E 202 .3 .068 1916 Copy 1 trict of Columbia Society OF THE of the American Revolution Officers of the Society from its Organization Constitution and By-Laws Register of Members By Direction of the Board of Management Compiled and Edited by COMMITTEE ON PUBLICATION THE CROSS O F TH E SOCIETY O F TH E SONS OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION iDE AND SOLD E X C 1- U S I 'E 1_> E. CALDWELL & COMPANY OFFICIAL JEWELERS PH I LADELPH I A District of Columbia Society Sons of the American Revolution 1916 OFFICERS BOARD OF MANAGEMENT STANDING COMMITTEES List of Officers from the Organ zation of the society in april, 1890, TO February, 1916 LIST OF MEMBERS, 1916 Constitution, By-Laws and Standing Orders WASHINGTON, D. 1C. Published by the Society 1916 Ezoz .3 FOREWORD. It is right and good that the Sons of the Ameri- can Revolution should feel a just pride in their ancestry and in the personnel of its membership lineally descended from such sturdy stock. Its membership is composed of lineal descendants of i^' more than 25,000 active military and civil partici- ^ pants in the struggle with England for "Liberty regu- lated by law." Of the 56 signers of the Declaration of Independence, 40 are represented in this society by more than 100 patriots of to-day. The Sons of the American Revolution has won and been accorded recognition as a national insti- tution, not as an historic or genealogical association, but as a great partiotic organization. The membership is really American in spirit, for it is not restricted to any particular class ^ of citizens. All are welcome, provided they are eligible and respectable, and it is a fact that in no other organization in this land can more representative Americans be found. Presidents of the United States, admirals of the navy, generals of the army, diplomats, cabinet officers, men in high places in legislative, judicial, scientific, professional and mer- cantile life. The greatest, the humblest, the richest, the poorest, whose ancestors actively helped to es- tablish the United States of America, have been wel- comed into this organization. The personnel of the society forms a roll of which any may be proud. "Look not mournfully into the Past ; It comes not again. Wisely improve the Present It is thine. Go forth to meet the shadowy future Without fear and with a manly heart." — Longfellow. THE NATIONAL SOCIETY SONS OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION GENERAL OFFICERS Elected at the Annual Congress, Newark, New Jersey, May i6, 1916. President General, ELMER MARSTON WENTWORTH, Des Moines, Iowa. Vice-Presidents General, ORISON J. C. BUTTON, 309 Securities Bldg., Seattle, Wash. FREDERICK E. EMERSON, N. Y., P. & N. R. R., Norfolk, Va. THOMAS W. WILLIAMS, 78 N. Arlington Ave., East Orange, N. J. PHILIP F. TURNER, 40 Exchange St., Portland, Me. WILLIAM K. BOARDMAN, Cumberland Tel. & Tel. Co., Nashville, Tenn. Secretray General and Register General, A. HOWARD CLARK, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D. C. Treasurer General, JOHN H. BURROUGHS, 15 William St., New York City. Historian General, DAVID L. PIERSON, 21 Washington St., East Orange, N. J. Chaplain General, REV. JOHN ONESIMUS FOSTER, D.D. Seattle, Wash. OFFICERS EJlected for 19 16-19 17. Preside>tt, MR. PHIUP F. LARNKR. Vice-Preside n ts, MR. HENRY h. BRYAN, DR. IRA W. DENNISON, ADMIRAIv THEODORE F. JEWELI.. Secretary, MR. JOHN B. TORBERT. Treasurer, MR. WII.I.IAM A. DOMER. Registrar^ MR. AI.BERT D. SPANGI.ER. Asst. Registrar, MR. HENRY P. HOEDEN. Historian, MR. SEEDEN M. EEY. Librarian, MR. CHAREES W. STEWART. Chaplain, REV. GEORGE H. McGREW. BOARD OF MANAGEMENT. Consisting of the Officers Ex-Officio and the following Com- patriots: Mr. William H. Walker, 'M^. Merritt L. Dawkins, Mr. F. D. Owen, Dr. Mark F. FinlEy, Mr. William S. Parks, Mr. Albert J. Gore, Mr. George R. Ide, Admiral George W. Baird, Mr. Edgar B. Stocking, Col. Frederick C. Bryan, Col. William B. Thompson, Mr. Paul Brockett, Mr. Zebina Moses, Mr. Eisle S. Eipscomb, Mr. C. C. Magruder, Jr. COMMITTEES, 1916-1917. Executive Committee. (Elected by the Board of Management, March 8, 1916.) Mr. Philip F. Larner, Chairman. Mr. Henry L. Bryan, Admiral Theodore F. Jewell, Dr. Ira W. Dennison, Mr. John B. Torbert. Ways and Means. Mr. George R. Ide, Chairman. Admiral C. M. Chester, Mr. John I. Brown, Mr. Alfred B. Dent, Mr. Rufus M. Weaver, Mr. Ezra Gould, Mr. George W. White. Building. Mr. Appleton P. Clark, Jr., Chairman. Mr. Henry K. Bush-Brown, Mr. Frederick D. Owen. Library. Mr. Charles W. Stewart, Chairman. Mr. Zebina Moses, Mr. Francis H. Parsons. Advancement Gen. Edgar Z. Steever, CJiairman. Rear Admiral Frank F. Fletcher, Chief Justice Seth Shepard, Hon. John Barrett, Dr. George Tully Vaughan, Hon. Charles D. Walcott, Col. Henry F. Blount, Maj. Gen. A. W. Greely, Mr. Robert J. Fisher, Hon. David Jayne Hill. Rear Admiral Newton F. Ma- Dr. Charles W. Richardson, son. Commander Henry H. Barroll, Meetings. Mr. Merritt L,. Dawkins, Chairman. Dr. T. J. W. Brown, Mr. Charles O. Parks, Mr. ly. Hanlon, Mr. Louis H. Bayly, Dr. H. MacNamee, Mr. Howard C. Beck. Eligibility. Mr. William H. Somervell, Chairman. Mr. William A. Miller, Mr. Henry B. Wurdeman. Acceptability. Mr. William S. Parks, Chairman. Dr. Mark F. Finley, Mr. William H. Walker. 6 Recruiting. Dr. Thomas J. W. Brown, Chairniai Col. Frederick C. Bryan, Mr. Louis H. Bayly, Mr. Harry C. Birge, Mr. Henry H. Burroughs, Mr. Richard J. Beall, Mr. Claude N. Bennett, Mr. J. Chester Bowen, Mr. "Ddward S. Brashears, Mr. John S. Barker, Mr. Charles M. Bryant, Mr. J. C. Kennedy Campbell, Mr. "W. A. Copenhaver, Dr. L- D. Carman, Mr. W. F. Clark, Mr. William K. Cooper, Mr. William L. Chamberlain, Mr. Clarence F. Dawson, Mr. Mark F. Finley, Jr. Mr. Albert J. Gore, Mr. Frank F. Greenawalt, Mr. Charles F. Hood, Dr. S. Wren Howard, Mr. Richard E. Harris, Mr. W. M. Hannay, Mr. George E. Hubbard, Dr. Walter Hough, Mr. Samuel Herrick, Mr. William A. Kelsey, Mr. Charles F. Kern, Mr. George O. Knapp, Mr. Arthur Mr. John B. Lamer, Mr. Adgate A. Lipscomb, Mr. William L. Marsh, Mr. Hosea B. Moulton, Mr. Langdon Moore, Mr. George C. Maynard, Mr. William McNeir, Mr. Henry Curtis Morris, Mr. Harrison B. McCawley, Mr. William R. MacGill, Mr. Robert T. Neill, Mr. William K. Nottingham, Mr. Charles O. Parks. Mr. Herman H. Pechin, Mr. Francis C. Rose, Mr. Frank P. Reeside, Capt. Gordon Robinson, Mr. Willis E. Ruffner, Mr. B. C. Somervell, Mr. Henry W. Samson, Mr. Robert A. Smith, Mr. Francis W. Stone, Mr. John L. Smith, Dr. Francis A. St. Clair, Mr. Washington Topham, Mr. Bennet C. Taliaferro, Mr. Alfred W. Thompson, Dr. Thomas N. Vincent, Dr. S. E. Watkins, Mr. Mortimer Whitehead, M. Wheeler. Press. Mr. Henry P. Holden, Chairman. Mr. Hiram B. Jones, Mr. John C. Proctor, Mr. John G. Johnson, Mr. 'William K. Nottingham. Music. Mr. Eugene E. Stevens, Chairman. Mr. Charles S. Bradley. Mr. Robert A. Smith. OFFICERS of the DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA SOCIETY, SONS OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION, Since the date of its temporary organization, April 19TH, 1890. ORGANIZING COMMITTEE: Admiral David D. Porter, U. S. N., Chairman. Dr. F. O. St. Clair, Secretary. Gen. W. S. Rosecrans, Dr. G. Brown Goode, Prof. Harry King, Alex. D. Anderson, Esq., Dr. T. M. Toner, Gen. Cecil Clay, Col. Marshall McDonald, Gen. A. W. Greely, U. S. A., Gen. Marcus J. Wright. TEMPORARY OFFICERS ELECTED APRIL 19, 1890.* President: Admiral David D. Porter, U. S. N. Died Feb. 13, iSgi.t Vice-Presidents: Gen. A. W. Greely, U. S. A., Gen. Marcus J. Wright. Secretary: Dr. F. O. St. Clair. Treasurer: Col. Marshall McDonald. Registrar: Dr. G. Brown Goode. Historian: Dr. J. M. Toner. FEBRUARY 23, 1891. President: Gen. A. W. Greely, U. S. A. Vice-Presidents : Gen. Marcus J. Wright, Gen. H. V. Boyn- ton. Col. Marshall McDonald. Secretaries: A. Howard Clark, A. B. Johnson. Treasurer: Wm. V. Cox. Regsitrar: Dr. G. Brown Goode. Historian: Dr. F. O. St. Clair. FEBRUARY 22, 1892. President: Gen. A. W. Greely, U. S. A. Vice-Presidents: Gen. T. C. Breckinridge, U. S. A., Gen. F. G. Butterfield, 'Col. Marshall McDonald, Hon. John Goode, Gen. Marcus J. Wright. *These gentlemen were elected under the permanent organ- ization to fill the respective offices, April 28, 1890. tDied Feb. 13, 1891. Gen. A. W. Greely became Acting President, Feb. 14, 1891. 8 Secretaries: A. Howard Clark, A. 11. Johnson. Treasurer: Wm. V. Cox. Regsitrar: Dr. G. Brown Goode. Historian: Dr. F. O. St. Clair. Chaplain: Rev. Thomas S. Childs, D.D. FEBRUARY 22, 1893. President: Gen. J. C. Breckinridge, U. S. A. Vice-Presidents : Associate Justice David J. Brewer, Prof. Wm. D. Cabell, Dr. G. Brown Goode, Hon. George H. Shields, Dr. E. M. Gallaudet. Secretaries: A. Howard Clark, Capt. C. D. Cowles, U. S. A. Treasurer: Wm. V. Cox. Registrar: William J. Rhees. Assistant Registrar: Surgeon Geo. H. Penrose. Historian: Dr. F. O. St. Clair. Chaplain: Rev. Thomas S. Childs, D.D. FEBRUARY 22, 1894. President : Gen. T. C. Breckinridge, U. S. A. Vice-Presidents: Hon. George H. Shields, Dr. E. M. Gal- laudet, Prof. W. D. Cabell. Recording Secretary: Capt. E. Z. Steever, U. S. A. Corresponding Secretary : Dr. Geo. H. Penrose. Treasurer: Wm. V. Cox. Registrar: William J. Rhees. Assistant Registrar: F. H. Parsons. Historiayi: A. Hovi^ard Clark. Chaplain: Rev. Thomas S. Childs, D.D. FEBRUARY 22, 1895. President: Dr. G. Brown Goode. Vice-Presidents: Hon. John W. Douglas, Hon. John Goode, Bernard R. Green. Recording Secretary : Francis E. Storm. Corresponding Secretary : Frederick E. Tasker. Treasurer: Wm. V. Cox. Registrar: William J. Rhees. Assistant Registrar : Francis H. Parsons. Historian: Maj. Wm. H. Webster. Chaplain: Rev. Thomas S. Childs, D.D. FEBRUARY 22, 1896. President: Dr. G. Brown Goode. Died September 6, 1896. Gen. Orlando B. Willcox, U. S. A.* *Elected December 22, 1896. 9 Vice-Presidents: Gen. Orlando B. Willcox, U. S. A.,t Ber- nard R. Green,t Admiral James H. Greer, U. S. X., Hon. John W. Douglas. Recording Secretary: Francis E. Storm. Died July 2, 1896. John Paul Earnest. § Corresponding Secretary: Frank Birge Smith. Treasurer: Wm. V. Cox. Registrar: William J. Rhees. Assistant Registrar: Dr. Ira W. Dennison. Historian: Maj. Wm. H. Webster, Marcus Benjamin, Ph.D. Chaplain: Rev. Thomas S. Childs, D.D. FEBRUARY 22, 1897. President: Dr. Edward M. Gallaudet. Vice-Presidents: Dr. J. W. Bayne, Wm. V. Cox, Gen. Thomas M. Vincent, U. S. A. Recording Secretary: John Paul Earnest. Corresponding Secretary : Frank Birge Smith. Treasurer: H. P. R. Holt. Registrar: William J. Rhees. Assistant Registrar: Dr. Ira W. Dennison. Historian: Marcus Benjamin, Ph.D. Chaplain: Rev. Thomas S. Childs, D.D. FEBRUARY 22, 1898. President: Dr. Edward M. Gallaudet. Vice-Presidents: Dr. J. W. Bayne, Wm. V. Cox, Gen. Thomas M. Vincent, U. S. A. Recording Secretary : John Paul Earnest. Corresponding Secretary : Frank Birge Smith. Treasurer: H. P. R. Holt. Registrar: William J. Rhees. Assistant Registrar: Dr. Ira W. Dennison. Historian: Marcus Benjamin, Ph.D. Chaplain: Rev. Thomas S. Childs, D.D. FEBRUARY 22, 1899. President: Gen. Thomas M. Vincent, U. S. A. Vice-Presidents: Gen. George M. Sternberg, U. S. A., Wil- liam Hamilton Bayly, Bernard R. Green. Recording Secretary : John Paul Earnest. Corresponding Secretary : Frank Birge Smith. Treasurer: H. P. R. Holt. Registrar: William J. Rhees. Assistant Registrar: Dr. Albert C. Peale. Historian: Marcus Benjamin, Ph.D. Chaplain: Rev. Thomas S. Childs, D.D. t Acting President Nov. 8, 1896. JElected Dec. 23, 1896. lElected July 2, 1896. 