i"^: m ,iV-| r-jr m .Cv. . i Book PS/T Coipght W COPYKIGHT DEPOStr c ^ PERFECT SYSTEM OF CUTTING LADIES GARMENTS WRITTEN AND PUBLISHED BY EUGENE PECORI COPYRIGHTED 1912 Fy E '"i-ne Pecori A, '^ -::' CCI.A312446 PREFACE. Mr. Eugene Poeoris' Perfect System of Cuttini;- Gannejits is simple in theory and i)ractical in every sense of tlie term. It is of ])aramount importance to every in in contact with numy cutters and dressniakei's and who listened to many disi)utes between the people of different chosen woi'k, and has finally come to the conclusion that the theory of cutting perfectly the ladies' garments would be of great importance, coujjled with careful practice, would eliminate that faulty fitting garment and also arguments. In the past ye;irs, cutters received highest salaried ))ositions; today, the tailor who studies the system of cutting is more in demand. The necessity of this system being, therefore, of great importance, and es])ecially to the tailoi-s. Mr. Pecori, for this particular reason, thought of publishing the pi'esent simple volume, which will be un(h)ul)tedly appreciated by all who considt its ])ages. Be at once assured that in studying the following diagrams, designed by Mr. Pecori, who has had many years of practical experi- ence in cutting and fitting ladi<'s' garments, you are offered the real foundation of the Perfect System of Cutting. Von may know that ladies' tailoring is progressive in itself and every season we have a change in style and also in fitting. The cutters using a machine or any other method will unquestionably encounter many difficulties, and a faulty fitting garment is the result. AVhen Mr. Kugene Pecori 's System is mastered it can be used forever. The theory is sini])le and i»erfectly shown in this volume. Thei-efore it does not materialize any when styles are changed. Chicago, PUl'. S. W. v^ INTRODUCTION. In introducing Pocori's perfect cutting system we are thereby to do away with all the complications which cause trouble in cutting and fitting ladies' garments. In the illustration of the following diagrams our aim is to emphasize particularly on the points which are most nec- cessary in order to bring out perfect patterns of coats, waists and all other garments which extend from the shoulder to the fioor. In apply- ing our system it is not necessary to use special squares or any other kinds of complicated tools. All you need is a tape measure and an ordinary tailor's square. You will notice as you go along with our system that it is based on all straight and definite points. For example, take the Bust line, Waist line and Hip line. These represent the circles of the three main parts of the body. In calling your atten- tion to the facts concerning these three lines, we are convinced that you understand what we mean when we say that in finishing a garment these three lines must be in tlieir right places. Take notice also of the back line which is the main point where we apply our measures or regular pi'ojjortions. For the regular size use tlie oG in. measure for Beginning scholars, which, divided by two equals 18 in. We are using the half 9 in., the third 6 in., the fourth 4-V2 in., the sixth 3 in., the eighth 2-^/4 in. and the twelfth I-V2 in. Notice that these proportions will be found on. any regular square whether from 32 to 44 inch sizes they are marked always by halves which means that if, for example, you cut size 40, use 20 for any proportions, or if you want size 34, use 17 and so on for any size. In connection with this explanation scholars should be well posted on the regular tailor's square. We have also an illustration that shows how to take measures. You will see in this illusti-ation that we use very few measures but these must however be taken very carefully to avoid mistakes. Notice the main measures that we take are the Bust, tlie Waist length, hip and the one that starts from the center of back neck to the point of the Bust down to Waist front. Remember that this last measure is one of the particular points of our system which denotes the high Bust, low bust and the perfect pose of woman whether stooped or straight. This you will find in the course of our system. As these are facts based upon years of experi- ence we beg our scholars to be careful and pay particular attention to these things. If you follow our intructions you will see for yourself that in fitting a garment you will have no trouble, no twisting, no wrinkles of any kind, but a beautiful hanging garment. HOAV TO TAKE MEASUREMENTS. The correct fitting of a garment depends entirelj' on the manner applied in taking measurements from the person for whom it is made and it is for this reason tliat we have founded the Pecori System on a basis of simplicity, which requires only the principle and necessary