IfBB wp 1 mmlm » LIBRARY OF CONGRESS. Chap. _______ Copyright No. , Shelf JBAt i — UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. SYLLABUS OF LABORATORY WORK Materia Medica^lTherapeutics IN USE AT RUSH MEDICAL COLLEGE. 't Daniel R. Brower, A. M., M. D., Professor of Mental Discuses, Materia Medico, and Therapeutics. J. A. Patton, B. S , M. D., Lecturer and Demonstrator of Materia Medica and Therapeutics. Jas. C. Gill, M. D , Instructor in Materia Medic a ami Therapeutics. Geo. W Hall, A. M., M. D., Instructor in Materia Medica and Therapeutics. C. A. Wade, M. D., Instructor in Materia Medica. Chicago: TWO COPIES RECEIVED The W. T. Keener Co. iS 97 TM I \ \j 6633 2,3 Copyright, 1897, By The W. T. Keener Co. DESK INVOICE. Each student will observe that he is furnished with the follow- ing apparatus and that he is held personally responsible for its safe return to the college. FOR EACH STUDENT SEPARATELY. 2 beakers. i wash bottle. i porcelain evaporating dish, 5 inch. 1 porcelain evaporating dish, 3 inch. 1 glass funnel, 5 inch. 1 glass funnel, 3 inch. r glass graduate, 4 ounce (Apothecary and Metric.) 1 glass graduate, 2 drachms (minims.) 1 wedgewood mortar and pestle. 1 glass mortar and pestle. 1 glass stirring rod. r steel spatula, 6 inch. 1 horn spatula, spoon end. r retort stand, 3 rings. 1 filter stand, for 4 funnels. 10 test tubes. 1 test tube rack. 1 test tube swab. 1 copper water bath. 1 wire gauze, 6x6. 1 porcelain pill tile, 8 x 10. 1 percolator and packer. 1 pipe-stem triangle. 2 butter chips. 1 kev. APPARATUS AT EACH DESK. 1 Bunsen burner with rubber tubing. 1 bottle red litmus paper, r bottle blue litmus paper. 1 scale outfit. EACH SCALE SET CONSISTS OF THE FOLLOWING: i No. 6 army scale. i set Troy weights from i grain to 2 drachms. 1 set Metric weights from 1 milligram to 20 grams. 1 pair brass forceps. Materials for the work will be found on the general shelf, on the individual desks or can be obtained from one of the assistants. Always report breakage or absence of any of the apparatus at the exercise during which it is noticed. Always invoice the desk when assigned to it or if changed to another, so that you will not be charged with any apparatus that 2s not in the desk. Report apparatus absent, if any. GENERAL LABORATORY RULES. i. Students coming more than 15 minutes after the exercise has commenced will be marked late, and two lates will count as an absence. 2. Overcoats and umbrellas must not be brought into the labora- tory. They may be left in the basement cloak-room. 3 . Keys for the desks are to be taken from the key-board on enter- ing the laboratory and must be returned to the board before leaving. 4. Report any breakage during the exercise at which it occurs. 5. All Solid Wastes should be placed in the jars on the desks and never in the sinks or on the floor. 6. Always clean up and put away all apparatus used, sponge off the top of the desk and see that the desk is cleaned and locked before leaving. 7. Each student will be held responsible for the proper care of his desk and for the safe return to the college of all apparatus put at his disposal, whether as an individual or as a member of the class. 8. The bottles, containing materials for common use, must be left at the shelf and under no circumstances should they be carried to the individual desks. Additional supplies, if needed, can be obtained from the assistants. Small dishes, containing supplies on the individual desks, are to be left on the desks. 9. Smoking, chewing tobacco and boisterous conduct in the laboratory are positively prohibited. SCALE RULES. Scales are assigned as follows and the desk occupants are responsible for the condition of the scale assigned them: No. i to desks i 2 I 9 6. r 2. I 8. 24. 5°- 6. No. 10 to desks 55- 60. " 1 r 61- 66. " 12 67- 72. " 13 73- 80. " 14 8i- 88. " 15 89- 96. << 16 97-104. a I7 T05-TI2. " 18 1I3-I20. 37-42 43-48 49-54 Always lower the scale pans when through weighing, changing the weights, emptying the pans, etc. Always return the forceps and weights to their proper places in the scale drawer and close the drawer before leaving the scales. Always clean up anything spilled around the scales while weighing. GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS FOR TESTS. Always read up the preparations of each exercise before coming to the laboratory. Each student is required to record his results. Use as small amounts of the materials in all the experiments as possible or as is necessary, unless otherwise directed as to the amount. The Genitive case ending is given immediately following each word of the official name that is not already in that case or that changes to form the genitive. Observe carefully with each specimen presented for examination : Crude Vegetable Drugs — i. Part exhibited, whether bark, leaves, wood or root. 2. Odor. 3. Color. 4. Taste. 5. Official description (N. D. or U. S. P.) Pharmaceutical Preparations — t. Color. 2. Form (liquid or solid; crystalline, amorphous,granular,etr. ) 3. Odor. 4. Taste, unless cautioned not to do so. 5. Deliquescent or efflorescent. 6. Weight, whether comparatively heavy or not. 7. Solubility: — Put a small amount of the specimen to be ex- amined in a t. t. and add about twenty times its bulk of Aqua Destillata from the wash bottle; agitate thoroughly and see whether solution occurs. If not, apply heat, gradually bring- ing to a boil, and notice the result. Repeat the test as above using Alcohol or an acid instead of the water. Action of Heat:—?xA a small quantity in a perfectly dry small t. t. and apply beat, gradually bringing to a boil or red ness, and notice the effect. Examine properties of the resi- due, if any when the tube becomes cool. Reaction to Litmus Paper:— Put a little of the specimen in a perfectly clean t. t., add a small amount of Aqua Destillata, gently heat, and test the reaction first with a strip of blue and then of red litmus paper. Solutions — i. Add the darker to the clearer or lighter liquid. 2. First add a drop or two carefully and then more if necessary. Observe carefully any change that takes place before shak- " ing the tube. Shake the tube thoroughly so as to have an intimate mixture of the contents, if no reaction is produced without this. 4. If a precipitate forms, notice whether it increases in amount ' or redissolves as more liquid is added or as the tube is shaken. 5 State, if possible, in your notes whether the phenomena are ' chemical or physical, and explain if you can, the reasons for the reactions. Abbreviations — Look up in your text books. N. D.— National Dispensatory. N. F. — National Formulary. P h. B. — Potter's Hand-book of Materia Medica and Therapeutics. P. q. c.— Potter's Quiz Compend of Materia Medica. 3_ p c. — Stewart's Pharmacy Compend. U s. D. — United States Dispensatory. U. S. P.— United States Pharmacopoeia. W. & W. White & Wilcox Materia Medica. O.OOI = gr- B 1 ?. O . OI = g r - %■ O. I = g r - *%. I . = g r - I5-43 2 o . = lbs. 2.7. WEIGHTS AND MEASURES. METRIC WEIGHTS. (P. Q. C.) 1 milligramme (rag.), 1 centigramme {cg.^, 1 decigramme ( dg.), 1 gramme (g m -)> 1 kilogramme (kilo), 1000. sight of 1 c.c. of Aqua Destillata at 4 C. METRIC MEASURES. (W. & W.) 1 cubic centimetre (c.c.) (millilitre), = 0.001 = M. 16.23. 1 litre (L.) = 1. = n. 5 33.81. APOTHECARIES' (TROY) WEIGHTS. (P. Q. C.) Pound. Ounces. Drachms. Scruples. Grains. lb. 5 5 1 = 12 = 96 = 1 = .8 • = 3 g r - 288 = 5760 24 == 480 3 = 60 1 — 20 APOTHECARIES* OR WINE MEASURE. (P. Q C.) Gallon. Pints. Fl. ounces. Fl. drachms. Minims. C. O. 1 = 8 F1.S F1.5 M. 128 = 1024 = 61440 16 = 128 = 7680 1 = 8 1 =: 480 60 DOMESTIC MEASURES. (W. & W.) A drop (gt.) is about one M. A tea-spoonful is about one fl.5- A dessert-spoonful is about two fl.5- A table-spoonful is about one half a fl.g. A wine-glassful is about one and one-half to two fl.g. A tea-cupful is about five fl.5. A breakfast-cupful is about eight fl.g. A glassful is about eleven fl.§. PRESCRIPTIONS. i. Study carefully the article on prescription writing in P. Q. C, pages 229-241, or in any text book on Materia Medica con- taining such an article. 2. Look up the comparison of weights and measures P. Q. C, page X. 3. Write legibly. Sign desk number for name. 4. Use both Apothecary and Metric systems in each prescription, writing it in one system and placing the equivalent in the other system. The decimal line is preferable to the point in the Metric system and it is better form to fill out two decimal places. Roman numerals are used to indicate the Apothecary amounts and Arabic for the Metric amounts. Transposing from one system to the other take 1 gm. as equal to 15 gr., and ice. to 15M.; or 4 gm., or 4CC to 1 dr. (A general rule.) 5. Each prescription should be compound and contain at least one of the pharmaceutical preparations considered in the day's exercise. 