. Beaverson, Earl M., First Class Electrician, Navy, U. S. S. Arizona, A. E. F. Bechtel, Charles Erden, Corporal, Motor Mechanics. Bechtel, Claude, Machine Gun Battahon, A. E. F. Wounded. Bechtel, Earl, A. E. F., U. S. Army. Bechtel, Levi, Limited Service, Fort Thomas, Ky. Beck, Albert, Private, Infantry. Beck, Allen J., Private, Infantry, A. E. F. Beck, Emanuel C, U. S. Navy, Ensign. Beck, Emory F., LI. S. Army. Beck, Harry, Private, Engineers, A. E. F. Beck, John C, S. A. T. C. State College, Transferred to Artillery, Ft. Monroe, Va. Beck, Lloyd S., U. S. Infantry. Beck, Maurice C, Camp Meade, Md. Beck, Maurice C, Private, Aviation Corps. Beck, William Henry, Camp Meade, Md. Becker, Earl E., Navy, Newport, R. I. Becker, Edwin W., U. S. Army. Becker, Gilbert H., Second Lieutenant, Infantry, A. E. F. Gassed. Becker, Harris, LT. S. Army. Becker, Harry J., Camp Lee, Va. Becker, Harvey J., Sergeant, Heavy Artillery, A. E. F. Wounded. Becker, Horace N., Ambulance Service. Becker, John C, U. S. Army. Becker, Lloyd S., Private, Infantry, A. E. F. Died of Pneumonia. Becker, Ralph S., Coast Artillery. Becker, Robert C, LT. S. Army. Becker, Stewart, Depot Brigade. Becker, Wade M., S. A. T. C. Franklin and Marshall College, Lancaster, Pa. Becker, Walter J., LI. S. Army. Bechheimer, Chauncey E., U. S. Infantry. Bechmeyer, Charles F., Medical Corps. Bechmeyer, David E., S. A. T. C. Pennsylvania College, Gettysburg, Pa. Bechmeyer, Grund F., Corporal, Medical Corps. Bechmeyer, Paul W., Limited Service, Camp Dix, N. J. Becktel, Arthur M., Private, Engineers, A. E. F. Behler, Herbert William, Private, Infantry, A. E. F. [ 136 1 Behler, Paul R., Private, Ambulance Unit, A. E. F. Behm, Raymond H., Private, Infantry, A. E. F. Wounded. Beidy, Arthur, U. S. Army. Beitzel, George E., U. S. Infantry. Beitzel, Horace D., Private, Infantry, A. E. F. Wounded. Beitzel, Jacob Minin, Private, Cavalry. Wounded. Knocked down by Auto. Beitzel, Warren A., Private, Ice Plant Unit No. 301, A. E. F. Beitzel, William G., U. S. Infantry. Bell, Albert D., Rev., Chaplain, Infantry, A. E. F. Died of Pneumonia. Belt, A. Dinsmore, Ice Plant Unit No. 301, A. E. F. Belt, Robert J., Ice Plant Unit No. 301, A. E. F. Bemiller, Roy, Coast Artillery. Benedict, Albert S., First Lieutenant, U. S. Infantry. Benedict, Charles R., U. S. Army. Benjamin, Howard V., Seaman, Navy. Bennett, John C, Ice Plant Unit No. 301, A. E. F. Bennett, John C, U. S. Army, York Haven. Bennett, John H. Dr., Medical Corps, U. S. Army. Bennington, Charles H., Private, Infantry. Bensingeb, Willard M., U. S. Army. Benson, Elmer H., Car Inspector, U. S. Army. Benson, Herbert Edward, Private, Medical Corps, A. E. F. Benson, Kenneth Ramsey, Flying Cadet, Aviation. Bentzel, David E. Jr., Ambulance Service. Bentzel, Paul, Private, Marine Corps, A. E. F. Bentzel, Samuel, Camp Meade, Md. Bentzel, William S., Aviation, A. E. F. Berchtold, Albert, Corporal, Balloon Corps, A. E. F. Berger, Lawrence R., Apprentice Seaman, U. S. Navy. Berkheimer, Chauncey Elvin, Private, Medical Corps, A. E. F. Berkheimer, Clarence, Corporal, Infantry, A. E. F. Wounded. Berkheimer, George, U. S. Army. Berkheimer, George Nelson, Chief Gunner's Mate, U. S. Navy. Berkheimer, Harris E., Private, Infantry, A. E. F. Berkheimer, Howard, Corporal, Infantry, A. E. F. Berkheimer, Walter. Private Chemical Warfare Service. Berheiser, Daniel W., Camp Meade, Md. Berkholder, Charles, Camp Meade, Md. Berry, Joe, Private, Infantry, 28th Division, A. E. F. Berry, John W., U. S. Army (Colored.) Berry, Thomas, Infantry, A. E. F. Berwager, Clark C, Private, Infantry. Wounded. Beshore, Elmer E., Private, Medical Corps, A. E. F. Beshore, Earl A., Corporal, Musician. Beshore, Cecil J., Private, Engineers. Bessick, Charles, Camp Custer, Mich. (Colored.) Biddle, Walter Andrew, Sergeant, A. E. F. Gassed three times. BiEDERMAN, Samuel, Private, First Class, Pioneer Infantry, A. E. F. BiEHL, Nevin J., Ice Plant Unit No. 301, A. E. F. [137] Bier, George, Corporal, Engineers, A. E. F. BiERMAN, Frederick H., Wagoner, Artillery, A. E. F. Billet, Charles F., U. S. Army. Billet, Harold W., Navy, Navy Volunteer Band. Billet, Harry C, Private, Infantry, A. E. F. Billet, Kline J., Corporal, Marines, A. E. F. Billet, Lester E., Corporal, Infantry. Billet, Raymond K., Private, 145th Infantry, A. E. F. Wounded. Billmeyer, Arthur A., Ice Plant Unit No. 301, A. E. F. Billmeyer, George C, Sergeant, Aviation, 261st Aero Squad. In England. Billmyer, G. Audrey, Limited Service. Died at Camp Taylor of pneumonia. Binder, A. Carroll, Civilian Branch of Red Cross, A. E. F. Binder, Richard L., Private, Gas Defense Service. Bine, Curty R., U. S. Army. Birgensmith, Charles, Private, U. S. Infantry. BiRK, Frank, U. S. Army. BiRK, Henry J., U. S. Army. BiRK, William J., Camp Meade, Md. BiscHOFF, Casper Ernest, Sergeant, Field Artillery, A. E. F. BiSER, R. Bruce, U. S. Navy, A. E. F. BiSH, D. Biley, Camp Meade, Md. BiSKER, Joseph A., Private, A. E. F. BiSKER, Noah B., Corporal, Machine Gun Battahon, A. E. F. Killed. D. S. C. BiTTiNGER, Ralph E., Sergeant, Infantry, A. E. F. Bittinger, Henry W., Second Lieutenant, Machine Gun Battalion, A. E. F. BixLER, David D., First Lieutenant, LT. S. Infantry. BixLER, H. J., Camp Meade, Md. Black, A. F., U. S. Army. Black, Clarence, Private, U. S. Infantry. Black, Joseph, Jr., Corporal Ordnance. Black, Walter C, Private, Quartermaster's Corps, Ice Plant Unit No. 301, A. E. F. Blair, Elmer M., Camp Wadsworth. Blair, Chas. L., Private, Infantry, A. E. F. Wounded. Blasser, Charles A., Camp Greenleaf, S. C. Blasser, Claude, U. S. Army. Blasser, Wilmer, Auto Mechanic. Blauser, Charles W., Corporal, Engineers, A. E. F. Blauser, Morgan S., Private, Medical Corps, A. E. F. Blausser, G. M., Sergeant, Infantry, A. E. F. Blessing, Charles H., Private, Engineers, A. E. F. Blessing, Edward G., Private, Ammunition Train, A. E. F. Blessing, George E., Corporal, Artillery, A. E. F. Blessing, Walter J., Corporal, Infantry, 82nd Division, A. E. F. Blettner, John L., Wagoner, Coast Artillery, A. E. F. Bloom, Raymond Roll, First Class Machinist Mate, U. S. Navy. Bloom, Mrs. Raymond R., Nurse, LT. S. Navy. Blouse, Elmer R., Mechanic at Easton, Pa. Blouse, George Wilbert, Second Class Machinist's Mate, U. S. Navy, A. E. F. \ 138 1 Blouse, John Clifford, First Class Fireman, U. S. Merchant Marine. Blouse, Joseph R., U. S. Army. Blouse, Victor, U. S. Infantry. Blouse, William A., Camp Meade, Md. Blue, Charles W., Stevedore, (Colored.) Blum, David J., Private, Provisional Company. Blymire, H., Camp Lee, Va. Blymire, Raymond Hilary, U. S. Army. Boanies, Daniel, Private, Infantry, A. E. F. Wounded. BoDDY, Norman, Sergeant, Motor Mechanics, Signal Corps, A. E. F. BoDDY, William C, Private, Infantry, A. E. F. Wounded. BoECKEL, Joseph F., Camp Meade, Md. Boeckel, Karl F., Camp Meade, Md. BoECKEL, Norman E., U. S. Army. Boeckel, Paul F., Camp Meade, Md., A. E. F. Wounded. Boeckel, Robert E., Camp Meade, Md. Boeckel, Stewart P., Private, Infantry, A. E. F. Wounded. BoESCH, William D. Jr., Camp Lee, Va. Bohl, Charles B., Camp Meade, Md. BoHLE, Francis, Private, Infantry, A. E. F. BoLDEN, John E., Private, Engineers, A. E. F. BoLDY, Arthur, U. S. Army. Bollinger, Albert, Camp Meade, Md. Bollinger, Harry H., Private, Engineers, A. E. F. Bollinger, James C, A. E. F. Wounded Bollinger, J. Oscar, Private, Signal Corps. Bollinger, Lloyd B., Limited Service, Fort Slocum, N. Y. Bollinger, Theron C, Infantry, A. E. F. Boltman, Oscar J., U. S. Cavalry. Bolton, Oscar J., Private, Infantry, A. E. F. Bolton, Roy S., Private, Engineers, A. E. F. Bona VENTURE, Angelo, U. S. Infantry. Bond, Urban Smyser, Private, Limited Service, Washington, D. C. BooKMEYER, WiLBUR D., U. S. Infantry. Boose, Harry A., Camp Lee, Va., A. E. F. Boose, Sterling D., Medical Replacement Unit No. 54, A. E. F. Border, Francis A., Camp Lee, Va. Border, Harrison, Medical Corps. Border, Vincent S., Infantry, A. E. F. Borgel, Charles W., First Class Seaman, Navy. Borgel, Rene E., Mechanic, U. S. Army. Boring, Sylvan E., Private, Infantry, A. E. F. Boring, Walter H., Limited Service, Camp Taylor, Ky. BoRSA, Dobmenica, Camp Lee, Va. Bortneb, B. H., U. S. Army. Bortner, Charles A., Ice Plant Unit No. 301, A. E. F. Bortnrr, C. E., Dr., First Lieutenant, Medical Corps. Bortner, Ezra H., Ice Plant Unit No. .301, A. E. F. f 139 1 BoRTNER, Irwin, Private, Infantry, A. E. F. BoRTNER, James C, U. S. Army. BoRTNER, James E., U. S. Navy, U. S. S. Nebraska. BoRTNER, James M., Camp Merritt, N. J., A. E. F. BoRTNER, John F., Sergeant, U. S. Army. BoRTNER, Jonas M., Butchering Company No. 301, A. E. F. BoRTNER, Miles, Artillery, A. E. F. BoRTNER, Millard, Captain, Ice Plant Unit No. 301, A. E. F. BoRTNER, Pius, Private, Infantry, A. E. F. BoRTNER, Ralph A., S. A. T. C. Pennsylvania College, Gettysburg, Pa. BoRTNER, Stewart, Sergeant, Development Battalion. BoRTNER, Titus, Private, Infantry, A. E. F. BoRTNER, William L., Camp Meade, Md. BossEMAN, William H., Ambulance Service. BossHART, Louis H., Ordnance. A. E. F. BosTER, Lester R., Coast Artillery. BoTT, Curtis Albert, Private, Ice Plant LInit No. 301, A. E. F. BoTTERBUscH, Emil A., Private, Infantry, A. E. F. BousuM, St. Clair, S. A. T. C. Bower, Mervin H., Ice Plant Unit No. 301, A. E. F. Bowers, Bob E., Private, Tank Corps. Bowers, Clarence E., Private, Tank Corps. Bowers, Earl M., Camp Dodge, Iowa. Bowers, Edward, Sergeant, Infantry, A. E. F. Bowers, George H., LT. S. Artillery. Bowers, Harry C, Medical Corps, A. E. F. Bowers, Harry L., Private, Infantry. Bowers, Lee, Aviation Corps. Bowers, Ralph, Infantry, A. E. F. Bowers, Robert Clair, LT. S. Army. Bowers, Stewart C, First Lieutenant, Medical Corps. BowHAM, Harry, Private, Infantry, A. E. F. Bowman, Allison P., Camp Meade, Md., A. E. F. Bowman, Augustus J., First Class Seaman, Navy, Transport Service. Bowman, Charles E., Camp Greenleaf, Ga. Bowman, J. A., Camp Meade, Md. Bowman, W. C, Infantry, A. E. F. Wounded. Bowmaster, Karl M., Private, Company I, Infantry. Bowser, Eugene, Private, Engineers. Bowser, Oscar, Ambulance Service. Boyd, Kenneth J., Captain, Engineers, A. E. F. Boyd, Lewis G., Private, Engineers, A. E. F. Boyd, Paul C, Private, Infantry, A. E. F. Wounded. Boyd, Willis C, Camp Meade, Md. Boyde, Harry E., Camp Meade, Md., (Colored.) BoYER, Charles H., Camp Meade, Md. BoYER, Chauncey, Camp Meade, Md. BoYER, Clarence, Camp Meade, Md., A. E. F. [ 140 1 BoYER, George F., Inducted for Training at Lehigh University. BoYER, Frank C, Limited Service, Camp Taylor, Ky. BoYER, Morgan J., Bugler, LT. S. Army, 51st Field Artillery. BoYE^, Omar J., Sergeant, Artillery. BoYER, Paul B., U. S. Navy. BoYER, Paul E., Infantry, A. E. F. BoYER, BoMAN H., Private, Infantry, A. E. F. Gassed. BoYER, BoY, Camp Greenleaf, Ga. BoYER,BoY C, S. A. T. C. Pennsylvania College, Gettysburg, Pa. BoYER, Walter H., Chemical Warfare Service. BoYER, William H., Camp Lee, Va. Bracht, Harry, Private, Engineers, A. E. F. Bracht, William S., Private, Medical Corps, A. E. F. Bradley, Louis, Field Artillery. Bradley, Ralph Clarke, S. A. T. C. Colby College, Waterville, Me. Bradley, Roy, U. S. Infantry. Brady, Eugene B., Camp Meade, Md., A. E. F. Brady, Francis K., Ambulance Service. Brady, George L., Field Artillery. Brady, James, U. S. Infantry. Brady, John F., Technical Training at the LTniversity of Pittsburgh. Brady, Joseph, Infantry, A. E. F. Brame, Walter S., Private, Coast Artillery. Died. Brandt, Harry W., Field Artillery. Brandt, M. S., Sergeant, A. E. F. Brandt, Winfield G., U. S. Infantry. Brannon, Charles D., U. S. Marines. Breckline, Guy, U. S. Infantry. Breidenthall, E. Neri, Limited Service, Camp Colt, Pa. Breithaupt, Fred. C, Signal Corps. Brenneman, Clair, S. A. T. C. Pennsylvania College, Gettysburg, Pa. Brenneman, Curtis H., Quartermaster Corps, Camp Dix, N. J. Brenneman, Daniel A., S. A. T. C. Lehigh LIniversity. Brenneman, Ernest L., U. S. Navy. Brenneman, Harry E., U. S. Navy. Brenneman, Harry S., U. S. Navy. Brenneman, John, U. S. Navy. Brenneman, John, S. A. T. C. Pennsylvania College, Gettysburg, Pa. Brenneman, Morton, Seaman, Navy, U. S. S. Cahill, A. E. F. Brenneman, Norman, Camp Meade, Md. Brenneman, Percy F., Private, Infantry. Brenneman, Roscoe, Private, Infantry, Panama Canal Zone. Brenneman, Roy E., Private, Field Artillery, A. E. F. Brenneman, Stuart E., Camp Greenleaf, Ga., A. E. F. Brenneman, Walter, Private, Field Artillery, A. E. F. Brenner, Elmer L., Private, U. S. Infantry. Brenner, Ervin, Sergeant, U. S. Infantry. Brenner, George, Ambulance Service. Brenner, George, Camp Lee, \ a. [ 141 1 Brenner, George W., Sergeant, Aviation Corps. Brenner, G. Herbert, First Lieutenant, Air Service, A. E. F, Killed in Italy. Brenner, Horace F., Fireman, Navy. Brenner, H. Nelson, Private, Medical Corps. Brenner, Irvin, Camp Lee, Va. Brenner, Jacob Keefer, Sergeant, Aviation. Brenner, Samuel S., Private, Air Service, A. E. F. Brenner, Shupp S., Aviation Corps. Brenner, Thomas, U. S. Army, Hanover. Brenner, Walker M., Signal Corps. Bressler, Clark S. Dr., Medical Corps. Bressler, Wilbur Houston, Camp Meade, Md. Brickner, Henry J., Corporal, Casual Unit, A. E. F. Bricker, Harry Leroy, Sergeant, Camp Fremont, Cal. Bricker, Nevin a., S. A. T. C. Carnegie Tech., Pittsburgh, Pa. Bricker, William, U. S. Army, Dallastown, Pa. Brickhouse, Leroy W., Quartermaster Corps. Brickner, Charles T., Private, Engineers. Brickner, Harry, Aviation Corps. Brier, Baymond C, Private, Development Camp, Camp Meade, Md. Briggs, Charles O., Camp Lee, Va. Brillhart, Daniel W. Jr., Private, Infantry, A. E. F. Wounded. Brillhart, Edwin W., Quartermaster Corps. Brillhart, Frank, Musician, Infantry, A. E. F. Wounded. Brillhart, George F., S. A. T. C. Pennsylvania College, Gettysburg, Pa. Brillhart, Harry A., Private, Infantry, A. E. F. Brillhart, J. A., Camp Greenleaf, Ga. Brillhart, John F., Private, Ice Plant Unit No. 301, A. E. F. Brillhart, Lester, Infantry, A. E. F. Brillhart, Boy F., Private, Infantry, A. E. F. Brillhart, William F., U. S. Infantry. Brillinger, David Fahs, Sergeant, Quartermaster Corps. Brillinger, George, Aviation Corps. Brillinger, H. Beitzel, S. A. T. C. Cornell College. Brinzer, M. F., Private, Ice Plant Unit No. 301, A. E. F. Britcher, Frank B., Private, Camp Lee, Va. Brodbeck, Charles H., Private, Ice Plant LTnit No. 301, A. E. F. Brodbeck, E. T., Cook, Engineers, A. E. F. Brodbeck, William F., Private, Engineers, A. E. F. Brooks Karl S., Sergeant, 304th Engineers. Brooks, Thomas. Camp Custer, Mich. (Colored). Brophy, George H., Private, Engineers, A. E. F. Brown, Abraham K., Camp Lee, Va. Brown, Amos M., U. S. Army, York, Pa. Brown, Charles E., Private, Infantry. Brown, Charles H., Private, U. S. Infantry. Brown, Charles 0., U. S. Army, Delta, Pa. Brown, Charles Robert, Yoeman, Navy, U. S. S. Sampson, A. E. F. [ 142 1 Brown, Chester 0., Private, S. A. T. C. Lebanon College, Annville, Pa. Brown, Curtis L., Private, Artillery. Brown, Edison A., Sergeant, Medical Corps. Brown, Elmer E., Camp Meade, Md., A. E. F. Brown, Elmer H., Camp Meade, Md. Brown, Elmer Lewis, S. A. T. C. State College, Pa. Brown, Edward E., Private, Infantry, A. E. F. Brown, Harry, Camp Lee, Va. Brown, Harry, U. S. Army, Thomasville, Pa. Brown, Harry W., Private, Infantry, A. E. F. Died of Wounds. Brown, Jack, U. S. Infantry. Brown, Jacob M., Sergeant, Infantry, A. E. F. Brown, James W., Camp Lee, Va. Brown, Maurice E., Private, Field Artillery, A. E. F. Brown, Nevin E., Auto Mechanic at Philadelphia. Brown, Paul, U. S. Infantry. Brown, Bobert Peary, Sergeant Major, Signal Corps. Brown, Roy E., Private, Infantry, A. E. F. Brown, Rufus McKinley, Sergeant, Signal Corps. Brown, Wilbert R., Private, Field Artillery, A. E. F. Bruaw, Chester, Private, Aviation, A. E. F. Brauw, Ephraim, Private, Aviation. A. E. F. Bruaw, Oscar A., Tank Corps. Brunhouse, Jacob Smyser, Private, Signal Corps. Bubb, Guy E., Camp Greenleaf, Ga. BuBB, Harry A., Camp Meade, Md. Bubb, Raymond H., U. S. Navy. Buch, J. Earl, Second Lieutenant, Engineers, A. E. F. Buchanan, James C, Sergeant, Infantry. Buchanan, John D., Camp Greenleaf, Ga. Buckingham, C. E., Camp Meade, Md. Buckingham, H. S., Camp Wadsworth, S. C. BucKMYER, Wilbur D., Corporal, Infantry, A. E. F. Killed. BuDESHEiM, Lawrence, Corporal, Infantry, A. E. F. BuDESHEiM, Paul, Camp Meade, Md. BuEHLER, Abner F., Camp Meade, Md. BuEHLER, M. L., Limited Service. Buehler, Paul, Private, Infantry, A. E. F. BuFFiNGTON, James E., Sergeant, Infantry, A. E. F. Buffington, Roy P., Private, Infantry, A. E. F. BuFFLAP, Carl A., Aviation Corps. BuGDALL, John George W., S. A. T. C. Lehigh University. BuiE, Charles W., Camp Greenleaf, Ga., Transferred to Camp Upton. Died. Buie, Curtis R., Seven Valleys, Pa., A. E. F. Bull, Curvin, Camp Lee, Va. Bull, P. Clyde, U. S. Marines, U. S. S. Michigan. Bull, Spurgeon, Private, Ice Plant Unit No. 301, A. E. F. Bunting, William H., Camp Lee, Va. \ 1 13 1 BuNTY, William J., Engineers, A. E. F. Bupp, Charles E., Private, Engineers, A. E. F. Bupp, Earl E., Private, Company A, 6th Engineers. Bupp, Earl W., U. S. Cavalry. Bupp, Harry, Private, York, Pa. Bupp, John A., Private, Infantry, A. E. F. Bupp, Lawrence E., Machinist Mate, Naval Aviation. Bupp, Paul A., Begimental Sergeant-Major, Infantry, A. E. F. Bupp, Paul L.. Corporal, Infantry, A. E. F. Shell Shocked and Wounded. Bupp, Paul T., S. A. T. C. Pennsylvania College, Gettysburg, Pa. BuRD, Boy K., Signal Corps. Burg, Albert P., Quartermaster Corps, Fort Slocum, N. Y., A. E. F. Burg, Charles, Private, Field Artillery, A. E. F. Burg, Ernest L., Second Lieutenant, U. S. Infantry. Burg, Frank W., 104th Aero Squadron. In England. Burg, John L., Captain, Columbia, Pa. Burg, Leon, Private, Ice Plant Unit No. 301, A. E. F. BuRGARD, Henry C, Limited Service. BuRGARD, Michael Y., Camp Meade, Md. Burger, Aaron W., Private, Infantry. Headquarters Company, 112th Infantry. Burger, Curvin W., Camp Wadsworth, S. C A. E. F. Burger, Lerue 0., Private, Cavalry, A. E. F. Burger, Balph W., Private, Aviation. Burgess, George Guy, Begimental Commission Sergeant, Infantry, A. E. F. Killed. BuRK, Henry G., Signal Corps. BuRKHART, Morris, York, Pa., U. S. Army. BuRKiNS, J. Leslie, Private, Infantry, A. E. F. BuRKiNS, Warren Bussell, Private, Motor Truck Supply Company, A. E. F. BuRKHOLDER, C. W., U. S. Infantry, A. E. F. Burns, Charles W., Private, Infantry, A. E. F. Bury, Joseph K., Private, Infantry, A. E. F. Buser, Norman F., Camp Meade, Md. BusER, Richard, U. S. Navy. Bush, Elmer S., LI. S. Navy. Bush, J. Witmer, Corporal, Field Artillery, A. E. F. Bush, Lester W., Camp Lee, Va. Bush, Oliver P., LT. S. Army, York, Pa. Bush, Wellington R., Private, Infantry. BusHEY, Clay A., Ambulance Service. BusHEY, Earl W., U. S. Engineers. BusHEY, Bussell M., U. S. Navy. BussER, Harry C, Signal Corps, Aero Squadron. BussER, Harry C, Quartermaster Corps, A. E. F. BussLER, Clifford B., Camp Lee, Va. Butcher, George A., Private, Engineers. Butcher, Samuel D., Sergeant, Infantry, A. E. F. Butler, Gilroy P., Private, Field Artillery. (Colored). Butler, John T., Sergeant, Infantry. Butler, James S. Jr., Corporal, Ordnance. [ 144 1 Butler, Emmert, Private, Infantry. Butler, Thomas Owen, Coiporal, Medical Corps, A. E. F. Butt, John H., Field Artillery, A. E. F. Butter, Ernst M., Stevedore. (Colored). Byerly, John E., Technical Training at Lancaster, Pa. Byers, Bruce A., Camp Meade, Md. Byers, Dennis 0., Camp Meade, Md. Byerts, Earl J., Corporal, Infantry. Byrd, Cecil R., Mechanic at Camp Benjamin Harrison. Cable, Herbert Lee, New Market, Pa. Cable, I. Ross, U. S. Cavalry, 3rd Division. Calder, Frank T., Camp Lee, Va. Caler, Charles L., Private, Infantry, A. E. F. Wounded. Callahan, George, Quartermaster's Department, Washington, D. C. Cameron, Daniel, Private, Infantry, A. E. F. Wounded. Cameron, Robert E., Camp Lee, Va. Campbell, Clarence W., Private, Infantry. Campbell, Claude R., York, Pa., A. E. F. (Colored). Campbell, Erastus L., Private, Tank Corps. Wounded. Campbell, Gordon, LI. S. Army, York, Pa. Campbell, Harry. Private, Ice Plant Unit No. 301, A. E. F. Campbell, L. F.. Navy, U. S. S. Vestal. Campbell, Robert McVey, S. A. T. C. Westminister College, New Wilmington, Pa. Campbell, William D., U. S. Infantry. Canavan, John J., U. S. Navy. Carbaugh, Alphonsus, U. S. Infantry. Carbaugh, Calvin A., Private, Infantry, A. E. F. Killed. Carlson, Henry V., Instructor in Naval School, New York City. Carly, Cyrus, Camp Greene, N. C. (Colored). Carman, Arthur Paul, Private, Coast Artillery, A. E. F. Carnes, Norman H., Private, Artillery, A. E. F. Carpenter, Ivan G., Sergeant, Aviation, 167th Aero Squad. In England. Carr, Robert E., Corporal, Infantry, A. E. F. Wounded. Carns, Norman H., Private, Infantry, A. E. F. Carroll, Frank, Camp Lee, Va. Carroll, Pauline M., Camp Meade, Md., U. S. Army Nurse Corps. Carter, John L., Aviation Corps. Carter, Robert M., Private, Infantry, A. E. F. (Colored). Cartnail, Frederick, Camp Custer, Mich. (Colored). Casard, Byron L., Aviation Corps. Case, Adam R., Corporal, Infantry. Cashman, Harry P., Camp Lee, Va. Cassel, Walter L., Corporal, Aviation. Castle, Harry L., Sergeant, Infantry, A. E. F. Wounded. Caulford, W. p., Camp Greenleaf, Ga. Cavanaugh, James M., Apprentice Seaman, U. S. Navy. Cavanaugh, Walter, Regimental Sergeant-Major, Infantry, A. E. F. Caverly, Lindley F., U. S. Navy. [ 145 1 Chambers, John A., Sergeant, Depot Brigade. Chambers, Samuel E., U. S. Navy. Chambers, Williard J., U. S. Army, Hanover, Pa. Chandler, Benjamin H., S. A. T. C. University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pa. Charmbury, Walter G., Private, Engineers, A. E. F. Charms, Frank A., Private, Infantry, A. E. F. (Colored.) Chism, Alvin B., Private, Engineers. Christensen, Julius, Infantry, A. E. F. Gassed. Christy, Vincent H., Camp Meade, Md. (Colored). Chronister, Earl J., Camp Meade, Md. Chronister, H. Banner, S. A. T. C. Pennsylvania State College. Chronister, Melvin J., U. S. Marines, Coast Defense. Chronister, Norman B., Private, Limited Service, Camp Dix, N. J. Church, Howard P., Stewartstown, Pa. A. E. F. Clapper, Cletus W., Field Artillery. Clark, Harry B., Camp Lee, Va. Clark, Post, U. S. Army, Hanover, Pa. Clarkson, Martin, Field Artillery, A. E. F. Clary, John Preston, Private, Auto Mechanics. Clay, Leroy Daniel, Baker, A. E. F. Clay, William N., Private, Limited Service, Fort Taylor, Ky. Clendon, James M., York, Pa. Clinch, Andrew L., Sergeant, Ice Plant Unit No. 301, A. E. F. Cline, Paul, Gun Pointer, Navy, U. S. S. De Kolb. Clionsky, Hyman, U. S. Engineers. Clunk, Claude B., Yoeman, LT. S. Navy. Clunk, Edward F., Limited Service. Coble, Charles H., S. A. T. C. University of Pittsburgh. CocHENOUR, Howard, Private, Mt. Boyal, Dover Township. Cochrane, Thomas A., Private, Infantry, A. E. F. Shell Shocked. Cock, Clarence, LT. S. Army, York, Pa. Cockley, John Ewdin, Musician, Field Artillery, A. E. F. CoFFMAN, Paul David, Private, Marines, A. E. F. Hurt Ankle in Parade. CoFFMAN, Balph Edgar, Private, Infantry, A. E. F. Cohen, Herbert, Seaman, Navy, University of Pennsylvania. Cohen, Milton, S. A. T. C. University of Pennsylvania. Cohen, Balph D., Sergeant, Engineers. Cole, Samuel H., Private, Infantry, 42nd Company 153d Depot Brigade. Cole, James F., U. S. Infantry. Cole, Wrightston, Signal Corps, U. S. Army, Camp Coppee, Cole, Gerald, Private, Infantry, Siberia. Cole, Howard B., Corporal, U. S. Marines, A. E. F. Collier, LTlysses, U. S. Army, York, Pa. Collins, Blair, Sergeant. Infantry, A. E. F. Comfort, Veard A., Private, Infantry, A. E. F. CoNLiN, Edward V., Aviation, transferred to Infantry. CoNLiN, George, Engineers, A. E. F. Connelly, Edward L., Cook, Infantry. \ 146 1 Connelly, Herbert G., Private, Field Artillery. Conrad, Lewis G., S. A. T. C. University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia. CoNTiNO, Anthony, Field Artillery, A. E. F. Conway, George W., Sergeant-Major, Medical Corps, A. E. F. Conway, Raymond E., Engineers, A. E. F. CooGAN, John B., Camp Devens, Mass. Cook, Clarence H., Camp Meade, Md,. Cook, Clarence J., Private, A. E. F. Wounded. Cook, George W. Lieutenant Colonel, Medical Corps. Cook, Roderick W., S. A. T. C. Pennsylvania College, Gettysburg, Pa. Coombs, Harry W., Second Officers" Training Camp, Hanover, Pa. Cooper, George M., A. E. F., Dallastown, Pa. Cooper, Percy B.. Private, Bakery Company, A. E. F. Cooper, Robert E., Camp Greenleaf, Ga. Cooper, V. T., Camp Humphries, Va. Coover. Earl M., S. A. T. C. State College. CoovER, George D., Corporal, Air Service, A. E. F. CoovER, John W., Corporal, Air Service, A. E. F. Copenhaver, Franklin C, Spring Grove, Pa. CoPENHAVER, Nathan J., Camp Meade, Md. Copenhaver, Penn P., Private, Aviation, A. E. F. Copenhaver, Samuel, S. A. T. C. Bowman School of Technology, Lancaster. Coop, Clarence F., Private, Coast Artillery. Corcoran, Michael J., Private, Ice Plant Unit No. 301, A. E. F. Corey, Nathaniel, Camp Custer, Mich., CoRWELL, Amos G. C, Private, Company A, 304th Engineers, A. E. F. Corwell, Henry W., U. S. Submarine L-3, U. S. Navy. CosGROVE, Kennedy, Sergeant, Infantry, A. E. F. CoTONHAM, Jacob J., Camp Meade, Md. CouLSON, J. F., Private, Engineers, A. E. F. CouLSON, Luther G., Camp Meade, Md. CoULSON, Paul A., Private, Engineers, A. E. F. CouLSON, Roscoe M., Engineers. CouLSON, Wilbur R, Corporal, Engineers, A. E. F. Coulter, John A., Ambulance Unit, York County. Courtney, Walter A., Private, Engineers, A. E. F. Gassed. CousLEY, Herbert Leroy, Ice Plant Unit No. 301, A. E. F. CousLER, Morgan Edward, Private, Infantry. CousLER, Ray, Camp Meade, Md., A. E. F. Cox, Kenneth L., Mess Sergeant, Aviation. Coy, James C, Private, U. S. Army, Camp Lee, Va. Crabill, Ralph E., 1st Lieutenant, Aviation, A. E. F. Craig, Banjamin A., Camp Greenleaf, Ga. Craley, Ira B., Private, 128th Transport Corps, Engineers, A. E. F. Craley, Norman, Aviation Corps. Crambilt, Howard A., Camp Meade, Md. (Colored) Craul, Arthur William, Fireman, Navy, A. E. F. Craumer, Ernest W., Second Lieutenant, Infantry. f 1171 Craumer, Henry L., Ice Plant Unit No. 301, A. E. F. Craumer, Luther E., Second Lieutenant, Infantry. Craumer, Stewart, Infantry, A. E. F. Graver, John Louis, Sergeant, Marines, A. E. F. Wounded. Crawford, Clayton S., U. S. Army, Camp Lee, Va. Crawford, Kenneth T., U. S. Infantry. Craavford, Dr. W. L., Lieutenant, Medical Corps. Craybill, Ralph, LT. S. Infantry, A. E. F. Creep, Harry S., Ice Plant Unit No. 301, A. E. F. Creep, Harry, B., Private, Medical Corps, A. E. F. Cremer, Joseph E., Field Artillery, A. E. F. Crim, Marion E., Aviation, Pittsburg School of Technology. Crimins, Henry F., U. S. Infantry. Crimmins. Lawrence E., U. S. Army, R. D. No. 10, York, Pa. Crist, G. F., Field Artillery, A. E. F. Crist, Howard L., Tank Corps, A. E. F. Crist, John William, Private, Infantry, A. E. F. Crone, Arthur C, Seaman, Navy, U. S. S. Indiana. Crone, Charles, U. S. Army, R. D., Dover, Pa. Crone, Harry B., Private, Engineers, A. E. F. Wounded. Crone, Robert L., Fort Thomas, Ky. Cross, Chauncey, Engineers, A. E. F. Cross, Wilbur G., Private, Field Artillery, A. E. F. Cross, William E., R. D. No. 1, Laurel, Pa., A. E. F. Grouse, Percy W., Apprentice Seaman, Navy. Grouse, Randal Howard, First Lieutenant, Infantry, A. E. F. Division Decorated. Growne, Harry, U. S. Infantry. Crumbling, Chester, U. S. Navy. Crumbling, Clarence, Private, Infantry, A. E. F. Grumbling, Mason D., A. E. F., Wrightsville, Pa. Crumbling, Charles, Private, 313th Infantry. Wounded. Crumbling, Earl, U. S. Navy. Grumbling, Paul, Aviation Corps. Grumrine, William B., Private, Infantry, A. E. F. Wounded. CuLBERTSON, RAYMOND, S. A. T. G. State College, Pa. Gulp, Byron J., Corporal, Medical Corps, A. E. F. Cunningham, Bruce R., Private, Engineers, A. E. F. Cunningham, John Joseph, U. S. Navy. Curry, E. R., U. S. Army, York, Pa. Dabler, William B., Gamp Lee, Va. Danfelt, Paul, Private Aviation, A. E. F. Daniels, Edgar W., Private, Gamp Lee, Va. Danner, James A., Private, Engineers, A. E. F. Killed. Danner, Norman B., Second Lieutenant, Quartermaster Corps. Dappleby, Carl, U. S. Army, Hanover, Pa. Daron, Sherman, Private, Canadian Army. Wounded. Daron, Welma G., Army Nurse Corps, A. E. F. [ 148 1 Darone, Paul, Private, Ice Plant Unit No. 301, A. E. F. Daryman, Charles M., Navy, A. E. F. Daryman, Norman J., Sergeant, Infantry. Dashler, John W., Camp Lee, Va. Dattisman, Luther H., Private, 10th Company, 154th Depot Brigade. Dauber, Francis W., S. A. T. C, Bowman Technical School, Lancaster. Daugherty, Earl, Private, U. S. Infantry. Daugherty, Elmer S., Private, Engineers, A. E. F. Daugherty, Lorenza S., Private, Infantry, A. E. F. Daugherty, Ovide M., Private, Camp Meade, Md. Daugherty, Wilmer F., Camp Meade, Md. Davidson, Arthur Sylvester, Private, Medical Corps, A. E. F. Davis, Benjamin H., Sergeant, Aviation, A. E. F. Davis, Earle S., York County Ambulance Unit. Davis, Edgar C, IT. S. Navy. Davis, George A., Private, Ammunition Train, A. E. F. Davis, Stephen P., Private, Signal Corps. Dawson, George, Private, Signal Corps. Day, Earl Grove, Camp Lee, Va. Day, Stuart 0., Private, S. A. T. C. Dayhoff, Howard, U. S. Infantry. Dayhoff, Jacob E., Private, Columbus, Ohio. Dayhoff, William V.. Artillery, LT. S. Army. Deardorff, Boyd, Dillsburg, Pa., A. E. F. Deardorff, Charles R., Private, Medical Corps. Deardorf, Emory S., Private, Infantry, A. E. F. Deardorff, Floyd R., S. A. T. C. State College. Deardorff, Roy P., Sergeant, Ice Plant Unit No. 301, A. E. F. Deardorff, William B., Private, Aero Squadron, A. E. F. Debs, Harry, U. S. Infantry. Dechant, John W., Private, Aviation. Dechant, Clement W., Seaman, Navy, U. S. Destroyer Whipple, A. E. F. Decker, George L., Private, Marine Corps Band, A. E. F. Decker. Jacob H., Private, Infantry, A. E. F. Wounded. Decker, Paul A. R., Private, Infantry, (Rand) First Class Musician, A. E. F. Decker, William C, Corporal, S. A. T. C. State College. Decker, W. W., Private, Signal Corps. Deeg, William H., Camp Lee, Va. Dehoff, Milton M., Aviation Corps. Dehoff, Milton, Sergeant. Infantry, 5th Division, A. E. F. Dehoff, Frank W., Ice Plant Unit No. 301, A. E. F. Deitch, Raymond W., U. S. Infantry. Deitch, Robert C, Mate, U. S. Navy. Deitrich, Harry G., U. S. Army, York, Pa. Deitrich, W., Medical Corps, Camp Greenleaf, Ga. Deitz, Gilbert A., Private, Chemical Warfare Service. Dietz, Purd E., U. S. Artillery. Deitz, Richard F., U. S. Army, York, Pa. Deitz, Warren B., Private, Aviation. 1119 1 De Huff, Frank W., Private, Ice Plant Unit No. 301, A. E. F. De Lancy, Ellis, Corporal, Recruiting Service. De Laplane, Hobart McKinley, Seaman, Navy, Transport Martha Washington. De Lisle, George, Sergeant, U. S. Army, R. D., Cly. Dell, Calvin S., Camp Meade, Md. Dell, Dennis E., Sergeant, Infantry (Rand), A. E. F. Dell, Oliver E., Private, Camp Meade, Md. Dell, William H., Camp Meade, Md. Delle, C. a. Dr., Medical Reserve Corps. Not Called. Deller, Paul C, Camp Greenleaf, Ga. Deller, Walter F., Camp Meade, Md. Deller, William L., Camp Meade, Md., A. E. F. Dellinger, Rarton, Private, Machine Gun Rattalion, A. E. F. Missing in Action. Dellinger, Carman, N., U. S. Infantry. Dellinger, Harry E., Private, Infantry, A. E. F. Shell Shocked. Dellinger, John H., Private, Engineers. Dellinger, McKinley L., Private, S. A. T. C. Lafayette College, Easton, Pa. Dellinger, Paul, Camp Greenleaf, Ga. Dellinger, Paul Edward, Sergeant, Field Artillery, A. E. F. Dellinger, Stewart. Private, Medical Corps, A. E. F. Dellinger, William H. Jr., York, Pa., A. E. F. Dellinger, Wilmer R., Corporal, Infantry, A. E. F. Dempsey, Frank, LT. S. Navy. Dempsey, George, Navy, Rattleships North Dakota and Nebraska. Dempsey, Lawrence, Aviation Corps. Dempsey, Henry J., Private, Infantry. Dempwolf, Fred. G., Captain, Aviation. Dennan, C. S., Chief Yoeman, Navy. Dennis, Luther, Private, Medical Corps, A. E. F. Dennis, Milfred, Private, Engineers, A. E. F. Dennis, Norman P., Private, Engineers, A. E. F. Depper, Clarence W., Limited Service, Syracuse, N. Y. Derrick, Jesse D., U. S. Army, Red Lion, Pa. Desenberg, Jacob L, Private, Hospital Corps, A. E. F. Desenberg, Joseph L., Private, Coast Artillery. Desenberg, William J., Private, Infantry Dettinger, Albert, Private, Infantry. Dettinger, Charles E., Private, Ice Plant Unit No. 301, A. E. F. Detwiler, David R., Private, Aviation. Detwiler, Herbert E., Machinist Mate, U. S. Navy. Deuel, Joseph C, Captain, Infantry, A. E. F. Deuel, Louis Leslie, Private, Infantry. Deuel, William C, Private, Infantry. Deveney, Irwin, Private, Infantry, A. E. F. Wounded. Deveney. Norman D., Camp Meade, Md. Devers, Frank W., Captain, U. S. Infantry. Devers, Jacob Loucks, Colonel, Field Artillery, School of Fire. Devers, Philip K. Jr., Second Lieutenant, Air Service, Ralloon Pilot. [ 150 1 Devo, Harry W. .Technical Training, Lehigh University. Dey, Anthony, Private, Limited Service, Camp Dix, N. J. Dey, Wilbert, Private, Canadian Army, 47th Battalion, A. E. F. Wounded. Dice, John H., Private, Aviation Corps. Dick, Henry H., Private, Artillery, A. E. F. Dick, Walter, Private, Quartermaster Corps, Camp Colt, Pa. Dick, William, Private, A. E. F. Dickinson, George C, Sergeant, Artillery, A. E. F. D. S. C. Dickinson, W. R. Jr., Apprentice Seaman, Navy. DiEHL, Charles L., LT. S. Array, York, Pa. DiEHL, Daniel, Engineers, A. E. F. DiEHL, Earl R., Private, U. S. Infantry. DiEHL, H., Private, Infantry, A. E. F. DiEHL, Henry, Private, Infantry, A. E. F. DiEHL, Lester L., Private, Infantry (Band), A. E. F. DiEHL, Paul L., \J. S. Army, York, Pa. DiEHL, Roy Samuel, Private, Infantry, A. E. F. Wounded. DiEHL, Russell, Yoeman, Navy, A. E. F. Diehl. William E., Private, Engineers, A. E. F. Wounded. DiEHL, William J., Private, Field Artillery. Promoted to Sergeant. Diehl, William, Seaman, Navy, A. E. F. DiERDORFF, Wilbert, Camp Greenleaf, Ga. Dietz, Alber, Private, Machine Gun Battalion, A. E. F. Dietz, Chester E., Private, Infantry. Dietz, Elmer, Camp Meade, Md. Dietz, George B., Corporal, Field Artillery, A. E. F. Dietz, Gilbert A., Private, Gas Defense Service, Washington, D. C. Dietz, Harry C, Private, Engineers, A. E. F. Promoted to Corporal. Dietz, Markley C, Private, U. S. Infantry. Dietz, Sterling St. Clair, S. A. T. C. Pennsylvania College, Gettysburg, Pa. . Dietz, Warren B., Private, Aviation, A. E. F. Died. Dietz, William H., Sergeant, Infantry, A. E. F. Dietz, William W., U. S. Army, R. D. No. 2, New Freedom, Pa. Dietz, Willis P., Camp Meade, Md. DiGGS, C. N., Camp Custer, Mich. (Colored). Dill, John H., Corporal, Infantry, A. E. F. Gassed. Dill, Norman, Infantry, Private, A. E. F. DiLLER, Charles, Camp Meade, Md. DiLLER, Fred., Private, Infantry, A. E. F. DiLLER, Walter R., Private, 316th Infantry. Dillon, James E., First Lieutenant, Infantry, A. E. F. Wounded. Dillon, James H., Corporal, Washington, D. C. Dimelow, James E., Private, Field Artillery, A. E. F. DiNGLER, Henry Lewis, Sergeant, Medical Corps, A. E. F. Gassed. Dinon, Harrlson J., Private, U. S. Army, York, Pa. Dirk, Saddler H. E., Private, Field Artillery. DiSE, J. Ivan, First Lieutenant, Acting Adjutant, Architectual Department, A. E. F. Disney, Robert E., Private, Infantry, A. E. F. I 151 1 DiTMER, John A., Camp Meade, Md. DiTTENHAFER, A., U. S. Army, York, Pa. DiTZLER, Raymond G., Private, Ammunition Train, A. E. F. DoDSON, Weldon James, Second Lieutenant, Camp Gordon, Ga. DoERFLEiN, George F., Private, Aviation. DoERFLEiN, William S., Hospital Corps. DoERR, Henry F., Private, York, Pa. DoERSON, Earl T., Private, Infantry. Dolheimer, Clair S., Corporal, Ice Plant Unit No. 301, A. E. F. Doll, John A., Private, Infantry, A. E. F. Killed. Croix de Guerre. Doll, Raymond N., Camp Greenleaf, Ga. Dollheimer, Clair S., Ice Plant Unit No. 301, A. E. F. Dollhejmer, John H., Aviation Corps. DoNSiFE, William S., Private, Infantry, A. E. F. Wounded. Donson, Wilford H., Corporal, U. S. Infantry. DoNSON, William J., U. S. Navy. DoRSEY, Amos, Private, Infantry, A. E. F. Promoted to Corporal. DoRSEY, Charles, U. S. Army, York, Pa. DoRSEY, John Thomas, Private, U. S. Army. Leg Rroken. Dorsey, Joseph E., Private, Infantry, A. E. F. Dotterweich, John C, Private, Infantry, A. E. F. Dougherty, Charles, Aviation Corps. Dougherty, Charles N., Private, Camp Lee, Va. Dougherty, James Aloysius, Farrier, Veterinary Section, Cavalry, A. E. F. Douglas, William D., Private, Mechanics, Fort Renjamin Harrison, Ind. Downey, Michael, Camp Meade, Md. Downey, S. Royd, Corporal, Medical Corps. Downing, Rradley, Hospital Corps, A. E. F. Downs, Fred., Second Lieutenant, Ice Plant Unit No. 301, A. E. F. Doyle, Harry L., U. S. Army, York, Pa. Drawbaugh, Walter C, Private, Infantry, A. E. F. Drenning, Caleb K., Private, Y. M. C. A. Drenning, David A., Private, Coast Artillery, A. E. F. Drenning, John W., Sergeant, Aviation, A. E. F. Drenning, W. W., LT. S. Guards. Drescher, Adam L., Private, Ambulance Corps. Drescher, George H., Private, Infantry, 79th Division, A. E. F. Drescher, Harry E., S. A. T. C. University of Pittsburgh, Pa. Drescher, Richard, Camp Lee, Va. Dressel, Howard D., S. A. T. C. LIniversity of Pittsburgh, Pa. Driver, Cyril, Sergeant, Canadian Army, A. E. F. Dromgold, Stewart Alfred, Private, Aviation, 354th Aero Squad, A. E. F. Druck, Arthur H., Private, Infantry, A. E. F. Druck, Renjamin F., Private, Aviation. Druck, Clair D., Corporal, Medical Corps. Druck, Edward H., Private, 11th Infantry, A. E. F. Wounded. DuBBS, Delphus, Private, Field Artillery, A. E. F. DuBBS, John L., Private, Ice Plant Unit No. 301, A. E. F. \ 152 1 DuBBS, Philip R., Quartermasters' Corps, A. E. F. DuBBS, Samuel W., Private, Quartermasters' Corps, A. E. F. DuBBS, Willis R., U. S. Army, York, Pa. Dubs, Edward K., Private, Engineers. Dubs Harry R., Private, Machine Gun Battalion. A. E. F. Dubs, John W., Private, Engineers. Dubs, Maurice, Private, Remount Depot, Dubs, Paul I., Private, U. S. Infantry. Dubs, Roswell, U. S. Army, Hanover, Pa., A. E. F. Dubs, Walter Raymond, Private, Signal Corps, A. E. F. Gassed. Dubs, William A., Sergeant, Infantry, A. E. F. Wounded. DucE, Ralph C. B., Camp Meade, Md. Duerr, Alvin E., Camp Meade, Md. DusMAN, Gilbert H., Private, A. S. A. P., Dayton, Ohio. Duke, Frank C. Camp Upton, N. Y., A. E. F. Dull, Peter, Hanover, Pa., A. E. F. DuNKLE, Elmer, Infantry. Killed in Action. DuNKLE, William A., Private, Infantry, A. E. F. Wounded. DuNNiCK Dana Delano, S. A. T. C. Millersville State Normal School. DuRGiN, Harry M., Camp Greenleaf, Ga. DuRR, William B., Sergeant, Aviation. DuFFiNS, Chas., Corporal, Pioneer Infantry, A. E. F. Dysart, Harry D., Camp Greenleaf, Ga., A. E. F. Ealeblute, Merle A., U. S. Infantry. Eastlake, Donald E., U. S. Infantry, C. 0. T. S., York. Pa. Ebauer, Edward J., U. S. Army, New Freedom, Pa. Ebauer, Ignatius, New Freedom, Pa., A. E. F. Ebauer, Leonard, U. S. Army, R. D. No. 3, New Freedom, Pa. Ebaugh, Edwin, Jr., Private, Signal Corps. Ebbert, Harry A., Supply Company, A. E. F. Eberly, Joseph W., Sergeant, Base Hospital 106, A. E. F. Eberly, Roy P., Private, U. S. Infantry. Ebersole, Chester, U. S. Army, York, Haven, Pa. Ebert, John G., U. S. Army, Red Lion, Pa. Eby, Alvin B., Field Artillery. Eby. Benjamin M., U. S. Infantry. EcK, Ralph H., Private, Infantry, A. E. F. EcKENRODE, Charles B., Lieutenant, Infantry. Eckenrode, James W., Private, Cavalry, A. E. F. Eckert, Charles F., U. S. Navy. Eckert, George T., Private, Infantry, A. E. F. Wounded Twice. Eckert, Samuel S., U. S. Infantry. Eckert, William S., U. S. Army, R. D. No. 2, York, Pa. Eden, Russell L., Corporal, Infantry, A. E. F. Gassed. Edie, Harry A., U. S. Navy. Edie, John R., Limited Service. Edon, Charles A., U. S. Army, New Freedom, Pa. f 153 1 Ehreintfeld, Walter S., S. A. T. C, University of Pennsylvania. Ehrhart, Ellis M., Private, Infantry (Band), A. E. F. Ehrhart, Fisher C, Second Lieutenant, Ordnance Department. Ehrhart, Harvey E., Private, Infantry, A. E. F. Ehrhart, John J., Private, Infantry, A. E. F. Ehrhart, Ralph C, Private, A. E. F. Wounded. Ehrhart, Samuel E., Private, 304th Engineers, A. E. F. Ehrhart. William S., U. S. Infantry. Ehrlinger, Walter, U. S. Army, York, Pa. Eich, Anthony C, Private, Infantry, A. E. F. EiCH, Fidel V., U. S. Navy. Eichelberger, Elmer Ellsworth, Private, Field Artillery. Eichelberger, E. F., U. S. Army, R. D. No. 1, High Rock, Pa. Eichelberger, George, U. S. Army, R. D. No. 3, Hanover, Pa. Eichelberger, George W., Lieutenant, Temple LTniversity, Philadelphia, Pa. Eichelberger, M. L., U. S. Army, Hanover, Pa. EiNSiG, Albert, Private, Infantry, A. E. F. EiNSiG, Arthur, Private, U. S. Infantry. EiNSiG, Clarence J., U. S. Infantry. EiNSiG, Leo, U. S. Infantry. EiNSiG, Peter D., U. S. Army, York, Pa. Eisenhart, Carl E., Private, Aviation, A. E. F. Eisenhart, Charles F., LT. S. Army, York, Pa. Eisenhart, Charles A., Private, Navy, U. S. S. Pennsylvania. Eisenhart, Earl F.. U. S. Cavalry. Eisenhart, Herbert E.. Ambulance LTnit. Eisenhart, Kurwin S., Private, Engineers, A. E. F. Eisenhart, Theodore G., Limited Service. Eisenhower, Horace B.. Private, Engineers. Eisenhower, Wilbert Z., Private, Artillery, A. E. F. EiTZERT, Erwin L., U. S. Army, Shrewsbury, Pa., A. E. F. Elfner, George J., Engineers. Elicker, Guy A., Limited Service. Flicker, Harry G., U. S. Army, York, Pa., A. E. F. Elliot, Edw. W., Lieutenant, Aviation Corps. Elliott, Howard B., Aviation Corps. Ellise, William H., Trench Mortar Battalion, A. E. F. Ellis, John H., U. S. Army, York, Pa. Ellis, Robert Lee, First Lieutenant, Medical Corps. Ellwein, George A., Private, Infantry, A. E. F. Elsesser, John J., Mess Sergeant, Field Artillery. Elsesser, Abram a., U. S. Infantry. Elsesser, Elder E., Infantry, A. E. F. Elsesser, John Leo, Private, Signal Corps, A. E. F. Ely, Walter J. Died at Camp Gordon. Emenheiser, Charles E., U. S. Army, R. D. No. 1, Red Lion, Pa. Emig, Albert R., Private, Ambulance Corps, A. E. F. Emig, Albert S., Corporal, Infantry. [ 154 1 Emig, Clair H., Signal Corps, A. E. F. Emig, Leonard G., U. S. Army, Hanover Junction, Pa. Emig, Paul H., U. S. Army, Windsor, Pa., A. E. F. Emig, Paul, U. S. Army, Hanover Junction, Pa., A. E. F. Emig, Mauriel B., Private, U. S. Marines, In Siberia. Emig, William L., Private, Quartermaster Corps. Emig, Russell, Mechanic, Easton, Pa. Emenheiser, Benjamin, Private, Infantry. Emenheiser, Solomon A., Sergeant, Infantry, A. E. F. Wounded and Gassed. Emlet, Winfield H., S. A. T. C. John Hopkins. Baltimore, Md. Endebs, George W. Jr., Ambulance Unit, A. E. F. Enders, Paul M., York, Pa., A. E. F. Wounded. Engell, John W., U. S. Army, York, Pa. Engle, Ira L., Corporal, Artillery, transferred to Tank Corps, A. E. F. Engle, Roland B., Private, Infantry, A. E. F. Engle, William, Private, U. S. Infantry. Engle, Reyburn, Major, Infantry. In the Phillipines. Englebreath, Walter G., U. S. Army, Winterstown, Pa. Ensminger, G. Frank, Ice Plant Unit No. 301, A. E. F. Ensminger, George M., Field Artillery, A. E. F. Ensminger, G. R., Second Lieutenant, U. S. Army, York, Pa. Ensminger, Harry, Corporal, U. S. Army, York, Pa. Ensminger, Paul, U. S. Army, York, Pa. Ensminger, Paul P., Sergeant, Medical Corps, A. E. F. Wounded. Ensminger, William J., Sergeant, Aviation. Epley, Florence, Nurse, U. S. Army. Epley, Raymond H., Private, Infantry. A. E. F. Wounded. Eppley, Clarence, Private, Engineers, A. E. F. Eppley, Henry C, Camp Wadsworth, S. C. Eppley, John H., Private, Artillery. Erisman, William, Private, Medical Corps. Erney, Oliver S.. Artillery, A. E. F. Erney, Walter, Artillery, A. E. F. Ernest, Clari B., Camp Meade, Md. Ernest, Paul E., Coast Artillery. Ernest, W. E., Camp Meade, Md. Ervin, Earl, U. S. Infantry. Ervin, Filbert, U. S. Navy. Erwin, Chester L., U. S. Army, York, Pa. Erwin, Morris, Mechanic at University of Pittsburgh, Pa. EssiG, Jacob W., U. S. Navy. EssiG, John H., Sergeant, Artillery. Etzweiler, Charles A., Corporal, Transportation Corps, A. E. F. EuLER, Walter, Private, Infantry. Evans, Gilbert, U. S. Army, Delta, Pa. Evans, George Edward, First Lieutenant, Ice Plant Unit. Died. Evans, Humphries, U. S. Army, Delta, Pa.. A. E. F. Evans, Ralph, Second Lieutenant, Camp Lee, Va. [ 155 ] Evans, Raymond C, Private, Infantry, A. E. F. Wounded, Shell Shocked. D. S. C. EvERHART, George D., Corporal. Artillery. EvERHART, George W., Corporal, Engineers, A. E. F. EvERHART, Ralph H., Private, Ammunition Train, A. E. F. EvERHART, Martin L., S. A. T. C. Pennsylvania College, Gettysburg, Pa. EvERHART, Paul F., Private, Motor Truck, A. E. F. EvERHART, Paul H., S. A. T. C. Millersvilk, Pa. EvERHART, Ralph N., Private, Artillery, A. E. F. Wounded. EvERHART, WiLBERT J., Private, Engineers, A. E. F. ExDEN, Russell L., U. S. Army, York, Pa. Eyler, Robert M., Private, Engineers, A. E. F. Gassed. Eyster, Edward, Officers' Training Camp, Camp Lee, Va. Eyster, Harry E., Sergeant, Engineers, A. E. F. Eyster, Harry H., Private, Company A, 8th Infantry. Eyster, Millard, Limited Service, Camp Dix, N. J. Eyster, Ralph A., Stenographer at Washington with Aero Squadron. Eyster, Roy L., LI. S. Infantry. Eyster, Seymour, Field Artillery, A. E. F. Wounded. Eyster, William P., U. S. Infantry. Eyster, William, Wagon Ruilder sent to Fort Benjamin Harrison, Ind. Fackler, Charles E., Camp Meade, Md. Fackler, Charles Lewis, Dr., Senior Lieutenant, Medical Department, U. S. Navy. Fagg, Norman H., Medical Corps. Fahs, Carter E., U. S. Army, Kain's Station. Fahs, Elmer M., Private, Infantry, A. E. F. Wounded, D. S. C. Fahs, Paul P., Private, Coast Artillery, A. E. F. Fair, Charles, Seaman, Navy, LI. S. S. Rhode Island. Fair, Curvin L., U. S. Army, Glen Rock, Pa., A. E. F. Fair, John, Private, U. S. Engineers. Faircloth, Thomas B., Mechanic, LT. S. Army, A. E. F. Fake, Clarence, Limited Service, Camp Dix, N. J. Fake, Robert A., Corporal, LT. S. Army, Camp Meade, Md. Fake, Wilbur H., U. S. Army, Camp Meade, Md. Falkenstine, C. Mack, First Lieutenant, Infantry, Camp Meade, Md. Falkenstein, Elwood S., Corporal, Medical Corps, A. E. F. Falvey, Francis X., Private, Signal Corps, A. E. F. Fanus, Ralph C, Ammunition Train. A. E. F. Farkas, H. H. Dr., First Lieutenant, Medical Reserves. Farrell, Scott, Camp Custer, Mich. (Colored.) Farrington, Robert C, LT. S. Army, York, Pa. Fasto, Earl Leroy, Seaman, LT. S. Navy. Feder, Mark, Navy, U. S. S. Minnesota. Feigler, Darry a.. Merchant Marines, A. E. F. Feigley, George Elwood, Private, Engineer, A. E. F. Feigley, Martin M., U. S. Navy. Feldman, Abe, Limited Service, Camp Colt, Pa. Feldman, Harry, U. S. Infantry. [ 156 1 Feldman, Max F., Corporal, Infantry, Camp Lee, Va. Feldman, William John, Private, Field Artillery, A. E. F. Died. Fell, Charles R., U. S. Infantry, A. E. F. Fells, George H., Camp Custer, Mich. (Colored.) Fells, Stewart, Private, U. S. Army, A. E. F. Felter, John A., U. S. Army, York, Pa. Felty, Frank A., Medical Corps. Felty, Paul C, U. S. Infantry. Fennett, Corporal, U. S. Infantry. Ferguson, Harry L., U. S. Navy Ferree, Carl E., Private, Infantry, A. E. F. Ferree, John H., Camp Lee, Va. Died. Ferree, Paul M., U. S. Cavalry. Ferree, Rorert, U. S. Army, Wrightsville, Pa. Ferree, Samuel G., Camp Meade, Md. Ferree, Walter I., Private, Ammunition Train, A. E. F. Fetrow, Arthur William, Private, Medical Corps, A. E. F. Fetrow, Charles A., Camp Meade, Md. Fetrow, Frank E., U. S. Infantry. Fetter, Fred Elmer, Sergeant, Raking Company. Fetter, John A., U. S. Navy. FiCKES, Frank J., Navy. Injured on Roard Ship. FiCKES, Jacor Frank, Navy, Roatswain's Mate. Wounded. Letters of Commendation. FiCKES, James R., Private, Signal Corps, A. E. F. FiDLER, Urban S., Sergeant, U. S. Infantry. Field, William H., U. S. Army, York, Pa. FiLBY, Paul C, Private, Hospital Unit, A. E. F. Fink, Charles A., U. S. Infantry. Fink, Earl A., Ambulance Service. Fink, Hope Leroy, Private, Engineers, A. E. F. Fink, Jacob, First Class Private, Ambulance Corps, A. E. F. Fink, John H., U. S. Infantry. Fink, Landon, U. S. Engineers. Fink, Meabl McKinley, Private, Engineers. Fink, Milton H., Ice Plant Unit No. 301, A. E. F. Fink, Roy C, Private, Engineers, A. E. F. Fink, Roy Earl, Private, Infantry, A. E. F. Wounded. Ftnk, Theodore, Private, Engineers, A. E. F. T^iNK, Walter J., S. A. T. C. Lehigh University. Fink, William C.-, Camp Lee, Va. FiNLEY, William J., Chief Quartermaster, U. S. Navy. Finenheisen, Sergeant, Company E, 316th Infantry. Wounded. Firestone, Robert C, Ambulance Service. Firestone, William H., Corporal, Quartermaster Corps. Fischer, Albert F., Private, Engineers. Fischer, Harry F., Rutchering Company, A. E. F. FisHEL, Austin, Private, U. S. Infantry. Fishel, Claude S., Camp Meade, Md. [ 157 ] FiSHEL, Earl K., Camp Meade, Md. FisHEL, Edwin H., Field Artillery, A. E. F. FisHEL, George F., Camp Meade, Md. FiSHEL, James T., Canadian Army, A. E. F. Missing. FisHEL, Maurice G., Private, Engineers, A. E. F. FiSHEL, Roy C, Private, U. S. Infantry. FisHEL, Spencer G., Camp Meade, Md., A. E. F. FiSHEL, Theodore, Sergeant, Infantry, A. E. F. Wounded and Gassed. FiSHEL, Walter A., Sergeant, Machine Gun Battalion, A. E. F. FiSHEL, William E., Camp Lee, Va. Fisher, Charles M., U. S. Marines, A. E. F. Fisher, Edgar A.. Private, Infantry, A. E. F. Fisher, Elmer H., S. A. T. C. State College, Pa. Fischer, Harold L., Aero Squadron, A. E. F. Fisher, Harry H., Private, Ordnance. Fisher, Harvey, U. S. Infantry. Fisher, Harvey, U. S. Cavalry. Fisher, Jay, Corporal, Infantry, A. E. F. Wounded. Fisher, Joel J., Private, Casual Company, Aero Squadron, A. E. F. Fisher, John W., Sergeant, Field Artillery, A. E. F. Wounded. Fisher, Luther A., U. S. Engineers, Camp Humphries. Fisher, N. Carl, Aero Squadron. A. E. F Fisher, Parker E., Private, U. S. Army, R. D. No. 3, Dillsburg, Pa. Fisher. Paul A., Private, Infantry, Camp Lee, Va. Fisher, Ralph W., Private, U. S. Infantry. Fisher, William H., U. S. Marines. Fisher, William H., Private, U. S. Engineers. FissELL, L. W., Camp Meade, Md. Fissel, Walter A., Camp Meade, Md. FiTZ, H. Marcy, U. S. Army, Hanover, Pa. Fitzgerald, Walter Leroy, Private, Aviation, A. E. F. Died. Fitzkee, Adam Hastings, Lieutenant, Aviation, A. E. F. FiTZKEE, William L., Private, Medical Corps. A. E. F. Fitzkee, Paul W., Sergeant, Medical Corps. Fitzkee, William A., Private, Field Artillery, A. E. F. FiTZPATRiCK, C. Raymond, York, Pa. Fitzpatrick, Philip C, York, Pa. Flaharty, Jesse A., Camp Meade, Md., A. E. F. Flaskes, Steve, U. S. Army, York, Pa. Fleagle, Martin W., Infantry. Fleagley, Martin, M., Navy. Fleck, John, U. S. Army, Hanover, Pa. Fleet, James E., Coast Artillery. Fleet, Reginale S., Captain U. S. Artillery, A. E. F. Fleming, George, U. S. Army, Dallastown, Pa. Fleming, John E., Corporal, Infantry, A. E. F. Wounded and Gassed. Flemming, Robert, Private, Aviation. Fletcher, Harry C, U. S. Army, Camp Lee, Va. f 158 1 Fletcher, John M.. U. S. Infantry. Flickinger, Glass, Private, Infantry. Flickinger, Herbert M., U. S. Army, New Park, Pa. Flickinger, William F., Private, Infantry, A. E. F. Wounded. Flinchbaugh, C. E., Limited Service, Camp Dix, N. J. Flinchbaugh, C. E., Private. Recruiting Company. Flinchbaugh, Curvin D., Camp Meade, Md. Flinchbaugh, Howard D., S. A. T. C. University of Pittsburgh. Flinchbaugh, James, Infantry, A. E. F. Flinchbaugh, James A., Private. Infantry, A. E. F. Flinchbaugh, James M., Carpenter, A. E. F. Flinchbaugh, James P., Camp Meade, Md., A. E. F. Flinchbaugh, Marion L., U. S. Infantry. Flinchbaugh, Paul E., Sergeant, 316th Infantry, A. E. F. Wounded. Flinchbaugh, Roy, Navy, U. S. S. Henley. Flinchbaugh, S. E., Mechanic at Easton, Pa. Flinchbaugh, Stewart L., Camp Meade, Md. Flory, Clarence, Camp Meade, Md., A. E. F. Flory, Edward H., Camp Meade, Md. A. E. F. Killed. Flory, George, Field Artillery, U. S. Army. Flory, George, Ambulance Service, U. S. Army. Flory, Sarah, Nurse, Camp Dix, N. J. Flory, Paul E., Private, Engineers, A. E. F. Floto, Frank L., U. S. Army, Camp Lee, Va. Fluhrer, Robert C, Second Lieutenant, Officers' Training School, Louisville, Ky. Flury, George G., Corporal, Infantry, A. E. F. Wounded. Flury. Wilbur, Private, Engineers, A. E. F. Fogel, Harry 0., Private, Field Artillery, A. E. F. FocusT, Harry H., First Sergeant, Company E, 325th Infantry. Wounded. Foegel. Roy H., U. S. Army, Camp Lee, Va. FoGEL, Vernon, Medical Corps, U. S. Army. Fogg, Herbert P., Navy, Chief Machinist Mate, U. S. S. Celtic. FoGLER. Stephen S., Private, Engineers, A. E. F. FoiN, Jules, Limited Service, Camp Meade, Md. FoLKOMER, Renton 0., Camp Meade, Md., A. E. F. Folkomer. Harry P., Camp Lee. Va., A. E. F. Missing. FoLCKOMER, James E., Navy, Chief Carpenter's Mate, U. S. S. Lawrence. Drowned. FoosE, George E., Field Artillery, U. S. Army. FoosE, Wilbur C, Private, Medical Corps, A. E. F. Foreman, H. E., Camp Wadsworth, S. C. Foreman, William J., Camp Meade, Md. Foreman, Wilsie, Signal Corps. Ford, Jacob F.. Camp Sherman. Ford, Keeper W., U. S. Infantry. FoRNER, Charles R., Medical Corps. A. E. F. Forrey, Lester R., Private, Infantry, A. E. F. Wounded. Forry, Robert, Camp Meade, Md. KoRRY, Clair, U. S. Army, Hanover, Pa. [ 159 1 FoRRY, Cleason J., Camp Meade, Md. FoRRY, Paul E., Field Artillery. FoRRY, WiLRUR R.. Limited Service, Camp Dix, N. J. FoRRY, William. Limited Service, Camp Taylor, Ky. FoRTNEY, Earl Harrison, Private, Limited Service, Camp Greene, N. C. FoRTNEY, George F., Aviation Corps. FoRTNEY, Leboy F., Private, Infantry, A. E. F. FoRTNEY, Mearle, U. S. Navy. Fortney. Robert M., S. A. T. C. Dickinson College, Carlisle, Pa. Foster, Paul M.. Sergeant, Medical Corps. FouRNHMAN, WiLLiAM C, 61st Infantry, A. E. F. Wounded. FousT, Charles. Private, Aviation, A. E. F. FousT, Elmer R., U. S. Navy. FousT, Harry H., First Sergeant, Infantry, A. E. F. Wounded. FousT, Lee C, Corporal, Signal Corps, A. E. F. FousT, Paul C, Ice Plant Unit No. 301, A. E. F. FousT, Roy S., U. S. Engineers. FousT, Spubgeon, Navy, Seaman, U. S. S. Wyoming. Fox, Earl E., Aviation Corps, A. E. F. Fox, Leo, U. S. Army, Hanover, Pa. Fox, Ralph, Private, U. S. Engineers. Frailey, C. R., Camp Wadsworth, S. C. Francis, Frank T., Ice Plant Unit No. 301, A. E. F. Frank, Edgar E., Teamster, Camp Joseph Johnson. Frank, George Jb., LI. S. Infantry. Frank, Irving, Ambulance Service, A. E. F. Frank, John P., Field Artillery, A. E. F. Frank, P. J., U. S. Marines. Frank, Raymond, U. S. Marines, A. E. F. Frank, R. R., Aviation Corps. Franklin, Eabnest, Engineers, A. E. F. Franklin, Gordon, Rritish Army. Franklin, William, Rritish Aviation. Frantz, Charles R., Sergeant, Motor Transportation Corps, Camp Meade, Md. Frantz, Roy A., Private, Engineers, A. E. F. Frantz, William P., Camp Meade, Md. Frederick, Lewis E., Camp Lee, Va. Free, Earl E., Field Artillery. Free, Evans M., Dr., First Lieutenant, Medical Corps. Free, Hollis S., Wireless Operator. Free, John A., Ambulance Service, 79th Division, A. E. F. Free, William, Seaman, U. S. Navy. Freed, J. Stanley, Mechanic. Freed, Steward, Aviation, Auto Repair. Freed, William S.. Private, Infantry, A. E. F. Freedman, Martin, U. S. Navy. Freedman, Samuel, S. A. T. C. Private. Freeland, George, Private, Infantry, A. E. F. (Colored.) [ 160 1 Freeman, Austin G., U. S. Infantry. Freeman, William G., Camp Meade, Md. Freet, Joseph F., Coast Artillery, A. E. F. Wounded. French, Thomas H., Camp Custer, Mich. (Colored.) Frey, Allen, Cavalry, A. E. F. Frey, C. W., Dr.. First Lieutenant, Medical Reserve Corps. Frey, Charles E., Private, Medical Corps, A. E. F. Frey, Charles F., Private, Infantry, A. E. F. Frey, Charles H., Field Artillery, A. E. F. Frey, Chester, S. A. T. C. University of Pennsylvania. Frey, Claude G., Aviation Corps. Frey, Edgar G., Private, Infantry, A. E. F. Frey, Ellers L., U. S. Cavalry. Frey, George J., Private, Infantry. Died of pneumonia. Frey, Harry F., Bugler, Camp Lee, Va. Frey, Harry J. F., Private, Infantry, A. E. F. Frey, John L., Camp Meade, Md. Frey, Leon B., Officers' Training School, Camp Taylor, Ky. Frey, Lester J., Corporal, Signal Corps. Frey, Percy, U. S. Marines. Frey, Ralph Edward, Sergeant, Aero Supply Squadron. A. E. F. Frey, Robert S., Y. M. C. A., Divisional Secretary, A. E. F. Frey, Sylvester B., Infantry. Frey, Walter E., Camp Meade, Md. Frey, Wilbert, Private, Infantry, A. E. F. Wounded. Freysinger, Charles W., Private, Engineers, A. E. F. Freysinger, Josiah, Private, LT. S. Army, Manchester, Pa. Frisby, Robert C, Instructor, Field Artillery. Fritz, H. Herbert, Private, Ammunition Train, A. E. F. Fritz, Henry J., Ambulance Service. Frock, Clarence, LT. S. Infantry. Frock, Sterling, Private, Field Artillery Band, A. E. F. Frock, Walter, Infantry, Corporal, A. E. F. Frock, Donovan H,, U. S. Navy. Fry, Arthur, Private, Coast Artillery, A. E. F. Fry, Calvin, U. S. Infantry. Fry, Leslie A., Private, V. S. Army, Troop G., Cavalry Corps. Fry, Oscar, Private, Infantry, A. E. F. Killed. Fry, Percy J., Tank Corps. Frysinger, Jacob, Ordnance. Frysinger, Paul, Private, Infantry, A. E. F. Fuhrman, Arthur A., S. A. T. C. Pennsylvania College, Gettysburg, Pa. Fuhrman, Edward F., U. S. Infantry, Camp Lee. Va. Fuhrman, Herbert S., U. S. Infantry, Camp Lee, Va., A. E. F. Fuhrman, Paul W., Camp Meade, Md. Fuhrman, William C, Camp Meade, Md., A. E. F. Wounded. FuLLERTON, Chancey, Sergeant, Signal Corps, A. E. F. Fulton, Chester A., Limited Service, Camp Dix, N. J. [ 161 1 Fulton, Clarence T., Private, Coast Artillery, A. E. F. Fulton, Harold R., Medical Corps. Fulton. Harry C, Medical Corps, A. E. F. Fulton, McKindley, U. S. Navy. Fulton, Roland M., Private, Medical Corps, A. E. F. Fulton, Ross W., Private, Ammunition Train, A. E. F. Funk, John F., Private, Medical Corps, Evacuation Hospital No. 2., A. E. F. Furlong, John Jr., U. S. Navy. Gable, Alvin, Sergeant, U. S. Infantry. Gable, Hebbert E., Camp Meade, Md. Gable, James R., U. S. Army, York, Pa. Gable, Joseph R., Private, Infantry Rand, A. E. F. Gable. William, Limited Service, Camp Dix, N. J. Gailey, John Webster, Private, S. A. T. C. University of Pennsylvania. Gailey, J. Wilson, Private, Ambulance Service, A. E. F. Killed. D. S. C, Croix de Guerre. Galbreadth, Clarence C, Private, Medical Replacement LTnit, A. E. F. Galbreadth, William H., Second Lieutenant, Field Artillery. Gallagher, Joseph F. Jr., Quartermaster, Navy, A. E. F. Gallagher, Joseph F., First Class Quartermaster, LT. S. N.. R. F. Gallagher, Joseph S., Private, Engineers, A. E. F. Gallatin, Ervin C, U. S. Infantry. Gallatin, Wilbur P., Aviation Service, Accountant. Galligan, John J.. Private. Ice Plant Unit No. 301, A. E. F. Ganther, George R., Limited Service. Gantz, Cortex C, Infantry, C. 0. T. S. Gantz, Gleason E., Private, Quartermaster Corps. A. E. F. Gantz, Howard M., Corporal, Infantry, A. E. F. Wounded and Gassed. Gantz, James A., Sergeant, Infantry. Gantz, Ray, LT. S. Artillery. Gantz, Raymond A., U. S. Army, York, Pa. Gantz, Robert J., Navy, LI. S. S. Mexico. Garber, Earl, LI. S. Army, Hanover, Pa.. A. E. F. Gardner, Frank E., Private, Ordnance, LI. S. Army, York, Pa. Died. Gardner, Michael, Canadian Army, A. E. F. Killed. Gardner, Miss Nina, Red Cross Nurse, Camp Meade, Md. Garman, Chester, Columbus Rarracks, Ohio. Garner, Norman L., LI. S. Army, York, Pa. Garrett, Addison E., First Lieutenant, Camp Lee, Va. Garrett, Alfred S., Camp Meade, Aid. Garrett, Claude, Private, Infantry, A. E. F. Garrett, Edward M., Private, Camp Meade, Md., A. E. F. Garrett, George L., Corporal, Aviation Corps. Garrett, Henry H., Aviation Corps. Garrett, John A., Private, 305th Ammunition Train, A, E. F. Garrett, Mark E., LI. S. Army, Hanover, Pa. Garrett, Paul Allen, Sergeant, Infantry, A. E. F. Garrett, Paul R., S. A. T. C. Pennsylvania College, Gettysburg, Pa. Garrett, Richard, Private, Artillery, A. E. F. [ 162 1 Garrett, Robert A., Private, Engineers, A. E. F. Garrett, Selamn, Delta, Pa., A. E. F. Garrett, Walter, Camp Meade, Md. Garrett, Walter S., Sergeant, Automobile Repairing Corps. Died. Garrety, Joseph N., Carpenter's Mate, Navy, A. E. F. Gartman, George E., Sergeant, Coast Artillery. Gartside, Frederick Noble, Officer, Infantry. Prisoner of War. Garver, George J., First Lieutenant, Infantry, A. E. F. Garver, Mrs. George J., Army Nurse. Gass, Raymond L., Hanover, Pa., A. E. F. Wounded. Gatchel, Victor, Camp Wadsworth, S. C. Gates, Lloyd E., Ice Plant Unit No. 30L A. E. F. Geesey, Albert S., S. A. T. C. Pennsylvania State College, State College, Pa. Geesey, Augustus, Camp Meade, Md. Geesey, Austin P., Corporal, Infantry, A. E. F. Gassed. Geesey, Charles, FT. S, Army, Dallastown, Pa. Geesey, Claude E., Private, Machine Gun Battalion. A. E. F. Gassed. Geesey, Walter Leon, Apprentice Seaman, Navy. Submarine Patrol B- 17. Geesey, Herbert, Navy, U. S. S. Nashville. Geesey, Roy L., S. A. T. C. University of Pittsburgh, Pa. Geesey, William B., Chief Machinist's Mate, Navy. Geesey, William C, Private, Hospital Corps. Geesey, William F., Private, Infantry, A. E. F. Died of Pneumonia. Geesey, Wilson A., Infantry, A. E. F. Wounded and Gassed. Gehb, Robert C, Company C, .313th Infantry, A. E. F. Gehring, Edward, LI. S. Artillery. Gehring, William F., Corporal, Machine Gun BattaUon, A. E. F. Killed. Geise, Henry F., Sergeant, Infantry, A. E. F. Geiselman, Arthur W., Private, Infantry, with Iron Division, A. E. F. Missing. Geisselman, Ellis H , Lieutenant, Navy, U. S. S. Destroyer Stewart, A. E. F. Geiselman, Myron B., Sergeant, Marine Corps, A. E. F. Wounded. Geiser, John W., Private, Artillery, A. E. F. Wounded. Killed. Gemmill, Charles, Signal Corps. Gemmill, Everett R., Bugler, Engineers, A. E. F. Gemmill, Harry R., Apprentice Seaman, Navy. Gemmill, James St. Clair, Infranty, A. E. F. Gemmill, John C, Camp Meade, Md. Gemmill, Myrtle, Nurse, in England. Gemmill, Paul F., Limited Service, Syracuse, N. Y. Gemmill, Robert L., Camp Lee, Va. Gemmill, Roy L., Rifle Range Sharp Shooter, Infantry, A. E. F. Gemmill, Thomas H., Coast Artillery. Gennet, Earl E., U. S. Army, York, Pa. Gentzler, Charles F., U. S. Infantry. Gentzler, Chauncey F., Corporal, Infantry. Gentzler, Harley E., Corporal, Company F., 307th Engineers, A. E. F. Gentzler, Jennings M., S. A. T. C. Pennsylvania College, Gettysburg, Pa. Gentzler, Merel F., Private, Engineers, A. E. F. [ 163 1 Gentzlek, Spruce, Private, Infantry, A. E. F. Gentzler, William H., Private, Motor Transport. Geoins, Benjamin, Bricklayer, Fort Wayne, Ind. (Colored.) Gephart, Joseph M., Camp Lee, Va. Gerber, Ivan, S. A. T. C. Lehigh University. Gerber, Stewart, S. A. T. C. Pennsylvania State College, State College, Pa. Gerberick, George Franklin, Navy. Gerberick, Horace E., Engineers. Gerberick, Quentin, Private, Infantry, A. E. F. Killed. Gerberick, Warren V., Camp Lee, Va. Gerkensmeyer, H. a.. Private, Engineers, A. E. F. Gettier, Charles E., Private, Provisional Company, A. E. F. Gettle, Alexander B., Private, Infantry, A. E. F. Gettle, Berry, Private, Infantry, A. E. F. Gettle, James, LI. S. Army, York, Pa. Gettle, Bobert S.. Camp Meade, Md., A. E. F. Gettle, Thomas B., Camp Meade, Md., A. E. F. Gettys, Joseph E., Camp Meade, Md. Getz, John L., S. A. T. C. State College. Gibbons, Valentine E., Camp Custer, Michigan. (Colored.) GiBBS, Charles F., Sergeant, Infantry, A. E. F. Gibbs, Charles B., Limited Service, Fort Slocum, N. Y. GiBBS, Harry S., Private, Ice Plant Unit No. 301, A. E. F. Gibbs, Joseph W., Private, Camp Meade, Md., A. E. F. Gibbs, Balph E., S. A. T. C. State College. Gibbs, Bussell, Camp Meade, Md. Gibbs, Walter S., Musician, Artillery, A. E. F. Gibson, Daniel N., Camp Custer, Mich. (Colored.) Gibson, Evelyn F., Nurse, Camp Sheridan, Ala. Gibson, John, Camp Meade, Md. (Colored.) Gibson, Lawrence W., Private, Infantry. Fractured Arm. Gibson, Samuel M., S. A. T. C. Wilberforce University, Ohio, A. E. F. Gilbert, Arthur, Coxswain, U. S. Navy. Gilbert, Frank Benjamin, Sergeant, LT. S. Army, East Prospect, Pa. Gilbert, Howard H., Private, Infantry, A. E. F. Wounded. Gilbert, John H., Major, Medical Corps, U. S. Army. Gilbert, Leon A., Blacksmith. (Colored.) Gilbert, Melvin L., Private, Infantry. Gilbert, M. L., Camp Lee, Va. Gilbert, Mervin Henry, Sergeant, Camp Gordon. Gilbert, Penrose M., Private, Aviation. Gilbert, Thomas A., First Class Private, Ammunition Train, A. E. F. Gill, David E., U. S. Army, New Bridgeton, Pa. Gill, Henry H., LT. S. Army, New Bridgeton, Pa. Gill, Thomas C, B. D. No. 4, York, Pa., A. E. F. Gill, William S., Private, Infantry, A. E. F. Wounded. Gillen, Curvin S., Sergeant, Infantry. GiLLEN, Wilbur, U. S. Army, York Haven, Pa. [ 164 1 Gillespie, Ray, Private, U. S. Army, York, Pa. Gillespie, Samuel, Private, Infantry. Gilmer, Samuel L., Second Officers' Training Camp. GiLSON, Marion, Nurse, A. E. F. GiNGERiCH, George E., Private, Infantry, A. E. F. GiNGERiCH, Bernard N., Medical Corps, A. E. F. GiNGERiCH, Lawrence E., Private, Field Artillery Band, A. E. F. GiNGERiCH, Lester E., Private, S. A. T. C. Pennsylvania College, Gettysburg, Pa. GiNTER, Ervin L., Limited Service, Camp Greenleaf, Ga. GiNTLiNG, Curtis C, Private, Camp Wadsworth, S. C. GiSE, Alvin L., Limited Service, Camp Greene, S. C. GiSE, Charles N., U. S. Army, York, Pa. GiSE, Frank G., Corporal, Ice Plant Unit No. 301, A. E. F. GiSE, Robert E., Private, Camp Meade, Md. GiTT, George D., S. A. T. C. University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pa. Gitt, Harry N., Second Lieutenant, Instructor Union College, Schenectady, N. Y. GiTTLESON, Mitchell, Private, Signal Corps. GivENS, M. B., Seaman, U. S. Navy. Givens, Charles E., Private, 163rd Infantry, Camp Lee, Va., A. E. F. GivENS, John, Private, Infantry, A. E. F. Wounded. Givens, Mack, U. S. Navy. Givens, McKinley, Seaman, U. S. Navy. Givens, Roy, U. S. Navy. Glatfelter, Adam F., Corporal, Infantry, A. E. F. Gladfelter, Arthur J., Private, Aviation, A. E. F. Gladfelter, Clifford L., S. A. T. C. Millersville Normal School. Gladfelter, Earl G., Private, Infantry, A. E. F. Gladfelter, Earl G., Private, Ice Plant Unit No. 301, A. E. F. Gladfelter, Edward A., Private, U. S. Army, R. D. No. 1, Spring Grove, Pa. Gladfelter, Evan R., Private, 7th Cavalry. Gladfelter, George S., Private, Camp Meade, Md. Gladfelter, Guy V., U. S. Infantry. Gladfelter, Horace H., Private, Machine Gun Battalion, A. E. F. Gladfelter, Jesse V., Yoeman, U. S. Navy. Gladfelter, John R., Corporal, Camp Lee, Va. Gladfelter, Miltie Q., Private, Aviation. Gladfelter, Oscar L., Private, Ice Plant Unit No. 301, A. E. F. Gladfelter, R. P., Private, Camp Greenleaf, Ga.. A. E. F. Gladfelter, Wiltie I., Private, Aviation. Gladfelter, Auburn H., Sergeant, Camp Meade, Md., A. E. F. Glassick, Gordon, Private, Cavalry, A. E. F. Glatfelter, Clarence Jr., Private, Infantry and Machine Gun, A. E. F. Gassed. Glatfelter, Clark W., Private, Depot Brigade. Glatfelter, Earl E., U. S. Army, York, Pa. Glatfelter, Earl G., Private, Camp Lee, Va. Glatfelter, Eugene, Sergeant, Infantry, A. E. F. Glatfelter, Frank, Private, Infantry Band, A. E. F. Glatfelter, Harry R., Private, Medical Corps. [ 165 1 Glatfelter, J. H., Corporal, Headquarters Company, U. S. Infantry. Glatfelter, Jesse 0., Private, Depot Brigade. Glatfelter, Philip H., First Lieutenant, Ordnance Department, A. E. F. Glatfelter, Walter L., Private, Engineers, A. E. F. Glatfelter, Walter S., Private, Headquarters Company, A. E. F. Glatfelter, William H., Sergeant, Infantry, A. E. F. Wounded. Gleason, Francis Peter, Mechanic. Aviation, U. S. Navy, A. E. F. Gleason, John F., Sergeant, Infantry, A. E. F. Gleason, Joseph Leo, S. A. T. C. State College, Pa. Glessner, G. W., Second Class Quartermaster, Navy, Transport Montana (torpedoed). Glessner, H. a.. Private, Ammunition Train, A. E. F. Glessner, Samuel Y., \J. S. Army, Goldsboro, Pa. Glessner, William, Camp Meade, Md. Glosser, Oscar, LT. S. Infantry. Glosser, William R., Private, Development Battalion. Gnainto, Lorenzo, LI. S. Army, York, Pa. Gnau, Joseph, Horse Shoer, LI. S. Army. Gnau, Harry E., Cook and Mess Sergeant, Quartermaster Corps. Gobrecht, Emory A., Camp Lee, Va. GoBRECHT, Levi J., Private, Infantry, A. E. F. GocHENOUR, Olive K., Nurse, Camp Lee, Va. GoDASKY, Anthony, Private, LI. S. Infantry. Goff, Anna Romaine, Nurse, A. E. F. GoHN, Benjamin F., Private, Camp Greenleaf, Ga. Gohn, Charles N., Camp Meade, Md., East Prospect, Pa. GoHN, Morris N., Private, Medical Corps. GoHN, Paul, LI. S. Infantry. Gohn, William H., Private, LI. S. Infantry. GoHN, William J., Camp Meade, Md. Golden, Albert W., Corporal, Mortor Supply Train, A. E. F. Golden, Charles R., Wagoner, Ambulance Corps, A. E. F. Good, Charles H., Private, Infantry, A. E. F. Wounded. Good, Charles H., Apprentice Seaman, U. S. Navy. Good, Claude R., Musician, Convalescent Camp Band, A. E. F. Good, Curvin F., Engineers, Camp Meade, Md. Good, Earl C, Sergeant, Infantry, A. E. F. Wounded. Good, Elmer, LI. S. Army, Camp Dix, N. J. Good, Gilbert, Private, U. S. Army, A. E. F. Good, Jacob D., Private, Field Artillery, A. E. F. Good, Melvin J., Private, Engineers, A. E. F. Good, Morris L., Sergeant, Aviation Corps. Good, Robert W., Private, Artillery, A. E. F. Goodling, Atlee, U. S. Marine Corps. Goodling, Donald W., Motor Transporation Corps, A. E. F. Goodling, George W., Ice Plant Unit No. 30L A. E. F. Goodling, Howard L., Private, Infantry, A. E. F. Killed. Goodling, Paul P., Camp Meade, Md. Goodwin, Adam D., Private, Infantry, A. E. F. Gordon, Arthur S., S. A. T. C. Lafayette College. [ 166 1 Gordon, Harry M., Private, Infantry, A. E. F. Wounded. Gordon, John C, U. S. Army. R. D. No. 2, Laurel. Pa. GoRTMAN, Elmer, Private, Infantry (City Board). GoRTNER, Odgen C, S. A. T. C. Pennsylvania State College. GosNELL, Frank K., Cook, Infantry, A. E. F. GosNELL, John H., Aviation Corps. GoTTLEiB, Abraham, Seaman, U. S. Navy. GoTTLEiB, Samuel A., Camp Lee, Va. GoTWALD, Luther A., Second Lieutenant, Coast Artillery. GoTWALD, George A., U. S. Army, R. D. No. 7, York, Pa. GoTWALD, Edwin T., U. S. Army, York, Pa. GoTWALT, Charles E., Camp Lee, Va. GoTWALT, Earl A., Limited Service, Fort Thomas, Ky. GoTWALT, Fred. A., Sergeant, Medical Corps. A. E. F. GoTWALT, George W., Private, Engineers. GoTWALT, Paul K., Private, Motor Supply Train, A. E. F. GoTWALT, Ralph, Private, LT. S. Infantry. GoTWALT, Spurgeon, Camp Meade, Md. Grabill, Charles N., Private, Engineers. Graff, George W., Officer, Infantry. Graff, George W., Camp Lee, Va., C. 0. T. S. Graham, Clarence S., Camp Meade, Md. Graham, David 0., Private, Infantry, A. E. F. Wounded. Graham, Edwin B., Private, Infantry, A. E. F. Graham, George F., Camp Meade, Md. Graham, Harry F., Camp Meade, Md. Graham, Ivan C, Private, LT. S. Infantry. Graham, Ivan, Private, U. S. Infantry. Gramlick, Ernest J., Private, Infantry. Gramlich, Walter F., Captain, Coast Artillery, A. E. F. Gramlick, William F., U. S. Army. Grant, Spotzwood D., Second Officers' Training Camp. Gray, Eugene, U. S. Cavalry. Gray, William, Seaman, Navy, U. S. S. Louisiana. Gbaybill, Charles W., Camp Meade, Md. Graybill, Clarence A., Private, Ice Plant Unit No. 30L A. E. F. Graybill, George W., Private, First Class, Motor Transport Corps. Graybill, Joseph Warren, Private, Ice Plant Unit No. 301, A. E. F. Graybill, Millard, Private, Field Artillery, A. E. F. Graybill, Wayne E., Private, Engineers, A. E. F. Greeg, James, Private, Ice Plant Unit No. 301, A. E. F. Greeg, William F. Jr., Private, Ice Plant Unit No. 301, A. E. F. Green, Charles, Private, Camp Meade, Md. Green, Earl F., Private, Infantry. Green, E. G., U. S. Engineers. Green, Lewis E., U. S. Engineers. Green, Lewis N., Private, Cavalry. Green, Melvin, Private, U. S. Army, York, Pa. [ 167 1 Greenaway, David J., S. A. T. C. Leland Stanford University, Cal. Greenaway, William T., Private, Camp Meade, A. E. F. Greenebaum, Jerome, Yoeman, Navy. Greenewalt, George F., Private, Infantry. Greenewalt, Henry S., Second Lieutenant, Aviation. Injured in Accident. Greenewalt, Kent, Private, U. S. Infantry. Greenfield, Harry B., Sergeant, Medical Corps, A. E. F. Greenholtz, George, Private, Military Police, A. E. F. Greer, Goodridge M., Y. M. C. A. Greiman, Paul G., Private, Columbus, Ohio. Grieman, William McKinley, Private, Medical Corps, A. E. F. Gress, Roy W.. Fireman, First Class, U. S. Navy. Griffith, James, Private, Ice Plant Unit No. 301, A. E. F. Griffith, Robert N., Private, Medical Corps. Grignano, Guiseppe, Private, Camp Greenleaf, Ga. Grim, Allen A., Private, Ice Plant Unit No. 301, A. E. F. Grim, Adam F., U. S. Army, York, Pa. Grim, Archibald P., Private, Camp Meade, Md., A. E. F. Grim, Charles B., Machinist Mate, U. S. Navy. Grim, Charles C, Mechanic, Easton, Pa. Grim, Clyde C, Training Camp. Grim, Curtis R., Private, Ammunition Train, A. E. F. Grim, Ervin H., Private, Camp Meade, Md. Grim, Finley O., Private, Camp Meade, Md. Grim, Floyd E., Private, Infantry. Grim, Norman M. B., Private, Aviation, A. E. F. Grim, Ralph A., Private, Camp Meade, Md. Grim, Tibertus P., Private, Camp Meade, Md. Grim, Walter E., Private, Camp Meade, Md. Grimes, Charles C, Private, Camp Meade, Md. Grimes, Elwood C, Seaman, Naval Reserves. Grimm, Clyde C, Private, Locomotive Engineers. Grimm, Nevin 0., Private, Camp Meade, Md. Grissinger, H. M., Seaman, U. S. Navy. Grissinger, J. M. Dr., Colonel, Medical Corps, A. E. F. Grist, John W., Private, Infantry. Groff, Lawrence E., Traffic Service. Groft, Raymond P., Limited Service, Fort Slocum, N. Y. Groseman, Clark, Private, Infantry. Gross, Andrew A., Private, Camp Meade, Md. Gross, Augustus L., Private, Ice Plant Unit No. 301, A. E. F. Gross, Charles, Private, LI. S. Army, Newberry Township. Cly, Pa., A. E. F. Gross. Charles, Private, Camp Meade, Md., A. E. F. Gross, Charles A., Aviation Corps. Gross, Charles A., Private, Marine Corps. Gross, Chauncey M., Privae, Camp Meade, Md., A. E. F. Gross, Clarence A.. First Class Private, Depot Brigade. Band. Gross, Clyde A., Private, Engineers, A. E. F. Gross, Earl E., Apprentice Seaman, Navy. [ 168 1 Gross, George A., Private, Engineers. Gross, Chatjncey M., Private, Camp Meade, Md., A. E. F. Gross, Earl E., Apprentice Seaman, Navy. Gross, George A., Private, Engineers. Gross, Harry H., Sergeant, Field Artillery, A. E. F. Gross, Harvey M., Private, Engineers, A. E. F. Gross, Howard H., S. A. T. C. Franklin and Marshall, Lancaster, Pa. Gross, James Rudisill, Private, Ammunition Train, A. E. F. Gross, Jerry, Private, Camp Sherman. Ohio, and Camp Dix, N. J. Gross, Jesse, Private. Camp Lee, Va. Gross, John B., Private, Camp Meade, Md. Gross, John E., Private, Infantry, Camp Meade, Md., and Camp Gordon, Ala. Gross, Larue G., LT. S. Army, York, Pa. Gross, Lester Lewis, Private, Infantry, A. E. F. Gassed. Gross, Maurice P., Private, Signal Corps. Gross, Marguriete, Nurse. Gross, Russell, Ice Plant Unit No. 30L A. E. F. Gross, Morriss, U. S. Infantry. Gross, Paul, LI. S. Army, North Codorus Township, Pa., A. E. F. Gross, Rankin S., Private, Heavy Field Artillery. Gross, Raymond A., Private, Ice Plant Unit No. 301, A. E. F. Gross, Raymond R., Clerk, Transport Service. Gross, W. G., U. S. Army, Columbus, Ohio. Gross, Wehrly, Private, Engineers, A. E. F. Gross, William, Private, Infantry. Grothe, Davis, U. S. Army, York, Pa., A. E. F. Grothe, Edna, Nurse, A. E. F. Grothe, Harry A., Private, Engineers, A. E. F. Grothe, Vernon, Officers' Training Camp, Camp Lee, Va. Grothe, William H., Private, Infantry, A. E. F. Grove, Allen, U. S. Army, R. D. No. 2, York. Pa. Grove, Austin C, Second Lieutenant, Camp Meade, Md. Grove, Austin L., Private, Engineers, later Artillery, A. E. F. Killed in Infantry. Grove, Curvin A., Second Lieutenant, Camp Meade, Md. Grove, Charles G., First Lieutenant, Engineers, A. E. F Grove, Earl, Aviation Corps. Grove, Emanuel, Private, Infantry. Grove, Emory A., Private, Engineers, A. E. F. Grove, Guy W., Pharmicist Mate, Second Class, U. S. Navy. Grove, Harry E., Private, Infantry, A. E. F. Grove, Jesse M., Private, Camp Meade, Md. Grove, Joseph G., Private, Engineers, A. E. F. CrRovE, Luther Earl, Private, 182d Aero Squadron, A. E. F. Grove, Marvin M., Sergeant, Quartermaster Corps, Camp Lee. Grove, Mervin W., Seaman, U. S. Navy. Grove, Norman, Private, Infantry, A. E. F. (iROVE, Ray S., U. S. Infantry. (JROVE, Roy C, Private, Machine Gun Company, A. E. F. I 169 1 Grove, Roy H., Sergeant, Infantry, A. E. F. Died of Influenza. Grove, Samuel, Private, Camp Meade, Md., A. E. F. Wounded. Grove, Spurgeon, Private, U. S. Infantry. Grove, Stewart, Private, Field Artiflery. Grove, Walter E., Private, Infantry, A. E. F. Killed. Grove, William M., S. A. T. C. Pennsylvania State CoUege. Gruver, Abraham M., Private, Infantry. Gruver, Ellers L., Private, Infantry, Hawaiian Islands. Gruver, Elmer M., Private, Aviation. Gruver, Harry W., Apprentice Seaman, Navy. GuANANTO, Lorenzo, U. S. Army, York, Pa. Gulden, Arthur I., S. A. T. C. Pennsylvania State College. Gulden, Chester, Second Class Seaman, Navy. Gulden, Elmer L., Private, Aviation. Gulden, Elmer L., U. S. Army, York, Pa. GuNNET, William J. B., Private, Camp Greenleaf, Ga. GuYER, Lloyd W., Private, Ice Plant Unit No. 301, A. E. F. Haas, Horatio, Infantry, Private, A. E. F. Wounded. Haas, William F. Sr., Lieutenant, LT. S. Marines. Haas, William F., Corporal, Infantry, A. E. F. Gassed. Hager, J. Francis Rev., Chaplain in Navy. Hagerman, Ellsworth, Infantry, A. E. F. Hagerman, Francis, Corporal, Infantry. Hagerman, Lewis J., Coast Artillery. Hahn, Howard J., Engineers, A. E. F. Hahn, Paul, Hospital Corps. Hahn, Robert, Ammunition Train, A. E. F. Hailstock, Earl R. A., Camp Sherman, Ohio. (Colored.) Haines, C. L. Dr., Lieutenant, Naval Reserves. Haines, Henry L., Second Lieutenant, Infantry. Hake, Allen, Private, Tank Corps, A. E. F. Hake, Gerald E., Camp Meade, Md. Hake, Harry F., Yoeman, Navy, Convoying Transports. Hake, Harry G., Private, Medical Corps, A. E. F. Hake, Harvey G., Engineers, A. E. F. Hake, Joseph, Private, Ambulance Corps, A. E. F. Gassed and Wounded. Hake, Joseph D., Camp Greenleaf, Ga. Hake, Lawrence Marvin, Private, Aviation. Hake, Warren Leroy, Private, Infantry, A. E. F. Hake, William, U. S. Navy. Hake, William R., Corporal, Coast Artillery, A. E. F. Hake, Wilmer G., Radio, First Class, League Island. Haker, Walter E., Sergeant, Field Artillery. Haldeman, Lewis E., Electrical School, Erie, Pa. Hale, John C, Corporal, Infantry, A. E. F. Wounded. Hale, Stanley, Infantry, A. E. F. Wounded. Hall, Clifford J., Chief of Section, Petty Officer, LI. S. Navy. [ 170 1 Hall, Elmer William, Private, Military Police, A. E. F. Hall, Harry A., U. S. Infantry. Hall, Harry S., U. S. Navy. Hall, Richard F., Ambulance Unit. Hall, Stewart, U. S. Army, York, Pa. Hallison, Wm., Sergeant, Motor Transport Corps. Halloran, Anna, Stenographer in Base Hospital, A. E. F. Halpin, William, Navy, A. E. F. Ham, Edgar, Ice Plant Unit No. 301, A. E. F. Hamme, Alfred J., Bowman Technical School, Lancaster, Pa. Hamm, Charles C, U. S. Infantry. Hamm, Charles S., S. A. T. C. State College. Hamme, C. J. Dr., Medical Reserve Corps. Not Called. Hamme, Curvin L., Camp Meade, Md. Hamme, Eugene, Signal Corps. Hamme, Howard, Ambulance Corps, A. E. F. Hammer, William C, U. S. Army, R. D. No. 2, Stewartstown, Pa., A. E. F. Handy, Charles A. W., Sergeant, Motor Transport Corps. Hankey, Ralph L., Infantry. Hannigan, Chester, Warrant Officer, Navy, A. E. F. Died. Hannigan, Dale, Corporal, Marine Corps. Hannigan, Howard C, Private, Engineers, A. E. F. Hannigan, Melvin F., U. S. Navy. Hannigan, Roscoe, First Lieutenant, Medical Corps, A. E. F. Gassed. Hannigan, Roy, U. S. Infantry. Hannigan, Walter M., Camp Greenleaf, Ga. Hannigan, W. B., Camp Lee, Va. Hannigan, William, Naval Reserves. Hanning, George F., Hospital Corps. Hansell, Charles F., Gunner's Mate on U. S. S. Connecticut. Hanson, Harvey J., Aviation Corps, U. S. Army, York, Pa. Harbold, Allen H., U. S. Army, York, Pa. Harbold, Benjamin F., Sergeant, Aviation, A. E. F. Harbold, Bruce, Private, Engineers, A. E. F. Harbold, John E., Infantry, A. E. F. Hardeman, C. A., Camp Custer, Mich. (Colored.) Harding, William I., Fort Thomas, Ky. Hare, Elmer W., U. S. Infantry. Hare, Leroy, Baking Company, A. E. F. Haring, William H., Private, Infantry. Harkins, Herbert, LI. S. Infantry. Harlacker, Chester P., Camp Lee, Va. Harlacker, Currie a., U. S. Army, York, Pa. Harlacker, Walter M., Camp Lee, Va. Harlacker, William Jr., Second Class Boatswain Mate, U. S. S. Craven. Harley, Harry J., Aero Squadron. Harmon, Charles L., Camp Meade, Md. Harman, Earl G., Private, Infantry. Shot at Camp Hancock, Ga. Died. [171] Harman, George C, Camp Dix, N. J. Limited Service. Harman, Marvin, Private, Infantry. Harmon, Ambrose, First Class Fireman, U. S. Navy. Harmon, Harry, Sergeant, Infantry, Camp Lee, Va. Harmon, Robert S., Hospital Corps. Harmon, Rosser G., Ice Plant Unit No. 301, A. E. F. Harmon, Harvey E., Camp Meade, Md. Harner, Luther A., Infantry, A. E. F. Harold, David D., Private, U. S. Army. (Colored.) Harold, Earl J., U. S. Infantry. Harold, John E., LI. S. Infantry. Harris, John E., Signal Corps. Harris, Joseph, Camp Custer, Mich. (Colored.) Harris, John E., Signal Corps. Harris, Joseph, Camp Custer, Mich. (Colored.) LIarris, Max. B., Sergeant, Camp Lee, Va. Hart, Harry L., S. A. T. C. State College, Pa. Hart, Leroy, S. A. T. C. State College, Pa. Hart, Lloyd E., Private, Machine Gun Battalion. Hart, Roy C, Medical Corps. In England. Hart, William D., S. A. T. C. State College, Pa. Hartman, Carl R., Corporal, Infantry, A. E. F. Hartman, Charles A., Canadian Army. Hartman, Eaton A., Infantry, A. E. F. Hartman, C. L., Camp Greenleaf, Ga. Hartman, Eugene, Camp Greenleaf, Ga. Hartman, Fred. A., Technical Training, Lehigh LTniversity. Hartman, Harry L, LT. S. Infantry. Hartman, John F., Private, Company A, 109th Machine Gun Battahon, A. E. F. Hartman, Lawton M. Jr., Captain, Medical Corps, A. E. F. Hartman, Maurice P., Private, Aviation. Hartman, Moise E., Sergeant, Infantry, A. E. F. Hartman, Paul B., Limited Service. Hartman, Paul W., Camp Meade, Md. Hartman, Spurgeon, Private, Hospital Corps. Hartman, Sylvester, Private, A. E. F. Prisoner of War. Hartman, Thomas, LI. S. Navy. Hartman, William E., Private, U. S. Army, York, Pa. Hartman, John Frank, Private, Machine Gun Battahon, A. E. F. Hartsough, Howard C, Veterinary Company, Remount Depot, Machine Gun Battalion, A. E. F. Hartsough, Lloyd B., Coxswain, LI. S. Navy, U. S. S. Nicholson, A. E. F. Harvey, Harry J., LI. S. Infantry. Harvey, Theodore, Navy, U. S. S. Carolina. Hassler, Warren W., Radio Service, Signal Corps. Hassler, Worley a., LI. S. Infantry. Haugh, Raymond, Labor Battalion, A. E. F. Haupt, Lester E., Corporal, Field Artillery, A. E. F. Haverstick, Charles, Camp