i li ■ ^ k ^ = 1 1 8 |L^ til ■n EhH^ ! M.: Book. H?^ K1" Printed jind C<>nii>ileil by Stntc Printing Company. Houston THE KEY TO THE CITY OF HOUSTON MRS. HENRY FALL, Editor-in-Chief MRS. MABEL F. SMITH, Illustrations DECEMBER, 1908 /^^ The Key to the City of Houston page Mks. Henry F-\ll .S Early Reminiscences of Houston Mrs. Adfxe Briscoe Loosc.\ns 6 Mrs. T. R. Fp_\nklin q The Social Life of Houston Marc.\ret Hadley Foster ii Literary and Civic Clubs of Houston Mrs. I. S. Mey'er 19 The Mothers' Clubs Mrs. B. a. Randolph 35 Little Men and Women and Representative Homes of Houston Mrs. J.lAr.EL F. Smith 39 Benovelent Institutions and Societies Mrs. E. N. Gray 55 Educational Facilities of Houston 65 Department of Churches Mrs. a. L. ^Metcalf 77 Parks of Houston AIrs. March Culmore 107 Fraternal Societies Mary E. Bryan 1 11 Patriotic Societies Mrs. Henry F. Ring 129 Musical Houston Mrs. Horace Booth Mrs. R. L. Cox Mrs. J. W. Maxey 147 Houston Theatres Fauna and Flora of Texas iMRs. Sallie Elizabeth Byers. Shopping Facilities of Houston Mrs. George W. Gr-Wes . . . . p.\ge .158 ■159 .165 Houston Business League Geo. p. Brown Houston Carnival JNIks. B. F. Bonner Houston Banks and Bankers .173 • 1/9 Houston Manufactories Mrs. D. D. Cooley 193 The Houston Market K.'^te B. ^IcKinney 199 Promin;nt Hotels of Houston Mrs. J. M. Limbocker Mrs. M. B. Crowe Mrs. Robert Burge 201 Summer Resorts on the Texas Coast Florence N. Dancy 203 Suburbs of Houston Mrs. W. G. Love 207 Advertising PRICE FIFTY CENTS THE COPY Issued in the interests of the Federation of Women's Ckibs IN PARTICULAR and the City of Houston IN GENERAL Houston Paint Company Artistic Wall Paper, Alabastine, Jap-A-Lac, Gold and Aluminum Pamts, Johnson Sc Sons' Wood Dyes and Floor Finishes, Tube Paints. Old Phones 2095 and 3053 Stores: 701-703 Fannin Street Factorv: 509-511 LOUISIANA STREET EVERYTHING IN OUR LINE THAT IS GOOD TO BEAUTIFY THE HOME STATEMENT OF CONDITON O F Tbe Commercial National Bank OF HOUSTON, TEXAS At the Close of Business, September 23, 1908 TIESOURCES Loans and Discounts $2,394,209.11 United States Bonds 350,000.00 Banking House, Furniture and Fixtures 300,000.00 Due from United States Treasurer 15,000.00 Casli on Hand $ 629,723.07 Cash with other Banks... 1,152,454.64 1,782,177.71 $4,841,386.82 LIABILITIES Capital $ 300,000.00 Surplus 500,000.00 Undivided Profits— net 123,404.69 Circulation 300,000.00 Individuals Deposits $1,630,869.69 Bank Deposits 1,987,112,44 3,617,982.13 Total $4,841,386.82 Accounts solicited. Courteous treatment and best terms consistent with good business methods assured Correspondence invited. MR^!. JOSEPH DIBRELL, State President Texas P. W. O. MRS. HENRY FALL, President City F. W. C, Editor-in-Chief Key to Houston. ®1|^ 2(?g to tl|? Olttg of i^umtm Volume I DECEMBER, 1908 Number I OBJECT AND PURPOSE OF THE KEY By Mrs. Henry Fall, Editor-in-Chie, It is with some degree of pleasure that the City Federation of Clubs present today the ag- gregate of tlieir first efforts at magazine work. It was during the summer months that Mrs. H. N. Jones, then president of the City Federa- tion of Clubs, conceived the idea of editing a souvenir magazine. The time intervening has been employed by the members in the various departments of this magazine work, according as they were assigned by her. Severe illness made it impossible for Mrs. Jones to continue the work, a most lamentable fact, for, with her hand at the helm to guide and direct her policies, success would have been assured. But, in Sep- tember, resigning as president of the City Fed- eration, the office fell to the vice president, Mrs. Henry Fall, and with it the responsibility of carrying to completion the magazine, and it may not be inopportune to remark that the work fell into the hands of the veriest tyro, making the achievement only resultant of fair success. Of this, however, the reader must judge, making due and charitable allowance in such judgment of the inexperience and inefficiency of those who have essayed the task of executing the plan. It has been our purpose to furnish you with "The Key to Houston," whereby you may have glimpses of the manufactures and various indus- tries. A peep at her deep water facilities and splendid educational advantages, with a history of the many churches and Christian organiza- tions, making this souvenir magazine worthy of its name. The purpose in view is the accumulation of a fund to be expended in the purchase of a lot, and the erection thereon of a building to be used as a place of assemblage for not only club women, but for all women's organizations — those bodies of associated effort, which in every com- munity are contributing so much to the moral, social and material advancement of the people. That our aspirations are tending towards suc- cess, the liberal patronage shown in our columns give hopeful augury. Those who have assisted in the work of bring- ing this souvenir magazine to such success as it may be deemed to have attained should receive the thanks of the few directly in charge of super- vising its contents. From tlie time in which the contract was signed that made this magazine a possibility, the State Printing Company and the Texas Engraving and Electrotype Company have given their cordial support and unwavering kind- ness, patience and generosity. To those not members of the clubs who have contributed to these columns, we extend heartfelt thanks. We were assured of their ability when we sought their assistance. That some of the manuscript has been shortened and some left out for lack of space, is one of the most unpleasant necessities of our work. The splendid response of the ad- vertisers has compelled us to cut and condense each department. We hope that the situation will be accepted and the fact cause rejoicing. Those whose kind words have cheered us on to victory when en- couragement was most needed, we will never forget. Much of our success is due to the un- tiring efforts of friends and advertisers, and to those, and to all those who have helped our en- terprise, the club women will join us in grateful acknowledgement. If our friends appreciate our efforts, it is to them we owe the tribute of suc- cess. EARLY REMINISCENCES OF HOUSTON By Mrs. Adele Briscoe Looscan The ground upon which Houston stands is truly historic. In the first place, it was included in the two leagues granted by the Mexican gov- ernment to John Austin, who was among the first to perceive the injustice with which Mexico treated her foreign born citizens. He was a companion of General Long's, and with him in the City of Mexico when he met his death there in 1821. After Austin returned to Texas it is said that he went from settlement to settlement, inciting the people to rebellion. It was from Austin's widow, afterwards Mrs. Parrot, that lose enterprising New Yorkers, A. C. and J. K. lien, purchased the land upon which they laid it the city, in August, 1836. Then the government rested in President Bur- t and his cabinet, and during the spring and ..^mmer had been a kind of perambulating body, having moved from San Felipe to Washington, thence to Harrisburg, thence to Yelasco, and thence to Columbia. When congress assembled in the last named place, in October, it was de- cided to locate the seat of government at Hous- ton, which had been appropriately named for the newly inaugurated president. The capitol building was to be erected at the expense of the Aliens, and Houston became the rendezvous for all who had business with the government officials. Texas was by this time attracting the attention of the whole world. The heroism of those who had triumphantly thrown off the yoke of Mexico reminded the world of the knightly deeds of the medieval ages, and made them think that the land must be fair, and well worth preserving, since so many noble men had perished in its de- fense. Before the completion of the capitol. General Houston had his office in a small log house on Franklin street. His residence, a clapboard house of two rooms, none but those who knew Houston in its infancy can recognize in the dilap- idated house adjoining the jail, on Caroline street, the former home of the most illustrious president of Texas. I have often heard from the lips of a young relative, an account of his introduction to this house and its host. He called early in the morning, and the General had not yet risen, but as little ceremony was observed in those days, the visitor without delay was ushered into his presence. The furniture con- sisted of a plain bed, a table and some chairs. In a corner of the room a pile of empty cham- pagne bottles testified that the previous even- ing had not been spent in solitary meditation on grave affairs of state. Although the General was not in a position to display his unusual grace of manner, yet he, by his affable words and forcible reasoning, succeeded in convincing the young man of his skill in diplomacy. It was during the first year of General Hous- ton's administration that Mr. Crawford, the agent of England, arrived. Crawford street is named in his honor. With him came the great French naturalist, Audubon, seeking in this un- explored region new varieties of birds. The one absorbed in the object of his visit and the other engaged in noticing the birds, failed to note down their impressions of the men they met. I\Ir. Roemer, an eminent German scientist, in liis work entitled "Texas,'' a few years later freely expressed his surprise at meeting "such cultivated people amid such rough surround- ings," and draws a most flattering comparison between these cultured men, who could thus sac- rifice all the comforts of life to the attainment of an object, and their English cousins, whose number of indispensable creature comforts is so large. As an instance of the good feeling prevailing amongst the Houston ladies of that day, it is related that an eminent visitor had been invited te dine with General Houston at the house of a certain lady. Another lady heard of the dinner party, but did not learn where it was to be. She happened to have a very fine turkey, then a rare luxury, and was determined that it should form the "piece de resistance" of the state dinner. Impelled by this neighborly and patriotic spirit, the dressed £robbler was sent from house to house Transf«rred from Lit ruriao's Office. EARLY REMIXISCENCES OF HOUSTON until the right one was found. Needless to say, the acceptable gift was gratefully received. In- deed, the feeling of public spirit was so predom- inant among the ladies that it became a common jest that all the families were able to use the same kitchen, without danger of conflicting in- ttrests arising, causing clashes among the domes- tics and the dishes. In these early days, as lumber was scarce, most of it being brought from Maine, the houses were very small. It was the custom to repair, after dinner, to the piazza. If General Hous- ton were present, he invariably drew from his pocket a piece of soft wood, and as he talked, would carve deftly with his pocket knife, crosses, knives, silk winders, etc., which were presented to the ladies of the party as soon as finished. Many of these souvenirs of a time when almost a spirit of kinship pervaded the society of Hous- ton, are still preserved in the families of early Houstonians. In the hotel owned by Major B. F. Smith, situated on the site of the Hutchins House, was given the first dramatic performance in Houston, "The Dumb Girl of Genoa." That the perform- ance did not please the audience was shown in a most characteristic way. One of the actors, Carlos, being tried and convicted of having "killed the play," was condemned to be hung in effigy from the limb of a tall pine tree that grew in front of the hotel. As the town grew, a build- ing was erected, especially for theatrical per- formances, on the spot now occupied by Henke 8c Pillot, on Milam. As early as 1838 a company came over from New Orleans and. under the management of Henry Corri, presented the "School for Scandal." From the strictures of the press, however, the presentation was far from favorably received, and, upon hearing that one of the actors had been bitten by a mad dog, the "Morning Star" commented that "it was feared that the news was too good to be true." First Anniversary, Battle San J.^icinto The battle of San Jacinto, fought on the 21st of April, 1836, by which the independence of Texas was established, was one of the grandest events in the history of nations. It has been classed by historians among the decisive battles of the world, for it was followed by the creation of a new nation on the ruins of a declining civil- ization. "Song nor storj- never told of field more glorious in heroic actions and far reaching blessings to our country." Following the impulse so common to human- ity, as the 2ist of April drew near, with the memory of San Jacinto still fresh in their minds, and appreciating the benefits resulting from it, the patriotic citizens of Texas resolved that this first anniversary should be celebrated at the capital of the republic. The city of Houston was at that time a mere name, or, at best, a camp in the woods, while tents and temporary structures of clapboards and pine poles were scattered along the banks of the bayou. The substantial log house of the pioneer was rare, the intention of the builders being to replace what the needs of the hour demanded by buildings fitted to adorn the capital of a great republic. The site of the capital had been selected, but the materials for its construction had not ar- rived from Alaine. There was, ho\Cever, a large two-story building, half finished, on the site of House's bank. The use of this property was ten- dered for the occasion by its owners, Kelsey & Hubbard. ^len worked day and night that it might have at least the chief requisites of a dancing hall, floor, walls and roof. As there was no time nor materials for the ceiling, a canopy of green pine boughs was laid on the beams to hide the effect of skeleton timbers and the great space between floor and high pointed roof. Chandeliers were suspended from the beams, and they resembled the glittering ornaments of this day only in the use for which the}- were intended. They were made of wood and suspended at regu- lar intervals, each pendant composed of cross pieces with sockets to hold the sperm candles. They shed but a feeble radiance, but, alas, a plentiful spattering of sperm on the dancers be- low. The floor, being twenty-five feet wide and seventy-five feet long, could accommodate sev- eral cotillons, and, although the citizens of Houston were few, the ample space was required for the numerous visitors from Brazoria, Colum- bia, Harrisburg and all the adjacent country. Parties of ladies and gentlemen came fifty or sixty miles on horseback, accompanied by serv- ants and wards, who had charge of the elegant costumes for this important occasion. From 8 THE KEY TO THE CITY OF HOUSTON Harrisburg they came in large row boat-, that mode of conveyance being preferable to a ride through the thick undergrowth, for at that time there was but a bridle path between the two places. General Mosely Baker, one of Houston's first citizens, was living with his wife and child in a small house built of clapboards. The house con- sisted of one large room, designed to serve as parlor, bedroom and dining room, and a small shed room in the rear. The floor, or rather, lack of floor, in the larger apartment was concealed by a carpet, which gave an air of comfort con- trasting strongly with the surroundings. As the time for going to the hall drew near, which was as soon as convenient after dark, several persons assembled at General Baker's for the purpose of going together. There were General Houston, Frank R. Lubbock and his wife, John Birdsell and Mary Jane Harris, the surviving widow of A. Briscoe. General Houston was J\lrs. Baker's escort, General Baker having gone to see that some lady friends were provided for. When this party approached the ball room, where dancing had already begun, the music, which was ren- dered by a violin, bass viol and fife, immediately struck up, "Hail to the Chief." The dancers withdrew to each side of the hall, and the whole party, General Houston and Mrs. Baker leading, marched to the upper end of the room. Having here laid aside wraps and exchanged black slip- pers for white ones, for there was no dressing room, they were ready to join in the dance, which was soon resumed. A new cotillon was formed by the party who had just entered, with the ad- dition of another couple whose names are not preserved, and Jacob Conger, who took the place of Mr. Birdsell, who did not dance. General Houston and Mrs. Baker were partners, Mrs. Lubbock and Mr. Conger, and General Frank Lubbock and Miss Harris. Then were the solemn figures of the stately cotillon executed with care and precision, the grave balancing steps, the dos a dos and others, to test the nimbleness and grace of the dancers. General Houston had just re- turned from New Orleans, where he had been for the purpose of having his wound treated. Being the president-elect, he was, of course, the hero of the day. His dress on this occasion was unique and somewhat striking, his ruffled shirt, scarlet cassimere waistcoat and suit of black silk velvet, corded with gold, was admirably adapted to set off his fine, tall figure. His boots, with short red tops, were laced and folded down in such a way as to reach but little above the an- kles, and finished at the heels with silver spurs. The spurs were of course quite a useless adorn- ment, but they were in those days so commonly worn as to seem almost a part of the boots. The weakness of General Houston's ankle, resulting from the wound, was his reason for substituting boots for slippers, then worn by gentlemen for dancing. Mrs. Baker's dress of white satin, with (I black lace overdress, corresponded in elegance with that of her escort, and the dresses of most of the other ladies were likewise rich and taste- ful. Some were of white mull, with satin trim- mings ; others were dressed in white and colored satins, but naturally, in so large an assembly, gathered from so many different places, there was great variety in the quality of the costumes. All wore their dresses short, cut low in the neck, and' with short sleeves, and all wore orna- ments of flowers or feathers in their hair. Some of the flowers, of Mexican workmanship, being particularly noticeable on account of their beauty and rarity. Only one event occurred to mar the happiness of the evening. While all were dancing merrily, the sad news arrived that the brother of the Misses Cooper, who were on the floor at the time, had been killed by the Indians, at some point on the Colorado river. Although the young ladies w-ere comparative strangers, earnest ex- pressions of sympathy were heard on all sides, and the pleasure of themselves and their intimate friends was destroyed. At about midnight the signal for supper was given, and the entire party marched to the hotel owned by Major B. F. Smith, built near the center of the block where the Commercial bank now stands. This building then consisted of two large rooms, built of pine poles, laid up like a log house, and a long shed in the rear, extending the whole length of the two rooms. Under this shed, quite innocent of floor or carpet, the supper was spread. The tempting turkeys, venison, cakes, etc., displayed in rich profusion, the excellent coffee and sparkling wines, invited all to partake freely. Soon the witty toast and hearty laugh EARLY REMINISCENCES OF HOUSTON went round. The menu card, with its enticing suggestions to pampered appetites, was not need- ed, nor was the costly souvenir of later day entertainments. Most truly did good digestion wait on appetite, and memory stored away in her cupboard more ludicrous incidents and more witty sayings than could be gathered together from a score of elegant modern soirees. Returning to the ball room, dancing was re- sumed with renewed zest, until the energies of the musicians began to flag, and the prompter failed to "call out the figures" with his accus- tomed gusto, when the cotillon gave place to the time honored Virginia reel, and by the time each couple had enjoyed the privilege of "going down the middle," daylight began to dawn. Parting salutations were exchanged and the merry throng of dancers separated, most of them never tc meet again. Ere long the memory of the ball on the first anniversary of San Jacinto was laid away among the mementoes of the past, only being drawn from its obscurity on each recurring anniversary, it continues to -retain its freshness, even after fifty years have flown. Of all tliat merry com- pany who participated in that festival, none are known to be living now except ex-Governor Lub- bock, Mrs. Wynns, Mrs. M. J. Briscoe (Miss Mary Jane Harris) and Mrs. Fanny Darden. Texas, February, 1887. These have now all passed away. — Editor. EARLY REMINISCENCES OF HOUSTON By Mrs. T. R. Franklin I am indebted to Mrs. Adele Briscoe Looscan for the preceding article, which contains the ex- periences and recollections of her mother, Mrs. Mary J. Briscoe, and which antedate mine by several years. My first recollection is of the wolves, howling around the fence whenever hogs were killed. Chills run down my spine even now when I think of how we children would cuddle down under the bed clothes, only comforted by the tight shut doors, and that father's shotgun stood in the corner, and that "father could shoot anything.'' But gradually the wolves, the wildcats, the hoot owls and the Indians stole away. A new order arose. Houses grew many and larger. Flower gardens were made and shade trees were planted; now and then oyster shell and broken brickbat sidewalks were made, and widely com- mented upon as strong evidence of the city's progress to better things. The old-fashioned white top wagons, with their many yoke of oxen, and their shrewd drivers, were a pronounced feature of Houston in those far off days. These wagons were the only means of communication with the interior, for it was many years before Mr. Paul Bremond drove the first spike of the H. & T. C. railroad, or the G. H. & H. was begun. The wagoners were a tme set of men. Great courage and for- titude were theirs, to brave the uncertain tem- perature of our Texas winters, with their sud- den northers ; courage and fortitude to find their way through nearly trackless prairies and dense forests, made dangerous by lurking beasts and stealthy Indians. Even after the comfortless, toilsome march was ended, they had to become chary and shrewd to get the best prices for tlieir produce, mostly cotton, for they had no daily reports from all the business centers of the \\ orld, to guide them. Even after the sales were made, and unaccustomed silver jingled in their pockets, other dangers beset them. The lure of bright bar rooms, the roll of dice, and all of the fascinations of what was to them a big town. But they were made of stern stuff, those early pioneers, and generally got away after a parting drink with their merchant, who, in exchange for their produce, had sold them their goods — calico for the wife and babies, the little store of flour, sugar and coffee, and tobacco for the pipe. Pos- sibly a bottle of whiskey for snake bite. These wagoners were often witty at the ex- pense of the town folks. Apropos of their wit, I recall a funny story. One of them was taking a parting drink (which was whiskey drawn from a barrel into a tin cup). Just as he was about to 10 THE KEY TO THE CITY OF HOUSTON drink it, an old gentleman standing by said, warningly : "Don't drink that, my friend ; it is warranted to kill dogs." The wagoner paid no attention to the warning, but drained his cup. CAPITAL 111' Then, turning to the old gentleman, replied, with a twinkle in his eye : "Weil, you see, it doesn't hurt me, but you had better not try it." There were other quaint characters about Houston, besides the wagoners. Notably Uncle Billy, who was a source of great amusement, and amusements were rare in those days. Uncle Billy lived about a mile out of town, and whenever he came in, brought his fiddle with him, and played for "the boys" in front of the old Houston House, where the Houston Bank and Trust Company now stands. He would play and play, tune after tune, until he would tire, and had to be plied with drink until he was rested. Then he would begin to tell funny stories, until he would become thirsty, and his thirst had to be quenched in an ever flowing bowl, until, after many potations, tales and tunes, he would have to be put to bed by the friendly boys. But the day came for Uncle Billy when he "got religion," and he left l.'is fiddle at home and told no more tales, for he said, "fiddling led to drinking, and telling tales led to lying," for he "just natcherly had to put a 'pint' on them tales." Old Crazy Ben was also a queer character, who was supposed to be foreign, and one of Lafitte's pirates. He also was addicted to drink. At times he would disappear for days, even weeks, returning, it was said, with strange gold pieces and many of them. No one could folio v him to the hiding place of his treasure, for he was very wary, for if he ever saw any one fol- lowing his little skiff, in which he took his secret journeys, he had an ever ready pole with which to play the innocent fisherman, or tied up his boat and landed to gather berries and wild grapes. His ill gotten treasure was supposed to be buried near Harrisburg, but he died and gave no signs. Lately a singular instance gives color to this belief. One dark night, some months ago, lights were seen flitting about in the woods near Harrisburg, and the lights finally settled in one place. It was supposed that campers were arranging theii^' camp for the night. Next morning there were no evidences of a camp and, upon investigation, something mysterious had happened. A large hole had been dug upon the site of the supposed camp, from which a chest of considerable size had been taken. Traces of iron rust were found, and an old torn paper, giving explicit directions for finding the place. Was it Crazy Ben's long buried treasure? Was the blood-stained gold to go forth again on its mission of weal or woe? But, for the most part, the earlier settlers of Houston were men and women of fine metal — brave, strong, religious, patriotic. Mr. Roemer, a German scientist, found there a cultured peo- ple. Why not? They were representatives of the best families in the United States and Euro- pean centers. Where could be found a man of broader culture and deeper learning and cour- teous bearing, than the revered Dr. Ashbel Smith ? The women deserve especial mention. I remember with warm admiration the gentle OLD CAPITAL OF TEXAS, HOUSTON women who used to bring their sewing and spend long, interesting days with my mother. The sew- ing consisted generally of fine linen shirt fronts, tc be stitched, or dainty ruffles to be "rolled and THE SOCIAL LIFE OF HOUSTON 11 whipped." Earnest discussions of religious topics would arise, sometimes arguments, but never was anything said to offend. They seemed to always have in mind the Master's admonition, "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you." They would wax endiusiastic over patriotic themes, and eminent writers and poets of the day were admired and intelligently dis- cussed. And music always formed some part of the day's doing. These women have "writ themselves large in Houston's history," and to their influence, active to the present day, is due the fact that immorality in social life is less tolerated here than in any city I have ever known. These early pioneers have gone to their well earned reward, and their works live after them. No longer carriages bog in our streets. We have the whistle of the locomotive for the hoot of the screech owl ; the hum of industry for the hiss and rattle of the snake. The bayou where Crazy Ben's canoe took its lonely way will soon bring the ships of all nations to our wharves. The de- velopment and prosperity of the Houston of today is but the fruition of the hope and the ceaseless endeavors of these early pioneers. THE SOCIAL LIFE OF HOUSTON By Margaret Hadley Foster The two greatest charms of Houston are the people and the trees. Of the trees let others speak ; it is of the people, their characteristics, customs, social clubs, etc., that I have been asked to write. This should be with me a labor of love, for Houston is my birthplace, and her people are my people. In my opinion, the strongest characteristic of Houstonians is their hopsitality. How often, at conventions or meetings, of a mercantile, politi- cal or patriotic nature, have I heard strangers wonder at the cordial and generous treatment they have received in Houston, and it has hap- pened within my own knowledge, that this re- ception has attracted to our city a number of most desirable people, who were glad to become members of a social life rendered so attractive by kindly and courteous hospitality. I remem- ber with pleasure hearing Mrs. George B. Cor- telyou speak of the very favorable impression left on the minds of all who were with President Mc- Kinley by their short stay in Houston, en route for California. She said that Mr. McKinley often referred to it, and that she could never for- get the cordial and charming courtesy the party had received here. How many strangers have come to Houston, appalled by the prospect of living in a place that seemed to them wanting in every desirable qual- ity for a home, who have learned to love our city with a lasting and tender affection! One of these, who was, after about eight years here, obliged by force of circumstances that seemed to others of a very fortunate nature, to go from Houston to New York city, said to me a few years after- wards : "I would rather sell peanuts in Houston than live in New York on a thousand dollars a day!" Why? The answer is in the cordiality, hospi- tality and kindly charm of the people. Another distinct and admirable feature of Fiouston's social life, and one to be highly prized, is the excellent character of her young men — those who are known as "society men." I chal- lenge the world to show a town of its size where a young girl, who is a lady, is shown more courtesy, and, if she be at all attractive, more attention, or where she has a more delightful life, or visit, than in Houston. Our young men are thoughtful, attentive and generous to a very unusual degree, and nowhere is a young girl n-ore thoroughly a queen regnant than in the Bayou City. Houston has grown so big in the last eight years that it has lost much of the sweetness and homelikeness that once so characterized it. 12 THE KEY TO THE CITY OF HOUSTON Where there was once one social circle within itb borders, there are now many. New people constantly coming in, join themselves to one or other of these cliques, by letter of introduction, neighborhood intercourse, church association or what not, as in other cities. One constantly hears the old Houstonians saying: "There are so many new people that I can't keep up with them. And such nice people, too. It seems a pity not to know them all." That, of course, is impossible ; but gradually each new family adjusts itself to its surround- ings, and in a very short time its members are pleased to speak of themselves as "old Hous- tonians." In her growth Houston has almost, if not entirely, given up one sweet old custom, and in sc doing has made a mistake — one that could easily be rectified, however, if only the right people would take hold of it in the right way. I refer to the practice of being "at home" on New Year's Day. In old times it was the pleasant custom for every, or almost every, married woman to be at home on that day, while her husband went the rounds of the other homes, with other men. Of course, there were refresh- ments everywhere, and it has been said in ob- jection that often too much wine was drunk, as wine was served at almost every house, but my experience has been that a gentleman can usually be trusted to remember that he is a gentleman, and that there is little danger of this sort to be feared from the men of Houston. A few years ago this old custom was revived tc a certain extent, but in a way that seemed to lose the charm of it, and that way has now al- most entirely lapsed. It first began by a few women of the haute voice deciding to be at home on New Year's Day, and asking others to be with them, and this grew until it got to be that only four or five houses would be open, and that at each of them there would be a tremendous receiving party, with as much expense and trouble in decorating the rooms as at the most formal reception. In this way the true spirit of the custom was smothered, leaving a beautiful body, to be sure, but one in which was no re- sponse whatever to the cheer and the kindly ob- ject of the custom, that of beginning the new year with a renewal of friendship. Nowhere in our country, I am sure, are hand- some or more agreeable social functions than in Houston. They are characterized by beauty of decoration and a kindly informality, even while observing the most dignified conventionalities, that give them a charm rarel}' met with else- where. Of course, our people have succumbed more or less entirely to the rage for card play- ing, but it is a noticeable fact that there is com- paratively no playing for money. Only here and there you find a few who break this rule, and there is not one card club where it ^s done. I mean, of course, one club of which ladies are members. In fact, Houston has the proud dis- tinction of having one card club, the Wednesday Morning Whist Club, where there are no dues, nc' fines, no prizes. This club, organized in 1894, is composed of women who are not only of the highest social standing, but who are good play- ers. Strictly conservative, they have refused to change the dignified game of whist for its more lively successor and near relative, bridge, that has captured the rest of card-playing Hous- tonians, and is now played everywhere. Mrs. B. F. Weems was elected president of this club at its first meeting, and has filled the position ever since, evidently to the entire sat- isfaction of the members. Indeed, it is often called "Mrs. Weems' Wednesday Morning." The Third Ward Euchre Club has just reached its majority, having been organized in October, 1887, the oldest and perhaps most dig- nified card club in the state. The first meeting was held at the home of the late Mrs. Peter N. Gray, and that fact alone would vouch for the club's respectability and freedom from low aims. In this club the aim was solely social intercourse and innocent amusement, and this aim has been upheld most strictly. No matter how wealthy the host, nor how elegant the home, the refresh- ments are limited to one course, and the four prizes are never allowed to exceed in value the sum of six dollars, the amount of dues paid in. Mr. W. B. Chew was the first president of this club, being followed by Mr. McGaroch, who was ill turn succeeded by Dr. J. H. Blake, who held the office until 1895. Mr. W. C. Crane was then elected, and, with the exception of two years, when the office was filled by Mr. Howard F. Smith for one term, and Mr. H. W. Garrow for THE SOCIAL LIFE OF HOUSTON 13 another, he has held the position, and it is to Mr. Crane's firm but just ruling the club feels that its virility is due. Its membership is limited to twelve couples ; its meetings are always in the evening, and, while the personnel has naturally changed somewhat, there are still many that go week after week during the season, who have always belonged to it. In consequence of this, the meetings are more like family reunions than those of a card club. The Study Whist Club was organized twelve \ears ago. when duplicate whist was the rage, ing Whist, has been beguiled from its allegiance to whist by the more lively game of bridge, but its name is still retained, and its reputation for high standing and harmony is so well established that there are always applicants waiting for anv vacancy that may occur. Other clubs have come and gone, but these three, the Third Ward Euchre, the Wednesday Morning and the Study Whist, still live, object lessons in the matter of leadership, proving also the possibility of harmony, even around the card table. GROUP OF PL.