6. Form — (a) Superscription: Name of the person (with age and disease in parenthesis so the instructor may have an idea of the writer's intentions), date and the sign 3^ for Recipe (take thou.) (6) Inscription: (Official Latin names only should be used.) Do not mix Latin and English names. Basis (always present.) Adjuvant (may be present.) Corrective (may be present.) Vehicle (generally present.) u Subscription: M., Mis., or Misce (mix thou) followed by the directions for the pharmacist, which may be in Latin and are better without contractions. (//) Signature: S., Sig. or Signa. (write thou), followed by the directions for the patient, written in English and with no con- tractions. The signature of the prescriber. Order all liquid mixtures to be thoroughly shaken, thereby doing all in your power to insure equable dosage. Prescription Writing — (a) Write the Subscription first. (/>) Determine the Basis desired and then whether necessary to have Adjuvant, Corrective or Vehicle present, and if so what of each is best. The names of the preparations composing the Inscription are almost always in the Genitive case, their amounts being in the Accusative case. {c) After Misce write the number of the doses required, depend- ing upon the character of the sickness (acute or chronic). Determine the kind of mixture (liquid or solid). Special directions for compounding if any. (//) After Signa write for shake label if a liquid mixture, then determine the size of the dose and method of its administration. Size of the dose depends upon the age and sex of the patient, individual physiological resistance and drug idiosyncrasies of the patient, the disease (acute or chronic), the activity of the preparation, the frequency and method of its administration. (. Liquor, -is Ferri et Ammonii Acetatis, U. S. P. — Solution of Iron and Ammonium Acetate — Basham's Mixture. Massa,-ae Ferri Carbonatis, XJ. S. P. — Mass of Ferrous Car- bonate — Vallet's Mass. Syrupus,~i Ferri lodidi, U. S. P. — Syrup of Ferrous Iodide. Tinctura, -ae Ferri Chloridi, U. S. P. — Tincture of Ferric Chloride. Prepare Ferri Oxidum Hydratum — Add iccc. Tinctura Ferri Chloridi, with constant stirring, to a mixture of 15CC. Aqua Ammonia and 75CC. Aqua Destillata; filter and wash the precipitate thoroughly. How is this used in Arsenical poisoning? What is the reaction? Incompatible* — Acids, acidulous salts, alkalies and their carbonates (general). Acidum Tannicum and Acidum Gallicum and all vegetable as- tringents and bitters except Quassia and Calumba. Ferric salts (if strong solutions) render Mucilago gelatinous. Acidum Phosphoricum Dilutum will clear up precipitate in mix- tures containing Tinctura Digitalis. Free acid of Tinctura Ferri Chloridi will destroy enamel of the teeth unless diluted T-9 or more with water. Liquid mixtures are best taken through a glass tube. Try Tinctura Ferri Chloridi with solution Sodii Bicarbonas, Liquor Calcis, Acidum Tannicum and Tinctura Digitalis, adding Acidum Phosphoricum Dilutum to the last mixture. Prescriptions — "Write a Compound One. EXERCISE No. 3. BITTERS. Look up difference in action of Simple and Aromatic Bitters in P. Q. C. CALUMBA, -AE, U. S. P.— Colombo. EUCALYPTUS, -I, U. S. P.— Eucalyptus. GENTIANA,-AE, U. S. P.— Gentian. HYDRASTIS, U. S. P.— Hydrastis— Golden Seal, Yellow-root. QUASSIA,-AE, U. S. P.— Quassia— Bitter-wood, Bitter-ash. Pharmaceutical Preparations — Extractu?n,-i Calumbae Eluidum,—i, U. S. P. — Fluid Extract of Calumba. Tinctura,—ae Calumbae, U. S. P. — Tincture of Calumba. Extractuniy-i Eucalypti Eluidum,-i, U. S. P. — Fluid Extract of Eucalyptus. Eucalyptol, U. S. P. — Eucalyptol. Oleum, -i Eucalypti, U. S. P. — Oil of Eucalyptus. Extraction, -i Gentianae, U. S. P. — Extract of Gentian. Extracium,-i Gentianae Fluiduni,-i, U. S. P. — Fluid Extract of Gentian. Tinctura, -ae Gentianae Composila,-ae, U. S. P. — Compound Tincture of Gentian. Extractuni,-i Hydrastis Fluiduni,-i, U. S. P. — Fluid Extract of Hydrastis. Glyceritum,-i Hydrastis, U. S. E. — Glvcerite of Hydrastis. Hydrastininae Hydrochloras,-atis, U. S. P. — Hydrastinine Hy- drochlorate. (30) 32 MATERIA MEDICA. Tinctura,~ae Hydrastis, U. S. P. — Tincture of Hydrastis. Extractum,-i Quassiae, U. S. P. — Extract of Quassia. Extractum,-i Quassiae Fluidum,-i, U. S. P. — Fluid Extract of Quassia. Examine samples of Calumba, Gentiana and Hydrastis roots, Eucalyptus leaves and Quassia wood. Properties — Calumba, Gentiana and Quassia are not astringent bitters; Quassia is the most bitter. Gentiana is incompatible with Argenti Nitras, Ferrum and Plum- bum salts. The Ferrum salts darken the Gentiana coloring matters. CINCHONA,-AE, U. S. P. Study Cinchona and its preparations in N. D. and W. & W. See No. 20. Read article on Tinctura and Percolation in N. D. or S. P. C. Cinchonism — Read up. Alkaline bromides or Acidum Hydro- bromicum Dilutum are the best preventatives. CINCHONA.-AE. U. S. P.— Cinchona Calisaya— Yellow Cinchona. Pharmaceutical Preparations — Extractum,-i CincJionac, U. S. P. — Extract of Cinchona. Tinctura, -ae Cinchonae, U. S. P. — Tincture of Cinchona. Infusum,-i Cinchonac, U. S. P. — Infusion of Cinchona. CINCHONA.-AE RUBRA.-AE, U. S. P.— Red Cinchona- Red Peruvian Bark. Pharmaceutical Preparations — Tinctura, -ae Cinchonae Composita,-ae, U. S. P. — Compound Tincture of Cinchona. Incompattbles — Cinchona with Aqua Ammoniae, Liquor Calcis, Gelatina and metallic salts. 34 MATERIA MEDICA. Infusum Cinchonae with free Acidum Tannicum. Tinctura Cinchonae with Aqua, becoming cloudy from precipi- tation. Preparations containing the alkaloids in solution, with Iodum, alkalies and their carbonates, and the alkaline earths; the first forming insoluble iodides with them and the latter precipita- ting them from solution. 1. Try Tinctura Ferri Chloridi with a Calumba, a Gentiana, a Quassia, a Hydrastis and a Cinchona preparation each. 2. Try Infusum Cinchonae with Tinctura Iodi. 3. Try Tinctura Cinchonae with Aqua Destillata, Sodii Bicar- bonas Solution, Liquor Potassae and Liquor Calcis each. Prescriptions — Correctives — Preparations of Glycyrrhiza and Eriodictyon dis- guise the bitter taste. Syrups, especially of Rubus and Rubus Idaeus, are also used. The alkaloidal preparations are easier administered in capsules, but act best when in solution with a little Acidum Sulphuricum Aromaticum as an aid to the solution and the taste. Write a Prescription. EXERCISE No. 4, ALKALIES. Examine the preparations, noting color, odor and reaction only of the liquids. AMMONlUM,-I-NH 4 . CALCIUM-I— Ca. LITHIUM,-I— Li. POTASSIUM, -I— K. SODIUM, I - -Na. Pharmaceu riCAL Preparations — Aqua,-ae Ammoniac, l r . S. P. — Ammonia Water, \o c / c by weight, 0.960 sp. gv. Aqua,-ae Ammoniae Fortior,-oris, U. S. P. — Stronger Water of Ammonia, 28% by weight, 0.901 sp. gv. Ammonii Carl>onas,-atis, U. S. P. — Ammonium Carbonate, Ba- ker's Ammonia, Hartshorn — NH 4 HC0 3 NH,NH 2 CO r , Ammonii Chloridum,-i, U. S. P. — Sal Ammoniac, Muriate of Ammonia, NH 4 C1. Liquor, -is Ammonii Acetatis, U. S. P. — Solution of Ammonium Acetate, Spirit of Mindererus. Spirit us Ammoniae, U. S. P. — Spirit of Ammonia, Ammoniated Alcohol. Spiritus Ammoniae Aromatic us, i, U. S. P. — Aromatic Spirit of Ammonia, Sal Volatile. Calcii Caroonas,~atis Prccipitatus,~i, U. S. P. — Precipitated Calcium Carbonate, Creta Praecipitata, CaC0 3 . Creta,-ae Preparata,-ae, U. S. P. — Prepared Chalk, CaCOo. (36) 3d MATERIA MEDICA. Liquor, -is Calcis, U. S. P. — -Solution of Lime, Lime Water. Lithii Carbonas,-atis, U. S. P. — Lithium Carbonate, Li 2 CO v Lithii Citras,-ali\, U. S. /'.—Lithium Citrate, Li 3 C 6 H 5 7 . Potassii Acetas,-atis, U. S. P. — Potassium Acetate, KC 2 H 3 2 . Potassii Biearbonas,-atis, U. S. P. — Potassium Bicarbonate, KHCO ;! . Potassii Carbonas,-atis, U. S. P. — Potassium Carbonate, Salt of Tartar, K,CO,. Potassii Citras,-atis, U. S. P. — Potassium Citrate, K 3 C fi H :) T . H 2 0. Potassii Nitras.-atis, U. S. P. — Potassium Nitrate, Saltpetre, KNO,. Liquor, -is Potassae, U. S. P. — Solution of Potassa, 5%, Po- tassium Hydroxide (Hydrate.) Sodii Acetas,-atis, U. S. P. — Sodium Acetate, NaC>H 3 2 . 3 H 2 0. Sodii Bicarbonas.- a/is, [\ S. P. — Sodium Bicarbonate, Baking Soda, NaHCO,, Sodii Carbo7ias,-atis, U. S. P. — Sodium Carbonate, Washing Soda, Na 2 CO :v ioH 2 0. Sodii Carbonas,-atis Exsiccatus,-i, U. S. P. — Dried Sodium Carbonate, Na 2 CO,.2H,0. Sodii C/i/oridum,-i, U. S. P. — Sodium Chloride, Table Salt, Common Salt, NaCl. Prepare Linimentum,-i Ammoniae ( Volatile Liniment): Put 35CC. Aqua Ammoniae in a four ounce vial, add 5CC. Alcohol, shake well, and add 6occ. Oleum Olivae or Oleum Gossypii Seminis; shake thoroughly to emulsify. This may be used alone or as a vehicle for Oleum Terebinthinae or other oils but not for alkaloidal preparations, Chloroformum, Chloral, etc., because of their chemical incompatibility with Aqua Ammoniae. Add a little of the liniment to a solution of Chloral and heat; note the resulting odor. What occurs? 40 MATERIA MEDICA. Incompatibles — Tell what occurs in each case — Acids, acid salts and alkaloids, hence Tincturae containing alka- loids, i . Try Sodii Bicarbonas with Acidura Hydrochloricum Dilutum. 2. Try Potassii Acetas with Acidum Hydrochloricum Dilutum. 3. Try Liquor Potassae with Quininae Sulphas solution. 4. Try Bismuthi Subnitras with Sodii Bicarbonas solution. Liquores decompose the Ammonium preparations and the alka- loids of Belladonna, Hyoscvamus and Stramonium and me- tallic salts. 5. Try Liquor Potassae with Tinctura Belladonnae and Tinc- tura Ferri Chloridi each. 6. Try Liquor Ammonii Acetatis with Acidum Hydrochloricum Dilutum, Liquor Potassae (heat) and Plumbi Acetas solution each. 7. Try Creta Preparata with Acidum Hydrochloricum Dilutum and Magnesii Sulphas solution each. Prescriptions — Write a compound one containing an alka- line preparation. Note — Alkalies should always be given well diluted, hence in directions for their use order the dose given in a half glass of water. Be careful not to make the bulk of the prescription too large but rather order the dose to be diluted at the time of its administration. Liquid prescriptions should be made in even ounces and not in fractions of an ounce. Preferably as 1, 2, 3, 4, 6 or 8 ounces or their equivalent amounts in the metric system and always require a shake label. EXERCISE No. 5. VEGETABLE ACIDS. ACIDUM.-I ACETICUM,-I, U. S P.— Acetic Acid. ACIDUM.-I C1TRICUM.-I, U. S. P.— Citric Acid. ACIDUM,! TARTARICUM,-I, U. S. P.— Tartaric Acid. Read up in N. D. and examine their properties. Incompatibles — Reasons in each case. All alkalies chemically but they are synergistic therapeutically. i. Try Acidum Aceticum with Sodii Bicarbonas solution. 