Meade, Md. r 172 1 Hawk, Wilbur F., Private, Trench Mortars, A. E. F. Ha WRINGS, Edward Arlington, S. A. T. C. Pennsylvania College, Gettysburg, Pa. Hawkins, Harry D., Camp Meade, Md. Hawkins, Martin, Electrician in Army, A. E. F. Hawkins, Martin R., Gun Pointer, Navy, U. S. S. Florida. Hawkins, Russell, U. S. Army, York, Pa. Hayburn, David E., Engineers, A. E. F. Hayes, Eurius C, U. S. Infantry. Killed. Hayes, Harry, Machine Gun Battalion, A. E. F. Wounded. Hays, Robert G., Private, Engineers, A. E. F. Hazelhurst, George A., Aviation, A. E. F. Headley, Marion C, First Class Storekeeper on U. S. S. Neptune, Navy, A. E. F. Heaps, Private, Infantry, A. E. F. Killed. Heathcote, Harry H., Limited Service, Camp Dix, N. J. Hebron, Charles, Camp Meade, Md. (Colored.) Heck, Bruce E., Private, Aviation, A. E. F. Heck, John G., U. S. Artillery. Hecker, Samuel E., U. S. Army, York, Pa. Heck, T. G., Camp Meade, Md. Heckert, Charles F., Corporal, Infantry. Heckert, Charles F., Limited Service, Camp Colt, Pa. Heckert, Chauncey, Camp Meade, Md. Heckert, Grant E., Private, Infantry, A. E. F. Wounded. Heckert, Harvey E., Private, Engineers, A. E. F. Heckert, James E., Columbus, Ohio, and Camp McArthur, Texas. Heckert, John C. Jr., U. S. Army, Dallastown, Pa. Heckert, Samuel E., Private, U. S. Marine Corps. Heckert, Walter A., U. S. Navy. Heddings, Guy M., Camp Lee, Va. Hedrick, George Franklin, Second Lieutenant, LI. S. Army. Hedrick, Holliday, Sergeant, 79th Division, Infantry, A. E. F. Wounded. Hedrick, William M., Camp Lee, Va. Heffner, John H., Private, Infantry, A. E. F. Wounded. Heffner, John R., Electrician State College. Heffner, Samuel B., U. S. Army, York, Pa. Heffner, Samuel B., Sergeant, Infantry, A. E. F. Wounded. Heffner, Walter, Camp Meade, Md. Heffner, Wesley, Private, Infantry, A. E. F. Died from Wounds. Heidler, Henry E., Corporal, Infantry, A. E. F. Gassed and Wounded. Heidler, Joseph N., U. S. Navy. Heidler, Maurice E., Camp Lee, Va. Heidler, Paul A., Medical Corps. Heiges, Calvin A., Pioneer Infantry, A. E. F. Heiges, Curvan B., First Class Petty Officer, U. S. Navy. Heiges, Russell S., Sergeant, Infantry, A. E. F. Height, David R., Sergeant, Infantry, A. E. F. (Colored.) Heikes, Francis L., Camp Meade, Md. Heiland, Harry J., Infantry, A. E. F. Heiland, Robert S., U. S. Artillery. [ 17.3 1 Heiland, Steward, Sergeant, U. S. Infantry, A. E. F Heilin, Augustus P., Camp Meade, Md. Heilman, Alexander P., Aviation Corps. Heilman, Arthur A., Field Artillery. Heilman, Charles W., Private, Aviation Corps. Heilman, David, Ice Plant Unit No. 301, A. E. F. Heilman, Emory, Private, Ambulance Corps, A. E. F. Heilman, Wilford, Private, Medical Corps. Heilman, John A., Carpenter at Cambridge Springs, Pa. Heilman, John T., Sergeant, Infantry. Heilman, Robert S., U. S. Army, York, Pa. Heilman, Stewart, U. S. Navy. Heilman, Vernon D., Corporal-Bugler, Aviation Corps. Heiman, Charles G., U. S. Army, York, Pa. Heiman, Harry S., U. S. Army, York, Pa. Hein, Chester C, U. S. Infantry. Hein, Lawrence, Private, Infantry, A. E. F. Heindel, Byrd S., Camp Lee, Va., A. E. F. Heindel, FIarrison D., Camp Lee, Va. Died. Heindel, John S., S. A. T. C. University of Pittsburgh. Heindel, John Krebs, Private, Aviation, Forestry Replacement Battalion. Heindel, Mamie, Nurse, A. E. F. Heiner, Charles E., Mechanic at Erie, Pa. Heiner, Charles H., Camp Meade, Md. Heininger, Augustus, U. S. Army, York, Pa. Heininger, Jacob W., Camp Meade, Md., A. E. F. Heininger, William, U. S. Army, York, Pa. Heiss, Elmer D., S. A. T. C. Lebanon Valley College. Heiser, Elmer V., Private, Infantry, A. E. F. Heisey, Paul W., Private, Limited Service. Heisler, John S., Camp Meade, Md. Heiss, Curwin H., Camp Meade, Md., A. E. F. Killed. Heiss, Elwood D., S. A. T. C. Heiss, Edward D., Private, Infantry. Died. Heiss, Walter M., Camp Meade, Md. A. E. F. Heist, Francis, Private, Infantry. Heist, J. Emory, Ice Plant Unit No. 301, A. E. F. Heistand, Herbert, Private, A. E. F. Missing in Action. Heitzel, Allen Edgar, Camp Lee, Va. Helb, Curtis G., Gas Flame Service, Philadelphia, Pa. Helder, Oran, Camp Lee, Va. Helfrick, Joseph, S. A. T. C. University of Pittsburgh, Pa. Heller, Charles H., U. S. Marines. Heller, John W., U. S. Infantry. Helman, Harry G., Private, Infantry, A. E. F. Helt, Arthur K. L., U. S. Army, York, Pa. Heltzel, Allen E., Private, Infantry, A. E. F. Heltzel, Albert, Signal Corps. Heltzel, James E., U. S. Navy. [ 174] Heltzel, John Edward, Seaman, Navy, A. E. F. Decorated for Bravery, Guiding Ship. Hemler, Charles W., Private, Medical Corps, A. E. F. Hench, George Harold, C. 0. T. S. 20th Company, 5th BattaHon. Hench, Nevin F., Mariner in Emergency Fleet. Hendrix, a. F., Limited Service, Camp Dix, N. J. Hendricks, George S., Second Lieutenant, Chemical Warfare Service. Hendrickson, Elwood H., Corporal, Field Artillery. Hendrickson, Joseph Henry, Seaman, Navy, LI. S. S. Michigan. Drowned in Home Waters. Hendrickson, Samuel E., U. S. Infantry. Hengst, Cletus E., Camp Meade, Md., A. E. F. Hengst, Perry R., Corporal, Heavy Tank Corps, A. E. F. Wounded. Henise, Paul G., Private, Engineers, A. E. F. Henry, Chauncey P., Corporal, 304th Engineers, A. E. F. Henry, Horace L., Private, Artillery, A. E. F. Henry, John W., U. S. Navy. Henry, Newton E., Camp Lee, Va. Henry, Ralph S., U. S. Navy. Henry, Richard H., First Class Seaman, Navy. Henry, Robert M., Private, Artillery, A. E. F. Wounded. Hensel, C. Lester, U. S. Army, York, Pa. Henshaw, Harry, Private, Company L, 362nd Infantry, A. E. F. Wounded. Henshaw, James, Private, Field Artillery, A. E. F. Herbert, David, U. S. Army, R. D. No. 2, Felton, Pa. Herbert, Joseph G., Aviation Corps. Herbert, Philip, Private, Field Artillery, A. E. F. Herbert, William D., Lieutenant Colonel, Hospital Unit, A. E. F. Herbert, William L. Dr., Second Lieutenant. Veterinary, Reserve Camp. Herbst, David H., Seaman, Navy, U. S. S. Shawnut, A. E. F. Herbst, Dewey, U. S. Infantry. Herbst, Edwin P., Private, Infantry, A. E. F. Herbst, George E., Sergeant, Gas Regiment, A. E. F. Gassed. Herbst, George Washington, Corporal, S. A. T. C. University of Pittsburgh. Herbst, Jacob M., Private, Infantry. Herbst, James H., Private, Engineers, A. E. F. Herbst, Rene L., Second Lieutenant, Fourth Officers' Training Camp. Herr, Bruce, S. A. T. C. Pennsylvania State College, Pa. Herman, Charles, Camp Meade, Md. Herman, George, Sergeant, Field Artillery, A. E. F. Herman, Henry E., U. S. Army, York, Pa. Herman, Lloyd Henry, Private, Ice Plant Unit No. 301, A. E. F. Hermann, Luther IL, Private, Infantry, Headquarters Battalion, A. E. F. Hermann, Howard Stanley, Sergeant, Infantry, A. E. F., 79th Division. Wounded. Herman, Philip L., S. A. T. C. Lehigh College. Herrman, Walter B., Private, Infantry, A. E. F. Killed. Herman, William, Private, Camp Meade, Md. Hernon, Bruce, Private, Infantry. Herschner, Roy, Private, Infantry, A. E. F. Wounded. Hersh, Emory J., Ice Plant Unit No. 301, A. E. F. Hershey, Charles E., Private, Chemical Plant. [175] Hershey, Charles R., U. S. Army, Washington Township, Pa. Hershey, Eugene W., Limited Service. Camp Dix, N. J. Hershey, Maurice R., Aviation Corps. Hershey, Paul P., Private, Infantry. Hershey, Vernon, Limited Service, Camp Dix, N. J. Hess, Aaron Walter, Camp Meade, Md., and Camp McClellan, Ala. Hess, Rruce R., Private, U. S. Infantry. Hess, Charles R., Private, Infantry, A. E. F. Died while in Rattle. Hess, Earl L., U. S. Infantry. Hess, Edgar A., Corporal, U. S. Infantry. Hess, George H., Ice Plant Unit No. 301, A. E. F. Hess, G. L., Navy, U. S. S. Frederick. Hess, Harry F., Private, Infantry, A. E. F. Wounded. Hess, Harvey, Camp Gordon, Ga. Hess, John Edward, Sergeant, Machine Gun Rattalion, A. E. F. Hess, Lester R., S. A. T. C. LTniversity of Pittsburgh, Pa. Hess, Merl R., Private, U. S. Infantry. Hess, Michael D., Private, Headquarters Corps. Hess, Orion M., Camp Meade, Md. Hess, Paul K., Private, Ambulance Corps, A. E. F. Hess, Paul L., Private, S. A. T. C. Lafayette College. Hess, Paul Mitchell, Private, S. A. T. C. Swarthmore College. Hess, Samuel D., Camp Greenleaf, Ga., A. E. F. Hess, Samuel H., Private, Artillery. Hesse, Rev. C. F. V., Chaplain at Camp Taylor, Ky. Hesser, Reuben Fred., Naval Reserves. Hesser, Sylvester M., Naval Reserves. Hesson, Harry R., LT. S. Army, York, Pa. Hetrick, Howard G., Corporal, Motor Truck Co. Heuter, Fred., LI. S. Army, A. E. F. Hewitt, George, Camp Meade, Md. (Colored). Heyn, Alfred J., Corporal, Infantry Rand. Heyn, Howard, LI. S. Army, York, Pa. Heyn, James, LI. S. Infantry. Heyn, William, Camp Meade, Md. Hibner, Arthur W., Field Artillery. Hibner, Earl R., Sergeant, Aviation, A. E. F. Hibner, George W., Third Class Electrician, Navy, Italy. Hibner, Henry S. Jr., U. S. Cavalry. Hibner, Norman C, Private, Provisional Company, A. E. F. Hibner, Ralph, Corporal, Signal Corps, A. E. F. HiCKEY, Harry R., Private, Camp Meade, Md. HiCKEY, Theron J., Captain. Dental Reserves, A. E. F. HiCKEY, T. M., Camp Greenleaf, Ga. HiELL, Leroy, LI. S. Infantry. Hikes, Joseph A., Private, Aero Service. Hildebrand, Claire S., S. A. T. C. Second Lieutenant, Depot Rrigade. HiLDEBRAND, Charles W., Private, Machine Gun Rattalion, A. E. F. [176] HiLDEBRAND, Henry, Private. Columbus, Ohio. HiLDEBRAND, L. F., Private, Quartermaster Corps. HiLDEBRAND, Lloyd D., First Sergeant, Infantry, A. E. F. Wounded. HiLDEBRAND, Marvin S., Private, Infantry, A. E. F. HiLDEBRAND, Maurice, Aviation Corps. HiLDEBRAND, Marvin E., Private, Infantry. HiLDEBRAND, NoRMAN E., Private, Quartermaster Corps. HiLDEBRAND, Paul F., Corpoial, Musician. HiLDEBRAND, RoBERT T., Private, Infantry, A. E. F. HiLDEBRAND, Warren S., Sergeaut-Major. Infantry, A. E. F. HiLKER, Charles, Camp Meade, Md. Hilker, Chester, Camp Meade, Md. Hill, David C, Sergeant, Infantry. Hill, H. B., First Lieutenant, Ice Plant Unit No. .301. Hilt, George, Private, Infantry. HiMES, Harry J., Private, Military Police, A. E. F. Hill, J. H., First Lieutenant, Infantry, A. E. F. Hill, John F., Stevedore, Quartermaster Corps, A. E. F. (Colored.) Hinder, Andrew E., Private, Infantry, A. E. F. Hinder, David, Private, Infantry, A. E. F. HiNDERER, Andrew E., Columbus, Ohio. Hinkel, George B., S. A. T. C. University of Pittsburgh. HiNKEL, Herbert C, Signal Corps. HiNKLE, Raymond H., Private, Infantry. Hinkel, Raymond G., Spartansburg, A. E. F. Hirt, John E., Camp Wadsworth, S. C. HiRT, Paul A., Private, Infantry, A. E. F. Hitchcock, Ralph M., Camp Meade, Md. HivNER, Arthur J., Medical Corps. Hivner, Ralph, Columbus, Ohio. Hobbs, John E., Private, Hospital LTnit. HoBBS, Sergeant, Sergeant, Infantry. HocH, Reagan I., Private, Engineers, A. E. F. HocKE, Walter A., U. S. Navy. Hodgson, Charles, Private, Depot Brigade. Hodgson, Clarence, Corporal, Ice Plant Unit No. 301, A. E. F. Hodgson, G. W., Private, Camp Lee, Va. Hodgson, Clarence T., Ice Plant Unit No. 301, A. E. F. Hodgson, H. H., Private, Camp Greenleaf, Ga. Hoff, Harry H., LT. S. Marines. HoFF, Harold M., Private, Medical Corps, A. E. F. Hoff, Henry N., Private, Infantry, A. E. F. Hoff, Samuel F., Private, Infantry, A. E. F. Wounded. Hoffacker, Gullford D., Private, Motor Transport. Hoffnagle, Grant, Private, Ice Plant Unit No. 301, A. E. F. Hoffheins, Charles H., Sergeant, Infantry, A. E. F. Hoffheins, Edwin J., Camp Meade, Md. Hoffheins, Harry C, Private, Infantry, A. E. F. Wounded. L I" J HoFFHEiNS, Stewart C, Corporal, Field Artillery, A. E. F. Hoffman, Carl, Private, U. S. Army, R. D. No. 1, Dover, Pa., A. E. F. Hoffman, Clair F., Private, Quartermaster Corps. Hoffman, Daniel R., Private, Infantry, A. E. F. Hoffman, David, Private, Provisional Company. Hoffman, Edward A., Private, Ambulance Corps, A. E. F. Hoffman, George R., Private, Navy, U. S. S. President Lincoln, Torpedoed and Lost Life. Hoffman, J. A., Private, Engineering Corps, A. E. F. Hoffman. John Clifford, Sergeant, First Class, Air Service. Hoffman, Nevin Q., Corporal, Infantry, A. E. F. Wounded. Hoffman, Robert L., S. A. T. C. University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pa. Hoffman, Roy, Lieutenant, Camp Dix and Camp Taylor, Ky. HoGGMAN, William H., Private, Infantry, A. E. F. Wounded. Hoffmaster, Pius E., Private, Infantry, Company L, 16th Battalion, A. E. F. HoFFMASTER, Samuel E.. Private, Infantry. Hoffnagle, Bernard, Sergeant, Infantry. Hoffnagle, Francis, Private, Infantry, A. E. F. Hoffnagle, Paul V., Private, Camp Wadsworth, Ga., A. E. F. Hoke, Guy A. F., Private, Infantry. Hoke, Harry L., Private, Camp Lee, Va. Hoke, James, Private, Medical Corps. Hoke, Jesse, Private, Infantry. Hoke, Leander H., Corporal, Engineers, A. E. F. Hoke, Murray, Camp Greenleaf, Ga. Hoke, Nelson, Private, Camp Green, S. C. Hoke, William, U. S. Infantry. Hoke, William A., Sergeant, Camp Adjutant Detachment, Camp Meade, Md. Hoke, William D., Private, Motor BattaKon, A. E. F. Hoke, Solomon L., Private, S. A. T. C. LTrsinus College, CoUegeville, Pa. Holahan, James D., Private, Signal Corps, A. E. F. Holland, Arthur M., Seaman, Navy, Training Camp New York. Holland, Elmer E., Private, Group 3rd, M. G. Y. C. Hollander, Abe A., Private, Infantry. A. E. F. Hollander, Samuel M., Private, Columbus, Ohio. Holler, Ralph D., Private, LT. S. Infantry. Holler, Robert D., Private, Engineers, A. E. F. Hollinger, Aytown E., Corporal, Aviation, A. E. F. HoLLiNGER, D. S., Sergeant, Medical Corps. Hollinger, David H., Private, 318th Infantry, A. E. F. Hollinger, Leroy, Private, Gas Flame Service. Hollinger, Homer, Private, Machine Gun BattaHon, A. E. F. Missing. Hollinger, Samuel Jr., Private, Infantry, A. E. F. Runner of Battlefield. Hollinger, William, Private, Ice Plant Unit No. 301, A. E. F. Holloran, Anna, Stenographer, Base Hospital, A. E. F. Holly, Samuel W., Camp Meade, Md. (Colored.) Holmes, Simon L., Private, Camp Meade, Md. HoLOHAN, James D., LT. S. Army, York, Pa. HoLTZ, Joseph G., LT. S. Army, York, Pa., A. E. F. [ 178 ] HoLTz, Theodore, Private, Camp Meade, Md. HoLTZAPPLE, George A., Private, Camp Meade, Md., A. E. F. HoLTZAPPLE, John, Private, U. S. Army, York, Pa. HoLTZAPPLE, John A., Private, Camp Greenleaf, Ga. HoLTZMAN, Harry R., Private, Infantry, A. E. F. Homer, Hugh E., Private, Aero Squadron. Injured in Fall. Homer, Hugh F., Private, Signal Corps. Honsemyer, Norman E., Corporal, Marines, A. E. F. HoNSERMYER, Paul H., Private, Police Service. Hoofnagle, Ernest, U. S. Army, York, Pa. Hoofnagle, Grant, Private, Ice Plant Unit No. 301. Hook, George, Private, Medical Corps. Hooper, Daniel C, Camp Meade, Md. Hooper, Samuel, U. S. Infantry. Hoover, Andrew Jackson, Private, Engineers, A. E. F. Hoover, Augustus, Private, Infantry, A. E. F. Hoover, Clarence B., Camp Greenleaf, Ga. Hoover, Cletus L., Private, Infantry, A. E. F. Hoover, David, Private, Cavalry, A. E. F. Hoover, George E., Private, Camp Meade, Md., A. E. F. Hoover, Harry C, Private, Infantry. Hoover, Herbert C, Private, Headquarters Company, 316th Infantry, A. E. F. Hoover, Melvin, Sergeant, Field Artillery. Hoover, Melvin G., Sergeant, Field Artillery, A. E. F. Hoover, Paul E., Private, Repair Unit. Hoover, Paul W., Aviation Corps. Hoover, Roy W., Camp Meade, Md. Hoover, Walter W., Second Lieutenant, Infantry. Hoover, William G., Camp Lee, Va. Hoover, William J., Private, Quartermaster Corps. Hoover, William L., Private, Engineers, A. E. F. Hopple, Henry, Private, S. A. T. C. Hopple, John W., U. S. Army, York, Pa. Horn, Charles A., Private, Light Tank Corps, A. E. F. Horn, Charles Henry, Private, Chemical Warfare Service. Horn, Clarence E., Private, Field Artillery, A. E. F. Horn, Harrison S., Private, Recruiting Company, Promoted to First Lieutenant, U. S. Guards. Horn, Howard H., Limited Service, Camp Green, S. C. Horn, John, FT. S. Army, R. D. No. 1, Hellam, Pa. Horn, Morris, Private, U. S. Infantry. Horn, Percy A., Mechanic at Cambridge Springs, Pa. Horn, William H., Private, Camp Meade, Md., A. E. F. Horn, William, Private, Camp Greenleaf, Ga., A. E. F. HorNj William M.. Private, Ambulance Corps. Horn, Victor, Bugler, Navy, on Destroyer, A. E. F. Wounded. Horner, Claude, U. S. Artillery. Horner, Earl, Private, U. S. Infantry. Horner, George F., S. A. T. C. Pennsylvania State College. \ 179 1 Horner, Harry J., Private, Artillery, A. E. F. Horner, Norman H., Private, Engineers, A. E. F. Horner, Richard H., Lieutenant, Officers' Training Camp, Artillery. Horner, William W., Private, Camp Jackson, S. C. Made Second Lieutenant. Horner, W. E., U. S. Army, York, Pa. Horning, Clarence, Private, Navy, U. S. S. Paririe. HoRSTiCK, Walter K., Private, Medical Corps, A. E. F. Hose, George S., First Lieutenant, Aviation Corps. Hose, Quentin, Private, Camp Meade, Md., A. E. F. Killed. HosTETTER, A. KopLiN, Sergeant, Infantry, A. E. F. HosTETTER, D. Clyde, Sergeant, Infantry, A. E. F. HosTETTER, Harold, Private, Infantry, A. E. F. HosTETTER, Harry E., Private, Camp Holabird, Md. HosTETTER, Paul R., Ship's Writer, Navy. HosTETTER, RoBERT D., Lieutenant, Navy, New London, Conn. HoucK, Clayton J., Private, Ammunition Train, A. E. F. HoucK, F. G., Chief Electrician, Navy, LI. S. S. Finland. HoucK, Leonard, Private, Provisional Company, A. E. F. HoucK, Ralph E., Private. Quartermaster's Corps. HoucK, Walter J., Camp Wadsworth, A. E. F. HousEAL, Earl C, Private, Aviation Corps. HousEAL, Raymond, U. S. Army, Wrightsville, Pa. Householder, Cares, Private, Naval Reserves. Householder, Clyde, LI. S. Infantry. Householder, George, Private, Medical Corps. HousER^ Robert H., Private, Camp Greenleaf, Ga. Hovis, Spurgeon, Private, Camp Lee, Va., Infantry. Howard, Albert J., Private, Camp Greenleaf, Ga. HousER, Harry A. Jr., Private, Medical Corps, A. E. F. Houser, John C, Private, Infantry, A. E. F. Missing. Howard, Edward G., Private, Infantry. Howard, Leroy, Private, Camp Meade, Md., A. E. F. (Colored.) Howard, Harold K., Sergeant, Engineers. Howe, John C, Camp Meade, Md. HowER, Herbert C, Camp Meade, Md. LIowETT, Ernest F., LI. S. Army, York, Pa. HuBER, Snyder, U. S. Army, High Rock, Pa. Hubley, Harry H., Apprentice Seaman, Navy. Huff, Harry, Private, LI. S. Marines. Huff, Milton A., Private, Engineers, A. E. F. Huff, William, Limited Service. HuGGENS, Harry, Private, Engineers, A. E. F. Hugentugler, Guy, Private, Aviation. In England. HuGENTUGLER, Walter F., Private. Camp Lee, Va., A. E. F. HuGHE«, Malford, Navy. Hugh. .Iohn Reed, II. S. Guards. HuiTT. Harry H., Private, Camp Meade, Md. (Colored.) Huitte, Governor, Private, Infantry, A. E. F. (Colored.) [ 180 1 Hull, George M., Private. Camp Meade, Md. Hull, Leroy, Private, Coast Artillery, A. E. F. Hull, Lester E., U. S. Army, Hanover, Pa. Hunt, Albert M., Private, A. E. F. Killed. Hunt, Benjamin S., Private, Aviation Corps. Hunt, David F., Private, Infantry, A. E. F. Hunt, Samuel M., Corporal, Engineers, A. E. F. One Gold Stripe for Bravery. Hunter, Monroe B., Private. Company A, 56th Begiment, A. E. F. Killed. HussEN, Bobert a., Corporal, U. S. Infantry. Huntzman, William T., Sergeant, Headquarters Company. Hurst, John H., Private, Engineers, A. E. F. HussoN, Charles B., Sergeant, Artillery, A. E. F. Hutton, Carl, Private, U. S. Infantry. HuTTON, Earl E., Yoeman, U. S. Naval Beserves, on U. S. S. Mt. Shasta. Hutton Edna W., Yoewoman, Naval Beserves. Hyder, George D., Private, Infantry, A. E. F. Wounded. Hyder. Frank E., Private, Aero, A. E. F. Hyderjman, Sidney, Corporal, Army Transport Service. Ilgenfritz, Harry A., Private, Infantry. Illias, Geary A., Sergeant, Infantry. Immel, Harry D., First Lieutenant, Field Artillery. Ingram, John 0., Private, Infantry, A. E. F. Inners, John H., Corporal, Infantry, A. E. F. Irvan, Chester L., U. S. Infantry. Irving, James H., Sergeant, Infantry, A. E. F. Irving, John F., Camp Lee, Va. Irwin, Samuel M., Sergeant, Infantry, A. E. F. Irwin, Slyvester, Camp Lee, Va. Jackson, Boyd F., Private, Infantry, A. E. F. Jackson, Gorman, Camp Meade, Md. (Colored.) Jackson, Harold 0., Private, Infantry, A. E. F. (Colored.) Jackson, Harry G., U. S. Army, York, Pa. Jackson, Lester Eugene, Sergeant, Medical Corps, A. E. F. Jackson, Luther Baymond, Private, Infantry. Jackson, Millard, Stevedore. (Colored.) Jackson, Balph, Private, Infantry, A. E. F. Jackson, Boy F., Camp Custer, Mich. (Colored.) Jackson, William A., Sergeant, Signal Corps, A. E. F. Jackson, William M., Camp Custer, Mich. (Colored.) Jacobs, Charles F., Private, Infantry, A. E. F. Jacobs, Charles N., Private, Engineers, A. E. F. Jacobs, Clarence E., Medical Corps, A. E. F. Jacobs, Harris E., Private, Motor Supply Train, A. E. F. Jacobs, Harry Edwin, Private, Infantry, A. E. F. Jacobs, Karl H., Sergeant, Infantry. Jacobs, Lester, Camp Meade, Md. [ 181 1 Jacobs, Norman D., Private, Infantry, A. E. F. Wounded. Jacobs, Paul M., Private, Infantry, A. E. F. Wounded. Jacobs, Theodore R., U. S. Infantry. Jacobs, Walter A., Private, Infantry, A. E. F. Jacoby, Claude H., U. S. Infantry. Jacoby, Harry E., Corporal, Cavalry, A. E. F. Jacoby, John E., U. S. Army, York, Pa. Jacoby, Kurvin, Private, Engineers, A. E. F. Died of Pneumonia. Jacoby, Paul, Private, Infantry, A. E. F. James, Charles Henry, Camp Meade, Md. (Colored.) Jamison, Albert C, Private, Infantry, A. E. F. Jamison, Calvin R., Camp Lee, Va. Jamison, Carl, U. S. Cavalry. Jamison, Earnest G., Sergeant, Limited Service, Newport News, Va. Jamison, Francis F. Dr., First Lieutenant, Dental Reserves. Jamison, George W.., Camp Greenleaf, Ga. Jamison, Loretta Mary, American Red Cross Nurse, A. E. F. Jamison, Melvin N., Private, Machine Gun Rattalion, A. E. F. Killed. Jamison, William R., Sergeant, Limited Service, Camp Sherman. Jandorf, Morton L., Ordnance Department. Jarvis, Gardner, Ambulance Service. Jaspin, Joseph, S. A. T. C. State College. Jefferson, H. Arthur, Camp Custer, Mich. (Colored.) Jenkins, A. M. Rev., Depot Rrigade. Jenkins, John, LI. S. Navy. Jenkins, Marvin D., U. S. Navy. Jenkins, Robert D., Officer, Infantry, A. E. F. Jennings, Irvin R., Private, Pioneer Infantry Rand. Johner, William, Camp Custer, Mich. (Colored.) Johnson, Rennett. Camp Meade, Md., A. E. F. Johnson, Carl H., Private, Infantry, A. E. F. Johnson, Charles, Signal Corps, A. E. F. Johnson, Charles F., Ordnance Department. Johnson, Fred A., Corporal, Infantry. Johnson, James W., Private, Infantry. (Colored.) Johnson, John T., Camp Meade, Md. (Colored.) Johnson, John W., Camp Lee, Ya. Johnson, Joseph E., LT. S. Army, York, Pa. Johnson, Milton, Sergeant, Engineers, A. E. F. Johnson, Robert C, Seaman, Navy, Transport Orizada. Joiner, James, Private, Artillery. Jones, Carl A., LT. S. Navy. Jones, Carrol A., Aviation Corps. Jones, Charles, Private, LT. S. Infantry. Jones, Charles H., Aviation Corps. Jones, Chester A., First Class Private, Infantry, A. E. F. Wounded_^Twice. Jones, Curvin Frederick, Petty Officer, Navy, U. S. S. Sagamore. Jones, David, E., Private, Infantry, Machine Gun Rattahon, 80th Division, A. E. F. [182 1 Jones, Edward, U. S. Infantry. Jones, Edward G., Private, U. S. Infantry. Jones, Edward P., U. S. Infantry. Jones, Harry, Co. K, 313th Infantry, 79th Division, A. E. F. Jones, Idris R., Sergeant, Infantry, A. E. F. Jennings, Irvin B., Musician, Pioneer Infantry. Jones, John A., U. S. Infantry. Jones, John G., Aviation Corps. JoN'ES, Joseph, U. S. Navy. Jones, Louise K., Army Nurse, A. E. F. Jones, Price, Private, Infantry. Wounded. Jones, Samuel, U. S. Navy. Jones, Samuel H., U. S. Navy. Jones, Thomas R., Officers' Training Camp. Jones, W. L., Canadian Army. Wounded. Jones, Walter S., Private, Cavalry. Wounded. Jordon, H., U. S. Army, Camp Greenleaf. Jordon, Herbert V., Private, Medical Corps, A. E. F. German Prisoner. Jordon, Wilson C, Engineers, A. E. F. JoRDY, George Louis, Private, Engineers, Carnegie Institute of Technology. Joseph, Hamilton, U. S. Army, York New Salem, Pa. Joseph, Paul L., Camp Meade, Md. Julius, John L., Apprentice Seaman, U. S. Navy. Julius, William P., Infantry, Musician, A. E. F. Jury, Charles E., Private, Infantry, A. E. F. Wounded. Jury, Leroy, Private, Infantry, A. E. F. Wounded. Kable, J. Ross, Regimental Supply Sergeant, Field Artillery, A. E. F. Citation. Kahlbaugh, Jesse A., Private, Engineers, A. E. F. Kahlbaugh, Paul B., Private, 13th Casual Company, A. E. F. Missing. Kahlbaugh, Wilson, Machine Gun Battalion. Kahn, Glen F., U. S. Army, Camp Meade, Md. Kain, C. Harry, Captain, Quartermaster Corps. Kain, Charles E. Jr., Private, Signal Corps, A. E. F. Kaler, Herman F., Camp Greenleaf, S. C. Kaltrider, David S., Chemical Warfare Service. Kaltreider, Walter H., Aero Squadron, Princeton University. Kaltrider, Roy W., Yoeman, Navy. Kammerer, M. v., Camp Lee, Va., A. E. F. Kane, Ralph E., Chief Yoeman. IJ. S. Navy. Karnes, Moses J., Camp Meade, Md. Kastenbuber, E. G., Sergeant, Infantry, A. E. F. Katz, John A., Captain, Field Artillery, A. E. F. Wounded. Katz, Karl E., Private, Ambulance Corps, A. E. F. Katz, John, Captain, Cavalry, A. E. F. Katz, Nathan, S. A. T. C. Dickinson College, CarHsle, Pa. Kauffman, Alvin Earle, Sergeant, Aviation, 839th Aero Squadron, A. E. F. Kauffman, Benjamin, Private, Infantry, A. E. F. [ 183 1 E. F. W< 3unded. „ A. E. F. 301, , A. E. F. Kauffman, Bert D., Private, Infantry, A. E. F. Wounded. Kauffman, Chauncey B., Private, Coast Artillery, A. E. F. Kauffman, Clair S., U. S. Navy, Philadelphia, Pa. Kauffman, Clarence C, Private, Infantry, A. E. F. Kauffman. Elmer F. S., Private, Infantry, A. E. F. Kauffman, Elwood B., First Class Private, 6th Engineers, 79th Division, A. E. F. Kauffman, Ernest, Aviation, A. E. F. Wounded. Kauffman, George, Private, Infantry, A. E. F. Kauffman, John H., Private, Infantry. Kauffman, Kenneth B., Aviation Corps. Kauffman, Marcus L., Engineers. Kauffman, Noah M., Camp Meade, Md. K.AUFFMAN, Oscar M., Private, Infantry, A. Kauffman, Paul D., U. S. Marines. Kauffman, Roy, Camp Dodge, Iowa. Kauffman, Stewart A., Camp Meade, Md. Kauffelt, William H., Ice Plant Unit No. Keble, Harry W., Coast Artillery. Keech, Albert Earl, Corporal, Infantry, A. E. .F. Gassed. Keech, Byron, Navy, U. S. S. Oklahoma. Keech, Earl E., U. S. Navy. Keech, Hayden, Sergeant, Hospital Corps, A. E. F. Keech, William B., Merchant Marines. Keefer, Oscar Edward, Private, Infantry. Keefer, Tyrrell, Private, Medical Replacement Unit, A. E. F. Keener, Charles E., Camp Meade, Md. Keener, Edward S., Private, Infantry. Keener, George J., Camp Meade, Md., A. E. F. Keener, John R., Ice Plant Unit No. 301, A. E. F. Keener, Robert E., Private, Infantry, A. E. F. Wounded. Keener, Samuel E., Private, Infantry, Camp Meade, Md., A. E. F. Wounded. Keener, William H., Private, Guard and Fire Company. Keeney, Calvin, Signalman, Navy. Keeney, Edgar S., Farm Service. Keeney, Ellis F., Camp Meade, Md. Keeney, Harry Sylvester, Private, Infantry, 83rd Division, A. E. F. Keeney, Levi E., Private, Infantry, A. E. F. Keeney, Levi E., U. S. Army, R. D. No. 12, York, Pa. Keeney, Luther W., Private, Infantry. Keeney, W. S., Private, Infantry, A. E. F. Missing. Keener, Samuel J., Private, Infantry, A. E. F. Wounded. Keener, William I., Private, U. S. Infantry. Keesey, Austin, U. S. Army, R. D. No. 2, Red Lion, Pa. Keesey, Charles H., Private, Trench Mortars, A. E. F. Keesey, Horace J. Jr., Ensign, LI. S. Navy. Keesey, J. Thomas, U. S. Infantry. Keever, Faber D., Camp Meade, Md. Keever, Kerwin E., Camp Meade, Md. Keever, William R., Artillery, A. E. F. [184 1 Kehb, Clayton M., Limited Service. Keible, Harry W., U. S. Army, York, Pa. Keiser, George F., Camp Greenleaf, Ga. Keitel, Emma J., Red Cross Nurse. Keitel, Harvey, Camp Dix, N. J. Keitel, John M., U. S. Infantry. Kelbaugh, Lester S., Corporal, Macliine Gun Battalion, A. E. F. Kell, John F., S. A. T. C. State College. Kell, Mary C, Army Nurse, A. E. F. IvELLENBERGER, Ralph J., Navy, Coxswain, LT. S. S. Michigan. Rellenberger, Robert M., Corporal, Infantry, A. E. F. Kellenberger, Thomas W., U. S. Infantry. Keller, Charles B., Bowman Technical School, Lancaster, Pa. Keller, Clement, LT. S. Artillery. Keller, Clyde, Navy, Annapolis. Keller, Eugene S., Corporal, Infantry, A. E. F. Keller, Fred, Chief Commissary Steward, Navy, U. S. Transport Bathe. Keller, Harry, U. S. Army, R. D. No. 2, York. Pa. Keller, John H., Camp Lee, Va. Keller, Viola, Yoemanette, LT. S. Navy. Keller, John S., Camp Meade, Md. Keller, Lawrence S., U. S. Army, New Freedom. Pa. Keller, Lester Winfield. Recruiting Service. Keller, Lloyd S.. Ordnance Department, A. E. F. Keller, Martin, U. S. Army. R. D. No. 2, York, Pa. Keller, Oftie, Private, Engineers, A. E. F. Wounded. Keller, Raymond R., Private, Coast Artillery, A. E. F. Keller, William H., Private, Infantry, A. E. F. Wounded. Kelley, George A., 5th Engineers, Red Lion, Pa. Kelley, Joseph, Limited Service, Syracuse, N. Y. Kelly, Joseph Z., Private, Engineers, A. E. F. Wounded. Kelly, Wayne David, Sergeant, S. A. T. C. Millersville Normal School. Kendig, Herbert King, Private, Infantry. Kendig, Levi S., Private, Engineers, A. E. F. Keney, Levi II., Infantry, A. E. F. Kenly, Edwin H., Private, Infantry, A. E. F. Wounded. Kennedy, Charles R., Camp Meade, Md. (Colored.) Kennedy, D. A., Gunner's Mate, Navy. Kennedy, George K., Camp Meade, Md. Kennedy, John E., Private, Infantry. Kennedy, Raymond G., Infantry, A. E. F. Wounded. Kerchner, Charles H., Navy, U. S. S. America. Kerchner, Edwin J., Coast Artillery. Kerchner, Frederick J., Sergeant, Coast Artillery, A. E. F. Kerchner, M. L., Camp Lee, Va. Kerlin, Frank R., U. S. Army, New Cumberland, Pa. Kerlin, Frank R., Camp Meade, Md. Kern, Emory J., Private, Trench Mortar Battery, A. E. F. [ 18.S1 Kern, Lester E., Private. U. S. Infantry. Kern, Melvin A., Private, Ammunition Train. A. E. F. Kerney, Harry. Camp Meade, Md. Kerney. Millard. Navy. Died of Pneumonia. Kerr, Charles M., Apprentice Seaman. Navy. Kerr. E. Poole, Engineers. A. E. F. Kerr. H. B.. Ice Plant Unit No. 301, A. E. F. Kerr, Jesse K.. Corporal. U. S. Infantry Kerr, John. U. S. Army, Camp Lee, Va. Kerr, John M., Private, 304th Ammunition Train, A. E. F. Kessler, Clarence C, Camp Meade, Md. Kessler, Kreamer C, Private, Engineers. A. E. F. Kessler. Ray L., Camp Meigs, Washington. Kessler, Sears, Camp Meade, Md. Keesler. Theodore. Camp Meade. Md. Keesler. William R.. Private. Infantry. Ketterman. Donald V.. Private, Infantry Band, A. E. F. Ketterman. Rudolph. Private, 109th Machine Gun Battalion, A. E. F. Kettle, Jacob L., LT. S. Infantry. Kibbler, William L., U. S. Infantry. KiBLER, Andres, Chief Gunner's Mate, Navy, LT. S. S. Vermont, A. E. F. KiBLER, George W., Seaman, U. S. S. Florida, Navy, A. E. F. Wounded. Kidd, Charles M., Corporal, Infantry, A. E. F. Wounded. Kile. Norman, Private, Cavalry, A. E. F. Kilgore, Clifford F., Camp Lee, Va. Kilgore, Harry W., Camp Meade. Md. Kimes, Howard, LI. S. Infantry. KiMMONS. Ira D.. Private. Infantry. A. E. F. Wounded. KiNARD, George, Camp Meade, Md. KiNARD. Titus. Private. Infantry. A. E. F. Wounded. KiNDiG, Albert. Corporal. Infantry. KiNDiG, George Albert, Private, Field Artillery. KiNDiG, Joseph R., S. A. T. C. State College. KiNDiG, William W., Aviation Corps. * King, Clarence, U. S. Marines. King, Earl H., Camp Meade, Md. King, George A., U. S. Infantry. King. J. L., Camp Lefe, Va. King, Joseph F.. Naval Reserves. King, Roy S., Ambulance Corps. King, Theodore, U. S. Marines. King. Wilbur 0., Auto Mechanic at Pittsburgh, Pa. Kinneman, Paul S.. Private, Infantry, A. E. F. Wounded. Kinsel, Albert J., Sergeant, Camp Meade. Died of Pneumonia. Kinsey, Henry L., Camp Gordon, Ga. Kinsley, Harry, LI. S. Infantry. KiNPORTS, John H.. Private. Artillery. KiNziE, Robert William. First Lieutenant, LI. S. Ambulance Service, A. E. F. With Italian Army. [Cavalliere Delia Corona, f 186 1 Kirk, Paul D., Ambulance Service. Kirk, Charles Gerber. Seaman, Naval Reserve. KiRKWOOD, R. C. Dr., Major, I\Iedical Reserve Corps. KiRSCHNER, George E., First Lieutenant, Medical Corps, A. E. F. KiSE, Paul, Camp Meade, Md. KiSNER, David, Private, Machine Gun Battalion, A. E. F. KiSNER, Noah, Private, Infantry, A. E. F. Wounded. Kissinger, Ambrose, First Lieutenant. Baking Company. Kissinger, Noah, Private, A. E. F. Wounded. Kister, Crull S., Private, Infantry, A. E. F. Kister, Kemp, Camp Lee, Va. Kister, Ralph A., Private, Infantry, A. E. F. Kitchen, John K., Private, Machine Gun Battalion, A. E. F. Wounded. KiTZMiLLER, Ira Thornton, Private, Hospital Corps. Kleffel, Augustus J., Camp Lee, Va. Klehold, Frank F., Camp Lee, Va., A. E. F. Kleinman, Elmer, Private, Infantry, A. E. F. Kleinman, John A., Private, Infantry, A. E. F. Wounded. Kleinard, George E., Corporal, 316th Infantry, A. E. F. Wounded. Kleiser, Charles A., Camp Meade, Md. Klemm, John C, Private, Infantry, A. E. F. Klick, George S., Sergeant, Infantry. Kline, Albert, Private, Engineers, A. E. F. Wounded. Kline, Clyde, Camp Meade, Md. Kline, Edwin W., Second Lieutenant, Depot Brigade. Kline, Elwood, Camp Meade, Md. Kline, Harry E., Camp Lee, Va. Kline, Irwin W., Camp Meade, Md. Kline, Isaac S., Private, 312th Field Artillery, A. E. F. Kline, Paul E., Gun Pointer on Transport Dekolb, Navy. Kline, Ray E., U. S. Army, Hanover, Pa. Kline, Walter D., Camp Meade, Md., A. E. F. Kline, William H., 154th Developing Battalion. Klineard, G. E., Camp Meade, Md. Klinedinst, Bernard, Camp Meade, Md. Klinedinst, Charles E., Private, Infantry, A. E. F. Klinedinst, Clair G., U. S. Army, York, Pa. Klinedinst, Clarence E., U. S. Navy. Klinedinst, Elmer C, Private, Infantry. Klinedinst, Emanuel R., Ambulance Service. Klinedinst, Francis C, Camp Meade, Md. Klinedinst, H. Edward, Private, Quartermaster Corps. Klinedinst, Herman, S. A. T. C. Klinedinst, Ira V., Private, Infantry. Klinedinst, Joseph E., Private, Infantry, A. E. F. Klinedinst, Martin L., Camp Lee, Va. Klinedinst, Steward, Seaman, Navy. Klinedinst, Theodore D., U. S. Infantry. [ 1H7 1 Klinedinst, Harvey E., Sergeant, Quartermaster Corps. Klinfelter, Guy M., Camp Meade, Md., A. E. F. Klinefelter, Leroy, Navy, U. S. S. Minnesota. Kling, Fred. F., Private, .304th Engineers. Kling, George Edward, Corporal, Medical Corps, A. E. F. Kling, Jacob, Private, Engineers, A. E. F. Kling, Ralph A., Fireman, U. S. S. Indiana, Navy. Kling, Robert E., Ambulance Corps, A. E. F. Wounded. Croix de Guerre. Klugh, Rruce S., Camp Lee, Va., A. E. F. Klugh, Roy Alfred, Medical Corps. Klunk, Harry E., Private, Quartermaster Corps, Washington, D. C. Klunk, James W., Limited Service, Camp Lee, Va. Knapp, William C, Hospital Unit, A. E. F. Knaub, Clarence E., Corporal, Infantry, A. E. F. Drowned. Knaub, James W., Private, Limited Service, Camp Colt, Pa. Knaub, John Clayton, Ice Plant Unit No. 30 L A. E. F. Knaub, Levi Irvan, Private, 313th Infantry, Red Lion, Pa., A. E. F. Knaub, Ralph A., Private, V. S. Infantry, A. E. F. Knaub, Wilbur, Sergeant, Infantry. Knaub, Wilbur R., Camp Taylor, Ky. Knighton, Earl R., LT. S. Cavalry. Knighton, Raymond F., Corporal, Infantry, A. E. F. Killed. Knisely, Harry W., U. S. Infantry. Knisely, Sterling Sedna, Yoeman, Navy. Knipe, James L., Sergeant, Medical Corps, A. E. F. Knipe, James L., Hospital Unit, A. E. F. Knipple, Vernon Charles, Medical Corps. Knockey, Ryron, LT. S. Infantry. Knokey, William J., U. S. Navy. Knotts, Harry E., Mechanic, Easton, Pa. Knotts, Norman E., Aviation Corps. Knox, Ralph S., LT. S. Infantry, A. E. F. Knoble, Harry, Private, Field Artillery, A. E. F. KocK, Renjamin F., Private, Company K, 112th Infantry, A. E. F. Gassed. KocK, Charles D., U. S. Army, York Haven, Pa. KocK, Frank N., Private, U. S. Infantry. Koch, LIarry, Infantry, A. E. F. Wounded. Koch, Harry S., Private, Field Artillery, A. E. F. Koch, Harry J., Medical Corps. Koch, William F., Private, Infantry, A. E. F. Koch, William H., Sergeant, U. S. Infantry. Kochenour, Grant C, Private, Signal Corps, A. E. F. KocHENOUR, Harvey W., Private, LT. S. Infantry. Koerner, George R., LT. S. Infantry, A. E. F. KoHLER, Charles, IJ. S. Army, York, Pa. KoHLER, Charles E., Camp Meade, Md. Kohler, Charles Wesley, Private, Engineers, A. E. F. KoHLER, Clarence F., Ice Plant Unit No. 301, A. E. F. [ 188 1 KoHLER, Guy W., Camp Lee, Va. KoHLER, John B., Camp Meade, Md. KoHLER, John Henry, Private, S. A. T. C. KoHLER, Sterling W., Yoeman, Naval Reserves. KoHLER, Matthew A., Private, Hospital Corps, A. E. F. KoHLER, Ralph Roy, Sergeant, Aviation, A. E. F. KoHN, Glenn, Infantry, Camp Meade, Md. Kohn, Isaac D., Private, Engineers, A. E. F. KoHR, Charles Emanuel, Private, Limited Service. KoHR, E. Lane, Quartermaster Corps. KoHR, Edmund Roy, Private, Infantry. KoHR, Henry S.. Sergeant, Quartermaster Corps. KoHR, Horace 0., Private, Ambulance Corps, A. E. F. KoHR, Jacor C, Private, Limited Service. Kohr, Lester C, S. A. T. C. KoHR, Morgan J., Camp Greenleaf. Kohr, William Henry, Private, Infantry. Roller, Allen A. L., Private, Engineers. Roller, Edward, Camp Lee, Va. Roller, Effie, Yoewoman, Navy. Roller, Eugene C, Limited Service, Syracuse, N. Y. RoNRAD, Henry R., First Lieutenant, Infantry. RooNS, Denton H., \J. S. Cavalry. RooNS, Ernest C, Camp Meade, Md. RooNS, Spurgeon R., Aviation Corps. RooNTz, Charles Thomas, Sergeant, Supply Company. RooNTZ, Ralph, Camp Lee, Va. Injured at Camp Lee. RooNTZ, Roy, Quartermaster's Corps. RooNTz, William M., Infantry, A. E. F. RooNS, William L., Private, Engineers, A. E. F. Rilled. Ropp, Clarence E., Private, Provisional Company, A. E. F. Rilled. Ropp, Clarence F., Coast Artillery. Ropp, Clarence F., U. S. Army, Hokes, Pa. Ropp, CuRviN F., S. a. T. C. Pennsylvania College, Gettysburg, Pa. Ropp, Franklin L., Camp Lee, Va. Ropp, Gerald F., Private, U. S. Infantry, A. E. F. Ropp, Nelson, Limited Service, Camp Green, Ga. Ropp, Roger S., First Lieutenant, Signal Corps, Aviation, A. E. F. Wounded. Ropp, Worley, U. S. Army, R. D., Spring Grove, Pa. Ropp, Raymond, Private, U. S. Artillery. RoRMENY, George A., U. S. Infantry. RoRNBAU, Clarence, Private, Infantry, A. E. F. RoROSs, Arthur D., U. S. Army, York, Pa. RoRSS, Charles, Chemical Warfare Service. RoRSS, Jacob, U. S. Army, Dover, Pa., A. E. F. Rorss, Jacob, Private, Field Artillery, A. E. F. Rostenbauder, G. H., Camp Lee, Va, C. 0. T. S. Rottcamp, Arthur W., U. S. Infantry. Rottcamp, Harry, Private, U. S. Infantry. f 189 1 Kraber, Philip A., Sergeant, Quartermaster Corps. Kraber, Philip Russell, Engineers. Kraft, Albert, Field Artillery. Kraft, Forest Edward, Private, Field Artillery. Kraft, Harry W., Camp Lee, Va, C. 0. T. S. Kramer, Andrew R.. U. S. Army, York, Pa., A. E. F. Kramer, Stuart L., U. S. Army, Dallastown, Pa. Kramer, Walter P., Private, Infantry, A. E. F. Wounded. Kranich, Max, Private. Medical Corps, A. E. F. Kranich, Ralph J., Ambulance Service. Krantz, William P., Private, Coast Artillery. Krasovic, Martin Y., Camp Meade, Md. Kraybill, Ira Reist, Y. M. C. A., Camp Meade, Md. Krebs, Amos J., Corporal, U. S. Army, Glennville. Krebs, Anthony, Corporal, Engineers, A. E. F. Krebs, Levi T., Water Tank Train. Krebs, Lewis F. Jr., Cook, Infantry, A. E. F. Krebs, Melvin C, Private, Company E, 316th Motor Truck Train, A. E. F. Krebs, Rufus, Private, Engineers, A. E. F. Krebs, Thomas, Private, Hospital Corps. Krebs, Walter, Private, Infantry, A. E. F. Wounded. Krebs, William A., S. A. T. C. Gettysburg, Pa. Kreeger, William E., Private, Infantry. Kreger, Albert J., U. S. Army, Hanover, Pa. Kreidler, Henry Edward, Veterinary Reserve Corps, University of Pennsylvania. Kreidler, Raymond L., S. A. T. C. Pittsburg Technical School. Krenzer, John M., Camp Lee, Va. Kretchman, Walter R., LT. S. Army, York, Pa. Krider, George Henry, Private, Marine Corps, A. E. F. Wounded. Krider, Sanford D., Private, Infantry, A. E. F. Gassed. Krider, Stuart W., Rugler, Infantry, A. E. F. Killed. Krise, William E., Aviation Corps. Kroh, Norman, Camp Meade, Md., A. E. F. Krone, Cecil J., Private, Infantry, A. E. F. Died. Krone, Harry B., U. S. Engineers. Krone, John J., Infantry, A. E. F. Wounded. Krone, Maurice, Camp Lee, Va. Krout, Elmer, Camp Meade, Md. Krout, Harry Solomon, Private, Engineers. Krout, Harvey H., Private, Infantry, A. E. F. Krout, Raymond R., Private, Ice Plant Unit No. 301, A. E. F. Krout, Ruth Ellen, Army Nursing Corps. Krout, Samuel A., Private, Auto Mechanics. Krout, Samuel A., Private, S. A. T. C. Krug, Paul, U. S. Army, Hanover, Pa. KucK, George, Infantry. Kugler, Hazel, Yoewoman, Navy. KuHN, Ernest J., Camp Meade, Md. [ 190 1 Krone, George D., First Class Baker, U. S. S. Delaware, Navy. KuHN. Peter P., Private, Infantry, A. E. F. KuicK, Frank C, Ambulance Service. KuMERANT, Louis P., Private, Medical Corps, A. E. F. KuNKLE, Earl L., Private, York, Pa. KuNKLE, Felix H., Camp Meade, Md. KuNKLE, Herrert, Camp Meade, Md. KuNKLE, Irvin J., Navy, U. S. S. Vestal. Kunkle, Norman W., Officers' Training School. KuNTZ, Ralph, Private. Infantry. KuNTZ, David, U. S. Artillery. KuNTZ, Earl R., Medical Corps. KuNTZ, Martin L., U. S. Cavalry. Kurtz, Clyde B., Mechanic, 79th Division, A. E. F. Wounded. Kurtz, Ella B., Nurse, A. E. F. Kurtz, George F., Private, Infantry, A. E. F. Kurtz, Joseph C, Camp Lee, Va. Kurtz, Walter James, Camp Meade, Md. Kurtz, William H., Seaman, Naval Reserves. Kurtz, William P., Coast Artillery. Kyle, Amos H., Camp McClellan, Ala. Kyle, Howard T., Navy, U. S. Submarine L-10, A. E. F. Lafean, Earl B., Second Lieutenant, Ordnance Department, A. E. F. Lafean, Raymond G., Sergeant, Chemical Warfare Service, Cleveland Ohio. Lafean, Robert H., First Lieutenant, Infantry, A. E. F. Lafean, Stuart B., Captain, Field Artillery, A. E. F. Laity, John J., Private, Signal Battahon. A. E. F. Laffity, John W., Ice Plant Unit No. 301, A. E. F. Lamison, George D., Navy. Lamotte, Erwin, Bugler, Infantry, A. E. F. Wounded. Lamotte, Stewart F., Private, Medical Depot. Landis, C. Edgar, Camp Lee, Va. Landis, Clarence M., Private, Limited Service. Landis, Harry, Camp Meade, Md. Landis, Ira J., Limited Service, Camp Taylor, Ky. Landis, Irving J., Corporal, Motor Transport Service. Landis, John, U. S. Army, Wrightsville, Pa. Landis, John F., Camp Greenleaf, Ga. Landis, Latimore. Lieutenant, Medical Reserve Corps. Landis, Norman Nathaniel, Quartermaster Corps, Syracuse, N. Y. Landis, Robert J., Corporal, Ambulance Corps. Landis, Roy E., Private, Machine Gun Battalion, A. E. F. Wounded. Landis, Roy H., Private, Machine Gun Battalion, A. E. F. Lane, John T., Private, Infantry, A. E. F. Killed. Langeheime, John L., Private, Company A. lJ2tli Infantry. Langheime, Walter N., U. S. Infantry. Lansinger, William, U. S. Infantry, A. E. F. f 191 1 Lark, Charles H., 1st Class Private, Infantry. Larsen, Alfred, Naval Radio School, Newport, R. I. Lartz, J. F., Limited Service, Camp Greene, S. C. Latchaw, Clarence J., Provisional Regiment, A. E. F. Latchaw, Frank, \J. S. Infantry. Latchaw, Melvin N., Field Artillery, A. E. F. Latchaw, Frank, U. S. Infantry, York, Pa. Latchaw, Paul P., York, Pa., A. E. F. Latimer, Robert Cathcart, First Lieutenant, Infantry and Coast Artillery, A. E. F. Latterman, Andrew Hugo, Private, Depot Rrigade. Latshaw, Melvin N., Private, Field Artillery (Bugler), A. E. F. Lau, Austin J., Engineers, A. E. F. Gassed. Lau, Clarence W., Depot Brigade. Lau, Edward, Private, Machine Repair Shop, A. E. F. Lau, George, LI. S. Army, Spring Grove, Pa. Lau, George H., Private, Ambulance Corps, A. E. F. Lau, Harry, Navy, LT. S. S. New Hampshire. Lau, Harry, Merchant Marines. Lau, Harry A., Seaman, Navy, U. S. S. Zelandia, A. E. F. Lau, Herbert M., U. S. Army, West York, Pa. Lau, J. Elder, Yoeman, Navy, League Island, Pa. Lau, John H., LI. S. Infantry. Lau, John, Camp Greenleaf, Ga. Lau, Louis, Camp Meade, Md. Lau, Mary Rochel, Army Nurse, Jefferson Barracks, Missouri. Lau, Paul E., Aviation, Transferred to Military Road, Buffalo, N. Y. Died. Lau, Roy H., Camp Meade, Md. Lau, Sylvester, Private, Base Hospital, A. E. F Lauer, Charles F., Private, York, Pa., A. E. F. Lauer, Clarence D., Private. Infantry. Lauer, Curtis M., Private, Headquarters Company, A. E. F. Lauer, Earl W., Private, Navy. Lauber, Emory A., Limited Service, Camp Dix, N. J. Lauber, Albert A., First Class Private, Field Artillery, A. E. F. Laucks, Charles E., Apprentice Seaman, Navy. Laucks, George Ed., Private, Field Artillery. Laucks, Sterling, Limited Service, Syracuse, N. Y. Lauer, George A. Jr., Corporal, Infantry, A. E. F. Lauer, Harry E., Mechanic, Pittsburgh LIniversity. Lauer, Harvey, Corporal, Engineers, A. E. F. Lauer, Kurvin W., LI. S. Infantry, A. E. F. Lauer, Lloyd L., Petty Officer, Navy, LI. S. S. Burrows. Convoying Transports. Lauer, Ray H., Private, Infantry, A. E. F. Wounded. Lauer, Raymond C, Private, Infantry. Lauer, Raymond W., Hospital Corps. Lauer, Robert W., Private, Machine Gun Battalion, A. E. F. Wounded and Gassed. Lauer, Walter W., Camp Meade, Md. Laughman, Charles, Camp Meade, Md. Laughman, Curwin, Camp Meade, Md. [192] Laughman, Eabl W., Camp Meade, Md. Laughman, p. Curtis, Radio Operation, Signal Corps. Laughman, Paul M., Private, Infantry. Laughman, Paul, Engineers, A. E. F. Lavetan, William, Yoeman, Navy, Navy Yard, Washington, D. C. Law, Sylvester, Private, Base Hospital No. 107, A. E. F. Lawrence, Algie, Infantry, A. E. F. Lawrence, Andrew, U. S. Navy. Lawrence, J. Leon, Coast Artillery, A. E. F. Wounded. Laws, John S., Camp Custer, Mich. (Colored.) Lawyer, Paul R., U. S. Army, R. D. No. 3, Hanover, Pa. Lazarus, Leon C. Depot Brigade. Leader, Frederick, S., Navy, U. S. S. Seattle. Convoying Transports. Leaman, James, H., A. E. F. Wounded. Leas, Albert E. Private, U. S. Infantry. Leas, Albert E., Field Artillery. Leas, John H., Camp Meade, Md. Lease, Clarence W., Private, Medical Corps, A. E. F. Lease, Harry A., Private, Ambulance Corps, A. E. F. Lease, Albert W., Infantry, A. E. F. Leash, Clarence E.. Musician, Coast Artillery. Died. Leash, Coleman, Private, Marine Corps. Leathery, Roy S., Aviation Corps. Lebenight, Charles A., Private, Infantry, A. E. F. Wounded. Leber, C. Sherman, Camp Greenleaf. Lebeb, Fbancis p., S. A. T. C. University of Pittsbugh, Pa. Leber, Raymond F., Coast Artillery. Leber, William H., Private, Infantry, A. E. F. Leckrone, Roy, Hospital Corps. Lecrone, Edgar H., Sergeant, Medical Corps. Lecrone, Erwin p., U. S. Infantry. Lecrone, George F., Camp Greenleaf, Ga. Lecrone, George H., York County Ambulance Unit. Lecrone, George W., Private, Aviation Corps. Lecrone, John G., Sergeant, 320th Quartermaster Corps, A. E. F. Lecrone, John J., Private, Field Artillery, A. E. F. Lecrone, Luther G., Private, Company C, 125th Engineers. Lecrone, Norman C, Private, Motor Supply Train, A. E. F. Lecrone, Robert A., Camp Meade, Md. Leckrone, Allen H., Camp Meade, Md., A. E. F. Lee, Harris, Private, Infantry, A. E. F. Leese, Mervin B., Corporal, Infantry, A. E. F. Leese, Reed, First Class Pharmacist, Mate, U. S. Navy. Leese, Walter A., Sergeant, Field Artillery. Lefeder, William S., U. S. Army, York, Pa. Lefevre, Charles C, Camp Meade, Md. Lefevre, Melvin S., Corporal, Infantry, A. E. F. Gassed. Lefevre, Paul D., Private, Infantry. A. E. F. \ 193 1 Le Fevre, Joseph C, A. E. F. Gassed. Legore, Ross, U. S. Army, Hanover, Pa. Lehman, Earl L., Private, Field Artillery, A. E. F. Wounded. Lehman, Albert C, Private, Infantry, A. E. F. Lehman, Harry E., Private, Infantry, A. E. F. Lehman, Harry L., Private, Aviation, A. E. F. Lehman, Jacob R., Private, Engineers, A. E. F. Lehman, Joseph E., Private, Infantry, A. E. F. Lehman, Joseph L., Machinist's Mate, Navy. Lehman, Rufus H., Camp Meade, Md., A. E. F. Lehman, Paul H., Private, Infantry, A. E. F. Lehman, William Peter, Camp Meade, Md. Lehmayer, Nathan, 3rd, S. A. T. C. Dickinson College, Carlisle, Pa. Lehmer, Elmer Wilson, Private, Infantry, A. E. F. Lehmer, Oliver, Private, Radio Station, Navy. Lehn, John Philip, Sergeant, Infantry, C. 0. T. S. Lehn, Philip, First Lieutenant, Regular Army. Lehr. L. L., Private, Marines. Lehr, Clarence McClellan, Private, Infantry. Lehr, Curvin E., Private, Infantry, S. A. T. C. Ursinus College. Lehr, Edgar J., Sergeant, Ordnance Replacement Department, A. E. F. Lehr, Edward E., Camp Meade, Md. Lehr, Ervin, Corporal, Aviation Corps. Lehr, Frank, Mechanic, Infantry, A. E. F. Lehr, Harry A., U. S. Navy. Lehr, Howard W., First Lieutenant, Infantry. Lehr, Melvin W., Corporal, Infantry, A. E. F. Lehr, Paul, Naval Reserves, U. S. S. Frankhn. Lehr, Paul A., Infantry, A. E. F. Lehr, Paul L., U. S. Infantry. Lehr, Paul L., Private, Infantry. Lehr, Ralph H., Camp Greenleaf, Ga. Lehr, Raymond A., Navy, U. S. S. Frankhn. Lehr, Warren P., Sergeant, Engineers, A. E. F. Wounded. Leib, Charles A., Corporal, Infantry, A. E. F. Leib, Frank J., Navy, Repair Ship Vestal. Leibhart, David, Private, Infantry, A. E. F. Leibowitz, Jacob, Seaman, Merchant Marine. Leibowitz, Lewis, Private, Intermediate Depot, A. E. F. Leibowitz, Moses, Seaman, S. S. Manquos, Merchant Marine. Leiby, Fred, LI. S. Navy. Leiby, Walter R., Private, Engineers, A. E. F. Leicht, George, Private, Heavy Artillery. Leide, Joseph L., Camp Lee, Va. Leifer, Sherman W., Engineers, A. E. F. Killed. Leight, George V., Corporal, Infantry, A. E. F. Leightner, John, U. S. Engineers. Leiphart, Elmer E., Limited Service, Camp Colt, Pa. [ 194 1 Leiphart, Roy C, U. S. Infantry. Leiphart, Walter, U. S. Infantry. Leiphart, Walter, Private, Infantry, East Prospect. Leiphart, Walter E., York County Ambulance Unit. Leister, Edgar R., Auto Repair, A. E. F. Leister, Howard W., LT. S. Infantry. Leithiser, George H., Private, Infantry, A. E. F. Leitner. Jack, Sergeant-Major, Engineers, A. E. F. Lemke, Benjamin R., FT. S. Infantry. Lenhart, William, L1. S. Army. Lenhart, Rarer 0., York County Ambulance Unit. Lentz, Arthur R., Navy, U. S. S. Minnesota. Lentz, Clyde B., Limited Service, Camp Green, S. C. Lentz, Walter C, Infantry, Panama Canal Zone. Lentz, William Henry, Private, Infantry, A. E. F. Leonard, Earl J., Sergeant, Field Artillery, A. E. F. Leppo, Clayton L., Camp Meade, Md., A. E. F. Leppo. Mervin H., Private, Ammunition Train, A. E. F. Leppo, Paul S., U. S. Army, Camp Lee, Va. Lerew, Edward, S. A. T. C. Staunton Military Academy. Lerew, John William, Lieutenant, Naval Reserves. Lerew, Paul P., Private, First Division, Infantry, A. E. F. Lenzer, Leander, Private, Infantry, A. E. F. Gassed and Wounded. Lerew, Samuel A., Camp Meade, Md. Lewis, Charles R., Private, Infantry. Lewis, George R., S. A. T. C. State College. Lewis, Jacob 0., Sergeant, Company L, 58th Infantry. Lewis, John H., Mechanic, Cambridge Springs, Pa. Lewis, Luther, Aviation, A. E. F. Lewis, Luther L., U. S. Engineers. Lewis, Mathias Smyser, Inspector of Gas Masks, Chemical Department. Lewis, William, Medical Corps. Lewis, William C, Camp Meade, Md. Lewis, William L., N. York, Pa., A. E. F. Lewis, William M., Medical Corps. Lezotte, Walter, U. S. Army, York Haven, Pa., A. E. F. LiBERTELLO, JoHN. U. S. Infantry. Lichenberger, Edward C. Field Artillery, A. E. F. Wounded. Lichtenberger, Philip R., Private, Aviation, A. E. F. LiDiA, Carl G., Infantry, A. E. F. LiDiA, Joseph, Private, Infantry. Lieb, Harry R., Camp Lee, Va. Liggitt, H. G.. Limited Service, Syracuse, N. Y. Liggitt, Walter B., Limited Service, Camp Colt, Pa. Liggitt, Wilbur, Third Class Yoeman, U. S. Navy. Light, Earl, Private, Infantry, A. E. F. IjIGHt, Roy S., Private, Field Artillery. Lightner. Carrol H., U. S. Infantry. I I%1 LiGHTNER, George N., Infantry, A. E. F. Killed. LiGHTNER, Harold H., U. S. Army, York, Pa. LiGHTNER, John, U. S. Army, York, Pa. LiGHTNER, John E., LI. S. Infantry. LiGHTNER, John S., Sergeant, Infantry, A. E. F. LiGHTNER, Matthew, Camp Meade, Md. LiGHTNER. Nathan, Musician, A. E. F. LiGHTNER, Paul, Engineers, A. E. F. LiGHTNER, Ralph, Corporal, Engineers. LiLLiCH, H. S., Navy, A. E. F. LiLLiCH, John E., Seaman, Navy, U. S. S. Delaware. Died of Influenza. LiNBURG, Ernest E., Private, 79th Division, Engineers, A. E. F. Linch, Frank, Private, First Gas Regiment, A. E. F. Gassed. LiND, James Francis, Private, Supply Train, Medical Detachment, A. E. F. Lindemuth, Henry Clay, Sergeant, Field Artillery. Lindemuth, Nelson R., Private, Ice Plant No. 301, A. E. F. Linderose, 0. S., Corporal, Infantry, A. E. F. Linebaugh, Albert A., Aviation, A. E. F. LiNEBAUGH, Henry M., Limited Service. Linebaugh, Percy, Private, Engineers, A. E. F. Lines, Lester S., Private, Medical Corps. LiNGi, MiRO, Coast Defense Reserves. Link, John Jr., Camp Meade, Md., A. E. F. Linsey, Curtis C, U. S. Infantry. LiPPERT, Oscar, Sergeant, Promoted to Second Lieutenant, S. A. T. C. Lippy, Oliver D., Private. Ammunition Train, A. E. F. LiPSiTZ, Joseph H., Private, Medical Corps, A. E. F. List, Herbert C, Camp Wadsworth, S. C, Infantry, A. E, F. Lister, Charles F., U. S. Infantry. Lister, Harry S., LI. S. Infantry. Little, Arthur W., Second Lieutenant, Field Artillery, A. E. F. Little, Charles A., Private, U. S. Army, Hanover, Pa. Little, Guy A., Camp Meade, Md. Little, Howard William, Private, Infantry, 42nd Division, A. E. F. Little, Mark T., Navy, Transport Agamemnon, A. E. F. Little, Orville A., Engineers, A. E. F. Little, Paul F., Private, Field Artillery. Little, Percell H., Hospital Orderly, Naval Medical Corps, A. E. F. Little, Roman W., Musician, Infantry, A. E. F. LivERANT, Moses, Private, Infantry. Livingston, Charles E., Private, Infantry, A. E. F. Wounded. Livingston, Edgar J., Corporal, Infantry, A. E. F. Livingston, George M., U. S. Army, York, Pa. Livingston, Roy, Camp Gordon. Ga. Lloyd, Charles E., U. S. Army, Laurel, Pa. Lloyd, Emory, U. S. Infantry. Lloyd, Howard M., V. S. Infantry. Lloyd, Howard, U. S. Infantry. [ 196 ] Lloyd, William T., Engineers, A. E. F. LocKARD, Charles, Camp Lee, Va. LocKARD, Earl S., Sergeant, Marines, A. E. F. LocKARD, William, Private, Limited Service. LocKEMAN, Clinton, Camp Lee, Va. LocKMAN, Curtis, Camp Meade, Md. LocKMAN, George F., S. A. T. C. Pennsylvania State College. Logan, Henry, Second Lieutenant, Air Service. Logan, Robert, LI. S. Artillery. LoHSS, George Charles, Private, Infantry, A. E. F. Gassed. LoHSS, George W., Private, Ambulance Service, A. E. F. LoNCAR, Frank M., U. S. Infantry. Long, George M., JJ. S. Infantry. Long, Henry, S. A. T. C. Lehigh LIniversily. Long, Marie K., Nurse, Base Hospital, Camp Greene, S. C. Long, Dr. Newton W., Senior Lieutenant, Naval Medical Corps. LooKiNGBiLL, D. A., Columbus, Ohio. Lookingbill, Ralph H., Sergeant, Infantry, A. E. F. Loose, Harry E., Private, Machine Gun Battahon, A. E. F. Killed. Loose, Samuel M., Private, Signal Corps, A. E. F. Loser, Wayne M., Camp Lee, Va. Loss, Claude, Private, Artillery, A. E. F. Wounded. Loss, George R., Camp Meade, Md., A. E. F. LoucKS, Charles, Private, Infantry. LoucKS, Earl W., Signal Corps. LoucKS, George C, U. S. Navy. LoucKS, George E., Private, Field Artillery. LoucKS, Harry B., A. E. F. Wounded. LoucKS, Walter B., Ice Plant Unit No. 301, A. E. F. LoucKS, William Casper, Corporal, Engineers. Lowe, Charles R., S. A. T. C. Dickinson College, Carlisle, Pa. Lowe, Claude M., Engineers. Lowe, Clarence, Limited Service. Lowe, Clark A., Camp Meade, Md., A. E. F. Lowe, Raymond A., Corporal, Infantry, A. E. F. Killed. Lowe, Thomas, Major, LI. S. Army, Shrewsbury, Pa. Loyer, George W., Camp Meade. Md. Lucabaugh, William H., U. S. Infantry. Luckenbaugh, Claude S., Private. Machine Gun Company, Infantry, A. E. F. LucKENBAUGH, James, Camp Meade. Md. Luckenbaugh, Lawrence M., Private, Field Artilleiy. Luckenbaugh, Paul, Camp Lee, Va., A. E. F. Luckenbaugh, William, Camp Lee, Va. LucocK, Joseph, Private, Field Artillery, A. E. F. Ludwig, Charles Purd, Yoeman, Navy. LuDwiG, Paul, Yoeman, U. S. Navy. Ludwig, Paul R., Camp Meade, Md. LuNGREN, William G., Camp Meade, Md. f 197 1 LuRiA, William, Sergeant Major, Infantry. LuTZ, Charles H., Private, Medical Corps, A. E. F. LuTZ, Chester L., Hospital Apprentice, Medical Corps. LuTZ, Emory, U. S. Army, Hanover, Pa. LuTZ, Dr. Jeremiah F., Major, Medical Reserve Corps. LuTZ, Lewis, U. S. Army, Glen Rock, Pa. LuTZ, Valentine Kilgore, Hospital Apprentice, Navy. Died of Influenza. LuTZ, William F., S. A. T. C. Franklin and Marshall, Lancaster, Pa. LuTZ, William J., U. S. Army, R. D. No. 1, Laurel, Pa. Lutzinger, William F., U. S. Army, York, Pa. Lynerd, Samuel P., Private, Medical Corps, A. E. F. Lynes, Jacor D., Private, Infantry, A. E. F. Lyons, Lawrence, Engineers, A. E. F. Lytle, Elmer. Private, Infantry, A. E. F. Wounded. Mac Avoy, James C, Private, Aviation. In England. MacDonell, Dr. John T., Medical Corps, A. E. F. MacFarland, William, Seaman, FT. S. Navy. McAree, Frederick M., Private, Ice Plant Unit No. 301, A. E. F. McAbee, George S., Private, Ice Plant Unit No. 301, A. E. F. Wounded. Promoted to Sergeant. McAbee, William Homer, Medical Corps. McBoDDY, Norman, U. S. Army, York, Pa. McCall, Hugh C, Private, Ice Plant Unit No. 301, A. E. F. McCandless, Michael L., Private. Camp Lee, Va. McCandlich, Frederick J., Private, Ice Plant Unit No. 301, A. E. F. McChesney, Joseph H., Ofllcers' Reserve Training School, Aviation. McClain, Elmer E., Private, Infantry, A. E. F. Decorated. McClain, Roy R., Sergeant, Quartermaster Corps. McClane, Roy Adam, Private, Light Field ArtiUery, A. E. F. Killed. McClare, Roy A., U. S. Army, Hellam, Pa. McCleary, Burr F., Private, Infantry, A. E. F. Wounded. McCleary, Clarence E., Mechanic, Dallastown, Pa. McCleary, Earl V., Private, Limited Service, Camp Dix, N. J. McClellan, Elmer E., Private, Camp Meade, Md. McCleary, Finny Manifold, Corporal, Cavalry, A. E. F. Wounded. McCleary, Owen J., Sergeant, Infantry, A. E. F. Wounded. McClellan, Robert R., Seaman, Navy, U. S. S. Minnesota. McClellan, Walter H., Seaman, Nayy, U. S. S. New York. McClune, Harold H., Captain, Infantry, A. E. F. Gassed. McClure, Edward Everett P., Private. Medical Corps, A. E. F. McClure, Harry R., Corporal, Infantry, A. E. F. Wounded. McCollam, Robert, Lance Corporal, Medical Corps. McConnell, Frank, Yoeman, Navy. McCoRKLE, William, Private, Magnolia. McCoRMiCK, Harry, Private, Ice Plant Unit No. 301, A. E. F. McCoy. Maurice, Corporal. Camp Lee, Va. McCoy, Robert E., Seaman, U. S. Navy. A. E. F. McCuBBiNS, Stacey, Private, Aviation, A. E. F. [198 1 McCuLLOUGH, George H., Corporal, Infantry. McCuLLOUGH, George H., Sergeant, Medical Corps. McCuLLOUGH, George L., Electrician, Navy. McCuLLOUGH, Jacob D., Machinist, Navy, U. S. S. West Point, A. E. F. McCuLLOUGH, James E., Musician, Navy, U. S. S. Mississippi. McCuLLOUGH, J. Walter, Private, Infantry. McCuLLOUGH, 0. R., Corporal, Signal Corps. Broken Leg. McCuLLOUGH, Ross, Private, Depot Brigade. McCuRDY, Meryn, S. a. T. C. Lehigh University, Pa. McDonald, Frank, Private, Infantry. McDonald, Lloyd, XI. S. Army, York, Pa. McDonald, Russell A., Private, Camp Meade, Md., A. E. F. McDouGAL, Kenneth, Seaman, Naval Reserve Corps, A. E. F. McDowell, James G., Private, Infantry. McDowell, M. M., Private, Camp Lee, Va. McEachern, Marion, Second Lieutenant, Tank Corps. McElroy, Lloyd, Sergeant, Coast Artillery, A. E. F. McElroy, William H., Private, U. S. Army, Wrightsville, Pa. McElwain, Harry L., Sergeant, Stewartstown, Pa., A. E. F. D. S. C. McEnespy, Scoot, F., Private, Camp Lee, Va. McFall, Charles, Aviation Corps. McFatridge, Maurice C, Private, Infantry, A. E. F. McGee, William, Private, Camp Merritt, N. J., A. E. F. (Colored.) McGiNNis, George F., Private, Camp Lee, Va., A. E. F. McGiNNis, George T., U. S. Army, York, Pa. McGoNiGLE, Floyd, U. S. Army, York, Pa., A. E. F. McGovERN, Ernest, Lieutenant, Field Artillery. McGready, Frank, Merchant Marines. McGready, Harry C, Non-commissioned Officer, Engineer, A. E. F. McGready, Hugh E., Private, U. S. Infantry. McGuiGAN, S. R., Private, Camp Lee, Va. McGuigan, William A., Corporal, Infantry. McGurk, James B., Private, Camp Meade, Md., A. E. F. Wounded. McIntosh, W. J., Private, Field Artillery. (Colored.) McKiNNEY, Frank L., Corporal, Motor Supply Train, A. E. F. McRiNLEY, Howard W., Private, Camp Lee, Va. McKiNLEY, Jasper C, Private, Camp Lee, Va. McLaughlin, Joseph D., Private, Ice Plant Unit No. 301, A. E. F. McLaughlin, Roy D., Private, S. A. T. C. State College. McLaughlin, Roy 0., Sergeant, Signal Corps. McLaury, Frank M., Midshipman, Navy. McLean, Jerry L, Private, Infantry. McLean, Robert J., Sergeant, Infantry, A. E. F. McPherson, Alex W., Private, Infantry, A. E. F. McSherry, Clifford C, Private, Infantry, A. E. F. McSherry, Harry C, Sergeant-Major, Artillery, A. E. F. McSwEiTZER, William, Private, Engineers. McWiLLiAMS, Clark, Private, Infantry, A. E. F. Killed. [ 199 1 McWiLLiAMS, Elwood Clarkson, Private, Limited Service, Camp Green, S. C. Mace, William W., U. S. Army, York. Pa. Mackley, Clare B., Private, Railroad Transportation Company, A. E. F. Mahon, Frederick H., Private, Limited Service, Fort Thomas, Ky. Mahuck, John J., Private, U. S. Infantry. A. E. F. Maish, David E., Private, LI. S. Infantry. Major, Forrest, Private, Ice Plant Unit No. 301, A. E. F. Major, Richard L. Jr., Private, Engineers, A. E. F. Gassed and Shell-shocked. Major, Richard L. Sr., Private, Ice Plant Unit No. 301, A. E. F. Malehorn, Jacob H., Private, Camp Meade, Md. Malehorn. John A., Private, Camp Meade, Md. Malehorn, Ralph N., Sergeant, Ordnance Department. Malehorn, Walter L., Private, Infantry. Malone, Earl N., Private, Camp Meade, Md. Malone, Harry D., Wagoner, Ammunition Train, 80th Division, A. E. F. Malone, Henry M., Private, Ammunition Train, A. E. F. Manges, Edmund L.. First Lieutenant, Chaplain, Field Artillery. A. E. F. Manges, Willis F., Lieutenant-Colonel, Medical Corps. Manifold, Hov^^ard Jordon, Private, Infantry, A. E. F. Manley, Melvin, Private, Camp Custer, Mich. (Colored.) Mann, Charles H., Private, Medical Corps. Mann, Frank C, Private, Quartermaster Corps. Mann, Frederick V., Private, Limited Service, Fort Thomas, Ky. Mann, Henry, U. S. Army, York, Pa. Mann, John, Private, Field Artillery. Mann, John Henry, Sergeant, Marine Corps. Mann, Joseph, Private, Infantry. Mansberger, Bruce E., S. A. T. C. Mansberger, Robley, Private, Aviation. March, Charles, Seaman, U. S. Navy. March, Clarence, Private, Infantry, A. E. F. Wounded. March, Clarence W., Private, Infantry, A. E. F. March, Clark H.. Private, Infantry. March, Frank, Private, Carpenter, Camp Meade, Md. March, Frederick, Corporal, Engineers, A. E. F. March, Grover C, Corporal, Ammunition Train, A. E. F. March, Jacob T., Second Lieutenant, Quartermasters Corps, A. E. F. March, John H., Private, York County Ambulance Unit. March, Raymond C, Private, Camp Meade, Md. March, Raymond P., Private, Infantry, A. E. F. March, Swiler, Private, Infantry, A. E. F. Marcion, Gus, Private, LT. S. Army, York, Pa. Markel, Amos, Private, Camp Lee, Va. Markle, Byron E., Private, Machine Gun Battalion, 3d Division. Wounded. Markel, Francis, Private, Infantry, A. E. F. Wounded. Markle. John F., Private, Camp Lee, Va. Markel. Norman, Private, Camp Meade, Md. Markel, Peter, Private, Hanover, Junction, A. E. F. I 200 1 Market, Francis, U. S. Army, New Market, Pa. Market, Elmer R., Private, U. S. Infantry. Markey. Elmer Russell, Private, Infantry, A. E. F. Killed. Markey, Harry A., Private, U. S. Infantry. Markey, James H., Private, U. S. Army, Red Lion, Pa. Markey. Jesse, Corporal, Camp Gordon, Ga., A. E. F. Markey, Robert C, Private, Camp Lee, Va.. A. E. F. Markey, Thomas, Private, LI. S. Infantry. Markle, Ammon p., Private, Camp Meade, Md., A. E. F. Wounded. Markle, Ryron E., Private, U. S. Infantry. Markle, Ryron H., Private, LT. S. Infantry. Markle, Clyde, Private, A. E. F. Wounded. Markle, Henry W., Private, Engineers, A. E. F. Markle, Ralph C, Private, Camp Lee, Va., A. E. F. Markle, Walter H., S. A. T. C. Pennsylvania College, Gettysburg, Pa. Markle, W. Roy, Private, Marines, U. S. S. Utah. Markle, Wilbur, Sergeant, U. S. Army, Hanover, Pa., A. E. F. Markley, George D.. Private, Infantry. Markley, Ralph Mc, Corporal, Infantry, A. E. F. Markley, Samuel M., Private, Camp Meade, Md. Died. Markley. William H., Private, Quartermaster Corps. Marks, Claude, Private, Aviation. In England. Marlowe, Alfred, S. A. T. C. Marquet, Harry, Private, LI. S. Infantry. Marshall, Harry G., Officers' Reserve Corps, Camp Taylor, Ry. Marsteller, William A., Corporal. Infantry, A. E. F. Wounded. Martin, Carl, Private, Mechanic at Carnegie Institute, Pittsburgh, Pa. Martin, John 0., Private, Camp Meade, Md. Martin, Melvin, Private, Camp Meade, Md. Martin, Robert F., Private, Camp Meade, Md. Martz, Harry, Private, Infantry, A. E. F. Masemore, Ervin p.. Private, Camp Meade, Md. Masenheimer, Edward F., Private, Field Artillery, A. E. F. Mason. John William, Private, Infantry, A. E. F. Mathias, Clark M., Private, Engineers. A. E. F. Mathias, Ralph G., Private, Camp Meade, Md. Mathias, William, Private, Infantry. Matson, Samuel J., Private, Infantry. Matthews, Grover C, Private, Infantry. Matthews, Wilbur C, Private, Camp Meade, Md. (Colored.) Maughlin, Ernest W., Private, U. S. Army, York, Pa. Maul, Harry E., Private, Artillery, A. E. F. Wounded. Maul, William F., Private, Infantry. Maus, Grover C, Private, Hanover, Pa., A. E. F. Maus, Stewart, Private, Medical Corps. May, Charles H., Major, Medical Corps, A. E. F. May, Chauncey P., U. S. Army, York, Pa. May, David, Private, Camp Meade, Md. [2011 May, Lewis F., Corporal, Infantry, A. E. F. May, Richard C, Private, Machine Gun Battalion. May, Roy S., Private, Camp Lee, Va. May, William H., S. A. T. C. Albright College. Mayer, John L., Major, Marine Corps. In Hayti. Killed. Mayers, A. F., Private, Limited Service, Camp Green. Mays, George, Private, Infantry, A. E. F. Meaberger, Ambrey, Private, Ice Plant Unit No. 301, A. E. F. Mead, Charles, Private, S. A. T. C. Howard University, Washington. Meads, Josiah L., Private, Camp Meade, Md. Meads, Paul G., Private, Engineers, York, Pa. Meals, Stewart, Private, LT. S. Infantry. Mear, C. F., Private, Medical Corps, A. E. F. Meckley, Allen L., Private, Motor Mechanics. Killed in Accident in Philadelphia. Meckley, Delphus F., Private, P. W. E. No. 28, A. E. F. Meckley, Earl W., Private, U. S. Aviation. Meckley, Roy C, Private, Machine Gun Battalion, A. E. F. Meckley, Victory A., Private, Camp Meade, Engineers, A. E. F. Died. Meckley, Clarence, First Class Private, Infantry, A. E. F. Meckley, William H., Private, Engineers, A. E. F. Wounded and Died. Medlar, Morgan F., Private, Infantry, A. E. F. Gassed. Mehring, Stewart P., Private, U. S. Army, Hanover, Pa. Meisenhelder, Clarence J., Private, Ice Plant Unit No. 301, A. E. F. Meisenhelder, George D., Corporal, Signal Corps, A. E. F. Meisenhelder, Harvey G., Private, Medical Corps. Meisenhelder, Reynold Walter, Sergeant, Aviation. Meisenhelder. Robert S., Private, Medical Corps. Meisenhelter, Clarence, Private, Engineers, A. E. F. Melching, Hilda, Nurse, New York City Unit No. 63. Melhorn, Archie A., Private. Camp Meade, Md., Musician, 316th Infantry Band, A. E. F. Melhorn, Earl, Corporal, Engineers, A. E. F. Melhorn, Jacob H., Private, Engineers. Melhorn, Ross, Private, Camp Lee, Va. Melhorn, William G., Sergeant, Infantry, A. E. F. Mellinger, Guy, Private, Infantry. Mellon, Charles W., Private, Cavalry. Melsheimer, Frederick E., Private, Aviation. Menchey, John D., Private, Infantry. Menges, Granville A., Private, Engineers, A. E. F. Menough, Luther D., Captain, Engineers. Mentz, Henry Wentz, Private, 30th Recruiting Co., Ft. Thomas, Ky. Mergenthaler, Erney J., Private, Ambulance Corps, Camp Greenleaf. Merkert, Harry N., Spring Garden Institute, Philadelphia, Pa. Mersberger, Michael, Private, Camp Meade, Md. Messerly, Millard M., Private, Camp Meade, Md. Messersmith. Edward, Private, Camp Meade, Md. Messinger, Allen, Private, Field Artillery. Messinger, Harry H., Private, Camp Meade, Md., A. E. F. [ 202 1 Messman, George, Private, Limited Service, Camp Dix, N. J. Messman, John P., Private, Limited Service, Camp Dix, N. J. Metzel, Jacob A., Private, Engineers, A. E. F. Metzel, John S., Private, Camp Meade, Md. Metzel, Lemuel S., U. S. Army, R. D. No. 2, Red Lion, Pa. Metzler, Dean, Private, Engineers. Meyers, Cornelius A. N., Corporal, Infantry. Michael, Robert C, Private, Infantry, A. E. F. Missing. MiCHELL, Elwood P., Private, Infantry, A. E. F. Michell, Austin, Private, Camp Custer, Michigan. (Colored.) MiCKEL, William J., U. S. Army, York, Pa. Mickey, Frank S., Private, Camp Meade, Md. MicKLEY, Clarence, Private, 359th Infantry, 90th Division, A. E. F. MiCKLEY, Harry D., Private. York County Ambulance Unit. MiLBURN, Samuel, Private, Camp Custer, Michigan. (Colored.) Miller, Ada Henrietta, Red Cross INurse, A. E. F. Miller, Alvin, U. S. Army, York New Salem, Pa. Miller, Alvin W., Private, Field Artillery, A. E. F. Miller, Arnold M., S. A. T. C. Millersville Normal School. Miller, Arthur E., Private, 112th Infantry, A. E. F. Wounded. Miller, Arthur R.. Private, Camp Meade, Md. Miller, Augustus E., Sergeant, Camp Humphries, Va. Miller, Bruce, U. S. Army, Dillsburg, Pa., A. E. F. Miller, Charles, U. S. Army, New Freedom, Pa. Miller, Charles Huston, Private, Air Service. In England. Miller, Christopher, Private Aviation. Miller, Claire C, Sergeant, Infantry, A. E. F. Miller, Clarence L., U. S. Army, Manchester, Pa. Miller, Claude N., Private, Camp Meade, Md. Miller, Curvin E., Private, Motor Branch, Ammunition Train, A. E. F. Miller, Curtis L., Private, Medical Corps. Miller, David F., Private, Infantry, A. E. F. Killed. Miller, David, Private, Ice Plant Unit No. 301. Miller, David N., Private, Wagoner, Infantry, A. E. F. Miller, Dean, Private, U. S. Infantry. Miller, Edward, U. S. Army, Hellam, Pa., A. E. F. Miller, Edwill B., U. S. Army, R. D. No. 1, Stewartstown, Pa. Miller, Edwin, Seaman, U. S. Navy. Miller, Edwood, U. S. Army, Hellam, Pa., A. E. F. Miller, Emory S., U. S. Army. R. D. No. 1, Spring Grove. Pa. Miller, Ervin C, Private, Camp Meade, Md. Miller, Earl J., Private, 314th Field Artillery. Miller, Ervin E., Private, Camp Lee, Va. Miller, Frank L., Private, Camp Lee, Va. Miller, George, U. S. Army, Hanover, Pa. Miller, George H., Private. Ordnance Repair Shops. Miller, George H., Private, Machine Gun Battahon. Miller, George M., Private, Engineers, A. E. F. f 203 1 Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Harold E., Corporal, Chemical Division. Harold M., S. A. T. C. Millersville Normal School. Harold W., S. A. T. C. Harry E., Electrician, Spring Garden University, Philadelphia. Harry Smith, Private, Field Artillery, A. E. F. Harry W., Private, Infantry. Harvey M., Private, Signal Corps, A. E. F. Irving C, Private, Infantry. Jacor Calvin, Cavalry. James D., Seaman, Navy. John, Private, Camp Greenleaf. .ToHN A., U. S. Army, R. D. No. 2, Seven Valleys, Pa. John A., Private, Camp Greenleaf. John B., S. A. T. C. Pennsylvania College, Gettysburg, Pa. John B., S. A. T. C. Pennsylvania State College, State College. Pa. John D., Sergeant, Battery A, 16th Field Artillery, A. E. F. J. Earl, U. S. Army, Red Lion, Pa. John H., Private, Camp Meade, Md. John H., Private, Cavalry, A. E. F. Wounded, Accident. John H. J., Seaman, U. S. Navy. John J., Private, U. S. Infantry. Joseph Mause, Corporal, Infantry, A. E. F. Wounded, Died. Leonard M., Private, S. A. T. C. Albright College, Myerstown, Pa. Leonard N., Sergeant, Trench Mortar Battery. Mark, Private, Company L, 315th Infantry, A. E. F. Martin M., Sergeant, Infantry, A. E. F. Maurice, Private, Ordnance Department, A. E. F. Mervin F., Private, 8th Field Artillery, A. E. F. Michael, Private, Ordnance Department, A. E. F. Milton H., Private, Camp Meade, Md. Milton J., Private, Cavalry. Norman, Private, U. S. Navy. Norman E., Private, Camp Meade, Md. Oscar, Private, Signal Corps, A. E. F. Paul N., Private, Infantry. Ralph H., Private, Engineers, A. E. F. Raymond W., S. A. T. C. Pennsylvania College, Gettysburg, Pa. Russell N., Private, Coast Artillery. Ryno, Private, Camp Meade, Md. S. Morley, Private, Camp Meade, Md. Walter 0., Private, Motor Company, 77th Infantry, A. E. F. Walter S., Private, Infantry. William E., Private, Hospital Corps. William F., Private, U. S. Cavalry. William 0., Private, Camp Lee, Va. Milugan, Rorert D., Corporal, Ordnance Department, A. E. F. MiLLiGAN, Mearle S., Private, Infantry, A. E. F. Mills, Harry A., Private, Headquarters Company 20 Mills, Stanley B., Private, U. S. Army, York, Pa. MiNiN, John A., Regimental Supply Sergeant, Infantry, A. E. F. MiNNiCH, Dallas E., U. S. Army, Dallastown, Pa. MiNNiCH, Dallas E., Corporal, Field Artillery, A. E. F. MiNNiCH, Harry E., Private, Engineers, A. E. F. MiNNiCH, Jacob, Private, Camp Greerileaf, Ga. MiSHLER, Robert, U. S. Army, York, Pa. Mitchell, Elwood D., U. S. Army, New Freedom, Pa. Mitchell, Elwood, P., Private, Infantry, A. E. F. Mitchell, William Otto, Private, Casual Company, A. E. F. (Colored.) Mitchell, William W., Private, Signal Corps. MiTZEL, Earl Leroy, Private, Infantry. Mitzel, Earl L., Private, Infantry, A. E. F. MiTZEL, Earl R., U. S. Army, R. D. No. 7, York, Pa. Mitzel, Jacob T., Private, Infantry, A. E. F. MiTZEL, Lemuel S., Private. Infantry, A. E. F. Mitzel, Ralph W., Private, Mechanical Unit. MiTZEL, Schall W., Private, Camp Meade, Md. Mitzel, Sylvester, Private, 79th Division, Infantry, A. E. F. Gassed. MiTZEL, John S., Private, 316th Infantry, A. E. F. Mitzel, Thomas, Corporal, Heavy Artillery, A. E. F. MiTZEL, William H., Seaman, U. S. Navy. MoBLEY, Charles, Stevedore, (Colored.) MoELLER, William, Private, U. S. Marine Corps. In Santa Domingo. Mohn, Harry D., Private, Camp Lee, Va. MoHR, George D., Corporal, Machine Gun Battahon, A. E. F. Monroe, George Ross, Corporal, Infantry, A. E. F. Killed. Monroe, Wayne Alexander, Private, Hospital Corps, A. E. F. Montague, Adam S., Seaman, Navy, U. S. S. Dorothy. Montgomery, Philip 0., First Lieutenant, Engineers, A. E. F. Moody, Harold Dise, Sergeant-Major, 7th U. S. Infantry, A. E. F. Wounded. Moody, John W. Jr., Private, Engineers, A. E. F. Moon, Fred Alphonso, Private, Camp Meade, Md., (Colored.) Moore, Charles, Naval Aviation, Second Class Machinist Mate, A. E. F. Moore, Charles E., Private, Engineers, A. E. F. Moore, Clarence, Apprentice Seaman, Navy. Moore, C. 0., Private, Medical Corps, A. E. F. Moore, Charles W., Private, Camp Meade, Md. Moore, David R., Private, Camp Meade, Md., A. E. F. Wounded. Moore, Frank A., Second Lieutenant, Coast Defense. Moore, J. C, Naval Reserve Force. AIooRE, James, U. S. Army, Wrightsville, Pa. Moore, Peter, Corporal, U. S. Infantry. Moore, Ross, Private, York County Ambulance Unit. Moore, Theodore, Private, A. E. F. Moore, Theodore E., Private, Infantry, Panama Canal Zone. Moore, Thomas D., Private, Aviation. Moore, William F. B., U. S. Infantry, York, Pa. f 205 1 MooRELAND, JoHN W., Private, Infantry. MoRELOCK, Addison S., Private, Infantry, A. E. F. Wounded. MoREMER, GuiSEPPE, Private, Infantry. MoREY, Frank B., Second Lieutenant, Officers' Training Camp, Camp Lee, Va. Morgan, Hugh J., Private, Ambulance Corps. Morgan, William, Laundry Company No. 30L A. E. F. MoRGART, John R., Private, Camp Meade, Md. Morris, John J., Private, Field Artillery < A. E. F. Morrison, J. K., Private, Field Artillery. Morrison, W. Earl, First Lieutenant, Infantry, A. E. F. Morrow, Casper, Private, Infantry, A. E. F. Morrow, Harry E., Private, Water Tank Train, A. E. F. Moore, Charles H., Second Class Machinist's Mate, U. S. Navy. Morrow, Ralph, Private, Infantry. MoRTLAND, John W., Private, Infantry. Morton, Jacob C, Sergeant, Quartermaster Corps. Morton, John F., Spring Garden University, Philadelphia. Died. Morton, Robert L., U. S. Army, Bridgeton, Pa. Morton, R. L., Private, Infantry, A. E. F. MosEBRooK, Francis J., Gunner, Navy, S. S. New Mexico. Moss, Claude Charles, Private, Coast Artillery. MoosER, Joseph H., Private, Hospital Corps. MoTTER, John C, Sergeant, Aviation, A. E. F. MoTTER, William C. Corporal. Aviation, A. E. F. Moul, Charles, Private, Camp Meade, Md. MouL, Clark, Private, Engineers, A. E. F. Moul, Gemmill D., Sergeant, Aviation. A. E. F. MouL, George R., Private, Camp Meade, Md. Moul, Harry E., Private, Field Artillery, A. E. F. Wounded. MouL, Horace, First Master Signal Electrician. Aviation, A. E. F. Gassed. Moul, Ivan M., Private, Limited Service, Camp Colt, Pa. Moul, John H., Private, Engineers, A. E. F. Moul, Raymond, Private, Engineers, A. E. F. Moul, Robert W., Limited Service, Private, Camp Dix, N. J. Moul, William F., Private, Recruiting Service. Moul, Wilson F., Private, Infantry, A. E. F. Wounded. MouNTFORD, Edwin H., Private, Aviation. Mountford, Wilford H., Private, Ice Plant Unit No. 301, A. E. F. Mower, Earl B., Chief Machinist's Mate, Naval Aviation. MowERY, Charles C, Provost Guard Detachment. Mowery, Davis B., Private, Aviation, A. E. F. MowRER, Victor K., Private, Machine Gun Battalion, A. E. F. MowRY, Charles E., Private, Medical Corps. Mull, Robert H., Private, Camp Greenleaf, Ga. Mumford, Charles, Private, Infantry. MuMMA, Frederick J., Naval Training Station, Wissahickon Building. Cape May, N. Mummert, Arthur M., Private, Infantry, A. E. F. MuMMERT, Chauncey, Private, Infantry. [206] MuiviMERT, Daniel W., Camp Lee, Va. Rejected. MuMMERT, Harry E., Private, Limited Service, Camp Dix, N. J. MuMMA, Harry J., Private, Training Battalion, Depot Brigade, A. E. F. Mummer, Harvey, Private, Infantry. MuMMERT, Harvey E., Sergeant, Aviation. MuMMERT, Horace C, U. S. Army, R. D. No. 4, Hanover, Pa. MuMMERT, Jacob P., Private, Camp Meade, Md. MuMMERT, Jean B., Private, Camp Lee, Va. MuMMERT, Lewis J., Private, Camp Greenleaf, Ga. MuMMERT, Morgan E., Private, Infantry. MuMMERT, Sterling G., Private, Camp Greenleaf, Ga. Mumper, David M., Corporal, Infantry, A. E. F. Wounded. MuNCHEL, Albert, Private, Infantry, A. E. F. Munchel, Clement M., Private, Infantry, A. E. F. Munchel, Raymond G., Private Field Artillery, A. E. F. Mundis, Benjamin F., Private Engineers A. E. F. Mundis, Bruce A., Private, Aviation. Mundis, David W., Sergeant, Infantry, A. E. F. Killed. Mundis, George E., Private, U. S. Army, Hanover, Pa. Mundis, George W., Private, \J. S. Cavalry. Mundis, John S., Private, Aviation Corps Mundis, Silas, Private, Infantry. Mundis, Stewart S., Acting Corporal, Forestry Replacement Battalion. MuNDORF, Lester, Sergeant, Tank Corps. MuNDORFF, Edgar G., Sergeant, Coast Artillery Corps, A. E. F. MuNSON, James, Sergeant, Infantry, A. E. F. Wounded. MuNTZ, Erwin C, Private, Infantry, A. E. F. MuNTz, Henry W., Private, Infantry, A. E. F. Murdoch, Francis P., Navy, U. S. S. New Mexico. Murnane, Joseph A., U. S. Army, York, Pa. Murphy, George McK., Private, Camp Lee, Va. Murphy, Joseph A., Private, A. E. F. Gassed. Murphy, Alexander, First Class Private, A. E. F. Murphy, Scott F., Private, Artillery, A. E. F. Murphy, Stuart L., S. A. T. C. Franklin and Marshall College, Lancaster, Pa. Murphy, Wilson G., Private, Infantry, A. E. F. Wounded. Murray, Arthur David, Private, Ambulance Corps, A. E. F. Murray, Bruce Leroy, Private, Field Artillery, A. E. F. Murray, William L., Private, Camp Greene, N. C. (Colored.) MussELMAN, Albert R., First Sergeant, .316th Infantry, A. E. F. Musselman, George J., Private, Engineers, A. E. F. MussELMAN, J. D., Private, Infantry, A. E. F. Musselman, Robert, Private, Hospital Corps. MussER, Christian B., Private, Supply Train, A. E. F. Musser, Harry. Mess Sergeant, Aviation. MussER, Lewis, Tradesman, Camp Meade, Md., A. E. F. Mutzabaugh, Russell Reed, First Lieutenant, Infantry, A. E. F. Wounded, Decorated. Myers, Arthur L., Private, Engineers, A. E. F. [207 1 Myers, Boyd S., Private, Camp Meade, Md. Myers, C. A. N., Private, Camp Lee, Va. Myers, Charles, Sergeant, Machine Gun Battalion, A. E. F. Wounded. Myers, Charles E., U. S. Army, Hanover, Pa., A. E. F. Myers, Charles H., First Sergeant, Machine Gun Battahon, A. E. F. Gassed. Myers, Chauncey 0., Private, Company B, 601st Engineers. Myers, Chester V., Technical Training, Lehigh University. Myers, Clarence G., Private, Camp Forrest, Ga. Myers, Cleveland J., Sergeant, Engineers. A. E. F. Myers, David, Sergeant, San Diego, Cal. Myers, Earl D., First Sergeant, Aviation. Myers, Earl H., Seaman, Navy, U. S. S. Carolina, Convoying Ships. Myers, Earl H., Seaman, U. S. Navy, Manchester, Pa. Myers, Edward, Private, Infantry. Myers, Edward C, Private, Ambulance Corps, A. E. F. Myers, Ervin F., Private, Engineers, A. E. F. Myers, Frederick H., Private, Camp Meade, Md., A. E. F. Myers, Furman B., U. S. Army, York, Pa. Myers, George C, Private, Medical Corps, A. E. F. Myers, George E., Private, U. S. Army, Camp Greenleaf. Myers, George L, Private, S. A. T. C. Pennsylvania College, Gettysburg, Pa. Myers, Gilbert, Private, Medical Corps. Myers, Harry, Private, U. S. Artillery. Myers, David F., Corporal, 304th Engineers. Myers, Harry, Private, Infantry, A. E. F. Gassed. Myers, Harry, Private, U. S. Engineers. Myers, Harry A., Private, Infantry, A. E. F. Gassed. Myers, Harry H., Private, Infantry, A. E. F. Myers, Harry H., Private, Field Artillery, A. E. F. Myers, Ira H., Private, Engineers, A. E. F. Myers, Isaac W., Private, Infantry, A. E. F. Myers, Ivan, U. S. Army, York, Pa. Myers, John H., Private, Camp Lee, Va. Myers, John Jaeger, Private, Balloon Section, Aviation, A. E. F. Myers, John J., FT. S. Army, York, Pa. Myers, Joseph Jr., Private, Camp Meade, Md. Myers, Lawrence J., Corporal, Infantry, A. E. F. Myers, Leonard D., Private, Medical Corps. Myers, Lewis S., Private, Limited Service, Camp Dix, N. J. Myers, Lloyd D., U. S. Army, Flanover Junction. Myers, Lloyd D., Private, Infantry, A. E. F. Myers, Luther, Corporal, Medical Corps. Myers, Malcolm W., S. A. T. C. State College, State College, Pa. Myers, Marshall Luther, Private, Ice Plant Unit No. 301, A. E. F. Myers, Maurice E., Private, Camp Lee, Va. Myers, Melvin, Private, Camp Meade, Md. Myers, Milfert W., Lieutenant, Camp Oglethorpe, Ga., A. E. F. Myers, Norman E., Private, Infantry. 