V wSk ^^ uw! 1 BsB 1 UWAW^SSSf 0Q015140'1'^^ 9 *b o ^^" ■A ^-^ '%.. ^^^9''' ^V^^ > • o > ^ ,^ *• « ' o,^ ,v .^^ ^O. o > .f^ V s :^ .^>^ -/ _> "^ ( .^^ \'- -^f, c^ ♦ ^. V. •^- o o •:?s>A\ H o o V .^^ ^^. L^^- qV- , " o .%-<^^r ^Tii ■s..^ -! • ^ ^^ %^ v^ V-=^-\**^ ^°^--.^-%o' V-^'-> ^' .. .^ ^w. ' • • ' * V'' *> •C . Oil, } L? A * ■>*.- ? ^<^^ '^^ s ■ ' -^ S 1= iV^ .0' o ^ IK « <. X^T.. 4 O .0 ,^ ft'"' »«o' .^' '"'^. '"^' ^f -,- h- % "^-0^ > V * ' * ° <^o. .-!-■ "-.' c"^"" ^^^ <(.-' v>^ .^' c" '^.^ A o. . , 1 A ' t - vP (-J ^. ^- HO.. v>- *"^ %/ .-y^:-. V„.^ .;^>v, %/.-^^:-.%.o.' v -y^ ' o « o ^ Ky V' > V \' .f ^^ ,;<> .'%^ A o « o . '^ C 0' o f - « 51 "b V . p' - "-^ .0 o"""" "o « O > o « ' , V^ .-X' %• ,o 0' <<* .0^ ^. ■ ■- A 'v)^* .-^ ^ .•S^ \ ^>. > ^..^^ ,^^ir.^,^o ^o:^^s'^ ^ c • ~^- r ^, ^ • ^ V aV^ O " o -^^0^ ,^°^ c- . V \ \ V...*. J, ,-?^ '^^''o' ^-^'^ " o « o ' 0,> :# % A •V ,f <^ ■s^. '^.-r^ *^'^:* A. ^^^ •".< .^^\ LIBRARY of CONGRESS Two Cuples Received APR 4 1904 Copyrlffht Entry CLASS a. XXc. No. COPY 2' Copyright, 1904 BY RICHARD WYNKOOP \k .^^ INDEX OF THE WYNKOOP SURNAME. Abby J. (John Bailey) Abner (M. A. Wilson) Abraham (Esther Fisher, Marv Dyer) (Ruth'Hayr) (Hannah Norman). (- Berdan). (Susannah Albright) (Elizabeth Ellis)... Broadhead (1830-) Abram (Rachel Sharpe) (Maria Van Steen- berg) Ada Bell (1S57-) Adam (Marion Child) 0. Adelaide (1831-183: Adonis Crary (186 2-) Adriaan (Catharine Louw) . . Adrian (Sarah Randell) .... (1794-) " G. (Mary B. Yates). . Agnes " Farrar (1865-) Alasco (1837-38).^ Albert H., Rev. (L. W. Ly- man) I " L Alburtis Alexander (Volunteer) H. (1839-) Alfred, M.D. (Helen K. Cris- pin) H. (Amanda Tarrett) . Alice Almira (1856-80) " L. (Chas. Rockwell).... " P. (Cyrus Gates) Alida (Jonathan Eights) N? 949 1058 366 431 436 443 540 545 786 1458 176 288 1321 359 621 1344 1526 63 154 455 703 1 192 1108 1560 1347 257A 1766 626 1820 1462 767 1602 1315 1319 794 421 AHda (John P. Kimble) " (Henry Schoonmaker) . " (John Hover) (James C. Ferris) " C. (Garret N. Abeel) . . . " E. (Abram Sible) " M. (i860-) Allen W Almira (1803-) " A. (1831-) Alonzo (Catharine Miller) .... I. (Phoebe Heermans) Alvah K. (Ettie Aldrich) Alwina V. L. (1884-) Angelina (1866-) Anna, Anne, Annie. Antje (Johannes Swart) Anne (Isaac Van Metre) " (Christopher Tappen).. " (1743-44) " (Christian Meyer) Anna (1733-) Anne (Philip Swartwout).. . . " (B. Wynkoop 444) .... " (Wm. Fiero) " (James Raguet) " (1808-) " (1775-1849) " (m.) " (John F. Schoonmaker) " (Peter I. Hotaling) .... " (Abraham Turck) " (Isaac Van Cleve) " (1810-) " (1799-), " Annatje" . . . (1852-) (1817-), "Annetje". . . Anna Anne Annie Anne (John Bennet) . . . . Annie Blaker (1860-79). N9 553 562 568 760 602 1339 1638 597 778 768 631 777 1519 1404 1608 34 43 107 134 135 171 302 337 353 391 414 429 449 530 544 565 638 781 913 969 lOOI 1024 1744 1787 1582 VI Wynkoop Genealogy N9 Anne Eliza (Lansing Beebe). . 978 Anna Elizabeth (Rev. W. R. Terry) 50S " (JohnN.Wood) 1310 " G. (Dr. Anson Du Bois) 813 " J. (J. M. McNiel) 845 Annie M. (C. Van Vranken). . 632 Anna Maria (Samuel Hawley) 454 (1802-02) 651 (N. I. Rtibink- ham) 688 (T. I. Atwood).. 1219 (J. H. B. War- field) 1230 " (1833-) 1467 " May (1S69-1884) 1502 Anne Ragtiet (1813-53) 73^ Anna Roosa (DerriekC. 872). 846 " S. (H. H. Schoon- maker) 209 " Strong ( 1 880-) 1402 " Yerkes (1871-) 1257D Annetta (1835-) 1460 Anthony R. (Ellen D.Jansen) 480 Archimedes Burr (18 12-).. . . 782 Arriaantje (1761-1826), "Ar- ietta" 512 Arthur (1839-41) 1348 Asa (1838-) 990 " Rev. (1863-) 1500 Asenath (1829-32) 1004 Augusta Howell (1858-) 1600 Augustus (A. M. Silvester). . 213 " (Anna Whiting) ... 474 B. (1847-50) 1273 T. (1878-) 1401 W. (M. L. Talcott) 834 Avery (i860-) 1522 Beatrice 1745^ Benjamin (Phoebe Van der Heul) 8 " (Eunice Burr) 53 " (Catharine Boel) . . 169 (S.W.Sims) 175 (Grissel Frost) 178 " (1791-1821) 290 (1778-1789) 430 " (Hannah 337) 444 (1763-) 527 Booth (1853-) 1330 J. (M. E. Osborne). 1282 N. (R. W. Monge). 76s " (1869-) 1625c Bertha S. (Rev. E. D. Hardin) 1702 Brace ( 1 883-) 1723 N? Bradley (Margaret Harbon, Edith Havton).. . . 635 Bridget (W. H. Hall) 1056 Caroline (Thomas Waugh) . . . (E. S. Terry) " (John Divine) (1844-54) Belle (1861-) L. (1859-) Maud (18 53-) Slade Cassius M. C. (M. E. Robin- son) Catharine (167 1-) (1701-) " (Johannes Decker) (1707-) " (Lucas Elmendorf) " (1726-1746) (Matthew Persen). " (Joseph Gasherie) . " (Benjamin Post) . . (1757-) ;•••• (Gideon Welhs) .. . " (Jonathan Has- brouck) (1788-1862) (1762-) (1771-77) " (James Purdy).. . . Van der (Lawrence Dyck) (1764-) (Martin Van Ker) (John Newell) (James B. McNair) ("1857-63) (1786-96) (1864-) (Elba Hopkins) . . . -)■ (1852- (1863-69) (d. in infancy) . . . (Zelotes Watson) . (1783-) • Anne (1804-1805), B C. E L. R (T. M. Keese).. (H.S. Forward). (1S09-32) (A. T. Vansant). (1869-) (W. S. Buck- man) (1845-50) 356 623 691 "39 1475 976 1406 1700 1534 7 14 33 54 61 90 100 106 131 140 179 207 289 307 318 357 415 452 513 541 639 684 840 885 1035 1059 1149 1314 1334 1605 1804 1805 893 476 1579 1444 1161 1257c 1589 1272 VVynkoop Genealogy vu Catharine S. (1834-41) " (1831-) V. (182S-1887).... " (H. C. Wvlic).. Cecilia (R. E. Bailey) B. (A. G. Hammond). Charity M. (1862-) Charies (S. A. Buchanan) (Mary Magee) " (d. in infancy) " A. (18^0-51) B. (1881-) " S. (1876-) I S. (C. Carmichael) . . . T. (1862-) " W. (1871-) " W. (188Q-) Chariotte (1832-1838) (Charies Smith) . . . R. (Executrix) Christina (J. E. De Lamater) ("1738-1806) (Dr. Reading Beat- tie) Christopher E. (1847-) L. (C. M. Wvc- koff) Clara A. (1851-) /T^-O n>, '' V^J D.- D- Cart er)^. Clarence M. (i8s4-)---- ~ Claud B. (1873-) Cora ( Smith) CorneHa (Jan Van Dusen) . . . (1730-31) (Matthew Ten Eyck) (Edward Schoon- maker) (1871-71) (Peter Elting) " (John Kiersted) .... " (Benjamin Harden- bergh) " (E. P. Schoonmaker) (Samuel Griffin) ... . (John H. Dewitt)... A. (Daniel J. Wat- kins) M. (1818-33) " (Moses Woolsey). Cornelius (Maria T- Lange- dyck) .' " (Hendrika New- kirk) (Barbara M. Van Keuren) " (Helena Vande- grift) " (1699-1700) N.o 1430 1811 810 1584 1349 1306 640 679 940 637 1403 257F 1222 1 5 10 1610 1728 855 1812 1506 12 10^ 390 1469 103 264 265 351 518 570 595 898 783 1447 1456 9 28 44 50 N.o Cornelius (EHzabeth Vander Spiegel) 51 (Anne Schoon- maker) 114 (1742: d. young).. . 133 (1741-) 148 (m.) 164 (Abigail Osburne) . . 170 (1775-) ^^4 (1731-31) 291 (Alida Sharp) 35° (b. and d. 1758)- ■ • 3^3 (Margaret Fulton) . 365 (1762-) 368 (1756: d. in inf.)-. • 416 (Harriet Sparling) . 486 (1761-) 526 (Ehzabeth Murray) 1785 (Margaret A. ). i793 (Hannah Thomas) . 1799 (Hannah Brower) . . 1800 (Helen Schoon- maker) 1809 C, Capt. (M. C. Ruehl) 65 " (1772-1808) 211 D. (Leah Du Bois, Anna Gansevoort) " (1856-) " (Harriet Pook, Marv A. Mil- ler) ." (C. Man- cius) 295 (A. Hardenbergh) 896 (M.F.Walker).. 1703 (Mary Forsey) . . . 419 (M." M. Cruik- shank) 479 " (1832-) 989 Curtis 1090 Cynthia (182 1-) 926 E., Maj. J. P. 94 1407 1450 Daniel " W. (C. M. Schenck).. . David (Anne McNair, Mary Van Hoorn) (Susan Wood) (Emma Morgan) (Jane McCunc) (1797-) • (M. J. Fulwider) (Margaret Montgom- ery) (Ehzabeth Farley).... (b. and d. 1844) (Sarah A. Hoover) . . . A 643 1580 374 532 646 668 912 1062 1145 1146 1157 1760 1 131 VI 11 Wynkoop Genealogy 1318 292 515 888 258 492 872 N? David EH (i860 -) 1525 McL. (M. A. Dolly). . 1765 Samuel (1863-) 1532 Deborah (174 1-) 127 (1768-) 310 L. (Ferdinand Mc- Duffee): 1338 Decola (1789-) 352 Delia (1818-88) 592 " (1819-) 785 " (Patrick McCormack).. 795 " A. (H. S. Bridgeman).. Derrick, Dirck, Dirrick. Derrick (Gertrude Kool) (See Judge Dirck) . . . "Dirrick" (b. and d. 1775) , (b. and d. 1792) C. (Elizabeth Spar- ling) .••••■ " (Celinda Crispell, Elizabeth Hotch kiss) " (Anna R. 846).... D. (Sarah Eltinge, Anna Eltinge) .... 96 Dinah Hardenbergh (1807-). i443 Maria (1789-1841)... . 897 Dirck, Judge (Tjaatje 102, Sarah Smedes) 292 Don Alonzo (A. C. Coulehan). 1307 " Walter (1881-98) 1307 Dorothy Lvman (1898-) i6i8a Dyer Sharpe (Lieut, of Mar- ines) 435 Edith Shaw 1699 Edward 1063 " Donaldson (1812-30). 727 Estill (1862-) 1606 J., M.D. (Florence Niver) 1387 Maginnis (i858-=;9).. 1685 Reading (187s-) 1257E W., Col. (Louisa Brown) 1224 Edwin V. (i860-) i333 Egbert H. (Agnes G. WilHam- son, Mary L. Gregory) 149 5 Eleanor (F'ernandus Van Sicler) 161 (Christopher New- kirk) 489 " (Isaac W. Lansing, Benjamin Hess). .. 538 E. (1844-52) 874 E. E. (John M. Schoonmaker) .... 995 Eleanora Augusta (1S69-) . . . Elias (Wynet Marriston) .... Eliza (I743- d. in inf.) " (1745-) " (1764-) " (William King) " (b. and d. 1809) " A. (Morris Underwood) " C. (Joel Burhans) " K. (Dr. Elbert S. Por- ter) " R. (William Martin)... Ehzabeth (Jacob Ten Broeck) (Philip Du Mon)... " (Benjamin De Meyer) Elizabeth (Richard Van Sic- ler) (Jacob Hicks) (Stephen Rose).. . . ( Lucas) (Garret A. Lan- sing) (1759-1836) (b. about 1780) (1777-).. (John P. Sax) (b. aTaout 1830) * ' (1795-1S13) (Elias Gilkvson).. . (1798-) (d. aged 17) (Riley Bartholo- mew) (Daniel Grav) (1848-)....; (b. about 181 2).... (Ephraim Cook).. . (Peter Hagle) .... . (Aaron Harris, Ebenezer Dixon) (1863-) (Charles J. Travcr). ( Owens) (labez Munson). . . A. (Staats Cheese- borough. Henry Fisk). Cowenhoven ( 1 7 8 1 - Elmendorf (1S53- 93) • • • Hicks (1821-24).. . H. (Stuyvesant F Morris) Idel (1866-) N? 1561 1795 128 129 308 587 894 1048 1003 807 670 10 58 108 160 210 377 378 417 422 437 533 567 598 622 649 656 674 706 759 789 837 919 963 985 1051 I no 1127 1170 1504 1777 182S 856 40 T 839 478 i^8i 1481 Wynkoop Genealogy IX N9 Elizabeth Miller ( 1 8 5 7-) 1372 R. (Charles Mc- Nair) 683 S. (Lucias T. Dun- ham) 636 " (1868-) 1489 " T. (Christopher Thompson) 1135 T. (George Luff)... 1583 V. (William Knight) 1 7 9 1 Elisha (b. 1766 or 1758) 309 Ella (1867-) 1577 " M. (1856-) 1331 " May (F. I. Ramsay).. .. 1625A " O. (Oliver Langmate)... 1528 Ellen K. (Samuel T. Buckman) 1 1 5 5 EUie 1742 Elv M. (1814-41) 1044 EmeHne (Gould Birdseye) ... 633 (1848-S2) 967 E. (William Patter- son) 1 166 Emily 1 1 1 7 (Dr. Thomas Kemp- ton, Col. William Brindle) 1220 (1864) 1607 " Snvder (1864-) 1588 " Thompson ( 1 849-)-- • • 843 Emma (James T- Clark) 1432 (b. and d. 1855) 1520 " (1849-) 1524 " Adella (i860-) 153° Georgiana (iSt^o-) 1313 " J. (Dr. C. E, Fritts)...i384 Encie J. (C. T. Gillett) 799 Ephraim (b. and d. 1740) ... 97 Esther (1871-74) 427 (b. about 1867: d. in inf.) 1386 " Brown (1880-) 1732 Eugene (b. and d. 1870) .... 1688 Eunice ( Smedley) 180 Eva Blaker 1585 Evaert ' ' Wijnkooper " (Intro. , p. 2^ Everett H. (Maria Post) 550 Evert (Gertrude Elmendorf, Antje Kiersted) 4 " Capt. (Arriaantje Schepmoes) 112 (Sarah Decker) 124 " (Alida Meyer) 132 (Maria Allen) 336 " (Penelope Border, Eli- zabeth Putnam) .... 539 " (Eunice V. Winne, Jane Barhight) 542 N9 Evert (1802-) 563 " (b. about 1821) 594 " (b. and d. 1833) 979 " (Alida Russell) 987 " (1885-) 1724 " (Mary Newkirk) 1796 C. (Rachel Harden- bergh) 5^7 Flora (1857-) Florence Parker (1858-64)... Frances A. (Ai F. Reed) C. (C. T. Redfield) . . E " (Frank A. Halsey) J. (Joseph Paxson).. S. (d. about I yr. old) T. (1867-) V Francis (183 3-) " (i879-)';' I " (1849-74) " (1877-) Bruyn " C. (1863-) E G. (Catharine Grass- by) ■ Mtirrav (1796-) M. (xVnna Twiggs).. . " (1869-) " R. (1853-) S. (Sarah F. Elmen- dorf) " (Rachel Van Vleck, Frances Van Vleck) Franklin (Emma Skinner).. . Frederick I. (1864-92) Garrett (Nancv Van Hoom) . (Sarah Martin) (Phcebe Arnold) (Julia A. Mountz) . . . (Phoebe Anderson) . . {Sec Gerardus, Gerret, Gerrit.) George (Eleanor S. Davis, Sarah C. Dumond) . " (frontispiece) Liettt. Col. (Mary Traver) (1824-1867) (Marv A. Davis) C. (Marv Walker) . . . " (Matilda McGill) . . " (1859-91: unm.)... " (1828-: m.) 1521 1277 1616 1367 1624 1274 1235 1698 1477 1390 769 1091 257G 1304 1729 1391 1476 1479 1336 723*^ 1218 1609 1275 475 812 743A 137s 163 381 548 710 942 1794 491 491 1223 1449 1813 725 857 1169 1225 Wynkoop Genealogy N9 George C. (i 847-) 1236 " (Ellie Kelley) 1614 " (1874-) 1741 H. (Emma J. Sche- linger) 1281 " J. (1848-49) 875 P. (1765: d. in inf.).- 208 " (Mary Goodwin) . . 596 R. (b. abont 1869).. . 1701 S. (Mary M. Galium). 666 " 1116 Gerardus (Elizabeth Bennet) 153 (1787-1871) 645 (b. about 1797 •- d. in inf.) 660 " (Nancv Farrell) 667 (Matilda McNair).. 682 (1840-) 1061 1118 H. (Anne E. Wood- bury) 1 1 5 2 M. (Helen H. Potts). 1578 Gerret (Hilletje Fokker) 5 Gerretje A. (1801-1863) 487 Gerrit (Susannah Van Vliet) . 45 " (1736-) 146 (Anne Strickland) .... 372 (1789-) 404 (1802-62) 412 " (Annetje Meyer) 1802 Gershom (Martha McFarlin) . 446 Gertrude (1752-1837) m (1781-1787) 260 (David Golden, Alexander Golden) 263 (1809-67) 1815 M. (1788-) 262 S. (1881-) 881 Gillett (1865-) 1501 Grace (1874-) 880 Grietje (Margaret) (1695-).. 31 Grissel ( Hurd) 448 134T Guy (1841-64) (Volunteer). . 1316 Hannah (Christian Meyer).. . 135 (Beniamin 444) 337 " (Judge Henry 552)... 569 (William Garson, Tun.) 941 " 1126 £.(1832-) 93.3 " J. (Ebenezer Pierce) 798 Hannah M. (1849-) 97. S " (Paul H. Gara- bcdian) 1284 Hardcnbcrgh (Sarah M. Krom) 48 1 N9 Harriet, "Arriaantje" (1761- 1826) 512 (Alfred Frye) 77 5 (1790-91) 887 " Oliver Dunning .... 889 (Henry Wells) 937 " (Lewis Grant) 1601 A. (Martin E. Hen- dricks) 1002 B. ( Quick).. . . 1 159 G. (Henry J. Hall).. 1309 G. (1786-1812) 442 Louise (1858-60) . . . 1473 (Ghas. S. Farrar). . . 1301 Harrison H. (Mary E. Morti- mer) 1 571 Harvev H. (Garoline Haynes) 506 Helen "(Samuel H. Leidy, John Van Ornam) . . 1345 1775 Augusta 1276 Broadhead (1828-). . . i457 " Gampbell (1835-) 1229 " M. (Wm. W. Everett). 1302 W. (Wm. A. Garden).. 1278 Helena (David Fulton, Sen.). 149 " (Rev. Jonathan Du Bois)". 156 Helleka (1730-) 152 Hendric (1686) (Intro, p. 7.) Hendrikus (1741-46) 98 Henrietta (Dr. Henry Van Solingen) 212 (1795-1842) 408 (1819-1901) 477 (i860-) 841 (Barend Ten Eyck) 9S4 Henry (Sarah Du Bois) 47 " (Judge) (Susannah - Wanshaer, Maria Cummings, Sarah Newkirk) i57 (1748-71) 165 (Anne Loew) 317 " (Maria Hogeland, Henrietta Fetter) . . 410 (1767: d. in inf.) 529 (177S-) ?34 (Judge) (Nelly Myn- ' dertse Hannah 569) 552 (Lvdia Gorncll) 67 8 (Elizabeth Estill, Gatharine A. Snell). 