*5> .»i^L% > jP^k »* v \ ^ \..- \ || ™==J ill i J J 1 t ii - -'-'-'■- ill! a i ill: --- i 1! i "if----- :.;:—:==.:..- ■ ■ J:3f!=^ Thesq uare. The oblong. Fig. 23. The triangle. The cord is formed from the cravat twisted upon itself. (Fig. 25.) The names of the various handkerchief-ban- dages are derived from the shape of the handkerchiefs used and the parts to which they are applied ; the names serve as guides in their application. It is to be remem- bered that the base of the triangle or the body of the cravat is to be placed upon the portion, the designation of HANDKEECHIEF-BANDA GES. 31 which forms the first portion of the Dame of the bandage; thus, in the occipitofrontal triangle, the shape of the hand- FlG. 24. The cravat. Fig. 25. The cord. kerchief is given, and we know that the base of the triangle is to be applied to the occiput and then pass to Fig. 26. Occipi to -frontal triangle. the forehead. In using the cravats the same rule applies ; thus, in the bis-axillary cravat the body of the cravat is to be placed in the axilla of the aifected side, the extremi- 32 BANDAGING. ties crossed over the corresponding shoulder and carried over the chest, one before, the other behind, to the axilla of the opposite side, where they are secured. The Occipitofrontal Triangle. To apply this handkerchief place the base of the tri- angle upon or a little below the occiput, and bring the apex forward over the head, allowing it to drop over the forehead ; next bring the extremities of the handkerchief forward and tie them in a knot over the forehead ; finally turn up the apex over the knotted ends and pin to the body of the handkerchief. (Fig. 26.) The Mento-vertico-occipital Cravat. Fig. 27. Meuto-vertico-occipital cravat. To apply this handkerchief the middle of the base of the cravat is placed under the chin, the extremities are HANDKERCHIEF-BANDA GES. 33 then carried in front of the ear on each side to the vertex of the skull, and are crossed at that point ; the ends are then carried downward over the parietal region to the occiput and are secured by a knot at this point. (Fig. 27.) Another method of applying this handkerchief con- Fig. 28. Mento-vertico cravat (modified). sists in placing the base of the cravat under the chin and carrying the extremities over the vertex of the skull, crossing them at that point, then carrying them down- ward to the occiput, and crossing them again here and 34 BANDAGING. passing them forward around the chin, and finally securing the ends by a knot. (Fig. 28.) The turns of the latter handkerchief correspond exactly to the turns of the Barton bandage of the head. These handkerchief- bandages may be used to secure dressings to the chin or scalp, or may be employed as temporary dressings to secure fixation of the parts in cases of fracture or dislocation of the jaw. The Bis-axillary Cravat. Fig. 29. Bis-axillary cravat, To apply this handkerchief the body of the cravat is placed in the axilla, and the ends are brought up, one in front, the other behind the axilla, and are made to cross HANDKERCHIEF-BANDA GES. 35 over the top of the shoulder; the extremities are then carried across the back and chest respectively to the opposite axilla, when they are secured by tying. (Fig. 29.) This handkerchief may be employed to secure dress- ings in the axilla, or to hold dressings in contact with the shoulder. The Dor so-axillary Cravat. This handkerchief is applied by placing the body of the cravat over the spine between the scapulae, and then carrying one extremity over the shoulder and through the Fig. Dorso-axillary cravat. axilla backward to meet the other extremity, which has been carried through the axilla and over the other shoulder to the back, when the ends are secured by a knot. (Fig. 30.) This handkerchief may be used to hold dressings to the axilla or upper portion of the back of the chest. 36 BANDAGING. The Compound Dorso-bis-axillary Cravat. To apply this handkerchief two cravats are required. The base of one cravat is placed over the front of one shoulder, and the ends are passed, one over the top of the shoulder, the other through the axilla, and they are then secured by a single knot over the scapula ; the ends are next secured by tying them in a loop. The second cravat is next placed in front of the shoulder on the opposite Fig. 31. Compound dorso-bis-axillary cravat. side, and the ends are respectively carried over the shoul- der and through the axilla to the back, where they are secured by a single knot; the ends of the handkerchief are then passed through the loop of the other handker- chief and secured by a knot. (Fig. 31.) This handker- chief may be used to draw the shoulders backward in cases of dislocation or fracture of the clavicle. HANDKERCHIEF-BANDAGES. 37 Triangular Cap or Suspensory of the Breast To apply this handkerchief the base of the triangle is placed under the affected breast, and one extremity is car- ried beneath the axilla of the same side, and the other extremity is carried around the opposite side of the neck. Fig. 32. tiff Triangular cap or suspensory of the breast. and they are secured together upon the back by a knot ; the apex should then be brought up over the breast and shoulder of the affected side and pinned to the bandage over the scapula. (Fig. 32.) This handkerchief may be employed to sling the breast in nursing- women, or to hold a dressing to the breast. 38 BANDAGING. The Gluteo-femoral Triangle. In applying this handkerchief a cravat is first fastened around the waist, and a second handkerchief folded into a triangle has its base placed in the gluteo-femoral fold, and its extremities are carried around the thigh and secured in front by a knot ; the apex of the handkerchief Fig 33. Gluteo-femoral triangle. is then carried upward and passed beneath the cravat around the waist, and is turned down and pinned to the body of the triangle. (Fig. 33.) This handkerchief may be used to retain dressings to the region of the buttock or hip ; by unpinning the apex and turning it downward ready access can be had to the parts beneath. Gluteo-inguinal Cravat. In applying this handkerchief the base of the cravat is placed just over the gluteo-femoral fold, and the ex- HANDKEECHIEF-BANDA GES. 39 tremities are carried forward, one around the inner, the other around the outer portion of the thigh, and they are made to cross in the groin ; the ends are next passed around the pelvis and secured together upon the back by a knot. (Fig. 34.) This handkerchief may be employed to hold dressings to the region of the groin. By employing two cravats a double gluteo-inguinal cravat may be applied, w r hich may be used to hold dress- ings to both groins. The turns of these cravats corre- spond to the turns of the single and double spica-bandages of the groin. Fig. 34. Gluteo-iD^uinal cravat. I have described a few of the many very ingenious ban- dages devised by Mayor to substitute the use of the roller- bandage, which will give the student some idea of their design and application. It is well to bear in mind this system of dressing, for the occasion might occur in which the ordinary means of bandaging could not be obtained, and the use of handkerchiefs might answer a useful purpose as temporary dressings. I think their principal use is for temporary dressings, and I do not think they will ever take the place of the roller-bandage, which can be applied with much greater nicety and exactness, and certainly presents a much neater appearance. 40 BANDAGING. Barton' *s Handkerchief. This dressing may be employed to make extension in cases of fracture of the leg or thigh. It is applied by taking a handkerchief folded into a narrow cravat and placing the body of it on the extremity of the os calcis below the insertion of the tendo Aehillis, so that two-thirds of the cravat comes around under the outer malleolus, and the other third remains on the inside. The inside portion Fig. 35. Barton's handkerchief. remaining parallel with the sole of the foot, the outside piece is carried over the instep and passed around it so as to form a knot, and also passed under the sole of the foot to be turned around the first turn and to form another knot at the metatarsal articulation, when both ends are carried off perpendicularly from the foot. BARTON'S BANDAGE. 41 REGIONAL BANDAGING. Bandages for the Head and Neck. Barton's Bandage. Roller Two Inches in Width, Six Yards in Length. Application.— The initial extremity of the roller should be placed on the head just behind the mastoid pro- cess, and the bandage should then be carried under the Fig. 36. Barton's bandage. occipital protuberance obliquely upward under and in front of the parietal eminence across the vertex of the skull, then downward over the zygomatic arch, under the 42 BANDAGING. chin, thence upward over the opposite zygomatic arch and over the top of the head, crossing the first turn, which was made as nearly as possible in the median line of the skull, carrying the turns of the roller under the parietal eminence to the point of commencement. The bandage is then passed obliquely around under the occipital pro- tuberance and forward under the ear to the front of the chin, thence back to the point from which the roller started. Fig. 37 Barton's bandage, showing crossing of turns at vertex. These figure-of-eight turns over the head and the circular turns from the occiput to the chin should be repeated, each turn exactly overlapping the preceding one until the ban- dage is exhausted. (Fig. 36.) The extremity should then be secured by a pin ; and pins should be introduced at the points where the turns cross each other to give additional fixation to the bandage. In applying the bandage care should be taken to see that the turns overlap each other exactly, and that the turns passing over the vertex cross as near as possible in the median line of the skull. (Fig. 37.) MODIFIED BARTON'S BANDAGE. 43 Modified Barton's Bandage. To obtain additional security in the application of the Barton's bandage a turn of the bandage passing from the occiput to the forehead may be made, this turn being in- terposed between the turns of the bandage as ordinarily applied. (Fig. 38.) In applying this bandage after the first set of turns has been completed, that is, after the bandage has been brought back to the occiput, the bandage Fig. 38. J* ^90 Modified Barton's bandage. is carried forward upon the head just over the ear, around the forehead and backward above the ear on the opposite side to the occiput ; this being done, the ordinary figure- of-eight and circular turns are made, and when these have been completed another occipitofrontal turn may be made as described above, and this may be repeated as often as is desired until the bandage is exhausted, when the extremity 44 BANDAGING. is fastened with a pin, and pins are also introduced at all points at which the turns cross. Use. — This bandage is one of the most useful of the bandages of the head, being employed to secure fixation of the jaw in cases of fracture or dislocation, and for the application of dressings to the chin. I have also employed it in place of the head-gear in slinging patients for the application of the plaster-of-Paris bandage in cases of disease of the spine, a stout cord or a piece of bandage about three inches wide and one yard long being passed under the turns crossing over the vertex ; this cord is then secured to the cross-bar of the extension apparatus ; this will be found quite as comfortable to the patient as the ordinary head-gear employed and much less likely to slip out of place and interfere with the breathing of the patient. A firmly applied Barton's bandage holds the jaws so closely together that care should be taken in applying it to patients who are under the influence of an anaesthetic, for if vomiting occurs the material may not be able to escape from the mouth and suffocation might occur unless the bandage were promptly removed. This accident I once saw occur, and the patient's condition was alarming until the bandage was cut, allowing the jaw to be opened and the contents of the mouth to escape. Gibson's Bandage. Boiler Two Inches in Width, Six Yards in Length. Application. — The initial extremity of the roller should be placed upon the vertex of the skull in a line with the anterior portion of the ear ; the bandage is then carried downward in front of the ear to the chin, and passed under the chin, and is carried upward on the same line until it reaches the point of starting. The same turns are repeated until three complete turns have been made ; the bandage is then continued until it reaches a point just above the ear, when it is reversed and is carried backward GIBSON'S BANDAGE. 45 around the occiput, and is continued around the head and forehead until it reaches its point of origin ; these circular turns are continued until three have been made. When the bandage reaches the occiput, having completed the third turn, it is allowed to drop down to the base of the skull, and it is then carried forward below the ear and around the chin, being brought back upon the opposite side of the head and neck to the point of origin ; these turns are repeated until three complete turns have been made, Fig. 39. Gibson's bandage. and upon the completion of the third turn the bandage is reversed and carried forward over the occiput and vertex to the forehead, and its extremity is here secured with a pin. Pins should also be applied at the points where the turns of the bandage cross each other. (Fig. 39 ) Use. — This bandage may be used to fix the lower jaw in cases of fracture or dislocation of the jaw, but is very apt to change its position, and is, therefore, not so satis- factory as the Barton's bandage for this purpose. 46 BANDAGING. Oblique Bandage of Angle of the Jaw. Roller Two Inches in Width, Six Yards in Length. Application. — The initial extremity of the roller is placed just in front of and above the left ear, and if the left angle of the lower jaw is to be covered in, the bandage is to be carried from left to right, making two complete turns around the cranium from the occiput to the fore- head. If however the right angle of the lower jaw is to be covered in, the turns should be made in the opposite direction. Fig. 40. Oblique bandage of angle of the jaw. Having made two turns from the occiput to the fore- head, the bandage is allowed to drop down upon the neck, and is carried forward under the ear and under the chin to the angle of the jaw ; it is now carried upward close to the edge of the orbit, and obliquely over the vertex of the skull, then down behind the right ear, continuing this oblique turn under the chin to the angle of the left jaw, where it ascends in the same direction as the previous turn. Three or four of these oblique turns are made, each turn overlapping the preceding one and passing from the edge RECURRENT BANDAGE OF THE HEAD. 47 of the orbit toward the ear until the space is covered in ; the bandage is then carried to a point just above the ear on the opposite side, is reversed, and finished with one or two circular turns from the occiput to the forehead, the extremity being secured by a pin. (Fig. 40.) Use. — This will be found to be one of the most useful of the head-bandages ; it may be used with a compress in treating fractures of the angle of the lower jaw, for holding dressings to the lower part of the chin and to the vault of the cranium, and is especially useful in retaining dressings to the sides of the face and the parotid region. As before stated, it may be applied to cover either the right or left side of the face, and, by reason of the oblique turns, holds its position most securely, having little tendency to become displaced. Recurrent Bandage of the Head. Roller Two Inches in Width, Six Yards in Length. Application. — The initial extremity of the roller is placed upon the lower part of the forehead and the ban- dage is carried twice around the head from the forehead to the occiput to secure it. When the bandage is brought back to the median line of the forehead it is reversed and the reversed turn is held by the finger of the left hand while the roller is carried over the top of the head along the sagittal suture to a point just below the occipital pro- tuberance ; here it is reversed again and the reverse is held by an assistant while the roller is carried back to the forehead in an elliptical course, each turn covering in two- thirds of the preceding turn. These turns are repeated with successive reverses at the forehead and occiput until one side of the head is completely covered in, and when this is accomplished a circular turn is made from the fore- head to the occiput to hold the reverses in place. The opposite side of the head is next covered in by elliptical reversed turns made in the same manner, and when this has been accomplished two or three circular 48 BANDAGING. turns are carried around the head from the forehead to the occiput to fix the previous turns. Pins should be applied at the forehead and occiput at the points where the re- versed turns concentrate. (Fig. 41.) Fig Recurrent bandage of the head. Use. — This bandage when well applied is one of the neatest of the head-bandages, and it will be found useful to retain dressings to the vault of the cranium in the treat- ment of wounds of the scalp in this region. It will also be found of service in holding dressings to fractures of the cranium and to wounds after the operation of trephining. In restless patients it will sometimes become displaced, and it may be rendered more secure by pinning a strip of bandage to the circular turn in front of the ear and carry- ing it down under the chin and up to a corresponding point on the opposite side, where it is pinned to the cir- cular turn ; or one or two oblique turns passing from the circular turn over the vertex of the skull downward behind the ear, under the chin and up to the circular turn in front of the ear, may be applied. The course of these turns is the same as those employed in the oblique bandage of the angle of the jaw, the extremity being secured by a pin. TRANSVERSE RECURRENT BANDAGE OF HEAD. 49 Tpansvekse Recukrent Bandage of Head. Roller Two Inches in Width, Six Yards in Length. Application. — The initial extremity of the roller is placed upon the lower part of the forehead and the ban- dage is carried twice around the head from the forehead to the occiput to secure it. The head is then covered in by transverse turns of the bandage ; the first turn, starting from a point behind the ear on one side, is carried below the occiput to a corresponding point behind the opposite Fig. 42. Transverse recurrent bandage of the head. ear, and ascending transverse turns are then made and carried over the head, each turn covering in about two- thirds of the preceding turn, until the forehead is reached, and when this has been reached two or three circular turns are carried around the head from the forehead to the occiput to fix the recurrent turns. Pins should be applied at the point of starting of the reversed turns behind the ears, and at the occiput and forehead. (Fig. 42.) Use. — This bandage may be employed to secure dress- ings to the scalp in case of wounds, or in injuries to the 50 BANDAGING. skull, and is used for the same purposes as the recurrent bandage of the head. Y-BANDAGE OF THE He AD. Boiler Two Inches in Width, Four Yards in Length. Application. — The initial extremity of the roller is secured by two turns of the bandage around the cranium from the forehead to the occiput, and when the roller reaches the occipital protuberance it is allowed to drop slightly a little below this and is carried forward below the ear around the front of the chin and lower lip, then Fig. 43. V-bandage of the head. backward to the point of starting. These turns passing from the occiput to the forehead and from the occiput to the chin are alternately made nntil a sufficient number have been applied, and the extremity is secured by a pin over the occiput. (Fig. 43.) This bandage may be modified by carrying the turns from the occiput forward under the ear and around the upper lip and back to the occiput and alternating these turns with the occipito-frontal turns ; if employed in this HEAD-AND-NECK BANDAGE. 51 way, a bandage of one and one-half inches in width should be used. Use. — This bandage may be employed to hold dressings to the front of the chin, to the upper and lower lips in cases of wounds, or to give support to these parts after plastic operations. Head-and-neck Bandage. Roller Two Inches in Width, Four Yards in Length. Application. — The initial extremity of the roller is placed upon the forehead and carried backward just above the ear to the occiput and is then brought forward around the opposite side of the head to the point of starting. Two Fig. 44. Head-and-neck bandage. of these circular turns are made to fix the bandage, and when it is carried back to the occiput it is allowed to drop down slightly upon the neck and is then carried around the neck, the turns around the head alternating with the neck- turns until a sufficient number of these have been applied, 52 BANDAGING. when the extremity of the bandage is secured by a pin at the point of crossing of the turns at the back of the head. (Fig. 44.) Use. — This bandage may be found useful in securing dressings to the anterior or posterior portion of the neck or to the region of the occiput. Care should be taken to apply it in such a manner that too much pressure is not made by the turns around the neck, which would be uncomfortable to the patient, and might seriously interfere with respiration. Ckossed Bandage of One Eye. Roller Two Inches in Width, Four Yards in Length. Application. — The initial extremity of the bandage is placed upon the forehead and fixed by two circular turns passing around the head from the occiput to the forehead ; Fig. 45. Crossed bandage of one eye. the roller is then carried back to the occiput and passed around this and brought forward below the ear, and pass- ing over the outer portion of the cheek is carried upward to the junction of the nose with the forehead, and is then conducted over the parietal eminence downward to the CROSSED BANDAGE OF BOTH EYES. 53 occiput ; a circular fronto-occipital turn is next made, and when the bandage is brought back to the occiput it is brought forward again to the cheek. It should then ascend to the forehead, covering in two-thirds of the previous turn, and be again conducted back to the occi- put ; these turns are repeated, the oblique turns covering the eye alternating with circular turns around the head until the eye is completely enclosed (Fig. 45), and the bandage is finished by making a circular turn about the head and introducing a pin to secure its extremity. It will be found more comfortable to the patient to include the ear on the same side on which the eye is covered in the turns of the bandage. Use. — This bandage will be found useful in retaining dressings to one eye. It will be more comfortable to the patient if a flannel roller be used to apply this bandage, as well as the bandage which includes both eyes. Crossed Bandage of Both Eyes. Boiler Two Inches in Width, Six Yards in Length. Application.— The initial extremity of the roller is placed upon the forehead and secured by two circular turns of the bandage, passing around the head from the forehead to the occiput ; the roller is then carried downward behind the occiput and brought forward below the ear to the upper portion of the cheek ; it is then carried upward to the junction of the nose with the forehead and conducted over the parietal eminence to the occiput; a circular turn is now made around the head from the occiput to the fore- head, and the roller is carried from the occiput over the parietal eminence of the opposite side forward to the junction of the nose with the forehead, then downward over the eye and outer portion of the cheek below the ear and back to the occiput ; a circular turn around the head is next made, and this is followed by a repetition of the previous turns, ascending over one eye, descending over the other eye, each turn alternating with a circular turn 54 BANDAGING, around the head. These turns are repeated until both eyes are covered in, and the bandage is finished by making a circular turn around the head, the extremity being secured by a pin. (Fig. 46.) In this bandage both ears may be covered in, or left uncovered. Crossed bandage of both eyes. Use. — This bandage may be used to apply dressings to both eyes, and both of these bandages covering the eyes are used where it is desired to make pressure; but, for the simple application of a light dressing or of a bandage for the exclusion of light, the Liebrich's bandage (Fig. 76) Avill be found more comfortable to the patient. OCCIPITOFACIAL BANDAGE. Roller Two Inches in Width, Four Yards in Length. The initial extremity of the roller is placed upon the vertex of the head and the bandage is carried downward in front of the ear, under the jaw, and upward upon the opposite side in the same line to the vertex ; two or three of these turns are made, one turn accurately cover- OBLIQUE BANDAGE OF THE HEAD. 55 ing in the other. A reverse should be made just above and in front of the ear, and two or three turns are then made around the head from the occiput to the forehead, which completes the bandage. (Fig. 47.) Pins should be inserted at the points where the turns of the bandage cross each other. Fig Occipito-facial bandage. Use. — This bandage is employed to secure dressings to the vertex, temporal, occipital, or frontal region. Oblique Bandage of the Head. Roller Two Inches in Width, Six Yards in Length. The initial extremity of the bandage is placed upon the forehead, and is secured by two circular turns passing around the head from the forehead to the occiput. From the occiput the bandage is carried obliquely over the highest part of the lateral aspect of the head, which is to be covered in, and is passed over the forehead and back to the occiput. It is then carried to the forehead by a circu- lar turn, which is conducted obliquely over the other side 01 56 BANDAGING. the head and back to the occiput. A circular turn from the occiput to the forehead should be made between the oblique turns. These turns are repeated, so that each succeeding turn covers in three-fourths of the preceding turn until the sides of the head are covered in by de- scending turns, and the bandage is completed by a cir- cular turn passing around the head from the forehead to the occiput. (Fig. 48.) This bandage may be applied with descending or ascending turns. Fig. 48. Oblique bandage of the head. Use. — This bandage is employed to make pressure upon or to hold dressings to the lateral aspects of the head. Occipitofrontal Bandage. Roller Two Inches in Width, Four Yards in Length. Application. — The initial extremity of the roller is placed upon the forehead, and a circular turn is made around the forehead and occiput to fix it. A circular turn is then made passing around the head from a point below the occiput to a point just above the forehead ; the next circular turn is made around the head ascending pos- teriorly and descending anteriorly, and after a sufficient SPIRAL BANDAGE OF THE FINGER. 57 number of these turns have been made to cover in the front and back of the head, the end of the bandage is secured with a pin. (Fig. 49.) Fig Occipitofrontal bandage. Use. — This bandage will be found useful in securing dressings to the forehead and anterior and posterior por- tions of the scalp. Bandages of the Upper Extremity. Spiral Bandage of the Fixgeb. Roller One Inch in Width, One and a Half Yards in Length. Application. — The initial extremity of the roller is secured by two or three turns around the wrist ; the ban- dage is then carried obliquely across the back of the hand to the base of the finger to be covered in, then to its tip by oblique turns ; a circular turn is then made and the finger is covered by ascending spiral or spiral reversed 58 BANDAGING. turns until its base is reached; the bandage is then carried obliquely across the back of the hand and finished by one or two circular turns around the wrist ; the extremity may be pinned or may be split into two tails, which are tied around the wrist. (Fig. 50.) Fig, 50. Spiral*bandage of the finger. Use. — This bandage is employed to retain dressings upon the finger and to secure splints in the treatment of fractures or dislocations of the phalanges. Gauntlet-bandage. Roller One Inch in Width, Three Yards in Length. Application. — The initial extremity of the roller is fixed at the wrist by one or two circular turns of the ban- dage ; it is then carried down to the tip of the thumb by an oblique turn of the roller, and this is covered in by GA UNTLET-BANDA GE. 59 spiral or spiral reversed turns to the metacarpophalangeal articulations ; the roller is then carried back to the wrist and a circular turn is made around it. The bandage is then carried down to the tip of the next finger by an oblique turn, which is covered-in in the same manner. When all the fingers have been covered in, the bandage is finished bv circular turns around the hand and wrist. (Fig. 51.) Fig. 51. Gauntlet-bandage. Use. — This bandage may be employed to apply dress- ings to the fingers and hand in case of wounds or frac- tures. It was formerly much employed in the treatment of burns of the fingers to prevent the opposed ulcerated surfaces from adhering, but its use for this purpose has been supplanted by wrapping each finger in a separate dressing and applying a dressing over the whole with a few recurrent and spiral turns of a wide roller, the applica- tion of this dressing being much less painful to the patient, and being at the same time equally satisfactory in its results. 60 BANDAGING. Demi-gauntlet Bandage. Roller One Inch in Width, Four Yards in Length. Application. — The initial extremity of the bandage should be placed upon the wrist and fixed by two circular turns passing from the ulnar to the radial side; then carry the roller obliquely across the back of the hand to the base of the little finger, pass the bandage around this and carry the roller back to the wrist, making a circular turn ; it Fig. 52. Demi-gauntlet bandage. should then be carried obliquely across the hand to the base of the next finger, and so successively until the base of each of the fingers and of the thumb has been included ; the bandage is then completed by a circular turn around the wrist. (Fig. 52.) The demi-gauntlet bandage may also be applied in such a manner as to cover only the palm and leave the dorsum of the hand uncovered. SPICA-BANDAGE OF THE THUMB. 61 Use. — This bandage may be employed to retain light dressings to the dorsal or palmar surface of the hand. Spica-baxdage of the Thumb. Fig. 53. Roller One Inch in Width, Three Yards in Length. Application. — The initial extremity of the roller is placed upon the wrist and fixed by two circular turns; then carry the roller obliquely over the dorsal surface of the thumb to its distal extremity ; next make a circular or spiral turn around the thumb, and carry the bandage upward over the back of the thumb to the wrist, around which a circular turn should be made. The roller is next car- ried around the thumb and wrist, making figure-of-eight turns, each turn overlapping the pre- vious one two-thirds as it as- cends the thumb, and each figure- of-eight turn alternating with a circular turn about the wrist. These turns are repeated until the thumb is completely covered in with spica-turns, and the bandage is finished by a circular turn around the wrist. (Fig. 53.) Use. — This bandage is employed to apply dressings to the dorsal surface of the thumb, and for the retention of splints in the dressings of fractures or dislocations of the bones of the thumb. S pica-ban dage of the thumb. 62 BANDAGING. Spiral Reversed Bandage of the Upper Extremity. Roller Two and a Half Inches in Width, Seven Yards in Length. Application. — The initial extremity of the roller is placed upon the wrist, and secured by two turns around the wrist; the bandage is then carried obliquely across the back of the hand to the second joint of the fingers, where, a circular turn should be made; the hand is covered in by two or three ascending spiral or spiral reversed turns. When the thumb has been reached, its base and the wrist are covered in by two figure-of-eight turns ; the bandage is then carried up the forearm by spiral and spiral reversed Fig. 54. Spiral reversed bandage of the upper extremity. turns until the elbow is reached ; this may be covered in with spiral reversed turns, and the bandage is next carried up the arm with spiral reversed turns to the axilla. (Fig. 54.) If, on reaching the elbow, the arm is bent, or is to be flexed in the subsequent dressing, the elbow should be covered in with figure-of-eight turns, and when this has been done the arm may be covered in with spiral reversed turns. When properly applied, the reverses should be in a line, and should not be made over the prominent ridge of the ulna. FIGURE-OF-EIGHT BANDAGE OF THE ELBOW. 63 Use. — This is one of the most generally employed of all the roller-bandages ; it constitutes the primary roller which is applied in the dressing of fractures of the humerus, and it is also the bandage employed in holding dressings to the arm and forearm, and in securing splints to these parts in the treatment of fractures and dislocations. Figure-of-eight Bandage of the Elbow. Roller Two Inches in Width, Four Yards in Length. Application. — The initial extremity of the bandage is placed upon the forearm a short distance below the elbow- Fig. 55. Figure-of-eight bandage of the elbow. joint, and fixed by one or two circular turns, the arm being flexed. The bandage is then carried by an oblique turn 64 BANDAGING. across the flexure of the elbow-joint, and passed around the arm a few inches above the elbow ; a circular turn is then made, and the roller is next carried across the flexure of the elbow and passed around the forearm. These turns are repeated, the turns from the forearm ascending and those from the arm descending, each set of turns crossing in the flexure of the elbow until it is covered in, and a final turn is passed circularly around the elbow-joint. (Fig. 55.) This bandage is sometimes applied by first making one or two circular turns around the elbow and then applying the figure-of-eight turns as previously described. Use. — This bandage is often employed as a part of the spiral reversed bandage of the upper extremity when the arm is to be flexed, and is also used to hold dressings to the region of the elbow-joint. It was formerly much used to hold the compress upon the wound resulting from venesec- tion at the elbow. Spica-bandage of the Shoulder (Ascending). Roller Two and a Half Inches in Width, Seven Yards in Length. Application. — The initial extremity of the roller is placed obliquely upon the outer surface of the arm opposite the axillary fold, and fixed by one or two circular turns. It the right shoulder is to be covered, the bandage is next carried across the front of the chest to the axilla of the opposite side, then around the back of the chest to the point of starting upon the arm ; then the roller should be conducted around the arm of this side up over the shoulder, across the front of the chest, through the opposite axilla and back over the posterior surface of the chest to the point of starting ; continue to make these ascending turns, each turn overlapping the preceding one about two-thirds until the shoulder is covered in (Fig. 56), when the extremity of the bandage may be secured by a pin at the point of end- ing, or the last turn may be carried from the shoulder SPICA-BANDAGE OF THE SHOULDER. 65 around the back of the neck and brought forward over the opposite shoulder and piuned to the turns which pass around the axilla. It should be remembered that the turns of the roller overlap each other exactly in the oppo- site axilla, and it will be found more comfortable to the patient to apply a little cotton-wadding in the axilla to prevent the bandage from excoriating the skin of this part. Care should be taken to see that the turns are made in such Fig. 56. S pica-bandage of shoulder ^ascending). a manner that the spica-turns occupy, as nearly as possible, the median line of the shoulder. When this bandage is applied to the left shoulder, after fixing the initial ex- tremity by circular turns around the arm, the roller should be carried over the back of the chest to the axilla of the opposite side and then brought back to the point of start- ing ; the succeeding turns are then applied in the same manner. 66 BANDAGING. Spica-bandage of the Shoulder (Descending). Roller Two and a Half Inches in Width, Seven Yards in Length. Application. — The initial extremity of the roller should be fixed upon the arm as near as possible to the axillary fold by one or two circular turns; and if it is applied to the right shoulder, the bandage should be passed under the axilla and carried obliquely over the shoulder to the base of the neck, then downward across the front of the chest to the axilla of the opposite side ; from the axilla FIG. 57. Spica-bandage of shoulder (descending). the roller is carried over the back of the chest to the base of the neck so as to cross the first turn at this point ; it is then carried through the axillary space, then back to the neck, the turns descending toward the shoulder. These turns, taking the same course, are repeated, each turn overlapping two-thirds of the previous one until the shoulder is covered in and the circular turn around the FIGURE-OF-EIGHT BANDAGE. 67 arm is reached, at which point the extremity is secured by a pin. (Fig. 57.) Use. — The spica-bandages of the shoulder are employed to hold dressings to the shoulder, to hold compresses over the acromial end of the clavicle in case of dislocation of that portion of the bone, to retain the shoulder-cap used in the treatment of fractures of the upper portion of the humerus, and to retain dressings to the axilla. Figure-of-eight Bandage of the Neck and Axilla. Fig. 58. Roller Two Inches in Width, Five Yards in Length. Application. — The initial extremity of the roller is fixed upon the side of the neck and secured by one or two loosely applied circular turns ; if applied to the right axilla, carry the bandage from left to right over the right shoulder to the posterior part of the axilla under which it passes, to ascend in front over the same shoulder to the back of the neck ; these figure-of-eight turns around the neck and axilla, each turn overlapping two-thirds of the previous turn, are repeated until the desired space is covered and the ban- dage is completed by a cir- cular turn around the neck. (Fi K . 58.) Use. — This will be found a useful bandage to secure dressings to the base of the neck, the upper part of the shoulder, and to the axilla, as it does not restrict the motions of the arm unless drawn too tight. Figure-of-eight bandage of the neck and axilla. 68 BANDAGING. Velpeau's Bandage. Two Rollers Two and a Half Inches in Width, Seven Yards in Length. Application. — The patient should place the fingers of the hand of the affected side on the opposite shoulder ; the initial end of the roller should be placed on the body of the scapula of the sound side and secured by a turn made by carrying the bandage over the shoulder of the affected side, near its outer portion, then conducting it downward over the outer and posterior surface of the arm of the same Fig. 59. Velpeau's bandage. side, behind the point of the elbow, and obliquely across the front of the chest to the axilla of the opposite side, thence to the point of starting. This turn should be repeated, to fix the initial extremity of the bandage. Having completed the second turn, carry the roller trans- versely around the thorax, passing over the flexed elbow of the affected side, from this point to the axilla, and through this to the back. From this point the roller is DESATJLTS BANDAGE. 69 carried over the shoulder and down the outer and posterior surface of the arm behind the elbow and obliquely across the front of the chest through the axilla to the back, and continuing, passes transversely across the back of the chest to the elbow, which it encircles, then passes to the axilla. These alternating turns are repeated until the arm and forearm are bound firmly to the side and chest. The vertical turns over the shoulder, each turn covering in two-thirds of the previous turn and ascending from the point of the shoulder toward the neck and from the posterior surface of the arm toward the elbow, are applied until the point of the elbow is reached. The transverse turns passing around the chest and arm are so applied that they ascend from the point of the elbow toward the shoulder, each turn covering in one-third of the previous one, and the last turn should pass transversely around the shoulder and chest, covering the wrist. (Fig. 59.) The extremity of the bandage should be secured by a pin where it ends, and additional fixation will be secured by introducing a number of pins at the points where the turns of the bandage cross each other. Use. — This bandage is employed to fix the arm in the treatment of certain fractures of the clavicle and scapula, also to secure fixation of the humerus after the reduction of dislocations of the shoulder-joint. Desault's Bandage. Three Rollers Two and a Half Inches in Width, Seven Yards in Length. A wedge-shaped pad to fit in the axilla is also required. These rollers are known as the first, second, and third rollers. First Roller of Desault's Bandage. Application. — Before applying the first roller the arm of the patient on the injured side should be elevated and 4* 70 BANDAGING. carried off at right angles to the body ; the wedge-shaped pad with its base in the axilla should next be applied to the side of the chest, and the initial extremity of the roller should be placed upon the middle of the pad, which may be fixed by two or three circular turns around the chest; the bandage is then carried down the chest by oblique circular turns until the lower extremity of the pad is Fig. 60. First roller of Desault's bandage. reached, and it is then carried up the chest until the upper extremity of the pad is reached, when it is conducted obliquely across the front of the chest to the sound shoulder and passed under the axilla, brought over the shoulder and conducted around the chest, where it is secured. (Fig. 60.) Second Roller of DesauWs Bandage. Application. — The arm should be brought down against the side so as to press upon the pad previously applied, and the forearm should be flexed upon the arm and brought across the lower portion of the chest. The initial extremity of the roller is placed in the axilla of the sound side, and the bandage is carried around the chest DESAULTS BANDAGE. 71 and over the arm of the injured side, making a circular turn around the chest to fix it; then spiral turns are made around the chest from above downward until the elbow is reached, the turns being more firmly applied as they de- scend, and when this point is reached the end of the ban- dage is secured. Or the initial extremity of the bandage Fig. 61. Second roller of Desault's bandage. may be placed upon the chest of the sound side and a circular turn may be made to fix it, and then spiral turns, including the chest and arm, may be made from below upward until the axilla is reached. (Fig. 61.) Third Roller of DesauWs Ba?idage. Application. — The initial extremity of the roller is placed in the axilla of the sound side, and the bandage is carried obliquely over the front of the chest to the shoulder of the injured side, passed over this, and conducted down the back of the arm to the elbow, thence obliquely upward over the upper fifth of the forearm to the axilla of the sound side. From this point it is carried backward ob- liquely over the back of the chest to the shoulder ; crossing 72 BANDAGING. the previous shoulder-turn , it is conducted down the front of the arm to the elbow, then around this and backward obliquely over the back of the chest to the axilla of the sound side. These turns are repeated until three sets of turns have been applied, which should overlie each other exactly. (Fig. 62.) The course of the turns of the third roller is considered the most difficult to remember, and the student may be assisted in its correct application by remembering that all the turns start at the axilla, pass to the shoulder, and then to the elbow, and from the elbow always return to the starting-point — the axilla. Fig. 62. Third roller of Desault's bandage. The turns of the third roller make two triangles, one on the anterior surface of the chest, the other upon the back. (Fig. 63.) After the application of the three rollers the hand and uncovered portion of the forearm should be supported in a sling suspended from the neck. Use. — This bandage, applied completely, or some one of its various rollers, is employed in the treatment of fractures of the clavicle. ARM-AND-CHEST BANDAGE. Fig. 63. 73 Posterior view of turns of third roller of Desault's bandage. Arm-axd-chest Bandage. Roller Two and a Halj Inches in Width, Seven Yards in Length. Before applying this bandage the arm should be placed against the side of the chest and a folded towel or a pad of cotton should be placed in the axilla and allowed to 74 BANDAGING. extend from the axilla to the elbow ; the latter is used to prevent the opposing surfaces of skin from becoming ex- coriated by contact. Application. — The initial extremity of the bandage is placed upon the spine at a point opposite the elbow- joint, and it is fixed by a turn or two passing around the Fig. 64. Arin-and-chest bandage. arm and chest ; the bandage is then continued by making ascending spiral turns, covering in the arm and chest until the axilla is reached ; at this point the baudage is carried through the axilla and over the back of the chest to the top of the opposite shoulder, and it is then conducted down the front of the arm to the elbow, is passed between SPIRAL BANDAGE OF THE CHES1. 75 the arm and chest and carried up the back ot the arm to the shoulder. It is then passed obliquely across the front of the chest and is secured upon the back of the chest. Pins should be introduced at the points of crossing of the bandage. (Fig. 64.) Use. — This bandage will be found useful in fixing the arm to the body and in fixing the shoulder-joint where it is desirable to allow the forearm to be free. It is em- ployed in the treatment of fractures of the shaft and neck of the humerus to fix the arm and hold splints in position. Bandages of the Trunk. Spiral Bandage of the Chest. Roller Three Inches in Width, Nine Yards in Length, Application. — The initial extremity of the roller is applied to the anterior portion of the waist, and fixed by one or two circular turns ; the bandage is then carried Fig. 65. Spiral "bandage of the chest. upward, encircling the chest by ascending spiral turns, each turn covering in one-half of the previous turn until 76 BANDAGING. the axillary fold is reached; the roller is next carried around the axilla to the back, and obliquely over this to the base of the neck of the opposite side, and then it may be passed down over the chest and pinned to the spiral turns at several points ; a pin should also be inserted at the point where the last turn of the roller leaves the spiral turn upon the back of the chest. (Fig. 65.) Use. — This bandage is employed to hold dressings to the chest, and may be used as a temporary dressing in fractures of the ribs or sternum. Care should be taken that the bandage be not so tightly applied as to interfere with respiration. Anterior Figure-of-eight Bandage of the Chest. Roller Two and a Half Inches in Width, Seven Yards in Length. Application. — The initial extremity of the roller should be placed in the axilla of one side, and the ban- FlG. 66. Anterior figure-of-eight bandage of the chest. dage is then carried obliquely across the anterior portion of the chest to the shoulder of the opposite side ; it is then carried backward around the shoulder and through the FIGURE-OF-EIGHT BANDAGE OF CHEST. 77 axilla, and is next conducted obliquely over the anterior portion of the chest to the opposite shoulder, through the axilla and again back to the anterior portion of the chest, the turns crossing in the median line over the sternum. These turns should be repeated, ascending from the shoulder toward the neck, each turn overlapping three- fourths of the preceding one, until five or six turns have been applied, the end of the bandage being secured by a pin (Fig. 66), or it may be completed by a circular turn around the chest. Use. — This bandage may be employed to bring the shoulders forward, and to hold dressings to the anterior portion of the chest. Posterior Figure-of-eight Bandage of the Chest. Roller Tico and a Half Inches in Width, Seven Yards in Length. Fig. 67. Posterior figure-of-eight bandage of the chest. Application. — The initial extremity of the roller should be placed in the axilla of the left side, and the 78 BANDAGING. bandage should then be carried obliquely across the back of the chest to the tip of the opposite shoulder; it is next carried through the axilla and conducted across the poste- rior portion of the chest to the tip of the opposite shoulder, and passed through the axilla to the point of starting. These turns are repeated, ascending from the shoulder to- ward the neck, until five or six have been applied, the end of the bandage being secured by a pin. (Fig. 67.) In applying both of these bandages the crosses of the ban- dage, either anterior or posterior, should be made in the median line of the chest. Use. — This bandage may be employed to hold dressings to the posterior portion of the chest and to draw the shoulders backward. Suspensory and Compressor Bandage of the Breast. Roller Two and a Half Inches in Width, Seven Yards in Length. Application. — The initial extremity of the roller should be placed upon the scapula of the affected side, and secured by two oblique turns carried over the opposite shoulder and conducted downward under the breast to be covered in, and then carried to the axilla of the same side. Next carry the roller transversely around the chest, covering in the lowest portion of the affected breast. These turns should be repeated, the oblique turns from the axilla over the shoulder alternating with the transverse turns around the chest, until the breast is covered in, each series of turns ascending, and covering two-thirds of the preceding turn. (Fig. 68.) Use. — This bandage is employed to support the breast and to make compression at the same time ; it may also be employed to hold dressings to the breast. SUSPENSORY AND COMPRESSOR BANDAGES. 79 Fig. 68. Suspensory and compressor bandage of the breast. Suspensory and Compressor Bandages of Both Breasts. Ttvo Boilers Two and a Half Inches in Widths Seven Yards in Length. Application. — The initial extremity of the bandage should be secured by oblique turns of the axilla and shoulder as in the preceding bandage ; the roller should next be carried transversely around the back to the breast, then under the breast and upward over the opposite shoulder, then obliquely downward around the chest to the other side, being carried transversely over the lower portion of both breasts to the point of starting upon the back. Repeat these oblique turns from the shoulder to the breast and from the breast to the shoulder, and alter- nate them with a transverse turn around the chest and over both breasts. Both series of turns should ascend, and each turn should overlap two-thirds of the preceding one. (Fig. 69.) Use. — This bandage is employed to support and com- press both breasts and to retain dressings to them. 80 BANDAGING. Fig. 69. Suspensory and compressor bandage of both breasts. Bandages of the Lower Extremity. Single Spica-bandage of the Groin (Ascending). Roller Two and a Half Inches in Width, Seven Yards in Length. Application. — Place the initial extremity of the ban- dage upon the anterior portion of the right thigh just below the groin and secure it by one or two circular turns SINGLE SPICA-BANDAGE OF THE GROIN 81 around the thigh, or place the initial extremity of the roller obliquely upon the upper part of the thigh and carry it behind the limb and upward around the outer side of the thigh to the abdomen, omitting the circular turns ; then carry the bandage obliquely across the lower part of the abdomen to a point just below the crest of the left ilium and conduct it transversely around the back of the pelvis Fig. 70. Ascending spica-bandage of the groin . to a corresponding point on the opposite side ; then bring it obliquely downward to the groin over to the inner por- tion of the thigh, carrying it around the limb, crossing the starting-turn in the middle line of the thigh. These turns are repeated, each turn ascending and covering in two-thirds of the previous turn, until six or eight com- plete turns have been made, and the bandage is secured at any point where it ends. (Fig. 70.) Single Spica-bandage of the Groin (Descending). Roller Two and a Half Inches in Width, Seven Yards in Length. Application. — Place the initial extremity of the roller obliquely upon the anterior surface of the right thigh and 82 BANDAGING. secure it by one or two circular turns around the limb, or start the bandage with an oblique turn, as previously described; then carry the bandage obliquely across the abdomen to a point just below the crest of the ilium, and conduct it transversely around the back of the pelvis to a corresponding point on the opposite side ; then bring it obliquely down over the lower portion of the abdomen, crossing the first turn, to the junction of the thigh with the scrotum, pass it under the thigh and bring it up over the lower part of the abdomen, and let it follow the course Fig. 71. Descending spica-bandage of the groin. of the first turn. These turns are repeated, each turn descending and overlapping two-thirds of the previous turn until the groin is covered. (Fig. 71.) When either of these bandages is applied to the left groin, after the initial extremity of the roller is fixed, it is carried first to the crest of the ilium of the same side, then around the back of the pelvis to a corresponding point on the opposite side, then obliquely across the lower part of the abdomen to the outer aspect of the thigh, being conveyed under this aud brought up between the thigh and the scrotum, passing obliquely over the groin to follow the course of the original turn. DOUBLE SPICA-BANDAGE OF THE GROINS. 83 Double Spica-baxdage of the Groins. Holler Three Inches in Width, Nine Yards in Length. Application. — The initial extremity of the roller is placed upon the abdomen just above the iliac crests and secured by one or two circular turns ; the bandage is then carried from a point just below the crest of the right ilium obliquely across the lower portion of the abdomen to the outer portion of the left thigh, and is carried around this and brought up between the scrotum and the thigh, and is Fig. 72. I Double spica-bandage of the groins. passed obliquely over the groin, crossing the previous turn in the median line, and is conducted to a point just below the crest of the ilium on the same side. The bandage is then continued around the pelvis to the same point on the opposite side, and from this point is made to pass obliquely over the groin to the inner side of the thigh, passing around this and coming up on its outer side, crossing the previous turn at the middle line of the groin, to be carried obliquely across the groin and lower part of the abdomen 84 BANDAGING. to the crest of the ilium on the opposite side. These turns are repeated, each turn covering in two-thirds of the pre- vious turn, until both groins have been covered. (Fig. 72.) The turns may be so applied as to ascend or descend, forming the ascending or descending double spica-bandage of the groin. When properly applied, this bandage pre- sents three sets of crossing-turns, one in each groin and one in the median line of the abdomen. Use. — The spica-bandages of the groin, either single or double, are employed to hold dressings to wounds in the inguinal region —for instance, those resulting from herni- otomy, or from operation upon the glands of the groin. They are also employed to make pressure upon this region, and will often prove of use in the securing of compresses applied for the temporary retention of hernise. Spica-bandage of Buttock. Roller Two and a Half Inches in Width, Seven Yards in Length. Fig. 73. Spica-bandage of buttock. FIGURE-OF-EIGHT BANDAGE OF KNEE. 85 Application. — The initial extremity of the bandage is placed upon the back of the thigh just below the gluteal fold, and is carried around the thigh and brought back to the posterior aspect of the limb so as to fix and cross the starting turn near the middle of the thigh. It is next conducted obliquely across the thigh and buttocks and carried to the brim of the pelvis of the opposite side, when it is brought obliquely over the abdomen and back to the posterior surface of the thigh. There ascending turns are applied, each turn covering in about three-fourths of the preceding one, until the buttock is covered, and the ban- dage is then finished by one or two circular turns around the pelvis and abdomen. (Fig. 73.) Use. — This bandage is employed to hold dressings to the upper posterior portion of the thigh, or the buttock. FiGUBE-OF-EIGHT BANDAGE OF THE KNEE. Roller Two and a Half Inches in Width, Five Yards in Length. Fig. 74. Figure-of-eight bandage of the knee. Application. — The initial extremity of the roller is placed upon the thigh three inches above the patella and 5 86 BANDAGING. secured by two or three circular tarns ; then conduct the bandage over the outer condyle of the femur across the popliteal space to the inner border of the tibia and around the anterior surface below the tubercle and head of the fibula, and make one circular turn ; the roller should then be carried obliquely across the popliteal space to the inner condyle of the femur, crossing the previous turn ; then carry it around the front of the thigh to the outer condyle ; repeat these turns, ascending toward the knee from the leg and descending from the thigh toward the knee, and finish the bandage by a circular turn over the patella. (Fig. 74.) Use. — This bandage is employed to hold dressings to the knee-joint either anteriorly or posteriorly. These figure-of-eight turns are often employed in covering the knee in applying the spiral reversed bandage of the lower extremity when it is desired that the patient be allowed to bend the knee. Figure-of-eight Bandage of Both Knees. Roller Two and a Half Inches in Width, Seven Yards in Length. Application. — Place the knees of the patient together with a compress between them ; then place the initial ex- tremity of the roller upon one thigh, about three inches above the patella, and secure it by one or two circular turns around both thighs ; then conduct the roller from the outer condyle of the femur obliquely across the pop- liteal spaces of both legs to the head of the fibula on the opposite side, making a circular turn around both legs ; pass the roller from the head of the fibula on the opposite side across the popliteal space to the external condyle opposite the point of starting. Repeat these turns, descending from the thighs and ascending from the legs, until the knees are covered, and finish the bandage by carrying a turn of the bandage at SPICA-BANDAGE OF THE ¥001. 87 right angles to the previous turns between the thighs and the legs. (Fig. 75.) Use. — This bandage is employed to secure fixation of the limbs after operations upon the perineum, and may also Fig. 75. Figure-of-eight bandage of both knees. be employed to obtain temporary fixation of the limbs in transporting cases of fracture of the neck of the femur, and after the reduction of dislocations of the head of that bone. Spica-bandage of the Foot. Roller Two and a Half Inches in Width, Five Yards in Length. Application. — Fix the initial extremity of the roller upon the ankle and secure it by two circular turns ; then carry the bandage obliquely over the dorsum of the foot to the metatarso-phalangeal articulation and make a circular turn around the foot at this point ; then continue it upward over the metatarsus by making two or three spiral reversed turns ; next carry the bandage parallel with the inner or outer margin of the sole of the foot, according to whether 88 BANDAGING. it is applied to the right or left foot, directly across the posterior surface of the heel ; thence along the opposite border of the foot and over the dorsum, crossing the original turn in the median line of the foot. This com- pletes the first spica turn. These spica turns are repeated, gradually ascending by allowing each turn to cover in three-fourths of the preceding turn, until the foot is covered in with the exception of the posterior portion of the sole of the heel. (Fig. 76.) Care should be taken to see Fig. 76. Spica-bandage of the foot. that the turns cross each other in the median line and that they are kept parallel to each other throughout their course. Use. — This bandage will be found very useful when it is desired to make firm compression upon the foot or to retain dressings to it ; it is especially useful in the treatment of sprains of the ankle or the anterior tarsus. Bandage of Foot Covering the Heel (American). Roller Two and a Half Inches in Width, Seven Yards in Length. Application. — The initial extremity of the roller is placed upon the leg just above the malleoli and fixed by BANDAGE OF FOOT N01 COVERING THE HEEL. 89 two circular turns around the leg ; the bandage is then carried obliquely across the dorsum of the foot to the metatarsophalangeal articulation, at which point a circular turn is made ; two or three spiral or spiral reversed turns are then made, ascending the foot ; the roller is next car- ried directly over the point of the heel and continued back to the dorsum of the foot; thence beneath the instep around one side of the heel and up over the instep ; from this Fig. 77. Bandage of foot covering the heel. point it is carried beneath the instep around the other side of the heel and up in front of the ankle, from which point it may be continued up the leg. (Fig. 77.) Use. — This bandage is employed to cover in the foot and retain dressings to the foot and heel. Bandage of Foot not Covering the Heel (French). Roller Two and a Half Inches in Width, Seven Yards in Length. Application. — Fix the initial extremity of the roller upon the leg just above the malleoli and secure it by two circular turns around the leg ; the bandage is then carried 90 BANDAGING. obliquely across the dorsum of the foot to the meta- tarsophalangeal articulation, and at this point a circular turn should be made The roller is now carried up the foot, covering it in with two or three spiral reversed turns, and at this point a figure-of-eight turn is made around the ankle and instep ; this should be repeated once, which will cover in the foot with the exception of the heel ; the ban- dage may then be continued up the leg with spiral reversed turns. (Fig. 78.) Fig. 78. Bandage of foot not covering the heel. Use. — This bandage may be employed to secure dress- ings to the foot, and is the one generally used to cover this part in applying the spiral reversed bandage of the lower extremity. Spiral Reversed Bandage of the Lower Extremity. Roller Two and a Half Inches in Width, Seven Yards in Length. Application. — The initial extremity of the roller is placed upon the leg just above the malleoli and secured by FIGURE-OF-EIGHT BANDAGE OF LEG. 91 two circular turns. It is then carried obliquely over the foot to the inetatarso-phalangeal articulation, where a cir- cular turn is made around the foot. Two or three spiral reversed turns and two figure-of-eight turns of the ankle and instep should be made, while just above the ankle one or two circular or spiral turns are made around the leg, and as the bandage is carried up the leg, as it increases in diameter, spiral reversed turns are made until it approaches the knee ; at this point, if the limb is to be kept straight, the spiral reversed turns may be continued Fig. 79 Spiral reversed bandage of the lower extremity. over this region and up upon the thigh. If the knee is to be bent, figure-of-eight turns may be applied until the knee is covered, and then the thigh may be covered with spiral reversed turns. (Fig. 79.) To cover in the thigh as well as the leg, two bandages of the dimensions before given will be required. Care should be taken to keep the reverses in a line and not to make them over the spine of the tibia, as they may thus become painful to the patient. Use. — This is one of the most frequently employed of the roller bandages ; it is used to apply pressure to the lower extremity, to retain dressings, and to secure splints in the treatment of fractures and dislocations. Figure-of-eight Bandage of the Leg. Roller Two and a Half Inches in Width, Seven Yards in Length. Application. — This bandage differs from the spiral reversed bandage of the lower extremity only in the fact 92 BANDAGING. that when the swell of the calf is reached figure-of-eight turns are made around the leg instead of spiral reversed turns. In applying the roller, when the calf of the leg is reached, the bandage is carried obliquely around the leg to the crest of the tibia and made to cross the starting- turn in the median line ; these turns are repeated until the calf of the leg has been covered in, and the bandage is finished with one or two circular turns just below the knee. (Fig. 80.) Fig. 80. Figure-of-eight bandage of the leg. Use. — This bandage holds its place more firmly than the ordinary spiral reversed bandage of the leg, and may be employed in the treatment of ulcers of the leg in con- junction with strapping, where it is desirable to change the dressings at infrequent intervals and to allow the patient to walk about during the course of treatment. SPIRAL REVERSED BANDAGE OF THE PENIS. 93 SPECIAL BANDAGES. Spiral Reversed Bandage of the Penis. Roller Three-quarters of an Inch in Width, Thirty Inches in Length. Application. — Fix the initial extremity of the roller by two circular turns around the penis close to the pubis ; then carry the bandage obliquely down to the corona glandis ; from this point ascend the body of the penis by Fig. 81. Spiral reversed bandage of the penis. spiral reversed turns to the pubis and finish the bandage by two figure-of-eight tarns around the neck of the scrotum and root of the penis ; split the end of the bandage so as to form two tails and secure it by tying these around the root of the penis. (Fig. 81.) 5* 94 SPECIAL BANDAGES. Kecukrent Bandage of Stump. Roller Two and a Half Inches in Width, Five to Seven Yards in Length. Application. — Place the initial extremity of the roller upon the anterior or posterior surface of the limb a few inches above the extremity of the stump, and carry the bandage to the end of the stump, and then conduct it upward or downward on the limb, as the case may be, to a point directly opposite the point of starting ; then bring the bandage back over the face of the stump to the point of starting and continue these recurrent turns, each turn Fig. 82. Recurrent bandage of stump. overlapping two-thirds of the previous one, until the face of the stump is covered ; then reverse the bandage and secure the recurrent turns at their points of origin by two or three circular turns. The roller should next be car- ried obliquely down to the end of the stump, and a cir- cular turn should be made around this. The bandage should next be carried up the limb by spiral or spiral reversed turns beyond the point at which the recurrent BANDAGE FOE LITHOTOMY POSITION. 95 turns terminated, and secured by one or two circular turns. (Fig. 82.) ... In applying this bandage in very short stumps resulting from amputations at or near the shoulder or hip-joints, after making the recurrent and spiral turns, it will be found necessary to carry the bandage, in the case of the shoulder, across the chest to the opposite axilla and back, and apply several of these turns ; so in case of the hip amputations it will be found best to finish the bandage with a few turns about the pelvis. Bandage for Securing the Hands and Feet in the Lithotomy Position. Roller Two and a Half Inches in Width, Three Yards in Length. Bandage for securing the hands and feet for lithotomy. Application. — The hand of the patient should be brought down and made to grasp the outer side of the foot ; the initial extremity of the roller is fixed by two 96 SPECIAL BANDAGES. circular turns around the wrist and ankle, and the bandage is then passed around the foot and hand, and these turns are alternated with turns around the wrist and ankle, until the hand and foot are firmly secured. The same procedure is adopted with the hand and foot of the opposite side. (Fig. 75.) Use. — This bandage is useful in securing the hands and feet while the patient is put in the lithotomy position for that operation, or for perineal section. Liebreich's Eye-bandage. This bandage consists of a strip of flannel two and a half inches in width and from six to ten inches in length, Fig. 84. Liebreich's eye-bandage. to the extremities of which tapes are sewed. It may be applied transversely so as to cover both eyes, or obliquely so as to cover one eye only, and it is secured by the tapes carried around the head and tied over the forehead. (Fig. 84.) Use. — This bandage is used to hold compresses or dress- BANDAGE OF SCULTETUS. 97 ings to the eye or eyes, and the elasticity of the flannel permits of its being applied so as to make a variable amount of pressure. Bandage of Scultetus. This is a compound bandage, consisting of a number of pieces of muslin, and may be prepared from a two and a half or three-inch roller by cutting off strips long enough Fig. 85. Bandage of Scultetus. to encircle the part about one and one-third times. These strips are placed under the part in such a manner that the first piece shall be overlapped by the second, the second by the third, and so on from below upward ; the pieces are 98 SPECIAL BANDAGES. then brought around the limb, and the extremities of the last piece are secured by pins. (Fig. 85.) This bandage was formerly much employed in the treatment of com- pound fractures to secure dressings to the wound, and possessed the advantage that when a single strip became soiled it could be removed without disturbing the whole dressing, the new strip to be introduced being pinned to the extremity of the soiled piece to be removed, and then being drawn through by its removal. This bandage will often be found convenient in applying dressings to cases of excision of the joints, where as little disturbance of the parts as possible is important in dressing the wounds. When the strips are attached to each other by a thread passed through each strip in the centre, the bandage is known as Potfs bandage. This bandage is applied and secured in the same manner, but it possesses no advantages over the bandage of Scultetus. Flannel Bandage. These bandages are prepared from flannel which is cut into strips from two to four inches in width and from five to seven yards in length. These strips are formed into rollers either by hand or by means of the bandage-winder. Flannel bandages, by reason of the elasticity which they possess, can be applied without reverses and are used to make a moderate amount of elastic pressure. They are often employed in applying dressings to the head, espe- cially after operations upon the eyes, and are generally applied as a primary roller before the application of the plaster-of-Paris dressings, and may also be used in sub- acute joint-affections, both to protect the parts and make a moderate amount of elastic pressure. The Rubber Bandage. This bandage is made from a strip of rubber-sheeting, from one inch to four inches in width and from three to THE RUBBER BANDAGE. 99 five yards in length, which, for convenience of application, is rolled into a cylinder. Its use was introduced to the profession by Dr. Martin, of Boston, and it will be found a useful form of dressing where it is considered desirable to apply elastic pressure to a part, (Fig. 86.) It may be employed in the treatment of varicose veins of the legs, in chronic ulcers of those parts where pressure Martin's rubber bandage. is an important element in the treatment, and may be used as a substitute for strapping to secure this object. Its application has also been recommended in the treatment of swelled testicle in that stage of the affection in which pressure is indicated. Application. — For application to the leg a rubber bandage two and a half inches in width and three yards in length is required. The initial extremity of the roller is fixed upon the foot near the toes and secured by a circular turn ; the foot is then covered in by spiral turns overlapping each other about two-thirds, and a figure-of-eight turn is made from the ankle to the instep. The bandage is then carried up the limb to the knee with spiral turns, where it is secured by two tapes sewed to the terminal extremity of the ban- dage, which are passed around the leg and tied. The bandage need not be reversed, as its elasticity allows it to conform to the shape of the limb. Care should be taken not to apply the turns with too much firmness ; the 100 SPECIAL BANDAGES. bandage should be stretched very slightly ; if this pre- caution is not taken, it soon becomes uncomfortable to the patient. A patient using one of these bandages will soon learn to apply it himself, making just the requisite amount of tension to secure its holding its place and to insure a comfortable amount of pressure upon the part. A well- fitting stocking may be placed upon the limb before the bandage is applied, or it may be applied directly to the skin. The bandage should be removed at night when the patient goes to bed and hung up to dry, as its inner sur- face becomes moist from the secretions from the skin ; it should be reapplied as soon as the patient rises in the morning. In, using it in the treatment of ulcers of the leg no oint- ments should be applied to the ulcer, as oily dressings soon destroy the rubber; dressings may be made to the ulcer by means of dry powders, such as oxide of zinc, iodoform, or aristol, before the bandage is applied. In the treatment of swelled testicle the bandage is ap- plied to the testicle by means of recurrent turns not too firmly made, and secured in place by spiral turns, until the whole surface of the organ is covered in ; the end of the bandage is secured with tapes tied around the root of the scrotum. The same precaution to apply the bandage so as to make only moderate pressure should also be observed here. Fixed Dressings or Hardening Bandages. For the application of these dressings a variety of sub- stances are used which are incorporated in the meshes of some fabric, such as crinoline or cheese-cloth, or painted over its surface to give fixity or solidity to the bandage. The materials most commonly used in the preparation of fixed dressings are plaster-of-Paris, starch, silicate of sodium or potassium, paraffin, or a mixture of chalk and gum or of oxide of zinc and glue. THE PLASTEB-OF-PABIS BANDAGE. 101 The Plaster-of-Paris Bandage. The plaster-of-Paris used for the application of surgical dressings should be of the same quality as that which the dental surgeons employ in taking casts for teeth — that is, the extra calcined variety. If moist or of inferior quality, it will not set rapidly or firmly, and will fail to give suffi- cient fixation to the dressing. The plaster-of-Paris dressing may be applied in several ways, either by covering the part to be enclosed with some loose fabric, and rubbing the moist plaster into it, alter- nating the layers of the fabric with layers of moist plaster, or it may be applied by means of a roller which has been prepared by incorporating plaster-of-Paris in its meshes. To apply a plaster-of-Paris dressing according to the first method, the part to be enclosed — the leg, for instance — should first be covered by a neatly applied flannel ban- dage or a muslin bandage, which has been shrunken by being washed ; new muslin is not satisfactory as a primary application to a limb in applying a plaster-of-Paris dress- ing, as the moisture from the plaster wets it and causes it to shrink, so that it may exert injurious pressure after the bandage becomes dry. The limb having been covered by the bandage, and any bony prominences such as the malleoli having been padded with small wads of cotton to prevent undue pressure upon them, the part is next covered by a layer of turns of a crinoline bandage or by strips of cheese-cloth or any other loose material. A small quantity of plaster-of-Paris is next mixed with water until it has the consistence of thick cream, when it is smeared evenly over the whole surface of the previously applied bandage. Another layer of the bandage or of strips is next applied, and the plaster is smeared over this in the same manner, and so alternate layers of plaster-of-Paris and bandage are applied until a casing of the desired thickness is obtained. If the plaster- of-Paris of the quality previously described be used, it will set or become hard in a few minutes. The most convenient method of applying the plaster-of- 102 SPECIAL BANDAGES. Paris dressing is that employed by Prof. Sayre, which con- sists in the use of bandages which have been previously prepared with plaster-of- Paris ; these are moistened and applied while moist to the part to be encased. Preparation of the Plaster-of-Paris Bandage. These bandages are prepared by taking cheese-cloth, mosquito-netting, or crinoline, which latter is by far the best fabric, and cutting or tearing it into strips two and a half to three inches in width and five yards in length. These are laid on a table, and plaster-of-Paris of the quality before mentioned is dusted over them and rubbed into the meshes of the fabric; the material when impreg- nated with plaster is loosely rolled into a cylinder, and these bandages when prepared should be placed in air- tight jars or tin cans until required. Bandages thus prepared, which have been exposed to the air or have been kept for a long time, are not apt to set well when applied ; but if such bandages are placed in a hot oven and baked for half an hour before being used, they will be found to set as satisfactorily as those freshly prepared. These bandages may be prepared by a machine made for this purpose, but I do not think that they are apt to have the plaster as evenly distributed through them, and therefore are not as satisfactory, as those prepared by hand. Application of the Plaster-of-Paris Bandage. Before applying this dressing, the part to be encased — the leg, for instance — should be covered by a flannel roller, the bony prominences being protected by pads of cotton, or a closely fitting stocking may be applied to the part. The bandage should be dipped in warm water and kept covered for a few minutes ; it may be squeezed with the hand, and as soon as bubbles of air cease to escape it is a APPLICATION OF PLASTEB-OF-PABIS BANDAGE. 103 sign that it is thoroughly soaked and is ready for appli- cation. On removing it from the water the excess of water should be squeezed out by the hand, and the bandage should then be evenly applied to the limb with just enough firmness to make it fit the part nicely, and as few reverses as possible should be made. A sufficient number of ban- dages are applied to make a dressing as firm as may be required; three rollers of the above dimensions are usually quite ample for a dressing for the leg, and when the last roller has been applied some dry plaster should be moist- Fig. 87. Leg encased in plaster-of-Paris dressing. ened with water until it has the consistence of thick cream, and it should be rubbed evenly over the surface of the bandage to give it a finish. (Fig. 87.) If a good quality of plaster has been used, the bandage should be quite firm in from ten to fifteen minutes, but the patient should not for a few hours be allowed to put any weight upon the bandage. An equally firm bandage may be applied with the use of a less number of bandages, if the surgeon rubs over the surface of each layer of bandage applied a little moist plaster, then applying another layer and repeating the 104 SPECIAL BANDAGES. same procedure ; finishing the dressing by an external coating of moist plaster, as above described. In applying these dressings a fewer number of bandages will be required if narrow strips of tin, zinc, or binder's board are incorporated in the layers of the bandage, which also increase the strength of the dressing. Interrupted Plaster-of-Paris Dressing. This form of plaster-of-Paris dressing is applied by first placing a short iron rod under the extremity some distance above and below the point at which the dressing is to be interrupted; this is fixed by a few turns of the plaster bandage above and below the portion of the limb which is to be left exposed ; stout wire is next bent into loops, the Fig. 88. Interrupted plaster-of-Paris dressing. (Stimson. ) extremities of which are incorporated in the subsequent turns of the plaster bandage ; three loops thus placed in addition to the posterior iron bar will usually make the dressing sufficiently firm. (Fig. 88.) A number of turns of the bandage are applied to firmly fix the loops and the limb is held in the desired position until the plaster has set. APPLICATION OF PLASTER-OF-PARIS JACKET. 105 Application of the Plaster-of-Pams Jacket. The patient's body should be covered with a soft, closely fitting woven shirt without arms, but with shoulder-straps to hold it in position, or an ordinary woven undershirt may be employed ; one or two folded towels, or a pad of Fig. 89. Suspensory apparatus. cotton wrapped in a towel, are next placed over the ab- domen between the shirt and the skin — this is called, by Prof. Sayre, the dinner pad, and is intended to leave space for the distention of the abdomen after eating. Small pads of raw cotton may also be placed over the anterior iliac spines, and, in the case of females, a pad of cotton 106 SPECIAL BANDAGES. wrapped in a handkerchief may be placed over each mammary gland. The patient should next be suspended by the apparatus consisting of a collar and arm-pieces attached to a cross- bar (Fig. 89), which is attached by a cord and pulley to a Fig. 90. Patient suspended for application of plaster jacket. tripod. If this apparatus is not at hand, a very satis- factory substitute may be made by folding two towels into cravats and tying together the ends, so as to make two loops, one of which is placed in each axilla ; a bar of wood two and a half feet in length is next taken and the loops are secured to the ends of this by stout cords or APPLICATION OF PLASTER- OF-PABIS JACKET. 107 handkerchiefs ; a Barton's bandage is next applied to the head, and a strip of bandage is passed under the turns which cross the vertex and is secured to the middle of the cross-bar. The bar is next suspended by a cord passed through a pulley or ring which may be attached to the sill of a door if the ordinary tripod cannot be obtained. The patient should be slowly raised by the apparatus until the toes only are in contact with the floor, and the extension should not be carried to the point which makes it uncomfortable to the patient. (Fig. 90.) The shirt should be drawn downward over the hips by an assistant and held in place until a few turns of the bandage have been applied. The plaster bandage having been soaked and squeezed, a turn should be made around the body above the pelvis, and it should then be carried downward below the iliac spines, and from this point it should be made to ascend gradually by spiral turns until it reaches the axillary line. The turns should be applied smoothly and not too tightly. After two or three layers of turns have been applied, the surgeon may rub some moist plaster upon their surface if he desires to use fewer bandages. These turns are repeated until a bandage of the desired thickness is applied, and the surface of the dressing may be finished by rubbing it over with moistened plaster. This jacket for a child will generally require the use of three or four bandages of the dimensions given ; for an adult, six to eight band- ages. The patient should be kept suspended until the bandage has set, usually from ten to fifteen minutes, and then should be carefully lifted so as not to bend the spine, and placed on his back upon a mattress, until the dressing becomes perfectly hardened. The dinner pad and mammary pads, if they have been used, should next be removed. In applying this dressing, strips of zinc or tin may be placed between the layers of bandage if it is desired to give more strength to the jacket. 108 SPECIAL BANDAGES. Fig. 91. Application of the Jury-mast by Means of Plaster-of-Paris. In disease of the spine involving the cervical or upper dorsal region the ordinary plaster-of- Paris jacket is not satisfactory, and in such cases the "jury-mast" is em- ployed in connection with the plaster jacket. In applying the "jury-mast" the same steps are taken in the preparation of the patient as in applying the plaster- of-Paris jacket, with the exception of extension, which need not be used. After three or four layers ot the plaster bandage have been applied to the body, an apparatus made of two bars of metal having two perforated strips of zinc at- tached to them a few inches apart, which partly encircle the body, is applied and held in position by turns of the plaster bandage. The perpendicular bars have at their upper part a slot, into which the lower end (Fig. 91) of the "jury- mast" fits, and is secured by a screw ; to the upper part of this is attached a movable cross-bar, to which are fastened the straps of the collar from which the head is suspended. Head-support and jury-mast. The Bavarian Dressing. To apply this dressing, which is sometimes employed in the treatment of fractures, take two pieces of Canton flannel the length of the part to be enclosed, and more than wide enough to envelope its circumference. In THE BAVARIAN DRESSING. 109 applying it to the leg these pieces should be cut so as to correspond to the outline of the leg and posterior portion of the foot. These pieces should be placed one over the other and sewed together in the middle line, the seam corresponding to the back of the leg. The leg and foot are then placed upon this, and the inner layer of flannel is brought up in front of the leg and over the dorsum of the foot and made fast with pins. (Fig. 92.) Plaster-of-Paris is next mixed with water to form a paste, which is rubbed thickly Fig. 92. Bavarian dressing. and evenly over the flannel next to the limb until a sufficient thickness is obtained ; the outer layer of flannel is then brought up about the leg and moulded to its surface by the hands. A loosely applied roller may now be used to hold the dressing in place until the plaster has set. AVhen it is necessary to inspect the parts, the turns of the bandage are cut, and upon separating the layers of flannel the two halves can be turned aside, the seam at the back acting as a hinge. Upon reapplying the splints to the leg they may be retained in position by a roller or by one or two strips of bandage. 110 SPECIAL BANDAGES. Moulded Plaster-splints. It is sometimes found difficult to apply the ordinary plaster dressings to parts irregular in their shape, and at the same time to have a splint which can be removed with ease. To accomplish this purpose moulded splints of plaster may be made by cutting a paper pattern of the part to be covered in, and then cutting pieces of crinoline to conform to this pattern • eight or ten pieces will usually form a splint of sufficient thickness. One of these pieces of crinoline is laid upon a table and dry plaster is rubbed into its meshes; another is laid upon this and plaster is applied to it in the same way, and so on until all the pieces have been placed in position, one over the other, with plaster rubbed well into the meshes. The dressing is then folded up and dipped into water, squeezed out, and moulded to the part and held in position, until it sets, by the turns of a bandage. The edges should overlap slightly, and in applying it a strip of waxed paper may be placed under the overlapping edge to prevent its adhesion to the dress- ing below, and thus facilitate its removal. Splints pre- pared in this way can be removed with ease, and are often of service in cases where it is desirable to inspect the parts frequently ; I have employed with advantage such splints in making fixation of the hip-joint in cases of coxalgia, and also for the same purpose in affections of other joints. The splints upon being reapplied are secured by a few strips of bandage, or by a roller-bandage. Trapping Plaster-of-Paris Bandages. In applying the plaster-of-Paris dressing to a part where there is a wound which is covered by the plaster-bandage, it is well to make some provision whereby the plaster- dressing over the site of the wound may be cut away, making a trap or window through which the wound may be inspected or dressed, if necessary. (Fig. 93.) To accomplish this, before applying the plaster-bandage, a REMOVAL OF PLASTER- OF- PARIS FROM HANDS. HI compress of lint or gauze should be placed over the wound, which, when the dressing is completed, forms a projection on its surface, indicating the position of the wound, and also allows the surgeon to cut away the dressing without injuring the skin below. These traps may be cut out after the bandage has partially set, or after it has become hard. Fig. 93. Plaster-of-Paris bandage trapped. (Esmaech.) In applying the plaster-of- Paris dressing in cases of com- pound fracture and after osteotomy, I always make pro- vision for trapping of the bandage if it should become necessary, although in the vast majority of cases it does not have to be done. Removing Plaster-of-Paris from the Hands. One objection to the use of plaster-of- Paris dressings is the difficulty of removing it from the hands of the surgeon, and the harsh condition in which the skin is left after its removal. If, however, the hands are washed in a solu- tion of carbonate of sodium — a tablespoonful to a basin of water — the plaster will be readily removed and the skin will be left in a soft and comfortable condition. 112 SPECIAL BANDAGES. Removal of the Plaster-of-Paris Bandage. The removal of the plaster-bandage is sometimes a matter of difficulty, particularly if it has to be removed before the parts below it are consolidated, as it may dis- arrange them and cause the patient pain if it is not accomplished without much force. Fig. 94. Cutting plaster-bandage upon lead strip. When the bandage is applied to get a cast of a part, or in the treatment of fractures where it may be necessary to remove the bandage in a few days to inspect the parts, a strip of sheet-lead one-half an inch in width is first placed over the flannel bandage, and is allowed to project at each end beyond the dressing ; the plaster can then be readily cut through upon this strip with a knife without injury to the parts below. (Fig. 94.) As soon as the bandage has become firm, the lead strip is removed by traction upon one end of it, and if the bandage has been entirely divided it can be removed at any time without difficulty. It may also be removed by means of a saw devised for USES OF PLASTER-OF-PARIS DRESSINGS. 113 this purpose (Fig. 95), or by strong cutting-shears of various kinds (Fig. 96) ; or a line may be painted over the dressing with hydrochloric acid or vinegar, which softens the plaster so that it can readily be cut through Fig. 95. Hunter's saw for removing plaster-bandages. with a knife. Dr. William B. Hopkins has devised a vertebrated metal chain which is applied to the part before the plaster is applied and removed when the bandage has set, leaving a hollow longitudinal ridge which can be cut Shears for cutting plaster-bandages. through or divided with a rasp. The use of the saw or shears is, I think, most satisfactory in removing these dressings. They should be used carefully, as the final layers of the bandage are divided, to avoid wounding the skin. Uses of Plaster-of-Paris Dressings. These dressings are employed to secure fixation, as pri- mary or secondary dressings in the treatment of fractures, and for a like purpose in injuries and diseases of the joints. They are also largely used in the treatment of diseases and deformities of the spinal column, and will also be found most satisfactory applications after osteotomy and tenotomy, to secure immobility and hold the parts in their 114 SPECIAL BANDAGES. corrected positions; when employed in the dressing of cases after tenotomy, they are generally used for a few weeks until the proper mechanical apparatus is applied. The Starched Bandage. To apply this bandage starch is first mixed with cold water until a thick, creamy mixture results ; to this is added boiling water until a clear mucilaginous liquid is produced ; if too thin, it can be made thicker by heating it upon a stove. The part to be dressed is first covered with a flannel roller, and over this a few layers of a cheese-cloth or crinoline bandage, which has been shrunken, are ap- plied; the starch is then smeared or rubbed with the hand evenly into the meshes of the material, and the part is again covered with a layer of turns of the bandage, and the starch is again applied : this manipulation is continued until a dressing of the desired thickness is produced. Strips of pasteboard may be applied between the layers of the bandage to give additional strength to the dressing, if desired. It requires from twenty-four to thirty-six hours for the starched bandage to become dry and thoroughly set. It may be removed in the same way in which the plaster- of-Paris dressing is removed. Use. — Before the introduction of the plaster-of-Paris dressing it was formerly much employed in the treatment of fractures and in injuries of the joints. It may be used in such cases, but possesses no advantage over the former dressing and has the disadvantage of setting much less promptly. GUM-AND-CHALK BANDAGE. In applying this dressing equal parts of powdered gum- arabic and precipitated chalk are mixed with boiling water until a mass of the consistence of cream results. This is applied to the cheese-cloth or crinoline bandage in the same manner as is the starch in the application of the THE PARAFFIN-BAND A GE. 115 starched bandage ; it has the advantage over the latter dressing of setting more promptly, five or six hours only being required for it to become hard. It may be employed for the same purposes as the starched or plaster-of- Paris bandage. Silicate of Potassium or Sodium Bandage. In applying this bandage, after a flannel-roller and several layers of a cheese-cloth or crinoline bandage have been applied to the part, the surface of the latter is coated with silicate of sodium or potassium applied by means of a brush, then a second layer of bandage is applied and treated in the same manner, and this manipulation is con- tinued until a bandage of the desired thickness is pro- duced. It requires twenty-four hours for this dressing to become firm. As it is irksome for a patient to keep a part quiet while the silicate bandage is becoming hard, I often cover it as soon as applied with a layer of tissue paper and apply over it a light plaster- of-Paris bandage, which becomes hard in a few minutes ; this is removed at the end of twenty-four hours, when the silicate bandage is hard. In removing the silicate bandage it may be first softened by soaking it in warm water, and then it can be readily cut with scissors. In applying either the starched bandage or the silicate of potassium bandage care should be taken to use cheese- cloth or crinoline which has been shrunken by being moistened and allowed to dry before being employed ; otherwise dangerous compression of the part may occur if the bandage has been firmly applied and shrinks after its application. The Paraffin-bandage. Paraffin, which melts at from 105° to 120° F., is used in the application of this bandage. The limb being covered by a flannel-roller, a vessel containing paraffin is placed in a basin of boiling water. As the roller, w r hich 116 SPECIAL BANDAGES. may be either of flannel, cheese-cloth, or crinoline, is unwound it is passed through the melted paraffin and applied to the part, and the turns are repeated until a dressing of sufficient thickness results, and the surface may be brushed over with melted paraffin. This dressing sets very rapidly, being quite firm in from five to ten minutes. It possesses the advantage of the other fixed dressings in that it does not absorb discharges and become offensive, and for this reason it was formerly recommended in the treatment of compound fractures. Glue or Glue and Oxide of Zinc Bandage. Glue or glue combined with oxide of zinc has been em- ployed in the preparation of fixed dressings, but possesses no advantages over those previously mentioned. RAw r -HiDE on Leather Splints or Dressings. In moulding raw-hide or leather splints it is necessary, first, to apply a plaster-of-Paris bandage to the part to which the raw-hide splint is to be fitted ; and as soon as the plaster has set it is removed, and a solid plaster cast is next made by pouring liquid plaster-of-Paris into this mould. When this has become dry a piece of raw-hide, which has been soaked for a time in warm water, is moulded to the cast and held firmly in contact with it by tacks or a bandage until it has become perfectly dry. It is then removed, and its surface is covered with several coats of shellac, to prevent its absorbing moisture from the skin when applied, and changing its shape. Eyelets or hooks are fastened to the edges of the splint, through which strings are passed to secure the splint in place. Made in this manner raw-hide splints fit the part very accurately, and constitute a very satisfactory dressing for cases of joint-disease, and in the form of leather-jackets BINDER'S BOARD OR PASTEBOARD SPLINTS. 