Vw lc?L.rk/H or A RECORD n 1 1 1 L LANDS AND PAST DESCENDANTS OF Henry and Anne Clark WHO SETTLED ON THE lIEADIiUANCIIE - i>l WlILPl'ANY RIVER, UOXITICUS, OLD HUNTERDON COUNTY. NEW JERSEY. IN THE YEAR 17i'S. Collected and Arranged h\ HENRY SPENCER CLARK. Patersox, N. J. C K.vMKiJ .Ji!.. lj(«)k' A.vi) L\)MMi:i{c lAi. Prixtixi; Ai'Rii. I'Hi'). J' U4.i4'i In the Year 1716 Three adjoiniiiff survey's made to Col John Evans, Charles Brockden and Wilfiam Penn, of P}iiladelphia, Pa., recorded in Surveyor General's office, Buriinji:- ton, N. J. To Evans 1666 acres from which (1728) a tract of 563 acres was taken from northwest corner. Brockden's(ii4 acres on south had a tract taken (1754) of 506 acres in two lots along north, hounded on south by Morristown road and on east and west by three roads leading from said road north to Brook- side. A tract of 277 acres (1757) from southwest corner of Penn's 3750 acres joined 563 acre tract along on north. Western boundaries of these sxirvr\'- and tracts form base line beginning at first cross roads east of Mendham, runs due north through Grey's Hollow, I'So chains to old tree corner. Whippany River has its source in two main branches — east branch two miles long, rises at east Ml. Freedom, runs southwest, crossing southeast corner 277 acre tract, enters northeast corner ^(^i acre tract, bends due south at head of Dismal Glen through whii ii ii flows one mile to junction with west liranch, which, rising at West Mt. Freedom, runs southwest, hends south and at crossroads unites with branch from W.St thrnnch Grey's Hollow and small branch from [,.i((li '-r small bro'"""'' fimn -, nil: ^nli nf Cold llill iiuptics 111 at I'rooksjU'.: aiiu - 'iii uIl' i hmii> i.im liranch, now formiuK theWhippany, crosses northeast corner 506 acre tract east five miles from junction to Morristown. The road from Mendham to Mt. Freedom northeast nnoss =^f-^-. acre tract rrnssinj; a road from r.rooksid. .1... ^m ... :,i forms -- •.. .o. ic ,,n il,. ilii-. :- v>liO precede^ ^5>..^i r\"] ■i.-'tl,.,! 1,.. w(-lit in search of land on which i . s; tiii'. \\ em wcsl lizabeth to Morristown, tlun containing thif^ lamili'S. and Mendham, one follownl (ip ri\ 2 east branch to head of ^len and bend in branch where a few chains west from eastern edge of plateau a spring emptied into branch. At this spring, on plateau, found it would make a good fami with water power nearby, made a clearing, built log house, then returned to move out his family. Their nearest neighbors wore two families who soon after settled at head of branch — one named Cooper. For some years after they settled only a footpath to Mendham and Morristown. No record of this first purchase of land is known, but the date is fixed b\- other facts. In 1734 built frame house by side of log house and put an iron knocker on door bearing date. About 1750 assisted by son and sons-in-law, built dam and saw mill at head of glen. This dam yet standing firm as at first. Sept. 15 1754, bought the 506 acre tract of Charles Brockden (deed on small parchment). March 25, 1755, deeded to his son the 563 acre tract (deed on paper, witnessed by Andrew Patterson, William Boyd, Benjamin Pit- ney). Dec. 1st, 175'^), bought the 277 acre tract (deed on large parchment). In 1767 mortgaged saw mill with 62 acres to Robert Adams of Mendham ^storekeeper) for ;^250. May, 1768, deeded to grandson, Samuel Cozad, |r., 40 acres of southeast corner 277 acre tract (deed on paper). The 506 acre tract probably sold soon aftr-r i-nirrhase as none of his descendants are knwxM. I., i,.i». owned