9 *LZL'> V • <*> * » - * V *° ♦♦'** •. #*\ bv* sic- %s • » A° °^ * • • ' .cr ° " ° * o SSI' *^ SOCIAL RELATIONS OUR SOUTHERN STATES. BY D. R. HlTTNDIjEY, ESQ. "In forming a judgment, lay your hearts void of foretaken opinions; else, what- soever is done or said will be measured by a wrong rule, like them who have the jaundice, to whom every thing appeareth yellow." Sir Philip Sidney. " Faithful are the wounds of a friend ; wliile the kisses of an enemy are deceitful." King Solomon. NEW-YORK: HENRY B . PRICE, Publisher, 884 Broadway. 1 8 GO. Entered, according to Act of Congress, in the year 1S60, by D . R . HUNDLEY, the Clerk's Office of the District Court of the United States for the Southern District cf New-York. JOHN A. GRAY, Printer & Stereotyper, 16 and 15 Jacob St. TABLE OF CONTENTS, CHAPTER I. The Southern Gentleman, . . . . . <7 CHAPTER II. TnE Middle Classes, . . . . . V7 CHAPTER III. The Southern Yankee, . . . . .129 CHAPTER IV. Cotton Snobs, ...... 163 CHAPTER V. TnE Southern Yeoman, ..... 191 CHAPTER VI. The Southern Bully, . . 223 CHAPTER VII. Poor White Trash, ...... 250 CHAPTER VIII. The Negro Slaves, ...... 284 PREFACE In one of his letters to Pum Hoam, First President of the Cere- monial Academy at Pekin, in China, Lien Chi Altangi, the Discon- tented Wanderer, gives us an amusing and graphic account of his introduction, by the Man in Black, to a certain bookseller in Lon- don. This bookseller was named Fudge, and being asked by the Man in Black whether he had recently published any thing new ? — "Excuse me, sir," says he, "it is not the season; books have their time as well as cucumbers. I would no more bring out a new book in summer, than I would sell pork in the dog-days. Nothing in my way goes off in summer except very light goods indeed. A review, a magazine, or a sessions' paper, may amuse a summer _ reader ; but all our stock of value we reserve for a spring and winter trade." " I must confess," says Lien Chi Altangi, "a curiosity to know what 3'ou call a valuable stock, which can only bear a winter pe- rusal." " Sir," replied the bookseller, "it is not my way to cry up my own goods ; but, without exaggeration, I will venture to show with any of the trade. My books at least have the peculiar advan- tage of being always new ; and it is my way to clear off my old to the trunk-makers every season. I have ten new title-pages now about me, which only want books to be added to make them the finest things in nature. Others may pretend to direct the vulgar ; hut that is not my way ; I always let the vulgar di- rect me; wherever 'popular clamor arises I always echo the mil- lion. For instance, should the people in general say that such a man is a rogue, I instantly give orders to set him down, in print y VI PREFACE. a villain ; thus every man bui/s the boot; not to leant new send- meats, but to hart the pleasure qf teeing his oicn reflected? Sagacious Fudge ! Neither is the race yet extinct I dare Bay the Fudge family is as numerous now as it was in the days of Goldsmith. And we have our popular writers, too — the Fudge beam ideal of a great genius — who worthily, even when handling the gravest themes, follow the precedent furnished by the inimi- table author of the Infernal Guide. " Ah ! sir, that was a piece touched off by the hand of a master ; tilled with good things from one end to the other. The author had nothing but the jest in view; no dull, moral lurking beneath, nor ill-natured satire to sour the reader's good humor; he wisely considered that moral and humor at the same time were quite overdoing the business.' 1 But, my readers, this I would have you to understand at the very commencement of our acquaintance ; you will assuredly find the writer of the following pages no Fudge, nor in the least am- bitious to touch off such a master-piece of wit as that same In fe- cal Guide. I have endeavored to speak my sentiments plainly, to narrate facts impartially, and to treat a grave theme in a man- ner becoming its gravity and great importance. Read for your- selves, and determine. For, however faulty these papers may be thought in other respects, I have endeavored to portray, truthfully at least, what has been presented to my own mind, from my pre- sent stand-point. Others, I know, gazing it may be, from a high- er point of observation, have professed to see the same object- in a different light; and they may possibly be right and I wrong; for, fully conscious of the imperfect ness and general obliquity of all men's vision, I am not so fool-hardy as to swear that the shield whose legend I read so plainly, bears the same device upon its other side. At the same time, however, permit me to suggest to those who may not view the matter in dispute the same as I do, that a peep at both sides will do no harm ; since otherwise, they might be induced to wage a Quixotic war in defense of what may prove (when it is too late, alas !) of no greater merit or importance than that same senseless cause of quarrel which resulted in the untimely death of both the foolish one-idead knights of the old days of chivalry. Jan. 1st, 1SG0. The Author. OUR SOUTHERN STATES. CHAPTER I. THE SOUTHERN GENTLEMAN. "He is a noble gentleman ; withal Happy in's endeavors : the gen'ral voice Sounds him for courtesy, behavior, language, And every fair demeanor, an example : Titles of honor add not to his worth ; "Who is himself an honor to his title." John Ford. Perhaps it would be altogether superfluous to re- mind our readers, that the fashion has been for several years,' at least since the unlooked-for success of Uncle Torres Cabin, to write books about the South. Eng- lishmen, Frenchmen, Down-Eastern men, the Bloomer style of men, as well as countless numbers of female scribblers, have not ceased to drum upon the public tympanum (almost to deafness, indeed) in praise or blame — generally the latter — of Southern peculiarities, 8 THE SOUTHERN GENTLEMAN. social habits, manners, customs, observances, and do- mestic institutions. And jet we dare to presume, the untravelled reader who has never crossed the line which separates the North from the South, possesses but a very confused, and, in the main, erroneous opinion, touching the veritable and distinguishing characteris- tics of his much-abused fellow-citizens of the Slave States. Indeed, we are morally certain, if he have de- rived his information from no other sources than in- temperate newspapers and exaggerated romances of the Uncle Tom school, he remains to this day in as pro- found ignorance of the Summer Land, as was poor John Brown when he made his foolish raid into Vir- ginia at the head of his three and twenty fanatical fol- lowers. In truth, the Quixotic enterprise of these madmen is mainly due to the persistent misrepresenta- tion of the South by the rancorous journals and un- scrupulous demagogues of the Free States. Certainly, it is no easy matter for an entire stranger, let him be ever so capable and unbiased, impartially to delineate the peculiarities of any people whatever. But when a writer's perception is rendered crooked by reason of prejudice, while his love of the almighty dollar and the plaudits of the rabble, urges him to cater to the tastes of his readers, who clamor unceasingly for sense- less detraction and bloody murder — what are we to think of his productions ? Certes, that they are to be credited by no manner of means ; and whoever looks to such a source for any useful information, might just as reasonably expect to gather lilies off a bramble-bush, or to find the age of a maiden aunt in the family regis- ter. THE SOUTHERN GENTLEMAN. 9 And yet, if this can be truly said of all peoples — ■ that one not to the manor born is incompetent fairly to discuss their social relations — of the South it can be said most truly and pertinently. Spreading over a vast area of country, and boasting but few large cities or great commercial centres, the different phases pre- sented by Southern society are almost as various as the extent of her territory is diversified ; and while it must not be denied that she sometimes does shock our humaner sensibilities with brutal displays of one sort or another ; still these, happily, are the exceptions to the generally pleasing character of the landscape — the shadows, if you will, whose very darkness only serves to render more conspicuous those heights of moraj. grandeur, and more gratefully pleasing those broad savannahs of genial hospitality, which stretch all the way from Little Delaware to the cactus-clad banks of the Eio Grande. If the South has her Big Cypress, Okefenoke, and Dismal Swamps, she can also point to her noble Blue Ridge, her graceful Cumberland and other mountain ranges, as well as to many a lovely river embowered in forests of magnolia, beech wood, hemlock, the wide-branching cedar, and the stately pine. It must not be forgotten, either, who were the early pioneers in the settlement of the Slave States. New- England was settled mainly by persons in the humbler walks of life, and who were essentially possessed of the same habits of thought and modes of speech ; whereas the early pioneers in the occupancy of the South pos- sessed no such homogeneal characteristics, but differed, on the contrary, widely in every particular — the two 1* 10 THE SOUTHERN GENTLEMAN. extremes being, on the one hand, the high-bred English courtier of aristocratic mien and faultless manners, and on the other, the thick-lipped African, fresh from the jungles of Congo and still reeking with the bloody stains of cannibalism ; while between these were some half-dozen other classes, possessing different degrees of culture and refinement — all of whom yet have their descendants in the South, changed in many particulars from their original and aboriginal ancestors, but for all that, distinctly the representatives of the several classes whence they derive their origin. Now,, as the reader is aware, this very important fact has been persistently ignored by all those outside enemies of the South who are ever " harping on my daughter," and seeking to engender strife and all un- charitableness between the two sections of our common country. We know a few of the " unco pious" do occasionally condescend in their pulpits, and through the medium of quasi-religious newspapers, to refer in well- set phrase to the Convict Fathers of the South ; but, as a general thing, the honey -tongued libellers of the Southern half of our Confederacy, appear to be totally unconscious that her citizens were ever divided into other than three classes — Cavaliers, Poor Whites, and Slaves. Can it be ignorance which prompts this dis- creet silence in regard to a solemn truth of history — a fact so essential to a proper understanding of the true relations of society in our Southern States ? And yet if it be not ignorance, what are we to conclude ? Why, that the accusers of the South fear to face the subject squarely, and hence are constrained to resort (with malice prepense) to base and unmanly subter- THE SOUTHERN GENTLEMAN". 11 fuges, in the hope of still longer bamboozling their poor dupes and trusting disciples ; thus proving to the world how exceedingly nice is their sense of honor : " Like dastard curres, that Laving at a bay The noble stag embost in wearie chase, Dare not adventure on the stubborn prey, Ne byte before, but rome from place to place, To steal a snatch when turned is his face !" Now, as we conceive, the only proper method of arriving at any just conception of a nation's merits or demerits, as of an individual's, is, to study closely its antecedents — its past history, in a word. It would not be wise to judge of every individual man by the same standard ; wherein, then, consists the wisdom of judg- ing of communities of individuals after the like fash- ion ? You say, that Jones is short, and Smith is tall, and Brown is corpulent. Because, sir, (being corpu- lent yourself, ah ! ha ?) you think a rotund beer-barrol to represent the highest style of man, physically speak- ing, clo you dare to laugh at Jones and Smith— to call the former a duck of a man and the latter a bean-pole ? Consider the misfortune of their birth ; how Jones* father was a dapper little gentleman of four feet six, while Smith's mother stood five feet eleven in her stockings. Consider, also, that while you are so en- thusiastic in your admiration of Brown, Jones and Smith, on the other hand, feel for you and that jolly fat dog of a Brown, all the pity and commiseration which a profound sense of your unfortunate corpulency awakens in their friendly bosoms. So, too, when na- tions fall out and call one another hard names, they 12 THE SOUTHERN GENTLEMAN. are only playing on a larger scale the petty parts of Messrs. Jones, Smith, and Brown. Thus have John Bull and Monsieur Jean Crapeaud lampooned each other for a thousand years ; and both these have united in discharging their limping pasquinades at Brother Jonathan, ever since that immortal Fourth of July, on which this last-named individual came of age and cut loose from his mother's apron-strings, to "set up on his own hook." And it is in the same spirit that the Ca- valiers of Virginia have never ceased to "poke fun" at the sharp-nosed inhabitants of New-England, while the latter have returned the compliment in kind, with all sorts of brobdignagian stories in regard to the out- rages on human rights daily perpetrated in the South- ern States. A Yankee who visits the South, rarely troubles himself to consider what sort of society he ought reasonably to expect, in view of the different characteristics and dissimilar natures of her early set- tlers ; but, having free access to the firesides of only one or two classes of her citizens, and ignorantly as- suming those to be representations of all the rest, he very naturally blunders, often ludicrously, and always most egregiously, whenever he attempts to delineate the same. He reminds one of the sapient Englishman who went over to Boulogne, in France, tarried one night only, and returning home the next clay, reported that all the women in France possessed red heads ; and all because his hostess of Boulogne was blessed with such a flaming capillary ornament ! In illustration whereof, we may further observe, that all the gentle- men of Mrs. Stowc's novels are represented as being anti-slavery in sentiment, though slaveholders ; while THE SOUTHERN GENTLEMAN. 18 every Southerner who entertains an honest conviction that slavery is right, is invariably made to appear as a brute, a bully, a hardened wretch — one who is to be looked upon as any thing else than a gentleman or a Christian. How false in fact such a presentation of the subject is, must be obvious to every unbiased mind ; and yet the fair authoress is not to be charged with having intended to convey a false impression In o more can the Hon. Miss Murray be accused of a similar intention, while presenting a diverse report in her Letters ; for this lady's associations led her to see a very different phase of Southern society from that presented to Mrs. Stowe, whose anti-slavery sentiments were well known, and w r ho, for that reason, would be very apt to affiliate with persons of kindred convic- tions. Viewing the matter in this light, we are willing to concede, that both these ladies, as well as all other reputable authors who have devoted their attention to the South, are equally honest, so far as intentions go : and this, too, whether they have written in praise or blame of Southern institutions. Indubitably, there is much in the Slave States to call forth either unqualified approbation, or equally unqualified denunciation ; owing entirely to the nature of the individual's sympathies who so applauds or de- nounces. We will even go a step further, and declare in all good conscience, that there is much in the South to call forth honest praise from honest men, as well as much to grieve the spirit of themost rational and conserv- ative of philanthropists. But we have }^et to stumble on that community, free or slave, of which the same re- mark can not be made with equal truth and pointedness. 14 THE SOUTHERN GENTLEMAN. All human society, indeed, is faulty, more or less, and ever must remain so ; and it is, therefore, a grave error either to praise or to denounce unqualifiedly, any system of human government whatever, however good or bad. Nothing good can ever come of such a policy, dictated, as it of necessity ever must be, by a very cir- cumscribed knowledge of man's imperfect nature, as well as by the most intolerant bigotry or the narrowest pre- judice. Thus, in spite of fifty years' unceasing denun- ciation of her peculiar domestic relations, the South is stronger to-day than at any former period, and fifty- fold more prosperous than when the denunciation first began. This, the reader will probably remark, is hardly to be considered as an unfavorable result, and so it is not ; but there is an evil still, which has re- sulted from the indiscriminate blame of Southern insti- tutions, and that is the indiscriminate praise of the same, indulged in to excess by the too intemperate and hot- headed advocates thereof; until, in consequence of the wild vagaries of the two extremes, so totally erroneous a public sentiment has been created-, that few persons, if any, whose opinions have of necessity to be based upon the testimony of others, possess as accurate in- formation as they should touching the true state of society south of Mason's & Dixon's line. While one portion of the Northern people inclines to believe, that the citizens of our Southern States are so many Chevalier Bayards, sans •peur et sans reproclie ; living upon their broad estates in all baronial splendor and hospitality, but being, nevertheless — like the slave- holding Catos and Brutuses of republican Borne, and the equally slaveholding Solons and Lconidases of THE SOUTHERN GENTLEMAN". 15 democratic Greece— still true to the Constitution, the Commonwealth, and the Laws ; another portion of the same community (and for the honor of humanity, we pray Heaven this portion be not so large as we fear) entertains in regard to the same people opinions not quite so flattering, to say the least. What evil thing has not been laid to the charge of the poor Southerners, indeed, by the very Christian, refined, and amiable people, of whom this latter portion of the Northern community is composed, it were difficult for even the most experienced Tombs lawyer to suggest. Only think of an ex-minister of the Gospel, who publicly declares that the hanging of John Brown, horse-thief, traitor, and murderer, by the Virginia authorities, would make the gallows as glorio.us as the cross! Oh! for shame ! shame upon you, Massachusetts, when you can applaud to the echo such blasphemous utterances ! We hope our readers are not growing impatient, for we shall endeavor to get rid of this prosing style in a few more paragraphs ; when we shall proceed immedi- ately to the discussion of more entertaining topics. But vre can not resist the temptation to prose just a little bit longer while we are in the vein. And what we wish to impress upon the reader's mind, is this (and we have been drawn to the subject almost unawares) : The greatest villainies that were ever per- petrated, were perpetrated in the name of God and Justice. The bloody guillotine was erected to further the ends of justice. The Order of Jesus and the Holy Inquisition were instituted in behalf of God and justice. And alas ! even while the Rabbins and Pharisees hanged the King Immanuel upon the cursed tree, they loudly 16 THE SOUTHERN" GENTLEMAN. professed that they were doing the will of Jehovah ! Mark, however, had there been no public sentiment to justify the High Priest and Levites who consented to the death of Christ — a public sentiment which had been created and fostered by the false teachings and rabbini- cal traditions of the Levites themselves — such monstrous sacrilege never could have been consummated. Just so at the present time ; did not a lamentably false pub- lic sentiment sustain our modern Levites in their politi- cal crusade against men as righteous as themselves, they never would dare to speak as the Phillipses and Beecli- ers have spoken about John Brown, neither would they persuade themselves that to preach "Jesus Christ and him crucified" (which was the sole ambition of the noble Paul) consists in beating their drums ecclesiastic in a rage of fanatical zeal, or in actively consorting at pri- mary political caucuses with every drunken vagabond who has a ballot, and who votes it according to their consciences. Now, as every well-informed person knows, the fact is indisputable, and has often been boasted of by the infidel press, that anti-slavery sentiments were first pro- pagated by the ultra socialists and communists — those miserable sans culottes, who, during the memorable French Revolution, raised the cry of Liber 'ie, Fraternite et Egalite, and in the madness of their drunken folly enthroned a nude harlot in the Temple of Justice as the goddess Reason, the object of their admiration and worship. At that time England and Massachusetts were virtuously engaged in supplying the slave-marts of the world with cargoes fresh from Guinea and Loango, and our Northern divines had not the least suspicion THE SOUTHERN GENTLEMAN. 17 that the Bible condemned slavery. But, sansculotteism being quelled in France, soon found a foothold in Exeter Hall, and thence spread to the United States. For a long time the clergy resisted the storm of radical ideas, but being only men like the rest of us, and hav- ing an eye to benefices, calls, surprise-parties, and the like, as well as " itching ears" to catch the sweet voices of the rabble, they have at last almost surrendered in a body in the Free States, and now seek to lead in the nc\\ r crusade; yea, some of them have even gone so far as to doff the surplice to assume the uniform of a new master, and are now prominent political leaders : know how to pull the wires and the wool over the eyes of honest citizens, equal to the shrewdest ; can turn off a five-dollar whisky-skin as coolly as the bloodiest Blood Tub, and entertain for the frailer daughters of Eve a benevolent regard which is truly affecting. In truth, in some sections of New-England, the clergy have made this thing of free ivool a part of their creeds — the great Open Sesame of their churches ; the real party or sectarian shibboleth : the only test of piety, or benevolence, or humanity, or civilization; until, and we declare it with shamefiicedness, in the transcendent- ally mystified atmosphere of that highly enlightened region, the substance of things is no longer regarded, only t"he name. Does the reader doubt our assertion ? Behold, then, the proof! We epiote a brief passage from the writings of one of the most popular of New- England authors : " Bussia has sixty millions of people : who would not gladly swap her out of the world for glorious little Greece back again, and Plato, and yEschylus, and Epa- 18 THE SOUTHERN GENTLEMAN. minondas, still there ? Who would exchange Concord or Cambridge in Massachusetts for any hundred thou- sand square miles of slave-breeding dead-level ?" Now, this is all good enough as high-sounding rhe- toric, but it is also high-sounding nonsense as well. Is the writer ignorant that his " glorious little Greece, " the whole pocketful thereof, was only " slave-breeding dead- level," in its palmiest days ? Is he ignorant that " Plato, and iEschylus, and Epaminondas," and all the rest of the Grecian worthies, were slaveholders as much as George Washington, or Henry A. Wise, or Gov. Ham- mond? with this difference, that these are Christian slaveholders, while those were profane heathens, igno- rantly worshipping gods of wood and stone ? And yet this amiable orthodox anti-slavery philosopher and dia- lectician of the "Modern Athens," would rejoice to see Christian Russia blotted out of existence, merely to have back again " glorious little Greece," with all her thirty thousand obscene gods and goddesses, and her slaveholding populace, whose morals were so bad, that Thucydides, after having driven in a car drawn by six nude Cyprians through the public thoroughfares of Athens, was by popular ballot elected to the highest office in the gift of his fellow-citizens ! Need we won- der the Old Bay State, while under the control and guidance of such perspicacious logicians, despite her acknowledged wealth and refinement, exerts no greater influence in the land than she does ? Verily, in the days of Cotton Mather, when her godly sons were sorely exercised about Quakers, Baptists, witches, hobgoblins, broomsticks — and the like precious theological matters, they were not more befogged and befooled, than are THE SOUTHERN GENTLEMAN. 19 their descendants of to-day on the subject of "slave- breeding dead-level." If, however, they will grant us a patient hearing, we hope to enlighten them some- what in that regard, at least in so far as our own Slave States are concerned. Kussia must take care of herself- Of course, in order faithfully to perform the delicate task we have voluntarily undertaken, (for it is a delicate matter to presume to discuss the social relations of any community,) even if we were an author of well-estab- lished reputation, and long acquaintance with the public, it would behoove us to show some personal fitness for the work; but much more is this the case, when a young and unknown literary aspirant lays claim to a public audience. We trust the reader will pardon a seeming egotism, therefore, when we proceed first to state, that the writer has enjoyed more than ordinary opportunities for observing the different phases of Southern society. Born in the South, his education was chiefly acquired at Southern institutions of learning, in the States of Alabama, Tennessee, Kentucky, and Virginia. 'Tis true he left the University of Virginia to conclude his pro- fessional studies at Harvard University, Massachusetts ; but this was because he had a strong desire to come in contact with the Northern people, and Northern preju- dices, on their own soil ; to correct his own sectional prejudices, should these require correction, as well as to demonstrate to those with whom he might have occa- sion to associate, that not all slaveholders are such "out- side barbarians," as the enemies of the South strive ,^o laboriously to make the Northern public believe. lie has, besides, travelled in nearly every State in the Union, and for four years has been a freeholder and house- 20 THE SOUTHERN GENTLEMAN. keeper in a Free State. Indeed, his pecuniary interests in the North and South are about equal, so that there will not be a sufficient preponderance of selfish interests to bias his judgment one way or the other. We shall aim all the time at strict impartiality. And although we do not deny that we entertain very warm sympathies for all classes of persons in the Slave States — not ex- cepting those who are there held as property and sold as chattels — we are }^et perfectly well aware, that many of them are in very bad odor with all honorable men, as they rightly deserve to be. When, therefore, we come to speak of such, while we shall take care to set nan glit clown in malice, we shall endeavor nevertheless to state the plain, unvarnished truth ; even if, as the great English novelist has suggested, it may occasion- ally scratch. Having premised the above, more to introduce the writer to the reader than his subject, we now proceed to introduce to him the latter. And, imprimis, we beg to make him acquainted with the Southern Gentle- man. We know the usual practice with writers is, as with hod- carriers, to begin at the bottom-round of their argument and thence ascend to its topmost ; but we are pleased to reverse the usual order, and so beginning at the topmost, shall endeavor to descend as easily as pos- sible until we reach the " mud-sills," known in the old- fashioned vernacular of the South as slaves. In our description of the Southern Gentleman — his family and friends- — his negroes, horses, dogs, and es- tates — his manners, speech, opinions, excellencies, and faults — all indeed that appertains to him — we wish the reader to understand from the beginning, that we in- THE SOUTHERN GENTLEMAN. 21 tend to confine onrself to such a gentleman as is pecu- liarly the outgrowth of the institutions of the Sonth. Of course there is at the South a conventional gentle- man, as there is at the North, or in England, or on the continent of Europe ; but he is no more the South rn Gentleman, than was the Count D'Orsay such a gentle- man. Although born in the Southern States, and never having been any where else, may be, he is yet simply a gentleman — the universally accredited gentleman of the civilized world. This conventional species of gentle- man may be either an honest man or a knave — a blase libertine, a wine-bibber, a coxcomb ; or a hero as well, a Christian, and a sage. We know there are those who will cry out against this definition of the world's gen- tleman ; but let them bawl until their lungs are sore, yet they can not thereby change the facts. What was Beau Brummell, but a spendthrift, drunkard, and cox- comb ? What was my Lord Chesterfield, but a pol- ished sepulchre, fair outside to look upon, within black and unsightly with every rank corrujDtion ? What was King George the Fourth — that most " perfect gentle- man in all Europe" — but a base deceiver, a proud and selfish ruler, and a heartless hypocrite ? And coming down to these degenerate times, what shall we say of P. Barton Key ? And do you presume, honest reader, that "the tower of Siloam," which fell upon him, crushed in his person all the polished, but false, Keys in the land, who are accustomed habitually to unlock the treasure-house of their bosom friend and steal thence his diamond without price ? What, too, shall we say of Bulwig, the learned novelist, the titled play- wright, and minister of her Christian Majesty — Bulwig, 22 THE SOUTHERN GENTLEMAN". who notoriously beats his wife, and shuts her up" in a mad-house without cause? Has not this same Bag- wig, as Yellowplush blunderingly calls him, shot into the very centre and bull's-eye of fashion ? Is he not looked upon in all respects as being no less a gentle- man than was our own immortal Washington, or is that purest of our statesmen and chastest of our orators, Ed- ward Everett ? Certainly : and all because the learned Baronet has read Chesterfield with profit, and possesses a certain external polish — a certain suavity of manner and speech, soon mastered by such as frequent courts and the palaces of the great — as well as a complete knowledge of all those conventional laws of etiquette, which the artificial nature of our social intercourse has rendered almost indispensably necessary to the comple- tion of a polite education. Neither are such mere or- namental accomplishments to be despised ; but whoever would lay too great store by them, let him not forget, that while blossoms and green leaves render the tree beautiful to look upon, still much more greatly to be prized are its black, misshapen roots, which, striking deep clown into the earth, hourly extract from the soil those juices which supply both leaf and floAver with all their fragrance and beauty. jSFow, we are not going to say, that the Southern Gentleman does not frequently possess as much of Chesterfleldian polish as most others, for then we should say that which is not true ; but we do say, that a great many persons in the Southern States possess equally as much polish and refinement, who are yet not to be con- sidered as Southern Gentlemen, par excellence ; while many of those who are to be so considered are not al- THE SOUTHERN GENTLEMAN. 23 ways what the beau monde calls au fait in matters of dress and deportment. Many of them are quite old- fashioned, indeed, and would crack in a trice any sim- pering coxcomb's skull who should dare to whirl their daughters through the indecent mazes of some of those most popular modern waltzes, suitable to Germany and other parts of Europe perhaps, but as yet exotics in these States, and like all exotics so far of but feeble growth — though much affected by the codfish-ocrats of our large cities, as well as by all the ambitious inland villages, which so love to ape the vices of a metropolis, since they can not aspire to its virtues. And we would also like to impress now at the com- mencement upon the mind of our reader, that the gen- uine Southern Gentlemen, like all real gentlemen, are not quite so plentiful as blackberries in summer-time, or New-England robins in spring. To intelligent Nor- therners, who have travelled much, this information is superfluous, we know ; but a great many citizens of the Free States — amiable, educated, and naturally shrewd people — on visiting the South for the first time, manifest great surprise because they meet there, as at home, many ill-bred and vulgar persons ; just as they are disappointed, oftentimes, to discover that the South- ern landscape is disfigured now and then with a reedy swamp, a long stretch of barren sand-hills, or many continuous miles of monotonous piney woods. They have been so accustomed from infancy to hear and read of Southern hospitality and wealth, as well as of the splendors of natural scenery in all Southern latitudes, they seem to anticipate at every step a princely man- sion, and at every turn magnolia groves. Filled with 24 THE SOUTHERN GENTLEMAN. such ideal conceptions of the Summer Land, it is not at all strange that such persons can not refrain at times from expressing their disappointment, when they come to realize the facts. We remember travelling once on the Mississippi in company with an old gentleman from New- York, (it was in the autumn of '57,) — a respectable member of the middle classes, intelligent and courteous, though somewhat of a cockney. He was quite a portly old gentleman — must have stood at least six feet in his stockings— with a red face and very white hair ; a bach- elor withal, hearty and jovial, and a pretty fair speci- men of what one might fitly call an Old Boy. Being such an Old Boy, he was not above associating with young gentlemen many years his junior, but seemed on the contrary to prefer such company to that of the se- niors ; and so we became quite familiar. He was on his first visit Southward, and it was quite amusing to note the changes which came over his bachelor visage as we neared the tropics. He came aboard at Cairo, and be- sides having had to stay in that dull Illinois town one whole night, the ticket-agent at Chicago had swindled him out of a dollar, selling him a through-ticket to Memphis at a higher rate than the usual railroad and steamboat fares combined amounted to ; and these two trials united had left our Old Boy in no very pleasant humor, although he was a jolly old bachelor. The steamer happened to be one of the best of the Louisville and New-Orleans packets — stately in its proportions, luxuriously furnished, and was besides fairly packed with first-class passengers. The bustle of landing, etc. etc., together with the novelty of the whole scene to THE SOUTHERN GENTLEMAN. 25 our bachelor's eyes, for a while made him forget his misfortunes, as well as his ill-humor ; and the Old Boy manifested almost as much delight as any Young Boy would on his first escape from the maternal apron- strings. Eubbing his hands together with delight, and thridding his way nervously from deck to deck among the hundreds of travellers, in the brief space of half an hour he must have informed near upon twenty differ ent individuals that he was a New-- Yorker, Sir ; and was on his first visit to the South, Sir ; and hoped to spend the winter in the same, Sir ! And at least half- a-dozen times he must have asked, pointing to the col- ored waiters, "And these are the slaves? eh, Sir, all slaves ?" while at the moment he was evidently inclined to think very favorably of an institution which had succeeded in manufacturing into such decent and re- spectable, not to say important-looking personages, the raw material originally imported from Africa. In truth, so long as the bustle and confusion lasted, our bachelor acquaintance seemed pleased with every thing about him. So long had he been used to the continuous hum and noise of a large city — so long had he been accustomed to being jostled about at every turn — that to him unrest seemed to be the only species of rest of which he knew any thing. This fact became painfully apparent after his first day's travel on the Mississippi ; we say painfully, for it was (save that it was ludicrous as well) really painful to witness the mis- ery the old gentleman suffered day by day, as we steamed further and further down the broad bosom of the Father of Waters. He was evidently a kind-hearted man, national and patriotic, and did not wish to say 26 THE SOUTHERN GENTLEMAN. any thing out of the way ; but it was still plain as a pikestaff that in his own mind he connected the vast solitude, in. the awful stillness whereof he seemed to be dying, with the " curse of slavery." For a long time he endured the horrors of his situation with the patience of a martyr, (and what he must have suffered in mental agony and bodily worriment before he did speak, it is frightful to conjecture ;) but at last, after having walked his boots almost off, and after numerous ejaculations, as if to himself, while standing by the taffrail, of " Well ! well!" "It's no use!" "Yes! it must be so!" "It must be so I" he came up to us in a pompous manner, and says he, very energetically, giving his inexpressibles a nervous hitch at the same time, and striving hard to boh unutterable things — says he: "Where's your towns?" The question was so characteristic, and was uttered with such a meaning look and gesture, we could not refrain from turning aside to have a quiet laugh. And yet at least one half of the Northern people, used all their lives to the bustle of cities and towns, and the noisy clatter of mechanical trades, if similarly situated with our earnest New-York acquaintance, would pro- pound just such a question as he did — never once re- flecting that cotton, sugar, rice, wheat, corn, tobacco, and all other agricultural products, grow only in the country, and very quietly too at that. Hence, even while they are passing a princely plantation — hid from view though it be by the dense forest on the river's bank — whose proprietor could with a single year's crop buy up half-a-dozen New-England villages, they will whisper confidentially in your ear: " Ah ! Sir, how un- like our thrifty Down East villages!" Observe, how- THE SOUTHERN GENTLEMAN. 27 ever, we are casting no stones at any body in par- ticular. Nor yet do we complain of any man for doing what it is perfectly natural he should do, until he has learned to do better. It is natural for the city cockney to find the country dull , and to wonder without affecta- tion how people manage to live there ; and it is equally natural for the sun-embrowned farmer, after one week's sojourn in the town, to find it excessively boring, and to wonder how any body can make money honestly where they neither sow turnips nor raise garden " sass." But let us return to our subject. To begin with his pedigree, then, we may say, the Southern Gentleman comes of a good stock. Indeed, to state the matter fairly, he comes usually of aristo- cratic parentage ; for family pride prevails to a greater extent in the South than in the North. In Virginia, the ancestors of the Southern Gentleman were chiefly English cavaliers, after whom succeeded the French Huguenots and Scotch Jacobites. In Maryland, his ancestors were in the main Irish Catholics — the retain- ers and associates of Lord Baltimore — who sought in the wilds of the New World religious tolerance and po- litical freedom. In South-Carolina, they were Hugue- nots — at least the better class of them — those dauntless chevaliers, who, fleeing from the massacre of St. Bar- tholomew and the bloody persecutions of priests and tyrants, drained France of her most generous blood to found in the Western Hemisphere a race of heroes and patriots. In Florida, Louisiana, Texas, and other por- tions of the far South, the progenitors of the Southern Gentleman were chiefly Spanish Dons and French Catholics 28 THE SOUTHERN GENTLEMAN. Thus it will be seen that throughout the entire ex- tent of the South, (for the new Southern States have been settled almost wholly by emigrants from those named above,) wherever you meet with the Southern Gentleman, you find him hijo dalgo, as the Spaniards phrase it : however, there are many notable exceptions in every Southern State. For, owing to the repeal of the Law of Primogeniture, and the gradual decay of some of the old families, as well as the levelling effects of many of Mr. Jefferson's innovations, particularly the subsequent intermarriages between the sons and daughters of the gentry and persons of the middle class, (of whom we shall have something to say in the next chapter,) there are scattered throughout all the Southern States many gentlemen of the genuine Southern cha- racter, whose ancestry was only in part of the cavalier stock. Indeed, Mr. Jefferson himself was a fit repre- sentative of these ; for, while his mother was a Kan- dolph, his father was only a worthy descendant of the sturdy yeomanry of England. Besides being of faultless pedigree, the Southern Gentleman is usually possessed of an equally faultless physical development. His average height is about six feet, }^et he is rarely gawky in his movements, or in the least clumsily put together ; and his entire phy- sique conveys to the mind an impression of firmness united to flexibility. If the reader has ever read Lieutenant Strain's account of his perilous Darien Ex- pedition, he will have had presented to him a fit illus- tration of what the superior physical structure of the Southern Grentleman enables him to undergo, in the re- markable powers of endurance possessed by Capt. Maury. TIIE SOUTHERN GENTLEMAN". 29 We mention this subject, because the Northern peo- ple entertain in regard to it such very erroneous opin- ions. They have been told so incessantly of the lazy habits of Southerners, that they honestly believe them to be delicate good-for-nothings, like their own brain- less fops and nincompoops — those amazingly good fel- lahs, who dawdle at watering-places during the sum- mer months, and dance attendance all winter upon some fair Flora McFlimsy, who is in all respects as utterly stupid and worthless as themselves. Only those Northerners who have travelled in the Southern States, or whose associations otherwise have made them familiar with the gentlemen of the South, possess any correct knowledge of the physical perfectness of the latter. This these owe in part, doubtless, to those mailed ancestors who followed Godfrey and bold Cceur de Lion to the rescue of the Holy Sepulchre, or to those knightly sires, may be, who, like Front de Bceuf and most of the other gallant gentlemen of those da}- s, were great with battle-axes, and in every other kind of physical prowess, but who also always signed their names with a cross. Much more reasonably, however, we think we may attribute the good size and graceful carriage of the Southern Gentleman, to his out-of-doors and a-horse- back mode of living. For we might as well here in- form our readers, the genuine Southern Gentleman almost invariably lives in the country. But let them not conclude from this circumstance that he is nothing more than the simple-hearted, swearing, hearty, and hospitable old English or Virginia Country Gentleman, of whom we have all heard so repeatedly. The time 80 THE SOUTHERN GENTLEMEN. lias been when such a conviction could have been truthfully entertained ; but that was long ago. In those good old times the Southern Gentleman had lit- tle else to do than fox-hunt, drink, attend the races, fight chicken-cocks, and grievously lament that he was owner of a large horde of savages whom he knew not how to dispose of. But times change, el nos mutamur in illis. The new order of things which succeeded the innovations of Mr. Jefferson made it necessary for the Gentlemen of the South, for all the old families who had before lived upon their hereditary wealth and influence, to struggle to maintain their position, else to be pushed aside by the thrifty middle classes, who thought it no disgrace to work by the side of their slaves, and who were, in consequence, yearly becoming more wealthy and influ- ential. Besides, after the repeal of the Law of Primo- geniture, the large landed estates, the former pride and boast of the first families, very soon were divided up into smaller freeholds, and the owners of these, of ne- cessity, were frequently forced to lay aside the old manners and customs, the air and arrogance of the grand seignor, and to content themselves with the plain, unostentatious mode of life which at present characterizes most gentlemen in the South. The re- sult of all which has been, that the Southern Gentle- man of to-day is less an idler and dreamer than he was in the old days, is more practical, and, although not so great a lover of the almighty dollar as his Northern kinsman, still is far from being as great a spendthrift as his fathers were before him. But, notwithstanding the old style of Southern Gen- THE SOUTHERN GENTLEMAN. 31 tlemen has in a measure passed away, the young South is nurtured in pretty much the same school as formerly — at least so far as physical education is con- cerned — and participates more or less in all those rol- licking out-door sports and amusements still common in England to this day. Scarcely has he gotten fairly rid of his bibs and tuckers, therefore, before we find him mounted a-horseback ; and this not a hobby- horse either, (which the poor little wall-flower of cities is so proud to straddle,) but a genuine live pony — sometimes a Canadian, sometimes a Mustang, but al- ways a pony. By the time he is five years of age he rides well ; and in a little while thereafter has a fowl- ing-piece put into his hands, and a little black boy of double his age put en croupe behind him, (or in case mamma is particularly cautious, his father's faithful serving-man accompanies him, mounted on another horse,) and so accoutred, he sallies forth into the fields and pastures in search of adventures. At first he bangs away at every thing indiscriminately, and the red-headed woodpeckers more often grace his game- bag than quail or snipe ; but by degrees he acquires the art and imbibes the spirit of the genuine sports- man, and ever after keeps his father's hospitable board amply supplied with the choicest viands the woods or fields or floods afford. By floods, the reader will please understand rivers, creeks, and ponds; for our young Southerner is as much of a fisherman as a Nim- rod. When he tires of his gun, he takes his fishing- rods and other tackle, and goes angling; and when he tires of angling, provided the weather is favorable, he denudes himself and plunges into the water for a 82 THE SOUTHERN GENTLEMAN. swim, of which he tires not at all. Indeed, he will re- main in the watery element until the sun blisters his back, and if thus forced to seek terra firma, he does it " upon compulsion," and under protest. As a general thing, the blue-noses of Nova Scotia, or the natives of South- America, are not greater lovers of the healthy exercise of swimming than the boys of the South, of all classes. In his every foray, whether by flood or field, our young gentleman has for his constant attendant, Cuffee, junior, who sticks to him like his shadow. At the expiration of five years or so of this manner of living, (provided there is no family tutor, and in that case his mother has already learned him to read,) the master is sent to the nearest village, or district, or select school, returning home every night. Sometimes this school is from five to ten miles distant, and so he has to ride from ten to twenty miles every day, Saturdays and Sundays alone excepted. Again Cuffee is sent with his young master, and morning and evening the two are to be seen cantering to or from the school-house, the negro taking charge of their joint lunch for dinner, (to be eaten during " play-time,") and the master car T rying on the pommel of his saddle or his arm the bag which contains his books and papers, and maybe a stray apple or peach to exchange with the village urchins for fishing-rods, or to present to some school- boy friend, who has a rosy-cheeked little sister, with a roguish black eye and a silvery laugh. And although every clay in the week, from Monday to Friday inclusive, is thus occupied, both master and slave sit up nearly all of Friday night, cleaning guns, THE SOUTHERN GENTLEMAN". 33 arranging fishing-lines, and discussing enthusiastically the sports to be followed on the morrow. These change very materially, as our young Southerner be- gins to get higher and higher in his teens. He very soon surfeits of the tame pastime of shooting squirrels and ducks, woodcock and plover, or chasing of hares ; when for a short while, say a couple of years, his chief delight is to hunt wild turkeys — a rare sport where turkeys are abundant and when one has a well-trained dog. But even this soon ceases to be attractive, and is succeeded by fox-hunting. Preparatory to entering upon the latter rare old English sport, our young gen- tleman gets some one of the many dusky uncles on his father's plantation, to procure him a deep intoned horn ; which procured, he proceeds immediately to ex- change his pony for the fleetest and most active of his father's stud. On a great many Southern plantations there are kept hunting horses, regularly trained for the sport as in England ; and it is astonishing in what a little time they become as fond of the same as their riders. Even mules, after having been used a few times, will prick up their heavy ears at the sound of a merry horn, and will follow the hounds with all the eagerness of the best-blooded of their sires. Having selected his steed, and mounted Cuffee on another, (usually a mule, by the way,) our young fox- hunter gives his horn a merry wind in the "wee sma' hours atween the twal" in the morning, answering to which well-known call, Eingwood, and Jowler, and Bon, with all their yelping and barking mates, soon gather together and hasten after their master to the ap- pointed place of rendezvous. Here soon assemble the 2* 3-i THE SOUTHERN GENTLEMAN. sons of the neighboring gentry, or such, of them at least as intend to participate in the morning's sport. Masters and negroes, horses and dogs, all sniff keenly the bracing morning air, and, after a brief parley, hav- ing settled the preliminaries, away they all hie to some old field filled with broom-sedge, or to some scarcely penetrable copse — these being Keynard's usual habi- tats ; and ere a great while the rattling music of the " pack in full cry" breaks on the stillness of the hour: " For the fox is found, And over the stream, at a mighty bound, And over the highlands and over the low, O'er furrows, o'er meadows the hunters go : Away ! away ! As a hawk flies full at his prey, So flieth the hunter, away, away ! He flies from the burst at the cover, till set of sun, When the red fox dies, and the day is done !" Ah ! it is impossible for your pale denizens of the dusty town, whose horizon on every side is bounded by dull brick walls and flaming sign-boards, to appre- ciate the wild delight of a steeple-chase ride through brake and briars, over gullies and fences, adown green lanes and under the overshadowing boughs of majestic forests, with a whoop and halloo, and hark, tally ho ! and all the accompanying bustle and excitement of a regular old-fashioned Virginia fox-hunt ! We say Vir- ginia fox-hunt, not that it is peculiar to the Old Do- minion, but because the red fox most abounds in that ancient commonwealth, and this is the fox which gives the longest run and the greatest sport, and to win whose " brush" is the ambition of all aspiring hunters. Fox- THE SOUTHERN GENTLEMAN. 35 hunting is more or less followed in all the Slave States, both by the sons of the gentry and of the middle-class planters and farmers ; and such has been the practice ever since the first settlement of the country. It was originally introduced by the English cavaliers, was a favorite pastime with the Father of his Country, and in those days was adhered to by the lovers of the sport, even until their " frosty pows" admonished them that the greatest of huntsmen, Death, was about to "earth" them in his turn, as they had " earthed" many a noble fox before. At present, however, it is chiefly patron ized by boys and young men, and in consequence, occu- pies much less of public attention than formerly, or than it still does in England. Nor have we ever known an instance in the South of a lady's indulging in the sport, which is a common practice in the old fatherland ; and the foxes are so plenty, the copses, woods, and other breeding and hiding-places, being so abundant, instead of having to take the pre- caution to insure a continuance of the breed, as our English cousins have to do, the Southern farmers com- plain that the cunning rascals only breed too fast, de- spite the hunters and their hounds. We are thus particular to speak of these matters, since they are so imperfectly understood in the Free States, wherein every species of pastime which hinders the making of money is regarded as sinful ; and wherein also the usual custom is, to hunt foxes with any kind of dog, while such a thing as a horse, or merry-sound- ing horn, is never once thought of. We remember be- ing in Concord, Massachusetts, on a certain occasion, indeed, bavins; driven thither from Cambridge in a 36 THE SOUTHERN GENTLEMAN. sleigh, and stopping at a country-looking tavern, the bar-room whereof reminded one of the South-west. This licensed rum-hole was full of rough, unpolished people, dressed like laborers and farmers, and dogs — old dogs and young dogs, puppies, sluts, and snarling curs. After we had sufficiently thawed our frozen fingers to listen to the conversation of the bipeds in the room, (one of whom, in a kind of drunken glee, held an overgrown pup between his knees, and, while the brute made fran- tic efforts to lick its master's face, descanted in a doting, maudlin way on the pup's pints — for one we thought the master could boast of more pints than the dog,) we gathered that some of the company present had just returned from a fox-hunt ; and learned, to our aston- ishment, that they actually had taken guns along to shoot poor Reynard, in case their "mongrel curs" should fail to catch him — which indeed happened; while, from the manner in which they recounted over and over again the various incidents of the chase, laugh- ing the while immoderately, they certainly fancied they had had a deal of sport. Now, the sport of a properly conducted fox-hunt consists in its adventurous character, in the wild excite- ment and general abandon of the long chase, and the eager cries of the hounds — all which are heightened and rendered more delightful by reason of the " merry bold voice of the hunter's horn." Even when one is not a participant in the chase itself, there is an inde- scribable charm in listening to the various sounds which accompany it. Let any person, no matter how prejudiced he maybe against the sport, only be aroused from his slumbers some still frosty morning, when the THE SOUTHERN GENTLEMAN. 37 sky is cloudless and the moon is just beginning to wane in the first blush of the dawn, and all at once have borne to his ears, as in a dream, the distant winding of the hunter's horn, the echoing shouts of a dozen horse- men, the deep and varied cries of fifty hounds in hot pursuit, the whole mellowed by the distance and sweetly confused — at times almost indistinct, as the huntsmen dash madly through some sequestered glen — then again ringing clear and melodious as they brush past the brow of a neighboring hill, only to be lost so soon as they drive helter-skelter down its thither side ; and he will prove singularly phlegmatic and lacking in en- thusiasm who does not feel, for the moment, that he can heartily and conscientiously approve the sentiment so beautifully and musically uttered by Barry Corn- wall : " Sound, sound the horn ! to the hunter good, What's the gully deep, or the roaring flood ? Right over he bounds (as the wild stag bounds,) At the heels of his swift, sure, silent hounds. Oh ! what delight can a mortal lack, "When he once is firm on his horse's back, With his stirrups short, and his snaffle strong, And the blast of the horn for his morning's song?" After fox-hunting succeeds deer-hunting, which, in the Southern States, among gentlemen, is usually con- ducted somewhat after the same fashion as the former, or by what in hunter's parlance is called " driving," although scholars, and men of quiet contemplative natures, frequently prefer to " still-hunt," which is like- wise much in favor with all "pot-hunters;" these latter adopting such a mode of killing their vension from ne- 38 THE SOUTHERN GENTLEMAN. cessity, and their inability to afford the horses and dogs necessary to a successful drive, while the former, being usually of a taciturn bent of mind, find opportunities in still-hunting to gratify their penchant for meditation and solitude. And truly there is a wonrestissimo ; and only is acquaint with such old-fashioned songs as " John Anderson my Joe," and the psalms of David versified 100 THE MIDDLE CLASSES. by good Dr. "Watts : but, all ! Mesdames and Made- moiselles, we think, in the Great Day when we shall every one positively appear for the very last time on this earthly stage, you will sing quite small by the side of her whose heart is ever in perfect accord with the mind of the Great Master Symphonist, who, with immortal linger and a voice whose echoes are the echoes of Eternity, leads and directs the Grand Or- chestra of the Universe. In most instances the daughters of such a Southern matron resemble their mother, save that they possess a little more modern polish and culture, and hanker more eagerly after the vanities of the world ; but even the daughters are often quite uneducated in the cur- rent literature of the times, and in all things else evince a simplicity of mind and character altogether refresh- ing. Sometimes, 'tis true, they are sent to Boarding- Schools, (which are becoming more common in the South of late years,) are there exposed to a false and shallow system of hot-bed culture for a few sessions ; and emerging therefrom in due time make their debut in life, possessed of full as much pride and affectation as well as conceit and vanity, as of artificial graces of person and manner ; and boasting a superficial know- ledge of twenty different branches of learning, but in re- ality having a perfect mastery and comprehension of none. Southern young ladies of this character, how- ever, are usually the daughters of tradesmen, village store-keepers, and the like, who constitute a pretty fair proportion of the Southern Middle Classes, and of whom we shall next come to speak. Almost every village and hamlet in the United THE MIDDLE CLASSES. 101 States can boast one or more storekeepers, so-called in our American vernacular : in England called shopmen. These storekeepers generally keep on their shelves a miscellaneous assortment of goods, groceries, hardware, cutlery, hats, caps, shoes, agricultural implements, and, In fine, almost any thing you can name "in their line." "While many of them are gentlemanly and honest, the major portion (as we all think, if we don't say so) are shrewd, sharp, cunning fellows ; glib of tongue, full of their own conceit, but prodigal of bows and compli- ments, and always smiling of countenance, yet, did one credit their own most solemn asseverations, always sell- ing every thing at a "most tremendous sacrifice." How often do they remind one of Dry den's translation of a poem of Persius : " Be sure to turn the penny : lie and swear, 'Tis wholesome sin : but Jove, thou say'st, will hear. Swear, fool, or starve, for the dilemma's even ; A tradesman thou ! and hope to go to heaven ?" Alas ! how true is that saying of some modern mor- alist, that formerly, " when great fortunes were made only in war, war was a business ; but now, when great fortunes are made only by business, business is war." In the old times, the weapons used were swords and battle-axes, and the fighting was mostly done in broad open day and aboveboard : but now, the most efficient weapons are lies and cunning, and the fighting is all done in darkness and in secret. If this be true of our merchant princes and largest wholesale dealers, how much more true must it be of the little retail-dealer who peddles his wares by the shilling's worth : for the small 102 THE MIDDLE CLASSES. * hucksterer, particularly the country haberdasher of either a New-England village or Southern cross-roads, is sure to be jewed and worried past endurance any how, by his fourpenny customers, who will never con- sent to purchase any thing save at a reduction from the price first demanded ; and hence the seller has to swear that he paid fabulous sums for his goods, but " as it's you" he will part with them for once " at a sac- rifice." Certainty, all country store-keepers are not of this stamp, but we apprehend that a majority of them are not overburdened with conscientious scruples ; we do not care what their parentage may be, or in what climes they may have their local habitation. Lying and cheating, as well as jewing down a seller and dis- paraging that which one wishes to buy, are neither sectional nor national peculiarities — they are human and world-wide. The reader will understand us, therefore, when we tell him that Southern Store-keepers (we do not speak now of the city merchants) are pretty much like all other shopmen the world over. They certainly do possess some marked peculiarities, but aside from those which are mainly due to local surroundings, they differ but little from any ordinary shop-keeper in New- England or the North-West. They generally, in all the States, spring from the thrifty middle classes ; and their heads are much more constantly occupied with how they may turn an honest penny, than with poli- tics, or science, or religion. Mark, however, we say generally ; for there are two classes of storekeepers, as we trust there are of lawyers, since the writer belongs to the latter very pious and honest fraternity. We THE MIDDLE CLASSES. 