ii^^-^ '\V ••<'' , SEPT. 6,7,8,9, N^^- ' ,^ *. ^ .•GS*,'« ,. -v :> , Class _Eii4 Gopyiiglit X ^ c»-|>v 2^ COPnUGHT DEPOStn SEMI-CENTENNIAL OF THE CITY OF MANCHESTER NEW HAMPSHIRE SEPTEMBER 6, 7, 8, 9 1896 COMPILED BY HERBERT W. EASTMAN UNDER DIRECTION OF HON. W.LLIAM C. CLARKE, Mayor HON. EDGAR J. KNOWLTON EDWARD J. BURNHAM Committee on Publication TWO COPIES RECElVEl .MANCHESTER, N. H. Printed by The John B. Clarke Company 189 7 Co^i- DEC 2 1897 bbn(p -j^^-^' ^ co<0 ^ August ;5, 181K, lliu following rosolulioii \v;i< [insscd hy the (.-ity goviTTinU'iit: CITY ()!•' .M.\\( IIKSTKl;. In Board oi- < ommon (or\fir.. Ordcml, If tlie Bo;irtl of Mayor ami Aldermen concur. That the mayor and joint standing' committee on finance be and tliey are liercl)y authorized to expend a sum not exceeding six hundred dollars ($600) in aid of the |)ul)li<-ation of a Semi-Centeunial history of the city of Manchester, now in ijroeess of compilation l)y Herbert \V. Eastman, under the direction of the special committee appointed li\ the autliority of tlie last city councils, which had in charge the recent Semi-Centennial <-cleljration; the expense to be charged to the special appropriation for Semi-Centennial history. In Board of Conunoii ( oiiiicil, passed. CICOKCl'; T.. i;(l(.i:i;.S, I-rrsiilmt. (ilOOUCK I,. STKAJIXS, fhrk. In Board of Mayor and .MdeiNHiri, passed in concMrrence. \VII,I,r.\M C. CLAKKi;, Manor. i:i)\vai;d c. smith, aiy rurlc. l'o|iyrii;ht, ISilT. hy llKlMtKRT W. K.\STMAN'. MANCHESTER. U now THE TOWN BECAME INCORPORATED A CITY IN 1846. Manchester, as a city, came into existence in a year of great excitement and unrest. War with Mexico had been declared, and Palo Alto and Eesaca de la Palma had already been fought, while the echoes of the cannon of Monterey furnished the grim accompaniment to the first session of its councils. In our own state, factional discord was at its worst, and Anthony Colby, failing of election by the people, had been chosen governor by the legislature, through a coalition of the Whigs and Free Sellers. At the March town meeting of that yea^ 184G, Manchester having then a ^population of more than 10,000, and being entitled to eight representatives in the general court, a committee was chosen to petition the legislature for a city charter. This committee consisted of David Gillis, Samuel D. Bell, Isaac Eiddle, AVilliam C. Clarke, John A. Burnham, Luther Farley, and Walter French. The legislature assemljled in Concord on Wednesday, June 3, 1846. ifanches- ter's representatives in the house were Herman Foster, Jacob F. James, J. W. Mowry, Ira W. Moore, Daniel Clark, Daniel Savage, Eben C. Foster, and Edwin Baldwin. Of the twelve senatorial districts into which the state was then divided, only five had chosen senators by popular vote. The legislature, in joint convention, filled the vacancy in district No. 3 by the election of James U. Parker of Manchester, brother of Nathan Parker, and with him the founder of the Manchester bank. Mr. Parker was subsequently elected president of the senate. Jolin P. Hale was chosen speaker of the house. It was not until Friday, June .5, that .James I^^. Parker, in convention, declared His Excellency Anthony Colby governor of the state of New Hampshire for the ensuing year, and Governor Colby delivered his inaugural address, in v,-hich he devoted thirty lines to the question of slavery, and ten lines to the war with Mexico. Men afterwards conspicuous in New Hami)shire his+ory were members fif the liouse that year. There were John P. Hale, the speaker; Daniel M. Christie, chairman of the judiciary committee; Daniel Clai'k. ehaii'inan of committee on agriculture and nianuf'aetures; George A\^ Nesmith, chairman of committee on incorporations; Gihnan Marston, chairman of bills on second reading; George G. Fogg, Kuel Durkee, Aaron V. Sawyer, and othei's who later figured in \\-ar or peace. On Tuesday, June 9, 1816, Daniel Clark (if Manchester presented the petition of "the town of JIanchester"' for a city chart «■. l^o such petition had ever jjefore been presented in a New Ham]isliire legislature. It was ordered that it be referred to the committee on towns and parishes. It would appear that there was a change in the committee to which it was referred, however, for, on June 18, Mr. Christie, HON. DANIEL CLARK. Wtio int'oductd thr bill to incorporate the City of Manchester, June 9, 1846. Died Jan. 2, 1691. FIRST CITY KLECTION. / I'riiiii t he j\i(]iciiirv ciiiiiiiiittic, iri;i(lc ii i-c|M)rl ii|i(in llir |ictilinii of tlic town of ifan- ies for the use of the house. On Friday, .lime ■ili, ^Ir. Nesinith. from the c-Dinniittee on ineoriiorations, to whom «as icfci-riMl tin- hill ent it Ird "An art to ^stalilish the eity of JIanehestcr,'" reported a hill with an amendment. 'I'he hill was read a seeond time, and the amendment adopted. On motion of Jlr. Clark, the bill wa.s laid on the table. On Monday, June 30, on motion of .Mr. Clark, the house resumed consideration ted, and it was "ordered that the bill lie read a third time tomorrow afternoon, at 3 o'clock." Accordingly, on 'J'uosday, June ;iO, 1846, the hoiisi' passed "An act to establish the eity of ^lanchester." On Tuesday, July 7, a message was received from the senate, by its clerk, that the senate concurred with the house in the passage of "An act to establish the city of ilanchester," and on Friday, July 10, ]\Ir. Dearborn, from the committee on engrossed bills, reported that his committee had "carefully examined and found correctly engrossed" the act to establish the city of JIanchester. On the same day. Senator Kingsbury, from the committee on engrossed bills in the .senate, made a similar report, and, so far as the legislature was concerned, JIanchester was an incorporated city. On Saturday, August 1, IS-ifi, a town meeting was held to act on the question of accepting the act of incorporation. The vote stood 485 in favor of accepting the charter and 134 against it. riliST CITY ELECT lO.V. The first city election occurred August 10, 184G, when there were four candidates: Hiram Brown, Whig; William C. Clarke, Democrat: Thomas llrown. Abolition, and William Shepherd. There were ll'iO votes cast. Hiram Brown had 569; Clarke, 442; Thomas Brown, lOG; Shepherd, 42, and there was no choice. The second election for mayor took place September 1, 184C, when Hiram Brow-n had 602 votes; Isaac C. Flanders, Dem., 347; Thomas Brown, l(»i), and 51 were scattering. Hiram Brown was declared elected. The city government was organized in the city hall September 8, 184G, at 10 A. M., in tlie presence of a large number of citizens. Moses Fellows, chairman of the retiring board of selectmen, presided, and prayer was offered by Rev. C. W. Wallace. Daniel Clark administered the oath of otlice to ilayor Brown. At that time the valuation of the city was $3,187,726; the tax list for 1846 was $22,005.95; number of polls, 2056, and the population, 10,125. HON. HIRAM BRo.'.-. FIRST MAYOR OF MANCHESTER. TOWN HOUSE. ERECTED IN 1641- BURNED AUG. 12. 1844. THE FIRST CITY GOVERNMENT. THE FIRST CITY GOVERXMEXT. The menil)ers of tlio city goviTiiiiient, ;is it wns organized on Se|)teinl)er 8, ]S4(), were: Mayor. — Hiram Brown. Aldermen. — Andrew Bunton, Jr., George Porter, William G. Means, David Gillis, TrueW'Orthy Blaisdell, Edward McQneston, Moses Fellows. Councilmen. — John S. Kidder, George W. Eaton, William Boyd, Hervey Tufts, Daniel J. Hoyt, James M. Morrill, Israel Endicott, Joel Russell, George P. Folsom, David Cross, Abram Brigham, William !M. Parker (president), Ebenezer Clark, Asa 0. Colby, Nathaniel Herrick, William Potter, Jacob G. Cilley, Frederick A. Ilussey, Sewell Leavitt, William W. leaker, Kodnia Nutt. COL. JOHN S. KIDDER. HON. DAVID CROSS. WILLIAM BOYD. LIVING MEMBERS, FIRST CITY GOVERNMENT. City Clerk.— John S. T. Gushing. City Treasurer. — Thomas Hoyt. Clerk of Council. — David Hill. City Solicitor. — Daniel Clark. School Committee. — Archibald Starlc. Xatlianicl Wheat, .Joseiili Kiiov.ltoii, Moses Hill, James ilcColley, AV. W. lirowji, C. II. Kastniaii. City Marshal.— George T. Clark. Chief Engineer Fire Department. — A\'illiam C. Clarke. Overseers of the Poor. — Joseph M. Howell, B. F. Locke, Francis Peed, Ijevi Batclielder, Caleb Johnson, Flagg T. Underbill, James Emerson. Assessors. — Edward Hall, Ira J?allou, James Wallace, Charles Chase, l^ewis Bartlett, St ill man Fellows. James Hall, Jr. 10 SEMI-CEXTENXIAI, OF .MA NTH ESTER, X. 11. i'i;i:i.i Mi\ \i;v. Oil .liiiiiuirv 2(1. 18!i.'i. Cdl. (ii'orgi' ('. (Jiliiiori', in llic fnlldU iiii;' ciiiiiinuiiicatini! to the "Maiu-lic-^tcr rninn." lir.^t called |nil)lic attention dI' tlio lct.M>lative delopitioii to the Semi-Centennial celebration of tiie incorporation of the city, the legislature being then in .scssiou. Editor of "'riic I'liioii"': I'liinit iiu'. Iliroiifrh llic coliiiiiTis of your |i.Tpor. to most respectfully call the attention of the city councils of .Manclicstcr. and its (leloiration in the leg-islatnrc. to the fact tliat .Inly 10, ISOti, is tlie fiftieth anniversary of the f^rantinj.' of its charter. And, in order to a))propriate money to eeh'hrate tlie occasion, it will become necessary to obtain leave at this session. The 4th and 10th of .Inly being so near together, it might, perhaps, be wise to celebrate them botli the 4th, and at Stark park. The charter Avas accepted .\ugust 1, 1S46. The vote for, 485; against, 134. The first election for niayoi- and city officers, August 19, 1846; no mayor was elected. The second trial for mayor occurred Sejitember 1, 1846, Hiram ]?rown l)eing elected. Although Jiot old enough to vote. I well recollect the excitement. One of tlie ballots was as follows: For mayor, .lohn Sullivan Wiggin, Victory or Death. There are at least three memlicrs of the first city government living: John S. Kidder. William Royd. and ]lavid Cross, the others, so far as known. h:iving ])assed over the river. The city oflReers elected were qualified September s. 18411. Manchestek, .Tanuary L'.i, ls<).">. GIL. In his annual ri'iiort. .laiiuaiy 1 t. 1S!)(;, the sccrctarv of the Manchester lioanl of Trade said: This year marks the fiftielli aiiuivcrsarv of Alanchester iis a citx'. .-incl the city government has already begun prepamtions for a rousing Semi-Centenuial celel)ration. The mayor has appointed a c, 18!)-"), the eity c()\ci-niiicnt passed a resolution as fi)llo\vs: Tliaf a coniniittee consistinfj- of the niayni-. president of the council, three .■Udennen. and tlirec eounoihnen, be and herein- are appointed for the purpose of considering the matter of a celebration, in IStiC), of the semi-centennial anniversary of the establish- ment of the city of Manchester. Said committee to consider the time and form of such celebration, the estimated cost thereof, and to make a report with recommendations at .some sMbserpient meeting' of the city councils. The committee to act with ^fayor Clarke and President John T. Gott consisted of Aldermen Gardner K. r)rowninfc, Johann A. Graf, and Pichard J. Parry, and Conneilmen Xorris P. Colin-, John W. Wilson, and William Watts. On February 28, ISOfi, the city government passed a vote appropriating $2,000 to defray the exj)enses oF the Seini-Centennial celel)ration. THE ARCH OVER ELM STREET. ILLUMINATED BY 400 ELECTRIC LIGHTS. 12 SEMI-CENTENNIAL OF JIANCUESTER, N. 11. MAYORS OF MANCHESTER. ]jon?, Josiah G. Dearborn, James V. Slatterv. Dr. .Inlm |;. I're.scott, (Jeorjre I'. Lincoln, Dr. .Tolin Fergii.'^on, Dr. George D. Townr. II. .1. I'easlec, C. 11. .Manning. Harry K. Loveren, J. C. Bickford, George E. Morrill, Fred L. Allen,. D. O. Fiirnalil. if. 1'. Simpson, X. P. Kidder, Frederick Perkins, Kdwiji Y. Jones, James E. Dodge, Gardner K. I'.rown- ing, George E. Heath. George ^^'. Peed, Howard ('. Holt, Hieluird J. IJairv, J. Adam Graf, C. L. Wolf, Frank '1'. Provost, John T. Gott, (.'harles Iv r.iancJiard, William Watts, Carl E. Eydin, Ebeii Carr, Ossian D. Kno.x, John A. Lind(|uist, William F. Elliott, Clarence E. Ro.se, Joseph O. Tninblay, George H. Phinney, George E. Richards, Jules Deschenes, William J. Allen, Miciiael R. Sullivan, Daniel A. ^Murphy, Charles Hazen, B. Frank ^^'ek■ll, Xorris P. Colby, Samuel l'\ Davis, Robert ^Morrow, Edward F. Scheer, John W. Wilson, William R. lilakeley. .Inlm (lildard, Stei)hen P. Martel, Richard F. Schindler. Literary Exercises. — Moody (.'urrier, Henry .M. I'ulney, iJavid Cross, Alien X. C'lapp, Joseph Kidder, Joseph E. Bennett, .Inlm 1 Jowst, Denis F. O'Connor, I'rank P. Carpenter, Dr. James Sullivan, George 1. ,\ic AlliMn-. iirilicit K. Richardson, Dr. J. W. MacDonald. Finance.— Charles H. IJarilelt, ( 'liarles C. Hayes, L. i;. i'.odwelj. Frank AV. Fitts, James W. Hill, C. M. Floyd, Eugene Quirin, Fred X. Cheney, l-xlward 'M. Slaytoii, CM. Edgerly, F. W. Leeman, J. B. Estey, Smith Dodge, George F.Bosher, Edward B. Woodbury, G. Allen Putnam, Herbert S. Clough, Dr. Gillis Stark, Albert J. Prceourt, Charles E. Green, Frank P. Johnson, Horace >birsliall. W. 1\. IJobbins. Alfred Qiiimby, P. D. Harrison. Parade. — Andrew Bunion, Tlioiiias \V. Lane, (i. ]\l. L. T^ane. S. S. Pipei-. Henry B. Fairbanks, John B. Hall, John J. Dillon, P. A. Devine, Moses Wadleigh, Harry E. Parker, F. W. McKinley, Daniel V. Ilealy, Fred S. 15ean, Harry 15. Cilley, George A. Leigliton, F. G. E. Gordon, John Gannon, Jr., Daniel F. Shea, Harry H. Acton, John Y. Cressey, George AV. Prescott, W. 11. Bennett, William J. Freeman. F. X. Clienette, Eeinhardt Heeker, A. Filion, W. J. Starr, James F. Cavanaugh, Carl F. Xelson, .roJui H. Wales, Jr., Frank L. Downs, Thomas R. Varick, Moses Sheriff, Frank Af . l-'risselle, Ed. LeBlanc, Alfred Gustafson, P. IT. D'Afalley, Frank B. Perkins, L. Arthur Dodge. Entertainment and Transportation of Grand T^odge of ^fasons. — George I. McAllister, Joseph Kidder, John K. Wils(ni, .lolm ('. I'.iekl'ord, I'Mwin !•'. Jones, Herbert E. Richardson, At)raham L. Gannon, (ieorge Ji. True, Heniy f. lla/elton, Harvey L. Currier, Alfred 10. ilorse, Frank P. Cheney, Isaac L. Heath. Tents, Stands, Carriages, and Entertainment. — John T. Golt, G. K. lirowning, J. Adam Graf, John W. Wilson, AVilliam Watts, Frank 0. Clement, George llolbrook, S. T. Worthen, Eugene G. Libbey, Charles L. Harmon, W. II. .Maxwell, H. AV. Eastman, B. F. Clark, AValter S. Kiiley, Frank Dowst, S. II. Ab ad, J. J. Abbott, Joel Daniels, George AV. Dearborn, Charles A. Adams, William Belli, John l-'ullerton, Harrie AI. Young, John H. ^Villey, Samuel C. Lowell, F. A. Palmer. John A.Sheelian, H. 0. Dudley, Harry Clifton, AV.'lI. Alara. J. T. Underbill, C. .1. Darrah, A. D. Max- well, James Lightbody, Fred T. Duiilap, .\rllnif S. I'uutnn, Henry D. Soub', F. P. Colby, F'rank Preston, John A. Barker. TUE STANDING COMMITTEES. 15 Decorations. — Frank P. Kimball. William JMareotte, Joscjili IT. Wtston, ITenri Gazaille, George Blanchet, John J. Holland, George H. Hardy, Aaron ]5erg, Natt Doane, John Bobbie, Charles Hobitaille, William T. Farmer, Henry F. Lindquist, F. C. Dow, Horatio Fradd, S. L. Flanders, Samnel Thompson, Arthur E. ]\Tartin, Patrick Kean, A. H. Weston, F. C. Miville, Austin Goings, George U. I'answell, M. A. Holton, Joseph H. Wiggin, H. M. Moody, A. G. Grenier, Edmond Pinard, C. E. LcF.run, Frank L. A\'ay, George S. Eastman, ilicliael O'Dowd. K. ('. Weseott, L. P. LaJ3onte. Semi-Centennial Hxliihit. — iulwai'd J. ]>iirnliam, Joseph L. Stevens, Henry W. Herrick, E. P. Kichardson, Jolui M. Staiiton, David Perkins, Joseph B. Sawyer, S. B. Hope, Augustus H. Stark, G. J. Jlopkins, George W. Fowler, A. D. Scovell, W. G. Gannon. S. C. Gould, A. J. I'.ennett, John N. Bruce, Fred G. Stark, L. W. Colby, George N. Burpee, J. Brodie Smith, George C. Gilmore, 'M. J. Healy. John Gillis, Albert L. CloUgh, J. G. Ellinwood, Thomas L. Quimby, Charles H. Smart, George F. W'illey, A. L. Walker, Daniel C. Gould, James 0. Harriman, Henry 0. Sanderson, Albert J. Peaslee, iliss Betsey B. Shepard, :Mrs. David Cross, Mrs. Ange- line B. Cilley, i[iss Xancy S. Bunton, :\lrs. George it. Jk'an, ilrs. W. K. Eol)bins, Mrs. George W. Dearborn, Mrs. 0. D. Knox, ]\[rs. Olive Rand Clarke, Mrs. Joseph W. Fellows, ]\Tiss Elizabeth ^IcDougall, Mrs. Lucinda Farmer, Mrs. Aretas Blood, Mrs. Arthur E. Clarke, Mrs. Helen Kinsley Dunlap, Mrs. W. B. Brigham, JTi's. A. S. Lamb, Mrs. Charles B. Bradley, Mrs. Mary Marshall James, Miss Nellie J. Harring- ton, Miss Catherine Fraiu, Mrs. Amanda W. Smith, Mrs. H. P. Priest, Miss Isabella G. Mack, Mrs. Luther S. Proctor, ]\lrs. C. E. Cox, Mrs. Sarah E. Ilersey. School Exercises.— AVilliam. E. Buck, Albert Somes, F. S. Sutcliti'e, C. W. Biek- ford, George Winch, B. F. Andrew, Fred L. Spaulding, W. H. Huse, C. W. Davis, tlie Brothers of the Christian schools, Thomas Coicoran, Rev. J. A. Chevalier, Rev. P. Hevey, Rev. I. H. C. Davignon, Rev. John J. Lyons, Herman F. Roedelspergcr. Music. — Joseph Quirin, Eugene S. Whitney, Walter M. Fulton, Denis A. Holland, Adolph Wagner, C. M. Woodbury, George A. Greenough, George F. Laird, John M. Chandler, W. M. Butterficld, John P. ilulleu, C. W. Downing, F. T. E. liicliardson, Nicholas J. Whalen, F. H. Pike, Frank A. Lane, John R. Bruce. Old Residents' Association. — W'arrou Harvey, Isaac EEuse, George AV. Dodge, Israel Dow, Henry A. Farrington, John S. Kidder, William Boyd, Orrin E. Kindjall, C. L. Richardson, William T. Stevens, Ignatius T. Webster, Isaac Whittemore, E. K. Rowell, Hiram Forsaith, George S. Holmes, Eben Ferren, C. W. Quindjy, Fred L. Wallace, Lawrence Dowd, Walter Cody, William B. Patten, William AYebcr, Ferdi- nand Riedel, S. C. Clatur, William Campbell, Charles S. Fisher, James P. Walker, John Mooar, D. P. Hadley, John G. Lane, Peter 0. AVoodman, C. C. Webster, N. S. Bean, George H. Hubbard, John Hayes, Walter Neal, William Sanborn, A. J. Lane, Reed P. Silver, W. H. Plumer, B. W. Robinson, William P. Merrill, Daniel W. Morse, Oilman Clough, \Y. W^ Hubbard, David L. Perkins, George F. Elliot, AVilliam Brown, Luther S. Proctor, C. K. Walker, A. A. Ainsworth, Charles Chase, David \\. Collins, Robert Heath, Dr. Hiram Hill, F. B. Eaton. Press and Printing. — Edgar J. Knowlton, Arthur E. Clarke, Herbert W. East- 16 SEMI-CENTEXNIAI. OF MANCHESTER, N. H. man, E. J. Burnliam, 0. H. A. Chamberlcn. 'William E. Moore, Thomas IT. Tuson, J. x\rthur Williams, (iustav Langer, Edward 1'. Morrill, Nato M. Kellogg, if. W. Hazeltiiic, ilartin J. Dillon, Joseph E. Marier. G. Edward IJernier. 0. 1). Kimball. Athletics, Amateur. — Dana M. T^vans, Carl Foerster, Charles T. Allen, Frank W. Garland, E. H. Chadboiirne, Walter E. Gay, Walter S. Xoyes, Lewi> W. Crockett, A\'alter (J. Berry, N. S. Bean, Jr., Frank E. Martin. Athletics, Professional. — Eichard J. Barry, N. P. Colby, Charles W. Eager, Edward C. Smith, John F. Looncy, Ale.x Ferson, Timothy A. Sullivan. Murdock A. AVeathers, T. F. Lynch, Garrett W. Cotter. Joseph N. St. Germain. Entertainment of National Guard and United States Cavalry. — Col. Harry B. Cilley, Maj. E. H. Knight, ('apt. M. I{. Maynard, Capt. David Wadsworth, W. D. Ladd, Capt. Harry E. Parki'r. CITY OFFICERS AND COMMITTEES, SEPT., 1896. MAYOR. Hon. Willia3[ C. Clarke. CLEBK. Nathan P. Kidder. AUDITOR. James E. Dodge. treasubee. Fred L. Allen. solicitor. Edwin F. .Jones. TAX collector. George E. Morrill. engineer. WiNFRED H. Bennett. physician. Frederick Perkins. MESSENGER. John A. Barker. BOARD OF ALDERMEN. ■Gardner K. Browning. Howard C. Holt. George E. Heath. Richard ,J. Barry. George W. Keep. Frank H. Lihbey. Johann a. Graf. Christian L. Wolf. Frank T. Provost. COMMON COUNCIL. John T. Gott, President. George L. Stearns, Clerk. ward one. ward four. Charles E. Blan-ciiard. George H. Phinney. William Watts. ■ George E. Richards. Carl E. Rydix. Jules Deschenes. WARD T'VO. Eben Caer. OssiAN D. Knox. John A. Lindquist. WARD three. William F. Elliott. Clarence E. Rose. .Joseph 0. Tremblay'. Henby Lewis. John E. Stearns. David 0. Firnald. MARD FIVE. William J. Allen. Michael R. Sullivan. Daniel A. jMuRruY. WARD .«ix. .John T. Gott. Charles Hazen. P.. Frank Welch. ASSESSORS. Harrison D. Lord. George F. Sheeiian. George H. Dtdley. WARD SEVEN. XoRRis P. Colby. Samuel F. Davis. Robert Morrow. ward eight. Edward F. Scheer. John W. Wilson. WlLLLVM R. liLAKELY. ward nine. .John Gildard. Stephen P. ^L\rtel. Richard F. Schindler. William T. Rowell. Eugene W. Brigham. Julius Wiesxer. 17 (O- a* 5 z - UJ Q z < « o .4 5 s o Q < o so. STREET AND PARK DEPARTMENT. 19 SCHOOL COMMITTEE. William C. Clarke, ex-officio Chairman. John T. Gott, ex-officio. ■_ George D. Towne, M. D., Vice-Chairman. Edward B. Woodbury, Clerk. William E. Buck, Superintendent of Public Instruction. Curtis W. Davis, Trnant Officer. Walter B. Heath. Harry I. Dodge. Charles M. Floyd. Elliott C. Lambert. Herbert E. Eichardsox. Nathaniel L. Colby. James P. Slattery. George D. Towne. Josiah G. Dearborn. Harry J. Woods. Louis E. Phelps. Luther C. Baldwin. Augustus P. Horne. Fred W. Pillsbury. Egbert E. AYalsh. Charles H. Manning. Edward B. Woodbury. Jeremiah J. Sullivan. POLICE DEPARTMENT. COURT. Isaac L. Heath, Justice. George W. Prescott, Special Jn.stice. John C. Bickford, Clerk. COMMISSIONERS. Harry E. Loveren, Chairman. Noah S. Clark, Clerk. Frank P. C.\rpenter. officers. Michael J. Healy, Chief of Police. ' John F. Cassidy, Deputy Chief of Police. Thomas E. Steele, Sergeant. Levi J. Proctor, Captain of Night Watch. FIRE DEPARTMENT. engineers. Thomas W. Lane, Chief. Euel G. ^Lvnning. Cl.\rence E. Merrill. Fred S. Bean. Eugene S. Whitney. Fred S. Bean, Clerk. STREET AND PARK DEPARTMENT. commissioners. H. p. Simpson, Chairman. George H. Stearns, Clerk. Byron Worthen. Julia F. Stearns, Assistant Clerk. AGENTS. John C. Ray. Mark E. Harvey. George H. Penniman. George W. Cheney. Daniel H. Dickey. Lester C. Paige. Byron E. JIoore. Charles Francls. George P. Ames. Eugene G. Libbey. John Fullerton, Superintendent of Commons. 20 SEMI-CENTENNIAL OF MANCHESTER, N. H. WATER COMMISSIONERS. Charles H. Manning. Henry Chandler. W. C. Clarke, ex-officio. Andrew C. Wallace. Harry E. Parker. Alpheus Gay, Chairman. ALi-HEtTS Gay. Charles T. Means. Henry Chandler, Clerk. WATER WORKS. Charles K. Walker, Superintendent. ARTin:R E. Stearns, Clerk. TRUSTEES OF CITY LIBRARY. Frank P. Carpenter. Walter I\I. Paukep,. Charles D. McDufiie. Nathan P. Hunt. Isaac W. Smith. W. C. Clarke, ex-officio. Herman F. Straw. Moody Currier. John T. Gott, ex-officio. librarian.. Kate E. Sanborn. SINKING FUND COMMISSIONERS. Alpheus Gay'. Fred L. Allen. George H. Stearns. BOARD OF HEALTH. Clarence W. Downing, M. D.. Pres. Herbert S. Clough, Sanitary Inspector. William K. Eobblns, Secretiiry. John F. Loonet, Sanitary Insjicetor. William J. Stare. Uichard .T. Barry, Pluinhing Inspector. OVERSEERS OF THE POOR. William C. Clarke, ex-officio Chairman. William II. .Maxwell, Clerk. William H. Maxwell. George S. Holmes. William Marshall. Thomas L. Quimby. Patrick Costello. Charles S. MoKean. Benjamin F. Garland. Charles Francis. Molse Bessette. CITY FARM. Eugene G. Libbey', Superintendent. I^Iks. Eugene G. Libbey, Matron. CITY WEIGHER. Asa B. Eaton. SEALER OF WEIGHTS AND MEASURES. Harry E. Blanohard. TRUSTEES OF CEMETERY FUNDS. 21 George C. Kemp. Charles B. Tucker. William B. Corey. INSPECTORS OF CHECK LISTS. Samuel J. Lord. Patrick E. Daly. Albert J. Peaslee. JoHX A. Foster. Charles C. Tixkham. John B. Bourque. John Cayzer. INSPECTORS. MILK. Edward C. Smith, petroleum. Joseph B. Baril. TRUSTEES OF CEMETERIES. Edwin F. Jones, John P. Young, four years. John F. Frost, William H. Huse, three years. John L. Sanborn, Bushrod W. Hill, two years. Stillman p. Cannon, James E. Bailey, one year. Byron A. Stearns, Superintendent Pine Grove Cemetery. Charles H. G. Foss, Snperintcnrlent Yalley Cemetery. James E. Bailey, Superintendent Amoskeag Cemetery. Fred L. Allen, Clerk. TRUSTEES OF CEMETERY FUNDS. Hon. William C. Clarke, ex-offieio Chairman. Hon. Charles H. Bartlett, Clerk. Otis Barton. 90 SEMI-CENTENNIAL OF MANCHESTER, N. U. RAISTXG THE FUNDS. Realizing that a jiropor observance of the celebration befitting the enterprise and |iiiblic spirit of the Queen City would require the expenditure of more money than that ap]>rn]iriated by the city, with tlie official sanction of the legislature, the thiance committee was immediately called together by Hon. Charles II. Bartlett, chair- man, and vigorous efforts were begun to raise at least Jf>."i, <•()() by popular subscription. Those who were active in the work of solicitation were Chairman liartlett, James W. Hill, Fred N. Cheney, Frank W. Fitts, Clarence M. Edgerly, P. 1). Harrison, Charles C. Hayes, Frank W. Leeman, Alfred (^uimbv, Frank P. Johnson, Horace Marshall. L. V,. F.odwelb Herbert S. Clougb, (i. Allen Putnam, Eugene Quirin, Walter M. Fulton. A. J. Precourt, X. J. Whalen, Smith Dodge, George F. Bosher, Allen N. Cla]ip, I'rank A. Dcickham, and J. B. Estey. In a sliort time a sum aggregating $5,290.7.5 had been subscribed by public- s|iirileil eiirpdfatiiins. firms, and citizens, to wlmin a large share of the praise for the success of the eeleliration is due. This handsome sura, added \n the •$-.'. imid ap])ropriated by the city, ])aid all hills and a balance of $300 was left in the hands uf the treasurer. To Herbert S. Clougb belongs the credit of securing the largest amdiiiit iipnn his book,- — a little over $1,000. The finance committee chose Herbert W. i-'astman treasurer, with authority to jiay all bills after ]iroper approval by an executive committee from each committee. HERBERT S CLOUGH. THE I'ROCKAM OfTI.INEI). The general emnmittee, under the ellicient ehiiiniiMiisliip of ]\rayor Clarke, soon got the prelinnnary ai'rangements under way. and in .hine the general prcigram was decided as follows: Sunday, September il. Services in the city churches and mass meeting in the Monday, September 7. Military and cix ie parade and biyiiig of the corner-stone of Weston Observatory. Tuesday, September 8. Literary exercises and athletic sports. Wednesday, September 1). School exercises and industrial parade and review of fire deiiartmont. THE SIINISTEKS ORGANIZE. 23 THE MINISTERS ORGANIZE. Oil till' suggestion of Mayor (_'larkf to the c-hurehcs to co-ojieratc in tlie celebra- tion of tile Senii-Centennial of the eity, a meeting of all clergymen was called at city hall Monday, June ^2, at 11. 3() a. m. The attendance was large and representative. Eev. William If. Morrison was elected cliairiiian and Rev. F. S. Bacon secretary. On invitation, Mayor Clarke outlined the general ]ilan of exercises for the week, and proffered .the use of tlie tent in the Straw gipunds, and the use of a band for a union service on Sunday evening. After full discussion of tlie matter, the Eev. W. C. ilcAllester. L). I)., of the first Tiaptist church: Kev. C. W. Rowley, Ph. D., of St. I'auFs M. K. church, and Eev. 1!. W. J.oi-khart. I). J),, of the Franklin-street Congregational church were appointed an executive committee to make all necessary arrangements. The committee nominated I'ev. \Villiaiii J. Tucker, D. D., ]u-csident of Dart- mouth College, as speaker of the evening: K. T. llaldwin leader of music, and Eev. W. II. jMorrison as chairman of the evening. Assessments were made upon the various cluiiclics to meet the c.vpenses of the occasion. MiNCMESTtR BOARD OF TRADE ROOMS. HEADQUARTERS OF COMMITTEES, \ K ill.lKV tM,incbesUr,fJ. H., Aiir.- ''<, i^9''- Tiv till- of Miiuhaier uill Ci'lebrale tbc semi-ciiileiinial '5° of its iiiiorporatkm as a cily Sept. (■>, 7, S, and 9, iHcfh, and her eili{en% omiiallv invilc you, togelbcr uilb your Jamil/ and friends, lo be present at Ibe commemoralive exercises. Winiitm J. 'I\ickfr. U. I>.. iirrWiluii -if Durnnouih UnlU-M*. M<'«i>av. Skit. T. uniMil p«nutoui II •. in,, iifid lAylntt 'il mmcr ilniir at Wi-^on Ot*-rvHliiry. Ti ».«i>AV. Sci-T, 1. Aiinlvifi>*f)-<'»"r\-Ur«nriik m., •n'luiliUili" »p»r%» »ll •]«>-. Wi:i.'.»j.rMV, "KIT. •'. Otit, m. lUn. •■TAtiuliit MoiKlay niiilTu'-Mliiy •^vi'iiliiifii. Kn- irilii*iniil'»hii>ltiiTKlLjrijiLHbi- wr-k. SUB-COMMITTEE ON INVITATIONS : r, I'. rilKSKV Ri-Onirlo. IXAMKK. tTiiltuMn. HT. RKV. t: H. RHAI)L>:r. I'lLlK. II. IIAKTI.KTT. 4IK(|. I*.. rnANM-KR. Al't>-rnii>n V. T. 1'KOVO.T. AI-hiiuAn "■. U vm\.V. CvunHlmau a D. K'MJX, •.WinrllniAii UM. WATTM. THE OFFICIAL INVITATION. RELIGIOUS EXERCISES SUNDAY, SEPT. 6, I896. The Semi-Centennial celebration opened on Sunday, September 6, with special services, appropriate to the golden jubilee, in all the city ehurclies in tJie morning, the pastors preaching sermons of an historical nature. Special invitations were extended by Kt. Rev. Denis M. Bradley and Eev. C. W. Kowley to members of the city government to attend services at St. Joseph's cathe- dral and St. Paiil's Methodist Episcopal church. The day was marked by a downpour of rain, but, notwithstanding, the church services were well attended, and proved an interesting ^nd fitting inaugural of the great celebration. The subjects at the various churches Sunday morning were as follows: St. Joseph's Cathedral, Kt. Eev. D. M. Bradley.— "Thou shalt sanctify the fiftieth year and shalt proclaim remission to all the inhabitants of the land, for it is the year of jubilee. Every one shall return to his possession and every one shall return to his former family." St. Paul's Methodist Episcopal Church, Eev. C. \Y. Eowley. — ''Our churches and our city." First Unitarian Church, Eev. Charles J. Staples. — "The soul of a city's greatness." Franklin-street Congregational Church, Eev. B. "W. Lockhart. — "A half century of theological progress." First Congregational Church, Eev. T. Eaton Clapp. — "The elements of stability in the higher life of the city." Merrimack-street Baptist Church, Eev. N. L. Colby. — "And seek the peace of the city and pray unto the Lord for it; for in the peace thereof shall ye have peace." First Baptist Church, Rev. Dr. W. C. McAllester. — "A citizen of no mean city." Westminster Presbyterian Church, Eev. T. M. Davies. — "Citizenship, its advan- tages, its perils, and responsibilities." First Christian Church, Eev. M. W. Borthwick. — "The church and the city." Universalist Church, Eev. W. H. Morrison. — "When it goeth well with the righteous, the city rejoiceth." St. James Methodist Episcopal Church, Eev. C. U. Dunning. — "Methodism in Manchester." Swedish Lutheran Church, Eev. A. Carlsson. — Historical sermon from St. John v: 1, U. People's Tabernacle, Eev. F. S. Bacon. — "The divine inspection of cities." Grace Ej)iscopal Church, Rev. H. E. Cooke. — Historical sermon relating to the parish. 25 26 SBMI-CENTENNIAL OF MANCHESTER, N. U. St. Anne's Church, Rev. J. J. Lyons. — S[ieei;il iiistorioal services euh)gislic of Rev. William ^facDonakl, first Catholic priest of Jlanchester. First Methodist Chiucli. Ifev. William Woods. — Historical services hy pastor and t'ormer pastors. First Free Baptist Cluireh, Rev. 0. D. I'atch. — "The church and state." At other churches, both Protestant and Catholic, the pastors refernd tn the Senii-Cnntennial in an interesting and patriotic manner. SUNDAY MASS MEETING. 'I'lic union religious mass meeting, in the mamniotii tent erected on the Straw grounds, on Sunday evening, was attended i)y nearly four thousand people. A conij)etent corps of ushers, in charge of Mr. James V. Howe, seated the audience. Rev. William If. Morrison of the Universalist church was president of the evening, and Mr. E. T. Baldwin nuisical director. Seated upon the platform were Hon. William C. Clarke, mayor of ^lanchester; Re\-. W. II. Morrison, chairman; Rev. William J. Tucker, D. T)., niatnr of the evening; Rev. B. W. Locldiart, I). D., Rev. W. C. McAllester, D. I)., Rev. 0. D. Patch, Rev. M. W. Borthwick, Rev. Henry E. Cooke, Rev. C. J. Staples, Rev. E. Jay Cooke, Rev. C. W. Rowley, Ph. D., Rev. T. Eaton Clapp, D. D., Rev. Ira Taggart, Rev. IST. L. Colby, Rev. C. U. Dunning, D. D., Rev. Thomas A. Dorion, Rev. T. M. Davies, Rev. J. W. Bean of Kingston, Rev. William A. Loyne, fonnci-ly of St. James M. E. church; Rev. J. M. Bean of Raymond, Rev. Francis S. Bacon, Rev. Claudius Byrne of Lawrence, formerly of this city; Rev. A. Carlsson, Rev. William Woods, and Rev. Thomas Borden, formerly of the Universalist church. In opening. Rev. Mr. Morrison said: "Ladies and Gentlemen of Manchester: — In behalf of all the churches of the city I bid you welcome to our meeting this evening. We have different churches and we love them, but they have grown up together under the sheltering wing of this city, and it is indeed appropriate that on this, the opening day of ^[anchesters golden jubilee, we come together in this tent and on this platform to join in a service which shall be a fitting prelude to the celebration of the morrow." After a voluntary by the First Regiment Band, Mayor Clarke was introduced and said: "Ladies and Gentlemen: — Among thefirst thoughts associated with the inception of the celebration of the fiftieth anniversary of Manchester's incorporation as a city were those of the churches and schools, with which no city in the land is more blessed and grandly ecpiipped than ^fancbester. The church and the schoolliouse have con- tributed more to the success and character of this commuinty than all else, and it is with a feeling of pardonable pride that I look tipon this splendid assemblage of men and women tonight and express my appreciation of the deep and widespread interest you have manifested in the face of a deluge of rain in the opening exercises of our Semi-Centennial celebration. "In response to an invitation extended by me some time since, to all of the clergy- SUNDAY MASS MEETING. 27 men of the city to unite in organizing a series of religious services appropriate to lliis liistoric occasion, a large and spirited meeting was held in city hall, at which a hearty interest was immediately manifested in the general plan outlined to usher in the week of festivity with memorial services. The churches of all denominations were represented, and in the pul])its of the city today words of helpfulness and instruction have been spoken liy our divines. But our ministers were not content to stop here. They believed that something more distinctive should attend their part in this golden Jubilee, and through their united elTorts you are fa.vored tonight by the presence of a man whose early life in the ministry was actively spent here among us, and whose return at this time to occujiy the foremost place in the religious observance of tliis anniversary is hailed with dcliglit Ijy all classes of people. "In behalf of the city. 1 most sincerely thank the ministers of Manchester for their cordial co-operation in carrying out a most important and worthy part of the program of the Semi-Centennial celebration, and congratulate them upon the wisdom of their choice in selecting the honored and Iieloved president of Dartmouth College as their pulpit orator at this grand mass meeting." The hymn, "Come, TJiou Almighty King," was read Ijy Rev. M. W. Borthwick, and the entire audience joined in the song, led by the band. Eev. W. C. McAllester, D. D., read the one hundred and twenty-first Psalm, and Rev. C. R, Crossett read the hymn, "Oh, Worship the King." Rev. C. V^'. Rowley, Ph. D., offered prayer. A response by the band followed. President Morrison then said: "It was the easiest thing in the v.-orld, my dear friends, to decide on an orator for this occasion, for we all wanted the same man, and best of all Ave found that we could get him, I consider it indeed an honor, and an extreme pleasure, to introduce as the orator of the evening the Rev, Dr. William J. Tucker, president of Dartmouth Collese." OLD MEETING-HOUSE, MANCHESTER CENTER USED FOR TOWN HOUSE UNTIL 1840. REV. WILLIAM J. TUCKER, D. D. PASTOR FRANKLIN-STREET CHURCH, 1867-1876 THE SPIRITUAL LIFE OF THE MODERN CITY. Oratiiin by Rev. Dr. Tucker, Sunday Eveninj;, Sept. 6. Fellow Christians of Manchester: — You have judged it a fitting thing- to give the opening session of this commemorative week to the recognition of the spiritual life of your city. Yon have judged rightly. The modern city, though founded in industri- alism or built upon commerce, and set toward every form of material development, has its spiritual life, otherwise its history were qviickly told in figures and statistics. We must not allow ourselves to be deceived by appearances. The modern, by contrast with the ancient or medieval, city seems to be non-religious and secular. The contrast which gives this result is superficial. Religion, of its own motion and for its own ends, never built a city. The religious spirit has moved men to great secular tasks, including dis- covery, colonization, and conquest, but it has not directed their energies to the making of cities. The instinct of worshi]), however expressed, cannot explain that strange mingling of diverse peoples and races and religions which is the chai-acteristic of the great municipality, ancient or modern. And even when the jjeople have been of one race and of one religion, the chief motive for massing the population at a given center has not been the spiritual motive. The site of the most religious city of the world, "whither the tribes went up, the tribes of the Lord to the testimony of Israel," was chosen for defense. And when war ceased to be the determining reason for the location and development of cities, then commerce and trade came in as the determining cause, just as now it is industrialism. But while it is not the genius of religion to l)uil(l cities, nor indeed to bring men together in the mass in any permanent form, the great concern of religion, perliaps for this very reason, is with the city. The voice of the Lord is always crying to it. Whatever the "world" meant to the prophet of the old order, as something to be over- come, whatever the "world" meant to the apostle of the new order, as something to be redeemed, that the "city" now means to Christianity, as something at once to be feared and loved, to be served and mastered. The supreme question which confronts Christianity as a religion, and which confronts it equally as a civilization, is the question of the moral and spii^tual outcome of the cities of Christendom. It is peculiarly the question before our American Christianity. Notwithstanding the rapid massing of the population at centers, usually at the call of capital, we have not become used to the idea of the city. Manchester stands about midway in the long list of reported cities. But we are just celebrating our semi-centennial. There are other communities within our fellowship which are much younger. Cities have grown in fact much fa.ster than in idea, in the understanding, that is, on the part of the people of their nature and significance. What is a city, in the modern sense and under modern conditions? A city is a self- centered community, of various if not of diverse jjopulation. thoroughly organized, having resources within itself sufficient for increase, secure in the safeguards of order and justice, equipped with the means not only of material, but of social and spiritual advancement, and great enough in itself in numbers, in resources, and in character to aifect, if not to dominate, the life of the individual citizen. Incorporation does not make a citj-, neither do numbers, neither does wealth. A city is that combination of forces which really makes a new unit of ()ower. It is in fact the most powerful unit which is today at work upon the individual life: more powerful than the home, or the 29 30 SEMI-CENTENNIAL UF MANCHESTER, N. U. state in the larger meaniiig, or the cluirch. It is so powerlul that it creates a kind of provincialism. The greater the city the more difficult it is lor the average citizen to escape from his environment. The city educates and enlarges him to a certain point, makes him, as we say, more cosmopolitan, and then defines, restricts, and controls him. He reads the world through the columns of the local ])ress: he measures the outer movement of industry and trade by the effect upon the prevailing business: he judges people at large by the social standard with which he has become familiar. Such is the modern city, in its influence over the average life which forms a part of it. We are just beginning to understand and feel its power. Such, therefore, is the moral sig- nificance of the civic fact which we celebrate during the present week. I think that I can render you no better service at this hour than to speak to you of the Spiritual Life of the Modern City. I use the term spiritual, rather than religious, sinii)ly bec-au.se it is more inclusive. We must widen our delinitions if we are to hold them. If we are to keep the ancient terms we must make them broad and free. Civilization, for example, seemed to be a term of inherited breadth, but how grandly its meaning was enlarged in the recent address of Lord Chief Justice Kussell. "Civilization," he said, "is not dominion, wealth, material luxury: nay, not even a great literature and education widespread, good though those things be. Its true signs are thought for the poor and suffering, chivalrous regard and respect for woman, the frank recognition of human brotherhood irrespective of race or color or nation or religion, the narrowing of mere force as a governing factor in the world, the love of ordered freedom, abhorrence of what is mean and cruel and vile, ceaseless devotion to the claims of justice." That sentence could not have been penned in its entirety a century ago. Civilization means more today, and religion means more, and to make sure that I get its wider meaning, 1 prefer to speak of it in the terms of the spiritual life. I want to affirm the presence, the reality, and the increasing power of the spiritual life of the modern city: 1 want to unfold, so far as I maj' be able, the working of that life under the action of Christianity upon the city, and of the city upon Christianity. As I have already intimated, the modern city, if judged by appearances, stands for materialism. Who sees the things of the spirit as he enters its gates? Here and there a church, or some institution of beneficence, nuiy come under his notice, but how still and powerless they are in the rush and tvimult of the street. The people whom he meets are for the most part busy in the production of wealth, or in the search after it: some in the display of it: no one appears to