\TEES, WHIST TOURNAMENT, RE.SIDENCE OF MRS. INGRAM SEWARD and has kept the even tenor of its way ever since, a source of much pleasure, both to the members and their friends. Here again there has been but one president, Mrs. H. F. Ring, whose gentle sway has done much to keep the club alive. The membership is limited to twelve — three tables— and, while there are no prizes, the scores of the members are strictly kept, so that, at the close cf the season, she who has the highest is given a souvenir pin to commemorate that fact. This club, unlike its neighbor, the Wednesday Morn- I think it well, before leaving the subject of cards, to mention an interesting feature of the past three social seasons. Mrs. O. T. Holt, one of the most prominent and widely loved women ever known in the social life of Houston, having attended a whist tournament in St. Louis, took it into her handsome head to see what could be done in that line in Houston, so, with her usual energy and width of view, she issued through the daily press an invitation to whist players to take part in a tournament at the residence of her 14 THE KEY TO THE CITY OF HOUSTON sister-in-law, Mrs. Ingham Seward, which was to last for four days, three of which were to show who were to play in the "finals" for the trophies. This invitation was promptly accepted by players, good, bad and indifferent, and Mrs. Seward's rooms, as well as the porch around them, were filled with tables, around which com- pass whist was played. The work of keeping scores was extremely difficult, not to speak of seeing that the players were cordially received and agreeably refreshed, but with Mrs. Holt this seemed to be a trifle, and she showed sweetness, discretion and good generalship throughout. Next year it was repeated, with whist still the chosen game, but in the third tournament bridge was substituted, again triumphant over the older game. From card to dancing club is an easy transi- tion, and here, too, Houston has the oldest or- ganization of the kind in the state, the Z. Z. Club. Forty years ago a few young men met in the store of Henry Sampson, Jr., and there, by the light of tallow candles stuck here and there on a counter, they formed a dancing club. There was one drawback in the fact that only two of the members, Rufus Cage and Henry Sampson, Jr., who, by the by, were the youngest of the crowd, could dance the round dances that were becoming so very popular, and were fated to entirely put out of countenance the old square dance which the good people of Houston had before that found so enjoyable. However, neither the youthful- ness nor the inexperience of the members stood as an insupportable obstacle in the path of these hardy pioneers. Houston must have a dancing flub, and there must be round dances ; the mem- bers must learn to foot them with the best. With this lofty purpose in view, it was with burning hearts that thev read, in an account of the meeting given next day in a local paper, that, owing to the immature age of the members of the club, catnip tea had been served for refresh- ments ! The thrust was a bitter one, and it was urged that it was the duty of the biggest man in the club, Mr. George Bringhurst, to whip the editor, but this belligerant attitude was aban- doned, and the wisdom thus shown has charac- terized the club through all these vears. Har- mony and happiness have been their watchwords, and surely they have contributed more largely to the pleasure of the young people of Houston than any other organization so far. Mr. Bringhurst was chosen the first presi- dent and the club began its happy life. It was devoted entirely to pleasure, but has honored iiself very highly by breaches of this observance from time to time. Its crown of achievement has been studded with many a jewel, and it has always been a potent factor in the social life, not only of Houston, but of the state. It has been for many years the custom of the Z. Z.s to compli- ment the debutantes by opening the season with a cotillon in their honor, and to be presented to the world on this occasion became so desirable that people from all over the state sought a share in it for their daughters. This grew to such an extent that the club was forced to limit the luimber to those who lived in Houston. To this "debutante's german" an additional honor has been added of late years, begun by the present president, Mr. Presley K. Ewing, in the form of a "debutante's reception," which he gives them at his own home. So each year a group of the young girls of Houston make their formal bow to the world under the special auspices of the Z. Z. Club, as represented by their president, who is always assisted by his wife, the officers of the dub and such friends as INIr. and Mrs. Ewing are pleased to honor. This was Mr. Ewing's own innovation, and it is his jileasure to have always a handsome setting for the group of girls, in which he is ably and ha^nily seconded by his wife. Besides the "debutante's german," it is the custom of the Z. Z. Club to give a "society ball" during the Christmas holidays, a german just before and another just after Lent, thus contrib- uting four handsome functions to the winter season. I would like to recall one beautiful turning aside of this club from the usual routine of re- ception, cotillon and ball, that left an indelible impression on my mind. It was in the sweet Yuletide of 1902 that it was announced that on the day after the society ball a Christmas dinner would be given by the club to the orphan children of the city. To this end the Bayland Orphan Home, the Faith Home and the Free Kindergar- ten were requested to give to a committee, ap- pointed for the purpose, the names and ages of THE KEY TO THE CITY OF HOUSTON 15 the little ones who were in their care, to invite tliem to dinner, and also to ask each child what special gift they would like to find on the Christmas tree that would be ready for them. It was a beautiful sight when the children gath- ered in the ball room, whose handsome decora- tions had been left for their pleasure, enhanced by the presence, in the center of the room, of a splendid big tree, hung with all the bright para- phernalia of candles, fruit and sparkling garland, as well as toys of all sorts and description. Here the president, Mr. Ewing, was the happy host, giving cut to each one, not only what they specially desired, but another gift and a box of candy. The light that shone in those happy child eyes was enough to brighten many a dark day for those who had planned and car- ried out the beautiful idea. A fine dinner followed, with turkey and pie and ice cream and fruit — in fact, all that goes to make up a "sho-nuff" Qirist- mas dinner, and, as 1 turned away from the room, I said in my heart, "God bless those who have thought of His little ones." The .best of the Jewish element, as well as some of the wealthiest and most influential men in our city, are represented in the Concordia club, which is handsomely housed on Texas avenue, near the business center of Houston. This club, organized August 23, 1901, has a membership of no men, who know how to enjoy club life, and are generous in sharing that enjoyment with others. They have a pretty fashion of giving up their club to the less favored sex on one day of the week, Thursday, and in this it would seem MR. J. KAHN, President Concordia Club. good to me that the other clubs should follow their example. They make it a point to have twelve social affairs during the year, two of them being very handsome balls. They have adopted the fashion of giving the first of the season (in November), in special honor of the debutantes, introducing them to the world, and the second is given on the eve of New Y''ear's Day. For these two grand occasions no ex- pense nor trouble is spared to make them brilliant successes, and it would be hard to find a ball room where richer jewels or handsomer gowns can be seen. The club house is admirably arranged and furnished, having card rooms, reception rooms, ball room — in fact, all that is requir- ed to make a luxuri- ous setting for any so- cial function, as well as exceedingly com fortable quarters for the men who seek its restful environment. Mr. C. T. Richmond was the first presi- dent, followed by ]\Ir. Arthur Lipper, Mr. [ules Hirsch, Mr. A. M. Morris and ]\Ir. J. Kahn, who have each ■-erved a term. The greater the civ- ilization of a people, the more eagerly they turn to those pleasure - that bring them in close contact with nature, so a Country Club has become necessary, to complete the equipment of a citv. In this Houston is fortunate in having a club of men who make golf one of the special aims of its existence, and who are in every wav prepared to give that game a pleasant setting, adding other enjoyments of outdoor life for people who are not specially fond of golf. The club has been in existence for several years, under the title of "The Houston Golf Club," with a cozy and artistic cottage THE SOCIAL LIFE OF HOl'STON 17 home, very attractively located, liavine- an admir- able golf link, tennis court, etc., but it has out- grown this stage, and has changed its name to "The Country Club," and purchased a large tract of land on the interurban Houston and Harris- burg railway, where they are putting up a hand- some club house, and intend to have an equip- ment in every way worthy of themselves and of Houston. The membership is limited to five hundred, and very nearly that many names are now on the roll. Their first home was the scene of many a charming social function, for the meni- E. B. Parker, vice president, and :Mr. C. D. Gold- ing, secretary. The Thalian is comparatively an infant among the clubs, but a most sturdy and robust infant, amply able to walk alone and to look after itself in every way. It was organized October 9, igoi. Major John F. Dickson was chosen president, and the following composed the first board of trustees: Major Dickson, W. B. Botts, T. C. Ford, F. C. Jones, W. T. Hunt, H. D. Lea, Wilmer Waldo, N. G. Kittrell, Jr., and George S. Westerfield. Thus officered, the club began ^^^^^^^^^bP^ ^ jif^l JH L «%*'^i ^^H ^^^^^^^M ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^1 fl H. jr. GARWOOD. President of Th:ili,-iii Club. bers' wives had the privilege of using the pretty little bungalow for their card parties., luncheons, etc. Besides, it was the custom, during the sea- son, to serve a cup of tea on Saturday afternoons tr, the players, strangers and such ladies as tlicv were pleased to invite. In the new home these customs will be continued, and the Countrv Club will more than justify the reputation of their predecessor. Under the recent reorganization, Mr. William M. Rice was chosen president ; Mr. MAJOR JOHN F. DICKSOX, First President Thalian Club. its career, the first thing to be done being to provide itself with a home. With this in view, a lot was purchased on the corner of Rusk avenue and San Jacinto street, a most desirable location. Plans were chosen for a building, which was erected without loss of time, and they were soon installed in a home which is most decidedly an ornament to the city. The club is composed of the very flower of Houston ; men who are not only members of her best social life, but are the 18 THE KEY TO THE CITY OF HOUSTON backbone and strength of the city. In planning thiCir buikhng, tliey gave due thought for the comfort of their future guests, and, in fact, in all its appointments, their club house is admirably arranged. On the basement floor are three bowling alleys, a billiard hall, barber shop, wine and ice room, kitchen, bath rooms and boiler room. On the second floor are smoking room, reading room, parlor, dining room, cloak room, secretary's and steward's rooms. The third floor i''- one large ball room, the handsomest in the city, wlure there are many informal dances through the season, and always one handsome ball on New Year's Eve. This is one of the swellest functions of the season, and everything is done to make it a perfect success. In the second floor the various rooms are filled with tables, where those of sedate years and tastes have their games of cards, with very handsome prizes to stimulate them, while overhead, in the ball room, are gath- ered the very best among the younger set of the city. Altogether a strong, fine club, with the distinction of being the only one in the city that owns its own home. Major Dickson has served three terms as president; Mr. R. S. Lovett, now a resident of New York, served two ; Mr. Frank Andrews, Mr. J. S. Rice, Mr. Sinclair Taliaferro, each has served one year, and Mr. H. M. Gar- wood now occupies the chair. The present board of trustees is composed of Mr. Garwood, E. L. Neville, W. A. Sherman, A. W. Pollard, K. E. Womack, Herbert Godwin, T. F. Wier, C. P. Shearn, Jr., Sinclair Taliaferro, John W. Lewis and H. L. Porter. And now, just one word for those who make Houston's social life what it is — the women of the city, the wives and mothers. They are in every way worthy of much praise, and to them is Houston deeply indebted. They know how to receive and to be received; they are intelligent, active in good works, ready to turn aside from Ijall, reception, card party, etc., to help in some charity or to lend a hand in beautifying the city, and they certainly know how to dress. I think it would be difficult to find a city where the women are equal to ours. I am sure you could not find their superiors. The men, as a rule, are too much absorbed in business, professional or otherwise, to do much in the way of promoting social intercourse, but v.'hen dragged out by their more energetic wives, they seem entirely capable, not only of enjoying ic, but adding to its attractiveness. I have been told by a gentleman, who had made a point of looking into the matter, that there are more uni- versity men in Houston in proportion to its pop- ulation than any other city in the United States ; so, if they do not enhance the social life of Houston, it is simply because they are indifferent thereto, and it has been despite this indifference that that life has become what it is — the chiefest charm of Houston. LITERARY AND CIVIC CLUBS OF HOUSTON By Mrs. L S. Meyer The work accomplished by the club woman of today is becoming a mighty factor in the devel- opment of our present civilization. MRS. I. S. MEYER, First Vice-President City Literary Club. Hers has always been the hand behind the throne, but not until recently has she been able to come boldly before the world and suggest and even demand certain reforms. It is through her close, observing eye and fertile brain that so much has been accomplished in civics, the betterment of our public schools, hbrary work, better laws, kindergartens — in fact, there has not been a single line of work wherein mankind could not be made better or happier, in which the club woman has not either accom- plished or is striving to have done. It is with pride that we note that our Houston club ladies are not behind in this onward march, to higher, better living. In reviewing the work done by the various clubs we see that, while each is organized for self culture, it is not for that alone; for as she ascends the mountain side of culture and learn- ing, her vision becomes bi'oader and wider and she can better see the needs of those around her. As a result of the larger outlook of our Hous- ton women, we have a strong city federation, composed of the various clubs of the city. Each club has its own special line of philanthropic work, but all are working with perfect una- nimity and harmony together, for the one object, to make this a better and more beautiful world in which to live. That }ou may be able to know more of the work done by the various clubs of Houston, the following reports are presented. A SHORT HISTORY OF THE CITY FEDERATION OF HOUSTON CLUBS By H. N. Jones Our federation is now composed of seven broad-gauged, energetic clubs, namely : The Ladies' Reading Ckib, the Woman's Club, the Shakespeare Club, the Houston Heights Literary Club, the Current Literature Club, the Civic Club, and the Pen Women. The membership of these clubs consists of cultured women, patriotic in sentiment, proud of their city and thoroughly alive to its interests. The need which called this organization into life was the securing nf a site for our Carnesfie library. Our \\'oman's Club, ever alert for the wel- fare of our people, was the first to voice our need for a public library. Two of their members, Mrs. W. E. Kendall and Miss Mamie Gearing, were appointed to write to Carnegie asking his aid. His reply offering $50,000 if a site and maintenance be guaranteed, filled all with enthusasm. Mrs. H. F. Ring, then president of the Ladies' Club, was ask- ed to call a meeting of all the clubs to discuss this proposition. At this meeting our city federation was organized in the fall of 1899. MRS. McKINNEY, Member Board on Publication MRS. D. i->. CUKLEV. Recording Secretary City Federation LITERARY .VXD CIVIC CLUBS OF HOLSTOX 21 Our city council was induced to appropriate a maintenance fund ; this accoinplished, a site was secured and paid for. When the building was completed, the library board offered the assembly room for the use of the clubs. This was beau- tifully furnished by the federation and is yet used by all our federated clubs. A circulating library was then established ; books and magazines were contributed by citi- zens, selected and packed by the federation and distributed to outlying districts. This work met with hearty appreciation and was productive of much good. Later the Ladies' Reading Club asked for the work as a part of their traveling library and this was turned over to them. The federation then turned its attention to biinging good attractions to Houston, and under its auspices the public has had many literary and artistic treats, .•\mong them, Mr. Louis Spencer Daniel, Bertha Kuntz Baker, Prof. S. H. Clark, Air. Troupe, and they assisted the Art League in bringing Lorado Taft. Last September the fed- eration mothered the organization of the Hous- ton Lecture Association, an organization repre- senting twenty different institutions, thus broad- ening interest and dividing the burden. Their one object is the bringing of educational lectur- ers and they will, no doubt, be a great factor in the future educational interests of Houston. In 1904 our federation had the honor and pleasure of entertaining the seventh session of the state federation, ^^'e have had five presi- dents, j\lrs. M. Looscan serving one }ear, Mrs. K. F. Ring three years, Airs. F. F. Dexter and Mrs. E. B. Cushing, Airs. R. AI. Hall three years, and the present incumbent, Airs. H. X. Jones, elected last Alay for the second term. Last year, besides our work with the lecture association, we gave a reception to and assisted in entertaining the Teachers' Association, which met in our city. We entertained with two open jTieetings, when the individual work of the clubs and needs of the community were the subjects of discussion. The Art League was given our moral support, Encouragement and some small material aid. Flowers were sent to Shut-in Sunshiners. Throughout all the year a sincere effort was made to bind more securely the sympathetic re- lations of our clubs. We are now at work on a souvenir magazine which will be a picture of the church, social and educational life of Houston today. Aluch interest is being aroused in a clubhouse and Houston will, no doubt, in the near future, boast a woman's cHibhouse. In giving a resume of the work of our federa- tion, it is enough to say that we have ever been faithful to the object of our organization, namely ; '"To promote harmonious relations among our clubs, and by concert of action to labor for the general good of our members and tlie communitv at largje." THE ^^■OAIAX•S CLUB OF HOUSTOX. Bv Mrs. F. W. Vaughan To record a history of the \A'oman's Club dur- ing the almost fifteen years of its existence would be to interweave the history of Houston and also cf scores of her most noble women; women from without her borders who have contributed brilliant effort and undying zeal ; women reared under the folds of the bonny blue flag, follow- ing its guiding star, ever ; acknowledging defeat, never. Organized primarily for self culture, by Airs. George AIcDonnell, on the 8th of December, 1893. tlie broad, altruistic spirit de\ eloped until realizing the grand principle of right living "that as we help each other we are in like measure benefited," we responded in 1897 to an invitation from Waco to organize a State Federation of Women's Clubs, the value of which has been in- estimable in individual ones putting in touch and broad sympathy with the other and the grand whole. Realizing the strength of unity, this in turn joined the Xational Federation in 1902, 22 THE KEY TO THE CITY OF HOUSTON MRS. GEORGE lU'DONNELL. Organizer and First Vice-President. sending delegates wherever they have been bid- den, from the boundary of the Northern pines to the sunht waters of the Golden Gate. The beautiful building which shelters us today — the loved home of the Houston club woman — we are proud to claim as a cherished offspring, for is not the personal letter of the philanthro- pist granting us his most gracious gift, one of our most treasured possessions? At this time a City Federation of \\'omen's Clubs was formed for the purpose of devising ways and means for meeting conditions imposed with the grant. With a great effort $500 was raised as this club's offering. A standing charity offering was main- tained and many burdens lightened by its timely aid. Funds have been sent to sufferers from the Jacksonville fire, Galveston flood, Martinique earthquake, to the home militia during the Spanish-American war, $60 to the State Fed- eration scholarship fund, and a recent contribu- tion of loan books to the Carnegie library, and many private calls have been responded to. None have called in vain. In 1901 we expanded into a department club for the purpose of establishing free kindergar- tens. Starting the first session in an humble way, the second found us with our own building and expensive equipment, maintaining a train- ir.g class for kindergarten teachers under a corps of competent and well paid teachers. These grad- uated with public honors two years later, and today fill positions of trust and honor — an ever- present reminder of the unselfish love of these women for God's less fortunate ones. Later, a co-operative kindergarten was opened and suc- cessfully operated. The maintenance of these institutions required large sums of money and untold labor for those who bore the burden, but it was cheerfully taken up. Several successful bazaars were held, banks installed in public I'laces, a large charitv ball and several lesser so- cial functions were given. A large associate mem- bership and the proceeds from a handsome build- ing used as a co-operative home and rented as studios, furnished financial aid. ^^'ithin the last year all this was abandoned in order to concen- trate all efforts towards public school kinder- garten work, and to this end donated all prop- erties and interests to the industrial and settle- MKS. KING. President Women's Club. LITERARY AND CIXIC CLUBS OF HOUSTON 23 ment workers with our g-ood will and moral support. With the completion of the Charlotte AL Allen school, a room was offered us for the use of a kindergarten. We accepted the room and estab- lii^hed the first kindergarten in a public school in this city. This awakened the interest of the Parent-Teachers' Association, who have this 3-ear assumed the responsibility of maintaining th'; kindergarten. While reviewing philanthropy, the intellectual side must not be ignored. We have studied suc- cessfully, foreign and domestic history, art, liter- ature, and of our incomparable state of the Lone Star. We have given to the public many enjoy- able lectures from artistic and literary lights, all accruing to the public welfare. This year we will not take up any active outside work, but have planned to spend our time studying King Lear, with the guidance of our first president, ]\Irs. George AIcDonnell. We feel that we have earned this privilege and pleasure. During the past sixteen years the following ladies have served as president : Mrs. George A. AIcDonnell, Mrs. W. E. Kendall, Mrs. Z. F. Lillard, Miss Mamie Gearing and ]\Irs. L. B. King, who is now serving her fourth term, with I\Irs. Vastine C. Lunn, vice president, Mrs. Car- ter Walker second vice president. Miss Emily Stude secretary, Mrs. George Paullis corres- ponding secretary, and IMiss Katherine Mel- hnger, treasurer. LADIES' READING CLUB. Bv Adele B. Loosc.an Among the treasures of the Ladies" Reading Club is a small, blue covered book of less than half a dozen pages, entitled "Constitution and By-Laws of the Ladies' Reading Club of Hous- ton, Texas." It bears date 1885. On the last pages is a picture of two pyramids, the Sphynx and a group of palm trees, which tell the tale of their first course of study. From the minutes of the first meeting I copy the following notes : "On the afternoon of Thursday, February 26, 1885, several ladies as- sembled at the residence of Mrs. Briscoe, Craw- ford street, for the purpose of organizing a society having for its object pleasure and im- provement." The movement was inaugurated by IMesdames Looscan and Lombardi, and was designed to supply a want long felt, namely, a common ground on which ladies having a literary taste might meet. The ladies present at this first meeting were : Mesdames Looscan, Lombardi, Hill, Perl, Haight, Stone and Briscoe, and Misses Allen and Wagley. Much interest was manifested, and an evidently earnest desire to make the organiza- tion a success. The name of the Ladies' History Class was adopted and Mrs. Looscan appointed president pro tempore, with 3,Iiss Wagley as secretary. During the first six weeks of its existence and prior to the adoption of a constitution, the study of that ancient, mysterious, romantic country, Egypt, had been steadily and systematically pur- sued. The interest of the civilized world was at the time centered upon Egypt and London, and the tragic fate of the gallant Gordon excited universal sympathy, so that the intercourse of the club with the ancient mother of European culture was enlivened by stories of latter day heroism which rivaled those of ancient times. In a few weeks the membership had increased sufficiently to make it seem advisable that the club should be more regularly organized. A con- stitution and by-laws were, therefore, drawn up and adopted at the first meeting in April. They were printed in book form as already described. Officers were elected as follows : President, Mrs. M. Looscan ; first vice president, Mrs. C. Lombardi; second vice president, ~Slvs. E. P. Hill; secretary. Miss A. E. Wagley; treasurer, ]\Irs. M. J- Briscoe. The name was changed from the Ladies' His- tory Class to the Ladies' Reading Club, and a plan made for the future work of the club. 24 THE KEY TO THE CITY OF HOUSTON The iollowing is a list of names of members ef the ckib during its first year : Mesdames C. Lombardi, M. Looscan, E. P. Hill, M. J. Briscoe, .Al. G. Howe, M. Perl, T. R. Franklin, F. H. Albert, Misses A. E. Wagley, ^Villa Lloyd, T. May Cage, Mesdames ^1. E. Cagne, E. B. Usher, Ella H. Stewart, George Goldthwaite, R. E. C. Wilson, L. J. Polk, W. J. Smith, I^fargaret H. I'oster, Kate L. Terrell, S. K. Alcllhenny, J. A. Huston, P. H. Goodwyn. From the first the organization records were carefully kept, and when, at the end of the first year, written reports of all the officers were made in due form, i\Iajor M. Looscan was so gratified at the success of the club that he gave the members a surprise. L^pon a pretext that he wanted to show them to a brother law\er, whose wife was also made a member, he procured the list of officers and members and schemes of ex- ercises from date of organiza- tion, April. 1885. together with committees for 1885 and i88fi, and had them printed in a pamphlet of thirty-four pages, which he presented to the club with his compliments. With such encouragement the club continued for many years to publish at the end of the year a full report of work accom- plished, until and including 1898, when the organization of other clubs throughout the state made the adoption of the year book, with outlines of proposed study, tlie popular exponent of club work. For the first ten years the club met in the parlors of ]\Irs. I\L G. Howe ; afterwards in rented rooms, then at the parish house of Christ church, and finally in the Lyceum library room after that institution had been moved to a con- venient place in the Mason block on Main street. Since the opening of the Houston Lyceum and Carnegie Library, meetings have been and are being held on the upper floor in the hall designed for club meetings. It is a matter of pride with the Ladies' Read- ing Club that the first organized effort to have the Lvceum library moved fro)ii the old market .\DELE B, LOOSC.\X, First President Ladies' Reading CIuI) liouse to more accessible and agreeable quarters came from an appeal made by its president in her an.nual report in 1895. Subsequently she, as chairman of a committee, drafted a petition, secured the signatures of the other club women t:. it, and presented the same to the officers of the Lyceum. The petition was favorably acted upon by them, and January, 1898, found the library so located that it became of use to the jniblic. besides saving it from the disastrous con- flagration which soon afterward consumed the market house and city hall. To secure the re- moval of the books and opening of the library in the Mason block, on Main street, the Ladies' Reading Club pledged its every member to the payment of $3 per year membership dues, and the further pavment of $5 per month by the club toward the rent of the library rooms. Thenceforth one of these rooms became the meet- ing place of the club. The next step, and this was toward mak- ing the library free to all the citizens of Houston, was taken in January, 1899, when the Ladies' Reading Club provided an entertainment and invited the city fathers to attend. On this occasion the necessity for muni- cipal action in order to enlarge the usefulness of the institution, was so ably presented to the mayor and aldermen by the vice- j-iresident. Mrs. W. P.. Slosson, and others, that as a result of the meeting the city agreed to ap- propriate $200 per month for the support of a public library, provided that $150 of this amount should be spent for books. This much accomplished (and the public showed a keen appreciation of the privileges granted them by a greatly increased demand for rc-ading matter), the Ladies' Reading Club was discussing the feasibility of getting the other clubs to unite with them in an appeal to Mr. Carnegie for assistance in providing a library building, when the good news came that the \\'oman"s Club had already made this worthy request, with what happy result is well known. Following the favorable reply of Mr. Carnegie, LITERARY AXU CIX'IC CLUBS OF HOUSTON 25 making his donation contingent upon the pro- vision of a building site and certain obligations by the city authorities, Mrs. H. F. Ring, then president of the Ladies" Reading Club, called a meeting of all the literary clubs in the city to unite in devising ways and means for the accom- plishment of this object. It was then decided to form a permanent organization to be called the City Federation of Clubs. Officers were elected, committees appointed, and at the end of one year through this organization an amount was raised sufficient to purchase the present site of the Houston Lyceum and Carnegie Library. Li view of the services of Mrs. Ring, she has ever since been retain- ed as one of the board of trustees of the li- Iirar)-. and the City Federation has be- come an important factor in providing lectures and other en- tertainments of an elevating char- acter for the public. When the club wo- men of Texas deter- mined to organize a state federation. Mrs. C. A. ]\IcKinney, then president of the Ladies' lieading Club, represented her club at the first meeting, held at A'v'aco. Two forme r presidents have been honored with the office of vice-president of the State fed- eration ; several of its members have filled im- portant chairmanships. The club has each year sent delegates to the annual meeting of the state federation, to the meeting of the district of which it is a member, and to the biennial of the National Federation. In attempting to give a resume of the work of the Ladies' Reading Club it is enough to say that during a period of twenty-three vears thev have been faithful to the objects of their organization, JIRS. B. A. Presiflent L.idies' n;.mely, intellectual and social culture. Conceiv- ing that the establishment of a public library would tend greatly to the advancement of intel- lectual culture, they adopted library work as peculiarly theirs, and their influence has been widened by the organization of traveling libra- ries, which, under the chairmanship of Mrs, \\"illiam Christian, are meeting a hearty welcome m the country districts. They have used their influence in behalf of every measure intended for the general advancement of educational in- terests in the state. They have assisted in bring- ing celebrated lec- turers to the city, and on several occasions, unaided by other clubs, have provided lecturers of world- wide fame. This was notably the case in the instance of the course of lectures by the celebrated Mrs. Rorer, which were given while Mrs. P. K, Ewing was presi- dent of th.e club. .\t about this time it was determined to broaden the influence of the club by admit- ting a number of a s s o c i r^ t e mem- bers, not to exceed ten, who, by paying more than the regu- lar dues, might be excused from contrib- uting to the regular literary exersises, but in all other respects, except the privilege of holding office, be active members. The membership of the club is fifty, exclusive of associate and honorary members. The yearly dues of active members are $4. The following ladies have been president : Mrs. M. Looscan, Mrs. C. Lombardi, Mrs. M. E. Cage, Mrs. C. A. McKinney, Mrs. H. P. Ring, Airs. P. K. Ewing, Mrs. R. j\L Hall, Mrs. W. A. De La Matyr, Mrs. William Christian and Mrs. B. A. Randolph. R.WDOLPH, Reading Chili. 26 THE KEY TO THE CITY OF HOUSTON A list of those who have filled the important office of recording secretary is as follows : Miss Annie E. Wagley, Mrs. P. H. Goodwyn, Miss F'annie G. Mnccnt, Mrs. G. F. Arnold, Mrs. W. B. Slosson. Airs H. F. MacGregor. Mrs. C. R. Cummings, Mrs. P. K. Ewing, Mrs. C. F. Beutel, Miss Emilia Celestine Buj'ac, Mrs. G. A. Taft, Miss Laura Yocum, Mrs. A. L. Metcalf, IMrs. J. P. Carroll and Mrs. March Culmore. The course of study for the present year is Mexico. Being broad-minded, cultured women, the members are patriotic in sentiment, proud of their state and thoroughly alive to the interests of the city. They have contri'outed to different funds for patriotic objects presented to them by authorized parties, and certain days in their club calendar are always reserved for Texas subjects. The club colors are green and pink ; the club flower the Texas star. ^^1 ^T^ THE LADIES' SHAKESPEARE CLUB. By Cora Campbell On November 29, 1890, the Ladies' Shakes- peare Club was organized, with Mesdames E. Raphael, I. G. Gerson, I. Blandin, Blanche Book- er and Misses C. S. Redwood, Lydia Adkisson and Mary Light as charter members, and for eighteen years it has pursued the even tenor of its way. As its name indicates, this club exists for purely literary purposes, and though its members are, as individuals, interested in the various progressive movements of the day, as a club they have steadfastly held to their original intention and no outside interest has been per- mitted to interfere with their course of study. The creed of the club has but two articles : First, that Shakespeare's plays were written by him- self, and not by Bacon; second, that Shakespeare i,-! of all English literature the crown and chief adornment. Mrs. Blandin, as its first president, led the ciub in its study of that exquisite idyl, "As You Like It." Alany of the master's other works have been studied since then, but the charm of this first play still lingers like a haunting fra- grance in the memory of the club. nomadic life, finding temporary abiding place in the rooms of the Houston Commercial Col- lege, the old Lyceum library, the parlors of various churches, and the homes of hospitable members. On the completion of Carnegie library this club, together with all others belonging to the City Federation, made its home in the beau- tiful club room of the library, where it has re- mained ever since. With the passing years the personnel of the club has changed somewhat, but the old club spirit still remains. Two much loved members liave been removed by death, some have gone to distant places, and others have dropped out of our circle for various reasons, but new faces have entered among us and the lost ones are held in cur memory. It is interesting to recall the various phases of study that have marked the club's progress. At one time we undertook correspondence work with the University of Chicago, and in this connection many beautiful passages were mem- orized which have been ever since a source of pleasure to their possessors. A course in Shar- For several years the .Shakespeare Club led a man's Analytics gave the work a psychological LITERARY AND CIVIC CLUBS OF HOUSTON 27 ti:rn. The study of Henrj' \T and kindred plays developed the spirit of historical research, while certain of the romantic plays opened the way for study along the lines of dramatic construc- tion. Several times this club has brought Pro- fessor Clark of the L'niversity of Chicago to Houston to lecture on Shakespeare and related subjects, to the pleasure and profit of all who were fortunate enough to hear him. The club is now engaged in the study of "Troilus and Cressida." The officers are Mrs. J. D. Duckett, president; j\Iiss Cora Campbell, vice president; Miss Hester IMitchell, secretar}'. THE STUDY SHAKESPEARE CLASS. Bv Mrs. S. L. Gohlman The Study Shakespeare Class, under its able and efficient leader, Mrs. Alma McDonnell, has been, in the four years of its existence, a great benefit to the ladies who have availed them- selves of the opportunity of making a careful study of the greatest of English poets. This is strictly a study class, from every stand- point, and has no official organization, each member considering it a privilege as well as a duty, to make the very best progress possible. "Our bodies are our gardens, to the which our wills are gardeners." Then if we fail, our frailty is the cause, not we, for such as we are made of, such we be. Mrs. McDonnell's reputation as a Shakes- pearean scholar, and her ability as a teacher, have long been recognized, and the thoroughly artis- tic manner in which she "makes use of that good wisdom whereof she is fraught," in interpreting the different personalities and making them live again (as it were), is an inspiration to any soul, and would instantly "persuade us what we are." In the four years' time we have read the plays as follows : Henry VIII, Hamlet, Othello, Mac- beth, King Lear, Cymbeline, Julius Caesar, An- tony and Cleopatra, Richard III, Winter's Tale, Romeo and Juliet, The Tempest, and Coriolanus, averaging three plays a year. Each member is fined ten cents for absence, and at the end of the term this money is used for charity. The class motto is : "Let us give light, but let us not be light." The class flower is red carna- tions (meaning distinction), and our chief ob- ject is to polish the mind, for " 'tis the mind that makes the body rich." Nothing is so contagious as enthusiasm, hence the students of the Study Shakespeare Class are so interested and enthusiastic that they fail to see the "briars in this working-day world." ^ 3, if-~ %m clW=^-^^#^^^^^^^^"^ THE HOUSTON PEN WOMEN. By Mrs. Arthur J. Schureman The smallest club in Houston is the "Houston Pen \\'omen," that is, counting numbers, but this small band is known and called by our men "The Gray JNIatter Club," so what they lack in numbers they make up in brains. One day in the year 1906, a bright woman sat thinking of all the good things that a real, bona fide press woman could do; and then was born the idea of a strictly pen woman's club. The next instant she was at the telephone. talking to another woman who had many original ideas like herself. A meeting was called for the 23d of March : just one week after the thought came to the originator. Of course, there nuist be the club color, flower and motto. There was very little discussion on this ques- tion, for when the four leaf clover was proposed for the flower, all said yes, and, that decided, the 28 THE KEY TO THE CITY OF HOUSTON club color, white and green, white for purity, green for immortality. AVith the four leaf clover for the flower, the motto was already chosen. Naming each leaf, we have love, truth, loyalty, progress. How appropriate all these for a club made up of progressive women, using their talent for the lasting good of humanity. There is something sweet in the superstition that the four leaf clover will bring us good luck, and drive out demons; for is it not better to fight evil with a flower than with fire? "Do good to those that hate you." Wrong is never overcome by wrong, so if we would win others from evil, let our pens trace noble and uplifting thoughts. Just a glance at the clover fills our hearts with inspiration. This sweet little plant was used by the ancient Greeks at their festival for crowns, which were placed upon the heads of favored ones. Later it was used as a badge of honor ; then as a token of the divine presence. And, coming down to the present time, it is the emblem of a band of women to show that they are using their pens on the side of truth and right. The Houston Pen Women are affiliated with the State Federation and are always among the first in all their undertakings. It could well be said of them, "They must proclaim (with their pens) the glory and sublimity of righteousness, and furnish the world with specimens." THE HOUSTON HEIGHTS LITERARY CLUB. By Mrs. Fred F. De.xter "Seek wisdom and strive to do good," has been the inspiration and the watchword of the Houston Heights Literary Club since its organ- ization in 1900, for the purpose of intellectual improvement, social culture and local charity. MRS. W. G. LOVE, President. The club has lived and grown and flourished under the administration of four presidents — I\Irs. C. R. Cummings, the founder of the club; Mrs. C. A. McKinney, Mrs. Fred F. Dexter and Mrs. W. G. Love, the present incumbent, until now, in its eighth year, it has a full and active membership of forty women, w'ho are earnest and sincere in their desire to realize a higher ideal of life and its purposes. Knowing that association with other clubs is needful for the proper growth and expansion of an organization, the Houston Heights Literary Club very early joined the Houston Federation of Clubs, and later, wishing to broaden its scope still further, it became a member of the State Federation. When the district federations were formed, this wide awake club became a member of the fourth district — the second largest district in the state. A few 3'ears ago this club became interested in the work of public education, so much so that i'^ has undertaken the work of establishing and maintaining a good reference library for the use of the schools. This has been a very successful movement, as is testified by the large number of books already in the library, and by the appre- ciation shown by the schools and the public. LITERARY AND CIVIC CLUBS OF HOUSTON 29 This club has touched on many subjects in its course of study, taking Johnson's advice to "let observation with extensive view, survey mankind from China to Peru." The year just past com- pleted the study of American history, literature and art, and the year book for 1908-09 promises a most delightful year in English literature. The social side of our club has not been neg- lected, there being dates set aside in the year book for three large and brilliant receptions, one to the City Federation, one by the president to the club, and the celebration of the annual Club Day, and these events are looked forward to with much pleasure by the husbands and friends of the club. But our intellectual attainments and our social advantages do not blind us to the fact that there are those in the world less fortunate than our- selves, and we find time to spend some thought and loving help upon the poor and needy at our door. Thus, with its four-fold purpose of self-im- provement, social culture, educational work and local charity, the Houston Heights Literary Club 'm MES. PEED F. DEXTEE, Who Has Lately Entered the Lecture Field. claims a place among the strung clubs of the fourth district — a live club with a live interest in its work and in its members. HISTORY OF THE HOUSTON CI\1C CLUB. Bv Mrs. M.arch Cul.more On the afternoon of November 11, 1901, after due notice given, about fifty ladies assembled in the old Odd Fellows hall to organize a club along civic lines. Mrs. Margaret Hadley Foster called the meeting to order and was elected as temporary chairman. The report of the committee on con- stitution and by-laws, consisting of Miss Mamie Gearing and Mrs. B. A. Randolph, who had been asked to come prepared to act in this capacity, was ready, and after being duly dis- cussed and amended, was unanimously adopted. The ladies present signed as charter members. Mrs. Margaret Hadley Foster signing first, in recognition of her enthusiasm and energy- in starting this movement. Permanent organization finally resulted in choosing Mrs. T. R. Franklin as president, which position she has ever since filled with much credit to herself and satisfaction to all. The club entered at once upon an active career of educating public sentiment in favor of a cleaner and more beautiful Houston. The city had long needed just such a club, and when its object was known its membership grew very rapidly. It was soon divided into six separate divisions, and ruled over by a wise directory consisting of seventeen members, all of the officers and six delegates, one from each division. Each division has a vice president and other officers needed to carry on its own district work. One of the very first works done was the establishment and maintenance of a plavground by the second division. At the time of the opening of this playground it was the only one in the state, and Mrs. Harr>- 30 THE KEY TO THE CITY OF HOUSTON Nelson Jones was the mother of this work. Besides keeping up this playground, which, through the generosity of the late tx-Governor Frank Lubbock, was loaned to the civic club, this division has raised $600 towards buying a per- manent playground. The greater part of this sum was raised while our dearly loved vice pres- ident, Mrs. W. W. Glass, was in office in the second division. Just a few days before this goes to press, our devoted worker was called to enter the golden gate, to a "City Beautiful," indeed, where there ?re no cleaning up days. She died in "harness," and with the knowl- edge that those will- ing civic workers who so faithfully watched over her bedside will not cease in their ef- forts until a perma- nent playground has been acquired. The first division has tried to convert the old Tenth street cemetery into a pub- lic park. It has been fenced and the direc- torv board of the Civ- ic Club voted the sum of $200 for improve- ments, and Mrs. Ma- bel Smith appointed to supervise the ex- penditure of this sum. This division will not rest until the few graves to be seen are redeemed from neg- lect, and the forty-two Confederate soldiers, who died from yellow fever and were here interred, appropriately marked. A playground will be fitted up in a corner where no graves have ever been, and a park opened to the public. The fifth division have bought and paid for a park of their very own. Just a few willing work- ers, a mere handful of women, have done the seeming impossible. Sam Houston Park, through the good influ- ence of the Civic Club, has one of the best equipped plaj'grounds in the entire South. This "delight to the children of Houston" was put up under the personal supervision of Com- missioner James Marmion. Flowers have been planted in boxes and gar- dens in every school in the city, and while at first the school board objected to a "lot of women interfering," as they expressed it, they soon saw the good accomplished, and Superintendent Horn asked that the Civic Club co-operate with him in this beautiful work. Two barren spots have been nadc beautiful to the eye and rest- ful to the weary pe- destrian, liy the plant- ing of trees and grass, and benches placed conveniently around. On the plot known as Brashear Point, named after Mayor Sam Brashear, a hydrant, with a drinking cup attached, has been placed temporarily, to be later replaced with a fountain. This plot of ground was re- fleemed from neglect by the fourth division, under the leadership of Mrs. Mabel F. Smith. Last year one of the biggest Fourth of July celebrations ever held in Houston took place at Sam Hous- ton park under the auspices of the Houston Civic Club. On that day the children of Houston were presented with a lovely Brownie fountain. Here again is seen the genius of Mrs. Mabel F. Smith, for it is due to her untiring efforts and was a gift oi the fourth division. The statue is a cast of United States bronze, made in Philadelphia after a model which was given by the famous Italian sculptor, L. Amaties, who designed the Rosen- berg statue at Galveston. Two noted lecturers have been lirousht to FUAXKLIN, dent. LITERARY AND CIVIC CLUBS OF HOUSTON 31 IIRS. MARCH CULMORE, Recording Secretary. Houston by this club, namel}-, Professor Horace McFarland, president of the American Civic Association, and ]\Ir. Howard Evarts Weed. Botli lectures were given free to the citizens of Houston. Three years ago, when the yellow fever was raging in Louisiana, the Civic Club distributed hundreds of gallons of oil to pour on ditches to keep down the hated mosquito, and thus pre- vent the spreading of the )-ellow fever germ. Too much cannot be said in praise of the newspapers of Houston. They are always ready to give as much space as may be needed. Last \ ear, on September 2, the Houston Post devoted two whole pages to civic work and civic workers. The Houston Post most kindly gave the club a column in the Sunday paper for civic news alone. This column was called the "City Beautiful," and edited by Mrs. William Christian, vice presi- dent of the Houston Civic Club. This column was printed every Sunday, until last summer, when, its mission being complete, it was given up, with permission to use whenever needed. One of the big things this club has done is to establish free music in Sam Houston park. Oh, how they worked with this end in view. All manner of things were gotten up to make money, and hundreds of dollars made. For three years this money was paid out to give the citizens of Houston free music at the park, and now, the past summer, the city fathers saw the necessity of these concerts and find they can spare enough from the city funds to have free music in the park three evenings a week, all during the long summer months, and our efforts have not been in vain. With the assistance of the city's garbage carts they have had cleaning up days, when every particle of trash was hauled away and burned. On one occasion the ladies themselves paraded the streets to let it be known when the cleaning up days would begin, and prizes were offered for llie cleanest block. The grounds around Carnegie library have been beautifully planted with palms and ferns, and protected in winter, by this club. MRS. E. p. GRTNSTEAD, Vice-President Fourth Ward Division. 