measurements for cutting garments. With the diagrams on the op- opposite page we illustrate tlie front and back of a lady. Always take the measurements from the back first. Measure from No. 2 to 9 for tlie waist length ; from No. 9 to 13 is the full length of a garment and from 5 to 7 for the width of shoulders. Then place your half at No. 7, come down to 14 for tlie elbow measurement and down to 15 for the full length of shoulder and sleeve. In the taking of these measure- ments from 2 to 9 for the waist length and from .5 to 7 for the shoul- der width, exceptional care must be taken as they are the most important part of the diagram. Exceptional care should also be taken in the following measurements for the front. Measure from 6 to 7 for the bust; from 8 to 10 for the waist and from 11 to 12 for the hip in each ease going completely around the bodj^ These are the three most important measurements j'or the front. We also give you another measurement. Place your measure on No. 2 of the back diagram, cross around the neck to 3, come down to the point of bust and down to 9. Remember that these measurements must be taken very accurately and j'ou will find in the course of practice that they give you the principle proportions of the lady. Also measure from 6 to 8 of the front diagram for the length from waist to arm hole and from 6 to 16 to 17 for the full length of sleeve. These are the main measures of coats and all garments running from shoulder down. MEASUREMENTS FOR SKIRTS. There are only 5 skirt measurements. Measure from 8 to 10 for the waist, from 11 to 12 for the hip ; from 9 to floor and 8 to 11 to floor for the length. Measure the back in exactly the same manner. These measurements must be taken very accurately to cut with Pecori 's system. e Lesson Diagram No. 1 illustrates the first lesson in a very .simple manner. You will find simplicity is tl;e most valuable part of this system. From A to B and from A to C is the regular square from which we will start our proportions, whether from a regular bust measure or from a full woman's measure. Having this scpiare before you, start to draw the following lines : from A to 1"] will be 6 inches, which will mean the dejitli, and from A to D, which is 15 inches, is the waist length, and from D to F, which is .'! inches, is the hip line. Draw a line from I'] to S, from 1) to X and from F to Y. As we are following the .']() IJust measure, half of which is IS inches, we will continue to follow the instructions according to the usual division. From 1) to (^ is Vs of the Bust meas- ure, which is 2"i inches and square down from A to Q. Place your square on the Q dot and draw a line from (.} to (1. AVe wish to call special attention that all the points will start from this line A, J, Q, K and G, which is the back seam of any garment cut with Pecori's system. From J to II is Vi; of the Bust measure and from (,) to 5 is the same— 9 inches. Draw a line from I to E. From 7 to G is 1/12 the Bust measure, which is I'l- inches. From 7 to 9 is 1/6, which is o inches, and from 9 to 8 is IVj inches. Place j'our square from 8 to S and drav>- a line down to Y. From S to M is 1/6, which is ."> inches. From li to N is V^, which is 2V>- inches. From If to AV, W to U and U to J are all 1/6, which is 8 inches. From .3 to 2 is Ms, which is 2':i inches, and from 7 to 10 is 1/(5, which is 3 inches. From 5 to () and from () to Z from 7 to lU is 1/6, which is 3 inches. From 5 to () and from to Z is 1/6, which is H inches. Diaw a line from U to Z to P and from W to II and you v^■ill have the comi)Iete diagram as you see it before you. As this diagram is tlie most jiast of our system you will have to be careful to carry the instructions to ]ierfection. All garments, from a shirt waist to a long coat and all other top coats, you will get from the same diagram, as vou will see in the followim;- ones. c .^.. S»- 2 n .!>■ .w y*r. M» •D •G cC Lesson No. 1 Lesson 2 In the second lesson we illustrate a coni]ilete tight fitting waist. You will notice that the under lines are identically the same as the ones in the first lesson, which you will use for all kinds of waists and coats as we have stated Itefore. Having a diagram of our fii'st lesson drafted completely, you will start to outline the waist that you see hefore you. From A to 2 is % or l^^^i in. From ^V to 1 is Y2 in. Curve from 2 to 1. From A to 3 is 1/G or .'3 in. From 3 to 33 and 44 will give yon exactly the back measure from waist down. Draw a line from 2 to 11. From 11 to 13 is 1/6 or 3 in. From E to 33 is l/G or 3 in. From 35 to 34 to 3() and 38 to 37 to 39 and 41 to 40 is 1/16 or V/s. Draw a line from 17 to 34 up to shoulder liiu'. from 17 to 36 and 11 to 37. From 13 to 15 is V2 in. Draw a line frorii 15 to 3'J, from 23 to 40, and you have