be indifferent to it. The whole life of the city seems to be absorbed in one pursuit — yon may give it what nnnic you will. — you may call it business, you may call it industry: — the one impression of it all upon the mind of a stranger is that of the supremacy of the material over the spiritiuil. Where are the things of the spirit? What are the signs of its presence? The true iiHiuirer will not look first among the things which are evident. He will not wait till .Snnda.v to begin his search. If the spiritual has any real power, it will be able to live in the midst of the material, working in and through it all, and directing it to higher ends. The inquirer, therefore, into the spiritual lite of a community will go down at once into the work of the people. He will seek to know the local standards of the professions, the business, the industries of tli£ town, the relation between em))loyers and employed, the spirit in which the daily task is wrought: and then he will want to know equally what beconu>s of the gains of work, whether expressed in income or earnings, how much of it is spent in mere luxury, or debasing pleasures, how much in an honest and generous livelihood, or a noble charity. He will follow men to their homes that he may assure himself of their purity and peace. He will go into the alleys and outskirts of the city to see whom he may find there on errands of mercy, who are watching by the sick, who are relieving the suffering. He will mingle with children in their .sti:dies and sports, aiul note their niauncrs. temper, anil training. THE SPIRITUAL LIFE OF THE MODERN CITY. 31 lie will sjo iuto the courts of justice, and follow out the ailministratiou of law. to determine how far it is firm, evenhanded, and consistent, a steady and sure restraint upon vice. He will take part in the recreations and amusements of the people to see if they are natural, open, clean, and fresh. And when he has made these studies he will have reached some pretty definite conclusions in his own mind about "the state of religion" before he visits the cliurches. And yet when he visits these he will not forget that there is a life of faith as well as of works, a life l)orn out of penitence and forgive- ness, a life of profound and vital beliefs, of personal consecration to a personal .Master and Redeemer, of devout and thankful acknowledgment of the one living and true God. Such an inquiry as is thus suggested would bring out, I am convinced, in unexpected proportions, the spiritual life of our own and of the average modern city. It would raise some doubts, it would leave some unanswered questions, it would create not a little disappointment, it would cause some dark and painful experiences, but it would give a fine lesson in social perspective. I do not mean that we are to estimate righteous- ness in the bulk or by the majority. An unrighteous, corrupt, vile minority, however small, is a disgrace and a shame to a Christian city. But it is one way of supporting and increasing that minority to allow it to show for more than it is. If the g-oodness of a city could be written out as vividly as its badness, if the ninety and nine within the social fold could be made as interesting as the one who has gone astray, if the story of a virtuous and happy home had the same kind of fascination as the tale of scandal, if it would cause as much of a sensation to find one upright, courageous, wide-hearted. Uod fearing- man, as to find a betrayer or a hj"pocrite, then virtue would have the same publicity Avhich now accompanies vice. I would not be guilty of minimizing the evil of a city, nor of making light of its materializing' tendencies, but 1 would declare the things unpublished, uunotetl, and therefore unmeasured, which stand for its s])iritual life; the prevailing integrity, lidelity to the common duties, the self-denying atfection of the true home, the eharit.y which sviffereth long and is kind, the courage which on occasions doubles the power of justice, the sincerity of the honest servant of his Aiaster and worshipper of his God. You may have read the "picture." as he terms it, which Edward Kverett Hale has drawn in his own inimitable way under the title, "If Jesus Came to Boston." It is the story of a Syrian stranger, as he appears to be, who comes to the city searching for a lost brother. The search is not unnaturally long, but it is long enough to show the variety of agencies, and heli)ers. and friends, at work for the recovery of the lost. The sentence in which the stranger returns his thanks, when the search is over, throws off the guise in which he had appeared, and answers the half implied question of the title: "What you have been doing to the least of these my brethren and sisters, you have done it unto me." The spiritual life of a city, as expressed in charity, stands revealed at the touch of every kind of want or suttering. It is the very complexity of that life which hides it. A single charity, one philanthropist, would be conspicuous. John Eliot preaching to the Indians at the Falls of Amoskeag seems the embodiment of the Gospel. He was, just as John Stark at Bennington was the embodiment of the spirit of the Kevolution. But the Gospel which Eliot proclaimed has since gone out into all the world: and the spirit which Stark illustrated has since made a race free. Many of us recall a man. as lie was in his prime, a tall and alert figure, a gracious presence on our streets, who for more than forty years fulfilled amongst us the office of a Christian minister, and the no less responsible olBce of a Christian citizen. I suppose that no name is more closely identified with the religions history of Manchester, or more representative of its earlier moral tone and character, than the name of Cyrus Wallace. It is an honor to his memory, as it has been to our advantage, that his pastorate and his citizenship covered so many years of houoralile life, of eln(|uent REPRESENTATIVE MANCHESTER CHURCHES. THE SPIRITUAL LIFE OF THE MODERN CITY. 33 speech, aud of sustained influence. And yet during the past fifty j-ears scores of men from various pulpits, and with differing views, have uttered the fundamental truths of the common Christianity, and thousands upon thousands of our citizens have declared in their daily lives, by speech, at the polls, everywhere and by all means the imnciples of social and political righteousness. The plain fact is that the spiritual life of a city cannot be summed up in any one man or in niany men. in any one church or in many churches, in any one institution or in many institutions. It is a diffused and distributed life, and thoug-h of far less significance than might be desired or even expected, it is, as I have affirmed, a reality and a growing power in the modern cit^'. I have been speaking thus far in general terms. What now shall we say is the actual working of the spiritual life of the city under the action of Christianity upon the city, and of the city upon Christianity? It is impossible that two such forces should act upon one another without producing some peculiar and distinct result. Christianity cannot use precisely the same means or do precisely the same work, or mean precisely the same thing, apart from its central truth, within the city and without. The modern city creates conditions, to which Christianity must conform, if it would save or even help the city. There are several aspects in which the actual working of Christianity in the spiritual life of the city comes before us. One aspect, — it is perhaps the most evident and the most striking, — is the amount of energy which must be directed to the work of recovery. The city wastes. It is i^rodigal of life. It is actively wasteful. It exhausts, it wears out, in some cases it devitalizes and destroys. No corporation which uses machinerj' is obliged to maintain such extensive repair shops as the modern city. These are its reformatories, its hospitals, and, for that matter, its churches. Consider in this connection the peculiar function of the jiulpit of the modern city: how much of its effort must be directed to the restoration of spiritual force, or the reinvigoration of faith. The same men and women appear before the jireacher Sunday by Sunday, upon whose lives every day of the week has made its serious draft. There is scarcely one among them who has not passed through some experience which has tended to reduce the love to man, or faith in God. It is one great office of the preacher to recover the lost faith or love, to heal the hurt of the w-orld. The message which he brings maj- take on .such language as it may please him to give, but it must be full of siJiritual health, it must be charged with spiritual life. The gospel which he utters may or may not be shaped in i^hilosophical thought, it may or may not be touched with emotion, it must have iiower to invigorate. If I were asked to name the one distinctive thing for which the pulpit of the modern city must stand, I should say at once, inspiration. See, too, in like manner how much of the Christianized charity of the city is directed to the recovery of spiritual as well as physical losses. The poverty of the city is of its own type. There is nothing quite like it to be found elsewhere. The poverty of the country, or of the frontier, is by contrast little more than hardship, the absence of comfort, the endurance at times of want. It was the poverty of Lincoln and Garfield, llow different the poverty of the citj', the old Tvoman poverty, the poverty of enfeeble- ment, or of profligacy, the decaj', as we say, of fortune or of family. The ministry to the poor of the city is for the mo.st part a ministry to the weak and worn. Its object is not to restore their fortune: they may never have had any: it is to recover them. In many cases this is impossible. Nothing remains but to fulfill the Apostolic injunction — "We that are strong ought to bear the infirmities of the weak." Herein lies the patience of the true charity of the city. Or think yet ag-ain how surely the work of recovery passes over into that of rescvie. This means infinitely more than relief: it means deliverance, sometimes from associ- ations and surroundings, more often from habits which have become another .self. Nothing shows so clearly how necessarj' this work is, how essential it is to the 3 REV. W. C. MCALLEST£R, D. D. CHAIRMAN OF THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE. REV. WM." H. MORRISON. PRESIDENT OF MASS MEETING. REV. 0. W. ROWLEY, PH. D. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE. THE SPIRITUAL LIFE OF THE MODERX CITY. 35 Christianity of the city, as the fact that whenever it is neglected, whenever the existiuij orders of Christianity- rise above it, instantly- a new order is estalilislied which nialvcs this worlc its special business. The latest order of Christians which has set itself to this task is the Salvation Army, which according to the generous testimony of Cardinal Manning' justifies its existence by its "passion for sinners." It is only the passion for sinners which can overcome in them the passion for sin. And the existence always, in some form, of some body of Christian.s, charged with this passion, shows the constant draft which the city malves upon Christianity in the work of recovery. It may be impossible to locate the resjionsibility for this demand. It is enough to state the fact. Another aspect of the direct working of Christianity in the spiritual life of the city appears in the form of collective or organized righteousness. When Abraham arrested his mighty pleadings before the Lord, in behalf of the doomed city of his kinsman, with the linal petition — "Peradventure there be ten righteous men. Wilt thou destroy all the city for lack of ten?" — he anticipated the absolute conditions of moral and spiritual reform. For the mere use of examjile one righteous man would be as good as twenty. His solitary, unshared righteousness would be awfully impressive. So, as I can conceive, Abraham himself would have towered aloft in Sodom. But if example fail in the midst of evil, then righteousness, singlehanded and alone, is powerless. It has been said that if men were to come together today in any great numbers without a religion, they would be obliged at least to evolve the ten commandments. Society would be impossible without them. But grant the ten commandments, who will enforce them? This of course is the question in every city, for the city, in an indirect way, organizes evil; evil, that is, becomes a part of the trade and traffic of the city. If it were merely a question of dealing with human passions, as they exist in the indi- vidual, if these passions were not utilized in the interest of gain, if they were not commercialized, society might rely chiefly upon moral means for their restraint, or con- version into moral power. It is the trade in them which demands another treatment. It is the men, for the most part, who in themselves stand at a remove from these passions, cold-blooded, self controlled, and relentless, who defy the commandments, and, through them, society. .\g'ainst such a class of men, to be found in every great city, if not the i^roduct of it, there is no sufficient opposing force save that of organized righteousness. Organization without righteousness is futile, and righteousness unorganized is equally futile. An historian writing of a certain period in English'' history says, "These were hard times for bad men to live in, good men were so terriljly and formidably active." It is the activity of goodness, if weighted with judgment, and made firm through organization, which ensures the ends of civic righteousness. That the increasing task of the Christians of the city lies in this direction no one can doubt. To so organize public sentiment, with such breadth of view and yet with such definiteness of aim, with such inclusiveness that no rightminded and really earnest citizen shall be left out, and with such constancy of purpose that enthusiasm and effort will survive a given campaign, — this is becoming a recognized part of the business of Christian citizenship. I call your special attention to the bearing of this aspect of the Christianity of the city upon the question of religious unity. I have said that the city is acting upon Christianity, just as Christianity is acting upon the city. This action is in some respects restrictive. The city is at least defining the work of Christianity, if not modifying its types of charactei-. But in this matter of religious unity the influence of the city is broad and constructive. The city can afford a multiplicity of denominations better than the country, but it cannot afford the denominational spirit. That is too costly a luxury for religion anywhere. So long as Christian believers and worshipers differ in the emphasis which they wish to place upon particular forms of belief or of service, there are manifest advantages from such liberty, provided it does not prevent the higher unity. The city enters the protest of its own great spiritual life, the 36 SEMI-CENTENNIAL OF MANCHESTER, N. II. moment a practical working nnity is forbidden in the name of anthority or in the name of liberty. It lifts its moral necessities before the separated and divided forces of ri-ihteousness, and asks if this condition must needs be. Who creates it? Who justifies it? It passes no judgment upon questions of polity or questions of faith, it respects the sacredness of inspiration and the -sacredness of institutions, but it asserts thlroufrh all its pleading necessities the supremacy of righteousness. The city, in its action upon Christianity, is thus becoming one of the great unifying forces in religion. A result is being achieved under its demands for which other agencies' have proveil insufficient. I do not overestimate the effect of its influence. It does not accomplish, or even forecast, ecclesiastical nnity. That must come, if at all, from within. It must have an inward, not an outward, compulsion. 15ut moral and religious unity, co-o|)eration for work, alliance for conflict, this is one contribution of the modern cit3' to Christianity. Among so many illustrations of this fact, I hesitate to give an example. But there is one near enough at hand, and so pertinent that I refer to it. For several years the city of Cambridge, Mass., has been able to maintain a firm, consistent, and effective position on the practical issues of temperance. This result has been brought about by the union of all the forces which make \q> the higher life of the city. The voice of labor, of business, of the University, and of the Church has been one and the same. The union among the churches has been especially noticeable, because natural, sustained, and complete. It has represented all polities and all faiths. Catholics and I'rotestants have spoken from the same platform, and have worked together at the polls. And when recently one of the bravest and most earnest champions of the cause, the minister of a certain denomination, was called to a western city, the clergy of every faith, and the citizens of every party came together to bid him God speed. Such here and there ia the present fact. Such is the growing hope for the influence of the city upon Christianity. Organized righteousness is one step, it is a long step, toward religious unity. There is another aspect in which the actual working of Christianity in the spiritual life of the city is becoming distinctive, namely, the producton of unusual types of character. We have been accustomed to look to the country for individuality. We have said that the city makes men conventional, molds them to its own type, and so makes them alike. I believe that this distinction is still true in large degree. We have also been accustotoed to look elsewhere than to the city for the more devout forms of religious life. Paul, indeed, addressed the Christians of Corinth, as called to be saints, but the response was not such as to create a precedent in favor of the saintliness of the city. In one respect, however, the balance of religious power as between localities has changed. The prophet no longer comes from the desert. The message which he bears is not only to the city, and from within, but from the city to the country at large. The great ])rophetic denunciations of wrong, — the curse of slavery, the crime of corruption, — have come from the i)ulpit and from the press of the city. The city is becoming the home, the moral birthplace, of the reformer. The types of character, however, which I have in mind as I speak, are more strictly personal. They are represented by men as individuals or in groups. The Christianity of the city is developing a type of character strong in the i)ower of resistance. The citj- is a repository of trusts. Its citizens are becoming in large degree trust bearers. As such they are exposed to extraordinary temptations. Some fall before them, but the proportion is small, and out of those who stand, there are constant examples of those who statid grandly, with a magnificent resolution and tenacity. Everj- one who knows such men, knows that they are worthy of the title borne by one of the heroes of the war,— "The rock of Chickamauga." The tides of financial battles roll against them in vain. When the battle is over they have held their ground. They are at their post. THE SPIRITUAL LIFE OF THE MODERN CITY. 37 Let us not underestimate the negative virtues, tlie virtues of the Old Testament, the virtues of men trained under the ceaseless iteration of the command, thou shalt not. They give security to our institutions. They are the safeguard of the national honor. There are times when the country rests upon the conservatism of the cities. There are national issues which the cities as such are apt to ignore or neglect, or upon which they act unintelligently. The political judgment of a city is not always up to the standard of the country at large. But when issues are at stake affecting the stability of insti- tutions, the rights of iulieritance and possession, the credit of individuals and of the government, the city is not reckless. And to the charge of self interest which may be urged, the reply is sufficient, that at such a time whoever saves himself and defends his own, thereby defends every other man and saves the state. And closely akin to this tj'pe which is characterized by the power of resistance, another, and perhaps finer, type is gradually forming. It is that of character under self-restraint, reaching- at times to self-denial and sacrifice. When the old Roman emperor and saint wrote the words, "Even in a palace life may be led well," he was thinking of the temptations of the courts. These same temptations today confront young men of fortune of the city. They have the choice of self-resti-aint or profligacy. Some choose profligacy. These are the most serious menaces we have to the stability of democratic institutions. The mere display of wealth is aggravating to a democracy, especially if the wealth displayed can show no equivalent in some form of the public good. But the flaunting of wealth in the eyes of men, the sign of shame, is not only beastly, it has a political significance: it is destructive of every principle on which the Republic is based. But on the other hand suppose that the man who has this open choice does not choose to be a profligate. Suppose he holds himself in restraint, and listens to higher ambitions, and gives himself and his fortune to noble ends, shall no credit be, given to him commensurate with the shame which attaches to his brother? But such choices are being made constantly. The city is to be credited with the good as well as the bad choices. If it allures with its vices, it appeals through its wide and far-reachitig oppor- tunities. And when the appeal is heard and obeyed, a type of character is developed which is unique. It cuts across that self-seeking type which is continually seeking and using the city for gain or advantage. It represents what the young ruler might have represented if he had given his jiossessions to the poor and followed Christ. The man of today obeys that injunction of the JIaster, not by parting company with his posses- sions, but by giving himself in and through them to the public good. Such types of character as these are peculiar to the city. They can hardly be devel- oped elsewhere. They are the outcome of its temptations and opportunities. The final aspect of the working of Christianity in and through the spiritual life of the city, to which I refer as being peculiar and distinctive, appears from time to time in the moral and religious enthusiasms of men in the mass. The city alone can reveal in its just proportions the enthusiasm of humanity. The great bishop of North Africa, wearied with the distractions of the cities and sick at heart of their conventionalities, took his appeal on one occasion straight to the individual soul. "I summon thee, O Soul, not as thou art in the groves and academies, not as thou art in the marketplace, but as thou art at the cross roads, unlettered and unlearned, naked and alone." He had his authority for such an appeal in the very constitution of the human soul. It was made to stand by itself before God. "So then fevery one of them must give account of himself to God." But there is an instinct in every man which craves a place in the great human brotherhood. At times we all long to lose ourselves in it. We want to be caught up into the higher moods and swayed by the wider passions which are the property not of men as individuals, but of humanity. The properties of water are the same in all places. The ocean alone feels the tides. Men in their individual and associated lives 38 SE.MI-CEXTENNIAL OF MAXCUESTER, X. H. havR movement ami eurreiit. The tides are in humanity. And we catch somethins,'- of their ebb and flow, as tlie local mass of which we are a part begins to be moved by a common impulse. The moral uprising of a city has in it the heave and swell of the sea. I have heard once and again, in the gra])hic words of Ur. Fenn, the story of the npnsiiig of Manchester at the fall of Sumter, when men were lifted by one common movement on the full swell of patriotism. That one event changed in a moment the moral tone and temper of the city. Jlen walked these streets with another bearing, they wrought their daily tasks with a more serious purpose, they talked one with another in a language which IkuI a meaning, they prayed face to face with God. Whether they went to the tield or stayed at their woi-k, they fought the battles of the Republic in their own souls. Kvery citj- of the North was swayed l)y the same emotion. It was as if the foundations were broken up, and deep was calling unto deep. The s])iritual life of a city may show a yet deeper and more spiritual possession. I appeal to :ni.\ iii.ni who has seen and felt the spirit of (iod descending upon a city, and resting upon it. A whole city, feeling at its heart the peace of tjod, the strife of tongues still, enmities and jealousies and hate subdued, the love of neighbor for the time as natural as the love of self, the things of the spirit as plain as the things of sense, the heart of the dull made quick to the truth, the doubts and fears and unbeliefs of men lost in the reality of faith, and the joy of forgiveness — what was all this but the earthly realization, though for the time, of the city of God, a vision of the new .Terusalem come down from God out of Heaven? Brethren and friends of this Christian cily: In speaking to you of the spiritual life of the modern ollinK, Sullivan, Butler, Bourrassa, Hampston, Ilealy, Ni.xon, Russell, Somers, O'ilalley. chief marshal. Col. Henry B. Fairbanks. Herman F. Rodelsperger. Robert Shirley. AYill F. Harrington. W. S. :Martin, Jr. F. W. McKinley. John Gannon, Jr. Edward F. Scheer. John C. Bickford. William J. Starr. CHIEF OF STAFF. C.\PT. Samuel S. Piper. STAFF. J. B. Estey. Charles W. Stevens. Charles W. Bailey. Natt Doane. Fritz Peterson. Ernest C. Wescott. Joseph O. Tremblay. John F. Clough. Edmund F. Higgins. Frank J[. Rollins. Ed. Leblanc. Harry I'. Ray. N. J. Whalen. Daniel F. Healy. James P. Tnttle. A. D. Maxwell. W. H. Whitney. Frank B. Perkins. FIRST DIVISION. Signal Corps, 7 men, Sergt. Harry F. Vickery commanding. First Brigade, New Hampshire National Guard, Brig. Gen. George M. L. Lane com- manding. Lieut. Col. Harry B. Cilley, assistant adjutant-general, JIanchester; Lieut. Col. Edward H. Currier, medical director, Manchester; Major Frank L. Kimball, inspector of rifle practice, Nashua; Major Arthur H. Chase, judge advocate. Concord; Capt. John Gannon, Jr., quartermaster, Manchester; Capt. Frank G. Dort. commissary, Keene; Capt. Charles S. Murkland, aid-de-camp, Durham; Capt. Arthur H. Knowlton, aid-de-camp. Concord; Fred M. Caswell, sergeant-clerk, Manchester; Charlie B. Bodwell, quarter- master sergeant, Manchester; John W. Carleton, trumpeter, Manchester; Lucius B. Snelling, hospital steward, Manchester; ilorris M. Cheney, color sergeant, Bennington. Drum Major F. H. Pike. Germania band of Boston, Emil MuUenhauer. conductor. Third Regiment, Col. R. H. Rolfe of Concord commanding; Lieut. Col. W. C. Tren- oweth, Concord; Major Edmund Tetley, Laconia; Maj. William Tutherly, Concord. Staff: Adj. G. D. Waldron, Concord; Lieut. F. G. Carter, Lebanon; Lieut. H. B. Roby, Concord; Capt. G. H. Colby, Plymouth; Capt. Robert Burns, Plymouth; Capt. A. K. Day, Concord; Capt. H. P. Dewey, Concord; Sergt. Maj. H. H. Dwight, Concord; Quartermaster Sergt. D. C. Richardson, Concord; Com. Sergt. G. L. Pickering, Laconia; Hospital Steward J. R. Berry, Concord; Drum ;Major W. L. Philbrick, Franklin Falls; Chief Trumpeter, F. W. Brown, Concord; Chief Musician, A. F. Nevers, Concord. 41 42 SEMI-CENTEXXIAL OF MAXCIIESTER. N. H. Company H, Franklin Falls, 31 men. l.ient. A. \V. KoUins. Lieut. R. X. Judkins. Company K, l^aeonia, 24 men. l.ient. William .\. Sanliorn. Lieut, .\llen if. .\very. ( (impany A, I'ortsnioutli, :is men. C;ipt. \V. 11. Wliilc-. .!r.. Lieut, 'riiomas 1'. Wilson, Lieut. Frank Faulkner. Company D, Claremont, '.',2 men. C'a))t. J. C. Timson. Lieut. Fred .T. Miller. Company K. Concord, 1.' nuMi. Cnpt. (). ('•. Ilaminond. Lieut. T. I". ClitTord. Lieut. C. L. .Mason. Company C, Concord, :i7 men. Capt. C. H. Slauiels, Lieut. .\. F. MeKellar. Northwood band, S. A. Swaine leader. Second Kefj'iment. Col. .lason F. Tolles eommantlins': Lieut. Col. F. O. Ninis. Keene; Maj. E. O. I'pham, Keene: .Maj. W. B. Coodspeed. Nashua. Staff: Adjt. C. W. Howard, Nashua: Maj. H. II. Jewell, Nashua: Capt. .1. C. Parker, Farminpfton: Ca])t. C. -\. Uoliy, Nashua; Capt. H. 1!. Smith, Nashua; Lieut. F. E. Howe, Keene; Lieut. C. M. Morse, Nashua; Sergt. Maj. i:. 1'. W liitney, Nashua; Quartermaster Sergt. E. H. FoUett, Milford; Com. Sergrt. E. 11. Faxon, .Nashua: Hosjiital MnJ. S. F. Button, Keene; Drum Major W. P. Cunimings, Hudson; Chief Trumpeter, (1. \\ . Uohinson, ISoehester: Chief Musician, M. J. Uevine, Nashua: Principal Musician, .\. 11. Druniui. Nashua: Color Serift. K. P.rooks, Manchester. ('om|)any C, Nashua, ■)() men. Lieut. E. S. AVoods. l.ient. C. A. Poff. Coniiiany D, Milford, -10 men. Cajit. Benton Mills, Lieut. L. ( . Hall. Company F, Farniington, '20 men. Ca])t. H. J. Pike, Lieut. .1. F. Nutter, Lieut. E. B. Hayes. Company C, Keene, lis men. Lieut. K. M. Keyes, Lieut. .1. C. Peed. Company 11. Kccnc. 47 men. Ca])t. P. I". P.aljbidge, Lieut. T. .\. Smith. Lieut. W. E. Wrig-ht. F'oster Kitle Drum Corps, (i. W. Pfooper, leader. Company I, Nashua, 4.1 men. Cajjt. F. IL Thompson. Lieut. 1{. P.rooks, ^ranchester. Company K, Nashua. 4r, men. Lieut. .\. (',. Sluittui'U. Lieut. ( . II. I'.arUer. First Keg-iment, Col. Walter W. Scott, Dover, commaudint;-: J,icut. Col. Louis tiold- schmidt, Dover; Major E. H. Knight, Jlnnchester; Adjt. H. C. Grime, Major A. Gale Straw, Manchester; Cajjt. F. B. Perkins, Capt. F. J. Shephard. Capt. G. E. Hall, Lieut. .J. E. Porter, Lieut. J. C. Sawyer, Sergt. Major C. J. Senter, (Juartermaster Sergt. .1. J^. Toliin, Com. Sergt. If. T. C.ront, Hosi)ital Steward ]{. E. Walsh. Chief Trumpeter Harry Dore, Drum :\fajor F. H. Pike, Banihuaster W . H. S. Jones. Kingston Cornet Band, IL L. Webster, leader. Company H, Manchester, 4.") men. Capt. .M. P. .Mayuai-d, Lieut. Louis Coiucaii, Lieut. Trefie Raichc. Company B, .Manchester. .",(1 meii. Capt. William Sullivan, Lieut. .1. F. P.agley, Lieut. Timothy Sullivan. Comptmy K. Manchester, .'.n men. Capt. .1. F. Kagan, Lieut. M. .1. llc.ily. Lieut. J. F. Brown. Company D. ])o\'er. 4tJ men. Cai)t. I). ^■. Pdliinson, Lieut. C. I-;. ILinsoii. Lieut, (I. W. Ham. Company .\, Dover, .';2 men. Capt. F. I-: Pnllins. Lic-\it. i:. 1). Smith. Lieut. F. II. Keenan. Compan.N (', Manchester. :;s men. Capt. V.. M. Larrabee. Lieut. .1. 11. Irving, Lieut. E. T. Currier. Company F, Manchester, :•.') men. Capt. C. i:. ■,luiml)y, Lieut. E. T. Sherburm>. Licvit. Benjamin Leacock. Company L, Manchester, :is nien. (apt. .Miraham Ciislin. Lieut. C. K. Nelson, Lieut. J. F. Herring. CUL. HENRY B. F^-J CHIEF MARSHAL. CAPT, S. S. PIPEii. CHIEF OF STAFF, SEPT^ 7. CAPT. JOHN GANNON, JR. CHIEF OF STAFF. SEPT. 9. 44 SEMI-CENTENNIAL OF MAXCUESTER, N. U. First Lig-ht Uatterv, Manchester, SO men, Lieut. S. i;. Wulliue i-cinini;uulinfr; Lieut. John .v. Barker, Lieut. Charles A. Chapman. Troop A Cavalry, .\. H. N. G., I'eterhorouf^li, (U) men, ("apt. Cliarles li. Davis, eonimaud- inp; Lieut. Cliarles 11. Diitton, Lieut. ClitTord Cowinfr. 'I'loop V Cavalrv, l'. S. A.. Fort Ethan Allen, Burling-ton, \t., ,jl men, Capt. George A. Dixkl commanding; Lieut. Uaniel S. Tate, Lieut. .Tohn S. JJyan. Carriages containing Gov. Charles A. Busiel, Mayor W. C. Clarke, Hon. Henry E. Burnham, Hon. Charles H. Bartlett, Maj. Gen. A. D. Ayling, Gen. John H. Brown, Gen. Frank S. Streeter, Col. William .1. Hoyt, Col. Bertram Ellis, Col. A. T. Thoits, CoL L. A. Merrovv, Senator William E. Cliandler, Congressman Cyrus A. Sulloway, Congressman Henry M. Baker, ex-Ciov. Moody Currier, e.\-(iov. Charles H. Sawyer, ex-Gov. P. C. Cheney, ex-Gov. Hiram A. Tuttle, ex-Ciov. David H. (ioodell, ex-Gov. .John B. Smith, Hon. .Vretas Blood, ex-ilayor Isaac W. Smith, ex-Mayor Ira Cross, ex-Mayor Alpheus Gay, ex-Mayor John V. Newell. ex-.\Iayor David 1!. Varney, ex-Mayor George H. Stearns, ex-Mayor Edgar J. Knowlton, Josiah Carpenter, Mayor G. W. McDuffee of Keene, Mayor W. 0. .lunkins of Portsmouth, Dudley D. Sawyer of Dover, Hon. Charles T. Means, Hon. David Cross, Mayor J. W. Howard of Nashua, Charles D. McDuffie, City Solicitor Edwin F. Jones, City Clerk Nathan P. Kidder, Slayor W. F. Nason of Dover, Mayor K. 11. Sturtevant of Franklin, H. P. liolfe of Concord, Hon. James F. Briggs, Hon. Henry (). Kent of Lancaster, Hon. George A. Bamsdell of Nashua, Rev. Dr. W. J. Tucker of Dart- mouth College, Gen. R. N. Batchelder, Hon. Henry M. Putney, S. N. Bnurne, Rev. B. W. Lockhart, lit. Rev. D. M. Bradley, Rev. Allen E. Cross, Col. Daniel Hall of Dover, Cajit. T. H. Barry, U. S. A., Capt. H. E. Tutherly, U. S. A. Carriage containing the four oldest native residents of Manchester: Mrs. Joseph C. Moore, born in 1801; Mrs. Louisa B. Robie, Ijorn in 1S09; Isaac Huse, born in ISIO; Col. John S. Kidder, born In 1811. Carriage containing veterans of the Mexican War: \\illiain Conway. Reese Heni- inger, and Franklin FoUansbee. and John D. White of Nashua. Carriages containing members of the city government and city officials. SECOND DIVISION. Marshal, Frank Preston. Aids, Charles A. Flint, James B. Thurston, Fred L. Hodgman, John Y. Cres.sey, Isaac R. Dewey, J. Henr.v DeCourcy, Frank L. Downs, James F. Burton, T. E. Barr, W. H. Ryder. City Band, Manchester, Horace D. Gordon, leader: Moody K. Wilson, drum major. Amoskeag Veterans, Maj. Moses Wadleigh commanding; .\djutant John (Jannon, Jr., Captain Comi)any .\, A\ illiani B. Orrill; Captain Comjiany B, J;nnes R. Carr; escorting Col. .To.seph O. Harvey of the Old Guard, New York City, and delegation from Worcester Continentals, Lieut. Col. W. A. Gile in command. Manchester Fife and Drum Corps, J. IL McCabe, leader. Louis Bell Post, G. A. R., CO men, Andrew J. Bennett, comni;nider: .Vdjutant (). D. Kimball. Joseph Freschl Post, (!. .\. R., 35 men, George A. Durgin, conuuaiider; .\djutant A. A. Bowdoin. Excelsior Drum Corps, Lawrence, Mass., J. F. Sullivan, leader. Manchester Cadets, 4'2 men. Capt. Arthur L. Franks. Lieut. Harrie M. Young, Lieut. Hugh Taggart, escorting Cadet Veteran Association, IG men, Herbert W. Eastman, president. Sacred Heart Drum Corps, Nashua. Lafayette Guards, Nashua, 32 men. Capt. L. A. Girouard, Lieut. W. A. Cote. KOSTER OF PROCESSION. 45 THIRD DIVISION. Marshal, Frank P. Parshley. Aids: Edward E. Stockbridge, Orren L. Hazclton, Xapoleon Gagnon, Fred Smith, L. C. Parshley, Joseph \V. Shaw, Marcus Xylan, Alexander Jlclntosh. Keeves's Band of Providence, D. \V. Peeves, leader. Central Labor Union, Manchester, Frank P. Collins, marshal, 40 men. Manchester Letter-Carriers, 35 men. Captain William E. Dunbar. Delegation.s from Nashua and Concord carriers. Fairplay Assembly, Boot and Shoe Workers, 30 men, C. J. Cruise, marshal; George H. Healy, assistant marshal. Barge containing 50 ladies of Fairplay Union. Concord Central Labor Union and Granite Cutters, J. J. Foley and J. J. McCabe, marshals, 200 men. JIanchester Typographical Union, 40 men, John P. Arthur, president. Concord Typographical Union, 20 men, M. H. Gurley, president. Excelsior Drum Corps, G. A. Kiel, leader. Cotton Mule Spinners' Association, 70 men, John Turner, president. Pittsfield Drum Corps, W. B. Hill, leader. Lasters' Union, Boot and Shoe Workers, Manchester, 50 men, W. E. Bailey, president. Float showing lasting of shoes by members of Lasters' Union. Journeyman Barbers' Union, Manchester, 40 men, J. G. Whelpley, president. Delegations from Concord Barbers' Union. FOURTH DIVISION. Jlarshal, Scott W. Lane. Aids: Uriah A. Caswell, Willis B. Patten, Clarence M. Woodbury, Alonzo Tarbell, E. T. Hardy, Robert Shirley, C. H. Richardson, G. E. French, D. G. Mills, S. T. Worthen. Rublee's Band of Lakeport, A. F. Rublce, leader. Brigadier-General L. S. Richardson of Concord. Staff: Col. H. C. Bailey, Col. I. Q. Scott, Jlajor John W. Bourlet, Major T. A. Maxfield, Capt. H. J. Weston, Jiajor James Lightbody. First Regiment, Patriarchs Militant, New Hampshire Brigade, Col. H. A. Currier of Concord. Staff: Capt. G. N. Cheever, Capt. H. L. Young, Capt. E. R. Noyes, Major O. F. Emerson, Capt. C. H. Barrett, Capt. J. E. Merrill. Grand Canton Wildey of Concord, 40 men, Capt. F. D. Holmes. Canton Osgood of Laconia, 25 men, Capt. J. M. Cottrell, Lieut. E. H. Richardson. Canton Franklin of Franklin, 25 men, Capt. J. E. Keating, Lieut. H. F. Davis. Canton Tilton of Tilton, 20 men. Canton Albion of Woodsville, 18 men, Capt. S. P. Dearth. Canton Oasis of Claremont, 30 men, Capt. B. E. Grittin. Second Regiment, Col. C. T. Lund. Staff: Lieut. Col. D. J. Jones, Capt. A. S. Wallace, Capt. C. W. Clement, Capt. C. A. Perry, Lieut. Allen E. Wheeler, Capt. John A. Go.ss. Milford Cornet Band, D. A. Vittum, leader. Grand Canton Ridgely of JIanchester, 55 men, Capt. J. E. Merrill, Lieut. T. J. W'yatt, Ensign J. H. Fullerton. Canton Gen. Stark of Snncook, 24 men, Capt. G. P. Appleton, Lieut. John D. Swett. Drummers and bugler from Portsmouth Navy Yard. Canton Senter, Portsmouth, 20 men, Capt. f'enjamin W. Burke, Lieut. H. J. Freeman. Canton Parker of Dover, 35 men, Capt. (harks G. Foster, Lieut .John H. Lord. Canton A of Nashua, 42 men, Capt. M. S. French. Lieut. E. P. .Johnson. Independent Drum Corps, J. H. ilcKenzie, leader. 46 SE.MI-CKNTEXXIAL 01" MANCHESTER, N. II. Uncanoonuc Lodg-e, ]. O. (). F., itaiichestcr, \V. J. Jameson, marshal. Good Templar Float — .\ ylobe with a band beariiiir the words, "Our Field," sur- mounted by au arch with the words, "!neiiili-iit Order of (iood Temjilars, TJO,000 strong." FIFTH DIVISION. Marshal, .\bner .1. .Sanborn. Aids: .J. I'.vron Huse, l.erov M. Streeter. Williaui 11, Straw, II. \V. Oxford, Edward H. Cloug-h, Murdoek .\. Weathers, .\rthnr ]|. Cate, ('. ('. Webster, Eugene 1!. l)iiiil)ar, Harry A. I'ijjer, Henry .\. llerriek, Albert J. Wilkinson. Improved Order of Ked -Men, Samuel F. Davis, chief marshal; Charles F. (ilidden, aid. Indian 'I'om-tom Band, .\. .\1. Marr, William T. Lockhead, William L. Ellsworth, Fred D. Carleton, Oliver Farmer, -Alexander Taggart. Float arranged by I'assaconnaway, Agawam, and JIanest|uo Tribes of ilanchcster, representing an Indian village scene. Figures by the following: Chief, Charles E. Blanchard; warriors, M. W. Libbey. .Tames S. Brown, George D. Soper: pappoose, Charlie Blanchard; scpiaw, Lorenzo Hamilton; medicine man, William X. Colby. (Jreat Council Improved Order Ked Men of New Hai'ipshire. Great Sachem Thomas C. Hennem of Rochester, Great Senior Sagamore John II. Toof of Concord. Great. .Junior Sagamore George D. Wheelock of Keene, Great Prophet Thurston O. ('alley of Franklin, Great Keeper of Records James F. Whitehead of Dover, Great Keeper of Wampum Ben- jamin Herbert of Manchester, (ireat Sannap J. Fred Emery of Exeter. Great Mishinevva Henry C. Wallace of Manchester, Great Guard of Wigwam Lester C. Dearth of Laconia, Great Guard of Forest Ceylon Spinney of Portsmouth. Passaconnaway, Agawam, and Manesquo Tribes in original Indian costumes, 90 horsemen. Unnuiformed delegation of local Red Men. I'scorting out-of-town guests, marshal, M. B. Savory. Passaconnaway Tribe of Lowell, 2.') men; sachem, Charles Smith. Monnomake Tribe of Franklin Falls, 25 men; sachem, E. S. Avery. Pontauhum Tribe of Laconia, 20 men; sachem. L. A. Dearth. Watananock Tribe of Nashua, 20 men; chief, W. C. Salkins. Skitchawangh Tribe of Claremont, 30 men;, sachem, E. H. King. Winnipiseogee Tribe of Center Harbor, 10 men; sachem, George H. Richardson. Pokahoket Tribe of Keene, 40 men; sachem, W. J. Wheeloek. Massasoit Tribe of Portsmouth, 10 men; sachem, JL H. Phinney. W ehanownowit Tribe of Exeter, .10 men; sachem, .7. H. Elkins. Hillsborough Band of Hillsborough, H. S. Appleton, leader. Order United American Mechanics: General Stark Council, Ben Franklin Council, Evening Star Council, and Sunset Council, of ^Manchester, Horace Greeley Council of Londonderry, l.'fO men, marshal, E. B. Dunbar. Aids: Herbert H. Kew, Edson J. Wyman. Carriage containing Supreme Governor J. Albion Briggs, Supreme Treasurer A. V. Bugbee, Lieutenant Supreme Governor J. S. Taft of Keene, and .1. C. Rollins of Manches- ter, representing the United Order of Pilgrim Fathers. W'eb.ster Colony of Pilgrim Fathers — Float containing members of Degree Staff in costume. SIXTH DIVISION. Marshal, George W. Prescott. Aids: Harry I. Dodge, Fred T. l)unla|). E. H. Dunbar, E. H. Holmes, .1. W. Clapp, C. H. Butman, F. C. Darrah, Curtis W. Davis, C. W. Colby, G. A. Currier. BRIG, -GEN. G. M. L. LANE, FIRST BRIGADE, N. H. N. G, CAPT, GEORGE A, DODD. F TROOP, THIRD U. S. CAVALRY. STAFF OF CHIEF MARSHAL. 48 SEMI-CENTEXXIAL OK .MANCHESTER, N. H. First IJefriment New Hampshire I'liiforiuccl Kiiiik, Kni<>hts of Pythias, oomniandecl 1j\ Major ('. 1!. lloyt of I'ortsmoiith. Aids on Start": Brig. (len. Fraul\lin W. MoKinley of -Mancliester, Cajit. A. A. Yoiiiifr of Concord. I'ortsnionth Cadet J'and, ,). ]). Metcalf, leader. Lncullus Division of Portsmouth, 35 men; Capt. C. X. Lord. Laconia Division of Laconia, 30 men; Capt. James B. FernaUl. Story Division of Manchester, CO men; Capt. Charles E. Atkins. Pillsbnry Division of Concord, 44 men; Capt. James E. Tucker. Currier Division of Newport, 27 men: Capt. Samuel D. Lewis. Carrintre containing- Col. C. S. Clilford of Dover, Lieut. Col. A. W. Griffiths of \ew- niarkct, Sergt. Major F. 1". Colby of Manchester, Quartermaster Sergt. J. F. Ward of Concord. Golden Kule Lotlp-e, Knig-hts of ]'ytbi;is — Float represent ini;- Pxthias at the execu- tion block, .Albert lUiemely, heraltl. (iolden Kule Lodge, Knights of Pythias, :;o men; marshal, James P. Slattery. St. I'aurs C. T. A. and M. B. Society — Float representing "Progress." Four figures: Agnes Gillis, herald, Rose Magan, Josejihine lloran, and Lizzie Flannagan, from Auxiliar,v Corps, preceded by guard of 24 men, costumed as sailors, and commanded by Capt. Thomas Kean. St. I'auTs C. T. A. and M. I!. Society. 