32 THE KEY TO THE CITY OF HOUSTON I could go on naming things accomplished without end, but these are some of them, of which \vc feel justly proud. Beginning with a small number of women, we now have four hundred earnest women, which fr)rm the Houston Civic Club,recognized as a pow- er for sjood throughout the state, and hopes to con- tinue doing its duty until the city is fo clean and beautiful there will be no need of a Civic Club. The present officers are : Mrs. T. R. Franklin, president; Mrs. William Christian, vice presi- dent ; Mrs. March Culmore, recording secretary ; ;\!rs. Robert Dancy, corresponding secretary; Mrs. Hinds Kirkland, treasurer. CHILDREN'S DRINKING FOUNTAIN, Erected by Fourth Ward Division H. C. C. LITERARY AND CIVIC CLUBS OF HOUSTON 33 SHORT HISTORY OF CURRENT LITERATURE CLUB. By Mrs. J. T. Lockman study. Broader subjects were on the program. The current novels got so trashy that we dis- carded them with disgust. Then the Carnegie library was built and our meetings were changed from the homes to the club room. To the regret of all, the social features were eliminated to a great extent. By degrees we have approached a standard that we feel cannot be criticised by any club, no matter how ambitious. We belong to state and city federations and donate to all worthy enterprises. We pay a monthly sum to the Carnegie library ; we give our pro rata to a free scholarship fund : we do our part towards bringing high class talent to our city ; we send our delegates and representatives to the conven- tions of women's clubs, and they are always a pride and credit to not only our club, but to the city. Our active membership at present is forty members. Our honorary and associate member- MRS. J. C. MEANS. Chairman Advisory Board C. L. C. In the year 1899, .Mrs. Si Packard conceived the idea of forming a club of congenial women for the purpose of reading and keeping up with the books of the day. About twenty members were at once admitted as charter members. Mrs. Packard was unanimously elected president, which office she most ably held for four con- secutive years. At the end of that time, by Mrs. Packard's own request, another president was elected. At first only the novels of the day were read and discussed. Meetings were held at the dif' ferent homes and books were carried from place to place by the librarian. It was lots of work'. but also lots of fun. After the study hour was over, the hostess of each meeting always had a social feature prepared for us. something so bright and cheery that the memory of our "good old times" lingers lovingly with all charter members. No one ever dreamed thev could sta>- away from a meeting. Alas ! how different now. when any little pretext is an excuse for ab- sence. Time went on; old members dropped out i>r moved away ; new members came to join the lanks. Each year saw changes in our line of » — MRS. B. P. BONNER President Current Literature Clult. 34 THE KEY TO THE CITY OF HOUSTON ship about twenty-five. Our line of study for 1908 and 1909 is above the average. It embraces art, foreign travel, foreign countries and their liistories, music, and always the current events and magazines. Our aim and object is to learn some new thing every meeting. Our president is beloved by the entire mem- bership, and all work hand in hand for each other's benefit. No friction of any character disturbs the happy, friendly greeting of mem- bers to each other on Wednesday mornings. No gossip is tolerated in the club, and no mem- ber ever loses a chance to make another mem- ber feel good and satisfied with herself. Altogether, it is a club that will bring out and develop all the good in one's character and certainly gives a great deal of happiness, which is, after all, the greatest thing in life. The present officers : President, Mrs. B. F. Bonner; first vice president, Mrs. I. S. Myer; second vice president, Mrs. H. B. Fall ; corres- ponding secretary, Mrs. George P. Macatee ; recording secretary, Mrs. John T. Lockman ; parliamentarian, Mrs. R. E. Luhn ; librarian, Mrs. T. H. Lawrence; critic, Mrs. J. W. Neal ; treasurer, Mrs. W. L. Coleman. SHAKESPEARE CLUB. By Mrs. Harry Tyner Late in the summer of 1904, a coterie of friends had been enjoying select readings from Shakespeare, rendered by a gifted member of their circle. Conceiving the idea of organizing a Shakes- peare club, a meeting was called for that pur- pose, October i, Thursday morning, at 10 o'clock, at the home of Mrs. A. G. Howell. Fourteen ladies responded. Nominations for officers were in order, and resulted in electing for president, Mrs. J- W. Lockett; vice president, Mrs. J. W. Carter; recording secretary. ]\Irs. Harry Tyner. The membership was limited to twenty-one. The use of Rolf's edition of Shakespeare was favored by the majority, and also Fleming's "How to Study Shakespeare." The study of the tragedy of Othello, the Moor, v/as decided upon. The lesson for the initial meeting, first scene of first act. The history of the play, by Mrs. Howell. Why Shakespeare wrote the play, by Mrs. Carter. As the members were residents of the South End part of the city, and the club meetings were to be held exclusively in that locality, "South End Shakespeare Club" was deemed the most appropriate appellation. The first year, fortnightly meetings were held, and extended through the summer without inter- mission. Good work was done, and great inter- est was manifested by the attendance of a good average. Othello was begun October i, finished June 6. The delightful comedy of Twelfth Night was begun, and finished in time to take up Julius Caesar for the winter's work. After the first year, the usual club rules were adopted, meeting every week and study from C'ctober to June. In point of time this is the youngest literary club in the city. Not federated }et. Eight of Shakespeare's plays, tragedies and comedies alternated, have been very thoroughly considered. The four years have been full of interest, and even enthusiasm, and fraught with much pleas- ure. The fifth year has begun auspiciously, with a full membership. Hamlet, the Prince of Den- mark, is the studv for the season. THE MOTHERS' CLUBS By Mrs. B. a. Randolph THE MOTHERS' CLUB OF AUSTIN SCHOOL. Bv H. L. Bennett We take real pleasure in submitting to you for your consideration the following resume of the work accomplished at the Austin school by the Mothers' Club. We also append a few remarks concerning- plans for future endeavor. Our club was organized Februar}- 21, 1908. at which time the faculty of the school gave the mothers a reception. Mrs. S. C. Red was elected president, Mrs. H. L. Bennett secretary, and Dr. Holland treasurer. One hundred and ten mothers were enrolled as members and about twenty have been active in carrying on the work since organization. The first work undertaken by the club was to furnish hot lunches for the children at noon. This was begun on March 18, 1908, and was continued till the close of school on the 29th of last May. This work has been very successful and has given satisfaction to all concerned. At first vendors of various and sundry articles came to the school and attempted to continue to sell to the children, but pressure of the faculty in showing the children the advantage of buying from the mothers intead of unrcli^iblc vendors, together w'ith the excellent menu each day, soon had the effect of driving the vendors away through lack of patronage. The lunches have continued to be uniformly popular among the cliildren and faculty and the patrons of the school have given a generous support. Before we were able to open the lunch room, we were compelled to build a kitchen and fit it with the necessary apparatus for preparing hot food. \A'e found a suitable place in the base- ment and have a gas range and all the equip- ments of a modern kitchen. The dishes supplied were the best quality of white enamel ware. We have twelve dozen spoons, fourteen dozen mugs, three dozen cups and saucer^s, twelve dozen 5-inch bowls and three dozen 4-inch bowls. The equipment of the kitchen and the dishes cost $184.75. ^Ve employ two white cooks and everything about the kitchen is kept in a thoroughly sani- tary condition. The kitchen is painted white and we can in truth call it the White Kitchen in every sense of the term. The income from the lunches each day has averaged $12. Some profit has been accumulated, and this, the membership fees and the sum earned at the picture entertainment, have enabled us to pay every bill, and we are now, and were at the close of school, entirely free of indebtedness of any kind and have more than fifty dollars in the treasury. It is only justice to say that our success in this department has been due in a large meas- ure to the earnest and faithful work of the pur- chasing agent, Mrs. Byrnes. A short time after the organization of the club, we had an entertainment at the Dawson Pagoda and cleared $156. We donated $100 of this to the Art League to pay for the picture frames. At the close of school we gave the children a trolley ride and picnic at City Park. This was a very enjo^-able affair to the children, and the mothers sold ice cream, cake and punch at the park and cleared by this means about $30. Our organization is of short duration and we have "just begun to work." We have in con- templation several lines of work which we be- lieve will result in much good for the Austin school. The following are a few things we have n; view for future effort: 1. To equip a manual training and domestic science department. 2. To beautify the grounds and fill the school 36 THE KEY TO THE CITY OF HOUSTON 3. To ask for street crossings leading to the school. 4. To care for school building and grounds during vacations. 5. To cultivate a school spirit among the pat- rons and near neighbors of the school. In closing this report we wish to call the attention of the Federation to a feature which we believe might work to the advantage of the schools in general and especially to those in the outskirts of the city. We think it would be of much benefit to install in each school a sta- tionery department. Xow, it is a great incon- \enience to the children to have to leave the school grounds to purchase minor school sup- plies, such as tablets, pencils, erasers, etc. It is not conducive to discipline or good order to have to allow the children to leave the school grounds and go to the corner groceries in the neighborhood of the building hunting school supplies. Very often they are not able to find what they want and the price and quality are nearly always altogether out of proportion. This would be of immense help to the faculty in the control of the school, for then there would be no excuse or reason for any child to leave the school premises during school hours. THE MOTHERS' CLUB OF FANNIN SCHOOL. By Miss Genevieve Johnson and C. A. Jameson The Mothers' Club of Fannin school is the outgrowth of a demand for clean, wholesome lunches for the children. For a number of years hawkers and vendors swarmed about the school and sold tamales, chili, ice cream, etc. Much of this food was unwhole- some, and some of it dangerous, hence the teach- ing force of the school sought in some way to substitute good, wholesome food for the kind the children were buying from the street vendors. Finally the principal called a meeting of the mothers of the district and laid the matter be- fore them. They rose to the situation and or- ganized "The Fannin .School Mothers' Club." the oldest organization of the kind in the city. The club was organized primarily to suppi}- hygienic lunches to such children as wished to buy. Their success has been remarkable, and the club has undertaken and carried out a num- ber of enterprises that have extended the use- fulness of the school and made it a greater social influence in the district. Through the generosity of the business men of this city, the sum of money obtained from dues was augmented, until the ladies were en- abled to thoroughly equip a kitchen at the cost of $500, and place an excellent cook and two assistants in charge. Hot lunches have been served for sixteen months. The average weekly receipts have been fifty dollars; the average expenses, thirty dol- lars. During last term an electric motor, costing ninety dollars, was installed, to turn the ice cream freezers. During the summer of 1907 the mothers, lib- erally assisted by others friendly to the cause, raised twelve hundred dollars for the equipment of manual training and domestic science. Through their unselfish and untiring efforts. Fannin school has manual training and domestic science departments, whose equipment is imsur- passed, so far as we know, in any ward school in the United States. During the session of IQ07-08 the club paid for all supplies used in these departments. Being brought into close touch with the daily life of the school, the mothers came to under- stand the needs of the children, and have added many comforts and conveniences. The club furnished the material for two ar- bors, each forty feet long, twelve feet wide and twelve feet high. The work of planning, build- ing and painting was done by the principal, assisted by the larger boys and the janitors. 1 hese arbors, covered with vines, afford delight- ful resting places during the heat of the day. The ladies encouraged the beautifying of the grounds by furnishing good soil for the flower beds and bv protecting the front beds by a strong iron railing. THE MOTHERS' CLUBS 37 During the summer of 1908 the club had erected on the school grounds a fine open air gymnasium. The work was done according to the plans of the principal, and under his close personal supervision. In September of the present year the mothers purchased a fine piano for the school. This piano will enable the children, as they march into and out of the building, to appreciate more fully the excellent music recommended by the public school music committee. It will also be tif great assistance to the Fannin school orchestra and the glee club. The club has contributed toward the framing of the fine pictures so generously given the school by the Public School Art League. They intend to finish framing the pictures this au- tumn. With the memory of their own hard work in raising the money to equip the manual training and domestic science departments fresh in their minds, the club was glad to contribute fifty dollars toward the fund to establish similar de- partments in two other schools. The income from the kitchen is not sufficient to make all the desired improvements, therefore it has been decided to have a bazaar, annualh'. The first was held on the school grounds May 5, 1908. About two hundred dollars was cleared. The next, a doll bazaar, will be held during the early part of December, 1908. Much of the work for the doll bazaar is already well under way. The social side has not been entirely neglected, and in the minds of the teachers of Fannin the niemory of the delicious luncheon given them by the Mothers' Club at Christmas time pleas- antly lingers. They also appreciate their gen- eious hospitality with which they entertained the -State Teachers' Association in December, 1907. The work of the club, measured from any standpoint, has been a success. The membership of the club and the faculty of the school have unitedly striven to make the work a success. The outlook for the future is full of promise. The club can point with pardonable pride to what has been accomplished and look forward with pleasant anticipation for tlie future. As long as there's a "Gideon's band" of faithful workers, the work will go on. Those of the ckib who have made sacrifices in the past have set an example that can and will be worthily followed when the present workers are com- pelled to lay down their burdens to rest. THE PARENTS' ASSOCIATION OF THE CHARLOTTE M. ALLEN SCHOOL, By LiLA Baugh The Association has been organized a year. Domestic science and manual training and has its regular officers and board of direc equipment $1,100 tors. Mrs. Baltis Allen is president, and Mrs. Equipment of kitchen for noonday lunches 150 J. ]\I. Rockwell treasurer. Mone}- received and expended for hmches 900 The amount required to run the kindergarten M^^ Pura furnished to the school 135 through the year is $1,000, and the ladies ex- Supplies furnished for domestic science pect to raise the remaining $565 during this classes 108 school year. We expect to take up a course of Flowers for the front lawn 25 study in our Association this year, but the sub- Ferns for interior of school 9 ject has not been definitely decided upon. Fund raised for framing pictures 85 A detailed account of the work done by the Fund for kindergarten 435 Parents' Association of the Charlotte M. ,\llen School is as follows: Total $2:,947 38 THE KEY TO THE CITY OF HOUSTON THE MOTHERS' CLUB OF TAYLOR SCHOOL. By Mrs. A. D. Buckingham The club was organized in January, 1908, witii about fifteen members, for the purpose of serv- ing hot hinches to the children at the noon hour. The officers were elected as follows : Mrs. E. A. Holland, president; Mrs. Frank Andrews, vice president; Mrs. A. D. Buckingham, secre- tary ; Mrs. S. H. Dixon, corresponding secretary and press reporter; Mrs. G. W. Scheultz, treas- urer. In March the club undertook to place domes- tic science and manual training in Taylor school, agreeing to raise $1,000. There were ten cap- tains appointed, with a team of nine ladies to assist each captain, each team promising to raise $100. The club gave a picnic at the City Park in June, from which they realized about $400. The club now has a membership of fifty-one. They held their last meeting in July and after the treasurer's report was read, they found they would be able to place domestic science and ir.anual training in the school. In September the club held a reception in the new rooms and in- vited the public to inspect the same. They are now working to place a gymnasium on the play ^rounds. Little Men and Women and Representative Homes of Houston ^^^ ^ For Children f )li. little bit of a baby girl, And little bit of a baby boy. With tousled windblown hair a-curl. With e_\es alight with the bab_\- joy. The world, and all in the world that's good, Was made for you — all made for you — I'he hill and valley and plain and wood. The fleecy clouds and the heavens blue. The daisies nod so your hands may reach. And oceans and oceans of meadowsweet, As wide and far as the eye may reach. Are coaxing the pressure of little feet ; But better than daisy or violet. Or meadow-blossom all wet with dew. The mother-cheek to your cheek is set — The mother-loving was made for you. — //((/(/ Mortimer Lc2i'is. ;«?.!S-^5— vv,— --r^ " :.-.*C%VJfr^Wr -"^ MARION HOLT SEWARD 4# ^^jjk. '—-.mm ' M B|^^'%' M l^ 'Ua i L* W. D. SHARP, JR., AND DUDLEY CRAWFORD SHARP BYRD KNOX ANU .SARAH WALLIS MARY PAULINE FORDTRAN FRANCES CLUETT DESEL ^Bf^^S ■ •-^■^^ ... ; :i '4 s^ c\ w o o o « O a 2 >< > City Officials of Houston J. A. THOMPSON neater. Lighi Sf PovJrr Lommiiiiontr HON. H. B. RICE Mayor JAMES APPLEBY FRATERNAL SOCIETIES By Mary E. Bryan In the fraternal societits of America, including a list of some twenty-seven or more orders, ranking in membership is that of the Odd Fel- lows. Next in numerical strength is the Society of Free Masons, the oldest fraternal organization in the world, and, being globe encircling. Ma- sonic lodges are to be found at remotest dis- tances. The Chinese claim to be the oldest Masons on earth, claiming to have had Free Masonry many years before King Solomon was born, and that they were the original Masons and that all Ma- sonry originated in China. Upon examination, however, it is found that they differ greatly from other Masonic bodies. In Houston there are representative lodges and auxiliaries of many fraternal societies long established, as well as those of more recent origin, and new associations are coming into existence continually, organized and carried on for the sole benefit of members and their bene- ficiaries, which entitle them to a place in the category of fraternal orders. From its antiquity Free Masonry no doubt has had greatest influence in restraining law- lessness, and in the upbuilding of governments, being a great sustaining force behind the ad- ministrators of affairs in a community or great commonwealth. Such it was for Texas generally and Hous- ton particularly, when Holland Lodge No. i was brought to Houston. Capital though it was at that time, it was in a turbulent state, and practically having no government. Historians tell us, those who were there and knew, that the result of efforts by the fraternity was marvel- ous, in checking the propensities and passions of bad men. The best and most influential citizens were received into the ranks then, as at the present time, which include worthy Jew or Gentile, and members of any church who desire to enter the order and abide by its code. The first Masonic lodge organized in Texas was at Brazoria, in 1835, through the efforts of Dr. Anson Jones, and four other Master Ma- sons, who held a meeting at a secluded spot on General John Austin's place, in a little grove of wild peach or laurel. Here, at 10 o'clock in the morning, in the month of March, 1835, was held the first formal Masonic meeting in Texas as connected with the establishment and contin- uance of Masonry in this country. An addi- tional Master Mason had joined the five, mak- ing six in number who attended this important meeting. In due form the lodge was estab- lished at Brazoria and the meetings continued until hostilities began with Mexico. The lodge struggled on until February, 1836, when Dr. Jones presided over its last meeting there. Soon after Urea, with Mexican soldiers, entered Brazoria and destroyed books, records, jewels and everything pertaining to the lodge. When reopened it was at Houston in 1837 with Worshipful Master Anson Jones presiding. When organized it was called Holland Lodge in, honor of the then grand master of Louisiana, who first issued the dispensation and after- wards signed the charter for Holland Lodge No. 36. When the grand lodge of Texas was organized in 1837-38, the number was changed to No. I, it having been the first lodge in the republic. The first gavel was brought to the state from New Orleans by Dr. Jones, and it was used in the organization of Holland lodge, and Dr. Jones presented it to Mr. Adolphus Sterne, who carried it to Nacogdoches. When the Masonic con- vention met in Houston in 1837 M r. Sterne brought the gavel with him and General Sam Houston used it in calling that convention to order. It was used by Dr. Anson Jones, who was the first most worshipful grand master in the first meet- ing of the grand lodge of Texas. Mr. Sterne pre- sented the gavel to Mr. Rutledge, and it was used at the old town of Washington, Texas. In December, 1872, Captain Rutledge presented it to W. J. Oliphant, and it was used by him in Lodge No. 12, at Austin, Texas. He still owns 112 THE KEY TO THE CTfY OF HOUSTON it. The head of the gavel is of ivory, with a turned ebony handle, and it was tised by the most worshipful grand master of the grand lodge of Texas in laying the corner stone of the present granite capitol building at Austin. Some of the jewels that were lost at Brazoria from Holll^nd lodge were found and came into the possession of the late N. Randolph of this city, and through him they were restored to Holland Lodge No. i. The present officers of Holland Lodge No. i are O. M. Longnecker, master; J. C. Kidd, treasurer; W. N. Kidd, secretary. Mr. J. C. Kidd is grand commander of the Grand Commandery of Knights Templar of Texas. W. N. Kidd is grand re- corder of the Grand Commanderv. GRAY LODGE AT HOUSTON. When this lodge was formed in 1870, Mr. A. S. Richardson was a past master of Holland Lodge and dimitted to become first worshipful master of Gray Lodge No. 329. The name was in honor of Judge Peter W. Gray. The grand lodge was organized in Houston in the winter of 1837-38, by men, many of whose names will be familiar to the students of Texas history. They were : Anson Jones, who was elected first grand master ; Thomas J. Rusk, Sam Houston, Thomas G. Western, Charles S Taylor, John S. Black, John Shea. Ben Miller, William F. Gray W. R. Underwood, D. F. Fitchett, James H. Winchell, Adolphus Sterne, William G. Cooke, Henry Matthews, Christo- pher Dart, E. Tucker, T. J. Hardeman, Asa Crigham, Jeff Wright, L. W. Burton, A. S. Thurston, Andrew Neill, L. Fowler, H. Millard, K. H. Douglass and Thomas J. Gazley. The grand lodge met at different places in the state until June, 1861, it located at Hous- ton. In December, 1902, it left for Waco, its present location. ELKS CLUB ROOMS ORIGIN OF THE BENEVOLENT AND PROTECTIVE ORDER OF FT.KS. The "Jolly Corks" was the first name of the Elks organization. A select coterie of members of the theatrical and musical professions met in New York in the early winter of 1S67-6S and formed the organ- ization of the Jolly Corks. The principal object of the Corks was to have a good time whenever the members of the order met. The prime mover in the formation of this little society was Charles Algernon Sidney Vivian, the son of an English clergyman, who had but a short time previous landed in New York, and who was at the time singing at the old Ameri- can theatre on Broadway, and whose memory is now honored and revered by the thousands of Elks throughout the land as the founder of the order. So popular did the "Corks" become among the members of the profession, and so rapidly did the society increase both in numerical and financial strength, that it soon became evident that it should be placed on a firmer basis and given a more dignified name. Vivian, as "Im- perial Cork" of the organization, was chair- man of a committee appointed for that purpose, and suggested the name of "Buffaloes," the title of a social organization of which he had been a member in England ; but the majority were desirous of a name that was purely Ameri- can in its suggestion, and at a meeting on Feb- luary 16, 1868, the name of "Elks" was adopted by the close vote of 8 to 7, and that date has since been regarded and observed as the natal cay of the Order of Elks. At this time there were two degrees of the order, the chief officer in the first degree being known as the right honorable primo, and in the second degree as exalted ruler. These titles were used until the adoption of the ritual in 1883, when all the titles of the first degree were abolished, and those of the second degree retained throughout the entire work. Constitution and by-laws were adopted in March, 1868. The constitution contained fifteen articles, and there were twenty-one rules and regulations. The committee which prepared the 114 THE KEY TO THE CITY OF HOUSTON document was composed of Messrs. George F. McDonald, William Sheppard, Charles Vivian, E. N. Piatt and Thomas G. Riggs. The able manner in which these gentlemen performed the duties assigned to them will be best realized when it is remembered that, although the growth of the order has rendered necessary a number of additions and some changes, the con- stitution as adopted thirty-one years ago is sub- stantially the basis of Elk jurisprudence today. It was not long before the fame of the young organization began to spread and create a de- sire for the propagation of the principles, which had broadened, upon other soil. In order to accomplish this it became necessary for New York lodge, which had become an incorporated body, to surrender its control of affairs to a grand lodge, which was done in February, 1871, the grand lodge being composed of the fifteen original founders of the order and all of the past and then present officers of New York lodge. On March 10, 1871, the grand lodge was given a charter by the state of New York, with power to issue charters to subordinate lodsfes throughout the country. HISTORY OF HOUSTON LODGE. The lodge was installed on January 18, 1890. The dispensation was granted on the 19th day of December, 1889, upon application of G. A. Ouinlan, No. 71 ; H. C. Roberts, No. 126; T. H. Kingsley, No. 71, and J. L. Lawlor, No. 126. The lodge was instituted by E. G. Bower, as district deputy exalted ruler, assisted by mem- bers of Dallas lodge No. 71, and Galveston lodge. No. 126. After dulv organizing the followmg officers were elected for Houston lodge No. 151 : L. T. Noyes, exalted ruler; George A. Ouinlan, es- teemed leading knight ; J. T. Boyles, esteemed loyal knight; H. Scherffius, esteemed lecturing knight; A. Faulkner, treasurer; Robert Brew- ster, secretary ; James Lawlor, inner guard ; J. A. McMillan, tiler; R. Adair, organist; M. G. Howe, D. C. Smith and A. W. Littig, trustees. ELKS LODGE KGO.M FRATERNAL SOCIETIES 115 The lodge started with twenty-three members. From that time to the present the lodge has con- tmued to enjov a healthy growth in membership until now there are on the rolls 570 names. An increase from last year of iii members. The ElIvS Club is, or was, a different organ- isation from the Elks lodge. The lodge was con- stituted as related. Tlie club was incorporated on May 27, i8gi. Its charter members were: G. A. Ouinlan, B. R. Latham, F. A. Reichardt, J. L. Watson, Robert Brewster, A. Faulkner, George T. Jones, J. A. McAIillan, James Lawlor, George F. Arnold, ^I. G. Howe, D. C. Smitli, L. T. Noyes, A. L. Livermore and J. W. Haskins. The fifteen named were also chosen as directors for the first year which ended March 30, 1892. The agreement for incorporation read : "This club shall be formed for literary purposes, to promote social intercourse among its members, and to provide them the convenience of a club liouse therefor." So far as the locality and privileges are con- cerned, the Elks lodge and the Elks club are one for all practical purposes. The control of both is now in the hands of the trustees of the organ- ization as to property and of the officers of the lodge as to discipline. The followine: have been exalted rulers since organization : L. T. Noyes, 1890; G. A. Ouinlan, 1891-92; F. A. Reichardt, 1893; J. W. Haskins, 1894; George T. Jones, 1895; F. A. Reichardt, 1896-1897; George D. Hunter, 1898; H. B. Rice, 1899; Ed H. Harrell, 1900; G. J. Palmer, 1901 ; Robert Eikel, 1902; H. T. Keller, 1903; C. H. Taylor, 1904 (died December 28. 1904) ; H. C. Mosehart, 1904 (elected January 17, 1905, to fill unexpired term); R. \\'. Weir, 1905; Dr. S. J. Smith, 1906; B. A. Baldwin, 1907; A. Y. Aus- tin, 1908. The present officers are : A. Y. Austin, ex- alted ruler; Dawes E. Sturgis, esteemed leading knight; Dr. W. W. Ralston, esteemed loyal knight: A. L. Batjer, esteemed lecturing knight; ]\. C. Tips, secretary; N. C. Munger, treasurer: IL \V. Stude, esquire; E. B. Burks, tiler; Frank C. Clemens, chaplain ; Paul Joplin, inner guard ; C. Grunewald, organist : W. FI. Xorris, G. F. Arnold and F. A. Reichardt, trustees. The first meeting place of the lodge was- in the old Knights of Pythias hall, in the Burns building. Later the lodge moved to the Faulk- ner building on Prairie avenue, and then to the quarters in the Binz building, which was occu- pied continuously for the past thirteen years on .\ugust 31, 1908, when the lease expired. GROWTH OF THE ORDER. Seldom has any organization flourished so well or grown so rapidly as has that of the Elks. Only a few years ago it was thought that great things had been accomplished when there were 60,000 . members of the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks. Last year, 1907, the total was 254,532, which was an increase of 29,566 members over the year before. At this time there are over 350,000 Elks in the United States. Last vear there were !.o8i lodges. This year there are 1,100 lodges. In Cuba, Porto Rico, Alaska, Hawaii and the I'hilippine Islands, lodges of the B. P. O. E. have been formed. The Elks are now occupying their handsome quarters in the new Prince theatre building on I'annin street, the entire sixth floor belonging to their domain. It is beautifully equipped and furnished in ^lission stvle. ^^'OOD.MEN OF THE \\'ORLD. This organization is second numerically in the list of fraternal societies, having 500,000 mem- bers in America, with Texas possessing the large membership roll of 125,000. In Houston there are nine camps, with a total membership of 2,000. This order is the strongest financiallv in the cla-ss of fraternalism. In the last eighteen years from the W. O. W. treasuries, $29,000,000 have been paid in losses. Monuments have been erected over 22,000 graves of deceased members. 