any "^ " Henry Clark . Sr., known as iiu i^on;; island Yankee," was born abo it 1690, died about 1770. Anne, his wife, born 1^103, died 15th Nov., 1756, and are Ituried in Hill Top Cemetery, Mendhain, with many (ifherq of tlirii di-srendants. Thc\ hnd three rhildron, .MMt;aii. .xiiHi-. Henry, jr. Abif^ail born i72'i-7, died 15th April, 1702, mar- •.,1 ried 1753 Nathaniel Doty, born about 1725, died 1810. Settled on 100 acres north apd east of cross- roads where he built a sawmill. Deeded farm to son 170^ iiil nvi-ri.d second, Elizabeth Lewis, noe Will lis, j^.i. ui •u lii rSii leavinpr a will, recordei in Liber A, pasje 337. Nathaniel Doty and his first wife had one child, Henry C. Doty, born 1754, died of dysentary abnut 1707. He married, in 1774, Mary Loree, born 1757, died prior to 1^20. They had Abig-ail '^:un';., The first was born 14th May, 1773, died 01 canci.r yth Dec., 1837: married, about 179^, Col. Wm. Pool, born 22d May, 1771, di?d ist April, 1836, and had Abij^rail. Nathaniel Doty married .\lfa Meeker. .\nna married Nathaniel Dickrrson. John L. Pheb:' married Potrr DirK-irsnn, II, ni. married Charity Clark . Mar\ married Samuel Nick- son. William, jr., married Phebe Pool. Col. Pool lived on the homestead of Nathaniel Doty. Sibillia, born 15th April, 1779, died 20th Jul_v, 1845, married 7th Jan., 1796, Daniel Lawrence, born i8th May, 1773, died 26th June, 1837, They had Henry. Eliza married Daniel Dalrymple. George. Mary married Elias Thompson, Philemon married Hannah Moo- ney. Julia married William Trimmer. Jemima. Samuel Tyler married > Margaret Trimmer. Daniel married Mary Mooney. William. Daniel Lawrence lived on northeast corner 277 acre tract. Anne, born 1729, died about 1775, married 1753 Samuel Cozad, Sr., born 1723, died i8ri. They settled in forks of west branch on 100 acre strip along west ol 563 acre tract and bounded east by north fork west branch. He bought this of Henry Clark, Jr., May, I7!=f5. Deed on paper, witnessed by Pater- son, Boyd and Pitney. About 1800 moved upon north side Cold Hill and built cider works. He became wealthy and vv'as for many years an elder in Hill Top church, Mendham. His will was made 15th Feb., 1806, recorded in Liber A, page 301. He married, about 1785, second, widow of Ezra Fairchild, nee Per- cilla Burt, born 1730, died 1825, Samuel Cozad, Sr., 'intl first wife had Anne, Samuel, Ir. H«Mirv C. Ahijjail. lilizjibi'th. Mary. Pht'b^ . Anii'j i ji;i 1754, died about 1825, married 1774, Nathaniel Bon- nel, Sr., died about 1820. They settled near the bend in north fork, and in 1804 sold the 52 acre tract to N. (-lark and moved op to head of fork, where they died, riiey had born 1776, died 1850, married '' >• '"^05, Rpulien Hulbert, and had Louis marri«>d I usu r J^ell. Fhebe married a Clary. 2d Louis, I^a- Forge. Elizabr*th married John Clark. Jane married IIenr\- Stage. I^.erthania married William Howell. IIenr>-, born 1777. Nathaniel, Jr., born 1779, died ist.\pril, 1868, married 1800 Mary Sturg^es and had Carmnn S. Mary. .Vbijj^ail. l^arnabas. Nathaniel, iMualinc. Kobert G. Martha A. Thompson, l>ojn 1782, died 182 -, married 1802 Massa Clark and had Charles married Jane Garbrant. John married Sarah Wycotf. Aaron H., married Elizabeth Waller. Hf-nrs married Mary Doland. Miranda married Pnnitl Millen. Lawrence and three others died youncf. yKaron, born 1784. Anne, born 24th March, 1786, died 3d Nov., 1865, married 4th Nov., 1804, Jacob Drake, born irth April, 1787, died 3rst Ma.-'ch. inrl hi I Rhoda married Peter Coe. I'.liphalet ninrri> .1 fnr.iliTM ^ir-wir* M'rr..