110 nien. Major Daniel F. Shea in command. ^'ovuig .Men's Catluilie I'nion. Tj men, John F. Shea, president. SEVENTH DIVISION. Marshal, .lames G. l^ake. Aids: \V. X. Townsend, \V. If. Hickey, J. B. Nourse, G. R. Dustin, A. C. Bento, B. A. Wright, Eugene F. Clough. C. H. Babbitt, W. H. Carpenter, E. P. Cogswell. Hearts of Oak Lodge. Sons of St. George, 60 men; David Baradale, commandi-r. Welcome Stranger Lodge, Sons of St. George, Concord, 30 men; Henry I'.rown, commander. Friendship Lodge. Sons of St. George, Lawrence, Mass., 125 men. Order Scottish Clans, John Scott, Lowell, and A. McKenzie, Boston, pipers. Clan McKenzie, Manchester, 50 men; John iloorc, chief. Clan McPherson, Lawrence, Alass., 25 men; James Gray, henchman. Clan Campbell, Concord, 25 men: Duncan Livingston, chief. ()neen City Drum Corjjs, .J. K. ('ashman, leader. Cigarmakers' I'nion, 100 men; President John Welch, commander. Float, Union Label Cigars, John Hoflferd, driver. EIGHTH DIVISION. Marshal, Theodore Becker. Aids: .\dolph Bauernfreund, Charles (iaudes, Herman Gncntlier, Herman Schloth, Reinhart Hecker. Turner Brass Band, .lolin P.runner. bandmaster: Carl Ditseh. drum major. (ieiu-ral Committee, Capt. Gottlieb (IralV, 36 men. P>aren llauter. Figure rejjresenting (ierman of nu'dieval ages on horseback. Fonr-horse float, "■(ierniania," decorated with leaves and artificial flowers wrought in wreaths and festoons, filled with allegorical figures clad in costumes representing the different eras of German civilization from the Middle Ages to the present. German Relief Society, Caiit. Fmil Schmiedel, 65 men. F'onr-horse float, ••Music." deeiirated with wreaths of ivv and floral creations, filled ROSTER OF PROCESSION. 49 with people dressed in elegant fancy eostunies representing German ninsicians of all stages of the art, past and i)reseiii. Beethoven Maennerchor, Capt. Martin Moll, M men. Four-horse float, by the JIanc-hester Turnverein, having for a center piece Turne Father Jahn seated on a pyramid bnilt of evergreen and flowers, and surrounded by a group of girls and boys from the several classes of the Turne school of athletics. Active Turners, Capt. Carl Foerster, L'O men. ■'Second class Turne school, Capt. Charles Hecker. 21 lads. Four-horse float, "America," containing representatives of all nations, emblematic of our; population, decorated with evergreen and flowers, with Uncle Sam as driver, while under a canopy sat the Goddess of Liberty. The army, the navy, the workmen, and business of all classes represented by figures on the float. Barbarossa Lodge, Order of Harugari, Capt. Philip Simon, T2 men. NINTH DIVISION. ^Marshal. William J. Freeman. Aids: Park H. Tierney, Thomas F. Thorp, Sam C. Forsaith, Charles Taylor, Edward B. Elwell, 1". H. O'.Malley, Charles C. Campliell, Daniel R. Hayes. Carroll County Cornet Band, Moult onborough, Edwin L. Smith, leader. Division Xo. 1, Ancient Order of Hibernians, 200 men. President, James J. Griffin; vice-president, Charles Nolan in command. Carriage containing State President James J. Griffin of Manchester, ex-State Pres- ident Hugh McDonough of Manchester. State Treasurer William J. Callahan of Keene, County President D. P. Stanton of Wilton. Division Xo. 2, Ancient Order of Hibernians, l.JO men. President, John P. Mullen; William Mahoney, marshal. Foster Rifles Drum Corps, Nashua, G. W. Hooper, leader. St. Joseph's Commandery, Kniglits of St. John, -10 men. Col. M. T. Burke, commander. Pontifical Zouaves, Division 1, 25 men. Isaac St. Cyr, commander. Pontifical Zouaves, Division 2, 25 men. Arthur Nerbonne, commander. TENTH DIVISION. Marshal, F. X. Chenette. Aids: A. L. Gadbcis, J. X. St. Germain, W. H. Adams, G. W. Hamlin, P. Gravellin, Peter Pelletier, Hertel Pariseau, Joseph Rivard, E. C. Ordway. Peabody Cadet Band, West Concord, F. W. Peabody, leader. St. .Jean Baptiste Society, ilarshal, Charles Liissier; assistant marshals, Isaac Bois- vert and Louis Patrau; president, J. O. Tremblay; vice-president, Celestine Lefebvre; 125 men. Carriages containing Charles Dube and Jean Louis Gagnon, founders, and Charles Voyer, Zephonin Tremblay, P. D. St. Germain, and Joseph Lemerise, veteran members of St. Jean Baptiste Society-. Janesville Drum Corps, H. .S. Whitney, leader. St. Augustine Society, 50 men. I'resident, G. T. Biron; marshal, X'apoleon Charon; assistant marshal, .Joseph Carpenter. Albion Drum Corps, Amoskeag, William T. Copson, leader. L'Union St. George, 100 men. First Sergeant, Moses Dyson; second sergeant, Jean Dubois; orderly sergeant, Joseph Boisvert. Imperial Fife and Drum Corps, West Manchester, Archie Provencher, leader. Union Sacred Heart, 24 boys in red and gold uniforms. Captain, George Ladriere; president, Charles Martel. 4 GERMANIA BAND, DRUM MAJOR F. H. PIKE. AMOSKEAG VETERANS, ORGANISED 18b4. ROSTER OF PROCESSION. 51 ELEVENTH DIVISION. Mounted Sir Knights Ossian D. Knox and Tliomas Hobbs, bearing- beauseants. Eminent Commander Isaac L. Heath of Trinity Commaudery, mounted. Jlounted Aids: Sir Knij>'hts Perry II. Dow, Fred A. Palmer, Henry W. Parl. Jjruce. Card, Lii'utenant John .\. I'larker, l'"irst Light P>attery. Almanac of 1872, jirescnted by J. P>. ISrtice. "Queen City. Journal," ])idilislied by 11. \Wl'"astman, for July, 189G. Semi-Centennial button, jiresented by E. R. Col)urn Company. Koster of ('apt. Joseph h'reschl Post, Grand Army of the Pepitblic. Photograph of the city hall, by J. G. Ellinwood. CONTEXTS OF CASKET. 57 List of officers and conmiitteos of the city government of ilancliester, 1890. Annual report of the public schools for 1895, by Supt. William E. Buck. Inaugural address of ^Mayor "William C. Clarke, 1895. Power of attorney from Xelsou Holmes to George Daggett, to vote Xovember 8, 18G4, for presidential electors. ; Envelope and letter jiead of Semi-Centennial committee. Copper plate inscrilx'd to the memory of James A. Weston, presented by the civil engineers of Jlanchester. Membership of Security Lodge Xo. 8, Ancient Order T'nited Workmen. Copy Manchester daily "Mirror and American," Septcndjer T, 1S9G. Copy daily "Manchester Union," September 7, 1896. Copy of The ilirror's Pictorial ilartchester, 1846-189G. Catalogue Daniels it Downs' jirivate school. By-laws of Story Division Xo. 1, Uniformed Eanlv Knights of Pythias. By-laws and rules of order of (xranite Lodge Xo. 3, Knights of Pythias. Knights of Pythias constitution for subordinate lodges of the grand domain of New Hampshire. Semi-Centennial oration by Judge Burnham, September 8, 1896. Oration at Knights Templar banquet, by George I. McAllister, September 7, 1896. Dedication of Masonic hall, October 15, 1890. List of the Semi-Centennial committees. Copy of The -'Manchester Union," June 1, 1896. The casket to be deposited under the corner-stone contained the following engraved inscription: Inscribed to the Jleraory of Our Friend and Professional Urother, James A. Weston, By the Ci\il Engineers of Jlanchester, Sept. 7, 1896. Charles K. Walker, Augustus G. Stevens, George II. .\llen, I'erry H. Dow, W. H. Bennett, Frank A. Gay, Charles H. Bartlett, John P. Young-, Charles S. Kidder, Joseiih B. Sawyer. The casket was then lowered into its place amid imj)ressivc music Ijy the band. Tlie ceremonies of laying tJie corner-stone in due form were then performed liy the Grand Master and other officers. HENRY A. MARSH. REV. DANIEL C. ROBERTS, D. D. M W. GRAND MASTER. M. W GRAND LODGE A F. AND A. M. R. E. GRAND COMMANDER, GRAND COM- MANDERY, K T, MASONIC HALL, MANCHESTER, N. H. MASONIC CEREMONIES. 59 hi his annual report to tlu' (irand Lodge. May 19, 1897, Grand ^Faster Marsh said: In accordance with an invitation from a special committee of the city government, extended by the mayor of Mancliester, on September T, 1896. ^vith the assistance of my associate officers of the (irand J^odgre, J laid, with the ancient ceremonies of the craft, the corner-stone of the Weston Observatory, on Oak hill in Derrytield park. Trinity conimandery. Knights Templar, tendered an escort and invited every com- mandery in the state to attend as their guests and assist them in giving the Grand Lodge of New Hampshire the largest, the most brilliant and inspiring escort ever witnessed in the state. Lafayette and Washington lodges tendered the use of their apartments for the convenience of the grand officers, and all the brethren in the cit.y united to do honor to the Grand Lodge, and to the memory of the distinguished brother whose liberality promoted the erection of a structure for the advancement of science, and for the pleasure, enjoyment, benefit, and improvement of mankind. The committee in charge of the ceremonies requested me to select the orator, and I invited Right Worshipful Brother George I. McAllister, who delivered an eloquent his- torical and eulogistic address. Xever was the Grand Lodge more hospitably enter- tained than on this occasion. Grand Commander Roberts said in his annual address on September 29, 1S9G: The ilost Worshipful Grand Master of ilasons in Xew Hampshire accepted an invitation to lay the corner-stone of an observatory to be erected in accordance with the provisions of the last will and testament of our late distinguished Sir Knight James Adams Weston, sometime governor of this commonwealth. Trinity commandery ten- dered escort and invited the Grand Commanderj' and all the commanderies of the juris- diction to unite with the commanderj- in the escort. I accejited the invitation in behalf of the Grand Commandery, and it was accepted also by all the commanderies but one. The occasion was happily coincident with the fiftieth anniversary of the charter of the city of Manchester, and we had the pleasure of making the parade of escort a distin- guished feature of the procession, unprecedented in .New Hampshire, which celebrated the anniversary. The hospitality of Trinity commandery was so large and so complete, so magnifi- cent in its proportions and perfection, that it marked an epoch, an era to date from in the history of Templary in New Hampshire. The parade of the commanderies was in itself a great occasion; so many Sir Knights were never assembled together before in the state under the standard of the Grand Commandery. I take this opportunity to thank Trinity commandery in the name of the Grand Commandery and the subordinate commanderies for its splendid hospitality, and to congratulate the Eminent Com- mander and his officers and committees upon the superb result of their indefatigable etfurts. r also felicitate his honor, the mayor of ilanchester, and that flourishing munici))ality itself, upon its completed half century and the great and successful demon- stration which marked its semi-centennial birthday, with cordial good wishes for a great and prosperous future. THE BANQUET. At 4 o'cliic-k on .Miiiulay id'tc'i-ncidii. Trinity c-iininiamlfry tendered a frranil cnni- plinuMitary banqiR't to tlie (Jrand Lodur. A. I'", and A. il., and the (iraiul ('oiii- mandery of Knights Templar of New ilanipshiiu, and all of tiic visiting Sir Kniglit.s. ThOftables \ve;'e laid in the niaiiinintii tent erected on the Straw grounds, and over one thousand three hundred Sir Knigiits, including many distinguished otlicials, enjoyed the festivities. Harvey Blunt of licston eaten d. EMINENT COMMANDER ISAAC L. HEATH. After grace l)y Orand ( 'haplain TIenry 15. Sniitii, o.'Sd degree, of Xashua. Eminent Commander Isaac L. Heath, who ])resided, said: I wish, first, to extend to you all a cordial welcome to our cilv and asylum. For the second time within a iiuarter of a ceut'iiy 'I'l-inily eonimandery has sent out invitations to the Sir Knigfhts of >.ew Hampshire to come to its assistance in performing' a sacred duty, and for the .second time yon have generously responded to our call. .\s I look about me I am sure I see the most mafrnificent conclave that can possilily be gathered in this state. Seventeen years ago another such gathering assembled in Manchester to dedicate the monument to our patriotic soldiers. Today, in larger num- bei-s still, you have come to aid us in laying the corner-stone of another monument soon to bo erected to the memory of the bravest, truest, and most courteous knight that has ever fallen in life's battle. ]!y your jiermission and lhc> consent of the grand master, a portion of the exercises that usually take jjlace at the time a corner-stone is laid was postponed until this time. I now invite your attention to the oration in honor of the memory of Sir Knight James A. Weston, which Past Eminent Sir Knight t'leorge I. Mc.Mlister will now deliver. r.ii HON. JAMHS A, WESTON. GOVERNOR OF NEW HAMPSHIRE, 1871-72. 1874-75. MAYOR OF MANCHESTER. 1868, 1870, 1871, 1874-75, TREASURER OF TRINITY COMMANOERY 1864-1895. HON. JAMES ADAMS WESTON. Oration by George 1. McAllister, E. Grand Captain General, Grand Commandery. Most Worshipful rirancl Master and Brethren:— The English and Scotch-Irish ances- tors of our lamented friend and brother, James Adams Weston, who resided in our state, were shrewd, thrifty, and intelligent people. They owned the land they cultivated, and enjoyed the Inestimable right of suffrage and all the privileges of that grand institution of the people, the town meeting. They had the church, the common schools, and the press, and therefore were moral, virtuous, and intelligent. They possessed strong minds and magnificent physiques, and were distinguished for their indomitable cour- age and perseverance. Those brave, worthy, and thrifty people loved liberty and hated tyranny. They loved truth, justice, and good government, and hated deceit and fraiul. They were good, substantial, and progressive citizens, and were active and successful in advancing the moral and material welfare of their fellow citizens. His father, Amos Weston, was a man of high character, sound judgment, great executive ability, and an active and leading citizen of Manchester. lie was a .selectman for fifteen years, and managed the business affairs of the town ably, faithfully, and successfully. Governor We-ston was loyal to the memory of his noble ancestors, proud of their honorable achievements, emulated their virtues, and was careful not to do anything which would injure the fair name and fame of his beloved family and kinroper was iishered in by a salute of fifty guns, fired in Derryfield park by a detachment tjf the First Light Battery, Capt. S. S. Piper in command. A very large audience assembled in the tent, tlie old residents having scats reserved in the center. r]ion the jdatform were seated Mayor Clarke, e.x-Gov. Moody Currier, ex-Gov. P. C. Cheney, Hon. Henry E. Burnham, Hon. Charles H. Bartlett, Rev. Allen E. Cross, Rt. Rev. I). :M. Bradley, Rev. B. W. Lockhart, Rev. X. L. Colby, Hon. David Cross. Hon. Laac W. Smith, Rev. "\Y. H. Morrison, Hon. Alpheus Gay, George I. McAllister, John Dowst. Hon. Joseph Kidder, Rev. Thomas Borden, Secretary Herbert W. Eastman, flavor David L. Parker, A. T'. Smith, George E. Briggs, H. S. Ilutchinsmi. and George S. Fox of New Bedford, Mass., Eev. John W. Ray of ^Iiiinea])olis, ilinn. 71 hUlM. UHARLES H. BARTLfcTT. PRESIDENT OF THE DAY, TUESDAY. SEPT. 8. ChAIKMAN CF FINANCE COMMITTEE. LITERARY EXERCISES. 73 After a selection by tlie liand, His Honor ]\rayor Clarke called the vast auclience to order and said: Fellow Citizens: — We have today reached the anniversary day proper of this Semi- Centennial celebration. Fifty years ago today .Manchester was born a city. Jf you were awake early this niorning you heard the cannon booming' on the heights of Derryfield i^ark, and reverberating along the western hills. Yesterday you saw the finest procession ever known in Xew Hampshire pass up Elm street, and to the reviewing stand. Today our public squares have been alive with sports and pastimes, and in another part of the city the best drilled cavalry company in the world has been enter- taming thousands. Our city is wearing her brightest and best holida3' garb, and in all quarters our people are extending an hospitable greeting to visiting friends. Jfanchester never looked faii'er or better than .she docs today. But while rejoicing in all that is delightful and attractive to the eye, we must not forget that an occasion of this char- acter has a deeper and higher meaning to the past, present, and future than mere holi- day sights and jubilation. There is associated with this anniversary an educational lesson of intrinsic value that we hope to see perpetuated. The story of Manchester for fifty years will be told to you this afternoon in words of eloquence and grace, in prose and poetry, by our own citizens, for there has been but one thought in the minds of the gene "al committee since the inception of this anniversary, and that was to make it distinctively a Manchester attair. And so, my friends, I esteem it a high honor to introduce io you as the president of the day our honored fellow townsman, the Hon. Charles H. liartlett. In assuming the duties of presiding officer, President of the Day Bartlett made the following address: Fellow Citizens: — The city of Manchester halts today at the first Semi-Centennial milestone in the pathway of her municipal career; swings wide her gates; calls home her absent sons and daughters, and welcomes alike kindred, guest, and stranger to her heart and hearthstone. Following a custom widely honored by distinguished observance, we assemble here in vast concourse, upon our city's fiftieth anniversary, to commemorate the event in a manner befitting so notable an occasion, and to give some expression to that pardonable pride with which we contemplate her past: to the satisfaction we find in the present, and to the high hope and expectation which we cherish for her future. First of all we welcome here today the old guard of Manchester, the survivors of the ten thousand who, fifty years ago this hour, committed the little Queen City to the winds and waves on the sea of time with their prayers and their blessings. Most of 3'ou have remained upon deck till this hour, sharers of her good fortune and enriched by her prosperity. Those who have followed the bent of stronger inclina- tions for other fields of enterprise, and elsewhere have waged life's battle, we have held in our hearts and memories not as lost but strayed, and for them the beacon fires yet glow ui)on our hilltops, and the lamp lingers in the window still. To all of you, the infant city is a matter of i^recious memory; to us of later adoption or birth, of tradition only; but, whether memory or tradition, it thrills our hearts with all the patriotic ardor and enthusiasm of which the loyal citizen is capable. You have seen the town of modest dimensions expand into a city of more than fifty-five thousand inhabitants; its industries and material development keeping pace with its growth in population, with the church, the sehoolhouse, and every character- istic of the best and highest type of civilization known on earth, ever advancing on the crest of the onward wave. I congratulate you, speaking not only for the vast multitude here assembled, but for all our people, whether within ur willuiut Ihese walls, upon the extreme felicity which X H or O z C3 z O o UJ O z < 2 LU UJ LITERARY EXERCISES. 75 this hour must bring to you, and v.p pray that the coltl fing-er suspended above us all, whose icv touch dissolves humanity, may yet long graciously pass you by; that your eyes may yet' behold other and still greater achievements, which we trust and believe are catalogued for the near future upon which we are rapidly advancing. I must not fail, at tlu> xery threshold of these exercises today, to express Manches- ter's deep and profound obligation to the various organizations from without our borders, which have kindly, generously, and patriotically joined with us in making these days of commemoration notable and distinguished beyond all others on our red- letter calendar. Especially to the National Guard of New Hampshire.—the conservator of our peace and our shield and defense in war,— to the many civic and fraternal bodies, whose noble tenets and sublime teachings have done so much to ennoble and elevate mankind; to the detachment from the military force of our country, whose skill, dexterity, and efficiency so excites the admiration and wonderment of all beholders,— do we tender our most profound and heartfelt acknowledgments. Without their co-operation, even the forces that have wrought out this triumph in city building could not so successfully and appropriately have celebrated the work of the builders. To her own citizens, who. in these unpropitious times, by their contributions, or by iJatient and unselfish labor in preparation for active participation in these commem- orative ceremonies, through her own various and distinguished organizations, have made this demonstration possible, Manchester owes a debt of gratitude which will never fail to receive just and merited recognition. As citizens of Manchester, we rejoice in this opportunity to show to those not familiar with her characteristics, the city we love and honor, and the reasons for our affectiou and loyalty. We flatter ourselves that you who have heretofore only heard of her and read of her have not known her at her best. To be so known she must be seen. She speaks to the eye more convincingly than any words can paint her to the \inderstanding. We ask you not only to inspect her industries, but to consider her residential attractions also; to contemplate not only the facilities here afforded for the accumulation of wealth by honest labor and business enterprise, but the opportunities for its enjoyment as well. We all understand the modern tendency of the people in all civilized countries, so far as consistent with the nature of occupation, to congregate at centers of population, where concert of action and co-operation of individual effort are attainable. It is thus that the facilities for supplying the wants of a higher civilization are secured with the greatest economy of effort and at the minimum cost. You are assembled today at one of these populous centers, with opportunities and possibilities for expansion without limit. The keen eye of the adventurous pioneer quickly caught the advantage of the situation and forecast the coming city. Today we exhibit the result of the first half century of Manchester's development. This is not completion, but beginning only. When we contemplate that only a few years hence one half of the population of this great country will dwell and toil within city limits, we come to appreciate the vast importance of the conditions of city life, and their potency in the determination of national destiny. We enter today upon the second half of our first century. We sjiread to the world a clean bill of health, and all the elements of a vigorous, prosperous, and successful municipal career. Whatever the future may have in store for us, posterity will not say that any ill came to them through bad beginning. This house was not built upon the sand. Its foundations are broad and deep and strong. The winds may come and storms beat upon it, but it will stand. It will not fall through any fault of the founders. This much it has seemed to me appropriate that I should say for Manchester. -Vnother will speak of her. and from that greater attraction of the day's program you will be but little longer detained. REV. B. W. LOCKHART, D. D. E. T. BALDWIN. THE ROSSINI QUARTET. LITERARY EXERCISES. 77 Eev. X. L. Colby, jiastor of the ^Morriniack-street Baptist church since June, 18T9, the senior resident pastor of the city, made a very feeling prayer. Tlie hymn comiiosed hy llvw J!. \V. Lockhart, set to music by Mr. E. T. Jiald- win, was then sung by the Kossini Quartet: ]\Irs. Zilla McC^iesten A\'aters, ^Mrs. Frank P. Cheney, Mrs. Annie E. Gordon, ilrs. Frank IL I'ufl'er. SEMI-CEXTEXXIAL HYMN. Queen city of the (iranite State, , Great be thy soul as thou art great! Thy nurturing' hills sweep round thee free. Thy river floweth to the sea. The ramparts of the Lord thy God Ciuard thee by day and night unawed: Their purple banners high unfurled Greet each new morning' of thy world. Great GodI we lift this hymn of praise To thee who measurest out our days. The Lord of all that live and die. At whose command the centuries fly. For fifty proud triumphant years, For wealth that cost nor blood nor tears, For the high hopes that kept us young. For noble griefs that made us strong; For peace that brooded like a dove. For household plent}', joy, and love. For freedom, won in glorious strife. For life that cost our best of life; For old heroic memories Borne to us from the distant days, And for our holy quiet graves Where the wind whispers in the leaves; For greater hopes that lead us on. For splendid dreams of days to come, \\ hen purer faith and truer creeds Shall blossom into kindlier deeds; For these we lift this hymn of praise To Thee who measurest out our days. The Lord of all that live and die, At whose command the centuries fly. Queen city of the Granite State, Great be thy soul as thou art great! Thy nurturing hills sweep round thee free, Thy river floweth to the sea. jRev. Allen E. Cross of Springfield, ilass., son of Hon. David Cross, read tht poem, "At the Falls of Xamoskcag." 1 J^ AT THE FALLS OF NAMOSKEAG. ALLEN EASTMAN CROSS. [When Samuel Blodget liredicted that ancient Derryfield was one day "destined to become the Manchester of America," he stood by the falls of Amoskeag. There was the power that made possible a great manufacturing city. It has seemed to me that there was no theme more vital to the growth of the city of Manchester, or more poetic in its suggestiveness, than these same falls. I have, therefore, woven their legend and history into verse, calling them b}- tlieir former Indian name, the Falls of Namoskeag.] Three souls shall meet in our gracious river. The soul of the mountains, stanch and free. The soul of the Indian ''Lake of the Spirit," And the infinite soul of the shining sea. One hath its birth by the granite mountain, Where a mighty face looks out alone. Across the world and adown the ages, Like the face of the C'lirist in the living stone. One flows from the water of Wiiinipesaukee, Bearing ever wliere it may glide, As the Indians named that beautiful water, "The smile of the Spirit" upon its tide. And the soul of the sea is at Little Harbor Or StrawbeiTy Bank of the olden time, Wiere first DeMonts and his dreaming royageurs * Sailed in quest of a golden clime. 'Tis said that Power is the soul of our river, Plunging down from the gulfs and glooms Of its mountain valleys to fall in splendor. Or drive the belts of the myriad looms. To some the soul of the stream is Beauty, That pours from its beautiful lake above In silver ripples> and golden eddies, Like the seer's stream from the throne of love. 79 80 SEMI-CENTENNIAL OF .MANCHESTER, N. II. And once, to this stream with it.s double Ijiirden, Tliore came a soul akin to his own; The heart of the river was in his j^reaching; The voice of the ri])i)le3 was in liis tone; And he stood hy the falls in the golden weather, Under the elm leaves, mirrored brown In the pictured waters, and told his hearers TTiiw ilie Heart of the stars and the stream came down, As a little child to a mother's bo-^om. With a wonder at hatred in his eyes. And an image of peace from the one Great Sjiirit lake the light in the stream from the glowing skies. And e"en while he spake, as the stream in its flowing Takes tints of the twilight and jeweled gleams Of the oak and maple, on Eliot's spirit Lay heavenly visions and starry dreams. And with only the chant of the falls in the silence. While the nets and the spears nncared for lay. Again as of old the Christ was standing By the lodges of Tassaconaway. An hundred limes had the glistening salmon Flashed in the falls since that sunset hour; An hundred times had the black ducks flying Followed the stream; and the Spirit of Power That sleeps in the river, still waited to welcome A heart like its own to reveal again. As Eliot uttered its beautiful spirit. Its soul of power to the souls of men. The wands of the willow are deeper amber. The coral buds of the maple bloom; The alders redden, the wind flowers blossom, And sunshine follows the winter's gloom. The smile of the spirit is still on the waters. The chime on the stones of the Xamo.skcag fall. But the soul of the hills as it leaps to the ocean To freedom and valor seems to call. AT THE FALLS OF XAMOSKEAG. 81 At the door of liis mill, Ijy th-e swirl of the rapids, Feeling the spirit that subtly thrills, From the spray of the falls like an exhalation. Is resting our hero of the hills. He had won the name when lie lan the gauntlet, ISursting the Indian lines in twain, Or made his foray to save his comrades Through the frozen forests of far Champlain. Now the swish of ilie saw and the creak of the timber, And the swirl of the rapids alone he heard, AVhen sudden — a clatter of hoofs down the river — A horseman, a shout, and the rallying word Of yesterday's fighting by Concord river. Of the blood on the green of Lexington — That was all! yet the mill gate fell, and the miller, Left the saw to rust in the cut, and was gone. 'Twas the word of the Lord through the ^lerrimack valley. From Derryfleld down to Pawtuckefs fall. That rang from his lips, to rise and to follow. As the leader thundered his rallying call. 'Twas the sword of the Lord from the leader's scalibard That flashed in defiance of British wrong. As the rallying farmers galloped after Eiding to Medford a thousand strong. * * * A golden cycle of years has vanished Since the Derryfleld minute-man left his mill To lead the patriots down the valley To "the old rail fence" on Bunker Hill. The years flow on and sweep in their flowing Legend and life to the infinite sea — A city stands by the grave of the hero. Where the lodges and camps were wont to be. I'nchanged and changeless flows the river. But blended now with its ceaseless chime Is the rhythmic beating of mighty hammers. And a hum like the bees in summer time. REV. ALLEN E. CROSS. '"Tis said 11i:it rouci- i> the >inil of "iii- r-ivi-r. iilinmiiiL; ilnwri Inmi tlic ;.'iilrs Mini ?.'lii"iii« Of if- liidunlain \ ;illc\ > to l:ill ii -iplcmlur, cir ilrivc llic licit- nl tlie iii) i'i;iil Iciuiiis." AT THE FALLS OF XAMOSKEAG. . 83 But the hum of the hioms and the clank of the hammers AYill hush to the chime of the Sabl^ath bells, TVliile the soul of the stream from the Lake of the Spirit The story of Eliot's Master tells. The years flow on like the flowing river, With peaceful eddies and daring falls. But if ever the life of the state is perilled, If duty summons or country calls, The soul of the hills and the stream will waken As it woke in the ancient minute-men. And the hearts of the sons like the hearts of the fathers Will bleed for their country's life again. President Bartlett, in presenting the orator of the day, said: We have now reached that point on the program of the day to which all have looked fonvard with the fondest anticipations, and which, I can assure you, all will look back upon with the satisfaction and delight that flow from fancy's perfect realization. The story of Manchester's fifty years of municipal life, and of her to'miship career antedating that era, of her growth in population, — of the expansion and multiplication of her industries, of her wonderful strides in all the arts of peace and the valor and heroism displayed by her sons in war, will now be told by lips that alwa^'s charm and never tire, will be told Ijy that eloquent orator, whom we all recognize as our most distinguished bimetallist, for his words are always "apples of gold in pictures of silver" — Judge Henry E. Burnham. SEMI-CENTENNIAL ORATION. Bv Hon. Henrv E. Burnliam. We have assembled today to comniemorate an event of surpassing' interest to every one who cherislies with love and dclig'hts to honor the city of Manchester. Just fifty years have ])assed since her first city g'overnment was inau-rurated vinder chartered rights which had been granted by the state. Today we would crown that event with appropriate honor, in accordance with a beautiful custom known to many a fireside, where, after the lapse of fifty years from some nuptial day, children and graiidchiUlren gather witli loving' hearts, as we have gathered here, to celebrate a g'okleu anniversary. Descendants of a noble ancestry, children by birth or by adoption of tliis rejoicing' city, you come to praise the deeds and to glorify the achievements of the mighty men of old who laid so l)road and deep the foundations of your town. You come as to some sacred shrine, with hearts filled with gratitude for the glorious heritage which has been bequeathed to you, and with deepest veneration for those brave, true men and women wliose memories you woiild keep forever bright and green, and whose graves you would today cover with flowers whose fragrance and beauty shall never cease or fade away. Above the foundations %%hich they laid have grown the gigantic walls of our manufacturing industries. Agriculture could bxiikl the town, but it required the enterprise and the capital of the manufacturer to create a city, and now you "would express your indebtedness to the intelligence, courage, and sagacity of the men who established here the greatest industry of our state. Success crowned their efforts. Capital was wedded to the .Merrimack, and a great <-ity sprang into life as if by some magi<' power. Fifty years a city! How brief a period in the rapid flight of .time, and yet how much of hunuui history is comprised within these limits. In this assembly are those whose memories go back to the commencement of that period. Some are indeed vener- able men and women, and all are entitled to our especial honor and respect. Their lives have been happily prolonged until they could witness this glorious dViy. They stood beside the cradled infancy of our city and guided her earliest footstejjs in their onward and upward course. W hat feeling mu.st thrill their hearts as memory stretches back to those early days of our young city, and the events of that i)eriod come thronging to the mind. With what jnide and rapture must the^v have viewed the rapid stritles she has made, and what thoughts must have been awakened by the scenes and events of this anniversary week. If their voices were heard today they would unite with yours and mine in paying a loving tribute to the beauty and worth of our Manchester, a queen of cities and the fairest daughter of the ilerriniack. Today she stands upon the threshold of the coming centurj-, her great heart beating with pride and exultant joy, with all the vigor of ynuth, conscious of her strength, justly glorying in her past, her face still bright witli the inics of the morning, and looking forward with well-grounded hope, unboiiiuli'd coiiiidcMcc, and dauiitless courage to a future still brighter ;ind more glorious. At such a time it is natural to turn back the pages of history, to examine the earliest records, and to gather from them, and from the reabus of trailition, the story of her 8-1 HON. HENRY E. BURNHAM. 86 SEMI-CENTENNIAL OF MANCHESTER, N. H. beginning, and of those eventfnl periods wliieli have made her life so honored and successful. Before the white man had sought to build a home within the present limits of our city, a strange race of men roamed over these hills and along our valleys, for years unnumbered and unknown. Their domain extended to the land of the Mohawks on the west, and the broad Atlantic was their boundary on the east. Even then the advantages and attractiveness of this locality were recognized, for here was the seat of empire of the powerful tribes of I'ennaeooks, which held sway over a vast domain. Here was the royal residence of their sagamore, around which their council fires were lighted; and here upon the bhitf, wliich from the eastern bank looks down upon the falls of Amoskeag, was their wigwam village. I'assaeonaway, cliieftain of many tribes, saga- more of the Penuacooks, the sachem of the East, here held his imperial court. Friend of the white man, he saw the paleface occupying the hunting grounds of his tribe, and knew that his barbaric empire must soon fall before the advancing march of civilization. He communed with the Great Spirit and, in his dying address to the assembled tribes, is said to have predicted the triumph of tlie white man, and the sad destiny of the Indian race. To him the Great Spirit, according to the Indian legend, revealed in pro- phetic words, that "these meadows they shall turn with the plow; these forests shall fall by the ax; the palefaces shall live ujjon your hunting grounds, and make their villages upon your fishing places." Whatever may have been the origin of these words, how truthfully did thej- foretell succeeding events. For have not these fields yielded to the plow, the forests fallen by the ax, their hunting grounds become the homes of the palefaces, and their old fishing place of Amoskeag become the city of Manchester? The red man has disappeared; the proud race to which he belonged has passed away. The forests where he hunted have fallen by decay or the woodman's ax, and the rivers and streams that once bore his light canoe still flow on, but give no history of this departed race. No ruins of ancient tower or wall or monument tell to succeeding ages that such a race once existed here. Nothing remains but the few buried implements of war, the rude fragments of pottery, and the unmarked graves of their dead. The ashes of their wigwams have long since mingled with the dust, and the dwellings of another race now cover their ancient haunts. More than one hundred years after the Pilgrim fathers landed at Plymouth Rock, the first white settlement was made within the limits of our city. In 1722 John (Joflfe, Jr., Edward Lingfield, and Benjamin Kidder came from Massachusetts and established their homes near the mouth of Cohas brook, and a few years later Archibald Stark, John McNeil, and John Riddell left their homes in Londonderry, and located on the east bank of our river, near the falls of Amoskeag. These hardy pioneers were the men whom we are now proud to call the fathers and the founders of our town. The name of Goffe is conspicuous in our early history, and is still borne by the prosperous village and the falls near which he lived, while the fame of Stark and of his descendants has illumined with unfading light the pages of our country's history. They and their associates first bore the light of progress into this dark and unknown land. They were a part of that band of pioneers which led the way in the march of civilization. They were men of heroic mold, and belonged to a race which has found no superior among the generations that have come and gone. For where has religion found more zealous and intelligent disciples, liberty more loyal or more glorious defenders, and patriotism, fortitude, and integrity been more truly exemplified than among that race to which our ancestry belonged, which came from the north of Ireland, and is known and honored todaj- as the Scotch-Irish race? Others came from time to time and estab- lished homes in this vicinity, and this young settlement gradually increased in numbers. The forests were slowly retreating before the conquering ax, and the stubborn soil was yielding more and more to the labor of the hushaiHhuan. I'eace and plenty, with REV. CYRUS W, WALLACE, D, D, DIED OCT. 21 , 1889. REV. N. L, COLBY. ■\ REV. WILLIAM McDONALD. DIED AUGUST 26, 1865. 88 SEMI-CENTENSIAL OF MANCHESTER, N. H. li;i|)]iiiiess and coiitentiiioiit, sci'IiumI to lie the hjt of these bra\e men anil women, bnt (laiifiier from a cniel anti iinielentinf;' foe was soon found to be about them on every hand. Tlu-ir liuntinf,'' ])arties were often attacked by the red men from the Xorth', and in tlie deadly aml)useade the white man fell or was taken away into a eaptivity worse than death. John Stark, the hero of tlie Itevolution, was taken eaptive while engaged in one of these hunting expeditions, and held until his ransom had been paid. The homes of many in the neighboriuir .settlements were burned, while women and children were taken a\\:i\ to Canada, and husbands and fathers were slain by their savage foes. Alarm and terror filled the habitations of these early settlers, but no one abandoned the post of duty; the lines of advance whi<-h they had established were never deserted, biit farther and farther into the wilderness moved these outposts of the coming civilization. At a later period the contests of the mother country with France inflicted upon these colonies unnumbered woes. The old Fren< li and Indian wars involved the border, settlements in all the horrors of savage warfare. In those long and crtiel conflicts which left their trail of lire and blood over so niuili of this fair land, we find the men froiTi this little settlement of Uerryfield foremost in every liattle. and on every field of honor. Her sons were at the defense and massacre' of Fort AVilliain Henry, at Crown Point, Lake (jeorge. Fort Kdward, and in the repeated expeditions against Canada. They were a part of that famous body of men, known wherever the history of brave deeds have been read, as IJogers's liangers. whose i)eriloiis duties and whose great achieve- ments have excited the interest of all who honor deeds of noble daring. And in that battle which fills so important a ])laee in English history, niion the Plains of .\braham, with the immortal Wolfe, the sons of Derryfield performed a chivalric and a glorious part. History has recorded that during the Seven Years' War, and the Indian wars that preceded it, old .