D 570 .85 .N5 W3 Copy 1 .^^^ Waltoe World War History ARTHUR W. NORTH LOCAL HISTORIAN Waltoe World War History Being a Brief Account of the Participation, in that Struggle, of Residents of the Town and Village of Walton, Delaware County, New York BY ARTHUR W. NORTH, Local Historian With an Introduction by JAMES SULLIVAN. Stole Historian ILLUSTRATED REPORTER PRESS Walton, N. Y. 1922 o t; ■7: P-^ r- o t>"» ' r" U2 ' ' ^ "*— ' -I- 1 OC rt ^ ^ n a nj -J ►— . en c 1 — i • r-H u - s X o -1-1 c/l C O C 5 X - -^ 1- Q ■" o ^ ^ -4-» o o c - c .t: o S 3 i -^ -G -^ s g > o DEC 1 A 1922 ©C1A690567 ?s ,Y^6 «« ,^ Tliis little Volume is Faithfully Inscribed to My Wife and to the otlier Walton Wives and Motiiers Who Know the Strain of War-time Partings. A. W. N. Copyright, V)22, by Arthur W. North. Upon the declaration of war in 1917, the New York Division of Archives and History realized that much historical material would be lost unless steps were taken for its preservation. Out of this realization came legislation providing for the preparation of a series of volumes on New York's part in the war. With 068,000 men in military service alone, the task was Herculean. To assist, early in 1920, over a thousand officially appointed local historians were named. Their work was to be completed by Oc- tober of that year. So slow, however, has been the material for tlie history in coming in that even now there is no telling when the volumes will be ready for the press. A scant handful of the assistants had their local histories filed in Albany by the original date, October, 1920. One of these, a service man himself, wrote for Walton. Avoiding mere weari- some details and. statistics, he has drawn a picture of his com- munity in 1917-'18, with the subjective side of service told in vivid language quoted from the men themselves. Though past draft age, Mr. North volunteered in April, 1917, for active infantrj- duty. With a like spirit he has now consented to bring out Wal- ton's history in the World War so that his community may have it without the delays frequently unavoidable with state publica- tions. In this most commendable enterprise he has my approval and best wishes. The local war history has its distinctive value. Controversies will arise and tomes will be written concerning the their country in her need. The first public war time meeting was held April 21st, l'>17, in the Walton town hall, .\ssembling enmasse in res])onse to Gov- ernor Whitman's Farm Mobilization Proclamation, the farmers, gravely listening to ])rayers, addresses and singing, pledged to the cause their labor and the i)roduce of acres, flocks and herds. As at the many later meetings of the citizens of town and village, the women of the community evinced a patriotic interest in the country's need. Thus, under the direction of the Secretary of the Home Bureau, Mrs. .Arthur W^ North, groups of school children representing the varied sections of the town, were marshalled upon the stage that evening by Mrs. Frank W. Dann, Mrs. Ives, Miss Margaret Kilpatrick and Miss Bessie Shackleton. In childish cho- ruses tlie little ones sang of the live stock, grain and general produce with which the hills and vales of Walton could and would supply the armies of Uncle Sam. Already a detail from the 71st was patrolling the railroad tracks, depots and trestles. Presently, early volunteers hurried home for brief farewells. Men in uniform became frequent. In the woodlots sounded the blows of axmcn, while in numerous mills, the throb of engines and the hum of the whirling saws told of straight ash being transformed into aeroplane timber, of mighty .\rthnr J. Courtney, County Food Administrator, Acting Cliairman, Walton Liberty Loan Drives WALTON WTM^LI) WAR LOCAL fllSTCMn' 7 maple and beach being i)repared for warships vaster in hulk tlian the historic "Constitution." Great tank-like trucks rumbled over the country roads, bearing wood to the acetate factories for re- duction into acitf for oversea use, or countless cans of milk for condensation and eai^ly consumption for the boys in Flanders, France, and in days to be even within Germany. In the churches flags hung ovi r the pulpits and sermons of stirring ])atriotism were heard. Indeed, the Ministerial L'nion, with such brave spirits as S. R. McEwan, G. ^L McKnight and Father Burns, became a war time power for righteousness, public morale and duty, an ally alike to the departing soldier, the heavy- eyed mother and the Red Cross and Libert.v Loan workers. Be- fore the armistice there was to be seen a splendid spectacle, two congregations — Episcopal and Congregational — served by one rector, tlie Reverend Mr. ^^acKwan, thus permitting the Reverend Mr. WyckofT, Congrcgationalist, to enter the army as a chaplain. Indeed, despite the dynamic tension of the i)eriod, the com- r.iunity was permeated with the spirit of unity. In addition to those of whom direct mention is made herein, there were count- less stout, unassuming workers, unnamed village Hamptons, ever ready to respond with patriotic service. Essentially a dairying, lumbering and hay section, the hills about Walton have also their flocks — indeed, it is a point of pride that a silver service offered in the early days for the best wool products of the state, was awarded to a Walton textile miller. So, what more fitting than that her flock masters should in war time assemble, entertaining their fellows from about the county and pledging the season's fleeces to the nation, while their women- folk, breaking into verse, sang this original pastoral refrain: The Patriot Hymn of the Sheep 1. Oh, the Delaware flows down From the mountains to the sea. Through dark and lonely ways it passes But its waves they dance with glee When the open lands they see. Where feed the sheep among the grasses. Refrain We gave you mutton, Wc gave you lamb, We gave you blankets To win for Uncle Sam. We had only flesh and wool, boys. But that we freely gave. Bleating for L^ncle Sam and freedom. As a trained unit Company "F" was early mobilized, its men being sent in the summer of 1917 to Camp Wadsworth, Sparten- burg, S. C, and late the following spring, landing in Brest, France. A. E. Conner, a War Time Walter J. More, War Time Mayor Supervisor Arthur E. Oothoudt J. \eterans of Two Wars I. Connelly WALTOX WORLD WAR LOCAL llIS'roR^■ ') After intensive trr.ir.inj^, tluy went into action, in the main as a l-ortion of tlic 27th Division, seeing service in France, Belgium and Germany. The sledgehammer drive on the Hindenbnrg Line during the closing days of 1918 brought fatalities to its ranks and i'.old stars for Walton mothers. *.\ small group of Company "F," veterans going overseas witii tlie First Pioneer Infantry, saw par- ticularly varied service, finally settling down in the German fortress of Ehrcnbreitstein and there sjjending half a year as members of the army of occupation. Meantime, at home the political and industrial machinery liad been perfected for carrying on war work. A. F. Conner (later in military service) and Will Moore were successively town sui)er- \isors, while John S. Fells served as town clerk. Walter I. More was mayor or president of the Board of village trustees, the mem- bers of which were Henry W. Retz, S. C. St. John, ?Lirr\ McCabe and C. S. Robinson (succeeded by S. H. Osterhout). I. C. Mc- Clelland served as clerk and 1*. F. Taylor as treasurer. In the Selective Draft Walton came under the jurisdiction of Local Board No. 2 with j. J. Farrell and Dr. Hand and later Dr. Holley as resident members, Mr. Farrell serving as secretary and Farl S. St. John as clerk. The latter subsequently entered service, being suc- ceeded by P. F. Taylor. Groups of drafted men were constantly leaving Walton, many of them quickly to be conveyed overseas and to the front. In its local workings, at least, it presently developed that the rules and regulations of the draft system "provided," to quote Secretary Farrell, "too many opportunities for appeal, too many local boards, and changi-d too ofttn." *Lieut.