208 Myers, Oliver F., Private, Camp Meade, Md. Myers, Paul, Private, U. S. Infantry. Myers, Paul D., Private, U. S. Army, Seven Valleys, Pa., A. E. F. Myers, Paul E., Private, Engineers, A. E. F. Myers, Peter, S. A. T. C. Pennsylvania College, Gettysburg, Pa. Myers, Robert 0., Private, U. S. Infantry. Myers, Roy, Private, Signal Corps. Myers, Roy C, Private, Signal Corps. Myers, Russell E., Mechanic, Pittsburgh University, Pittsburgh, Pa. Myers, Samuel M., Private, Camp Meade, Md. Myers, Stuart P.. Wagoner, Ammunition Train, A. E. F. Myers, Walter Dewey, Private, Medical Corps, A. E. F. Myers, Walter E., Private, U. S. Infantry. Myers. Walter Frey, Jr., Apprentice Seaman, Naval Reserves. Myers, Walter J., Private, Limited Service, Camp Dix, N. J. Myers, Weldon M., S. A. T. .C. Carnegie Institute, Pittsburgh, Pa. Myers, Wilbur L., Private, U. S. Infantry. Myers, William, Private, Artillery, A. E. F. Killed. Myers, William A., Private, Limited Service, Camp Dix, N. J. Myers, Ralph S., Sergeant, Infantry, A. E. F. Wounded. Myers, William R., Private, Camp Greenleaf. Myers, William E., Private, Infantry, A. E. F. Myers, William E., Corporal, Infantry. Myers, William E., Private, Camp Lee, Va. Myers, William F., Private, Camp Lee, Va. Myers, Wilson L., Chief Quartermaster, Navy, U. S. S. Paul Jones. Nace, Edward G., Private, Provisional Company, A. E. F. Nace, Ira, U. S. Navy. Nace, Mark W., Private, U. S. Engineer. Nace, William W., Private, Quartermaster Corps, York, Pa., A. E. F. Nagle, Enos W., Chauffer, U. S. Infantry. Nagle, Ray E., Private, Infantry. Naill, Edward R., Private, Coast Artillery. Naille, Richard Y., Second Lieutenant, Infantry, A. E. F. Wounded. Nauss, Frank, Corporal, U. S. Infantry. Naylor, Harry E., Camp Meade, Md. Naylor, Frank P., Private, Infantry, A. E. F. Naylor, Matthew, Private, Camp Meade, Md. Neal, Clarence R., Private, Limited Service, Syracuse, N. Y. Neary, George A., Private, U. S. Army, Hanover, Pa. Neary, John, Private, Infantry, A. E. F. Nease, Lawrence F., Private, Camp Lee, Va. Neatrow, a. p.. Corporal, U. S. Army, A. E. F. Neibinger, Rruce G., Second Lieutenant, Infantry. Neff, Adie p.. Private, Camp Meade, Md. Neff, Aaron D., Corporal, Company E, 60th Infantry, A. E. F. Killed. Neff, Curvin, Private, U. S. Infantry. [209 1 Neff, C. Zeigler, Private, Engineers. Neff, Edgar, Private, Hospital Corps. Neff, Frank J., Private, Ice Plant Unit No. 301, A. E. F. Neff, Gordon, Private, Infantry, U. S. Army. Neff, James E., Private, U. S. Marines. Neff, Walter Eugene, Mess Sergeant, Infantry. Neff, Wilford E., Private, Artillery, A. E. F. Neff, Wilford, U. S. Army, Dover, Pa. Neff. Willl4.m McK., Private, Infantry, Machine Gun Company, A. E. F. Killed. Neiman, Allen, Sergeant, Infantry. In Russia. Neiman, Paul A., Cook, Camp Lee, Va. Neiman, Walter E., Private, Infantry. Nell, Laura M., Nurse, Hospital LTnit No. 20, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, A. E. F. Nell, Melvin, U. S. Army, Wrightsville, Pa. Nesbit, Grant, Private, Artillery, A. E. F. Ness, Allen A., Seaman, Navy. In England. Ness, Allan R., Private, Infantry. Ness, Charles R., Private, Camp Meade, Md. Ness, Charles, Private, Camp Meade, Md. Ness, Clarence W., Sergeant, Aviation. Ness, Curvin A., Private, U. S. Army, Hellam, Pa. Ness, Curvin E., Private, Coast Artillery, A. E. F. Ness, Earl G., Private, U. S. Infantry. Ness, Earl L., Private. Aviation Corps. Ness, Emory, Sergeant, Field Artillery, A. E. F. Ness, Gilmore, U. S. Army, York, Pa. Ness, Henry C, Private, Aviation, A. E. F. Ness, John L. Jr., Private, Ambulance Corps. Ness, Levi L., Motor Mechanic, University of Pittsburgh, Pa. Ness, Myles A., Private, Infantry, A. E. F. Wounded. Ness, Newton, Lieutenant, LI. S. Army, Spry, Pa. Ness, Raymond, Private, Infantry, Ambulance Service, in Italy, Section 57.3, A. E. F. Ness, Rufus R., Sergeant, Aviation Corps. Ness. U. D., Corporal, Infantry, A. E. F. Ness, Val Raymond, Private, Ambulance Corps. In Italy. Ness, Walter A., Sergeant, Air Service, A. E. F. Neuman, Henry L., Private, Ice Plant Unit No. 301, A. E. F. Newbold, George B., Private, Ice Plant Unit No. 301, A. E. F. Newcomer, Clarence, Private, Infantry, A. E. F. Gassed. Newcomer, John, Private, Field Artillery, A. E. F. Newcomer, Paul B., Private, U. S. Infantry. Newcomer, Roy, First Class Fireman, LT. S. Navy. Newcomer, Stewart J., U. S. Army, R. D. No. 2, Dover, Pa. Newcomer, William, Private, Camp Greenleaf. Newhause, Allen T., Private, Camp Meade, Md. Newman, Albertus C, Private, Field Artillery, A. E. F. Newman, Harvey J., Private, Engineers. Newman, Otto Earnest, Seaman, U. S. Navy. [210] Nicholas, Franklin F. Jr., Coast Artillery. Nicholas, Herbert N., Seaman, Navy. Nicholas, Paul R., Private, Tank Corps, A. E. F. Nicholas, Richard N., Major, Training Camp. Nickel, Charles E., Private, U. S. Army, York. Pa. NiCKLE, William J., Sergeant, Machine Repair Shop, A. E. F. NiCKEY, Robert, Private, Motor Transport Service, A. E. F. Noble, Forest C, Captain, Personnel Department. Noble, Harold C, Cadet, Aviation. Killed in Accident in RKnois. Noel, A. W., Private, Aviation Corps. Noel, Charles H., Corporal, Infantry, A. E. F. Gassed. Noel, Clair, Private, Infantry, A. E. F. Noel, William, U. S. Army, York, Pa. Noel, William E.. Private, Trench Mortars, A. E. F. Noell, Carl N., Private, Medical Corps, A. E. F. Nolan, Charles S., Private, Hopewell Township, A. E. F. NoLDEN, Charles, Private, Camp Meade, Md. (Colored.) NoLDEN, Ross A., Private, Infantry, A. E. F. Noll, William E., Private, Trench Mortar Rattery, A. E. F. Noll, Dr. R. A., Lieutenant, Medical Corps. Noll, Renjamin C, Private, Artillery, A. E. F. Noll, Conrad S., Private, Camp Meade, Md. Noll, Edward, Private, Camp Greenleaf. Noll, James A., Private, Artillery, A. E. F. Noll, Lawrence, Private, LI. S. Army, R. D., Red Lion, Pa. Nonemaker, Arthur H., Private, Engineers, A. E. F. NoNEMAKER, SoLOMON, Private, Reinforcement Detachment, A. E. F. NoRBECK, Paul J., Private, Hospital Unit. NoRRis, Harry A., Private, Infantry. NoRRis, James Alvin, Private, Infantry, A. E. F. NoRRis, Robert, Signal Corps, A. E. F. NoRRis, Roy, Private, U. S. Infantry. NoRTHAMER, W. Chester, Private, Cavalry, A. E. F. Norway, Lewis, Private, Engineers, A. E. F. Wounded. Noss, Harry E., Private, Headquarters Company, A. E. F. Noss, Herman Jr., U. S. Army, York, Pa. Noss, Lloyd C, Private, Navy, U. S. S. Wyoming. Null, Claude J., Private, Signal Corps, A. E. F. Null, Paul, Private, Machine Gun Rattalion. Null, Paul J., Private, Infantry, A. E. F. Wounded. Nye, John R., Private, Camp Meade, Md., A. E. F. Oakes, Russel F., Private, Aviation School, St. Paul, Minn. Oberdick, D. Howard, Private, Field Artillery. Oberdick, Ervin, U. S. Army, York, Pa. Oberdier, E. F., U. S. Army, York, Pa. German, Carl Henry, Limited Service, Camp Colt, Pa. German, E. W. C, S. A. T. C. State College, State College, Pa. [2111 German, William Henry, Camp Meade, Md. Ohm, Frank, Ammunition Train, A. E. F. Olewiler, E. L., Camp Lee, Va. Olewiler, Harry C, Camp Meade, Md. Olewiler, Howard, Private, Infantry, A. E. F. Died of Pneumonia. Olewiler, William A., Private, 119th Ambulance Company, A. E. F. Olinger, Charles V.. Cavalry. Olinger, Paul F., Private, S. A. T. C. Pennsylvania College, Gettysburg, Pa. Oliver, Paul W., Ordnance Department. Olp, George F., Private, Ammunition Train, A. E. F. Olp, Sterling H., Sergeant, Quartermaster's Corps. Olplim. Frank, Camp Meade, Md. O'Neill, Reginald T., Private, Camp Johnston, Fla. O'Neill, T. J., Captain, Ordnance Department, Washington, D. C. O'Neill, Newman, Corporal, Engineers, A. E. F. Oreman, Clair Walter, Private, Engineers, A. E. F. Oreman, John Frederick, Private, Hospital Corps. Orendorff, Lloyd, Private, Cook, U. S. Army. Orndorff, Clair W., Camp Meade, Md. Orr, Glenn Caroll, Corporal, Infantry, A. E. F. Ort, Calvin R., Medical Corps, A. E. F. Ort, Carl, Second Lieutenant, Aviation. Ort, Ralph, Camp Meade, Md. Orwick, 0. R., Camp Lee, Va. Orwig, Ernest C, Camp Lee, Va. Orwig, Walter, U. S. Army, Dallastown, Pa. Osborne, Richard L., Signal Corps, Aero Squadron. OsTENDORFF, WiLLiAM H., Coiporal, Engineers. Ott, John H., Sergeant, U. S. Army, York, Pa. Ott, W. H., Yoeman, LT. S. Navy. Ottmiller, C. Fred., S. A. T. C. State College, State College, Pa. Overbaugh, Harry J., Private, U. S. Infantry, A. E. F. OvERDiER, Elmer F., LT. S. Army, York, Pa. Overmiller, Howard A., Private, S. A. T. C. Pennsylvania College, Gettysburg, Pa. Overmiller, Russell J., U. S. Marines. Owen, Earl F., Private, Machine Gun Rattalion. A. E. F. Gassed. Owens, Evert L., Private, Machine Gun Battalion. Owens, John M., Private, Cavalry, A. E. F. OwiG, William R., Private, Camp Green, S. C. OwiNGS, Richard F., Hospital Corps. OwiNGS, Stanley, Medical Corps. Paine, Miles, Private, Medical Corps, A. E. F. Paine, William D., Captain, Ordnance, A. E. F. Palange, Paul, Camp Lee, Va. Palmer, Roger, Navy, LT. S. S. Louisiana. Palmtag, John F., Ordnance Department, Camp Hancock, Ga. Parker, Dr. Brantley F., Captain, Medical Corps, LT. S. Army. [212 1 Parker, Gonzales, U. S. Army, York, Pa. Parker, Harold, Private, U. S. Army, (Colored.) Parks, Leroy, Private, Remomt Squadron, A. E. F. Parr, Clark C, Sergeant, Remount Department. Parr, George, U. S. Field Artillery. Parr, Roy, U. S. Army, Camp Meade, Md. Parthmer, Otto J., Private, Engineers, A. E. F. Patrick, Walter Douglas. Private, Infantry, A. E. F. Wounded and Gassed. Patterson, Arthur, U. S. Engineers. Patterson, Chester G., Motor Supply Train, A. E. F. Patterson, Ross W., Sergeant, Engineers. Pattison, Burd J., Sergeant, U. S. Cavalry. Patton, Calvin, U. S. Army, York, Pa. Patton, Jacor, U. S. Army, Edgewood, Md. Patton, Robert, Limited Service, Camp Green, S. C. Paul, Alfred E., Aviation Corps. Paules, Ellwood S., Private, Engineers, A. E. F. Paules, Ervin E., Private, Engineers, A. E. F. Paules, Frank, U. S. Army, Camp Meade, Md. Paules, Howard S., Coast Artillery. Paules, John, Camp Meade, Md., A. E. F. Paules, Mervin J., Sergeant, Infantry, A. E. F. Wounded. Paules, Peter J., Corporal, Ammunition Train, 82nd Division, A. E. F. Paules, Roy N., Private, Aviation Corps, Stenographer. Payne, John, Private, 15th Engineers. Paup, David, U. S. Army, Wrightsville, Pa. Paup, Oscar, Camp Wadsworth, S. C. Paxton, Harry B., U. S. Navy. Payne, Alvin, Signal Corps. Payne, Harry, Signal Corps. Payne, Nellie, Red Cross Nurse, A. E. F. Payne, Wilbur, U. S. Army, Stewartstown, Pa., A. E. F. Peck, Charles W., Sergeant, Artillery, A. E. F. Peeling, James H., Camp Meade, Md. Peiffer, Raymond A., Private, Ambulance Service, A. E. F. Peiffer, Warren H., Private, Infantry. Pelosi, Vincent, Ordnance Department, Aberdeen, Md. Penn, Joseph L., Private, Infantry, A. E. F. Pennington, Walter A., Private, Infantry. Pensinger, Charles D., Corporal, Infantry, A. E. F. Pentz, Archie M., Private, Navy, Receiving Station, Boston, Mass. Pensinger, Fred A.. Navy, Newport, R. I. Pepo, Frederick J., U. S. Infantry. Perago, Robert H., Private, U. S. Infantry. Perago, Walter, Camp Meade, Md. Perkinson, Russell J., Private, Aviation Corps. Perloff, Leonard F., Camp Lee, Va. Perloff, Morris, U. S. Infantry. f 213 1 Peters, Charles P., Sergeant-Major, Medical Corps, A. E. F. Peters, Charles R., Quartermaster Corps. Peters, Martin Luther, Sergeant, Infantry, A. E. F. Wounded. Peters, Marvin G., Sergeant, Field Artillery, A. E. F. Peters, Miles L., Camp Meade, Md., A. E. F. Peters, Oliver, U. S. Infantry. Peters, Steward O., Corporal, R. D. No. 1, Dallastown, Pa. Peters, Walter M., U. S. Army, York, Pa. Peters, Wesely, Private, Infantry, A. E. F. (Colored.) Peterson, Albert C, Sergeant, Ambulance Corps, A. E. F. Peterson, Herman 0., U. S. Army, Hanover, Pa. Petow, Samuel, Private, Infantry, A. E. F. Petroff, John, Corpus Christi, Texas. Petry, Albert A., Private, Replacement Unit, A. E. F. Petry, Charles Walter, Sergeant, Marines, A. E. F. Pfaff, George, U. S. Army, Hanover, Pa. Pfaff, Joseph P., U. S. Cavalry. Pfeiffer, George R., U. S. Infantry. Pfiffer, Horace E., Aviation Corps. Pfeiffer, Raymond, Camp Greenleaf. Pfizenmaier, William, Aviation, A. E. F. Pifer, George R., Ammunition Train. PiFER, John A., Camp Lee, Va., A. E. F. Plath, Henry H., Aviation Corps. Platts, Raymond E., Corporal, Infantry, A. E. F. Wounded. Plitt, Harry W., Private, Infantry, A. E. F. Plitt, Walter, S. A. T. C. University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pa. Plonk, A. Catherine, Army Ordnance Department, Rridgeport, Conn. Plonk, Henry J.. Private, U. S. Infantry. Plonk, John Otto, Lieutenant, Navy, U. S. S. Caserta, Transport Service. Died in China. Plonk, Stuart P., Seaman, U. S. Navy. Plowman, Ralph A., Private, Infantry, A. E. F. Plowman, J. H., Private, S. A. T. C. State College, State College, Pa. Plunkett, Richard A., Limited Service. Plymire, Russell 0., Private, Motor Transport. Poet, Leroy, Coast Artillery, U. S. Army. PoFF, Clarence H., U. S. Army, R. D. No. 1, Writghsville, Pa., A. E. F. PoFF, David E., Private, Medical Corps. Died of Influenza. PoFF, James Frank, Private, Medical Corps, A. E. F. PoFF, Frank, Hospital Corps, U. S. Army. PoFF, Seaton, Private, Infantry, 79th Division, A. E. F. PoHLMAN, John W., Private, Engineers, A. E. F. PoHLMAN, J. Albert, U. S. Navy. Polack, Rodney Willard, First Lieutenant, Infantry, A. E. F. Killed. PoLASKi, Rernard L., U. S. Army, York, Pa. PoMERANiNG, Spurgeon S., Aviation Corps. Pomeraning, Walter E., Camp Meade, Md. PoMEROY, John R., Private, Engineers. [214 1 PoMEROY, Thomas, Camp Meade, Md. Porter. Elmer Roy. First Class Seaman, Naval Reserves. Porter, Frank, Camp Custer, Mich. (Colored.) Porter, Frederick M., Private, Engineers. Porter, George Dewitt, Private, Air Service, A. E. F. Porter, Grover C, Private, Field Artillery, A. E. F. Porter, Jacob, U. S. Army. York, Pa. Porter, Ward, Infantry, A. E. F. Wounded. Porter, William B., Private, Field Artillery, A. E. F. PoRTNER, Emanuel, Camp Upton, N. Y. Posey, Chester R., Aero Squadron, A. E. F. Posey, Jacob R., U. S. Army, York, Pa. PoTE, Roy F., U. S. Army, York, Pa. Pott, Curtis A., U. S. Army, York, Pa. Powell, John W., Camp Meade, Md. (Colored.) Prendergast, James S., Corporal, Baking Company, A. E. F. Pressell, Claude F., Second Lieutenant, Infantry, A. E. F. Preston, William, U. S. Navy. Price, Charles S., Bowman Technical School, Lancaster, Pa. Price, Leroy, Camp Custer, Mich. (Colored.) Price, Nevin S., Private, U. S. Army, York, Pa. Price, Ralph E., Private, U. S. Infantry. Price, Ray M., Corporal, Ammunition Train, A. E. F. Price, Samuel R., Private, Ambulance Service, A. E. F. Price, Walter, U. S. Army, Glen Rock, Pa., A. E. F. Probst, J. S., U. S. Navy. Prosser, Bruce A., Hospital Corps, A. E. F. Provost, William, Camp Sherman, Ohio. Pro WELL, Frank, Private, Field Artillery, A. E. F. Prowell, Harry, Private, U. S. Infantry. Prowell, Leroy, Private, Engineers, A. E. F. Purcell, Harold A., Camp Meade, Md. Purcell, John J.. Private, U. S. Infantry. Pyle, Warren R., Second Lieutenant, Machine Gun Battalion. Quickel. Clair F., Camp Meade, Md. QuiCKEL, Reed Fackler, Private, Infantry, A. E. F. Quickel, Robert C, Private, Infantry, A. E. F. Quickel, William H. Jr., Sergeant, Headquarters Corps, 1st Division, A. E. F. Raab, Aaron, Yoeman, Navy. Raab, Wilmot L., Private, Field Artillery, A. E. F. Rabenstine, William J., Private, Ambulance Corps, A. E. F. Rabley, Newton E., Private, Infantry. Raby, St. Paul, Private, Ice Plant Unit No. .301, A. E. F. Rafferty, Edward F., Private, Infantry, A. E. F. Rafferty, Harold, Private, Medical Corps, A. E. F. Rafferty, Joseph R., U. S. Army, York, Pa. [215 1 Rahe, Charles E., Private, Motor Repair, Bowman Technical, Lancaster, Pa. Rahm, Ralph C, Private, Infantry, A. E. F. Ramble, John, Private, A. E. F. Ramer, George T., U. S. Infantry. Ramer, Paul T., Corporal, Infantry, A. E. F. Wounded. Ranker, Earl L., Railroad Artillery, A. E. F. Ranker, Elmer R., First Lieutenant, Infantry. Ransom, Howard, Camp Custer, Mich. (Colored.) Rau, Robert H., Infantry, A. E. F. Raub, Carl Ramond, S. A. T. C. Pennsylvania State College, State College, Pa. Raub, Ervin Wallace, Camp Meade, Md., A. E. F. Gassed and Wounded. Raubenstine, Maurice L., Private, Co. E, 316th Infantry, 79th Division, A. E. F. Gassed. Rauby, .Iohn F. Jr., Private, Camp Green, N. C. Rauby, Paul, Private, Infantry, A. E. F. Wounded. Rauby, Paul R., Bugler, Company G, 316th Infantry, A. E. F. Wounded. Rauch, Earl C, U. S. Army, A. E. F. Wounded. Rawhouser. Paul, First Sergeant, Infantry. Rawhouser, Ralph, U. S. Navy. Raver, Frederick, Camp Meade, Md. Raver, Jacob D., Limited Service, Camp Dix, N. J. Raver, John Y., Camp Meade, Md. Raver, Norman D., Mechanic, Easton, Pa. Reachard, Henry M., Headquarters Company, Camp Meade, Md. Read, Dr. Harry Malcolm, First Lieutenant, Medical Reserves, Transport Duty, A. E. F. Read, W. Douglass, Corporal, Infantry, A. E. F. Ream, Franklin W., Private, Infantry, A. E. F. Ream, Nelson F., Camp Meade, Md. Ream, Norman M., Private, Engineers. Ream, Norman W., Private, Engineers, A. E. F. Reary, John R., Second Lieutenant, Infantry, A. E. F. Reaver, Ralph C, U. S. Army, Hanover, Pa. Rebert, Claire E., Sergeant-Major Infantry, A. E. F. Killed. Rebert, Cletus F., Private, Motor Ambulance Corps. Died of Pneumonia. Rebling, Roy E., Private, Medical Corps, A. E. F. Rechard, Otis H. Jr., Second Lieutenant, Coast Artillery. Rechey, Clarence A., Camp Meade, Md. Reck, J. Luther, Private, Machine Gun Battalion. A. E. F. Redcay, Paul L, S. A. T. C. Pennsylvania College, Gettysburg, Pa. Redding, C. A., Private, Engineers, A. E. F. Redline, John C, Infantry, A. E. F. Reed, Joseph Robert, LI. S. Infantry. Reed, Nicholas, U. S. Infantry. Reehling, Guy M., Yoeman, Navy, Washington, D. C. Reehling, Paul 0., Yoeman, Navy, Washington, D. C. Reeling, Horace C, Corporal, Aviation, Signal Corps, A. E. F. Reeling, Irvin R., Private, Ammunition Train, A. E. F. Reese, Clemington G., Camp Meade, Md., A. E. F. Reese, Harry S., U. S. Cavalry. [216 1 Reeser, Joseph H., Camp Lee, Va. Reeser, Walter, Camp Meade, Md. Reever, Charles R., U. S. Navy. Reever, Clyde W., Medical Corps, A. E. F. Reever, John F., Limited Service, Camp Lee, Va. Reever, W., U. S. Infantry, A. E. F. Reever, Walter A., U. S. Marine Corps. Reever, Walter A., Private, Marine Corps, A. E. F. Wounded. Reever, Wilbert, Private, Infantry, A. E. F. Died of Wounds. Reevey, Dr. S. W., First Lieutenant, Medical Corps. Reher, C. L., U. S. Infantry, Camp Meade. Md. Rehmayer, Forrest A., Camp Greenleaf, Ga. Rehmayer, Alvin T., Corporal, Infantry, A. E. F. Missing. Rehmayer, Ervin H., Private, Infantry, A. E. F. Rehmeyer, Milton Herbert, Private, Medical Corps, A. E. F. Rehmeyer, Walter 0., Motor Mechanic, University of Pittsburgh, Pa. Rehmeyer, William J., Private, Infantry, A. E. F. Rehmeyer, Wilson H., Sergeant, Infantry. Reiber, John William, Private, Infantry, A. E. F. Wounded. Reibling, Clarence L., Marine Corps. Reichard, Claude S., Private, Engineers, A. E. F. Reichard, George F., Camp Gordon and Camp Meade, Md. Reichard, George, Wireless Operator. Reichard, Samuel G., Engineers, A. E. F. Reichle, Carl A., Lieutenant, Machine Gun Battalion, A. E. F. Reichle, Claude A., Private, Aviation, A. E. F. Reichle, Paul A., Lieutenant, Machine Gun Battalion, A. E. F. Reidel, Austin, Camp Meade, Md. Reidel, Elmer E., U. S. Cavalry. Reidel, Elmer S., Private, Field Artillery, A. E. F. Reiff, Walter M., Private, Infantry. Reigart, Mathias, Camp Lee, Va. Reigel, Charles, Artillery, A. E. F. Reigel, Frederick A., Sergeant, Infantry, A. E. F. Reigel, Walter, Camp Meade, Md. Reiley, Rev. J. M., First Lieutenant, Camp Meade, Md. Reiley, Norris, U. S. Army, A. E. F. Reindollar, Thad, Private, Engineers, A. E. F. Reinecker, Charles C, Aviation Corps. Reinhard, Charles A., U. S. Army, York, Pa. Reinhard, Paul B., Private, Infantry, A. E. F. Wounded. Reinhard, Walter W., Bugler, Infantry, A. E. F. Reisinger, Charles Jr., Private, Camp Gordon, Infantry, A. E. F. Gassed. Reisinger, Earl, U. S. Infantry. Reisinger, George E., Private, Infantry, A. E. F. Reisinger, George E., Sergeant, Infantry, A. E. F. Gassed. Reisinger, William, Private, Replacement Battalion. Died. Reiss, Charles W. Jr., U. S. Navy. [217] Renaut, Helen J., Nurse, Red Cross. Renaut, William L., Sergeant, Medical Corps. Reneberger, John H., Private, Engineers, A. E. F. Renner, Samuel E., Private, Development Rattalion. Rennoll, Claude R., Camp Meade, Md., and Camp Gordon, Ga. Renoth, Clinton R., Corporal, A. E. F. Wounded and Gassed. Repman, Charles, U. S. Army, York Haven, Pa. Repman, Harry, Corporal, U. S. Army, York Haven, Pa. Repman, Harvey, U. S. Army, York Haven, Pa. Repman, Oscar, Private, Engineers. Resh, Eugene M. R.. Private, Engineers. Resh, Henry C, Wagoner, Infantry, A. E. F. Resh, John J., Private, Infantry, A. E. F. Resh, Maurice L., Private, Engineers, A. E. F. Resser, Alpheus W^, Sergeant, Medical Corps. Rexroth, Charles E., Camp Meade, Md. Rexroth, Earl C, U. S. Navy. Rexroth, Clinton C, Corporal, Infantry, A. E. F. Wounded and Gassed. Reynolds, Albert N., Infantry, A. E. F. Reynolds, Daniel S., Camp Lee, Va., A. E. F. Reynolds, Harry C, Limited Service, Camp Dix, N. J. Reynolds, Oliver W., Lieutenant, Supply Train. Reynolds, Parker, U. S. Infantry. Rhea, Floyd F., Machinist. Rhine, John E., Private, Infantry, A. E. F. Gassed. Rhine, Elmer F., Private, 313th Field Artillery, A. E. F. Rhinehard, Charles A., Gunner, U. S. Navy. Rhinehard, Martin, Private. Infantry, A. E. F. Rhoades, J. A. G., Private, Aviation. Rhoades, Warren W., U. S. Navy. Rhoades, Corporal, Infantry, A. E. F. Rhode, Eli A., Wagoner, 328th Infantry, A. E, F. Rhode, Luther W., Clerk, Infantry. Rhorbach, William, U. S. Infantry. Rhorbaugh, Charles, Gunners' Mate, Navy, U. S. S. Delaware. In Foreign Waters. Rhorbaugh, Clyde, Machine Gun Rattahon, A. E. F. Gassed. Rhohrbaugh, Henry D., Camp Meade, Md., A. E. F. Rhorbaugh, Melvin A., Private, Infantry, A. E. F. Killed. Rhorbaugh, William H., Private, Ammunition Train, A. E. F. Rice, Charles, Camp Meade, Md. Rice, Edward, U. S. Infantry. Rice, Harry, Camp Meade, Md. Rice, James H., Camp Custer, Mich. (Colored.) Rice, John, Pjivate, Infantry. Rice, John Jr., Camp Meade, Md. Rice, William E., U. S. Infantry. Rice, William R., Private, Signal Corps, A. E. F. Richard, Lloyd, Private, U. S. Infantry. [218 1 Richards, Roy Gladfelter, Private, S. A. T. C. Carnegie Technical, Pittsburgh, Pa. Richardson, Charles, U. S. Infantry. RiCHCREEK, Arthur T., Camp Lee, Va. Richcreek, Charles L., Depot Rrigade. RiCHCREEK, Earl, Private, U. S. Infantry. Richey, Clarence A., Camp Meade, Md., A. E. F. Wounded. Rickey, Walter. First Class Private, Signal Corps, Company E, 429th Telephone RattaUon. RicHLEY, Paul, Private, Ordnance Department, Rock Island, 111. RiCHTER, Richard K., U. S. Infantry. RiCKRODE, James C, Camp Greenleaf, Ga. RiCKRODE, Luther, limited Service, Camp Dix, N. J. RicKRODE, Ralph 0., S. A. T. C. Rider, Clarence R., Sergeant, Infantry. Rider, Ferdinand M., Seaman, Navy. Rider, George W., Hanover, Pa., A. E. F. Wounded. Rider, Milton R., Alechanic, Shop Repair Unit. Rider, Robert M., Camp Meade, Md. RiENELLA, Michael, U. S. Army, York, Pa. Rife, Clayton, LI. S. Infantry. Riley, Clayton R., Private, Aviation Corps. Rife, Edwin J., Private, S. A. T. C. Pennsylvania State College, State College. Rife, Reuben, Aviation Corps. Riley, Norris R., Private, Infantry, A. E. F. Wounded. Rinehart, DeLancey, S. A. T. C. Pennsylvania College, Gettysburg, Pa. RiNEHART, Walter W., Private, Infantry, A. E. F. Decorated. RiNGLAND, William T., Private, Infantry. Died. RiMMER, John, LI. S. Army, Hanover, Pa. Rioneer, Charles, LI. S. Army, Wrightsville, Pa. RissiNGER, Frank, Camp Meade, Md. Rittase, Royer M., Sergeant, Tank Corps. RiTTASE, Stanley E., Petty Officer, Navy. RiTTER, Charles A., Private, Ice Plant Unit No. 301, A. E. F. Ritter, Charles Frederick, Corporal, Infantry, A. E. F. Wounded. Ritter, George Henry, Corporal, Infantry. A. E. F. RiTZ, John, U. S. Army, Stoverstown, Pa. Ritz, Sherwood F., Private, S. A. T. C. Pennsylvania College, Gettysburg, Pa. Robley, Newton E., Private, A. E. F. Roberts, Albert, Private, Infantry, A. E. F. Roberts, Idwald, Camp Dix, N. J. Roberts, Robert C, Private, Infantry, A. E. F. Roberts, Dr. J. S., Lieutenant, Medical Reserve Corps. Robertson, Andrew R., U. S. Army, York, Pa. Robertson, Charles H., U. S. Infantry. Robinson, Abraham, Stevedore, Quartermaster Corps. (Colored.) Robinson, J. W., U. S. Engineers. Robinson, Irwin R., Corporal, Infantry, A. E. F. Injured in Accident. Robinson, Russell, Camp Lee, Va. Roche, Aurelius John, Private, A. E. F. [219 1 Roche, David A., Camp Meade, Md. Roche, David E., Aviation Corps. Roche, Jerome P., Camp Greenleaf. RocKEY, Francis Edmund, Private, S. A. T. C. College, State College, Pa. Rockey, Walter Millard, Sergeant, Ice Plant Unit No. 301, A. E. F. RoDES, David H., Private, Engineers. RoDES, H. D., Limited Service, Camp Greene, S. C. RoDES, John C. Jr., Private, Infantry, A. E. F. RoDGERS, Aaron A., Camp Meade, Md. RoDGERS, John K., First Lieutenant, Quartermaster's Department, A. E. F. RoDGERS, Melvin G., Wircless Telegraph Operator, Infantry, A. E. F. Wounded. RoDGERS, Wilbur F.. Jefferson Rarracks, Columbus, Ohio. Roebuck, Parke P., Hospital Corps. RoEDER, William S., Private, S. A. T. C. Franklin and Marshall, Lancaster, Pa. RoELKE, Claude H., Aviation Corps. RoHRBAUGH, Alvin Guy, Private, Auto-Mechanics. Rohrbaugh, Glanders, Chemist at Annapolis. Rhorbaugh, Daniel R., Depot Rrigade. Rohrbaugh, Emanuel M., Private, Quarteimaster Corps, A. E. F. Rohrbaugh, Ernest Lee, Musician, Infantry, A. E. F. Rohrbaugh, Henry R., Camp Meade, Md. Rohrbaugh, John S., Camp Meade, Md. Rohrbaugh, Norman F., U. S. Army, Rrodbecks, Pa. Rohrbaugh, Parker, U. S. Navy. Rohrbaugh, Paul M., Field Artillery, A. E. F. Rohrbaugh, Paul N., Private, S. A. T. C. Rohrbaugh, Titus C, Sergeant, Medical Corps. A. E. F. Rohrbaugh, William E., Private, Medical Corps, A. E. F. Rohrbaugh, William H., Merchant Marines. Rohrbaugh, William, Second Lieutenant, Machine Gun Rattalion. RojAHN, Lester E., Infantry, A. E. F. Gassed. Roland, Clarence William, LT. S. Navy. RoLiNG, State, U. S, Army, York, Pa. Roller, Dennis, Musician, Field Artillery, A. E. F. Romas, Nickolas, Corporal, Infantry. RooNEY, Thomas, Private, Infantry, A. E. F. Wounded. Root, Herbert, U. S. Engineers. Ropp, Charles M., Aviation Corps. RosEMAN, Clark, First Class Private, Infantry, A. E. F. Wounded. , RosEMAN, Frank N., U. S. Army, Red Lion, Pa. Rosenberg, Renjamin, Second Lieutenant, Infantry. RosENBERGER, Stewart E., Camp Lee, Va., A. E. F. RosENFiELD, Carlton K., Private, Infantry, A. E. F. RosENWiG, George A., Private, Infantry, Camp Meade, Md. RosER, Charles, U. S. Army, York, Pa. RosER, Edward, Motor Mechanics, A. E. F. Killed. RosER, Melvin Guy, Private, Infantry, A. E. F. RosiNSKL, Lawrence L., Camp Lee, Va.. [220 1 Ross, Charles, Camp Dix, N. J. Ross, George, Camp Meade, Md., A. E. F. (Colored.) Ross, George, S. A. T. C. University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pa. Ross, Harry W., Navy, Ensign. Ross, Russell L., Private, Infantry, A. E. F. Gassed. Ross, William McKinley. Private. Camp Meade, A. E. F. RossER, Charles B., Yoeman, Chief Petty Officer, Navy. Rooser, George, Camp Meade, Md. RosT, Lawrence E., Yoeman, Navy, A. E. F. RosT, Michael, U. S. Army, York, Pa. Rostetter, Harry E., Mechanic, Motor Mechanic Unit, A. E. F. Roth, Arnold D., Yoeman, U. S. Navy. Roth, Charles L., Camp Meade, Md. Roth, Clarence H., Corporal, Engineers, A. E. F. Roth, Homer, Ordnance Department, A. E. F. Died of Pneumonia. Roth, James, Gunner on the U. S. S. Galveston, Naval Reserves. Roth, John Bernard, Private, Infantry. Promoted to Mess Sergeant. Roth, Roy E., Private, Artillery. RoucH, Ernest A., Private, Infantry, A. E. F. Wounded. RouPAS, Crist, Field Artillery, Camp Meade, A. E. F. Rover, Milton, Camp Greenleaf. RowE, Raymond A., Private, Aviation Corps. RoYER, James A., Second Lieutenant, Aviation, A. E. F. RuBRECHT, WiLFORD, Trcuch Mortar Battery, A. E. F. Died from Wounds. Ruby, A. Paul, Ice Plant Unit No. 301, A. E. F. Ruby, George C, First Lieutenant, Ordnance Department. Ruby, Luther L., Infantry Replacement Camp, Camp Lee, Va. RuDisiLL, Andrew E., Second Lieutenant, Recruiting Service. RuDisiLL, Claude E., Private, Aviation, A. E. F. Rudisill, George Jr., Acting Regimental Sergeant-Major, Infantry. RuDisiLL, Harold B., S. A. T. C. Pennsylvania College, Gettysburg, Pa. Rudisill, James J., Private, Infantry, Promoted Second Lieutenant. Rudisill, Joseph, Aviation Corps. Rudisill, Martin A., Private, Engineers, A. E. F. Rudisill, Walter W., Camp Lee, Va. Rudy, Arthur, Corporal, Infantry, A. E. F. Rudy, Charles E., U. S. Army, York, Pa. Rudy, George S., U. S. Army, York, Pa. Rudy, J. D., U. S. Army, York, Pa. Rudy, Walter J., Camp Lee, Va. Ruff, Clarence E., Private, Infantry, A. E. F. (Colored.) Ruff, Gilbert, Camp Lee, Va. Ruff, William, Marine Corps. Ruhl, Edward L., Quartermaster Department. Ruhlman, John L., Sergeant, Infantry, A. E. F. Wounded. Ruler, Byrd Herbert, Chief Petty Officer, Navy, A. E. F. Ruler, Irving L, Petty Officer, Navy, U. S. S. Arkansas, A. E. F. Rumbo, Samuel L., Ice Plant Unit No. 301, A. E. F. [2211 RuNK, CuRviN R., Camp Meade, Md. RuNK, Paul, U. S. Army, Hanover, Pa. RuNKLE, Allen B., Private, Infantry, A. E. F. Gassed. RuNKLE, Frank E., Camp Lee, Va. RuNKLE, Paul C, Engineers. RuNKLE, Paul S., Camp Meade, Md., A. E. F. RuNKLE, Robert, Private, Camp Lee, Va. RuNKLE, Warren N., Private, .320th Infantry, 80th Division, A. E. F. Wounded Five Times. Runkle, William A., Corporal, Infantry, A. E. F. Wounded. Rupley, David B., Medical Corps. RuPLEY, Frederick A., Private, S. A. T. C. Rupp, Vance, U. S. Army, A. E. F. Rupp, Daniel A., Second Lieutenant, Camp Llancock and Camp Dix. Rupp, David, Captain, Artillery, A. E. F. Killed. Rupp, Gilbert, Private, Infantry, A. E. F. Rupp, H. Milnor, Captain, Reclamation Service. Rupp, Harry A., Camp Meade, Md. Ruth, Charles A. Jr., Private, Infantry, A. E. F. RuTLEDGE, Harris, U. S. Army, York, Pa., A. E. F. RuTLEDGE, Leslie L., Chemical Department, Washington, D. C. RuTLEDGE, Reed B., U. S. Navy. RuTTER, Edgar Henry, Supply Sergeant, Quartermaster Corps. Rutter, George A., Private, S. A. T. C. Millersville Normal School. Rutter, Paul Thomas, Private, Infantry, A. E. F. Wounded. Rutters, Charles R., Camp Meade and Camp Gordon. RuTTERS, Joseph F., Camp Meade, Md. Ryan, Ira G., Sergeant, Infantry. Ryer, Clarence Valentine, Seaman, Navy, IT. S. S. Georgia, A. E. F. Ryer, J. A., Camp Greenleaf. Ryno, Samuel C, Camp Meade, Md. Ryno, Walter W., Private, Infantry, A. E. F. Sade, Walter J., Camp Lee, Va. Sadler, Joseph A., Seaman, Navy, U. S. S. Maunee. Saffer, William A., Camp Lee, Va. Saltzgiver, Charles E., Sergeant, Infantry. Saltzgiver, John M., Camp Meade, Md. Sample, George W.. Sergeant, Second Telephone Battalion, A. E. F. Sample, Lawrence Henderson, Corporal, Infantry, A. E. F. Sample, Lewis Reed, Private, Infantry. Sanders, Bernard, Field Artillery, A. E. F. Sandow, Edward, Sergeant, Infantry. Sartori, Peter J., U. S. Army, York, Pa. Sauble, Roy H., Private, Infantry, A. E. F. Sawmiller, Harry E., Camp Wadsworth, S. C. Sayers, Charles L., Private, Infantry. Sayers, Ervin E., Wagoner, Infantry, A. E. F. Killed. Sayers, George A., Corporal, Medical Corps. r 999 1 Sayers, Latimer, Private, Trench Mortars. Died. Sayers, Roy H., U. S. Army, York, Pa. Saylor, Chester D., Gunner, Navy. U. S. S. Bridgeport. Saylor, Jennings L., Camp Wadsworth, S. C. Saylor, John A., Camp Lee, Va. Saylor, Paul F., U. S. Navy. Sayres, Charles Edwin, Private, Infantry, A. E. F. Sayres, Gerald Atlee, Private, Ambulance Corps, A. E. F. Sayres, Jay Bailey, Private, Ice Plant LTnit No. 301, A. E. F. Sayres, John Wogan, Lieutenant, Student Company. Sayres, Margret, Nurse, John Hopkins' Unit, A. E. F. ScHAEFFER, Herman F., Private, Infantry, A. E. F. ScHAFER, Lewis E., Private, Infantry, A. E. F. ScHAFFER, Calvin W., Paymaster on U. S. S. Fulton, Navy. Schaffer, Leroy N., Coast Artillery. ScHALiNE, Frank, U. S. Nayy. Schaline, James V., U. S. Army, New Freedom, Pa., A. E. F. ScHEELY, Edward C, LI. S. Army, York, Pa, ScHEFFER, Clarence E., Camp Lee, Va. ScHEiDEL, William, S. A. T. C. State College, State College, Pa. Scheivert, Blanton G., Private, Artillery, A. E. F. Schellhamer, W. H., First Lieutenant, Naval Reserves, A. E. F. ScHENANDORE, Derius, Sergeant, Aviation, A. E. F. Schenck, John M., First Class Quartermaster, LI. S. Navy, Aviation. ScHiDiNG, Raymond L., Medical Corps. Schlaanstine, Raymond Franklin, S. A. T. C. State College, State College, Pa. ScHLETER, Frederick, Private, Ambulance Corps, A. E. F. (Colored.) Schleter, Samuel, Private, Infantry, A. E. F. Wounded. ScHLOSSER, E. 0., Coast Artillery. Schlosser, Huston E., Corporal, S. A. T. C. State College, Pa. ScHLOTT, Walter H., U. S. Infantry. Schmidt, George S., First Lieutenant, Infantry, A. E. F. Schmidt, Henry D., First Lieutenant, Air Service, Washington, D. C Schmidt, James Carl, S. A. T. C. Pennsylvania State College, State College, Pa. Schmidt, Samuel S., Second Lieutenant, Infantry. ScHMiNKEY, George B., Stevedore, Camp McClellan. (Colored.) Schmuck, Arthur H., Aviation. ScHMUCK, Charles S.. Limited Service, Camp Dix, N. J. Schmuck, Palace, Camp Meade, Md. ScHMUCK, Tillman, Camp Meade, Md., A. E. F. Schmuck, Reid R., Private, Limited Service, Camp Meade, Md. Schneider, Frederick C, Field Artillery. Schneider, Henry C, Private, Medical Corps. Schriber, Norman, Infantry, A. E. F. ScHRivER, Arthur W., Camp Jackson, Fla. Schriver, Benjamin H., Cadet, Aviation. ScHROEDER, Fred M., Private, Hospital Corps, A. E. F. ScHROEDER, Harry C, Private, Infantry, A. E. F. [ 22.3 ] ScHROEDER, Paul J., Coipoial, Aviation, A. E. F. ScHROLL, Arthur L., Private, Infantry. ScHROLL, Charles, Cook, Infantry, A. E. F. Killed. ScHROLL, Daniel, Private, Infantry, A. E. F. Schroll, John, Private, Infantry Band, A. E. F. ScHROLL, John E., Camp Meade, Md. ScHRUM, Paul L., Private, Field Artillery, A. E. F. Schuhart, Frank F., Camp Meade, Md. ScHUHART, Joseph G., Camp Meade, Md. Schuhart, M. A., U. S. Navy. ScHULER, William, Hospital Corps, A. E. F. Schultz, Edward G., Civilian Employee, Quartermaster Corps, A. E. F. ScHRUM, Paul L.. Camp Meade, Md. ScHUMAN, James Franklin, First Lieutenant, Infantry, A. E. F. Died. ScHV^'ARTZ, Jesse, U. S. Army, Spring Grove, Pa. Schwartz, Perry D., S. A. T. C. Gettysburg, Pa. Schweiger, William, Marines, U. S. S. Huntingdon. Schweitzer, Edgar R., Sergeant, Infantry. ScHWENK, Edwin, Private, Infantry, Fort Thomas, Ky. Scott, Charles M. Jr., Infantry, A. E. F. Scott, James, Camp Sherman, Ohio. (Colored.) Scott, Sherman C, Private, Infantry, A. E. F. Killed. Scott, Thomas B., Private, Coast Artillery. Scott, Walter, Private, U. S. Infantry. Seabauer, William A., Machinist Mate, Navy. Seachrist, Frank E., Ice Plant Unit No. 301, A. E. F. Seachrist, Mary S., Nurse, A. E. F. Searle, George D., Private, Field Artillery, A. E. F. Searle, Ivan, Apprentice Seaman, Navy. Searle, William L. Jr., Private, Infantry, A. E. F. Sebright, Burnell A., S. A. T. C. University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pa. Sebright, John C, S. A. T. C. University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pa. Sechrist, George H., Infantry, A. E. F. Died of Pneumonia. Sechrist, George S., Sergeant, Quartermaster Department. Sechrist, Harry D., Private, Infantry, A. E. F. Sechrist, Harry I., Officers' Training Camp, Plattsburg. Sechrist, James C, S. A. T. C. State College, State College, Pa. Sechrist, John H., Hospital Corps. Sechrist, John H., Private, Machine Gun Company, 112th Infantry, 28th Division, A. E. F. Sechrist, Norman Adam, Corporal, Infantry. Sechrist, Raymond F., Infantry, A. E. F. Sechrist, Robert W., U. S. Army, York. Pa. Sechrist, William E., Corporal, Infantry, A. E. F. Sechrist, William S., Private, Artillery. Sechrist, Mark H.. Aviation Corps. Seeger, Charles Rollin, Private, Infantry, A. E. F. Gassed and Gas Burned. Seeling, Otto, U. S. Army, Hanover, Pa., A. E. F. Seidenstricker, Charles C, Assistant Mail Clerk, Navy, U. S. S. Von Steuben. Wounded. [224 1 Seidenstricker, Charles S., U. S. Navy. Seiders, Jerome H., Camp Wadsworth, S. C. Seiffert, Charles T., Camp Meade, Md., A. E. F. Seiffert, M. M., U. S. Army, York. Pa. Seiffert, Melvin L., Private, Infantry, A. E. F. Seiffert, Noah, Camp Meade, Md. Seiff, Samuel N., U. S. Marines. Seiling, Edward, U. S. Army, Glen Rock. Pa. Seip, Clark, U. S. Infantry. Seip, J. C, Chief Petty Officer, Navy, U. S. S. Mexico. Four Trips. Seipel, Earl F., Camp Meade, Md. Seitz, Earl F., Private, Infantry, A. E. F. Seitz, George F., Sergeant, Motor Mechanic Regiment, A. E. F. Seitz, Harry, Auto Mechanic, Fort Myer, Va. Seitz, Harry C, Private, Engineers, A. E. F. Seitz, James Sutart, First Lieutenant, Infantry, Medical Corps, A. E. F. Seitz, Jesse S., Camp Meade, Md. Seitz, John H., 314th Infantry, A. E. F. Seitz, Paul F., U. S. Army, Camp Lee, Va. Seitz, Raymond Moody, Chief Machinist, Navy. Submarine Destroyer, between Hahfax and France. Seitz, Sherman L., Corporal, Aviation, A. E. F. Seitz, Sterling W., Private, Infantry, A. E. F. Killed. Seitz, Stewart Dr., First Lieutenant, Medical Corps, A. E. F. Seitz, William, U. S. Army, Glen Rock, Pa., A. E. F. Selak, Jacob F., Sergeant, Quartermaster Corps, A. E. F. Sell, Charles R., Private, Camp Meade, Md., A. E. F. Sell, Lester, Field Artillery, A. E. F. Sell, Tempest, Coast Artillery. Sellers, Edward R., Private, Unassigned. Sellers, Robert E., Camp Lee, Va., A. E. F. Selmser, Cecil Rollin, Corporal, Infantry, A. E. F. Wounded and Gassed. Sener, Lyman Green, S. A. T. C. State College, State College, Pa. Senft, Clair, U. S. Navy. Senft, Collins, U. S. Navy. Senft, Curvin C, Camp Meade, Md., A. E. F. Senft, Edmund, LT. S. Navy. Senft, Edward H., Ambulance Corps. Senft, Francis E., Camp Meade, Md. Senft, Fred, U. S. Cavalry. Senft, John F., Camp Meade, Md., A. E. F. Senft, Melvin F., Private, Infantry. Senft, Ralph E., Corporal, Infantry. Senft, Ralph H., Ice Plant Unit No. 301, A. E. F. Senft, Stewart A., Field Artillery, A. E. F. Senft, Walter, Aviation Corps. Senft, Walter W., Cadet, Aviation. Sentz, Elmer, Engineers, A. E. F. Sentz, Hobson Clair, S. A. T. C. Pennsylvania State College, State College, Pa. [225] Sentz, Irwin H., Captain, Mechanical Replacement Shop. Sewell, Frank C, Stevedore. (Colored.) Shaffer, Harry W., Apprentice Seaman, Navy. Shaffer, Ivan J., Canadian Army, Infantry, A. E. F. Wounded. Shaeffer, Lemoyel Tolbert Jr., Private, Field Artillery, A. E. F. Shaeffer, Norman, Mechanic, York, Pa. Shaeffer, William, Merchant Marines. Shaeffer, William M., U. S. Engineers. Shaeffer, William M., U. S. Army, York, Pa. Shafer, Charles, U. S. Infantry. Shafer, William R., Infantry, A. E. F. Shaffer, Austin Y., Saddler, Infantry, A. E. F. Shaffer, Chauncey W., Corporal, Engineers. Shaffer, Clarence J., Private, Quartermaster Corps. Shaffer, Cortlandt E., U. S. Infantry. Shaffer, Curtis E., Mechanic at Newark, N. J. Shaffer, Daniel H., Camp Meade, Md. Shaffer, Frank, Artillery, A. E. F. Killed. Shaffer, George N., Limited Service, Camp Dix, N. J. Shaffer, Gorman H., Private, Infantry, A. E. F. Shaffer, Harry F., Private. Engineers. Shaffer, Herbert C, Infantry, A. E. F. Shaffer, Jacob R., Private, Ammunition Train, A. E. F. Shaffer, Norman, Private, Infantry, A. E. F. Killed. Shaffer, Roy R., Signal Corps, A. E. F. Shaffer, Spencer A., Sergeant, Air Service, A. E. F. Shaffer, Walter R., Camp Meade, Md., A. E. F. Shaffer, Wilbert C, Camp Meade, Md. Shaffer, William A., U. S. Army, York, Pa. Shaffmer, Mervin L., Chauffer, 228th Aero Squadron. Shaffner, Daniel, Camp Meade, Md. Shaffner, Franklin, Ammunition Tredn. Shaffner, Oliver C, Camp Lee, Va. Shambaugh, Raub L., Aviation Corps. Shanabrook, Irwin Rufus, Private, Aviation. Shanabrook, Norman E., Private, Infantry, A. E. F. Shank, Frank, Sergeant, Infantry, A. E. F. Wounded. Shank, Stuart, Remount Station, Montgomery, Ala. Shannon, Leo T., Second Lieutenant, Field Artillery. Sharp, Harry Thomas, Corporal, 6th Company, Second Division, Infantry, A. E F. Sharp, John Robert, First Class Private, Coast Artillery, A. E. F. Shatto, Dr. a. R., Captain, Medical Corps. Shatto, Arthur E., Private, Infantry. Shattock, Clifford H., Lieutenant, Training RataUion, A. E. F. Shaub, R. M., Private, Radio Service. Shaub, Clarence, Medical Corps. Shaub, Paul D., Second Lieutenant, Infantry. Shauck, Frank Jr., Chemical Service. Died of Pneumonia. [226 1 Shaunseey, Carl J., Sergeant-Major. Infantry. Shaw, Christopher, Navy, U. S. Destroyer Fanning. Shearer, Charles E., Cook, Infantry, A. E. F. Shearer, Charles T.. Private, Infantry. Shearer, Chester, Private, 8th Company, Second Division, Depot Brigade. Shearer, Emory Charles, Private, Ambulance Corps. Shearer, George E., Camp Meade, Md., A. E. F. Wounded. Shearer, George W., Private, Infantry, A. E. F. Missing and Wounded. Shearer, George, Limited Service. Shearer, Harry M., U. S. Army, Mt. Wolf, Pa. Shearer, John Dwight, Sergeant, S. A. T. C. Pennsylvania State College, Pa. Shearer, Robert H., Camp Lee, Infantry, A. E. F. Shearer, Roger L., Private, Machine Gun Battalion, A. E. F. Shearer, Spencer E., Captain, U. S. Army, York, Pa. Shearer, Walter R., Corporal, U. S. Army, Stiltz, Pa., A. E. F. Shearer, Victor R., Musician. Infantry, A. E. F. Shearer, William F., Corporal, Infantry. Sheeley, Charles B., Private, Aviation. Sheely, Edward C, Aviation, A. E. F. Sheely, J. Clayton, Corporal, Camp Lee, Va. Sheffer, Adwood C, Corporal, Camp Meade, Md. Sheffer, Bernard E., S. A. T. C. University of Pittsburgh. Sheffer, Charles M., Infantry, A. E. F. Sheffer, Clair W., Camp Greenleaf. Sheffer, Ervin 0., Corporal, Infantry, A. E. F. Killed. Sheffer, Franklin, Seaman, U. S. Navy. Sheffer, George B., U. S. Army, Arbor, York Township, Pa. Sheffer, Gerka B., Private, Infantry, A. E. F. Wounded. Sheffer, Harvey A., U. S. Army, Hanover, Pa. Sheffer, Herman F., Corporal, Infantry, A. E. F. Sheffer, Howard W., Sergeant, Signal Corps, A. E. F. Sheffer, John, U. S. Engineers. Sheffer, John Allen, S. A. T. C. Pennsylvania College, Gettysburg, Pa. Sheffer, J. Russell, Corporal, Aviation. Sheffer, Roy W., Private, Glen Rock, Pa., A. E. F. Wounded. Sheffer, Wilbur C, Corporal, Engineers, A. E. F. Shellenberger, Charles P., Private, Engineers. Shellenberger, Charles P.. Private, Engineers, A. E. F. Shellenberger, Claude P., Ice Plant Unit No. 301, A. E. F. Shellenberger, Harry E., Camp Wadsworth, S. C. Shellenberger, Peter, Engineers, A. E. F. Shellenberger, Peter Joseph, Private, Infantry, A. E. F. Shellenberger, Roy C, U. S. Army, York, Pa. Shellenberger, Roy, U. S. Infantry. Shellenberger, Russell S., Aviation Corps. Shelly, Abe, U. S. Navy. Shelley, Robert A., First Class Private, Artillery, A. E. F. Shelly, Wilker E., Private, U. S. Army, York, Pa., A. F. F. Shenbergkr, Jacob L.. Private, U. S. Army, Dallastown, Pa. Shenberger, Paul G., Corporal, Engineers, A. E. F. Shenberger, Ralph M., Private, Field Artillery Brigade, Firing Center, Camp Jackson. Shenk, John M., U. S. Infantry, York, Pa. Shepp, Grant W., Private, Medical Corps, A. E. F. Shepp, John B., Infantry, A E. F. Shepp, Nelson J., Corporal, Casualty Department, A. E. F. Shepp, Stuart A., Limited Service, Electrician. Sheppard, Lawrence B., Lieutenant, Naval Aviation. Sherman, Pauline, U. S. Army Nurse, A. E. F. Shermeyer, Albert E., Private, Hospital Corps. In England. Shermeyer, Samuel E., Corporal, Infantry, A. E. F. Shermeyer, Stewart F., Private, Infantry, A. E. F. Missing. Sherrick, Wendall B., Hospital Corps. Shetley, William J., Limited Service, Camp Green, S. C. Shetrone, John H., Ice Plant Unit No. 301, A. E. F. Shetrone, Melvin Smith, Private, Engineers, A. E. F. Shetter, Claire, Private, Medical Corps, A. E. F. Shetter, Raymond C, Ice Plant LTnit No. SOL A. E. F. Shetter, Roy W., Sergeant, Motor Transportation Corps, A. E. F. Shettle, Harris H., U. S. Navy. Shettle, Winfield, Private, Infantry, A. E. F. Shewell, Carroll J., Private, Ordnance Department, A. E. F. Shieke, Paul Arthur, Third Class Gunner's Mate, U. S. Navy. Shickley, Charles, U. S. Engineers. Shilke, Paul A., Apprentice Seaman, Navy. Shindel, George P., Corporal, Fort McDowell, Cal. Shindler, Paul E., Private, Engineers, A. E. F. Shindler, Paul H., U. S. Army, York, Pa. Shindler, Paul E., Private, Infantry, A. E. F. Shindler, Raymond C, S. A. T. C. Pennsylvania College, Gettysburg, Pa. Shipley, Howard V., S. A. T. C. Virginia Military Institute. Shipley, Samuel, Second Lieutenant, Ice Plant LTnit No. 301, A. E. F. Shirey, B. W., Lieutenant, Medical Corps. Shirey, Paul R., Sergeant, Quartermaster Corps, Camp Johnson, Fla., A. E. F. Shirk, G. Stanley, First Lieutenant, Ordnance Department. Shive, Luther M., Infantry, A. E. F. Killed. Shive, Maurice H., Camp Greenleaf. Shive, William Morton, Private, Infantry, A. E. F. Killed. Shollenberger, Roy E., LT. S. Army, York, Pa. Shope, Erion E., Infantry, U. S. Army. Shore, Almond R., Auto Unit No. 6, A. E. F. Shore, Harry J., U. S. Cavalry. Shore, S. E., Corporal, Eddystone, Pa. Shortino, Frank, LT. S. Cavalry. Shrader, Albert J., U. S. Navy. Shryock, Edwin B., Private, Machine Gun Battahon, A. E. F. Shue, Rev. Allen C, Chaplain, York, Pa. [228 1 Shue, Earney Franklin, Private, Infantry. In Northern Russia. Shue, Grant, Private, Infantry. Shue, Guy, Private, Infantry, A. E. F. Shue, Guy, Private, Medical Corps, A. E. F. Shue, Jacob W., S. A. T. C. Dickinson College, Carlisle, Pa. Shue, Jansen E., Engineers, A. E. F. Wounded. Shue, Pence, Auto Mechanic, U. S. Army. Shue, Penty, Private, Cook, Engineers, A. E. F. Shue, Wilford N., Private, Ambulance Service, A. E. F. Shue, William M., Camp Greenleaf. Shuemaker, Russell H., Camp Lee, Va. Shultz, Charles E., Camp Meade, Md. Shultz, Edward G., Ice Plant Unit No. 301, A. E. F. Shultz, Harry, Camp Meade, Md. Shultz, James A., Camp Lee, Va., A. E. F. Shultz, John W., Yoeman, Navy. Shultz, Paul Jay, Private, Cavalry, transferred to Infantry, A. E. F. Shultz, William A , Camp Lee, Va. Shultz, William A., Infantry. Shuman, Eugene S., Sergeant, Camp Lee, Va. Shuman, John H., Limited Service, Camp Green, S. C. Shupp. Robert M.. Private, Infantry. Shurtz, Samuel H., Private, Field Artillery, A. E. F. Shutter, Charles W., U. S. Navy. SiDELL, Harvey W., Naval Reserves. SiDWELL, Harvey, First Class Private, Infantry. Sieker, William Edward, Sergeant, Infantry. SiER, Charles, Infantry. SiLAR, George D., Private, Infantry, A. E. F. SiLAR, Harry E., Private, Aviation, A. E. F. SiLAR, Samuel A., Camp Lee, Va. SiLAR, Sherman R., Private, Infantry, A. E. F. Wounded Twice. Simmons, Joseph, U. S. Navy. Simmons, Lyle M., Private, Rase Hospital, Camp Lee, Va., Simons, Norman J., Apprentice Seaman, Navy. Simons, Paul F., U. S. Army, York, Pa. SiMSON, Claude J., Field Artillery. Simpson, Harold A., Private, Infantry, A. E. F. Simpson, Walter A., Private, Ice Plant Unit No. 301, A. E. F. Singleton, Monnie, Camp Custer Michigan. (Colored.) Singleton, Issac, Camp Custer, Michigan. (Colored.) Sipe, Charles Henry, Private, Infantry, A. E. F. Wounded and Gassed. SiPE, Curtis, Camp Gordon, Ga. Sipe, Frank Augustus, Private, Infantry, A. E. F. Killed. SiPES, George M., Headquarters Company, 11. S. Rand, A. E. F. Sipe, Harry W., U. S. Infantry. Sipe, Harvey L., Private, Infantry, A. E. F. Wounded. Sipe, Herbert M., Private, Machine Gun Rattalion, A. E. F. [229 1 SiPE, Herman Ellsworth, Private, Depot Brigade, A. E. F. SiPE, Herman W., Sergeant, Ammunition Train, A. E. F. SiPE, Ira, Private, U. S. Infantry. Sipe, John W. F., Infantry, A. E. F. Missing. SiPE, Lake L., Camp Meade, Md. SiPE, Lester, U. S. Infantry. Sipe, Lloyd B., Private, Engineers, A. E. F. SiPE, Nester, Private, Infantry, A. E. F. Sipe, Rorert, Private, LT. S. Infantry. SiPE, Roy Elmer, Private, Infantry, A. E. F. Sipe, Paul Sylvester, Sergeant, Infantry, A. E. F. Sipe, Walter A., Camp Meade, Md. Sipe, Warren George, S. A. T. C. Pennsylvania State College, Pa. Sipe, Welsh, Camp Mills, N. Y. Sipe, Wilbert H., Ambulance Service. Sipe, William F., Private. Infantry, A. E. F. SiPLE, Howard E., Camp Greenleaf. SiPLE, John Howard, Private, Infantry, A. E. F. Wounded. SiPLE, Simon H., Private, Ammunition Train. A. E. F. Sites, James G., Camp Greenleaf. SiTLER, Claude, Camp Meade, Md., A. E. F. SiTLER, Joseph R., Second Lieutenant, Infantry, A. E. F. SiTLER, Karl H., Camp Meade. Md., A. E. F. Slade, Harry R., Private, Coast Artillery, A. E. F. Slade, Thomas B., Sergeant, Cavalry. Slade, Walter J., Private, A. E. F. Injured by fall from Motorcycle. Slade, Wilbur, Sergeant, Cavalry and Chemical Warfare Service. Slade, William, Camp Meade, Md. Slagle, Howard D., S. A. T. C. Pennsylvania State College, Pa. Slagle, W. a.. Private, Engineers, A. E. F. Slater, Lewis J., Private, Cavalry. Slaybaugh, George, Auto Mechanic at LTniversity of Pittsburgh. Pa. Slaybaugh, Russell, S. A. T. C. LTniversity of Pittsburgh, Pa. Sleeger, Chester E., Private, Engineers, A. E. F. Wounded. Sleeger, David E., Private, Infantry, A. E. F. Wounded. Slenker, Charles Edward, Private, Aviation. In England. Slenker, Ervin, Ordnance Department. Sljenker, Leroy, Machine Gun Battalion, A. E. F. Wounded. Slenker, Lloyd S., Private, Marine Band. Slenker, Stewart H., Apprentice Seaman, Navy. Slenker, Walter Ervin, Private, Aviation. In England. Sloat, Raymond L., Auto Mechanic at Lafayette College. Sloat, George A., Private, Infantry, A. E. F. Wounded. Slonaker, Charles J., Seaman, Navy, U. S. S. Lake Moon. Lost life when boat was torpedoed off [English Coast, Slonaker, Roy, Corporal, Ordnance Department. Slonaker, Roy, Corporal, LI. S. Army, Emigsville, Pa. Slothower, Rruce D., Camp Meade, Md., A. E. F. [ 2.30 1 Slothower, Lewis E. Jr., Camp Meade, Md. Slyder, Ralph H., Sergeant, Engineers, A. E. F. Slyder, Frederick, Second Lieutenant, Infantry. Slyder, John B., U. S. Army, Yoe, Pa. Smalinske, Paul, U. S. Infantry. Small, Cassandra M., Y. M. C. A. Canteen Work, A. E. F. Small, Charles A., Sergeant, Infantry. In Siberia. Small, Claire E., U. S. Army, R. D. No. 12, York, Pa. Small, Edgar A., U. S. Infantry, A. E. F. Small, Frank J., Supply Sergeant, Coast Artillery, A. E. F. Small, George W., Camp Meade, Md. Small, Harry E., Apprentice Seaman, Navy, U. S. S. North Dakota. Small, Henry S., Chief Petty Officer, U. S. Navy, Destroyer. Small, James, U. S. Infantry. Small, J. Edgar, Second Lieutenant, Forestry Service, Vancouver, Wash. Small, James Francis, Private, Cook, Quartermaster Corps. Died. Small, J. C. M., Ensign, U. S. Navy. Small, J. Frederick, Mechanic, Ice Plant Unit No. 301, A. E. F. Small. John William, Private, Coast Artillery, A. E. F. Small, Joseph F., U. S. Army, York, Pa. Small, J. Leslie, Mechanic, Camp Johnson, Fla. Small, Michael, Second Lieutenant, Infantry. Small, Philip H., S. A. T. C. Pennsylvania College, Gettysburg, Pa. Small, Walter J., First Sergeant, Infantry. Small, William P., Camp Dix, N. J. Smeltzer, Charles Earl, Camp Lee, Va. Smeltzer, Clayton A., Private, Repair Shop Unit, Quartermaster Corps. Smeltzer, Enoch, Private, Quartermaster Corps, Camp Dix, N. J. Smeltzer, George W., U. S. Navy. Smeltzer, Howard William, Private, Ordnance Department. Smeltzer, Sterling E., Private, Infantry, A. E. F. Wounded. Smeltzer, William P., U. S. Army, Jefferson, Pa. Smith, Albert B., Camp Meade, Md. Smith, Arthur R., Corporal, Infantry, A. E. F. Smith, Bernard C, Aviation Corps. Smith, Charles C, Second Lieutenant, Machine Gun Battalion, A. E. F. Smith, Charles E., U. S. Navy. Smith, Charles Franklin, Private, Infantry, A. E. F. Wounded. Smith, Charles Ira, Private, Engineers. A. E. F. Smith, Elvin, Private, Infantry, A. E. F. Smith, Claire E., Musician, Coast Artillery. Smith, Clair W., S. A. T. C. Pennsylvania College, Gettysburg, Pa. Smith, Clarence B., Private, Bugler, Infantry. Smith, Clarence E., Auto Mechanic, at Easton. Pa. Smith, Claude L., First Lieutenant, Machine Gun Battalion. Smith, Clayton E., Private, Infantry, A. E. F. Smith, Clement, Infantry, A. E. F. Smith, Russell Daniel, Private, Marine Corps. Killed. Croix dc Guerre. [ 2.31 1 Smith, Earl G., Corporal, Medical Corps. Smith, Edward William, Private, Infantry, Transferred to Engineers, A. E. F. Smith, Elmer W., Private, S. A. T. C. Smith, Ernest H., AAiation Corps. Smith, Floyd L., Private, Infantry, A. E. F. Wounded. Smith, Fred, Private, Artillery. Smith, George M., S. A. T. C. Pennsylvania State College, State College, Pa. Smith, Gibson Captain, Medical Corps, A. E. F. Smith, Granville, Private, A. E. F. Killed. Smith, Guerney E., Corporal, Infantry, A. E. F. Smith, Harold A., First Class Seaman, Navy. Smith, Harry, Camp Wadsworth, S. C. Smith, Harry, Private, Infantry, A. E. F. Smith, Harry D., Private, Troop B, 12th Cavalry. Smith, Henry Elwood, Private, Cook, Heavy Artillery. Smith, Harry L., Private, Field Artillery, A. E. F. Smith, H. Raymond, Camp Meade, Md. Smith, Harvey E., Field Artillery, A. E. F. Smith, Herbert, U. S. Navy. Smith, Herbert D., Aviation Corps. Smith, Herbert R., Corporal, Medical Corps. Smith, Hobert, Corporal, Camp Meade, Md. Smith, Hoke, Private, Aviation. In England. Smith, Horace Welty, Private, American Anglo Tank Corps. Smith, Horation, Private, Camp Meade, Md., A. E. F. Died of Pneumonia. Smith, Howard W., Private, Quartermaster Corps. Smith, James, Private, U. S. Army, York, Pa., A. E. F. Smith, James, Private, Signal Corps, A. E. F. Decorated for Bravery. Smith, James H., Private, Infantry. Smith, James M., Private, Camp Meade, Md. Smith, James Merrille, Private, Ice Plant Unit A. E. F. Scalded. Smith, James P., Camp Meade, Md. Smith, John A., U. S. Cavalry. Smith, John E., Private, Medical Corps, A. E. F. Smith, Lawrence C, Infantry, A. E. F. Smith, Leo R., S. A. T. C. Lehigh LIniversity, Bethlehem, Pa. Smith, Lewis L.. Private, Infantry. Smith, Louis S., U. S. Infantry. Smith, Maurice R., Sergeant, Infantry, A. E. F. Smith, Melville D., Corporal, Engineers, A. E. F. Smith, Mervin C, Camp Meade, Md. Smith, Norman E., U. S. Infantry. Smith, Norman E., Private, Infantry, A. E. F. Killed. Smith, Paul E., Private, Infantry. Smith, Paul E., Camp Meade, Md. Smith, Pierre D., Auto Mechanic at University of Pittsburgh, Pa. Smith, Purd R., Private, Infantry, A. E. F. Smith, Randolph, Corporal, Infantry, A. E. F. Wounded and Gassed. Decorated. [ 232 ] Smith, Raymond F., U. S. Navy. Smith, Raymond J., Windsor, Pa., A. E. F. Smith, Robert W., Private, Aviation. Smith, Robert M., U. S. Army, Wrightsville, Pa. Smith, Roy E., U. S. Navy. Smith, Wm. C, First Lieutenant, Air Service. Smith, Roy W., Apprentice Seaman, U. S. Navy. Smith, Russell J., Technical Training at Lehigh University. Smith, Thomas A., U. S. Infantry. Smith, Victor, Auto Mechanic at Cambridge Springs, Pa. Smith, Walter C, Camp Lee, Va. Smith, William, Dover, Pa., A. E. F. Smith, Dr. William C, Lieutenant, Medical Corps. Smith, William H., Camp Meade, Md., A. E. F. Smith, William H., U. S. Infantry. Smith, William H. Jr., Private, Infantry, A. E. F. Smith, William L., Mechanic at Pittsburgh, Pa. Smith, William R., Camp Greenleaf. Smyser, Clarence H., S. A. T. C. University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pa. Smyser, Earl C, Sergeant, Infantry, A. E. F. Smyser, Frederick L., Corporal, Engineers. Smyser, Dr. Henry D., Captciin, Medical Corps. Smyser, Maurice Bott, Second Lieutenant. Field Artillery, A. E. F. Smyser, Jacob M., First Lieutenant, Infantry. Smyser, Roman J., Camp Greenleaf. Smyser, Rudolph, Lieutenant Colonel, Machine Gun Battalion, A. E. F. Smyser, Thomas Lanius, Private, Engineers, A. E. F. Smyser, Walter G., Sergeant, Infantry, A. E. F. Smyser, Willard C, Engineers, A. E. F. Sneeringer, Edgar J., Engineers, A. E. F. Sneeringer, Harry J., Corporal, Ice Plant Unit No. 301, A. E. F. Snelbaker, John L., Private, Engineers, A. E. F. Snell, Cleveland B., U. S. Army, York, Pa. Snell, William J., Camp Greenleaf. Snellbaker, Charles E., U. S. Army, York, Pa. Snellbaker, Elmer C, Musician, Field Artillery. Snellbaker, Harry C, U. S. Infantry. Snellinger, John J., Sergeant-Major, Infantry, A. E. F. Snodgrass, Clyde F., Engineers. Snook, Homer B., Regimental Sergeant-Major, Edgewood, Md. Snydeman, Charles S., Mechanic at Easton, Pa. Died of Pneumonia. Snyder, Allen L., Sergeant, Ammunition Train, A. E. F". Snyder, Arthur B., Lieutenant. Machine Gun Battalion, A. E. F. Snyder, Arthur E., Private, Infantry, A. E. F. Wounded. Snyder, Austin J., Camp Greenleaf. Snyder, C. M., Private, 73rd Engineers. Snyder, Charles, Corporal, Camp Meade, Md., A. E. F. Snyder, Clay J., S. A. T. C. Pennsylvania State College, State College, Pa. f 233 ] Snyder, Curvin Arthur, Corporal, Marine Band, A. E. F. Decorated. Snyder, Curvin, Camp Meade, Md. Snyder, George E., Private, Infantry, A. E. F. Gassed. Snyder, G. Maurice, Engineers, A. E. F. Snyder, George W., Camp Meade, Md. Snyder, Guy S., Ammunition Train, A. E. F. Snyder, Harrison, U. S. Army, Dallastown, Pa. Snyder, Harry E., Sergeant, Medical Corps. Snyder, Henry C, Camp Greenleaf. Snyder, Herman Arthur, Private, Infantry, A. E. F. Snyder, Howard F., Camp Meade, Md. Snyder, Howard W., Aviation Corps. Snyder, Hurer R., Private, Training Replacement Camp. Snyder, Jacob H., U. S. Engineers. Snyder, James, Camp Meade, Md. Snyder, James W., Private, Engineers, A. E. F. Wounded. Snyder, Jason Bower, Cadet, Aviation. Snyder, John B., Private, Signal Corps, A. E. F. Snyder, John E., Camp Lee, Va. Snyder, John H., First Class Private, Hospital Corps, Medical Department. Snyder, John L., Camp Lee, Va., A. E. F. Snyder, John W., Camp Humphries, Va. Snyder, Noah Carl, Private, Field Artillery, A. E. F. Snyder, Otis E., U. S. Army, Delta, Pa. Snyder, Rufus E., Camp Lee, Va., A. E. F. Snyder, Vallie C. Battery A., 18th Field Artillery, 3rd Division, A. E. F. Snyder, Walter F., Aviation Corps. Snyder, Willard, U. S. Engineers. Snyder, William, Camp Lee, Va., A. E. F. Snyder, William B. H., LI. S. Army, Dallastown, Pa. Snyder, William Franklin, Private, Aviation, A. E. F. Snyder, William M., Private, S. A. T. C. SoLiDAY, David S., Chemical Warfare Service, Astoria, L. I. SoLiDAY, John F., Ice Plant Unit No. 301, A. E. F. SoLLENBERGER, Earl R., U. S. Infantry. Somers, Norman C, U. S. Engine^ rs. SoMMERWERCK, RoBERT H., Sccond Lieutenant, Camp Gordon. SouRRER. Charles H., Second Lieutenant, Camp L^pton, N. Y. SouRBER, Robert R., Bowman Technical School, Lancaster, Pa. Sowers, Ammon J., Camp Meade, Md., A. E. F. Sowers, Curtis, U. S. Cavalry. Sowers, George B., LT. S. Cavalry. Sowers, Jesse, Camp Meade, Md., A. E. F. Sowers, Oliver, Private, Engineers, A. E. F. Sowers, Paul E., Ship Fitter, Naval Aviation, A. E. F. Sowers, Robert W., Camp Meade, Md. Spagnola, N., Camp Lee, Va. Spahr, Arthur Miller, Private, Quartermaster Corps, A. E. F. [234] Spahr, Faustin D., Limited Service. At Syracuse, N. Y. Spahr, Harry E., Private, Infantry. Spahr, Frank H., Private, U. S. Infantry. Spahr, Harry C, Camp Meade, Md. Spahr, Henry Cleveland, Private, Infantry. Spahr, Howard K., Second Lieutenant, Infantry. Spahr, John A., Private, A. E. F., Manchester, Pa. Spahr, Joseph Gordon, Sergeant, 131st Guard Company, A. E. F. Spahr, Philip K., Naval Aviation. Spangler, a. M., Camp Meade, Md. Spangler, Arthur M., Private, Ice Plant Unit No. 301, A. E. F. Spangler, Carroll H., Medical Corps. In Italy. Spangler, Charles B., U. S. Infantry. Spangler, Charles C, Lieutenant, Medical Reserves. Spangler, Charles C, Sergeant, Engineers, A. E. F. Spangler, Daniel C, Private, Quartermaster Corps, R. D. No. 2, Wrightsville, Pa. Spangler, Daniel Walter, Petty Officer, Navy, U. S. S. Isabelle, A. E. F. Spangler, Edwin W., Infantry, A. E. F. Spangler, Evan, Petty Officer, Navy. Spangler, Harry Romaine. Private, Motor Ambulance. Spangler, Heyward M., Limited Service, Camp Taylor, Ky. Spangler, Ivan, Corporal, Ice Plant Unit No. 301, A. E. F. Spangler, John A. Jr.. Limited Service, Vancouver, Wash. Spangler, John I., Sergeant, Field Artillery, Camp Taylor, Ky., 0. T. C. Spangler, Joseph D., Aviation Corps. Spangler, Kerwin H., Corporal, 33rd Infantry, Gatun, Canal Zone. Spangler, Melvin Clarence, Private, Infantry, A. E. F. Wounded. Spangler, Ralph, Private, Infantry, A. E. F. Spangler, Robert Theodore, Private, Infantry, A. E. F. Spangler, Samuel C, Camp Meade, Md. Spangler, Samuel W., Camp Lee, Va. Spangler, Walter, Navy, LI. S. S. Isabelle. Spangler, William G., U. S. Infantry. Spangler, William H., Camp Lee, Va. Spangler, William H., Private, Ordnance Department. Spangler, William Llewellyn, Private, Field Artillery, 80th Division, A. E. F. Spatz, Rev. Edgar E., Chaplain, Dallastown, Pa. Speck, William E., Camp Meade, Md. Spector, John, Private, Infantry, A. E. F. Speece, Martin D., U. S. Army, Hanover, Pa. Spence, Harry M., U. S. Infantry. Spencer, Benjamin J., Camp Custer, Mich. (Colored.) Spieker, Charles Earl, Private, Ammunition Train, A. E. F. Spielman, John L., Private, Infantry, A. E. F. Spies, Daniel, Coast Artillery. Sponsler, Bernard C, Infantry, A. E. F. Spotz, Floyd E., Camp Meade, Md. Spranger, Charles William, Private, Ammunition Train, A. E. F. [235] Sprenkle, Charles F., Ensign, Navy. Sprenkle, Daniel E., S. A. T. C. Pennsylvania State College, State College, Pa. Sprenkle, Edward Eyster, S. A. T. C. Sprenkle, Elmer, Corporal, Infantry. Sprenkle, Ii^lmer, U. S. Army, Wrightsville, Pa. Sprenkle, Erwin T., Ice Plant Unit No. 301. Sprenkle, Horace J., Infantry, A. E. F. Wounded. Regimental Citation. Personal Citation. Sprenkle, Allen T., Private, Unassigned. Sprenkle, Jacor E., Private, Transportation Corps, A. E. F. Sprenkle, John, Private, Field Artillery. Sprenkle, John Fishel, Ensign, Naval Coast Defense, U. S. S. New Hampshire. Sprenkle, Leroy, U. S. Navy. Sprenkle, 0. D., U. S. Army, Cleveland, Ohio. Sprenkle, Paul E., Machine Gun Repair Unit, A. E. F. Sprowe, James L., U. S. Army, York, Pa. Spurley, William A., Quartermaster Corps. Spyker, Samuel C, U. S. Infantry. Staab, Garry E., Camp Lee, Va. Stabley, Allen, Private, Infantry. Stabley, Benjamin F., Camp Greenleaf, A. E. F. Stabley, Benjamin J., Aviation, A. E. F. Stabley, Edward M., First Class Private, Field Remount Station. Stabley, Elwin W., Headquarters Company. Stabley, Isaac J., Private, Infantry, A. E. F. Wounded. Stabley, Ralph R., Sergeant, Ambulance Corps. Stabley, Stewart, Signal Corps. Stabley, Stuart S., S. A. T. C. Stabley, Walter E., Private, Infantry, A. E. F. Wounded. Stabley, Walter S., Camp Lee, Va. Stabley, Wilbur Wright, Seaman, Navy. LT. S. S. Tacoma, A. E. F. Stacks, Russell E., U. S. Army, Dallastown, Pa. Stagemeyer, Charles, Sergeant, 354th Cavalry. Stagemeyer, Herbert, Aero Squadron, A. E. F. Stagemeyer, Horace, Private, Infantry. Stagemeyer, Robert H., Quartermaster Clerk, A. and I. Department, LT. S. Marines. Stagemeyer, Wilbur E., Corporal, Motor Transport Corps. Stahl, Robert F., Waco, Texas. Stahle, Charles Thomas, Major, Coast Artillery, A. E. F. Stair, Edward, First Lieutenant, Artillery, A. E. F. Stair, Jacob Jr., Naval Reserve Corps. Stambaugh, Chanceford, U. S. Army, R. D. No. 1, York, Pa., A. E. F. Killed. Stambaugh, Charles E., U. S. Army, Hanover, Pa. Stambaugh, Clarence E., Camp Greenleaf. Stambaugh, Clarence A., Engineers, A. E. F. Stambaugh, Frederick M., S. A. T. C. Pennsylvania College, Gettysburg, Pa. Stambaugh, George P., Camp Meade, Md., A. E. F. Stambaugh, Guy H., Camp Meade, Md., A. E. F Stambaugh, H. Allen, Quartermaster Corps. [ 236 1 Stambaugh, Harry C, Camp Meade, Md. Stambaugh, Harry J., U. S. Infantry. Stambaugh, Harvey A., Ordnance Department. Stambaugh, Howard E., Private, Engineers, A. E. F. Stambaugh, James Lower, Coxswain, Navy, U. S. S. Michigan, A E. F. Stambaugh, John C, Camp Lee, Va. Stambaugh, John W., Private, Quartermaster Corps. Stambaugh, Lester, LT. S. Army, York, Pa. Stambaugh, Levi Cornelius, Private, Infantry, A. E. F. Wounded. Stambaugh, Lewis H., Private, Engineers, A. E. F. Stambaugh, Michael W., Private, Infantry. Stambaugh, Norman B., Private, Aviation. Stambaugh, Paris, Engineers, Hanover, Pa., A. E. F. Stambaugh, Paris, Private, Field Artillery, A. E. F. Wounded. Stambaugh, Paul, LI. S. Infantry. Stambaugh, Paul M., U. S. Navy. Stambaugh, Ralph D., Private, Infantry, A. E. F. Stambaugh, Raub L., U. S. Army, York, Pa. Stambaugh, Robert W., Private, Infantry, A. E. F. Stambaugh, Serenus E., Private, Infantry, A. E. F. Stambaugh, Sherman L., Private, Engineers. Stambaugh, William L., Camp Meade, Md. Staniford, J. Ray, Band Sergeant, Field Artillery. Stare, Rruce E., Private, S. A. T. C. University of Pittsburgh, Pa. Startzel, Norman J., LI. S. Army, York, Pa. Startzman, C. F., Captain, Headquarters Company, A. E. F. Stabb, Harry, Wagoner, Quartermaster Corps. Staub, Jonas L., Private, Infantry, A. E. F. Staub, Joseph, Corporal, Infantry, A. E. F. Wounded. Staub, Raymond, Camp Meade, Md. Staub, William LL, Infantry, A. E. F. Stauffer, J. Clair, First Sergeant, Company D, Infantry, Replacement Camp, Camp Lee. Stauffer, George L., Infantry. A. E. F. Killed. Stauffer, Hamilton, Private, Engineers. Stauffer, Harry, Private, Infantry, A. E. F. Missing. Stauffer, Henry J., First Engineers, A. E. F. Wounded. Stauffer, Jacob D., Private, Infantry, A. E. F. Gassed. Stauffer, John, U. S. Navy. Stauffer, Joseph D., U. S. Army, York, Pa. Stauffer, Raymond W., Private, Aviation Corps. Stauffer, Robert E., Sergeant, Coast Artillery. Stayman, Adam S., Camp Meade, Md. Stayman, Howard O., Camp Greenleaf. Steacy, Frank, U. S. Navy. Steacy, Henry IL, IJ. S. Navy. Steacy, John, Ensign, U. S. Navy. Steck, Kenneth L., York, Pa. Died in Camp. Steffy, Robert, Private, Infantry, A. E. F. [ 237 1 Stegner, Milfred C, S. A. T. C. Franklin and Marshall College, Pa. Steig, Henry A., U. S. Engineers. SxEiGEWALT, Claude H., Camp Meade, Md. Steigler, Albert J., Camp Meade, Md. Stein, Gustav A., Private, Cook, Infantry, A. E. F. Stein, Ralph E., Mechanic at Pittsburgh, Pa. Stein, W. H., Ammunition Train, A. E. F. Steinfelt, Benjamin, Private, Infantry, A. E. F. Steinkamp, Charles A., Private, Infantry, U. S. Army, A. E. F. Stem, Bruce, Camp Lee, Va. Stenger, Francis J., U. S. Navy. Sterner, Benjamin P., Private, Infantry. Sterner, Paul E., Private, Madison Harbor, N. J. Stern, William B., Corporal, Camp Lee, Va. Sterner, Clarence E., Camp Lee, Va., A. E. F. Sterner, Edgar E., Private, Infantry. A. E. F. Wounded. Sterner, Ellis G., Marines. Sterner, Evan, Mechanic, Infantry, A. E. F. Wounded. Sterner, George, Camp Upton, N. Y. Sterner, Harry F., Private, Infantry, A. E. F. Sterner, Harry P., U. S. Marines. Sterner, John H., U. S. Army, R. D. No. 3, Hanover, Pa. Sterner, John W., Private, Engineers, A. E. F. Sterner, Levere, S. A. T. C. Pennsylvania College, Gettysburg, Pa. Sterner, Lynn Lee Roy, Sergeant, Infantry, A. E. F. Sterner, Paul E., U. S. Infantry. Sterner, Raymond S., Private, Medical Corps, A. E. F. Sterner, Raymond S., Private, Engineers, A. E. F. Sterner, Richard, Marines, A. E. F. Wounded. Sterner, Samuel F., U. S. Marines. Sterner, William C, LT. S. Army, Hanover, Pa. Stevenson, Ellsworth, Private, Infantry. (Colored.) Steward, Harold P., LT. S. Infantry. Stewart, Charles, Private, Field Artillery, A. E. F. Stewart, Harry P., Fort Myer, Va. Stewart, Marshall M., Aero Squadron. Stibgen, Clarkson Lutz, Radio School, Navy. Stiffler, Elias, Private, Infantry, A. E. F. Wounded. Stifler, Earl E., Sergeant, Quartermaster Corps. Stiffler, Spencer, Camp Meade, Md. Stiles, Herbert A., Limited Service, Camp Dix, N. J. Stiles, Paul J., Camp Meade, Md. Stiles, Wilmer H., Apprentice Seaman, Navy. Still, Charles H., Ensign, U. S. Navy. Stiltz, Frank, LT. S. Infantry. Stine, Henry S., Apprentice Seaman, Navy. Stine, Norman H., Private, Ammunition Train, A. E. F. Stine, Raymond V., Camp Meade, Md. f 2.38 1 Stine, William A., Chief Petty Officer, Navy. Stock, Frederick C, Second Lieutenant, Field Artillery, A. E. F. Stock, Joseph F., Artillery, Battalion, Cook, 82d Division, A. E. F. Stock, Walter W., Aero Squadron, A. E. F. Stock, William H., U. S. Navy. Stokes, Ernest, Corporal, Royal Canadian Dragoons, A. E. F. Wounded. Stokes, Samuel, U. S. Army, York, Pa. Stoll, Charles E., U. S. S. Wissahickon, Louisville, Ky, Stoll, Lewis S., LT. S. Cavalry. Stoller, John W., Camp Meade, Md., A. E. F. Stoner, David, Limited Service. Stoner, Edgar K., Private, Coast Artillery, A. E. F. Stoner, George C, Private, Infantry, A. E. F. Stoner, H. E., U. S. Army, Cly, Newberry Township, Pa., A. E. F. Stoner, Roy A., First Lieutenant, Marine Corps, A. E. F. Stoner, Warren H., Private, Infantry, A. E. F. Wounded. Stonesifer, George W., Infantry, Transferred to Engineers. Stonesifer, Joseph E., Signal Corps, A. E. F. Stonesifer, Lewis H., Camp Meade, Md. Stonesifer, Maurice 0., Camp Meade, Md. Stonesifer, Paul H., U. S. Cavalry. Stonesifer, Raymond J., Camp Meade, Md. Storll, Harry A., Limited Service, Camp Taylor, Ky. Stormer, George, Camp Terry, L. I. Stormer, Pius, LT. S. Army, Cross Roads, Pa. Stottlemeyer, Harvey, Infantry. Stouffer, Charles, Hospital Corps. Stough, Edward J., U. S. Navy. Stouch, George D., U. S. Army, York, Pa. Stough, Charles H., Camp Meade, Md. Stough, Charles H., Private, Medical Corps, A. E. F. Stough, Charles P., Camp Meade, Md. Stough, Charles W., Limited Service. Stough, Clarence H., Ambulance Service. Stough, Clyde W., Sergeant, Infantry, A. E. F. Stough, Harry B.. Private, Infantry. Died of Pneumonia. Stough, Harry J., Medical Corps. Stough, Herman, U. S. Army, York, Pa. Stough, Martin H., Camp Meade, Md. Stough, Martin L., York, Pa., A. E. F. Missing. Stough, Nelson H., Infantry, A. E. F. Stough, Robert A., Corporal. Field Artillery, A. E. F. Stough, Samuel, Private, Engineers, A. E. F. Stough, William, Private, Machine Gun Battalion, A. E. F. Stough, William W., Private, Infantry. Stout, Emil, Private, Engineers, A. E. F. Stout, Walter R., Corporal, Infantry, A. E. F. Gassed. Stover, Guy F., First Lieutenant, Medical Corps. [ 239 1 Stover, Harry C, Sergeant, Infantry, A. E. F. Killed. Stover, Jesse L., Private, Limited Service. Stover, R. E., Chief Yoeman, Navy. Stover, Sylvester, Camp Meade, Md. Stover, Wilmer, Navy, U. S. S. New Hampshire. Strack, Earl F.. Ambulance Service. Strack, William 0., Captain, Railway Service in Manchuria. Straining, William, Infantry, Straley, Clarence A., Camp Meade, Md. Strasbaugii, George E., Private, Engineers, A. E. F. Died of Pneumonia. Stratigos, G. K., Engineers, Camp Meade, Md., A. E. F. Strathmeyer, Henry W., Corporal, Company F, 212th Engineers. Strausbaugh, Arthur, Camp Lee, Va. Strausbaugh, Charles, Camp Meade, Md. Died. Strausbaugh, Charles A., Infantry. Strausbaugh, C. R., Private, Engineers, A. E. F. Strausbaugh, Curtis E., Infantry, A. E. F. Wounded. Strausbaugh, Emory R., Navy. Strausbaugh, Ernest E., Private, Trench Mortar Battery, A. E. F. Strausbaugh, Harry B., Private, Depot Brigade. Strausbaugh, Henry, Limited Service. Strausbaugh, Henry C, Naval Reserve Corps. Strausbaugh, Herbert E., Infantry. ' Strausbaugh, Norman B., Aviation. Strausbaugh, Robert, Camp Meade, Md. Strausbaugh, Waller, Camp Meade, Md. Strauss, Thomas P., Aviation Corps. Straw, James B., LT. S. Infantry. Straw, Joseph B., Aviation, A. E. F. Straw, Russell R., U. S. Infantry. Strawbridge, Augustus V., Camp Meade, Md., A. E. F. Strawbridge, Duncan H., Captain, Infantry, A. E. F. Strawinski, M. Caroline, Red Cross Nurse. Strayer, Altgustus a., Sergeant, Infantry. Strayer, David, LT. S. Army, Hanover, Pa., A. E. F. Strayer, David, U. S. Army, Dover, Pa., A. E. F. Strayer, Edwin H., Naval Reserves. Strayer, Harry E., Sergeant, Infantry, A. E. F. Died of Pneumonia. Strayer, Lloyd E., Private, Infantry, Camp Lee, Va. Strayer, Lyman C, Baker, Navy, LT. S. S. Wisconsin, A. E. F. Strayer, Raymond H., Private, Infantry, A. E. F. Strevig, Maurice E., Camp Meade, Md. Strevig, Perry R., Corporal, Infantry, A. E. F. Strevig, Raymond, LT. S. Army, Hanover, Pa. Strickhouser, Daniel Earl, Corporal, Infantry. Strickhouser, Rodger C, First Lieutenant, Dental Corps. Strickland, Charles, Private, M. D. C. Strickland, Charles A., Infantry Band, A. E. F. Wounded. [240] Strickland, Harry S., Seaman, Cruiser Philadelphia, U. S. Navy. Strickland, Charles H., Private, Infantry, A. E. F. Strickler, Benjamin J., U. S. Army, York, Pa. Strickler, Ernest A., Corporal, Infantry. Strickler, Frederick Gibson, Private, Signal Corps, A. E. F. Strickler, Harry J., U. S. Engineers. Strickler, John R., Sergeant, Engineers, A. E. F. Strickler, John W., Infantry, A. E. F. Wounded. Strickler, Millard H., Private, Medical Corps, A. E. F. Strickler, Morgan R., Depot Brigade, Transferred to Infantry. Strickler, Reuben, Corporal, Engineers, A. E. F. Strevig, Raymond W., First Sergeant, Infantry. Striller, John W., U. S. Army, North York, Pa. Strine, Arthur J. Jr., Sergeant, Aviation. A. E. F. Strine, Augustus R, Infantry, A. E. F. Strine, Huber D., S. A. T. C. Lebanon Valley College. Strine, Martin L., Corporal, Engineers, A. E. F. Strine, Robert C, Camp Lee, Va. Strine, William A., Naval Hospital Corps. Strite, Daniel Dewess Jr., Private, Field Artillery. Strubinger, Raymond, Private, Medical Corps. Stubbins, Edward J., U. S. Infantry. Stubbs, Daniel T., Y. M. C. A. Work. Stuck, John W., Camp Lee, Va. Stump, Cletus, Corporal, Engineers, A. E. F. Gassed. Stump, Elmer S., Private, Infantry, A. E. F. Stump, Lemon C, Private, Engineers, A. E. F. Died of Pneumonia. Stump, Luther G., Private, Engineers, A. E. F. Stump, Noah F., S. A. T. C. University of West Virginia, Morgantown. W. Va. Stump, Walter C, Aviation Corps. Suiter, James M., U. S. Navy. Suiter, Paul P., Limited Service, Camp Dix, N. J. Suiter, Wilber C, First Lieutenant, Signal Corps, A. E. F. Killed. Sullivan, Elsie, U. S. Army Nurse. SuLTANO, Anthony, U. S. Army, Hanover, Pa. Sunday, Jerry W., Camp Meade, Md. Sutcliffe, John D. Jr., Corporal, Field Artillery, A. E. F. Sutton, Charles W., Engineers, A. E. F. Sutton, John, Aviation Corps. Swan, John M., Sergeant, Infantry. Swann, David, U. S. Infantry. SwANN, Roland S., Second Lieutenant, Engineers, A. E. F. Swann, Wilbur H., U. S. Infantry. Swartz, Adam D., Sergeant, U. S. Army, R. D., Spring Grove Pa. SwARTz, Albert, Regimental Band, A. E. F. Swartz, Charles R., Sergeant, Infantry, A. E. F. Wounded. Swartz, Chauncey P., Camp Lee, Va. SwARTZ, Edgar A., U. S. Army, Dover, Pa. [ 211 1 SwARTZ, Emory Norman, Private, Engineers, A. E. F. SwARTZ, Ernest W., Camp Lee, Va. SwARTZ, Grover M., Sergeant, Artillery, A. E. F. SwARTz, J. F. F., A. C. T. Y. S. Candidate. SwARTz, Jesse V., Medical Corps. SwARTZ, Milton, Camp Meade, Md. SwARTZ, Perry D., S. A. T. C. Pennsylvania College, Gettysburg, Pa. SwARTZ, Raymond L., Private, Field Artillery. SwARTZ. Robert R., U. S. Infantry. SwARTZ, William H., Private, Infantry, A. E. F. SwARTZ, W. Main, S. A. T. C. Pennsylvania College, Gettysbmg, Pa. SwARTZER, Victor, Private, Infantry. SwARTZBAUGH, Charles H., Camp Greenleaf. Swartzbaugh, Charles H., Private, Infantry, Camp Meade, Md. SwARTZBAUGH, Edward, Engineers, A. E. F. Died of Pneumonia. Swartzbaugh, George, U. S. Army, Hanover, Pa. Swartzbaugh, Maurice F., Field Artillery, A. E. F. Swartzbaugh, Raymond W., Camp Lee, Va. Sweeney, Donald R., Machine Gun Rattalion, A. E. F. Wounded. Sweeney, James M., S. A. T. C. Dickinson College, Carlisle, Pa. SwEiGERT, Renjamin E., First Photographic Section, Air Service, A. E. F. SwEiTZER, Channing E., U. S. Infantry. SwEiTZER, E. E., Camp Meade, Md. SwEiTZER, Ellsworth, Private, Infantry, A. E. F. SwEiTZER, Elmer, Camp Meade, Md. Sweitzer, Gaston, War Risk Department in Paris. SwEiTZER, George S., Infantry, A. E. F. Wounded. Sweitzer, Harvey, Private, Infantry, A. E. F. Missing. Sweitzer, Peter, Camp Lee, Va. Sweitzer, Ralph W., Limited Service, Camp Dix, N. J. Sweitzer, Victor, Camp Meade, Md. Sweitzer, Walter A., Corporal, Infantry, A. E. F. SwoPE, Luther R., Camp Meade, Md. SwoPE, Morgan R., Navy, U. S. S. Cleveland. Sykes, Arthltr W., Aviation Corps. Tachert, Andrew H., Private, Ordnance Department. Tagg, Norman H., U. S. Army, York, Pa. Taleferro, Eugene T., Private, Artillery, A. E. F. Tarbert, Howard A., Private, Infantry. Tassia, Vincent Stevens, Apprentice Seaman, Naval Signal School. Taughman, Paul, Private, Camp Meade, Md. Tawney, Charles L., Private, Camp Meade, Md. Tawser, Charles L., Private, Camp Wadsworth, S. C. Taylor, Allen H., Private, Infantry, A. E. F. Taylor, Alvin, Private, Marines. Taylor, Amos E., Sergeant-Major, Medical Corps, A. E. F. Taylor, Cyrus, Private, U. S. Army, Seitzland, Shrewsbury Township, Pa. r 242 I Taylor, Edward, Reserve Officer Training Camp, Plattsburg, N. Y. Taylor, Clayton G., Private, Medical Replacement Unit No. 54, A. E. F. Taylor, Frank H., Private, Ambulance Unit. Taylor, Franklin Walter, Private, Infantry, A. E. F. Taylor, George W., Private, Ice Plant Unit No. 301, A. E. F. Taylor, Howard A., Private, Aviation. Taylor, James C, S. A. T. C. University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pa. Taylor, John, U. S. Army, R. D. No. 12, York, Pa. Taylor, John, U. S. Army, R. D. No. 2, Seven Valleys, Pa., A. E. F. Taylor, Joseph D.. Seaman, Navy, U. S. S. South Carohna. Convoying. Taylor, James B., Private, Navy, U. S. S. Rhode Island. Taylor, J. Walter, New Freedom, Pa., A. E. F. Missing. Taylor, James Irvin, Private, Princeton University Hospital Unit, A. E. F. Taylor, Louis, U. S. Army, Wrightsville, Pa. Taylor, Luther T., First Lieutenant, Cavalry. In PhiUipines. Taylor. Robert F., Private; Field Artillery, A. E. F. Wounded Twice. Taylor. Robert M., Sergeant, Ordnance Department. Taylor, Wilbur A., Sergeant, Engineers. Taylor, William Edward, Corporal, Ambulance Service. Taylor, William E., Sergeant, Infantry. Camp Dix. Teall, John T., Private, U. S. Army, Hanover, Pa. Teeple, Frank E., U. S. Army, York, Pa. Teaman, Charles, U. S. Army, Felton, Pa. Terry, Charles H., Private, Infantry. Test, Harry J., Field Hospital Staff, Los Angles, Cal. Test, Harvey, Auto Mechanic, Pittsburgh, Pa. , Test, William McKinley, Private, Infantry, A. E. F. Teter, Lester E., Private, Camp Meade. Md. Thatcher, Ralph E., Private, Aviation, A. E. F. Thau, Oscar F., S. A. T. C. John Hopkins, Baltimore, Md. Thaxton, William, Private, Infantry. Thoman, Georgia F., Corporal, Infantry, A. E. F. Died of Wounds. Thoman, C. E., Private, Camp Greenleaf, Ga. Thoman, Guy B., Private, Camp Meade, Md., A. E. F. Thoman, Roland, U. S. Army, Mt. Wolf, Pa. Thoman, Roland, Private, Ammunition Treiin, A. E. F. Thomas, Abraham, Private, Cook, Infantry, A. E. F. Thomas, Bayard C, Private, Engineers, A. E. F. Thomas, Bruce, Private, Field Artillery. Thomas, Clair A., Cadet Engineer, Merchant Marine, U. S. S. Coronado, A. E. F. Thomas, Clarence J., Private, Machine Gun Battalion, A. E. F. Wounded. Thomas, Curtis Alfred, Private, Infantry, Tank Corps. Thomas, Edward B., Private, Cavalry. Thomas, Ellis, Private, S. A. T. C. Pennsylvania College, Gettysburg, Pa. Thomas, Floyd H., Private, Naval Aviation, A. E. F. Thomas, George E., Private, Ammunition Train, A. E. F. Thomas, Gerald, U. S. Army, York, Pa. Thomas, Guy C, Sergeant, Infantry, A. E. F. [ 243 1 Thomas, Harry M., S. A. T. C. Pennsylvania State College, State College, Pa. Thomas, Harry S., Private, Limited Service. Thomas, Henry, Private, Engineers. Thomas, John B., First Lieutenant, Delta, Pa. Thomas, Marvin D., Private, Infantry Corps, Camp Lee, Va. Thomas, Martin L., Private, Ammunition Train, A. E. F. Thomas, Norman G., Private, Infantry. Thomas, Paul E., Corporal, Depot Brigade. Thomas, R. C, Seaman. LT. S. Navy. Thomas, Robert L., Corporal, I tility Detachment Corps. Thomas, Robert V., Landsman, Electrical and Radio School, Navy. Thomas, Russell C, Private, Navy. Thomas, Spurgeon P., S. A. T. C. Albright College. Thomas, Warren L., Corporal, Artillery, A. E. F. Died of Wounds. Thomas, W. Scott, Private, Navy. Thompson, Alex M., Private, Camp Meade, Md. Thompson, Charles R., Ambulance Corps. Thompson, Curvin M., Sergeant, Ordnance Department, A. E. F. Thompson, F. T., Private, A. E. F. Thompson, Henry R., Corporal, Engineers, A. E. F. Thompson, Paul E., S. A. T. C. Franklin and Marshall, Lancaster, Pa. Thompson, Paul M., Private, Infantry, A. E. F. Wounded and Gassed. Thompson, Roland B., Private, Infantry, A. E. F. Wounded. Thompson, Warren, Private, Infantry. Throne, Arthur C, Private, Engineers, A. E. F. Wounded. Throne, Earl W., Private, Cavalry. Throne, Guy C, Private, Infantry. Throne, Henry S., Private, U. S. Infantry. Throne, Dr. James E., First Lieutenant, Medical Corps, A. E. F. Throne, Lawrence, U. S. Army, York, Pa. Throne, Mrs. James E., Red Cross Nurse. Throne, Philip, Second Lieutenant, Ambulance Service and Infantry. Throne, Willard, Private, U. S. Infantry. Throne, William H. Jr., Private, Infantry, A. E. F. Thumma, Carrell O., Corporal, Motor Supply Train, A. E. F. Thumma, William A., Private, U. S. Cavalry. Tipton, Ernest C, Private, Infantry, A. E. F. Died of Wounds. Todd, George T., Private, Infantry. ToDT, Charles, Private, Camp Meade, Md., A. E. F. Tome, George M., Camp Meade, Md. Tome, Milton J., Cook, Coast Artillery. Tome, Murray E., Corporal, Infantry, 112th Machine Gun Battahon, A. E. F. Tome, Solomon E., Private, Camp Meade, Md., A. E. F. Tomes, Edward F., Second Class Boatswain's Mate, Navy, U. S. Transport Flenderson. Tomes, Gerald P., Private, Field Artillery, A. E. F. TooMEY, Martin P., Camp Meade, Md. TooMEY, Noah J., Private, Camp Meade, Md. Toot, John, Private, Navy, U. S. S. New Hampshire. [ 244. 