\moskeag furnished more fighting officers and fighting men than any other ])l!i(e or territory of equal extent in .Vew England, and no names are written higher or beam brighter upon the roll of honor than the names of our Stark, Webster, and (loffe. Truly may it be said of us, as has been said of other descendants of a New England anccstr\': "No lack is in your primal stock. No weakling founders builded here; They w-ere the men of Plymouth Kock, The Briton and the cavalier." On the third day of .September, one hundred and forty-five years ago, the town of Derryfield was incorporated. Her ancient charter, granted bj' King George II, in the twenty-fifth year of his reig'n, included eighteen square miles taken from the town of <'hester, nine from the town of Londonderry, and eight from Harrytown, and in 1792 that pait of Harrytown which was calked Henrysburg was annexed. The seat of government was then at the little hamh't which has been known as Manchester Center, and the i)lace where the voters met and the business of the town was transacted was the taverti of .folin TIall. Here they legislated for the interests of this small eommnnity, and here they learned and practiced the great principles of self government. By the experiences of tlnir I'luntier life, by their hunting and scouting expeditions, by their military training and the part they had taken in an almost constant warfare, they had become accustomed to every danger, inunil to every hardshi|), and sternly disciplined for that nobler and grander field of action, in which they were soon to be known as thu patriot fathers of the Itevolution. 'i'hey had reclaimed this land from a state of nature, and they loved that soil which they had taken from the forest and given to the plow. They had found in the freedom of the wood, the stream, and the air the sweet spirit of human liberty, and in their civil government, as they would establish it, they had found an ideal republic, and when their rights, which they believed to be sacred and inviolable, were assailed, these men of Derrylicld were ready to defend them against the aggressions of the mother land. MANCHESTER FROM AMOSKEAG FALLS. 15SS? THE SOLDIERS AND SAILORS MONUMENT. DEDICATED SEFT. I I, 1879. 90 SEMI-CENTENNIAL OF MANCHESTER, N. }I. The war of tlu' Kcvolution begiiii. The blooil of AnuM-ican patriots crimsoned the fjreeii at Lexinf^ton, and the call to arms resounded alonjf the valley of the >[errimack. Tliirty-four out of thirty-six who could res])ond, in this little town of Uerryfield, answered to that call. And here we may jiause to inquire upon what pnge of history, ancient or modern, can such a record of patriotism be found? In that long' and doubt- ful strug-g'le for independence, the men of this town, faithful to the "association test," which all had taken, performed their duty with unflinching- courage and left a record of valor and patriotism unKuri)assed in the hisfury of that heroic age. They were with Stark and lloor at Bunker Hill, and were the last to leave those heights from which the British hosts, by repeated assaults, had failed to drive them. At Trenton, Princeton, IJennington, and on many other hard fought battletit-Ids. they were among the truest and the bravest of the |)atriot army. l!ut there is one name that brightens with increasing luster as the years pass by. It is the name of the greatest military hero which our Xew Hampshire gave to that Eevolutionary period; and today, w-hile in the full enjoyment of the rich blessings which the fathers bequeathed to ns, we would pay our tribute to the hero of Bennington and Bunker Hill. Upon yonder bluff, overlooking the waters of the Merrimack, the ■■ ashes of the old hero rest in the place he loved, and in a grave which will be forever honored and forever sacred. His hallowed dust belongs to us: his name and fame belong to our city, our state, and our country, and his spirit to the God of battles, who gave to him the genius of victory and an immortality of fame. And in the coming ages, patriotism will find no shrine more fitting for her place of worship, and liberty no place from which to draw a purer, loftier in.spiration than at the grave of Stark. The triumph of American arms and the achievement of our independence were duly celebrated at Amoskeag on the 10th day of July, 1783. The termination of this long war was followed by a constructive period, during which this little community, slowly increasing in nutnber.s, was devoting itself more attentively than before to agri- cultural pursuits. Ten years later .Judge Blodget, who had been a commissary in the army, and a judge of the court of common pleas for this county, came to reside on the east side of the river, near the falls. He was a man of rare enterprise, indomitable will, and great wealth. He had conceived the plan of constructing a canal around the falls for the purpose of conveying to market the vast amount of lumber which was easily accessible from the river and its tributaries. His work was commenced the following year, but was not successfully completed until 1S07, when, upon a May day of that year, he passed through the canal and the locks to the river, and realized the success of his long-cherished plan, and the gratification of his highest ambition. He was, indeed, as the inscrii)tiou upon his monument informs ns, the pioneer of internal improvements in Xew Hampshire. We honor this man for the great qualities illustrated in that gigantic enterprise which he successfully accomplished, but still more would we honor him from the fact that he first saw and appreciated the wondrous possibilities involved in the mighty forces of these falling waters. He invited capitalists to locate here and to utilize those powers, and, believing that the time would soon come when large factories would be b\iilt along his canal, he purchased clay banks which have furnished the greater part of the brick for our city. He looked into the future with wiser foresight than any of his compeers. He knew- that in the old country, located upon both sides of the river Irwell, as our city is located upon the Merrimack, was the greatest cotton manufacturing city of the world and, as the thought of that ancient and wonderful city of Manchester, England, came to his mind, he predicted that here, at some future time, would be the Manchester of America. In three years after the death of Judge Blodget, the people of this community dis- carded the name of Derry field and, under proper authority, assumed the more appro- priate name of Manchester, a change which was doubtless occasioned l)y the fact that SEMI-CENTENNIAL ORATION. 9L a cotton mill had been established at the falls the year before, and by the sanguine hopes of those who believed that this remarkable prediction of Judge Blodget would be verified, and that here would be built a great manufacturing city. In 1846 our population, which had been rapidly increasing- for the past eight years, became so large that the old form of town government and method of electing officers was no longer practicable, and a committee consisting of David Gillis, Samuel D. Bell, Isaac Riddle, AVilliam C. Clarke, John A. Burnham, Luther Farley, and Walter French was appointed to petition the legislature for a city charter. At the June session of the legislature of 1S46, the charter was granted, and was accepted at a town meeting held on the first day of August of that year. The first meeting for the election of city officers was held August 19. There were four candidates for the office of mayor, and, as no one had a majority, another meeting was held on the first day of September, and Hiram Brown was then chosen as our first mayor. On the eighth day of September, ju.st fifty years ago, the new city government was organized; prayer was offered by Kev. Cyrus W. Wallace, and the oath of office was administered by Hon. Daniel Clark. Of the men who then assumed the government of the new city, only three are now living: Our honored and distinguished fellow citizens. Judge David Cross,Vol. John S. Kidder, and William Boyd, Esq., whom it is our especial pleasure to greet and congratulate today. In 1830 our population was 8:i7, and in 1838 it was probably less than a thousand, but in 1846 it had increased to 10,125, and today we may fairly estimate that we number more than 55,000 inhabitants. The assessed valu- ation of the town in 1S46 was $3,187,726; now it is $29,361,418. The number of polls then was 2,056; now the number is 12,583. Fifty years ago the only savings bank in our city was the Manchester, which was chartered July 8, 1846, and now by the last report the deposits in our savings banks amount to $15,599,320.44, and the depositors number 33,351. What a marvelous growth I It is no wonder that the hearts of our citizens swell with pride, and that we are inclined to boast of this wonderful progress. But while we contemplate these changes and observe how year by year we have grown in wealth and population, the inquiry comes to us, what potent charm has drawn together so many from far and near; what great inducements have gathered this large number and made them citizens of Manchester, and what transcendent power has created these resistless charms and made possible these strong temptations'? The answer comes from not far away. Over the bank and down the valley, you see the broad, bright band of moving waters. You read the answer in the sparkling light from its silvered surface, and where it breaks and rolls over rock and ledge you hear the answer in the roar and thunder of the falls of Amoskeag. Beautiful river, born among the white hills of the north, gathering her waters from spring and stream, and from that lake of rarest beauty, where the smile of the Great Spirit rests forever, she moves with ever increasing power along her channelled pathway to the sea. Other rivers may bear upon their bosoms a larger commerce and greater ships may plow their waters. Others may journey further or in a larger volume before their waters mingle with the ocean, but what river has contributed more generously her tireless energies to the service of mankind, or conferred in a larger measure the comforts and blessings of life? Richer than the deposits of the Nile have been her contributions to the welfare of the two commonwealths through which she passes. For unknown years her fishing places had attracted to her banks the Namaoskeags, and from her depths the early settlers had drawn an abundant supply of food, but the time had come when that mighty power which for untold ages had been wasted was to be called into action. The hand of capital now grasped the energies of these falling waters, harnessed them to the wheel, and set in motion those long lines of machinery which have given occupation to labor, wealth to the capitalist, markets to a neighboring people, and a city to our Granite State. In the early part of 1S09, a small cotton mill was erected on the west side of the Amoskeag falls by Benjamin Prichard, Ephraim, David, and Robert Stevens. This was !I2 SEMT-CENTENNIAL OF MANrilESTKK, X. II. the beffiiiniiifj: of tliat iiulii.strial ilfvclupnicnl wliicli has characterized and disting'uished our city, but no remarkable progress was made until after the incorporation of the pres- ent Amoskeag Alanufacturing Companj', in 1831. This company became the owner of all our water power, and of a larpe tract of land amounting to about twenty-five huufired acres on both .sides of the river. In 1838, and at subsequent .sales, a part of this land was conveyed by the company, and was soon occupied for business and residential purposes. The new village, as it was called, then s])rang' into existence, and in 1S41, after a spirited controversy, the seat of government \%as transferred from the Center, and the first town meeting was held in a liall upon Amherst street. Other cor])orations soon formed, and it is a matter of extraordinary interest to note the growth of these cotton and woolen industries during the last fifty years. In 1846 there were the mills of the Amoskeag, Stark, and Manchester, with their 88,320 spindles, 2,418 looms, 1,960 employees, and the}' were manufacturing yearly 19,400,000 yards of cloth. In 1896 there are the Amoskeag, Stark, Amory, Manchester, aTid Devon- shire .Mills, and the printing department of tlie Manchester, with a total of 565,000 spin- dles, 18.379 looms, capable of employing 14, ISO operatives, and of manufacturing yearly 199,770,000 yards of cloth, and of printing 4!),s00,0()0 yards. The capital stock of these cor- porations amounts to $8,700,000, and their yearly pay-roll to $5,104,800. You have seen these cotton and woolen mills growing steadily on both sides of the river, and have noticed how their huge walls have been lengthening and climbing up higher and higher. You have also seen our city broadening and extending with a corresi)onding growth. In the old Greek mythology it is said that when the walls were being built around the ancient city of Thebes, the stones assumed their appro[)riate places to the music of .\mphion"s Ij're; so may it be said that the stones which made the walls of our city assumed their places to the music of the multiplying notes of the loom and the spindle. The old resident will be found today in a reminiscent mood. He will think of our city as it was fifty years ago: how its compact part was mainly bounded by Lowell, Union, and Merrimack streets, and on the west by the river. He will recall the little hamlets on the east and the south, and the villages of Piscataqiiog and Amoskeag across the river, which were added to our city in 1853. He will remember the large tract of woodland east of Union and south of Hanover street, which concealed the awful crime of murder in 1845; the growth of wood and timber just north of Lowell street, and another growth westerly from the city hall, and the low ground where the alders grew, in the place of Washington and liirch streets. He will recall the public assemblies held in a great natural amphitheater, where a ravine extended southwesterly from Merrimack street on the west side of Elm, and he will marvel how the sand hills of years ago have grown into beautiful residences and massive business blocks, and how the forests have given place to fruit trees and flowering shrubs, and how the rough and rugged surface has been transformed into the beauty of well-kept lawns. If awakened from a Itip Van Winkle sleep, he would naturally inquire for the old fair grounds, and wonder what had become of the famous race track, the cattle ])ens, and the high board fence. Hardly could you imagine the surprise which the changes there made would excite in his mind, but if Jie should look across the river, he would there observe the greatest miracle of all, a city fully grown in the short space of fifteen years, provided wiili iliurches, schools, and everything essential to a completed city, except a city hall. In whatever direction he may turn his gaze, he would notice how streets have multiplied and extended, and would discover the myriad of happy and beau- tiful homes which adorn their sides, and if he would compare the present streets and walks with the liighways of fifty years ago he would find that then we had only eleven miles of streets, and today we have nearly 140 miles and 128 miles of sidewalks. He would miss the old stages, and the barges, and the cars drawn by wearied horses, and would wonder what mysterious power could propel these new and heavier cars miles away without the apparent aid of physical force. Doubtless it would be difficult for him to Z3 o en O O LU I o UJ LU o: I- 94 SEMI-CENTENNIAL OF M4NCHESTER, N. II. ■understand liow the fires of heaven have been eaptnred and made to serve the purposes of man, and how the sound of the human voice is conveyed upon a slender wire, and at evening- he would wonder as he saw our city bright and clear as noonday, illumined by more than four hundred electric lights, which gleam along the streets or through the emerald lacework of the overarching trees. Four years before the beginning of this half century, a locomotive engine and train of c.irs first entered our city. Then for the first time was heard in our valley the sound of the engine's whistle, and the rumbling of ears propelled by steam. Xow thirty-seven passenger trains come to our city every week day; a large freight house is in process of construction, and a new passenger station is confidently expected, while our hopes are still .sanguine that we shall sometime be able to pass through the good old towns of Bedford and Amherst, on our way to the great West, by the Manchester & Milford Railroad. '' In our brief survey of the past, we have called to mind some of the causes which have given to us a municipal structure of such symmetry and strength. We have thought of its foundation and of the brave and stalwart men and women who were present and active when that foundation was laid, but now we are led to ask what forces have since shaped and molded the character and habits of our people. We learn some- thing of these causes from that chime of sweet-toned bells, which on every Sabbath morning invites all our people to gather at the sacred altar, and also from the blessed soimd of the Angelus which three times in every day summons so many to the brief re.sponse of prayer. Here the precepts of religion and of good morals have always been respected. Our pulpits have been occupied by men of true piety and of great learning and ability. Our many churches, representing almost every form of religious belief, have been built and sustained with a liberality which has been seldom eq\ialled. and all their missions and charities have been generously supported. The influence of the church upon our young city has been of immeasurable benefit in elevating her character and promoting her highest interests, and we would place the ojien Bible as the first and greatest cause of our material and moral progress. From the commencement of her existence as a citj', Jlanchester has been liberal in her expenditures for her public schools. She has ever regarded with affectionate and parental interest the education of her children, believing that upon the intelligence of her citizens largely depended her real welfare and permanent advancement. Today we have belonging to our public schools about fifty-two hundred scholars, and under the parochial <'harge there are about four thousand. If we would compare the conditions of fifty years ago with the present, we need only to look at the old high-school house on Lowell street, and contrast it with the new school building now in process of con- struction, or with St. Anselm's College. Faithful and excellent instructors have been in charge of all our schools, and we may rest assured that every privilege and oppor- tunity which the city could provide has been generously given for the benefit of those whom we may well regard as the most precious jewels of our community, and we can surely attriliute much of our progress and enlightenment to the school book and the school rooms of our city. Not only has the ennobling cause of education been sustained by her schools but she has added another most eflicient means of assisting the young, the middle aged, and the old along the pathway of learning by her library and her library building. In 1S46 the Manchester Athenaeum possessed 1677 volumes. Eight years later a free public library was established by the city, and the books and other property of the Athenaeum ■were purchased. Liberal donations have been made by our great corporations, and the city has expended annually for books the sum of one thousand dollars, ;ind now the number of i)iiblications in the library is 40,12,'j. Ours is an industrious city, Knergy, activity, and determination have characterized all her efforts. Idleness has received no crown of honor in her social or business SEMI-CENTENNIAL ORATION. 95 life. !Her capital and resources have generally been employed in gainful pursuits, and her labor has therefore had a larger and more constant reward. It is trvie that at the present time the clouds of business depression hang heavily over all this land, but it cannot be that this great nation, with all its power and boundless resources, shall long remain in the shadow of an unnatural eclipse. Beyond the clouds raust still be shining the golden sun, soon to dispel the present gloom, and restore to ilanchester her accustomed place in the front rank of our most favored cities. In ail the years gone by harmony has prevailed in our councils and unity in our action. While other cities have been disturbed by conflicts between capital and labor, here the liberality- of the one and the intelligence and good sense of the other have generally prevailed. Eealizing their mutual dependence they have pursued their way, hand in hand, while both have shared in the beneficent results of their just and helpful co-operation. Fraternal, charitable, and social organizations have here multiplied and prospered, and nowhere have they found more zealous friends or a more congenial home. Here classes are unknown. There is no aristocracy of birth or wealth. That principle of equality, which is the fundamental law of the land, has nowhere a more generous exponent than in our own city. We bring the wreath of honor to deck the brow of that labor which has helped to build up our city with tlie same pride and sense of obligation with which we would reward the men who planned and directed the work. The spirit of a broad and intelligent liberality has developed more and more with our multiijlying years, and the words of Tennyson come back to us as a history and a prophesy that . . . "through the ages one increasing purpose runs. And the thoughts of men are widened with the process of the suns." Her gates have been opened wide. The avenues to her heart and homes have been broad and free, and over every entrance has been seen and read of all men the inviting word "Welcome." She has extended her hand in cordial gi'eeting to every deserving son of toil and to every one who sought in honor and g-ood faith to become a useful citizen,- while her Board of Trade, active and zealous for her interest, has invited here and heljied to establish man.y new and valuable industries. Her busy life and her golden opportunities have attracted strong and sturdy sons from the neighboring hills and valleys. From across the sea, from the fair land of Ireland, from the home of Shakes- peare, Pitt, and Gladstone, from the Scottish highlands, still vocal with the songs of Eobert Burns, and from the principalitj- of Wales they have come. From the banks of the St. Lawrence, from the land of Lafayette, from where the great Frederick reigned, and from King Oscar's realm, they have all brought to us their wealth of brain and muscle, which has helped to rear the glorious fabric of our city. Far away from where they sundered the ties of home and kindred they have made their dwelling places, and in hearty union have labored with us for the highest interest of this com- munity. None have joined more eagerly and helpfully in the labors and contributions for these commemorative days than have the men and women who were born in other lands. And although their hearts maj" yet thrill with the music of the fatherland, and their eyes brighten at sight of the flag which floated above their birthplace, yet far deeper in their hearts today swells the heaven-born anthem of "America," and above the ensigns of every land, their glad and loving eyes behold the Star Spangled Banner of the fi'ee. Although fondly devoted to the arts and ways of peace, and knowing the liavnc and horrors of war, yet our citj- has ever sought to preserve the martial spirit of her people, and has at all times sustained and encouraged the citizen soldier}- of the state, for she understands that the strong arm of military i)Ower may at some time be invoked to sustain her civil authority at home or to protect and defend her rights abroad. And she has always favored and honored that military organization, whose origin dates RT. REV. DENIS M. BRADLEY. -BISHOP OF MANCHESTER. J SEMI-CENTENNIAL ORATION. 97 back almost to her own birtluiay, and whose praiseworthy object is to keep forever bright and burning the patriot fires of the Revolution, and to preserve in immortal honor the names and the deeds of those old heroes who wore the continental uniform. The wealth of our city is not confined to her material resources. Upon her roll of honor we read today the names of those who have brought to her treasures far richer, more precious, and more enduringr than the accumulated fortunes of all her citizens. The names upon that roll are found in the records of the pulpit, in the list of lawyers, physicians, and business men, while in her military annals they beam with a luster unsurpassed. Among- the clerg-y, there is one whose name is in all your minds and whose presence is recalled bj' many. For almost thirty-five years his voice was heard in the old Hanover-street church. Forcible, sincere, and eloquent, beloved by his people, respected and honored by all who knew him, he labored zealously and effectively for the moral and religious improvement of this community, and our city can never forget or fully measure the value of the life, the services, and the teachings of the Rev. Br. Wallace. There was one who came here early in the life of our city, of a different faith, born in a foreign land, whose devout and Intelligent spirit was imiiressed upon a large number in this community, and whose influence in the support of civil administration, in the education of his people, and in elevating and ennobling the life of our city, merits, and should receive, a grateful acknowledgment. He was called the pioneer in New England in the education of the people of his faith, and not only among those to whom he ministered, but among all our citizens, there remains a respectful and appreciative memory of the Rev. William MacDonald. Upon that roll we read the names of five who have been governors of the state: Frederick Smyth, James A. Weston, Ezekiel A. Straw, Person C. Cheney, and Moody Currier. We read the names of judges of our courts; conspicuous among them one, with an illustrious ancestry, who added to the title of the good citizen, the distinguisheu honor of being the chief justice of our state. There, too, are the names of attorney-generals of high rank, advocates of pre-eminent ability, men who have won a national fame in the halls of congress, and that of the great senator who was afterwards a judge of the district court of the United States. We read, too, the names of the good physicians, whose mem- ories are cherished in the homes of our citizens, and educators who faithfully and ably trained and guided the footsteps of the young. In that field of human effort where genius and ability are measured at their true worth, we find the name of him who was one of the leaders of his partj', and who possessed that masterful mind which controlled so ably for so many years a great newspaper enterprise. Contemporary with him, but of a different political belief and party, was the editor of another of the leading papers of our state, a man devoted to his business, of great ability, and who filled a large place among those forces which mold and govern public opiuion, and in the hereafter the great newspaper fraternity will always recognize, among its ablest and most distinguished editors, the names of John B. Clarke and James M. Campbell. We have with us today a remnant of that Grand Army which entered the city of Mexico in triumph, and gave prestige and renown to American arms. We appreciate the services and honor the valorous deeds of these survivors, and of their comrades who have passed away. When the War of the Rebellion commenced and the news of the attack upon Fort Sumter reached our citj, IManchester i-espoiided with the same spirit that animated the Ijatriot fathers in the Revolution. Her sons were worthy of their sires, and at their first official meeting the mayor was ordered to cause the Stars and Stripes to be raised over the city hall, there to remain until that flag was recognized as the national emblem all over this broad land, and at a public meeting it was unanimously resolved to pledge the last man and the last dollar for the preservation of the Union. Under the various calls of the government two thousand eight hundred and twenty-eight of the sons of Manchester went forth to the battlefields of the South. Xo triier. better, braver, soldiers enlisted in that great war. Tlley were willing to sacrifice their lives upon the JOHN B. CLARKE. JAMES M. CAMPBELL. NEW HAMPSHIRE FIRE HNSURANCE COMPANY BUILDING, SEMI-CENTENNIAL ORATION. 99 altar of their country to save the republic and the union of these states. They believed that the interests of the present and of future generations demanded this awful sacri- fice, and «itli tlie spirit of tlie holy martyrs they marched to battle as if ■'The fittest place where man can die, Is where he dies for man." The soldiers from this city formed a part of every militar}- organization in this state except the Eighth and Seventeenth regiments, and were in nearly all of the great battles of that long and bloody conflict, and one of her sons, a distinguished soldier. General Kichard N. Batchelder, has just completed a long and honorable service in the highest office of the quartermaster's department. They were with Shattuck on the red field of Fredericksbui-g, in the vain assaults on Mai'ye's Heights, where New Hampshire's dead lay nearest to the foe. They were with IDonahoe on many a field where Irish valor helped to win the fight; with Meade on those three immortal da3's at Gettysburg; with Sheridan at Cedar Creek and 'SVincliester, where the cry of defeat was changed into the shout of victorj-, and with Grant at Appomattox, where the Stars and Bars went down in the gloom of eternal night, and the .Stars and Stripes went up in the glorious light of eternal day. Some of our brave soldiers wear upon their breasts medals of priceless honor, which the government thej' helped to save has bestowed upon them. They held the Union line before Riclimond in the closing scenes of the war, as tliey had held the line on many a field before, and like the Swiss patriot, Arnold Von Winkelreid, were ready to receive in their own bosoms the sheaf of spears that was intended to pierce tlieir countrj's heai't. The names of our heroes, living' and dead, are recorded on the brightest pages of history, but we wish that we could write them "On every star that shines. Engrave their story on the living sky To be forever read by every eye." Ours is Indeed a city of homes, presided over today, as in ali the past, by "The grace of women pure and fair As the mayflower's bloom when the woods are bare." Their influence, commencing at the cradle, has ever gone forth for that which was best and noblest in the life of our city. They were with the pioneers and helped to build our earliest homes, and the.y shared in the dangers and endured all the hardshix^s of a frontier life. They were patriots in the Kevolution, and with a woman's ardent devo- tion sustained the cause of liberty. In the great civil war, they inspired the Union soldier with a purer and deeper love of countrj-. Like ministering angels they were at the hospitals where the sick and wounded needed their helpful service and loving care. They shared -in the woes and agonies of that long and gloomy night of war. They saw the strong and stalwart of their household go forth to battle, and bade them a last adieu. They suffered the pangs and tortures of unmeasured grief at the loss of loved ones, and the hearts of many were buried at the South, in the unknown graves. But from every hearthstone went out their words of encouragement and cheer, and from the domestic altar went up their prayers to the God of battles, that the noblest cause for whicli man ever fought might l)e crowned at last with victor}-. They have ever been the light and comfort of home, the faithful teachers in every school, and the willing toilers at the loom, the desk, the shop, and store. We are honored by their presence today, and our highest meed of praise goes out from every heart to those brave and noble women who have been in all our past the most faithful and the most constant helpers in every enterprise and effort which would make our city progressive, honor- able, and great. Our city has always been fortunate in her choice of a chief executive. Three of her majors have been governors of the state, one a judge of our supreme court, one an adjutant-general of the state, one is our present efficient postmaster, and another is the distinguished presiding officer of this occasion. Today she takes pride in the intelligence, enthusiasm, tact, and executive aljility of her joimg mayor, under whose THE MANCHESTER BANK BUILDING. THE MONADNOCKAND UPTON BLOCKS. SEMI-CENTENNIAL ORATION. 101 direction, constant attention, and unremitting- effort this great undertaking, the cele- bration of our golden anniversary, has been inaugurated and so successfully carried on toward its completion, and to him. and to a zealous, able, and most efficient com- mittee, all, with one accord, return the largest measure of gratitude and thanks. In this far-famed valley of the :Merrinuick rests our imperial city. Her streets in regular and far-extended lines are embowered by the sheltering elm and maple; her squares and parks, many of them the gift of her great Amoskeag Corporation, lie like emerald shields upon her bosom, while far aiul wide her broad expanse is studded with her imposing public buildings, her stately business blocks, her magnificent residences, and her gigantic mills and shops. To the east, supplying her with an abundance of the purest water, lies her fair Lake Massabesic, with its enchanting scenery, wooded islands, and shaded shores. Around her are the eternal hills and mountains, which seem to enfold her in their loving embrace, and to defend her by their massive walls. From the west the Uncanoonucs. striving to keep the clouds and storms away, look kindly down upon her from their double towers, and nearer, like some "huge rampart, stands bold Kock Eimmon, grimly guarding her western portals, while down her valley the obedient river lingers to expend her gathered i>o\vers upon the waiting wheels, and then, when her generous work is done, flows on in triumph through her natural channel toward the sea. With such a heritage, with such a history, and with such a people, we make our entrance today upon a new and untried field of action. The voices of children and the bright faces of the young tell us of the morning, and that the blessed sunlight of our prosperity is yet but slightly advanced toward the meridian, while happy and auspicious omens from every side reveal to us the glory of the future and tell us to advance in the ' X o CHILDREN'S DAY. WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 9. FIRST SCHOOLHOUSE IN MANCHESTER. Under the dii-ection of Supcrinteiulenl of Schools William ]•! lUick, nnd tlie committee on school exercises, a very entertaining and instructive program was -__^.-_ — —^ — ^ — -,=..= carried out in the tent on the Straw grounds, B;_ at 9 A. M. on Wednesday, September 9. Over three thousand children of the public and parochial schools, in charge of their teachers, assembled in the tent, and as many more of the parents and friends of the pupils attended the exercises. All were seated by a corps of ushers in charge of Channing Cox. It was undoubtedly the largest audience ever seated at one time in the city of ]\Ianchester. Upon entering the tent each of the children was given a special souvenir of the occasion in the shape of an aluminum medal, Ijearing the city seal and a 'suitalile inscription. Seated upon the ])latforni were Mayor Clarke, Superintendent Buck, the school committee, ju-incipals of the various schools, and clergymen. The school children had lieen drilled by Musical Director William J. ]McGuiness, and the patrotic songs rendered by the three thousand voices were an especially pleasing feature of the program. After a selection by the First Eegiment Band, Superintendent r)uck called tlic. audience to order and introduced the presiding officer. Mayor Clarke, who said: My Young Friends:— Wo have today reached one of the most interesting and joyons events of Semi-Centennial weel<:, — Children's Day. In many respects it is the most notable of all the splendid demonstrations the city has taken part in, for while few of us who have thus far assi.sted in the exercises of the week may reasonably expect to be here to participate in Manchester's centennial celebration, there are thousands before me this morning' who will be here to join efforts in the anniversary occasion that will round o>it the full one hundred years of Manchester's incorporation as a city. ]t is a source of the greatest satisfaction to the committee of arrangements to find the area covered by this massive spread of canvas tilled in every part with the bright youth of Manchester, and to see every educational institution, whether public or private, repre- sented in this large and happy gathering. This is your day, my children, and I hojie that you will enjoy it to the fullest extent and that it will come back to you in sweet memory in after years. The remarks of our speakers will be addressed esjiecially to you, and will not be of a lengthy character. The musical exercises are to come from you, and these we count upon to be the best on the program. After an impressive prayer by Eev. Fr. John .T. Lyons, rector of St. Anne's church, the children sang "The Star Spangled iianner." Fdwiu F. Jones, city solicitor, was then introduced. 103 104 SEMI-CENTENNIAL OF MANCHESTER, N. H. ADDRKSS OF KDWIN" F. JONES. Mr. Chairman and Friends, Old and Yoniig: — A celel)ration like this of Maneliester's, in which the cliildren played no part, would be woefully incomplete. For past accom- plishments, present conditions, without the prospect of future growth, lose their luster and their interest. All the previous exercises of this week's celebration have been calculated to recall the achievements and the glories of the past, and to typify the strength and greatness of our city's present development. This gathering of the cliil- dren, liowever, is like a benediction; it is the crown of all tlie festivities. For in these young and active figures, in these happy faces, in these intelligent eyes we may read the promise of the better things for .Manchester which are yet to be. The.y give us hope and the assurance of a future with wliidi :ill wr arc :iii(l all we have been are not to be compared. And best of all, it seems to mi', is the fact that tlu'>- arc licre as school children. For education, a generous, well-directed education, is the best gift one generation can make unto the next. Manchester's schools have ever been, and are now, her pride. Children, see to it that you take full advantage of the opportunities for learning which are given you. Your parents' fondest wish, your city's dearest liope is that in her schools you may grow up to be useful members of society; may learn to become honest and intel- ligent citizens of our great republic. Kducation is not a mere exerei.se of the memory; it is not simply the learning of a number of facts. There is something more than attaining ability to read and spell, to write and cipher. It means the fullest development of all our faculties and all our powers, physical and mental. Real education teaches us to think and to rea.son for ourselves; to exercise that divine quality which animates the human brain, and distin- guishes us from the brute creation, and makes man master over nature. Education means work, constant and persevering. Its first great lesson is tluit industry is essential to success; that nothing on this earth, worth the having, can be had without it; that labor, whether of the hands or of the brain, is honorable. It recommends the practice of industry to all; it condemns idleness as one of the worst of vices. The truly educated man or wonuin is never ashamed of honest toil, is never afraid of hard work. Education leads us to the knowledge that, in this world, nothing exists without some cause; and teaches us to look for the causes of the things we see; and to realize that, under similar circumstances, like causes will produce like results. Thus we learn from the events of the past to reason as to those to come. This power makes us, to a certain extent, masters of the future, and enables us to work today with some assur- ance for the morrow. ^ Education inculcates honesty. It shows us that trutlifuliicss ami fair dealing will win us better results than lies and unjust conduct towards our neighbors. Education is of the heart as well as of the mind and htinds. And it is not contincd to the schools. It reaches out into the home, and into all the daily walks of life. It is for the old as well as young. • Our education is completed only with life itself. But the chief aim of the education of the schools is to fit the children for their duties as citizens. They should there be taught the nature of the government under which they live, its various departments, municipal, stat«, and national, its powers and its limitations. They should there learn to realize the inestimable privileges of American citizeuship and the sacred duties which those privileges import. We live in a land where the people rule, where majority is king. Our proudest boast is the freedom of our institutions. But freedom does not mean unrestrained license: it does not mean that we may all do just as we please. It means liberty for each man to do and to enjoy what he Jjest can do and enjoy for himself without trespassing upon the right REV. JOHN J. LYONS. WILLIAM J. McGUINESS. REV. G. A. GUERTIN. lOtj SEMT-CEXTEXXIAL OK MANCHESTER, N. H. of his ULif^libui' to the same jji'iviloge. Our laws aim to {jive such lilxTty and to |)U!i- ish such trespassing. We seek the greatest good of the greatest numlH-r. Kac-li must yield a little for the greater good of all. Ours is the fairest, the hai)pii"st, tlio freest land on which the sun shines in his daily roLuid. Our jieojile have the best homes, the best food, the best clothing of all the jieoples of the world. Our government bears more lightly upon the people than any other. For the people make the government themselves, they choose the officials, and to them the officials are res])onsible. Vou, my young friends, will soon be voters: you will soon be helping to name the officers and to shape the policies of the nation. Labor diligently to become good men and women; honest, industrious, and intelligent men and women. For only so can you become good citizens and perform properly the duties of citizenshij). Read and study the history of your country. Learn how our ancestors labored and struggled and suffered that we may, today, enjoy the blessings of this free and popular government. Learn how our land was settled: how our institutions were formed: by what sacrifices they lia\e beeu jireserved for us. Read the story of the .settlement of our own \ew England, and note the lesson it imparts. See those devoted men and women \\ ho. nearly four hundred years ago, left their homes in Old Kngland: gave u|) all they held dear, their friends, their firesides, the graves of their loved ones, and crossing a stormy, wintry sea, planted on these then bleak and barren shores their altars and, though they knew it not, laid the fotnidations of a new nation. And all for what? For the right to worship God after the dictates of their own consciences. So they gained religious liberty, and throngh long years of contest with the wild forces of nature, with the wilder beasts of the field, and the still wilder human inhabitants of the forest, they preserved the freedom of conscience, and handed it down to ns as our most valued heritage. Let us guard it sacredly and well, and let ns never deny it to others. Let no man be proscribed for religion, sect, or opinion's .sake. Again, mark how the colonies resisted a tax in levying which they had no voice. The tax was small, l)ut the princii)le was great. They said: "Xo representation, no tax- ation. All government rests upon the consent of the governed." The king aiul parlia- inent undertook to enforce their decrees with arms. The great declaration of ITTfi followed. \Vashington, fjreen, and Stark led brave men on many a bloody field, \intil independence was achieved, and a new government, one "of the people, for the peojile, and by the people" was born in the family of nations, and in our constitution the prin- ciples of the declaration found embodiment and life. But struggles, sacrifices, bloodshed were required before <'ivil freedom could be won. Let us use all the powers of good citizenship to maintain it. And yet again, when treason raised its slimy head and undertook to destroy the government it had cost so much to make, mark hfiw the patriotism of the North w.is aroused when Lincoln's call for troops was heard. Read the story of those days of rebellion, when beneath the shining folds of the Stars and Stripes marched Grant and Sherman and Sheridan, and four hundred thousand of the bravest men who ever shouldered iiiuslict gave up tlicir lives that the constitution might be preserved, th.it the I'nion might be saved, and that personal freedom, which had long been for the white race, might he given those with black skins. Let us show the same love of country, the same devoted patriotism, if not on fields of strife, then liy performing in our varied walks of life the duties of tdtizcnship as honest, law-abiding, self-respecting Americans. Such are some of the lessons to be learned in the common schools. Children, see to it that you ponder them well; study their nu'aning: avoid the errors and imitate the virtues of those who have gone before. Thus you will become good citizens, who will serve .your country well, and of whom your city will be proud. And when vou shall be ADDRESS OF REV. G. A. GUERTIN. 