-ir"t 7 marric' lohn Burnett. Catharirx married Jacoli ::)L(j\vart. William born 3d Au^., 1778, died 1844, married 20th April, 181 1, Elizabeth Conner, born rst May, 1794, died 5th June, 1882, and had lacob D. Aaron. Elizabeth, Jane. Phebe. William. Sqmre L. Charles F. Samuel Cozad, Jr,, born 12th June, 1756, died 3d March, 1822, mar- ried 28th March, 1785, Jane, daughter ot Elder Mcllrath, born 4th Oct., 1765, died 6th Oct., 1824. They, with many others, went, in 1796, to Redstone, Washington Co., Pa., and ten years after to Euclid, near Cleveland, Ohio, where they are buried. They had Jacob born 1786, Elias, born 1700, married Hannah Palmer. Anne born 1792, died 181 3, married John Carlton. Samuel, born 1794, died 1870, mar ried Mary Condid. Henry, born 1796, died 1813. Sarah, born 1799, died 1855, married WilliaiU Mather, second Jonathan Hale. Andrew, born 1801, died 1873, married 1825, Salley Simmons and had eight children, third one, Justus L., contributed his branch to this record. Nathaniel Clark , born 1S03, died 182S, married 1824, Ann Collier. Henry C, born 1758, di'd 1812, married 1792 Catharine Drake, nee Lozier, born 176-, died 1832 (one son Jacob l,)rake). by sec- ond marriage had four children, Eliphalet, born i6th April, 1794, ditd lotli Nov., 1863, marrieci nth M'ch, 1818, Polly A. Montgomery. Annf, dit-d voiinjj. Clatharine, lx)rn 22d March, 1801, died aSih Nov., iSu, married 17th Sep., 1817, WiUjam^ioufj- fand and had eij^ht children. Oliver, horn nth Jan.. iS,)S. (liinl fiih Sept. 1888. married igth Jan., iS,a, Jane Van Kirk, born i2th Nov., 1817, died iGth March, 1884. They had Henry. Caroline. Mary I'.llen. Ruth. Cassi-is C, Samuel W. (Oliver L., s )n of Henry, collected the Henry C. l)ranch for this record). Said "Henry C," about 1807, went to Washinjjton Co., Pa., where his descendants are yt,-t living. Abigail, married .Andrew and I'llizabeth mar- ric.l Thomas Mcllrath, (sons oi Eldtr McIIrath ot .Mendham. ) Mary. Phebe married Ziha Casterliu'^ Henry Clark, jr., (called Stuttering Henry,.) born 3d lune, 1731, died of paralysis, loth Jan., 1707, mar- ried 25th Jan., i75g, Mary Faugerson, born loth Miy, 172S, (li(Hl 17th March, 1762, and had Rev. Il2 acres in I7(^i 1 ucrese Mathi'i of M(^rristo\vn. ' ''ordwainer, ) :in i marri»;d second 23rd -Xug., I7^\^, ihe wi low of Samuel Loree, Sr., nee Sibillia Newton, born 173^^1, died 2gth Au_:., 1822, h"r will made 1820 Rec. in Liber C. l>v this second marriage had Nathaniel. Isnac. Anno. 1 Rev. H(?nry, born 26th Jan., 1760, died 3th Feb., 1S49, married 25th Feb., 1781, Mary, (daughter Jesse Smith,) born 6th May, 1761, died 5th April, 181 5. They settled on 100 A., near forks of road on small branch. The house he built 1785 burned 6th April, 1838- He was nine years member ist Church, Morristown, becQming converted to Methodism by Re/. Aaron Hutchinson of Flander's circuit. H*^ travelled and preached nearly fifty years, served in Revolutionary War, and had rare taste for reading and reminiscenses. John, born 26th Dec, 1781, died May, 1836, married 2pth March, 1802, Phene Roberts, born 31st March, 1782, died 12th June, 1853, they had Sally. Joanne. Albert. Horace Nelson. Joseph. Aaron H. Mahlon. Sylvester. Eli- zabeth. Maryette. Charles Henry. Massa, born 26th Oct., 1783, died 185-, married 1802, Thompson Bonnell, and had nine children. Jane, born 12th Jan., 1786, di^d 12th Feb., 184.9. Aaron H., born 3rd Sei^t., 1 70 1, died 27th Sep., 1794.. Anne, born nth Jan., 1784, died loth Oct., 1864, married 1822, James McLaughlin, born