-Col. H. Murray, who commanded the 4th .Australian M. G. Battalion, which supported the Americans, has been quoted as follows: "In making a personal reconnaissance of the battlefield * * * on the morning of Sei)t. M), it was evident from the outset the trooiJS of the 27th Division had met with very heavy opposition and machine gun fire which was enfilading. There were a very- large number of dead, all of which were lying with their faces toward the front, obviously being killed as they were advancing. Not in any one case was there a man moving backward when killed. Owing to the nature of the country the Germans were able to get enfilading machine gun fire which proved disastrous. Although the 27th Division may not have taken all objectives in all parts, it is very evident that by their gallant fighting on the left flank, they enabled the 30th Division on tlieir right to do what they had set out to do, viz., to break the Hindenbnrg line. Without the gallant fighting of the 27th Division, against great odds, it would have been impossible for the 30th Division to advance. I am con- vinced that the oflficers and men of the 27th Division have done all that was humanly possible for brave men to do, and their gal- lantry in this action must stand out through all time in .\nierican historv." 10 WALTON WORLD WAR LOCAL HLSTORY At a mass meeting held April 27th, 1917, the Walton Chapter oT the American Red Cross was organized with 250 members, Dr. Sydney Ussher of New York being the principal speaker. Prof. C P. Wells was chosen as chairman, Mrs. C. S. Wyckoflf, vice chairman; George T. Johnston, treasurer; Miss Margaret More, secretary; and Mrs. George T. Johnston as executive chairman. Three branches and twenty auxiliaries were established. Dr. W. B. Morrow conducted a class in First Aid, and later Miss Maude Nortli served as instructress with Mrs. Nelson Douglass as super- intendent. Clothing and garments were assembled and made, and $27,332.77 collected in money. Later Miss North went abroad under the American Red Cross, serving for six months in Italy and then in France. Guidance for Walton's vast agricultural interests, and personal supervision of tlie farm census, were provided through the Farm Bureau, by the organizing genius of County Agent Edward R. Eastman. To the bond issue, C. E. Hulbert, president of tlie First Na- tional Bank of Walton, gave his trained financial service, heedless of the time reciuired b}' the details. Co-operating with him were sncli citizens as Mayor Walter 1. More, A. J. Courtney, acting as chairman, Mrs. Paul Nichols, Henry W. Retz. John G. and David More, Burnham Guild, Wm. Henderson, F. J. Meyer, Harland Wood, and a host of others. (Nor must the detail work of Miss Eugenia Burrhus go unmentioned.) Through their efTorts Walton subscribed heavily to the Liberty Loans; to the first, 184 people sub- scribed $57,350; to the 2nd, 943 people subscribed $152,500; to the 3rd, 1,051 people subscribed $146,900; to the 4th, 1,548 people sub scribed $299,150, and to the 5th or Victory Loan, 955 people sub- scribed $251,750. To the United War Work Fund there came $6,427, through the efiforts of a committee composed of Robert B. St. John as chairman and A. G. Patterson as secretary, with John Town- send, Miss Emma Tobey, Mrs. Charles T. O'Neill, Mrs. Paul Nich- ols, Mrs. George S. Gosper and Mrs. Ansel Dumond as helpers. T\leantime a county-wide association, headed by Hector Marvin, a former Walton boy, with E. S. White on his governing board, looked after county financial meetings and provided speakers there- for. Through the efficiency of City EcHtor E. S. White, the Walton Reporter kept local war news before the public. The Fuel Administration was handled by Joseph Gannon, while the Food Administration for the whole county of Delaware was in the energetic hands of Arthur J. Courtney of Wlalton. Over 30,000 canning certificates were issued from his office and at one time over 1,000 pieces of mail went out daily. The issuance of sugar cards alone was a tremendous labor. W AI.TOX WORI.li WAR LOCAL HISTORY' 11 Millions of cans of coiulcnsod milk, representing the output of many a dairy, were put up and sent overseas by the milk con- dcnsarics at \\ alton. Down the river other factories reduced thousands of cords of four-foot wood to wood alcohol and acetate acid for government use. The Walton Foundry Company, under the management of Jo- seph Beckwitli, made 3,645 iron castings, the greater part of wMiich were sold to the United States and French and English govern- ments. Many of tluse castings were of special iiattern used for making shills. The Walton Toy Company, receiving logs from farmers and local contractors, sawed a quarter of a million feet of asli aero- plane timber, while other logs became liglit tennis rackets to be taken overseas tlirough the Amusement nei)artment for tlie diver- sion of service men. Meantime, what were the thoughts of tliese latter?-' Were tliey cruel, militant, or gruesome? Here is a quotation from one who saw service witli the 2nd Division at Soissons, Marbaelu', St. Mihel, Campagne, and was gassed in the Argonne. Harold K. Webster of Walton writes: "I was most interested in llic old churches both in h.ngland and in France, and I think \hv time I spent in going tlirough tliese old places was tlie most instructivi' part of my tri]) overseas, with the exception, of course, nf ihe general 1)roacKning of mind by a trip to a foreign country." Again from George Case Clark, who was in action from the St. Mihel offensive to the Granprc attack: "March i^tli, I'MS, is tlie most interesting date to recall. Then the 27th Division was reviewed by Gen. Pershing on the Plains of Les Launs, where two thousand years before Cacser's army defeated the Gauls. Each outfit was arranged in its respective order and the general and his staff passed among tln'iii, giving each, individual soldier an opi)ortunity to see the man under whom he fought. * * * From observations of the buildings of France and England, it would seem that our country is not up on the eco- nomic use of lumber." So, J. J. Connelly, veteran of other wars, i)articii)ating in tlu offcnsive after July 2.^, 1*>1S, to seeing finally Fortress Elin nbreil- stein, Germany, writes: "March to Germany was most interesting. \'isited the house in which the Kaiser and Crown Prince stayed. The French and German peo])lc take care of all trees and take care of the land. 'J'hey let nothing go to waste. They spend less money, but keep their roads in better condition than we do. It was an interesting sight to sec our soldiers tearing down houses to fill up the holes in the roads made by Germans who were trying to stop our armies' drive in the fall of 1018. The endurance of our soldiers under the greatest artillery fire in the W'orld War can never be realized." Four Service Sons of a German- Clinton T. Smith, Volunteer, Cana- American Father— "The Stern dian Forces 1915, probably fi Sl Family" Walton man overseas The McCook Brothers, Lee, Franlc and Arthur WALTON WORLD WAR LOCAL HISTORY 13 European thrift inii)r(.sscd many. According to Karl S. Si. John: "The absence of any waste timber or brush of any kind was most noticeable. French woodsmen bundle and save all branches or limbs of trees. Xo underbrush is burned. Forests are thor- oughly cleaned of rubbish and all is saved for fuel purposes." John W. Palmer writes: "Coming in contact witli tlie i)ioi>le of Germany and the con- ditions in which they lived was most instructive. The idea o* a more tliorough and conservative system and less volume of agri- cultural advancement — as applied to individuals — was presented as an idea to return to home life in the county of Delaware. .