724 " (1814-38) 732 ( 1 840-) (Volunteer) . . 948 (Anna J. Storv) 994 (Emily G. Nippes) . . . 1158 Wynkoop Genealogy XI Henry (or William) (M. E. Reinholdt) (Volunteer) C. (Margaret Harpool) (1830-) (1806-) (Volunteer) (from Amsterdam) (Intro, p. 2.) (1850-) (Aelthra I . Kreider) (1848-)/. (Agnes Albrccht) . . (Beulah Clark) .... (1796: d. voung).. (Mary C. Wilson). D. H. J. L. M. N. S. T. V. W Hester C. (Richard BarroU).. Hettie Anne Hezekiah (Maria Davenport). (1738-) (Maria Me ver) (Elizabeth" Dede- rick) (Julia A. Turck).. . (1816; d. in inf.).. (Leiza Huyck) A. (Hannah Low) . Horace M. (Olive L.WiUiams) Hubert S. (Sarah M. Za- briskie) Ida (1856-59) " C. (Giles Griffin) Ira A. (1837-53) Irving (187 2-) Isaac (Rachel Van Cleve).. . . " (Rebecca Britton, Phce- be Jones) (Anne Winder) " (Rachel Hunt, Maria Scudder) (Hannah Hommel, Catharine Champlin) " (1882-87) " A. (1857-) " N. (Anne E. More) " W. (Marv A. Remvick). Isabel (Floyd B. Ennist) . . . . Isabella (Jonas W. Cole) Isabella F. (Samuel Cale).. . . Houston (18 5 1-).. . . M. (Rev. Winthrop Bailev) T. Charles Beck N? 1340 1801 1819 1057 932 564 1816 1351 1368 1279 836 672 456 1125 441 1779 39 126 136 315 566 991 993 588 939 1687 1497 591 947 1503 364 371 647 652 988 1726 1771 971 917 1045 1493 1226 1 136 734 1232 Jacob (Hannah Cleaver) .... i s i " (Ellen Carhart) 547 N? Jacob (Margaret Bradt) 960 1772 (Voltmteer) 1822 R. (Blandina Dela- mater) 899 " V. (1832-) 1459 Jacoba (Joseph Buskark).. . . 42 Jacobus (Tannetjen Bogardus) 29 (Alida K. Myers). . . 167 " (Janneke Ooster- hout) 303 (Tryntje Schoon- maker, Syntje Schoonmaker) .... 528 (1792-) 910 (Cath. Besemire) 1810 V. (Sarah Price) .... 423 Jacomina (Joseph Buskark) . . 42 James, M.D. (Hester Peter- son) 177 James (Catalina Dunbar).. . . 420 (Mary Wood) 675^ (Ella Baurhyte) 1505 1817 1821 AlphcEUS (1831-) 1466 Anthony 1586 D. (Elizabeth Apple- ton) 873 H. (1841) 983 " (1842-64) (Volun- teer) 1 138 " (1854-56) 1542 Hardenbergh (1816- 98) 1446 " J. (1791-1843) 756 M. ( 1868) 1120 " " (Amy E. Hamilton) 1792 R. (Susan Van der Voort) 1047 S 1115 Stephenson 11 76 S. (Helen De Wolf) ... 1366 W. (Amanda Golener). 1052 Jane (1728-40) 91 " (Cornelius Jansen) 99 " (1776-) 215 " (Philip McConald) 338 " (1788-) 403 (Henry Winans) 453 .■ 641 " (1858-) 1027 " 1 109 " (1828: d. in inf.) 1132 " (John Hagerman) 1790 " 6.(1817: d. unmarried) 482 Jeannie Maria (1859-62) i474 D ' 1622 xu Wynkoop Genealogy N? Jefferson, Rev. (Jane S. Shaw) 892 Jemima (George Buskirk). . . . 42 " (Joseph Enock) . . . . 143 Jephthah (d. about 3 years old) 707 Jeremiah (17 2 2-) 531 Joanna Gosman (1815-98).. . 803 Joel 644 Johannes, Maj. (Judith F. Bloodgood, Cor- nelia Ten Broeck) 2 Sheriff (Maria Bo- gardus) 15 (1712-) 55 (1719-) 60 (Margaret Jansen). 95 ( Ten Broeck) . i o i (1736-) " Johan- nis" 155 (1738) "Joannes ". 172 (1755: d. in inf.).. 304 ( H arriet B artlett) . 306 Everts (Catharine Schut) 36 John (Westminister divine) (Intro., p. 3) patentee of Va. Co.) (Intro., p. 2) Catharine Van Meter) . 144 1779-99) 285 Elizabeth Spann) 362 Anna Feaster) 370 Sarah Yerkes) 411 Esther Grififin) 445 Mary Roach) 543 b. and d. in 1800) .... 650 EUzabeth Corbett). . . . 661 Jane Mosgrove) 669 Sarah Thorp) 788 1705-) 911 Eliza Shurman) 982 Caroline O. Kingsley) . 1043 Mary A. Pierce) ioS3 1 107 1856-) :. 1573 Jane McClurc) 1759 Catharine Subcr) 1781 B. (about 1828-1846).. 1 12 1 " (b. and d. 1855) 1471 C. (Lydia Silvester).. . . 205 " (1847-48) 1140 Cathn (1869-) 1478 E. (Rosalie jaubert)... 944 " Col. (H. Halberstadt, A. Halberstadt).. . 1221 " (1869-87) 1603 Franklin (185 1-) 1405 John Frederick (b. and d. 1S69) Gosman (1861—65) H. (Lydia Yates) Henry (1849-50) Hendricks (1831-59).. . H. M. (Ensign War of 1812) Hoover I. (1855-) J. (Caroline M. Du Bois) Lawrence (1808-48) Q., M.D. (1798-1821).. Quackenbos (1831-34). (Edith Reeve) . . Rollins (b. and d. about 1841) S. (Anne Perkins) W. (Angeline E. Estill) . Wanshacr (1774-93) • • • Wood (1834-) Jonathan (Anne Dick) G. (Marv J. Haw- leV) " (1886-) Joseph (1791-) (1768-1814) Frost (1864-) P. (Matilda C. Baird). Strang (1864-65) Sims (185 1—) Josephine (1846-) Joshua (Margaret Arnold) . . . " (Catharine Anderson) (Ehzabeth Allen) (Amelia Bradv) (Volunteer)..'. (Ameha ) D. (M. Van Benscho- ten) P. (1830-63)... ..... Judith (Johannes Du Bois). . Julia ■ " Adelaide (D. D. Carter). " Anna (L. K. Campbell). " (W. C. Brewster). " (Russell Smith)... " Anne " Antoinette (W. Seaward) " Miranda (W. R. Gray).. Juliette G Julius H. S. (1889-) 1354 1374 935 630 1470 1005 758 1764 970 854 600 890 1429 1436 1270 586 722 395 934 396 809 1655 405 426 1784 1322 766 1686 1280 103 1303 311 653 959 980 1818 1823 914 972 57 642 1193 895 1427 1435 in,o 776 797 1623 12571 Kate (E. L. Matthews) 1314 Wynkoop Genealogy XUl N9 Kate C. (H. S. Forward) 1579 Katharine 1773 Lany (Jacob W. Lansing) . . . 536 Leah (1724-; d. in inf.) 62 " (1728-) 64 " (Peter Britt) 139 " (A. T. De Witt) 259 " (Roswell Lawrence) 334 " (Abram Post) 354 " (J. T. De Witt) 483 " D. (Henry H. Buckbee) 490 Legrand (Lucretia T. Conk- hn) 790 D. (Zelia Cornell)... 1337 Lena Maria (182 5-) 929 " (1821-92) 1448 Leonard (1843-) 974- Lewis (1843-) 938 " Eaman (1845-) ^465 Lillie A. C. (1864-65) 1558 " May (1858-) 1352 Lorinda (John C. Hertell) ... 1808 Louisa (1864: d. in inf.) 1307 Louisa A. (James B. Jamison) 11 54 " P. (1852-) 1238 Lucas K. (M. N. Henderson) . 931 Lucinda 1112 Lucretia (1764-) 369 Lydia (1714-) 16 " (1749-) "° " S. (Dr. S. M. Lasell). . 806 " " (b. and d. 1865).... 13S9 " V. (1803-) 915 Madeline M. (E. E. Dewey).. 1557 Magdalene (E. C. Brown) ... 973 Margaret, "Grietje" (169 5-). 31 (Francis Titus)'... 162 (G. M. Woodward) 400 " (Enos Butcher) . . . 409 "Miss Peggy" (1778-1862)... . 516 " .(Johannis Sam- mons) 525 (Nathan Hen- dricks) 705 (John Van Olinda). 96^ 1128 (John Davis) 1776 A. (1858-^9) 1574 E. (1826-45) 1433 F. (A. P. Cook).. . 687 G. (W. W. Hege- man) 1370 L. (Rev. Dr. J. C. Watson) 729 P. 1824-59) 943 N? Margaret W. (Rev. Dr. A. Du Bois) 811 Margaretta (H. J. Lombaert) 392 " (Norman Bliss) . . 1148 Maria ("Marytje") (Moses Du Puis) 3 " (Thomas Beekman) ... 11 " "Maretje" (17 12-).... 38 ' ' (Abraham Vandegrif t) . 4 1 " (1714-) 56 " (1734-) 67 " (Henry Stanton) 206 (Gerrit Becker) 305 " (b. and d. 1776) 320 " (1793-) 407 " (1757-58) 511 " (Alfred Berden) 537 " (1787-1863) 551 " (Leonard Litchfield). . . 966 " C. T. (J. H. Cammer). 996 " F. (1793-1800) 648 " H. (Christian Wirtz) . . 394 " T. (Samuel Potts) 673 Marie K. (C. C. James) 1487 Mariette (1812-38) 599 Marjorie (1891-) 1756 Martha (Nathan H. Sey- mour) 676 J. ( Smith) 1778 W. (Jonathan Pax- son) 1234 Martin (1781-1821) 286 Martje (1776-) 1803 Mary (1736-62) 104 " (George Hoogland) .... 159 " (Christian Wirtz, Sen.) . 394 " (Richard Davis) 434 " (Isaac Cannell) 438 " (Ralph Lanning) 654 " (George Randell) 708 " (1811-79) 730 " (George Wells) 936 " 1150 " (184T-) 1156 " "79 " (1862-70) 1523 " 1774 " (Abner Lubens) 1788 " A. (Geo. Van Hcgeman) 1761 " Alice (Elijah Torbert).. 1167 " Amanda (Alex. Harvey) 161 5 " (d. in inf.).... 1743 " 1745 " Anne (Joseph O'Harra) 663 " (Daniel Fowler) . . 680 " " (Tared King). .. . 1050 " (d. in inf.). 1119 " (John McNutt).. 1134 XIV Wynkoop Genealogy N? Marv Anne (1842-) 1233 "■ B. (Frederick A. Booth) 838 " (Joseph Middagh) . . 871 " Bugbee (1841-) 18 15 " C. (Henry E. Mahn) ... 505 " (Charles M. Yoving). 1300 " Darker (1860-) 1353 " E. (John D. Duff) 1704 " Elkr (1852-57) 1026 " E. (Rev. W. T. Leavell) 1191 " F. (1818-34) 690 " H. (S. C. Radford) 726 " I. (Fred. M. Taylor)... 13 11 " J. (Henry H. Reynolds) 473 " " (Dr. Elbridge Simp- son) 808 " " (1845-) 835 " " (E. W. Smeeton).. . . 1492 " K. (K. P. Paulsen) 151 1 " M. (Arthur M. Hankes). 137 1 " P. (1838-41) 1231 " V. (Eugene R. Moore). 1307 Matilda (1848-) 507 " 1 129 " Emma (J. L. Janney) 11 68 S. (1862-64) 1587 Matthew (Thomasine Stock- holm) 373 (Ehzabeth W. Wright) 1 133 " (M. Keady or Headv) 1769 B. (Ehzabeth AVork, Mary Van Lear) 665 " 1114 " " (Susie V. Hanlin) 1122 Maud L. (1872-78) 625 May (1858-) 1604 Merchant Thomas (1813-55) • 59° Mercv (Reason Wood) 1055 MiW(i8o2-) 662 " 1092 Minnie (about 1873-) 1825 Moses S.(i8i9-) 925 Myndert (1736-) 125 (M. E. W. Schoon- maker 1020) 992 Myra D. (1858-) 1332 " Kate (1856-) 1305 Natahe (1895-) 1757 Nelly, "Nelle" (Robert Ful- ton) 145 Nellie (1853-) 1496 Nicholas ( 1 868-) 6 (i6q,S-) 30 " (Anne Kuypers).. . . 46 N^ Nicholas (1746-60) 15c M.D., (Francenia Murray, Sarah Campbell) 393 " Lieut. (Almira Her- man) 1227 Nile F. (Sarah A. Heermans) . 780 Ninolia T. (Christiana Moore) 779 Orlando L. (181 i-i 8) 589 Orpah (b. and d. 1835) 1346 Orrin Booth (1872-) 1562 Pamelia W. (Dr. L. H. Jor- dan) Percy " 0.(1875-) Peter (Intro, p. 5) " "Petrus" (J. or A. Har- denbergh) (Mary Van Aalstein) . . . " (1733-) " (1783-) " (1739-46) " (1803: d. in inf.) Capt. (m. ) (Margaret Quackenbos) . (Magdalen Long, Jane Long) (Maria Langendyck) . . . " (1816-43). •• " (1838-) (Volunteer) " (Ehzabeth Terrell) (Hannah Gorham) " D. (1810-) P. (Anna Roosa) " " (1S47-) " S. (1785: d. in inf.).. ■ • " " Rev. (M. W. Gosman) " " (E. C. Miller) " " (1849-) " Wood (18 2 2-) Philip (Margaret Conover).. . (Catharine Van Hoorn) " (1785-) Heermans (1854-).. . . V. P. (Margaret Jones) I Ph(ebe, " Fcmmctje"(i726-) (Tohn Vining) (Samuel Gilkyson) . . Anne (1844-) D. (Edgar S. Colten) Jane (1836-) Pronunciation of Wynkoop. . (Intro, p. 2.) 1 190 1731 1563 66 109 178A 287 293 360 447 510 546 560 624 793 962 977 1807 91S 216 842 450 451 80s 1369 1730 927 48 166 402 1320 60 ^.\ 168 174 658 1464 1312 1468 INDEX OF SURNAMES OTHER THAN WYNKOOP N'? Abbey, Wesley (J . Barhight) . 542 Abeel, Augustus 1032 " David E. (M. A. Gar- rison) 103 1 " Garret N. (Alida C.) . . 602 " Nelly C.( Schutt) 1033 Romevn (b. and d., 1846) 1034 Adriens, Joost i Albert, Eugene F. (M. A. Packard) 1676 " Heyman 5 Albrecht, Agnes (Henry S.).. 836 " Constantine, Capt. . 836 Albright, Susanna (Abraham) 545 Aldrich, Ettie (Alvah K.) • • • 1519 Allen, Elizabeth (Joshua) 959 " Harriet E. (W. W. Hegeman) 137° " Maria (Evert) 33^ Mary (Aaron Radford) 726 Anderissen, Henderick i Anderson, Catharine ( Joshua) 653 Phoebe (Garret A.) 1794 Andriessen, Barbara 28 Antonides, Vinccntius, Rev. . 2 Applegate, A. A. (J. E. Van Doren) 1254 " Jas. (Dena Day). 1254 Appleton, Elizabeth (James D.) " 873 Wilham 873 Armagust, Jane (William)... 1770 Arndt, Anna (C. Lombaert).. 392 Arnold, Benedict, Gen'l...i38, 167 ' ' Margaret (Joshua) ... 311 Phoebe (Garret) 548 Arnoudor Amout. 5e(? Arnold. Ashfield, Kate (S. Baker) .... 1182 Atwood, Emily A. (H. M. Ta- bor) 1508 np Atwood, Frances M. (C. H. Fisher) 1599 JohnW. (-1885)... 1597 brigen 1219 Thomas I . (Anna M .) 1 2 1 9 Austin, Wm. H. (L. H. Macy) 815 Autsen, Hendrick i Avery, Sophia (G. H. Stan- ton) 457 Bahr, Adam (A. Spaan) " Philip (M. Britt) Bailev, Anna W. (W. L. Puf- fer) Emma (d. in inf.) Frances H. (W. R. Wright) John (Abbv J.) " Rachel A. (G. W. O'Harra) Robert E. (Cecilia)... Winthrop, Rev. (Isa- bella M.) Baird, Matilda C. (Joseph P.) . Baker, Chloe (A. C. Kingsley) " Elias (E. C. Bur- roughs) " Ehzabeth R. (Rev. J. T. Duryea) " Isaac (Susan W.) " Janet (D. Ten Evck). " Phcebe (William Ely, A. Hamilton) " Samuel (M. McN air).. Stephen (K. Ashfield) Bancker, Mr Barden, Elizabeth (R. B. Lcf- ferts) Barentsen, Jan (J. Slecht) . . . 349 349 1256 1255 1257 949 1098 1349 734 766 1046 1180 1 184 692 253 1181 1183 1182 292 741 5 xvn XVlll Wynkoop Genealogy N9 Barhight, Jane (Evert) 542 Barker, Mr. (Anne) 449 Barnard, Jos. Folger (E. B. Hasbrouck) 829 Barroll, Anna M. (Rev. J. Payne) 773 Mary C. (Edw. John- son) 774 Richard (Anne C.) . . 441 Bartholomew, Riley (Eliza- beth) 759 Bartleson, Anne (Wooddrop S.) 432 Bartlett, Harriet (Johannes) . 306 Jas. L. "(M. A. Terry) S82 Barton, Theodore 292 Baurhyte, Ella (James) 1505 Bavard, Samuel, Jun 207 Beach, Elica (W. M. O'Harra) iioi Jane (J. G. O'Harra). 1097 Margaret (F. Hoag). . 1679 Bear, Margaret (P. Britt) . . . 341 Beattie, Anne (b. and d., 1787) 711 " (Rev. A.Bovd) 712 Chas., Rev. (A.Read- ing) 390 " C. (R. Van- uxem) .... 714 Ellen (1823-63) 1199 Emily (G. F. Cm-- ■\ven) 1208 Frances H. (R. Holmes) 1210 " Henry W. (1701- 1807) 713 John (C. Clinton). . . 390 " (E. P. Moore, M. A. Henry) 7 1 7 Jos. H. (O. M. Kearns) 1211 Mary (Rev. R. vStcel) 716 Reading (Christina). 390 (H.A.Moor- head). . . . 1209 Sarah (Rev. H. R. Wilson) 718 Susan A. (1842-) . . . 1212 " Susannah (1795- 1872) 715 Beck, Charles (Isabella T.) . . 1232 Becker, Gerrit (Maria) 305 Beebe, Lansing (Anne E.). . . 978 Beekman, Alida (1718-) 76 " Benjamin (1762-). 249 " Catharine (1720-). 77 " Cornelius (1733-) . 82 Elizabeth.. .■.■... . 80 N? Beekman, Johannes (A. Law- rence).. II (L. Van Keuren) 7 8 John (1761-) 248 Judith (1715-).... 75 ' ' Maria (172 6-) .... 79 Mary (C. Swart). . Si " Rebecca (17 58-) . . 247 Samuel (H. Ten Broek) 232 Thomas (Maria).. . 11 " (I75I-)--- 245 Tjerck (1755-).... 246 Beer, Helena (Petrus) 142 Behr, Margaret (P. Britt). . . 341 Belcher, Ehzabeth M. (J. W. Strang) 142S Belden, Fanny (G. Worthing- ton) 1408 Bemis, Mary (T. F. HajO 1431 Bennett, Elizabeth (Gerardus) 153 Tolin (Anne) 1787 William (Sarah) .... 1786 Berden, Alfred (Maria) S37 540 Berger, Jacob, Rev 451 Besemere, Cath. (Jacobus) ... 1810 Bimper, Maria M. (G. M. Roel) 65 Birdseve, Gould (Emeline).. . 633 " ' John W. (F. HenrsO 1036 Blagge, Benjamin, Jun 292 Blaker, Rachel A. (Wilham) . . 1 162 Blanck, Agnes (G. Stanton) . . 206 Bliss, Norman (Margaretta) . . 11 48 Blom, Rev. Hermanns i Bloodgood, Frans J. (L. Jans) 2 Bloodgood, Judith F. (Johan- nes) 2 Blossom, Eliza (A. Post). ... 611 Blydenbvirgh, Eliz. (Packard) 1667 Boel, Catharine 169 Bogardus, Anna (De Wande- laer) 235 " Ehza A. (W. H. Dunning) 1422 " Everardus, Rev. (Ant je Webber) 4, 15 Everardus (Hoff- man) 15 " Jannetjen (Jaco- bus) 29 ?ilaria (Johannes). 15 Peter (A. De Witt) 222 Wm. (W. Sy- brant) 15 Wynkoop Genealogy XIX N9 Bolles, Man' (A. W. Dun- ning) 1680 Thomas (M. Gilbert) . 1680 Book-plate Intro, p. 7 Booth, Fred. A. (Mary B.) . . . 838 •' Mary (S. Watkins).. . 783 " Sarah J. (William T.). 784 Booz, Mary (J. Winder) 647 Border, Penelope (Evert).. . . 539 Bovier, Annatje (J. Du Bois) . 