117 Fig. 97. are often employed in the treatment of disease of the spine in place of the plaster-of-Paris jacket. (Fig. 97.) In the treatment of high dorsal or cervical caries a leather-splint in two sections, which rests upon the shoulders and sup- ports the head, is often used with good results. (Fig.98.) Binder's Board or Pasteboard Splints. This material, which can be ob- tained in sheets of different thick- ness, is frequently employed for the manufacture of splints. In Fig. 98. Leather-jacket with jury- mast. Leather-splint for cervical caries. (Owen.) moulding these splints a portion of the board of the requisite size and thickness is dipped in boiling water for a short time, and when it has become softened it is removed and allowed to cool ; a thick layer of cotton- batting is next applied over it, and it is then moulded to the part and held firmly in place by the turns of a roller-bandage ; in a few hours it becomes dry and hard. This material, from its cheapness and the ease with which it is obtained, is frequently employed to mould 6* 118 SPECIAL BANDAGES. splints for the treatment of fractures, especially in chil- dren, and for the fixation of joints in the treatment of acute and chronic joint affections. A moulded pasteboard- splint is also often employed to fix the ends of the bones after the excision of a joint. Porous Felt-splints. This material is also employed for the manufacture of splints, and is applied by dipping the material in hot water and then moulding it to the part ; as it dries it becomes hard. Hatter's Felt Splints. Hatter's felt is also frequently employed for the manu- facture of splints or dressings. It is softened by dipping it in boiling water or heating it in the flame of an alcohol lamp, and when soft and pliable it is moulded to the part, and as it cools it again becomes hard. These splints are employed for the same purposes as those made of plaster-of-Paris, leather, or pasteboard. PAET II. MINOR SURGERY. Theory of Asepsis and Antisepsis in Wound Treatment. The term Asepsis, applied to a wound, implies that it is free from those vegetable parasites or micro-organisms whose presence sets up fermentative changes, accompanied by suppuration and constitutional disturbance. Antisepsis, on the other hand, has reference to the means employed to bring about the destruction of micro-organisms which may be present in the wound or upon the instru- ments, dressings, or hands of the surgeon, and which, if not destroyed or rendered inert, will set up fermentative changes in the wound. It has long been a well-recognized fact that albuminoid substances, such as dead animal tissue, blood, or blood- serum, will, when exposed to moisture, warmth, and the presence of certain living organisms or fungi, bacteria and micrococci, develop putrefactive changes ; and if these changes take place in the living body, there result certain constitutional disturbances known as symptomatic, inflam- matory, or septic fever. It was also recognized that these putrefactive changes in albuminoid substances could be avoided by their ex- posure to heat, cold, or by drying — any of these conditions being sufficient to destroy or arrest the development of the micrococci. Sepsis in the living organism is due to the entrance and 120 MINOR SURGERY. multiplication of microbes, or the absorption of their products, and is characterized by local inflammation of the wound, grave constitutional disturbances, fever, dis- orders of the nervous system, and infection of the viscera. Microbic infection should be considered a disease-process which causes disastrous wound-complications, and differs materially from that process which attends the repair of injuries and the union of wounds which run an aseptic course. At the present time no surgeon should undertake the performance of an operation or the treatment of an open wound without having clearly impressed upon his mind the important part the pyogenic microbes may play in the subsequent course of the wound. It has been clearly proved that certain species of microbes caused su- puration and gangrene, that others cause inflammation, and that others produce ferments, and some form different substances known as ptomaines, toxins, toxalbumins, all of which exercise a virulent influence upon the living organism. It is an unquestionable fact that pyogenic microbes under different conditions can produce a series of different diseases, for it is now generally accepted that Fehleisen\s streptococcus erysipelatis is identical with the streptococcus pyogenes, which is recognized as the cause of many different inflammatory .affections. The theory has been advanced by Reger to account for this, that all the so-called pus-diseases are simply a local ex- pression of a general infection caused by many different micro-organisms. It is scarcely possible that any wound is entirely free from germs, when we take into considera- tion their almost universal presence, so it may be assumed that infection does not necessarily depend upon the pres- ence of a few microbes, but rather upon the quantity and quality of the germs which are present in the wound It has been shown by Cheyne that the number of bacteria entering the tissues is an important factor in producing suppuration or septic infection, for we know that healthy tissues will destroy or remove an innumerable number of germs ; suppuration or infection occurring only when the tissues are overwhelmed by the number of organisms, or THEORY OF ASEPSIS AND ANTISEPSIS. 121 their power of resistance is diminished by injury or disease. The micro-organisms which set up fermentative and putre- factive changes in animal tissues exist in great variety, but those which are of most interest to the surgeon belong to the cocci and bacilli. Staphylococcus Pyogenes Aureus. — This organism, which is spherical and apt to form clusters, has been shown to be the most common cause of acute suppuration in living human tissues. These microbes are found in great num- bers upon the surface of the body and in the superficial layers of the skin, especially in the region of the axilla, umbilicus, perineum, and finger-nails ; they are also found upon the mucous membrane of the mouth, pharynx, and alimentary canal. Staphylococcus Pyogenes Albus and Citreus. — These are micro-organisms which frequently exist in connection with the previously mentioned organisms. All these varie- ties of staphylococci are found in circumscribed suppura- tion, such as acute abscesses, adenitis and osteo-myelitis. Streptococcus Pyogenes. — This is one of the most impor- tant of the pyogenic cocci which extends rapidly along the lymph spaces and lymphatics, and by rapid infiltration causes gangrene. This micro-organism is found in the vagina, urethra, and nasal cavities. It produces pro- gressive suppurations, such as phlegmonous cellulitis and erysipelas, and is morphologically similar to the strepto- coccus erysipelatis. Bacillus Pyogenes. — This is an organism which is found in blue or green pus. Bacillus Pyogenes Fcetidus. — This is a short, rod-like organism, which is said to exist only in the human body, and is found in abscesses containing foul-smelling pus, in the region of the anus, brain, and other parts of the body. Many other organisms exist which are of interest to the surgeon, such as micrococcus gonorrhoea, bacillus tubercu* losis, bacillus of tetanus, bacillus of malignant oedema, bacillus mallei, and bacillus anthracis. In w r ounds the result of accident or made by the surgeon all the conditions are most favorable for the 122 MINOR SURGERY. entrance and development of these organisms. The serum and blood and the dead or partially devitalized cells of the various tissues are most favorable media for their growth. We have present also warmth and moist- ure, and in the air coming in contact with the wound we have vast quantities of dust laden with spores, which under these favoring conditions develop into the organ- isms before mentioned, which rapidly set up fermetative processes known as decomposition. The products of this decomposition, carried into the circulation by the lymphatics and veins, set up local changes in the shape of inflammation and at the same time give rise to systemic disturbances which we recognize as septic fever. Modern wound-treatment aims at the prevention of decomposition and suppuration, and accomplishes this purpose by having the wound kept aseptic, by perfect cleanliness of the region of the wound, the hands and instruments of the surgeon, and by not exposing the wound to an atmosphere which contains dust ; as the latter con- dition is difficult to obtain we secure the destruction of the micro-organisms which may be present by heat, as seen in the use of the actual cautery or by chemical sterilization, which is accomplished by the use of germicides. Surgical Cleanliness. Surgical cleanliness may be obtained by following either the aseptic or the antiseptic method. Although at the present time these two methods are to a certain extent combined, that is, it is impossible to be strictly aseptic without employing means of disinfection, that is, employing antiseptic methods to a certain extent, the antiseptic method of wound- treatment was first intro- duced, and produced a revolution in surgical practice, but at the present time, recognizing that certain evils have arisen from the use of antiseptics, and that equally good or better results may be obtained without bringing antiseptic sub- stances directly in contact with wounds, the aseptic method SURGICAL CLEANLINESS. 123 has been widely and successfully adopted, and to day the weight of surgical opinion is decidedly in favor of the latter method. Antiseptic Method. In the antiseptic method the sterilization of the field of operation, the hands of the surgeon and assistants, the in- struments, ligatures, sponges, and sutures, is accomplished by the use of germicidal solutions, and in addition the wound is irrigated constantly during the operation by ger- micidal solutions, and is afterward covered with dressings impregnated with germicidal substances. Aseptic Method. In the aseptic method the field of operation, the hands of the surgeon and his assistants, the instruments, ligatures, sponges, and sutures are sterilized by the use of germicidal solutions and heat, and after this has been accomplished, relying upon the completeness of the sterilization, no anti- septic substances are brought in contact with the wound, sterilized water being used if it is necessary to flush the wound, and the dressings employed are only those which have been sterilized by moist or dry heat. The disadvantages of the antiseptic method in wound- treatment which have caused it to be largely succeeded by the aseptic method are, first, that recent investigations have shown that many of the germicidal substances have not the disinfecting power which has long been attributed to them ; second, that antiseptic substances to be active as germicides may cause irritation of the surface of the wound, interfering with its repair, and are apt to cause very free oozing of serum, which necessitates the use of drainage, and makes the frequent dressing of the wound necessary ; many antiseptic substances also produce marked toxic effects upon the patient, and often cause very severe irrita- tion of the skin in contact with the dressings. The advantages of the aseptic method may be briefly stated, that the method is applicable in all parts of the 124 MINOR SURGERY. body ; wounds treated by this method heal more promptly and do not so often require dressing ; there is no risk of toxic effects, and no irritation of the skin by the dressings ; the dressings are also less expensive. Dry sterilized dress- ings are efficient as dressings to produce absorption, and at the same time the dryness may be a factor in the destruction of germs, for exposing bacteria to dryness deprives them of moisture, which is one of the conditions necessary for their existence. It may, therefore, be laid down as a general rule that the aseptic method is to be preferred to the antiseptic method when and wherever it is possible. Agents Employed to Secure Asepsis. A great variety of agents possessing more or less germi- cidal properties have been at different times employed in the practice of aseptic or antiseptic surgery ; those most employed at the present time are heat, bichloride of mer- cury, carbolic acid, iodoform, beta-naphtol, chloride of zinc, peroxide of hydrogen, creolin, permanganate of potas- sium, pyoktanin and boric acid, the double cyanide of mercury and zinc, and aristol. Heat. The most reliable and universally available agent for the destruction of pyogenic organisms is heat, either dry or moist ; many forms of bacteria are rendered inert at a temperature of 140° F., and none can withstand the appli- cation of moist heat at a temperature of 212° F. continued for a short time. Spores which will resist the action of powerful germicides for a considerable time are destroyed by boiling for a few minutes. As moist heat is the most efficient sterilizer, it should be preferred, and can always be made use of for this purpose by boiling the instruments and dressings for a few minutes, and if for any reason it is thought advisable to employ dry heat as a sterilizer, this may be made use of by baking the instruments or dress- BICHLORIDE OF MERCURY. 125 ings in a hot oven. The same results, of course, may be obtained by the use of one of the various dry or moist sterilizers. Bichloride of Mercury. This is employed as an antiseptic in watery solution, varying in strength from 1 : 500 to 1 : 10,000. The solution 1 : 500 to 1 : 1000 is used only for the irrigation and disinfection of the hands and skin ; for the irrigation of wounds, a solution of 1 : 2000 is generally employed. In using the bichloride solution in operations upon children, I am in the habit of using a solution of 1 in 4000, and I find that it produces less irritation of the skin and is equally efficient as a germicide. Where con- tinuous irrigation is kept up or where it is employed in large cavities, a still weaker solution, 1 : 5000 to 1 : 10,000 should be employed. In using these solutions the surgeon should watch the patient carefully for symptoms of poisoning due to the absorption of the bichloride of mercury ; the symptoms denoting this are vomiting, fetid breath, salivation, in- flammation of the gums, diarrhoea, blood-stained stools, and bleeding from the mouth and nose. In preparing the solutions of bichloride of mercury for use, it will be found convenient to have a concentrated solution of the salt in alcohol, one part of the bichloride of mercury to ten parts of alcohol ; this can be kept in a well-stoppered bottle, and to this should be added one tea- spoonful of common salt, which prevents the disintegration of the mercuric compound. One teaspoonful of this solution added to one quart of water makes a 1 : 1500 solution. A ten per cent, bichloride solution may be made as follows : Bichloride of mercury 2 parts. Sodium chloride 1 part. Dilute acetic acid 1 " Water 16 parts. By adding water in an appropriate quantity, a 1 : 1000 or 1 : 2000 solution can be made. 126 MINOR SURGERY. Or the solution may be prepared with tartaric acid in the proportion of five parts of the acid to one part of the bichloride of mercury, the following formula being em- ployed : Hydrarg. chlor. corrosiv grs. xv. Ac. tartaric grs. lxxv. Aquae dest Oij. Pellets containing a definite amount of bichloride of mercury compounded with a few grains of common salt or muriate of ammonia, which, when dissolved in a definite quantity of water, make a solution of 1 : 1000 or 1 : 2000, will also be found very convenient for the preparation of solutions. These bichloride or sublimate solutions are also em- ployed to sterilize the gauze and cotton which are largely employed in antiseptic dressings. Carbolic Acid. This drug is employed in solutions of 1 : 20 or 1 : 40. The stronger solution, 1 : 20, is usually employed to sterilize the instruments, the latter being allowed to remain in this solution for thirty minutes before being used. As a carbolic solution of this strength benumbs and cracks the skin of the hands of the operator, it should be diluted just before the instruments are required, by adding an equal quantity of water, making it a 1 : 40 solution. The 1 : 40 solution is used for the irrigation of wounds and the washing of sponges. Carbolic acid is also em- ployed in the preparation of gauze. A ready method of making a 5 per cent, carbolic solution is to add one table- spoonful of carbolic acid to one pint of hot water. In using carbolic acid solutions continuously the surgeon should be on the watch for the symptoms of poisoning, which will show itself by dark-colored urine, headache, dizziness, vomiting, and in severe cases bloody diarrhoea, hemoglobinuria, and death from collapse. Carbolic acid solutions should be used with great caution in young IODOFORM. 127 children, as they seem to be more susceptible than adults to the constitutional effects of this drug. I have seen the use of quite dilute solutions produce the characteristic symptoms of poisoning in such patients. Iodoform. Iodoform is one of the most valuable antiseptic drugs we possess, although it has been shown by experimental research to possess little germicidal action ; but in spite of this fact clinical experience has proved that it possesses powerful antiseptic properties, due not to the destruction of germs, but to its undergoing a decomposition in their presence, and thus rendering the ptomaines which have resulted from the germ-growth inert. Iodoform may be rendered absolutely sterile by washing it in a 1 : 1000 bichloride solution, which destroys all micro-organisms ; it should then be dried, and kept for use in closely stop- pered bottles : or it may be exposed to dry heat in a ster- ilizer or oven, which will accomplish the same purpose. Iodoform is very extensively employed as an application to wounds ; it is especially useful as a dressing to infected wounds and to tubercular or syphilitic ulcers. It is also employed in the preparation of iodoform-gauze, and may be combined with collodion to form iodoform- collodion, which is a useful dressing in superficial wounds : Iodoform -. grs. xlviij. Collodion 5j. An ethereal solution of iodoform (iodoform grs. xv, ether §j) is also used as an application to chronic ulcers. An emulsion of iodoform in glycerin (iodoform 5j> glycerin 5x), or an emulsion of iodoform made by boiling iodoform 5j, olive oil 5x, is much employed at the present time as an injection in the treatment of chronic abscesses and tubercular disease of the joints. Elderly persons are more prone to the toxic action of iodoform than young persons These symptoms are mani- fested by sleeplessness, debility, headache, delirium, and death may result from meningitis or cardiac depression. 128 MINOR SURGERY. Beta-naphtol. Beta-naphtol, in a 1 : 2500 solution, is employed for much the same purposes as the bichloride of mercury solu- tion ; it is not, however, so powerful a germicide. It is employed in irrigating large cavities because it is not a poisonous agent, but is especially useful as a bath for instruments, as it does not corrode them, as does the sub- limate solution. It also possesses the advantage over a carbolic acid solution of not irritating the skin of the surgeon's hands. Chloride of Zinc. Chloride of zinc, in a solution of 30 to 40 grains to water fgj, is a very powerful antiseptic. When employed upon raw surfaces it produces marked blanching of the tissues ; it is especially useful in wounds which are in- fected or which have been exposed to infection. I have found it by all means the best application to the poisoned wounds which are received in dissecting dead bodies and in operating. In such cases the whole cavity or surface of the wound should be washed with a 30-grain solution of the chloride of zinc, and then the wound should be dressed with a bichloride dressing. SuLPHO-CARBOLATE OF ZlNC. This drug has been found to possess more decided anti- septic properties than the chloride of zinc, and is much less irritating. It may be used in the same strength and for the same purposes as the former drug. Aluminum Aceticum. This substance is prepared by adding sugar of lead, 25 parts, to a solution of 5 parts of alum to 500 parts of distilled water. It has decided germicidal qualities and KREOLIN OR CREOLIN. 129 is employed for irrigation, or on moist dressings when carbolic or bichloride solutions cannot be used. Peroxide of Hydrogen. This drug is employed in what is known as a 1 5- volum solution, which may be diluted from 10 per cent, upward or used in full strength. It is employed in the steriliza- tion of sinuses or suppurating cavities, such, for instance, as often result from diseases of or operations upon bone. It seems to have a direct action upon pus-generation by destroying the micro-organisms of pus. It is injected into sinuses and cavities by means of a syringe, or may be applied to open wounds in the form of a spray ; its activity is shown by the escape of bubbles of air, and it should be used as long as these continue to escape. Pyrozone possesses the same qualities as the peroxide of hydrogen, apparently to a somewhat higher degree, and is used for the same purposes. Kreolin or Creolin. This substance is obtained from English coal by dry distillation, and has been found to possess powerful germi- cidal properties ; it is non-irritating and practically non- toxic. It is insoluble in water, but forms an emulsion with it which possesses marked antiseptic properties. It may be employed for the same purposes as carbolic acid, and has the advantage over the latter drug that it is not irritating to the skin, and is almost devoid of toxic properties. It is used in an emulsion, in strength from two to five per cent., and is employed in the irrigation of large wounds or cavities of the body, and has been most favorably recommended in gynecological practice. As a bath for instruments, to render them sterile during operations, it is useful, but the opacity of the emulsion makes it difficult to find the instruments and interferes with its efficiency. 130 MINOR SURGERY. Boric Acid. This drug has not very marked antiseptic qualities, but is unirritating even in saturated solutions. It is frequently employed in a 5 to 30 per cent, solution to cleanse and disinfect mucous surfaces and large cavities. It is often employed to wash out the bladder before the operation for the removal of calculi or growths from that organ. In the dressing of superficial wounds, or in wounds in which the bichloride or carbolic acid dressings produce irritation, an ointment of boric acid, made by taking boric acid 1 part, and vaseline 5 parts, will be found very satisfactory. BORO-SALICYLIC LOTION. This lotion is prepared by adding 2 parts of salicylic acid and 12 parts of boric acid to 1000 parts of hot water. This forms a very bland solution, which can be used where there is danger in using bichloride or carbolic solutions — as, for instance, in the bladder or peritoneal cavity. Permanganate of Potassium. This drug, owing to its rapid absorption of oxygeu, acts as an antiseptic, and is often employed for the disin- fection of foul wounds and ulcers. It is also employed in solution for washing the operator's hands and for the washing of sponges. It is practically non-irritating, and may be used in quite concentrated solutions, but is usually employed in the following solution : Permanganate of potash 5j ? water f§j. One fluid drachm of this solution to a pint of water makes a 1 : 1000 solution. Pyoktanin. Methyl-violet, known in commerce under the name of pyoktanin, has been recommended as a drug possessing marked antiseptic powers. It is said to prevent suppura- DOUBLE CYANIDE OF MERCURY AND ZINC. 131 tion by destroying the organisms which are active in its production, and which have an affinity for and are killed by aniline colors. It has been claimed that it sterilizes the pus of suppurating wounds and ulcers, and it has been recommended as an injection in the treatment of large suppurating cavities for this purpose, as it is practically non-poisonous. It is employed in a solution of a strength of 1 : 1000 or 1 : 2000, and for the sterilization of surgical instruments a 1 : 10,000 solution may be employed. When employed as a means of irrigating wounds, it should be used until the tissues are of a deep-blue color. Eecent investigations have shown that it is, as a germicide, much less reliable than bichloride of mercury. Aeistol. Aristol, which is a compound of iodine and thymol, pos- sesses germicidal properties, and has been introduced as a substitute for iodoform. It has the advantage over iodo- form of not being poisonous and is also without disagree- able odor. It may be employed for the same purposes as iodoform, and it seems to be particularly useful as a dress- ing to chronic and specific ulcers. Iodol. This drug possesses antiseptic properties and is employed for much the same purposes as iodoform and aristol, and has much less odor than the former; it is soluble in alcohol, ether, and oil, and may be employed in solution or used as a dry powder. It is used for the same purposes as iodoform, and is much employed as a local application in inflammatory and ulcerated conditions of the mucous membrane of the nose and throat. Double Cyanide of Mercury and Zinc. Cyanide of potassium, cyanide of mercury, and sulphate of zinc are mixed together in solution, in quantities pro- 132 MINOR SURGERY. portioned to the atomic weights of 2KCy, HgCy 2 and ZnS0 4 + 7H 2 ; the cyanide of potassium and cyanide of mercury being dissolved together in one and a half ounces of water for every 100 grains of potassium cyanide, are added to the sulphate of zinc dissolved in three times that amount of water. The precipitate is collected and washed in two successive portions of water equal in quantity to that used for the solutions, that is, six ounces of water for every 100 grains of the potassium cyanide, to free the precipitate from the irritating salts associated with it in its formation. The precipitate being well washed, is next mixed with distilled water containing one part of hema- toxylin for every 100 parts of the cyanide salt ; this, when it precipitates the cyanide salt, changes its color to a pale bluish tint. Ammonia is next added in such a proportion to the mixture that one fluidrachm of the ammoniacal liquid shall correspond with one grain of hematoxylin, and the ammoniacal mixture is allowed to stand for three or four hours, when it is filtered and the dyed salt is drained and dried at a moderate heat, is next levigated, and may then be kept for any length of time until used. When employed for charging gauze it is mixed with a 1 : 4000 bichloride solution in the proportion of four pints of the solution to 100 grains of the salt. Preparation of Materials Used in Aseptic Surgery and Dressings. Sponges. Sponges cannot be sterilized by boiling, which destroys them, so they have to be prepared by washing and by treatment with germicidal solutions ; they are prepared as follows : Sponges, while dry, should be beaten to free them from calcareous matter, then placed in a 1 5 per cent solution of hydrochloric acid for thirty minutes to dissolve any lime GAUZE PLEDGETS OR PADS. 133 which may remain in them; they should then be removed from this solution and thoroughly washed. They should next be well washed with green or castile soap and warm water for a few minutes, and then thoroughly rinsed and placed in a 1 : 1000 bichloride solution or in a 5 per cent, carbolic solution in closely covered jars until required for use. Or, after beating the sponges to remove any sandy mat- ter, they may be placed for twenty-four hours in a solution of hydrochloric acid — hydrochloric acid §iv, water four pints — then removed and washed until free from acid, then steeped for half an hour in a solution of permanganate of potassium, 180 grains to six pints of water. Next wash them and place them in the following solution : hypo- sulphite of sodium, §x ; hydrochloric acid, f§v ; water, fSlxviij ; and allow them to remain in this solution for four hours ; remove them from this and place them in running water for six hours ; they should then be placed in jars and covered either by a 5 per cent, carbolic acid solution or a 1 : 1000 bichloride solution. The carbolic acid solution is better for keeping the sponges than the sublimate solution, as it does not decompose. They may be prepared also by beating and washing them, and then soaking them for twelve hours in a solu- tion of chlorinated soda — chlorinated soda 1 part, water 5 parts. They are then removed, well rinsed, and placed in a 5 per cent, carbolic solution, or they may be placed in a moderately warm oven until thoroughly dry, and then placed in air-tight jars, if it is desired to keep them dry. It is better to use a cheaper grade of sponges, and to use them only once ; but if the same sponges are to be used again, they should be well washed in a solution of carbonate of soda, 1 ounce to the quart, and then placed in a 1 : 1000 bichloride solution. Gauze Pledgets or Pads. Pads or pledgets of sterilized or sublimated gauze may be used in the place of sponges during operations, and in 7 134 MINOR SURGERY. preparing the gauze-pads, a piece of gauze composed of from sixteen to twenty layers is cut into pads of the desired size, and the layers in each pad are quilted together by a few stitches, and the edges should be loosely whipped with a thread to prevent the edges from fraying. The gauze- pledgets are prepared by cutting a piece of gauze composed of from twelve to sixteen layers in pieces six inches square, the four angles of these pieces are then brought together and tied by a thread or are secured together by a few stitches. The pads or pledgets are usually employed in a moist condition, and before being used should be sterilized by being placed in a 1 : 2000 bichloride solution or by boiling, and any excess of moisture should be squeezed from them before being brought in contact with the wound. Silk. Silk for sutures or ligatures, either the plaited silk or the Chinese twisted silk, should be sterilized by boiling for thirty minutes in a 5 per cent, solution of carbolic acid or water, then placed in stoppered bottles and covered with a 5 per cent, solution of carbolic acid or with abso- lute alcohol. SlLKWORM-GUT. Silkworm-gut is an excellent material for sutures, and is much easier to thread than the silk or catgut. A black iron-dyed silkworm-gut has recently been introduced, the use of which facilitates the finding of the sutures for re- moval. It may be kept dry in glass jars, or preserved in alcohol, and should be placed in a 5 per cent, carbolic solution for a few minutes before being used, as this renders it more supple. Catgut Ligatures or Sutures. In preparing catgut for ligatures or sutures, the ordinary catgut of the shops should be washed with castile soap and CATGUl LIGATURES OR SUTURES. 135 water, and then should be placed in ether and allowed to remain for four or five hours, and upon being removed should be placed in 95 per cent, alcohol in a tightly stop- pered bottle. Before being used it should be soaked for a few minutes in a 1 : 20 carbolic solution. Von Bergmanns Method of Sterilizing Catgut. First sterilize the vessel by boiling water or dry heat. The catgut should then be loosely wound upon glass rods or spools and placed in the sterilized vessel, covered with ether, and allowed to remain for twenty-four hours. At the end of this time the ether should be poured off and the gut should be placed in the following solution : Bichloride of mercury ....... 10 parts. Alcohol (95 per cent.)* 800 «' Distilled water . 200 " Remove in twenty-four hours and place in a similar so- lution for twenty-four hours longer, then remove and place in alcohol if stiff catgut is required. If soft catgut is desired, add 20 per cent, of glycerin to the alcohol in which it is kept. Catgut Boiled in Alcohol. This is accomplished by placing the catgut in a strong glass bottle containing alcohol, which is corked, placed in hot water and boiled for fifteen minutes. The steriliza- tion of the catgut is usually complete after this process. Juniper Catgut. Catgut, varying in size from No. 0, which is very fine, to No. 4, which is quite thick, is placed in oil of juniper- berries for one week, and is then transferred to absolute alcohol, in which it should be kept until required for use. No. 1 catgut is the size usually employed for ligatures and sutures. 136 MINOR SURGERY. Alcohol is the best material in which to preserve the catgut, as it keeps it firm and does not interfere with its flexibility, while both carbolic acid and bichloride solu- tions render it brittle and weak. Chromic Acid Catgut. The catgut is first washed in alcohol and placed in dne quart of a 5 per cent, solution of carbolic acid, containing 30 grains of bichromate of potassium, and is allowed to remain for forty-eight hours. This immersion should be longer when large-sized varieties of catgut are used ; but for the sizes of catgut which are ordinarily used, this length of immersion will prepare the gut to resist the action of the living tissues for a week or more. Catgut thus pre- pared may be dried and placed in closely stoppered jars, or may be kept in alcohol. Catgut may also be prepared by soaking it in alcohol for a short time, and then placing it in the following solution for forty-eight hours : Chromic acid, 1 grain ; carbolic acid, 200 grains ; alcohol, 2 drachms ; water, 2J ounces. It is then removed and placed in glass jars for use. Before being used it should be soaked for thirty minutes in a 5 per cent, carbolic acid solution, or in a 1 : 1000 bichloride solution. The chromic acid catgut is by far the best variety ot gut to use for sutures and for the ligation of the larger vessels in their continuity. Drainage-tubes. The drainage-tubes usually employed are prepared from rubber-tubing of different sizes perforated at short in- tervals ; the black rubber tubes are softer and more pliable than the red or white rubber tubes, and should be pre- ferred. (Fig. 99.) Drainage-tubes are also made of glass, straight or curved (Fig. 100), which are almost exclusively used in abdominal surgery, and also of decalcified bone. HORSEHAIR AND CATGUT FOR DRAINAGE. 137 Drainage-tubes should be kept 111 a 5 per cent, solution of carbolic acid, or, if kept dry, they should be well washed, Fig. 99. Rubber drainage-tube. and may be sterilized by dipping them in boiling water for a few minutes, or should be placed in a carbolic or bichloride solution for thirty minutes before being used. Fig. 100. Glass drainage-tube. Horsehair and Catgut for Drainage. Cutgut as ordinarily prepared for ligatures may be used to secure drainage in small and superficial wounds ; a 138 MINOR SURGERY. number of strands of catgut are placed in the bottom of the wound, and the end or ends are allowed to project from one or both extremities of the wound. Horsehair may be employed for the same purpose, a number of strands of the hair being placed in the wound in the same manner. Before being used it should be well washed with soap and water and then soaked in a 5 per cent, carbolic solution or 1 : 1000 bichloride solution for thirty minutes. Protective. Protective is employed to prevent the wound from being irritated by the antiseptic substances with which the gauze is impregnated or by its irregular surface. Various materials are employed as protectives, the principal requirement being that it is some tissue which can be readily rendered aseptic, and does not absorb any irritating materials from the dressings. The protective first employed by Mr. Lister, which is still generally used, is prepared by coating oiled silk with copal varnish, and when this is dry a mixture of 1 part of dextrine, 2 parts of powdered starch, and 16 parts of a 1 : 20 carbolic acid solution is brushed over its surface. Rubber-tissue may be employed very satisfactorily as a substitute for this protective. Before applying the protective to the wound, it is dipped into a solution of bichloride of mercury or carbolic acid. Mackintosh. This consists of cotton-cloth, with a thin layer of India- rubber spread on one side. It is employed in antiseptic dressings as the layer placed outside of the gauze, and should be applied with the rubber surface toward the wound, to prevent the entrance of air and to allow the serum from the wound to permeate the gauze and not soak directly through the dressings. The mackintosh cloth is not at the present time as much employed as formerly, unless the moist method of dressing is adopted. GA UZE-DRESSINGS. 139 Rubber-dam. This is a thin, pure rubber-tissue, and as it has no cloth surface like mackintosh, it is cleaned and sterilized with greater facility. It is used in applying the moist method of dressing to cover the gauze- dressings, and is attached to the drainage-tube in abdominal wounds to shut off the opening of the tube from the abdominal wound. Before being used it should be washed with soap and water, rinsed, and then placed in a bichloride or carbolic solu- tion for a time sufficient to sterilize it. Rubber-tissue. This consists of a very thin sheet of India-rubber with glazed surfaces, which can be obtained from the rubber- manufacturers ; it is employed for the same purposes as the mackintosh, is much less expensive, and, as previously stated, may be used instead of protective for covering the wound. Parchment-paper. This consists of a very tough paper which can be soaked in a watery solution of corrosive sublimate or carbolic acid without becoming so much softened as to tear upon handling. It is prepared by the manufacturers of surgical dressings, and is employed for the same pur- poses as mackintosh. Gauze-dressings. The most convenient and cheapest material for wound- dressing is a sheer material known in the trade as cheese- or tobacco-cloth. By reason of having a very open mesh it absorbs well either the materials with which it is pre- pared or the discharges from the wound to which it is applied as a dressing. It can be readily obtained any- where, is inexpensive, and is soft and pliable, so that it is a comfortable form of dressing to the patient. The gauze 140 MINOR SURGERY. is impregnated with different materials to render it anti- septic, and its preparation is a matter of little difficulty. Preparation of Gauze-dressing. Bichloride of Mercury or Corrosive Sublimate Gauze. In preparing bichloride or corrosive sublimate gauze, thirty yards of cheese-cloth are placed in a wash-kettle, and covered with water, to which are added two pounds of washing soda or a pint of lye, which should be boiled for an hour; the soda or lye is added to remove any oily matters which the cheese-cloth contains, and thus make it more absorbent. The gauze is next removed from the kettle, washed in clear water, and passed through a clothes- wringer. It should then be immersed in a 1 : 1000 bi- chloride of mercury solution for twenty-four hours. It is then dried and cut into pieces several yards in length, and packed in closely covered glass jars or tin boxes to be kept until used. Or it may be preserved as moist gauze by packing it in air-tight jars. If gauze has been prepared for some time, it is well to soak it for a short time in a 1 : 1000 bichloride of mercury solution before using it. In using the sublimate gauze on delicate skins there will sometimes result a dermatitis which is known as mercurial eczema ; this is particularly apt to occur if the gauze is moistened or covered with rubber-tissue or mackintosh. If this condition develops, the parts covered by the gauze should be rubbed over with boric acid ointment or vase- line before it is reapplied, or another variety of dressing may have to be substituted, such as the iodoform or car- bolized gauze. IODOFORM-GAUZE. lodoform-gauze may be prepared by sprinkling cheese- cloth, which has been boiled in soda solution, with pow- CARBOLIZED GAUZE. 141 dered iodoform and rubbing it well into its meshes ; it should then be dried and packed in glass jars for use. It may also be prepared by rubbing an emulsion of iodoform, made by adding 3 drachms of iodoform to 6 ounces of castile soap-suds, into 18 ounces of moist gauze; this should be dried and packed in glass jars for use. Double Cyanide of Mercury ajstd Zinc Gauze. The preparation of this gauze is much more difficult than that of the other varieties of gauze, requiring the following : Potass, cyanide 130 grains. Mercuric cyanide 251.7 " Zinc sulphate 268.9 M Hematoxylin 1.3 " Sal ammonia (gas, NH 3 , 1 per cent.) .... 6 minims. Gauze (previously boiled and dried) .... 10 ounces. Bichloride of mercury solution 7.6 pints. Distilled water q. s. In charging gauze with this substance, 100 grains of the salt are dissolved in 4 pints of a 1 : 4000 bichloride solu- tion, which will give from 2 to 3 per cent, of the cyanide to the dry gauze. The gauze should be freshly prepared and used moist, or, if allowed to become dry, it should be moistened again with a weak bichloride solution before being used. The advantages claimed for this gauze are that it is not irritating to the skin, and as the antiseptic is not soluble it is not washed out by the discharges from the wound. Prof. J. William White, who has used it extensively in his practice, considers that it possesses de- cided advantages over the bichloride gauze. Carbolized Gauze. The carbolized gauze which is used in the University Hospital is prepared in the following manner : Cheese- cloth, which has been previously boiled and dried, is soaked for a few hours in the following solution : Resin 1 pound. Alcohol 5 pints. Castor oil .24 ounces. Carbolic acid 12 " 7* 142 MINOR SURGERY. The gauze is next removed from this solution and passed through a clothes-wringer, and is then cut in pieces four to six yards in length, which are folded and packed in air-tight tin boxes for use. Pyoktanin, Salicylated, Borated Gauze. Many other varieties of gauze, such as pyoktanin-gauze, salicylated gauze, and borated gauze, etc., are prepared, but as they are expensive and are not so satisfactory as the one which has just been mentioned, they are not much em- ployed. Sawdust-dressing. Sawdust is impregnated with a 1 : 1000 bichloride of mercury solution for twenty-four hours, and then spread out to dry ; after it has become sufficiently dry it is en- closed in bags made of cheese-cloth of various sizes. This will be found to be a satisfactory substitute for the ordi- nary gauze. In using this dressing the wound should be covered with a piece of protective or a few layers of gauze, and the bags are then packed over this and held in place by a bandage. Moss-dressing. Different species of sphagnum or moss, on account of their cheapness, elasticity, and great absorbing power, have been found a very satisfactory material with which to make dressing-bags. Clean moss is soaked for twenty-four hours in a 1 : 1000 bichloride of mercury solution and then dried ; cheese-cloth bags are filled with this material and may be used dry or may be moistened with 1 : 3000 bichloride solution before being applied in the dressing of wounds. They are much employed in the hospitals of Germany, and have largely superseded the gauze-dressings. ANTISEPTIC BAN DA GES. 1 43 Improvised Aseptic or Antiseptic Dressings. In cases of emergency, when the ordinary gauze-dress- ings cannot be obtained, it is well to remember that old muslin or linen, or mosquito-netting, which can usually be obtained, will serve for a temporary dressing if prop- erly sterilized, until a more elaborate dressing can be applied. Old sheets, either of muslin or linen, should be torn into pieces half a yard square and thrown into boiling water; after remaining for fifteen minutes in this they should be removed, and can be used as moist sterilized dressings, or soaked for a few minutes in a 1 : 1000 or 1 : 2000 bichloride solution, or a 5 percent, carbolic solu- tion, and applied to the wound, a number of layers of this material being applied and held in position by a ban- dage. This dressing will keep the wound aseptic until a more elaborate dressing is obtained. Antiseptic Bandages. These bandages are prepared by tearing or cutting bichloride or carbolized gauze into strips two or three inches in width and five yards in length, and forming the strips into rollers and packing them in air-tight vessels. The bandages may also be prepared from boiled dry gauze in the same manner, and are kept in air-tight boxes or jars until required for use, when they are soaked for a few minutes in a 1 : 1000 bichloride or 5 per cent, car- bolic solution. They may also be prepared from crinoline, the same material which is used for the plaster-of-Paris bandage ; as this material is quite stiff, the bandage should be soaked in a bichloride or carbolic solution before being applied, and as the material contains a certain amount of starchy matter, it becomes firm as it dries, and makes a very secure dressing. For this reason it is often applied over the antiseptic bandage. 144 MINOR SURGERY, BlCHLOKIDE-COTTON. This material, which is an important part of most anti- septic dressings, is prepared by soaking absorbent cotton in a 1 : 1000 bichloride of mercury solution for twenty- four hours, and then allowing it to dry. When dry, it is packed in jars or air-tight boxes. Its great absorbing power and its elasticity make it, when properly prepared, a most valuable dressing ; it is generally employed to cover the gauze-dressing, a number of layers being applied. Fig. 101 . Sterilizing-oven. Borated, carbolized, and salicylated cotton, prepared in the same manner, are also frequently employed for a similar purpose. METHOD B Y SIMPLE BR YING. 1 45 Moist Sterilized Dressings. These may be prepared by steaming the gauze-dressings in a steam sterilizer, or by boiling them in covered vessels. Dry Sterilized Dressings. These dressings are prepared by sterilizing ordinary gauze with steam. Gauze cut into proper lengths is placed in wire cases and exposed to superheated steam in an oven for a few hours, and is then dried in another oven, removed, and placed in air-tight jars or boxes. The apparatus re- quired for the perfect sterilization of dressings is expensive, and is not likely to be employed by practitioners, but is used in hospitals where a large number of dressings are constantly required. A convenient form of sterilizing oven is shown in Fig. 101. Unless the sterilization is perfect, these dressings should not be employed ; the same method is employed in the sterilization of instruments. Methods and Dressings Employed in the Treatment of Wounds to Secure Asepsis. To prevent infection of wounds the various chemical sterilizers and dressings are employed in different ways, and the principal types of dressings are as follows : Method by Simple Drying. This method is employed in small and not very deep wounds. The edges having beeu brought together by sutures the surface of the wound is dusted with powdered iodoform, the serum and blood forming with this, as it dries, a scab, which protects the wound from infection from without, and repair takes place promptly under this scab. Iodoform -collodion may be employed instead of powdered iodoform in this method of dressing. 146 MINOR SURGERY. Method by Drying and Chemical Sterilization. The object of this method of dressing is to provide a means of sterilizing the blood or serum which escapes from the wound, and at the same time to insure the sterilization of the air coming in contact with the discharges of the wound. It is employed in large or deep wounds, where there is always more or less escape of blood or serum, and is ac- complished by applying a number of layers of sublimate or iodoform-gauze and sublimated cotton over the wound. Evaporation not being interfered with, the whole dressing becomes hardened, and the wound is surrounded by a large antiseptic crust made up of the dressing and serum or blood. This method of dressing is the one most generally em- ployed at the present time. Moist Dressings. In this method of dressing, the wound is covered by layers of moist gauze, which are kept moist and evapora- tion prevented by applying over them some impervious material, such as mackintosh or rubber- tissue. Modified Moist Dressing. In using this method, the wound itself is covered by a piece of protective or rubber-tissue ; over this is placed the sublimated or iodoform-gauze dressing and some layers of bichloride cotton. In this way the wound itself is kept in a moist condition favoring particularly the organ- ization of blood- clots; the external dressings become dry as the discharges which have escaped into them evaporate, forming an antiseptic crust or covering over the wound. DISINFECTION OF THE HANDS. 147 Preparation for Aseptic Operation. Disinfection of the Hands. The hands and forearms of the surgeon and of his assist- ants should be well washed in hot water with soap for a few minutes, and a nail-brush should be used to cleanse the region of the finger-nails ; rings with irregular surfaces which might retain filth should be removed. After the hands and forearms have been thoroughly cleansed, they should be immersed in a 1 : 1000 bichloride solution for a short time. Or the hands and forearms, having been washed with soap and water, are dipped in absolute alcohol for one minute, and immersed in a warm 1 : 1000 bichloride solu- tion and scrubbed with a nail-brush for two or three minutes. A very satisfactory method of disinfecting the hands and forearms consists in first scrubbing them with soap and water, then washing them in a solution of perman- ganate of potassium prepared by adding an excess of the salt to distilled water until they are of a dark-brown color. They should next be washed in a saturated solution of oxalic acid until completely decolorized, and the oxalic acid should finally be removed by washing them in warm sterilized water. The same precautions should be taken with the hands and forearms of the nurses w T ho handle the instruments and dressings. If in any manner the hands of the surgeon or of his assistants come in contact, during the operation, with any objects which have not been disinfected, such as the clothing of the patient, the operating-table, etc., it is a matter of the first importance that they should be thor- oughly rewashed and disinfected before being again brought in contact with the wound. 148 MINOR SURGERY. Preparation of Surgeon and Assistants. It is desirable that the surgeon and his assistants should wear some form of apron or operating-gown, both for the protection of the patient and the preservation of their own clothing. The operating-gown should be made of muslin or linen ; a variety of linen known as butcher's linen is very serviceable for this purpose ; it should fit closely about the neck and should extend to the ankles, and should have sleeves extending at least to the elbows ; it is well, for additional protection, to wear under this a rubber apron extending from the neck to the feet. The head may also be covered with a closely fitting linen skull-cap. An improvised apron may be prepared from a clean sheet folded so as to be one and a half yards in width and about six feet in length, by turning in about ten inches of one end of the sheet over the upper part of the chest, and placing a strip of bandage in this fold and securing it around the neck, and by tying a strip of bandage over the sheet at the waist. The nurses assisting at the operation should also wear aprons and gowns made of wash-goods. Sterilizing of Instruments. The instruments should be carefully scrubbed with warm w r ater and soap, care being taken to see that all joints and roughened surfaces are freed from any dry matter which may adhere to them ; after being thoroughly cleansed in this manner, they should be placed in a metal or porcelain tray and covered by a 5 per cent, carbolic solution for fifteen minutes before being used. The instruments which are now constructed with metal handles may be sterilized by placing them in boiling water, or by boiling them for ten minutes in a 1 per cent, solu- tion of carbonate of soda ; where instruments are employed which have wooden handles this method of sterilization PREPARATION OF PATIENT FOR OPERATION. J 49 cannot be employed, and here it will be found necessary to resort to the first method of sterilization. Instruments which fall upon the floor or come in contact with the clothing of the surgeon or the patient during the operation, should be washed and placed in the carbolic solution, or should be boiled before being again brought in contact with the wound. Preparation of the Patient for Operation. The patient having been prepared for the operation by whatever constitutional treatment the surgeon considers necessary, the region of the proposed wound is first rubbed over with cotton saturated with spirits of turpentine, and next is thoroughly washed with soap and water ; if hairs are present in the region, they should be shaved off; after a careful washing with soap and water, the skin is carefully washed with a 1 : 1000 bichloride or 5 per cent, carbolic solution, and is then covered with a towel wrung out in a 1 : 2000 bichloride solution until the surgeon is ready to begin the operation. This cleansing of the region of the proposed wound in hospital practice is generally made a few hours before the operation, but in private practice it has often to be done just before the operation is undertaken ; if carefully done, however, the results will be in no wise less satisfactory. In operations upon the face, neck, or chest it is well to apply a handkerchief bandage of gauze to cover the hairy scalp. In private practice the operation may have to be per- formed while the patient is in his bed, or, if an ordinary kitchen-table is at hand, it will be found more convenient to place him upon this. The table should be prepared by placing upon it a folded quilt or blanket, and over this a sheet of rubber-cloth, upon which should be laid a clean, folded linen or muslin sheet. The surgeon should carry with him a sheet of rubber-cloth, three by four feet, which he will find most useful in preparing the table for the operation, or in protecting the bed of the patient if he is 150 MINOR SURGERY. not placed upon the table ; a rubber cloth of this size takes up little space if carefully folded, and can be easily packed in the instrument -bag. Details of an Operation in which the Anti- septic Method is Employed. The patient being anaesthetized and placed upon the table, the clothing is so arranged as to expose freely the part to be operated upon ; the clothing or the skin sur- rounding this region is next covered with towels wet with a 1 : 1000 bichloride solution. If any considerable surface of the patient's body is covered by these towels, to avoid chilling the surface and adding to the shock which natur- Fig.102. Irrigating-apparatus. (Esmarch.) ally follows the operation, they should be wrung out in a hot bichloride or carbolic solution, and should be replaced as they become cold by hot towels prepared in the same manner. The patient being ready for operation, the sur- geon should assign the assistants and nurses their duties, EMPLOYMENT OF ANTISEPTIC METHOD, 151 and having again immersed their hands and forearms in the bichloride solution the operation is begun. During the operation the wound is irrigated frequently with a 1 : 2000 or 1 : 3000 bichloride solution, w T hich may be allowed to run over the wound, or be applied by means of a syringe or irrigating-apparatus (Fig. 93), and the hands of the surgeon and assistants should also be washed in this solution at not too long intervals. In prolonged operations, or in those in which a large wound is made, I think it is especially important that the irrigating solutions should be used as warm as can be comfortably borne by the hands of the surgeon; warm solutions, it has been shown by recent investigations, possess a greater germicidal power than those of the same strength when used cold, and they also possess the advantage of preventing the chilling of the patient, and thus diminish the shock of the operation. Hemorrhage during the operation is controlled by the use of haemostatic forceps, which are applied to the bleeding vessels, or the vessels may be ligatured as they are divided. After the operation has been completed, and all hemorrhage has been controlled, the wound is thoroughly irrigated with a 1 : 2000 or 1 : 3000 bichloride solution. The next step is to provide for drainage ; this may be disregarded in small or superficial wounds, but in a wound of any considerable size or depth it is safer to provide free drainage. This is accomplished by the use of perforated rubber drainage-tubes, or a number of strands of catgut or horsehair, or by decalcified bone or glass drainage-tubes. The rubber tube in deep wounds will be found most comfortable to the patient and satisfactory as regards drainage ; it may be laid in the wound, the ends being allowed to extend from the extremities of the wound, or it may be so introduced that one end of the tube rests in the deepest part of the wound and the other extremity is brought out of the wound at its most dependent portion ; in large or irregularly shaped wounds a number of tubes may be required to secure free drainage. The ends of the drainage-tubes are transfixed with safety-pins which have been sterilized and allowed to remain in a 5 per cent. 152 MINOR SURGERY. carbolic solution until required, and the ends of the tube should next be cut off close to the pins so as to be as nearly as possible flush with the skin. The wound is next closed by the introduction of sutures, which may be of silkworm-gut, chromicized catgut, silk, or silver wire ; the needles and sutures should be soaked in a 5 per cent, carbolic solution for 30 minutes before being used. The wound being closed, a final irrigation of its deepest parts should be made, by injecting a stream of bichloride solution, 1 : 2000 or 1 : 3000, into the end of the drainage-tube ; if through-and-through drainage has been employed, one end of the tube should be closed and the solution should be injected into the wound through the other end of the tube by means of a syringe or irri- gating-tube, until the wound is slightly distended with the solution, which allows the latter to find its way to all parts of the cavity of the wound. The external surface of the wound and the skin for some distance surrounding it should next be washed with a 1 : 2000 bichloride solution, and a piece of protective, a little longer and wider than the wound, is next dipped in a bichloride or carbolic solu- tion and placed over it. The use of this strip of protective over the wound is only important if it is desired to keep the wound moist, in order to obtain organization of the blood- clot, otherwise it need not be employed. Over this is laid the deep dressing, which consists of a pad of bichloride gauze from eight to sixteen layers in thickness, and large enough to overlap the wound two or three inches in all directions. This should be dipped in a 1 : 2000 bichloride solution, and wrung out as dry as possible before being applied. The superficial gauze-dressing is next applied, and consists of sixteen layers of gauze, which should be large enough to extend from three to six inches beyond the wound in all directions ; this gauze is applied dry. Over the superficial gauze-dressing there is next applied a number of layers of bichloride cotton, so arranged as to extend a little beyond the margin of the superficial gauze-dressing. These dressings are now secured in position by the application of a gauze-bandage, which is EMPLOYMENT OF ASEPTIC METHOD. 153 prevented from slipping by the introduction of a few safety-pins. Iodoform, carbolized, or any other variety of medicated gauze, may be used in the place of the bichloride gauze in this method of dressing. The dressings should be volu- minous ; it is a mistake to apply scanty dressings. The dressing being completed, the patient is moved from the operating-table to his bed, and care should be exercised to see that the dressings do not become soiled if the patient vomits upon coming up from the anes- thetic. In this method of dressing no mackintosh or rubber- tissue is employed, outside of the superficial gauze-dress- ing ; the discharges from the wound are disseminated through the dressing and become dry by evaporation, and the dressing forms an antiseptic scab which covers and surrounds the wound. Details of Operation in which the Aseptic Method is Employed. The patient having been prepared for operation and placed upon the table, the clothing is arranged so as to expose freely the part to be operated upon, which is washed with sterilized water, and the surrounding parts are protected by sterilized towels. The surgeon and assistants wash their hands in sterilized water and the operation is begun ; hemorrhage is controlled during the operation by haemo- static forceps, and the wound is kept free from blood by mopping it with sterilized sponges or pledgets of sterilized gauze. When the operation is completed, the vessels are tied and the haemostatic forceps are removed. The wound is next dried with gauze-pledgets, or, if for any reason the surgeon wishes to irrigate the wound, this may be done with warm sterilized water or warm sterilized salt- solution. The wound may next be closed by the intro- duction of deep and superficial sutures without the intro- duction of any material for drainage. If, however, the 154 MINOR SURGERY. wound be a deep one and the surgeon considers drainage advisable, a sterilized rubber drainage-tube may be intro- duced before the sutures are applied. The wound is next covered by a number of layers of dry sterilized gauze and by some layers of sterilized cotton, and the dressings are held in place by a sterilized gauze-bandage. Moist Method of Dressing. If, for any reason, it is desired to adopt the moist method of dressing, a piece of mackintosh or rubber- tissue larger than the superficial gauze-dressing is placed over it, and over this are placed a few layers of bichloride-cotton, care being taken to see that the layers of cotton overlap the mackintosh or rubber-tissue by a few inches; the application of an antiseptic gauze-bandage then completes the dressing. On the removal of this dressing the gauze will be generally found to be soaked with the discharges from the wound, and in a moist condition. The disad- vantage of this variety of dressing is that there is apt to be more irritation of the skin set up by the bichloride- gauze when kept moist than when applied in the manner of a dry dressing. KE APPLICATION OF DRESSINGS. The re-dressing of a wound which remains aseptic need not be made for some days ; if the temperature remains normal or a little above this point, and the patient exhibits no unfavorable constitutional symptoms, and the dressing is comfortable to the patient, it need not be disturbed for a week or ten days; at the expiration of this time it is well to examine the wound and to remove the drainage-tube if a drainage-tube has been used, and to remove a portion or all of the sutures if the superficial parts of the wound are firmly healed. In re-dressing an aseptic wound at the end of a week or ten days, to prevent any possible infection, as much REAPPLICATION OF DRESSINGS. 155 care should be exercised as in the original dressing of the wound. The patient's clothes should be removed so as freely to expose the dressing, and a rubber cloth should be placed under the patient so as to protect the bed, and the clothing and skin in the region of the wound should be protected by towels wrung out in a 1 : 1000 bichloride solution. The surgeon should wash his hands and im- merse them in a 1 : 1000 bichloride solution before re- moving the dressings. The bandage retaining the dressing should be divided with bandage-scissors and the gauze should be removed layer by layer, and when the deep dressing is removed care should be taken to see that the drainage-tubes are not pulled upon if they are adherent to the dressing ; the protective should next be removed, and the surface of the wound should be irrigated with a 1 : 2000 bichloride solution; the drainage-tubes should next be in- spected to see that they are free, and a stream of bichloride solution may be passed through them by means of a syringe. If the wound is found aseptic, the drainage-tube may be removed, and the wound should next be irrigated through its track by a stream of bichloride solution, or the irrigation of the drainage-tubes or of the sinuses left by their removal may be omitted. If the wound is healed, the sutures may be removed at this dressing ; but if the wound has been an extensive or deep one, it may be well to remove only a portion of the sutures ; if animal sutures have been employed, they need not be removed. The surface of the wound is next washed with a 1 : 2000 bichloride solution and a piece of protective is placed over the line of incision. The deep and superficial dressings are applied as previously described and covered with layers of bichloride-cotton, and the whole dressing is secured by the application of an antiseptic bandage. If the wound remains aseptic, the dressings need not be changed for a week or ten days, and at this time the wound will usu- ally be found healed, so that further dressings are not required. In the re-dressing of a wound in which the aseptic method was employed, the use of germicidal solutions is 156 MINOR SURGERY. , omitted, and the wound is re-dressed with sterilized gauze and cotton. If, however, the wound is not running the typical course of an aseptic wound, constitutional symptoms will be developed, as evidenced by a rise in the temperature and pulse-rate and other constitutional disturbances. In this event the wound should be re-dressed as soon as pos- sible, and if the cause of the disturbance can be found, it should be removed ; for instance, hemorrhage may have taken place into the wound, and the blood not being able to escape through the drainage-tubes may have caused so much distention of the wound that the vitality of the skin covering the wound is threatened, or the sutures may be found to be causing irritation, or suppuration may be found to be present. If, on exposure of the wound, it is found that it is dis- tended with blood-clots, and blood is escaping from the wound, the sutures should be removed, the clots should be turned out, and the bleeding vessel or vessels should be sought for and ligatured, and the wound, after a thorough irrigation with 1 : 2000 bichloride solution, should be drained and closed with sutures, and dressed as previously described. If, however, on exposure of the site of the operation, and upon the removal of a portion or all of the sutures, the wound is found distended with a blood-clot, and no evidence of hemorrhage at the time exists, or of suppura- tion in the wound, the clot may be allowed to remain in place, and the wound should be re-dressed as in the original dressing, trusting to the organization of the blood-clot if it has remained aseptic. If the patient's condition im- proves after the dressing, and the temperature and pulse- rate become normal, it is an indication that the wound is still aseptic, and it need not be re-dressed for some days. If, on the other hand, examination of the wound shows that the drainage is insufficient, or that the drainage-tubes are occluded by blood-clots, these should be removed by washing out the tubes with a 1 : 2000 bichloride solution by means of a syringe, and introducing additional drain- DRESSING OF SEPTIC WOUNDS. 157 age-tubes, if it is deemed necessary ; the wound should then be re-dressed. When it is found on examination of the wound that suppuration is present, the surgeon may adopt one of two methods of treatment : he may thoroughly wash out the wound through the drainage-tubes with a 1 : 2000 bichlo- ride solution, and after thorough irrigation of the wound re-dress it, and, if the patient's constitutional symptoms improve, he may be assured that the wound has been ren- dered aseptic, and is running an aseptic course. If he does uot feel that this method of treatment is sufficient, he may open the wound and wash it thoroughly with a 1 : 2000 bichloride solution, and next apply to its surface a 15- volume solution of the peroxide of hydrogen, which may be diluted with water one-third or one-half, or a 30-grain solution of chloride of zinc may be used ; and after this application a final irrigation with the 1 : 2000 bichloride solution shall be made, and it should then be drained, closed, and dressed, as previously described. If the treatment instituted to render the wound aseptic has been successful, the patient's constitutional condition will improve, and it will heal as an aseptic wound. Dressing of Septic Wounds. It often happens that patients suffering from wounds which have been improperly treated, or have had no treat- ment, come under the care of the surgeon ; such wounds are already infected, and to render them aseptic, if possi- ble, should be the first duty of the surgeon. The most important point in the treatment of infected wounds is to provide free drainage, and some surgeons depend upon this alone and do not attempt to destroy micro-organisms which are in the wound by the use of mechanical or germi- cidal agents. I think it wiser, however, to treat infected wounds in the following manner : The skin surrounding the wound should be carefully washed with spirits of tur- pentine, and then with soap and water, and finally with a 1 : 2000 bichloride solution. The wound itself should be 158 MINOR SURGERY. next exposed as fully as possible, and any foreign bodies which are found in it, or dirt, should be removed with forceps and a stream of water ; it should next be thoroughly irrigated with a 1 : 2000 bichloride solution, and then should be drained, closed, and dressed as an operation wound. If suppuration is already present, after cleansing the region surrounding the wound, it should be washed with peroxide of hydrogen and then irrigated with a 1 : 2000 bichloride solution. If gangrenous tissues are present in the wound, they should be removed w 7 ith the scissors and curette, and, if it is found impossible to remove all infected tissue in this manner, the affected parts should be touched with a 30-grain solution of chloride of zinc applied by means of a swab, and the wound should be finally irri- gated with a 1 : 2000 bichloride solution. The wound should then be wiped dry with gauze and dusted with iodoform. The introduction of drainage-tubes and sutures will depend upon the character of the wound. Sutures cannot often be used with advantage if much retraction of the skin has occurred, and a drainage-tube is not required if the wound is left open. The wound should next be loosely packed with strips of iodoform gauze and covered with a few layers of iodoform gauze, and the deep gauze dressing, wrung out in a 1 : 2000 bichloride solution, is applied over this, and the superficial gauze dressing and bichloride cotton are next applied and secured by a bandage. Infected wounds which are treated in this manner will often be rendered aseptic, and in their subsequent course will be perfectly satisfactory, both to the patient and to the surgeon. Materials Used in Surgical Dressings— Continued. Lint. This material is employed in surgical dressings, and is of two varieties : the domestic lint, which consists of pieces OAKUM. 159 of old linen or muslin which have been thoroughly washed or boiled and then dried, or the surgical lint which is manufactured by machinery, and resembles Canton flannel in appearance ; the latter is the best material, as it has a greater absorbing capacity. Lint is used as a material on which unctuous prepara- tions are spread in the dressing of wounds, and is also employed as a material for saturating with the various solutions which are used in wet dressings, such as lead- water and laudanum, or dilute alcohol ; the lint, after being saturated with these solutions, is covered with rub- ber tissue or oiled silk when applied, to prevent too rapid evaporation of the solution. It is also one of the best materials from which to construct compresses employed in the treatment of fractures, to control hemorrhage, or to make pressure for any purpose. Paper-lint, made from old rags or wood pulp, has great absorbing power for fluids, and may be used as a substi- tute for surgical lint in the application of wet dressings to surfaces when the skin is unbroken. Oakum. This material, made from old tarred rope, was formerly much employed in the dressing of wounds before the intro- duction of the antiseptic method of wound-treatment ; it was supposed to possess some antiseptic properties due to the tar with which it was impregnated. From its elas- ticity it is found to be an excellent material for padding splints or other surgical appliances. It is also employed in the form of pads to place under patients to relieve por- tions of the body from pressure, or to absorb discharges which soak through the dressings. A mass of oakum which has been well teased out and wrapped in a towel forms an excellent pillow on which to support a stump. The oakum seton is highly recommended by Dr. Sayre as a means of making a direct application of ointments to sinuses of bone ; the oakum is loosely twisted into a cord and covered with any ointment desired and is passed 160 MINOR SURGERY. through the sinuses in the bone ; the position of the seton is changed from time to time, fresh ointment being applied before it is drawn through ; resin cerate is a favorite application to these sinuses made in this manner. Cotton. Cotton is now employed in surgical dressings principally as a material to pad splints or to relieve salient parts of the skeleton from pressure in the application of splints or bandages; for instance, in the application of the plaster- of- Paris bandage, the bony prominences are generally covered by small masses of cotton ; it possesses but little absorbent power unless used in the form of absorbent cot- ton, and is not much employed in surgical dressings except for the purposes mentioned above. Absorbent Cotton. This material is prepared from ordinary cotton, which is boiled with a strong alkali to remove the oily matter which it contains. When so prepared it absorbs liquids freely, and by reason of its great absorbing capacity it is largely employed in surgical dressings. A small mass of absorbent cotton wrapped upon the end of a probe or stick is now generally employed to make applications to wounds, and has taken the place of the sponge or brush which was formerly employed for this purpose. On account of its cheapness, after one application it can be thrown away and a new piece can be used, and thus the danger of car- rying infection from one wound to another by the appli- cator is abolished. It is largely employed in gyneco- logical practice for making applications to the female genital organs. It may be impregnated with various antiseptic sub- stances, such as the bichloride of mercury, carbolic acid, boric acid, and salicylic acid, and when thus treated forms the bichloride, carbolized, borated, and salicylated cotton so much employed in antiseptic dressings. RUBBER TISSUE. 161 Jute. This substance is made from the fibre of the Corchorus capsularis, which, on account of the character of its fibre, possesses both elasticity and absorbing qualities ; it has been employed for much the same purposes as oakum and cotton, such as the padding of splints, etc., and is also used as an external absorbing dressing. Wood-wool. AVood-wool made from wood-pulp, such as is employed in the manufacture of paper, is also furnished in the shape of lint, sponges, and pads, and may be used for the same purposes as the ordinary surgical lint. Oiled Silk or Muslin. These materials are employed as an external covering for moist dressings to prevent rapid evaporation from the dressings ; they form excellent materials for this purpose, but as they are quite expensive their use is limited. Waxed or Paraffin Paper. This dressing is prepared by passing sheets of tissue- paper through melted wax or paraffin, and then allowing them to dry for a few minutes. Paper thus treated forms an excellent and cheap substitute for oiled silk or muslin, and may be employed for the same purpose for which the latter materials are used. Rubber TrssuE. This material, which is prepared by rubber manufac- turers, consists of rubber run out into very thin sheets. It has a glazed surface, is very pliable and at the same time strong, forming, therefore, a cheap and satisfactory substitute for oiled silk, and is employed for the same purposes. In the moist method of antiseptic dressing it 162 MINOR SURGERY. may be used in place of the mackintosh, and indeed I prefer it to the latter in this method of dressing. Parchment Paper. This paper is prepared so as to render it water-proof ; it is employed in surgical dressings for the same purposes as oiled silk and rubber tissue. Compresses. Compresses are prepared by folding pieces of lint, muslin, linen, or flannel upon themselves, so as to form firm masses of variable sizes ; oakum or cotton may also be used to form compresses. Compresses are employed to make pressure over localized portions of the body, as in the treatment of fractures, or to make pressure upon vessels for the control of hemorrhage. Tampon. A tampon is a form of compress which is employed in cavities to make pressure, to control hemorrhage, or to apply various medicines to the surface of the cavity. Tampons used to control hemorrhage are generally made of strips of bichloride or iodoform gauze or of pledgets of bichloride cotton. In applying these, the strips of cotton are packed into the cavity, and when the cavity is full a compress is applied superficially and held in place by a bandage. The application of a tampon to the vagina is a favorite method of controlling uterine hemorrhage. A glycerin tampon, made by pouring half an ounce of glycerin on a piece of cotton or wool, and then turning up the ends and securing them by a string, one end of which is allowed to remain long enough to hang from the vagina, to facilitate its removal ; it is a favorite application to the os uteri. Tent. This consists of a small portion of lint, oakum, or muslin rolled up into a conical shape, which is employed RETRACTORS. 163 to keep wounds open and to facilitate discharges. This dressing is not much employed at the present time, its use being largely superseded by the drainage tube. Retractors. Retractors are made by taking a piece of muslin four inches wide and twelve to eighteen inches in length and Fig. 103. Fig 104. Two-tailed retractor. Three-tailed retractor. splitting it as far as the centre, thus making a hvo-tailed retractor. (Fig. 103.) A three-tailed retractor is made in the same way, except that the muslin is slit twice instead of once. (Fig. 104.) Retractors are used to retract the soft parts in amputation, to prevent their injury by the saw in the division of the bones. When one bone is sawed a two- 164 MINOR SURGERY. tailed retractor is used, and when two bones are sawed a three tailed retractor is employed. Plasters. The varieties of plaster which are most commonly em- ployed in surgical dressings are adhesive or resin plaster y isinglass plaster and rubber adhesive plaster. Resin Plaster. — This plaster, which is machine-spread, is one of the most widely employed plasters in surgical dressings ; the spread surface is covered with a layer of tissue paper, which should be removed before it is used ; it is cut into strips of the required width and length, and the strips should be cut lengthwise from the roll of plaster, as the cloth upon which it is spread stretches more trans- versely than in a longitudinal direction. When heated and applied to the surface it holds firmly; it is prepared for application by applying the unspread side to a vessel containing hot water, or it may be passed rapidly through the flame of an alcohol lamp. This is the variety of plaster which is generally used in making the extension-apparatus for the treatment of frac- tures, for strapping the chest in fractures of the ribs and sternum, for strapping the pelvis in cases of fractures of the pelvic bones, or for strapping the breast, the testicle, ulcers, or joints. Swan's-down Plaster. — This plaster is much the same as resin plaster, but is spread upon a heavier material, and is an excellent plaster to use for an extension-apparatus, where it is to be worn for a long time. Rubber Adhesive Plaster. — This plaster is made by spreading a preparation of India-rubber on muslin, and has the advantage over the ordinary resiu plaster that it adheres without the application of heat. It is employed for the same purpose as resin plaster, but when applied continuously to the skin it is apt to produce a certain amount of irritation, and for this reason when it is to be continuously applied for some time, as in the case of an PL AS TEES. 165 extension-apparatus, it is not so comfortable a dressing as that made from resin plaster. Isinglass Plaster. — This plaster is made by spreading a solution of isinglass upon silk or muslin, and it has been found a most useful dressing in the treatment of superficial wounds. It is made to adhere to the surface by moisten- ing it, and when used in the treatment of wounds it should be moistened with an antiseptic solution ; it is in this way rendered aseptic, and may be used with safety in connec- tion with other antiseptic dressings. The best variety of this plaster is spread on muslin, and when properly ap- plied adheres as firmly and possesses as much strength as the ordinary resin plaster. Before using any of these plasters upon parts which contain hairs, the latter should be removed by shaving, otherwise traction upon them, if the plaster be used for the purpose of extension, will cause the patient discomfort, and unnecessary pain will also be inflicted at the time of its removal. Soap Plaster. — Soap plaster for surgical purposes is prepared by spreading emplastrum saponis upon kid or chamois. It is not employed for the same purposes as the resin or rubber plaster, as it has little adhesive power, and is used simply to give support to parts or to protect salient portions of the skeleton from pressure. It is found to be a most useful dressing when applied over the sacrum in cases of threatened bedsores, and may be applied for the same purpose to other parts of the body where pressure- sores are apt to occur. In the treatment of sprains of joints a well-moulded soap-plaster splint secured by a bandage will often be found a most efficient dressing, and in the treatment of fractures the comfort of the patient is often materially increased by applying small pieces of soap plaster over the bony prominences, upon which the splints, even when well padded, are apt to make an undue amount of pressure. Strapping, or applying pressure to parts by means of strips of plaster firmly applied, is a procedure often em- ployed in surgical practice. 8* 166 MINOR SURGERY. Stkapping the Testicle. In strapping the testicle strips of resin plaster are usu- ally employed ; a dozen or more strips one half an inch wide and twelve inches in length will be required. The scrotum, should be first washed and shaved, and the surgeon next draws the skin over the affected organ tense by passing the thumb and finger around the scrotum at its upper portion, making circular constriction ; a strip of plaster which has been heated is passed in a circular man- ner around the skin of the scrotum above the organ, and is tightly drawn and secured ; this isolates the part and prevents the other strips from slipping. Strips are now applied in a longitudinal direction, the first strip being fastened to the circular strip and carried over the most Fig. 105. 4fy Strapping the testicle. (Smith.) prominent part of the testicle, and is then carried back to the circular strip and fastened. A number of these strips are applied in an imbricated manner until the skin is covered (Fig. 105), and the dressing is completed by pass- ing transverse strips around the testicle from its lowest portion to the circular strip ; care should be taken to see that no portion of the skin is left uncovered. Strapping the testicle is employed with advantage in the subacute stage of orchitis or epididymitis, as the swelling of the testicle diminishes the strips become loose, and the part will require re-strapping. It will also be found a useful means of applying pressure to the scrotum after the injection-treatment of hydrocele. STRAPPING OF THE CHEST 167 Strapping the Breast. To strap the breast, strips of resin plaster two inches wide and long enough to pass from the opposite shoulder under the breast to the point of starting are required. In applying the strips the end of the strip is placed on the spine of the scapula of the side opposite the diseased breast and is carried forward over the shoulder and obliquely downward under the breast and axilla, and then over the back to the point of starting; the first strip being applied in this manner, the next one is applied in the same direc- tion overlapping about one- third of the previous strip (Fig. 106). These oblique strips are applied in an im- bricated manner until a suf- ficient number have been used to cover in the breast, or the oblique strips may be alternated with circular strips pa-sing from the ster- num over the breast to the spine. A sufficient number of strips are used to cover the breast and to make firm compression upon it. Strap- ping of the breast in this manner will be found a satis- factory method of treatment in chronic inflammatory con- ditions of the breast, w T here it is of advantage to support the breast and make compression at the same time ; it has the advantage over the use of a bandage to support and compress the breast, that it does not interfere with the chest- motions upon the opposite side of the body. Strapping the breast. (Smith.) Strapping of the Chest. To strap one-half of the chest, strips of resin plaster two and a half inches wide, and long enough to extend from the spine to the median line of the sternum, are required — 168 MINOR SURGERY. eighteen to twenty inches in length. The first strip is heated and one extremity is placed upon the spine opposite the lower portion of the chest ; it is then carried over the chest and its other extremity is fixed upon the skin in the median line of the sternum. Strips are next applied from below upward in the same manner, each strip overlapping one-third of the preceding one, FlG - 107 - until the axillary fold is reached (Fig. 107) ; a second layer of strips may be applied over the first, if additional fixation is desired, or a few oblique strips may be em- ployed. Adhesive straps applied in this manner very materially limit the motion of the chest-wall upon the affected side, and are frequently strapping the chest. empl oy ed in the treatment of frac- tures and dislocations of the ribs, in contusions of the chest, and in cases of plastic pleurisy when the. motions of the chest walls are extremely painful to the patient. Strapping of Ulcers. To strap ulcers of the leg, strips of resin plaster one and a half inches wide, and long enough to extend two thirds around the limb, are required. The ulcer should be thor- oughly cleansed, and the skin surrounding it should be well dried ; the first strip, being heated, is applied trans- versely to the long axis of the leg about two inches below the ulcer, and is carried two-thirds around the limb ; an- other strip is applied to a corresponding point of the skin above this one, so that it overlaps one-third of the first applied strip, and it is carried two-thirds of the way around the limb. Additional strips are thus applied until the ulcer is covered in, and the strips are carried several inches above the ulcer (Fig. 108). Care should be taken to see that the strips are so applied as not to meet or STRAPPING OF ULCERS. 169 cover the entire circumference of the limb, as by so doing injurious circular compression may result. Chronic ulcers upon other portions of the body may be strapped in the same manner. Fig. 108, Strapping of ulcer of leg. Strapping of leg ulcers is usually reinforced by the applications of a firmly applied spiral reversed or spica bandage of the lower extremity. Strapping of ulcers of the leg applied in the manner described will be found a most satisfactory method of treating chronic ulcers in this location in patients who have to work during the course of treatment; the strips 170 MINOR SURGERY. need only be removed at intervals of a week, and, if well applied, the dressing is generally a comfortable one to the patient. Strapping of Joints. Strips of resin plaster two inches in width and long enough to extend two-thirds around the joint are required. The first strip is applied a few inches below the joint, and strips are then applied over this, each strip covering in two-thirds of the preceding one until the joint is covered in and the dressing extends a few inches above the joint. The ankle-joint is strapped by taking strips of resin plaster one inch in width ; the first strip is placed over the heel, and its ends are brought forward until they meet over the dorsum of the foot ; a second strip encircles the foot and secures the ends of the first strip. These strips are alternately applied, each strip covering one-half of the previous one until the foot and ankle are covered. Strapping of joints will be found a satisfactory dressing in the treatment of sprains of joints in their acute or chronic state. Strapping of a Carbuncle. To strap a carbuncle strips of resin plaster one to one and a half inches in width are required ; these strips are applied at the margin of the swelling and are laid on con- centrically until all except the central portion is covered. If a number of openings exist, the strips are so placed as not to cover these. Strapping applied in this manner in the treatment of carbuncle is often a comfortable dressing for the patient, and at the same time the concentric pressure favors the extrusion of the slough. Poultices. This form of dressing was formerly much employed in the treatment of inflammatory conditions and injuries as a POULTICES. 171 means of applying heat and moisture to the part at the same time, and although the use of poultices is now very much restricted since the introduction of the antiseptic method of wound-treatment, yet I think there are still conditions in which their employment is both useful and judicious. They are often employed with advantage in inflammatory affections of the chest and of the abdominal organs, and in inflammatory affections of the joints and of bone, com- bined with rest, their action is most often satisfactory ; in cases of gangrene their employment hastens the separation of the sloughs. They constitute a form of dressing which is conducive to the comfort of the patient in cases of deep suppura- tion by their relaxing effect upon the tissues, and their previous use does not prevent the surgeon from using all antiseptic precautions in the opening and drainage of these abscesses and the employment of antiseptic dressings in their subsequent treatment. Flaxseed Poultice. This poultice is prepared by adding first a little cold water to ground flaxseed and then adding boiling water, and stirring it in until the resulting mixture is of the con- sistency of thick mush. A piece of muslin is next taken which is a little larger than the intended poultice, and this is laid upon the surface of a table and the poultice- mass is spread evenly upon it with a spatula or knife from one-quarter to one-half an inch in thickness ; a margin of the muslin of one or one and a half inches is left, which is turned over after the poultice is spread, and serves to prevent it from escaping around the edges when applied. The surface of the poultice may be thinly spread over with a little olive oil, or may be covered with a layer of thin gauze to prevent the mass from adhering to the skin. It is now applied to the surface of the skin and is cov- ered with a piece of oiled silk, rubber tissue, or waxed paper, and held in position by a bandage or a binder. 172 MINOR SURGERY. Bread Poultice. This poultice is prepared from stale wheaten bread, the crusts being discarded and the crumb only being used ; this is moistened with boiling water and allowed to soak for a lew minutes, when the excess of water is poured off and the mass is spread upon a piece of muslin or linen, as before described. Starch Poultice. This poultice is prepared by mixing starch with cold water until a smooth, creamy fluid results; boiling water is then added, and it is heated until it becomes clear and has about the same consistency as the starch used for laundry purposes. When sufficiently cool it is spread upon muslin, applied to the part, and covered with oiled silk or waxed paper. This variety of poultice is princi- pally useful in the treatment of diseases of the skin, espe- cially those of the scalp accompanied by the formation of scabs or crusts, to facilitate their removal and to afford a clean surface for the application of ointments or wet dressings. Charcoal Poultice. In preparing this poultice flaxseed-meal and powdered charcoal in equal parts are mixed together, and by adding boiling water a poultice-mass is produced, which is spread upon muslin, as previously detailed. It is better to use animal charcoal in making this poultice, as it possesses greater disinfecting power than vegetable charcoal. This poultice was formerly used as an application to gangrenous parts, as it possesses marked disinfecting properties. Fermenting Poultice. This poultice may be prepared by adding yeast, two tablespoon fuls, to a mixture of flaxseed with hot w^ater, making a thin poultice-mass, and allowing it to stand for a few hours in a warm place; it rises and becomes light, and is then spread upon muslin and applied as required. HOT FOMENT A TIONS. 173 A few ounces of porter or a piece of yeast-cake may be used as a substitute for the yeast in preparing this poultice ; charcoal may also be added to it to increase its disinfectant power. This poultice was formerly and is still used as an application to gangrenous parts to hasten their separation and to diminish the odor arising from the necrosed tissues. Oakum Poultice. This is prepared by soaking a mass of loosely picked oakum in hot water, wringing it out and covering it with a layer of cheese-cloth or antiseptic gauze. It is next applied to the part and covered with oiled silk or rubber tissue, which may be held in place by a bandage. Such a dressing will absord a considerable amount of discharge. Before application it may be wrung out in a warm bichloride solution or carbolic solution, and thus form an antiseptic poultice. Hot Fomentations. Hot fomentations are employed to keep up the vitality of parts which have been subjected to injury, as seen in severe contusions resulting from railway or machinery accidents; also to combat inflammatory action. Flannel cloths, several layers in thickness, or surgical lint should be soaked in water having a temperature of 120° ; these are wrung out, placed over the part, and covered with waxed paper or rubber tissue; a second cloth should be placed in the hot water, ready to apply as soon as the first-applied cloth begins to cool, and so by continuously reapplying them the part is kept constantly covered by a hot dressing. The use of these hot fomentations may in many cases require to be continued for hours before the desired result is obtained. Hot compresses applied in this manner are fre- quently employed in treating inflammatory conditions of the eye, and are also of the greatest service in keeping up the vitality of parts which have been subjected to severe 174 MINOR SURGERY. injury interfering with their blood-supply. I have seen contused limbs, which were cold and seemed to be doomed to gangrene by reason of diminished blood-supply, have their temperature and circulation restored by the patient and persistent use of this dressing. After the vitality of such a part is restored it should be covered with cotton and a flannel bandage and surrounded by hot- water bags or hot- water cans. Irrigation. This may be accomplished by allowing the irrigating fluid to come in contact with the wound or inflamed part, immediate irrigation, or by allowing the cold or warm Fig. 109. Apparatus for continuous irrigation. (Esmakch.) IRRIGATION. 175 fluids to pass through rubber tubes which are in contact with or surround the part ; the latter method is known as mediate irrigation. Immediate Irrigation. In employing immediate irrigation in the treatment of wounds or in inflammatory conditions, a funnel-shaped can with a stop-cock at the bottom, or a bucket, is sus- pended over the part at a distance of a few inches (Fig. 109), or a jar with a skein of thread or lamp-wick ar- ranged to act as a siphon may be employed. (Fig. 110.) Fig. 110. Irrigating-apparatus. (Erichsen. ) The can or jar is filled with water, and this is allowed to fall drop by drop upon the part to be irrigated, which should be placed upon a piece of rubber sheeting so arranged as to allow the water to run off into a receptacle so as to prevent the wetting of the patient's bed. The water employed may be either cold or warm, in accord- ance with the indications in special cases. If it is de- sired to make use of antiseptic irrigation, the water is impregnated with carbolic acid or bichloride of mercury ; a 1 : 5000 to 1 : 10,000 bichloride solution, or a 1 : 60 carbolic acid solution, being frequently employed with good results. 176 MINOR SURGERY. Antiseptic irrigation employed in this manner will be found a most useful method of treating lacerated and con- tused wounds of the extremities in which the vitality of the tissues is much impaired ; and in such cases warm water should be preferred to cool water, the temperature being from 100° to 110°. Under the use of warm irrigation it is surprising to see how tissues apparently devitalized regain their vitality ; the absence of tension from the non-introduction of sutures and firm dressings, and the warmth and moisture kept constantly in contact with the wound by this method of irrigation, are the important factors in the attainment of this favorable result. Mediate Irrigation. In this method of irrigation cold or warmth is applied to the surface by means of cold or warm water passing through a rubber tube in contact with the part. A flexible Fig. 111. Cold coil applied to arm. (Esmarch.) COLD-WATER DRESSINGS. 177 tube of India-rubber half an inch in diameter, with thin walls, and sixteen or twenty feet in length, is applied to the limb like a spiral bandage, or is applied in a coil to the head, breast, or joints, and held in place by a few turns of a bandage ; the end of the tube is attached to a reser- voir filled with cold or warm water above the level of the patient's body, and the water is allowed to flow constantly through the tubing and escape into a receptacle arranged to receive it. (Fig. 111.) Cold-water Dressings. These dressings are applied by bringing the cold water either directly in contact with the part or by applying it by means of a rubber bag or bladder. The temperature of the water may vary from cool water to that of ice- water. These dressings are employed in local inflammatory conditions ; a favorite method for the employment of this dressing is by means of cold compresses, which are made of a few layers of surgical lint, dipped in water of the desired temperature and applied to the part ; they are re- newed as soon as they become warm. When it is desirable to have the compresses very cold, they may be laid upon a block of ice or in a basin with broken ice ; to obtain the best results from their employment they should be renewed at very short intervals. A convenient method of applying cold without moisture is by the use of the ice-bag. This is either a rubber bag or bladder, which is filled with broken ice and applied to the part. In using an ice-bag it is better to cover the part first with a towel or a few layers of lint or muslin, which prevents the surface from becoming wet by absorbing the moisture which condenses upon the surface of the bag or bladder, and thus renders the dressing more comfortable to the patient. The ice-bag is often employed as an ap- plication to the head in inflammatory conditions of the brain or membranes, and is also used upon the surface of the body to control internal hemorrhage. 178 MINOR SURGERY. Counter-irritation. Counter-irritants are substances employed to excite ex- ternal irritation, and the extent of their action varies according to the material used and the duration of their application ; superficial redness or complete destruction of the vitality of the parts to which they are applied may result. The use of counter-irritants under favorable circum- stances is found to have a decided effect in modifying morbid processes, and they are widely employed as local revulsants in cases of congestion or inflammation, and in cases of collapse for their stimulating effect. Rubefacients. These agents, by reason of their irritating properties when applied to the skin, produce intense redness and congestion. Hot Water. — When it is desired to make a prompt im- pression upon the skin, the application of muslin or flannel cloths wrung out in hot water and renewed as rapidly as they become cool will soon produce a superficial redness of the integument. Spirits of Turpentine. — This drug applied to the skin is a very active counter-irritant ; it may be rubbed upon the surface of the skin until redness results. When used upon patients whose skin is very delicate its action may be modified by mixing it with equal parts of olive oil before applying it; this will be found a useful precaution in applying it as a rubefacient to the tender skins of young children. When redness of the skin has resulted from the appli- cation, the skin should be wiped dry by means of a soft towel „or absorbent cotton to remove any turpentine from the surface, which by its continued contact may cause vesication. Turpentine is often employed as a rubefacient in the form of the turpentine stupe, which is prepared by sprink- R UBEFA CI E NTS. 179 ling spirits of turpentine over flannel cloths which have been wrung out in hot water, or by dipping hot flannel in warm spirits of turpentine ; prepared in either way the stupe should be squeezed as dry as possible to remove the excess of turpentine before being applied to the surface of the body. A turpentine stupe may cause vesication if allowed to remain for too long a time in contact with the skin ; its application for from five to ten minutes will usually produce the desired effect ; it should be removed after this time, and it can be reapplied if desired. If the patient complains of severe burning of the skin after the use of turpentine, the painful surface should be freely smeared with vaseline or lard, which will relieve the uncomfortable symptom. Chloroform. — A few drops of chloroform applied to the surface of the body by means of a piece of lint, muslin, or flannel, and covered by oiled silk or rubber tissue, will excite a rapid rubefacient effect. 