PS 3503 .E212 P7 ***** l or* *0 4 o X < 4 o ***** H V ^ 'WSJ* c*^n : <^ V * * * ° o > X / 5 31 Ureciott* Qzxvzl BY Henry Sylvester Bedaine of illinois Commemorating The Events op Saturday, July Fifth Anno Domini Nineteen Two and Other Pleasant Impressions it*.*. THE LIBRARY OF CONGRESS, Tvvo Copies Reosivfd rtoPVRrOHT ENTPY CLASS ft^XXc. No H- t> 4*4' ♦ ♦ 4* ♦ •!• PRECIOUS J E, WEL •§• ♦ 4? My cousin's home we reached ere long, Rosalie Hodges' place; For eighteen circuits 'round the sun,. I had not seen that face; But that glad smile of sweetness was recalled from bygone years — Years checkered well with good and ill, with gladness and with tears. Oh, when we sever earthly sight, let parting give us pain ! Who knows the times or seasons till our hands shall clasp again? Will fleeting human nature, dipped in life's unceasing stream, Sink 'neath the sea of aeons ere we catch another gleam ? fTTTTTTTTTTTTT ^T PRECIOUS J E W E, t. *$? *fa *Sh In Mr. and Mrs. Hodges' home were two cute little bovs. Whose bright and witty sayings added mirth to all its joys. I took the younger on my knees, and asked whom he loved best — Mary or me — and his reply accepted as a jest. In this fair home five hours were spent — no better hours could be — And just as we were taking leave, Miss Mary said to me: (?) "How handy if you Springfield boys could harness up a mule ! " When I was pleased to show her I had studied in that school. 4j? ^t? ff? fjh *$• *$? fj!? fj* *$* •$• *$* *$• *$• *V *V «A PRECIOUS JEW E, L, ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■MBMHBaiinHHMHHHMHB f$? f^* ^>K And when we passed the cherry trees, say, did we take a one? We didn't chop with hatchets like young Georgie Washington, Or Carrie Nation, latter-day; but, lest the truth be blurred, Don't ask about the ripened fruit, and we'll not sav a word. - We made the lilies bow their heads while we were passing by; But the buggy wouldn't tip at all with wheels toward the sky. We plucked the elder blossoms till the shrubs, I know, felt vexed; The wild strawberries wondered, too, what could be coming next. precious jewel ♦ 4? 4p We visited a mansion on a hill just to the right; But couldn't wait for supper on that lovely summer night, Though we liked those dear young people, who insisted that we stav, For other cousins we must see, and that all in one day. When we had driven half a mile, upon this thought we "hit:" Perhaps we'd better turn around and go back to DeWitt. DeWitt is just a lovely place — tall, waving, shady trees, Inviting to the traveler as they catch the even- ing breeze. fj? Hp fj* *Sp fj* fj? fj* *? •?• fj* •!• •?? ff? •* fjp PRECIOUS JEWEL 4» •$•'•£ While resting on the public square, the people all came down And wondered what great personages were visiting their town. We called upon the hardware store ; we saw the train rush through, And Mary greeted "grandpa," 'cause her "grandpa" loved her, too. We turned our faces homeward soon; the town was lost from sight; I knew her mamma wouldn't scold for being out that night — Her escort was so very good (bold vanity avows) — Not that; — sweet mothers gentle heart no unkind word allows. - #W» fffl* #«• *f« #$* ' t PRE.CIO.V8 JEWEL Tjk- *§&■ *& The, silver stars with tender eyes peered through ethereal blue; Earth donned the beauties of the night when kissed by twilight dew, And all was silence, rest and peace — each weary toiler slept, Save one who waited for her own, and loving vigil kept. We reached the home — sweet home — at last, where greetings were so kind It seemed like painting roses since the trip we have in mind. Perhaps the story better close; — if prince or king should see The things recorded heretofore, he well might envy me. 4» a Epilogue Raping tfye glory of <0o6: anb t^er ligtjt mas like unto a stone most Qn5 tfyey s^all be IHine, * * * * * in tfyat bay wfyen 3 make up my 4. *V .♦- kffiHEN the Master comes for jewels bright, lAJI to claim them for His own, If chosen to select the best from the richest T have known, I might bring them by the hundred to His feet and lay them down, But Fd set this Precious Jewel in the center of His crown. Though angels speak of jasper walls with chalcedony rare; With sapphire, topaz, emerald, in rich pro- fusion there ; The seventh stone a chrysolyte; the eighth foundation, beryl — The City's gates through which we'll pass arc made of living Pearl. * fj? *J» *,* •?• •$• *T 4* *V *T *T * * * * •* *.* PRECIOUS JEWEL mfm #m »>?/+ Cast down your gold of transient worth, in which your pride may trust; Resolve your carbon diamonds to their first primeval dust — Know thou, mankind, sweet character, the one unfailing prize; The only gem you'll carry hence to set in vonder skies. If you wish a glad example of rare sweetness, truth and grace, Exalted wings of cherubims spread o'er its holy place, With kindness, love and mercy, pure as dew upon the flower, This Precious Jewel you should see on any day or hour. o. - 0* •4 °^ V**rrV .«* \ ^ ^ **j ^°^ 6°. Jim.** °* * • • a XL H©< .V