103 wish the reader to bear this fact in mind ; and while we proceed first to describe the larger and less honest class of storekeepers — those, in reality, who ought to figure under the caption of " Southern Yankee" — let him not forget that we will yet have a good word to say, by and by, of those honest and straightforward tradespeople, who happen, we regret to believe, to be in a minority so far as mere numbers are concerned. If a respectable farmer of the middle class in the South, has a son who early evinces a fondness for trade, by eternally swapping jack-knives with his school- companions, or exchanging marbles, or fish-hooks, or puppies, or any thing else, and always making a " good thing' by the operation, even if it be at the ex- pense of a few white lies ; this hopeful juvenile is very soon installed behind some merchant's counter, and the doting parents consider that their youthful prodigy's fortune is already made. And the youthful prodigy entertains the like conviction, and determines that the old folks shall one day see him the owner of a store ; and dressed in broadcloth every day, and a black satin vest, and big gold watch with a heavy gold chain ; and owning a white painted house " in town," with an immense portico in front, and making semi-annual visits to New- York or Philadelphia after goods ; and coming in a carriage with servants in livery, to see the old homestead every Christmas ; and having the seat of honor awarded him on such occasions, while he makes the eyes of all to stare in awe and wonder at the mar- vellous yarns he spins out concerning the sights to be seen in the metropolis ; until even burly Andy, as he pretends to be piling the wood high up in the old-fash- 104 THE MIDDLE CLASSES. • ionecl chimney, grins as a darkey only knows how to grin, and fumbles abont his work unusually long, pok- ing and punching the big back-log and stirring up the coals, impatient to hear the conclusion of the last mag- nificent story about Dead Eabbits and Eip Eaps. These are the pleasant dreams Young Hopeful indulges in while he is learning to split skeins of silk, selling a half-skein for a whole one, as well as to lie genteelly, to look at all times smooth and insinuating, to be obse- quious to the rich, and condescendingly affable and confidential to those of mean condition. Young Hopeful's preceptor is usually a shrewd Yan- kee from Down East ; and here a word about this Yan- kee ; for the Yankees who have gone South with their descendants, form no inconsiderable share of the South- ern Middle Classes. Of course we are speaking of the great mass of them, who have been by no means the flowers of the New-England parterre, allow us to hint to our Southern friends. When not school-teachers, they have usually been trading people, who started out in life with their all tied up in a bundle on their backs, which said bundle is presumed to have contained wooden nutmegs, jewsharps, rat-traps, patent corkscrews, and other Yankee notions ; but so soon as they get the means, they set up for merchants or storekeepers. They then profess to be intensely pro-slavery, though they seldom own slaves, unless acquired by marriage, preferring otherwise to "hire;" either because they find it impossible to overcome their early anti-slavery pre- judices, or else owing to a fixed resolve to return to the land of their nativity at some future period of their lives. For, aside from the natural and inborn love of one's THE MIDDLE CLASSES. 105 • birth-place which remaineth ever in the human heart, few Yankees have the tact to feel comfortable and per- fectly at home in a Slave State. Oftentimes they have evidently seen more of the world than the people with whom they select to live — particularly more of city life — still they appear to find it almost impossible to acquire that easy, unaffected simplicity of manners, which is the charming characteristic of all classes in the South, the slaves not excepted. Without intend- ing it, they yet appear either too pert and consequen- tial, or else too fawning and sycophantic. They are too frequently patronizingly good-fellowish, with the bluff yeomanry, and at the same time most torturingly polite to the wealthy planter. They manage, however, to fleece most of those who deal with them ; or else become bankrupt and run away from their creditors, having previously mortgaged all their stock of goods and other property to some friend or relation in the North ; who quietly comes and takes possession of the same, sells every thing to the highest and best bidder for cash, pockets the money — for whose use, deponent saith not — and returns whence he came, leaving the poor creditors minus their funds as well as their tem- pers. But the honest and prosperous Yankee usually associates himself with a Southern partner who is well known and possessed of influence in the community — the union proving beneficial to both parties. The firm soon gets a large run of custom, owing to the popularity of the Southern partner; and the familiarity of the Northern partner with the quality and prices of goods in the large cities, enables him to buy to better advan- tage than could a raw Southerner who visits the Mc- 5* 106 THE MIDDLE CLASSES. tropolis for the first time ; and in consequence to make better bargains with his customers. For the Yankee knows all those places where "old goods are sold for Southern and Western trade" — all the large auction establishments — all the second-hand dealers, and the pleasant den of My Uncle of the Three Balls. He buys most of his invoice from these people, and the "likes of them," and only enough new and fashionable articles to supply a few of his wealthy patrons, well knowing that these alone would ever be able to detect the fraud of his endeavoring to palm off goods two or three years old as the " latest styles." Even if he must lose on the few rich and fashionable articles he docs "lay in," he is bound nevertheless to make fully one hundred per cent on all the rest. Certainly it will re- quire considerable lying to " effect sales" — no doubt of that ; and is no better than downright swindling, to use the mildest epithet : but our Yankee consoles himself with the reflection, that in a few more years he will grow rich, when it will be plenty soon to enjoy telling the truth and being conscientious along with the other luxuries of life. And besides, the honest farmers and mechanics, and calico-loving negroes, will never enter- tain a doubt but what they have received their money's worth any how; and then, too, if he did not swindle them somebody else would ; and you must not forget, you know, the good old English maxim — "Every body for himself, and devil take the hindmost," and the Scripture declaration, that whoso provideth not for his own household, has denied the faith and become worse than an infidel ; and — a hundred other plausible excuses and pretexts, all of a kindred character. THE MIDDLE CLASSES 107 Such is a hasty sketch of the usual preceptor of our Young Hopeful. Being both a willing and apt pupil, under such tuition he makes the most wonderful pro- gress, and soon acquires the sobriquet of Model Clerk and is promoted accordingly. And a Model Clerk is he, in truth — one that will swear black is white, or white is black, nor wince once while he does it either, but preserve all the time such a severe look of gravity and injured innocence, as rarely fails of disarming even the shrewdest of all their doubt or suspicion. In a little while, too, he learns to read a customer the moment he or she enters the store, and mentally soliloquizes, "Here's a country greenhorn to be plucked," or, "This lady is of the haul ton ; I must win her favor." In the former case he puts on a gracious patronizing air, looks very pleasant and affable, and speaks with an affectation of frank heartiness : " How are ye, Tom, ole fell' — give us your paw ! Haven't seen you in a coon's age — why haven't you been round to see a feller, eh ? And how's the old folks, and craps, and that blamnation pretty sweetheart of yours, ha, ha?" By this time he has made verdant feel at his ease, for the latter was a little shy when he first came into the presence of so much unaccustomed finery, and rubbed his mouth and nose confusedly with the sleeve of his "jeans" coat, and stammered, and blushed, and looked sheepish ; but now he says, with a broad grin, "As how he wants to buy her a nice dress, been's they're gwine to have some mighty fine doin's down to Aunt Sally Dubbin's fore long." And the simple fellow blushes again to hear himself talk, and grins somewhat bewilderedly : and the Model Clerk grins too, but he doesn't blush, not 108 THE MIDDLE CLASSES. he ! But he takes his friend, Tom, confidentially by the sleeve, and leads him around the counter to where are stowed away some worthless old goods, which have lain on the shelves of the New- York importer until they are fit for moths only ; and picking them up daintily, he thrusts them into the face of the admiring countryman; grins again; winks; elevates his eye- brows knowingly ; chucks poor Tom under the short- ribs in a playful manner ; then softly whispers in his ear: "Times are hard, old fell' — and so we have put these splendid goods down to cost for cash." And he immediately proceeds to ask just one hundred and fifty per cent more than the miserable stuff cost at auction. Verdant is delighted, charmed, but -hesitates — sizes his pile, and says ruefully, "he haint got the rhino." "Is it for her?" asks the Model Clerk, with a sly wink. " Yes, 'taint for nobody shorter." " Then, confound my buttons, Tom, you shall have it at a sacrifice!" He offers it then at a large deduction, but still fully one hundred per cent above prime cost ; and sells it of course. Verdant marches off with the prize, grinning audibly as he does so, well-pleased with his " bargain ;" while the Model Clerk trips quietly smiling to his ledger, well -pleased with himself. But let us suppose the customer to be a lady of ton and wealth — how humble is the Model Clerk ! How affable, how polite, how cringing, how nimble of feet, how full of smirks and grimaces ! With happiness divine beaming in his glowing face, he tumbles down silks, brocades, velvets, laces, ribbons, etc., etc., piling the counter with the costly fabrics until he is almost hid from view behind the same ; and yet, after all his THE MIDDLE CLASSES. 109 toil and flatteries, his bows and smirks, he is in the end most humbly thankful to sell madam a simple yard of ruban clefil ! When she has left him, floating in all her crinoline and flounces out at the street door, reminding one of a ship's cargo passing through the vessel's narrow hatchway ; he does feel somewhat hu- miliated, but then she will call again. "Ah! yes, you will come again, madam, and then /" Well, the deep significancy of that and then, is best interpreted by looking ahead a few years, for we will surely find that the Model Clerk has become the Model Store- keeper ; the urchin who ere while swapped jack-knives so deftly, at last realizes his early ambition, and is the owner of a " town house," and a " brick store," rides in his own carriage, drinks his weak wines every day, or his stronger brandy and water ; visits New- York and other seaboard cities twice a year, and, proudest of all his honors, goes to the old country homestead during the holidays, takes the seat of honor, none disputing, and proceeds to spin his Christmas yarns to the delectation of old folks and young folks, as well as to the utter bewilderment of the open- mouthed Andy and his fellow blacks. So wags the world, our readers, so wags the world. When the Model Storekeeper goes abroad, (which is to sa}', when he visits the land of the Northerners,) despite his everlasting satin waistcoat, he assumes to be a Southern gentleman, and so tries very hard to free himself of certain little tell-tale habits, which trades- people sometimes unfortunately contract in the "shop." But not knowing precisely how the "thing" should be done, and possessing besides somewhat original and 110 TnE MIDDLE CLASSES. peculiar ideas on the subject, he endeavors to convey some notion of his importance to strangers by looking eminently grave and consequential, and picks his teeth along with those flashy chevaliers d ) Industrie who are wont to assemble in front of the St. Nicholas or the Girard, in the rather ludicrous conviction that such a dirty and ill-becoming practice makes him appear non- chalant and "up to snuff" — a vulgar phrase, this last, but significant of our meaning. He is very proud, too, when you inform him that you could have taken your Bible oath he was a Southerner the moment you laid eyes on him ; and if he does not tell you so, he yet secretly congratulates himself that there is some- thing in his air — in his bearing — peculiarly distingue, and peculiarly Southern also. And, although often not pecuniarily interested in slave property, save that his largest patrons are slave-owners, he is ever a valiant champion of the peculiar institution, and takes every opportunity to discuss the merits of the question, just as some New-England men are always sure to run every topic of conversation into a denunciation of the South, if you do not tell them plainly, " you'll none of it." At home, in his own little village, the Model Store- keeper prides himself upon his superiority to the other members of the middle class, partly because he thinks the life of a farmer or mechanic quite degrading, and that of a storekeeper the ne plus idtra of ton and re- spectability ; partly because he has cheated and swin- dled them all so long, that he very naturally concludes they are but dull common sort of people as compared to a person of his own wonderful 'cuteness ; partty, THE MIDDLE CLASSES. Ill also, because he really is better informed than they about most subjects which are discussed in the jour- nals of the time ; and partly and mainly, too, because he is ambitious to be considered aristocratic. This last is his greatest weakness, in truth, for his sole am- bition becomes, later in life, centred in a desire to move in the select society of the landed proprietors of wealth and refinement. Filled with this "one idea," he rushes into all sorts of vulgar display, pretty much like his brother Potiphars of the Free States, and not unfrequently educates his children in such an unwise and senseless fashion, that they almost invariably grow up to be nothing better than dawdling fops and par. venues, instead of refined and well-bred ladies and gentlemen, who know how to be courteous to even the poorest beggar in the streets, and to whom sneers and all other modern genteel vulgarities are as wholly un- known as servile crookings of the "supple hinges of the knee, where thrift may follow fawning." But the Model Store keeper — the successful and money accumulating shopman, whose gains are chiefly gotten by reason of his adroit cozenage and subtlety — though the most prominent of his class in the South, as elsewhere; is not the exemplar- and archetype of all Southern storekeepers — not by a great odds. Neither would we have the reader to believe, that the cozening knave is always successful, for roguery more often than otherwise overreaches itself in the end ; and there are many scores, yea, and hundreds and tens of hundreds, too, we dare say, of poor shop-keepers in the South, as in the North, who do not remain poor through any lack of cunning or dishonesty, but simply because the fates 112 THE MIDDLE CLASSES. are not propitious, and they themselves have not the abilities requisite to command success, even in swind- lers and cheats. There are, indeed, many different kinds of store- keepers, and we are almost at a loss for a classification of them. Some of them are gentlemen of wealth and the first social position, who, in a majority of instances, were never educated to the business, nor passed through any previous store-keeping novitiate or apprenticeship, and who are not therefore to be considered as properly belonging to the class of store-keepers. For which reason we shall not attempt any description of them or their families, but proceed to speak of that class of gen- uine tradesmen, who are the antipodes of the Model Storekeeper, and hence deserving of both our consid- erance and respect. At the time the Model Storekeeper was serving out his indentures as the Model Clerk, he had many fellow clerks, may be, all of whom, were fashioned after very different models from himself as well as from each other. There were delicate, simpering, weak-voiced, soft- handed, be-oiled, and be-curled clerks, with pretty mustaches, and whose brains seemed to have all melted and run down into their shirt-collars. These charming little fellows knew no higher ambition than to be valiant knights of the yard-stick, and of course never rose any higher in the scale of being; unless, perchance, by some very easily imagined process of metempsychosis, they finally were transformed into old women, after that the halcyon days of youth had been wasted, and when, through the infirmities of age, they could no longer successfully mimic the simpering smiles and THE MIDDLE CLASSES. 113 mincing steps of the younger feminities — which seemed to be the sole aim and study of their earlier years. So, too, there were fast clerks, who gave oyster-suppers to their friends after work-hours ; who played the flute and old sledge every night, till near upon u day -break in the morning;" who drank oceans of champagne, and old Bourbon, and brandy and water ; who kept a pretty negro wench for a mistress, or may be some poor milli- ner's apprentice ; who bet on horse-races and the elec- tions, and loved fast driving, and to talk about " such a splendid rig," and their "two-forty," and all that; and who, as a natural consequence of the foregoing, sometimes took money out of the till of their employ- ers which did not belong to them — got discharged for their pains — lost caste thereupon — took to drink and cards harder than ever before, and finally died of deli- rium tremens, or degenerated into the Southern bully — of whom, more anon. But (and we now crave the reader's attention, par- ticularly if he be a young man of humble position) be- hind the same counter with all these worthless fellows, and side by side with the Model Clerk himself, there stood an honest, homely lad, possessing a sad but thoughtful face ; a lad whose parents had placed him in that servile position (bowing his manly nature down to the hard necessity of doing a woman's labor; for what else is it, good faith?) — because one sturdy father's arm could afford to give at best no more than one or two of his offspring the means to enable them to ac- quire any thing like a liberal education. Religiously trained at home, and naturally full of all generous im- pulses, this honest young fellow continues to be honest 114 THE MIDDLE CLASSES. despite the lessons and examples of dishonesty all aronnd him ; continues to be frugal and economical, despite the continuous jeers and sarcasms of the sleek- coated coxcombs, who every day thrust their scented locks between him and the more wealthy patrons of the establishment, with a contemptuous smirk dispatching their more plain and homely fellow-clerk to attend to the wants of the ol ttoXXoI — the bluff, straightforward old farmers, the independent yeomanry, the drawling and gawky hoddy-doddies from the "hill country," and the grinning, good-natured, thick-lipped, and woolty- headed Africans. But mark, young gentlemen, honesty, frugality, and unwearied faithfulness, always, sooner or later, bring their own reward. In time, and by slow degrees, it may be, our honest lad emerges from his obscurity, and, as a young man, is noted among all classes for trust- worthiness and fair dealing, for a courteous affability which knows no respect of persons, and a conscious pride of demeanor, which declares that he is not ashamed of honest poverty, feeling and knowing that " a man's a man for a' that." By and by he has saved enough to go into business for himself; else some wealthy gentleman kindly furnishes him the capital, taking for security the honest fellow 's reputation ; and now, although he may not accumulate riches as rapidly as the Model Store-keeper, he yet steadily advances in the way to prosperity, winning all the while, what is worth a deal sight more than money, the respect and confidence of his fellow-citizens. Neither does his prosperity ever elate him any more than did his poverty render him servile and sycophantic ; for it is a painful THE MIDDLE CLASSES. 115 truth, that your domineering and overbearing rich men who have risen from obscurity, were equally servile and truckling while they remained poor, crawling ever on their bellies at the beck of their employers, and eating dirt with as much apparent zest as the vulgar gourmand manifests while discussing a flavorous pot rpourri. Though not much read in books, the Honest Storekeeper is remarkable for hard common sense — what the country people vulgarly call horse-sense — and this prevents his aping the manners of those whose superior advantages have rendered them more elegant and refinecl than himself. Hence he is truly a gentle- man at heart, and is rarely given to any kind of vulgar ostentation ; but, instead of a showy house, luxurious furniture, liveried domestics, and extravagance in dress, so soon as he finds himself possesor of more cash capi- tal than his business requires, he invests it in a suburban farm— small at first, but enlarged and added to from year to year, until after a while it assumes the stately proportions of a plantation, to which the thrifty owner retires in his old age, seeking that otium cum dignitate, to which we all look forward as the reward of honest industry ; and leaving his sons or sons-in-law to carry on his former business. Such storekeepers are always deservedly respectable and well thought of; and their children in most cases being properly educated and well-bred, have the entree of the best society, and usu- ally conduct themselves worthily in every relation of life, whether civic or social. Tis most true, however, that the Honest Storekeeper does not always succeed in acquiring a fortune, but in a majority of cases dies with the harness on, and goes 116 THE MIDDLE CLASSES. to receive, in a better country than this, the rewards due a life of honest toil and unflinching integrity. Ah ! how few of us who are blessed with abundance of this world's goods, ever consider what trials and temptations always beset the path of the struggling tradesman ! What doubts and fears ! What hopes deferred which make the heart sick ! He always presents to us a pleas- ant face, but who can paint the unutterable grief which lies hid behind that smiling mask? There is a note in bank due on the morrow, and he has not the money to take it up. There are grocers' bills, and butchers' "bills, whose owners are clamorous to be paid, but he can not raise a "red." Must his note go to protest? and must the families dependent upon the grocer and the butcher be turned into the street by their landlord, because he is delinquent in paying them their honest dues ? In the first case his honor is at stake and his good name, and in the other his manhood and all the kindly in* stincts of his heart. No wonder his head is prema- turely gray, and his quiet subdued manner even some- times borders on humility, not to say servility. Wait until we have been similarly tried ! After all, despite the world's blind worship of its mighty men, the most praiseworthy heroes are those whose walks are the com. mon ones of every day life, whose names- perish and whose memories are buried with their bodies — but who, having received only one talent from the good Master, wrapped it not up in a napkin, but used it honestly and faithfully, and at last, when called upon to give an ac- count of their stewardship, returned it with interest compounded to the Benevolent Donor. For who could not bear patiently the buffetings of THE MIDDLE CLASSES. 117 the world and the cold neglect of mankind, when per suaded that aftertimes will honor his memory with that reverence which he feels is due, though denied to him by his contemporaries ? But to have to run the gaunt- let of life alone, only to find neglect and oblivion at the end of the race — buffeted at every turn by adversity and misfortune, kicked about, thumped about, worried and wearied by the struggles and cares of poverty, and above all disheartened by reason of the sneers and con- tempt of an unfeeling world : the man who runs such a gauntlet contentedly and in peace, never complaining of the hardness of his lot nor envying the riches of his neighbor, though he should faint by the way before his race is ended, and fall wounded and sore under the feet of the groundlings to be trampled in the dust, is yet the moral hero of the universe. Ah ! yes, and there are thousands of such in the world, although the world may never know them, and no trump of fame shall ever with brazen tongue proclaim their worthiness in camps or courts, in the presence of kings or peoples. They are the rough diamonds of our race, discarded and set at naught by ignorant men, only to be translated to a more princely kingdom, there to become the crown dia- monds of its majestic Sovereign. " So, gentlemen, "With all my love I do commend me to you : And what so poor a man as Hamlet is May do, to express his love and friending to you, God willing, shall not lack." We come next to speak of the Southern manufactu- rers. These bear a strong family resemblance to the 118 THE MIDDLE CALSSES, various classes of storekeepers, and even sometimes to the more refined and intelligent city merchants, who arc pretty much the same in the South that they are in the North. The manufacturing interest is rapidly advanc- ing in the South, particularly the manufacture of cotton and woollen stuffs of a coarse grade. Manufactories of this kind are springing up every where in the cotton States of late years ; but they are most numerous in the State of Georgia, which has been appropriately called the Empire State of the South, and in this State they are owned not infrequently, at least in part, by persons from the North : what is more, these manufactories are generally profitable investments — more so, in truth, than those of Massachusetts or other Northern States. We do not see any reason, indeed, why cotton or wool- len manufactories in any of our Gulf States could not be made to pay handsomely, if in the hands of enter- prising and intelligent capitalists. They can certainly compete successfully with Lowell or Manchester in sup- plying the wants of the South, as well as our Pacific States, Mexico, Central and South- America, and, in time, China and Japan — the trade with these latter countries being destined ere a great while to pass in- evitably through or over either the Isthmus of Darien or Tehuantepec. Even discarding slave labor alto- gether, the Poor Whites alone of the South, to say no- thing of the Yeomen, are numerous enough to work more spindles than are in the whole of New-England at present. And we are disposed to believe that they could be induced to forsake their usual idle and profit- less manner of living, and to devote themselves to the labor of factory operatives ; although there are those THE MIDDLE CLASSES. 119 who think their blood has so long flowed through l&zy channels — first in the veins of their remote English ancestors who lived and died in the poorhouses of England, and latterly through the veins of their im- mediate progenitors, who seem to have vegetated among the Southern sandhills something like the na- tive mullein-stalks, which neither toil nor yet do spin — until there is no longer any possible method by which they can be weaned from leading the lives of vagrom-men, idlers, and squatters, useless alike to themselves and the rest of mankind. But we should like to see the experiment tried, notwithstanding. From a late digest of the statistics of manufactures, which has just been completed in accordance with an act of Congress, and transmitted to that body by the President, we learn that the total value of manufac- tures in the South for the year ending June 1, 1858, amounted to one hundred and sixty -two millions one hundred and twelve thousand three hundred and twenty -four dollars. The number of establishments is about thirty thousand ; the number of hands employed about one hundred and sixty thousand ; the amount of capital invested ninety-one millions two hundred and eighty thousand nine hundred and sixty-four dol- lars. This is certainly no mean showing for what has been considered an almost exclusively agricultural community. Of course, however, in the present em- bryo state of cotton and woollen manufactures in the South, the greater proportion of her present manufac- tures is the product of more intelligent labor than what is ordinarily performed by factory operatives. It is the product indeed of mechanical skill — the value 120 THE MIDDLE CLASSES. of the labor of Southern mechanics, even those " greasy mechanics," about whom certain Northern dema- gogues have been so much exercised of late. It is the value of the labor of carriage-makers, leather-dressers, harness-makers, hatters, cabinet-makers, cobblers, iron- workers, engine-builders, trunk-manufacturers, and the like. And yet it has been asserted in the North time and again, and the assertion is still reiterated every day, that Southern mechanics are put upon a level with the negroes, and are not respected because they labor with their own hands for a livelihood ! You, Eeverend Sir, have, in the hotness of your political zeal, doubtless aided in the circulation of the charge ; and if only to prevent your again desecrating the pul- pit with such utterances of falsehood and calumny, al- low us to inform you implicitly that all such cock-and- bull stories are the sheerest fabrications, concocted by those political tricksters who, to serve their own sel- fish purposes, seek to inflame the breasts of the honest sons of toil in the Free States against the landed pro : prietors of the South. Did not these latter afford them a safe and shining mark at which to spit their venom, the hollow-hearted knaves would soon begin to agitate with viperous tongue agrarian sentiments at home, hoping to thrust themselves into power by ex- citing the rabblement and riffraff of the community against all citizens of affluence and respectability. Now, the mechanics in the Slave States constitute a very worthy portion of the Southern middle classes, and, when moral and upright, are fully as much re- spected as they are any where else in ths world; though they arc not at the same time any more admit- THE MIDDLE CLASSES. 121 ted to a social equality with the Southern elite, or the family of the high-bred Southern Gentleman, than they are to the fashionable and exclusive society of the solid men of Boston, or to the gilded and luxuri- ous drawing-rooms of a New- York millionaire. As we view it, respectability is one thing and gentility or fashion is quite another. It is respectable to labor — to acquire an honest livelihood by one's own industry — all the world over ; but where, we should like to know, is it considered genteel or fashionable? Be- sides, respectability may be of different degrees, some- times graduated according to a man's pecuniary cir- cumstances, but much oftener according to his mental capacity and largeness of soul ; but fashion, on the contrary, never allows of but one standard, whether of dress, of manners, or equipage, or birth, or wealth — and to this standard must conform all those devotees who would fain bask in the smiles of the uncompromi- sing goddess, who in all things else allows the very largest liberty, not to say license. Hence men may be, and often are, both fashionable and genteel, who still remain any thing else than respectable, and vice versa. Thus the code of fashion and modern gentility de- mands that poor Mrs. Sickles shall become an outcast, while a noble Briton, said to be as guilty, is feted and his society courted by the very quality who turn their backs upon the helpless girl-adulteress, upon principle, too ! and who would still smile upon the greater sin- ner, who doubtless lured the poor victimized wife to her ruin, had his life only been spared by the dishon- ored husband. Yea, load even an ass down with jew- els and broadcloth, give him a long pedigree, and the 122 THE MIDDLE CLASSES. entree of "our best society," and in a very little while it would be looked upon as "flat burglary" not to cry bravo! every time the quadruped might bray, and hear ! hear ! if he so much as flapped one of his lovely auricles ; but who is such a born fool as to imagine once that Long Ears is the recipient personally of such tokens of distinguished regard ! Strip the poor fellow of his costly trappings, and you will soon perceive what a sorry ass he becomes indeed, with none so poor as to do him reverence. So is it with many persons of ton and fashion ; strip them of their trumpery gew- gaws, of the glitter and glamour in which their wealth and surroundings envelop them, or effectually remove the gilded mask which hides from the world's eyes their black and viperine natures, and verily not a wild ass that brays among the sandy wastes of Judea but would more deserve our respect and esteem. While, on the other hand, every where, in all ages and climes, and no oftener in the Slave States than in the Free North, men are to be met with of sterling integrity, of noble natures, of generous impulses and the purest moral character, who would find themselves completely at a loss how to behave in a fashionable drawing-room, would never be able to dine in any peace of body or mind at a rich man's table, and whose life-long friend- ships and associations wholly unfit them to mingle on terms of social equality with the educated and refined, the high-bred and aristocratic. And none but a fool or a knave, or a philosopher of the school of Kobes- pierre, or a demagogue of the family of the Gracchi, would ever advocate such an impossible social mon- strosity as the fraternization of natures so dissimilar; THE MIDDLE CLASSES. 128 or, failing in the accomplishment of their quixotic emprise, would begin to rail, with rancorous malice and spite, against riches and refinement, against cul- ture and pride of station, one or all of them. For the discerning eye of the truly wise and thoughtful man will ever pierce through no matter what sort of out- ward disguise, be it of poverty or wealth, of rags or purple raiment, until he shall be enabled to measure the spiritual stature of every one of his fellow-crea- tures ; and when he has done this, he will then predi- cate his esteem of each individual upon what he finds written upon the tablets of his heart, and upon nothing beside. This is the true Christian philosophy, and it is founded upon that immutable and eternal Kock of Ages, which will remain firm and unshaken when all mutable and perishable things shall have passed away. Those doughty individuals who bawl loudest and fiercest against (not the abuses of wealth, but) wealth, are the very fellows, if the truth were known, who in their hearts honor riches most, and who run thereafter with greatest greed, until they find that the coveted treasure still continues to elude their grasp ; when, out of pure envy, they resolve not to permit those who do possess the coveted prize to enjoy the same in any peace or comfort. Such honest worthies always re- mind one of those leathery blue-stocking damsels who, (after having baited their man-traps for full thirty years or more with every delicate morceau known to female ingenuity, but all in vain,) finding themselves in the autumn of their days shrivelled and hideous, rail so indignantly against matrimony, and sneer so virtuously at the buxom charms of a blooming girl of 124 THE MIDDLE CLASSES. sixteen, whose fresh young life and' healthy heart- beats will make her the cynosure and idol of all her gentleman friends, who are neither blase nor misan- thropical. So, also, your factious demagogues, whose oily tongues are always appealing to the People and for the People, are ten to one the greatest knaves alive, and in their hearts care no more for the dear people than the purring tom-cat cares for the mouse he tenderly fondles before eating, or the dirty swine for the reeking draff in which it wallows before taking thereof its swill. And when we reflect that the dis- closures of the shameful practices of our Forty Con- gressional Thieves have so fully demonstrated the truth of this charge, we are inexpressibly astonished and confounded, that the citizens of our Free States will not open their eyes to the necessarily demoralizing tendency of that miserable politicalism of ttte hour, which appeals to nothing higher than base passion or baser prejudice. beguiled fellow-countrymen, why will you not be instructed by the warning voice of all past history ? "Without considering the multiple rev- olutions and periodical massacres which have stained Europe with blood during the last half-century, when was it, let us ask, in the history of the Eepublics of Greece and Eome, that the most fervid and intempe- rate appeals were addressed to the fickle pojDulace ii3 favor of an universal brotherhood ? It was when the tyrant Scylla was liberating convicts and slaves to rape and debauch the patrician dames of the Imperial City : and when Aristides was being ostracized by the Athe- nians, because he dared to be juster and honester than the servile demagogues who, by flatteries and wire- THE MIDDLE CLASSES. 125 pulling, had wormed themselves into the hearts of the unthinking rabble. Believe us, gentlemen, the sway of passion, if long indulged, leads inevitably to mob- law in the end ; and thence to despotism is a facile de- sensus, from which the revocare gradum is only to be accomplished at the expense of oceans of blood and treasure. But in our excessive zeal we are fast losing sight of the Southern mechanics; so, revenons & nos mouto?is, our readers. As a general thing, the mechanics of our Slave States are much better conditioned, so far as worldly goods are concerned, than their brother-craftsmen of the North ; and for three very good reasons. First, there is in the South less competition ; and in the sec- ond place, higher wages ; and thirdly and lastly, the Southern mechanics get work all the year round, and do not have to lie idle all winter, sucking their paws like the grizzly bears of the Rocky Mountains, eating up in the mean time all the little store they may have accumulated during the summer months. And par- ticularly is this true when slack times prevail, and la- bor is not in demand. This, indeed, is the great curse of the life of a mechanic in the North, and keeps just about one half of them always dodging from pillar to post, uncertain to-day where to-morrow's dinner shall be eaten. Why, at the present time, we do not entertain the least doubt but there are fully one hundred thousand re- spectable families in the North who are out of employ- ment, and who in consequence will have to live for the next three months (we write this about the begin- ning of December) in a state of semi-starvation ! What 126 THE MIDDLE CLASSES. a commentary may we here read on the boasts of the Northern press only two short years ago. Then the South was every where decried as poor and bankrupt, as on the eve of beggary and starvation, while in the Free North all was progress and reform ! But the hard times came — the winds blew and the rains beat ; and now we all know who has been the wise man, building his house upon a sure foundation. The great Northern house of sand has been overwhelmed in the storm, leaving nothing but a wreck behind ; but the South stands firm as a rock, and her financial condi- tion never was better. And in the general prosperity her mechanics have shared in the good fortune of her other citizens ; they have suffered no reduction from their usual wages, and have had pretty constant work all the time. Indeed, our abolition parsons who have been praying so devoutly for God to heap coals of fire upon the heads of the Southerners, are now beholding their own flocks subjected to the ordeal, and to save themselves from destruction are forced to rely upon foreign gold — to beg alms of the enemies of their country ! Have their mal- edictions come home to roost ? Why, if this be not true, does one meet so constantly in the Free States haggard, care-worn faces, which are seldom lighted up with a smile of contentment, or the broad grin of a hearty and wholesome good humor ? In the streets, on the cars, on the ferry and river steamboats, in the churches, in the theatres, in the workshops — every where you meet continually the dull restless eye of the weary brain, or the wistful, longing look of the wearier heart, in sad contrast to that smiling, rollicking spirit, THE MIDDLE CLASSES. 127 which seems to pervade the entire South. If any of our readers doubt the truth of the assertion, only let them travel for one month in one section and then one month next succeeding in the other, and they will have their skepticism removed beyond a perad venture. So much for the Middle Classes. Whatever else we shall have to say concerning them will be found in the two next succeeding chapters, which treat respectively of the " Southern Yankee" and "Cotton Snobs;" only we will here remark, what should have been adverted to before now, that most of the classes treated of in this chapter are much given to a love of military titles, bestowed without regard to any sort of military service and upon all sorts of people. The young men, also, very much affect blue coats with brass buttons, and even sometimes sport veritable stripes down the legs of their pantaloons. To such an extent does the military fever rage in some localities, a stranger would conclude at least every other male citi- zen to be either " Captain, or Co-lo-nel, or Knight at arms." Nor would he greatly err, so far as the title goes, for, we verily believe, in some favored districts, he would find more than every other man a military chieftain of some sort or other. Illustrative of this weakness for sounding handles to one's name, (an Ame- rican peculiarity, by the by, and by no means confined to the South,) a well-known gentleman of Winchester, in the State of Virginia, is in the habit of telling some- thing like the following anecdote. Crossing the Poto- mac on a certain occasion into Virginia, with his horse, in a ferry-boat, the ferryman said : "Major, I wish you would lead your horse a little forward !" 128 THE MIDDLE CLASSES. He immediately did so, observing to the man : "lam not a Major, and you must not call me one." To this the ferryman replied : " Wall, Kurnel, I ax your pardon, and I won't call you so no more." Having arrived at the landing-place, he led his horse out of the boat, and said : " My good friend, I am a very plain man ; I am nei- ther a Colonel nor a Major — I have no title at all, and I don't like them. How much have I to pay you ?" The ferryman gazed at him a while in astonishment and silence, but at last exclaimed : " By j inkers ! you ar' the fust white man that I ever crossed this ferry with who warn't jist nobody at all ; an' I swar, Kur — a — Cap — dangnation ! Wall, dod seize me, Squire, you shan't pay not a red cent — you allers can go over this ferry scot free — if you shan't, hang old Jake Wiggins !" CHAPTER III. THE SOUTHERN YANKEE. M How many a man, from love of pelf, To stuff his coffers starves himself ; Labors, accumulates, and spares, To lay up ruin for his heirs : Grudges the poor their scanty dole ; Saves every thing except his soul : And always anxious, always vexed, Loses both this world and the next !" Old Satirist. The name Yankee was originally bestowed upon New-Englanders alone, but for what reason it would be difficult perhaps to determine at this time. At present, however, with all foreigners it is used to desig- nate the natives of any of the Anglo-American States of our Republic. Thus Mr. Paul Morphy, though a Louisianian, is always spoken of abroad as the Yankee Champion of Chess. At home, matters are somewhat different. In our Southern States all Northerners are regarded as Yankees, while the Southerners will not consent to have the name applied to themselves. But even in the North there are those who still disclaim the appropriateness of the cognomen, when applied to any persons other than the natives of New -England ; hence, the New-Yorker becomes quite indignant if you call him a Yankee, and so do the Keystoners, and the 6* 130 THE SOUTHERN YANKEE. people who live in our Western States. Yankee with all these is looked upon usually as a term of reproach — signifying a shrewd, sharp, chaffering, oily-tongued, soft-sawdering, inquisitive, money-making, money-sav- ing, and money - worshipping individual, who hails from Down East, and who is presumed to have no where else on the Globe a permanent local habitation, however ubiquitous he may be in his travels and pur- suits. In this sense of the word, however, we are dis- posed to opine that, while New-England may possibly produce more Yankees than other portions of the Re- public, owing to the sterile nature of her soil and the consequent necessity of hoarding up and husbanding every thing, even to stinginess, on the part of her teem- ing population ; still, any numbers of the close-fisted race are to be met with all the way from the banks of the Hudson to the deltas of the Mississippi — all to the manor born too, and through whose veins courses not a drop of New-England blood. Of these all the Southern Yankee is, without dispute or cavil, the meanest. He has nothing whatever to plead in excuse or even extenuation of his selfishness ; for all around him is a boundless hospitality, and even the very air he breathes excites to warm-heartedness, relaxing the closed fist of more Northern latitudes into the proverbially open palm of the generous-hearted South. Time was, indeed, when the Southern Yankee had neither a local habitation nor a name. During the grand old Colonial days, as well as the happy period which immediately succeeded the Revolution, South- erners did not dream of devoting their whole lives — all their time and talents — to the base pursuit of riches — THE SOUTHERN YANKEE. 131 the mere acquisition of dollars and dimes, regardless of family ties, or the duties one owes to society, and the much higher duties also one owes to his God. There is, in truth, only a single instance on record of such a Southerner existing in those days ; and he was that scurvy fellow, who, according to Patrick Henry, at the very time our Revolutionary fathers were re- joicing over their hard-won victory and independence, ran about frantically from camp to camp, bawling hoarsely at the top of his voice, beef! beef! beef! But alas ! this famous beefman must have been no less than a second Grand Turk, to have left so many descend- ants after him ! At the present time, the Southern Yankee is quite an institution in the South. Although he has sprung up in the last fifty years, he has thriven faster than Jonah's gourd, has waxed fat exceedingly, and already elevates his horn amazingly high in the land. He flourishes like a green bay-tree in every Southern State. Whether this has been owing to the influence and example of his Northern brother, or to the sudden wealth bestowed upon the South by the in- vention of the cotton-gin and the purchase of Louisiana, or to some other undefined and indefinable cause, we are not prepared to say. "We simply record the fact/ as in duty bound to do, and leave to more inquisitive minds the labor of tracing out the cause. The Southern Yankee comes of no particular line- age, but springs from all manner of forefathers, though in most cases from persons of the middle class. No matter whence he derives his origin, however, he inva- riably boasts but one armorial motto, and that is, vincit omnia aurum. These arc the words he emblazons is 132 THE SOUTHERN" YANKEE. letters of gold upon the silken gonfalon which he flings so bravely to the breeze, and such is the inspiriting ensign under which he rights : and he proves no rec- reant soldier, we can assure you, but fights the good fight to the death, and verily he hath his reward : For, " Satan now is wiser than of yore, And tempts by making rich — not making poor." Indeed, were we disposed to imitate the style of our political parsons, (which is no difficult thing, O reader !) we should declaim somewhat on the following wise : Like his Northern brother, the Southern Yankee is deterred by no obstacle whatever from his tireless pursuit of riches. In the tobacco-fields of Virginia, in the rice-fields of Carolina, in the cotton-fields of Alabama, or among the sugar-canes of Louisiana, when a farmer or planter, he is in all things similar and equally bent on the accumulation of the sordid pelf: and the crack of his whip is heard early, and the crack of the same is heard late, and the weary backs of his bondmen and his bondwomen are bowed to the ground with over-tasking and over- toil, and yet his heart is still .unsatisfied ; for he grasps after more and more, and cries to the fainting slave : "Another pound of money, dog, or I take a pound of flesh !" And the lash is never staid, save by one single consideration only — ivill it pay? Will it pay to press the poor African be- yond what he can endure, and thereby shorten his life, or is it better to drive him just so far as his health and continued usefulness will justify ? this is the great and the only question with every Southern Yankee : THE SOUTHERN YANKEE. 133 Conscience ? Basta ! lie knows no such a thing as conscience : he cares only to get gain, and get it he will, and let conscience go to the dogs. Religion ? Kiss your grandmother ! Go talk to the women and the parsons about religion : a man who has uncounted treasures visible and tangible, will not be such a fool as to give them up for those which can be neither seen nor felt, and the enjoyment of which is postponed to the Hereafter. Humanity ? The devil ! what care I for your humanity ? Don't I see every body else try- ing to cheat every body, and to get the upper hand ; and shall I remain such a milksop as to let every body get ahead of me ? So he reasons ; and he acts accord- ingly. Who of us, dear friends, shall cast the first stone at him? ' Will you, Sir, regular church com- municant, negrophilist too, and all that, who gamble in stocks, in railway shares, bank shares, and mortgage bonds ? in grain, in whisky, in lands ? who blow your great financial bubbles in a venal public press, until you have pocketed the savings of the widow and the orphan, when you suddenly collapse, suspend, fail, or abscond, leaving your poor victims a prey to want, and beggary, and starvation ? Will you, our gentlemanly manufacturers, who live in your brown-stone fronts and fare luxuriously every day, while in your estab- lishments " down-town" thousands of weak, hollow- eyed women and sickly-hued men, are every clay dying by inches for lack of proper nourishment, and proper rest, and freedom from corroding cares, and a mouthful now and then of pure country air, and an occasional scent of the clover-blooms or the sweet perfume of the new-mown hay ? Or will you, ye swearing, libidinous 134 THE SOUTHERN YANKEE. Free Thinkers, who labor to undermine public virtue and public morals by denying the authority of Kevela tion and the existence of a God, hoping in the uni- versal corruption which would ensue upon the success of your doctrines, to gratify more easily your beastly and lustful natures ? Which one of you all, we re- peat, will cast the first stone at the Southern Yankee ? Come now, gentlemen, do not all throw at once : one at a time, if you please — one at a time ! The farming class of Southern Yankees abounds more in the Gulf States, than in those which border on the Free States. This is owing to the greater rich- ness of the soil in the former States, as well as to the greater profitableness of cotton-raising or sugar- planting as compared to the production of tobacco, wheat, or hemp. Besides, in the extreme South, the Southern Yankee puts himself to very little expense about any sort of improvements on his plantation, and his gin-house not unfrequently costs twice as much as his mansion. Sometimes, indeed, he lives in a log- cabin similar to those furnished his negroes, and even when he possesses a better and more pretentious dwell- ing, he rarely keeps it painted, but lets it rot down over his head, being too penurious to spend the money ne- cessary to keep it in repairs. Usually there is only a " worm fence" of rails around his yard, in which pigs, poultry, cows, sheep, horses, and the like are allowed to roam at will ; and his stables, barns, negro cabins, and other out-houses, are, in most cases, not more than a stone's throw from his own domicil. Under such circumstances, is it at all wonderful that the Southern Yankee is fully as restless as the Yankees of the North THE SOUTHERN YANKEE. 135 — always on the move, or ready to sell out at any time if settled? Home to be loved must be made attractive, but he who is so wedded to filthy lucre as to despise all ornament that costs money, is not capable of entertain- ing in his selfish and narrow bosom so refining a passion as the love of home, or the love of any thing else, in- deed, that is pure and beautiful. In the words of the poet, "A river or a sea Is to him a dish of tea, And a kingdom, bread and butter." In regard, however, to the dwellings, or log cabins rather, of those persons who have just moved into any of the new States of the South-west, the reader will please observe, that there is a great difference between the man who lives in a log cabin from necessity and because nothing better is to be had, and the individual who does so from choice, and because he is too penuri- ous to own a better dwelling. For you will find in many a log cabin in all the South-western States as perfect gentlemen — gentlemen of the first breeding and education — as in most of the mansions on Fifth Avenue. However, though often a farmer or planter, the Southern Yankee is much more frequently a trader or speculator. The slow but sure gains of agricultural pursuits are not swift enough to satisfy his inordinate craving for money ; hence he speculates, either in mer- chandise, or stocks, or tobacco, or cotton, or sugar, or rice, or grain, or lands, or horses, or men. In all which he is but a type of the Wall Street prototype. He will lie or cheat if need be, and scruples at no dirty trick provided it enables him to make a " good thing 136 THE SOUTHERN YANKEE. of it" — sucli is the chaste vernacular of these sharp witted fellows. Of course there are those who specu- late in most of the things we have enumerated, both in the North and the South, who are yet honorable and trustworthy citizens. We are by no means disposed to confound the innocent with the guilty in any of the affairs of life. Bat the Southern Yankee, as well as the simon-pure Northern Yankee, is unscrupulous in his speculations, as in every thing else almost which is not put down in black and white as a penitentiary offence. Neither of them has any principles he could swear by, unless you except the principle of making money and saving it when it is made. When the former goes to live in the North he is sure to turn abolitionist, although he may have been a negro-trader up to that time ; and so, too, when the latter directs his steps Southwards, notwithstanding he may have been previously a con- stant employe on the Underground Eailroad, he im- mediately discovers a sweet divinity in the peculiar institution, and no Southern overseer could expatiate more eloquently on its manifold beauties than he. We have had the good fortune or the bad fortune (whichever the reader prefers) to meet with many of these knavish, unprincipled turn-coats, both in the North and the South. The most striking instance we ever knew of a Southern Yankee turned abolitionist, was that of a Marylander, who had left his country for his country's good no doubt, and had gone to live in a Northern State. We met him by accident on one of the many leading lines of railway in the Free States — when or where does not matter ; and since we two oc- cupied the same seat, so soon as we became aware that THE SOUTHERN YANKEE. 137 each of us was Southern born, we very naturally be- gan to discuss the subject of slavey. We do not know wliy it was, unless the fellow desired to curry favor with the Northerners all around us ; but he certainly did extol the North with undue lavishness, abusing the South at the same time in as scurrilous a manner, as that preeminently virtuous and sweet-spoken paper, the New- York Tribune, is wont to do every day. At first we were exceedingly shocked, but recovering from our surprise and mortification, we answered with some bitterness the aspersions of our fellow - Southerner, which so confused him, he seemed completely at a loss what to say, but wriggled like a crushed worm upon his seat, shaking his head the while in a manner so doleful and wretched, that a New-Yorker present and the amiable Conductor (this was the label on the lat. ter's hat) volunteered to back him ; and so at it we went again more spirited than before. Luckily for the writer, an intelligent Englishman and a gallant son of the Old Dominion came to the rescue, seeing the odds against us ; and right soon we had routed the enemy horse, foot, and dragoons. But being all of us young and somewhat heady, and our blood being up, we de- termined, so soon as we reached our hotel in the South- ern city we were bound to, that a diligent inquiry should be instituted concerning the antecedents of this person, who could be so mean and ungrateful as to strike at the mother who brought him into the world. Old Dominion undertook the task of smokinsc out the cunning fox, and he soon had Master Eeynard unearth- ed to our entire satisfaction. We learned that the fel- low had formerly lived in a little country village in 138 THE SOUTHERN YANKEE. Maryland ; was there the cashier of the village bank ; was withal a miser of the straitest sect, and so cruel a ■master to his servants as to be universally detested. Such, O reader, are some of the recruits to the great Army of Freedom ! The Southern Yankee is very often a village store- keeper or country merchant, as he delights in styling himself, and is always pretty much of the like pattern with the Model Storekeeper, only he is even less scru- pulous than that worthy. For, besides the practice of selling auction-bought goods as the "latest styles," and general lying and swindling, he is also given to one other practice much more reprehensible and blame- worthy, though equally if not more profitable. In all parts of the South, it is the custom of village storekeep- ers to sell goods on a credit of twelve months, at the expiration of which time, if you are rich and influen- tial, you are seldom asked to pay up, but simply to give your note for the amount due. If you are in only moderate circumstances, however, and so " short" that you can not meet your yearly bills promptly when pay- day arrives, the Southern Yankee is very kind ; does not wish to distress an old patron and friend ; all he asks is, that you too shall give him your note, but se- cured by good collaterals — which means a trust-deed of your land and negroes. These may be worth ten thou- sand dollars, while your note does not exceed five hun- dred ; but, no matter, the whole of your property is demanded as security. Then you are permitted to buy on credit again ; and again at the end of another year your note is taken as before ; and thus from year to year, until your indebtedness amounts to about one THE SOUTHERN YANKEE. 139 half what your property is worth. Hitherto the South. ern Yankee has been to you the very best friend in the world. He has fawned on you in public, invited you to dine with him whenever you have been in the vil- lage to remain all day ; and has so completely obfus- cated your wits by means of his adroit flatteries, that you are absolutely fool enough to believe him, when he tells you in a confidential whisper, that he loves you like a brother. But now his aspect suddenly changes — the cat which has been lying so demurely in the meal- tub this long time, throws off all disguise at last : your advances are met with coldness ; your stale jokes are not laughed at so furiously as formerly ; you are no longer asked to dinner, but are snubbed on all occa- sions ; and next you are forbidden to buy any longer on credit, but are sternly called upon to " pay that thou owest." And wo be unto you if you fail to meet the demand of your unjust creditor, promptly ! for he will immediately proceed to put your whole property under the hammer of the sheriff ; will buy it in him- self for one half its value, and then in the coolest man. ner possible return to you your notes, telling you im- pudently : " Now, Sir, we are square, and I trust we shall remain so !" But the most utterly detestable of all Southern Yan- kees is the Negro Trader — Speculator he delights to call himself of late years. The unmerciful master is bad enough in all conscience ; the swindling store- keeper is no better, while the unprincipled knave who is all things to all men if by any means he may make money, is equally to be abhorred with the rest ; but, above all these, preeminent in villainy and a greedy 140 THE SOUTHERN YANKEE. love of filthy lucre, stands the hard-hearted Negro Tra- der, who is in every respect as unconscionable a dog of a Southern Shylock as ever drank raw brandy by the glassful, or chewed Virginia tobacco, or used New-Eng- land cowskins to lacerate the back of a slave. Of course, when we thus characterize the Negro Trader, we allude to the worst class of them ; for they are not all corrupt, or ignorant, or ill-bred. Some of them, we doubt not, are conscientious men, but the number is few. Although honest and honorable when they first go into the business, the natural result of their calling seems to be to corrupt them ; for they have usually to deal with the most refractory and brutal of the slave population, since good and honest slaves are rarely per- mitted to fall into the unscrupulous clutches of the speculator. And we all know how soon familiarity with ignorance and a vicious brutality tarnishes even the characters of good men: for example, who does not know that our city police are nearly always rendered corrupt from a long familiarity with vice ? The miserly Negro Trader, then — once more to speak in the language of the tabernacles — is, outwardly, a coarse ill-bred person, provincial in speech and man- ners, with a cross-looking phiz, a whiskey-tinctured nose, cold hard-looking eyes, a dirty tobacco-stained mouth, and shabby dress. But what he is inwardly can not be so well arrived at or determined. He is not troubled evidently with a conscience, for, although he habitually separates parent from child, brother from sister, and husband from wife, he is yet one of the j oi- liest dogs alive, and never evinces the least sign of re- morse. Neither has he any religion ; for almost every THE SOUTHERN YANKEE. 