10 FEBRUARY 22, 1900. Preddent: Gen. Thomas M. Vincent, U. S. A. Vice-Presidents: William T. Rhees, Wm. Hamilton Bayly, Gen. Geo. M. Sternberg, U. S. A. Recording Secretary: Wallace Donald Mclycan. Corresponding Secretary : Wm. H. Pearce. Treasurer: H. P. R. Holt. Registrar: Dr. Ira W. Dennison. Assistant Registrar: Dr. Albert C. Peale. Historian: Prof. T. W. Chickering. Chaplain: Rev. Thomas S. Childs, D.D. FEBRUARY 22, 1901. President: Noble D. Larner. Vice-Presidents : Dr. John W. Bayne, Hon. John Goode, John Paul Barnest. Recording Secretary : Wallace Donald Mclycan. Corresponding Secretary: Wm. H. Pearce. Treasurer: H. P. R. Holt. Registrar: Sidney I. Besselievre. Assistant Registrar: Dr. Albert C. Peale. Historian: Prof. J. W. Chickering. Chaplain: Rev. Thomas S. Childs, D.D. FEBRUARY 22, 1902. President : Noble D. Larner. Vice-Presidents : Dr. J. W, Bayne, John Paul Earnest, S. W. Woodward. Recording Secretary: Wallace Donald McLean. Corresponding Secretary: Wm. H. Pearce. Treasurer: H. P. R. Holt. Registrar: Sidney I. Besselievre. Assistant Registrar: Dr. Albert C. Peale. Historian: Prof. J. W. Chickering. Librarian: Zebina Moses. Chaplain: Rev. Thomas S. Childs, D.D. FEBRUARY 23, 1903. President: Dr. John W. Bayne. Vice-Presidents : James T. DuBois, Plon. E. B. Moore, Wm. L. Marsh. Recording Secretary : Wallace Donald McEean. Corresponding Secretary : Wm. H. Pearce. Treasurer: H. P. R. Holt. Registrar: Dr. Edwin A. Hill. Assistant Registrar: Dr. Albert C. Peale. Librarian: Zebina Moses. Historian: Prof, J. W. Chickering. Chaplain: Rev. Thomas S. Childs, D.D. II FEBRUARY 22, 1904. President: John Paul Earnest. Vice-Presidents: Commander John H. Moore, U. S. N., Harry C. McLean, E. S. Parker. Recording Secretary: Leon L. L. French. Corresponding Secretary : Wm. H. Pearce. Treasurer: H. P. R. Holt. Registrar: Dr. Edwin A. Hill. Assistant Registrar: Dr. Albert C. Peale. Librarian: Zebina Moses. Historian: Newton L. Collamer. Chaplain: Rev. Thomas S. Childs, D.D. FEBRUARY 22, 1905. President: William H. Bayly. Vice-Presidents: Commander John H. Moore, U. S. N., Philip Walker, Justice Seth Shepard. Recording Secretary: Leon L. L. French,* N. L- CoUamer.t Corresponding Secretary : Wm. H. Pearce. Treasurer: Philip F. Larner. , Registrar: Dr. Edwin A. Hill. Assistant Registrar: Paul Brockett. Historian : Newton L. Collamer. Librarian: Zebina Moses. Chaplain: Rev. Thomas S. Childs, D.D. FEBRUARY 22, 1906. President: Commander John H, Moore, U. S. N. Vice-Presidents: Justice Seth Shepard, William L. Marsh, Philip Walker. Recording Secretary : Louis A. Dent. Corresponding Secretary : John E. Fenwick. Treasurer: Philip F. Lartler. Registrar: Albert D. Spangler. Assistant Registrar: Paul Brockett. Librarian: Zebina Moses. Historian: Rev. John L. French. Chaplain: Rev. Thomas S. Childs, D.D. FEBRUARY 22, 1907. President: William L. Marsh. Vice-Presidents: Louis A. Dent, Justice Thomas H. Ander- son, Francis H. Parsons. Recording Secretary : Sidney I. Besselievre. Corresponding Secretary : John E. Fenwick. *Resigned Nov. 15, 1905. tElected Nov. 15, 1905. 12 Treasurer: Philip F. Lamer. Registrar: Albert D. Spangler. Assistant Registrar: Zebina Moses. Historian: Selden M. Ely. Librarian: Paul Brockett. Chaplain: Rev. Thomas S. Childs, D.D. FEBRUARY 22, 1908. President: Justice Thomas H. Anderson. Vice-Presidents: Hon. Edward B. Moore, Hon. A. B. Hag- ner, William A. DeCaindry. Recording Secretary: Henry P. Holden. Corresponding Secretary : John E. Fenwick. Treasurer: Philip F. Earner. Registrar: Albert D. Spangler. Assistant Registrar: Chester M. Clark. Historian: Selden M. Ely. Librarian: Paul Brockett. Chaplain: Rev. Thomas S. Childs, D.D. FEBRUARY 22, 1909. President: Hon. Edward B. Moore Vice-Presidents: Col. William B. Thompson, Zebina Moses, William A. DeCaindry. Secretary: Chester M. Clark,* Paul Brockett.t Treasurer: Philip F. Earner. Registrar: Albert D. Spangler. Assistant Registrar: Philip B. Goode. Historian: Selden M. Ely. Librarian: Paul Brockett. Chaplain: Rev. Thomas S. Childs, D.D. FEBRUARY 22, 1910. President: Rear Admiral George W. Baird, U. S. N. Vice-Presidents: Col. Wm. B. Thompson, Wm. V. Cox, Col. Gilbert C. Kniffin. Secretary: Paul Brockett. Treasurer: Philip F. Earner. Registrar: Albert D. Spangler. Assistant Registrar: Philip B. Goode. Historian: Selden M. Ely. Librarian: Paul Brockett. Chaplain: Rev. Thomas S. Childs, D.D. *Resigned Nov. 17, 1909. tElected Nov. 17, 1909. 13 FEBRUARY 22, 1911. President: Col. William B. Thompson. Vice-Presidents: Wm. V. Cox, Wallace D. McLrean, Col. Gilbert C. Kniffin. Secretary: Paul Brockett. Treasurer: Philip F. Larner. Registrar: Albert D. Spangler. Assistant Registrar: John E. Fenwick. Historian: Selden M. E)ly. Librarian: Charles W. Stewart. Chaplain: Rev. Thomas S. Childs, D.D. FEBRUARY 22, 1912. President: Wm. V. Cox. Vice-Presidents: Col. Frederick C. Bryan, Dr. Edwin A. Hill, Sidney I. Besselievre. Secretary: Paul Brockett. Treasurer: Philip F. learner. Registrar: Albert D. Spangler. Assistant Registrar: John E. Fenwick. Historian: Selden M. Ely. Librarian: Charles W. Stewart. Chaplain: Rev. Thomas S. Childs, D.D. FEBRUARY 22, 1913. President: Col. Gilbert C. Kniffin. Vice-Presidents: Col. Frederick C. Bryan, Rear Admiral C. M. Chester, U. S. N., Gen. Walter Howe, U. S. A. Secretary: John B. Torbert. Treasurer: Philip F. Larner. Registrar: Albert D. Spangler. Assistant Registrar: Henry P. Holden. Historian: Selden M. Ely. Librarian: Charles W. Stewart. Chaplain: Rev. Thomas S. Childs, D.D. FEBRUARY 23, 1914. President: Col. Frederick C. Bryan. Vice-Presidents: Rear Admiral C. M. Chester, U. S. N. Dr. Edwin A. Hill, Gen. Walter Howe, U. S. A. Secretary: John B. Torbert. Treasurer: Philip F. Earner. Registrar: Albert D. Spangler. Assistant Registrar: Henry P. Holden. Historian: Selden M. Ely. 14 Librarian: Charles W. Stewart. Chaplain: Rev. Thomas S. Childs,* Rev. George H. Mc- Grew.f FEBRUARY 22, 1915. President: Rear Admiral Colby M. Chester, U. S. N. Vice-Presidents: Henry L,. Bryan Dr. E)dwin A. Hill, Wm, A. DeCaindry.t Secretary: John B. Torbert. Treasurer: Philip F. Larner. Registrar: Albert D. Spangler. Assistant Registrar: Henry P. Holden. Historian: Selden M. Ely. Librarian: Charles W. Stewart. Chaplain : Rev. George H. McGrew. FEBRUARY 22, 1916. President: Mr. Philip F. Larner. Vice-Presidents: Mr. Henry L. Bryan, Dr. Ira W. Dennison, Admiral Theodore F. Jewell. Secretary: Mr. John B. Torbert. Treasurer: Mr. William A. Domer. Registrar: Mr. Albert D. Spangler. Assistant Registrar: Mr. Henry P. Holden. Historian: Mr. Selden M. Ely. Librarian : Mr. Charles W. Stewart. Chaplain: Rev. George H. McGrew. *Died March 21, 1914. tElected April 15, 19 14. JDied August 17, 191 5. 15 LIST OF MEMBERS, 1915. The date opposite each name indicates the date of election of the memher to the District of Columhia Society. (Please notify the Secretary at once of any errors in this list.) Adams, Richard C. Mar. 12, 1902 1319 Columbia Road, N. W., Washington, D. C. Alhright, James B. Mar. 12, 1902 1807 Monroe Street, Washington, D. C. Allison, George W. Dec. 11, 1907 2137 Berkeley Way, Berkeley, California. Anderson, Justice Thomas H. Feb. 18, 1903 1 53 1 New Hampshire Avenue, Washington, D. C. Armes, Major George A. (U. S. A. retired). June 16, 1890 2649 Woodley Road, Washington, D. C. Atkinson, Capt. Condit S. June 20, 1908 Lock Box 25Q, New Brunswick, New Jersey. Atkinson, Dr. Wade H June 20, 1908 1402 M Street, N. W., Washington, D. C. Auld, Robert E. Feb. 22, 1912 1403 31st Street, N. W., Washington, D. C. Avery, Maurice H. Jan. 8, 1908 Library of Congress, Washington, D. C. Bagley, James E. Feb. 22, 1912 1404 H Street, N. W., Washington, D. C. Bailey, Charles B. Dec. 18, 1901 1424 Belmont Road, Washington, D. C. Baily, James A. Nov. 12, 1902 702 loth Street. N. W., Washington, D. C. Baird, Rear Admiral George "W. (U. S. N., retired). Oct. 23, 1899 150.=; Rhode Island Avenue, N. W., Washington, D. C. Baldwin, M. W. Apr. 10, 1907 3000 13th Street. N. W., Washington, D. C. Balloch, Dr. Edward A. Jan. 11, 1892 1 62 1 Connecticut Avenue, N. W., Washington, D. C. Barclay. Hon Fred. H. Mar. 10, 1909 The Wvoming, Washington, D. C. Barker, John's. Dec. 11, 1901 1 22 1 Irving Street, N. W., Washington, D. C. Barr, John L. Feb. 13, 191 2 The Wyoming, Washington, D. C. Barrett, Hon. John Jan. 19, 191 1 Director-General, Pan-American Union, Washington, D. C. 16 BARROLL, Commander H. H. (U. S. N., re- tired). Apr. 7, 191 5 343 Main Street, Danbury, Connecticut. Bayly, Louis Hamilton Jan. 27, 191 5 2125 N Street, N. W., Washington, D. C. Bayne, Dr. J. Breckinridge Apr. 8, 1903 1734 New Hampshire Avenue, Washington, D. C. Beall, Richard Jones Jan. 26, 1916 1 71 1 Riggs Street, N. W., Washington, D. C. Beck, Hon. George T. Aug. 12, 1890 Cody, Wyoming. Beck, Howard C* Baltimore (P. O. Box 784), Md. Beckett, Dr. George M. Nov. 12, 1902 Post Office Building, Boston, Mass. Bell, David W. Jan. 13, 1904 4318 9th Street, N. W., Washington, D. C. Bell, Edward W. Dec. 9, 1914 1435 South Kostner Avenue, Chicago, 111. Benedict, Isaac H. Nov. 11, 1903 322 East Capitol Street, Washington, D. C. Benet, Lawrence V. June 8, 1892 I Avenue de Camoens, Paris, France. Benjamin, Francis M. Nov. 11, 191 4 Chevy Chase Lodge, Chevy Chase, Md. Benners, Joseph N. Feb. 22, 191 3 Government Building, Birmingham, Alabama. Bennett, Adolphus B. Feb. 22, 1902 3420 Mt. Pleasant Street, Washington, D. C. Bennett, Claude N. Dec. 20, 1905 Southern Building, Washington, D. C. Bennett, Captain Frank M. (U. S. N., re- tired) Dec. 16, 189 1 Navy Yard, Mare Island, California. Bennett, Robert R. Jan. 8, 1902 Metropolitan Bank Building, Washington, D. C. Berry, E. H. Apr. 9, 1902 Traction Building, Cincinnati, Ohio. Billings, Pay Director Luther G. (U. S. N. retired) ^ Feb. 23, 1891 Chappaqua, Westchester County, N. Y. Birge, Harry C. Jan. 11, 1892 1326 New York Avenue, N. W., Washington, D. C. Biscoe, Captain Earl (U. S. A.) May 12, 1903 Army War College, Washington, D. C. Blake, Harold June 20, 1908 III West 7th Street, Anaconda, Montana. Bowen, J. Chester Feb. 12, 1906 Bureau of Labor Statistics, Washington, D. C. ^Transferred from Michigan Society, No. 10, 191 3. 17 Bowker, Dr. Charles H.