\ most interesting experience was the sight of a daylight air raid on massed troops near Bethcnville, France, September 26th, 1*'18." .\ccording to Frank W . McCook: "The thriftiness of the Kuropean peasant was something wi> could all take a lesson from. He wasted nothing and utilized every jjart of his ground. 1 learned to appreciate our own country. We should all take a keener interest in its iiolitics and keeii it from falling into the hands of profiteers. 1 will always remember Sun- day, September 29th, and the attack on the Hindenburg Line at Bony. I was with (he Australians mopping up until the following i'luirsday." (Immediately alter this last experience young Mc- Cook was sent to Officers' Training Camp.) John R. Oles has a difTerent view: "I consider," he writes, "that the I'nited States is too far ahead o>" the rest of the world so that we may learn anything from them, except by watching their mistakes, we gain." Frank Rensma, a nineteen-year-old Holland-American lad, re- rtects the views of many an agriculturist when he says: "I had a lot of exjierience with horses and guns. 1 am a farmer and I saw a lot about other kinds of labor and city life. A farmer earns every bit he makes. Growl less at the farmer and give him a chance, is my belief." Though wounded at Ciiateau Thierry and, naively admitting Paris his most interesting experience, Charles Darling modestly jots down this splendid bit of philosophy: "The only thing I learned over there was work and not to be afraid to work and not to live beyond my means." Association with others left its strong im])rint upon all. Of tl'iis Frank C. Roda, ]jerhaps most severely wounded of the sur- vivors of the September offensive, says: "I think my experience in travel and associations with the in- dividuals I came in contact with were both of great instructive \alue, the last the more I think." Along the same line Daniel D. Pine writes: "War is an experience that money cannot buy. Palship among the fighting men is greater than in peace, because money does nor prevail over all in the battle line. To keep cool, to be able to do your share of work, or the other fellow's too, if necessary, these arc the most instructive lessons of military service." Erwin M. Davis takes a wide view of his advenlurc: "The most worthwliije tiling about the wliole experience has 14 WALTON WORLD WAR LOCAL HISTORY been the association with the other people of the world. We came from the north. We went to the south, fought side by side with these boys from the south. It seemed a uniting of America. All were Yanks. In Belgium we fought on Belgium soil, side by side with Englishmen. Between Cambria and St. Quintin we went on with the Australians, after our own objectives were taken. Always we lived with the French. It was a brotherhood of nations. It has taken from one the idea that the w'orld is his own door yard." Somewhat more laconically J. Kenneth Morrow expresses a like thought: "Found out that Americans from the south, from the north,, cast and west are all essentially the same kind of Americans." Miss Maude L. North writes with like brevity: "The drill in team work was as valuable as any other one part of my experience." The same human nature book was also open to those in camp on this side. H. S. Stern makes this notation: "The most instructive part of my service was that of personal contact with other men. I learned how insignificant the individual is." John T. Lyon adds: "It was a remarkably instructive thing to mix with the race of men in general as they assembled from all over the United States." Herbert B. Stowe found much to praise in the spirit of western America: "I gained most instruction through meeting people from the west," he writes, "I found them more than hospitable to men in uni- form. There was much community spirit among the middle age people, enabling them to mix more freely with young men, of whom the army was mainly composed. In many places I found a per- manent community building for people of all ages. These were used by all, bringing more unity to a town and tending to level class distinctions." This idea of unity is well brotight out by one of the overseas men, Malcolm M. Wright: "The way that the French attacked the work of reconstruction in their devastated towns," he states, "showed what a factor co-op- eration is in community life." Continuing, Wright thus describes his most interesting war experience: "The night of August 16, 1918, during first trick in the trenches in the sector near Ypres and directly in front of Mt. Kemmel, Bel- gium, three others and myself, while stringing communication wire between first support and front line trench, by mistake wandered into No Man's Land. At the time, on realizing our predicament, the experience was far from interesting." There is a terseness in some of these modestly told recollec- tions that silhouettes them sharply before our eyes. Listen to this from Lee McCook, one of the fighting McCooks: WALTOX WORLD WAR L^H^AL HISTORY 15 "Without any especial directions as to location of G Com- pany, I was carrying a message for F" Company to G during the offensive of September 28th, 1918. Run was over open country, alone. Message verbal. It was broad daylight. I was quite scared." Yes, he was wounded and gassed. "We were located in a Frencli village near Belgium," states Donald S. Berray, "Companies E, F, G and H occupying several lots about a road and there was one vacant lot. Every night for two weeks and more we were shelled. My greatest interest was that though the shells smashed away in front, back and each side, not a one ever hit in the occupied lots, but liow they did plougli out the turnips in the one vacant lot!" Tlie amusing side is added to by R. B. .\lexandcr of the S. .A. T. C. whose most interesting experience was: "parading the day the armistice was signed." Ray M. Guild — who nuist be pardoned all things since he sailed overseas tiie day after liis wedding — found the Statue of Liberty on his return home the event of his overseas service. "At 10:30 .\. M., in charge of six men, 1 was sent out near St. Maurice under fire of two machine guns, to find out what the Ger- mans were doing." This stands out in tiie mind of Bernard Hoyc as his cherisiied remembrance. Yes, he was gassed. Would you like to have been in his place? Robert L. Wilbur, another one of our wounded, refers feel- ingly to "Lying in Xo Man's Land near Bony Sei)tember 29, l')18, wait- ing for our barrage to start at zero hour." Quoting from Sluldon F. F"orsythe, an eighteen-year-old Wal- ton boy: "Wlien our battery went into action for the first time after I joined, I could see the flash of the guns long before we reached the front, and 1 wondered if 1 would be one that niglit to make the supreme sacrifice. * * * The most instructive ])art of my serv- ice was the travel, learning the methods of living of people in three or four countries and their histories, and the wonderful sights, too, which 1 would never have liad a chance to see, liad I not been in service." "In i)reparing for death at any moment," reflects Dr. H. C. Knight, "our views on life were sobered and we had tlie ])ennaiKnt inspiration to 'so live that when our summons comes,' wc shall be more nearly fit. An effect which is, of course, individual, but broad in its embrace of iii(li\icluals." Dulce et Decorum est pro Patria Mori John H. Armstrong Harold I). Kniffen John E. Closs* L'rucc D. Miller Robert T. Cooper* Truman C. Tobev* Irank Mead Eells* William X. White Miles H. Holley George \'encles Carl Tones *Cited for braverv in the action wlierein he lost his life. 16 WALTON WORLD WAR LOCAL HISTORY And how did these men give up their lives, do you ask? Ac- cording to divisional citation, on September 29, 1918, Cook Robert T. Cooper pleaded with his commanding