141 sentence he utters is accompanied by an oath, and as for downright blasphemy, he is in this particular almost as gifted as those infidel socialists, free-lovers, and abo- litionists, who annually assemble in some one of the Free States for the purpose of resolving the Bible a humbug, and our Federal Constitution a compact with the devil. His heart, indeed, is full of all villainies and corruptions. It is never warmed by a single gen- erous impulse, but is all blackness and barrenness — black with guilty thoughts and wicked machinations how he may increase his gains, and barren of all good deeds or virtuous resolves. But his greatest wicked- ness, Reverend friend, does not consist alone in his cru- elty to the African. He has other sins to answer for fully as heinous ; for nearly nine tenths of the slaves he buys and sells are vicious ones sold for crimes or misdemeanors, or otherwise diseased ones sold because of their worthlessness as property. These he purchases for about one half what healthy and honest slaves would cost him ; but he sells them as both honest and healthy, mark you! So soon as he has completed his "gang," he dresses them up in good clothes, makes them comb their kinky heads into some appearance of neatness, rubs oil on their dusky faces to give them a sleek healthy color, gives them a dram occasionally to make them sprightly, and teaches each one the part he or she has to play; and then he sets out for the extreme South, taking with him a complete company of low comedians — for low comedy is usually the role in which he prefers they should appear. At every village of importance he sojourns a day or two, each day ranging his "gang" in a line on the most business street; and 142 THE SOUTHERN YANKEE. whenever a customer makes his appearance, the oily speculator button-holes him immediatety, and begins to descant in the most highfalutin fashion upon the virtu- ous lot of darkeys he has for sale. Mrs. Stowe's Uncle Tom was not a circumstance to any one of the dozens he points out. So honest ! so truthful ! so dear to the hearts of their former masters and mistresses! Ah! Messrs. stock-brokers of Wall street — you who are wont to cry up your rotten railroad, mining, steamboat, and other worthless stocks — for ingenious lying you should take lessons from the Southern Negro Trader ! Do you observe that sour-faced, broad-shouldered negro man, leaning so lazily there in the sunshine against the garden fence, his blood-shotten eyes roving restlessly from place to place, while ever and anon there is an uneasy twitching of the muscles about the corners of his mouth when he forces out a grin ? "Well, he was bought in Ole Yirginny. He is a cold-blooded murderer — a sneaking, cowardly assassin. For this reason and no other was he sold. He poisoned a fel- low-slave with whom he fell out about a game at cards, and because he owed him ten dollars more than he could pay. To save the paltry debt he poisoned his fellow-bondman. The evidence was strong to convict him, but his master loved money better than justice, and thought the loss of the murdered slave was enough, without having to lose the murderer as well. So he sold the latter to the shrewd Negro Trader, who was knowing to all the circumstances, and who therefore drove the sharpest bargain the nature of the case would allow It was a dark transaction all round, and what the Trader actually paid for his honest chattel perhaps THE SOUTHERN YANKEE. 143 will never be known ; but one condition of the bargain was, that the murderer must be removed beyond the limits of the State. These are the plain, unvarnished facts. But let us hear our oily-tongued Negro Specu- lator when he comes to sell this capital boy — to sell him, too, into a virtuous and unsuspecting household : " Well, Gin'ral, look o' here now. Thar's a trick for you — A No. 1. Tell you what, Sir, he's worth his weight in gold. Cost me adzactly fifteen hundred dol- lars, and cheap as dirt ! His master wanted two thou- sand ; but debt, Gin'ral, debt. His master was one o' them raal ole fashion' Virginny high-flyers — proud, Sir, proud ! kept mighty fine liquors, played high, bet high — and, Gin'ral, you know how hit all ends. He broke ! was laid out flatter'n a stewpan. But d — n my buttons if he warn't a honerubble gentleman as ever lived. You see, he was a pertickler friend o' mine, and so he says to me when he broke, says he : ' Dick ' — (he allers call' me Dick) — ''Dick,' says he, 'I want you to take Alf — the cleverest boy in the world, a little stiff in the upper lip mebbe, family pride, Dick, you know — and I want you to sell him to some gentleman as knows how to treat a high-bred Yirginny nigger. Do you take, Dick?' says he. 'And so I do,' says I. 'I'm got my eye on Gin'ral Blank of Alabama right now, the very man for Alf.' 'Well,' says he then, 'what sort o' fel- ler is the Gin'ral?' And says I, 'The most perfectest gentleman in seven States — rich as the Jews, lives like a prince, and wants jist sich a boy as Alf to look arter his blooded horses.' Them's the very identical words I tole him, Gin'ral, if I didn't, d — n me ! And so he says, says he, ' Take him, Dick ; I'll give him to you, 144 THE SOUTHERN YANKEE. bein's hit's you, for fifteen hundred, but ary nothcr white man wouldn't a toch him with a dime less n'r two thou- sand ; for I know you, Dick, of old — you can be relied on for doin' what you say, and sayin' what you do. You is honest, Dick, and I hope you will give the Gin'- ral my 'espects, and tell him to treat Alf kindly.' Now you see, Gin'ral, that's the way I come by Alf. D — n your woolly head, Alf! don't you look so down in the mouth, you old aristocrat, you ! Here's a gentleman jist like your ole master, boy ! the raal quality, regu- lar grit, none o' your flams nor shams, but who'll keep you in the same style you's fotched up to. What's the word, Gin'ral? shall we say two thousand? and worth his weight in gold, Sir!" The "Gin'ral" is completely taken in, and agrees to pay the "two thousand." This will serve as an imperfect specimen of the man- ner in which some of the Negro Speculators impose upon honorable men, selling them criminals whose hands are red with murder for honest Uncle Toms, and palming off for sound and healthy servants diseased ones, to keep whom is sometimes a dead expense. You can fancy, gentle Miss, who weep so sorrowfully over the wrongs clone the poor blacks, and contribute so freely in behalf of John Brown, how pleasant it must be to live on the same plantation with a sneaking, cow- ardly poisoner — one who does his wickedness in dark- ness and in secret, and when no eye but the Eternal's sees the damning iniquity. Nor need you fancy the sketch over-drawn ; but it' you do, only turn to the last chapter of this book and read the same attentively through, and we opine you will have j^our skepticism THE SOUTHERN YANKEE. 145 removed. You will there learn that Mrs. Stowe knows no more about the real negro character than does Queen Victoria, who, we dare say, never heard a negro speak a dozen words together. Although it is true the Negro Trader proper some- times presents the disgusting figure we have represent- ed, there is yet another and a very different class of negro-traders, confined mostly to the cities of the South, and who are never suspected of trading in slaves. You must know, our readers, the Consul-Greneral of Cuba, and the Emperor Napoleon, and the British Naval offi- cers, and the solid men of Boston, are all ostensibly the greatest enemies in the world to the much-decried slave- trade. But the Consul-General, we are told, realizes thousands every year from the traffic; the Emperor Napoleon, we know, openly buys the colonists sent out to Liberia from Virginia and sells them again at a mag- nificent profit to his own colonies, just as the British cruisers sell their prizes to her Christian Majesty, who has them sent to Jamaica and there disposed of as her virtuous subjects usually dispose of the poor coolies ; while even some of the solid men of Boston, though pillars in the anti-slavery church, are said to be the se- cret partners of Captain Townsend and his piratical crew ! So, too, at the South many men, who are both rich and respectable — commission merchants chiefly, whose legitimate business is to sell sugar, cotton, tobac- co, etc., for the planters of the interior — and who are bold as the boldest in denouncing the common, vulgar, ignorant Negro Trader, do yet privily advance the funds necessary to enable the latter to carry on his bu- siness, and usually take the lion's share of the profits. 146 THE SOUTHERN YANKEE. These are the respectable well-to-do Southern Yankees, who have a position in society to maintain, and who would as soon be considered guilty of highway robbery as of participating in the vulgar traffic of buying and selling slaves. Still they do not scruple to sell a man from his wife, provided they can do so on any plausible pretext, and have reason to believe that they will at the same time make a few pennies more by such heart- lessness. We remember seeing one of these conscien- tious individuals once offer at auction a large number of negroes, belonging to an estate of which he had been left the administrator. Although himself reported to be worth hundreds of thousands, and though the com- missions he would receive would have amounted to nearly as much by an honest course, still, so great was his thirst for gain, he told the auctioneer to offer the youngest married couples in separate lots, thinking the humanity of the purchasers would lead them to give higher prices for the husband, having previously bought the wife, or for the wife, having previously bought the husband. When this fact became known to the crowd, a cry of shame ! rose from the lips of many ; and the disgust of every person was so great and so apparent, the bloated rich man was fain at last to get up and pub- licly state, that he had been influenced to pursue the course he did, from an honorable regard for the interest of the heirs ! Wonderfully conscientious fellow, wasn't he? We hear your objection, Eeverend Clergyman, and will briefly pause to answer the same. You say, He is not to blame / it is the blame of the institution. You came near to saying blamed institution, and would have used THE SOUTHERN YANKEE. 147 a still more expressive adjective yet, had it not been for your cloth. Now, with all due deference to the lat- ter, we beg to inform your reverence that you reason like a sophist or a suckling. Do yon not know, that if the blame were in the institution, every slaveholder would be equally cruel and corrupt ? But was not there Abraham, and Philemon, and Eoger Williams, and the early Puritans, and George Washington, as well as hosts of others, all of whom lived and died in favor with both God and man ? Suppose we were to cast your reverence into a pond of water, and you should be drowned, (which Heaven forbid,) would you blame the water for your drowning ? Of course not. The fault would rest solely with yourself; you ought not to allow yourself to be drowned, but should keep your head above water by swimming. So, too, when you suffer strong drink to overcome you, you are the sinner, not the brandy-and-water ; or when you allow lust to seduce you into the sin charged upon Kalloch, you alone are blameworthy, and not your Maker for creating you with a passionate nature ; or when you permit mercenary motives to influence your course in the pulpit, your own heart is the corrupting evil, not your five thousand a year ; or when you abuse your wife and children beyond what is lawful and just, the sin rests on your own shoulders, and "marriage is still honorable in all;" or when you preach politics and make the name of Jesus a reproach among men, it is not Christianity which is to blame, but the old Adam that has given you an "itching ear" for vulgar applause. What would you think of the writer, were he to por- tray a Christian Inquisitor-General of the middle ages, 148 THE SOUTHERN YANKEE. in the torture-room of the Spanish Inquisition, sur- rounded by his familiars, engaged in all those devilish atrocities so common at that time, or a Pilgrim Father in the act of burning a witch or a Baptist, and bid you behold the legitimate fruit of Christianity ? You would be quite indignant, wouldn't you? What, you would exclaim, do you pretend to argue against the use of an in- stitution because of its abuse? Well, that is just the very question, dear Sir. You argue against slavery as a domestic institution simply because it is abused, and for just the same very logical reason the infidel argues against Christianity. And so likewise do the socialists and free-lovers argue against the marriage relation, be- cause married people are always quarrelling, and run- ning off to Indiana to be divorced. They have not the good sense to discriminate between the legitimate uses of an institution and the illegitimate abuses to which it can be subjected. Hence they cry out, Do away with marriage- vows — leave us all to choose our " affinities" at will — and there will soon be no divorces or causes for divorce. Sagacious philosophers ! you do not re- flect, that evils of much more portentous magnitude would in that event succeed to family quarrels, and even to divorces. The experience- of the French Age of Reason, or of such institutions as the Love-Cure at Berlin Heights, weighs not so much as the softest down with such preeminently sage political economists. And yet it is just in the same spirit, our Reverend friend, that you are all the time proclaiming, Do away with slavery, and my humane nature will not be any more shocked with such exhibitions of mediaeval barbarity as the public sale of man and wife to separate masters. THE SOUTHERN" YANKEE. 149 Yenerable Rabbin! You do not consider, that the evils resulting from emancipation would be far greater than those which now accompany the peculiar institu- tion, even when in its worst degradation. The sad ex- perience of Jamaica, and Hayti, and barbarous Africa, weighs not a feather with you and those of your friends who entertain similar convictions. Why not, O learned savan, come out boldly and declare, Do away with all cities, and then we shall have no more Dead Rabbits, no more Plug Ugiies, no more tenant-houses, no more brothels, no more liquor hells, no more gambling hells, no more thieving outcasts who live by pilfering or even murder ? For you will never see any where on the face of the earth, so long as time endures, any large city, but you will find it filled with just such characters and institutions as these. Believe us, Sir, the fault is not in cities, nor yet in slavery, nor in marriage, nor religion ; it is in Man. The old Adam is large as life to this day, and boasts a roomy and well-swept apart- ment in every human heart, until through faith in Christ and practical godliness we all learn to "put off the old man and his deeds;" hence, although you were to abolish every institution under the sun, so long as the human race continues mortal and frail as at present there will be no lack of sin and shame, sorrow and suf- fering. Moreover, though the writer is but a layman, still he takes the liberty of telling your Reverence, that the true and only mission of Christianity is, not to abol- ish institutions or to set up dynasties, but to make every individual man, whether bond or free, rich or poor, high or low, a new creature in Christ Jesus ; and who- ever endeavors to pervert the Gospel to any other pur- 150 THE SOUTHEKN YANKEE. pose, using it for secular or political ends, will assuredly find his efforts prove abortive in every instance. In proof whereof, a word in your private ears, ye friends of abolition. We know (what you could get very few Southerners to believe) that many of you are amiable people, re- fined, highly cultivated, full of all gentle emotions, charitable and godly. "We are convinced that many of you honestly desire the good of the African, but would scorn at the same time to exhort him to mingle poison with his master's food or drink, and do not allow your sympathy for the slave to overcome your charity for the slaveholder. So, too, the society in Paris, Les Amis des Nbirs, (which without doubt caused the mas- sacre of San Domingo,) was composed of some of the purest as well as wickedest of men : Lafayette and the Abbe Gregoire, for example, both genuine philan- thropists; and on the other hand Anacharsis Cloots and Marat, demons in human shape. In the case of Les Amis des Noirs, however, so soon as the good men in its confidence became aware of the evil of its influ- ence and tendency, they immediately cut loose from its communion, and let it run its bloody course in its own wicked way; and we doubt not but the really good men in the abolition ranks of to-day, could they only awake to a consciousness of the evil they are doing, (and if John Brown has not awakened them we know not what can,) would turn aside with loathing from the viperine natures of some of their leading and trusted associates. For up to this time, notwithstanding fifty years of agitation, according to their own confessions, they have gained nothing — absolute!?/ nothing — while THE SOUTHERN YANKEE. 151 slavery lias strengthened itself an hundred fold. We know they do claim some merit for the abolition of slavery in Jamaica, but, alas, with how poor a show of reason ! After twenty years' experience of the bless- ings of free labor, Great Britain has at last been forced to introduce into that Island a new species of slavery, which we boldly assert to be a thousand-fold more heartless and cruel than the patriarchal institution. Even while we write, there is before the two Houses of the English Parliament the Jamaica Immigration Act, recently passed by the Jamaica Legislature, and which only awaits the approval of the Home Govern- ment to become a Law — an Act to legalize corporal punishment to be inflicted upon refractory Coolies and other free apprentices ! What the provisions of this Act are, we are unprepared to state in detail, having never seen a fall copy of it ; but we know that the members of the British Anti-Slavery Society are up in arms against it, denouncing it as a virtual return to slavery, and are using all their influence to prevent its becoming a Law by the sanction of the British Gov- ernment. So great a bobbery have they kicked up about it, in fact, the London Times has felt called upon to defend the Act ; and in order to pave the way for its smooth reception by the English people, uses the following language, which we find in its issue of Feb- ruary 10, 1859 : " When the slaves were emancipated, first from ac- tual thraldom, and ultimately from even the modified restrictions of agricultural apprenticeship, they went the way which it was prophesied they would go. They cer- tainly did not become riotous, turbulent, or disloyal, 152 THE SOUTHEKN YANKEE. but neither did they become industrious or enlightened, nor could such progress be well expected of them. They were under no valid inducements to work, and they were surrounded by every temptation to idleness. Their wants were confined to the simplest necessities of life, and the number of estates thrown out of culture supplied them with squatting grounds, on which they might vegetate with the indolence and apathy natural to their race. In the mean time, the planters went to ruin, until at length they took heart and cast about for labor to serve as a supplement or substitute for that which the liberated blacks so grudgingly and insufficiently gave." The labor here spoken of is the Coolie or free-ap- prentice system of labor, to render which more useful and effective is the intent of the afore-mentioned Immi- gration Act ; and to render which latter more palatable to the honest Britishers, the Thunderer proceeds, in the same article from which we have quoted above to hold forth as follows : 11 The truth is, that on both sides of these bargains the conditions are peculiar. The immigrants who come (?) [what cool impudence hath this honest Eng- lishman, to be sure !] to the West-Indies for work are either negroes or creatures as helpless as negroes, utterly incapable of that discrimination which would be exer- cised by English laborers in forming an engagement, and absolutely dependent upon the care of others for obtain- ing equitable terms. The planters, however, are also critically situated, for the character of agriculture in these countries requires that work shall be steadily performed; and that, in particular, at certain seasons THE SOUTHERN YANKEE. 153 of the year the cultivator may be able to reckon with confidence upon an unceasing supply of good effective labor. For this purpose it is necessary that the bargain between master and man should be stringent, and that the negro, while duly secured in all his own rights of good wages, good treatment, and terminable hire, should nevertheless, for the fair term of his actual engagement, be bound under penalty to give fair work. Were it otherwise, the indolence and instability of the negro charac- ter, stimulated by the possession a/a little money and the prospect of immediate ease, would infallibly operate to the destruction of the planter's hopes as harvest time came round. 11 After which and in conclusion, the Times proceeds to rap the heads of the Anti-Slavery Society's men foi their intermeddling officiousness and fanatical zeal, in the following words : "For the sake of interests which, if not imaginary, are certainly insignificant, they have overlooked the broad contest between slavery and freedom, and the result has been that Cuba has thriven, and Jamaica has suffered under the auspices of those whose objects and wishes lay in exactly the opposite direction. 11 Now, Messrs. abolitionists, ought not such a retrospect as this to induce you to pause in your present tactics, at least long enough to ask yourselves, Why is this ? A skillful commander does not persist in battering always at the same gate of a besieged fortress, after he once discovers that nothing is to be gained by the pro- cess. And, seriously, do you not sometimes suspect that you yourselves have aided in riveting the manacles of the slave more securely by your dogged persistence 7* 154 THE SOUTHERN YANKEE. in the fanatical attempt to liberate him ? We think so, and we are supported in our opinion by many others wiser and better than ourself. The reason too is very plain, and can be stated in a breath. For you have only to consider, gentlemen, that you have never yet endeavored to make the condition of the slave any better as a slave. Your efforts have been directed all the time against the master, with the end in view of ulti- mate freedom to the bondman, but not a dollar have you expended for the purpose of bettering the latter' s con- dition without any disruption of the ties binding him to his owner. Hence, the sole result of all your lavish expenditure of time, and money, and breath, and brains, has been to band together all the slave-owners, both the humane and the heartless, and to lead them to resist every encroachment upon their rights of property in their negroes ; and while you have thus succeeded in strengthening the South politically, you have indubit- ably rendered the slave's condition much worse than it otherwise would have been. What is more, we are persuaded that the Southern people, if left to themselves, and freed from all appre- hension of intermeddling from outsiders, would soon establish their domestic institution of slavery upon a more humane basis than it rests upon at present. None but Southern Yankees, and persons of like kidney, would then uphold any laws which allowed families to be broken up and sold to separate masters ; or the nu- merous other undoubted hardships under which slaves, when in the possession of unscrupulous men, labor at the present time. The great mass of the people of our Southern States, are fully as philanthropic, evangeli- THE SOUTHERN YANKEE. 155 cal, and freedom-loving, as the descendants of the Pu- ritans. They do not desire to oppress the dusky child- ren of Africa to any greater extent than is demanded by a proper regard for their mutual safety and well- being : and should the negro ever evince a capability for self-government, (which he never yet has done,) they would be as ready as the citizens of the Free States to put the peculiar institution " in course of ultimate ex- tinction." But so long as the British and Northern abolitionists endeavor to force them into measures — measures fraught with most disastrous consequences to both themselves and their slaves, not to mention the inevitable overthrow of the commercial prosperity of the rest of the world — so long will they resist to the death all such impertinent ohiciousness ; and so long, too, will the Southern Yankee continue to wield his merciless lash, while the debauched Negro Trader will continue to sunder at his pleasure, the most sacred of human ties, laughing the while at every precept of re- ligion and all the teachings of humanity. The anti- slavery men of the North may close their eyes to these unpalatable facts, and may, if they choose, continue to wage their relentless and unscrupulous war upon the South ; but even if they ultimately succeed by mere brute violence and the force of numbers in freeing the slave against the will of his master, it will be through such scenes of carnage and devastation as the world never saw before, and the effects of which will be to throw the wheels of civilization back fully a century. And after all, it will only be to try an experiment ! an experiment which, on a much smaller scale in Jamaica, has already cost the English hundreds of millions of 156 THE SOUTHEEN YANKEE. pounds sterling, only now in the end to be pronounced by the leading statesmen of Great Britain, a most mag- nificent humbug and failure ! But to return once more to our subject. Having said so many hard things about the Southern Yankee, perhaps we had better now say a good word in his favor ; for he is not altogether without redeem- ing qualities. Although swallowed up completely in selfishness, which prevents his ever undertaking any object or enterprise unless well assured beforehand that it " will pay," he is still of very great advantage to the community at large, and in most cases is a use- ful citizen. The Northern Yankee proper (for all New • England men even are not Yankees, by great odds) has been the main instrument in advancing the North to her present proud position, as a great manufactur- ing, inventive, and commercial community. So, on the other hand, the Southern Yankee, aided by the thrifty Middle Classes, has contributed no little to the present unprecedented prosperity of the Slave States : for, aside from his own labors and industry, he has also stimulated the Southern Gentleman to activity and enterprise. Certainly there is a vast difference between the motives which have instigated the two, the latter being influenced by public spirit and patriotic pride, while the former has only sought to make money and to advance his private interests ; yet the result of their labors has been the same. Thus the Worn-out lands of Virginia and the Carolinas, which ten years ago went a-begging at five dollars per acre, by judi- cious culture and scientific manuring have been so im- proved that they now readily command from twenty to THE SOUTHERN YANKEE. 157 fifty dollars per acre. So, also, the vast savannas and heavily-timbered forests of the Gulf and South-western States, have been brought under cultivation, until the lands on which fifty years ago stood one grand and primeval forest, now produce annually more than two hundred millions of dollars' worth of surplus agricul tural products. In the achievement of these wonder- ful results, the Southern Yankee has played no mean part ; but he has ever been foremost among the pio- neers, clearing up the "new grounds," and draining the swamps, preparatory to introducing the virgin soil to the close embraces of " de shovel and de hoe.'' Neither has he been backward in assisting the South to build her great lines of railway, most of which are profitable investments ; and the Southern Yankee troubles himself about nothing else, if satisfied that the investment will prove pecuniarily profitable. The best specimens of the genuine Southern Yan- kee, are to be met with in Georgia. In this State they grow to enormous sizes, and seldom stand under six feet in their stockings, often, indeed, reaching six feet and a half. Muscular, heavy -jawed, beetle-browed, and possessed of indomitable energy, they are well calculated to command respect almost any where, did one only have it in his nature to forget that Self is the only god they worship, and Money the only in- cense that ever ascends as a sweet-smelling savor to the nostrils of their idol. But persons of a certain cast of mind, and possessing certain unfashionable properties of heart, (and the writer must plead guilty to such a weakness,) will not, and can not be blinded to their real characters, and instead of respect entertain for 158 THE SOUTHERN YANKEE. such Shylocks only pity and disgust. Now, do not understand us to find fault with any man for diligence in business, or for the skill and enterprise which ena- ble him to provide bountifully for the members of his own household ; but there are reasonable bounds to every thing. There is a happy mean betwixt business and pleasure, betwixt idleness and ceaseless toil, which only a mind of philosophic mould can ever hope to comprehend or appreciate. The Southern Yankee does not possess such a mind, no more than does his restless, craving, ever-pushing brother of the North. Neither of them knows when he has enough of this world's goods, or when is the fit season to leave off the tireless chase after riches which satisfy not, but must perish with the using. They both die usually with the harness on, and, if old, go out of the world reluctant and despairing, clutching even in their last hours after the poor gilded baubles they have wasted their lives to accumulate. So true are the words of the learned Dr. Johnson : " Unnumbered maladies man's joints invade, Lay siege to life, and press the dire blockade ; But unextinguished Avarice still remains, And dreaded losses agravate his pains ; He turns, with anxious heart and crippled hands, His bonds of debt, and mortgages of lands ; Or views his coffers with suspicious eyes, Unlocks his gold, and counts it till he dies." Indeed, to a well-balanced mind, there can be no more painful spectacle than the death of a rich and avaricious old man. Other sinners, while they can look forward to no bright prospects "beyond the THE SOUTHERN YANKEE. 159 river," still feel that in death they will at least get rid of a present load of crime and shame — that at the worst they will but exchange a world of vice and wretchedness for one of merited punishment. But the miser's heart, his hopes, his very life — all centre in the glittering heaps of yellow metal he has wasted so many precious hours in accumulating. The terrors of the unknown world bring no terrors to him ; the upbraid- ings of conscience he never hears, or heeds not if he hears ; friends and wife and weeping children he could part from without a pang; the bright sunlight, the starry night, balmy morning and dewy eve, the velvety green of spring, the rich hues of summer, and ripened sheafs of autumn, and frosty but kindly breath of old winter — all that is in Nature to bless and brighten the life of man, he could cheerfully give up : but oh ! to have to part from his gold ! Ah ! any thing but this ! Willingly at such an hour would he remain content to roast in Tophet all his days, could he only take his treasure with him. But alas ! he can not. He must die like other men, and like the poorest beggar he must go out of the world as naked and destitute as he came into it. Already the film of fast approaching dis- solution gathers upon his hard and cruel old eyes, deep- sunken in their sockets and nearly hid beneath the shaggy brow ; already the air thickens, and the room darkens, and the muffled drum of life beats slowly, slowly, the dead march ; but in the gloom the miser still views his hoards, and fancies the bags of precious dust are vanishing out of his sight. Thieves ! robbery ! help ! lie stretches out his bony arms and clutches with his skinny fingers at the coveted treasures. 'Tis 160 THE SOUTHERN YANKEE. his last effort. In the wildness of despair the bleared and leaden-slumbering eyes for one moment stare with a stony stare — then there is a contortion, horrible, ghastly, of the thin face; a quiver of the sunken limbs; a death-rattle; and the untenanted clay lies stiff and grim in the cold embrace of Death. Alas ! how true is that saying of Him who spake as never man spake: "The love of money is the root of all evil." And yet in this respect how few of us are guiltless ? How many of us, think you, are free from a prejudice in favor of riches? How many of us ever let the bloated worshippers of Mammon know how ut- terly despicable they are, or how honestly we abhor their selfish natures ? That is the question which con- cerns us all. Does any one doubt but the avaricious old curmudgeons who now disgrace the world by hav- ing a foothold on it, would speedily amend their ways, if they knew in what abhorrence they are held by the whole community ? Does any one believe that Mr. Augustus Thorn dike ever would have made the unjust will he did, had he known that the drawing up, sign- ing and sealing of the same, would cause himself to be damned to everlasting fame f We tell you honestly, our noble fellow-countrymen, we that throw stones so vir- tuously at the dead old misers who can no longer repay us in the same (if not a little better) coin, are no better than they if we cringe, and fawn, and " crook the sup- ple hinges of the knee" to the plethoric misers who still remain above ground. And yet we all do it more or less. Even gowned clergymen are moved by the sight of a sleek millionaire, however bloated he may bo with sin and selfishness, more than by the vision of THE SOUTHERN" YANKEE. 161 honest worth, struggling with poverty. And shall we wonder that the rich mistake the nature of our adula- tion, and only go on in consequence from bad to worse ? letting the gangrene gold eat up their hearts, until no place is left for natural affection — no love of home, or wife, or children ? We say, let us not be so uncharit- able. We assist the poor souls to delude themselves into a belief that whatever they do is proper, and we have no right to throw stones at them when they turn upon their own offspring, as did the unfortunate Thorn- dike, and seek to carry their bloody revenges even be- yond the grave. Let us be consistent at least. So far as regards family affection, or rather the want of it, the Southern Yankee is no better than other mam- monites the world over. He is cold and repulsive in his intercourse with his wife and children, and regards the latter with somewhat the same feeling of envy and jealousy which British Peers are said to entertain for their eldest sons, who are presumed to be impatient to stand in their fathers' shoes. Indeed, when he comes to die, the Southern Yankee nearly always seeks by some species of testamentary Thorndikeism, to prevent his children from coming into a fee simple possession of his estates. If the truth must be spoken, however, in most cases the Southern Yankee does a very wise thing by depriving his children of the free use of his property after he is dead : for as the toiling grub always produces the thoughtless butterfly, so does your genuine mammonite nearly always give birth to thrift- less snobs, or drunken debauchees, or idle spendthrifts. And for this the fathers are chiefly to blame. Children learn a great deal more from example than precept ; 162 THE SOUTHERN YANKEE. and while the Southern Yankee devotes himself almost wholly to the sordid acquisition of wealth, his children are left to devote themselves as wholly to dissipation and a senseless love of pleasure : else, they are unrea- sonably stinted and too harshly dealt with while their father is alive, and on his death coming suddenly into the possession of wealth which they know not how to use wisely, they proceed immediately to abuse the same most unwisely. Hence, from the loins of the Southern Yankee have sprung in the main our Cotton Snobs and rich Southern Bullies ; of both whom we shall speak more at large in the proper place. CHAPTEE IV. COTTON SNOBS. "A barren spirited fellow, one that feeds «On objects, arts, and imitations ; Which, out of use, and stalled by other men, Begin his fashion : do not talk of him, But as a property." Shakspeare. Mr. Michael Angelo Titmarsh lias discoursed to us very entertainingly upon the character, attainments^ etc. etc., of Snobs in the Old World, while Mr. Geo. W. Curtis has in an equally pleasant manner sketched for our delectation, the family portraits of the Poti- phars of the North. But the South has had as yet no chronicler to note down the distinguishing peculiar- ities of her own Cotton Snobs, who indeed, either through ignorance or malice on the part of the enemies of the South, have been, pretty generally confounded with the Southern Gentleman — than which a more egregious blunder could hardly be committed. For although the Cotton Snob may possess many Southern characteristics, and thus differ materially from the New-York or English Snob, he is yet not a whit more respectable than these, and never once is a gen- tleman. Let the reader not forget it — to be a Cotton Snob is one thing, and to be a Southern Gentleman is quite another. 164 COTTON SNOBS. By the term Cotton, used to designate the class of Snobs peculiar to the South, do not understand us to mean a person who must of necessity hail from the cotton-growing States. By the expression we wish to embrace the entire class of agricultural snobs — so to speak — without reference to whether they raise cotton, or tobacco, or rice, or sugar, or wheat, or hemp, or Indian corn. We have already spoken of your store- keeping snobs, who are the same in the South that they are in the North ; while nearly all classes of resi- dents in the Southern cities, differ in no essential par- ticulars from the same classes in other cities any where else in the Union. But the Cotton Snob does not hail from the city originally, though he may later in life go to the city to live, and when he does so becomes inva- riably the most disgusting cockney one can find any where in the four quarters of the globe. He is always of country breeding, and his manners more often than otherwise lack that quasi polish which the city snob sometimes possesses, despite his toadying mannerisms and want of native manliness of character. Owing sometimes to the penuriousness and igno- rance of his parents, and almost always to his own dis- taste for and neglect of mental application, the Cotton Snob rarely is well educated, possessing at best the merest smattering of learning, and is as ignorant of the rules of grammar, as of the rules of good breeding. Nevertheless he ever entertains a happy, not to say flattering conceit of himself, and imagines that he is capable of solving ^all knotty questions, whether in Law, Medicine, or Politics : but as for Eeligion, early in life, he prides himself on knowing nothing about COTTON SNOBS. 165 that, boasting that he is a Free Thinker ; and when he is a little too deep in his cnps he is apt to allude to the " demned parsons," as the greatest rogues in the world. More particularly is this true of those Cotton Snobs who have, for a wonder, come of pious parents of the middle class, and have even been members of the Church themselves at some former period of their lives. If the reader has ever been a little " fast" himself, and hails from New-England, we need not to inform him where one can every day meet the counterpart of these last-named Cotton Snobs. Of course, as we all know, there is no sort of deviltry or other sinfulness ever car- ried on in a New-England college — that is to say publicly. But when fellahs get a good lot of fellahs in rooms of fellahs — why, they know how to kill time in an amazingly orthodox fashion ; especially those dege- nerate sons of the Puritans, who carry their mother's Bibles on one side of their hearts, and a good stout brandy-flash on the other. Ah ! ye gentle dames of Mas- sachusetts, I* it gars me greet" to tell you how often, even while may be you have on your bended knees been petitioning the ever-blessed God in behalf of your dear, pious boys, these have been hobnobbing with b'hoys of another class entirely, and with drunken gravity have essayed to sing the " sweet songs of Zion" in the midst of ribald and most ungodly companie ! But, alas ! such is the unpalatable truth. But the Cotton Snob rarely comes of parents who are pious or strictly temperate : in nine cases out of ten he is the son of the Southern Yankee. If sent to college at all, it is without the previous preparation requisite to enable him to take an honorable position ; 166 COTTON SNOBS. and having been accustomed at home to be flattered by his father's negroes, as well as by many poor wretches in the shape of white men, who have a most worshipful reverence for any person owning wealth ; and finding now that the studious and refined of his new associates avoid his company as much as possible ; even if he has remained temperate and virtuous hither- to, he very soon yields to the blandishments and cajo- leries of those sharpers who haDg about every college in the world — regular Deuceaces and Blewitts — and so proceeds immediately to dress extravagantly, to give wine- suppers, to get drunk, to play cards, and just as certainly to lose his father's money. But the more he loses, the higher are his bets and the deeper his pota- tions. In a very little while he becomes a confirmed tippler — unless, as sometimes does happen, drink disa- grees with him, producing only nausea and headache instead of the much-coveted "good feeling." He thinks indeed it is very distingue to get drunk. He reads how that the old Cavaliers were wont in ancient times never to rise from the dinner-table sober, and damme, Sir, he intends to live like the bloods did in the good old times. Egad, he would hang your temperance folks, Sir, and send all your cold-water fools to the devil ! Particu- larly is the Cotton Snob valiant and chivalrous, when under the influence of two or three Brandy Straights and as many Cocktails. You should hear him talk on such occasions. "I'll tell you what, Boys, Pa makes lots o' cotton — bags on top o' bags" — or, " lots o' to- bacco, hogsheads and hogsheads, the world and all — ■ but it's all for me. Blamenation, won't I make it fly ? Wine and women, women and wine, fast nags, COTTON SNOBS. 167 splendid trotters, New- York buggies — imrrah ! You must all come to see a fellow, then — you shall live like princes of the blood." Ah ! the subtle, invisible spirit of wine, how does it loosen one's tongue, and let out even the closest secrets of the heart ! But though never so bold when closeted with his roystering fellows in their college dormitory, the Cotton Snob is at great pains to conceal his drunken debauch- eries from the Old Man, (as he affectionately calls his father,) well knowing that the Southern Yankee would never tolerate the miserable waste of time and money such riotous proceedings occasion. So our Cotton Snob resorts to all manner of lies and brobdignagian stories to melt the heart of his stern " parient," so that the latter shall still afford him the means to purchase his flash apparel — to sport his heavy rings, watch-chains and seals, and other showy jewelry — to give his wine- suppers — to play his little games of Euchre and Seven- up — and to supply the cormorant demands of that ter- rible leech which drains of their freshest blood the youths of all lands, the Strange Woman. Sometimes he professes to have had a long spell of sickness, and in addition to the heavy doctor's bill, etc., etc., he spins out a pitiable story about having been robbed of his clothes and money, by the servants, during his illness. At other times he falls among thieves, and so has his pocket picked on board the steamboat, or the cars, or at the theatre, or even while attending church. Or not unfrequently he professes to have loaned a hun- dred or so to a fellow-student who seemed to be " hard up" but honest, yet who did run away with the same, not so much as leaving with his creditor an L 0. TJ. 168 COTTON SNOBS. By such cunning fables the Old Man is deluded, despite his lynx-eyed wariness in regard to whatever affects his purse. And when our Cotton Snob does at last return to the paternal roof, he dissimulates so well, pre- tends to love money so devoutly, gets drunk so slyly, and natters the Southern Yankee so unceasingly, the latter is totally blinded, at least for a time. But if by any chance he should linger on this mortal stage a lit- tle too long, the impatient heir wearies of playing the part of supernumerary, and by some ill-advised utter- ance, or downright open defiance of authority, shows to his astonished sire that he is impatient to enact the part of principal himself, and chafes that the only op- posing obstacle to his wishes is so long a time being knocked by the friendly hand of Death out of the way : upon which unfortunate discovery there is some swear- ing in Flanders you may be assured, but all to no pur- pose. In the end, and in the course of nature, the gray head sinks into its unhonored grave, and the ea- ger heir steps with hot haste into his father's shoes, and proceeds to hobornob with his boon companions over their brandy and cigars, almost before the paternal dust is cold. "For this the foolish, over-careful fathers Have broke their sleep with thoughts, their brain with care, Their bones with industry !" And now, if our young Snob be unmarried, what a life of drinking, gambling, horse-racing, fox-hunting, and vulgar display of one kind and another, he imme- diately rushes into ! Vivimus dura vivamus is his mot- to, and what he calls enjoying life is comprehended in COTTON SNOBS. 169 the above excesses ; for tie knows of no rational plea- sure, but passes from one beastly gratification to an- other, thinking all the while, poor imbecile ! that he is one of the favored children of Fortune. If he does not go to Cuba, or Europe, or attend the sessions of Con- gress, or visit some of the Southern cities, he spends his winters on his plantation, in company with an equally moral and gentlemanly set of bachelor compan- ions, whose nightly carousals end only with the morn- ing, and whose jolly fox-hunts and other out-door sports are conducted with such a reckless disregard of the rights and feelings of the neighbors, as at once to point out the difference between the Cotton Snob and the Southern Gentleman. For when the latter desires to hunt off his own broad acres, he invariably asks per- mission of the owners of adjacent estates before pro- ceeding to trespass on their lands with his retinue of horses, dogs, and darkeys — and, in particular, in the Cotton States, wherein the planters dislike exceedingly for the fox-hunters to overrun their unpicked fields with their devastating train ; but the Cotton Snob im* agines it would not be distingue enough to ask permission to do any thing, and so dashes right on, regardless of whose property he may be injuring, pulling clown fences ad libitum, and destroying any quantity of the imperial staple-*— yelling and shouting meanwhile to his com- rades and his dogs at almost every turn, and riding more like a madman just out of a strait-jacket than a sane or sober human being. In the summer months the Cotton Snob travels — visits all the famous watering-places — flirts with sense- less girls, who, like the tortoise, carry their fortunes 8 170 COTTON SNOBS. on their backs, but, unlike the same, ever hold what lit- tle of hearts they possess in their hands, ready to ex- change the hollow baubles at any moment for an estab- lishment, no matter if it be encumbered with either a toothless old simpleton or a simpering and bloated young rake. Hence the Cotton Snob is frequently to be seen in the Free States, and when seen is pretty sure to make himself a " shining mark," for he assumes to be the very tip-top of the first families, and as such considers his individual corporosity a thing too sacred to be touched even by the hands of Northern canaille, " greasy mechanics," or what not. lie also seeks every opportunity to talk about "my niggers," (observe, a Southern Gentleman rarely if ever says nigger /) en- deavors to look very haughty and overbearing ; sneers at whatever he considers low, and "their name is le- gion ;" carries a cane not infrequently ; affects a mili- tary step and manner, and tries to look daggers, bowie- knives, revolvers, blood and thunder, whenever or wherever he meets an abolitionist or a nigger. By such and other similar displays of vulgarity and ill-breeding, the Cotton Snob pretty soon renders himself both ridi- culous and contemptible ; and, what is more and worse, brings a reproach upon the true Gentlemen of the South, which goes far to increase that bitterness of feeling at present rankling in the breasts of many loyal citizens of each section of our great Republic, against their fellow-citizens of the other. While we know, from a pretty intimate acquaintance with all classes of our fellow-countrymen of the Free States, that they all — with the exception of a few radicals here and there — entertain a very high regard for the genuine Southern COTTON SNOBS. 171 Gentleman such as they imagine him to be, and such as he is in reality, still, we grieve to say, they are too credulous in believing the professions of every little stammering upstart who lays claim to be a gentleman from the South. Hence, when they come in contact with a dirty fellow, who swears roundly, drinks deeply, boasts incessantly of his patrician blood, and is always in a snarl with every body and every thing, instead of setting such an individual down for what he really is, they prefer to believe that he is what he represents himself to be ; consequently they lay to the charge of the lion all the dirty mean tricks and senseless braying of the ass that is simply robed in the lion's skin. So much for the unmarried Cotton Snob. When he gets him a wife, and afterwards, he takes a little more respectable position in society, leaves off many of his ungentlemanly practices also, but runs into many new extremes of absurdity and bad taste. Like all snobs and parvenues the world over, he seems bent on nothing higher than a foolish display of his wealth, and erroneously imagines his chief honor to lie, not in what he is, but in what the beau monde takes him to be ; but he differs somewhat from the snobs of the North in his manner of playing the fool. The Potiphar families seek usually to display their wealth in costly houses, splendid furniture, rich plate, magnificent dresses, dazzling jewelry, and an occasional " perfect jam'' of a party when parties are in season, as well as they affect French customs, French morals, and French manners, and consider a little successful in- trigue as the very perfection of good breeding. The Southern Snob delights in all these luxuries too, but 172 COTTON SNOBS. not to the same extent as the "new rich" of onr Free States — remember, we are speaking now of the agricul- tural Snobs of the South, not of those who figure in New-Orleans, or Charleston, or Washington City. The peculiar " wanity" of the Cotton Snob is a weakness for fine horses, fine carriages, and obsequious footmen and outriders. We do not remember ever to have seen a " coach and four" with outriders in any Northern State, but such institutions are much delighted in by all Southern upstarts whose purse-strings are long enough to enable them to support so much state and ceremony. Fifty years ago, indeed, it was customary for most Southern Gentlemen to go in state in their lumbering, old-fashioned coaches, which two horses would hardly have been able to drag along ; but, autres temps, autres mceurs. While in those old-fashioned times there was nothing at all objectionable to good taste, in the sight of a hearty old Virginian Gentleman bowling leisurely along over the heavy dirt-roads in his great family coach, having of necessity from four to six horses at- tached, and with outriders and lackeys in any number he might desire ; still, in these days of steam-engines, railroads, turnpikes, and telegraphs, there is no longer any fitness in such old-time customs. This the South- ern Gentleman has seen and acknowledged for many years, and so confines himself to a modern-built car- riage of the best style for country use, and keeps but a single pair of carriage-horses, and never" more than a single outrider, whose business is to open gates, etc. etc. Not so, however, the Cotton Snob, who much affects a " coach and four," even on the best turnpike roads, and loves to see the liveried blacks galloping COTTON SNOBS. 173 after him, looking as consequential and full of their own importance as though they followed the triumphal chariot of an Emperor. Ah ! who does not feel tempted to exclaim, when he sees such a Southerner hobornob- bing at Northern watering-places with the Potiphar families of New- York and the Eamrods from Boston, as well as numerous other Free State families of re- nown — who, we say, does not feel tempted to exclaim, not once but all the time, par nobile fratrum — noble band of brothers ! Alas ! how unfortunate is it that true gentility is so little understood or appreciated in this great country. Here we are, not yet a century old, and while in the full enjoyment of all those blessings which are the rich heritage won for us by the struggles of our ancestors, affecting to despise the plain domestic virtues in which those same ancestors excelled, and blindly and madly imitating the lax morals, the effete civilization, the lux- uries and the vices of that rotten Old World, with whose rulers and whose traditions we ought to enter- tain not a single feeling in common. Is there any man- liness in this ? any virtue ? any worthiness ? Do you delight in feasting on toads, gentle reader ? or are you ambitious to ungirdle the native independence which should encircle every freeman's loins, to wear in its stead the effeminate cest that binds with silken folds the poor slave of courts and princely ceremony ? And yet, good faith, what else are we doing when we dis- card the plain but honest virtues of our sires, to em- brace every hollow flam or shallow pretense newly im- ported from Paris or London ? 'Tis time indeed Ame- ricans should learn to cease from following after strange 174 COTTON SNOBS. gods, and to put more trust than they have done of late in straightforward integrity of purpose and a pure genuine morality, and less in corrupting riches and a shallow outward polish, which, like the sleek crust over the smouldering volcano, conceals ever beneath its shining exterior only stifling ashes and treacherous fires. But let us proceed once more with our subject. If the Cotton Snob pere appears so ridiculous in the eyes of common-sense and common manliness, the Cotton Snob, Jils, appears even more so — for you must know, our readers, our Southern snobs have already reached the second generation. The Cotton Snob, fils, lives an idle, worthless life, too lazy even to fox-hunt ; and bestows all his time and attention upon his imma- culate kids and patent-leathers, upon the culture of his incipient mustachio, and in experimenting with the different kinds of pomatum for his precious locks of hair. He reminds one of that Mendycides of Sybaris, spoken of by Seneca, who was so fatigued at "seeing" a man dig, that he ordered such work never more to be done in his presence ; or more aptly still, of those pretty little coxcombs to be seen in all our large cities — those degenerate sons of some old Bullion, who would feel insulted if you were to accuse them of ever doing any useful labor, or even of possessing the manly strength, the brawn and bone necessary to the success- ful accomplishment of such labor. Hence, however unfortunate the father may be in his attempts to revive the practices and customs of fifty or a hundred years ago, the son is still more unfortunate when he goes back yet another century, and endeavors to revive the COTTON SNOBS. 175 Tournaments of the Middle Ages. For these in the old days of chivalry, were chiefly participated in by war-worn heroes, clad in steel from head to foot, armed with a genuine lance of truest temper, and mounted on spirited steeds, whose fiery natures had never felt the debasing touch of el castrador. Placed vis d vis to such a Knight of the Past, behold the dwarfish dimen- sions of our modern Cotton Knight, who ambles daintily forward on the back of a docile gelding, holding a sharpened stick under his arm, and gallantly and glo- riously endeavoring to thrust the same through an iron ring, which is suspended by a rope of twine from an horizontal beam! Note well with what a cavalier- like grace the thing is done. How stiffly stands his shirt-collar, how spotless are his patent-leathers, how mildly flaps his lengthened coat tail in the wind, how charmingly glistens his carroty-colored hair underneath his shining beaver ! Plaudits, Romanes, Plaudite, Omnes ! Here is bravery for you, and chivalry and gallant deeds in arms. Tremble, O Cuba, and quake with much fear, O States of Nicarauga and Costa Rica, for the old lions have refreshed themselves, and the young lions are preparing against the day of battle ! Stand in awe, O Nations, and hide your little heads, ye Isles of the Sea, for verily Cotton is King, and the New Order of Chivalry is the Cotton Snob ! But alas ! our countrymen, we blush even while we smile. Like his father before him, the Cotton Snob wor- ships money, but in a different sense. The Southern Yankee loves money for its own sake — the Cotton Snob loves it because it supplies him with cigars, and 176 COTTON SNOBS. brandy, and fine clothes, and fine horses, and fine houses, yea, and fine women too, my dears, as Mr. Tit- marsh would say, as well as a quasi-public esteem. In truth, he fancies that money is more potent than the lever of Archimedes — that its glittering dust will blind the eyes of Justice (though proverbially blind any how) as well as hermetically seal up the mouth of Mrs. Grundy ; while, on the other hand, he looks upon pov- erty as a sort of crime, and thinks every poor man is just about good enough to be hanged and nothing more. Hence he shuns the society of the poor man as he would the plague, but clasps every brother Croesus to his bosom with the most unfeigned delight, asking no questions ; as, by what means the latter has come by his riches, or to what base uses his life may be habitually devoted. Wherefore, should you speak to the Cotton Snob admiringly of the charms of some female acquaintance, his very first inquiry would be, Is she rich? Or if you tell him of the unsullied honor and manly uprightness of some gentleman friend, his stereotyped interrogatory is, What's he worth? And until his vulgar mind has been assured respecting this all-important matter, he never will consent to see any thing estimable or praiseworthy in any individual. Nor does he know of any more satirical or witty re- mark, than to say of a person praised for his intelli- gence and his virtues: "Ah! yes, very clever, I dare say, but poor as Job's turkey I" As is well known, the Southern Gentleman rarely prides himself upon his dress — indeed he is only too negligent in regard thereto ; but the Cotton Snob is fully as sensitive on that subject as his Northern bro- COTTON SNOBS. 177 ther, and in every thing which concerns Fashion is equally as thin-skinned and foolish as the latter. Noth- ing so mortifies the genuine Southern Snob as to be considered out of the fashion ; and he would at any time rather lose one of his most valuable niggers than to be seen in public with an old coat, or wearing an unfash- ionable hat, or with hands ungloved and boots un- blacked. So too would he never be able to survive the mortification caused by any notorious breach of etiquette or conventional ceremony. We remember to have witnessed once a most amusing instance of this fear of making some such breach of etiquette, in the person of a Cotton Snob who hailed from Charleston, South-Carolina. He was a be-oiled and highly be- scented coxcomb, having a stronger resemblance to the New York Fifth- Avenoodle than to the Cotton Snob proper, save that his complexion was sombre, and his hair long a la cavalier. The scene was enacted in the Exchange Hotel, Eichmond. The Charlestonian, it appears, was just setting out on his summer travels, but had stopped in Eichmond for a few days, and was desirous in the mean time of giving a dinner party to a select company of friends. He was discoursing on this topic to the landlord, at the registry-desk, when the writer chanced to overhear what in substance is given below. He spoke in a thick, half-choking, drawl- ing sort of tone, and with a slight imitation of the dia- lect of Samivel, (an unusual thing with most Cotton Snobs, by the way, for they much oftener imitate the dialect of Sambo ;) and as he spoke, he turned his head languidly from side to side, evidently persuaded in his own mind that he was " cutting a swell." 8* 178 COTTON" SNOBS. " Now, you see," said he, "I desire to give a very select pawty, ye kno', and I want it to be just the thing. Do you think it would be altogether recherche, proper, and the thing, to have it in the Ladies' Ordinary? Aw, now ? Would that be distingue enough, my clean sir ? You see, I live a mile or two out of Chawlston, South Cawolina — have a very nice, recherche, and elegant Bachelor's Hall there, in which I entertain my friends in the most distingue style two or three times every week, when I'm at home, ye kno' ; and I would not like to give a pawty here in Wichmond, that was not just the thing. We Cawolinians must keep up the weputa- tion of our gallant Commonwealth, ye kno' — the land of the chivalwig, ye kno'." The land of the chivalwig, indeed ! Had this fellow not been a Southerner, and hailing from the most really chivalrous of all the Southern States, we should have laughed outright at the absurd figure he played ; but as it was, we felt too much mortification. Not so, however, on another occasion (which we can not resist the temptation of alluding to here, although seemingly out of place) when we fell in with two Northern Snobs of a like kidney, noble sons of York both, who, at the time, were spending their winter travelling through the South. This chance adventure happened in Alabama, at a certain country railroad depot which shall be nameless. It was on a very chilly winter's night, and the railroad passengers were forced to remain in the rather primitive sitting-room of the wooden depot, from one till three of the clock in the morning, nearly cooked by the red-hot stove and almost stifled by that horrible stench which always is emitted from burning iron ; and COTTON SNOBS. 