* 1204 Massachusetts Avenue, N, W., Washington, D. C. Brand, Edward Alexander Feb. 22, 19 16 21 West Kirk Street, Chevy Chase, Md. Bradford, Dr. Fenton Apr. 11, 1916 The Rochambeau, Washington, D. C. Bradley, Charles S. Feb. 7, 1906 1722 N Street, N. W., Washington, D. C. Brashears, Edward S. Dec. 10, 191 3 Bond Building, Washington, D. C. Brecknridge, Hon. Henry S. Apr, 14, 1910 1909 S Street, N. W., Washington, D. C. Breckinridge, Major Gen. Joseph C. (U. S. A., retired) June 16, 1890 2139 Wyoming Avenue, Washington, D. C. Breckinridge, Dr. S. D. Nov. 11, 1903 121 7 Connecticut Avenue, Washington, D. C. Brewer, Hiram H. Nov. 10, 1904 Lanham, Maryland. Briggs, S C. Feb. 21, 1908 1 7 19 Lamont Street, N. W., Washington, D. C. Brockett, Paul May 15, 1895 Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D. C. Brooks, N. M. Jan. 24, 1891 224 A Street, S. K., Washington, D. C. Brown, John I. Apr. 9, 1902 220 A Street, S. E., Wasihngton, D. C. Brown, Dr. Thos. J. W. May 8, 1907 Pension Bureau, Washington, D. C. Brown, Colonel William C. (U. S. A.) June 10, 1897 Governors Island, New York City, N. Y. Brown, William L. June 19, 191 1 1733 Columbia Road, Washington, D. C. Bryan, Colonel Frederick C. Oct. 19, 1900 Colorado Building, Washington, D. C. Bryan, Henry L. Nov. 14, 1904 604 East Capitol Street, Washington, D. C. Bryant, Charles M. Jan. O, 1909 2714 Cathedral Avenue, N. W., Washington, D. C. Bukey, B. M. Feb. 22, 191 1 5522 Cornell Avenue, Chicago, 111. Bukey, John S. Mar. 14, 1906 475 Pennsylvania Avenue, N. W.. Washington, D. C. Bull, Paymaster James A. (U. S. N.) Nov. 13, 1907 University Club, Philadelphia, Pa. Burgess, Ralph E. Mar. 13, 1901 8th and O Streets, N. W., Washington, D. C. Burke, Moncure Dec. 11, 1901 1810 Calvert Street, Washington, D. C. *Transferred from New Hampshire Society, Feb. 11, 1905. 18 Burroughs, Henry Harding Jan. 26, 1916 2633 Adams Mill Road, Washington, D. C. Bush-Brown, H K.* 1729 G Street, N. W., Washington, D. C. Busehnell, Eliphalet T. Apr. 11, 1900 1757 Church Street, N. W., Washington, D. C. Byrne, Lieut.-Col. Charles (U. S. A., retired) Oct. 28, 1890 P. O. Box 509, Louisville, Kentucky. Camp, Guy W. A. June 16, 191 1 1 1 1 Ouincy Street, Chevy Chase, Md. Campbell, Tr. C. Kennedy Dec. 9. 1914 1115 O Street, N. W., Washington, D. C. Carman, Dr. L D. _ Nov. 12, 1902 1351 O Street, N. W., Washington, D. C. Carmody, Major John Doyle Apr. 9, 1902 121 1 Vermont Avenue, Washington, D. C Carstarphen, Oney K. -^pr 6, 191 4 427 Fort Washington Avenue, New York, IN. Y. Cash, WiMiam B. Dec. 12, 191 1 Box 471 Balboa Heights, C. Z., Panama. Chamberlan, Dr. William L. Feb. 22, 1901 171 1 Lanier Place, Washington, D. C. Charlton, Charles H. Apr. 13, 1892 223 South 2d Street, Colwyn, Pa. Chatterton, Ass't Paymaster John L. (U. S. N.) Dec. 9. 10 N.) Dec. 9, 1909 Care of Navy Department, Washington, D. C. Chesley, John T. May 16, 1910 1 31 7 New York Avenue, N. W., Washington, D. L. Chesley, Thornton May 12, 1909 The Gotham, Washington, D. C. Chesley, Willoughby S. 1 317 New York Avenue, N. W., Washington, D. C. Chester, Rear Admiral Colby M. (U. S. N., retired) Feb. 16, 1891 1736 K Street, N. W., Washington, D. C. Childers, Gen. Gracey Mar. 13, 189S Clarksville, Tenn. Cissel, S. C. _ ^ Apr. 7, 1915 1 30 1 G Street, N. W. ,Washington, D. C. Clark, A. Howard June 16, 1890 Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D. C. Clark, Appleton P., Jr. Dec. 12, 1890 816 14th Street, N. W., Washington, D. C. Clark, Charles Lorin Dec. 8, 191 5 Y. M. C. A. Building, Washington, D. C. Clark, Dr Clifton P. Oct. 23, 1899 1834 Ontario Place, N. W., Washington, D. C. Clark, wm. Franklin June 14, 1903 The Imperial, Washington, D. C. •Transferred from i^mpire State Society, April 5, 191 1. 19 Clayton, Geo, L. Dec. 9, 191 4 715 Lawrence Street, N. E., Washington, D. C. Cole, Colonel Eli K. (U. S. M. C.) Feb. 10, 1909 Marine Barracks, Annapolis, JNId. Conkling, Prof. Ira B. Apr. 6, 19 14 Interstate Commerce Commission, Washington, D. C. Cook, Henry Churchill Jan. 26, 19 16 1925 Calvert Street, N. W., Washington, D. C. Coombs, Col. Charles W. June 16, 1890 The Gainesboro, Washington, D. C. Cooper, William K.* 1736 G Street, N. W., Washington, D. C. Copenhaver, W, A. Apr. 8, 1903 1427 F Street, N. W., Washington, D. C. Cox, Emery ^ Feb. 12, 19 13 91 33d Street, Newport News, Xa. Cox, W. V. June 16, 1890 2d National Bank, Washington, D. C. Craig, Lieut. -Col. Robert (U. S. A., retired) June 16, 1890 1822 I Street, N. W., Washington, D. C. Croissant, DeWitt C. Jan. 9, 1907 417 West 114th Street, New York City, N. Y. Crowell, Paymaster D. C. (U. S. N.) June 20, 1908 Navy Yard, Charleston, S. C. Croxall, Morris L. Jan. 13, 1904 Disbursing Clerk, Navy Department. Cunningham, Samuel H. Dec. 11, 1912 1636 Monroe Street, N. W., Washington, D. C. Danenhower, Edward B. June 20, 1908 Pittsburgh Athletic Ass'n, Pittsburgh, Pa. Danforth, Captain Charles H., (U. S. A., re- tired) May 12, 1903 162 Virginia Avenue, St. Paul, Minn. Davis, Bliss N. June 20, 1908 15 Grafton Street, Chevy Chase, Washington, D. C. Davis, Commander Cleland (U. S. N.) Jan. 7, 1896 Navy Recruiting Station, San Diego, Cal. Davis, James Hornor Feb. 2, 1910 Clarksburg, W. Va. Dawkins, Merritt L. Feb. 22, 1902 Bureau of Pensions, Washington, D. C Dawson, Clarence Edward Feb. 22, 191 6 Chevy Chase, Md. Day, Dr. David T. Feb. 22, 1897 1 33 1 F Street, N. W., Washington, D. C. Dennison, Dr. Ira W. May 24, 1893 The Wyoming, Washington, D. C. Dent, Alfred B. Feb. 18, 190? 906 A Street, S. F)., Washington, D. C. ^Transferred from Massachusetts Society, Dec. 9, 1908. 20 Dent, Louis A. Mar. ii, 1903 2827 15th Street, N. W.. Washington, D. C. Dentler, Lieut.-Col. Clarence E. (U. S. A.) Feb. 6, 1907 Portland" Ore. Dinwiddle, Rev. Edwin C. Jan. 27, 191 5 1S02 Lamont Street, N. W., Washington, D. C. Domer, William A. Feb. 18, 1903 2621 Garfield Street, Washington, D. C. Donnally, Dr. H. H. Feb. , 1899 1612 I Street, N. W., Washington, D. C. Donnally, Dr. Williams Feb. 9, 1898 1612 I Street, N. W.. Washington, D. C. Donnan, Andrew Stuart (U. S. A.) Nov. 11, 1914 Honolulu, P. I. Doying, W. A. E May 16, 1910 The Argyle, Washington, D. C. Drain, James A.* 1502 H Street, N. W., Washington, D. C. Draper, Dr. Amos G. Dec. 14, 1898 Kendall Green, Washington, D. C. DuBois, Addison G. Nov. 10, 19 14 1 42 1 Chapin Street, N. W., Washington, D. C. DuBois, Charles L. May 16, 1910 183.!; Monroe Street, N. W., Washington, D. C. DuBois, "Henry Pastor Apr. 3, 1912 43 Exchange Place, New York, N. Y. DuBois, Hon. James T. June 16, 1890 Halstead, Pa. DuBois, Captain Richard C. (U. S. A.), re- tired) June 16, 1890 2028 T6th Street, N. W., Washington, D. C. Earnest, John Paul Nov. 13, 1891 2123 N. Street, N. W., Washington, D. C. Edmonstoh, Gabriel Oct. 23, 1899 1 128 1 2th Street, N. W., Washington, D. C. Edwards, W. Walton Dec. 28, 1910 1 101 East Capitol Street, Washington, D. C. Eldridge, ^Watson W. Dec. 12, 1911 1302 Belmont Street, N. W., Washington, D. C. Ely, Prof, Selden M. Feb. 22, 1895 ■^o S. Street, N. W., Washington, D. C. Epes, Henry S. Feb. 22, 1902 41 Grand View Avenue, Walliston, Mass. Fairman, Charles E. Feb. 18, 1902 325 U Street, N. W., Washington, D. C. Faulkner, Hon. Charles J. July 16, 1890 1416 F Street, N. W., Washington, D. C. Fenwick, John E. Feb. 22, 1901 Kensington,' Md. *Transferred from Washington Society, Jan. 10, 1912. 21 Fillebrown, Dr. John P. Feb. 21, 1908 2 121 lycroy Place, Washington. D. C. Finley, Lieut.-Col. John Park (U. S. A.) Feb. 22, 191 3 Galveston. Tex. Finley, Dr. M. F. Mar. 14, 1906 1928 I Street. N. W., Washington, D. C. Finley, Mark F.., Jr. Feb. 22, 19 13 University Club, Washington, D. C. Firmin, Orange S. Apr. 13, 1898 1438 Harvard Street, N, W.. Washington, D. C. Fisher, Robert J. Feb. 10, 1894 614 F Street. N. W., Washington, D. C. Fitzgerald, "Wm. Taylor Jan. 13, 1915 LeDroit Building, Washington, D. C. Fletcher, Rear-Admiral Frank F. (U. S. N.) Dec. 9, 1908 Care of Navy Department. Flint, Medical Director James M. (U. S. N.. retired) June 16, 1890 Stoneleigh Court, Washington, D. C. Foster, Col. Everett W. Feb. 18, 1902 446 Senate Office Building, Washington, D. C. Fowle, Frederick E. Apr. 5, 191 1 Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D. C. Fowler, Daniel H. Apr. 3, 1913 Colorado Building, Washington, D. C. Fowler, "Wallace G. Feb. 22, 1900 (Box 68) Guilford, Conn. Frailey, Robert T. Feb. 22, 1913 1247 North Capitol Street, Washington, D. C. Fulton, Horace M. Apr. 8, 1903 1500 13th Street, N. W., Washington, D. C. Gallagher, Rev. Charles W. Feb. 17, 1904 Lutherville, Md. Gallagher, "William G.* 415 4th Street, S. E., Washington. D. C. Galloway, Dr. C. C. Feb. 22, 191 5 no Maple Avenue, Takoma Park, D. C. Gauss, Henry C Dec. 13, 1905 i3;9 Park* Road, N. W., Washington, D. C. Gerald, Herbert P. Tune 10, 1896 Patent Office. Washington, D. C. Gibbs, George Fort Jan. 12, 191 6 Rosemont, Pa. Gilmore, James "W. Apr. 5, 191 1 Virginia Military Institute, Lexington, Va. Goodwin, 0. "W. May 10, 1904 4i^ G Street, N. W., Washington, D. C. Gore, Albert J. Dec. 18, 1901 1746 P Street, N. W., Washington, D. C. 'Transferred from Connecticut Society, March 21, 1905. 22 Goss, Thomas "W. Feb. 6, 1907 600 Harvard Street, Washington, D. C. Gould, Ezra Feb. 10, 1909 1627 1 6th Street, N. W., Washington, D. C. GRAHAM, F. W Dec. 10, 1902 617 14th Street, N. W., Washington, D. C. Graham, Lorimer C. Apr. 14, 1910 The Wyoming, Washington, D. C. Gray, Major Alonzo (U. S. A.) Nov. 4, 1903 148 Locust Street, San Francisco, Cal. Greely, Major General Adolphus W. (U, S. A., retired) June 28, 1890 191 4 G. Street, N. W., Washington, D. C. Green, Andrew J. Apr. 20, 1891 The Cecil, Washington, D. C. Greenawalt, Frank F. Apr. 11, 1900 1 7 19 lyanier Place, Washington, D. C. Greene, Rev. Samuel H., D.D. July 10, 1896 1320 Q Street, N. W., Washington, D. C. Grosvenor, Hon. Charles H. July 5, 1890 Athens, Ohio. Hains, Lieut.-Col. John P. (U. S. A.) Jan. 10, 1894 Army War College, Newport, R. I. Hall, Henry 0. July 5, 1894 The Willson, Washington, D. C. Hall, John Dec. 9, 1908 P. O. Box 343, Lampasas, Tex. Hamilton, Stephen Flannagan Jan. 26, 1916 1 33 1 Massachusetts Avenue, S. E., Washington, D. C. Hanlon, James Lee Dec. 8, 19 15 219 East Capitol Street, Washington, D. C. Hannay, William M. Feb. 22, 19 13 614 F Street, N. W., Washington, D. C. Hardin, Gen. Martin D. Nov. 13, 1891 Lake Forest, 111. Harris, Richard Earle Jan. 13, 191 5 608 Adams Street, N. E., Washington, D. C. Harrison, Dr. Bernard H. Feb. 10, 1909 641 Massachusetts Avenue, N. W., Washington, D. C. Harrison, Thos. Feb. 13, 1912 U. S. Naval Observatory, Washington, D. C. Harwood, Clifford H. Dec. 10, 19 13 183=; Hamlin Street, N. E., Washington, D. C. Haskell, Cyrus V. Nov. 10, 1904 Treasury Department, Washington, D. C. Hawes, John G. Dec. 20, 1905 3507 14th Street, N. W., Washington, D. C. Hawes, Richard P. Feb. 22, 1900 Ordnance Office, Navy Yard, Washington, D. C. Hayden, Captain Everett E. (U. S. N.) Feb. 6, 1896 300 Colonial Avenue, Norfolk, Va. 23 Heap, John P. Dec. ii, 1912 1320 Riggs Street, N. W., Washington, D. C. Henderson, Hon. John S July 26, 1890 Saulsbury, N. C. Henry, E. S. Nov. 13, 1901 1320 Columbia Road, Washington, D. C. Herndon, John Goodwin, Jr. Apr. 12, 19 16 1305 P Street, N. W., Washington, D. C. Herrick, Samuel Feb. 22, 1904 Westory Building, Washington, D. C. Heyser, William Dec. 12, 191 1 Car Record Office, Cumb, Valley R. R., Chambersburg, Pa. Hebbard, George E. May 8, 1907 1312 F Street, N. W., Washington, D. C. Hill, Hon. David Jayne Jan. 16, 1901 1406 Massachusetts Avenue, Washington, D. C. Hill, Dr. Edwin A. Dec. 16, 1899 2246 Cathedral Avenue, N. W., Washington, D. C. Hines, Captain Samuel June 7, 19 12 412 Connell Building, Scranton, Pa. Hitt, Isaac R. Feb. zz, 1903 1 410 H. Street, N. W., Washington, D. C. Hoffman, Charles G Feb. 21, 1905 1886 Ontario Place, N. W., Washington, D. C. Holcombe, Amasa M. Jan. 13, 1910 3844a Juniata Street, St. Louis, Mo. Holden, Henry P. Apr. 12, 1902 Bureau of Pensions, Washington, D. C. Hood, Charles E. Feb. 22, 191 5 1466 Harvard Street, N. W., Washington, D. C. Hottenstein, Marcus Stephen Dec. 8, 1915 Department of Justice, Washington, D. C. Hough, Dr. Walter Sept. 21, 1890 National Museum, Washington, D. C. Howard, Dr. S. Wren Feb. 10, 1909 1945 Calvert Street, N. W., Washington, D. C. Howe, George Alpha Nov. 10, 1904 no Fourth Street, N. E., Washington, D. C. Hoxie, Brig. General Richard L. (U. S. A., retired)* 1632 K Street, N. W., Washington, D. C. Hume, Robert Scott Feb. 22, 1901 452 D Street, N. W., Washington, D. C. Husband, H. Morris Tune 16, 1890 1562 Spring Road, N. W., Washington, D. C. Hutchinson, Norman Nov. 12, 1902 Care of Department of State, Washington, D. C. Hyde, John H. Dec. 8, 1915 602 Riggs Building, Washington, D. C. *Transferred from Empire State Society, Dec. 28, 1910. 