1 TooPER, Bernard J., Private, Field Artillery, A. E. F. TooPER, Charles G., Apprentice Seaman, Navy. Topper, Roy H.. Private, Motor Supply Train, A. E. F. Topper, Walter E., Sergeant, Infantry, A. E. F. ToRRERT, Elmer G., Wagoner, 5th Engineers. ToRPERT, Howard, Private, S. A. T. C. State College, State College, Pa. Tracy, Benjamin F., Corporal, Infantry. Tracey, George N., Apprentice Seaman, Navy. Tracey, Roy W., Camp Meade, Md. Travers, Lloyd 0., Corporal. Travers, Wm., Private, Cavalry, Mexico. Trattner, Norman F., Private, Medical Corps, A. E. F. Tredway, Charles W., U. S. Navy. Tresselt, Herman Paul, Private, Engineers, A. E. F. Died of Pneumonia. Trice, John L., Chief Petty OfTicer, U. S. Navy. Trimrle, Alhert G., Private, Aviation, A. E. F. Trimble, A. Guy, Private, Aero Squadron. Trimmer, Charles A., Seaman, Navy, U. S. S. Alabama. Trimmer, Harry R., Private, Camp Meade, Md. Trimmer, Landis L., Private, Repair and Transport Corps. Died. Trimmer, Ralph K., Private, Ambulance Service. Tritel, Roy C, Private, Signal Corps, A. E. F. Trone, Andrew L., Private, Infantry, A. E. F. Trone, Clair J., Private, Coast Artillery, A. E. F. Trone, Earl W., U. S. Army, York, Pa. Trone, Elmer M., Private, Camp Meade, Md., A. E. F. Trone, George M., Private, Infantry. Trone, Harry C, U. S. Army, York, Pa. Trone, Joseph P., Apprentice Seaman, Navy. Trone, Millard, Private, U. S. Army, R. D. No. 2, Hanover, Pa. Trone, Percy, Private, Ice Plant Unit No. 301, A. E. F. Trone, Raymond L., Private, Infantry, A. E. F. Trone, Wilbur E., Private, Camp Colt, Pa. Trone, W infield S., Private, Engineers. Trostle, Joseph C, Second Lieutenant, Infantry, A. E. F. Trostle, Paul E., U. S. Army, Hanover, Pa. Trout, Allen K., Sergeant, Depot Brigade. Trout, Charles 0., Private, Camp Meade, Md. Trout, Claude C, Camp Lee, Va. Trout, David 0., Private, U. S. Infantry. Trout, George M., Private, Engineers, A. E. F. Trout, James Howard, Private, Engineers. Trout, Mont S., Sergeant, U. S. Army, York, Pa. Trout, Ralph Edwin, Private, Infantry, 91st Division. In Belgium. Trout, Ralph E., Private, Engineers, A. E. F. Troutman, Jacob, Sergeant, Signal Corps. Trowbridge, Roy L., Private, U. S. Army, York Haven, Pa. Trump, Leonard, Private. Field Artillery, A. E. F. f 245 1 Trumpfhelleb, Hurley Cleve, Sergeant, Signal Corps, A. E. F. Truscott, Albert M., Chief on Inspection of Ordanance Department. Teschop, Geobge R., Private, Training Battalion. TuRNBULL, Merle, First Lieutenant, Infantry. Tyson, Charles E., Private, Infantry. Tyson, Clarence W., Private, Field Artillery. Tyson, Curvin F., First Lieutenant, Motor Truck Supply Train, A. E. F. Tyson, Ervin C, Seaman, Navy, U. S. S. Carib. Tyson, Floyd Thaddieus, Private, S. A. T. C. State College, Pa. Tyson, Horace L., Private, Engineers. Tyson, John C, Private, Camp Meade, Md. Tyson, John H., Infantry, LT. S. Army. Tyson, Warren J., Private, Infantry, A. E. F. Uffelman, Clarence C, Corporal, Motor Transport Corps. LIlrich, Frank B., Private. Camp Lee, Va. Underwood, Guy Alexander, Private, Signal Corps. Unger, E. a.. Private, Glen Rock. In England. Unger, George, LT. S. Army, York, Pa. LTnger, George, Private, U. S. Infantry. LTpDEGRAFF, Ralph, Private, Camp Meade, Md. Urey, John, U. S. Army. Dallastown, Pa. Urey, John, Private, Camp Green, S. C, A. E. F. Was drowned. Urey, John Thomas, Private, Infantry. LTrich, Harvey, Private, 319th Field artillery, A. E. F. LTrich, Dr. Russell, Private, Veterinary, Medical Corps. Utz, John T., Private, Infantry. LTtz, John W. Jr., Private, Aviation. Utz, Paul H., Private, Camp Meade, Md., A. E. F. Died. Utz, Roy, U. S. Army, Hanover, Pa. Vansdale, Harry B., Private, Wagoner, Camp Meade, Md. Vanatter, Theodore, Private, Artillery. Van Baman, William Walter, Captain, Infantry, A. E. F. Vandersloot, Charles E., Private, Navy, A. E. F. Vandling, John C, Private, Infantry, A. E. F. Vandling, John C, Private, Infantry, A. E. F. Wounded. Vandling, Samuel G., Private, Infantry. Van Hart, Joseph, Private, Infantry. Vaughn, Amos A., Private, Camp Wadsworth, S. V. Vaughn, William J., Private, Ordnance. Vaughn, L. Imogone, Nurse, Superintendent Surgical Ward, Fort Myer, Va. Veatch, George Marshall, Corporal, Machine Gun Battalion, A. E. F. Verdier, Clarence H., Private, Medical Corps. Verdier, William Edward, Private, Truck Company No. 2, A. E. F. Decorated. Verdier, William H., Private, Machine Gun Battalion, A. E. F. Vichinotti, G., Private, Camp Meade, Md. Vichinotti, Joseph, U. S. Army. f 246 1 VoGEL, Carl, Private, Medical Corps, A. E. F. VoGEL, Harry L., Private, U. S. Marines. Von Markle, Raymond, S. A. T. C. University of Pittsburg, Pa. Yon Mengeringhausen, Quartermaster Sergeant, Senoir, Graduate, B. and C. School, Kelly Field. Voss, Carl A., Sergeant-Major, Medical Corps. Wadkins, Frederick, Private, Camp Meade, Md. (Colored.) Wagman, Harry E., Private, Camp Meade. Md., A. E. F. Wounded. Wagner, Benjamin, Private, Infantry. A. E. F, Wagner, Bruce, Private, Camp Meade, Md. Wagner, Carroll A., Private, Aviation. Wagner, George R., Private, Camp Lee, Va. Wagner, Harry, First Class Druggist, Medical Corps, A. E. F. Wagner, John M., First Class Private, Camp Lee, Va. Wagner, John N., First Class Private, Infantry. Wagner, William C, Private, Machine Gun Battalion, A. E. F. Wagner, Smith Richard, Private, S. A. T. C. Wagner, Lester M., U. S. Navy. Wagner, Marvin S., Private, Aviation, A. E. F. Wagner, Mary, Nurse, A. E. F. Wagner, Paul I., Private, Depot Brigade. Wagner, Raymond C. P., Private, Infantry, A. E. F. Wagner, Robert J., Private, Cambridge Springs, Pa. Wagner, William, Private, Infantry, A. E. F. Wounded and Gassed. Wales, Hugh S., Private, Camp Meade, Md. Wales, Lovell G., Mess Sergeant, Infantry. (Colored.) Walker, Carl M., Sergeant, Ice Plant Unit No. .301, A. E. F. Walker, Clarence Harold, Private, Engineers, A. E. F. Walker, Elmer, Private, Camp Meade, Md. Walker, Harry J., Private, Camp Lee, Va., A. E. F. Walker, Rev. Julius, Chaplain. Walker, Rev. Martin, Chaplain. W. King St., York. Walker, Russell H., Corporal, Medical, Camp Dix, N. J. Walker, William G., Private, Engineers. Walker, William H., Corporal, Engineers. A. E. F. Wallace, Dr. Charles First Lieutenant, YIedical Corps. Wallace, Grant M., Private, Infantry, A. E. F. Promoted to Second Lieutenant. Wallace, John T. F., Private, Camp Custer, Ylichigan. Wallace, Ralph H., Private, Replacement, Medical Corps, A. E. F. Wallace, Thomas, Private, Infantry, A. E. F. Wallace, Warren W., Corporal, Infantry, A. E. F. Wounded. Wallick, Harry, U. S. Army, East Prospect, Pa. Wallick, Harry E., Private, Camp Meade. Md, Wallick, Herbert H., U. S. Army, YlcSherrystown, Pa. Wallick, Herbert, Private, Infantry. Wallick, Ralph W., Private, Field Artillery, A. E. F. Wallick, W. V., Naval Reserves. Waltemeyer, Allen 0., Private, Camp YIeade, Md. [ 247 ] Waltemeyer, C. B., Private, Camp Lee, Va. Waltemeyer, Chester E., Private, Infantry, A. E. F. Wounded. Waltemeyer, Claude, U. S. Army, New Freedom, Pa. Waltemeyer, Claude M., Private, Camp Meade, Md., A. E. F. Wounded. Waltemeyer, M. L., Private, Mechanic at Fasten, Pa. Waltemeyer, Roscoe R., Private, Fort Roseerans, Cal. Waltemeyer, Verne E., Sergeant, Depot Brigade. Waltemeyer, William 0., Private, Company C, 145th Infantry, Camp Lee, Va. Waltimire, Wm. 0., Private, Infantry, A. E. F. Walter, Clinton E., Jr., Private, Trench Mortar Battery, A. E. F. Walter, Banner S., Private, Medical Corps, A. E. F. Waltersdorff, Allen H., Private, Veterinary Section, A. E. F. Waltersdorff, Norman, Sergeant, Chemical Warefare Service. Walton, John H., Battery E, 306th Field Artillery, A. E. F. Walton, Joseph J., Private, Aviation, In England. Wambaugh, Curvin Raymond, Private, Remount Depot. Wambaligh, C. Russell, Private, Fort Thomas, Ky. Wambaugh, Ernest. Sergeant, LT. S. Army, Wrightsville, Pa. Wambaugh, Russell, Master Signal Electrician, Aviation, A. E. F. Wampler, Raymond L., Private, Infantry, A. E. F. Wampler, Walter J., Private, Infantry. Wantland, Victor J., U. S. Navy. Ward, Mrs. J. J., Nurse, Hospital at Niagara Falls, N. Y. Warfield, Kenneth B., Corporal, Aviation. Warman, George, Private, U. S. Cavalry. Warner, Charles A., Private, Infantry, A. E. F. Warner, Charles Andrew, Private, Engineers, A. E. F. Warner, Charles D., Ensign, Navy, A. E. F. Warner, Clarence S., Private, Camp Myer, Va., and Camp Meade, Md. Warner, Clayton D., Private, Machine Gun Battalion. A. E. F. Killed. Warner, Conrad, Private, Camp Meade, Md. Warner, Earl D., Private, Reclaimation Service, Training Battalion. Warner, Edward, Seaman, Navy, \J. S. S. Cargo Ship Yellowstone. Warner, Eli C, Private, Camp Meade, Md., and Edgewood, N. J. Warner, Harry E., Private, Cavalry. Warner, Hugh Russell. U. S. Infantry. Warner, John, Private, Camp Meade, Md. Warner, J. Thomas, Private, Red Lion, Pa., A. E. F. Warner, John E., Navy, Medical Corps. Warner, John F., Private, Infantry, A. E. F. Warner, John T., Private, Camp Lee, Va. Warner, Moses C, Private, Camp Lee, Va., Warner, Moses Calvin, Private, Machine Gun Rattalion, A. E. F. Warner, Raymond C, Private, Infantry. Warner, William J., Private, Ammunition Train, A. E. F. Warren, John F., First Class Private, Pioneer Infantry, A. E. F. Wassem, Wilbur J., Officers' Training Camp, Camp Lee, Va. Waters, Mark E., U. S. Army, York, Pa., A. E. F. [ 248 1 Watkins, Frank, U. S. Army, York, Pa. Watson, C. P., Major, Engineering Division, Ordnance Department, A. E. F. Watson, Samuel J., Private, Infantry. Waugh, George W., Syracuse, N. Y., New Cumberland, Pa. Waughtel, Clarence, Private, Columbus, Ohio. Waughtel, John C, Private, Infantry, A. E. F. Wounded. Watt, R. Morgan, Captain, U. S. N., Norfolk, Va. Ways, Karl H., Second Lieutenant, Aviation. Ways, Melvin. Private. Camp Lee, Va., C. 0. T. S. Weaver, Arthur F., Private, Heavy Artillery, A. E. F. Weaver, Charles E., Private, Camp Meade, Md. Weaver, Clarence A.. Private, Infantry, A. E. F. Wounded. Weaver, Jacob L., Lieutenant, Engineer Reserve Corps. Weaver, Lewis, Private, Camp Meade, Md. Weaver, Lloyd R., Private, Signal Corps. Weaver, Dr. Louis S.. First Lieutenant, Medical Corps, A. E. F. Weaver, Mark W., Private, Camp Meade, Md. Weaver, Martin C, Private, Infantry, A. E. F. Weaver, Martin S., Seaman, Navy, U. S. S. Montana. Weaver, Norman, First Class Private, Engineers, A. E. F. Weaver, Norman H., Private, Engineers. Weaver, Parker W., Private, Infantry, A. E. F. Killed. Weaver, Philip D., Private, Infantry, A. E. F. Weaver, Robert H.. Ensign, Navy, U. S. S. Mississippi. Died. Weaver, William J., Private, Camp Greene. Weaver, William S., Private, Aviation Corps. Webb, Harry C, Private. Medical Corps. A. E. F. Wounded. Webb, Walter, Private, Marine Corps, A. E. F. Webb, Walton McClure, Yoeman, Navy. Weber, Howard H., Corporal, Engineers, A. E. F. Weber, Stewart P. J., Private, Aviation. Webster, David H., Private, Field Artillery, A. E. F. Webster, Richard W., S. A. T. C. Pennsylvania State College, State College, Pa. Wecker, Harry P., Private, Medical Corps. Wecker, Louis S., Private, Ice Plant Unit No. 301, A. E. F. Weddle, Guy S., Private, Engineers, A. E. F. Wehler, George M., Private, Engineers, A. E. F. Wehler, Heasty S., Corporal, Infantry, A. E. F. Wounded. Wehler, Russell S., Sergeant, Ice Plant Unit No. 301, A. E. F. Weigand, Chester C, Wireless Operator, Navy. Weigand, Theodore H., Gunner, Navy. Weigand, William W., Apprentice Seaman, Navy. Weigle, Clarence, Corporal, Aviation. Weigle, Frank E., Corporal, Infantry, A. E. F. Weigle, Leroy, Private. Infantry, A. E. F. Weiler, Ralph E., Private, Infantry, A. E. F. Killed. Weiler, Raymond, Private, Infantry, A. E. F. Weimer, Charles G., Apprentice Seaman, Navy. f 249 1 Weimer, Paul, Private, Infantry. Weinstock, Harry A., Sergeant, Infantry. Weir, Clarence Wilbur, Private, Engineers, A. E. F. Weisberg, Bernard William, Corporal, Engineers, A. E. F. Weisberg, William B., Private, Engineers. Weise, William H. Jr., Private, Artillery. Weisensale, Luther C, Private, Signal Corps, A. E. F. Weiser, H. Norman, Lieutenant, Artillery, A. E. F. Weiser, Martin F., First Lieutenant, Transport Service, A. E. F. Died of Influenza. Weisheit, Henry A., Private, Aviation Corps. Weisner, C. a., U. S. Army, York, Pa. Weitkamp, Chauncey L., U. S. Army, R. D. No. 6, York, Pa. Weitzel, George Ralph, Private, Medical Corps. Weitzel, John E., Private, Intelligence Corps, A. E. F. Weitzel, Luther Lehman, Private, Medical Corps, A. E. F. Weller, John Robert, Sergeant, Medical Corps. Weller, Sidney L., Second Lieutenant, Camp Meade, Md. Wells, James, Private, Infantry, A. E. F. Wounded. Welsh, Joseph, Private, Infantry, U. S. Army Welsh, Joseph F., Private, Aviation, A. E. F. Welsh, Paul, Seaman, Navy, Battleship Minnesota. Welsh, Preston C, Private, Infantry, A. E. F. Wounded. Welsh, Ralph R., Private, Aviation, A. E. F. Welsh, William Ernest, Colonel, Camp Dix, N. J. Welt, Melvin A., U. S. Army, York, Pa. Welty, Charles F., Private, LT. S. Infantry. Welty, Philip A., Private, Artillery, A. E. F. Wendt, Harry J., Private, Ammunition Train, A. E. F. Wentz, Allen R., S. A. T. C. Gettysburg, Pennsylvania College. Wentz, John V., Navy, San Francisco, Cal. Wentz, Harry A., Private, Company A, Radio Operator, Signal Corps, M. S. E. Wentz, Ira Z., Private, Camp Meade, Md. Wentz, Jesse P., First Lieutenant, Ordnance Department. Wentz, John L., Private, Camp Lee, Va. Wentz, John V., Private, Camp Lee, Va. Wentz, Dr. Maurice, First Lieutenant, Medical Corps, A. E. F. Wentz, Dr. Parker N., First Lieutenant, Medical Corps. Wentz, Raymond E., U. S. Navy. Wentz, Reba A., Army Nurse, Camp Lee, Va. Werner, Clarence A., Private, Aviation. Werner, Lewis C, Private, Ambulance Service, A. E. F. Werner, Roy, Private, Infantry, A. E. F. Werner, Walter E., Private, Limited Service, Camp Dix, N. J. Wertz, Charles L., Limited Service, Camp Dix, N. J. West, Brooks, H., Private, Machine Gun Battalion, A. E. F. Missing. West, John L., Private, Limited Service. West, Jonas, Private, U. S. Infantry. Westover, Roland B., Second Lieutenant, Tank Corps. \ 250 1 Wetzel, Paul H., Private, Camp Meade, Md., A. E. F. Weyer, Robert S., Private, Infantry, A. E. F. Wounded. Whare, Charles B., Private, Aviation. Whare, George H., Navy, U. S. S. Cincinnati. Whare, Sylvester C, Private, Engineers, A. E. F. Whare, Willl\m B., Private, Infantry, A. E. F. Whay, Leslie, U. S. Army, Hellam, Pa. Whay, Thomas E. A., Private, Engineers, A. E. F. Wheeler, Leslie, Corporal, Infantry, A. E. F. Wheeler, Lloyd G., Private, Engineers, A. E. F. Wheeler, Robert S., Sergeant, Infantry, A. E. F. Whimert, Lloyd J., U. S. Army, R. D. No. 10, York, Pa. Whitmyer, Joseph,A., Private, Quartermaster Corps. Whitcomb, Charles W., Private, Infantry. Whitcomb, Merle Harris, Seaman, Navy. White, Arthur P., Private, First Class Chauffer, A. E. F. White, Charles C, Private, Medical Corps, A. E. F. White, Franklin, Seaman, Navy. White, Herbert B., Private, Engineers, A. E. F. Wounded. White, Perry E., Corporal, Motor Transport. White, Warren Franklin, U. S. Navy. White, William R., Private, S. A. T. C. Whiteleather, Ernest, Private, Infantry, A. E. F. Whiting, Howard B., Private, Camp Meade, Md. Whiting, Norman P., Private, Ice Plant Unit No. 30L A. E. F. Why, Edward W., Private, Quartermaster Corps. WiCKEY, Charles W., Private, Ice Plant Unit No. 301, A. E. F. Weist, Edgar R., Corporal, Infantry, A. E. F. Wiest, William F., Private, Marine Corps, A. E. F. Wounded. WiFFLER, Earl, U. S. Infantry. WiLDASiN, Andrew W., Private, Camp Meade, Md. WiLDASiN, Archie W. , Private, Infantry, A. E. F. WiLDASiN, George A., Private, Machine Gun Battalion, A. E. F. WiLDASiN, John R., Private, Engineers, A. E. F. WiLDASiN, Maurice A., Private, Engineers, A. E. F. WiLDASiN, Ralph H., Private, Field Artillery, A. E. F. WiLDASiN, Raymond J., Private, Aviation. Wildasin, Riley, Camp Meade, Md., Hanover, Pa. WiLDERSON, Leonard W., Private, Camp Taylor, Ky. Wiley, Carl M., Second Lieutenant, Navy. Wiley, George W., Private, Camp Meade, Md. Wiley, Howard, U. S. Navy. Wiley, Jackson Ross, Second Lieutenant, Auxilary Remount Department. Wiley, Park, Hospital Corps, Washington, D. C. WiLHELM, Charles A. K., Private, Field Artillery. WiLHELM, Emory R., U. S. Army, York, Pa. Wilhelm, Harry E., Private, U. S. Infantry. WiLHELM, Henry H., Private, Camp Meade, Md. [251] WiLHELM, John Woods, Private, Ammunition Train, A. E. F. WiLHiDE, James S., Private, Camp Lee, Va., A. E. F. Wilkinson, George Ellis, Major, Cavalry, A. E. F. Williams, Charles E., Private. Field Artillery, A. E. F. Williams, David G., Corporal, Medical Corps, A. E. F. Williams, Frank, Hospital Corps. Williams, Franklin G., Apprentice Seaman, Navy. Williams, George A., Sergeant, Chemical Warfare Service. Williams, George W., Private, Engineers. Williams, Guy, Hospital Corps, A. E. F. Williams, Harold J., First Lieutenant, Ordnance Department. Williams, Henry J., S. A. T. C. Pennsylvania College, Gettysburg, Pa. Williams, Ira A., Second Lieutenant, Heavy Artillery. Williams, J. Frank, Corporal, Medical Corps. Williams, Jesse S., S. A. T. C. Pennsylvania College, Gettysburg, Pa. Williams, John H., Private, Camp Meade, Md., A. E. F. Missing. Williams, Lester E., Quartermaster Corps. Williams, Melvin P., U. S. Army, R. D. No. 8, York, Pa. Williams, Ormer, Corporal, Infantry. Williams, Ralph N., Apprentice Seaman, Navy. Williams, Ralph, Private, Heavy Artillery, A. E. F. Williams, Reuben W., Second Lieutenant, Infantry, A. E. F. Williams, Roy, Naval Reserve Force. Williams, Vernon, Private, Camp Humphries, Va. Williams, Warren R., Private, Camp Meade, Md. Williams, Wayne, U. S. Army, York, Pa. Williams, William R., S. A. T. C. Riddle University, S. C. (Colored.) Williamson, William H., Private, Cavalry. Willis, Addison, Private, Camp Custer, Michigan. (Colored.) Willis, Charles S., Private, Engineers, A. E. F. Willis, Ernest G., Private, Camp Custer, Mich. Willis, Herbert, Second Class Yoeman, Navy, V. S. S. Huron. A. E. F. Wilson, Earle, Private, Camp Lee, Va. Wilson, George, Private, LI. S. Infantry. Wilson, George E., Private, Infantry. Wilson, Harry C, Private, Medical Corps. Wilson, Harry R., Stevedore. (Colored.) Wilson, John C. Jr., Private, Camp Lee, Va. Wilson, John E., Private, Infantry. Wilson, John E., Private, Limited Service, Camp Dix, N. J. Wilson, Joseph S., Private, Camp Greenleaf. Wilson, Raymond D., Limited Service, Camp Dix, N. J. Wilson, Richard, U. S. Army, York, Pa. Wilson, Robert D., Private, Camp Meade, Md. Wilson, Stephen S. Jr., Private, Artillery, A. E. F. Wilson, William Clyde, Private, Camp Lee, Va., A. E. F. Wilt, Charles H. Jr., Private, 14th Rattery U. S. G. Military Police. Wilt, Eugene J., U. S. Army, York, Pa. Wilt, John E., Private, Artillery, A. E. F. Wilt, Morgan H., Private, York County Hospital Unit. WiNDARD, George W., U. S. Infantry. WiNNEBRENNER, Charles Earl, Private, Reclamation Service, Camp Johnson, Fla. WiNEHOLT, Horace M., Private, Camp Meade, Md., A. E. F. Wounded. WiNEKA, Charles S., Private, Infantry. WiNEKA, Harry W., Private, Infantry, A. E. F. Winter, Allen H., Private, Camp Meade, Md. Winter, Edwin, Private, Medical Corps, A. E. F. Winter, Emanuel, Private, Infantry, A. E. F. Gassed. Winter, Floyd, Private, Infantry, A. E. F. WiNTERMYER, Clarence E., Private, Infantry, A. E. F. Wintermyer, William Edward, Private, Medical Corps. Winters, Jonas B., U. S. Infantry. WiNTRODE, Paul L., Private, Engineers, A. E. F. Wire, Robert S., Private, Infantry, A. E. F. Prisoner of War. Wire, Harry V., Private, Camp Lee, Va. Wise, Charles B., Private, Infantry, A. E. F. Prisoner of War. Wise, George L., Private, Aviation. Wise, John M., Private, Infantry, A. E. F. Killed. Wise. Robert S., Private, Columbus, Ohio. Wise, Dr. Roman F., First Lieutenant, Medical Corps. Wise, Sebastain, Private, Infantry, A. E. F. Wise, Victor R., Private, Tank Corps, A. E. F. Wise, William W., Corporal, Infantry, A. E. F. WiSNER, Lewis Stanley, Private, Limited Service. Wisotzkey, Daniel, U. S. Army, Wrightsville, Pa. WisoTZKEY, DoRSEY G., Sprucc Division, Tacoma, Washington. Wisotzkey, Gingerich, JJ. S. Army, Wrightsville, Pa. Wisotzkey, John U., Cadet, Royal Flying Corps, Canada. Wisotzkey, Leslie, Private, Medical Corps. Withers, Harry W., Private, Infantry. A. E. F. Killed. Withers, Jacob D., U. S. Army, York, Pa. Withers, John D., Private, Infantry, A. E. F. Wounded. Killed. Witmer, Calvin R., Private, Camp Meade, Md., A. E. F. Witmeb, Charles, Private, Camp Meade, Md., A. E. F. Died. Witmer, Claude, Private, Engineers, A. E. F. Witmer, George, Private, Infantry. Witmer, Harry, Private, Camp Meade, Md. Witmer, Jacob R., Seaman, U. S. Navy. Witmer, James R., Seaman, U. S. Navy. Witmer, John, Private, Camp Upton, N. Y. Witmer, John, Private, U. S. Infantry. Witmer, John D., S. A. T. C. University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia Pa., Witmer, Jonas B., Private, U. S. Infantry. Witmer, Roman, Private, Infantry, A. E. F. Witmer, Russell J., Seaman, U. S. Navy. Witmer, Theodore, Private, Columbus, Ohio, A. E. F. r 253 1 WiTMER, William H., Private, Camp Meade, Md. WiTMYER, Harry M., U. S. Guards, Weekawken, N. J. WiTTA, Robert L., Mechanic, U. S. Cavalry. WiTTA, William K., Private, Ice Plant Unit No. 301, A. E. F. WoGAN, Guy, Corporal, Artillery, A. E. F. Wounded. WoGAN, Paul E., U. S. Navy. A. E. F. Wolaver, Harry, Private, Limited Service, Camp Dix, N. J. Wolf, Bryan C, Private, Motor Mechanics, A. E. F. Wolf, Charles, Private, Camp Meade, Md. Wolf, Charles E., Private, Infantry, A. E. F. Wolf, Charles E., Private, Limited Service, Camp Dix, N. J. Wolf, Earl E., U. S. Infantry. Wolf, Earle Leroy, Private, Infantry, A. E. F. Wolf, Edgar L., S. A. T. C. Pennsylvania College, Gettysburg, Pa. Wolf, Frank, Private, U. S. Army, York, Pa. Wolf, G. E., Private, U. S. Army, Mt. Wolf, Pa. Wolf, Harold, Private, U. S. Infantry. Wolf, Isaac, Private, Camp Lee, Va. Wolf, Lloyd E., Private, Infantry. A. E. F. Wolf, Luther B., U. S. Army, York, Pa. Wolf, Nelson, Private. Aviation Corps. Wolf, Raymond A., Tank Corps. Wolf, William H., Private, Infantry, A. E. F. Wolfe, Charles, Private, Mounted Guard. Wolfe, Charles R., S. A. T. C. Pennsylvania College, Gettysburg, Pa. Wolfe, James R., S. A. T. C. Maryland College, Westminster, Md. Wolfgang, Charles, Private, Machine Gun Battalion, A. E. F. Wolfgang, Clarence E., Corporal, Pioneer Infantry, A. E. F. Wolfgang, George W., Private, Aviation. Wolfgang, Millard H., Private, Camp Lee, Va. Wolford, Clarence L., Corporal, Aviation, A. E. F. Wolford, .John V., Private, Signal Corps. Wolford, Samuel M., Private, Aviation, A. E. F. WoLFGAMUTH, Bertius, Private, Machine Gun Company, 112th Infantry, A. E. F. Wounded. Wolgamuth, Melvin C, Private, Infantry, A. E. F. WoLTMAN, William Henry Edward, Private, Infantry, A. E. F. Wood, George A., Private, Camp Meade, Md. (Colored.) Woods, Lawrence S., Private, Field Artillery, A. E. F. Wood, Norris S., U. S. Army, R. D. No. 1, Fairfield Pa. Wood, Samuel, Corporal Field Artillery, A. E. F. Wounded and Gassed. Woodward, Alfred L., Private, Camp Custer, Michigan. (Colored.) WooLERY, W. H., Private, Marine Corps, A. E. F. Wounded. Workinger, W. C, Private, Engineers, A. E. F. WoRLEY, Roy R., Engineers^ Died of Influenza. WoRNER. Elvin Gleaston. Private, Camp Meade, Md. WoRTHiNGTON, Edward L., Private, Infantry. WoRTHiNGTON, GuY, Private, Hospital LTnit No. 38, A. E. F. WoRTHiNGTON, Samuel'W., Private, Camp Lee, Va. [254] Wright, Frank H., Corporal, Infantry, A. E. F. Wright, Howard R., Private, Aviation, A. E. F. Wright, James B., Seaman, U. S. Navy. Wrightstone, W. T., Limited Service, Camp Dix, N. J. WuERTHNER, ARTHUR Emil, Mechanic, Aviation, A. E. F. Wuerthner, Walter C, Private. Field Artillery, A. E. F. Yeager, Oran C, Private, S. A. T. C. Millersville, Pa. Yeagley, Henry Lincoln, S. A. T. C. Lafayette College. Yeally, George W., Private, Infantry, A. E. F. Yeanish, Harry J., Cook, Engineers, A. E. F. Yeaple, Stewart A.,. Private, U. S. Navy. Yeatts, Leroy B., Private, Signal Corps, A. E. F. Yeatts, Wilbur H., 2nd Class Boatswain Mate, U. S. Navy. Yeinger, Ralph, Private, Infantry, A. E. F. Yerkes, Edwin L., Private, S. A. T. C. Maryland State College, College Park. Yessler, Russell, 2nd Lieutenant, Aviation Corps. Yester, Edwin L., Private, S. A. T. C. Maryland State College, College Park. Yinger, Albert, Carpenter at Camp Greenleaf. Yinger, Earl, Private, Camp Meade, Md., A. E. F. Yinger, Fredrick F., Private, Baking Company, A. E. F. Yinger, M. F., Private, Aviation Corps. Yinger, Robert F., Private, Camp Hancock. Yingling, Charles, Private, Medical Replacement, A. E. F. Yingling, Clinton R., Sergeant, Medical Corps. Yingling, Harry W., Private, Aero Squadron. Yingling, Sterling W., Private, Camp Greenleaf. Yohe, Robert K., Private, Infantry, A. E. F. York, James E., Sergeant, Infantry, A. E. F. Yost, Clarence 0., Private, Balloon Company. Yost, Ernest P., Private, Aviation, A. E. F. Yost, George D., Private, Camp Lee, Va. Yost, Jacob H., Private, Coast Artillery. Yost, Paul E., Private, Limited Service, Camp Dix, N. J. Yost, Perry, Private, Ice Plant Unit No. 301, A. E. F. Yost, Richard P., Private, Ambulance Corps, A. E. F. Yost, Vernon, Private. Aero Squadron. Young, Arthur E., Private, Buglar, A. E. F. Gassed. Young, Chauncey A., Mechanic at Pittsburg LIniversity. Young, Chester, W., Corporal. Engineers, A. E. F. Young, Clarence B., Private, Camp Lee, Va. Young, Edward E., First Lieutenant, Quartermaster Department, Washington, D. C. Young, Elwood, U. S. Marines. Young, Harry W., Private, Aero Squadron. In England. Young, Jacob Q. L., Seaman, U. S. Navy Young, James T., Private, Ammunition Train. Young, John H., Apprentice Seaman, Navy. Young, John L., Machinist Mate, Navy. [ 235 ] Young, Roy S., Private, Machine Gun Battalion, A. E. F. Young, Russell, Private, Camp Custer, Mich., A. E. F. (Colored.) Young, Theodore, Private, Medical Corps, A. E. F. Young, Theodore E., Corporal, Medical Corps., A. E. F. Wounded. Young, Walter F., Private, S. A. T. C. Pennsylvania College, Gettysburg, Pa. Young, William 0., Second Lieutenant, Infantry. Young, William Henry, Private, Ambulance Corps, A. E. F. Gassed. D. S. C. Zahhar, Abdallah S., Sergeant, (Quartermaster Corps, Fort Robinson, Neb. Zarfos, John H., Sergeant, York, Pa., A. E. F. Decorated. Zartman, Fred, Corporal, Field Artillery, A. E. F. Wounded twice. Zartman, Ammon, Private, U. S. Army, York, Pa., A. E. F. Zartman, Melvin R., Private, Camp Lee, Va. Zartman, William H., Private, U. S. Guards. Zartman, William, Private, Infantry, A. E. F. Wounded. Zech, Clarence E., Sergeant, Infantry. Zech, Earl E., Private, S. A. T. C. Pennsylvania College, Gettysburg, Pa. Zech, Earl Penrose, S. A. C. T. Pennsylvania State College, State College Pa. Zech, Earl R., Private, National Guards. Transferred to Infantry. Zech, Edward A., Private, Engineers, A. E. F. Zech, Victor C, Private, Ambulance Corps. A. E. F. Zech, William Robert, Private, Infantry. Zech, William F., Private, Engineers, A. E. F. Zech, W. R., Private, Camp Lee, Va. Zeigler, Alvin a., Limited Service, Syracuse, N. Y. Zeigler, Cleason, Private,_ Infantry, A. E. F. Zeigler, Earl R., Corporal, Infantry, A. E. F. Zeigler, Edward J., Private, Artillery, A. E. F. Zeigler, Harvey, Private, Engineers, A. E. F. Wounded. Zeigler, Ira C, Private, Camp Meade, Md. Zeigler, James Edward, Sergeant, Heavy Artillery, A. E. F. Zeigler, J. T., LT. S. Marines. Zeigler, Oscar W., Private, Ice Plant Unit No. 301, A. E. F. Zeigler, Owen W., Infantry. Zeigler, Ralph A., Private, Artillery, A. E. F. Zeigler, William S., Private, Artillery, A. E. F. Zellers, Thomas A., U. S. Navy. Zellers, Arthur P., Private, Camp Meade, Md., A. E. F. Zellers, Daniel E., Private, Camp Meade, Md. Zellers, Earl S., Private, Cavalry, Newport News, Va. Zellers, Earl T., Corporal, Infantry. Zepp, Herschel, LT. S. Army, Hanover, Pa. Zepp, Marshall E., Private, Infantry. Zerfing, Albert, Aviation Corps, Corporal, Company D, 153d Depot Rrigade. ZiEGLER, Dewey W., Private, Artillery. ZiEGLER, Earl E., Private, S. A. T. C. Pennsylvania College, Gettysburg, Pa. Ziegler, Earl R., Corporal, Infantry, A. E. F. ZiEGLER, George E., Private, Marine Corps, A. E. F. D. S. C. [ 256 ] ZiEGLER, Paul E., Captain, Infantry, A. E. F. Wounded. ZiEGLER, Preston E., Chemical Service at Washington, D. C. ZiEGLER, Ralph M., Corporal, Engineers, A. E. F. ZiEGLER, Roy, Private. Camp Lee, Va. Zimmerman, Ernest W., Private, Motor Truck Compamy, Ammunition Train, A. E. F. Zimmerman, Frank. S. A. T. C. Technical School at Lehigh University. Zinn, Charles W., Coast Artillery. ZiNN, Jeanette Malvern, Y. M. C. A. Work, A. E. F. Died of Pneumonia. Zinn, John Maurice, Private, Artillery, Zinn, Roy, Musician, Field Artillery. Zinn, Russell, First Lieutenant, Aviation, A. E. F. Zinneman, Oscar. Artillery, A. E. F. Zorbaugh, Luther A., Limited Service, Camp Dix, N. J. Zortman, Elmer, Camp Meade, Md., R. D. No. 11, York, Pa. Zortman, Fredrick W., Artillery, A. E. F. Wounded. Zortman, John, Mess Sergeant, Kelly Field, Texas, York, Pa. Zortman, Robert, Camp Meade, Md., R. D. No. 7, York, Pa. ZuMBRUM, Edward W., Private. Infantry, A. E. F. Wounded. ZuMBRUM, Harry E., Mechanic, Aviation. ZuMBRUM, William, Private, Infantry, A. E. F. Wounded. Zutell, William H., Coast Artillery, A. E. F. ZwEiFLER, Walter, Second Class Seaman, U. S. Navy, 0. M. School. i2.57 TWENTY-EIGHTH DIVISION (PENNSYLVANIA NATIONAL GUARD) 109th, 110th, 111th, 112th Infantry; 107th, 108th, 109th Artillery; 107th, 108th 109th Machine Gun; 103d Engineers Major-General C. H. Mum; W. H. Hay Engaged Chateau Thierry, Aisne, Argonne r VETERAN MEMRERS COMPANIES A AND K Ralph Lookingbill William L. Donsife Alexander Lotz William Whare Cecil Selmser RuRR McCleary Carl Lidia Edwin Kenley Harvey Nell Joe Rury Melvin Spangler Jacob Lynes Clair Gemill Paul Kinneman Thomas Cochrane Harry Frey COMPANY A Charles Gibbs Robert Disney Richard Altland Raymond Platts Paul Raylor Harvey Sipe Arthur Rahn Charles Livingston George Lauer Raymond Wampler Harry Heiland Witmer Dellinger Clarence Glatfelter William C. Wagner William H. Keller John Seachrist Harry Ilgenfritz Augustus Strine Ralph Eck Harry Hoffheins Clarence Rerkheimer Howard Rerkheimer Paul Royer Henry F. Geise Earl R. Zeigler Emory Deardorf Earl Light Harold Simpson Charles Seager John Ammerman Melvin Woltamuth Roy Ruffington Douglas Patrick Edwin Shyrock Arthur Miller Daniel Cameron John Hale Wilblir Myers Clifford McSherry William Flickinger Renjamin Koch Ray Lauer Harry Arnold Aaron Rurger Roman Royer William Adams Augustus Strayer COMPANY K John Strickler Rernard Sponsler William Sponsler William Swartz Ralph Markley Edwin Raugher Denton Slick Edgar C. Sterner Clair Miller Melvin Lehr Claud Garret Wilson F. Moul Raymond March Earl Arnold RuRTON A. Wolgamuth Rryan Mogel Thomas R. Jacobs Philip London Francis Hoofnagle Samuel Shermyer Wilbur Frey J. E. Harold G. H. Shaeffer Paul Thompson George Silar William Kellar G. E. Snyder Raymond P. March Preston Welsh Danford Cridler 258 LETTERS AND EXPERIENCES OF BOYS IN THE SERVICE LAST LETTER FROM JAMES WILSON GAILEY TO HIS PARENTS "At the Front," Friday, July 11, 1917. My Dear Folks at Home: You will forgive one and a half weeks' silence when you have read this letter, I am sure. Beheve me, I have been moving around since I wrote you last, and also I have seen many wonderful sights. I wrote you a letter while I was at the mill quarters. You know, we could hear the guns there ; but now I am with the guns. But more about that later. After we left the mill quarters, we moved on to an auto park, where we received our French am- bulances. After we had remained there about one week and had grown accustomed to our machines, we moved on for a few days' stay at another place nearer the front, and from thence we came to our present position on the front. I am now really and truly in the war. All the realities of a terrible warfare have been opened before my eyes. To think that I am now in the very midst of this greatest war in history is something that my mind is hardly able to grasp. For three years I have read about it in a careless, rather unsympathetic manner. Every day at home I read about the terrible casualties, but my heart never beat any faster for all that; but now I am interested heart and soul. I have seen what France has sacrificed. Everywhere out here you see immense military cemeteries, where men are actually dumped into the ground, and as you look over what seems like measureless acres of rude crosses, each one bearing this inscription, "Mort pour le France" (Died for France), you go home with a heavy heart. I wish I could tell you where I am and through what places I traveled to get here, but I can't. Nevertheless I will say that I am three-quarters of a mile from the French first line trenches somewhere in France. Now three-quarters of a mile is not very far, you know; the artillery these days is very heavy; so we are situated in front of all the French guns. Some of the heavy French guns are several miles behind us and from that distance guns are placed nearer and nearer the lines as they grow smaller in size, you understand. Now these guns shoot over the heads of their own men in the trenches into the German trenches beyond ; and, of course, they are continually shooting over our heads, because we are only a little distance behind the trenches. I am writing this letter from a "Poste de Secours". Now this Poste de Secours is a cave deep underground, because the Germans have a nasty habit of shelling this place continually. You see the Germans not only shell the French infantry, which is in front of us, but the Ficnch artillery, which is behind us. So we eat, write and read to the tune of flying shells. I have grown accustomed to the sound of the French shells flying over our heads. They are, of course, not meant for us, but nevertheless at first they are rather disturbing. They make a swishing sound, like a bucket when you swing it around your head as fast as you can. You can hear them coming a long way off. There is a battery of heavy guns not a hundred feet fiom here. When they lire it almost knocks you down; and when they fire at night, like they did last night, you can't sleep. Of course there are hundnxls of guns all around us, and when they all get going you have a nice little Fourth of July celebration. [ 259 1 At night, when all these guns get going, you have a sight which can never be forgotten. Every hill for miles around seems to belch out a little hell all its own. Everywhere you look there is a continuous stream of fire. Add to that the noise of the shells passing over and the noise of bursting German shells, and you can reahze, if your imagination is fertile, what a teri'ible rumpus is kicked up. I never saw a more terrible, yet more inspiring sight, than artillery fire at night. You have to see the thing to rea- lize it. I didn't get much sleep last night; there was too much noise and I hadn't grown accustomed to it yet. Besides, stretcher bearers were bringing in wounded a good part of the night, and we had to get out and take them to the hospital. We work four "Poste de Secours". There is one car at one poste all the time. Every day we move up to a new poste. Thus we are out four days at a stretch from our base, which is five miles from the lines. We have (George Griffith and I) been out at the front three days. We have one more poste — one that only can be reached at night with any degree of safety. We go there tonight at 8:36, leave at 4 in the morning for our base, where we can rest for about four days. Thus for four days I have slept only about ten hours. But I shall make up when I get back to base. It is too much strain to stay here all the time. Before I came out here I had a ride in an aeroplane. We were stationed for a few days right beside an aviation camp. I got chummy with a pilot and seized the opportunity when it came. You told me not to take any unnecessary danger when I left. I have disobeyed this order once. I could not resist the temptation to take an aeroplane flight. We were up twenty minutes, during which time I managed to almost freeze. I wasn't scared a bit after I got used to it; it is not like being on top of a high building; you get no sensation of dizziness, because the machine is all around you. You can't talk — too much noise from the motor. You can't imagine the sensation of gliding along absolutely unburdened in mid-air. You get a certain sense of freedom, just like a bird must feel. When you take a dive (and we took plenty) your stomach comes up in your mouth as if you were descending in a fast elevator. But the thing that scares you at first is this: when you take a turn you bank your machine up on one side so that the planes point straight to the ground. In other words, you turn your machine half way over to take the turn properly. Well, the first time he did this, I had a funny feeling; I thought sure I was a goner. The ground looks awfully far off and you say, "well, I do hope that motor keeps going". But I enjoyed the ex- perience a lot and would like to go again. When he came down, he came straight down for about 1,580 feet, when he straightened and touched the ground as softly as a feather. I have a picture taken as I was coming out of the machine after the flight; will send it to you. We have lots of fun here dodging aeroplane bombs. It has been moonlight here for a week — very suitable time for air raids. The first time they came over was one of the beautiful nights we were beside the aviation camp, before we came to the front. They like to bomb aeroplane camps, you know. Imagine the scene : We were sleeping in our cars on the stretchers (we always sleep in our cars when we are not in a dangerous place). Here, however, we sleep in a cave, a^ I said before, very deep under- ground. Last night the Frenchmen in here closed all the doors, started their terribly strong pipes, with a result very conducive to headache in the morning. Between the artillery, bad air and huge rats, which run joyfully over your blankets and across your bunk, I had very little sleep. To tell the truth, I was more afraid of the rats than the German shells. But to return to the aeroplane story. We were all sleeping soundly, when a guard cries out, "Des Bosches, des Bosches: cher chez les abris'" (the Germans, the Germans; go to the underground cave.) [260 1 Well away everybody runs like frightened sheep to the caves. We never undress on duty, so of course we did not have to dress. You hear the German planes draw nearer and nearer — a dull, humming sound in the night, like a distant hive of bees. Soon you see the French searchhghts search the sky, a beautiful sight, and soon you hear a tap, tap of the machine guns and anti-aircraft guns. But the German planes grow nearer. Soon the motor ceases for a moment and almost simultaneously with that you hear a fearful explosion. A German bomb dropped from the plane. They have never come very close to me yet. but they cause terrible destruction and make you hunt the caves at all hours of the night. Of course I see lots of German planes by day. By day they observe; at night they drop bombs. A French plane is a common sight. You see it flying very high, with clouds of white smoke all around it. These small bunches of clouds of white smoke are French shells. In exploding they leave a white smoke, so that it can be determined how close the shell came. The Germans, in firing on French planes, use a shell which leaves a black cloud of smoke. Likewise you can tell German shrapnel by the size cloud of smoke it leaves. Yesterday I saw a battle between a German and French plane. It was the most exciting thing imaginable. They were very high, but easily seen. They would make for each other, all the time firing their guns. Then one would take a long dive, which looked all the world like it was falling, and everybody would draw a breath. Then the machine would right itself, swoop down in a long circle and up again, in an endeavor to get above the other plane. The higher plane has the advantage. I never saw such clever maneuvering. But at last the Frenchman got above and down the German came like a stone, his machine turning over as he came. It was a terrible sickening sight to see him fall, but we all cheered. Sunday, July 1.5th. As I was writing this letter a call came for wounded at another poste de secours, even nearer the line than this one. So we went up there in the dead of night, the night of July 13th, carried our wounded down to the hospital, arriving there about 4 A. M. We rested there a day. Then we came out to this poste again — the place where I started this letter and hope to finish it. As I said, we are way underground here, practically safe from shell fire, but we dare not go out and stand around. The Germans are shelling pretty heavily this morning, although most of them are going over our heads, in an efl'ort to hit the French artillery in the rear of us. You can see the devilish things as they come. They make a whining, growling sound miles off. As they get nearer the whine gets more and more distinct. The dickens of it is that you can hear the whine but you can't tell at all where it will land. I had an interesting experience last night. When we were coming out here, the guard along the road stopped us and told us to stop at a certain poste a little farther on, because the road beyond that was being heavily shelled; so we did stop. I had just put my machine in when I heard that infernal whining sound. I immediately lay fiat on the ground, following the example of all the rest. Well the shell wasn't very far off; nobody was hurt, of course, but after that everybody went in the cave. We wear steel helmets to protect us from shrapnel. They are very heavy at first, but we easily get used to them. We are also compelled to carry our gas masks with us at all times. Well, as I said, we stopped a while at this poste along the road, until it was safe to proceed. But the Germans weren't satisfied with ordinary shrapnel sheels; they began to send over gas shells. When these explode they fill the air with gas, for the purpose of hindering French artillery fire. This was not dangerous gas, only tear gas. It makes you cough and cry like a baby; the tears just stream down your face; it's a funny sight. Well, the way to get around that is to put on your gas mask, and that is what we did. You stop crying at once. Then everything goes fine. It's a funny sight to see men running around with these masks on. just like a bunch of men with false faces, hut with them they can ( 261 1 proceed to their various tasks unhindered by the gas. Well, as we were running around there with these masks, we found out we had to proceed on our way. So we did. Yesterday was the 4th of July for the Frenchmen, you know; that is the 14th of July. They cele- brated the occasion by giving the Germans a very severe artillery fire from 6 to 9 P. M. So as we started out and were proceeding along the road, all the French artillery all around us opened up. We were right in the midst of noise that almost shook your heart out of you. Add to that the gas, a few German shells and a road filled up with wagoners yelling and crying at their horses. It was a great experience, not particularly dangerous, but rather trying on the nerves. If some one had been with us and hadn't known that all the noise around us was French artillery fire, he would have died from fear, because it really was horrible. You learn to know when you are in danger very soon, and as for the horrible shell fire, you soon get used to it. But I don't want you to worry about me. This may seem bad when you read it, but, (^'jo* FUNERAL OF JAMES WILSON GAILY believe me, it is not particularly dangerous. I only write about shells, etc., because I want you to know about some of the methods of this war. If you were sitting beside me now, transported, as it were, by some Divine way (I wish it were true), and hadn't grown used to this thing, you would think that there wasn't very much chance for this poor kid. It is now 4 P. M., Sunday. But who would know it is Sunday? You are now in church and I can't help envying you. There is a church in this town, but only one seat left, so I guess we won't attend today. I say you are gathered together in that good old church at Centre, far away from war. Would to God there was no war here. I can walk ten feet and see a hundred stone piles, all that is left of a hundred happy homes, all the inhabitants gone, the church destroyed, the trees shot into stumps; and so it is all over this war zone. 262 I have seen the war now and I know what it is. Thank God it can't last much longer; it may be over by winter. When I realize that hundreds of thousands have given up their lives, when I see all this destruction of property, when I carry wounded who yell every time you drive over a rough road too fast, it makes me sick and also makes me think this business is no fun. It is nice to talk about in America, but here it is hell. I have only received one letter from you since I left home. I have written you often, but do not know whether you ever received them or not. The mail system over here is naturally very irregular. I have quite a lot of postals and pictures Cmy running mate has two cameras and I shall get the pictures he takes), but can't send thorn now. You will see them when I get home. I wish I could tell you all I see and hear and feel, I know I will be a bettei man for it all. Don't worry about me. Write me often and I shall try to do the same. Remember that, after all, I am not in so much danger as thousands of other men. We must do our duty. I send my love to you all. WILSON LETTER RECEIVED RY MRS. A. L. RAIR ON HER SON HAROLD'S DEATH October 20, 1918. France. Mrs. a. L Rair, Hanover, Pa. My dear Mrs. Bair: You will know of your son's death by the time this reaches you, and I am not writing to sadden you, but to tell you all I know about the circumstances of his death on the field of battle, and to tell the love and esteem all of his comrades bore toward him. I!-*.^ It was the last day of the battle, and Regimental Headquarters was located on the edge of a little woods on top of a hill. Through the woods, down the gentle slope and across the little valley, another woods, and there were the Germans with batteries and machine guns. We were right out in the open, and shells had been exploding about us all day, gas, shrapnel, and high explosive. About 2 :30 in the afternoon — it was Sunday, September 29th the Colonel was dictating a message to Harold, and I stood facing both of them, a few feet away. A high explosive shell burst behind me, and after the stun of the deafening crash, the Colonel and Harold lay on the ground. The Adjutant and I rushed to them. The Colonel was only bruised — a piece of shell had ripped his canteen apart and only bruised him. Harold got a large fragment, tearing a great gash in his right leg below his thigh and in back. Major Cornwell himself was there. Chief Regimental Surgeon, and he immediately composed Harold's leg, applied a tourniquet and bandage, gave him an anti-tetanus injection, and later a little morphine to relieve his pain. He was conscious throughout, and as brave as any man I have ever seen, although he was rapidly losing strength. We did everything possible for him. foi- we loved him and respected him. He called me to him and asked me: "Am I going to die. Lieutenant.^" I couldn't tell him, and told him he would soon be asleep, and I gave him of my canteen. A few minutes later he called me to him and asked: "Captain you are a Mason, aren't you.*^" I told him, "Yes", and he said: "Won't you write to my good old mother, she is a Quaker, and you tell her she is right, — and that I love her". Then he closed his eyes. He murmured a bit aftei- then in his sleep, and died about four o'clock. f 26.3 1 The battle continued, and I had to continue the message that he had started — working to the last. I saw him lie quiet, and walked to him and covered him with a captured German shelter-half, and there on the field of battle, with shells still bursting about his noble body, I stood a moment in prayer, and my heart wept for this splendid man, your son. We had to leave him there when another American regiment relieved us. He wore his identification tag, and you will doubtless hear officially of his death and place of burial, probably about two kilo- meters north of Montfaucon, not many miles from Verdun. I enclose some papers from his notebook and some cards. I don't know who has his personal things. The photograph of the French girl is of Odette Audie. the little school teacher back in the town where we had our peaceful training. Harold and I both have talked with her together in those quiet days. She is a good girl, and would grieve for your son. Tell the members of his lodge that I, a Mason. Conemaugh Valley Lodge No. 692, Johnstown, Pa., esteemed him as a worthy brother. And to you, his mother, I write my heartfelt sympathy. He lived nobly and died nobly, held the highest non-commissioned office the Regiment offers. Regimental Sergeant-Major, and was loved by all his comrades. Believe me. Very sincerely, CARL E. GLOCK, 616 Somerset St., Johnstown, Pa. Censored C. E. GLOCK Captain, U. S. A. LETTER RECEIVED BY MR. R. H. KLINEDINST DESCRIBING HOW HIS SON JOSEPH WAS KILLED IN ACTION Dear Mr. Klinedinst: The boys of Company F wish to thank you for your kind letter, and we respect your noble and manly spirit with which you accept the news of the death of your boy. We mourn with you the loss of a good friend and comrade. Joseph was a friend of every man in the Company. You have good reasons to be proud of your boy. He went through the second battle of the Marne, and let me tell you there were but a few of us that came back. Then we were up in the St. Mihiel sector, and later on the Verdun front, but when we came back from there Joseph was not with us. He was used as a messenger at the front, and it was while per- forming this duty that he was killed. Unselfishly he offered his life for the great cause, for his Country, his flag and his loved ones. Two messengers were sent out over a shelled field. It looked like certain death, but they had orders to deliver the messages. One messenger turned back, the other went forward to perform his duty — after the battle he was found on the battlefield, the message still with him. That was your boy. He had himself received a greater and more important message from the Almighty above, and he had responded cheerfully. From The Boys Of Compamy F. [264 LETTER RECEIVED BY MRS. ANNIE C. ALTHOFF FROM CAPTAIN N. H. MASSIE DESCRIBING THE DEATH OF HER SON SERGEANT PAUL J. ALTHOFF In replying to your letter of February 16, 1919. inquiring as to particulars of your son's death, I will endeavor to accquaint you with all the details that tend to alleviate the sorrow of a loved one's death. To know the exact manner of how he was wounded and how he accepted his fate will no doubt seem to shorten the time and distance between him and you since you last saw him. It was on the 11th day of June, 1918, when the U. S. Marines had been holding back the Huns in Bellau Woods, and standing between them and Paris, when even the French soldiers had been giving ground. They stayed when it seemed that nothing could resist the hordes of Hun shock troops that were thrown against their hues. Paul was in the midst of the fiercest part of this fighting and time and time again proved himself a hero by his gallant actions and fighting abihties. There was no such word as " Fear " for him. On this day the Marines seeking greater honors than merely stopping the invaders, started to push them back and caused them to retreat some few kilometers. It was while making this glorious advance in the Bois de la Brigade de Marines, (so named in honor of the Marines who fought there in June), that our Company was held up by a machine gun. Your son Paul volunteered with several other men to capture this gun. They captured it too but while rushing this machine gun, the gunners of which were firing at its highest speed, Paul was struck by a machine gun bullet that inflicted a wound which caused his death in Feld Hospital No. 15 a few- hours later. He knew his wound would be fatal, but accepted circumstances calmly. When some of his com- rades were bearing him off of the field to the hospital he conversed with them on the glorious beating they had given the enemy that day, and how he was sorry to think that he would not be able to get another crack at them. It was with great sorrow that his comrades parted with him at the dressing station. Paul had made himself a friend with the entire company on account of his never ending good humor and willingness to bear his share of the burden, never complaining and always a source of good cheer. It was during this battle that the commanding officer of his company was mortally wounded. I regret that I am unable to inform you as to the location of Cemetery No. 241, but rest assured that you will soon be notified of the exact spot. It is my most earnest desire that you may find com- fort and solace in these lines, and that the knowledge that your son bravely sacrificed his life for the benefit of his comrades and country on the field of honor may in some way recompense you for your great sacrifice. Signed CAPTAIN N. H. MASSIE Commander 51st Company U. S. Marines, A. E. F. ROSCOE HANNIGAN, EAST PROSPECT, DESCRIBES THE ACTION IN WHICH HE WAS DISABLED On the Riviera, November 2, 1918. Dear Brolher: Tonight I am happy pourciuoi (why)? Simply because I received oodles and oodles of letters in today's mail from home, sweet home, the first mail to reach me since the latter part of August, thus the joy and ha()piness. There is nothing that will biing more cheer and gladness to me than news from the good old U. S. A. During my sojourn in France I have done very little corresponding, piactically all of my writing has been in the form v.\' little notes, which 1 mailed to the folks at home whenever [ 265 ] the opportunity presented itself, just merely stating conditions in a rather indefinite manner, for I was afraid to go into details owing to the censorship which existed in our division ; then again during the months of July and August my regiment was continually in the trenches and my position as bat- talion surgeon kept me extremely busy ; then following my misfortune the last week of August, which I never gave you the full details of more than that I was sick in the hospital and physically unable to write. However, since kind Providence spared my life and I am away down here along the Riviera con- valescing, I will give you a short synopsis of how it happened. It was one bright morning just as dawn was breaking, the birds in the trees singing their beautiful morning melodies, the entire front peaceful and quiet, everybody fully clothed and at their post for stand too — suddenly like a bolt out of the beautiful blue sky the Boche opened with their big guns. It was a perfect barrage and accurately laid down. Prior to this we had daily combats with the Boche artillery and I had sort of become accustomed to the howling and bursting of their shells. However, during my stay in the front, I never experienced such a terrific bombardment as we had that morning — the whole earth apparently shook and the noise was indescribable, bits of shrapnel and missiles flying in all directions. The air became foul smelling and extremely pungent. Ah ! gas phosgene and mustard. I was busily engaged administering to some of the poor boys who had been hit. Assisting me was my sergeant and several stretcher bearers ; neither one of us detected the gas until we all inhaled some of the poisonous substance. Immediately we adjusted our masks but the damage had already been done, at least to me, for at that time I was a bit put oct with the Spanish Flu and my respiratory organs were not in a very receptive mood for gas. We did not adjust our masks immediately at the first sound of the thrombus horn and gongs. My aid station was located a short distance in the rear and consequently we did not hear the signal, the noise was so great. My little band of M. C. boys and I continued to work until we had all of our casualties for the morning disposed of — went to my dugout extremely tired and feeling none too good from the gas which I inhaled. I continued to grow worse and by night was violently ill. In a little while found myself on a stretcher, carrying me out of my dugout and gently placing the stretcher and its contents in an ambulance, rushed off to a field hospital about nine or ten kilometers in the rear. Oh! I was some sick boy — with each breath it felt like someone was sticking a dagger into my back and chest. The following day my attending physician told me that I had pneumonia. Long about the sixth or seventh day of my sojourn at the field hospital the Boche decided that I remained there long enough and immediately began to shell the small town in which the hospital was located. It was a damp, dark and foggy night, and at the most critical period of my illness. Nevertheless the order came through to move all patients. Once again I was placed on a stretcher and in an ambulance and then began the wild ride midst bursting shells over shell-hole roads to a French hospital base, located in a city of about 75,000, twenty kilometers in the rear. For excitement I don't think that Sheridan's ride up the Shenandoah or Paul Revere's famous ride had anything on it, not saying anything about a trip to Baltimore on the Maryland and Pennsylvania. However, I was too sick to enjoy it. Arrived O.K. at the French hospital, but I thought it was finish for Ross. The next few days were extremely hazardous ones for me. On several occasions I had visions of going West, but fortunately I received excellent treatment from the French doctors and in a few days began to show signs of improvement. I might say that the Boche followed me here for I was only here about a week when one night motors were heard buzzing in the heavens, which gradually became louder. Anti-aircraft guns opened fire on them. We then knew that they were Hun planes bombing the city. They flew directly over the hospital, but fortunately did not drop any bombs on us. It was rather thrilling and exciting, nevertheless. Of course, I did not see them as I was confined to bed. Several of the patients who were able to be up and around told me that they were flying low and could easily [ 266 1 see them with the naked eye in the dark. I remained in this hospital about four weeks and then was taken still further back, about fifty miles, to a large American base. I am now able to be out of bed and tottering about a bit. Remained here just twenty days when the CO. wished a sick leave of thirty days on me, and sent me down here along the Mediterranean to convalesce. Of course, I did not object very strenuously, for it has been a real treat to me. In a previous letter to you I told you about stopping over in Paris enroute here, and visiting the American mihtary cemetery at Suresnes, on the slope of Mont Valerien, where our dear brother Chester is sleeping be- neath the sod. I also told you of the beautiful flowers growing on his grave ; of the beautiful green grass growing thereon, and in general how well-kept the cemetery was. I inquired from some of the boys as to who was so kind and thoughtful in planting the beautiful flowers on the graves of our fallen heroes, but no one seemed to know. A few days ago while reading the New York Herald, Paris edition, the puzzle was solved. It gave a beautiful description of how the good French mothers of Suresnes go daily to the cemetery and care for the graves of those who have died that France and civilization might live. It impressed me so much that I immediately wrote to Mme. Quention, who instigated the plan of taking care of the graves of the boys who sacrificed their lives on the field of honor, thanking her and the good mothers of Suresnes for their kindness and generosity. I also enclosed a check for her to purchase a floral design to place on brother's grave, a token of remembrance and devotion to our dear departed brother from his sisters and brothers. I also requested her to take several views of his grave, and will send them home when I receive them. Yesterday Lieutenant Demsey, who is here on sick leave, and I visited the lies De Lerius, lying in the bay opposite Cannes, two small islands. On the Island of Ste. Marguerite is a gloomy old prison in which was incarcerated from 1687 to 1689 the mysterious "Man of the Iron Mask," whom I have often read about in books. It is now used as a prison camp for Boche prisoners of war. We made the trip in a small sailboat, and to tell the truth I was not at all displeased when I landed safely on terra firma, for the sea was extremely rough, in fact the riding of the waves preyed more on my digestive organs than the trip across the Atlantic in the early part of June. However, it was a splendid trip and would not have missed it for anything. My convalescent leave has about come to an end; the day of de- parture is not far off. I am sorry in a sense to go, for I realize the sadness and heartaches which will welcome me at the end of my journey. My regiment has been in the thick of the recent big drive, and I know that many of my friends that bade me good-bye and good luck will not be present to greet me. Many have fallen on the field of honor since I left my organization, and are now sleeping beneath the sacred soil of France with a little cross at their head, signifying that they died for world democracy. Oh, yes, it will be a sad day when I return to my regiment and glance over the roll. However, such are the fortunes of war. No doubt that ere you receive this I will again be with the boys on our way to Berlin. Hoping this will find you all well and happy, I remain lovingly, your brother, ROSCOE. 26'; YORK COUNiV BOYS LEAVING FOR CAMP THKSE ARF, POMK OK I UK (llinn VOUK COrNTV SOLDIKUS AS TIIKI 1 KKI' MOMK w "GOBDOM" HEN a "Rookie" first reaches a training camp, He's scared half to death, feels like a tramp. An orderly leads him to the "sick-bay," Where he is examined without delay. After the "exam" at the receiving ship, He gets a bag-o-clothing regardless of fit. "What size shoes.^" "Oh about seven." The store-keeper throws him a pair marked eleven. The outfit's complete, in white he's dressed. And marched to the barracks with the rest. There he's enrolled and assigned to a billet, Given a hammock and told how to fill it. Then comes the matter of lashing up things. No Irish penants showing, their ends of strings. To stencil all clothes is an endless job. But there's more dirty work in becoming a gob. Twenty-one days in detention he must stay. And in spite of hard work, gets no pay. For three long weeks, sunshine or rain. He never even hears or sees a "Jane". Oh yes! And then there's the terrible situation. He wonders if he'll faint at that first inoculation. He musters up courage and says: "I will not," But a "Gob" hollers: " Wait till you git your second shot. He lives through the first and hears an awful yarn. A five-foot fall from a hammock. Oh that arm ! He goes for his second, but not very bold. And sure enough it knocks him out cold. After he recovers, as they sometimes do. There's still the third shot coming. Whew ! But the last one, very strange to say. In spite of all kidding didn't even make him sway. All thru the day t'was drill! drill! drill! At night stick to the hammock or spill! spill! spill! He dreams of storms and terrible ship-wrecks, But wakes up to find he's just hit the deck. Then there's bag inspection and all that to know. Everything must be as white as snow. Clean ditty boxes, scrubbed down decks, The sea bags and hammocks musn't show a speck. 270 He must wash every night, watch the clothes Une sway, For the "Rookie" must wear clean whites every day. If ever his clothes from the clothes line fell. The "Skipper" at mast, would give him hell. Then he studies wig-wag, blinkers and semaphore. Navigation, seamanship and a whole lot more. He thinks while drilling he will soon be a "Gob." When out of step he gets, and into the awkward squad. In his hammock at night, in spite of the pain, He lays awake thinking of his little "Jane." At "Taps" he starts "cussin" the Hun heavily. Till he hears: "Hit the deck sailor." At "Reveille." At last the twenty-one days are past. And the dream of liberty comes near at last, He breaks out shining in his liberty blues. But "Alas"! the week end guard they must choose. Then curse the bad luck, he's put on guard, When the rest shove off, he can't leave the yard. He growls: "I'm out of luck!" He walks his post Through the night up and down the deserted coast. Then the "Rookie" begins to plan what he will do, When's he's one of the liberty party in blue. Right then and there and all thru the night. He repeats, "War is hell," Sherman was right. There's all kinds of fighters in the U. S. N. "Rookies, Gobs, Sailors (Yoeman) and other men. But to the "Rookie" the worst of the whole crew, at that Are the "Jimmey-legs" with their. "Where do you think yer at.i>" But after all is said and done. He did his bit, to beat the hun, Fighting on land and sea was his job. And there'd have been no War without the "Gob". Clifford J. Hall. 271 SATIRE ON THE KAISER HIS SATANIC MAJESTY ABDICATED IN FAVOR OF KAISER WILHELM OF GERMANY THE ATROCIOUS BUTCHER AND SURRENDERS THE KEYS AND ALL SULPHUROUS FIRES WITH WHICH THE INFERNAL REGIONS ARE SUPPOSED TO CONTAIN WHEN Louis Syberkrop, of Creston, Iowa, wrote the satire on Kaiser Wilhelm, which follows, he little thought it would attract the attention which it has. Requests for copies have come to him from Theodore Roosevelt, Secretary of the Navy Daniels, Secretary to the President Tumulty, and other notables. The article is in the form of a letter from his Satanic majesty to his human prototype. It says : "To Wilhelm von HohenzoUern, King of Prussia, Emperor of all Germany and Envoy Extraordinary of Almighty God. "My Dear Wilhelm: I can call you by that familiar name, for I have always been very close to you — much closer than you could ever know. "From the time that you were yet an undeveloped being in your mother's womb have I shaped your destiny for my purpose. "In the days of Rome I created a roughneck known in history as Nero. He was a vulgar character and suited my purpose at that particular time. In these modern days a classic demon and efficient super-criminal was needed, and as I had known the HohenzoUern blood I picked you as my special instrument to place on earth an annex to hell. I gave you abnormal ambition, likev^ise an oversupply of egotism that you might not discover your own failings; I twisted your mind to that of a madman with certain normal tendencies to carry you by, a most dangerous character placed in power; I gave you the power of a hypnotist and a certain magnetic force that you might sway your people. I am responsible for the deformed arm that hangs helpless on your left, for your crippled condition embitters your life and destroys all noble impulses that might otherwise cause me anxiety, but your strong sword arm is driven by your ambition that squelches all sentiment and pity; I placed in your soul a deep hatred for all things EngHsh, for of all nations on earth I hate England most; wherever England plants her flag she brings order out of chaos and the hated cross follows the Union Jack; under her rule wild tribes become tillers of the soil and in due time practical citizens; she is the great civilizer of the globe and I HATE HER. I planted in your soul a cruel hatred for your mother because SHE was English, and left my good friend Bismarck to fan the flame I had kindled. Recent history proves how well our work was done. It broke your royal mother's heart, but I gained my purpose. "The inherited disease of the HohenzoUerns killed your father, just as it will kill you, and you be- came the ruler of Germany and a tool of mine sooner than I expected. "To assist you and further hasten my work, I sent you three evil spirits — Nietzsche, Trischke and later Bernhardi — whose teachings inflamed the youths of Germany, who in good time would be willing and loyal subjects and eager to spill their blood and pull your chestnuts, yours, and mine; the spell has been perfect — you cast your ambitious eyes toward the Mediterranean, Egypt, India and the Dar- danelles and you began your great railway to Bagdad, but the ambitious archduke and his more am- bitious wife stood in your way. It was then that I sowed the seed in your heart that blossomed into the assassination of the duke and his wife, and all hell smiled when it saw how cleverly you saddled the crime on Serbia. I saw you set sails for the fiords of Norway and I knew you would prove an alibi. How cleverly done, so much like your noble grandfather who also secured an assassin to remove old King Fredrick of Denmark, and later robbed that country of two provinces that gave Germany an opportunity to become a naval power. Murder is dirty work, but it takes a HohenzoUern to make away and get by. "Your opportunity was at hand; you set the world on fire and bells of hell were ringing; your rape on Belgium caused much joy. It was the beginning, the foundation of a perfect hell on earth; the de- struction of noble cathedrals and other infinite works of art was hailed with joy in the infernal regions. "You made war on friends and foe alike and the murder of civilians showed my teachings had borne fruit. Your treachery toward neutral nations hastened a universal upheaval, the thing I most desired. Your undersea warfare is a master stroke, from the smallest mackerel pot to the great Lusitania you show no favorites; as a war lord you stand supreme, for you have no mercy; you have no consideration for the baby chnging to its mother's breasts as they both go down into the deep together, only to be torn apart and leisurely devoured by sharks down among the corals. "I have strolled over the battlefields of Belgium and France. I have seen your hand of destruction everywhere; its all your work super-fiend that I made you. 1 have seen the fields of Poland; now a wilderness fit for prowling beasts only ; no merry children in Poland now ; they all succumbed to frost and starvation — I driften down into Galicia where formerly Jews and Gentiles hved happily together; I found but ruins and ashes; I felt a curious pride in my pupil, for it was all above my expectation. I was in Belgium when you drove the peaceful population before you like cattle into slavery; you sep- arated man and wife and forced them to hard labor in trenches. I have seen the most fiendish rape committed on young women and those who were forced into maternity were cursing the father of their offspring and I began to doubt if my own inferno was really up to date. "You have taken millions of dollars from innocent victims and called it indemnity; you have lived fat on the land you usurped and sent the real owners away to starvation. You have strayed awaj from all legahzed war methods and introduced a code of your own. You have killed and robbed the people of friendly nations and destroyed their property. You are a liar, a hypocrite and a bluffer of the highest magnitude. You are a part of mine and yet you pose as a personal friend of God. Ah, Wilhelm, you are a wonder. You wantonly destroy all things in your path and leave nothing for coming generations. "I was amazed when I saw you form a partnership with the impossible Turk, the chronic killer of Christians, and you a devout worshipper in the Lutheran church. I confess, Wilhelm, you are a puzzle at all times. A Mohammedan army, commanded by German officers, assisting one another in mas- sacring Christians is a new fine of warfare. When a Prussian officer can witness a nude woman being disemboweled by a swarthy Turk, committing a double murder with one cut of his saber, and calmly stand by and see a house full of innocent Armenians locked up, the house saturated with oil and fired, then my teachings did not stop with you, but have been extended to the whole German nation. I confess my Satanic soul grew sick and there and then I knew my pupil had become the master. I am a back number, and, my dear Wilhelm, I abdicate in your favor. The great key of heU will be turned over to you. The gavel that has struck the doom of damned souls since time began is yours. I am satisfied with what I have done ; that my abdication in your favor is for the very best interests of hell — in the future I am at your majesty's service. "Afl'ectionately and sincerely, "LUCIFER H. SATAN. " •^^ i 273 OVERHEARD ON A TRAIN SPEEDING FROM BERLIN TO HOLLAND. PAPA, are we winning or losing the war?" "Shutup, and stop calling me papa. I am sick at the stomach that I should have such an ass for a son. Of course we are winning, this is only a strategic retirement." "I know papa, but if we should retire much farther we will need an unter see hoot.''' "Shut up." "Papa, are you sure that Holland is neutral.-^" "Certainly Holland is neutral. Did I not issue a Royal Decree to that effect.*^" "But, papa, the idiotic Yankees were neutral and now look at them." "Shut up." "Papa, why don't you have the train go to Paris.^*" "That is a matter of State which at this time it would be injudicious to discuss." "Papa, who started this war.**" "England, of course." "Who finished it, papa!" "Shut up." "Papa, when will you command the loyal Germans in America to take Washington .>*" "That is a matter for further thought. I am in receipt of important dispatches from General Sauer von Kraut which state that he and his staff have temporarily retired to Altanta, Georgia, to seriously consider if the time is ripe for a general uprising. He only awaits my decision in the matter." "Papa, what is an armistice.**" "My son, an armistice is a German diplomatic move by which cumbersome and useless material is thrust upon the enemy and which gives the noble German soldiers a furlough to visit their homes for Christmas. An armistice is sometimes necessary to strenghten the morale of the Army." "Why did you abdicate, papa.-*" "I temporarily abdicated out of the generosity of my heart so as not to embarrass the German people with the presence of Royalty during their celebration of the colossal German victory in forcing the enemy to bow to our demand for an armistice." "But papa, the Grand Fleet has revolted." "My son will you never learn? The revolting of the Grand Fleet is simply a naval way of showing the patriotism of the German sailors. They take this method to express to the world their respect and admiration for their Kaiser. You certainly must, in the near furture, resume your lessons of naval customs under Admiral von Tirpitz." "Papa, where is the peace conference to be held, in Berlin, Paris or Versailles.**" "I have not as yet decided. But should the date fall on Christmas, I believe that Paris will be my choice." "Will you be present, papa.i*" "I think not, as I have matters of the greatest importance, which no doubt will detain me in Holland and — anyway, I cannot be troubled with details. I have commanded von Hindenburg to see that the German people attend to this matter." "Why isn't von Hindenburg with us, papa?" "Because he was not invited. You know we left Potsdam suddenly in the night and I had no time to bother with him. Also it is of the utmost importance that he attend to certain details of the armistice which I imposed upon the enemy." "Papa, what do you intend doing with Alsace-Lorraine!" "That is the matter which I have ceased to trouble about, but I may impose upon them the penalty of being governed by France as a punishment for their attitude in the early days of the war." \ 274 1 "What Generals do you intend to honor after you have dictated the peace terms to the enemy?" "Such a fool question for a Prince of the Royal Blood to ask. The entire credit belongs to me." "But papa, how about Gott.*^" "I must admit that in a hurry of this diplomatic journey to Holland I had entirely forgotten Gott. Of course, he assisted me in a small way. The matter of his reward 1 will consider at a later date." "Papa, why did Austria. Turkey and Bulgaria quit.^" "Because I decided at a conference of the War council that they were of no further use to me and I did not wish them to participate in the spoils of this glorious day of victory." "So, papa, this is 'der tag.i^" "Yes, my son, this is 'der tag' and my only regret is that that old fool Bismarck is not alive to witness my hour of supreme triumph." "But, papa, cannot you detail Gott to acquaint him with the facts-i*" "A brilliant idea; I will do so immediately. If you had only used your brain at Verdun in a like manner, my victory would have been much greater, but as it is I confer the Iron Cross of the First Order upon you for your suggestion about Gott!.*^" "Papa, why have you decided to give billions of marks to the enemy.3" "Once again you have lapsed into stupidity, therefore I withdraw the Iron Cross of the First Order. This was my greatest financial achievement; it was a matter which only a master mind like mine could have conceived. In addition to being a just punishment to the enemy, it materially benefits the German Empire, in that the German mark will have a worldwide circulation. "Papa, when we are dead and gone and the history of this war written how will you rank with Na- poleon.-^" "My son, Napoleon's deeds will be forgotten when the coming generations readofWilhelm,the Just. You do not think for one moment that I have left this important matter to a lot of ignorant historians. The history of this war has already been written according to my dictation and is in Potsdam. Your reference to my being dead and gone is very ill-timed. How many times have I told you that Wil- helm will never die. Do you forget that Wilhelm and Gott are immortal.^" "But, papa, how about your sons, aren't you going to provide for them? You know I also want to be immortal. Just make me immortal, perhaps it will not matter so much about the rest." "My son, I am Wilhelm, the Just. I will not make you immortal without doing the same for the rest of my sons. In my judgment, and I am always right, I am the only one entitled to the honor, it is my just due, therefore not being able in fairness to confer the honor upon all, I have decided to retain it for myself alone." "Father, you are indeed Wilhelm, the Just." "Thank you, my son. I have tried to live up to the title." "Papa, the train has arrived at the station; we are at the border of Holland. Why do the Dutch people thumb their noses at the Imperial train?" "It is a special salute of respect to me which I commanded the people of Holland to observe upon my arrival." "Do we get out here, papa?" "Yes, I have decided to continue my journey by automobile." "Papa, you have dropped your box of dope pills." "Thank you, my son, you shall have the Iron Cross; you are very observing and have rendered me a great service." TREAT EM ROUGH 275 KAISER'S PRAYER The Latest Ultimatum Gott, Gott, dear Gott, attention blease, Your bardner Vilhelm's here Und has a vord or two to say Indo yourbrivate ear; so durn away all udders now Und listen veil to me; For vat I say concerns so much, Meinself and Shermany. You know, dear Gott, I var your friendt, Und from mein hour of birth I quietly let you rule de HefFen Vile I ruled o'er de earth. Und ven I teldt mein soilders Of by gone battle days, I gladly split de glory Und gave you half de praise. So vat I say dear Gott, is dis Dat we should still be friendts, Und you should help to send my foes To meet deir bitter ends, If you, dear Gott, vill dis me help I'll nothing ask again Und you und I vill bardners be For evermore — Amen Rut listen, Gott, it must be quick. Your help to me you send. Or else I have to stop attack Und only blay defend. So four and twenty hours I gif. To make de Allies run Und put me safe indo my blace, De middle, of de Sun. In every way I tried to prove Mein heart to you was true, Und only claimed my hones shore In great deeds vat we do. You could not have a better friendt In Sky or Land or Sea, Dan Kaiser Vilhelm number two, De Lord of Shermany. If you do dis, I'll do my bart, I'll tell de vorls de fact. Rut if you don't, den I must tink It iss an Hostile act. Den var at once I vill declare Und in mein anger rise, Und send mein Zepp'lin ships to wage A fight up in de skies. Dis ultimatum, now, dear Gott, Iss von of many more, Mein mind is settled up to clean De whole world off de floor. Recause you vass mein bardner. An extra chance is given; So help at vonce, or else I'll be De Emporer of Heffen. 