189 Bovd, Alex., Rev. (A. Beattie) 712 Henry B. (b. and d. 1832) 1198 Tames W. (1828-) 1197 Reading B. (1821-).. . 119& Boylyn, Margaret (J. Shaw).. 892 Bradt, Margaret (Jacob) 960 Brady, Amelia (Joshua) 980 Brandon, Cath. (W. Deder- ick) 3.59 Brearley, Caroline (Lanning). 1069 James (M. Smith) . 1069 Brett, Cath. (R. Lawrence).. 575 " Peter 575 Brewer, Cath. (A. Has- brouck) 207 Brewster, Julia A. (Durgie).. 1684 Samuel (1852-53). 1682 " Virginia D. (Hedge, Brown, Mc- Knight) 1683 Wm. C. (Julia A.). 1427 Brice, Corneha (S. Turck) . . . 566 Bridgeman, Guy W. (1873-). 1634 Henry S. (Delia A.) 1318 Brindle, Wm., Col. (Emily).. 1220 Brink, Lysbet L. (Newkirk).. 9 Britt, Aline (I.Fulton) 343 " Cath. (W. Dederick)... 339 " Jane (B. Peck) 344 " Leah (1799-) 348 Margaret (P. Bahr) . . . 349 (A. Lawrence) 583 Maria (1778: d. v.) 340 " (W. Rumsey)-- • 342 Nicholas (1793: m.)... 346 " Peter (Leah) 139 " Petrus (M. Behr) 341 " Tobias (Rachel Cole).. 345 " Wm. (Katy Fiero) 347 Britton, Rebecca (Isaac) 371 Broadhead, Sarah (De Witt) . 1453 Brocklebank, John (C. Waugh) 618 Broeck, Cornelia (Johannes) . 2 Broecks, Cath. (A. Eights)... 421 Bronck, Pieter i N9 Brooks, Hester (C. I. Pack- ard) 141 2 Brouwer, William i Brower, Hannah (Cornelius). 1800 Brown, Caroline (j. Meneley) 1104 Cath. (J. Everett).'. 1302 Erastus C. (Magda- lene) 973 Howell (V. D. Brew- ster) 1683 John A. (Rebecca J.). 1060 Louisa (Edward W.) . 1224 Matilda (A. Snyder).. 1163 Bruyn, Severyn (C. Has- 'brouck) 463 Buchanan, Sarah A. (Charles) 640 Buckbee, De Witt C 870 " Henrv H. (Leah D.) 490 MaryD 869 Buckman, Sam.T. (Ellen K.) . 1 1 5 5 Walter S. (Catha- rine L.) 1589 Bullock, Chas. W. (E. Camp- bell) 1442 Burhans, Cornelius (M. Ten Broek) 241 Helletje (T. C. De Witt) 219 James (Margaret ) 1003 Jan I Joel (Ehza C.) 1003 Jos. W. (M. Mont- gomery) 1508 Marion M. (1888-). 1735 Mary L. (1858-77). 1509 Burr, Rev. Aaron 53 " Aaron, Lieut. -Col 295 " Eunice (Benjamin). .. . 53 " Peter, Judge 53 Burroughs, Cath. (W. Lan- ning) 1072 Eliz.C. (E.Baker) 1180 Rue (A. Mat- thews) 1072 Burrowes, Eunice, (E. Rose) . 377 Burrows, W. W., Maj 435 Buskark, Jos. (Jacomina). . . . 42 Buskirk, Geo. (jemima) 42 Butcher, Enos (Margaret) . . . 409 Byrnes, Mary A. (C. Wright). 1659 Cale, Sam. (Isabella F.) 1 136 Galium, Mary M. (Geo. S.). . . . 666 Cammer, John H. (Maria) . . . 996 Campbell," Emily (C. W\ Bul- lock) 1442 XX Wynkoop Genealogy N9 Campbell, Harriet M. (Wm. H. Valentine) ... 1441 John W. (Agnes G. Shipman) . . . . 1438 Julia (A. G. Mum- ford) 1437 " Lockward K. (Julia A.) ■.... 895 " Pauline (1843-50). 1440 " Sarah (Nicholas) . . 393 Virginia W. (1842- 66) 1439 Cannell, Hester A. (1807-).. . 772 Isaac (Mary) 438 " William 438 Cantine, Johannes, Maj 65 Cardoze, Emile (Harriet J. Shear) 1670 Carey, Nehemiah i797 Carhart, Ellen (Jacob) 547 Carmichael, Cath. (Charles S.) 1222 Carnahan, Lydia A. (Rev. Luther H. Van Doren).. 733 Carpenter, Jane (Josiah H. Stanton) 1396 Carson, Charles 1483 Mav 1484 William, 3d 1482 Jtm. (Han- nah) 941 Carter, Decius D. (Julia A.) . . 1 193 Cassidy, Jas. (C. Packard)... 1665 Cevasdale, Anne (Joshua C. Blaker) 1162 Chambers, Thomas, Capt. ... 7 Champlin, Catharine (Isaac). 988 Cheeseborough, Staats (Eliza- beth A.) 856 Chester, Hannah C. (Jonathan H. Hasbrouck) 823 Child, Marion (Adam) 359 Childs, Cath. R. (Gerardus H.) 11 52 Chipman, E. D., M.D 986 Clapp, Mr. (P. O. Starr) 1215 Clark, Arabella (Saver) 13 17 " Clarence W. (1865-66) 1690 " Ebenezer 292 " Fannie W. (1659-).... 1689 " Frank B . (Mabel Cole) .1611 " James J. (Emma) 1432 Clarkson, John B. (M. H. W. Leflferts) 742 Cleaver, Hannah (Jacob).. . . 151 Clemson, Margaret (John Watson) 729 Clinton, Christiana (J. Beat- tie) 390 " George, Gen'l. . . .292, 390 Clinton, James, Col 94 Clover, Chas. B. (Kate Shear) 1674 Coan, Mary (William) 945 Coat-of-Arms. . . . Intro., p. 4. Colden, Alexander (Gertrude) 263 Cadwallader (E. Elli- son) . 263 David (Gertrude) ... 263 Cole, Emily W. (1873-76) . . . 1612 " Grace F. (1875-) 1613 Jonas W. (Isabella).. . . 1226 " Mabel (F. B. Clark).... 1611 " {SeeKool: pron. Kole) Comstock, Belle (W. Ham- mond) 1306 Conant, Cornelius (M. Mc- Farlin) 446 Condit, Elizabeth (P.C. Hay). 143 1 Conklin, Lucretia T. (Le- grand) 790 Conover, Margaret (Philip) . . 48 " {See also Koenho- ven) Cook, Abraham P. (Margaret F.) 687 " Ephraim (Elizabeth) . . 963 Corbett, Edw. C. (Sarah).. . . 659 EUzabeth (John). . . 661 Gerardus "(R. A. Menelev) 1103 John.. . /. 1081 Miles 1082 Phoebe ( Mc- Cune) 1084 (Sarah) ( -King). 1083 " Wilson (Volvmteer) . 1080 " Wvnkoop 1079 Corlies, Jos^ N. (M. E. Stan- ton) 816 Margaret (H. Stan- ton) 822 Richards 816 Cornelisze, Christina (Dirk W. Ten Broeck) 2 Cornell, Lydia (Henry) 678 " Rachel (James T.). . . 1160 William (M. Stevens) 1160 " Zelia (Legrand D.) . . 1337 Cotton, Edgar S. (Phoebe D.) 13 12 " George 131 2 Coulchan, Annie C. (Don " Alonzo) 1307 Jas. C. (M. Porter- field) 1307 Covert, Isaac (E. V. Lefiferts). 737 Cozine, John 292 Craflford, Lysbet i Craig, S. C. (Susannah J.). . . 1576 Wynkoop Genealogy XXI N? Craven, Anne (C. Krusen)... 392 Isabella (Gerardus).. 682 " James (James) 1798 Crispell, Blandina (C. Du- mond) 491 Celinda (Derrick C). 492 Crispin, Helen K. (Alfred) ... 767 Cruikshank, Marg. M. (Cor- nelius P.) 479 Cummin, Mary (H. W. Wat- son) 1252 Cummings, Maria (Judge Henry) 157 Curwen, Geo. F. (Emily Beat- tie) 1208 Cutler, Wm. P. (J. A. Spencer) 1355 Darker, Maria (Legrand) .... 790 Dauchy, Jerome F. (E. A. Spencer) 1357 Davenport, Humphrey 2 " Ira (C. L.Sharpe). 1400 " Maria (Hezekiah) 39 Davis, Caroline (T. Tennant). 770 " Christopher i Eleanor S. (George). . 491 John (Elizabeth Stock- ton) 434 John (Margaret) 1776 Mary A. (George) .... 18 13 " M. (1809-88).. . 771 Richard (Mary) 434 Dean, Hannah (H. DeWitt) . 223 Jabez 220, 223 " Martha (J. DeWitt)... 220 Decattir, Stephen, Capt 12 18 Decker, Cornehus J. (E. Ten Brock) 33 Gertrtide (1721-) 115 " Johannes (Catharine) 33 Maria (J. E. De La- mater) 12 Sarah (Evert) 124 Dederick, Elizabeth (Heze- kiah) 315 Maria (F. Sax)... . 572 Matthew (M. Em- merich) S I ^ WiUiam (C. Britt) . 339 (C. Bran- don;) . . . 339 De Guardoqui, Diego 157 " Hooges, Anthony.... Intro. P- 7 " Hulter, Johan i " Kype, Roelof (note) 8 " Lamater, Abraham ( E. Tappen) 12 N? De Lamater, Abraham (S. Ten Broek, M. Ten Broek) 87 " " Annatje (1729: d. in inf .) . . . . 86 Annatje ( 1 736-) 86 " Blandina (Jacob R.) 899 " Catrina (17 27-) 85 " Comelia(i724-) 83 Elsjen (17 26-). 84 Johannes (173 5-) 88 " Johannes E. (Christina) ... 12 Mever, Benj. (Elizabeth). 108 ■" Eliz. (W. Schune- man) 280 " John (1771-) 281 Maria (1776: d. in inf.)... 283 Maria (J. Souser). 284 Nicholas (1773-).. 282 " Willem I Dennistown, Nathan 138 Denny, Wm. C. (A. F. Dur- yea) 1591 De Ronda, Nicholas (S. Roel) 65 Desang, Capt 292 De Wandelaer, Anne (Corne- lius 419 Dewev, Eugene E. (Madeline) 1557 De Witt, Abm. T. (Leah).. . . 259 " And. P. (1796-).... 495 " Andries (B. Ten Eyck) 259 Anne (P. Bogardus) 222 " (P. Tappen).. 273 Blandina (A. Storey) 493 " Cassius M. C. (M. Robinson) i534 Catharine (J. Quack- enbos) 510 " Catharine ( I S40-).. 847 1708 " Cornelia (G. Stan- nard, J. S. Plum- mer) 1704 " Cornelia L. (1850- 51) 1707 " Corn. W. (C. Van Gaasbeek) i454 " EUzabeth (E. Whit- taker) 218 Evert W. (1813-26) 1452 " Evke (B. Du Puis). 24 " Garrit(C.Ten Evck) 2=^4 " George W. (i848-:;i) 1706 Harriet G. (1854-)-. 1709 XXll Wynkoop Genealogy N9 DeWitt, Henry 223 24 494 221 1712 898 483 1054 (M. Ten Brock) . . ■ II " (Hannah Dean) (E.J.Griggs) 1451 " C. (1848-69) 1716 - Tacob(MarthaDean) 220 " Tan(W.Kiersted).. " Jane (H. C Horn- beck) " Tohn (i745~)-- • ' • " .. •' E. (i839-)--- H. (Cornelia). T. (Leah). . ■ ■ Logan (Sarah) • •■ Louisa 0.(1842-45) 1713 " " (i846-)--- 1715 ^ " MaryB. (1850-)- •• ^V" . .. Neeltje (W. Ten Broek) ^l . " OriUa (i846-)-- ■ • • ^7°5 . " Peter (S. Broad- head) ••■■ "*" .. .. Tjaatje (M. Van Keuren) •••••••; H .. " Tierck (A. Pawhng) 08 .. " TierckC. (J.Eltmg) 219 .. .. '' " (B. An- driessen) •••• ^^ " Wm. H. (1856-).. ■ " Wendelaer, Anne (Corn. Ehz.'(T' V. Vechten) . . Pieter (A. (Bogardus) " Wolf, Helen (Jas S.). .-• Dey, Dena (Jas. Applegate).. DeVo, Andrew. . ■ ■^- :p,^-^„^^ Magdalene (E. ELtinge; N9 382 385 1710 419 235 235 1366 1254 504 504 Dick, Anne (Jonathan) ...... 39^ Dirckson, Barend. Intro, p. 5 nivine Tohn (Caroline). . • • • °9^ g ixon Ebenezer (Eh.abeth)^ 105 1 T^^^crr^ MarvM (Theodores.) 1151 °°^^"'Wilham (S.E.Mason) X15X Sii 813 1394 854 181 DuBois,Abrahani(---i797) " Anne (L. Lefferts) . • .. " Anson, Rev. Dr- (Margaret) •• • " " Anson, Rev. Ur. (Anna) • M ■• Arthur (1 864-)..--- ■' Caroline M. (John J.) .. " Catharine (J. Schoon- maker) • • .' Catharine (P. Smedes) 292 " Cornehus (M. Hoog- tevling) ••■• 94 .. Cornelius (G. Van Vliet) ••-• ^ll^ " FrancisW. (1860-64) 1388 >. Helena (D.Taggart). 386 " Henrv (■ 1806).. 3»4 .. .^''^R. (1868-)... 1395 '* T*^?iric " Jacob '(G.Gerritsen) 57 " (1740-) ^^3 " Tohannes (Judith)... 57 " " ^^743 -d. m mf.) . 105 (A. Bovier) 189 " Takomyntje (i744'. - d. in inf. )..... ^-^ ^86 " lakomyntje (iJi Heefmans) . . . " Jonathan (Helena) . ' " Leah (Cornelius U) (C. Kiersted). . " Louis A. (1863-)- ■• '. •• Nicholas (1 7 7 1-7 ^^) 389 - " Petrus (A. Newkirk) 18b " " Rebecca (P- Bogar- dus) • " " Sarah (Henrv) ... -^^ ■ (\V. Van Or den) 191 156 94 351 1393 222 4/ Susannah . . Tryntje (J. den) 2 '^( 38. 38 Van Or- Douglas Asa (S^ Douw, Margaret (H. Uansc voort) Douwcrse. Jcrceme •• • Du Bois, Abraham (17 54-) ■ • • 94 I 190 Cornel.- , ... Ehzabcth (i7 54-),- Hcndrika(i745- f- in mi.) Wynkoop Genealogy XX HI No N9 Dumond, Annatjen (1750-).. ^97 Durgie, Hiram G. (Julia A. " Johannes (1744-).. 194 Brewster) 1684 Maria (1742-) 193 Durie, Sarah (S. Vandervoort) 1047 Sarah C. (George).. 491 Duryea, Anna F. (W. C. Dumont, Wallerand (an el- Denny) i59i der) I Frances S 1594 Dmibar, Catalina (James) . . . 420 Jeannette (C. A. Duncan, Louise (G. P. Harvev) 1590 Ouackenbos) 1671 Joseph T. (E. R. Baker) Dunham, Lucius T. (Eliza- / 1184 beth) Dunning, Adeline (b. and d. 656 Marv W 1593 1592 V7^ w Morris J. (J. Eddy). 1817) 1420 Dver, Mary (Abraham) 52 Axigustus (b. and d. " (W.Dyer) 52 1828). 1426 " William (Mary Dyer).. 52 W. (M. Bolles) I6S0 Eddv, Jessica (M. J. Duryea). 1592 Caroline M. (b. and Edick, Harriet L. ( Bul- d. 1827) 1425 lock) 896 Chas. E. (M. W. Edington, Philip (M. Fiero).. 607 Petrikin) 1423 Edwards, Belle (C. M. Raguct )I2I7 Helen R. (H. W. Phoebe (J. A. Jameson) 1678 James) 14S7 Jacob A. R. (F. Susan A. (A. D. Hoag) 1679 Gates) ^iS^ " Tames (b. and d. Egbert. Martha (Strickland) . 657 1818) I42I Egberts, Christina (J. Wan- Oliver (Harriet) . . . 889 shaer) 157 Robert B. (1860- Eights, Abm. (C. Broecks)... 421 94) I68I Jonathan (Alida) . . . . 421 Theodore W. (1826- Elbendorp, Tecla 35 1902) Timothy (A. Nos- 1424 Elese, Teunis 2 Elliott, Annie (R. B. Watson) 1253 tran) 880 Benj. (F. Pancha) . . . 728 Wm. H. (E. A. Bo- Chas.W. (Sarah F.).. 728 gardus) 1422 " " (1846-).... 1250 Du Ptiis, Benj. (E. Schoon- Edw. B. (1841-99) maker, E. De (Volunteer) 1248 Witt) 24 " Wm. H. (1844-63) " " Catharine (1864: d. (Volunteer) . 1249 in. inf.) 19 Ellis, Edwin (Marv Packard). 1666 " " " (i6qo: d. Elizabeth (Abraham) . . 786 in inf.) 2 2 Elmendorf, Conrad, Capt. . . . 5 " " " (B. Schoon- Elsie (P. Hen- maker) . 26 dricks) 1002 " " Cornelius (1688-) . . 21 F. (Francis S.) . . 475 " " Jacobus (S. Schoon- Gertrude (Evert) 4 maker) 27 Jacobus (G. A. " " Magdalena(i686-). 20 Van Wagenen) 4 " " Maria (1681-) 17 " Lucas (Cathrina) 61 " " Moses (Maria) 3 Sarah (A. Ten " " Nicholas -1 Eyck) 250 " " " (i6-82-).... 18 Eltinge, Alvah 96 " " Susannah (1698-).. 25 Anna (Dirrick D.)... 96 Duiuiy, Elias (R. Harden- Derrick W. (1800: d. bcrgh) 517 in inf.) 498 Simon (R. Harden- " (1802-). 499 bcrgh) 517 Edmund (M. Dcyo). 504 XXIV Wynkoop Genealogy N9 Eltiiige, Elizabeth (C. Wool- scy) 1456 Gertrude (17 9Q-).. . 497 Helena (Gerrct) 5 jacoba (1797-) 496 jacobus (E. Hall).. 219 ■[an 96 jane (T.J. DeWitt). 219 " (1806-) 501 Johannes J. (181 1-). 503 Noah 96 " Peter (Cornelia) .... 265 Sarah (Dirrick D.).. 96 " A. (1809-).. . S02 Ely, William (P. Baker) 1181 Emmerich, Maria (M. Dede- rick) 315 Ennist, Floyd B., M.D., (Isa- bel) 1493 Enoch, Jos. (Jemima) 143 Esopus — the name i Estill, AngelineC. (JohnW.). 722 " Britton 722,724 Elizabeth (Henry) 724 Evans, David, Rev 156 Everett, Catharine (1874-) . . 1633 " John (C. Brown) 1302 Wm. W. (Helen M.). 1302 Everit, George (M. C. Stan- ton) 460 Farley, Elizabeth (David)... 1146 Farnam, Abigail (A. Frye) . . 775 Farrar, Chas. S. (Harriet L.). 1301 Farrell, Anne (Gerardus) .... 667 Farwell, Lucy (J. Gates) .... 794 F'^easter, Anna (John) 370 Fellows, Joseph 777 " Mary (P. Heermans) 777 Fetter, Casper (Rebecca) .... 367 George " .... 367 Ferris, Alida 1266 Charles 1260 Elizabeth 1262 Isabella 1265 James 1258 " C. (Alida) 760 " John 1259 Martin 1264 Marv 1263 Robert D 1261 Fiero, Caroline (J. C. Hender- son) 608 " (\ith. (Wm. Britt).... 347 Magdalene (P. Eding- ton) 607 Peter (i8i4-r6) 609 William (Anne) 353 NO Fisher, Chas. H. (F. M. At- wood) 1599 " Esther (Abraham) ... 52 John 52 "Mary E. (J as. Osborne) 1282 Pha;be, Mrs. (F. Van Siclen) 161 Thomas (M. Maud) . 52 Fisk, Henry (Elizabeth A.) . . 856 Fletcher, Patrick (Capt. U. S. Navy) 435 Foecken, Dirck (G. Jansen).. 7 Fokker, Hilletje (Gerret) 5 Folger, Sarah (A. Reynolds). 473 Follard, Anne (J. Turck) . . . . 565 Fonda, Alida (W. Lansing).. 536 Isaac (Sarah) 418 Foocker, Gerret (J. Slecht) . . 5 Hilletje (Gerret). . . 5 Ford, Edward (Sarah L.) . . .. 1308 Forsey, Marv (Cornelius J.).. 419 " " Mrs 419 Fort, Frank M. (Emma G.).. 13 13 Fonvard, Harold S. (Kate C.) 1579 Fowler, Daniel (Mary A.) 680 Fransen, Judith (Johannes).. 2 Frazer, Simon, Genl. (British) 138 Frelinghuysen, Eliz. ( Elmendorf) 475 John (D. Van Bergh).... 517 Fritts, Crawford E. (Emma J.) 1384 " Harold E. (1885-).... 1654 Frost, Grissel (Benjamin) 178 " Jabez 178 Frve, Abiel (A. Farnam) .... 775 '"' Adelia A. (1822-) 1291 " Albert S. (1824-) 1292 " Alfred (Harriet) 775 " Alonzo F. (1826-) 1293 " Mvra J. (1831-) 1294 Fullerton, Elizabeth (David Moore) 779 Fulton, David (Helena) 149 " " (note) 149 Hester " 149 Isaac (Anne Britt)... 