2. Try Acidum Citricum with Potassii Acetas and Potassi Tartras solutions each. 3. Try Acidum Tartaricum with Acidum Tannicum and Plumbi Acetas solutions each and with Liquor Calcis. SULPHUR, IS, U. S. P.— Sulphur,-S. Pharmaceutical Preparations — Sulphur y -is Sub?imaium,-i, U. S. P. — Sublimed Sulphur, Flowers of Sulphur. Sulphur, -is Lot urn, U. S. P. — Washed Sulphur. Sulphur y-is Praecipitatum,-i, U. S. P. — Precipitated Sulphur, Milk of Sulphur. Iihtliyolum, -i — Ichthy ol . Sodii HyposulphiSy-itis, U. S. P. — Sodium Hyposulphite or Thiosulphate, Na,S 2 :i -5H 2 0. Unguentum,-i Sulphur is, U. S. P. — Sulphur Ointment. (42) 44 materia medica. Properties — Read up preparations, etc., in N. D. and examine the samples. Which is the usual preparation of Sulphur? Sulphur Sublimatum contains some free acid and should not be usee 11 , internally. Prepare Unguentum Sulphuris — Place 14 gra. Unguentum in a glass mortar or on the pill tile and gradually add 6 gm. Sulphur Lotum, rubbing well together while adding the Sulphur Lotum. How is Unguentum prepared and what are the advantages of Adeps Benzoinatus? IXCOMPATIBLES All oxidizing agents readily forming sulphates; mineral acids, etc. 1. Try Sodii Hyposulphis solution with Acidum Hydrochlori- cum Dilutum and with Potassii Permanganas solution each. IODUM,-I, U. S. P.— Iodine,-I. Pharmaceutical Preparations — Iodoformum,-i, U. S. P. — Iodoform, CHL. Iodol— Tetraiodopyrrol, CJ 4 NH. Liquor, -is lodi Compositus,-i, U. S. P. — Compound Solution of Iodine, Lugol's Solution. Tinctura,-ae lodi, U. S. P. — Tincture of Iodine. Unguentum, -i Jodi, U. S. P. — Iodine Ointment. Ammonii Iodidum,-i, U. S. P. — Ammonium Iodide, NH 4 I. Potassii Iodidu?n,-i, U. S. P. — Potassium Iodide, KI. Sodii Iodidum,-i, U. S. P. — Sodium Iodide, Nal. Incompatibles — i. Try Tinctura lodi with Aqua Ammoniae (alkaline hydrox- ides), Acidum Nitrium (mineral acids), and Sodii Hyposulphis solution (reducing agents) each. 2. Try Liquor lodi Compositus with Quininae Sulphas (alka- loids) and Plumbi Acetas solutions (mineral salts) each. 46 MATERIA MEDICA. 3. Make an alcoholic solution of Iodum in a test tube, add to a little Amylum paste in a small dish; Amylum Iodatum is formed and its color is distinctive for the presence of free Iodum. 4. Any alkaline hydroxide or any reducing agent will decolorize Iodum solutions or stains, forming the iodide of the base of the agent used (with other compounds of Iodum), hence col- orless solutions of Iodum are no more active than iodide so- lutions. Acidum Carbolicum is one of the best agents in preparing these colorless solutions. 5. Try Potassii Iodidi solution with Bismuthi Subnitras. 6. Why are the iodides incompatible with Spiritus Aetheris Ni- trosi, Amylum and Glycyrrhiza preparations ? Pkkscriptions — Carefully consider the question of incompatibility before and while writing a prescription. Write a compound prescription containing an Iodum preparation as the base. Iodum may form explosive compounds with Ammonia, Hydrar- gyri Oxidum Flavum, Argenti Nitras,Glycerinum and Essentiae. Be careful in prescribing compounds containing Iodum, as it may be freed and form an explosive. Iodoform odor may be disguised by Oleum Mentha Piperita, Oleum Fennel, Oleum Anisum, Balsamum Peruvianum, Coumarin, etc. Oleum Terebinthinae will remove the odor from vessels. EXERCISE No. 6. COLCHICUM,-I, U. S. P.— Colchicum, Meadow -Saffron. Colchici Radix, -it is, U. S. P. — Colchicum-Root. Co/chin' Semen, -inis, U. S. P. — Colchicum-Seed. Pharmaceutical Preparations — Vinum,-i, Colchici Radii is. U. S. J\ — Wine of Colchicum Root. Vinum,-i, Colchici Seminis, U. S. P. — Wine of Colchicum Seed. Colchicina,-ae — Colchicine. Examine desk samples and look up pharmaceutical preparations. Prepare Vinu.m Colchici Radicis — Place 25gm. Colchici Radix (No. 30 powder) in the large evapo- rating disli and moisten thoroughly with 25CC of the mens- truum, which consists of [5 parts Alcohol and 85 parts Vinum Album. Place the percolator in position, suspending from the small ring of the retort stand and placing a small wad of cotton in the lower end. After the powder has macerated 20-30 minutes put it into the percolator, being careful not to pack too tight, add the menstruum gradually until all has been added, requiring about 65CC. additional and making 60-65CC. of the wine. Incompatibles — All vegetable and metallic astringents. Tinctura Iodi and Tinc- tura Guaiaci. HYDRARGYRUM,-I, U. S. P.— Mercury— Hg. Quicksilver. Pharmaceutical Preparations — Hydrargyri Chloridum,—i Corroswum,-i, U. S. P. — Corrosive Mercuric Chloride — Bichloride of Mercury, Corrosive Subli- mate, Mercuric Chloride — HgCk (48) 50 MATERIA MEDICA. Hydrargyri Chloridum,-i Mite, -is, U. S. P. — Mild Mercurous Chloride — Mercurous Chloride, Subchloride, Calomel — HgCl or HgXL. Hydrargyri Iodidum,-i Flavum,-i, U. S. P. — Yellow Mercurous Iodide — Protoiodide of Mercury — Hgl or Hg,J. ? . Hydrargyri Iodidum,-i Rubrum,-i, U. S. P. — Red Mercuric Iodide — Biniodide — HgL. Hydrargyri Oxidum,-i Flavin?i,-i, U. S. P. — Yellow Mercuric Oxide— HgO. Hydrargyri Oxidum,-i Rub rum, -i, U. S. P. — Red Mercuric Oxide — Red Precipitate — HgO. Hydrargyri Sub sulphas, —atis Flavus,-i, U. S. P. — Yellow Mer- curic Subsulphate — Basic Mercuric Sulphate, Turpeth Min- eral— Hg(HgO)oS0 4 . Hydrargyrum, -i Ammoniatum,-i, U. S. P. — Ammoniated Mer- cury — White Precipitate, Mercur-amnionium Chloride — NH 2 HgCl. Hydrargyrum, -i Cum Crcta, U. S. P. — Mercury with Chalk. Massa,-ae Hydrargyri, U. S. P. — Mass of Mercury — Blue Mass, Blue Pill. Unguentum,-i Hydrargyri, U. S. P. — Mercurial Ointment — Blue Ointment. Ointments of the iodides and oxides are also official. Examine the chlorides, iodides and oxides. Incompatibles — Almost all preparations, especially with the chlorides. i. Add to Hydrargyri Chloridum Corrosivum solution a little of each of the following solutions: Acidum Tannicum, Al- bumen, Argenti Nitras, Potassii Iodidum, Sapo and Sodii Bi- carbonas. 2. Add some Hydrargyri Chloridum Mite to Plumbi Acetas solution. 3. Hydrargyri Chloridum Mite with lodum, chlorides, alkaline earths, alkalies, alkaline carbonates and acids. 4. Hydrargyri cum Creta with acids and acidulous salts. 5 2 MATERIA MEDICA. Read article on Pilulae in N. D., W. & W., etc. Place a little Lycopodium or Glycyrrhiza on the pill tile, weigh out i2gr. Massa Hydrargyri and make into six pills, being careful to have the pills of equal size. AURUM,-I— Gold— Au. Auri et Sodii Chloridum f -i — Chloride of Gold and Sodium. GUAIACUM,!— Guaiac. Guaiaci Lignum,-!, U. S. P. — Guaiacum-Wood — Lignum vitre. Guaiaci Resina,-ae, U. S. P. — Guaiac — Guaiac resin. Examine desk samples of each. Pharmaceutical Preparations — Tinctura,-ae Guaiaci, U. S. P. — Tincture of Guaiac (Resin). Tinctura,-ae Guaiaci Ammoniata,-ae, U. S. P. — Ammoniated Tincture of Guaiac. Incompatibles — The Resina is the chief cause. i. Add Acidum Hydrochloricum Dilutum, Aqua Destillata and Spiritus Aetheris Nitrosi each to separate portions of Tinc- tura Guaiaci. Prescriptions — Write a compound one. Remember that size of dose depends upon age of the patient, strength of the drugs used, stage and character of sickness, frequency of administration, idiosyncrasies of the patient, etc. Write the Superscription first, then that part of the Inscription consisting of the names of the drugs (regarding their, incom- patibles closely), then the Subscription and the Signature. Knowing the frequency and number of the doses determine the size and then the product of the size of the dose (of the individual preparations) by their number gives the amount of each ingredient to be put into the mixture. EXERCISE No. 7. SARSAPARILLA,-AE, U. S. P.— Sarsaparilla (root). Examine the desk sample of the root. Look up its official de- scription (N. D.) Prepare Syrupus-i Sarsaparillae Compositus-i, U. S. P. — Pour i2cc. Extractum Sarsaparillae Fluidum, .ice. Extractum Glycyrrhizae Fluidum, . ice. Extractum Sennae Fluidum (. ice. equals 2 minims) into a graduate; add to them a small drop of each of the following oils: Oleum Anisum, Oleum Gaulthe- riae and Oleum Sassafras, and mix thoroughly; then add enough Aqua Destillata to make the volume up to 37.5CC. and mix well. Set aside for an hour and then filter or strain through a cloth into a beaker and dissolve 40 gm. Saccharum in the filtrate by aid of gentle heat; cool, strain and add Aqua Destillata to make 62. 5cc. Mix thoroughly. Wash cloth and return to the desk. Note. — The chief use of the compound decoction or syrup is as a vehicle or menstruum for preparations of lodum or Hydrar- gyrum, though it is chemically incompatible with lodum be- cause of its Amylum constituents. Incompatibles — Alkalies favor the decomposition of its preparations. VEGETABLE ASTRINGENTS. Acidum,-i Galluum,-/, U. S. P.— Gallic Acid— C 6 H 2 (OH) 3 . COOH + H,0. (54) 56 MATERIA MEDICA. Acidum, -i Tannicum,-i, U. S. P. — Tannic Acid — Tannin — Di- gallic Acid. Read up preparation of each in N. D. and examine samples. Incompatibles — Reasons for and results in each case. i. Try solutions of Acidum Gallicum and Acidum Tannicum each with each of the following: Tinctura Ferri Chloridi, not- ing results and heating; Gelatina; Plumbi Acetas solution; Liquor Potassae; Ferri Sulphas solution (which reacts); Qui- ninae Sulphas solution and Acidum Sulphuricum Dilutum (min- eral acids). METALLIC ASTRINGENTS. Argenti Nitras,-atis, U. S. P. — Silver Nitrate — AgN0 3 . Argenti Nitras Dilutus, U. S. P. Argenti Nitras Fusus, U. S. P. Cupri Sulphas, -atis, U.S. P. — Copper Sulphate — Blue Vitriol — CuS0 4 5H 2 0. Examine Argenti Nitras and Cupri Sulphas and read up their preparation. Incompatibles — i. Try solution of each with each of the following: Acidum Tannicum solution; Potassii Iodidum solution; Sodii Bicar- bonas solution; Sodii Chloridum solution. 