24 Ide, George R. Apr. 29, 1902 Patent Office, Washington, D. C. Jack, Dr. Wm. A. Apr. 29, 1902 1502 Meridian Place, Washington, D. C. Jackson, Dr. James M. Apr. 3, 1913 1 1 15 Avenue B, Miami, Florida. Jewell, Rear Admiral Theodore F. (U. S. N., retired) . Nov. 16, 1898 R. Street, N. W., Washington, D. C. 2135 K. Street, in. vv., vvasiuugLuu, lj. v-. Johnson, Arthur E. Nov. 10, 1905 Ordnance Office, War Department. Johnson, Charles H. Nov. 10, 1904 1 312 F Street, N. W., Washington, D. C. Johnson, Captain P. C. (U. S. A.) Apr. 14, 1897 Fort Sam Houston, San Antonio, Texas. Johnson, John G. June 20, 1908 1347 Oak Street, N. W., Washington, D. C. Johnson, Dr. Joseph Taber Jan. 24, 1891 Cherrydale, Virginia. Johnson, Dr. Lorin B. T. June 10, 1897 2108 1 6th Street, N. W., Washington, D. C. Johnson, Oliver H. P. Nov. 10, 1904 613 iSth Street, N. W., Washington, D. C. Johnson, Wayne Apr. 6, 1914 1333 15th Street, N. W., Washington, D. C. Jones, Captain Clarence N. (U. S. A.) Feb. 10, 1909 Fort Myer, Virginia. Jones, Hiram B. Feb. 13, 1912 1353 Oak Street, N. W., Washington, D. C. Keefer, Joseph I. Dec. 14, 1910 607 Louisiana Avenue, Washington, D. C. Keeler, Willis Sumner Apr. 22, 1915 The Northumberland, Washington, D. C. Kelsey, William A.* 2922 Newark Street, Washington, D. C. Kendall, Dr. Francis D. Dec. 14, 1892 1309 Hampton Avenue. Columbia, S. C Kennon, Colonel L. W. V. (U. S. A.) June 16, 1890 Schofield Barracks, Honolulu, Hawan. Kenyon, Clarence A.f ^ r^ 1 51 1 Rhode Island Avenue, N. W., Washington, D. C. Kern, Charles E. Dec. 20, 1905 1328 Harvard Street, N. W., Washington, D. C. Kessler, Edwin Dec. 19, 1906 226 West 78th Street, New York, N. Y. Kimhall, Charles S. Fek 22, 1913 14th and East Capitol Street, Washington, D. C. King, Claude F. May 16, 19 10 5th Street and Columbia Road, Washington, D. C. *Transferred from Connecticut Society, Nov. 10, 1913. t Transferred from Indiana Society, Feb. 22, 191 6. 25 Klock, Edwin Augustus Apr. 12, 1916 1338 Corbin Street, N, E., Washington, D. C. Klock, Jonathan Dec. 9, 1914 3519 Prospect Avenue, N. W., Washington, D. C. Knapp, George Osmon Dec. 8, 19 15 1234 14th Street, N. W., Washington, D. C. Kniffin, Lieutenant-Colonel Gilbert C. Jiine 6, 1900 237 Carroll Street, Takoma Park, Maryland. Know^ard Street, N. W., Washington, D . C Sto.^^^^0^^;^^, N. W., Washington. D |. ^^^^ Stokes Charl^es^H.^ Courts, N. W., Washington D. c! Stone, Frank W. ,,,,., t, r Apr. 14, iQio The Kennesaw, Washington, U. L. Stone, Francis Wayland, Jr. IJec «, 191 5 The Kennesaw, Washington, U. e. Suddarth, Walter E. J^"- 3o. ^9 3 . ^- °M-?rr^'' ^'^ ' "■ Apr. 20, 1891 Summers, Milo C. ,Tr t,- ^^„ r> r 3^ 7th Street, N E., Washm^n. D. C. Swartwout, Dr. Frank A . ,2 Iowa Circle Washington, D. C. Sweitzer, Charles McG. ,„ , . . „ „ '^'°- '' ^ ^ Army & Navy Club Washmgton, D. C. Taliaferro, Bennet Crawford i^ec- »■ >» ' ^°^ 16.7IS sweet, N. W., Washington, D. C.^^^ ^^^ ^^^^ ^^"T.'Rh^de'island Avenue, N. W., Washington, d'. C^^ ^-'-;s^; ISr-eStreet, Washington, D. C. ^,^^ ;_' _^,^ ^''"°'S„f?Xs'.'ree.,.N W., Washington, DC.' ' ^^°-fS »W. W., Washington, ^l.^^ ^^ Thompson, H^,n.^Ca™t^ A, ^^^ Bid^g, St. Paul, Minn ' Thompson, Bertis B. J^"- ^^' '^ War Department, Washington, D. C. Thompson, Royal W. ^ ^, ^^'^^ "' '^ ^ St. John. Stafford County, Kansas. Thompson, Colonel William B. Apr. 14, i^97 1621 S Street, N W., Washmgton, D. C. ^^ ^^ Thompson, ^.^ I^^w.s^ B^_ ^^ Washington, D.^C. ^ ^^^^ Topham,^Ge^or.e^^^^^ N. W., Washington, D. C^ " ^ Topham,^Washin.t^n^^ W.. Washington, D. C^^" ^ ^^^^ ^^^^^^liir/sh^y Terrace, Cleveland Park, D.^C." ^^; ^^^^ ^^^^^^sTh Street. N. W.. Washington, D. C^^; ^^^ ^^^_^ Tracy.^Anson R. ^^ ^^^^ ^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^ ,..^^,,i,. 33 Treat, Howard A. „,„.,,._ t. r^^""' "' '^'" 1770 U Street, N. W., Washington, D. C. Trimble, Joseph W. Dec. 9, iQM 1201 M Street, N. W., Washington, D. C. Trimble, Matthew, Jr. „, , . ^ t. p^^*"' 9' ^9i4 1425 H Street, N. W., Washington, D. L. Tuley, iowan B. ,,,,.-„ , APr -^o, 1891 City Post Office, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Tyler, Cadwell ^^ ^,^ „^ , . ^ Apr. 12, 1904 1 712 Oregon Avenue, h. W^, Washington D. L. Van Deusen, Captain Albert H. Dec. 10, 1902 2207 M Street, N. W., Washington, D. C. Van Deusen, Major James W.(U. S. A.) Apr. 7, 19^5 Care of Surgeon General, War Department. Van Reypen, Surgeon General W. K. (U. S. N retired) March 23, 1891 * ''. 1 02 1 15th Street, N. W'., Washington, D. C. Van Schaik, Rev. John, Jr. Dec. 9, 1908 i4i7Massachusetts Avenue, N. W., Washington, D. C. Vaughan, Dr. G. Tully Apr. 5. 1894 1718 I Street, N. W., Washington, D. C. Vaughan, William E. Apr. 26, 191 1 2126 Flagler Place, N. W., Washington, D. C. Veley, Omar Jay ^ ^ . ^ ^ Feb. 22, 1913 Navy Department, Washington, D. C. Vincent, Dr. Thomas N. Apr. 5, 191 1 The Mansfield, Washington, D. C. Wainwright, Dallas B.. June 16, 1890 Coast and Geodetic Survey, Washington, D. C. Walcott, Dr. Charles D. Jan. 11, 1892 Smithsonian Institute, Washington, D. C. Walker, Ernest G. , . T^ r^^^^' ''' '^^^ 1406 G Street, N. W., Washington, D. C. Walker, Philip ^ ^Feb. 22, 1896 Union Trust Building, W^ashington, D. C. Walker, Samuel Hamilton Dec. 8, 191 5 420 B Street, N. E., W^ashington, D. C. Walker, William H. _ ^;ov. 13, 1907 729 15th Street, N. W., Washington, D. C. Walsh, Charles Dec. 8, 191 5 Amenia, New York. Waring, Rev. Luther H. ^ Jan. 12, 1914 1503 30th Street, N. W., Washington, D. C. Washington, Lawrence Dec. 12, 1890 Library of Congress, Washington, D. C. Waters, Somerset R. ^^ ^^^ „^ ^June 7, 1912 1 2 19 Massachusetts Avenue, N. W., Washington, D. C. Watkins, Dr. Samuel E. May 15, 1901 1115 O Street, N. W., W^ashington, D. C. Weaver, Rufus Miley ^J^- ^2, 19 10 1 106 13th Street, N. W., W^ashington, D. C. 34 Weedon, John C. ^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^. ^ Oct. 13, 1910 -112 loth Street, N. W., Washington, DC. Weedon, Thomas A. J"ne 20, 1908 Union Trust Building, Washington, D- C. Weida, Charles A. , r. ^- t, ^^?- ^'- ^^ i=;^7 Mineral Spring Road, Reading, Pennsylvania. Wells HW. Dec. 19, 1906 'Room 263, Navy Department, Washington D. C. Wells, Dr. Walter A. Dec. 9. 1909 The Rochambeau, Washington, D. t. Wetherell, William P. ^ov. 13. .891 Bureau of Pensions, Washington, D. <-. Wheeler, Arthur M. ^ ,J""^ 't^^^'J Office of Comptroller of the Currency, Treasury Dep t. Wheeler, Roger C. , ,, , „ ,,. . . F^^' ^^' '9i6 638 Mowbray Arch, Norfolk, Virginia. Wheelwright, Jere H. ^ , . March 13, 1895 Continental Trust Bld'g, Baltimore, Marvland. Whitaker, Gen. Edward W. ^ ,„ , • , ^^^-^ \3. iQoo 7=;6 Rock Creek Church Road, Washingtoi\ [). ^. Whitcomb. Gustavus A. Dec. 10, 1913 1 41 7 22d Street, N. W., Washington, D L. ^^^^^iS^fH S^tVeet. N. W., Washington, D. cf "^ ^^' '''' -^^^^^Vs'^^ S;eet. N. W., Washington, D.^"^ ''' ^^ Whitehead, 'Mortimer. ^ov. 13, 1891 Bureau of Pensions, Washington, D. C. Wight, Lloyd B. Apr. 7, 1891 25 Grant Place. Washington, D. C. Wilhite, Captain C, 0. Feb. 22, 190/ Federal Building, Missoula, Montana. -. o q Wilkie, John E. ^ ^^ ^ ^ _^. ^,, J^"- 8. 1908 105 South LaSalle Street, Chicago, 111. ^ o„^ Wilkinson, Ernest ^. . -n r "^^ "^ ' ^ Ouray Building, Washington, D. C. r> * ^ xSn, WiUard, Henry K. ^ ^^^ ^^^ ^. ^ ^ Oct. 11, 1893 1416 F Street, N. W., Washington, D. C. Williams, Chauncy C* Hamilton Hotel. Washington, p. C. Williams, Dr. Louis L. (U. S. P. H. S.) Nov. 10. 1904 San Francisco California o at ^ Wilson, Lieut.-Comd'r Downs L. (U. S. N., re- .• j\ i\uv. 4, lyu^i 1611 29th Street, N. W., Washington, D. C ^^^^1l;i^Sel?' Street, N. W., Washington/^D?" C^.' ^ Winter, M. A. ^. ^^^ ^. ^ ^ ^ Nov. 15. 1899 Winter Building, Washington, D. C. ^Transferred from Massachusetts Society, April 6, 1914. 35 Woodbridge, William D. Dec. g, 1914 1032 Market Street, Parkersburg, West Virginia. Woodward, S. Walter Nov. 15, 1899 nth and F Streets, N. W., Washington, D. C. Wooster, Walter M. Apr. 5, 1894 Indian Bureau, Interior Department, Washington, D. C. Wurdeman, Henry B. May 12, 1909 3715 Morrison Street, N. W., Washington, D. C. Wyman, Bayard Feb. 13, 191 2 52 Home Life Building, Washington, D. C. Yates, Lieut.-Colonel Arthur W. (U. S. A.) Mch. 8, 1893 Manila, Philippine Islands. Yeager, Thomas Hood May 15, 1901 1413 G Street, N. W., Washington, D. C. 36 CONSTITUTION OF THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA SOCIETY OF THE SONS OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. ARTICLE I. Name. The name of the Society shall be The District of Coi,uMBiA Society op the Sons of the American Revoeution. ARTICLE 11. Objects. The objects of this Society shall be to perpetuate the memory of the men, who, by their services or sacrifices during the war of the American Revolu- tion, achieved the Independence of the American people ; to unite and promote fellowship among their descendants ; to inspire them and the com- munity at large with a more profound reverence for the principles of the Government founded by our forefathers ; to encourage historical research in re- lation to the American Revolution ; to acquire and preserve the records of the individual services of the patriots of the War, as well as documents, relics and landmarks ; to mark the scenes of the Revo- lution by appropriate memorials; to celebrate the 37 anniversaries of the prominent events of the War; to foster true patriotism ; to maintain and extend the institutions of American freedom; and to carry on the purposes expressed in the preamble to the Con- stitution of our country, and the injunctions of Washington in his farewell address to the American people. ARTICLE III. Membership. Section i. Any man shall be eligible to member- ship who, being of the age of twenty-one years or over and a citizen of good repute in the community, is the lineal descendant of an ancestor who was at all times unfailing in his loyalty to and rendered actual service in the cause of American Independ- ence, either as an officer, soldier, seaman, marine, militiaman or minute-man, in the armed forces of the Continental Congress or of anv one of the sev- eral Colonies or States ; or as a signer of the Decla- ration of Independence ; or as a member of a Com- mittee of Safety or Correspondence ; or as a mem- ber of any Continental, Provincial or Colonial Con- gress or Legislature ; or as a civil officer, either of one of the Colonies or States or of the National Government ; or as a recognized patriot w^ho per- formed actual service by overt acts of resistance to the authority of Great Britain. He may he elected a member of this Society, provided, upon due investi- gation, he shall be found to be acceptable. Sec. 2. Applications for membership shall be made in duplicate, upon blank forms prescribed by the General Board of Managers of the National So- ciety,! and shall in each case set forth the name, oc- iBlank forms of the above character are furnished by the Registrar of the Society, to whom both the original and dupli- cate copies, when completed, should be returned. 