3fustard. — Ground mustard or mustard flour prepared from either Sinapis alba or Sinapis nigra is one of the most commonly used substances to produce rubefacient action. It is generally employed in the form of the mustard plaster or sinapism, which is prepared by mixing equal parts of mustard flour with wheat flour or flaxseed meal, and add- ing to this enough warm water to make a thick paste ; this is spread upon a piece of old muslin, and the surface of the paste should be covered with some thin material, such as gauze, to prevent the paste from adhering to the skin. In making a mustard plaster for application to the tender skin of a child, 1 part of mustard flour should be mixed with 3 parts of wheat flour or flaxseed meal. A mustard plaster or sinapism may be allowed to remain in contact with the skin for a period varying from fifteen to thirty minutes, the time being governed by the sensa- tions of the patient ; if it is allowed to remain longer, it may cause vesication, which is to be avoided, as ulcers produced by mustard are very painful and extremely slow in healing. After removing a sinapism the irritated sur- face of the skin should be dressed with a piece of muslin 180 MINOR SURGERY. or lint spread with vaseline, boric acid or oxide of zinc ointment. To excite a rapid revulsive action the mustard foot-bath is often employed ; it is prepared by adding two or three tablespoonfuls of mustard flour to a bucket or foot-tub of water at a temperature of 100° to 110°; in this the patient is allowed to soak his feet for a few minutes. Mustard Papers — Charta Sinapis, which can be obtained in the shops ready for use, are a convenient means of obtaining the rubefacient action of mustard. They are dipped in warm water, and as they are generally very strong, it is well to place a layer of muslin between the surface of the plaster and the skin before applying it to the surface. Capsicum or Cayenne pepper is" also sometimes employed as a rubefacient, but it is generally employed in combina- tion with spices, forming the well-known spice plaster ; this is prepared by taking equal parts of ground ginger, cloves, cinnamon, and allspice, and adding to them one- fourth part of Cayenne pepper ; these are thoroughly mixed, enclosed in a flannel bag, and evenly distributed ; a few stitches should be passed through the bag at differ- ent points, to prevent the powder from shifting its posi- tion ; before applying it, one side of the bag should be wet with warm whiskey or alcohol. Capsine plasters are also employed to obtain the rubefacient effect of Cayenne pepper. Aqua ammonia may also be employed for its rubefacient action. A piece of lint saturated with the stronger water of ammonia, placed upon the skiri and covered with waxed paper, and allowed to remain for one or two minutes, will produce a marked rubefacient effect. Paquelin's Cautery. — By rapidly stroking the surface of the skin with the point or button of Paquelin's cautery at a black heat a marked counter-irritant action may be produced. Nitrate of silver, in a strong solution or in the form of the solid stick, may be applied to the surface of the skin to produce a counter-irritant effect. Nitrate of silver ap- VESICANTS. 181 plied by drawing the moist stick across the skin of the scrotum at a number of points, was formerly a popular form of treatment for acute epididymitis. Caution should be exercised in applying counter-irri- tants to patients w T ho are comatose or under the influence of a narcotic, for here the sensations of a patient cannot be used as a guide to their removal, and their too long con- tinued application when the vitality of the tissues is im- paired may result in serious consequences. Vesicants. Where it is desirable to make a more permanent counter- irritant effect than that produced by rubefacients, sub- stances are employed which by their action on the skin cause an effusion of serum, or of serum and lymph, beneath the cuticle, thus giving rise to vesicles or blisters ; they are known as vesicants. The substance most commonly employed to produce vesication is Cantharis, or Spanish fly, and the prepara- tion commonly used is the Ceratum cantharidis, which is spread upon adhesive plaster, leaving a margin one-half an inch in width uncovered, which will adhere to the skin and hold the blister in position. The time required for a fly blister to produce vesication is from four to six hours; it should then be removed and the surface should be cov- ered w T ith a flaxseed-meal poultice, or with a warm-w-ater dressing. When the blister or vesicle is well developed, it may be punctured at its most dependent part to allow the serum to escape, and it should be dressed with vaseline or boric ointment. If for any reason it is desired to keep up continued irritation, after allowing the serum to escape, the cuticle should be cut away and the raw surface should be dressed with some stimulating material, such as the compound resin cerate. Cantharidal Collodion may also be employed to produce vesication ; it is applied by painting several layers upon the skin with a brush over the part on which the blister 9 182 MINOR SURGERY. is to be produced. It is a convenient preparation to use when the patient would disturb the ordinary blister, as in the case of a child or an insane patient, or where the surface is so irregular that the ordinary blister cannot be well applied. The after-treatment of blisters produced by canthariclal collodion is similar to that previously described. In the treatment of chronic inflammation it is often better to apply a number of small blisters at intervals than one large blister producing an extensive vesication of the surface. Caution should be observed in using blisters upon the tender skins of children ; if employed, they should be allowed to remain in contact with the skin for a short time only. They are contraindicated in patients in whom the vitality of the tissues is depressed by adynamic dis- eases, and in aged persons. A complication which sometimes occurs from the use of cantharidal preparations as blisters is strangury, which is shown by frequent and painful micturition, the urine often containing blood. This accident should be treated by the use of opium and belladonna by suppository, demulcent drinks, and warm sitz-baths, and by leeches to the peri- neum if the symptoms are very severe. To avoid the development of strangury small blisters should be employed, and should not be allowed to remain too long in contact with the surface, and cantharidal prepa- rations should not be employed in cases where renal or vesical irritation has existed or is present. It is said that strangury may also be avoided by incorporating opium and camphor with the cantharidal cerate. Aqua ammonia fortior and chloroform may be employed to produce rapid vesication, a few drops being placed upon the surface of the body and covered by an inverted watch- glass for a few minutes, or lint saturated with aqua am- monia or chloroform may be placed upon the skin and covered with waxed paper or oiled silk. Either of these agents applied in this manner, and allowed to remain in contact with the skin for fifteen minutes, will produce marked vesication. The blisters resulting from these ACUPUNCTURE. 183 agents are painful, and they are only to be used where a rapid result is desired. Acupuncture. Counter-irritation is effected by this method by thrust- ing steel needles deeply into the subcutaneous tissues. The needles employed should be of steel, from two to four inches in length, strong, highly polished, and sharp-pointed, and should have round metallic heads or be fixed in handles. (Fig. 112.) Before being used they should be allowed to remain for a few minutes in boiling water or in a car- bolized solution to sterilize them thoroughly. In perform- ing the operation of acupuncture, local- ities containing important organs, large fig. 112. bloodvessels, the joints and viscera, should be avoided. When introduced the needles should be passed through the skin with a rotary motion, the skin being rendered tense between the thumb and fingers, and pushed into the deep- seated structures. They are allowed to remain in position for a few moments and are then withdrawn, the skin being supported by the thumb and fingers. Acupuncture has been found of ser- vice in cases of deep-seated neuralgia, obstinate rheumatic affections, and sci- atica. Issues. Q Acupuncture needles. Issues are ulcers made intentionally by the application of caustics, the moxa, or the knife. They are not often em- ployed at the present time, but were formerly a popular means of causing long-continued counter-irritation. In making an issue, a region was selected where the subcuta- neous cellular tissue was abundant, and which was free from large bloodvessels and nerves, and not near the 184 MINOR SURGERY. joints. The plan usually adopted was to apply over the surface of the skin a piece of adhesive plaster perforated in the centre. A small piece of caustic potash or Vienna caustic, mixed with water to make it a paste, was placed in the hole in the adhesive plaster, and held in position by a strip of adhesive plaster. In one or two hours the plaster should be removed and the part should be washed with dilute acid to prevent further action of the caustic ; a poultice of flaxseed should next be applied, to hasten the separation of the slough. The ulcer remaining after the removal of the slough may be kept from healing by intro- ducing into it a small wooden ball known as an issue pea, or a glass bead or pebble held in place by a compress and adhesive strap. The Moxa was formerly used to make an issue ; it con- sisted of a small mass of some combustible material, such as punk, cotton, or lint, rolled into pyramidal fig. 113. shape, which was placed upon the surface of the body and ignited so as to produce an eschar upon the skin. To facilitate the appli- cation of the moxa an instrument called the porte-moxa (Fig. 113) is employed. The treatment of the eschar resulting from the moxa is the same as that resulting from the use of caustic potash. The knife was also employed to establish an issue, a crucial incision being made through the skin and cellular tissues into the deep tissues ; the objection to the use of the knife in forming an issue was the difficulty in pre- venting the wound from healing. Porte-moxa. The Seton. — A seton is a subcutaneous sinus, or an issue with two openings upon the surface, which is prevented from healing by the introduc- tion of a foreign body. It is established by introducing a few strands of silk, a narrow strip of linen, or a rubber ligature, by means of a seton-needle (Fig. 114), or by means of a sharp-pointed bistoury and an eyed probe. The seton-needle should be passed deeply into the super- SETON. 185 ficial fascia, care being taken to avoid important veins and nerves. A seton may also be established by pinching up a fold of skin and transfixing its base with a narrow, sharp-pointed Fig. 114. Seton-needle. bistoury (Fig. 115), and passing through the wound thus made an eyed probe armed with a few strands of silk, a strip of muslin, or an elastic ligature ; the probe is then removed and the ends loosely tied together. The wound Fig. 115. Method of forming a seton. should be dressed, and at each change of the dressing the strip should be removed, or it may be smeared with some stimulating ointment, which can thus be brought in con- tact with the granulating surface by drawing it through the wound. 186 MINOR SURGERY. Actual Cautery. This method of counter-irritation is accomplished by bringing in contact with the skin some metallic substance brought to a high degree of temperature. This constitutes one of the most powerful means of counter-irritation and revulsion ; it is rapid in its action, and is not more painful than some of the slower methods. The cauteries generally employed are made of iron, and are fixed in handles of wood or other non-conducting material, and have their extremities fashioned in a variety of shapes (Fig. 116). The irons are heated by placing their extremities in an ordinary fire, or by holding them in the flame of a spirit- Fig. 116. Cautery irons. lamp until they are heated to the desired point, either a white or a dull-red heat. They are then applied to the surface of the skin at one point, or drawn over the skin in lines either parallel to or crossing one another. The intense burning which follows the use of the cautery may be allayed by placing upon the cautery-marks compresses wrung out in ice- water or saturated with equal parts of lime-water and sweet oil. Where the ordinary cautery irons are not at hand, a steel knitting-needle or iron poker heated in the flame of a spirit-lamp or in a fire may be employed with equally satisfactory results. Where the cautery iron is held in PAQUELIN'S THERMO-CAUTERY. 187 contact with the surface for some time to make a deep burn, the pain of its application may be allayed by placing a mixture of salt and cracked ice upon the spot to be cauterized for a few minutes immediately before its appli- cation. The cautery iron should not be placed over the skin covering salient parts of the skeleton or over impor- tant organs. The actual cautery thus applied, in addition to its use in producing counter-irritation and revulsion, is often employed to control hemorrhage and to destroy morbid growths. Paquelin's Thermocautery. A very convenient and efficient means of using the thermo-cautery is the apparatus of Paquelin, which utilizes Fig. 117. Paquelin's cautery. the property of heated platinum-sponge to become incan- descent when exposed to the action of the vapor of benzole 188 MINOR SURGERY. or rhigolene. (Fig. 117.) The cautery is prepared for use by attaching the gum tube to the receiver containing ben- zole and heating the platinum knife or button, which is also attached to the benzole receiver by a rubber tube, in the flame of the alcohol lamp for a few moments, and then passing the vapor of benzole through the platinum- sponge, which is enclosed in the knife or button, by com- pressing the rubber bulb. The points may be brought to a high degree of heat, or may be brought only to a dull- red heat. This form of cautery may be employed for the same purposes as that previously mentioned ; its great advantage consists in the ease with which it can be prepared for use. The knives heated to a dull-red heat will be found of great service in operating upon vascular tumors, where the use of an ordinary knife would be accompanied by profuse or even dangerous hemorrhage. Wounds made by the actual cautery are aseptic wounds, and when dusted with iodoform will generally heal promptly under the scab without suppuration. Bloodletting. This procedure is often resorted to to obtain both the local and the general effects following the withdrawal of blood from the circulation. Local depletion is accom- plished by means of some one of the following pro- cedures : scarification, puncturation, cupping and leeching, and general depletion is effected by means of venesection or by arteriotomy. Scarification. Scarification is performed by making small and not too deep incisions into an inflamed or congested part with a sharp-pointed bistoury ; the incisions should be in parallel lines and should be made to correspond to the long axis of the part, and care should be taken in making them to CUPPING. 189 avoid wounding superficial veins and nerves. Incisions thus made relieve tension by allowing blood and serum to escape from the engorged capillaries of the infiltrated tissue of the part. Warm fomentations applied over the incisions will increase and keep up the flow of blood and serum. Scarification is employed with advantage in in- flammatory conditions of the skin and subcutaneous cellular tissue and in acute inflammatory swelling or oedema of the mucous membrane ; for instance, of the conjunctiva, and in acute inflammation of the tonsils, tongue, and epiglottis it is au especially valuable procedure. A modification of scarification known as deep incisions is practised in urinary infiltration to establish drainage and to relieve the tissues of the contained urine and to prevent sloughing ; in threatened gangrene and phlegmonous erysipelas the same procedure is adopted to relieve tension by permitting of the escape of blood and serum, and its employment is often followed bv most satisfactorv results. PUNCTURATION. This procedure consists in making punctures, which should not extend deeper than the subcutaneous tissue, into inflamed tissues with the point of a sharp-pointed bistoury ; it is an operation similar in character to that just described, its object being to relieve tension and bring about depletion. It is employed in cases similar to those in which scarification is indicated, and is resorted to in cases of diffuse areolar inflammation or erysipelas. Cupping. Cupping is a convenient method of employing local depletion by inviting the blood from the deeper parts to the surface of the skin. Cupping is accomplished by the use of icet or dry cups. When the former are used, no blood is abstracted and the derivative action only is obtained ; when wet cups are employed there is an actual 9* 190 MINOR SURGERY. Fig. 118. abstraction of blood or local depletion as well as the derivative action. Dry Cupping. Dry cups as ordinarily applied consist of small cup- shaped glasses, which have a valve and stop-cock at their summit ; these are placed upon the skin and an air-pump is attached, and as the air is exhausted in the cup the con- gested integument is seen to bulge into the cavity of the cup. When the exhaustion is complete the stop-cock is turned and the air-pump is removed, the cup being allowed to remain in position for a few minutes, and is then removed by turning the stop-cock and allowing the air again to enter the cup. This procedure is repeated until a sufficient number of cups have been applied. (Fig. 118.) In cases of emergency, when the ordinary cupping-glasses and air-pump cannot be ob- tained, a very satisfactory substitute may be obtained by taking a wineglass and burning in it a little roll of paper, or a small piece of lint or paper wet with alcohol, and before the flame is extinguished rapidly inverting it upon the skin, or the air may be exhausted by the introduction, for a moment or two, of the flame of a spirit-lamp into the cup. Applied in this manner cups will draw as well as when the more complicated apparatus is used, and when they are removed it is only necessary to press the finger on the skin close to the edge of the cup until air enters it, when it will fall off. Although dry cups do not remove blood directly, there is often an escape of blood from the capil- laries into the skin and cellular tissue, as is evidenced by the ecchymosis which frequently remains at the seat of the cupmarks for some days. Dry cups, as previously stated, are employed for their derivative action in cases in which depletion is not indi- cated. Cupping- glass and air-pump. LEECHING. 191 Wet Cupping. When the abstraction of blood as well as the derivative action is desired wet cups are resorted to, and here it is necessary to have a scarificator as well as the cups and air-pump. (Fig. 119.) Before applying wet cups the skin should be washed carefully with a carbolic solution, and the scarificator should also be dipped in a carbolic solution. A cup is first applied to produce superficial congestion of the skin ; this is removed and the scarificator is applied, and the skin is cut by. springing the blades. The cups are im- mediately applied and exhausted, and they are kept in place as long as blood continues to flow. When the vacuum is ex- fig. 119. hausted and blood ceases to flow, they should be removed and emp- tied, and can be reapplied if it is desirable to remove more blood. A sharp-pointed bistoury which has been sterilized may be employed to make a few incisions into the skin instead of the scarificator, and the improvised cups may be employed if the ordinary cupping-apparatus scarificator. cannot be obtained. After the removal of wet cups the skin should be washed carefully with a bichloride or carbolic solution, and an antiseptic dressing should be placed over the wounds and held in place by a roller bandage. Leeching. In the abstraction of blood by leeching two varieties of leeches are used — the American leech, which draws about a teaspoonful of blood, and the Swedish leech, which draws three or four teaspoonfuls. Before applying leeches the skin should be carefully washed, and the leech should be placed upon the part from 192 MINOR SURGERY. which the blood is to be drawn, and confined to this place by inverting a tumbler or glass jar over him ; if he does not bite or take hold, a little milk or blood should be smeared upon the surface, which will generally secure the desired result. As soon as the leech has ceased to draw blood he is apt to let go his hold and fall off; if, however, it is desired to remove leeches, they may be made to let go their hold by sprinkling them with a little salt. After the removal of leeches bleeding from the bites maybe encour- aged, if desirable, by the application of warm fomenta- tions. Leech-bites should be washed with a bichloride or carbolic solution, and a compress of bichloride or iodoform gauze should be placed over them and secured by a bandage. It sometimes happens that free bleeding continues from the leech-bite after the removal of the leeches ; in this event, if a compress does not control the hemorrhage, the bleeding point should be touched with a stick of nitrate of silver or with the point of a steel knitting-needle heated to a dull-red heat, and if this fails to control the bleeding a delicate harelip pin should be passed through the skin under the bite and a twisted suture should be thrown around this; the wound should then be washed and dressed as previously described. In applying leeches in or near mucous cavities care should be taken to see that they do not escape into the cavities and pass out of reach. Leeches should not be employed directly over inflamed tissue, but should be ap- plied to parts surrounding it ; they should not be allowed to take hold directly over a superficial artery, vein, or nerve, and should never be applied to a part where there is delicate skin and a large amount of loose cellular tis- sue, as in the eyelid or scrotum, as unsightly ecchymoses will result, which will persist for some time. Leeches should not be used a second time. Mechanical Leech. The mechanical leech is an apparatus which has been constructed to take the place of the leech ; it consists of a VENESECTION. 193 scarificator, cup, and exhausting- syringe or air-pump. (Fig. 120.) In using this apparatus, after the scarificator has been used the piston of the exhausting- instrument should be drawn out slowly, fig. 120. which secures a better flow of blood than if a sudden vacuum is made. The mechanical leech may be employed when the natural leech cannot be obtained, but possesses no advantage over the latter, and is apt to get out of order if not in con- stant use. Venesection. Venesection, as its name implies, consists in the division of a vein, and it is the ordi- nary operation by which general depletion or bleeding is accomplished. Venesection at the bend of the elbow is the operation which is now usually resorted to for general bloodletting ; the vein selected is the median cephalic, which is further from the line of the brachial artery than the median basilic vein. (Fig. 121.) To perform venesection the surgeon re- teech. quires a bistoury or lancet — the spring lan- cet was formerly much used, but it is not employed at the present time — several bandages, a small antiseptic dressing, and a basin to receive the blood. The patient's arm should be carefully cleansed, washed over with a bichloride solution, and a few turns of a roller bandage should be placed around the middle of the arm, being applied tightly enough to obstruct the venous circu- lation and make the veins below become prominent, but not tight enough to obstruct the arterial circulation. The patient at the same time should be instructed to grasp a stick or a roller bandage and work his fingers upon it. The surgeon should next assure himself that there is no abnormal artery beneath the skin, and having selected the vein, the median cephalic by preference, he then steadies 194 MINOR SURGERY. the vein with his thumb and passes the point of the bis- toury or lancet beneath it and cuts quickly outward, mak- ing a free skin opening. The blood usually escapes freely, and the amount withdrawn is regulated by the condition of the pulse and the appearance of the patient. For this reason it is better to have the patient sitting up or semi- reclining when venesection is performed, as the surgeon can judge better as to the constitutional effects of the loss of blood while the patient is in this position. When a sufficient quantity of blood has been removed, the thumb is placed over the wounded vein and the bandage is removed from the arm above. The wound is next washed with a bichloride solution, and a compress of Fig. 121. Venesection. (Heath.) antiseptic gauze is applied over the wound and held in position by a bandage which should be so applied as to envelop the limb from the fingers to the axilla. The dressing need not be disturbed for five or six days, at which time the wound is usually found to be healed. Wounds of the brachial artery have occurred in opening the vein at the bend of the elbow ; but if care is taken, this accident should not take place. Venesection may be practised on the external jugular vein when, from excess of fat or in the case of children, the veins at the bend of the elbow cannot be easily found. The vein is rendered prominent by placing the thumb or a pad over the vein at the outer edge of the sterno-cleido-mastoid muscle just above the clavicle. The vein is next opened TRANSFUSION OF BLOOD. 195 over this muscle by an incision parallel to its fibres. After a sufficient quantity of blood has escaped, the wound is washed with an antiseptic solution and closed by a com- press of antiseptic gauze held in position by a bandage carried around the neck. Bleeding from this vein has been advocated in cases of apoplexy and cerebral inflammation, but it is questionable whether any advantage is gained by opening the external jugular vein rather than the vein at the bend of the elbow. The internal saphenous vein is also sometimes selected for venesection, and here care should be taken not to wound the accompanying nerve which lies directly behind the vein. Arteriotomy. This operation is now scarcely ever performed, but if done the vessel generally selected is the anterior branch of the temporal artery. The position of the vessel is fixed by the finger and thumb, and it is opened by a transverse in- cision with a bistoury. After a sufficient quantity of blood has escaped the wound is inspected, and if the vessel is not completely divided, its division is completed and the ends of the vessel should be secured with ligatures, and the wound should be washed out with an antiseptic solution. A gauze compress should next be applied and held in position by a firmly applied bandage. Transfusion of Blood. This operation may be employed to introduce a certain quantity of blood into the circulation of a patient who has suffered from profuse hemorrhage. There are two methods by which transfusion may be effected : the direct, by which the blood is conveyed directly and without exposure to the air from the bloodvessel of one person to that of another, and the indirect, in which the blood is first drawn from one person and is then injected into the veins of another, being first deprived of its fibrin before being injected. 196 MINOR S URGER Y. Direct Transfusion of Blood. This is best accomplished by using Aveling's apparatus, which consists of a rubber tube, about eighteen inches in length, with a small bulb in the centre, having metallic extremities provided with stop-cocks, and two bevel-pointed metallic canulse to be used to connect the tube with the bloodvessels. In performing the operation of direct trans- fusion the bulb and tube are first placed in a shallow basin containing warm normal saline solution (0.7 percent.), and the bulb and tube are filled with this solution to displace any air which they may contain. The person supplying the blood places his arm near the arm of the patient, and the operator exposes a prominent vein on the patient's arm at the bend of the elbow, opens it, and inserts into it one of the canulse filled with saline solution, with the point directed toward the body, and at the same time an assistant should introduce the other canula into a vein at the bend of the elbow of the party who supplies the blood. The canulse are held in position by assistants, and the tube is quickly connected with them, the stop-cocks being closed before it is taken out of the saline solution, to pre- vent the entrance of air ; then upon opening the stop-cocks a direct communication is established between the circula- tion of the patient and that of the person who supplies the blood. (Fig. 122.) The introduction of the contents of the bulb into the vein of the patient is effected by the operator slowly compressing the bulb with one hand, while he keeps the tube closed on the side of the donor with the finger and thumb of the other hand. By relaxing the pressure on the tube on the donor's side of the bulb and closing it on the patient's side, blood will flow from the donor's vein into the bulb as it slowly expands, and when filled the communication with the patient's circulation is again made, and the manipulation is repeated until a suffi- cient quantity of blood has been introduced as indicated by the condition of the patient's pulse. The quantity of blood or saline solution introduced can be calculated by remembering that at each emptying of TRANSFUSION OF BLOOD. 197 the bulb two drachms of fluid are introduced into the cir- culation. When a sufficient quantity has been introduced Fig. 122. Apparatus for the direct transfusion of blood. the canuke are removed and the wounds are dressed as ordinary venesection-wounds. Indirect Transfusion of Blood. Indirect transfusion of blood is accomplished by with- drawing from a vein of the donor by venesection about ten ounces of blood, which is received in a clean glass or porce- lain vessel, which is placed in water at a temperature of 110°. The blood thus kept warm is next defibrinated by whipping it with a bundle of broom straws or a wire brush, and after being filtered through a fine linen cloth or wire strainer, it is injected by means of an ordinary syringe attached to a canula which has previously been inserted into a vein of the patient ; care should be taken that no air is introduced with the blood. When a sufficient quantity of blood has been introduced, the canula is re- moved and the wound is dressed in the usual manner. 198 MINOR SURGERY. The success of this operation largely depends upon the expedition with which it is performed ; to prevent the coagulation of the blood not more than two minutes should be allowed to intervene between the reception of the blood in the syringe and its introduction into the patient's vein. Fig. 123. Apparatus for the indirect transfusion of blood. Various forms of apparatus have been devised for the operation of indirect transfusion of blood, and of these one of the best is that devised by Dr. J. G. Allen and modified by the late Dr. C. T. Hunter. (Fig. 123.) Arterial Transfusion. This procedure, which consists in injecting defibrinated venous blood into an artery, is occasionally practised. An artery, usually the radial at the wrist or the. posterior tibial behind the inner malleolus, is exposed and secured by a ligature ; it is then opened on the distal side of the ligature and the point of a canula or the nozzle of a syrinze is introduced, directed toward the distal extremity of the limb, and blood, which has been previously defibrinated, is slowly injected. When a sufficient quantity has been introduced the canula is removed, and the division of the artery is completed and its extremities are secured by liga- tures, and the wound is closed and dressed. INTRA VENO US INJECTION OF SALINE SOL UTION 199 Auto-transfusion. This procedure is recommended in cases of excessive hemorrhage to support a moribund patient until other means of resuscitation can be adopted. It consists in the application of rubber bandages or of muslin bandages to the extremities for the purpose of forcing the blood toward the vascular and nervous centres. Intravenous Injection of Saline Solution. It has been proved by experiments and by clinical experience that human blood is not more efficacious in supplying volume to and restoring a rapidly failing circu- lation than normal salt solution, and as the latter can be Fig. 124. Funnel and tube for intravenous injection. obtained with much more ease than blood, its use has largely superseded the former. The saline solution which is found most satisfactory to employ for this purpose is known as normal saline solution (0.7 per cent.). It is prepared by adding sodii chloride, 5iss, sodii bicarb., grs. xv, to dis- 200 MINOR SURGERY. tilled water, Oij. In emergencies a solution prepared by adding a drachm of common salt to a pint of water, which has been sterilized by boiling, will be equally satisfactory. The solution should be prepared with water which has been boiled to sterilize it, and should be of a temperature of about 100° when used. A vein of the patient, at the elbow, should be exposed and should have placed under it, about one-half inch apart, two catgut ligatures ; the distal ligature is then tied and an opening is made into the vein between the ligatures; a canula is next inserted into the opening in the vein, and is secured in position by tying the proximal ligature. The canula is first filled with the saline solution, and is then connected with a funnel by means of a rubber tube (Fig. 124), which is filled with saline solution to displace the air, and upon raising the funnel above the part the solu- tion enters the vein ; care should be taken to see that the funnel is kept well supplied with solution until a sufficient quantity has been introduced. The quantity introduced is regulated by the condition of the patient's pulse. Saline solution may also be introduced into a vein by means of a syringe when the apparatus described cannot be obtained, or normal salt solution may be introduced into the cellular tissue by means of hypodermic injections, or the needle may be introduced into the cellular tissue and connected by a piece of rubber tubing with an irri- gator containing normal salt solution held above the part, and the solution allowed to find its way gradually into the subcutaneous cellular tissue. A large quantity of fluid may be introduced in this way. Intravenous Injection of Milk. The intravenous injection of cow's or goat's milk has also been employed as a substitute for the transfusion of blood in patients who have suffered from excessive hemorrhage or from diseases which greatly deteriorate the quality of the blood, such as pernicious anaemia, typhoid fever, and in carbolic acid poisoning. In making one of these injec- ARTIFICIAL RESPIRATION. 201 tions the milk should be fresh and should be warmed and strained through a fine wire or linen strainer. It should then be introduced by means of a canula inserted into a vein and secured in position by a ligature ; to this canula are at- tached the rubber tubing and funnel, such as are employed in the intravenous injection of saline solution. The funnel and tube are next filled with milk prepared as above described, and it is made to enter the vein of the patient by turning the stop-cock and raising the funnel above the patient' s body. This injection has been em- ployed in the class of cases mentioned above with appar- ently beneficial results. Artificial Respiration. This procedure is resorted to in cases of threatened death from apnoea consequent upon drowning, profound anesthetization or the inhalation of irrespirable gases, or when from any cause there is interference with the func- tion of breathing. Before resorting to artificial respiration care should be taken to see that nothing is present in the mouth or air-passages which will obstruct the entrance of air into the lungs, such as mucus, foreign bodies or liquids, and also that all tight clothing interfering with the free expansion of the chest-walls should be removed from the chest. In cases where the apnoea is due to the presence of a foreign body in the larynx or trachea it is evident that no efforts at respiration can be successful until the air- passages are freed from the occluding body ; and if it can- not be removed through the mouth, tracheotomy should be performed before artificial respiration is attempted ; the tracheal wound should be held open by retractors, which in a case of emergency can be made from bent hairpins, or by a tracheotomy-tube, if one be at hand. When artificial respiration is resorted to the operator should persevere with it for some time, even when no apparent spontaneous respiratory movements are excited ; for resuscitation has been accomplished in seemingly hope- 202 MINOR SURGERY. less cases by patient perseverance with the manipula- tions. When the first natural respiratory movement is detected the operator should not cease making artificial respiration, but should continue these movements in such a way as to coincide with the spontaneous inspiratory and expiratory movements until the breathing has assumed its regular character. The temperature of the body should also be restored by frictions to the surface of the body by the hands or by rough towels and hot-water bottles, and warm coverings should be applied for the same object. Mouth-to-mouih Inflation. This method of artificial respiration has been resorted to in cases of great emergency, especially in very young children. The operator draws the tongue forward, closes the nostrils, and applies his mouth directly to the mouth of the patient, and by a deep expiratory effort endeavors to force air into the chest ; when this is accomplished the air can be expelled from the lungs by pressure upon the walls of the chest, and the procedure should be repeated about sixteen times in a minute. The same object may be accomplished by passing a flexible catheter into the trachea through the mouth, or by passing an intubation-tube, to the upper part of which a rubber tube is attached, into the larynx ; this can be passed with the fingers without difficulty, and the lungs can then be inflated by the opera- tor blowing into the catheter or tube, or by attaching to it a pair of bellows. Inflation of the lungs through the nostrils has been employed by Dr. Richardson, of London, who has devised a pocket-bellows for this object. The apparatus consists of two elastic bulbs, to which two rubber tubes are attached, which terminate in a single tube. In using this bellows the terminal tube is introduced into one nostril, the other nostril and mouth being closed; air is forced into the lungs by compressing one bulb, and withdrawn by com- pressing the other bulb. (Fig. 125.) ARTIFICIAL RESPIRATION. 203 This bellows may also be attached to a catheter or in- tubation-tube passed into the larynx, which would prevent the possibility of air escaping into the oesophagus, a com- FlG. 125. Richardson's bellows for artificial respiration. plication which is liable to occur in mouth-to -mouth infla- tion or inflation through the nose. Direct Method of Artificial Respiration (Howard's). This method of artificial respiration is at the present time considered the most efficacious, and is the one adopted by the United States Life-saving Service, and although the rules given are for the resuscitation of cases of apparent drowning, the same procedures may be adopted in cases of apnoea arising from other causes. The rules laid down by Dr. How r ard are as follows : Rule I. — " To expel water from the stomach and lungs, strip the patient to the waist, and if the jaws are clenched separate them and keep them apart by placing between the teeth a cork or a small piece of wood. Place the patient face downward, the pit of the stomach being raised above the level of the mouth by a large roll of clothing placed beneath it. (Fig. 126.) Throw your weight forcibly two or three times upon the patient's back over the roll of clothing so as to press all fluids in the stomach out of the mouth. " The first rule applies only to eases of drowning, and in 204 MINOR SURGERY. using Howard's method in apnoea from other causes it is to be omitted. Fig. 126. First manipulation in Howard's method. Rule II — " To perform artificial respiration, quickly turn the patient upon his back, placing the roll of clothing Fig. 127. Direct method of artificial respiration. beneath it so as to make the breast-bone the highest point of the body. Kneel beside or astride of the patient's hips. ARTIFICIAL RESPIRATION. 205 Grasp the front part of the chest on either side of the pit of the stomachy resting the fingers along the spaces between the short ribs. Brace your elbows against your sides, and steadily grasping and pressing forward and upward throw your whole weight upon the chest, gradually increasing the pressure while you count one — two — three. Then sud- denly let go with a final push which springs you back to your first position. (Fig. 127.) Rest erect upon your knees while you count one — two ; then make pressure again as before, repeating the entire motions at first about four or five times a minute, gradually increasing them to about ten or twelve times. Use the same regularity as in blowing bellows and as seen in the natural breathing which you are imitating. If another person is present, let him with one hand, by means of a dry piece of linen, hold the tip of the tongue out of one corner of the mouth, and with the other hand grasp both wrists and pin them to the ground above the patient's head." This method may be employed in cases of still-birth, or in young children, the operator holding the chest of the child in his left hand and compressing it with the right hand. Sylvester's Method of Artificial Respiration. In employing this method of artificial respiration the patient should be placed on his back upon a firm, flat sur- face ; a cushion of clothing is placed under the shoulders, and the head should be dropped lower than the body by tilting the surface on which he is laid. The mouth being cleared of mucus or foreign substances, the tongue is drawn forward and secured to the chin by a piece of tape tied around it and the lower jaw, or may be pulled out of the mouth and held by an assistant. The operator, stand- ing at the patient's head, grasps the arms at the elbows and carries them first outward and then upward until the hands are brought together above the head ; they should be kept in this position for two seconds, after which time they are brought slowly back to the sides of the thorax 10 206 MINOR SURGERY. and pressed against it for two seconds. These movements are repeated fifteen times in a minute until the breathing is restored, or until it is evident that the case is a hopeless one. Fig. 128. Sylvester's method— Inspiration. (Esmarch.) Fig. 129. Sylvester's method— Expiration. (Esmarch.) ARTIFICIAL RESPIRATION. 207 Marshall HalPs Ready Method of Artificial Respiration. In this method the mouth should first be freed from mucus or foreign bodies, and the patient is turned upon his face with one wrist under his forehead, and a roll of clothing is placed beneath his chest. By turning the body briskly on the side and a little beyond, and then on the face, alternately, respiration is imitated. As the body is brought in the prone position, compression is to be made upon the posterior aspect of the chest. These manipula- tions should be made fifteen times in a minute. Laborde 1 s Method of Artificial Respiration by Rhythmical Traction upon the Tongue. Laborde has shown that systematic and rhythmic traction upon the tongue is a powerful means of restoring the respi- ratory reflex, and consequently the function of respiration. The procedure is accomplished as follows : The body of the tongue is seized between the thumb and fingers, and traction is made upon it, with alternate relaxation fifteen or twenty times a minute, imitating the function of respi- ration, taking care to draw well on the tongue. When a certain amount of resistance is felt it is a sign that the respiratory function is being restored. Noisy respiration first occurs, termed by Laborde " hoquet inspirateur " (in- spiratory hiccough). Tongue forceps or dressing or haem- ostatic forceps may be used in place of the fingers to grasp the tongue. It is important to persist in the manipu- lations for half an hour to an hour, unless the case is abso- lutely hopeless. This procedure has been employed with success in cases of drowning, toxic asphyxia, chloroform asphyxia, and arrest of inspiration from electric shock. Forced Respiration. By this method of artificial respiration air is for- cibly passed into the lungs. This procedure is strongly 208 MINOR SURGERY. advocated by Dr. George E. Fell, who has devised an apparatus by which it may be satisfactorily accom- plished. Prof. H. C. Wood has also made use of forced respiration in the resuscitation of animals with an appa- ratus somewhat similar to that devised by Dr. Fell with good results, but has never applied it practically in the case of the human subject. Wood's apparatus consists of a pair of bellows, a few feet of rubber tubing and a face mask of rubber, and one or two intubation-tubes; the mask or intubation -tube is attached to one end of the rub- ber tube and the bellows to the other end of the tube. The mask is applied over the mouth, or, if this is not used, the intubation-tube is introduced into the larynx, and air is forced into the lungs by working the bellows. He also advises that in the tubing a double metal tube be intro- duced, with the openings so placed that their size can be so regulated by turning the outer tube that the operator can allow any excess of air thrown by the bellows to escape. The apparatus of Fell, which he has used in a number of cases with good results, consists of a tracheotomy-tube, a tube connected with the air-control valve, which is attached to an air-warming apparatus, which in turn is connected with a bellows by another tube. By means of this apparatus air is forced into the lungs and allowed to escape when the lungs have been expanded by the elasticity of the lung tissue and the chest walls. Forced respiration will prove of value in cases of nar- cotic poisoning and other accidents in which death is pro- duced by paralysis of the respiratory centres. Dr. Fell has reported a number of cases of narcotic poisoning in which he has used his apparatus with the most satisfactory results. Aspiration. This procedure is adopted to remove fluid from a closed cavity without the admission of air, and the instrument which is employed to accomplish this object is known as an aspirator. The two forms of aspirator most generally employed are those of Dieulafoy and Potain. ASPIRATION. 209 Potain's aspirator consists of a glass bottle, into the stopper of which is introduced a metallic tube, which is connected with two rubber tubes, one of which is con nected with an exhausting-pump, and the other with a delicate canula carrying a fine trocar ; the apparatus is provided with stop-cocks to prevent the admission of air. (Fig. 130.) In using this aspirator the air is exhausted from the bottle by using the air-pump ; the canula enclosing the trocar is next pushed through the tissues into the cavity containing the fluid to be removed ; the trocar is then re- FlG. 130. Potain's aspirator. moved, and upon opening the stop-cock the fluid is forced out of the cavity by atmospheric pressure and passes into the bottle or receiver. If the fluid contains masses of lymph or clots which block the canula, interrupting the flow of fluid, a stylet may be passed through the canula to free it from the obstruction. To diminish the pain produced in introducing the trocar and canula, the skin at the point to be punctured may be rendered less sensitive by holding in contact with it for a few minutes a piece of ice wrapped in a towel, or a towel 210 MINOR SURGERY. containing broken ice and salt. Care should also be taken to see that the trocar and canula are perfectly clean ; to accomplish this it should be carefully washed and placed in boiling water or a 5 per cent, carbolic solution before being used. In introducing the trocar and canula the operator should be careful to avoid injuring any important veins, arteries, or nerves. After removiog the canula the small puncture should be dressed with a compress of antiseptic or iodoform gauze held in place by a bandage or adhesive straps. The aspirator is frequently employed in cases of hydro- thorax, empyema, and ascites, to evacuate the contents of cold abscesses in diseases of the hip and spine, and to remove the contents of a distended bladder until a more radical operation can be performed. It is also a valuable instrument for diagnostic purposes, being frequently used to ascertain the character of the contents of deep-seated tumors containing fluid. The Stomach-tube. This consists of a tube about twenty-eight inches in length and three-eighths of an inch in diameter, which is introduced while the patient is in the sitting posture, the head being thrown backward so as to bring the mouth and gullet as nearly as possible in the same line. The tube being warmed and oiled, the surgeon standing in front ot the patient passes it directly back to the pharynx, at the same time introducing the index finger of the left hand to guide its point over the epiglottis ; it is then passed gently downward into the stomach. If any obstruction is met with in its passage, it should be withdrawn a little way and then pushed gently downward ; all manipulations should be made without much force to prevent perforation of the wall of the oesophagus. The introduction of the stomach-tube may be required for the evacuation of poisons from the stomach, or to wash THE STOMACH-PUMP. 211 out the cavity of this viscus. It may also be used to introduce liquid nourishment into the stomachs of patients who are unable or unwilling to swallow food. In the recently introduced method of treating disorders of the stomach and intestines by washing them out, lavage, the introduction of a stomach-tube is required ; the tube here employed is from twenty-four to thirty inches in length (Fig. 131), and the fluid is introduced by means of a funnel attached to its free extremity, or it may be attached to a stomach-pump. In introducing liquid nourishment a syringe or funnel is fitted to the exposed end of the tube which has been passed into the stomach ; the syringe or Fig. 131. The stomach-tube. funnel having been filled with milk or beef-tea or broth, the contents are injected gently or allowed to run into the stomach. In cases of poisoning, where it is desirable to withdraw the contents of the stomach and to wash out the organ, a stomach-tube and syringe may be employed ; several syringefuls of warm water are first thrown into the stomach and then withdrawn by suction, but in such cases the use of the stomach-pump will be found more satisfactory. The Stomach-pump. This consists of a brass syringe, the nozzle of which is connected with two tubes, one at the end, the other at the side. The passage through the nozzle is regulated by a valve controlled by a lever. The nozzle of the pump is attached to a stomach-tube, and the end of the lateral tube is placed in a pan of warm water. By raising the piston and opening the valve, water may be drawn from the basin, and by closing the valve and depressing the piston it is 212 MINOR SURGERY. passed through the stomach -tube into the stomach ; when a sufficient quantity has been injected in this manner, by reversing the action of the valve the fluid is drawn out of the stomach and discharged through the lateral tube into a basin. This manipulation is continued until the water returns clear and the stomach has been completely washed out. A less complicated instrument w r ill often serve as well as that just described (Fig. 132). Fig. 132. Stomach-pump. (Esophageal Bougie. — This instrument — which may be passed through the oesophagus into the stomach for the purpose of diagnosis, or for the purpose of dilating stric- tures of the oesophagus — is passed in exactly the same manner as the stomach-tube, and, as in the case of the latter instrument, it should be introduced without the use of much force, as perforations of the oesophagus have fol- lowed the forcible introduction of such bougies. Vaccination. This is a minor surgical procedure which every physi- cian is called upon to perform. The surface may be pre- pared for the reception of the lymph by abrading the VACCINATION. 213 surface of the skin at one or two points with a dull lancet, or by making several superficial incisions with a knife, or by scratching the surface of the skin with the ivory-point charged with lymph, in lines with crossing lines, cross- scratch, until a little serum exudes. It is not advisable to draw blood, which washes away the lymph, and for this reason I prefer the abraded surface made by the dull knife or the ivory-point. The lymph used may be the humanized or the bovine. The humanized lymph may be the viscid fluid taken from the vaccine vesicle on the eighth or ninth day, or the dried scab w r hich separates when the wound is about healed ; if the latter is used, a small portion of it is rubbed up with water until it forms a mixture of creamy consistence ; this is rubbed into the abraded surface of the punctures. In using humanized lymph care should be taken to see that it is procured from a healthy subject. Bovine lymph or virus, which is now most generally em- ployed, is taken from the vaccine vesicles upon the udders and teats of heifers ; ivory-points or quills are dipped into this lymph and allowed to dry, and in using them they are dipped in water for a moment, to moisten the lymph, before being applied to the abraded surface. The ivory- point is one of the most convenient means of vaccination, as the surface may be abraded with it before the lymph is applied. It has recently been advised that antiseptic precautions be exercised in performing vaccination, and although all of the details cannot be carried out, I have found that the exercise of care as regards cleanliness of the surface has been followed by much fewer inflammatory complications in vaccination-wounds. In an institution in which I vaccinated yearly a large number of cases, since I have adopted the following precautions I have had fewer bad arms. The surface to be abraded, usually the left arm below the deltoid, is first washed with soap and water, and then with a 1 : 2000 bichloride solution. Two points of this surface, an inch apart, are then abraded by using a knife which has 10* 214 MINOR SURGERY. been washed or dipped in boiling water, or by using the ivory-point which has been dipped in water which has been boiled and cooled down. When the surface has been prepared in the manner described, the moistened virus is rubbed upon it and allowed to dry. Vaccination upon the leg, which is practised by some physicians to prevent the scar from showing, I think is not to be recommended, and I never practise it in this situation, as it is more diffi- cult to keep this part at rest, and I have seen some very severe cases of cellulitis and phlebitis follow leg vaccination. Hypodermic Injections. The syringe used to make hypodermic injections is pro- vided with a perforated needle, which is passed into the cellular tissue. (Fig. 133.) Care should be taken to see Fig. 133. Hypodermic syringe and needles. that the instrument and needle are perfectly clean before being used; if a metallic syringe is employed, it should be rendered aseptic by soaking it for a few minutes in boiling water or in a five per cent, carbolic solution. Hypodermic injections are generally made into parts in which the cellular tissue is abundant, and great care should be observed to avoid introducing the needle into a large vein or artery, as by neglect of this precaution serious symptoms have resulted, from the drug being thrown HYPODERMIC INJECTIONS. 215 rapidly into the circulation instead of being slowly ab- sorbed from the subcutaneous cellular tissue ; the injury of superficial nerves should also be avoided. Care should also be taken to see that the solutions employed are sterilized if possible, and freshly made solutions should be preferred. An unclean syringe or a solution which has not been sterilized may give rise to a troublesome abscess at the site of the injection. To avoid using solutions for hypodermic use which un- dergo change from being kept, it will be found convenient to use the compressed pellets which are prepared by the manufacturing chemists, the alkaloids being compressed with a little sulphate of sodium, which increases their solubility, the solution being prepared with boiled water just before being used. Fig. 134. Method of giving a hypodermic injection. The portions of the body usually selected for hypodermic injection are the outer surface of the thighs or arms and the anterior surface of the forearm. In making a hypo- dermic injection the syringe is charged and the needle is fastened to the nozzle of the syringe ; the skin is next pinched up and the needle is quickly thrust through this into the cellular tissue ; the syringe is then emptied by pressing down the piston, and when the cylinder is empty the needle is withdrawn ; the small puncture in the skin resulting seldom bleeds and usually heals without diffi- culty. (Fig. 134.) In the treatment of disease by the injection of serum the 216 MINOR SURGERY. hypodermic method is made use of; in using antitoxin injections in diphtheria the dose of the antitoxin is pro- portionate to the age and weight of the patient as well as the severity and duration of the disease. A child three years old should be given 600-1000 units ; an adult, not less than 1000 units, and the injection should be repeated in twelve to twenty-four hours. Before employing the in- iection the skin should be sterilized, and the best variety of syringe to employ is one holding about 20 c.c. (Fig. Fig. 135. H. K. MULFORD CO., PHILADA. Syringe for serum-injection. 135). It is well to have the needle connected with the syringe by a short rubber tube, so that the needle will not be broken if the patient straggles. The injections are usually made below the angle of the scapula or in the lumbar region, and the serum is introduced slowly to avoid local reaction. EXPLORING-NEEDLE. This consists of a fine-grooved needle fitted into a handle (Fig. 136), which is introduced into tumors or swellings Fig. 136. Exploring-needle. to ascertain the nature of their contents, and its use is often of service for purposes of diagnosis. The exploring-trocar SKIN-GRAFTING. 217 (Fig. 137) is employed for the same purpose, or the needle of the hypodermic syringe or a fine needle attached to an aspirator may be used for a like purpose. When either the exploring needle or trocar is employed care should be taken to see that it is rendered perfectly aseptic before Fig. 137. Exploring-trocar. being used ; otherwise its employment is not without danger, for I have seen the introduction of an exploring- needle into an effusion in a joint for diagnostic purposes followed by suppuration and destruction of the joint, which subsequently necessitated its excision. Skin-grafting. This is a minor surgical procedure which may be em- ployed to hasten cicatrization w T here large granulating surfaces are exposed, such as result from extensive opera- tions and from burns. The operation consists in applying shavings of the epi- dermis or of the epidermis and cutis together, to the granu- lating surface and holding them in contact with it for a few days ; the grafts often seem to disappear, but at the end of a few days, if the part is closely inspected, bluish- w T hite points will be seen to occupy the positions at which the grafts are applied, which become converted into iso- lated cicatrices from which the healing process rapidly extends. To have a successful result follow the use of skin-grafts the surface of the ulcer should be healthy, and its surface as well as the surrounding skin should be rendered aseptic, and the grafts should be applied at a number of points. The surface from which the grafts are to be taken should also be rendered aseptic, and the skin should be removed by 218 MINOR SURGERY. scissors made for this purpose (Fig. 138), or by raising the epidermis with a needle or with forceps and cutting out a small portion of it with a sharp scalpel. The graft is next applied to the granulating surface with its raw sur- face in contact with the granulations ; after a sufficient number of grafts have been applied, a piece of sterilized protective is laid over them and is held in place by means of a few strips of isinglass plaster. An ordinary anti- septic or sterilized gauze dressing is next applied, and the dressing is not disturbed for a week or ten days, at Avhich time, if the grafts have taken, isolated cicatrices at the points where the grafts were applied will be found to exist. Fig. 138. Scissors for skin-grafting. Thiersch's Method. — In skin-grafting, according to this method, the surface of the ulcer is rendered aseptic, and all antiseptics are washed away with sterilized salt solution. The surface of the ulcer is next curetted to remove soft granulations, and it is then irrigated and covered with pro- tective and a compress is applied to control all bleeding. Shavings of skin are then removed from a surface — which has been rendered aseptic — by means of a razor or section knife. Each graft should be as long and broad as possi- ble, and when cut it should he floated from the section knife by a stream of salt solution and placed upon the pre- pared surface of the ulcer and gently pressed into place. After a sufficient number of grafts have been applied, strips of protective are laid over the surface of the grafts, and over these is placed a compress moistened with salt BONE-GRAFTING. 219 solution and covered by protective, and a few layers of sterilized cotton are next applied over this, and the dress- ing is held in position by a bandage. The dressings need not be removed for a week or ten days, and a second dressing should be applied in the same manner until the grafts have become thoroughly vitalized. The skin of the belly or backs of frogs, or the hairless skin of young animals may be used in the place of human skin. Skin-grafting is sometimes accomplished by applying a large piece of skin to a raw surface to fill a gap ; the graft in such cases includes the whole thickness of the skin, but has all of the cellular tissue removed from it, and is secured in position by sutures. Bone-grafting. This procedure is resorted to to replace portions of bone which have been separated, to fill up cavities in bone, or to restore the continuity of the long bones. The bone to be introduced should be rendered thoroughly aseptic and should be placed in a sterilized salt solution at a tempera- ture of 100°-105° F. ; it may be inserted in one piece or broken into fragments and laid over the surface. When it is desired to restore the continuity of one of the long bones, after the surfaces of the bone have been exposed and rendered aseptic, a bone is removed from a freshly killed animal, is rendered aseptic, and is fitted into the gap or is split into strips and packed into the cavity. Bone-grafting may also be very satisfactorily accom- plished by means of Sennas decalcified bone plates or chips, which will be found useful in filling up the cavities result- ing from the operation of trephining or for extensive re- movals of bone in the operations for necrosis or caries. In such cases, after the cavity has been sterilized, it is dusted with iodoform and is then packed with bone chips ; iodoform is next dusted over them and a piece of protec- tive is placed upon them. A compress of iodoform gauze 220 MINOR SURGERY. and bichloride cotton is next applied, and the dressing is held in position by a bandage. When bone plates are employed they are cut to fit the cavity, and provision should be made for drainage. Preparation of Decalcified Bone Chips or Plates. — Take the compact tissue of the fresh tibia or femur of an ox, remove the periosteum and medullary tissue, and split in pieces one-half an inch in width, and place them in a 15 per cent, watery solution of hydrochloric acid, allowing them to remain in this for three weeks, changing the solution daily. At the end of this time they should be removed, thoroughly washed and cut in thin strips or plates. They should then be washed in a weak solution of caustic potash, and placed for forty-eight hours in a 1 : 1000 bichloride solution. After this they may be kept in a solution of iodoform in ether, or in a 1 : 500 solution of bichloride in alcohol until required for use ; before being used they are soaked in a 1 : 2000 bichloride solution. Muscle-grafting and nerve-grafting are also occasionally resorted to to supply deficiencies in muscles or nerves ; fresh muscle or nerve tissue being employed to fill up the gap. Electeolysis. Electrolysis, or the chemical decomposition induced by electricity, is employed in surgery to destroy morbid prod- ucts, tumors, or exudations. For this procedure a galvanic or continuous-current battery is required, which is pro- vided with electrodes and needles of suitable shapes. In applying electrolysis to a tumor, for instance, the needle connected with one of the poles of the battery is inserted into the tumor and the other rheophore is applied to the surface of the body, or two fine needles, carefully insulated nearly to their extremities, are connected with both poles of the battery by conducting cords ; these are introduced into the tumor and a weak current is allowed to pass. The strength of the current is gradually increased as the opera- GALVANO-CAUTERY. § 221 tion advances ; the current is passed for fifteen or twenty minutes, and the procedure is repeated at intervals of several days, until some decided change occurs in the tumor. Electrolysis has been applied with success in the treat- ment of aneurism inaccessible to other operative procedures, in malignant growths, in nsevi, goitres, cysts, and hydatids. It is at the present time the most satisfactory method of removing superfluous hairs from those portions of the body in which their presence causes disfigurement. Galvano-cautery. Galvano-cautery batteries are constructed with plates of large size, placed closely together, so that the internal re- sistance is reduced and a current is quickly obtained which will keep a metallic electrode at a w T hite heat. The ad- vantage in the use of this form of cautery is that the elec- trode can be introduced into the various cavities of the body while cold and quickly heated to the desired tempera- Ftg. 139. Electrodes for galvano-cautery. ture. The electrodes are made of various shapes and sizes, according to the object desired (Fig. 139). The galvano- cautery is applied for the same purpose as the actual cautery, but, as previously stated, its use is more conve- nient in the various cavities of the body, its action can be more easily localized, and by its use hemorrhage is avoided. It is frequently employed to destroy morbid growths in the nasal passages, the throat, vagina, or uterus, and also may be employed in the treatment of superficial external growths; in using it for the removal of growths 222 MINOR SURGERY. from the mucous membrane its application may be ren- dered practically painless by previously thoroughly cocain- izing the parts. Faradization. The application of electricity in this form is often em- ployed in surgical affections ; in cases of wasting of the muscles following fractures or sprains, in some forms of club-foot, and in lateral curvature of the spine the judi- cious use of the faradic current will often be found to be followed by the most satisfactory results. The current is applied in such a manner as to bring about contraction of the affected or wasted muscles, and thus improve their nutrition. Franklinization, or Statical Electricity. The earliest application of electricity in the treatment of disease was made by the use of statical electricity, and although it fell into disuse it has recently, with the perfec- tion of modern machines, been very widely revived. In applying statical electricity the patient may be treated by insulation, or the so-called dry electric bath. The second method of using statical electricity is by sparks or shocks from a Leyden jar which is charged from the prime con- ductor of an electrical machine in motion, or by the electric brush. McClure states that in the static induced current we have means of producing muscular contractions when failure results from the strongest faradic currents that can be borne by the patient. The Cystoscope. This is an instrument employed for ocular examination of the walls of the bladder, and is one of the most impor- tant and useful of the electric-lamp instruments. A cysto- scope consists of a beak-sound in which there is a telescopic arrangement by which the inner surface of the bladder is THE URETHROSCOPE. 223 viewed through a small window of rock crystal. The lamp is inclosed in the beak of the instrument and throws its light through another window, also of crystal, upon any part of the bladder wall. For examining the upper part of the bladder, a separate instrument with a small reflect- ing prism is used. The bladder must contain six or eight ounces of clear urine or clear water if a proper view of the walls is to be obtained. If the fluid present is turbid, the view is very much obscured ; if too little fluid be present in the bladder, the the beak of the instrument Fig. 140. Letter's cystoscope. containing the lamp is likely to become buried in the folds of mucous membrane and the light will be cut off, and, in that case, the mucous membrane may be burned. A certain amount of practice is required to use the cystoscope prop- erly and to recognize the appearance of the raucous mem- brane of the bladder in health and in its varied morbid conditions. The Urethroscope. The urethroscope consists of a straight metal tube pro- vided with an obturator of hard rubber which projects slightly beyond the end of the tube. This tube is intro- duced into the urethra until the bladder is reached, when it is slightly withdrawn and the obturator is removed. 224 MINOR SURGERY. The instrument is then attached to a mirror or an electric lamp, by which a strong light is thrown into the tube, and as the tube is withdrawn various parts of the urethra are Fig. 141. The urethroscope. exposed to the view of the surgeon. By means of the urethroscope a very accurate inspection of all portions of the urethra can be obtained. The Panelectroscope. This instrument, introduced by Leiter, consists of an electric lantern with tubes and a mirror. The light from a small incandescent lamp is projected by the mirror along the tube, which is inserted into the part to be examined. Tubes of various sizes are adapted to the instrument. It is employed for endoscopy of the urethra, ear, pharynx, and stomach. Massage. Massage consists in a variety of manipulations, such as pinching up the integuments and muscles, and rolling them between the thumb and fingers, in stroking or rubbing the surface with the palm of the hand from the periphery PASSIVE MOTION. 225 toward the centre, to empty the distended veins and lym- phatics ; rubbing the parts circularly with the extremities of the fingers and thumb or the palm of the hand, or kneading of the parts is another method of practising massage. Massage may also be practised by tapping the surface of the affected part with more or less force with the tips of the fingers held in a row, or with the ulnar border of the hand or with the palm of the hand. Before apply- ing massage to an affected part, if there be a heavy growth of hair, it should be carefully shaved off; otherwise the manipulation may give the patient pain, and irritation of the hair follicles resulting in abscesses will be apt to occur. The part should also be rubbed over with olive oil, vase- line, or cocoa-butter before and during the manipulations. Massage is often employed with advantage in the treat- ment of sprains and strains in their subacute and chronic stages. It will also be found of great service in the later treatment of fractures involving the joints or their vicinity, in restoring the motion of the parts as well as in improv- ing the nutrition of the muscles which have become wasted from disuse. Passive Motion. This manipulation consists in alternately flexing and extending or rotating the limb to imitate the normal joint- movement. The motions should be carefully practised, and in cases of fracture they should not be undertaken until there is quite firm union at the seat of fracture, or if for any reason passive motion is made use of before this time the fragments should be firmly supported while it is being employed. Other forms of massage, such as stroking and kneading, may be employed in conjunction with pas- sive motion in the treatment of the troublesome stiffness of joints resulting from fractures, dislocations, and sprains; passive motion applied in this manner will often restore the function of a stiff joint more satisfactorily and with less pain to the patient than the forcible manipulations of the joint which are practised under an anaesthetic. 226 MINOR SURGERY. The Clinical Thermometer. For clinical observations two thermometer scales are in general use, the Centigrade and Fahrenheit ; the latter is the one commonly employed in America and England. This scale has a limited range above and below the normal bodily temperature, which is 98 J- ° Fahrenheit or 36° Centigrade. Thermometers are now made with a convex surface, which serves to magnify the column of mercury, and thus enables the observer without difficulty to note the position of the index. (Fig. 142.) Fig. 142. 110 J 9 5 100 Clinical thermometer. The temperature of the body may be taken in the mouth, axilla, vagina, or rectum ; the two former positions are those generally employed. When taken in the axilla care should be exercised to see that no clothing is interposed between the skin and the instrument, and when the mouth is used for thermometric observations the patient should be instructed to keep his lips tightly closed and breathe through his nose. The thermometer should be kept in place for from three to five minutes. Surface thermometers are sometimes employed, the in- struments for this purpose having bulbs of a discoid shape, or are drawn out in the form of a spiral or coil. (Fig. 143.) In using this form of thermometer to determine Fig. 143. Surface thermometer. the amount of variation of the surface temperature, the temperature of corresponding parts of the body on the opposite side and the general temperature of the body should be taken at the same time. RECTAL BOUGIES, 227 The Rectal Tube. The introduction of the rectal tube is best accomplished by placing the patient upon his left side, and the surgeon should introduce his index finger well oiled into the rectum and guide the tube upon this through the anus, and by gentle pressure it is gradually passed into the rectum ; if a stricture exists in the rectum within reach of the finger, the latter should be used to guide the tube through the opening in this ; if the tube becomes caught in a transverse fold of the mucous membrane, and becomes doubled upon itself, it should be withdrawn and a fresh attempt should be made to pass it; in passing a rectal tube all manipula- tions should be made with extreme gentleness, as it has been shown that its passage is not without danger, perfora- tions of the intestine having followed its use in some cases. In cases of stricture of the rectum high up the operator has to depend upon the sense of resistance experienced in passing the tube, and in such cases the manipulations should be most carefully made. When the rectal tube is employed to introduce fluidsin to the large intestine the fluids may be introduced by means of a syringe, or by pouring them into a funnel attached to the free end of the tube, or by attaching the tube to a fountain syringe, thus allowing the liquid to pass slowly into the intestine. The rectal tube is often employed with good results in relieving the intestine of excessive flatus, and in intro- ducing water or oil into the intestine in cases of intestinal obstruction, and in those cases where the obstruction re- sults from intussusception or fecal accumulations its use will often prove satisfactory. Rectal Bougies. These instruments are made of the same material as the English flexible catheter, and are of various sizes. They should first be oiled, and carefully introduced in the same manner as the rectal tube. They are generally employed 228 MINOR SURGERY. in cases of stricture of the rectum, and they should be used with great care to avoid perforating the wall of the rec- tum. A very satisfactory substitute for a rectal bougie is a tallow candle, one end of which is melted or rubbed down to a conical shape. Enemata. These may be administered by means of the ordinary syringe, or by means of a gravity or fountain syringe; the precautions which should be observed are to introduce the nozzle of the syringe gently and in the right direction, as perforation of the lower portion of the rectum has taken place from the careless and forcible introduction of the nozzle of the enema-syringe ; the fluid should also be in- jected slowly, as by so doing there is less resistance and less tendency for the patient to pass the fluid before the desired quantity has been introduced. The enema most commonly employed to empty the lower bowel is made by adding a tablespoonful of sweet oil and two teaspoonfuls of spirits of turpentine to one or two pints of warm water in which a little castile soap has been dissolved ; warm water and sweet oil are also frequently used for the same purpose. Glycerin Enema. — One or two teaspoonfuls of glycerin injected into the rectum, or a suppository made of gly- cerin, will often be found an efficient substitute for the larger enemata of water. Nutritious Enemata. When it is found necessary to resort to feeding by the rectum, the substances employed should be injected into the rectum by means of a syringe, and care should be taken to see that the quantity is not too large, and that it is of such a nature as not to cause any irritation of the walls of the rectum, or it will not be retained ; two ounces in the case of an adult are generally a sufficient quantity to inject at one time. LOCAL ANESTHESIA. 229 Peptonized milk or beef juice, or the yolk of an egg beaten up with milk, is often employed, and any unirri- tating drugs may be mixed with the enema and adminis- tered at the same time. Ansesthetics. The substances which are employed at the present time to produce either local or general anaesthesia are ice, co- caine, rhigolene, nitrous oxide, chloroform, and ether. Local Anesthesia. Cold. Local anaesthesia may be produced by the application of cold, either by a piece of ice or a mixture of ice and salt held in contact with the part for one or two minutes, or by directing a spray of rhigolene or sulphuric ether upon the surface of the part whose sensibility is to be obtunded. (Fig. 144.) Fig. 144. Application of rhigolene spray. Chloride of Ethyl is also used to produce local anaesthesia, and is conveniently furnished in glass tubes, one end of which is drawn out into a fine point and hermetically sealed. When used the end of the tube is broken off and a fine jet of ethyl is projected upon the surface, the warmth of the hand being sufficient to force the fluid from the tube. 11 230 MINOR SURGERY. This form of local anaesthesia is made use of in minor surgical procedures, such as aspiration , the opening of ab- scesses, and the removal of superficial tumors. Rapid Respiration, Rapidly repeated deep inspirations kept up for a few minutes will produce insensibility to pain, but sensibility to contact is not obliterated. This form of anaesthesia may be made use of in slight operations, such as the open- ing of an abscess. Cocaine. Local anaesthesia produced by the employment of an aqueous solution of the hydrochlorate of cocaine, in strength from 1 to 10 per cent., is often made use of in minor sur- gical procedures. Where the mucous membrane is to be operated upon or growths removed from it, analgesia is produced by brushing the surface over with the solution of cocaine, or by applying a compress of absorbent cotton saturated with the solution to the part for a few minutes ; in mucous cavities the latter method of application will be found most convenient. In using a solution of cocaine to produce anaesthesia in operations upon the eye a 2 or 4 per cent, solution is dropped into the eye, and the application is repeated until the analgesia is complete. In applying cocaine to the urethra a 1 to 10 per cent, solution is injected into the urethra, and is allowed to re- main for two or three minutes ; more than one or two grains should not be injected at one time, as fatal results have followed the injection of larger quantities ; this is especially the case in using cocaine in the urethra and the rectum, and in these situations great caution should be exercised in its use. Experience has proved that there is always danger in the use of the stronger solutions of cocaine, so that it is now considered wise not to use a solution stronger than 1 or 2 per cent., as the full analgesic effect can be obtained by a solution of this strength. LOCAL ANESTHESIA. 231 When it is desired to produce local anaesthesia of the skin or deeper tissues the application of the solution of cocaine to the surface is not satisfactory, and it should in such cases be injected hypodermically into the deeper layers of the skin and into the cellular tissue of the parts to be operated upon ; to avoid multiple punctures the needle is not completely withdrawn from the wound, but its di- rection is changed and the solution is thrown into different portions of the tissues. It is well in situations where it can be accomplished to cut off the circulation from the part to be operated upon by placing around it a rubber strap or tube, which prevents the rapid absorption of the cocaine into the general blood-current. Some persons also have an idiosyncrasy for cocaine, and children seem more susceptible to its constitutional effects than adults. I have seen several instances in children in which marked symptoms of cocaine- poisoning resulted from the application of a 4 per cent, solution to the nasal mucous membrane. In minor surgical operations, such as amputations of the finger, circumcision, opening of abscesses, and removal of superficial tumors, cocaine-anaesthesia may be employed with advantage ; but its utility is most marked in opera- tions upon the eye and upon the mucous membranes of the nose, throat, rectum, vagina, and urethra. Applied for a few minutes to the surface of an ulcer which is to be cauterized, it will render the operation almost painless to the patient. Infiltration Ancesthesia. It has been shown by Liebreich that the injection of simple water into the tissues in such a way as to produce an artificial oedema induces a transitory anaesthesia. Schleich found that the combination of a minute quan- tity of cocaine and morphine with a weak salt solution, when injected hypodermically, produced a local anaesthesia of longer duration. The anaesthesia is produced by the artificial ischaemia, by the pressure of the injected fluids upon the nerves, and 232 MINOR SURGERY. by the direct action of the anaesthetic substances on the nerves. A solution of 1 part of cocaine to 1000 parts of steril- ized water may be used, or the following solution may be employed : Cocaine hydrochlor gr. iss. Morphise hydrochlor. gr. y^. Sodii chloridi gr. iij. Aquae Siijss. The injection should be first made into the substance of the skin itself, and then into the cellular tissues and deeper structures as desired. Nitrous Oxide Gas. This gas is administered for the purpose of producing anaesthesia, and the apparatus best suited for its adminis- tration consists of a cylinder of metal in which the gas is compressed ; this is attached to a rubber bag which has a mouthpiece fastened to it ; this is provided with a double valve, which prevents the expired air from passing back into the bag. The mouthpiece is adjusted over the mouth, and after removing any false teeth, or foreign bodies, from the mouth, the patient is instructed to take deep, full breaths, and in from one-half to one minute the face be- comes congested and dusky, and the breathing becomes stertorous, indicating that the patient is fully under the influence of the gas. The anaesthesia from nitrous oxide cannot be prolonged for more than a few minutes, so that it can only be employed in operations which take a short time for their performance, such as the extraction of teeth, the opening of abscesses, and the reduction of dislocations or fractures. In England nitrous oxide is frequently used to produce anaesthesia, and when this result is accomplished the anaesthesia is kept up by the administration of ether by the employment of a special apparatus devised for this purpose. Nitrous oxide gas is most commonly employed in dental surgery to produce anaesthesia for the removal of teeth, but is also occasionally employed in minor surgical ETHER. 233 operations ; but from the fact that the apparatus for its administration is a bulky one, its use is not so convenient as ether or chloroform, and in this country it is not much employed in general surgery. Ether. Sulphuric ether is one of the most widely employed substances in surgery to produce anaesthesia ; it is probably the safest of all anaesthetics, except nitrous oxide gas, and for this reason should be given the preference over all others. A patient should be prepared for the administration of ether by not allowing him to have any solid food for at least six hours before its inhalation ; he should be in the recumbent posture, and any garments about the chest or neck should be loosened so that the respiratory movements are not interfered with. The surgeon should also see that any false teeth or foreign bodies which may be present in the mouth are removed before the administration of the drug is begun. As the vapor of ether often causes irrita- tion of the mucous membrane of the lips and nasal pas- sages, it is well to anoint these parts with a little vaseline or cold-cream before administering the ether. It should also be borne in mind that the vapor of ether is very inflammable, and that it is heavier than the air, so that lights brought near the patient while being etherized should be held at a higher level than the ether-can or inhaler. For the administration of ether a towel folded into a cone or one of the various ether inhalers may be employed. The best of these is Allis's inhaler (Fig. 145), which con- sists of a metallic framework covered with leather, which carries a number of folds of a roller bandage, giving a large surface for the rapid evaporation of the drug. If a towel folded into a cone is used, a few layers of stiff paper interposed between the outer layers of the towel will keep the cone in shape and will prevent the evaporation of the ether from its external surface. 234 MINOR SURGERY. In debilitated patients or those who are weak from the loss of blood the administration of half an ounce to an ounce of whiskey from fifteen to thirty minutes before the anaesthetic is given is often advisable. For the administration of an anaesthetic the patient should be in the recumbent posture and the head should be turned to one side, as in this position mucus is less apt to collect in the pharynx and interfere with the breathing. Fig. 145. Allis's ether inhaler. In administering ether, half an ounce of ether is poured over the inner surface of the towel or inhaler and it is brought near the mouth of the patient, and he is requested to take deep breaths or to blow the ether away, and as soon as he has become accustomed to the irritating qualities of the ether vapor the cone or inhaler is held firmly over the mouth and nose, and the vapor is administered in as concentrated a form as possible ; if the respiration and circulation are good, there is no disadvantage in pushing the ether. When the conjunctiva is insensible to the touch of the finger, and the muscular relaxation is complete, and the breathing tends to become stertorous, the stage of com- plete anaesthesia has been reached, and the ether should be withdrawn for a time or should be given only in such quantities as suffice to keep the patient in this condition. ETHER. 235 The first effect from the inhalation of ether is to produce acceleration of the pulse and respiration ; the mucous mem- brane of the air-passages is irritated and coughing often occurs ; there is also in this stage a disposition to muscular movements, and it is frequently necessary to restrain the patient ; the brain is also excited and the patient is apt to cry out. These symptoms call for a continuance of the administration of the ether and not for its withdrawal. Succeeding this stage, if the ether is pushed, profound anaesthesia takes place, as is evidenced by loss of conscious- ness, relaxation of the muscular system, moistened skin, loss of the special senses, contracted pupils, and slow and deep respiration tending to become stertorous. Under the name of first insensibility from ether there exists early in the course of the administration of ether a primary anaesthesia, which lasts for a minute or so, and which may be taken advantage of to perform such minor surgical operations as the opening of an abscess or the reduction of a dislocation or the drawing of a tooth. The recovery from this condition is usually very prompt, and it is not followed by nausea and the after-effects which attend the prolonged administration of ether. During the administration of ether, particularly in the early stage, the patient may stop breathing, the face at the same time becoming cyanosed ; this condition calls for the withdrawal of the ether, and if a deep inspiration does not quickly follow, pressure should be made upon the front of the chest, and when this is relaxed a deep inspiration usually takes place and no further difficulty is experienced. If the patient has eaten solid food shortly before the etherization, vomiting is apt to occur ; when this takes place the ether inhaler should be removed and the head should be turned to one side, or the patient should be rolled upon his side, the mouth being kept open to facili- tate the escape of the vomited matters. The breathing also sometimes becomes obstructed by the accumulation of mucus in the fauces ; this should be removed by small sponges securely fastened to sponge-holders. When the anaesthesia is profound it sometimes happens 236 MINOR SURGERY. that the muscular relaxation is so complete that the tongue falls backward and the glottis is closed, the face becomes cyanosed and the pulse frequent and irregular, and death is threatened from asphyxia ; in this event the head should be extended and the lower jaw should be pressed forward by the fingers placed beneath the ramus of the inferior maxillary bone. (Fig. 146.) This manipulation is usually sufficient to re-establish the respiratory movements, but if so fortunate a result does not take place, artificial respira- tion should be practised — Laborde's, Sylvester's, or How- ard's method being given the preference — the patient's Fig. 146. Pushing the lower jaw forward. (Esmakch.) head being placed upon a lower level than the body, the tongue brought forward, and the fauces being cleared of mucus. The respiratory action should also be stimulated by the use of electricity — one sponge-electrode being placed over the sternum, the other being applied to the epigas- trium during an inspiratory effort. If artificial respiration is not satisfactorily applied in this way, forced respiration applied by means of a mask with tube and bellows attached (Fell's apparatus), or an intubation-tube with a rubber tube attached, which is ETHER. 237 connected with a bellows, may be slipped into the larynx, and air may thus be directly forced into the lungs, or the trachea should be opened. Tracheotomy is especially to be recommended if the asphyxia has resulted from blood or vomited matters having entered the larynx. After opening the trachea and introducing a tracheal canula, a rubber tube and bellows are connected with this and respiratory movements are simulated by forcing air directly into the trachea. The hypodermic injection of strychnia, atropia, or digi- talis is also recommended, and the intravenous injection of ammonia is said to have been followed by good results. Efforts at resuscitation in these cases should be per- severed in for at least half an hour, as apparently hopeless cases have been saved by the persistent use of these means. The person intrusted with the administration of the anaesthetic should watch the patient closely and should not have his attention diverted by the operation ; he should carefully watch the pulse, respiration, and the color of the patients face, and be ready to withdraw the ether upon the development of any symptom of danger, and to meet such symptoms, should they arise, by the use of some of the means previously mentioned. The administration of ether vapor by the rectum was a few years ago employed in many cases, and although anaes- thesia w r as quickly produced, dangerous symptoms some- times followed its employment, so that this method of administration has been abandoned. Vomiting after the administration of ether is very com- mon, and if it persists after a few hours, it may be relieved by the administration of the fourth of a grain of cocaine with crushed ice, repeated two or three times, or by the use of crushed ice with champagne or brandy, and in some cases the swallowing of a few mouthfuls of very warm water will relieve this condition. An anaesthetic should never be given to a woman with- out the presence of a third person, as in some cases these agents give rise to erotic dreams, and it may be difficult to disabuse the patient's mind of the idea that an assault 11* 238 MINOR SURGERY. has been committed unless the evidence of eye-witnesses at the time of the anesthetization can be brought forward to prove that such was not the case. Chloroform. A patient is prepared for the administration of chloroform as in the case of ether, the same precautions being taken as regards the removal of false teeth or foreign bodies from the mouth, and to see that the clothing about the chest and neck does not restrict the circulation or respiratory move- ments. Chloroform is certainly a much more dangerous anaesthetic than ether, and although it is widely used in the British Islands and upon the Continent, it is not used in this country except in certain districts — as in the southern and southwestern districts of the United States, and here its use is followed by fewer fatalities than in the northern districts, so that it is possible that its use is safer in warm climates. Clinical experience has demonstrated the fact that chloroform can be used in aged and very young subjects and in puerperal patients with comparative safety ; it is also to be preferred to ether in patients suffer- ing from emphysema of the lungs, bronchitis, and vascular degeneration of the kidneys. It is also employed instead of ether in operations upon the mouth when the actual cautery is employed, on account of its less inflammable character. The result of clinical experience and the deductions from physiological experiments seem conclusively to point to the fact that chloroform is a direct depressant and paraly- zant of the heart muscle. Chloroform is administered by pouring a drachm of the drug upon a folded towel, which is first held a few inches from the mouth and nose and gradually brought nearer, but is not allowed to come in contact with the face, as from its local irritating action it will blister the surface ; the ansesthetizer should remember that one of the dangers in the administration of chloroform is the risk of too great CHLOROFORM. 239 concentration of its vapor, so that he should see that a sufficient admixture of atmospheric air takes place. Pro- found anaesthesia is evidenced by insensibility of the con- junctiva to the touch, by complete muscular relaxation, and by the absence of reflexes ; the pupils in chloroform- anaesthesia are usually contracted. Various inhalers have been devised to regulate the amount of chloroform admin- istered and to secure the proper admixture of atmospheric air, and the best of these is probably Mr. Clover's appa- ratus. (Fig. 147.) This consists of a bag holding 8000 Fig. 147. Clover's chloroform apparatus. (Eeichsen.) cubic inches of air connected with a face-piece by a flexible tube. The bag is charged by means of a bellows (Fig. 147, 1) measuring 100 cubic inches ; and the air is passed through a box warmed with hot water, into which is intro- duced at each filling of the bellows as much chloroform as is required for 1000 cubic inches of air. This is done with a syringe (Fig. 147, 2); the amount of chloroform required is usually from 30 to 40 minims. When the bag is full the tube is removed from the evaporator and the mouthpiece (Fig. 147, 3) is fitted to it. Additional air may be admitted by regulating the size of the opening 240 MINOR SURGERY. in the mouthpiece ; the patient, however, cannot receive a larger proportion of chloroform than the air in the bag is charged with. Death from the administration of chloroform results from cardiac syncope or from respiratory arrest, and the dangerous symptoms develop so rapidly that the greatest promptness is required to meet them. The person ad- ministering chloroform should constantly watch both the pulse and the respiration, and should not for a moment have his attention diverted from the patient ; great vigi- lance is here, if possible, more important than during the administration of ether. When dangerous symptoms arise they are to be treated by lowering the patient's head, and if respiratory arrest has occurred, the same means to bring about respiratory action should be employed as for a . similar condition during ether narcosis. Cardiac syncope is treated by the use of electricity, the electrodes with a rapidly interrupted current being swept over the chest ; hypodermics of digi- talis and strychnia and atropia may be employed to stimu- late the heart and respiration, and as in ether narcosis the efforts should not be desisted from for some time, as by the persistent employment of these means apparently hopeless cases have been resuscitated. The A.