the com- plete back. From IS to 19 is "-4 in. From 41 to 27 is 1/12 or IV2 in. Draw a line from 19 to 27. Measure from 23 to 40 and from 19 to 27, which should be equal. E^'rom 19 to 20, 21, 22 are 1/6 or 3 in. From 20 to 7 is 1/3 or 6 in. and from 7 to 10 is 1/6 or 3 in. From 7 to 6 and from 7 to 8 are 1/6 or 3 in. Place your square from 7 to 21 and draw a line down. Do the same tiling fi'om 6 to 20. From 20 to 12 is I's or 2^4 in. Draw a line from 5 to 12 and curve from 19 to 12 to 5 from 23 to 15 and you have your arm hole line. Curve your shoulder from 10 to 5. From 8 to 9 is 1/12 or l^l; in. Curve from 10 to 9 as shown in the diagram and get your neck line. Next we will show how to use the neck, bust and front waist measure. Measure from 1 to 2. Place your measure in the direction of 3 to 7 and come down to 25 which you will find that the regular size of 36 will measure 15. Follow again until you reach 2\\ which will give you the correct front waist measure of 211/:;, which is the regular size. From 27 to 42 is Vs or 2Vt in. From 28 to 29 is 1/12 or V'j in. Notice that 24, 25 and 28 are placed on the line that comes from (>, 12, 20, 24. The 25 is on the line of 7, 21. From 29 to 30 is 1/6 or 3 in. Draw a line from 24 to 42, measure distance and get the 28 in the right place. c Lesson No. 2 Lesson 3 The third lesson ilhislrates a senu-fitting coat with the seam run- ning' througli the shoulder in back and front with one side body. As yon see, the diagram is exactly the same as the first and second lessons. We also wish to call your attention to the fact that every garment that you cut in the line of coats and waists you will have to draft the simple diagram tliat we show j^ou in the first lesson. Follow instructions same as the previous lessons. A, 48, 49 and 60 forms your back seam. From 48 to 46 is 1/6 or 3 in. From D to 21 is Id or 4Vi; in. From 21 to 22 is 1/16 or IVs in. From 46 to 45 is VA or 1/12. From 4 to 5 is IVo in. or 1/ 12. From 22 to 26 is 411; or 1/4. From 24 to 17 is IVo in. or 1/12. From 17 to 15 is 3 in. or 1/6. From 15 to 16 is 1I. in. From 42 to 43 is % in. Draw a line from 4 to ()2, 5 to 22, 22 to 45 and from 26 to 43. Draw a line from 43 to 54 and from 40 to 51 to 52 to 54 must be half of the hi]D measure, which size 36 is 42. Fronj 42 to 41 is 1/12 or IY2 in. From 25 to 27 is 1/16 or 1% in. 27, 28, 29, 30, 18, 8, 9, 14, 13, 10 are same as jn-evious lessons. From 10 to ()9 is the same as 2 to 4. From 7 to 70 is the same as 5 to 16. From 30 to 33 is 1/6 or 3 in. Draw a line from 24 to 33 and idace 32. Draw a line from 60 to 32 and from 70 to 32. From 41 to 35 is V^ or 4Vj in. ]\Ieasnre from 26 to 43 and from 27 to 34 must be equal. Draw a line from 32 to"35 and from 27 to 34. From 35 to 36 is Vi or 41/2 in. From 32 to 36 must be equal to 32, 35. From 36 to 37 is Vs or 2Vi in. Draw a line from 13 to 67. From 67 to 66 is 'as or 2Vx in. Draw a line from 36 to 66. From 54 to 56 is 1/3 or 6 in. Place your scjuare from 35 to 56 and square down to 65. Draw a line from 84 to 54 and from 54 to 63. Allow 21,4 in. for button lap and your pattern is complete. Lapels can be high or low at wish. 28 is raised from the line. Square to 29. Draw a line from 25 to 29. Measure distance from 25 to 29. Get your 30 in tlie right place. Square from 34 to 45, 36 to 45, 37 to 45, 40 to 47, 39 to 46, 27 to 47, 42 to 48, 28 to 49, 29 to 49, 29 to 50 and 30 to 52. From 30 to 31 is 1/12 or IV^. From 52 to 53 is 2Vi in. or Vs. J^raw a line from 3L to 53. Place your square on dot of 31 and dot of 26 and draw a straight line up and you have com]ileted the center of the front. Allow IV2 in. or 2 in. for botton lap. The lapels can be made of anv stvle. c Lesson No. 3 Lesson 4 This diagram illustrates a semi-fitting coat with one piece back, one side body and a dart. This is cut on the same diagram with little moving of the two seams. A, 7, 3, 38, 47 are the back seam same as the previous coats. From 7 lo N is 1/3 or 6 in. From N to 10 is 1/12 or iy-2 in. From 10 to L is 1/(5 in. From li to PP is 1/16 or IVg in. From PP to to P to 1 is 1/6 or 3 in. From O, L, S, (}, K, G, T same as i>revi- ous diagrams. From 3 to 27 is 14 or 4Vo in. From 27 to 28 is Vs or 2Vi in. From 28 to 30 is 1/6 or 3 in. From 30 to 31 is 1/12 or li-; in. From 31 to 33 is Vt or AV- in. From 33 to 34 is 14 or 4V- in. Form 34 to 37 is i/s or 2Vt in. From 1 to 17 is 1/6 or 3 in. Draw a line from 10 to 17, from R to 56 and get your 18, which is the point of the bust. From 38 to 40 is % or 411; in. From 40 to 41 is 1/16 or IVs in. From 41 to 43 is Vi or 41/2 in. From 43 to 44 is 1/3 or 6 in. From 45 to 46 is Vs or 2^^ in. Prom 9 to 13 is 1/6 or 3 in. Draw a line from 13 to 27, from 14 to 28, from L to 30 and from PP to 31. Measure from II to 30 and from PP to 