179 all because the rival railroad companies would not agree to make "connections" simultaneously. Had it not been for the entertainment afforded one by the two New- York coxcombs spoken of, we do not see at this late day how we ever should have rendered those mor- tal two hours tolerable. They were pretty fair speci- mens of the cultivated dandies of the Sawedwadgeorge earllitnnbulwig species, such as Mr. Tennyson de- scribes : " Oiled and curled like an Assyrian bull, Smelling of musk and insolence." They were acting as gallants to some female friends, who seemed to be akin to the New Order of Southern Chivalry, (pardon us if we refrain from using any more disparaging epithet while speaking of the ladies ;) and betwixt their attentions to these, and their conversation between themselves, we managed to kill the time pretty agreeably. There was one other young gentleman in the room, from Nashville, we think, but a stranger to ourself, who seemed to enjoy the sport even more than we did ; else, his organ of mirthful ness was more fully developed, or he had not yet acquired that self-control which is becoming. His efforts to restrain his pent-up laughter were almost as ludicrous as the stilted conver- sation of our two New-Yorkers, which was one con- tinuous flow of "dictionary words" and "my clean f'la," and "my deah f'la," and "twue," "twue," and " I dessay," "I dessay." In the desperate determina- tion to maintain his composure, our Nashville acquaint- ance shook like a jelly from his head to his feet; his cheeks swelled every now and then as if ready to burst, and had not the pent-up wind managed to escape in 180 COTTON SNOBS. little short chuckles at the corners of his mouth, (stifled, 'tis true, in his travelling shawl,) we do not know what would have become of him. Although he was evi- dently an intelligent person, despite a little rudeness, at last he could contain himself no longer, but almost split his sides, and startled the whole company with his unbridled cachinnation, just as out distingue fops reached the culminating blunder of the night. They had for some time been descanting on Dickens, Thackeray, poetry, and the fine arts generally, but the opera in particular, and in a manner too, it must be confessed, which showed that in literary and artistic matters, at least, they were pretty well versed. But, unfortunately for their laurels, from the discussion of the muses they joroceeded to discuss politics, of which they knew as little as any Southern Gentleman's valet would be presumed to know. Still they talked in the same stilted and consequential manner as before, and seemed to fancy "they knew it all !" To have heard them, one would have thought they dined regularly with Mr. Buchanan and his whole Cabinet, and besides were intimately acquainted with all the leading statesmen in the Union. In particular, did they admire Prentice, of Louisville, and S. S. Prentiss, sometime of Mississippi ; the respective merits of whom they discussed with much volubility. " But, my deali f 'la," said one of them during the conversation on this topic, "they tell me that Prentice, of the Louisville Courier [here our Nashville friend gave indications of much bodily pain in the epigastric region] has had a stwoke of pawalysis lately." " Beg your pawdon, my deah fwiend," replied his COTTON SNOBS. 181 companion, " but I am intimately acquainted with Mis- taw Pwentice, and saw him not two weeks ago, wben he was pweffectly well." " Ah ! twue, I dessay. Then it is Pwentice of Mis- sissippi who is pawalyzed. I knew it was one of them, but did not remember distingly wich." Considering that Mr. S. S. Prentiss had then been dead and buried for some five years and more, we felt inclined to overlook the rudeness of the young gentle- man from Nashville, who, at this juncture, by his un- restrained overflow of merriment first notified our worthy young sparks that they had been making the most consummate asses of themselves. But though in so unwelcome a manner advised of the fact, and while they evidently entertained the opinion that they were " the observed of all observers," they yet did not possess native wit enough to perceive wherein their blunder lay; but blushing, stammering, and in the blankest confusion, continued to make matters worse and worse by their fruitless efforts at explanation, until even the writer, serious and self-possessed as he fancied himself, was constrained finally to join in the general laugh. But Jwiv does the Cotton snob treat his human chattels f Come, tell us that! dear madam — our very dear and reverend friend — only exercise a little patience, there's a good soul ! Can you never think of any thing else than the woolly -heads ? One would almost be per- suaded to believe that you are more pained to hear of the servile condition of his dependents than to learn that the Cotton Snob is himself a slave of slaves — not only the slave of passion and vanity, but the slave of Satan also. For we would have you to know, re- 182 COTTON SNOBS. spected mother in Israel, that there are in the world two kinds of slavery, both of which existed as now when our Saviour was on the earth ; but the Great Master never mentioned but one — never but one, our dear Madam, on our faith as a Christian gentleman ; at least he never reprobated but one. Now, can you guess which or what species of bondage that was which fell under his censure? Why, human bondage, of course; the sum of all villanies. Indeed? why, certainly, for donH our preachers always preach about that, and arvbl they all called and sent to preach the Gospel? Yes, Madam, they are called and sent, and do likewise preach a gospel — the gospel of " pike and gun," the glorious gallows gospel of John Brown, the thief and murderer ; but not the Gospel ; for this commands us not to kill, not to steal, not to bear false witness against one's neighbor, not to engender strifes among brethren, and at the same time comdemns only one kind of bond- age, and that is not human bondage. Jesus declared that he found all men, whether free or bond, under bondage to sin, and his sole mission was to emancipate them from this thraldom. Do not find fault with us, therefore, if, in imitation of the Divine Master, and of his disciples and ministers for the first eighteen hun- dred years after his crucifixion, we prefer the Gospel of Christ to the gospel of John Brown. For this we know, if bodily servitude be a hardship, (as it often is, as well as poverty, or sickness, or even marriage some- times, or any other human relation whatever, in a cer- tain sense ; but how much greater blessings are these all in a higher sense, God only knows !) still there is but one way to do away with it, and that is by first COTTON SNOBS. 183 freeing man from that much more galling servitude — the Bondage of the Soul. Had there been any other method Jesus certainly would have made it known to us, for he was expressly commissioned to do away with " all sin." Yet in the Primitive Church, slave- holders were admitted to as full fellowship as any of the poorest saints, and not infrequently, as we learn from Eusebius, master and slave suffered martyrdom at the same time. But why will we fall into this prosing vein, to the disgust of the general reader ? Let us re- turn to our "sheeps," impatient sir. You would have us tell you how the Cotton Snob treats his human chat, tels. We shall do our utmost to gratify you. But allow us to insist in a friendly way, that you do not begin to weep until there is a demand for your sympathetic tears. Know, then, negrophilist, that the Cotton Snob is a man like yourself; given to like infirmities and pos- sessing the same benevolent emotions. Now we would like for you to answer; have you ever yet seen a man so utterly corrupt and abandoned, as not to possess a single redeeming characteristic? We doubt if you ever have. Even thieves sometimes evince a sense of honor, and murderous highwaymen have been known to be charitable ; while that poor degraded wanton, whom the soulless son of Belial stabbed in Cincinnati only last year, because she refused his gold, died with a prayer on her lips for her babe and her husband, to- tally oblivious of herself ! Yea, so true it is, no mat- ter how thickly the human heart may be incrusted over with sin aud shame, we will yet oftentimes catch a glimpse of some sweet flower of the earlier Eden, 184 COTTON SNOBS. budding and bearing heavenly fruit in the midst of all its loathsome corruption ; just as the water-lily with unstained blossom peeps out above the offensive scum of the malarious marsh, telling by its lovely presence of pure, cool waters, far down below the poisonous green spume of the surface. Hence, do not be sur- prised when we inform you, that some of the kindest masters of the South are to be found among her Snobs ; for such is the fact. Some of them are even indulgent to a fault ; allowing their slaves to traffic at their plea- sure with the groggery keepers ; to insult poor white folks with impunity — their masters always maintaining before the courts their servants' innocence ; and en- couraging them to brow-beat and bully overseers and managers, until it sometimes happens that no honest or capable person can be induced to undertake the su- perintendence of the estates to which such negroes be- long. We have known masters of this character, when not residing on their plantations, but in some neigh- boring village, ten or twenty miles distant, to encour- age their slaves to run off when corrected by the over- seer — no matter how deservedly — and present them- selves to " Mas'r," giving a doleful account of wounds and contusions without number, of untold hardships and ill-usage — all apocryphal, and when, in reality, the saucy fellows had, in most instances, fared a deal sight better than any poor white man, guilty of similar offenses would have fared in any town or city in the United States, blessed with an honest and faithful Justice of the Peace. Now, there are two reasons for such conduct on the part of the Cotton Snob — one an honorable and the COTTON SNOBS. 185 other a dishonorable motive ; for, however paradoxi- cal the proposition may seem, a man can be led by a dishonorable purpose to do an honorable action. The honorable motive alluded to above, is the pure result of a large development of what the phrenologists would call the organ of benevolence. When natur- ally benevolent and humane, though vain as a pea- cock, though shallow as Dogberry, though profane of speech as Horace Greeley is said to be, though notori- ously unchaste and as notoriously a wine-bibber and a drunkard, though vulgar and coarse in manners, and obscene in conversation, and in every thing else indeed "tolerable and not to endured," still, in kindness to his negroes — a practical benevolence which sees that they are warmly clad, comfortably housed, abundantly fed, and not over- worked — the Cotton Snob is the peer of the most gentlemanly and virtuous person in the whole South. Of a truth, we have known just such charac- ters to be avowed emancipationists in sentiment ; even while holding slaves, professing themselves unable to see any right by which one man can be privileged to hold a fellow-being in bondage. So true is it, that persons of a single idea, can never perceive the absurd discrepancy between their teachings and their practice, and are always straining out the gnat to swallow the camel. As for the dishonorable motive which not infre- quently leads the Cotton Snob to be a good master, we shall not shoot very far of the mark if we say, that it always grows out of his excessive vanity, and that torturing anxiety — which characterizes all snobs — to be well spoken of by the world, and applauded for 186 COTTON SNOBS. every thing he does ; the right or wrong of any act never once entering into his thoughts. It is no credit to any man in the South to have the reputation of be- ing a hard master ; but if it were, the Cotton Snob would soonest boast of his cruelties ; and would doubt- less keep a little private torture-room, wherein to en- tertain his friends with a show of some of his most devilish inventions for producing human agony ; some- thing like the pious Priests of the Middle Ages were wont to torture heretics for the delectation of Popes and Cardinals. Nor need you conceive that we exag- gerate ; for only consider all the wicked things the race of snobs the world over, and in all ages, have com- mitted, merely to be in the fashion. Consider the mu- tilation of the feet in China ; the hari-kari of Japan, or happy process of disembowelling ; the intrigues in the fashionable circles of the Old World, and the ease with which our own patriotic fellow-citizens learn to forget old friends and familiar faces, merely because the wheel of Fortune has, in its blind evolutions, whirled the former up and the latter down. "We tell you plainly, honest reader, the genuine Snob will make wry faces at no toad, however large or disgusting ; but will make it a point of honor to swallow the animal whole, the little stump-tail, the big goggle-eyes, the bloated belly, slimy back, toe-nails, gristle, skin and all ! And the Cotton Snob verily, if persuaded it was the thing to have a juvenile African served up whole on state occasions, stuffed like a young grunter or pre- pared like a baron of beef, would never once hesitate to have young Sambo served with parsley and egg-sauce, or whatever else might be the taste of the hour ; and COTTON SNOBS. 187 what is more, he would pretend to enjoy the delicious repast with as much gusto, as he at present evinces while discussing the mysterious compounds served at the St. Charles or the St. Nicholas — not one of which, in most instances, he would be able properly to trans- late into his own vernacular. For he holds it a sin to cry out against any dish that Fashion and a French cook have pronounced in favor of ; and would, in con- sequence, be totally unable to appreciate at its full value the honest verdancy of a stout Alabamian we once knew ; who, visiting New-Orleans for the first time, and having a dish set before him, the contents of which would not go down at his bidding, after many contortions of visage and sundry and divers attempts at swallowing the savory mess, at last threw up his hands in alarm, ejecting the sweet morsel from his mouth at the same time, and with his " eyes in a fine frenzy rolling," bawled at the top of a very stentorian pair of the lungs : " Take it away ! take it away ! carrion ! car- rion /" If every man were as honest as this stout gen- tleman from Alabama, and, having no fear of Mrs. Grundy before his eyes, dared to call every caprice of Fashion by its proper name, what a flutter would there be in " our best society I" But, (and we see you grimly smile, worthy Negro- philist !) the Cotton Snob, when he is situated so that he can hide his wickedness from the world, is some- times as hard a task-master as his father was before him ; driving day and night, as the negroes express it being solely intent on acquiring the means to enable him to fare sumptuously every day, and — speaking in figures — to be every day arrayed in that purple and 188 COTTON SNOBS. fine linen which is the peculiar delight of the vain, rich man the world over. He generally employs for managers shrewd New-Englanders, or canny Scotch- men, or native Southern Bullies, who are to be seen at all times astraddle their horses and overlooking the field hands while at work, wearing a big " bull- whip" tied over one shoulder and under the other, scarf- fashion } and rarely addressing a slave without cursing him in the same breath. These very gentlemanly -looking per- sonages are instructed to "drive like h — 11," and make all they can : hence, the more the Cotton Snob sinks at Faro, or at the " races," the harder his negroes are " pushed," and the heavier the lash is laid on their weary backs ; and the more his wife and daughters spend in silks and jewelry, or at the fashionable sum- mer resorts, the longer the poor African is forced to labor on into the night, even sometimes till the " wee sma' hours at ween the twal ;" when he drops down to slumber by the roadside, or wherever he may chance to be when his weary labor is done, tired nature refus- ing to support him on his legs until he can reach his humble cabin. Of course, Reverend Sir, we are here presenting an extreme, and let us hope an exceptional case ; and, allow us to add, chiefly for your own pecu- liar delectation. It is better than a play, we assure you, to see with what a righteous unction you roll your weeping eyes to heaven, inwardly thanking God that you live in a "land of Bibles and Freemen, where such villanies are never perpetrated." But, if your Reverence please, we would beg to remind you of a scene said to have been enacted in the land of Judea. We are told that, upon a certain occasion, two COTTON SNOBS. 189 men went up to the Temple to pray. One of them stood afar off, and bowing himself to the ground seem- ed overwhelmed with the consciousness of his guilt, and kept smiting himself on the breast, crying bitterly all the time: "Lord, have mercy on me a sinner! Lord, have mercy on me a sinner !" But the other straightened himself up, lengthened his phylacteries and spread out the borders of his robe, and folding his hands with an air of the most perfect self-righteous- ness, cried out in a loud and confident voice : " Lord, I thank thee that I am better than other men ! Lord, I especially thank thee that I am unlike that publican and sinner, who stands there beating his breast and be- moaning his sins." And the Great Master declared, that the Publican went away more justified than the Pharisee. Now, your Reverence may be unable to perceive the present applicableness of this parable, but it has its application nevertheless. For, while you stand thanking God that you live in a land of Bibles and Freemen, and especially thanking him that you are better than your brethren of the South ; your own Northern Snobs and Northern Yankees are daily tram- pling in the dust hundreds of thousands of God's poor all around you, and yet, you miserable Priest of Cant and Hypocrisy, you only wrap your self-righteous robe closer about you, and pass unheeding by on "the other side !" Nay, more ; the very gold which clothes your precious person in broadcloth, and which is the hire paid you for introducing politics into the pulpit, comes from the plethoric pockets of those same Snobs and Yankees ; and is virtually red with the heart's blood of poor consumptive seamstresses, of pale and 190 COTTON SNOBS. Laggard artisans, and of the widow and the fatherless. For there is this marked difference between the Snobs and Yankees of the South, and those of the North : while the former only oppress and render miserable the bondmen belonging exclusively to themselves ; the latter, by an unholy combination of capital against labor, oppress the whole working class — reducing their wages down to the merest pittance — working them harder than the plough-mules are worked on the most driving Southern cotton-planter's estate ; and giv- ing bread and life only to the strong and the robust^ leaving the weak and helpless, the sick and the infirm, a prey to want and starvation, as well as to every spe- cies of villany and oppression. Hence, in view of these facts, we make bold to assert that any man, who ne- glects to devote himself body and soul to relieving the burdens of that society in which his lot is cast, prefer- ring idly and profitlessly to carp at the evils of any other system of society whatever with which he is not identified ; we care not what his profession or his pre- tensions may be, is at heart a base deceiver and hypo- crite; and, although he may receive in this life the guerdon for which he labors, namely, the applause of his fellow-men, yet in the life which is to come, he will receive for his recompense a reward to which he does not now aspire, but which will be eminently his clue. For we are commanded of God to do good as we have opportunity, and not to neglect our own opportunities for doing good, to point out to our neighbors wherein they are remiss in the performance of their duties and obligations. In other words, people who live in glass houses have no right to throw stones. CHAPTER V. THE SOUTHERN YEOMAN". " At length his lonely cot appears in view, Beneath the shelter of an aged tree ; Th' expectant wee things, toddlin stacher through To meet their dad, wi' fiichtering noise and glee ; His wee bit ingle blinkin bonnilie, His clean hearthstone, his thrifty wifie's smile, The lisping infant prattling on his knee, Does a' his weary kiaugh and care beguile, And makes him quite forget his labor and his toil." Robert Burns. "When we gaze upon some loftj mountain which rears its pinnacled and azure summit high up in the region of mists and eternal snow, lost in admiration of the sublime spectacle we are prone to forget that, while its heaven-crowned peaks may dazzle and delight us with their matchless wealth of grandeur and beauty, still, deep down in its cavernous base and hidden from the garish sunlight and the blaze of day, are treasured up mines of greater wealth and greater splendor, as well as exhaustless quarries of imperishable marble, which only waits the hand of genius to be converted into living forms of beauty, and thus become a "joy forever." So, too, when we look upon some mighty 192 THE SOUTHERN YEOMAN. and powerful nation, dazzled by the magnificent robes of state and authority, and by all the splendid pomp and circumstance of those who move in the upper cir- cles of society, we are very liable to forget that these all fail to constitute the State, and that they owe their very existence and continued elevation, as well as that distance from us which lends enchantment to the view, to the unbedecked and toiling masses, who, like the unseen but all-powerful forces of Nature, labor on in secret and unobserved, yet in reality are the producers of all the real wealth or useful progress and achieve- ments of empires. For while princes, presidents, and governors may boast of their castles and lands, their silken gowns and robes of ceremony — all which can be made the sport of fortune, and do often vanish away in a moment, leaving their sometime owners poor in- deed — the Common People, as the masses are called, possess in and of themselves a far richer inheritance, which is the ability and the will to earn an honest live- lihood (not by the tricks of trade and the lying spirit of barter, nor yet by trampling on any man's rights, but) by the toilsome sweat of their own brows, delving patiently and trustingly in old mother earth, who, un- der the blessing of God, never deceives or disappoints those who put their trust in her generous bosom. And of all the hardy sons of toil, in all free lands the Yeo- men are most deserving of our esteem. With hearts of oak and thews of steel, crouching to no man and fearing no danger, these are equally bold to handle a musket on the field of battle or to swing their reapers in times of peace among the waving stalks of yellow grain. For, in the language of the poet : THE SOUTHERN YEOMAN. 193 Each boasts his hearth And field as free as the best lord his barony, Owing subjection to no human vassalage Save to their king and law. Hence are they resolute, Leading the van on every day of battle, As men who know the blessings they defend. Hence are they frank and generous in peace, As men who have their portion in its plenty." But you have no Yeomen in the South , my dear Sir? Beg your pardon, our dear Sir, but we have — hosts of them. I thought you had only poor White Trash? Yes, we dare say as much — and that the moon is made of green cheese ! You have fully as much right or reason to think the one thing as the other. Do tell, now ; want to know? Is that so, our good friend? do you really desire to learn the truth about this matter? If so, to the extent of our poor ability, we shall endeavor to enlighten you upon a subject, which not one Yan- kee in ten thousand in the least understands. Know, then, that the Poor Whites of the South con- stitute a separate class to themselves; the Southern Yeomen are as distinct from them as the Southern Gentleman is from the Cotton Snob. Certainly the Southern Yeomen are nearly always poor, at least so far as this world's goods are to be taken into the ac- count. As a general thing they own no slaves ; and even in case they do, the wealthiest of them rarely pos- sess more than from ten to fifteen. But even when they are slaveholders, they seem to exercise but few of the rights of ownership over their human chattels, mak- ing so little distinction between master and man, that their negroes invariably become spoiled, like so many 9 104 THE SOUTHERN YEOMAN. rude children who have been unwisely spared the rod by their foolish guardians. , Such negroes are lazy as the day is long, saucy and impertinent, and besides are nearly as useless members of society as the free blacks of the North, or Jamaica, or the Central American States. Indulged from their infancy, never receiving a stripe unless some one of their young masters is stout enough to give them a lamming in a regular fisticuffs fight, and in all things treated more like equals than slaves, it is certainly no cause of wonder that they im- pudently call their masters by their proper names, and, when permitted, address all other white persons in the same ill-bred and familiar manner. Indeed, Senator Seward himself could not demand any greater show of equality, than what is often exhibited by the Yeomen of the South in the treatment of their negroes ; and we think it would cure even him of nis rabid mania on the subject of the ultimate extinction of the peculiar insti- tution, could he be brought into personal contact with some of the free and easy specimens of poor down- trodden Africans we have had the luck to fall in with now and then in the Slave States. If he did not carry with him to his grave a very unflattering remembrance of his loutish, lazy, lousy, and foul-scented black "bro- thers," then he is not the dainty gentleman we have been accustomed to consider him. For, after all their demonstrations in behalf of the Negro, the people of the Free States are possessed of olfactories like the rest of mankind, and individually entertain a very whole- some dread of coming personally in contact with their down-trodden and much-abused proteg^ however lusti- ly they may bawl about his being both THE SOUTHERN YEOMAN. 195 a brother." We know, in some parts of the North, negroes are admitted to the society of a certain class of fanatical free-lovers and socialists — dine with them sleep with them, school with them, and even sometimes intermarry with them — while it does occasionally hap- pen, that a big buck African will familiarly slap a white man on the back, with a "How ar' yer, Tom? gib a feller a treat," or, "Harry, my boy, how goes de wedder ?" In a majority of cases, however, as we have already declared, decent people in all the Northern States entertain a very wholesome and sensible preju- dice against affiliating on terms of equality with per- sons of color. In this regard, indeed, they are far more scrupulous and sensitive than any class of whites in the South. Now it is chiefly owing, as we conceive, to this univer- sal prejudice against color in the North, that the citizens of the Free States will insist free labor is degraded by the existence of African slavery, and that the Poor Whites of the South because thereof prefer to starve rather tli an to labor side by side with slaves. Because they themselves will not consent to work oh a level with the free negroes in their own midst, of course (such is their reasoning) any poor Southerner would feel degraded to labor in company with enslaved persons possessing the same objectionable color. Capital logicians! Now, Sirs, what are the facts ? Would you believe the de- claration, that honest Southern Yeomen (these are the industrious poor whites of the South) always work side by side with their own human chattels in the fields, in the forests, and every where else ? Nothing, we assure you, is more common. No man can travel a day 196 THE SOUTHERN YEOMAN. through any thickly-settled portion of the South, but he will come up with some sturdy yeoman and his sons working in company of their negroes ; sometimes their own propert}^, at other times hirelings whom they have employed by the month or year. In portions of "West- ern Virginia, particularly in the districts settled by the Pennsylvania Dutch, such spectacles are to be witnessed on almost every other farm. Passing by their fields of rich clover, nearly waist-high, and blushing as red in a rich profusion of purple blooms as the cheeks of the plump country maiden who sits singing and knitting under the big apple-tree in front of the neat farm- house, you can not fail of being amused to observe the lazy deliberation with which the broad-shouldered farm-boys, and their equally broad-shouldered sooty companions, lay down their hoes or scythes to gaze at a stranger — gazing long and steadfastly, with hanging lip and open mouth, until you are hidden from their sight by a turn in the green lane, when they all simul- taneously burst out a laughing, (at what, Heaven knows !) but in so hearty and boisterous a manner as to wake up the dozing cattle, whose sleek fat sides are scarcely visible about in spots among the clover-leaves, refulgent and glistening in the shimmering rays of the glorious summer sun. So, too, if you leave Virginia and pass down into the Old North State — the State so famous for its tar, pitch, and turpentine — you will hear the axe of master and man falling with alternate strokes in the depth of the whispering forests of dark ever- greens, as with redoubled blows they attack the lofty pines, felling them to the ground for lumber, or simply- barking them for their resinous sap. Here you will THE SOUTHERN YEOMAN. 197 frequently see black and white, slave and freeman, camping ont together, living sometimes in the same tent or temporary pine-pole cabin ; drinking, the dar- keys always after mas'r, out of the same tin dip- per or long-handled gourd their home-distilled apple- brandy ; dining on the same homely but substantial fare, and sharing one bed in common, videlicet, the cabin floor. Again, should you go among the hardy yeomanry of Tennessee, Kentucky, or Missouri, whenever or wherever they own slaves (which in these States is not often the case) you will invariably see the negroes and their masters ploughing side by side in the fields ; or bared to the waist, and with old-fashioned scythe vieing with one another who can cut down the broadest swath of yellow wheat, or of the waving timothy ; or bearing the tall stalks of maize and packing them into the stout- built barn, with ear and "fodder on, ready for the win- ter's husking. And when the long winter evenings have come, you will see blacks and whites sing, and shout, and husk in company, to the music of Ole Vir~ ginny reels played on a greasy fiddle by some aged Uncle Edward, whose frosty pow proclaims that he is no longer fit for any more active duty, and whose long skinny fingers are only useful now to put life and met- tle into the fingers of the younger buskers, by the help of de fiddle and de bow. And yet, notwithstanding the Southern Yeoman allows his slaves so much freedom of speech and action, is not offended when they call him familiarly by his Christian name, and hardly makes them work enough to earn their salt, still he is very proud of being a 198 THE SOUTHERN YEOMAN". slaveholder ; and when he is not such, his greatest am- bition is to make money enough to buy a negro. We recall a very amusing anecdote illustrative of this am- bition of the Southern Yeoman. A man named Home, who was a bachelor, had en- tered some land at government price, or at all events at a very small sum. In a few years his land increased so in value that he sold out at an enormous profit, tak- ing as part payment one negro man, whom we will call Jeff. The next morning after the bargain had been closed, the negro was awakened quite early by hearing his new master bawling at the top of his voice: " Jeff! you, Jeff! Come here, you big black nigger, you!" "Bres God, Mas'r, what's de marter?" said Jeff, rushing sans culotte into his master's room, and nearly out of breath with alarm. "0 nuthin," replied Home dryly, " I only wanted to see how Hwould sound jist — that's 011!" In his origin, aside from the German settlers in West- ern Virginia, the Southern Yeoman is almost purely English. He nearly always bears some good old Anglo-Saxon name, and will tell you, if interrogated about his ancestors, that " grandfather so and so came over from the Old Country" — by which familiar and endearing phrase he always designates Great Britain. He is thorough English in fact, in both physical hearti- ness and dogged perseverance. Very seldom is he troubled witli dyspepsia, or melancholy, or discontent with his humble lot — evils which in most cases have their origin in a disordered stomach. Just so rarely, too, will you ever meet a Southern Yeoman who has THE SOUTHERN YEOMAN. 199 learned to fear mortal man, or who would under any circumstances humiliate himself to curry favor with the rich or those in authority. He always possesses a manly independence of character, and though not so impetuous as the gentry of the South usually are, still, in the midst of the dangers and carnage of the battle- field, and in the thickest of the fray, his eye never quails; but with steady tramp and unflinching nerve he marches right on to where duty and honor call ; and with unblanched cheek meets death face to face. His wounds, like the scars of the old Eoman, themselves bespeak his praise, for they are ever received from the front and never from behind. The usual weapon of the Southern Yeoman is the deadly rifle — even in his sports — and this he handles with such skill as few possess, even in America. He likes the quick sharp report which announces in a clear tongue when the leaden messenger is sent home ; and affects to despise the rattling fowling piece, the peculiar sporting gun of the Southern Gentleman. With his rifle the Yeoman shoots squirrels, ducks, turkeys, deer, bear, buffalo, and whatever else he pleases. The best riflemen are found in Georgia, Mississippi, Tennessee, and Kentucky — the best, perhaps, in the last-named brave and chivalrous Commonwealth. Herein turkey- shooting is practised by all classes, but chiefly by the yeomen. A live turkey is securely fastened to a stake at the distance of one hundred paces, and you pay five or ten cents for the privilege of each shot ; if you hit the fowl in the head the carcass is yours, but any other hit is considered foul, and so passes for nothing. This is the kind of school in which were trained the hunt- 200 THE SOUTHERN YEOMAN. inof-shirt heroes of King's Mountain, and those unerr- ing riflemen who, at the memorable battle of New-Or- leans, made such havoc in the ranks of Packenham's veterans. So also were trained those brave defenders of Texan independence — Crockett, Travis, and their compeers, who buried themselves beneath the countless ] leaps of Mexicans slain at the heroic defense of the Alamo. And it was because of a similar schooling that Col. Jeff. Davis was enabled to say to the retreat- ing Indianians at the battle of Buena Vista, pointing proudly to the gallant yeomanry of Mississippi : " Stay, and re-form behind that wall!" For well the brave Colonel knew the rifles in the hands of his favorite regiment would soon with their iron hail beat down the advancing foe, and cause them to rush back in dis- orderly rout to their tents and entrenchments. Indeed, take them all in all, and we doubt if the world can produce a more reliable citizen soldiery than the yeo- manry of our Southern States. They only require the right sort of leaders — officers undo] 1 whom they are willing to fight, and in whose mettle and abilities they have perfect confidence. General Taylor was such a man, and in this regard no American General of late years has been his peer. Southern born himself, and Southern bred, plain and unostentatious in his manners, and at all times cool and determined in the hour of danger; his soldiers loved the man, while they re- spected and trusted the general Noble old Soldier ! no true heart can fail to regret, that the exigencies of politics forced you to lay aside the sword for our re- publican sceptre, and thus with the weighty cares and perplexities of a station which you never were fitted to THE SOUTHERN YEOMAN. 201 adorn, too soon consigned you to the grave and de- prived the Union of one of her most able and patriotic defenders. Green be the turf above you, honest Ko- man, and may your successors in office learn to emulate your virtues! The Southern Yeoman much resembles in his speech, religious opinions, household arrangements, indoor sports, and family traditions, the middle class farmers of the Northern States. He is fully as intelligent as the latter, and is on the whole much better versed in the lore of politics and the provisions of our Federal and State Constitutions. This is chiefly owing to the public barbecues, court-house-day gatherings, and other holiday occasions, which are more numerous in the South than in the North, and in the former are nearly always devoted in part to political discussions of one kind or another. Heard from the lips of their neigh- bors and friends, and having the matter impressed upon their minds by the presentation of both sides of every disputed question at the same time, it is not strange that poor men in the South should possess a more com- prehensive knowledge of the fundamental principles of our artificial and complex system of government, or should retain a clearer perception of the respective merits of every leading political issue, than if they derived their information solely from books or news- papers; which always furnish but one view of the matter in dispute, and which they must painfully pe- ruse after a long day of toil, being more exercised meanwhile (aside from the drawback of physical weari- ness) in laboring to interpret the meaning of the "die tionary words," than in attempting to follow the facts 9* 202 THE SOUTH EKN YEOMAN. or the argument of the writer, be he never so lucid and perspicuous. We know a pretty general belief prevails through- out the entire North, and in Europe as well, (owing to the misrepresentations of our patriotic book-makers of the Free States,) that the great mass of the Southern people are more ignorant than the mass of Northern laborers ; and, although this opinion is no sounder than the baseless fabric of a vision, there is yet a plausible excuse at least to be urged on behalf of those citizens of the North who entertain it. For the North, taken as a whole, is an inventive and manufacturing commu- nity, and her citizens, in consequence, love to agglome- rate in towns, villages, etc. etc. Hence, they entertain a very foolish prejudice against the country, and every thing almost that pertains to country life ; while such a personage as a country gentleman proper, is un- known from Maine to Oregon, and to speak of " our country cousins" as very annoying and troublesome, is a standing witticism in every Free State. But the South is almost evclusively agricultural, and, of course, the great mass of her citizens fall under the bann of the cockney prejudices of the trades-people of the North, equally with their own country cousins from Down East, or the sun-embrowned Hoosiers from the West. Now, we do not pretend to claim that the yeo- men of the South are as intelligent or well-instructed about a great many things, as the mechanics, artisans, small shopkeepers, and others, who in a great measure constitute the population of the Northern towns ; but we do insist, from a pretty extensive acquaintance with the peculiarities and characteristics of both, that the THE SOUTHERN YEOMAN. 203 Southern Yeoman is the peer in every respect of the small farmers in the Free States, as well as their supe- rior in a great many. For, as has already been shown, he is certainly better informed than the latter about the political history of the country ; is more accus- tomed to the use of fire-arms, particularly the rifle ; and (which is no small recommendation) he has a better ap- preciation of good liquors, for, instead of swallowing the vile stuff sent forth from Cincinnati and other places in the shape of mean whisky, the Southern yeo- man usually confines himself to home-brewed ale, or native apple-jack, or home-distilled peach brandy, all of which drinks are said to be both wholesome and harmless, if taken in moderation. From the yeomanry usually springs the overseer class — a very useful and important class of persons in the South ; very much-abused and slandered though they always have been, owing to the drunken habits, libertinism, coarse brutalities, and general bad conduct of many of their number. But there are to be found among them men of sterling worth and incorruptible integrity — good citizens, intelligent managers, kind dis- ciplinarians, and even sometimes they evince gentle- manly instincts, though but little polished in speech or manners. We think the reading public, Southern as well as Northern, in forming its judgment of overseers, has never sufficiently considered the responsibilities and temptations of their peculiar position. They constitute the Southern police, or patrol, just as every Northern city has its squads of police to protect the property and lives of its citizens from the hands of thieves, burglars, 204 THE SOUTHERN YEOMAN. incendiaries, garroters, midnight assassins, and street bullies. The "beat" of each Southern overseer, is the plantation on which he resides ; and the collective body of overseers in every neighborhood, constitutes a regu- larly organized patrol — called by the negroes " Pate- rollers," and upon set times these " paterollers" form a troop and gallop from plantation to plantation during the whole night, arresting and punishing all slaves found off their proper premises without a permit from their master or mistress. But on the whole, the Southern overseer has a much more laborious duty to perform than his brother policeman of any Northern city. The latter has only to look after freemen — in most cases intelligent white men, who entertain some respect for the officers of the law ; whereas the South- ern overseer has confided to his care the kinky -headed, descendants of those pagans who, only a century ago, made no bones of eating one another, and whose kin- dred yet remaining in Africa still look upon a white missionary stewed with onions and cayenne pepper, or even better perhaps eaten raw and without salt, as the greatest " delicacy of the season." Did you never consider this fact, dear philanthropic Madam, who are so grateful to the policeman who breaks the pate of the drunken Irish bully, as kicks up " sich a divil of a row," right under your parlor win- dow ; but go into hysterics at the bare mention of a Southern overseer's knocking down a refractory Hot- tentot ? And, besides, if you are so valiant in defense of the wholesale slaughter of Ghoorkas, Sejioys, and other colored Hindoos, by your beloved brethren, the English abolitionists, why, in the name of common- THE SOUTHERN YEOMAN. 205 sense, do you scowl so because some bloody Southerner finds it necessary occasionally to give a rebellious slave a flogging? Is a tough New-England cowskin dili- gently applied to the back of a lazy, lying Congo, a more heineous offense in the sight of Heaven, than the breaking of a drunken loafer's skull by means of hon- est Charley's club, or the blowing of Sepoys from the mouths of British cannon, simply because, like our worthy revolutionary sires, they have dared to rebel against an usurped authority and a confessedly most inhuman tyranny ? But bear in mind, our stout John Bull, we are casting no stones — save at the heads of those hypocrites, who sustain your virtuous queen in her recent bloody enactments in India, (all necessary, perhaps,) but at the same time rend the very heavens with their shrieks, because, in endeavoring to keep in subjection our India, we must needs resort to much milder and less sanguinary measures, though sometimes quite revolting to our humaner feelings. For he must be a very bold man who will deny that the overseers on many Southern plantations, are cruel and unmerci- fully severe, when permitted to be so by the careless- ness or connivance of their emplo^yers. Despite all which, however, we are yet prepared to contend, that, compared with the police of all other places, the world over, and taken en masse, there is not any where a more respectable and well-behaved patrol than the Southern overseers. But that is not saying much after all! we hear } t ou exclaim, thou worthy reader of books and not of men. To which wc reply : Until you and we have been tempted as such men are always tempted, every 206 THE SOUTHERN YEOMAN. where and at all times, and have proven ourselves to be better and holier than they, we have no right to condemn or pass judgment. God, who is Judge of both the quick and the dead, alone is competent to determine who is deserving of condemnation, and who of praise. At all events, let us not denounce the inno- cent with the guilty, as in all our short-sighted human judgments we are ever prone to do. Some men, for example, when they have read in the daily press the fulsome details of a scan. mag. — the minute particulars of how some second Judas has betrayed his master's cause, not with a kiss, but for the kisses and wickeder endearments of a straying lamb of his flock — are apt to congratulate themselves that they still remain bach- elors, and that they have never been so foolish as to entertain any religious sentiments at all. Such men will solemnly and seriously vow and swear (and for one we believe they are honest in their declarations : who is not that measures the rest of mankind by him- self?) that they doubt the existence of female virtue, and conscientiously believe there never was a clerical neck-tie yet which did not encircle the throat of a hy- pocrite and rogue. These very virtuous-minded in- dividuals simply confound the innocent with the guilty, and are so affected by the prominence given to some glaring example of clerical hypocrisy, or breach of matrimonial and conjugal fidelity ; they fail to note how many thousands of happy households all around them are patterns of virtue and good morals, or how many hundreds of ministers of the Gospel do not only point the road to Heaven, but also " lead the way." And just in the same spirit has it been the custom of THE SOUTHERN YEOMAN. 207 certain Northern busy - bodies, (whose mental equi- librium is not well-poised,) because of the prominence given to the cruelties practised now and then by some Southern Overseers, to speak of the whole class as to- tally vile and sin-hardened, fit subjects for the wrath of Heaven, and destined ere long to people the dismal abodes of Hades — a place formerly regarded as the final resting-bed of all sinners, but latterly devoted to the exclusive accommodation of slaveholders, and those engaged in the Slave Trade — barring the legitimate traffickers in Coolie flesh, who (on account of favors manifold) are to be landed after death in the Seventh Heaven. But, we would beg to remind all such astute reasoners, of what they seem to be ignorant, namely, that sometimes diamonds are picked up from the dirtiest dung-hills, while the most beautiful of pearls are taken often from the bodies of the ugliest of testacean bi- valves. So far as hospitality goes, the Yeomen of the South are not a whit behind the Southern Gentleman, or any other class of gentlemen the world over. And we make this declaration boldly, despite the assertions to the contrary of a certain literary Peripatetic of New- York, who has been in the habit of taking a jaunt through some portions of the South every few years, and afterwards publishing in book-form an account of what he saw and heard. Affecting the utmost candor and impartiality, as well as the very essence and spirit of Truth, this peripatetical maker of books scarcely succeeds in spreading his poppies broad and thick enough, to conceal even from simple eyes the ma- lice which underlies his plausible style; and which, as 208 THE SOUTHERN YEOMAN. the venomous reptile concealed underneath the stone in the pathway takes every furtive opportunity to thrust its poisonous fangs into the flesh of the unwary pedestrian, so is ever showing its serpent head when occasion serves, hissing with spite and bitterness. This writer has spoken of the Southern Yeomen (not by name, 'tis true) as mean and stingy, selfish and rude, and as being besides devoid of even a semblance of hospitality. Now, making all due allowance for the temptation to misrepresent which such a writer would very naturally yield to, (since upon such a misrepre- sentation chiefly depends the sale of his book, while upon the said sale he himself depends for his daily bread ;) we would yet mildly suggest, that, if ever again he should desire to share the humble crust of poverty, the proper way to attain his object is not to strive to be condescendingly kind and excruciatingly affable, as if one would say : " My poor country clown, I pity you ; for I am dressed in broadcloth and patent- leathers, and am much more intelligent than you, my poor country clown !" No, worthy Sir ! that is not the way to get at a poor man's heart, or his humble fireside either, as a welcome and honored guest. What is the right and proper way, let the following personal incident inform you, our over-dainty gentleman. Perhaps you have not forgotten the Panic yet, fel- low-citizens of the Free States? In the midst of }^our mad and headlong chase after sudden wealth ; in the midst of your wild and reckless speculations in stocks, bonds, railroads, lands, and every thing else, whereby money is to be made without any honest toil ; in the midst of your self-gratulations at the much faster me- THE SOUTHERN YEOMAN. 209 thod yon Lad of getting riches, than } T our more con- servative and plodding brethren to the South of you ; lo ! there suddenly appeared a hand-writing on the wall, and in one short hour all your visions of bound- less prosperity came to naught. "We need not remind you of the scenes which ensued. They will not soon be effaced from the memory of the present generation. We need not remind you with what inward satisfac- tion you turned your doleful visages towards the hith- erto despised South, and in view of her still undimin- ished abundance, took heart again for the future of our common Kepublic. You felt a pride, doubtless for the first time, while beholding all the once firm -seated thrones of Commerce and Finance toppling and tum- bling down in irretrievable overthrow around you, that one American Sovereign at least remained with head erect — that, as ever before, Cotton still was King. Many of you, indeed, leaving your families in the Free States, turned your steps Southward in search of em- ployment. Never was there such an Exodus from the Northern to the Southern States before. We happen- ed likewise to hibernate in the Slave States during that memorable era, and in passing from place to place chanced to fall in with many of those unfortunates, whom lack of employment and the Hard Times had driven from their homes to seek shelter from the storm in the sunny South. One of these was a Connecticut man, a machinist by trade, and possessed of strong anti-slavery prejudices, but prudent of speech and very intelligent for a person of his calling and condition. We met aboard a steamboat on one of the loveliest rivers in the South ; and although it was mid- winter, 210 THE SOUTHERN" YEOMAN. still, sitting on the steamer's hurricane-deck, as it is called, and inhaling the soft and balmy air which al- ready seemed laden with the odors of spring ; he re- counted to us the several adventures with which lie had met in his various ups and downs, since he left the land of wooden nutmegs and steady habits. We were much entertained. He told us with what hopes he had left his family in their New-England home, where he found it impossible longer to get em- ployment at his trade, and how he had hastened South- wards with a joyful heart, confident of making enough to feed both himself and his little household during the winter months. But he was too late. Hundreds had rushed in before him, and every railroad shop was filled, (his business was to build engines,) as well as every other shop wherein he could hope to make himself use- ful. His money, what little he had, was soon exhaust- ed ; and then, to add to his misfortunes, at a lonesome village in Tennessee, he was taken sick of typhus fever, which kept him closely confined for some three weeks, and from which he recovered with difficulty, having not a beggarly dernier left ; and so, weak and suffering, and without money or friends, he set out on his travels a-foot, being as yet barely able to walk. But he man- aged to walk thirty miles the first day for all that, and found himself late in the afternoon in the town of Co- lumbia. Seeing two taverns in the place, he resolved not to impose upon the proprietors of either, but deter- mined in the honesty of his heart that he would state the sad condition of his exchequer first to one, and, on refusal, then to the other, and afterwards throw himself on their charity for supper and a night's lodging. He THE SOUTHERN YEOMAN. 211 was still well-dressed, which would make against him, he knew, but he flattered himself that his honest face would persuade even the most suspecting to believe his story. So he put a bold face on the matter, walked into the nearest of the two public houses, and going- straight up to the landlord told him plainly how he was situated. For his pains and his honesty he was told to take himself off instanter. He then essayed to reason the matter with "mine host;" but the more the Yan- kee argued the more " mine host" swore and raved, un- til the former was glad to escape with a whole skin from the presence of the enraged Boniface, who must have been a genuine specimen of the native Southern Yankee, about whom we have already discoursed. But our Connecticut adventurer felt famished almost, hav- ing eaten nothing all day, and was determined not to die of starvation in the midst of plenty, so he forthwith sought out the other tavern. An old man was the proprietor of this— an old white-headed man, with a calm patriarchal demeanor. When he of Connecticut first looked on him, he thought to himself that if such a venerable old gentleman had no milk of human kind- ness in his composition, then surely charity must be a thing unknown in the State of Tennessee. Being taught by his recent experience, however, he was now a little more circumspect than in the first instance, and entering the public reception-room, proceeded to wash his face and then to comb his hair, which having fin- ished, he walked deliberately up to the broad old-fash- ioned fireplace, in which blazed and crackled a rousing wood-fire, and leisurely took a seat in the midst of the numerous gentlemen who sat in a semi-circle about it. 212 THE SOUTHERN YEOMAN. There chanced (it being Court week) to be many law- yers, judges, and country gentlemen lodging with "mine host" at the time; and these, as they collected around the blazing hearth in the dusk of the gathering twilight, passed the time in story- telling, each spinning his yarn in turn, and vieiug with all in the shouts of applause which were sure to follow any "decided hit." When every one had finished his story, seeing a stran- ger present, they courteously called on him to furnish them with his story, too. Our Connecticut friend was nothing loth, but proceeded immediately to do his best. His effort proved quite successful, and he was eagerly besought to tell another. " I will tell you another in the morning," said the honest fellow. " I am too faint and hungry now. I am from Connecticut, gentlemen ; I hope I am an hon- est man, too, but although you see me dressed so well, I have not a penny to save me from the gallows. I have walked thirty miles to-day, (turning to the land- lord,) and have eaten nothing since yesterday. I would like to lodge with you to-night. I can pay you nothing now — I only ask of you to trust me, however ; for so sure as my name is , and I am an honest Yan- kee, you shall yet get every farthing." " And you haven't eat any dinner this blessed day ?" was the only reply of the gray -headed old gentleman, whose benign countenance from the first had so favora- bly impressed him of Connecticut. "Not a mouthful!" " Ned, come here. Show this gentleman to the din- ing-room, and see that he eats all he wants," said next the Good Samaritan, addressing his colored man ; and TIIE SOUTHERN YEOMAN. 213 then turning to his guest: "Of course, Sir, you can stay with us as long as you find it necessary." "Yes," here interrupted the District Judge, "put him in my room, landlord, if the house is crowded ; for I am invited to a friend's to-night, and shall not occupy it." "Well, here was a generous hospitality unlooked-for, and our Yankee's heart, as he expressed it, all of a sud- den jumped up into his throat like a big bullfrog, and stuck there, and so impeded his utterance he had not a word to say by way of thanks, but simply bowed, and retreating to the dining-room proceeded to do ample justice to the generosity of his benevolent host. But he could not afford to beg, and so sold his over- coat for twelve dollars, and started out once more a-foot *with a little money: this, however, he soon spent, when, clad in only a thin, close-bodied coat, with ordi- nary pantaloons and vest, and a small bundle on his back, containing a clean shirt or two, he plodded wea- rily along, begging, like poor Oliver Goldsmith, as he went. And'now came his experience of the hospitality of the Southern Yeomanry ; for he purposely shunned the villages and the dwellings of the rich, and every night rested his tired limbs underneath humble roofs only. He was perfectly enthusiastic in his praises of the kind reception he every where met. We will tell you, our readers, just as he told us, how he was re- ceived in one house at which he stopped over night, and this will serve as an example of all the rest. At this house there was a frolic of some kind or oth- er, and the dancing and singing were kept up until a latj hour. The guests assembled, like the host and 214 THE SOUTHERN YEOMAN. hostess, were all of the Yeoman class, plain, hard-work- ing people, owning no slaves, and possessing a scanty knowledge of either books or men ; hence their songs were, as can be easily imagined, of the commonest and most homely description. When, therefore, they called upon the Yankee for his song, and he gave them the pathetic ballad of Ben Bolt, sung feelingly and well, all hearts were instantly captivated. Immediately they passed him the bottle of old rye, pressing him to wet his whistle and try again, and so kept him singing and telling of the great world of which they knew so little, until near upon the peep of day. And the next morning, when he left, they would have him take along a bottle of "sperrits" for his stomach's sake, as well as a huge package of provisions, called in Southern parlance a "snack." This certainly was enough of kindness for one poor toiling family, and so our Yankee thought ; but when he was about a mile off, behold one of the fair damsels of the house came clattering after him, (riding her steed bare-backed, though witl^ all delicate and lady -like grace,) for the sole purpose of telling him that there was a creek a little further on, which, owing to the late rains, he could not cross without a horse and a guide ; and so, being as how all the men were gone to work, mother had sent her to see the gentleman safe over. And she did (0 blushing daughter of fashion !) absolutely take up before her on the bare-backed work- horse this strolling and unknown fellow, and having safely set him down on the other side of the swollen stream, returned to her humble cot, never once dream- ing that she had done a noble and generous action . Ah ! wandering Peripatetic of New-York, you never THE SOUTHERN YEOMAN. 215 met with such hospitality, for you did not deserve it. Your cockney bearing and general stiffness of demeanor did not appeal to the humble tastes and simple habits of the yeomanry, and that is why you have declared them mean and selfish. "What a wonderfully sapient fellow thou art, truly ! Now, your brother Northerner, whose experience of the hospitality of the same class of people, we have already given, though he stopped for many nights in succession at their humble homes, bears witness that he was always entertained in the same hospitable spirit, and never but once was refused a night's lodging. On this occasion he had another Yank (as he called him) in company, a foot-passenger like himself, with whom he had been journeying for several days. When they called at the house alluded to, the mistress came to the cloor and told them that her good man was away ; else, she would gladly take them in, but since he was absent she could not think of it. He of Connecticut thanked her, like a gentleman who could appreciate the delicacy of feeling which prompted the good wife to pursue the course she did : but his fellow Yank turned to him and whispered, " Let us go in, any how." " Sir," said noble Old Con- necticut, (we called him Old Connecticut on board the steamer,) " you can do so if you like, but I shall not. But whether you go in or remain outside, I will have you to know that henceforth we travel separate roads. I shall no longer remain in company of a person who is a disgrace to his native land, and who in the country of strangers does not know how to conduct himself like a gentleman." Honest words these, worthy son of New-England ! What a pity it is more of your coun- 216 THE SOUTHERN YEOMAN. trymen do not feel as he must of necessity feel, who can honestly give them utterance. For, in that case, there would not be so many lying, sneaking, cowardly knaves, foot-padding it all through the Southern States, endeavoring by every devilish machination to kindle the fires of a servile insurrection, and writing calumni- ous letters to Northern newspapers, oftentimes defam- ing the characters of the unsuspecting patrons, at whose hospitable board their miserable carcasses are each day filled with abundance of every species of good cheer. But to return once more to the subject of this chap- ter. Besides being given to hospitality, although in a very primitive way, as has been shown, the Yeomen of the South are also quite social and gregarious in their instincts, and delight much in having all kinds of fro- lics and family gatherings during the long winter even- ings. On all such occasions, nearly, something serv- iceable is the ostensible cause of their assembling, though the time is devoted almost wholly to social pleasures : sometimes, 'tis true, there is a wedding, or a birth-day party, or a candy -pulling ; but much more frequently it is a corn-husking, or the everlasting quilt- ing — this last being the most frequent and most in favor of all the merrymakings which call the young people together. There is, indeed, nothing to compare to a country quilting for the simple and unaffected hap- piness which it affords all parties. The old women and old men sit demurely beside the blazing kitchen fire, and frighten one another with long-winded ghost sto- ries ; thus leaving the young folks all to themselves in the " big room," wherein is also the quilt-frame, which is THE SOUTHERN" YEOMAN. 