276 YORK COUNTY AND THE EARLY WARS OF OUR HISTORY PART I. FRENCH AND INDIAN WARS AN account of the part taken by the city and county of York in the World War is a subject of great interest at the present time. The purport of this introductory story is to give in graphic detail a few of the facts relating to the part taken by our ancestors of York County in the previous wars of our history. The facts prove that York County had its birth during a World War which then involved nearly the whole of Europe, the center of civilization at that time. This chapter starts with the early settle- ment of the colonies, including Pennsylvania, and the contention about the claims to territory in western Pennsylvania and the Ohio Valley. This contention brought about the French and Indian War, the first conflict of arms in which the soldiers of York County took part. In that war nearly 1,000 sturdy settlers of our own county, at that time including the area of Adams County, participated. The eastern and middle parts of Pennsylvania were settled during a time of troublesome wars on the continent of Europe. The English had foi-med colonies along the Atlantic coast from Massachu- setts to Georgia early in our colonial history. The French first settled Canada, and it was Champlain, a French explorer, who named that country New France. In 1679, La Salle, a Frenchman and the boldest explorer known to American history, launched at Niagara the first vessel that sailed over the Great Lakes. He pressed his exploration southward, and in 1682, after discovering the Mississippi River, planted the banner of France on the banks of that stream, later sailing down to its mouth. This extended New France from the Alleghany Moun- tains west to the Mississippi. It was the custom of the French and other early explorers to claim the ownership of all land drained by a river wbach they had discovered, and thus La Salle's discovery caused the French to lay claim to the entire Mississippi Valley. All that territory east of the river was called New France, and that west of the river Louisiana in honor of King Louis XIV, then the powerful ruler of France. AN IMPORTANT EPOCH The year 1689 is one of the most important dates in American history. It marks the end of "Early American History", and the beginning of another century which ended in 1789 when George Wash- ington became the first president of the LInited States. From this time uiilil 1743, colonial wars took place, and Pennsylvania played an important part in the last one. The two CaroHnas and Pennsylvania were the youngest of the British colonies. The adult in- habitants of these colonies had nearly all been born in Europe; while the grandsons of the first settlers in the older colonies had grown to manhood. The success of the French explorers in the Mississippi Valley and in Canada caused them to incite tribes of Indians against the English settlements of western Pennsylvania. The French had built a fort where Pittsburg now stands, and one near the present site of Erie. The governor of Virginia, wishing to prevent encroachments of the French in the western part of our province, sent a regiment of troops under Colonel George Washington, a young man of twenty-one. He moved northward and was met by the enemy at a place which was called Fort Necessity. A contest ensued, and it was here that George Washington fired the first shot in one of the greatest wars of our history. It will thus be seen that the early settlement of York County was made during a series of wars on the continent of Europe. The Seven Year's War, which lasted from 1756 to 1763, involved nearly every European power. It is known to history as a World War, and since the American colonies paid tribute to England at that time, the strife in this contest for the mastery of Europe was carried to America. This war ended with the triumph of Frederick the Great and the defeat of the French, which di- minished the power of Louis XIV of France. England had joined with Prussia, and helped her to overthrow the other powers of the continent. Meantime the fertile valleys of Prussia along the Rhine had been devastated. Thousands of Germans then immigrated to Pennsylvania. About the same time and before the Scotch, Irish and English Quakers came in large numbers to the province of Penn- sylvania and prospered here. BRADDOCK'S EXPEDITION Things were getting so serious in Pennsylvania that General Braddock, a trained British soldier, crossed the Atlantic in 1755 and marched from Alexandria, Virginia, toward the present site of Pitts- burg for the purpose of driving the French from this fort called Duquesne. He was joined by 2,000 provincial troops from Pennsylvania and Virginia under the command of George Washington, who acted as a staff officer under Braddock. The English army of 4,000 men were met by the French and Indians at a place now called Brad- dock's Field, a short distance east of Pittsburg. The English commander did not understand the Indian mode of warfare. In a short time, three-fourths of his officers and 700 men were killed, including Braddock who was pierced with four bullets, for the Indians of that early date had learned to use the musket, and were trained marksmen fighting in ambush. A total defeat was averted only by the skill and prowess of Washington. In this contest, four bullets pierced his clothing, but he was unhurt. After Braddock's defeat, the Indians began to cross the Alleghany Mountains, and this caused consternation in the town and county of York as well as other sections of southern Pennsylvania. In- habitants from the Cumberland Valley and farther west hastened eastward to the town of York where they remained until the excitement was over. YORK COUNTY MILITARY COMPANIES. It was now decided by the authorities of the province to erect a chain of twenty-five forts along the eastern slope of the mountains from the Delaware River at Easton extending in a southwestern direction to the Pennsylvania line at Cumberland, Maryland, for all parts of the northwestern and western frontiers were now threatened by incursions from the hostile Indians and a few of the French. The organization of militia companies was encouraged. Richard Peters, secretary of the Province of Pennsylvania, in 1756, reports the following organized military companies in York County : Captain Isaac Saddler, Lieutenant Archibald McGrew, Ensign William Duffield, and sixty private men; Cap- tain Hugh Dunwoodie, Lieutenant Charles McMullen, Ensign James Smith and sixty private men Cap- tain James Agnew, Lieutenant John Miller, Ensign Samuel Withrow and sixty private men; Captain David Hunter, Lieutenant John Correy, Ensign John Barnes and 100 private men; Captain Samuel Gordon, Lieutenant William Smiley, Ensign John Little and 100 private men; Captain Andrew Findley, Lieutenant William Gemmill, of Hopewell Township, Ensign Moses Lawson and 106 private men; Captain William Gibson, Lieutenant William Thompson, Ensign Casper Little and fifty private men; Captain Francis Holton, Lieutenant Joseph Ross, Ensign John McCall and 100 private men. Fort Granville, which had been erected near the site of Lewistown, in the Juniata Valley, was guarded by Lieutenant Edward Armstrong and a small band of Pennsylvania soldiers. This fort was [ 278 ] A PIONEER HOTEL, MARKET AND WATER STREETS FRIENDS MEETING HOUSE, PHILADELPHIA ST. 279 attacked July 22, 1756, when the commander and several of the soldiers were killed and a part of the garrison, including some women and children, were taken across the Alleghany Mountains to Fort Kittanning, then the headquarters of the Delaware Indians. EXCITEMENT IN YORK COUNTY. During the crisis of affairs in the province, the cold indifference of the Legislative Assembly aroused the deepest indignation of the patriotic inhabitants of Pennsylvania. Public meetings had been held in York, Lancaster and Berks Counties for the purpose of petitioning the Governor and the Assembly to aid them in preparing for an armed resistance. George Stevenson, who had been sent here in 1749 to take charge of the court records when York became a county seat, wrote letters to Richard Peters, at Philadelphia, describing the alarming condition of affairs at York. Fort Kittanning was situated on the Alleghany River, about forty miles northwest of Pittsburg, where the town of Kittanning now stands. Immediately after Braddock's defeat in 1775, Hance Hamilton, the first sheriff of York County, and one of the original settlers of Marsh Creek, organized a company and marched with it to the western frontier of Cumberland County. After the completion of Fort Lyttleton, in the present limits of Bedford County, Captain Hamilton commanded the garrison at that place of defence. Other companies were then organized for active service by Rev. Thomas Barton, the rector of the Episcopal Church at York, Carlisle and York Springs; Rev. Andrew Bay, pastor of the Presbyterian Church at Marsh Creek; Dr. David Jameson, physician at York, and Thomas Armor, one of the court justices. FORBES' EXPEDITION. The Provincial soldiers being successful with the affair at Fort Kittanning, it was determined by Sir William Pitt, the next year, to organize an expedition for the conquest of the French and Indians at Fort Duquesne. General Forbes, a trained soldier from England, and with more sagacity than Braddock, was placed in charge of this expedition. Forbes had under his command an army of 1,200 Highlanders, 350 royal Americans, and about 5,000 Provincial soldiers from Pennsylvania, Maryland and Virginia, including 2,000 Virginians under the command of Colonel George Washington. Many of these troops passed through York. General Forbes rendezvoused at Carlisle. The Pennsylvania troops, about 2,000 in number, were under the command of Colonel Bouquet, a Swiss patriot who had an experience of several years in European wars . The Forbes expedition was a brilliant success, and ended the French and Indian War so far as Pennsylvania was concerned. The French were driven from Fort Duquesne down the Ohio River, and their Indian allies fled in dismay to the north and west. A new defense was built on the same site which was named Fort Pitt in honor of Sir William Pitt, the great English statesman, who had projected this expedition. Dr. David Jameson of York was major of the Second Battalion, commanded by Colonel James Burd; James Ewing. then living a few miles east of York and who became a brigadier-general in the Revolution was adjutant of the 3rd Battalion commanded by Colonel Hugh Mercer, the bosom friend of Washington. Archibald McGrew, Robert McPherson and Thomas Hamilton from York County were captains in Mercer's Battalion. That brilliant soldier, Hance Hamilton of York County, was major of Armstrong's Battalion. 280 FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, 1790 SEAL OF THE HOROUGH OF YORK 281 PART II.— THE REVOLUTION. THE inhabitants of York and vicinity after the defeat of the French at Fort Duquesne were never endangered by incursions from the Indians. They turned their attention to the arts of peace. The httle town on the Codorus received a new impetus of Hfe. Many new houses were built so that the population was soon increased to 1,500. But there was trouble ahead for the honest burghers of York and the tillers of the soil in the surrounding country and all over the thirteen American colonies which had been founded and settled by the authority of the English Government. It was charged by the American colonists that the mother country was enforcing tyrannical laws which encroached upon the civil rights of American subjects. What is known to history as the Boston Port Bill caused dis- sension from New Hampshire to Georgia. Meetings were held in opposition to the laws which were being enforced by the King and Parliament. They were held in all centres of population. One of these convened at York in 1774, being presided over by Michael Swope, afterward a colonel in the Revolution. At this meeting it was decided by a unanimous vote that the inhabitants of York would support their brethren in Philadelphia and other parts of the colonies in asking for redress and relief for the distressed condition of the inhabitants of Boston. Delegates were appointed to attend the first Provincial Conference at Philadelphia. James Smith, of York, attended this conference, and soon after his return home, organized at York in 1774 the first military company in America to oppose British oppression and to defend the rights of the colonists. The following year Smith was made a colonel of militia for the Province of Pennsylvania, and in 1776 as a delegate from York signed the Declaration of Independence. YORK TROOPS AT BOSTON. The tocsin of war was sounded by the speech of Patrick Henry before the Virginia assembly at Richmond, which was soon followed by the attack on the Provincial forces of Massachusetts at Con- cord and Lexington. The patriotic ardor of the citizens of York and vicinity had now been aroused to the highest pitch when they heard that a great battle had been fought at Bunker Hill, June 17, 1775. Thirteen days after this event a company of soldiers from York under the command of Michael Doudel, with Henry Miller and John Clark as lieutenants, began the march to Boston where they ar- rived July 25th, being the first troops west of the Hudson and south of Long Island to join the American forces near that city. Although tired and worn by their long march of 500 miles, with undaunted courage, they offered their services to General Washington immediately after their arrival, and asked that they be permitted to capture a British transport on the Charles River. The commander-in-chief commended them for their patriotism, but thought the proposition inex- pedient at that time. A few days later Washington detailed them to capture some British sentinels in order that he might learn from them the enemy's purpose in erecting certain earthworks in front of the American encampment. This daring feat was accomplished by Captain Doudel's company with the loss of one man. Corporal Cruise, a gallant soldier, who lingered for several months in a British prison in London. The trained riflemen from York succeeded in killing several of the enemy and bring- ing prisoners to the headquarters of Washington at Cambridge. The "York Rifles" and the "Morgan Rifles" of Virginia were the first soldiers in history to use the rifle. This was a new implement of war to the British soldiers at Boston. Corporal Cruise, who be- came a prisoner was taken to England, and for a time kept in the Tower of London dressed in his hunt- ing shirt like the rest of his comrades. He was a novelty to the people of London, and the rifle he used was an object of special interest to the Enghsh officers. \ "yRo 1 JAMES SMITH, OF YORK, SIGNER OK THE DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE :«3 PATRIOTISM AND VALOR OF YORK COUNTY SOLDIERS The martial spirit was now rife in the town and county of York, for in the fall of 1775, five battalions of militia were organized, commanded respectively by Colonel James Smith of York, Robert McPherson of Marsh Creek, Richard McAllister of Hanover, Colonel William Smith of Chanceford, and William Rankin of Newberry township. These battalions were under regular drill and discipline for several months. Near the close of 1775, one company was selected from each battalion and a regiment of "Minute Men" organized, with Richard McAllister, Colonel; Thomas Hartley, Lieutenant-Colonel, and David Grier, Major. Soon afterward a part of this command joined the first expedition for the conquest of Canada. During this year and the remainder of the Revolution, the spirit of war was constantly impressed upon the people of York by the passage of troops from the southern states to join Washington's army, and often Rritish prisoners were brought here, or escorted to Frederick, Md., Winchester and other points in Virginia. In this brief story of historic York County, it is impossible to give the details of the part taken by the patriotic men of the town and county in the Revolution. Let it suffice to say that they showed a valor and patiiotism unexcelled in any part of the thirteen original states. In the early part of 1776, there were four armed and equipped companies in the town of York, and about 3,000 militia throughout the county, then including Adams, ready to march to the front if their services were wanted. Many of these soldiers took part in the battles of Brandy wine and German town, and in subsequent campaigns under Washington. Colonel Swope's regiment from York and vicinity won distinction at Long Island and Fort Washing- ton; James Ewing took command of the famous Flying Camp in 1776, and rose to the rank of Brigadier- General; Colonel Thomas Hartley, a man of high intellect as well as patriotic valor led his men to vic- tory on several fields of battle ; General Henry M iller, a bold and dashing soldier, received the commen- dation of the commander-in-chief for saving the left wing of the army from defeat at the Battle of Princeton; Colonel Richard McAllister, after organizing the milita of York county marched with the regiment, which was conspicuous for its bravery at Long Island and at White Plains; Colonel John Hay who succeeded him as sub-lieutenant of York County, and Colonel Matthew Dill his associate, also won a reputation for bravery in the field ; Major John Clark received the highest praise for his success at Long Island, and at the request of Washington, was placed on the staff of General Greene, next to the commander-in-chief, the greatest American soldier of that period; Colonel David Grier, a hero of the campaign to Canada received two serious wounds at the famous Battle of Paoli under General Wayne; and Major Joseph Prowell with a battalion of 100 men, led the advance of Sullivan's expedition into the Wyoming Valley to drive out the hostile Indians. The achievements of these sons of York County and the gallant soldiers who fought under them, have added lustre to the pages of American history. They won a record for military achievement worthy of being handed down to future generations. THE DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE In the meantime Continental Congress was in session at Independence Hall, Philadelphia, with delegates from all of the thirteen colonies. In June, 1775, Richard Henry Lee, a delegate from Virginia moved that "these colonies are, and of right ought to be, free and independent states, and they are absolved from all allegiance to the British crown and that all political connection between them and the state of Great Britain is, and ought to be totally dissolved." This motion was seconded by John Adams, of Massachusetts, and was carried on July 2nd, and the Declaration of Independence, written by Thomas Jefferson, then only thirty-three years old, was adopted July 4 th. [ 281 1 COL. HENRY MILLER OF THE REVOLUTION U. S. TREASURY lUJlLDING AT YORK IN THE REVOLUTION 28.^ A few days later it was signed by 56 delegates with John Hancock, of Massachusetts, president of Congress, to first append his signature to this immortal document. James Smith, then a delegate from York to Congress, became one of the signers. The news of the adoption of this declaration was sent out in every direction by post-riders throughout all the colonies. It was brought to York by James Smith and immediately after his arrival, the small statue of George the Third, at the top of the Pro- vincial Court House in Center Square, was torn down. The bell, belonging to St. Johns' Episcopal Church at York, was then used for the double purpose of calling the people together in the Court House and ringing for services at the church on North Beaver Street. On this occasion it was rung with glad acclaim by direction of James Smith. These incidents aroused the spirit of our forefathers, who resolved to continue the struggle until the thirteen states should be freed from the sovereignty of Great Britain. The Declaration of Independence was thought by everyone to be a bold measure. Now that in- dependence was proclaimed, it remained to be seen whether it could be won. Seven years of continous war followed and finally in 1781 the last struggle took place at Yorktown, Ya., which ended in the surrender of Lord Cornwallis and his entire army to Washington. This event practically ended the war but the treaty of peace was not signed until 1783. YORK, THE NATION'S CAPITAL. The defeat of Washington's Army at Long Island and Fort Washington caused him to retreat across New Jersey toward Philadelphia, then the capital of the new nation. He won a brilliant vic- tory at Trenton, New Jersey, on Christmas night, 1776. and drove the enemy toward New York at the battle of Princeton. Soon after this event General Howe left New York, came up the Chesapeake Bay and marched toward Philadelphia with a trained army of 18,000 men. Washington met him on the banks of the Brandy wine a Creek in Chester County, with an army of only 11,000 men. The British were success- ful in this contest, and then moved on toward Philadelphia to capture that city. Seeing it was necessary for Congress to move with the public documents, the entire body, not ex- ceeding forty men, started on horseback toward Bethlehem. They remained there two days, and then came to Lancaster where a one-day session of Congress was held in the County Court House. In order that Congress might transact the public business with more safety, a resolution was adopted to cross the Susquehanna and continue their sessions in the Provincial Court House which stood in Center Square, York. John Hancock, then president of Congress, was the only person who traveled now in a chaise. The rest all came on horseback, stopping for dinner at the Public Inn in the stone house standing in Springettsbury township to the south of the turnpike. It is known as the Glatz property, and it was the first stone house built west of the Susquehanna in the year 1737. The government documents were brought to York under a guard of two regiments of Continental troops. York then contained 286 houses and about 1,500 population. ARRIVAL OF CONTINENTAL CONGRESS Coming up the road from Wright's Ferry on one calm September afternoon of the eventful year of 1777, were these illustrious men whose acts and deeds during this dark period of the Revolution have given lustre to the pages of American history. Among this band of patriots whose intelligence and foresight astonished the nations of the world, were John Hancock, Samuel Adams and John Adams of Massachusetts; James Duane, WiUiam Duer and Governeur Morris of New York; Roger Sherman and Charles Marchant of Connecticut; Robert Morris, General Roberdeau and James Smith of Pennsylvania; Charles Carroll of Maryland; [ 286 1 GLOBE INN, WHERE LAFAYETTE WAS BANQUETED 18-25 /?sa«,». / ^ _*3^ V'^m4 COOKES HOUSE WHERE CONGRESSIONAL RECORDS WERE DEPOSITED IN 1777, YORK, PA. 287 Richard Henry Lee, Benjamin Harrison (ancestor of two presidents) and Francis Lightfoot Lee of Virginia ; Dr. Witherspoon of New Jersey, and Henry Laurens of South Carolina. These men were eminent as statesmen, and twenty-six of them the year before had appended their names to that im- mortal document, the Declaration of Independence. When Congress assembled in York on the first day of October, 1777, in the historic old Court House, which stood in Centre Square, it beheld the chief cities of the country in the hands of the enemy, and a shattered and dispirited army retreating before a conquering foe. The battle of Brandywine had just ended in favor of the British army, whose numbers were nearly double those of the Americans. In the meantime, Washington was reinvested by Congress, with extraordinary powers and soon afterward took up his winter quarters at Valley Forge. Of the members of Continental Congress during the entire period of the Revolution, none was more zealous in legislating for the prosecution of the war than Samuel Adams of Massachusetts. He was a man of lofty patriotism and unbounded energy. The English Government blamed John Hancock and Samuel Adams more than any others for the origin of the war, and a reward of .J)25,000 was offered for the capture of either of them. Both Hancock and Adams, if ever captured, were to be denied pardon for their alleged treason to the mother country. With Adams as the leader of Congress while in York, the struggle for liberty was simply a matter of life or death. Success in establishing freedom would send him down to posterity, honored by all future generations; failure pointed to the prison cell and the igominy of a rebel doomed to the scaffold. Everything seemed dark and gloomy during the early days of October, 1777, and some of the members of Congress were almost ready to give up the struggle in despair and accept the overtures of peace offered by the British government. Washington had not yet loomed up as the dominant personality of the Revolution. About this time John Adams made the following entry in his diary: "The prospect is chilling on every side, gloomy, dark, melancholy and dispiriting. When and where will light come from.'' Shall we have good news from Europe.i^ Shall we hear of a blow struck by Gates against Burgoyne.-^ Is there a possibility that Washington may yet defeat Howe.>* Is there a possibility that McDougall and Dickinson shall destroy the British detachment in New Jersey.*' If Philadelphia is lost, is the cause of Independence lost.!*" The little band of patriots which assembled daily in the Court House in York, had increased its membership by the arrival of newly elected delegates in October. It sat with closed doors. None but the members of Congress and occasionally a few government officials were allowed to hear the debates on the momentous questions that engaged their attention. In a building at the northeast corner of George Street and Centre Square, Michael Hillegas, Treas- urer of the LTnited States, kept the funds of the government. At the southeast corner of South George Street and Mason Alley was the law office of James Smith. This was used by John Adams and other members of the Board of War, similar to the War Department of the present day. The president of Congress was John Hancock, of Massachusetts, who was then the wealthiest man in the United States. He rented the largest house obtainable in York, and some of the other members lodged at his residence. As the executive head of the nation he lived in considerable style, and his household expenses were paid by the government. All the other members were required to pay their own expenses, and received a small annual salary paid by the States they represented. Early in November John Hancock resigned as President of Congress, and Henry Laurens of South Carolina was chosen his successor. 288 ^•^^/^^ RESIDENCE OF JAMES SMITH, THE SIGNER, SOUTH GEORGE STREET GENERAL WAYNE'S HEADQUARTERS AT MARKET AND BEAVER STREETt IN YORK, 1781 189 SAMUEL ADAMS' GREAT SPEECH The affairs of the new-born nation for a time were controlled by a few men, who met regularly in a caucus at the home of General Roberdeau of Pennsylvania, who lived in a rented house nearly opposite Christ Lutheran Church on South George Street. Many of the leaders in Congress, including Henry Laurens, Renjamin Harrison, Dr. Witherspoon, Richard Henry Lee, Elbridge Gerry and John and Samuel Adams lodged in this house. It was here on one October night of 1777 that Samuel Adams called a caucus. After obtaining the views of the different members, some of whom were very despondent, Samuel Adams rose and delivered one of the most eloquent and impressive speeches in American history, as follows : "Gentlemen: Your spirits seem oppressed with the weight of public calamities, and your sadness of countenance reveals your disquietude. A patriot may grieve at the disasters of his country, but he will never despair of the commonwealth. Our affairs are said to be desperate, but we are not without hope and not without courage. The eyes of the people of this country are upon us here, and the tone of their feeling is regulated by ours. If we as delegates in Congress give up in despair, and grow desperate, public confidence will be destroyed and American liberty will be no more. "Rut we are not driven to such straits. Though fortune has been unpropitious, our conditions are not desperate; our burdens though grievous, can still be borne; our losses, though great, can be retrieved. Through the darkness that shrouds our prosperity, the ark of safety is visible. Despond- ency, gentlemen, becomes not the dignity of our cause, nor the character of the nation's representatives in Congress. Let us then be aroused and evince a spirit of patriotism that shall inspire the people with confidence in us, in themselves and in the cause of our country. Let us show a spirit that will induce us to persevere in this struggle, until our rights shall be established and our liberty secured. "We have proclaimed to the world our determination to die free men, rather than live slaves: we have appealed to heaven for the justice of our cause and in the God of battles have we placed our trust. We have looked to Providence for help and protection in the past; we must appeal to the same source in the future, for the Almighty Powers from above will sustain us in this struggle for inde- pendence. "There have been times since the opening of this war when we were reduced almost to distress, but the great arm of Omnipotence has raised us up. Let us still rely for assistance upon Him who is mighty to save. We shall not be abandoned by the powers above so long as we can act worthy of aid and protection. The darkest hour is just before the dawn. Good news may soon reach us from the army and from across the sea." RURGOYNE'S SURRENDER It was late in October, 1777, and not long after Samuel Adams delivered his great speech at York, that news was brought here of the surrender of Sir John Rurgoyne, with an army of 6,000 English and Hessian soldiers at Saratoga. Gates, commanding the American forces, had out-generaled him and Rurgoyne was compelled to throw down his arms. His entire force was marched to Roston and kept there as prisoners of war for one year. Rurgoyne bought his freedom by paying $40,000 in gold, with the understanding that this money should be used to feed and clothe his troops. He then sailed to England, was elected to Parliament, and there made a strong speech opposing a continuation of the war against the United States. News from Saratoga brought good cheer to Congress at York, Washington at Valley Forge and every section of the thirteen states. This battle was one of the most decisive in all history and was a turning point in the struggle of our forefathers for liberty. Soon after this event. General Gates came to York and became president of the Roard of War, [290 1 succeeding John Adams, who had been sent to France to aid Benjamin Frankhn in securing from the French government a recognition of the Repubhc of the United States. The attempt of Burgoyne to march down the Hudson and join the British army, then occupying New York, proved to be a failure. His object had been to cut off the New England States from the South and prevent communications between the two sections. It was the failure of this attempt that added glory to the American Armies throughout all the great powers in Europe and gave great prestige to the Americans. IMPORTANT TRANSACTIONS OF CONGRESS Congress had passed while in session at York the Articles of Confederation which, when adopted by the sufficient number of states, made the Declaration of Independence a reality ; received the news of the great and decisive battle of Saratoga; commissioned Lafayette a major-general in the army; received Baron Steuben, the military chieftain from the Court of Frederick the Great, made him a major-general and sent him to the headquarters of the army to drill the American troops in the im- proved tactics of that day; received the news from Benjamin Franklin at Paris that the King of France and his country had agreed to help us in our struggle for Independence; received the first of several contributions of money from the French Government to carry on the war and received the news of the arrival of the first French troops and fleet that came to our assistance. These are a few, but not all, of the important transactions of Congress while in session at York. At no other place during the Revolution, except Philadelphia, was there any legislation by Con- tinental Congress in any way comparable to that transacted while in session at York. It is a fact, however, that sessions of this body were held for one day in Lancaster, Pa. ; a short time at Princeton, N. J. ; about two months in Baltimore and a brief period at Annapolis, Md. At none of these places do the journals of Congress record the passage of any legislation or the transaction of any business for the prosecution of the war in any degree commensurate with that done at York during nine months of the years 1777 and 1778. BATTLE OF FORT WASHINGTON The most serious loss of York County troops during the Revolution was at the battle of Fort Washington, which took place in the northern part of what is now New York City. Colonel Robert Magaw of Carlisle, with about 3,500 troops from Pennsylvania, was assigned the important duty of defending this fort. It was attacked in the fall of 1776 by a large force of English and Hessian troops. Colonel Michael Swope of York, then in command of the First Regiment of the Flying Camp, was ordered by Magaw to defend the approaches to the fort. Terms of surrender were offered by the enemy, but Swope refused. A furious contest ensued when the gallant colonel and 100 of his York County soldiers were killed, wounded or became prisoners of war. A part of the Second Regiment of the Flying Camp commanded by Colonel McAllister of Hanover, took part in this engagement, and the remainder of his regiment under Major Clark, engaged the British on Staten Island where the first Hessian prisoners of war were captured. At Fort Washington the British outnumbered the Americans three to one, and tlie captured in(>n were held in New York prisons for nearly two years. Among them was Colonel Swope, whose wife kept the Swope Inn on West Market Street, York, where John Hancock, president of Congress, was entertained while in York. [2911 BRITISH LEAVE PHILADELPHIA Congress remained in session in York for nine months, and then returned to Philadelphia. In the meantime, General Howe resigned his command of Philadelphia and returned to England. Sir Henry Clinton succeeded him, and on June 18, 1778, he evacuated the city and began the march toward New York. Washington remained at Valley Forge during the winter of 1777-78 while Congress was at York. There is no record that he ever came here during that winter. Unfortunately, many members of Congress, then composed of forty delegates, were opposed to Washington because he was defeated at Brandywine and Germantown. The strong men of Congress, however, stood by him. What is known as the Conway Cabal, a conspiracy to remove him from command of the army and place Gates in his stead, collapsed at a banquet given to Lafayette at the hopie of Gates in York in February, 1778. At this banquet, Lafayette rose from his chair and offered a toast in support of the commander-in-chief, and that ended the controversy. WASHINGTON LEAVES VALLEY FORGE When Washington heard the British had left Philadelphia, after receiving recruits to his army, he broke camp at Valley Forge, crossed the Delaware at Trenton, and began pursuit of the British army on June 21st, intending to strike them whenever a good opportunity was afforded. His own troops were then in splendid trim, having received careful drill and discipline during the winter encampment at Valley Forge. BATTLE OF MONMOUTH The two armies met at Monmouth, N. J., in August, 1778, where a terrible battle took place. General W ashington displayed remarkable courage and skill in this engagement, and his success gained for him prestige throughout Europe as a great military commander. General Greene, next to Washing- ton the ablest soldier of the Revolution, was present. Knox commanded the artillery, and the famous Wayne, who distinguished himself with his Pennsylvania troops at Brandywine, Germantown and Paoli, fought with great gallantry in this battle. At a time when General Charles Lee disappointed the commander-in-chief, W^ashington rode forward into the thickest of the fight, and for more than an hour the bullets whizzed around him. He turned the tide of the contest, won the battle and added laurels to American arms. This battle in- creased the power and influence of the commander-in-chief. From that time forth he was recognized as one of the greatest soldiers of any age. In the battle of Monmouth the Seventh Pennsylvania Line, formerly commanded by Colonel Grier of York, distinguished itself for valor. It was largely composed of York County troops. Colonel Grier had been wounded in the battle of Paoli the year before, and his regiment at Monmouth was commanded by Colonel Irvine. Henry Miller who left York as a lieutenant for Boston in 1775, was major of the First Pennsylvania Regiment at Monmouth. His command occupied the extreme left. At a certain time in the battle, Washington ordered this regiment forward. It was led by Miller who, for his gallantry in action, was promoted to the rank of colonel by Washington in the field. In this regiment also were three companies of York County troops. Major John Clark of York, who also marched to Boston in 1775, acted as chief of scouts to Washing- ton's army while at Valley Forge. For his courage and ability, Clark was made chief of staff for General Greene at Monmouth. For his gallantry there, Washington recommended him to Congress for pro- motion. His home at York was at the Southwest corner of Market and Beaver Streets, where he lived until the time of his death in 1817. [ 292 1 THE END OF THE WAR After the defeat of the British in the Battle of Monmouth, the seat of war was transferred to the South. An army under Lord Cornwallis engaged in several battles in South Carolina. He then be- gan a march northward in pursuit of General Greene. The two armies met at the present site of Greensboro, N. C., where a drawn battle took place. Meantime, Washington began to move his army southward. Lafayette, with 3,000 men, crossed the lower end of York County and halted at Fredericksburg, Va. Meantime, General Anthony Wayne with a brigade of Pennsylvania troops had encamped at York for two months with his headquarters in a building now standing at the northwest corner of Market and Beaver Streets. He recruited his brigade and started from York on his march southward and joined Lafayette at Fredericksburg. These two commands moved southward and joined Washington at Yorktown, Va. A severe battle followed with Lord Cornwallis. Washington then laid siege to Yorktown, and in the meantime a French fleet and an army of 4,000 men landed at the mouth of the James River. The arrival of these French troops and fleet prevented Cornwallis from escaping, and in October, 1781, he surrendered his army to Washington. The British commander feigned sickness and sent a sub- ordinate with his sword. Washington delegated Lafayette to receive the sword. This was the last engagement of the war of the Revolution. The treaty of peace, however, was not signed until 1783. During the Revolution on two occasions five battalions of York County militia joined the army. There were nearly 2,000 men from this county in the Continental Line which afterwards corresponded to the regular army of the United States. In all out of a population of 25,000, York County, including Adams, furnished at least 5,000 men who served during a part of the war in the American army. Colonel Thomas Hartley who commanded a brigade at the battles of Brandywine, Paoli and Ger- mantown and afterwards a regiment against the Indians of our northern frontier, later served twelve years as the first representative from York County in Congress. In a public speech before the House of Representatives, Colonel Hartley asserted that York County furnished more soldiers to the army in our struggle for liberty than any other section with an equal population in the thirteen states. PART III.— WAR OF 1812 AND 1815 THE second war of the LInited States with Great Britain began in 1812. England was never quite satisfied with the result of the Revolution which created on this continent a new nation of thirteen states out of the thirteen original British colonies. This war grew out of a series of wrongs inflicted by the English government upon the American people. The chief difficulty between the two countries was the fact that Great Britian claimed the right to search American vessels for supposed British deserters and their impressment into the British service. England also wanted to prohibit American commerce with France with which she was then at war. During the twenty years before 1812 nearly all of Europe had been engaged in war brought about by Napoleon Bonaparte, and this contention finally involved the United States. The American people demanded free trade with foreign countries, and the rights of our sailors on the high seas. This was denied by the mother country, who really captured on our vessels some American sailors claiming they were British subjects. These outrages were so great that Congress insisted upon their surrender of the British claim of search. The government of the LTnited States refused to negotiate on the subject. An embargo was laid upon all ships in American ports, and war was declar(>d by Congress against Great Britain. This war lasted two and one-half years and involved every section including our prosperous County of York. [293 1 In May 1812, President Madison issued a call for 100,000 troops. On this call the quota from Pennsylvania was 14,000. Simon Snyder who in his boyhood had lived in York was then the Governor of Pennsylvania. He issued an order for the organization of the militia. The sentiment in York County and throughout the country was almost unanimous for war. The volunteer soldiery from York as well as the militia quickly responded to the call for troops. Such was the enthusiasm of the hour that in response to the governor's call, three times as many troops tendered their services as were required. At this time there resided in York County nearly 400 soldiers who had fought in the Revolution, and many of them volunteered their services to defend their country. The early part of this war took place along the Canada frontier, extending from New York west to Detroit. The British menaced this region with a strong land force. Meanwhile in 1813 every naval battle on the ocean was a victory for the Americans. Within six months the British had lost six large war vessels on the Atlantic and had taken none of ours. Our ships were well built and the American sailors were more accurate in their fire than the British, and their victories gave prestige to our navies. During the previous ten years England had declared herself mistress of the seas. The British land forces were defeated in Northern New York and their fleet on Lake Champlain. General Scott crossed into Canada with a brave army and won the famous battles of Chippewa and Lundy's Lane. This was encouraging news and heralded as glad tidings all over the country. About sixty York County soldiers served under Scott at these battles. After the defeat of their land forces along the northern frontier, the British army transferred the seat of war to the South. BATTLE OF LAKE ERIE On September 10, 1813, Commodore Barclay of the English navy, with a fleet of six vessels and sixty-three guns attacked Commodore Oliver H. Perry with the same number of vessels and guns. The American fleet was built at the present site of Erie, and Perry never had fought a naval battle before. His success was remarkable and his victory won additional honors for American seamen. Perry's flagship, named The Lawrence, had a blue pennon at her masthead containing the words "Don't give up the ship." He fought gallantly on the Lawrence until only eight of the crew and himself were alive. The vessels contested with one and another at close quarters side by side, firing with terrific force. Perry with his flag in hand passed in an open boat to the Niagara in the midst of the firing, just before the flagship was sunk. He then hoisted his flag on the Niagara and in a splendid charge broke the British line, capturing their whole fleet. This event took place on Lake Erie a short distance west of Cleveland, Ohio. Perry's dispatch to General Harrison announcing his victory was brief and telling; "We have met the enemy and they are ours!" It was Perry who turned the scales of the war. His victory on the Lake enabled Harrison with his land force to enter Canada where he utterly defeated General Proctor with the British force and Tecumseh the brave Indian chief who with many warriors had allied himself with the enemy. Captain Elliott, who commanded the Niagara at the battle of Lake Erie, was born at Frederick, Md. He was married to a daughter of General Jacob Spangler of York. His wife left York soon after Perry won his victory, and met her husband at Erie, Pa. Elliott, for his achievement, was promoted to the rank of Commodore in the U. S. Navy. He died at Boston in 1845 while in command of that port. Mrs. Elliott spent the last thirty years of her life at York, the home of her young womanhood. She died here at an advanced age in 1879. Midshipman Laub of York, enlisted in the navy in 1810, and took part in several battles on the [294 1 ocean during the early part of this war. He was killed on the Niagara by a British cannon ball a few minutes before Perry left the Lawrence for the Niagara, and was buried with naval honors near Toledo, Ohio. In recognition of his valor, Josephus Daniels, Secretary of the Navy during the World War, ordered a Destroyer, one of the largest vessels of that type of the American Navy, to be named "The Laub," in honor of the gallant sailor of York who bravely died in defense of his country. The vessel was built and launched at the Boston shipyards in 1918. ATTACK WASHINGTON AND BALTIMORE In March, 1814, Napoleon was dethroned, and England was able to send more troops to America. In August of the same year General Ross with an army of 4,500 men and a fleet of forty vessels commanded by Admiral Cockburn, landed near Washington, defeated a small body of Americans defending the city, and burned the White House, National Capitol and all other public buildings except the Patent Office. This caused great excitement in southern Pennsylvania. The light in the sky caused by the burning buildings in Washington was seen during the night at York. Ross and the fleet then sailed down the Potomac and up the Chesapeake, landing at North Point, fourteen miles south of Baltimore. PENNSYLVANIA TO THE RESCUE Meantime Governor Snyder ordered the militia to rendezvous at Marcus Hook on the Delaware Bay and at York for the purpose of making preparations to meet and drive back the invading foe. About 6,000 men from the southern counties of the state came to York and encamped on the Public Common for drill and disciphne. These troops were mustered into service for six months or during the war. The York troops were formed into one division under command of General Watson. This body was composed of two brigades, commanded respectively by General Forster and Adams. They arrived here September 5. At the same time 1,000 militia encamped at Hanover. When it was known that the public buildings at Washington were burned and the British were about to attack Baltimore, the York volunteers, a company of 60 men under Captain M. H. Spangler; two companies commanded respectively by Captains Metzgor and Bair of Hanover; a company from Warrington under Captain McClellan; a Lower Chanceford company under Captain Colvin, and one from Peach Bottom under Captain Amos marched toward Baltimbre. The York and the Hanover companies arrived in that city in time to take part in the battle of North Point. A large force of volunteers and militia from Maryland, Virginia and Pennsylvania were ready to defend the city. In a few hours the British were defeated and General Ross killed in the battle at North Point. On September 16th, the entire fleet and infantry boarded the British vessels in the harbor of Baltimore and disappeared down the bay, never again to cause any disturbance to the country. They sailed to England. Meantime Forster's brigade, which encamped at York, reached Baltimore, September 19th. Their services being no longer needed, they returned to York. The entire force which encamped here was discharged from the service. The success of the battle of North Point was triumphant, and it was the last engagement of im- portance except the battle of New Orleans. During the bombardment of Fort McHenry, near Baltimore, Francis Scott Key, born near Taney- town, a young poet and lawyer of Washington, became a prisoner of war on a British vessel. He was finally released by authority of Admiral Cockburn, and returned to his own vessel. It was during the awe-inspiring scenes of the bombardment of the midnight hour that Key began [295] to write the "Star Spangled Banner", now the national air of America. When he arrived in Baltimore he completed the poem and gave it to Captain Benjamin Eades of the 27th Maryland Regiment. Two days later, with a copy just printed. Captain Eades hastened to the old tavern next to the HoUiday Street Theatre where actors were accustomed to assemble. The verses were first read aloud by the printer, and then in answer to a call from the audience, Ferdinand Durang sang the words for the first time. They had just been put to music. One year later Durang and his troupe played in a hall on East Market Street near Queen, and there for the first time this national air was sung in York. TREATY OF PEACE The American victories on land and sea had again proven that American soldiers and sailors could compete for mastery with British veterans. The final victory of Andrew Jackson at New Orleans, January 8, 1815, ended the war. With an army of 5000 volunteers and militia, Jackson defeated Lord Pakenham with 12,000 British veterans attempting to capture the city. In this battle Pakenham was killed, and the entire British loss was 2,600 men. Jackson's loss was only eight killed and thirteen wounded. This event made him the greatest hero then living in America. This occurred fifteen days after the treaty of peace had been signed at Ghent, Belgium, by the English and American commissioners appointed to sign the treaty. The American commissioners were Henry Clay of Kentucky, James A. Bayard of Delaware, and Robert R. Livingston of New York. The telegraph was not then in use, and Jackson did not know of the treaty. WESTKKN ENTKANCE TO YORK 296 PART IV.— THE MEXICAN WAR WHAT is now the state of Texas orginally belonged to Mexico, but owing to dissension, Texas declared herself independent and organized a republic of her own. Her flag had one star, and Texas became known as the 'Tone Star State." The annexation of Texas in 1845, resulted in a war between the United States and Mexico. After her annexation a dispute arose between Mexico and Texas about the boundary line. Texas claimed that her territory extended to the Rio Grande River, while Mexico insisted that the Nueces River was the true division line. President Polk sent an envoy to Mexico, but that government refused him a hearing. Meanwhile General Zachary Taylor, with a small body of troops had been ordered to Corpus Christi, on the borders of the disputed territory, and a little later to advance to Fort Brown on the Rio Grande. The Mexicans looked upon this as an invasion of their country and ordered a body of troops across the river. Soon after followed the battles of Palo Alto and Resaca de la Palma in which the Americans were victorious, and the Mexican War was begun. This was in April, 1846. Polk sent a message to Congress in which he said, "War exists, notwithstanding all our efforts to avoid it — exists by the act of Mexico herself. Mexico has passed the boundary of the United States, has invaded our territory and shed American blood upon American soil." Congress responded to the President's message by declaring that war existed "by the act of Mexico," and authorized a call for 50,000 volunteers, and appropiated $10,000,000 to meet the expenses. From most of the country the call for volunteers was answered with promptness. Immediately after President Polk had issued a proclamation announcing that the United States had declared war against Mexico, the military spirit of the people of the borough and county of York was again aroused as it had been during previous wars. Two volunteer companies in the borough were then under excellent drill and discipline. These were the Washington Artillerists commanded by Captain Robert Bruce, and the York Rifles, by Captain George Hay. The York companies and the United Blues of Hanover, Captain A. W. Eichelberger, and the Carroll Guards of Dillsburg, Captain Totten, offered their services to the United States Government. This occurred in May, 1846. CALL FOR TROOPS There was no call for troops from Pennsylvania until November 16th of that year when President Polk asked for one regiment from this state. In response to the call. Governor Shunk ordered the uniformed military companies of the state to rendezvous at Pittsburg. In a short time fourteen companies proceeded to that city. Only ten could be accepted to form a regiment. Six of these came from Philadelphia, two from Pittsburg, one from Pottsville and one from Wilkes-Barre. Although the York County companies were not accepted in a body, nine young men from York joined the Monroe Guards, one of the Philadelphia companies. The names of these men were Thomas A. Ziegle, who was made a sergeant; Peter Ahl, Jr., Daniel Craver, Albertus Welsh, Jacob Banner, Samuel Stair, William Eurich and Robert Patterson. Edward Haviland, afterward a well known architect of York, and R. M. Russell of Hanover, who during the Civil War became lieutenant-colonel of the Ninth Pennsylvania Cavalry, also served in this regiment. FIRST PENNSYLVANIA REGIMENT The ten companies which rendezvoused at Pittsburg were organized into the First Pennsylvania Regiment on December 15, 1846, with Francis M. Wyncoop, colonel; Samuel Black, lieutenant-colonel. The regiment soon after proceeded to the front and joined the army under General Scott at Vera Cruz before he began his triumphant march to the Mexican capital. [297 1 200th DESTROYING WELDON RAILROAD NEAR RICHMOND, VA. 298 The first call for troops from Pennsylvania was answered by sufficient companies to form six regi- ments. Only one regiment was wanted from Pennsylvania at that time. Late in December, 1846, the president asked for another regiment from this state, Pittsburg had been the place of rendezvous for a large part of the American troops in the War of 1812. At the same city the Pennsylvania regiments which went to Mexico, were organized. SECOND PENNSYLVANIA REGIMENT January 5, 1847, the Second Pennsylvania Regiment was mustered into the service. The com- panies forming this regiment came from different parts of the State. Company C, known as the Cameron Guards, had been organized at Harrisburg by Captain William A. Small. There were a number of York County men enlisted in this company, including Samuel Roller, Jacob Snyder and John Walters. Immediately after its organization was completed, the Second Regiment under command of Colonel Roberts left Pittsburg for New Orleans, going there by steamboat down the Ohio and Mississippi rivers. TAYLORS VICTORIES The troops encamped on the historic battlefield where the American Army under General Jackson defeated the British forces on the 8th of January, 1815. The regiment had a stormy passage across the Gulf of Mexico, landed at Vera Cruz, reaching there on the evening of the capture and sur- render of the fortress March 29, 1847. General Taylor, commanding the army in the northern part of Mexico, had already triumphed over the enemy in four important battles. The government had now determined that an army of about 20,000 men should march from Vera Cruz through the valley and over the mountains to the city of Mexico. There was one great difficulty to surmount. Many of the American troops could not endure the climate, and as a result of this, a large number took sick. Some of them died in hospitals of fever, while others took the smallpox. Early in the year 1847, the two Pennsylvania regiments were placed in the Second Division commanded by General Worth. SCOTT'S MARCH TO MEXICO General Taylor having conquered the Mexicans along the Rio Grande River, a portion of his army was now sent to General Scott. On March 29th five thousand Mexican troops surrendered to General Scott at Vera Cruz, and on April 8th he began his march toward the Mexican capital. On the 18th of April he defeated Santa Anna, commanding an army of 12,000 men at the mountain pass of Cerro Gordo, capturing five generals, 3,000 men, 4,500 stands of arms and 4.3 cannon, and killing and wounding more than 1,000 men, with a loss of less than 500 out of 8,500 Americans engaged in the battle. Scott paroled the prisoners, and the next day advanced to Jalapa which he captured April 19th. He continued his march to Puebla which he occupied May 15th. At this place General Scott remained for drill and discipline of his army and reinforcements until August 7th, On that day he advanced on the city of Mexico, and soon after attacked and captured Contreras and Cherubusco, An armistice was now agreed upon between the contending armies, during which time the American commissioner failed to negotiate a treaty of peace with the Mexicans. HIS ARMY VICTORIOUS Operations were resumed to the southwest of the city, defended by 14,000 Mexicans occupying Molino del Rey, and General Worth's loss was in storming Molino del Rey before the attack on the wooded and strongly fortified eminence of Chapultepec. On September 8th, General Worth with [299 1 CENTER SQUARE, HANOVER, ISKl CENTER SQUARE, LOOKING WESTWARD 300 3,500 men attacked Molino del Rey, capturing much material and more than 800 prisoners, but losing one-fourth of his command, including 58 officers. On the 13th, Chapultepec was stormed and carried, and on the morning of the 14th, Scott's army marched into the city and occupied the national palace. END OF THE WAR And thus ended the war with Mexico. Within six months General Scott had stormed the strongest places in the country, won battles against armies double, treble and even quadruple his own, and marched without a single reverse from Vera Cruz to Mexico. He had lost fewer men, made fewer mistakes, and caused less devastation in proportion to his victories than any invading general of former times. When the Duke of Wellington was asked by a great soldier what he thought of Scott's Mexican campaign, his reply was, "It was a war of miracles!" The treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo was concluded February 2, 1848. New Mexico and Upper California were ceded to the United States, and the western boundary of Texas was fixed at the Rio Grande del Norte. In return the United States agreed to pay fifteen millions dollars, and to assume the debts due American citizens by the Mexican government to the amount of three million five hundi'ed thousand dollars. The war cost the United States about twenty-five thousand men (most of whom had died by disease) and one hundred and sixty million dollars. YORK COUNTY SOLDIERS Resides those mentioned as having enlisted from York County to serve in the Mexican War, were the following who served in the different commands: Emanuel Rates, James H. Ross, Jacob Patterson, George Johnston, George Smith, William Tinner, William Fray, David Harp, Samuel Semons, John Fields, Henry Stair, Edward Lay, Alexander McPherson, Lieutenant Theodore D. Cochran, John Leaman, Colonel R. M. Russell, William Rair, etc. Most of the volunteer soldiers from York County who served in the Mexican War were in the army of General Scott. They took part in the battles of his brilliant campaign. William Eurick was killed at the siege of Pueblo. Jacob Danner died of sickness. After being discharged, five of their comrades each contributed . ten dollars for the purpose of bringing the remains of the deceased soldiers to York for burial, where they were interred with military honors. Jacob Snyder and John Walters from York County, who served in Company C, Second Pennsylvania Regiment, died of fever in the hospital at Pueblo. Colonel Albert C. Ramsey, a native of York County and a member of the bar, commanded the Eleventh Infantry, in the Mexican War. There were some York County soldiers in his regiment which distinguished itself in the battle of Molino del Rey. George Johnston, of York, was killed in this battle. Weirich Pentz, Colonel Rrough and David Hays served in Ohio regiments. Theodore D. Cochran, one of the editors of the York Republican, was first lieutenant of a company of cavalry connected with the Eleventh United States Infantry. His command did valiant service in the campaign under General Scott. During the Civil War, he commanded a company in the Sixteenth Pennsylvania Regiment. REGULAR ARMY OFFICERS General William R. Franklin a native of York and a graduate of West Point, served as a topographi- cal engineer under General Taylor. Later he served under Scott on the march to Mexico, and com- manded two divisions in the army of the Potomac during the Civil War. His brother Samuel R. f 301 1 MARKET STREET LOOKING WESTWARD MAJOR CLARK'S RESIDENCE, CORNER MARKET AND BEAVER STREETS 302 Franklin, who became a rear admiral, was then a Lieutenant on the frigate America of the United States fleet at Vera Cruz. Horatio Gates Gibson of York, served as a second lieutenant in the Third Artillery in Scott's army. He became a brigadier-general during the Civil War. His brother William Gibson served on the gunboat Reefer in the Gulf of Mexico. George P. Welsh of York a lieutenant in the navy was present at the bombardment of Vera Cruz, and later served on the Pacific Coast. Granville 0. Haller of York , was First lieutenant of Company C, United States Infantry. General Grant, of the Civil War, was a captain in the same regiment and placed a mountain howitzer in a church steeple overlooking Mexico, and fired solid shot into the Grand Plaza of the city. For this bravery Generals Scott and Worth praised Captain Grant before the whole army. Captain Richard E. Cochran of the regular army was killed while leading his company at the battle of Rescaca de la Palma under Taylor in 1846. Jacob Stager who died in April 1917, at the age of eighty-six was the last surviving soldier of York County in the Mexican War. He enlisted ' as a marine and served on the Cumberland, flagship of Admiral Conner who commanded the United States fleet which stormed and captured Vera Cruz in 1847. WELCOMED HOME An enthusiastic reception was given to the Mexican soldiers on their return to New York, July 31, 1848. When the news arrived that these veterans had reached Baltimore, a committee of York citizens went down to meet them and escort them home. The soldiers were accompanied by Captain William F. Small, of Harrisburg, under whose command some of them had served in the war. A procession had been formed in Center Square with Major George Hay as chief marshall. In the line of march were three local military companies, the Independent Blues, the Washington Greys and Pennsylvania Guards. The procession moved up George Street to Centre Square and then pro- ceeded to a position in front of the Court House. The military companies were drawn up in line facing the Court House steps. At this juncture, James Buchanan, of Lancaster, who afterward be- came President of the United States, addressed the veterans of the Mexican War and paid tribute to the fine military appearance of the local companies. Speeches, on behalf of the returning soldiers, were made by Sergeant Thomas A. Ziegle and Captain W. F. Small. PART V.-THE CIVIL WAR The war for the preservation of the LInion began in 1861. It originated from the diff"erence of opinion between two sections of our country on slavery and the individual rights of states. The Southern States had kept up the institution of slavery from the time of their first settlements. Slavery had existed in the Northern States even after the revolution, but long before the Civil War was gather- ing force, every state north of Mason and Dixon's line had abolished it. The south advocated the independent rights of States, supporting the claim that any state could withdraw from the Union, by its inherit rights. Long and earnest were the discussions on these subjects in the halls of Congress. Daniel Webster of Massachusetts, the ablest orator of his time and the great expounder of the constitution, opposed the extension of slavery, and claimed that no state by its own will could secede from the Union. His eloquent words in the United States Senate, "Not liberty first and union after- ward, but liberty and union now and forever, one and inseparable," were echoed and re-echoed through- out the northern States until the opening of the war. It was this sentiment (hat stirred up the patriotism of the northern people and caused the noble defense of the Union in the great war which lasted four long years. f 303 1 COURT OF HONOR, CENTER SQUARE, YORK, PA., AT SESQUE-CENTENNIAL 304 For a period of fifty years the United States Senate and the affairs of the government had been controlled by the statesmen of the South. The crisis in public affairs came after the passage of the Kansas-Nebraska Bill, leaving to the voters of the territory of Kansas to decide whether it should be admitted as a slave or a free state. This doctrine became known to American history as "Squatter Sovereignty." The great contest, in 1858, in Illinois between Abraham Lincoln and Stephen A. Douglas for the control of the State Legislature and the election of a United States Senator brought forth Mr. Lincoln as the candidate of the Republican party for President of the LTnited States. After Lincoln's election in November, 1860, the affairs of the Government were no longer in control of the southern statesmen. South Carolina seceded from the Ll^nion December 20, 1860, and six other southern states followed her example. At first there was a disposition among some northern people to give consent to the secession of these states, and at this time Horace Greeley published in the "New York Tribune" his famous editorial, "Wayward Sisters go in Peace." This sentiment did not prevail. President Lincoln refused to recognize the right of secession and prepared to defend the Union. The Confederate Government was organized at Montgomery, Alabama, on February 4-, 1861, by the election of Jefferson Davis, of Mississippi, President, and Alexander H. Stephens, of Georgia, vice-President. This was a temporary organization until the Confederate capital had been removed to Richmond in February, 1862. Abraham Lincoln was inaugurated President of the LInited States on March 4, 1861. His inaugural address is one of the masteipieces of American literature. It intended to pacify the South, but the sentiment of secession had spread over that region like a tornado. Maryland and Kentucky were still in doubt but they were saved to the LInion. Refore the inauguration of Lincoln all the National forts in the seceded states, except Sumter at Charleston, South Carolina, and Pickens at Pensacola, Florida, had been surrendered to the state authorities. At this period only seven states had seceded, but others threatened to go if the Federal authorities used force to compel the return of those states to the Union. FORT SUMTER On April 8th, President Lincoln stated in a pubhc document that Fort Sumter would be provisioned by force, if necessary, orders having been given to send a fleet to its support. It was then garrisoned by Major Robert Anderson,- commanding eighty Federal troops. On April 12th, before the fleet could reach its destination a battery had been planted along the shores of Charleston Harbor by the con- federates and fired upon Fort Sumter. Major Anderson replied to this fire and the contest con- tinued for twenty-four hours without the loss of life. After having exhausted his ammunition, and the fort being on fire, Anderson surrendered but with the honors of war was permitted to sail for New York. The effect of the news of this engagement was marvelous. Up to this time most of the northern people had not believed that the South was in earnest. They thought that the questions were political, and like similar ones in the past would somehow be settled as heretofore. When the news of the fall of Sumter was received, the people of the free states seemed to be of one mind and everything else was forgotten. When President Lincoln, on April 15th, two days after the surrender, issued his call for 75,000 volunteers, "to maintain the honor, the integrity, and the existence of our national union," the answer was prompt. Thousands more than were called for volunteered, and provisions, money, arms and supplies of all kinds were tendered by the states and by individuals. CALL FOR TROOPS Pennsylvania was to furnish 14,000 of the troops in all sixteen regiments, called for by President Lincoln. Andrew G. Curtin, who had been elected Governor of the state in October, 1860, was an f 305 1 87th CROSSING THE POTOMAC 306 ardent Union man. His inaugural address, in January, 1861, referred to the unfortunate conditions of the country. Soon after hearing of Lincoln's proclamation, he called upon volunteer companies in the state to assemble at Harrisburg and prepare for the defense of the nation. Even before this call telegrams came to him from uniformed companies from every section of the state tendering their services. SIXTH MASSACHUSETTS On the night of April 16th, the Sixth Massachusetts Regiment, left Lowell under command of Colonel Jones for the defense of Washington. These troops were all armed and equipped for war. When they reached Philadelphia, they were joined by a regiment of 1,000 men under Colonel W. F. Small, who had commanded a company in the Mexican war, in which some of our York County troops served. His soldiers were all unarmed. When the Sixth Massachusetts was approaching Baltimore, Colonel Jones informed his men that they were in danger of being attacked by a mob while passing through Baltimore. He ordered them to load their muskets and prepare for an attack, but not to fire unless the mob had first fired upon them. These early defenders of the nation were traveling in thirty-five cars, drawn by three engines. When they reached the station at Baltimore, they began to move across the city in cars drawn by horses to Camden station, of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad. At this time, locomotives did not pass through the city. As Colonel Small's troops were unarmed, they re- mained at the station for a time and then by order of the Governor, returned to Philadelphia. SIXTH MASSACHUSETTS ATTACKED Four companies of the Sixth Massachusetts marched through the city. These were attacked by a mob, throwing stones and brickbats and firing upon the soldiers who quickly returned the fire, kiUing seven citizens of Baltimore and wounding several others. Two of the Massachusetts soldiers were killed. This event occurred on April 19th, the anniversary of the battle of Lexington and Concord in the Revolution. Intense excitement prevailed in Baltimore, and the news of the mob attacking the troops, was telegraphed all over the northern states. It aroused the patriotic ardor of the loyal people. As early as January 15, 1861, a Union meeting had been held in the Court House at York, to discuss the conditions of affairs in the country. When the news of the attack on Fort Sumter reached the town, the Worth Infantry, Captain Thomas A. Ziegle, and York Rifles, Captain George Hay, ofTered their services to the government. These companies were both armed with rifles which had been furnished them two years before by the Secretary of war. On April 17th, the Governor accepted their services and they awaited the call to duty. . Immediately after the attack on the troops at Baltimore had occurred, Governor Hicks, of Mary- land, ordered the bridges of the Northern Central Railroad north of the city and the bridges on part of the road from Baltimore to Wilmington, to be burned. He claimed to be in favor of the LInion and ordered this destruction of the bridges for the purpose of preventing troops from the northern states passing through the dominion of Maryland. On the evening of April 20th, (Jeneral W. H. Keim, commanding the militia of Pennsylvania, arrived at York from Washington. Because of the destruction of the bridges, he was driven to Cockeys- ville in a carriage, and reached York on a locomotive. He gave authority for the Worth Infantry and the York Rifles to proceed to Parkton for the purpose of guarding the bridges at that point. They left York at 11 o'clock on the night of the 2()th. Before leaving, these c(jmpanies molded bullets and were fully armed and equipped for the military service. Governor Curtin organized the First, Second and Third Regiments of Pennsylvania ^ olunteers. b7tli REGIMENT AT THE BATTLE OF WINCHESTER 308 at Harrisburg, and sent them late in the night of April 20th, to Cockeysville, to defend the bridges and the American flag. These troops were all armed with twenty rounds of ammunition. They were provided with rations for two days only and it soon fell to the duty of the citizens of York to slaughter bullocks on the Public Common and gather together other provisions and send them to the troops at Cockeysville and Parkton. Meantime, Mayor Brown and two prominent citizens of Baltimore, called upon President Lincoln at the White House, and asked that these Pennsylvania troops b? sent without the state of Maryland in order to prevent bloodshed, because of the secession sentiment in Baltimore. CAMP SCOTT AT YORK Immediately after the attack on Fort Sumter at Charleston, South Carolina, the state of Pennsyl- vania organized a militai'y camp at Harrisburg. Owing to the fact that trouble had arisen in Baltimore and along the line of the Northern Central. Governor Curtin ordered the troops distributed along the railroad to return to York. Camp Scott was then established on the York Fair Grounds in the Southeastern part of the town. On Sunday, April 21st, a company from Gettysburg, the Marion Rifles and the Hanover Infantry, three armed and trained military companies came to York. Troops continued to arrive at this camp and by May 10, 1861, there were six full regiments and one battery of artillery in Camp Scott and some in a camp on Penn Common. These troops were divided into two brigades one of which was commanded by General Wynkoop and the other by General Negley. Early in June the troops in York were ordered to the front, because a long war was imminent. Meantime General Benjamin F. Butler of Massachusetts, was placed in charge of the Department of Maryland with headquarters in Baltimore. In June he was sent to the front, and was succeeded in Baltimore by General John A. Dix, of New York. LOCAL PATRIOTISM On April 20th, soon after receiving the news of the attack on the troops passing through Baltimore, large flags were floated to the breeze from the offices of the York Gazette and the York Republican, and also from the Tremont House, later the National Hotel , which was the stopping place for military officers. Other flags were displayed from the private residences of many citizens. On Monday, April 22d, a tall pole was erected in Centre Square and a bunting flag unfurled to the breeze. During this ceremony, the Worth Infantry Band played the Star Spangled Banner. Hon. Robert J. Fisher delivered a speech on this occasion. In the afternoon of the same day, a flag pole, one hundred feet high, was erected in front of the lumber yard of H. Small & Sons, on North Duke Street, when patriotic speeches were delivered by Henry L. Fisher, John Gibson and John W. Bittenger. The Continental Club also unfurled a flag. There was a universal sentiment of patriotism in York and throughout the county and a few days later a flag, thirty-five feet in length, made by the patriotic ladies of York, was unfurled from the top of the pole in Centre Square. This was the flag that was taken down by the Confederates when they entered the town June 28, 1863. At a meeting of the court on Monday, April 22d, the president judge, Robert J. Fisher, in charging the grand jury, referred to the distracted state of the country, and urged upon them the necessity of providing for the comfort and support of those who had so promptly obeyed their country's call. He stated that the citizens of York had subscribed several thousand dollars, and that the borough aullior- ities had appropriated -SI. 000, and recommended the grand jury to request the commissioners to make a liberal appropriation which would be legalized by the Legislature. Several membei's of the bar [ 309 1 ^ mfMM .v/^' 310 also addressed the grand jury. The scene was a very impressive one. The grand jury the next day recommended that the commissioners appropriate $10,000, which was promptly done. Hanover and Wrightsville made liberal appropriations, aggregating about $15,000 in all. The Legislature sub- sequently ratified these proceedings. The attack on Fort Sumter was the opening of hostihties between the two sections of the Union. Soon afterward four more states seceded, making in all eleven to form the Confederate States of America. The news of the progress of the war was watched with eager interest. Pennsylvania became one of the border States. The quota of sixteen regiments for the three months' service, was soon furnished by the Keystone State. At first it was beheved that the war would end in a few months, but the battle of Bull Run, fought on July 21, 1861, gave encouragement to the South and a long war was imminent. It was then that Lincoln called for troops to serve for three years, or during the war. Pennsylvania showed her loyalty and furnished in all .366.000 men for the defense of the Union. GO TO THE FRONT Regiments were now.being organized to be sent to the front. The Second Regiment, Pennsylvania Volunteers, enhsted in the three months' service was organized at Harrisburg, April 21st, under com- mand of Colonel Stambaugh of Chambersburg. The York Rifles under Captain Hay, with John W. Schall, First Lieutenant; Jacob Emmett, Second Lieutenant, was assigned to this regiment. On June 1st, it was sent to Chambersburg and became part of the Second Brigade, Second Division of General Patterson's army, which was charged with guarding the lines of communication with Washington, and operated against the Confederate forces in the Shenandoah Valley. The Sixteenth Regiment, Pennsylvania Volunteers, was organized May 3, 1861. in Harrisburg with Thomas A. Ziegle of York as Colonel. The Worth Infantry was assigned to this regiment as Company A, with John Hays, Captain; Solomon Myers, First Lieutenant; John M. Deitch, Second Lieutenant; this regiment on June 8th, joined the army at Chambersburg. Patterson was ordered to move his entire force from Chambersburg toward Winchester. \'iro-inia. An army of Confederates under General Joseph E. Johnston had begun to concentrate forty miles southeast of Washington. Stonewall Jackson with a brigade of well drilled troops were in the vicinity of Winchester. Mean- time the Union and Confederate armies concentrated at Bull Run on the Virginia side of the Potomac, not far from Washington. Patterson engaged a part of Jackson's force near Winchester, but the latter- escaped to join the confederates and took part in the engagement at Bull Run. July 21st. This battle resulted in a disaster to the Union forces. The Confederates at Bull Run were under the direct charge of Jefferson Davis, then president of the Confederacy. With the southern capital at Montgomery, Alabama, until the following year. The three months' term of the regiments of Colonels Ziegle and Stambaugh expired July 17th. and they returned home. Most of the York troops re-enlisted for three years by joining the Eighty- seventh Regiment, Pennsylvania volunteers. The next troops, one hundred in number, fiom this city and county joiiipd the Thirlielh, one of the Ranner Regiments of Pennsylvania Reserves, enlisted for three years on July 27th five davs after the Battle of Bull Run. The thirtieth was assigned to McCall's Brigade of the Pennsylvania Reserves. During the cam- paign under McCIellan in his movement toward Richmond in 1862 this regiment did vafiant service in the division commanded by General John M. Reynolds of Lancaster. It distinguished itself at the battle of Malvern Hill within sight of the steeples of Richmond, then the capital of the Confederacy. In 1862, the regiment served in the battles of Second Bull Run and Antietam, and in 1 863 at Gettysburg. In 1 86 I it served under Grant in his triimiphant inarch towards [ 311 1 Richmond, remaining in the service until the end of the war. The Thirtieth, or First Reserves, was one of the best trained regiments in the Union army. The Forty-first Pennsylvania, or Twelfth Reserves, another gallant regiment was organized in June, 1861. Samuel N.R alley of Dillsburg, this county, was chosen Lieutenant-Colonel. Company G, of this regiment was recruited in this county with Charles W. Diven of Stewartstown as Captain. Later he was promoted to Major and in 1864 became Colonel of the Two Hundredth Regiment. The Twelfth Reserves were conspicuous for valor under McClellan at Antietam and Fredericks- burg in 1862. They were under General Crawford at Gettysburg, and took part in the hard fought battles under Grant in the Wilderness and Cold Harbor, remaining in the service until the end of the war. The Forty-third Regiment, First Pennsylvania Artillery, entered the service at the opening of the war. One battery of six guns and two hundred men was organized at York by Captain Alferd E. Lewis a member of the local bar. The entire regiment had ten batteries or sixty guns. Later the batteries were assigned to different regiments. Rattery E, after 1862, was commanded by Thomas G. Orwig of York County. In 1864 it was assigned to the Army of the James under Butler at Drury's Bluff and the siege of Petersburg. It was the first battery that entered the city of Richmond after the evacution of 1865. The Seventy-sixth Regiment P. V. I., organized in August, 1861, contained two York County companies. One of them was recruited by Captain H. C. Mclntyre of York, and the other by Captain Cyrus Diller of Hanover. Charles C. Garrettson of York was appointed quartermaster, and later became a captain in the regular army. Captain Mclntyre was succeeded in order by captains Jacob J. Young, Frank J. Magee and Harrison Stair; and Captain Cyrus Diller by William S. Diller and Charles L. Bittinger. The 76th assisted in capturing Fort Pulaski, at the mouth of the Savanah River, and was noted for its gallantry in the famous attack on Fort Wagner when it suffered a heavy loss in killed and wounded, including 130 men and 5 commissioned officers; in a second assault on Fort Wagner the regiment sustained another heavy loss. In May, 1864, this regiment was ordered to Virginia and assigned to the Department of the James. At Drury's Bluff Captain Young was killed. Later the Seventy-sixth was transferred to the Potomac Army and took part in Cold Harbor, Deep Bottom and the heavy engagements before Petersburg. In January, 1865, this regiment lead the charge on Fort Fisher in North Carolina, one of the hardest contests of the south. It was mustered out at Harrisburg July 23, 1865, after continuous service of nearly four years, ranking as one of the bravest commands in the LInion army. Captain Frank J. Magee of Wrightsville became a Brigadier General of the National Guards of Pennsylvania. 