32 must lie equal. Draw a line from IS to 33, from 18 to 35, from 35 to 56, from 33 to 55, from 32 to 43 to 52, from 30 to 43 to 53, from 28 to 41 to 4!) and from 27 to 40 to 40. Curve fn.iii !! to 15. From 15 to 14 is ■Va in., and you have the complete sketch. Lesson No. -4 Lesson 5 In this lesson we illustrate the complete tight fitting coat. As you see, it is the same diagr-am as in the first lesson. Draw a diagram and start your division. A, 7, 3, 6, 5 are the same as in other diagrams. A to 9 same as any other shoulder. From 7 to 7 is 1/3 or 6 in. Prom N to A is i/s or 214 in. From <) to 10 is 1/12 or IVl' in. From N to 12 is 1/6 or 3 in. From 3 to 2(i is 1/12 or IH' in. Draw a Hue from 10 to 8, 26, 31 to 41 as is shown in the diagram. From 26 to 27 is 1/16 or 1% in. From 27 to 28 is Vs or 2^4 in. Draw a line from 8 to 27, from 27 to 32, from 32 to 40. From 13 1o N, 28 and from 28 to 33, from 33 to 53, from 53 to 43. From 13 to 12 is 1/16 or V/s in. Curve a line from 12 to 13 as shown in the diagram. From 28 to 29 is 1/12 or 1^ ^ in. From L to W is Vs or 2Vi in. From 29 to 30 is Vs or 2 '4 in. From \V to 14 is the same as from N to 13. Draw a straight line from 14 to 29, from 29 to 33, from 33 to 42. Draw a straight line from L to 30, from 30 to 34, 45. From 14 to 15 is ^L- in. Curve as shown in diagram down to II and you have the comi>lete back of the tight fitting. From W to PP is 1/6 or 3 in. From PP to 20 must be the same as H to 30. From 30 to 20 is 1/12 or 111. in. Draw a line from PP to 20, from 20 to 35, from 35 to 44. From 20 to 21 is 1/6 or 3 in. From 35 to 36 is M or 4li: in. Draw a line from 19, 21, 36 to 46. From 21 to 22 is 1/6 or 3 in. From 22 to 23 is 1/12 or IMi in. Draw a line fi'om 19 to 22 to 37 to 47. See that from 19 to 21 is the same as 19 to 22. From 23 to 24 is Vs or 2^/4 in. Draw a line from 18 to 23, from 18 to 24, from 23, 38 to 48 and from 24 to 39, 49. The front line is the same as in ]irevious diagrams and so the shoulders and all the rest of this garment. 4^- hi.- in..y___.^lf^ Lesson No. 5 L esson In this lesson we illuslrnlc Ji sliiil waist or a loose ,i;aruient oi' any kind. As you see, this is always llu- same system. We present tlieso diagrams to you to iiiii>i-<'ss nixui the scholars lliat no matter whai garments yon will cnl yon will use the same diai^ram as yon did in the first lesson. As you see A, ;i(l, ID, I'll. A to fj, ;;(l to in, 15, S, ;i, 11, lli are placi'ii on the same lines always. From .'111 lo IS is ^'j or !) in. Ki'om If) lo Id, IVom IS to 17 are ]/"24- or •'^i in. I^'rom 1(1 lo If) is l/G or 3 in. From 15 to 14 is l/o or (i in. Draw a line I'rom II, 14, '23. Allow 2 in. I'or button lap and draw a line from lo to 'J5 ni>, I'rom 10 to 11, I'l'om Id to ' a line all the way and you have a complete diagram of the 7th lesson. Lesson No. 7 Lesson 8 Lesson 8 illnstratos the regulav tailored sleeve. In cutting the sleeve you draw a square on a i)aper as is shown in the diagram from a to b and a to c. Prom a to 4 is 12 in. Square down from 4 to 20 and follow measures or division liy system. As we show the sleeve for a regular size 36 we will follov.- this diagram with divisions accordingly. From i) to 11 is 1/lG or V/s in. From 11 to 15 is V^ or 9 in. From 9 to 10 is 1/16 or V/s in. Draw a line from 10 to '22, from 11 to 21, from 15 to 3 to 18. Fom 15 to 14 is 1/6 or 3 in. From 15 to 12 is Vs or 2V4 in. Square 12, 13, 14. From 3 to 31 is i/s or 214 in. From 31 to 32 is 1/6 or 3 in. From 11 to 3 is 1/24 or % in. From 12 to 27 is 2/3 or 12 in. Draw a line from 27 to 6. From 23 to 24 is % in. Curve a line from 3 to oo to 7. From 24 to 25 is 1/12 or IV-^ in. Draw a line from 10 to 25 to 22. From 18 to l!) is Vs or 214 in. Draw a line from 17 to 22 and curve 7 to 20 to 22 accordingly. Curve 5, 31, 32, 9, 3 and you have the comidete sleeve as in lete tight-fitting sleeve. Lesson No. 9 Lesson 1 In cutting the skirt with Peeori's system wo start in the same way with a few simple lines as is shown in the first diagram. We are shown five straight lines which are called the front line, the hip line from waist down, the back line, the hip line around the hip and the waist line. From these five simple linos we show to our learners how to get all the skirts no matter what style or what fullness may be required. Very particular attention should be paid to tlie value of the five linos for tliey are the division of all the skirts as you will see as we go along with our illustrations. As we follow the 36-sizo garment which is 24 waist, 42 liip, front length 41, hip length 43 and 4372 back length. In starting place your square from A to B and from A to C and get your line correctly. From A to D is 1-3 or 6 in. Draw a line from D to E and that will give you the hip line which has to be