217 either suspended at the corners by ropes attached to the ceiling, or else rests on the tops of four chairs. Around this assemble the young men and the young maidens, robust with honest toil and honestly rub}~-cheeked with genuine good health. The former know nothing of your dolce far niente or dyspepsia, and the latter are not troubled with crinoline or consumption, but all are merry as larks and happy as it is possible for men and women to be in this lower world. No debts, nor duns, nor panics, nor poverty, nor wealth disturbs their thoughts or mars the joyousness of the hour. Serene as a summer's day, and cloudless as the skies in June, the moments hurry by, as they ply their nimble nee- dles and sing their simple songs, or whisper their tales of love, heedless of the great world and all the thought- less worldlings who live only to win the smiles of " our best society." Meanwhile the children play hide and seek, in-doors and out, whooping, laughing, and chat- tering like so many magpies ; and, in the snug chim • ney-corner, Old Bose, the faithful watch-dog, stretches himself out to his full length and doses comfortably in the genial warmth of the fire, in his dreams chasing after imaginary hares, or baying the moon ; while, as the poet sings : " Around in sympathetic mirth Its tricks the kitten tries ; The cricket chirrups in the hearth, The crackling fagot flies." In their religious convictions and practices, the Southern Yeomen very much resemble the Middle Classes ; are prone to shout at camp-meetings, and to see visions and dream dreams. Although generally 10 218 THE' riOUTIIERN YEOMAN. moral in their conduct and punctilious in all religious observances, they do yet often entertain many very absurd ideas in regard to Christianity, ideas wholly at variance with any rational interpretation of the Sacred Scriptures ; and hence they are led not infrequently, to mistake animal excitement for holy ecstasy, and seem to think, indeed, with the old-time priests of Baal, that God is not to be entreated save with loud prayers, and much beating of the breasts, and clapping of the hands, accompanied with audible groans and sighs. For all which, however, their officiating clergy are more to blame than themselves; for they are often ig- norant men of the Whang Doodle description, illiter- ate and dogmatic, and blessed with a nasal twang which would do no discredit to New-England. They very sel- dom know any thing about their Bibles, but, like the star political priests of the North, seem to exert themselves to ignore all the facts and precepts of the Gospel of Jesus Christ as revealed in the Sacred Scriptures, pre- ferring to teach " for doctrines the commandments of men ;" just as did the Levites and Pharisees with their talmudistic theologies in the days of our Saviour. And truly, it has always been to us a singular circum- stance why religious people are so easily gulled. Al- though palpable to all the world else, they seem not to know — "A man may cry, Church ! Church ! at every word, With no more piety than other people — A daw's not reckoned a religious bird, Because it keeps a-cawing from a steeple ; The Temple is a good, a holy place, But quacking only gives it an ill savor ; While saintly mountebanks the porch disgrace, And brin": religion's self into disfavor!" THE SOUTHERN YEOMAN. 219 Bat to return. As to the Vital Question of the Day, to make use of the cant phrase so greatly in vogue at the present writ- ing, although not as a class pecuniarily interested in slave property, the Southern Yeomanry are almost unanimously pro-slavery in sentiment. Nor do we see how any honest, thoughtful person can reasonably find fault with them on this account. Only consider their circumstances, negrophilist of the North, and answer truthfully ; were you so situated would you dare to advocate emancipation ? Were you situated as the Southern Yeomen are — humble in worldly position, patient delvers in the soil, daily earning your bread by the toilsome sweat of your own brows — would you be pleased to. see four millions of inferior blacks suddenly raised from a position of vassalage, and placed upon an equality with yourselves ? made the sharers of your toil, the equals and associates of }^our wives and child- ren ? You know you would not. Despite your maudlin affectation of sympathy in behalf of the Negro, you are yet inwardly conscious that you heartily de- spise the sooty African, and that you deny to even the few living in your own midst an equality of rights and immunities with yourselves. You well know that you entertain a natural repugnance to coming in contact with Sambo — a repugnance so great that you slam your church doors in his face, shut him out of the theatres, refuse him a seat in your public conveyances, and, so fearful are you of the contamination of a black man's presence any where, in nine tenths of your States drive him away from the ballot-box, thus making your statute-books even belie your professions of philan- 220 THE SOUTHERN YEOMAN. thropy. And yet you seek to turn loose upon your white brethren of the South four millions of these same despised Africans, congratulating yourselves meanwhile that you would be doing a most disinterested act of benevolence! Shame on your consistency, gentlemen. Judged by your own acts, were you situated as the Southern people are to-day, stronger pro-slavey men than yourselves would not be found in the world. Hence we ask you again, did you occupy the position of the Southern Yeomanry in particular, is there a man in }^our midst who would favor emancipation ? You know there is not. By the love you owe your race — by all the sacred ties of family and home — by every instinct of a superior nature — you would be restrained from perpetrating so iniquitous an act ; an act which would sweep away in one overwhelming flood of an- archy and barbarism every trace of civilization, as well as every semblance of law and order. And do you suppose the Yeomen of our Southern States are not rational and reflecting beings like yourselves ? Al- though not so learned as some others, they yet possess the hearts of men, of fathers and husbands, and they know as well as any political economist of you all, that their own class, in the event of emancipation, would suffer the most of all classes in the South, unless we ex- cept the negroes themselves. For the Southern Gen- tleman would soon convert his property into cash, as did the wealthier planters of Jamaica, and immediajtely retire to some more congenial soil to enjoy his otium cam dignitate. So, too, the thrifty Middle Classes would retire to the present Free States, and begin business in a different line ; but the Yeomen would be forced to THE SOUTHERN" YEOMAN. 221 remain and single-handed do battle with Cuffee, who, no longer forced to labor, and resorting again to toad- eating and cannibalism for the food necessary to sustain life, would in a few years reproduce on the shores of the New World a second Africa, all except the lions and elephants, the sandy deserts, and the anacondas. And yet there are men in the North, claiming to be honorable, members of the Church, too, who are labor- ing to bring abdut such a catastrophe ! Can any rea- soning being doubt the motives which instigate such persons? We speak of the leaders* of the abolition fanaticism, not of the rank and file who follow the for- mer, to use an expression of Sam Weller's, "as a tame monkey does a horgan." But of the spirit which in- stigates the leaders in the blind crusade against Negro Slavery, the following facts speak with an eloquence more potent than words : Near the close of the winter of 1857, the Eev. Wm. D. Chadick, of Huntsville, Ala., at the instance of S. D. Cabaniss, Esq., and S. C. Townsend, visited Ohio, for the purpose of selecting a home for a number of slaves belonging to the estate of Samuel Townsend, deceased, and who, according to his last will, were to be liberat- ed and settled in some Free State. While in Ohio on this business, Mr. Chadick called on Gov. S. P. "Chase one of the lights of the Eepublican party. " I was received by the Governor," says Mr. Cha- dick, "with apparent cordiality ; and received from him much information in regard to the various negro schools and colonies, etc., in the State. But to my utter as- tonishment, Gov. Chase closed his conversation on the subject by remarking, with emphasis, that for his part, 222 THE SOUTHERN YEOMAN. lie would rather never see another free negro set his foot upon Ohio soil ! I asked his reason. ' Because, 1 said he, ' their moral influence is degrading. 1 I then re- marked that it appeared to me a glaring inconsistency in him and others in Ohio, to love our Southern slaves so much as to desire their freedom, and clamor for their emancipation, and yet hate them so much as to be unwilling to allow them a home in their own State ; especially so, since, by the existing laws in the Slave States, the negro can not be liberated and remain where he is. He replied : ' I do not wish the slave eman- cipated BECAUSE I LOVE HIM, BUT BECAUSE I HATE HIS MASTER — I HATE SLAVERY — I HATE A MAN THAT WILL OWN A SLAVE.' " Comment is unnecessary. CHAPTER VI. THE SOUTHERN BULLY. "From love of grace, Lay not the flatt'ring unction to your soul, That not your trespass, but my madness speaks ; It will but skin and film the ulc'rous place ; "Whilst rank corruption, mining all within, Infects unseen : confess j^ourself to heaven ; Repent what's past, avoid what is to come ; And do not spread the compost on the weeds To make them ranker." Hamlet. Not Plug Uglies and Rip Raps do we purpose to discourse about at this time, gentle reader, for such doughty shoulder-hitters and short-boys are not the nceessary out-growth of Southern institutions, but only vegetate in the purlieus of the cities of the South, just as Dead Rabbits, et id omne genus of outcasts and vaga- bonds, grow up within the shadows of the marble pa- laces, gothic churches, and iron front five-storied ware- houses of the cities of the North. But there is in most of the Southern States a species of Bully entirely dis- tinct from the above — a swearing, tobacco-chewing, brandy drinking Bully, whose chief delight is to hang about the doors of village groggeries and tavern tap- rooms, to fight chicken cocks, to play Old Sledge, or 224 THE SOUTHEKN BULLY. pitch-and-toss, chuck-a-luck, and the like, as well as to encourage dog-fights, and occasionally to get up a little raw-head-and-bloody-bones affair on his own account. This is the Southern Bully par excellence, for in all the world else his exact counterpart is no where to be found. Ay, and a valiant Southerner is he too ! No Giddings of the North, no fiery Greeley ever felt one half so able to thrash the trembling South into meek submission, (if we are to credit their vaporing bravado while standing out of harm's way,) as does the Southern Bully at all times feel able and prepared — cocked and primed, in his own vernacular — to flog the entire North ; with his tongue, that is, and very conveniently while the poor North has her back turned. Thunder and bludgeons ! how he'd like to get at 'em, the crazy old milk- sops ! Split the Union ? By all means, let her rip, the cussed old concern ! Yankees fight ! Blamnation, man, we'd lam 'em afore they could say Jack Eobinson — we'd put 'em through a course of sprouts in short order, so we would! Ah! Messrs. abolitionists, you have your lessons to learn yet, despite your eminent talent for vaporing and vituperation. And truly we know of no more competent instructor whom we could commend to you than the Southern Bully : but in the kindness of our heart now in advance, Messrs. abolitionists, we warn you to beware of your instructor's ferule, beware of his limber-jack ; for he will cane you and cowskin you, before even you, however nimble of tongue, will be able to say, Jack Robinson. However, since the Southern Bully is eminently the production of the dram-shop or Southern groggery, perhaps we can not do better than to describe, first, this THE SOUTHEBN BULLY. 225 peculiar institution — a most devilish man-trap which daily ensnares its thousands — before proceeding to dis- cuss the merits, or demerits, whichever you please, of the Southern Bully himself. Now, as we all know, the temples devoted to the service of the Demon Alcohol in these United States, are Legion ; and every where, all over the land, in cities and towns, in the most retired hamlets, and at every cross-roads, the independent Sovereigns of America exercise without let or hindrance the glorious privilege of getting beastly, senselessly, and riproariously drunk at their own royal will and pleasure. It is true, fair skeptic, and pity 'tis 'tis true. Have you read the report of the trustees of the Binghamton Inebriate Asylum? Even before the building is up, twenty-eight hundred applications, and among them three judges, twelve editors, twenty-eight clergymen, thirty-six physicians, forty-two lawyers, and, strangest and saddest of all, four hundred and ten women in the upper circles of society I But the most of these unfortunates would feel insulted did }^ou accuse them of entering a rum-hole, a vulgar rum-hole ! ' No, they keep a private shrine in their own homes, and they seek to bury their guilt and shame in fine houses and costly display of one kind and another. But the poor, alas ! they must resort to the filthy, de- moralizing rum-holes ; for, laying aside all cant and all mere sermonizing, even the most casual observer can not fail to regret, deeply and sincerely regret, the wholesale destruction of morals, of honesty, of patriotism, of fam- ily affection, of domestic peace and domestic comforts, nay, of life itself, daily wrought in our midst by those terrible sinks of iniquity commonly called dram-shops. 10* 226 THE SOUTHERN BULLY. These are the bane of our great Kepublic, of the Free States as well as of the Slave. In all their protean shapes — whether as gilded saloon, or tempting bar, or polka- free-concert-and-free-cyprian Bier Keller, or reeking- groggery — they are but the visible " gates of hell," lead- ing inevitably and surely into the jaws of a moral, if not always a physical, death. In the cities are to be found the worst specimens, for in such congregate indiscrimi- nately wharf-rats, thieves, burglars, pimps, pickpockets, policemen, ward politicians, free negroes, and (alas! alas !) those Pariahs of our civilized society, those poor outcast wantons, whose miserable lives of crime and blasphemy, of lust and sottishness, are so harrowing to every honest man's soul to contemplate. However, in our Southern States (and of these alone do we now wish to speak) there is in the country and village groggeries enough of villainy and soul-murder, without the addi- tion of pimps, thieves, pickpockets, degraded females, and the like abandoned characters, who mostly throng the liquor-dens of all cities, and support by the earn- ings of their infamy the sinful cause of murderous Alcohol. A groggery -keeper in the South is usually a man of uncultivated mind, devoid of principle, habitually a blasphemer and Sabbath -breaker, a re viler of religion, and is sometimes also an abolitionist — owing to his secret traffic with the slaves, of which more anon. He is usually stout of person, being bloated from constant imbibing, and possesses a coarse beard, a blotched and otherwise spotted face, a red nose, hard, cold, watery and inflamed eyes, a dirty and badly fitting dress from crown to sole ; and in speech is low, vulgar and ob- THE SOUTHERN BULLY. 227 scene, a retailer of stale jests and disgusting stories of scandal and intrigue, and with every sentence belches forth from his accursed throat oaths and blasphemy. The Southern groggery is usually a small wooden building, with two rooms ; one intended for a sleeping- room but used mostly for playing cards in, and the other devoted to the retailing of ardent spirits. His "sperrits" the groggery-keeper buys in Cincinnati chiefly, getting his rum however from New-England, though in both cases at second-hand of course ; for the ordinary groggery-keeper rarely is able to go so far for the purchase of his wares. His usual custom is, to procure his whisky and rum from some wholesale liquor- dealer in the nearest large town to his domicil. Given the whisky, or neutral spirit preferred, he proceeds to manufacture his own wines and brandies from recipes furnished by dealers in New- York, who promise (we have seen their precious circulars) to forward the desired information on the reception of twenty dollars. The remainder of his liquors he mixes pretty thoroughly with wholesome water, and with unwholesome ingredi- ents of some other description designed to give the requisite strength. Log- wood, juniper berries, dog-leg tobacco, and even strychnine, are all said to be used ; and, owing to their different effects, have originated the expressive names of "bust-head," "rifle-whisky," "tan- gle-foot," "red-eye," and "blue-ruin." The water, however, luckily for the drinkers of the vile stuff, pre- dominates not unfrequently, and we have heard of in- stances, even in the mild latitude of Mississippi, where genuine Old Rye has been known to freeze during a cold snap ! 228 THE SOUTHERN BULLY. Of course the groggery -keeper's profits are enormous, provided lie gets much custom. It requires very little figuring to prove this. Thus, B buys a barrel of A No. 1 whisky, takes out one half — which he converts, by an ingenious process known only to the initiated, into the most delightful old Cognac, genuine eau de vie — and supplies its place from the nearest well or spring, adding a modicum of pepper, dog-leg tobacco, strych- nine, or what not, all of which, however, cost very lit- tle. He sells his brandy at so much the gallon or bot- tle, and his adulterated whisky for just double what it cost him. So you see he can afford to drink one half his liquors himself; if he can only dispose of the remaining half, he will still make money hand over fist, as he delights to express himself. The trouble is, there is no lack of competition in such a profitable business, and so our groggery -keeper has to keep a sharp look-out for customers. Luckily for him, he is surrounded by thieving blacks, who are always glad of an opportunity to exchange their master's meal, their mistress' ppultry, or the neighbors' pigs, for a bottle of New-England rum, or a jug of Ohio whisky. Cer- tainly the slave-owners object to such high-handed pro- ceedings, flog the slaves whenever they detect them in any of their rogueries, or even when they find the poor fellows have gotten lawfully drunk on their honest sav- ings, and crop the hair of the sinning liquor-sellers, feed- ing and housing them beside at the expense of the State, and robing them in the livery of convicted crime. But liquor is no respecter of persons or color, and the black- amoor who has once been under the dire influence of the Worm of the Still, like his infatuated white brother THE SOUTHERN BULLY. 229 who is similarly situated, runs greedily into the very jaws of the reptile on every opportunity, and remain - eth unsatisfied till he findeth himself swallowed entire, both body and breeches. Hence the Southern slaves always contrive, either by hook or by crook, to carry on their nefarious but secret traffic, often exchanging a whole porker, worth from five to ten dollars, for a sin- gle bottle of rum, worth intrinsically perhaps not more than fifty cents. But, if you consider how that the porker costs the darkey only the trouble of killing and cleaning it, and that the midnight purchaser runs the risk of the penitentiary every time he closes such a bar- gain, 'you will agree with us that, if any thing, the black man gets the best end of the trade. The good New-England rum will warm up the poor fellow's in- ner man and 'help to cheer him on his "journey frou' de wilderness," much more effectually than all that wordy sympathy so lavishly expended in his behalf by New-England orators in their heated harangues against his oppressors ; while, if the worst comes to the worst, he will only have to undergo a flagellation at the hands of the overseer, by order of his master, or at the hands of the constable, by order of a Justice of the Peace — and there an end. The extent to which this species of traffic is carried on would stagger credulity, even in the minds of the Southern people themselves. It is usually conducted in so secret a manner, that only occasionally are the miscreants detected in a way to furnish legal evidence of their guilt. Negro testimony is no where admissible against a white man in the South, and even if it were, the negroes would suffer almost any species of torture 230 THE SOUTHERN BULLY. before they would "peach ;" for those of them who en- gage in the traffic are generally the greatest devils on the neighboring plantations, the greatest liars, the big- gest rogues, as well as the most quarrelsome with their fellow-slaves, and are so wedded to the love of liquor, that it becomes to them a kind of necessity, a second nature so to speak. Such fellows have the shrewdness to know, if they were to inform on one groggery -keep- er, they could never more obtain the confidence of an- other, and thus would have their grog cut off for all time — -a consummation by no means wished for, and to which they would almost prefer death itself. Besides, whenever two criminals have the same terrible secret to keep, there is sure to spring up a sympathy betwixt them ; hence, there is a real sympathy between the slaves and the groggery-keepers, and this is why the latter are sometimes abolitionists. These reason that, let the ne- groes only be emancipated, and their idleness will soon force them more and more to the dram-shop, while their facilities for robbing hen-roosts and pig-sties would not be in the least diminished ; and hence, like as Den- nis, the public hangman, in Barnaby Eudge, aided in the Lord Gordon riots simply because his own horrible trade would thereby come into more request, so the Southern groggery -keeper, that his own business might thrive, would willingly aid in the overthrow of the prosperity of the whole South, and would rejoice to see her present teeming fields become one desolate wilder- ness. And here will we pause a single moment, to address a few words of friendly advice to the ultra abolitionists of the North. Why, gentle Sirs, do you not more fre- THE SOUTHERN" BULLY. 231 quently take rfie Southern groggery -keepers into your councils ? Why do you not initiate them into your secret plots for fostering negro insurrections, for poi- soning, maiming, and murdering the white families of the South, burning down their dwellings and laying waste their estates, in order that, as one of your lead- ers has declared, "you may laugh when their fearcom- eth?" It is known to a few, and suspected by a great number of American citizens, that you have your secret emissaries all through the Southern States, bound by secret obligations to carry out your nefarious and Cati- linian conspiracies ; and we ask you in all seriousness, why do you not enlist the Southern groggery -keepers under your black banner ? They will prove the most efficient allies you can possibly hit upon. They know how to intrigue with the slaves, and to worm out fam- ily secrets, far better than those lank-jawed, thin-lipped, sharp-nosed, and bespectacled governesses whom you now use for that purpose ; and they can tell you who are the most reckless, daring, villainous, and discon- tented of the negro men, with much greater precision than can those ostensible clock-menders, book-peddlers, and other Yankee foot-passengers generally, who are at the present time sneaking about from house to house in the Southern States, sharing the hospitality of the planters by day, and plotting with the slaves at night as to the best means by which a righteous and Christ- ian insurrection may be inaugurated. Moreover, whis- ky is the most potent charm you could make use of to influence the negroes themselves ; for we verily believe one good rousing dram would put more life and daring in their hearts than all the homilies ever preached by 232 THE SOUTHERN BULLY. the political divines of the North, or all the bloody tracts ever published by the Secret Committee of the Massachusetts B. M. F. Society. So much for the groggery -keepers and their grogge- ries — in which latter the Southern Bully so delights to lounge and drink, drink and lounge, and lounge and drink again, until he is fitly prepared for bets, brawls, oaths, blasphemies, quarrels, bruises, stabbings, shoot- ings, manslaughters, murders; for in all these things he is more or less an adept. But the village groggery is not the only place loved and patronized by the South- ern Bully. He haunts the village tavern equally as much — that is to say, when it is provided with a bar. The village tavern is proverbially a dreary, dull, and ennui-begetting place, in all parts of the world, and is none the less so in the South, except on occasions. On occasions it becomes a sort of pandemonium, as the reader will presently learn. Most usually, when off the public highway and removed far from the routes of frequent travel, the establishment used as a tavern in all small Southern villages is nothing better than an old tumble-down shanty, the proprietor of which is a miserable old guzzler himself, coarse, ignorant, and vulgar, and quite indigent in circumstances — what little he makes being derived more from the sale of liquors at the bar than from any patronage of the travel- ling public. Indeed, a "solitary horseman" even, or other wayfaring man, hardly makes his appearance once in six months. Hence, the village Boniface makes no preparation for the entertainment of strangers, and in consequence keeps the vilest of vermin-habited beds, the mustiest of feathers, and the dirtiest of bed-linen : THE SOUTHERN BULLY. 233 while the floors of all the rooms are bare, the walls are bare, the chairs are rickety, the window-shutters are ragged in the extreme, and rattle and bang unceasingly at the sport of the wind ; and the whole is looked after by a single slovenly wanton of a negro-wench, who is both chambermaid, cook, and scullion generally, and is besides a most brazen-faced, impudent hussy, (rendered so by the too frequent interchange of favors with the village bucks, and the overseers of adjoining planta- tions,) who will wink a modest man out of countenance any day. The most profitable customer who ever patronizes the village Boniface of the South is the Horse or Hog Drover, wending his way from Virginia, Kentucky, Tennessee, Missouri, or North-Carolina, with his herds of wheezing swine, or droves of blooded horses and sleek mane-croppecl, tail-cropped mules, to the more southerly latitudes, where such animals are always in demand at high prices. Since, however, the introduc- tion of railways into most of the Southern States, hog- drovers do not so often patronize the village taverns as formerly, preferring to transport their herds to market by rail. Both the hog-drovers and the horse-drovers belong usually to the class of Yeomen, and are indus- trious but plain, plodding people — we mean when they raise their own animals, and merely drive them to the extreme South for a better market. For those of them who are not producers, but merely traders, afford some of the most illustrious examples of the native Southern Yankee to be found in the entire South. This is espe- cially true of the horse- drovers ; and it is on the occa- sion of a visit from these that the village tavern is for 234 THE SOUTHERN BULLY. a while the scene of much bustle and activity, and be- comes, as we expressed a few paragraphs back, a very pandemonium for noise and strife. And here we may as well confess, we have no sym- pathy with horse-jockeys the world over. We have had our share of dealings with them, in both the North and the South, and we flatter ourself that we always succeeded in coming out of every such encounter, a "sadder but a wiser man." They are such a voluble, smooth-tongued, plausible race of miscreants, we do be- lieve they could persuade an unsophisticated purchaser that black is white, or that any old broken-down, wind- galled, spavined, colicky, and otherwise generally used- up piece of horse-flesh, is a perfect paragon of equine cleverness — nimble as a cricket, gentle as a lamb, fleet as a reindeer, and possessing all the blood of all the best Arabians ; and yet sold for never a fault in the world, and always at a sacrifice ! The Southern horse-jockey varies somewhat from the usual type, but chiefly in his outward man only ; for inwardly he is ever the same sly, cunning fox, and thinks it a monstrous noble action to get the better of a credulous purchaser in a sale, and the very apotheosis of wit and shrewdness to swindle a poor countryman in a swap. He is usually unlettered, and in conse- quence despises your book-learning and all that such learning bestows upon its possessor ; is rough in man- ners, and rude in speech, being much given to the use of slang expressions ; never makes a wry face at a glass of any kind of grog ; smokes an old rusty pipe inces- santly ; chews Virginia tobacco pf the blackest and strongest brands ; spits at random on every person and THE SOUTHERN BULLY. 235 every tiling that comes within his reach ; wears Ken- tucky "jeans;" swears roundly and all the time ; tells all manner of tough "yarns ;" domineers over those of his own class in worldly position ; looks with a sort of awe coupled with envy upon the Southern Gentleman, but fairly bows his head to the ground in the presence of the Cotton Snob. Do you demand why the fellow does this last ? Ask rather, why corrupt ward poli- ticians are in such favor with our incorruptible States- men ; or why the tradespeople on Broadway are so full of genuflections at the appearance of gouty old Bullion, the great millionaire ; or why New- York saloon-keep- ers are so loud in their praises of those youthful Fifth- Avenoodles, who are wasting their patrimony in such hot haste by means of their fast horses, fast women, and riotous living, as well as every other species of folly that a plethoric purse and an empty noddle conjoined can devise — and you will have your answer : Self-in- terest. It is the Cotton Snob who usually pays his five hundred or his thousand dollars for his two-forty nag. It is the Cotton Snob who suffers himself to be flattered and cajoled by the cunning dealer in horse- flesh, until he feels himself grown so large in his own conceit as to imagine that his personal dignity, and the dignity of his social position, both imperatively demand that he should possess a splendid rig — none of your ordinary concerns suited only to gratify the taste and the financial credit of a Muggins. And do you sup- pose, generous operator on Wall-street, that the South- ern horse-jockey, though clothed all in russet and wear- ing his pantaloons inside his boot-legs, is yet any less shrewd than yourself to " watch the corners" — to look 236 THE SOUTHERN" BULLY. after number One ? Note how eagerly the fellow pricks up his ears so as to catch every word the Cotton Snob may utter, ready always to make a flattering re- joinder, the obsequious slave ! Note how he affects to be amiably and confidingly drunk, plying all the while with the strongest of strong waters the poor pigeon he intends to pluck, until to save his soul the silly fool can not tell whether he carries his own shal- low head on his shoulders or some body else's ; and how affectionately he locks arms with the drunken booby, and, as they two totter and stagger down the village street, endeavors to out-sing his thick-voiced companion, who only expresses himself distinctly at each return of the chorus. Yet there is all the time in the scheming horse-jockey's eye a cold, clear, snake-like gleam of cunning calculation, which proclaims to even the dull- est observer how great is the sham he is perpetrating. So true — so true : " The fox barks not, when he would steal the lamb !" In view of the unusual flow of custom which his bar receives on such occasions, no wonder the village Boni- face is all aglow with delight, (as well as mean whisky,) when the horse- drover makes his appearance, and de- mands entertainment for man and beast. Besides be- ing enabled to get rid of his many times diluted and adulterated liquors, selling the same to the horse- jockeys, snobs, bullies, and the regular village topers and loungers, whom the occasion leads to assemble about the village bar-room ; he also succeeds in dispos- ing of his musty corn and worthless fodder, to feed the THE SOUTHERN BULLY. 237 animals which the drovers have for sale. Wherefore, in high spirits, our village Boniface blusters noisily about, now here, now there, swearing all the time like a trooper, looking withal very magisterial and self-im- portant, and ready to turn up a glass with every new comer; until he jyretty soon feels "o'er a' the ills o' life victorious," and is then about as jolly an old dog of a landlord as ever wagged tongue against a " chaw" of plug tobacco. But, even in the midst of so much lying, drinking, fighting, and cheating, there is much to be witnessed that is both entertaining and diverting. It is nearly always in the winter season that the horse-drovers take their animals South ; when the evenings are long, and even a village bar-room fire, built up of glowing hick- ory logs, despite the rough company and the big-bellied black bottles frowning darkly in the shadowy back- ground, sends a cheerful thrill through the frame, and disposes even the most unsocial to merry-making and fun. Hence, when the evening shades begin to appear, having first supped and then attended to their horses, the drovers consider that the clay's labors are finished, and feel prepared to devote the evening wholly to so- cial pleasures. So " mine host" has a roaring big fire built up in the broad fire-place of the bar-room, and ensconcing himself snugly in the chimney corner, with a well-filled pipe in his mouth, waits anxiously for the story -telling to begin — for yarn-spinning is usually the chief feature of the evening's entertainment. Pretty soon assemble the village groggery-keepers, and all the loose young bucks about town, two or three of the drovers, a Cotton Snob or so about 'alf and 'alf, and 238 THE SOUTHEKN BULLY. may be, some rattling, hare-brained son of a neighbor- ing gentleman, whose untamed spirit is not sufficiently under parental control, and whose mother is ignorant of the fact that her darling " is out." These all arrange themselves on cane-seated chairs about the blazing fire, after the most democratic fashion, some with heels over their heads, and others reclining in the laps of their friends ; while the body -servants of the wealthy young- sters present, together with the traipsing tavern wench before alluded to, stand grinning and giggling in the door- way, (they rarely close doors during winter in the far South,) occasionally emitting a loud guffaw, accom- panied by a slap of the palm on the thigh, and a sway- ing back of the entire hody, just as some exquisitely laughable yarn has been reeled off by any one of the story -telling revellers within. Nor is it long before all ideas of caste are forgotten; and as the fire blazes brighter and brighter, and the bottle begins to circle more freely, and the jests and laughter become more and more uproarious, whites and blacks guffawing and huzzaing in chorus, no wonder the hours glide unper- ceived away ; and often it is long after midnight before the merry wassailers retire to bed. Such, then, are the usual resorts in which the South- ern Bully delights to squander away the precious hours of life : namely, the village groggery and the village tavern. And now, reader, having introduced you to his haunts, we shall next proceed to show you what sort of person the Southern Bully is himself. And, imprimis, he is not necessarily always poor. Sometimes he boasts of extensive estates, though not often, and then chiefly when he is young ; for as he grows old, his wealth seems THE SOUTHERN BULLY. 239 to take wings and fly away, so rapidly is it squandered. But as a general thing he is poor ; and we shall there- fore proceed first to speak of the seedy Southern Bully, and in conclusion will have a word to say about his wealthy confrere and fellow roysterer. The poor Southern Bully, in nine cases out of ten, is a loafering ex-overseer, whose drunken dissolute habits have lost him his situation, as well as the cha- racter that would enable him to procure another. When not an ex-overseer, he is either a disgraced dry-goods clerk, a bankrupt groggery -keeper who has poured all his liquors down his own throat, or else the quondam rich Bully in the era of his decline. The poor Bully's dress is usually loose-fitting, dirty, tobacco-stained, li- quor-stained, and grease-stained. His hat is woolen, with a limp flapping brim, battered crown, dirty and fuzzy, and on the whole might be called a shocking bad hat. His hair is habitually matted and unkempt, being in most instances of the Saxon peculiarity, that is, either red, or flaxen, or carroty-colored, or sandy. His beard is coarse and unkempt like his hair, and grows in great luxuriance all over his face, or else in ragged patches here and there, intended to represent imperials, mustaches, " literary dabs," and the like pre- cious ornaments of the civilized man. His breath is foul with all diabolical scents — rum, filth, tobacco — just such a breath as you can inhale any day in any police-court the world over, and which once inhaled, you will ever more pray that it shall not come betwixt you and the wind again. But his speech is fouler than his breath. He can out-swear a special policeman ; can out-lie a Toombs lawyer ; can use more obscene Ian- 240 THE SOUTHERN BULLY. guage than the vilest pimp who ever laid snares to en- trap lecherous countrymen ; and can utter more blas- phemy in a single hour than could the whole mess of Rutland Reformers in a week, assisted by all the black spirits and white, blue spirits and gray, who annually assemble in some one of the Free States, for the pur- pose of putting down the Bible and our Federal Con- stitution. It is wonderful, indeed, what a gift of gab the fellow possesses ; what a multitude of strange and agglomerated oaths he can interlard his discourse with, and how he manages to survive the constant damnings he is ever heaping upon every hair upon his head, and every bone in his body; verily, it surpasses belief! Oh ! to see him at a chicken-fight — when there are game- cocks in the pit, and the bets range from one to five dollars ! We tell you, Sir, it is sublime — the swearing and profanity he can give utterance to — perfectly sub- lime, so wholly is it be} T ond the conception of less de- praved and more scrupulous minds ! But if to see him at a cock-fight is glorious, to see him looking on at a dog-fight — bull-dogs, with cropped ears, stump tails, bow legs, and most villainous chops — is more glorious still, while most glorious of all, grandest of all, most inspiring of all, is, to witness the conduct of the South- ern Bully, as he stands outside the imaginary ring in which is being waged a bloody man-fight ! O thou soul- stirring spectacle ! Hip, hip, hurrah ! See, with what a gentlemanly grace Jones bungs up Smith's peepers ! See, with what a sweet smile Smith plucks away half of Jones' yellow beard ! How comfortable must have been that " left" which Jones let fly into Smith's bread- basket ! How refreshing to the sight the claret fountain TTIE SOUTHERN BULLY. 241 so unceremoniously started from Jones' mug by the no- ble Smith ! Hurrah for Jones ! Hurrah for Smith ! Go in, boys! Let 'er rip! Never say die! Hit 'im agin ! Dam- — ! Y-a-a-a-a-ou ! Ugh-h-h ! O-o-o-o-oh ! And the glorious work is done ! And yet you sdll advocate human bondage? Pray, thou good motherly soul, what has human bondage to do with such scenes ? You miserable old woman, why do you always discover an African in the fence, let one turn whithersoever he may ? Only go, worthy madam, into your own tenant houses, poor-houses, \vork*houses, groggeries, brothels, and the like nurseries of vice and infamy, and you will soon discover that the real cause of such human debasement, is not the kind of bondage to which you allude, but is that wickeder bondage of the soul which leads man a willing captive, bound and manacled, into the very camps and courts of the devil. To say nothing of other Northern cities, how many murders were committed in New- York alone during the year of grace 1858 ? Sixty - six ; or at least we find that set down as the number in the public journals. But we hang the murderers in the Free North. You do? How many were hanged during the year of grace 1858) in the above-mentioned city of New- York ? One ; and he, poor fellow, for a little more would have been pardoned by the kind, and amiable, and soft-hearted Governor. Query, are not all such Governors a little soft in the head as well as in the heart? We tell you, thou venerable grandam, it's all bosh. The South is no more a heathen country than the North. You, O mother of Israel, have bullies all around you, thieves all around you, murderers all 11 242 THE SOUTHERN BULLY. around you, et id, etc. etc. ; and when you lift up your hands in such holy horror at the shortcomings of your neighbors, you only make yourself an object of pity in the sight of the truly wise, and in the sight of God a hypocrite and Pharisee. Indeed, we think we may safely assert, that the South, in some particulars, even has an advantage over the North ; for, however coarse, vulgar, brutal, and besotted the Southern Bully may be, still he is rarely ever a downright thief, and seldom murders in cold blood, and never attempts to make a dishonest livelihood by swindling the innocent and helpless — widows, and fatherless girls, and the like. But, according to the statistics and estimates of the New-York Tribune, in the one city of New-York alone, about fourteen thousand persons make annually nearly sixteen millions of dollars in the various walks of crime and vice, for which our leading metropolis is so infamous. Moreover, although we do not pretend to gainsay that the Southern Bully is a miserable nuis- ance in every sense, as well as a disgrace to civiliza- tion, and all that, we yet stoutly maintain that he is a greater enemy to himself than to any other person, and for wickedness does not begin to compare with those swindlers in high places — the Schuylers, Huntingtons, and other gentlemen of the like kidney, presidents of banks, coal companies, railroad corporations, et cetera, et cetera ; who are every day growing rich on the hard earnings of the poor, pilfering from the day laborers, and absolutely stealing the little savings in- trusted to them by toiling servant-girls ; and yet who continue to be smiled upon by " our best society," and are allowed the ineffable privilege of snoring in our THE SOUTHERN BULLY. 243 most orthodox and fashionable churches. Neither is the poor Southern Bully to be compared for meanness to the rich Southern Bully, of whom we come now to say a few words ; for the poor Southern Bully can plead in extenuation of his shortcomings the tempta- tions of poverty and ignorance, as well as the lack of any refining associations or surroundings ; which is not the case with his rich fellow-drunkard, fellow-gambler, fellow-blackguard, fellow-libertine, and fellow-brawler, since the latter could be a gentleman if he would. This style of Southern Bully is found more often in the Cotton States, than elsewhere ; which is owing to the fact, that fortunes are more frequently made in those States than in any others, by ignorant men — overseers, negro traders, and others of a similar class. For it is the son of the vilest of the Southern Yankees, who usually, no matter how great his wealth may be, does not even approach the comparative respectability of a Cotton Snob, but is nothing more nor less than a bully — an ignorant, purse-proud, self-conceited, guz- zling, fox-hunting, blaspheming, slave- whipping, up- roarious, vulgar fellow ! who is at all times as willing and ready to pink a fellow-being as to wing a pheasant, or to shoot a hare. Even if sent to college, (which sometimes does happen, since his father, however igno- rant, is yet anxious that his son shall know more than himself,) he seldom learns any thing from books, and cares for nothing but his daily drams, his cocktails, and brandy-straights, his pistols and his cards, his dogs and his sooty mistress, and, greatest knave of all, himself! While at college, however, he lives extravagantly, though but meanly supplied with funds by his miserly 2-M THE SOUTHERN BULLY. parent ; and, as a matter of course, is always over head and cars in debt. But wo to the poor tradesman who menaces him with a bill ! The Honorable Algernon Percy Deuceace, worthy scion of the noble house of Crabbs, knew not better how to brain a dunning tailor or starving cobbler, than does the warm-hearted noble- souled Southern Bully, of good family and respectable standing. And as for presenting one of the son's bills to his miserly father, were we an honest storekeeper, we should much prefer to bear in patience with the wrath of the hot-headed juvenile, than to run the risk of encountering the supercilious frowns of his honora- ble sire. When the rich Southern Bully comes into the pos- session of his estates, his first care is to fill his cellars (in case be has any, otherwise his store-room) with barrels of Old Bye, as well as brandy, gin, rum, and other kinds of strong waters, but rarely with any thing in the shape of wine. Wine may do for babes, but not for such a puissant gentleman as he fancies himself to be. Having laid in his stock of liquors, he pro- ceeds immediately to gather about him a set of boon companions like himself — idle loafers, drunken over- seers, and may be one or two other fellows of like kid- ney ; and now he devotes his nights to gaming, drink- ing, and coarse libertinism, and his days to fox-hunting, horse-racing, and the like. Ah ! thou blot on the fair escutcheon of the South, what a rabble is it indeed dangles ever at your heels ! How they }^ell, and whoop, and halloo, louder than the deep-baying hounds, while they pursue the manly old English sport ! One would almost fancy the whole of Bedlam THE SOUTHERN BULLY. 245 had broke loose, so great is the confusion they create. And as they ride crashing and dashing through the thick underbush in the wide-reaching stretches of Southern woodlands, or through the tangled mosses which hang in festoons from the cypresses of the swamps, you will observe not ^infrequently two bottles of different kinds of liquors, dangling, one on either side, from the pommel of the Southern Bully's saddle — from each of which he drinks by turns, between every swallow shouting furiously, tally ho ! tantivy ! to his hounds, and waves to his liegemen to follow on, so that they may all be "in at the death." Like the Cotton Snob, the rich Southern Bully is great on horse-flesh. His conversation runs chiefly on dogs and horses, horse-trappings and the like ; and he himself much affects jockey caps, and other sporting articles of costume, and fills his house with wood-cuts of all the celebrated racers, as well as with whips, sad- dles, bridles, spurs, etc. etc. Besides, from associating so constantly with jockeys and grooms, he soon learns all the slang phrases peculiar to jockey dom, and rattles them off most volubly on all occasions ; for his grovel- ing conception of what constitutes a well-bred gentle- man, never allows of his looking to any thing beyond a shrewd dealer in horse-flesh. Hence, he will tell you that he wants no scallywags about him — no short stock, as he delights to characterize all horses of unre- cognized or uncertain pedigree. He must have the full blood or none ; and in consequence his stables are filled with racers, trotters, natural pacers, and saddle and harness horses without number, all of undoubted descent from some imported stallion, and any one of 246 THE SOUTHEKN BULLY. which he will back against the world for almost any stake yon shall name. Hence, he is all the time run- ning his crack nags against the crack nags of the spong- ing worthies who dangle always at his heels; nor does he allow any of the public races near him to come off without his being in attendance, together with his horses, grooms, and motley crowd of retainers. Of course he loses money in the end ; as who does not that follows the turf any length of time ? But, in ad- dition to his losses from bets, he loses also from the negligent carelessness with which his plantation and negroes are looked after ; for how can these be ex- pected to thrive, when he keeps his overseer all the time with himself, and more than half the time drunk ? Moreover, to cap the whole, he is ever losing money at cards: for, if he plays in his own old tumble-down dwelling, he loses there ; and if he plays in the little back-room to the village groggery, he loses there ; and if he plays in the tap-room of the village tavern, with the horse-jockeys and other equally honest, hearty blades, he loses there too, since, poor ignorant simple- ton ! he is always fuddled with rum or brandy, and falls therefore an easy prey to every sharper who crosses his path. "When, however, he has played out his last card ; when he suddenly wakes up out of his sottish stupor, to find himself a thriftless beggar ; when he sees the auctioneer crying off his paternal acres and the lazy blacks, (for whom he never entertained one half as much sympathy as he still cherishes for his blooded horses, that are also now snatched from him by the officers of the law,) his wits seem to return to him in a measure, and pretty soon he becomes a peripatetical THE SOUTHERN BULLY. 247 blackleg, gambling for a livelihood. He travels on the river steamboats mostly, and lives by plucking all such poor pigeons as remind him of his former self; else, acts as a decoy to entice such verdants to play, so that keener sharpers may do the plucking, dividing with him the spoil. Any man who has travelled much on the Mississippi, or the Alabama, or the Eed, or the Arkansas, or any other of our Southern rivers, can not fail to have noted the rich Southern Bully in this par- ticular stage of his decline and fall. He must not be confounded, however, with the keenest and most adroit of such peripatetic chevaliers (T Industrie ; for these arc nearly always foreigners, or else have served their ap- prenticeship to crime in some one of our large cities. The Southern Bully is not so polished or self-possessed as all such precious scamps usually are ; and is besides so constantly addicted to ardent spirits, that his face is full of blotches, and has not that genteel pallor and thoughtfulness of expression so characteristic of the regularly -bred gambler. But in a very few years we miss the Southern Bully on the river steamers, and must either search for him in an untimely grave, or else far out on the South- western frontier. Here he chases after buffaloes and Indians, and shoots wild cats and Comanches with equal nonchalance ; and astonishes with the boastful narratives of his former exploits, the simple-minded backwoodsmen — those rude American vi-kings who wear leather breeches and buckskin shirts, and live by following the chase ; but who are honest and rudely chivalrous, though unschooled in the arts of civilized life, all of which they as heartily contemn and despisc ? 248 THE SOUTHERN BULLY. as did those ancient barbaric heroes of the Mebelungen Lied. Wearying after a while, however, of this no- madic life, the Southern Bully makes yet another change, and as a last resort turns fillibuster. Like Cortez in Mexico, or Pizarro in Peru, or the English in India, or the French in Algeria ; he seeks by plun- dering and pillaging a helpless people, to make up for his past losses, as well as to bury in the excitement of adventure and the changeful fortunes of the tented field, all remembrances of a past life, misspent, squan- dered, and most wickedly wasted in riot and dissipa- tion. And here let us remark, in conclusion, for all such emprises the Southern Bully is eminently the right man in the right place ; and it is much to be regretted that so many far better men and truer gentlemen, have been misled to consort with him in his hazardous and unlawful enterprises. For, although we feel persuaded the United States will, purely in self-defense, be com- pelled at no distant day to seize on Cuba, Mexico, and all Central America, we yet think when that time does arrive, it will then be plenty soon to rid the Republic of these pestilent, quarrelsome fellows, who now infest both the North and the South, and whose room is much more desirable than their company. Ah ! when the hour for action comes, how admirably will it serve us to pit such dawdling, lazy drones, against the still more worthless raggamumns who possess, only to abuse, those fertile and highly-productive lands lying along our Southern boundary. What a poetical justice will that be — the allowing the miserable riff-raff and rabble THE SOUTHERN BULLY. 249 of both communities to kill one another off, and there- by make room for the honest workers. " So, neighbor confines, purge you of your scum ; Have you a ruffian that will swear, drink, dance, Revel the night ; rob, murder, and commit The oldest sins the newest kinds of ways ? Be happy, he will trouble you no more !" Let us not disguise the fact, however, that it is pain- ful to every virtuous or Christian mind to reflect, that such happy results are only to be consummated by such unhappy adventures. So, also, it is painful exceed- ingly to look upon a gallows ; or to gaze into the iron- barred windows of a Sing Sing or a Newgate ? Yet these all have their necessary uses ; and so too have those. For, in man's present transitory and changeful state, wars, pestilences, and famines, though usually regarded as scourges, are in reality only blessings in disguise. 11* CHAPTER VII. POOR WHITE TRASH. 11 The ways of Heaven are dark and intricate, Puzzled in mazes, and perplexed with errors ; Our understanding traces them in vain, Lost and bewildered in the fruitless search ; Nor sees with how much art the windings run, Nor where the regular confusion ends." Addison. The intelligent student of history needs not to be informed that the peasants of Western Europe and the British Isles, the descendants of the vassals and serfs of the Middle Ages, are not by any means so bountifully blessed with all creature comforts — food, clothing, and the like — as they should be ; and are in fact but little better off than were their old-time progenitors, who wore the badge of servitude, and passed by inheritance from the Baron to his heir, equally with his manor- house and other landed estates, his sheep and his swine, his horses and dogs, or the gloomy pictures on his cas- tle-walls, or the ancestral coat-of-arms. Why their con- dition at this time is so sorry, we leave to the political economist to inquire. It may be that the old order of things, the old relationship between landlord and vil lein, protected the latter from many hardships to which the nominal freemen of the nineteenth century are sub- POOR WHITE TRASH. 251 jected, by the blessed influences . of free competition, and the practical workings of the good old charitable and praiseworthy English maxim: "Everyman for himself, and devil take the hindmost." Again, it may result from the over-crowding of the Old World with shiftless proletaires and starving sans culottes, in order to pamper and fatten a dissolute family of princes and kings, who revel in every luxury that art can devise or heart desire. And yet again, it may be that the labor- ing classes of Europe, having been used many hun- dreds of years (in the persons of their ancestors, that is) to the control and guidance of others, have proved inadequate to the task of providing for and taking care of themselves. But, no matter what the cause may be, the fact is indisputable, that the peasants of all the Eu- ropean States are- in a very sorry condition, and arc but little if any better off than were their forefathers who lived before the ancient feudal tenures were abol- ished. Else, why the social upheavals which have pe- riodically convulsed Europe for the past half-century and more? Why the strikes, trades-unions, socialist and communist tendencies of the times ? Now, without presuming to solve this great social problem, still, and with all due deference to those of our readers who may be of a contrary mind, we con- tend there is a great deal in blood. Who ever yet knew a Grodolphin that was sired by a miserable scrub ? or who ever yet saw an athletic, healthy human being, standing six feet in his stockings, who was the off- spring of runtish forefathers, or of wheezy, asthmatic, and consumptive parents ? And do you suppose, Sir, or Madam, the heroes of our Revolutionary history 252 POOR WHITE TRASH. ever would or could have sprung from the loins of a dissolute aristocracy on the one hand, or a down- trod- den and servile race of villeins on the other ? Never, we warrant you. Their and our forefathers had to un- dergo a schooling of near upon ten centuries to prepare them and us, their latest offspring, to snatch the golden fruits of Independence from the Cerberean guardian- ship of Tyranny, and thereby prove to all mankind what dignity and worthiness the human race is capable of, under proper training and a proper system of edu- cation, 'Tis true, however, we are already beginning to forget the philosophy of this great marvel of the present age, and are foolishly clamoring that every na- tion and every people under heaven are just as fit and capable to control and govern themselves as we ; while some of us, in our Quixotic madness, are ever running a tilt against windmills, until many a poor gentleman, of amiable and kindly heart but weak head, has run stark mad — his little modicum of brains proving insuf- ficient to sustain the weight of all the Inalienable Eights of Man, to say never a word of Woman's Eights, about which so great a clatter is made in cer- tain quarters. Alas ! the disease which has deprived such unfortu- nates of their wits, is not to be reached by any reme- dial agency known to science, whether the science of medicine or of political economy. The instructive les- sons of history convey no intelligence to such minds ; the experience of the past serves not to guide their footsteps by its clear radiance, while, in their blind in- fatuation, they even dare to disregard the immutable decrees of the All-wise Father. Fancying they them- POOR WHITE TRASH. 253 selves have discovered the long sought-for Philosopher's Stone, they feel assured the world must certainly go to eternal smash, unless they can prevail upon mankind to practise and to reverence their own crude teachings — those Utopian absurdities they so love to cherish in their heart of hearts, as something wiser than the wis- dom of Solomon, more sacred than the Ten Command- ments, more perfect than the Constitution framed by the Fathers of our Eepublic, as well as the source of greater blessings to the sons of men than the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ. Alas! poor imbeciles! how fortunate would it be for yourselves, your country, and the rest of mankind, could you all be securely caged and placed in a Maison de Sante, and there be confined to a strict regimen of cold water and asses' milk — the water to be applied outwardly to your empty noddles, to relieve the swelling thereof, and the milk to be taken inwardly, as the kind of nourishment most suitable for babes ! We apprehend there is no need to inform the intelli- gent reader why we have bored him with these pre- liminary remarks. He must be aware that certain per- sons in the Free States are always denouncing the South because of her "peculiar institution," and that they leave no stone unturned but they will have their spiteful fling at the "oligarchs." Time was, when such worthies swore roundly (and at that time not without reason, as confessed by Southerners them- selves) that the institution of African slavery was un- profitable, and should therefore be abolished. But suddenly came the great demand for cotton ; negroes advanced in value from five to fifteen hundred dollars 254 POOR WHITE TRASH. a piece ; the South, furnished about three fourths of all our exports, and the peculiar institution became deci- dedly the most profitable and safe investment in the whole country. In consequence of this unlooked-for checkmate, the denouncers of the slaveholders were forced to change their tactics, and so began a new spe- cies of agitation. They now acknowledge that to the owners of negroes the system of labor peculiar to the South is beneficial, but is, they contend, a terrible curse to the non-slaveholding whites, and ought to be abolished on account of the latter. Look at the Poof Whites of the South, cry these wiseacres, and behold the fruits of slavery. And in the same breath they exclaim, Down with the Oligarchs ! Down with the Chivalry ! They do not trouble themselves to inquire what are the natural causes of the existence in the South of a class of lazy vagabonds known as Poor Whites, or how great the number of these may be, but rush madly and recklessly to the conclusion, that they form the bulk of the Southern masses, and are rendered the pitiable wretches they are by reason of the peculiar institution. Behold now, attentive and reflecting read- er, how soon a plain unvarnished statement will render this whole subject intelligible. g As we took occasion to state in the first chapter, the early settlers of the South were not of equal fortune, or blessed alike with the same refinement and culture. We have already spoken of the Cavalier class, and their present descendants and representatives ; of the past and present standing of the thrifty Middle Classes ; of the Yeomanry and the useful position their offspring yet occupy ; and we would now like to know, what POOR WHITE TRASH. 