116 THE KEY TO THE CITY OF HOUSTON At present there are $6,500,000 invested for the protection of members. The established camps in Houston are Mag- noHa Camp No. 13, Old Hickory Camp No. 81, Black Jack Camp No. 82, Red Oak Camp No. 95, Poplar Camp No. — , Pine Tree Camp No. 15 15, Post Oak Camp No. 85, Willow Tree and Laurel Camps. Red Oak Camp has seven hundred members. The auxiliaries to the camps are designated as groves, of which there are six in Houston : Post Oak, Hollywood, Magnolia, Poplar, Wil- low, Ellen D. Patterson Groves. Three of them have been instituted during the past year. These auxiliaries provide for orphans of members, erect monuments and take care of sick members, fol- lowing the line of work characterized by that of the camps, in the care of the sick, in the protec- tion of widows of deceased members, and allow- ing no graves of departed brethren to remain unmarked. On March 2, 1909, for the first time in its history, the head camp, Jurisdiction C, Woodmen of the World, will convene in Houston for a session, which will last a week. Jurisdiction C comprises Texas, Arizona and New Mexico, with 2,500 lodges in the jurisdic- tion, with a total membership of 135,000. Del- egates expected are 5,000, with at least 1,000 ladies attending the head grove, Woodmen's Circle. The attendance expected is estimated at 15,000. IMPROVED ORDER OF RED MEN. This organization is purely of American origin and wherever the American flag floats there may be found tribes of Red Men. It is unique in tc'.king Indian names for official roster, and wig- wam designates the camp. There are 500,000 of this association in the United States and it is growing in popularity and interest. There are two tribes in Houston — Tonkaway Tribe No. 5, and Calumet Tribe No. 7. J. B. Cochran is sachem of the former and C. R. Davison sachem of the latter. In the two local tribes there are about 300 members. E. C. Coch- ran is collector of wampum — treasurer— of the Tonkaway tribe. Officers are elected every six months. R. E. Thompkins of Hempstead is the Great Sachem of the state. The sum of fifty dollars is allowed for burial of each member, and fraternalism in its best sense is practiced by the order. Before Tammany became the great political body it is, that organization was a tribe of the Improved Order of Red Men. President Roose- velt is on the membership rolls. It is one of the oldest organizations in Amer- ica, and it is understood that it was on the recep- tion committee at the Boston tea party. THE INDEPENDENT ORDER OF ODD FELLOWS, KNOWN AS THE I. O. O. F. By A. T. Goodrich To chronicle a history of Odd Fellowship without first giving the reader a brief history of the order in general, and an insight into its workings, would be incomplete. In order, there- fore, that the reader may readily grasp the mag- nitude of the order of which this article treats, I will briefly outline the history of the order from its inception. Along during the middle of the eighteenth century, it was a custom, as it no doubt had been for many a century previous, among the good peasant folk and laboring class in and around Manchester, England, to, after their day's work, gather at the roadside or neighboring tavern, and there discuss questions of the hour, or have a jovial time while sipping their good ale. It was about this time it dawned upon one of a thoughtful and philanthropic turn of mind among FRATERNAL SOCIETIES 117 this jovial set, that it would be odd, indeed, were they to send good cheer to some of their num- ber who, through sickness or ill fortune, were unable to attend their evening's jollities. The thought was novel and was at once put into practice, the donors styling themselves "Odd Fellows." Organization, however, was not effected until late in the eighteenth century, when what was known as the Manchester Union of Odd Fellows was perfected, which soon spread throughout all England, some of its members coming to Amer- ica early in the nineteenth century. Early in 1819 one John Wildey, an English- man and a blacksmith by trade, then living in ijallimore, and who had been a member of the Union in England, feeling a loss of those asso- ciations to which he had been accustomed in the uiother country, inserted in a Baltimore paper a notice calling on any members of the old Union then in Baltimore to meet him at the old Seven Stars Tavern. To his delight, four other mem- bers responded to the call, and, while sipping their ale, they decided to apply to the mother Union for the privilege and charter to organize the Independent Order of Odd Fellows of Amer- ica, which right and charter was granted. On April 26, 1819, the first lodge of the I. O. O. F. was organized at Baltimore, known as Washington Lodge No. i, and this lodge is still in a flourishing condition. From this unostentatious beginning, with five members, in a small back room of a wayside inn, has grown the greatest fraternal organization, numerically, in the world. Shortly after its birth it was decided to hold regular stated meetings in a hall, where the use of malt or other stimu- lant drinks would be barred, and in lieu thereof the principles of Friendship, Love and Truth should be taught and practiced, and in this step was the turning point of the new order, for in the practice of these principles is found the basis for the unprecedented growth of the I. O. O. F. from five to a membership of 2,000,000 of per- sons in just 88 years, over 3,200,000 having been initiated during that time; 3,256,601 mem- bers have received relief, 288,900 widows have been aided, and 320,507 members have been buried with the honors of the order. Of $2oS,- 465,000 collected, $115,111,900 have been paid to the members as relief. The Rebekah Degree was adopted in 1851, but the first lodge of this branch was not instituted until in 1868. Widows' and orphans' homes are maintained hi nearly every state in the Union, and over $300,000 is now in hand for the establishment of others. The value of homes now existing is in ri.iund figures $2,641,372, with endowment funds of $309,655, and manitain about 2,900 inmates, in the education and comfort of whom the Re- bekah branch takes great interest. Odd F'ellowship was introduced mto Texas ui 1838, Texas then beuig a republic, the first lodge being instituted at Houston by Jacob de Cordova, on July 25. Others were organized at Calveston withm a year, and m 1840 the Grand Lodge of Texas, comprised of the lodges at Houston and Calveston, was formed, its liome being at Houston for several years, when K was removed to Calveston. Uurmg the period between 1840 and i860, the membersnip of Lone Star Lodge No. 1 was composed of the leading citizens of Houston. During the civil war. Odd Fellowship, like other secret orders, received a severe backset, and the year 1870 found a membership of 3,000 or less, and it was not until about 1896 that the order took on a healthy growth. At the close of 1895 the membership was given as slightly over 8,000, vxhilst the report on membership at the close of 1907 gives the roll at 30,718, a gain of 22,000 in twelve years. The lodges of the state now have net assets of over $1,000,000. During 1907 ?5'^'5i3 in relief was paid to members. The pride of the Odd Fellows in Texas is their widows' and orphans' home at Corsicana, w here they have a farm of 286 acres of the best h'nd, which, with the buildings, stock, etc., is valued at $177,440, in which there are at present about 195 inmates. The children are well fed and clothed; a thorough system of education, composed of fourteen grades, is maintained, as well as a good course in music, and a thorough training in those things necessary for a useful life is not overlooked, the state Rebekahs giving especial attention to the home comforts, and securing special training in music for some of 118 THE KEY TO THE CITY OF HOUSTON the girls with marked talent in music. The mili- tary branch of the order supports a boys' band at the home of twenty-five members, supplying uniforms, instruments and an instructor, and wherever the boys go they are highly compli- mented. In Houston there are four subordinate lodges, with about 500 members, as follows ; Lone Star No. I, Houston Lodge No. 401, Twentieth Cen- tury No. 510, and Houston Heights Lodge No. 225 ; two Rebekah lodges, Esther and Cleopatra ; one encampment. Woodbine No. 139, and one military lodge. Canton Houston No. 10, giving representation to all branches of the order in Houston. The principles advocated by Odd Fellowship are Friendship, Love and Trutli, which teach the members to care for the needy, visit the sick, bury the dead, educate the orphan and sup- port the widow. Its aim is to elevate human character. It sanctions neither party nor sect, but advocates toleration and the practice of the Golden Rule, which makes bettor men and bet- ter women. EASTERN STAR. By Mrs. H. S. Cohen The Order of the Eastern Star is a secret society, composed exclusively of Free Masons in good standing, and their wives, daughters, mothers, sisters and widows of Free Masons. The order originated in the city of New York in 1868 and rapidly extended over the country. In I go I there were twenty-eight grand chap- ters, in as many states, and 100,000 members. (More than 250,000 at present.) Its rites and services are conducted with all the impressive secrecy peculiar to Free Masonry. A five-pointed star, between whose points the word "Fatal" is inscribed, is the badge of the order. Members attain to degrees, and certain regalia is a requirement. There is no insurance connected with this or- der. Its object is benevolence, charity, hospi- tality and social advancement. The first chapter was organized in Texas more than twenty years ago, and has grown so rapidly that there are over 400 charters in the state of Texas, and over 14,000 members in the state of Texas. The first grand chapter was organized in 1884. The first grand chapter met in the city of Houston in 1900, and at that time a resolution w'BlS made for creating a charity fund, and at the twenty-sixth annual session, which met in Beaumont October 13, there was more than $2,100 in the charity fund. A project is on foot for building a home for tlie aged members of the order in the state of Texas, and it is an assured fact that this will be accomplished in the near future. During the year 1908, 141 members died in the state of Texas. There is a large field of labor in this order for those who are charitably disposed, and the tie that binds the members so closely together has been a boon to those who have met adversity, and the sympathy and kindness extended to the members when affliction overtakes then: has proven a great source of satisfaction and comfort to those in distress. Many of the willing workers in Houston de- serve special mention for their many years of un- tiring labor. Among these Mrs. Carrie B. Lane, who is a charter member of Ransford Chapter No. 135, is well known, not only in the local chapter, but throughout the state, for her unceas- ing efforts in behalf of this grand and noble order. She was elected associate grand matron at the last grand session, held in Beaumont, and will succeed to the office of grand matron at the next grand session, which meets in El Paso in 1908. This honor is the highest within the gift of the grand chapter" to bestow upon a member. Houston Chapter No. 385 is the newest chap- ter organized in this city, and the progress they have made in the short vear thev have been in FRATERNAL SOCIETIES 119 existence foretells a bright future for this chap- ter, which is composed of bright, intelligent and energetic business men and women of Houston. Houston chapter has made such rapid strides that the attention of all others is focused upon this. There are over 300 members in Houston. The order has reached European countries and is extending all over the world. BLISS p. GORHAM, Vice Regent, Hoo-Hoos, South Texas Di.strict HISTORY OF HOO-HOO. By James Hayes Quarles (4926) The light of Hoo-Hoo first shed its rays upon nine chosen ones, who assembled at Gurdon, Arkansas, January 24, 1892, and by these it has passed to those who are numbered now as the chosen of the order. The Egyptian legend upon which is based the objects, purposes and reasons for the organiza- tion, first became revealed to Boiling Arthur Johnson upon New Year's night of that year, while he lay in a deep sleep. He was commanded to summon eight faithful friends, who were as- sociated more or less in a business way, by reason of the close relation between their several interests, and to command them to join with him in the organization. It was set out in the com- mand originally given that those who were to have the blessings of the light of Hoo-Hoo were to be as follows : 1. Those who shall be engaged in the owner- ship or sale of timber lands, timber or logs, or the manufacture or sale of lumber at wholesale or retail. 2. The publishers, proprietors, or persons reg- ularly connected with newspapers. 3. Railroad men who are employed in general office duties, which will bring them in contact with the lumber trade. 4. Sawmill machinery men. 120 THE KEY TO THE CITY OF HOUSTON Obeying the command that had been trans- mitted to him, Mr. Johnson summoned : Charles Henderson McCarer of Chicago. Wihiam Eddy Barns of St. Louis. George Washington Schwartz of St. Louis. George Kimball Smith of St. Louis. James Elliott Defebaugh of Chicago. Ludolph Adelbert Strauss of St. Louis. Robert Emmett Kelley of Beaumont, Texas. Thomas Kerns Edwards. To these friends Air. Johnson confided the revelation that had come to him, and he explained iii detail all that had been imparted to him. Gurdon, Arkansas, was selected as the place at which he would transmit the secrets of the Egyptian oracle, it having been made known to him that that modest little village was not unlike the seat of learning of original Hoo-Hoo tents, situated at the foot of the pyramids. Together to that little place the nine journeyed, and in the quiet of an hotel apartment, they gathered about the seer thus created and heard what he had to give unto them. They accepted the command, and by that acceptance Hoo-Hoo was created. It was imparted to Mr. Johnson that because of the tribulations of the lumber and timber men, the mill machinery men, the railroad men and the newspaper people, they were to be favored with the benign benefits of Ancient Hoo-Hoo; that those who were originally of the Hoo-Hoo tribe had been sufferers because of the trials forced upon them by those who were in power, and that as no other commercial or pro- fessional people are as downtrodden in this twentieth century time like the four classes men- tioned, that only to them should the influences, privileges and pleasures of Hoo-Hoo be given. It was commanded that the sacred emblem of Hoo-Hoo should be the black cat, in the likeness of which the Egyptian oracle was transformed in order to be safe from the aggressive rulers that would have visited persecution, and that this cat should always be depicted with a golden circle as a halo; that its face should show the ferocity of one resenting an attack ; its back should be arched and the tail curved to describe the figure nine. That there should always be accurate count kept of tho=e who were in the light of Hoo-Hoo land, it was decided when the organization was first born, to attach a number to each member. I\ir. McCarer was No. i. Mr. Johnson was made No. 2. The others received their numbers in the order in which their names are given above. Mr. McCarer is since dead, and therefore Mr. Johnson is now the oldest living Hoo-Hoo. It is the wish of his fellows in the order that his life will be preserved throughout all time, to the end that he shall alwa)s be the bearer and custodian of the first revelation. Significant of the nine lives of the cat, the Hoo-Hoo works always by nine. Its governing body is a supreme nine; there are nine officers at each concatenation; its one stated meeting is upon the ninth day of the ninth month of each year; it assembles at nine minutes after nine by the clock. Of those who were of the original nine, Mr. McCarer, Mr. Kelley and Mr. Edwards have passed away. By mandate of the constitution of the order, the chief officer of the order shall be entitled the "Seer of the House of Ancients," this office to be held by Boiling Arthur Johnson, founder of the order. His badge of rank — the emblem of revelation — a nine-pointed diamond star, to be worn by him until his death, and then transmitted as a legacy from him to the House of Ancients. I'his emblem shall thereafter be worn by that member of the body who is chronologically the next living "Past Snark," the title "Seer of the House of Ancients" to descend with the "Em- blem of Revelation" in perpetuity, the emblem to be ever worn by succeeding seers as a per- petual token of esteem for him through whom was transmitted the secret legends and traditions upon which the order was founded. The consti- tution says further, "There shall neither be fashioned or worn in Hoo-Hoo another emblem of like form, design or import." Thus was Hoo-Hoo born. To the world it is stated that its object is the promotion of the health, happiness and long life of its members. I'o those who are in Hoo-Hoo land it means much more, but further than what has been said, no more can be told. The Egyptian legends which are told and retold at every concatenation, as they were revealed to Seer Boiling Arthur Johnson, are beautiful in the extreme. They relate tales of trouble and suffering of those who were of the FRATERNAL SOCIETIES 121 order in the days of antiquity, and those who are of the oppressed classes today — the kimber men, timber men, mill men, railroad men and news- paper people — appreciate that condition of life in which they have been called because they can together unite in the sacred precincts of their concatenation, and realize among themselves by right living and proper treatment toward each other, that there is some pleasure and right in the world, even though it is not granted to them by those who would visit oppression upon them. According to the ruling of Hoo-Hoo the state ii divided into four districts, Texarkana, Waco, Houston and El Paso. These are presided over by Vice Regent Snarks, B. P. Gorham, having been appointed to this high position of the Plouston district. Messrs. W. H. Norris and J. S. Bonner of Houston have served as national officials, each in the capacity of Snark of the Universe. LOUIS S. SHROPE, General Superintendent o£ the Southwest for The Grand Fraternity 122 THE KEY TO THE CITY OF HOUSTON THE GRAND FRATERNITY. Bv Grace E. Zimmer The Ciraiul Fraternity was organized in 1885 in Pliiladelphia, with Frederick Gaston, presi- dent; Lee W. Sqnier, vice president; W. E. Gregg, secretary ; Dr. C. L. Bower, medical director. The Grand Fraternity is an organization of, Ijv and for its members — the most humble mem- ber is a part of the great whols?. Their annual report published for the past )-ear"s work and growth is the best exhibit of the operations the Fraternity has ever sent out, and marks an epoch in its history. The Grand Fraternity has ever led the van ill fraternal progress and is the beacon light of the fraternal system. There is no guess work in its system, and it was the first order that had the courage of its convictions to charge an ade- quate rate, thereby placing its insurance on such a solid basis there would l)e no necessity to ever raise the rates or extra payment as in all other orders. Each member pays his own cost; there are no old members creating deficiencies to be met out of the surplus payments of the young. The Grand Fraternity was also the first order to place before the public any form of certifi- cate other than a death benefit, or what is com- monly known as "straight life." They, seeing that the great mass of the insuring public could not afford "old line" insurance, and ever having in mind the idea of the most good to mankind, placed the e.xact class of insurance carried by the old line companies before the world at a much lower cost to the individual. It is the onlv fraternal society in America that can value its certificates on the same plan as an old line insurance company, and therefore is the only one that knows its exact financial condition each month. Every certificate carried by the members in the Grand Fraternity has extremely valuable per- sonal options which camiot be duplicated else- where. During the recent panic they loaned to their members thousands of dollars on their cer- tificates, thus aiding and assisting the members v/hen most needed. This fraternal help thus granted is not charity by any means but is the members' tine in tlius safeguarding the future. Legal reserve safety, combined with fraternal economy, is the keynote to its system. It has the largest reserve fund in proportion to its liabd ities of any fraternal society and is therefore the strongest financially. The remarkable growth of the Grand Frater- nity in the Southwest has been due to the efforts of Louis S. Shrope. General Superintendent. Mr. Shrope came to Houston four years ago from Philadelphia, and recognizing the advantages in Houston, made his headquarters for the South- west in Houston and has become one of her most loval citizens. MRS. GRACE E. ZIMMER, Editor Childrsn's Department of the Baptist Progress FRATERNAL SOCIETIES 123 THE LADIES OF THE MACCABEES. "Fraternity is an unseen cord that binds the whole wide world together ; I'hrough every human life it winds — this one mysterious tether." Sixteen years ago, in October, 1892, at Port Huron, ^Michigan, a small handful of women, with their hearts full of love for humanity, started the movement that has become well laiown throughout the civilized world, and is known as "Ladies of the Maccabees." This or- ganization has pressed forward until it has the distinction of being the largest beneficiary society for women in the world. In fact, as we think of the growth of this organization, we think of the words of Carlyle — "Thou hast cast forth thy act, thy word into the everlasting universe." It is seed that fell upon good ground and in spring- irig up bore fruit an hundred fold ; it has flour- ished as a green bay tree. This association was organized for the ben- efit of women strictly, is an assessment order and an auxiliary to the Knights of the Macca- bees. They derive their name from the great General Maccabeus, known in ancient history. Every mother looks with concern on the pos- sibility of her being taken from her little ones, and if this is so and the family has but little "laid by for a rainy day," they are a pitiful little brood indeed. This organization meets the needs c: just such cases. Arrangements were made at their last "Su- preme Hive" meeting for the accumulation of a fund to establish hospitals and homes for the aged and disabled members. Fraternity links the members of the organiza- tion together — the one great tie that binds all tc>gether around a common altar. Fraternity is the motive power that built up and bound together this great band of so many women from all parts of the United States and Canada, into one great sisterhood for mutual help and protection. They ever hold out a ready hand to one of their num- ber who requires their assistance; thus they are making themselves felt and needed in the world. "Loyalty, love and truth" are their watchwords. KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS. By R. A. Barklav The order of Knights of Pythias is forty-five years old, and was founded by Justus H. Rath- bone, and is purely an American fraternal order. Ihe object of its founder was to so bind men in the bonds of fraternal love as to make such fra- tricidal wars as had just closed impossible, and to implant in the members of the order by vows and precept, such worthy principles as would make them better husbands, better fathers and better citizens, and to enable them to grow toward a true conception of a perfect n:an, and for these reasons the order of Knights of Pythias took as its foundation stones, friendship, charity and benevolence, pledging each member to the observance of all they imply, so that when each Knight's life ended his epitaph could ap- propriately be, "He lived to bless mankind." The Knights of P_\tliias have a total member- ship of 625,000. Texas has 25,000. There are about 1,200 members in Houston, there being seven lodges. Phoenix No. 69 meets on Monday nights in K. P. hall, 5th ward; San Jacinto No. 296 meets in hall, 113 j\lain street, each Tuesday night; Texas Lodge No. i, the oldest K. of P. lodge in the state, meets on Wednesday nights, 113 Main street; Lamar Lodge No. 189 meets in this hall on each Thursday night, and Houston Lodge No. 155 on Fridays; Virginius Lodge No. 65 meets in K. of P. hall, in the 5th ward, each Thursday night ; Houston Heights Lodge No. 269 meets each Thursday night at Fraternal Hall, Houston Heights. These lodges are all in the 6th district, composed of Harris, Montgomery, San Jacinto and Waller counties, K. C. Barkley being district deputy grand chancellor. Outside of Houston, in the 6th district, there are prosperous and flourishing lodges at Hum- ble, Montgomery, Conroe and Huntsville. 124 THE KEY TO THE CITY OF HOUSTON Henry Miller, of Weatherford, Texas, is grand keeper of records and seal, and C. H. Powell of San Angelo is grand chancellor. In addition to the lodges named, the Pythian Sisters, an auxiliary of the K. of P., have two flourishing temples, Calanthe and Houston The Uniform Rank company meets in its ar- mory hall, 113 Main, each Monday night, and has at present a substantial working member- ship, with the promise of greatly increased activity soon. KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS OF HOUSTON. Only a few years old, and over 300 members, they are very careful about getting new members, as none but practical Catholics are allowed into the organization. A new lodge was installed at Waco Sunday, October 25 ; also a new one will soon be organized and installed at Brownsville, Texas. The Houston lodge will in all probability during the next two years have a $30,000 or $40,000 home. It takes some eight or ten offi- cers to conduct the affairs of this association. They are always doing something to the credit of tliC city and the members. HISTORICAL SKETCH OF THE ORDER OF UNITED COMMERCIAL TRAV ELERS OP AMERICA. By Tom. C. Swope The order of United Commercial Travelers of America was founded in the year 1887, chartered under the laws of the state of Ohio on January 16, 1888, and now has a membership of over 30,000. The man who first conceived the idea of a secret fraternity made up exclusively of com- mercial travelers, was Levi C. Pease, of Enfield, Connecticut. Shortly after the conception of this idea he met Charles Benton Flagg of Columbus, Ohio, and they discussed the possibility of a secret organization of commercial travelers, built upon the lines of the standard fraternal orders. John C. Fcnimore of Columbus, Ohio, a commercial traveler well informed on secret society affairs, and a writer of niarked abilitw was sought in consultation. Mr. Flagg so far succeeded in interesting him in the plan that after a meeting of Air. Pease and Mr. Fenimore it was agreed that Mr. Fenimore would draw up a list of officers, define their duties and draft a ritual. Mr. Pease, in the meantime, was to pre- pare a draft of a constitution and by-laws, which would embody the original plan. When this work was completed, which was during the holiday season of 1887, a meeting of about a dozen of the best known commercial trav- elers of Columbus, Ohio, was called at a hotel. The full purpose of the founders had not been explained to those invited to be present, but at that meeting the ground plan of the future order 01 United Commercial Travelers of America was explained, and heartily approved of by everyone piesent. It was not until the 14th day of January, 1888, over a year after the first conference, that an application w'as made to the state of Ohio for a charter, the charter being granted under date of January 16, with the following incorporators : John C. Fenimore, L. C. Pease, Charles B. Flagg, F. A. Sells, John Dickey, S. H. Strayer, W. B. Carpenter, C. S. Ammel. On January 25 the supreme council was organ- iized with a total membership of eight, and a cash balance of $50, divided as follows : Indemnity fund, $16; indemnity expense fund, $4; general expense fund, $40. The first officers of the supreme council were : Supreme counselor, John C. Fenimore; supreme junior counselor, John Dickey; supreme past counselor, Levi C. Pease ; supreme secretary, Charles B. Flagg; supreme treasurer, Willis B. C'arpenter; supreme conductor, C. S. Ammel; FRATERNAL S0CIETIE;S 125 supreme sentinel, S. H. Strayer; supreme execu- tive committee, John Dickey, S. H. Strayer, F. A. Sells and L. C. Pease. The same men make up this committee today. The order had come into existence as an or- ganization, but there yet remained many obsta- cles to be overcome in the way of getting it suc- cessfully launched. The organization was with- out sufficient funds of its own and the incorpor- ators were forced to pledge their individual credit to secure needed supplies. Columbus Council No. i, the first subordinate council of the order, was granted a charter direct from the supreme council on Februar}- 24, 1888, and all of the incorporators attached them- selves to that council. For an anxious period of some months, Columbus Council remained the only subordinate council. Before the close of the year 1888, however. Council No. 2 was organized at Cincinnati, Ohio, Council No. 3 at Dayton, Ohio, and Council No. 5 at Cleveland. The first subordinate council outside of the state of Ohio was Council No. 4 at Indianapaolis, Indiana. The second outside council was Council No. 7, at Buffalo, New York. The first subordinate council in the present grand jurisdiction of Texas was Waco Council No. 52, which was organized June 2, 1894. Houston Council No. 59 was instituted June 6, 1894, with the following charter members : Morgan Hall Armistead, Sylvester Andrew Brown, Edwin Harrison Dumble, James Ballance Endt, Charles Benjamin Guillotte, Sims Burrell Garrott, George Washington Greenwood. Charles Shaw Marston. Alexander Rosenfield. John A. Stewart. Senior counselors and secretaries of Houston Council No. 59 each year since organization are ar follows: 1894 — Senior counselor, J. B. Endt; secretary, E. H. Dumble. 1895 — Senior coun- selor, J. B. Endt ; secretary, E. H. Dumble. 1896 — Senior counselor, \'ernon Leman ; secre- tary, J. ]\I. Benish. 1897 — Senior counselor, H. S. W'illett: secretary, Thomas L. Frecland. 1898 — Senior counselor, W. C. Akard ; secretary, Thomas L. Freeland. 1899 — Senior counselor, J. M. Mather; secretary, Thomas L. Freeland. 1900 — Senior counselor, E. H. Bailey; secre- tary, R. W. Thompson. 1901 — Senior counselor. Tom C. Svvope; secretary, R. W. Thompson; 1902 and 1903 — Senior counselor, J. D. Watkins ; secretarv, S. O. Noyes. 1904 — Senior counselor, E. W. Kirkland ; secretary, S. O. Noyes. 1905 — Senior counselor, Richard Cocke ; secretary, D. F. Doney. 1906 — Senior counselor, Jesse A. Bryan; secretary, H. Y. Howze. 1907 — Senior counselor, S. A. Brown; secretary, 'SI. J. IMar- tin. The officers elected at the beginning of the present year, and who are serving now are as follows: Senior counselor, E. C. Smith; junior counselor, H. Y. Howze ; past counselor, S. A. Brown; chaplain, Tom C. Swope; secretary- treasurer, H. H. Cherry ; conductor, W. J. Rau ; page, C. A. Favor; sentinel, F. ]\I. Court; execu- tive committee, Adolph Boldt and E. W. Kirk- kind, 1910; J. A. Bryan and W. L. Howze, 1909. Houston Council has a membership of 161 and is growing rapidly. It meets the first and third Saturdays in each month at 8 p. m., in the K. of P. hall, over the ^^'cstern Union telegraph office. The United Commercial Travelers, being a secret society, are in a measure exclusve, and before one can become a member they must be recommended by two members, approved by a committee of three and be elected by secret bai- lor. In this way the membership is kept up to a high standard. The certificates issued provide for a payment of a weekly indemnity of $25 per week, in the event of a member becoming disabled through accident. In the event of accidental death the beneficiarv receives $5,000, and $25 per week annuity for 52 weeks. In addition to this there is a widows' and orphans" fund which provides for the support of indigent widows, and also for the education of their children up to 15 years of age. The Ladies' Auxiliary of Houston Council provides social entertainments for the members of the council each fifth Saturday night, and tl:ese occasions are looked forward to with a great deal of pleasure by tlie members. This organization further promotes a friendliness and direct acquaintance among the wives, sisters, daughters and mothers of the traveling men. The following are the officers of the Auxiliary for 126 THE KEY TO THE CITY OF HOUSTON the present year : President, Mrs. T. L. Free- land; vice president, Mrs. H. B. Cox; secretary, Miss Margaret Murray; treasurer, Mrs. S. A. Brown. The first president was Mrs. F. 'M. Court, wliose administration was two years; ]\Irs. T. C. Swope, vice president; Mrs. T. L. Freeland, first secretary, followed by Mrs. J. F. Burton the second year. Mrs. S. A. Brown, treasurer, has succeeded herself for the third term. The U. C. T. motto is "Unity, charity and temperance." ]\10DERN WOOD.AIEN OF AMERICA. Organized in January, 1883, under the laws of the State of Illinois, head offices at Rock Island, 111. Largest fraternal beneficiary society in America, having about thirteen thousand local camps, and over one million members. Has paic) over 38,000 death claims, amounting to over $70,- 000,000. Operates only in the most healthful ter- ritory, and selects its members with great care. Truly representative in government, the members having immediate and direct control. The order i.=: growing more rapidly than any other similar society, having adopted over 49,000 members the fiist six months of this year. Insurance in force July I, 1908, $1,508,266,000. All claims are paid promptly, and the fraternal features of the order are strong. Have about 50,000 purely social members. The society is now erecting near Col- orado Springs a sanatorium, where members af- flicted with tuberculosis are admitted and treated ai the expense of the society. Texas was admit- ted to the jurisdictiiin but three years ago, and now has over 300 active camps, and a member- ship of over 16,000. 809 being adopted in the month of October. There are three live camps in the city of Houston, and one in the Heights. It is claimed to be the cheapest reliable insurance in the world. E. R. Knowles is supervising deputy of this district and located in Houston. THE KNIGHTS OF MACCABEES This fraternal and beneficiary organization has thriving tents in Houston. Houston Tent No. 28, organized in 1894, has a membership of 267, and meets in Odd Fellows Hall, on Milam St. and Rusk Avenue. KNIGHTS OF THE MODERN MACCABEES Knights of the Modern Maccabees, another work and are flourishing in the city of Houston ; active and commendable order, was organized in there being some hundred or more organizations this city in 1907. here, and five or six hundred fraternal orders in All of these fraternal societies do splendid America. GEN. HOUSTON SANTA ANNA SHERMAN AUSTIN (Srit. ^anta Anna Onl}' two pictures of the General are in ex- istence. One is held by Colonel Raines, ex- librarian, Austin, which no one can obtain; the other is owned by W. W. Dexter, editor of Texas Bankers Journal. The latter was taken from a vault in Wash- ington and presented to Mr. Dexter for the Texas World's Fair Book. We acknowl- edge the courtesy from him for use of this cut. JONES ANSON JONES MILAM EUSK CROCKETT GEX. SAM HOUSTO^' BOWIE DE ZAVALLA THE PATRIOTIC SOCIETIES OF HOUSTON By Mrs. Henry F. Ring 111 no better way does Houston show her cosmopolitan spirit and her wide and deep interest iii all national affairs, than in her patriotic or- ganizations. There are eight well established societies in Houston, composed of over a thou- sand men and women, who are giving both time and money to the noble and uplifting cause of patriotism. Inspired by love of country and prompted by a desire to honor those who sacri- ficed much to maintain its institutions, they arc working along different lines to carry out vari- cpus plans. The work so far has not been assisted Ijv any very large individual donations, but has usually been carried on with money made from entertainments given by the various chapters, and in several instances by making collections of one dollar donations from the public. For this reason, many citizens of Houston are enti- tled to a feeling of proprietorshij) in the two beautiful monuments, to the erection of v.diich they have thus contributed : the Spirit of the Confederacy, and the portrait statue of Dick Dowling. In a short time, Houston will have near at hand, in the San Jacinto battleground, a magnificent state park of nearly fnur hundred acres, improved and beautified by the state of Texas, as its historic value deserves. This will be the result of earnest and persistent effort on the part of the San Jacinto Chapter of the Daughters of the Republic of Texas. Though far removed from the scenes of its contests, the Daughters of the American Revo- lution have found a beautiful and efifective way of reminding vis of our duty to those patriots, by placing a granite boulder in Sam Houston Park to the memory of Alexander Hodge, the only soldier of the American Revolution buried near Houston. In the placing of tablets on historic spots, in preserving records and traditions of noble deeds, in arousing interest in historic subjects, in inspir- ing its people with a larger degree of local pride, thus arousing a greater sense of civic responsi- bility, these societies are doing a noble work for Houston. The organizations growing out of the war be- tween the states have many opportunities of assisting unfortunate comrades and their fam- ilies, and the kind and generous way in which this is done has brightened the last days of many an old soldier. The soldiers are buried with suitable honors, and, if need be, at the ex- pense and in the burying grounds of the organ- izations ; while on Decoration Dav, the graves of all soldiers are decorated, and memorial serv- ices held in their honor. In order that the people of Houston may know and appreciate the work of these organizations, a complete history of each is given below. "We live to learn their story, who suffered for our sake ; To emulate their glory, and follow in their wake; Bards, patriots, martyrs, sages, the lieroic of all ages, \\'hose deeds crown history's pages and time's great volume make." SAN JACINTO CHAPTER OF THE DAUGHTERS OF THE REPUBLIC OF TEXAS. By Mrs. M. B. Urwitz San Jacinto is a name to conjure with in Texas, and, while almost impossible for one not of the Latin race to give its pure pronunciation, it- is classically beautiful, coming, as it doubtless does, from the Latin Hyacinthus — Spanish Hua- kintus — a water flower, and the !Mexicanized Jacinto, from the many blue flowers which are said to have grown along the bank of the stream. It is a matter of history that the purchase of the battlefield bv the state has been for sixteen CU 'I-' cy5 X 3 CU Q «-^ CU c; 4—1 Oh -D j:: 1:3 U u (U OO:^ u C _ ^ fi c ;« ij Bj (3 a oj --J tj3 ?: '^- c ;-a :S- ■^ " «: oj c* «J O o .23 g THE PATRIOTIC SOCIETIES OF HOUSTON 131 years the aim of this devoted chapter, its object having been pursued through many difficulties and disappointments. All this while sentiment has been gradually building in its favor, the first marked success being the appropriation of $10,000 by the twenty-fifth legislature, and the consequent securing to the state under this bill the bayou front, as part of the scene of the bat- tle. Following this came a series of vetoes and discouragements, a time of stress and trouble for San Jacinto Chapter. Added to this state of affairs came a call upon the strength of the chapter from the general society for a cause no less worthy, but of less local pressure, the placing of statues of Stephen F. Austin and General Sam Houston in our state capitol and in the Statuary Hall at Washington, D. C. Hardly had this been accomplished, under the most marvelous leadership of the chairman of the statue fund, Mrs. Joseph Dibrell, when a second trumpet call came from San Antonio, the immediate need of help in purchasing the Hugo Schmeltzer prop- erty, as part of the x\lamo Mission. Money was raised all over the state for this purpose. San Jacinto lending her aid, and doing all that patriot band could do, with other branches of the or- ganization, and a magnificent appropriation was obtained from the twenty-eighth legislature for this sublime cause. But in the meantime our own San Jacinto waited, her beautiful trees hacked and felled, her sacred necropolis desecrated as a common potters' field, overgrown with weeds, a reproach to those whose homes lie so near this famous spot. It seemed at times, even to the most reso- lute, that San Jacinto's flag was doomed to hang ever at half mast. But, to the glory of the thirtieth legislature be it said, and strong friends there, an appropriation of S30.000 was secured for the final purchase of land desired and the general improvement and care of the battlefield. Then came the happy appointment by Governor Campbell of three commissioners, Mrs. Rosine Ryan, a faithful member of the chapter; Captain J. S. Rice and Judge S. S. Ashe. Under their wise judgment a few additional acres fronting on the bayou will be acquired, covering the entire area of the scene of the battle and the whole tract will be redeemed from neglect. Walks and drives and a shelter from inclement weather will render this a favorite resort for the visitor. With the rapid strides that progress is mak- ing in this direction, Buffalo bayou will soon be filled with shipping from all parts of the coun- try, passing in front of the grounds, while on the other side, and easy of access to the battle- field, will be a splendidly equipped interurban railway, connecting Houston and Galveston, and when improvements do begin, this state park will be one of the most attractive spots in the South. Nature and history have done their part, and it now remains for a grateful and loving people to complete the work. Senator Waller T. Burns, chairman of the commission appointed under the twenty-fifth legislature, said : "The battle- field of San Jacinto is the most beautiful loca- tion for a monumental park, lying as it does on a ' magnificent sheet of water, and its undulating grounds crowned with a fine forest growth, render it an ideal and picturesque spot." Some fifty years ago, on the occasion of a visit to the battlefield of the Texas veterans, who were at the time guests of the city of Houston, saddened by the neglected condition of the battle- field, those devoted sons of Texas, many of whom had been actual participants in the mo mentous conflict, raised by voluntary contribu- tions, for a "monument on the field," the sum of $1,501.25. This generous sum was placed as a nucleus in the keeping of Governor Lubbock, and through its trustees, given to the Daughters by its grateful custodian, after the state had bought the battle field, and is thus held by this chapter until, augmented from time to time, a memorial monolith suitable to commemorate the heroes of General Houston's army may be erected on the site of its triumph. SCRAP BOOK. The historian of the chapter, Mrs. Rosine Ryan, has, in connection with the work of her office, adopted the unique and beautiful method cf preserving various clippings from different sources in a scrap book. This scrap book, a com- pilation of historical events, as well as reminis- cences of olden times, is a volume quite large and heavy, and, by a happy thought of Mrs. Ryan, the dedication is signed by Mrs. Anson Jones' own hand. The suggestion may not be amiss, that the making of such a scrap book should be 132 THE KEY TO THE CITY OF HOUSTON undertaken by other chapters, a little historical "anthology," as it were, and serve to keep green the names and loving deeds of those who, having borne the heat and burden of today, have laid ll:em down to rest. Not only so, but in this manner many interesting bits of history, purely traditional, perhaps, is thus given life that would otherwise be lost to posterity. PLACING OF TABLET. The placing of a memorial tablet on the walls of the Rice hotel was long looked forward to as one of the privileges of San Jacinto Chapter, an event in its life, and the final accomplishment of this plan, which took place on the 27th of March, igo8, was a social as well as an historical success. On this day, the anniversary of the massacre of Fannin's men at Goliad, an immense crowd of citizens assembled, at the bidding of the chapter, in the rotunda of the hotel, and the splendid program was carried out amid much enthusiasm. Dr. William States Jacobs, who had been chosen ■1 SITE or CAPITOL ; OF THE 'REPCBLICofTEKAS 1837-38 -S9 8.4Z IMEMORATING DAYS AFTER HER CLORI0U5 fu(;cLE TEX AS STOOD AN INDEPENDENT NATWN A.D.1908 • TABLET IX RICE HOTEL, ERECTED BY SAX .fACIXTO CHAPTER DAUGHTERS OF THE REPUBLIC to give the invocation and to make a few re- n.arks, led his hearers to a sense of that divine piovidence which guided the pioneer fathers of Texas to success in this beautiful land, amid so many adverse conditions. In his remarks he emphasized four cardinal points, which seemed to him to mark the occasion : Hospitality, as noting the site of this fine hostelry, a resting p.Iace for the tourist and the citizen ; education, as the hotel property is now part and parcel of the grand institute, which, by the magnificent endowment of the William '\\. Rice estate, will be second to none in the South ; historical, as being the seat of the government of the strug- gling republic, during its davs of stress and hardship; of religion, as being the site and scene of the organization of the First Presby- terian clntrch in Hou.'