107 conducting- (as some of you surely will) the celebration of the second one half century of Manchester's life as a chartered municipalitj-, you may look back on years of well doing- and be able to say with truth that the second was better than the first. For happiness, good order, prosperity will surely jirevail so long as g-ood citizenship is universal. After a selection by the band, the chairman presented Eev. Fr. G. A. Gncrtin, assistant pastor of St. Augustine's clinreh. ADDRESS OF REV. FR. G. A. GUERTIX. Your Honor, Reverend Gentlemen, Young Friends of the Schools: — There was a time, years ago, when this city was very small. In those days, all the school children grouped together would not have covered more than one tenth of the space you now occupy. A few short streets leading to the mills and lined on either side with blocks of boarding-houses, the city hall, some stores, a cluster of modest homes on the opposite bank of the river, and — behold Manchester in 1S46! A visitor would have walked through it all, as jou can readily perceive, in a very limited time. But fifty years have now gone by, and let us suppose for a moment this same stranger were to revisit once more our city during these days of her Semi-Centennial celebration. What a wonderful change between his first and last coming- would he not observe! He could now direct his steps through long, spacious, neat, and shadowy streets; rest his eyes on green and flowery parks and commons, then gaze at princely residences, massive blocks, richly fitted and furnished stores of all kinds, elegant church edifices, large, commodious and costly schools that would do honor to, and reflect credit upon, any city in these United States; railwaj'S to all points north, south, and the sea coast; trolley conveyances to any part of the city, and even outside its limits to the beautiful Massabesic; hundreds of electric lights to guide his way in the evening, and to give him the illusion that night has been changed into day. All this, together with other beauties and achievements too long to enumerate, he would con- template with amazement and delight. Fifty years, my dear young friends, fifty years, and from a small village Jlanchester has developed into a magnificent city of over fifty thousand inhabitants. It has become the metropolis of the state of New Hampshire, the queen among her sister cities, and is destined to be the Manchester of America. Gladly, therefore, should you, and do j'ou, celebrate this Semi-Centennial, which brings home to your minds and hearts in so forcible a manner the great works that have been accomplished through the earnest eft'orts, the loyal devotion and self-sacrifice of your fathers, under the protecting and helping hand of the Almighty. God, indeed, has blessed their work. Your fathers have labored, it is true, yet their labor could have been without fruit; they might have planted and watered all in vain, had not God given the increase. For you must here recall the words of the Psalmist: "Unless the Lord build the house, they labor in vain who build it. Unless the Lord keepeth the city, he w-atcheth in vain that keepeth it." Xo, there is not, I am sure, one child here present, small though he be, who fails to realize and appreciate and enjoy the benefits that have been instored during these fifty years, and that are now bestowed upon him by the loving "Giver of all good gifts." For heaven, you know, wills that success should tread on the heels of resolute, dilig-out, and upright men, and as your fathers lost no opportunity of improving whatever talents and resources God placed at their command, therefore has the city grown day by day, and reached the high degree of prosperity it now- enjoys. But your fathers are men, "and to dust they will return." Each one, sooner or later, must take "his chamber in the silent halls of death." And when they depart, to FIRST BRICK _ J, THE STRAW SCHOOL. ADDRESS OF REV. E. W. LOCKIIART. 109 whom shall they befuieath the inheritance of this city but to yon. their beloved and cherished sons? The fate of this city, in the near future, will therefore be intrusted to you, and rest with you. .Vow tell nie who will secure the hapiJiness. the well-lx'ing-. the progress of the city then? Will it be the idle man'.' Will it lie the thriftless man? Will if be the ignorant man? "Why, no!" you answer, "The indvistrious man, the provident man, the sober and enlightened man." That you can and will all be. For, once more, the worth and strength of this cit\ will not depend solely upon its increase in business facilities, nor ujion the large sums of gold and silver that may be stored within its banks, but chiefly upon the character of its men. Therefore, let every one of you. each in his own home and in his own school, do his very best to develop both his intellect and his heart: his intellect to know what is required of him, and his heart to love and do whatever heaven shall indicate. Look always for what is higher, purer, and nobler than you have yet attained, for the more edvicated the men the more polished the city, and the better the men the better the city. Finally, my dear young friends, -would you reach the standard which is expected of you, be true to your Gcd, to your country, to your city, to yourselves, and let your motto ever be: "Aim high; work hard!" Tlic children tlieii sang "Hail Columbia." Rev. 15. AV. Lockhart, D. D., pastor of the Franklin-street ehurch, was then intrnduccrl. ADDRESS OF KKV. B. \V. LOCKIIART. If we had visited Athens in her most splendid days, we should have seen noble build- ings of a public character, theaters, baths, temples of worship and of victory, but we should have seen no public school buildings. When the traveler comes to Manchester he will discover that our finest and costliest structures are public schools. Our present High school building is a more massive and noble looking structure than any church in the city. This means that the modern city makes the education of the children its .greatest civic duty. This one fact marks the vast difference between our Christian civil- ization and that splendid pagan one of the ancient world. The procession that moved through our streets Monday was picturesqiie and striking. The military comiianies, the various fraternities and societies in uniform and regalia looked very imposing. But a procession of the schools, scholars and teachers, with the symbols of art, science, and literature would have been still more deeply affecting and significant of the city's higher life. And now I would say this one word to you, young friends. The city builds for you these beautiful homes of culture, for your growth in intellectual and spiritual manhood, for your happiness and usefulness. It does this at exi5ense of much labor, thought, and even pain. What can ,vou do in return? You can take pride in the schools of the city. You can be zealous for the reputation of the educational institutions to which you belong. You can strive to make ilanchester second to no city in Xew England in the excellence of the schools. Y'ou can be manful coworkers with your teachers in the noblest creative work of the world, and the most arduous. And if you do this the schools of Manchester will become so well known that to be able to say, "I was educated in her schools" will ])redi.spose men in your favor and open business possibilities to you which otherwise would be closed. The exercises were closed by the entire audience joining in the singing of "America."' Following the program the children were entertained for an hour with a magical performance. DAVID P. PERKINS. FIRST MALE PUBLIC SCHOOL TEACHER THE MCDONALD PAROCHIAL SCHOOL. PARADE OF FIREMEN AND MERCHANTS. WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 9- Oil Wednesday, Septi'iiiltcr 9, al 2 o'clock, occurred tlie parade of tlie Mancliester Fire Deiiartment and the trades display. Col. Henry B. Fairljanks was chief marshal, C'apt. Joim Gannon, Jr., chief of staff, and Frank Preston, 8cott W. Lane, James CI. Lake, and Frank X. C'heuette marshals of divisions. Tlie parade was headed hy a platoon of police, and the First Regiment Band, Drum Major F. II. Pike. The lirst division comprised the entire fire department, in command of Chief Engineer Thomas W. Lane, with all the apparatus. Following were carnages containing members of the city government, the judges of the parade. Col. F. E. Kalcy of Milford, Col. Charles C. Danforth of Concord, and Col. "William H. Stinson of Dunbarton, Andrew Bunton. chairman of the parade committee, city officials, and guests. The display of trade teams comprised four divisions, many handsome floats, exhibits of trades at work, comical features, driving teams and decorated wagons being in line. The route of procession was the same as on Monday, the judges reviewing the parade at Tremont square. The following prize awards were made : Best general display, $50, Kimball Carriage Company; second best general display, $25, Forsaith ilachine Company and Manchester Beef Company, to be equally divided; best mechanical trade at work, $50, N. J. AYhalen; second best trade at work, $25, Phoenix market; largest number of horses on one team, $10, Robie Con- crete Company; most comical display, $20, "John Rogers's family going AVest," Indus- trial School boys; second best comical display, $10, "Billy Bryan's march to WHiite House," Joseph French; best two-horse team, driven by lady, $10, Mrs. Thomas Crocker; best two-horse team driven by gentleman, $10, B. Frank Welch; best pony, $5, Master Leo Cavanaugh; best team matched horses, $5, L. P. Labonte; best historical float, $50, Metropolitan Life Insurance Company; second best float, $35, Head & Dowst Company. xVt the conclusion of the parade. Chief Marshal Fairbanks and Chairman Andrew Bunton, of the parade committee, tendered a banquet to the staff officers, marshals, aids, police officers, and guests at Battery hall. Colonel Fairbanks presided, and con- gratulatory speeches were made by Chief of Police Healy, Deputy Sheriff Cassidy, John C. Bickford, Chairman Bunton, Colonel Danforth, Secretary Herliert W. Eastman, Frank P. Parshley, C'apt. S. S. Piper, and A. J. Bennett. On motion of the latter, three rousing cheers were given for Chief Marshal Fairbanks. The police department was heartily commended for the excellent order maintained during the celebration. Ill HERMAN F. RO^t^Sr tRGER. PRESIDENT GERMAN COMMITTEE. THOMAS A. LA.'.E. CHIEF OF FIRE DEPARTMENT. THE WESTON, HILL & FITTS AND CILLEY BUILDINGS. ATHLETIC SPORTS. The series of athletic sports held on Merrimack scpare on Tuesday and Wednes- day, under the direction of Alderman Richard J. Barry and Dana M. Evans, attracted an immense crowd. The judges were Perry II. Dow, Alexander H. Olzen- dam, Ed. H. Chadhourne, Garrett W. Cotter, Charles W. Eager, and T. A. Sullivan; clerks, Frank E. Martin, Fred Allen, John Cavanaugh, Lewis W. Crockett, Edward C. Smith, Walter S. Noyes. Alderman C. L. Wolf, Herman F. Eodelsperger, Carl Foerster, and Martin Hecker liad charge of the sports under auspices of the German societies. Mayor Clarke formally opened the program of the day. From 9 to 10 on Tuesday the German societies and their guests from Lawrence gave interesting gymnastic exercises. They then adjourned to the driving park and enjoyed field- day sports. The officials in charge of the German festivities were: President, Herman F. Rodelsperger; vice-president, Reinhardt Hecker; secretary, Henry Lein; assistant secretary, Emil Sche&'el; chairman of finance committee, Emil Scheffel; parade, R. Hecker; amusement, Robert Werner; decorations, Mrs. Charles Bete; music, Theodore Becker; gymnastics, Henry Lein. The organizations represented were the Turner Society, Glee Club Mannerchor, Barbarossa Lodge, Workingmen's Relief Society, Germania Turner Society, Glee Club Beethoven Mannerchor, Bavarian Relief Society, Harugari Club, Glee Club Fortuna, and Ladies' Club of Turner Society. Tiie other sports took place Tuesday, from 10 a. m. to 4 p. ii., .and included boxing, pole vaulting, broad jumping, throwing Ixammer, putting the shot, three- legged races, hurdle races, 100-yard and half-mile dashes, fat men's races, greased pigs, wheelbarrow and sack races. All winners were presented medals, money, or other prizes. A tug-of-war between the Lafayette Guards team of Manchester and the Sacred Heart League of Xashua, for a purse of $50, was won by the Lafayettes. At 9 A. M., on Wednesday, several aquatic events took place above Amoskeag Falls, in charge of Charles W. Eager and Murdock A. Weathers. They included swimming matches, greased pole contests, flat-bottom and four-oared boat races. Several bicycle races, under various auspices, also took place on Tuesday and Wednesday. The Manchester Central Labor Union, after participating in the grand parade on Monday, Labor Day, held a field-day at the driving park, where a series of sports, band concerts, and fireworks took place, under the general direction of Edward E. Stockbridge, Robert A. Edwards, and James Damory. At Massabesic lake, on the evenings of the celebration, a series of set-piece fireworks was displayed. They were entitled: "Welcome to Our City," "Amoskeag Falls," "Amoskeag Fire Engine," "Cotton Loom," "Manchester, 1846-1896," "Uncle Sam," "Star Spangled Banner," "Washington," "Adieu." 113 BEST GENERAL DISPLAY, TRADE PARADE. G. A. R. CAMPFIRE. The big teut ou the Straw grounds was the scene, on Tuesday evening, of the largest Grand Army campfire ever held in Xew Hampshire. It was under the auspices of Louis Bell Post N"o. 3 and Capt. Joseph Freschl Post iSTo. 90. Headed by the First Pegiment Band, the Posts, 350 strong, marched to the tent, which was filled with an enthusiastic audience. Commander Andrew J. Bennett of Louis Bell Post welcomed the veterans and their friends, and presented Col. John J. Dillon as pres- ident of the evening. David L. Perkins, Esq., who was located in Washington during the civil war, read a valuable and interesting address entitled, '"Out of Darkness into Light; a Birds'-eye View of the Civil War." ADDRESS OF DAVID L. PERKINS, ESQ. Veterans of the Grand Army: — The rising generation has no adequate impression of the gloom that shi-ouded the country April 12, 1861, when the rebellious attack was made on Fort Sumter, or of the grievous burdens of war that afflicted us for more than four long years. After Fort Sumter, and on the anniversary of the battle of Lexington, a Baltimore mob made a vicious attaciv upon the Sixth Massachusetts infantry, then on its way to the relief of Washington. Very few of us then realized that slavery and freedom could not abide peacefully together iu a free republic, and that of the two slavery must die. It seems strange now that this axiomatic, self-evident truth could ever have been in doubt, and stranger still that a brave and chivalrous people could have taken the institution of human slavery as their shibboleth in a death grapple with the Republic of the Ages, of which they were an important part. Yet such is history. In the height of the war, in the summer of 1S62, President Lincoln, in an open letter to Hoi-ace Greeley, made use of the now startling statement that his "paramount object .... was to save the Union, and was not either to save or to destroy slavery." Indeed, it is probable that slavery could have been saved to plague mankind indefinitely if the Confederates had consented to lay down their arms and resume their places in the Federal Union. But that was not the way of Providence, and in the light of subsequent events fatuity could have gone no farther. The first overt act of rebellion was received at the North in sullen silence. There was a feeling of astonishmnt, of suppressed indignation. There was an hour of patient waiting. We were slower than the South. The northern spirit did not flare out instantly upon the surrounding darkness, but when the flame was once ignited it burned with wonderful vigor. By these auguries the^ South misjudged us. The slaveholders were aggressive. They claimed protection for' their peculiar institution, and they were prepared to fight for it. but the Xorth liad made no preparation to fight for liberty. They were defiant and cultivated a martial spirit. They threatened when they should have remembered that the soldiers of Xew England and of South Carolina fought side by side with equal valor on the plains of Mexico. We could liardly believe that the impetuous southern leaders were serious in their. 11.5 COL. JOhh J. DILLON. CHAIRMAN. ANDREW >j. l.c^;m,\ETT. COMMANDER LOUIS BELL POST. G. A, R. ELM AND HANOVER STREETS. ADDRESS OF DAVID L. PERKINS, ESQ. 117 tlireiit to tear clown over our heads the pilhirs of our temple of liberty — to perpetuate slaverj'. But when the time came and the tocsin of war was sounded in defense of the Union, then the fires of patriotism burned brightly and even fiercely. In these piping- times of peace it is hard to realize the torrent of enil)ittcred feeling- that swept like an aveng-in"- flame through every hamlet of the slaveless Xorth. A potential spirit had been aroused and it ci-ystallized around the supreme thought of saving- the Kepuljlic. Everywhere it was the same. From every walk, profession, and condition the sturdy yeomen of the Xorth swarmed down upon the rebellious South like the northern hordes of old. until a million men were under arms. The highways and byw-ays resounded with the tramp of armed battalions, and every available ren- dezvous was given up to the studj' of tactics and the practice of soldiery. There were thousands of commonplace yonng men who never felicitated themselves on being made of heroic .stuff beyond the average of their kind, who yet felt the divine impulse born of patriotism, of which most of us are capable. I judge this to be the true inwardness of at least a part of the world's cherished heroes, who have acted bravely and truly out of patriotic impulse, and because they had the opportunity, more than out of deliberate purpose. And the.se are indeed our heroes, because their impulses were born of liberty. There was a saying in the far Xorth that a regiment of old women could march through the South, and thousands of young men, the flower of the land, came hence as to a festival. And in the far South they boasted that one of their valorous knights could vanquish a half dozen sluggish Xorth-men. Both sections were destined to a rude awakening. Hardlj- had the northern army of raw recruits begun to assume the form and semblance of an armed force when the more influential of the northern press began to clamor for an onward movement. The iinholj- rebellion was to be speedily crushed with one great decisive battle. The specious cr\- was everywhere repeated of "On to Richmondl" Ah! ho\\- little did they know the hydra they were contending- with. It was not one battle liut ten times ten, covering a period of years, and the embattlement of near four million men, with rivers of blood, and the expenditure of billions of treasure, before the sun of peace would again shine undimmed through the dense clouds of a fratricidal war. It may be that the failure of General Patterson in Western Virginia to prevent reinforcements from reaching Beauregard at the critical moment ■was a blessing in disguise. But the recoil from the first Bull Kun was terrible, and then onr people began to realize something of the magnitude of the struggle, and the early estimate of a ninety days' war with seventy-five thousand volunteers was wholly abandoned. The first Bull Run was the barbed arrow of Pi'ovidence that was to destroy the peculiar institution of the South. It gave confidence to the slaveholders, and insi^ired the Northmen with a resolution not V)orii of compromise. Let us examine some of the incidents of this greatest if not grandest struggle in all history. As a sequel to the failure of the Peninsula campaign before Richmond under McClellan came the second Bull l!un. The excitement in Washington, and all over the loyal Xorth as well, was different in its kind from that which followed the defeat and retreat of our army July 21, 1861, for by this time we had accustomed ourselves, some- ■what, to the vicissitudes and stern discijiline of war. This time there was no inrushing of demoralized men by scores and by thousands, frenzied with fear and bent only upon gaining a temi)orary refuge, for a yeai-'s experience of army life had changed all that. The rebel .sympathizers, with an increase of hauteur, were prudently jubilant as they meandered up Pennsylvania avenue, and yet careful not to give flagrant oft'ense, for the Unionists were sensitive at the way in which Bull Run history had repeated itself. This defeat, like the other, only served to stimuhite the goverument and people alike to a more determined effort. The smoke of battle had hardly cleared away when It became evident that General Lee was about to cross the Potomac into Maryland, so as to menace either Balfmore or I'liiladelj hia, or both. To successfully meet this onslaught. 118 SEMI-CENTENNIAL OF MANCHESTER, N. H. re(|iiiri'(l soinethiiifr more than the prowess of a discTetlitod g-eneral at the head of a defeated army, and General I'ope Iiad been ing-lorioiisly defeated only a few hours before. Whatever else may be said of General Mctlellan, he was undoubtedly an otlieer of merit ; a good defensive fighter; and as an organizer of armed forces his equal was then nnl'o rumor of assault and capture of the outer works, however absurd, was deemed unworthy of attention. The defenses were largely manned by the Invalid corps, but their strength was hardly suffi- cient to hold the city against a vigorous and well-directed assault in the absence of reinforcements, and in this emergency companies and regiments were formed among the government clerks for the common defense. The weather was intensely hot, and the company to which I belonged took its first lesson in the manual of arms under the shade trees of Judiciary square. July 11, I think it was, we were on duty out Seventh street, near Fort Stevens, from which the Confederate lines were plainlj- visible, and they were carefully insi)ected by President Lincoln. Presently the grand old Sixth corps of our army, under General Wright, came tramping by. A quick passage up the Potomac liad been made, and marching straight out to the front those hardy veterans, deployed in line of battle, advanced upon the enemy, and the siege was raised, for Early was quick to recognize the character of the men who now confronted him. The casu- alties were not large, though a considerable number were killed, but the relief to a beleaguered city was something to remember by those who were there. It has been related to me by a regular army officer, in high authority, that the Confederate officers found a choice and abundant stock of liquors in Mr. Blair's cellar, and to this fact was due their delay in nuiking the attack before reinforcements came. Thus ended p^arly's raid on Washington. 'I'liere was an element of real danger in the LINCOLN. STATUE PRESENTED BY JOHN ROGERS TO THE MANCHESTER PUBLIC LIBRARY. 124 SEMI-CEKTENNIAL OF MANCHESTER, N. II. situation, obscui-fd to somo pxtent li.v iiiilitiiry operations of "freater niag-nitiule. It was confidently expected that Karly's coniinand would be destroyed, but in the conflict of oi-ders issued from the war department to the several Union commanders here and there Karlj^ was lost sight of for several days, during which, July 30, he sacked aiid burned the defenseless town of Chambersburg- in Pennsylvania, and gathered a consid- erable store of provisions in western Maryland. The situation became so complicated that General Grant secretly left the front and hastened to the >ronocacy to ascertain from General Hunter the whereabouts of the enemy, and with his marvelous military instinct he .soon located his game. At his earnest request, backed Ijy the pre.-;ident, Sheridan was placed in command of all the forces for the defense of Washington, and from that hour a new order of things obtained. Early went whirling up the valley. But he had thrown the war department into a temporary panic of which it was said that Washington had been more in danger of being sacrificed by her friends than bj- the assaults of her enemies. And here I am tempted to read a dispatch from President Lincoln to General Grant. It was as follows: Washington, D. C, August 3, 1SG4. Lieutenant-Gcneral Grant, City Point, Va.: — I have seen your dispatch in which you say "I want Sheridan put in conin'iaud of all the troops in the field, with instructions to put himself south of the enemy, and follow him to the death. Wherever tlie enemy goes let our troops go also." This I think is exactly right as to how our forces should move; but please look over the dispatches you may have received from liere. ever since you made that order, and discover, if you can, that there is any idea in tlie head of any one liere of "putting our army south of the enemy."' or "following him to the death" in any direction. I repeat to yon, it will neither be done nor attempted, unless you watch It every day and hour, and force it. A. LTXCOLX. It was thought in the war lUiiaii nieut that Sheridan was too young. President Lincoln was the marvel of the war. He seems to have been raised up by Providence for the great emergency, not from affluence, but from a lowly state. He was charitable, gentle hearted, and .I'ust. lie was earnest and honest, and ever ready to bestow praise where praise was due. He bided his time and his judgments were almost intuitive. With an unslfish devotion and a rare singleness of purpose he consecrated himself to the cause of humanity, and his fame will endure forever. The practical situation at the close of the campaign of 1SG4 was that Grant had the Confederacy by the throat, with Sherman in a position to intercept the enemy should he break away. Some time after the re-election of Mr. Lincoln active operations were suspended for the winter, \\itli the enemy holding Petersburg, and our army drawn up close to his lines watching every movement lest Lee escape. ^Meanwhile Sherman continued his inarch from Savannah to Goldsboro. taking Columbia, the capital of South Carolina, in his route, and comiielling the evacuation of Charleston and other coast cities of the Confederacy, and finally went into bivouac at Goldsboro. March 21, 1805. It now only remained to clo.se in upon Lee, for it can hardly be .said that General .Tohnston was even a serious menace to .Sherman, who experienced no difficulty in holding him as in a vise. Sheridan was preparing to cut the railroads and canals by which the Confed- erates were alone supplied, for bj- this time the coast cities and blockade running ports were in our possession as the result of a series of splendid naval operations achieved in eo-operation with our land forces. The last resource of the rebellion was now verging to a point of collapse. Already the Confederate ])eace commissioners were within our lines near I'etcrsburg, negotiating for an armistice, but the abolition of slavery had now become an ultimatum. 'Jhe southern jieople had at last seen the writing on the wall. The great fear was that Lee would escape from Petersburg, form a junction with .lohn- ston, and fall upon Sherman with their united forces. To prevent this Sheridan was sent out to act the lion's part in Lee's path. Sliernuin was ready for anything. ADDRESS OF DAVID L. PERKINS, ESQ. 125 General Grant's closing campaign openetl late in March. Sheridan fought a .severe cavalry battle at Dinwiddie Court House, another near Hatcher's Run, and April first he fought a decisive battle at Five Forks, capturing six thousand prisoners. The south side railroad was broken, and April 2 the Union forces under Grant and Jleade assavilted and carried the outer works of Petersburg, capturing twelve thousand prisoners- This rendered the further occupation of Kichmond untenable, and Lee evacuated Peters- burg. JefE Davis received this intelligence while attending' chui'cli in Richmond, and with his trusted followers he fled from the Confederate cajjital with such stores and archives as he was able to take along. The city was fired by the retiring Confederates, and on the third day of April, at a quarter past eight o'clock in the morning, our forces- entered the citadel of the rebellion, and at once proceeded to quench the vandal flames. Lee retreated in a southwesterly course for Danville, where he had calculated upon secur- ing provisions and such transportation as would result in a junction with Johnston in North Carolina; but Sheridan had preceded him. At Sailor's Creek, April 0, he attacked Lee, capturing seven thousand prisoners, and there were other engagements at Detonville and Farmville. Finally, Ajiril 9, surrounded, nearly starved, and unable to proceed,^ Lee surrendered what remained of his army at Appomattox Coui't House, a small hamlet about thirty miles southwest of Richmond. This event was followed April 26 by the surrender of Johnston and his army to Genei-al Sherman. Lee surrendered about thirty thousand men and twenty thousand more straggled in afterwards to avail them- selves of General Grant's generoiis terms, and they were also paroled. Our loss in killed, wounded, and missing, beginning with the Wilderness and including General Butler's Army of the James, was eighty thousand men, and it is estimated that Grant captured in battle seventy thousand of the enemy. Thus ended the war of 1861, and it would tax the pen of a St. Paul to fitly characterize the scenes, the feelings, the rejoic ings of a mighty people. As to the results, perhaps I can do no better than to quote the language of the historian: "It had cost hundreds of thousands of lives, and thousands of millions of dollars; it had settled the question of slavery and of the stability of the Union; and take it for all in all, it must be pronounced the most stupendous conflict in all history." For some time before the end it had become a serious question with the more thoughtful and philosophical as to what would follow the last convulsion of organized resistance to federal authority. Man}' were fearful that a guerilla warfare would suc- ceed, extending over a period of years, in the unspeakable agony of which our institu- tions would sufl:'er a permanent blight, if not a total eclipse. And yet the boldness, the skill, the dauntless courage of our erring brothers on the other side, isolated, torn, and bleeding at every pore, challenged our admiration if not our sympathy, for we are bound together by the traditions of histor\' and by a common lineage. And after such a war, that such a people, numbering twelve million souls, inhabiting a garden spot of eight hundred thousand square miles, could again be brought into harmony and fraternal fellowship with their victors, and become their generous rivals in a race of unex- ampled prosperity, under one flag and one government, is a tribute to the race that finds no parallel in history. The true relation of the great American war of 1S61 to the cause of human liberty can hardly be estimated for years to come. We are yet too near for correct analysis. It was a crisis, an epoch in the affairs of men, and its real significance will become more and more apparent from generation to generation. If plutocracy and democracy can harmonize their aims and interests the republic should endure for centuries. Out of the barbarism of mediaeval times our fathers laid the foundation of the grandest .super- structure of human government in the world's history, and cemented it with the best philosophy of the ages. It has dazzled mankind. It has been a boon, a joy, an inspira- tion, a beacon, a perennial hope among the lowly of the earth, and a demonstration of the 126 SEMI-CENTENNIAL OF MANCHESTER, N. U. brotherhood of man and the fatherhood of God. Our political constitution has been heraldfd as something' more than human and somthing' less than divine. But it con- cealed a fatal defect that human philosophy should have detected, and that divine authority could not tolerate, for it sought to confer a joint heirship upon the institutions of human slavery and civil liberty. Manchester, who.se Semi-Centennial life as a city we now celebrate, honored herself by sending two thousand eight hundred twenty-eight men to serve in the army and navy in defense of the Stars and Stripes. There were privates and subalterns. There were colonels and Ijrigadiers, and sailors too. There was one among them who went forth in the humble cai)acity of a regimental cpiartermaster. To his untiring vigilance the boys in blue were indebted for their coffee and hardtack after manj- a hard-fought battle. His charge may have been forty miles long in the enemy's country, but the vast stores of an army in the field were safely delivered at the front when needed. Who can estimate his service in the dark hours of the Wilderness. I refer, of course, to our fellow citizen Kichard N. Hatchelder, (|uartermaster of the .\rniy of the Potomac, and late quartermaster general of the United States .\rmy. We welcome his return. Veterans of the (irand Army: — It was your high privilege to take part in this great struggle, and your service is a legacy to your country forever. It is therefore befitting that we of Manchester should recapitulate, on occasions like this, the events to which all America is indebted for the blessings of a reunited country, and the benign institu- tions of civil and religious liberty. Without these there would be little left worth celebrating. Other jiatriolie addresses were iiiade Ijv lion. :\[artin A. Hayiies of Lakeport, George S. Fox of Xew Bedford, Mass., Hon. Jolm G. Crawford, Kcv. T. Eaton Clapp, and Jlvv. W. II. Morrison. CAVALRY DRILLS. An important feature of the program for the Semi-Centennial week was the exhibition drills given by F Troop, Third United States Cavalry, Capt. George A. Dodd. Lieuts. D. S. Tate and J. S. Ryan. Through the intervention of Gen. R. N. Batchelder and the congressional delegation, this distinguished troop was ordered to march from its headquarters at Fort Ftlian Allen, Burlington, Vt., to Manchester, to take part in the celebration. Captain Dodd and his command, consisting of fifty-one men, left Burlington on August 28, and arrived in Manchester on Sunday, September 6, at noon. The troop was met at Goffstown on Saturday by General Batchelder and Lieut. Col. Harry B. Cilley of the First Regiment, X. H. X. G. On Sunday morning the troop was met on the road by Lieutenant-Colonel Cilley and Quartermaster-Sergeant Charles B. Bodwell, and escorted to city hall, where Mayor Clarke officially welcomed the cavalry to the city. The troop went into camp on Maple street, near Yarick park. The regulars gave exhibition drills each afternoon during the week, to the great delight of crowds varying from five thousand to fifteen thousand people. The drills comprised the most daring feats of rough riding, hurdle jumping, fencing, sabre exercises, ^^Testling, exercises with carbines and revolvers, etc., the various evolutions eliciting the highest enthusiasm. The officers and members of the troop were the recipients of numerous social courtesies from military gentlemen of the city, and citizens, and on Thursday a banquet was tendered the corps at the Manchester House by prominent citizens. L'pon this occasion Mayor Clarke took occasion to express to the troop the deep gratitude of the city of Manchester for the excellent entertainment which they had furnished the citizens and their guests during the celebration of the Semi-Centennial anniversary. They had provided an entertainment in their exhibition drills which had proved one of the superb features of the week, and the city felt deeply indebted to them for their services, which contributed so greatly to the success of the week. Congressman Sulloway also expressed the appreciation of the citizens for tlie entertainment given by the cavalry. The troop left town Saturday, after a dress parade at city hall and a cduiiili- mentary hitch-up by the fire department, and farewells by the mayor and military officers, returning by road to Fort Ethan Allen. 1-27 >- a: _j < > < O Q DC I I- qT o o a: \- > O z o X X Ui INDUSTRIAL AND HISTORICAL EXHIBITION IN THE KENNARD. One of the first and most valuable suggestions offered for a feature of the Semi- centennial was that an exhibition be held in some suitable place which should show the marveloiis progress made in fifty years, not only in the arts and sciences, but in the practical aifairs of life, such as cooking xitensils, methods of dress, firearms, etc. In a locality so rich in historical relics as Manchester, it was thought that an inter- esting exhibition might be arranged which would be creditable to its promoters and instructive to visitors. Mayor Clarke gave the chairmanship of the committee which should have this important feature in charge to Mr. Edward J. Burnham. How well the committee succeeded in its efforts is evidenced by the fact that the exliibition, which was held in the large store in the Kennard, was crowded continually during the three days of the celebration, and, at the request of many citizens, it was kept open one day extra in order that Manchester people might inspect it after the rush of visitors had subsided. The Semi-Centennial exhibition committee held its first meeting on June 17 — an historic date, — there being present Chairman E. J. Burnliam, David Perkins, Albert J. Peaslee, Joseph B. Sawyer, Henry W. Herrick, John N. Bruce, Samuel B. Hope, John M. Stanton, Albert D. Scovell, Joseph L. Stevens, George I. Hopkins, Arthur L. AValker, William G. Garmon, Albert L. Clough, George N. Burpee, and Charles H. Smart. Albert L. Clough was elected secretary of the committee, and Chairman Burnham outlined the general plans of the proposed exhibit. The committee held weekly meetings until the details were completed and the exhibition was ready to open on the morning of September 7. On June 30 the exhibition committee extended invitations to the Manchester Historic Association, the Manchester Art Association, and the Manchester Electric Club to co-operate with the committee, which invitations were at once accepted. July 7 the chairman announced the sub-committees, and the active work of organization of the exhibition began. Those who served upon the sub-committees were: On Hall.— William G. Garmon, Frederick G. Stark, John Gillis. On Transportation of Exhibits. — Samuel B. Hope, Thomas L. Quimby, Charles H. Smart, Joseph B. Sawyer. On Arrangement and Care of Exhibits. — Andrew J. Bennett, M. J. Healy, Miss Betsey B. Shepherd, Mrs. Joseph W. Fellows, Mrs. E. W. Brigham, Mrs. Charles B. Bradley, Miss Isabella G. Mack. To Confer and Co-operate with Historic Association. — David Perkins, S. C. Gould, George F. Willey. 129 OLD HANOVER-STREET CONGREGATIONAL CHuRGH. ERECTED 1839. TORN DOWN 1880. / ::^^ciP^ THE KENNARD. INDUSTRIAL AXD HISTORICAL. 