38 cupation and residence of the applicant, his line of descent, and the name, residence and services of his ancestor or ancestors in the Revolution from whom he derives eligibility. The applicant shall make oath that the statements of his application are true, according to the best of his knowledge and belief. His appli- cation shall be endorsed by two members of the Society, accompanied by a letter from at least one compatriot, and gubject to such other requirements as may be prescribed by the rules or by-laws of the society.^ Sec. 3. Sons of Revolutionary soldiers who are regularly accepted by the Board of Management, upon the recommendation of the proper committees, may be made honorary members of the Society with- out payment of annual dues. Sec. 4. Any Senator or Representative, or officer in the civil, military or naval service of the United States, officially residing in Washington, or any officer in the Diplomatic service of the Government of the United States, who is a member in good standing of a State Society of the Sons of the American Revolution, may be elected to honorary membership in this Society. Members of State Societies, Sons of the American Revolution, may, while residing in the District of Columbia and upon election by the Board of Man- agement, be enrolled as Associate members of this Society.3 Sec. 5. Whenever a member in good standing changes his residence to the jurisdiction of another State Society, he shall be entitled, if he so elects, to a certificate of honorable dismission, in order that he may be transferred to said Society ; provided that no such certificate shall be given unless all dues and 2E;iection to membership is made by the Board of Manage- ment, under Art. VI, and By-Laws, Sec. i, pages 44-49- 3But see Cons., Act. Ill, Sec. 5, note. 39 fees are paid, and said membership in this Society shall not cease until membership in the State So- ciety shall be established. i Sec. 6. If for any reason a member resigns or is dropped from the rolls of the Society, the number of his insignia shall be cancelled, and his name shall no longer appear in the year book of the Society. ARTICLE IV. Officers and Managers. Section i. The Officers of the Society shall be a President, a Senior, a Second and a Third Vice- President, a Secretary, a Treasurer, a Registrar, an Assistant Registrar, a Historian, a Librarian and a Chaplain, who shall be elected at the annual meeting^ of the Society, and who shall hold office for one year, or until their successors shall be elected, and who, with fifteen other members, shall constitute the Board of Management ; provided, that the Presi- dent and Vice-Presidents shall not be eligible for election for more than two successive terms ; and provided further, that the term of each of the fif- teen members of the Board of Management herein- above referred to shall be three years from the date of his election, and that the fifteen shall continue, as heretofore, to be arranged in classes of five so that the terms of the five who have completed their three years of service shall expire at each annual meeting, at which their successors shall be elected. Vacancies in the Board of Management shall be filled by the Society for the unexpired term. l"No one shall be entitled to membership in any State So- ciety who has previously been a member of any other State Society and dropped for the non-payment of dues, until the indebtedness of such individual to the first Society shall haye been adjusted." — Sec. 2 Art. III. Cons. Nat. Society. 2Art. VII, Sec. 2, page 43. 40 Sec. 2. Delegates to the Congress of the Society3 shall be elected at each annual meeting, in accord- ance with the requirements of the Constitution of the National Society, who shall hold office till their successors are duly elected and qualified. Sec. 3. An Executive Committee of five, of which the President of the Society shall be the chairman, may be elected by the Board of Management from their number, who shall, in the interim between the meetings of the Board, transact such business as shall be delegated to it by the Board of Management. Three members shall be a quorum of the Executive Committee. ARTICLE V. Fees and Dues. Section i. The initiation fee shall be five dollars ($5.00) ; the annual dues of resident members (be- ing those who reside in the District of Columbia sThe Annual Congress of the National Society is held on the third Monday of May of each year; and special meetings thereof may be called by the President-General when so di- rected by the Board of Trustees, or when requested by at least five State Societies, on giving 30 days' notice of the time and place of such special meetings and the business to be transacted. The following shall be members of all such annual or special meetings of the Congress and are entitled to vote therein: 1. The President or Senior Vice-President of each State Society. 2. One delegate-at-large from each State Society. 3. One delegate from every fifty members of the Society within a State and for a fraction of 25 or over. State Societies are "represented at meetings of the Na- tional Society only by members of their own State Society, either duly elected, or who, in the absence of regularly elected delegates, may be chosen bv the regularly elected at- tending delegates of such State Society from the members of such State Society who may be present at any meeting of the National Society." — Art. VII, Sees. 2 and 3, Cons. National Society. 41 and within twenty-five miles thereof) four dollars ($4.00) ; the annual dues for non-resident members (being those who reside beyond the above limits) three dollars ($3.00) ; or the payment at one time of fifty dollars ($50.00) shall constitute a life mem- ber vi^ith exemption from payment of dues thereafter. Members of the "Sons of the Revolution" who join this Society will be 'exempt from the payment of an initiation fee, provided they are eligible and accept- able under the constitution of this Society. Young men who are members of the Society of the Chil- dren of the American Revolution in the District of Columbia may, on coming of lawful age, be admitted without payment of initiation fee, provided they are similarly eligible and acceptable. When a member is elected after the annual meeting his dues for the remainder of that year shall be at the rate of thirty- five cents per month if a resident and twenty-five cents per month if a non-resident. Sec. 2. The annual dues shall be payable in ad- vance on the 22d day of February. Sec. 3. When the dues of any member shall re- main unpaid for nine months, the Treasurer shall give him notice that unless the same be paid within two months thereafter his membership shall cease ; and in case such dues are not paid pursuant to such notice, or the default be satisfactorily accounted for to the Board of Management, he shall thereupon cease to be a member.! No nomination- of a compatriot for office shall be valid if he shall be found to be in arrears for dues for the current year, and in such case his name shall not appear on the printed ballot provided for by Section i. Article VIII hereof. Sec. 4. The receipts each year from initiation fees, life-membership fees, and dues, constituting the aggregate annual resources of the Society, shall be ISee "Standing Orders," page 57. 2See Sec. i, Art. VII, page 45. 42 devoted b.v the Board of Management to the fol- lowing objects, and no others, viz: 1. Payment of annual dues to the National So- cietyi of fifty cents for each active member. 2. Maintenance of a building fund,^ by the invest- ment of not less than ten per cent, of the aggregate annual resources of the Society in such securities as the Board of ^lanagement shall direct. 3. Payment of current expenses. 4. Publication of such documents as may be deemed advisable. 5. Payment of such special expenses as may be au- thorized by the vote of tv^^o-thirds of the Board of Management; but if from the report of the Treas- urer at any time, it shall appear to be likely that there will be a balance against the Treasurer at the annual meeting if all the liabilities of the year are met, no appropriation of money shall be made by the Board of Management for any object but the necessary current expenses of the Society while such likelihood shall continue to exist. Sec. 5. No vote of the Society, whereby any ex- penditure from the general funds of the Society, or from the building fund, or any borrowing of money, directly or indirectly, on the credit of the Society, shall be caused, shall be passed except at a stated or special meeting of the Society at which at least fifty members shall be present, and two-thirds of those present shall vote in favor thereof, nor until the sub- ject has been previously referred to the Board of Management for recommendation and they shall have reported their opinion thereon, which report shall be made at the stated meeting next after the reference, or at a special meeting called for the purpose. lOn or before April i, in order to secure representation in the Congress of the National Society. — Art. VI, Cons. Nat. Society. 2See Sec. s of this Article. 43 ARTICLE VI. The Board of Management. The Board of Management shall consist of the President, Vice-Presidents, Secretary, Treasurer, Registrar, Assistant Registrar, Historian, Librarian. Chaplain, ex officio, and fifteen members who shall be elected as herein provided. This Board shall judge of the qualifications of the candidates for admission to the Society and elect the same;^ and may establish local chapters with such powers as it may deem proper within its jurisdiction not inconsistent with the Constitution of the Na- tional Society ; and may expel any member, after due notice and impartial trial, who by conduct unbe- coming a gentleman shall render himself unworthy to remain a member, subject to appeal to the So- ciety ; and shall have charge of all meetings ;2 shall recommend plans for promoting the objects of the Society; shall digest and prepare business; and shall authorize the disbursement and expenditure of un- appropriated money in the treasury for the payment of current expenses ; and generally superintend all the interests of the Society and execute all such du- ties as may be committed to it by the Society. It shall make, through the president, a general report of its transactions at the annual meeting of the So- ciety. At all meetings of the Board of Management, five or more shall be sufficient for the transaction of business. iFor procedure, see Sec. i of the By-L,aws, page 49. 2See Art. VII, page 45. 44 ARTICLE VII. Meetiiiss.