2. Why use Aqua Destillata for Argenti Nitras solutions? Properties — Argentum stains can be removed by solutions of Potassii Cya- nidum, Sodii Hyposulphis or Tinctura Iodi. Describe the characteristic reaction or chemical test for the presence of a salt of Argentum. What use is made of this reaction ? 58 materia medic a. Prescriptions — John Jones. July 9th, 1897. B* Potassii Iodidi 6 . 00 Syrupi Sarsaparillae Compositi 60.00 Aquae Destillatae, q. s. ad 1 28 . 00 Misce. Fiat solutio. (Note.) Signa. — Shake well. Take a dessertspoonful every six hours. M. D. Note. — Dissolve the Potassii Iodidum in a little Aqua Destillata, add the Syrupus Sarsaparillae Compositus and then Aqua Des- tillata to the required amount. Would the above prescription be compatible if Liquor Potassae 6cc. were to be added ? EXERCISE No. 8. METALLIC ASTRINGENTS. Plumbum-i and Zincum-i Preparations — Plumbi Acetas,-atis, U. S. P. — Lead Acetate — Sugar of Lead — Pb (CoH,0,), 3 H,0. Zinei Oxidum,-i, U. S. P. — Zinc Oxide — ZnO. Zinci Sulphas, -atis, U. S. P. — Zinc Sulphate — White Vitriol — ZnS0 4 .7H 2 0. Examine the three above preparations. I ^COMPATIBLES Use solutions of Plumbi Acetas and Zinci Sulphas. i. Try each with Acidum Hydrochloricum Dilutum; Albumen solution; Liquor Potassae; Potassii Iodidum solution; Sodii Bicarbonas solution; hard water. 2. Try with each other. What is the advantage of this mixture? 3. What results when Plumbum and Opium preparations are combined (W. & W.)? ALUMEN,-INIS, U. S. P.— Alum, Potassium Alum. What is the chemical structure of the official Alumen? Why is the term Alum used when the compounds contain no Aluminum? Read up the subject in the N. D. 1. Add Liquor Potassae to Alumen solution and heat and if it is the Ammonium Alum Ammonia gas will be evolved and this can be tested by holding a piece of moistened red litmus paper over the top of the t. t. used. Try this test. (60) 62 materia medica. Incompatibles — Alkalies; Calcium, Ferrum, Hydrargyrum and Plumbum salts; Tartrates: vegetable astringents and Albumen. How is Alumen Exsiccatum prepared? What causes the white coating on Alumen when exposed to the air? NUX,-CIS VOMICA,-AE, U. S. P. -Nux Vomica, Poison Nut. Pharmaceutical Preparations — - Extractum,-i Nucis Vomicae, U. S. /^.--Extract of Nux Vomica. Extractum,-i Nucis Vomicae Fluidum,-i, U. S. P. — Fluid Extract of Nux Vomica. Tinctura,-ae Nucis Vomicae, U. S. P. — Tincture of Nux Vomica. Slrychninae Sulphas, -at is, U. S. T 5 .— Strychnine Sulphate. Brucina, -ae — Brucine. Read up in N. D. and examine preparations. Incompatibles — i. Chemically with solutions of Bromides, Chlorides and Iodides and the tannins. Why is this the case? 2. Try Tinctura Nucis Vomicae with Potassii Iodidum solution. 3. Physiologically with Chloral, Chloroformum, Aether, Tabac- um, etc. Why? Properties — How would Strychnina and Acidum Salicylicum be differentiated physically and chemically? Try each with Tinctura Ferri Chloridi. IGNATIA,-AE— Strychnos Ignatia. Examine desk sample of Strychnos Ignatia. Prescriptions — Write one containing Nux Vomica in pills or capsules for a case of heart trouble. (W. & W.) 64 MATERIA MEDICA. Compound the following: John Doe. (Dyspepsia.) July nth, 1897. R Tincturae Nucis Vomicae 6.50 Acidi Hydrochlorici Diluti 4.50 Tincturae Gentianae 54. 00 Misce. Signa. — Shake well. Take a teaspoonful in half a glass of water after each meal. Note — Why should Potassii Bromidum not be 'added to the above prescription? Quiz Follows this Exercise. EXERCISE No. 9, DIGITALIS, U. S. P.— Digitalis— Foxglove Leaves. Pharmaceutical Preparations — Extraction, -i Digitalis, U. S. P. — Extract of Digitalis. Extr actum, -i Digitalis Fluidum,-i, U. S. P. — Fluid Extract of Digitalis. Infusum,-i Digitalis, U. S. P. — Infusion of Digitalis. Tinctura,-ae Digitalis, U. S. P. — Tincture of Digitalis. Examine desk sample of Digitalis and Tinctura Digitalis. Prepare Infusum Digitalis — Weigh out 1.5 gm. Digitalis leaves, bruise or break them, put into a beaker, pour 50CC. boiling Aqua Destillata on them and allow to macerate until cold. Strain through a cloth and add iocc. Alcohol and 15CC Aqua Cinnamomi to the strained liquid and then pass enough Aqua Destillata through the strainer to make ioocc. Replace washed cloth in desk. How do Infusi and Decocti differ ? Incompatibles — Chemical — Cinchona preparations, Plumbi Acetas, Ferri Sulphas, Tinctura Ferri Chloridi. Physiological — Acidum Tannicum, Aconitum (for rapid action), Lobelia, Opium (for long continued action), Saponin and Senegin. Cold, Belladonna and Ergota are synergistics. 1. Try Tinctura Digitalis with Tinctura Ferri Chloridi. What will make this clear? 2. Try Infusum Digitalis with Acidum Tannicum and Plumbi Acetas solutions each. (66) 68 materia medica. Properties — Explain possible cumulative action of Digitalis. Best not mixed with mineral acids or in a syrupy or aqueous menstruum. Contains Glucosides but no Alkaloidal constituents. How do these differ ? Digitalis has better general action; Infusum Digitalis is best preparation in kidney troubles; Tinctura Digitalis is best preparation in cardiac troubles. ERGOTA, AE, U. S. P.— Ergot— Spurred Rye. Pharmaceutical Preparations — Extractum,-i Ergotae, U. S. P. — Extract of Ergot. Extractum,-i Ergotae Eluidum^—i, II. S. P. — Fluid Extract of Ergot. E?'gotinum — Ergotine. Examine desk sample of Ergota and look up official description. Incompatibles — Chemically with caustic alkalies and metallic salts; try Liquor Potassae and Plumbi Acetas solution with Extractum Ergotae FLuidum. Physiologically with Amylum Nitris, Aconitum, Lobelia, Tabacum and Veratrum Viride on the circulation. Belladonna, Digitalis, cold and electricity increase effects on circulation. Borax, Gossypium, Rue, Sabina, etc. , increase parturient actions. Properties — Ammonia is the best solvent for the active principle. Aqua Chloroformi may be used as a corrective for the taste. Hypodermically if rapid action is desired. Ergota is rarely of any value if over a year old, and powdered Ergota if over a few months old, as the oil becomes rancid. Contains an oil, a resin, acids, phosphates and alkaloids. Acidum Phosphoricum Dilutum should be used when prescribed with Tinctura Ferri Chloridi ? Why? MATERIA MEDICA. Prescriptions — i. Write a compound one. 2. Criticise the following : Richard Roe. June 2, 1897. 1^ Extracti Digitalis o 06 Extracti Gentianae 2 40 Glyceriti Amyli, q. s. M. — Fiant pilulae No. VI. S. — Take one every six hours until desired effect. Note. — Triturate well together in a mortar and divide into six pills of equal size on the pill tile. Transpose the amounts of the above prescription into the Apoth- ecary system. Quiz Follows this Exercise. EXERCISE No. 10. CIMICIFUGA,-AE, U. S. P.— Cimicifuga— Black Snakeroot, Black Cohosh. SCILLA,-AE, U. S. P.— Squill; Squills. STROPHANTUS,-I, U. S. P.— Strophantus. Pharmaceutical Preparations — Extractum,—i Cimicifugae, U. S. P. — Extract of Cimicifuga. Extractum,-i Cimicifuga Fluidum, U. S. P. — Fluid extract of Cimicifuga. Tinctura,-ae Cimicifugae, U. S. P. — Tincture of Cimicifuga. Acetum,-i Scillae, U. S. P. — Vinegar of Squill. Extractum,-i, Scillae Fluidum,-i, U. S. P. — Fluid Extract of Squill. Syrupus,— z Scillae, U. S. P. — Syrup of Squill. Syrupus 3 -i Scillae Co7iipositus,-i, U. S. P. — Compound Syrup of Squill — Coxe's Hive Syrup, Hive Syrup. Tinctura,~ae Strophanti;/', U. S. ^.—Tincture of Strophantus. Examine desk samples of Cimicifuga and Scilla and also the Extractum Scillae Fluidum and Tinctura Strophanthi. Prepare Syrupus Scillae — Heat i ice. Acetum Scillae to the boiling point in a beaker and filter while hot. Dissolve 2ogm. Saccharum in the hot nitrate by agitation and without further heating strain through a cloth and when cold add enough Aqua Destillata through the strainer to make 25CC. Mix thoroughly and keep for use in prescription No. 3 below. Return washed cloth to the desk. (Yellow Acetum Scillae is the official, the Red being from the red root.) (72) 74 MATERIA MEDICA. How do Aceti, Tincturae and Vini differ? (N. D., S. P. C. or W. & W.) Do the preparations of this excercise contain alkaloids? If so, name them. ^COMPATIBLES Cimicifuga: — Therapeutically with all stimulants. Give reasons in each of the following: Tinctura Cimicifugae with Aqua Destillata, Acidum Hydrochloricum Dilutum and Tinctura Ferri Chloridi each. Scilla: — i. Try Acetum Scillae with Liquor Potassae. 2. Try Extractum Scillae Fluidum with Plumbi Acetas solution. 3. Try Syrupus Scillae with Ammonii Carbonas solution. Prescriptions — 1. Write a compound one. 2. Write the corrected form in full of the following prescrip- tion, using the Apothecary equivalents: John Smith. May 6th, 1897. R Tincture Digitali 6.00 Extractu Ergot Flu 10.00 Aq. Cinnamomae 32.00 Mis. — Fiat mixture. Sig. — Take a teaspoonful. M. D. 3. Compound the following: John Jones. (Bronchial cold.) Feb. 6th, 1897. Ft Potassii Bromidi 5.00 Syrupi Scillae 25.00 Syrupi Sarsaparillae Compositi 20.00 Aquae Chloroformi q. s. ad 65.00 Misce. — Fiat mistura. Signa. — Shake well and take a teaspoonful every four hours. M. D. 76 • MATERIA MEDICA. 4. Compound the following: John Thomas. Jan. 12th, 1897. (Cold, general.) K Quininae Sulphatis gr. xv Ammonii Chloridi gr. x Capsici Pulveris gr. j M. — Fiant capsulae no. vj. S. — Take one every three hours. M. D. Note — Weigh out each ingredient in No. 4; triturate them well together in the mortar; divide into six equal masses on the pill tile and fill the capsules if desiring to fill them dry. May add Glycerinum (6-iogtt.) to the entire mass on the pill tile, mix- ing carefully with the steel spatula until the mass will adhere together, then roll into a small cylinder and cut into six equal masses; then put into the capsules. May use Mucilago. Quiz Follows the Exercise. EXERCISE No. 11 BELLADONNAE FOLIA,-AE, U. S. P.