255 / has become of those paupers and convicts whom Great Britain sent over to her faithful Colony of Virginia — of those indentured servants who were transported in great numbers from the mother country, or who fol- lowed their masters, the Cavaliers and Huguenots, when these bade adieu to the white cliffs of merry Eng- land and the purple-clad hills of La Belle France, to seek theirjbrtunes in the New "World ? Sir William ■ x Berkley, in\?770, in answer to interrogatories submit- *■ ted to him by the Lords' Commissioners of Foreign Affairs, in which they inquire, " What number of Eng- lish, Scotch, and Irish have for these seven years last past come yearly to plant and inhabit within your gov- ernment; and also what blacks or slaves have been brought in within the same time ?" answered : " Yearly there comes in of servants about fifteen hundred; most are English, few Scotch, and fewer Irish, and not above two or three ships of negroes in seven years." The servants here spoken of were indentured servants or paupers, who were sold pretty much like the Coolies are sold to the Cubans at the present time. They were considered as mere "goods, wares, and merchandise," to be sold publicly at places appointed by law, as the reader will learn from the following clause from an act passed in 1680 by the Virginia House of Burgesses ^ " And all goods, wares, English servants, negroes and other slaves, and merchandises whatsoever, that shall be imported into this colony from after the 29th day of September, which shall be in the year 1681, shall be landed and layd on shore, bought and solde at such appointed places aforesaid, and at noe other place what- soever, under like penalty and forfeiture thereof." 256 POOR WHITE TRASH. V, row, does the reader fancy there is any thing in the nature of our soil and climate which would soon transmogrify such untutored, uncultivated, and servile creatures into freemen and gentlemen ? Does he imagine that the glorious Declaration of Independence vwould alone suffice to put bread and meat into the mouths of paupers, or clothes upon their ragged backs ? Is he so foolish as to believe that the over- throw of the Law of Primogeniture, the bestowal of the elective franchise, and the other levelling doctrines of Mr. Jefferson, would of themselves elevate to a po- sition of thrift and intelligence, necessary to success in an honest competition with their more self-reliant fellows, those outcasts and paupers, picked up in the back slums and cellars of London, and transported at the public charge to Virginia, and there sold in the market-house to the highest bidder ? If yea ; then we must say, candid reader, that you are a greater ninny than we supposed you were, be you sir or madam, miss or master. For observe, if you please, the actual result has been far different. Just as the abolishment of the old feudal base tenures has been as yet productive of no percep- tible advantages to the Old World peasants, so likewise the removal of the English paupers to the JSTew World, to the enjoyment of all the immunities of freemen, and to a land of such cornucopian abundance that it may be said almost to flow with milk and honey, has as yet been productive of no material improvement in their condition as a class. An individual here and there may have become imbued with a more manly feeling than what he otherwise would have attained unto ; but POOR WHITE TRASH. 257 as a class, as a community, they remain in statu quo. Every where they are just alike, possess pretty much the same characteristics, the same vernacular, the same boorishness, and the same habits ; although in differ- ent localities, they are known by different names. Thus, in the extreme South and South-west, they are usually called Squatters ; in the Carolinas and Georgia Crackers or Sandhillers ; in the Old Dominion, Eag Tag and Bob-tail ; in Tennessee and some other States, People in the Barrens — but every where, Poor White Trash, a name said to have originated with the slaves, who look upon themselves as much better off than all " po' white folks" whatever. To form any proper conception of the condition of the Poor White Trash, one should see them as they are. We do not remember ever to have seen in the New-England States a similar class ; though, if what a citizen of Maine has told us be true, in portions of that State the Poor Whites are to be found in large numbers. In the State of New- York, however, in the rural districts, we will venture to assert that more of this class of paupers are to be met with than you will find in any single Southern State. For in examining" the statistics of pauperism, as prepared by the Secre- tary of State for New-York, we learn that the number of her public paupers, permanent and temporary, is set down as 468,802 — to support whom requires an an- nual outlay of one million and a half of dollars, which lias to be raised by tax for the purpose. They are also found in Ohio, Pennsylvania, Indiana, and all the States of the North-west, though in most of these last they came originally from the South. But every 258 POOR WHITE TRASH. where, North and South, in Maine or Texas, in Vir- ginia or New- York, they are one and the same ; and have undoubtedly had one and the same origin, namely, the poor-houses and prison-cells of Great Britain. Hence we again affirm, what we asserted only a moment ago, that there is a great deal more in bhod than people in the United States are generally inclined to believe. Now, the Poor White Trash are about the only pau pers in our Southern States, and they are very rarely supported by either the State or parish in which they reside ; nor have we ever known or heard of a single instance in the South, in which a pauper was farmed out by the year to the lowest or highest bidder, (which- ever it be,) as is the custom in the enlightened States of New -England. Moreover, the Poor White Trash are wholly rural ; hence, the South will ever remain secure against any species of agrarianism, since such mob violence always originates in towns and cities, wherein are herded together an unthinking rabble, whom Dryden fitly describes as, " The scum That rises up most, when the nation boils." The Poor Whites of the South live altogether in the country, in hilly and mountainous regions gener- ally, in communities by themselves, and far removed from the wealthy and refined settlements. Why it is they always select the hilly, and consequently unpro- ductive districts for their homes, we know not. It can not be, however, as urged by the abolitionists, because the slaveholders have seized on all the fertile lands ; for POOR WHITE TRASH. 259 it is well known, that some of the most inexhaustible soils in the South have never yet felt the touch of the ploughshare in their virgin bosoms, and are still to be had at government prices. Neither can it be pleaded in behalf of the Poor White Trash, that they object to labor by the side of slaves ; for, as we have already shown, the Southern Yeomanry, who, as a class, are poor, work habitually in company with negroes, and usually prefer to own a homestead in the neighborhood of wealthy planters. We apprehend, therefore, that it is a natural feeling with Messrs. Eag Tag and Bob- tail — an idiocyncrasy for which they themselves can assign no good reason — why they delight to build their pine-pole cabins among the sterile sand hills, or in the very heart of the dismal solitude of the burr-oak or pine barrens. We remember to have heard an over- seer who had spent some time among the Sandhillers, relate something like the following anecdote of a youthful Bobtail whom he persuaded to accompany him out of the hill-country into the nearest alluvial bottoms, where there was any number of extensive plantations in a high state of cultivation, which will aptly illustrate this peculiarity of the class. So soon as the juvenile Bobtail reached the open country, his eyes began to dilate, and his whole manner and ex- pression indicated bewilderment and uneasiness. " Be- dadseizecl !" exclaimed he at last, " ef this yere ked'n- try haint got nary sign ov er tree ! How in thunder duz folks live down yere ? By G-o-r-j ! this beats all that Uncle Snipes tells about Carlina. Tell yer what, I'm goin' ter make tracks fur dad's — yer heer my horn toot!" And he did make tracks for dad's, sure enough. 260 POOR WHITE TRASH. In the settlements wherein they chiefly reside, the Poor Whites rarely live more than a mile or two apart. Each householder, or head of a famity, builds him a little hut of round logs ; chinks the spaces between these with clay mixed with wheat-en straw ; builds at one end of the cabin a big wooden chimney with a ta- pering top, all the interstices being "dobbed" as above ; puts down a puncheon floor, and a loft of ordinary boards overhead ; fills up the inside of the rude dwell- ing with a few rickety chairs, a long bench, a dirty bed or two, a spinning-wheel (the loom, if any, is outside un- der a shed,) a skillet, an oven, a frying-pan, a triangular cupboard in one corner, and a rack over the door on which to hang old Silver Heels, the family rifle; and both the cabin and its furniture are considered as complete. The hapjoy owner then "clears" some five acres or so of land immediately surrounding his domicil, and these he pretends to cultivate, planting only corn, pumpkins, and a little garden truck of some kind or other. He next builds a rude kennel for his dog or dogs, a prim- itive-looking stall for his u nag," ditto for old Beck his cow, and a pole hen-house for his poultry. This last he covers over with dirt and weeds, and erects on one side of it a long slim pole, from the upper branches whereof dangle gourds for the martins to build their nests in — martins being generally regarded as useful to drive off all bloody-minded hawks, that look with too hungry an eye upon the rising generation of dung- hills. Being thus prepared for house-keeping, now comes the tug of war. But, whatever may be said of the poverty of Bag POOR WHITE TRASH. 261 Tag and Bobtail, of their ignorance and general spir- itual degradation, it is yet a rare thing that any of them suffer from hunger or cold. As a class, indeed, they are much better off than the peasantry of Europe, and many a poor mechanic in New- York City even — to say nothing of the thousands of day-laborers annually thrown out of employment on the approach of winter — would be most happy at any time from December to March, to share the cheerful warmth of the blazing pine fagots which glow upon every poor man's hearth in the South ; as well as to help devour the fat haunches of the noble old buck, whose carcass hangs in one corner suspended from one of the beams of the loft overhead, ready at all times to have a slice cut from its sinewy hams and broiled to delicious juiciness upon the glow- ing coals. Indeed, the only source of trouble to the Sandhillers is the preservation of their yearly "craps" of corn. Owing to the sterileness of their lands, and deficient cultivation, that sometimes fails them, running all to weeds and grass. But they have no lack of meats. Wild hogs, deer, wild turkeys, squirrels, raccoons, opossums — these and many more are at their very doors; and they have only to pick up "old Silver Heels," walk a few miles out into the forest, and return home laden with meat enough to last them a week. And should they desire to purchase a little wool for spinning, or cotton ditto, or a little "swat'ning" to put in their coffee and their "sassefack" tea, or a few cups and saucers, or powder and shot, salt, meal, or other household necessaries — a week's successful hunting invariably supplies them with enough venison to pro- 262 POOR WHITE TRASH. cure the wished-for luxuries, which they soon possess themselves of accordingly, from the nearest village or country store. Having obtained what they want, they hasten back again to their barren solitudes ; their wives and daughters spin and weave the wool or cotton into such description of cloth as is in most vogue for the time being; while the husbands, fathers, sons, and brothers, betake themselves to their former idle habits — hunting, beef-shooting, gander-pulling, marble-play^ ing, card-playing, and getting drunk. Panics, finan- cial pressures, and the like, are unknown amongst them, and about the only crisis of which they know any thing, is when a poor fellow is called upon to "shuffle off this mortal coil." Money, in truth, is almost a perfectly unknown commodity in their midst, anc] nearly all of their trafficking is carried on by means of barter alone. In their currency a cow is considered worth so much, a horse so much, a dog so much, a fat buck so much, a wild-turkey so much, a coon-skin so much, et cetera, et cetera ; and by these values almost every thing else is rated. Dollars and dimes, or pounds, shillings and pence, they never bother their brains any great deal about. \J The chief characteristic of Eag Tag and Bobtail, however, is laziness. They are about the laziest two- legged animals that walk erect on the face of the Earth. Even their motions are slow, and their speech is a sick- ening drawl, worse a deal sight than the most down- eastern of all the Down-Easters ; while their thoughts and ideas seem likewise to creep along at a snail's pace. All they seem to care for, is, to live from hand to mouth ; to get drunk, provided they can do so without \j POOR WHITE TRASH. 263 having to trudge too far after their liquor ; to shoot for beef; to hunt; to attend gander pullings; to vote at elections ; to eat and to sleep ; to lounge in the sun- shine of a bright summer's day, and to bask in the warmth of a roaring wood fire, when summer days are over, and the calm autumn stillness has given place to the blustering turbulence of hyemal storms. We do not believe the worthless ragamuffins would put them- selves to much extra locomotion to get out of a shower of rain ; and we know they would shiver all day with cold, with wood all around them, before they would trouble themselves to pick it up and build a fire : for we recollect to have heard an anecdote of a gentleman who was once travelling through a section of country peopled by Sandhillers, on a cold and raw winter's day, when he chanced to come up with a squad of great strapping lazy bumpkins on the side of the road in a woods, sitting all huddled up and shivering around the smouldering remains of what had once been a fire. The traveller was himself quite chilled, and thought it prudent to stop and warm before proceeding any fur- ther on his journey. But imagine his astonishment, on asking the miserable scamps why they had suffered their lire to burn so low, to hear them answer, that they " were afeared they mout git too cold pickin' up sticks!" Very humanely he gathered together a pile of dry brushwood lying close at hand, built up in a little while a roaring fire, warmed himself, and again mounting his horse, rode on his way ; leaving the great loutish clowns quarrelling among themselves, as to which one of them was entitled to the warmest side of the fire ! In physical appearance, the Sandhillers arc far from 264 POOR WHITE TRASH. prepossessing. Lank, lean, angular, and bony, with flaming red, or flaxen, or sandy, or carroty-colored hair, sallow complexion, awkward manners, and a natural stupidity or dullness of intellect that almost surpasses belief; they present in the main a very pitiable sight to the truly benevolent, as well as a ludicrous one to those who are mirthfully disposed. If any thing, after the first freshness of their youth is lost, the women are even more intolerable than the men — owing chiefly to their disgusting habit of snufY-dipping, and even some- times pipe-smoking. The vile practice of snuff-dipping prevails sometimes also among the wives and daughters of the Yeomanry, and even occasionally among other- wise intelligent members of the Southern Middle Classes, particularly in North-Carolina. The usual mode is, to procure a straight wooden tooth-brush — one made of the bark of the hickory-nut tree preferred — chew one end of the brush until it becomes soft and pliant, then dab the same while still wet with saliva into the snuff-bottle, and immediately stick it back into the mouth again with the fine particles of snuff adher- ing; then proceed to mop the gums and teeth adroitly, to suck, and chew, and spit to your heart's content. Ah ! it is almost as decent as smoking cigars, and is fully as distingue as chewing tobacco ! Being usually addicted to this filthy and disgusting vice, or whatever else one may choose to call it, it is not at all strange that the female Sand-hill ers should so soon lose all trace of beauty, and at thirty are about the color of yellow parchment, if not thin and pale from constant attacks of fever. Besides, they are quite prolific, and every house is filled with its half-dozen of POOR WHITE TRASH. 265 dirty, squalling, white - headed little brats, who are familiarly known as Tow- Heads — on account of the color of their hair, as well as its texture and generally unkempt and matted condition. In the main the en* tire family, both male and female, occupy the same apartment at all hours of the day and night, just as do the small farmers of the North-west, or the very poor in all large cities. But it is a rare circumstance to find several families huddled into one poor shant} r , as is more often the case than otherwise with those unfor- tunates in cities, who are constrained to herd together promiscuously in tenant - houses and in underground cellars. On the contrary, each Sandhiller has his own lowly cabin, and whilst it is sad to contemplate the hard necessity which forces father and mother, sons and daughters, all to live in the same narrow room ; still it is pleasant to believe, that the sacred nature of the relationship between the parties, casts a vail of mo • desty over the scene, which is wanting where two or more stranger families are thus promiscuously thrown together in such close contact. Of course, intelligence of all kinds is at a low ebb with Messrs. Rag Tag and Bobtail. Few of them can read, fewer still can write, while the great mass are native, genuine Know- Nothings, though always demo- cratic in their political faith and practice. Indeed, puz- zled to comprehend for what other purpose the miser- able wretches were ever allowed to obtain a footing in this country, we have come to the honest conclusion, that it was providentially intended, in order that, by their votes, however blindly and ignorantly cast, they should help to support the only political party which 12 266 POOR WHITE TRASH. has been enabled thus far to maintain a National organ- ization. Nor can tliey be blamed for voting the demo- cratic ticket, live they in the North or the South ; for to the democratic party do they owe the only political privilege which is of any real use to them — the privi- lege of the elective franchise. This fact, indeed, is nearly the sum total of their knowledge of our Govern- ment, or its history. They remember Washington be- cause he was the Founder, if we may so speak, of the Eepublic: they remember Thomas Jefferson because he effected the change in the policy of the country, whereby they became sovereign freemen, the voice of each one of them counting one, while that of an Astor or a Girard could count no more : and they remember General Jackson because he whipped the British so bad at New-Orleans, and afterwards, while he was Presi- dent, dared to " remove the Deposits" in the teeth of opposition from all the moneyed men in the nation ; and it is said that, in certain very benighted districts of Central New- York and the mountains of East-Ten- nessee, General Jackson is voted for still at every pre- sidential election. In religion the Poor Whites are mostly of the Hard- shell persuasion, and their parsons are in the main of the Order of the Whang Doodle. They are also very superstitious, being firm believers in witches and hob- goblins ; likewise old-time spiritualists, or, to render our meaning plainer, believers in fortune-telling after the ancient modes — such as palm-reading, card-cutting, or the revelations of coffee-grounds left in the bottom of the cup after the fluid has been drained off. Poor simple souls ! they have not yet risen to the supernal POOR WHITE TRASH. 267 glories of table-tipping, horn-blowing, and the other modern improvements in the mode of consulting such as have familiar spirits : for, although these boast that they number a million or so of adherents in the more enlightened Free States, we suspect they could hardly drum up in the entire South one thousand fools credu- lous enough to embrace their miserable dogmas. Yet in scarcely a settlement of Poor Whites will you fail to find some gray -headed old crone, who professes to be able to tell you all about your past life, as well as to predict what is to be your future career : but she does not charge very exorbitant prices for her disclo- sures, being well satisfied to receive the small sum of twenty -five cents for each consultation. Whereas, in the enlightened city of New- York, in which are hun- dreds of professed star-readers, (the united annual in- comes of nineteen of these Professors of the Black Art being one hundred thousand dollars,) and where, it is said, sixteen hundred persons are foolish enough every week to consult such damnable impostors ; the regular fee varies from one to five dollars. Besides, this can also be said in behalf of the old women among the Saridhillers who tell fortunes ; they never use their pretended gifts for the purpose of entrapping poor but silly girls, into such peculiar institutions as are kept by our virtuous and refined Dawsons : which is more than can be said of one half those dirty dens of superstition which flourish in the very centres of our refinement and civilization, and the proprietors of which dare, with unblushing audacity, to advertise in the daily press the location of their horrid penetralia. Another evil which prevails greatly among the 268 POOR WHITE TRASH. Sandhillers — a royal evil too, in the present as all past ages, if poor King Clicquot of Prussia washing his face in the vermicelli soup at Milan the other day. and afterwards grinning with a drunken leer upon his guests through the strings of worm-like paste that hung from his royal beard, is to be considered a specimen of modern potentates — is the iniquitous practice of drink- ing alcoholic beverages to excess. And then, too, such vile stuff as the poor fellows are wont to imbibe ! Too lazy to distill honest peach or apple brandy, like the industrious yeomanry, they prefer to tramp to the near- est groggery with a gallon-jug on their shoulders, which they get filled with "bust-head," "rot-gut," or some other equally poisonous abomination ; and then tramp home again, reeling as they trudge along, and laughing idiotically, or shouting like mad in a glorious state of beastly intoxication. Hence, as is the case elsewhere in all parts of our glorious Union, many of the poor fellows annually die of delirium tremens or mania a potu ; to the memory of all whom some dog- gerel poetaster has indited the following epitaph : " Here is laid a luckless Bobtail, Died, poor fellow, of mean whisky, Strychnine whisky, sharp as lightning, Ruin-blue and Minie rifle — Knock-'em-stiff and flaming red-eye — Such as kill 'em at the counter, Forty rods or any distance. Perished thus the wretched Bobtail, By imbibing strychnine whisk3 T , Sold by some confounded bummer, At a bit a glass, or cheaper — Strychnine whisky — whisky strychnine." POOR WHITE TRASH. 269 To so great an extent are Rag Tag and Bobtail ad- dicted to this shameful vice, that, in those Congres- sional districts in which they mostly abound, as we were once told by a Southern member of Congress, no person who is temperate and lives cleanlily and like a gentleman, and who will not therefore condescend to drink and hurrah with Tom, Dick and Harry, need ever hope for political preferment. And the character of our informant bore ample testimony to the truthful- ness of his assertion ; for a more drunken and besotted wretch we should hardly wish to see. He said, that, in certain parts of his district, the " red-eye" was pass- ed around in an old tin coffee-pot, and every man help- ed himself by " word of mouth" — whatever this slang- expression may mean. And we may here observe, this accounts for the great dissimilarity in the charac- ter of our Southern Congressmen. While these all are more or less innocent of any participation in the corrupt practices of those Forty Congressional Thieves, who have brought such deserved opprobrium upon our National Legislature ; and while as a general thing, there is more of good-breeding, of gentlemanly bearing, of chivalric tone and statesmanlike deportment about the Southern Representatives than most others — still, it can not be safely denied, that some of them are no- thing better than tippling, gambling, and debauched libertines, not a whit more intelligent or honest than the corrupt ward politicians of our large cities ; men who never make a speech in our Legislative Halls for any other purpose than Buncombe. Which is true likewise of many Northern Congressmen — especially of those who live in the North- west, where lager-beer 270 POOR WHITE TRASH. and corn-juice have in a measure usurped the place of wholesome water. Neither have we, Honorable Sirs, Northern or Southern, any apology to offer for these animadver- sions ; and for two very good reasons. In the first place, we shall have offended no gentleman, for all such who are members of our Federal Congress, acknow- ledge and lament, equally as sincerely as we do, the truth of what we have charged. And in the second place, although it is not the fashion for the delicate wits and kid- gloved moralists of this decent age to speak the truth plainly and bluntly, we will yet plainly and bluntly declare, we do not consider it a mortal offense to excite the ire of those political demagogues who are not gentlemen ; but whose coarse and vulgar habits and tastes, whose wicked and open blasphemies, and whose vaporing Buncombe speeches, serve only to disgrace the Eepublic at home and abroad, and to de- moralize their own immediate constituents, as well as the masses of the people at large. O you miserable agitators and radicals, North and South, what a pity it is you can not see yourselves as others see you ! For truly, while you are so furiously ventilating your windy fanaticism and overhot zeal in the Halls of Congress, wholly regardless of the honor and the vital interests of the Eepublic, you only serve, be you Fire Eater or Black Eepublican, to give point and signifi- cance to these lines from a translation of a satire in Monsieur Boileau : " Thus one fool lolls his tongue out at another, And shakes his empty noddle at his brother !" POOR WHITE TRASH. 271 But to return. The Poor White Trash rarely possess energy and self-reliance enough to emigrate singly from the older Southern States to the South-west, but usually migrate by whole neighborhoods ; and are thus to be seen nearly every summer or fall plodding along together, each family having its whole stock of worldly goods packed into a little one-horse cart of rudest workman- ship, into which likewise are often crowded the women and children, the men walking alongside looking worn and weary. Slowly thus they creep along day by day, camping out at night, and usually carrying their own provisions with them — bacon, beans, corn-meal, dried fruits, and the like simple and unassuming fare. When they reach a large river whose course leads in the proper direction, they build them a rude kind of flat-bottomed boat, into which, huddling with all their traps, they suffer themselves to drift along with the current down to their place of destination. Having reached which, they proceed immediately to disembark, and to build their inevitable log-cabins, squatting at their free will and pleasure on Uncle Sam's domain ; for they seldom care to purchase land, unless they can get it at about a "bit" an acre. Owing to this custom of occupying the public lands without making entry of the same according to law, in most of the new Southern States the Poor Whites are almost invariably known as Squatters. When the lands temporarily occupied by them, finally come into market, the Squat- ters once more hitch up their little one-horse carts, pile in all their worldly store, together with their wives and little ones, and again facing to the westward, go in 272 POOR WHITE TRASH. search of their New Atlantis — which the poor crea- tures find so soon as they get beyond the limits of civ- ilization; when they " squat" as before, raise their lit- tle "craps" of corn and garden truck, shoot bears, deer, and Indians, and vegetate generally like all other nomadic races. And thus will Eag Tag and Itobtail continue to pass farther and further westward and southward, until they will eventually become absorbed and lost among the half-civilized mongrels who inhabit the plains of Mexico ; unless it should chance that some new life and energy shall be instilled into them during their sojourn on our Western frontier, both by contact with the hardy race of backwoodsmen and hunters who there abound, and the stern necessity of learning to defend themselves against the predatory bands of Camanches and Arapahoes, who are always prowling around, seeking whom they may scalp and plunder. If such a life fail to work a change for the better in the miserable wretches, we are inclined to think their ultimate absorption by Mexico will prove a happy riddance to us ; for they are of so little ac- count at present, that, could every one of them be blotted out of existence to-morrow, neither the South nor the North, nor the commercial world would be any the poorer for their loss. Let us cherish a hope, how- ever, that the experiences of a rough border-life will in time regenerate Rag Tag and Bobtail, and render them at some future period both useful and ornamental citizens of our great Republic. Homo sum, et humani a me nil alienum puto, said Terence, and so say we : and we confess, moreover, that we feel for the humblest descendant of our common father Adam, a brotherly POOR WHITE TRASH. 273 sympathy. Not, however, of the patent sort, of the popular double-self- acting-backward sort, kind Sir, which leads your worship into the gross errors of so- cialism, communism, and the like stuff and nonsense, but a rational sympathy which would lead us to give ten talents to the man endowed with sufficient capacity to use ten talents ; to give five talents to him who could only manage five ; and three talents to another whom five would make a fool of; but not even one talent to the poor imbecile, who, not knowing the value of the gift, would surely wrap it up in a napkin and bury it in the ground, or else throw it away en- tirely as something worthless and unprized. The Poor Whites of the South seldom come in con- tact with the slaves at all, and thousands of them never saw a negro ; still, almost to a man, they are pro-slavery in sentiment. Unlike the Southern Yeo- men, who are pro-slavery because these dread the con- sequences to the humbler whites of the emancipation of the negroes, and because also they are intelligent enough to understand what would be the nature of these consequences ; the Poor White Trash are pro- slavery from downright envy and hatred of the black man. We presume this feeling must have originated many years agone when the pauper ancestors of the Sandhillers were first " layd on shore," as our worthy ancestors expressed it, like all other " goods, wares, and merchandise," and very possibly met with a somewhat supercilious reception at the hands of the bepowdered and bejewelled body-servants of the grand old cava- liers of those times. The blacks on their part, too, 12* 274 POOR WHITE TRASH. reciprocate the feeling of hatred at least, and look with ineffable scorn on a " po' white man." Nevertheless, although as a class the Poor White Trash are intensely pro-slavery, now and then one will find amongst them fierce abolitionists. These, how- ever, are not usually of the pure, unadulterated pauper blood. Their origin is somewhat mixed. Thus it happens not. infrequently that a poor Sandhiller is blessed with a more than commonly pretty daughter, whose rosy cheeks, blue eyes, pearly teeth, and wealth of golden hair (despite a few freckles, and tan, from constant exposure) win the affections of some robust, honest, hard-working young Yeoman, or better still, the son of a well-to-do farmer of the Middle Class ; and soon the loving twain are made one flesh, and begin life on their own hook, as the bridegroom's father expresses it. Now, love-matches of this nature, as all of us may have observed, generally result in a pretty large family of children, all of whom are more or less blessed with good constitutions and a fair share of intelligence. Yery seldom is it, indeed, but at least one of the hum- ble household is possessed of more than ordinary abili- ties : this one, let us suppose, is a boy. Before he is ten summers old, he is put to hoeing tobacco, or corn, or cotton, and is enabled to get from two to three months only of schooling during the whole year. But his mind is quick, his perceptions and desires run ahead of his years, and an inborn spirit of gentlemanship prompts him to strive to occupy a position in society more honorable than what his parents do. He feels, yea knows, that he is the equal of the sons of the neigh- boring gentlemen, with whom he comes often in con- POOR WHITE TRASH. 275 tact at the district school, but who habitually treat him as an inferior — -just as your own darling Charlie, phi- lanthropic Madam, is accustomed daily to snub that poor Irish lad who occupies the same seat with him at the Free School. Of course our young Yeoman feels keenly the gibes and slights put upon him ; for he is a lad of spirit, and we do not blame him. Neither do we blame him that he firmly resolves to toil night and day but he will yet occupy an equal position with those who now look down upon him with such ill-disguised contempt. We do not blame the worthy lad for laying by his hard-earned "fo'pences" and "bits," hoarding them closer than miser ever hoarded his gold, in order that he may buy such books as he may need, as well as to enable him by and by to work his way through some second or third-rate college, assisted it may be by some benevolent gentleman who takes an interest in the plucky spirit of the struggling boy. In all this he is to be honored and applauded by every generous mind. Bat if, after he has gained the knowledge and social position to which he so ardently aspires, and has there- by become the pride of his doting old mother and the boast of his hard-working father ; he still continues to harbor in his bosom resentment against those whom fortune favored more than himself in the outset of life, and secretly entertains proposals from the deadliest en- emies of his native land merely because of such per- sonal spite, to gratify which he also lends himself to aid the schemes of Northern abolitionists; where is there an honest man who would not utterly loathe and despise his meanness of soul ? We know he may de- lude himself into the belief, that the social position of 276 POOR WHITE TRASH. his father as well as that of his mother's family connec- tion is due mainly to the institution of slavey j but is this an excuse for treason ? Is it any excuse for his wishing to deprive other men of their property, or for his aiding to stir up a servile insurrection, hoping to see the roofs of his supposed enemies blazing at mid- night and tumbling in upon the devoted inmates, while the emancipated blacks are dancing savagely around the ruins in the delirium of a brutal joy ? And yet, if these things be inexcusable, how much more damning and black becomes his record when, driven by force out of the State he seeks to rend with intestine feuds and all the horrors of a servile war, he takes refuge in the Free States and still, in bitterness of soul, continues his unnatural war upon his native land ! Before, there was a shadow of palliation for his treason, since he honestly felt that the peculiar institution was the sole cause of his humble origin and the poverty of his race ; now, however, he knows better. He finds the poor just as plenty in the Free States as in the Slave States, and that social distinctions are just as nicely drawn in the one as in the other. He sees that the sons of gen- tlemen as habitually scorn to associate with the sons of laborers, either in Massachusetts or New- York, as in Virginia or the Carolinas ; and this should teach him that the real cause of all such social distinctions is not to be sought for in any institutions whatever, no mat- ter how peculiar, but in the lamentably narrow and crooked nature of man himself. For, we care not how vociferously the demagogues of New-England, or any other section of the North, may rant about social equal- POOR WHITE TRASH. 277 ity, they all know in their hearts that such a thing is simply an impossible abstraction. Why then do they prate so constantly about it? un- sophisticated questioner, we much fear you have not yet cut your eye-teeth ! Why ? Because it pays, dear Sir; and will therefore be kept up, until the people shall learn to appreciate at their real value the profes- sions of those political mountebanks and charlatans, who imagine the surest way to office and preferment is, to natter and cajole the thoughtless and variable rab- ble. At present, however, the windy demagogues have every thing their own way, and do indeed play such fantastic tricks in the sight of high Heaven as are enough almost to make the angels weep. It is chiefly owing to the influence of such worthies that Massachu- setts, rightly boastful of the culture and scholarly re- finement of her citizens, has been led to discard her Everetts, Winthrops, Cushings, and Choates, for — whom ? Well, let the history of the old Bay jState, since the voice of the great Webster was hushed in death — the absolute nothingness of her political influ- ence in the Republic — the utter incompetency of her later representatives, dealing in slash-buckler rhodo- montade and pedantic imitations of the old classic mas- ters, instead of the dignified statesmanship and chaste oratory of her earlier political giants — let the many hurtful isms which are rapidly being embraced by her citizens at large, isms hurtful alike to good morals, to good manners, to political integrity and a pure Christ- ianity — let these all furnish the answer. In the words of the deep-voiced and heavy -browed sage of Marsh- 278 POOR WHITE TRASH. field, but with, a far different significance : u There she stands ; let her answer for herself!" We know, Be v. and Hon. Sir, what your ready reply is. "We have heard it again and again, until the sound thereof vexes our ears like a twice-told tale. You con- tend, that the present uninfluential position of Massa- chusetts, is owing solely to the temporary ascendency of what you are pleased to call the Oligarchs : and you seek to console yourself and your friends, with the pleasing anticipation of what wonders the old Bay State will perform when her time comes to wield the sceptre of empire and destiny. Bat, Sir, allow us to suggest, that possibly that " good time coming" may be tardy in its approaches, and that, when it does come, (if ever ?) the event will prove even to Massachusetts herself far other than propitious. For (and mark well our words!) you, Sir, half priest and the other half demagogue, wearing the surplice and wielding also the secular arm of power, have been for a long time preaching a cru- sade against the rights of property — have taught men every where, that to deprive their neighbors of prop- erty valued at millions and millions of dollars, instead of being an infraction of the Divine Law and therefore criminal in the sight of God, on the contrary would entitle them to receive praise and honor in the present life, and insure to them in the life to come rewards imperishable. And upon what pretense, forsooth? Because your neighbors, as you claim, can possess no rights of property in men and women — in human flesh, and brawn, and blood, and brains, to use your own vernacular of cant. And so in truth they ought not in for o conscientios, without making an equivalent return, POOR WHITE TRASH. 279 cither in the nature of protection, food, shelter, atten- tion in sickness and the like ; the most of which the Southern slaveholders are constrained by law to grant in return for the service exacted of their bondmen. But, you clamor, they do not return an exact and equal account — they charge too much for their kind superin- tendence and benevolent regard! Ah! Sir, it is just here that you have trodden upon an adder, which will in time turn and sting your Eeverence. For, truly, the poisoned darts you have so resolutely hurled against tl^e South will, rebounding, yet find a mark the archer little meant, and one close to your own hearthstone. Unconsciously to yourself, you have been advocating all this time only a new species of agrarianism. Un- consciously you have been sowing the wind, and sooner or later will surely reap the whirlwind for your pains. Already your laborers, your operatives, your journey- men mechanics and others, secretly moot the question : Uow it happens they remain so poor, while the\r em- ployers are constantly growing richer and richer ; build their marble palaces, educate their children in idleness and dissipation, and besides spend half their own days tuft-hunting and toad-eating upon the continent of Eu- rope. Already, we repeat, this terrible question is be- ing mooted in secret conclave; and should the time ever come when it shall be mooted openly — when loud- mouthed and earnest men, fresh from the peojile, shall bestride Faneuil Hall, bawling -for an equal and exact distribution to every mechanic of whatever craft, to every operative of whatever mills, to every laborer of whatever grade — bawling, we say, for an equal and exact distribution to the workmen of the net proceeds 280 POOR WHITE TRASH. of their combined labor ; and denouncing in the same breath pampered capitalists, as so many lordlings grow- ing rich on the earnings of the moiling and toiling poor, reaping where they have not sown, and gathering where they have not scattered ; upon what plausible pretext will you, Sir, then seek to gainsay them ? You will have none. Dumb and quaking with fear you would be constrained to acquiesce in their logic; for they would only use in their own behalf the identical argu- ments you have assiduously tried to impress upon their minds for ten years and more, in order to persuade them to interfere in the affairs of their neighbors. But you think we are begging the question ? You think such a terrible chimera never has troubled the thoughts of the sober citizens of New-England ? You feel assured that men and women, little boys and girls, can stand to work from ten to thirteen hours every day, winter and summer, in heat and in cold, making at that only a beggarly pittance which barely suffices to keep body and soul together ; and yet never once inquire, honest souls ! how it chances that their employers, who neither toil nor yet do spin, are still reckoned among the merchant-princes of the land, dress in fine broad- cloth and spotless linen, and in every other respect fare sumptuously every day? Oh! dear, no; you couldn't begin to think of such a thing. Why should you? Your Reverence is paid from three to five thousand dollars per annum for talking billingsgate religion, maudlin sentimentality, and a cheap philanthropy, and of course it never occurs to you that what is so profit- able to your individual self, is yet sowing broadcast the seeds of many future disasters to the Constitution and POOR WHITE TRASH. 281 the Union. It never occurs to you, O astute politician, that those whom you so earnestly teach how to remedy the sad lot of others, are all the time, although unread in classical lore, revolving over in their minds the sen- timent so often quoted from Horace: Mutato nomine, de te Fahula narrator. But, we have written that this question is even now agitating the breasts of thousands of the sons of toil in New-England; and what we have written that do we know to be true. For we have heard it discussed in whispers, and under one's breath as it were, within the very shadows of Faneuil Hall and Bunker Hill Monument. Nay, within the classic precincts of old Harvard, under the venerable elm trees which there spread so far-reaching their umbrageous boughs, as well as in the shadowy alcoves of her mag- nificent Library; we have heard agrarian utterances from learned schoolmen and collegians — utterances alike antagonistic to the spirit of our Federal Constitu- tion, and the generally accepted ideas in regard to the laws of meum and tuum. We have there heard ultra anti-slavery men, when driven to the wall by force of irresistible argument, confess that they equally abhorred capitalists as slaveholders; and that the only reason why they did not not wage as relentless war upon the rich men of the Free States, as upon the Southern Oli- garchs, was owing entirely to the dictates of policy. The time has not come yet, was the plea they invariably set up ; but after disposing of the Chivalry, then would come the turn of their own rich men. So-ho, ye stout gentlemen of backbone/ " When the Devil is sick, The Devil a monk would be ; 282 POOR WHITE TRASH. But when the Devil is well, The Devil a monk is he 1" The Chivalry are not disposed of yet, however, and the prospect is, that they will not be disposed of for many a day to come. In the mean time, the leaven of unsound political doctrine has been doing its perfect work in the Old Bay State. Her great lights have all been hid under a bushel, and farthing candles only now serve to guide with flickering uncertain beams the feet of her groping citizens; who, as was to have been looked for under the circumstances, have stumbled into all sorts of social and political quagmires — in their blind flounderings even stultifying themselves so much, as openly to put at defiance the laws of Congress, and shamefully to despoil of his ermine a noble Judge, whose sole crime was that he dared to respect his oath of office. But the end is not yet, we much fear. What with ovations to Brown, the hanged horse-thief and murderer — with lawlessness and bigotry — with pam- pered capitalists on the one hand, and starving opera- tives on the other — with drinkers of five-dollar whisky- skins in her pulpits, and infidel ranters in her lyceums — with every where a form of godliness, and no where any evidence of its power to make men charitable to the opinions of other people; we must confess, we should be astonished at no calamity which might befall such a community. But, procul, 0! procul be the day of its trouble and the hour of its disaster ; and soon arise once more with healing in your beams, thou Sun of Prosperity, and light up with golden splendors the granite hills of New-England, which have blackened POOR WHITE TRASn. 283 so long under the lowering clouds of financial panic and commercial depression. For know, land of the Pilgrims — land of grassy meadows, mountain streams, and bonnie lassies — with all your faults (and these are not few) we love you still ! Yes ; there is a charm in your frosty but kindly atmosphere — there is a breath of poesy in your lovely landscapes — there is a wealth of intellect in your teeming cities, a wealth of invention in your crowded workshops, and a wealth of energy in your hardy sons, which we shall never fail to admire and esteem. While, highly prized above all the rest, we revere the very stones of your flinty hillsides, which mark the spots where fought and fell the noble patriots of 'Seventy-Six ; and ever swells our bosom with pride and emotion, when we recall those memorable events which preceded and followed the Declaration of Inde- pendence, and in which brave, true-hearted New-Eng- land played such an honorable and conspicuous part. For truly, fellow-countrymen, though we smite you hip and thigh when our blood is up, we feel all the time that you are our countrymen still : and although with no sparing hand we probe you in your sore places, like the good physician, we seek to wound only that we may heal. C HAP TEE VIII. THE NEGRO SLAVES. " In fact, in his perennial speech, The Chairman owned the niggers did not bleach, As he had hoped, From being washed and soaped, A circumstance he named with grief and pity ; But still he had the happiness to say, For self and the Committee, By persevering in the present way, And scrubbing at the Blacks from day to day, Although he could not promise perfect white, From certain symptoms that had come to light, He hoped in time to get them gray!" Thomas Hood. A great many philanthropic men, possessing too exalted an opinion of human kind, are ever seeking to find fault with God (either directly or indirectly) for the misery and sin which are in the world. They will not consent to acknowledge that man is, when un- regenerate, essentially a bestial sort of animal, grovel- ling in ignorance and vice, and influenced at all times by such sentiments only as are inspired either through fear or self-interest. Filled with their own idea of what a man ought to be, they delude themselves into the be- lief that he would be the beau ideal of their imagina- tion, had Grod never allowed the devil to leave Hell ; THE NEGRO SLAVES. 285 for they do not consider that there is in every man a private devil of his own, which can turn his bosom into a hell or heaven as the man himself of his own free will shall choose to act. All such short-sighted and one-ideaed philosophers are in the main miserable — full of impracticable the- ories, and ever disposed to be skeptical as regards any kind of religious belief. Though boastful of their charity and humanity, however, their hearts are filled instead with all bitterness, being perfect strangers to that heavenly Love, which "suffereth long and is kind;" for they seem to delight in looking at the darker aspects only of every subject, and refuse to per- ceive that their Creator is always Hence, they are the genuine representatives of Pro- crustes in this present nineteenth century : whoever does not agree with them in sentiment, they damn incon- tinently, pronouncing anathema maranatha upon the heads of all such. Hence also, they may be fitly styled the latter-day Popes, from whose decrees there is no appeal. Yea, verily, as was predicted of Anti-Christ, they do not scruple to set themselves up as superior to the authority of the Holy Scriptures, and boldly and impiously teach for doctrines the whims and caprices of men. Thus they denounce what Abraham, the chosen friend of God, and what the Jews, his chosen people, all practised, as the " sum of all viJlanies.'' And they likewise pronounce Jesus Christ an impostor, because (as they blasphemously assert) he was influ- enced to let slavery alone from political considerations, 286 THE NEGRO SLAVES. although he did not allow these to prevent him from overturning the old Jewish laws allowing of concu- binage and fornication. And in precisely a similar spirit do they denounce St. Paul, because he, acting as the inspired Apostle of Christ, sent Onesimus, a run- away slave, back to his master, and enjoined upon all other slaves to count their masters worthy of all honor, especially those masters who were fellow-believers of the glorious Gospel which Paul preached. Now, on the minds of such men we do not expect to produce the slightest impression, by any thing we may have to say touching the condition of the negro slaves in our Southern States. Their understandings are as impervious to logical sequences, as the hide of the two- horned rhinoceros is to rifle-balls. They may be call- ed, indeed, not inaptly the pachydermatous race of bipeds. Like the tree mobwana of Central Africa, no matter how much you may clip, and pollard, bark, or even cut them down, they still flourish and seem to draw their nourishment from thin air alone. But, from an intimate acquaintance with many Northerners who have been seduced by the ceaseless clamor of such senseless babblers, to entertain strong anti-slavery con- victions ; we feel assured that we shall not labor in vain while endeavoring to present a fair and truthful statement of the result to themselves, as well as to the rest of mankind, of the forced labor of the Negroes in our Southern States. ' "We are well persuaded that many good men, pions men — meh of earnest natures and delicate sensibilities, not in the North alone but even in the South — do hon- estly look upon slavery as both a great moral evil and THE NEGKO SLAVES. 287 an equally great social curse. And when we consider their early prejudices and peculiar cast of mind, we can not greatly blame them because they sincerely are of opinion, that, had the peculiar institution never been introduced into this country, we should all have been much better off as a people and as individuals. For, well we know, they do not consider, while entertaining the honest convictions they do, that they thus assail the wisdom and goodness of the Great Ruler of Na- tions ; that they are carping at the overruling provi- dence of the Omniscient Being, in whose sight the wisest of men barely rise to the rank of fools. Alas ! so short-sighted are we all. " I could write down twenty cases," says Cecil, "wherein I wished that God had done otherwise than he did ; but which I now see, had I had my own will, would have led to extensive mischief." And the experience of Cecil is the experience of all mankind. We are all miserably short-sighted, and hardly a day passes but we are disposed to find fault with what is ; but the morrow invariably proves to us that we could not possibly have benefited matters had we had the power. So, at the present time, many of us are hourly expecting and hoping that God will sig- nally rebuke the sin of slavery, and by a special inter- position of Divine Providence bring what we conceive to be the greatest of evils to an instant and final end. • In our folly, we do not consider that Jehovah never would have permitted the first human-freighted ship to leave the shores of Africa for the New World, had he not designed a beneficial result should flow from the introduction of the sable children of the tropics into the 288 THE NEGRO SLAVES. fruitful fields of our own temperate latitude. Yes, Madam, with our conception of the nature of Deity, we can not believe that the All-wise Kuler would pur- posely allow a great evil to grow and increase to such magnitude, as to become indeed the very centre and pivot of the world's commerce ; merely to signalize his disapprobation of it by the overthrow of the world's prosperity, when he might have crushed it in the be- ginning without harm to a single individual. We hon- estly believe, therefore, God had a design in permitting the old Slave-trade — a design to bless and benefit the human race. What ! God have a hand in the horrors of the Middle Passage f Consider, Madam, the horrors of war, of pes- tilences, and famines, (rod surely has a hand in all these. Consider the horrors of our Revolutionary struggle, and, above all, the sad fate of the poor Indian, whom your own Puritan ancestors helped to drive off, at the point of the bayonet, from the hunting-grounds of his fathers, to the unknown wildernesses of the "West. Will you deny that Grod had a hand in all this ? And yet the Red-men have faded from before the presence of the Pale-faces, as the morning mists melt away before the rising sun. We have slain in battle many more of them, than ever perished of blacks in the Middle Pas- sage, and at the same time we have utterly corrupted the living with our damnable fire-water, thus render- ing them useless to themselves and to the world ; nei- ther have we converted any numbers of them to Christ- ianity, as is the case with millions of the Africans held in bondage on the American Continent. Still, in the face of these facts, your anti-slavery minister will tell. THE NEGRO SLAVES. 289 you in all soberness, that God had a hand in removing the savages in order to make room for the saints. And he will tell you the simple truth. We have no fault to find with him for entertaining such a belief. But we do find fault with him for turning upon the men of the South in the same breath, and saying to them in regard to their negroes, what the lawyer said to his client when told whose bull it was did the goring : "Ah ! that alters the case." Yes, thou Reverend Pha- risee, we do blame you for your inconsistency, while acknowledging the hand of God in the merciless slaughter of whole tribes of artless children of the for- est, in order to make room for the children of civiliza- tion; in refusing to perceive the benign Providence that snatched the idolatrous children of the desert from their cannibalism and their bloody human sacrifices, to place them under the control and tutorage of enlight- ened men and women of a superior race. For, although we might compare the present condi- tion of the Southern slaves with the condition of other laborers elsewhere, we yet fancy such would hardly be the proper method by which to arrive at any just knowledge of the benefits or evils resulting from Afri- can servitude. Certainly we believe the comparison, if made, would show that the negroes of the South are happier as a class than the peasants of other countries. We know from actual observation that they fare better than the poor of any of our cities — are more warmly clad, work less, and are a thousand-fold more cheerful and contented. We know, too, that they are infinitely better off than the peons of Mexico, who are bought by the year for any nominal sum which they are presumed 13 290 THE NEGRO SLAVES. to owe the purchaser, and are liable in their old age to be turned adrift without a home, and with not a living soul to take an interest in their welfare. We also be- lieve, and so must every thoughtful honest man, that their lot is even enviable compared to that of the poor Coolies and other free apprentices, those new-fangled slaves whom Cant and Hypocrisy are engaged in sell- ing for a term of years to our tropical neighbors. But we repeat, there is no necessity to make the compari- son. To arrive at any rational conclusion as to what has been the result of African slavery in the United States, we must consider what was the character of the negroes when first landed on our shores, and what is their character now. Have they improved in speech, in morals, in personal appearance, and in usefulness ; or have the "degrading effects" of a century of slavery rendered them more savage than they were when they wandered about in the jungles of Congo and Gruinea, feasting on human flesh, and worshipping dogs and monkeys, stocks and stones ? or have they cursed the soil by their presence, rendering it as barren and un- fruitful as their original desert wastes, whereon their kindred still roam, rejoicing in the rude comforts of an untutored barbarism, and in all the wealth and sim- plicity of Adam's fig-leaf? This is the question, and the only question. However much sophists and demagogues may seek to mislead and confuse the public mind in regard to the subject of Negro Slavery, the above is the only view to be taken of its merits or demerits. How this master or that master may maltreat or abuse his slaves, has no- thing whatever to do with the question. No more THE NEGRO SLAVES. 291 than, to judge of the influence and results of Christian- ity, would it be just to cite the examples of a Borgia or a Hildebrand. No more than, to weigh the bless- ings of the sacred institution of marriage, would it be proper or reasonable to dwell only on the frequency of divorces, or to direct attention to the many mismated couples, whose union is a lasting torment to each. Would you not call that man a fool, who should pre- tend to denounce the Bible on account of Judas Iscariot and the bloody old Popes of the Middle Ages, or the thousands of modern Christians who are only wolves in sheeps' clothing ? Unquestionably. We give our readers credit for common sense and common honesty. We take it for granted that we are addressing no Hot- tentot, no Fourierite, no free-lover, no latter-day-saint, no carping philosopher, superlatively wise in his own conceit. We beg the question therefore. Our readers will all acknowledge that the merits of Christianity are greater than its abuses, and that its abuses even may be considered blessings, when compared with the greater evils which would undoubtedly afflict mankind if shrouded wholly in heathenish darkness, and deprived of even the most glimmering ray of Gospel light. Thus Dr. Livingstone, the Protestant anti-slavery missionary, coming from the jungles of Ethiopia into the Catholic Portugese colony of Algona, honestly confesses that he would rejoice to see the poor degraded negroes of the interior even no better Christians than the saint-wor- shipping half-castes of the coast-country, rather than they should remain in the forlorn and hopeless state of barbarism and savage idolatry in which he found them universally steeped. To his enlightened vision, even 292 THE NEGRO SLAVES. the most priest-ridden of untutored Catholics appeared as saints, compared with the incomparably vicious and degraded pagans whom he had left behind him, and whose whole religion consisted in the worship of Bari- mo, or Evil Spirits. As for the benefits flowing from the institution of Christian marriage, we presume there are only a few radicals in this enlightened country who will question them. Not because there are no abuses, but because without marriage there would be greater abuses. And why shall we not apply the same just and humane rea- soning to the existence of African slavery in our South- ern States? Can any honest man tell why Negro slavery should be condemned, if it can be shown that, with all its abuses, it has still been the source of incal- culable good to millions ? that, had it not been intro- duced into America, greater abuses would have been the consequence ? If there be such a man in these States, an honest anti-slavery man who loves God and hates the devil, who honors Truth but despises Cant, who pins his faith to the lively oracles of the Living Jehovah, and not to the trash and stale fustian of the Bunkum orators of the tabernacles, we beseech from him a candid hearing. Lay aside all your early preju- dices, Brother after our own heart, and read the follow- ing pages thoughtfulty, calmly, and dispassionately, and afterwards decide the matter for yourself as be- seemeth a man, and do not crouch clown like a trem- bling slave for fear of public opinion, and in conse- quence adopt some one else's sentiments as your own. Imprimis, then, do you know how it came about that African slavery was first introduced into the New THE NEGRO SLAVES. 