343 " James (note) 149 Margaret (Cornelius). 36!^ Robert ("Nelle"). . . 145 (note) 149 Ful wider, Mary J. (David) . . 1062 Gaasbeek, Blandina (W. Ten BroelO 87 Gamble, Martha (F. Murray). 393 Gansevoort, Anne (Cornelius) 94 Wynkoop Genealogy XXV N9 Gansevoort, Harmen (M. Douw) 94 Garabedian, P. H. (Hannah) . 1284 Garden, Wm. A. (Helen W.)- 1278 Gardner, Howard A. (de- ceased) 1627 JohnM. (M. E.Ten- nant) 12S6 Marv C 1626 William L. (de- ceased) 1628 Garrison, Alanson (D. E. Abeel) 103 1 " Margaret A. (D. Abeel) 103 1 Gasherie, Joseph (Catharine). 106 Gates, Albert D. (S. E. Ed- wards) 1358 Cyrus (Alice P.) 794 Frank (A. Stratton) . . 1360 Horatio, Gen'l 167 WilliamW. (1849-50). 1359 Geist, Daniel M. (G. Stebbins) 1567 " Franklin E. (1S78-)... 1570 " Jennie E. (1869-76)... 1566 Jesse G. (Rebecca J.). . 1137 " TohnE. (1875-) 1569 " Myrtle B. (1867-) 1565 " Viola (1874-) 156S George, Sarah (N. Hammond) 52 Sydney (Mary Dyer) 52 Gerritse, Goosen i Gerritszen, Gerretje (J. Du Bois) 57 Gerry, (Elbridge?) 157 Gibbs, Isadora (H. Luther) . . 1507 Gilbert, Matilda (T. Bolles).. 1680 Gilkvson, Albert 1075 Caroline (T. W. Hill) 1078 Elias (Elizabeth) . . 656 James 1074 John W 1076 Samuel (Phcebe)... 658 Stephen R. (Volun- teer) 1077 Gillett, Cora M 1365 Cullen T. (Encie J.) . . 799 Godwin, Mary (George P.)... 596 Golener, Amanda (Jas. W.) . . 1052 Goodwin, Josephine (J. Greg- ory) 1495 Gordon, Mary (J. Snell) 724 WiUiam (Sarah J.).. q8i Gorham, Hannah (Peter) 1807 Gosman, John, Rev. Dr 451 Margaret (Peter S.) . 451 Robert 451 NO Grace, Emma (Thos. P.) . . . . 1625B Grafins, Emma L. (R. B. Wat- son) 1253 Grant, Lewis (Harriet) 1601 Grassby, Cath. (Francis G.) . . 1336 Graves, Penelope (T. Spencer) 791 Gray, Daniel 789 Esther (m.) 1342 " Geo. W. (1857-90).... 1364 Grissel (m.) 1342 Tames, Dep'y Commis. Gen'l 65 Susan (Smith Hart) .. . 1343 " Wm. C. (m.) 1363 " R. (Julia M.).... 797 Gregory, Mary (Egbert H.) . . . 1495 Greveraet, (Sheriff) 7 Griffin, Alfred (1850-) 1022 Charles (Mary Stan- ton) 459 1028 Esther (John) 445 Giles (Ida C.) 591 Ida 1030 " Lucy 1029 " Samuel (Cornelia) ... . 595 EHzabeth (E. W. De Witt) 1452 Groat, Peter {A. Rogers) 808 " Sarah A. (E. Simpson) 808 Guardoqm, Diego de 157 Gulick, Hannah 1187 Harriet 1186 Henry 1185 John (C. Wiley) 693 Gwinner, Peter (M. Lom- baert) 392 Hagaman, Cora M 1762 " George Van (Mary) 1 76 1 Hager, Bruyn 2 Hagerman, Benj. (E. Mvirray) 1790 " John (Jane) 179° {See also Hegeman.) Hagle, Peter (EHzabeth) 985 Hahn, Carl O. (A. Tennant) . 1287 CarlT 1630 Edwin 1629 Mary M 1631 Haines, Daniel (Sarah) 535 Halberstandt, A. (John E.) . . 1221 H. " .. 1221 Hall, Elizabeth (T. Elting)... 219 " Henry (1868-87) 1309 " Henry J. (Harriet C.) . . 1309 Lillian ( Winney) . 1309 " Wm. H. (Bridget) 1056 Halsey, Abbie (I. Van Doren) 733 XXVI Wynkoop Genealogy N9 Halsey, Frank A. (Fannie E.) 1274 Hamilton, Alexander, Gen'l.. 1^7 " (P. Baker) iiSx " Amy E. (James M.) 1792 Hammond, Aug. G. (Cecilia). 1306 Harry A. (M. Teeter) 1306 " James L 175 Mary L. (S. P. Holmes) 1306 (M.Uycr) 52 Nicholas,"] un.(M. Lempriere) ... 52 " Nicholas, 3d., (S. 52 George, R. Hoi- 176 ly " Sam. S. (vSarah) 762 " Stephen G.(H. Pruyn, E. J. Pruyn) 1269 Susan (David) 532 Woodbury, Anne E. (Gerar- dus H.) 1 1 52 Daniel P. (C. R. Childs) 1152 Woodward, Geo. M. (Mar- garet) 400 Woolsey , Albert (1850-) 1 7 1 8 " Charlotte ( 1 848-) . . 17 17 Clinton (E. Elting). 1456 De Witt (1852-).. . 1719 " Moses (Cornelia M.) 1456 Walter (1864-) 1720 Wooten, Emily A. (Peter Waugh) 616 Work, Elizabeth (Matthew B.) 665 Worthington, Fanny ( O. Packard) 1408 N9 Worthington Gad (F. Belden) 1408 Thos. (C. A. Newell) 1042 Wray, Jas. L. ( Cor- bett) 1086 Wright, EHz. W. (Matthew). 1133 Marion (W. A. Macy) 1659 Wm. R. (A. W. Bailey) 1256 Wurts, Edward Vantixem 392 " JohnSparhawk (1875-) 392 Theo. F. (A. Van uxem) 392 William (L. J. Lath- rop) 392 Wyckoff, Cath. M. (Christo- pher) 686 Wyldwyck — the name i Wylie, Henry C. (Catharine). 1584 Wynkooper, Evaerdt, Intro., p. 2. Yates, Lydia (John H.) 935 " Mary B. (Adrian G.).. 1192 Yerkes, Miss — ( Fulton) 365 " Daniel (Esther Lick- ens) 411 " Sarah (John) 411 Young, Amanda (C. M. Yoiing) 1300 Chas. M. (Mary C. Wvnkoop,A.Young) 1300 Chas. M. (1864-) 1632 Zabriskie, Josiah H. (S. M. Mandeville) 1687 Sarah M. (Htibert S.) 1687 PREFACE The material used in the writing of this genealogy has been in collecting since the year 1849. The compiler began with making notes of whatever came under his eye, in casual reading, relating to the family, but he soon engaged in making researches. He published, in 1866, the result of his labors, using conjecture in putting the work together where positive information was lacking. The pamphlet thus published called forth additional and corrective material; and a second edition was published in 1878. The compiler purposes to have an interleaved copy of this edition, in which to insert corrections and further information, for use in a supplement or in a fourth edition, by some other hand. The opinion of John Burke has had weight with the compiler: it was that "He only deserves to be remembered by posterity, who treasures up, and preserves the history of his ancestors." The conspicuous members of the family, in Revolutionary times, were Judge Henry Wynkoop [157], of Bucks County, Pennsylvania, and Judge Dirck Wynkoop [292], of Kingston, Ulster County, New York. A half-tone copy of the portrait of the former is given herein. No portrait of the latter is in ex- istence. It is probable that he had one, and that it was de- stroyed by the British, when they burned Kingston, and wrecked his two houses, in 1777. The likeness of Judge Henry Wynkoop is representative of the third line of the family, which began with Gerret [5]. The likeness is also given of Lieut. Dyer Sharpe Wynkoop [435], descendant of Benjamin [8], as representative of the fourth line of the family. The hkeness of Francis Silvester Wynkoop [475] represents the first line of the family, descending from Maj. Johannes [2]. And last appears the face of the com- piler, Richard [1428], as senior representative of the second xliii xHv Preface line, beginning with Evert [4], and also as a junior representa- tive of the first line. The compiler has been gathering photographs of Wynkoops and their spouses and consorts, and has fifty-one of them, at the present time; and he would be pleased to add to the collection, which will be a permanent one if his wishes are heeded. They are all mounted on cards 4^ x 6^ ; because uniformity of size is favorable to permanence. Brooklyn, December, 1903. INTRODUCTION The name seems to be a contraction of Wijnkooper, a wine buyer, or vintner. The name of "Evaerdt Wynkooper" appears as a baptismal witness at Kingston, N. Y., November 6, 1687. The name has, properly, double i, in the first syllable, with the second i extending below the line, and curving to the left, as in physicians' prescriptions. All double vowels, in the Netherland tongue, are pronounced long; hence the Low Dutch pronounced this name Winekope; but in this country the pro- nunciation is now Winecoop, rhyming with loop, except in Vir- ginia, where it is sounded Wincoop, after the English fashion. The Compiler inclines to the use of the Netherland pronunciation. It seems, from private records in Holland, that two brothers Wynkoop left for New Amsterdam early in the 17th century. They may have been Peter and Cornelius; for those names appear at Vest-Oranje (Fort Orange, now Albany), the former in 1639, and the latter in 1655. The name is borne by a bay on the southerly shore of Java, near the westerly end. The tradition is, in Holland, that the branch of the family which gave that name returned to Holland. The name is still to be found in Amsterdam ; for, at Rochester, N. Y., in 1868, and at Bath, N. Y., from 1871 to 1903, was Henry J. Wynkoop, who was born at Amsterdam, of native Dutch parents. (See No. 1816.) He is representative of the Pulteney estate. John Wynkoop's name appears in a patent for land, in 1619J, of which Bryant gives an account, as follows: "After much trouble a'nd delay, a patent was procured from the Virginia Company, issued in the name of Mr. John Wincob, on June 9, 1619. Of this patent, nothing further is known, and it was never used. It is supposed to have made a grant of land some- where near the mouth of the Hudson River." "The date is 2 Introduction fixed by the Journal of the London Council, in Neill's History of the Virginia Company, where the name of the patentee is spelt Wencop, Wincopp, and Whincop. Bradford says, Wincob." ^ Perhaps this Wynkoop was subsequently one of the Westminister Divines. A "silver piec6 from the fleet of Piet Heyn," is mentioned in the will of Cornelius [i]. No doubt, the piece was a memento of the capture of the Spanish treasure vessels, in 1628, in the harbor of Matanzas, Cuba; and the inference is not unwar- ranted, that some relative of Cornelius shared in that exploit. The name of Wynkoop appears in England, about 1643. Among the Divines of the Westminster Assembly was John Wincop, D.D., of St. Martins in the Fields, which was subse- quently allotted to the Eleventh Classis of the Province of London, in 1646, under the Parliamentary Presbyterian system. He was in constant attendance, and joined with fifty-one other members, in 1646, in subscribing the proposition, that Jesus Christ, as king of the church, hath himself appointed a church government distinct from the civil magistrate.^ In the same assembly, was Thomas Wincop, D.D., Elesworth, who took a vow not to maintain any thing, in doctrine, but what he be- lieved to be most agreeable to the word of God, nor, in discipline, but what he conceived to conduce most to the glory of God, and the good and the peace of the church. But it seems that he did not continue in attendance. 3 Hetherington, in his History of the Westminster Assembly of Divines, at pages 97 and 98, mentions the same men, in the same locations. An other writer has the following: "John Whincop, D.D., was a member of the Assembly of Divines at Westminster. His name is found in the ordinance of Parliament, for calling an Assembly of Learned and Godly Divines: and he is said to be of St. Martins in the Fields. A John Whincop, D.D., said to be sometime Fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge, and pastor of the church at Clothall, in Hertfordshire, about the year 1644, or 1645, has two sermons extant, which I have now before me: ist, God's Call to Weeping and Mourning, from Isa. xxii, 12, preached to the House of ' Popular Hist, of the United States, Bryant, vol. i., p. 383. ' Hist, of the Puritans, Neal, vol. iii., pp. 46, 48, 278, 280. 3 Ibid., pp. 46, 48, 51. Introduction 3 Commons, at their Solemn Fast; 4to, pp. 51, London, 1645; 2d, Israel's Tears for Distressed Zion, from Ps. cxxxvii, i, de- livered to the House of Lords, at their Solemn Fast; 4to, pp. 47, London, 1645." 4 A Wynkoop coat of arms, as of Amsterdam, is described in Armorial General (J. B. Riestap, Gouda, 1884), as follows: "Wyncoop — Amsterdam. Ec: aux i et 4. d'azur a un rocher d'arg., mouv. d'une mer du meme, ace. en chef de deux etoiles (5) d'or; aux 2 et ^ d'azur au lion d'arg., cour. d'or." This may be translated: In the ist and 4th quarters of blue, a rock of silver, projecting from a sea of silver; two golden five pointed stars [with wavy lines] side by side, at the top of the shield: in the 2d and 3d quarters, also of blue, a silver hon, with a gold crown. The Compiler has had a drawing made, from the foregoing description, as shown below. wyNKOOP att.-ucLci\-n.) A tradition was preserved in the Pennsylvania branch of the family, descended from the third son, and was reduced 'to writ- ing, May 12, 1808, by or for Judge Henry Wynkoop [157], that Cornelius C. Wynkoop, a young bachelor, migrated, early in the 17th century, from Utrecht, in the United Dutch Netherlands, to Manhadoes, now New York City, and soon after settled at * Memoirs of the Lives, etc., of the Eminent Divines, etc. minster. Paisley, 1815. at West- 4 Introduction Vest-Oranje, now Albany, where he erected water-works, which were destroyed by a freshet, and that he then removed to Hur- ley, near Kingston, Ulster County, New York. The initial, C, is probably a mistaken interpolation, transferred from Cornelius C. [211]. The earlier editions of this genealogy assumed that Peter Wynkoop was the head of the family; but that assumption is now abandoned, as not supported by any thing, except by con- jecture, and as improbable. Peter was bom about 1615 or 1616, and he appeared at Albany in 1639. Cornelius Wynkoop ap- pears there in 1655, as making a contract; he must therefore have been of age. He died about 1676 ; the chronology suggests that he may have been a collateral relative, and not a descend- ant of Peter. Cornelius had five sons, of whom four lived to be married, and there was no Peter among them; and that would be contrary to the unwritten but inexorable law of the Dutch settlers. And there was no Peter among the grandchildren of Cornelius; so that it may be that there was no known relation- ship between Peter and Cornelius. Peter disappears from sight, and no descendant from him has been identified. He may have died young, or returned to Holland. But he made a stir in the province, and gave the officials occasion to sit up of nights, and ought not to be slighted here. On February 10, 1639, he ap- pears as defendant, on a complaint for smuggling, brought by the Fiscaal. The liquors, that were the subject of seizure, were confiscated, and Peter was fined twelve guilders. s On March 9, 1640, he made a declaration, as to the ownership of hay, which was in the possession of Barent Dircksen. In this declaration, he describes himself as twenty -four years old.^ In 1642, he ap- pears as a settler at Rensselaerwyck, and as "Commis." 7 It seems that he was Commissary Superintendent of Wares and Merchandise, for the Patroon, Van Rensselaer. In 1644, he was commissioned by the Patroon, to purchase, from the natives, land about Catskill,^ and, in connection with the Commissary General, 5 Council Minutes, vol. iv., p. 32. 