^ton, of which Dr. Jacobs is now pastor. Thus, in a short, forceful applica- tion of the strength of these points, he put the audience at once in touch with the spirit of the time, the place and the theme. The literary address of the day was given by Colonel A. J. Houston, who dwelt largely upon the Fannin massacre, thrillingly describing the scenes which characterized the betrayal and mas- sacre of the Texans by the ]\Iexican commander. iMrs. McKeever then, in a few impressive words, presented the tablet to the trustees of the Rice Institute. So, firmly imbedded in the walls of the hotel, lies this pure white stone, a part of the history of the chapter and of the state, m its simple inscription telling of noble deeds, and by the seal of the Daughters of the Repiublic of Texas graven on its face, presenting a symbol of the past as well as of the future, that "all who run may read," as they pass this memorable cor- ner in the old city of Houston. TO RECAPITULATE. The state owns today 337 acres of land along the bayou front, covering almost the intire scene o'' this conflict between the Latin and the Anglo- Saxon races, this triumph of right over wrong. and the most grievous oppression. Although only a skirmish, as numbers would be rated now, San lacinto marked an era in modern American history, changing the face of the Union and taking rank as one of the seven decisive battles of the world. This San Jacinto battle field is THE PATRIOTIC SOCIETIES OF HOUSTON 133 governed b}- the State of Texas, through com- nnssioners appointed by the governor, as all such properties should be, and all expenses of care and improvement is defra3-ed b}- the state. Mrs. John R. Fenn, of blessed memory, was the first president of the chapter, filling her office in the most faithful and efficient manner, as long as her health would permit. She was succeeded by Mrs. Urwitz, and she in turn by Mrs. J. J. McKeever, Jr., to whose wise judg m.ent the chapter owes much of its success today. I cannot, perhaps, more appropriately close this article than by quoting the splendid words of Mr. Dudley Wooten, who, in his dedication to the "Comprehensive History of Texas," thus honors the society of the Daughters of the Re- public of Texas, and of whom he is pleased to say : "Their heroic ancestors composed the first settlers of a virgin wilderness, confronted the sternest trials of a savage warfare, laid the foundation of an incipient empire, won the un equal battle for liberty and justice, establishec and maintained a splendid independence, and finally yielded to the American Union the noblest ir, the sisterhood of states. While their own generous love for the glorious past, tender ven- eration for its deathless deeds, just appreciation of its imperishable renown, loyal, faitliful zeal in the preservation of its priceless records entitle them to the grateful reverence of every true Texan." With such beautiful trilnUes as the above, which come continually from all sources to this body of patriotic women, their hearts are stim- ulated to greater devotion to the holy cause of their ancestors, and so "no one works for money, no one for fame," but each for the joy of the working, and for the God of her country today. Official staff of tlie San Jacinto chapter: Mrs. J. J. McKeever, Jr., president; Mrs. E. G. Dumble, first vice president; Mrs. R. G. Ashe, second vice president; Mrs. John McClellan, third vice president; Mrs. M. B. Urwitz, secre- tary; Miss Rosalie Dumble, treasurer: Mrs. Rosine Ryan, historian. LADY WASHINGTON CHAPTER, DAUGHTERS OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION By Mrs. E. A. Holland, Recording Secretary Eighteen years ago this month (October), a few patriotic women in the city of Washington, D. C, under the leadership of that talented and lovable woman. Miss Eugenia Washington, met and organized the National Society of the Daughters of the American Revolution. Little then did the most sanguine of that noble and patriotic band dream that in this short space of time it would grow into the present powerful and efficient organization of 70,000 members, covering the entire United States and reaching into two foreign lands, Cuba and Mexico ; or that by this time there would be built and equipped for its home the most magnificent building, owned exclusively by women, in the world, the Con- tinental Memorial Hall, at Washington, D. C. In about one year after its inception. Texas was reached by this patriotic fire, and Mrs. Julia Washington Fontaine, a descendant of the \oungest brother of George Washington, had the honor of being the first Texas Daughter. Sev- eral other women of Texas soon joined the national society, and Mrs. Governor Throckmor- ton, of Austin, was appointed state regent. Mrs. Clark succeeded Mrs. Throckmorton, and during her administration, Mrs. Fontaine was appointed the chapter regent for the city of Galveston, and had the honor of organiz- ing the first chapter in the state, called, in com- pliment to her, the "George Washington Chap- ter." In 1895, the Jane Douglass Chapter, of Dallas, with JMrs. John Lane Henry as regent, was organized. In 1898 the Mary Isham Keith Chapter, of Ft. Worth, was organized, with Mrs. Elizabeth K. IJell as regent. In 1899 the Thankful Hubbard Chapter, of Austin, was organized, with Mrs. Ira H. Evans as regent. Airs. Fontaine succeeded Mrs. Clark as state regent. In the month of April, 1899, Mrs. Fon- taine was invited to Houston to meet with the ladies at the residence of Mrs. W. C. Crane, to talk over the matter of forming a chapter in our 134 THE KEY TO THE CITY OF HOUSTON MRS. D. P. STUART Regent own city. Very few, however, came prepared to join at once, but a number signed an agreement to join a chapter as soon as the proper papers were made out. Little was done during the summer of 1899. [Mrs. Seabrook W. Sydnor had meantime been appointed by the authorities in Washington as the regent of the city of Houston. In the early fall she met the following ladies in the parlor of the Rice hotel : Mrs. W. C. Crane, Mrs. J. C. Hutcheson, [Mrs. W. L. Lane, Mrs. Thomas Franklin, Mrs. James Jour- neay, Mrs. Henry Lummis, Mrs. Paul Timpson, Mrs. U. H. Foster and Mrs. H. F. Ring. Others who were unable to attend sent in their papers, duly made out, and were also accepted at head- quarters as charter members. These were Mrs. Mary Botts Fitzgerald, Mrs. D. F. Stuart, Mrs. W. R. Robertson, Mrs. C. L. Fitch, Mrs. Susan R. Tempest, Mrs. Harry T. Warner and Mrs. R. F. Dunbar. At the November meeting, 1899, the chapter regent, Mrs. Sydnor, appointed offi- cers to fill the various offices, and the December records tell us that at that meeting the chapter was thoroughly organized, and the name "Lady Washington" was adopted in compliment to the sister chapter, "George Washington," of Gal- veston. A motto was chosen, being "Honor to whom honor is due," and a flower selected, the Mary Washington tea rose. The first social function given by the Lady Washington Chapter was a "Lady Washington Reception," in the parlors of the Rice hotel, where ar. inspiring program, reflecting the "spirit of "76," was carried out. Patriotic songs were sung, "ye olden time" readings were given, and the minuet was danced by diminutive men and maidens, representing George and Martha Wash- ington in court attire, while the more stately maids sipped their cups of delicious tea. One of the pleasantest features of our chapter life lias been the exchange of courtesies with the George Washington Chapter of Galveston. While we were still a new chapter we were in- \ ited to take part in a most elaborate garden party at the beautiful home of Mrs. T. J. Groce, their regent, and just recently Mrs. Walter T. Gresham entertained us at a most gorgeous luncheon given to her chapter in commemoration of the birthday of George Washington. We have had the pleasure, in return, of entertaining some of their members on two of our state occasions, January 17, 1907, known as "Regent's Day," the regent of Lady Washington Chapter, Mrs. D. F. Stuart — for this chapter has known but three regents, Mrs. Sydnor, Mrs. Crane and Mrs. Stuart — gave a beautiful "colonial" reception at her spacious, hospitable home. The Colonial Dames and Daughters of the American Revolu- tion, with powdered wigs and beauty patches, in polonaise and watteau backs, and wearing high- heeled slippers, greeted the invited guests, num- bering several hundred. Other entertainments, receptions and teas have been given by our chapter, some to commemorate revolutionary anniversaries, and some to assist in raising money for Continental Memorial Ha'l and other patriotic work. Among the latter was a bazaar given in December, 1905, where $349 was cleared; also a "silver tea" was given last .\pril at the home of Mrs. J. A. [Mullen, where a neat sum was realized and forwarded to Wash- ington. A $25 donation was made in 1902 to the Cum Concilio Club of Nacogdoches, Texas, to assist in rebuilding the "Old Stone Fort," which had recently been torn down. A like sum was donated to the Daughters of the Republic of Texas for the Alamo fund, besides $5 to the THE PATRIOTIC SOCIETIES OF HOUSTON 135 Mount Vernon flag fund. A national flag has also been given to the Free Kindergarten of this city, to inspire patriotism in the children. In the summer of 1906, desiring to assist in a most worthy local cause, the chapter donated $50 to the Young Men's Christian Association building fund. The "Historic Loan" exhibit given by the chapter in 1903 was probably one of the most interesting and instructive of the many entertain- ments that have been given by this organization ; for the collection of relics shown was not only \ery large, but many pieces were very choice memory of Alexander Hodge, one of Marion's brave men, who was buried in Texas, a granite boulder hewn from the quarries of our own state at Llano. This boulder was unveiled in the City Park, March 13, 1908, with befitting ceremonies, and presented to the city of Houston in the presence of a large assemblage of people. Mrs. Seabrook W. Sydnor, our state regent, is a de- scendant of this revolutionary soldier. The Daughters of the American Revolution of the State of Texas have presented to the Con- tinental Memorial Hall fund about $1,500. This jrOXUMEXT IX SAM HOUSTOX PARK. ERECTED BY LADY WASHIXGTOX CHAPTER DAUGHTERS AMERICAN REVOLUTION and of great value to the proud owners. The placing of United States histories and other reference books in the Carnegie Library has re- ceived considerable attention from the chapter; but as there is no limit, this work will continue indefinitely. Sacred and dear to the patriotic heart of every Daughter of the American Revolution is the resting place of a revolutionary sol- dier; and, inspired with a desire to do him honor, the Lady Washington chapter erected to the includes the finishings of the Texas Room and tlie Lone Star in the dome of that building, as well as donations for other purposes, and of this amount the Lady Washington Chapter has con- tributed $300. The chapter membership is at the present time seventy-six, with several applications in Washington to be acted upon. The meetings are held the first Friday in every month at the homes of different members. Just one little token of appreciation, love and esteem from the mem- bers, in the shape of a. loving cup, has been given 136 THE KEY TO THE CITY OF HOUSTON our faithful regent, as a recognition of six years of devoted service in that office. Could this cup express in words the loving sentiment of each individual member, it would speak volumes. While many have been the pleasures since the formation of the chapter, yet Death has visited and darkened the homes and taken the loved ones. One of the original band of charter mem- bers has been removed to the great beyond, Mrs. Mary B. Fitzgerald. In conclusion, I will say that from an educa- tional standpoint, in the studv of revolutionary history, as well as in the commemoration of noble deeds, the chapter has been wide awake. For the past seven years a "Year Book" has been publish.ed by the historian and placed in the hands of every member. The chapter is ever trying to keep alive in the hearts of the people the importance of celebrating anniversaries, and th.at the turmoil of the battlefield of our revolu- tionary forefathers should not be forgotten, the hardships and privations they suffered to achieve liberty are again and again depicted. In fact, the history of the colonies, especially that of the "thirteen original states," is being studied niore earnestly year after year, so that the true spark of patriotism may be kindled, and the world become richer and better in perpetuating the memory of the spirit of the men and women who achieved American independence. The present officers are : Mrs. D. F. Stuart, regent; Mrs. H. F. Ring, vice regent; Mrs. E. A. Holland, recording secretary ; Mrs. R. Hume Smith, corresponding secretary; Mrs. John McClellan. registrar; Mrs. William Stude, treasurer; Mrs. E. J. Brewster, historian; Miss .Myrtella Beall, librarian : Mrs. W. L. Lane, curator. THE SOCIETY OF COLONIAL DAMES OF AMERICA IN THE STATE OF TEXAS— HOUSTON CIRCLE Aiotto: "\'irtutes Majorum Filiae Conservant." Bv Mrs. W. C. Crane The object of this society is to collect and preserve manuscripts, traditions and mementoes of bygone days ; to preserve and restore build- ings connected with the early history of our country, and to diffuse healthful and intelligent information concerning the past. The members shall be composed entirely of women who are descended in their own right from some ancestor of worthy life who came to reside in an American colony prior to 1750, and shall have rendered service to his country during the colonial period, held an important position in a colonial govern- ment, or in some efficient service contributed to the founding of this great and powerful nation, before July 5, 1776. This date shall include all signers of the Declaration of Independence. No person shall be a candidate for admission unless iiivited and proposed by one member and second- efi by another. The Houston Circle of the society was organized in 1904, in order to keep in touch with the state society, and the society at large, and that they might take up intelligently the study of colonial history. With the state societies, it has contributed to the awarding of prizes for essays on colonial subjects in the five larger cities of the state, including Houston. Beginning with four members, we have more than doubled our numljer, as follows : Mrs. B. F. Weems, Mrs. John :\IcClel]an, Mrs. \V. C. Crane, INIrs. Howard Smith, Mrs. Robert Knox, Mrs. Jeff N. Miller, Mrs. J. W. Parker, Mrs. Seabrook Sydnor, Mrs. W. M. Robinson, Mrs. Arthur Cargill. THE PATRIOTIC SOCIETIES OF HOUSTON 137 DICK DOWLING CAMP, UNITED CONFEDERATE VETERANS, NO. 197 By Philip H. Fall, Commatuier This is an organization composed of ex-Con- federate soldiers, which has for its object the ameHoration of the condition of any old South- ern soldier who may be a member, or of his fani- il}, sliould he die destitute of means. The camp never allows one of its members to be buried in "potter's field," as it owns three lots in the German cemetery for the use of deceased mem- bers. It has accomplished much good during its existence. Its membership was at one time nearly 500, but death has thinned its ranks, until now about 140 names are upon its roster. The records of the camp were destroyed in the Market House fire, hence a correct history is not accessi- ble. The camp is represented at all of the gen- eral reunions, and with its celebrated banner, which has inscribed upon it "Forty-three de- feated 15,000, at Sabine Pass, September 8, J863," creates great enthusiasm, as it marches in the great procession of old soldiers and their friends. It is a great advertisement to Houston, and as many of the camp as possible should be prevailed upon to attend the reunions. These old heroes will not be with us much longer, and we shall miss them when they "cross the river." The caP-ip is named after Richard Dowling, the hero of Sabine Pass battle, whose bravery, with only forty-three men, prevented General Franklin, with an army of 15,000, from landing at Sabine Pass, thus preventing the invasion of I'exas. Their aim was to effect a landing and march to Houston, where Federal lieadquarters were to be established, whence commands would be sent in all directions for the purpose of devastating the country; but Dowling and his forty-three Irishmen prevented such an awful catastrophe. Jefferson Davis, in his memoirs, declares it to have been the most remarkable victory known in any age of the world. Miss Minnie Porter, of Houston, presented the camp the banner of which it is so proud. The R. E. Lee Chapter also presented them with a costly and beautiful Confederate flag. The city has given the camp a room in the Market House as long as it is a camp, and also gives them the use of the large hall adjoining, in which to hold their meetings. The beautiful life-size statue of Dick Dowling on Market Square is the result of the work of Dick Dowling Camp, aided by the three divisions of the Ancient Order of Hibernians and Emmet Council. These asso- ciations together formed the Dick Dowling Mon- ument Association. Popular subscriptions were called for, through the press and otherwise. The ladies of Beaumont sent a large co!i1ribulion, R. E. Lee Chapter helped materially, and sev- eral citizens gave large donations. The a:nount of material, money and work required to com- plete the monument approximated $5,000. The pedestal of the monument is of highly polished grav granite, eleven and one-half feet PHILIP H. PALL Commander Dick Dowling Camp in height, surmounted by a portrait statue of Dowling in Carrara Italian marble, six feet six inches high, making the total height of the mon- ument eighteen feet. Immediatelv over the foundation are two steps and two bases. Upon the second base is the name "Dowling," raised in bold letters. On the highly polished die are the names of the forty-three Irish patriots who assisted Dowling in the achievement that has rendered his name famous in the history of the late war. Upon each of the four sides of the plinth are appropriate emblems, such as cannon, typical of 138 THE KEY TO THE CITY OF HOUSTON his command; the Confederate flag, a stack of cannon balls and the Irish harp, suggestive of Dowling's nationality. Upon the second base is the inscription, "Erected by Dick Bowling Camp and the Irish Societies of Houston." The Dick Dowling Camp has been made the custodian of quite a number of valuable relics of the civil war. The camp is to have a "gray book" issued soon, containing the pictures of the presidents of the United States and the history of the camp, and other data concerning the civil war, which is to be published by a Mr. Krogh. The present officers are : Philip H. Fall, com- nander; J. J. Hall, first lieutenant: George H. Hermann, second lieutenant; A. F. Amcrman, adjutant ; J. S. Blair, chaplain. ROBERT E. LEE CHAPTER i86, UNITED DAUGHTERS OF THE CONFEDERACY. By Mrs. Mary E. Bryan November ii, 1897, in response to a call by veterans of Dick Dowling Camp, for the organ- ization of a chapter of United Daughters of the Confederacy, Mrs. Margaret Hadley Foster and several other ladies met at the City Hall on that MRS. M.\HV K, BEY.\X President Robert E. Lee Chapter date, in the evening, the regular meeting place of the camp. Mrs. Foster, by request of the veterans and ladies present, was made chairman. After discussion of U. D. C. work, the matter v^as placed in Mrs. Foster's hands, and she named the following list of ladies as a committee of co-workers: Mrs. Robert Rutherford, Mrs. T. R. Franklin, Mrs. J. A. Huston, Mrs. B. P. Weems, Mrs. Mary E. Bryan (Mrs. Jesse A.), Mrs. Carter Walker, Mrs. E. A. Sydnor, Mrs. J. R. ^^'aties, Mrs. C. H. Lucy, Mi.s.s Adelia A. Dunovant, Miss Kate B. .Shaifer, Miss Jennie Hunter. The chairman called a meeting for the morn- ing of the 17th at the Lyceum Library, and the chapter was there organized and the following officers were duly elected : Mrs. Joseph Chap- j.kII Hutcheson, president; Mrs. Milton G. Howe, first vice president; Mrs. Thomas R. Franklin, second vice president ; Mrs. Margaret Hadley Foster, secretary. Later the first credential committee was in charge of Mrs. W. V. R. Watson as chairman, with ;\Irs. R. S. Lovett and Mrs. J. R. Waties. Noting the fact that no chapter in the division was named for the great chieftain, Robert E. Lee, the chapter took advantage of it and be- came the first to be enrolled as the Robert E. Lee Chapter in the state. Deeply engraved with love and veneration upon every heart, this dear name has ever been an inspiration and seemingly a benison upon the chapter work. When Miss Mildred Lee was officially in- formed that the Houston chapter had taken her honored father's name, to distinguish themselves in the national group of chapters, she replied with a cordial letter of thanks, inclosing to the chapter a lock of her father's hair, which is kept l)y the chapter among its treasured possessions. THE PATRIOTIC SOCIETIES OF HOUSTON 139 Among others present at the second meeting were Mrs. J. J. Clemens and Miss Salter. Hav- ing a list of fifty members, a charter was applied for. Mrs. Piety L. Hadley was the first hon- orary member of the chapter. The membership consisted largely of the most energetic and dis- tinguished women of the city, and the high standard under which it was so favorably launched has ever been maintained. The motto selected is that of the Lee family, "Not unmind- ful of futurity," and the flower a red rose. Quickly after organization the chapter made a record second to none in the performance of duty, taking up the objects of the U. D. C. As- sociation, which include memorial, benevolent and social work. It has been a labor of love to look after and give assistance to the veterans in life. The home at Austin has received material aid from the chapter and a library established there was largely through its efforts, with Mrs. J. A. Pluston chairman in charge. As to the Confederate dead, the chapter has been faithful to the memory of these glorious heroes, in strewing flowers on their graves and placing substantial markers that none may be forgotten or neglected. The chapter was the first -n thi siate and second in the South to bestow crosses of honor on Confederate \'eterans. The chapter, in it.'? infancy, sent delegates to the U. D. C. conven- tion at Galveston, and with the characteristic hospitality of Houstonians, invited the next an- imal session of the division to meet at Houston. The invitation was accepted and the convention met in our city in 1898, and proved to be a most interesting and successful event. All delegates and state officials were the guests of the chapter. The president, Mrs. J. C. Hutcheson, entertained with an elegant noon luncheon at her home, and a reception was given at the close of the conven- tion at the parish house of Christ church, where the convention was held, through the courtesy of Rev. Henry D. Aves, rector of the parish. Mrs. Cornelia Branch Stone, state president, and Mrs. Kate Cabell Currie, national president, were in attendance. A beautiful memorial service was held in the same place during the convention. During Mrs. Hutcheson's administration, the loth of October, 1898, was made memorable by the members present, fourteen in number (just five more than a quorum), pledging the chapter to direct its energies principally to placing a monument in Houston, to the Confe of Dick Dowling Camp, Confederate Veterans, were also made honorar)' members of the chapter. The following officers were elected to serve for the year 1901. President, Miss Adelia A. Dunovant ; first vice president, Mrs. S. F. Car- ter; second vice president, Mrs. T. W. House; third vice president, Mrs. Wharton Bates ; fourth vice president, Mrs. W. B. King; recording sec- retary, Miss Jennie Criswell ; corresponding sec- retary, Mrs. Jonathan Lane ; treasurer, Mrs. Bettie ]\Iather Stephens ; registrar, Mrs. F. L. Phelps; historian, Mrs. Blandin ; custodian, Mrs. E. A. Heffernan ; librarian, Miss Bett'e B. Guild ; choral leader and instrumental soloist. Mi?.: Emily Beavens ; vocal soloists, Mrs. E. P. Daviss and Mrs. Baltis Allen ; standard beam , to be appointed by the president, or, rather, gl"en to the lady who brought in the most new members, won by Mrs, Sam T. Steele. The chapter motto is "Memory is the Mother of the Muses," The chapter flower is the pansy, emblem of thought, appropriate to our work. Chapter badge is of white silk with gold fringe. The motto, "Mejuory is the Mother of the Muses," is printed in gold letters around a beau- tiful purple pansy, beneath which two flags, the Texas flag and the Confederate battle flag, are crossed. The chapter prospered, and the membership increased so rapidly that 315 members were en- rolled in December, 1901. The chapter sent fourteen delegates to the state convention at San Antonio in December, 1901, and had the honor and pleasure of seeing its president. Miss Adelia Dunovant, elected state president before it cel- ebrated its first anniversary. The chapter did excellent work during the years 1902 and 1903. In 1903 Mrs. Blandin was THE PATRIOTIC SOCIETIES OF HOUSTON 143 elected president, and Mrs. Dunovant elected honorary president of the chapter. In Januar)', 1904, Mrs. Wharton Bates was elected president, and this year's record shows the chapter with a neat sum of money in its treasury. During this year memorial services were held at Shearn cluirch, in honor of General John B. Gordon : a handsome floral tribute was sent by the chapter to be placed on the casket which held his re- mains; also a letter of condolence to his wife and family. Mrs. Gordon wrote a letter of thanks for same. The chapter celebrated the birthday of Gen- eral Robert E. Lee, January 19, with appropriate exercises, at Light Guard Armory Hall. Thomas H. Ball and Congressman Pinckney were the dis- tinguished orators of the occasion. April 26, "Memorial." or "Confederate Veterans' Decora- tion Day," was observed by strewing flowers and placing a laurel wreath on the grave of every Confederate veteran. The chapter donated $60 to the fund for the home for wives and widows of Confederate vet- erans, soon to be built at Austin, Texas. The concert given at Br}an Hall for the benefit of the chapter netted over $100. General Lee's birthday was celebrated January 19, 1905, with an appropriate program. Mrs. Steele read an original tribute to Stonewall Jack- son, which was published in "Dixie Land." A reception was given by the chapter to veterans of Dick Dowling Camp, at the beautiful home of Mrs. Will Bottler, who extended this hospitality to the chapter. Appropriate memorial services were held at Shearn chapel on Decoration Day, w'th an able address by Judge Street of Galveston. Two hundred wreaths were made by Oran M. Rob- erts Chapter and these were taken to the dif- ferent cemeteries and placed on the graves of departed Confederate veterans. June 3 of that year, Jefferson Davis' birthday, was celebrated with an interesting' program fo'- lowed by an elegant reception given to the Oran M. Roberts Chapter and veterans bv our beloved president, Mrs. Wharton Bates. The programs rnd decorations for each of these occasions were arranged by Mrs. C. W. Black, chairman of com- mittees on anniversaries, assisted by Mrs. S. T. Steele and others of this committee. The chapter assisted an old veteran by helping him buy a horse, so that he could make a living by hauling, etc., giving him $6.25 for this pur- pose. We also sent floral offerings and a telegram of condolence on the death of Judge Reagan, also an exquisite floral cross, three feet high, made of lilies of the valley, white forget-me-nots and carnations, to Mildred Lee, and handsome floral tributes to Governor Lubbock. Floral offerings are always sent when a member of our chapter dies, also on the death of a Confederate veteran in our city. The chapter gave $2.00 to the Davis monument fund, sent a large box of comfortable clothing to Austin for indigent wives and widows of Confederate veterans, which was kindly received and wisely distrib- uted by i\Irs. Z. T. Fulmore. In the summer the chapter gave a picnic at Sam Houston park, from which the sum of $100 was realized. We assisted the family of a vet- eran who were in need, giving them $5.00 and the promise of shoes ; also secured transportation to New Orleans for another worthy veteran, who hoped to get in the home there. This was done through the efforts of our president, Mrs. Wharton Bates. Colonel T. J. Anderson, gen- eral passenger agent of the Southern Pacific, aided by giving a rate of one cent per mile, the chapter paying his fare and giving him money for other expenses. The chapter feels that it is better to assist and care for the living, and that there will be plenty of time after the last veteran has passed over the river, to raise monuments to their memor\\ In accordance with this conviction, it was decided that this chapter send $25 to the fund for wives and widows of veterans, this sum to be carried bv one of the delegates and presented at the state convention. Our membership rapidly increased, in 1904-05 new members being admitted at almost every meeting. Mrs. M. L. J. Hoover and Mrs. Hattie S. Hatch, chairman of the committee on cre- dentials, did fine work, being influential in bringing in new members and in seeing that application blanks are properly filled and signed. During the year 1906, the chapter disbursed a considerable amount in aid of various enter- prises, among which were the following: Feb- 144 THE KEY TO THE CITY OF HOUSTON man- z-^. to the Confederate Woman's Home at Paid for general and state dues $40.50 Austin, $50; August 28, to same institution, Paid for floral offerings 19.00 $100; to U. D. C. San Francisco earthquake Paid to charities I5-50 sufferers, $50; to Y. M. C. A. building, $50; for Paid to Confederate Women's Home 36.60 marking graves of Confederate soldiers on bat- Paid for sundries 123.82 tie fields, $50. Services were held on Memorial Day, and all '^^^^^ $235-42 graves of Confederate veterans in the various The chapter has also furnished a room in the cemeteries of Houston were decorated. Confederate Women's Home. Mrs. C. L. De St. The birthdays of Robert E. Lee and Stone- Aubin, formerly Mrs. Lottie R. Cox. joined by wall Jackson were celebrated on Januarv 19, lier husband, gave the chapter a tine oil portrait that of Jefferson Davis June 3, and nf Judge of Gov. O. M. Roberts, which we placed in the Reagan on October 8, all with appropriate exer- * '■ ^f ■ Roberts room at the home. Sweeney & cises, which were attended by members of the J'Vedericks of Houston made and donated a beau- O. ]\L Roberts and R. E. Lee chapters. U. D. C, lif"! brass door plate, with Governor O. M. Dick Dowling Camp, V. C. V., and Houston's Roberts" name engraved on it, which was placed representative citizens. ori the door of said room. The chapter has now Mrs. M. A. Zumwalt, one of our members, ^" l^^'"' ?^o°' ^^''"^^^ ''^^ delegates to the corn- while chairman of South Te.xas district, Texas '"§' ^'^'^ convention in December, at Terrell, division, U. D. C, collected over one thousand '^"^"^^S' ^'^''H ^°"^te to the home, thus redeeming dollars for the fund to build a home for Confed-- "^'^ P^^'S^ '"^^^ b>' delegates at a previous con- erate women at Austin. This sum, together .., J. -u ,.■ £ ii ^-v T\r -D u i. r-i "Our historical meetings have been a special with contributions from the O. i\L Roberts Chap- . '^ ^ ,,,,,, ..,. , , , feature, these meetings being ablv and enthu- tcr, amounts to about fourteen or fittcen hundred ... - " _ „ , , „ ,, , , • r 1 ■ . siasticallv conducted bv Mrs. Sam T. Steele, dollars collected and given for this purpose bv , ... , ' ,, ... . ' chapter historian, who follows stricth- the pro- the chapter and through the splendid work of , ,_ , ^ ^ , • ^ • , • , '^ or gram sent bv the state historian, and introduces, Mrs. Zumwalt. She was elected one of the . , .... " , , • ^ .• ^ ^ c m addition, novel and interesting contests, for trustees of the home, also a director of the state .... ^- , _,, . , ' which prizes are offered. These ^nd musical executive board. numbers keep up unflagging interest in this line The year 1907-08 has shown splendid work by of chapter work. At the unveiling of Dick the Oran M. Roberts Chapter. The chief object Dowling ir.onument, which was celebrated with of the chapter has been helping the Confederate great eclat, our president was given the honor AVomen's Home in Austin, Texas. Towards this of choosing the sponsor to represent the Confed- end we have given a number of entertainments, eracy on that occasion. r\Iiss Maybelle Steele, the most important of which, financially, was the daughter of our esteemed historian, was the ball game between the "Fats" and the chosen. She wore a beautiful costume in Con- "Leans." Mrs. J. M. Gibson deserves special federate colors, and carried the handsome flag. mention for her energetic work in getting up of which our chapter is so justly proud." (From this game. '^^be secretary's report.) T,, V . • -J 1 J , • i , Time and space forbid further mention of the 1 he chapter is wide awake, and keeps in touch ... .^, ,, . , , r 1 , T^ nianv, nianv things this chapter has done to aid with the progressive methods of the day. Dur- , • , • , : , . . . , , , , .... the work to which our association is pledged, ing the year, manv new members have loined our „, . .... • • , , ■ . 1 he moving and guiding spirit has been our ranks. While we are satisfied with what has ^, "■ 1 4. ht \5ri <- t> <. 1 • worthv president, Mrs. Wharton Bates, who is been done, we are ambitious, and hope to do ^^,.^.i,;„ ,^^^ f^^,^^,^ j^^,^^ .^,^^ i^ ^^^,^^ ^^^^^^^. -^ greater things in the future. ^^.^^1, ^^-^^^ ^,^^, .ig^erves all honor and praise for The treasurer, Mrs. Arthur McClellan, made her devotion to the work in which the Daugh- a very gratifying report, as follows : tcrs are engaged. THE PATRIOTIC SOCIETIES OF HOUSTON 145 On October 7, 190S, the following officers were elected by acclamation : President, Mrs. Wharton Bates; first vice president, Mrs. J. M. Gibson; second vice president, Mrs. Hattie S. Hatch; third vice president, Mrs. R. F. Noble; fourth vice president, Mrs. Sidney Huston ; recording secretary, Mrs. L. M. Worsham (nee Gambati) ; corresponding secretary, Mrs. Max Otto ; treasurer, Mrs. Arthur McClellan ; his- torian, Mrs. Sam T. Steele; registrar, Mrs. Kate Hansen; curator, Mrs. C. H. Rogers; librarian, Mrs. W. E. Crump. Mrs. T. C. Rowe was made an honorary member, and was elected director of GEORGE B. McCLELLAN POST NO. 9, DEPARTMENT OF TEXAS, G. A. R. By John C. Bonnei.l, Commander The Grand Army of the Republic was organ- ized at Springfield, Illinois, May, 1866. It is composed only of honorably discharged soldiers and sailors who aided in the maintenance and in establishing the honor and integrity, and conse- quently the supremacy, of our national union and government, by service in the war of 1861-65. It has three distinct constituted and chartered bodies : First, Posts, for city, county, town or precinct, meeting at least once monthly. Second. Departments, which cover a state and meet yearl}- in an encampment. Third, National Encamp- m.ent, the highest in rank and authority, meeting once a year. Its three great principles are fraternity, char- ity, loyalty. Fraternity, without regard to former rank, is the great foundation stone. Charity, whose virtues are followed, and ties that were welded in fire of battle, make a sym- pathy for disabled comrades and their families very strong. Loyalty, the great crowning principle. When our flag is in danger, then loyal sons leave pur- suits and pleasures of civil life and throng to the field, with one resolve, "The Union shall and must be preserved." Its life continues up to and ceases at the mus- ter out by death of the last comrade that bore arms to defend the nation's flag during the war between the states. Its own and only auxiliary is The Woman's Relief Corps. This national body was organized it: 1883 at Denver, Colorado, hv Paul Vander- voort, commander in chief of the G. A. R. This is a body of loyal women whose purpose is to aid in securing funds for charity, and they guide ir; the dispensing of that charity in a more per- fect manner than could be attained by the Grand Army of the Republic. The George B. McClellan Post, No. 9, De- partment of Texas, G. A. R., was organized December 10, 1885, and its complete by-laws, adopted December 9, 18S6. The records show about forty members at that time. Captain A. K. Taylor was post commander, with David Per- kms post adjutant. During its existence the post has given many hundreds of dollars to relieve the wants of and to help out of difficulty any of the defenders of Old Glory. Its objects, too, extend to relief of widows and orphans, and this at an especial time and in an especial way, viz : when the Union veteran passes here and awaits tlie reassembling of the Grand Arm\' of the Republic above, where God is the supreme com- mander. This Post has been energetic in one line, and at imich expense, but doing its work willingly, cheerfully and loyally, and this was in looking out for the burial of Union veterans who would otherwise have been consigned to potter's field. Ii; the past twenty-three years no Union soldier with an honorable record has met that fate. To care for this very class, the Post purchased a lot in one of the cemeteries, and at the beginning of this year's work, the space was declared to he filled. Since then a block has been purchased and deed filed for it, near to the main avenue in Glenwood cemetery. In the purchase of this piece of ground the Post was materially aided by its auxiliary, the Woman's Relief Corps. This burial block will be dedicated on national Thanksgiving Day, November, 1908. For Grand Army of the Republic the depart- ment headquarters are at Denison, Texas. T. M. 146 Wright, department commander Kretsinger, adjutant general. For the Woman's Relief Corps the headquar- ters are 14 17 Crawford street, Houston. S. E. Eonnell, department president; Alaude Green, department secretary. THE KEY TO THE CITY OF HOUSTON nd W. O. The George B. McClellan Post has at present about forty members, and the roster shows John C. Bonnell, commander, and J. J. Scholl, ad- jutant. WOMAN'S RELIEF CORPS. George B. McClellan W. R. C. was organized July 6, 1895, through the efforts of Mrs. Jennif Rue, ably assisted by Mrs. ^laggie Rust and others. "The objects of this order are to specially aid and assist the Grand Army of the Republic, and to perpetuate the memory of the heroic dead ; to assist such Union veterans as need help and pro- tection, and to extend needful aid to their widows MRS. JENNIE RUE Active Worker, Woman's Relief Corps and orphans, to find them homes and employ- ment, and assure them of sym'pathy and friends, to cherisli and emulate the deeds of our army nurses and of all loyal women who rendered lov- ing service to our country in her hour of peril ; to maintain true allegiance to the United States of America : to inculcate lessons of patriotism and love of country among our children and in the community in which we live, and encourage the spread of universal liberty and equal rights to all." There was urgent need for the order at the time of its formation. IVlany of the old veterans were seeking health and strength in this warm and balmy climate ; and to these, their widows and orphans, the Woman's Relief Corps was ever ready to extend aid and comfort. Our work did not stop here. At the time of the Spanish-American war, the order was most active, and rendered very valuable assistance to the soldiers stationed at Houston, furnishing tiiem with clothing, shoes and other necessities. From time to time the order has also assisted children's homes and various other charitable organizations here in the city, the nature of the assistance sometimes being in the form of cloth- ing and sewing, and at other times financial aid. The order, although originally founded for the sole purpose of assisting veteran soldiers, has nevertheless at all times been ready and willing tc extend assistance to all classes of needy, and the scope of its work has been such as to reach all classes who have appeared deserving of its efforts. Mrs. Maggie Rust, Mrs. Annetta Van Horn and Mrs. J. C. Bonnell have ably served the order as department presidents. j\Irs. Jennie Rue is also a representative woman of the order, having served in local department and national offices. The Woman's Relief Corps meet.