officer to be relieved of his work in the kitchen so that he might take part in the attack. He was struck by a machine gun bullet and his last message, as his companions went on, was, "Tell the boys I died fighting." William North White died in France of pneumonia. So they and their fel- lows in this group, in his own way, eacli and every one gave his life for our country. Sweet and fitting is it to die for one's country. "Comrades true, born anew, peace to you! Your souls shall be where the heroes are And your memories shine like the morning star. Brave and dear, Shield us here. Farewell!" These men of Walton have made their own history. I have merely endeavored to transcribe it. Coming out from camp myself early in the struggle, I then privately wrote these lines: "A lack of co-ordination seems the great weakness of the sys- tem. One department clamors for thrift, another practices prodi- gality. At camp I saw men made to throw away good sugar and cofi^ee and in civil life sugar cards are the thing. French and Ca- nadian veterans advised us that much of the struggle must be at close range, yet we were given no opportunity to test our high tra- jectory rifles at less than 200 yards. The draft does not go far enough. Every man from 18 to 45 should be drafted, paid a living wage, and then those most suited for agriculture put to productive farming, those fitted for banking, put at finance, those suited to commerce, etc., and those best fitted for war given the opportunity for military service.* "As it is, there will be a vast profiteering. This war is staged for five years. If it ends short of that there will be other wars, rebellions, riots, strikes and the like. Bad blood must out. Still, we will muddle through some way." I do not know of any cause to revise these early views. 'J* ^ "P •!• "There's a long, long trail awindin' Into the land of my dreams, Where the nightingale is singing, And the pale moon beams. There's a long, long night awaitin' Till my dreams all come true, Till a time when I'll be going down That long, long trail with you." * ^ ^ ^ *Since then this theory has been emphasized by President Har- ding and most recently adopted as a national policy by the New Orleans convention of the American Legion. Part II Wakoe Military Service Ro§ter I'roviding the name of cacli service man, date aiul manner of cnlistnient, camp and units to which assigned, date of trip over- seas, if taken, and of return to U. S. A., together with date of dc mobilization. * * * * Alexander, Ralph Eartow, selective draft, October 11, 191S, Beaver Falls, Pa.; "S. A. T. C. Geneva College Camp; Co. A, S. .\. T. C, Reaver Falls, Pa. Alverson, Charles T., volunteer, January 21, 1918, Pittsburgh, Pa.; Camp l)ix; University of Pittsburgh, S. .A. T. C, Engineers Students .Armv Training Corps; Cnivcrsitv of Pittsburgh, De- cember 23rd, 1918. Archer, Howard L., selective draft, October 6, 1917, Little Falls, N. \.; Cami) Devens, Mass.; Camp Lee, Va.; Camp Taylorj Ky.; Camp Nlerritt, N. J.; Co. G, 3(Urd Inf., 76 Div., .^rd Of- ficers Training Sciiool, Camp Devens, Mass.; 7th Co. Casual Det., Camp Lee, \'a.; 6th Regt., Depot Brig., Camp Taylor, Ky.; Co. 1, 801st Pioneer Inf.; Sept. 8, 1918, Brest, Fran^-f , June 5, 1919; June 10, 1919, Camp Alexandra, Va., 1st Lt. Inf. Baker, William La Fayette, selective draft, January 2. 1918, W alton, X. \.; Camp Dix, .\. J.; Camp Greene, N. C.; Camp Merritt, N. J.; Headquarters Co., 61st Reg., .^tli Div.; .A])ril 16th, 1918. Brest, France: June 6, 1919; lunc 11, 1919, Mitchell Field, L. 1. Baker, Ru3sell, W., volunteer, .August 1st, 1917, Walton, N. Y.; \an Cortlandt Park; Camp Wadsworth, S. C; Co. F, 107th Reg., 27tii Div., overseas; May 10, 1918, Brest, France; March 6, 1919; .\l)ril 2, 191<), Camp Upton. Barlow, John Allan, volunteer, December 10th, 1917, Fort Slocum, New ^■ork City; Kelly Field, San .Antonio, Tc.x; Camp Mc- Artluir, Waco, Tex.; .Aviation General Sui)plv Depot, Middle- town, I'a.; 616 .Aero Squad.; lanuarv 23, 1919," Middletown, Pa. Bartlett, Ray L., selective draft, October 24th, 1918, Walton, N. Y.; Camp Wheeler, Ga.; Camp Dix, X. |.; 210th Co., Receiving Camp; Co. 65, 17th Bn., 153rd Dept. Brig.; Dec. 30, 1918, Camp Dix, X. J. Bates, Robert Ebenezer, volunteer. May 6, 1918, Xew \ork Citv; Fort Slocum, X. \'.; Camp Joseph E. Johnston, lacksonville. Fla.; Camp Merritt, N. J.; Quartermaster Corps; Se])tember 1, 1918, I ivcrpool, Eng.; October 4, 1919; October 14th, 19]'), Camp Dix. Baxter, Harry V., selective draft, July 13. 191.^, \\ alton, X. \.: Dick- inson High School, Jersey City, N. J., Trade School; Camp Johnston, Jacksonville, Fla.; Camp Merritt, Camp Upton; 333rd Supply Company, Q. M. C; October 4th, 1918, Bordeaux, France; July 28, 1919; August 4th, 1919. Baxter, Ralph B., selective draft, July 13. 1918, Walton, N. Y.; Dick- inson High School. Jersey City, X. J., Trade School; Camp Johnston, Jacksonville, Fla; Camp Merritt, Camp Upton; 333rd Supply Company, Q. M. C; October 4th, 1918, Bordeaux, France; Inly 28, 1919; August 4th, 1919. Beers, Olin R., volunteer, April 16, 1917, Walton, X. Y.; Camp Wadsworth, S. C; Co. F, 1st X. Y. Inf.; Battery .A, 106th Field Artillery; June 6, 1918, St. Nazaire, France; March 13, 1919; Marcli 31, 1919, Camp Upton. John H. Armstrong William N. White Miles H. Holley Thev Gave Tiieir Lives for Our Country WAI.TOX WORT.n WAR T.OCAT. HISTORY" I'l Beers, Rex William, volunteer, October 24, 1*)18, Potsdam, X. N'.. I larkMin t'olltut ; Co. A Training I)et., S. A. T. C. Berray, Donald Seymour, volunteer, May 12, 1916, Walton, X. V.; Van Cortland Park; Canij) W'adsworth, S. C; Newport News, \a.; Camp Merritt, Canii) L'pton; Co. F, 1st N. Y. Inf.; 7th N. Y. Inf.; Co. F. l()7th Inf.; May 10, 1918, Brest, France: March 6. 1010; April 2, 1010, Camp Upton. Berray, Fred L., volunteer. May ^, 1017, Cleveland, Ohio; Great Lakes Traininji Camp; U. S. Navy; various dates; January 2S, 10P> Xew York Harbor; 26,000 mjles on U. S. S. Chicago. Berray, Kenneth E., volunteer, July 23, 1017, Cleveland, Ohio; 2nd ()liio l-ield .Art.; Sept. 14, 1017; Safety Engineer, Charleston Xavy ^■ard to March 6, 1910. Berris, George, selective draft, no date; Fort Slocuni and Camji Mills; < )rclnance Depot, Camp Mills; Dec. 29, 1018, Camp Mills. Bogart, Frank W., volunteer, July 11, 1917, New ^■o^k City; Cam]) Syracuse and Cami) Greene, Charlotli', X. C'.; Midical l)ei)t. 47th Inf.; May 10, 1018, Brest, France; lulv 27. P'lO; August 1. 101<), Camp Mills. Brayman, William Henry, volunteer, October 0, 1018, New York City; Paris Island. S. C.; .U.^rd Co., Bat. P., U. S. Marine Corps; March .^1, I'M'). IVnsacoIa. Fla. Broughton. Abram L., volunteer, December 3, 1909, Xew ^'ork City; L'. S. S. Seattle; convoying N. Y. to France; June, 1017; various times; in sir\ ice in 1020. Brown, Frank Edward, selective draft, May 14, 1018, Walton, X. V.; Ft. Slocum, Camp Hancock, Ga.; Camj) Benning, Ga.; Machine Gun School; Infantry School of .\rms; Musician; July 26, 1010, Cam]) Upton. Budine, Lecn C, selective draft, no date; Camp Dix 308tii Div., 78th M. (■..: M.iy !•', l'M8: May 10, 1919; May 13, 1919. Burlingame, Elmer Wesley, volunteer. May 30, 1918, Buffalo, X. ^'.; Camp Pirry, Camp Decatur, Camp Ross at Great Lakes; Unit XNOB, Hampton Roads; U. S. S. Maine, receiving ship at IMiiladelphia; \J. S. S. Alameda; U. S. Naval Hosjiital, League Island; U. S. S. Eagle No. 17; U. S. Naval Hospital. Portsmouth, \ a. ; U. S. Naval Res. Corps. Aug. 13, 1919; transf. to U. S. Navy to finish 4 years; Feb. 27, 1919; March 27, 1919, August 13, 1010. Burrhus, James Carlton, volunteer, January 7, 1918, New ^'ork City; Cornell University, Itiiaca, X. ^'.; Camp Di.x, Dallas, Tex.; Taylor Field, Montgomery, .