6 Register of the Provincial Secretary, vol. i., p. 194. 7 Annals of Albany, Munsell, vol. i., p. 22 ; Hist. N. Netherlands, O'Cal- laghan, vol. i., p. 440. 8 The Netherland word kil, meaning channel, has but one /. In this province the word was applied to rivers and runs, as well as to channels. Introduction 5 Arendt Van Curler, to recover land and other property, which, it was alleged, had been purchased and misappropriated by a former agent, Adrian Van der Donck.9 In the same year. The Arms of Rensselaerwyck, with Peter as supercargo, arrived at Manhattan, now a borough of New York City, having been de- spatched in the previous autumn, by the Patroon to his colony. Kieft, the Director General, demanded from Peter, shoes for the soldiers, who were then fighting the Indians of the neighborhood of Hempstead, L. I. Peter refused to supply the shoes, and Kieft seized them, and ordered the vessel to be searched; and powder and guns, that were not manifested, were discovered. Kieft declared them contraband, and seized cargo and vessel. Peter contested the matter. The record is as follows: March 1 8, 1644. Protest. Peter Wynkoop, supercargo of the ship. The Arms of Rensselaerwyck, against Fiscaal van der Huy- ghens, for unlading the vessel. March 22, 1644. Answer of Fiscaal. March 23, 1644. Receipt. Peter Wynkoop, for eighteen kegs of gunpowder, from the Fiscaal. October 27, 1644. Court proceedings. Fiscaal against Peter Wynkoop, super- cargo, etc.: smuggling; on the petition of Arendt Van Curler. The case was referred to the Directors of the West India Com- pany, in Amsterdam, as the vessel was old and leaky. The cargo was released, and the vessel sailed, soon after. '° There were other controversies over this voyage, as follows: March 10, 1644. Court proceedings. Adriaen Willemsen against Peter Wynkoop, on complaint that the defendant had stated that the plaintiff had given information, that there were prohibited goods on board; defendant said that it was the boatswain who had made the statement; the boatswain was ordered to appear, and Peter was discharged. March 17, 1644. Adriaen Willemsen against Andrew, the boatswain, for having reported that plaintiff had informed against Rensselaer's vessel as having contraband goods on board; defendant said that Lubbert Jansen told him so. Lubbert Jansen declared that what he reported about the ship was untrue; that he knows nothing of plaintiff, but what is honorable and virtuous; was sorry for what he had said, and 9 Hist, of N. Netherlands, vol. i., p. 339. ^'^ Ibid.; Hist. N. York, Broadhead, p. 390; Annals of Albany, vol. i., pp. 196-199; vol. iv., pp. 56, 59; Register of Prov. Sec, vol. ii., p. 102; Council Minutes, vol. iv., p. 206. 6 Introduction begged plaintiff's pardon. Lubbert Jansen to pay costs. '^ Peter next appears, May 31, 1646, in court proceedings, Hillegond Joris against Peter Wynkoop, on an order to show cause why defendant had arrested plaintiff's husband, in the colony Rens- selaerwyck. Defendant said: for debt; and that the case must be determined in Rensselaerwyck, having originated there. '^ And finally, Peter appears, June 8, 1646, in court proceedings against Adrien van der Donck. Action on a note signed by Anthony de Hooges. De Hooges promised payment, and judg- ment was given against him. '3 Hendric Wyncoop appears as a witness, March 14, 1686, at Kingston, N. Y., to the baptism of Magdalina, daughter of Moses du Puy and Maritie Wyncoop ; but he has not been iden- tified. Perhaps the record of his given name is erroneous. A Wynkoop book-plate, of several varieties, is in existence, the origin of which is unknown; it seems to have started with Peter [510], born in 1755. A copper printing-plate, containing the device, which is a Hollander, a serving man, and a wine cask, and with the name of Peter Wynkoop upon it, descended to the compiler, who had the eagle, of the crest, re-engraved, the name Richard substituted for Peter, and the motto inserted. A lithograph from this plate, with the motto in place of the name, was given in the edition of 1878, of the Wynkoop Genealogy. A plate with the same device, but of independent drawing, has the name of Corns. C. Wynkoop [211, born in 1772]. And a third one, with female bacchantes supporting the shield, has the name of Augustus Wynkoop [213, born 1777]. The fourth variety, with the motto added, is in the Pennsylvania branch of the family, with Corns C. Wynkoop upon it. The Compiler has had a plate made, based upon the one of Augustus, substituting the motto, in place of the name, and turning the female supporters into male. Judge Henry Wynkoop [157] is supposed, by the compiler, to have added, as a family motto, " Virtutem hilaritate colere'' \ for it has been found first in his branch of the family. The compiler copied it from a piece of silverware, which was in " Council Minutes, vol. iv., pp. 185, 186. '* Ibid., p. 255. '3 Ibid., p. 257. Introduction 7 the possession of Mrs. Leonard Mortimer Thorn [1189]. The inscription had "co/ere," which was, no doubt, an error. The meaning of the motto is, " To adorn manliness with cheerfulness." A copy of the fifth print is given below. 'bt'rUni'(/ W|^W^^ WYNKOOP GENEALOGY CORNELIUS WYNKOOP AND HIS DESCENDANTS 1. Cornelius Wynkoop. The date of his birth is unknown; he died about 1676. His wife, Maria Janse Langedyck, died about 1679. They Hved at Rensselaerwyck until 1664-1667, and then settled at Esopus. Their children, Johannes, Marytje, Evert, 1665, and possibly Gerret, were bom at Rensselaerwyck. The first record that has been found, of Cornelius, is the fol- lowing: February 5, 1655, at the house of Marselis Janse, Johan de Hulter desires at this sale to dispose of certain personal property, on certain specified terms. Beneath, under date of February 18, is a memorandum : "one piece of money Kees Wyn- coop f. 3.06." ^4 On January 29, 1657, Marcellus Jansen (van Bommel), at the village of Beverwyck, offered for sale at public auction, the house in which he then lived, for which there were to be two payments, one on the first of the then next May, and the other on the first of May of the year following. After much bidding, Cornells Wynkoop remained the highest bidder, for the sum of nine hundred and eleven guilders. He signed the con- tract, writing his name Cornells Wynckoop.' 5 On September 19, 1657, at Beverwyck, he was surety for William Brouwer, on the purchase by the latter of a brewhouse at Greenbush, in the sum of twelve hundred and seven guilders. ^'^ On May i, 1658, he brought an action of debt, at Albany, against Cornelius Teunis- sen, for his share of the expense of foddering and taking care of the town bull, during the winter. Judgment for the plaintiff, '4 Early Records of Albany and Colony of Rensselaerwyck, Pearson, pp. 220—222. 'S Ibid., p. 1 7. The guilder was equal to forty cents, American. '6 Early Records of Albany, etc., p. 42. 9 lo Wynkoop Genealogy ten guilders, equal to $4. '7 On August 18, 1659, at Fort Orange, Claes Ripse van Dam made an acknowledgment of indebtedness to Henderick Anderissen (van Doesburgh) and Cornelis Wyn- coop, in the number of nine and thirty whole beavers, the in- debtedness growing out of the purchase by van Dam from Anderissen and Wynkoop, of a house and lot, at pubHc sale.'^ An order was made, on November 25, 1659, upon the request of W^mkoop, for the appointment of curators over the estate at Esopus, of Gysbert Philipsen, who had been murdered by the savages of that region. '9 On December 11, 1659, Marcelis Janse (van Bommel) declared a grant to Cornelis Wynkoop, of a house and lot, in the village of Beverwyck [bounded] to the south [by] the grantor's [land] — to the north by [land of] Peter Bronck — to the west by the hill — to the east by the street : the lot was in breadth thirty wood feet, and in length, according to the patent, except [what] was taken for a street: which lot the grantor had received by conveyance from Goosen Gerritse (van Schaick), and Goosen Gerritse, by patent from the Heer Director General and Council of New Netherland, of the date of October 25, 1653; for which house and lot, the grantor acknowledges to have received satisfaction.^" On May 30, 1662, he made a lease of lots one and sixteen at Esopus, to Lambert Huybertse.^' On August 31, 1665, he was the purchaser of a coat, and of other articles, for f. 15.10, at public sale, made by the administrators upon the effects of Jan Ryerson.^^ On October 19, 1665, he is recorded in the Deacon's book at Albany, as giving for alms 17 guilders, 10 stivers. On August 25, 1666, he made a declara- tion of conveyance, to Claes Ripse (van Dam), of the house and lot, conveyed to Wynkoop by Marcelis Janse (van Bommel), according to the conditions of the public vendue, on January 10 and 17, 1658, the land being at Albany. ^3 Cornelius is said to have settled at Esopus, in 1664. This opinion was held by Jonathan W. Hasbrouck, the incipient his- ^7 Fort Orange Records, vol. iv., pp. 31-34, 202. '8 Early Records of Albany, p. 252. '9 Fort Orange Records, vol. iv., pp. 31-34, 202. '° Early Records of Albany, p. 261. '^ Notarial Papers, 1660-1676, County Clerk's office, Albany. " Early Records of Albany, p. 82. '3 Ibid., p. 404. Wynkoop Genealogy n torian of Ulster County, and by Dingman Versteeg, an explorer among the ancient records of that place. It is possible that he was not an actual settler there,, until about 1667, although an owner of land in that region, and identified with it, before the latter date. He had a child baptized at Esopus, in 1668. The name Esopus was applied to an indefinite tract of land, probably in allusion to the hijzop plant. This region was, at first, called Wildwyck, meaning Indian quarter, or a refuge from savages. Hurley was embraced within this name.-^ The name Wildwyck continued to be borne by a hamlet, between Rondout and Kingston, until the three places were consolidated under the name of Kingston. On April 25, 1663, Cornelius obtained a grant of twelve mor- gens of land, at Esopus, equivalent to about twenty-six acres. In the Book of Patents, in the Secretary of State's office, is a confirmatory patent, to Cornelius Wynkoop, dated June 28, 1667, of a parcel of land at Esopus, near the new village, to the west of Nicholas Varlett, on the west side of the run, containing about twenty-four acres; also the lot west of the highway, and west of Lambert Huybertse's; both granted originally by Director Stuyvesant. This "new village" was Hurley. ^5 On March 30, 1670, the Commissioners for laying out lands at Esopus allowed Cornelius to lay out his two parcels in one tract, on condition that he would set off five morgens of land, for the " assistance " of Marbletown. In the annexed Register of Pat- ents to the inhabitants of the town of Hurley, there is, for Cor- nelius Wynkoop, twenty-four acres, and forty-eight acres. ^^ It seems probable that Cornelius settled in that portion of Esopus which is known as Hurley. The place there, now owned by James D. [864], may be the site of the original settlement of ^'^ Dutch Church Magazine, vol. i., p. 190; Collections of the Ulster Hist. Soc, vol. i., p. 56. ^S The Commissioners appointed by Governor Francis Lovelace laid out, on September 17, 1669, two towns, naming the one nearest to King- ston, Hurley, in honor to the Governor's ancestral home on the Thames, England. On September 25, they gave Kingston its name, in honor of the Governor's wife, who had been widow of William Hyde, of Kingston Lisle, near Wantage, Berkshire. They named Marbletown, because of its stone. {Collections of the Ulster Society, vol. i., p. 51.) There are stone quarries in that region; but the compiler is unaware of any marble. 26 Dr. E. B. O'Callaeiian. 12 Wynkoop Genealogy this family, in Ulster County. (See Family 147.) A sketch of this house is given as a frontispiece to this work. In April, 1669, Cornelius was appointed a Commissary of Kingston, and remained in office until 1671.^7 On June 10, 1672, he was appointed one of the two new Commissaries; and he was re-appointed on October 6, 1673, and served until August 14, 1674.^^ On July 5, 1674, he was witness to the re- newal of the treaty with the Indians.^9 Cornelius was a Schepen of Hurley, during the re-occupation of the province by the Dutch. The Netherlanders re-captured the Province of New York, July 30, 1673. The victorious naval and army officers, immediately afterward, organized a council of war, which was held at the Stadt House, New York City. They issued a summons to the magistrates and constables of East Jersey, Long Island, Esopus, and Albany, to appear forthwith at New York, and take the oath of allegiance. The Esopus officers appeared, on September i, 1673, and acknowledged allegiance. The Council made an order, changing the name of Kingston to Swanenburgh, Cornelius Wynkoop, Dr. Roelof Kiersted, Wessel Ten Broek, and Jan Burhans were appointed Schepens of Swanenburgh, and, respectively, took the oath of allegiance to the Staats General. The qualification required of them was, that they should be of the Reformed religion, and favorable to the Netherland Government. 3° An account of this Cornelius is given, in a list of names of Dutch settlers at Esopus, compiled by D. Versteeg, from the original Dutch court records of Wildwyck (Kingston), as follows: "Wynkoop, Cornelius, 1664; nominated for Schepen, 1669: appointed Schepen, 1672, 1673, 1674: member of the Committee of Defense, against the French, 1674: received a grant of a loca- tion for a brick yard, 1675; died before July 8, 1679." 3' On May 15, 167 1, it was assigned to him as an inhabitant of Kings- ton, to renew his portion of the stockade. 3^ ^7 llcnry Brace, of New York, referring to Records of Kingston, vol. iv., p. 38. *SDr. E. B. O'Callaghan. ^^ Collections of the Ulster Hist. Soc, vol. i., p. 63. 3° I fist, of Kingston, Schoonmaker, p. 66. 