-C.-E. Mixture. This mixture, which consists of 3 parts of chloroform, 1 part of ether, and 1 part of alcohol, has been employed by some surgeons in the place of ether or chloroform, with the idea that the dangers of chloroform are diminished by its combination with ether and alcohol. Clinical ex- perience, however, has not proved this view to be correct, and I see no advantage in the use of this combination over that of ether or chloroform. If administered with as much care as chloroform, its administration is accompanied with the same safety. It should be administered upon a towel in the same manner as chloroform, and the patient should be watched as carefully during its inhalation as during the TBUSSES. 241 administration of the latter drug, any complication occur- ring should be treated in the same manner as those arising during the use of chloroform. Bromide of Ethyl. This drug was introduced as an anaesthetic some years ago, but as a number of deaths followed its use, it was abandoned. The time required to produce anaesthesia is shorter than for ether, but there is often induced violent muscular spasm, which renders it an unsuitable anaesthetic in many cases. Bromide of ethyl has again been revived as an anaes- thetic, but clinical experience has found that its use is not devoid of danger, that it is not as safe an anaesthetic as ether, and that it possesses no advantages in point of safety over chloroform. When used it should be administered by pouring a drachm or two upon an inhaler or a towel, and the patient should be watched with the same care as during the administration of chloroform. Trusses. A truss for the palliative treatment of hernia is a me- chanical contrivance with one or more pads and a strap ; these are held in position by a spring to which they are attached, which holds the pad in contact with the skin over the hernial ring. They are applied in all cases of reducible hernia, and are used in the treatment of hernia at all ages ; in infants and young children the continued use of a properly fitting truss is often followed by a radical cure of the hernia. Trusses are made with steel or rubber rings and with pads of wood, rubber, celluloid, or horsehair, covered with chamois, and their shape and the pressure which they should exert vary with the variety of hernia for which they are applied. A firm compress applied over the inguinal canal or crural 242 MINOR SURGERY. ring, secured in position by a firmly applied spica-of-the groin bandage, forms a very satisfactory temporary means of preventing the descent of a hernia. A properly fitting truss should be worn without discom- fort to the patient — that is, should not make too much pressure upon the skin at the points where the pads are applied — and should absolutely prevent the descent of the hernia. In testing the adequacy of a truss, after appli- cation, to prevent the escape of the hernia, the patient should be instructed to separate his legs, bend forward over the back of a chair, and cough or strain deeply ; if this does not bring the hernia down, its control of the rup- ture may be considered satisfactory. Trusses should be applied after the complete reduction of the hernia, while the patient is in the recumbent pos- ture. When first applied the truss should be worn both during the night and day, and if the skin becomes tender at the points of pressure, it should be sponged with alcohol and alum, then dried and dusted with powdered starch or lycopodium. Patients at first sometimes complain of dis- comfort in wearing a truss, but they soon become accus- tomed to its presence. After a truss has been worn for some time its use at night, while the patient is in bed, may be dispensed with, but the patient should not remove it until he is in bed in the recumbent posture, and he should reapply it before he rises in the morning. In children it is better to have the truss worn continuously, and if it is removed for bathing the nurse should be instructed to place her finger over the ring to prevent the descent of the hernia until the truss is reapplied. In applying trusses to male children care should be taken not to make pressure upon an undescended testicle. Trusses for Inguinal Hernia. In measuring a patient for this form of truss the cir- cumference of the body midway between the crest of the ilium and the great trochanter should be taken, and the TRUSSES FOR FEMORAL HERNIA. 243 distance from the symphysis pubis to the anterior superior spinous process of the ilium may also be given, as half of this distance corresponds to the position of the internal abdominal ring. In reducible inguinal hernia the truss- pressure should be exerted upon the inguinal canal and Fig. 148. Truss for inguinal hernia. directly backward. To control this variety of hernia a single-spring truss (Fig. 148) may be employed, or the use of a truss having a double spring with flat pads on each side of the spine attached to the springs, and a smaller pad over the inguinal canal on the unaffected side, with a Fig. 149. Hood's truss. full pad on the side of the hernia, will often be found most satisfactory. This, which is known as Hood's truss, is one w^hich will be found a very satisfactory instrument both in inguinal and femoral hernia. (Fig. 149.) Trusses for Femoral Hernia. In measuring a patient for this variety of truss, the cir- cumference of the body midway between the crest of the ilium and the great trochanter should be taken ; the dis- 244 MINOR SURGERY. tance of the saphenous opening from the symphysis pubis, as well as from the anterior iliac spine, should also be taken. In reducible femoral hernia the truss-pressure should be directed backward against the femoral canal, and the pad should be large enough to make pressure upon the adjacent tissues through which the hernia passes, as well as upon the relaxed tissues covering the femoral canal. As in inguinal hernia, either a single or a double spring truss may be employed (Fig. 150). In applying a truss for femoral hernia, care should be taken to see that the pad does not rest upon the pubis, and thus remove the pressure from the crural ring and adja- cent tissues and prevent the proper control of the hernia. Trusses for Umbilical Hernia. In measuring a patient for this variety of truss, the cir- cumference of the body over the umbilicus should be taken. Fig. 150. Fig. 151. Hood's truss for femoral hernia. Truss for umbilical hernia. In reducible umbilical hernia the truss-pressure should be directed backward, and the pad should bear rather on the tendinous margins of the ring than on the hernial opening. A truss for this variety of hernia should have a flat or slightly convex pad, which is held in position over the umbilical ring by means of springs having counter- pads on either side of the spine attached to their extremi- ties ; these are fastened together by a strap (Fig. 151). A simple and satisfactory truss for umbilical hernia in infants consists of a penny covered by adhesive plaster, held over the umbilical ring by one or two strips of adhe- sive plaster about two inches in width, and should be USE OF CATHETERS AND BOUGIES. 245 applied so as to cover in about the anterior two-thirds of the body. A penny, or a small, flat, compress of linen, will be found much more satisfactory than the conical rubber or cork pad which is often recommended. Trusses for Irreducible Hernia. The application of a truss to this variety of hernia secures the hernia from injury and prevents the further protrusion of the hernia ; such trusses are secured in the same way as those for reducible hernia, but the pads are made concave or cup-shaped, or may have an air-cushion attached to the pad. Use of Catheters and Bougies. Catheters are hollow tubes, made either of metal, India- rubber, or other flexible substances. Metallic catheters are made of silver, or, if constructed of other metals, they should be plated with silver or nickel, to give them a smooth, bright surface which can easily be kept perfectly clean ; and their shape should conform to that of the normal urethra (Fig. 152). The shape of the metallic catheter is sometimes changed to meet certain indications ; for instance, the metallic catheter for use in cases of enlarged prostate is longer and has a larger curve than the ordinary instrument (Fig. 153). The metallic female catheter is shorter and has a much smaller curve than the instrument used for the male urethra. Flexible Catheters. — The most commonly used variety of flexible catheter is that known as the English catheter, which is made of linen and shellac, and is provided with a stylet ; it can be moulded into any shape desired by dip- ping it into hot water, which renders it very flexible, and, after moulding it to the proper curve, this can be fixed by immersing it in cold water, which hardens it again. 246 MINOR SURGERY. The French flexible catheters are made of India-rubber, or a combination of this material with other substances. Fig. 153. Fig. 152. Metallic catheter. Prostatic catheter. These instruments are conical toward their extremities, and terminate in an olive-shaped point; they are provided with one or two smoothly finished eyes near their vesical extremities (Fig. 154). Another form of flexible catheter, known as the elbow T - catheter or Mercier's catheter (Fig. 155), has an angle or BOUGIES AND SOUNDS. 247 elbow near its vesical extremity ; this is often found a satisfactory instrument to use in cases of enlarged prostate. Fig. 154. French flexible catheters. Fig. 155. Mercier's elbowed catheter. A variety of flexible catheter made of soft India-rubber is also sometimes employed. (Fig. 156.) Fig. 156. Soft rubber catheter. Catheters and bougies are made according to a certain scale. The English scale runs from l.to 12; the American from 1 to 20 ; and the French from 1 to 30. Bougies and Sounds. Bougies are flexible instruments which correspond in size and shape to the English and French catheters, and besides there are the acorn-pointed bougie (Fig. 157) and 248 MINOR SUBGERY. the filiform bougie, which is made of whalebone or of the same material as the ordinary French bougie and catheter. These instruments are of very small size and can often be Fig. 157. Bulbous or acorn-pointed bougies. Fig. 159. Fig. 160. Fig. 158. {/ Filiform bougies. Steel sound. Sound for dilating meatus. INTRODUCTION OF A CATHETER. 249 passed through strictures which will admit no other form of instrument. (Fig. 158.) Sounds. — These are solid instruments usually made of steel with a smooth surface and plated with nickel ; they correspond in size and have the same curve as the metallic catheter ; the handle is flattened to allow the operator to grasp them firmly ; they are employed in the treatment of strictures by dilatation. (Fig. 159.) The sound used in dilating strictures of the meatus is straight and is shorter than the sound employed in the treatment of urethral strictures. (Fig. 160.) Introduction of a Catheter. The passing of a catheter is a minor surgical procedure which every practitioner is at times called upon to employ, and its passage through a healthy urethra is a matter of little difficulty. For the introduction of a catheter the patient may be in the standing, sitting, or recumbent pos- ture, and the latter is the best in most cases ; he should rest squarely on his back and have the thighs a little flexed and separated. Before passing a metallic catheter the surgeon should see that it is perfectly clean, and after warming and oiling it he stands upon the left side of the patient and grasps the penis with the left hand, and turns it over the pubis and introduces the beak of the catheter into the meatus, and gently passes it along the urethra until its point passes beneath the symphysis pubis ; at this point the handle is elevated and gently depressed between the thighs, and the beak will pass into the bladder. (Fig. 161.) When the prostatic region is reached difficulty is some- times experienced in the further passage of the instrument ; this may be overcome by introducing the finger into the rectum and guiding the catheter through the prostatic urethra, or if the prostate is found much enlarged, the catheter should be withdrawn, and a prostatic catheter (Fig. 153) should be substituted for it. 250 MINOR SURGERY. The same manipulation is made use of in passing metallic sounds. Flexible catheters and bougies are passed by grasping the penis and holding it in such a position that it is at a right angle to the axis of the body, and the catheter or Fig. 161. Introduction of a catheter. (Voillemiee.) bougie is passed into the meatus and carried through the urethra into the bladder by gently pushing the instrument downward. In this variety of catheter, which has no curve, the sur- geon has no means of guiding the. point of the instrument, and if an obstruction is met, he should withdraw the instru- TYING THE MALE CATHETER IN THE BLADDER. 251 ment slightly and make another attempt ; all manipulations should be extremely gentle. The same manipulations are employed in passing bougies through the urethra. Passing the Female Catheter. This should be introduced without exposure of the patient, she being in bed with the thighs slightly flexed and separated from each other. The surgeon introduces Fig. 162. Method of holding the female catheter. the forefinger of the left hand between the nymphse, bring- ing it from behind forward until he touches the space between the entrance of the vagina and the orifice of the urethra ; the catheter is then introduced with the right hand held as shown in Fig. 162, and guided by the left forefinger is passed through the orifice of the urethra into the bladder. Tying the Male Catheter in the Bladder. When it is desirable to retain a catheter for some time in the male bladder, it is necessary to secure it to prevent its slipping out. Either a metallic or flexible catheter may be employed, but, as a rule, the flexible instrument is to be preferred ; there are several methods of securing it in the bladder. By one method two narrow strips of tape or two or 252 MINOR SURGERY. three strong silk ligatures are attached to the rings at the end of a metallic catheter, or are securely fastened around the end of the flexible instru- FlG - 163 - ment ; these are next brought backward, one on each side of the penis, and the skin is drawn forward and a strip of adhesive plaster half an inch in width is passed over the strings or tapes and carried three or four times around the body of the Tying in catheter. (Bryant.) penis just behind the position of the glans penis. If the skin has been brought well forward before the strips have been applied, the ligatures are tightened as it slips back, and the catheter has not too much play. (Fig. 163.) Another method consists in fastening a strong silk liga- ture around the catheter just in advance of the meatus ; the two ends are next brought backward and tied in a knot behind the corona glandis ; the ends are then carried around behind the corona and tied on one side of the frsenum ; the foreskin is slipped forward and covers the ligatures, A catheter may also be secured in the bladder by tying the ends of the silk ligatures, which are attached to the instrument in advance of the meatus, to tufts of pubic hair. A simpler method of securing the catheter is to perforate the free end with a needle armed with a double ligature of silk or hemp ; the needle being removed, two loops are made of the proper length, and these are passed through the ends of a T-bandage, which is secured around the waist, the tails being brought up on either side of the scrotum and secured to the body of the bandage passing around the waist. In the female bladder, when it is desirable to keep the bladder empty, the self-retaining catheter is usually em- ployed, which consists of a catheter with a bulb at its vesical extremity, or an ordinary catheter with silk loops URETHRAL INJECTIONS. 253 and a T-bandage may be employed in the same manner as in securing a male catheter. Washing out the Bladder. This procedure may be required in the treatment of cystitis, and it is accomplished by passing a flexible catheter with a large eye into the bladder, or a double Fig. 164. Rubber bag with stopcock, for washing out the bladder. catheter may be employed. A syringe, or better a rubber bulb holding about a pint, having a nozzle and stopcock (Fig. 1 64), is filled with warm water, or with any medi- cated solution which is desired, and it is then attached to the free end of the catheter and the contents are gently injected into the bladder ; care should be taken that the bladder is not too much distended. When the desired amount of fluid has been injected, it is allowed to run out of the catheter, and the procedure may be repeated until the solution comes away perfectly clear. Care should be taken to see that the bladder is perfectly emptied of the solution, and in cases of paralysis of the bladder gentle pressure should be made upon the abdomen over the pubis to accomplish this object. Solutions of boric acid, permanganate of potassium, and weak solutions of carbolic acid and of nitrate of silver are often employed in washing out the bladder in cases of chronic cystitis. Urethral Injections. In the treatment of urethral inflammations the injection of medicated solutions is generally made use of, and as 12 254 MINOR SURGERY. ,165. these injections are usually made by the patient himself, he should be shown or instructed how to employ them. A rubber syringe having a conical nozzle and holding about two or three drachms is the best instrument to employ for this purpose. (Fig. 165.) The syringe having been filled with the solution, the patient sits upon the edge of a hard chair, with the thighs sepa- rated, grasps the syringe between the thumb and middle finger of the right hand, the tip of the index finger resting upon the end of the piston, and inserts its conical end from a quarter to half an inch within the meatus, which is held open by the thumb and finger of the left hand. After the introduction of the nozzle of the syringe the tissues should be drawn tightly around it, the pressure being made laterally so shape ot ag ^ Q narrow ^he urethral opening; instead of nozzle of ^ urethral broadening it, as is the case when the compres- syringe. sion is in an antero-posterior direction. After the fluid has been thrown into the urethra in this manner the syringe is removed, and the patient is instructed to hold the lips of the meatus together for one or two minutes to prevent the escape of the fluid. Sutures. A variety of materials are employed for sutures, such as silk, catgut, silver or iron wire, silkworm-gut, kangaroo- tail tendon, and horsehair ; the material most frequently employed at the present time is either catgut, silk, or silk- worm-gut, although some surgeons still prefer silver wire. Catgut and kangaroo-tail tendon are practically the only substances employed as sutures which are absorbable ; the other varieties of suture require removal after their appli- cation, although some sutures, such as the silk, when employed in subcutaneous w 7 ounds may be cut short, as they are apt to become encysted and produce no trouble. SURGICAL NEEDLES. 255 It matters little what variety of material be employed for suturing if the surgeon is careful to see that it is rendered thoroughly aseptic before being brought in contact with the wound. Sutures of Relaxation are those which are entered and brought out at some distance from the edges of the wound, and are employed to prevent dangerous tension upon the sutures which approximate the edges of the skin. This form of suture is employed by the use of the quilled, button, or plate suture. Sutures of Coaptation. — These are superficial sutures applied closely together and include only the skin \ they are employed to secure accurate apposition of the cutaneous surface of wounds. Sutures of Approximation are those which are applied deeply into the tissue to secure approximation of the deep portions of a wound ; this object is accomplished by the use of the quilled, button, or plate suture. Secondary Sutures. — These sutures are applied when the surfaces of the wound are covered by granulations, when the primary sutures have failed to secure apposition of the edges of the wound, or in cases of secondary hemorrhage where the opening of the wound has been necessitated to turn out the blood-clot and secure the bleeding vessel, or in plastic operations where the primary sutures have failed to secure adhesions of the edges of the flaps. They are also employed with advantage in cases in which it is neces- sary to pack a wound with antiseptic gauze, or to allow haemostatic forceps to remain clamped upon bleeding tissues in a wound at the time of operation. The sutures should in such a case be introduced and loosely tied at this time, and when the packing or forceps is removed at the end of two or three days the sutures are tightened so as to secure apposition of the edges of the wound. Surgical Xeedles. Xeedles for surgical use are of different sizes and shapes (Fig. 166) ; straight needles are the ones most commonly 256 MINOR SURGERY, employed, but curved needles will be found most con- venient for the introduction of sutures in wounds of certain Fig. 166. er 260 MINOR SURGERY. of single stitches, each of which is entirely independent of those on either side. In applying this suture the surgeon holds the edge of the wound with the fingers or forceps and thrusts the needle, previously threaded, through the skin three or four lines from the edges of the wound. He then passes the needle from within outward through the tissues of the opposite flap at the same distance from the edge of the wound. (Fig. 174.) Each stitch is secured Fig. 174. The interrupted suture. as soon as it is passed — by tying if a silk, catgut or silk- worm-gut suture be used, or by twisting if a silver-wire suture is employed. A suture may be used with a needle threaded on each end, in which case both needles are passed from within outward. The sutures may be secured as soon as applied, or they may be left unsecured until a sufficient number have been introduced, and then they may be secured by tying or twisting. Care should be taken to see that they make no tension on the edges of the wound and that they are so introduced as to make the best possi- ble apposition of the parts. Buried Sutures. In extensive and deep wounds it may be found neces- sary to introduce both deep and superficial sutures, the former bringing about apposition of the muscles and deep VARIETIES OF SUTURE. 261 fascia, the superficial layer bringing together the superficial fascia and skin. The deep or buried sutures are often employed to unite fascia, muscles, or tendons, and the best material for this variety of suture is either catgut, silk, silkworm-gut, or kangaroo-tail tendon. Continued or Glover's Suture. This variety of suture is applied in the same manner as the interrupted suture, but the stitches are not cut apart and tied ; it is made with silk or catgut and is secured by drawing it double through the last stitch and using the Fig. 175. Continued or glover's suture ; method of securing. free end to make a knot with the double portion attached to the needle. (Fig. 175.) This suture is generally em- ployed in intestinal sutures, but also may be employed in bringing about apposition of the edges of wounds tissues of loose structure. 12* in 262 MINOR SURGERY. Subcuticular Suture. Halstead has introduced a suture in which the needle is introduced on the under surface of the skin on one side, and brought out just beneath the cut edge ; it is then entered in the reverse direction below the epidermic surface oppo- site ; when tied it will lie wholly out of sight. The object of this variety of suture is to avoid infection of the wound by the skin coccus which may be introduced by the suture if passed from without inward. Fine silk or catgut should be used for this variety of suture, which may become en- cysted, absorbed, or gradually cast off after a few weeks. The Twisted or Hare-lip Suture. This is a very useful form of suture where great accuracy and firmness of apposition of the edges of the wound are desired. It is applied by thrusting pins or needles deeply through both lips of the wound, the edges being kept in contact over the wound by figure-of-eight turns with silk or wire. (Fig. 176). The ends of the pins should be cut Fig. 176. Fig, 177. Twisted or hare-lip suture. India-rubber suture. off by pin-cutters after the sutures are applied, or should be protected by pieces of cork or plaster to prevent them from injuring the skin of the patient and causing him pain. The twisted or hare-lip suture is frequently employed in plastic operations about the face and in other parts ot the body where accurate apposition of the flaps is desired. VARIETIES OF SUTURE. 263 The India-rubber Suture. This is applied by first passing the pins or needles through the edges of the flaps, and instead of the twisted figure- of-eight suture of silk, delicate rings of India-rubber are employed. (Fig. 177.) Tlie Quilt Suture. This variety of suture is made with silk or catgut, and is employed in wounds to effect very close approximation Fig. 178. The quilt suture. of the parts and to prevent bagging ; it is often employed in connection with the continued suture, and is applied as shown in Fig. 178. 264 MINOR SURGERY. The Quilled Suture. In making use of this suture a needle armed with a double thread of wire or silk is passed through the tissues as in applying the interrupted suture, but at a greater dis- tance from the edges of the wound. Into the loops on one side of the wound is inserted a quill or piece of a flexible catheter or bougie, and on the opposite side the free ends of the sutures are tied around a similar object after being tightened. (Fig. 179.) This form of suture makes deep and equable pressure along the whole line of the wound. Fig. 179. The quilled suture. (Smith.) In applying this suture it may be found advisable in some cases to introduce a few superficial interrupted sutures 'along the line of the wound to secure accurate approximation ot the skin. This form of suture was formerly much employed in cases of deep wounds to secure accurate apposition of the deep portions of the wound, but recently the introduc- tion of buried catgut sutures has supplanted the use of this variety of suture. Button or Plate Suture. This suture is applied by passing a needle armed with a double thread as in the case of the quilled suture, the VARIETIES OF SUTURE. 265 Fig. 180. ends of the suture being passed through the eyes of a button or through perforations in a lead plate before being threaded in the eye of the needle. After the suture prepared in this way has been passed through both sides of the wound, the needle is removed and the free ends of the suture are passed through the eyes of a button or the perforations in a lead plate on the opposite side of the wound, and are tightened and secured. (Fig. 180.) This form of suture may be employed in deep wounds to accomplish the same purpose as the quilled suture. It allows the cutaneous margins of the wound to remain free from compression, and here, as in the case of the quilled suture, a few interrupted sutures may be introduced be- tween the button or plate sutures to secure accurate appo- sition of the skin surfaces it desired. Button suture. (Smith.) Fig. 181. Tongue-and-groove Suture. This variety of suture, devised by the late Dr. Joseph Pancoast, consists in slipping the margin of the flap which has been bevelled into a groove, made by dissecting up the mar- gin of the skin surrounding the raw surface which is to be covered. In applying this su- ture the wire or thread used has a needle applied on each end, and after passing the su- tures so as to secure the flaps the free ends are secured over a pad of adhesive plaster or a disk of lead or through the eyes of a button. (Fig. 181.) Shotted Sutures. This suture receives its name not from any special method of application, but solely from the way in which it Tongue-and-groove suture. 266 MINOR SURGERY. is secured ; any of the previously mentioned varieties of sutures may be employed. The material used in applying this suture may be catgut, silver wire, silkworm-gut, silk, or horsehair, and after the suture has been passed the needle is removed, and the ends are passed through a perforated shot ; the ends are then drawn upon to bring the edges of the wound in contact, and the shot is pressed down to the skin and clamped by means of a shot-compressor. The suture is then cut off' flush with the surface of the shot. This method of securing sutures is especially useful in closing wounds in the mucous cavities, such as the vagina, rectum, and mouth, where the knot or twist of the wire might cause irritation of the surface or pain to the patient • it is also a useful method of securing sutures in plastic operations ; it also facilitates the removal of the sutures, as the shot is not apt to be obscured by the swollen tissue, and is easily seized by forceps when the loop is divided. Removal of Sutures. Where sutures are buried in the tissues or used to ap- proximate parts in cavities which are subsequently closed, such materials should be used for sutures as will be ab- sorbed in a few days, or will become encysted and remain harmless in the tissues — such as catgut, silkworm-gut, or silk — and it is needless to state that sutures used with this end in view should be rendered perfectly aseptic before being employed. Catgut sutures, when well prepared and used for sutures in external wounds, usually undergo absorption in from ten to fifteen days ; the loop buried in the tissues is absorbed and the knot may be removed from the surface with forceps or it may come off with the dressings. The other substances, such as silk, silkworm-gut, silver wire, and horsehair, are removed by cutting one side of the loop and making traction upon the knot of the suture with forceps, or in the case of the wire suture, after divid- ing the loop and straightening out one end of it, the wire should be withdrawn in a curved direction. VARIETIES OF SUTURE. 267 Sutures which are not causing any irritation should be allowed to remain in position until the wound is solidly healed. The time usually required for their retention in cases of aseptic wounds is from eight to twelve days. Lemberfs Suture. Lembert's suture is used in wounds of the viscera covered by the peritoneum, with the object of bringing in contact the peritoneal surfaces. This form of suture is Fig. 182. Lemberfs suture. (Bryant.) usually employed in closing wounds of the intestine, blad der or stomach. (Fig. 182.) Fig. 183. Lembert's suture, a, serous ; b, muscular ; and, c, mucous coat. (Smith.) A needle armed with a fine catgut or silk thread is passed, and it is better to employ a round needle, such as 268 MINOR SURGERY. the ordinary sewing-needle, in preference to the bayonet- pointed needle, as there results by its use less bleeding from the punctures. The needle is first carried through the peritoneal and muscular coats of the intestine a short distance from the wound, and it is then carried across the wound and passed through the same portions of the intestine a short distance from the edge of the wound on the opposite side, and when the suture is tightened the peritoneal surfaces of the intestine are inverted and brought into contact with each other (Fig. 183) ; the in- terrupted or continued suture may be employed in mak- ing this form of suture. Halstead's Quilt Suture. This is a modification of Lembert's method. The needle penetrates the superficial coats of the gut twice on each side of the wound, and is then tied. (Fig. 184.) Fig. 184. Halstead's quilt suture for intestines. GMy's Suture. In applying this form of suture in intestinal wounds a ligature armed with a fine needle at each end is employed, VARIETIES OF SUTURE. Fig. 185. 269 Gely's suture. and the punctures should be about five millimetres apart; the method of applying the suture is shown in Fig. 185. Bouisson's Suture. This method of suturing intestinal wounds, which is more complicated than either of the previously mentioned methods and possesses no advantage over them, is applied Fig. 186. Bouisson's suture. by passing a delicate pin in and out along each side of the wound as shown in Fig. 186, and drawing them together laterally by ligatures passed through the intervals, one end of each ligature being cut short and the other end 270 MINOR SURGERY. being brought out at the lower angle of the external wound ; a thread is also tied under the head of each pin and brought out at the upper angle of the wound, and at the end of three or four days the pins are removed by means of the threads attached to them, and at the same time the sutures, having been freed by the removal of the pins, are withdrawn. Czerny Suture. This suture is applied in intestinal wounds by passing the needle armed with a catgut or silk thread through the serous membrane on one side of the wound of the intestine and out at the wound surface so as not to include the mucous membrane ; the needle is then passed through the wound surface on the opposite side, avoiding the mucous membrane, and brought out through the serous membrane a short distance from the edge of the wound. By this suture the lips of the wound are approximated. For additional security in preventing the escape of the contents of the intestine and to secure approximation of the serous surfaces a few Lembert sutures should be introduced. Joberfs Suture. This suture, which has been employed in transverse wounds of the intestine which completely or incompletely Fig. 187. Jobert's suture. divided the gut, is introduced after turning the lower end of the bowel in upon itself. When the division of the gut VARIETIES OF SUTURE. 271 was incomplete Jobert employed only one suture, when complete tw r o ; the ends of the sutures were brought out of the external wound. (Fig. 187.) By this method of suture the two serous surfaces are brought into contact. Sutures Employed in Intestinal Anastomosis. When it is desired to form a permanent orifice between two portions of the gut, the ends of the gut are closed and Fig. 188. Method of applying Senn's decalcified bone plates. (Geeig Smith an opening is made in each portion of the gut, and the walls of the gut surrounding the openings are held in contact with each other by sutures attached to perforated plates of decalcified bone ; this is the method devised by Senn. The manner of using the bone plates and sutures is shown in Figs. 188 and 189. To accomplish the same purpose rubber rings or perforated plates of rubber have been em- 272 MINOR SURGERY. ployed, also rings made from catgut, to which the sutures are attached, are applied in the same manner as Sennas plates. In using the rubber rings or plates it is well to divide them at one or two points and unite them by catgut sutures which will soften and be dissolved in a few days and allow the ring or plate to change its shape and facilitate its passage through the bowels ; if catgut rings are employed these will be softened and dissolved in a short time so as to be passed without difficulty. Fig. 189. WALL OF INTESTINE TURNED IN AND SECURED BY , LEMBERT STITCHES Diagram showing position of bone plates in intestinal anastomosis after resection of the bowel. (Roberts.) At the present time many surgeons in performing in- testinal anastomosis dispense with the use of bone plates or rings and make use of Abbe's long incision, in which, after closing the two ends of the gut, the two portions are laid alongside of each other and two rows of continuous Lembert sutures are applied, a quarter of an inch apart and an inch longer than the proposed cut. The bowel is then opened for four inches a fourth of an inch from the sutures, both rows being to one side of the cut ; the op- posite portion of the bowel is then opened in the same manner, and the adjacent edges of the bowel are united by a continuous suture. The two free cut edges are then hemmed to secure any bleeding that may be present, after which the serous surfaces on the opposite sides of the VARIETIES OF SUTURE. 273 opening are approximated and secured by two rows of continuous Lembert sutures. Intestinal anastomosis may be employed instead of Jobert's suture or the circular suture in wounds com- pletely dividing the intestine and after resection of the gut for the removal of growths or for stricture. Sutures Employed in Gastrostomy. In this operation, when the wall of the stomach has been exposed, two hare-lip pins should be thrust through the integument and tissues near the edge of the wound and then through the peritoneal and muscular coats of the stomach, to bring the surface of the stomach in contact with the peritoneum covering the inner surface of the abdominal walls in the region of the wound ; a few sutures of silk may also be introduced to secure the wall of the stomach to the edges of the wound. The opening of the stomach is postponed for four or five days if possible, until the adhesion between its walls and the abdominal parietes is secure, and at this time the sutures and the pins are removed. When immediate opening of the stomach is required for any reason, after the wall of the stomach has been exposed two silver-wire sutures are passed through the peritoneal and muscular coats of the viscus by means of a needle; these sutures should be placed transversely to the external abdominal wound and serve to draw the wall of the stomach in contact with the inner margins of the abdom- inal incision. A long silk suture is next passed through the outer coats of the stomach so that the loops project upon the external surface of the organ. A needle, having a hook near its extremity, is passed through the abdominal wall and engages the loop and draws it to the surface of the abdomen near the edge of the abdominal wound ; the same manipulation is repeated until all of the loops have been brought to the surface. (Fig. 190.) A piece of rubber tube is carried around the external 274 MINOR SURGERY. wound and slipped through the loops which project upon the surface of the abdomen, and by drawing the loops tight over the rubber tube and tying the ends of the suture the stomach wall is secured in contact with the inner mar- gins of the abdominal wound, and it may be safely opened after being thus fixed. Fig. 190. Sutures for immediate gastrostomy. (Roberts .) In the operation of gastrostomy, where the stomach has been exposed and opened and the foreign body removed, or its cavity has been explored, or its orifices dilated, as the case may be, the wound in the wall of the stomach is closed with Lembert's sutures, silk or catgut being the material employed for this purpose. The abdominal wound is next closed with deep sutures which include the parietal peritoneum. Ligatures Used in the Treatment of Vascular Growths. Various forms of ligature are used for the strangulation of vascular growths ; the material used for ligatures is usually strong silk or hemp thread, catgut, or silver wire. LIGATURES USED IN VASCULAR GROWTHS. 275 The Single Ligature with a Pix. This is applied by first inserting a hare lip pin through the skin near the edge of the growth, passing it under the growth and bringing its point out through the skin at a point opposite the point of entry ; a strong silk or hemp ligature, which has been well waxed, is passed under the ends of the pin surrounding the base of the tumor and is drawn tight enough to strangulate the growth, and is secured by two knots (Fig. 191). If the growth is of Eig. 191. Vascular tumor strangulated with pin and ligature. (Roberts.) considerable size it is better before applying this ligature to introduce a second pin at right angles to the first one, and then secure the ligature under the pins. In applying these forms of ligatures to healthy skin the patient is saved much pain, and the separation of the mass is hastened, by cutting a groove in the skin with a sharp knife at the point where the ligature is to be applied ; the ligature when tied is buried in the groove thus made. Double Ligature in Vascular Growths. This ligature is applied by passing a needle or a needle with a handle, armed with a double ligature, through the skin near the growth, and then passing it under the tumor and bringing it out through the skin at a point directly opposite the point of insertion ; the ligature is then divided and the needle removed. The tumor is strangulated by tying firmly the corresponding ends of the ligature on each side of the tumor, each ligature including one-half of the growth (Fig. 192). 276 MINOR SURGERY. The double ligature may also be applied by first passing a pin under the growth and then passing a needle armed Fig. 192. Method of applying double ligature. (Roberts.) with a double thread under the tumor at right angles to the pin, and after removing the needle the ends of the Fig. 193. Method of applying double ligature and pin. (Bryant.) ligature are tied and the tumor is strangulated in two sections. (Fig. 193.) Quadruple Ligature. In applying this ligature two needles carrying a double thread are passed under the growth at right angles to LIGATURES USED IN VASCULAR GROWTHS. 277 each other, or if the handled needles be used they may be first passed in this manner, and then threaded with double ligatures, which are carried under the growth as they are Fig. 194. Method of applying quadruple ligature. (Liston.) withdrawn. The needles being removed, the surgeon ties two ends of the ligature together,, and repeats this pro- cedure until the growth has been strangulated in four sec- tions. (Fig. 194.) Subcutaneous Ligature. This is applied by introducing a needle armed with a ligature through the skin near the growth, and carrying it through the subcutaneous tissues around the part to be con- stricted for a short distance, then bringing it out through 13 278 MINOR SURGERY. the skin. The needle is again introduced through the same puncture, and is again brought out through the skin at some distance from the first point of exit. It is next intro- duced through this puncture and brought out at a more distant point. In this way the growth is completely en- circled by a subcutaneous ligature, which is finally brought out at the point of entrance ; the tumor is strangulated by firmly tying together the ends of the ligature. (Fig. 195.) Fig. 195. Method of applying subcutaneous ligature. (Holmes.) If a needle armed with a double ligature is first passed under the growth the ligature is divided, and by passing each end of the divided ligature subcutaneously around the growth it may be strangulated subcutaneously in two sections. Erichsen's Ligature. This ligature is employed to strangulate tumors of irregular shape in a number of sections. A strong silk or hemp ligature three yards in length, one-half of which is stained black, is carried by a needle as a double ligature under the growth at various points so as to leave a series ELASTIC LIGATURES. 279 of loops about nine inches long on each side of the tumor (Fig. 196); the black loops being cut on one side, the Fig. 196. Method of applying Erichsen's ligature. (Erichsex.) Fig. 197. Erichsen's ligature applied. white on the other, the ends are then firmly tied so as to strangulate the growth in sections. (Fig. 197.) Elastic Ligatures. Ligatures made of India-rubber varying from half a line to several lines in thickness are often made use of in surgery. They may be employed to strangulate growths such as moles or nsevi, or in the treatment of fistulse, and 280 MINOR SURGERY. are especially useful in the treatment of those cases of fistula-in-ano in which the internal opening into the bowel is situated high up, as the division of such fistulse by this means is accomplished without hemorrhage and with less risk than by the employment of the knife. In applying elastic ligatures in such cases the ligature, after being passed through the fistula by means of a probe, is carried out through the internal opening ; the anus is next well stretched, and the elastic ligature is then firmly tied with two or three knots ; the greater the tension made before the ligature is tied the more rapidly will it cut its way out. The smaller sizes of rubber drainage-tubes may be sub- stituted for the solid rubber ligatures. Treatment of Hemorrhage. The surgeon may be called upon to treat the following varieties of hemorrhage : arterial, venous, or capillary ; and these again are classified according to the time of their occurrence, as primary, that is, bleeding which occurs at the time the wound is inflicted ; intermediary or consecutive, that which occurs within twenty-four or forty-eight hours after the reception of the injury, which generally takes place during the period of reaction ; and secondary, which takes place after forty-eight hours, and may occur at any time subsequent to this period until the wound is healed. The treatment of hemorrhage is either constitutional or local. The constitutional treatment of hemorrhage consists in keeping the patient in the recumbent posture and avoiding any sudden elevation of the head or arms which might induce fatal syncope. Opium is a valuable remedy and should be freely used. Ergot, gallic acid, acetate of lead, and tincture of iron may also be employed, and stimulants and food should be carefully administered, and in extreme cases auto-transfusion or the transfusion of blood or normal salt solution, as described on page 196 may be resorted to. In the local treatment of hemorrhage various measures CONTROL OF ARTERIAL HEMORRHAGE. 281 may be adopted which may be either temporary or perma- nent in their action. Temporary Control of Arterial Hemorrhage. This may be effected by pressure applied directly to the bleeding vessel in the wound or by pressure applied indi- rectly to the main artery between the point of its injury and the centre of the circulation, and this pressure may be made by the fingers, digital compression, by compresses, or by means of tourniquets. Digital Compression. This constitutes one of the most valuable means em- ployed in the temporary control of hemorrhage ; the finger is pressed directly upon the bleeding vessel, in the wound, or is used to make pressure upon the artery from which Fig. 198. Digital compression of the femoral artery. the bleeding arises at some point between the wound and the centre of the circulation. (Fig. 198.) Control of hemorrhage by digital pressure can only be mantained for a few minutes, for the fingers of the surgeon or assistant 282 MINOR SURGERY. soon become tired, so that it is only employed until means are adopted for the permanent arrest of the bleeding. Digital compression of the radial and ulnar arteries is frequently resorted to for the control of hemorrhage dur- ing amputations of the fingers, also of the axillary and femoral arteries in amputations at the shoulder- and hip- joints. It is also used to control hemorrhage from wounds, either the result of accident or those made by the knife of the surgeon, in which case the finger is placed directly upon the divided vessel, or is employed to hold a sponge or compress firmly in the wound. Compresses. By the use of compresses placed directly in the wound or applied to the vessel between the wound and the centre of the circulation, the temporary control of hemorrhage may be very satisfactorily accomplished. Where it is pos- sible, the compress which is applied in the wound should be made of antiseptic or aseptic gauze, thereby diminish- ing the chances of wound-infection. The compress should be held in position by a bandage firmly applied, and is generally employed only as a tem- porary expedient until a more permanent means of con- trolling the bleeding is adopted. Tourniquets. These instruments, which are employed for the tempo- rary control of hemorrhage from wounds, are of many different kinds. Petit's tourniquet, which is the best for ordinary use, consists of two metal plates connected by a strong linen or silk strap, with a buckle — the distance between the plates being regulated by a screw. (Fig. 199.) In applying this tourniquet a compress or roller bandage is placed directly over the artery to be compressed and may be held in posi- tion by a few turns of the roller bandage. The lower plate CONTROL OF ARTERIAL HEMORRHAGE. 283 of the tourniquet is placed directly over this pad and the strap is tightly secured around the limb to keep the instru- ment in place. The screw is then turned so as to separate the plates and tighten the strap, thus forcing the compress or pad upon the artery and controlling its circulation. This Fig. 199. Petit' s tourniquet. instrument is very generally employed for the control of hemorrhage in wounds of the extremities, and is especially useful in amputation of these parts, being placed over the main artery some distance above the seat of operation. The Spanish Windlass. An improvised tourniquet, known as the Spanish windlass, may be employed in cases of emergency ; it is prepared by folding a handkerchief or piece of muslin into a cravat and placing a compress or smooth pebble on the body of the cravat ; this is placed over the artery to 284 MINOR SURGERY. Fig. 200. be controlled, and the ends of the handkerchief are tied loosely around the limb ; a short stick is passed through this loop, and by twisting the stick the loop is tightened and the compress is forced down upon the artery (Fig. 200). Many other forms of tourni- quet have been devised which have the pad and counter-pad arranged to make pressure upon the vessel desired, such as Lister's aorta compressor (Fig. 201 ), which is employed in the treatment of aneurism of the iliac vessels and for the control of hemorrhage in amputation at the hip-joint. Hoey's clamp (Fig. 202) and Signorini's tourniquet (Fig. 203) are constructed upon the same principle, and are frequently em- ployed to control the circulation in the femoral artery in cases of operations on the thigh and leg, and in the treatment of femoral or popliteal aneurism. The elastic tube, or strap of EsmarcNs apparatus (Fig. 204) may also be employed for the temporary control of arterial hemorrhage, being applied above the wound, and if this is not at hand, any strong rubber cord, or a piece of large-sized drainage-tube may be used as a substitute. In hemorrhage from wounds of the hands and feet, especially in children, and in controlling hemorrhage from wounds of the penis, a piece of drainage-tube, firmly applied above the wound, may be employed with advantage. This tube or strap, although generally employed to control hemor- rhage from vessels of the extremities, may be used to control the femoral artery as it crosses the brim of the pelvis, by placing a compress over the artery in this posi- tion, and then applying the elastic band to secure it with The Spanish windlass. CONTROL OF ARTERIAL HEMORRHAGE. 285 a figure-of-eight turn, passing it under the thigh, crossing over the pad, and then carrying the ends around the pelvis, and securing them. Fig. 201. Lister's aorta compressor. Fig. 203. Fig. 202. Hoey's clamp. Signorini's tourniquet. To make pressure on the axillary artery, a compress should be placed in the axilla, and the middle of the tube 13* 286 MINOR SURGERY. placed over this to hold it in position ; the ends of the tube are then carried over the shoulder where they are crossed, and then carried to the opposite axilla and secured. Fig. 204. Elastic strap of Esmarch's apparatus. In amputation at the shoulder-joint, to make pressure upon the subclavian artery, which it is difficult to compress by an ordinary tourniquet, the handle of a large key well padded may be used ; it is firmly pressed against the vessel above the clavicle, and held by an assistant, and will prove a very satisfactory means of controlling the circulation in this vessel. Hcemostatie Forceps. The temporary control of arterial hemorrhage by the use of haemostatic forceps is now very generally employed in surgical operations, and their use has done much to diminish the shock following operations from the loss of blood. The haemostatic forceps in general use is self- retaining ; it is clamped upon the bleeding vessel, and is allowed to remain until the operation is completed, when the vessel is secured permanently by the application of a ligature, and the forceps is removed. The use of these forceps will be found very satisfactory in controlling hemorrhage during the removal of tumors, in cases of amputation, and for the temporary control of bleeding during the operation of tracheotomy they will be found most efficient, as also in abdominal operations, in which their utility was first demonstrated. (Fig. 205.) ESMARCWS BANDAGE AND TUBE. 287 Esmarch's Bandage and Tube. This apparatus, which is applied to the limbs to render them bloodless during operations, consists of a rubber bandage two and a half inches in width and three fig. 205. or four yards in length, and a rubber tube two yards in length, to one end of which is attached a chain and to the other a hook, or better a rubber strap, one inch in width and one and a half yards in length with a hook and chain. The bandage is applied to the extremity of the limb and is carried up the limb to a point some distance above the seat of proposed operation ; the bandage is applied firmly, each turn overlapping one- fourth of the preceding one, and when the last turn has been made the rubber tube or strap is wound firmly around the limb and secured by fastening the hook into one of the links of the chain. (Fig. 206.) After securing the tube or strap the rubber bandage is removed from the limb and if the tube has been firmly enough applied the limb will be found to be blanched, and should be free from blood during the operation. Care should be taken not to apply the tube or strap too tightly in poorly developed limbs, or on parts of the limb where large nerve trunks approach the surface, as they may be subjected to an amount of pressure which will interfere w T ith their functions subsequently. I have knowledge of one case of this nature in which permanent Haemostatic forceps. 288 MINOR SURGERY. paralysis of the limb followed the use of Esmarch's apparatus ; the tube should be applied with just enough firmness to control the circulation. As the strap, when firmly applied, completely cuts off the circulation of the parts below, it should be applied for as short a time as possible, as gangrene has resulted from its prolonged use. After the removal of the tube there is generally quite free capillary hemorrhage, due to paralysis of the vasomotor nerves from pressure, but this in a short time stops. This Fig. 206. Esmarch's bandage and tube applied. apparatus is of the greatest service in controlling hemor- rhage at the time of operation, and in amputations and removal of vascular tumors from the limbs will be found most satisfactory. In operations upon bone, either oste- otomy or sequestrotomy, it is especially useful, as it allows the surgeon to have a view of the parts unobscured by hemorrhage. I have found its use most satisfactory in operations for the removal of foreign bodies, such as needles imbedded in the hands or feet or extremities. Permanent Control of Arterial Hemorrhage. To secure this end the surgeon may resort to the use of. position, cold, heat, styptics, pressure, cauterization, liga- tion, torsion, or acupressure. CONTROL OF ARTERIAL HEMORRHAGE. 289 Position. In arterial hemorrhage from wounds of the extremities elevation of the part will be found to materially diminish the amount of bleeding ; in hemorrhage from wounds of the arteries of the hand, forearm, foot, or leg, forcible flexion of the forearm on the arm or of the leg on the thigh will be found useful in diminishing the force of the blood-current. Gold. The application of cold by means of a stream of cold water or an ice-bag or pieces of ice will often be found an efficient means of controlling hemorrhage from vessels of small calibre ; it is especially applicable to hemorrhage from wounds of the vessels of the mouth, nostrils, vagina, or rectum. Hot Water. Hot water will be found a very efficient means of con- trolling hemorrhage from small vessels, and it may be used in the form of a hot antiseptic solution. It is of especial value in capillary or parenchymatous hemorrhage, and is employed in the form of a douche or by means of sponges dipped in the hot solution and packed into the wound. The injection of hot w T ater is a most satisfactory method of controlling uterine hemorrhage. Styptics. These agents are sometimes employed to control capil- lary bleeding or hemorrhage from small vessels, and although their use is often satisfactory as regards the control of the bleeding, they have the disadvantage of interfering with the primary union in wounds, and since the value of asepsis in wound treatment has been demon- strated they are now very seldom employed. The most valuable styptics which are used are alcohol, alum, oil of 290 MINOR SURGERY. turpentine, perchloride of iron, and persulphate of iron or MonseFs solution, acetic acid, and vinegar. Pressure. For the permanent control of arterial hemorrhage pressure may be applied directly to the bleeding-point or surface by means of a compress of antiseptic gauze or by strips of gauze packed firmly into the cavity from whose surface the bleeding arises. Compresses are used with the best results where the proximity of a bone gives a firm substance upon which the vessel may be compressed, as is the case in the vessels of the scalp. Pressure applied by means of packing with strips of gauze will be found most efficient in controlling hemorrhage from cavities such as the nose, vagina, or rectum, and in the cavities resulting from the removal of necrosed or carious bone. Pressure may be indirectly applied by flexing the proximal joint over a compress or by firm bandaging of the limb. In controlling bleeding from a divided artery in a bony cavity, such as the inferior dental, a piece of catgut liga- ture may be forced into the canal, and will control the bleeding in a most satisfactory manner, or by forcing a small piece of Horsley's wax into the opening in the bone ; this wax is composed of wax, 7 parts]; oil, 2 parts ; and carbolic acid, 1 part. Halstead has introduced a material known as gut wool, which is prepared from the same material from which cat- gut is made. This is cut into fine shreds and is used to control hemorrhage from bone, being pressed into the open- ing or cavity in the bone from which the bleeding arises. The troublesome hemorrhage sometimes occurring after the removal of a tooth may be controlled by packing the alveolar cavity with a strip of iodoform gauze, or by introducing a wedge-shaped piece of cork and holding it in place by fastening the jaws together by means of a bandage. CONTROL OF ARTERIAL HEMORRHAGE. 291 Cauterization. The use of cauterization by means of a hot iron is a satisfactory method of arresting hemorrhage. Care should be taken to have the iron only of a dull-red or black heat, as the result desired is not the destruction of the tissues, but the coagulating effect of heat upon them. The form of cau- tery iron employed will depend upon the position of the vessel. Paque- lin's cautery is also a satisfactory apparatus to use for the control of hemorrhage. The control of arterial bleeding by cauterization is often resorted to in operations upon the jaws and in the removal of tumors from the mouth or pharynx or of the tonsils ; it is also frequently employed to con- trol hemorrhage in operations upon the uterus and the rectum, and also that resulting from the removal of abdominal tumors, where the appli- cation of a ligature is difficult and often impossible. Torsion. This method of controlling arte- rial hemorrhage consists in seizing the end of the artery, drawing it slightly out of its sheath and twist- ing it ; it may be accomplished with a single pair of forceps or by two pairs of forceps. In the latter method the vessel is held by one pair of forceps and is twisted by the second pair. Fig. 207. o o Hewson's torsion forceps. 292 MINOR SURGERY Torsion of arteries in accidental wounds is quite com- mon, and in many cases controls the hemorrhage until surgical aid is rendered. I have seen the femoral artery in Scarpa's triangle completely controlled in this manner in a case of avulsion of the thigh from a railway injury. In vessels of moderate size it may be practised with one pair of forceps, and the ordinary double-spring artery for- ceps (Fig. 208) will be found satisfactory for such cases. Fig. 208. Double-spring artery forceps. In larger arteries two forceps should be employed, or some of the numerous forms of torsion forceps which have been devised for this purpose. (Fig. 207). Constriction or Crushing of Arteries for the Arrest of Hemorrhage. This procedure has been adopted for the closure of arte- ries without the use of ligatures or other foreign substance to be left in the wound. It was employed by the use of an instrument known as the artery constrictor, which grasped the artery and constricted it in such a way that the inner and middle coats were lacerated, but the external coat was preserved intact. Arteriversion. This method of controlling hemorrhage consists in con- stricting the mouths of the arteries divided in wounds and amputations by turning over the cut ends with a little instrument called an arteriverter ; with this instrument the ends of the divided artery may be retro verted, and the cut extremity of the artery is reinforced by the duplica- ture of its walls, thus surrounding its open mouth with CONTROL OF ARTERIAL HEMORRHAGE 293 such a quantity of arterial, muscular, and elastic fibres as to effectually close it. Ligation. The use of the ligature is by far the most generally em- ployed method of controlling arterial hemorrhage. The materials used for ligature are silk, hemp thread, catgut, horsehair, iron or silver wire. Catgut or silk is the mate- rial generally employed. The vessel is seized with a pair of artery or haemostatic forceps or a tenaculum (Fig. 209) and Fig. 209. Tenaculum. drawn out of its sheath, and a ligature of prepared catgut is thrown aronnd it and secured by a surgeon's knot, or by a reef knot and a surgeon's knot combined, and when firmly tied the ends of the ligature are cut short in the wound. Silk ligatures which have been rendered aseptic Fig. 210. Aneurism needle armed with ligature. are applied in the same manner, and the ends may be cut short in the wound. When ligatures are applied to vessels in their continuity they may be threaded into an eyed probe or aneurism needle (Fig. 210) and carried around the vessel and se- 294 MINOR SURGERY. cured. A convenient method of applying a ligature to a bleeding- point in a deep wound, or to a vessel in tissues which are of such a nature as not to permit of the isola- tion of the vessel, is to use a curved needle threaded with a catgut ligature, which is passed deeply into the tissues near the vessel and brought oat on the opposite side ; the ligature thus placed is then firmly tied, and the ends are cut short in the wound. (Fig. 211.) Fig. 211. Artery occluded by suture. (Esmarch.) Acupressure. In this method of controlling arterial hemorrhage a needle or pin is used, which is thrust through the tissues in such a way as to compress the artery. There are a number of methods of using the needle or pin, and a few of these will be described. First Method of Acupressure. In this method the surgeon places a finger of his left hand upon the mouth of the bleeding vessel and with his right hand introduces the needle from the cutaneous sur- face and passes it through the thickness of the flap until its point projects for a couple of lines or so from the surface of the wound a little to the right side of the tube of the vessel. By forcibly inclining the head of the needle toward his CONTROL OF ARTERIAL HEMORRHAGE. 295 right he brings the projecting portion of its point firmly down on the side of the vessel, and after seeing that it oc- cludes the artery he makes it re-enter the flesh as near as Fig. 212. Fig. 213. Acupressure— first method ; raw surface. (Emchsen.) Acupressure— first method ; cutaneous surface. (Erichsen.) possible to the left side of the wound and pushes the needle through the flesh until its point comes out again at the cuta- neous surface. (Figs. 212 and 213.) Second Method of Acupressure. A straight needle threaded with a short piece of iron or silver wire, for the purpose of afterward retracting and removing it, is passed down through the soft parts a little to one side of the vessel ; its point is then raised up and passed over the artery and is then turned down again and thrust into the soft tissues on the other side of the vessel. (Fig. 214.) Third Method of Acupressure. In this method the point of the needle is passed into the tissues a few lines to one side of the vessel, then passed under it and afterward pushed on, so that the point again emerges a few lines beyond the vessel. A loop of wire is next passed over the point of the needle, and then after being carried over the vessel and passed around the oppo- site end of the needle it is drawn sufficiently tight to close 296 MINOR SUEGEEY. the vessel, and the ends of the wire are secured by making a twist around the stem of the needle. (Fig. 215.) Fig. 214. Fig. 215. Acupressure— second method. (Erichsen.) Acupressure— third method. (Erichsen.) Fourth Method of Acupressure. This method is identical with the third, except that a long pin is used in place of the needle, the head of the pin remaining outside the wound. Fifth Method of Acupressure. This method is identical with the third, except that a long pin is used in place of the needle, the head of the pin remaining outside the wound. Acupressre— fifth method. (Erichsen.) This method consists in passing a pin or needle through the soft tissues close to the artery, and by giving the pin a quarter or half rotation twisting the vessel upon itself, TREATMENT OF VENOUS HEMORRHAGE. 297 and fixing the pin by thrusting its point deeply into the tissues beyond. (Fig. 216.) Sixth Method of Acupressure. This method consists in applying the pin as in the fourth method, but differs from it in crossing the ends of the wire behind the pin so as to embrace the mouth of the vessel between them. Seventh Method of Acupressure. This method consists in passing a long needle or pin through the cutaneous surface deeply into the soft parts at some distance from the vessel, making it emerge near the vessel, bridging over the artery and then thrusting it down into the soft parts on the other side of the vessel and making its point emerge again from the integument. Treatment of Venous Hemorrhage. Bleeding from small veins often stops spontaneously unless there is some pressure upon the wounded veins upon the cardiac side of the wound. It is, however, very satisfactorily controlled by position or by the application of a compress and bandage, or by the use of a ligature ; if the divided vein be a large one it is well to secure both ends by ligatures. The free bleeding arising from rup- tured varicose veins of the leg is easily controlled by the application of a compress and bandage, while hemorrhage from the larger veins, such as the jugular, should be con- trolled by the application of ligatures as in the case of wouuded arteries. The application of the lateral ligature to small wounds of veins of large size, such as the femoral, or to wounds of venous sinuses, has been recommended and employed with good results, this procedure consists in pinching up the wall of the vein so as to include the orifice of the wound and throwing a delicate ligature around it. 298 MINOR SURGERY. The use of the actual cautery may also be required for the control of venous hemorrhage in positions in which its arrest by pressure or the ligature is not feasible. TREATMENT OF CAPILLARY HEMORRHAGE. Capillary or parenchymatous hemorrhage is usually arrested spontaneously by the exposure of the injured surface of the wound to the air, but it is often so profuse that its arrest becomes a matter of importance. To con- trol this form of bleeding, pressure may be applied to the bleeding surface for a short time, and if this fails to arrest it, sponging the surface with dilute alcohol will sometimes prove satisfactory ; but the best application to arrest hem- orrhage of this nature is hot water, which may be used in the form of a hot bichloride solution. Acetic acid and vinegar are also sometimes employed for the same purpose. In cases where the means mentioned above fail to control the bleeding, it may be necessary to pack the wound with strips of antiseptic gauze ; this dressing is most service- able when the hemorrhage comes from cavities such as result from the removal of tumors or excisions of joints, and for the control of bleeding following the removal of necrosed or carious bone. To control hemorrhage from the mucous cavities, such as the nose, rectum, and vagina, this method of treatment is frequently resorted to. Treatment of Secondary Hemorrhage. Secondary hemorrhage following the use of the ligature or other means of controlling bleeding is, since the adop- tion of the antiseptic method of wound-treatment, a much less frequent complication of wounds. The treatment of this complication is both constitutional and local ; the con- stitutional treatment consists in the use of those remedies which were mentioned as serviceable in primary hemor- rhage, and the drugs upon which the most reliance is to be placed are opium and ergot. TREATMENT OF SECONDARY HEMORRHAGE. 299 The local treatment of this form of hemorrhage consists in the use of the various means of controlling hemorrhage which have been mentioned before, such as the ligature, hot water, pressure, or the actual cautery. If possible, it is well to secure the vessel from which the bleeding arises in the wound ; if for any reason this cannot be done, the main artery should be ligated above the wound if the hemorrhage be arterial. Rules for Ligating Wounded Arteries, The following rules for the application of ligatures to wounded arteries are laid down by Ashhurst : 1. In cases of primary hemorrhage, no operation should be performed upon an artery, unless it is at the moment actually bleeding. The exception to this rule is in the cases where the vessel is seen to pulsate in the wound or where the wound involves the region of a large artery and the patient has to be transported or may be in such a posi- tion that it will be impossible to receive surgical aid sub- sequently if needed ; under these circumstances, the vessel should be tied or the wound should be explored to ascer- tain the fact that no important vessel has been injured. 2. In applying a ligature to a wounded artery, the sur- geon should cut down directly upon it at the point from which it bleeds and secure it in the wound. This rule holds good for both primary and secondary hemorrhage. 3. Two ligatures should be applied, one to each end of the artery if it be completely divided, and one on each side of the wound if the latter has not completely severed the coats of the artery. This procedure is adopted for the reason that the arterial anastomosis is so free that the proximal ligature will not always, even temporarily, arrest the bleeding ; and if it does accomplish this object at the time, after the collateral circulation is established, bleeding is apt to occur from the distal extremity of the divided vessel. If the coats of the artery are not completely sev- ered their division should be completed, either before or 300 MINOR SURGERY. after the application of the proximal and distal ligatures, thereby favoring the contraction and retraction of the ends of the divided vessel. Control of Hemorrhage from Special Parts. Epistaxis or hemorrhage from the nose may be so pro- fuse as to require surgical interference. To control this form of hemorrhage the application of iced compresses to the surface of the nose may first be made use of, and if this fails to control the bleeding, the surgeon or the patient should grasp the cartilaginous portion of the nose with his thumb and forefinger in such a manner as to keep the nos- trils tightly closed, which will prevent the passage of air through the nose and thus permit clots to form, arresting the flow of blood. Bleeding from the nose often arises from the erosion of a small artery low down upon the septum ; it can be freely exposed by introducing a nasal speculum, and the bleeding point can be touched with a cautery iron, avoiding the necessity of plugging the nares. If these simple means fail to arrest the bleeding the nasal cavity or cavities may be packed with strips of antiseptic gauze introduced into the anterior nares, and pushed back- ward by a director or probe; this will often be found a perfectly satisfactory means of arresting the bleeding. This method may be supplemented by a plug of antiseptic cotton introduced into the posterior nares with the fingers. The use of a rubber tampon, consisting of a rubber bag, introduced into the nares in an empty state and afterward inflated, has also been recommended for the control of this variety of hemorrhage. Another method of controlling hemorrhage from the nose consists in introducing a small piece of sponge, tied to a strong silk ligature, into the anterior nares and push- ing it back along the floor of the nose to the posterior nares ; a small piece of sponge about the size of a marble with a hole in the centre is threaded on the ligature and pushed back until it comes in contact with the first piece HEMORRHAGE FROM SPECIAL PARTS. 301 of sponge introduced, and thus by introducing a number of pieces of sponge in this way the nasal cavity may be completely filled up and the bleeding arrested. Care should be taken to see that the sponge has been rendered aseptic before being introduced, and the nasal cavity should also be washed out with an antiseptic solution before its introduction. The sponges may be allowed to remain in place for twenty-four to forty-eight hours. (Fig. 217.) Fig. 217. Plugging the nares from the front. (Roberts.) Plugging the nares by means of Bellocq's canula is also employed to arrest hemorrhage from the nasal cavities; the canula, armed with a strong ligature, is passed along the floor of the nose until it reaches the pharynx, when the spring being protruded, the ligature is seized and brought out of the mouth and secured to a plug of lint or antiseptic gauze of the required size, and upon withdrawing the in- strument the plug is brought into position in the posterior 14 302 MINOR SURGERY. Dares and the end of the ligature is allowed to protrude from the mouth to facilitate its removal. (Fig. 218.) An ordinary flexible catheter may be employed in place of Bellocq's canula for the introduction of the ligature. Fig. 218. Plugging the nares with Bellocq's canula. (Fergusson.) Hemorrhage from the Urethra. In hemorrhage from the urethra, if profuse, the blood will trickle from the meatus, or if efforts at micturition are made the first gush of urine will contain blood, but afterward will be clear, and the last urine will contain a few drops of pure blood. This variety of bleeding, if it proceeds from the anterior portion of the urethra, may be controlled by the introduc- tion of a catheter and the application of a bandage around the penis, carefully applied so as to make only moderate pressure. If the bleeding comes from the posterior portion of the urethra, it will often be controlled by the application of cold or pressure to the perineum, or by the introduction of HEMORRHAGE FROM SPECIAL PARTS. 303 a cold steel bougie, or by the injection of a solution of tannic acid. Hemorrhage from the Bladder. In this variety of hemorrhage the first portion of the urine may be blood-stained and the last portion will con- tain more blood and clots as the organ contracts, which distinguishes it from hemorrhage from the kidneys, in which the admixture of blood with the urine renders it of a smoky color or dark-red if the bleeding is profuse. To control bleeding from the bladder a catheter should be introduced and the urine and clots withdrawn ; the bladder should next be washed out with a warm or cold boric acid solution. In severe cases weak astringent solutions, such as tannic acid or alum, may be employed. The application of ice to the perineum and supra-pubic regions may also be employed with advantage. Hemorrhage from the Rectum. This variety of bleeding may be controlled by the in- jection of cold or astringent enemata. If the bleeding be profuse a speculum should be introduced, and when the source of the bleeding has been discovered the actual cau- tery or a ligature should be applied. If this is not feasible the rectum may be plugged with strips of antiseptic gauze, or a piece of a rubber catheter of large calibre may be wrapped with gauze and introduced into the rectum, the end of the catheter being allowed to protrude; by using this tube flatus can escape, and if the bleeding is not con- trolled blood will escape through the tube, preventing the risk of concealed hemorrhage. If the bleeding arises from hemorrhoids or polypus of the rectum the operative treat- ment of these conditions should be undertaken to perma- nently control the bleeding. 304 MINOR SURGERY. Opening and Dressing of Abscesses. In operations for the evacuation of the contents of ab- scesses, care should be taken to observe every precaution to prevent a new infection of the wound or abscess cavity; the skin over the abscess should be carefully cleaned to make it aseptic, the hands of the surgeon and the instru- ments to be brought in contact with it should also be aseptic. These precautions should be especially observed in the opening of chronic abscesses when a new variety of infection is liable to be set up if aseptic precautions are not rigidly observed. Acute abscesses, as a rule, should be opened by incision, and this is best done with a straight, narrow, sharp-pointed bistoury ; the incision should be deep enough to freely expose the cavity of the abscess, and should be so planned as to be parallel with and not across important structures, and it should also be made at as dependent a portion as possible. Abscesses of the limbs are opened by a longi- tudinal incision, and those in the region of the anus and breast by an incision radiating from the anus or nipple. In deep-seated abscesses in the region of important structures the method of opening suggested by Mr. Hilton may be employed with advantage ; it consists in making a small incision through the skin and cellular tissue ; a director is next pushed through the tissues into the abscess cavity, which will be shown to have been reached by the escape of a little pus along the director; a dressing forceps with the blades closed is now pushed along the director into the abscess cavity, and when this has been accom- plished the director is withdrawn and the forceps is re- moved with the blades expanded so as to dilate the wound and allow the pus to escape. The cavity of the abscess having been emptied of pus, it should be irrigated with a stream of carbolic acid solution 1 : 40, or bichloride solution, and if the cavity is not very large or deep no drainage-tube need be introduced, and a small piece of protective may be placed between the lips of OPENING AND DRESSING OF ABSCESSES. 305 the wound to prevent their adhesion ; but if, on the other hand, the cavity is extensive and deeply situated, a rubber drainage-tube or a strip of iodoform gauze should be introduced to the bottom of the cavity to secure free drainage, and fixed at the surface of the skin by a safety- pin. A piece of protective which has been dipped in bichloride solution is next placed over the wound, and over this is laid a gauze dressing, consisting of a number of layers, which has been moistened in carbolic or bi- chloride solution ; this is covered by a number of layers of dry gauze which is in turn covered by a piece of rubber tissue. The latter may be omitted, and over this is placed a few layers of bichloride cotton, and the dressing is finally secured by a roller bandage. The dressing is removed at the end of two or three days, the cavity being washed out with one of the antiseptic solutions previously mentioned. The drainage-tube may then be shortened or removed, and the dressings reapplied as at the primary dressing. Under this method of treatment acute abscesses usually heal more promptly and with less suppuration than under the older methods of treatment in which poultices were applied. Chronic or tuberculous abscesses, which occur chiefly in connection with diseases of the bones or joints or of the lymphatic system, and are generally tubercular in their origin, may be opened in various ways, the time at which this should be done depending upon the size and situation of the abscesses and the amount of constitutional and local disturbance which the patients experience from their presence. A tuberculous abscess may be evacuated by means of the aspirator ; the pus being withdrawn as far as possible, the puncture is sealed with a small piece of gauze covered with iodoform collodion. Reaccumulation of the pus often takes place, and the aspiration has to be repeated a number of times. The greatest difficulty in the successful removal of the contents of cold abscesses by means of aspiration is the presence of masses of lymph in the pus which occlude the canula and often prevent the complete emptying of the cavity. 306 MINOR SURGERY. These abscesses may also be evacuated by making a puncture through the skin and overlying tissues with a narrow bistoury, the surface having been previously thor- oughly w r ashed with soap and water and with a carbolic or bichloride solution ; a director is next pushed through this small wound into the cavity of the abscess, and the pus is allowed to escape by stretching the wound by the director ; when the cavity is emptied of pus it is washed out with a carbolic or bichloride solution introduced into it by pushing the nozzle of a syringe into the cavity, and this is allowed to escape in the same way as the pus previously did. When the irrigating solution has all escaped the cavity may be injected with an emulsion com- posed of iodoform one part, glycerin ten parts ; after this has been introduced the small wound is closed by a com- press of antiseptic gauze held in place by a compress of bichloride cotton and a bandage or by strips of adhesive plaster. The injection of the iodoform emulsion need not be repeated as long as iodoform continues to be excreted with the urine. Tuberculous abscesses are also treated by making a free incision into the abscess cavity with full antiseptic precautions, and after the escape of the purulent matter the walls of the abscess should be thoroughly scraped with a curette, and after the cavity has been freely washed out with a carbolic or bichloride solution large drainage-tubes are introduced and an antiseptic dressing is applied to the wound. The dressings are removed as soon as they become soaked, aud the drainage-tubes are shortened or removed as the discharge diminishes and the cavity contracts. In evacuating tuberculous abscesses by means of the aspirator or by a small puncture, there is absence of shock, and the loss of blood is insignificant, so that these pro- cedures should generally be first employed, and the more radical operation of incision and curetting of the cavity of the abscess, which is accompanied with a certain amount of shock and hemorrhage, should be reserved for those cases in which the less severe operations have failed to be followed by a satisfactory result. Diffused suppuration is treated by numerous punctures DRESSING OF WOUNDS. 307 or incisions, which allow the purulent matter to escape, and where sloughs are present free incisions may be re- quired to give exit to the necrosed tissues ; the introduc- tion of drainage tubes may also be required. The wounds and the cavities, as far as possible, should be washed out with a carbolic or bichloride solution, and an antiseptic gauze dressing should be applied. Sinuses resulting from abscesses, if superficial, should be laid open freely and their surfaces should be scraped with a curette, and they should then be lightly packed with strips of bichloride or iodoform gauze and should be covered by an antiseptic dressing. If they are too deep to be treated by incision their healing may be facilitated by the injection of stimulating solutions introduced by means of a syringe ; the employment of solutions of chloride of zinc, nitrate of silver, and sulphate of copper varying in strength from five to twenty grains to the ounce of water will often prove satisfactory. Dressing of Wounds. Incised wounds present the conditions favorable for prompt healing, and they should first be carefully irrigated wdth an antiseptic solution to remove any blood-clots or foreign bodies, and after any hemorrhage which is present is controlled by the use of ligatures, if the wound be an extensive or deep one, provision should be made for drain- age by introducing a drainage-tube or a few strands of sterilized catgut at the bottom of the wound, allowing the extremity to project from the most dependent portion of the wound. In superficial incised wounds, after the hem- orrhage has been controlled, it is not usually found neces- sary to make any provision for drainage. If the wound be a deep one, involving the muscles and deep fascia, buried sutures of catgut should be applied to approximate the muscles and fascia, and if important nerves or tendons have been divided their ends should be brought into appo- sition by sutures of catgut or sterilized silk ; the superficial portions of the wound should next be brought together by 308 MINOR SURGERY. the introd action of a number of interrupted sutures, catgut, silkworm-gut, silver wire or silk being employed for this purpose ; the accurate apposition of the edges of wounds of this variety is secured by the introduction of a number of sutures placed closely together. After a wound of this variety has been closed the sub- sequent dressing is accomplished by dusting the surface of the wound with iodoform or aristol, and a piece of pro- tective a little larger than the wound, which has been dipped in a 1 : 40 carbolic solution, is placed over it ; over this is placed a pad of antiseptic gauze, composed of ten or twelve layers, which has been soaked in a 1 : 40 carbolic solution or a 1 : 2000 bichloride solution, and over this is laid a pad of dry antiseptic gauze of the same thickness, overlapping the wet gauze by a few inches in all directions ; a few layers of bichloride cotton are next applied over the gauze dressings and the whole dressing is secured in posi- tion by the application of an antiseptic gauze bandage. Under this form of dressing prompt healing of incised wounds is the rule, and the wound need not be re-dressed for a week or ten days unless some indications exist for the change of dressing at an earlier period. Dry or moist sterilized dressings may also be employed. At the time of the first dressing the catgut drain or the drainage-tube is usually removed, and if the adhesion of the edges of the wound is firm the sutures may also be removed. An antiseptic dressing is usually next applied and allowed to remain in position for a few days longer. Lacerated wounds present edges which are torn and not sharply cut, and the vitality of the injured parts is often so seriously impaired that prompt union in this variety of wounds is not, as a rule, to be looked for. Wounds of this nature should first be irrigated with an antiseptic solution, as in the case of incised wounds, and blood-clots and for- eign bodies should be removed. If the wounds be deep, drainage-tubes should be introduced ; on the other hand, if they be superficial, or if the edges are not closely ap- proximated, provision for drainage may be omitted. The torn or irregular edges of the wound should next be DBESSIXG OF WOUNDS. 309 brought into apposition at a few points, by the introduc- tion of catgut or silkworm-gut sutures, applied not very closely together ; and if the edges are discolored and their vitality seems markedly impaired, it is better not to use sutures, but rest satisfied by bringing them as nearly as possible in contact by the use of a few strips of isinglass plaster moistened with a bichloride solution. If the edges of the wound are so much crushed as to have their vitality destroyed, they may be trimmed away with scissors until a surface possessing fair vitality is secured. The evil results arising from the introduction of sutures into this variety of wounds, with the idea of closely approximating their edges, are so common that the surgeon who dispenses with the use of sutures entirely errs upon the safe side. The use of many sutures in wounds of this nature often causes marked tension in the wound, which is frequently followed by impairment of the vitality of the injured tis- sues, and sloughing results. The wound should next be dressed antiseptically, and if it runs a favorable course it need not be re-dressed for a week or ten days ; the time required for the repair of a wound of this nature is longer than that for an incised wound, and more frequent dressing may be required. In lacerated wounds of the extremities continuous irri- gation of the wound by a warm bichloride or carbolic' solution, applied as described (page 174), is often followed by the most satisfactory results ; wounds produced by machinery and railway accidents, in which the vitality of the tissues is much impaired, are particularly favorable cases for this method of treatment, and here the same caution should be exercised as regards the introduction of sutures. Contused Wounds. — This variety of wounds possesses many characteristics in common with lacerated wounds ; the edges are bruised and the injury of the subcutaneous tissue is often more extensive than the size of the external wound would lead one to suspect. They are dressed in the same manner as lacerated wounds, and the same objec- tion here exists to the use of sutures as in the latter class of injuries. 14* 310 MINOR SURGERY. Punctured Wounds. — These wounds are inflicted by sharp-pointed instruments, and it often happens that a portion of the vulnerating body remains in the wound, as is frequently the case in wounds produced by needles ; and another complication in this variety of wound is the injury of vessels, giving rise to concealed hemorrhage, or of nerves, resulting in neuritis. Simple punctured wounds should be carefully washed with an antiseptic solution and covered by an antiseptic gauze dressing, and if no complication exists their healing is usually very rapid. When, however, a foreign body remains in the wound, as it often happens in punctured wounds produced by needles and pins, the punctured wound should be con- verted into an incised wound, and the body should be searched for and removed if possible, and in doing this in the case of wounds of the extremities the operation is much facilitated by the employment of Esmarch's bandage and strap. After the removal of the foreign body the wound is treated as an incised wound, and an antiseptic dressing should be applied. When concealed hemorrhage occurs after a punctuted wound, the wound should be laid open and the bleeding vessel searched for and ligatured if possi- ble, and the wound should afterward be dressed as an incised wound. Poisoned Wounds. — These wounds are caused by the absorption, by means of a cut or abrasion in the skin, of fluids from a dead body in making dissections or post- mortem examinations or in operating upon living subjects, and often result in serious consequences. Such wounds, as soon as possible after their reception, should be care- fully washed out with a solution of bichloride of mercury, 1 : 2000, or a 30-grain solution of chloride of zinc, and then dressed with an antiseptic dressing. If, however, this precaution is not taken or the wound has escaped notice, and in a few hours becomes inflamed and painful, and evidences of lymphatic involvement show themselves, the wound should be opened and its surface should be thoroughly washed out with a 30-grain solution of chlo- ride of zinc, and finally with a 1 : 2000 bichloride solution, DRESSING OF WOUNDS. 311 and it should then be dressed with an antiseptic gauze dressing. Under this method of dressing the poisoned wound is often converted into a healthy one, even after the lymphatic involvement is well marked, and it usually heals promptly without further constitutional disturbance. Gunshot Wounds. — These wounds are produced by small shot, balls, or fragments of shells, and are of the nature of contused and lacerated wounds, and the vulnerating body as well as portions of the clothing are often imbedded in the tissues. In dressing these wounds any foreign bodies, if they can be located, should be removed, and in the search for and removal of balls from the extremities the application of the Esmarch bandage and strap will be found most useful. The wound should next be thoroughly washed out with a 1 : 2000 bichloride solution, and an antiseptic dressing ap- plied as in the case of other contused and lacerated wounds. Powder burns resulting from the explosion of powder, in addition to the burning and laceration of the tissues, are accompanied by the introduction of grains of unburnt powder into the skin, which, if not removed, leave perma- nent points of pigmentation. These wounds should first be washed with an antiseptic solution, and upon the face, to avoid unsightly pigmentation of the skin, care should be taken to pick out the small masses of powder with a needle or the sharp point of a tenotomy knife. The sur- face should then be dressed with antiseptic gauze or with lint spread with an ointment of boric acid or an ointment of aristol, consisting of half a drachm or a drachm of aristol to an ounce of vaseline, this dressing being covered by a few layers of bichloride or borated cotton, held in place by a roller bandage. Contusions or bruises differ from contused wounds in the fact that the skin is not broken, though in spite of this fact there may exist very extensive laceration of the sub- cutaneous tissues, accompanied by more or less extravasa- tion of blood from the injured vessel. When not severe enough to require operative treatment they should be dresssed by applying over them several layers of lint satu- 312 MINOR SURGERY. rated with lead-water and laudanum, and over this dress- ing is placed a layer of waxed paper or rubber tissue, and the dressing is secured by a roller bandage. Brush-barn. — This is a form of contused wound which is produced by violent friction applied to the surface of the body, and is often produced by coming in contact with rapidly revolving wheels or the belting of machinery, or by the body being rapidly propelled over an uneven sur- face, or by a rope being rapidly drawn through the closed hands. The injury may vary from a superficial abrasion to the absolute destruction of the skin. The surface of the brush-burn should be cleansed by a stream of sterilized water or 1 : 2000 bichloride solution, and should then be dressed with a powder of iodoform and boric acid, equal parts, and a sterilized gauze dressing should be applied ; if suppuration occurs, a dressing of boric ointment should be applied. A solution which I find most satisfactory in the dress- ing of contusions is as follows : Ammonii chloridi grs. xx. ScotJns} -ch . . m- Aquae q. s. ad fsj. Several layers of lint saturated with this solution are laid over the contused tissues, and are covered with waxed paper, oiled silk, or rubber tissue. Extensive collections of blood following contusions often remain in the tissues for some time, but usually are ab- sorbed. If this result does not follow, or an abscess forms, the blood or pus should be removed by aspiration or by incision with full antiseptic precautions. Burns and Scalds. The dressings employed in the treatment of burns and scalds are similar, as the injury to the tissues is practically the same in both classes of injuries. Superficial burns or scalds, in which the effect of the heat has only extended to the superficial layer of the skin, may be treated by the BURNS AND SCALDS. 313 application of lint saturated with a solution of carbonate of sodium, a drachm to an ounce of water ; this dressing rapidly relieves the pain, and is a satisfactory application in this variety of burns and scalds. In cases in which the effects of heat have extended to the deeper tissues, the affected surface may be dressed with carron oil, which is prepared by rubbing together lime-water and linseed oil until a thick creamy paste results ; lint is saturated with this mixture and laid over the surface of the burn or scald. The dressing is a comfortable one to the patient, but soon becomes offensive, and for this reason requires frequent renewal. The disadvantage met with in the antiseptic method of dressing burns and scalds is the fact that the raw surface presented offers the most favorable conditions for the ab- sorption of the antiseptic substances employed in the dress- ings, and for this reason the use of bichloride of mercury, carbolic acid, and iodoform is not to be recommended in burns or scalds involving a large extent of surface, on account of the toxic symptoms which may result from their employment. A recent burn or scald, by reason of the heat employed in its production, is practically an aseptic wound, and it may be dressed by covering it with a number of layers of sterilized gauze and cotton, and with boric acid ointment, and placing over this a number of layers of borated or salicylated cotton, and holding the dressings in position by a bandage. If, however, a full antiseptic dressing is employed, the injured surface should first be irrigated with a 1 :60 car- bolic or 1 : 4000 bichloride solution, and then covered with protective or rubber tissue which has been sterilized, and over this a dressing of carbolized or bichloride gauze and bichloride cotton should be applied. Aristol, as a substitute for iodoform, may be employed in the dressing of burns or scalds, being either dusted over the surface or used in the form of an ointment, and over this application should be placed a few layers of borated or salicylated cotton. 314 MINOR SURGERY. When blebs are present upon the surface of the burn or scald, they should be opened to allow the serum to escape. If suppuration occurs, or the tissues become necrosed by reason of the severity of the injury, the surface of the burn may be washed with a 1:60 carbolic solution or 1 : 4000 bichloride solution, and the same dressing should then be applied. The ulcers resulting from the separation of the dead tissues should be touched with a solution of nitrate of silver, four grains to the ounce of water, and dressed with lint spread with an ointment of boric acid or aristol. In the dressing of extensive burns or scalds of the neck, face, and region of the joints, the possibility of serious deformity from contraction of the tissues in healing should not be lost sight of, and position, splints, and bandages should be employed to prevent, as far as possible, this complication. Bedsores. These sores usually occur over the sacrum or hips in patients who are confined to bed for a considerable time, as the result of a long-continued pressure, or in those cases where the vital powers are depressed by adynamic diseases, and are also a frequent and troublesome complication in spinal injuries, in which cases they result from trophic disturbances. Their formation may be prevented in many cases by the use of air-cushions or of a water mat- tress and by keeping the parts exposed to pressure scrupu- lously clean and frequently bathing them with stimulating lotions, such as alcohol, olive oil and alcohol equal parts, or soap liniment. The parts should also be protected from pressure by the application of adhesive plaster, or, still better, soap plaster spread upon chamois. When a bed- sore has actually formed, and in many cases its formation is very rapid and the slough will be found to involve a large surface of the skin over the sacrum, and to extend down to the bone, we have present a very serious compli- cation, and one which requires most careful treatment. SPRAINS. 