131 To Confer and Co-operate with Art Association. — IT. W. Herrick, Ljnnan W. Colby, John G. EUinwood, Miss Nancy S. Bunton. To Confer and Co-operate with Electric Club. — George I. Hopkins, W. G. Gar- mon, Albert L. Clougb. On Development of Household Utensils and Domestic Processes. — Mrs. Luther S. Proctor, Mrs. W. K. Bobbins, Mrs. Mary M. James, Miss Xellie J. Harrington, Miss Catherine Frain, James 0. Harriman, A. J. Peaslee. On Development in Clothing and Xeedle-work. — Mrs. Lucinda L. Farmer, Mrs. Sarah E. Hersey, Mrs. A. P. Taskcr, Mrs. John Eobertson, Mrs. George Bean. On Cookery and its Processes. — Mrs. George W. Dearborn, ]\[rs. A. S. Land), Mrs. 0. D. Knox, Mrs. Amanda AV. Smith, Miss Elizabeth McDougall. On Progress of Printing and Bibliography of Manchester. — George F. Willey, G. I. Hopkins, George C. Gilmnre. llrs. Olive Rand Clarke, Mrs. Helen In. Dunlap, Mrs. H. P. Priest. On Development of Tools and Machinery. — John M. Stanton, Joseph L. Stevens, Edwin P. Eichardson, George W. Fowler, Henry C. Sanderson. On Development of [Manufactured Products. — George C. Gilmore, A. D. Scovell, Daniel C. Gould, Mrs. Angeline B. Cilley, Mrs. Lucinda L. Farmer, Mrs. Charles E. Cox. On Heating and Lighting. — Charles J. Altbott, George X. Burpee, Joseph B. Sawyer, Albert L. Clough. On Development of Firearms. — John X. BriTce, Augustus H. Stark, A. L. Walker. The large store and basement in the Kennard was completely filled with the varied departments of the exhibition, which was open free to the public Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday, day and evening: also by special request on Thursday. The store and basement comprised nearly 12,000 feet of floor space. In superin- tending the work of arranging the exhibits, Chairman Burnham was assisted by Mr. L. C. B. Burke, and Fred AV. Lamb acted as clerk of the committee in charge of the articles in the historic department. The hard work of the chairman and those who assisted him resulted in an exiiibition that was a delightful revelation to every visitor. It was not only novel and interesting in every department, but exceedingly instructive to both old and young. MANUFACTUEES. Through the center of tlie store, attractively arranged upon a specially con- structed framework, was a magnificent exiiibition of the products of the Amoskeag Manufacturing Company, consisting of seventy-seven diflferent styles of teazle-down, cheviot, denim, and ticking goods arranged in pATamidal form to show the variety of checks, plaids, and stripes. Upon the opposite side was a display of over one hundred patterns of the famous Amoskeag gingliams, harmoniously arranged as to colors. The Stark Mills made a creditable exhibit, consisting of seamless bags, drilling, ducking, and heavy sail cloth; also a verj' interesting arrangement of cotton, showing JOHN C. FRENCH. HISTORIC ASSOCIATION. HENRY W. HERRICK. ART ASSOCIATION. "^1 V CHARLES J. ABBOTT. ELECTRICJCLUB. ALBERT L. CLOUGH. SECRETARY OF COMMITTEE. INDUSTRIAL AND HISTORICAL. 133 the manufacture of cloth from the bale to finislied product, and baled goods ready for the China market. The Amory Mills had a fine exliibit of sheeting, shirting, and other products iu white and unbleached varieties. The Manchester Mills made an extensive display of dress goods, products of their mills and printing department, including worsteds, delaines, challies, lawns, cashmeres, and prints. The Elliott Manufacturing Company made a complete display of knit under- wear; the S. A. Felton & Son Company showed manufactured brashes and blankets in variety, and X. J. Whalen and the Eanno Harness Company made exhibits of fine harness and horse furnishings. The P. C. Cheney Company had an instructive exhibit showing the process of paper making in different stages, from the pulp wood to the finished paper. Both the chemical, or sulphide, and mechanical systems of manufacture were shown. Kimball & Hobbs made a fine exhibit of leather shoe findings, from the hide to finish; also a large variety of rubber goods. S. C. Forsaith ^Machine Company showed an interesting variety of moldings and other wood work. J. Truesdale & Son had a large display of trunks, and J. H. "Wilson, Jr., a fine assortment of hardware goods. Both of these exhibitors .showed articles of both old and modern manufacture. THE GENERAL STARK RELIC'S. Historically, the exhibition was exceedingly interesting and reflected great credit upon President French and his associates. Xever before in the history of Manchester had such a rich and unique collection of relics of old Derry- field been gathered together. Chief among the objects was the "I^Iolly Stark'"' cannon, captured by Gen. John Stark at Bennington in 177?. The famous brass piece was cast near Paris, France, in 1743 and is three and one fourth inch bore. It was brought to America as a part of the armament of the French army in Canada, and was captured at the battle of Quebec, on the "Plains of Abraham," by the English under General Wolfe. "When General Burgoyne invaded the colonies in 1777, the old gun was a jiart of the field artillery taken along, and when he sent Breymann to the aid of Baunr at Bennington the gun was used in the battle and captured by General Stark and his Xew Hamjishire riflemen. By him it was pre- sented to the Xew Boston Artillery Company, then attached to the Xinth Eegiment, New Hampshire militia. The priceless relic has been ever since zealously guarded by its New Boston custodians, who loaned it for the exhibition. A very valualile collection of relics of General Stark occupied a prominent place and attracted much attention. It comprised the following: Bit brace, beaver trap spreading ten inches, one pair of saddle buckles used by Stark at the Battle of Bennington, one pair of silver knee buckles, a cane, a powder horn presented by one of his soldiers and Juindsouiely engraved, four old order books and field accounts, a GEN. JOHN STARK. INDUSTRIAL AND HISTORICAL. 135 flask picked up l)y General Stark on the battlefield of Bennington, one pewter plate and pewter porringer, one bread and milk bowl, one punch bowl, one turkey platter, one wooden bowl, three wooden plates, two pepper and salts, one glass "flip" tumbler, two sugar bowls, two cups and saucers and small plate, one blue platter, two pitchers, one small trunk brought to this country by Archibald Stark (father of John Stark) from Scotland in ITSO, one belt worn by General Stark, one locket containing General Stark's hair, one gold Inukli', one pearl buckle, one pair of spectacles, one jiair of hair bracelets worn by Alolly Stark, one string of gold bead? worn by Molly Stark, one solid silver spoon that General Stark ate bread and milk with, one pair of gold sleeve buttons worn by General Stark, one old sandal slipiter, one snutt' box, one pair of candle snufl'ers, three large back combs of tortoise shell, one wooden water bottle, one large iron camp kettle, one perforated tin lantern used by Stark, flintlock gun captured by Stark in the French and Indian AVar. All of these relics were loaned by Augustus H. Stark. Hanging over the relics were water color paintings, "Birthplace of Stark," "John Stark Eunning the Gauntlet," "Stark's Grave," "Stark at Bunker Hill," and "Stark at Bennington," by Henry W. Herrick. A lirass knocker from the front door of the old Stark liouse was shown liy A. L. A\'alker. The life-size painting of Stark by Teiiney was also exhibited. WAR RELICS. The exhibition drew out a fine collection of IJevolutionary relics, more or less connected with Manchester history. There were the pistols and holsters carried through the Eevolution by Major-General John Sullivan, the engraved sword used by General Cilley and pair of pistols presented to him by vote of the New Hamp- shire legislature, sword, scal)bard, and pistol used by General Wilkinson, powder horn carried by James Harradon at Lexington and Bunker Hill, camp chest used by General Cilley at Valley Forge, order books of General Cilley and Gen. Enoch Poor at Valley Forge, silver cup presented General Poor by Lafayette. A knapsack of horsehide captured from the British in 1812 was shown by A. D. Scovell. Confederate bills secured \>y A. P. Tasker when the trunks of Jefferson Davis and General Beauregard were captured, the revolver, holster, and belt worn by Gen. Eoger A. Pryor when he was captured by Capt. H. 0. Dudley, and the bugle carried in the war by the New Hampshire Battery were shown. I\DIAN RELICS. The finest collection of Indian relics ever shown was enjoj'ed by visitors to the exhibition, all gathered in the vicinity of Manchester. Among the large contribu- tors to this department were Frederick Smyth, E. P. Bicliardson, H. Clarence Knowles, the John J. Bell estate, John K. Mc(^uesten, S. B. Kidder, Nate M. Kellogg, Will H. Heath, and William II. Huse. The collection consisted of fine specimens of arrow hcadi-, tomahawks, bow and aiTows, pipes, spearpoints, grinding mills, pestles, war clubs, axes, hammers, chisels, etc. a: UJ H CO lLI X o < en < I- -3 CO LlJ O UJ INDUSTRIAL AND HISTORICAL. 137 ANTIQUARIAN. Among the antique arlicles in tJie exliibition were: Corn mill and j^estle, first slate used in Nutfield, coach bugle used on mail stage from Boston to Montreal, hand-made spikes from old Amoskeag dam, models of boats and canoes made by Oldtown and Penobscot Indians, portion of first communion set used in Nutfield, fire bucket used when the town house was burned in IS-tl, candle snuffers and molds, tax book of Manchester for 1847, ticket of Amoskeag Canal Lottery, cradle made in Manchester in 18-16, and many other minor curiosities. A. L. AValker & Son exhibited a fine collection of coins and paper money, and Charles J. Abbott and Irving W. Barclay also had fine displays of coins. BOOKS. In the book line, A. L. ^\'alkcr & Son made a fiiu' showing of old volumes. The Mack collection from Londonderry embraced a Xew England primer of 1S23, a book printed in 1199, copy of a book of manuscript sermons of the first minister of Nutfield, — Rev. James McGregor. George C. Gilmore entered many interesting old books and copies of the first and last city reports. William II. Huse displayed four books which belonged to the Derryfield Social liljrary. Other valuable volumes were shown by John G. Crawford, George I. IIo]ikins, and George E. Burnham. FIREARMS. In addition to the Revolutionary guns on exhibition, there were many other arms which drew attention. In a window stood a flintlock gun six feet long, which was carried in the siege of Londonderry, Ireland, in 1G88, and brought to this counti-y by its owner. Rev. James McGregor, who settled in Xutfield in 1719, and was its first minister. Under the direction of Capt. John N. Bruce, an exhibit showing impi'ovement in firearms attracted deserved attention. It contained specimens of guns used two hundred years ago, during the Revolutionary period, the muzzle-loading percussion cap muskets of the Civil War, carbines, breech-loading rifles, and the Krag-Jorgensen rifle, now used by the United States army. With this exhibit was a case shown by Louis Bell Post, G. A. R., containing samples of ammunition picked up on battlefields of the war. Arthur C. iloore also exhibited a fine collection of sidearms. CLOTHING AND NEEDLEWORK. An especially pleasing portion of the exhibit to the ladies was the department devoted to the development in clothing and needlework, superintended by Mrs. Lucinda L. Farmer. A novel and happily conceived feature was arranged by several young ladies, who were dressed in costumes representing different periods from 184G to the present time. They were Jfisses Ursula I\[. Burnham, Bessie I. Burnham, Flora Jfoore Termillo. Blanche K. Ilickeii, Sadie Currier, Charlotte (C O (3 , UJ '^ DC % O ■- o < , s CO UJ , s jl < 1^ -> CO > > UJ _] K O >- 2 a - UJ LiJ t/> X r) H z r> o INDUSTRIAL AND HISTORICAL. 139 Cossar, Grace Sturgis, and Klizaljetli C'ossar. Assoeiatrd with Airs. FiiriiiiT in the work of arranging this departjncnt were Mrs. Charles B. Bradley, Mrs. Emma Kidder Jloore, Mrs. Gihnan B. Fogg, ilrs. Charles K. "Walker, Mrs. John Rol)ertson, Mr^. A. P. Tasker, and Mrs. Sarah T. Hersey. Among the many interesting exhibits were collections of slippers of ancient and modern styles, handerchief hags, infants' caps and robes, bead chains, jewelled snuff boxes, bonnets showing the fashions for ninety years, choice old combs, mnfflers, swifts, hand-niiiih' quilts, suits, l)eautiful old linen, honicspun rugs, and exquisite specimens of laces, rare old endiroidery, and other fine needlework. There were silken hose worn at the hall gixen to General Lafayette in Boston in 182 1, a cape that had belonged to a duchess of Kent, a woolen (iiiilt made liy Mrs. Albert Chase in 1795, the wedding dress of Betsey Parker in ISII, a dress suit of 183G; table linen spun from flax grown in New Boston in 1800, and many other exhibits showing the changes in dress for a half centuiy. The following ladies contrilnited to this department: Mrs. George H. True, Mrs. Frederick Smyth, Jlrs. John K. McQuesten, Mrs. Charles K. Walker, Mrs. James P. Walker, Mrs. H. W. Ilerrick, Mrs, E. B. Wondliury, iliss Isa1)ella (i. !Mack, Miss Ijizzie M. Porter, and many others. ELECTRIC EXHIBIT, It was early suggested tliat an exhibition illustrating the matei-ial progress of the Queen City during the last half century would be incomiilete without a full exhibit representative of the wonderful advances made in the practical applications of electricity during the period, and with this fact in mind the executive committee of the Manchester Electric Club tendered the cordial co-operation of the association to the exhibition committee to effect this end. It was the design of the club to show, in compact form, examples of all the principal practical applications of electrical science, and this idea was most creditably carried out under the efficient direction of President Charles J. Abbott and his associates. Through the generous courtesy of Superintendent F. H. Smith, of the Manchester Electric Company, arrangements were made for the sujiply of electric current without expense to the club, and for the loan of much indispensable apparatus, thus permitting the apparatus to be shown in actual operation. The exhiljit was .arranged and cared for by members of the club, among those who were especially active being Messrs. Arthur W. Ferrin, A. A. Jenkins, Albert L. Clough, Prof. G. I. Hopkins, N. S. Bean, Jr., J. Brodie Smith, and Stanley Barlow. Arc lights and an arch of incandescent bulbs rendered the space allotted to the exhibit as light ,as day, and attracted a noticeable amount of attention, especially during the evening hours. Illustrative of the progress made in telegraphy there was shown, through the courtesy of Mr. Abbott, a complete set of the old-fashioned instruments in use for telegraphic piirposes at the time of the incorporation of the city, and in striking contrast to these clumsy affairs was exhibited a set of the latest improved instruments. The application of electricity to motive power purposes was practically demon- strated by tiic exhibition of electric motors driving ventilating fans aiul other YC iN COSTUMES, 1846 TO 1896. THE OLD-FASHIONED KITCHEN. INDUSTRIAL AND III5TORICAL, 141 machinery. OiU' of the most interesting novelties shown was a complete outfit of electric heating and cooking apparatus exhibited in active operation, comprising electric stoves, kettles, flatirons, a glue pot and other useful utensils, obtaining their heat solely from the current. Electric meters and other instruments were installed for the purposes of enlightening the public in regard to the methods of measuring electrical energy, these being used in connection with the incandescent lamps and heaters. Attendants were constantly at hand to furnish descriptions and explanations of the various pieces of apparatus. Much of the interest of the exhibit centered about the demonstration of the X-ray, which was conducted by Albert L. C'lough and A. W. Ferrin, by means of apparatus constructed by them. A Tesla high-frequency coil, operated by the street current, was used in connection with Crookes vacuum tubes and fluoroscope, to afford a complete illustration of the principles of shadow photography and iluoroscopy. A collection of shadowgraphs was .at hand to show tlie curious and useful applications of the new rays, and many shadowgraphs of deformed hands and other objects were made for the benefit of those present, while the methods of jjroduction and the nature of the rays formed the subject of frequent informal lectures during the course of the exliibition. On the w'hole, the showing of the club was exceedingly creditable to this representative scientific body. ART DEPARTMENT. Occupying a iiromiuent position in the store was a water color painting of James Thornton, executive officer of the Kearsarge at the time of its battle with the Confederate cruiser Alabama. J. G. Ellinwood, L. W. Colby, and J. T. Langley exhibited photographs. Oil paintings of ex-Governors Weston, Currier, Straw, Smyth, and Cheney, Rev. Cyrus Wallace, Dr. Emil Custer and wife, Richard Ayer, Dr. W. W. Brown, and Rt. Rev. D. M. Bradley were shown; also portraits of all the mayors of Manchester. Owing to lack of room in the store, the art exliibition was continued in the rooms of the Art Association, in Pickering building, under direction of Chairman Herrick and Joel Daniels, Miss Anna A. Parker, Mrs. Eliza II. Collins, and Walter H. Shilvock. The entries were limited to oil, water color, pastel, and sculpture. The contributors were Etta Moulton, Georgia Wilson, Mary Percival Stone, W. E. Bur- bank, H. W. Herrick, Walter DeMoulpied, Mrs. E. H. Collins, Fannie D. Moulton, Miss H. S. Squires, Mrs. Sarah T. Ilersey, Mrs. L. L. Farmer, and Anson G. Osgood. The art collection of Mrs. W. W. Brown was also a prominent part of the exhibition. This collection, bequeathed to the Art Association, consists of paintings, rare inlaid tables, and bric-a-brac, and is valued at $1,250. The complete collection of Rogers groups, owned by the association, was also an attractive feature of the display. Over four thousand people visited the art rooms diiring the exhibit. MRo. LUCINDA L. FARMER. MRS. LUTHER S. PROCTOR. L. C. B. BURKE. FRED VV. LAMB, INDUSTRIAL AND HISTORICAL. 143 UorsHIIOI.I) rTEXSII.s AND COOKICnY. The linusehold utensils and ((icikciT "f fifty yeavr; n^o were illustrated in a happy manner liy the arrangement of an old-fashioned kitchen, completely furnished. There was grandfather".* clock, the spinning wheels, reels, the large fireplace and hanging kettle on the crane, the old crockery, candles, wooden cradle, etc. Overhead hung the strings of apples and l)unches of lierlis. This feature was in charge of Mrs. George W. Dearborn. Opposite this cxhihit, to show the cliange from the good, old-fashioued ways to the methods of living by society of 1896, was a representation of a modern parlor and sitting-roon:, witli a dainty five o'clock tea talile. This exhibit was under direction of Mrs. Luther S. Proctor, assisted by iliss Bessie I. Curiiham. It was estimated that at least ten tluiusand visited the exhibition each day that it was open. This would indicate an attendance of over fifty thousand during tlie four days and evenings that the public was admitted. THE ART COLLECTICN OF MRS. W. VV. BROWN. CHIEF HEALY. DEPUTY CHIEF CASSIDY. bU.LLi.tiIEu:i>i.i FtMiniT j< J ^ ■ ! t''\-. mi i^P^ 5 --< "p ■♦*■ ■■ .^ ^ MANCHESTER CADETS ESCORTING CADET VETERAN ASSOCIATION. THE OLD RESIDENTS. 1846. — 1896. One of the most enjoyable featiires of the Semi-Centennial celebration was the gathering of Manchester's oldest residents, which happy affair resulted in the forma- tion of a permanent Old llesidents' Association. Among the names of those selected by Mayor Clarke to have charge of the celebration, fifty-six well-known citizens were designated to represent the old residents, Warren Harvey, who was .a native of Manchester, to serve as chairman. A meeting was called by Chairnum Harvey, on June 19, at the Board of Trade rooms, to organize and discuss plans for the coming event. David L. Perkins was chosen clerk, and after a free discussion the chairman and clerk were instructed to collect information and report a definite plan at a subsequent meeting. There were present the chairman, clerk, Henry A. Farrington, Joseph L. Stevens, A. A. Ainsworth, Eben Ferren, Hiram Forsaith, Heed P. Silver, William Brown, Hiram Hill, Luther S. Proctor, Walter Neal, John G. Lane, William T. Stevens, A. J. I^ane, William P. ilerrill, and David W. Collins. On the evening of July 1, Mayor Clarke addressed the committee briefly, out- lining his views with reference to the old residents feature of the celebration. It was his desire to make this feature especially prominent. To the "Old Guard"' of 1846 should be accorded the post of honor. Those who were here at our municipal christening should be entertained as tlie guests of the city, and to this end he ten- dered a cordial co-operation. Hon. Charles H. Bartlett, president of the Board of Trade, also addressed the committee. The clerk then reported a program for the old residents, as ordered at the previous meeting. At the suggestion of the mayor, a registration book had been opened at the office of the city clerk, in which several hundred names had already been recorded of those now living in New Hampshire and elsewhere throughout the country, who were residents of Manchester as early as 1846. Correspondence had been opened with those in remote places who had ex- pressed a desire to revisit their early home and become a part of the celebration. It was, therefore, a matter of the first importance that the old residents should have a common rendezvous, where they could review old friendships in the spirit of "Auld Lang Syne." To meet this want. Mayor Clarke tendered the free use of city hall for the three Semi-Centennial days of September 7, 8, and 9. It was recommended that a permanent old residents' association be formed; that a large registration book be opened with an entire page for each old resident, and a marginal space for remarks; that a distinctive old residents' badge be provided, and that sub-committees be ap- pointed on reception and entertainment. To carry out these recommendations, the following sul)-committees were named: 10 14.') 146 SEMI-CENTENNIAL OF MANCHESTER, N. H. On Roception. — Ileiirv A. Farriiifrton. A. .1. l^uio, Cliailc- L. Kichardson, William II. I'hiiner, Walter Cody. Williatn \\\lior, Iliiam Hill, John (i. Lane, Luther S. Proctor, and Warren Harvey. On Entertainment.— William 1'. .Merrill. Ifinatius T. Webster. Charle.s K. Walker. Charles S. Fisher, and David W. Collins. On Old l.'esidents" Badge. — fieorpe W. Dodge, Cassius C. Webster, and Iliram Forsailh. On Old Ki'sideiits" Association ami Registration l>ook. — David L. Perkins, Joseph L. Stevens, and Henry A. I'arrington. At this meeting, Fred L. Wallace was chosen corresponding secretary. At a meeting held. August 1 1, the .sub-committees reported substantial progress. A distinctive old residents' badge was adopted and the clerk was instructed to present the constitution that had been drafted to a mass meeting of old residents during the Senii-Centennial week. Stejjs were taken to establish a bureau of infor- mation at the city hall for the benefit of visiting friends, and for the furnishing of a ladies' parlor adjacent to the hall fronting on Flm street. September 3 it was voted that the old residents" badges, at twenty-five cents each, be restricted to those who had registered, and who were residents of Manchester as early as 1846. Nearly a thousand names had l)y this time been recorded. Seven hundred and ninety-eight badges were disposed of, while only three hundred tickets had been provided for the grand reviewing stand. This fact alone attests the wide interest tlmt was entertained by the "Old Guard," at home and abroad. Indeed, the result far exceeded the expectations of those best qualified to judge. To meet the expenses of the committee, including a dinner and carriages for the aged and infirm, $300 was allotted to the committee, and of this sum $61. 90 was returned to the general fund after paying all bills. The registered names represent Colorado, Connecticut, Dakota, Florida, Georgia, Hlinois. Idaho, Kansas, Louisiana, ilassachusetts. Elaine, Minnesota, Missouri, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Nebraska, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Vermont, Washington, Wisconsin, and the District of Cohimljia. Doijlitless others were here from other states and territories of tlie Union. Of three hundred four names recorded in the new registration book, two hun- dred fifty-three were natives of New Hampshire, twenty of Vermont, eighteen of Massachusetts, and the balance were born in Connecticut, Elaine, New York. Vir- ginia, Canada, England, Ireland, ^ind Scotland; and when the pages are filled, as they ultimately will be, by those who wci-e hiM-e n lialf century back, the record will be still more interesting. In this lnHik many facts are recorded in the marginal space that will be of future interest. MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 7. The old historic city hall building, the ollicial headquaj-ters of the old residents during the celebration, was handsomely decorated for the festive occasion. By the patriotic efforts of Swedish citizens, a special sum of one hundred dollars was raised 52 o = LLj 9 IT) LU CC UJ > < z H CO UJ Q 3 O LL UJ I I- 148 SEMI-CENTENNIAL OF MANCHESTER, N. U. and turned over to the proper committee for the jjiirpose of decorating the city hall exterior. The huilding was liandsoiiiely trimmed with streamers, festoons, and shields. On the soutli end was the city seal and the Klm-street side was adorned with life-like portraits of Hiram Brown, the first mayor. Mayor Clarke, and Gen. John Stark, the hero of Bennington. The offices of Mayor Clarke were also artisti- cally decorated. The hall was tastily decorated in honor of the old residents. Over the platform was a large cloth sign, hearing the inscription: "Manchester Welcomes Her Children of 1846." The hall and ladies" jiai'lor were tastily decorated with flags and streamers, and suspended from the walls, as an added welcome, were the portraits of a dozen prominent citizens of the jiast and ]iresent. They were Moody Currier, Frederick Smyth, James A. Weston, Ezekiel A. Straw, Daniel Clark, Phinehas Adams, Oliver Hunt, Mrs. Dr. Anms G. Gale, Alfred G. Fairbanks, David r. Perkins, Fhineas Stevens, and Daniel C. Gould, Sr. On the morning of September 7, several hundred of the ""Old (iuard" assem- bled in city hall. It was an inspiring scene to see the hearty hand.shakes of the veterans, as they greeted old friends whom they had not seen for years, and the faces of the veterans were illuminated witli smiles by many long-forgotten remin- iscences brought out by the hapjiy occasion. Before taking electric ears for the review stand. Chairman ^\'arren Harvey called the old residents to order and said: Ladies and Gentlemen: — It is my i)rivilejre as chairman of the old residents com- mittee to call this assembly to order, and to congratulate you upon the opportunity which has come to you to particii)ate txlny in .Manchester's Semi-Centenuinl eclehration. The Manchester we see today bears little resemblance to that Manchester which tifty years ago we saw incorporated a city. None of us dreamed that we should live to see the day when that small beginning' should e.\pand into the city we now behold. But it is probable that ten per cent of the population of this city in 1S46 are still living'. It is certainly gratifying to us all to observe the character of Manchester's growth, as well as the extent of it. It has always been along healthy lines; the relig'ious and educa- tional interests of the people have not been neglected or lost sight of. But the church and the .schoolho\ise have kept pace with the factory, the workshop, and every line of industry, and the Manchester we see today suffers in comparison with no Xew England city in any particular. It gives me great pleasure to present to you a son of the late Col. John B. Clarke, who was so widely known to the older inhabitants of this city, and so universally respected, — our present mayor, — William C. Clarke, who will officially' extend to yon the city's welcome and cordial greeting. Mayor Clarke, in response, said: Ladies and (Jentlenien: — While all Manchester is rejoicing this week in a demon- stration that few of \is will ever live to see renewed tifty years hence, to none does it mean so much as to the men and women who were here at the city's birth, and to whose brains, sagacity, and activity in building up the foremost community in Xew Hamp- shire we, who have followed after, owe so much. This is a day when the "Old Guard" commands our imdivided attention and respect, and while participating with pleasure in the other ])ublic exercises of the week I feel today that I am more honored than in all that has transpired, or will take place, in being privileged to extend to this noble THE OLD RESIDENTS. 149 gathering- an official welcome. It is also with a feeliiif.- of no little satisfaction that [ find my efforts in org-anizins' an Old Residents' .\ssociation so conspicuously rewarded. Six month.s ag-o I placed in the office of the city clerk a record book, in which I invited all those in any way identified with Jianchester in 1S4G, or prior thereto, to reg-ister their names, tog-ether with the dat<> of their settlement in Jianchester. Interest in the effort to secure a registration of the "Old Guard" at once sprang uj), and as the days ■w-ent by the list of names beg-an to assume gratifying- proportions, and before this week opened the pages of the book wei-e filled with the signatures of citizens who were here when the city was incorporated, or before then, who expected to be present at the celebration of her fiftieth anniversary. Over one thousand names had been entered in the register when it was clos- d to make i)lace for another and larger book, covering- in detail the history of the old residents, and which I doubt not will now lead the way towards the organization of a permanent Old Kesidents" Association. You have indeed g-loriously honored Manchester in the past, and today you honor her again by assem- bling in such large and distinguished numbers to assist in carrying- out her anniver.sary exercises. City hall is cheerfully placed at your disposal during the week, and here I trust you may meet and renew old ac(]uaintances, and talk over happily and profitably those dear old daj-s when you were leaders in the affairs of a city that has since become so beautiful and successful. At 10 o'clock the old rci;ifleiits were furnished free transportation hy electric cars to the review stand, on Trenioiit square, where special seats were reserved for them. After the parade a dinner was served in city hall. At 7.30 p. .¥. a meeting of old residents was held in city hall, the program being arranged by a committee on enter- tainment, consisting of William P. Merrill, Ignatius T. Webster, Charles K. Walker, David W. Collins, and Charles S. Fisher. The singing was under tlie direction of Hon. Alphcus Gay, and Fred W. Batchelder presided at the piano. The ]irogram opened with prayer by Rev. Anson C. Coult. fnllnwed by singing of "Auld Lang Syne." The principal address of the evening was delivered liy Hon. Joseph Ividder. SEMI-CEXTEXXIAL ADDRESS OF HOX. JOSEPH KIDDKH. It was past the middle of the nineteenth century. Gold in large quantities had been found in California. Extravagant stories were told of the fortunes made in a day at various points on the Pacific slope. People by the thousands left their business and their homes in the East, South, and West, and joined in the mad rush for riches in the T51dorado of the far West. Every known method of transportation was utilized and many, full of hope, with scanty means, went overland, on foot, so great was the desire to gather in the golden harvest of the new country. Among the pedestrian pioneers ■were two boys from Ohio. For many a weary day they plodded on through forests, over sandy plains, and forded streams in their haste to reach the land of their dreams, ■until one night they came to the top of the Rocky Mountains, with torn and bleeding- ^eet, and laid down for rest. Jn the morning they awoke from their broken slumbers unrefreshed, and meditated silently on their forlorn condition and uncertain prospects. In tlie far-off East, u])on which the sun had risen, was the home of their childhood, with its many fond associations, pleasant memories, and loving hearts. .\ mother's hand seemed stretched out to beckon them back again and affection, as a clear voice sounding- in their ears, pleaded for their return. They were deaf to all entreaties, and stimulated by a burning desire for wealth from the unseen world they dropped a few tears, turned their faces westward, and resumed their march, with heavy hearts, along an almost imperceptible trail toward the Pacific ocean. And soon thev were gone bevond recall. HON. JOSEPH KIDDER. PSESIDENr OLD RESIDENTS' ASSOCIATION. THE OLD RESIDENTS. 151 How striking the similitude to our own lot, dear friends. For tifty years, like the ancient Jews, we have been seeking- the promised land of n-ealth and honor, through toil and sacrifices. One half the journey towards the end of a century in the history of our municipality is finished. AVe camp for a night on the dividing line of time, not space. Many are footsore and weary of the march, despairing of the goal. Of the ten or twelve thousand joyous souls in our ranks, big with imtold hopes and aspirations, when we began the struggle of the new life, as a legalized city with a charter, the great majority, through change of plans, the mi.sfortunes of the journey, and the sad inroads made by the great destroyer, not half as many hundreds as we had thousands are gathered here tonight, in these festal halls, to grasp each other's hands, extend congrat- ulations, and tell the varied stories of their lives. We scarcely comprehend, much less realize, the decimating power of five decades. When a young man I knew nearly every family in a neighboring town, and coidd speak their names as 1 met them on the street or at public gatherings. A young man was there with whom I grew intimate and was soon on friendly terms. The acquaintance ripened into enduring friendship. The years rolled away and not long since he died. His last request was that as his friend I should conduct the religious services at his burial. A large company of citizens and friends was present on the occasion. As I sought to speak words of consolation I scrutinized the faces before me most earnestly, and to my surprise the only one recognized among the number familiar to me fifty years before was that of my friend, who lay still and forever silent in the habiliments of death. What a comment on the brevity and vanity of human life! Trvily, in the providence of God, the generations of men come upon the stage of action almost in an hour, and like the early clouds and evanescent shadows of a summer's morning flee away and are gone forever! Solemn and somber thoughts crowd upon me for utterance. I am overwhelmed by their magnitude and seriousness. And yet I am honored to be your choice as speaker for the brief time allotted me. It is a unique and distinguished body that I address. Rarely, if ever, was one like it. A similar one may not soon be convened here, or anywhere else. It is a .society remarkable in its make-\ip and characteristics. It is the Veteran Residents" Association of Manchester. The youngest member is at least fifty years of age by the terms of organization; the oldest eighty, ninety, perhaps more. Strike the average. It is quite likely sixty years or more. The number reported to me in all, as entitled to membership by enrolling their names on the books of the society, exceeds nine hundred. Xapoleon, it is said, ninety-eight years ago. at the famous battle of the Pyramids, incited his soldiers to action and to victor.y by the assurance that forty centuries looked down upon their valor, and success would crown every man with the wreath of honor who did his best for the cause. His arms were victorious. He won the battle. I cannot shout a similar incentive in your ears, or stir your enthusiasm by an eloquent appeal to your patriotism or your love. This is not my province. But if all the old residents of the city of Manchester, now living, are in this presence tonight, by multiplying the number, say seven himdred, by the average age, I am speaking to and of more than forty thousand years of active human life, covering a period twice greater than the number of years since the commencement of the Christian Era. But better still if we remember and practice the sentiments of the poet: "We live in deeds, not j'ears; in thoughts, not breaths; In feelings, not in figures on a dial. We should count time bj heart throbs. He most lives Who thinks most; feels the noblest, acts the best." We are gathered, members of the Old Residents' Association, to celebrate an impor- tant and deeply interesting event; one in which none of us can ever again participate. In this respect it is the one occasion of our lives. Jsaturall.y our thoughts turn into the reminiscent and historic vein, and we compare, mentally at least, the past with the 152 SEMI-CENTENNIAL OF MANCHESTER, X. II. present, and wonder if the progress in art, scicnco, litorat iin-, morals, and relifrioiis ideas and opinions for the eoniin'j' fifty years will be equal to or excel what our own eyes have witnessed since Manchester was incorporated as a city. For one, I find inatiM-ial for thought and discussion in days lonfr l)ri()r to the lejfislative act that can- celled our town organization and bestowed upon us as a peo|ile the rights and jjrivileges of a city form of government. Jiut Manchester has few legends running far back into the misty past. Clearly the state was once the domain of the unlettered savage, who rojinied at will through the forests and chased tli<- panther and the bear to their hiding places. Anioskeag falls was one of their principal fishing places. The ^^errinlaek river was alive with salmon, shad, alewives, and eels, and the smaller fish common in her waters. The place 'where ex-Governor Smyth's house now .stands was the camping ground of the dusky Indians. I remember the spot well, for in my boyhood days I hunted there frequently, with good success, for tomahawks, arrow heads, stone chisels, glass beads, and other trinkets, the product of their skill and ingenuity when not other- wise employed. A little further down the river, in the neighborhood of Mr. lilood's shops, and adjacent to the old burying ground, was a similar tract, .some two hundred feet in diameter, without doubt used for the same |)urposes. The vegetable mold had been consumed by the oft-lighted fires, and nothing but .sand remained where the numer- ous wigwams once stood, and the natives cooked their food in a rude way and hetited their feet on their return from hunting and fishing expeditions. Possibly these things, and a few others similar in characteristics, in the vicinity of the falls, gave occasional travelers and newspaper correspondents in former times the idea that Manchester was only a series of useless sand banks, and the soil ill adapted to agricultural ])urposes. This was a partial and erroneous view. As a general statement, nothing couhl be further from the truth, as more recent observation .-md practical tests of the productive- ness of the soil fully demonstrate beyond cavil. The primitive forests, as we well rememlier, with local exceptions, were of hard wood, and many of the trees of enormous size. The soil was admirably adapted to the growth of large crops of grass, corn, and oats. For farm and garden purpo.ses, with .stimulating mixtures and manures containing fertilizing properties, emphasized by judicious cultivation, the results in mo.st instances are at least satisfactory, if not marvelous, in our eyes. The story of Manchester sand banks is now a veritabli' myth, ami soon all traces of the legeiul will drop from human recollection. Renewing, for a moment, our thread of Iniliaii life, and remembering the part he enacted in the scenes about the falls, it may be remarked that about the only signs of his former presence in the neighborhood are to be found in the somewhat antiquated histories of the old town nf Harrytown. and the familiar names of Massabesic lake. Amoskeag falls, Uncanoonue mnnntains, and Wanolancet, the noted sachem of a tribe of his fellows once dwelling in the forests along the banks of the .Merrimack, liviliz- ation is the menace of noniaiiic tribes, and as the unfortunate red men gradually retired from Xew England, before the onward march of the arts and sciences, so, one day in the future, when there is no refuge for their broken numbers except the racific ocean, the race will gradually melt away and these curious peoi)le be blotted from the earth, forever. The projjheey is as sure of fulfillment as that the enlightened nations shall move on to still higher planes of .social, moral, and religious life. 1 am especially glad tonight for an opportune moment, in the presence of this dis- tinguLshed body of nun and women, wlio ran never come together again under .similar circumstances, to vindicate the cliaraefer of the early citizens of Harrytown, Derryfield, and .Manchester, Ijeing at ,,,„■,. the same place but named con.secntively in the Oriler here written, for be it known that some historians, as well as scribblers for the i)nl)lic press, have either ignorantly or maliciously cast obloquy upon the names and fame of the fathers of the [u-esent and |irece(iing generaticins once residing within the borders 154 SEMI-CENTENNIAL OF MANCHESTER, N. II. of our ])re.sent city limits. 'Idiiifrlit I stuiid iu ilffcMist- of tlii-se fiilliers ami bear testi- mony to their eminent worthiness as hitrh-mindecl and honorable citizens, as a whole. If they were here, with strenfrth to walk our streets, they would be able to defend them- selves. But they are ffone forever from our midst. Some of us. perhaps, are their de.scendant.s. We honor their names. We are jiroud of our ancestry, and will gladly defend their character at all pro])er times. We should !)