31 \'ear Book 1897, of the Holland Society of New York. 32 Hist, of Ulster County, p. 68. Wynkoop Genealogy 13 Cornelius was chosen an Elder of the Reformed Dutch Church at Kingston, in 1671.33 The church had been organized in 1659, and Rev. Harmanus Bloem arrived there September 5, 1660, from the Netherlands, to take charge as pastor, and so continued until March, 1667, when he returned to Holland. After that, the church seems to have been without pastoral care, until 1675.34 Jonathan W. Hasbrouck, in his incipient History of Ulster County, 1868, gives various items ir^ relation to this Cornelius, as follows: 1670. Paid Comelis Wynkoop for a cow for child of Christopher Davis, in sewan, one hundred and twenty-one florins. 167 1. By the account of Hendrick Peters and Jan Cornelisse, the receipts were 435 florins, i styver, and disburse- ments, 321 florins — so that there remained in the chest, 50 florins, as is to be seen by the list. This account was examined in the presence of Elders Jan Willemse (Houghtaling), Comelis Wynkoop, and Hendrick Aertsen. 1672. A meeting of the consistory was held, at the which were present. Rev. Gideon Schaets, C. B. Slecht, C. Wynkoop, Wallerand Dumont, and Joost Adriaens, when Lysbat Crafford seeks to be reconciled with her husband, Jeroeme Donwerse. He can not consent thereto. (Page 57.) 1670. January 17th, Cornelius Wynkoop wanted twenty-two schepels of rye, from Claes Teunise, which the latter offset by a bill for doctoring his cows, and attending his pigs. (Page 122.) 1671. May 3, Cornelius Wynkoop got permission to build a mill at Hurley, provided he had all the material in oiie year. (Page 123.) 167 1. May i, Harman Hendrix called Cornelius Wynkoop a rogue and villain. The latter re- torted, that he had not been banished. Hendrix replied in a vulgar way. He was obliged to do penance, with uncovered head, in the presence of Wynkoop. (Page 123.) On May 15, 167 1, the inhabitants were ordered to renew the stockade of Kingston. Among the allotments were, Hendrick Jochems and Comelis Wynkoop, No. ^^, thirty rods: small house of Wyn- koop. (Pages 123, 124.) 1672. January, Reyndert Petersen died, and Comelis Wynkoop and Wallerand Dumont were made curators of his estate. (Page 127.) In 1675, Comelis Wynkoop began the manufacture of brick, near the bridge at Kingston. 33 William. H. Dederick, of Kingston. ^'i- Manual of Reformed Church, Corwin, 1902, p. 983; Ecclesiastical Records of the State of New York, vol. i., p. 501. 14 Wynkoop Genealogy (Page 175.) In October, 1678, Rev. Laurentius van Gaasbeek arrived at Kingston, as pastor. The church there, and at Hurley and Marbletown, then consisted of one hundred and forty mem- bers. A few months afterwards there were one hundred and eighty; among them, Maritje Jans, widow of Cornelis van Wyn- koop, deceased, and Maria van Wynkoop. (Page 152.) The name of the wife of CorneHus appears frequently as Marytje Jans; but her will gives the family name as Langedyck. There was a Maria Jans, orphan daughter, a passenger in March, 1660, by the Gilded Beaver; and in the same month, Marytje Jansen, maiden, came as passenger, on the Love.^s Cornelius made his last will as follows : On August 11, 1676, be- fore William La Montagne, Secretary for the Honorable Justices at Kingston, Cornelius Wynkoop made his will, reciting that he was sick abed; that he had a lawful wife, and seven children; that his whole estate should be the property of himself or his wife, whichever should survive the other; but if the survivor should marry again, one half of the estate should be set aside, to be equally divided between said children. An inventory of the property, sold at auction, was made in 1677. The widow made her last will, on May 16, 1679. She was described therein as "Maria, widow oT Cofhelis Wynkoop, lying sick abed," and she signed as "Maria Langedyck, widow of Cornelis Wynkoop." She "appointed in a Christian-like manner, for tutors or guard- ians of her minor children, Wessel Ten Broek and Mr. William De Meyer, to have oversight over her minor children left behind, . . . enjoining the said guardians to lead her children in the fear of the Lord." She gave to her " oldest son, Johannes," "the silver piece from the fleet of Piet Heyn." To her "oldest daughter, Maritje," she made bequests; also to her "youngest daughter, Catharine," and to her "youngest son, Benjamin." 36 She was not an old woman, for she had a child baptized in 1675 ; the hardships of a new settlement may have shortened her days, as well as those of her husband. On February 8, 1681, the guardians, under her will, were ordered to account for the property, by spring. The executors let her property, in 1681.37 35 Documentary Hist, of New York, O'Callaghan, vol. iii., p. 56. 36 Old book of records, in Kingston, at one time in the hands of Jona- than W. Hasbrouck. 37 Jonathan W. Hasbrouck, of Rondout, 1874. Wynkoop Genealogy 15 The silver piece was, no doubt, a memento of the capture of the Spanish treasure fleet, at Matanzas, in 1628, by Admiral Piet Pietersen Heyn.^^ It does not appear, which was the older of the children, Johannes or Maria; but, probably Johannes was; for he was married in 1687, and Maria's oldest child was baptized the year following, and women usually married at an age earlier than men. A deed was made, on September i, 1697, by Johannes, Evert, Gerret, and Benjamin Wynkoop, and Moses Dupuis, to Jacob Rutse, of lands whereof Cornelius Wynkoop, deceased, late of Kingston, was in possession. And a partition deed was exe- cuted, on April 26, 1715, by Major Johannis, Captain Gerrit, and Benjamin Wynkoop, and Moses Dupuis, to Evert Wynkoop. 39 Children of Cornelius and Maretje Wynkoop: 2. Johannes, Maj.: b. in Albam^ N. Y. : m. ist, Judith Fran- sen Bloodgood: m. 2d, Cornelia Ten Broeck. 3. Maria: b. in Albany: m. Moses Du Puis. 4. Evert: b. in Albany, Mch. 24, 1665; m. ist, Gertrude El- mendorf : m. 2d, Antje Kiersted. 5. Gerret: b. in Albany or Esopus: m. Hilletje Fokker, known also as Helena Eltinge. 6. Nicholas: bp. at Kingston, Oct. 15, 1668, "Claes": witnesses, Jan Willemsen and his wife Barber, Jan Jansen Langedyck, Gertie Jansen. He was one of the "seven children" men- tioned in 1676, in the will of his father, but is not traced further. 7. Catharine: bp. at Kingston, June 18, 1671; witnesses, Thos. Chamber, the Hon. Sheriff, Greveraet, Gerretie Jansen, wife of Dirck Foecken. She was one of the seven children mentioned in her father's will. Her mother's will, 1679, calls Marytje "oldest daughter," implying that an other was then living. She has not been traced further. 8. Benjamin: bp. Kingston, Apl. 18, 1675: m. Phemertje Van der Heul. 2» Johannes Wynkoop, (Cornelius i,) born in Albany, N. Y. He is called "oldest son," in the will of his mother, 1679. He 38 Dr. George H. Moore, of the Lenox Library, New York. 39 Cotmty Clerk's office, Kingston, Book AA, p. 186; Book BB, p. 412. i6 Wynkoop Genealogy died between 1730 and 1733. He married ist, July 16, 1687, Judith Fransen Bloodgood, baptized, New York, May 25, 1665, daughter of Capt. Frans Jansen Bloetgoed, of Flushing, N. Y., and of Lysbeth Jans.'^° Bans were recorded at Kingston, June 7, 1687, Johannes Wincoop, bom at Albany, and Judith Fransen, bom Flijsengen;' and the record of marriage is at Flatbush, L. I. Johannes married 2d, under a license dated June 6, 1696,'*' Cornelia Ten Broeck, who died June 10, 1729, aged 60 years, 3 months, daughter of Major Dirk Wesselsze and Christina Cor- neHsze (Van Buren) Ten Broeck. ^^ Ten Broek signifies at the moor. Washington Irving's etymology of this name was dis- approved, and was abandoned by him. Johannes was bound, June 27, 1679, .to Benjamin Provoost to learn the blacksmith's art; but the indentures were cancelled, and in November he was bound to Bruyn Hager, of Hurley, to learn the same occupation. 43 He took the oath of allegiance, in 1689, in Ulster County. ^4 This must have related to William III., who became King in 1688. Johannes was a magistrate of the Town Court of Kingston, May 6, 1691, to January, 1692, and in October, 1693, and, with his brother Evert, in 1697, 1710, and 1712. In the year last named, he was president of the court of magistrates. He was a trustee of Kingston, in 17 10 and 1712, and assessor, in 1711.45 There was anxiety in the church at Kingston, because of a vacancy in the pulpit; and, on November 7, 1692, subscriptions were made to the value of ;^iio, most of them in schepels (bushels) of wheat, and Johannes subscribed 12 schepels. In September, 1708, Teunis Elese, Capt. Egbert Schoonmaker, Jo- hannes Schepmoes, Jacobus Dubooy, Johannes Wynkoop, and others, acting with the old consistory, drew a call for the Rev. Vincentius Antonides of Midwoud; but he declined. ^^ Johannes was recorded, in 1728, as a freeholder of Kingston, and as a Major. In the same year, he is classed with " Old offi- 4° lUsi. of Harlem, Riker, p. 562. 4' Record of Wills, N. Y. Register's Office, lib. 57, p. 157. 4« First Settlers of Albany County, Pearson, p. 109. 43 Jonathan W. Hasbrouck. 44 Doc. Hist. N. Y., vol. i., p. 279. 45 Kingston town records, per Henry Brace, of New York. 46 Hist, of Ulster County, Hasbronck, pp. 160, 162, 166, 167. Wynkoop Genealogy i? cers and old men," in a "List of commanding officers, as well military as civil." ''7 The last will of Johannes was dated June 9, 1730, and he died shortly thereafter. The death is stated in the deed, men- tioned third below. A deed was made, dated September 13, 1733' by Capt. Cornelius Wynkoop, of Hurley, blacksmith, Derick, of the same place and occupation, Johannes, of King- ston, cordwainer, Jacob Ten Broeck, and Elizabeth his wife, Johannes De Lamater, cordwainer, and Christina his wife, to Thomas Beekman, joiner, and Marytje, his wife. The deed men- tioned Major Johannes, as deceased.-*^ An other deed — never recorded, and now in the possession of the compiler, — dated Sep- tember 30, 1737, was executed by Cornelius and Derick, of Hurley, blacksmiths, Johannes, of Kingston, Esquire, Thomas Beekman, of the same place, joiner, and Marytje his wife, Johan- nes De Lamater, of Kingston, cordwainer, and Christina his wife, to Jacob Ten Broeck, Esquire, of Kingston, and Elizabeth his wife. The deed recited that Cornelius, Derick, Johannes, Thomas Beekman and wife, and Johannes De Lamater and wife, were heirs of Johannes Wynkoop, lately of Kingston, and possessed of land in Kingston, by assignment to Johannes Wyn- koop, deceased, dated July (or perhaps Jan.) 16, 17 13-14, and endorsed upon the back of deed dated February 13, 1688, from the trustees of Kingston to Humphrey Davenport. Mrs. Ten Broeck, also, was an heir. Still an other deed is found, dated October i, 1737, executed by Cornelius, eldest son, Derick, an other son, Elizabeth, eldest daughter, and Jacob Ten Broeck, her husband, Marytje, an other daughter, and Thomas Beekman, her husband, Christina, youngest daughter, and Johannes De Lamater, her husband, children of the late Major Johannes, con- veying lands to Johannes Wynkoop, High Sheriff of the county, youngest son of said Major Johannes. -^^ Children of Johannes and Judith F. Wynkoop : 9. Cornelius: bp. June 4, 1688: m. Hendrika Newkirk. 10. Elizabeth: b. in 1690: m. Jacob Ten Broeck. 11. Maria: bp. Apl. 23, 1693: m. Thomas Beekman. 47 I)oc. Hist. N . Y., vol. iii., pp. 969, 972. 48 Ulster county deeds, Kingston, Book DD, p. 201 ; Book EE. p. 38. See an other deed at page 204 of DD. i8 Wynkoop Genealogy Children of Johannes and CorneHa Wynkoop : 12. Christina: bp. Mch. 28, 1697: m. Johannes E. De Lam- ater. 13. Derrick: b. Nov. i, 1698: m. Gertrude Kool. 14. Catharine: bp. Jan. 19, 1701, Kingston. She died young, probably; for she is not mentioned in the partition deed, in 1733; and in the deed of 1737, Christina is called "young- est daughter." 15. Johannes, sheriff: b. Oct. 7, 1702: m. Maria Bogardus. 16. Lydia: bp. Feb. 21, 1714. She died young, probably. 3. Maria ("Marytje") Wynkoop (Cornelius i), born in Albany, N. Y. Her mother's will, in 1679, calls her "oldest daughter," and Johannes "oldest son," but does not declare the seniority between them. She married Moses Du Puis, son of Nicholas. The name is written, also, Du Puy and Du Puite. He was living in 17 15. Baptisms of all their children are recorded in Kingston. Children of Moses and Marytje Du Puis: 17. Maria Du Puis: bp. Apl. 24, 1681. 18. Nicholas Du Puis: bp. Dec. 3, 1682. 19. Catharine Du Puis: bp. Apl. 6, 1684: d. in infancy. 20. Magdalena Du Puis: bp. Mch. 14, 1686. 21. Cornelius Du Puis: bp. Jan. i, 1688. 22. Catrina Du Puis: bp. May 25, 1690: d. in infancy. 23. Moses Du Puis: bp. Sept. 27, 1691: m. Feb. 14, 1716, Margriet Schoonmaker, bp. Dec. 15, 1695, daughter of Jo- chem Hendrickszoon and Anna (Hussey) Schoonmaker. 24. Benjamin Du Puis: bp. Oct. 13, 1695: m. ist, Sept. 3, 1719, Elizabeth Schoonmaker, bp. Feb. 18, 1700, sister to Mar- griet, named above: probably m. 2d, Dec. 13, 1735, Eyke De Wit, bp. June 3, 1694, daughter of Jan and W3mtje (Kiersted) De Wit. 25. Susannah Du Puis: bp. Jan. 9, 1698. 26. Catharine Du Puis: bp. Nov. 30, 1701: m. May 10, 1722, Benjamin Schoonmaker, bp. Aug. 19, 1702, brother to Mar- griet and Elizabeth. 27. Jacobus Du Puis: bp. Sept. 19, 1703: m. Aug. 20, 1725, Sara Schoonmaker, bp. June 20, 1708, sister to Margriet, Eliza- beth, and Benjamin. 4. Evert Wynkoop (Cornelius i), bom in Albany, N. Y., March Wynkoop Genealogy 19 24, 1665 49; died July 31, 1746.5° He married ist, August 26, 1688, Gertrude Elmendorf , described as bom at Kings Town, and he, at Albany. The marriage is recorded in the Kingston church. She was daughter of Jacobus and Geertje Aertse (Van Wagenen) Elmendorf. s' Evert married 2d, Antje s^ Kiersted, daughter of Roelof and Eyke (Roosa) Kiersted; and their first child was baptized in 1707.53 Evert took the oath of allegiance, in 1689, in Ulster County. 54 He was a magistrate of Kingston, in 1695, 1697, 1698, and 171 1, and a trustee in 1710.55 He is mentioned, in 1728, as a free- holder of Kingston; and his widow, in 1755, appears as a slave- holder, at Hurley. 