^ every first and third Friday of each month, at 3 o'clock p. m., at Odd Fellows Hall. The presiding officers are: Mrs. Georgie Warren, president; Airs. Isabelle Trumbo, secretary, and Mrs. Maud Green, treasurer. MUSICAL HOUSTON Mrs. Horace Booth, Editor Mrs. R. L. Cox and Mrs. J. W. MAXEV, Assistants An effort has been made by the editor of these pages to make mention of everything in Hous- ton which pertains to musical development. If by any chance any important matter is omitted, it has not been the fault of the editor, but by a delay in getting the material to wovk with, and which has been faithfully solicited. The position which Houston occupies musi- cally today is one which every lover of this high art should be proud of, and especially so, those who have been factors in placing her upon this plane. As one of the promoters for everything in this line, we recall the name of Mrs. Margaret Hadley Foster, who, through the medium of the Houston Post, always wielded her pen to furthef any advancement musically, and was prominent in the organization of the Woman's Choral Club and other musical societies or clubs. Mrs. Willis Hutcheson, also of the Post, holds a large place for music in Houston. The first musical club, the Philharmonic, was organized in Houston many years ago, with Mr. Bremonde as president. The leader in this first musical step was Mrs. L. P. Grunewald, who w^as director for this club. Mrs. Grunewald was the mother of Madame Samaroff, who was here before an appreciative audience last year under the auspices of the Woman's Choral Club. Professor Horace Clark, Sr., was also one of its presidents, and among its members we note the names of Mrs. J. O. Carr, Mrs. Annie Giraud and Mrs. M. C. Culpepper. From this, as a nucleus, we can now boast of many musical clubs, and through these clubs, the music lovers are given the opportunity to hear the finest of artists at a nominal cost. The name of the late Mr. Dudley Bryan stands for music in this city, having been president of the Quartette Club, and so closely associated in the organization of the English singing societies of Texas. Mr: Fred Dexter was also one of the prominent workers in this, and has always been a helper and a leader in music, having been director for the Quartette Society for a number of years. ^^'e recall the name of Professor Duvernoy, who used to teach a large class in piano, years ago. And among the pianists will always be associated the thorough and efficient work of Mrs. C. A. Bujac. Mrs. Bujac assisted in an en- tertainment to raise the first money on the old Shearn pipe organ. Of the different musical societies, which will be written of in these pages, we will say, Hous- ton has grown large enough to give a space for all, and each one forms an importani part in the giand and glorious art. WOMAN'S CHORAL CLUB. The Woman's Choral Club of Houston was organized in November, igoi. Mrs. E. A. Peden, who was so well known and loved in Houston, and who was gifted with a most beautiful so- prano voice, called together a few ladies who sang, and whom she knew to be interested in music. Our first president, Mrs. Willie Hutcheson, whom every one always associates with the high- est idea of music. After getting the work well started, she was compelled to resign, as her news- paper work was getting so heavy, and so many demands were made upon her, that we realized we must give her up, but it was certainly with regret by the club. They met at her home and organized the Woman's Choral Club, limiting the active mem- bership to fifty. Miss Mary Carson Kidd was our first director, and we began work in a very n'lodest way, hoping to give two or three con- certs a season for the pleasure of our friends. We held our rehearsals at the home of Mrs. 148 THE KEY TO THE CITY OF HOUSTON Peden, and at the close of the first year, felt that we had not only accomplished the purpose for which we had organized, but had also gained MRS. W. H. KIRKLAND President confidence to attempt something more ambitious. Before the beginning of our second season, ]\Iiss Kidd went abroad for study, leaving us without a leader. Mrs. E. B. Parker was pre- \ailed upon to take her place, and the club un- doubtedly owes much of its success to her. The directory decided, in the early part of the second season, that we were strong enough to attempt artist concerts, and our first effort in that line was to present Elsa Ruegger, cellist, and Estelle Heartt, contralto. The concert was a success, artistically and financially, while our associate membership had grown most encour- agingly. After this we decided to give three affairs each vear, making the mid-winter concert the particular event of the season, and the only one to which tickets were for sale, the other two being complimentary to our associate members only. This year we found ourselves in a position to make all our concerts complimentary to asso- ciate members, and we hope that henceforth and forever the Choral Club will be relieved of "ticket selling." Our associate membership fee is only $5 a vear, and. as we have never been financially em- barrassed, we feel that we have shown conclu- sively that, with good management and con- scientious work, clubs can do much for their comnumity, with less money than is usually found necessary. Among the artists who have appeared in Hous- ton under the auspices of the Choral Club are Herbert Witherspoon (basso), twice; DePach- mann (pianiste), Anita Rio (soprano), Jessie Ringer (contralto), Estelle Heartt (contralto), Isabella Boutton (mezzo soprano). Glen Hall (tenor), Julian Walker (baritone), Arthur Hart- mann (violinist), and Elsa Ruegger (cellist), twice. The second time we presented Miss Ruegger to the Houston people was last year, soon after the San Francisco disaster. After our concert she suggested that we give a benefit for the earthquake sufferers, and offered her serv- ices for the occasion. Marie Nichols, violinist, and Miss Mary Moore, pianiste, who had been touring with Miss Ruegger, joined her here, and thty, with George Crampton, baritone, who was in Houston at the time, gave us a beautiful con- cert, bv which we realized over $600 for the relief fund. Other artists who have been brought here by the Choral Club are Madame Samaroff, Corinne Rider Kelsev and Claude Cunningham. A con- MRS. JOHN W. M.VXKY Vice-President Woman's Clioral Club cert enjoyed very much by Houstonians was the one in which our first director. Miss Mary Car- sen Kidd, took the leading part and was assisted MUSICAL HOUSTON 149 MRS. E. B. PAKKER I>irector Woman's Choral Club by Mr. Mason (violinist), who was at one time connected with the Treble Clef as director. On the first Monday in October we entered upon our fall work with fifty well balanced voices. We have secured Janet Spencer (con- tralto) for our first concert, and on January 8 we will present Madame Bloomfield Zeisler, a pianiste. Both of these artists come with flat- tering comments, Janet Spencer having toured with Geraldine Farrar, and Madame Zeisler ranks second in the world as a pianiste. At our spring concert we are planning to give rur associate members a rare treat, which would alone pay for the price of a season associate n-embership, but not having closed the contract, we will not as yet make known the name of our artist. In addition to these concerts, the club has been beautifully entertained by Mrs. E. B. Parker, the director, and the president, Mrs. Kirkland, when our different artists would be presented to us, in a social way, and we could hear their sweet parlor voices. The following officers have charge of the affairs of the club for the coming season: President, Mrs. W. H. Kirkland ; vice president, Mrs. J. W. Maxcy; recording secretary, Mrs. Horace Booth ; corresponding secretary, Mrs. Earnest Saunders ; treasurer, Mrs. F. C. Barnes ; librarian, Mrs. W. C. McLelland ; director, Mrs. E. B. Parker; accompanist, Miss Alice McFar- land. Our honorary members are Mrs. Willie Hutch- eson and little Miss lone Peden. The charter members of the Choral Club have much to be proud of, and those who are still w ith us look back with pleasure on our successes of the past, the only grief and regret being the of the past, the only grief and regret being the loss of Mrs. Peden, who died in November of our sec- ond vear, leaving a baby daughter, lone Peden. HOUSTON OUARTETTE SOCIETY. The Houston Quartette Society, now entering upon its ninth season, is the oldest of the English singing societies of Houston. Organized in August, 1900, by the late Mr. D. D. Bryan, Mr. Joseph Taylor and Mr. James Giraud, it was in- tended to build up a permanent organization from the remnant of the old Houston Glee Club, Hous- ton Quartette Club, and the various other names under which a singing society had tried to exist. Mr. Fred F. Dexter was chosen musical direc- tor, and has held tliat position in the club to the present date. It was decided that the new organization should use its utmost endeavors to bring the world's best vocal talent to our city, and to this end an associate membership was formed, for the purpose of furnishing the funds necessary to carry out this plan. The artists who have appeared under the aus- pices of the Houston Quartette Society speak for the success of this plan. The first season Leonora Jackson, violinist, was the leading at- traction, followed in successive seasons by Nor- dica, Eugene Cowles, Suzanne Adams, Cam- 150 THE KEY TO THE CITY OF HOUSTON panani (twice), Bispham (twice), Gadski (twice), Schumann Heinck (twice), Melba, El- len Beach Yaw, Beresford, Clark, and many other stars. To the Houston Quartette Society also belongs the honor of the birth of the Federation of Eng- lish Singing Societies of Texas. This federation was formed in the fall of 1903, by the president, Mr. D. D. Bryan, and the musical director, Mr. Fred F. Dexter. In order to gather together the presidents and musical directors of the English singing clubs of Texas, an invitation was sent throughout the state, to the presidents and musi- cal directors of those clubs, to attend a concert of the Houston Quartette Society, at which Mme. Schumann Heinck was the star attraction, as guests of the society, and to attend a meeting at the Rice hotel, on the following morning, to dis- cuss the question of federation. A good attendance followed, and the State Federation of English Singing Societies of Texas was the result. It may be said in passing that the first two festivals were held in Houston in 1904 and 1905, respectively, the attractions being a grand chorus of over 400 voices from over the state, and the Damrosch and Pittsburgh orchestras. It is safe to say that the Houston Quartette Society has done a work of untold value to the moral and social life of Houston. Originally the only organization with an associate member- ship in Houston, this city now has four such organizations, which make Houston one of, if not the musical center of Texas. Under the presidency of Dr. E. C. Murray, the Quartette Society expects to again make a record season, negotiations now being carried on to secure Emm.a Fames, prima donna soprano, Fmilio de Gogorza, basso, and Caroline Milne- Hardy, soprano. MRS. W. C. HUNGER President Treble Clef Club MRS. JOHN SWKENFA" Secretary Treble Clef Club MUSICAL HOUSTON 151 MRS. ROBERT L. COX Mu^ii'jil Director of the Treble Clef Club, and President of the Thursday Morning Soloist Club THE TREBLE CLEF CLUB. On April i8, 1896, a luiniber of Houston ladies met to discuss the formation of a singing society, to be composed of women's voices, result- ing in organization, with the following officers, who promoted the growth of the same : Mrs. J. O. Carr, president; Mrs. Giraud, treasurer; Miss Campbell, secretary ; Mrs. W. S. ]\Iason. musical director. The organization was first known as the Ladies' Singing Club, which it was found expe- dient to change to Treble Clef Club, as compli- cations arose through another club having a similar name. Under the inspiring and musicianly direction of Mr. W. S. Mason, the club prospered and concerts of a high artistic standard were given, notwithstanding the difficult environment inci- dent to pioneer musical work. Mr. Mason's removal from Houston in 1898 called Mr. R. B. Savage to the post of director. After two successful seasons, when the Treble Clef concerts had become the musical events of the city, upon Mr. Savage's departure, Mr. Fred Dexter became director for one season. At the close of his term the club was without a leader for several seasons, suspending active work. Mrs. W. C. Munger became president in 1898, \\ hich office she still fills. Through her indom- itable will and energy, the club resumed work the season of 1904, with Mrs. Vina Avery-Beck- with as director, rapidly attaining its former prestige as a choral body. After two seasons of excellent work, Mrs. Beckwith left Houston, succeeded by Mr. Horton Corbett, who resigned the post in January, 1908. Mrs. Robert L. Cox was immediately elected to the vacant office, car- rying the club through the interrupted season to a brilliant close at the final concert in April. 152 THE KEY TO THE CITY OF HOUSTON The survival of the Treble Clef Club through the vicissitudes of frequent change of directors, from necessity, which is so serious a handicap, but proves the mettle and stamina of the member- ship. Mrs. Cox, whose picture precedes this brief history, is a permanent resident of Houston, and the phenomenal success achieved in the short time she has filled the responsible position of musical director presages a bright and enduring future for the club. The present active member- ship is limited to sixty voices, with a large asso- ciate membership. The former includes many fine soloists and excellent vocal material. The early policy of the club was from neces- sity largely a fostering of Texas talent alone. The nmsical growth of the past twelve yeats has led to present demands by our musical public for artists of worldwide fame, in conjunction with the musical offerings of the club. The present season began with a brilliant fore- cast. Enthusiastic reassembling of the singers for rehearsals in preparation for the first of three concerts, the engaging of the brilliant soprano, Mme. Hissem de Moss, for the first, with a strong probability of the renowned tenor, Caruso, being ihe star attraction for the spring concert, attests the progressive club spirit. To the everlasting glory and honor of the Treble Clef Club, let it be said no pledge has been unredeemed, no contract broken, during the twelve years since its organization. From a small but enthusiastic band of true lovers of music, amid adverse conditions, through almost unparalleled but unavoidable misfortune, the Treble Clef Club has risen to an honored position in the musical life of Houston. Let it not be forgotten by those who enjoy the present day cultured musical atmosphere of our city, it is the fruit of the unselfish sowing in \'ears gone by. Likewise, let us plant the fine seed in the rich soil of present opportunities for a still greater musical Houston. N. B. — This brief history is gleaned from the official minutes of Mrs. John Sweeney, who has served as secretary for eleven years. Her service and devotion to the Treble Clef Club have occa- sioned the bestowing of several handsome gifts by the active members. Her picture and Mrs. W. C. Munger, president, appear in connection with this historv. THE THURSDAY MORNING MUSICAL CLUB. By Mrs.^Robert L. Cox, President Recognizing that mutual aims and purposes are best accomplished by united effort, that en- couragement comes from sympathetic co-opera- tion, and that a generous rivalry stimulates to greater achievement, the leading professionals and best amateurs of Houston organized the Thursday Morning Musical Club, May 25, 1908, for the study and practice of music and promo- tion of a higher standard of musical taste and culture in our city. The following officers were elected : Mrs. Robert L. Cox, president ; }iliss Blanche O'Don- son is something of the evolution of music, the eight programs being as follows : 1. Early and Modern Italian Composers. 2. Early and Modern French Composers. 3. Celebration of the Birth of Beethoven, De- cember 17. 4. Classic German Period. 5. Slavic Composers. 6. Grieg. 7. MacDowail. 8. Famous Women Composers. Two organ recitals and two public concerts complete the first season. Discussions of musi- nell, vice president; ^Ir. Fred Dexter, secretary ^.^i subjects, topics, papers, etc., accentuate the and treasurer; Miss Mary Elizabeth Rouse, program for each day. chairman program committee; Mrs. E. B. A membership in this musical organization Parker, chairman board of examiners. implies mature study as well as talent, which The course of study selected for the first sea- may be judged from the following examination. MUSICAL HOUSTON 153 the rendering- of which must conform to a high standard : Pianists: Beethoven Sonata (two move- ments) ; four higher compositions of Chopin and Schumann ; four modern classics. V'ocaHsts : Two arias from opera (singing -n original language); two arias from orruorio ; four songs, selected from following co.npoS'eTS : Schubert, Schumann, Brahms, Grieg, Strauss, Gounod, Chaminade ; four songs b}- American composers (MacDowall, Chadwick, ]\Irs. Beach, Buck, Foote, Hawley). Violinists: Sonata (two movements); four classical compositions ; four modern classics. Organ: Fugue (Bach preferred); four selec- tions from Guilmant, Lemare, Widor, etc. Qiarter membership : Pianists: Miss Mary Elizabeth Rouse, Miss Mary Pauline Bellinger, Miss Blanche O'Don- uell, Mrs. Herbert Roberts, Mrs. E. B. Parker, i\Irs. Katherine A. Lively, Mrs. L S. Meyer, Mr. Horace Clark, Mrs. Edgar Gerhardt. Violinists : Miss Stella Root, Mrs. C. E. Olli- vcr. Miss Grace Lindenberg. Vocalists: Mrs. B. H. Wenzel, Mrs. Baltis Allen, Mrs. Henry Balfour, Mrs. Z. F. Lillard, Mrs. J. W. l\Iaxcy, Mrs. Edna McDonald, Mrs. Turner Williamson, Mrs. Robert L. Cox, Mr. Henry Balfour, Mr. Fred Dexter. Organists: Mrs. George Heinzelman. Mr. Horton Corbett. CHROMATIC SUNSHINE CLUB. By Nannie Ruphv Armstrong, Secretary The Chromatic Sunshine Club is of quite re- perfect training by early December, when the cent birth, having been organized September 21, cantata will be presented under the auspices of 1908. However, the club standard is high and the Tuam Baptist church, for the benefit of its ambition is without limit, and, having able their pipe organ fund. voices, with Madame Florence Hyde Jenckes The club is negotiating with the managers of originator and leader, the club expects to do several noted artists, hoping to secure several niuch. real treats for our music loving public. Cham- JMadame Jenckes is an artist of no little fame, inade, the greatest composer of French songs, both abroad and in the East, and as she has man- being foremost on the list. aged large musical affairs with success for years, Kitty Cheatum, also, who stands alone in her the same success is looked forward to by the world of folklore and children's songs, is a club. Their object is "Sunshine ;" their theme genius vastly entertaining. Miss Cheatum origi- ir: "Harmony ;" the betterment and advancement nated this novel sphere for herself, and the club of the "defective children" of Texas, their con- hopes to present this unusual artist to the chil- stant endeavor. Though the defective children dren — their grandmothers as well. The proceeds are their especial care, the club is glad to lend its of all to go to the advancement of the defectives, aid to any cause worthy of sunshine. The personnel of the club is : President At present the club has under way Gaul's and musical director, Madame Florence Hyde "Holy City," the most beautiful sacred cantata Jenckes; first vice president, Mrs. Ethel Galvin ; ever written. The principals are to be of the best second vice president, j\Iiss Lizzie Boyd; third soloists of the cit}% supported by a splendid full vice president, Mr. Alfred Schlafli ; secretary, chorus and orchestra. Mrs. Nannie Ruphy Armstrong ; treasurer, Mrs. Madame Jenckes expects to have the cast in Josephine Stewart; librarian, Mr. Price Boon. 154 THE KEY TO THE CITY OF HOUSTON THE HOUSTON MUSIC FESTIVAL ASSOCIATION. The Houston Music Festival Association first came into existence early in March, 1907, when a few of the music lovers of the city met in the parlors of the Rice Hotel, to discuss with Mr. Beach, manager of the Chicago Symphony Or- chestra, the possibilities of bringing the orchestra here for a concert some time in April. Nothing definite was done at the time, but those present took a most active and personal interest in the matter, and met with such success that within a few days a temporary organization was effect- ed, with a directory composed of Mr. A. S. Cleveland, president; Dr. Henry Barnstein, first vice president; Mr. W. D. Hume, second vice president, and A^fr. S. A. Kincaid, secretary and treasurer, and the orchestra was engaged for April 27 and 28. Mr. Douglass Powell kindly consented to act as musical director, and undertook the task of training a massed chorus of several hundred voices for that occasion, though he knew the time was very short for such an undertaking. Miss Bessie Hughes, with equal enthusiasm, promised a chorus of five hundred children's voices. Mrs. R. L. Cox personally interviewed representatives of the different singing clubs and aroused their interest, of course. Mrs. Willie Hutcheson, through her column in the Houston Post, did much to excite public interest in the n atter. These united efforts had the desired effect, and by the first of April the director was sufficiently encouraged to announce a permanent organization was assured. The first festival was held April 27 and 28, and is now a pleasant memory. While we are looking forward to the spring to renewed plea- sure of a similar nature. The present directors are : Mr. John Charles Harris, president; Mr. W. D. Hume, first vice president; Mr. A. S. Cleveland, second vice president ; Mr. C. E. Oliver, third vice president ; Mr. S. A. Kincaid, secretary and treasurer; Mr. R. I. Giraud, librarian ; J. R. Cade, Frank C. Jones, Dr. Henry Barnstein, A. S. Vandervoort, Sterling Meyer. The festival, which was held on .'\pril 27 and 28, certainly reflected credit on Houston as a miusical center, and also the untiring energy of ir.any individuals. Mr. Powell, who is now a resident of Cincinnati, was foremost in the work and dii] fine work in directing. Miss Bessie Hughes also deserves special praise for her chorus of five hundred school children. One special feature was a free matinee for the benefit of the school children. This musical step meant much to Houston, and next year it is prophesied that it will be a great attraction, with its fine orchestra and large choruses. ST. PAUL'S METHODIST CHOIR. At .St. I'aul's Methodist church it is proposed to make the musical part of the service an im- portant feature of worship. As in the time of the psalmist, the people are being exhorted to "sing unto the Lord with thanksgiving," and to "make a joyful noise before Him," wath songs of praise. There are many new and beautiful hymns in the hymnal, which have not as yet become known. It is intended that these fine tunes shall be made familiar, and be added to the list of "favorite hymns." Two large chorus choirs are being organized, one consisting of men and women, the other of boys and men. These choirs are to be used at the services in connection with the excellent quartette of soloists who have served the church so well. Sacred cantatas, portions of oratorio and other special musical services are being planned. A prominent feature of worship of the church will be the magnificent $10,000 pipe organ, which is soon to be placed in the main audi- torium. Besides special organ music at the reg- ular church services, there will be a series of public organ recitals. Mrs. Turner Williamson, who has long been connected with the St. Paul's church choir, will MUSICAL HOUSTON 155 continue as director of the quartette of solo voices, and song service will be given once dur- ing the month. Mr. Hu. Huffmaster will be organist and direct a choir of boys for special music. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH CHOIR. The choir of the First Presbyterian church is a unique organization, inasmuch as it is an or- ganized body, with officers and various com- mittees, whose duties range from seeing to a regular attendance of the choir to devising ways and means toward the entertainment of the or- ganization. This choir, which is one of the largest, if not the largest, chorus choirs in the South, was started in September, 1907, and, after much ad- vancement, began the season of 1908 and 1909, equipped as few such choirs are. In conjunction with this excellent chorus, there is a quartette, consisting of Mrs. Henry Balfour, soprano; Mrs. Baltis Allen, contralto; Mr. Henry Balfour, tenor, and Mr. J. Spurway, basso. It is the purpose of Mr. Balfour, the director, to give various ambitious choral works during the course of the season, such as "Hear I\'Iy Prayer," ]\Iendelssohn ; "The Daughter of Jairus," Stainer, and other works of a like order. The membership of the choir at present is about forty, but later in the season this number will be augmented by the addition of good voices up to a possible sixty members, the present limit of accommodations in that part of the church set apart for the choir. Following is a list of volunteer members: Miss Alice Welsh, Miss Lizzie Hickey, Miss Nita Max, Miss Annie S. Avery, Miss Jennie Sprong, Miss Alice Simpson, Miss Mamie Stel- zig, Miss Elsie Blake, Miss Mary Woolford, Miss Georgia Sedgwick, Miss Estelle Bastion, Miss Stiles, Miss Naber, Miss Belle Scruggs, Miss Ruth Adamson, Miss Pearle West, Miss Reba Winston, Miss Alice Clipper, Miss Ben- nett, Miss Townsend, Mrs. B. S. Yaegeman, Mrs. Walz Gillot, Mrs. E. A. Perkins, Dr. E. P. Stiles, Walter Hilliard, John H. Ogden, V. R. Currie, David Hanna, W. C. Miller. E. K. Ork- ney, A. H. Stevens, H. Woodward, Dr. B. T Perkins, Dr. E. A. Perkins, J. Levings, W. D. ftlcCurdy, J. Paddock. SACRED HEART CHURCH CHOIR. Sopranos : Mrs. A. W. Pollard, Mrs. J. Allen Kyle, Miss Annie Casperson. Contraltos: Mrs. Z. F. Lillard, Mrs. J. T. Lockman, Miss Edith Rankin. Tenors : Messrs. Adair Lockman, E. Beltize, Laurence Carr, Charles Reed, Peter Angemand. Bassos : Messrs. Joseph Kennedy, Everett L. Gordon. Morning services, consisting of usual masses by eminent composers, including Mozart, Weber, Girza, etc., offertoriums, solos, quartettes and trios. Evening and night services rendered by juve- nile choir, composed of girls and boys. Director, Mrs. J. O. Carr. SECOND PRESBYTERIAN CFIURCH. This church is equipped with a handsome two hances the music of the choir, the work of which manual Kimball pipe organ, which greatly en- consists of double quartettes, single quartettes. 156 THE KEY TO THE CITY OF HOUSTON trios, duets, solos, etc. Mr. Leon Rice has been engaged as tenor soloist; ]Mrs. T. N. Asbury, soprano soloist. The membership of the choir is as follows : Sopranos, Mrs. T. N. Asbury, l^'Irs. Thomas C. Spencer; altos, Mrs. Walter F. Watson, Miss Mamie Elsbury; tenors, Mr. E. E. Reed, Mr. Leon Rice ; bassos, Judge C. W. Bocock, Mr. F. Venable. Monthly song services are given the first Sun- day night of each month. Mrs. C. E. Oliver, organist and director. SHEARN M. E. CHURCH. The special music of the Shearn Methodist church during the present year has been rendered by a choir of mixed voices, assisted voluntarily by the leading soloists of the city. The choir has made a special feature of leading the con- gregational singing, rather than as a distinct musical organization from the congregation. The fact that the services have not been held in a regularly dedicated place of worship has been a drawback to the choir, as it has been to other branches of the church. One particular feature of the choir work has been a special service of song on the first Sun- day night of each month. At these services cantatas and other special forms of church music have been rendered. The choir is under the direction of Mr. Fred F. Dexter, with Mr. Henry C. Breaker as organist. TABERNACLE METHODLST CHURCH. The members of the choir of this church have determined to provide the very best music for the Sunday hours of worship, and to this end are unitedly working. Having formed this purpose some months ago, they have already attained, by hard work and unusual faithfulness, quite a measure of success. Special musical services will be given during the vear. The one of last month included on its piogram, solo, duet and quartette numbers, tlie soloists being Mr. G. W. Hurd and Mr. Joe Bruckmuller. The membership of the choir stands as fol- lows : Miss Maybelle Alexander, Mrs. C. W. Evans, sopranos ; Miss Gertru3e Taylor, Mrs. W. A. Lang, contraltos ; Mr. Bruckmuller, tenor, and Mr. Hurd, baritone, with Mrs. S. C. Rowe, organist. CHRIST CHURCH CHOIR. By HoRTON CoRBETT, A. G. O., Director and Organist The choir of Christ Church consists of an adult chorus of forty-two voices, with a solo quar- tette. It is generally conceded to be the best trained organization in the South, the music being rendered with fine tone, attack and shad- ing, the music at the usual services being selected from the best writers for the Episcopal church. A number of special musical services and organ recitals have been given during the past three years, under the present director, who has brought the singing to its present high standard. The members of the organization are all faithful and regular in their attendance at rehearsals, which are held twice weekly. In addition to the usual monthly musical services, the choir is now engaged on Maunder's cantata, "A Song of Thanksgiving," which will be sung on Thanks- giving Dav evening. There will be a carol iMUSICAL HOUSTON 157 service on Christmas afternoon. In February a Mendelssohn program will be given on the cen- tcnarj' of the composer's death. The following is the membership of the choir : Sopranos : Mrs. H. MacMahan, Mrs. O. Long- necker, Mrs. O. Stansfield, Mrs. F. Dwyer, Misses J. Harris, L. Harris, K. Wear, E. Wil- liams, E. Bolton, E. Toombs, S. Hart, F. Hight, L. Guenard, G. Corbett, E. Mentz, G. King, B. Pattillo, F. Sears, E. Welling. Contraltos : Mrs. J. Leberry, Mrs. Isbel, Misses C. Bradburn, L. Hart, C. Fleig, L. Dolen. Tenors : Messrs. F. Toombs, J. Toombs, J. Stansfield, E. Parsons, A. Hart, H. MacMahan. Basses : Messrs. H. Gates, G. Meyer, H. Ja- cobs, I. Roberts, C. P. McClendon, O. Stansfield. W. Simpson, D. Corbett, W. Isbel, H. Wells, C". Longnecker, L. Ruckert. CENTRAL CHRISTIAN CHURCH CHOIR. This choir at the present time is being organ- ized for the winter work. It is intended to have a chorus choir of mixed voices for the Christmas music. Ouartettes and solos will be rendered at the regular services of divine worship. Director, Mr. E. D. Shepherd; organist. Miss Lindner. CHURCH OF THE ANNUNCIATION. The Church of the Annunciation, corner of Texas avenue and Crawford, the oldest Catholic church in the city, at one time had the reputation of having the finest choir in Houston. This was about twelve years ago, when Mr. W. T. Mason, a musician and violinist of note, was musical director. The masses, then so thoroughly studied, are still sung (on state occasions). Among them are Haydn, Nos. i and 2 ; Guilmart, Weber, Giorza Nos. i, 2 and 3, Gounod's Meni lolemnelle, and others. All of these are still rendered by the choir whenever a sufficient num- ber of voices can be gotten for the chorus work. On all ordinary occasions, masses by modern composers are sung. Mrs. George Bruce has filled the position of organist very acceptably for the last four years. ]\Irs. Annie Giraud. director. TEMPLE BETH ISRAEL. The music at Temple Beth Israel is of a very high order. It consists of responses to the reg- ular ritual, as well as incidental anthems and solos. There are three distinct sets of services, that for the Sabbath being used every Friday night and Saturday morning ; that for the fes- tivals being used on the three joyous festivals of Passover. Pentecost and Tabernacle ; whilst that for the sacred days is used only on the New Year and the Day of Atonement. The best Sabbath services are those of Sulzer and Schlesinger. Sulzer was a cantor of Vienna, who had a genius for harmonizing traditional chants in accordance with modern views, whilst Schlesinger was the organist of the temple in Mobile, Alabama. He wrote music for all services, all of which are constantly used in Temple Beth Israel. The Sabbath services, whilst partly traditional, are for the most part original compositions. The festival services are uniformly joyous in charac- ter, while those of the sacred days are as uni- formly sad. To attempt to describe the various traditional airs, many of which have been appropriated by the church, would require much time. Suffice it tc say that they are to be found in their best and most primitive form in Cohen's "Voice of Song and Praise," which is used at the Temple. HOUSTON THEATRES So far as theatres are concerned, Houston is one of the most fortunate cities in the South, because here every class of theatrical entertain- ment is in evidence. No Houstonian, or no stranger within our gates, need assert that there ic a dearth of amusements. High class dramatic attractions, comic operas, musical comedies, vaudeville just as good as is to be found in the large vaudeville houses in New York, excellent stock productions, and moving picture shows galore, all these are to be found in Houston dur- ing the course of a single season. Starting with the brand new Prince theatre, a handsome fireproof house, of which Houston is justly proud, there is none finer in Texas. Here, with a wealth of scenery in nearly every in- stance, we see during each winter many stars. Aside from these the best of the comic opera stars come this way, at least a dozen every sea- son, with many minor actors and actresses, in many instances just as clever as their more famous fellow performers. At the Majestic we have high class vaudeville for eight months out of the year. Started three years ago, when vaudeville was an unknown quantity in Houston, the public immediately took to it, with the result that few vaudeville houses in the country, in proportion to the population of the city, are better patronized. Other vaudeville houses include the Happy Hour, the Cozy (just opened), the Alhambra, the Princess, and, during the summer months, the Lyric. At the rejuvenated Bijou theatre Houston at last has a real stock company, with intelligent actors to interpret roles in plays that are prac- tically new in Houston, and which have not been worn threadbare by numberless productions by repertoire companies. Moving picture houses, in most cases mixed with a vaudeville act or two, are to be found on ahnost every street, there being probably ten of these running continuously throughout the day. From time to time, as innovations in various branches of the theatrical world are made in the East, Houston gets them without delay. If a play of great merit is produced, and causes a sensation, and there is no opportunity for Hous- tonians to see that play before the second season, the moving picture houses secure films repro- ducing scenes from the play, and, with a card containing explanatory paragraphs concerning the dialogue, one is enabled to anticipate the theatrical production and to enjoy it even more than when it finally reaches this part of the country. FAUNA AND FLORA OF TEXAS By Mrs. Sarah Elizabeth Byers A Texan Since 1S52 FAUNA OF TEXAS. In writing of the fauna I do not propose to give the entire list of animals, but the principal ones. The birds are deserving of a separate article, the reptiles of another, the insects of still another. At the time the Austin colony came to Te.xas in 1 82 1 cattle, longhorns, roamed the prairies in a wild state. jNlustang ponies, too, were plentiful on the prairies. In 1852 on the steamer that carried us from New Orleans to Shreveport, Louisiana, a pas- senger who was returning to Texas, where she had lived for twenty-eight years, informed us that it was a grand country. Get a few head of cattle, employ a man to look after them, and your fortune is made. The history of Texas today verifies her statement. On arriving in Texas we were told to kill a yearling when in need of meat. It was all right, just the same as to kill a deer, or any other game. The longhorn is fast disappearing and finer cattle taking their place. There were still a few bison, or buffalo, on the prairies, but they had been hunted and killed by the Indians until there are no more in the wild state. A few specimens are kept in the Bracken- ridge park at .San Antonio, also in Armstrong county. Some buffalo are kept on the Goodnight ranch. Buffalo bayou at Houston will remind us that buffalo were once common in this section. Bear are no longer plentiful, but are found in the wilds and thickets, remote from the farms. People coming into Texas would always inquire where Bruin could be found. A clerk in William Nicol's store at Jefferson tied a trace chain to tlie bedstead in the back room and would invite the newcomer to come and see his pet. They would hear the chain rattle, but did not wait to see the bear. I saw some as pets in the town, and a bear hunt was quite an event at that time. They are reserved for a visit from the president of the United States, to be entertained. Of all the wild animals we think the deer the most beautiful, and it really seems dreadful that the deer must eventually be hunted down, and will only be found in the parks. A fawn is easily tamed and becomes very docile. In Old Waverly, Walker county, during the war. Colonel Elmore had a pet deer that would follow the family carriage when the ladies of the family went visiting. It would remain until they were ready to return home and return with the car- riage. One morning a deer appeared at my door where we lived in the woods. We gave him some cabbage leaves to eat. The deer lay down upon the oak leaves and slept several hours, got up and left. We supposed it was a pet. In the early days the hunters went out at night for a fire hunt. The fire shone in the deer's eyes and they were easily shot. Some gentlemen at Jefferson went fire hunting. They gave one of their number their horses to hold, w'hile one went around a bunch of timber, telling the one holding the horses not to change his position. He dis- obeyed, changed his position, the hunter "shined" the horses, shot and killed his bosom friend. Foxes are not very plentiful. Now and then we hear of a fox chase. Raccoons are troublesome to the farmer, lielp- ing themselves to roasting-ears when the corn is in ear; also attend to robbing the poultry yards, preferring the eggs to catching the chickens. At Old Waverly they molested the sitting hens, taking the eggs, coming usually after midnight. The hens cried out one night that they were vis- ited by an enemy. Going onto the porch, on a white oak tree that grew near the house a dark object was seen upon the tnmk, seemingly of great size. A Texas yell caused the upward movement of the object, and a light-wood fire was kindled by an old colored man and faithfully watched until morning. Four young 'coons were up the tree. The old mother 'coon had gotten 160 THE KEY TO THE CITY OF HOUSTON away. The dam usually accompanies her family on their nightly marauding expeditions until they are old enough to take care of themselves. Opossums are plentiful and rob the hen roosts, and will even venture into the kitchen in search of something to eat, helping themselves to any cold victuals set up. An old servant in my em- ploy lost her supper several nights, which she had placed upon a shelf until she was hungry. Finally she caught a young opossum eating her supper, so she killed and ate the 'possum. Coyotes, or wolves, are in nearly all parts of Texas, killing calves, lambs and other small animals. The government offers a premium for their scalps. Jaguars are found in the southwestern coun- ties ; also the civet cat. Squirrels are found in the timber lands wherever there are nuts — pecans and acorns. Frequently the corn fields are visited, causing much destruction. The squirrel will bury nuts in the ground, providing a supply for winter. They are easily tamed to come and take nuts from the hand, and will build nests in the trees near the dwelling when unmolested. RABBITS. Long-eared, called mule rabbits, prefer the open prairie, while the cotton-tail likes the under- growth and sheltered nooks. In the early days labbits were often the only meat to be had. A planter from South Carolina came to Texas with a large family of slaves. He kept three or four men hunting rabbits to supply the large family with meat. At Clear Creek two men in our em- ploy one night went hunting. Two dogs accom- panied them. The rabbits, tangled in the long grass, were caught and killed, and in the morning twenty rabbits were all ready for the cook to prepare for dinner. One afternoon the boys with the dogs jumped a rabbit out of the grass in the field. The dog stood with uplifted paw, looking into the grass near a Yupon l)ush. To their delight there was a burrow with nine young rab- bits, too young to leave the nest — and it was not Ea.ster that day. Opossum is the favorite delicacy, with sweet potatoes, of the colored race, and, indeed, we hear of some of the pale brothers enjoying a dish some times near the Christmas holidays. The old dog treed a 'possum near Old Waverly. On catching the mother opossum she was found with eleven little 'possums in her pocket, about the size of a mouse. Our son Robert claimed two of them lo make pets of. He placed them in a box for the night in the room. Next morning the box was empty. What had become of them? Was it in- stinct, to find the mother? Porcupine quills were used by the Indians in ornamenting their moccasins. Peccary — wild hog — found in the marshes and river bottoms in Southwestern Texas, are about the size of a yearling shote or pig. They feed upon pecans, acorns, roots, etc. Attenipts have been made to domesticate them, but they are not desirable pets. A few badgers and beaver arc still found in places out west. The armadillo, a peculiar animal with a bony covering, and when disturbed rolls into a ball, feeds upon vegetables and insects. Mr. Alley showed me a tree in his yard in which he shot a panther — a very large one — attempting to climb the tree. At that time they were much dreaded by the people. Prairie dogs, a small animal that burrows in the ground, live in colonies, feed upon grass and other vegetables. Some verv amusing stories are told of them : owls and rattlesnakes living in the same burrow with the dogs. Another animal resembling the rat is the gopher. They live in colonies and burrow in the ground. Are very wary creatures, seldom caught napping. A rifle marksman has to be very quick to be able to shoot a gopher. Wood rats purloin everything to build their ricsts. At Gay Hill, Washington county, we occupied a room that was the study of I. W. Miller, D. D. Many things were missing — combs, brushes, handkerchiefs, small garments, stock- ings, etc. One day two of the young ladies at- tending the Fern seminary climbed up into the attic, where they found a wood rat's nest five feet in diameter and eighteen inches high, with a hole in the top. Clothes, raw cotton and small articles were used in building the nest, carrietl up by the rats. Field mice, a small animal, with a pouch on its jaw in which to secrete food, are in places annovincf to the farmer. FAUNA AND FLORA OF TEXAS 161 j\Ioles, the gardener's pest, running- paths everywhere, often to the destruction of plants. It has been an undecided question whether the n;ole eats seeds and roots or insects, as the latter have been found in quantities in their stomach. Beavers, otters, skunks, weasels and some other anin^.als upon which I have not time to en- large, are still to be found in remote corners in v)ut of the wav places. FLORA OF TEXAS. The area of Texas is so grent, aiid the flora so e.