^ Section i. A regular meeting of the Society shall be held on the first Wednesday in February in each year, at 8 o'clock p. m., for putting in nomination candidates for the offices of President, Vice-Presi- dents, Secretary, Treasurer, Registrar, Assistant Registrar, Historian. Librarian and Chaplain, for members of the Board of Management, and for dele- gates and alternates to the Congress of the National Society, all of whom are to be balloted for at the en- suing annual meeting. At this nominating meeting all nominations* shall be made from the floor and not by committee. Such other business as may be properly brought before it may be transacted at this meeting. Sec. 2. The annual meeting for the election of of- ficers and transaction of business shall be held at noon on the 22d day of February, the anniversary of the Birth of George Washington, in every year, ex- cept when the date shall fall on Sunday, in which case the meeting shall be held on the following day. Sec. 3. Special meetings may be called by the President or Board of Management at the time for business purposes or for the purpose of celebrating events of the Revolution or other patriotic events, or devising means for the prosecution of patriotic sOnly two occasions each year are prescribed by the Con- stitution and By-Laws for regular meetings of the member- ship at large. These are specified in Sections i and 2 of this Article. All other meetings of the membership at large are special, and are held under Section 3. Five days' notice of all general or special meetings is (under Sec. 10 of the By- Laws, page ) required to be sent to each and every member. The Board of Management fixes the time and places of its own meetings. 4For eligibility of nominees, see Sec. 3, Art. V, page 42. 45 work.i The President shall call a special meeting whenever requested in writing so to do by five or more members. Sec. 4. General business may be transacted at any special meeting. Sec. 5. Thirteen members shall constitute a quorum at all meetings. Ayes and noes shall be called at any meeting of the Society upon the demand of five members. ARTICLE VIII. Blections. Section i. The Secretary shall prepare from the list of compatriots who were properly put in nomina- tion at the nominating meeting provided for by Sec- tion I, Article VII, a printed ballot having thereon (under proper heads showing the number of names that may be voted for under each head) the names of all compatriots who were nominated for each of- fice or class of offices, and shall forward to each compatriot of the Society with the notice of the an- nual meeting one copy of such printed ballot. Sec. 2. A compatriot who desires to vote at the an- nual meeting shall appear in person, between the hours of noon and i o'clock p. m., on the day and at the place of such meeting, and deposit with tellers to be appointed by the President for the purpose, one of the printed ballots, on which the names of the sev- eral compatriots in whose favor he wishes his ballot counted (to the number permissible in each class) shall be indicated by a cross-mark made by him op- posite each of such names, or by new names written by him on the ballot, as he may choose. Voting by lAuthority to make expenditures or borrow money on the credit of the Society restricted by Cons. Art. V, Sec. 5, page 43- 46 proxy, or at the annual meeting on the first ballot bv any other method than by the official ballot, shall no't be permitted, and voting for a greater number of names than there are offices to fill in any class is prohibited. Sec. 3. At I o'clock p. m., on the day of the annual meeting, the President shall declare the polls closed, and the tellers shall immediately proceed to the counting of the votes, and shall communicate the re- sult to the President at once on the completion of the same. Where a compatriot's name appears more than once, if elected to a higher office, his votes for the minor office shall not be counted. Sec. 4. Compatriots who shall receive, respectively, the highest number of votes for the offices of Presi- dent, Secretary, Treasurer, Registrar, Assistant Reg- istrar, Historian, Librarian and Chaplain, shall be declared elected. The compatriot receiving the high- est number of votes for Vice-President shall be de- clared elected Senior Vice-President; the one re- ceiving the next highest vote shall be declared elected Second Vice-President, and the one receiving the next highest vote shall be declared elected Third Vice-President. Sec. 5. Nominees for membership in the Board of T^Ianagement (to the number of places to be filled) who shall receive the highest number of votes shall be declared elected; those inter scsc receiving the highest number of votes to be declared elected for the longest terms, those receiving the next highest for the next longest terms, and so on until all the vacancies in the Board are filled. Sec. 6. Should there be a failure of election in any case or cases, the President shall order a new ballot in such case or cases, and the vote shall be taken and the result announced before adjournment. Sec. 7. Of the nominees for delegates to the Con- gress of the National Society, those who receive the 47 highest numbers of votes cast (to the number of delegates authorized) shall be declared elected as delegates, the one receiving the highest number be- ing delegate-at-large ; and those receiving the next highest numbers (to the number of alternates au- thorized) shall be declared elected as alternates. ^ Skc. 8. Compatriots who shall be declared elected shall hold office for the terms for which they were elected, or until the qualification of their successors. Sec. 9. All elections to fill vacancies which it may become necessary to hold at other than the annual meeting shall be by ballot. ARTICLE IX. Amendmenfs. Amendments to this Constitution or to the By- Laws may be offered at any meeting of the Society, but shall not be acted on until the next meeting. A copy of every proposed amendment shall be sent to each member, with a notice of the meeting at which the same is to be acted on, at least one week prior to said meeting. A vote of two-thirds of those present shall be necessary to the adoption of any amendments. iSee note to Sec. 2, Art. IV, page 41. 48 BY-LAWS SECTION I. Election of Members. Applicants for admission to membership in this Society shall file with the Registrar such applications as are prescribed in Section 2, Article III, of the Constitution, accompanied with the initiation fee of five dollars. These papers shall be referred to the Committee on Eligibility. If found eligible, the pa- pers shall be referred to the Committee on Accepta- bility, and on approval by said committee forwarded to the Secretary, who shall, before submitting the papers to the Board of Management, publish the names, occupations and addresses of all applicants for membership, properly recommended, as aforesaid, in the notice of meeting of the Society next after receipt of the applications ; and final action by the Board of Management shall not be taken until the first regular meeting after the said meeting of the Society. Should it be deemed advisable, during the recess from May to November, to consider new ap- plications, the President shall direct the Secretary to publish and mail to the compatriots a list of names, occupations and addresses of such new ap- plicants, but no action shall be taken by the Board of Managem'ent until a period of at least thirty days shall have elapsed after this list has been mailed. Should objection be made to the acceptability of any applicant or applicants by any member or members of the Society prior to final action by the Board of Management, such application or applications will be 49 referred back to the "Committee on Acceptability, with instructions to investigate all charges and report on the same to the Board at the earliest practicable date. The question of acceptability and eligibility being established to the satisfaction of the Board of Management, on proper motion said applicants will be duly elected as members of the Society, and, un- less their eligibility be questioned by the Registrar General^ of the National Society, they shall be en- titled to all the privileges of compatriots. 2 Should i"Until the State Society shall satisfy the Registrar-General of the eligibility of such applicant, his name shall not be placed on the roll of membership." — Art. Ill, Sec. 3, Cons. Nat. Society. 2"A11 members of this Society, wherever admitted, shall be entitled to a certificate of membership duly attested by the President-General, Secretary-General, and Registrar-General, countersigned by the President, Secretary and Registrar of the State Society to which such member shall have been ad- mitted." — Art. XIV, By-Lazvs, Nat. Society. Applications for these certificates should be addressed to the Secretary of the District of Columbia Society, accompanied by the fee of $1.25. "The insignia of the Society shall comprise (i) a cross sur- mounted by an eagle in gold, (2) a rosette." . . . "The cross . . . may be worn by any member of the Society on ceremonial occasions only." . . . "The rosette . . . may be worn by all members at discretion." — Art XV, By- Lazvs Nat. Society. The cross, which is made only by the of- ficial makers, J. E. Caldwell & Co., Philadelphia, is in two sizes — the "Regulation" size and the "Miniature" size — and can be purchased from them only on permits signed by the Registrar-General of the National Society. Applications for such permits should be addressed to him through the Regis- trar of the District Society. The Regulation size has the eagle and front and back made of 14-carat gold, the price of which is $20; that of the same size made of gilded silver and enamel is $9. The Miniature size has the eagle and front and back made of 14-carat gold, the price of whicTi is $10; that of the same size made of gilded silver and enamel is $5. A rosette is furnished free by the Treasurer to each newly admitted member. Additional ones thereafter needed by members may be purchased from him at 25 cents each. Ribbon for renewing that of crosses may be obtained through the Registrar-General of the National Society. "The official designation of the members of the National Society of the Sons of the American Revolution shall be "Compatriot." — Cons. Nat. Society, Art. Ill, Sec. 4. 50 an application be disapproved, the papers and fee shall be at once returned to the applicant. SECTION IT. The President. The President, or in his absence a Vice-President, or in his absence a Chairman pro tempore, shall pre- side at all meetings of the Society and Board of Management, and have a casting vote. He shall ex- ercise the usual functions of a presiding officer, and shall enforce strict observance of the Constitution and By-Laws and of the regulations and rules of the Society. SECTION III. The Secretary. The Secretary shall have charge of the seal, cer- tificate of incorporation, by-laws and records of the Society, and together with the presiding officer, shall certify all acts of the Society. He shall keep fair and accurate records of all the proceedings and or- ders of the Society ; and shall give notice to the several officers of all votes, orders, resolves and pro- ceedings of the Society affecting them or appertain- ing to their respective duties. He shall notify all members of their election and shall, under the direction of the President or Vice- President, give due notice of the time and place of all meetings of the Societ}-, and attend the same.