kept straight all the time. From E to 2 is V2 or 9 in. Draw a line from A to 2 and you have the waist lino. From D to H is V2 the hip line or 11 in. Square down to I and up to G, 3 and you have a complete diagram of the Pecori system for cutting skirts. Lesson No. lO Lesson J I In the second diagram of the skirts we show you how to divi(h' a skirt in gores. Remember that the hip is divided in eight parts which half is four. In dividing these four parts use the same system as in first lesson and divide the hip line in four equal parts as we show here to be 21 in. In this way you will obtain all the parts from E, 10, 11, 12, B and so you square up from 10 to 2, from 11 to 4 and 12 to 6. As we have used 24 half of which means 12, divide it into 4 parts which will be 3 in. From A to 1 is 3 in. From 2 to 3 is 3 in. From 4 to 5 is 3 in. From 6 to 7 is 3 in. Draw a line from 10 to 1, from 11 to 3 and from 12 to 5 and you have the complete division of the hip to the waist. f 13 8 ••• 3^-^ 4 6 V i i^-^ "^ \ !H \ - __ ""\ - --\ ■■\ -• \\ iE. !i 10 k _\ U ?2__ _ 'J Lesson No. 11 Lesson 12 In tlie third diagram wo have a drawing of the sl\irt complete. Draw your diagram as in the previous lessons which will give you the com- plete part from the hip to waist which is A, D, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, F, B, E, 8, 13, 12, G. Draw a straight line from 2, 8, 14, 4, 13, 16, 6, 12, 18. If you want a skirt 2-V-2 yds. wide around the hottom take half which is 1-Vi or 45 in. and divide in 4 parts. Start from C to 15, from 14 to 17, from 16 to 19 and from 18 to IT. Draw a line from 8 to 15, from 13 to 17, from 12 to 19 and from G to H and you will have exactly the same diagram as is shown in this lesson. I also wish to call your attention to the hip line which in many cases you will find high or low hip as you see from 9, 10, 11. Lesson No. 12 Lesson 13 In Lessou 13 we show yon a diagram showing how to cut the high hips. Square A, B, C, F, 8, 9, 10, G, H, E, 11, 12, 13, 14, 17, D, 16, which are tlie same as the previous diagrams. Take notice. The X sliown in the diagram denotes the hip measure. This measure taken to the floor in general you will tind is l\'j in. difference from the front. If you should find this measure any longer than IVi; in. add just as much from 9 to 4 and raise your waist line as is shown in the diagram. This is the reason that we take all the measurements for skirts from waist to the floor and in the same way. You will find the ditTerence in back and front seams. If you find that a lady is longer in front than back raise the waist line accordingly. Lesson No. 13 Lesson 1 4 In the 14th lesson we are ilhistrating the nine gored skirt half pleated all around. As you notice it is cut with the same diagram as you have in previous lessons. Draw a line from B to A and B to F. Prom A to 1) to C, from D to E to 10 are the same as the last lesson. From A to 1 and from D to 11 is the width of the front i)anel. This panel can be made 4, 5 or 6 inches at will. Divide 11, 12, l.S, 14, F> into 4 equal parts or any number of gores you wish in the skirt. If you want a seven-gore skirt divide in three; if you want a tive-gore skirt divide in two. From A to 1 is 1/12 or IVo in. From 2 to 3 is a fourth part of the remainder of the waist measure which is 24 in. From 4 to 5, 6 to 7, 8 to 9 are the same. Draw a line from 1 to 11, from 2 to 11, from 3 to 12, from 4 to 12, from 5 to 13, from 6 to 13, from 7 to 14, from 8 to 14, from 9 to E, from E to 30 to 47. From 14 to 45, 14 to 43, 13 to 42, 13 to 39, 12 to 39, 12 to 38, 12 to 36, 11 to 33 and then mark youi pleats. The ones we are showing are 15 in. and they are 2 in. deep. From 16 to 15 is 2 in. From 33 to C is 21/2 in. From 16 to 17, 18, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31 are the same as from 16 to 15. Lesson No. 14 Lesson 1 5 In the loth lesson we will illustrate how to cut a cirtmlar skirt. Notice that we are cuttino: this skirt on tlie same diagram that is used by Pecori's system. We are contident that yon will agree with ns that this is the easiest, the best and the perfect way to ent a circular skirt. With years of exjjerience we have found that in cutting this skirt fol- lowing our instructions yon will never fail to get a perfect circular skirt. Draw a square A, B to ('. Get your lines D to E, A to 8, A to F same as the previous ones. Divide your hip measure in 4 equal parts and so the waist line iji 4 parts getting size 3fi which the waist measure is 24 and hip measure is 42 yon will tiud that from D to 9, from 9 to 10, 10 to 11, from 11 to E are 51/2 in. From 8 to 1, from 2 to 3, 4 to 5 and from (> to 7 is 3 in. Draw a line from 1, 9 to 12. From 3 to 13 touching 10, 5 to 14 touching 11 and 7 to 15 touching E. Cut from 16 to 9, from 