\la.; Air Service; November 29, I'MS. Caden, Martin, volunteer, Feb. 4, 1917, Walton, X. Y.; Van Cort- landl I 'ark, Cam]) W adsworth, Camp Humphries, Camp Stuart, Camp Hill; Co. F, 1st N. Y. Inf.; Co. F, 102nd Eng.; 1st Casual. Co., 116th Eng.; Co. E, Co. C, 102nd Eng.; 27th Div., overseas; Inly 11, 1918, Bordeaux, France; February 28, 1919; April 3, 1010, Camp Ui)ton, N. ^'. Cicale, Patrick P. J., selective draft, May 20, 1918, Camp Wadsworlh, S. C; Camp Wadsworth; Camp Mills, L. I.; Co. K, 53rd U. S. Inf.. 6th Div., U. S. Reg.; luly 6, 1918, Glasgow, Scotland: June 12, 1910; June 18, 1019, Camp Upton, L. I. Clark, Geo. C, selective draft, April 3, 1918, Camp Dix, Liveri)ool, England, lune, 1918; Battery C, 307 F. A., 78 Div., U. S.; May 14, 1919; Camp Dix, May 22, 1919. Frank Mead Kclls Bruce D. Miller George Yendes Harold D. Kniffcn Thev Gave Their Lives for Our Country WAl.TOX WORIJ-) WAR T.OCAL H1ST(M>:V 21 Clark. Harry H., volunteer, February 4, l')17, Walton. X. V.; \'an Cortlandt Park, W'adsworth, Stewart, Merritt, Upton; Co. F, 1st X. V. Inf.: M. G. Co., 107tli, 27tli Div., overseas; M. G. Gunner; October 12tli, l')17, Brest. France; March 24, 1919, .'\l)ril 4, 1919, Cam]) L ]>ton. (Jfficiallv mentioned for braverv 191.S. Coato, Truman R., volunteer, .April 21, 1917, Walton, N. Y.; \'an Corllandt I 'ark, C"ani]j W'adswortli, Xewjjort News, Canii) Mer- ritt, Camp Upton; Co. F, 1st X. \'. Inf.; Co. F, 107th Inf.; 27th Div., overseas; Mav 10, 1918, Brest, France; March 6, l')19; April 2, 1<)19, Camp Upton. Connelly, James John, volunteer, .Aujiust 1.^, 1913, Walton, N. V., \ an Cortlandt, Camj) W adsworth. Cam]) Mills; Co. F, 1st X. V. Inf.; Co. F", 1st Pioneer Inf.. L'. S. .\rmy; 1st .Army Corps; .?rd .Armv Corps; 3rd .Armv; lulv 9, 191S, Brest, France; .Ajiril 2.^ I'M'*; May 30, 1919, East' Vi'ew Hospital, X. V. Conner, Arthur E., volunteer; no date; Cam]) lohnston, Fla.; Q. M. C: December 1, 1918; Camp Alexandria," \'a. Craw, William Adelbert, volunteer, Ai)ril 14, 1918, Bini;hamton, .\'. ^ .; i'Orl SKnnm, (.'amp Wadsworth, Camj) Stewart, Mil.; Co. C, 102nd Supijlv Train, 27th Div., overseas; lune 31, 1918, Bri'^t. France; March 1, 1918; April 4, l')19, Camp Upton. Dann, Willard White, selective draft, February 26, 1918, Walton, X. \.\ Camp Li)ton; Co. A, 306th Inf.; Co. D, 30.Mh M. G. Bn.; March 29. 1<)1S, I.iverpcol, Fuji.; A]>ril 24, 1"1'); May 9, 1919, L'amii Upton. Darling, Charles, \olunteer, December 14, I'M 7, Bin.yhaniton, X. \".; I"l. Slocum, Kelly Field, Tex., Camp Hancock, CJa., Camp Mer- ritt, X. I.; 4th Recruit Co. 225th .Aero Squad.; Motor Mechanics Co., "M" 30th Inf.; Hdq. Co., 30th Inf.; Aj.ril 2. 1918, Liverpool. FuK.: April 2. l'M9; April 30, 1919, Camp Dix, X. .1. Davey, Claud Mead, volunteer, July 21, 1917, Walton, X. V.; \an Cortlandt Park, Camp Wadsworth, Cam)) Stewart, Camp Mer- ritt, Camp l'i)ion; Co. F, 1st X. V. Inf.; Co. F, 107th U. S. Inf.: May 10, 1<)18, Brest, France; March 6, 1919; April 2, 1919, Camp Ui)loii. Davis, Erwin Mayham, volunteer, December 4, l')17, Walton, X. V.; Camp W'adsworth, Camp Stewart; Co. F, 107th V. S. Inf.; Mav .5, 1918. Brest. I'rance; February 2.5, 191<); April 2, 1919, Camp Upton. Dennij, C. L., voluntiir, April 11, l'M7. Walton, X. ^■.: \ an Cortlandt Park; Co. V, 1st X. \'. X. C.., Transferred Co. I', 107 U. S. Inf.; Cam]) Wadsworth. S. C. Hon. discharged account of disability, SpartansburK, S. C, Dec. 4, 1917. Doig, Earl Mitchell, selective draft, 1917, Toledo, Ohio; Cam]) Sher- man, Ohio; Camp Perry, Camj) Merritt, Camj) Mills; Co. B, 329th Inf., 83rd Div.; 4th Armv Corps Intelligence School; Co. B, 329th Inf., 83rd Div.; Iune'6, 1918, London, Eng.; Ian. 31. l')10. F(l)ruary 1.^ 1919. Doig, Mirs Grace W., volunteer Red C'ross Xurse, June. P'l 7-Ai)ril, I'M", l"rance, Surgical Xursing .Anestliesia. Doig, Russell Irving, selective draft, October 1, 1918, Walton, X. \ .; Camp Geneva; Co. .\ Students Training Corps, Geneva College, Beaver Falls, Pa.; December 17, 1918, Beaver Falls, Pa. Dow, Monroe E., volunteer, June, 1917, Walton, N. Y.; Van Cort- landt Park, Camp W^adsworth, Camp Stewart, Xcwport News, \'a.; Supply Co., 106th Field Artillery, 42nd Brig., 27th Div., overseas; May 12th, 1918, Brest, France; March 27th, 1919; .Ajiril 2, 1919, Camp Upton. Truman C. Tobev Carl Jones Robert T. Cooper j^j^j^ £ ^loss Tlicy Gave Their Lives for Our Country W'ALTOX WORLD WAR LOCAL HLSTORV 23 Drake, George A., selective draft, February 26, l'M'\ Walton, X. V.; Camp L'pton; Co. D, 305th M. G. Btn.; 77th l)i\., overseas; March 29th, 1918, Calais, France; April 24, 1919; May 9th, 1919, Camp Upton. Dunham, Thomas Edward, volunteer, June 27, 1917, New York City; Cor] IS oi Civil Kngineers, U. S. Navy; resigned Mav 27, 1920. Eger, Bernard, volunteer, October 9, 1917, Utica, N. Y'.; Ft. Slo- cum; Camp .American University, Washington, D. C; Camp Bclvoir, Va.; Ft. Myer, Va.; Co. B, 1st Reg., 10th Engineers: January 4, 1918, Brest, France; February 1, 1919, February 13, 1910, Camji Upton. Fitch, Everett Raymond, selective draft, September 4, 1918, Walton, N. \.; Syracuse Recruit Cam]); Washington Barracks, Washing- ton, D. C.; Ind. Co., 71st Reg. of Eng.; December 9. Forsythe, Sheldon Freeman, volunteer. May 17, 1918, Binghamton, X. \ .; I"l. .Slocum, (.'anii> Jackson, Cam]) Merritt, Camp Hunt; 18th Field Art., 3rd Div. Regs., overseas; lulv 15th, 1918, Liverpool, Eng,; April 4th. 1919; April 15th, 1919. Camp U])ton. Gabriel, Herbert J., selective draft, October 10, 1918, Schenectady, X. \ ., Union College, Schenectadv; S. .\. T. C, Bugler; De- cember 7, 1918. Ganoung, Fred, selective draft. May 29. 1918. Walton, X. Y.; Camp Wadsworth; Co. M, 52nd Pioneer Inf.; 2nd Pioneer Inf., Co. C; Co. C, 318th Field Signal Bn., and Co. C, 102nd Field Signal Bn.; lulv 14. 1918, Liver])ool, Eng.; March I5th, 1919; Ai)ril 4. 1919. Camp U])ton. Gillette, James H., volunteer. June 26. 1917. Binghamton, X. ^'.; Cam]) Robinson, Wise; Hdq. Co., 17th Field .-Xrt.; 2nd Div., overseas; December 17tli, l'M7, Brest, France; -Kugust 4, 1919. August 12, Camp Ui>ton. Gladstone, Elmer Ray, \olunteer, Se]>tember 2?', 1918. Albany, X. Y.; M. O. T. G., Ft. Oglethropc, Ga.; Camp Taylor, Ky.; Base Hosi)ital, Medical Cor])s, U. S. Armv; .\ugust 22, 1919, Cam]) Dix, N. J. Gladstone, Homer A., selective draft, Xovember 2.^ 1917. Walton, .\'. N.; (aiiiii l)i\. Cam]) Greene; Co. F, 1st Inf., 3rd Div., over- seas; A|.ril f)tli. 1918; August 22, 1919; August 27, 1919. Gladstone, Kenneth V., selective draft, .\ugust 5. 1918. Walton, N. v.; Ft. Slocum. Camp McClellan; Batter. B, 26 F. A.; no dates. Gramento, Charles, selective draft, Rochester, X. Y., no date; Cam]) Upton, Camn Di.x; Co. E. 346tii Reg., 87th Div., overseas; .Au- gust 24. 1918, Liver])Ool, Eng.; Marcli 31, 1919; Aj.ril 10, 1919. Cam]) U]>ton. Green, Frank Secord, selective draft, February 4, 1918, Walton, X. Y.; Cam]) Dix; Cam]) Custer, Mich.; Camj) Lee, Va. ; Camp Grant. Ills.; Cam]) U])ton. L. I.; Co. E. I53rd D. B.; 2nd Inf. Co. O. T. S.; 5th Co. I. R. & T. T. 5th; June 24. 1919. Cam,) L'pton. Grepory, Dwight Verncn, seUctivt' draft, June 24, 1918. Buffalo, X. Y.; Camp Upton, .American I'niversity, Washington, D. C: 12th Co., 152nd l)e])ot Brig.; John Ho])kins Det., 1st Bat., Chem- ical Warfare Service; December 16, 1918, .Am. Unv. Exp. Sta.. Wash., D. C. Gregory, George D.. selective draft, September 8, 1918, Onconta, X. Y .; Cainp lackson, Camn Sevier, S. C, Camp Dix, X. Y.; Co. E. 4th Prov. "Reg., 156th De])ot Brig.; 14th Co., 4th Trn. Bn.. 156th Depot Brig.