56 His initials, E. W. C, were cut into one of the stones in the front wall of the Kaatsbaan church, which was about three miles above the vihage of Saugerties. The church was built in 1732, and enlarged in 1816.49 It was rebuilt in 1867, and that stone was set into the rear wall. The letter E does not now appear in the stone, which was broken, probably, at that time. He does not seem to have been a member of that church, but his son, Johannes E., was, in 1738, and his grandson. Evert, in 1759. Evert's last will, dated Beaverkill of Kingston, June 2, 1746, — now in the possession of the compiler, — mentions his wife Antje; his grandchildren Evert andTjaatje (pronounced Chaw- chee) — children of Cornelius ; his son Tobias; his grandchildren, Evert and Catharine, children of Hezekiah; his sons Jacobus 49 Judge Henry Wynkoop, of Catskill, N. Y. 5° Inscription in old graveyard of Saugerties, on the Hudson — per Henry Brace. SI Hist, of Kingston, Schoonmaker. 5^ Je, pronounced yeh, as a mere breathing, and jen, ke, and ken are feminine, but are sometimes used for boys — as Benje. 53 Antje Kiersted was a descendant of Annetje Webber, who married ist Roelof Jansen, 2d Rev. Everardus Bogardus, and was familiarly known among the descendants, and in the legal controversies over the real estate, held by Trinity Chtirch, New York City, as Anneke Janse. Roelof and Anneke (Webber) Jansen had a daughter Sarah Roeloffe, who married Hans Kiersted, and Roelof Kiersted. their son, married Eyke Roosa. (Complaint: C. C. Kiersted against The People of the State of New York, and Trinity Church, N. Y; Common Pleas.) 54 Doc. Hist. N. Y., vol. i., p. 282. 55 Kingston town records, per Henry Brace. 56 Doc. Hist. N. Y., vol. iii., pp. 969, 847. 20 Wynkoop Genealogy and Johannes; his daughter Antje; and his granddaughter, Geertje Decker. The compiler traces his ancestry to this Evert, through the eldest son in each generation; and also to Johannes, eldest son of the first Cornelius, through a female descendant. Baptisms of Evert's children are • in the Kingston church record. Children of Evert and Gertrude Wynkoop : 28. Cornelius: bp. Oct. 13, 1689: m. Barbara Matthysze Van Keuren. 29. Jacobus: bp. May 26, 1691: m. Jannetjen Bogardus. 30. Nicholas: bp. Apl. 23, 1693. He is not mentioned in his father's will, 1746. 31. Grietje (Margaret): bp. June 2, 1695; not mentioned in her father's will. 32. Marytje (Maria): bp. Sept. 11, 1697: not mentioned in her father's will. 2^. Catharina: bp. Dec. 17, 1699: m. Johannes Decker. 34. Antje (Anne): bp. Apl. 26, 1702: m. Johannes Swart. 35. Tecla: bp. Feb. 18, 1705, Albany church record: not traced further. The name is probably Scandinavian, Tekla. The compiler has found Tecla (or Teela) Elbendorp, baptized in Kingston, Dec. 7, 1684. Children of Evert and Antje Wynkoop: 36. Johannes Everts: b. Oct. 12, 1707: m. Catharine Schut. 37. Tobias: bp. May 7, 17 10: d. in infancy. 38. Maretje (Maria): bp. Aug. 10,1712: she is not mentioned in her father's will, 1746. 39. Hezekiah: b. Jan. 16, 1715: m. Maria Davenport. 40. Tobias: bp. Apl. 28, 1717: m. Leah Legg. 5. Gerret Wynkoop (Gerard), (Cornelus i,) born in Albany, or Kingston, N. Y. : married Hilletje (Hail ?) Fokker,s7 daughter of Gerrit and Jakomijntje (Slecht or Slaght) Fokker. She was known in Pennsylvania as Helena Eltinge, from the name of her step-father.ss Gerret was apprenticed, July 8, 1679, for five 57 The correct spelling is Fokker. In the baptismal record of his chil- dren at Kingston, the name appears usually as Gerretse (for Gerretze, a patromymic), and once as Foocken, and as Foocke. 58 Jakomyntje Slecht m. ist, Mch. 14, 1666, at Kingston, Jan Barend- sen (Kunst) ; 2d, about Oct. 28, 1668, Gerrit Foocken; 3d, Jan Eltinge. Wynkoop Genealogy 21 years, to Heyman Albert, to learn shoeniaking. He took the oath of allegiance, in 1689, in Ulster County. He was an ensign, in 1700, in the counties of Ulster and Duchess, under Conrad El- mendorf, Captain. S9 He was a magistrate of Kingston, in 1706, 1707, and 1708; and one of the trustees and overseers, in 1706, 1707, 1708, and 1709.^° Gerret, in 171 2, was a deacon in the Dutch church, in Kingston, and, as such, joined in the petition for its incorporation. S9 The patent was granted in 1719.'^' According to the tradition in Pennsylvania, reduced to writ- ing. May 12, 1808, — see Introduction, — this Gerret, called Ger- ardus, was engaged in planting, in Ulster County, N. Y., until 1717, when he sold his land there, and removed to the township of Moreland, then in the county of Philadelphia, now Montgomery, Pennsylvania. His family, at that time, consisted of his wife, "Helena Eltinge," and children, Cornelius, Gerrit, Nicholas, Henry, Philip, Mary, Jemima, and Anne.^^ "Jemima" is Jako- mijntje (Jacoba) in the baptismal record. Gerret went into Northampton (a township in Bucks County), in 1727, in which year, Edward Weston and wife conveyed five hundred acres of land, of the Tompkins tract, to Garret Winckoop of Philadelphia, gentleman. In 1738, Gerret conveyed two hun- dred and sixty acres of the same, to Nicholas Wynkoop (his son), of Northampton.^3 ■ Gerret was an elder of the church of Northampton and South- ampton, January i, 1744/45. His grandson. Judge Henry Wynkoop, was an elder of the same church, in 1789; and his granddaughter's husband was its pastor. The descendants of this Gerret now own and occupy land in Northampton, which passed from him to his son Gerrit. G-e-r-r-e-t was given to the compiler, as the correct spelling of this name, by William H. Dederick, the veteran schoolmaster, of Kingston, N. Y., who indicated Garret as the right pro- nunciation. The compiler has found also the spelling G e e r t, which should be pronounced Gart, like the a as in fate. 59 Doc. Hist. N. v., vol. i., pp. 279, 363; vol. ii., p. 969. 6" Kingston town records, per Henry Brace. 6' Hist, of Ulster County, Hasbrouck, p. 168. 6* Family record of Judge Henry Wynkoop, of Penn. [157]. 63 Hist, of Bucks Co., Penn., Davis, p. 358. 2 2 Wynkoop Genealogy Children of Gerret and Hilletje Wynkoop : 41. Maria: bp. Kingston, N. Y., June 3, 1694; the mother's name recorded HilUtje Gerrits. She married Abraham Van- degrift, of Bensalem, Penn. [van der grift = from the canal]. 42. Jacoba: bp. Kingston, N. Y., Mch. 22, 1696; hername re- corded Jacomijntje, and her mother's Foocken. She married, June 27, 1 7 18, Joseph Buskark, and her name is recorded Jacominea.^4 Judge Henry Wynkoop has her name as Jemima, and her husband's as George Buskirk, of Moreland [Bosch-kerk = forest church]. 43. Anne: bp. Kingston, N. Y., Aug. 21, 1698: m. Isaac Van Meter, of Salem, N. J., who removed to the South Branch of the Potomac, Va. 44. Cornelius: bp. Jan. i, 1701: m. Helena Vandegrift. 45. Gerrit: bp. Nov. 19, 1702: m. Susannah Van Vliet. 46. Nicholas: bp. Feb. 18, 1705: m. Anne Kuypers. 47. Henry: bp. Oct. 19, 1707. He is said to have died a bach- elor, in Salem, N. J.^s But there is a record of marriage, Sept. 12, 1737, of Sarah Du Bois, to Henry Wynkoop, who, probably, was this Henry. '^^ [Du Bois = of the forest]. 48. Philip: bp. Sept. 11, 1709: m. Margaret Conover. 49. Tobias: bp. Kingston, N. Y., May 3, 1713. 8. Benjamin Wynkoop (Cornelius i), baptized, Kingston, N. Y., April 18, 1675, witnesses, Wessel Ten Broeck, Comelis Maer- sten, Marretie Ten Broeck: married, New York, October 21", 1697, Femmetje Van der Heul [Phemertje = Phoebe]. In the license for marriage, she is called Effonio or ffemmie Van der Hule.'^^ She was baptized August 6, 1671,^^ daughter of Abra- ham and Trijntje Hendricks (Kip) Van der Heul.^9 Benjamin was a goldsmith. He voted in the South Ward, New York, September 29, 1701. His name appears, with those of other residents of that ward, June 15, 1724, in a remonstrance 64 Pres. Ch., Abington, Penn., per Charles R. Hildebum. 65 Alonzo Ilus Wynkoop, of Chemung, N. Y. 66 First Pres. Ch., Phil., Penn., per Charles R. Hildebum. 67 Record of Wills, Surrogate's oflfice, N. Y., vol. 5, p. 259. 68 N. Y. Gen. and Biog. Record, vol. viii., pp. 70, 71. 69 Record of Deeds, N. Y., liber 31, p. 513. It seems that she was a descendant from Roelof de Kype, of Bretagne, France, who was a par- tisan of the Guises, and fled to the Netherlands, where he joined the party of the Duke of Anjou. {Corwin Genealogy, pp. 4q, 257.) Wynkoop Genealogy 23 against leasing the ground on which the market formerly stood. He and his wife were living, in December, 1737.7° In April, 1741, his slave, London, a Spanish Indian, was indicted, with other persons, for conspiring to burn the city. 7^ Children of Benjamin and Phemetje Wynkoop: 50. Cornelius: bp. N. Y., Dec. i, 1699: d. in infancy. 51. Cornelius: bp. June 22, 1701 : m. Elizabeth Van der Spiegel. 52. Abraham: bp. July 4, 1703: m. ist, Esther Fisher; 2d, Mary Dyer, widow of Nicholas Hammond. 53. Benjamin: bp. May 23, 1705: m. Eunice Burr. 54. Catharine: bp. June 29, 1707. 55. Johannes: bp. Sept. 14, 1712. 56. Maria: bp. Aug. 29, 17 14. 9. Cornelius Wynkoop, (Maj. Johannes 2, Cornelius i,) bap- tized, Kingston, N. Y., June 4, 1688: died about 1747. He married, December 14, 171 1, Hendrika Newkirk of Marbletown, baptized November 11, 1692, died before April, 1747; appar- ently daughter of Adrian Gerritszoon and Lysbet Lambertsze (Brink) Nieukerk.72 In the Wynkoop Family, 1866, she was allotted to the namesake and cousin of this Cornelius, in deference to an opinion other than that of the compiler, who, on further investigation, returns to his original opinion. He is described, in conveyances of 1733 and 1737, as of Hurley, blacksmith. His last will, as of Hurley, dated September 19, 1739, appoints his wife an executrix, and mentions ten children: Judith, Elizabeth, Cornelia, Johannes, Catharina, Lea, Adriaan, Cornelius, Petrus, and Maria. Letters testamentary were granted by the surrogate of Ulster County, April 3, 1747, to the surviving executors, and the wife was not among them. 73 His children's baptisms are recorded in Kingston. Children of Cornelius and Hendrika Wynkoop : 57. Judith: bp. Aug. 31, 171 2: m. Johannes Du Bois. 58. Elizabeth: bp. Jan. 9, 1715: m. Philip Du Mon. 59. Cornelia: bp. Mch. 17, 1717: m. Jan Van Deusen, Jun. 7° Corporation Manual, N. Y., 1857, p. 520. Record of Deeds, N. Y., lib. 32, p. 105. 71 Hist. MSS., Sec'y of State's Office, vol. 66, pp. 79, 99; vol. 74, pp. 25, 81. 72 Kingston church records. 73 Henry Brace, of New York City. 24 Wynkoop Genealogy 60. Johannes: bp. Aug. 16, 17 19. He is mentioned in his father's will, in 1739. 61. Catharina: bp. Feb. 18, 1722: m. at Kingston, N. Y., June 20, 1747, Lucas Elmendorf. 62. Leah: bp. May 31, 1724: d. in infanc3^ 63. Adriaan, Major: bp. Aug. 21, 1726: m. Catharine Louw. 64. Leah: bp. Jan. 7, 1728: mentioned in her father's will, 1739. 65. Cornelius C, Captain: bp. Nov. 5, 1732: m. Maria C. Ruehl. 66. Petrus: bp. Dec. 22, 1734: m. Janneke, or Anneke, Harden- bergh. 67. Maria: bp. Dec. 22, 1734: mentionedinherfather's will, 1739. 10. Elizabeth Wynkoop, (Maj. Johannes 2, Cornelius i,) born in 1690, died February 12, 1761: married in Kingston, January 17, 171 2, Jacob Ten Broeck, born March 25, 1688, died in April, 1746, son of Wessel and Maria (Ten Eyck) Ten Broeck.74 Jacob's will was dated March 31, 1746.7s Children of Jacob and Elizabeth Ten Broeck: 68. Wessel Ten Broeck: bp. Dec. 7, 1712: d. Harlingen, N. J., in 1747: m., Sept. 5, 1734, Neeltje De Witt, bp. Apl. 22, 171 1, daughter of Tjerck [pro. Cherek] and Anne (Pawling) De Witt. His widow married Samuel Stout. 69. Johannes Ten Broeck: bp. Dec. 12, 1714: m. Catharine Ten Eyck. 70. Maria Ten Broeck: bp. June 30, 17 17: m. Henry De Witt. 71. Cornelius Ten Broeck: bp. June 7, 1719: m. Margaret Louw. 72. Judith Ten Broeck: bp, Oct. 15, 1721: m. Teunis Van Vechten. 73. Jacob Ten Broeck: bp. May 3, 1724: m. Garritje Smedes. 74. Catharine Ten Broeck: bp. Dec. 4, 1726.76 11. Maria Wynkoop, (Maj. Johannes 2, Cornelius i,) baptized April 23, 1693: married, January 14, 1715, Thomas Beekman, born April 13, 1689, died July 11, 1759, son of Johannes and Aletta (Lawrence) Beekman. 77 His mother is called, otherwise, Aalte Thomase Popinga."^ The marriage record describes each 74 Henry Brace, of New York City. 75 Will and translation, in office of the clerk of the Court of Appeals, Albany. 76 .V. Y. Gen. and Biog. Record, vol. xix., pp. 72, 73: and Henry Brace. 77 Amer. Gen., Holgate, p. 85. 78 Henry Brace, of New York City. Wynkoop Genealogy 25 as living in Kingston. [Beekman = brookman.] The baptisms of their children are in the church record, Kingston, N. Y. Children of Thomas and Maria Beekman: 75. Judith Beekman: bp. Dec. ii, 1715, "Judikjen." 76. Alida Beekman: bp. Mch. 16, 1718. 77. Catharine Beekman: bp. Sept. 18, 1720, "Catrina." 78. Johannes Beekman: bp. June 23, 1723: m. Lydia Van Keuren.79 79. Maria Beekman: bp. Apl. 3, 1726. 80. Elizabeth Beekman: bp. Feb. 4, 1728. 81. Mary ("Molly") Beekman: b. Oct. 14, 1730: m. Cornelius Swart [117]. 82. Cornelius Beekman: bp. Sept. g, 1733. 13. Christina Wynkoop, (Maj. Johannes 2, Cornelius i,) bap- tized March 28, 1697: married, May 12, 1723, Johannes E. De Lamater, each of them bom and living in Kingston, N. Y. He was baptized July 4, 1697, son of Abraham and his second wife, Elsie (Tappen) De Lamater. Johannes was a trustee of Kings- ton, 1727-40. He married 2d, Maria Decker. Christina's children were baptized in Kingston. Children of Johannes E. and Christina De Lamater: 8^. Cornelia De Lamater: bp. Mch. i, 1724. 84. Elsjen De Lamater: bp. Apl. 3, 1726. 85. Catrina De Lamater: bp. Sept. 10, 1727. 86. Annaatjen De Lamater: bp. Sept. 7, 1729. 87. Abraham De Lamater: bp. Feb. 18, 1733: m. ist, Dec. 20, 1755, Sarah Ten Broek, bp. Dec. 21, 1729, daughter of Wessel and Blandina (Gaasbeek) Ten Broek: m. 2d, Marytje Ten Broek, bp. Albany, Mch. 30, 1740, probably. She was daughter of Jacob and Christina (Van Alen) Ten Broek. ^° 88. Johannes De Lamater: bp. Feb. 2, 1735. 89. Annaatje De Lamater: bp. Nov. 21, 1736. 13. Derrick Wynkoop, (Maj. Johannes 2, Cornelius i,) bom November i, 1698, baptized November 6: died March 30, 1763: married in Kingston, N. Y., July 3, 1725, Gertrude Kool, each recited as living in Ulster County. Her name was pronounced Cole. (Ko^l would have been pronounced to rhyme with the 79 James R. Gibson. 8° Mew England Gen. Reg., i860, p. 41. 26 Wynkoop Genealogy English word pool.) She was youngest daughter of Cornehus Cole.^^ Derrick removed to Hurley, April 20, 1732.