315 The dressing of a bedsore before the separation of the slough consists in relieving the part from pressure by the use of an air cushion placed under the buttocks, and the application of a fermenting poultice until the slough has separated. When the slough has become detached the ulcer remaining should be well washed with a carbolic or bichloride solution, and the granulations should be touched with a 5-grain solution of nitrate of silver; and resin cerate, iodoform, aristol, or boric acid ointment, spread upon lint, should be applied to the surface of the ulcer, and a piece of soap plaster a little larger than the ulcer should be placed over this dressing and held in place by broad strips of adhesive plaster. This dressing should be renewed every day or every other day, and means should be adopted to protect the parts from further pressure, and the constitutional condition of the patient should be im- proved by the administration of a nutritious diet, tonics, and stimulants. The application of the galvanic current has been employed with good results to promote the heal- ing of the ulcer in obstinate cases. Sprains. Sprains of joints from twists or other external violence resulting in the stretching or laceration of the ligaments are injuries which require careful dressing. Sprains may be first treated by the application of cold- or hot-water dressings for a few hours, or by the applica- tion of lead-water and laudanum, the joint being kept at rest by the use of a splint or by confining the patient in the recumbent posture in the case of sprains of the joints of the lower extremities. After a few days' use of the lead-water and laudanum dressing the swelling usually subsides and the joint may be fixed by the application of a moulded soap-plaster splint or felt splint held in place by a firmly applied roller ban- dage, which should be worn for a week or ten days ; in ordinary cases after this time the splint may be removed 316 MINOR SURGERY. and the patient should be encouraged to use the joint. In cases of severe sprains, on the other hand, the pain and swelling persist for some time, and here the fixation of the joint by a soap plaster, or better by a plaster-of-Paris bandage, will be found useful for a few weeks. If upon the removal of this dressing the parts are still painful and swollen, the swollen tissues should be painted with tincture of iodine ; or the method of applying tincture of iodine recommended by Mr. Jordan, that is, the applica- tion of the iodine in a broad band around and not over the swollen tissues, may be employed. The joint should next be surrounded by a piece of lint spread with an ointment composed of equal parts of ointment of mercury and ointment of belladonna, and a moulded soap-plaster splint being fitted to the joint, it is held in place by a firmly applied bandage. This will be found a most satis- factory dressing in the treatment of sprains after they have passed their acute stage. The dressing is removed at intervals of three or four days, the joint is sponged off with alcohol, and a similar dressing is reapplied ; and this method of dressing may have to be continued for some weeks, but the results obtained by its continuous use are often most satisfactory. An ointment of ichthyol one part to lanolin three parts may also be used in the same manner as the ointment of belladonna and mercury with good re- sults in the treatment of these injuries. The treatment of sprains which I have found the most satisfactory, both in the acute and chronic stage, consists in the use of strapping. Strips of rubber adhesive or ad- hesive plaster one and a half inches in width are applied around the joint, and are made to extend some distance above and below it, and a gauze bandage is next applied over the straps, and the patient is allowed to use the part as soon as he can do so without discomfort. In the chronic stage of a sprain, after all dressings have been removed, the methodical use of massage is often most beneficial; and after the parts have been thoroughly manipulated a flannel bandage should be applied which, by its elasticity, gives a certain amount of support to the parts. SPEAINS. 317 Sprain-fracture. — Under this name Mr. Callender has described an injury which consists in the separation of a ligament or tendon from its point of insertion, with the detachment of a thin shell of bone; this injury is apt to occur about the ankle-, knee , elbow-, and wrist-joints, and the treatment is the same as that of an ordinary fracture in the same locality. This injury is probably much more common than is generally supposed in connection with sprains of the joints, and is, I think, in many cases the cause of the tardy restoration of the function of sprained joints, this injury being overlooked and the injury simply being treated as a sprain, and the patient being encouraged to use the part before the union of the bone has been accomplished. Strains of muscles and fascia varying in severity from simple stretching of the fibres to absolute rupture are treated by putting the parts at rest and by the application of pressure by means of adhesive straps or of a bandage; in strains of the muscles and fascia of the back the use of broad strips of adhesive plaster, applied as in cases of fracture of the ribs, will be found most satisfactory, and in the treatment of the latter stages of the injury the employ- ment of massage will often be followed bv good results. PAET III. FRACTURES. In the following article the author has endeavored to confine himself simply to a description of the varieties of fracture and to their dressing and treatment, and he has tried as far as possible to avoid the multiplication of dress- ings, being satisfied to describe a few of the methods of dressing most frequently employed. He has also avoided the description of complicated splints and dressings, by the use of which in certain fractures most excellent results are obtained, but has preferred to recommend the employ- ment of simple splints and dressings, which can be obtained by physicians practising in districts remote from large cities where the services of an instrument-maker cannot be obtained to construct special apparatus for the treat- ment of these injuries. Varieties of Fracture. A complete fracture is one in which the line of separa- tion completely traverses the bone, involving the entire thickness of the bone. An incomplete fracture is one in which there is only a partial separation of the bone-fibres (Fig. 219), under which name are included partial or " green-stick" fracture, in which some of the bone-fibres have given way, while the remaining fibres have been bent by the force and have not been broken. (Fig. 220.) Fissured, punctured, in- VARIETIES OF FBACTUBE. 319 dented, and perforating fractures are also included in the class of incomplete fractures. (Fig. 221.) A simple or closed fracture is a fracture in which there are but two fragments, and the seat of injury in the bone Fig. 219. Fig. 220. Fig. 221. Incomplete fracture of femur. Partial or green-stick fracture of radius. Fissured fracture of the humerus. (Gurlt.) does not communicate w r ith the external air by a wound in the soft parts. Compound or open fractures are fractures in which the seat of injury in the bones communicates with the external air by a wound in the soft parts. Comminuted fractures are those in which there are more than two fragments, the lines of fracture intercommuni- cating with each other. (Fig. 222.) A multiple fracture is one in which a bone is the seat of 320 FRACTURES. two or more distinct fractures at different points, the lines of fracture not necessarily communicating with each other. Complicated fractures are such as are accompanied by some serious injury of the parts in the region of the frac- ture — as, for instance, the laceration of important blood- vessels or nerves, contusion or laceration of the muscles, or dislocation of a neighboring joint. Fig. 222. Fig. 224. Comminuted fracture of patella. Fig. 223. Impacted fracture. Transverse fracture of femur. (Gurlt.) Impacted fractures are those in which one fragment is driven into and fixed in the other, the impaction taking place at the time of fracture, or being caused by a force subsequently applied. (Fig. 223.) DIRECTION OF FRACTURE. 321 Direction of Fracture. A transverse fracture is one in which the geueral line of division of the bone is at right angles with the long axis of the bone. (Fig. 224.) Transverse fractures of the long bones are rarely met with, the line of fracture usually being more or less oblique Fig. 225. Fig. 226. Oblique fracture of humerus. (Stimson.) Longitudinal fracture of tibia. (Stimson.) An oblique fracture is one in which the line of separa- tion is oblique to the long axis of the bone. This is one of the most common directions of the line of fracture. (Fig. 225.) A longitudinal fracture is one in which the line of sepa- ration runs in the general direction of the long axis of the 322 FRACTURES. bone. (Fig. 226.) This form of fracture is rare, but is sometimes met with in the long bones as the result of gun- shot injury. Epiphyseal fracture or separation occurs before complete ossification has taken place between epiphysis and diaphy- sis, and is rarely seen after the twentieth year of life ; the direction of the epiphyseal separation is transverse. (Fig. 227.) Fig. 227. Epiphyseal fracture of the head of the humerus. (Moore.) The deformity or displacement in fractures is either angular, transverse, longitudinal, or rotary. Repair of Fractures. The process of repair in cases of fracture is concisely stated by Ashhurst as follows: "The traumatic irritation propagated from the broken bone causes swelling of the periosteum, active proliferation, and formation of a sheath of new bone around the seat of fracture; this is the EXAMINATION OF CASES OF FRACTURE. 323 ensheathing or ring callus of surgical writers. At the same time, the medulla feels the effect of the irritation, becomes hardened, and partially ossified ; this constitutes the interior or pin callus. Lastly, the osseous tissue itself undergoes cell-proliferation, and union of the fragments takes place — mutatis mutandis — precisely by the same pro- cess that we have already studied in considering wounds of the soft tissues. The new material which is thus devel- oped between the fragments themselves, constitutes what Dupuytren called the intermediate, permanent, or definitive callus, in contradistinction to the ensheathing and interior forms of callus, which are temporary or provisional." Examination of Cases of Fracture. In examining a case of fracture to locate the nature and seat of the injury, the clothing should be removed from the part with as little disturbance as possible, and it is better, in most cases, to cut or rip the clothing, rather than to attempt to remove it in the ordinary manner. The surgeon should first inspect the injured part, and, where possible, compare it with its fellow, as in the case of injuries of the extremities; much valuable information is also derived from the patient or his friends as to the manner in which the injury was produced. The part should next be care- fully examined by the surgeon ; if it be one of the ex- tremities which is injured, it should be gently lifted, firm extension being made at the same time, the surgeon by his touch and by gentle movements seeking to locate the seat of fracture ; and he may, by his manipulation, at the same time develop crepitus. All manipulations should be made with care, and with the greatest gentleness, not only to save the patient from pain, but also to prevent the soft parts in the region of the fracture from being injured by the rough or sharp fragments of the bone. Rough handling of fractures may increase the muscular spasm by the irritation caused by the sharp fragments of the bones, and may also result in 324 FRACTURES. the injury of important vessels and nerves, and indeed a simple fracture may be converted into a compound one by forcible and injudicious manipulations. The sooner the examination is made after the fracture has occurred the better, for at this time there is less swell- ing in the region of the injury, and the surgeon can locate the bony prominences with much more ease, and can often discover the exact seat of the fracture with the least amount of manipulation of the parts. When a case of suspected fracture is not subjected to examination for several days after the reception of the injury, the parts in the region of the supposed fracture are often so much swollen that it is impossible to accurately locate its seat, and in such a case it is often necessary to wait until the swelling has subsided before the position of the fracture can be satisfactorily fixed, the case being treated in the meantime as one of fracture. Ancesthetics may be employed to relieve the patient from pain and to obliterate muscular spasm in the examination of fractures. Their employment is often of the greatest service in the diagnosis of obscure or complicated frac- tures, especially those in the neighborhood of joints ; but the surgeon should remember that all manipulations should be made with the same gentleness as when the examination is conducted without anaesthesia, for there is the same risk of injury to the surrounding structures by the fragments ; this precaution is often neglected when an anaesthetic has been given, the surgeon often being inclined to handle the parts more roughly than he otherwise would ; such practice cannot be too severely condemned. Provisional Dressings in Cases of Fracture. It generally happens that fractures occur at localities more or less distant from the point where the treatment of the fracture is to be conducted, and the transportation of the patient and the temporary dressing of the fracture are, therefore, matters of the first importance. In frac- PROVISIONAL DRESSINGS IN FRACTURE. 325 Fig. 228. tures of the upper extremities, if the fracture be simple, the clothing need not be removed, and the arm should be bound to the side by some article of clothing, or supported in a sling made from handkerchiefs or the clothing, and the patient can usually walk or ride for a short distance without much injury to the parts in the region of the fracture or inconvenience to himself. When the bones ot the lower extremities or the trunk are the parts involved, the transportation of the patient is a matter of more difficulty. When the bones of the trunk are involved the part should be surrounded by a binder firmly pinned or tied, made from the clothing or from towels, or sheets or other strong materials which are at hand. When the bones of the lower extremity are involved if the fracture be a simple one, the clothing need not be removed, and the motion of the frag- ments should be prevented by applying to the sides of the limb, extending above and be- low the seat of fracture, strips of wood, shingles, pasteboard, bundles of straw, strips of bark taken from trees, or bundles of twigs, these being held in place by handkerchiefs or strips torn from the clothing. Umbrellas or canes, or broomsticks (Fig. 228), applied in the same man- ner, may be employed, the object of any of these dressings being to secure temporary fixation of the fragments of bone during the transportation of the patient. If the fragments are not fixed in some way, but are allowed to move about during the transportation of the 15 Provisional dressings for fracture of the leg. (Esmarch.) 326 FRACTURES. patient, much damage may result to the soft parts sur- rounding the fractured bones, and simple fractures may become compound ones by the bones being forced through the skin, the discomfort of the patient at the same time being much increased. Having applied any dressing to bring about fixation of the fragments, the patient should next be placed upon a broad board or settee ; if a mattress cannot be obtained, the fractured limb should be laid upon a mass of clothing, or upon some straw, and he should be placed in a wagon or carried to the point where the subsequent treatment of the fracture is to be conducted. Reduction or Setting of Fractures. This should be effected as soon as possible after the occurrence of the injury and as soon as the surgeon is prepared to apply the dressings to keep the parts in their proper position; reduction at an early period is less painful to the patient and is accomplished with more ease to the surgeon than at a later period, when marked swelling and inflammation are present at the seat of fracture. Reduction consists in bringing the fragments, by manipulation, as nearly as possible in their normal position, and it is accom- plished by extension and manipulation with the hands, care being taken to use as little force as possible to attain the object. Very little force is required if the surgeon places the part in such a position as to relax the muscles which produce the displacement; when this is accomplished the fragments can usually be pressed into position by the fingers without the application of any considerable force. When the reduction of a fracture has been accomplished the fragments are retained in position by the application of various splints or dressings which serve to prevent their displacement. FRACTURE DRESSINGS. 327 Materials and Appliances Used in the Dressing of Fractures. The Fracture Bed. Many ingenious forms of beds have been devised for the use of patients suffering from fractures of the bones of the trunk and lower extremities, but a simple bedstead provided with a firm hair mattress having a perforation near its centre, into which is fitted a firm pad, and pro- vided with a pan which slides in a framework beneath a corresponding opening in the bedstead, will prove a useful appliance. The mattress is covered by a sheet perforated to correspond to the opening in the mattress, and when the pad is removed the evacuations of the patient are passed into the pan. In fractures of the trunk or lower extremities it will be found more convenient in handling the patient to use a single bed not over thirty-two or thirty-six inches in width, and it is not essential that the mattress be perfor- ated, as a bed-pan can usually be slipped under the patient ; the mattress should be a firm one stuffed with hair. The use of an ordinary tin pie-plate covered w x ith a piece of old muslin to receive the fecal evacuations may be substi- tuted for the bed -pan and will be found in many cases more satisfactory, especially in the case of children suffer- ing from fracture of the lower extremity. Splints.. After the reduction or setting of the fragments in cases of fracture they are usually retained in position until union occurs by the use of splints held in position by means of bandages or strips of muslin. Splints may be made of wood, or of tin, lead, copper or wire, binder's board, leather, felt paper, or gutta-percha. Wooden splints. — The simplest and best splints are made from wood — white pine, w r illow or poplar being the best material to employ for their construction, being sufficiently 328 FRACTURES. strong to give fixation to the parts and at the same time being light. Splints made from smooth white pine, willow or poplar boards from one-eighth to one-half an inch in thickness may be employed in the form of straight or angular splints, and their preparation is a matter of little difficulty. Wooden splints before being applied to the part should be well padded with cotton, wool, oakum, or hair, and where lateral wooden splints, are employed in the treat- ment of fractures of the lower extremity it is usual to place bandages or junk-bags between the limb and the splint. The carved wooden splints which are sold by the instrument-makers are not to be recommended, as a rule, for unless the surgeon has a large number to select from it is rare that a splint can be obtained to accurately fit any individual case. Binder's board or pasteboard, is an excellent material from which to construct splints ; it is first soaked in boil- ing water, and when sufficiently soft is padded with cotton or a layer of lint and moulded to the part. It may be secured in position by a bandage ; as it becomes dry it hardens and retains the shape into which it was moulded. Undressed leather is also an excellent material from which to construct splints ; it is applied by first soaking the leather in boiling water, and after padding it with cotton or lint it is moulded to the part and retained in position by a bandage. Felt made from wool saturated with gum shellac, pressed into sheets, is also a good material from which to con- struct splints. This material is prepared for application to the surface by heating it before a fire until it becomes pliable, or by dipping it into boiling water. Gutta-pereha splints made from sheets of this material, in thickness from -^ to ^ of an inch, may often be em- ployed with advantage ; it is prepared for use by immers- ing it in hot water, when it becomes soft and can be moulded to the surface. Care should be taken that it is not allowed to become too soft by too long immersion to permit of its being conveniently handled. FRAC1 UBE DRESSINGS. 329 Paper splints made from layers of manilla paper stiffened with starch constitute a very fair substitute for some of the varieties of splints previously mentioned. Flaster-of- Paris, starch, chalk and gum, silicate of potas- sium or sodium may be employed for the construction of splints, either movable or immovable, in the treatment of fractures ; their method of preparation and application is described (p. 101 et seq.); the plaster-of-Paris dressing is the one which is most generally used at the present time. Fracture-box. — This is a form of splint used in the treatment of fractures of the lower extremity, and con- sists of a piece of board eighteen to twenty inches in length, with a foot-board firmly secured at its lower Fig. 229. Fracture-box with movable sides. extremity ; the sides are secured by hinges which allow them to be raised or lowered (Fig. 229). A fracture-box of greater length is required for the treatment of fractures about the knee-joint. Bran, Sand, or Junk Bags. These are constructed by taking a piece of unbleached muslin five feet in length and fourteen and one-half inches in width, doubling it and securing the free margins, except at the mouth, by stitches so as to form a bag ; the bag is then inverted so that the edges of the seams are brought in the inner surface of the bag. The bags are next filled w^ith dry sand, bran, or hair, or with straw, and the mouth of the bag is closed by stitches or by being tied with a string. Bran bags with splints or sand bags are fre- quently employed in the treatment of fractures of the femur. 330 FBACTURES. Bandages made of muslin are used to retain splints in the treatment of fractures, and are also sometimes applied directly to the injured part before the application of splints to control muscular spasms and limit the amount of swell- ing ; when a bandage is so used it is known as a "primary roller. The use of the primary roller is sometimes of the greatest service in the dressing of fractures ; but its use in inexperienced hands has often been followed by such un- fortunate results in the early treatment of fractures, or in cases which are not under constant observation, that I think it is a safe rule of practice to discard entirely the use of the primary roller. Compresses made from a number of folds of lint, or ot cotton or oakum, are often employed to retain fragments in position or to make localized pressure upon certain points in the treatment of fractures. The compresses are held in position by strips of adhesive plaster, by a few turns of a roller bandage, or by the splints. Compresses are sometimes employed to protect bony prominences of the skeleton from the pressure of the splints; but this purpose is often better effected by the use of small pieces of soap plaster spread on chamois skin fitted over the prominent points. Fig. 230. Rack for supporting bed-clothes in fracture of the lower extremity. A rack or cradle, made of wire or wooden hoops, is often employed to support the weight of the bed-clothes in the treatment of fracture of the lower extremity (Fig. 230). Use of Evaporating Lotions in Cases of Fracture. The employment of evaporating lotions such as lead- water and laudanum, or muriate of ammonia and lauda- FRACTURE OF THE NASAL BONES. 331 num, to the skin in the region of fractures is highly recom- mended by many surgeons, especially in fractures involv- ing or situated near joints. It is here employed to relieve pain, to limit inflammatory swelling, and to hasten the absorption of the blood and serum at the seat of fracture. Many surgeons, on the other hand, think that their use causes irritation of the skin and delays the process of repair in the union of the fracture, and so strongly con- demn their employment. I personally have never seen any bad results arising from their use, and have generally employed them in fractures near or involving the joints, but I do not consider their employment absolutely essen- tial, and when I use them I only do so for two or three days. In cases of fractures accompanied with much pain and swelling, when the surgeon does not wish to use any of the lotions before named, an ointment of ichthyol one part, lanoline three parts, spread on lint and wrapped around the limb, will often prove a satisfactory dressing, or a layer of cotton may be simply wrapped around the part before the application of the splints. Dressing of Special Fractures. Fracture of the Nasal Bones. Fractures of the nasal bones are often accompanied with fractures involving the septum, the nasal process of the maxillary bone, and the nasal spine of the frontal bone. The treatment consists in replacing the fragments, if displacement exists, by manipulation with the fingers over the seat of fracture and by pressure made from within the nostrils by a probe or a steel director. When the displace- ment is ouce corrected it is not apt to recur, and in the majority of cases no dressing is required. Before resort- ing to any manipulation within the nasal cavities the mucous membrane should be thoroughly cocainized to render the operation painless to the patient. When there is depression of the fragments or displacement of the 332 FRACTURES. septum after correcting the deformity by raising the de- pressed fragment or bending the septum into place by a director, the parts may be held in position by packing the nasal cavity firmly with a strip of antiseptic gauze. In lateral displacements of the nasal bones from frac- ture, after reducing the displacement, a small compress held over the fragment by strips of adhesive plaster will be the only dressing required. Fig. 231. Mason's dressing for fractures of the nasal bones. Mason transfixes the nose, after reduction of the frag- ments, with a stout needle, and steadies the pieces with a strip of plaster crossing the bridge of the nose and fastened to the ends of the needle. The needle is kept in position for eight or ten days (Fig. 231). Roberts, in cases in which there is a displacement of the cartilaginous portion of the nose, after reducing the deformity, holds the parts in position by transfixing them with steel pins. Profuse hemorrhage sometimes occurs after fracture of FRACTURE OF THE UPPER MAXILLA. 333 the nasal bones and may require plugging of the nares to control it. Fractures of the nasal bones are usually firmly united in from ten to twelve days, and dressings may be dispensed with after this time. Fracture of the Malar Bone and Zygoma. These fractures are usually the result of direct force ; the displacement is upward or backward, and w r hen the zygomatic arch is broken the fragments from pressure upon the masseter muscle or on the tendon of the temporal muscle may interfere with the movement of the lower jaw in mastication. This displacement is corrected by cutting down upon the fragment and elevating it or by passing a tenaculum into the fragment and raising it. Outward displacements may be corrected by pressure and the application of a compress. The dressing of these fractures after the correction of the deformity consists in the application of a compress of lint over the seat of frac- ture, held in position by strips of adhesive plaster or a bandage. There is little tendency to recurrence of the deformity after it has been corrected, and union at the seat of fracture is usually firm at the end of three weeks. Fracture of the Upper Maxilla. These fractures may involve the body, the nasal pro- cesses, or the alveolar processes. The displacement should be corrected, and if any teeth have been displaced they should be replaced ; if there is comminution of the alveolus the teeth in the separate fragments may be fastened together by fine wire to fix the fragments and hold them in place ; and the teeth of the lower jaw should be brought up in contact with those of the upper jaw, and the jaws should be secured together by the application of a Barton's or a Gibson's bandage (Fig. 232). Inter-dental splints, made of cork, with grooves to fit the teeth, or of gutta-percha, are also employed in the dressing of these fractures. The 15* 334 FRACTURES. patient should not be allowed to move the jaw in mastica- tion, and should be nourished by liquid and semi-solid food which can be taken without removing any teeth to give space for its introduction. Fig. 232. Dressing for fracture of the upper jaw. The bandage should be removed every second or third day, and after the face and neck have been sponged off with alcohol it should be reapplied. These fractures are usually firmly united at the end of four or five weeks, and dressings may be dispensed with at this time. Fracture of the Lower Maxilla. The lower jaw may be broken at or near the symphysis, the most usual seat of fracture being near the mental fora- men ; it is often broken at two places at once, and the frac- tures are in many cases rendered compound by laceration of the mucous membrane, or the injury may consist in a separation of a portion of the alveolar process of the bone. The dressing of a fracture of the lower jaw, after reduc- ing the displacement and replacing any loosened or de- tached teeth, consists in applying a pad of lint under the FRACTURE OF THE LOWER MAXILLA. 335 Fig. 233. Dressing for fracture of the lower jaw. Fig. 234. Four-tailed bandage applied for fracture of the lower jaw. (Hamilton.) 336 FRACTURES. chin and bringing the jaw up against the upper jaw, hold- ing the compress in place, and securing the jaws firmly in contact by applying a Barton (Fig. 233), modified Barton or Gibson's bandage. The bandage should be re- moved and reapplied at the end of the second or third day, and at like intervals during the course of treatment. The patient should be fed upon a liquid or semi-solid diet, not being allowed to chew any solid food until the union at the seat of fracture has become firm. Fig. 235. Fig. 236. Shape of splint before being fitted to chin. (Roberts.) A very satisfactory temporary dressing for fracture of the lower jaw consists in the application of a four-tailed sling. (Fig. 234.) Some surgeons prefer to use an external splint moulded from pasteboard or gutta percha fitted to the chin in the dressing of this fracture, this being padded with cotton and held in place by a Barton or Gibson bandage. (Fig. 236.) Where there is much difficulty in keeping the frag- ments in position the wiring together of the teeth may be employed, or the fragments may be perforated with a drill and held in place by a strong silver - wire suture ; inter - dental splints of metal or gutta-percha are also sometimes used for this pur- pose. During the course of the treatment in fracture of the jaws the mouth often becomes very offensive from the fermentation of the saliva and dis- Splint moulded to fit chin. (Roberts.) FRACTURE OF THE LARYNX OR TRACHEA. 337 charges, and it is well to use frequently a mouth-wash of chlorate of potash, tincture of myrrh, glycerin, and water. The dressings for fracture of the lower jaw are usually applied for four or six weeks, the union usually being quite firm at the end of this time. Fracture of the Hyoid Bone. In fracture of the hyoid bone, if displacement exists, its reduction is facilitated by pressure made with the finger in the pharynx. The treatment consists in enforced quiet and the use of opium if cough is a prominent symptom, and the inflam- matory symptoms may require the employment of active local treatment. A dressing may sometimes be employed with advantage, consisting of a splint of pasteboard or leather moulded to the anterior portion of the neck. Fracture of the Larynx or Trachea. In fractures of the larynx or trachea where there is little displacement and dyspnoea is not marked, the parts should be supported by the application of compresses of lint held in place by strips of adhesive plaster. If, on the other hand, the respiration is embarrassed or there is free expec- toration of blood, tracheotomy should be performed, and if the injury be seated in the larynx the displacement of the fragments may be overcome by manipulation with the finger or a director through the tracheal wound, or the larynx may be packed with a strip of antiseptic gauze to control hemorrhage or hold the fragments in position, the patient in the meantime breathing through a tracheotomy- tube secured in the tracheal wound ; the packing should be removed in a few days, the tracheotomy-tube being permanently removed as soon as the patient can breathe comfortably through the larynx with the tracheal wound closed. In fractures of the trachea the opening into the trachea should be below or at the seat of injury. 338 FBACTURES. Fractures of the Trunk. Fig. 237. Fractuke of the Ribs. Fractures of the ribs are more frequent than fractures of any other bones of the trunk; the ribs most commonly broken are those from the fourth to the tenth ; the most common seat of fracture is near the junction of the costal cartilages or at the angle. The dressing of fractures of the ribs is best accomplished by envel- oping the side of the chest on which the rib or ribs are broken with broad straps of adhesive plaster. The adhesive straps should be two and a half inches in width and long enough to extend from the spine to the middle of the sternum. The straps are warmed and the first strap is firmly applied a short distance below the seat of fracture, extending from the spine to the mid-sternal line ; a number of as- cending straps are applied in this way, each strap overlapping the preceding one by about one- third of its width until half the chest is covered in. (Fig 237.) This dressing usu- ally gives the patient much comfort, and the straps need not be renewed until they become slightly loosened, usu- ally at the end of a week or ten days ; they should then be renewed in the same manner. The dressings for fractures of the ribs are usually dis- pensed with at the end of three or four weeks, as repair of the fracture is generally well advanced by this time. A satisfactory temporary dressing for fractures of the ribs consists in surrounding the chest by a broad binder of stout linen or muslin ; indeed, some surgeons prefer to employ this dressing during the course of treatment, but as a rule I think it is not as good a dressing as the adhe- Adhesive plaster dressing for fracture of the ribs. (Ham- ilton.) FRACTURE OF THE STERNUM. 339 sive plaster dressing, as the former confines the move- ments of both sides of the chest. Fracture of the Costal Cartilages. These fractures often take place at the junction of the cartilages with the ribs or in the body of the cartilages, and the union of the fracture usually takes place by the production of a mass of bone at the seat of fracture. The dressing for fractures of the costal cartilages consists in the application of strips of adhesive plaster applied in the same manner as for fracture of the ribs, and the dressing should be retained for about the same time. Fracture of the Sternum. Fractures of the sternum are rare injuries, but diastasis of the bones of the sternum is a more common accident. The dressing for either variety of injury is the same, and Fig. 238. Adhesive plaster dressing for fracture of the sternum. consists in the application of a compress over the seat of fracture held in place by a broad bandage, or, better, by strips of adhesive plaster (Fig. 238), applied so as to cover and fix the anterior portion of the chest, covering the 340 FRACTURES. entire length of the sternum. This dressing should be retained for at least four weeks, being renewed if it be- comes loose at the end of a week or ten days. Fracture of the Pelvis. These fractures are often serious injuries from implica- tion of the pelvic viscera. The reduction of the displace- ment should be first accomplished as far as possible by external manipulation, together with internal manipula- tion by the fingers introduced into the rectum, or into the vagina in the female. The patient should be placed upon a firm bed on his back, with the knees slightly flexed over a pillow, and the parts should be kept at rest by surround- ing the pelvis with broad straps of adhesive plaster or a stout muslin binder, or by a firmly applied padded pelvic belt. The hip-joints should be kept at rest by the applica- tion of pasteboard splints or by sand-bags. The dressings should be retained for a period of at least six weeks. When these fractures are complicated by injury of the pelvic viscera various operative procedures may be re- quired, which will compel the surgeon to modify the method of dressing. Fracture of the Sacrum and Coccyx. The dressing of fractures of the sacrum, after effecting reduction of the fragments as far as possible by pressure from within the rectum, consists in the application of broad adhesive straps around the pelvis, and the patient should be kept at rest in bed. When the coccyx only is fractured, after reduction of the displacement the patient should be confined to bed and the bowels should be kept at rest by the use of opium by suppository. The patient should be kept at rest for three or four weeks, and, in case of fracture of the sacrum, the dressings should be retained for this time. FRACTURE OF THE VERTEBRM 341 Fracture of the Vertebrae. Fractures of the vertebrae are always most serious in- juries, not only from the injuries of the bones themselves, but also from the damage to the spinal cord, membranes, and nerves, which often accompanies them. In transporting, or turning in bed, a patient suffering from fracture of the vertebrae, great care should be exer- cised, for rough or sudden motions might cause a displace- ment of the fragments which might, by injury of, or pressure upon, the spinal cord, rapidly prove fatal. In the treatment of fractures of the spine, if the de- formity is marked, efforts should be made to reduce it by extension and counter-extension, and the result may be successful, especially if the fracture be associated with a dislocation of the vertebrae. In some cases the use ot permanent extension by means of weights attached to the legs, shoulders, and chest by adhesive plaster and bandages has been successful in reducing the deformity. The patient should be placed upon his back upon a bed with a hair mattress, or better, if it can be obtained, a water-bed, which consists of a rubber mattress filled with water, which distributes the weight of the patient's body evenly over the surface. Whatever form of bed be used, the greatest care should be exercised to keep the patient absolutely clean, and the parts of the body or limbs which are exposed to pressure should be frequently bathed with alcohol or soap liniment ; and to distribute the pressure, small pads should be placed under the parts and changed at intervals. These precautions are necessary to prevent, if possible, the formation of extensive bedsores, w 7 hich are a frequent and troublesome complication of these injures. The bowels should be carefully watched, and, if con- stipation is present, it should be relieved by the use of enemata ; and, as it is not desirable to lift the patient to slip a bed-pan under him, the discharges can be received in a flat tin plate pushed under the thighs and buttocks, or on pads of oakum or old muslin. The care of the bladder is also a matter of the greatest 342 FRACTURES. importance ; the retention which at first exists should be relieved by the use of a flexible catheter introduced with great gentleness, and when incontinence supervenes the catheter should also be used at intervals ; the employment of a soft instrument, if used with care, is not apt to pro- duce any injury to the urethra or bladder. The employment of a plaster-of-Paris jacket has been followed, in some cases, by good results, and it may be applied early in the case, or it may be used after the patient has been kept in the recumbent posture for some weeks ; by its use it is often possible to get the patient out of bed and allow him to sit in a chair. In fractures involving the cervical vertebrae, care should be exercised in lifting or moving the head, and it is often of advantage in these cases to apply short sand-bags to the sides of the neck and head, to give additional fixation to the parts while the patient is in the recumbent posture, or, if he is allowed to get out of bed, to apply a moulded leather or pasteboard splint to the neck, shoulders, and back of the head for the same purpose. Trephining of the spine in cases of fracture of the vertebrae, to remedy the displacement and relieve the cord from pressure, has been recommended and employed in some cases, and although the operation under strict anti- septic methods is not attended with much risk, the results obtained up to the present time scarcely seem to warrant its performance. The course of treatment in cases of fractures of the ver- tebrae, if the patient does not succumb to the injury in a few days or weeks, often extends over many months, and recovery is often more or less incomplete as regards the function of the parts below the seat of fracture. Fracture of the Skull. The treatment of fractures of the skull, whether simple or compound, depends largely upon the nature of the in- jury and the condition of the cranial contents. In simple fractures unaccompanied with cerebral symptoms no FRACTURE OF THE CLAVICLE 343 special dressing is required, but in compound fractures where loose fragments are present, these should be re- moved ; and if there is no depression of the fragments, and if no cerebral symptoms are present, the wound should be drained, carefully closed and dressed antisep- tically, the dressings being held in place by a recurrent bandage of the head. The patient should be put to bed, and the use of an ice- cap to the head is often of service. The diet should be restricted, while calomel and opium or bromide of potas- sium should be administered ; it is well to keep the patient for a few weeks in a quiet and darkened room. Where cerebral symptoms are present, either in simple or com- pound fractures, and trephining is resorted to, the dressing of the wound is similar, and the same general treatment should be adopted. In all cases of fracture of the skull, whether subjected to operative treatment or not, it is well to keep the patient at rest in bed for three or four weeks, and he should be cautioned to avoid excesses, and should not resume active work for some months. Fractures of the Upper Extremity. Fracture of the Clavicle. Fractures of the clavicle may be complete or incomplete, and in the latter variety of injury the deformity is not usually very marked. The indications for treatment in complete fractures of the clavicle are to relax the sterno- cleido-mastoid muscle, to prevent the weight of the arm on the injured side from dragging down the outer fragment of the clavicle, and, by fixing the scapula, to carry the attached external fragment outward and forward. A large number of dressings have been devised and used to accom- plish these objects. The treatment of fractures of the clavicle by position is accomplished by placing the patient in bed on his back upon a firm mattress with a low pillow under his head, and the arm on the side of injury should 344 FRACTURES. be fastened to the side of the chest by a few circular turns of a bandage passing around the arm and chest ; the de- formity is usually very satisfactorily reduced upon the patient assuming this position, and after three weeks' rest in this position the union is generally sufficiently firm to allow the patient to get out of bed and be about with the arm bound to the side or carried in a sling or with a Vel- peau bandage applied without any recurrence of the de- formity. A satisfactory temporary dressing for fractures of the clavicle consists in the application of a four-tailed ban- dage ; the bandage is made from a piece of muslin two Fig. 239. Four-tailed bandage for fracture of clavicle. (Stimson.) yards in length and fourteen inches in width ; a hole is cut in its centre about four inches from its margin, to re- ceive the point of the elbow ; the bandage is then split into four tails in the line of the hole and to within six inches of it ; the body of the bandage should be applied so that the point of the elbow rests in the hole, and a folded towel being placed in the axilla, the lower tails should be carried, one anteriorly, the other posteriorly, diagonally across the chest and back to the neck on the side opposite the seat of fracture, and secured ; the remaining tails are FRACTURE OF THE CLAVICLE. 345 next carried around the lower part of the chest and secured so as to fix the arm to the side of the body. (Fig. 239.) In some cases the deformity is corrected by the applica- tion of a posterior figure-of-eight bandage, the forearm on the side of injury being carried in a sling. (Fig. 240.) Fig. 240. Posterior figure-of-eight dressing for fracture of the clavicle. (Hamilton.) Say re's dressing for fracture of the clavicle consists of two strips of adhesive plaster three and a half inches wide and two yards in length. The first strip is looped around the arm just below the axillary margin, and is pinned or sewed with the loop sufficiently open not to constrict the arm. The arm is then drawn downward and backward until the clavicular portion of the pectoralis major muscle is put sufficiently upon the stretch to overcome the action of the sterno-cleido-mastoid muscle, and in this way draw T s the sternal fragment of the clavicle down to its pace. The strip of plaster is then carried completely around the body and pinned or stitched to itself on the back. (Fig. 241.) The second strip is next applied, commencing upon the front of the shoulder of the sound side ; thence it is car- ried over the top of the shoulder diagonally across the 346 FRACTURES. back, under the elbow, diagonally across the front of the chest to the point of starting, where it is secured by pinning or sewing. A slit is made in this strip to receive the point of the elbow. Before the elbow is secured by the plaster it should be pressed well forward and inward. (Fig. 242.) Fig. 241. Fig 242. Say re's dressing for fracture of the clavicle. First strip applied. Sayre's dressing for fracture of the clavicle. Second strip applied. Velpeau's dressing may also be used in the treatment of fractures of the clavicle. (Fig. 243.) A compress may also be secured by the vertical turns of this bandage over the seat of fracture if needed. The application of the bandage is described (p. 68). In any form of dressing in which the arm is held against the side of the chest, it is well to apply a folded towel or piece of lint between the arm and chest to prevent the surfaces from becoming excoriated. FRACTURE OF THE CLAVICLE. 347 Fig. 243. Velpeau's dressing for fracture of the clavicle. A modified form of the Velpeau dressing for fracture of the clavicle is applied as follows : A soft towel or piece of lint is placed agaiust the side of the body and over the front of the chest, and held in position by a strip of adhesive plaster; the arm is next placed in the Velpeau position, a good-sized pad of lint is next applied over the scapula, and this is held in place by a broad strip of adhesive plaster two and a half inches in width and one and a half yards in length ; this strip is continued downward and forward so as to pass over the point of the elbow, and is carried diagonally across the chest to the shoulder of the opposite side, and is secured, a slit being cut in it to receive the point of the elbow; a compress of lint is next placed over the seat of fracture and held in place by a strip of ad- hesive plaster ; an additional strip of plaster is next car- ried from the spine around the arm and chest and secured on the opposite side of the chest ; circular turns of a roller bandage are then passed around the chest, including the arm from below upward until the arm is securely fixed to the body, and the dressing is finished by making one or two turns of the third roller of Desault. (Fig. 244.) Or the turns of the third roller of Desault may be applied first, and the dressing may be finished by circular turns of a roller passing around the arm and chest, extending from the elbow to the shoulder. In the treatment of fractures of the clavicle in children the Velpeau or modified Velpeau dressing will be found to be the most satisfactory dressing to employ, and as these patients are particularly apt to disarrange their dressings it is well to render the dressing additionally secure by applying a few broad strips of adhesive plaster over the 348 FRACTURES. turns of the roller bandage, the strips following the turns of the bandage. The removal of dressings and their reapplication will depend upon the comfort of the patient and the manner in which they keep their position. As a rule, in fractures of the clavicle the dressings are removed at the end of the second or third day, the parts are inspected, and the skin is sponged off with dilute alcohol or whiskey ; the dress- ings are then reapplied, and if the patient is comfortable Fig. 244. Modified Velpeau dressing for fracture of the right clavicle. and the parts are in good position, the dressings are made at less frequent intervals until union is completed at the seat of fracture. Union in cases of fracture of the clavicle is generally quite firm at the end of four or five weeks, and at this time the dressings may be removed, and the patient should carry the arm of the affected side in a sling for several weeks, and should not undertake any work requiring forcible movements of the arm until eight or ten weeks have elapsed from the receipt of the injury. FRACTURE OF THE SCAPULA. 349 The time required for union in fractures of the clavicle in children is somewhat shorter; the dressings may be removed at the end of three weeks. Fracture of the Scapula. Fractures of the scapula may involve the body, neck, acromion or coracoid process of the bone. Fractures of this bone are quite rare. Iracture of the Body of the Scapula. In dressing this fracture, if deformity is present, it is reduced by manipulation, and compresses of lint are placed above and below the seat of fracture and held in place by adhesive strips; the arm is next fixed to the side of the body by spiral turns of a roller bandage passing around the arm and chest, and the forearm is supported in a sling. Fracture of the Neck, Acromion or Coracoid Process of the Scapula. Fig. 245. Velpeau dressing for fracture of the scapula. 16 350 FRACTURES. These fractures may be dressed by placing a pad of lint or a folded towel in the axilla and binding the arm to the body by spiral turns of a roller bandage passing around the arm and chest and supporting the forearm in a sling. Or these fractures of the scapula may be dressed by first placing a pad of lint or a folded towel in the axilla and then securing the arm in the Velpeau position by the application of a Velpeau's bandage. (Fig. 245.) In fractures of the acromion or coracoid processes the union is usually fibrous. In the treatment of fractures of the scapula the dressing should be retained for about four weeks. Fbacture of the Humerus. Fractures of the humerus may involve the upper ex- tremity, the shaft or the lower extremity of the bone. Fractures of the Upper Extremity of the Humerus include fractures of the head and anatomical neck of the bone, fractures through the tuberosities, fractures through the surgical neck of the humerus, and epiphyseal fracture or disjunction of the upper epiphysis of the humerus. The most satisfactory dressing for all fractures of the humerus above the upper third of the bone is applied as follows : A primary roller should be evenly applied from the tip of the fingers to the seat of the fracture, the arm being flexed at the elbow before the bandage is carried above this point, to prevent the dangerous constriction which might result if the bandage were applied with the arm in the straight posi- tion, and it were afterward flexed at the elbow. A folded towel or a thin pad of lint should next be placed in the axilla and over the outer surface of the chest, to fur- nish a firm basis of support for the humerus and also to prevent excoriation from the contact of the skin surfaces. A splint of pasteboard, felt or leather (Fig. Fig. 246. Moulded splint for shoulder and arm. FRACTURE OF THE HUMERUS. 351 246) is next moulded to the shoulder and arm ; this should be long enough to extend some distance below the seat of fracture and wide enough to cover in about one-half of the circumference of the arm, and is padded with cotton and fitted to the shoulder and arm. The splint and arm are next secured to the side of the body by spiral turns of a roller bandage including the arm and chest in its turns and applied from the elbow to the top of the shoulder. The forearm is carried in a narrow sling suspended from the neck (Fig. 247). This dressing should be removed at the end of Fig. 247. .Dressing for fracture of the upper extremity ol the humerus. twenty-four or forty-eight hours, and after the parts have been inspected and sponged over with alcohol, the dress- ings should be reapplied in the same manner, and if the patient is comfortable they need not be disturbed again for three or four days, subsequent dressings being made at the same intervals. Union in fractures of the upper extremity of the humerus, except in intra-capsular fract- ure, in which bony union is the exception, is usually quite firm at the end of five or six weeks, and the dressings can be dispensed with at this time. 352 FRACTURES. Fracture of the Shaft of the Humerus. The dressing consists in the application of a primary roller from the tips of the fingers to the seat of fracture ; a short well-padded wooden splint extending from the axilla to a point a little above the internal condyle is next placed on the inner surface of the arm and against the chest ; a moulded pasteboard or felt splint, fitted to the shoulder and outer side of the arm and extending a short distance below the seat of fracture, is padded with cotton and applied to the shoulder and arm. The splints are held in position by the turns of a bandage, and the arm is secured to the body by spiral turns of a roller bandage Fig. 243. Internal angular splints. carried around the chest and arm, and the forearm is carried in a sling suspended from the neck. The dressing is much the same as that for fracture of the upper part of the humerus, with the addition of the short internal splint. Fracture of the shaft of the humerus may also be dressed by first applying a primary roller and then plac- ing the forearm and arm upon a well-padded internal angular splint. (Fig. 248.) Care should be taken to see that the end of the splint extends only to the axilla and does not press upon the brachial veins. A pasteboard or felt moulded splint is next applied to the shoulder and outer side of the arm, which should be long enough to FRACTURE OF THE HUMERUS. 353 extend below the seat of fracture. The splints are held in position by turns of a roller bandage beginning at the fingers and carried up to the shoulder, and finished with a few spica-of-the-shoulder turns. (Fig. 249.) The arm is supported by a sling applied at the wrist, and sometimes for additional security the arm is bound to the side of the body by spiral turns of a bandage carried around the arm and chest. The after-treatment of these fractures as re- FlG. 249. Dressing for fracture of the shaft of the humerus with internal angular splint and external splint of binder's board. gards the removal and renewal of the dressings is the same as in cases of fracture of the upper portion of the humerus. In fractures of the shaft of the humerus the dressings should be retained for five or six weeks. Fracture of the Lower Extremity of the Humerus. These include fractures at the base of the condyles, splitting fractures between the condyles or those of the internal or external condyle, and epiphyseal fracture or disjunction of the lower epiphysis of the humerus. 354 FRACTURES. In dressing fractures of the lower extremity of the humerus, if a primary roller is employed it should be carried up only to the elbow. The displacement is reduced by extension and manipulation, and before applying any splint it is well in many cases to apply over the region of Anterior angular splint. the fracture several folds of lint saturated with lead- water and laudanum, and to cover this dressing with waxed paper or rubber tissue to diminish as far as possible the swelling, which is very marked after these injuries. The use of this lotion may be omitted, and a layer of cotton Fig. 251. Dressing for fracture of the lower extremity of the humerus with anterior angular splint. may be placed around the joint in its place. An anterior angular splint (Fig. 250) well padded with cotton or oakum is next applied and held in position by the turns of a roller bandage applied from the fingers to the upper portion of the splint. (Fig. 251.) These fractures may FRACTURE OF THE HUMERUS. 355 also be dressed with a well-padded internal angular splint, this splint being substituted by an anterior angular splint at the end of ten days or two weeks. These fractures may also be dressed by placing the arm in a posterior angular trough (Fig. 252) made of paste- board or leather. Some surgeons prefer to dress fractures of the condyles of the humerus with the arm in the ex- tended position upon a straight an- m. M. O "Fir" 9^9 terior splint, or with short, narrow pasteboard splints applied around the joint, as favoring more accurate coaptation of the fragments. If this position is employed a straight wooden splint is applied to the anterior surface of the arm and forearm, or moulded splints of Posterior angular trougK pasteboard may be used, and after the union is moderately firm, at the end of two weeks, the elbow should be flexed and kept in this position during the remaining time of the treatment. When fractures of the lower extremity of the humerus involve the elbow-joint a certain amount of impairment of joint-motion is apt to occur either from ankylosis or from displacement of the fragments which in many cases it is impossible to completely reduce, so that flexion and exten- sion of the joint are restricted. Bearing these facts in mind, it is well to make passive motion in these cases as early as the second or third week. It is well to explain to the patient or his friends that impairment of joint-motion may result in these fractures in spite of the greatest skill and care in the treatment. In a case of fracture in the region of the condyles of the humerus the dressings should be removed in twenty-four hours, and it should be re-dressed in the same manner, and if the swelling does not increase and the dressing is comfortable to the patient it should afterward be dressed at less frequent intervals ; the union is generally quite firm at the end of four w T eeks, and the splint may be removed at this time. Fractures of the condyles of the humerus are very common in children, 356 FRACTURES. and epiphyseal disjunctions of the lower epiphysis of the humerus are also met with ; the dressing of these injuries in this class of patients is similar to that described for fractures of the condyles of the humerus. Fracture of the Olecranon Process of the Ulna. Fractures of the olecranon may consist in simply a separation of the cortical layer of bone over the summit of the process to which the triceps is principally attached, or the line of fracture may pass through the sigmoid fossa. Fractures of the olecranon are dressed with the arm slightly flexed at the elbow, or with it completely extended, Fig. 253. Adhesive strap applied to draw fragment downward. the former position is possibly a little less irksome to the patient. The separation of the fragment by the action of the triceps muscle is usually not very marked ; but, if the displacement is considerable, it may in a measure be over- come by the use of a compress above the fragment, over which figure-of-eight strips of adhesive plaster are fastened to draw it down into position (Fig. 253.) The ends of the strap are then attached to a well-padded straight splint which should be long enough to extend from the upper third of the arm to the ends of the fingers, which is secured in position by the turns of a roller carried from the fingers to the upper extremity of the splint, with figure- FRACTURE OF THE OLECRANON. 357 of-eight turns at the elbow to reinforce the action of the strips of plaster. This fracture may also be dressed by first applying a primary roller up to the elbow, and then placing the arm upon a well-padded anterior obtuse-angled splint, or a straight splint with a good-sized pad of lint or oakum fastened at a point corresponding to the position of the flexure of the elbow. When either of these splints is placed upon the arm a position of moderate flexion is obtained. A compress of lint is next placed above the fragment, if there is a displacement, and one or two narrow strips of adhesive plaster are fastened over this and passed obliquely downward and attached to the splint on either side. The splint is then securely fastened to the arm by the turns of a roller bandage applied from the fingers to the upper end of the splint. (Fig. 254.) Fig. 254. Fracture of olecranon dressed in the extended position. The dressings in a case of fracture of the olecranon should be removed at the end of twenty-four or thirty-six hours, or sooner if there is evidence of swelling of the tissues in the region of the fracture, and they should be reapplied in the same manner. If the dressing is com- fortable to the patient, and there is no evidence of swell- ing, the subsequent dressings should be made at less frequent intervals ; the dressings are usually retained in this frac- ture for five or six weeks. Passive motion should not be made until this time, as flexion of the elbow tends to separate the fragments, unless union has taken place. The repair of a fracture of the olecranon is, in most cases, by 16* 358 FRACTURES. fibrous union, but in a few instances bony union has been found to have taken place. Fracture of the Coronoid Process of the Ulna. Fractures of the coronoid process are rarely met with, and their dressing is accomplished by placing the arm in a flexed position and applying a well-padded internal right-angled splint, or a posterior right-angled splint, and securing it to the arm by the turns of a roller bandage. A moulded pasteboard or leather gutter may be substituted for the angular splints. The dressings should be changed at intervals, and after their removal, at the end of three or four weeks, passive motion should be practised. Fracture of the Head and Neck of the Radius. These fractures are also quite rare, and, when met with, should be dressed, after reducing the fragments by manipu- lation, by flexing the elbow and keeping it in this position by the application of a well-padded anterior right-angled splint, the splint being firmly secured in position by the turns of a roller bandage applied from the tips of the fingers to the upper end of the splint. The splint should be changed at intervals, and should not be permanently removed for four weeks, at which time passive motion, consisting in flexion and extension at the elbow and pronation and supination of the forearm, should be made. (Fig. 251.) An internal angular splint applied to the inner surface of the forearm and arm may also be used in the treatment of these fractures. (Fig. 249.) Fracture of Both Bones of the Forearm. These fractures are often met with as the result of direct or indirect violence, and after reducing the displacement, which is always marked when both bones are broken, and FRACTURE OF BOTH BONES OF THE FOREARM. 359 is not so marked when one bone only is broken, by making extension from the hand and by manipulation ; the forearm is placed in the supine position or in a position between pronation and supination. The supine position is, as a rule, to be preferred in any fracture of the radius, as the upper fragment is supinated by the action of the biceps and supinator brevis muscles, and, therefore, unless the lower fragment be placed in the supine position, union with the rotary deformity will almost inevitably ensue. Two straight wooden splints, well padded, a little wider than the forearm, are employed. The anterior splint Fig. 255. Dressing for fracture of both bones of the forearm. should be long enough to extend from the elbow to the tips of the fingers, and the posterior splint should extend from the elbow to the wrist. A primary roller should never be applied to the forearm in dressing these fractures, as its application diminishes the interosseous space, and its use has been followed by gangrene of the hand and fore- arm. In applying the anterior splint to the palmar surface of the forearm and hand, care should be taken to see that the upper end of the splint does not press upon the bra- chial artery and basilic vein at the elbow when the forearm is flexed ; the posterior splint is next applied from the elbow to the wrist, and the splints are held in position by the turns of a bandage carried from the fingers to the elbow. (Fig. 255.) 360 FRACTURES. In dressing this fracture a posterior splint equal in length to the anterior splint may be used in place of the short posterior splint extending from the elbow to the wrist. In fracture either of the shaft of the radius or of the ulna alone, the deformity is usually not so marked as when both bones are broken at the same time, the unbroken bone acting as a splint ; the dressing for these fractures is the same as for fracture of both bones of the forearm. The dressing should be removed in twenty-four or thirty- six hours, and after inspecting the parts and sponging them with dilute alcohol the splints should be replaced in the same manner and secured. The dressing should be removed and renewed at intervals of two or three days for two weeks at least, and after this time the dressings should be made at less frequent intervals. The time required for union in these fractures is usually five or six weeks, and the splints should be retained for this time. Fractures of the forearm should be seen by the surgeon frequently for the first two weeks of the treatment, for it is in these fractures that the most unfortunate results have occurred from neglect of this precaution. In children incomplete or green-stick fracture of the bones of the forearm are very common ; their dressing, after reducing the deformity, which consists in bending the bones back into place, often converting the incom- plete fracture into a complete one, is accomplished in the same manner as described above. In these patients there is a great tendency to displace the splints or rather to draw the forearm out of the splints, and to prevent this I often employ an anterior angular splint, in place of the straight anterior one, the upper portion of which, being fastened to the arm, prevents the child from dragging the arm out of the dressings. Fracture of the Lower End op the Radius. The most common fracture of the radius is one situated from one-half of an inch to one and one-half inches above FRACTURE OF THE LOWER END OF THE RADIUS. 361 the lower articular surface of the bone, the line of fracture being more or less transverse, although it may in some cases be slightly oblique ; the characteristic deformity in this fracture is represented in Fig. 256. Fig. 256. Fracture of the radius near its lower extremity. The most important point in the treatment of this frac- ture is to effect complete reduction before the application of any splint ; this is done by making extension from the hand, and, at the same time, by extending and flexing the wrist and by manipulation, the deformity can usually be completely reduced. The arm should then be brought Fig. 257. Position of compresses in Colles's fracture. into the position of supination, and a firm compress of lint is next placed over the lower end of the upper fragment on the palmar surface of the forearm ; a second compress is then placed over the upper end of the lower fragment (Fig. 257), and a well-padded Bond splint (Fig. 258) is applied to the palmar surface of the arm and held in place by the turns of a roller bandage. (Fig. 259.) 362 FRACTURES. Many surgeons treat this fracture with the hand in a position between pronation and supination, the thumb pointing upward. A substitute for Bond's splint may be Fig. 258. Bond's splint. Fig. 259. Dressing for fracture of the lower end of the radius. Fig. 260. Substitute for Bond's splint. prepared by fastening a roller bandage obliquely upon a straight wooden splint as suggested by Dr. Hays. (Fig. 260.) FRACTURE OF THE CARPAL BONES. 363 Two straight splints with compresses are also employed in the treatment of this fracture, and a vast number of splints have been devised ; among these may be mentioned those of Gordon, Coover, and the metal splint of the late Dr. R. J. Levis. The most important point in the treat- ment of this fracture is the complete reduction of the deformity at the first dressing, and if this has been satis- factorily done almost any splint may be used with a good result, and indeed some surgeons use no splint, applying only a compress over the palmar fragment, held in place by a strip of plaster, the arm being carried in a sling. The after-treatment of these fractures consists in remov- ing the splint and compresses after twenty-four or thirty- six hours and in sponging the surface of the skin with dilute alcohol, and the compresses and splint should then be reapplied in the same manner ; the fracture should be dressed every second or third day for the first two weeks, and after this time it should be dressed at less frequent intervals. Union is usually quite firm at the end of four weeks, and the splint should be dispensed with at this time. A certain amount of stiffness of the wrist and fingers is apt to follow this fracture, which is usually soon overcome by passive motion and physiological use of the parts. In children epiphyseal separations or fractures of the lower epiphysis of the radius are often met with, and their treatment is similar to that described above ; a Bond splint w T ith compresses or two straight splints with compresses being the most satisfactory dressing to employ in this injury, the dressings being retained for three weeks. Fracture of the Carpal Bones. These fractures are usually compound or open fractures, and are so frequently associated with extensive laceration of the arm and hand that operative measures have to be resorted to ; but if such is not the case they are dressed, when compound, with an antiseptic dressing, and the hand and forearm are supported upon a well-padded palmar 364 FRACTURES. splint held in place by a roller bandage ; more or less im- pairment in the motion of the wrist is apt to follow these fractures. In simple fractures of the carpal bones the use of an evaporating lotion for a few days, in connection with the splint just mentioned, will be found useful. The dressings should be retained for three or four weeks, and after their removal passive motion should be employed to overcome as far as possible the joint-stiffness resulting. Fracture of the Metacarpal Bones. These fractures are often met with as the result of direct or indirect force applied to the metacarpal bones. The Fig. 261. Agnew's splint for fracture of the metacarpal bones. treatment of fractures of the metacarpal bones consists in first reducing the deformity, which is usually an angular Fig. 262. Dressing for fracture of the metacarpal bones. one, the projection of the angle being toward the back of the hand ; this is reduced by pressure with the fingers, and the hand and forearm should then be placed upon a FRACTURE OF THE PHALANGES. 365 palmar splint (Fig. 261) with a pad of oakum or cotton under the palm ; a compress of lint is next placed over the seat of fracture, and the hand and forearm are bound to the splint by the turns of a roller bandage. (Fig. 262.) At the end of three weeks union at the seat of fracture is usually quite firm, and the splint should be dispensed with at this time. Fractuee of the Phalanges. The treatment of fractures of the phalanges consists in reducing the displacement by extension and manipulation, Fig. 263. Gutta-percha splint for fracture of phalanx. (Hamilton.) Fig. 264. Dressing for fracture of phalanx with anterior and posterior splints. and in placing the finger in a moulded gutta-percha or pasteboard splint (Fig. 263), and securing the splint in 366 FRACTURES. position by the turns of a roller bandage. When the proximal phalanx is fractured a narrow, padded, wooden splint extending from the end of the finger to the wrist should be applied upon the palmar surface of the finger and hand, and a short dorsal splint should also be used ; if there is a tendency to lateral displacement short lateral splints should also be employed, and the splints should be held in place by strips of plaster or by a roller bandage. (Fig. 264.) Union in fractures of the phalanges is usually quite firm at the end of three weeks, and the splints can be dispensed with at that time. Fractures of the Lower Extremity. Fkacture of the Femuk. Fractures of the upper extremity of the femur are those Involving the neck, great trochanter, and upper end of the shaft of the bone. In dressing fractures of the upper extremity of the femur the patient should be placed in bed upon a firm mattress, and an extension apparatus made from adhesive plaster should be applied to the leg, extending as far as the knee- joint. The extension apparatus is constructed by taking a piece of adhesive plaster two and a half inches in width and long enough to extend from the outer side of the knee to four inches below the sole of the foot, and from this point back to the inner side of the knee ; in the centre of this strip is placed a block of wood, two and a half inches wide and four inches in length, with a perforation in its centre ; the block and the inner surface of the strip on each side are next faced with a similar strip of adhesive plaster to a point about an inch above each malleolus ; a few straps are next wound around the wooden block to fix the previously applied straps ; the strip of plaster is next warmed and applied to the sides of the leg and held in position by three strips of adhesive plaster carried around the leg at intervals (Fig. 265), and the plaster is made FRACTURE OF THE FEMUR. 367 additionally secure by the application of a roller bandage applied to the foot and leg and carried up to the knee- Through the perforation in the block or stirrup is fastened a cord which passes over a pulley attached to the bed, and to this cord is attached the extending weight. The extension apparatus being applied, lateral support is given to the leg and thigh by sand-bags applied on either side ; the outer sand-bag should extend from the foot to the Fig. 265. Adhesive plaster extension apparatus applied to limb. (Ashhurst.) axilla, and the inner one from the foot to the groin. A weight of five or ten pounds is attached to the extending cord, and the lower feet of the bed should be raised on blocks a few inches high to prevent the patient from slip- ping down in bed ; a pad of oakum or cotton should also be placed under the tendo-Achillis to relieve the heel from pressure. This dressing is kept in place for from four to six weeks, and if union has occurred the patient is kept in bed for a few weeks longer and is then allowed to be about using crutches. In the majority of cases of fracture of the neck of the femur fibrous union only takes place, and after employing the dressing before described for six weeks the patient is allowed to get up and go about on crutches. It often happens that the subjects in whom these fractures occur are old and feeble, and if it is found that restraint in bed with the dressings here described is not well borne, under such circumstances they should be 368 FRACTURES. discarded and the patient should be allowed to sit up in bed with the limb resting on a pillow, or in a chair, the treatment of the local condition having to be disregarded, attention being given to the patient's constitutional con- dition. Fig. 266. Plaster- of-Paris bandage applied to thigh. (Hamii/i on. ) Fig. 267. ^X a Smith's anterior splint for fracture of the femur. 1 The application of a plaster-of-Paris bandage to the leg, thigh, and pelvis is also sometimes made use of in the FRACTURE OF THE FEMUR. 369 treatment of fractures of the upper extremity of the femur; extension should be made from the foot while the bandage is being applied. (Fig. 266,) In fractures of the neck of the femur and of the upper part of the shaft Fig. 268. iirii;illiiiii.ii[|ll|]'\Hlllli|||!!li , ^ N ^ v — iNiilllllllllllll : Dressing for fracture of the femur with extension upon an inclined plane. (Agnew.) of the bone the anterior wire splint of Prof. N. R. Smith is sometimes used with advantage; the limb being swung from the splint the patient is able to move in bed without causing him pain or disturbing the fragments. (Fig. 267.) In fractures in the upper portion of the femur where there Fig. 269. Double inclined fracture-box. is marked tilting forward of the upper fragment Prof. Agnew employed extension made from the thigh and placed the limb upon a double inclined plane, maintaining this position during the treatment of the case. (Fig. 268.) With the same object in view, in place of the double in- 370 FRACTURES. clined plane a double inclined fracture-box may be em- ployed, extension being made from the thigh by means of adhesive plaster strips applied above the knee, to which a weight is attached. (Fig. 268.) Fracture of the Shaft of the Femur. In the treatment of fractures of the shaft of the femur the dressings are applied to diminish as far as possible the shortening and to prevent angular or rotary displacement of the fragments. In dressing these fractures the patient should be placed upon a fracture-bed or an ordinary bed with a firm hair mattress ; an extension apparatus of ad- hesive plaster is applied and extension is made by a weight attached to this as previously described. Lateral support is given to the limb by the application of two wooden splints — the outer or long one extending from the axilla to the foot, the inner or short one extending from the groin to the foot. The splints at their upper extremity should be about six inches in width and at their lower extremity about three and a half inches. The splints are wrapped in a splint cloth which extends from the foot to the groin, and after this has been placed under the limb the splints are fixed in their proper positions, the short one to the inner side, the long one to the outer side of the limb. Between the limb and the splints are interposed bran- bags ; the outer bag should be long enough to extend from the axilla to the foot, the inner one from the groin to the foot. The splints and bran-bags are held in place by five or six strips of bandage passing under the limb and body and around the splints and bran-bags at intervals. The heel is saved from pressure by placing a wad of oakum or cotton under the tendo-Achillis, and after the splints have been brought into place the strips of bandage are firmly tied to secure them, and a weight of ten or twelve pounds is attached to the extending cord. The foot of the bed is raised to prevent the patient from slipping downward and to allow the weight of the body to act as a counter- extend- ing force. After the application of the dressings the thigh FRACTURE OF THE FEMUR. 371 should be slightly adducted. During the after-treatment of these fractures the surgeon should see that the splints and bran-bags are kept firmly in place and that the foot does not roll outward ; this is accomplished by untying the strips and readjusting the bags and then bringing up the splints and securing them in position by fastening the strips. (Fig. 270.) The extension apparatus usually does not require renewal during the course of treatment. The extension and splints are kept in place for four or six weeks, and at this time union at the seat of fracture is usually quite firm, so that they may be removed, and the fracture is then supported by moulded pasteboard splints or by the Fig. 270. Dressing for fracture of the shaft of the femur with lateral splints and bran-bags. (Ashhtjrst.) application of a plaster-of-Paris splint for several weeks longer, and at the end of eight weeks it is safe to allow the patient to be up and around on crutches. Many surgeons, in fracture of the shaft of the femur, prefer to use a long external sand-bag and a shorter in- ternal one in place of the corresponding long and short splints and bran-bags, and, if care is observed to see that the sand-bags are kept accurately in contact with the limb and body, excellent results may be obtained by this form of dressing. After considerable experience with both methods of furnishing lateral support in the dressing of fractures of the shaft of the femur, I am well satisfied 372 FRACTURES. that angular deformity is less likely to result where the splints and bran-bags are employed. The plaster-of-Paris dressing, including the foot, leg, thigh, and pelvis, is employed by some surgeons in the early treatment of fracture of the shaft of the femur, the limb being kept well extended until the plaster has thor- oughly set. This dressing is applied in the ambulant method of treating fractures of the femur. The double inclined plane and the anterior angular wire splint are also sometimes employed in the dressing of fractures of the shaft of the femur. Fracture of the Shaft of the Femur in Children. The treatment of these fractures in young children by extension by a weight and pulley and lateral splints is often unsatisfactory on account of the difficulty in keeping the patient quiet upon his back, and from the soiling of the dressings by the feces and the urine. In children two years of age and over I have never found much trouble in employing extension and lateral support by splints and , bran-bags or sand-bags, and in these cases I make addi- tional fixation at the seat of fracture, and guard against displacement of the fragments by the child sitting up in bed when not watched, by carefully moulding external and internal pasteboard or felt splints to the thigh, and holding them in place by the turns of a bandage. I have employed this form of dressing even in children under two years of age with the most satisfactory results. In cases of fracture of the femur in children from a few months to a year or eighteen months of age, in whom it is difficult to obtain quietude, or who have to be moved to give them nourishment if they are taking the breast, the dressing which I have found most satisfactory consists in first applying a roller bandage from the foot to the groin, and then moulding to the outer half of the foot, leg, thigh, and also to half of the pelvis, a pasteboard or felt splint which is well padded with cotton, and held in position by the turns of a bandage carried from the foot to the FRACTURE OF THE FEMUR. 373 Fig. 271. pelvis and finished with circular turns about the pelvis. The splint should be so moulded as to include a little more than one-half of the circumference of the thigh and leg. If this splint becomes soiled it is easily replaced by a fresh one, and its removal and renewal are much easier than that of the plaster-of- Paris splint which is recom- mended by some surgeons in these cases. In young children fractures of the femur are often incomplete or green-stick fractures; and even when com- plete, the shortening is usually not marked, as the line of fracture is apt to be transverse, the periosteum often not being completely ruptured, which tends to hold the fragments in position. In green-stick fractures the deform- ity should be reduced by manipulation, even if it is necessary to convert the incomplete fracture into a complete one to accomplish this object. Mr. Bryant recommends that fract- ures of the femur in young children be treated in the vertical position; the injured limb, together with the sound one, is flexed at a right angle to the pelvis and fixed with a light splint, and attached to a cradle or bar abovefthe bed. (Fig. 271.) If the plaster-of-Paris dressing is used, the limb should be first enveloped from the foot to the pelvis with a flan- nel bandage, and extension should be made while the plaster-of-Paris bandage is being applied and should be kept up until the bandage has become fixed. The plaster bandage should extend from the toes to the pelvis, and it is well to fix the hip-joint by carrying several turns of the bandage about the pelvis. To prevent the splint from absorbing the discharges and becoming offensive, the upper portion of it may be coated with shellac. The time required for union in fractures of the femur 17 Fracture of the fe- mur treated by vertical extension. (Bryant.) 374 FRACTURES. in children is about four weeks, and the dressings may be removed at this time, but the child should not be allowed to use the limb for several weeks after this period. Fracture of the Lower End of the Femur. The fractures met with in this portion of the femur are supra-condyloid fractures, or those in which one condyle is separated, or comminuted fractures in which both con- dyles are separated ; epiphyseal disjunctions of the lower end of the femur, met with in young subjects, may also be classed with fractures at this portion of the bone. The dressing of supra-condyloid fractures, if there is shortening, should be similar to that employed in fractures of the shaft of the femur, consisting in the application of an extension apparatus and bran-bags and splints or sand- bags to give lateral support ; if, however, there is no marked shortening the dressing employed should be the same as that applied in fractures involving one or both condyles or epiphyseal separations. The dressing employed in fracture of one or both con- dyles or in epiphyseal disjunction of the lower end of the femur consists in placing the limb in a long fracture-box extending from the foot to the upper third of the thigh, the box being well padded with a soft pillow, or a well- padded posterior splint, or a moulded pasteboard or felt gutter may be employed ; if either of these dressings is employed, the splint or gutter should be long enough to extend from the lower part of the leg to the upper part of the thigh. If there is much effusion into the joint or soft parts, lead-water and laudanum should be applied over the region of the injury for some days, until the swelling has subsided. At the end of two weeks it is well to place the limb in a plaster- of-Paris dressing extending from the foot to the upper part of the thigh. This dressing should be retained for four weeks, and at the end of this time the dressing should be removed, and if the union is suffi- ciently firm to allow the patient to go about on crutches, FRACTURE OF THE PATELLA. 375 a fresh plaster-of-Paris splint should be applied extending from the middle of the leg to the middle of the thigh, or lateral splints of pasteboard may be substituted for the plaster dressing. A certain amount of permanent impairment of the joint motion is apt to follow fractures involving one condyle or both condyles of the femur. Feacture of the Patella. The dressing of fractures of the patella consists, first, in the application of a roller bandage from the toes to the upper part of the leg; a well-padded posterior wooden splint long enough to extend from the middle of the leg to the middle of the thigh, or an Agnew splint, which is provided with pegs for the attachment of strips of adhe- sive plaster (Fig. 272) is next placed under the limb. A Fig. 272. Agnew' s splint for fracture of the patella. small compress of lint is next placed above the upper fragment, and a similar compress is placed below the lower fragment ; a strip of adhesive plaster one and a half inches in width and twenty- four inches in length has its middle portion applied over the compress, and its ends are then brought obliquely downward and fastened to the splint, or to the pegs if Agnew's splint be used ; this may be re- inforced by a second or third strip. The object of these strips is to bring the upper fragment down in contact with the lower fragment. A strip of plaster with the ends passing in the opposite direction is next placed over the 376 FRACTURES. lower compress, and the ends are fastened to the splint or pegs ; this strip serves only to steady the lower fragment, as it cannot be drawn upward to meet the upper fragment by reason of the inextensibility of its ligamentous attach- ment. (Fig. 273.) If the Agnew splint is employed the strips of plaster may be tightened by turning the pegs to which they are fastened without removing the splint. Fig. 273. *fck... f.lnliu.u;. \3MMMhihk iin.lillk.juim:.. J Agnew 's splint applied. The splint is next firmly fixed in contact with the limb by the turns of a roller bandage extending from the lower to the upper end of the splint. The limb should next be placed upon an inclined plane or in a long fracture-box with its foot elevated to relax the quadriceps femoris muscle. This dressing should be removed and reapplied in a few days, as the dressings become loose as the swelling about the seat of injury subsides, and after this disappears the dressings require renewal at less frequent intervals, and usually at the end of three weeks the splint may be re- moved and a plaster-of-Paris bandage may be applied extending from the middle of the leg to the middle of the thigh. At the end of six weeks the patient may be allowed to walk upon the limb, the knee-joint being fixed with a plaster-of-Paris or pasteboard splint. It is well, after the removal of the splints, for the patient to wear for some months a laced muslin knee- supporter, which gives some support to the knee-joint. The union in fractures of the patella is usually fibrous, although in rare cases bony union has occurred. FRACTURE OF THE BONES OF THE LEG. 377 A great variety of splints have been devised and used in the treatment of fractures of the patella, the main object of which is to fix the knee-joint and bring the fragments as nearly as possible in apposition. Malgaigne's hooks or Levis's modification of the same are employed by some surgeons to secure close apposition of the fragments. The method of treatment in fractures of the patella, which con- sists in exposing the fragments by an incision, and drilling and suturing them with catgut or silver wire sutures, is also employed at the present time, the strictest antiseptic pre- cautions being taken to prevent infection of the wound. In cases of rupture of the fibrous union after fracture of the patella, which is not an uncommon accident, the treatment of the case should be the same as that for a recent fracture of the patella. Fracture of the Bones of the Leg. In fractures of both bones of the leg the displacement is usually very marked ; when one bone only is broken, the sound bone, acting as a splint, prevents much deformity, Fig. 274. Fracture-box with movable sides. except in case of fracture at the lower end of the fibula, when the foot inclines to the injured side. The dressing for fractures of both bones of the leg or for fracture of the tibia or fibula alone, except in cases where the lower portion of the fibula is the seat of injury, is best accomplished by the use of a fracture-box. (Fig. 274.) The displacement being overcome as far as possible by extension and manipulation, the leg is placed in a fracture-box, which is prepared for the reception of the 378 FRACTURES limb by having the sides let down and having a soft pillow laid in it ; the foot is next secured to the footboard by a loop of bandage passed around the foot, the ends being tied after passing through the slots in the footboard ; a pad of oakum or cotton is placed under the tendo Achillis to relieve the heel from pressure, and a similar pad is placed between the sole of the foot and the footboard. (Fig. 275.) The sides of the box are then brought up and secured by two or three strips of bandage tied around the box. In Vising a fracture-box in the treatment of fractures of the bones of the leg, the surgeon should see that the foot Fig. 275. Application of the fracture-box. is kept well down to the footboard and is at a right angle with the leg, that there is no eversion of the knee, and that the pillow is full enough to make equable pressure upon the leg when the sides of the box are secured, and that the heel is not subjected to undue pressure — the use of a pad of oakum or cotton under the tendo Achillis being employed to prevent this complication. Where there is a tendency to tilting upward of the lower end of the upper fragment the lower fragment can be brought in line with this by raising the foot by a mass of oakum or cotton placed under the tendo Achillis and heel, and so overcom- ing the deformity. In some cases division of the tendo FRACTURE OF THE BONES OF THE LEG. 379 Achillis may be required before this deformity can be corrected. The subsequent dressings of the case are conducted by letting down the sides of the box and correcting any dis- placement, if present, by adjusting the limb and pads in their proper position, and again bringing up the sides of the box and securing them. At the end of two weeks the fracture-box may be removed and a plaster-of-Paris dress- ing may be applied to the limb, which will allow the patient more freedom of movement in bed, or permit of his sitting up without disturbing the fragments (Fig. 276). Fig. 276. 4 r~ ■ ■ Plaster bandage applied to fracture of the leg. Union in fractures of the bones of the leg is usually quite firm in six weeks, but the patient should not be allowed to put his weight upon the limb in walking for at least eight weeks. If the patient is restless, and finds his position with the fracture-box resting upon the bed irksome, the fracture- box may be swung from a frame fastened over the bed (Fig. 277). _ The application of a plaster-of-Paris dressing as a primary dressing — the ordinary plaster of-Paris bandage or the Bavarian dressings being applied — in fractures of the bones of the leg, is adopted by some surgeons, and, if employed, the case should be under constant supervision 380 FRACTURES. for a few days, so that the dressing can be removed if a dangerous amount of swelling takes place. Moulded splints of felt or pasteboard are also sometimes applied in the treatment of these cases. (Fig. 278.) Fig. 277. Fracture-box suspended. (Agnew.) The ambulant method of treatment of fractures of the bones of the leg and femur, which has recently been in- troduced, consists in applying a plaster-of-Paris bandage in case of fracture of bones of the leg from the toes to the middle of the thigh. The region of the ankle should be well padded with cotton, and the plaster bandage should be applied so as to form a very firm, thick dressing over the FRAC1TJRE OF THE BONES OF THE LEG, 381 foot, ankle, and lower part of the leg ; the region of the knee should also be well padded. When employed for frac- tures of the femur the bandage should be applied in the same manner, but it should be carried high enough to obtain points of support upon the pelvis, at the tuberosity of the ischium and outer surface of the ilium, these parts Fig. 278. Moulded binder' s-board splints for fracture of the leg. being well padded and the turns of the bandage being carried around the pelvis. In the ambulant method ot treatment, the patient, as soon as the bandage has become firm, is allowed to walk about, first with crutches or a cane, and finally bearing his weight upon the injured limb. In patients suffering with delirium tremens, or in maniacal patients, the use of a fracture-box in the treat- ment of fractures of the bones of the leg is often not 382 FRACTURES. satisfactory on account of the difficulty in restraining the movements of the patient and the consequent displace- ment of the fragments. In such cases it is well to apply a few strips of binder's-board, well padded with cotton, to the limb, extending above and below the seat of the fracture, holding them in place by a few turns of a roller, and then to wrap the limb and foot in a soft pillow, and hold this in place by the turns of a roller bandage applied with moderate firmness. This dressing allows the patient to move the limb without serious disturbance of the frag- ments, and, after the patient recovers from his attack, the leg may be placed in the fracture-box or in a plaster-of- Paris dressing. In fractures of the bones of the leg in young children the same difficulty is often experienced in keeping them quiet, and for this reason a fracture-box cannot be used with satisfaction. In dressing these cases, two lateral splints of pasteboard, moulded to the foot and leg and well padded with cotton, may often be employed with the best results. The splints should not be wide enough to meet on the anterior or posterior surface of the leg or foot. The splints, after being carefully adjusted, are held in place by the turns of a roller bandage ; and, after these splints have been applied for two weeks, and all swelling has subsided at the seat of fracture, a plaster-of- Paris bandage may be substituted for them, which should be worn for three weeks ; at the expiration of this time union is usually firm enough to dispense with all dressings. Fkactuee of the Fibula. In fractures of the fibula, with the exception of that fracture occurring at the lower end of the bone, the de- formity is not marked, and they are usually dressed with a fracture-box applied as in the dressing of fractures of both bones of the leg, and at the end of two weeks a plaster-of-Paris dressing should be applied, and the patient may be allowed to get out of bed and move about on FRACTURE OF THE FIBULA. 