87TH REGIMENT PENNSYLVANIA VOLUNTEER INFANTRY After the defeat of the Union forces at the battle of Bull Run on July 21, 1861, President Lincoln issued a call for 500,000 troops to serve for three years or during the war. In response to this call the 87th Regiment was organized in York with George Hay as Colonel; James H. Stable, Lieutenant Colonel; Charles H. Buehler, Major, and Jacob Emmett, Adjutant. Recruiting began all over York County and the companies rendezvoused on Penn Common and the Fair Grounds. The Ellsworth Zouaves, drilled by Captain Stable, became Company A, with John Fahs as captain. Company B, formerly the Washington Guards came from Newberry Township under Captain CruU. Company C was recruited in Hopewell, Chanceford and Windsor by Captain Andrew J. Fulton. Captain Noah G. Ruhl, who served five years in the regular army, recruited Company D, in Shrewsbury and vincinity. Company E was recruited by Captain Solomon Myers of York. Company F came to York from Gettysburg under Captain Buehler. Company G was recruited at Hanover by Lieutenant [ 312 1 Morningstar. Company H came from Warrington Township under Captain Harmon. Company I from New Oxford under Captain PfeifTer and Company K from York under Captain John W. Schall. The regiment when fully armed and equipped contained 1040 officers and men, and nine-tenths of its membership were young men from York County, many of whom had been in the three month's service. Owing to the fact that danger still existed in the destruction of bridges south of York, the 87th was distributed along the Hne of the Northern Central from York to Baltimore. It was here that Colonel Hay and his men remained on guard duty from Sept. 16, 1861 to 1862. It was then trans- ferred to Keyser, West Virginia, and remained there in drill and discipline. Late in the fall of 1862, the 87th with other regiments began a romantic march across the hills and mountains of West Virginia to drive out confederates who were carrying on guerilla warfare. In December, 1862, the 87th returned to Keyser where it was placed in the brigade of General Cluseret, a French officer of note and marched across the mountains in a snow storm arriving at Winchester, Virginia, just before Christmas, 1862. This regiment began its active career in the Battle at Carter's Woods near Winchester in June, 1863. General Lee had begun his march northward on the Gettysburg campaign. Milroy commanded the Federal troops at Carter's Woods and was routed by superior force of the enemy. The engagement at Carter's Woods resulted in the complete rout of the Federals, the capture of a Maryland and Connecticut Regiment and two hundred of the 87th. They were taken to Richmond and held as prisoners for six weeks and then paroled returning to their regiment. In the Mine Run expedition during the mid-winter of 1863, the regiment under command of Colonel John W. Schall took an active part. Next this regiment was assigned to duty in the army of the Potomac under General Grant. After remaining in winter quarters along the Rapidan River, in May, 1864, Grant began his famous march toward Richmond. The 87th Regiment now under Colonel John W. Schall was distinguished for valor in the Wilderness at Spottsylvania and Cold Harbor. In the last mentioned battle Colonel Schall, then commanding a brigade, lead his men farther into the enemy's line than any other com- mander. The loss was quite heavy in these engagements. Captain Farrah was killed at Carter's Woods and Captain Pfeiffer at Cold Harbor. Colonel Schall was wounded in the charge at Cold Harbor. On July 1, 1864, Grant heard that Early with a division of 20,000 men was marching down the Shenandoah Valley toward Washington. He despatched Rickett's division of the Sixth Army Corps to Frederick, Maryland. On July 9th, a terrible battle took place on the Monocacy Creek in which the 87th Regiment lost seventy-four men in killed, wounded and captured. Among the killed and mortally wounded were Adjutant Martin, Lieutenants Spangler, Haack and Welsh, and Captain W. H. Lanius, afterward a prominent citizen of York, was wounded in this battle while carrying an order for Lew Wallace in the Union army. At Monocacy under General Lew Wallace the army held Early in check and prevented him from capturing Washington and the Treasury Department. After this battle the 87th Regiment was placed in the command of General Sheridan, and was in the thickest of the fight in the battle of Opequon near Winchester, Virginia, where Sheridan routed the entire army of Confederates and drove them up the Valley. Soon after this event their term of three years had ended. Those who did not re-enlist returned to York, and were received with great demonstrations of joy. They marched from the station to Penn Park where a dinner was given in their honor and patriotic speeches delivered. The reorganized regiment took part in the battle of Cedar Creek where Captain Edgar M. Ruhl was killed. The 87th had the reputation of being the best regiment on the skirmish line in the Potomac Army. Every company was noted for excellent drill and discipline. The regiment took part in thirty-eiglil battles and skirmishes during the entire period of service. It suffered the heaviest losses at Cold Harbor, Petersburg, Monocacy, Winchester and Cedar Creek, winning high pi-aise for valor in those [ 313 1 hard-fought engagements. The entire muster roll in four years was 1280 including recruits. The losses in killed were 10 commissioned officers and 90 men, about fifty died in southern prisons; Captain Fahs of Company A, Captain Morningstar of Company G and Lieutenant Stallman of Company C, were captured early in 1864 and were confined in Southern prisons for officers until the end of the war. Colonel John W. Schall who commanded the regiment for two years was living at Norristown at the age of 85 in 1919. The 92d regiment, known as the Ninth Pennsylvania Cavalry, was organized in Harrisburg in August, 1861. About eighty soldiers from York County served in this command. It was sent to the Army of the Cumberland and took part in several battles in Kentucky and Tennessee including Chick- amauga. Roswell M. Russel of Hanover was lieutenant-colonel. In 1864, the Ninth Cavalry joined in the march under Sherman from Atlanta to the Sea, serving in Kilpatrick's Division of Cavalry until the end of the war, being mustered out in July, 1865. The 93d Regiment was organized at Harrisburg September 1, 1861, and included about 100 soldiers from York County. Rev. McCarter, a methodist clergyman, was chosen colonel and was severely wounded while leading his men at Fair Oaks near Richmond in May, 1862. This regiment was con- spicuous for its valor at Antietam and Fredericksburg in the latter part of 1862. It served in the Sixth Army Corps at Gettysburg, the Wilderness and Cold Harbor. In the fall of 1864, it was assigned to Sheridan's command in the valley of Virginia. Most of the York County soldiers in this regiment came from the upper end. The 103d Regiment, recruited in western Pennsylvania, enlisted for three years. It lost heavily in killed and wounded in the battles of Virginia and 132 of its men died in Andersonville prison in Georgia. Two companies from York County belonged to this regiment and were commanded respec- tively by George Shipp and Emanuel Flerman. The 107th Pennsylvania Regiment was organized by Colonel Thomas A. Ziegle of York, in March, 1862, for three years. It was sent to the Shenandoah Valley under Ranks, and later to Warrenton, Virginia, where Colonel Ziegle died of fever. He was one of the most popular soldiers of the army, and had served as a sergeant in the Mexican War and as captain in the three months' service when the war opened. The 107th took part in the battles of Antietam, Fredericksburg, Chancellorsville, Gettysburg and in Grant's Campaign against Richmond, remaining in the army until the surrender of Lee in April 1865. In the siege of Petersburg, Lieutenant George C. Stair of Company A from York was captured and made his escape from prison. Oliver P. Stair of York was promoted to captain of Company A, and later to major of the regiment. George Crimmons of York was wounded at Antietam and taken prisoner at Gettysburg, but was soon parolled and promoted to second lieutenant. This regiment was noted for its gallantry in action. The 108th Pennsylvania Regiment, first known as Harlan's Light Cavalry, was composed of men from Iowa, New York, New Jersey, Ohio and Pennsylvania, being one of the most interesting commands in the whole Union Army. It was organized as an independent regiment, but in 1862 assigned to this state as the Eleventh Pennsylvania Cavalry. This regiment was noted for scouting duty, and during McClellan's Campaign before Richmond in 1862, made a raid into North Carolina and tore up the Weldon Railroad leading to the Confederate capital. Company I belonged to York County, under Captain Daniel Herr. Lieutenant Schriver of York was killed near Petersburg. The regiment re- mained under sheridan until the surrender of Lee in 1865. The 130th Regiment, Pennsylvania Volunteers, answered the call of President Lincoln for 300,000 troops to serve for nine months. This occurred after the defeat of the Potomac Army under Pope at Second Rull Run in the summer of 1862. In all Pennsylvania furnished fifteen regiments for the nine months' service in answer to this call, namely, 23d to 137th, inclusive. [314 1 Four weeks after the 130th entered the service, it took part in the battle of Antietam, sometimes called the hardest-fought one day's battle of the Civil War. The regiment was organized with troops from York, Cumberland. Dauphin and two eastern Counties, August 17, 1862, with Levi Maish of York as Lieutenant-Colonel, and Henry L Zinn of Cumberland County, Colonel. One-half of this regiment belonged to York County and included Company B, Captain H. L Glessner; Company I, Captain Lewis Small; Company K, Captain David Z. Sipe, recruited at York, and Company C, by Captain Joseph S. Jenkins of Hanover. At the battle of Antietam this regiment was assigned to French's Division, Sumner's Corps, being placed in the thickest of the fight at the famous angle near the Dunkard Church, where it maintained its position with remarkable bravery for nearly two hours under a withering fire from the enemy. The loss was heavy in killed and wounded. Gen. French in his report said, "The conduct of this regiment in action must take a prominent place in the history of this great battle. There never was better material in any army. The 130th lost in this battle thirty-two killed and one hundred forty-six wounded, many of whom died of their wounds. Among the wounded were Colonel Maish, Captain Jenkins, Captain Sipe and Lieutenant WilUam Tomes of York County. The 130th also took a promi- nent part in the battle of Fredericksburg on December 13, 1862, with French's Division in a charge upon the enemy's breastworks. The Confederates were heavily entrenched in the front. Similar conditions existed along the whole Union line and the Army of the Potomac was defeated. The regiment in this engagement lost 62 men in killed and wounded. Among the killed was Colonel Zinn, who at a critical time in the battle siezed the regimental flag in his left hand and flashing his sword in his right, rushed forward saying; "Stick to your standard boys. The 130th never loses courage." He was struck by a minie ball in this charge, and instantly killed. Lieutenant Wilson of York County was also killed. At the battle of Chancellors ville this regiment displayed the same courage and determination that it did at Fredericksburg and Antietam. Colonel Maish, who then commanded this regiment, was wounded. One week later the nine months' term of enlistment had ended and the regiment returned home. It was mustered out on the 21st. After the war. Colonel Maish resumed the practice of law at York. For a period of six years he was a representative in Congress from York County. He died in 1901. Captain Joseph S. Jenkins of Hanover became Major of the 184th Regiment and was killed at the siege of Petersburg. Captain Sipe was afterward Major of the 187th Regiment. Lieutenant John J. Frick of Company K escaped unhurt in all the battles. Since the close of the Civil War he has followed the occupation of a banker, serving twenty years as the cashier of the York National Bank, the oldest financial institution in the city. Edward W. Spangler was a prominent member of the York Bar for a period of forty years, and his brother, Dr. B. F. Spangler, for one-half century was one of the leading physicians of this city. The 166th Regiment was composed of ten companies of drafted men from York County and served for a period of nine months. The Conscript Act was put into force in Pennsylvania in November 1862. This regiment was organized in York November 29th of that year, with Andrew J. Fulton of Stewartstown, Colonel; Geo. W. Reisinger, of York, Lieutenant Colonel; and Joseph Renaut of Hanover, Major. The 166th was first sent to Washington, and from thence to Suffolk, \ irginia, and placed under command of General Peck with 14,000 men. Peck was opposed by a large Confederate force under Longstreet who soon afterward joined Lee on the march to Gettysburg. This regiment was then placed in the army of John A. Dicks of New York, operating between Suffolk and Richmond. It remained there until July 28, 1863, when the term of service had expired. The 182d l^egiment, the 21st Cavalry, entered the service June 23, 1863. It was composed largely of troops from York, Adems, Lancaster and Csmhria Counties. At the time of the Confederate [ 315 J invasion, Captain Robert Bell of Gettysburg organized an independent company of cavalry, his men furnishing their own horses. His company met the enemy at the approach of Gettysburg on July 26th, when George W. Sandoe was killed, being the first soldier who lost his life in the Battle of Gettysburg. Captain Bell's Cavalry and the City Troop of Philadelphia acted as scouts when Early approached York and Wrightsville. Meantime one Independent Company of Cavalry had been organized in the lower end of York County. These joined Bell's command and they became Company A of the 21st Pennsylvania Cavalry. When the regiment re-enlisted for a term of three years February 1, 1864, Robert Bell was promoted major and Hugh W. McCall of York chosen captain of Company A. The 21st Cavalry performed valiant services in the army around Richmond in the spring of 1865 and was at the surrender of Lee at Appomatox. Of the entire muster roll of the regiment 147 were killed in battle or died of disease and 253 wounded, making it one of the bravest regiments of the army. After the war Captain McCall became a prominent lawyer at York and was living in 1919. Lieu- tenant Manifold served four years as sheriff bf York County as a Republican. The 187th Regiment, P. V. L, was organized at Harrisburg March, 1864, largely out of men who had previously served in the army. David Z. Sipe of York who had served as Captain in the 130th, recruited Company B with 100 men from York. This regiment joined Grant's Army at the battle of Cold Harbor in June, 1864. It became a part of the 5th Army Corps under General Warren. At the siege of Petersburg this regiment lost one-tenth of its number in an impetuous attack in getting possession of the Petersburg and Norfolk Railroad. Major Merrick and Jonathan Jessop of York each lost a leg in this engagement. After a service of nine months the war had ended. This regiment was sent to Philadelphia where it acted as a guard to the remains of President Lincoln, while his body lay in state in that city on its way to Springfield, 111. Among the survivors of this regiment living in York in 1919 were Lieutenant Jessop, for eighteen years Postmaster at York, and Henry Gable, a highly esteemed resident of the city. The 192d Regiment was organized at Harrisburg in the summer of 1864, for a term of one year. Rev. S. S. Richmond, a clergyman, recruited a full company of 200 men at Yocumtown in Newberry Township, and marched with it to Harrisburg. This company joined the regiment at Harper's Ferry and spent the remainder of the war in the Shenandoah Valley in Virginia. At first it was under General Sheridan and later performed guard duty at Staunton, Virginia, until the end of the war. Captain Richmond also acted as chaplain of the regiment. The 200th Regiment, P. V. I., organized at Harrisburg September 3, 1864, contained four companies of troops from York County, Colonel Charles Diven of Stewartstown recruited the regiment. He had been major of the 12th Reserves. Many of the men composing the four companies from York County had never been in the army, while others had proven their valor many times on the field of battle. The regiment was sent to the front at once and assigned to duty in the Army of the James below Richmond. On November 17th, the 200th engaged in its first battle, showing great courage and helping to defend the LInion line. On November 28th, it was transferred to Hartranft's Division of Pennsylvania Troops in the 9th Corps under Parke, and Colonel Diven promoted to command a brigade. At Fort Steadman, near Petersburg, the 200th was praised by General Hartranft for bravely scaling and retaking the fort from the enemy. It suffered a heavy loss in the engagement of April 3d at Fort Sedgwick. This regiment entered the city soon after it was evacuated. It was first to place the American Flag on the Court House. A few days later Lee surrendered and the war was over. Of the York County men in this regiment. Company A, was commanded by Adam Reisinger ; Company D, by William H. Duhhng; Company H, by Jacob Weist, and Company K. by Hamilton I. Glessner. \ 316 1 The 207th Pennsylvania Regiment was organized September 8, 1864, with Robert C. Cox, Colonel. It was assigned to the Army of the James, and in November placed in the 9th corps under Rurnside. Later it was assigned to Hartranft's Division, composed of six Pennsylvania Regiments. On Feb- ruary 5, 1865, the 207th was engaged at Hatcher's Run, where a full brigade was commanded by Colonel Cox. In the assault to retake Fort Steadman, Colonel Cox and four comrades were in the advance line, and were the first to enter the ramparts where they captured a large number of Confederates. The loss to the regiment in this attack was only one killed and sixteen wounded. The 207th was in the front line at the attack and capture of Fort Sedgwick, where Cox commanding a brigade also led his own regiment. The loss in the 207th here was 37 killed, and 146 wounded and eight missing. When Fort Sedgwick fell, Petersburg was evacuated by the Confederates, and one week later Lee surrendered. This regiment was mustered out at Alexandria, May 13, 1865. Company E was commanded by Captain Lewis Small of York, who recruited in York County 100 men. The 209th Pennsylvania Regiment was organized September 16, 1864, with Tobias Kauffman, Colonel, and sent to Rermuda Hundred, to join the Army of the James. It was first engaged at Chapman's Farm. November 24th, the regiment was assigned to Hartranft's Division, and on March 25, 1865, the 209th was at the assault and capture of Fort Stedman. On April 2d and 3d the 209th and other regiments in company with the Division and Corps, assaulted the Confederate works before Petersburg, showing great courage in action. Soon afterward the city was evacuated, and on April 9th, Lee surrendered to Grant at Appomattox. Company E of this regiment was recruited in the lower end of York County with Henry W. Spangler, Captain, Thomas J. Hendricks First Lieutenant, and William R. Morrow and William Douglass, Second Lieutenants. Company I was recruited in CaroU Township with John Klugh, Captain, George W. Heiges and Henry Arnold, Lieutenants. EMERGENCY REGIMENT When General Lee entered Pennsylvania in June, 1863, Governor Curtin of Pennsylvania called for twenty regiments for Emergency Troops. They soon reported at Harrisburg for service. The 20th Regiment, under command of Colonel Thomas, was formed into two battalions. One was as- signed to the duty of guarding the railroad bridges over the Conewago at York Haven, and the other to guard the bridges over the Codorus near Hanover Junction, until a large force of Confederates arrived when they retreated across the Susquehanna to Columbia. The 26th Emergency Regiment, commanded by Colonel Jennings of Harrisburg, was sent to Gettys- burg and was stationed there when Early's advance reached that town on July 26th. The advance of the regiment under Lieutenant-Colonel Joseph S. Jenkins of Hanover moved out in a fog west of Gettysburg to meet the enemy. They encountered the 35th Rattalion of Virginia Cavalry under Colonel White and a few shots were exchanged. When the fog broke away the Pennsylvania boys saw a large force of infantry coming down the turnpike. They retreated in haste through Gettysburg. In this encounter the 26th lost 170 officers and men all of whom were paroled the next day on account of the approaching Rattle of Gettysburg. Company F of this regiment was recruited by Rev. Frederick Klinefelter of York, Pennsylvania College. Company I was recruited by Captain Forrest at Hanover. Nearly all his men belonged to that town, and included prominent citizens. This regiment showed great courage when it met the enemy at Gettysburg and fired the first shot in that great battle. [317 1 T^iE GETTYSBURG CAMPAIGN After the reverses of the Army of the Potomac under Burnside at Fredericksburg in December, 1862, and the defeat of the same army under Hooker at Chancellorsville in May, 1863, General Robert E. Lee, commanding a Confederate army of nearly 80,000 men, began to march northward with the intention of transferring the seat of war from Virginia into Pennsylvania. He moved northward from Chancellorsville early in July with his forces composed of three corps. Longstreet commanded one, Ewell the second and A. P. Hill the third. The Southern soldiers had been placed under rigid drill and discipline before they began this march. Lee crossed into the Shenandoah Valley, met and defeated Milroy with a small force near Win- chester on June 14th, and continued what seemed to be a triumphant movement into the Keystone State. This movement of Lee alarmed the northern states. Thousands of men enlisted and entered the army. The entire area of Southern Pennsylvania was under intense strain and excitement. Meantime the Army of the Potomac was placed under General Meade, who followed Lee on his march into Pennsylvania. The two armies were soon to meet in a desperate contest on July 1st, 2d and 3d, in and around Gettysburg, where the Confederates were defeated and driven back to Virginia. LEE 'AT CHAMBERSBURG After General Lee crossed the Pennsylvania line near Hagerstown, Md., he halted at Chambersburg. There on the morning of June 26th, he sent General Ewell to Carlisle with two divisions. The same day he despatched General Early with one division of 10,000 men toward Gettysburg and York. On the night of June 28th, Early encamped with four brigades near Bigmount in Washington Township. General Gordon with his brigade of 2800 Georgia troops bivouacked the same night at Farmer's Post Office in Paradise Township. Chief Burgess David Small and a delegation of citizens met the Confederate Commander at this camp, where he received assurance that the Confederate forces would not destroy any private property or molest any citizens when they entered York. GORDON ENTERS YORK At 10 o'clock Sunday morning, just as the church bells were ringing for service, Gordon's brigade entered York, marching up West Market Street. At Center Square the advance column halted, took down a large American flag floating from the top of a tall pole in the Square, and continued to march toward Wrightsville. When Gordon approached Wrightsville, a skirmish took place between his advance guard and some Federal troops. It was an unequal contest and the Federal troops were ordered to cross the river to Columbia. At that time General Couch at Harrisburg was in command of this Department. He ordered Colonel Frick with a regiment of Federal troops at Columbia to burn the bridge. This was done to prevent the Confederates from marching over it. Meantime, Gordon had shelled Wrightsville with a battery of four guns, and obtained possession of the town. He remained there one night and the following day returned to York. [318 1 EARLY'S ARRIVAL AT YORK General Early began his march at daybreak on June 28th, from Rigmount through Davidsburg and Weiglestown, despatching four companies of cavalry to the mouth of the Conewago Creek at York Haven, where two railroad bridges were burned to prevent LInion troops from coming down from Harrisburg. On June 27th, Early despatched Colonel White with a detachment of 400 cavalry through Hanover to Hanover Junction, where they burned the railroad bridges over the Codorus along the Northern Central. White then moved to York, joining Early on the 28th. The Louisiana Rrigade under General Hays encamped on the night of the 28th at Loucks' Mills, a short distance above York. Smith's Rrigade of Virginia troops took position on Shunk's Hill over- looking the town, and planted cannon there. General Early, in a letter to the author of this story in 1890, said: 'T entered York with Avery's brigade of North Carolina troops who encamped on the York Common, where the hospital buildings were stationed, and also the Fair Grounds southeast of town. My object in putting my troops in these positions was to protect myself against the enemy if he approached." The different brigades, on the evening of the 29th, still held the position they first occupied upon entering the town, and remained there until ordered to retreat toward Gettysburg on the morning of June .30th. EARLY'S REQUISITION Soon after General Early arrived he made a requisition upon the town for $100,000 in money and $40,000 in provisions and clothing for his troops. A committee of citizens began to raise money, but owing to the fact that the bank deposits and money owned by prominent citizens had been sent to Philadelphia, and elsewhere, the entire amount could not be raised. The committee however raised $28,000 and turned it over to Early, at his headquarters in the Court House. A considerable supply of clothing and provisions were also raised. The situation did not please the Confederate chieftain and he proceeded to collect the money by using stronger efforts. CALLS MEETING IN COURT HOUSE Early then ordered the Court House bell rung for a public meeting. The large audience room was soon filled with representative men of the city. At a given notice. General Early marched up the main aisle and took a seat at the judge's desk. Surveying the audience, he arose from his chair dressed in full uniform of gray, with his sword dangling at his side. He then began to speak, demanding that the committee of citizens proceed at once to collect the balance of the money and turn it over to his Adjutant General. He spoke with earnestness, for the town was under martial law, and the Con- federate flag floated over the Court House. The leading citizens still persisted that $12,000.00 more could not then be raised, for the money was not in town. In truth, the money might have been collected from some private citizens, but this matter was concealed for the time. THREATENS TO RURN CAR SHOPS Recause the General did not succeed in getting a faithful promise that the people of York could raise $12,000.00, the balance demanded in his requisition, he went to the residence of the chief burgess and boldly declared that he would burn the car shops near the railroad station, because, said he, "I have discovered that they are making cars for the Yankee Government. This makes them Government [ 319 1 property." He had already sent a squad of men under Captain Wilson of North Carolina to set fire to the wooden shops. Had this been done great destruction of property would have followed. As General Early and Burgess Small walked down George Street and up North to the shops they found a large delegation of citizens collected there. At this instant Philip A. Small, of the firm of P. A. & S. Small, stepped up to the Confederate Officer and said, "General, .if you do not burn these shops, I will give you a draft on New York for the payment of the amount you demand." At this juncture, General Early saw a Confederate courier galloping toward him. He walked from the crowd and received the message, which was from his corps commander. General Ewell, then at Carlisle. It ordered him to retreat to Gettysburg as the Potomac army was moving toward the town. He returned to the depot, told the delegation of citizens that he would consider Mr. Small's proposition until the following morning, well knowing that he would be out of town early the next day. He returned to his headquarters and issued the following Proclamation : York, Pa., June 30, 1863. To the Citizens of York: I have abstained from burning the railroad buildings and car shops of your town because, after examination I am satisfied the safety of the town would be endangered ; and, acting in the spirit of humanity, which has ever characterized my government and its military authorities. I do not desire to involve the innocent in the same punishment with the guilty. Had I applied the torch without regard to consequences I would have pursued a course that would have been fully vindicated as an act of just retaUation for the many authorized acts of barbarity perpetrated by your own army upon our soil. But we do not war upon women and children, and I trust the treatment you have met with at the hands of my soldiers will open your eyes to the monstrous iniquity of the war waged by your government upon the people of the Confederate States, and that you will make an effort to shake off the revolting tyranny under which it is apparent to all you are yourselves groaning. J. A. EARLY Major General C. S. A. This is one of the most presumptive documents known to American warfare. It was printed in York and intended to be widely circulated on June 30th, but since Early had to retrace his steps the address was never distributed. The only original copies now in existence are two. One of them was given to the author of this article by General Early at his Lynchburg home in Virginia in 1890, and is now in the York County Museum; the other copy is on exhibition in a show-case in the Library of Congress at Washington.. NOTED SOLDIERS FROM YORK COUNTY William Buel Franklin, the most distinguished soldier from York County in the Civil War, was born at York, February 27, 1823. He graduated at West Point at the head of his class in 1843, and entered the army as a topographical engineer. In the Mexican War he served on the staff of General Taylor, and was complimented for bravery by that officer at Buena Vista. Franklin commanded a brigade at the first battle of Bull Run in July, 1861. May 15, 1862, he was appointed to the Sixth Corps. He commanded the right wing of the Potomac Army against "Stonewall" Jackson, in the Seven Days' Battle in front of Richmond. At the battle of Antietam, his corps came to the support of the Second Corps, and relieved the troops which had suffered so heavily. In December, 1862, he commanded a grand division of two corps at the battle of Fredericksburg, in all 40,000 men, where he again contested with Stonewall Jackson. In 1863, General Franklin was placed in charge of the 19th Corps in the Red River Expedition. At the close of the war he retired from the army, and spent the remainder of his life in Hartford, Conn., as president of the Colt Arms Company, and held other high positions of honor and trust. He died at Hartford in 1904, and was buried at York in Prospect Hill Cemetery. Samuel Rhoads Frankhn, Rear Admiral, was born in York, August 23, 1825. At the age of 16, and three years before the naval academy was founded at Annapolis, he entered the U. S. Navy. [320 1 During the Mexican War, he served in the Gulf Squadron as a midshipman. He was at Hampton Roads, Virginia, in 1862, as heutenant when the Monitor defeated the Merrimac, after the latter had sunk three Union vessels. This battle marked the end of warships made of wood. He served as commander of different vessels until 1864, when he was assigned to duty in the block- ading squadron at New Orleans, and was at Mobile under Farragut when that city fell into the hands of the American Navy. Franklin was promoted to commodore in 1880, and to rear admiral in 1885. He retired at the age limit of sixty-two in 1887, and spent the remainder of his life in Washington. He was a brother of General Franklin. Edmund Schriver was born in York in 1811. He received a through military education and from 1834 to 1837, was instructor of infantry tactics at West Point. During the Civil War he was Lieutenant Colonel of the 11th United States Infantry and next served on the staff of General McDowell in several battles. From 1863 to 1865, he was Inspector General of the Army of the Potomac. After the battle of Gettysburg he was assigned the duty of taking thirty-one Confederate Battle Flags to W ashington as trophies of victory. On August 1, 1864, he was promoted to the rank of Brigadier-General and in 1865 to Major-General of volunteers for meritorious services in the army. After the war, General Schriver was appointed military inspector of West Point Academy. In January, 1881, he retired to private life. Jacob Lauman, of York, later of Burlington, Iowa, commanded a brigade under Grant in the battles of Shiloh and Fort Donelson, and a division of the western army under Grant in the siege and capture of Vicksburg in 1863. He was severely wounded in the battle of Belmont and retired from the army. He died at Burhngton, Iowa, in 1867. Walter S. FrankUn, soldier, was born in York in 1836, and graduated from the Scientific Department at Harvard University in 1857. At the opening of the Civil War he was appointed First Lieutenant in the 12th U. S. Infantry, and served in the Peninsular Campaign under McClellan near Richmond in 1862. In 1863-4 he served in the 6th Corps. He stood near Sedgwick when that great soldier was struck by a minie ball from the rifle of a Confederate sharpshooter at Spottsylvania. Later he was on the staff of General Wright, commanding the 6th Corps, before Petersburg and under Sheridan in the Shenandoah Valley during the latter part of 1864. After the war. Colonel Franklin was assigned to the 12th Infantry. He retired from the army in 1887 and was connected with the Maryland Steel Company in 1894. Later he was president of the Baltimore City passenger Railroad Company. He was married to Mary Campbell Small of York December 13, 1866. Michael P. Small. Brigadier General in the United States Army, was born in York and graduated from West Point in 1855. As a lieutenant in the Regular Army he aided in quelling the insurrection at Harper's Ferry in 1859, and during the Civil War served in the Commissary Department of the army in the field. He was Chief of Commissary under Grant from 1864 to the end of the war. From 1865 to 1883 he was Chief of Commissary for the army in the west with headquarters at different times in San Antonio, San Francisco, and other western cities. Matthew Stanley Quay, soldier and United States Senator, was born at Dillsburg, York County, in 1833, the son of a Presbyterian clergyman. At the age of seventeen he graduated from Washington and Jefferson College. In 1861, he was chosen a Heutenant in the Pennsylvania Reserves. In 1862, he was elected Colonel of the 134th Pennsylvania Regiment, which served in the Army of the Potomac for nine months. In the Battle of Fredericksburg, Colonel Quay lead his regiment in the attack on Maryes Height, a strong point of the Confederate line, with great gallantry. The following year. Colonel Quay was appointed j)iivate secretary for Governor Curtain at Hairis- burg. Later he served as Secretary of the Commonwealth and State Treasurer. From 1887 to the time of his death in 1904, he represented Pennsylvania in the United States Senate at Washington. [321] YORK IN THE WORLD WAR By Wadsworth M. George SOON after the United States entered the World War in April, 1917, war having been declared against Germany on the second day of that month, which was Good Friday, loyal citizens of York and York County were organized for war activities. Governor Brumbaugh had appointed Grier Hersh, president of the York National Bank, as chairman of the council of national defense and food administrator of York County. Mr. Hersh also was placed at the head of various other administrative committees to engage in the work of helping to win the war. That splendid organiza- tions were formed, is demonstrated by the success that was shown in the various activities. York County more than did its share in responding to the call of the country for finances to carry the war to a successful conclusion. The county has a record of having subscribed a total of $30,482,850 in the five Liberty Loans, or $200 per capita, making it one of the banner counties of the United States in its per capita subscriptions to the Liberty Loans. This money was subscribed largely by the people, "Keep It Out Of The Banks," having been an effective slogan in several campaigns. Thoroughness of the work of the food administration placed York County among the model counties of the United States in food conservation. In addition to the loyal support given to the five Liberty Loans, there were sold by the War Stamp organization of York County $2,180,000 of War Saving Stamps. A War Chest was created, and while actual apparent needs were about $250,000 the amount subscribed was $425,000. All managers of industrial and business establishments agreed to call upon their employes for contributions out of each week's pay and practically all pledges were kept. Several days after Grier Hersh was chosen by the Governor of Pennsylvania to direct the war activities of this county, the council of national defense was organized and for administrative purposes was divided into 13 districts, with York as headquarters. Originally, chairman of the council estab- lished headquarters where all communications were held with outside agencies and through the chairmen of the districts, the administration extended throughout the county. Subsequent to this, it was found in certain instances that the work was subdivided by the appointment of district directors who administered directly from headquarters to their county committees. A list of districts and chairmen is here given: District No. 1, city of York, boroughs of North York and West York, townships of Spring Garden, Springettsbury and West Manchester, Grier Hersh, chairman; district No. 2, borough of Hanover, townships of Penn, Heidelberg, Manheim and West Manheim, H. S. Stokes, chairmen, succeeded later by H. S. Ehrhart; district No. 5, boroughs of Dallastown, Yoe, Loganville and Seven Valleys, townships of Springfield and York, I. H. Bojahn, chairman; district No. 4, boroughs of Bed Lion, Windsor and Felton, townships of Windsor and Chanceford, C. S. Lamotte, chairman; district No. 5, boroughs of Delta and Fawn Grove, townships of Lower Chanceford, Fawn and Peach Bottom, S. J. Barrett, chairman; district No. 6, boroughs of Stewartstown, Winterstown and Cross Boads, townships of Hopewell, East Hopewell and North Hopewell, the Bev. C. P. Leishman, chairman; district No. 7, boroughs of Glen Bock, Shewsbury, Bailroad, New Freedom and Jefferson, townships of Shrewsbury and Codorus, J. Victor Wambaugh, chairman; district No. 8, boroughs of Spring Grove and New Salem, townships of North Codorus, Jackson and Paradise; W. L. Glatfelter, chairman; district No. 9, boroughs of Dover and Wellsville, townships of Dover, Warrington and Washington, W. B. Brougher, chairman; district No. 10, boroughs of Dillsburg and Franklintown, townships of Franklin, Carroll and Monaghan, W. S. Kapp, chairman; district No. 11, boroughs of Goldsboro, Lewisbury and York Haven, townships of Newberry and Fairview, J. Frank Zortman, chairman; district No. 12, boroughs of Mt. Wolf and Manchester, townships of Conewago, East Manchester and [ 322 ] Manchester, H. A. KaufFman, chairman; district No. 13, boroughs of Wrightsville, Hellam, East Prospect and Yoikana, townships of Hellam and Lower Windsor, R. P. Wilton, chairman. This organization of the council of national defense was effected: Chairman Grier Hersh; vice chairman, Mrs. Annie S. McConkey; executive committee, F. H. Beard, Dr. James A. Dale, A. B. Feuquhar; treasurer, A. F. Fix; assistant treasurer, Laura J. Dice; executive secretary, D. D. Strite, succeeded by H. S. Ebert; assistant executive secretary. Miss M. R. Koons; directors for York County, building and material, George E. NefT; civilian service, A. B. Farquhar; motor transportation, James Rudisill, J. C. Eisenhart; assistant. Miss Mary D. CroU, motor messenger; food supply, Grier Hersh; Four Minute men, George Hay Kain; assistant director of churches, the Rev. Andrew Todd Taylor; home defense police, Adam Garver, county superintendent; Robert S. Spangler, adjutant; public service reserve, W. V. Barnes, examiner in charge; farm labor agent, Jonas Menges; community labor board. Dr. Charles H Ehrenfield, chairman, P. A. Elsesser, secretary; W. V. Barnes, examiner in charge; registration of women. Miss Emma B. Cochran, chairman; women in industry, Mrs. Forry S. Medlar, chairman, Mrs. J. W. Thompson, vice chairman. Chairmen of the various war activities of the county were : Liberty bonds, Grier Hersh ; Red Cross J. C. Schmidt, succeeded by Francis Farquhar; war savings stamps, 0. R. Read; food administrator, Grier Hersh; fuel administration, Robert C. Gephart; Y. M. C. A., P. A. Elsesser; Knights of Colum- bus, George Marlow; Jewish Relief, Dr. J. H. Comroe; war camp community service, Edward Leber; women's council of national defense, Mrs. Annie S. McConkey; Y. W. C. A., Mrs. M. L. Haitman; women's Liberty Bonds, Mrs. Carey Etnier. After the fourth Liberty Loan campaign, Mrs. Etnier resigned and Mrs. E. G. Steacy, who was chairman of the women's Liberty Loan committee of the city, became the county chairman and directed the work of the women in the Victory Loan campaign. It was the purpose of the war council of York to assign and regulate the personal services of the men and women engaged in the various campaigns of war activities which were being conducted in the county during the war. It was found that the work was not equally distributed. Too much was devolving upon a few individuals in each campaign and the need of a central organization to conserve energy was seen. It was decided to call a meeting to form a war council. These organizations were asked to send delegates: York County Chapter of American Red Cross, Y. M. C. A., Ministerial Association, Knights of Columbus, Manufacturers' Association, York Federation of Trades Unions, Y. W. C. A., Engineering Society, Women Council of National Defense. York Clearing House As- sociation, American Jewish Relief Committee, Chamber of Commerce and Public Safety Committee. Unorganized labor was represented. A meeting was held, at which all the districts of the county, except No. 2, embracing Hanover, were represented. This district preferred to conduct its own war activities. The war council organized by selecting these directors: George H. Whiteley, Sr., chairman; J. C. Schmidt, vice chairman; James Rudisill, secretary; W. R. Horner, treasurer. Each of the or- ganizations represented at the meeting was given representative on the board of directors. Grier Hersh, P. A. Elsesser, 0. R. Read, James Rudisill and V. K. Keesey were named as an executive committee, while the council was further organized into bureaus with five members each. Certain activities in every campaign were assigned to these bureaus according to the work for which they had been formed. In district No. 1, which included the city of York, direction of the different departments was as- signed as follows: Chairman of district, Grier Hersh; finance, Francis Faiquhar; publicity, R. E. Winchester, who later was succeeded by Wadsworth N. George; legislation, Henry Washers; allied bodies, Edward Leber; medicine and sanitation. Dr. A. A. Long; civic relief, Wilbur Throne; food supply, John H. Rutter; materials, E. W. Gardner; industrial plants, S. Forry Laucks; motor trans- portation, James Rudisill; civilian service, A. B. Farquhar; military service, J. E. Baker; guards, [ 323 1 police and inspection, Ray P. Sherwood; railways, Gordon Campbell; war camp community service, Edward Leber. The work of organization reached throughout York County. From its inception the war council greatly facilitated all civic service for the winning of the war. Throughout the period of the war, the York County council of national defense, with its various well organized divisions of loyal men and women proved 100 per cent efficient as a unit of the Pennsyl- vania council of national defense. The executives of the city Liberty Loan committee in the several successful campaigns were: Ellis S. Lewis, chairman: J. Warner Heinekamp, assistant chairman; secretary, Eugene F. Weiser; Francis Farquhar directed the work of the industrial committee in the Liberty Loan campaigns in the city. This committee proved a strong factor in putting York over the top in the fourth Liberty Loan campaign. An epidemic of influenza had spread while the campaign was in progress. A ban was placed upon public assemblages by the State Health Department, thus hampering the work of the campaign. The formation of a $1,000 club at this critical time saved the Liberty Loan in York, putting the city over the top gloriously. The industrial committee was again active in the Victory Loan campaign in York and attained results such as contributed to the success of that memorable campaign. The first campaign to be carried on by the war council was that of the third Liberty Loan. After that campaign the war chest was created, with Francis Farquhar as manager. The war chest took in all war activities, including Liberty Bonds, food administration, council of national defense and others, when there was need of financial aid over and above federal appropriations. Early in the work of the war council it was decided that every war activity which carried on a national campaign would receive from the war chest whatever came to York county plus a percentage to be added, which per- centage should be the percentage that the whole United States exceeded the allotment of the entire nation. This arrangement proved satisfactory to all headquarters' campaign managers. When the epidemic of influenza reached York County, the war chest contributed to the Red Cross enough money to finance all the work at the emergency hospital and similarly financed the emergency work for the Visiting Nurses' association. Too much cannot be said in praise of the effective work of the Four Minute men, an organization of speakers which was first directed by Robert C. Bair and subsequently by George Hay Kain. Speakers were provided by this organization for theaters, churches and various public meetings in the many campaigns of the war period. This division of the work included the song leaders who were directed by M. B. Gibson, whose untimely death occurred some months after the close of the war activities in which he had figured so prominently before the public. The York County Liberty Loan committee conducted five successful campaigns. In June, 1917, the people of the county were suddenly called upon to raise an allotment of $2,268,000 for the govern- ment by the purchase of bonds. The amount subscribed in that first campaign was $2,274,500. The number of purchasers of the first loan was small. The general public was faced with a new problem which was not comprehended. There were many people who were unfamiliar with the system of floating a loan. Many did not know what a bond meant. Therefore subsequent campaigns were made educational and the public was quick to learn. The organization in the first Liberty Loari campaign developed into a fine and efficient body. The work of the women in the several Liberty Loan campaigns is a testimonial to their energy and their patriotic zeal. In four of the campaigns the women worked as a separate organization from that of the men. In the fifth campaign the com- mittees of men and women were merged and they co-operated in the work. The record of York County in the five loans is here given: — f 324 1 First loan, allotment $2,268,000; subscribed $2,274,500. Second loan, allotment, $4,000,000; subscribed $4,126,400. Third loan, allotment, $4,314,030; subscribed $5,115,600. Fourth loan, allotment, $8,698,370; subscribed $8,714,450. Fifth loan, allotment $6,284,373; subscribed $7,571,900. Total allotments, $25,564,773; total subscriptions, $27,802,850; over subscription, $2,238,077. The Food Administration of York County entered upon its work about the middle of December, 1917, with Grier Hersh as county administrator and D. D. Strite, administrator in the city of York. During the summer of 1918, D. D. Strite resigned and was succeeded by Harry S. Ebert. Miss Mary R. Koons was woman deputy adminstrator for York County. Mrs. R. S. Cannon was woman deputy food administrator for York City. V. K. Keesey was legal advisor to the food administration. The problems of the administration in York County were varied, but were judiciously met. At no time was there serious objection to enforcement of the regulations to conserve food. In dealing with the butchers, bakers, wholesalers, and retail grocers, the policy of the York County administrator was to impress upon them that all the regulations were serious and should be obeyed. He had the most cordial co-operation of all the trades engaged in the distribution of foods. The few enforcements made were resorted to more as an exhibition of publicity than as punitive measures. The hotels, restaurants and boarding houses of the county co-operating with the food administration, by persistent observation of the food rules, saved 20 tons of sugar, 315 tons of meat and 520 barrels of flour. The bakers of York County suddenly called upon to produce a Victory loaf of bread, by united effort proved equal to the emergency and adhered strictly to all food regulations. Ry self regulation the grocers of York County prevented profiteering and by constant effort maintained the cereal substitutes and sugar regulations. In the peace parade held in York shortly after the signing of the armistice the Food administration was given the head of four divisions. The administration's formation consisted of the women's home economic committee, numbering about 100, the various deputies and about 300 grocers, hotel men and bakers. The office staff, with the administrator marched at the head of the parade. The women's division had a float representing Columbia feeding the Allies. The York County Fuel administration was successful in the regulation of the consumption of fuel in York County. Robert E. Gephart was the fuel administrator. He had the co-operation of the coal dealers of the county, as well as that of the general pubhc. The order for heatless Mondays was strictly observed here. As a result of the observance of the fuel conservation regulations, York County saved a large amount of coal at that critical time when it was needed for the ships to carry munitions and supplies to the allied armies in Europe. All of York County's war activities organizations found patriotic response on the part of the people to every call made upon them to help win the war. There prevailed among the people of the county all through the period of the war that same spirit for loyal service to their country, as was displayed in the time of the American Revolution and during the Civil war. No county in the llnited States can show a more creditable record than that of York County in the world war. YORK A CITY OF THRIFT By Wadsworth M. George YORK, the county seat of York County, has in a period of one hundred seventy-eight years developed from a meager settlement of log cabins into a thriving industrial and agricultural center, having the distinction of being the third city in Pennsylvania in variety of its manufac- tured products. The city has within its limits five hundred and twenty-five large and small industrial plants which turn out for the markets of the country and the world at large nearly one hundred kinds of manufactured products. It has long been the favorite statement of after-dinner speakers in referring to York as an industrial centre to declare that nearly every staple article of commerce from the tiny tack to monster refrigerating machines are produced in the enterprising city on the banks of the Codorus. This claim is no exaggeration. Its plows are used in South America, its water wheels harness the streams of the Scandinavian peninsula, its wagons track across the Transvaal veldt, its automobiles and motor trucks are used in Asia, its silks clothe fair women of many lands, its ice machines are used in every country of the tropics, its tacks are sold on both sides of the planet, and false teeth manufactured in the largest tooth factory in the world are shipped as far as New Zealand and Aus- tralia. The names of York manufacturers are to be found on machinery and structural steel and iron in Egypt and the Holy land. People of many races play upon fine toned musical instruments made in York. The largest, oldest and most modern commercial body plant in the world is located at York. Among the world's largest industries located in this thriving city are an ice machine factory, a \Vall paper mill, a chain plant and the tooth factory already mentioned. York has not only the largest wall paper mill in the world but there are several other mills of less capacity manufacturing wall paper that place York on the map as one of America's leading centers engaged in this trade. During the four years of the world war, York manufacturing plants furnished munitions and other supplies to the armies of the warring countries. Foremost among important supplies furnished for the war were chains, vast quantities of which were shipped abroad, and army truck bodies of all kinds, also the official Red Cross Ambulance. A partial list of things made in York will be interesting to show that the claim that this city is third among the cities of Pennsylvania in variety of industries is not idle. There are made in York: Automobiles, awnings and tents, blank books, bricks, boots and shoes, chains, cigars, cigar box labels, cigar boxes, brooms and brushes, rag carpets, rugs, carriages, dental supplies, electrical apparatus, fertilizers, files, flour, furniture, hardware, horse collars, harness, hats and caps, shirts, sweaters and underwear, knitting mill machinery, hosiery, baking machinery and equipments, powder mill machinery, lime, lime products, and cement, malt, beer and soft drinks, locks, safes and vaults, mattresses, monuments, proprietary medicines, flavoring extracts, silks, silk ribbons, surgical tape, neckties, suspenders, scales, ice machines, cultivators, chocolate, caramels, and other candies, orange sorters, cotton gins, fiber machines, harrows, gasoline tractors, turbine water wheels, spokes and wheels, smoking tobacco, traction engines, threshing machines, separators, pianos, violins, ukeleles, incandescent lamps, engines and boilers, rolled steel stacks, malleable iron, corrugated iron and metals, brass castings, tacks, iron and wire nails, wall paper, roofing paper, paper boxes, stereotype plates for books and magazines, car ventilators, canned goods, preserves and jellies, crackers, cakes, pretzels, bread, potato chips, wire cloth, toys, parts for automobiles, motor trucks, carriages, wagons, weeders, art glass windows, mirrows, washing machines, and automobile and truck bodies. The growth of York always has been steady, never spasmodic. While in various periods of its development from its early days down to the present, there have been booms, these have always been on a sound and substantial basis and never erratic or ephemeral. Figures showing increases in pop- ulation from 1820 down to 1919 demonstrate the steady manner in which York has grown. These [ 326 1 , figures are here given: 1820, 3,546; 1830, 4,216; 1840, 5,821; 1850,6,963; 1860, 8,605; 1870, 11,105; 1880, 13,979; 1890, 20,795; 1900, 33,708; 1910, 44,750; 1919, about 65,000, according to police census directory compilation. During the periods between 1870 and 1880, and between 1890 and 1900, York's population was increased greatly through annexations, populous communities having developed nearby which were taken into the city hmits. Since 1870, there have been built in York an average of five hundred houses a year. Since the entrance of the United States in the recent war the high cost of building material has, in a measure, halted building enterprises in York. The outlook, however, for future building is not discouraging. New industrial plants are being located here and with the restoration of normal conditions York will undoubtedly resume its building activities and it is reasonable to beheve that the time is not remote when this city will attain the 100,000 mark in population. York of today has an area of 2250 acres, embracing 15,000 modern homes with 13,000 voters. The assessed valuation of real estate in the city is $32,347,578, according to the triennial assessment of 1918. York County being one of the tobacco growing and cigar manufacturing counties of Pennsylvania, heavy revenue is paid into the internal revenue office at York. The revenue receipts of this office exceed those of Lancaster and Harrisburg. In 1918, the sales of cigar, tobacco, beer and proprietary medicine stamps at the York internal revenue office amounted to $1,896,205.40. In nine months in 1919, the stamp sales in the office amounted to $1,737,989.77, and it was said by the collector that there was prospect that the two million dollar mark would be reached in stamp sales. The volume of mail handled at the York postoffice has increased greatly from year to year in the past ten years. The normal increase has been seven per cent and in the past year the increase has gone beyond that average, having attained 12 per cent. There are within the hmits of York sixty miles of highways, sixteen and one half-miles of which are paved, while the remainder of the streets are macadamized. The city has thirteen miles of electric railway, while five suburban trolley lines reach populous sections of York County. These lines are operated as one system by the York Railways Company. There are seventy miles of water mains, which supply filtered water to the inhabitants. The water supply plant is located south of the city and consists of a pumping station, filtration plant and two reservoirs with a capacity of 40,000,000 gallons. The pumping station is equipped with engines having a pumping capacity of 10,000,000 gallons daily. The filter plant capacity is 4,000,000 gallons daily. In addition to this water supply, the company operating the plant has in recent years constructed a large impounding dam of enormous capacity in Springfield township for use as a reserve supply in the future. Analysis by leading scien- tists show the city's water supply to be the purest in Pennsylvania and unsurpassed in the United States. After filtration the water is conducted by pipes to the clear water basin built of masonry and covered with arches and earth, holding over 2,000,000 gallons. From the time the water leaves the filter plant until it passes by gravity through the large distributing system, it is constantly kept free from pollution and is delivered to the consumer clear, cold and sparkfing. The average result of many hundred tests of this filtered water shows an efficiency of 100 per cent as to turbidity, 100 per cent as to color and 99 . 50 per cent as to the removal of bacteria. The water is therefore practically sterile. Its purity has eliminated cholera infantum and reduced the typhoid fever rate of the com- munity to a remarkable degree. The City's disposal plant and sewer system cost approximately $850,000 . 00. There are forty- nine miles of sewers. CoUection and disposal of garbage costs the city $27,000.00 a year. The contract is held by a corporation operating a sanitary reduction plant outside the city. The York Gas Company has a plant of large capacity and a distributing system consisting of fifty miles of mains. The York Haven Power Company, with a plant located on the Susquehanna river at a distance of twelve miles from York, supplies electrical power for part of the city's public [ 327 1 utilities, such as the street railways, the lighting and telephone systems. Manufacturing establish- ments are supplied with power at moderate rates. Current is transmitted by the plant at York Haven to a light, heat and power plant of the Edison Electric Light Company in York by means of a system of cables. The Edison Electric Light Company includes in its utilities a public steam heating system and a new and modern electrical plant which also furnishes power to the city's public utilities. With the several utilities enumerated above, York is well supplied with water, its streets and buildings are well lighted and its buildings are well heated. Among the many advantages of York are its public markets, abundantly supplied with products from the fertile farms and gardens of a rich agricultural section. From the earliest borough days down to the present, a curbstone market has been conducted in Center Square, twice a week, Wednesdays and Saturdays. There are in addition four large market houses open to the public at stated hours throughout the week, so that the citizens of York are peculiarly fortunate in the facilities offered them in the markets where prices in the past have been moderate. Even in the present day of high cost, food supplies of a great variety are sold in these markets at prices which are comparatively low when quotations in the public markets of other cities are consulted. The telephone service of York is supplied by the American Bell and the York Telephone Companies, whose lines extend to all important points in the county and are connected with the long distance systems. About four thousand telephones of both companies are in use in the city. The lines of two great competing telegraph companies, the Western Union and the Postal, enter York. The York Telephone Company recently installed the automatic dial system, which has greatly facilitated service. This company has a total of two thousand lines over the city and county and has installed the dial systems in five of its exchanges in the county. The York Volunteer Fire Department is one of the best organized and most efficient in the state, and is a credit to the city. The department consists of eight companies and each company has a fine modern fire-house. A modern fire alarm system is in use and all apparatus is motorized, most of it having been made in York and recognized as the best. The efficiency of York's volunteer fire depart- ment is demonstrated in the small losses from fires. In nine months in 1919 the entire losses from fires in the city did not exceed 16,500. The Veteran Volunteer Firemen of York have an association and their own building in which they meet and which they use for social purposes. Two of York's fire companies, the Laurel and the Vigilant, are among the oldest in Pennsylvania, having been organized in colonial times. Under the Clark act, the commission form of government has been adopted by York. The present municipal government consists of a council of five members as follows: Mayor and presiding officer; superintendent of fianance and accounts ; superintendent of public safety ; superintendent of highways and public improvements; superintendent of parks and public property. In addition to the council there are these offices: city treasurer and city controller, filled by election, and city clerk, city solicitor, city engineer, director of public health, city assessor, sealer of weights and measures, chief of the fire department, assistant chief of the fire department, plumbing inspector, and clerk to the mayor, all filled by appointment. The police department of York is composed of fifty-five officers as follows: a chief of police, two sergeants, two house officers, twenty-four patrolmen, six traffic officers and one motorcycle officer. The school system of York is directed by a board of nine controllers which chooses a city super- intendent of schools, a superintendent of buildings and grounds, a medical inspector of schools, a solicitor, a secretary, a treasurer and tax collector and a truant officer. The teachers are elected by the controllers and number two hundred and twenty-three, including supervisory principals. The schools are well organized and are established in twenty-nine buildings, the total valuation of which is $1,500,000. In accordance with provisions of the state school code, the salaries of all teachers have been uniformly increased during the past year. Continuation schools have been established for boys [328 1 and girls who are employed in industries. The York High School has a co-operative industrial course, which was one of the first to be introduced in Pennsylvania and which has become a model copied by other cities throughout the country. There are five manual training schools and various departments of special instruction, such as music, drawing, business and commercied courses, domestic science, sewing and garment designing, foreign languages, sex hygiene. A dental clinic for pupils recently was estabUshed. The total enrollment of the schools is seven thousand two hundred and eighty-four. Other educational institutions of York are the York Collegiate Institute, the York County Academy, founded in colonial times; two schools of business, a Hebrew school, and five parochial schools, consisting of four Roman Catholic and one Lutheran. One year ago the public school principals and teachers formed an organization for their advancement. This has become an eighty per cent organization with prospects of a one hundred per cent membership. There are two public libraries, the one in the York High School building and the other in St. John's parish house, including the Wood consulting library, containing many rare volumes. The twelve substantial banking institutions of York have resources aggregating $25,587,126.82, according to a compilation of the business of the city made in 1918, one of York's most prosperous years. These institutions consist of seven national banks, two state banks and three trust companies. These banks and trust companies are carefully managed, are progressive and have played an important part in the development of York industrially and commercially. In 1918, the aggregate deposits subject to check amounted to $8,784,065.77, while the aggregate interest and saving deposits were $5,459,608.62. There are invested in industries in York more than $22,000,000. The payrolls of the industrial plants aggregate nearly $10,000,000 a year. There are in the city eight public parks and plazas and a large public athletic field, which is owned by the city school district. York's public buildings consist of a court-house erected at a cost of $500,000, a handsome federal building the cost of which was $450,000, a commodious municipal building, a jail, an almshouse, and a state armory. One of the institutions which has been a factor in widely advertising York is the annual exhibition known as "The Grand Old York Fair," which is conducted by the York County Agricultural Society organized in 1852. The society's exhibition grounds, located in the northwestern section of the city, embrace seventy-five acres of level ground on which there are a large office building used by the society, a main exhibition building, an annex, a horticultural hall, several smaller exhibition buildings, com- modious buildings for exhibiting poultry and livestock, a grandstand with seating capacity of seven thousand five hundred and a level half-mile race course, with ample stabling facilities. The value of the society's property is $550,000. The society since its organization has held sixty-six annual ex- hibitions with ever-increasing attendance. The fair is held four days in the first full week of October of each year and the attendance often reaches one hundred and eighty thousand for the four days. The York fair is known from coast to coast as the largest twenty-five cent fair in America. The theaters of York are ten in number, including an opera house, and a Keith vaudeville house, and represent an investment of $450,000. Where to go to church in York is a matter in which the religiously inclined visitor is offered ample choice, as there are eighty churches, missions, and religious organizations. Several of the churches were organized in colonial times and were among the first west of the Susquehanna river. Some of the handsomest church buildings in the state are to be found among those of York. Sixty per cent of the inhabitants have membership in the churches, which are liberally supported financially. Two daily newspapers are published in York: The Dispatch, issued evenings, with a circulation of fourteen thousand and the Gazette and Daily, a morning paper, with a circulation of fifteen thousand. York's commercial, civic and social organizations include a ('hamber of Commerce, a Manufac- turers' Association, a Clearing House Association, the York Engineering Society, the York Traffic Club, the York Rotary Club, the Kiwanis Club, a Country Club, an Out Door Club, the York Motor [ 329 1 Club, the Woman's Club, the Girl's Club, the Young Men' Christian Association, the Young Women's Christian Association, the Temple Club, the Knights of Columbus, the Lafayette Club, the Tramerick Club and numerous other clubs and societies. Of the numerous lodges and secret societies in York, the Masons, the Elks, the Odd Fellows, the Eagles, the Orioles, the Moose, and the Knights of Maltas own and occupy their own buildings. The American Federation of Labor recently purchased a building to occupy as a labor temple. Three lines of railroads enter York. A main line of the Pennsylvania railroad, formerly the Northern Central, connects the north and the south, and the Frederick division of the Pennsylvania railroad, the Western Maryland railroad and the Maryland and Pennsylvania railroad offer additional shipping facilities. There are over one hundred passenger and freight trains that run out of York every day. Like the country at large, York at the present time is going through a period of recon- struction. The people are giving practical consideration to various local problems brought about by the war and are looking forward to peaceable solution. York never has had serious labor troubles and there never has been a riot to darken the pages of its history. The future of the city of thrift is promising at this time. Its business men are optimistic and unite in predicting an era of remarkable development in the next ten years. GETHSEMANE HALL, YORK, PA. The only Knight Templar Hall in Pennsylvania 330 UPPER VIEW— LOOKING SOUTHEAST OVER QUEEN STREET HILE LOWER VIEW— LOOKING NORTH ON GEORGE STREET FROM SQUARE UPPER VIEW— SHOWING PENN COMMON LOWER VIEW— LOOKING EAST ON MARKET STREET UPPKR VIEW— CENTER SQUARE, LOOKING NORTH ON GEORGE SIREET Lf)WER VIEW— LOOKING NORTH FROM GR WTI.KV ROAD THE SILENT HERO IT is natural to be thrilled at the sight of the man with the service stripe, wound stripe or medal, but did you ever stop to think of that army of men who, for one reason or another, were denied the privilege of wearing their country's uniform, but who, steadfastly remaining at their posts and putting every effort into their work, formed the indispensable backing to the fighting man? Those who were engaged in the production of supplies required by the Govern- ment, those devoting time and effort to the Liberty Loan campaigns, those who, at a great personal sacrifice, bought Liberty Bonds to their utmost, and all others busy in the many kinds of war work at home, contributed in no small way to the final victory and should not be forgotten. As you recall such a man to your memory, give him a cheer, even though it be a mental one, for he is the SILENT HERO. Clifford J. Hall. 334] GRIER HERSH MB. Grier Hersh, President of the York National Bank and the York Gas Company, figured prominently in the war activities of York County. He was born in York, January 29, 1863; graduated from the Pennsylvania Military Academy at Chester in 1880, and from Princeton University in the class of 1884. In 1904 he was President of the Pennsylvania Bankers' Associa- tion and for two years was President of the Maryland Trust Company, Baltimore, Md. Mr. Hersh was appointed by the Governor, Chairman of the Council of National Defense and Chairman of the Liberty Loan Committee and also Federal Food Administrator for York County. For the responsible duties devolving upon him in these three positions he had been thoroughly equipped by his previous experience in business. He was always equal to the occasion in finding solutions for the perplexing problems that arose, using tact, abiUty and good judgment in the performance of his duty. The money provided for expenditures in York County was used wisely in the work of the office for which it was intended, turning surplus funds over to the War Chest or Red Cross. The achievements of Mr. Hersh as a patriotic worker in the World War activities has received the appreciation which he merits. He was a member of the Advisory Committee, Liberty Ronds, Third Federal District, and in the Victory Loan campaign, was chairman of a group of twelve counties, including York. During the whole period of the war, Mr. Hersh united in this work without any compensation and in a way highly commendable. :}:}5 JOHN C. SCHMIDT AT the beginning of the World War, Mr. John C. Schmidt, President of the Schmidt & Ault Paper Company, called a meeting of prominent York citizens, in order to form a local chapter of the American Red Cross. Speakers of national reputation from all over the country were invited to attend and immediately thereafter the York County Chapter of the American Red Cross was organized with Mr. Schmidt as Chairman. Mr. Schmidt devoted practically his entire time to building up the organization of the Red Cross in York County and continued his active interest in the work until the spring of 1918, when he was called to Washington to become Chief of the Chain Section of the War Industries Board. His duties with the War Industries Board required his presence practically all of the time in Washington and he was therefore then compelled to resign as Chairman of the York County Chapter of the American Red Cross. When it was decided to consolidate the various war activities of York County by the organization of the York County War Council, Mr. Schmidt was elected Vice-Chairman of this organization. Acting as such he helped to direct the work in a way that only a man of his executive ability could do. 336 ■,!^^^^^gg^# ■^-liiai; - ^ C^«s»>v»J^^^ .■ . .. ' ■'''i'i i m ■■ m t j'^^^H r ELLIS S. LEWIS MR. Ellis S. Lewis, President of the York Trust Company, York, Pa., was one of our most prominent and influential workers in a large field of war activities. His leadership and guid- ance in the many campaigns for raising money in York County during the World War were particularly valuable, due to his wide experience as a banker. Mr. Lewis was County Chairman of the first Liberty Loan campaign, and as such had general supervision over the work throughout the County. He was Chairman of the First District, comprising the City of York, the Boroughs of West York and North York, and the Townships of West Manchester, Sprmgettsbury and Spring Garden, during the second, third, fourth and fifth Liberty Loan campaigns! and was a member of the Advisory Committee of the County Liberty Loan Organization. The efficient manner in which Mr. Lewis handled these drives, coupled with the generous response from the citizens of the County, sent the City and County "OVER THE TOP " in every loan. In addition to this service, Mr. Lewis devoted much of his time to the War Savings Stamp campaign, as Director of the Banking Division of this organization in York County during the last year of the war. He was also a Director of the War Council of York County. In appreciation of Mr. Lewis's whole-hearted patriotism, his fellow citizens presented him with a handsome gold watch, with the following appropriate engraving on the case: "Presented by citizens of York County to Mr. Ellis S. Lewis in recognition of distinguished service in civic fife during the World War." •XM REV. CM. EHEHALT R Ev. C. M. Ehehalt, of Dallastown, Pa., was one of York County's most tireless workers during the war. He went into every campaign heart and soul, and his patriotic zeal in seeing every drive through to a successful finish was an inspiration to those who worked with him. Rev. Ehehalt's versatility in the local war work may be seen from the following list of his activities. He assisted materially in the organization of the York County Chapter, A. R. C, was elected a director of this Chapter, and as such had charge of the Rureau of Publicity; was chairman of the Law and Order Committee; and, when the Dallastown Rranch of the York County Chapter, A. R. C. was organized in the early spring of 1917, he was chosen the first president, which office he still holds. Rev. Ehehalt was much sought as a platform speaker, and made addresses in many localities, not only for the Red Cross, but for Liberty Ronds, War Savings stamps, and other war activities and campaigns. Resides this work he was usually one of the captains of the canvassing teams of Dal- lastown for Liberty Rond and other war fund drives, and he formally opened the first Red Cross War Fund Drive in the County, addressing the captains and their teams from the steps of the Court House, York, Pa. Rev. C. M. Ehehalt was ordained by James Cardinal Gibbons, of Raltimore, in 1908. He was stationed at Lancaster, Shamokin, and Columbia, Pa., until 1914, when he accepted the pastorate of St. Joseph's Church at Dallastown. 338 WALTER McBLAIN EARLY in the year of 1917, following the preliminary organization of a branch of the American Red Cross in York, Pa., Mr. Walter McBlain, district manager of the Mutual Life Insurance Co., became chairman of the Co-operative Committee, and helped to organize and to systematize the Red Cross work in York County during the war. His conception of a plan perpetuating the names of our soldiers who made the supreme sacrifice, was accepted by the York Chamber of Commerce, which organization appointed him chairman of the Memorial Committee. He succeeded in tabulating the names of York County heroes upon the pilasters of our Court House with the hope that they will be replaced by bronze tablets as a permanent record. In May, 1918, he was appointed Director of War Savings for District No. 1 of York County, com- prising the City of York and nearby Townships, which position he held until discharged, December, 1918. While thus engaged, he served as a team captain in the various Bond drives. Red Cross War Fund collection and similar activities, and was an active member of the Four Minute Speaker's Bureau, which service ended with his honorable discharge, December 28, 1918. .3.39 FRANCIS FARQUHAR MR. Francis Farquhar, general manager of the A. B. Farquhar Co., Ltd., York, Pa., in addition to the war work in which his firm was engaged, volunteered his service for many of the local war activities, and took a prominent and useful part throughout the war, as an active member of numerous committees. He was a member of the Red Cross War Finance Committee of York County for the Red Cross financial drive in July, 1917. He was Secretary-Treasurer of the War Camp Community Service for York County, and was also a prominent worker in the various Liberty Loan drives and chairman of the Merchants' and Manufacturers' Committee in the Fourth Liberty Loan and in the Victory Loan. He was chairman of the American Red Cross, York County Chapter, succeeding Mr. John C. Schmidt. He led the War Fund drive of York War Chest which collected monies for all the various war activities and organizations, and was chairman of the Red Cross Christmas Roll Call for member- ship, December, 1918, for Pennsylvania-Delaware division, which was the only one of the fourteen divisions to increase its menibership in this roll call over that of the previous years. Mr. Farquhar entered upon so many kinds of war work, and with such invariable success, that in August, 1919, he was presented with a handsome gold watch, the gift of many residents of York City and County, in appreciation for all that he had done. The watch was engraved as follows: "Presented by citizens of York County to Mr. Francis Farquhar in recognition of distinguished service in civic life during the World War. 340 J. S. KAPP MR. J. S. Kapp, senior partner in the firm of Kapp & Seibert, at Dillsburg, Pa., was one of the most energetic and successful leaders in the civihan war work carried on in York County during the period of the World War. There was not a branch of this work which Mr. Kapp did not enter with the greatest enthusiasm; not a campaign to which he did not give his best effort and unselfish support. He was president of the Dillsburg branch of the American Red Cross, chairman of each of the Liberty Loans and of the Victory Loan Committees, chairman of the Safety Committee, and Deputy Food Administrator of his district. Among other offices held by Mr. Kapp during the war were: Director of York County American Red Cross, chairman of district War Chest drive, and district chairman of two Christmas Roll Call drives of the Red Cross. Mr. Kapp was also prominent in other local activities, including the Four Minute Speakers. Spend- ing so much of his time and exerting so much influence in such a large field of work, Mr. Kapp did a great service in helping to make the history of York County during the war, one of which we may well be proud. 341 0. R. READ MR. 0. R. Read, secretary of the Read Machinery company, volunteered his services for many of the local war activities. Especially was he active in raising money for the different Liberty Loans and War Savings Stamp drives. He devoted much time to war work and served on numerous committees. His activities started when serving as a member of the board of directors of the York Rotary Club. In June, 1917, he was appointed assistant chairman and a member of the sales committee, for the first Liberty Loan, of district number one, comprising the city of York and the Townships of Spring Garden, Springettsbury and West Manheim. He served as chairman of the sales committee during the second Loan drive and at that time perfected the first of the selling teams composed of six men to a team, there being thirty teams. The success of this drive was largely due to Mr. Read's untiring activities. He also had charge of the third Liberty Loan sales committee. Mr. Read was the chairman for York County War Savings Stamps, and in this branch of war work he devoted practically all of his time, making speeches and personal calls throughout the entire county. He was elected a member at large of the York County War Council and after being chosen one of the directors, served on the executive committee and sales committee of that organization. 342] '"'£' ^ ALEXANDER E. McLEAN M R. Alexander E. McLean, Proprietor of The James McLean & Sons Department Store, of York, Pa., was a leading figure in American Red Cross work in York County during the war. He was a member of the Executive Committee of the local Chapter. American Red Cross, and Chair- man of the Red Cross Bureau of Supplies and Shipping, with the admirable record of more than one thousand cases of supplies, of a value exceeding $250,000 . 