\tensi\-e, that it would take years of cl.ise ob- servation and study to attain to a comprehensive knowledge of the flora. Very many botanists have collected and classi- fied many plants, and still there are many yet to be noted. In my own limited observations, in parts of the country I have observed plants that I do not find in the bulletins of the University or of those reported by the L'nited States bot- anists. I regret not having made notes. I find it a difficult matter to arrange such knowledge into an interesting essay. I make no effort to give a scientific paper. If it will induce other students of botany to investigate, and .make notes, it will accomplish an interest so much needed. Botanists situated in different parts of the country, collecting and observing the flower- ing plants in their season. Latitude, soil and cli- mate produce variety in plants. Flowers every- where, by the wayside, on the prairies, in the woodland, marshes, and aquatic plants in the ponds, all should be noted and classified. Texas abounds in beautiful flowers, and a flower gar- den of the native plants would bloom in all sea- sons. In early spring the violets, blue and white, are plentiful, some with large flowers. The bird's foot violets, in Polk, Walker anl other counties, have large lavender colored flowers. The yucca — Spanish dagger — blooms in January and February, and some varieties later on in the summer, called palm lilies. No one could pass the yucca without admiration for their magnifi- cent white flowers, ^^erbenas, buttercups and primroses are plentiful everywhere. Convolvulous (morning glories), in many shades of colors, are the farmers' tie vines. In Montgomery county !\Irs. Woodson and daugh- ter were driving by Mr. Campbell's plantation. Every corn and cotton stalk was clothed with glories. The daughter remarked to her mother : "I think ^Ir. Campbell must be a very tasty gen- tleman, to have his corn and cotton stalks all decorated with flowers." Soon after the war, a freedman had gone up near Rock Island, Illinois, and found work with a Airs. Thomas, who engaged him to cultivate her garden, and by and by she went out to see what Jasper was doing. "Oh, dear ! you have cut up all my beautiful morning glories!" "Them bind weeds, IMistress? Down in ^Mississippi they are terrible pests ; chop them up and more grow." Ah, I see. What are choice flowers in one sec- tion are very troublesome weeds in another. Alay-pop passion flowers grow wild in nearly all the fields ; also the Bignonic trumpet flower. I am often asked if it is not poisonous. I reply, no. Wisteria, a woody vine differing from the Chinese wisteria, blooming when the plant is in foliage. Scarlet honeysuckle is found near water courses, climbing over shrubs, etc., so that there ij no lack of vines. The yellow jasmine is one of the earliest flowers to bloom in the spring, with very fra- grant golden tubular flowers. Children have eaten the flowers, with bad results. Virginia creeper, a vine with five leaflets from the stem, K found in fields, climbing over old stumps. \Mien cultivated, the foliage changes to bright scarlet at the approach of cold weather. Poison oak need not be mistaken, as it has only three leaflets, climbs oak trees, and the foliage changes to yellow. It is poisonous when the dew is on. .Antidote, sugar of lead and vinegar, applied to parts affected. Alarundic, a vine with a very delicate blue flower, is found in the coast country. Victoria vme, with tuberous root, bears orange yellow fruit, slightly variegated, called rattlesnake cu- cumber. Mocking birds are fond of the fruit. 162 THE KEY TO THE CITY OF HOUSTON Many of the small trees are very ornamental. The dogwood needs no description, and has white four-petaled flowers. Redbud cercis. wild plums, haws, etc., all bloom early and are very orna- mental. The black haw in particular should be cultivated. Its fruit is edible. The Lwamp haw, or May haw, grows in swamps or low, wet soil, and bears a small fruit that affords a very deli- cious jelly. Wild grapes in variety are found everywhere. Mr. iNIunson, of Denison, has some in cultivation that he recommends very his^hly. Some varieties make a sour wine, and all may be used for jelly. Mulberries are native and are fine for the birds. Wc have always planted some for di- birds. Persimmons — children, and especially boys, are fond of gathering the fruit — commence ripening in July and August in the coast country. It is a mistaken idea that the persimmon requires frost to make it edible. There is a variety that is a beautiful evergreen tree, found near the mouth of Clear creek, also near Llano. The fruit i.- b'ack when ripe, and not so good as the common kind. Pawpaw, custard apple, a variety of which we saw growing in Polk county, is a small shrub not over four feet high. The fruit was small and was green at the time we saw it. . Gooseberries are growing on Colonel A. J. Thompson's plantation, in Walker county, near New Waverly, in quantities sufficient to gather for tarts. Also in Montgomery county, near Willis, on Colonel Lewis' plantation, where they had transplanted son-e to the garden. This variety bore beautiful flowers but did not \iLld fruit. (Not noted in Bulletin.) A few plum trees were planted by the Indians. of the Chickasaw variety. The roots ran in the ground and soon a thicket of plum bushes was formed. We ate plums in Rusk county from or- chards thus planted. There were also peaches. There are some that still retain the name of In- dian peaches, both of the clingstone and free seed varieties. Crab apples are found in Northern Texas. Among nut bearing trees, the pecan stands at the head of the list for delicious nuts. They are row an article of commerce. Recently some at- tention has been given to their cultivation. A few trees which I planted in the City Park over a score of \ears since have been bearing nuts, and on the nut stands there are some very fine nuts offered. Several varieties of hickory nuts are found. The wood is valuable for axe handles, and where strength is required. Black walnut is edible, the timber is fine for furniture, and takes a fine polish. ]\Iany varieties of oaks, more or less valuable, are also native. The acorns are food for swine, squirrels and other animals. Live oak, a handsome tree, is used in ship building. White oak timber is used in chair bottoms, construction of hamper baskets for gathering cotton, and are useful on the farm in many ways. Cedar grows in some parts of sufficient size for lumber. J. W. Miller, D. D., of Gay Hill. \\'ashington county, had the buildings used for a female seminary constructed of cedar lumber. In some places the cedar grows scrubby and is only useful for fuel. Cypress grows near the streams of water. The lumber is valuable on account of its durability, and is used in bridge building, etc. Chinquapin, a small tree, bears nuts contained in a burr resembling the chestnut. Some class the chinquapin with the oak and some with the chestrlut. First in importance are the pine trees, found in several varieties. The long leaf has the prefer- ence for lumber, but all are valuable. The pine is valuable in reclaiming wet, swampy land. I read in a paper some years since that in France they planted pine in swamps to reclaim them, as a sanitary measure. In the vicinity of Jefferson. Texas, the swamps were full of young pine sap- lings, which have added much to the health of that place. Near Old A^'averly, Walker county, some fields were cleared and cultivated in i86,^ and 1864. Two or three years later the dwelling \\as burned and the place deserted. The forests in the vicinity consisted of a variety of trees — oaks, bavs, magnolias, pines, etc. The winged seed of the pine was blown broadcast over the once cultivated fields, which now are a forest of pine saplings that have been grown. Kansas en courages the planting of forest trees. AVhy can- not Texas plant too? In a few years the trees planted would be very valuable. Of ornan^ental trees we give the magnolia granfliflora the preference. It is .1 large tree, the leaves eight to ten inches long by three to four inches wide, a bright green, shiny leaf. FAUNA AND FLORA OF TEXAS 163 Groves, usually near water courses, bloom in April and ^lay, up to June. The pistil of the blooms makes a burrlike seed pod and contains seed of a bright scarlet color when mature, that very soon drop out of the burr and require to be planted very soon. If left too long will not ger- minate, which is the case of many of the seeds of forest trees. The large, cup-shaped, fragrant flower is the crowning glory of the magnolia. There is the ]\Iagnolia Acuminati, a deciduous tree with gray bark and leaves about the same size of the grandiflora, but it is not evergreen. The flowers are white, of those I have seen, fra- grant, but are not over half the size of the grandiflora bloom, and blooms later in Alay and June. Found in Walker county, growing near streams of water. The catalpa, a handsome tree, with large cor- date leaves, bloom.s in large panicles of white spotted flowers. The seed pod is a long, slender pod filled with winged seed that are blown, and often plants come up and grow. It can be trans- planted easily, if desired. The wood is said to be very durable and valuable for fence and gate posts. There are so many varieties of trees that space will not permit of my giving even a list. Some one says, "Why do you include trees in the flora?" Trees are the most magnificent of the flora. EDIBLE FRUITS. Wild strawberries are plentiful in Middle and North Texas. Dewberries, a creeping bramble, and blackberries, are found in all parts of Texas. There are several varieties, some very choice. A white bramble, blueberries, and bush huckle- berries are found in Polk and Walker counties. The swamp haw, or l\Iay haw, is found in swamps in various places, and makes a delicious and beautiful jelly. Also the chapperel bush or shrub, an evergreen, with holly-like foliage. The berries, when ripe, are used for jelly. There are grapes in many varieties, some worthy of cultivation. Some varieties have been cultivated and named by ]\Ir. Munson, of Deni- son. Some varieties have been used for wine making. Musquadine, mustang, post oak, fox grape and others, the autumn anri winter grapes, have large cluster of small grapes. The Chickasaw varieties of plums are the ear- liest to ripen, and perhaps the best. The Indians had orchards of the Chickasaw plum in various places. A few seeds were planted, grew, the roots ran in the ground and sprouted and pro- duced new plants, so that it was little trouble to start a plum orchard. Other varieties that ripen in August, the housekeeper delights in getting for jellies. Some varieties, called slows, have fruit that is not so desirable, havir-g a flavor like the bark of the tree. The area of Texas is so great tliat soil and climate differ, and the flora differs as much in the different sections of country. In the northern section the growth is that of a temperate zone, whilst the southern portion is almost tropical. In the northern and eastern sections, the fruit, cereals, etc., are that of the temperate latitude : in the southern, near the coast, oranges, lemons, bananas, rice, sugar cane and cotton are culti- vated. The cold of winter is confined to a few blasts of north wind and one night's freeze is often sufficient to blast the growth of several years. The plants of Texas are very numerous. First in importance are the grasses, that afford forage to the thousands of cattle that derive their en- tire sustenance from the great prairies that have been the pasturage for the herds of cattle and horses, to say nothing of the buffalo and deer, of former times. The coat of brown grass, concealing the green and tender grass, afforded pasturage during the winter months, and was often burned off in the early spring by the stockmen, and the rapid growth of young grass soon covered the grand piairies. The prairies are often dotted with clumps of oak, sweet gum and mesquite and other sn:all trees, affording a guide post to the weary tt aveler. Aquatic plants are very beautiful and numer- ous. The white and yellow pond lilies are found in the ponds and lakes, also the Lotus Netaoin Lutern, called water chinquapin, bearing a nut in the ferns that is edible, hence the name chinquapin. One says, "Why not write up the medicinal plants?" Their number is legion. Stillugia, queen's delight, snakeroot, monartic horse, lo- belia, hoarhound, dandelion, boneset, bayberry. 164 THE KEY TO THE CITY OF HOUSTON wax myrtle, Jerusalem oak, slippery elm, white oak, wild cherry, sweet gum, mullein, catmint, elder, peppermint, spearmint, etc. These are only a short list of the most common medicinal herbs. It would make a paper too long to add their properties. FERNS. There are a number of varieties. The bracken i< quite common. Then there is a large fern found in the pine woods that seems to flourish with but little moisture. The "maidenhair," a di- antum cuneatum, found near or on the banks of the creeks and rivers, at one time on Buffalo bayou, but collectors have made it very scarce. Farther up, at Spring branch, it is plentiful. Near Austin, on the San Antonio river, and in many other places, wherever there is limestone. Some miles above Austin, at a place called the "old stoill," where there is a spring of water running out beneath a shelving rock, the maiden liair grows very rank and I gathered fronds that were petrified where the water flowed over the broken fronds. Lime, shade and moisture are the conditions necessary for the successful growth of the maiden hair fern. Asplenium Ebeneum. a small fern found in the coast coun- try, in the woodland near water streams, grows from six to ten inches, the stem black, and the pinea usually not over an inch in length. It is a delicate fern, suitable for fern dishes. There are ferns that grow upon the bark of trees, and some on rocks, that flourish with but little moisture. The long, gray moss is an air plant — tillandsic Urnoides — and thrives wherever there is a moist atmosphere. i.'^-W KIAM BUILDING The Home of Houston's Popular Outfitter for Men, and Children SHOPPING FACILITIES OF HOUSTON Bv Mrs. George W. Graves If shopping is visiting shops for the purpose of purchasing goods, and facihty is the quality of being easily performed, then the wayfaring man, though a fool, may not err here m Houston. I'or shopping facihties we must first have three things, namely : People, money and shops. That we have the people there can be no doubt. There is never a time when our streets are not crowded with busy, hurrying shoppers, men, women and children, white, black and yel- low — all are here. Our population is about one hundred thousand, and when you remember how many of them are shoppers, and how varied are their needs, you may easily realize that we have at least one requisite for shopping. And now for the second requisite, money. Go into our banks and you will discover that we have nine of these institutions, with a capitaliza- tion aggregating $2,800,000, with deposits of $16,442,588, and a surplus of $1,974,273. Add to this the fact that our First National Bank re- cently increased its capital to $1,000,000, and you may realize that we have the second requisite also. Stand out of harm's way and watch the luxu- rious automobiles rush up and down with their freight of shoppers ; glance at the handsome car- riages and horses standing in front of every store; go inside and watch the purchase of ele- gant materials, handsome jewels, furs and lace, and you will think you have made a mistake and dropped into New York City. And last, but not least, there must be stores and shops of every description. Do you wish dry goods? The stores are before you, with every temptation that can distract the masculine or feminine eye, with electric fans to cool you in summer, and steam heat to warm you in winter. Here you may find the newest styles from New York, and the richest and poorest shoppers may be satisfied. In one of our shop windows, we say it with modest pride, we have shown a real, genuine sheath gown ! Do you desire to furnish your home? We can show you stores where you can furnish a cot- tage or a brown stone front. Do you hunger for tempting viands ? You need not hunger long — you may step into grocery stores, where from meats to champagne, you may make your order complete. Are you a book worm ? We can show you stores where you might procure food for a life- time. Would you be shod? If you will furnish the feet, we can and will do the rest. For no town in Texas has more complete or satisfactory shoe stores. But if you would see busy, interested shoppers, come with us on Saturday afternoon to the City Market. Here housekeepers and householders are alike interested. All around the entire block occupied by the City Market, the streets are crowded with vehicles and the sidewalks with foot passengers. On every side are good things to tempt the shopper: fresh laid eggs, dressed poultry, pickles, preserves, candies, butter, olives, meats of every sort. Vegetables are here in sea- son and out of season. New potatoes we have the year round ; figs in October and strawberries at Christmas. Houston is justly proud of her City Market, and we claim with truth that it has no superior in the South. If our country neighbors or friends from ad- joining towns care to run over for a day's or a week's shopping, we have for their convenience beautiful, paved roads running in all directions. We have in all twenty-three paved roads running out of Houston. The longest of these roads is thirty-one miles, and the others vary from twenty-five miles on down to a five mile limit. Under such circumstances it is a small matter for country shoppers in wagons, carriages or autos to speed into Houston for a day's shopping. We also have an interurban road from Kar- ri sburg to Houston, a distance of seven miles. For the sum of five cents, our neighbor in Har- risburg may mount the street car, run into Houston for an hour's or a day's shopping, and back again with no real loss of time. We have thirteen railroad termini in Houston. In fact, our city is the railway center of Texas. We have one railroad system, the Frisco, for SHOPPING FACILITIES OF HOUSTON 167 which we have recently pulled down and moved away twelve blocks of city homes, as well as a Jewish synagogue. Is it any wonder, under such circumstances, that people do not hesitate to journey Houstonward to do their shopping? Doubtless it would surprise outsiders, and even niany of our own people, to know how many peo- ple and what distances they come to us to buy. And deep water is not the least of our resources. For by it we are not only getting much cheaper rates by water, but by rail as well, and the sliop- per will find this very much to his advantage in buying the best goods for the least money. Our bayou and ship channel has been widened and deepened, until soon on our shores a busy wharf will be seen, and foreign vessels laden with every form of merchandise, from every point, will anchor in our harbor. It goes without saying that our telephone con- nection is of the greatest advantage to our city shoppers, as is our long distance telephone, the telegraph and express service, to the out-of-town shoppers. Then, when you have shopped, walked and talked until you are hungry, we can again ac- commodate you. Come with us to our rest room, just next door to Ed Kiam, on Main street. The rest room is under the auspices of the Y. W. C. A., and here at noon every day and on Sat- urday evening, you may procure dainty and in- expensive lunches. Here you will find a com- fortable sitting room, with books and piano. L'pstairs are couches for the weary, and dressing rooms where flushed faces, shining noses and disheveled locks may be brought into order. Add to all of our facilities the fact that our climate is almost ideal throughout fhe winter, and that we have no slippery, icy streets to lead astray the shoppers' feet, and when it rains — and we must confess that it sometimes does in our garden spot, else it would not deserve the name — but zvlicn it rains, have we not paved streets everywhere, so that the fastidious dame may step from carriage to pavement, or from street car to sidewalk, and still retain her dainty freshness ? And so we might go on and on, for our tale is not yet told, but, for the present, suffice it to say truly of the shopping facilities of Houston, the half has never been told. THE HOUSE OF LECHENGER. The illustration of the interior of the jewelry house of L. Lechenger is a forcible example of what Houston offers to a man without capital, but endowed with that indomitable will power and energy so characteristic of men who have made the Southwest their mecca. Mr. Lechen- ger, the head of the house which bears his name, came to this country from Russia in 1878. His slock in trade consisted of 19 years of age, two ('ollars in cash, and a firm determination to suc- ceed. He established his first place of business in a corner of a hardware store on Preston street in 1893, with a total floor space of eight by ten feet. Good business methods, keen judgment and a reputation of selling goods exactly as they were represented, enabled him to open his present establishment, which contains a larger fl(5or space devoted to jewelry and artistic mer- chandise than any other house of its kind west of the Mississippi. \/ S V % ^ 168 THE KEY TO THE CITY OF HOUSTON FOLEY BROTHERS A visit to the new home of Foley Bros, in- spires that spirit of pubhc improvement during tlie last decade which has put Houston to the front and given birth to a new mercantile enter- prise of commanding importance to the city of Houston. Their old stand now seems small and antiquated in comparison with the present new home, known as a ladies' store throughout. FOLEY BROS'. STORE SHOPPING FACILITIES OF HOUSTON 169 LEV' Y BROS. DRY GOODS CO. By Mary E. Bryan ABE M. LEAT \Mien the great emporium of Levy Brothers, on ^lain street, is viewed by those who have watched the progress of this firm, in their minds at once arises the trite old saying, as a most apt com- parison, that "tall oaks from small acorns grow." Equipped with such characteristics and train- ing they have pursued the plan adopted at the very beginning — to treat ever}- customer in such a manner as to insure his return, and they are realizing their fondest dreams. Twenty-one years ago, on June 13th, Mr. Abe Levy, in a very modest building on the corner of Main street and Congress avenue, when behind the counter himself and having only one employe, determined in his own mind to become the great- est dr)' gods merchant in Houston. Previously to this business venture of his own he had worked for W. L. Foley at $10 a week. Lev}- Brothers purchased this diminutive place of business, the aniount less than three thousand dollars paid, each one contributing what he could, and the largest amount being $1,000. Success crowned their efforts to such an extent that they moved into an adjacent room and employed more clerks. The building was then known as the Old Savings Bank, on the corner of Main street and Congress avenue. The stock was purchased from Alex Simon, who was leaving Houston. Mr. Abe Levy had tried other eft'orts and tiaveled out of Xew York, but Texas called him, and the "Lone Star" directed his am- bitious career to such success that today Levy Brothers conduct a business of a million and a lialf a year. Mr. Abe Levy is president of the great corporation, which they have inaugurated. Hard work on the part of each one of the brothers, and the assistance of employes, Mr. Levy will tell you, has enabled him to realize b.is ambition, conceived a little more than twenty- one years ago. Just at all times, the firm has followed the axiom : treat employes fairly and they will do the same for you. Five or six years after the first organization was formed it was found necessary to secure addition- al room, and the building now occupied by Foley Bros, was leased. The firm was then composed of Abe Levy, Haskell Levy and Hyman Levy, and they were then joined by Joe Levy and Leo Levy. Four or five years after this Leo Levy passed away, and within the last two years Joe Levy was taken from this life to the great beyond. Eleven years ago the property upon which the Levy building now stands was occupied by an old time structure, where the Morris hard- ware business was conducted. Levy Brothers purchased the site, paying the price of $1,000 a front foot. This was deemed an exorbitant price at the time, as no such figures had ever been quoted previously in Houston. The three-story white brick structure was erect- ed as it is at present, but it was found, almost im- mediately upon occupancy, that more room was necessary, and the sum of $1,000 a front foot was paid for the adjacent building, and this is where the main building stands. Three years ago, in August, 1905, a purchase was made upon which the four-story annex rises. For this location practically twice the sum was paid. In July, 1906, the firm was incorporated with a capital of $300,000. A certain proportion of the stock was allotted to faithful and trusted em- ployes. As the company now is, J\Ir. Abe Levy IS president; ;\Ir. Haskell Levy, vice-president; Mr. Hyman Levy, secretary and treasurer. Some twenty-eight employes are stockholders. The business continues to grow phenominally, and there are 400 employes who believe in the method established by Lew Brothers for reciprocity. JUDGE A. E. AilERMAX County Judge HON'. F. CHAS. HUME, JK. State Senator Sixteenth District COL. I. M. STANDIFER Representative from Harris County, State Legislature. President Husiness League and National Committeeman HOUSTON BUSINESS LEAGUE By Geo. P. Brown, Ediior The Houston Business League was organized a.' the result of a meeting held February 26, 1895. Forty citizens were assembled. Col. R. M. Johnston called the meeting to order, and ex- plained the objects of the call to be the organiza- tion of a permanent commercial association, to be composed of citizens of Houston who had at heart the interests of the city of Houston. Tem- porary organization was effected by the election of R. M. Johnston as chairman, and W. W. Dexter as secretary. At this original meeting, committees were appointed to outline purposes and plans and to solicit members. An^ong those who took part in the first organization were Colonel Johnston, D. D. Bryan, \\'. W. Dexter. Eugene T. Heiner, T. M. Cotton, R. B. Morris, Charles E. Jones, H. G. Lidstone, Richard Cocke, Gus Schulte, J. H. Bright, Hamp Cook, D. .M. Angle, George W. Steiff, and D. H. JMcCullough. Following this meeting, much active work was done in behalf of the organization. Colonel Johnston urging personally the business men of Houston to take some part in the formation of an association that would work for the upbuild- 172 THE KEY TO THE CITY OF HOUSTON ing of the city and be a permanent factor in Houston's growth. The second meeting was held March 5. 1895. At that time several names were suggested, and first Chamber of Commerce was selected, but this question was given a second consideration and the name was made The Houston Business League. It was decided, in the adoption of the consti- tution, that the purposes should be as follows : "The object of the Houston Business League is to promote immigration, to create and extend and foster the trade, commerce and manufactur- ing interests of the city of Houston, to secure and build up transportation lines, to secure reasonable and equitable transportation rates, to build up and maintain the value of our real estate, to encourage honest, progressive, effi- cient and economical administration of our muni- cipal government, to collect, preserve and dis- seminate information in relation to our commer- cial, financial and industrial affairs, and to unite as far as possible our people in one representa- tive body." The following were the first officers of the Houston Business League : President, J. M. Cotton ; first vice president, Ed Kiam ; second vice president, J. C. Bering; third vice president, Eugene T. Heiner; secretary, W. W. Dexter; treasurer. Guv M. Harcourt ; directors, Charles E. Jones, E. A. Alexander, W. R. Sinclair, Richard Cocke, Clarence Gueringer, D. M. Angle, H. H. Dickson, Judge Norman G. Kit- trell and Gus Schulte. It was upon this beginning that the Houston Business League was established. It has passed tiirough various stages of prosperity and influ- ence, but during the past eight years it has be- come a solid institution, with valuable assets and with an influential standing among the people of Houston. Its work is extensive. It has bi ought many good concerns to the city, and has distributed advertising matter about Houston to the length and breadth of the United States. Among its membership are numbered the lead- ing" people of the city, and its president at this time is Colonel R. M. Johnston, president of the Houston Printing Company, and editor in chief of the Houston Post, and a member of the Democratic National Committee. Other officers are : Thomas H. Ball, first vice president ; W. C. Munn, second vice president ; A. S. Cleve- land, third vice president; W. E. Richards, treasurer; George P. Brown, secretary, and Miss Annie Mae Morse, assistant secretary. The directors are J. S. Bonner, David F. Burks, H. B. Rice, George M. Duncan, Tom Flax- man, C. B. Gillespie, Beverly Harris, J. W. Neal, W. E. Richards, S. E. Sims and Thomas H. Stone. \ JAMES A. RADFORD President Photo by Gray DAVID DALY Vice-President Photo by Gray HOUSTON CARNIVAL, 1908 Mrs. B. F. Bonner, Editor The No-Tsii-Oh Association of Houston, Texas, is chartered under the laws of the state, its purposes being to give an annual carnival every year, in the month of November, for the entertainment of the people of the state who visit Houston at that time. It is not organized for revenue, and is sustained by the membership fees of those who annually become enrolled and b} the subscriptions of the business men of Houston, who contribute to it from motives of a patriotic nature. The first carnival was held in iSijg. The as- sociation decided it should have a kmg, that its king should be known as Nottoc, whose realm sh.ould be Tekram and whose capital city should be No-Tsu-Oh. Reverse the spelling of these strange and peculiar words and it gives that which Houston claims is the basis of her com- mercial supremacy in the Southwest. Houston has for many years been recognized as a great cotton market. Deep water and the many rail- road (i6) facilities that make it a market that yields its place to none. The fruit, flower and vegetable festival was the beginning of what today is a great organization. It is now an in- corporated concern which expends annually about $30,000 in its entertainments. There are parades, confetti throwing, brilliant illumina- tions, a magnificent ball where the queen is crowned, and many outdoor features that are free to all. The carnival sjiirit is abroad for six davs, and care is thrown aside those days, while the bands keep the air sweet with their music. One of the new features offered this year (1908) was the foot-ball game between the Uni- versity of Texas and the Agricultural & Mechani- cal College of Texas. It was a clean game filled with interest for the lovers of sport. Six thou.^- and witnessed I'niversity's vict )ry, but the Col- lege put up a plucky fight. This was the great- est student demonstration ever had in the State. It was a delight to look upon the manly boys, JAMES D. DAWSON King X, No-Tsu-Oh, 1908 MISS MAMIE STUART SHEARN Queen X, No-Tsu-Oh. 1908 HOUSTON CARNIVAL, 1908 175 CEul;i..li r. BROWN Chairman Amusements Committee I'hutj by Gray TOJI FLAX.MAX Treasurer IMiuto by Gray some eighteen hundred, who represent the future pride of Texas. King Nottoc X entered the city with twenty chariots, a gorgeous and resplendent pageantry, each chariot representing gods and goddesses. Saturday morning, the King, ever thoughtful of his subjects, presented to them another stately and beautiful parade. It featured the "Classics of Childhood," those dear and treasured vokimes on which the imagination of youth has fed. BOONE GROSS Cliairman King's Arrival Committee photo by Gray E. J. McCULLODGH Chairman Ball Committee 176 THE KEY TO THE CITY OF HOUSTON GEORGE DUNCAN Chairman Advertising Committee Photo by Gray HENRY L. BORIIEN Cliairman Grounds Committee The crowning event of the week was tlie Coro- nation Ball. Bewilderino'ly beautiful, it revealed to the Land of Tekram two popular rulers. King Cotton claimed its own this year, Mr. James D. Dawson, a cotton merchant, and his Queen, Miss Mamie Shearn, sit upon the throne and all Hous- ton bow in approval of the Royal choice. Houston is proud of this association. Each year has seen its achievements more elegant tlian the past, until today our carnival vies with •J. A. HULEN Chairman Night Parade Committee Phuto by Gray DAVE BURKS Photo by Gray Chairman Finance Committee HOUSTON CARNIVAL, 1908 177 JOli K. BKUWXE Ctiairmau Music Committee E. J. HUSSION Cliairinan Membership Committee tliat of our sister city, Ntw Orleans. Following Palmer; 1905, Charles D. Golding; 1906, Wil- is a list of presidents. Icings and queens: liam D. Cleveland, Jr.; 1907, George N. Torrey; Presidents; 1899, Non-nan S. Meldrum ; 1900, 1908, James A. Radford. 