383 crutches. The union in a fracture of the fibula is usually quite firm at the end of five weeks, and all dressings may be dispensed with at that time. Fracture of the Lower End of the Fibula. This fracture usually occurs in the lower fifth of the bone, and is often associated with a laceration of the in- ternal lateral ligament of the ankle-joint or a sprain-frac- ture of the internal malleolus, and is usually accompanied by marked eversion of the foot. This fracture is com- monly known as Pott's fracture. In this fracture, after reducing the displacement by ex- tension and manipulation, the limb should be placed in a fracture-box provided with a soft pillow, the foot should be secured to the footboard, and a pad of oakum or cotton should be placed under the tendo Achillis ; before bring- ing up the sides of the box and securing them two firm compresses of lint or oakum should be placed in contact with the leg, one just above the inner malleolus, the other just below the outer malleolus. The sides of the box are next brought up and secured, and by the pressure of these compresses the foot is brought into an inverted position and the deformity is corrected. The after-dressing of this fracture consists in letting down the sides of the box, and in inspecting the parts to see that the foot is kept in the proper position, and care should be taken to see that undue pressure is not made upon the skin by the compresses, which might result in ulceration ; this may be avoided by sponging the skin with alcohol and changing the positions of the compresses slightly at each dressing. At the expiration of ten days the fracture-box and compresses may be removed and the limb maybe put up in a plaster-of-Paris dressing, including the foot and leg up to the knee. The patient may then be allowed to go about on crutches, and at the end of five weeks all dressings may be dispensed with. A certain amount of stiffness and even permanent impairment in the motion of the ankle-joint often results from these 384 FRACTURES. fractures. This fracture is also dressed by means ot Dupuy trends splint, which consists of a straight wooden splint long enough to extend from the condyles of the femur to the end of the toes ; this splint is provided with padding, the thickest part of which, several inches in thickness, should rest upon the skin just above the inner malleolus when the splint is applied to the inner side of the leg. The splint is applied to the inner surface of the leg with the thickest part of the pad resting upon the skin just above the inner malleolus, and is secured in position by the turns of a roller applied over the foot and at the upper part of the leg. (Fig. 279.) After using this dress- FlG. 279. Dupuytren's splint applied. ing for a few days if the displacement is satisfactorily corrected the splint may be removed and the leg may be placed in a fracture-box or in a plaster-of-Paris dressing. This splint, when applied with sufficient firmness to correct the displacement, is not, as a rule, a comfortable dressing to the patient, so that in practice the use of the fracture-box and compresses will be found a more com- fortable dressing and one equally satisfactory in correcting the deformity. Fractures of the Bones of the Foot. Fracture of the Tarsal Bones. The calcaneum and astragalus are the tarsal bones most frequently fractured. The dressing of fractures of the calcaneum after reducing the displacement, which is not FRACTURE OF THE TARSAL BONES. 385 usually marked unless the posterior portion of the bone is involved by manipulation, consists in placing the leg and foot in a fracture-box, and care should be taken to see that the foot is kept at a right angle to the leg. When the fracture involves the posterior portion of the bone and there is displacement by the action of the muscles inserted into the fragment, the leg should be flexed upon the thigh and the foot should be extended ; this position may be maintained by applying a well-padded curved splint to the anterior portion of the leg and foot and securing it in position by a bandage, or the same result may be obtained by applying a band or padded collar around the thigh, which is made fast by a cord or strap to the heel of a slipper applied to the foot. (Fig. 280.) Fig. 280. Apparatus for fracture of posterior portion of the calcaneum. (Hamilton.) Fractures of the astragalus, after reducing any deform- ity which is present by extension and manipulation, are dressed by placing the foot and leg in a fracture-box, care being taken to see that the foot is kept at a right angle to the leg. This precaution is important, as ankylosis not infrequently occurs after this fracture, and if the foot is in the proper position it is much more useful to the patient. As soon as the swelling, which is usually very marked after fracture of the calcaneum or astragalus, subsides, the foot and leg should be put up in a plaster-of-Paris ban- 386 FRACTURES. dage. The amount of tension and the inability to reduce the displacement in cases of fracture of the astragalus may be indications for excision of the fractured bone. The time required for union in fractures of the tarsal bones is from five to six weeks. Fracture of the Metatarsal Bones. These fractures are dressed by placing the foot upon a well-padded plantar splint, and using compresses to hold the fragments in place if there is much displacement, the splint and compresses being held in position by a bandage ; or they may be treated by placing the foot and leg in a fracture- box, the footboard of the box acting as a plantar splint ; the plaster-of-Paris dressing may also be used in these cases. The time required for union in fracture ot the metatarsal bones is from three to four weeks. Fracture of the Phalanges of the Toes. These fractures are often compound and attended with so much laceration of the soft parts that immediate ampu- tation is required ; when, however, the fractures are sim- ple, or in compound fractures where amputation is not required, the dressing consists in applying a plantar splint of wood or binder' s-board, extending beyond the toes and securing it in position by the turns of a roller bandage. When a single toe only is broken a moulded splint of gutta-percha or binder's-board may be applied, and a portion of the splint should extend some distance upon the sole of the foot, to fix the proximal joint and also to give it a firm point of fixation ; the moulded splint should be held in position by a narrow roller bandage or by strips of adhesive plaster. The time required for union in fractures of the phalanges of the toes is about three weeks. DRESSING OF COMPOUND OB OPES FRACTURES 387 Dressing of Compound or Open Fractures. In the dressing of compound or open fractures the same dressings and splints which are generally used in the treatment of simple or closed fractures may be employed : the wound in the soft parts requires a special dressing and this should be so arranged as to secure free drainage and promote its prompt healing. In some cases of compound fracture the treatment of the injuries of the soft parts de- mands attention first, and in such cases the injury to the bones is for a time disregarded, care being taken to see that the fragments are kept quiet, so as to prevent further damage to the soft parts until the wound is in such a condition that the proper manipulation to reduce the dis- placement and fix the fragments by splints and suitable dressings can be undertaken without interfering with the repair of the wound. Fig. 251. Method of reducing a compound fracture. (Ha^jiltox.) In the dressing of compound or open fractures the skin surrounding the wound should be first carefully cleansed and the wound should next be thoroughly irrigated with a 1 : 2000 bichloride solution or a 1 : 40 carbolic solution. and any foreign bodies or loose fragments of bone should be removed, and if there is hemorrhage it should be con- trolled by securing the bleeding vessels with ligatures. The reduction of the displacement should next be accom- 388 FRACTURES. plished by making extension and by manipulation (Fig. 281); if the fragments project from the wound, before this can be satisfactorily accomplished it may be necessary to enlarge the wound and to resect one or both ends of the fractured bones, and in some cases it may be necessary to drill the ends of the fragments and introduce a strong wire or catgut suture, or a metallic nail or screw, to hold them in their proper positions. After reduction of the displacement the wound should again be thoroughly irri- gated with the antiseptic solution, and after making pro- vision for drainage by the introduction of a drainage-tube or tubes, counter-openings being made to secure free drain- age if necessary, the dressings should be applied. The wound, if a small one, need not be closed with sutures; but if extensive, a few catgut, silk, or silkworm- gut sutures may be applied to bring the edges of the wound into apposition, care being taken to avoid making undue tension ; if the soft parts have been much lacerated or con- tused, it is better to introduce no sutures. A final irriga- tion of the wound through the drainage-tube is next made, and the wound is covered by a piece of protective, and the ordinary gauze dressing should be applied and covered by a number of layers of bichloride cotton, the whole dressing being held in position by a gauze bandage applied with moderate firmness. The reduction of the fragments and the dressing of the wound having been accomplished as has been described, the splints and dressings appropriate for a similar fracture, if it were a simple or closed one, are next applied. If the surgeon has been able to render the wound aseptic, and has applied an antiseptic dressing, the compound fracture is often soon converted into a simple one, by the prompt healing of the wound, and the patient may exhibit no more constitutional disturbance than he would have with a similar simple or closed fracture. The re-dressing of a compound fracture dressed in this way need not be made for a week or ten days, unless there is a rise in the patient's temperature or the dressings become soaked with dis- charges from the wound, or they become uncomfortable to DRESSING OF COMPOUND OR OPEN FRACTURES. 389 the patient by reason of swelling of the soft parts in the region of the wound. When the re-dressing of the frac- ture becomes necessary, the dressings are removed, and the drainage-tubes may be removed if no longer needed ; the wound being re-dressed with an antiseptic dressing, the splints are reapplied, and, after the wound is healed, the subsequent dressing of the fracture should be the same as that of a simple fracture. The time required for union in a compound fracture is usually much longer than in a corresponding simple fracture. Many ingenious splints have been devised for the dress- ing of special compound fractures, but these were princi- pally used before the introduction of the antiseptic method of wound-treatment, and as the treatment of these cases has been much simplified by its use, they possess no special advantage over the ordinary splints and dressings used in simple fractures. Fig. 282. Fenestrated plaster dressing for compound fracture of the leg. (Stimson.) The plaster- of -Par is dressing may be used as a primary dressing in compound fractures ; the displacement being reduced and the wound being dressed with an antiseptic gauze dressing, a plaster-of- Paris bandage is applied to the parts so as to firmly fix the fragments ; the joints on either side of the fracture should be fixed by the bandage, and the parts should be held in position until the plaster has 390 FRACTURES. set firmly After the plaster has become firm, a fenestrum should be made over the position of the wound, so that it can be inspected or dressed through this when necessary. The ends of a piece of stout wire, bent into a semicircle, may be incorporated in the turns of the plaster bandage above and below the position of the fenestrum, to give it additional strength after the removal of a portion of the bandage to make the fenestrum. (Fig. 282.) If the plaster-of-Paris dressing is applied as a primary dressing in compound fractures the case should be care- fully watched for a few days, and if much swelling occurs at the seat of fracture its removal and renewal are indicated ; profuse discharge of serum may also soak the dressings and bandage so that its renewal is necessitated. Some surgeons, therefore, prefer to defer the application of the plaster-of-Paris dressing in compound fractures for a few weeks until the swelling has diminished and the wound is nearly or quite healed ; the wound being covered with an antiseptic dressing the plaster bandage is applied and a fenestrum is made over the position of the wound if required. Binder' s-board or felt splints may also be employed in the dressing of compound fractures, being moulded to the parts after an antiseptic dressing has been applied to the wound, and held in position by the turns of a roller bandage. The principal advantage in the use of these splints is the ease with which they can be removed and reapplied if frequent dressings of the fracture are necessary for any reason. They may be used during the course of treatment, or, after a few weeks when the swelling has diminished at the seat of fracture and the wound is well advanced toward repair, they may be discarded and a plaster-of-Paris dress- ing substituted. In compound fractures of the bones of the leg, after reducing the displacement and applying an antiseptic dressing to the wound, I usually apply moulded binderVboard splints to either side of the leg, including the foot, and place the leg in a fracture-box for additional DRESSING OF COMPOUND OB OPEN FRACTURES. 391 security, and after a few weeks I discard the binder's- board splints and apply a plaster of- Paris dressing. Bran dressing for compound fractures was formerly a popular dressing in this city, especially for compound fractures of the leg and thigh. It was applied by placing a piece of muslin or rubber cloth over the bottom and sides of a fracture-box, and upon this was placed a layer of bran ; the fractured leg was next placed in the box upon the layer of bran, the foot was then fastened to the footboard, and the sides of the box were brought up and secured ; bran was next poured into the box and firmly packed around and over the limb. The bran absorbed the discharges which escaped from the wound, and at the sub- sequent dressings the soiled bran was renewed without disturbing the limb, and fresh bran was packed about the limb. Sawdust which has been saturated with a solution of bichloride of mercury and dried may be used in the same manner as bran in the dressing of compound fractures, and the former, which has been rendered antiseptic, has decided advantages over the bran dressing. Continuous irrigation of compound fractures by a warm antiseptic solution either of bichloride of mercury 1 : 4000 or of carbolic acid 1 : 60, in cases in which so much contu- sion or laceration of the soft parts exists that the applica- tion of the ordinary dressings would be attended with the risk of gangrene, will be found a most satisfactory method of treatment. This dressing is applied by supporting the injured extremity upon a splint laid on a pillow covered by a rubber cloth, and a can or jar with a nozzle contain- ing the solution is placed over the part, and the irrigation is accomplished by allowing the fluid to run continuously over the wound ; this irrigation may be kept up for days or weeks, and when the vitality of the parts is assured an antiseptic dressing with the ordinary splints or a plaster- of- Paris bandage may be applied. A method of dressing compound fractures which has recently been introduced consists in rendering the skin in 392 FRACTURES. the region of the wound aseptic and removing any foreign bodies from the wound, then rendering it as far as possible aseptic; iodoform is then dusted thickly over the wound at intervals and, mixing with the blood and serum from the wound, is allowed to dry, forming an antiseptic scab, the wound being exposed to the air, and the fragments are retained in position by splints or by a fracture-box. PAET IT. DISLOCATIONS. A dislocation is the displacement of the articular sur- faces of bones which enter into the formation of a joint. Dislocations may be complete, partial, simple, compound, and complicated, and they are also known as recent and old dislocations, the latter terms being used not entirely with reference to the length of time the displacement of the articular surfaces of the bones has existed. A complete dislocation is one in which no portions of the articular surfaces of the bones remain in contact with each other. A partial dislocation is one in which portions of the articular surfaces of the bones still remain in contact with each other. A simple dislocation is one in which there exists dis- placement in the relation of the articular surfaces of the bones with little injury to the soft parts adjacent to the joint, and the displaced ends of the bones do not com- municate with the air by a wound in the soft parts. A compound dislocation is one in which there exists dis- placement of the articular surfaces of the bones which communicate with the air through a wound in the soft parts. A complicated dislocation is one in which, in addition to the displacement of the articular surfaces of the bones, there exists a fracture, or a laceration of important blood- vessels, nerves, or muscles in proximity to the dislocation. 394 DISLOCATIONS. A recent dislocation is one in which the displacement of the articulating surfaces of the bones has existed for such a period that time has not been afforded for inflammatory changes to take place in the articular surfaces of the bones or in the adjacent tissues which would seriously inter- fere with their reduction. An old dislocation is one in which the displacement of the articulating surfaces of the bones has existed for some time, and in this variety of dislocation the displaced bones often form firm adhesions to the surrounding tissues. Treatment of Dislocations. The first indication in the treatment of dislocations is to return the displaced articular surfaces of the bones to their normal position and to retain them in this position by the use of suitable dressings. The return of the articular sur- faces of the bones to their normal position or the reduction of the dislocation is accomplished by manipulation, exten- sion, and counter-extension. The reduction of dislocations should be attempted as soon as possible after they have occurred. The principal obstacles to the reduction of dislocations are muscular resistance and the anatomical peculiarities of the joints. The former is best overcome by the use of an anaesthetic given to the point where complete muscular relaxation is produced. The resistance offered by the changed relations of the articular surfaces and the liga- ments is to be overcome by the surgeon making such manipulations, founded upon his knowledge of the anatomy of the parts, as will make the ligaments, muscles, and bones assist in the reduction of the dislocation. In recent dislocations by the use of extension and ma- nipulation, especially if an anesthetic be employed, the reduction is usually accomplished without the use of much force ; but in old dislocations, where absolute muscular shortening has taken place, the use of extending bands is often required, and in securing these bands to the limb the clove-hitch knot is useful. (Fig. 283.) DISLOCATIONS OF THE VERTEBRAE. 395 The treatment of dislocations after reduction consists in placing the joint at complete rest by the application of suitable splints and bandages, and in treating any inflam- matory complications if they arise, by the application of Fig. 283. Clove-hitch knot applied. (Erichsen ) evaporating lotions, and in a week or two after the injured ligaments have been repaired passive motion should be resorted to for restoring the function of the joint. Special Dislocations. Dislocations of the Vertebra. Dislocations of the lumbar and dorsal vertebrce, as simple dislocations, are extremely rare accidents ; they are occa- sionally met with , but are more often associated with frac- tures of the vertebrae in these regions ; their occurrence in the cervical vertebrae is more common. The treatment of dislocations of the vertebrae, whether complicated w T ith fracture or not, consists in attempting reduction by mak- ing extension and counter-extension with manipulation, and by this means in many cases the luxations can be reduced. Jf, however, the efforts at reduction are unsuc- cessful, permanent extension should be applied by means of a weight-extension apparatus from both legs and from the shoulders and head. The after-treatment consists in 396 DISLOCATIONS. keeping the patient at rest upon his back in bed upon a firm mattress, and if the cervical vertebrae have been in- volved the head and neck should be supported by short sand-bags, and in case of the vertebrae below this point, the application of a plaster-of-Paris jacket may be used to give support and fixation to the parts. The general man- agement of the case as regards complications is similar to that in cases of fracture of the vertebrae. Dislocations of the coccyx are reduced by manipulations with the finger in the rectum and external manipulation at the same time. The only after-treatment required is rest in bed for a few days and the administration of opium to keep the bowels quiet. Dislocation of the Jaw. This dislocation may consist in the displacement of one or both condyles of the jaw from the glenoid fossae, consti- FlG. 284. Bilateral dislocation of the jaw. (Ashhurst.) DISLOCATION OF THE JAW. 397 tutiug the unilateral or bilateral dislocation of the jaw ; the latter is the more common form of dislocation of the jaw met with, and the deformity resulting is shown in Fig. 284. The reduction of a dislocation of the lower jaw is accom- plished as follows : The surgeon placing his thumbs, well protected by strips of bandage or a towel, on the molar teeth or behind them, presses the angles of the jaw down- ward while he elevates the chin with his fingers, and by this manipulation the condyles of the jaw usually slip Fig. 285. Method of reducing dislocation of the lower jaw. (Hamilton.) back into place with a snap. After reduction of the dis- location the jaw should be fixed for a week or ten days by the application of a Barton's bandage or a four-tailed sling. (Fig. 285.) Dislocation of the Hyoid Bone. A few cases of dislocations of the hyoid bone have been recorded ; the treatment consists in throwing back the head as far as possible, to place the muscles of the neck upon the stretch, depressing the lower jaw and pressing the luxated bone into position. 18 398 DISLOCATIONS. Dislocation of the Ribs. The ribs may be dislocated at their vertebral articula- tions or at the junction with their costal cartilages. The treatment of these dislocations consists in reducing the displacements by manipulation and pressure and then in fixing the chest to secure immobility of the ribs by strap- ping the affected side with strips of adhesive plaster, the same dressing being applied as in cases of fracture of the ribs, the dressing being retained for three or four weeks. Dislocation of the Sternum. Dislocation or diastasis of the sternum may occur at the junction of the manubrium and gladiolus or at the junc- tion of the ensiform cartilage and gladiolus. The reduc- tion is effected by extension of the chest by bending the dorsal spine over a firm cushion placed under the back and by pressure upon the projecting bone ; when the dis- placed bone has been reduced a compress should be placed over the seat of injury, and held in place by broad strips of adhesive plaster, or by a bandage to keep the parts at rest. The dressing should be retained for three or four weeks. In the few examples of dislocations of the ensiform cartilage which have been reported, the displacement of the cartilage has in some cases given rise to persistent vomiting, which was relieved by reduction of the displace- ment ; it is, however, almost impossible to keep the frag- ment in place after reduction, and the vomiting gradually disappears after a time in those cases where it is impos- sible to keep the cartilage in its normal position. Dislocation of the Pelvis. Dislocations or diastasis of the bones of the pelvis may occur at the pubic or sacro-iliac symphyses. These are generally serious injuries, as they are apt to be complicated by lesions of the pelvic viscera. DISLOCATIONS OF THE CLAVICLE. 399 The reduction of these dislocations is effected by pressure and manipulation, and after reduction the parts should be supported by a compress held in place by a stout binder or by broad strips of adhesive plaster, the patient being kept quiet in bed, and the pelvis being supported by means of sand-bags. The dressings should be retained for from four to six weeks. Dislocations of the Clavicle. Dislocations of the clavicle may occur either at the sternal or acromial end, and the latter injury some writers describe as a dislocation of the scapula, following the gen- eral rule that the distal bone is the one dislocated. Dislocations of the sternal end of the clavicle may occur in a forward, backward, or upward direction, and the dis- placement is generally well marked. (Fig. 286.) The Fig. 286. Dislocation of sternal end of clavicle forward. (Bryant.) Dislocation of clavicle at acromial end. (Bryant.) reduction of this dislocation is effected by placing the knee against the spine, and drawing the shoulders outward and backward and pressing the displaced end of the clavicle into place. The reduction is generally easy, but it is often difficult to keep the end of the bone in its proper position. To accomplish this, a compress should 400 DISLOCATIONS. be placed over the end of the bone, and this should be secured in place by broad strips of adhesive plaster ; the shoulders should be brought well backward and secured by a posterior figure-of-eight bandage of the chest, and the arm of the injured side should be fastened to the sid^ of the chest by spiral turns of a bandage. In some cases, in addition to the compress over the end of the bone, secur- ing the arm of the injured side in the Velpeau position will be found all that is necessary to retain the bone in position. Dislocation of the acromial end of the clavicle may be upward, downward, or backward. (Fig. 287.) The re- duction is effected by manipulation of the arm and scapula and by pressure over the displaced end of the clavicle. The displacement is usually reduced without much trouble, but it is often a matter of difficulty to keep the end of the bone in its proper place. The dressing consists in placing a compress over the acromial end of the clavicle and holding it in place by broad strips of adhesive plaster ; the arm should at the same time be fixed in the Velpeau position. These dress- ings after reduction of dislocations of the clavicle should be kept in place for at least three weeks. Although in many cases a certain amount of deformity persists, the disability resulting from the injury is not often marked. Dislocations of the Scapula. Dislocation of the acromion process of the scapula from the outer end of the clavicle, which has been described under dislocation of the acromial end of the clavicle, is classed by some writers as a scapular dislocation. Dislocation or projection of the inferior angle of the scapula , due to its escape from under the latissimus dorsi muscle or relaxation of this muscle and of the serratus magnus, is sometimes described as a dislocation of the in- ferior angle of the scapula. The reduction of this deformity consists in the employment of manipulation and pressure to overcome the displacement, and the use of a compress DISLOCATIONS OF THE SHOULDER. 401 held in place by broad strips of adhesive plaster to secure the bone in its proper position. Dislocations of the Shoulder. The head of the humerus may be dislocated downward, forward, or backward. Subglenoid or downward dislocation of the head of the humerus is that variety of dislocation in which the head of the bone rests in the axilla. (Fig. 288.) FIG. 288. Subglenoid dislocation of the shoulder. (Stimson.) Subcoracoid or forward dislocation of the head of the humerus is that variety of dislocation in which the head 402 DISLOCATIONS. of the humerus rests beneath the coracoid process of the scapula. ((Fig. 289.) /Subclavicular dislocation of the head of the humerus may be considered an aggravated form of the latter variety of dislocation ; the head of the humerus in this variety of dislocation rests beneath the clavicle. Fig. 289. Subcoracoid dislocation of the shoulder. (Stimson.) Subspinous or backward dislocation of the head of the humerus is that variety of dislocation in which the head of the humerus rests beneath the spine of the scapula. (Fig. 290.) The reduction of dislocations of the humerus is effected by manipulation, by extension and counter-extension, and by a combination of these methods. Manipulation in the reduction of subglenoid dislocation DISLOCATIONS OF THE SHOULDER. 403 of the humerus is practised by first flexing the forearm upou the arm to relax the long head of the biceps muscle; the elbow is next seized and abducted so as to bring it to the side of the patient's head, thus relaxing the deltoid and supra spinous muscles ; the surgeon or an assistant next places his hand upon the head of the humerus FlG - m in the axilla, and, as the arm is drawn outward to a right angle with the body by the other hand, he pushes the head of the bone into the glenoid cavity. In the reduction of sub- glenoid and subclavicular dislocations the manipula- tions are the same except that the arm is to be ro- tated outward before being carried downward. In the reduction of sub- spinous dislocations after the arm has been abducted it should be rotated inward and direct pressure should be made upon the head of the bone as the arm is adducted. Reduction may also be effected by extension and counter- extension as in Cooper's method, where extension is made from the arm downward and counter-extension is made by the heel in the axilla. (Fig. 291.) Subspinous dislocation of the head of the humerus. (Erichsen.) Kocher's Method of reduction of dislocations of the shoulder consists in flexing the elbow at a right angle and pressing it closely against the side, the forearm at the same time being turned as far as possible away from the trunk. While the external rotation is being maintained the elbow is carried well forward and upward and the arm is rotated inward and the elbow is lowered. 404 DISLOCATIONS. Reduction may also be accomplished by extension made upward, as in Mothers method, the scapula being fixed Fig. 291. Reduction of shoulder by heel in the axilla. (Erichsen.) Fig. 292. Reduction of shoulder by extension upward. by the foot or hand placed over the acromion process. (Fig. 292.) DISLOCATIONS OF THE ELBOW. 405 After reduction of dislocations of the head of the humerus the arm should be bound to the side of the body by the turns of a spiral bandage of the chest, or should be held against the side by the application of a Velpeau bandage (Fig. 59, p. 68) ; this dressing should be removed at intervals of a few days, and after ten days or two weeks all dressings should be dispensed with, passive motion should be employed, and the patient allowed to move the arm. Dislocations of the Elbow. Dislocation of the Bones of the Forearm. Dislocations of the bones of the forearm at the elbow may either be backward, forward, or lateral. The back- ward dislocation is the most common form. (Fig. 293.) Fig. 293. Dislocation of "both bones of the forearm backward. (Liston.) The reduction of backward dislocations is effected by making traction upon the forearm and at the same time making pressure upon the lower end of the humerus as the forearm is flexed upon the arm. Or the reduction may be accomplished by bending the arm slowly and forcibly over the knee placed upon the inner surface of the elbow so as to press upon the radius and ulna, separating them from the humerus and freeing the coronoid process from its abnormal position. (Fig. 294.) Lateral dislocations of the bones of the forearm at the elbow are reduced by making extension from the forearm, 18* 406 DISLOCATIONS, and at the same time making direct pressure on the dis- placed bones and counter-pressure on the lower end of the humerus. Fig. 294. Reduction with the knee in the bend of the elbow. (Hamilton.) Forward dislocations of the bones of the forearm at the elbow are reduced by making forced flexion at the elbow, together with extension or counter-extension, or by mak- ing forced extension of the forearm at the elbow, pressing the humerus backward and suddenly flexing the forearm. The dressing, after the reduction of dislocations at the elbow, consists in the application of a well-padded anterior right- or slightly obtuse-angled splint, to keep the forearm in a flexed position — the dressing being practically the same as that for fractures of the lower end of the humerus, with an anterior angular splint (Fig. 295). This dressing DISLOCATION OF THE RADIUS. 407 should be retained for two or three weeks, being removed at intervals of several days ; after the removal of the splint, Fig. 295. Dressing after reduction of dislocation of the elbow. passive motion should be practised, to prevent stiffness of the elbow r -joint. Dislocation of the Head of the Radius. The head of the radius may be displaced forward, out- ward, or backward, the forward dislocation being the most frequent. (Fig. 296.) The reduction of these disloca- tions is effected by making extension from the forearm and counter-extension from the lower end of the humerus, and at the same time the head of the bone is pressed into its proper position. The dressing after reduction of the displacement consists in the application of a compress over the head of the bone, and the arm and forearm should be placed upon a well-padded anterior angular splint, which is secured by a roller bandage. The dressing is similar to that employed in fractures of the lower end of the humerus, in which an anterior angular splint is em- ployed (Fig. 251, page 354). Difficulty is sometimes ex- perienced in keeping the head of the bone in position after reduction, so that the use of the compress in addition to the use of the splint is often required. The arm should 408 DISLOCATIONS. be kept upon the splint for three weeks, being re-dressed at intervals. Fig. 296. Dislocation of head of the radius forward. (Liston.) Dislocation of the Upper End of the Ulna. The upper end of the ulna may be displaced backward, the olecranon projecting beyond the condyles of the humerus, while the head of the radius occupies its normal position. The reduction of this displacement is effected in the same manner as that of both bones of the forearm backward, and the dressing after reduction is similar to that employed when both bones have been displaced. DISLOCATIOXS OF THE WRIST. 409 Dislocations of the Wrist. The lower end of the ulna may be dislocated from the radius forward, backward, or inward. The reduction of these displacements is effected by fixing the radius and pushing the ulna back into place. The dressing after reduction consists in placing the wrist-joint at rest by the application of well-padded anterior and posterior straight splints. The splints should be retained for three or four weeks, dressings being made at intervals of two or three days. Dislocations of the carpus upon the bones of the forearm may be forward (Fig. 297), or backward (Fig. 298). The Fig. 297. Fig. 298. Dislocation of the carpus forward. (Hamilton.) Dislocation of the carpus backward. (Hamilton.) reduction in either variety of displacement is effected by extension from the hand and by pressure. After reduc- tion of the displacement, which does not tend to recur, the hand and the forearm should be placed upon a well- padded straight splint applied to the palmar surface of the hand and forearm. The splint should be retained for ten days or two weeks. 410 DISLOCATIONS. Dislocations of the Bones of the Carpus. The displacement of the individual bones of the carpus occasionally takes place, the os magnum, the semilunar and pisiform being the bones most usually displaced, although other bones of the carpus are sometimes dislocated. Re- duction is effected by means of extension and pressure, and the part should afterward be dressed with a palmar splint and compresses. Dislocations of the Metacarpal Bones. The metacarpal bones may be dislocated upon the carpus ; the bones most commonly displaced are those of the thumb and of the index and middle fingers ; the latter are usually displaced backward, while the metacarpal bone of the thumb may go either backward or forward. Reduction is effected by extension and pressure. The dressing after reduction consists in the application of a palmar splint to the hand and forearm and a compress over the displaced bone. The dressings should be retained for two weeks. Dislocations of the Fingers. Dislocations of the phalanges of the fingers usually take place at the metacarpophalangeal junction, but sometimes occur at the inter-phalangeal joints. The reduction is usually easily effected by extension (Fig. 299), or by push- ing the phalanx back until it stands perpendicularly upon the metacarpal bone, when by strong pressure upon its base, from behind forward, it is readily carried by flexion into its natural position. Where difficulty is experienced in making extension in the reduction of these dislocations, the ingenious apparatus of the late Dr. Levis (Fig. 300), or the " Indian puzzle " apparatus (Fig. 301), may be employed with success. DISLOCATIONS OF THE FINGERS. 411 In dislocations of the proximal phalanx of the thumb backward (Fig. 302), great difficulty in reduction is often Fig. 299. Backward dislocation of phalanx. Reduction by extension. (Hamilton.) experienced from the head of the metacarpal bone slipping between the two heads of the short .flexor muscle, or Fig. 300. Levis's apparatus for dislocation of the phalanges applied. between the lateral ligaments. The interposition of the external sesamoid bone is considered by some surgeons Fig. 301. Extension by Indian puzzle. (Bryant.) to be the cause of difficulty in the reduction of this dis- placement. In this dislocation reduction is effected by firmly press- ing the metacarpal bone of the thumb strongly toward the palm of the hand to relax the two portions of the short flexor muscle. The thumb is next extended upon the 412 DISLOCATIONS. wrist until its tip points to the elbow. An assistant now places his finger behind the proximal phalanx to prevent its slipping backward, and by bringing the thumb down to the flexed position the bone slips into place. It some- times happens that all efforts at reduction fail, and in such cases it may be necessary to divide one head of the short flexor muscle subcutaneously or through an open wound before the displacement can be relieved. Fig. 302. Dislocation of proximal phalanx of thumb backward. (Farabeuf.) The dressing of dislocations of the phalanges after re- duction consists in the application of splints of wood, or moulded splints of binder's-board, or gutta-percha, to fix the joint, which should be retained for ten days or two weeks. Dislocations of the Hip. The head of the femur is most frequently dislocated backward, downward, or upward, although it may assume other positions in exceptional cases. Posterior or backward dislocations of the head of the femur are either backward and upward, when they are described as iliac or dorsal, the bone resting upon the dor- sum of the ilium (Fig. 303) ; or the dislocation may be backward, the head of the bone resting upon the ischiatic notch ; these are known as ischiatic dislocations, or dislo- DISLOCATIONS OF THE HIP. 413 cations of the femur dorsal below the tendon (of the ob- turator interims), according to Bigelow (Fig. 304). The reduction of the posterior dislocations of the femur can generally be effected by manipulation. The patient Fig. 303. Fig. 304. Backward and upward dislo- cation of femur. (Cooper.) Backward dislocation of femur. (Cooper.) being anaesthetized and placed upon his back, the surgeon grasps the leg at the ankle and knee, flexes the leg upon the thigh, and the thigh upon the pelvis ; he then abducts the limb and rotates it outward, bringing it in a broad sweep across the abdomen, and by bringing it down to its natural position the head of the bone will slip into the acetabulum. (Fig. 305.) Downward Dislocation of the Head of the Femur, or 414 DISLOCATIONS. Downward and Forward Dislocation. — In this variety of dislocation the head of the bone rests upon the thyroid fora- Fig. 305. Fig. 306. Downward and forward dislocation of femur. (Cooper.) Reduction of backward dislocation of femur. (Bigelow.) men ; this form of displace- ment is sometimes spoken of as a thyroid dislocation. (Fig. 306.) The reduction of downward and forward dislocations of the head of the femur is ef- fected by flexing the leg and thigh and bringing the limb into a position of abduction ; it is then adducted and ro- tated inward in a broad sweep across the abdomen and brought down to its natural position, and the head of the bone slips into the acetabulum. (Fig. 307.) In making these manipulations the head of the bone sometimes slips back upon the dorsum of the ilium, con- verting the downward dislocation into a posterior one ; if this accident occurs the displacement should be remedied by making the manipulations appropriate for the reduction of the latter dislocation. DISLOCATIONS OF THE HIP. 415 Upward Dislocation, or the Dislocation Forward and Upward, of the Head of the Femur. — In this variety of Fig. 308. Reduction of downward and forward dis- location of the femur. (Bigelow.) dislocation the head of the bones rest upon the pubis ; this form of displacement is also spoken of as a pubic dislocation. (Fig. 308.) The reduction of forward and upward dislocations of the head of the femur is effected by much the same manipulation as is em- ployed in the reduction of down- For ward and upward dislocation ward and forw r ard dislocations, of the femur. (Cooper.) except that in the pubic disloca- tion the flexed limb should be carried across the sound thigh at a higher point. The thigh being flexed the head of the bone is drawn down from the pubis ; it is then semi- abducted and rotated inward to disengage the bone com- pletely. While rotating inward and drawing on the thigh the knee should be carried inward and downward to its place by the side of its fellow, and the head of the bone w r ill usually slip into the acetabulum. As before stated various anomalous displacements of the 416 DISLOCATIONS. Fig. head of the femur occasionally occur ; the head of the bone may pass directly upward, or downward between the sciatic notch and thyroid foramen, or downward and backward on the body of the ischium, or downward and backward into the lesser sciatic notch, or downward, inward, and forward into the perineum. These anomalous displace- ments usually occur where there has been extensive lacera- tion of the capsular and Y-ligaments. The dressing of cases, after reduction of dislocations of the head of the femur, consists in keeping the patient at rest in bed upon his back, and the limb should be kept at rest by sand-bags applied to either side of the limb, or the knees should be tied together. The patient should be kept at rest for two or three weeks, and at the end of this time may be allowed to get out of bed and go about on crutches. Dislocations of the Patella. The patella may be dislocated outward, inward, or upward, or it may be rotated upon its own axis. The outward dislocation is the displacement most usually seen. (Fig. 309.) Upward dislocation of the patella can only result from laceration of the ligamentum patellae, and the treatment in such cases is similar to that for fracture of the patella. The reduction of dislocations of the patella is effected by extending the leg upon the thigh, and flexing the thigh upon the pelvis to relax the quadriceps femoris muscle, when the patella can usually be forced back into place ; in Outward dislocation of the patella. (Duplay.) DISLOCATIONS OF THE KNEE. 417 some cases alternate flexion and extension of the leg will accomplish the same result. The dressing after reduction of the displacement con- sists in the application of a posterior straight splint or a moulded binderVboard or felt splint to keep the joint at rest; the splint should be worn for a week or ten days. Dislocations of the Knee. The head of the tibia may be dislocated forward, back- ward, or laterally ; the latter dislocations are always incom- plete, forward dislocation being the variety of displacement most commonly met with. (Fig. 310.) The reduction of dislocations of the knee is effected by extension and counter-extension with forced flexion of the External condyle of femur Forward dislocation of the knee. (Bryant.) knee with pressure, aided by rocking movements. The treatment of cases of dislocation of the knee after reduc- tion consists in fixing the knee-joint by the application of a straight posterior splint or a moulded splint of binder's- board. As there is usually marked swelling following these injuries from violence to the joint-structures, the application of evaporating lotions for a few days will be found useful. As soon as the swelling has subsided the joint should be put up in a plaster-of- Paris dressing, and this should be retained for four weeks. 418 DISLOCATIONS. Dislocation of the Semilunar Cartilages. The displacement here consists in the slipping forward or backward and wedging of the semilunar cartilages be- tween the femoral condyles and the tibia. Reduction of the displaced cartilages can usually be effected by hyper-flexion of the knee followed by sudden full extension, or by alternately flexing and extending the joint. Excision of the displaced cartilages is sometimes required in cases in which they cannot be reduced by manipulation. The dressing of these cases after reduction of the dis- placed cartilages consists in the application of a posterior straight splint or a plaster-of- Paris dressing to fix the knee-joint ; the splint should be worn for three or four weeks, and if there is a tendency to redisplacement the patient should wear a knee-cap of leather or muslin to partially fix the joint, with compresses so arranged as to make pressure upon the edge of the joint. Dislocation of the Fibula. Dislocations of the fibula may occur at either of its ex- tremities, and the direction of the displacement may be forward, backward, or upward, dislocation of the head or upper extremity of the fibula being the most common, although all are rare forms of displacement. The reduction of dislocations of the head of the fibula is effected by flexing the leg upon the thigh and making direct pressure and extension. Dislocations of the lower extremity of the fibula are reduced by manipulation and pressure. The dressing of cases after reduction of dislo- cations of the fibula consists in the application of a com- press and moulded binder's-board splint, and the dressing should be retained for three or four weeks. Dislocations of the Ankle. Dislocation of the foot upon the bones of the leg results from the separation of the articular surface of the DISLOCATIONS OF THE TARSAL BONES. 419 astragalus from that of the tibia and fibula, and the dis- placement may he forward, backward (Fig. 311), or lateral (Fig. 312), the latter variety being often associated with fractures of the malleoli. Fig. 311. Fig. 312. Dislocation of foot backward. (Bryant.) Dislocation of foot inward. (Bryant.) The reduction of dislocations of the ankle is effected by traction, combined with flexion and rotation of the ankle- joint, the leg being first flexed upon the thigh to relax the tendo Achillis, and in some cases the subcutaneous divi- sion of this tendon is required before the reduction can be satisfactorily accomplished. The dressing of dislocations of the ankle after reduction consists in the application of a fracture-box, or of paste- board splints to fix the ankle, care being taken to see that the foot is fixed at a right angle to the leg, and in the application of evaporating lotions for a few days ; after the swelling has subsided a plaster-of-Paris dressing should be applied and retained for three or four weeks. Dislocations of the Tarsal Bones. The astragalus may be dislocated from the bones of the leg and from the other tarsal bones, being thrust for ward, 420 DISLOCATIONS. Fig. 313. backward, outward (Fig. 313), or inward. The reduction of dislocations of the astragalus outward is effected by first flexing the leg upon the thigh and making extension from the foot and rotating it at the same time, direct pressure being made upon the displaced bone; in some cases subcu- taneous section of the tendo Achillis has assisted materially in the reduction of the displaced bone. Backward dislo- cation of the astragalus is usually irreducible ; the patient, however, in many cases recovers with a useful foot. In cases of irreducible dislocations of the astragalus, excision of the astragalus may ultimately be required. After the reduction of dislocations of the astragalus, the foot and leg should be put at rest in a fracture-box, or by means of moulded splints of pasteboard or felt ; evaporating lotions should also be employed to the region of the injury for a few days, and when the swelling has subsided, a plaster - of- Paris dressing should be applied and retained for three or four weeks. Dislocations of the calca- neum and scaphoid upon the astragalus, or of the calca- neum upon the astragalus and cuboid, or upon the astragalus alone ; of the scaphoid and cuboid upon the calcis and astragalus ; or of the cuboid, scaphoid, or cuneiform bones, are occasionally met with. Their reduction is effected by traction and direct pres- sure, and after this has been accomplished the parts should be put at rest by the appli- _ . ,. ' . , . cation of a splint and com- Dislocation of astragalus outward. * (Hamilton.) presses. OLD DISLOCATIONS. 421 Dislocations of the Metatarsal Bones and Phalanges of the Toes. These dislocations usually result from crushing forces which destroy the vitality of the soft parts so completely that amputation is required. Their reduction in cases of simple or uncomplicated dislocations is effected by trac- tion, manipulation, and pressure. After reduction of the displacement, the parts should be kept in position by the application of splints and compresses. Old Dislocations. The reduction of old dislocations is attended with more difficulty and danger than that of recent dislocations, due to the permanent contraction and structural changes which occur in the muscles, and to the abnormal adhesions Fig. 314. Reduction of old dislocation of the femur by pulleys. (Cooper.) which form between the displaced bone and the parts with which it is in contact. The reduction of old dis- locations can usually be accomplished by the manipula- tions appropriate for recent dislocations of the same va- riety, but occasionally the use of more forcible extension is required, which is made by bands and pulleys (Fig. 314), 19 422 DISLOCATIONS. or by vertical extension (Fig. 315). The first step in the reduction of old dislocations consists in thoroughly break- ing up the adhesions which have been formed between the displaced bone and the surrounding tissues ; this has, in some cases, resulted in the laceration of muscles, nerves, and bloodvessels, and in the fracture of the displaced bones Fig. 315. Reduction of old dislocation of hip by vertical, extension. (Bigelow.) or neighboring bones, so that the manipulations should be made w T ith the least force that will accomplish the object desired. After the reduction of old dislocations, difficulty is sometimes experienced in maintaining the bone in its proper place, due to the changes which have occurred in the articular surfaces. CONGENITAL DISLOCATIONS. 423 Compound Dislocations. These are always grave injuries, and amputation or excision is often required. When, however, operative measures are not required, the reduction is effected in the same manner as in simple dislocations of corresponding parts, the greatest care being taken to render the wound aseptic, and to keep it in this condition by the application of a full antiseptic dressing. Complicated Dislocations. In dislocations complicated by fracture near the seat of displacement, the displaced bone should, if possible, be first reduced, and this in many cases is a matter of much difficulty, as the fracture prevents the surgeon from using leverage otherwise present, in the reduction, and he has often to depend entirely upon pressure and manipulation to restore the displacement. After reduction of the dislocation the fracture should be reduced and dressed. Dislocation complicated by rupture of the main artery of the limb may require, after reduction of the displace- ment, exposure and ligation of the vessel or amputation of the limb. Rupture of an important nerve trunk com- plicating a dislocation may call for subsequent exposure and suturing of the divided nerve. Spontaneous Pathological and Congenital Dislocations. In the treatment of these varieties of dislocations after the reduction of the displacement by manipulation and pressure, much difficulty is often experienced in maintain- ing the reduction. To effect the latter object the use of splints and bandages is employed, and also the use of many ingenious forms of apparatus adapted to particular dislocations. Tenotomy or myotomy is often required to prevent recurrence of the deformity, and continuous extension is also of much value in the treatment of these displacements. PART V. OPERATIONS In view of the fact that at the present time in our medical schools much more attention is paid to practical surgery, that is, operative procedures upon the cadaver, it has been thought advisable to introduce a very brief description of a number of operations which can with advantage be performed upon the cadaver. Too much value cannot be attached to the importance of the student rendering himself familiar with the use of instruments and their manipulation in the various operative pro- cedures, and also familiarizing himself with the appear- ance of the anatomical parts exposed in operations. The introduction of sutures, the application of ligatures, the closing of wounds, the cutting and fitting of flaps in plastic operations, are procedures, the practical value of which, to the student, cannot be overestimated. Ligation of Arteries, In the application of a ligature to an artery in its con- tinuity the surgeon should make his incision in the line which corresponds to the general course of the vessel, and he should be thoroughly familiar with the anatomy and with the surgical landmarks of the part. A portion of the vessel, when possible, should be selected for the appli- cation of the ligature half an inch or an inch from any LIGATION OF ARTERIES. 425 large collateral branch. The position of the incision being selected, the surgeon steadies the skin with two fingers and makes an incision of the required length through it with a scalpel; the superficial fascia is next picked up on a director, any large superficial veins which come into view being displaced and divided to an equal length with the incision in the skin ; the deep fascia being exposed, it should be nicked and divided upon a director ; the inter- muscular space or the edge of the muscle or muscles which are the guide to the vessel should next be sought Fig. 316. Fig. 317. Opening sheath. Passing ligature aroand the vessel. Tying the artery. (Bryant.) Aneurism needle. for, small vessels coming from the main vessel through these spaces will often serve as valuable guides to the position of the vessel. The surgeon next separates the tissues with the director, handle of the knife, or the finger until the sheath of the vessel is exposed ; this is recognized by its communicated pulsation and by the absence of the smooth shining surface and pinkish-white color which 426 OPERATIONS. the surface of the artery presents. The sheath of the artery should be picked up with forceps and nicked with the point of the knife applied flatwise ; the incision into the sheath should be very limited, only large enough to allow the aneurism needle to pass through it around the vessel ; extensive dissections or separations of the sheath from the vessel should be avoided, as the nutrition of the artery at the point of ligature may thus be impaired and sloughing and secondary hemorrhage may result. A dis- tinct sheath is found only about the main arterial trunks, which is replaced in the smaller arteries by a layer of loose cellular tissue. The wall of the artery being exposed an aneurism needle is passed around the vessel, threaded with a catgut ligature, and withdrawn ; the needle may be threaded before being passed, in which case the ligature is grasped with forceps and drawn through while the needle is withdrawn. The best material for ligatures is carefully prepared chromicized catgut. The needle should be passed away from important structures such as accom- panying veins and nerves. Before the ligature is tied the surgeon should satisfy himself that the ligature when tied will control the circu- lation in the vessel below its point of application, by placing the tip of his finger upon the vessel and drawing upon the ends of the ligature so as to occlude the vessel at the point of application. Being satisfied as to this point, the ligature is tied with a reef-knot, or a surgeon's knot and reef-knot combined. Some authorities recommend the application of two ligatures a short distance apart in the ligation of vessels in their continuity, and a division of the vessel between them, so that both ends can retract into the cellular sheath. The ends of the ligature are cut short in the wound, which is irrigated and drained if necessary, and is closed by the application of a few sutures, and an antiseptic dressing is applied. LIGATION OF THE INNOMINATE ARTERY. 427 Ligation of Special Arteries. Ligation of the Innominate Arteky. The innominate artery lies immediately behind the sterno-clavicular articulation, and is in relation in front with the innominate veins and pneumogastric nerve, on the inner side with the trachea, on the outer side and be- hind with the pleura. Incision. — A V-shaped incision, each branch of which is two and a half or three inches in length, one of which Fig. 318. Line of incision for— A, innominate artery ; B, right subclavian artery ; C, left subclavian artery ; Z>, vertebral or inferior thyroid artery ; E, axillary artery below clavicle. (Stimson.) lies over the anterior edge of the sterno-cleido-mastoid muscle, and the other parallel to and a little above the clavicle. (Fig. 318, A.) The incisions are carried down to the superficial fascia and a flap is dissected up. If the anterior jugular vein is met with, it should be displaced. The sternal and clavicular attachments of the sterno- cleido-mastoid are next divided upon a director half an inch above the bone. The sterno-thyroid and sterno- hyoid muscles and the middle cervical fascia are next ex- 428 OPERATIONS. posed, covered by the thyroid veins. The outer fibres of the sternohyoid and sterno-thyroid muscles are next divided, the thyroid vein being held aside, when upon tearing through the fascia with a director the common carotid artery is exposed and traced down to the innomi- nate artery ; the in Dominate veins are pressed against the sternum with the finger, and the artery is separated from its sheath about half an inch below its bifurcation, and the aneurism needle is passed around the vessel from the outer side so as to avoid the vein, pneumogastric nerve, and pleura. Ligation of the Subclavian Artery. This artery may be tied at three points ; in its first portion, between the trachea and scaleni muscles ; in its second portion, behind the scaleni muscles ; and in its third portion, external to the scaleni muscles. The left subclavian artery in its first portion is larger and more vertical in its direction than the right subclavian, and is situated more posteriorly ; from the difficulty in exposing this portion, and from the possibility of injuring the thoracic duct, the ligation of this artery in its first portion has been seldom attempted. Incision for the first portion of the subclavian artery is the same as that for the innominate (Fig. 318,-4), and the ligature is passed from the outer side, the pneumogastric and phrenic nerves being pressed inward toward the carotid artery. The right and left subclavian arteries are also seldom tied in their second portions — that is, behind the scaleni muscles ; but are frequently tied in their third portions — that is, external to the scaleni muscles. Incision for the second portion of the subclavian artery begins an inch external to the sternoclavicular articulation half an inch above and parallel to the clavicle, and is three or four inches in length. (Fig. 318, B or 01) The steps of the operation are the same as for ligation of the third portion, and when the scalenus anticus muscle has been LIGATION OF THE INNOMINATE ARTERY. 429 exposed it is divided upon a director; the phrenic nerve which lies upon its anterior aspect is to be avoided. Incision for the third portion of the subclavian artery is the same as for the second portion. (Fig. 318, B or C.) Fig. 319. Ligation of subclavian and lingual arteries. (Bey ant.) The skin and platysma being divided, the jugular vein is exposed and drawn to one side or divided between the ligatures ; the superficial fascia is next divided upon a director ; the posterior belly of the omo-hyoid muscle is next found and drawn upward and outward ; the outer border of the scalenus anticus is next felt for and followed down to the tubercle of the first rib — the artery lies against this, between it and the lowest bundle of the 19* 430 OPERATIONS. brachial plexus. The artery is next denuded with the director, and the needle is passed from below, care being taken not to include the lowest bundle of the brachial plexus in the ligature. (Fig. 819.) Ligation of the Vertebral Artery. Incision for the ligation of the vertebral artery is three or three and a half inches in length, parallel with the anterior edge of the sterno-cleido-mastoid muscle, ending an inch above the clavicle. (Fig. 318, D.) The anterior edge of the sterno-cleido-mastoid being exposed the middle cervical fascia is divided and the carotid artery and jugu- lar vein are exposed and drawn inward. The gap between the longus colli muscle and the scalenus anticus muscles is next felt for about an inch below the carotid tubercle; the fascia covering it is next torn through and the muscles are separated and the vertebral vein comes into view. When this vein is held aside the vertebral artery is exposed, and the ligature is then passed around it. Ligation of the Inferior Thyroid Artery. Incision for the inferior thyroid artery is the same as that for the vertebral artery. (Fig. 318, D.) The anterior edge of the sterno-cleido-mastoid muscle being exposed it is drawn outward, the middle cervical fascia is next divided, and the carotid artery and internal jugular vein are drawn outward with a retractor. The head being flexed slightly, the surgeon feels for the carotid tubercle, and then sepa- rates the cellular tissue with a director, and the artery should be found below the carotid tubercle. The needle should be passed between the artery and vein. Ligation of the Internal Mammary Artery. Incision , a vertical one, two and a half inches in length, commencing at the lower border of the clavicle, parallel with and three lines external to the margin of the sternum. LIGATION OF THE COMMON CAROTID ARTERY. 431 Divide the skin and superficial fascia and expose the fibres of the great pectoral muscle, the external intercostal apon- eurosis and the muscular fibres of the internal intercostal muscle. Raise the fasciculi of the latter muscle upon a director and divide them, and the vessels will be exposed. The internal mammary artery is not often tied below the fourth intercostal space. Ligation of the Common Carotid Artery. The point of election for the ligation of the common carotid artery is just above the omo-hyoid muscle, about Fig. 320. Line of incision for common carotid artery at point of election. (Stimson.) three-quarters of an inch below the bifurcation of the vessel, which takes places at a point on a line with the upper border of the thyroid cartilage. Incision for the common carotid artery is three inches in length along the anterior border of the sternocleido- mastoid muscle, the centre of which corresponds with the crico-thyroid space. (Fig. 320.) Divide the skin, platysma, cellular tissue and apo- 432 OPERATIONS. neurosis, avoiding the superficial veins, and expose the anterior edge of the sterno-cleido-niastoid ; seek for the interspace between this muscle and the sterno-hyoid and sterno-thyroid muscles, draw the latter muscles inward and the artery will be exposed with the jugular vein external to it ; the descendens noni nerve lying upon its sheath, which should be displaced outward. The sheath is next picked up and opened and the artery is separated Relation of the left common carotid artery above the omo-hyoid muscle. (ESMARCH.) from it with a director ; the artery lies internally, the in- ternal jugular vein externally and somewhat more super- ficial, and the pneumogastric nerve lies between the two and is more deeply placed. The sympathetic nerve is posterior to the vessel external to the sheath. The needle is passed from without inward, care being taken to avoid injury of the vein and nerve. (Fig. 321.) LIGATION OF THE INTERNAL CAROTID ARTERY. 433 Ligation of the External Carotid Artery. Incision for the ligation of the external carotid artery is over the inner edge of the sterno-cleido-mastoid muscle from the angle of the jaw to a point corresponding to the middle of the thyroid cartilage. (Fig. 322, B.) The skin, platvsrua, and cellular tissue being divided, the external jugular vein is drawn aside when encountered; the deep fascia being opened, the facial and lingual veins will be exposed, which should be drawn to one side; the artery is next exposed covered by the hypoglossal nerve and the stylo-hyoid and digastric muscles. The vessel should next be isolated from the internal carotid artery and in- ternal jugular vein, both of which lie along its outer side. The needle should be passed from without inward. Ligation of the Internal Carotid Artery. Incision the same as for the external carotid artery (Fig. 322, B) ; the vessel is external to the external carotid Fig. 322. Line of incision for— A. Lingual artery. B. External and internal carotid arteries. C. Occipital artery. D. Temporal artery. E. Facial artery. (Stimson.) 434 OPERATIONS. artery, and in passing the needle the point should be directed away from the internal jugular vein — that is, from without inward. Ligation of the Superior Thyroid Artery. Incision about three inches in length along the anterior border of the sterno-cleido-mastoid muscle, starting a little lower down than that for the external carotid artery. The skin, superficial fascia, platysma, and deep fascia being divided, the cellular tissue in the sulcus between the upper portion of the larynx and the great vessels of the neck should be broken up with the director and the vessel exposed. The needle should be passed around the vessel from above downward. Ligation of the Lingual Artery. Incision a, curved one two inches long, its concavity directed upward from the anterior edge of the sterno- FlG. 323. Relations of the lingual artery. (Esmarch.) cleido-mastoid muscle half an inch above the great horn of the hyoid bone, to a point one inch within the median LIGATION OF TEE OCCIPITAL ARTERY. 435 line of the neck. (Fig. 322, A.) Divide the skin and platysrna, displacing the superficial veins, and open the deep fascia, when the submaxillary gland will be exposed; this is displaced upward with the handle of the knife and the tendon of the digastric muscle attached to the hyoid bone, and the hypoglossal nerve will be exposed; next divide the fibres of the hypoglossus muscle midway be- tween the hypoglossal nerve and the hyoid bone, and the lingual artery will be exposed. (Fig. 323.) The needle should be passed around the vessel from above downward in order to avoid the nerve. Ligation of the Facial Artery. The facial artery passes over the inferior maxilla just in front of the anterior edge of the masseter muscle and is accompanied by the facial vein, which lies nearer to the muscle. Incision either a horizontal one along the lower border of the maxilla or a vertical one an inch in length. (Fig. 322, E.) The skin, subcutaneous tissue, and fascia being divided, the artery is exposed and the needle should be passed around the vessel away from the vein. Ligation of the Occipital Artery. Incision two inches in length, starting from a point half an inch below and in front of the apex of the mastoid process carried obliquely backward parallel to the border of this process. (Fig. 322, (7.) Divide the skin and fascia and expose the insertion of the sterno-cleido-mastoid muscle, which is also divided, and the aponeurosis of the splenius is exposed ; this is also opened and the digastric groove is felt for, and when the belly of the digastric muscle is exposed the artery is brought into view by separating the cellular tissue in the anterior angle of the wound with a director. (Fig. 324.) 436 OPERATIONS. Ligation of the. Temporal Artery. Incision a transverse one, one inch in length, starting from the tragus of the ear forward over the zygomatic arch (Fig. 321, D), or a vertical one of the same length a little in front of the tragus of the ear. Divide the skin and expose the subcutaneous cellular tissue, which in this region is very dense and fibrous. This tissue should be broken up with a director and the artery should be found in it about a quarter of an inch in front of the ear. (Fig. 325.) The temporal vein accompanies Fig. 324. Fig. 325. Ligation of the occipital artery. (Skey.) Ligation of the temporal artery. (Skey.) the artery and lies nearer to the ear, and in some cases the auriculo-temporal nerve is in close relation to the artery. The needle should be passed from behind forward. Ligation of the Axillary Artery. The axillary artery extends from the middle of the clavicle to the insertion of the teres major into the humerus; the axillary vein lies upon the inner side and in front of the artery. The axillary artery is tied either in LIGATION OF THE AXILLARY ARTERY 437 its upper portion, just below the clavicle, or at its lower portion in the axilla. Ligation of the Axillary Artery Below the Clavicle. Incision four inches in length from the summit of the coracoid process inward a short distance below the clavicle (Fig. 318, E) y or an incision three inches in length, com- mencing at a point one-half an inch from the sterno- clavicular articulation and carried obliquely downward toward the axilla. The skin and subcutaneous tissue having been divided the deep fascia is exposed and opened, or the axillary artery may be reached by following the intermuscular space between the sternal and clavicular fibres of the pec- toralis major which leads upward toward the clavicle and to the pectoralis minor ; or the fibres of the pectoralis major being exposed are cut through and the costo-coracoid membrane is next torn through with a director, care being taken to avoid injury of the cephalic vein at the outer portion of the wound ; the pectoralis minor is now seen, and after separating the cellular tissue with a director the axillary vein is seen crossing from the upper edge of the muscle to the clavicle ; the vein almost completely covers the artery, which is exposed by drawing the vein inward. The needle is passed around the artery from within outward. Ligation of the Axillary Artery in the Axilla. Incision two and a half inches long, started at the upper part of the axilla and carried down the arm at the edge of the coraco-brachialis muscle. (Fig. 326, A.) The skin only is divided in the first incision. The deep fascia is then picked up and divided upon a director. As soon as the fibres of the inner border of the coraco-brachialis muscle are exposed and held aside by a retractor, the operator will see the median nerve, the musculo-cutaneous nerve, and the axillary artery. To the inner side of the artery are 438 OPERATIONS. the axillary vein, ulnar and internal cutaneous nerves. The needle should be passed around the artery from the vein toward the coraco-brachialis muscle. Fig. 326. %0**- * % A. Incision for axillary artery in axilla. B. Incision for brachial artery. (Stimson.) Fig. 327. Relations of right axillary artery in axilla. (Esmarch.) Ligation of the Brachial Artery. Incision at the middle of the arm three inches long on a line corresponding to the inner edge of the biceps muscle. LIGATION OF THE BRACHIAL ARTERY. 439 (Fig. 326, B.) The skin and cellular tissue having been divided, care being taken not to injure the basilic vein, which should be drawn posteriorly, the deep fascia is next cut through and the fibres of the biceps muscle are ex- posed (Fig. 328) ; this muscle should be drawn forward, and the sheath of the vessels enclosing the artery, veins, and median nerve exposed ; the sheath having been opened, the median nerve is pressed aside and the artery is sepa- Fig. 328. Relations ot right brachial artery at middle of arm. (Esmarch.) rated from its veins, and the needle is passed from the side of the nerve around the vessel. In ligating the brachial artery the occasional high division of the vessel must be borne in mind. Ligation of the Brachial Artery at Bend of the Elbow. Incision two inches in length, along the inner border of the tendon of the biceps muscle. Divide the skin, super- ficial fascia, and the bicipital aponeurosis, under which the artery will be exposed, resting upon the brachialis anticus muscle. (Fig. 329.) The median nerve is to the 440 OPERATIONS. inner side and some distance from the artery. The needle should be passed around the vessel, after isolating the veins, from within outward. Fig. 329 Tendinous aponeurosis divided. Ligation of the brachial artery at the bend of the elbow. (Bryant.) Ligation of the Radial Artery. The radial artery extends in a straight line from a point half an inch below the centre of the fold of the elbow to the inner side of the styloid process of the radius. The radial artery may be tied at its upper, middle, or lower third, or at the root of the thumb. Ligation of the Radial Artery in the Upper Third of the Forearm. Incision for the radial artery at its upper third is two and a half inches in length on a line drawn from the middle of the bend of the elbow to the ulnar side of the styloid process of the radius ; the incision should begin one and a half inches below the bend of the elbow. (Fig. 330, A.) Divide the skin and superficial fascia, avoiding the superficial veins. When the deep fascia is exposed, find the edge of the supinator longus muscle and divide the aponeurosis along its ulnar side, and expose the fibres of the pronator radii teres muscle. The vessel lies in the interspace between these muscles surrounded by adipose LIGATION OF THE RADIAL ARTERY, 441 tissue, and upon being exposed the veins should be iso- lated and the needle passed from without inward. The Fig. 330. Fig. 331. Relations of right radial artery in the upper third of the forearm. (Esmarch.) Fig. 332. Line of incision for— A. Radial artery in upper third. B. Radial artery in lower third. C. Ulnar artery in upper third. D. Ulnar artery in lower third. Relations of right radial artery above (Stimsox.) the wrist. (Esmarch.) radial nerve lies so far external to the artery that it is not often exposed in the operation. (Fig. 331.) Ligation of the Radial Artery in the Middle Third of the Forearm. Incision two inches in length, following the same line as that for the upper third of the artery. After dividing 442 OPERATIONS. the skin, superficial and deep fascia, the artery is found in the interspace between the flexor carpi radialis on the inner side and the supinator longus on the outer side ; the radial nerve at this part of the arm is in close relation with the vessel to the radial side, and the needle should be passed around the artery from without inward. Ligation of the Radial Artery in the Lower Third of the Forearm. Incision two inches in length following the same line (Fig. 330, JS), ending one inch above the wrist. The skin, superficial fascia, and deep fascia being divided, the artery will be found between the tendon of the flexor carpi radialis on the inner side and the tendon of the supinator longus on the outer side. (Fig. 332.) The veins being separated the needle may be passed in either direction. Ligation of the Radial Artery at the Root of the Thumb. The radial artery may also be tied at the root of the thumb. Incision one inch in length between the tendons of the extensor ossis metacarpi pollicis and extensor primi inter- nodii pollicis on the outer side, and the tendon of the ex- tensor secundi internodii pollicis on the inner side. The skin and superficial fascia being divided, and the radial vein being displaced, the deep fascia is opened and the artery is exposed at the bottom of the wound ; the needle may be passed in either direction. Ligation of the Ulnar Artery. The ulnar artery is tied at the junction of the upper and middle third of the forearm and at the lower third. Ligation of the Ulnar Artery at the Junction of the Upper and Middle Thirds of the Forearm. Incision three inches in length, starting four inches below the internal condyle of the humerus, on a line passing from LIGATION OF THE ULNAR ARTERY. 443 the internal condyle of the humerus to the outer border of the pisiform bone. (Fig. 330, C and D.) Divide the skin and superficial fascia, and when the deep fascia has been exposed the interspace between the flexor carpi ulnaris and the flexor sublimis digitorum appears, enter this interspace Fig. 333. Relations of the right ulnar artery at upper third of the forearm. (Esmakch ) and raise the flexor sublimis digitorum and work trans- versely across the arm. The artery will be found rest- ing upon the deep flexor, with the ulnar nerve to the ulnar side. The needle should be passed from the nerve around the artery. (Fig. 333.) Ligation of the Ulnar Artery in the Lower Third of the Forearm. Lneision two inches in length a little to the radial side of the tendon of the flexor carpi ulnaris, which is at- tached to the pisiform bone, ending an inch above the wrist. (Fig. 330, D.) Divide the skin and superficial fascia and open the deep fascia, and the artery will be ex- posed, with its accompanying veins, between the tendons of the flexori carpi ulnaris and flexor sublimis digitorum, the ulnar nerve being to the ulnar side of the vessel. 444 OPERATIONS. The needle should be passed from within outward to avoid the nerve. (Fig. 334.) Relations of right ulnar artery above the wrist. (Esmarch.) Ligation of the Interosseous Artery. Incision similar to that employed in the ligation of the ulnar artery in its upper third. Ligation of the Abdominal Aorta. Incision in the linea alba from a point three inches above the umbilicus to a point three inches below it. The superficial structures being divided, the peritoneum is opened upon a director, and the intestines are pressed aside and the aorta is exposed covered by peritoneum, with the filaments of the sympathetic nerve resting upon it, and the vena cava to the right side. Tear through the peri- toneum and pass the needle from left to right around the vessel. After tying the ligature the ends should be cut short, and the external wound should be closed as in the ordinary coeliotomy wound. The vessel may also be exposed by an incision along the anterior border of the quadratus lumborum muscle, from the last rib to the crest of the ilium. The skin, lumbar muscles, and fascia transversalis being divided, the wound is held open with blunt hooks, so that the retro- peritoneal space is exposed and the aorta brought into view. The LIGATION OF THE COMMON ILIAC ARTERY. 445 vessel being separated from the vena cava and nerves, the needle is passed around it and the ligature applied. Ligation of the Common Iliac Artery. The aorta divides into the two common iliac arteries on the left side of the fourth lumbar vertebra, and these arteries are usually about two inches in length, and bifurcate opposite the sacro-iliac synchondrosis to form the internal and external iliac arteries ; the length of the common iliac artery, however, may vary considerably, being three or four inches in length in some cases. Fig. 335. Line of incision for— A, common iliac artery. B, external iliac artery. C, femoral artery in Scarpa's triangle. (Stimson.) Incision for ligation of the common iliac artery is four to six inches in length, beginning one-half inch above the middle of Poupart's ligament, and is carried outward, curving upward after passing the anterior superior spine of the ilium. (Fig. 335, A.) Divide the skin, superficial fascia and aponeurosis of the external oblique muscle, and then divide the fibres of the internal oblique and transversalis muscles upon a director and expose the transversalis fascia. This is opened at the lower part of the wound, and the finger is 20 446 OPERATIONS. introduced and the peritoneum is pressed back ; the open- ing in the transversalis fascia is next enlarged, and the peritoneum is carefully drawn inward and upward with the fingers toward the inner edge of the wound. The operator next feels for the external iliac artery, and passes the finger along this until the common iliac artery is beached. The loose cellular tissue in which it is imbedded is next separated, and the needle is passed from within outward, to avoid the common iliac vein (Fig. 336), which Fig. 336. Ligation of the common iliac artery. (Liston.) on the left side lies on the inner side of the artery, and on the right side lies behind the artery. The ureter generally remains attached to the peritoneum; if not, it is seen crossing the bifurcation of the common iliac with the genito-crural nerve, and care should be taken to avoid injury of these structures if present. The common iliac artery may also be exposed and tied by an incision made over the artery through the peritoneal cavity ; the vessel being tied, the ends of the ligature are LIGATION OF THE EXTERNAL ILIAC ARTERY. 447 cut short, and the external wound is closed in the same manner as that resulting from the exposure of the ab- dominal aorta by incision through the peritoneum. Ligation of the Internal Iliac Artery. Incision in the same line as for the common iliac artery, but it need not be quite so long. (Fig. 335, A.) The peri- toneum being exposed, it is pushed upward and inward, and the internal iliac artery is exposed. The vessel is care- fully isolated from the vein, which lies behind and on the inner side, and the needle is passed from within outward. Ligation of the External Iliac Artery. Incision three or four inches in length, half an inch above the middle of Poupart's ligament, made at first par- Relations of the right external iliac artery. (Esmarch.) allel to it and then curved upward. (Fig. 335, B.) The tissues of the abdominal wall being divided and the peri- 448 OPERATIONS. toneum exposed, it is pushed upward and inward in the same manner as for exposure of the common iliac artery. The artery lies at the inner border of the psoas muscle, the vein on its inner side, and the anterior crural nerve covered by the iliac fascia on the outer side; the genito- craral nerve passes obliquely across the artery. (Fig. 337.) The needle should be passed from within outward. Ligation of the Gluteal, Artery. Incision three or four inches in length, from the posterior superior spinous process of the ilium to a point midway between the tuber ischii and the great trochanter. (Fig. 338, A.) After division of the skin and fascia, the fibres Fig. 338. Line for — A, gluteal artery. B, sciatic and internal pudic artery. (Stimson.) of the gluteus maximus muscle are separated and held apart, and the deep fascia is divided, and the artery should then be sought for above the pyriformis muscle at the upper border of the great sacro-sciatic notch. It is accom- LIGATION OF THE FEMORAL ARTERY. 449 panied by large veins, injury to which should be avoided in exposing the artery and passing the needle. Ligation of the Sciatic and Internal Pudic Arteries. Incision three or four inches in length, a little lower than that employed for exposure of the gluteal artery. (Fig. 338, B.) Divide the skin, superficial fascia and fibres of the gluteus maximus muscle and deep fascia, and search for the vessels as they leave the great sciatic notch at the lower edge of the pyriformis muscle. The internal pudic artery enters the pelvis through the lesser sciatic notch, lying on the inner side of the sciatic artery during its passage over the spine of the ischium. The vessels are isolated and the needle is passed so as to avoid injury of the veins. Ligation of the Femoral Artery. The femoral artery may be ligated just below Poupart's ligament, at the apex of Scarpa's triangle, at the middle of the thigh, or in Hunter's canal. Fig. 339. Relations of the right femoral artery below Poupart's ligament. (Esmarch.) 450 OPERATIONS. Ligation of the Femoral Artery below Poupart's Ligament: Incision beginning midway between the anterior superior spinous process of the ilium and the symphysis pubis, one-fourth of an inch above Poupart's ligament, and ex- tending two inches downward. Divide the skin and super- ficial fascia and the deep fascia so as to expose the sheath of the vessels; open this one-half an inch below Poupart's ligament and isolate the femoral artery from the femoral vein which lies to the inner side; the anterior crural nerve lies to the outer side. Pass the needle from within out- ward. (Fig. 339.) Ligation of the Femoral Artery at the Apex of Scarpa's Triangle. Incision three inches long, the centre of which should be a little above the point where the sartorius muscle crosses Fig. 340. m Lines of incision for the femoral artery. (Stimson.) a line drawn from the middle of Poupart's ligament to the inner condyle of the femur. (Fig. 340.) Divide the skin, superficial fascia and deep fascia, avoiding the internal saphenous vein, and expose the edge of the sartorius muscle, which may be recognized by the direction of its LIGATION OF THE FEMORAL ARTERY. 451 fibres. This muscle is drawn outward and the sheath of the vessels is exposed and opened ; the vein lies on the inner side and somewhat behind the artery and the long saphenous nerve is on the outer side. (Fig. 341.) Pass the needle from within outw r ard. Ligation of the Femoral Artery in the Middle of the Thigh. Incision in the line above mentioned, its centre being a little above the middle of the thigh. Divide the skin, superficial and deep fascia and expose the sartorius muscle, which is drawn outward after the leg has been flexed ; Fig 341. Fig. 342. Relations of right femoral artery at the apex of Scarpa's triangle. (Esmarch.) Relations of the right femoral artery in the middle of the thigh. (Esmarch.) the sheath of the vessel is exposed and opened ; the long saphenous nerve lies upon the artery and the femoral vein lies behind the artery ; the saphenous vein lies more super- ficially and internal to the vessel. Pass the needle from within outward. (Fig. 342.) 452 OPERATIONS. Ligation of the Femoral Artery in Hunter's Canal. Incision three inches in length along the tendon of the adductor magnus, the centre of which is at the junction of the lower and middle thirds of the thigh. (Fig. 340.) Divide the skin, superficial fascia and deep fascia, care being taken not to injure the internal saphenous vein, which should be displaced, and expose thesartorius muscle, which should be displaced downward, and expose the aponeurosis which forms the anterior wall of the vascular canal ; this should be opened upon a director, and the artery is uncovered and should be separated from the vein, which lies upon the outer side. The needle is passed from without inward. Ligation of the Popliteal Artery. Fig. 343. aO Relations of the right popliteal artery. (Esmarch. LIGATION OF THE ANTERIOR TIBIAL ARTERY. 453 Incision three or four inches in length, along the exter- nal border of the semi-membranosus muscle. Divide the skin and superficial fascia, taking care not to injure the saphenous vein, and open the deep fascia. The edges of the wound being held apart the adipose tissue is broken Fig. 344. Ligation of popliteal artery. (Smith.) up with a director, and the internal popliteal nerve will be first exposed, and next the vein — both external to the artery. (Fig. 343.) The artery is isolated and the needle passed from without inward. (344.) Ligation of the Anterior Tibial Artery. The anterior tibial artery may be tied in the upper, middle, and lower thirds of the leg ; the general direction of the artery corresponds with a line drawn from the middle of the space between the head of the fibula and the tubercle of the tibia to the middle of the anterior inter- malleolar space. Ligation of the Anterior Tibial Artery in the Upper Third of the Leg. Incision two and a half to three inches in length, one and one-fourth inches external to the spine of the tibia. Divide the skin and superficial fascia, and when the deep 20* 454 OPERATIONS. Fig. 345. fascia is exposed open it on a line corresponding to the inter-muscular space between the tibialis anticus and the extensor longus digitorum mus- cles. Separate the muscles and work down in this interspace until the artery is found with a vein on either side of it, and the anterior tibial nerve externally. (Fig. 345.) The needle should be passed from without inward, after isolating the veins. Ligation of the Anterior Tibial Artery at its Middle Third. Incision three inches in length in the same line as that for the upper portion of the vessel. After dividing the skin, superficial and deep fascia, the interspace between the tibialis anticus and the exten- sor longus digitorum muscles is opened and a third muscle comes into view, the extensor proprius pollicis. The artery lies between the extensor proprius pollicis and the tibialis anticus muscles; and the anterior tibial nerve is to the outer side. The veins should be isolated and the needle should be passed from without inward. Ligation of the anterior tib- ial artery at its upper third. (Stimson.) Ligation of the Anterior Tibial Artery in its Lower Third. Incision two inches in length, beginning three inches above the ankle-joint on the line of the artery. Divide the skin, superficial and deep fascia, and seek for the tendon of the extensor proprius pollicis muscle, the second tendon from the tibia. The artery is found in the inter- space between this tendon and the tendon of the extensor longus digitorum muscle, the nerve being to the outer side. LIGATION OF THE DORSALIS PEDIS ARTERY. 455 The veins are isolated from the artery, and the needle is passed from without inward. Ligation of the Dorsalis Pedis Artery. Incision one inch in length on a line drawn from the middle of the anterior inter-malleolar space to a point midway between the extremities of the first two metatarsal bones or along the outer border of the tendon of the ex- tensor proprius pollicis. Divide the skin, superficial and Fig. 346. Extensor brevis digitorum muscle. Ligation of the dorsalis pedis artery. (Bryant.) deep fascia, and the artery will be found lying next to the inner tendon of the short extensor muscle of the toes. (Fig. 346.) The nerve is to the outer side. After separating the veins the needle is passed from without inward. 456 OPERATIONS. Ligation of the Posterior Tibial Artery. The course of the posterior tibial artery is indicated by a line drawn from the middle of the popliteal space to a point midway between the tendo fig. 347. Achillis and the internal malleolus of the tibia. The posterior tibial artery may be ligated in its upper, middle, and lower thirds. Ligation of the Posterior Tibial Artery at its Upper Third. Incision three inches and a half in length, one-half inch from the inner edge of the tibia, beginning two inches from the upper edge of the bone. (Fig. 347.) Divide the skin and superficial fascia, avoiding large superficial veins ; next open the deep fascia and de- tach the origin of the soleus muscle from the tibia, and on raising it its under surface will present a white shining sheath of tendinous mate- rial, beneath which will be seen a layer of fascia covering the tibialis posticus muscle. If search is made toward the middle of the leg, the artery will be found covered by the inter muscular fascia, the nerve being to the outer side. The needle is passed from without inward after the veins have been separated from the artery. (Fig. 348.) Ligation of the Posterior Tibial Artery at its Middle Third. Incision two and a half inches in length, parallel with the inner edge of the tibia and half an inch from its Lines of incision for the posterior tibial artery. (Stimson.) LIGATION OF POSTERIOR TIBIAL ARTERY. 457 border. Divide the skin, superficial and deep fascia, and the inner edge of the soleus will be exposed ; press this outward and the artery with its veins will be exposed, also Fig. 348. Relations of the right posterior tibial artery in its upper third. (Esmarch.) the posterior tibial nerve to the outer side. Pass the needle from without inward after separating the veins. Ligation of the Posterior Tibial Artery Behind the Inner Malleolus. Incision a curved one two inches in length, midway between the tendo Achillis and the internal malleolus. (Fig. 349.) Divide the skin and superficial fascia; then lift the deep fascia upon a director and opn it freely, when the artery will be exposed with the tendons of the tibialis posticus and flexor longus digitorum mus- cles on the inner side, and the posterior tibial nerve and the tendon of the flexor longus pollicis muscle on the 458 OPERATIONS. Fig. 349. Ligation of the posterior tibial artery behind the inner malleolus. (Bryant.) outer side. (Fig. 349.) After separating the veins from the artery the needle should be passed from without inward. PART VI AMPUTATIONS. The term amputation is now generally applied to the removal of a limb, and this may be removed through the bones, when the operation is spoken of as an amputation in the continuity of the limb ; or it may be removed through its joints, and is then known as an amputation in the contiguity or a disarticulation. Methods of Amputating. Fig. 350. Amputation by circular method. (Druitt.) Amputations may be performed by the circular flap, oval, and elliptical methods; the modified circular opera- 460 AMPUTATIONS. Fig. 351. tion, and Teale's method by rectangular flaps, are also em- ployed. Circular Method. In performing an amputation by this method the inci- sion of the skin is made at a distance below the point where the bone is to be divided. An assistant grasps the limb and draws the skin evenly and firmly toward the root of the part and the surgeon passes the heel of the knife well into the tissues and makes a circular sweep around the limb and completes the di- vision of the skin and cellular tissue with one motion of the knife. (Fig. 350.) In some cases a cutaneous sleeve consisting of the skin and cellular tissue is dissected up and turned back, and some- times it may be necessary to make a slit on one side of the flap to allow it to be turned up. The second incision in an am- putation by the circular method consists, after retraction of the skin, in making a circular cut through all of the tissues down to the bone. (Fig. 351.) The third step in an amputation by the circular method consists, after retracting the skin and muscles and holding them back by a retractor, in the division of the bone with a saw. Flap Method. This method of amputating is susceptible of many variations. There may be one or two flaps of equal or unequal length ; the flaps may be cut antero-posteriorly, laterally, or obliquely. (Fig. 352.) They may be made by transfixing the limb and cutting outward, or they may be cut from without inward, or they may be made to in- Division of muscles in circular amputation. (Smith.) METHODS OF AMPUTATING. 46 L elude the whole thickness of the tissues down to the bone, or merely the skin and superficial fascia, the deeper struc- tures being divided by a circular incision. The flaps may Fig. 352. Double-flap amputation ; antero-posterior and lateral flaps. (S. Smith.) have a curved outline or may be rectangular in shape. In amputating by the antero-posterior flap operation the sur- FlG. 353. Amputation by antero-posterior flaps. (Bryant.) geon grasps the limb and enters the point of a long knife into the tissues at the side nearest himself, and pushing it 462 AMPUTATIONS. across and around the bone or bones brings its point out through the skin at a point diametrically opposite its point of entrance. He then shapes the flap by cutting down- ward with a rapid sawing motion and then cuts obliquely forward until all the tissues are divided. The flap being turned up, he re-enters his knife at the same point and passes it on the other side of the bone or bones and cuts the second flap in the same manner. (Fig. 353.) A re- tractor is next applied and the bone is divided with a saw. The Oval Method. The oval amputation is really a circular one in which the cuff of skin has been slit at one side and the angles rounded off. This is the form of amputation frequently performed at the metacarpo-phalangeal and metatarso- phalangeal joints, and is one of the methods of amputation at the shoulder-joint. Elliptical Method. This is a form of the oval method of amputation which is employed in amputations at the knee- and elbow-joints, Fig. 354. Modified circular amputation. (Skey.) METHODS OF AMPUTATING. 463 the incision forming an ellipse coming below the joint on the front or outside of the limb, the resulting flap being folded upon itself. Modified Circular Method. In this method of amputation two oval skin flaps, antero-posterior or lateral, are turned up, and the muscles are next divided by a circular sweep of the knife down to the bone. (Fig. 354.) Teale's Method by Rectangular Flaps. In this method of amputation, two flaps are made of unequal length ; the incisions are so planned that the shorter flap contains the main vessel or vessels. The Fig. 355. Teale's method of amputation. (Bryant.) flaps are cut of equal width and the length of the long flap should be one-half of the circumference of the limb at the point where the bone is to be divided ; the length of the short flap should be one eighth of the circumference of the limb. The flaps are cut from without inward, and embrace all of the tissues of the limb down to the bone. After the flaps have been dissected up, the bone is divided 464 AMPUTATIONS. with a saw, and the long flap is folded over and sutured to the short flap (Fig. 355). The disadvantage of this method of amputation is that in muscular limbs it requires the bone to be divided at a higher point than would otherwise be necessary. Periosteal Flaps. In any of the methods of amputation previously de- scribed the periosteum may be dissected up in two flaps attached to the muscles, or pushed up as a sleeve by means of a director or periosteotome before the bone is sawed. This procedure is most easily accomplished in young sub- jects. When these flaps are made and they are brought together, the periosteum covers the cut surface of the bone, to which it soon forms adhesions. Instruments Required for Amputations. The instruments required for amputations are knives of various shapes and sizes, saws, dissecting forceps, bone forceps, artery forceps, tenacula, haemostatic forceps, scis- sors, periosteotome, tourniquets, Esmarch's bandage and strap, retractors, ligatures, sutures, and suture needles. Amputating Knives. The knives required for amputations vary according to the method of amputation and the part to be amputated. Fig. 356. Scalpel. In certain amputations a scalpel (Fig. 356) or straight bistoury may be used (Fig. 357), while in other cases the employment of amputating knives of various sizes will be found more satisfactory. For amputations of the thigh a INSTRUMENTS REQUIRED FOR AMPUTATION. 