00, sent to the American Red Cross Head- quarters. And not only did Mr. McLean give his time to this essential work, but he personally con- tributed to the American Red Cross, free of all rental charges, the use of the handsome home at 372 E. Market Street, York, Pennsylvania, throughout the war. Mr. McLean was also active in many branches of civiUan war work. He was one of the Four- Minute Speakers, a Chairman of the National War Savings Committee, Captain of one of the teams working in the first Y. M. C. A. drive, and he raised $1,000 . 00, for the soldiers from the First Presby- terian Church among the members of its congregation. As President of The York Country Club, he organized the War Activities Committee of the Country Club, which entertained to dinner at the Club House, on Sundays, during the summer months, hundreds of soldiers located at Camp Colt, Gettysburg, Pa. Not the least of his activities was his material assistance, as a Director of the Yoik Chamber of Commerce, in carrying to a successful conclusion the many phases of war work taken up by this organization. 343 M WILMER C. THRONE R. WiLMER C. Throne, proprietor of W. C. Throne & Company, York, Pa., was a prominent and influential worker in a large field of war activities. He devoted much of his time to many phases of war work, as may be seen by the following list of his activities. He assisted materially in serving on the First, Second, Third, Fourth and Victory Liberty Loan comniittees and also as a director and member of the Executive Committee of the York County Chapter of the American Red Cross. Mr. Throne was a member of the Christmas roll call committee of 1918 and chairman of the Civilian Relief committee and of the home service section. He was also a member of the York County National War Savings committee and War Council. Mr. Throne was interested in providing a soldiers' and sailors' club, being a member of the board of directors. He also served as chairman and chief marshall of the liberty parade April 6, 1918, and during the victory parade November 17, 1918. Thus Mr. Throne helped materially by his various activities in making up that body of patriotic York Countians that formed an indispensable backing to the fighting men. 344 JAMES RUDISILL M R. James Rudisill, vice-president and superintendent of the York Printing Co.. was active in many phases of war work and served as secretary and chairman of the Pubhcity Committee, to which 35,000 citizens in York County signed a pledge of loyalty. He assisted in organizing the York County Chapter of the American Red Cross and served as chairman of the Publicity Committee, and later became the head of the Bureau of Development; was also a member of the Board of Directors and the Executive Committee. In the Liberty Loan Campaigns, Mr. Rudisill was a member of the Executive Committee of both the county and city organizations, and served as chairman of the Finance Committee of the Third, Fourth and Fifth Liberty Loans. The Governor appointed him a member of the Council of National Defense, and he was secretary of the War Council of York County; secretary of the Board of Directors and the Executive Committee; a member of the Board of Directors and Executive Committee, of the War Camp Community Service. By appointment of the Mayor, Mr. Rudisill was a member of the War Garden Commission of York. When the Boards of Instruction were added to the Draft Boards, he was appointed chairman of York City Draft Board No. 2, and served on all parade committees, having also been on the Peace Celebration Committee of York and the Welcome Home Committee, which went to Camp Dix to bring the York Companies of the Twenty-Eighth Division home in automobiles, of York County for the sale of War and Thrift Stamps. In 1919, Mr. Rudisill was chairman 345 E. S. HUGENTUGLER MAYOR E. S. HuGENTUGLER took an active and prominent part in all patriotic work during the World War. The City Hall may be said to have been a clearing house for such work during the war, and he took the lead, co-operating at all times with the Liberty Loan drives, the War Saving Stamp drives and acting in conjunction, for the welfare of the community, with the War Department at Washington. By special appointment of the President of the LInited States, he was Chairman of the registration bureau for the draft. He was also appointed by the Governor of Pennsylvania as chairman of the district Draft Board Number 2, during the entire period of the war. His conception of a plan to reproduce the old York Court House to be placed in the Square for the purpose of selling War Savings Stamps was accepted. Mayor Hugentugler was the leader in all of the patriotic demonstrations during the war and labored incessantly for the successful conclusion of York's War activities, in general. Especially was he willing to assist in every possible way those who entered the service. Mayor Hugentugler did all in his power so that it might be said that York played its part in this war as well as in the previous wars of our history. 346 J WARNER HEINEKAMP MR J. Warner Heinekamp, local Sales Agent for the National Cash Register Company, rendered important service to the community by his active participation in the home war work, particularly in the Liberty and Victory Loan drives, in every one of which he was a leading figure. He was a member of the Executive Committee of all Loan drives; Assistant Chairman of District Number 1, York City; for the Fourth Liberty Loan and the Victory Loan drives; Chairman of the Sales Committee for the Second Liberty Loan, Chairman of the Speakers' Committee of shop meetings for all five Loans, and he helped plan and organize the campaigns for each of the Loans. His earnest appeals for the support and co-operation of the York County people had much to do with the success of every Loan in York City and County. Mr. Heinekamp did not, however, confine his war work entirely to the Liberty Loan Campaigns. He was a Director of the War Council. City Chairman of the Thrift Stamps Committee for the first four months of 1918, and Chairman of the Speakers' Committee of shop meetings for the War Chest Drive, helping to send this drive, like all the Liberty Loan drives, "OVER THE TOP." [ 317 ] LIST OF WORKERS RECEIVING MEDALS VICTORY LIBERTY LOAN YORK COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA Chairman of County, Grier Hersh Secretary of County, Victor F. Lecoq, 3d Miss Clara A. Dempwolf Miss Janet C. Latimer Miss Hilda E. Kirchner Miss Nadine Gitt Miss Marguerite Wetmore DISTRICT NO. 1 YORK COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA Headquarters, 122 W. Market St., York, Pa. Ellis S. Lewis, Chairman Miss A. M. Gross, Secretary VICTORY LIRERTY ROND ORGANIZATION, FIFTH LOAN EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Ellis S. Lewis, Chairman. J. Warner Heinekamp, Asst. Chairman E. F. Weiser, Secretary Francis Farquhar Edward Leber M H. Wessell John M. Reifsnider James Rudisill 0. Roland Read Frank Rarry F. W. Zercher 348 Finance Committee James Rudisill, Chairman O. Roland Read Ellis S. Lewis Sales Committee William S. Bond. Chairman M. H. Wessell, Asst. Chairman 0. Roland Read J. W. Heinekamp James Rudisill J. M. Reifsnider Advertising Committee Frank W. Zercher, Chairman M. Haller Frey, Asst. A. E. Lehman R. W. Stagemyer Churches And Sunday Schools Frank Spahr, Chairman D. E. Small Spring Garden Township F. S. Elliot, Deputy Chairman W. H. Kurtz W. Manchester Township Edw. Bupp Albert R. Sprenkle, R. D. 1, York, Pa. Speakers Committee J. W. Heinekamp, Chairman Rev. W. H. Feldmann Edward Leber Rev. C. A. Getty In Charge of Distribution of Sup- plies, Honor Flags and Banners Michael R. Rupp, Chairman Miss Mary D. Cioll David E. Small Ralph Trout Publicity Committee Wadsworth George, Chairman E. F. Weiser A. C. Wiest W. L. Taylor Springettsbury Township Geo. L. Stallman West York Borough H. C. Stitt Employers' Committee Francis Farquhar Chairman P. A. Elsesser, Asst. Hon. E. S. Hugentugler F. R. Alvord J. E. Baker E. Guy Bastress W. S. Bond W. L. Brown D. Scott Bruce Walter Black Gordon Campbell C. H. Dempwolf, Sr. R. W. Emerton C E. Etnier A. B. Farquhar J. H. Findley H. N. Forry E. W. Gardner J. L. Gerber Paul J. Gilbert Max Grumbacher L. S. Hydeman C. L. Hoff H. L. King J. D. Jenkins M. N. Lehmayer Patrick Lonergan S. F. Laucks B. H. Loucks Wayne C. McFall Alex E. McLean C. M. Mehring Robt. L. Motter W. H. Myers G. W. Pfaltzgraff E. T. Preston Harry Read John M. Reifsnider C. P. Rice Benj. Root P. J. Rowan 349 Employers' Committee — Continued Geo. W. Ryan Geo. S. Schmidt H. S. Schmidt J. C. Schmidt Thos. Shipley E. J. Sinclair Geo. Small C. Elmer Smith H. D. Schmidt Geo. Stallman Saml. Strack Clayton J. Wallace Harry Washers Geo. U. Weiser Geo. H. Whiteley Geo. W. Williams Frank W. Zercher York Wall Paper Company W. R. RuttorfF L. M. Maxell A. F. Rillett Thomas Sutcliffe C. W. Stouch Wrightsville Hardware Company John W. Filbey Fred Dietz Martin-Parry Corporation Walter Ziegler R. E. McGurk George Wise C. F. Pritz Royce Kohr M. P. Eyster Schmidt and Ault Paper Company Thomas F. Heberley H. D. Quickel G. M. Wetmore H. R. Serf Robert A. G. Ault 0. W. Slane Glass Company W. H. Kutsch Herman Noss Sons William S. Noss John W. Noss Charles H. Noss Henry King John F. Lease York Safe and Lock Company A. C. Kinzie T. Tyrell Heiges L. Ellis Wagner Charles F. Kidd York Foundry and Machine Company Albert 0. Emig John D. Shutter York Corrugating Company J. A. Grass P. P. Long C. R. Long J. A. Potter Independent Lamp and Wire Co. Miss Mary C. Rond Franklin Silk Mill J. F. Smith S. Morgan Smith Company James S. T. Stray er Daniel G. Schroder A. C. Myers Edward Crouse Roy Owens Dan Lucking Geo. Schlaanstine E. P. Aldinger Walter Gray Ferdinand Witmer George Gross Peter Rentzel Edward Prince York Electric and Machine Company Henry Lucking Wilbert A. Lloyd Sherman Fahs Curtis Druck 350 Hench and Dromgold Company H. A. J. Ilgenfritz A. D. Sanders Pennsylvania Furniture Company Walter Young Charles Shindler C. H. Kellar George Brenneman Clayton Smyser Roy A. Smith Crystal Hosiery Mills Co. E. M. Fangfish WilHam H. Stock Read Machinery Company W. F. DeHuff Jere Hubley Oscar Richey William Schaffer William E. Wood Allen Quickel James A. Haldeman Harry Frederick Miss E. G. Yake Miss CD. Schaum William H. Ottermiller Company Lee R. White York Heating and Ventilating Co. Miss Lida E. Paup Miss Ada C. Pruden Palmer Lime and Cement Company Albert Mann Israel Staub R. Wagner C. Moore R. Boyd W. C. Cooper L. D. Boyd H. Heidler C. S. Bollinger W. H. Shanabiook J. A. Ford G. Y. Greiman J. F. King J. L. Schriver William Bates N. Brown A. Wilt A. F. Warne H. Turnbull J. F. Lewis H. Davis M. Radcliffe C. J. Weaver D. Yingling A. Ferree A. Zortman George Heffner Geo. L. Bott A. Wier E. Gohn B. S. Emenheiser Paul Anderson A. H. Hess C. Murphy A. C. Bair George Nickols G. G. Naughe D. Roy Nick Martin Weaver Lawrence SchefFer E. E. Runk Adam Garver A. Fidler Charles Akins American Chain Company M. Giresbach H. Mosebrook H. C. Poff J. H. Wiest York Metal and Alloy Company Maria A. Carroll Mary G. Eckenrode Arthur S. Morgan Philip W. Emerton [ .351 York Haven Paper Company Harry J. Myers G rover C. Koch Charles H. Kephart Samuel Hummer Joseph H. Schmidt John S. Fissel Benjamin Albright York Manufacturing Company William Stringer B. H. Loucks James Allison L. M. Becker Fred Kottcamp A. B. Frantz W. H. Myers W. M. Everhart H. E. Berger Baymond Shelly C. E. Newbould B. B. Meisenhelter P. W. Frailey F. M. Dick W. S. Knauss John Both J. C. Heiges E. F. Heckert F. S. Allen B. T. Whitehouse H. H. Schreiber F. E. Weaver W. I. Pratt W. H. Heagy F. 0. Metz C. E. Luckenbaugh Charles Oberdick Balph Thomas G. H. Lane H. Hamberger B. F. Kissinger N. A. Tschopp 0. H. Shaffer L. F. Gordon J. F. Witmer W. H. L. Spangler Frank Devers J. N. Berger W. H. Koons A. C. Kirk York Card and Paper Company Kate Hassler J. Grant Hassler John Eden Gustavus Jameson Harry Jones Thomas Grant Charlotte Hoffman B. B. McCoy Jacob K. Eisenhart WiUiam Magrath John Warner Ervin Becker Bobert Ervin Thomas Bell Harry Julius Steacy-Schmidt Manufacturing Co. W. C. Spangler Bosa M. Neuman John Stevens Charles France Charles Klinefelter D. M. Helm CM. Sterner T. E. Wiley Daniel Leicht Harry Hibner Paul Cooper Dentists' Supply Company Horace W. Benson Clyde Hughes George Anderson Helen M. Stump John E. Graybill Company Gertrude B. McSherry John S. Beynolds 352] Pennsylvania Railroad Freight Department Edward J. Sinclair R. R. Gilbert N. C. Dugan A. H. Sipe G. M. Young W. P. Gemmill York Tack and Nail Works H. G. Rudding York Rody Corporation Harry G. Eisenhart Howard C. Eisenhour J. M. Paules John A. Lynes West York Rorough J. A. Gross G. W. Myers Harry W. Lauer Jacob Joseph Zach. Lauer Harvey W. Frey J. M. Zinn Jacob G. Aldinger L. M. Glatfelter L. E. Oberlander Clarence Foose George Stauffer John M. Emig Jacob Ziegler Chas. Miller S. L. Murphy Wm. Rentz H. W. Eisenhart Harry Miller S. M. Raker W. L. Royd Isaac Stambaugh Chas. Myers James W. Gemmill Fred Smith K. L. Oberlander Jacob Hay West Manchester Township Levi F. Maul, 521 Penna. Ave. Alvin Daron. 519 Penna. Ave., Albert F. Miller, 434 Penna. Ave., Harry S. Juhus, R. D. No. 4, York. Roy McDonald, R. D. No. 4, York. George M. Reck, R. D. No. 1, York. R. E. Hamme, R. D. No. 1, York. Harry S. Fissel, Rair's. A. H. Sprenkle, R. D. No. 1, York. G. E. Moul. Graybill's. Emory Hoffman. R. D. No. 11, York. Geo. Heidlebaugh, R. D. No. 11, York. Augustus Hamme, R. D. No. 1. York, DISTRICT No. 2 Hanover Rorough Employees of Sheppard and Myers Company H. D. Sheppard C. N. Myers H. R. Hostetter C. W. Plowman C. H. AUewelt E. A. Schwartz J. A. Neuman J. C. Render R. R. Redding Harry Wise Cletus Rortner Edmund Frock F. A. Alwood Edward Redding C. A. Rrillhart Minerva McElwee Emma Messinger West Manheim Township M. E. Halter Howard Fuhrman Charles A. Wertz Theodore Utz John M. Leppo Ralph Rentzel EHas Nace Milton S. Sterner John F. Waltersdorff 353 ] Maxstheim Township Walter H. Swan Edward Kaltreider Henry Grote Samuel Huggins C. W. Swan C. A. Grote D. H. Snyder W. C. Rohrbaugh J. I. Baugher D. S. Dubbs N. S. Sellers C. F. Kerschner Albert J. Wildasin Wesley D. Fuhrman Heidelberg Township W. G. Kraft H. W. Hoke H. B. Shutt E. S. Brillhart W. H. Rohrbaugh J. B. Bringman Herman Garrett J. Q. A. Spangler Norman S. Banner WiUiam JN. Menges Penn Township T. S. Bortner Martin Wildasin Israel Wildasin Charles M. Miller W. L. Zepp J. C. Krebs Paul Winebrenner Boderick Fisher Chnton Gobrecht Charles Albright H. Oscar Lange J. H. Zartman DISTBICT No. 2 Mrs. a. S. Dechant, Chairman. Hanover Mrs. M. D. Bishop, Chairman Miss A. Kate Schriver Miss JuUet Hostetter Miss Nettie Hostetter Miss Ruth Sell Mrs. Wilham Shultz Mrs. Emory Eichelberger Miss Christine Schmuck Mrs. H. B. Winebrenner, Chairman Mrs. Chas. Wirt Mrs. H. Weidner Mrs. C. Slagle Mrs. H. W. Miller Miss Sadie Everhart Miss Estelle Everhart Miss Carrie Felty Mrs. Mary Wentz Mrs Wm. Carver Mrs. Jacob Trone Mrs. W. E. SchafTer, Chairman Mrs. J. H. Bittinger Mrs. H. Becker Mrs. C. M. Schaeffer Mrs. R. M. Wirt Mrs. Jesse Bollinger Miss Anna Forney Mrs. C. J. Delone Mrs. Ross Black, Chairman Miss Sarah Dusman Miss Lillian Frey Miss Jennie Swartz Mrs. Viola Sheely Mrs. Harry Hart Mrs. Geo. Wentz Mrs. Wm. Bingley Mrs. Oliver Throne Mrs. Daniel Wentz Mrs. Wm. Bateman Mrs. Emory Swartz Mrs. Earl Meckley Mrs. T. J. O'Neill, Chairman Mrs. Frank Smith Mrs. Fred Kintzing Mrs. Maurice Nace Mrs. S. B. Daugherty Mrs. Wm. Morning Mrs. Calvin Frey Mrs. Frank Cremer Mrs. Martin Moul 354 Mrs. Chas. Heckendorn Mrs. Philip Forney Miss Helen Holliday Mrs. Fred Weber Mrs. T. F. Chrostwaite. Chairman Mrs. B. Edmunds Mrs. Chas. Billmeyer Mrs. E. C. Phraener Mrs. Harry Ehrhart Miss Katherine Brough Mrs. Wm. Pitts Miss Esther Moul, Chairman Mrs. Hoke Smith Mrs. Wm. Melhorn Miss Amelia Melsheimer Mrs. H. A. Smith Mrs. Ross Hostetter Mrs. Jesse Gitt Miss Helen Young Mrs. Paul A. Hoke Miss Mary Kump Mrs. Alvin Nissley Mrs. T. H. Charmbury Mrs. Grace Trone Mrs. Samuel Witmer Penn Township Mrs. Wm. Zepp, Chairman Miss Naomi Spangler Miss Hilda Bollinger Miss Cora Myers Miss Naomi Reck Mrs. Isaiah Myers Mrs. J. McFaddin Mrs. Emory Becker Mrs. George Melhorn Manheim Township Mrs. C. W. Swan, Chairman Mrs. S. P. Bange Mrs. C. F. Kerchner Mrs. Henry Grote Mrs. Edw. Kaltreider Mrs. Monroe Rohrbaugh West Manheim Township Mrs. C. A. Wertz, Chairman Mrs. Wm. Shue Mrs. Lloyd Garrett Mrs. John Leppo Mrs. Ehas Nace Heidelberg Township Miss Mary Spangler, Chairman Miss Irma Moul Miss Elizabeth Snyder DISTRICT No. 3 J. C. Heckert, Chairman OF District Dallastown Borough I. H. Rojahn, Chairman 0. W. Reachard W. H. Raab W. H. Peters, Sr. Mathias Reigart C. H. Kohler Samuel Showalter Rev. G. L. Maice Rev. E. C. B. Castle Rev. C. M. Ehehalt Wm. Wagman H. R. Sprenkle Fred Druck John Henschke M. L. Zeigler Paul Martin Rev. S. L. Hench J. J. Daugherty James Taylor W. H. Knaub J. W. Minnich H. L. Spatz Francis B. Nefl" Perth Smith P. E. Keesey YoE Borough J. W. Snyder, Chairman T. M. C." Smith John Sheneberger G. A. Kohler 355 ] YoE Borough — Continued B. S. Taylor Ralph Musser C. S. Snyder Jacob Taylor J. 0. Snyder H. D. Sentz B. J. Slenker LOGANVILLE BoROUGH Wm. H. Sprenkle, Chairman C. S. Lowe John Glatfelter E. R. Krout Harry Miller H. C. Diehl Nelson A. Krout C. B. Yost R. A. Goodhng D. B. Goodling J. F. Goodling Leo. Gladfelter W. H. Smith Seven Valley Borough Wm. H. Snyder, Chairman Curtis 0. Goodling H. L. Brenneman J. E. Deveney H. E. Henry Rev. S. H. Culler C. W. KUnedinst E. G. Fishel J. A. Bubb Dr. G. M. Fickes York Township H. L. Perry, Chairman John W. Schmidt H. G. Stabley Samuel F. Kriedler George Pifer H. L. Perry S. S. Laucks Edw. Gohn Howard Fitz Elmer C. Strickler Harry Hovis S. T. Gotwalt Wm. Beavenour Samuel Grove Thomas McCormick James McDowell James Raab John Hoover George Kornbau Noah Inners EH Wineka Geo. M. Leader E. J. Stiles Jesse Knaub Frank Hovis Springfield Township S. S. Kessler, Chairman F. R. Krout Charles Rennoll Jacob Goodling J. A. Khnedinst Bart A. Trout Harry Hartman Fred Faust C. Edward Snyder Pierce Hengst H. G. Yost H. J. Geiselman Frank Miller Charles Williams Paul Kohler Miss Florence Walter, Chairman, YoE Borough Miss Elesta Kreidler, Chairman Miss Elsia Springer Miss Amelia Snyder Miss Ruth Sechrist Miss Lottie Kohler Miss Lizzie Stump Miss Blanche Musser Miss Salada Snyder Seven Valleys Borough Miss Rosie Henry, Chairman Miss Lenore Lau Miss Anna Fishel Miss Lucv Glatfelter 356 LOGANVILLE BoROUGH Mrs. W. H. Smith, Chairman Mrs. G. Atlee Goodling Miss Erma Baum Miss Mary Flinchbaugh York Township Mrs. H. L. Perry, Chairman Mrs. P. H. Grove Mrs. Frank Hovis Mrs. Geo. M. Leader Springfield Township Mrs. P. E. Kohler, Chairman Miss Marie Foust Miss Lorna Kohler Miss Alberta Krout Miss Dora Beck Mrs. Walter Shearer Miss Buth Yost Mrs. Rufus Williams T. C. Miller W. A. Thompson C. F. Roseman J. M. Flinchbaugh Horace Welty C. E. Mayes W. F. Boeckel Daniel Spangler Dr. G. N. Yagle G. 0. Meads D. P. Gipe J. T. Briggs Charles Zarfoss Alvin Fauth W. C. Frutiger Felton Borough B. S. Sentz, Chairman J. A. Myers F. 0. Saylor J. P. Reichard DISTRICT No. 4 C. S. LaMotte, Chairman of District Red Lion Borough John Gebbard J. B Sechrist J. C. Winters E. E. Tyson C. E. Smith A. C. Frey Dr. J. M. Hyson M. C. Holtzinger Dr. C. N. Trout D. C. Kauffman G. E. Myers G. A. Strobeck A. S. Frey W. W. Stauffer Jacob Streavig Frank Kaltreider W. J. Neff J. B. Warner James Carroll H. W. Sheeler W. M. Gemmill Windsor Borough W. W. Wallace, Cliairman S. S. Smith Park Holtzinger John N. Flinchbaugh John A. Shearer Windsor Township H. J. Throne, Chairman Lee Emenheiser Albert Kaltreider W. H. Campbell Mrs. W. H. Lanius Mrs. William Wilson William Wilson Henry Holtzinger Florence Haines M. M. Miller John Slenker George Quickel Rosa Knisley I. H. LaMotte C. H. Grove Harry Flinchbaugh 35' Chanceford Township Isaac Sample, Chairman H. C. Beard, Chairman William Smeltzer J. T. Grove Harry Grove J. D. Urey T. Z. Boyd R. B. Graham E. O. Moore W. H. Wise Charles ShauU Mr. Shenk Harry Brown Cyrus Runkle J. W. C. Buckingham Charles Skoff Dr. J. W. Shenberger J. A. Haugh Jacob Keener Henry Gipe S. W. Haugh Nesl Daugherty F. H. Shenberger Mrs. J. C. Atkins, Chairnian, Red Lion Borough Mrs. S. S. Sechrist, Chairman Mrs. D. A. Horn Mrs. Harry McGuigan Mrs Edward Holloway Mrs. Latimer Tosh Mrs. Stanley Stewart Mrs. Austin Wright Mrs. Harry Craley Mrs. William Thompson Mrs. James Thompson Mrs. Emory Saylor Miss Minnie Schlag Miss Mabel Grove Chanceford Township Mrs. J. V. Trout, Chairman Mrs. Esta Douglass Mrs. Maggie Posey Mrs. EUsha Riale Mrs. Wm. Heaps Mrs. Ethel Curran Mrs. Wm. Blouse Felton Borough Mrs. F. 0. Saylor, Chairman Mrs. G. A. Warner Mr. John Myers Windsor Borough Mrs. Samuel Arnold, Chairman Mrs. Clayton Smith Mrs. Amanda Gemmill Mrs. Blanche Herman Miss Mamie lUgas Windsor Township Mrs. John Lanius, Chairman Miss Carrie Flinchbaugh Miss Laura Miller Miss Myrtle Douglas Miss Stella Baker Mrs. John Flory Mrs. Wm. Wilson Mrs. Wm. Campbell Miss Vera Zeigler Mr. Lee Emenheiser Mr. Ervin Kaltreider DISTRICT No. 5 Mr. E. W. Keyser, Chairman of District Delta Delta Borough H. J. Evans, Chairman John R. WiUiams 0. C. Jones Samuel Fullerton Fawn Grove Borough L. R. Whitaker, Chairman W. E. Manifold L. E. Devilbiss Fawn Township L. M. Brown, Chairman J. G. Hostler H. G. Allen H. N. Anderson D. R. Anderson 358 Fawn Township — Continued R. H. Gamble John E. Anderson Vallie Hawkins A. L. Haley James E. Neal R. B. Hyson G. W. McPherson Peach Bottom Township Benj. P. Stubbs, Chairman Harry G. Boyd L. H. Sample B. P. Hughes J. W. Mackinson J. L. Thompson Edward G. Ruff H. Smith Fulton Abel Morris Lower Chanceford Township E. M. Kilgore, Chairman Robert E. Neely, Chairman W. J. Reed John Kennedy Jas. K. Grove H. C. Manifold C. C. Smith S. F. Ruff S. F. Johnson M. R. McDowell Thos. N. Walker J. Nelson Kilgore J. Roy Showalter John L. Scott V. C. Colvin Ralph W. Anderson Cyrus B. Holmes Thomas C. Plett M. L. Hess W. S. Pomraning Geo. Snodgrass John W. Atkins John S. Barnett C. W. Gemmill Wm. F. Becksteadt E. W. Stewart Edward Heffner Mrs. S. J. Barnett, Chairman, Delta Delta Miss Odessa Weeks, Chairman Miss Margaret Morris Miss Mary Arnold Miss Marietta Williams Miss Marjorie Sellers Miss Olla Barnett Miss Florence Wheeler Miss Mary Cooper Mrs. H. J. Evans Mrs. Frank Kuich Mrs. B. W. Jones Lower Chanceford township Mrs. J. Ross Wiley. Chairman Mrs. C. C. Smith Miss Rebecca Atkins Miss Olga Snyder Miss Jessie Shenck Miss Mattie Wallace Mrs. J. R. Showalter Miss Sara Plett Fawn Grove Mrs. James Smith, Chairman Mrs. Clarence Qrr Peach Bottom Township Mrs. Chas. A. Hawkins, Chairman Mrs. B. P. Stubbs Miss Ruth Thomas Miss Mary Thompson Mrs. Clarence Snyder Mrs. Smith Fulton Mrs. E. G. Ruff Mrs. L. H. Sample Mrs. Byron P. Hughes Mrs. Harry Mackison Mrs. Maxwell Scarborough Mrs. J. Hayden Jones Fawn Township Mrs. D. R. Anderson, Chairman Mrs. Wilbur Norris Mrs. Geo. Jones 359 Fawn Township — Continued Mrs. Ida Channell Miss Grace Wiley Mrs. James Neal Mrs. Roy Brown Mrs. Calvin Wallace Mrs. R. Scarborough Mrs. W. McPherson Mrs. Daniel McElwain DISTRICT No. 6 Wm. F. Logan, Chairman of District Cross Roads winterstown borough W. L. Mitzel, Chairman E. H. Banister Spencer Mitzel Cross Roads Borough James M. Smith, Chairman S. 0. Smith Stewartstown Borough Thomas Fulton, Chairman Frank D. Smith Hopewell Township Thomas Rehers, Chairman Abraham Waltemeyer Allen Rhemeyer Elijah Thompson Emanuel Bowman Samuel Collins Samuel Zellers Joseph Zeigler J. B. Thompson Fulton Payne Wm. Kurtz R. H. McDonnall East Hopewell Township H. C. Manifold, Chairman J. R. W. Keesey J. Gemmill Trout Chas. A. Wilson J. F. Maughhn Thomas ToUinger Wm. Schall Dr. J. S. Kyle B. W. Schenchk Emma Miller Payne Manifold North Hopewell Township Sterling Kinkle, Chairman Grant Hildebrand Chas. F. Mundis Elmer Hake S. C. Godfrey J. W. Shafer W. 0. Grove Wm. Stabley Marvin Strayer Horace Hake Henry Nichols Henry Grove Simon A. Barshinger Mrs Homer Zellers, Chairman Stewartstown Cross Roads Borough Miss Mazie Lutz, Chairman Miss Olive Shaul Miss Effie E. Lutz Stewartstown Borough Mrs. T. B. Fulton, Chairman Mrs. C. W. Shaw Mrs. J. Nelson Dunnick Mrs. G. W. Devilbliss Miss Marion Klinefelter Mrs. Ray Zeigler North Hopewell Township Mrs. Horace Hake, Chairman Miss Flo. Runkle Miss Hazel Hess Mrs. Thomas Zellers Miss Erma Raughman Miss Alverta Diehl Miss Grace Hildebrand Miss Naomi Herbst 360 Hopewell Township Mrs. Everett Gemmill, Chairman Miss Anna Gordon Miss Etta Brillhart Mrs. E. P. Thompson Mrs. Reynolds Manifold Mrs. Jacob Althouse Mrs. Everett Wiley Mrs. J. W. Lanius Miss Mayfield Zellers Miss Bessie Kerlinger Miss Nellie Norris Mrs. W. N. Williams Miss Florence Bose East Hopewell Township Mrs. Payne Manifold, Chairman Miss Mary Kner, Chairman Miss Ruth Keesey Miss Margaret Manifold Miss Mary Maughlin Miss Erdean Trout WiNTERSTOWN ROROUGH Mrs. H. F. Grim DISTRICT No. 7 Mr. W. H. Freed, Chairman of District, New Freedom Railroad Borough C. H. Grove W. C. Klinefelter Levi Gerbrick H. G. Selling M. R. Day George Blouse Thomas Singer Emory Grove Shrewsbury Borough E. E. Allen Oscar Strawbridge H. W. Grove Rev. J. F. Andrews Tobias Brown Charles A. Oesser New Freedom Borough J. B. Young J. H. L. Boyer W. H. Freed Ira S. Painter H. C. Hendrix F. H. Hartenstein Ellis Herman O. S. Shirey W. S. Grove Maurice Spector Miss Ada Geiple, Chairman, Glen Rock Mrs. Clyde Seitz, Chairman Miss Marion Seitz Miss Ava Wambaugh Miss Ruth Price Miss Myra Grove Miss Mamie Sotdorus Miss Fern Goodling Miss Maiy Hershey Jefferson Mrs. Fred Shive Miss Miranda Stick Glenville Miss Janet Ehrhart Miss Rarbehenn Shrewsbury Miss Irene Grove DISTRICT No. 8 W. L. Glatfelter, Chairman of District York New Salem Borough Dr. 0. A. Delle, Chairman Abner Swartz Paul Eyster John Yf)ung .361 Spring Grove Borough John H. Thomas, Chairman Chas. H. Meyers Paul F. Lau Chas. H. Smith Jesse Zeigler George Yohe Mc. C. Swartz Spring Grove Paper Mill H. F. Mahaley W. S. McClellan North Codorus Township R. E. Welsh, Chairman Howard F. Beck, Chairman W. H. Senft R. D. Gentzler A. Chas. Senft Jacob S. Nace H. K. Bentz Leroy S. Forry C. E. Harbold E. L. Brenneman Wm. S. Hamm Harry Stambaugh Luther Keesler I. J. Fishel Abner Brenneman H. F. Beck H. J. Glatfelter Jackson Township , Frank Hoke, Chairman C. H. Trone, Chairman W. S. Hoover Jos. Martin Paul Hoke Clarence Kohler Elmer Eisenhart J. N. Falkenstine John S. Mummer t Michael L. Myers Henry Heiland Clayton Miller H. H. Loose Clinton Moul Paradise Township Luther Lau, Chairmen Freizer Altland, Chairman Chas. Reynold Pierce Stambaugh Edw. Stambaugh P. N. Spangler Luther Lau Harry Shireman Z. E. Craumer George Gable James Staub George B. Baker Harry Berkheimer Mrs. p. H. Glatfelter, Chairman, District No. 8, Spring Grove Spring Grove Miss Sayde E. Glatfelter, Chairman Mrs. J. C. Overmiller Mrs. H. F. Mahaley Miss Mary Stover Mrs. George Welsh Mrs. McClellan B. Kraft Miss Katherine Stauffer Miss Winifred Kauflfman Miss Estella Thomas Miss Amy Jacobs Miss Ruby Myers Miss Esther Stauffer Miss Edna Senft Mrs. Wilham McClellan Miss Julia Sprenkle York New Salem Mrs. 0. A. Delle, Chairman Miss Esther Eyester North Codorus Township Miss Stella Senft, Chairman Miss Lillian Stauffer Miss Viola Bunk Miss Carrie Zortman Miss Bess Leese Miss Salome Dinterman 362 Paradise Township Mrs. John Berkheimer Miss Savoy Craumer Jackson Township Miss Mary Hoke Miss Katie Hoke Miss Pauline Julius Miss Cathryn Loose Miss Almeda Sauder Mrs. R. C. Mummert Miss Gertrude Swartz DISTRICT No. 9 W. D. Brougher, Chairman of District Wellsville Dover Borough Dr. N. C. Wallace, Chairman P. A. Lauer James Stambaugh Albert Reaser Curvin Stough Wellsville Borough Wm. Anthony, Chairman E. J. Gerber Silas Pfaltzgraff Dover Township Dr. N. C. Wallace, Chairman Henry Lauer David L. Juhus Andrew J. Gerber Irviii Spahr Alvin R. Gross Peter J. Bott Wm. H. Owens L. L. Drawbaugh Milton Metz Curtis H. Lichty Henry Emig John L. May Edw. F. Sweitzer Elmer N. Crone Wm. C. Arnold Harry P. JuUus James G. Markey Samuel A. Stough Jos. R. Naylor C. C. Juhus C. A. Lauer Warrington Township Chas. G. Elicker, Chairman C. U. Spangler C. E. Cook Harry Reaser B. P. Krone C. G. Brougher A. L. Weirman M. C. Crone Rush Zeigler David Hobaugh J. K. Cadwallader C. Z. March Washington Township Harry Hollinger J. G. Deardorff A. A. Firestone Jacob Baker W. A Sinner F. M. Sealover Wm. A. Zeigler 0. S. Hoffman H. B. Juhus Wilbur Krall David Cadwallader Alfred J. Harbold Mrs. W. D. Brougher, Chairman District No. 9 Wellsville Wellsville Miss Bess Cadwallader, Chairman Miss Grace Apple Mrs. Carrie Weaver Mrs. Lettie Watkins Dover Borough Mrs. N. C. Wallace, Chairman Mrs. C. J. Hamme 363 Dover Township Mrs. N. C. Wallace, Chairman Miss Anna Gross Mrs. Harry Lauer Mrs. Wm. Hamme Mrs. Mary Neiman Miss Edna Julius Mrs. H. Gerber Miss Jessie Heilman Mrs. C. 0. Klepper Miss Lucy Feiser Miss Lillie KaufTman Mrs. J. E. Miller Mrs. George Heilman Mrs. Harvey Naylor Warrington Township Mrs. C. U. Spangler, Chairman Mrs. Rush Zeigler Miss Blanche Hobaugh Mrs. Niles Shearer Mrs. M. L. Laird Mrs. C. G. Brougher Mrs. C. G. Nesbit Mrs. Roland Coulson Mrs. Raymond Hartman Washington Township Mrs. Harry H. HoUinger, Chairman Mrs. A. A. Firestone Miss Rebecca Julius Miss Clara Julius Miss Mabel Wallace Miss Anna HofTman Mrs. W. A. Sinner Miss Alma Firestone Mrs. J. E. Gochenour Mrs. Portis Smith Miss Clara DeardorfF DISTRICT No. 10 J. S. Kapp, Chairman of District DiLLSBURG DiLLSBURG Borough L. L. Bentz, Chairman R. B. Nelson Robert McClure Chester Stauffer J. A. Goudy G. E. Seifert J. W. Millard W. P. Deardorff James Spera W. B. Spahr Franklintown Borough J. G. Spidel, Chairman James Lau D. E. Wolf A. M. Shultz Samuel C. Baker Monaghan Township Hon. L. M. Myers, Chairman D. D. Myers Ira C. Myers Wm. Hyde Edw. Bigler Russell Myers Carroll Township C. P. Albert, Chairman J. S. Hess, Chairman Chas. E. Baker Wm. Klinedinst Levi Fishel T. G. Cook George E. Bentz Daniel Haar Howard Albert Franklin Township G. W. Dickm, Chairman W. P. Spahr J. W. Baish J. F. Evans 0. F. Arnold C. R. Angell Park C. Shultz Jacob A. Peterman 364 DISTRICT No. 11 Mrs. Edward Shearer, District No. 11 Chairman, York Haven York Haven Mrs. H. 0. Meads Mrs. Charles Bare Mrs. J. H. Schmitt Miss Margaret Snelbaker COLDSBORO Miss Pansy Zortman Mrs. D. B. Bair Lewisberry Mrs. E. U. Laird Mrs. H. M. Sutton Newberry Township Mrs. Ira E. Warner Mrs. William Eppley Mrs. T. A. Yost Miss Mary Beshore Fairview Mrs. Naomi Greenfield Miss Annie Moore DISTRICT No. 12 C. W. Whilser, 'Chairman of District Mt. Wolf, Pa. Mt. Wolf Philip Hoover Chas. Decker Wm. Dubs Harvey Kann Wm. Shindle S. T. Peeling J. C. Fink D. C. Sunday J. F. Buser J. Edward Fink Mrs. Park Wogan, Chairman Mt. Wolf Manchester Miss Ada Gross Miss Sarah Dietz Miss Theda Jacobs Mt. Wolf Miss Nellie Hartman Miss Mabel Miller Mrs. R. B. Stock Mrs. Chas. Cross Emigsville Miss Bertha Fisher Miss Manie Wintermyer Miss Virgie Thomas Mrs. H. T. Mullen Miss Mary Neiman Mrs. A. F. Stacks DISTRICT No. 13 W. E. Weller, Chairman of District Wrightsville Benjamin Mittel St. Clair Wallace J. P. Wallace Harrison M. Hivner Stewart Leiphart L. D. Haines J. D. Burg Hiram E. Nauss W. P. Dougherty Fred Dietz Harry L. Gilbert W. E. Weller E. B. Stoner W. C. Blessing R. P. Wilton J. K. Leber Wilton Cook Mrs. Jesse D. Burg Mr. C. A. Elliott, Jr. E. W. Leik A. D. Poff 36.5 Mrs. Wilton Cook, District No. 13 Chairman, Wrightsville Wrightsville Mrs. J. 0. Updegrove, Chairman Miss Nellie Heppenstall Miss Helen Freet Miss Myrtle Updegrove Miss Jennie Weitzel Miss Elizabeth Weitzel Mrs. Ira Kraybill Mrs. Hattie Nauss Miss Melva Etzweiler Miss Blanche Townsley Miss Sarah Raymond Miss Emma Lehman Miss Janet Smith Miss Eugenia Drenning YORKANA Miss Elmira Keller Hallam Miss Mildred Strickler Lower Windsor Township Miss Pearl Detwiler Hallam Township Miss Janet Sprenkle Miss Maggie Landis Miss Bertha Stoner Miss Anna Lehman Miss Ellen Lindsay Miss Helen Shenberger Miss Mame Strickler Miss Vern A. Poff Miss Marion W. Cook FIFTH LIBERTY LOAN SALES COMMITTEE Mrs. Max Grumbacher, Chairman Mrs. W. S. Bond, Chairman HOUSE TO HOUSE CAMPAIGN Team No. 4 won the first prize, consisting of helmets and medals, for selling the most Liberty Bonds of the forty -five teams. Captain — Mrs. Marcus Auschnitt Mrs. Horace Kroll Miss Sallie Klinefelter Miss Florence Reist Miss Mary Stair Mrs. Preston Stauffer Mrs. J. E. Throne Miss Mary Vandersloot Miss Louise Zeigler Miss Helen Zeigler Captain — Mrs. D. Scott Bruce Mrs. Urban Hershey Mrs. H. J. Longenecker Mrs. H. C. Newswanger Mrs. Arthur Pringle Mrs. Irvin Sniper Mrs. H. S. Schmidt Mrs. Wm. Switzer Mrs. D. R. Stewart Mrs. Harry Zech 366 Captain — Mrs. Francis Farquhar Mrs. Wm. 0. Thompson Mrs. Charles Polack Miss Catherine Gillen Mrs. Chas. Moul Mrs. Robt. McKinnon Miss Ahce Neff Mrs. George Neff Mrs. Helen Shultz Mrs. Chas. Young Miss Mary Fisher Captain — Miss Arlene Dromgold Mrs. Chas. Eichelberger Miss Florence Frederick Miss Helen Gartside Mrs. Ingeborg Maxwell Miss Betty Long Miss Elmyra McClune Miss Laura Neff Miss Irma Slauter Miss Nora Smith Captain — Mrs. David Getz Mrs. Walter Biddle Mrs. Harry Dusman Mrs. Charles Leafe Mrs. John Lafean Mrs. Harry Moore Mrs. F. V. Moore Mrs. Wm. Miller Mrs. Mary Rudy Mrs. W. Spangler Mrs. John Small Mrs. L. U. Zech Captain — Mrs. Carlton Hoff Mrs. Charles Beck Miss Nancy King Miss Anna Lewis Miss Elizabeth McConkey Miss Hannah McConkey Miss Harriet Robison Miss Jane Rosenmiller Miss Catherine Rosenmiller Mrs. John Steacy Miss Pauline Washers Miss Mary Weiser 7 Captain — Miss Anna Huber Mrs. Chas. M. Bilhneyer Mrs. Frederick Hiller Mrs. D. F. Hallock Mrs. John F. Hartman Miss Mary E. Jessop Mrs. John F. Kell Mrs. W. L. Long Mrs. Arch Miller Mrs. Jacob Spangler Mrs. Joseph Strawbridge Mrs. George Steacy Captain — Mrs. Leon Hydeman Miss Emma Black Miss Helen Dodson Mrs. Joe Kindig Mrs. Harry Kottcamp Mrs. A. C. Kinzie Mrs. J. W. McKinnon Mrs. Irvin Ruler Mrs. Theodore Strickhouser Mrs. J. H. Stewart Miss Ethel Siers Captain — Mrs. Abram Jandorf Miss Marie Flicker Mrs. Sol. Fuld Mrs. Morton Jandorf Mrs. L. R. Lehmayer Mrs. Joseph Lehmayer Miss Gertrude Luria Mrs. David Samuels Mrs. Sol. Walker .36 < 10 Captain — Mrs. John Landers Mrs. F. S. Brandt Miss Anna Bond Miss Emma Bosshart Mrs. Chas. Castle Miss Myrtle Duke Miss Reba Morehouse Miss Lillian Quickel Mrs. M. B. Smyser 11 Captain— Mrs. Harry E. Miller Miss Grace Doll Mrs. H. W. Eisenhart Miss Iva Ernst Mrs. Clifford Hoffman Mrs. Emory Joseph Mrs. Edw. Keezling Mrs. Elmer Myers Mrs. Walter Sweigart Miss Julia Spangler 14 Captain — Griffith Amies Luther Doll Geo. Heckert Wm. Lehmeyer Louis Lehmeyer John Mace Eugene Stumpf H. Clay Shelly Clarence Yeatts J. M. Zinn 15 Captain — P. W. Aughenbaugh L. J. Allen C. B. Bishop H. C. Bowman H. E. Humbaugh J. B. Ketterman H. P. Palmer H. B. Wolf M. H. Wessel 12 Captain — Mrs. E. T. Preston Mrs. Fred Gerber Mrs. Stuart Heighes Mrs. J. E. Lee Mrs. Frank Murray Mrs. H. Luke Owen Mrs. Perry Stout Mrs. Wilmer Throne Miss Clara Black 16 Captain — Walter L. Bond Frank W. Devers C. E. Emig C. J. Gnau Clayton Krone Jos. A. Murray Chas. A. May S. B. Aleisenhelder M. F. Niles 13 Captain — Miss Louise Spahr Mrs. Halbert Baylor Miss Lydia Erwin Miss Helen Ehrenfeld Miss Florence Harnish Miss Rae Kohler Mrs. J. F. Klinedinst Miss Katherine Mundorf Mrs. Claude Peterman Mrs. Eugene F. Weiser 17 Captain — Dale Dorney Philip F. Aldinger Nevin D. Fahs Clarence C. Frey Joseph F. Gleason A. Harry Lehr R. Frank Owings Stanley D. Owings Paul J. Bees J. L Thomas 368 18 Captain — Wm. E. Duff W. T. Durr H. A. Stiles J. J. Bowser H. B. Hess Raymond Gentzler Donald Darbyshire Fred Shearer Cortez Gantz Vernon Frey 19 Captain— J. M. Ebbert C. E. Billheimer C. C. Burgesser Emery W. Brandt C. B. Ilollingsworth Horace D. Keeler W. W. Lease Dr. Ira S. McDoweU W. H. Selemeyer Philip R. Wiest 20 Captain — S. Fuld Max S. Haas Harry Bowman John Roehm Howard J. Haas Samuel Kauffman Henry Myers Robert Shiller John Zimmerman - 21 Captain — Morgan E. Gipe W. Boyer F. L. Glendmeyer W. H. Keller J. W. Robinson D. D. Strite E. S. Spangler M. G. Stees Percy W. Small Geo. W. Wertz Edward Reineberg 22 Captain — Eugene Gillespie Joseph Black, Jr. Felix S. Bentzel Clarence S. Gabel H. B. Gillespie Charles Jacobs Benjamin B. Lamotte Carl L. Lafean Herbert G. Myers Chester G. Myers Harry S. Nickel 23 Captain — Eddie L. Herr R. P. Anderson H. D. Bancroft W. H. Boll P. L. Diehl H. G. Eaton H. N. Forrey Roy S. Fox C. T. Jenkins Walter F. Owen 24 Captain — E. A. Heckert John M. Reifsnider Karl Enz Geo. Gross J. A. Lehr G. W. Pfaltzgraff Guy Stover R. K. Stallsmith F. R. Stauffer S. P. Wilhams 25 Captain — Oscar H. Heckert P. E. McNitt R. F. Owings John A. Weiser 369 26 30 Captain — H. Samuel Hays Fred Hoffmerey C. C. Holler H. E. Kottcamp Eli G. Leathery Wilbur Leathery John W. Mumma Irvin Ruler Spurgeon Seitz Wm. Strickhouser Captain — Geo. A. Jessop Irvin Bookman W. B. Billmeyer Captain F. G. Dempwolf George K. Foust E. U. Gibbs R. A. Long Louis C. Mayer Charles A. Owen Charles Spence 27 Captain — L. C. Hawk John D. Bailey C. J. Chronister James Dawes P. S. Forry Z. C. Shue J. D. Spangler H. C. Strausbaugh C. S. Snyder 28 Captain — Chester H. Johnson E. E. Frey Clarence S. Hoover David Kagen H. H. Lindemuth Harvey C. Newswanger Hubert H. Rosser Herbert S. Schmidt Milton Stees A. H. Wantland 29 Captain — F. J. Johns E. E. Currens Frank Dietrich F. J. Eline Claire Eline L E. Frey D. W. Hubley D. S. Nagle C. M. Reiffe P. E. Strawsbaugh 31 Captain — 0. H. Lucas Harry Adams Edward S. Frey Samuel Gregory Robert Immel George Landis Jas. A. Lichty Edward Leber Walter G. McBlain C. L. Peterman 32 Captain — Patrick Lonergan C. F. Borgel S. A. Bruggeman Thos. J. Carroll Charles Castle C. J. Helfrich John E. Helfrich John J. Landers Geo. Marlow T. J. McNeils 33 Captain — H. J. Longenecker Charles Berger E. U. Gibbs Charles Myers Charles Moore C. R. Stewart Gabriel A. Voss Arthur Young 370 34 38 Captain — Geo. L. Miller Harold Sylversten E. A. Bollinger Walter Gilbert Mr. Locher Ralph Meisenhelder Wm. H. Miller John F. Rudisill Geo. L. Stark J. Wm. Stair 35 Captain — Dr. Raymond Neiman J. F. Boyer Raymond Kinzie Ralph Meisenhelder Harry Nichols Edw. Swartz Harry Sakemiller 36 Captain — Arthur D. Pringle Chas. Erisman Geo. Epley Samuel Feiser John E. Gray bill Geo. Hoover Geo. Hummel W. L. Mann Percy Miller R. J. Peschko A. W. Sidesinger Adam Smyser Captain — Lee Reineberg Harry E. Bamer John Bellinger John Deininger Thos. Heller Dr. J. H. Howell Oscar Kranich Wm. M. Miller Paul Schminke Wm. S. Wanner Captain — Benj. T. Root F. S. Barrick Wm. Christensen F. S. KaufTman P. G. Mundorf Walter H. Owens Arthur Patterson C. W. RoUfe W. B. Senft 39 Captain — Walter C. Sudick George F. Birchall John T. Hummer Geo. H. Leber Harry L. McNeal Norbert Neuman Samuel Ruby Clayton P. Rutt Linius E. Topper Carl S. Wittmer 40 Captain — Frank W. Stahlheber Eli Bream Harold B. Gilman John B. Laucks Walter B. Sickler Harry E. Smith William H. Trimmer J. A. Walker 41 Captain — Ralph Thomas Harry Berger Robert F. Bates Halleck B. Beck Charles Elsesser Geo. H. Ginter A. R. Huffeditz William Heagy Edw. Luckenbach Earl Swords Walter H. L. Sp angler 371 42 45 Captain — G. M. Wetmore M. L. Howard Thos. F. Heberly H. D. Quickel J. I. Sp angler Geo. V. Stein Harry R. Serf Spurgeon Spangler 43 Captain — Henry Washers 0. 0. Ettline ^ Horace B. Faber Clarence Mader J. W. Richley CD. Smith Monroe Shadle Arthur Thompson H. C. Ulmer 44 Captain — Harry S. Wiest John Brandt David Garver Wayne McFall James Rodgers Harvey Smith B. A. Shorb Phil Stair Guy Sheets John Trimmer Captain — W. J. Woods D. G. Aungst John Boyer Mr. Dietrick H. H. Johnson H. E. Lesher M. W. Mitzel H. E. Musselman H. F. Stoner Latimer Thompson L. S. Yost Springettsbury Township Captain — Mrs. Geo. H. Stallman Mrs. C. K. Baumeister Mrs. C. B. Heinly Mrs. W. Griddin Mrs. T. A. Myers Mrs. Ellen Myers Miss Elizabeth Herr Spring Garden Township Captain — Mrs. A. H. Hayward Mrs. E. K. McConkey Mrs. H. C. Ulmer Mrs. Geo. Bollinger Mrs. B. F. Root Mrs. Edward Heckert .372 ] ORGANIZATION OF YORK COUNTY CHAPTER AMERICAN RED CROSS FOR a considerable number of months prior to the entry of this country into the war an organization had been formed in Philadelphia, known as the "Women's Preparedness League". Mrs. George Wharton Pepper, Mrs. W. Childs Drexel and a number of prominent women of Phila- delphia were largely instrumental in forming this organization. Women representing each county were invited to attend and among those prominent in the beginning of this noble work was Mrs. John B. Hamme of York. Immediately after her return from Philadelphia the organization of the Women's Preparedness League was undertaken at York. Pa., and in a very short time put into full operation, so that when the United States entered into the World War the women connected with the "Women's Preparedness League" arranged for a meeting, in order to organize a chapter of the American Red Cross. Under Mrs. Hamme's direction, they secured the services of one of the Red Cross organizers, Mr. A. B. Tamlyn of New York, who visited York to organize a branch of the chapter. A number of men and women representing the civic and charitable organizations of the city attended a meeting called in the rooms of the Chamber of Commerce, which had been generously tendered for this purpose, and after the need of such an organization was clearly pointed out and defined by Mr. Tamlyn, a chapter was immediately organized and application made for a charter to be known as the York County Chapter of the American Red Cross. The officers of the meeting were as follows: President, Mr. JohnC. Schmidt; Secretary, Mr. Chas. N. Robinson. The original oflQcers of the York County Chapter American Red Cross were as follows: President, Mr. John C. Schmidt; Secretary, Mr. G. W. Ryan; Treasurer, Mr. W. A. Keyworth. Few of those present fully realized the magnitude of the undertaking, nor did they dream of the success which would follow this organization, although the enthusiasm which grew with this work and through the war was foreshadowed at this meeting. One after another the representatives of the various organizations rose and pledged their membership to the Red Cross Chapter. The first need was to secure a place for workrooms, as at that time it seemed that the work would be largely the making of surgical supplies and hospital garments. This was met by Mr. Alexander E. McLean, who tendered to the Red Cross the free use of his former residence, No. 372 E. Market Street, a large brick dwefiing house. The Hon. Nevin M. Wanner, President Judge of York County, acted as Chairman of the Member- ship Committee, and with the work of this strong committee, the organization rapidly grew until in a comparatively short time a membership of twelve thousand was reached. Mr. McLean's residence was equipped as a workroom and a storage room for the large quantities of material handled. LTnder Mrs. Hamme's direction, representatives of various churches would select a day and as high as twenty-five sewing machines were in daily operation making garments. A number of these sewing machines were donated by different organizations and the balance were purchased by the chapter. The purchase of materials was undertaken by the four leading department stores, namely, Mr. Alex. E. McLean, of Jas. McLean & Son; Mr. Max Grumbacher, of the Bon Ton Department Store; Mr. C. H. Bear, Jr., of C. H. Bear & Co., and Mr. Jas. H. Rogers, of P. Wiest's Sons. These gentlemen purchased the material for the Red Cross without profit or compensation and delivered the goods to the Red Cross storeroom, which was also furnished by Mr. Alex. E. McLean. All garments were cut from the material and delivered ready foi' sewing to the workrooms at 372 E. Market St. As the war progressed, increasing demands were made upon the Chapter and large quantities of wool were purchased and given to the devoted women of York to be knitted into sweaters, socks, helmets and mittens. Owing to the generous work of the women the demand on the ( Jiaptei' for wool [ 373 ] became so great that it was necessary to make a charge for the wool and even then the output of the York County Chapter {v^as almost sufficient to meet the extreme demands placed upon it by the Di- vision Headquarters at Philadelphia. The original organization was largely composed of people from the city of York, because they were more numerous and more easily called upon, but the patriotism of York was not confined to the city by any means, and in a very short time branches and auxiliaries were scattered all over the county, at Red Lion, Dallastown, Felton, New Park, Cross Roads, Stewartstown, Delta, Glen Rock, Hellam, Wrightsville, York Haven, Manchester, Mt. Wolf, Emigsville, Dillsburg, Wellsville, Dover, Jacobus, Loganville, New Freedom, Shewsbury, Woodbine, Windsor, York, East Side ; York, West Side; and in each auxiliary work rooms were established. Great rivalry existed between the various auxiliaries as to their production and size of membership and through the generosity of the newspapers monthly reports of the production from each auxiliary were published. The total income of the York County Chapter was at first limited to one-half of the membership fee, the balance going to headquarters in Philadelphia, but it was soon seen that in order to supply sufficient material to meet the demands upon us and the activity of the workers, it was necessary to secure very much larger contributions. Division Headquarters notified the Chapter that they were expected to contribute a minimum sum of $75,000, of which twenty-five per cent, could be retained by the Chapter to finance its own activities. A splendid committee was formed, headed by Ex-Senator David P. Klinedinst, and composed of one hundred of the active business men of York. These were subdivided into ten committees of ten members each, including the chairman. Arrangements weie made during the week of the drive so that the committees would meet in the restaurant of the Colonial Hotel for lunch, each man paying for his own lunch, and then amid great excitement and enthusiasm the Chairman of each committee would report the result of the last twenty-four hours. Occasionally, short, inspiring speeches were made and once we were delighted by an address made by the Raroness Huard, who was maintaining at her own expense a Red Cross Hospital in France. The sum hoped for, $75,000, was considerably over-contributed by the generosity of the people of York County, and the result of this campaign was a total subscription of $90,000. The growth of the Chapter and its activities were so rapid that it became necessary to reorganize under separate bureaus, with the chairman of each bureau as a member of the Roard of Directors. Under this plan the Roard was organized on December 10, 1917, as follows. Chairman John C. Schmidt Vice Chairman Francis Parquhar Treasurer Wm. R. Horner Executive Secretary Edw. S. Hengst Bureau of Development James Rudisill Bureau of Puhlicify Rev. C. M. Ehehalt Women's Bureau Mrs. J. R. Hamme Sub-divided under the following departments: Surgical Dressings Mrs. Geo. Ryan Hospital Garments . , Miss Lottie Glossrrenner Knited Articles Mrs. S. L Adams Bureau of Hygiene Miss Netta Ford Bureau of Civilian Relief Wilmer C. Throne Bureau of First Aid Dr. G. E. Holtzapple Bureau of Supplies Alex. E. McLean Bureau of Accounting John J. Landers Bureau of Junior Membership Edwin A. Rarnitz [374] The Executive Committee consisted of the following: John C. Schmidt, Alex. E. McLean, and James Rudisill. The material for the workrooms was suppUed to all of the auxiliai'ies and branches free of cost throughout the entire war, except for a period when it became necessary to charge for wool, because of the high price and the vast number of workers. When the finished goods were sent in each week by the twenty-two different auxiliaries they were carefully examined and inspected and packed and shipped to the Red Cross Headquarters in Philadelphia. All of the labor in the workrooms was given gratuitously, except for the clerical and stenographic work, and for one or two ladies who gave their entire time to this work and received a very trifling stipend. The York Transfer Company generously hauled all of the boxes free of charge, Mr. Alex. E. McLean supplying all the necessary labor and packing. The York County Chapter American Red Cross suffered a very serious loss when its President. BOARD OF DIRECTORS YORK COUNTY CHAPTER RED CROSS The following directors are shown in the above group: First row seated, left to right. Miss Netta Ford, Bureau of Hygiene; Mrs. J. B. Hamme, Woman's Department; Mi'. Francis Farquhar, chairman; Mrs. George Stallman, Canteen Service; Second row, left to right, Alexander McLean, Bureau of Supplies; Wilmer C. Throne, Civilian Relief; James Rudisill, Bureau of Development; Rev. Father C. M. Ehehalt, Publicity Bureau; John J. Landers, Bureau of Accounting; Edgar S. Hengst, Executive Secretary; Will K. Bebert, Bureau of Conservation; Samuel Kurtz, Junior Bed Cross; Dr. George E, Holtzapple, Bureau of First Aid; and J. S. Kapp. 375 John C. Schmidt, was called to Washington, D. C, to serve on one of the War Boards, which office occupied nearly all his time and, therefore, necessitated his resignation from the presidency of York County Chapter, American Red Cross. The marked success of the Red Cross Chapter was, in a very large measure, due to the unselfish devotion, the inspiring enthusiasm, the unremitting zeal which characterized most forcibly the Red Cross work of the retiring president to the edification of the multitude of Red Cross workers and the general public. His sacrifices in time, health and wealth remain untold, but they form a part of that spirit which our fair land America calls all its own. Francis Farquhar, the Vice-chairman of the Chapter, was unanimously elected the successor of John C. Schmidt in the chairmanship of the Chapter. The choice was well made. The Red Cross work of Mr. Francis Farquhar is a lasting monument of his skillful, energetic, congenial leadership. Mr. Francis Farquhar's success in organizing the War Drive was so marked that, at the request of Mr. Scott, Chairman at Division Headquarters, he was invited to serve as the Chairman of the Mem- bership Drive for the entire Pennsylvania Division. In this he was also very successful. All of the War Relief Organizations, it was found, at frequent intervals, asked for contributions from the people, and it was therefore decided to form a War Chest, which would be the Treasury of the various War Relief Organizations. An appeal came from Division Headquarters for discarded garments to be sent to the Belgians and one hundred tons of good, serviceable garments were contributed, packed and shipped by the York County Chapter. In September, 1918, the epedemic of Spanish Influenza caused great suffering in this county and the number of sufferers was so great that it was beyond the capacity of the hospital to care for them, and, under the direction of the Red Cross, a hospital was started in the buildings of the York County Agricultural Society, which was maintained from October 13th to November 20th, and all of the expenses were borne by the Red Cross. With the close of the war, the need for surgical supplies, hospital garments, etc., ceased and the workrooms gradually closed, but the Bureau of Civilian Relief, under the direction of Mr. Wilmer C. Throne, continued the work of caring for the families and dependents of soldiers and sailors still in the service and with welcoming home the convalescent and disabled. Many noble and glorious deeds in the history of York County Chapter American Red Cross remain unrecorded on these pages for lack of space. But deep into the hearts and minds of the American people has been written a wonderful story of love and devotion, of service and sacrifice by the in- dustrious men and women-workers of the Red Cross who belong to the "Grand Army" of the Unknown, the Unhonored, and Unsung, but without whom there should not have been the miraculous achieve- ments which crown to-day Our Country's efi"orts in the past Woi'ld War. Truly may be said of them "Nor shall their glory be forgot While Fame her record keeps." The end of the war found York County with gold stars in hundreds of homes from which the soldiers had gone forever, but at such terrible cost great lessons were taught and learned. Thus the war gave to York County a precious, sacred token — oh! may it live forever — the Spirit of Team-work, for through the magnificent institution of the Red Cross it was that the people of York County as everywhere else in the U. S. A., were given to realize the vast possibilities and opportunities of doing good for the individual as well as the nation and mankind if all worked together methodically and harmoniously. When reflecting upon the wondrous deeds and achievements of the American Red [ 376 1 Cross of which the York County Chapter was so noble and brave a child we may proudly exclaim with Miranda: "0 Wonder! How many goodly creatures are there here! How beauteous mankind is! brave new world, That has such people in it!" Rev. C. M. Ehehalt HANOVER CHAPTER OF THE AMERICAN RED CROSS EARLY in the History of the war a movement was set afoot to organize a chapter of the American Red Cross. The people of the town took an active interest in the project, and at a public meeting completed the organization. Headquarters were established and the work proceeded vigorously, accomplishing very important results. In a short time a large number had joined the chapter to work with a united help during the entire period of the war. The organization will continue to assist in any other fields of duty that the Red Cross may be called upon to perform in the future. Immediately following the declaration of War, the citizens of the third district contributed to a special fund known as the "Comfort Kit Fund", for the purpose of purchasing comfort kits to be presented to each man leaving that district for military service. Approximately one thousand comfort kits were given away at a cost of $1,392.60. The kits contained the following articles : Wash cloth, safety razor, talcum powder, mirror, thread and needles, towels, adhesive plaster, soap, tooth paste and tooth brush, hair brush, comb, pins, and a tin cup. Emlet and Emlet, druggists, Hanover, Pa., generously furnished the committee practically all of the articles at cost, and the ladies of the Woman's Workrooms, Civic League building, joined in giving their services, making comfort bags and other articles. The following committee had charge of the fund and distribution of the kits; F. W. Weber, chairman, C. E. Phreaner, H. S. Ehrhart. T. J. O'Neill, J. C. Krebs and Dr. F. E. Reard. HANOVER CHAPTER AMERICAN RED CROSS, HANOVER, PA., Ry F. W. Weber On Wednesday evening May 8, 1917, a mass meeting was held in the High School auditorium in the interest of the American Red Cross. The following speakers were present. RuRGESs H. M. Stokes, Chairman. Rev. G. W. Nicely. Rev. a. S. DeChant. Emil G. Sterger, Executive Secretary, York, Pa., Chapter and Official Organizer of the National Society of the American Red Cross. Under the direction of Mr. Sterger, the Hanover Chapter, American Red Cross, was duly organized, nominating and electing the following officers, and executive committee: [ 377 ] F. W. Weber, Chairman. Mrs. C. F. Moul, V ice-Chairman. Miss Bertha Zeber, Vice-Chairman. Miss Emily Young, Vice-Chairman. Miss Emma Delone, Vice-Chairman T. J. O'Neill, Secretary. Paul Winebrenner, Treasurer. R. L. Ehrhart, Chairman Membership Committee. J. T. Huston, Chairman Publicity Committee. E. Fred Carver, Chairman Supplies Committee. Dr. J. A. Melsheimer, Chairman Educational Committee. J. W. GiTT, Chairman Extension and Co-operation. Mrs. C. E. Moul, Woman's Bureau Work Rooms and Auxiliaries. Miss Emma Delone, Chairman Canteen Service. H. S. Ehrhart, Chairman CiriUan Relief. Ward C. Haffner, Chairman Motor Service. The executive committee was made up of the above newly elected officers and the following: C.N. Myers, H. D. Sheppard, A. R. Nisely, J. H. Brough, C. E. Phreaner, and Dr. F. H. Beard. Membership Campaign May 16 to June 1, 1917. Headquarters: 125 Broadway, Hanover, Pa. R. L. Ehrhart Chairman Membership Committee. Sub-Committees Samuel C. Garber Firemen. Ralph J. A. Hoffacker Fraternal Orders. Samuel A. Geiselman Fraternal Orders. Paul T. Lau Fraternal Orders. M. J. RowMAN Grange. Ward C. Haffner Manufacturers. W. E. Pitts Manufacturers. H. H. Morning Manufacturers. H. H. Huston Booths. Mrs. H. S. Ehrhart Booths. Mrs. Clarence M. Schaeffer. . . . Booths. Mrs. a. S. DeChant Headquarters. Mrs. John Meisenhelder Headquarters. Miss Emma Delone Churches. Mrs. Geo. D. Gitt Churches. ' Mrs. M. D. Rishop Needleworkers' Guild. Mrs. Charles Heckendorn Woman's Patriotic Organizations. Mrs. Rertha Wise Woman's Patriotic Organizations. Result of Campaign for Membership: Life 3 Members. Sustaining 1 Member. Contributing 2 Members. Subscribing 10 Members. Annual 2447 Members. 2463 Members. [378 1 Christmas Roll Call, December, 1917: Subscribing 3 Members. Annual 321 Members. 324 Members. Members transferred year 1917 from York Chapter: Life 3 Members. Subscribing 10 Members. Annual 320 Members. 333 Members. Total for year 3120 Members. Chapter Jurisdiction May 8, 1917 to May 15, 1918, comprising only Hanover Borough. Population, approximately, eight thousand. First Red Cross War Fund Drive, June, 1917 Mr. Paul Winebrenner Chairman. Mr. C. Edgar Phreaner Assistant Chairman. Mass Meeting for Membership and War Fund Drive, held at Hanover Opera House, Sunday, May 27, 1917. Program Music Knights of Pythias Band. Prayer Rev. Abner S. DeChant. Singing . America. Opening Address F. W. Weber. Address John C. Schmidt, Chairman York Chapter. Singing Star Spangled Banner. Music Patriotic Order Sons of America Band. Address Walter G. McBIain, Chairman of Co-operation and Extension, York Chapter. Singing Onward Christian Soldiers. Address M. L. Sternberger, National Field Secretary, American Red Cross, Washington, D. C. Closing Prayer Rev. James A. Huber. Singing under direction .... Miss Elizabeth Wentz. Accompanist Miss Lela Rudisill. Total amount contributed. First War Fund Drive $21,775.75 Use of Office and Campaign Headquarters, 125 Broadway, donated by E. J. Bemiller and E. H. Walters. [ 379 ] Second War Fund Drive, May, 1918 Paul Winebrenner Chairman. C. Edgar Phreaner Assistant Chairman. Assisted by Boy Scouts of America, Hanover, Pa. Troop No. 20, Talmadge Nichols, Captain. Troop No. 21, Joseph Yingling, Captain. Troop No. 22, Thomas Murphy, Captain. Parade and Mass Meeting, May 22, 1918. Parade Program Marshall P. N. Forney. Assistant E. T. Smith. Police. Knights of Pythias Band. Burgess and Borough Council. Board of Education. Hanover Chapter, A. R. C, F. W. Weber, Chairman. Canteen Service Committee, A. R. C, Miss Emma J. Delone, Director. Junior Members and Nurses, A. R. C, Miss Helen Little, Asst. Director. Women Workers of Workrooms and Auxiharies, including Sewing Circles of all Churches and other Organizations, Mrs. C. E. Moul, Director. Boy Scouts of America. Drum Corps and Bugles. Hanover Troop No. 20, Talmadge Nichols Captain. Drum Corps and Bugles. Hanover Troop No. 21, Joseph Yingling, Captain. Hanover Troop No. 22, Thomas Murphy, Captain. Sons of Veterans Band. Major Jenkins Camp No. 125, Sons of Veterans, escort by Major Jenkins, Post No. 99 G. A. R. Mass Meeting Held at Trinity Reformed Church Chapel Program Music Orchestra, Dr. M. M. Fleagle, Director Prayer Rev. W. L. Armstrong. Singing America. Opening Address F. W. Weber. Address G. P. Bible, Phila. Pa., Special Commissioner, A. R. C, on Allied-Fronts. Singing Onward Christian Soldiers. Address Paul Winebrenner, Chairman, Second War Fund Campaign Committee, Hanover Chapter. Address Corporal J. D. Lemon, Third Infantry Battalion, English Army in France. Singing . Star Spangled Banner. Benediction.. .... Rev. M. J. Roth, D. D. Amount secured Second War Fund Campaign $26,809.02 [380 1 Campaign for Worn Clothing for Belgian and French Refugees September 23 to September 30. 1918, Inchisive Committee in Charge Mrs. C. E. Moul, Chairman. Miss Carrie Young. Mrs. J. H. Brough. Miss Katherine Brough. Miss Mary Bowman. Assisted by Girl Scouts of America, Troops No. 1 to No. 7 inclusive, Miss AUiene DeChant, Executive Officer. Use of Store Boom, Broadway, for Headquarters, donated by Mr. G. W. Young. Result of Campaign, collected and shipped, over three tons. Campaign on Linen Shower for French Hospitals September 30 to October U, 1918, Inclusive Committee In Charge Mrs. C. E. Moul General Chairman. Mrs. H. M. AUeman Chairman for St. Marks Lutheran Church. Mrs. H. W. Miller . . Chairman for St. Matthews Lutheran Church. Mrs. W. L Redcay Chairman for St. Pauls Lutheran Church. Mrs. Martin Moul Chairman for Methodist Espicopal Church. Miss Margaret Stick . Chairman for Emanuels Beforrhed Church. Mrs. M. J. Both Chairman for Trinity Reformed Church. Mrs. S. B. Daugherty Chairman for United Brethren Church. Miss Annie Harlacher Chairman for Church of the Brethren. Mrs. J. J. Conrad Chairman for St. Vincent's Catholic Church. Miss Emma Delone Chairman for St. Joseph's Catholic Church. Result of Campaign, collected and shipped, nine hundred thirteen pieces. Campaign for Collection of Gas Mask Material to Produce Carbon for Alisorbing Poison Gas August 1 to December 1, 1918 Peach Stones OHve Pits Hickory Nut Shells Apricot Pits Date Seeds Butter Nut Shells Plum Pits Walnut Shells Cherry Pits Clinton W. Shultz, Chairman. M. W. Naill. Charles E. Moul. Charles E. Sprenkle. C. F. Bauserman. H. W. Miller. J. Y. Kleffel. Barrels, Material, Labor, Paint, Painting, Printing. Hauling and Storage all donated Result of collection, about Two tons. f 381 1 Committee and Shipments Mrs. Charles E. Moul Director. Mrs. H. M. AUeman Superintendent of Hospital Garments. Miss Emma J. Delone Assistant Superintendent of Hospital Garments. Miss Ethel M. Stamm Superintendent of Surgical Garments. Miss Katherine Brough Assistant Superintendent of Surgical Garments. Mrs. Clarence M. SchaefFer. . Superintendent of Knitted Articles. Mrs. Paul Hoke Assistant Superintendent of Knitted Articles. Mrs. L. H. HofTacher Assistant Superintendent of Knitted Articles. Shipments Surgical Dressings 53,133 Pieces. Hospital Garments 6,940 Pieces. Knitted Articles 3,882 Pieces. Refugee Garments 2,024 Pieces. Miscellaneous Articles , 1,014 Pieces. Three Emergency Cot Equipments 108 Pieces. Total 67,101 Pieces. Main Workrooms including light, donated by Civic League, Broadway. Temporary Main Workrooms including heat and light, donated by St. Marks Lutheran Church, Carlisle Street. Auxiliary Workrooms including light and heat, donated by all the Churches and other Organizations. Cutting of Material for Garments, etc., donated by Conrad F. Bless. Shipments from all workrooms, auxiharies and material from campaigns under personal supervision of E. Fred Carver, Director and Harry E. Poist, Associate Director, Bureau of Supphes. Construction of Boxes and Cases, donated by Manual Training Classes, High School and Boys Club, Hanover, Pa., Mr. T. Nichols, Instructor. Hauling of shipments to and from workrooms by Hanover Transfer Company, donated by Wm. H. Long. Red Cross Roll Call Membership Drive, December, 1918 Conducted by Bureau of Development, Philip N. Forney, Director, and all Associate Directors. Assisted by Girl Scouts of America, Troops No. 1 to No. 7 inclusive. Miss Alhene DeChant Executive Officer. Miss Fannie Hostetter Captain Troop No. 1. Miss Christine Schmuck Captain Troop No. 2. Miss Ruth Emlet Captain Troop No. 3. Miss Esther Moul Captain Troop No. 4. Miss Hilda McKinney Captain Troop No. 5. Miss Cyril Sechrist Captain Troop No. 6. Mrs. Daniel Wentz Captain Troop No. 7. [382 1 J. G. McCrory & Company donated use of Store Room No. 22 Carlisle St., for Christmas Red Cross Roll Call Headquarters. W. G. McLaughlin, York, Pa., donated use of Typewriters. Result of Campaign for Membership, including previous Life Members: Life 6 Members. Contributing 3 Members. Subscribing 25 Members. Annual 2919 Members. 2953 Members. Junior 1491 Members. Transferred from York Chapter, York, Pa: Annual 36 Members. 4480 Members. Jurisdiction Hanover Rorough, Penn, Heidelberg, Manheim and West Manheim Townships, estimated population eleven thousand. Committee in charge Christmas Cartons and Labels issued November 1 to 20, 1918, for Soldiers, Sailors and Marines in the Expeditionary Forces Overseas: H. S. Ehrhart, Chairman. C. R. Rowman. J. W. Fischer. H. L. Miller. Three hundred and ten Christmas Cartons issued, also eighty-four Labels for men O^'er Seas, from whom no labels had been received by their relatives or friends. 310 Christmas Cartons issued, also 84 Labels for men Overseas, from whom no Labels had been received by their relatives or friends. Junior American Red Cross Membership Campaign February 2 to February 16, 1918 R. L. Ehrhart Chairman Membership Committee. Prof. A. J. English Assistant Chairman. Assisted by E. C. Rarnitz, Director, Junior Red Cross, York, Pennsylvania. The Chairman of the sub-committees of the various schools were as follows: Hanover High School Helen A. Little. Stock Street School C. A. Richter. Walnut Street School Mary Kump. High Street School Mary Dusman. Hanover Street School E. Julia Hostetter. St. Joseph's Parochial School Mary Kerline The result of the campaign was the enrollment of 1386 members. [ 383 1 Bureau Jr. Red Cross Prof. A. J. English Director. Miss Anna Gobrecht Secretary and Treasurer Chapter School Committee Mrs. H. D. Sheppard, Chairman and Inspector. Mrs. C. N. Myers Mrs. C. P. Wolcott Mrs. H. S. Ehrhart Mrs. G. W. Stark Miss Amelia Melsheimer, Secretary Chapter School Committee. Shipments by Junior Red Cross Workrooiiis and Auxiliaries Convalescent Robes 26 Pieces. Property Bags 500 Pieces. Layetts ; 1,453 Pieces. Sweaters 71 Pieces. Wristlets 104 Pieces. Soldiers' Socks 200 Pieces. Booties 230 Pieces. Dresses 103 Pieces. Flannel Petticoats 45 Pieces. Black Pinafores 140 Pieces. Miscellaneous 365 Pieces. 3,242 Pieces. The greater part of the above material donated by Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Sheppard. Main Workrooms, including light and heat, donated by H. D. Sheppard and C. N. Myers. Shipments under personal supervision of E. Fred Carver, Director, and Mary E. Poist, Associate Director, Bureau of Supplies. Construction of Boxes and Cases donated by Manual Training Classes, High School and Boy's Club, Hanover, Pennsylvania. Talmadge Nichols, Instructor. Cutting of material for Garments, donated by Conrad F. Bless. Hauling of shipments to and from Workrooms by Hanover Transfer Company, donated by W. H. Long. Campaign for collection of used clothing for joint benefd of all Allied Countries, March 2^th to 29th inclusive, conducted by Junior American Red Cross Division. Allotment for Hanover Chapter, one ton. Mrs. H. D. Sheppard, Chairman. H. W. Miller. Mrs. C. N. Myers. Mrs. H. S. Sheppard. Mrs. C. P. Wolcott. Mrs. H. B. Hostetter. Mrs. Geo. W. Stark. Mrs. C. J. Delone. Miss Sue Tanger. Miss Ameha Melsheimer. E. Fred Carver. Harry Poist. Assisted by Girl Scouts of America, Troops No. 1 to No. 7 inclusive, Miss Alliene DeChant, Executive Officer. [384 1 Use of Store Room, Frederick Street for headquarters, donated by Jacob Newman. Result of campaign, collected 2,770 lbs., shipped in 11 cases, as follows: Rox 1. 39 girls' coats; 15 girls' dresses; 1 girls' suit; 2 girls' skirts; 1 girls' petticoat; 130 pieces women's and men's undergarments; 10 infants' coats, six comforts and 1 bathrobe. Rox 2. 54 Women's skirts; 21 women's coats; 12 women's suits; 2 muffs; 1 neck scarf; 10 women's dresses; 27 waists; 25 girls' top coats. Rox 3. 126 pairs of shoes. Rox 4. 18 men's suits; 49 boys' coats; 5 boys' suits; 6 boys' sweaters; 42 pairs odd pants; 25 women's odd coats. Rox 5. 22 men's overcoats; 62 men's vests; 41 men's coats; 22 pairs pants. Rox 6. 347 women's and children's garments. Rox 7. 80 Women's fine heavy top coats. Rox 8. 793 infants' and girls' garments. Rox 9. 370 infant's and children's garments. Rox 10. 223 pairs hose and shoes. Rox 11. Miscellaneous articles. Officers and Committees, March 1, 1919 Hanover Chapter American Red Cross, Hanover, Pa. Jurisdiction comprising Hanover Rorough, Penn, Heidelberg, Manheim and West Manheim Townships, York County, Pennsylvania. F. W. Weber Chairman. Mrs. Chas E. Moul Vice-Chairman Miss Rertha Zieber Vice-Chairman. Miss Emily Young Vice-Chairman. Miss Emma J. Delone Vice-Chairman. Mr. Harry L. Miller Secretary. Mr. Paul Winebrenner Treasurer. The Executive Committee Composed of the AI)ove Officers and the Following C. N. Myers H. D. Shepard. A. R. Nissly. C. Y. Rrough. Dr. F. H. Reard. C. E. Phreaner. E. Fred Carver. Ward C. HafTner. Dr. J. A. Melsheimer. James T. Huston. H. S. Ehrhart. J. W. Gitt. A. J. EngHsh. R. L. Ehrhart. P. N. Forney. f 385 1 Bureau of Development Philip N. Forney, Director Louis W. Pfaff Associate Director, 1st Ward, Hanover, Pa. Chas. L. Myers Associate Director, 2nd Ward, Hanover, Pa. Mrs. H. D. Becker Associate Director, 3rd Ward, Hanover, Pa. Miss E. J. Delone Associate Director, 4th Ward, Hanover, Pa. H. W. Miller Associate Director, 5th Ward, Hanover, Pa. F. S. Bortner Associate Director, Penn Township. W. L. Zepp Penn Township. H. B. Shutt Associate Director, Heidelberg Township. J. Q. O. Spangler Associate Director, Heidelberg Township. C. A. Grote Associate Director, Manheim Township. D. S. Dubbs Associate Director, Manheim Township. Samuel Higgins Associate Director, West Manheim Township. Chas. A. Wertz Associate Director, West Manheim Township. Bureau of Purlicity James T. Huston Director. John T. Nace Associate Director. M. W. Naill Associate Director. Bureau of Hygiene Dr. J. A. Melsheimer Director. Dr. H. M. AUeman Associate Director. Dr. J. H. Bittinger Associate Director. Bureau of Civilian Belief and Home Service Harry S. Ehrhart Director. J. W. Gitt Associate Director. H. D. Sheppard Associate Director. C. Edgar Phreaner Associate Director. Canteen Service Committee Miss Emma J. Delone Director. Mrs. H. D. Becker Associate Director. Miss K. M. Brough Associate Director. Miss Alliene DeChant Associate Director. Miss Elizabeth Delone Associate Director. Miss Estelle Everhart Associate Director. Miss Amelia Melsheimer Associate Director. Mrs. Wm. G. Melhorn Associate Director. Miss Esther Moul Associate Director. Mrs. Reginald O'Neill Associate Director. Mrs. H. C. Naill Associate Director. Miss Geraldine O'Neill Associate Director. Mrs. C. M. Scheaffer Associate Director. Miss Christine Schmuck Associate Director. Miss Carrie Young Associate Director. Miss Helen Young Associate Director. [386 1 Bureau of Accounting Paul Winebrenner Director. C. N. Myers Associate Director. H. D. Sheppard Associate Director. Alvin R. Nissly Associate Director. Dr. F. H. Beard Associate Director. C. Y. Brough Associate Director. C. E. Phreaner Associate Director. Bureau of Personal J. W. Gitt Director. G. W. Bange Associate Director. J. J. Bollinger Associate Director. J. F. Rebert Associate Director. Bureau of Supplies E. Fred Carver Director. Harry E. Poist Associate Director. A. L. Benford Associate Director. J. P. Barnitz Associate Director. C. F. Moul Associate Director. H. W. Miller Associate Director. Bureau of Motor Service Ward C. Haffner Director. Wm. J. Adams Associate Director, Hanover, Pa. H. M. Sterner Associate Director, Hanover, Pa. Raymond Little Associate Director, Hanover, Pa. Louis B. Hafer Associate Director, Hanover, Pa. Leroy B. Stokes Associate Director, Hanover, Pa. W. M. Menges Associated Director, Heidelberg Twp. John Dubs Associated Director, Penn Twp. A. J. Rohrbaugh Associate Director, Manhoim Twp. M. S. Sterner Associate Director, West Manheim Twp. Woman'. s Bureau, Auxiliaries and Workrooms Mrs. Chas. E. Moul, Director. Associate Directors Mrs. H. M. Alleman Superintendent of Hospital Garments. Miss Emma J. Delone Assistant Supertendent of Hospital Garments. Miss Ethel M. Stamm Superintendent of Surgical Garments. Miss Katherine Brough. Assistant Superintendent of Surgical Garments. Mrs. Clarence M. Schaeffer Superintendent of Knitted Articles. Mrs. Paul Hoke Assistant Superintendent of Knitted Articles. Mrs. L. PL HofFacker Assistant Superintendent of Knitted Articles. [387 1 Former Officers T. J. O'Neill, Secretary, resigned February 8, 1918, to enter Service, Department of Ordnance, Washington, D. C. Paul E. Lau, Secretary, elected February 8, 1918, resigned July 26th, died October 15, 1918, in Service U. S. A., Private, Section 2, Aviation Corps, Buffalo, New York. J. H. Brough, Associate Director of Civilian Belief and Bureau of Accounting, died in Service, July 19, 1918. B. L. Ehrhart, Director, Bureau of Development, resigned. Messrs. H. D. Sheppard and C. N. Myers donated use of Office and Head- quarters, No. 15 Carlisle Street, including heat and light during years 1918 and 1919. Services of all Officers and Committees, Hanover Chapter, Junior Bed Cross and all Auxiliaries, were donated free. ^^ YORK COUNTY AND THE WAR SAVINGS STAMPS AT the very outset of the war and especially after the first Liberty Loan Campaign, it became evident that Government Securities would necessarily have to be made popular. The proper financing of the war could only be accomplished by each citizen lending his savings directly to the Government rather than depending on banks. Trust Comjianies and other financial institutions to provide the Government with funds. The first popular government securities was the Fifty Dollar Liberty Bond, and the success in selling a bond of this relatively small denomination lead the Treasury Department to create the War Savings Stamp. This form of security had been used by the English Government for several years, but as a method of financing the government of the United States it was entirely unique. After the close of the second Liberty Loan, the War Savings Stamp was being promulgated, and Mr. 0. Boland Bead was selected to head the work of selling them in York County. In the latter part of November, 1917, the work was outlined at a meeting held in Philadelphia under the direction of Mr. Bobert Cassatt, who had been appointed by the Treasury Department to direct this work in Pennsylvania. At this meeting, Mr. Frank A. Vanderlip, President of the National City Bank of New York, and who was also the National Chairman for the sale of War Savings Stamps outlined the work of the local committees. Unlike the Liberty Loan issues the allotment of War Savings Stamps to a community was not computed on the bank resources of that community, but the goal was set at Twenty Dollars per capita for every man, woman and child in the community. York County was assessed on an approxi- mate population of 150,997 for a quota of $3,019,940.00. Upon Mr. Bead's return from the meeting in Philadelphia, he sohcited a number of prominent [388 1 THE LITTLE COURT HOUSE IN CENTRE SQUARE 389 citizens to act with him as a central advisory committee and succeeded in sneering the agencies of the following men : — Eugene Weiser Robert Gephart Robert Motter Atreus Wanner Miles V. Minnich Dr. a. M. Grove C. M. Kerr Ellis S. Lewis C. W. Stine A. Billet Emma B. Cochrane C. L. Moody Eddie Herr J. Maxwell Rodgers f. s. hoshour M. S. Wessell Michael S. Niles C. C. Webber An organization of the County was effected similar to that of the Liberty Loan Committees. The thirteen districts were each organized under a Chairman and committees within the districts formed. Mr. J. W. Heinekamp took the work in District No. 1, City of York, assisted by Mr. Eugene Weiser of the Chamber of Commerce, and immediately started to work. Early in 1918, the district Chairmen met in York and were addressed by Mr. Edward C. Bendere, Assistant State Chairman under Mr. Cassatt. The following district Chairmen attended the meeting: — J. W. Heinekamp, Director, District No. C. E. Phraener, Director, District No. Dr. G. E. Meyers, Director, District No. R. E. Glenn, Director, District No. C. C. Butler, Director, District No. George Trout, Director, District No. R. J. Hetrick, Director, District No. Wm. Schwarts, Director, District No. T. Welsh, Director, District No. Paul Miller, Director, District No. Frank Hoke, Director, District No. W. D. Brougher, Director, District No. M. R. McClure, Director, District No. J. E. Whistler, Director, District No. C. S. Rohrbaugh, Director, District No. L. W. Aigeltinger, Director, District No. 1, York, Pa. 2, Hanover, Pa. 3, Dallastown, Pa. 4, Pied Lion, Pa. 5, Delta, Pa. 6, Stewartstown, Pa. 7, Glen Rock, Pa. 8, Spring Grove, Pa 8, Spring Grove, Pa. 8, Spring Grove, Pa. 8, Spring Grove, Pa. 9, Wellsville, Pa. 10, Dillsburg, Pa. 11, York Haven, Pa. 12, Mt. Wolf, Pa. 13, Wrightsville, Pa. The various district Chairmen succeeded in establishing throughout York County a total of four hundred and twenty-two agencies for the sale of War Savings and Thrift Stamps and about two hundred War Savings Societies. It now became apparent that to create local interest work activities and wide publicity were necessary. To do this a replica of the Old Court House which orginally stood in Center Square, at which Continental Congress met during 1788-89, was erected in the southeast angle of Center Square. Mr. Fred Dempwolf prepared the plans from a model of the Old Court House which stands in the Historical Society's rooms. Mr. S. F. Glatfelter volunteered his service as contractor in erecting the building. H. C. Hyatt contributed the hardware and glass; J. E. Graybill, the electric wiring and fixtures; Watt Brothers, the painting; the Pennsylvania Railroad, the bell and cupola; the Glen Rock Manufacturers of Glen Rock, the furniture, the York Safe and Lock Company, the safe; W. C. McLaughhn, the typewriter ; J. W. Heinekamp, the cash register; Charles Schaefer, the shrubs and plants, and Lamotte and Bond, insurance on the building and its fixtures. 390 The building was started February 11, 1918, and completed March 9, 1918. On March 16, 1918, the building was formally dedicated. Before the ceremony proper a parade of school children was held in which some five thousand children marched with their teachers. In the parade also were con- tingents of firemen, Pennsylvania Home Defense Police, and pageant groups, representing George Washington, the Marquis de Lafayette, and a body of Continental Troops. At the completion of the parade the marchers returned to Center Square to witness the formal dedication and hear addresses by Mr. Hugentugler, Mayor of York, and Mr. Robert C. Bair. From then the "Little Court House," as it came to be called, was the center of all the War Stamp activities for both the City and County. From the opening of the Court House Mr. Read was assisted by his secretary. Miss E. G. Yake, and later Miss S. G. Frey and Miss M. Augenbaugh, as well as the many volunteers who made this their headquarters, and from here the campaign was conducted throughout the year. Some methods used to create interest were the War Savings Society, in which the members pledged themselves to purchase a certain amount of stamps each week, a contest among the agencies to see which would return the largest amount of sales, a window trimming contest, and the Thrift Army among the school children in the City, in which the members gained promotion in proportion to the number of stamps purchased and sold. To further promote the sale, clubs were organized to sell the stamps, each club having a day fixed when it should be in charge of the Little Court House. A spirited contest ensued among the following teams and was won by the team of the Bear Department Store, Captain Jeanette Zinn, who later died in the service in France : York Chamber of Commerce, Liberty Bell, Bear's Department Store, P. Wiest's Sons, Bon-Ton Department Store, McLean's Department Store, York Safe and Lock Company, McCrory's 5 and 10 cent Store, F. W. Woolworth Store, Regal Umbrella Store, Certain-teed Products Corporation. In the latter half of the year the following teams competed, and this second contest was won by the "On the Square" team headed by Miss Mildred Cochrane. American Chain Company, "On the Square", D. G. Dery Silk Mill, Society No. 96, Y. W. C. A., Sidenberg and Company, Washington Camp, P. 0. S. of A., D. G. Dery Silk Mill, Society No. 97, York High School, D. G. Dery Silk Mill, Society No. 50, St. John's Lutheran Church, Independent Order of Red Men, Certain-teed Products Corporation. f 391 1 In the latter part of May, 1918, the State Organization planned to hold a "Pledge Day" throughout Pennsylvania, on which day pledges would be solicited to purchase the stamps. At this time Mr. Heinekamp, the City Chairman, felt unable to give sufficient time to make this work a success and resigned his post. His resignation was accepted and Mr. Walter McBlain became City Chairman. Mr. McBlain immediately began to divide the city into small sections and place in charge of each section a community secretary, with the view of conducting a personal house-to-house solicitation throughout the remainder of the year. This system gave the sale in the City great impetus. During the entire year York County had maintained the position between fifth and fifteenth among the counties of the State, being well ahead of the average county sales at all times. June 28, 1918, in accordance with a Presidential proclamation, was made National War Stamp Pledge Day. On that day every one of the four hundred odd school-houses of the County became a meeting place of the residents of the school-house districts. Speakers were provided for these meetings and pledges to buy War Savings Stamps were secured. The majority of these school-house meetings were well attended and the pledges made were well lived up to. At the meeting in Weigelstown school-house, the speakers sent from York secured approximately pledges for $1,000. Mr. Joseph Naylor, a resident of the community, was greatly disappointed with this showing and next morning rode over the country side and succeeded in securing approximately $10,000 in pledges. As the year progressed it became evident that great activity would be necessary if the county were to reach the quota assigned to it. There was inaugurated, with the aid of the York Chamber of Commerce, a campaign known as the "Save York's Honor," in which an effort was made to secure the sale of $1,000,000 worth of War Savings Stamps. The committees and solicitors organized under Mr. Alex. McLean, as Chairman, succeeded in selling stamps to the amount of $500,000. A Woman's Sale Week was conducted by the Women of the City with considerable success. At the close of the year stamps had been sold in York County to the amount of $2,110,705.00, or about $15 per capita. Although this fell short of the $20 per capita goal, it must be remembered that during this same period the citizens of York County over-subscribed four Liberty Loans, main- tained extensive local war work activities, and through the agencies of the War Chest contributed without a campaign to every one of the National War Activities. Too much praise can not be given to the Postmaster and Assistant Postmaster of York and the Postmasters of the smaller communities. The postmen and rural carriers, together with postal employees, carried on throughout the entire year a campaign of their own soliciting pledges and selling stamps after their regular work was finished. Had it not been for their aid and co-operation the success in York County would not have been as great as it was. Recognition must be given to the excellent co-operation of the Labor Organizations of this city who assisted the committee in every possible manner under their president, Mr. Alfred A. Billet. Mr. 0. Roland Read conducted the campaigns throughout the year, giving the sale of War Savings Stamps practically all of his time and attention without any compensation. During the year many miles were covered throughout York County attending meetings and interviewing the District Chairmen. The little Court House in Center Square, after serving the purpose for which it was designed, was closed at midnight December 3, 1918. It has been presented to the City of York and now stands on Farquhar Park as a memento of York's 1918 War Savings Campaign and a First Aid Station for the citizens of the community. It was decided by the Treasury Department to carry on the War Savings Stamps during 1919, and make it a permanent part of Governmental finance. In March, 1919, a committee was organized, consisting of James Rudisill, Chairman; Miles V. Minnich, Vice-Chairman; Miss M. R. Koons, As- sociate Chairman; J. C. Eisenhart, Francis Farquhar, Grier Hersh and Philip Throne, Secretary, to [ 392 1 promote the sale for the year. With the impetus of the war removed and the pohcy of the Treasury Department to abondon the intensive selhng campaign the sales in 1919 are small when compared with the previous year. York County, however, ranks well with corresponding counties in the State and it is evident that the War Savings Stamp will continue as a part of our National Economy. 