293 "World ? We warrant you not one in ten of the negro- philists of Europe or this country can properly answer this question. We warrant you, also, that fully one half the enemies of the peculiar institution do not know that negroes have always in all lands been held as slaves, from times so remote that the memory of man runneth not to the contrary; but firmly believe, that the whole blame of the great oppression rests upon the heads of the slaveholders of the present generation. To all such allow us to say, the introduction of African slavery into America originated in the humane breast of Las Casas. At that period the aborigines of this country, the poor untutored " salvages," were sorely oppressed by the discoverers and conquerors of .the land, who used the poor creatures like so many beasts of burden, not even sparing their lives on occasions. Having been accustomed, before the coming of the pale faces, to the utmost personal freedom, devoting their time to idleness and hunting, they very soon proved unequal to the misfortunate change, being incapable of performing the tasks imposed upon them by their new masters, and so perished miserably by hundreds of thousands. To remedy so great an evil, Las Casas bethought him of the experiment of removing the negroes from Africa to the New World, that they might take the place of the poor "salvages." The negroes were al- ready slaves in their own country — slaves to masters whose authority was absolute — and had been such from time immemorial. Not only were they slaves to men ; they were doubly the slaves of every species of degra- dation as well. Sunk in the most deplorable barba- 294 THE NEGRO SLAVES. rism, and guilty of all the wickednesses of the cities of the plain, they also waged incessantly cruel wars amongst themselves ; tribe against tribe, and village against village. Chiefs built their huts of human bones, and drank the blood of their enemies out of human skulls, and yearly offered up whole hecatombs of hu- man sacrifices ; and on the death of every headman of a tribe, hundreds of his slaves were butchered over his grave, that they might accompany and serve their dead master in the other world. Surely, thought the humane Las Casas, there can be no harm in removing such wretches from the thraldom of their heathen masters to the milder sway of civilized men. And at that time, all humane men every where were of the same opinion. Catholics, churchmen, non- conformists of every persuasion, and infidel philoso- phers also, all regarded the move as both philanthropic and evangelical. Certainly good men reprobated the horrors of the Middle Passage then, as earnestly as they do at the present time; but when they reflected on the horrors left behind—the man-eaters and the bloody human sacrifices — the constant wars between the differ- ent tribes — their spiritual degradation and mental dark- ness — they felt constrained to look upon even the hor- rors of the Middle Passage as an advance from the blacker horrors of the accursed country, whence the poor creatures were being removed. And so our own New-England Puritans became the leading traffickers in slaves, and Boston one of the best slave-marts in the country. The clergy of Massachusetts then did not scruple to buy human flesh at the market price, and THE NEGRO SLAVES. 295 felt that they were conferring a favor upon the poor pagan purchased, which they were. Wisely, however, the Slave-Trade did at last come to an end ; at least so far as the United States are con- cerned. We say wisely, and what we say we mean ; for had the traffic continued, the Southern people would have soon found themselves in a similar predi- cament with the man who purchased the elephant. They would have come into possession of such a multi- tudinous horde of savages, that they never would have succeeded in controlling them, much less in civilizing or christianizing them ; but would have been doubtless themselves swept away by the black inundation, leav- ing the whole land covered with a darker barbarism than what marred its face when first discovered by the great Genoese. Altogether, we only received from Africa about three hundred and eighty thousand blacks. At the time of their importation, they were valued at and sold in the market for about an average of fifty dollars a piece. They were worth no more, and in Africa not so much ; indeed, a hundred-fold less. Even at the present time slaves can be bought in Africa at one dollar a head. Dr. Livingstone saw a slave boy sold in Algona for only five shillings. Now, say what you please about selling God's image, we think it looks encouraging to see the said image bring a thousand dollars instead of the paltry sum of five shillings : it indicates improvement, to say no more. Had the Slave-Trade continued, however, we doubt much if the negroes would by this time have been worth a baubee. And had not Eng- land turned anti-slavery, and emancipated all the 296 THE NEGRO SLAVES. blacks in her colonics, thus giving the South the mo- nopoly of most slave-grown products, the negroes would, in all probability, have been worth not more than half what they are valued at now ; and in conse- quence would not have been one half so humanely cared for as they are at present, since self-interest prompts every man to bestow the greatest care upon what is of the greatest pecuniary value. The reader will perceive, therefore, that, while acknowledging the hand of Providence in the introduction of African slavery into the New World, we also consider the abo- lition of the Slave-Trade at the proper time as equally providential. But let us come back to our " sheeps." When the honest reader reflects what was the cha- racter of the negroes when first brought to America ; when he reflects, also, that the merchantable value of " God's image cut in ebony," has been enhanced just about one thousand per cent, by one hundred years of servitude ; he will certainly agree with us, that whips, and chains, gyves, buckings, burnings, and flagella- tions, have not been so much in fashion at the South, as certain light-headed gentlemen would have one be- lieve. But the best test of the improvement of the African race in this country, is not the increased value of the negroes as chattels. It has grown to be almost a po- litical axiom, that nations as well as individuals propa- gate the species according to the abundance or lack of projDer nurture, protection from the inclemencies of the weather, attention in sickness, and the removal of dis- quiet from the mind. If we apply this test to the con- THE NEGRO SLAVES. 297 dition of the slaves on our Southern plantations, we will find that they have fared better than the laboring classes of almost any nation on the globe. From the original three hundred and eighty thousand, by natural increase, aside from their descendants now free, in 1850 according to the census there were in the South 3,204,000 slaves of the African race. These, allowing the same percentage of increase for ten years, as the census returns show during the last decennial period, would now number nearly five millions. And as an evidence of their moral improvement, the number of these connected with the churches is 468,000, or about one seventh part of the entire number. Probably in no State in this nation is one seventh part of the whites professors of religion. These Christian slaves are dis- tributed as follows : Connected with the Methodist Church South, are 200,000 Methodist Church North, in Virginia and Maryland 15,000 Missionary and Hard Shell Baptists 175,000 Old School Presbyterians 15,000 New " " 20,000 Protestant Episcopalians 7,000 Disciples of Christ .10,000 All other sects combined 20,000 These figures appear the more remarkable, when we consider that, as a result of all foreign missionary efforts, the native heathen church membership in 1855 was only 180,000. Add to which, that none of our Southern slaves are addicted to the paganism of their ancestors ; none of them are liable to lose their lives except for offenses against the country's written laws ; 13* 298 THE NEGRO SLAVES. none of them are cannibals ; all of them are more or less warmly clad in garments which cover the whole body, and all of them are kept under wholesome re- straint to prevent their lapsing again into barbarism ; and we are at a loss to perceive, how any reflective person can refuse to acknowledge, that it is manifestly a Divine Providence which has wrought so great a change for the better, in so short a time. But, aside from this great improvement in their own physical and moral condition, are these enslaved Afri- cans of no benefit to the rest of mankind ? What is the value of the annual product of their labor ? It is estimated at ten hundred millions of dollars ! almost enough to buy np the whole continent of Africa. The surplus annual produce alone brings in over two hun- dred millions of dollars ; we mean that surplus which the South exports to foreign countries. And this is no fictitious wealth — it is solid and substantial. The Panic which has so recently collapsed the speculative bubbles of the North ; which destroyed the financial credit of the whole country, and shook the entire con- tinent of Europe with a great monetary crash ; scarce- ly affected in the least the wonderful prosperity of our Slave States. This fact is now conceded by all. It is proven by the continued high prices paid for negroes and land in the South, but more especially by the little decrease in the value of her exports for the fiscal year of 1857-8, and their undoubted increase in value for the fiscal year of 1858-9. According to the official re- port of the Secretary of State, our exports of domestic products for the last fiscal year show the following figures : THE NEGRO SLAVES. 299 Free States exclusively $5,281,091 Free and Slave States in common 84,417,493 Slave States exclusively 188,693,498 the balance of our exports being made up of specie and foreign productions re-exported. Indeed, had it not been for the products of slave labor during the two years last past, not only would our own coun- try have become bankrupt, but the leading nations of Europe would have shared a like fate, and fully ten millions of white freemen would have been thrown out of employment, and thereby reduced to absolute star- vation. And yet in the face of all these wonderful but un- deniable facts, there are men in the world who have so befogged their minds with the senseless vaporings of our mouthing anti-slavery orators, they fail to note the linger of God in so marvellous a development! They refuse to confess the goodness of the Almighty in snatching the poor naked heathen from the burning plains of Africa — clothing them in the habiliments worn by civilized men — enlightening gradually their benighted minds, and rendering their labor (before ex- pended in wars and a constant struggle with torrid wastes of sand for the commonest necessaries of life) so productive as to fill all the ports of commerce with activity, and to crowd the navies of the world with cargoes more rich and rare than those brought from ancient Ind: giving thereby bread and life to the toiling millions of God's poor, who would else be left to perish succorless and friendless. On the contrary, full of fanatical zeal and blind prejudice, they seek to undermine the institutions of the South by every foul 300 THE NEGRO SLAVES. means known to conspiracy, and, failing in their trea- sonable designs, ont of sheer madness exalt to the dig- nity of a martyr a hanged horse-thief and murderer ! And this too, while one of their most cunning and oily- tongued leaders confesses in the words following, that they are remiss in their own cod duct towards the free blacks in the Northern States. Hear him : "How are the free colored people treated at the North ? They are almost without education ; with but little sympathy for ignorance. They are refused the common lights of citizenship which the whites enjoy. They can not even ride in the cars of our city railroads. They are snuffed at in the house of God, or tolerated with ill-disguised disgust. Can the black man be a mason in New -York? Let him be employed as a journeyman, and every Irish lover of liberty that car- ries the hod or trowel would leave at once or compel him to leave. Can the black man be a carpenter? There is scarcely a carpenter-shop in New- York in which a journeyman would continue to work if a black man was employed in it. Can the black man engage in the common industries of life ? There is scarcely one in which he can engage. He is crowded down, down, clown, through the most menial callings, to the bottom of society. We tax them, and then refuse to allow their children to go to our public schools. We tax them, and then refuse to sit by them in God's house. We heap upon them moral obloquy more atrocious than that which the master heaps upon the slave. And, notwithstanding all this, we lift ourselves up to talk to the Southern people about the rights and liberties of the human soul, and especially the African soul !" THE NEGKO SLAVES. 301 These are the words of H. "W. Beecher, who called John Brown a " servant of Christ," and declared from his pulpit, that it only wanted a cord and gibbet to make of that old felon's life a complete success ! Con- sistency, thon art a jewel ! This is what the abolitionists in the North have done for the negro : let us see now what their English cou- sins have done for him. Many facts of importance in regard to the Underground Eailroad have been brought to light by the fiasco of Old Brown and his companions at Harper's Ferry, but none of greater importance than the disclosures in regard to the actual condition of the negroes of Canada. By the proceedings of the Court of Assizes of Essex county, (Canada,) it appears that the grand-jury have made a presentment to the court, based upon a representation emanating from the au- thorities of the township of Anderclon, in regard to the negro population of the county. The grand-jury sub- mit the document that was presented to them to the court, and urge that some action be taken in the mat- ter. The Anderdon authorities say : " We are aware that nine tenths of the crimes committed in the county of Essex, according to population, are committed by the colored people." And they further urge, that ' some measures may be taken by the government to protect us and our property, or persons of capital will be driven from the country." The court,' in alluding to this presentment, remarked that "he was not sur- prised at finding a prejudice existing against them (the negroes) among the respectable portion of the people, for they were indolent, shiftless, and dishonest, and un- worthy of the sympathy that some mistaken parties ex- 802 THE NEGRO SLAVES. tended to them; they would not work when oppor- tunity was presented, but preferred subsisting by thiev- ing from respectable farmers, and begging from those benevolently inclined." "We may now return to our subject. And it maybe that some reader will object ; How do you know, had the negroes been left unmolested in their native land, they would not of themselves have attained to even greater civilization than they have achieved in this country? This objection is easily answered by con- sidering the present status of Cuffee in his native Af- rica : and let us pause a moment to regard him, as de- scribed by the latest and most reliable travellers. Eichardson and Bartk have furnished us with the most reliable information in regard to the negroes of North- Africa. Although both these travellers were sent out by the British Government, and were them- selves strongly anti-slavery in sentiment, they yet bear testimony to the utter degradation of the natives of Negroland, and prove conclusively that these are to- day just where they were one hundred — yes, five hun- dred years ago, and that now as always slavery is their normal condition. Dr. Barth even is of opinion, (in o]3position to the popular sentiment,) that the foreign slave-trade has very little to do comparatively with the horrors of slave-hunting and the like inhumanities; but that the domestic slave-trade of Africa alone is the chief support of such barbarous acts. Hear him : " Now, it should always be borne in mind that there is a broad distinction between the slave-trade and do- mestic slavery. The foreign slave-trade may, compar- atively speaking, be easily abolished, though the dim- THE NEGRO SLAVES. 303 culties of watching over contraband attempts have been shown sufficiently by many years' experience. With the abolition of the slave-trade all along the northern and south-western coast of Africa, slaves will cease to be brought down to the coast ; and in this way a great deal of mischief and misery necessarily resulting from this inhuman traffic will be cut off. But this, unfortu- nately, forms only a small 'part of the evil. There can be no doubt that the most horrible topic connected with slavery is slave-hunting ; and this is carried on not only for the purpose of supplying the foreign market, but, in a far more extensive degree, for supplying the wants of domestic slavery." In this assertion, Dr. Barth is sustained by the facts, and by the unanimous testimony of all explorers wor- thy of the name. It has not been six months, in fact, since the death of Guezo I., King of Dahomey, has been announced ; and his son and heir caused eight hundred slaves to be slain on his grave, in order that these might accompany their dead sovereign into the land of spirits : while of the two hundred thousand population of this kingdom, one hundred and eighty thousand are slaves. Passing down into South-Central and South- Africa, on the testimony of Dr. David Livingstone, a devout missionary, a practical Christian, a learned Englishman, the most wonderful of modern travellers and explorers, and withal both by constitutional and national preju- dices anti-slavery in sentiment ; we learn what is the present condition of those native Negro tribes, from whom our own Southern slaves have doubtless in the main derived their origin. Dr. Livingstone has evi- 304 THE NEGEO SLAVES. dently done his best to present us the most pleasing aspect of the condition of those tribes : being therefore a witness for the prosecution, his testimony mnst of necessity be regarded as at least impartial when used by a pro-slavery advocate. Now, Dr. Livingstone de- scribes nearly all the black tribes with whom he came in contact as more or less enslaved, except the Bechu- anas and Makalolos. But what is the character of these black freemen of Africa, according to the testimony of Livingstone himself? We shall see. First, as to the Bechuanas. The different tribes comprehended under this general name, live in Southern Africa, near the English pos- sessions of Cape Colony, and have been under mis- sionary influence for about fifty years. Dr. Living- stone lived among these people a long time as a mis- sionary himself; and married the daughter of Mr. Mof- fat, who has labored in the same field forty years or more, and who has also translated the Bible into the Bechuana language. In his zeal for establishing that the Bechuanas are free, the worthy missionary even goes so far as to contend that their very name means free men. Now, to show what is considered freedom in benighted Africa, read the following account of the conversion of Sechele, the chief of one of the Bechu- ana tribes. We quote the author's own words : "Seeing me anxious that his people should believe the words of Christ, he once said: ' Do you imagine these peo- ple will ever believe by your merely talking to them ? I can make them do nothing except by thrashing them ; and if you like, I shall call my headmen, and with our THE NEGRO SLAVES. 305 litnpa (whips of rhinoceros hide) we will soon make them all believe together.' " This may look like freedom to an Englishman, espe- cially when in Africa, where the chiefs of most tribes are wont to run a muck, (when they have nothing more serious to occupy their thoughts,) killing every person they meet ; but we presume most Americans will be puzzled to perceive wherein is any difference between such a free use of litupa by the headmen of Sechele and the same use of cowskins by the overseers on our Southern plantations. But again, speaking of these same Bechuanas: " No one refuses to acquiesce in the decision of the chief, as he has the power of life and death in his hands, and can enforce the law to that extent if he chooses. . . . This system was found as well developed among the Makalolos as among the Bakwains, or even better, and is no foreign importation." The Bakwains here spoken of are a tribe of Bechua- nas — the same of whom Sechele was chief. As for the intellectual advancement of the Bechua- nas, despite fifty years' intercourse with the English, Livingstone gives the following not very flattering re- port : " The acme of respectability among the Bechuanas is the possession of cattle and a wagon. It is remarka- ble that, though these latter require frequent repairs, none of the Bechuanas have ever learned to mend them. Forges and tools have been at their service, and teach- ers willing to aid them, but, beyond putting together a camp-stool, no effort has ever been made to acquire a knowledge of the trades. They observe most carefully 306 THE NEGRO SLAVES. a missionary at work until they understand whether a tire is well welded or not, and then pronounce upon its merits with great emphasis, but there their ambition rests satisfied." So much for the Bechuanas. As we have before observed, the Makalolos were an- other tribe of freemen with whom Livingstone became acquainted. They reside to the north of the lake Nga- mi, in the heart of what has heretofore been considered a terra incognita, namely, Ethiopia. They never saw a white man before the coming of Livingstone ; never had any intercourse with the Portuguese or other slave- traders, and pretended indeed to know nothing of the slave-trade whatever. According to their oral tradi- tions, they came originally from further north, and con- quered by their superior prowess all the tribes then in- habiting their present country ; and these tribes they con- tinue to hold in bondage, calling them Makalaka, their word for slaves. What the nature of this slavery is, as well as the character of the enslaved tribes, can be conjec- tured after perusing the following extracts : " On land the Makalaka fear the Makalolo ; on wa- ter the Makalolo fear them, and can not prevent them from racing with each other, dashing along at the top of their speed, and placing their masters' lives in dan- ger. In the event of a capsize, many of the Makalolo would sink like stones. A case of this kind happened on the first day of our voyage up. The wind, blowing generally from the east, raises very large waves on the Leeambye. An old doctor of the Makalolo had his canoe filled by one of these waves, and, being unable to swim, was lost. The Makalaka who were in the THE NEGRO SLAVES. 307 canoe with him saved themselves by swimming, and were afraid of being punished with death in the eve- ning, for not saving the doctor as well. Had he been a man of more influence, they certainly would have suf- fered death." Another example : "An interesting-looking girl came to my wagon one day in a state of nudity, and almost a skeleton. She was a captive from another tribe, and had been neg- lected by the man who claimed her. Having supplied her wants, I made inquiries for him, and found that he had been unsuccessful in raising a crop of corn, and had no food to give her. I volunteered to take her, but he said he would allow me to feed her and make her fat, and then take her away. I protested against his heartlessness, and, as he said he could not part with her, I was precluded from attending to her wants. In a day or two she was lost sight of. She had gone out a little way from the town, and, being too weak to re- turn, had been cruelly left to perish. Another day I saw a poor boy going to the water to drink, apparently in a starving condition. This case I brought before the chief in council, and found that his emaciation was ascribed to disease and want combined. The chief de- cided that the owner of this boy should give up his alleged right rather than destroy the child. When I took him he was so for gone as to be in the cold stage of starvation, but was soon brought round by a little milk given three or four times a day." The reader will now know why these Makalolo are not slaves — they are a precious lo't of slaveholders ! Besides, they are not negroes proper, but rather cop- 808 THE NEGRO SLAVES. per-colored, being evidently in part of Arab descent. The Makalaka, on the contrary, are darker-lmed, and pretty fair specimens of the negroes of dry latitudes. The Makalolo and their slaves usually dress alike, the fashion being to appear in puris naluralibus, or at best with a very shabby apology for Adam's fig-leaf. The slaves delve in the ground for food to feed their masters, while the latter are nearly always at war with some tribe or other, or engaged in the old Highland sport of lifting their neighbors' cattle, etc. etc. When they attack a village, their custom is to slay without remorse or any distinction of age or sex, and to reduce all the captives, whose lives are spared, to bondage. And this is the sum of all that can be said of Dr. Liv- ingstone's enlightened free tribe of blacks in the inte- rior of Ethiopia, about whom some respectable journals, in both Great Britain and the United States, have cir- culated many exaggerated not to say apocryphal sto- ries. As for the other negro tribes with whom Livingstone was made acquainted in South Central Africa, he has himself been forced to make the following confession : " The statement of Pereira that twenty negroes were slaughtered in a day, was not confirmed by any one else, though numbers may have been killed on some particular occasion during his visit; for we find through- out all the country north of 20°, WHICH I CONSIDER REAL Negro, the custom of slaughtering victims to accompany the departed soul of a chief; and human sacrifices are oc- casionally offered, and certain parts of the bodies are used as charms.'''' You here behold, O negrophilist of the North, what THE NEGBO SLAVES. 309 the negro slaves on our Southern plantations would have been, had not their ancestors been providentially removed to a land of Christian enlightenment, and placed under the severe but necessary pupilage of life- bondage to white men. And this very necessity Liv- ingstone has unwittingly confessed, while giving the reasons which led him to refuse a slave-girl presented to him by Shinte, a chief of the Balonda — a tribe re- markable for the toilet of its females, who literally have " nothing to wear." " If I could have taken her into my family for the purpose of instruction," says the Doctor, "and then re- turned her as a free woman, according to a promise I should have made the parents, I should have done so ; but to take her away, and probably never be able to secure her return, would have produced no good effect on the minds of the Balonda ; they would not then have seen evidence of our hatred of slavery, and the kind attentions of my friends, as it almost always does in similar cases, would have turned the poor thing's head. The difference in position between them and us is as great as between the lowest and highest in England, and we know the effects of sudden elevation on wiser heads than hers, whose owners had not been born to It. Immediately following this confession" is a veiy sin- gular paragraph, which we must quote, if merely to show how a good and wise man can be blinded by either national, or sectarian, or constitutional, or whatever other kind of prejudice you may please to call it. For, directly after having refused the gift of a slave from conscientious scruples, this really Christian gentleman, 310 THE NEGKO SLAVES. in every sense of the word, proceeded to show the na- tives the pictures in the magic lantern — and the very first picture represented Father Abraham, a slaveholder ! But let the Doctor tell it in his own words : " The first picture exhibited was Abraham about to slaughter his son Isaac ; it was shown as large as life, and the uplifted knife was in the act of striking the lad ; the Balonda men remarked that the picture was much more like a god than the things of wood or clay they worshipped. I explained that this man was the first of a race to whom God had given the Bible we now hold, and that among his children our Saviour ap- peared. The ladies listened with silent awe ; but when I moved the slide, the uplifted dagger moving towards them, they thought it was to be sheathed in their own bodies instead of Isaac's. 'Mother! mother!' all shout- ed at once, and off they rushed helter-skelter, tumbling pell-mell over each other, and over the little idol huts and tobacco bushes." After the learned missionary had gotten through with the illustration of this subject, having previously delivered them a good orthodox anti-slavery sermon, we should have liked much to witness the effect on himself and his auditory of the public announcement that the same "friend of God," even Abraham, was a slaveholder, and bought and sold human chattels at their market value ! We apprehend there would have been seen then and there real pictures, which, for effect, would have greatly surpassed the cunningest devices of the camera-obscura. And now,' will the reader pardon yet another digres- sion? For just here we wish briefly to allude to a THE NEGRO SLAVES. 811 very singular fallacy, which has begun to mislead the minds of men of late years — and that is a belief in the absolute non-superiority of races ; in other words, the absolute equality of all men, of every creed and every color. A new sect of philosophers is springing up in this country and in Europe, who, shutting their eyes to the experience of thousands of years, and re- fusing to acknowledge the notorious superiority in all climates and all lands of the pure white races, have the impudence and temerity to declare that this supe- riority is only apparent, and does not indicate any in- herent superiority of blood. We have often been amused to note what poor shifts these learned wiseacres are forced to resort to in defense of their cherished hobby. The weakest and most shallow of them all, is the latest which has come to our knowledge* It orig- inated in this country, we believe, and is urged by the abolitionists in support of their designs for compassing the emancipation of our Southern slaves, or at least in the hope of putting the institution "in course of ulti- mate extinction." It is this very sapient proposition: The whites in these United States are superior to the negroes, because the latter are exotics in our latitude ; but are inferior to the same blacks in Africa, because there the blacks are the indigenous race, while the whites are the exotics, and in consequence must succumb to the climate. Now, can the reader tell wherein lies the wit of the above sage proposition ? Why, in this : It is like the celebrated question of a certain learned philosopher, asking the reason why a pail full to the brim of water can yet be made to contain a fish weighing two pounds. 312 THE NEGRO SLAVES. without spilling a single drop of the fluid. Both pro- positions are false in fact. When you put the fish weighing two pounds into the pail, }^ou find that the water does run over ; and so, too, when you come to study the map of Africa, you find the white race, there as here, invariably superior to the black, and this from time immemorial. Ba}^ard Taylor assures us, that, on the walls of the Egyptian monuments and palaces, the thick lips, woolly head, black skin, and other peculi- arities of the negro, are often to be seen, but in every instance the blackamoor is represented as serving in the capacity of a slave. Confining ourselves, however, to modern times, we find the Boers in South-Africa holding the blacks in a state of bondage, in spite of the English, the negroes, and the climate, all combined. So, too, on both the East and West Coast we find the Portugese doing the same thing. And as for Northern Africa, the testimony of Dr. Barth and almost every other traveller, proves be- yond cavil that the mass of slaves used there for do- mestic purposes are brought from Negroland, and are sold to the Arabs, Berbers, etc. etc. ; all of these latter being not in the least tainted with negro blood, if not pure white. At a late meeting of the Boston Society of Natural History, however, Dr. Bodiehon, a resident of Algeria, presented a paper on the races of the north half of Africa, in which he contended that the Numidi- ans or Berbers, and the Arabs, are white. The former live in the mountains, are small in stature, warlike, in- dependent, democratic, and polygamous. They dwell in villages, and plant vineyards. They are fine sol- diers, able to compete with Europeans. They are an THE NEGRO SLAVES. 313 indigenous race also; at least Bodiehon so declares. The Arabs live in the plains, are a tall race, of dark complexion, equestrian, nomadic, warlike, religious, poetical, and polygamous. Dr. Bodiehon also found in the interior a Germanic race, with blue eyes and light hair, and who are probably the descendants of the ancient Carthaginians. " These all" concludes Bodiehon, "possess the characteristic* superiority of while races — the enslaving of the neighboring blacks." Wherefore, our philanthropic friends, whenever again you feel inclined to swallow unquestioning, like so many young crows, whatever your gowned clergy and much-be flattered paragons of the Lyceum may choose to thrust down your gaping throats ; we beseech you, in Truth's name, to keep your mouths shut until you have learned the nature at least of the nutriment you are invited in such honeyed phrase to receive into your capacious stomachs. What if you do possess all the wonderful digestive capabilities of the ostrich, is that any reason why you should stultify yourselves by evincing as little discretion as that silly bird, fowl, or whatever you may please to call it, which never can distinguish between a fat healthy worm and a tenpenny nail? Even if you have "a taste for being diddled," have sufficient self-respect not to make 37-ourselves the laughing-stock of the wise, by giving point to the keen satire of Hood : " Only propose to blow a bubble, And lord ! -what hundreds will subscribe for soap I" But to return to our subject once again. Having demonstrated to a certainty that the four 14 314 THE NEGKO SLAVES. millions of enslaved blacks in the United States are superior in every respect to the blacks remaining in Africa, whether free or slave; and having demon- strated, also, that the negroes every where are an infe- rior race; therefore, exclaims the reader, believing slavery to be the natural and normal condition of the negro, and that his removal from Congo or Mozambique is to benefit both h^m and his posterity, of course you advocate the revival of the slave-trade ? Not of neces- sity, dear Sir ! Not of necessity, permit us to assure you, thou venerable and respected grandam ! Draw a little nearer, if you please, Madam, seeing that age has rendered your hearing a little defective. Well. Now, there is your paragon of grandsons, the hopeful Au- gustus — (he is twisting the cat's tail, we observe !) who is ever tearing his dear granny's dress, and plucking at the scanty beard which grows from a mole directly under your venerable chin : Augustus dearly loves sugar-plums, doesn't he? And a few of them, well melted in the mouth before being swallowed, rarely give him the colic or the gripes, eh ? Oh ! they only sweeten the dear child's temper, we hear you mumble, admiringly. But when he bolts down his sugar-plums whole without any previous lubrifaction, (which he always does, if allowed,) and crams and crams until, however much like poor Oliver he may cry for more, he finds it impossible to coax or force another plum into his distended stomach, what are the sad conse- quences? Ah! how often has your grandmotherly soul been grieved within you, while you watched by his sleepless pillow after every such feat of gormandizing, administering to the saintly infant tinctures and pow- THE NEGKO SLAVES. 315 ders, from ten of the clock at night until the crowing of the old family rooster at day -break I Truly we will not harrow your warm old heart by dwelling on such painful reminiscences. Observe, however, that there may be a surfeit of slaves as well as of sugar-plums. But these things are not left to man to decide. A Higher Power disposes — man is like the dog in the treadmill, he goes his little round, but can never get beyond the length of his tether. Under the guidance of the Divine Hand, at the proper time, a missionary exactly fitted for his mission has penetrated to the most secret recesses of Ethiopia, and, returning safely thence, has made known to the Christian world such facts as lead us to predict : That, fifty years from to-day, the slave-trade on the high seas will be entirely unknown. The only thing which encourages the traffic at present is the difference in value between a slave in Algona and the same chattel in Cuba, Brazil, or the United States. Whenever the day comes that a man's labor shall be worth as much in Central Africa as in Ala- bama or Louisiana, it will then no longer be profitable to engage in the slave-trade ; and, we don't care how much the preachers pray, or the politicians twaddle, or the old women whimper, or the young misses snivel, or the British cruisers cruise, or the laws denounce the traffic ; nothing under heavens will ever stop the slave- trade, but the certainty of no profits. Now, as we have declared above, we believe the time will come when there will be no gains for those who would like to engage in the slave-trade, or the Coolie trade either, which is altogether the worse of the two. Were the writer a member of the English 316 THE NEGRO SLAVES. Cabinet, and did his voice possess sufficient weight, he flatters himself that he could put a stop to the slave- trade at least, in the short space of twenty years. Dr. Livingstone has shown that all Central Africa, once considered a waste of sand, is reticulated with many noble streams, of a size sufficient to carry large steam- boats, and watering millions of acres of cultivable land, all lying idle at present, owing to the ignorance, lazi- ness, and vice of the indigenous races. Nine tenths of these are already slaves, degraded below the level of the brute creation around them, and holding their lives at the absolute disposal of their masters, who are in all respects as sunken and degraded as themselves. These slaves could be purchased on the spot by Englishmen for one dollar a piece on an average ; and the whole territory could likewise be bought up from the different- black tribes for a mere song. By judicious leveeing the present fluvial wastes of the Leeambye region could all be reclaimed, and very soon cotton estates, sugar estates, coffee estates, and others could be opened and successfully cultivated, the masters living in the high and healthy districts, leaving the blacks to till the river lands under white tutorage and control. Ere long, wealth would spring up on every hand; towns, vil- lages, gentlemen's parks and preserves, schools, church- es, railroads, steamboats, and telegraphs would follow ; and in another generation the negroes themselves would forget their paganism, and would be placed on a par with our own negro slaves, speaking the English lan- guage, freed from their former degradation, clothed in decent apparel, church-goers, Christians many of them, and, compared to what they now are, civilized all. Men THE NEGRO SLAVES. 317 might bawl out, slavery ! despotism struck in ! and all that ; yet such is the only method by which Africa can ever be speedily civilized, or rendered of much com- mercial importance to the rest of the world. " To this complexion will it come at last." And, honestly; would not such a system be emi- nently humane compared with the policy England has pursued in India, and which she will doubtless pursue in Central Africa also, when she once gets a foothold on any of the waters of the Leeambye? In India, although acting in the name of Freedom, the English have oppressed the natives much more despotically than our slaves are oppressed in the South. Perhaps our British cousins have been as lenient as possible under the circumstances ; we are not prepared to deny it ; but there is, as we all know, a material difference between a clean shirt to a laboring man's back and bacon and greens and johnny cake for his digestion, and a simple strip of calico about the loins with only rice to eat from the cradle to the grave. That the latter condition ap- pertains to the shudras and all the lower castes in India, all must acknowledge. Besides, the Hindoos still re- main wedded to their gross superstitions ; they despise the religion of their English conquerors ; and, as is well known, the recent terrible rebellion m ts caused solely on account of their abhorrence of cartridges greased with the fat of their sacred animal, the cow. Indeed it has been asserted (how truly we know not) that the English have not cared to Christianize the natives, pre- ferring to make money out of their superstitions, sell- 818 ' THE NEGRO SLAVES. ing them idols of wood and brass fabricated in England, and levying a government tax on the offerings placed in the temples of Brahma, Vishnu, and Juggernaut. Verily this may be called Freedom which produces such results, and that Slavery which in two or three generations converts a horde of lazy savages into use- ful and partly civilized beings ; and because one is called Freedom and the other Slavery, men may be swift to applaud the former and denounce the latter ; but, for all that, in the eyes of God, there is nothing in a name ! Now, we have stated above that Great Britain will probably pursue the same line of policy in Africa that she has pursued in India; but that she will continue to do so any length of time, we are inclined to doubt. There is a great difference between the two countries, particularly as regards population. In India there are millions upon millions of laborers, and the killing off of a few hundred thousand is a downright advantage to the survivors. But in Africa the population has always been kept thin and scanty, owing to the constant wars between the petty chiefs, and cannibalism, and human sucrifices, and the slave-trade; in consequence whereof John Bull will soon discover that, if he wishes to de- velop the resources of the latter country, he will have to put a stop to every practice which causes the destruc- tion of human life. Hence, although the English in the outset may begin in Ethiopia as they began in Cal- cutta, we opine still that it will not take a great while to convince so practical a people that such a policy will never pay; particularly when unemployed Saxons, cla- moring for "work or bread," shall throng the streets of Liverpool and Manchester, London and Leeds; and THE NEGRO SLAVES. 319 wlien the price of slave-grown cotton shall have ad- vanced to from twenty to thirty cents per pound. But let their policy be what it may, we firmly believe that South Central Africa will in time come under English domination. We think this thing has been fore-ordained — predestinated from the foundation of the world. It is a subject of prophecy indeed, and ages ago the decree went forth, that the heathen should be- come the possession of the followers of the Cross before the second advent of Christ. " I shall give the heathen for thine inheritance, and the uttermost parts of the earth for thy possession ; thou shalt break them with a rod of iron ; thou shalt dash them in pieces like a potter's vessel." This may be done in the name of Freedom, as the English now rule the Indies, and in time are destined, consociate with the French, to rule Africa ; or it may be done under the name of Slavery and superiority of race, as we of America will ever continue to rule our negroes, and those shiftless vaga- bonds — Indians, half-breeds, and no breeds at all — who wander about from place to place over our vast territo- rial domain, both present and prospective ; or it may be done under the auspices of a supreme autocracy, like that of Eussia, which will eventually absorb at least half of Asia, and nearly, if not the whole, of the em- pire of the Ottomans. But, however accomplished, the event is as certain as fate. No opposition on the part of one-ideaed philanthropists, nor incredulous sneers on the part of infidel philosophers, nor intrigues of selfish cabinets, nor the rant and cant of the tabernacles and Exeter Hall, will avail ought to prevent the fulfill- ment of the irrevocable fiat of Jehovah-God. In the 320 THE NEGRO SLAVES. heavens, sitting on his everlasting throne, the Ancient of Days will laugh at their abortive attempts to retard the progress of true knowledge, of pure religion, and of the only feasible enterprise whereby the millions of Adam's posterity, now so sunk in every beastly degrada- tion, can ever, by any possibility, become regenerated. Certainly, (and we make the confession with sorrow unfeigned,) before the glorious consummation can be achieved, there must of necessity be innumerable and bloody wars, as well as great oppression of the weak by the strong, and most pitiful crushings of the bruised human heart in all nations. But let us not forget the only, the sad alternative : without such wars, and the subduing of the savage nations by the civilized, there would still greater calamities befall the former through their own ceaseless fightings and discords, while their savage natures would remain world without end the same. Certainly, also, many a Warren Hastings, many a Koompanee Jehan, will grow hugely rich out of the spoil of the poor, while many a heartless Legree will continue to oppress the enslaved African ; but even the wickedness and grasping cupidity of such spoilers will result in blessing many a laboring man's hearthstone and humble mechanic's fireside, cheapening the neces- saries of life, which they would otherwise be unable to purchase, and enabling them to clothe their families in garments of such warmth and comfort as they other- wise could never provide. We pray our readers not to misunderstand us, how- ever. We do not seek to defend the outrages perpe- trated by Messrs. Koompanee Jehan, Legree, and their compeers in crime and oppression ; so neither do we THE NEGRO SLAVES. 321 admire the spots on the surface of the sun, but shall we be so foolish as to wish the light of Phoebus extin- guished because of such blemishes ? No : let Koom- panee Jehan answer for himself — let all the rascals the world over answer for themselves ; and do you, our readers, take care to stand upright on your own bot- toms, and our word for it you will find but precious little time to discuss, or even rail at, the lack of per- pendicularity on the part of your neighbors. Christ chose twelve Apostles, yet Judas was one of them. Do you, Kevarend Sir, pretend to say that you would ob- ject to being an Apostle, because the Apostle's office can be and has been most shamefully abused ? Do you believe that by standing in the shoes of Paul you would have to stand in the shoes of Iscariot as well ? And yet you are teaching just such nonsense every day of your life. Every day you are teaching your spiritual flock to concern themselves more about the shortcom- ings of others than their own, until the doctrine taught by Christ, of individual responsibility and individual righteousness, is almost wholly unknown in the land. Paul, thou man of Tarsus, how would your eyes have been opened had you lived in this blessed, nine- teenth century ! A little wine for thy stomach's sake, and thine often infirmities, says Paul. Nay, answers the Kev. Water Bunkum ; touch not, taste not, handle not the unclean thing, for it is shamefully abused by many, and by using it at all you become a participant in their guilt and debasement. Marriage is honorable in all, says Paul, and the marriage -bed un defiled. Nay, respond the New Lights ; marriage is often the source of numberless wrongs, therefore marry not at all, but 14* 322 THE NEGKO SLAVES. let your loves and affinities enjoy the " largest liberty." If you are called being a slave, seek not to be free, says Paul. Nay, answer the Priests of Higher Law ; ad- minister poison in your master's meat, or march with pikes and Sharpe's rifles into his mansion, bent on mur- der, and let your watchword be, God and Liberty ! Be obedient to rulers, says Paul, and to all those who are in authority, knowing that all governors are appointed of God. Nay, bawl out the political parsons of these enlightened times ; not so fast, Brother Saul ! We find that it pays to mingle politics and religion, and we speak advisedly when we say that all governments are the work of the devil, and hence we advise men every where to pray for anarchy — for we believe in the larg- est liberty in all things, and are of those who would " Havoc ! and let slip the dogs of war !" Alas ! alas ! where shall we find the humble, pray- erful, and consistent disciple of the Christ who declared, " My kingdom is not of this world ?" iEsop tells us, in one of his fables, that he took a candle with him on a certam day to help him in his search for a man ; but in the present age of the world, something other than a candle would be needed to help the most diligent in- quirer find a Christian. We are of opinion, however, that we are on the eve of a great change for the better ; though we feel sure, notwithstanding, from the predic- tions of Holy Writ, that the world will continue in a very deplorable condition even until the sounding of Gabriel's trumpet. Hence we are astonished at the simplicity of those soi-disant philosophers, who per- THE NEGRO SLAVES. 823 suade themselves and their disciples that this or that form of oppression, this or that wickedness shall cease before the ushering in of the Millennium. A favorite idea with them is, that in a very few more years there will exist no where on the globe either a slave or slave- holder, king or subject, prince or vassal. Now, to con- vince such windy babblers of the impiety of their pre- dictions, we would beg to remind them that St. Jotm, foretelling the final destruction of the human race pre- paratory to the creation of a new heaven and a new earth, uses the following language : "And I saw an angel standing in the sun; and he cried with a loud voice, saying to all the fowls that fly in the midst of heaven, Come, and gather yourselves together unto the supper of the great God ; that you may eat the flesh of kings, and the flesh of captains, and the flesh of mighty men, and the flesh of horses, and of them that sit on them, and the flesh of all men, BOTH FREE AND BOND, BOTH SMALL AND GREAT." Thus it will be seen that kings, captains, free men and slaves, great men and small, will continue on the earth the same as now, up to its final destruction ; or, as was declared by Christ himself, that great day will come as a thief in the night, just as the flood came in the days of Noah — finding men marrying, and trafficking, and lying, and swindling, and corrupting, and degrading, and oppressing their fellow-men as always before. Wherefore let us hope that those visionary gentlemen who are idly dreaming of the fraternization and equal- ity of all races of men will soon lay aside their Utopian schemes, and learn to look upon man as he is, and labor to help him in the condition in which they find him. 324 THE NEGRO SLAVES. For assuredly, Messieurs, the mountain will never come to Mohammed, but Mohammed can go to the mountain if he will. With all your dreaming and theorizing, your cant and your tabernacle trash, you will change man's nature not a whit ; but a little practical charity and godliness will effect much. It is just as difficult a mat- ter to whitewash a white man as a blackamoor; and you may remember Thomas Hood's account of the great Philanthropical Society which undertook to wash the latter, and whose members, honest souls ! are rub- bing and scrubbing poor CufLee yet : " Great were the sums collected ! And great results in consequence expected. But somehow, in the teeth of all endeavor, According to reports At yearly courts, The Blacks, confound them ! were as black as ever ! " Yes ! spite of all the water soused aloft, Soap, plain and mottled, hard and soft, Soda and pearlash, huckaback and sand, Brooms, brushes, palm of hand, And scourers in the office strong and clever, In spite of all the tubbing, rubbing, scrubbing, The routing and the grubbing, The Blacks, confound them! were as black as ever !" And this brings us once more to the consideration of our main subject. Although the negroes in our Southern States have been improved almost beyond computation, by the ne- cessary pupilage of one hundred years of bondage, they are still totally unprepared for emancipation. This fact is demonstrated clearly by the result in Liberia, THE NEGRO SLAVES. 325 Algona, Jamaica, South and Central America, and every where else in fact that the blacks have been lib- erated in any numbers. They very soon relapse again into the heathenish practices of their ancestors, super- adding to the same the vices of civilization. We once knew an intelligent German gentleman, a graduate of a leading German university, who had afterwards lived three years in London, in which city he was employed by English capitalists to visit Jamaica, for the purpose of superintending some important chemical experiments with sugar-cane. He remained in Jamaica five years. When he first went there, like nearly all the Germans, he was strongly anti-slavery in sentiment ; but at the time we made his acquaintance, although then an as- sistant Professor in one of the leading colleges of New- England, he vowed that no negro was fit for anything else than slavery. The London Times, indeed, after a review of the actual condition of the British West-In- dian Islands, closes with the following emphatic para- graph against the policy of black emancipation : " We wish to heaven that some people in England — neither government people nor persons, nor clergy- men — but some just-minded, honest-hearted and clear- sighted men would go out to some of the Islands — say Jamaica, Dominica, or Antigua, not for a month, or three months, but for a year — would watch the precious pro- tege of English philanthropy, the free negro, in his daily habits : would watch him as he lazily plants his little squatting : would see him as he proudly rejects agricultural or domestic service, or accepts it at wages ludicrously disproportionate to the value of his work. We wish too, they would watch him while, with a hide 326 THE NEGRO SLAVES. thicker than that of a hippopotamus, and a body to which fervid heat is a comfort rather than an annoy ance, he droningly lounges over the prescribed task, on which the intrepid Englishman, unaccustomed and immured to the burning sun, consumes his impatient energy, and too often sacrifices his life. We wish they would go out and view the negro in all the blazonry of his address, his pride, his ingratitude, contempt- uously sneering at the industry of that race which made him free, and then come and teach the memorable les- son of their experience to the fanatics who have per verted him into what he is." Now, Freedom is a good thing in its place, but there is not in any language a word which is more often mis- applied. Nothing is more common than to mistake license for liberty, nowadays. People seem to have forgotten that a man has to be educated to appreciate Freedom, as much if not more than to appreciate music, or literature, or to be a connoisseur in Art. Properly speaking, there is not a, freeman on the globe : we are all more or less restrained from doing what we like, and such restraint is in nearly every instance not only wholesome but absolutely essential to our well- being. Man needs indeed to stand in greater awe of himself, than of what a fellow-man can do to him. Wherefore, because a man desires the largest liberty, is no reason why he should have it : so, too, do we all desire wealth and the honors of the world, but do not these often render their possessors miserable, changing wise men into fools, and fools into knaves? Why, there is not a beggar in our streets but would like to be put on horseback, and yet he would no sooner find THE NEGRO SLAVES. 827 himself in the saddle than he would ride post-haste to the devil, as the old adage hath it. So neither is there a convict in any of our penitentiaries but damns in his heart the whole penal code ; yet the well-being of him- self as well as society, demands that he should be re- strained of his liberty for all that. The same rule ap- plies to minors also, persons non compos, idiots, and others. Wherefore shall it not be held equally appli- cable to negroes, Indians, Chinese, and all other infe- rior races, who are incapacitated to take care of them- selves ? Confining ourselves to negroes for the present, we must say, that such works as Uncle Tom's Cabin have created an entirely erroneous sentiment, touching the present mental, moral, and social status of the Negro, to say nothing of their tendency to deceive the public as to the physical condition of the great mass of our negro slaves. Mrs. Stowe wished, doubtless, by writ- ing her book, to reform abuses ; but, like the young- physician who advised the cutting off of a man's head to cure a tumor on its side, she made a great mistake touching the proper method of reform. Although she must feel flattered by the great success of her book among those who have nothing whatever to do with the abuses of slavery, she can hardly fail to blush when she remembers that no practical good has resulted from her labors ; for slavery, according to the often-repeated assurances of her greatest friends and admirers, is daily growing in strength and power. Now, to arrive at any proper conception of the act- ual average condition of the slaves on our Southern plantations, the reader must not lose sight of the fact 328 THE NEGRO SLAVES. that they are, about three fourths of them, only two or three generations removed from those naked gibbering savages and cannibals, who, fifty or a hundred years agone, offered up human sacrifices on the Continent of Africa. After living some twenty years in the midst of such pagans, Dr. Livingstone, the stout anti- slavery Englishman, is forced to write : "The Israelitish slaves brought out of Egypt by Moses were not converted and elevated in one genera- tion, though under the direct teaching of God himself. Notwithstanding the number of miracles he wrought, a generation had to be cut off because of unbelief. Our own elevation, also, has been the work of centuries, and, remembering this, we should not indulge in over wrought expectations as to the elevation which those who have inherited the degradation of ages may attain in our day." This is the whole argument in a nut-shell. With this thought in our minds, the great marvel is, that our negro slaves are not more degraded than we really find them. While it is possible that some of them may con- tinue to this day to worship their fathers' gods, the Barimo, we have yet never met with or heard of any instance of the kind. The nearest approach to any species of paganism amongst the most degraded of them, of which we have any knowledge, is an absurd belief in charms, medicine-bags, witches, conjurers, and the like. Nearly all of the negroes, indeed, except those who have been reared up in direct contact with intelligent whites, and those who are practical believers in Christianity, are more or less wedded to superstition, and firmly believe in the potential agency of conjura- THE NEGRO SLAVES. 329 tion, and in the efficacious influence of " medicine." What they mean by this expression, is perfectly synon- ymous with what the Balonda, the blackest and most woolly - headed of all the inhabitants of Negroland, mean by the same term, as interpreted by Dr. Living- stone : and we have noticed in the South, too, that the blackest of the blacks are in the main most generally addicted to this miserable superstition. What their " medicine" is composed of, we do not know. They usually tie it up in little dirty rags, and either suspend it from a bush over some path often frequented by the enemy they wish to " kunger," or else try to get a small bit of the latter's beard which they tie up in the same rag with their other " charms," and then " kunger" him at their leisure. Their bag of " medicine" they call a "waiter." They believe it to possess wonderful powers, and that it will protect them against every spe- cies of misfortune. Whenever they have clone any thing amiss, they immediately begin to manipulate their " waiter" in order to " kunger" off whippings, or any other mode of punishment : and if they can only procure a bit of their master's beard or of the overseer's, they are rendered perfectly invulnerable, in their own eyes, against hurt from either. Of course only the most degraded of them are such fools, but it is impos- sible to drive this gross superstition out of the thick skulls of those who are wedded to it. We know a Southern gentleman who owns one of the most inveterate conjurers alive. He is one of your in-grain lazy devils, and in consequence finds himself in hot water very frequently ; but so great is his faith in his medicine-bag, he is accustomed to tell his fellow- 330 THE NEGRO SLAVES. slaves, that lie can alwaj^s " kunger off" a whipping if apprized of its coming soon enough. His master, to cure him of his laziness and his superstition at the same time, used to tell him to prepare his "waiter" several days before he purposed to chastise him, in order that he might make a fair trial of his art of conjuration. The negro's name is Wesley — called Wes' for short — and though he has tried time and again to charm away the remorseless hickory, still, poor fellow ! he has most signally failed in every instance. Notwithstanding, Wes' still clings to his medicine-bag as tenaciously as ever. Like our modern Spiritualists who fail some- times to raise the spirits, Wes' considers that the fault is in himself and not in his " art." Like our modern abolitionists whose hopes are yearly growing " smaller by degrees and beautifully less," he feels assured of a better day a-coming. Like our disappointed politicians who long for the Presidential Chair, he thinks while there is life there is hope : at least Wes' is determined to stick to his " medicine" through thick and through thin. Connected with this superstition of the medicine-bag and conjuration, is the diabolical practice of poisoning : for the negro poisoner is nearly always a great conjurer, or witch, in the estimation of the other blacks. No person who has not lived in the South, can form any adequate conception of the effects of African poison, or of the frequency of its use. Had the amiable Mrs. Stowe ever heard of the wicked practice, she could have introduced into her book one of the most original as well as useful of characters. How pleasantly, in truth, could she have killed off poor Legree with the slow THE NEGKO SLAVES. 