— Belladonna Leaves— Deadly Nightshade. BELLADONNAE RADIX,-ICIS, U. S. P.— Belladonna Root. HYOSCYAMUS.-I, U. S. P.— Hyoscyamus— Henbane. STRAMONII FOLIA,-AE, U S. P.— Stramonium Leaves STRAMONII SEMEN,-INIS, U. S. P.— Stramonium Seed. Pharmaceutical Preparations — Extract urn y—i Belladonnae Foliorum Alcoholicum,-i, U. S. P. — Alcoholic Extract of Belladonna Leaves. Extr actum, -i Belladonnae Radicis Fluidum,-i, U. S. P. — Fluid Extract of Belladonna Root. Liniment um } -i Belladonnae, U. S. P. — Belladonna Liniment. Tinctura,-ae Belladonnae Foliorum, U. S. P. — Tincture of Bel- ladonna Leaves. Unguentum,-i Belladonnae, U. S. P. — Belladonna Ointment. Atropinae Sulphas, -atis, U. S. P. — Atropine Sulphate. Extractum,-i Hyoscyami, U. S. P. — Extract of Hyoscyamus. Extracium,-i Hyoscyami Fluidum,-i, U. S. P. — Fluid Extract of Hyoscyamus. Tinctura,-ae Hyoscyami, U. S. P. — Tincture of Hyoscyamus. Hyoscinae Hydrobromas,-atis, U. S, P. — Hyoscine Hydrobro mate. Hyoscyaminae Hydrobromas,-atis, U. S. P. — Hyoscyamine Hy- drobromate. Extractum,-i Stramonii Se minis, U. S. P. — Extract of Stramo- nium Seed. Extr actum, -i Stramonii Seminis Fluidum,~i, U. S. P.— Fluid Extract of Stramonium Seed. (73) 8o MATERIA MEDICA. Tinctura,-ae Stramonii Seminis, U. S. P. — Tincture of Stramo- nium Seed. Examine desk samples of each of the above drugs and their preparations. Incompatibles — i. Caustic alkalies decompose the alkaloidal principles evolving Ammonia. Add Liquor Potassa to Tinctura Belladonnae Foliorum in at. t., place a strip of moistened red litmus paper over the top of the t. t. and apply heat to the bottom of the tube. Is Ammonia evolved ? Note what change if any occurs. 2. Mineral Acids: — Add Acidum Nitricum Dilutum to Tinctura Belladonnae Foliorum. 3. Metallic Salts: — Add Plumbi Acetas solution to Tinctura Hyoscyami. 4. Vegetable Acids: — Add Acidum Tannicum solution to Tinc- tura Hyoscyami. 5. Therapeutical: — Aconitum; Quinina; Opium to their action on the respiration; Pilocarpus and Physostigma almost completely. Prescriptions — 1. Write the correct form in full of the following: Will Harris. January 23d, 1897. R Ext. Stram 6 . 00 Tin. Hyosca 9 . 00 Liq. Potass oz. ss. Aqua Cin dr. 36. Mis. Sig. — Take 1 dr. every 20 minutes. M. D. 2. Write the correct form in full of the following: J. B. Bills. March 12th, 1897. R Pot. Iod 8 . 00 Tine. Iod M. 60 Liq. Am. Acet oz. ij. Aq. ad 128.00 Misce. — Signa. — Take a dessertspoonful after meals. 82 MATERIA MEDICA. Note. — Are the two above prescriptions compatible ? If they are not, give the incompatible ingredients in each, and the reasons. 3. Write a compound prescription. Quiz Will Follow this Exercise. EXERCISE No. 12. CAMPKORA,-AE, U. S. P.— Camphor. CANNABIS INDICA.-AE, U. S. P.— Indian Cannabis-Hemp, Indian Hemp. THEOBROMA, ATIS. -Cacao. VALERIANA, -AE, U. S. P.— Valerian. Examine desk samples. Pharmaceutical Preparations — Aqua,-ae Camphor ae, (J. S. P. — Camphor Water. Liniment um^-i Camphorae, U. S. P. — Camphor Liniment. Linimentum,-i Saponis, U. S. P. — Soap Liniment. Spirit us Camphorae, U. S. P. — Spirit of Camphor. Camphora,-ae Monobromata,-ae, U. S. P. — Monobromated Camphor. Extract it//t, -i Cannabis Inrficae, U. S P. — Extract of Cannabis Indica. Extraction,-/ Cannabis Indicae Ftiiidii/n,-i,U. S. P. — Fluid Ex- tract of Cannabis Indica. Tinctura,-ae Cannabis Indicae, U. S. P. — Tincture of Cannabis Indica. Olenm,-i TJicobro/natis, U. S. P. — Oil of Theobroma — Butter of Cacao. Extraction,-/ Valerianae Flit id ion, -/, U. S. P. — Fluid Extract of Valerian. Tinctura,-ae Valerianae, U. S. P. — Tincture of Valerian. Tinctura,-ae Valerianae Ai/ononiata,-ac, U. S. P — Ammoniated Tincture of Valerian. (8 4 ) 86 materia medica. Incompatibles Camphora: — i. Solutions, physically, with Aqua, unless it has been dissolved by trituration in milk. Try Spiritus Camphorae with Aqua Destillata. 2. Alkalies and earthy salts precipitate the small amount soluble in Aqua. Cannabis Indica: — i. Try Tinctura Cannabis Indicae with Aqua Destillata and Liquor Potassae each. What results and why in each case ? Theobroma: — Shake a small piece of Oleum Theobromatis in a test tube with cold water, then apply heat and note the change; add Liquor Potassae 20-30 M. and shake while heating to boiling and note the change. (Illustrates the saponifying action and emulsifying power of caustic alkalies on fixed oils, and is used in cleaning oily vessels and apparatus.) Valeriana: — 1. Try Tinctura Valerianae with Acidum Sulphu- ricum Dilutum and solutions of Plumbi Acetas and Sodii Bicarbonas each. Properties and Uses — Ca?nphora: — Freely soluble in Alcohol, Aether, Benzinum, Chlo- roformum and fixed and volatile oils. The alcoholic and etherial solutions render Hydrargyri Chlori- dum Corrosivum more soluble. Triturated with Chloral, Menthol or Thymol and resins it liquefies. Cannabis Indica: — Antagonized by Strychnina, caustic alkalies and lemons. The Tinctura suspended in Mucilago may be given in Aqua and the taste covered by Spiritus Chloroformi. Theobroma: — Chief use is in manufacture of Suppositoriae. Valeriana: — Aqua Cinnamomi is the best corrective for the taste. The Extractum Fluidum and Tinctura are very nauseous and bulky. Oleum Valerianae (unofhcial) is best given in Mucilago with Aqua Cinnamomi. Valerianates are made with an acid produced from Alcohol Amy- licum and represents the actions of the bases rather than the plant or acids. Look up Emulsa and Sapo. (N. D., S. P. C. or W. & W.) 88 materia medica. Prescriptions — i. Compound the following: John Jackson. December 21st, 1897. 1^ Spiritus Camphorae Aquae Ammoniae aa 15 . 00 Olei Olivae 34 . 00 Mis. — Fiat emulsa. Sig. — Shake thoroughly and apply to the part every two hours. M. 1). 2. Write a compound prescription. Quiz Will Follow this Exercise. EXERCISE No. 13. COCA,-AE, U. S. P.— Coca-Erythroxylon— Coca Leaves. Pharmaceutical Preparations — Cocaine Hydrochloras,-atis, U. S. P. — Cocaine Hydrochlorate. Extractum,-i Cocae Fluidum-i, U. S. P. — Fluid Extract of Coca. Vinum,-i Cocae (Erythroxylon), N. F. — Wine of Coca. Examine desk sample of Cocae Folia and Extractum Cocae Fluidum. IXCOMPATIBLES i. Why should Coca preparations not be prescribed with Acidum Tannicnm, Liquor Potassae, Mayer's Reagent or Sodii Bicarbonas ? 2. Why not with Aether, Alcohol, Amyl Nitras, Chloral, Chloro- formum, Morphina, or Opium ? 3. Cocainae Hydrochloras solution added to Argenti Nitras solu- tion and then Acidum Nitricum added, forms Cocainae Nitras, but this mixture is prescribed for local uses because the painful effect of the caustic action of the Argenti Nitras is decreased. CAFFEINA,-AE, U. S. P.— Caffeine— Theine— Guaranine. Pharmaceutical Preparations — Caffeina,-ae Citrata,-ae, U. S. P. — Citrated Caffeine. Caffeina,-ae Citrata,-ae Effervesce?rs,-1is, U. S. P. — Effervescent Citrated Caffeine. Incompatibles — Try Caffeina Citrata with Liquor Potassae and Potassii Iodidum solution each. Uses — Addition of Sodii Benzoas or Salicylas makes them more soluble. (90) 92 MATERIA MEDICA. ALCOHOLS. Alcohol, C S. P. — Alcohol, Ethyl Alcohol, Rectified Spirits — C,H,OH. Properties — Examine them. i. Taste. 2. Miscibility with Aqua without cloudiness. 3. Burns with a blue flame. 4. Has no action on litmus paper previously moistened with Aqua Destillata. 5. Leaves no residue on evaporation. 6. Has no odor of fusil oil upon evaporating spontaneously from filter paper. 7. Mixed with half its volume of Liquor Potassae it should not at once become dark colored (absence of Alcohol Methylicum, Aldehyde or oak tannin. ) 8. More than faint opalescence or darkening after standing six hours when mixed with a few drops of Argenti Nitras solution in a t. t. shows traces of organic matters, Alcohol Amylicum, etc. 9. Evaporate iocc. to 2cc. and add 2cc. Acidum Sulphuricum, and if Alcohol Amylicum is present a red color will be produced. Pharmaceutical Preparations — Alcohol, U. S. P. — Alcohol, 91% by weight, 94% by volume — sp. gv. 0.820 at 15- C. Alcohol Absolutum,-i, U. S P. — Absolute Alcohol — 99% pure — sp. gv. 0.797 at 15 : C. Alcohol Deodoratum,-i, U. S. P. — Deodorized Alcohol — 92% by weight, 95.5% by volume — sp. gv. 0.816 at 15- C. Alcohol Dilution, -i, U. S. P. — Diluted Alcohol — 41% by weight, 48.6% by volume — sp. gv. 0.936 at 15° C. Spirit us Frit merit i, U. S. P. — Whiskey — 44-50% by weight of Alcohol — sp. gv. 0.930. Spiritus Vini Gallici, U. S. P. — Brandy — 39-47% Alcohol by weight — sp. gv. 0.941. 94 MATERIA MEDICA. Vinum,-i Album, -i, U. S. P. — White Wine — 10-14% Alcohol by weight — sp. gv. 0.990. Vinum,-i Rubrum,-i, U. S. P. — Red Wine — 10-14% Alcohol by weight — sp. gv. 0.989. Rules for Making Alcohols of Lower Percentages, U. S. P. — F= volume % and W= weight % of the strong Alcohol to be used. r = volume % and z. Zinci Bromidum,-i, U. S. P. — Zinc Bromide — ZnBr 2 . Properties and Uses — Read articles in N. D. and W. & W. Bromum is rarely used in medicine but the bromides are used extensively, and their protracted use requires increasing doses. Compare action of the different bromides. Bromism: its causes, symptoms and treatment. Calcii, Lithii, Strontii and Zinci Bromidi are very deliquescent, hence they should not be prescribed in powders. The rest are permanent in air. Acidum Hydrobromicum Dilutum is miscible in all proportions with Aqua and Alcohol. Rarely causes Bromism. Prevents Cinchonism (as do the bromides) and makes an excellent sol- vent for the Cinchona alkaloids. (114) Il6 MATERIA MEDICA. Incompatible^ — Use solution of Potassii Bromidum. Chemical: i. Acid Salts. 