<• dcreliil iu duty if we did not .stand like a rock in their defense. The pioneer settlers in the town, as we learn from aut lu'utic so\irces, \viTe .lolin Goffe, Jr., Edward Linf,''fiellohn -McNiel. and John Kiddell. now spelled Kiddle, settled near Amoskeag falls, on lands afterwards known as "Stark place," and "Kidder farm."' These six men are the first known white settlers in Harrvtown. Subsequently their numbers were increased to a limited degree up to 1751, when a charter was granted by the governor and council under the name of Derryfield. The growth of the town was largely from within and quite slow. To divert the citizens from agricultural pursuits, upon which th€-y were largely dependent, and to add to their discouragements, the French and Indian wars broke out and made heavy drafts on the able-bodied men of Derryfield. The arts of w^ar always sadly interfered with the arts of peace, esi)ecially in a new country. The inhabitants of Derryfield had their hands full in clearing their lands, providing shelter, food, and raiment for their families, traveling long distances by forest paths and crooked trails to reach the centers of trade and to purchase scanty su])plies. To these hardshijjs add contagious diseases and the lommon sicknesses inci- dent to life even in its best conditions, with all the horrors ot pinching poverty, and war all about them for a term of years, and you have a picture before you to appeal to the strongest heart and fill the minil with the keenest anguish. This was very largely the melancholy condition of affairs in fne town for a period of some twenty-five or thirty years, ending with the close of the Revolutionary War. This period of time included, of course, the great sanguinary .struggle between the .\merican coFonies and the mother country. It was a long and desperate struggle for human rights and human liberty. Derryfield bore its share in this great and bloody contest heroically and unflinchingly. With these fathers of ours — the good stock from which some of my hearers are descended — patriotism was never at a discount. At one time, it is said, on good authority it is believed, that thirty-four out of thirty-six of the able-bodied men were at the front, in the thickest of the fight "for God and their native land." During all this time the mothers in the town were not less patriotic or self-sacri- ficing to the end of .securing good government and peaceful homes for themselves and their children. In the absence of the meii during the continuance of the wars, it was a common thing in the spring of the year for the women with hoes in hand to go into the lot and plant corn and other cro|)s. care for them during the summer, and in the autumn gather in the harvests for the sustenance of men aiul beasts. Besides rearing the children and performing the household duties, in a primitJM' way. iu the lotig winter evenings they made vigorous use of the spinning wheel, converting the wool of the sheep into yarn, from which the stockings and mittens were knit or woven into cloth on the old hand loom, for the use of the family. The cloth was cut and made into gar- 7nents by the same diligent hands; or committed to the care of the tailoress who went from house to house as a traveling seiimstress. The shoemaker, with his kit of tools, went on his annmil tour among the families in the same way ami made up a year's supply of new boots aiul shoes from cow hide and .sole leather; or rep;Lircd the old oru>s and made them for the time iiractically as good as new. At the linu' of which 1 now speak there were but few iuhabitauts in the town, aiul tliev were widely scattered, with THE OLD RESIDENTS. 155 few or no social privilejjes. It was not the age of schoolhouses or public schools. Books were scarce and teaching', as a profession, was unknown in the town. Many young men, and women, too, grew to manhood and to womanhood without the ability to write their names, and when the occasion rccjuired made their "cross" or "mark" through the remainder of their lives. What 1 have said in regard to schools and schoolhouses applies with almost equal propriety and force to church structures and religious teaching during the same period. While most of the earlj- settlers were from the common walks of life and uneducated, with the exception of .Archibald Stark, and a few others, yet among them were men of strong religious convictions and an unwavering faith in the fundamental doctrines of Christianity. These men would have built churches and maintained public religious worship but for the want of means and the co-operation of their fellow townsmen. As it was, barns and houses were occasionally utilized for these purposes, when an itin- erant preacher came into their midst. The influence of these believers, quickened by an occasional sermon, with the aid of such moral instruction as was imparted by the mothers in their homes and by their firesides, was not without eilect in the sparsely settled community. These children, born of rugged parents, possessing strong consti- tutions and a love of freedom, with a keen sense of honesty, integrity, and honor, grew up to be worthy men and women and became good citizens and worthy people, as the world goes. True they were not saints, more than Jim Bludsoe of the Mississippi; but for rare bravery in the hour of need, sterling integrity in every day life, and the virtues essential to good citizenship, they were at least the equals of their fellows in any part of the state. Tell me, then, thou honest chronicler of human events and human actions, with the evidence within your reach, can you conscientiously disparage the character of such men and women, or write bitter words of criticism in your histories and send them down to unborn generations? In this connection it is eminently proper to remark that I should do a great wrong to my auditors, and the public generally, as well as to the purpose and spirit of this address, did I omit reference to the great central figure in the history of Harrytown, Derryfieia, and JIanchester. .John Stark was born in the neighboring town of London- derry, on the 2Sth day of August, 1728. His father, Archibald Stark, was a native of Glasgow, in Scotland, and was educated, we are told, at its ancient university. In his eloquent address at the unveiling of the statue to General John Stark, in the state house yard at Concord, in 1890, the late Hon. James W. Patterson spoke as follows of the father of John and the lineage of the Starks: "Early in life, Archibald Stark removed to Londonderrj-, in Ireland, where he married and became closely identified with the heroic people of that famous city. They were of the same race and creed with himself, and he partook of their trials and aspirations for better conditions. The man who had fought in the siege of Derry could not submit to oppression from any government or church, and in the spirit of heroic adventure accepted the hardshii)s of the sea and the cruelties of the wilderness in the hope of larger liberty and a more generous expansion for his children." In 1733, at the age of five years, the young boy John came to Amos- keag Falls with his father and remained a citizen of Manchester during the remainder of his long, eventful, and useful life. The tract of land that came into the possession of the family extended from the falls to Hooksett line, running back a mile or two from the Jlerrimack river. The location where the Stark mansion was subsequently erected, a half mile above the falls, and near the place where the precious remains of the great warrior now rest in quietness, is one of the most charming spots in picturesque New Hamiishire; and his ashes will be forever kept sacred in the Stark park, now owned by the city of Manchester. John Stark, from his boyhood, was the idol of his townsmen, and when he had achieved the high military honors that will long cluster about Bunker Hill, Trenton, Princeton, and Bennington he was almost literally the object of man-wor- 156 SEMI-CENTENNIAL OF MANCHESTER, N. U. ship by his couiitrN rin'ri. IU-iiiiiiiHt<>ii ":!>• 'he- crouiiiny fflory f)f liis military oper- ations. That great l):iiilc was the pivot on which turned the political destijiy of the American peojilc. and made American lil)crty and American inslitntions possible on our soil. Now John Starlv, witli his broad views, riijid adherence to the rijfht, patriotic views and blameless life, was a factor or element in developing' the best traits of character in the people around him: and to him, more than to any other affency. are we indebted for the rich Icffacies of stern virtue and indomitable patriotism that have come down to us as their descendants. .\11 liail to the memory of General John Stark! The close of the long sanguinary struggle with England and the proclamation of peace came like a benediction to the people of this country. The soldiers rettirned to their families, farms, and sho|)s, and thrift and happiness followed their labors. In 179.1, .Samuel Hlodget projected the lilodgct canal, which, after many discouragements, was completed and ojjcued to public service in 1807. For thirty years or more this canal was of great value in maintaining water comnumication for the transportation of goods and merchandise and lumber between Concord and Boston. It answered well its pur- pose until superseded b.y the railroad and its methods of transportation in 1842. The first schoolhouse in Manchester was built in 1795. Others followed as fast as there was a demand for increased educational facilities. About the .same time McGregor bridge was built across the Merrimack, from the present terminus of Bridge .street on the west. A librar.v was organized in 1S54. In ISOG the town was divided into high- way districts for the construction of better roads. Four years later, in ISin, a cotton mill was built on the west side of the river at .\moskeag falls; and Derryfield, by act of the legislature, became Manchester. Judge Blodget, a man of keen perceptions, proph- esied that the town, in con.sequence of its extensive and valuable water power, would some day become the Manchester of America. Time bids fair to verify the pnipliecy. The population at that time was about six hundred. It is a .somewhat singular fact, and one perhaps not readily explained, that Manches- ter, like many other agricultural towns in the state, for thirty years previous to 1840 made but little advancement in population. Since then, in many localities, there has been a marked decrease. But Manchester never retrogrades. She held her own in the epoch of stagnation, but made little progress in material things, except in her roads, dwellings, schoolhouses, and farms. , Mentally and morally there was perceptible advancement. There was but little to disturb the peace and harmony of the place. The same river ran to the ocean, and the same canal facilitated traffic between Boston and Concord. There was little immigration to the town. Children were born and people died, among the latter — the noblest citizen of all — General John Stark, rich in wonderful experiences and honors and fully ripe in years. His death occurred peace- fully at his home, above Amoskeag falls, near the river bank, May 8, 1822, at the age of 94 years, wanting a few months. He w.is buried with distinguished military honors, and now sleeps the sleep of tlu- brave ,ind the just, with a brilliant military fame second to few iti modern times. Manchester, New Hampshire, the country, revere his name, and will long cherish his memory, .\mong his survivors whom I recall from per- sonal recollection, and who gave character to the town, may be named the Starks, the Kimballs, the Clarks, the Rowells, the Stevenses, the Dickeys, the Westons, the Moores, the Gamliles, the Huses, the Jacksons, the Merrills, the Harveys, the Johnsons, and the Kidd< rs. 'Phcrc were others not less worth.y of mention that are not upon the list. These families, with their neighbors and associates, made Manchester what it was in character during the first four decades of the nineteenth century, and I now declare upon my honor, according to the best knowledge at my command, that for a country town, in the way of industry, honesty, integrity, fair deal and general intelligence, early Manchester had few superiors in the state, ilay we and our descendants seek to per- Fiom kn old pHn HON. SAMUEL BLODGET. WHO BUILT THE CANAL AROUND AMOSKEAG FALLS IN 1807. 158 SEMI-CENTENNIAL OF MANCHESTER, X. 11. pt'tiiatc, tlirnu{,''li iimny f^t'iit'i'atioiis, the iiolilo lieritaf^e that has come down to lis from our fathers. In 1S.18 a new era begtin in onr quiet little town. On the 24th clay of October occurred the first public sale of lands by the .\moskeag' Corporation. In laying out the lots the engineer made a sad mistake that time will not correct or even mitigate. Elm street, the widest, longest, and most beautiful in the state, should have been laid due north and .south, with all the others on the east side parallel or at right angles to it. As conteniiilated by the ])lan, it was the purpose to benefit the corporations. It did not do it, but has forever marred the symmetry of the streets and lots and the beauty of the city. After the sale, which was eminently succes.sful, the first house erected was on the corner of Concord and Chestnut streets. Others followed in different localities, with stores and blocks on Kim .street. .Soon on every hand was heard the sonnd of ax and hamnu'r, and the click of the trowel, and every other tool in use by builders. The town grew as if by magic. Men of tact, business, and means came to the embryo city and joined their fortunes with the old inhabitants. Our people became a busy people, and thoughtful as well, ])roviding as far as jjossible for the health of the citizens, the education of the young, and the nujral and religious training of all. First and ])rom- inent among social and fraternal organizations were the Masons and Odd Fellows, main- taining their supremacy to the present day. In seven years there were more than ten thousand inhabitants. The time had come, in the thought of the people, for a city, ami on application a charter was granted by the legislature in ISJO. The formal organization of the city government, under the act of incorporation, took place September S, 1S4G, with the late Hon. Hiram Brown as mayor. It was a proud day in the history of Man- chester and an event of great significance to our people. .\s old residents, born or living here fifty years ago, in conjunction with sixty thou- sand people, we are today celebrating the birth and growth of Manchester, — the first, the largest, and most successful city in the state. Veritably it is the "Queen City." Let the Stars and Stripes float; let the guns be fired; let the loud huzzas of our free and hai)])y people fill the air with joy and rejoicing. .\nd may the Divine benediction rest on the celebration and all our people. I have but a word more to add. I began this address with an earnest ])urp<)se to vindicate the character of the early settlers of the town and subserve the cause of truth and justice; and at the .same time to stimulate, if possible, the present generation of our people to new and greater .sacrifices in tehalf of health, education, morals, and religion. I trust I have not utterly failed in either of my plans. And now, dear friends, I give you the parting .salutation. This morning we met largely as strangers; tonight we part as friends. It is the first and last meeting of our organi;ation. Wlien we .separate the organization is dissolved. There can be no reunions. None of us will be here lilty years hence. It is "hail, and farewell!" Our prayer is that we may so live that in the end we can lie down to pleasant dreams and awake refreshed, in the hea\enl\ and iTtiMiortal Uingdonil I'liii r i-ciniii'ks M'cre 'made by IJcv. Claudius Byrno nf Lawrence, INFass.. and Prof. Henry K. Sawyer of Bradford. TJu' aiidiciice then joined in singing "I'raise Ye JeliovalTs ^I'aine." The following verses, composed by Mrs. Clara B. Heath and inscribed to the old residents, were read bv Ilenrv T>. Stearns: OUR CITY, 1846-1896. CLARA B. HEATH, There was. once on a time, as story-books say — We begin our rliymes in the good old way — A village that stood by a river's side. That river which now is our joy and pride. The beautiful Merrimack! Fairest stream That ever reflected the sun's bright beam. At least to us who have seen each phase. Year after year, since onr childhood days; — But this vjjlage had little of wealth to show, Save the "Falls" above, and the "'IJiver" bi'low. Its site had once been the camping ground Of an Indian tribe; and there still were found Their broken arrows and rusted spears. Unused, perhaps, for a hundred years; Their rough stone mortars, and hatchets rude, And other relics as quaint and crude; All telling' of years when the paleface fled. Or stood in fear of his brothers red: Those cruel brothers who went their way, Willie their hunting ground is ours today. Years passed, and the village began to grow, And more than fourscore years ago They petitioned the court and changed its name To an old-world one well known to fame. A wise .selection, — 'twas hard to yield The prestige of Derry to Perryfield. The former ranked high as a prosjjerous town, .Vnd for years, 'tis said, looked coldly down On her humble sister, whose wealth in chief \V:is known at the time as "Derrytield beef." 'Tis a growing age; and r|ulck and fast The changes came to the little town. The last was first and the first was last, As the later years have truly shown. Like the wonderful gourd of ancient times It grew and grew, till we heard the chimes. And the bells from many a steeple fair. In the quiet lioiirs of the SabRath morn. Ring out the summons to ])ralse and prayer, Where late were woods or the waving corn. 159 160 SEMI-CENTENNIAL OF MANCHESTER, N. H. \Vc -.itv iir(i\i(l (if oiir i-ity. its growl h ;uiler islands fair, ,\re "isles of beauty," — and everywhere Tliere are views to delight the artist eye, Though her waters reflected an angry sky. Lake Massabesic! In shade or sun It is seldom we see a fairer one. Its musical name was a rich bequest. The Indians left as they journeyed Avest. No brook ever sang a sweeter song Than the Cohas sings as it flows along "I'wixt flowery banks, throtigh the meadows wide, Where reeds and lilies grow side by side, .\nd willows bend o'er the rippled tide; While the meadow lark in his airy way .loins now and then in a roundelay. 'Tis a song of hope with a glad refrain That soothes a sorrow, or stills a pain; We hear it often when far away. It seemed to ring in our ears today; OUR CITY, 1846-1896. 161 It whispers of pleasures l)e3oiid our ken; Who listens once will listen again; Like Tennyson's brook, with its steady flow, Though men may come, and though men may go, The Cohas sparkles o'er rocks and moss. While the years go by with their gain or loss. We had many dark days with the flag half-mast, While the storm of our civil war swept past; When sire and son wore the army blue, And fought 'ueath "our flag" so brave and true; Dark days when we mourned for our nation's dead. Dark nights though our camp-fires glowed so red. AVe were proud of that blood so freely spent, And proud of the stately monument. That shaft that speaks of our honored ones; — With the bravest e'er stood New Hampshire's sons. 'Tis well their graves should be strewn with flowers, Their honor and glory is also ours. So much for the past, — what still may be, Ere the year of our city's jubilee, But few of us here may live to see. We reap the fields by our fathers sown. We profit by wisdom they have shown; For once at least the saying is true — "They builded far better than they knew." We say it is only fifty years Since our city had but a village fame; But think of the joys and hopes and fears. Her days of pleasure, her hours of tears. And, alas, sometimes, her hours of shame. God keep her in future, as in the past, From pestilence, famine, fire, and flood; May her coming days be fair and good. And never by war-clouds overcast. How few there will be of the mighty throng That walk through the streets, the grave or th"? gay. That will join in the march or list to the song In honor of her centennial daj'! Perhaps the skies that now arch us fair. May hold in their trackless fields of blue The airy wings of the ships that bear Full many a gay and gallant crew. The horseless carriage may then be known As a quaint device, long since outgrown. Who knows but the lake on our border line May be our center, and 'raid the green Of the hills and dales of our suburbs fine Rise fairer mansions than we have seen. 162 SEMI-CENTENNIAL OF MANCHESTER, N. U. Oak liiU, \vit]i its tower, may be the lioine Of those who study and watch the stars; And men from the cast and the west may come To look tliroiifrh the fjhiss in the vaulted dome, And even eomuiiinicate with Mars. But the Uneanoonues, still uncrowned, Will stand like sentinels, robed in blue; And gray l!oek Kinimon, as if spelIbo\ind: And the river run like a ril>bon throuyli. All hail, fair city! Our very own. From your highest tower to the lowest stone. For fifty years we have watched your growth. To the east, and west; to the south, and north; We have mourned your sorrows, and shared your fears, And rejoiced in the gain of the passing years. Go on and prosjjer — grow good and great — Queen City thou art of the Granite State; God keep thee safely, forever and aye. Till tlie hills and valleys sliall jjass away. The meeting closed willi the singing of the Doxology. WILLIAM P. MERRILL. CHAIRMAN ENTERTAINMENT CCMMITTEE. ADDRESS or HON. DAVID CROSS. 163 TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 8. The old residents were provided witli speeial seats in tlie tent during the literary exercises. In the evening, in city hall, another interesting program was carried out, under direction of Chairman AAlliiam P. Merrill, opening with "Auld Lang Syne." Frank H. Challis read the "First and Fiftieth Chapters of the Book of Chronicles," a series of amusing allusions to olden times, and scenes and persons concerned in the history of Manchester for fifty years. Hon. David Cross delivered the address of the evening, as follows: ADDRESS OF IIOX. DAVID CROSS. To the fifty or sixty thou.sand people of the city of Manchester, this Semi-Centeniiial anniversary comes as a holiday, or as an occasion ^vhen a multitude of people gather as for an ordinary purpose of celebration or thanksgiving. The great majority know nothincr of JIanchester as it was in 1846 and before, and have no association with its early history" with its sparse population, with its poor, sandy soil, with its unfinished streets, with its limited advantages for business, family, and school life. In 1S31, and before, the territory now covered by the city of Manchester was barren, uninviting,'and seemingly undesirable as a place of residence. Recall, if you can, Man- chester before the beginning of manufacturing in 1S31. Here and there a few small dwellings; a few men engaged in rafting and boating on the Merrimack river, a little farming and fishing for salmon and eels at Amoskeag falls. I suppose the poet of the centennial, in 1851, with some humorous poetic exaggeration, pictured this feature of the town when he said: Our fathers treasured the slimy prize; They loved the eel as their very eyes; And of one 'tis said, with a slander rife. For a string of eels, he sold his wife! From the eels they formed their food in chief, And eels were called the "Derryfield beef!" And the marks of eels were so plain to trace That the children looked like eels in the face; And before they walked — it is well confirmed — That the children never crept but squirmed. Such a mighty jjower did the squirmers wield O'er the goodly men of old Derryfield, It was often said that their only care. And their only wish, and their only prayer. For the present world and the world to come Was a string of eels and a jug of rum! Doctor Wallace in his centennial address states that he met a man in our western country', who had left Manchester in its early history, who described it in this way: "That his father owned four hundred acres of land which was not worth nine pence an acre, and so he had left it for better land in the West." With the building of the canal from the Amoskeag falls, by the Amoskeag Company, and the running of the first spindles on this side of the river, in 1839, a new era dawned upon Manchester and upon the state of New Hampshire. From that day young men and women from the hills and valleys of New Hampshire and Vermont began to seek this ;ie4 SEMI-CENTENNIAL OF MANCHESTER, N. H. as their new home. The first people were New Kntfland born, an.l the girls in the n.ills, as well lis the vounfr men, were from the farms of New Hampshire an- to improve our talent, i Makinsf of its gift the most. Jn lifty years our city's f,'-rown 'Neath God's safe guiding- hand, ' From a simple country village, To the foremost in the land. AVith wondrous growth comes service And duties laid on all AVho love their city's welfare, And listen to her call. God grant us all the courage ' To live and vote and pray j As those who wish that Manchester , Be blessed of God alway. 1 1 The meeting closed with the singing of "iroine, Sweet Home" and the beuedic- I tion pronounced by I?ov. A. C. Coult. ' I i^' :"!>« HON. GEORGE 0. GILMORE, HISTORIAN OLD RESIDENTS' ASSOCIATION. FRED L.i.WALLACE. CORRESPONDING SECRETARY OF COMMITTEE. DAVID L. PERKINS. SECRETARY OLD RESIDENTS ASSOCIATICN. 170 SEMI-CENTENNIAL OF MANCHESTER, N. H. WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 9. Wednesday, September 9, the old residents met in city hall to perfect the organ- ization of an old residents' association. David L. Perkins called the meeting to order, and Hon. Joseph Kidder was chosen chairman. The following were appointed to present a list of officers and a constitution and by-laws: Henry A. Far- rington, Joseph E. Bennett, Horace Pettee, Mrs. M. A. Adams, Urs. Sarah E. Thompson, Mrs. S. B. Harris, Alphcus Gav, George C. Gilmore, A. J. Lane, William P. Merrill. The committee reported the following list of officers: President, Joseph Ividder; vice-jtresidents, W. P. ilenill. Alphcus Gay: .sec- retary, David L. Perkins; treasurer, A. J. Lane; historian, George C. Gilmore; executive committee, Warren Harvey, Jose])h E. Bennett, Horace Pettee, Ignatius T. Webster, Charles K. Walker, Charles S. Fisher, Augustus G. Stevens. J[rs. L. S. Proctor, Mrs. Mary A. (Bailey) Adams. This report was accepted and the jiersons named were unanimously elected. It was then voted unanimously to adojit the luidge worn at this celebration l)y the old residents as the official badge of the association, and motions were carried extending the thanks of the non-residents to the committee in charge of this depart- ment, and to the resident members of the association, for many courtesies received; to Warren Harvey and to his sub-comiiiittecs, and to the city of Maiirhcstcr for the many courtesies extended. The constitution adopted jn-ovides that the organization sliall be known as: the "Old Eesidents' Association of Manchester, N. PL" Any person of good char- acter, who was domiciled in Manchester as early as 1840, whether that residence has been continuous or not, nuiy become a member. New members Tnay be admitted when they shall have attained the fifty years' limit prescribed for the original Semi- centennial members, it being designed to make the membership progressive and the life of the association perpetual. The objects of the association shall be the culti- vation of social relations, the collection and preservation of historical data that may- be of future use, and the holding of meetings at least once a year for literary, musical, and social purposes. The association had two hundred charter members. The first anniversary of the Old Residents' Association was held in city hall on Wednesday, September 8, 1897, the committee on program consisting of President Joseph Kidder, Warren Harvey, William 1*. Merrill, Jfrs. ^fary .\. Adams, and ^[rs. Luther S. Proctor. The officers were re-elected. The following is a complete list of persons who resided in Jfanchester in 184G, or before that time, as compiled from the registration book, placed by Mayor Clarke in the city clerk's office previous to the celebration, and from the names in the register of the Old Residents' Association. ^lany of these people live in distant parts of the U'nion today, but nearly all of them returned to Manchester and were present at the exercises uhidi tiiarkiMl brr iroldni jubilee. RESIDENTS OF MANCHESTER IN 1846. 171 RESIDENTS OF MANCHESTER IN 1846 OR PREVIOUS TO THAT TIME. Abbott, Edward P., 1S41. Abbott, Mrs. Susan (Stark), 1834. Abbott, Mrs. W. O., 1846. Abrams, Jerusha E. S., 1840. Adams, Charles G., 1S45. Adams, Mrs. Frances Sarali (Webster), 1842 *Adams, George W., 1846. *Adams, ilrs. G. W., 1846. Adams, Harriet (Newell), 1830. Adams, ilrs. Julia (Ware), 1S45. Adams. Mrs. ^Mary Alma (Bailey), 1S44. Adams, May F. (Webster). 1843". Aldrich, Eliza L. (Hurlburtt), 1842. Aldricli, ilrs. Parmelia (Ware), 1843. Allen, Georgia (.\dams), 1844. Allison, Andrew, 1842. Allison, George A., 1846. Allison, Ignatius. 1846. Allison, Mary A. D., 1846. Ames. Mrs. .Vdeline M., 1836. Arasden. ilrs. Edna (Davis). Annis, Zebina, 1844. Ashton, Mary E. Atherton. Mrs. Laura (Jenkins), 1839. Atwood. Arianna J. (Hannaford), 1846. Austin, Mary L. Austin, Sarah E., 1845. Avarv. Fabian, 1837. Babb. Emeline A., 1840. Bagley, Mrs. Edna A. (Brown), 1827. Bailey, Mrs. Abigail, 1845. Bailev, Edward L., 1841. Bailev. Frances E. (Parker), 1842. Bailev, Marv .\nn (Stevens), 1829. Baker, Charles X., 184.5. Baker, Davis, 1845. Baker, Edwin N., 1845. Baker, George W., 1837. Baker, Julia A., 1832. Baker, Mrs. Lizzie (Stearns), 1846. *Baker, Nathaniel, 1819. Baker. Willard S., 1824. Balch. Fred B., 1844. Baldwin, David B., 1838. Baldwin, Edwin T., 1842. Baldwin. Samuel A., 1839. Barker. Abram L., 1843. Barr, Mrs. Maria F. Barrett. Sarah A. (Preston), 1835. Bartlett. Charles H.. 184 1. Bartlett. Mrs. Ezra W., 1846. Bartlett, Mrs. Mary F. (Locke), 1835. Bartlett, Mrs. Susan N. Batchelder, J. W., 1845. Batchelder, Maria S. (Marshall). Batchelder, Richard N.. 1841. Batchelder, Sarah B., 1845. Batchelder, Mrs. S. J., 1845. Batchelder, S. H., 1845. Bean, Electa C, 1840. * Deceased since signing registration book. Bean, Lydia A., 1839. Bennett^ Mrs. Henry, 1846. Bennett, Joseph E., 1841. Bennett, Mrs. Melinda L., 1843. Bennett, Stephen M., 1839. Bixbv, .\ugustus H., 1846. Bixby. Mary L. (.Shepard), 1839. Blanchard. "Mrs. (J. M.. 1844. Bodwell, .\lpheiis. 1845. Bonney, ilrs. Thomas, 1846. Boyce, Newell, 1835. Boyce, Mrs. N. E., 1845. Boyd. Charles W., 1830. Boyd, Gustie A., 1839. Bovd. Sarah C. (Robinson), 1842. Bo"vd. William. 1839. Bradford, Elizabeth (Woodbury), 1838. Brigham, Albert, 1842. Brigham. Mrs. Caroline F., 1835. Bri'ij-ham. J. A.. 1839. Brockwav, Mrs. Sarah (McQueston). 1845. Brooks, Sirs. Eliza A. (Kennard), 1842. Brooks, Mrs. Marietta (Cheney), 1835. Brown, .\. K.. 1840. Brown, Mi.ss Cynthia .\.. 1842. Brown, Mrs. Emily P. (Clough). Brown, Frances A., 1844. Brown, Groves, 1832. Brown, G. D., 1845. Brown, Mrs. Harriet W. (Wiggin), 1840. Brown, Henry S.. 1839. Brown, James S., 1844. Brown. Laura (.Vustin). 1846. Brown, Miss M. A., 1840. Hrown. Xancv E. (Ladd), 1844. Brown, Mrs. Susan P.. 1834. Brvant, Edward C, 1845. Br'vant. Mrs. N. H., 1842. Brvant, Samuel, 1839. *Bunton, Andrew, 1842. Bunton. Nancy S.. 1838. Burleigh. Mrs. Lucretia L. (Ordway). 1844. Burnham. Jlrs. N. S.. 1844. Burns, ilrs. .\deline (Wyatt). Burns. Mrs. Sarah (Wyatt). Burpee, Elias, 1845. Burpee, Mrs. Eliza A., 1846. Bursiel. Mrs. Laura, 1840. Bush. Elzira E. (Wilson). 1843. nu.swell. Mrs. Marv L. (Hutchinson), 1842. Button, C. G., 1841. Buzzell. Mrs. Mary A. (Francis), 1841. Calef. Eliza Jane. 1829. Campbell. Eliza F. (Hunter), 1845. Campbell, Luther, 1838. Campbell. William. 1839. Carpenter. Mrs. C. D.. 1841. Carpenter. Mrs. Frances v^Jtitterson) , 1841. Carpenter. Olive S., 1845. Carr, James, 1845. RESIDENTS OF MANCHESTER IN 1846. 173 Carr, Samuel S., 1840. Carr, William, 1845. Carter, Mrs. Martha J. (Dickey). Carswell, Mrs. Hannah K. (Heath), 1838. Carswell, Uriah A., 1844. Gate, Brackett J., 1843. Gate, James G., 1843. Caswell, Mrs. Mary E. (Hunt), 1846. Ca.swell, Melissa A., 1842. Caverlev, Charles H., 1845. Caverlev, Mrs. Nancy E., 1837. Gayzer,'Mrs. Mary A. (Parker), 1833. Chandler, John, 1S45. Chandler, Katherine J., 1844. Chapman, Mary S. Chase, C. C., 1845. Chase, Mrs. Hannah (Waklron), 1846. Chase, John N., 1840. Cheney, James. Cheney, Thomas C., 1842. Chesw'ell, Plummer, 1843. Cheswell, ilrs. I'lummer, 1842. Chickering-, Mrs. George E., 1844. Childs, William F., 1839. Cillev, Ang-eline (Baldwin), 1838. Cilley, Mrs. Eliza A., 1845. CilleV, Mrs. Lizzie D., 1845. Glaflin, John N., 1844. Claflin, Preston, 1S44. Clark, Frank J. Clark, John, 1843. Clark, Josiah, 1839. Clark, Noah S., 1845. Glatur, Silas C., 1844. Clement, Addie M. (Haynes), 1846. Clement, Charles P., 1846. Clement, Jivs. Harvey A., 1842. Clement, Ursula G. (Adams), 1842. Clough, C. E. W., 1844. dough, Mrs. Catherine B., 1844. Clough, Mrs. Jane M., 1844. Cloug-h, Harrison M., 1845. Clough, JIrs Nancy E. (Locke), 1842. Clough, Mrs. Sarah (Eaton), 1844. Coburn, Mrs. Sarah P., 1S18. Cody, Mrs. Ellen (Cog-lin), 1845. Cochrane, Irene A. (Stokes), 1843. Cogswell, Edward P., 1846. Cogswell, Martha K. M., 1843. Colburn, Mrs. J. Maria (Morse), 1841. Colburn, Mrs. Mary A., 1831. Colby, Albert P., 1841. Colby, Mrs. Charlotte M. (Emerson), 1830. Colby, Mrs. James W., 1845. Colby, Moses F., 1842. Colby, Washington, 1848. Cole, Samuel M., 1844. Colley, Charles R., 1836. Colley, Louisa (Stark), 1826. Collins, David W., 1840. Colt, ilarv Frances (Johnson), 1845. Colt, James W., 1836. Comfort, Joseph, 1840. •Deceased since signing registration bcok. Conant, Mrs. Lettie A., 1837. Cone, Helen M. (Wilson), 1839. Congdon. Miss Helen, 1841. Corning-, D. L., 1837. Corning, Eben. Corniui;-, Harrison, 1822. Connor. Sarah A. T., 1843. Coult, Anson C., 1836. Craig, Charles A., 1845. Craig-, (ieula A., 1846. Craig, Isaac S., 1845. Craig, John P., 1845. Craig, Mrs. Maria A., 1S43. Craig-, Mary, 1845. Crawford, Benjamin W., 1844. Cressey, Mrs. ilary (Young), 1836. Crockett. Nancy (Harvey), 1831. Crosby, James W., 1845. Crosbv, Mrs. James W., 1844. *Crosl\v. Mary J., 1830. Cross, David, 1S44. Cross, George H., 1841. Cross, Ira, 1841. Cross, Joseph, 1841. Cross, Levi, 1830. Currier, M. Augusta, 1842. Currier, Moody, 1841. Currier, W. A., 1845. Curtis, Mrs. James, 1846. Gushing, John, 1843. Dakin, Edward A., 1845. Dakin, Martha E.. 1841. Danforth, Harriet E., 1836. Davis, Daniel, 1840. Davis, George W., 1836. Davis, John, 1833. Davis, Moses B., 1844. Davis, Sarah A. Davis, Sophia, 1846. Day, Mrs. Frances J. (Fogg), 1845. Dejardnier, Mrs. Adeline, 1831. Demary, George T., 1846. Dickey, Mrs. Ann (Davis), 1827. Dickey, Chauncey C, 1838. Dickey, Daniel H., 1830. Dickey, David, 1835. Dickey, John W.. 1834. Dickey, Mary (Worthen), 1844. Dickey, Robert M., 1838. Dimic'k, Mrs. John E., 1844. Dimond. Mrs. Thirza J. (Hannaford), 1846. Doble, Olive J. (Ayer), 1844. *Dodge, Mrs. Addie H. (James), 1840. Dodge, Eliza A., (Batchelder), 1823. *Dodge, George W., 1845. Dodge, Jonathan, 1844. Dodge, Mrs. Jerusha (Edgerly), 1840. DollofF. Mrs. Nancy J. (Farmer), 1843. Dorr, Mrs. E. L. (Worthley), 1846. Dorr, George H., 1838. Dow, Mrs. Alfred, 1845. Dow, Israel, 1838. Dow, Mrs. Israel, 1846. 174 SEMI-CEXTENNIAL OF MANCHESTER, N. H. Downer, Mrs. Harriet (Kidder), 1846. Downs. >rrs. Charles, i^ii'.i. Dre%v. Charles C, 1838. Drew. Henrv Lanfrdon, IS.fS. Dudley, Sarah 1'. (Fellows), 1S40. Diinlai), Mrs. Helen (Kinsley), 1845. Dunn, Mrs. Mary, 1S40. Dyer, Mrs. Mieah, Jr., 1839. Eaton, Climenia H. (Davis), 1831. Eaton, Mary Ann (I'afje). 1839. Eastman. Linnie M., 184.1. Eastman, Scott S.. 1844. Edg-erly, Clarence M., 1845. Edfferly, Mintie C. 184.->. Edlefson, Alethena (Hartshorn), 1846. Edmunds. Mrs. Lucy A., 1838. Edwards. Eben B.. 1842. Edwards, Mrs. Ebcn T., 1842. Ellenwood, Mrs. Eveline, 1841. p:iliot, (ieorg-e F., 1844. Elliott, William H., 1840. Emerson, Mrs. .\nibia J., 1838. Emerson, Mrs. Julia A. (.\yers), 1844. Emerson, Mrs. Mary G., 1839. Emenson, Ursnla H.", 1836. Emery, Charles P., 1846. Emery, Mrs. Emma E., 1846. Emery, J. D.. 1844. Enpland, James H., 1842. England. Helen A., 1844. English. A. T., 1845. Eng-lish, E. B., 1844. Estabrook, Mrs. Elvira E. (Emerson), 1S39. Evans, \Villiam T., 1845. Evans, Mrs. William T., 1844. *Fairbanks. Alfred G., 1843. Fairbanks, Volnev W., 1845. Earmer, C. W., 1846. Earmer. Elbridge S. Farmer, Miss E. A., 1824. Earmer, Mrs. Hannah. Farmer. Mrs. Lueinda L. (Patten), 1846. Earnham. Mrs. Mary E. (Hartford). 1845. Farrie, i^arney, 1845. Farrington, Henry A., 1846. Felch, Mt-s. Charlotte, 1844. Fellows. Mrs. Catherine (Colby), 1840. Fellows. O. P., 1840. Ferren, Clarissa, 1846. Ferren. Eben, 1845. *Ferren. Joseph, 1845. Ferren, J[rs. .Joseph, 1844. Ferren. William. 1846. Ferson, Mrs. W. D., 1839. Fisher. Caroline M. (Dickens). Fisher, Charles S., 1839. Fisher. Henry W., 1835. Fisher. I'hinehas G., 1845. Fisk. Wilbur, 1846. Fitch. Sarah E.. 1845. Fitch, Mrs. Susan P., 1845. Fitts, Frank W., 1846. Fitzsimmons, John, 1845. •Deceased since signing registration book. Flantlers, Mrs. Josephine (Harvey), 1845. Flanders, .Mary J., 1S41. Flaiulers. Sarah (Bean). 1844. Fletcher. .Mrs. Lu<-retia (Merrill). 1846. Flet[oses W., 1842. Ordway, Mrs. David, 1842. Ordway, Mrs. Rosetta M., 1842. Ordway, Samuel A., 1844. Ordway, William S., 1844. Orr, Mrs. Susan A. (Scott), 1844. Page, Amos B., 1845. Page, John F., 1845. Page, Mrs. Sarah (Adams), 1846. Paige, Charles C, 1841. Paige, C. W., 1845. Paige, Mrs. D. A., 1845. Paige, David 0., 1841. *Paige. Horace C, 1828. Paige, John R., 1837. Paige, Mrs. Laura E. (Craig), 1845. Paige, Tarniclia J., 1845. Paige, Samuel B., 1841. Paige, Mrs. Sarah W. (Davis), 1834. l^ilmer, George S., 1845. Palmer, Susan S. (Kidder). I'iilnier, Mrs. W. S., 1838. Parker, Esther A., 1841. Parker, Mary A., 1823. I'arsons, Mr.s. S. C, 1845. Parsons, Lenora B., 1839. Parsons. Sylvester C, 1843. Patten, William B., 1846. I'atterson, Charles H., 1843. Patterson, J. B., 1843. Peabody, Mrs. H. D., 1845. Pearson, Mrs. Sarah B. (Page), 1841. Perkins, David, 1839. Perkins, David L., 1841. Perkins, David P., 1841. Perkins, .Joseph, 184G. • Deceased since signiiig rcglstn tlon book. 12 I'erkin.s, Nathan R., 18-10. I'erkins, Oscar, 1840. ■•■I'erkins, William Dana, 1839. I'errv, A. F., 1842. Pcrr'v, Mrs. Elijah, 1845. Perry, Sarah A., 1837. I'eters, Mary (Page), 1840. Peterson, Mrs. Sarah J., 1843. Pettee, Horace, 1843. Pettes, Mrs. Sarah il. (Withington), 1845. Philbrick, B. F., 1846. Phil brick, Joseph J., 1845. I'hillips, Mary .\. (Brown), 1846. I'ickering, Mrs. Adeline (Stearns), 1S46. Pickering, L., 1843. Pierce, Mary Harvey, 1839. Pierce, Mary O. (Harvey). I'ike, Mrs. .S. Elizabeth, 1846. Pike, Francis H., 1845. Pillsburv, JIary A., 1841. Piper, Adelaide S. W., 1844. Piper, Emma A.' H. (Brown), 1846. Piper, George, 1845. I'iper, Marv C, 1S46. I'iper, Mrs." I'hilena (McAllister), 1845. Place, Charles L., 1841. Plaoe, Zelotet L., 1840. Plantin. Samantha E., 1844. Plunimer, Mrs. S. Frances (Webster), 1843. I'hnnnier, Mary J. I'ollard, Hirani L., 1845. Poor, Trad, 1844. Poor, Mrs. Irad, 1844. Potter, Joe H., 1844. Porter, Mrs. Susan S., 1818. Porter, B. F., 1824. Porter, Mrs. Susan L. (Harvcv). 1818. Porter, Mrs. Su.san S., 1818. Preston, Mrs. .Vmanda. Preston, Frank, 1843. Preston, .Jeremiah, 1845. Prime. Harriet K., 1843. Prince, Hattie (Kelsey), 1841. Proctor, JjUther S., 1833. *Proctor. John H., 1S27. Front, Mrs. C. M.. 1846. Prout, Jiichael, 1845. Putnam, Emma J., 1837. Putnam, George F., 1845. Putnam, Mrs. Helen Jf. (Eastman), 184S. Putnam. Mrs. Sarah E., 1838. Putnam, W. A., 1845. Putnam, W. H., 1846. I'ntney. Mrs. Mary .\., 1845. Putney, Solomon W., 1843. Qnimby, Charles W., 1835. Qnimby, George W., 1843. Quint, Mrs. T^ouisa P., 1843. Quiniby, Mrs. JLary E., 1843. Qnimby, Thomas L., 1838. Rand, John H., 1839. Randall, Mrs. Mary D., 1845. i:.iy. .Mrs. Georgianna (Babb), 1839. 178 SEMI-CENTENNIAL OF MANCHESTER, N. 11. Itav, John, isll. Kav, Kev. John \V., 1815. IJav, Mrs. Sariih K., 1!S44. IJaVmond, Albert S.. 1844. Kecd, Chark-s H., 1844. Eeed, George W., 1843. *l!eecl. Miss Hannah L., 1838. Kciily, Maurice, 1845. Reynolds, Mrs. Sarah S., 1S4G. liichards, (i. K., 1845. lii.hards, Mrs. Uliochi (Stephens), 1822. Itichards, Susan, 1844. Richmond, Clara K. (Uoyt), 1840. iJichniond, Mrs. Snsan (('ol)iirn). 1839. Kiddle. Mrs. KUen -M. (lirown). 1S28. Kiddle, Mr.s. Cilnian, ls41. Kichardson, Cliarles L., 1845. Kichardson, Mrs. E. 1'., 184.5. Kichardson, Edwin P., 1846. Kichardson, Ehnira I!, (llaradon), 1845. Kichardson, Franl< T. K., 1841. Ivichardson, (ioiirf;c \\ ., ls44. Kichardson, Horace L., 1844. Kicker, Mrs. J. C, 1841. Kicker, J. E.. 1844. Kipley, Mr.s Ksliniatc 1'.., Is40. Knbie, Alonzo, 1837. Kobie, Charles H.. 1840. Kobie, Eliza A.. 1841. Kobie, Eliza (llntchinson), 1841. Kobie, James, 1840. Kobie, John. I.~s45. Kobie, Mrs. Louisa J!., ISO'.I. Kobie, Mrs. Mary J.. 1S45. Kobbins, Miss Sarah, 1840. Kobinson, Tienjaniin \V., 1844. Kobinson, Mrs. Louisa .T. (Dudley), 1845. Kobinson. .Toshua M., 1844. Kog'ers, Mrs. .Mnu'da, 1836. Kollins, Mrs. Martha, 1845. Kowell, IMrs. Ann S. (Dunbar), 1840. Kowell, Charles A., 1844. Itowell, K. K., 1827. Kowell, Joseph E., 1842. Kowell, Mrs. .Mary M. ((iilliuf'hani), 1841. Kowell, Susan F. ((Juiniby), 1846. lioyce, Mrs. W. B., 1845. Kunirill, \olney, 1841. Kundlett, Eran'k L.. 1845. Kussell, 1. H., 1846. Sackeft, .Sarah J. ( Huttcrfii'ld). Sanderson, H. ('., 1841. Sanborn, Mrs. Lvdia A., 1S4:;. Sanborn, Mrs. .\iaria E. (ClilVonl ), 1813. Sargent, Charles H., 1836. Sargent, Charles H., Jr., 1840. Sarg'ent, Mrs. Carrie L. (Eastman), 1845. Sarg-ent, H. H., 1846. Sarjrent, Mrs. Levi, 1842. Savag-e, Mrs. .