331 African poison, and all for the sake of Humanity ! How well she could have painted for our delectation his remorse, and the terrible visions seen during those paroxysms of pain and madness, which the same devil- ish poison so often produces ! Believe us, our readers, it would have been better than a play. It would have proven dreadfully edifying and instructive. Besides, there can certainly be no more charming character to grace a blood-and-thunder novel, than the genuine Af- rican poisoner ; for usually she is an old toothless hag, who either came direct from Africa herself, or is but one generation removed from those who did — is black as midnight, and, being superannuated, sits all day long- in her cabin-cloor like a great black spider, the while with busy brain and a leer that would shame the devil himself, either laying new schemes for murder or gloat- ing over the murders with which her skinny hands are already stained. The secret (for it is a secret) of her diabolical skill undoubtedly originated in the very heart of Negroland, and is even now known to the fewest number of blacks, and we presume to no living white person whatever. Some of our readers may possibly remember that Fred. Douglass, the chief negro lecturer of the North, publicly prayed in the presence of several thousand of the Slue of the city of Chicago, during the Fremont ex- citement, and on a solemn Sabbath day, too, (the better the day the better the deed, you know !) that the South- ern slaves might dare to administer poison to their masters in the food cooked for their tables. Now, we would suggest to honest Fred, that any information as to the nature of the genuine African poison would 332 THE NEGRO SLAVES. prove of great service to his quondam fellow-slaves, provided it enabled science to discover an antidote ; for, singularly enough, the negroes nearly always poi- son one another, and rarely even attempt the life of a white person. And it is utterly confounding for what trivial causes they will take the life of a fellow-slave. Sometimes it is simply a dispute about a game at cards or marbles ; sometimes the being supplanted by a rival in the confidence of the master or overseer is the excit- ing cause ; but much more frequently jealousy leads to the fatal deed, or a strong desire to get rid of a trouble- some wife or husband, in order to solace themselves with some new "affinity." When a negro has determined to take the life of an- other negro, he or she, as the case may be, proceeds under cover of night to the cabin of the most famous witch or conjurer in the neighborhood, and in a round- about, circumlocutory manner states his or her busi- ness. They do not use the word poison on such occa- sions ; they call it " medicating." They hint to the old hag of a sorceress, therefore, that they want so and so "medicated." Having communicated their wants and paid the customary fee, the bloody-minded wretch- es skulk back to their own quarters, feeling a devilish satisfaction. It is but fair to say, however, that manv of them have no more correct idea of how such "medi- cation" is effected than our readers ; and we are chari- table enough to believe, that they sometimes become accessories to murder by poisoning, when their firm conviction is that the little dirty medicine-bag does all the mischief. Occasionally, 'tis true, the negroes at- tempt to destroy their victims without consulting a THE NEGEO SLAVES. 333 witch or conjurer ; but in nearly all such instances their attempts prove abortive, for these tyros in villainy sel- dom advance beyond "jimson weed," ground glass, snakes' heads, lizards stewed in oil, and such like sim- ple poisons. The effects produced on the human sys- tem by these are not necessarily fatal, and are altogether different from what is produced by the genuine A frican poison ; the direful effects of this are sui generis, and can not be mistaken. This is eminently a slow poison, and rarely kills under six months, and sometimes the victims linger for several years. If it be not in reality what the medical faculty have named African consump- tion, then it is so nearly allied thereto as to be alto- gether its cousin-german. We incline to the opinion that they are one and the same thing. The effects produced by African poison are different in different individuals, but still possess a general sim- ilarity in all cases. We never saw its effects upon but one living victim, that we are aware of; but we have heard them described so often, we think our descrip- tion will be true to the facts. And here we may re- mark, that the same cowardly mode of assassination prevails in Hayti also, which affords additional evi- dence that the secret is of African origin. We know an aged gentleman who, when a young man, knew in lower Virginia a certain old Doctor Flournoy, an illiterate root or Indian doctor, as he was called, who was famous for curing cases of negro poi- soning, and whom the gentleman in question once em- ployed to attend two of his own negroes, who were dying of (supposed) African consumption — a case of which, the whole faculty assert, has never been cured. 334 THE NEGRO SLAVES. When Flournoy visited the negroes they were in the last stages, and he immediately pronounced them incu- rable, stating at the same time that they had been poi- soned, (which the patients had all the while stoutly maintained,) and, also, that had he been called upon for advice before the pains ceased, he certainly could have effected a cure. For one thing remarkable in both African consumption (so called) and African poi- son, is the fact that the patient or victim suffers horri- ble pains at the outset, but gradually becomes perfectly free from all pain whatever, and then slowly dwindles away to a mere skeleton, and so dies. Yery frequently too, in the first stages of the complaint, the victim is troubled with terrible dreams, both sleeping and wak- ing. The visions which haunt him upon his couch at night are usually horrible and ghastly — visions of blood and murder, of grinning skeletons and shapeless mon- sters, which cause him to start up in his sleep and cry aloud for very fright ; but the waking fancies of tlie wretched man are far more terrible. He imagines that his body is full of creeping things — snakes, lizards, and the like reptiles ; and he solemnly assures the physi- cian that he can feel them crawl and twist and wriggle DO under his flesh, along the thighs, up the spinal column, and over the whole body in fact ; and will in a frenzy sometimes clap his hand over the particular spot indi cated, and exclaim excitedly: "Ah ! here he is — here he is!" At other times the wretched victims of this terrible poison will declare that invisible arrows have been shot clean through them, and will point to the spot where each entered, as well as to the spot whence it issued again from the body. And it sometimes hap- THE NEGKO SLAVES. 385 >ens that they fall clown suddenly, declaring they are bewitched, precisely like the old Puritans used to do in the days of Cotton Mather. The venerable and sage Flournoy, indeed, who flourished some thirty or forty years ago, when such murders by poison were much more common than now, and who was besides both ignorant and superstitious, did stoutly maintain that witchcraft had about as much to do with such strange procedures as any thing else ; and whenever the poor blacks began to tumble over around him, either be- cause of fainting fits or fright, the old gentleman was accustomed to lift up his hands in superstitious awe, and exclaim : " Well, boys, what darts is flyin' in the a'r now !" As we have said, however, the acute pains, the fren- zy, the crawling motions under the skin, all soon pass away ; the victim loses his appetite ; his skin becomes dry ; the secretions irregular ; the pulse somewhat ex- cited and feverish — until, in the final stages, a slight hacking cough ensues. But the great source of the whole physical derangement is in the bowels. These are filled with tuberculous ulcers, very similar to those to be found in the lungs in an ordinary case of con- sumption. We were once led by curiosity to witness the dissection of a young negro man, who had been for eighteen months dying inch by inch of this terrible malady. The physicians endeavored to persuade the poor fellow that he had African consumption, but he maintained to the last that he had been poisoned. So when he died, the learned doctors, to prove they were in the right and the negro in the wrong, determined to open his body to see if they could discover what had 336 THE NEGRO SLAVES. caused his death. In company of an elderly friend we were permitted to enter the room in which the dissec- tion took place ; nor shall we soon forget the scene then and there presented to our gaze. The room was dark and dirty, shrouded in gloom and silence, except di- rectly under the light of a solitary window, beneath which lay the outstretched corpse on a table or some- thing of the kind, while gathered about in little squads the learned disciples of Esculapius discussed in low tones the merits of the case. The wisest of the M.D.s, a pursy old gentleman of about sixty -five, sat coolly smoking a pipe of strong tobacco, to prevent his inhal- ing the noisome effluvia emitted from the dead body, while with steady hand he proceeded unconcernedly to lay open the stomach of the deceased, exposing to view a most revolting spectacle. The whole body of the intestines presented one mass of fetid tubercules, and the sole wonder was how any human being could have lived an hour, much less a whole year, with his bowels in such a condition. After a very brief consultation, the doctors present sagely concluded, that the negro had not been poison- ed as he ever contended, but must have died of the in- curable African consumption — a name used to desig- nate a disease about which, as a general thing, the Faculty know nothing positively, save that in some respects it is similar to the old orthodox consumption of the lungs. From the fact of its being seated in the bowels and seeming to attack negroes exclusively, they dubbed it in the outset African consumption, and have ever since shaken their profoundly sagacious wigs at all those who dare to dissent from their dictum. But THE NEGBO SLAVES. 337 for all that, we contend it is simply African poison • and they would do well to study its nature more close- ly, for possibly an antidote can be found somewhere in the vegetable kingdom. As we have already mentioned, the name of this dreadful life -destroying agency is a secret, (known only to a few old negro women and men,) which must have come originally from Africa ; for cases of this kind of poisoning were much more frequent fifty years ago — when fully one half our slaves were natives of Negro- land — than at present, when it is seldom you meet an aged " culled pusson" who was born a subject of the King of Dahome}^ or of any other African prince. After reading Livingstone's work, we are led to enter- tain this conviction stronger than ever before. Indeed, one of his own sable attendants evidently died of the same complaint, in the very heart of the African con- tinent. Here is his account of the matter : " We were detained here so long that my tent be- came again quite rotten. One of my men, after long sickness, which I did not understand, died here. He was one of the Batoka, and when unable to walk I had some difficulty in making his companions carry him. They wished to leave him to die when his case became hopeless." When it is remembered that Livingstone is a reg- ular M.D., the presumption is pretty strong, that a dis- ease which he confesses not to understand must have been very different from such diseases as are produced by natural causes. So much for "medicine," "waiters," "medication," and the like. Nearly all the other negro superstitions 15 ■ nannies which, in the main, the poor creatures have learned from their white mast — 1 Pnrita Methodists, and other re- lig; st obtained possession of their an- Thus in fortune - telling, in witches, ghosts, hobgobli : and many of them still nail (or did a : fill hors vet their cabin-doors, in order to pre- vent the ingress of all incorporeal beings whatever. One of their most orthodox convictions is, that witches ride the horses at night, and th<; point out to you the saddles in the mane of th .crating the same to have been used by the imps of the Foul Fiend. They likewise entertain horror of hearing a hen crow like the cock, for they d evil omen prognosticating a death in the family befor : while. So, too. a hoe on the shoulder into the hold- over another person's le^. as to do m. other things in th - simple and harm life on the plantations, their habits of work, eo: .. religion, el think the folio wiug u passages 1 ma North- era writer in the main very just and truthful. . most plantations a certain amount only of work required of each competent person, mi men, and children or youths ; the ' scribed being graduated in accordance with age and condition, from the k quarter-hand' of the youm_ ie 'half hand 7 and the ' three-quarter hand' of old . up :he 'full-hand' of mature and healthful adult strength: thence retrograding, iu like . toward THE XEGRO SLAVES. 889 declining force and years. Industriously performed, these tasks are generally finished early in the afternoon, and often by two o'clock ; when the laborer leaves his field and saunters homeward or whither he listeth. Perhaps it is to gossip in the sunshine over his pipe, or, perhaps, if he be thrifty or short of funds, to raise vegetables in his own private garden-patch, or to look after his eggs and poultry and pigs, for all of which his master will pay him the market-price as to any other trader. The tasks are begun at sunrise, and toward eight o'clock the darkeys have a good time for half an hour or so over the breakfast which, has been brought for them to the field. At noon those who please dine, riding home for it if they are using horses, or having it brought to them, or waiting until the completion of their tasks. "Men and women all smoke habitually, whether at work or at rest. ISTear any squad or gang a fire may always be seen, made for the double use of lighting pipes and as a rendezvous in gossip hours, for your genuine African is never quite warm enough. The appearance of the negroes at work in their plantation rig is not very elegant, and not so picturesque as it might be with a little change from the inflexible regu- lation hue of hueless gray ; though, to be sure, the hankerchiefs worn on the head by the women (they never don bonnets, not even on Sunday or on gala days, [our Northerner is at fault here] ) afford some slight relief. In the cut of coat and skirt there is always va- riety enough, and so in the fashion of the ever-chang- ing hat. The conversation, though it seldom gets be- yond the little current aches and experiences of their 340 THE NEGRO SLAVES. own lives, the doings of their family and friends, and pigs, with sometimes a little talk about their master's household, is often gay and jolly enough, judging by the loud and hearty 'yah ! yahs !' sounding all about, heah and dar. " We once heard a jovial young scamp — the pet and gallant, the merry-maker and the mischief-maker of his set — a sort of ' Dandy Jim of Caroline,' relating to a wondering circle a certain alligator adventure he once had. How he killed an indefinite number, too nume- rous to mention, of the reptiles, and then tied one ob- streperous juvenile by the tail to a branch of a tree ; how he left him there and thus suspended some three feet from the ground, and straightway forgot all about him, until returning by that way a matter of a }^ear afterward he found the young prisoner doing well, and grown so much that his head now fairly rested upon the ground ! "'Lor' a massey!' cried an astonished demoiselle, ' what you do to him den, Jim ?' "'What I do to him den, Miss Clarissa ? Why, I tie up his tail a little higher an' gib him chance to grow down some more. Yah, yah !' " The authority of the plantation is vested in the overseer, by whom it is re-delegated in parcels to the more enterprising, intelligent, and reliable of the blacks. The subordinate officers are called 'drivers,' and their office is to apportion the tasks and direct the labor of the gang placed under their care ; to admin- ister reproof and correction when needed ; and to be responsible for conduct and work to the superior officer. " Each family of negroes has a house or cabin of its THE NEGRO SLAVES. 341 own, generally with sufficient garden-ground, piggery, hennery, and so forth. These cabins are often made of logs, but sometimes are neat and cozy frame dwellings. They are usually placed, at suitable intervals, in rows, or double rows, with a wide street between. "When it pleases the occupants to keep their homes so, they are pleasant enough, surrounded with neat palings and well protected by the beautiful shade trees of the coun- try. Here, as in old Albion, their house is their castle, and rarely does even the master know any thing of their domestic affairs except when bad conduct or sick- ness makes it necessary for them to be looked after. They are constitutionally joyous and insouciant; and it is often pleasant to witness their glad, thoughtless recreations as the twilight and the evening hours set in. ''They are supplied, even under the requirements of the law, with a reasonable amount of clothing, and ample rations of food are served out every week. These consist chiefly of meal, rice, vegetables, molasses, bacon, fish, and coffee, according to their wants and occupations. Most of them have a surplus of these staple articles of diet, which they exchange at the near- est store for nick-nacks more to their liking. The law forbids the sale of liquor ; but they manage, in some way, when so disposed, to get quite enough of it. " Sunday is the great gala-day of the negroes, always excepting the annual festival at Christmas. At this time they interchange visits with relatives and friends on the neighboring plantations, generally bearing with them some present or other ; most often of an edible character, as a turkey, a chicken, a goose, a cake, or a confection. Whether at home or abroad, however, on 342 THE NEGRO SLAVES. Sunday they are pretty sure to repair to the church, when an accessible one is open. The whites occupy the front seats, while the blacks fill up the rear, the two classes entering by different doors. "As a people, they seem to have a genius for piety, and in a pretty close ratio to their need of it, the great- est scamps being usually the most devout worshippers. Strange to add, there is no hypocrisy in this contra- diction. The same unreflecting impulsiveness which prompts them to steal any desirable thing within reach, also leading them to mourn, briefly, over their sinful- ness in sackcloth and ashes. They are fond of preach- ing, and the ministerial omce among them is seldom wanting in candidates. Every plantation is, more or less, well supplied in this wise. To be sure they make strange work in their confident ignorance, often weigh- ing anchor with but half an idea on board." But we will speak of their religious tendencies more at length on a future page. In nearly all the Southern States the negroes, as a general thing, are much attached to coon and opossum hunting, and on most of the large plantations one will find from six to a dozen coon-dogs, which belong ex- clusively to the slaves. They also are fond of hunting hares, whenever they can prevail upon their young masters to suffer them to use the fox-hounds for that purpose. They chase the hares until these are forced to betake themselves to a hollow tree, when the negroes either twist them out with a slim stick, or else smoke them out by means of fire. But above all things else, Cuffee dotes on fishing, and is a most enthusiastic disci- ple of the quaint old Izaak Walton. Angling requires THE NEGRO SLAVES. 343 little exertion, and your genuine Cuffee most cordially hates exertion ; while the hot Southern sun, which soon drives the white man away from his favorite "hole" to the umbrageous shelter of the nearest woods, never " fases the shell" of Cuffee, so to speak : to reverse the words of the poet, the black rascal seems to make a " shady jDlace in the sunshine," and will lie down any day at noon, when the thermometer stands at 100° in the shade, and sleep as quietly as an infant, with the broiling eye of Phoebus glaring right down upon him, hot enough almost to singe his eye-lashes. The negroes also set deadfalls for squirrels, snares for rabbits, traps for quail and ducks, and pens for wild turkeys; of all which they destroy large quantities, owing to their great abundance all through the South. We never cared any great deal for any of these pot- hunting schemes of the negroes, save the turkey -pens, which used to vex us amazingly. But, unlike the gen- tlemen sportsmen of Canada, who are said to wantonly destroy every turkey-pen they find, though built by English freemen ; we never could feel that it was ex- actly honorable to do such a thing, even when the pens belonged to negro slaves. Certainly pot-hunting is a very sorry business, but a true sportsman will not for- get, for all that, that he is, or ought to be at least, a gentleman. Added to the wild game, of which, we presume, the negroes in the South eat more everjr year than one half of the whites of our large cities, the usual fare of the slaves is bacon and greens, with ash-cake and corn-pone in summer, and in winter bacon and turnips and the same bread, with an addition of wheat flour for the 344 THE NEGRO SLAVES. Christmas holidays, except in the wheat-growing States, wherein it is customary to give the negroes about as much, flour-bread as of that made from corn- meal. In the summer time, also, they are allowed to eat fruit ad libitum, since on most plantations there are large apple, pear, peach, and plum orchards, the productions whereof the planters rarely think of selling. The negroes are also very fond of roasted or boiled maize, and hominy, as well as of a bread made of corn-meal and persim- mons mixed, which is quite palatable. In winter they have, besides, sweet potatoes more or less, and pump- kins all the time, of which latter they are fonder than the Down-Easters. Indeed, we will assert this in be- half of the Southern slaves, however much the assertion may be discredited ; they annually throw aivay food enough to feed during an entire winter the thousands of half starved white laborers thrown out of employment in all the Free States during the months from December to March. The proof of their well-fed condition is strik- ingly observable in their sleek skins, full cheeks, and general plumpness of physical development. You rarely see amongst them a haggard, thin-jawed starvel- ing, but their very eyes on the contrary stand out with fatness. In consequence whereof they are nearly always jovial and smiling, indulging at all times in snatches of song, and giving vent to the most stunning peals of laughter, which to hear even produces a plea- surable sensation. No matter where they may be or what they may be doing, indeed, whether alone or in crowds, at work or at play, ploughing through the steaming maize in the sultry heats of June, or bared to the waist and with THE NEGRO SLAVES. 345 deft hand mowing down the yellow grain, or trudging homeward in the dusky twilight after the day's work is done — always and every where they are singing and happy, happy in being free from all mental cares or trou- bles, and singing heartily and naturally as the birds sing, which toil not nor do spin. Their songs are usually wild and indescribable ; seeming to be mere snatches of song rather than any long continuous effort, but with an often recurring chorus, in which all join with a depth and clearness of lungs truly wonderful. No man can listen to them, be his ear ever so cultivated, partic- ularly to their corn-husking songs, when the night is still and the singers some distance off, without being very pleasantly entertained. But the wildest and most striking negro song we think we ever listened to, we heard while on board an Alabama river steamboat. We were steaming up from Mobile on a lovely day in the early winter, and came in sight of Montgomery just as the heavens were all a-glow with the last crim- son splendors of the setting sun, and while the still shadows of evening seemed already to be stealing with noiseless tread along the hollows in the steep river- banks, creeping slowly thence with invisible footsteps over the placid surface of the stream itself. A lovelier day or a more bewitching hour could not well be im- agined. As we began to near the wharf, the negro boatmen collected in a squad on the bow of the boat, and one dusky fellow, twirling his wool hat above his head, took the lead in singing, improvising as he sang, all except the chorus, in which the whole crew joined with enthusiasm. And Madame Jenny Goldschmidt, and Mademoiselle Piccolomini ! we defy you both to 15* 346 THE NEGKO SLAVES. produce, with the aid of many orchestras, a more soul- stirring strain of melody than did those simple Africans then and there ! The scene is all before us now — the purple-tinted clouds overhead — the dim shadows tread- ing noiselessly in the distance — the gleaming dome of the State Capitol and the church-spires of Montgomery — the almost perfect stillness of the hour, broken only by the puff, puff of the engine and the wild music of the dusky boatmen — and above all, the plump, well-defined outlines of some sable Sally, who stood on the highest red cliff near the landing-place, and, with joy in her heart and a tear in her eye no doubt, (we hadn't any opera-glass with us,) waved a flaming bandanna with every demonstration of rejoicing at the return of her dusky lover, whom we took to be our sooty im,provisa- tore, from the glow which mantled his honest counte- nance, and the fervor with which he twirled his old wool hat in response to the fair one's signal. Ah ! we had then but recently left our adopted home in the Free North, but, as we listened to the happy voices of these children of oppression, we could not fail to con- trast the same with the mournful wail at that very hour going up from all the streets and parks of our greatest metropolis — the wail of the unemployed clamoring for Work or Bread ! Now, we feel persuaded the anti-slavery reader is longing to ask why, if the slaves are so happy and con- tented, do they ever seek to run away and go North ? We might as well answer this question here as else- where. As a general thing no honest, industrious slave ever desires to run away at all, even though solicited to do so by the secret emissaries of the abolitionists; THE NEGKO SLAVES. 347 and when such an one is seduced to leave the protect- ing care of his master, and all the blessings and com- forts of the "old plantation," for the freedom to enjoy a precarious and hard-earned livelihood in the Free States or Canada, he is almost sure to embrace the first opportunity to return back again, a "sadder but a wiser man." The vicious, however, the dissolute, the lazy — these all are captivated by the glowing promises of ease and plenty held temptingly out to them in the " land of freedom ;" nor will any student of human na- ture wonder that such vagabonds should prefer com- forts earned without toil to those earned by the constant sweat of the brow. But when these fugitives come to realize the facts, and learn that white men hardly make a subsistence in the Free States by the most ceaseless labor, in proof of what we have said concerning their characters, they invariably almost (a few praiseworthy exceptions) take to petty stealing for a livelihood, pil- fering from hen-roosts, or snatching coats and hats in public halls. Will any Northern man deny this charge ? No : on the contrary they always plead in excuse of such conduct on the part of their colored population, that they are fugitives. Now, gentlemen agitators, allow us to tell you, that every freeman who walks your streets could be induced to sacrifice his present all, in the hope of grasping some greater imaginary good — such as a South Sea bubble or a Pike's Peak humbug. Mankind, whether black or white, like the clog in the fable, are ever ready to throw away a substantial good to snatch at the shadowy forms delusive Hope or too eager Desire is ever tempting them with, but which 348 THE XEGEO SLAVES. dissolve themselves into thin air the moment they feel the touch of Reality. This all by way of parenthesis. The religions and love-songs of the negroes are not so peculiar and striking as those wild choruses and lul- laloos, which their fathers must have brought with them from Africa, but the words and meaning of which are no longer remembered. Nevertheless, even their tamest and most civilized efforts are surpassingly good ; and the loudest and most fervent camp-meeting singers amongst the whites are constrained to surrender to the darkeys in "The Old Ship of Zion" or "I want to go to Glory." In singing these and other kindred songs, the negroes usually keep time with the feet, or by clap- ping the hands or wagging the head, often shedding tears freely in the fervency and rapture of their devo- tions. And we may as well here remark, for the bene- fit of those philosophers and divines who pretend to abhor slavery so greatly, that Christian slaves are rarely found on the plantations of infidels, while it is equally rare not to find them in the households of Christian masters. This is a fact worth considering, particularly when we add, that the slaves do not by any means al- ways belong to the same denomination with their " mas- ters according to the flesh." There is hardly a planta- tion of any size in the entire South, belonging to an honest professor of Christianity, whereon you.will not find some two or three different sects of Christians among the negroes ; but these usually fraternize to- gether much more harmoniously than do their white brethren of the same rival creeds. On nearly all such THE NEGRO SLAVES. 319 plantations, in fact, the negroes nnite together without regard to differences of religious beliefs, and hold a common prayer-meeting two nights in every week, at which the master is sometimes present and expounds to them the Word of God. And it is notable what a change for the better Christianity produces in even the most degraded of them. They readily give up their banjos, their fiddles, their double-shuffles, and break- downs, and are eager to learn what is right and becom- ing. Of course we speak only of such as are sincere believers of the Gospel ; for we have reason to know that they sometimes profess Christianity because it pays, and in particular is this true of just about one half the negro preachers. Believe us, amiable Mrs. Stowe, black people are no better than white people the world over. It must not be denied, too, that few of the negroes entertain perfectly correct ideas concerning the Gospel of Jesus Christ ; but, if we must speak plainly, we don't believe one white man in a hundred entertains ideas perfectly correct and rational in regard thereto. The whites can not get along without their creeds and their innovations, and their preachers with itching ears, (and pockets too ;) and, as we think, the poor blacks are far less blameworthy, when they weave into the simple story of the Cross the tangled threads of their own crude fancies and imaginings. Hence we are much more inclined to pity than to censure, when we hear the poor creatures recount their dreams and visions about hell-hounds chasing them many a weary mile, with others equally apocryphal. But there is one thing which they always dwell on with peculiar de- 350 THE NEGRO SLAVES. light, and in which there may be a grain of truth — that after death they are to be changed into white folks. Their idea of hell is, that the Devil is a black man, with horns and a forked tail, a raw-head-and-bloody- bones old fellow, who literally burns up the wicked with fire and brimstone. Their idea of heaven is, that in the New-Jerusalem they will walk along pavements of gold with silver slippers on, and blessed with straight hair and a fair complexion. And here we may remark, this consciousness of the superiority of the white man over the black seems to be pretty generally entertained by all negro races whatever, and is not by any means confined to our Southern slaves. The negroes in Afri- ca told Dr. Livingstone that God made them first, but hated them because they turned out so ugly and black, and so left them to run about naked ; but that lie loved the white man, he was so fair to look upon, and in consequence gave him guns, houses, clothes, and books. So too were the poor pagans of Ethiopia much captivated with the Doctor's straight hair, just as our Southern slaves are always carding their own woolly- heads, twisting the wool out by means of cotton strings six days in the week, all for the glory of having it look straight like white folks' hair on Sunday ! * For verily no Broadway dandy could be more attentive to his own saponaceous curls than are some of the " Dandy Jims of Caroline" to their kinky wool. But, notwithstanding the negroes are ignorant, and thousands of them use religion for a cloak simply, still multitudes of them are devout and pious, as well as intelligent Christians. In Savannah, Georgia, three colored pastors, with salaries from eight hundred to a THE NEGRO SLAVES. 351 thousand dollars, are supported by subscriptions and pew-rents among their own numbers. In 1853, fifteen thousand dollars were contributed by five thousand slaves in Charleston, to benevolent objects. These may serve as examples. A Northern writer was deeply interested in some prayer-meetings of slaves he attended ; and furnishes us the following specimens of the prayers he heard : " Bless our dear masters and brothers who come here to read the Bible to us, and pay so much attention to us, though we ain't that sort of people as can interpret thy word in all its colors and forms." " my heavenly Father!" said an old man, " I am thy dear child. I know I love thee. Thou art my God, my portion, and nothing else. O my Father, I have no home in this world ; my home is very far off. I long to see it. Jesus is there ; thou art there ; angels, good men are there. I am coming home. I am one day nearer to it." As a general rule, however, the old adage of " like master like man," applies with as much truthfulness to the negroes in the South, as to the hired servants of other places. The slaves of a gentleman of good family, (we mean those who are accustomed to come into daily contact with their master,) are not only more intelligent than the mass of blacks, but are both polite and well-bred, and in a measure refined and aris- tocratic. They scorn to associate with common dar- keys, and are given to all the airs and stately manner- isms of a YelloAvplush or a Jenkins. Their chief am- bition is to become master's waiting-man, or valet ; or, in case of a female, lady's maid ; next they would pre- fer to act as housekeeper, chambermaid, steward, din- 852 THE NEGRO SLAVES. ing-room servant, or groom, or better still, carriage- driver. This last is considered a post of great honor, and the negroes are all capital fellows with the whip, being immoderately fond of horse-flesh, but much fonder of showy trappings — the silk tassels, the silver- plated buckles, the plumes, the costly harness, et ce- tera, et cetera, which usually constitute a gentleman's equipage. Even to be wagoner, to drive the plantation mules and oxen, often becomes a fruitful source of rivalries and ill-feeling. But the chief ambition of a field hand, or plantation slave, is to become a head- man. No king on his throne feels more his own im- portance, than does a big buck negro feel his, when he finds himself monnted on a sleek mule with close- cropped mane, and holding in his hand a stout New- England cow-skin, and having under his direct super- vision a " gang" of from twenty to thirty fellow- slaves. The slaves of persons of the middle class do not carry their heads quite so high as those who belong to the " raal quality," bnt they are, as a general thing, from being brought into closer contact with their own- ers, more moral and tractable than the slaves of very wealthy gentlemen, when the latter live in " quarters" under the control of an overseer, and, in consequence, seldom enjoy the advantages of daily intercourse with educated white persons. The worst slaves, however, the most degraded, thieving, impudent, and utterly worthless, are those who belong to men in moderate circumstances. This may seem strange to many, but it is true in most cases nevertheless. Such slaves in the main, enjoy greater liberties than other negroes, THE NEGRO SLAVES. 353 are over-familiar with their masters, do not begin to work as hard as the latter, and the consequence is that they grow up to be sleek, and saucy, and rascally. They never feel the lash, even in infancy, are permitted to leave home at all times without a " pass," and to run about at night pilfering from hen-roosts, pig-pens, and dairies ; and even when caught by the "paterol- lers," and basted as they deserve, ten chances to one but the ministers of the law are sued for damages by the indignant and too indulgent masters. In view of such facts, is it at all strange such spoiled and petted blacks should sometimes deflour a poor and friendless white girl, or even in a moment of uncurbed passion knock out their master's brains? For, singularly enough, nearly all the crimes of this nature are com- mitted by negroes of the above class. And the worst of it is, just among such a class of slaves, in the moun- tainous districts of Tennessee, Kentucky, and Virginia, the emissaries of Northern fanaticism are casting broadcast their incendiary firebrands; deluding the poor simple-minded blacks into a belief that, by mur- dering their masters and mistresses, they shall be raised to the condition of ladies and gentlemen themselves, with plenty of lands and money, and nothing to do but to eat and to sleep. And this too, despite the sad spectacle of Hayti, which, since the rule of the blacks began, has changed its form of government ten times, and from exporting, as a French slave colony, 225,687,952 lbs. of produce, has now actually to im- part sugar for its home consumption! Yet Wendell Phillips, in Beecher's church, Brooklyn, while making a saint of John Brown, for his murders in Kansas and 354 THE NEGRO SLAVES. Virginia, cited the bloody example of St. Domingo as the fairest page upon the scroll of time ! ! How elo- quently did the pure Edward Everett reply to the frenzied madman in his great speech in Faneuil Hall ; we quote his closing words : " Sir, I have been admitted to the confidence of the domestic circle in all parts of the South, and I have seen there touching manifestations of the kindest feel- ings, by which that circle, in all its members, high and low, master and servant, can be bound together ; and when I contemplate the horrors that would have ensued had the tragedy on which the curtain rose at Harper's Ferry been acted out, through all its scenes of lire and sword, of lust and murder, of rapine and desola- tion, to the final catastrophe, I am filled with emotions to which no words can do justice. There could, of course, be but one result, and that well deserving the thoughtful meditation of those, if any such there be, who think that the welfare of the colored race could by any possibility be promoted by the success of such a movement, and who are willing to purchase that result by so costly a sacrifice. The colored population of St- Domingo amounted to but little short of half a million while the whites amounted to only thirty thousand. The white population of the Southern States alone, in the aggregate, outnumbers the colored race in the ratio of two to one ; in the Union at large, in the ratio of seven to one, and if (which Heaven avert) they should be brought into conflict, it could end only in the exter- mination of the latter after scenes of woe, for which language is too faint, and for which the liveliest fancy has no adequate images of horror." THE NEGRO SLAVES. 855 In regard to the holidays usually granted the ne- groes, we find there prevails a pretty general misap- prehension in all parts of the North. It is almost uni- versally believed in the Free States, that the only holi- day allowed the slaves is Christmas : but there could be no greater mistake. Some masters make it a rule to give their negroes every Saturday afternoon, while nearly all masters give them certain established holi- days, such as Easter Monday, the Fourth of July, the Eighth of January, and others. Indeed, if this custom did not prevail, the slaves could never find time to put in their little crops, a practice almost universal with them. After the crops are once seeded, they can man- age to work them of moonlight nights, if so disposed, and in case the regular holidays should prove too wet or otherwise unsuitable. Those who plant no crops (we are speaking of the industrious negroes) either work at basket-making, chair-making, or other similar trades, by which they make considerable money. Of a truth there is not an adult male slave in the entire South, provided he possess the necessary energy, who can not lay up more ready money in a twelvemonth than most day-laborers in the North or elsewhere, and at least double as much as the poor Coolies can at their four dollars per month, even granting they ever get their pay. In order to comprehend this assertion, you must consider that the slaves are not of necessity put to any expense whatever, either for themselves or their families. Their masters arc compelled by law as well as by self-interest to house them well, clothe them warmly, feed them bountifully, and pay all their doc- tor's bills ; hence, whatever they make for themselves is so much clear gain. 356 THE NEGRO SLAVES. The charge of the abolitionists that every thing the negroes make, is the' property of their masters, is the sheerest gammon. It may be true in theory, (for we have not taken the trouble to examine the law on the subject,) but the Southerner who should rob a slave of what he had earned for himself in the hours allotted him for his own use, would be pelted with rotten eggs out of the community in which he might reside, nor would he find a resting-place for the soles of his feet south of Mason's and Dixon's line. We have never heard yet of such a mean-spirited vvr tch, and we should dislike much to believe that he exists on the face of the globe. But we do know on the contrary, that the ne- groes sometimes make for themselves during a twelve- month as much as one hundred dollars; while in any of the Cotton States, nothing is easier than for a negro man and his wife to make for themselves a bale of cotton, and at present prices a bale is worth sixty dol- lars at the gin. Besides, the negroes have always (nearly) a little garden close to their cabins, in wmich they raise whatever kind of vegetables they please ; and are also great raisers of poultry, receiving at all times good prices for their eggs and chickens from their own masters and mistresses or from the neighbors. Why, then, asks the inquisitive reader, do so few of them make enough money to buy their freedom ? It is because they do not know how to keep their money. You must not forget that the negro race in Africa, has been from time immemorial the most degraded of all the human family, and that the semi-civilization which it has attained in this country is owing entirely to the sustaining and protecting care of the white race, with- THE NEGEO SLAVES. 357 out which the blacks would assuredly relapse again into barbarism. Even in our Free States, although the free negroes are made much of by the abolitionists, and although their numbers are constantly augmented by fugitives from the South ; still the census returns prove that they are gradually passing away from be- fore the presence of their white brothers, just as the poor Eed-men have already passed away. As a general thing, the great mass of slaves do not know or care any thing at all about freedom, and spend their money just as fast as they get it. A great many of them are even too indolent to strive to make any money for themselves, but spend their holidays sleep- ing, fishing, or playing like so many children ; while the evenings are devoted almost wholly to dancing banjo-playing, singing, chit-chatting, or to coon-hunt- ing and night-fishing. Many a night have we lain awake until near twelve o'clock, listening to the dis- tant " thrum, tumpe turn" of the merry banjo, may be accompanied by a flute or violin, or "patting," and always more or less by singing and uproarious shouts of laughter : until we have been- led to wonder how the simple creatures ever manage to find time to sleep for at the blowing of the headman's horn at cock-crow, ing they are obliged to be found every man at his post. Although usually accounted somewhat nappy-headed we are confident they sleep less than white persons, and that they do not require as much. Indeed, we have known a slave girl, while standing behind her mistress' chair during the dinner hour, go fast asleep and startle the assembled guests by a veritable snore, while the same girl would dance in the moon-light for hours to- 3-38 THE NEGRO SLAVES. gether, and yet be up bright and early the next morn- ing, and with her eyes wide open so long as her duties required that she should keep bustling about. The moment they cease from work, unless eating or in con- versation, they begin to nod — to sleep, verily snoring with a forty-horse power. It is also remarkable that any kind of sedentary habit very soon undermines a negro's constitution. Seamstresses and weavers, in particular, seem to fade soonest, and masters are con- strained oftentimes to send such out into the field, to labor with the field hands for the benefit of their health, which is always recruited greatly thereby. But, as we stated just now, even those slaves who make money, spend it as soon as it is made. In case they are addicted to strong drink, whenever they can by any means elude the watchfulness of the overseer, they pretty soon pour all their hard earnings into the till of the groggery -keeper, and in exchange pour the vilest of "bald-face" and "rot-gut" down their own throats. And even when they spend their money for dry goods, groceries, shoes, hats, or other useful art- icles, instead of allowing their masters to invest their money for them, they invariably prefer to spend it themselves, except in a few rare cases, and just as inva- riably pay dearly for their foolish love of display, or independence, or whatever you may please to call it. They are wholly at the mercy of those unconscionable scamps, the clerks of country store-keepers, and are swindled accordingly, just as many a more enlightened white man has been ere this, we dare say. However, if it be any pleasure to the simple souls to be cheated, (and we maintain with Butler that it is a pleasure to all THE NEGRO SLAVES. 359 of us,) why, let them continue to enjoy the luxury, say we. But for conscience' sake don't let us suffer them to be cheated out of their present happy though humble condition, by those mistaken philanthropists, who are blindly laboring to help the negroes to become like their pagan ancestors — worshippers of snakes, monkeys, thunder and other reptiles, as our Liberian friends have recently expressed it in a government edict against such abominations. A word in regard to the manner in which the negroes celebrate the Christmas holidays, and we shall soon bring our present labors to a close. As is well known to most of our readers, Christmas, owing to the difference of opinion between the early Cavaliers and Puritans regarding the propriety of reli- gious feasts, has always been a day of much greater renown in the South than in the North. Of late years, 'tis true, the Free States are changing in this regard very much, but still there is not in them that general abandon, that universal merry-making which always characterizes Christmas in the Slave States. More par- ticularly, however, is Christmas acceptable to the slaves, for at each return of the memorable day, as was cus- tomary during the old Roman saturnalia, the negroes are permitted to enjoy a week of freedom; in some localities even the necessary household duties, such as cooking, washing and the like, have to be performed by the whites, or else must be paid for with a good round sum. The negroes generally begin to prepare for the great occasion about six weeks beforehand. As the time draws near, their mistresses make them presents of extra allowances of flour, sugar, coffee, etc. THE NEGRO SLAVES. etc. ; while they themselves replenish their beer barrels, (they brew a sort of beer from persimmons, malt, and other things, which is quite palatable,) or smuggle fresh bottles of rum or whisky into their cabins ; have all their " Sunday-go-to-meeting" clothes done up in the neatest manner, and have their houses, also, scrubbed, washed, and generally furnished inside and out. The night preceding Christmas they are all busy as bees, sweeping their little yards, running hither and thither in a fever of excitement, laughing and jumping about in a delirium of joy. Many of them hardly go to bed at all, but remain up during the entire night, snatching a nap by chance while sitting in a chair or lounging on a wooden bench before the fire. Long before the morrow's dawn they are all astir, and robing in their Sunday's best toggery, every mo- ther's son or daughter darts straight for the " Great House ;" and in a trice the old mansion rings from cellar to garret with the merry sounds of " Chrismus Griff, Mas'r!" "Chrismus Giff, Mistis!" which term of salu- tation is used in the South instead of the customary "merry Christmas" of the Free States. And we do not care how drowsy you may be, how cross, or deter- mined — even though you should swear worse than the troops did in Flanders — still the inevitable " Chrismus Giff" will continue to ring in your ears, and the grin- ning ivory will be thrust in your face, until you have conformed to the universal custom of making a donation on such occasions. Those of the darkeys who do not intrude upon your slumbers, lie in wait behind every door and corner, and the moment the end of your nose appears, they pounce upon you with a whoop, shouting THE NEGKO SLAVES. 361 furiously, " Chrismus Giff, Mas'r ! ah ! I cotch you dis time !" And as you begin leisurely to open your purse and to clink the silver pieces inside, it does one's heart good to hear their ringing laughter, and their inimit- able and hearty "Thankee, Mas'r! Mas'r'saraal gen'l'- man. God bless you, Sar, an' gib you many happy Chrismuses!" And receiving your liberal donation, (for if you are a gentleman, it will be liberal,) the poor souls humbly bow themselves almost to the ground in your august presence, pulling off their hats at the same time, or in case their hats are not on, politely plucking at a kinky lock of wool in the place where the hats ought to be. By ten o'clock every body is wild with delight, hav- ing entered body and soul into the spirit of the occa- sion, while not a few of both whites and blacks are " unco fou' thegither." Procuring powder from their 3 r oung masters, the blacks proceed to bore holes in large oak logs, filling the same with the powder, and, having set a slow match, stand off at a little distance until their big Christmas guns go off, when they shout and hurrah in a perfect frenzy of delight. A few who are accustomed to handling fire-amis either accompany their young masters a-hunting, or borrowing the guns belonging to the latter, go hunting themselves, followed by a rabble of the more timid men and boys, to whom a fowling-piece is about as great a mystery as it was to those salvages Miles Standish frightened away from Plymouth Eock, or is at this day to the natives of Central Africa, who arc accustomed to plant powder, expecting to reap a crop of guns, bullets, etc. etc., in due season. 10 362 THE NEGKO SLAVES. Thus, for the seven days the carnival continues, by which time the negroes themselves have become weary of so much feasting and idleness ; and hence return with eagerness to their shovels and hoes, feeling re- freshed, strengthened, and fully prepared to undertake the labors of the New Year. So much for the slaves in our Southern States. That they are not what every honest Christian would re- joice to see, we shall not gainsay ; neither will we deny that every people, of whatever creed or color, on the face of the earth, are far other than what the true men of all ages would approve of or desire. However, after reviewing the whole subject in all its bearings, we are disposed to regard the institution of Negro Slavery in a light very different from most of our contempora- ries. We are too apt, all of us, to confound the abuses of any system or institution with the system or institu- tion so abused. Nothing could be more unwise or un- philosophic. Let us consider how the little busy bee manages to extract sweetest honey from even the most inodorous and hurtful of flowers, while man has learned to distill from the most useful of all seeds a deadly and damning poison. New, God is wiser than bees, and he is infinitely greater and more just than man ; but no one can point to a single passage in the only authen- tic revelation of his will to man, in which he has con- demned as sinful the holding of a fellow-man in bond- age. On the contrary, he has by statute especially ap- proved of the same -; and even while he undertook to lead his chosen people out of Egyptian bondage, (and about this exodus the Higher Law advocates make much ado,) read, anti-slavery advocate, what fcheAl- THE NEGRO SLAVES. 6b6 mighty ordained to be a law among these fugitive bondmen, even while they still tarried in the land of their unfeeling taskmasters : "And the Lord said unto Moses and Aaron, This is the ordinance of the passover : there shall no stranger eat thereof. But every man's servant that is bought for money, when thou hast circumcised him, then shall he eat thereof. A foreigner and a hired servant shall not eat thereof." In this connection we can not refrain from mention- ing, that we once heard an honorable gentleman (by the bye, one of our cleverest Northern politicians, let his enemies denounce him as much as they please) de- liver an harangue upon the Burdens of Society. Al- though several times during his performance, he won from us the applause of a smile at some of his inimita- ble mimicries and grimaces, still we felt persuaded once or twice, that he ventured beyond his proper avocation when he attempted to handle sacred subjects. For ex- ample, in speaking of slavery as one of the greatest burdens of society, he took occasion to remark that he had no objection to the system of slavery upheld by Moses, and that he would be perfectly willing to put . all that concerns slavery to be found in the Old Testa- ment, into the New. Now, we are charitable enough to suppose that the Honorable gentleman is much bet- ter read in the New- York Tribune than in either the Old or New Testament; for we find Moses has de- clared (Exod. 21 : 20, 21,) the following rather sin- gular doctrine to be so emphatically indorsed by a leading champion of the anti-slavery men of the North. It is a doctrine, indeed, which would not be accepted 364 THE NEGRO SLAVES. by the most ultra Fire-eater in the South, and is be- sides opposed to the whole tenor and spirit of the New Testament. We furnish it for the benefit of the Hon- orable gentleman himself, who possibly has never read it — at least we hope he never has, for the contrary sup- position would be even worse than what his bitterest enemy has ever uttered to his hurt ; and yet he may not see it now, for we judge he is one of those men who read their own side only of every question, since he has neglected to read his Bible. But here is the passage : " And if a man smite his servant, or his maid, with a rod, and he die under his hand, he shall be surely punished. Notwithstanding, if lie continue a day or two, he shall not be punished; FOR HE is HIS MONEY." There, Sir ! that is the kind of slavery you don't call a burden. That is the kind of slavery you declare to be humane as compared to Negro slavery. Alas ! what intolerable farceurs are we all ! In conclusion, however, and merely for the sake of argument, let us suppose our African slavery to be an evil : but we have it still, and how are we to get rid of it? That's the question. Besides, notwithstanding this great evil, this great curse, we have as a people prospered more than any other people on the globe. Although the youngest of nations, we have already taken our place among the oldest as a first-class Power. Erom the very feeblest of beginnings, in little more than half a century we have grown to be of such gigan- tic stature, that we behold even now our lengthened shadow stretching entirely across the continent ; while with the aid of our ubiquitous commerce, upheld by THE NEGRO SLAVES. 365 invincible King Cotton, we have put a girdle of influ- ence around the entire globe. All this we have achiev- ed, divided as from the beginning into Free and Slave States, and in the teeth of the opposition and ill-omened vaticinations of the Old World dynasties, aided as these always have been by home-traitors who do not scrapie to hold out blue-lights for the enemy in time of war, and to continually predict in time of peace the ultimate failure of our complex and artificial s} T stem of government. Thus far the past history of the Repub- lic has been one continuous succession of brilliant achievements ; and now, blessed as we are on every hand, we see no cause why we can not reasonably look forward to a boundless future of prosperity, provided only we will consent as brethren to "dwell together in amity." And why shall we not? We all have glass houses enough, God knows, without daring to throw stones at each other. Would it not be better, then, for us all, close-buttoned to the chin, Broadcloth without, and a warm heart within," to go about "doing good as we have opportunity"? We will meet with opportunities every where, in the North or the South, in town or country, on land or sea. And when we slight those opportunities, to prat- tle never so sweetly about sins which do not concern us, and responsibilities which rest on other men's shoulders, however much we may gain the applause of men for oar fine speeches, yet there is One who con- demns us utterly for the miserable sham. Why, in a great city, in which at the time there were hundreds of 366 THE NEGEO SLAVES. poor white families in a state of semi-starvation for lack of employment, we once paid our two shillings, along with about two thousand other sleek and well-fed citi- zens, to hear a quasi-mimstev of the Gospel (whose yearly salary is about five thousand dollars) declaim in choicest billingsgate against a set of rascals some thou- sand miles off, although he had never seen them, (from prudential reasons, as he waggishly observed, which brought down the house;) but he denounced them nevertheless as the greatest oppressors in the world, to the inconceivable delight of his hearers, who every one went straightway home, blessing God that they were not born in that heathenish country a thousand miles away, and feeling particularly unctuous in the con- sciousness of their own good deeds ! While the unc- tuous lecturer himself, pocketing the plethoric purse earned by his night's labor, went on his way rejoicing, not caring a bawbee for the hundreds of hollow-eyed, hungry beggars, who at every street-corner thrust their pleading eyes and cadaverous faces between his saintly Reverence and the biting winter air. Ah ! Hood ! Thomas Hood ! many a true word spakest thou in jest, but never a truer than is found in the following tale, " whereto is tied a moral:" " Once on a time a certain English lass Was seized with symptoms of such deep decline. Cough, hectic flushes, every evil sign, That, as their wont is at such desperate pass, The doctors gave her over to an ass. " Accordingly, the grisly Shade to bilk, Each morn the patient quaffed a frothy bowl THE NEGRO SLAVES. Of assininc new milk, Robbing a shaggy suckling of a foal, Which got proportion ably spare and skinny— Meanwhile the neighbors cried : ' Poor Mary Ann ! She can't get over it ! she never can !' When lo ! to prove each prophet was a ninny, The one that died was the poor wet-nurse jenny. " To aggravate the case, There were but two grown donkeys in the place ; And most unluckily for Eve's fair daughter, The other long-cared creature was a male, Who never in his life had given a pail Of milk, or even chalk and water. No matter : at the usual hour of eight Down trots a donkey to the wicket-gate, With Mister Simon Gubbins on his back — ' Your sarvant, Miss — a werry springlike day — Bad time for hasses tho' ! good lack ! good lack ! Jenny be dead, Miss — but Tze brought ye Jack, lie doesn't give no millc — out he can bray.'' " *T> 44 vi'- -4. • •• "0 V 1 ,* 4°«* o_ * ^•^ ^o* v s .LVL'. «>» 4.0* 'i*i- * v *£«*♦ Deacidified using the Bookkeeper process. Neutralizing Agent: Magnesium Oxide Treatment Date JUN *<* PRESERVATION TECHNOLOGIES, L.P. 111 Thomson Park Drive ^ ^ * r oK 1