2. Acidum Nitricum Dilutum. 3. Plumbi Acetas solution. 4. Ammonii Bromidum solution and Spiritus Aetheris Nitrosi. What occurs ? Physiological: All vaso-motor stimulants as Belladonna, Digitalis, Ergota, etc. Morphina is the best especially for the motor symptoms. CONIUM,-I, U. S. P.— Conium — Hemlock— Conium Maculatum. GELSEMIUM,-I, U. S. P. — Gelsemium— Yellow Jessamine or Jasmine. Pharmaceutical Preparations — Extractum,-i Conii, U. S. P. — Extract of Conium. Extractum,-i Conii Fluidum,-i, U.S. P. — Fluid Extract of Conium. Extractum,-i Gelsemii Fluidu?n,-i, U. S. P. — Fluid Extract of Gelsemium. Tinctura,-ae Gelsemii, U. S. P. — Tincture of Gelsemium. Incompatibles — Conium: Depend upon the constituents. Antagonized by Nux Vomica preparations. Gelsemium : Antagonized by Alcohol, Ammonia, Digitalis and Morphina preparations. Chemically depends upon its alkaloidal and oily constituents. PREPARATIONS AND THEIR PRESCRIBING. Infusa: — Do not keep well. Dose too large. Strength should be ordered by a physician. Linimenta: — Never saturate cloths with Ammonia or Chloroform liniments and bind on the skin, as they will blister. Always label "poison" or '-external use only." Soap liniment is much used as a vehicle for extemporaneous preparations. I 1 8 MATERIA MEDICA. Liquores: — Solution; saturated solution; supersaturated solution. Must know the approximate solubility of the materials in the solvent. Alcohol is a good solvent for oils and resins but precipitates gums and albumen, and water is the opposite. Glycerine aids the solution of Acidum Carbolicum. Remember incompatibilities in making compound solutions. Lotiones: — Usually aqueous solutions of medicinal agents intended for external use. Eye lotions are called "Collyria." Massac. Mellita: — Used in pill masses and as agreeable vehicles. Misturae: — Precipitate undissolved materials upon standing. Always order "Shake" label. Usually prescribed in syrups or mucilages to suspend the undissolved particles. H Pulveris Cretae Compositae 2.00 Aquae Cinnamomi 4 . 00 Aquae Destillatae 20 . 00 Misce. — Fiat mistura. (Rub the chalk with the cinna- mon water and 2cc. of water in a mortar; then add rest of water gradually while triturating.) Signa. — Chalk mixture. (Use in next prescription.) Mufiilageones : — Soothing to inflamed mucous surfaces. Used in liquid preparations to suspend insoltibles and in solids as excipients. \\ Misturae Cretae 20.00 Bismuthi Subnitratis 8 . 00 Aquae Cinnamomi 50 . 00 Mucilagiones Acaciae q. s. ad t 28 . 00 M. — Fiat mistura. Sig. — Take teaspoonful every two hours. Quiz Will Follow this Exercise. EXERCISE No. 18. ACONITUM,-I, U. S. P.— Aconite (root)— Monkshood— Wolfsbane. PILOCARPUS,-!!, U. S. P.— Pilocarpus— Jaborandi— (Leaves). VERATRUM-I VIRIDE,-IS, U. S. P.— Veratrum Viride— American Hellebore. Pharmaceutical Preparations — Extractum,-z Aconiti, U. S. P. — Extract of Aconite. Ext r actum, -i Aconiti Fluidum.-i, U. S. P. — Fluid Extract of Aconite. Tinciura,~ae Aconiti, L\ S. P. — Tincture of Aconite. Extraciu/n,-i Pilocarpi Fluidum,-i, U. S. P. — Fluid Extract of Pilocarpus. Pilocarpinac Hydroc/iioras,-atis, U. S. P. — Pilocarpine Hydro- chlorate. Extracium,-i Veratri Viridis F/?tidt/m,-i, U. S. P. — Fluid Extract of Veratrum Viridis. Tinctura,-ae Veratri Viridis, C S. P. — Tincture of Veratrum Viridis. Read N. D. articles and examine the preparations. Test the drops per drachm of each of the tinctures (145). Strength of the different tinctures of Aconitum: German, 10%; English, 16%; French, 20%; U. S. P., 35% and Fleming's, 79%. Be careful in prescribing them. Incompatibles — Antagonized by all vaso-motor stimulants, Atropina especially. Chemically with caustic alkalies, Ferric salts and metallic salts generally. (120) 122 MATERIA MED1CA. PREPARATIONS AND THEIR PRESCRIBING. Oleata: — Supposed to be more readily absorbed than ointments of other bases. Oleoresinae : — Strongest liquid preparations of vegetable substances, and they are best prescribed in emulsions, pills or capsules. Pilulae: — Extemporaneous pills may be coated with gelatin, tolu, or silver foil, the sugar coating being used in manufacture of large quantities. Convenient for drugs in small quantities and of a disagreeable taste. Not good for insoluble or deliquescent preparations, those having a large dose, nor liquids. May dilute caustics with some inert substance. Not so good as liquids for rapid action as they require solution before absorption. Efflorescent crystals should lose water of crystallization. Must know character of materials in the pills to select the proper excipient, as the mass must not crumble and must be hard enough to retain its shape, and yet not pass through the intes- tinal canal undissolved. Choice of most of the excipients may be left to the pharmacist. Best liquid excipients are alcohol, water, syrup, glucose, glycerine, glycerite of starch, glycerite of tragacanth, honey and aromatic sulphuric acid. Best solid excipients are vegetable extracts, powdered acacia, powdered althea, bread crumbs, soap, hard petroleum, resin cerate and cacao butter. When prescribing official pills write the name of the pill in the accusative case, followed by the number of pills wanted; extemporaneous pills write names of the materials in the geni- tive case followed by the total amount. It Sodii Salicylatis i . 50 Ammonii Chloridi 1 . 00 Acetanilidi ° • 5° Misce.- — Fiant pilulae No. vj. Signa. — Take one every three hours. Note. — May use glycerine, syrup, mucilage, etc., for excipient, being careful not to use too much. 124 MATERIA MEDICA. Pulveres: — Suitable for insoluble medicines, those of small dose and pleasant taste. Hygroscopic, deliquescent, efflorescent and volatile medicines, if desired in a powder, should be dis- pensed in paraffine paper. Caustics only when well diluted as with sugar of milk, cane sugar, compound chalk powder, aromatic powder, powdered licorice, starch, acacia and mag- nesia. May be dispensed in a bulk cr " Chartulae," which means in prescription '• little package of powders." R Pepsini Saccharati 2.00 Hydrargyri Chloridi Mitis 0.06 Pulveris Glycyrrhizae 4 . 00 Misce. — Fiant chartulae No. X. Signa. — Take one after each meal. Resinae: — Soluble in alcohol, insoluble in water and precipitated from alcoholic solutions by water. May be prescribed in pills, capsules, alcoholic solutions and some in powders. Write a Prescription. Quiz Will Follow this Exercise. EXERCISE No. 19. ARNICAE FLORES,-UM, U. S. P.— Arnica Flowers. ARNICAE RADIX -ICIS, U. S. P.— Arnica Root. GRINDELIA.-AE, U. S. P.— Grindelia (robusta). PHYTOLACCAE FRUCTUS, U. S. P.— Phytolacca Fruit— Poke Berry. PHYTOLACCAE RADIX, -ICIS, U. S. P.— Phytolacca Root— Poke Root. Pharmaceutical Preparations — Tinctura,-ac Arnicae Florum, U. S. P. — Tincture of Arnica- flowers. Extractum,-i Arnicae Radicis, F. S. P. — Extract of Arnica- root. Extractuni,-i Arnicae Radicis Flniduni. i, U. S. P. — Fluid Ex- tract of Arnica-root. Tine t Ufa,- a e Arnicae Radicis, U. S. P. — Tincture of Arnica- root. Extractum f —i Grindeliae Fluiduni.-i. U. S. P. — Fluid Extract of Grindelia. Extraction, -i PJiytolaccae Radicis F///id///n,-i. U. S. P. — Fluid Extract of Phytolacca-root. Examine desk and other samples. Read N. D. articles. Uses. — Spiritus Chloroform! disguises the bitter taste of Grin- delia preparations. Aqueous mixtures precipitate the resins, hence better prescribed in mucilage or milk to suspend the resins. NITRITES. Amyl Niiris,-itis, (J. S. F. — Amyl Nitrite — C 5 H n N0 2 . Sodii jVitris,-itis, U. S. P.— Sodium Nitrite— NaNO,. (126) 128 MATERIA MEDICA. Spiritus Aether is Nitrosi, U. S. P. — Spirit of Nitrous Ether- — Sweet Spirit of Nitre. Spiritus Glonoini, U. S. P. — Spirit of Glonoin — Spirit of Nitro- glycerin. Read N. D. articles on the above nitrites. Incompatibles — Spiritus Aetheris Nitrosi with Acidum Gallicum, Acidum Tan- nicum, Emulsae, Ferric salts, Potassii Iodidum and Tinctura Guaiaci. Why? Test the number of drops per drachm of the Spiritus Aetheris Nitrosi. PREPARATIONS AND THEIR PRESCRIBING. Spiriti: — Those of volatile oils in alcohol are mostly used as flavor- ing agents or carminatives, and make cloudy or milky mix- tures, owing to separation of oils when added in large quanti- ties to water. Good solvents for resins, oleore'sins and resinous extracts, and do not precipitate when added to fluid extracts and tinctures. Suppositories: — May be made by hand or in moulds. Cacao-butter is the most frequent base, being solid at ordinary temperatures. A suppository of glycerin, sodium carbonate and stearic acid has been made official. Rectal are cone shaped and weigh one gm. Urethral (bougies) are cylindrical or pencil shaped and weigh one gm. Vaginal (pessaries) are globular and weigh three gms. Wax makes them firmer but remaining undissolved irritates the mucous membrane. Always give careful direc- tions to pharmacist as to the kind and to the patient for use. Syrupi: — Make pleasant vehicles or flavoring agents and may be used in mixtures to hold small insoluble particles in suspen- sion. Freely miscible with aqueous liquids, but if concentrated and added to strong alcoholic liquids the sugar gradually crys- tallizes out of solution. Syrups of hydriodic acid, citric acid, garlic and squill are acid in reaction and should not be mixed with carbonates. Some are of distinct medicinal value. 