- Hdcj. Det., 4tli Rii., 156th De];ot Brig.; March 19, 1919, Camp Dix. 24 WALTON WORLD WAR LOCAL HISTORY Guild, Edwin More, volunteer, October 12, 1917; Norfolk Training Sta., U. S. Navy; Engineman IC, U. S. S. Alabama, U. S. S. Eastin Queen, U. S. S. Pueblo, U. S. S. Thomas; Naval; 1917- 1919; August 14, 1919, New York City. Guild, Marshall T., volunteer (13 days in U. S. service), selective draft, September 9, 1918, Walton, N. Y.; Camp Jackson, Cam]; Sevier, Greenville, S. C; Co. F, 1st Inf., N. G. N. Y.; Co. A, 3rd Prov. Reg., 156th Depot Brig.; 9th Co., 3rd Tr. Bn., 156th Depot Brig.; April 29, 1919, Camp Dix. Guild, Ray M., volunteer, July 27, 1917, Walton, N. Y.; Van Cort- landt Park, Camp Wadsworth, Camp Hancock, Camp Greene, Camp Upton; Co. F, 1st N. Y. Inf.; Co. F, 107th Inf., 27th Div.: 1243 Casual. Co., Motor Mechanics; 6th Co., 4th Regt., Motor Mechanics; 11th Co., 4th Regt., Air Serv. Mech.; 12th Co., 4th Regt., Air Serv. Mech.; Tulv 15, 1918, Liverpool, Eng.; June 29, 1919; July 10, 1919, at Camp Mills, L. I. Hall, Harry, volunteer, May 25, 1917, Walton, N. Y.; Van Cort- landt Park; Camp Wadsworth, Merritt, Upton; Co. F, N. Y. Inf.; U. S. Inf., 107th; 27th Div., overseas; May 10th, 1918, Brest, France; March 6, 1919; April 2, 1919, Camp Upton. Hasbrouck, Jacob Charles, volunteer, July 31st, 1918, Oneonta, N. Y.; Ft. Slocum, Ft. Brown, Tex.; Machine Gun Troop, 13th Cavalrv; June 21, 1919, Ft. Clark, Tex. Hinckley, Maurice E., volunteer, June 6, 1916, Walton, N. Y.; Van Cortlandt Park, Camps Wadsworth, Stewart, Merritt, Upton; Co. F, 1st N. Y. Inf.; Machine Gun Co., 107th, 27th Div., overseas; M. G. gunner; Mav 10, 1918, Brest, France; wounded Sept. 29, 1918; March 9, 19'l9; April 2, 1919. Officially mentioned for bravery in action, 1918. Holmes, Robert B., volunteer. May 4, 1916, Walton, N. Y.; Van Cortlandt Park, Camp Wadsworth, Camp Stewart, Camp Mer- ritt, Camp Upton; Co. F, 1st N. Y. Inf.; Co. F, 107th Inf.; Mav 10, 1918, Brest, France; March 6, 1919; April 2, 1919, Camp Up- ton. Houck, Cecil Sylvester, volunteer, February 15, 1917, Walton, N. Y.; Van Cortlandt Park, Camp Wadsworth, Camp Gordon, Camp McClelland, Camp Mills; Co. F, 1st N. Y. Inf.; Hdq. Co., 107th Inf., 27th Div., overseas; G. M. Corps at Camp Gordon; 2nd Repl. Regt.; 104th Ammun. Tr., 29th Div.; Tune 29th, 1918, Hali- fax, N. S.; May 20, 1919; May 31, 1919, Camp Upton. Houck, Leon Ellsworth, selective draft, April 5, 1918, Walton, N. Y.; Camp Dix; Battery D, 307th Field Art., 78th Div., overseas; May 26, 1918, Liverpool, Eng.; April 20, 1919; May 2, 191", Camp LTpton. Hoye, Bernard F., volunteer, April 12th, 1917, Walton, N. Y.; Van Cortlandt Park, Camp Wadsworth, Camp Stewart, Camp Mer- ritt, Camp Upton; Co. F, 1st N. Y. Inf.; Hdq. Co., 107th Inf. 27th Div.: May 9, 1918, Brest, France; March 10, 1919; April 2, 1919, Camp Upton. Johnson, LeRoy S., volunteer, no date, Walton, N. Y.; Camp Whit- man, Van Cortlandt Park, Camp Wadsworth, Camp Stewart, Camp Upton; June 6, 1918; March 13, 1919; March 31, 1919, Camp Linton; Co. F, 106th F. A., 27th Div., overseas. Kent, Amos D., special call under limited service, July 15, 1918, Wal- ton, N. Y., Camp Jas. E. Johnston, Fla.; Post Terminal, Charles- ton, S. C; Camp Supplv Office; Training Co. No. 22; Camp Q. M. office; April 9, 1919, Port Terminal, Charleston, S. C. WALTON WORLD WAR LOCAL HISTORY 2? Kent, Ralph James, special call under limited service, July 30, 1918, Walton, X. ^.i Camp Syracuse, Cam]) Mills; Xo. ^M) Fire and Guard.; Q. M.; January 8, 1919, Camp Mills, L. I. Knight, Hubert Chapman, volunteer, February 1, 1918, Syracuse, N. v.; Ft. Ogletlirope; Base Hospital 109; Ft. Harrison, Ind.; Camp Merritt; Dental Co. Xo. 1, Ft. Oylethrope Base Hospital HK); October 26, 1918, Liverpool. Eni;.; May 3, 1919; ^L^v 17, l''l"», Camp I'pton. Knowles, Charles Alexander, selective draft. May 29. 1918, Walton, X. v.; Camp Wadswortii; 2nd A. Air Craft Machine Gun Bat- talion; lune 29, 1<)18, Brest, France; Februarv 22. 1919- March 7, 1919, Camp Dix. La Franc. Thomas, volunteer. February 4. I'M 7. Walton. X. V.; \'an CorlJandi Park, Camp W'adsworth; 1st Ret;, and 107tli Reg., 27tli Div., overseas; no dates. Laidlaw, Howard G., vohmteer, Xovember 15, 1913. Walton. X. Y.; \ an Corllandl Park, Camp Wadswortii, Camp Stewart. Xewport Xews; Co. F. 1st X. V. Inf.; Co. F. 107th U. S. Inf.. 27th Div.. overseas: Mav 10. 1918. Brest, France; March 4, l')19; April 2. l')l<), Camp Upton. Launt, Alexander, volunteer, .August 3, 1917. Walton, X. V.; \an Cortlandt Park, Camp W'adsworth, Cami) Stewart, Camp Up- ton; Co. F, 1st Inf.; Co. F, 107tli I'. S. Inf.. 27th Div., overseas; May 10. 1918; March 6, 1919; April 2, l'>19. Camp Upton. Leigh. Rudolph, selective draft. January 2. 1918; no place; Camji Dix; L o. I 2nd Bn., 133rd Depot Brig.; Nledical Examinine Board; March 13. 1919, Camp Dix. Leighton, MacDonald, selective draft. February 7. 1918. Walton, X. ^ .; I'anip Anurican l"niversity, W'asli.. D. C.; lOlh Co.. 20th Engineers Forestrv; Feb. 26, 1918, Brest, France; lune 1, 1919; lune 11, 1010, Camp I'pton. Littlejohn, Erford Peake. volunteer, October 12. 1918. Troy, X. V.; Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, X. ^'.; .S. A. T. C; no dates. Lyon, John Thomas, volunteer. F\bruary 23, 1918, Monmouth, Ills.; Camp Dodge. la.; Camp I'pton; Co. V, 330th Inf., 88th Div.; 163rd Depot Brig.; 10th Co., 1 32nd Depot Brig.; February 7, I'M'). Cam]. U].ton. MacGibbon. Donald David, sehctive draft. February 26. l'M8. Camp Ui)ton. Cami) Mills; Co. 1), 303th M. G. Bn., 77th Div., overseas; March 2?,, l')18, Liverpool, Eng.; April 24, 1919; May 9, 1919. ("ami) 1- pton. McCelland, Alfred H., volunteer, February 6. l'»18. Syracuse. X. V.; Camp Grienleaf. Fort Oglethori)e. Camp Jas. S. Johnston; \\t- erinary Co. Xo. 1; Co. 46. Bn. 12; l*"ield Remount Scpiadron Xo. 366; Auxiliary Remount Dei)Ot Xo. M.^; January 20, 191'). McCook, Arthur J., selective draft. Inf., transferred to Depot Bri- gade Aero Service, Kelly Field, Texas; .\rcadie, Florida; Ma- chine Gun School, L'tica; Dayton, Ohio; Instructor at Ft. W'nrlh. Texas. McCook, Frank W., volunteer. .April 6. I'M 7, Syracuse. X. V.; Pel- ham Bay Park, New York City; W'adsworth; Co. C, 108th Inf., 27th Div., overseas; Mav 10. 1918, Brest, France; ^Lu•ch 6 1919; March 31, 1919, Camp Upton. McCook, Lee Marcus, volunteer, June 23rd, 1916. Walton, N. Y.; Cam') Whitman, Peekskill, \'an Cortlandt Park, Cami) W^ads- worth; Co. F, 1st N. Y. Inf.; Co. F, 107th U. S. Inf., 27th Div.; May 10th, 1918, Brest, France; March 3, 1919; .April 2, 1919. Camp Upton. WALTON WORLD WAR LOCAL HISTORY McKnight, William James Harper, selective draft, October 15, 1918, Wilmington, Pa.; Westminster College, New Wilmington, Pa.; S. A. T. C, Westminster College; December 13, 1918, New Wil- mington, Pa. Maritato, Eugene, selective draft, May 29, 1918; Camp Wadswortb, Catnp L^pton, Camp Dix; Band 52nd Pioneer Inf., 5th Corps, Hdq. Co.; August 3, 1918, Brest, France; April 17, 1919; April 19, 1919, Camp Dix. Marvin, Robert Beard, volunteer. Intelligence Dept., Washington, D. C, 19]7-'9. More, Frank T., volunteer, September 29, 1918, Syracuse, N. Y^; Syracuse University, S. A. T. C, Navy Dept.; December 17, 1918, Syracuse. Morrow, James Kenneth, volunteer, April 24, 1918, New York City; Ft. Slocum, Ft. McHenry, Camp Mills, Camp Upton; Base Hospital No. 48; Medical Service; July 5, 1918, Liverpool, Eng; May 22, 1919; May 30, 1919, Camp Upton. North, Arthur W., volunteer, April, 1917; Ft. Niagara, Reserve Officers' Training Regiment; August 25, 1917; November 26, 1917; qualified for Captain, infantry; honorable discharge, physi- cal disability. North, Miss Maude Louise, volunteer, June 30th, 1918, New York Citv; American Red Cross in Italy and France; August 18, 1918; October 25, 1919; June 6, 1919, Paris, France. North, Robert Bruce, volunteer, November 15, 1913, Walton, N. Y.; \'an Cortlandt Park, Camp Wadswortb, Camp Hancock, Camp Greene, Camp Upton; Co. I 1st N. Y. Inf.; Co. I, 107th U. S. Inf.; 13th Co., 4th Reg., U. S. Air Service; Tulv 15, 1918, La Havre, France; June 17, 1919; July 5, 1919, Camp Mills. Northrup, Jr., LeGrand, volunteer, July 17, 1917; Camp Wadswortb, Co. F, 107th Inf.; April 10, 1918, Brest, France; December 