465 knife with a blade of eight or nine inches is generally employed, and for smaller limbs a knife with a blade of six or seven inches in length ; double-edged catlins are Fig. 357. Straight bistoury. employed in amputations of the leg and forearm to divide the interosseous tissues before applying the saw. The amputating knives now employed are constructed with Fig. 358. Amputating knife and catlin. solid metal handles so that they can be rendered thoroughly aseptic by immersion in boiling water before being used. (Fig. 358.) Amputating Saws. Several kinds of amputating saws are in general use ; one with a blade ten inches long by two and a half inches Fig. 359. Amputating;saw. wide, with a heavy back to give it additional firmness, is a very good variety of saw (Fig. 359). For amputations 466 AMPUTATIONS. about the foot or hand a narrow saw with a movable back will be found very convenient. (Fig. 360.) A bow saw Fig. 360. Small amputating saw. with a metallic handle and a reversible blade is a very useful variety of saw, as it can be used either in amputa- FlG. 361. §R1I Amputating saw with reversible blade. tions or in excisions, and, being constructed entirely of metal, it can be easily rendered aseptic. (Fig. 361.) Bone-forceps, or Cutting Pliers. These instruments are used in smoothing off any rough edges of bone left after the use of the saw, or for the Fig. 362. Bone-forceps, or cutting pliers. division of the small bones in amputations of the fingers and toes. The forceps should be from ten to twelve INSTRUMENTS REQUIRED FOR AMPUTATION 467 inches in length, with blades from one to one and a half inches in length. (Fig. 362.) Periosteotome. The periosteotome, or raspatory, is employed for dis- secting up a flap of periosteum, which, after sawing the Fig. 363. Periosteotome. bone, is drawn down over the sawed end of the bone. (Fig. 363.) Artery Forceps and Tenaeula. These instruments are used for taking up the vessels, and one of the best forms of artery forceps is that known as the double-spring artery forceps. (Figs 208 and 209.) Tenaeula are also employed for the same purpose. Haemo- static forceps will also be found most useful in cases of amputation, for the rapid control of hemorrhage from small vessels after the tourniquet has been removed, the vessels beiug secured by ligatures before the haemostatic forceps are removed. Retractors. These consist of pieces of muslin six or eight inches in width, one end of which is split into two or three tails ; the former variety of retractor is employed where one bone is divided, as in amputations of the arm and thigh, and the latter in cases where two bones are divided, as in amputations of the forearm and leg. (Fig. 364.) 468 AMPUTATIONS. Fig. 364. Retractor applied. (Esmaech.) Ligatures. The best material to employ for the ligature of vessels is juniper or chromicized catgut or sterilized silk, the preparation of which has been described. Sutures. Fig. 365. Fig. 366. Deep or buried sutures of muscles. (Esmarch.) Sutures of the skin. (Esmarch.) DETAILS OF AN AMPUTATION. 469 The materials employed for sutures in cases of amputa- tion may be silkworm-gut, catgut, silk, or silver wire ; deep or buried sutures of catgut in bringing together the edges of the periosteal flaps, muscles, and fascia, are often employed with advantage in amputations (Fig. 365), the skin flaps being brought together with interrupted or continuous sutures of silk, catgut, silkworm-gut, or silver wire. (Fig. 366.) Tourniquets. For the control of hemorrhage during the amputation the Esniarch's apparatus (Fig. 206) or Petit's tourniquet (Fig. 199) is employed ; or the employment of both at the same time will often be found most satisfactory. The Esmarch bandage and tube being applied, after the removal of the bandage the tourniquet of Petit is loosely applied at a higher point, and after the main vessels have been secured the elastic strap is removed, and the tourniquet is screwed down and controls the bleeding until the smaller vessels have been secured by ligatures. Details of an Amputation. The following are the steps of an amputation of the lower part of the thigh : The skin is first thoroughly cleansed by rubbing it with turpentine, soap and water. It is then washed with an antiseptic solution either of carbolic acid 1 : 40 or bichloride of mercury 1 : 2000. Provision is next made to prevent the loss of blood during the operation by the application of Esmarch's bandage and tube ; the bandage being removed a tourniquet is placed over the femoral artery in Scarpa's triangle and loosely secured. The limb is again washed with bichloride solution. The instruments having been previously thoroughly sterilized, a rubber cloth covered with towels wrung out in a bichloride solu- tion is placed under the limb. The variety of amputation having been decided upon, the flaps are cut and the muscles 21 470 AMPUTATIONS. are divided down to the bone ; the periosteum being dis- sected up, a two-tailed retractor is applied, and the tissues are held back by an assistant while the surgeon divides the bone with the saw. When the bone has been divided the retractor is removed, and the surface of the wound is irrigated with a 1 : 2000 bichloride solution. The femoral artery and vein are next found and secured with ligatures, and any branches which can be found are also secured. The elastic strap is removed after screwing down the tourniquet, and by letting up the pressure on this smaller Fig. 367. Stump showing application of sutures and drainage-tubes. (Smith.) vessels which bleed are picked up with artery forceps or haemostatic forceps and secured. After all bleeding has been controlled the tourniquet is removed, and the wound is again thoroughly irrigated with a 1 : 2000 bichloride solution. If there is much oozing from the smaller vessels, this solution should be as hot as the hands of the operator can comfortably stand, which will act promptly in con- trolling this variety of bleeding. The periosteal flaps, if they have been made, are brought together by two or three catgut sutures, and a drainage-tube is next introduced or two short tubes are introduced at either extremity of the RE-DRESSIXG OF AMPUTATIONS. 47 1 wound and secured by sutures or safety-pins ; the muscles should next be brought together by a few deep or buried sutures of catgut, and the skin flaps should then be brought into apposition by a number of interrupted sutures. The inner surface of the stump is next irrigated by a stream of bichloride solution introduced through the drainage-tube, and the surface of the stump is washed with the same solution ; a piece of protective is next placed over the line of the wound and over this is placed a moist carbolized, bichloride, or iodoform gauze dressing, and over this a number of layers of dry gauze ; this is next covered by rubber tissue and a number of layers of bichloride cotton, or, if the dry method of dressing is pre- ferred, the rubber tissue is omitted and a number of layers of bichloride cotton are laid over the gauze dressing, and the whole dressing is held in place by a recurrent bandage of the stump. If the aseptic method is employed, no antiseptic solu- tions are brought in contact with the wound, sterilized water only being used if it is necessary to flush the wound, and after bringing the flaps together a sterilized gauze dressing is applied. Re-dressing of Amputations. The first dressing of an amputation, if strict antiseptic precautions have been observed at the time of operation, need not, as a rule, be made for a week or ten days, except in cases where the oozing is so profuse as to soak the dress- ings, or where consecutive hemorrhage has occurred, or the patient's condition shows that the wound is not running an aseptic course. The re-dressing of a stump can be ac- complished without pain to the patient if the surgeon and his assistants are careful in their manipulations. The dressings to be applied, the solutions for irrigation, and the instruments required, should be prepared and at hand before the stump is exposed. The surgeon and his assistants should wash their hands carefully, and then dip them in a 1 : 2000 bichloride solution. The bandage re- 472 AMPUTATIONS. taining the dressings to the stump should be divided with bandage scissors without lifting the stump from the pillow upon which it rests. After the bandage has been divided and turned aside, the gauze dressing is next unfolded and turned down ; an assistant now slips his hands under the stump and gently raises it from the dressings, and at the same time a rubber cloth covered with towels which have been wrung out in a 1 : 2000 bichloride solution is slipped under the stump and the soiled dressings are removed. The protective covering the incision is next removed and the surface of the stump is irrigated with a 1 : 2000 bichlo- ride solution ; the drainage-tubes are next examined and the cavity of the stump irrigated with the bichloride solu- tion through the tubes by means of a syringe or an irri- gating apparatus, or the irrigation may be omitted. If the wound is aseptic and there seems to be no further indication for the use of the drainage-tubes, they may be removed and the track of the tube should be washed out with the antiseptic solution by the syringe or irrigator. The sutures are next examined, and if the wound is firmly healed alternate sutures may be removed ; if catgut or silkworm-gut sutures have been used, they need not be disturbed at this dressing, and their removal may be post- poned until a subsequent dressing. The wound should next be covered with a piece of pro- tective, and a gauze dressing should be applied consist- ing of a number of layers, and over this several layers of bichloride cotton, and the dressings should be held in place by a recurrent bandage of the stump, In holding the stump the assistant should hold it firmly to prevent muscular spasm, and after the dressings have been secured it should be placed upon a clean pillow prepared for its reception. The same procedures are adopted at subsequent dressings, and if the wound has run an aseptic course, two or three dressings, at most, will be required. AMPU1AT10NS OF THE HAND. 473 Special Amputations. Amputations of the Hand. Amputations of the Fingers. The fingers may be amputated in the continuity of the phalanges or in their contiguity, and, as a rule, as it is important to save as much as possible of the finger, the former method is generally to be employed instead of dis- articulation at a higher point. The incision should be so planned that the cicatrix does not occupy the palmar sur- face ; the larger flap should, therefore, be taken from the palmar aspect of the finger. In amputating the phalanges of the fingers in their continuity the circular method (Fig. Fig. 368. Amputation of a finger by the long palmar flap. (Erich sen.) 371, B) or a short dorsal flap and a long palmar flap may be employed. In disarticulating a phalanx it is best to enter the joint with a narrow knife from the dorsal side, and after having carried it through the joint, to cut a long palmar flap, keeping close to the bone. (Fig. 368.) In 474 AMPUTATIONS. locating the position of the phalangeal joints, it is well to remember that the prominence of the knuckle when the finger is flexed is formed entirely of the head of the proxi- Fig. 370. Fig. 369. Phalanges flexed. Guides to articulations of the finger. (Smith.) imal, and not of the base of the distal phalanx (Fig. 369), and also that the folds on the palmar surface of the finger do not correspond exactly to the joints. (Fig. 370.) Amputation of the Finger through the Metacarpo- phalangeal Articulation. In this variety of amputation an incision is made from a point of the dorsal surface of the metacarpal bone a quarter of an inch above the articulation, which is carried through the interdigital web and back upon the palmar surface to a point a quarter of an inch above the flexor fold (Fig. 371, C). A similar incision beginning and ending at the same points is made upon the opposite side of the finger. The flaps are dissected back, and the lateral ligaments, tendons, and remainder of the capsule are AMPUTATIONS OF THE HAND. 475 divided. The finger may also be amputated at the meta- carpophalangeal joint by making an incision on one side and dissecting the flap back to the joint, then dividing the lateral ligament, opening the joint and carrying the knife across this, dividing the tendons and lateral ligament on the other side and cutting a flap from within outward. Fig. 371. A. Disarticulation of phalanx ; palmar flap. B. Amputation in continuity by a circular flap. C. Metacarpophalangeal disarticulation. D. Amputation of metacarpal bone in continuity. E. Disarticulation of little finger. F. Dis- articulation of fifth metacarpal bone. G. Amputation at the wrist, circular. H. Amputation at the wrist. (Stimson.) Removal of the head of the metacarpal bone if desired may be accomplished by the use of cutting pliers (Fig. 372) ; but, as a rule, this procedure is not to be recommended, for, although the deformity is diminished, the strength of the hand is also diminished. 476 AMPTJTA TIONS. In amputating the little and index fingers a full lateral flap may be cut on the free side and an incision is next carried across the palmar surface to the angle of the web and thence back to the joint, which is opened and the dis- articulation effected. (Fig. 371, E.) Fig. 372. Removal of the head of a metacarpal bone. (Skey.) In amputations of the finger at the phalangeal joints or at the metacarpo-phalangeal joints two vessels usually re- quire ligaturing, and after these are secured a catgut drain or a small drainage-tube is introduced and the flaps are brought together by a few interrupted sutures. Amputations of the Metacarpal Bones. In amputating the metacarpal bones it is advisable to leave the carpal ends of the bones to avoid opening the wrist-joint, except in the case of the first and fifth meta- AMPUTATIONS OF THE HAND. 477 Fig. 373. carpal bones, which do not communicate with the others and with the synovial sacs. The incisions for the removal of the metacarpal bones are the same as for the removal of a finger at the meta- carpophalangeal joint, the incision being prolonged back- ward as far as necessary over the dorsal surface of the bone. (Fig. 371, D.) After the metacarpal bone has been bared for a sufficient distance, it is cut through with bone-pliers or disarticulated, and the distal end is raised from its bed and carefully separated from the soft parts, care being taken to avoid injury of the structures of the palm of the hand. In amputating the fifth metacarpal bone the incision should be made along the inner border of the hand and carried down to the bone between the skin and the abductor minimi digiti muscle. (Fig. 373.) The lower end of the incision passes over the knuckle to the web of the finger, and backward under the palmar surface to join the first incision. Amputation of the entire thumb with its metacarpal bone is effected by making an oval flap from the palmar surface ; in the case of the left thumb the joint may be opened by an oblique incision on the dorsal surface of the hand, beginning a little in front of the joint and being car- ried down to the web between the thumb and forefinger; the palmar flap is then made by thrusting the knife upward to its point of en- trance and cutting downward and outward. In amputat- ing the right thumb with its metacarpal bone it is better to make the palmar flap first by transfixion, the dorsal flap being made subsequently. Amputation of the hand at the carpo-metacarpal joint is occasionally performed, or between the rows of carpal bones; but is not as a rule to be recommended, as the carpal bones are apt subsequently to become diseased and 21* Incision for re- moval of the fifth metacarpal bone. (Smith.) 478 AMPUTATIONS. require removal; it is therefore better to amputate at the radio-carpal joint. Amputations at the Wrist. Circular Method. The skin of the forearm near the wrist being retracted by an assistant, a circular incision of the skin and cellular tissue is made half an inch below the point of the styloid process of the radius. (Fig. 371, G.) The skin and cellular tissue are next dissected back as far as the joint, which is opened and the disarticulation is completed. Antero-posterior Flap Method. This method is also employed in amputations at the wrist-joint ; an incision curved downward is made on the Amputation at the wrist. (Erichsen.) back of the hand from one styloid process to the other ; the hand being flexed the tendons are divided and the joint opened, and the palmar flap, which should extend as AMPUTATIONS OF THE FOREARM. 479 far as the base of the metacarpal bones, is cut from within outward. (Fig. 374.) Amputation at the wrist is some- times performed by cutting a single flap from the palm, the joint being opened by a transverse incision on the back of the hand from one styloid process to the other. Lateral Flap Method. This method (Fig. 371, H) is also sometimes employed in amputation at the wrist, and may be employed with advantage in cases of laceration of the hand, in which the injury to the tissues prevents the formation of the flaps used in the other methods of amputation. Amputations of the Forearm. The forearm may be amputated by the circular or flap methods, or by making rectangular flaps (Teale's method). Circular Method. At the lower portion of the forearm the circular method of amputation is to be preferred. A circular incision of the skin and cellular tissue is made and a cuff is dissected up, the muscles and interosseous membrane being cut through ; a three-tailed retractor is next applied and the bones are divided with a saw. Mixed Method. Amputation of the forearm by the mixed method, which consists in first dissecting up two antero-posterior oval flaps of skin and cellular tissue and then dividing the muscles by a circular incision, is also a satisfactory opera- tion. (Fig. 375.) In amputation at the upper portion of the forearm, antero-posterior or lateral flaps, cut from without inward or by transfixion, or rectangular flaps may be made with advantage. 480 AMPUTATIONS. Fig. 375. Amputation of the forearm by the mixed method. (Bryant.) The principal vessels requiring the application of liga- tures in amputations of the forearm are the radial, ulnar, and interosseous arteries. Amputations at the Elbow. The methods of amputation employed at the elbow are the anterior flap, lateral flap, and circular. Anterior Flap Method. A flap three inches in length with its base parallel to and half an inch below the condyles of the humerus, is cut either by transfixion or from without inward. The joint is next opened and the lateral ligaments divided. The olecranon is then exposed and the attachment of the triceps separated and a posterior flap is cut from without inward, or from within outward, a little below the line of the condyles. (Fig. 376, A.) Lateral Flap Method. In amputation at the elbow-joint lateral flaps may be employed, cut either from without inward or by trans- fixion. (Fig. 376, B.) An external flap three inches in length is made on the outer side of the arm, starting from a point a finger's breadth below the bend of the elbow, by transfixion or by cutting from without inward ; a shorter internal flap is next cut in the same manner, and the joint is opened and the disarticulation is effected. (Fig. 377.) AMPUTATIONS OF THE ARM. 481 Circular Method. An incision dividing the skin and cellular tissue is made around the limb three inches below the line of the Fig. 376. Fig. 377. Amputation at the elbow- joint. A. Anterior flap method. B. External flap method. C. Circular method. (Stimson.) Lateral flap method of amputation at the elbow- joint. (Smith.) Fig. 878. Circular amputation at the elbow. (Smith.) condyles of the humerus (Fig. 376, 0), the skin is dis- sected up and a circular incision made through the mus- cles, the joint is opened and the disarticulation is effected. (Fig. 378.) Amputations of the Arm. The arm may be removed at any point below the attach- ment of the muscles at the axilla, by either the circular, flap, oval, or modified circular methods. 482 AMPUTATIONS. Circular Method. This operation is usually employed in removing the arm in its lower third : a circular incision of the skin and muscles is first made, and when the cuff has been dissected Fig. 379. Circular amputation of the arm. up a circular division of the muscles is made, and after applying the retractor the bone is sawed through. (Fig. 379.) Flap Method. From the central position of the bone in the arm, the flap method in amputating the arm is preferred by many operators. The arm being grasped by the hand the point of a medium-sized amputating knife is thrust through the arm so as to pass over the humerus and make its exit at a corresponding point in the skin on the opposite side ; a flap of sufficient length is cut from within outward. The knife is next passed behind the bone and a posterior flap is cut in the same manner (Fig. 380) ; the bone is next cleared of muscular tissue, the flaps are retracted and it is divided with a saw. Lateral flaps may be made in this amputation in the AMPUTATIONS OF THE ABM. Fig. 380. 483 Amputation of the arm by flap operation. (Bryant.) place of the anteroposterior flaps, and they are cut from within outward in the same manner. Oval, or Modified Oval Method. This method of amputating the arm is also employed with advantage. An oval flap of skin and cellular tissue Fig. 381. Esmarch's strap applied in high amputation of the arm. (Smith.) is made and dissected up, and the muscular tissue is divided by a circular incision. Or two oval flaps of skin 484 AMPUTATIONS. and cellular tissue are cut and dissected up, and the mus- cles are next divided by a circular sweep of the knife. In all amputations of the arm it is well to remember the possibility of a high division of the brachial artery, and to see that the abnormal vessel is properly secured, if present. In high amputations of the arm there is sometimes not room enough to apply Esmarch's strap or a tourniquet to the arm itself to control the hemorrhage during the opera- tion, and in such cases the strap may be passed from the axilla around the outer end of the clavicle, as is done to control the bleeding during amputation at the shoulder- joint. (Fig. 381.) Amputations at the Shoulder- joint. Several methods of operation are employed in ampu- tating at the shoulder-joint, such as the oval method, or Fig. 382. Amputation at the shoulder-joint. A. Oval, or Larrey's method. B. Double-flap, or Lisfranc's method. (Stimson.) Larrey's method, flap method, Lisfranc's, or Dupuytren's method, and Spence's method. (Fig. 382.) The control AMPUTATIONS AT THE SHOULDER-JOINT. 485 of the bleeding from the axillary artery during the opera- tion is a matter of the first importance, and it may be arrested by pressure made upon the subclavian artery, as it crosses the first rib, with the thumb, or the padded handle of a large key, or by the fingers of an assistant grasping the axillary flap and compressing the vessel after the head of the bone has been disarticulated, or by the use of an elastic strap applied around the axilla and shoulder. (Fig. 381.) Wyeth's pins may also be employed with an elastic tube or strap to control bleeding during amputa- tion at the shoulder-joint. The anterior pin is passed through the anterior fold or the axilla, and is brought out in front of the acromion, the posterior pin is passed through the posterior fold of the axilla and is brought behind the acromion, the rubber strap or tube is then wrapped around the shoulder behind the pins and controls the hemorrhage during the operation. Oval, or Larrey's Method. In this method of amputation the point of the knife is entered just below the acromion process and a deep in- cision three inches in length is made down to the head of the bone along the axis of the arm ; from the middle of this incision two others are made obliquely downward to the points where the anterior and posterior folds of the axilla end in the tissues of the arm ; the latter incision should be only deep enough to divide the skin and superficial fascia. The flaps are then dissected up until the head of the bone is well exposed, and, after opening the capsule and dividing the muscles, inserted into the neck and tuberosities of the humerus, which division may be facilitated by rotating the head of the bone outward and inward, the disarticulation is effected by adducting the elbow; the knife is next passed downward behind the bone and made to cut outward in the line of the cutaneous incisions — an assistant controlling the artery before it is divided by grasping the axillary tissues behind the knife with his fingers. 486 AMPUTATIONS. Fig. 383. Amputation at the shoulder-joint by Larrey's method. Flap, or Dupuytren's Method. In this method of amputation at the shoulder-joint the flaps may be cut either by transfixion or from without inward ; the large flap embraces the greater part of the deltoid muscle, and the smaller or short flap is cut from the inside of the arm after the head of the bone has been disarticulated. When cut by transfixion, the point of the knife should be entered an inch in front of the acromion process and pushed across the outer aspect of the head of the humerus, and should be brought out at the posterior fold of the axilla ; the knife is made to cut downward until a large deltoid flap is formed. This flap is turned up, and the head of the bone is disarticulated ; the knife being placed behind it, a short flap is formed, keeping close to the bone, so that the vessel is divided with the last cut of the knife. (Fig. 384.) An assistant should AMPUTATIONS AT THE SHOULDER- JOINT. 487 ccmtrol the vessel by grasping the axillary tissues with his fingers behind the knife. Fig. 384. Fig. 385. Amputation at the shoulder-joint. Dupuytren's method. (Bryant.) Double Flap, or Lisfranc's Method. In this method of amputation at the shoulder-joint, the point of the knife is entered at the outer side of the cora- coid process, and is carried across the outer aspect of the head of the humerus and brought out a little below the posterior border of the acromion process, and a long flap is cut downward. This flap is turned up and the attachments of the head of the bone are divided and it is disarticulated. The knife is again entered behind the bone, and a long posterior flap is cut from within outward. (Fig. 382, B.) Spence's Method. In this method of amputation . , i i -i-i • ' j. • • • Amputation at the shoulder- at the shoulder-joint an incision ]oint P Spence > smethod . (Stim . is made down to the head of the S0N .) 488 AMPUTATIONS. humerus immediately in front of the coracoid process, and is continued downward through the clavicular fibres of the deltoid and the pectoralis major muscles until the attachment of the latter to the humerus is reached. (Fig. 385.) The incision is now carried backward to the poste- rior fold of the axilla. A second incision, including only the skin and cellular tissue, is next made from the ante- rior portion of the first incision across the inside of the arm to meet the incision on the outer part. The outer flap thus formed is turned up and the head of the bone is dis- articulated. The operation is completed by dividing the remaining tissues on the axillary aspect. Many other methods of removing the arm at the shoulder-joint have been devised and employed, including the circular method. Amputation above the Shoulder- joint. Fig. 386. . ft Amputation of arm, scapula, and clavicle (dotted line representing posterior incision). (Treves.) This form of amputation consists in the removal of the arm with a part or the whole of the scapula and sometimes a portion of the clavicle. AMPUTATIONS OF THE FOOT. 489 As this form of amputation is required in cases in which the laceration of the parts has passed beyond the shoulder- joint, or in cases of growths involving the tissues beyond the joint, no definite rule can be laid down for the in- cisions ; the only rule being as far as possible to make the incisions in such a manner that the least possible amount of skin is sacrificed, so that a sufficient covering for the wound can be obtained. Amputations of the Foot. Amputations of the Toes. Fig. 388. Fig. 387. Relations of web and metatarso- phalangeal joints of toes. (Stim- son.) Incisions for amputation of toes and metatarsal bones. (Stimson.) 490 AMPUTATIONS. The phalanges of the toes may be removed in the same manner as those of the fingers. It is better to amputate at the metatarsophalangeal articulations than to attempt to remove them at the joints in front of this articulation, except in the case of the great toe, as the preservation of a portion of a toe is rather a discomfort than an advantage, except in the instance mentioned. All incisions should be made so that the resulting cicatrix does not occupy the plantar surface, and it is well to remember that the web of the toes is considerably below the position of the meta- tarso-phalangeal joint. (Fig. 387.) The toes are usually removed by an incision on the dorsal surface a little above the joint, which is carried down the bone for about an inch and then diverges into the web, and is carried under the toe and back on the other side to the point of divergence. (Fig. 387.) Amputation of Two Adjoining Toes. The dorsal incision should be made in the inter- metatarsal space just above the level of the joint (Fig. 388, B) and carried down to the beginning of the web ; then over the toe to the beginning of the adjoining web, then under the plantar surface of both toes in the line of the digito-plantar fold, through the web and back to the point of divergence. Amputation of the Great Toe. This may be accomplished by means of the racket-shaped incision employed in amputation of the other toes or by means of a lateral flap. In the latter case the knife is made to enter the joint by cutting through the commissure, and the operation is completed by carrying the knife through the joint and along the outer side of the bone, forming a flap of the required size. (Fig. 389.) In this amputation a short dorsal flap and long plantar flap may be employed, or a long internal flap may be used. AMPUTATIONS OF THE METATARSAL BONES. 491 Amputation of All the Toes. To amputate all the toes, make a dorsal incision from the head of the fifth to the head of the first metatarsal bone ; the incision should be a curved one passing just in front of the joints. (Fig. 390.) Dissect up the flap and Fig. 390. Amputation of the great toe. (Smith.) Incision for amputation of all the toes. (Smith.) open the joints, dividing the lateral ligaments, and pass the knife behind the phalanges and cut a flap from the plantar surface. Amputations of the Metatarsal Boxes. It is better in these amputations to leave the tarsal head of the metatarsal bone in place and divide the bone, or, in other words, to do an amputation in continuity to prevent opening up the tarsal articulations. Amputation of the Metatarsal Bone of the Great Toe. The incision begins upon the dorsal surface of the meta- tarsal bone, a little below the point at which the bone is 492 AMPUTATIONS. to be divided, and is carried down below the metatarso- phalangeal joint, then diverges and passes under the toe and comes back again to the point of divergence. (Fig. 388, C.) The bone is exposed and cut through with cut- ting forceps, and is then lifted up and dissected loose from the tissues. (Fig. 391.) Fig. 391. Amputation oi the great toe and first metatarsal bone. (Smith ) Amputation of the Fifth Metatarsal Bone. The incision for the removal of the fifth metatarsal bone is made over the bone a little below the metatarso-tarsal articulation, and is carried down and curved around the toe (Fig. 388, D), and after the bone is exposed by dis- secting back the flaps, it is divided, or the joint is opened and it is dissected out. Amputation Through the Metatarsal Bones. In performing this amputation an incision is made across the dorsum of the foot, and a short dorsal flap is dissected up ; the metatarsal bones are next divided with a saw and a long plantar flap is cut from within outward by entering the knife behind the ends of the bones. AMPUTATION OF THE METATARSAL BONES. 493 Tarso-metatarsal Amputations. In all amputations of the foot involving the tarsus the surgeon should be thoroughly familiar with the anatomy of the foot and the surgical landmarks of the different articulations. I shall refer to those laid down by Mr. Bryant, which are as follows : Fig. 392. Fig. 393. Surgical guides to the foot as expressed by anatomy. (Bryant.) Incision for — A. Lisfranc's am- putation. B. Chopart's ampu- tation. (Stimson.) " On the inner side of the foot, not far from the inner malleolus, the tubercle of the scaphoid (Fig. 392, A) is to be felt as a marked prominence ; about one-half an inch in front of this will be found the articulation with the 22 494 AMPUTATIONS. cuneiform bone (if), and one inch in front of this the joint which the surgeon will have to open in Lisfranc's or Hey's operation ((7) ; just above the tubercle of the scaphoid will be found the articulation with the astragalus, the line of Choparfs amputation (i)). On the outer side of the foot, one inch below the external malleolus, a sharply defined projection will always be felt, which is the peroneal tuber- cle (E) ; one-half an inch in front of this will be found the joint which separates the os calcis from the cuboid (F), this joint forming the outer circle to Chopart's amputa- tion. Half an inch in front again, or one inch from the tubercle, the prominence of the fifth metatarsal bone is always to be felt (H), the line above this prominence indicating the articulation with the cuboid bone, which forms the outer boundary of the incision for Hey's or Lisfranc's amputations." Tarso-metatarsal Amputation (Lisfranc's). The incision for this amputation is a curved one carried across the dorsum of the foot from the base of the fifth to the base of the first metatarsal bone. (Fig. 393, A.) The incision should involve the skin only, its centre lying half an inch or more below the centre of the line of the articu- lations, and it should begin and end at the sides of the foot at their junction with the sole. A plantar flap should be marked out by a curved incision crossing the sole of the foot near the origin of the toes, starting and ending at the same points as the dorsal incision. The dorsal flap is next dissected back to the line of the articulations ; the tendons, muscular fibres, and fascia being divided, the joints between the tarsal and metatarsal bones are opened with a stout, narrow-bladed knife. (Fig. 394.) Difficulty is sometimes experienced in opening the joint between the head of the second metatarsal bone and the second cuneiform bone, which occupies a position higher on the foot than the other articulations. The disarticulation may also be facilitated by forcibly depressing the anterior portion of the foot. After all the joints have been opened, AMPUTATIONS OF THE METATARSAL BONES. 495 Fig. 394. f Amputation at tarsometatarsal joint (Lisfranc's). the knife is passed behind the ends of the metatarsal bones, and a plantar flap is cut from within outward, following the line of the incision previously marked out. The plantar flap may be cut from without inward if preferred. Tarso-metatarsal Amputation (Hey's). The line of incision and the steps of this operation are similar to those in Lisfranc's amputation, with the excep- tion that Hey sawed off the projecting portion of the internal cuneiform bone after disarticulating the meta- tarsal bones. This modification, although it improves the appearance of the stump, possesses no advantages over the previous procedure. Medio-tarsal, or Ckopart's Amputation. In this amputation the disarticulation is through the joints formed by the astragalus and calcaneum behind and the scaphoid and cuboid in front. An incision is made from the tubercle of the scaphoid across the dorsum of the foot an inch in front of the head of the astragalus to 496 AMPUTATIONS. the lower and outer border of the cuboid. (Fig. 395, A.) The plantar flap is next marked out by an incision begin- FlG. 395. Line of incision for— A. Chopart's amputation. B. Syme's amputation. D. Section of bone in Syme's amputation. C. Subastragaloid amputation. (Stimson.) ning and ending at the same points as the first incision and crossing the sole of the foot four or five finger- FlG. 396. Chopart's amputation. (Bryant.) breadths nearer the toes. The dorsal flap is next dissected up, and after the tendons and fascia have been divided AMPUTATIONS AT THE ANKLE-JOINT 497 the joint is opened and a plantar flap is cut from within outward, following the line of the previously marked out plantar incision. (Fig. 396.) Subastragaloid Amputation. In this amputation all the bones of the foot are removed except the astragalus. An incision is made beginning an inch below the tip of the external malleolus, which is car- ried forward to the base of the fifth metatarsal bone; it is then carried over the dorsum of the foot to the calcaneo- cuboid articulation. (Fig. 395, (7.) The joints between the scaphoid and astragalus and between the astragalus and calcis are opened, and the latter bone is carefully dis- sected out ; the ligaments are divided and the astragalus only is allowed to remain in place. Amputations at the Ankle-joint. Syme's Amputation at the Ankle-joint. Fig. 397. Syme's amputation at the ankle-joint. (Skey.) 498 AMPUTATIONS. In this amputation, the foot being at a right angle to the leg, an incision is made from the centre of one mal- leolus directly across the sole of the foot to the centre of the opposite malleolus. (Fig. 395, B.) The tissues of the heel are next carefully dissected from the bone by keeping the knife close to the osseous surface until the tuberosity of the os calcis is fairly turned. The two extremities of the first incision are then joined by a transverse one across the instep, and, the joint being opened, the lateral liga- ments are divided to complete the disarticulation. (Fig. 397.) The knife is next used to clear the malleoli, and they are next removed by the saw in the line indicated. (Fig. 395, D.) Pirogoff's Amputation at the Ankle-joint. In this amputation the posterior portion of the os calcis is retained. The incision is carried from the tip of the Fig. 398. Pirogoff's amputation. A. Cutaneous incision. B. Line of section of bones. (Stimson.) inner malleolus, over the instep, half an inch in front of the anterior edge of the tibia, to a point half an inch in AMPUTATIONS AT THE ANKLE-JOINT 499 Fig. Application of saw to os calcis in Pirogoff's amputation. (Erichsen.) front of the tip of the outer mal- FlG - 400 leolus; a second incision, crossing the sole of the foot and carried down to the bone, is next made. (Fig 398, A.) The plantar flap is dissected back for a quarter of an inch, the joint is opened by dividing the lateral ligaments, and the astragalus is disarticulated, and the malleoli are exposed. A narrow saw is next applied to the upper and posterior part of the calcaneum behind the astragalus, and it is divided obliquely downward in the line of the plantar incision. (Fig. 399.) The malleoli and a thin slice of the tibia are next removed with the saw as in Syme's amputation. (Fig. 395, D.) Some surgeons do not remove the malleoli, but press the sawed surface of the os calcis between them when it is possible to do so. Union between calcaneum and tibia in Pirogoff's ampu- tation. (Hewson ) 5U0 AMPUTATIONS. The position of the os calcis in relation to the tibia after union has occurred is shown in Fig. 400. Roux's Amputation at the Ankle-joint In this method of amputation an incision is made at the outer edge of the tendo-Achillis, a little above its inser- tion, which is carried forward under the outer malleolus, and across the instep half an inch in front of the anterior edge of the tibia, and back to a point just in front of the inner malleolus ; the incision is carried from this point downward and partly across the sole of the foot, and then back to the point of origin of the original incision. (Fig. 401.) The flaps are dissected up for a short distance, the ankle-joint is then opened, the disarticulation is effected, and the internal flap is carefully dissected from the bones, Fig. 401. Incision in Roux's amputation. Other methods of amputation of the foot are sometimes employed ; such, for instance, as that advocated by Hancock, who has combined Pirogoff's amputation with the sub- astragaloid method, bringing the sawed surface of the os calcis in contact with a transverse section of the astragalus. Hancock has advocated the propriety of amputating in AMPUTATIONS OF THE LEG. 501 the foot without regard to the position of the tarsal joints, cutting the flaps of sufficient length and dividing the bones with a saw. Tripier has also modified the subastragaloid amputation by leaving the upper part of the calcaneum, which he saws through on a level with the sustentaculum tali, and at right angles to the axis of the leg ; the external incisions are made as in Chopart's amputation. In the method advocated by Mikulicz the astragalus and calcaneum are removed, the ends of the tibia and fibula are sawed off, and the sawed surface of the scaphoid and cuboid are approximated to these, the stump resulting re- sembling the foot of pes equinus. Amputations of the Leg. The leg may be amputated at its lower, middle, or upper third, the rule being to save as much of the limb as pos- sible, but as regards the application of prothetic apparatus, I think the stumps resulting from amputations in the middle and upper thirds will be found more satisfactory. It is well also in sawing the bones to divide the fibula at a slightly higher point than the tibia. Amputation of the Lower Third of the Leg. At this position the leg may be amputated by the cir- cular, modified circular, or elliptical method. Circular Method. A circular incision is made through the skin and con- nective tissue just above the malleoli, and the cuff is dis- sected up for a sufficient distance, and a circular incision of the tendons and muscles is next made, and the tissues being retracted the bones are divided with a saw. 22* 502 AMPUTATIONS. Modified Circular Method. In this method of amputation of the leg a circular in- cision of the skin and connective tissue and two short Fig. 402. Fig. 403. Fig. 402.— Amputation of the leg. A. Modified circular method. B. Rectangu- lar flap, a Antero-posterior flap. The dotted lines indicate the levels at which the bones are to be sawn through. (Stimson.) Fig. 403.— Amputation of the leg. A. Long anterior flap. B. Supra-malleolar long posterior flap. 0. At upper third. (Stimson.) AMPUTATIONS OF THE LEG. 503 lateral incisions are made. The flaps are then dissected up to the end of the incisions, and a circular division of the muscles is next made. (Fig. 402, A.) Or oval skin flaps Fig. 404. Oval skin flaps with circular division of the muscles. are made and dissected up, and the tissues are next divided down to the bone by a circular incision and the bones are divided with a saw 7 . (Fig. 404.) Elliptical Method. In this method of amputation the incision is in the form of an ellipse ; its lower end crosses the heel below the inser- tion of the tendo Achillis and the upper end of the inci- sion is about an inch above the anterior articular edge of the tibia. (Fig. 403, B.) Long Anterior Flap Method. An anterior flap equal in length to the diameter of the leg at its base is marked out by a curved incision through the skin beginning at the posterior edge of the tibia on the inner side, a little below the point at which the bones are to be divided, and is carried over the leg to a point directly opposite over the fibula. (Fig. 403, A.) The anterior muscles are divided transversely half an inch above the lower end of the flap and are dissected from the bone to the base of the flap. The posterior flap is then made by entering the knife behind the bones at the point of the original incision and cutting directly outward. 504 AMPUTATIONS. Long Anterior Rectangular Flap Method. (Teale.) In this method of amputation of the leg an incision equal in length to half of the circumference of the leg is made from the point at which the bones are to be divided on one side of the leg, and is carried across the limb and back upon the opposite side to a point opposite the point of starting. The flap thus marked out is dissected up to its base and a posterior flap of one-fourth the length is next cut by a transverse incision down to the bones, and is dis- sected back to the line of the origin of the first incision. (Fig. 402, B.) The long flap is next doubled back and its edges secured to the posterior flap, or the long flap may be cut from the posterior surface of the leg and the short flap from the anterior surface. Antero-posterior Flap Method. A long anterior flap including half of the circumference of the limb may be cut from without inward, composed of skin, connective tissue, and muscles, and a short posterior flap cut from within outward may also be employed. This method is often employed in amputations in the upper portion of the leg. (Fig. 402, O.) Lateral Flap Method. In the lower and middle thirds of the leg the method of amputation by means of lateral skin flaps may be em- ployed with advantage. In this method an incision is made over the spine of the tibia, and an oval flap em- bracing one-half of the circumference of the leg, composed of the skin and connective tissue, is dissected up ; starting from the same point a similar flap is formed on the opposite side of the leg and dissected up ; the muscles at the upper extremity of the flaps are next divided by a circular incision and the bones are divided with a saw. AMPUTATIONS AT THE KNEE-JOINT 505 External Flap Method. (Sedillot.) In this method of amputation of the leg the point of the knife is entered a finger's breadth external to the spine of the tibia and carried outward, grazing the fibula, and is brought out as far as possible to the inner side ; a flap three or four inches in length is then cut from within out- ward ; the extremities of the incision are next united by an incision across the inner side of the limb involving the skin only ; any remaining muscular tissue is next divided and the bones are sawed. The long external flap is then brought over the ends of the bones and fastened to the edges of the incision on the inner side of the limb. Prof. Ashhurst modifies this operation by cutting the long ex- ternal flap from without inward, and makes also a short internal flap in the same manner. By either method the resulting stump is a good one, with the ends of the bones covered by the tissues of the external flap. Amputations at the Knee-joint. Amputations at the knee-joint may be done either by the circular or elliptical incision or by means of flaps, and may consist in simple disarticulations or sections through the condyles of the femur. Elliptical or Oval Method. In this operation an incision crossing the spine of the tibia five finger-breadths below the lower extremity of the patella, is carried around the back of the leg three finger- breadths higher than in front ; the tissues on the front of the leg are dissected up until the tendon of the patella is exposed ; the leg is then flexed, and the ligament of the patella is divided ; the capsular ligament and the lateral and crucial ligaments are next severed, care being taken not to injure the popliteal vessels with the point of the knife. The tibia is next drawn forward and the knife is 506 AMPUTATIONS. Fig. 405. passed behind its posterior border, and the remaining soft parts are divided from within outward. Anterior Flap Method. In this method of amputation a long cutaneous flap is formed ; the incision beginning half an inch below the articulation is carried five inches below the patella ; crossing the anterior surface of the leg it is carried back to the condyle of the femur on the opposite side. This flap is dissected up and the liga- ment of the patella is divided, and the disarticulation is effected. A short posterior flap, uniting the anterior incision one inch below its extremities, is next cut by transfixion or from without in- ward. (Fig. 405, A.) The pa- tella is not removed. Amputation through the Condyles of the Femur. In this amputation, which is known as Garden's amputation, an anterior flap, whose lower ex- tremity is three finger- breadths below the patella, is cut and the disarticulation is effected, and the posterior soft parts are divided. The patella is removed, and the condyles next sawed through just above the edge of the articular cartilage. (Fig. 405, B.) Lateral Flap Method. In this operation an incision is made just below the patella, Amputations at the knee-joint and lower third of the thigh. A. Long anterior flap. B. Ampu- tation through condyles. C. Modified flap at lower third of thigh. (Stimson.) AMPUTATIONS OF THE THIGH. 507 which is carried down the spine of the tibia for three inches, and is then carried backward to the middle of the leg to a point opposite the beginning of the incision ; a Fig. 406. Amputation at the knee-joint by lateral flaps. (Smith.) similar flap is cut on the opposite side of the leg, and the flaps are dissected up to the line of the articulation. When this point is reached the joint is opened and the disarticu- lation is effected. The patella is not removed. (Fig. 406.) GrrittVs Amputation at the Knee-joint In this operation a long rectangular anterior flap is first cut and dissected up, and after the disarticulation has been effected the skin covering the posterior surface of the knee is cut from within outward. The condyles of the femur are next removed by a saw above the edge of the articular cartilage, and the articular surface of the patella is removed by the saw or cutting forceps. The patella is next brought down, so that its sawed surface is in contact with the sawn surface of the condyles, and the flaps are brought together. (Fig. 407, A) Amputations of the Thigh. Modified Flap Method. Two semilunar flaps of skin and connective tissue, the upper extremities of which are several inches above the 508 AMPUTATIONS. condyles of the femur, are cut and dissected up, and the muscles are next divided by a circular incision, and the bone is cut through with the saw. (Fig. 405, (7.) Long Anterior Flap Method. In this operation an incision is made on the anterior aspect of the thigh, marking out a flap whose length is Fig. 407. A. Gritti's amputation at the knee. A'. Lines of division of the bones. 2?. Amputation of the thigh, long anterior flap. B'. Division of the bone. C. Am- putation at the lower third of the thigh. (7. Division of the bone. D. Dis- articulation at the hip-joint. AMPUTATIONS OF THE THIGH. 509 equal to one-third, and whose width at its base is equal to two-thirds, of the circumference of the limb. The anterior muscles are next divided obliquely upward and backward, so that the flap shall not be too thick, and the posterior muscles are cut transversely and the bone is divided with a saw. (Fig. 407, B.) Amputation in the lower third of the thigh may also be effected by employing a long anterior and short posterior flap. The anterior flap is cut, its lower extremity extend- ing down to the lower edge of the patella, and after dis- secting up the skin and cellular tissue to the upper extremity of the patella, the muscles are cut obliquely up to the point at which the bone is to be divided. A short posterior flap is next cut, and the soft parts being retracted, the bone is sawed through. (Fig. 407, C.) Amputation of the Thigh by Transfixion. In amputations of the thigh the flaps may also be cut by transfixion, either lateral or a ntero-posterior flaps being employed. (Fig. 408.) Fig. 408. Amputation of thigh by flaps cut by transfixion. 510 AMPUTATIONS. Amputation of the Thigh through the Trochanters. When, for any reason, it is inadvisable to amputate at the hip-joint, an amputation may be made through the trochanters, a long anterior and short posterior flap being employed with a circular division of the muscles. Amputations at the Hip-joint. In amputations at the hip-joint it is important that provision be made for the control of hemorrhage during the operation, and this is accomplished by the use of an abdominal tourniquet (Fig. 409), or by the use of Davy's lever making compression upon the common iliac artery from the rectum, or by compression of the femoral artery Fig. 409. Abdominal tourniquet. by the fingers of an assistant, or by the preliminary liga- tion of the femoral artery just below Poupart's ligament. Esmarch's elastic strap may also be employed for the con- AMPUTATIONS AT THE HIP-JOINT. 51 1 trol of bleeding during amputation at the hip-joint, the strap being applied in such a manner that it occupies the position of the turns of a spica bandage of the groin. (Fig. 410.) Dieffenbach and Wyeth, to avoid hemorrhage, make first a circular amputation in the continuity of the thigh, and after controlling the hemorrhage disarticulate the head of the femur and remove it ; Jordan and Senn dis- Fig. 410. Esmarch's elastic strap applied to control hemorrhage during amputation at the hip-joint. articulate the head of the bone first through an external incision and control the bleeding before the amputation is completed by passing an elastic tourniquet around the soft parts above the point where they are to be divided. The methods of amputation at the hip-joint are the oval, antero-posterior flap, and lateral flap, and modified circular methods. Oval Method. This is performed by entering the point of a strong knife into the tissues below the anterior superior spinous 512 AMPUTATIONS. process of the ilium and making two oblique incisions, one forward and downward and the other backward, both incisions meeting on a transverse line on the inner side of the thigh. The muscles are next divided on a little higher line, and when the joint is exposed disarticulation is effected from the outer side and any remaining tissue is divided. Antero-posterior Flap Method. In this method the point of a long amputating knife is thrust into the tissues about two finger-breadths below the anterior superior spinous process of the ilium, and is pushed through the tissues grazing the hip-joint, and is brought out on the opposite side of the thigh close to the junc- tion of the scrotum. The knife is next carried downward Fig. 411. Amputation at the hip-joint by antero-posterior (Holmes.) close to the bone and an anterior flap of sufficient length is cut from within outward. This flap is held up by an AMPUTATIONS AT THE HIP-JOIXT. 51 3 assistant and the head of the bone is disarticulated, and the knife being passed behind the bone, a posterior flap of equal length is cut from within outward. (Fig. 411.) Guthrie? s method of amputation at the hip-joint consists in cutting the flaps from without inward, a smaller knife being used for this purpose and the posterior flap being cut first. Modified Circular Method. In this operation short anteroposterior flaps of skin and connective tissue are cut and dissected up, and the muscles are divided by a circular incision on the level of the joint, and the disarticulation of the head of the femur is next effected. Lateral Flap Method. In this operation two flaps are cut from the inner and outer side of the thigh by transfixing, or by cutting from Fig. 412. Amputation at the hip-joint "by external and internal flaps. (Bryant.) without inward and exposing the joint, which is opened and the disarticulation of the head of the femur is effected as in the previous methods. (Fig. 412.) Wyeth's Method of Amputating at the Hip-joint. In amputating at the hip-joint by this method the hip to be operated upon is brought well over the edge of the 514 AMPUTATIONS. table and an Esmarch bandage is applied to the limb, and two stout steel mattress needles twelve or fourteen inches in length are required ; the point of one of these needles is passed through the skin one and a half inches below and slightly to the inner side of the anterior superior spine of the ilium and carried through the tissues about half- way between the great trochanter and the spine of the ilium external to the neck of the femur, and its point is made to emerge just behind the trochanter; the second needle is made to enter the skin an inch below the crotch, internal to the saphenous opening, and its point is made to emerge about an inch and a half in front of the tuber Fig. 413. Pins inserted and tube applied. ischii. The points of the needles are next protected with corks, and a long piece of rubber tubing or an Esmarch elastic strap is wound tightly five or six times about the limb above the fixation needles. (Fig. 413.) The Esmarch bandage should then be removed and a circular incision of the skin and cellular tissue should be made five inches below the constricting band; this cellulo-cutaneous cuff* should next be reflected to the level of the trochanter minor : a circular division of all the muscles should next AMPUTATIONS AT THE HIP-JOINT. 515 be made at this point and the bone divided with a saw The large vessels should next be secured, and after this has been done the rubber tube should be removed and any vessels which bleed should be tied ; all remaining attach- ments of the femur and the capsule should be opened and the head of the bone disarticulated. A drain should be Fig. 414. Limb amputated and bone sawn. (Wyeth.) next introduced and the edges of the flaps brought together vertically. PART VII. EXCISIONS OR RESECTIONS. Excision of a joint implies the partial or complete re- moval of the articular surface of the bones making up the joint. The term resection is sometimes used as synony- mous with excision, but is usually employed to indicate the removal of a portion or the whole of the shaft of one of the long bones. Excisions or resections of joints and bones may be required on account of injury, disease, or anchylosis of a joint in faulty position. In the operation of excision of the joint the incision should be free enough to permit of an inspection of the diseased portions of the joint, and it is preferable to remove the diseased articular surface of the bone with a saw ; small areas of diseased bone may be removed with the curette or gouge forceps. In per- forming excisions of joints in young subjects care should be taken to see that the epiphyseal cartilage is not en- croached upon, for if this is removed the subsequent growth of the limb is interfered with. The result desired in cases of excision of joints, in addition to the removal of the diseased tissue, varies somewhat with the joint in- volved; for instance, in a knee-joint anchylosis is desired ; in the shoulder, hip, elbow, and wrist, we wish to obtain a movable false joint ; when the latter condition is desired after excision, care should be exercised not to divide mus- cles or tendons, and as far as possible not to interfere with their attachments. When anchylosis is desired the divi- sion of muscles or tendons is not a serious consideration ; EXCISIONS OB RESECTIONS, 517 anv injury to the principal arteries, veins, and nerves should always be avoided. Butcher's saw. The instruments required for the excision of joints are a stout scalpel (Fig. 415), probe-pointed knife, an excision Fig. 417. Narrow-bladed saw. Fig. 418. Chain saw. saw with reversible blade (Fig. 416), narrow-bladed saw (Fig. 417), or chain saw (Fig. 418), strong lion-jawed for- 518 EXCISIONS OB RESECTIONS. Fig. 419. Lion-jawed forceps. Fig. 420. Retractor. Fig. 421. Elevator. Fig. 422. Bone-cutting pliers. Fig. 423. Knife-bladed forceps. Fig. 424. Periosteotome. EXCISION OF THE SHOULDER- JOINT. 51 9 ceps (Fig. 419), retractors (420), an elevator (421), heavy bone-cutting pliers (Fig. 422), knife-bladed forceps (Fig. 423), and a periosteotome (Fig. 424). Excision of the Shoulder- joint. In excising the shoulder-joint the arm is adducted and rotated inward, and a straight incision is made extending Fig. 4'25. Excision of shoulder-joint : A. Regular incision. B. Supplementary. from the beak of the coracoid process down the arm in the line of the bicipital groove ; this incision may be supple- mented by a short, transverse incision from the upper edge of the first incision to the acromion process. As the in- cision is deepened the fibres of the deltoid muscle are divided in this line, and the capsule of the joint is exposed and divided along the outer edge of the tendon of the long head of the biceps muscle ; this tendon is held to one side and the capsule of the joint is freely opened, and the muscles inserted into the tuberosities of the humerus are divided with a probe-pointed knife and freed with an ele- vator ; the head of the bone can then be removed by saw- ing across the surgical neck of the bone with a narrow metacarpal saw or chain-saw, and the sawn surface of the humerus should then be rounded off with bone pliers. If 520 EXCISIONS OB RESECTIONS. upon examination the glenoid cavity is found to be dis- eased, this with the neck of the scapula may be removed with gouge forceps or a small saw. The bone is then reduced and the wound is drained and closed. Eesection of the Humerus. The whole or a portion of the humerus may require re- section for injury or disease. The incision should be made upon the outer side of the bone and carried down in the muscular interspaces on a line with the shaft, care being taken to avoid injury of the musculo-spiral nerve, which, as it passes around the posterior surface of the humerus lies close to the bone between the humeral heads of the triceps muscle at a point corresponding to the deltoid in- sertion anteriorly — L e., about the centre of the shaft of the humerus. This nerve should be isolated and held aside and the bone should be exposed. After separating the periosteum as completely as possible, if the shaft of the bone is diseased, it should be removed by dividing it in the middle with a saw or forceps, and removing each fragment as far as the upper and lower epiphysis, or the upper or lower portion only may require removal. In resecting the humerus for an ununited fracture the inci- sion is made upon the outer surface of the arm over the seat of fracture, and when the latter has been exposed the fragments are separated, and the end of each fragment is removed with a saw to obtain a fresh bone surface. The freshened ends of the bone are then drilled and united by heavy silver-wire sutures, silver plates, or screws. Excision of the Elbow- joint. In excising the elbow-joint the forearm is slightly flexed, and a longitudinal incision is begun about two inches above the olecranon process and a little to its inner side, and carried about three or four inches down in the line of the ulna; the tissues are then divided down to bone, and the ulnar nerve is dissected from its groove be- RESECTION OF RADIUS AND ULNA. 52 L Fig. 426. \ hind the inner condyle of the humerus and held aside by a retractor, the tendon of the triceps is divided and its attachment to the fascia and periosteum over the olecranon process is separated with an elevator or periosteotome and turned downward; the joint is next opened and the lateral ligaments are divided as the forearm is flexed upon the arm. The upper part of the ulna and the head of the radius are freed with a probe-pointed knife and are re- moved with a narrow-bladed saw, care being taken in making the section of the radius to divide its neck so that the attachment of the biceps muscle is not interfered with. The condyles of the humerus are next freed and removed with a saw. In freeing the bones at the anterior portion of the joint great care should be used to avoid injury of the brachial artery and vein and the median nerve. After the joint has been excised the bones are reduced and the wound is drained and closed. / Incision for excision of the elbow-joint. Resection of the Radius and Ulna. The radius or ulna may be resected either entirely or partially by making an incision over the bone to be re- moved upon the back of the forearm ; the bone being ex- posed, the periosteum is separated with an elevator and the bone is divided with a saw, and each fragment is lifted and separated from its muscular attachments up to the point where it is desired to remove it. If the articular surface of the bone is to be removed, the disarticulation should be made carefully with a strong scalpel or a probe- pointed knife, care being taken to avoid injury of the vessels and nerves lying upon its palmar surface. 522 EXCISIONS OR RESECTIONS. Fig. 427 Resection of the lower end of the radius. Excision of the Wrist. The wrist is covered on its posterior and lateral aspect with skin, fascia, and tendons ; the relative position of the Fig. 428. Articulations of the wrist-joint. (Lister.) bones entering into the articulation can be seen in the accompanying figure. (Fig. 428.) The wrist-joint may EXCISIOX OF THE WRIST. 523 be excised by making a dorsal incision which begins at the middle of the ulnar border of the second metacarpal bone, and is carried upward about four inches, crossing the ulnar edge of the tendon of the extensor carpi- radialis-brevior, and splitting the dorsal ligaments of the wrist between the tendons of the extensor secondi-internodii and the ex- tensor of the forefinger. The incision should be carried down to the bone, and the soft parts and tendons should be dissected loose with an elevator. By flexing the hand the Fig. 429. MB : (\ Incision for excision of wrist-joint. first row of the carpus is made to present in the wound, and the scaphoid is separated from the trapezium and removed ; the semilunar and cuneiform should next be removed ; the trapezium and pisiform should be left if possible. In re- moving the second row of carpal bones the knife should be passed between the trapezium and trapezoid and then into the carpo-metacarpal joint, and cutting the ligaments of the dorsal side of the ends of the metacarpal bones the trapezoid, os magnum, and unciform can then be removed. The lateral ligaments are next carefully divided, and 524 EXCISIONS OR RESECTIONS the articular ends of the radius and ulna removed with a saw, the euds of the metacarpal bones should next be re- moved with a saw or cutting pliers. Resection of the Metacarpal Bones. The metacarpal bones may be resected by making a longitudinal incision on the back of the hand over the bone to be removed. The incision should extend from one articular end to the other, and the extensor tendon when exposed should be held to one side by retractors ; the periosteum should next be separated as far as possible, Fig 430. Resection of metacarpal bone. and when the bone has been fully exposed it may be re- moved by dividing it in the middle with bone-cutting pliers, and then disarticulating each fragment ; or the articular ends may be freed and the bone removed in one piece. (Fig. 430.) ExcrsiON of Metacarpophalangeal Joints or Inter-phalangeal Joints. In excising a metacarpophalangeal joint the joint is exposed by a longitudinal incision over the dorsal surface RESECTION OF THE CLAVICLE. 525 of the knuckle; the extensor tendon being exposed and held to one side, the lateral ligaments are divided. The articular ends of the bones are tben exposed and removed with a metacarpal saw or with bone- cutting pliers. (Fig. Fig. 431. Excision of the metacarpophalangeal joint. 431.) In excising the inter-phalangeal joints the incision is usually made upon the side of the joint, and when the articular surfaces of the bone have been exposed they are removed with a small saw or cutting-pliers. Resection of the Clavicle. The clavicle is resected by making an incision over the bone from one articulation to the other, which is carried directly down to the bone ; the periosteum is then sepa- rated and the shaft of the bone may be divided at the middle and each fragment raised and disarticulated, or the bone may be disarticulated at one extremity, then raised up and freed from its adherent tissues and disar- ticulated at the other extremity. In disarticulating the sternal articulation of the clavicle (Fig. 432) a probe- pointed knife should be used, and great care should be exercised to avoid injury of the important vessels and nerves which lie in close proximity to it. 23* 526 EXCISIONS OB RESECTIONS. Fig. 432. Resection of the sternal end of the clavicle. Resection of the Ribs. In excising a rib the incision should correspond in length and direction with the portion of bone to be removed, and may be crossed at each end by a short transverse incision. The tissues overlying the rib are then dissected loose, the periosteum is separated as far as possible, and the rib is divided by cutting-pliers at two points, and the piece is grasped with forceps and the attachments to the under surface of the rib are separated with an elevator. Care should be taken to avoid opening the pleural cavity. Estlander's Operation. This operation is employed in cases of empyema, and consists in resecting the portions of several adjoining ribs to allow the chest wall to sink inward and unite with the pleura. The incision is made along the intercostal space occupied by the fistula and the adjoining ribs as far as it may be necessary. To resect them a flap is then made and dissected up, and portions of several ribs are divided with bone- cutting pliers and removed with forceps. If the costal pleura is very thick, to expose the cavity so as EXCISION OF THE SCAPULA. 527 to permit of free drainage and allow the chest wall to sink in it may be cut away over a part of the area from which the ribs have been resected; one to four inches of three to six adjoining ribs may be removed. Resection of Sternum. Resection of the sternum is performed by making a longitudinal incision over the portion of the bone to be removed ; the periosteum is separated, and the diseased portion of the sternum is then carefully freed with an ele- vator and removed. Excision of the Scapula. To excise this bone an incision should be made along the whole length of the spine of the scapula, and from its Fig. 433. Incision for excision of scapula. posterior extremity ; two other incisions should be made, one running about an inch or two above, and the other 528 EXCISIONS OB RESECTIONS. passing down the posterior border of the bone to its inferior angle (Fig. 433) ; the flaps thus made are loosened by sepa- rating the muscles attached to the outer surface of the bone. The attachments of the deltoid and trapezius to the acro- mion and spine of the scapula are separated, the lower angle is freed by detaching the teres major and serratus magnus. The bone is then raised, and the subscapularis muscle is detached from below upward. The neck of the scapula should be divided with a chain-saw or cutting forceps; the acromion is next separated from the clavicle and the scapula turned upward, the joint being opened from below. The coracoid process should be separated from its muscular and ligamentous attachments, or may be divided with a saw and left in place. In clearing the supraspinous fossa care should be taken not to injure the suprascapular nerve in the suprascapular notch ; it should be raised with the periosteum and its fibrous sheath. Excision of the Hip. In excising the hip-joint an incision is made from a point about three inches below the crest of the ilium, and about the same distance behind the anterior superior spine of the ilium, which should be carried downward over the great trochanter in the line of the femur for about five or six inches (Fig. 434) ; the soft parts are dissected from the great trochanter and upper part of the sheath of the femur, and the capsule of the joint is opened. An assistant should next rotate the thigh inward and outward, and with a blunt-pointed knife the muscles attached to the trochanters are shaved off close to the bone; the neck of the femur is next freed by the use of a knife and elevator ; the thigh is adducted and pushed upward, and the head and neck of the bone are made to project from the wound. A transverse section of the bone is then made with a saw just below the great trochanter. In some cases it is difficult to remove the head of the bone, which may be ankylosed firmly to the acetabulum ; here the bone may first be divided with a chain-saw passed around the femur just below the great ANTERIOR EXCISION OF THE HIP. 529 trochanter, or may be divided with a chisel, the head and neck of the bone afterward being removed with gouge or bone-cutting pliers. After the head and neck of the bone Fig. 434. Incisions for excision of hip-joint. have been removed the acetabulum is examined, and if it is found to be diseased the diseased tissues should be removed with a curette, gouge, and forceps. Anterior Excision of the Hip. In this method of excising the hip-joint an incision is made upon the front of the thigh over the joint, beginning half an inch below r the anterior superior spine of the ilium, and is carried three or four inches downward and a little inward; as the incision is deepened the tensor vagina femoris and the glutei muscles are exposed, and 530 EXCISIONS OB RESECTIONS. should be drawn to the outer side, and the sartorius and rectus muscles are held to the inner side, and the neck of the femur is exposed ; the neck of the bone is then divided with a metacarpal saw or Adams's saw, and the diseased portion of the bone is next grasped with strong seques- trum forceps, and by the use of these and an elevator the head of the bone is removed ; the acetabulum is then ex- amined, and, if diseased, the diseased tissue is removed with gouge or curette. Excision of the Knee-joint. Fig. 435. The knee-joint is excised by making an incision which begins at the inner side of the limb behind the inner con- dyle of the femur, and is carried over the front of the knee just below the patella to a corresponding point upon the external condyle of the femur (Fig. 435); the flap thus formed is dissected up to a point corresponding with the upper edge of the patella, the ligamentum pa- tella is then cut through, the leg is slightly flexed, and the joint is opened ; the lateral ligaments are then divided, and by flexing the leg upon the thigh the joint is freely ex- posed. The semilunar cartilages are next removed, and the condyles of the femur are freed ; a narrow-bladed saw is placed under the condyles and a transverse section of the condyles is removed; the head of the tibia is next cleared, and a transverse sec- tion of this bone is also removed with a saw. The patella may be removed before excising the ends of the bone, or, if ankylosed to the condyles, may be removed with the section of bone which removes a portion of the condyles. After sufficient bone has been removed, if localized areas Incisions for excision of the knee-joint. RESECTION OF THE TIBIA OR FIBULA. 531 of carious bone present themselves upon the sawn surface of the bones, they may be removed with a gouge or gouge forceps. In excising the knee-joint in young persons care should be taken to remove only so much bone as may be done without encroaching upon the lines of the epiphy- seal cartilages, as removal of the epiphyseal cartilage would interfere with the subsequent growth of the bones. Arthrectomy of the Knee-joint. This operation is employed as a substitute for the oper- ation of excision in disease of the knee-joint, and is performed by exposing the joint by an incision similar to that employed in excision ; the ligamentum patella is divided and the patella is reflected with the skin flap. When the joint has been freely exposed the diseased artic- ular cartilages, semilunar cartilages, crucial ligaments, and synovial pouches are removed by the use of the knife or scissors and the curette ; if the surface of the bone is found to be carious, it is removed by the curette or gouge. After the joint has been thoroughly cleared of diseased tissue, it is irrigated, and the divided ligamentum patella is sutured with several strands of chromicized catgut or silk, and the wound is drained and closed. Excision of the Patella. The patella may be excised by making a longitudinal or crucial incision ; the periosteum is carefully separated from the bone, and the latter is grasped with strong bone forceps and dissected free from its attachments upon the under sur- face. The knee-joint is generally opened in removing the patella, unless the removal of the bone be undertaken for necrosis or caries when it is possible to accomplish its complete removal without opening the knee-joint. Eesectiox of the Tibia or Fibula. In resecting the tibia or fibula the bones may be exposed by a longitudinal incision over the bone to be removed, 532 EXCISIONS OR RESECTIONS. and after the shaft of the bone has been exposed and the periosteum separated as completely as possible, the shaft of the bone may be divided at its middle and each Fig. 436. Resection of lower end of fibula. fragment grasped with forceps and dissected up, and re- moved at its epiphyseal junction. (Fig. 436.) Excision of the Ankle-joint. In excising the ankle-joint an incision is made at a point two inches above the external malleolus, and carried down- ward over the fibula to the tip of the external malleolus; it is then curved slightly upward toward the dorsum of the foot (Fig. 437), care being taken that the incision does not extend so far forward as to endanger the extensor tendons or the dorsal artery. The bone is exposed in this incision and the periosteum is separated and turned aside; the peroneal tendons are next exposed and held to one side by EXCISION OF THE OS CALCIS. 533 Fig. 437. retractors ; the external malleolus is next divided with bone-cutting pliers and removed, and the astragalus is exposed. The upper articulating surface of the astragalus is next removed with bone forceps or a saw, or the whole bone may be re- moved. The foot is next inverted and the end of the tibia is cleared with a probe-pointed knife, care being taken not to injure the pos- terior tibial artery, nerve, or vein, and when the articular surface has been freedit is removed with a saw or bone-cutting pliers. The articu- lar end of the tibia may be exposed by making an additional incision upon the inner side of the ankle over the internal malleolus if de- sired. Excision of the Astragalus. Incision for excision of ankle-joint. In excising the astragalus a semi- lunar incision is made upon the outside of the ankle-joint, very similar to that employed in excising the ankle ; the exter- nal lateral ligaments are divided with a probe-pointed knife, and the astragalus is exposed by forcibly inverting the foot ; the bone is then seized with strong forceps, and its ligamentous attachments are divided with a probe- pointed knife, and it is removed. Excision of the Os Calcis. An incision is made on the level of the upper part of the bone, beginning at the inner border of the tendo Achilles, dividing this tendon and passing around the back and outer surface of the foot to the base of the fifth metatarsal bone; a short incision is then made at the anterior end of the first 534 EXCISIONS OB RESECTIONS. incision and carried down to the sole of the foot, the bone is exposed and held by forceps ; the flap thus formed, which includes the peronei tendons, is then separated from the bone, and the cuboid ligaments are cut and also the interosseous ligament between the os calcis and the astrag- alus, and the bone is removed with forceps. Resection of Metataesal Bones. Any of the metatarsal bones may be resected by an incision on the dorsum of the foot over the bone to be re- moved ; the bone is exposed, the extensor tendons being held aside by retractors ; the bone is disarticulated at Fig. 438. Incision for the resection of the metatarsal bone of the great toe. either end or is cut in its middle and each fragment dis- sected up and removed at its articulation. The metatarsal bone of the great toe is exposed by making a curved incision over that bone on the inner side of the foot. (Fig. 438.) Excision of the Coccyx. In excising the coccyx the finger is passed into the rectum and the position of the bone is determined; a longitudinal incision through the skin and fibrous tissues covering the coccyx is made from a point about a quarter of an inch above its upper limit, and is carried down to a little below its lower extremity. This incision may be sup- plemented with a transverse incision. The sacro coccygeal articulation is then opened ; an elevator is next introduced into the articulation and the bone is raised up and grasped with forceps. It should then be freed from its lateral EXCISION OF THE SUPERIOR MAXILLA. 535 attachments and those upon its anterior surface with a knife and elevator. Excision of the Superior Maxilla. In excising the superior maxilla the incision is begun half an inch below the inner canthus of the eye, and is carried downward along the line of junction of the nose and face and along the course which limits the alse nasi, and longitudinally to the septum, and then down through the free border of the lip ; it is also advisable to carry the Fig. 439. Incision for excision of upper superior maxilla. incision along the lower edge of the orbit upward over the malar bone (Fig. 439) ; the flap being dissected away from the surface of the bone, a small, narrow metacarpal saw is then applied to the floor of the nostril until a deep groove is made ; the soft and hard palate is next divided from within the mouth with a strong knife; one or two incisor teeth should be removed, and one blade of a pair of strong bone-cutting pliers is introduced into the floor of the nose in the line of the saw incision, the other is introduced into the mouth in the line of the division of the structures of the palate, and the bone is divided. The malar bone is 536 EXCISIONS OR RESECTIONS. next divided with a saw or forceps, and, finally, the blades of a strong pair of bone-cutting forceps are introduced, one into the nostril and the other at the edge of the orbit, the important structures of the orbit being held upward with a retractor, and the inner angle of the orbit is cut across ; the superior maxillary bone is then grasped with strong, lion-jawed forceps, and can be twisted out, any band of tissues which holds it being divided with the knife or scissors. Excision of the Inferior Maxilla. Partial or complete excision of the lower jaw may be practised. Excision of the Ramus and Half of the Body of the Lower Jaw. The incision should be made from a point just below the free border of the lip over the symphysis, and carried Fig. 440. Incision for excision of the lower jaw. down to the lower border of the jaw, from this point it is carried along the ramus to the lobe of the ear (Fig. 440); EXCISION OF THE LOWER JAW. 537 the flap is then dissected up, separating the masseter muscle from the bone as far as possible without opening the cavity of the mouth ; an incisor tooth is next drawn, and the bone is sawn through near the symphysis ; the jaw is then seized with forceps and drawn downward and forward, and denuded upon its inner surface. The insertion of the temporal muscle into the coronoid process is divided, and the condyle of the jaw is disarticulated from the glenoid cavity, and the remaining soft parts are carefully detached with a knife or elevator. The facial artery and the inferior dental nerve and artery are necessarily divided in removing this portion of the jaw. Partial Excision of the Lower Jaw or Alveolus. The removal of a portion of the alveolar process of the jaw may often be accomplished through the mouth without the aid of a cutaneous incision. The condyle of the jaw may be excised by making an incision close in front of the temporal artery and carrying it forward along the zygoma for an inch and a half; the tissues being divided and the bone exposed, a second incision involving only the skin is then carried from the center of the first directly down- ward for about an inch ; the soft parts are next carefully separated with a knife and elevator from the margin of the zygoma and outer surface of the joint, and drawn downward with a retractor, to prevent injury of the parotid gland, nerves, and vessels. The neck of the condyle is then cleared by working around it in front and behind with a director, keeping close to the bone to avoid injury of the internal maxillary artery. A chain-saw is then passed around the neck of the bone, which is divided, and the condyle is seized with forceps and removed with an elevator or gouge. 538 TREPHINING. Trephining the Skull. This is an operation in which a circular disk of bone of the skull is removed by a circular saw or trephine to expose the membranes and the brain. If a wound is already present in the scalp, exposing the skull, as in the case of compound fracture of the skull, it is exposed and bared, so that the crown of the trephine can be placed fairly on the bone ; if no wound exists a U-shaped flap is made, including all the structures down to the bone. The base of the flap should be so situated as to contain a sufficient blood-supply, and the flap should be so planned as to favor drainage from the wound. When the bone has been exposed Fig. 441. Trephine. the trephine is placed with the centre pin projecting about one-sixteenth of an inch, and the instrument is turned from right to left until a groove is made in the bone ; the tre- phine is then removed, and the centre pin is raised so that as the teeth of the trephine approach the inner table of the skull the point of the centre pin will not injure the mem- branes or brain. The instrument is then reapplied and worked cautiously as the groove in the bone is deepened. When the diploe is reached there is usually some bleeding from the wound, and as the trephine approaches the inner table of the skull it should be manipulated with great care, and when the resistance is felt to diminish at any one part of the bone the trephine is made to cut at other points of TREPHINING THE SKULL. 539 the bone where the resistance is still apparent. When the disk is completely cut through it can be lifted out in the crown of the trephine, or can be removed with forceps or an elevator. If the wound has to be enlarged to obtain greater exposure of the membranes or brain, it can be done very satisfactorily with a form of rongeur forceps. Fig. 442. 1. Trephine opening for mastoid antrum. 2. For abscess from otitis media. 3. To expose cerebellum. 4-5. For middle meningeal hemorrhage. A. Lateral sinus. B. and C. Limit of up and down variation. (Stimson.) When the trephine is applied to expose hemorrhage from the middle meningeal artery, or hemorrhage from the lateral sinus, or abscess from middle-ear disease, or to open the mastoid antrum, the positions for the application of the trephine are indicated in Fig. 442. 540 OPERATIONS UPON NERVES. Trephining the Antrum of Highmore. The antrum may be opened by extracting the first or second molar tooth and deepening its socket with a small gouge or bone drill. The antrum may also be opened through the mouth to avoid a scar upon the face, by the use of a small trephine or bone gouge; the gingivo-labial fold is divided up to a point just below the infra-orbital foramen, the trephine is placed here and a disk of bone removed, opening the antrum. Frontal Sinus. This sinus may be opened by a trephine or bone gouge. An incision is made from the centre of the supra-orbital ridge to the median line above the root of the nose. The tissues are divided down to the periosteum ; this is incised and turned aside, and the trephine or gouge is placed at the centre of the incision near the inner edge of the supra- orbital ridge and a disk of bone is removed, exposing the frontal sinus. Operations upon Nerves. Neurotomy. Neurotomy is an operation in which the nerve trunk is exposed and a section made through the nerve. As in the case of ligation of vessels, it is most important that the operator should have an accurate knowledge of the ana- tomical relations of the nerves and the surrounding struc- tures. The nerve is exposed by an incision similar to that for the exposure of an artery for the application of a ligature. Neurectasy. In the operation of neurectasy, or stretching of nerves, the nerve is exposed and isolated and is lifted upon a blunt NERVE-GRAFTING. 541 hook, or, in the case of the larger nerves, is hooked out of the wound by the finger, and is thoroughly stretched and replaced. Neurectomy. In this operation the nerve is exposed and a portion of the nerve is excised. Suture of Nerves or Neurorrhaphy. In bringing into apposition the ends of divided nerves primary or secondary sutures may be employed. The material employed for sutures should be fine silk or fine chromicized catgut. In using primary sutures the suture in the case of the smaller nerves should be passed through the sheath and substance of the nerve, and in the larger nerves two sets of sutures can be used, one passing through the substance of the nerve, the other being passed through the sheath. Nerve-grafting. In employing secondary sutures to unite the divided ends of nerves when there has been a loss of substance in the nerve, or there has been so much retraction of the nerve that it is impossible to bring the ends together, nerve- Fig. 443. Nerve-grafting. (Willakd. grafting may be made use of; the ends of the nerve being freshened, a section of a fresh nerve from an amputated limb or animal is sutured to the ends of the divided nerve to fill up the gap, as seen in Fig. 443. Another method of lengthening the ends of the divided nerve, known as neuroplasty, may be employed where the 24 542 OPERATIONS ON NERVES. ends cannot be brought into apposition by the ordinary method ; in this method flaps are made for the nerve in Fig. 444. Neuroplasty. (Willard.) the same way as in the lengthening of shortened tendons, and the ends of the flaps are sutured together, as seen in Fig. 444. The following incisions are given to expose the nerves for some of these various operations : Supra-orbital Nerve. This nerve is exposed at the supra-orbital notch at the junction of the middle and inner thirds of the supra-orbital A and B. Incision for resection of supra-orbital nerve. C. Incision for resection of the superior maxillary nerve. arch. An incision is made one and a half inches in length, parallel to the eyebrow (Fig. 445), and is carried down to LINGUAL NERVE. 543 the bone ; the nerve is recognized and grasped with for- ceps, and resected or stretched as may be desired. Superior Maxillary Nerve. A vertical incision is made along the inner side of the nose from the bony ridge of the nasal process of the supe- rior maxillary bone to the ala of the nose; a second incision is begun at the upper part of this incision and carried outward along the lower margin of the orbit be- yond its centre ; the lower flap is dissected up, and the nerve is exposed. The upper flap is next lifted up with the lower eyelid and eyeball, exposing the floor of the orbit, and the infra-orbital canal can be recognized run- ning backward and inward ; the canal is opened with a knife or chisel, and the nerve is separated from the artery and cut off as far back as may be necessary. The nerve may also be reached by exposing the anterior wall of the antrum, and trephining this and the posterior wall, and, when found, may be cut off close to the exit of the main trunk from the round foramen in the sphenoid bone. Inferior Dental Nerve. To expose this nerve an incision is made along the lower jaw, from a point just behind the angle, and carried for- ward to a point just in front of the edge of the masseter muscle; the periosteum and masseter muscle are then separated from the bone with an elevator, and the inferior dental canal may be opened with a small trephine or chisel ; the exposed nerve is then raised upon a hook and resected. Lingual Xerve. The lingual nerve can be felt just behind the attach- ment of the pterygo-maxillary ligament on the inner side of the lower jaw, close to the bone, below the last molar tooth ; the tongue should be drawn to one side and the mucous membrane divided for an inch, parallel to the 544 OPERATIONS ON NERVES. alveolar process, beginning at the last molar tooth ; the nerve is then found in the submucous tissue. Facial Nerve. This nerve may be exposed at the posterior border of the ramus of the jaw by an incision extending from just in front of the tragus of the ear to the angle of the jaw. The parotid fascia is divided and the cervico-facial branch may be exposed first, and can be followed back to its junction with the temporo-facial branch. Brachial Plexus. The brachial plexus consists of the four lower cervical nerves and the greater part of the first dorsal ; it lies be- FlG. 446. Resection of brachial plexus. tween the anterior and middle scaleni muscles and crosses the floor of the subclavian triangle at the base of the neck. To expose the brachial plexus the neck and head are ex- THE ULNA AND RADIAL NERVES. 545 tended and the face is turned toward the opposite side ; an incision is made half an inch above the clavicle, between the sterno-cleido-roastoid and trapezius muscles, and is carried forward for about three inches parallel to the an- terior border of the trapezius. The skin and platysma are divided, and the external jugular vein is either cut and ligatured or held to one side ; the deep cervical fascia is next opened in the line of the external incision, and the outer border of the anterior scalenes muscle is felt for; the brachial plexus is found just outside the latter, and is exposed by careful dissection. (Fig. 446.) Spinal Accessory Nerve. To expose the spinal accessory nerve an incision about three inches in length is made downward from the tip of the mastoid process along the anterior border of the sterno- mastoid muscle ; the cervical fascia should be divided and the muscles strongly retracted to put the nerve on the stretch. The nerve should be found external to the jugu- lar vein, about an inch and a half below the tip of the mastoid process on the fascia covering the rectus capitis anticus major. The Median Nerve. The median nerve may be exposed at the bend of the elbow or just above the wrist. To expose the median nerve at the bend of the elbow an incision is made about an inch and a half in length upon the inner edge of the biceps tendon ; the bicipital fascia is divided and the nerve is exposed at the inner side of the brachial artery. The median nerve may also be exposed above the w r rist by an incision two inches in length along the inner border of the tendon of the palmaris longus muscle. The Ulnar and Radial Nerves. These nerves may be exposed by an incision similar to that employed for ligation of the ulnar or radial artery. 546 OPERATIONS ON NERVES. MUSCULO-SPIRAL NERVE. The musculo-spiral nerve is exposed by an incision in the outer side of the arm above the elbow, from the upper part of the supinator groove ; the fascia being divided, the nerve is sought for at the bottom of this groove. The Great Sciatic Nerve. To expose the great sciatic nerve an incision three or four inches in length is made vertically downward from the gluteal fold at a point midway between the tuberosity of the ischium and the great trochanter; the skin and fascia being divided, the lower border of the gluteus maximus and the hamstring muscles are exposed ; the nerve rests on the external rotators of the thigh just in front of the outer side of the hamstring muscles. Internal Popliteal Nerve. This nerve is exposed by an incision two inches in length in the middle of the popliteal space. The nerve is slightly external to the vein and artery, and is more super- ficially placed. External Popliteal Nerve. This nerve is exposed by an incision two inches in length, parallel and close to the inner side of the biceps tendon, and lies close behind and to the inner side of the biceps. Anterior Crural Nerve. This nerve is exposed by an incision about two inches in length, extending from Poupart's ligament downward, and about an inch to the outer side of the femoral artery. TENOTOMY OF SPECIAL TENDONS. 547 Operations upon Tendons. Tenotomy. This is an operation which consists in the division of a tendon, and it may be done subcutaneously or by an open operation. The former method of tenotomy is to be pre- ferred in most cases, but in certain tendons which lie in close proximity to important vessels and nerves it is Fig. 447. Sharp-pointed tenotome. safer to employ the open operation. In dividing ten- dons the parts should be placed in such a position as to put the tendon upon the stretch. The instruments re- quired are a sharp and blunt-pointed tenotome. (Fig. 447.) The sharp-pointed tenotome is used to make a puncture down to the edge of the tendon, beiug entered flatwise ; it is then withdrawn and a blunt-pointed teno- tome (Fig. 448) is introduced through the puncture, passed Fig. 448. Blunt-pointed tenotome. under the tendon, and turned so that the tendon rests upon its cutting edge ; by a gentle rocking motion the tendon is then divided, and the tenotome should be with- drawn. Tenotomy of Special Tendons. Tendo Achillis. The tenotome should be entered at the inner border of the tendon about an inch above its attachment to the cal- 548 TENOTOMY. caneum (Fig 449) ; the heel should be depressed as much as possible so as to make the tendon prominent, and the knife Fig. 449. Tenotomy of tendo A chillis. should be entered. The posterior tibial artery, nerve, and vein lie to the inner side, and are not likely to be injured if the tendon is divided from this point. Posterior Tibial Tendon. This tendon may be divided above the malleolus. The muscle is made tense by inverting the foot, and the teno- tome is entered at the inner side of the tendon and passed behind it. The posterior tibial tendon may also be divided upon the side of the foot ; for this operation the foot is inverted and the tenotome is passed from above down- ward and passed under the upper border of the tendon at a point half an inch below and in front of the tip of the internal malleolus. Anterior Tibial Tendon. This tendon is divided upon the dorsal surface of the foot just below the annular ligament of the ankle midway between the two malleoli. Peroneal Tendons. The peroneal tendons may be divided about an inch above the external malleolus, the tenotome being passed EXTENSOR PBOPEIUS POLLICIS. 549 from before backward between the fibula and the tendons, or the tendons may be divided at a point midway between the end of the malleolus and the tubercle of the cuboid. Hamstring Tendons. The inner hamstring consists of the tendons of the semi- tendinous, semi-membranosis, gracilis and sartorius. The external hamstring consists of the tendon of the biceps. To divide either of these tendons the knife is entered at the inner side of the tendon. In dividing the external hamstring care should be taken to keep close to the tendon of the biceps, as the external popliteal nerve lies close to its inner border. Adductor Longus. To divide this tendon abduct the thigh and make the muscle prominent near its insertion ; then pass the teno- tome from without downward and inward. Flexor Longus Pollicis. This tendon may be divided on the first phalanx or near the inner edge of the foot, where it may be made promi- nent by strong extension of the great toe, the tenotome being passed close to the border of the tendon. Extensor Longus Digitorum. These tendons are divided upon the dorsal surface of the metatarsal bones, where they are quite prominent. They may also be divided near the ankle. Extensor Proprius Pollicis. This tendon may be divided in the same incision used for division of the long flexor of the toes, the point of the knife being carried inward. 