\manda (Huse), 1837. Sawtelle, Mrs. Martha I., 1839. Sawyer, Edward, 1843. Sawyer, Mrs. Estella E., 1840. t * Ueceascil since si^'iiing registration book. Sawyer, (ieorge li., 1S4:!. SawVcr. llenrv E.. 1843. *Sa« ver. .lose|)h K., 1843. Sawyer, J. IL, 1843. Seavey, Carlos B., 1845. Severance. .Mrs. Cynthia (Harvey), 1840. Senter. F. A., 1S4I.'. Shannon. Josiah S., 1>;4(J. Shannon. Mrs. \ernerva (Sargent), 1842. Shattuck. Mrs. Caroline <)., 1840. Shepherd. Itetsey 1!.. 1839. Shirlev. Amanda (Kaldwin), 1838. Shirley, George H.. 1830. Shnte. George (i.. 1843. Sias, Mrs. Louise, 184li. Silver. Mrs. Mary J., 1844. Silver. Keed P., 1839. Simons, Alfred G.. 1839. Simonds, Alvira (Page), 1831. Simonds, Elvira (I'age), 1830. Sleeper. Levi 11.. 1843. Sleejjer. .Mrs. Lydia A.. 1843. Sleeper. Mary L., 184.'i. Sleeper. Wiliiani F., 1843. Sloan. Mrs. Lucretia J. (Tyler), 1841. Smith. Amanda W. (Hrown). 1837. Smith, Mrs. .\manda (Kichniond), 1844. Smith. .\mos, 1846. Smith. Albert A.. 1844. Smith, E. S., 1840. Smith. F. P., 1841. Smith. II. M.. 1839. Smith, Hat tie W., 1843. Smith, Howard T'., 1840. Smidi, John C.. 1840. Smith. J<)si'i)h L., ls:!9. Smith. Airs. L. A.. 1844. Smith. Lucretia H., 1841. Smith. Mrs. Martha A., 1846. Smith. .Mrs. Nancy (Walker), 1829. Smith. Xancy W. (Ste.^rns). Smith. Mrs. Kebecca W. (Uichards), 1844. Smvth, Frederick, 1838. Soiirhard. Jlrs. L. A., 1843. Spalding, J. K. Spalding, Mrs. .T. K. Spencer. Mrs. Thankful, 1843. Spofford. Mrs. Anne (Wood), 1842. Spofford. ncnjainin. 1843. »Spofford. Joh'n T.. 1842. Spraeue. :\Irs. M. 1... 1S.39. Stanley. Miss Caroline M. P.. Stark, .\ngu.stus H., 1833. Stark, Charles, 1822. Stark. Mrs. Charles, 1822. Stark. Fred G., 1834. *.Stark. .lerome 1?.. 1825. Stark, Wiliiani F. Stearns, Charles H.. 1844. Stearns. Elizabeth 1!. (Webster), 1S31. Stearns. Mrs. Frances M. (Hi^rvev). 1845. Stearns, John E., 1832. Stearns, Mrs. Lizzie. RESIDENTS OF MANCHESTER IN 1846. 179 Steai-iis, Mrs. Martha E., 1S23. Stearns, Mr.s. Thebe (Rus.sell), 1835. Stearns, Mrs. Susau A., 1843. Stearns, Susan M., 183T. Stearns, William, 18-14. Stearns, W. H., 1846. Steele, Mrs. J. E., 1839. Stevens, Augustus G., 1839. Stevens, Mrs. Eliza J., 1834. Stevens, Eliza (Page), 1826. Stevens, Horace S., 1S33. Sweeney, Mrs. John, 1846. Stevens, Josejjh L., 1827. Stevens, Luther, 1833. St. , Edson. 1S49. , Edward, 1S17. . George L., 1839. .\ndrew J., 1833. David H., 1S33. George. 1S22. Hannah, 1838. Horaee H., 1S43. Joseph B., 1839. Mary (Ayer), 1844. Jfary E. (Proctor), 1339. Mary S., 1844. Sarah (Cross), 1841. Sophronia T. (Davis), 1831. \\illiam, 1S.11. an M |.r.nt. GRANITE BRIDGE, BUILT IN 1840. CONCORD RAILROAD, OPENED IN 1842. THE MAYOR'S BANQUET. (In \^'£'(lnc'S^lay evening. Se|)teinl)or "i:!. at the Maiulie>ter IIou.-;e, JNIa^or Clarko tenvlered a complimentary l)anqiiet to tiie eliairmen of tlie Semi-Centennial com- mittees and other gentlemen who had taken a ]irominent ])art in tlie celebration. Those present were: The Mayor, Hon. Henry E. ISurnhani. David L. Perkins, Eev. W. H. Morrison. Cajit. S. S. Piper. Rev. X. L. Colby. Joseiih Kidder, ex-Gov. P. C. Cheney, John T. Cott, George I. McAllister, Warren Harvey, Henry B. Fairbanks. Andrew Bunton. Rev. T. M. Davies, W. J. McGuiness, Rev. G. A. Guertin, Hon. Charles H. Bartlett, Joseph Quirin, Edwin F. Jones, Frank P. Kimball, Richard J. Barry, E. T. Baldwin, Herbert W. Eastman. Hon. E. J. Kno^\lton, Col. Harry B. Cilley, Charles H. Manning, Rev. C. W. Rowley. Rev. T. Eaton Clap]), Rev. AV. C. McAllester, E. J. Burnham. After the discussion of a delightful menu. Mayor Clarke said: '■'Gentlemen, while you are sipping yonr coffee, smoking your cigars, and otherwise enjoying jourselve.s, I wish to take this occasion to thank you for your attendance this even- ing. I have felt as I have looked about the table that jireparations for another Semi-Centennial must be in progress. I see faces with which I was associated in the arrangements for that event, and there are also others here who were instrumental in its success during the week. In issuing invitations for this banquet, I felt that I would like to invite the whole city, for every one vied with every other one in ■working for tlie Semi-l'entennial's success: but that was impossilile, and I had thought that there would be no feeling if I invited the chairmen of the committees, the advisory board, as it were, and the gentlemen who took part in the literary exercises, to assendile again at this dinner. T feel necessarily somewhat modest in talking about the Senii-Centeiinial, in which I was forced to take a ])rominent )iart by virtue of my office, and feel that there were many things which could have Ijeen done by other persons better than by myself, but I want to take this occasion to tliauk the chairmen and their associates for the unanimity, the earnestness, the unselfish- ness, and the order with which they planned and executed this great celebration. Certainly Manchester will profit in the future by that week. There were thousands ii]ion thousands of visitors in our fair city, and not one of these Init went home pleased with Manchester, delighted with her hospitality, impressed with her magnitude. indu.stries, and resources, and wondering at the energy and ambition of her citizens. The celebration was a success, and it was such a success because all classes of people, without regard to religion or politics, entered into it heart and soul." Hon. Charles H. Bartlett, chairman of the finance committee, said: '■! under- stood that this was a gastronomic rather than an oratorical occasion. It is a little delicate to speak in this gathering upon the Semi-Centennial. fur it makes me think 181 182 SEMI-CENTENNIAL OF MAXCHESTKR, X. II. of tliat T^atiii c.\pre>;sion. 'All of wiiieh I saw and a part of which T was." The Si-nii- CV'iiti-nnial was a success bec-aiise we had ^laiuliester to work with, and not heeause of the chairmen of the coniniittees. ^Manchester is a great city. The demonstra- tion made here shows tiiat ^lanchester is not only great herself, hut she reaches out and has a hold ujion the whole state. There is no other city which could have secured the responses that we did from the civic and military orpmizaiions of the state. I doubt if any other city could have secured the attendance of so many organizations. They res|ionded liecause they recognized in JIanchcster the metrop- olis of this state, the place to w jiich tlicy look for such great events and I'oi- hospit- able and cotirtcous treatment. For the success of this event you also owe much to your energetic young mayor. There had to he a head to such an extensive celebra- tion. The mayor, ex olficio, became that liciid. iiiid \\ ithout a good iicnd this cele- bration would not have l)eeu po.s.sible. lie was a good man to work with, and the other chairmen found it ea.sy to co-operate with him. To his constant attention to the arrangements and familiarity and interest in every detail, much credit fur the success is due. There is no chance for a review of this past event, but I only desire in closing to exjjress the obligation, which we all feel, to His Honor the Slayor, not only for the assistance which we received, but also for his kindness and courtesy in calling us together here tonight and tendering his hospitality."' Hon. Henry PI Ihirnham, orator at the literary exercises, said: "i am certainly rejoiced to be here tonight, and am sincerely grateful for the kind invitation of our host, the mayor, which has brought us together. I am plea.odge, city government officials, and participants in the dedication ceremonies were escorted to the observatory by Trinity Commandery, Knights Templar, Isaac L. Heath eminent commander; Lafayette Lodge, A. F. and A. :\I., Aliraham T.. Garnion. worshipful master; and Washington Lodge, A. F. and A. il.. Cliarles W. Knowlton. worshipful master: the Manchester City Band, Horace D. Gordon leader, furnishing music. The dedicatory services opened with an introductory address by George I. ^IcAllister, P?s(j., president of the day, wlio said: ADDKE.SS OF VEESIDEXT OF THE DAT. Ladies and (lentlfinen: — It shew me creat pleasiu-e to extend to you a cordial yreetint;' aed a heart \- A\eIeonie here iiii the summit of our hig'hest hill, wliicli is trowiied and adorned hy Weston Oliserx atiiry. We are prond of this beautiful Derry- fiekl iiarl<, in wliicdi we ean stand on a liill lunidi-eds of feet above the level of our noble Jiei'vincacli river, and look over our liciuil iliil, jjrogres.sive and magnificent Queen City of the (iranite State, and l)reatlie tlie "mountain air . . . the air of heaveii and of lilierty." Yonr presence liere proves your devotion to iiancliester, your loyalty to the memory of a ■jencroiis and pnlilic-spirited citizen, and yonr sincere ap])reciation of his costly, useful, and ornamental "ift to the city he loved. Weston Observatory has been com- pleted, aiid \\c liave assembled liei-e to dedicate and deliver it to the ])eoplc of .Manclies- — a z o CQ c O i . n _l . UJC9 UJO 3 S o « l-l UJ w I s >ej UJl/) go o UJ O li. 5 ADDRESS OF PRESIDENT OF THE DAY. 189 ter. to be used iiiul enjoyed l)y tliein and their descendants. Onr citizens will accept this noble ijit't with hearts filled with joy and gratitnde. This day is one of gladness and congratulations for them. They will never forg-et the memorable da.v on which they came into ])ossession of this magnificent observatory, and they will hold the name of the donor in grateful remembrance. Jly friends, you will be surprised and delighted with the splendid view which yoti will enjoy from the top of the observatory, a view extending from the famous White Mountains of our glorious Xew Hampshire to Blount Wachusett in the grand old commonwealth of JIassachusetts, and from Saddleback mountain in Rockingham county to Mount Monadnock in Cheshire county. Yon will behold a lovely and charming landscape "Of mountain and of flood. Of green heath and shaggy wood"; there will In- within the range of your vision a land of handsome lakes, splendid rivers, lofty hills, majestic mountains, beautiful valleys, and fertile meadows, dotted here and t}iere Avith neal and pretty farmhouses, and with beautiful and prosperous villages, and cities, where the hum of business and rndustry is heard, and the people are indus- trious, contented, and prosperous. Fellow Citizens: — We are honored Ijy the presence of the Most W^orshipful Gran-l Master of the Mo.st Worshipful Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons of the state, who laid the corner-stone of Weston Observatory when Manchester was celebrating the .Semi-Centennial anniversary of its existence as a city, September 7, 1896. It is eminently fitting and proper that the Grand Master of our noble and honorable niasonic fraternity, which teaches faith in Ciod and the hope of immortality, and that truth is the foundation of every virtue, and inculcates patriotism and the practice of charity and pure beneficence, and of which Governor Weston was a faithful and honored member, should complete his work by dedicating this observatory with the impres- sive ceremonies of the craft. We take great pleasure in extending to him and to the other officers and the members of the Grand Lodge, a hearty and courteous welcome, and rejoice that they are our guests today. Friends and Brethren, the people of Sfanchester confidently hope that Weston Observatory, built of iron and of New Hampshire brick and stone, on the granite top of Oak Hill, will stand for centuries as an eloquent, steadfast, and enduring witness of the true and undying love and affection that James A. Weston had for them. They can never use it or see it without being reminded that generosity and philanthropy were distinguishing' traits of Governor Weston's character. Weston Observatory is a useful and beautiful monument that will preserve the name and per- petuate the memory of the most distinguished native of Manchester, who, we can truthfully say, was "F- jjosses- sion of the same to the city of Manchester, in accordance with the becpiest of the donor. To you, honored sir, the legal representati\e of the city, ami to your successors in office, I hereby transfer for perpetual custody and care the Weston Observatory. Its conception is typical of the noble character of the benefactor: his frequent sug:gestions in regard to location, design, and material have been followed, the workmanship com- pleted, and witli these dedicatory exercises the structure is prescntcil to the people of Manchester. It was my good fortune tn l,c Ir.ng' and intiuKiIcly associateil with (iovernor Weston in business and friendly ways, and 1 was impressed with the fact that his mind was largely al)sorbed with the business tu'tivities and the future of his luitive city. His ancestry, tastes, education, early business jirofession. were an equipment that enabled him to appreciate the needs of a growing city and to discharge the duties of chief executive with marked ability. He gave his best thoughts to public works, improve- ments, and exjienditures in the line of beautifying and ornamenting the city. He first conceived and gave official mention of the soldiers' monument, selecting a satisfactory design, and superintended the work. He was instrumental in securing Stark park as a historic and public resort: also the Weston reservoir; and in keei)ing with the spirit of the man he consummated his life work by the gift to the people of this ob.servatory. on the most elevated spot in Derrylield jjark, for the delight and enjoyment of the present and future generations, and to teach them the love of nature, home, city, and country. From its summit the lover of nature will find a wide aiul picturesque landscape, which in scoiJe and beauty will delight the eye and charm the senses. In the foreground lies the "Queen City of the Merrimack." whei-e nature has w rotight so well and man has wrought so successfully, and the fruit of enterprise, industry, frugality, taste, and culture are apparent on every haiul; where over fifty thousand people find peace and plenty and "life worth the living:" where the Merrimack river leaps its largest water- fall in its rapid course from the mountains to the sea. In the background of. the e.xtended panorama are glimpses of most of the mountains of the state, though not yet delineated by pen or pencil, stretching from the southern lioundary. including in a northerly sweep Mouadnock, Crotchet, Kearsarge, lielknap, and Ossipee groups, as "Alps piled on Alps," to the grand old monarchs of the Franconia and Presidential ranges. It was this beautiful spot and delightful landscape that inspired the mind to cause the ereetioti of this granite monument to leave as a fitting legacy to the city. May its inhabitants and visitors in all coming time imi)rove its uses. a])i>reciate its structure, and cherish the memory of its donor, Hon. James A. Weston. The observatory was acceptcil. mi boliciU' of tlie city, hy ilayor Clarke wlio said: ACCEPTANCE liY THE MAYOR. 191 ACCEPTAXCi; BY THE MAYOR. .Mr. Cluiinuaii and Citizens of Manchester: — Aniony the many men of distinotiou to who.se judgment, enterprise, and industry Manchester is a monument, .lames A, Weston will always be regarded with high honor and esteem. He was a native of ilan- chester, and few men who have ever been identified with the city possessed a greater love for the i>!ace of their birth or were more loyal to what they considered her best interests than the one to whose liberality we owe the structure now to be dedicated. Not only in his lifetime did he contribute in many useful ways to the advancemeiit of lilanche.ster, but we have found since his lamented death that his thoughts for the future were still clustered about the city he loved so well. Governor Weston was a man of fine taste and large foresight, and we can readily understand how he was among the first to liscover and extol the beauties and attractions of this splendid spot now known as J)erryfieki park, and which in years to come is destined to become one of the foremost public pleasure grounds in all New England. From the summit of Oak hill on which this rugged monument to his memory now rests he had often contemplated the grand and expansive mountainous view and the other picturesque sights revealed here, and long before his death he had determined upon making a bequest to the city to be used and expendeci by it for the erection and construction of an observatory at this point, as the language of his will expresses it, "for the advancement of science, for educational purposes, and for the jjleasure, enjoyment, benefit, and mental improvement of the inhabitants of ilanches-ter and for the people who may visit Manchester." The sum -specified in the bequest was five thousand dollars, and with these means at their dis- posal the representatives of the city have in-ovided this structure, built, as we believe it to be and as the honored donor requested that it should be built, of '"imperishable material." That the people of Manchester will manifest their appreciation of this acceptable public gift as they become familiar with its advantages I have no doubt, and that the example set by our late fellow townsman will be followed by others in equally commendable directions I sincerely hope. We are all jiroud of Manchester, of her growth, industry, thrift, and successes, and in common with you all I heartily rejoice in such evidences of public spirit aiul generosity as are revealed in the conception and realization of the Weston Observatory. It has seemed to me eminently fitting that the ceremonies attending the dedication of this memorial shaft should be performed by a body that had been so closely allied with the life work of the donor and to whose honorable and beneficent aims and achieve- ments he had for thirty-three years given his unselfish efforts and loyal devotion, and Manchester feels honored indeed to once more welcome the Grand Lodge of Masons of New Hampshire, under whose auspices the corner-stone of this observatory was laid with such impressive ser\ices one year ago. It is creditable to our city that her people have manifested by their presence today, in such large and representative numbers, their appreciation of this substantial gift which, besides the soldiers" mon- ument, forms the most conspicuous ])ark adornment Manchester has ever received. It is also gratifying to know that on the occasion .set for this dedication every spindle and loom that has been idle in Manchester for five weeks past is again in motion, and that thousands of families and homes are rejoicing in this fair city today as they could not have rejoiced tinder previous conditions of business inactivity. Governor Weston was a friend of the people, and were he alive none would rejoice inore than he in the restor- ation of employment to the working classes and to none will this beautiful gift to the city bring greater pleasure and enjoyment than to these people who form the "boue and sinew" of ilanchester's prosperity. Mr. Chairman, in behalf of the city of Man- chester I take great pleasure and feel great honor in acce|)ting this structure, so wisely planned, faithfully supervised, and thoroughly constructed. REV. CHARLES U. DUNNING, D. D, CHARLES W. KNOWLTON. W. M. WASHINGTON LODGE. A. F. AND A. M. ABRAHAM L. GARMON. W. M. LAFAYETTE LODGE, A F AND A M. ORATION BY HON. EDWIN F. JONES. 193 The Trinity Quartet, Frank T. K. IJicliarilson, Roscoe K. Home, De liafayette Eobinson, and Amos Gale Straw, then rendered a selection. The impressive ceremonies of dedication were then performed by Grand Master Marsh and other grand oiticers. After a selection by the band, the oration of tlie day was delivered ))y Hon. Edwin F. Jones. (IliATIOX HY IIOX. i;i)\VIN' F. .lONKS. Most Worshipful Grand Master, lirctliren, and Friends: — The structure around which we stand, and which you liave just dedicated to its intended u.ses "for tlie advancement of science, for educational purposes, and for the use, enjoyment, benefit, and mental improvement of the inhaljitants of the city of Manchester," is a fitting' monument to its generous founder. It rests upon the solid foundation of a g'ranite hill; it rises in strength and beauty to the full measure of the an'hiteet's skill, and from its lofty station, visible afar, it typifies all that was best and noljlest in the character and aspirations of him who gave it to the city. .James A. Weston was at the time of his death the foremost native of ilanchester. He had reached perhaps a higher position in business, social, and civic lines than any other man who first saw the light of day within the borders of our municipality. His life had been pre-eminently successful. His labors had been crowned with a compe- tency of worldly goods: his word was everywhere regarded as his bond. Four times mayor, twice called to the chair of the chief executive of his state, he was a man whom the people knew and honored: and in honoring him they honored themselves. He loved Manchester; he was proud of the city's history and of its aehievetnents; his time and abilities were ever at its service. He could truly say of its growth and progress: "ilost of it I saw; a large part of it I was." By his will the city has become the possessor of this olj.servatory, which is destined to keep fresh and bright the memory of his life and name. It has been delivered and accepted; and now it has been dedicated to the public use by the high authorities of that order of which, for more than a third of a century, the donor was a true and loyal member. Nothing, I believe, could be more in keeping with Governor Weston's wish than the large gathering of Masons one year ago, when the corner-stone was laid, or than this public con.secration of his gift by the officers of the grand lodge. Masonry was dear to him. He venerated the principles of our time-honored institution. He was an honorable, man and he knew that Masonry tends to make all men honorable who are strictly observant of its precepts. He had so often heard inculcated within the walls of the lodge the great moral duties which a man owes to himself, his neighbor, his country, and his God, that he thought it not derogatory to the character of any great public undertaking that his brothers should participate therein as Masons. He knew that Masonry teaches morality, patriotism, and brotherly love; that no man can be a good ]^Iason who is not a good citizen: and that many men have been made better citizens by becoming good Masons. He would, I believe, have desired this Masonic dedication of his gift. Here, a public ornament in this park, already beautiful by nature, but with unmeas- ured possibilities of greater beauty when developed as it may be, the Weston Observatory is to stand on land donated by the city for the purpose, a landmark for miles around, a thing of beauty — a thing of use as well. .\nd this building has, when viewed in the proper light, a utility as great as though it were a mill, a workshop, or a mercantile house — perhaps one greater than they. It has no sordid side. It is not to be given over to money making. It may seem to be of no practical use to some who measure HON. EDWIN F. JONES. R. W. PAST DISTRICT DEPUTY GRAND MASTER, GRAND LODGE. ORATION BY HON. EDWIN F. JONE?. 195 the value of a thing by its wealth-pruduciiiy capacity. Uut there is sonietliing above and beyond mere money getting-, and human nature has an aesthetic side which needs developing, and which is often neglected in the mad rush for livelihood and gain. And whatever adds to the pleasure and rational enjoyment of the people is as beneficial and as useful to the community as a strictly material undertaking. This observatory will add to the pleasure and enjoyment of the people of Manchester; it appeals to the eye; it broadens their horizon, 'rhrough its erection a large addition has been made to the park, the whole population of the city has been benefited, and in return appreciates and values the gift. The present is a monument-nial'Cing epoch. To be sure the custom is an old one. Kings of ancient Egypt built the Pyramids as tombs and as montiments of their great power and regal pomp. Home was filled with columns and statues erected by her rulers to perpetuate the memory of their imperial splendors. England has laid away her great ones beneath the pavement of Westminster .\bbey, or within the crypt of St. Paul's, and with scluptured marble or graven bronze preserves the remembrance of their deeds and fame. In our country the scenes of great events have been marked, and the republic's heroes have been honored, with lofty pillar and brazen image. In all large cities monuments are now multiplying in memorj^ of those who have distinguished themselves in the military and civil life of the nation. This is the first monument erected to a citizen in Manchester outside the borders of the cemetery, excepting the noble shaft which testifies to the love and honor our people bear the men who gave their services in the war to preserve the Union and to maintain inviolate the constitution of the fathers. And such a memorial as this, it seems to me, is far better than a statue or a marble column. For while it commemorates the virtues of the dead as well as they, it will also afford benefit and enjoyment to the living. It adds one to the nimiber of our public buildings; it makes still larger the common property of the citizens. It will be a source of pride and happiness to all our people. It is situated in what is destined to be the great ])op>dar jileasure ground; and. as the years go by. its use and advantage will many times increase. Why this building of nionunicnts? Is it simply that the names of the men in whose honor they are erected may not be forgotten? Are they merely the expression of family pride or local ostentation? Is there no wider significance to the spirit which erects them? It seems to me that the personal element has the smallest influence of all. Of course the memory of the man is perpetuated, but with it goes the recollection of the actions or the virtues which have so marked and distinguished his career as to call forth the admiration and regard of his fellow citizens. But in time the actions and the virtues become chief; the man is lost sight of, and the monument becomes the embodiment of an ideal, which inspires others to emulate the good and to shun the mistakes of him who thus becomes, as it were, an historic exemplar. The massive monument to Washing- ton, which adorns the capital of the nation, does not so much commemorate the man Washington, who was, as other men are, human, with human passions, virtues, and foibles, as it symbolizes the love of liberty which shook off the foreign yoke and made our country free. In a statue to Lincoln we .see not a memorial of the Illinois rail-splitter and circuit-riding lawyer, but the representative of the spirit of freedom which lifted a race from bondage and granted equal rights to all our people. And when we gaze upon that magnificent mausoleum on the bank of the Hudson, where rest the remains of our great general, we do not think of the tanner, the soldier, or the president, but we recall that of which Grant seems to us to be the incarnation, — the love of country and of union which preserved our nation and made freedom worth the having. Viewed in such a light these monuments and memorials teach noble lessons: they inspire worthy ambitions. Let us throw this light upon the Weston Observatory. It is a memorial of one who, in his home, in his business relations, in his social life, and in public .station was JOSEPH W. FELLOWS, 33 R. E. Grind Commander, Grand Commandery. 1873. 1874 CHARLES C. HAYES, 33° M. W. Grand Master, Grand Lodje, 1894, 1895. R. E. Grand Commander. Grand Commander/. 1893. NATHAN P, HUNT, SS-^ M. E.Grand High Priest, Grand Chapter, I 889. 1890 M. I. Grand Master, Grand Council, 1895. R. £. Grand Commander, Grand Comir.andery, 1881. ORATION BY HON. EDWIN F. JONES. 197 always a gentleman — an upriyht (.-itizon- an honest man. He always labored for good government and revered our free institutions. He was imbued with the spirit of true democracy. He was far removed from both the aristocrat and the demag-ogue. The ob.servatory, then, in commemorating his virtues and his worth, suggests the ideal of courtesy, of honesty, of true manliness. It is a symbol of everything that makes for good government and social well being. Jt stands for that public virtue which adorns high office and for that |)rivate virtue which is the public fund. It counsels the educa- tion of all our people and the cultivation of a higher order of citizenship. It admonishes us that our people should be trained to better appreciate the blessings of republican government; to more clearly realize the dignity and worth of the rights which as American citizens they enjoy. It proclaims that American freedom does not mean U7ire- strained license, but that true freedom is lil)erty for each man to do and to enjoy what he best can do and enjoy for himself w itlioiit crossing the right of his neighbor to the same privilege; that freedom within the laws should be our watchword; that we should strive after a just, impartial, and honest execution of the laws, and sustain our officials in the conduct of such goveruiuent. It demonstrates that when the management of public affairs is dishonest or inefficient the main fault lies with that public opinion which tolerates the officials guilty of such mi.sconduct; that the remedy is in the hands of the people, and that it is the duty of every man to endeavor to develop among the peoijle a proper regard for the privileges of citizenship and a due appreciation of the reciprocal duties which those privileges impose upon every citizen. It proclaims in clarion tone that a government like ours depends for success upon an honest and intel- ligent expression of the popular will at the ballot-box, and that if we hope for the contin- ued prosperity and safety of our repulilic we must labor in every way that the ballot shall be free, the suffi-age intelligent, and the citizen honest and unbought. Governor Weston believed in the utmost freedom of opinion. His ancestors came to this land from foreign shores to gain that right, and he was ever ready to grant it to others. So the observatory staiuls for religious freedom, for political liberty, for social equality, for a state of society in which the true test of manhood shall be char- acter, not wealth, and in which the accident of birth shall not forever fix a man's station in life. He was a true American; he never was ashamed of his country. His monument diffuses the spirit of true Americanism and teaches love of native land and fealty to our country and its flag — not a narrow allegiance limited to our own section or to o\ir own little state, but a generous, wide embracing patriotism, which shall cover every inch of soil over which our starry banner waves. The whole symbolic lesson of this structure is one of loyalty, of duty, and of honor. Long may it stand: and, as the years roll on, yet louder and clearer may the lesson be. And when the inhabitants of Manchester gaze upon its symmetry and fair pro]ioi-t Ions, may they ajipreciate the full significance of its teachings, and under their influence imitate the virtues of its founder, and strive after the excellence of conduct and the high standard of principle which should mark every citizen of the republic. And to the lover of nature, what an insiiiration does the view from the summit of the observatory afford! At his feet lies the busy city with its shaded streets, its mills and shops, its churches, schools, and homes. He hears the muffled hum of industry and the echo of merry children's voices. Around and about it field and wood fold a velvet- like mantle of green. To the east he sees the mirrored beauty of the silvery lake; to the we.st, the Merrimack's winding course, which to its beauty adds a giant's strength and does a giant's work. And far beyond the hazy blue of distant hills and the gor- geous loveliness of sky and cloud form the picture's fitting background. He feels a thrill of patriotic pride as he notes the little shaft which marks the grave of the old hero, so near the spot from which Stark led brave men to battle in a holy cause. He rejoices that his home is here. He recalls Xew Hampshire's past. In his mind's eye he sees the campfires of the red men around the falls of Amoskeag. He sees the bold and hardy ANDREW BUNTON, 33= M. W GRAND MASTER, GRAND LODGE, 1880. R. E, GRAND SCRiBE, GRAND CHAPTER, 1683. R. E GRAND COMMAN DER, GRAND COMMANDERY. 1883. Died at Manchester, N. H., Jure 18, 1897. ORATION DV HON. EDWIN F. JONES. 199 settlers, jjushing- out into tlic w ilclci-iu-ss, cliiiiliiiifj tlie rugged hills and dotting their slopes with hiijijjy homes, and with earnest toil ])lanting' the fair valley of the Merri- mack and building' here a eoninioinvealth where freedom dwelt, where they could worship God after the dictates of their own consciences, and were asked to call no man master. He sees them spring- to arms at (ape ]!reton and Crown Point. He sees New Hampshire reg-iments fighting' with J'rescott at the point of peril and honor at Bunker Hill, and at Bennington, striking' the decisive blow that broke the jjower of I5urgoyne"s armj-. Colonel Miller's response of "1"11 try, sir," at Lundy*s Lane, comes ringing' through his ears. He sees his state amo7ig the original thirteen, and remaining ever true to the con- stitution and the Union. He sees it grow in numbers and in influence, and though its soil is hard, become the nursery of many of the nation's noblest sons. Then come trooping before his vision those gallant children of the Granite State who, amidst the awful slaughter at Gettysburg or on Cold Harbor's bloody field, gave up their lives that liberty and union might be "forever one and inseparable." And, too, he notes our city's growth; slow at first, with settlements few and far between. But gradually the mighty pines are felled, the river is harnessed to men's use, the sandj- plain is covered with the abodes of industry and thrift. Derryfield becomes Manchester; Manchester becomes a city; and now full fifty-one years are rounded out, and we are looking to the future with faith and confident hope for the better and still brighter things which are yet to come. The plumb, the square, and the level have been applied to this structure; the work- manship is excellent; the building is completed. It stands before us erect and firm, and exemplifies in stone the character of the upright Mason, the faithful citizen, such as James A. Weston was. Let the jieople of ilanchester treasure it as the gift of a good man; for whatever mitigates the woe or increases the happiness of others is a just criterion of goodness. 200 DEDICATION OF WBSTON OBSERVATORY. The ceremonies, wliich were witnessed l)y a large concourse of peoijlc, closed by the singing of "America" by the quartet and audience, and the benediction by Rev. W. H. Morrison. At the close of the dedication ceremonies, the Masons returned to Masonic hall, where a banquet was served in the banquet hall by Lafayette and Washington lodges and Trinity conimandery to the Grand Lodge, ladies, and the Masonic fraternity. About two hundred thirty were ))resent. Tiie tables were handsomely decorated with flowers l)y the ladies. At the close of the l)anquet. President of the Day George I. McAllister, in a few well-chosen words, thanked the ladies for their efforts in making the affair a success and expressed the pleasure of the Masonic fraternity in entertaining the (iranil Lodge, to whicli Ilenry A. JIarsli, grand master, suitably responded. A. GALE STRAW. DeLAFAYETTE ROBINSON. F. T. E. RICHARDSON. WALTER H. LEWIS, DIRECTOR. ROSGOE K. HORNE. INDEX TO CONTENTS. Manchester; how the town became incorporated a cit^' in lS4ii 5 The first citj- election 7 First city government, 18-16 I'reliminary arrangements for the celebration 1.' Legislative proceedings 10 City government action 11 JMayors of Manchester 12 Committees appointed 13-16 City officers and committees, 1896 17-21 Kaising the funds 22 The program outlined 23 The ministers organize 23 Religious exercises Sunday, September 6 25 Mass meeting Sunday evening 26 The Spiritual Life of a ilodern City, oration in full by Rev. W. J. Tucker, D. D 29-38 Civic and military parade, Monday, September 7 40 Roster of procession 41-52 Laying the corner-stone of Weston Observatory Ijy Grand Lodge, A. F. and A. M. . 53-56 Contents of memorial casliet 56-57 Report of Grand Master Marsh 59 Report of Grand Commander Roberts 59 Masonic banquet 60 Hon. James Adams Weston, oration in full by George I. McAllister, Esq 62-66 Address by Maj'or Clarke 66 Address bj- Governor Busiel 67-68 Literary exercises Tuesday, September 8 71-101 Address by Maj'or Clarke 73 Address of President of the Day Charles H. Bartlett 73 Sen\i-Centennial hymn, bj- Rev. B. W. Lockhart 77 Poem, At the Falls of Namoskeag, b3' Rev. Allen E. Cross 79-83 Semi-Cent ennial oration by Hon. Henry E. Buruham, in full 84-101 Children's Day, September 9 103 Address by Edwin F. Jones 104-106 -Address of Rev. G. A. Guertin ^ 107 Address of Rev. B. W. Lockhart '. . .- 109 Parade of firemen and merchants Ill The athletic sports 113 Grand Army campfire 115-126 Address by David L. Perkins, Esq., Bird's-eye View of the Civil War 115-126 The cavalry drills 127 Industrial exhibit 129-141 Manufactures 131-132 General Stark relics 133-135 War relics 135 201 202 INDEX TO CONTENTS. Indian relics 135 Antiquarian 137 Books 137 Firearms 137 Clothing' and needlework 137-139 Eleotric exhibit I.'i9-141 Art department *. Hl-lSO Household utensils and cuokery 143 The old residents 1'15 Address of U'arren Harvey H8 Address of Mayor Clarke 1 iS-UO Address of Hon. .Toseph Kidder. 149-13S Poem by Jlrs. Clara 1!. Heath l.-,9-162 Address of Hon. David Cross 103-167 Poem of Mrs. E. P. OfCutt 167-16S Organization of Old Residents' Association 170 Kesidents of JIanchester in 18H> 171-180 Banquet tendered by .Mayor Clarke 181-182 Final meeting of advisory board 184 Dedication of Weston Observatory 183 Address of George I. McAllistei-, president of the day 1S7-188 Delivery to the city by John C. French 190 Acceptance by Mayor Clarke 191 Oration by Hon. Edwin F. Jones 193-199 INDEX TO ILLUSTRATIONS. Arch over Elm street 11 Amoskeag- Veterans .ifl Abbott, Charles J VXl Art collection of Jlrs. W. W. Brown.... 14:i Bunton, Andrew Frontispiece Burnham, Edward J Frontispiece Buck, William E Frontispiece Barry, Kichard J Fi-ontispiece Brown, Hon. Hiram, first mayor 8 Boyd. William n Board of Trade rooms 2'.'> Bartlett, Hon. Charles H 72 Baldwin, Edwin T TG Bnrnham, Hon. Henry E 83 Bradley, Et. Rev. T). U ',10 Best disj^laj', trade parade 114 Bennett, Andrew J llii Batehelder, Gen. Richard X 119 Bnrke, L. C. B 142 Blodget, Hon. Samuel 1.37 Browning, Gardner K 18 Currier, Hon. Moody Frontispiece Cheney, Hon. Person C Frontispiece Cilley, Col. Harry B Frontispiece Clark, Hon. Daniel 6 Cross, Hon. David 9 Clough, Herbert S 22 Cathedral, St. Joseph's 32 Clarke, Hon. William C 39 City hall t>9 Cross, Rev. Allen E 82 Colby, Rev. N. L 87 Clarke, John B 98 Cilley building: 112 Campbell, James M 98 Cassidy, John P 144 Cloug-h, Albert L 132 Dodd, Capl . George A 47 Dillon, Col. John J 110 Dunning-, Rev. C. U 192 Evans, Dana if Frontispiece Episcopal church 32 Elm street, looking' north 74 Elm street, looking south 93 Elm and Hanover streets 110 Exhibition drill by Troop F 128 ]':astman, Herbert W 183 First Baptist church 33 Fairbanks, Col. Henry B 43 Falls of Xamoskeag 78 First .schoolhoiise in Manchester 103 First brick schoolhouse in ilanchester. . IDS French, John C 133 Farmer, Mrs. Lucinda L 143 Four oldest native residents 147 Fellows, Hon. Joseph W 190 Gott, John T Frontispiece Graf, Johann A 13 Gannon, Cajit. John, Jr 43 Germania Band 50 Golden Rule Lodge, K. of P., float 70 German Society float "Germauia" 70 Gnertin, Rev. G. A 105 Granite bridge in 1841 ISO Gilmore, Hon. George C 109 Grand Lodge, A. F. and A. M., officers of ISS Garmon, Abraham L 193 Harvey, Warren Frontispiece Hanover-street church 33 Holt, Howard C IS Heath, (George E 18 Heath, Isaac L GO Healy. M. J 1'^ Herrick. Henry W 133 Huse, Isaac 1-47 Hunt, Hon. Nathan P lO*? Hayes, Charles C 196 Jones, Hon. Edwin F 194 Knowlton, Edgar J Frontispiece Kidder, Col. John S 9 Kcnnard, The 130 Kidder, Hon. Joseph 150 Knowlton. Charles W 193 Kidder, Nathan P 13 203 204 IXPEX TO ILLUSTRATIONS. Lane, Rrig-. C.en. G. M. L 47 Lyons. l{ev. John .1 105 Lane, Thomas \V 112 Lafayette Guards tug-of-war team 114 Lincoln statue in city library 12.3 Lamb, Fred W 142 Libbey, Frank II IS Lockhart. Kev. R. W TO Mayor and aldermen, 1S96 is Mc.Mlester, Kev. W. C 34 Morrison, Rev. W. 11 34 :Mar.sh, Henry A 5S Masonic hall 58 McAllister, George 1 04 !Mills of Manchester 82 MacDonald. Rev. William 87 Manchester, from .Vmoskeng Kails 89 Manchester bank building 100 Monadnock and Upton blocks 100 McGuiness, William J 105 MaeDonald Parochial school 110 Manchester Cadets 144 Molly Stark cannon 138 Moore, Mrs. J. C 147 Merrill, William 1> 102 New high school house ]ii2 New Hampshire Insurance Co. building !)8 Old town house 8 Official invitation, fac simile of 24 Old meeting-house at Manchester Center 27 Old Hanover-street church 130 Old McGregor gun 13S Old-fashioned kitchen 140 Oldest native residents 147 Old l{esident.s' .Association, Sept. 8, 1K97 172 Old I'nion block • 153 I'ostottices for fif cy years 16 Piper, Capt. S. S 43 Perkins, David P 110 Proctor, Mrs. Luther S 142 Perkins, David L 109 Provost, Frank T IS Quirin, Joseph Frontispiece Rowley, Rev. C W 34 Roberts, Rev. Daniel C 58 Rossini quartet 76 Roilclsperger, Herman F 112 Robie, Mrs. Louisa B 147 Reed, George W IS St. Paul's M. E. church 32 Staff of chief marshal 47 Soldiers' monument 89 Straw schoolhouse lOS Stark, Gen. John 134 Stark, home of Gen. John 136 Tucker, Rev. William J 2S Trinity Commandery quartet 200 Unitarian church 32 Weston Observatory, laying corner-stone 54 Weston, Hon. James A 01 Wallace, Rev. Cyrus W 87 Meston, Hill & Fitts building 112 Wallace, Fred L 109 Weston Observatory 186 Wolf, Crhistian L IS Young ladies in costumes, 1840-18UO. . . . 140 0014 0149123 d^^ < 1 -