^ He shall conduct the general correspondence of the Society under the direction of the Presdient, and do such other acts as may be directed by the Board of Management. iSee Sec. lo of the By-Iyaws, page 56. 51 SECfriON IV. The Treasurer. The Treasurer shall collect and keep the funds and securities of the Society; they shall be deposited in some bank or savings institution in the District of Columbia to the credit of The District of Columbia Society oe the Sons of the American Revolution, and shall be drawn thence on the check of the Treas- urer for such purposes and in such sums only as may be ordered by vote of the Board of JNIanagement or by special vote of the Society under Section 5 of Article V of the Constitution. His vouchers shall bear the approval of the President and Secretary of the Society. He shall keep a true account of his re- ceipts and payments, and from time to time shall make report thereof to the Board of Management as it may direct, and at each annual meeting shall ren- der an annual account of the same to the Society, which shall be referred to the Ways and Means Com- mittee for examination and report. SECTION V. The Registrar. The Registrar shall keep a roll of members, and in his hands shall be lodged all the proofs of mem- bership qualification, and all the historical and gene- alogical papers, manuscript or other, of which the Society may become possessed ; and under the direc- tion of the Board of ^Management, shall keep copies of such similar documents as the owners thereof may not be willing to leave permanently in the keeping of the Society. He shall verify all statements of the Revolutionary services of ancestors that may be made in the applications for membership, and make report to the Board of Management. 52 SECTION VI. The Historian. The Historian shall keep the records of the his- torical and commemorative meetings of the Society, and shall supervise the preparation and printing of all its historical publications, other than those of the membership rolls. He shall submit at each annual meeting a list of the members who may have died during the year, accompanied by biographical memoirs. SECTION VII. The Librarian. The Librarian shall have charge of the books, pamphlets, etc., belonging to or deposited with the Society, and shall keep suitable records and cata- logues of the same under the direction of the Library Committee. SECTION VIII. Committees. As soon as practicable after his election the Presi- dent shall appoint the following standing committees, the members of which shall serve for one year, or until their successors are appointed, viz : 1. Ways and Means Committee, consisting of seven members, who shall perform the duties of a finance committee, and shall have charge of all measures for raising the necessary means for carrying on the busi- ness of the Society, including the subject of initia- tion fees and dues. This committee shall audit the Treasurer's accounts. 2. Building Committee, consisting of three mem- bers. 53 3. Library Committae, consisting of three mem- bers, who shall have charge of the library and relics and rooms of the Society, and the supervision of such publications as may be authorized by the So- ciety. 4. Advancement Committee, consisting of thirteen members, who shall consider, and from time to time report to the Board of Management such measures as in their opinion are calculated to advance the in- terests and promote the general welfare of the So- ciety, 5. Meetings Committee, consisting of seven mem- bers, who shall have charge of all arrangements for meetings or outings of the Society which may in- volve extra expense for either transportation, enter- tainments or refreshments. 6. Bligibility Committee, consisting of three mem- bers, who shall, after careful scrutiny of the record of each applicant for membership, endorse their con- clusions upon the application papers, and transmit the papers to the Committee on Acceptability. 7. Acceptability Commitee. consisting of three members, who shall, after due inquiry into the char- acter and standing of each appHcant, endorse their recommendations upon the application papers, and transmit the papers to the Secretary for the action of the Board. 8. Recruiting Committee, consisting of forty-four members, who shall be a lookout committee for se- curing accessions to the membership of the Society. 9. Press Committee, consisting of three members, who shall be charged with all matters for publication concerning the Societ}^ in which the public press may be considered to be interested. 10. Music Committee, consisting of three mem- bers, whose duty it shall be to have charge of the ar- rangements for the music at all meeings of the So- ciety. 54 In the absence from the city of members of the foregoing committees, the President is authorized to appoint temporarily, in any case, a sufficient number of members to complete a quorum; and he is au- thorized to appoint at any time, for temporary pur- poses, special committees, at the request of the Board of Management. SECTION IX. Form for Installation of Compatriots. The Presiding Officer shall say: "The gentlemen who have been elected members since the last installation will present themselves." The compatriots who endorsed the applications in these cases will escort the gentlemen to the Chair under the direction of the Committee on Accepta- bility. The Presiding Officer will then say to the newly •elected members : "Gentlemen: The interests, objects and principles of this Society are committed to our united care. We are pledged 'to cherish, maintain and extend the institutions of American freedom, to foster true pa- triotism and love of country, and to aid in securing for mankind all the blessings of liberty.' Do 3^ou so pledge yourselves?" Answer: "We do." The Presiding Officer will then say : "The Compatriots of the Society of the Sons of the American Revolution will rise. Your properly constituted authorities have, after due care, recom- mended and elected the gentlemen present ; and they are now formally accepted as Compatriots of this Society." The members of the Society will then say : "Compatriots, we welcome you most heartily." 55 SECTION X. Whenever practicable, personal notice of the place, time and purpose of any general or special meeting of the Society shall be sent through the mail to each and every member five days before the date of such assembly. S6 STANDING ORDERS. 1. The Treasurer shall, on the 226. day of Novem- ber of each year, send to each member whose dues for the current year remain unpaid on that date, an official notice in the following form : [Official Heading] November 22, 191 Dear Sir and Compatriot: You are nine months in arrears in the payment of dues for the current year, amounting to $4.00. Sections 2 and 3, Article V, of the Constitution, prescribes as follows: "Sec. 2. The Annual Dues shall be payable in advance on the 22d day of February. "Sec. 3. When the Dues of any member shall remain un- paid for nine months the Treasurer shall give him notice that unless the same be paid within two months thereafter his membership shall cease; and in case such Dues are not paid pursuant to such notice, or the default be satisfactorily ac- counted for to the Board of Management, he shall thereupon cease to be a member." * * * Please take notice, therefore, that unless the above-men- tioned dues, amounting to $4.00, are paid within two months from the date hereof (that is to say by January 22d proximo), your membership in the Society will cease, by your being dropped by the Board of Management for non-payment of dues. Very sincerely yours, (Signed) Treasurer Compatriot 2. The Treasurer shall, at the monthly of the Board of INIanagement held on the first Wednesday in February in each year, submit to the Board a list showing the names of all members who are in ar- rears for dues on that date. Such list shall be in the following form : List of ^lembers in Arrears for Dues on February ,191 i -\r +1 •„ [Date of notice Names UhS Ml' wasl^"* --^^ A'jtf rendered l&^^'luuti^n "' Amount due Remarks ( Signed) Treasurer 57 3. Each member named on said list whose default shall not have been satisfactorily accounted for to the Board at the meeting mentioned in the preceding paragraph, and whose time for payment has not been extended by vote of the Board at that meeting, shall be immediately notified officially by the Secretary in the following form : [Official Heading] February , 191 Dear Sir: I am directed by the Board of Management to inform you that, under the operation of Section 3, Article V, of the Constitution of this Society, (all the irequirements of which with respect to officers of this Society having been complied with, but those respecting yourself having not been complied with by you,) your membership in the Society of the Sons of the American Revolution has ceased. You are kindly re- quested to return to the Secretary your certificate of member- ship, if one has been issued to you. I insert here, for convenience of reference, copy of Section 2 of Article V, and of so much of Section 3 of said Article as is pertinent to the subject matter of this communication: "Art. V, Sec. 2. — The Annual Dues shall be payable in advance on the 22d day of February. "Art. V, Sec. 3. — When the Dues of any member shall re- main unpaid for nine months, the Treasurer shall give him notice that unless the same be paid within two months there- after his membership shall cease; and in case such Dues are not paid pursuant to such notice, or the default be satisfac- torily accounted for to the Board of Management, he shall thereupon cease to be a member." * * * You are still indebted to the Society in the sum of $4.00, which sum was the amount of your dues which were payable in advance on the 22d day of February last year. Very irespectfully yours, (Signed) Secretary Mr 4. The Secretary shall report to the Board at its next meeting the action taken by him under the foregoing paragraph ; shall enter in the minutes of the Board the names of all those to whom such no- tices of cessation of membership were sent, with the reason for which sent, and shall furnish a copy of 58 such list of names to the Treasurer and the Regis- trar. 5. The Treasurer shall bring to the attention of the Board, from time to time and until finall}- dis- posed of, the cases of members whose time for pay- ment of Dues has been extended by the Board. 6. The Secretary shall include in each monthly notice of meeting a list by name of all changes in the membership since the last meeting, grouped un- der the following heads: /. Admissions; II. Rein- statements; III. Resignations; IF. Transfers; V. Deaths; TV. Memberships Ceased. Under the Vlth heading the cause of cessation of membership shall not be published in the monthly notices. 