0. R. READ. ,i^ YORK COUNTY NATIONAL WAR SAVINGS COMMITTEE 0. R. REED, County Chairman Miles Minnich, Vice-Chairman Ellis Lewis, Chairman, Banking Division Charles E. Kerr, Chairman, Fire Insurance Division Eugene Weiser, Chairman, Retail Merchants. R. E. Motter, Chairman, Religious Division C. W. Stine, Superintendent Schools of County Atreus Wanner, Schools of City E. H. Berger, Chairman, War Savings Societies Hon. E. Hugentugler, Chairman, Municipal Employes M. H. Wessell, Chairman, Life Insurance Division R. E. Gephart, Chairman, Manufacturers Charles Noss, Chairman, Lumber Division Alfred Billet, Chairman, Organized Labor Carrie L. Moody, Chairman, Women's Division J. Maxwell Rodgers, Chairman, Publicity Division Eddie Herr, Publicity Division Walter G. McBlain. Director, District No. i City of York SOLICITORS Captain — Griffith Amies, 1520 First Avenue. TEAM H. A. Bailey, 729 West Poplar Street. Eugene Stumpf, 714 West Locust Street. Leslie Maxell, 742 Madison Avenue. J. M. Zinn, 1617 W. Market Street. John Mace, 160 Lafayette Street. H. Clay Shelley, 440 N. Beaver Street. J. Sample, 357 E. Market Street. Clarence 0. Yeatts, N. George Street. Louis Lehmayer, 304 E. Market Street. Captain — P. W. Aughenbaugh, 1020 W. Princess Street. TEAM D. B. King, 503 Carlisle Avenue. H. E. Hornbach, 414 E. College Avenue. H. P. Palmer, 342 E. King Street. J. B. Ketterman, 1142 E. King Street. H. B. Wolf. 619 W. Princess Street. C. B. Bishop, 1019 W. Princess Street. C. E. ShaflVr, Prudential Insurance Company. C. M. Reiffe, 129 E. Cottage Place. S. D. Nagle, 805 W. Poplar Street. 393 Captain — Felix Bentzel, 453 N. Beaver Street. TEAM Chas. H. Ehrenfeld, King and Beaver Streets. M. Lehman, 37 N. Tremont Street. C. B. Cunningham, 669 W. Princess Street. F. T. Fhnchbaugh, 406 S. Water Street. M. S. Gruver, 590 W. Market Street. Rev. W. S. Kerschner, 125 N. Beaver Street. Roy Buttorff, 244 W. Cottage Place. Frankhn Peters, 250 E. Cottage Place. H. A. Baker, 216 S. Hartley St. Captain — L. W. Aigeltinger, 235 S. George Street. TEAM W. H. Bushey, 819 W. Poplar Street. Harry Nichol, P. & Q. Shop. Scott Bruce, 807 Madison Avenue. Harry Spotz, 14 E. Market Street. Ralph Dennis, York Telephone Company. Jos. Wayne, Traction Company. Clayton Krone, Rosenmiller Building. Wm. Eisenhart, First National Bank. E. C. Wilkinson, 475 Madison Avenue. Captain — C. Halbert Baylor, 115 E. Philadelphia Street. TEAM Ira D. Weiser, 845 E. Market Street. Chas. W. Sonneman, 814 S. George Street. Irwin Smyser, 102 S. Richland Avenue. Arthur Thompson, 153 E. Philadelphia Street. McClean Stock, 35 S. Duke Street. Ralph Meisenhelter, 669 W. Market Street. Horace B. Faber, 43 N. Duke Street. Adam Smyser, 557 Madison Avenue. Herman Z. Shetter, 484 W. Market Street. C M Strickler, 432 Prospect Street. Captain — George Bollinger 47. E. King Street. TEAM Jack Stump, Edison Light & Power Company. Walter A. Cook, East Market Street. Dr. W. S. Eisenhart, 107 W. Market Street. Benj. Luria, East Market Street. C. W. A. Rochow, 17 E. Market Street. Dr. H. E. Trostle, 42 W. Market Street. Dr. J. W. Howell, 13 S. George Street. Dr. T. H. Hoffman, 24 W. Market Street. W. D. Hass, York County Jail. Captain — John Lefean, 121 S. Beaver Street. TEAM Chauncey D. Bond, 135 E. Cottage Place. Walter Rupp, 446 Pennsylvania Avenue. H. C. Spencer, 1038 W. Market Street. J. M. Ebbert, 361 W. King Street. D. J. Lau, 477 W. King Street. W. H. Lease, 662 W. Princess Street. C. B. HoUingsworth, 212 E. Market Street. W. Ellsworth Bollinger, 132 Jefferson Avenue. Dr. McDowell, Cor. King and George Street. Captain — J. S. Boyer, C. H. Bear & Company. TEAM Clarence Stum, C. H. Bear & Company. Stanley E. Beatty, C. H. Bear & Company. J. L. Thompson, C. H. Bear & Company. Geo. L. Jordy, C. H. Bear & Company. M. W. Mitchell, C. H. Bear & Company. Paul E. Shindler, C. H. Bear & Company. H. E. Witman, C. H. Bear & Company. W. P. Wise, C. H. Bear & Company. David Paules, C. H. Bear & Company. Captain — H. A. Delano, Market and Hartman Street. TEAM J. F. Britton, 120 E. Philadelphia Street. C. R. Fitzpatrick, 712 E. Chestnut Street. Harry Ilgenfritz, 217 Chestnut Street. Harold E. Russell, 1150 E. Market Street. Oscar Kranich, 415 N. Hartley Street. A. B. Saunders, Hench & Dromgold. Leonard Freed, York Railways Company. J. B. Steigelman, Wayne Avenue. J. W. Heinekamp, W. Philadelphia Street 394 Captain — L. Dale Dokney, 533 Linden Avenue. TEAM Philip F. Aldinger, 104 S. Richland Avenue. Paul J. Hess, 657 Linden Avenue. J. Vincent Pach, 593 Madison Avenue. Stanley Owen, 214 N. George Street. Harry F. Motter, 737 Madison Avenue. W. R. Courtwright, 234 S. Beaver Street. J. L Thomas, 131 E. Cottage Place. Harry H. Keller, 974 E. Philadelphia Street. Joseph F. Gleason, 631 W. Princess Street. John B. Dawson, 593 Madison Avenue. Captain — Edw. Downing, Rupp Building. TEAM Karl Enz, Read Machinery Company. P. R. Lichtenberger, 713 E. Market Street. G. W. Pfaltzgraff, 587 W. Market Street. J. M. Feiser, 225 S. George Street. R. K. Stallsmith, 525 W. Market Street. F. G. Strickler, 53 E. Market Street. G. E. Stover, 879 Madison Avenue. G. W. Gross, 830 W. Market Street. John Reifsnyder, 146 E. Market Street. Captain — Wm. E. Duff, 423 S. George Street. TEAM W. T. Durr, 455 Park Street. Geo. D. Duff, 423 S. George Street. H. A. Stiles, care W. E. Duff Company. Walter H. Keller, 5 Dewey Avenue. J. L. Hertz, 35 E. Market Street. Grover E. Klinedinst, 522 S. Duke Street. Geo. Heckert, 36 E. Cottage Place. Marvin Rahe, 444 S. George Street. 0. P. Dryor, care W. E. Duff. Captain — Harry S. Ebert TEAM Wm. K. Rebert, 118 W. King Street. J. 0. Whiteley, 121 W. Springettsbury Avenue. Donald E. Yost, 263 E. Market Street. George S. Love, 621 S. (ieorge Street. Harry P. Noss, Lafayette Club. Chas. L. Rodgers, 59 South Pine Street. A. M. Hake, 823 S. George Street. Howard G. Hetrick, 253 E. King Street. David M. Myers, 440 W. Philadelphia Street. Captain — Wm. H. Eckenrode 47 E. Market Street. TEAM A. G. Dougherty, 731 Madison Avenue. D. C. DeVine, 615 Linden Avenue. Wm. A. Allen, 704 S. Water Street. Samuel Bruggeman, 242 S. Beaver Street. J. C. Sweeney, Penn and Lincoln Streets. John Norbeck, 44 W. Jackson Street. S. Cletus Reineberg, 151 Springettsbury Avenue. George R. Shenberger, 573 Madison Avenue. K. L. Overlander, 40 N. Dewey Street. Captain — H. E. Eichinger, care W. E. Duff Company. TEAM Horace Ruby, 619 Linden Avenue. James Glessner, 21 S. George Street. Geo. J. Hildebrand, 416 W. York Avenue. Edw. Swartz, 29 W. King Street. J. Mitzel, 700 S. Queen Street. A. Mitzel, 675 E. Market Street. A. H. Stevens, 617 E. South Street. W. H. Reynolds, 819 S. Duke Street. H. K. Free, 148 E. Philadelphia Street. Captain — S. Fuld, 519 Madison Avenue. TEAM A. Kinzie, 237 W. Springettsbury Avenue. John Zimmerman, 220 W. College Avenue. Henry Myers, 521 W. Market Street. Robert Shillen, City Hotel. John Rochm, 133 W. College Avenue. Howard Hass, 577 W. Market Street. Hairy Bowman, 305 N. Queen Street. Max Hass, 519 Madison Avenue. Sam Kauffman, 231 N. George Street. 395 ] Captain — Eugene P. Gillespie 412 N. Beaver Street. TEAM Jos. Black, Jr. 914 W. Market Street. Herb B. Gillespie, 634 S. George Street. Carl Lafean, 105 S. Beaver Street. Dr. John Pearl, 412 N. Beaver Street. Chas. Jacobs, 1629 W. Market Street. W. 0. Lum, Security, Title & Trust Company. Chester G. Myers, York Cigar Box Company. W. E. Towson, 251 South George Street. F. W. Hoffman, 1518 Second Avenue., Elmwood. Captain — Morgan E. Gipe, 710 S. George Street TEAM J. W. Bobinson, 253 N. Hartley Street. Geo. Wirt, care Gehley's Carpet House. Dr. W. W. Bolton, W. Market Street. M. J. Stees, Edison Light & Power Company. Edw. Spangler, Bon-Ton Store. Wm. Knoederer, Bon-Ton Store. F. L. Glendmeyer, 330 W. Market Street. Percy Small, 429 Hartley Street. George Sprenkel, 427 N. Hartley Street. Captain C. E. Gnau, Standard Insurance Company. TEAM B. H. Conklin, 27 E. Philadelphia Street. H. K. Free, 44 N. George Street. G. E. Holtzapple, 203 S. George Street. A. A. Holden, 521 N. Beaver Street. F. W. Porter, York High School. Dan Saylor, 801 W. Poplar Street. Arthur Fry, Sheriff's Office. E. G. Graser, S. George Street. D. E. Wolfgang, 8 Latimer Street. Captain — George Gillie, Parkhurst Apartments. TEAM John Hake, 326 E. Poplar Street. Carl Witmer, care York Trust Company. John H. Stambaugh, P. A. & S. Small Company. Eugene F. Weiser, York Chamber of Commerce. Wm. Lehmayer, 9-11 E. Market Street. Harvey Gross, 441 Lincoln Street. Willis W. Gilbert, care Hanover Shoe Store. C. Elmore Harnish, care Harnish Photo Company. Geo. Sprenkle, care Guardian Trust Company. Captain — L. C. Hawk, 132 S. Queen Street. TEAM H. E. Bollinger, 132 Jefferson Avenue. C. E. Curries, Prudential Insurance Company. S. C. Snyder, 145 S. George Street. W. J. Wasner, Prudential Insurance Company. P. E. Strausbaugh, 1029 S. Queen Street. J. D. Bailey 45 E. Cottage Place. H. Earney, 319 E. Poplar Street. B. N. Hawk, Jr., Prudential Insurance Company. P. S. Forry, 529 E. Market Street. Captaim — Oscar H. Heckert, 125 E. Philadelphia St. TEAM Frank Hartley, 238 Carlisle Avenue. W. J. Baffensberger, 1507 Second Avenue. Claude Wolf, 638 W. Princess Street. W. H. Eisenhart, 145 E. Philadelphia Street. C. E. Bobinson, 29 State Street. Harry Lauer, 1338 W. Market Street. Wilson Sprenkle, York Gas Company. John A. Weiser, 145 E. Philadelphia Street. James Budisill, 434 Lincoln Street. Captain — Eddie Herr, 31 N. George Street. TEAM Boy S. Fox, 48 E. Market Street. C. T. Jenkins, 360 E. Poplar Street. Walter F. Owen, 336 S. Duke Street. B. P. Anderson, 839 McKenzie Street. H. B. Bancroft, 1426 First Avenue. W. H. Boll, 307 Cherry Street. P. D. Diehl, E. Market Street. H. G. Eaton, 837 S. Duke Street. H. N. Forrey, 49 Jefferson Avenue. 396 Captain — Geo. A. Jessop, 313 E. Market Street. TEAM Robert A. Long, 131 S. Hartley Street. Chas. Spence, 828 W. Locust Street. Geo. K. Faust, 340 W. North Street. W. G. Bates, 349 S. George Street. J. E. Williams, 921 W. King Street. Wm. B. Billmeyer, 268 E. Market Street. R. S. Spangler, 315 W. Market Street. Irvin Bookman, 155 S. Penn Street. Louis C. Mayer, 117 E. Springettsbury Avenue. Captain — CnESTEii Johnson 44 W. Market Street. TEAM Smyser Bair, 125 S. Beaver Street. W. McLaughlin, 750 W. Princess Street. Chas. Khne, 17 S. Pine Street. H. H. Rosser, 605 W. Market Street. W. W. Lease, 124 S. West Street. Clarence S. Hoover, 139 N. Newberry Street. Rev. J. M. Reiley, 110 N. Beaver Street. David Kagan, King and George Street. C. W. Simon, 315 S. Duke Street. Walter Brillhart, 814 E. Market Street. Captain — Vincent K. Keesey, 243 E. Market Street. TEAM Chas. Moore, 21 E. Market Street. C. F. Obermaier, Albemarle and Elm Streets. Walter K. Ottemiller, care Jas. McLean Store. Jesse L. Senft, 778 W. Philadelphia Street. S. B. Meisenhelder, 342 W. Market Street. H. F. Schmidt, 145 W. Market Street. Geo. Wilt, Bee-Hive Store. James 0. Garver, 515 Linden Avenue. C. S. Snyder, Atlantic Avenue. Captain — H. E. Kottcamp, 519 W. Market Street. TEAM H. Sam Hayes, 127 S. Beaver Street. Irvin Ruler, 136 W. Jackson Street. John W. Mumma, 156 E. Prospect Street. Eli G. Leathery, 363 W. Market Street. William Leathery, 353 W. Market Street. James F. Kohl, 311 N. Penn Street. Wm. Strickhouser, 121 S. Pine Street. Fred Hoffmeyer, 324 W. North Street. W. B. Witmer, 533 W. Philadelphia Street. Captain — Geo. H. Lane, 451 Lincoln Street. TEAM William Heagy, 821 W. Locust Street. Chas. Oberdick, 521 N. Hartley Street. Ralph Thomas, 454 Park Street. Geo. Ginter, 583 W. Market Street. C. E. Trumpfeller, 29 Broad Street. C. Elsesser, 342 S. Queen Street. J. B. Raby, 428 W. Market Street. H. W. Hamberger, 240 Park Street. R. W. Whitehouse, 414 Park Street. A. R. Hoflfeditz, 741 W. Princess Street. E. Luckenbaugh, 150 W. King Street. W. R. Smith, 456 Lincoln Street. Captain — George H. Leber 54 S. Beaver Street. TEAM W. C. Sudick, 141 S. Duke Street. Samuel Ruby, 113 E. Philadelphia Street. J. T. Hummer, 236 S. George Street. Carl S. Witmer, 44 E. Cottage Place. Harry L. McNeal, 131 W. Market Street George F. Rirchall, 747 Madison Avenue. C. P. Rutt, 25 W. King Street. L. E. Topper, 454 Park Street. Norbert Neuman, Madison Avenue. Captain — Patrick Lonergan, South George Street. team George Marlow, 241 E. Philadelphia Street. Chas. J. Helfrick, 242 S. George Street. John E. Helfrick, 900 W. Poplar Street. Thos. J. McNeUis, 152 S. Water Street. John Landers. 301 E. Mark(>t Street. I^hos. .1. Carroll, 110 S. Duke Street. Chas. Borgel, 39 W. Philadelphia Street. Jacob Geubtner, 224 Kurtz Avenue. Jacob Cookes, 16 E. Market Street. 397 Captain — H. J. Longenecker, 624 Linden Avenue. TEAM Chas. Moore, 943 Locust Street. D. R. Stewart, 706 Chestnut Street. Arthur Young, 717 Pennsylvania Avenue. Francis Farquhar, Country Club Road. Clarence B. Bishop, 1019 W. Princess Street. David P. Klinedinst, 33 Security Building. Chas. C. Wilhelm, 672 E. Market Street. A. K. Sweitzer, 100 W. Jackson Street. Henry Trimmer, Pennsylvania Avenue. Captain — 0. H. Lucas, 223 W. Springettsbury Avenue. TEAM Robert Immel, York Chemical Works. C. E. Billheimer, 131 W. Market Street. C. L. Peterman, 253 W. Springettsbury Avenue. H. H. Sprenkle, 300 W. Jackson Street. Samuel Gregory, of Gregory & Company. Geo. Landis, care Fulton, Mehring & Houser Co. Edward Frey, N. Beaver Street. Jas. A. Lichty, 142 E. Philadelphia Street. Edward Leber, 148 W. Market Street. Captain— M. S. Niles, 256 E. Market Street. TEAM Walter L. Bond, 719 Madison Avenue. Clair E. Emig, 745 S. Queen Street. Robert A. Stair, 337 E. Market Street. Lewis B. Sellers, 131 S. George Street. J. C. Weeks, Lafayette Club. J. Howard Manifold, 547 Madison Avenue. S. K. McCall, 345 E. Market Street. Henry C. Niles, "Hillcroft." L. E. Frey, 803 W. Poplar Street. Captain — Charles Polack, McClellan Heights. TEAM H. 0. Sakemiller, 370 E. Market Street. Mr. Shaeffer, York National Bank. Wilbur Bentzel, Guardian Trust Company. Chas. Hoffmeyers, 169 W. Maple Street. Fred Cramer, 623 S. George Street. Curtis Bowers, 285 W. Market Street. Chas. A. May, 1240 W. Market Street. G. W. Helman, 1405 First Avenue. W. Grove, Anderson Motor Car Company. Captain — Arthur Pringle, 529 Madison Avenue. TEAM W. L. Mann, 503 Madison Avenue. R. J. Pescho, 423 Lincoln Street. Cleason King, 861 E. Philadelphia Street. Geo. Hummel, 521 Madison Avenue. Chas. Erisman, 555 Madison Avenue. L. Herschelroth, 482 W. King Street. Percy Miller, 643 W. Princess Street. John E. Graybill, 424 Lincoln Street. Geo. Hoover, 1421 W. Market Street. Geo. Epply, 33 S. Hartley Street. Captain— 534 W. Lee Reinererg, Market Street. TEAM J. S. Young, CD. Kenny Company. H. A. Bamer, 9 S. George Street. Geo. Dellinger, Guardian Trust Company. Paul Schminke, C. A. Strack & Company. Henry Schroeder, Overland Hbg. Company. T. Heller, N. Duke Street. Wm. Miller, Hoover Wagon Works. Dr. J. H. Howell, 13 S. George Street. Wm. S. Wanner, 15 E. Mason Avenue. Captain — B. T. Root, 1508 Second Avenue. TEAM C. W. Rolffe, 1510 Second Avenue. Wm. Christensen, 1532 Second Avenue. Robert Farrington, 427 S. George Street. L. G. Wheeler, 143 E. King Street. F. S. Kauffman, 117 Jefferson Avenue. W. B. Senft, 1240 E. King Street. P. G. Mundorf, 538 Madison Avenue. George Wertz, 52 W. 9th Avenue. Mahlon Haines, 231 N. George Street. 398 Captain — Herbert S. Schmidt, Center Square. TEAM Benj. LaMotte, 49 S. Queen Street. M. Haller Frey, 927 S. Queen Street. Samuel Strack, 160 S. George Street. David E. «mall, 16.3 E. Market Street. Herbert Mehring, 505 Madison Avenue. Clarence Gable, 945 Linden Avenue. Harry C. Musser, 120 E. King Street. Herbert Schmidt, 543 Madison Avenue. Edw. Hengst, 340 E. King Street. Captain — Jack Silverman, E. Market Street. TEAM P. E. McNitt, 365 W. Market Street. Harry Smith, Schmidt Clothing Company. G. A. Billmeyer, 200 E. Market Street. R. G. Glatfelter. 452 W. Market Street. Harper Kohler, 651 Linden Avenue. Lloyd P. Myers, 33 E. Cottage Place. James Chubb, 341 E. Locust Street. R. W. Fasinger, Post Office Box Number 8. R. L. Edwards, Rosenmiller Building. Captain — Frank W. Stahlheber, 709 W. Market Street. TEAM John D. Laucks, 227 S. Queen Street. Norman Richley, 204 S. Beaver Street. Walter B. Sickler, 1104 W. King Street. Curry H. Smith, 204 S. Beaver Street. Harry W. Smith, 145 W. Maple Street. Harold B. Gilman, Queen and Cottage Place. Wm. H. Trimmer, 131 N. Penn Street. John B. Riddlemoser, 707 Linden Avenue. J. A. Walker, 422 N. Beaver Street. Captain — Wm. Stair, 425 Lincoln Street. TEAM Wm. H. Miller, 8 W. Market Street. Geo. L. Miller, 836 McKenzie Street. Mr. Bollinger, 150 Elm Terrace. Mr. Gilbert, 429 Lincoln Street. Wm. J. Fisher, 343 N. Beaver Street. W. T. Huntsman, 700 W. Philadelphia Street. John F. Rudisill, 432 Lincoln Street. Geo. L. Stark, 865 Madison Avenue. Fred Brandt, 8 E. Market Street. Captain — Daniel D. Strite, 150 S. George Street. TEAM Dr. G. E. Spotz, Lehmayer Building. H. T. D. Hodnett, S. George Street. George Spangler, 138 Jefferson Avenue. J. J. Bollinger, 60 Hartman Building. Chas. Craumer, 204 S. Duke Street. Edw. Reineberg, Jr., 19 S. George Street. Ethelbert Gillespie, 1105 N. George Street. Patrick Rowen, Rowen's Store. E. E. Kinneman, 123 W. Philadelphia Street. Geo. Stallman (C. H. Stallman & Son) Captain — Henry Wasbers, 30 E. King Street. TEAM Luther Menough, 450 W. Philadelphia Street. Ed. Meisenhelter, 301 N. Hartley Street. W. C. Throne, 573 W. Market Street. Monroe Shadle, 42 W. Maple Street. Ralph Glatfelter, 462 Salem Avenue. Clarence Mader, 704 W. Philadelphia Street. H. C. Ulmer, Philadelphia Street. C. D. Smith, Modern Laundry. J. W. Richley, E. Market Street. G. W. Helman, 1408 First Avenue. Captain — Harry Wiest, 141 E. Market Street. TEAM J. M. Rodgers, 423 N. Hartley Street. L. S. Hydeman, 813 S. George Street. J. A. Brandt, 336 Reinecke Place. H. E. Smith, 714 W. Princess Street. W. G. McFall, Elmwood. Guy Sheets, 113 S. Pine Street. John Trimmer, 1110 W. Market Street. Robert Bear, Edison Light & Power Company. B. A. Shorb, 253 W. Springettsbury Avenue. E. Philip Stair, 531 W. King Street. 399 Captain — Geo. M. Wetmore, 549 Madison Avenue. TEAM Geo. E. Baumeister, 806 S. Duke Street. Thos. F. Heberly, 303 N. Newberry Street. M. L. Howard, 520 Salem Avenue. Harry H. Serf, 328 Smyser Street. John S. Heberly, 830 W. Princess Street. Chas. M. Boyer, 720 W. Poplar Street. John I. Spangler, 819 W. Poplar Street. Spurgeon Spangler, 819 W. Poplar Street. I. W. Noell, 123 S. Bichland Avenue. Harry D. Quickie, 349 Smyser Street. A. K. Stevens, 277 W. Cottage Place. Captain— M W. Ways, 217 S. Pine Street. TEAM H. K. Kendig, 438 W. Market Street. Bob Gephart, care Manufacturers' Association. J. F. Baird, 705 Madison Avenue. G. G. Gartman, 56 S. Pine Street. J. B. Glatfelter, 141 W. King Street. A. L. Allen, 432 Atlantic Avenue. P. A. Swartz, 305 Carlisle Avenue. Fred Free, 260 W. Maple Street. Walter Hostetter, care Frey & Hostetter. Captain— {]. A. Yost, 753 W. Poplar Street. TEAM Harvey Lesher, 27 N. George Street. Wm. Woods, 141 S. Belvidere Avenue. W. W. Startsman, 251 S. George Street. Harry Goodling, 725 W. Poplar Street. Harry Johnson, 732 W. Poplar Street. 0. 0. EttHne, 23 W. Philadelphia Street. John McCoUam, 309 N. Penn Street. Clarence Goodling, 801 W. Princess Street. Galen Aungst, W. Poplar Street. E. M. Bowman, 38 S. George Street. THE WAR COUNCIL OF YORK COUNTY The War Council of York County was an active organization in the conduct of the war work of this section. In it were co-ordinated all of the war-time activities. The Liberty Loans, the Bed Cross, Thrift Stamps, the Food Administration, the Council of National Defense, the Woman's Council and all of the active organizations engaged in war work were combined in the War Council. Its orgin was the result of the first year's experience in war work. Grier Hersh, who had been Chairman of the Council of National Defense and also Chairman of the Liberty Loans during the year of 1917, conceived the idea of co-ordinating the efforts of those engaged in war activities. During the month of January. 1918, Mr. Hersh made the suggestion to several members of the Liberty Loan Executive Committee that the War Council be organized. After some discussion as to the best way of forming such an organization and getting interested in its activities those forces of the County of York which would help in the most positive manner, it was decided that the following organizations should be represented: — Bed Cross, Y. M. C. A., Ministerial Association, Knights of Columbus, Manufacturers' Association, Federation of Labor, Y. W. C. A., Engineering Society of York, Woman's Council of National Defense, York Clearing House Association, American Jewish Belief Committee, Chamber of Commerce, Public Safety and Unorganized Labor. The plan was to have each one of these bodies appoint five delegates to represent them at a meeting to be called in the Court House. In turn each one of the five were to designate one of their number as a representative on a Board of Directors. This meeting was held in the County Court House, February 26, 1918. The meeting was opened 400 by the Imperial Quartet, under the direction of H. A. Bailey, Secretary of the Y. M. C. A. "Keep the Home Fires Burning" and "We're Tenting Tonight" were sung by the Quartet. P. A. Elsesser called the meeting to order and Judge N. M. Wanner was nominated and unanimously elected Chairman of the meeting. The entire audience sang "My Country 'Tis of Thee". Dr. A. T. Taylor of the First Presbyterian Church made an invocation. James Rudisill was elected Secretary of the meeting. Grier Hersh explained the aims and objects of the War Council. The several organ- izations interested were represented by the following delegates : — Red Cross, Francis Farquhar, Rev. C. M. Ehehalt, W. C. Throne, Mrs. J. B.Hamme; Y. M. C. A., W. L. Glatfelter, G. H. Whiteley, Sr., S. Fahs Smith, P. A. Elsesser, A. R. Nissly; Ministerial Asso- ciation, Dr. A. T. Taylor, Dr. A. A. Long, Rev. J. W. Thompson, Rev. A. C. Shue, Rev. F. A. Rupley; Knights of Columbus, George Marlow, Eugene Shuman, Charles Borgel, William Allen ; Manufacturers' Association, G. H. Whiteley, Sr., Robert Gephart, Horace Keller, J. L. Gerber; Federation of Labor, John B. Aumen, Alfred H- Billet, WiUiam Eckenrode, Winfield Sleeger, Emory Fehls; Y. W. C. A., Mrs. Francis Farquhar, Mrs. J. C. Schmidt, Mrs. Abner Bentz, Mrs. Albert Bell, Mrs. D. E. Small; Engineering Association, James Rudisill, John E. Graybill, Harold Syvertsen, C. H. Ehrenfeld, George L. Jessop; Woman's Council of National Defense, Mrs. A. S. McConkey, Miss Annie Gamble, Mrs. Forry Medlar, Miss Emma Cochran, Mrs. John B. Hamme; York Clearing Flouse Association, Ellis S. Lewis; American Jewish Relief Committee, Dr. J. H. Comroe, Rabbi E. Davis; Chamber of Commerce, V. K. Keesey, Oscar Heckert, Allen C. Weist, C. M. Fulton, H. N. Forry; Public Safety, 0. R. Read, J. W. Heinekamp, D. D. Strite, James Rudisill; LTnorganized Labor, Adam Garver, W. J. Fisher. The principal business transacted at this meeting was the adoption of a constitution and by-laws for the guidance of War Council. The War Council of York County was adopted as the name of the Association. The by-laws also provided that the object for which the association was formed relates to the war. Specifically they are to assist in raising all necessary war funds, in the sale of Liberty Bonds, in the sale of War Savings Stamps and Thrift Stamps or any other method of raising money by the Government. The by-laws provided that the direction of the association should at all times be under the control of a Board of Directors. The Board of Directors was empowered to create offices and bureaus, appoint committees and agents, prescribe their duties, and adopt rules and regulations for their own government. The Board was also given the power to elect additional members-at-large, who were endowed with all the powers of the members elected by the association. The number was limited to six. It was also provided that the Board of Directors should elect, from their own members, an Executive Committee of five. However, all of the actions by the Executive Committee were subjected to revision or approval of the Board of Directors. The Board of Directors was directed to elect, from its own members, a chairman who was known as the Head of the War Council, and also a Vice-Head of the War Council to act in the event of the absence or disability of the Head of the War Council. The by-laws also directed that appropriations other than for clerical expenses should only be made by the Board of Directors, under the following rules: (1) The call must be endorsed by the War or Navy Department. (2) The allotment of York County must be reasonably equitable as com- pared to all allotments of other communities of equal population. (3) The payment must be ap- proved by the Board of Directors at a regular or special meeting thereof. To Francis Farquhar is due the credit of having made the first outline of the by-laws. How well this work was done is evidenced by the successful work of the War Council in York County. The first meeting of the Board of Directors was held on Friday evening, March 1, 1918, al the York National Bank. The meeting was called to order by James Rudisill and Griei- Hersh was elected temporary Chairman. The following members of the Board were present: P. A. Elsesser, CJeorge Marlow, Alfred H. Billet, Mrs. L. M. Hartman, Mrs. A. S. McConkey, James Rudisill, ]^]llis S. Lewis, Dr. J. H. Comroe, V. K. Keesey, Grier Hersh. George Whiteley, Sr., was nominated and elected [ 401 1 Head of the War Council. J. C. Schmidt was elected Vice-Head of the War Council. W. R. Horner was made Treasurer and James Rudisill elected Secretary of the Board as provided by the by-laws. 0. R. Read and J. W. Heinekamp were elected additional members to the Board. The following committee was appointed to suggest a plan of organization: V. K. Keesey, 0. R. Read, J. W. Heinekamp, EUis S. Lewis, James Rudisill. On March 12th, the second meeting of the Roard was held and the York Committee made a report recommending several bureaus, and the following members were elected to head the proposed sections : Campaign Manager, for the sale of Liberty Ronds, Grier Hersh: City Liberty Bond Chairman, Ellis S. Lewis, and Vice-Chairman of the County, W. D. Rrougher, Wellsville. It was also decided that the County should be divided according to the plan of the Public Safety Committee of Pennsylvania. This plan provided that the County should be divided into thirteen districts, — each of the districts to be represented by a Chairman, and these districts in turn were to be divided into unitF of school- house districts. The following is a list of the districts: — District No. 1, York City, North York, West York, Spring Garden, West Manchester and Springettsbury Townships. District No. 2, Hanover, West Manheim, Manheim, Heidelberg and Penn Townships. District No. 3, Dallastown, York Township and Spring- field Townships, Loganville, Seven Valleys and Yoe Roroughs. District No. 4, Red Lion, Windsor and Upper Chanceford Townships. District No. 5, Peach Bottom, Fawn, and Lower Chanceford Townships, Delta, Fawn Grove and Felton Boroughs. District No. 6, Hopewell, East Hopewell, North Hopewell, Stewartstown, Winterstown, and Cross Roads. District No. 7, Shewsbury Township and Codorus Township, and Glen Rock, Railroad, New Freedom, Shewsbury and Jefferson. District No. 8, North Codorus, Jackson and Paradise, Spring Grove and York New Salem. District No. 9, Dover, Washington and Warrington, Dover and Wellsville. District No. 10, Franklin, Carroll and Monaghan, Dillsburg and Franklintown. District No. 11, Lewisberry and Fairview, Lewisberry, Goldsboro, and York Haven. District No. 12, Hallam, Lower Windsor, Wrightsville, Hallam, East Prospect and Yorkana. At this same meeting Mrs. Carey Etnier and James G. Glessner were elected additional members of the Board of Directors. The Chairman also appointed the following committee to recommend to the Board a sum of money to be collected by the War Council and the manner in which the work was to be done: J. C. Schmidt, George Marlow, P. A. Elsesser, Dr. Julius Comroe, Dr. A. T. Taylor, Mrs. L. M. Hartman and James Rudisill. On March 26th, a meeting was held in the rooms of the Manufacturers' Association at which G. H. Whiteley, Sr., Head of the War Council presided. The report of the committee appointed to formulate a plan for raising the War Fund was read. This report provided that the sum of $350,000 be raised for the purpose of defraying the expenses of the War Council and also to provide funds to meet the allotment given to York County by the American Red Cross or any other of the general bodies en- gaged in relief or philanthropic war work. Francis Farquhar was made Campaign Manager to collect this sum. Some doubts were felt whether or not the Second District would participate in the work of the War Council. Grier Hersh, Francis Farquhar and James Rudisill were a committee to consult with the authorities of District No. 2. After a conference held in the rooms of the Elks Association in Hanover, the leading men of the Second District declined to participate in the organization and consequently this district was not included in the War Council of York County for any purpose. Under the direction of Francis Farquhar a most vigorous campaign was waged throughout the remaining twelve districts. The York Chamber of Commerce printed a booklet which outlined the plan for raising money. This plan was designed by Mr. Farquhar and provided for a most thorough canvass of all the residents of the twelve districts. Mr. Farquhar, assisted by members of the Roard of Directors, made addresses in many parts of the County to large audiences where the purposes of [402 1 the campaign were explained. One of the features of the campaign was a dinner at the Colonial Hotel, to which leading business men of the County were invited. After an address by Mr. Farquhar, who told of the necessity to defeat Germany and of the huge task in accomplishing such a purpose, the sum of $140,000 was subscribed to the War Chest. At the March meeting of the Board of Directors, P. A. Elsesser, 0. R. Read, Grier Hersh, V. K. Keesey and James Rudisill were elected as the Executive Committee of the War Council. With one exception the members of this committee have served to the present time. At the end of 1918, 0. R. Read resigned and Francis Farquhar was elected in his stead. The following bureaus were organized for the active work of the War Council: SELLING AND SOLICITING BUREAUS 0. Roland Read S. Fahs Smith J. W. Heinekamp W. S. Bond M. H. Wessell Edward Leber James Rudisill George Stallman E. H. Berger Ernest Polack TRANSPORTATION BUREAU J. C. EisENHART George Kindig L. D. Menough Walter E. Musser PURLICITY AND SPEAKERS BUREAU R. E. Winchester F. W. Zercher J. M. Rodgers E. F. Weiser George Kunsman A. E. Lehman FRATERNAL, ETC., ORGANIZATIONS BUREAU Robert L. M otter Max Grumbacher George J. Hildebrand C H. Rear, Jr. Alfred H. Billet Samuel Bruggeman BUREAU OF FINANCE Alex. McLean P. A. Small John E. Baker William R. Horner Thomas Shipley Of these bureaus the selling and soliciting was active in all of the work until the end of the war. The members assisted in organizing the Liberty Bond teams and also in selecting the captains of the teams which collected the War Chest. The Transportation Bureau also served until the end of the \ 403 1 war. As Chairman, J. C. Eisenhart with a true patriotic spirit devoted much time to securing auto- mobiles for the transportation of speakers and supphes to remote corners of York county. So effective were his elforts that it was unnecessary to hire any automobiles during any of the campaigns. Indeed, the automobile service at times was more efficient than some other of the bureaus. On one occasion a meeting was to be held in Shrewsbury, but for some reason was postponed and the Liberty Loan Office at York notified. Mr. Eisenhart secured the services of two automobiles and sent three soldiers, three musicians and one speaker to fulfill the engagement. The night was cold and blustery. Upon their arrival in Shrews- bury they were unable to find any one who knew of a meeting in that town on that particular evening. The Liberty Chariot, a truck which was covered with a canvas frame, covered with electric lights and suitably decorated for Liberty Bond purposes was also sent to all sections of the county. This machine contained a moving picture outfit, a Delco Lighting Plant and an organ. Upon arriving at the scene of activity the musicians would begin the exercise with singing and would then show moving pictures appropriate to either Liberty Bond, Red Cross or Thrift Stamp purposes. On several oc- casions it was necessary to proceed up some hill backward owing to the overload which the Liberty Chariot carried. On several occasions after the crowd was assembled it was impossible to show the pictures, because of some defect in the mechanical equipment. Here the ingenuity of both the speakers and the musicians was taxed so as to keep the crowd in a pleasant mood and not to discourage the purchase of Liberty Bonds or the contribution of funds for war purposes. The Bureau on Publicity and Speakers was also more or less active, but upon the sudden death of R. E. Winchester in an automobile accident, this bureau was reorganized. The Bureau of Finance supplied the first money to cover the cost of raising a War Chest and in every way was a help and assistance in the work of the War Council. So successful was the work of raising the War Chest that the total sum of $415,525.58 was pledged. Of this sum firms and in- dividual citizens of York subscribed $25,159.08. The employees of the City subscribed $88,882.05 and the County pledged $101,484.45. At the time of this writing, early in October, 1919, $380,9 10.00 has been collected. The following leaders of the districts in the County were untiring in their efforts to make successful the raising of the War Chest: Dallastown — I . H. Rojahn Red Lion — H. L. Haines Delta — E. W. Keyser Cross Roads — Wm. F. Logan Glen Rock— A. P. Dise Spring Grove — W. L. Glatfelter Wellsville — W. D. Brougher Dillsburg — J. S. Kapp York Haven — C. C. Emigh Mt. Wolf— Henry Wolf Wrightsville — R. P. Wilton On these men, who gave unselfishly of their time and talents, developed the work of selling Liberty Bonds and the other activities. In every instance they were highly successful and did much to establish the enviable record of York county in the World War. Arrangements were made with the depository for interest on daily balances and the amount of this interest covered all of the executive expenses, so that there was no cost in administering this huge sum. At a meeting of the Executive Committee held on April 13th, in the rooms of the Engineer- [404 1 ing Society of York, it was recommended E S. Hengst be appointed Executive Secretary of tiie War Council. Mr. Hengst has held this position throughout the entire war and served with ability and faithfulness. At this same meeting it was recommended that the first appropriation be made from the War Chest. The sum of $3,000 was appropriated to the York National War Savings Committee for expenses in selling War Stamps and Thrift Stamps. A similar amount was given to the Public Safety and Food Administration of the County and another appropriation of $1,500, was given to the Liberty Loan Organization. These recommendations were approved by the Board of Directors. In every instance the allotments of York county to such objects as the American Red Cross and those organizations which comprised the LInited War Work campaigns were over-subscribed. This financial support enabled the American Red Cross of York county not only to send large amounts of surgical dressings and all kinds of hospital garments for the use of the army, but during the '"Flu" epidemic a special appropriation of $25,000 was made to the York County Chapter of the American Red Cross to assist in the fight against that epidemic. The entire cost of the Emergency Hospital, which was located in the York County Fair Grounds, was paid from this fund and when the disease subsided indigent patients were cared for in tents at the York Hospital. When the distress in the Near East became so acute $30,000 was given to this cause. The work of the fourth Liberty Bond Campaign during this epidemic was also given valuable aid by an appropriation of sufficient funds to permit of such advertising in all of the county papers as to make the response to this huge loan to be in excess of the amount asked of the county. During this campaign all house-to-house canvasses were dispensed with in order to fight the spread of the disease. Following is a fist of the appropriations from the War Council to the present time. Expenses of Third Liberty Loan Drive $1.500 . 00 Expenses of Fourth Liberty Loan Drive 2,500 . 00 Expenses of War Saving Stamps Campaign 3,780. 70 Expenses of Fifth Liberty Loan Drive 2,500 . 00 Rental Orpheum Theatre 52 . 00 -Salaries 1,281.33 Cash Register, Fixtures, Card Indexes, Etc 1,832.39 Printing and Stationery 1,219 . 68 Miscellaneous Expense, Postage, Etc 50 . 00 Advertising 299 . 10 Woman's Council of National Defense 680 . 00 United War Work Campaign 75,000 . 00 Soldiers' Club 3,500 . 00 American Commission Refief in Near East 5,000.00 Committee reception of returning soldiers 400 . 00 War Camp Community Service 2.000 . 00 Roy Scouts of America 4,000 , 00 Jewish Refief and Welfare 10,000 . 00 Public Safety Committee 2,750 00 War Fund American Red Cross 125,000 . 00 York County Chapter American Red Cross 25,000 . 00 American Syrian Relief 5,000.00 $274,348 . 20 105 The Boy Scout movement in York county was also greatly assisted by the appropriation of $4,000 to the National Council of that organization. The work done by the boys during the various campaigns throughout the county was most helpful. These boys not only performed excellent service for their country, but were in turn given an understanding of the duties and obhgations of American Citizenship. The by-laws of the War Council provided that an annual meeting should be held of the Council itself during the month of January in each year until the end of the War. At the annual meeting of 1919, the same Board of Directors was re-elected and the Board also re-elected the officers who served during the year 1918. James Budisill THE SCOUTS OF YORK COUNTY DURING THE WAR RAY F. ZANER, Scout Executive. SHORTLY after the United States entered the war, the scouts in York City en-masse marched to the City Hall and there pledged to the Chief Executive their services, such as they were prepared to render. Scouts do not receive the training of soldiers, nor are they trained for mihtary service, but being trained to be alert, ready to help where possible they take advantage of every opportunity "To Do A Good Turn". It was not very long until the first call came, and so the scouts of York County made their debut in assisting with the circulating of Patriotic Pledges through the shops and mills, on streets and in stores. Then came the organized efforts to raise funds for the Bed Cross, Y. M. C. A., Knights of Columbus, War Chest, and the various Liberty Loans. In all these the scouts took a very active part. During the several drives, the scouts busied themselves in tacking up posters on the telephone and telegraph poles of the county, placing placards and circulars throughout the stores, banks, shops and mills. During the First Liberty Loan the scouts co-operated with the various committees and teams in the sale of bonds. The Drum and Bugle Corps were used a number of times to furnish martial music as a stimulus to both workers and citizens. In the remaining Loan Campaigns the scouts acted as gleaners after the reapers and solicited for bonds for a period of from three to six days after all other workers were through. It is particularly encouraging to know that the scouts on this plan sold over a milfion dollars worth of bonds in York county during four Loans. Then let it also be said to the credit of the scouts, that practically all of the posters and printed matter used in the various loans and campaigns were dis- tributed and posted by them. This was in itself a tremendous task and one in which the boys entered with their whole hearts, realizing that a successfully advertised Loan would mean much toward its success. 406 The Boy Scouts of the Nation through the National organization offered their services to the government in acting as dispatch and message bearers. As a result of this, thousands upon thousands of circulars and pamphlets were distributed in York county, explaining various phases of the war, and much of it designed to counteract the German propoganda so freely circulated. Then came the call for black walnut for gun stocks. A direct appeal from the President of the United States started the scout movement on the trail of black walnut and in a short time thousands of feet had been reported from this county alone. When the reports were all in from over the nation, there was enough walnut provided and more. When it was discovered that peach and other fruit pits could be used in the proper making of gas masks, a call was issued to the scouts to assist in the collection and saving of this material. Boxes and barrels were provided, circulars and placards were distributed and posted in conspicuous places with the result that soon there were a plenty of the material. In the matter of the War Saving Stamps the scouts were especially active. Not only did they put up the posters and distribute literature, but they helped in the selling of them. Over seventy-five thousand dollars worth of stamps were sold by the scouts throughout the county. During the Liberty Loan Campaigns scouts served as orderlies at the several headquarters and rendered valuable aid in this capacity. There were a number of patriotic parades where scouts assisted the police in handling the crowds and caring for the traffic. The influenza epidemic during the war furnished the opportunity for the scouts to really demon- strate their worth to the community and to put into real practice some of the many things which they had been taught. In the erection of the Hospital on the Fair Grounds, the scouts assisted the carpenters, erected the tents, placed equipment, and acted as guards until relieved by the militia. After the hospital was opened, scouts served as assistants on the ambulances, orderlies in the hospital, handled the telephones and moved patients, etc. So much was the work appreciated that it brought forth an official letter of thanks to each scout who in any way had helped. These scouts served without compensation and it was estimated had saved the city a couple thousand dollars. The war is over but our work is not. There will ever be a growing need of helping mold the coming manhood of our Nation and the Boy Scout Movement is doing all it can through its organization to enroll the boys of America and to train them in the principles of unselfish service, that they may grow physically strong, mentally awake and morally straight. ACTIVITIES OF THE YOUNG MEN'S CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION IMMEDIATELY after war was declared, on the 6th of April, 1917, John R. Mott was requested to organize the National War Work Council of the Young Men's Christian Association to do Y. M. C. A. work for the soldiers on their way to camps, in camps, on their way overseas, and later in the fields of Europe. A conference was held in June, 1917, at the Bellevue-Stratford in Philadelphia, at which several members of the Board of Directors of the local Association were present. The needs of the work were presented and a local campaign was inaugurated which netted over $7,000.00 for the National War Work Council. The further need for funds and workers became imperative and in November, 1917, the forces were organized in the county, and a fund of $46,000.00 was laised. The Association also assisted in the promotion of the War Chest Drive in 1918. [ 407 1 From September, 1917, the local Y. M. C. A. building was kept open every day in the week so any soldiers coming in could be accommodated with full privileges of the Association at any time, and this policy is being continued. During 1918, when large groups of soldiers were in the city over week ends, the Frysinger property, which was purchased in April, was used for dormitories The Ladies' Auxiliary secured a large number of cots and at times as many as one hundred and fifteen were accommodated in the building over a Saturday night. On Sunday morning the Ladies' Auxiliary provided breakfast for those who stayed in the building and others who happened to come in time for breakfast. One hundred and fifty was the largest number served at one time. In this way a total of fifteen hundred were accommodated with night lodging and eighteen hundred with meals. Messrs. Edward Leber, E. H. R. Polack and E. A. Barnitz were appointed a committee to arrange entertainment for soldiers in local homes over week ends, and at times as many as three hundred soldiers were provided for in this way. The Board of Directors, the Co-operative Committee and the member- ship in general rendered willing service. The Ladies' Auxiliary deserves special credit, since the matter of providing and taking care of cots and bedclothing, serving luncheons, and entertaining the soldiers, fell mostly to their lot and was handled efficiently by them. They were ably assisted by Committees from the Young Women's Christian Association, Girls' Club and ladies from different churches. Two hundred and nine members were in the service. Four of this number died, as follows: Private Walter L. Fitzgerald, 48th Aero Squadron, died of spinal meningitis in France January 9, 1919. Private Latimer Sayers, Battery A, Second Trench Mortars, died of pneumonia, February 11, 1918, at Fortress Monroe, Va. Private Sherman W. Leifer, Company A, 6th Engineers, killed in action, July 15, 1918. Sergeant Harry E. Strayer, Headquarters Company 112th Infantry, died of pneumonia, in France, October 18, 1918. The officers of the Association during this period were : P. A. Elsesser, President. Geo. H. Whiteley, Vice-President. E. W. Gardner, Secretary. Edward Leber, Treasurer H. a. Bailey, General Secretary. The officers of the Ladies' Auxiliary : Mrs. George L. Stallman, President. , Mrs. George E. Neff, Vice-President. Mrs. Virginia Johnson, Vice-President. Miss Alice Neff, Recording Secretary. Miss Flora Immel, Corresponding Secretary. Mrs. E. a. Rice, Treasurer. H. a. Bailey, General Secretary. 408 THE WORK OF YORK THEATERS DURING THE WAR PERIOD IT is to be said of the owners and managers of York's theaters and moving picture houses that they were not found lacking in doing their bit to assist the government in the prosecution of the war. When their support and efforts were needed they always responded loyally. They proved a helpful factor in all local work and drives in the interest of the war. Along with the newspapers they were the cliief means of publicity in the various Red Cross, War Savings, War Chest and five Liberty Loan drives. Their theaters and screens were always at the disposal of the York County Council of National Defense. Four Minute Men were given the privilege of addressing audiences at all shows. Special slides and reels furnished by the government were exhibited and often featured. Through the potent medium of the theaters and picture shows much advertising was given the Food Administration and its plans for conserving food, while the success of various recruiting drives of the army, navy and marine corps wais in part due to the help of York's theatrical and amusement managers, who had their own organization for war activities. This organization was affihated with the Council of National Defense and was always on the job. For their sincere patriotism and creditable work, the managers received a special letter signed by President Wilson and were awarded roll of honor certificates. The theaters thus honored were: The York Opera House, N. Appell, Manager. The Orpheum Theater, N. Appell, Manager. The Hippodrome Theater, Kline Henderson, Manager. The Jackson Theater, F. E. Barry, Manager The Scenic Theater, J. Hill Snyder, Manager. The Wizard Theater, O. C. Deckman, Manager. :i|^ SPEAKING ACTIVITIES OF THE FOUR MINUTE MEN AT the outset, the patriotic speaking in York County was conducted under two different organiza- tions but under one head. In motion picture theatres and other places of amusement the speakers were Four Minute Men, while all other speaking was conducted by the Speaker's Bureau of the York County Committee of Public Safety. The Four Minute Men were a branch of the Committee on Public Information created by executive order of the Piesident, while the Committee of Public Safety was a branch of the Council of National Defense created by Act of Congress. Originally, in order to conform to the Revolutionary precedent, the State and Local Units of the Council of National Defense in Pennsylvania were designated as State and County Committees of Public Safety, but later, in order to conform in part with the practice of other States, the designation was changed to Council of National Defense and Connnittee of PubUc Safety. The organization of the Four Minute Men and of the Speakers' Bureau in York County was iden- tical, the same person serving as Chairman of Four Minute Men and of the Speakers" Bureau. At the outset, Mr. Grier Hersh undertook both Chairmanships in addition to his other war activities, but prior to the Second Liberty Loan campaign he retired in favor of Robert C. Bair, Esq., who acted until April, 1918, when (ieorge Hay Rain, ICs([., was appointed Chairman of the York County Division f 109 1 of Four Minute Men and of the York County Speakers' Bureau. Those organizations took part in the Third Liberty Loan campaign. Afterward all speaking activities were placed in charge of the Four Minute Men as such, under which organization the Fourth Loan was carried through. The speaking during this campaign was much hampered by reason of the influenza quarantine. On Christmas Eve, 1918, the Four Minute Men ceased to exist and the members received certificates of honorable discharge. Practically the same persons constituted the York County Division of Speakers' and Meetings, during the Victory Loan drive. In the campaign for the Third Loan, singing and other forms of entertainment were used as a part of the program, but the formal organization of a Singing Division did not take place until the Fourth Loan campaign, when Mr. M. B. Gibson as Chairman, organized the singing force. Mr. Gibson also acted as Chairman of the Singing Division during the Victory Loan campaign. During the several campaigns, the local forces were augmented by soldiers detailed to the county by the State organization, which also sent other speakers from time to time for special occasions. A roster of the organization for each Loan campaign is impracticable, both for want of space and because in large measure there would be a mere repetition of names. There follows, however, a list of the persons who made up, from time to time, the Four Minute Men and the Speakers' Bureau; and also a roster of the organization for the Victory Loan campaign. It must be understood, however, that because of the somewhat stringent requirements for enrollment as an actual "Four Minute Man", some whose names are included under that heading were not actually enrolled as such at Washington through no fault of their own, but because of absence, illness, or similar unavoidable occurrences. It must also be remembered that many persons who volunteered their services from time to time but who did not serve regularly, are not included. And finally, the need for brevity requires the ommission of the names of the members of the various church choirs which served en masse under the singing leaders of the Victory Loan Drive. FOUR MINUTE MEN Grier Hersh, Organizing Chairman. Robert C. Bair, Esq., Chairman until April, 1918. George Hay Kain, Esq., Chairman after April, 1918. DISTRICT CHAIRMEN Rev. Abner S. DeChant, District No. 2. . John Keech, District No. 3. C. S. Lamotte, District No. h. W. L. Glatfelter, District No. 8. W. D. Brougher, District No 9. J. S. Kapp, District No. 10. M. B. Gibson, Chairman Singing Division. C. Halbert Baylor, Assistant Chairman, Singing Division. Rev. Andrew Todd Taylor, D. D., Associate Director for Churches. Prof. A. Wanner, Associate Director for Schools. Jacob E. Weaver, Esq., Associate Director for Fraternal Organizations. [410 1 J. Warner Heinekamp, Chairman of Shop Meetings, Jacob C. Eisenhart, Chairman of Transportation. Nellie M. Wellensiek, Assistant to Chairman, Janet K. Strohm, Assistant, to Chairman. SPEAKERS J. Thurman Atkins, Esq., Robert C. Rair, Esq., Edwin A. Rarnitz, William S. Rond, Rev. H. T. Rowersox, Rev. George J. Rreckel, Rev. Edward Davis, Rev. C. M. Ehehalt, P. A. Elsesser, Francis Farquhar, Esq., Rev. William H. Feldmann, Samuel C Frey, Esq., Fred. R. Gerber, Esq., Rev. G. Albert Getty, D D., James G. Glessner, Esq., Harvey A. Gross, Esq., Walter R. Hays, Esq., Amos W. Herrmann, Esq., Grier Hersh, John A. Hoober, Esq., Rev. Edward 0. Keen, Rev. W. Sherman Kerschner, David P. Klinedinst, Esq., Edward Leber, Charles A. May, Esq., J. Howard Manifold, Esq., Walter G. McRlain, Rev. J. Kern McKee, Alexander E. McLean, George E. Neff. Esq., Henry C. Niles, Esq., Michaels. Niles, Esq., Rev. J. McKendree Reiley, James Rudisill, Rev. F. A. Rupley, George S. Schmidt, Esq., Ray P. Sherwood, Esq., Rev. William Willis Shell, J. Edgar Small, Esq., Rev. George S. Sorber, Robert S. Spangler, Esq., Rev. Samuel H. Stein, W. F. Ray Stewart, Esq., Rev. Andrew Todd Taylor, D. D. Rev. Clinton E. Walter, D. D., Prof. A. Wanner, Allen C. Weist, Esq., Rev. Howard S. Wilson, D. D., SINGING LEADERS Rev. C. C. Railey, H. A. Railey, C. Halbert Raylor, (Assistant Chairman) Chauncey D. Rond, William H. Eckenrode, William J. Fisher, Clyde E. Hughes, Mrs. Elizabeth E. Hughes, Miss Hilda Lichtenberger, Dr. W. A. Pennington, Walter L. Rupp, Lewis R. Sellers, THEATRE MEMRERS M. E. Miller, The Alhambra, Kline Henderson, The Hippodrome, F. E. Rarry, The Jackson. J. Hill Snyder, The Scenic, 0. C. Deckman, The Wizard, Nathan Appell, York Opera House, Nathan Appell, The Orpheum. 411 FOUR MINUTE MEN'S VICTORY LOAN ORGANIZATION Geobge Hay Kain, Chairman M. B. Gibson, Chairman of Singing Division. James Rudisill, j W. C. Throne, / Committee on Meetings and Transportation. Jacob C. Eisenhart, t J. Warner Heinekamp,'"/?; charge of Shop Meetings. Nellie M. Wellensiek, | . . , , , ^, . Chauncey E. Ruth, \ ^^^'^'""'^^ ^« Chairman. W; L. Rupp, Assistant to Chairman, Singing Division. George Hay Kain, Jr., Boy Scout Messenger. SPEAKERS William A. Allen, Esq., J. Thurman Atkins, Esq., Rev. Paul S. Atkins, Robert C. Bair, Esq., Rev. H. T. Bowersox, P. A. Elsesser, Rev. William H. Feldmann, Robert C. Fluhrer, Esq., Samuel C. Frey, Esq., Fred B. Gerber, Esq., Rev. S. Albert Getty, D. D. James G. Glessner, Esq., Harvey A. Gross, Esq., Walter R. Hays, Esq., Rev. E. 0. Keen, Rev. W. S. Kerschner, David P. Klinedinst, Esq., Edward Leber, J. Howard Manifold, Esq., W. C. McBlain, George E. Niles, Esq., Henry C. Neff, Esq., Michael S. Niles, Esq., Rev. J. McK. Reiley, Rev. F. A. Rupley, George S. Schmidt, Esq., Ray P. Sherwood, Esq., Rev. William Willis Sholl, Rev. George S. Sorber, Rev. Samuel H. Stein, W. F. Bay Stewart, Esq., McLean Stock, Esq., Rev. Andrew Todd Taylor, D. D., Rev. C. E.Walter, D. D., Prof. A. Wanner, Allen C. Weist, Esq., Rev. Howard S. Wilson, D. D., SINGING LEADERS Rev. Paul S. Atkins, Rev. C. C. Bailey, H. A. Bailey, Harold J. Bartz, C. Halbert Baylor, C. D. Bond, George H. Clark, William H. Eckenrode, William J. Fisher, Warren Hackett Galbreath, Stuart E. Gipe, Dr. Chester H. Johnson, Paul Messerly, John F. Messinger, Dr. W. A. Pennington, Miss Mayme Peters, E. A. Rice, Walter L. Rupp, Lewis R. Sellers, George Hay Kain, Esq. 412 GENERAL JOHN SEDGWICK POST No. 37, G. A. R. GENERAL John Sedgwick Post No. 37, Department of Pennsylvania, Grand Army of the Republic, was organized April, 1866, and was known as the Boys in Blue, but after a few years disbanded. A re-organization was effected by members of the parent body as a part of the G. A. R. as follows: Instituted May 8, 1878, with the following charter members: William H. Lanius, Lewis H. Eppley, Henry M. Davis, Wellington G. Erwin, Hiram S. McNair, David E. Myers, Samuel I. Adams, Joseph U. Test, Abner W. Minnich, Thomas Minnich. George L. Koons, Robert Burrows, Henry T. Goodling, Samuel Simons, Samuel Myers, Samuel Everhart, George Horn, Edward R. Herr, Charles H. Busey, Lafayette Schlosser, William H. Swartz, William H. Bastress, George Graybill, William F. Eichar, Andrew B. Jack, Matthew J. McKinnon, John Burg, August C. Stieg and G. P. Spangler. The Post held its first meeting on the third floor of the Jordan Building, Centre Square. Captain William H. Lanius, through whose efforts the Post was successfully organized, was chosen the first Commander. The Post grew very rapidly and at the present time there are about one hundred and twenty names of comrades on the roll in good standing. There are over five hundred names on the Memorial Roll of comrades who have died since muster. Many have been transferred to other Posts, and others have severed their connection in other ways. In 1892, the encampment of the Department of Pennsylvania, held at Gettysburg, honored the Post by electing Captain Edward L. Schroeder to the office of Senior Vice Department Commander, the second highest office in the Department. There are active posts at Hanover, Delta and Wrightsville, but death has so thinned the ranks of the veterans that most of the posts in the smaller towns have been disbanded. George P. Spangler PAST POST COMMANDERS OF POST NO. 37, G. A. R. *Captain William H. Lanius 1878 *David W. Crider 1899 *Captain Samuel I. Adams 1879 Edward T. Lewis 1900 *Charles Horn 1880 *Henry Tschop 1901 *Andrew A. Wasson 1881 *David G Foose 1902 *Captain Henry B. Waltman 1882 John T. Stark 1903 *Captain William F. Eichar 1883 *George C. Worley 1904 *Captain WiUiam I. Reisinger 1884 Jacob H. Rahn 1905 *Captain Edward L. Schroeder 1885 *G. W. Aughenbaugh 1906 Thornton R. Hendrickson 1886 R. S. Moist 1907 *George L. Koons 1887 David N. Witmeyer 1908 *George 0. Luttman 1888 Joseph R. Gross 1909 *James D. Miller 1889 Emanuel Ervin 1910 *John Raymiller 1890 *John Hoffman I () I I *Alfred W. Moore 1891 *Harry J. Frey 1912 *Colonel James A. Stable 1892 Daniel G. Harkins 1913 Adam F. Strayer 1893 Henry Gruver 1914 George P. Spangler 1891 *E. L. Schroeder 1915 *Alexander A. Rodes 1895 Philip D. Stover 1916 Herman Sauppe 1896 Alexander Klinedinst 1917 *Joseph W. Snave 1897 Samuel Loucks 1918 *William A. Cook 1898 Charles 11. Shultz 1919 * Denotes Deceased Commanders. I 413 1 UNITED SPANISH WAR VETERANS COLONEL Edwin B. Watts Camp No. 68, United Spanish War Veterans, of the Department of Pennsylvania, was instituted June 10, 1914. The instituting ofiicers were: Captain E. Laub- enstein and Corporal WiUiam P Messinger, representing the National Association. The following were installed as the first officers of the Camp, Commander, WiUiam H. Baublitz; Senior Vice-Commander, Joseph Beaverson; Junior Vice-Commander, Thomas F. Heberly; Adjutant, James J. Logan; Quartermaster, Charles A. Lutz. The organization took place in the law offices of Logan and Logan. The camp is well equipped and uniformed, with a good live membership. The object of this Camp is to keep alive the memories of the War with Spain, the Insurrection in the Philippines, and the China Boxer War. To promote the best interests of those who took an honorable part in these wars. To encourage and spread universal liberty and equal rights and justice to all men. To encourage and assist in promoting patriotism in the public schools. To bury our deceased comrades with military honors. To see that Memorial Day is properly observed. The War with Spain was not a long war, but it was a war which made the United States a first- class world power, which was just proved by the World War now about ended. The war with Spain was for the liberation of Cuba from over four hundred years of Spanish misrule and slavery. Cuba is now a properous nation, and happy in her freedom. Not only Cuba is happy, but Porto Bico, Guam and the Philippines, as a result of that short war, came under the United States rule. The boys of 1898 were, therefore, the first to fight for a foreign people, and to establish a Bepublic government in a foreign land. During the World War, Colonel Edwin B. Watts Camp buried with mihtary honors the brave boys who died while in service and who were buried in the cemeteries in York. On one occasion we had two funerals in one afternoon, a Lieutenant at Prospect Hill about 2 P. M., and a private soldier at Greenmount at 3:30 P. M. An auto was used for quick transport. We also buried a member of the Grand Army, giving full military honors. Colonel Edwin Watts Camp made no distinction; a soldier is a comrade, whether a Civil War Veteran or a World War Veteran. We have all fought for ideals that are right and just and for universal principles of Freedom, Patriotism and Humanity. Charles A Lutz. ROSTER OF COLONEL EDWIN B. WATTS CAMP UNITED SPANISH WAR VETERANS Anderson, Geo. J. Amsbaugh, E. M. Beaverson, Jos. Baublitz, Wm. H. Bailey, James A. Brubaker Geo. A. Bailey, George Brunhouse, Chas. H. Brant, H. Clay Bare, Geo. W. Berman, Arthur Badders, H. M. Bluckinger, Wm. Cochrane, John Carpenter, Geo C. Diven, J. S. Daron, John L. Diehl, Luther M. Dessenberger, R. D. Dingier, Joe Frank, Geo. L. Fickes, W. W. Fry, Geo. S. Frey, Frank F. Frey, Ralph W. Fickes, Geo. Garver, Adam Garver, John Graybill, John Graybill, David G. Gilbert, Dr. John Godfrey, Robert Glessner, Chas. W. Heberly, Thos. F. Henderickson, Jos. Hess, Albert W. Heffner, Chas. H. Hassler, Samuel W. Heiges, Jay C. Hyde, Geo. HoUinger, Amos Judy, John H. Jacoby, Emory A. Keesey, Adam Kranich, R. A. 414 Kephart, F. E. Kissinger, Lee P. Lutz, Charles A. Leathery, D. H. Logan, James J. Leese, Edgar A. Little, Edw. S. Lindemuth, W. P. Minnich, Wm. F. Meldrum, Vernon Myers, Harry M. McCall, Samuel K. McCormick, Harry McComas John Ortmyer. Harvey J. Pfleiger, Emanuel Platts, Robert J. Ramer, Harry M. Ryder, Wm. E. Schall, Jas. H. Strickler, Ulrich Strickler, Hope W. Seidenstricker, C. A. Seifert, Wm. F. Small, Walter J. Smith, Harvey Seigman, Stephen F. Seifert, Samuel Smith, James E. Truett, James B. Trone, Harvey Witmer, Elwood Weist, Harry W. Wintfelter, John Walter, Derg G. Wantz, Frank R. DECEASED MEMBERS Howard Kissinger Dan B. Miller William Keppler Kirk White Owen 415 YORK POST No. 127, AMERICAN LEGION YORK, PENNSYLVANIA IN order to take up a work which was left unfinished by the sudden termination of the World War, soldiers, sailors and marines of this city and vicinity decided upon the formation of a local post of the American Legion. After several meetings had been held at which the objects and purposes of the organization were discussed, a conference was called by the temporary presiding officer, Attorney Wilham H. Kurtz, for Wednesday evening, August 7, 1919, in the Grand Army Hall. An election was held which resulted as follows: G. MoRviN Peters, Post Chairman. John C. Hoffman, Vice-Chairman. Curtis A. Thomas, Secretary. Russell B. Wehleb, Treasurer. Jason B. Snyder, Allotment, Insurance and Employment Ojjicer. Mayor E. S. Hugentugler addressed the members of the Post at this meeting on the matter of a community welcome home celebration for the heroes of the World War. He suggested that a com- mittee be appointed to recommend a date which was later fixed as November 11, 1919, commemorating the date of the signing of the armistice and the closing of the World War. This was the largest and most elaborate welcome home celebration ever held in York County. The meetings of the York Post of the American Legion, which is chartered as Post No. 127 in the State of Pennsylvania are held in their new quarters in the basement of the Rupp Building, Center Square. These meetings are held every two weeks on a Wednesday evening. By a series of smokers and get-together meetings the Post has grown from a small group of ex- service men to a large and influential organization. At the present time there are enrolled in the local post about 1600. / Posts have been established in the following towns throughout the county, Hanover, Spring Grove , Glen Rock, Stewartstown and York. Curtis A. Thomas ■ff^ 'f^: 416 HAROLD H. BAIR POST No. 14, AMERICAN LEGION HANOVER, PENNSYLVANIA AS early as May, 1919, the former seivice men of Hanover and vicinity, realizing that it was to their interest as well as to the interest of the community that some sort of an organization be formed, held a number of meetings for the formulation of plans for such an organization. These meetings were all exceptionally well attended, in spite of the fact that the majority of the men who had been in the service had not yet been released from duty, and great enthusiasm was aroused. From the very beginning it was evident that such an organization was not only possible, but that it would have a large membership and would have the hearty support of every citizen of the town. As officers of the temporary organization R. Y. Naill was chosen chairman, Edwin W. Kline, vice-chairman, C. F. Ehrehart, secretary, and Howard Dillow, treasurer. By a vote of the men it was planned that they should participate in the Memorial Day parade as a body, and in preparation for this a number of practice drills were decided upon. Edwin W. Kline, a former Lieutenant of Infantry, was unanimously chosen drillmaster, and through his efforts and with the help of every man in the organization there were over two hundred former service men in line on that day. From this time every man, as soon as he was mustered out of the service and returned home, was only too eager to join his name to the already large list. From a mere temporary organization there grew up a Post of the American Legion, composed of men from Hanover and the immediate vicinity, the first in York county to receive its charter from the State, and the fourteenth charter in the State. This charter was received during the month of June, 1919, and its piovisions and by-laws adopted at a meeting held on July 1st. The membership con- tinued to grow from day to day as the men returned to civilian life, until at the time of the National Convention in November, 1919, it has reached over three hundred with dues paid in full. Interest in the Hanover Post has never weakened, but instead has become more keen, until to-day Harold H. Bair Post No. 14, American Legion, Hanover, Pennsylvania, has the enviable reputation of being one of the most active Posts in the State, with a representation which is surpassed by very few towns of an equal size. As a result of festivals, minstrel shows, etc., there is quite a fair amount of money in the treasury, and plans are now well under way for the purchase and equipment of a per- manent home for the Post. C. F. Ehrehart IT ::IIIIMIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIUIIIMnillllllJllllllirillirilllllllllJIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIL= =,1111111111111 MIIIIItllllltllMIIIMIIIItlMIMIIIIIHIIIIiriMIIIIIIIIIMIirillllllMlllllllinillllllllllllllllllllMMIIIMIllllMlllininilllllllllllllllllllllllllllMIIIMIIIIIIr MASONIC TEMPLE, YOEK, PA. Meeting place of Gethsemane Commandery No. 75, K. T,; Yorktown Royal Arch Chapter No. 304, and Zeredatha Lodge No. 451, F. and A. M. 418 June 28. July 5. July 10. July 29. Aug. 2. Aug. 6 Sept. 6 Oct. 10 Nov. ■7. Dec. 9 Dec. 14. WORLD WAR'S NOTABLE DATES 1914 28. .Austrian Archduke slain at Sarajevo. Potsdam council decides for war. Propagandists leave for America. Serbia attacked by Austrians. Belgium invaded by Germans. City of Liege falls. Germans stopped at the Marne by the French. Antwerp falls. Japanese take Kiao Chau. British win Falklands battle. Serbians recapture Belgrade. 1915 British win Dogger Bank battle. Russian disaster at Mausurian lakes. British land at Gallipoli. Battle at Neuve Chapelle. Russians take Przemysl. Germans first use poison gas. Lusitania torpedoed; 1,134 lost. Italy enters war. Germans recapture Przemysl. Germans repulsed in Argonne. Germans take Warsaw. First air raid over London. Battle of Champagne. 10. ..Conquest of Serbia begins. Edith Cavell executed. Bulgaria Enters War. British retreat from Bagdad. 1916 Jan. 9. British evacuate Gallipoli. Feb. 22 ...Gemans begin drive on Verdun. April 29... 15,000 British taken by the Turks. May 31... British win Jutland battle. July 1. Somme offensive begun by the Allies. Aug. 9....Isonzo crossed by the Italians. Aug. 27... Roumania enters war. Sept. 3 Roumania invaded by Germans and Bulgars. Sept. 14. ..British first use "tanks." Oct. 8. ...U-Boats raid off Nantucket. f 119 1 Jan. 24. Feb. 12. March 4 March 10. March 22. April 23. May 7. May 24. June 3. July 43. Aug. 4. Sept. 9. Sept. 25. Oct. 10. Oct. 12. Oct. 13. Dec. 1. Oct. 24 Nov. 13 Dec. 6 Dec. 19 Jan. 31 Feb. 3 March 11 March 12 March 27 April 6 June 5 June 12 June 15 June 26. July 9 July 28 Aug. 28. Sept. 20 Oct. 23 Oct. 25 Oct. 26 Oct. 26 No:y. 2 Nov. 28 Dec. 7: Dec. 8 Dec. 31. Jan. 5, Jan. 28 Feb. 2. Feb. 5 Feb. 9 March 1 March 2. March 10 March 21 March 22, March 24. March 28 March 29 April 4 April 16 April 17 April 20 ..Verdun drive stopped by the French. British renew Somme offensive. Bukharest taken by the Germans. German peace offer rejected by Premier Lloyd George. 1917 Germany announces "unrestricted submarine war." ..U. S. expels German ambassador. British retake Bagdad. . Bussian revolution; Czar deposed. British beat Turks at Gaza. UNITED STATES ENTEBS WAB; FLEET SAILS FOB EUBOPE. .10,000,000 Americans register for army. King Constantine deposed as king of the Greeks. First Liberty Loan oversubscribed. First LT. S. Division lands in France. ..Food and fuel control begins. Kerensky heads new Bussian republic. LI. S. rejects Pope's peace note. British beat Germans at Ypres. .Yanks enter trenches; C Battery, 6th. Artillery fires first shot. Yanks take first German prisoner. ..Italians routed at Caporetto. Second Liberty Loan oversubscribed. First Yanks killed; Corp. Gresham, Pvts. Enright and Hay. Bolsheviki overthrow Kerensky. ..U. S. declares war on Austria-Hungary. Jerusalem captured by the British. .204,965 L. S. troops in France. 1918 ."Fourteen peace points" announced by President. Italians beat Huns at Adagio. Toul sector taken over by Yanks. U. S. Troopship Tuscania torpedoed. Ukraine surrenders to Huns. Yanks beat off German attack at Toul. Bussia surrenders to Huns. Secretary Baker visits front. German drive on Amiens starts. 16,000 British captured with 200 guns. Germans reach the Somme. Yanks engineers stop gap in line. Gen. Pershing puts U. S. army under orders of Foch. "Mystery gun" kills 75 in Paris. Germans start channel port drive. ..Germans take Messines ridge. First LI. S. Division in battle line at Montdidier. Twenty-Sixth Division beats off German attack at Seicheprey. 420 April 23 British navy "bottles" Zeebrugge. April 26... Germans take Mount Kemmel. May 4. .Third Liberty Loan oversubscribed. May 5. Austrians start drive on Italy. May 14... Italians torpedo Austrian battleship in Pola harbor. May 14... 112th Infantry composed of men from the old York Co.'s A and K, N. G. P. arrive at Liverpool, England. May 27... Germans start drive on Marne. May 28... First Yank offensive (First Division) takes Cantigny. June 1 ..Germans cross Marne; 46 miles from Paris. 654,875 U. S. troops in France. June 2 7th U. S. Machine Guns hold Chateau Thierry bridge. June 2 U. S. Marines stop Prussian guards northwest of Chateau Thierry. Co. A and K, 112th of York, in reserve. June 3. ..U-boats sink ships off LT. S. coast. June 4 Yanks hold 12 mile front on Marne. June 6 .XT. S. Marines take part of Belleau wood. June 7 ...Yanks advance northwest of Chateau Thierry. June 12 ...German drive west of Noyen stopped. June 15 Austrian offensive along the Piave. June 17 Austrian Piave offensive breaks down. June 22 Austrians begin retreat from Piave. June 25 Yanks beat off German attack on Torcy. June 25....112th Infantry composed of Go's. A and K of York N. G. P. enter front line trenches. June 30. .935,000 LT. S. troops in France. July 1. ..Yanks on Marne front capture Vaux. July 4 Yanks celebrate by taking Hamel. July 9. Allies in general advance in Albania. July 12... Eleven U. S. divisions on battle line. July 15 Last German offensive, up Marne toward Epernay. July 17. Germans stopped by Yanks. HIGH TIDE OF THE HUN. July 18 FOCH STRIKES BACK. July 19 1st U. S. division takes Berzy-le-Sec. ; 2d U. S. division takes Tigny. July 20 26th U. S. division takes Epieds. 3d LI. S. division takes Jaulgonne. July 21 Yanks have 21,000 Hun prisoners. July 23 GERMANS IN RETREAT. July 24 . 12d U. S. division takes Foret de Fere. July 27 .3d, 4th, 28th, 42d, U. S. divisions on Heights of Ourqc. York Boys with the 28th. July 29. 42d U. S. division takes Sergy. July 20 . 32d U. S. division takes Grimpettes wood. Aug. 2... French retake Soissons. Aug. 5....U. S. troops land at Archangel. Aug. 6. ..Yanks take Fismes on the Yesle. Aug. 7... 77th LT. S. division crosses the Yesle. Aug. 8 . Allies in Picardy smash take 24,000 men and 300 guns. Aug. 15. ..Yanks and Japs land at Vladivostok. I 421 1 .French advance between Oise and Aisne. Huns driven across Somme. 31. .1,533,000 U. S. troops in France. French retake Peronne. Yanks take Voormezeele in Belgium. .Germans retreating from the Vesle. Allies advance on 90 mile front in Picardy. Franco-Yanks take Aisne heights. British regain positions lost in March. Yanks cross Aisne canal. First AU-American offensive at St. Mihiel. St. Mihiel salient smashed in; 16,000 prisoners, 443 guns taken; Yanks in cannon shot of Metz. Serbs break Bulgar line in Macedonia. Yanks extend line westward past Verdun to Vienne le Chateau. Yanks begin Argonne offensive. British have taken 45,000 Turks in Palestine. Yanks advancing in Argonne take 10,000 prisoners. 27th and 30th U. S. divisions in Hindenburg line smash. Bulgaria surrenders to Allies. 1 French take St. Quentin. 1,976,000 U. S. troops in France. 2d and 36th U. S. Divisions on Bheims front. .Turks sue for peace. .Germans ask U. S. for armistice. ...1st U. S. Corps takes Chatel-Chehery. U. S. refuses armistice. 3d U. S. Corps take BrieuUes in Argonne. Allies take Le Cateau. Yanks have cleared Argonne. U. S. transport Otranto torpedoed. 1st U. S. Corps take St. Juvin, 5th U. S. Corps smashes Kriemhilde line. ..Czech-Slovaks revolt; seize Prague. ...U. S. rejects Austrian peace pleas. Fourth Liberty Loan over- subscribed. ...U. S. rejects new German peace plea. ...Yanks advance to line of Bantheville. ...Berlin asks for truce terms. Vienna begs for separate peace. ...Turkey surrenders. ...Austria surrenders to allies. ...Berlin sends truce mission to Foch. ...3d U. S. corps forces passage of Meuse. ...Yanks occupy Sedan. Hun retreat line seized. ..Bavaria deposes King Ludwig. Yanks fight through Meuse hills to north of Metz. York boys engaged near Metz. ...Kaiser and crown prince flee to Holland. Canadians take Mons. GEBMANY SUBRENDEBS. 1919 Nov. 11... The largest Welcome Home celebration ever held in York County. [ 422 1 Aug. 20. Aug. 30. Aug. 31. Sept. 1. Sept. 1 Sept. 4 Sept. 6 Sept. 8. Sept. 12 Sept. 14. Sept. 16 Sept. 15-25 Sept. 26 Sept. 27. Sept. 27-28 Sept. 27-30. Sept. 30. Oct. 1 Oct. 2. Oct. 3 Oct. 6 Oct. 7. Oct. 8 Oct. 9. Oct. 10. Oct. 11 Oct. 14 Oct. 18 Oct. 19 Oct. 23. Oct. 24. Oct. 27. Oct. 31 Nov. 3 Nov. 4. Nov. 5 Nov. 6. Nov. 8 Nov. 9 Nov. 10. Nov. 11 Nov. 11 WORLD WAR STATISTICS POPULATION OF NATIONS THAT ENTERED THE WORLD WAR 19U-1918 British Empire 440,000,000 China 419,000,000 Russia 180,000,000 United States 110,000,000 France 90,000,000 Japan 54,000,000 Italy 37,000,000 Brazil 23,000,000 Belgium 22,000,000 Portugal 15,000,000 Rumania 7,500,000 Siam 6,000,000 Greece 5,000,000 Siberia 4,500,000 Cuba 2,500,000 Liberia 2,000,000 Germany , 67,000 000 Austria Hungary 50,000,000 Turkey 42,000,000 Bulgaria 5,000,000 Total of people who took part in Great War 1,569,410,000 Total of people not in the War 135,876,000 Area of Countries that took part in Great War sq. miles 41,970,000 Area of Countries not in War sq. miles 15,285,000 NUMBER OF MEN MOBILIZED AND LOSSES IN KILLED AND WOUNDED 1914-1918 ALLIES CENTRAL POWERS Russia 12,000,000 Mobihzed 4,950,000 Wounded 1,700,000 KiUed Brilish Empire 7,500,000 Mobihzed 2,037,325 Wounded 692,065 Killed France 7,500,000 Mobihzed 2,675,000 Wounded 1,385,300 Killed Italy 5,500,000 Mobilized 947,000 Wounded 460,000 KiUed United States 4,272,521 Mobihzed 192,483 Wounded 67,813 Killed Rumania 750,000 Mobihzed 120,000 Wounded 200,000 Killed Serbia 707,343 Mobihzed 28,000 Wounded 322,000 KiUed Belgium 267,000 Mobihzed 60,000 Wounded 20,000 Killed Greece 230,000 Mobihzed 40,000 Wounded • 15,000 Killed Portugal 100,000 Mobilized 19,000 Losses Germany 11,000,000 Mobihzed 3,683,143 Wounded 1,611,104 KiUed Austria-Hungary 6,500,000 Mobilized 3,200,000 Wounded 800,000 Killed Turkey 1,600,000 Mobihzed 570,000 Wounded 300,000 Killed Bulgaria 400,000 Mobilized 152,399 Wounded 201,224 Killed Combined Allies and United States 39,676,864 Mobihzed 11,075,715 Wounded 4,869,478 Killed Japan 800,000 Mobihzed 907 Wounded 300 KiUed Montenegro 50,000 Mobihzed 13,000 Losses Combined Teutonic Allies 19,500,000 Mobihzed 7,605,542 WoundcMl 2,912,328 Killed 423 MATERIAL SURRENDERED BY GERMANS TO ALLIES UNDER ARMISTICE NOVEMBER 11, 1918 2,500 Heavy Guns 25,000 Machine Guns 1,700 Airplanes, Fighters, Bombers 150,000 Railroad Cars 8 Light Cruisers 2 Mine Layers 10 Battle Ships Trawlers to be disarmed Growth of U. S. Army 1914 ... 102,000 1916 189,000 1918 3,664,000 U. S. Navy 1914 197 Vessels 1918 2,003 Vessels U. S. Army Nov. 11, 1918 3,664,000 men Total deaths abroad and in U. S. 107,444 Total Shipping Losses British 8,918,139 Tons Neutral 2,000,000 Tons 2,500 Field Guns 3,000 Mine Throwers 5,000 Locomotives 5,000 Motor Trucks 50 Modern Destroyers All Submarines 6 Battle Cruisers All vessels of auxilliary fleet to be disarmed. Growth of U. S. Navy Personnel 1914 J 65,777 1918 497,030 U. S. Air Service 1914 None 1918 26,673 Officers and men U. S. Shipping Losses 151 Merchant Vessels 48 Navy Merchant 315,588 Tons Navy 210,861 Tons Total 526,449 Tons Total Losses 14,820,408 Tons Name. Enlisted^ Branch of Service. Where Stationed _ Landed in France. Battles Landed in U. S. Mustered Out PERSONAL RECORD 424 LRpJaVB LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 014 312 331 5