17, 1918; December 24, 1918, Camp Upton. Northrup, William Ray, volunteer, Ft. Slocum, Kelly Field No. 1, Tex.; Kelly Field No. 2, Tex.; 327 Squad., 804 Squad., Squad. K; Air Service; Camp Upton. Oles, John R., selective draft. May 29, 1918, Walton, N. Y.; Camp Wadswortb, Camp LIpton, Camp Dix; Co. M, 52nd Pioneer Inf., 5th Army Corps; August 3, 1918, Brest, France; April 20, 1919; April 24, 1919. O'Neill, Charles T., volunteer. May, 1917, Walton, N. Y.; Camp Wadswortb; 1st N. Y. Inf.; transferred 106th Inf., 27 Div., Nov. 3, 1917; Alay 2, 1918, Brest, France; Division Staflf Gas Instructor; 1st Lieut, in command Co. L, 106th Inf.; wounded Sept. 5, 1918; Dec. 20, 1918; Feb. 11, 1919. Oothoudt, Arthur E., volunteer, July 21, 1913, Walton, N. Y.; Van Cortlandt Park, Camp Wadswortb, Camp Mills; 1st N. Y. Inf.; 1st Pioneer Inf., U. S.; July 9, 1918, Brest, France; Tulv 7, 1919; July 16, 1919. Palmer, John W., volunteer, August 13, 1915, Walton, N. Y.; Camp Wadswortb; Co. F, 1st N. Y. Inf.; Co. F, 107th Inf. Hdq. 1st Anti Aircraft, M. G. Bn.; Co. F, 1st Pioneer Inf.; July 7, 1918, Brest, France; July 7, 1919; July 11, 1919, Newport News, Va. Peake, Charles N., selective draft, September, 1917, Walton, N. Y.; Camp Dix; Co. B, 308th M. G. Bn.; 78th Div., M. G. Co.; 45tb Inf., 9th Div.; February 25, 1919. Pierson, Fred Ralph, volunteer, no date, Walton, N. Y.; Camp Wads- worth, Camp Sevier, Camp Hancock; Co. F, 1st N. Y. Inf.; Co. F, 1st Pioneer Inf.; Co. D, 4th Officers Training School; 9th WAI.TOX WORLD WAR LOCAL HlSToK^ 11 Co., Central Nhicliiiif Gun. O. P. S.; Doccnibi-r 14, 1<)18, Cainp Ham-oik. (la. CoimnissioiU'cl 2iul Lieut. ^ ■ ■ " ■ Fcbruarv 21, Vni , Walton. X. V.; I)iv.; Co. K, 48th Div.; Van Robinson, Marvin Bert, \ olnntrir, NLiy N. ^ .; Cam]) l)ix; In(liana])olis, Ind.; Wrniillion. So. Dak. Helena, Mont.; Co. H, 3l)')tli Inf.; 78tli Div.; l.^^.^rd Depot Brig., 12th Co.; 2nd Training Dot., Indianapolis; S. A. T. C, \'er- niillion. So. Dak.; S. .\. P. C. Helena. Mont.; December 17th, 1018. Helena, Mont. Roda. Frank C, volunteer. Mav 30, I'M 7, Walton. X. \'.; Cam') Wadsuorth; Co. F. l()7th C. S. Inf.; Mav 10, 1<)18, Brest. France'; l)eceud)er 26. l')18; January 23, 1010, Camp Upton. St. John, Byron D., volunteer, January, 1018. Governor's Island: Medical l-.nlisted Ki'ser\e Cori)s; 12tli Keg.. X. \'. (iuard; no dates. St. John. Earl Sheffield, volunteer. July .U). 1«M8, Xew \ ork City; Ft. Slocum, Camp Hill, Camp .Mexander, Xe\vi)ort Xows, Camp Greene, Camp Stewart. Camp Lee; Hdc|. Co., .U7th Service Rn., Q. M. Corps; .\ct. Mess Sergeant, (Officers Mess; Q. M. Ser- geant. Q. M. Corps, 347th Ser. Bn.. Q. M. C; 83rd Div.. 20 Fng.. 28th Co.; October 21. l')18: June 20. 1<)10; Jnly 11, 101>), Cam)) Upton. St. John, Howard Raymond, volunteer. March 10. 1018. Walton. X. ^■.; Cami) Wadsworth; Co. F, 1st X. \'. Inf.. X. G., 27th Div.; Srri.;eanl, ciiarue I'latoon of Co. V .\ no dates. Salton, George E., volunteer and selective draft, lune .Mli. 1'>H). Walton, X. \ .; May 31. 1017; Van Cortlandt Park. Camp Wads- worth, C'ohimbus Barracks, Camj) Sheridan. Cam]) Meade. Md.; Co. F. l()7lh; Co. K, 68th Inf.. 0th Div.; I-"ebriiarv 11. 1018, Camr Mead.'. Salton. Russell A., volunteer. June 20. l'M7. Williamson. W . \'a.; Cam]) Stewart; Base Hosi)ital Camp; Surgical Serv.; no dates. Savage. Eulalie A. (Mrs. K. Kugene Robinson), voliintoer. Red Cross Xurse. June 1. 1018-June 11, 1010. Camp Rike. Little Rock, .\rks.; Camp Wadsworth. .Spartansburg. So. Car.; .\rniy Xurscs Corps. Schaffner. Edward Clemens, \olunteer, October 3. 1018. Syracuse, X. v.; Co. P.. S. .\. P. C, Syracuse University; Dec. 8, lOLsi Syracuse, N. V. Schmedes, Edward L.. selective draft. May 20, 1018; Camp Wads- wortli. Ui)l()n and Di.\; .^2nd Pioneer Inf., Co. M; .\ugust ^ I'MS, I'.resl. JM-ance; April 20, 1010; April 24, 1010. Shackelton, Frank H., volunteer. May 1st, 1016, Walton, X. V.; Van Cortlandt Park, Camp Wadsworth, Camp Stewart, Camp Mcr- ritt, Camp Upton; Co. F, 1st Reg., X. Y. X. G.; Co. F, 107th U. S. Inf.; May 10th. 1018; March 6, 1010; April 5, 1010. Camp Upton. Shepard, Howard D., volunteer, Feb. 14. 1018, Bingiiamton, N. Y.; Ft. Slocum, Vi. Tottcn on Long Island; Medical Dept. Dot. 28 WALTON WORLD WAR LOCAL HISTORY 58th Art., old 8th C. A. C. of N. Y. City; May 12, 1918, Brest, France; April 26, 1919, May 7, 1919, Camp Upton. Smith, Clinton T., volunteer, December 22, 1915, Ottawa, Canada; Eng. Sig. Camp, Ottawa; Witlcy Camp, Eng.; Bramshott Camp, Eng.; Shomcliffc Camp, Eng.; Buxtan Camp, Eng.; Otterpool Camp, Eng.; London, Engs. Base Aubin St. Vass, Frartce; camps in England and France; Dispatch Riders Sig. Sec. Canadian Corps Sigs. March 9, 1916; May 28, 1919, Halifax; May 31, 1919, Ottawa, Can. Probably first Walton man in overseas service. Smith, Harold Richard, volunteer, May 29, 1918, Walton, N. Y.; Camp Wadsworth, Camp LTpton; Co. M, 52nd Pioneer Inf., 5th Arniv Corps; August 2, 1918, Brest, France; April 20, 1919; April 24, 1919, Camp Dix. Snyder, Leland L., volunteer, February 3, 1917, Walton, N. Y.; Van Cortlandt Park, N. Y. Croton Water Works, Camp Wadsworth, Camp Stewart, Camp Merritt, Camp Upton; Co. H, 100th Inf., 54th Brig., 27th Div.; May 14, 1918, Brest, France; December 21, 1918; February 3, 1919, Camp Upton. Stern, Aaron R., volunteer, April 4, 1918, New York City; Naval Aviation; Camp Bennett, Pensacola, Fla.; trans, to Philadelphia, U. S. S. Kanawha, July 15, 1918; Queenstown, Ireland, July 30, 1918; Dec. 16, 1918; Jan. 17, 1919. Stern, Carl J., volunteer, Dec. 18, 1917, Baltimore, Md.; E. M. R. C, S. A. T. C, Co. U of M.; Dec. 14, 1918, Baltimore, Md. Stern, Hilton S., volunteer, April 16, 1917, Walton, N. Y.; Van Cort- landt Park, Camp Wadsworth; 107th U. S. Inf.; March 4, 1918, Camp Wadsworth. Stern, Otho Andrew, volunteer, rejected, inducted, Sept. 28, 1917, Walton, N. Y.; Camp Dix; Co. K, 310th Inf.; 78th Div., Co. B, Military Police, 78th Div.; Camp Dix; May 21, 1918; Liverpool, June 12, 1918; La Havre, France, June 10, 1919; June 13, 1919, Camp Dix. Stowe, Herbert Burrhus, volunteer. May 24, 1918, Allentown, Pa.; Ft. Leavenworth, Kans. ; Camp Lewis, W'ashington; Camp Dix; 15th Service Co., Sig. Corps., Ft. Leav., Kansas.; 213th Field Sig. Bn., Camp Leav.; February 7th, 1919, Camp Dix. Sulger, William A., selective draft. May 29, 1918, Walton, N. Y.; Camp Wadsworth, Camp Stewart; Hdq. Co., 2nd Pioneer Inf.; June 30, 1918, Brest, France; June 26, 1919; August 22, 1919, Oswego, N. Y. SutlifF, Leo A., volunteer, February 15, 1917, Walton, N. Y.; Van Cortlandt Park, Camp Wadsworth, Camp Stewart, Camp Up- ton; Co. F, 1st N. Y. Inf.; Co. F, 107th Inf., 27th Div., overseas; 152nd Dept. Brig., Camp Upton; May 10th, 1918, Brest, France; February 9th, 1919; May 14, 1919, Camp Upton. Tobey, Clinton R., volunteer, January 26, 1918, Ithaca, N. Y.; Eng. Res. Corps; Aircraft; December 12, 1918, Ithaca, N. Y. Tobey, Herbert Dayton, volunteer, October 5, 1918, Ithaca, N. Y.; Cornell Unit, U. S. Naval Res. Force, Co. C; S. A. T. C; De- cember 17, 1918. Travis, Ross Charles, selective draft, September 29, 1917, Walton, N. Y.; Camp Dix, Camp Lee, Camp Upton; Co. K, 310 Inf.; 78th Div., Cooking School; Cook C. O. T. S.; no dates. Wakeman, John Vermillion, volunteer, February 7th, 1916, New Haven, Conn.; U. S. S. Wyoming; November 26, 1917, Scapa Flow; landed in LT. S. December 26, 1919. WAT.TOX WORLD WAR LOCAL HTSTOR^- 2') Webiter, Harold Eugene, volunteer, lulv 16, 1917, Los Angeles, Calif.; Camp Kernej-, Calif.; Bat. F, 143rd F. A.; Hdq. Co., 143rd F. A.; Hdq. Co. 17tli F. A., 2nd Div., overseas; June 2S, 1018, January 1'', I'M''; i-\l)ruary 5, 1910, Camp L'pton. Welton, William Wendell, volunteer, September 15, Syracuse, X. V.: Syracuse Cniversity; December 21, 1918, released from active duty. White, George Fitch, volunteer, .