130 MATERIA MEDICA. Tabellae:- — (Tablet triturates), none official; used for medicines of small dose. Tincturae: — Not as strong as fluid extracts; not all of uniform strength, but each has its own definite strength. Many pre- cipitate or become cloudy upon adding aqueous liquids. Strong mineral acids should not be added to tinctures. Nearly all contain tannin and these should not be mixed with iron preparations. Tinctures of ferric chloride and sanguinaria are acid, and the ammoniated tinctures of guaiac and valerian are strongly alkaline. Tritiii'ationes: — Usually dispensed in small powders. Trochisci: — Should not be made of drugs of disagreeable taste nor of efflorescent, deliquescent nor caustic substances; usually desire to obtain local action of ingredients upon the mucous membrane of the mouth and pharynx. When prescribing official lozenges the name is to be written in the accusative case, followed by the number desired. Unguenta: — Applied by inunction. The basis may be lard, ben- zoinated lard, simple ointment, lanolin (wool fat), cold cream, hard petroleum, glycerite of starch or boro-glycerin. Should be perfectly smooth, containing no hard or gritty particles. When desiring to use a substance insoluble in the base, treat it with some solvent before mixing the ointment. Vint: — White wine the menstruum; all freely miscible with water; not so strongly alcoholic as tinctures. 1. Dissolve 5 grs. of Ammonii Carbonas in 5/3 of a t. t. of Aquae Cinnamomi, add an equal amount of Extractum Glycyrrhizae Fluidum, shake thoroughly and allow to stand for a half hour. Glycyrrhizin is precipitated because the ammonia, holding it in solution, is neutralized by the bicarbonate present in the Ammonii Carbonas. This is a frequent chemical and phar- maceutical incompatibility. Quiz Will Follow this Exercise, EXERCISE No. 20. (See No. 3.) CINCHONA,-AE, U. S. P.— Cinchona (Calasaya.) CINCHONA, -AE RUBRA.-AE. U. S. P — Red Cinchona. Pharmaceutical Preparations — Extractum,—i Cinchonae Fluidum } —i } U. S. P.— Fluid Extract of Cinchona. lnfusum t —i Cinchona?, U. S. P. — Infusion of Cinchona. Tinctura,-ae Cinchonae, U. S. P. — Tincture of Cinchona. Tinctura,-ae Cinchonae Composita,-ae, U. S. P. — Compound Tincture of Cinchona. Alkaloidal Preparations — Quinidiniae Sulphas, -atis, U. S. P. — Quinidine Sulphate. Quinina,-ae, U. S. P. — Quinine. Quininae Bisulplias.-atis, U. S. P. — Quinine Bisulphate. Quininae Hydrobromas,-atis, U. S. P. — Quinine Hydrobromate. Quininae Hydrochlora$,-atis. U. S. P. — Quinine Hydrochlorate. Quininae Sulphas, -atis, U. S. P. — Quinine Sulphate. Quininae Valerianas,-atis, U. S. P. — Quinine Valerianate. Ferriet Quininae Citras,-atis, U.S. P. — Iron and Quinine Citrate. Vinum,-i Fcrri Amarum,-i, U. S. P. — Bitter Wine of Iron. Cinehonidinac Sulphas, -atis, U. S. P. — Cinchonidine Sulphate. Cinchonidinae Salicylas,-atis, U. S. P. — Cinchonidine Salicylate. Cinchonina,—ae — Cinchonine. Cinchoninae Sulphas, -at is, U. S. P. — Cinchonine Sulphate. Read N. D. articles on Cinchona and its alkaloids and their preparations. Relative antipyretic effects of the alkaloids: Quinina, too; Qnin- idina, 90; Cinchonina, 40, and Cinchonidina, 70. (132) 134 materia mfd1ca. Properties — Examine Quininae Sulphas and Cinchonidinae Sulphas. Solubility in Aqua is increased by most acids. Ammonii Chlori- dum, Potassii Nitras, etc., but decreased by Magnesii Sulphas, Sodii Sulphas and neutral tartrates. Precipitated by all Ferric salts and general precipitants of the alkaloids. Can be prescribed with Tinctura Ferri Chloridi because of its contained free acid. Read up Cinchonism and use of Bro- mides in its treatment. Should be avoided by persons having middle ear diseases, gas- trointestinal disorders or those having an idiosyncrasy against them. Test for purity of Quininae Sulphas: (other alkaloids, lime, chalk, magnesia, starch, etc.) Mix i gm. Quininae Sulphas in a mortar with 0.50 gm. Ammonii Sulphas and 5CC. Aqua Destillata; place in an evaporating dish and dry thoroughly on a water bath, agitate the neutral residue with iocc. Aqua Destillata, allow to macerate for '_> hour at 15- C. with occa- sional agitation, filter and mix in a t. t. 5CC. of the filtrate with 7cc. Aquae Ammoniae and a pure salt will give a clear solution. Incompatibles — Use solutions of Quininae Sulphas and Cinchonidinae Sulphas. Note reactions and determine reasons if possible in each case. 1. Add Aqua Ammoniae to each. Then excess of precipitant. 2. Add Liquor Potassae to each. 3. Add Acidum Sulphuricum Dilutum to each. Which gives fluorescence ? If both become fluorescent what is indicated ? 4. Add Potassii Acetas solution to each. Same with tartrates. 5. Add Acidum Tannicum solution to each. General Incompatibles — Determine what occurs in each case and why. 1. Add Liquor Potassae to a solution of Chloral and heat. 2. Add a solution of Potassii Iodidum to a solution of Hydrargyri Chloridum Corrosivum. 136 MATERIA MEDICA. 3. Add solution of Zinci Sulphas to a solution of Plumbi Acetas. 4. Why are strong alcoholic tinctures not compatible with weak ones ? 5. Add some Aqua to some Tinctura Guaiaci. 6. Add Mayer's Reagent to a little Tinctura Cinchonae Com- posita. 7. Add Spiritus Aromaticus Ammoniae to some Tinctura Opii. 8. Add solution of Sodii Salicylas to some Tinctura Ferri Chloridi. Prescriptions — 1. Write a compound one, containing a Cinchona alkaloid. 2. Compound the following: 1^ Quininae Sulphatis gr. xvj Extracti Nucis Vomicae gr. j Ferri Reducti gr. vj M. — Fiant capsulae No. vj. Sig. — Take one after each meal. M. D. Quiz Will Follow this Exercise. EXERCISE No. 21. ANTIPYRETICS. Acetanilidum,-i, U. S. P. — Acetanelid — Antifebrin — Phenylace- tamide — Acetylamidobenzene. Antipyrinum, i — Antipyrine — Dimethyl-phenylpyrazolon. Phcnacetinum,-i — Phenaeetin — Para-acetphenetidin — Para-oxy- ethylacetanelid. Read N. D. articles and examine samples. ACETANILIDUM. Tests — i. A cold saturated aqueous solution added to Ferric Chloride test solution (T. S.) should not affect its color. (U. S. P.) This shows absence of aniline salts, antipyrine, hydracetin and some other compounds. This mixture becomes deep red on being heated. (N. D.) 2. Heat o.i gm. with 5CC. KOH (i: 4); aniline odor becomes noticeable; add ice. Chloroform and heat; disagreeable odor of isonitril is evolved. All primary amines show the same reaction. (U. S. P.) 3. Boil o. 1 gm. for several minutes with 2cc. HC1, a clear solu- tion results; add 3CC. of a 5% aqueous solution of Ac. Car- bolicum and mix; then add 5CC. of a filtered saturated solution of chlorinated lime. A brownish-red color forms, which becomes blue upon supersaturation with NH^OH. (U.S. P.) Indophe- nol or Indoaniline reaction. Shown by Phenacetinum, etc., but melting point, solubility, etc., distinguishes the Acetanilidum. Incompatible with Chloroformum, Potassa and Soda and their salts. (138) 140 materia medica. Antidotes — Evacuate bowels with oils; stimulate skin by heat and friction; administer coffee and inject Aether. Alcohol is not advisable. Uses — Does not liquefy when triturated with stearoptans or phenols. Best administered dry or dissolved in alcohol and then diluted with water. Soluble in cold water at 1: 194 and in alcohol 1:5. Derivatives — Bromoacetanelid; Benzanilid; Methylacetanelid or Exalgin. ANTIPYRINUM. P. G. ( Phenazonum B. P.) Tests and Incompatible? — Use an aqueous solution. 1. Precipitates white with most reagents for alkaloids, and metallic salts. (a) Try with Plumbi Acetas solution. (^) Try with Hydrargyri Chloridum Corrosivum solution. (V) Try with Potassii Iodidum solution or Tinctura Iodi. 2. Forms salts with all acids because of its strong basic prop- erties. (#) 2cc. of a 1% solution acquire with 2 gtt. of fuming HNO :; a green color; boil and add 1 gtt. of the acid and note the red change. Cold concentrated solutions will form green crystals. (6) Spiritus Aetheris Nitrosi and acid solutions of all nitrites. What occurs ? 3. Iron and iron salts; hence protect carefully from iron. (a) Add 1 gtt. Ferric Chloride T. S. to 2cc. of a 1 % solution; deep red color is produced, changing to pale yellow on adding 10 gtt. H 2 S0 4 . 4. Reduces Fehling's solution. Try as in glucose test. 5. Incompatible with (a) Cinchona salts and preparations. (b) Caffeine salts and preparations. (7) All tinctures containing tannin. 142 MATERIA MEDICA. 6. Trituration dry. Try with Chloral, Sodii Bicarbonas or Sodii Salicylas. (a) Oleaginous liquid with Chloral, the stearoptans, Acidum Carbolicum, etc. (£) Liquefaction with Sodii Salicylas is due to deliquescence. (V) Forms toxic Naphthol with Hydrargyri Chloridum Mite. 7. Equal mixture with Acetanilidum melts at 43 C. ; each alone at 113° C. Uses — May be triturated dry with Salol. Best prescribed alone, because of its incompatibility. Dissolved in wine it gradually precipi- tates the coloring matters. Syrups, fruit syrups with an aro- matic spirit makes the best adjuvant. Soluble in -3 its weight of water and 1 part of Alcohol and Chloroformum. Derivatives — Benzopyrine, Iodopyrine. Naphtopyrine, Fhenopyrine, Picro- pyrine, Pyrogallopyrine. Salipyrine: — Molecular equivalents of Antipyrinum, and Acidum Salicylicum. Heated together with or without water they melt to an oily liquid which solidifies on cooling and is recrystal- lized from alcohol. Most used of the derivatives. PHENACETINUM. Br. Ad. P. G. Tests — 1. A cold saturated aqueous solution should .not become turbid on the addition of bromine water. (Absence of Acetanilid.) N. D. Soluble in 1400 of cold water and 16 of alcohol. Derivatives — Iodophenine, 50% Iodine: Methacetin, methyl compound: dose smaller. Write a compound prescription. Quiz Will Follow this Exercise. EXERCISE No. 22. ACIDUM CARBOLICUM AND DERIVATIVES. Acidum,-i Carbolicum,-i, U. S. P. — Carbolic Acid — Phenol — C ( ,H,OH. Acidum,-i Carbolicum,-i Crudum,-i } U. S. P. — Crude Carbolic Acid. Glycerituniy—i Acidi Carbolic i, U. S. P. — Glycerite of Carbolic Acid. Sodii SulphocarboIas,-atis, U. S. P. — Sodium Sulphocarbolate NaSO,C H 1 (OH)-f2H,O. Unguentum,-i Acidi Carbolici) U. S. P. — Ointment