17 to 10, from 18 to 11 close 2 to 1, 4 to 3, 6 to 5 and you have a perfect circular skirt as we are showing in the Kith lesson. Lesson No. 15 Lesson 1 6 In illustrating Lesson 16 we will call the attention of our scholars to tlie fact that A, C, B must be always placed on the straight of the j^oods tliat forms the front jiart. This circular skirt is from the hip down giving the jterfect hanging. Wishing to have a fuller skirt, the fullness will start from the waist up cut open 5, 6, 7 and 8 at the amount of the fullness you may want. Keep 1, 3, 4, which is the waist measure always closed. This skirt can be made of any style or design either double or triple. As we are not following styles but the more im- portant points of fitting garments we give you tlie foundation of every- thing concerning ladies' garments which over that you can copy or create from French or domestic models. Lesson No. 16 Lesson 1 7 In Lesson 17 we illustrate the sideways safety riding skirt. This skirt is the newest design, for it has been created over Pecori's system. This skirt has been made and worn by one of Chicago's most popular society debutantes and has met with perfect success by the best riding class. As you see by our illustrations that we have tried to simplify so our scholars will have no trouble in cutting and fitting the skirt. Start the square as you did in previous lessons from A to B to D. From A to C is V2 or 9 in. of the regular size 36. Square a line from C to E which is the full extent of the front ]iart of the skirt or 40 in. From C to 15, from 15 to 14, from 14 to 12 and from 12 to E is divided in 4 equal parts 10 in. Square from 14 to 7. from 15 to 9 and from 12 to 5. From A to 10 is l-(i or 3 in. From 10 to 8 is 1/4 or 10 in. From 8 to 4 is 1/12 or IVo in. From 10 to 11 is 1/16 or IVs in. From 12 to 13 is Vs or 2^/4 in. Draw a line from 13 to 2 and from 5 to 1. From 6 to 2 is Vs or 2% in. From 2 to 3 is % in. Raise from 14 1/6 or 3 in. Outline from 11 to 4 and from 4 to 6 to 3. Below from P] Vs or 2^4 in. From A to B is 38 in. or the length of the skirt. Draw a line from D to 2 to 16. From I) to 17 is 36 in. From 17 to 16 is 12 in. F'rom c to 18 is 1/6 or 3 in. Draw a line from 10, 11, C to 18. Outline from 4, 13, 17 and from 13 to E as shown in the diagram and from E to 16 and you have the complete part of the front of the skirt. 1 2 3 Lesson No. 17 Lesson 1 8 In the 18th lesson we illustrate the hack part of the riding skirt. Square from A to B to A to C. Prom A to D is 9 in. Square from I) to E. From D to 15 is V2 or 9 in. From 15 to 14 is '4 or 41/2 in. From 14 to 13 is 14 or 4V2 in. From 13 to 11 is 1/6 or 3 in. From 11 to E is 2/3 or 12 in. Ih-aw a line from 14 to 4 and 14 to 22. From A to C is 38 in. Square from C to 20. From 10 to 4 is Vs or 2Vi in. From 4 to 5 is 1/6 or 3 in. From 9 to 3 is 1/6 or 3 in. From 3 to 4 is 1/4 or 41/2 in. From 22 to 24 is 1/2 or 9 in. From 22 to 20 is 2/3 or 12 in. From C to 23 is 2/3 or 12 in. From A to 6 is V4 or 4V2 in. Draw a li)ie from 6, 15 to 23. Draw a line from 5, 15, 1.9, 24. From 13 to 12 is Vs or 2% in. Draw a line from 3, 12 to 27. From 1 to 2 is 1/16 or D/s in. From 12 to 3 and from 12 to 2 must he the same length. Draw a line from 2, A to 12. From A to 7 is 1/3 or 6 in. From 17 to G is 20 in. From G to 26 is 1/6 or 3 in. Di-aw a line from 2 to 7, 7 to E to G to 26. Curve up to 27, come down to 20 and you have the complete back of the riding skirt. Lesson No. 18 Lesson 1 9 111 tho lllfli lesson we will ilhistrale riiliiii;' bloomers. Follow in- structions as nsnal. S(|uare from A to H and from A to C. From A to R is 1-3 or 6 in. From E to F is M> or 1) in. From A to D is 1-6 or 3 in. From A to G is the len.i^tli of the knee 22 in. From G to H is Vs or 214 in. From II to T is 1-12 or 1-'^. in. From I to J is !-(> or 3 in. From J to C is 1-12 or 1 V-j in. Square from D to (i, from F to 14, from F to 23, from J to 32, from H to 33, from 1 to 43, from J to 4(i and from C to 4S. From A to 2 is 2-3 or 12 in. Draw a line frcmi 2 to 4i». From 12 to 10 is 1-3 or 6 in. S(|nare down from 10 to 52. From 12 to 13 is Vs or 2^1 in. From 20 to 21 is l-li or 3 in. Square from 13 to 21. From 21 to 15 is Vs or 2V4 in. From 21 to 22 is l/fi or 3 in. Draw a line from 13, 15 to 22. From 4!) to 48 is l-(i or 3 in. Draw a line from 42 to 48. From 4!l to 51 is 1/6 or 3 in. From 111 to 25 is Vs or 2^4 in. Draw a line from 25 to (il. P'rom 12 to 11 is '4 or 4'-; in. From 19 to 17 is l-() or 3 in. Draw a line from 11, 17 to 18, 25, 28. From 27 to 28 is 1-16 or 11/h in. Draw a line from 28 to 38 and from 28 to 41, 51. From 32 to 31 is 1-16 or IVs in. Draw a line from 22 to 31 to 34, 46, from 31, 43, 48. From 22 to 23 is 1-6 or 3 in. From 23 to 24 is Vs or 2% in. Draw a line from 24 to 31. From 10 