\])ril 6, 1917, XewiJort, R. L; I'. S. X. R. F. Barracks, Xewport, R. L; Xew London, Conn.; Xew Bedford, Mass.; March 8, 1919. White, Harold Arbuckle, volunteer, May 2, 1917, Walton, X. V.; \ an Corllandt I'ark, Camp Wadswortli; Co. F, 1st X. ^'. Inf.; Hdq. Co., 107th U. S. Inf.; Mav 9, 1918, Brest, France; Marcli 9, 1910; Ai-ril 2, 1919, Camp l'pton, X. V. White, Richard Stephen, volunteer, .August 14, 1918, Oneonta, X. V.; Ft. Slocum, Camp lolinston. Camp l)ix; 23rd Co., Shop Reg.; Co. 4, Shop Reg.; Co. 64, 16th Bn.; 133rd 1). B.; January 8, 1919, Cam]) I)ix. White, William Henry, volunteer, Mav 30, 1917, Madison Barracks, X. ^.: .Madis,,,, Barracks, X. V.;' Co. Xo. 1, 3rd I'rov. Train- ing Rig.; discharged July 17, 1917, i)liysical disability. Wilbur, Harry A., volunteer, July 13, 1917, Walton, X. \.; \an Cortlandt Park, X. Y.; Camp Wadsworth; 1st lieutenant, Co. F, 1st N. Y. Inf.; transferred Oct. 13, 1917, to Co. F, 107 I'. S. Inf.; resigned June 6, 1918. Wilbur, Robert Lewis, volunteer, August 30, 1913, Walton, X. Y.; Camp Wadsworth; Co. F, 1st Inf.; 107th Inf.. Co. F; Supplv Co., 107th Inf.; 27th Div., overseas; May 10th, 1918, Brest, France; March 9th, 1919; April 2, 1919, Camp Upton. Williams, Howard D., volunteer, July 3, 1918, Walton, X. W; Ho- boken, X. I., Q. M. C, Siiii) Repair Shop Unit 301, Co. B; Trans- liort Service; A])ril 19, 1919. Winfield, Ernest Richard, volunteer, March 20, 1917, Walton, X. V.; \'an Cortlandt i'ark, Spartanburg, Xewport News; Co. F, 1st N. Y. Inf.; 27tli Div., overseas; Mav 10, 1918, Brest, France; Marcli (>. I'M'*; April 2, l'»19, Camp i'])ton. Wood, Charles Clayton, volunteer, .\i)ril 3, 1917, Walton, X. Y.; Van Cortlandt, Camp Wadsworth, Xewport News, Camp Merritt and Tenafly; Co. F, 1st N. Y. Inf.; 107tli Inf., 27th Div., overseas; May, 1918; May, 1919; April, 1919. Wood, Theron C, volunteer, May 3, 1917, Bingliamton, X. Y.; Xaval Training Sta., V . S. S. .Arizona, U. S. S. Tacoma, U. S. S. Re ceiving Ship, New York City; Dejjt. U. S. Navy; .August 28, Pittslmrgh, Pa. Wright, Malcolm M., volunteer, March 20, 1917, Walton, X. Y.; \ an Cortlandt Park, Camp Wadsworth, Camj) Stewart; Co. F, 1st N. Y. N. G.; Hdq. Co., 107th U. S. Inf., 27th Div., overseas; May 10,^ 1918, Brest, France; February 20, 1919; April 2, 1919. Cam]) I'pton. Wright, Walter North, volunteer, June 12. 1917, Walton, N. Y.; \'an Cortlandt i'ark. Camp Wadsworth, Cam]) Mills, Camj) Merrill. Camp Upton; Co. F, N. Y. N. C; Hdq. Co., 107th Inf.; 27lli Div., overseas; Co. F, 1st Pioneer Inf., 3rd American .\rmv of Occupation; July 8, 1918, Brest, France; lulv 7, 1919; lulv 16. 1919, Camp Upton. Wyckcff, Charles Sterling, volunteer, November 4, 1918; 1st Lt. Cha])lain; I'. S. .A. Gen. Hosuital No. 7, Roland Park, Balti- more, Md.; .Adjutant General's Of^ce; Hospital for Totally Blinded Soldiers, Sailors and Marines. No dates. 30 WALTON WORLD WAR LOCAL HISTORY The foregoing Roster shows how splendidly Walton was rep- resented from Canada to Florida, from the Pacific to the Atlantic slope, and overseas even into Germany, how her sons did duty on land and sea, and even above the clouds. Invaluable experience! Also those whose names follow were reported in service; to writ- ten requests for dates and places, however, unfortunately, no answers have been received; hence, mere names are here recorded: Allen, Floyd Baker, L. K. Barnes, Frank Bartow, Howard M. Beagle, Axford Beers, George R. Beers, Vere Boice, Chas. H. Brainerd, J. E. Brown, Howard Bruce, William P. Burrows, H. R. Cain, Chester Cetta, Joseph Churchill, John A. Clark, Frederick H. Clayton, Stanley Cleaver, Walter Cline, Sherman Cole, Harvey Conklin, Frank S. Conner, Cyrus Coombs, Frank Corgan, William Cullum, S. Dow, Joseph Dumond, Fred Eells, Henry W. Elmore, Augustus Felter, Frank Felter, Jacob Finch, Raymond Flynn, Leo F. Forsythe, Ira Fox, E. E. Gannon, Wm. Herbert Giamuandria, Henry Gramento, Frank, Jr. Gransbury, Floyd Gray, Arthur Gray, Frank E. Gray, Howell Gray, William Griffin, Glendy Guidiee, S. Hall, Cyril Holley, E. S. Houck, Fred Houck, Herbert Houck, John Hcuck, L. Howland, John G. Hoyt, June Jones, Paul Kilpatrick, Ralph J. LaFrano, Charles LaFrano, Nicholas Lastinia, J. Liberatore, J. Loushay, David Lyons, E. M. MacLean, Floyd S. McClelland, Joseph M. McClenathan, R. McLachlan, Alford McLean, Arthur McLean, Harry McLean, H. J. Meade, Wm. H. Menroe, J. Misner, Judson Misner, Olan Moore, Donald B. Montgomery, M. C. Morier, Ernest Murphy, Guy Neer, Irving Neer, Thomas Neish, Leroy Norton, Bruce Osborne, Melvin Ostrom, A. E. Ostrom, Howard Palmader, Earl Pancoasl, William Pangaro, J. Peck, Otis Peck, Robert Rhinehart, Louis Roche, William Rose, Durward F. Rothensies, Walter J. Russell, Vincent Schlager, Charles Schneider, Peter Schoonmaker, Howard Schriver. L. Scott, Marvin Seaman, William Segar, Lloyd Signer, Albert Simmons, John Simpson, Julian Smith, Chas. F. Sprague, Ichabod Stedman, B. K. Stewart, Miss A. Stewart, Kenneth Stewart, K. Tompkins, Francis Torre R. Del Tweedie, Hilton Wakeman, Ray Webster, Clayton F. White, Robert E. Wilcox, Chas. S. Wood, Clinton Part III Aftermath On the 3tli of .\i)iil, l')l'), Walton shut up shop, hung out bunt- ing and did honor to hor returning soldiery. Tliat night in the armory tlie men were received with feasting, music and oratory. Two months later, June 7th, 1919, a charter was granted Walton for the Truman C. Tobey Post, No. 31 of the .American Legion. By the lofty terms of its preamble, the constitution of tliis veteran's or- ganization, the outgrowtli of a military caucus lield in Paris, France, during March, 1919, declared its purposes, as follows: For God and Country, we associate ourselves together for the following i)urposes: To uphold and defend the Constitution of the l.'nited States of America; to maintain law and order; to foster and I'erpetuate a one hundred jier cent .\mcricanism; to preserve the memories and incidents of our association in the World War; to in- culcate a sense of individual obligation to the community, state and nation; to combat the autocracy of both the classes and the masses; to make right the master of might; to promote peace and good will on earth; to safeguard and transmit to posterity the principles of justice, freedom and democracy; to consecrate and sanctify our com- radeship by our devotion to mutual helpfulness. Thus the name of Truman C. Tobey, a splendid young man on the threshold of a i)roniising business career, was honored — and gave honor. Read his divisional citation: "For bravery and coolness in action during attack in vicinity of Bony, France, September 29, 1918. This soldier commanded a Lewis Gun Scpiad and, until killed, op- erated his gun with great eiTectiveness." The coming of the .\merican Legion was followed December 2nd, 1919, by the installation of the Frank Mead Fells Post, No. 270. of the \'eterans of Foreign Wars, a military organization founded ill 1899 in Pennsylvania. Thus the name of this heroic lad yet in his teens, last scion of a long line of soldiers, was honored and gave honor. Consider his divisional citation: "For bravery in leading his 1 latoon through a smoke screen on the morning of September 29th, 1918, in vicinity of Bony, France, while under terrific machine gun fire. Sergeant Eells was killed before reaching his objective." Finally, on December 18, 1919, came the founding of an Auxili ary to the Frank Mead Eells Post. Thus for the living: receptions, decorations and organizations. On the 17tli of A])ril, 1921, again Walton received and did honor to her own — this time to heroic dead soldier boys. With saddened mien, with tear dimmed eyes, her citizens gazed at flag draped biers in the silent armory, with lowered colors and muffled drum beats they followed to the cemetery heights and heard the last vollej's iircd. Oh, God, grant that war may be no more! >. o PQ u