24* 550 OPERATIONS ON TENDONS. Sterno-cleido-mastoid. In tenotomy of this muscle the sternal and clavicular attachments are divided about an inch above the sternum and clavicle. A puncture is made to the outer side of the muscle with a sharp tenotome, and when the tendinous ex- pansion of the muscle is reached it is withdrawn, and a Fig. 450. Tenotomy of sterno-mastoid. blunt tenotome is substituted for it and the structure is divided. The sternal attachment is divided through a separate puncture in the same way. The external jugular vein is to be avoided at the outer border of the muscle. Suture of Tendons. In bringing together the divided ends of tendons pri- mary or secondary sutures are employed ; primary sutures are those introduced immediately after the injury, and secondary sutures are those introduced after retraction of the ends has occurred and the wound has healed. SUTURE OF TENDONS, 551 Primary Suture of Tendons. The material employed for sutures may be silk, silk- worm-gut, catgut, or kangaroo-tendon, and one or more sutures may be employed, being passed through the sub- stance of the ends of the tendon and secured by tying ; the divided sheath of the tendon, if possible, should be brought together by fine silk sutures. (Fig. 451.) Very Fig. 451. Sutures passed through the substance of the ends of divided tendon. marked retraction of the ends of the tendon is apt to occur, and a considerable dissection is often required to bring them into view. Fig. 452. Tendon-suture which does not easily tear out. (Stimson.) When there is difficulty in bringing the ends of the tendon together, and the sutures are apt to cut out, the form of suture shown in Fig. 452 may be employed. Secondary Sutures of Tendon. In applying secondary sutures to tendons the principal difficulty is often encountered in bringing the ends of the 552 OPERATIONS ON TENDONS. tendon in contact, and in holding them successfully in this position. The ends of the tendon have first to be freshened, and this may be done by cutting them obliquely, and introducing a suture as shown in Fig. 453. This method Fig. 453. Oblique section of ends of tendon to increase surface of contact. (Stimson.) of section presents a larger raw surface of the tendon for union. When so large a gap exists between the ends of the tendon that they cannot be brought into apposition, a plastic operation may be performed upon their ends, which Fig. 454. Lengthening of retracted tendon by flaps. (Stimson.) often overcomes the difficulty. This consists in making a section half way through the tendons at some distance from their ends, and splitting them toward their divided extremities, and then turning out these flaps and securing their ends by means of sutures. (Fig. 454.) TRACHEOTOMY. 553 Tracheotomy. This operation consists in dividing the tissues over the trachea in the median line of the neck, and after the trachea has been exposed it is opened by dividing two or three of the tracheal rings. The operation of tracheotomy may be required to relieve the dyspnoea dependent upon membranous or diphtheritic laryngitis, growths in the larynx or trachea, growths ex- ternal to these organs causing pressure upon them, oedema of the mucous membrane of the larynx or trachea from inflammation from burns or scalds, or from the inhalation of irritating gases or the swallowing of corrosive liquids. The operation may also be required for the removal of foreign bodies from the larynx, trachea, or from the bronchi, as well as for the relief of the dyspnoea due to their presence, and it is also required in cases of fracture or laceration of the larynx or trachea, and occasionally in cases of spasm of the glottis, and in cases of glossitis, to overcome the mechanical obstruction which prevents the entrance of air into the air-passages. The ease with which the operation is performed varies much in different cases ; it is, as a rule, a much simpler operation in adults than in children. In the latter sub- jects the shortness of the neck, the relatively greater size of the thyroid gland, and the possible presence of the thymus body, the great vascularity of the parts, and the abundance of adipose tissue, render the trachea difficult to expose and open. Under certain circumstances the operation may be per- formed with very few instruments ; but if the surgeon has the choice he will find it convenient to have at hand two small scalpels, one short grooved director, a tenaculum, two aneurism needles which may be used as retractors, one pair of artery forceps, haemostatic forceps, two pairs of dis- secting forceps, a pair of scissors, a sharp-pointed tenotome, a pair of tracheal forceps, a tracheal dilator, tracheotomy tubes, tapes, ligatures, sponges, a flexible catheter, and feathers. The director should be short ; the ordinary 554 TRACHEOTOMY. grooved director is too long to use with satisfaction in operating upon the short necks of children ; so that I have had made a shorter and somewhat broader one, which has a bevelled extremity, which allows it to be passed with ease between the different layers of the tissue. (Fig. 455.) Fig. 455. Author's tracheotomy director. Hcemostatie forceps are also of great use in controlling hemorrhage during the operation in case of the division of vessels which bleed freely, when the operator from the urgency of the case does not think it justifiable to ligature them at the time of their division. They may also be employed und^r similar circumstances to clamp the isthmus of the thyroid gland on either side of the trachea when it becomes necessary to divide it to expose the trachea. A sharp-pointed tenotome is the instrument I prefer to employ in opening the trachea, as its sharp point enables it to be easily thrust into the trachea, and its short cutting surface and the narrowness of the blade obscure as little as possible the line of incision, and thus enable the opera- tor to see exactly where he is cutting. Tracheal dilators of various kinds are employed, but the most satisfactory tracheal dilator which I have employed is that of Golding-Bird (Fig. 456), which is a self-retain- ing instrument ; the blades are slipped through the tracheal incision and are then expanded by turning the screw to which they are attached. Trousseau's tracheal dilator, the blades of which are introduced through the incision in the trachea and are expanded by bringing together the handles, is also a satis- factory instrument (Fig. 457), but is not so useful as the tracheal dilator previously mentioned, as it has to be retained in position by the hand. Tracheal dilators may TRACHEOTOMY. 555 be improvised from bent hairpins or pieces of wire, which will often serve a useful purpose where ordinary dilators cannot be obtained. Fig. 456. Fig. 457. Golding-Bird's tracheal dilator. Trousseau's tracheal dilator. It is also well to have at hand a number of pliable feathers to be used in cleaning the trachea or larynx of mucus or membrane after it has been opened, and by their use this object can be accomplished with little risk of injury to the mucous membrane. Tracheal forceps, which are constructed with a double spring and curved blades are also useful in removing mem- brane or foreign bodies from the larynx above the wound or from the trachea below the tracheal incision. (Fig. 458.) Fig. 458. Tracheal forceps. Tracheotomy-tubes of various shapes are made of silver, aluminum, hard and soft rubber, but the tube which I think is the most satisfactory for general use is a silver quarter-circle tube with a movable collar (Fig. 459), and provided with a fenestrated guide. (Fig. 460). A good tracheotomy-tube is one which inflicts the least possible 556 TRACHEOTOMY. injury upon the mucous membrane of the trachea, and to insure this object the part of the tube within the trachea Fig. 459. Fig. 460. Silver tracheotomy-tube. Silver tracheotomy-tube with fenestrated guide. should lie exactly in its axis, and its free extremity should be capable of as little movement as possible. The trache- otomy-tube is held in position after being introduced by means of tapes attached to the shield of the tube and tied around the neck. Position of Patient for Tracheotomy. The best position in which to place the patient for this operation is that which brings the neck into the greatest prominence, and this can best be obtained by laying the patient upon his back upon a firm table and placing under the shoulders a round cushion ; or an empty wine-bottle, or a roller-pin wrapped in towels will answer the same purpose. If an anaesthetic is not used, the arms should be held by an assistant, which is better than securing them by a binder fastened around the chest, which restricts respiratory movements. OPERATION OF TRACHEOTOMY. 557 Use of an Ancesthetic in Tracheotomy. As a rule, I think it is better not to administer an anaes- thetic in performing this operation, as little pain is expe- rienced, in cases in which the dyspnoea is well marked, after the incision in the skin has been made, and I have seen the dyspnoea which was well marked before the use of the anaesthetic suddenly become so alarming that the trachea had to be opened before it was thoroughly exposed, which is a procedure always attended with risk. So strong is my conviction that the risks of the operation are much increased by the employment of an anaesthetic that in later years I have abandoned its use. Operation of Tracheotomy. The trachea may be opened above the isthmus of the thyroid gland or below it, and these operations constitute respectively the high and low operations. The high operation is generally selected, because at this point the trachea is more superficial and is more easily exposed, whereas in the low operation the trachea is more difficult to expose by reason of its relatively greater depth, the large size and number of the veins, and its proximity to the large arterial trunks. The patient being placed in position, and the best posi- tion is secured by placing a firm pad under the shoulders (Fig. 461), or the head may be dropped over the edge of the table, the object being to secure a free exposure of the neck and to render the trachea as superficial as possi- ble. The operator stands at the head of the patient ; this position I prefer, as it is easier from this point to keep the incisions exactly in the median line of the neck. The operator next makes himself familiar with the landmarks of the neck ; locating the position of the cricoid cartilage, he makes an incision through the skin in the median line of the neck from one and a half to two inches in length, the position of the cricoid cartilage being the middle point. 558 TRACHEOTOMY. There is no disadvantage in making a longer incision if a freer exposure of the parts is required. Having divided the skin, the operator will often see a large vein lying in the superficial fascia — the superficial anterior jugular ; this should be displaced, and the fascia divided upon the director. Fig. 461. r* m&m V 1m' -Cisjy ■:\ : .^y ■■]:::::■ --f. : ! HUB ■';;,. :■':;.;::■■:■,; 1 WtK^ ■%: Position of patient for tracheotomy. The surgeon should keep his incisions strictly in the median line of the neck, for this is the line of safety ; and he should be careful, as the wound increases in depth, not to make the incisions too short, so that it becomes funnel- shaped. When the deep fascia is exposed it should be picked up and divided upon the director, and any large veins in the line of the wound should be carefully displaced, or, if this is impossible, they should be ligated on each side and then divided between the ligatures. The operator now looks for the intermuscular space between the sterno-hyoid and the sterno-thyroid muscles, which can generally be found without difficulty, and the muscles are now separated in this line with the handle of the knife or with the director, and the isthmus of the thy- roid gland will be exposed. The muscles should now be held aside by retractors placed on either side. A caution OPERATION OF TRACHEOTOMY. 559 here as to the use of retractors may not be out of place : the operator should place them himself and allow the assistants to hold them. I once almost lost a case in which I had the trachea exposed, and while I turned aside to pick up a knife with which to open it, my assistant, in replacing a retractor which had slipped, included the movable trachea in the grasp of the retractor, pulling it to one side and completely shutting off respiration ; when I attempted to find the trachea to open it I could only feel the anterior surface of the vertebrae at the bottom of the wound, and it was only when I appreciated what had occurred, and lifted the retractor, allowing the trachea to spring back iuto its normal position, that I was able to open it. Mr. Durham and Mr. Marsh mention somewhat similar cases in which the trachea and vessels were held aside with retractors by assistants until the surgeon had exposed the cervical vertebrae. The operator should carefully explore the wound with the finger, to locate exactly the position of the trachea, and to ascertain, if possible, the presence of any anomalous arteries. The isthmus of the thyroid gland having been exposed, generally a position over the first three tracheal rings, the gland is usually surrounded by a plexus of veins which should be displaced with the director, or, if this is impossible, they should be ligated on each side and divided between the ligatures. The thyroid isthmus is next displaced upward or downward, according as the surgeon desires to open the trachea below or above this body. This is often done without difficulty, especially its upward displacement ; but when there is difficulty in dis- placing it downward, a procedure recommended by Bose may be employed, which consists in making a transverse incision across the cricoid cartilage to divide the layer of fascia by which the isthmus is bound down ; a director is then passed into this incision, and the isthmus is gently depressed without difficulty. Having displaced the isthmus of the thyroid gland upward or downward, the trachea, yellowish-white in 560 TRACHEOTOMY. appearance, covered by the tracheal fascia, should be ex- posed ; this fascia should next be thoroughly broken up with the director or handle of the knife so as to bare the trachea, and in doing this the operator can feel it crepitate under the finger from the suction of air drawn in with inspiration. Having arrived at this stage of the opera- tion the operator should examine the wound to see that it is free from hemorrhage, and he should also replace the retractors so as to expose as large a portion as possible of the trachea, for, be the case ever so urgent, he now feels Fig. 462. Opening the trachea. (Liston.) assured that he can open the trachea in a moment if the breathing should cease. The trachea is now fixed with a tenaculum, introduced into it a little to one side of the median line ; an incision is made into it with a narrow knife from below upward, from one-half to three-fourths of an inch in length (Fig. 462), care being taken to see that this incision is in the median line, for if the trachea be opened by a lateral incision the wound does not heal so promptly and the tracheotomy-tube does not fit well, and its lower extremity may cause injury to the mucous membrane of the trachea. If the wound be a deep one, OPERATION OF TRACHEOTOMY. 561 after fixing the trachea with the tenaculum the operator may lift it slightly from its bed, thereby bringing it more prominently into view and making it more superficial in the wound, thus facilitating its opening. As soon as the incision is made into the trachea there is a gush of air from the wound in the trachea, mixed with blood or mem- brane ; this should be wiped away with a sponge and a tracheal dilator should next be introduced and the trachea should be cleared of membrane, if it is present in the re- gion of the wound, with a feather or with forceps. The tracheotomy-tube is next introduced and is secured in position by tapes tied around the neck. If respiration has ceased, artificial respiration should be resorted to or the use of a tube attached to a bellows, or Fell's apparatus, and these efforts should be continued for at least fifteen minutes, for I have seen resuscitation take place in patients who were apparently dead by a persistent employment of artificial respiration. The care of the tracheotomy-tube is a matter of some importance after its introduction ; the inner tube should be removed at short intervals, washed and replaced, and if the operation has been done for an inflammatory condi- tion of the larynx or trachea a moistened feather should occasionally be passed through the tube into the trachea to withdraw any mncus or membrane which is present. In cases of croup after tracheotomy the use of a spray of steam or of a spray composed of Carbonate of sodium 5j to 5ijss. Glycerin fgij. Water f'5vi. applied by means of a steam atomizer, the spray being directed over the opening of the tube, will be found most satisfactory in softening the discharges and thus facilitat- ing their expulsion through the tube. The tracheotomy-tube is usually allowed to remain in the trachea from five to ten days ; its permanent removal is indicated as soon as the patient is able to breathe through the larynx with the wound in the trachea closed ; its use 562 LARYNGOTOMY. may be required for a longer time, but as soon as the in- dication for its presence has disappeared the sooner it is removed the better, for its presence sometimes sets up a troublesome tracheitis. After its removal the wound rapidly diminishes in size, the healing taking place by granulation and contraction. Difficulty is occasionally met with in the permanent removal of tracheotomy-tubes; for the causes and treatment of this complication the reader is referred to special works upon tracheotomy. Where the operation for tracheotomy is done for the removal of foreign bodies from the air-passages, the steps of the operation are the same, but after the removal of the foreign body the treatment of the wound is somewhat different. If the foreign body has remained in the trachea only for a short time, the wound in the soft parts may be closed by means of sutures or may be allowed to remain open, being covered by a piece of moistened gauze, and the use of the steam spray is here also beneficial for a few days. If, however, the body has remained in the larynx, trachea, or one of the bronchi for some time, and has set up a certain amount of inflammatory trouble, it is better to introduce a tracheotomy-tube and allow it to remain for a few days. If it is found impossible to locate or re- move the foreign body at the time of operation, a trache- otomy-tube should be introduced and allowed to remain until the foreign body is expelled through the tube or removed subsequently by means of forceps. Laryngectomy. In this operation an opening is made into the air-passages through the erico-thyroid membrane. It is a simple opera- tion, and one which is practically free from risk, and can therefore be performed much more rapidly and safely in urgent cases than tracheotomy. In this operation the same objection exists to the use of an anaesthetic as in tracheotomy, and therefore it should be dispensed with. The patient being placed in the recum- LARYNGO-TRACHEOTOMY. 563 bent posture, with the shoulders slightly elevated and the head thrown back to make the neck as prominent as pos- sible, the surgeon feels for the prominence of the thyroid cartilage , and steadying the larynx between the finger and thumb of the left hand, he makes an incision in the median line over the centre of the thyroid cartilage and extending downward for an inch or an inch and a half. The skin and superficial fascia being divided, the fascia between the sterno-hyoid muscles and the areolar tissue is exposed and divided, and the crico-thyroid membrane is exposed. The knife is then passed transversely through the membrane into the larynx, care being taken that both that membrane and the mucous membrane which covers its inner surface are divided at the same time. As soon as the knife enters the cavity of the larynx blood and mucus will be forcibly expelled. The wound should be carefully enlarged and a tube introduced, which differs from the ordinary traclieotomy- tube in being slightly flattened ; this is secured in position by tapes tied around the neck as in the case of the ordi- nary tracheal tube. The only bleeding which is likely to occur is from the crico-thyroid arteries or veins, and if these cannot be avoided, and are divided in the operation, they should be temporarily secured by haemostatic forceps or ligatured, and if the case is not extremely urgent, all bleeding should be arrested before the crico-thyroid mem- brane is incised. The after-treatment of cases of laryngotomy is similar to that of cases of tracheotomy ; the same attention is required in the care of the tube and in the general man- agement of the patient. Laryngo-tracheotomy. This operation consists in making an incision into the air-passages by dividing one or two of the upper rings of the trachea, the crico-tracheal membrane, the cricoid cartilage, and the crico-thyroid membrane. This opera- 564 INTUBATION OF THE LARYNX, tion is employed in cases where, from the age of the patient, the crico-thyroid space is too small to admit of a sufficient opening, or in those in which, for any reason, the surgeon does not deem it advisable to attempt to open the trachea lower down. The incision in the skin and superficial fascia of the neck is made in the same manner as in the operation of laryngotomy, but is carried a little further downward. It may be necessary to displace the isthmus of the thyroid gland downward to expose the upper portion of the trachea, and when the trachea is exposed the incision should be made through this and the cricoid cartilage from below upward. This operation is more often performed in the high operation of tracheotomy than is generally supposed. A tracheotomy tube is introduced through the wound and secured by tapes tied around the neck, and the care of the tube should be similar to that in cases of tracheotomy. Intubation of the Larynx. This procedure, at the present time, is widely employed as a substitute for tracheotomy in the treatment of the Fig. 463. Mouth-gag. INTUBATION OF THE LARYNX. 565 dyspnoea due to inflammatory affections of the larynx or trachea, or stenosis of the larynx; it consists in the intro- duction of a metallic tube into the larynx, which is allowed to remain in place for a few days. The operation has been recently reintroduced to the profession by Dr. O'Dwyer, of New York, who has devised a set of ingenious instruments for the purpose of laryngeal intubation. Fig. 464. Intubation-tube and introductory The instruments required are a mouth-gag (Fig. 463), with which the jaws are separated and held open ; an in- strument for the introduction of the tube, which is fastened to the obturator which fills the cavity of the tube (Fig. Fig. 465. Intubation-tube extractor. 464), and an instrument for extracting the tube after it has been placed in the larynx. (Fig. 465.) The tubes are of metal and have a collar which rests upon the false cords and bulge slightly toward their middle and again taper toward their lower extremity ; at the collar of the tube there is a perforation through which a strand of silk is passed which is made into a loop ; this is used 25 566 INTUBATION OF THE LARYNX. Fig. 466. to allow the operator to remove the tube if on its introduc- tion it is found to have passed into the oesophagus irjstead of the larynx, and also is used to remove the tube if it becomes occluded with mem- brane while in the larynx. The intuba- tion set now in common use is provided with a scale of six tubes ranging in size from such as are suited for a child of one year or less up to the age of twelve or fourteen years. (Fig. 466.) In performing the operation of intu- bation of the larynx the child is placed upon the lap of the nurse or assistant, wrapped in a blanket, and the arms are secured by the nurse holding the elbows so as not to interfere with the respiratory movements. The patient's head is next secured by an assistant, and the position of the head, neck, and body should be as if he were hung from the top of the head, and this position should be firmly maintained dur- ing the insertion of the tube. The mouth-gag is next in- serted upon the left side and the blades dilated so as to open the jaws widely, and as the gag is self-retaining this position is easily maintained. The jaws being thus held open, the operator, sitting on a chair facing the patient (Fig. 467), next introduces the index-finger of the left hand, protected by a strip of adhesive plaster, into the mouth and passes it over the tongue until he feels the epiglottis ; the introducing- instrument to which the tube is attached is held in the right hand, and this is now introduced into the mouth, first seeing that the silken loop is free, and it is swept over the tongue and passed down until it touches the epiglottis; this is hooked up by the index-finger of the left hand and the tube is passed into the larynx; the index-finger of the left hand is then transferred to the edge of the tube, and by drawing upon the trigger of the instrument with the index-finger of the right hand the obturator is detached and the instru- Scale of intubation- tubes. INTUBATION OF THE LARYNX. 567 ment is withdrawn, and before removing the finger it is well to place it upon the head of the tube and to sink it well into the larynx. As soon as the obturator is removed there is usually a violent expiratory effort which is accom- panied by a gush of mucus, muco-purulent matter, or mem- brane from the tube, and after this escapes the breathing Fig. 467. *4 Intubation of the larynx. is usually satisfactorily established. If the operator has passed the tube into the oesophagus and has detached it from the introducing-instrument, no improvement in the respiration takes place ; it should then be withdrawn by the silk loop and attached to the obturator and another attempt should be made to introduce it into the larynx. The mistake which inexperienced operators make in attempting to introduce the tube is in not hugging the 568 INTUBATION OF THE LARYNX. posterior surface of the tongue closely, so that they pass the tube over the epiglottis into the oesophagus. The silken loop may be brought out at one side of the mouth and fastened around the ear or fastened to the side of the face by strips of adhesive plaster for a few hours, so that by drawing upon it the nurse or attendant is able to withdraw the tube instantly if it should become ob- structed with membrane ; or, if it is coughed up, by this means it may be withdrawn from the oesophagus if it has not been expelled from the mouth. Some operators keep the loop attached to the tube during the time it is retained in the larynx. I prefer to remove it after the tube is se- curely placed in the larynx, and remove the tube by means of the extracting-instrument when required. The tube is removed at the end of the second or third day, and if the child is able to breathe comfortably for an hour or two it is not reintroduced ; if, however, the dyspnoea returns it is reintroduced and allowed to remain one or two days longer ; several attempts may have to be made before the tube is permanently removed, but it is usually dispensed with from the third to the eighth day. The most serious complication which is apt to occur during the introduction of the intubation-tube is the de- tachment and pushing of a mass of membrane in front of the tube into the trachea ; if this is too large to be expelled through the tube, the breathing is suddenly arrested. The tube should be removed at once, and if the mass of membrane does not escape upon the expiratory efforts of the patient the trachea should be rapidly opened as the only means of re-establishing the respiratory function. So much do I dread this accident, which has occurred in a few cases, that I never introduce the intubation-tube without having at hand the necessary instruments to do a tracheotomy if it should be suddenly required, and if possible obtain the consent of the parents or friends to perform tracheotomy if it should be indicated. One of the greatest troubles after intubation of the larynx is the satisfactory feeding of the patient ; liquids as a rule are not swallowed well, a portion of them escaping INTUBATION 01 THE LARYNX. 569 into the tube, causing coughing and difficulty in breathing. The diet I usually order is of semi-solids, such as corn- starch, soft-boiled eggs, and mush ; and if these are not FIG. 468. Feeding a case of intubation of the larynx. well swallowed, it may be necessary to resort to nutritious enemata or the use of a stomach-tube to introduce food. Some patients swallow liquids and semi-solids quite well if the head is dropped a little lower than the body during the act of deglutition. (Fig. 468.) 570 OPERATIONS. Operations upon the Kidney. Nephrotomy. In this operation an incision is made into the kidney. The incision for exposure of the kidney is four inches in length, and should be made from a point two and a half inches from the spine, half an inch below the last rib and parallel with it. The latissimus dorsi, external and internal oblique, and transversalis muscles are divided, and the lumbar fascia is opened, exposing the perinephric fat ; the kidney is then reached by displacing this. Lumbar Nephrectomy. The incision is the same as for nephrectomy, but the wound can be enlarged by another incision at right-angles to the first, if more space is required. After the kidney is exposed its capsule is incised, and the finger is passed around the organ to separate it freely from the capsule. When the ureter is recognized it is brought into view, liga- tured, and cut off. The pedicle containing the vessels is next tied, and it is then divided in advance of the ligature with scissors, and the kidney is removed. Abdominal Nephrectomy. To reach the kidney by abdominal incision an incision four inches long is made at the outer border of the rectus muscle; the abdomen is opened and the viscera turned aside ; the kidney is exposed and the capsule is opened ; the ureter is ligated and the vessels are tied and the organ is removed. Nephrorrhaphy. Nephrorrhaphy is an operation in which the kidney is exposed through the same incision as that for nephrotomy, with the object of suturing a movable kidney fast in its INGUINAL COLOTOMY, OB COLOSTOMY. 571 normal position in the back ; when the kidney has been reached a number of sutures are introduced into the cap- sule of the kidney, and secured to the fibrous and muscular tissue of the incision. Operations upon the Colon. Lumbar Colotomy, or Colostomy. In performing lumbar colotomy on the left side, the patient should be placed upon the right side, and a pillow should be placed under the loin to make the left side more prominent. An incision four inches in length is made midway between the last rib and the crest of the ilium, the centre of the incision corresponding to the point mid- way between the anterior superior and posterior superior processes of the ileum ; the tissues are divided to the full Fig. 469. Incision in lumbar colotomy — dotted line shows situation of the colon. extent of the wound, until the lumbar fascia and edge of the quadratus lumborum muscle have been reached ; the former being cut through and the fascia divided, the bowel is exposed, when it is brought to the surface and fastened by sutures and opened. 572 OPERATIONS. Inguinal Colotomy, or Colostomy. In the operation of inguinal colotomy an incision two or three inches in length is made on the left side parallel to and one inch above Poupart ? s ligament, with its centre on the level of the anterior superior spine of the ileum, or a little lower, or as practised by Ball, the colon may be ex- posed by an incision two and a half inches in length, fol- lowing the line of the linea semilunaris, stopping just short of Pou part's ligament, the tissues are divided layer by layer, and the peritoneum is opened ; the skin and parietal peri- toneum may be united by a few sutures, and the gut is then brought out at the wound and fastened to its margins by fine sutures and is next opened. Kemoval of the Appendix Vermiformis. To expose the appendix an incision three to four inches in length at the outer border of the right rectus muscle is made, with its centre on a line drawn between the umbilicus and the anterior superior spine of the ileum ; the tissues are divided layer by layer and the peritoneum is picked up and opened ; the anterior longitudinal band is recog- nized and traced down to its origin at the appendix. When the appendix is found the meso-appendix is liga- tured and the appendix is removed. In removing the appendix a circular incision may be made around it near its base, and the cuff* may be turned back ; the body of the appendix is then ligated, and the turned-back cuff is then brought forward and united by fine silk or catgut sutures. Left Lateral Lithotomy. In performing this operation the patient is placed upon his back, the hands and feet are secured together, the bladder is injected with a few ounces of boric solution ; a grooved staff is introduced into the bladder, and the operator first passes one finger into the rectum to locate SUPRAPUBIC LITHOTOMY. 573 the position of the staff as regards the prostate ; an inci- sion is then made a little to the left of the raphe of the perineum, a quarter to half an inch in front of the anus, Fig. 470. Deep incision in lateral lithotomy. (Fergusson.) and is carried downward by careful strokes of the knife until the staff is reached, about half an inch in front of the prostate. When the point of the knife enters the groove in the staff it is pushed backward, keeping it well in the groove until the prostate is incised and a gush of fluid escapes along the knife ; the index-finger is then in- troduced and the stone-located ; stone forceps are next introduced and the stone is removed. (Fig. 470.) Suprapubic Lithotomy. The operation of opening the bladder above the pubes may be performed for the removal of stone from the blad- der, or for the extirpation of growths, or for drainage of the bladder. The hair on the pubes should be shaved off and the bladder should be injected with a few ounces of fluid and a rubber band tied around the penis ; a small 25* 574 OPERATIONS. rubber bag is then introduced into the rectum empty and filled with air or water. An incision two or three inches in length is made in the median line of the abdomen just above the symphysis pubis, and is deepened gradually until the fascia is reached ; this is divided and exposes the prevesical fat ; when this is displaced the wall of the blad- der is exposed to view. A tenaculum is next introduced into the highest part of the vesical wall to fix it, and a knife is then thrust through the wall of the bladder and the incision is carried downward about an inch. After the bladder is opened forceps are introduced and the cal- culus is removed. If the bladder-walls are healthy, the wound may be sutured with stitches, which do not pass through the mucous coat. The external wound is then sutured and the bladder is drained by a soft catheter passed by the urethra. If the bladder-walls are much diseased, the wound is left open, and drainage is effected by a rubber tube passed through the suprapubic wound in the bladder. Circumcision. Circumcision is performed by drawing the prepuce for- ward and then enclosing it in a pair of clamp-forceps Fig. 471. Circumcision. CHOLECYSTOTOMY. 575 placed obliquely just in front of the glans. (Fig. 471.) The prepuce is next divided with a straight bistoury, the forceps are removed, and the skin and mucous membrane retract. The mucous membrane, if adherent, is dissected loose from the glans, and, if redundant, is trimmed off with scissors to make it correspond to the line of skin incision, and the cut edge of the mucous membrane is next fastened to the cut edge of the skin by a few sutures of silk or cat- gut. Kemoval of the Testicle. In removing the testicle a longitudinal incision is made over the upper part of the gland and cord and the en- velopes of the testicle and cord are divided ; the cord is then exposed and is ligatured, or the different elements of the cord may be separated and tied independently ; the gland is then removed and the cord divided in advance of the ligature. Operation for Varicocele. In operating for varicocele the dilated veins of the sper- matic cord may be ligatured by a subcutaneous ligature passed around the cord, care being taken to see that the vas deferens is not included. Or the veins of the cord are exposed by an incision at the upper part of the scrotum over the cord almost an inch and a half in length. The veins are exposed and the larger portion of them are iso- lated, and two ligatures are passed around the mass of veins about an inch or an inch and a half apart and firmly tied. The portion of the cord between the ligatures is excised and the divided ends of the veins are brought in contact by tying together the ends of the ligatures upon the proximal and distal ends of the veins ; the wound is drained and closed with sutures. Cholecystotomy. An incision three or four inches in length is made verti- cally downward from the lower border of the liver oppo- 576 OPERATIONS. site the tip of the lower border of the tenth rib ; the tissues are divided and the peritoneum is opened. The gall- bladder is then exposed, opened and sutured to the edges of the wound. If the gall-duct is to be explored, this is done with the finger from without or by a probe. After the gall-bladder has been opened and the stone removed, it may be closed by sutures, or it may be left open, its edges being sutured to the external wound. External GEsophagotomy. A sound is passed through the mouth into the oesophagus until its point comes in contact with the stricture of the oesophagus or the foreign body which requires removal. An incision is then made from a point one inch above the sternum to the line of the upper border of the thyroid cartilage on the inner side of the sterno-cleido mastoid muscle ; the anterior jugular vein is displaced, the fascia is divided, the omo-hyoid muscle is drawn aside, the sterno- mastoid muscle and the vessels are drawn to the outer side with blunt hooks, then by dissecting down with the finger the oesophagus is exposed ; the sound which has been passed into the oesophagus can easily be felt, and the oesophagus is incised upon the point of this sound. If a permanent opening is desired, the edges of the oesophagus are sutured to the skin. Gastrostomy. An incision one and a half to two inches is made parallel to and a finger's breadth from the border of the left costal cartilage, ending opposite the border of the tenth rib ; the tissues are divided layer by layer until the peri- toneum is reached (Fig. 472). The latter membrane should be pinched up and opened ; the stomach is recog- nized and brought out of the wound ; the parietal perito- neum is stitched to the skin around the wound, and a fold of the unopened stomach is brought out of the wound OSTEOTOMY. 577 and transfixed by pins. The opening of the stomach is delayed for some days if possible, to allow of the forma- Fig. 472. Anatomical relations of stomach. (Stimson.) tion of adhesions between its surface and the parietal peritoneum. Osteotomy. This operation consists in dividing the bones with a saw or osteotome, and is employed to correct deformities of the bones. Fig. 473. >*s^g. Adams' saw. The instruments employed are a saw with short cutting surface, Adams's saw (Fig. 473), or osteotomes (Fig. 474) ; Fig. 474. ggpSEigBBSa ggg Macewen's osteotome. 3X9 a heavy mallet is used to drive the osteotome through the bone. Osteotomy is employed to correct deformities of the 578 OPERATIONS. femur following coxalgia, and here the femur is divided either at the neck, Adams's operation, or just below the trochanters, Gant's operation. Osteotomy of the Femur below the Trochanters. A puncture is made with a bistoury oil the outer side of the femur just below the great trochanter, and is carried down to the bone ; the blade of the saw is then introduced and the femur is divided by the saw from before backward. The femur may also be divided in this position with an osteotome. Osteotomy for Knock-knee. The operation employed to correct this deformity is a transverse section of the femur above the condyles. (Fig. 475.) In the operation of supra-condyloid osteotomy the Fig. 475. A. Epiphyseal line. C. Line of bone section in supra-condyloid osteotomy. knee is flexed and supported on a sand-bag. A longi- tudinal incision one inch in length is made half an inch OSTEOTOMY. 579 anterior to the tendon of the abductor magnus and a finger's breadth above the internal condyle ; the knife is carried down to the bone, and before it is withdrawn an osteotome is introduced and its edge turned so as to divide the bone transversely. The section of the bone is accom- plished by the use of the osteotome and mallet. After the bone has been divided the deformity is corrected, the wound is closed, and the limb is put up in a plaster-of- Paris dressing in the corrected position. Osteotomy for Bowlegs. To correct this deformity the tibia and fibula are divided at the point of greatest bowing with an osteotome. The fibula is divided first at the point of greatest bowing by an osteotome entered through a puncture over the fibula, and next the tibia is divided in the same manner. The bones being divided, the deformity is corrected and the limb is put up in a plaster-of- Paris dressing in the cor- rected position. Osteotomy may also be employed to correct deformities in other positions, or for the deformity resulting from fractures united in faulty position. INDEX. 4 BDOMINAL aorta, ligation of, i\ 444 nephrectomy, 570 tourniquet, 510 Abscess, acute, 304 chronic, 305 diffused, 306 treatment of, 304 tuberculous, 305 Absorbent cotton, 160 A.-C.-E. mixture, 240 Acid, boric, 130 carbolic, 126 Actual cautery, 186 Acupressure in arterial hemor- rhage, 294 method of, 294 et seq. Acupuncture, 183 needles, 183 Acute abscess, 304 Adductor longus tendon, tenotomy of, 549 Adhesive plaster, 164 Aluminum aceticum, 128 Ambulant method of treatment in fractures of the leg 380 American bandage of foot, 88 Amputating knives, 464 saws, 465 Amputation or amputations, 459 at ankle-joint, 497 Hancock's, 500 PirogofFs, 498 Koux's, 500 Syme's, 497 of arm, 481 circular, 460 details of, 469 at the elbow, 480 Amputation, elliptical, 462 of fingers, 473 flaps in, 460 of the foot, 489 Chorpart's, 495 Hey's, 495 Lisfranc's, 494 Tripier's, 501 of forearm, 479 of hand, 473 carpo-metacarpal, 477 hemorrhage in, control of, 469 of hip-joint, 510 Guthrie's, 512 Wyeth's,513 pins in, 513 instruments for, 464 at knee-joint, 505 Carden's, 506 Gritti's, 507 of leg, 501 of metacarpal bones, 476 of metatarsal bones, 491 modified circular, 463 oval, 462 periosteal flaps in, 464 redressing of, 471 retractors for, 467 above shoulder-joint, 488 at shoulder-joint, 484 Dupuytren's, 486 Larrey's, 485 Lisfranc's, 487 Spence's, 487 Wyeth's pins in, 485 subastragaloid, 497 tarso-metatarsal, 493 Teale's, 463 of thigh, 507 582 INDEX. Amputation of toes, 489 tourniquets in, 469 at wrist, 478 Anaesthesia from chloride of ethyl, 229 from cocaine, 230 from cold, 229 infiltration, 231 local, 229 from rapid respiration, 230 Anaesthetics, 229 in tracheotomy, 557 Aneurism needle, 293 Ankle, dislocations of, 418 Ankle-joint, amputation at, 497 Hancock's, 500 PirogofFs, 498 Boux's, 500 Syme's, 497 excision of, 532 Anomalous dislocations of femur, 415 Anterior crural nerve, excision of, 546 tibial artery, ligation of, 453 tendon, tenotomy of, 548 Antisepsis, 119 Antiseptic bandages, 143 dressing, improvised, 143 method, 123 operation, 150 poultice, 173 Antrum of High more, trephining of, 540 Aorta, abdominal, ligation of, 444 Appendix vermiformis, removal of, 572 Aquae ammonia as rubefacient, 180 as a vesicant, 182 Aristol, 131 Arm, amputation of, 481 and chest bandage, 73 Arteriotomy, 195 Arterial transfusion, 199 hemorrhage, 281 See Hemor- rhage Arteries, ligation of, 424 wounded, treatment of, 299 Arteriversion in arterial hemor- rhage, 292 Artery, anterior tibial, ligation of, 453 axillary, ligation of, 436 brachial, ligation of, 438 common carotid, ligation of, 431 iliac, ligation of, 445 dorsalis pedis, ligation of, 455 external carotid, ligation of, 433 iliac, ligation of, 447 facial, ligation of, 435 femoral, ligation of, 449 gluteal, ligation of, 448 inferior thyroid, ligation of, 430 . innominate, ligation of, 427 internal carotid, ligation of 433 iliac, ligation of, 447 mammary, ligation of, 430 pudic, ligation of, 449 interosseous, ligation of, 444 lingual, ligation of, 434 occipital, ligation of, 435 popliteal, ligation of, 452 posterior tibial, ligation of, 456 radial, ligation of, 440 sciatic, ligation of, 449 subclavian, ligation of, 428 superior thyroid, ligation of, 434 temporal, ligation of, 436 ulnar, ligation of, 442 vertebral, ligation of, 430 Arthrectomy of knee-joint, 531 Artificial respiration, 201 direct method of, 203 Hall's method, 207 Laborde's method, 207 Sylvester's method, 205 Asepsis, 119 Aseptic dressings, improvised, 143 method, 123 operation, 153 Aspiration, 208 Aspirator, 209 Astragalus, dislocation of, 420 excision of, 533 fracture of, 385 Axillary artery, ligation of, 436 INDEX. 583 BACILLUS pyogenes, 121 fcetidus, 121 Bandage or bandages, 13 et seq antiseptic. 143 arm and chest, 73 Barton's, 41 modified, 43 of breast, suspensory and com- pressor, 78 circular, 19 compound 24 crossed, of both eyes, 53 of eye, 52 demi-gauntlet, 60 Desault's, 69 dimensions of, 17 figure-of eight, 23 of chest, 76 of elbow, 63 of knee, 85 of leg, 91 of neck and axilla, 67 of finger, spiral, 57 flannel, 98 of foot, American, 88 French 89 in fractures, 330 gauntlet, 58 Gibson's. 44 glue and zinc, 116 gum and chalk, 114 handkerchief, 29 hardening, 100 bust and neck, 51 Liebreich's. 96 lithotomy, 95 many-tailed, 28 occipitofacial, 54 -frontal, 56 oblique, 20 of head, 55 of jaw, 41 paraffin, 115 plaster-of-Paris, 101 application of, 102 preparation of, 102 removal of, 112 trapping of, 110 recurrent, 24 of head, 47 of stump, 94 Bandage, reversing of, 18 rubber, 98 scissors, 19 silicate of potassium, 115 silicate of sodium, 115 of Scultetus, 97 spica, 22 of foot, 87 of groin, double, 83 single, 80, 8L of shoulder, ascending, 64 descending, 66 of thumb, 61 spiral, 20 of chest, 75 reversed, 21 of lower extremity, 90 of penis, 93 of upper extremity, 62 starched, 114 transverse recurrent, of head, 49 V-, of head, 50 varieties of, 19 Yelpeau's, 68 Bandaging, 13 general rules for, 17 Barton's bandage, 41 modified, 43 handkerchief, 40 Bavarian dressing, 108 Bedsores, 314 Beta-naphtol. 128 Bichloride cotton, 144 of mercury, 125 gauze, 140 Binders' board splints, 117, 328 Bisaxillary cravat, 34 Bladder, hemorrhage from, treat- ment of, 303 irrigation of, 253 Bloodletting, 188 Blood, transfusion of, 195 direct, 196 indirect, 197 Bone chips, preparation of, 220 forceps, 466 grafting, 219 Bouisson's suture, 269 Borated gauze, 142 Boric acid, 130 584 INDEX. Boro-salicylic lotion, 130 Bougies, 247 Bougie, oesophageal, 212 Bowlegs, osteotomy for, 579 Brachial artery, ligation of, 438 plexus, excision of, 544 Bran bags, 329 Bread poultice, 172 Breast, strapping of, 167 Breasts, bandage of, 80 suspensory bandage of, 78 Bromide of ethyl, 241 Bruises, 311 Brush-burn, 312 Buried suture, 260 Burns, 312 Butcher's saw, 517 Buttock, spica bandage of, 84 Button suture, 264 pALCANEUM, dislocation of, \J 420 fracture of, 384 Cantharidal collodion, 181 Cantharidis, ceratum, 181 Capillary hemorrhage, treatment of, 298 Capsicum as rubefacient, 180 Carbolic acid, 126 Carbolized gauze, 141 Carbuncle, strapping of, 170 Carden's amputation at knee-joint, 506 Carpal bones, fracture of, 363 Carpus, dislocation of, 409 of bones of, 410 Cartilages, semilunar, dislocation of, 418 Catgut, 134 sterilization of, 135 Catheters, 245 female, introduction of, 251 flexible, 245 introduction of, 249 metallic, 245 prostatic, 246 securing of, in bladder, 251 Cautery, actual, 186 irons, 186 Paquelin's, 187 Cauterization in arterial hemor- rhage, 291 Ceratum cantharidis, 181 Chain saw, 517 Charcoal poultice, 172 Chemical sterilization in wounds, 146 Chest, Estlander's operation upon, 526 figure-of-eight bandage of, 76 spiral bandage of, 75 strapping of, 167 T-bandage of, 25 Chin, four-tailed bandage of, 28 Chloride of ethyl, 229 of zinc, 1*28 Chloroform, 238 administration of, 238 as rubefacient, 179 as a vesicant, 182 Cholecystotomy, 575 Chopart's amputation of foot, 495 Chronic abscess, 305 Circular bandage, 19 amputation, 460 Circumcision, 574 Clavicle, dislocation of, 399 fracture of, 343 resection of, 525 Clinical thermometer, 226 Closed fracture, 319 Cocaine, 230 local anaesthesia from, 230 Coccyx, dislocation of, 396 excision of, 534 fracture of, 340 Cold, anaesthesia for, 229 in arterial hemorrhage, 289 compresses, 177 water dressings, 177 Colles' fracture, 361 Collodion, cantharidal, 181 Colon, operations on, 571 Colostomy, inguinal, 572 lumbar, 571 Colotomy, inguinal, 572 lumbar, 571 Comminuted fracture, 319 Common carotid artery, ligation of, 431 iliac artery, ligation of, 445 INDEX. 585 Complete dislocation, 393 fracture, 318 Complicated dislocation, 393, 423 fracture, 320 Compound bandages, 24 dislocation, 393, 423 fracture, 319 dressing of, 387 Compresses, 162 cold, 177 hot, 173 in fractures, 330 Condyles of femur, fracture of, 374 Congenital dislocations, 423 Constriction of arteries in arterial hemorrhage, 292 Continued suture, 261 Contused wounds, 309 Contusions, 311 Coronoid process of ulna, fracture of, 358 Costal cartilages, fracture of, 339 Cotton, 160 absorbent, 160 bichloride, 144 Counter-irritation, 178 Creolin, 129 Crossed bandage of eyes, 52 Cupping, 189 dry, 190 glass, 190 wet, 191 Cyanide of mercury and zinc, 131 gauze. 141 Cystoscope, 222 Czerny suture, 270 DEFOEMITY in fracture, 322 Demi-gauntlet bandage, 60 Desault's bandage, 69 Diffused abscess, 306 Digital compression in hemor- rhage, 281 Direct method of artificial respira- tion, 203 transfusion of blood, 196 Disinfection of the hands, 147 Dislocation or dislocations, 393 of the ankle, 418 of astragalus, 420 Dislocation of bones of carpus, 410 of calcaneum, 420 of carpus, 409 of clavicle, 399 of coccyx, 396 complicated, 393, 423 complete, 393 compound, 393, 423 congenital, 423 of elbow, 405 of femur, 412 anomalous, 415 dorsal,412 ischiatic, 412 pubic, 415 thyroid, 413 of fibula, 418 of fingers, 410 of head of humerus, 401 of radius, 407 of hip, 412 of humerus, Kocher's method in, 403 reduction of, 402 subclavicular, 402 subglenoid, 401 subcoracoid, 401 subspinous, 402 of inferior angle of scapula, 400 of jaw, 396 of knee, 417 of metacarpal bones, 410 of metatarsal bones, 421 old, 394, 421 partial, 393 of patella, 416 pathological, 423 of pelvis, 398 of phalanges of toes, 421 of proximal phalanx of thumb, 411 recent, 394 reduction of, 394 of ribs, 398 of scapula, 400 of semilunar cartilages, 418 of shoulder, 401 simple, 393 spontaneous, 423 of sternum, 398 of tarsal bones, 419 586 INDEX. Dislocation of upper end of ulna, 408 of vertebrae, 396 of wrist, 409 Dorsal dislocation of femur, 412 Dorsalis pedis artery, ligation of, 455 Dorso-axillary cravat, 35 -bisaxillary cravat, compound, . 36 Dressing, antiseptic, improvised, 143 aseptic, improvised, 143 cold water, 177 gauze, 1 39 moss, 142 sawdust, 142 sterilized, 145 Drainage-tubes, 136 Dry cupping, 190 sterilized dressings, 145 Dupuytren's amputation at the shoulder, 486 splint, 384 ELASTIC ligature, 279 Elbow, amputation at, 480 dislocations of, 405 figure-of-eight bandage of, 63 -joint, excision of, 520 Electrolysis, 220 Elliptical amputation, 462 Enemata, 228 nutritious, 228 Epiphyseal fracture, 322 of radius, 363 Epistaxis, treatment of, 300 Erichsen's ligature, 278 Esmarch's bandage and tube, 287 Estlander's operation of chest, 526 Ether, 233 administration of, 234 first insensibility from, 235 inhaler, 234 vomiting after, 237 Ethyl bromide, 241 chloride, 227 Excision or excisions, 516 Excision of ankle-joint, 532 of astragalus, 533 of coccyx, 534 of elbow-joint, 520 of hip-joint, 528 anterior, 529 of inferior maxilla, 536 instruments for, 517, 518 of inter-pbalangeal joints, 524 of knee-joint, 530 metacarpophalangeal joints, 524 of os calcis, 533 of patella, 531 of scapula, 527 of shoulder-joint, 519 of superior maxilla, 535 of wrist, 522 Exploring-needle, 216 -trocar, 217 Extensor longus digitorum, tenot- omy of, 549 proprius pollicis, tenotomy of, 549 External carotid artery, ligation of, 433 iliac artery, ligation of, 447 External popliteal nerve, excision of, 546 Eye, crossed bandage of, 52 crossed bandage of both, 53 Facial artery, ligation of, 435 nerve, excision of, 544 FABADIZATION, 222 Fascia, strains of, 317 Felt splints, 328 Femoral artery, ligation of, 449 Femur, dislocation of, 412 anomalous, 415 dorsal, 412 ischiatic 412 pubic, 415 thyroid, 413 upper extremity of, 366 fracture of, 366 condyles of, 374 green-stick, 373 incomplete, 373 neck of, 366 INDEX 587 Femur, fracture of lower end of, 374 shaft of, 370 in children, 372 osteotomy of, 578 Fomentations, hot, 173 Fibula, dislocations of, 418 fracture of, 382 of lower end of, 383 Pott's fracture of, 383 resection of, 531 Figure-of-eight bandage, 23 of chest, 76 of elbow, 63 of knee, 85 of leg, 91 of neck and axilla, 67 Fingers, amputation of, 473 dislocation of, 410 phalanges, fractures of, 365 spiral bandage of, 57 Fixed dressings, 100 Flap amputations, 460 Flannel bandage, 98 Flat knot, 257 Flaxseed poultice, 171 Flexible catheter, 245 Flexor longus digitorum, tenotomy of, 549 pollicis, tenotomy of, 549 Foot, American bandage of, 88 amputation of, 489 Chopart's, 495 Hey's, 495 Lisfranc's, 494 Tripier's, 501 French bandage of, 89 spica bandage of, 87 Forearm, amputation of, 479 dislocation of, at elbow, 405 fracture of both bones of, 358 Forced respiration, 207 Forceps, haemostatic, in hemor- rhage, 286 Fracture or fractures, 318 of astragalus, 385 bandages in, 330 -bed, 327 of bones of forearm, 358 of leg, 377 -box, 329 of calcaneum, 384 Fracture of carpal bones, 363 of clavicle, 343 closed, 319 of coccyx, 340 Oolles', 361 comminuted, 319 complete, 318 complicated, 320 compound, 319 dressing of, 387 compresses in, 330 coronoid process of ulna, 358 of costal cartilages, 339 deformity in, 322 direction of, 321 epiphyseal, 322 evaporating lotions in, 330 examination of, 323 of the femur, 366 of the fibula, 382 green-stick, 318 of bones of forearm, 358 of head and neck of radius, 358 of the humerus, 350 of hyoid bone, 337 impacted, 320 incomplete, 318 of larynx, 337 of the leg, ambulant method in, 380 longitudinal 321 of lower end of femur, 374 of fibula, 383 maxilla, 334 end of radius, 360 of malar bone, 333 of metacarpal bones, 364 of metatarsal bones, 386 multiple, 319 of nasal bones, 331 of neck of femur, 366 oblique, 321 of olecranon process of ulna, 356 open, 319 dressing of, 387 partial, 318 of patella, 375 of pelvis, 340 of phalanges of fingers, 365 of toes, 386 588 INDEX. Fracture, plaster-of-Paris splints in, 329 provisional dressing of, 324 of radius, epiphyseal, 363 repair of, 322 of ribs, 338 of sacrum, 340 of scapula, 349 setting of, 326 of shaft of femur, 370 in children, 372 simple, 319 of skull, 342 splints for, 327 of sternum, 339 of tarsal bones, 384 of tibia and fibula, 377 of trachea, 337 of upper extremity of femur, ~366 maxilla, 333 varieties of, 318 of vertebrae, 341 of zygoma, 333 Franklinization, 222 French bandage of foot, 89 Frontal sinus, trephining of, 540 GALVANO-CAUTERY, 221 Gastrostomy, 576 sutures in, 273 Gauze, bichloride of mercury, 140 borated, 142 carbolized, 141 cyanide of mercury and zinc, 141 dressings, 139 preparation of, 139 iodoform, 140 pads, 133 pledgets, 133 pyoktanin, 142 salicylated, 142 Gauntlet bandage, 58 Gely's suture, 268 Gibson's bandage, 44 Glover's suture, 261 Glue and zinc bandage, 116 Gluteal artery, ligation of, 448 Gluteo-femoral triangle, 38 Gluteo-inguinal cravat, 38 Glycerin enema, 228 Granny knot, 258 Green-stick fracture, 318 of bones of forearm, 358 of femur, 373 Gritti's amputation at knee-joint, 507 Groin, spica bandage of, double, 83 single, 80, 81 Gum and chalk bandage, 114 Gunshot-wounds, 311 Guthrie's amputation at hip-joint, 512 Gutta-percha splints, 328 HALL'S method of artificial res- piration, 207 Halstead's quilt suture, 268 Hamstring tendons, tenotomy of, 549 Hancock's amputation at ankle- joint, 500 Hand, amputation of, 473 carpo-metacarpal, 477 disinfection of, 147 Handkerchief bandages, 29 Barton's, 40 Harelip suture, 262 Haemostatic forceps, 286 Hatter's felt splints, 118 Head and neck bandage, 51 four-tailed bandage of, 28 oblique bandage of, 55 of radius, dislocation of, 407 recurrent bandage of, 47 transverse recurrent bandage of, 49 V-bandage of, 50 Heat as a sterilizer, 124 Hemorrhage in amputations, con- trol of, 469 arterial, 281 acupressure in, 294 arteriversion in, 292 cauterization in, 291 cold in, 289 control of, permanent, 288 temporary, 281 compresses in, 282 INDEX. 589 Hemorrhage, arterial, constriction of arteries in, 292 digital compression in, 281 Esmarch's tube in, 284 haemostatic forceps in, 286 hot water in, 289 ligation in, 293 position in, 289 pressure in, 290 Spanish windlass in, 283 styptics in, 289 torsion in, 291 tourniquets in, 282 from bladder, treatment of, 303 capillary, treatment of, 298 from middle meningeal artery, trephining for, 539 from the rectum, treatment of, 303 secondary, treatment of, 298 treatment of, 280 from the urethra, treatment of, 302 venous, treatment of, 297 Hernia, femoral, truss for, 243 inguinal, truss for, 242 irreducible, truss for, 245 umbilical, truss for, 244 Hey's amputation of foot, 495 Hip, dislocations of, 412 -joint, amputation at, 510 Guthrie's, 510 Wyeth's, 513 excision of, 528 anterior, 529 Hoey's clamp, 285 Hot compresses, 173 fomentations, 173 water in arterial hemorrhage, 289 as a rubefacient, 178 Humerus, dislocation of head of, 401 fracture of, 350 resection of, 520 subclavicular dislocation of, 402 subcoracoid dislocation of, 401 subglenoid dislocation of, 401 subspinous dislocation of, 402 Hydrogen peroxide, 129 Hyoid bone, dislocationof, 397 fracture of, 337 Hypodermic injections, 214 TCE-BAG, 177 1 Immediate irrigation, 174 Impacted fracture, 320 Improvised antiseptic dressings, 1 43 aseptic dressings, 143 Incised wounds, 307 Incomplete fracture, 318 of femur, 373 India-rubber suture, 263 Indirect transfusion of blood, 1 97 Inferior dental nerve, excision of, 543 thyroid artery, ligation of, 430 Infiltration anaesthesia, 231 Inguinal colostomy, 572 colotomy, 572 Injections, hypodermic, 204 urethral, 253 Innominate artery, ligation of, 427 Instruments, sterilization of, 148 Internal carotid artery, ligation of, . . 433 iliac artery, ligation of, 447 mammary artery, ligation of. 430 popliteal nerve, excision of, 546 pubic artery, ligation of, 449 Interosseous artery, ligation of, 444 Inter-pharyngeal joints, excision of, 524 Interrupted plaster-of-Paris dress- ing, 104 suture, 259 Intestinal anastomosis, sutures in, 271 Intravenous injection of milk, 200 of saline solution, 199 Intubation of larynx, 564 instruments for, 565 operation of, 566 Iodoform, 127 collodion, 127 emulsion, 127 gauze, 140 26 590 INDEX. Iodol, 131 Irrigation, 174 immediate, 174 mediate, 176 Ischiatic dislocation of femur, 412 Isinglass plaster, 165 Issues, 183 JACKET, plaster-of-Paris, 105 Jaw, dislocation of, 396 lower, excision of, 536 fracture of ? 334 oblique bandage of, 46 upper, excision of, 535 fracture of, 333 Jobert's suture, 270 Joints, strapping of, 170 Junk bags, 329 Jury-mast with plaster-of-Paris jacket, 108 Jute, 161 KIDNEY, operations on, 570 Knee, dislocation of, 417 figure-of-eight bandage of, : 85, 86 -joint, amputation at, 505 Carden's, 506 Gritti's, 507 arthrectomy of, 531 excision of, 530 Knives, amputating, 464 Knock-knee, osteotomy for, 578 Kreolin, 129 T ABOKDE'S method of artificial Jj respiration, 207 Lacerated wounds, 308 Larrey's amputation at the shoul- der-joint, 485 Laryngo- tracheotomy, 563 Laryngotomy, 562 Larynx, fracture of, 337 intubation of, 564 Leather splints, 116, 328 Leeching, 191 Leeches, 191 Leg, amputation of, 501 Leg, figure-of-eight bandage of, 91 fractures of, 377 Lembert's suture, 267 Liebreich's bandage, 96 Ligation of abdominal aorta, 444 of anterior tibial artery, 453 of arteries, 424 of axillary artery, 431 of brachial artery, 438 of common carotid artery, 431 iliac artery, 445 of dorsalis pedis artery, 455 of external carotid artery, 433 iliac artery, 447 of the facial artery, 435 of femoral artery, 449 of gluteal artery, 448 of inferior thyroid artery, 430 of innominate artery, 427 of internal carotid artery, 433 iliac artery, 447 mammary artery, 430 pudic artery, 449 of interosseous artery, 444 of lingual artery, 434 of occipital artery, 435 of popliteal artery, 452 of posterior tibial artery, 456 of radial artery, 440 of sciatic artery, 449 of subclavian artery, 428 of superior thyroid artery, 434 of temporal artery, 436 of ulnar artery, 442 of vertebral artery, 430 in arterial hemorrhage, 293 Ligature, elastic, 279 securing of, 257 in vascular growths, 274 double, 275 Erichsen's, 278 quadruple, 276 single, 275 subcutaneous, 277 Lingual artery, ligation of, 434 nerve, excision of, 543 Lint, 158 Lisfranc's amputation of foot, 494 at the shoulder-joint, 487 Lister's aorta-compressor, 285 Lithotomy bandage, 95 INDEX. 591 Lithotomy, lateral, 572 Local anaesthesia, 229 Longitudinal fracture, 321 Lower jaw, fracture of, 334 Lumbar colostomy, 571 colotomy, 571 nephrectomy, 570 MACKINTOSH, 138 Malar bone, fracture of, 333 Many-tailed bandage, 28 Massage, 224 Maxilla, inferior, excision of, 536 lower, fracture of, 334 superior, excision of, 535 upper, fracture of, 333 Mechanical leech, 192 Mediate irrigation, 176 Median nerve, excision of, 545 Mento vertico-oceipital cravat, 32 Mercury, bichloride, 125 Metacarpal bones, amputation of, 476 dislocation of, 410 fracture of, 364 resection of, 524 Metacarpophalangeal joints, ex- cision of, 524 Metallic cathether, 245 Metatarsal bones, amputation of, 491 dislocation of, 421 fracture of, 386 resection of, 534 Milk, intravenous injection of, 200 Minor surgery, 119 Modified circular amputation, 463 Moist dressings in wounds, 146 method of dressing wounds, 154 sterilized dressings, 145 Moss- dressing, 142 Moulded plaster-of-Paris splints, 110 Mouth-to-mouth inflation, 202 Moxa, 184 Multiple fracture, 319 Muscle -grafting, 220 Muscles, strains of, 317 Musculo-spiral nerve, excision of, 546 Muslin, oiled, 161 Mustard foot-bath, 179 papers, 180 plaster, 179 as rubefacient, 179 NASAL bones, fracture of, 331 Neck and axilla, figure-of- eight bandage of, 67 Needles, acupuncture, 183 aneurism, 293 exploring-, 216 -holder, 256 mounted, 256 surgical, 255 Nephrectomy, abdominal, 570 lumbar, 570 Nephrorrhaphy, 570 Nephrotomy, 570 Nerve, anterior crural, excision of, 546 external popliteal, excision of, 546 facial, excision of, 544 -grafting, 220, 541 _ _ inferior dental, excision of, 543 internal popliteal, excision of, 546 lingual, excision of, 543 median, excision of, 545 musculo-spiral, excision of, 546 ^ operations upon, 540 radial, excision of, 545 sciatic, excision of, 546 spinal accessor excision of, 545 -stretching, 540 superior maxillary, excision of, 543 supra-orbital, excision of, 542 suture of, 541 ulnar, excision of, 545 Neurectasy, 540 of special nerves. See under each nerve. Neurotomy, 540, 541 Neuroplasty, 541 Neurorrhaphy, 541 Nitrate of silver as rubefacient, 180 592 INDEX. Nitrous oxide gas, 232 Normal salt-solution, 199 Nose, T-bandage of, 27 Nutritious enemata, 228 AAKUM, 159 \J poultice, 173 Oblique bandage, 20 of head, 55 of jaw, 46 fracture, 321 Occipital artery, ligation of, 435 Occipto-facial bandage, 54 -frontal bandage, 56 triangle, 32 (Esophageal bougie, 212 (Esophagotomy, external, 576 Oiled muslin, 161 silk, 161 Old dislocation, 394, 421 Olecranon process of ulna, fracture of, 356 Open fracture, 319 dressing of, 387 Operation or operations, 424 antiseptic, 150 aseptic, 153 preparation of patient for, 149 of surgeon for, 148 Os calcis, excision of, 533 Osteotomy, 577 for bowlegs, 579 of femur, 578 for knock-knee, 578 Oval amputation, 462 PANELECTEOSCOPE, 224 Paper splints, 329 Paquelin's cautery as rubefacient, 180 thermo-cautery, 187 Paraffin bandage, 115 paper, 161 Parchment paper, 139, 162 Partial dislocation, 393 fracture, 318 Passive motion, 225 Pasteboard splints, 117 Patella, dislocations of, 416 Patella, excision of, 531 fracture of, 375 Pathological dislocations, 423 Pelvis, dislocation of, 498 fracture of, 340 Penis, spiral reversed bandage of, 93 Periosteal flaps in amputation, 464 Periosteotome, 467 Permanganate of potassium, 130 Peroneal tendons, tenotomy of, 548 Peroxide of hydrogen, 129 Petit' s tourniquet, 283 Phalanges of fingers, dislocation of, 410 fractures of, 365 of toes, dislocation of, 421 fractures of, 386 PirogofF's amputation at ankle- joint, 498 Plate suture, 265 Plaster or plasters, 164 adhesive, 164 isinglass, 165 mustard, 179 -of-Paris bandage, 101 application of, 102 preparation of, 102 removal of, 112 dressing, interrupted, 104 uses of, 113 jacket, application of, 105 with jury-mast, 108 removal of, from hands, 111 splints in fracture, 329 moulded, 110 resin, 164 rubber adhesive, 164 soap, 165 swan's-down, 164 poisoned wounds, 310 Popliteal artery, ligation of, 452 Porous felt splints, 118 Position in arterial hemorrhage, 289 Posterior tibial artery, ligation of, 456 tendon, tenotomy of, 548 Potassium, permanganate, 130 Pott's fracture of fibula, 383 INDEX. 593 Poultices, 170 antiseptic, 173 bread, 172 charcoal, 172 flaxseed, 171 oakum, 173 starch, 172 Powder-burns, 311 Pressure in arterial hemorrhage, 290 Prostatic catheter, 246 Protective, 138 Provisional dressing of fracture, 324 Pubic dislocation of femur, 415 Puncturation, 189 Punctured wounds, 310 Pyoktanin, 130 gauze, 142 QUADRUPLE ligature, 276 Quilled suture, 264 Quilt suture, 263 RADIAL artery, ligation of, 440 nerve, excision of, 545 Radius, dislocation of head of, 407 fracture of head and neck of, 358 of lower end of, 360 resection of, 521 Rapid respiration, anaesthesia from, 230 Raw-hide splints, 116 Recent dislocations, 394 Rectal bougie, 227 tube, 227 Rectum, hemorrhage from, treat- ment of, 303 Recurrent bandage, 24 of head, 47 of stump, 94 Reduction of dislocations, 394 Reef knot, 257 Resections, 516 of clavicle, 525 of fibula, 531 of humerus, 520 instruments for, 517, 518 of metacarpal bones, 524 Resections of metatarsal bones, 534 of radius, 521 of ribs, 526 of sternum, 527 of tibia, 531 of ulna, 521 Respiration, artificial, 201 forced, 207 rapid, anaesthesia from, 230 Resin plaster, 164 Retractors, 163 Ribs, dislocation of, 398 fracture of, 338 resection of, 526 Roller bandage, 14 double, 16 single, 16 Roux's amputation at ankle-joint, 500 Rubber adhesive plaster, 164 bandage, 98 dam, 139 tissue, 139, 161 Rubefacients, 178 SACRUM, fracture of, 340 Salicylated gauze, 142 Saline solution, intravenous injec- tion of, 199 Salt-solution, normal, 199 Sand-bags, 329^ Saws, amputating, 465 Butcher's, 517 Sawdust dressing, 142 Scalds, 312 Scapula, dislocation of, 400 dislocation of inferior angle of, 400 excision of, 527 fracture of, 349 Scarification, 188 Sciatic artery, ligation of, 449 nerve, excision of, 546 Scultetus, bandage of, 97 Secondary hemorrhage, treatment of, 298 sutures, 255 Semilunar cartilages, dislocation of, 418 sepsis 119 26* 594 INDEX. Septic wounds, dressing of, 157 Serum, injections of, 215 Seton, 184 needle, 185 Shotted suture, 265 Shoulder, dislocation of, 401 -joint, amputation above, 488 at, 484 Dupuytren's, 486 Larre>'s, 485 Lisfranc's, 487 Spence's, 487 excision of, 519 spica bandage of, ascending, 64 descending, 66 Signorini's tourniquet, 285 Silicate of potassium bandage, 115 of sodium bandage, 115 Silk, oiled, 161 sterilization of, 134 Silkworm-gut, 134 Simple dislocation, 393 fracture, 319 Sinapisms, 179 Sinus, 307 Skin-grafting, 217 Thiersch's method, 218 Skull, fracture of, 342 trephining of, 538 Slings, 28 Soap plaster, 165 Sounds, 249 Spanish windlass, 283 Spence's amputation at shoulder- joint, 487 Spica bandage, 22 of buttock, 84 of foot, 87 of groin, double, 83 of groin, single, 80, 81 of shoulder, ascending, 64 descending, 66 of thumb, 61 Spinal accessory nerve, excision of, 545 Spiral bandage, 20 of chest, 75 of finger, 57 reversed bandage, 21 of lower extremity, 90 of penis, 93 Spiral reversed bandage of upper extremity, 62 Spirits of turpentine, 178 Splints, 327 binder's board, 117, 328 Dupuytren's, 384 felt, 328 gutta-percha, 328 hatter's felt, 118 leather, 116, 328 paper, 329 pasteboard, 117 porous felt, 118 raw-hide, 116 Sponges, sterilization of, .1 32 Spontaneous dislocations, 423 Sprains, 315 fracture, 317 Staffordshire knot, 259 Staphylococcus pyogenes albus, 121 aureus, 121 citreus, 121 Starched bandage, 114 Starch poultice, 172 Sterilization of catgut, 135 by heat, 124 of instruments, 148 of silk, 134 of sponges, 132 Sterilized dressings, dry, 145 moist, 145 Sterno-cleido-mastoid, tenotomy of, 550 Sternum, dislocation of, 398 fracture of, 339 resection of, 527 Stomach pump, 211 tube, 210 Strains of muscles and fascia, 317 Strapping, 165 breast, 167 of carbuncle, 170 chest, 167 of joints, 170 testicle, 166 of ulcers, 168 Streptococcus pyogenes, 121 Stump, recurrent bandage of, 94 Styptics in arterial hemorrhage, 289 INDEX. 595 Subastragaloid amputation, 497 Subclavian artery, ligation of, 428 Subclavicular dislocation of hu- merus, 402 Subcoracoid dislocation of humerus, 401 Subcutaneous ligature, 277 Subcuticular suture, 262 Subglenoid dislocation of humerus, 401 Subspinous dislocation of humerus, 402 Sulpho-carbolate of zinc, 128 Superior maxillary nerve, excision of, 543 thyroid artery, ligation of, 434 Supra-orbital nerve, excision of, 542 pubic lithotomy, 573 Surface thermometer, 226 Surgeon's knot, 258 preparation for operation, 148 Surgery, minor, 119 Surgical cleanliness, 122 needles, 255 Suspensory bandage of breast, 37 and compressor bandage of breast, 78 Sutures, 254 of approximation, 255 Bouisson's, 269 buried, 260 button, 264 of coaptation, 255 continued, 261 Czerny, 270 in gastrostomv, 273 Gely's, 268 Glover's, 261 Halstead's, 268 harelip, 262 India-rubber, 263 interrupted, 259 in intestinal anastomosis, 271 Jobert's, 270 of nerves, 541 plate, 265 quilled, 264 quilt, 263 of relaxation, 255 removal of, 266 Sutures, subcuticular, 262 secondary, 255 securing of, 257 shotted, 265 of tendons, 550 tongue and groove, 265 twisted, 262 varieties of, 259 Sylvester's method of artificial res- piration, 205 Sy rue's amputation at ankle-joint, 497 TAMPOX, 162 Tarsal bones, dislocation of, 419 fracture of, 384 Tarso-metatarsal amputations, 493 T-bandages, 24 of chest, 25 double, 26 of nose, 27 single, 24 Teale's amputation, 463 Temporal artery, ligation of, 436 Tenaculum, 293 Tendo Achillis, tenotomy of, 547 Tendons, lengthening of, 552 operations upon, 547 suture of, 550 secondary, 551 Tenotomes, 547 Tenotomy, 547 of adductor longus, 549 of anterior tibial tendon, 548 of extensor proprius pollicis, 549 of flexor longus digitorum, 549 of flexor longus pollicis, 549 of hamstring tendons, 549 of peroneal tendons, 548 of posterior tibial tendon, 548 of sterno-cleido-mastoid, 550 of tendo Achillis, 547 Tent, 162 Testicle, removal of, 575 strapping of, 166 Thiersch's method of skin-grafting, 218 596 INDEX. Thigh, amputation of, 507 Thumb, dislocation of proximal phalanx of, 411 spica bandage of, 61 Thyroid dislocation of femur, 413 Tibia, fracture of, 377 resection of, 531 Toes, amputation of, 489 fracture of phalanges of, 386 Tongue and groove suture, 265 Torsion in arterial hemorrhage, 291 Tourniquets, 283, 285 abdominal, 510 in amputation, 469 Petit's^ 283 Signorini's, 285 Trachea, fracture of, 337 Tracheal dilators, 554 forceps, 555 Tracheotomy, 553 after-treatment of, 561 anaesthetics in, 557 for foreign bodies, 562 operation of, 557 position of patient for, 556 tube, 556 Transfusion of blood, 195 arterial, 199 of blood, direct, 196 indirect, 197 Transverse fracture, 321 recurrent bandage of head, 49 Trapping plaster-of- Paris bandage, 110 Trephining the antrum of High more, 540 of frontal sinus, 540 for hemorrhage from middle meningeal artery, 539 m the skull, 538 Tripier's amputation of foot, 501 Trusses, 241 for femoral hernia, 243 for inguinal hernia, 242 for irreducible hernia, 245 for umbilical hernia, 244 Tuberculous abscess, 305 Turpentine stupes, 178 Twisted suture, 262 ULCEKS, strapping of, 168 Ulna, dislocation of upper end of, 408 fracture of coronoid pro- cess of, 358 of olecranon process of, 356 resection of, 521 Ulnar artery, ligation of, 442 nerve, excision of, 545 Upper extremity, spiral reversed bandage of, 62 jaw, fracture of, 333 Urethra, hemorrhage from, treat- ment of, 302 Urethral injections, 253 Urethroscope, 223 yACCINATION, 212 V Varicocele, operation for, 575 Vascular growths, ligatures in ; 274 V-bandage of head, 50 Velpeau's bandage, 68 Venesection, 193 Venous hemorrhage, treatment of, 297 Vertebrae, dislocations of, 395 fracture of, 341 Vertebral artery, ligation of, 430 Vesicants, 181 Vomiting after ether, 237 WAXED paper, 161 Wet cupping, 191 Wood-wool, 161 Wounded arteries, treatment of, 299 Wounds, asepsis in, method of se- curing, 145 chemical sterilization in, 146 contused, 309 dressing of, 307 dry dressings in, 145 gunshot, 311 incised, 307 lacerated, 308 moist dressings in, 146, 154 poisoned, 310 punctured, 310 INDEX. 597 Wounds, reapplication of dressings in. 154 Wrist, amputation at, 478 dislocations of, 409 excision of, 522 Wveth's amputation at hip-joint, 513 Wyeth's pins in amputation at hip- joint, 513 at shoulder-joint, 485 ZIXC chloride, 128 sulpho-carbolate, 1^8 Zygoma, fracture of, 333 Catalogue of Books PUBLISHED BY Lea Brothers & Company, 706, 708 & 710 Sansom St., Philadelphia, in Fifth Avenue (Corner 1 8th Street), New York. 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Comprising the Pronunciation, Derivation and Full Explanation of Medical Terms. Together with much Collateral Descriptive Matter, Numerous Tables, etc. In one square octavo volume of 658 pages. Cloth, S4.25 ; half leather, $4.50 ; full sheep, $5. Thumb-letter Index for quick use, 50 cents extra DUNCAN (J.' MATTHEAVS). CLINICAL LECTURES ON THE DISEASES OF WOMEN. Delivered in St. Bartholomew's Hospital. In one octavo volume of 175 pages. Cloth, $1.50. DUNGL.ISON (ROBLEY). A DICTIONARY OF MEDICAL SCI- ENCE. Containing a full explanation of the various subjects and terms of Anatomy, Physiology, Medical Chemistry, Pharmacy, Phar- macology, Therapeutics, Medicine, Hygiene, Dietetics, Pathology, Sur- gery, Ophthalmology, Otology, Laryngology, Dermatology, Gynecol- ogy, Obstetrics, Pediatrics, Medical Jurisprudence, Dentistiy, etc., etc. By Robley Dunglisox, M. D., LL. D., late Professor of Institutes of Medicine in the Jefferson Medical College of Philadelphia. Edited by Richard J. 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A new American, from the thirteenth English edition, thoroughly revised. In one imperial octavo volume of 1118 pages, with 636 large and elaborate engravings. Price, with illustrations in colors, cloth, $7 ; leather, $8. Price, with illus- trations in black, cloth, $6 ; leather, $7. GRAY (LANDON CARTER). A TREATISE ON NERVOUS AND MENTAL DISEASES. For Students and Practitioners of Medicine. New (2d) edition. In one handsome octavo volume of 728 pages, with 172 engravings and 3 colored plates. Cloth, $4.75 ; leather, $5.75. Just ready. GREEN (T. HENRY). AN INTRODUCTION TO PATHOLOGY AND MORBID ANATOMY. New (7th) American from the eighth London edition. In one handsome octavo volume of 595 pages, with 224 engravings and a colored plate. Cloth, $2.75. GREENE (WILLIAM H.). A MANUAL OF MEDICAL CHEM- ISTRY. For the Use of Students. Based upon Bowman's Medical Chemistry. In one 12mo. vol. of 310 pages, with 74 illus. Cloth, $1.75. GROSS (SAMUEL D.). 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Cloth, $3. Lea Beothees & Co.'s Publications. HARE (HOBART AMORY). A TEXT-BOOK OF PKACTICAL THERAPEUTICS, with Special Reference to the Application of Remedial Measures to Disease and their Employment upon a Rational Basis. With articles on various subjects by well-known specialists. New (5th) and revised edition. In one octavo volume of 740 pages. Cloth, $3.75 ; leather, $4.75. Just ready. HARE (HOBART AMORY), EDITOR. A SYSTEM OF PRAC- TICAL THERAPEUTICS. By American and Foreign Authors. In a series of contributions by 78 eminent Physicians. Three large octavo volumes comprising 3544 pages, with 434 engravings. Price per volume, cloth, $5 ; leather, $6 ; half Russia, $7. For sale by sub- scription only. Address the publishers. HARTSHORNE (HENRY). ESSENTIALS OF THE PRINCIPLES AND PRACTICE OF MEDICINE. Fifth edition. In one 12mo. volume, 669 pages, with 144 engravings. Cloth, $2.75 ; half bound, $3. A HANDBOOK OF ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY. 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Cloth, $4.50 HOFFMANN (FREDERICK) AND POWER (FREDERICK B.). A MANUAL OF CHEMICAL ANALYSIS, as Applied to the Examination of Medicinal Chemicals and their Preparations. Third edition, entirely rewritten and much enlarged. In one handsome octavo volume of 621 pages, with 179 engravings. Cloth, $4.25. HOLDEN (LUTHER). LANDMARKS, MEDICAL AND SURGI- CAL. From the third English edition. With additions by W. W. Keen, M. D. In one royal 12mo. volume of 148 pages. Cloth, $1. HOLLAND (SIR HENRY). MEDICAL NOTES AND REFLEC- TIONS. From third English edition. In one 8vo. volume of 493 pages. Cloth, $3.50. Lea Brothers & Co.'s Publications. HOLMES (TIMOTHY). A TREATISE ON SURGERY. Its Prin- ciples and Practice. A new American from the fifth English edition. Edited by T. Pickering Pick, F.R.C.S. In one handsome octavo vol- ume of 1008 pages, with 428 engravings. Cloth, $6 ; leather, $7. A SYSTEM OF SURGERY. With notes and additions by various American authors. Edited by John H. Packard, M. D. In three very handsome 8vo. volumes containing 3137 double-columned pages, with 979 engravings and 13 lithographic plates. Per volume, cloth, $6 ; leather, $7 ; half Russia, $7.50. For sale by subscription only. HORNER (WILLIAM E.). SPECIAL ANATOMY AND HIS- TOLOGY. Eighth edition, revised and modified. In two large 8vo. volumes of 1007 pages, containing 320 engravings. Cloth, $6. HUDSON (A.). LECTURES ON THE STUDY OF FEVER. In one octavo volume of 308 pages. Cloth, $2.50. HUTCHINSON (JONATHAN). SYPHILIS. In one pocket-size 12mo. volume of 542 pages, with 8 chromo-lithographic plates. Cloth, $2.25. See Series of Clinical Manuals, p. 13. HYDE (JAMES NEVINS). A PRACTICAL TREATISE ON DIS- EASES OF THE SKIN. Third edition, thoroughly revised. In one octavo volume of 802 pages, with 108 engravings and 9 colored plates. Cloth, $5 ; leather, $6. JACKSON (GEORGE THOMAS). THE READY-REFERENCE HANDBOOK OF DISEASES OF THE SKIN. In one 12mo. volume of 544 pages, with 50 engravings. $2.75. JAMIESON (W. ALLAN). DISEASES OF THE SKIN. Third edition. In one octavo volume of 656 pages, with 1 engraving and 9 double-page chromo-lithographic plates. Cloth, $6. JONES (C. HANDF1ELD). CLINICAL OBSERVATIONS ON FUNCTIONAL NERVOUS DISORDERS. Second American edi- tion. In one octavo volume of 340 pages. Cloth, $3.25. JULER (HENRY). A HANDBOOK OF OPHTHALMIC SCIENCE AND PRACTICE. Second edition. In one octavo volume of 549 pages, with 201 engravings, 17 chromo-lithographic plates, test-types of Jaeger and Snellen, and Holmgren's Color-Blindness Test. Cloth, $5.50 ; leather, $6.50. KING (A. F. A.). A MANUAL OF OBSTETRICS. Sixth edition. In one 12mo. vol. of 532 pages, with 221 illus. Cloth, $2.50. KIRK (EDWARD C). OPERATIVE DENTISTRY. See American Text-Books of Dentistry, p 2. KLEIN (E.). ELEMENTS OF HISTOLOGY. Fourth edition. In one pocket-size 12mo. volume of 376 pages, with 194 engravings. Cloth, $1.75. See Student's Series of Manuals, p. 14. LANDIS (HENRY G.)- THE MANAGEMENT OF LABOR. In one handsome 12mo. volume of 329 pages, with 28 illus. Cloth, $1.75. LA ROCHE (R.). YELLOW FEVER. In two 8vo. volumes of 1468 pages. Cloth, $7. PNEUMONIA. In one 8vo. volume of 490 pages. Cloth, $3. LAURENCE (J. Z.) AND MOON (ROBERT C). A HANDY- BOOK OF OPHTHALMIC SURGERY. Second edition. In one octavo volume of 227 pages, with 66 engravings. Cloth, $2.75. LAWSON (GEORGE). INJURIES OF THE EYE, ORBIT AND EYE-LIDS. From the last English edition. In one handsome octavo volume of 404 pages, with 92 engravings. Cloth, $3.50. LEA (HENRY C). CHAPTERS FROM THE RELIGIOUS HIS- TORY OF SPAIN ; CENSORSHIP OF THE PRESS ; MYSTICS AND ILLUMINATI ; THE ENDEMONIADAS ; EL SANTO NINO DE LA GUARDIA; BRIANDA DE BARDAXI. In one 12mo. volume of 522 pages. Cloth, $2.50. 10 Lea Beothees & Co.'s Publications. LEA (HENRY C.). A HISTORY OF AURICULAR CONFESSION AND INDULGENCES IN THE LATIN CHURCH. In three octavo volumes. Vol. L, 535 pages. Cloth, $3. Just ready. Yols. II. and III. shortly. FORMULARY OF THE PAPAL PENITENTIARY. In one octavo volume of 221 pages, with frontispiece. Cloth, $2.50. SUPERSTITION AND FORCE ; ESSAYS ON THE WAGER OF LAW, THE WAGER OF BATTLE, THE ORDEAL AND TORTURE. Fourth edition, thoroughly revised. In one hand- some royal 12mo. volume of 629 pages. Cloth, $2.75. STUDIES IN CHURCH HISTORY. The Rise of the Temporal Power — Benefit of Clergy — Excommunication. New edition. In one handsome 12mo. volume of 605 pages. Cloth, $2.50. AN HISTORICAL SKETCH OF SACERDOTAL CELIBACY IN THE CHRISTIAN CHURCH. Second edition. In one hand- some octavo volume of 685 pages. Cloth, $4.50. LEE (HENRY) ON SYPHILIS. In one 8vo. volume of 246 pages. Cloth, $2.25. LEHMANN (C. G.), A MANUAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSIOLOGY. In one 8vo. volume of 327 pages, with 41 engravings. Cloth, $2.25. LEISHMAN (WILLIAM). A SYSTEM OF MIDWIFERY. Includ- ing the Diseases of Pregnancy and the Puerperal State. Fourth edi- tion. In one octavo volume. LOOMIS (ALFRED L.) AND THOMPSON (W. GILMAN). A SYSTEM OF PRACTICAL MEDICINE. In Treatises by Vari- ous Authors. In very handsome 8vo. volumes with illus. Preparing. LUCAS (CLEMENT). DISEASES OF THE URETHRA. Preparing, See Series of Clinical Manuals, p. 13. LUDLOW (J. L.). A MANUAL OF EXAMINATIONS UPON ANATOMY, PHYSIOLOGY, SURGERY, PRACTICE OF MEDI- CINE, OBSTETRICS, MATERIA MEDICA, CHEMISTRY, PHAR- MACY AND THERAPEUTICS. To which is added a Medical For- mulary. Third edition. In one royal 12mo. volume of 816 pages, with 370 engravings. Cloth, $3.25 ; leather, $3.75. LUFF (ARTHUR P.). MANUAL OF CHEMISTRY, for the use of Students of Medicine. In one 12mo. volume of 522 pages, with 36 engravings. Cloth, $2. See Student's Series of Manuals, p. 14. LYMAN (HENRY M.). THE PRACTICE OF MEDICINE. In one very handsome octavo volume of 925 pages, Avith 170 engravings. Cloth, $4.75 ; leather, $5.75. LYONS (ROBERT D.). A TREATISE ON FEVER. In one octavo volume of 362 pages. Cloth, $2.25. MAISCH (JOHN M.). A MANUAL OF ORGANIC MATERIA MEDICA. New (6th) edition, thoroughly revised by H. C. C. Maisch, Ph. G., Ph. D. In one very handsome 12mo. volume of 509 pages, with 285 engravings. Cloth, $3. MANUALS. See Student's Quiz Series, p. 14, Student's Series of Manu- als, p. 14, and Series of Clinical Manuals, p. 13. MARSH (HOWARD). DISEASES OF THE JOINTS. In one 12mo. volume of 468 pages, with 64 engravings and a colored plate. Cloth, $2. See Series of Clinical Manuals, p. 13. MAY(C. H.). MANUAL OF THE DISEASES OF WOMEN. For the use of Students and Practitioners. Second edition, revised by L. S. Rau, M. D. In one 12mo. volume of 360 pages, with 31 engrav- ings. Cloth, $1.75. MILLER (JAMES). PRINCIPLES OF SURGERY. Fourth Ameri- can from the third Edinburgh edition. In one large octavo volume of 688 pages, with 240 engravings. Cloth, $3.75. Lea Beothers & Co.'s Publications. 11 MILLER (JAMES). THE PEACTICE OF SURGERY. Fourth American from the last Edinburgh edition. In one large octavo vol- ume of 682 pages, with 364 engravings. Cloth, S3. 75. MITCHELL (JOHN K.). .REMOTE CONSEQUENCES OF IN- JURIES OF NERVES AND THEIR TREATMENT. In one handsome 12mo. volume of 239 pages, with 12 illustrations. Cloth, $1.75. Just ready. MORRIS (HENRY). SURGICAL DISEASES OF THE KIDNEY. In one 12mo. volume of 554 pages, with 40 engravings and 6 colored plates. Cloth, S2.25. See Series of Clinical Manuals, p. 13. MORRIS (MALCOLM). DISEASES OF THE SKIN. In one square Svo. volume of 572 pages, with 19 chromo-lithographic figures and 17 engravings. Cloth, $3.50. MULLER (J.). PRINCIPLES OF PHYSICS AND METEOROL- OGY. In one large 8vo. vol, of 623 pages, with 538 cuts. Cloth, $4.50. MUSSER (JOHN H.). A PRACTICAL TREATISE ON MEDICAL DIAGNOSIS, for Students and Physicians. In one octavo volume of 873 pages, illustrated with 162 engravings and 2 colored plates. Cloth, S5;" leather, $6. NATIONAL DISPENSATORY. See Stille, Maisch & Caspari, p. 14. NATIONAL MEDICAL DICTIONARY. See Billings, p. 3. NETTLESHIP (E.). DISEASES OF THE EYE. Fourth American from fifth English edition. In one 12mo. volume of 504 pages, with 164 engravings, test-tvpes and formulae and color-blindness test. Cloth, $2. NORRIS (WM. F.) AND OLIVER (CHAS. A.). TEXT-BOOK OF OPHTHALMOLOGY. In one octavo volume of 641 pages, with 357 engravings and 5 colored plates. Cloth, $5 ; leather, $6. OWEN (EDMUND). SURGICAL DISEASES OF CHILDREN. In one 12mo. volume of 525 pages, with 85 engravings and 4 colored plates. Cloth, $2. See Series of Clinical Manuals, p. 13. PARRY (JOHN S.). EXTRA-UTERINE PREGNANCY, ITS CLINICAL HISTORY, DIAGNOSIS, PROGNOSIS AND TREAT- MENT. In one octavo volume of 272 pages. Cloth, $2.50. PARVIN (THEOPHILUS). THE SCIENCE AND ART OF OB- STETRICS. New (3d) edition. In one handsome octavo, volume of 677 pages, with 267 engravings and 2 colored plates. Cloth, $4.25 ; leather, 85.25. PAVY (F. W.). A TREATISE ON THE FUNCTION OF DIGES- TION, ITS DISORDERS AND THEIR TREATMENT. From the second London edition. In one 8vo. volume of 238 pages. Cloth, S2. PAYNE (JOSEPH FRANK). A MANUAL OF GENERAL PATHOLOGY. Designed as an Introduction to the Practice of Medi- cine. In one octavo volume of 524 pages, with 153 engravings and 1 colored plate. PEPPER'S SYSTEM OF MEDICINE. See p. 2. PEPPER (A. J.). FORENSIC MEDICINE. In press. See Student's Series of Manuals, p. 14. SURGICAL PATHOLOGY. In one 12mo. volume of 511 pages, with 81 engravings. Cloth, $2. See Student's Series of Manuals, p. 14. PICK (T. PICKERING). FRACTURES AND DISLOCATIONS. In one 12mo. volume of 530 pages, with 93 engravings. Cloth, $2. See Series of Clinical Manuals, p. 13. PIRRIE (WILLIAM). THE PRINCIPLES AND PRACTICE OF SURGERY. In one octavo volume of 780 pages, with 316 engravings. Cloth, $3.75. 12 Lea Beothers & Co.'s Publications. PLiAYFAIR ("W. S.). A TREATISE ON THE SCIENCE AND PRACTICE OF MIDWIFERY. Sixth American from the eighth English edition. Edited, with additions, by R. P. Harris, M. D. In one octavo volume of 697 pages, with 217 engravings and 5 plates. Cloth, $4 ; leather, $5. THE SYSTEMATIC TREATMENT OF NERVE PROSTRA- TION AND HYSTERIA. In one 12mo. vol. of 97 pp. Cloth, $1. POL.ITZER (ADAM). A TEXT-BOOK OF THE DISEASES OF THE EAR AND ADJACENT ORGANS. Second American from the third German edition. Translated by Oscar Dodd, M. D., and edited by Sir William Dalby, F. R. C. S. In one octavo volume of 748 pages, with 330 original engravings. Cloth, $5.50. POWER (HENRY). HUMAN PHYSIOLOGY. Second edition. In one 12mo. volume of 396 pages, with 47 engravings. Cloth, $1.50. See Student's Series of Manuals, p. 14. PURDY (CHARLES W.). BRIGHT'S DISEASE AND ALLIED AFFECTIONS OF THE KIDNEY. In one octavo volume of 288 pages, with 18 engravings. Cloth, $2. PYE-SMITH (PHILIP H.). DISEASES OF THE SKIN. In one 12mo. vol. of 407 pp., with 28 illus., 18 of which are colored. Cloth, $2. QUIZ SERIES. See Student's Quiz Series, p. 14. RAXiFE (CHARLES H.). CLINICAL CHEMISTRY. In one 12mo. volume of 314 pages, with 16 engravings. Cloth, $1.50. See Student's Series of Manuals, p. 14. RAMSBOTHAM (FRANCIS H.). THE PRINCIPLES AND PRAC- TICE OF OBSTETRIC MEDICINE AND SURGERY. In one imperial octavo volume of 640 pages, with 64 plates and numerous engravings in the text. Strongly bound in leather, $7. REICHERT (EDWARD T.). A TEXT-BOOK ON PHYSIOLOGY. In one handsome octavo volume of about 800 pages, richly illustrated. Preparing. REMSEN (IRA). THE PRINCIPLES OF THEORETICAL CHEM- ISTRY. Fourth edition, thoroughly revised and much enlarged. In one 12mo. volume of 325 pages. Cloth, $2. REYNOLDS (J. RUSSELL). A SYSTEM OF MEDICINE. Ed- ited, with notes and additions, by Henry Haktshorne, M. D. In three large 8vo. vols., containing 3056 closely printed double-columned pages, with 317 engravings. Per volume, cloth, $5 ; leather, $6 ; very handsome half Russia, $6.50. For sale by subscription only. RICHARDSON (BENJAMIN WARD). PREVENTIVE MEDI- CINE. In one octavo volume of 729 pages. Cloth, $4 ; leather, $5. ROBERTS ( JOHN B.). THE PRINCIPLES AND PRACTICE OF MODERN SURGERY. In one octavo volume of 780 pages, with 501 engravings. Cloth, $4.50 ; leather, $5.50. THE COMPEND OF ANATOMY. For use in the Dissecting Room and in preparing for Examinations. In one 16mo. volume of 196 pages. Limp cloth, 75 cents. ROBERTS (SIR WIL.L.IAM). A PRACTICAL TREATISE ON URINARY AND RENAL DISEASES, INCLUDING URINARY DEPOSITS. Fourth American from the fourth London edition. In one very handsome 8vo. vol. of 609 pp., with 81 illus. Cloth, $3.50. ROBERTSON (J. MCGREGOR). PHYSIOLOGICAL PHYSICS. In one 12mo. volume of 537 pages, with 219 engravings. Cloth, $2. See Student's Series of Manuals, p. 14. ROSS (JAMES). A HANDBOOK OF THE DISEASES OF THE NERVOUS SYSTEM. In one handsome octavo volume of 726 pages, with 184 engravings. Cloth, $4.50 ; leather, $5.50. Lea Brothers & Co.'s Publications. 13 SAVAGE (GEORGE H.). INSANITY AND ALLIED NEUROSES, PRACTICAL AND CLINICAL. In one 12mo. volume of 551 pages, with 18 typical engravings. Cloth, $2. See Series of Clinical Man- uals, p. 13. SCHAFER (EDWARD A.). THE ESSENTIALS OF HISTOL- OGY, DESCRIPTIVE AND PRACTICAL. For the use of Students. New (4th) edition. In one handsome octavo volume of 311 pages, with 288 illustrations. Cloth, $3. SCHMITZ AND ZUMPT'S CLASSICAL. SERIES. ADVANCED LATIN EXERCISES. Cloth, 60 cents; half bound, 70 cents. SCHMIDT'S ELEMENTARY LATIN EXERCISES. Cloth, 50 cents. SALLUST. Cloth, 60 cents; half bound, 70 cents. NEPOS. Cloth, 60 cents; half bound, 70 cents. VIRGIL. Cloth, 85 cents; half bound, $1. CURTIUS. Cloth, SO cents; half bound, 90 cents. SCHOFDELD (ALFRED T.). ELEMENTARY PHYSIOLOGY FOR STUDENTS. In one 12mo. volume of 380 pages, with 227 engravings and 2 colored plates. Cloth, $2. SCHREIBER (JOSEPH). A MANUAL OF TREATMENT BY MASSAGE AND METHODICAL MUSCLE EXERCISE. Trans- lated by Walter Mendelson, M. D., of New York. In one hand- some octavo volume of 274 pages, with 117 fine engravings. SEILER (CARL). A HANDBOOK OF DIAGNOSIS AND TREAT- MENT OF DISEASES OF THE THROAT AND NASAL CAVI- TIES. Fourth edition. In one 12mo. volume of 414 pages, with 107 engravings, and 2 colored plates. Cloth, $2.25. SENN (NICHOLAS). SURGICAL BACTERIOLOGY. Second edi- tion. In one octavo volume of 268 pages, with 13 plates, 10 of which are colored, and 9 engravings. Cloth, $2. SERIES OF CLINICAL MANUALS. A Series of Authoritative Monographs on Important Clinical Subjects, in 12mo. volumes of about 550 pages, well illustrated. The following volumes are now ready : Beoadbent on the Pulse, $1.75; Yeo on Food in Health and Disease, $2; Carter and Frost's Ophthalmic Surgery, $2.25; Hutchinson on Syphilis, S2.25 ; Marsh on Diseases of the Joints, 82 ; Morris on Surgical Diseases of the Kidney, $2.25; Owen on Surgical Diseases of Children, $2; Pick on Fractures and Dislocations, $2; Butlin on the Tongue, $3.50 ; Savage on Insanity and Allied Neu- roses, $2 ; and Treves on Intestinal Obstruction, $2. The following is in press : Lucas on Diseases of the Urethra. For separate notices, see under various authors' names. SERIES OF STUDENT'S MANUALS. See next page. SIMON (W.). MANUAL OF CHEMISTRY. A Guide to Lectures and Laboratory Work for Beginners in Chemistry. A Text-book specially adapted for Students of Pharmacy and Medicine. New (5th) edition/ In one 8vo. volume of 501 pages, with 44 engravings and 8 plates showing colors of 64 tests. Cloth, $3.25. Just ready. SIMON (CHARLES E.). 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Cloth, $7.75; leather, $8.50. Just ready. STIMSON (LEWIS A.). A MANUAL OF OPERATIVE SURGERY. New (3d) edition. In one royal 12mo. volume of 614 pages, with 306 engravings. Just ready. Cloth, $3.75. A TREATISE ON FRACTURES AND DISLOCATIONS. Id two handsome octavo volumes. Vol. I., Fractures, 582 pages, 360 engravings. Vol. II., Dislocations, 540 pages, 163 engravings. Com- plete work, cloth, $5.50; leather, $7.50. Either volume separately, cloth, $3 ; leather, $4. STUDENT'S QUIZ SERIES. A New Series of Manuals in question and answer for Students and Practitioners, covering the essentials of medical science. Thirteen volumes, pocket size, convenient, authoritative, well illustrated, handsomely bound in limp cloth, and issued at a low price. 1. Anatomy (double number); 2. Physiology; 3. Chemistry and Physics ; 4. Histology, Pathology and Bacteriology ; 5. Materia Medica and Therapeutics; 6. Practice of Medicine ; 7. Surgery (double num- ber); 8. Genito-Urinary and Venereal Diseases; 9. 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The following volumes may now be announced : Her- man's First Lines in Midwifery, $1.25; Luff's Manual of Chemistry, $2 ; Bruce's Materia Medica and Therapeutics (fifth edition), $1.50 ; Treves' Manual of Surgery (monographs by 33 leading surgeons), 3 volumes, per set, $6; Bell's Comparative Anatomy and Physiology, $2; Robertson's Physiological Physics, $2 ; Gould's Surgical Diagnosis, $2; Klein's Elements of Histology (4th edition), $1.75; Pepper's Surgical Pathology, $2; Treves' Surgical Applied Anatomy, $2; Power's Human Physiology (2d edition), $1.50; Ralfe's Clinical Chemistry, $1.50; and Clarke and Lockwood's Dissector's Manual, $1.50. The following is in press: Pepper's Forensic Medicine. For separate notices, see under various authors' names. STURGES (OCTAVITJS). AN INTRODUCTION TO THE STUDY OF CLINICAL MEDICINE. In one 12mo. volume. Cloth, $1.25. SUTTON (JOHN BLAND). SURGICAL DISEASES OF THE OVARIES AND FALLOPIAN TUBES. Including Abdominal Pregnancy. In one 12mo. volume of 513 pages, with 119 engravings and 5 colored plates. Cloth, $3. TUMORS, INNOCENT AND MALIGNANT. Their Clinical Features and Appropriate Treatment. In one 8vo. vol. of 526 pp., with 250 engravings and 9 full-page plates. Cloth, $4.50. Jdst ready. TAIT (LAWSON). DISEASES OF WOMEN AND ABDOMINAL SURGERY. In two handsome octavo volumes. Vol. I. contains 546 pages and 3 plates. Cloth, $3. Vol. II., preparing. Lea Brothers & Co.'s Publications. 15 TANNER (THOMAS HAWKBSj. A MANUAL OF CLINICAL MEDICINE AND PHYSICAL DIAGNOSIS. Third American from the second revised English edition. Edited by Tilbury Fox, ML D. In one handsome 12mo. vol. of 362 pp., with illus. Cloth, $1.50. ON THE SIGNS AND DISEASES OF PREGNANCY. From the second English edition. In one octavo volume of 490 pages, with 4 colored plates and 16 engravings. (Moth, $4.25 TAYLOR (ALFRED S.). MEDICAL JURISPRUDENCE. Eleventh American from the twelfth English edition, specially revised by CLARK BELL, ESQ., of the N. Y. Bar. In one octavo volume of 787 pftges, with 56 engravings. Cloth, $4.50 ; leather, $5.50. ON POISONS IN RELATION TO MEDICINE AND MEDICAL JURISPRUDENCE. Third American from the third London edition. In one 8vo. vol. of 788 pp., with 104 illus. Cloth, $5.50 ; ieath., $6.50. TAYLOR (ROBERT W.). THE PATHOLOGY AND TREAT- MENT OF VENEREAL DISEASES. In one very handsome octavo volume of 1002 pages, with 230 engravings and 7 colored plates. Cloth, $5.50; leather, $6.50. Just read}/. A CLINICAL ATLAS OF VENEREAL AND SKIN DISEASES. Including Diagnosis, Prognosis and Treatment. In eight large folio parts, measuring 14 x 18 inches, and comprising 213 beautiful figures on 58 full-page chromo-lirhographic plates, S5 line engravings, and 425 pages of text. Complete work now ready. Price per part, sewed in heavy embossed paper, $2.50. Bound in one volume, half Russia, $27 ; half Turkey Morocco, $28. For sale by subscription only. Address the publishers. Specimen plates by mail on receipt of ten cents. IMPOTENCE AND STERILITY. In one octavo volume. In active preparation. TAYLOR (SEYMOUR). INDEX OF MEDICINE. A Manual for the use of Senior Students and others. In one large 12mo. volume of 802 pages. Cloth, $3.75. THOMAS (T. GAILLARD) AND MUNDE (PAUL F.). A PRAC- TICAL TREATISE ON THE DISEASES OF WOMEN. Sixth edition, thoroughly revised by Paul F. Munpe, M. D. In one large and handsome octavo volume of 824 pages, with 347 engravings. Cloth, $5 ; leather, $6. THOMPSON (SIR HENRY). CLINICAL LECTURES ON DIS- EASES OF THE URINARY ORGANS. Second and revised edi- tion. In one octavo vol. of 203 pp., with 25 engravings. Cloth, $2.25. THE PATHOLOGY AND TREATMENT OF STRICTURE OF THE URETHRA AND URINARY FISTULA. From the third English edition. In one octavo volume of 359 pages, with 47 engravings and 3 lithographic plates. Cloth, $3.50. TODD (ROBERT BENTLEY). CLINICAL LECTURES ON CER- TAIN ACUTE DISEASES. In one 8vo. vol. of 320 pp., cloth, $2.50. TREVES (FREDERICK). OPERATIVE SURGERY. In two 8vo. vols, containing 1550 pp., with 422 illus. Cloth, $9 ; leath., $11. A SYSTEM OF SURGERY. In Contributions by Twenty-five English Surgeons. In two large octavo volumes. Vol. I., Just ready. 178 pages, 463 engravings and 2 colored plates. Per volume, cloth, $8. Vol. II. .preparing. A MANUAL OF SURGERY. In Treatises by 33 leading sur- geons. Three 12mo. volumes, containing 1866 pages, with 213 engrav- ings. Price per set, $6. See Student's Series of Manuals, p. 14. THE STUDENTS' HANDBOOK OF SURGICAL OPERA- TIONS. In one 12mo. vol. of 508 pp., with 94 illus. Cloth, $2.50. SURGICAL APPLIED ANATOMY. In one 12mo. vol. of 540 pp., with 61 engravings. Cloth, $2. See Student's Series of Manuals, p. 14. INTESTINAL OBSTRUCTION. In one 12mo. volume of 522 pages, with 60 illus. Cloth, $2. See Series of Clinical Manuals, p. 13. TUKE (DANIEL HACK). THE INFLUENCE OF THE MIND UPON THE BODY IN HEALTH AND DISEASE. Second edition. In one 8vo. volume of 467 pages, with 2 colored plates. Cloth, $3. VAUGHAN (VICTOR C.) AND NOVY (FREDERICK G.). PTOMAINS, LEUCOMAINS, TOXINS AND ANTITOXINS, or the Chemical Factors in the Causation of Disease. New (3d) edition. In one 12mo. volume of about 400 pages, shortly. 16 Lea Brothers & Co.'s Publications. VISITING LIST. THE MEDICAL NEWS VISITING LIST for 1896. Four styles : Weekly (dated for 30 patients); Monthly (undated for 120 patients per month); Perpetual (undated for 30 patients each week); and Perpetual (undated for 60 patients each week). The 60- patient book consists of 256 pages of assorted blanks. The first three styles contain 32 pages of important data, thoroughly revised, and 160 pages of assorted blanks. Each in one volume, price, $1.25. With thumb-letter index for quick use, 25 cents extra. Special rates to advance-paying subscribers to The Medical News or The American Journal of the Medical Sciences, or both. See p. 1. WALSHE (W. H.). PRACTICAL TREATISE ON THE DISEASES OF THE HEART AND GREAT VESSELS. Third American from the third revised London edition. In one 8vo. vol. of 420 pp. Cloth, $3. WATSON (THOMAS). LECTURES ON THE PRINCIPLES AND PRACTICE OF PHYSIC. A new American from the fifth and enlarged English edition, with additions by H. Hartshorne, M. D. In two large 8vo. vols, of 1840 pp., with 190 cuts. Cloth, $9 ; leather, $11. WELLS (J. SOELBERG). A TREATISE ON THE DISEASES OF THE EYE. In one large and handsome octavo volume. WEST (CHARLES). LECTURES ON THE DISEASES PECULIAR TO WOMEN. Third American from the third English edition. In one octavo volume of 543 pages. Cloth, $3.75 ; leather, $4.75. ON SOME DISORDERS OF THE NERVOUS SYSTEM IN CHILDHOOD. In one small 12mo. volume of 127 pages. Cloth, $1. WHARTON (HENRY R.). MINOR SURGERY AND BANDAG- ING. Second edition. 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Cloth," $3. YEAR-BOOK OF TREATMENT FOR 1896. A Critical Review for Practitioners of Medicine and Surgery. In contributions by 24 well- known medical writers. 12mo., 495 pages. Cloth, $1.50. In combi- nation with The Medical News and The American Journal of the Medical Sciences, 75 cents. See p. 1. YEAR-BOOKS OF TREATMENT FOR 1891, 1892 and 1893, similar to above. Each, cloth, $1.50. YEAR-BOOKS OF TREATMENT FOR 1886 and 1887. Similar to above. 12mo., 320-341 pages. Limp cloth, $1.25. YEO (I. BURNEY). FOOD IN HEATH AND DISEASE. In one '\r\ 12mo. vol. of 590 pp. Cloth, $2. See Series of Clinical Manuals, p. 13. ■ A MANUAL OF MEDICAL TREATMENT, OR CLINICAL 9 THERAPEUTICS. Two volumes containing 1275 pages. Cloth, $5.50. YOUNG (JAMES K.). ORTHOPEDIC SURGERY. In one 8vo. Xt T$u& e A£ ^f P a & es > witn 286 illustrations. Cloth, $4 ; leather, $5. *b«S ^^. 6*" ^ =>*, **b G w ♦ . °o s- ^» ^« A><^ - * 4 ': .*>%. -.1 . ^ ^ /^&b<* t^ v c ♦'■ & • iK > DOBBS BROS. INC. £Z • ^g^ 7 32084 » ^