to 9 is Vi or 414 in. From 7 to 8 is V2 or 9 in. From 20 to Ki is l-() or 3 in. Draw a line from 3 to 16, from KJ to 8, from 8 to 9, from 9 to 18, from 18 to 29 to 37 to 45 and you will have a complete diagram of riding bloomers. Remember that these are regular titting bloomers which from the same diagram you can cut all kinds, tight or loose fitting. Lesson No. 19 Lesson 20 IjPssoh :2II sliow.s a ilia.ni'ain of a douhlc-lircastcMl ridin;;' ciiat. Fol- low iiistnuiions as in previous lessons. A, H, (', K, G, I, 2(5, 42, 43, 63, 15, 14, 12, 11, ](), 9, 2, 25, 22, 21, 28, 37 are the same as any other coat diagram. From 42 to 41 is 1/12 or IVo in. From 41 to 39 is 1-6 or 3 in. Fi-om 39 to 38 is V4 or 41/0 in. From 38 to 37 is 1/6 or 3 in. From 37 to 36 is Vi or 41/2 in. From 36 to 35 is Vs or 2Vi in. From 34 to 33 is 1/6 01- 3 in. From 32 to 31 is Vs or 214 in. From 43 to 44 is 2 in. From 44 to 4(i is Vs or 214 in. From 47 to 45 is 1/3 or 6 in. From 47 to 48 is 1/16 or 1/16 or IVs in. From 48 to 36, 56 is 6 in. Draw a line from 36 to 55, 55 to 35, and get your 34, 54 line. From 54 to 53 is 1/6 or 3 in. From 53 to 51 is 1/12 or 1 V2 in. Draw a line from 32 to 51, 52. Draw a line from 33, 53. Curve up to 32, 29, 33, 29, .34, 37, 3(5, 27, 23 to 37, 48, 49, 58, 24, 38, 47, 49, 57. From 25 to 18 is Vs or 2i/;i in. Curve from 18 to 24. From 16 to 17 is 1/12 or IV2 in. Curve from 17 to 41 to 44, 61, 18, Vi; in. below the 17. Close with the hack to 39, 45, 62. Get your shoulder fi'om 15 to 16 and your neck from A to 15. Draw a line from 3 to 21. Curve from 2 to 3. From 20 to 19 is 1/16 or IVs in'. Draw a line from 19, 9, 3, 21 to 20. Get a dart 2 in. deep between 20 and 19. From 9 to 8 is Vs or 2i/i in. From 21 to 4 is 9 in. Draw a line from 21 to 4. From 28 to 30 is 1/6 or 3 in. for button lap. From 4 to 5 is 1/12 or 11/2 in. Shai)e la])el 4, 5, 7, 30, 31 and you will have tlie com- plete diagram of tlie tight-fitting riding coat. 61 62 63 Lesson No. 20 Lesson 2 1 111 Lesson 21 wo sliow you three garments at tlie same time, a cut- away coat, a Prince Albert coat, and full dress coat. Notice that the to]) i'rom the waist up are exactly the same as in Lesson 20. Draw a diagram and start to get the neccessary points to get your skirts, '^riie one outlined witli the heavy line is a cut-away coat. Get your point on the diagram A to B, E to F, G to II, I to J, K to L. From I to K is 3 in. or !/(). Get your 15, 27, 47, 54, 57, (i(i, 17, 4fi, 53, 56, 62. Notice that 45 to (U, 4S to 65 and 44 to 64 are inlaid. Get your 18, 26, 42, and place your 43. C'urve from 43 to 55 to 63 and 43 to 41. . From 41 to 37 is i/s or 2V4. Dart down to 52, 41 and 52 to 37. From 38 to 36 is i/s or 4VL. in. Fi'om 36 to 34 is '4 or 4V-j in. From 36 to 34 is 1/4 or 4-y2 in. Fi-oni 31 to 34 is 1/16 or 1-Vs in. Draw a line from 38 to 36 and 36 to 34. Curve down to 61, 63. From 38 to 39 is 1/24 or % in. and you have the skirt of the cut-away coat. The Prince Albert skirt is the same with the exception of a small change in the front. From 36 to 35 is Vs or •2-Vi in. From 35 to 30 is % or 2-% in. Square down from 35 to 16, from 30 to 58, from 58, 59 to 64 and you also have the Prince Albert skirt. The Full dress skirt. From 34 to 49 is 1/12 or I-Y2 in. From 49 to 50 is Vi or 4-% in. From 36 to 50 is Vs or 2-^4 in. Draw a line from 50 to 61 and you have the full Dress skirt. j>i^::::.Mm Lesson No. 21 Lesson 22 The '2'2m{ Lesson illustrates a raelau. Notiee tiiat we liave the same dia.yram as in the first lesson. Square A, B, C. Get your D, E, F, 21, 8, (5, 4, 7, :?, 9, 10, 15, 22, 39, 32, 4(1, 12, 13, 11, 14, the same as the i>revious diagrams. From 22 to 20 is '^A or 9 in. From 20 to 19 is 1/12 or 1-Vo in. From 19 to 18 is 1/6 or 3 in. From 18 to 17 is 1/3 or 6 in. From 17 to 16 is V2 or 9 in. From 32 to 31 is Vo the hip measure or lU-Vi- in. From 27 to 28 is 1/12 or 1-Vo in. Draw a line from 24, 28, 31, 38, from 23, 27, 31, 39, from 12 to 20. From 23, 15, 4 and from 4, 3, 2 as sliown in diagram. Draw a line from 7, 17, 34. Draw a line from 17 to 37, from 17 to 2 and from 2, 16 to 33. Cut between 1 and 2 as far as 17. Close 34 to 37 and you will have exactly the same diagram as you see in the picture. Wishing to cut the sleeve as shown in diagram draw a line from 28 to 5. From 28 to 5 is 18 in. From 29 to 28 is 9 in. or V2 and it must be always from 22 to 20 and from A to 5. Square down from 5, 11, 14 and from 5, 9 to 15 and you will have the top of the sleeve. Remember that with the same dia- gram you can cut all kinds of loose coats with or without the sleeve running to the slioidder. ^^ Lesson No. 22 Lesson 23 In Lesson 23 we are illustrating a diagram of a cajie. If you notice the cape is out on the same diagrams of the coats with the ex- ception of a little