7. In his annual report the Registrar shall include, under similar headings, all the changes in the mem- bership by name for the year, but shall state, in proper groups under the Vlth heading, the causes of cessation of membership. The list of changes in the membership thus prepared by the Registrar shall be the basis of the yearly report which is required, by Section 4, Article IV, of the Constitution of the Na- tional Society, to be rendered to the Annual Con- gress. sy FINANCIAL STATEMENT YEAR ENDING FEBRUARY, 18, 1916. General Account. Receipts. Balance February i8, 1915, $ 427 14 Membership Dues. $1,789.45; Initiation Fees, $170, 1,959 45 Sale of Rosettes, $16.75 ; Guest Tickets, $5.50; Membership Certificates, $3-75, •• 2600 Sale of Tickets — Ladies Night — Jan. 19, 1916, 231 00 $2,643 59 Bxpenditures. Transfer to Building Fund, 196 31 National Society — Annual Dues, 2/^4 00 National Society — Application Blanks, 5 40 National Society — Membership Certificates, 3 00 Miscellaneous Expenditures, 188 99 Printing, 299 17 Meetings — One-half cost Joint Meeting with L. R.— Feb. 22, 1915, 90 67 One-half cost Joint Meeting with L. R. — July 4 1915, • • • : •. 53 87 On account cost Joint Meeting with L. R. — Feb. 22, 1916, 50 00 60 ]\Ieetings at Ranscher's with Refreshments : Feb. 22, 1915. $156.50; March, $137.75; April, $111; November, $158; December. $115 ; January. 1916, $308.60 986 85 Cigars, all meetings, 37 93 Ladies night miscellaneous expenses, Jan. 19, 1916, 66 85 January Board meeting, 3 00 Balance on deposit in Columbia National Bank, 41/55 $-'.643 59 Building Fund Account. Balance February 18, 191 5, $ 584 49 Transferred from General Account, as above, 196 31 Interest on Potomac Elec. Power Co, Bonds, 250 00 Interest on deposits, Wash'n Loan & Trust Co., 15 83 $1,046 63 Purchase $1,000 Bond Potomac Elec. Power Co., 999 44 Balance Feb. 18, 1916, on deposit, Wash'n L. & T. Co., $47 1 9 Investments. Potomac Elec. Power Co. Bond on deposit in Safe Deposit box in Wash'n Loan & Trust Co. par value, $6,000 00 61 INDEX. To Constitution, By-L,a\vs, and Standing Orders. PAGE Amendments : Of Constitution or By-L,aws, how made (Cons., Art. IX), 48 Annual Meeting: Of District of Columbia Society (Cons., Art. 1\', Sec. i), ^ 40 Of Congress of National Society (Cons., Art. IV, Sec. 2 and note), 41 Applications for Membership : How made and endorsed (Cons., Art. Ill, Sec. 2), 38 Blank forms for (Cons., Art. Ill, Sec. 2 and note), 38 Procedure on (By-Ivaws, Sec. I and note) 49-50 Arrears of Dues: (See Non-payment of dues.) Associate Members: Who may be made, and for what period (Cons., Art. Ill, Sec. 4) , 39 Ayes and Noes : May be demanded by 5 members at any meeting of Society (Cons., Art. \'II, Sec. 5), 46 Board of Management: Functions of (Cons., Art. VI), 44 To consist of whom (Cons., Art. IV, Sec. 1, and Art. VI). 40-44 Precedence of Vice-Presidents in (Cons., Art. VIII, Sec. 4), 47 Terms of members of (Cons., Art. I\ , Sec. i), 40 How members classified as to terms (Cons., Art. VIII, Sec. s), 47 Quorum of (Cons., Art. VI) , 44 General superintendency of all interests by (Cons., Art. VI), 44 Authorizes expenditure of unappropriated moneys (Cons., Art. VI), 44 Special expenses require two-thirds vote (Cons., Art. y. Sec. 4, Sub-sec. 5) , 4--43 Vacancies in, how filled (Cons.. Art. IV, Sec. i), 40 Annual report of (Cons., Art. VI) 44 Borrowing of Money on the Credit of the Society: Disfavored (Cons., Art. V, Sec. 5), .;.; Borrowing from Building Fund disfavored (Cons., Art. V, Sec. 5) , ' 43 Building Fund: Investment of (Cons., Art. V, Sec. 4), 42 Borrowing from disfavored (Cons., Art. V, Sec. 5), 43 Certificates of Membership : All members entitled to (Note to By-L,aws, Sec. 11), 51 How obtained (Note to By-Laws, Sec. II), 51 Children of the American Revolution: Exemption from initiation fee on joining (Cons., Art. V, Sec. i), 41 Committees : Standing Committees: Appointed by the President; Ways and Means; Building; Advancement; Meetings; Eligibility; Acceptabilitv; Recruiting; Press; and Music (By-Laws, Sec. VIII), 53 Tenure of (By-Laws, Sec. VIII), 53 Vacancies in. filled by the President (By-Laws, Sec. VIII) 53 Special Committees: President authorized to appoint at anv time, for temporary purposes, at the request of the Board of Management (By-Laws, Sec. VIII), 53 Compatriot : Ofificial designation of a member is "Compatriot" (By-Laws, Sec. I, note) , 49-50 Cross: (See Insignia.) Delegates to National Congress: (See National So- ciety of the Sons of the American Revolution). Dues: List of fees and dues (Cons., Art. V, Sec. i), ... 41 Annual dues of members payable in advance (Cons., Art. V, Sec. 2), 42 Dropping for non-payment of (Cons., Art. V, Sec. 3), ;• 42 Treasurer's procedure for collection of dues in ar- rear (Standing Orders), — Children of the American Revolution exemnt from initiation fee on joining (Cons., Art. V. Sec. i), 41 Sons of the Revolution exempt from initiation fee on joining (Cons., Art. V, Sec. i), 41 Elections to Oflace : Preparation and distribution of printed ballots (Cons., Art. VIII, Sec. i), 46 Appointment of tellers (Cons., Art. VIII, Sec. 2), 46 Polls open at 12 noon and closed at i p. m. (Cons., Art. VIII, Sees. 2 and 3), 46-47 Voting to be in person and not by proxy (Cons., Art. VI'II, Sec. 2) , 46 64 pagr Only official ballots to be used on first ballot (Cons., Art. VIII, Sec. 2), 46 Voting for greater number of names than offices to be filled in a class prohibited (Cons., Art. VIII, Sec. 2) , 46 EJlection to higher office vacates lower office (Cons., Art. VIII, Sec. 3), 47 Vice-Presidents take precedence according to votes cast for each (Cons., Art. VIII, Sec. 4), 47 IIow terms of members of Board of Management determined (Cons., Art. VIII, Sec. 5), 47 Failure to elect, new ballot at same meeting or- dered (Cons., Art. VIII, Sec. 6), 47 Delegate-at-large to National Congress, who to be the (Cons., Art. VIII, Sec. 7), 47 Who to be delegates and who alternates (Cons., Art. VIII, Sec. 7), 47 Tenure of those elected (Cons., Art. VIII, Sec. 8), 48 All elections to fill vacancies to be by ballot (Cons., Art. VIII, Sec. 9), 48 Non-payment of dues disqualifies at elections (Cons., Art. V, Sec. 3), 4J Eligibility for Membership: Qualifications (Cons., Art. Ill, Sec. i, and By- Laws, Sec. I) , 38-49 Executive Committee: E^lected by Board of Management from its mem- bership (Cons., Art. IV, Sec. 3), 41 Transacts only such business as is intrusted to it by Board (Cons., Art. IV, Sec. 3), 41 Quorum of (Cons., Art. IV, Sec. 3), 41 Fees and Dues: (See Dues.) Financial Statement for 1916, 60-61 Funds of the Society: Must be deposited in bank in the name of the So- ciety (By-Laws, Sec. IV), 52 Historian : Duties of (By-Laws, Sec. VI), 53 Honorary Members: Who may be made, and for what period (Cons., Art. Ill, Sees. 3 and 4), 39 Insignia : Cross to be worn on ceremonial occasions only (By- Laws, Sec. I, note 2), 49-50 how obtained and price (By-Laws, Sec. I, note 2) , 49-50 ribbon for, how obtained (By-Laws, Sec. I, note 2), 49-50 Rosette (button), when worn (By-Laws, Sec. I, note 2) , 49-50 how obtained (Bv-Laws, Sec. I, note 2), .... 49-50 65 PAGE Installation of Members: Form of (By-Laws, Sec. IX), ,. . 55 Librarian : Duties of (By-I^aws, Sec. VII), 53 Life Membership: Fee for (Cons., Art. V, Sec. i), 41 Meetings : Of the Society: Only one regular meeting (for nomination of offi- cers) and the annual meeting (for election of of- ficers) are prescribed for the Society by the Con- stitution and By-Laws (Cons., Art. VII), 45 All other meetings are Special (Cons., Art. VII, Sec. 3) , 45 Notices of meetings of Society (By-Laws, Sec. X, and Standing (Drders) , 56-57 Business at nominating meeting (Cons., Art. VII, Sec. I ) , 45 election meeting (Cons., Art. VII, Sec. 2), .. 45 any special meeting (Cons., Art. VII, Sec. 4), 46 Special meetings may be called on request of 5 or more members (Cons., Art. VII, Sec. 3), 45 Quorum at all meetings (Cons., Art. VII, Sec. 5), 46 Ayes and noes may be demanded at any meeting by 5 members (Cons., Art. VII, Sec. 5), 46 Of the Board of Management : Board fixes times and places of its own meetings (Note 3 to Cons., Art. VII), 45 Name of the District Society: Official name of the District of Columbia Society (Cons., Art. I), 37 National Society of the Sons of the American Revo- lution : Annual Congress of, date of meeting (Cons., Art. IV, Sec, 2 and note) , 41 who are members of ex officio (Cons., Art. IV, Sec. 2, note) , 41 delegates to, election of (Cons., Art. IV, Sec. 2, note) 41 must be from own Society (same note), . 41 election of by delegates at the Congress (same note), 41 Annual dues to, by State Societies (Cons., Art. V, Sec. 4) , 42 Non-payment of Dues: Penalty for (Cons., Art. Ill, Sec. 6), 40 Disqualifies member for office (Cons., Art. V, Sec. 3), •• 42 Notices of Meetings of Society: Must be mailed 5 days before each meeting (By- Laws, Sec. X) , 56 66 PAGE Printed ballot must accompany notice of annual meeting (Cons., Art. VIII, Sec. i), 46 President : Duties of (By-Laws, Sec. II), 51 Ineligible for more than two successive terms (Cons., Art. IV, Sec. i), 40 Is member of all annual or special meetings of the Congress of the National Society (Cons., Art. IV, Sec. 2, note), 41 Quorum : Of Board of Management (Cons., Art. VI) 44 Of Executive Committee (Cons., Art. IV, Sec. 3), 41 Registrar : Duties of (By-Laws, Sec. V), 52 What annual report of to include (Standing Or- ders), 57 Revolutionary Soldiers, Sons of : May be made honorary members (Cons., Art. Ill, Sec. 3) , 39 Rosette: (See Insignia.) Secretary: Duties of (By-Laws, Sec. Ill), 51 Gives 5 days' notice of Society's meetings, and at- tends same (By-Laws, Sees. Ill and X), 51-56 Changes in membership to be given in notices ( Standing Orders) 57 Those dropped for non-payment of dues to be re- ported in ■ notices under head of "Membership Ceased" (Standing Orders), 57 Sons of the Revolution : Exempt from initiation fee on joining (Cons., Art. V. Sec. I ) , 41 Special Committees: (See Committees.) Standing Committees: (See Committees.) Standing Orders : Procedure by Treasurer for collection of arrears of dues, 57 Secretary in such cases, 58-59 What Registrar's annual report to include, 59 Transfers of Membership: Members in arrears or dropped not eligible for transfer (Cons., Art. Ill, Sec. 5, note), 39-40 Treasurer : Duties of (By-Laws, Sec. IV), 52 Must deposit Society's money in bank in name of ^ Society (By-Laws, Sec. IV) , 52 Vouchers to be approved by President and Secre- tary (By-Laws, Sec. IV) , 52 Procedure in cases of non-payment of dues (Stand- ing Orders) , 57 67 PAGE Annual account audited by Ways and Means Com- mittee (By-Laws, Sees. IV and VIII), S2-53 Vacancies in Office : Occurring after anual meeting to be filled by elec- tion by ballot (Cons., Art. VIII, Sec. 9) 48 Vice-President : Ineligible for more than two successive terms (Cons., Art. IV, Sec. i), 40 In absence of the President, is a member of all annual or special meetings of the National So- ciety (Cons., Art. IV, Sec. 2, note), 41 68 THE CROSS WILL BE MADE IN TWO DIFFERENT COM- BINATIONS AND SOLD TO THE MEMBERS OF THE SOCIETY AT ThIE FOLLOWING PRICES: CEREMONIAL BADGE R EG U LATIO N SIZE 1. EAGLE AND FRONT AND BACK OF 14K. GOLD 2. ENTIRELY OF GILDED SILVER AND ENAMEL $20.00 9. 00 MINATURE BADGE 1. EAGLE AND FRONT AND BACK OF 14K. GOLD $10.00 2. ENTIRELY OF GILDED SILVER AND ENAMEL 5.00 PRICES FOR SPECIAL PRESENTATION BADGES FUR- NISHED UPON APPLICATION. NOTIC E THE ABOVE INSIGNIA DELIVERED ONLY UPON RECEIPT OF PERMIT SIGNED BY MR. A. HOWARD CLARK, REGIS- TRAR-GENERAL, SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, WASHING- TON, D. C. REQUEST FOR PERMIT SHOULD BE MADE THROUGH AN OFFICER OF A STATE SOCIETY. LIBRPRY OF CONGRESS ill 011 710 525 8