of Carbolic Acid. * Creosotum,-i, U. S. P. — Creosote. Aqud,-ae Crcositi, U. S. P. — Creosote Water. Naphtalinum,-i, U. S. P. — Naphtalin. Naphtol, U. S. P. — Naphtol — Beta-Naphtol (also an Alpha- Naphtol.) Read N. D. articles and examine samples presented. ACIDUM CARBOLICUM. Prepared from "dead oil" of coal tar by distillation between 170 - 190 -. Prepared synthetically by acting upon benzine with fum- ing sulphuric acid, neutralizing with Potassii Carbonas and fusing with excess of Potassa; treat the residue with HC1 and distill. Properties — Examine them: Should dissolve clear in 15 parts of water: this so- lution if alkaline shows it to be an alkaline solution of the acid; should be faintly acid. Red color indicates metallic impurities. ( 144) i46 materia medica. Tests — 1. Put 1-2 cc. Acidum Sulphuricum in a t.t.; add, but do not mix, an equal amount Acidum Carbolicum solution; drop in small particles of Potassii Nitras and each will produce a violet streak; shake and all becomes violet; add water and it turns red orange. io c /o shown. (N. D.) 2. Add to Acidum Carbolicum solution in a t.t., one-fourth its volume of Aqua Ammoniae, then add a few gtt. of solution of Chlorinated Lime (1:20). Heat moderately, producing in fifteen minutes blue or green, changing to red on acidulating with Acidum Sulphuricum or Acidum Hydrochloricum; 1 :400c (N. D.) 3. Make concentrated alcoholic solution in a t.t., add a little Ferric Chloride T. S.; forms a brown liquid; addition of much water makes permanent violet-blue color. 4. Percentage amount of pure phenol is determined by titra- tion with a decinormal Bromine solution and depends upon the precipitation of Tribromophenol. Incompatibles — Potassii Permanganas, Iodine, Bromine, caustic, alkaline, and iron salts; coagulates albumen; precipitates collodiens; lique- fies on trituration with stearoptans, antipyrine, chloral, etc. Uses — Should be kept in dark amber-colored, well-stoppered bottles. Soluble sulphate is best antidote in poisoning cases, forming harmless sulpho-carbolates; use stimulants, emetics, etc. CREASOTUM. Mixture of phenols, chiefly guaiacol and cresol, obtained by distillation of wood-tar. Properties — Examine sample. Tests— N. D. No. 3 answers for coal-tar creasote. 1. Equal volume with collodion in a dry t.t. should form no coagulum. 148 MATERIA MEDICA. 2. Equal volume with glycerine forms a clear solution which precipitates oily creosote upon addition of one volume or more of water. 3. One gt. Ferric Chloride T. S. added to ioc.c. of 1% aqueous solution of Creasote causes a violet blue tint rapidly changing to green and brown, usually forming a brownish precipitate. 4. Frohde's Reagent (Molybdic Acid 1 in Acidum Sulphuricum 100) is reliable for mixture with Acidum Carbolicum which gives a yellowish or brownish tint, passing into maroon or reddish brown and finally a brilliant purple, while pure Crea- sotum gives a brown or reddish brown which fades gradually into a light yellowish brown. Add 1-2 gtt. aqueous solution to 3-5 gtt. of the reagent; warm- ing aids reaction. Uses — Soluble in 150 of water; freely in Alcohol, Ether, Chloro- form. Acidum Carbolicum is chief impurity. Neutral or slightly acid. Decomposed by strong acids. Reduces Silver Nitrate and explodes with Silver Oxides. Preserves meat. Administered in emulsions with Oleum Morrhuae and Muci- lago; Oleum Morrhuae and Hypophosphites; Syrupus Pruni Virginianae and Mucilago; Glycerinum and Spiritus Frumenti. Hypodermically not a good way; Enteric pills a good way. Begin with small dose and increase gradually. Creasote Car- bonate contains 92% of Creasotum, is not caustic and is given in large doses. NAPHTALINUM. Very incompatible. A true intestinal antiseptic; best given on starch wafers with Oleum Bergamottae. NAPHTHOL. Same relation to Naphthalene as Acidum Carbolicum to Benzene. Heating Naphthalene with concentrated Acidum Sulphuricum forms Naphthalene Sulphonic Acid. The "Alpha" forms at 150 MATERIA MEDICA. or below water bath temperature and the "Beta" forms at a higher temperature. "Alpha" is far more poisonous, hence the "Beta" is the one most used in medicine. Derivatives — Benzonaphtol, Betol or B-Naphtol Salicylate; Alumnol; Hydro- naphtol, etc. Write a prescription. Quiz Will Follow this Exercise. EXERCISE No. 23. ACIDUM SALICYLICUM GROUP. AciduMf-i Salicylicum,-i, U. S. P. — Salicylic Acid — HC 7 H 5 0,. Salicinum,-t, U. S. P. — Salicin. Salol, U. S. P.— Salol— Phenyl Salicylate— C 6 H 4 (OH)C0 2 C 6 H 5 . Sodii Salicylas,—atis, U. S. P. — Sodium Salicylate. Salophen. Oleuniy-i Gaultheriae, U. S. P. — Oil of Gaultheria — Oil of Win- tergreen. Spirit us Gaulthe?'iae, U. S. P. — Spirit of Gaultheria. Methyl, -is Salicylas,-atis, U. S. P. — Methyl Salicylate — Artificial Oil of Wintergreen— CH 3 .C 7 H,0 3 . Examine Acidum Salicylicum, Sodii Salicylas, Salol and Salicinum. SALICINUM. A true glucoside. Differs how from Ameroids and Alkaloids ? Tests — i. Bright red color when dissolved in cone. HgSO^ this precipi- tates dark-red powder, leaving colorless solution onaddingH 2 0. 2. Add to a little Salicinum in a dry t. t. some H 2 S0 4 dil. and dry K 2 Cr,0 7 , and then upon warming notice odor of oil of meadow sweet (Salicyl Aldehyde.) 3. Does not precipitate with alkaloidal precipitants. Try Mayer's Reagent. ACIDUM SALICYLICUM. Preparation — 1. Treating Oleum Gaultheriae with caustic alkali and decom- posing resulting salt with an acid. (152) 154 MATERIA MED1CA. 2. Synthetic process (usual way). Saturate Acidum Carbolicum with NaOH, forming Sodii Carbolas; dry and treat with CO., forming Sodii Phenol Carbonas; heat in tightly closed vessels or in stream of C0 2 , forming Sodii Salicylas; treat with an acid. Improvement on Kolbe's original method. Properties — Should have no phenol odor. Synthetic acid and its salts may contain Creosotic acids and salts, whicn are very depressing. Solubility in water (450) is greatly increased by the presence of alkaline phosphates, acetates, citrates and borax, the latter becoming bitter. Tests — 1. Add ice. concentrated HgSO^ to some Acidum Salicylicum in a dry t. t. and then cautiously about ice. Methyl Alcohol, in drops; boil and notice odor of Oleum Gaultheriae. 2. Solutions acquire a deep violet color with Ferric Chloride, if alkalies, their salts and most acids are absent. Uses — Medicinal uses of- the acid and the salts are the same. Acid is antiseptic. Aqueous solution of the salts precipitate the acid if an acid is added. Acid 1, Borax y 2 , Glycerine 2^, makes a 25% solution. Soluble with alkalies; turn brown upon exposure to the air unless excess of acid is present. Causes salicylism in 60% of persons; relieved by Bromides or Alcohol 15 minutes before each dose. Administer acid well diluted to prevent gastric irritation. Eliminated in the urine and may simulate sugar reduction tests. OLEUM GAULTHERIAE.— Methyl-Salicilate. Same action but smaller dose and less irritation than the acid. SALOL.— Phenyl-Salicylate. Properties of both acids. Should not redden moistened red litmus paper. Almost insoluble in water. Use cautiously in kidney troubles. J 56 MATERIA MEDIC A. Incompatible* — Acids and all derivatives are incompatible with oxidizing agents, iron salts, lime water, KI and soap. Salts with Acids. Salol with camphor. 1. Nitrous Acid of Spiritus Aetheris Nitrosi decomposes acids and salts, mixtures gradually darken and form black sediment and odor of Oleum Gaultheriae. 2. Add Sodii Salicylas solution to Tinctura Ferri Chloridi. 3. Add Sodii Bicarbonas solution to Tinctura Ferri Chloridi. 4. Why not add Aqua Camphorne to Tinctura Guaiaci ? 5. Why not combine Sodii Salicylas and Antipyrinum in powders ? 6. Why not combine Sodii Salicylas, HC1 and H 2 0. Prescriptions — 1. Write a compound prescription. 2. Compound the following: Bi Sod. Salicyl 2 . 00 Acetanelid 1 . 00 Ammo. Chlorid r . 00 M.— Ft. chart. No. VI. Sig. — Take one every two hours. Note. — Why should the following prescription not be prescribed in this manner, or what precautions should the pharmacist take ? Quiz Will Follow this Exercise. EXERCISE No. 24. ACIDUM BENZOICUM GROUP. Benzoimim.-i, U. S. P. — Benzoin. Adeps,-ipis Benzoinatns,-i, U. S. P. — Benzoinated Lard. Tinetitrei,-ae Benzoini, U. S. P. — Tincture of Benzoin. Tine t ura, -ae Benzoini Composita,-ae, U. S. P. — Compound Tincture of Benzoin — Friar's Balsam. Acidum, -i Benzoic it m,-i, U. S. P. — Benzoic Acid. Ammonii Benzoas,-atis, U. S. P. — Ammonium Benzoate. Sodii Benzoas,-atis, U. S. P. — Sodium Benzoate. Read W. & W. or N. D. Examine Acidum Benzoicum, Am- monii Benzoas, Tinctura Benzoini Composita. Benzoin — A balsamic resin; occurs in gummy tears; soluble in alcohol; contains resins, a volatile oil and Acidum Benzoicum 12-20 %. Acidum Benzoicum — Prepared from Benzoin by sublimation and a wet process and also synthetically from toluene. Tests — 1. Completely vaporizes on heating. 2. Gently warm 0.5 gm. Acidum Benzoicum, 0.5 gm. K 2 Mn.,O s and 5cc. of H 2 in a loosely stoppered t.t. in a water bath (45°C); stopper tightly and cool under cold water fancet; develops odor of bitter almond oil if cinnamic acid is present. 3. Pure acid does not decolorize K 2 Mn 2 O s solution. Bring to a boil in a t.t. o. 1 gm. Acidum Benzoicum, 5 to gtt. KoMn 2 O s solution (1-200), and 5CC. H 2 0. (15 8 ) 160 materia medica. Uses — Aqueous solution is aided by presence of Sodium Phosphate or Borate. Pills with Balsam of Fir or Castile Soap. AMMONII BENZOAS. SODII BENZOAS. i. Dissolve Acidum Benzoicum 4 gm., in a mixture of Aqua Ammoniae 6cc. and Aqua 8cc. Evaporate one-half on water bath, keeping alkaline with NH\OH, (why?); set aside to crys- tallize; dry between filter papers. Test its properties: (a) Soluble in water. (<£) Neutral solution. (