15. F. Bonner : 1901, James H. Adair; 1902, John Kings: 1899. A. C. Allen; 1900, John H. McClellan ; 1903, H. T. Keller; 1904, G. J. Kirby; 1901, Dennis Call (deceased); 1902, TOM STONE Photo by Clay Chairman Kailroad RateB Committee EAY WIESS Photo by Gray Chairmaii Pay Parade Committee 178 THE KEY TO THE CITY OF HOUSTON Jesse H. Jones; 1903, B. P. Bonner; 1904, Pres- ley K. Ewing; 1905, Jo S. Rice; 1906, C. K. Dun^; 1907, H. M. Garwood; 1908, James D. Dawson. Queens: 1899, Annie Quinlan ; 1900, Julia Mae Morse; igoi, Augusta Goodhue; 1902, Clara Robinson ; 1903, Bessie Kirby ; 1904, Flor- ence Carter; 1905, Sallie Sewall; 1906, Gertrude Paine; 1907, Alice Baker; 1908, Mamie Shearn. The affairs of No-Tsu-Oh for 1908 were hand- led by the following Board of Directors : James A. Radford, President. David Daly, Vice-President. Thomas Flaxman, Treasurer. George P. Brown, Secretary. Boone Gross, Gus Schulte, Joseph E. Browne, Ray Weiss, George M. Duncan, E. J. McCul- iough, David F. Burks, Thomas H. Stone, John A. Hulen. H. L. Borden and E. T- Hussion. J.VMES HAYES QUAELES Chairman Press Committee Photo by Gray HOUSTON BANKS AND BANKERS THE LUMBERAIANS NATIONAL BANK. The combined capital and surplus of this bank ij a half million dollars. It is a little over two years in existence, and ranks with some of the larger banks of the state in deposits and popu- larity. The officers are deservedly i)opular, and the stockholders and directors among tiie most prom- the Galveston National, and Mr. Vandervoort was with the Planters and Mechanics. The portraits of these three officers will be found in this publication — in fact, are allied with this article. The Lumbermans is ensconced in one of the handson:est marble finislied banks in the state. S. p. CARTER President Lumbermans Xational Bank inent men of this city and state, many of them residing in the interior. Mr. S. F. Carter, formerly one of the largest lumber dealers in Texas, is president ; Mr. Guy M. Bryan. Jr., vice president, and A. S. Vander- voort, cashier. Mr. Bryan was for years with It is reported that Mr. Carter will soon erect a thirteen-story office and bank building. The directorate is composed of the following influential business men : W. O. Ansl^, Hous- ton, A. R. Fox & Co., cotton; John S. Bonner, Houston, president Bonner Oil Co. ; Guy M. HOUSTON BANKS AND BANKERS 181 Pollard, agents George H. McFadden & Bro. ; Conrad Schwartz, Houston, carriage and buggy factory ; G. C. Street, Houston, Street & Graves, cotton seed products, bagging and ties ; William iV. Wilson, Houston, vice president and general manager William A. Wilson Realty Co. ; Gus Radetzki, general superintendent H. & T. C. and H. E. & W. T. Railways. GUY M. BRYAN Vice-President Lumbermans National Banlc Bryan, Houston, active vice president: J. P. Car- ter, Houston, president Carter Lumber Co.; Wil- liam D. Cleveland, Jr., Houston, Wm. D. Cleve- land & Sons, wholesale grocers ; E. L. Crooker. Houston, president E. L. Crooker Lumber Co. ; S. F. Carter, Houston, president; David Dal\ . Houston, manager Houston Electric Co. (Street Railway) ; H. M. Garwood, Houston, Baker, Botts, Parker & Garwood, general attorneys ; Jesse H. Jones, Houston, capitalist; J. F. Keith, Beaumont, president J. F. Keith Lumber Co. ; A. T. Lucas, Houston, general contractor: W. H. Norris, Houston, president W. H. Norris Lum- ber Co.; A. \\'. Pollard, Houston, Heard & A. S. VANDERVOOKT Cashier Luniberninns National Banl< Officers : S. F. Carter, president ; Guy M. Bryan, active vice president; A. S. \'andervoort, cashier; Jesse H. Jones, vice president; J. P. Carter, vice president ; H. M. Garwood, vice president. THE SOUTH TEXAS NATIONAL BANK. This institution was organized in 1890, by men who believe in building well and strong. Each of the original charter members are men of high cast, and lead in the ranks of Houston's substantial citizenship. Mr. Charles Dillingham is president ; Henry Brashear, H. F. McGregor, O. T. Holt and J. E. McAshan, vice presidents ; Beverly D. Harris, cashier; C. A. McKinney and A. F. Schultz, assistant cashiers. z; o < "A O HOUSTON BANKS AND BANKERS 183 The capital is $500,000. Deposits run over two and a half million dollars, with a surplus of over a third of a million. It is a United States depositary and otherwise recognized, at home and abroad, as being one of the most conserva- tive, one of the strongest banks in the state. The board of directors is composed of men whose wealth aggregates several million dollars. The active officers are very popular and enjoy the confidence of the public. No little credit is due the enterprising cashier, whose spirit of push and intelligence has made a record for both him- self and the bank. FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF HOUSTON. Perhaps no bank in Texas has a more interest- ing history, lacking a few days of being the old- est national bank in the state. The capital was recently increased to a million dollars. The deposits are nearly $5,000,000 and the surplus over $400,000. This bank has no stock for sale, and only one or two shares are held out- side of the Shepherd family. The bank owns one of the handsomest office buildings in the state, and is adding a frontage of fifty feet more to it, which will give it an eight-story modern bank and office building 75x125 feet. The bank was founded in 1856 by Mr. B. A. Shepherd, deceased. It is now a bulwark of financial strength and prestige. The officers are as follows : President, O. L. Cochran; vice president, T. J. Scott; cashier, VV. S. Cochran; assistant cashier, W. E. Hert- ford. The directors are L. V. Root, O. L. Cochran, J. T. Scott, W. S. Cochran, E. A. Peden and W. H. Kirkland. This is the largest bank in Texas, from many standpoints. THE COMMERCIAL NATIONAL BANK. This splendid institution holds first place on the "roll of honor" in Houston. It is an idenl bank in every respect. With a capital of $300,000, surplus and un- divided profits of over $600,000, ani_l deposits aggregating over $4,000,000, it stands proudly at the head of Texas banks, with total resources of over $5,000,000. Two of the characteristic fea- tures of the institution are conservativism and progress, with an avowed purpose of safeguard- ing its depositors and recompensing its stock- holders. The home of this bank is in its own six-story, modern fire-proof building, with every convenience and comfort for conducting its affairs, and which cost about $350,000. The bank began business July I, 1886, with a capital of $200,000. Since that time it has ever been on the upward trend, without a jar under any financial flurry in the outside world. Its stock has the highest value of any bank in Texas, and there is but one other in the state that pa\s to its stockholders a dividend of 16 per cent per annum, payable quarterly. The president, Mr. W. B. Chew, is not only ■W. R. CHEW President Commei-ciai National Bank HOUSTON BANKS AND BANKERS 185 an astute banker, but regarded as one of the best financiers in the state. He was one of the origi- nal directors, but his superior ability was soon recognized and he was chosen vice president in 1889, and in 1891 was made president. The board of directors are among the wealth- iest and most progressive men of Texas. The officers, besides Mr. Chew, are as follows : James A. Baker, Jr., and Thornwell Fay, vice presidents, and P. J. Evershade, cashier. The directors are as follows : R. S. Lovett, James D. Dawson, Edwin B. Parker, J. V. Neu- haus, S. C. Red, C. H. Markham, Conrad Ber- ing, Cleveland Sewall, H. R. Eldridge, James A. Baker, Jr., Thornwell Fay and W. B. Chew. Mr. Eldridge recently resigned as active vice president of the Commercial, to accept the posi- tion of cashier of the El Paso National Bank of Colorado Springs, Colorado, but remains as a director for the present. THE MERCHANTS NATIONAL BANK. This bank was established a few years ago, w ith I. H. Kempner, of Galveston, as president, and W. H. Hurley as cashier. The deposits and business generally have grown since that time until today it stands second to no bank in popu- larity. On October 15 they moved into elegant new quarters, corner of Main and Congress, which are far more commodious and comfortable than the former quarters. This became urgent by pressure of increased and growing business. The officers are : C. G. Pillot, president ; T. C. Dunn, vice president; J. T. McCarthy, cashier; Randon Porter, assistant cashier. The capital is $250,000; surplus earned, over $150,000. It is a United States depository, and its board of directors are among the more prom- inent and substantial business men of Houston and Galveston, as follows: I. H. Kempnei. Bryan Heard, C G. Pillot, Dr. O. L. Nors- worthy, Hugh Burns. Jonathan Lane and T. C. Dunn. On this page will be foiuid the interior view of the Merchants National Bank, corner Main and Congress streets, one of the best locations for a banking institution in the city of Houston. The Merchants National Bank is one of the most conservative, and also one of the most progressive and prosperous banking institutions in the city. Recently it outgrew its old quar- ters, and now has one of the prettiest and best equipped banking rooms in Houston. The management of this bank is in the hands of men of known integrity and large experience, numbering among their friends people from all walks of life. The president of the bank, Air. C. G. Pillot, is one of the best known citizens of Houston, being the junior member of the firm of Henke &; Pillot, one of the largest retail grocery stores in the South, and has large interests in nearly all of Houston's other enterprises. Mr. T. C. Dunn, vice president, is one of the best known bankers in Texas, and has an en- viable reputation throughout the state for his conservative and far-sightedness in his chosen profession. He has been a resident of Houston practically all of his life, and enjoys the acquaint- ance of a large number of people. JMr. J. T. McCarthy, the cashier, is a recent acquisition to the bank, having become identi- fied with the same on the 15th of last July, at which time he purchased a large interest in the institution. His aggressive work since that time has made itself favorably noticeable in many ways, and he is fast becoming identified with every business interest in the city. In point of experience, he is one of the oldest bankers in Texas, having been engaged in the banking busi- ness for something over twenty-six years, during which time he has served in every capacity. Mr. Randon Porter, the assistant cashier, is a son of the late George L. Porter, one of the pioneers of Houston, and enjoys quite a reputa- tion for ability along the line of his chosen work, especially for one so young in the profession. Mr. Porter is well and favorably known by a large circle of friends. In addition to the above named gentlemen, the institution has on its board the following well known, substantial and conservative business men, all of whom need no introduction to those o o ID P3 < m < a; o o O S HOUSTON BANKS AND BANKERS 187 familiar with Houston and her foremost enter- prises : Mr. J. L. Thompson, president of the Thompson & Tucker Lumber Company ; Mr. Bryan Heard, of the George H. McI-^adden & Bros. Agency ; Mr. Jonathan Lane, attorney ; O. L. Nosworthy, M. D. ; Mr. Roderick AIcDon- ald, capitahst; j\lr. L H. Kempner, president Texas Bank and Trust Company. The capital stock of the bank is $250,000, and since its organization they have earned a surplus of $150,000, making a total of capital and sur- plus of $400,000; undivided profits, $19,777.53. The bank's business shows a very material growth at each call of the comptroller. The ^lerchants National is one of the United States depositories of Houston. THE CENTRAL BANK & TRUST CO. The attention of our readers is called to the above bank, and thcv are invited to consider its F. E. PTE President Central Bank & Trust Co. claims on the public for business very carefully and considerately. They are located at 503 Main street. This bank is a consolidation of the F. E. P3e private bank and the Texas Savings Bank. Since the consolidation the bank has grown very rapidly, and since they have had a reorganiza- tion of their office force, they are now in better position than ever to give their customers the prompt and careful attention which is due them from their bank. The active officers in charge of this bank are : r\Ir. F. E. Pye, president, who has long been a resident of Houston, and is well and favorably known as a careful, cautious and successful busi- ness man. ^Ir. E. R. Johnson, the active vice- president, was formerly cashier of the Texas Savings Bank and also of the Central Bank & Trust Company, who has recently been elected tc his new position. Jdr. N. A. Sayre, the cashier, has recently come to Houston from Temple, Texas, where he has resided for the past fifteen years, during which time he was actively en- gaged in the banking business. For the past \ear he has served as special agent under the State Banking Department in effecting reorgani- zation of State Banks at Bronson, Weimar and Temple. With this official force, ably assisted by an expert corps of office men, the bank is well equipped for prompt attention to all business, and we believe they have a very bright future before them, as everyone connected with the bank in any capacity is a hustler, and they make it a rule to go after business the n;oment they see anv in sight. New customers are being added on tlieir books daily, and each one goes out a walking adver- tisement for the bank, and tells of the nice treat- ment they receive at the hands of the officials of same. This bank operates under a State charter, HON. J. S. RICE President Union Bank & Trust Company HOUSTON BANKS AND BANKERS 189 makes reports to the State Banking Department six times a year, and is examined twice under very strict rules and regulations by the State bank examiners. The bank handles both savings and commercial accounts, and has a special de- [■artment for escrow matters, to which prompt attention is given. They cheerfully invite a call from prospective depositors and feel sure an interview with such will result in placing a new account on theirbooks. THE UNION BANK AND TRUST COMPANY. This bank is singularly honored by being the first state bank to incorporate in Texas. It is therefore No. i. The same astute foresia:ht that H. N. TINKER Active Vice-President Union Bank & Trust Co. actuated its founders to organize under the state laws, today directs its affairs, which have grown to be one of the largest of the banks in Texas, either national or state. It is a five milfion dollar concern, so far as resources are concerned. The capital is a half million dollars and deposits as much. The officers are : J. S. Rice, president ; H. N. Tinker, active vice president; George Hamman, vice president; DeWitt C. Dunn, cashier; D. W. Cooley, assistant cashier. This bank is not three years old, and is one of the liveliest three-year-olds in the United States. ]\fr. Tinker is a whole bank by himself, while the efficient corps of assistants render this bank one of the most progressive in Texas. The directors and stockholders are very strong and influential. Mr. Rice, the president, is a man GEORGE HAMMAX Vice-President Union Banlc & Trust Co. universally beloved for his many noble traits of character, genial disposition and high sense of honor. ^ ^ ^ 1^ \ r:=. HOUSTON BANKS AND BANKERS 191 JESSE H. JOXES President National City Bank NATIONAL CITY BANK. This is one of the more recently organized Houston banks. 'Sir. Jesse H. Jones, the presi- dent, is one of our milHonaire citizens. Mr. Care}' Shaw, the former cashier, but now active vice president, is one of the brainiest bankers in the city. He is deservedly popular and has done no little to advance the interest of the bank. It was by his sagacious methods that the National Citv was made state depository at Houston. Houston has no citizen more enterprising than the president, and none more popular than the cashier. The capital is $250,000, with a half million dollars on deposit. It is rumored that the capi- tal stock may be increased to a half million dol- lars. 192 THE KEY TO THE CITY OF HOUSTON THE AMERICAN NATIONAL BANK On the crest of the prosperity wave sweeping- over Texas rides tlie American National, in triumph. This bank has an authorizctl capital of $250,- 000, with deposits of nearly one million. The officers are ; \\' . E. Richards, president ; Sterling Meyer, vice president ; F. W. Vanghan, cashier. The American National sprang from the American Rank and Trust Company, a few months ago, since which time its growth has been rcn-arkable. To the pupularity of tlie president and cashier is due this advancement, although the bank offers inducements of a substantial and attractive character. The American is now erecting one of the liandson-est hon:es in the stale. It will be a spa- cious bank and will be 33x100 feet, finished in Italian marble, and constructed by a local firm. The directors are all progressive business men, each of whom takes a special interest in the bank. They embrace the following well known names : Cr. A. Mistrot, T. A. Cargill, J. J. Settegast, Jr., Frank Williford, Dr. Joseph Alullen, Judge George W. Riddle, J. C. Bering, D. F. Burns, S. S. Bradw W. E. Richards, Sterling Meyer and F. W. X'augban. HOUSTON MANUFACTORIES By Mrs. D. D. Cooley, Recordhig Secretary of City Federation of Clubs It is not possible in the necessarily brief space allotted to this subject in our book, to do more than touch upon Houston's manufactures. To do them full justice would be to fill a volume much larger than this, so a bare mention of those in which the public is mostly concerned is all that will be attempted in this article. In manufacturing enterprises in the city of Houston, $9,405,441 is invested, nearly 9,000 men and women are employed, who draw an- nuall}- $5,179,045 in wages, and the output of the various shops is valued at $23,614,863. The fol- lowing list will show how this invested capital i.'- distributed among the different industries : MANUFACTURING ENTERPRISES OF HOUSTON. Amt. Invested Employes Annual Wages Annual Output r)akeries _ $156,000.00 229 $95,150.00 $750,000.00 liottling works .....'. 251,701.00 108 77,620.00 343,000.00 Ueer and ice 805,000.00 438 505,000.00 1,540,000.00 Brick and concrete blocks 245.000.00 240 80,000.00 303,000.00 Candy 63,000.00 205 72,000.00 330,000.00 Coffee roasters 340,000.00 35 50,000.00 550,000.00 Cotton seed oil products 1,000,000.00 600 200.000.00 3,000.000.00 Products of metal 1.720,978.00 1,027 75SJOO.oo 2,762,500.00 Harness and saddlery 85,000.00 50 35,000.00 130,000.00 Lumber products (including furniture) 1,027,000.00 908 495,500.00 3,255,000.00 Macaroni 20,000.00 12 9,000.00 43.000.00 Meat products 300,000.00 500 300,000.00 2,250,000.00 Medicines 75.000.00 40 32.000.00 100,000.00 Millinery 260,000.00 no 85,000.00 600,000.00 Optical goods 20,000.00 12 10,000.00 25,000.00 Paints and wood preservatives 70.175.00 86 45,000.00 200,000.00 Printing, stationery and lithographing 585,000.00 466 354,450.00 804,647.00 Rubber stamps and electrotypers 20,500.00 29 25,000.00 60,000.00 Rice mills 425.000.00 164 155,000.00 1,790,000.00 Syrup and fruit preserves 110,000.00 206 14,000.00 175,000.00 ?hoes 32,986.00 20 18.200.00 150,000.00 Trunks 75.000.00 50 20,000.00 150,000.00 Tailors and clothing makers 73.500.00 172 140,000.00 377.000.00 Textile products 360,000.00 *igo * 165,000.00 *8oo,ooo.oo Vehicles 210.000.00 95 65.905.00 286,994.00 Miscellaneous 32,385.00 59 25,920.00 95,000.00 Cars and general shop reconstruction and re- pairs by steam railway companies 1,042.216.00 2,720 1,349,200.00 2.744.722.00 Totals $9405 .44 1 -oo 8,77 1 $5.1 79,045 .00 $23.6 1 4,863 .00 Comparative totals for 1906-07 7,831,702.00 6,541 4,396,600.00 23,679,422,00 Increase $i.573.739-oo 2,230 $782,445.00 **$64,559.oo *Estimated. **Decrease. 18 — •ri."''.^ tr-C( cc HOUSTON CIIROXICLE NEW BUILDINXi HOUSTON MANUFACTORIES 195 As ladies are especiall}- interested in all that goes to assist in making home pleasant and in sending their husbands and brothers happy to tkeir business in the morning, our coffee inter" ests will be the first mentioned in this article. Of these we have three who import it, roast it, and make it a marketable commodity. The Cheek & Xeal Company is the largest of these, having employed a capital of $300,000, twenty employes who receive as salaries $30,000 a year, and an annual output of $400,000. Their product is most excellent, and only needs to be once used to make a permanent customer of the user. The next largest is the International Coffee Company, which is a part of the wholesale gro- cery business of ^^'m. D. Cleveland & Sons. They have approximately $40,000 invested in the busi- ness, employ 15 persons, have an annual output of $150,000, and a pay roll of $20,000. The Guatemala Company is a comparatively new concern, but is doing a good and constantl)' iiicreasing business. COTTON AND PRODUCTS. Houston has six cotton seed oil mills, repre- senting a total investment of $1,000,000, giving employment to 600 men, and paying annually $200,000 in wages and salaries. The total output is estimated at $3,000,000. The companies in- terested in this manufacture are the ^Merchants ;ind Planters, Roberts Cottonseed Oil Co.j Houston Cotton Oil ]\Iill, Industrial Cotton Oil Company, Fidelity Cotton Oil & Fertilizer Com- pany, and the Magnolia Cotton Oil Company, the latter having been com.pleted during the last \ ear. MEAT PRODUCTS. One of the largest industrial concerns in South Texas is the Houston Packing Company. This establishment represents an enormous in- vestment, and Houston is the onh- city in the South in which canned meats are put up. In rddition to that portion of their proflucts which ii consumed in this city, large quantities are annually shipped to other Southern states. In addition to the packing plant there are the local depots and cold storage plants of Swift & Company and Armour & Sons. While these are not to be classed as manufacturing plants in the sense that they put up meat products, they do employ important cold storage machinery and many men. ICE. Of ice manufacturers we have five — American Ice & Brewing Association, Houston Ice & Brew- ing Company, Crystal Ice Company, Henke Ar- tesian Ice Company, and The People's Ice Com- panv. representing an invested capital of nearly $1,000,000. CANDV. There are seven candy manufacturing houses in Houston, with a total output of nearly $350,- 000 a year. Some very fine candy, which com- pares favorably with Huyler's and Lowney's, is manufactured here, and Brown Brothers' choco- lates are tempting to the most refined taste. BAKERIES. There are twenty-four establishments in this city engaged in the manufacture of bread and cakes. They employ capital amounting to $156,- 000, give employment to 229 persons, and have a yearly output of $750,200. The National Bis- cuit Company also maintains a plant here, ship- ping their product, from this factory to other points in the state. They have an investment of $100,000, employ 125 persons and have a pay roll of $50,000 annually. SYRUPS AXD PRESERVES. The J. C. Carpenter Fig Company preserves n.ost acceptably the quantities of figs growing in this part of Texas. This last year the}- have [/reserved 2.500 bushels, finding a ready market for their entire production, and maintaining sales rooms in five different states. Their output for h.st }ear was $100,000. The McCullough S\rup & Preserving Com- pany has its headquarters and a plant here, and is the most extensive preserving concern in Te.xas, with four plants distributed throughout the fruit belt. This is the only company dealing exclusively in molasses in the state. BRICK MANUFACTURERS. There are in this city six brick manufactories, with a total output of over $300,000 annually. The two largest are the Butler Brick Works and the Lucas Brick Works, Two firms manufac- o CO 3 O HOUSTON MANUFACTORIES 197 ture concrete blocks, tlie Concrete Construction Company and Brace & Kirstens. FOUNDERS AND MANUFACTURERS IN METALS. There are twenty firms engaged in this busi- ness in Houston. The largest among these is the Dickson Car Wheel Company, with an invest- ment of nearly $600,000 and 250 employes. Among the other large ones are the Houston Car Wheel & Engineering Company, the Union Iron Works, Hartwell Iron Works, and the Ket- tler Brass Works. MACARONI. There are two macaroni factories — The Hous- ton Macaroni Company and the Magnolia Mac- aroni Company. They have capital amounting to $20,000 and annual sales of over $40,000. SHOES. Houston has only one large shoe manufactur- ing compan)- — the Buckley Shoe Company. It employs twenty persons and represents an in- vested capital of $33,000. TRUNKS. There are two trunk factories — the Houston Trunk Company and the Freyer Trunk Manu- facturing Company. They employ fifty persons and disburse annually in wages $20,000. VEHICLES. There are eight concerns in this city engaged in the making of carriages, and one which manu- factures automobiles. This is the Southern Motor Car Works, which makes the celebrated "Dixie Flyer," and is the only motor factory in the South. TEXTILE PRODUCTS. The Oriental Textile Mills is located in Hous- ton Heights, and is in the front rank in its par- ticular field, which is the manufacture of press cloth for use in cotton seed oil mills. The pro- duct of this mill is the best procurable, and is made from camel's hair imported from Europe. About 150 employes manufacture this cloth un- der the active management of Mr. John S. Rad- ford. The Texas Bag & Fiber Company is another substantial concern employing $100,000 capital. There are two tent and awning factories, both doing an excellent business and employing thirty people. These are the Kattman & Kneeland Tent Company, and the Repsdorph Tent & Awning Company. ICE CREAM FACTORIES. Ice cream factories do a fine business here be- cause of the length of the summer season. MANUFACTURED LUMBER. The Bering Manufacturing Company, the Houston Liggett Lumber Company, Houston Show Case and Manufacturing Company, Lott- man-Myers Company, Ed H. Harrell Lumber Company, and the Texas Table Factory, repre- sent the manufactured lumber interests, and from these firms everything in their line can be purchased, from a common kitchen table to the finest grille for a mansion. MISCELLANEOUS. Paint and vinegar are also made ; medicines manufactured by six establishments ; there are eleven concerns making harness and saddles ; art glass is made by the Texas Art Glass Company ; artificial limbs by the Aluminum Artificial Limb Company; brooms by H. E. Detering, and mos- quito bars by two concerns with a capital of $10,000. It has only been possible to mention in a very cursory way the many manufacturing interests of this growing city, and space will not permit even a mention of many. This article will only give an idea of what is done at present, and our hope for the future is that more manufactories may be located here during the next few years, so tliat the needs of the city may be supplied at her very doors. SOME OF HOL'STOX'S MOST PROMINENT MANUFACTORIES HOUSTON MARKET AND CITY HALL THE HOUSTON MARKET Bv Kate B. McKinney A lady of Houston has received a letter from one living in the North asking about the market lure and the cost of living. It is hoped that this article may answer, in a degree, that inquiry, as there may be others interested in the same sub- ject. . It is, of course, impractical to state definite prices for different things, for prices here, as everywhere, vary with the seasons and with the supply. But there are certain facts and conditions that may be stated, that will show how generously cur market is supplied and under such favorable conditions that prices are bound to be moderate. In the first place, our vegetables are nearly all home grown and they grow the year around, coming in especial profusion and variety in the spring and fall. The vegetables from the newly developed Brownsville region, which promises s>'; much, will soon be pouring into Houston, as the nearest and best market. The Texas watermelon is too well known to need a word of praise, and begins to come to us early in June, and keeps coming, sometimes appearing for sale as late as October Xot even Rocky Ford can raise cantaloupes that excel in flavor those that are raised right at our doors at Pasadena. The Texas peaches reach ns by express and are as beautiful and luscious as though just picked from the tree. During the season they are plenti- ful and cheap. Strawberries are grown abundantly in many sections around Houston. The season is early and long. They are often seen in market in mid- winter. They are so cheap that all may enjoy 200 THE KEY TO THE CITY OF HOUSTON tliis fruit that delights the eye as well as the taste. Fig trees are found in many yards and it is an easy matter to have fresh figs for breakfast. And if one wants to "put up" some, they can be procured by the bucket from fig orchards. They niake a preserve fit for the gods. Fruit from California comes to us directly by the carload ; and our tropical fruit reaches us b\' cheap water rates. The price is so low that one does not realize that the fruit was grown so far from home. To a stranger the city market is always an in- teresting sight, and "seeing Houston" is never complete without a visit there. No market is more beautifully housed than this. It occupies the whole lower floor of a fine new building of brick and stone, located in a square in the heart of the city. The market is divided by aisles into rows of stalls in which are displayed fruits and vegetables, meats, fish, oysters, sausages of all kinds and dressed poultry, butter, eggs and cheese, bread and cakes, candies, nuts and dried fruits; not forgetting the stalls that are little bazaars, where articles of all sorts are for sale. Ready made clothing, gewgaws and trinkets of various sorts, knives and cheap jewelry and or- naments to catch the eye of the passer by. In the meat stalls will be seen such quantities of meat in all varieties that one wonders where it all can be used. The most of this meat comes from cattle raised right here in Texas, and so can be sold at so low a price that every one may have it on his table. Houston is so near the gulf that the products of the salt water are easily and abundantly ob- tained. There are fish of many varieties and all sizes, oysters, crabs, lobsters, shrimps and some- times turtles. If the visitor may choose the time for his visit, let it be on Saturda)- afternoon, when nearly everybody hies him with a large basket t(.i the market to purchase materials ftT his .Sun- day dinner. Saturday afternoon is almost a gala day with its happy, busy, jostling crowd of all classes. The mature matron, the young bride, the fussy housewife, boarding house keepers, professional and laboring men, with a liberal sprinkling of Sambo and his family, in bright hued attire, all intent upon filling their baskets with the good things that are so temptingly arranged. The stalls of fruits and vegetables make an attractive picture with the colors put in with a broad stroke, charming in effect. Gleaming red apples ne.xt to pyramids of deep yellow oranges ; bunches of grapes, purple, black and green ; deli- cate shades of color in peaches, lemons and ban- anas, set off with the rich toned pineapple and persimmons of copper hue. The vegetables are just as appealing to the eye, with the fresh green and white of spring vegeta- bles grown in December. Baskets of green peas next to pretty wax beans. Pale pink radishes in bunches of delicate leaves of chicory. The lav- ender and white of turnips against the deep maroon of beets, whose rich color runs into the foliage. The bright red of tomatoes, with its complementary color in the spinach. Dainty greens in lettuce, kohlrabi and okra. Mahogany egg plants and golden carrots. The artist used his whole palette on this canvas. PROMINENT HOTELS OF HOUSTON Mrs. J. M. Limbocker, Editor Mrs. M. B. Crowe and Mrs. Robert Burge, Assistant Editors HOTEL BRAZOS. The Hotel Brazos is situated opposite the Grand Central depot, making it especially con- venient for travelers. It is one of the largest and finest hostelries ir. the city, containing two hundred and sevent}- five rooms, one hundred and fift_\- of which have private baths. The Brazos is strictly conducted, assuring the guests quarters of scrupulous cleanliness and prompt service. A French chef caters capably to the most ex- acting patrons of the dining rooms, and musical evenings afford a special feature of entertain- ment for the guests. The splendid orchestra is directed by Mr. E. G. D'Albert; accompanying pianist, Mr. Aldrich Kidd. Every facility of modern hotel life is found at the Brazos, and ladies traveling alone are under the special protection of the management. RICE HOTEL. The Rice Hotel is celebrated throughout Texas as the oldest and most conservative hotel in Houston. It is conducted on the American plan, has two hundred and twenty-five rooms, and the system of Turco-Russian baths. Besides the regular dining room, the hotel has the crystal cave cafe. The Rice is now under process of renovation, adding many new rooms, with private bath equipment, steam heat and telephones in each room. The vacuum system of cleaning is used, and the hotel enlists a small army of employes, num- bering one hundred and seventy-five. The Rice is centrally situated, and is an ideal family hotel. Two elevators are in operation, and every modern convenience is installed for the comfort and entertainment of the guests. Mr. H. Hamilton is proprietor of the Rice. HOTEL BRISTOL. The Bristol Hotel is now being remodeled, with the addition of a new annex of seven stories, with a roof garden. This annex will contain ninety rooms, seventy-two having private baths, and every modern equipment. It is to be abso- lutely fire proof, and is to be completed April i. IQ09. The entire ground floor of the present hotel is to be entirely remodeled, and a handsome lobby extended across the entire front. When com- pleted, the Bristol will be one of the most attrac- tive and handsome hotels in the state, offering its patrons every facility for pleasant and com- fortable living. The Bristol is under the efficient and excel- lent management of Messrs. Hervey and Franks, proprietors. 202 THE KEY TO THE CITY OF HOUSTON THE MACATEE. The Macatee Hotel, one block east of Grand Central depot, is in evcrv respect a thoroughly Hiodern hotel, beautifully furnished and splen- didly conducted. This hotel is equal to any in the South, and n aintains a cafe first class in every particular. A new addition of one hundred rooms is now under course of construction, with a beautiful roof garden for the pleasure of patrons. The ]\lacatce is conducted on the European plan, and is under the management of Mr. George P. Macatee. THE GABLES HOTEL. The Gables Hotel, 13 14 McKinney avenue, is a family hotel and boarding house, and with its annexes has forty rooms, comfortably furnislied, first class in all its appointments. Catering only to the best class of people, this plac; has always b-een known by the better people and patronized bv them. SUMMER RESORTS ON THE TEXAS COAST By Florence N. Dancy Press Member, Texas Federation IVomen's Clubs for the Fourth District Diiwn on the coast, where the roses bloom, And jasmine scatters a rare perfume. And white caps toss on the purple ba}-. And sea birds call throut,h the sunlit da\-. And oranges hang- their yellow globes. And rice fields wave their emerald robes, And lilies lift their cups of musk. And golden stars light the velvet tlusk, Cities have risen, more bright and. fair Than the treasure Lafitte once buried tliere. —Mnry Hunt Affleck Our great state of Texas has a coast line along llic gulf of Mexico, so cool, so life giving and beautiful, in tlie summer, that tourists, turning their faces Southward, would find the diversion, tjie rest and the relaxation they may miss in the iriore northern latitudes. You can go from Hous- ton to the gulf in a few minutes ride by rail, or \cu can take the slower route by water, through historic scenes dear to every Texan heart. Mor- gan's Point, Bay Ridge, La Porte and Seabrook are the nearest watering places to Houston. 'J'hese towns are all situated on the shores, where the waters of the San Jacinto and Trinitv bays ir.eet. They are between twenty and thirty miles from Houston, by the Southern Pacific railway. Beautiful summer homes of cultured and wcil known Houstonians stretch along the shore, often at the water's very edge. The bathing- facilities at all of these places are unsurpassed. Une can wade out several hundred yards from tb.e shores of all. without getting into dangerously deep water. The effect of the salt water and climate is so invigorating that one may keep on wet clothes for hours ; in fact, until r -t^ % BUU Printing Olnrnpang Mauufarturtng ^tattottfra If We Don't Do Your Printing, We Both Lose The Seal of "Sy 9JpaJJrra in ann to gna jHatn i>trppt Hotel Brazos EUROPEAN Opposite Grand Central Depot !^ 275 ROOMS 150 Private Baths Telephone m Each Room Music in Cafe Evenings 6 to 9 Rates : One to Three Dollars ^" U . S. Wall. President W. L. Gardien, Sec'y and Trea?. WALL L^' STABE COMPANY Furnishers of FINE f^INERAL FURNITURE Ambulances furnished on call. Car- riages furnished for Weddings, Calling, Theater and Receptions. -:- -:- -:- Local and Long Distance Phones 95 Office: in3-in3-1117-lliy Prairie Avenue HOUSTON, TEXAS F. H. STEWART N. T. MASTERSOX STEWART & MASTERSON Livery, Boarding, Sale and Exchange Stables CARRIAGE REPOSITORY, BLACK- SMI'FHING AND HORSE- SHOEING SHOP Stable No. 1, Repository Old Phone 2772 1309 and 1311 Preston Avenue Stable No. 2 and Shop Old Phone 2088 1014 to 1020 Main Street P. O. Box 141 HOUSTON, TEXAS i( Furniture 'Built to Stand'* "* LARGEST FURNITURE AND CARPET HOUSE IN THE SOUTH COver a quarter of a century of most successful and satisfactory home furnishintr in the City of Houston -:- :-: :-: :-: :.: FURNITURE, FLOOR COVERINGS and HANGINGS ASSORTMENTS UNSURPASSED QUALITIES THOROUGHLY DEPENDABLE PRICES ALWAYS REASONABLE Ladies Hairdressino' Parlors Exclusively for Ladies Mrs. E. C. Sturgis, 'Directress Wigs, S'i-vitches, Coifjeun, Toupees, PQ??ipadours. A full line of Sundries. Hainiressingj Marcel Wa-ving, Sham- poo ingy Massaging, Manicuring Electrolysis Work. Removing Superfluous Hair, Warts, Moles and other Facial Blemishes by Electric Needle. Hair Ifork made from Combings S. W. Phone 5155 Suite 400-436 Mason Block Houston, Texas C. L. & Theo. Bering, Jr. Incorporattd THE BIG Hardware and Crockery Store ON MAIN STREET Phones 596 or 5 97 or 3 3 c O A By the Barrel, Ton OR Car Load L Richard Coc ke and Company "W" Ground Floor COITON EXCHANGE BUILDING Both Phones 31 LE¥Y EM©1I1EE, Pry (S®©dl! The Stradivarius of Pianos ' The Musical Times of October 28, 2908, says: "The largest business ever done in the Mason & Hamhn factory is being done right now." Why Is This True? Because the musical world recognizes that the mason Sc l^amltn is without a superior from a standpoint of durability and artistic merit. If it is your intention to purchase the best pianoforte give the iHaBflU Sz l^amltn the one supreme test, namely, a hearing. HOUSTON'S RELIABLE STORE N. B. — We carry a full line of Sheet Music, Studies and Musical Merchandise. Teachers' trade solicited Presley K. Ewing Henry F. Rin Ewing & Ring Attorneys and Counsellor's Houston, Texas Houston Floral Co. 603 Main Street Telephone 511 Cut Floivers, Plants, Floral Offering an d Decorating Green- Houses and Nursery Telephone Road James Bute Co. Headquarters for WALLPAPER Pictures and Frames 1006 AND 1008 Texas Avenue 5. F. Carter, President GuY M. Bryan. Attive t-' ice-President A. S. Vandervoort, Cashier Lumbermans National Bank Capital and Surplus $500,000.00 General Banking Savings Department Safe Deposit Boxes Accounts of Ladies Specially Desired. Ladies Reception Room at Your Disposal SEVEN FLOORS FILLED WITH FURNITURE. AVe extend to you a most cordial invitation to visit our store, w-fhether vou make a purchase or not. You will always be welcome. Our store consists of seven floors, and each one of them is a store within itself. We can furnish your home from kitchen to parlor witli furniture at any price you may desire. You won't find a Iietter line of Stoves and Kaufre^ in the United States than we are showinfr on the fifth floor. Also see our line of Extension, Library and Center Tables. Side Boards and China Closets on same floor. ()\u- hoautiful line of Parlor Furniture, Music Racks, Ladies' Desks, Straight and Com- bination Book Cases on tlic fo\n-th floor. Our line of Brass and Iron Beds on tlie thiril floor. On our second floor you will find Art Squares, Rugs, Matting, Lace Curtains, Shades, Portiers, Comforts, Blankets, etc. On "ur fir^t floor bal- cony yii\i will liiiil a wcW solcc-tod line of Din- ing and Office Chairs. Rockers in Oak, Mahogany or Rattan, also Children's Rockers and High Chairs. On our fir>t floor yon will liiid Hall Racks, Ward- robes, Morris Chairs, Davenports, etc. Our prices are always the lowest, but we are froing to make them still lower this week. We w\\\ pack well and deliver to you all goods purchased from us, and pay freight on all orders of $10.00 or more. When you buy from Greenburg you are sure to get the right goods at the right prices. B. H. GREENBERG & SON, 1014-1016 Preston Ave. Houston, Texas. rhe The Ladies M. E. GIMBEL Shop COMPANY An Exclusive Store for Women's Outer Garments Stowers Building MAIN STREET and CAPITOL AVENUE J. ]. SwEENKV, Pres. & Tieas. C. G. Pillot, V.-Pres. Geo. J. Mellinger, Sec'y & Mgr. DIRECTORS: J. J. Sweeney C. C. Pillot H. B. Rice Joe. S. Rice W. T. Carter John H. Kiiby EilaUiihiii I&74 VV. G. Sears Incorforated JQOS J. J. SWEENEY JE WELR Y CO, IMPORTERS OK DIAMONDS Designers ajid Engravers Manufacturing Jewelers Wholesale and Retail Local IWitch Inlptttori for Southern Pacific Houston & Texas Central R. R. Houston East & West Texas Ry. Houston Belt & Terminal Co. I. & G. N. R. R. Santa Fe Trinity & B. V. Ry. 419 MAIN Street, Cor. Prairie Avenue The New Beach Auditorium Houston's SeUct Socal centre Best eqtiipped build- ing of its kind in the Southwest. Lighted throughout by elec- tricity and gas. Main Auditorium and Ball Room 6-1x90 feet with a seating capacity of 1,500. A twenty- two foot high steel ceiling makes acoustic properties perfect. A Steinway Orchestral Grand Piano just installed. Banquet room with a seating capacity of 250 on second floor. Telephone Connection The Auditorium can be engaged for re- citals, lectures, pri- vate receptions, club meetings, assem- blies, and all high class entertainments of an exclusive na- ture. For the reser- vation of either the Auditorium or Bry- an Hall, or informa- tion in regard to classes, private les- sons, terms, etc., address Monta Beach MR. AND MRS. MONTA BEACH THE AUDITORIUM Houston, texas DIAMONDS Our line of Holiday Goods is now ready for your in spection, and we ask you to see our line before plac- ing your orders elsewhere. Remember we only carry the best of every thing, and at the lowest price. -:- --.- No plated goods in our stock. -:- -:- -:- -:- "polity -Our- Motto." Cave & Plunkett Jewelry Company 617 MAIN STREET H O USTON , TEXAS W. E. RICHARDS. Presidrni STERLING MYER, fiir-Preiidtm F. \V. VAUCm.AN, Cashu American National "Bank CAPITAL $230,000.00 DEPOSITS ,$1,000,000.00 We Solicit Your Checking or Savings Account 4% Interest Paid on Savings Deposits On January 1st We Will Be Located in Our New Quarters 210-212 MAIN STREET C WE make a specialty of FITTING UP HoMES complete. Why not give us a chance to figure on yours i Best Goods for Least Money Sold on Easy Weekly or Monthly Payments .". .". Wrecker of High Prices E. A. HUDSON 711 Travis Street Old Phone 1078 ^T" The delights of a carefully cooked meal properly served de- ^ I pends much on ihe lasl course. To send your guests away ^ with a pleasing memory and have a filling ending to an enjoyable occision, serve the best coffee obtainable. Maxwell House Blend Coffee Sealed Cans at Grocers Cheek-Neal Coffee Company Nashville, Tenn. Houston, Texas Guy Raymond A thrilling story of the Texas Revolution, at ONE DOLLAR One-half of the proceeds to go to the improvement of the San Jacinto Battle Field. .'. .'. EHLERS' For Flowers ^ 9 10 TEXAS AVENUE The Fairest Way to judge of our photographs is to come and see them. We are always glad to have you come and see how well we have caught the likeness and expression of others. The Photographs Good as they are, are not a bit better than we are prepared to make of you, Make up your mind to sit for us. We guarantee you will be as pleased with the result as your friends are sure to be. BLACKBURN 10 12 1-2 PRAIRIE AVENUE USE ELECTRICITY For Light, Heat and Power Both Phones 7 1 Houston Lighting & Power Co., 1905 620 Main Street The Seal of a Specialist Many concerns launch into publicity channels and get bumped — hard, too. The reason is alway the same — no pilot aboard. ilnnupi fiTMm Wit Tttueht It \V,nh Wbili 5K.CY ALEXANDER mXSOn Fautid On Gud. B„ Xivir On Pmr k Why not let the advertising specialist direct your course? No charge for con- sultation. My clients are the representa- tive business men of the Southwest. STACY ALEXANDER PAXSON HOUSTON, TEXAS T/ie Brightest, Busiest, Spot In Houston And the fastest growing Depart- ment Store in Texas. -:- -:- Has doubled its business over the year before for three consecutive years — a record that no other Store in Texas has ever attained. -:- -:- GRAY the "Photographer 502 1-2 Main Street Houston, Texas Invites the closest inspection as to the up-to-date qualities of his work and his studio, which is the largest and most thoroughly equipped in the State. Also cheerfully refer you to any of the parties whose portraits appear in this issue. See the new Sepia Platinum work, the latest in High Grade Photography. Phone 1446 Appointments for Daylight Sittings, or \^iolet Ray at Night. TEETSHORN'S The Finest Book Store 1)1 Texas 1009 Congress Avenue Houston, Texas Lovejoy & Parker LAWYERS BINZ BUILDING HOUSTON, TEXAS CADILLAC & PIERCE ARROW Automobiles IfxntHton iHotnr Olar (Uompanu STATE AGENTS ?f y \V. E. RICHARDS. Priildtnt F. W. VAUGHAN, Caihltr The Secret of Success Does not altogether lie in knowing how to make money. but rather in the art of hanging onto it. We are in a position to aid people in their efforts to create an independency. If you are interested call and see us. Courtesy, promptness and carefulness are assured vou here. American National "Bank Capital, $250,000.00 4 Per Cent Interest Paid on Savings Accounts The reputation of the "LAIRD SCHOBER" shoe is one of the most valuable assets in the entire shoe trade of this country to-day. Hundreds of Thousands of ladies buy the "LAIRD SCHOBER" shoe every year simply because they know they can absolutely rely on its reputation. KRUPP and TUFFLY, Inc. "The Shoe Store Ahead" 302-304 Main Street Houston, Texas