ist Nov., 1793, died lOth July, 1845, and had James, Jr. Jesse C. Susan, Anno. [esse S., born 5th Feb. 1708, died 20th May, 1873, marriea 1820, Sarah \'. Millon, born ■,j'.t i)er., 17^4, died loth N'o' narrir-l ^. ,-, • 1 ' • ars an i^Ickr. Thf'v had Sihillia C. Nancy. Henry. Henry C, Amzi. Isaac C. Phe'oc. Sf^ph'-n. Sil)illia C, born 13th April, 1797, died gth June, ii^7Q, married 1831, Stei^hen Carv , born , died loth April, I '^70, they had Anne 1^. William. Phebe M. Charles H. Edward P. Nancy, born 6th Sept., 1708, di?d 24th Nov., 1798. Henry, born 6th Feb., died 7th Febr., iSoo. Henry C, born 28th Nov., 1801, died 14th Feb., 1882, married 13th July, 1825, Eliza A. Corwin, and had Martha A, Emaline. W'm. (^ Sarah \'. .\mzi .\., b.jrn i8th July, 1807, died 2 1 St Nov., 1840, married Martha P. Fowler, and had Henry M. Isaac C, born ist Aufj., 1800, died 23rd March, 1879, married E. Y. Jacobus, and had Marianna, wife of R. ,\. Banla, Esq., of Orange, .\. ]., ^who furnished the P>each brand of this record.) Phebe C, born ulh Inne, 1811, died 17th l'\'b., 1883, married 20th .\ii.l(., 1835, Smith F. Crane, and had Elias IV Fred. Annie l'>. Mar\ \ . Amzi l'>. Wilber. Stephen, l)orn loth A})ril, 1813, died 8th \\\ii., 1816. The widow Loree — Clark, Ili'ifiw.l -}A llii, r -^ I I l'l!-;ln 1^'Trt. Qr. hi' (lied 2nd Febr., 1815. B,v first husband Samuel Lorce,' Sr., born 1729, died 21st March, 1762, married 1755, she had four children, Joanne, married John Johnson of Mt. Freedom, and had (1820) five surviving children, Samuel, Sibillia, Hannah, Lewis, Mar^'. Mary married Henr\' Doty, Samuel, Jr., married Sarah Price, and had (1820) eight surviving chil- dren. Jane, Marv, Elizabeth, Stephen, Lewis, Henry Doty, Sarah, Harriet. Elizabeth, born 1760, married Caleb Newton, born 1759, died 1840, they lived at Ronkonkoma, L. L, and had five or more children, Joseph, Nathaniel, one daughter married an Arthur, one a Benjamin, one married Isaac Green. '•■' Morris Co. was taken from Hunterdon Co. 1738. Mendham was called Roxiticus prior to 1749. Most of the early settlers in this vicinity came from England. The Cozad family were settled in Morris Co. 1742 — three brothers and one sister, she mar- ried Eliphalet Lewis of Roxbury. Samuel lived and died near Mendham. Jacob, born 1724, died 1812, at Mt. Olive, where he settled. Job, born 1726, died 181 5, at Branchville, N. ]., married Hannah Winans, and had ten children. Anthony lived and died in Somerset Co., married Katy Coon, and had ninr children. Of tho old land- marks on the 56^ A. Tract, only 4 remain, viz. Pond ^nd dnm at head of ^\on. old rho.stnnt treo at north "^nd base lino, hedge tencc in woods half mile southeast of cross-roads, niarkinp offset in south line, chestnut tree in northeast corner 563 A tract. 0{ mills, etc.. later and prior to iSo(\ there ^'^v f-idcr mill "f Philip Till, at head of ea^t urauch. saw mill ui i ools & McCord, above bend, on west branch nail factory of Oliver Lozier. ccx)per shop Carman Bonnel. cider works of Stephen Loree and M. S. Hulliert. The parchment and pa[v.n- deeds named in this record now owned b" '^- writer of t!-- i-.i-^'i who could have added '.o it much mori. 11 oiiurs of the descendants had taken equal interest. All tho main facts and dates here pfiven ar'^ correct, and have l>een collected with much diflicvilty, though a period of twent> y»ars. "Domestic hearths, ancestral records, iiail I Restored to lii^ht, I ijladlv vou salute." ^i% ', ■' 1 -%:^^ ''*■',; mM m^m \ ^! 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