changing on the shoulder. Draw a square A, B, C. From A to 1), is (i in. or 1/3. From A to 19 is the waist length or 15 in. From 19 to 18 is Vs or 2-% in. Draw a line from A to 18 and get your 15. From 15 to 16 is 9 in. From 1(5 to 17 is 9 in. From 17 to E is Vs or 2-14 in. Square up from 16 to 3 which is 9 in. and draw a line from 3 to K. From 3 to 9 is ^4 or A-V-i in. Fi'om A to 13 is Vs or 2-^4 in. From 13 to 12 is % in. Place your square from 12 to 9 and draw a line from X. From 6 to 5 is 3 in. From 6 to 4 is 2-^/4 in. Square from 5 to 2 to 4. From 1 to 2 is 1/12 or 1-Vl; in. Draw a line from 1 to K and you have the front line. From 3 to 7 is 2-^/4 in. Place measure and curve line from K to K. From 9 to 10 is Vs or 'l-Vi in. Place measure on 10 dart and compass from X to X and you have the complete cape 24 in. long size 36. Remember that over the same dia- gram you can cut all cajies whether circles or fitted over the shoulder. Gap Z4 inches bona (Size (3(5 Lesson No. 23 Lesson 24 In Lesson 24 we will illustrate diagrams of collars. Number 1 shows a strictly tailored collar. Square A to B to C. Prom A to C is 1/6 or 3 in. Draw a line from G to D. From 1) to E is 1/12 or l-V^ in. From C to G is Vi or 4-V2 in. From C to F is 1/16 or l-Vs in. Draw a line from E to G to C, from G to F, from II to B and from B to E as shown in the diagram and you have the perfect collar. In the second diagram we will show you how to cut the straight or waist collar. Draw a liagi-ani from A to C. From C to F is ^s or 2-i4 in. From D to E is 1/24 or •*4 in. Draw a line from C to E and from F to B and you liave the correct standing collar for the waist. Number three is the storm collar. S(|uare A to B, A to C. From A to C is 3 in. Draw a line to D. From D to E is '^/\ in. From C to G is 2-14 in. From C to F is 1/16 or 1-Vs in. From F to II is 2-V4 in. I'rom A to 4 is 1/24 or % in. Place your square from F to 4 and draw a line up to M. As we are cutting this collar ^-V-i inches or you can cut it 3 or 6 inches you will always measui-e from F to M. We call your attention to the fact that your heighth starts from F, H, E. From A to K is 1/6 or 3 in. Curve a line from H to () and from () to N. Fom A to 1 is 1-i/s in. Draw a line from II to I, N. From Q to R is % in. Curve from N to R and from R to P> to E and you have the complete storm collar to perfection. Lesson No. 24 Lesson 25 Lesson 25th is a diasiram illustrating a Sailor collar and ' ' dickey. ' ' Square from A to B and from A to C. From A to B is 7 in. From A to C is 18 in. From A to 2 is V4 or 4-il. in. From A to E is 1/3 or 6 in. From F to (t is Vs or 2-i4 in. Square from F to F. Square from C to 1). From C to 12 is 2-i4 in. From D to 11 is 1/12 or l-Vo in. From G to 10 is l/o2 or % in. Draw a line from 10 to 12 and from 6 to 12. From i) to S is 1/16 or l-Vs in. From 3 to 5 is 1/24 or % in. Curve a line from 2, 5, (i, 10. Draw a line from B to 11 and from 6 to 11. From F to 4 is 1/1 (i or 1-Vs in. From (5 to 4 is the shoulder seam. The dotted line from- 12 to 1 shows the inlaid of the "dickey." The sailor collar is -i-Vo in. deeji but can be made 6 or more and the same in the width Init never change the center diagram which is the circle around the neck to perfection. Lesson No. 25 Lesson 26 We will illustrate three diagrams. The first one is a plain dia- ifram over wliicli you can cut all circle collars of different shapes. Square A, B, I. From A to E is 2/3 or 12 in. From E to G is 1/12 or l-Vo in. From (I to C is Vh or 2-i/4 in. From C to I is 2/3 or 12 in. Square from E to F, from G to 11, from C to D and from I to G. From E to 30 is i/s or 2-Vj in. Square down to 7. From (i to 4 is 1/16 or l-i/s in. From C to G is 1/24 or % in. From I to X is Vs or 2-1,4 in. From A to B is 7 in. Di-aw a line from (i to X, from P> to J. Curve from E, 5, (i. Tlic line that goes from 5 to F is the shoulder seam. Over this diagram you may cut and shape any collnr you wish as we are going to illustrate in diagram 2. In diagram 2 we illustrate two collars. Draw your lines I), C, B, J, H, F, 4, 5, 6, 2, 3, A, 9 which are the same as in the first diagram. The first collar is 9 in. deep in the hack point as you see from D, I, G, E, 8, 6. The small collar that you see in the diagram is I-V2 in. wide as you see from 1 to 7 to D and so you can cut them any shape. In diagram 3 we show a hood which is drafted the same as the first. Square A, B, C. From A to E, G, C, 3, 5, 7, D, H, F, B are the same as the first diagram. From B to I is 1/6 or 3 in. Draw a line from A to 2 crossing 1 which is 12 in. Cur.ve E, 5, 6, 7 down to 2 as diagram and you will have a perfect hood. '5ho" idef -^o. cri ri Center of bach -A> O O •-< « ^ Lesson No. 26 E A, JANNOTTA & CO. 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