^^ Children of Derrick and Gertrude Wynkoop : 90. Catharine: b. May 20, 1726, bp. Kingston, May 22: d. aged 20 yrs., 4 mos., 4 days.^^ 91. June: b. May 21, 1728, bp. May 26: d. aged 12 yrs., 4 mos., 13 days.^^ 92. Cornelia: b. June 30, 1730: d, aged i yr., 5 mos., 24 days.^* 93. Cornelia: b. May 10, 1732: m. Matthew Ten Eyck, 94. Cornelius D., Colonel: b. Mch. 5, 1734: m. ist, Leah Du Bois; 2d, Anna Gansevoort. 95. Johannes: b. Jan. 30, 1736, bp. Feb. i: m. in Kingston, Jan. 5, 1792, Margaret Jansen, bp. Sept. 7, 1729, daughter of Johannes and Annatjen (Schepmoes) Jansen, each de- scribed as of Kingston. They had no child. The will of Capt. Evert [112], Dec. 17, 1750, mentions his brother-in- law, Johannes Jansen. According to an other account, this Johannes Wynkoop d. aged 47 years, 10 mos.^^ 96. DirrickD.: b. Feb. 23, 1738: m. ist, Sarah Eltinge ; m. 2d, Anna Eltinge. 97. Ephraim: b. Mch. ro, 1740, bp. Mch. 16: d. aged 3 mos., 16 days. ^2 98. Hendrikus: b. Oct. 18, 1741, bp. Nov. i: d. aged 5 yrs., 18 days. 99. Jane: b. May 11, 1744: m. Cornelius Jansen. 100. Catharine: b. Oct. 16, 1747,^^ bp. Oct. 18: d. Jan. 3, 1797: m. in Kingston, Nov. 2, 1784, Matthew Persen, b. June 21, 1739, d. Sept. II, 1810.^3 Her tombstone is in the yard of the First Reformed Dutch Church, Kingston. 15. Johannes Wynkoop, Sheriff, (Maj. Johannes 2, Cornelius I,) born October 7, 1702, baptized October 14: died August 8, 1791: married, December 19, 1728, Maria Bogardus, baptized September 18, 1709, buried October 16, 1787, daughter of Everar- dus and Tjaatje (Hoffman) Bogardus. ^'^ [Tjaatje is pronounced 8' William II. Dederick, of Kingston. 82 Major Peter Van Gaasbeek of Kingston. 83 Henry Brace, of New York City. 84 Among the settlers at Rcnsselaerwyck, in 1630, were Roelof Jansen van Maasterlandt, and his wife and family. He came out as a farmer for the Patroon, at $72 per year. Five or six years later, the family are found Wynkoop Genealogy 27 Cheauchee. It is a Frisian name, probably.] The marriage record describes each as Uving in Kingston. His tombstone stands in the yard of the First Reformed Dutch Church, Kings- ton. Johannes was sheriff of Ulster County, in 1731. He was described, in 1733, as a cordwainer; and, in 1737, as Esquire. The heirs of Johannes are named in a deed, dated June 9, 1795, as follows: Petrus, Jun. ; Joseph Gasherie and Catharine his wife; Benjamin De Meyer and Elizabeth, his wife; Christopher Tappen and Annatje, his wife; Christina; Lydia; Geertruy; all of Kingston; Peter, of New York [510, son of his daughter, Tjaatje 102, and of Judge Dirck 292]; and Henry [Schoonmaker 270] of Poughkeepsie. Children of Sheriff Johannes and Maria Wynkoop : loi. Johannes: 1'. July 3, 1729, bp. July 6; died Aug. 29, 1794. He is said to have married, late in life, Ten Broek of Flatbush, Ulster County, N. Y., and to have died childless. 102. Tjaatje (pro. Cheauchee); b. Nov. 19, 1731: d. Nov. 17, 1757: m. Nov. I, 1754, Judge Dirck Wynkoop [292]. She was known uniformly as Tjaatje, although this name, in other cases, has been found often as Charity, in English, which seems to be an arbitrary rendering. [Probably a Frisian name.] 103. Cornelia: b. Apl. 22, 1734: m. Edward Schoonmaker. 104. Mary: b. Mch. 26, 1736, bp. Mch. 28: d. Jan. 20, 1762. 105. Christina: b. Jan. 2, 1738, bp. Jan. 8: d. Sept. 18, 1806. Her last will, as Christina Wynkoop, of Kingston, dated June II, 1803, was proved Jan. 20, 1807. at New Amsterdam, where Jansen received, in 1636, a patent for thirty- one morgens of land, lying along the North River. Jansen died, and his widow, in 1637 or 1638, married Rev. Everardus Bogardus, who was the first settled minister at New Ainsterdam. He died in 1647, and his widow returned to Albany, where she died, in 1663. {Annals of Albany, vol. i., p. 15; Collections on the History of Albany, vol. ii., p. 422.) Mrs. Jansen was bom Anne Webber. She has long been known as Anneke Janse, in relation to the land granted to her first husband, which her descendants claim that Trinity Church unjustly withholds. One of her descendants was wife of Evert Wynkoop [4]. Bogardus, after a pastorate from 1633 to 1647, was lost with the ship Princess, on a voyage to Holland. He and Anne Webber had a son William, b. 1638, who m., Aug. 29, 1659, Wijntje Sybrant, and their son "Everdus," b. Nov. 2, 1660, married June 9, 1697, Tjaatje Hoffman. {Dutch Church Magazine, 1827.) 28 Wynkoop Genealogy io6. Catharine: bp. Apl. 23, 1739: m. Joseph Gasherie. 107. Anne: b. May 11, 1741: m. Christopher Tappen. 108. Elizabeth: b. Apl. 18, 1744: m. Benjamin De Meyer. 109. Petrus, a twin: b. Apl. 18, 1744: m. Mary Van Aalstein. no. Lydia: b. Feb. 15, 1749, bp. Feb. 19. She joined in the deed, made by the heirs of her father, in 1795, by her maiden name. III. Gertrude ("Geertje"): b. May 23, 1752, bp. May J4: died Dec, 1837. She also, and by her maiden name, joined in the deed made by the heirs of her father. 28. Cornelius Evertse Wynkoop, (Evert 4, Cornelius i,) bap- tized, in Kingston, October 13, 1689: died before 1717: married Barbara Matthysze Van Keuren, baptized October n, 1685, daughter of Matthys Matthyszoon and Tjaatje ^s (De Witt)Van Keuren. Cornelius died between the years 171 2 and 17 17; for his name, as Cornelius Evertse, appears, in the assessment roll of Ulster County, January 21, 1712, and is absent from the rolls, January 23, 1717, February 13, 1719, and January 25, 1721, and the name of his wife, Barbara, is found there. His two children, Evert and Tjaatje, are mentioned, in 1746, in the will of their grandfather Evert [4]. Barbara married 2d, November 5, 1727, Pieter Tappen, "youngman" — i. e., not a widower. Perhaps he was son of Teunis and Sarah (Schepmoes) Tappen. Children of Cornelius E. and Barbara Wynkoop: 112. Evert, Captain: b. Jan. 29, 1709: m. Arriaantje Schep- moes. 113. Tjaatje: bp. Oct. 8, 17 10: m. Petrus Tappen. 39. Jacobus Wynkoop, (Evert 4, Cornelius i,) baptized in Kingston, N. Y., May 26, 169 1, and recorded "Jacob"; but he was known as Jacobus. He married Jannetjen Bogardus. He was a resident of Rochester, Ulster County, N. Y., and he is so described in a deed from himself to Matthys Du Bois and Evert Wynkoop, dated August 29, 1726.86 He is mentioned in the will of his father, in 1746, as if living. 85 Tjatje was second child of Tjerck Claessen De Witt, from Grootholdt en Zanderland, and of Barbara Andriessen, from Amsterdam, married April 24, 1656. (Record of Collegiate Dutch Church, New York City.) 86 Surrogate's Office, Kingston, Book CC. Wynkoop Genealogy 29 Child of Jacobus and Jannetjen Wynkoop: 114. Cornelius: bp. Kingston, Mch. 25, 1711: m. Anne Schoon- niaker. 33. Catharine Wynkoop, (Evert 4, Cornelius i,) baptized in Kingston, December 17, 1699: married, December 29, 1720, Johannes Decker, each of them described as bom in Kingston, and she recorded as Catharina Evertse. He was baptized August 16, 1696, died January 23, 1742, son of Cornelius Jansen and Elsie (Ten Broek) Decker. Mr. Decker married 2d, May 17, 1726, Maria Jansen, baptized September 3, 1704, daughter of Matthys and Rachel (Popinga) Jansen. Child of Johannes and Catharine Decker: 115. Gertrude Decker: bp. Oct. 15, 1721, "Gertjen." She is mentioned in the will of Evert [4], in 1746, as his grand- child, Geertje Decker. 34. Anne Wynkoop, (Evert 4, Cornelius i,) baptized April 26, 1702: married, October 30, 1724, at Kingston, Johannes Swart, each described as bom in "Kingstown." She is mentioned in the will of Evert [4], in 1746, as his daughter Antje. [Zwart = black.] Children of Johannes and Anne (Wynkoop) Swart: 116. Gertmde Swart: bp. Sept. 26, 1725, "Geertjen." 117. Cornelius Swart: bp. May 19, 1728: m. Molly Beekman. 118. Anna Maria Swart: bp. Dec. 10, 1732. 119. Evert Wynkoop Swart: bp. Mch. 23, 1735: m. Maria Per- sen, b. Nov. i, 1729, d. Mch. 7, 1792, at Fishkill.87 120. Benjamin Swart: bp. Sept. 18, 1737. 121. Tobias Swart: bp. Jan. 13, 1740, "Tobyas." 122. Catrina Swart: bp. June 6, 1742. 123. Elizabeth Swart: bp. Apl. 14, i745- 36. Johannes Evertse Wynkoop, (Evert 4, Cornelius i,) bom and baptized October 12, 1707: married, in Kingston, May 18, 1730, Catharine Schut; he is described as living in Hackensack, and she as bom and living in Saugerties. Her name appears also as Schot. [Schut = musketeer.] The consistory and con- gregation of the church at Paramus, N. J., met, January 15, 1734, at the house of Johannis Wynkoop, and Conradius Van der Beek 87 Tombstone in the yard of the First Dutch Church, Fishkih. 30 Wynkoop Genealogy and Johannis Wynkoop were chosen a committee, to build a church at Paramus.^s In 1738, Johannes Wynkoop and his wife are recorded as members of the Kaatsbaan church, near Saugerties, N. Y. The baptism of the first two children is re- corded at Hackensack; that of the others at Kaatsbaan. Children of Johannes E. and Catharine Wynkoop: 124. Evert: bp. June 13, 1731: m. Sarah Decker. 125. Myndert: bp. Apl. 26, 1736. [Myn derde = my third.] 126. Hezekiah: bp. Dec. 26, 1738. 127. Deborah: bp. Jan. 5, 1741. 128. Eliza: bp. Oct. 31, 1743: d. in infancy. 129. Eliza: bp. May 7, 1745. 130. Sarah: bp. Apl. 21, 1747: m. William Larreway. [La Roe J 39. Hezekiah Wynkoop, (Evert 4, Cornelius i,) bom, in Kings- ton, January 16, 1715, baptized January 23: d. in 1745: married, at the same place, February 13, 1741, Marijtjen Defenpobrt. She was born September 27, 171 7, died February i, 1783.^9 On a tombstone, in an old graveyard, of Saugerties, on the bank of the Hudson River, is the inscription: "H. W. K: Gb. 1715: Gs. 1745": and on an other stone, in the same yard, is the in- scription : ' ' Hier ligt de overleden Marytje Dauenport huys vrow van Hezekiah Wynkoop Gehoren 27 Sep. 1717 overleden den i Feb. i/8y9° ("Here lies the deceased Maria Davenport, wife of Hezekiah Wynkoop, bom Sept. 27, 171 7, died Feb. i, 1783"). Hezekiah was a member of the Kaatsbaan church, in 1743. Children of Hezekiah and Maria Wynkoop : 131. Catharine: b. Sept. 24, 1741: m. Benjamin Post. 132. Evert: b. Sept. 8, 1743: m. Alida Meyer. 40. Tobias Wynkoop, (Evert 4, Cornelius i,) baptized April 28, 171 7: died about 1786: married, November 11, 1741, Leah Legg, he described as born in Kingston, and she in Brabant (Ulster County, N. Y.). Her name is found also as Legh. Tobias and his children were owners of a saw-mill, on the Kater- kil. 9' The children lived in the town of Saugerties, and were 88 Hist. Discourse at Paramus, Winfield, 1853, p. 17. 89 Judge Henry Wynkoop, of Catskill. »° Henry Brace, of New York City. 9' 14 Johns Rep., N. Y., p. 354. Wynkoop Genealogy 31 men of wealth. They were among the chief supporters of the Kaatsbaan church.^^ The last will of Tobias, as of Blue Mountains, Ulster County, dated November lo, 1785, proved September 8, 1786, mentions his wife Leah, his sons, Hezekiah, Tobias, Petrus, and William, and his daughters, Leah and Anntje. It is on file in the office of the Clerk of the Court of Appeals, Albany, N. Y. 93 Children of Tobias and Leah Wynkoop : 133. Cornelius: bp. in Kingston, Apl. 25, 1742: d. young, and unmarried.94 134. Anne: bp. Oct. 31, 1743, Kaatsbaan ch. Her tombstone in a Saugerties graveyard, on the bank of the Hudson, reads "Gb. 1743 Gs. 1744." 135. Anne: bp. Nov. 11, 1744: commonly called Hannah: m. Christian Meyer. 136. Hezekiah: bp. June 3, 1750: m. Maria Meyer. 137. William: bp. Dec. 26, 1751: d. in infancy. 138. William, Major: bp. Mch. 4, 1753: m. Charity Schermer- horn. 139. Leah: bp. Mch. 31, 1755: rn. Peter Britt. 140. Catharine: bp. Feb. 23, 1757, "Catharina." 141. Tobias: bp. Aug. 13, 1758: m. Jane Schermerhorn. 142. Petrus: b. Aug. 4, 1760, Catskilh^s m. Helena Beer. 44. Cornelius Wynkoop, (Gerret 5, Cornelius i,) born in Kings- ton, N. Y., December 27, 1700, baptized, January i, 1701: died October 26, 1754: married, November 2, 1726, Helena Van de Grift. He removed, about the year 171 7, with his father's family, to Moreland, Montgomery County, Penn. : and, perhaps, thence into Bucks County, in 1727. Children of Cornelius and Helena Wynkoop : 143. Jemima: bp. Jan. 7, 1728, " Jackamincae" : m. Apl. 16, 1747, Joseph Enock.96 144. John: b. Dec. i or 15, 1729: m. Catharine Van Meter. 145. Nelly: b. June 7, 1732,97 bp. July 8, "Nelle."?^ It is 92 William H. Dederick, of Kingston, N. Y. 93 Surrogate's Office, N. Y., Book 39, p. 283. 94 Bradley Wynkoop [635]. 95 Ihid. 96 Pres. Ch., Abington, Penn., per Charles R. Hildebum. 97 Christopher L. Wynkoop [686]. 32 Wynkoop Genealogy supposed that she was the person who married, August 20, 1755, Robert Fulton.^s 146. Gerrit: b. Nov. 13, 1736,97 bp. Jan. 9, 1737.9^ 147. Rebecca: b. Feb. 2, 1739,99 bp. Mch. 25: m. Jan. 22, 1761, Andrew Van Buskark9 6 148. ComeUus: b. May 3, 1741,99 bp. June 18.96 See CorneHus [164.] 149. Helena: b. Oct. 26, 1743, bp. Dec. 18 96; d. Nov. 15, 1762.99 It is supposed that she was the Helena who married, Mch. 30, 1 761, David Fulton, Sen. (Abington ch. records). Per- haps David Fulton, Sen., married "Nelle" [145], and his son, Robert, by a former wife, married this Helena. i°° 150. Nicholas: b. Mch. 27, 1746: d. Oct. 5, 1760.99 151. Jacob: b. Nov. 29, 175099; married, under license of Mch. 10, 1772, Hannah Cleaver.99 45. Gerrit Wynkoop, (Gerret 5, Cornelius i,) baptized in Kingston, N. Y., November 29, 1702: married Susannah Van Vliet, whose name is recorded "Viet," at the baptism of her son Johannes, in Bucks County, Penn. No child has been discov- ered later than 1736. Doctor James [177] was not his son, although the second edition of this genealogy conjectured that he was. James was son of Abraham [52], by his second wife. 98 Christ Church, Phil. See also note to Helena [149]. 99 Penn. Archives, 2d series, vol. ii. '°° A manuscript, made by a David Fulton, and dated November 29, 1855, narrates that David Fulton, the ancestor of the Fiilton family, in this country, was an Ulsterman, who came to this country to escape perse- cution, and settled about one himdred miles northeastward from Boston. But the need of constant watchfulness against the savages worried him, and he sold his place, and purchased land about fifteen miles northeast of Philadelphia. He left three sons, David, Robert, and James, who re- moved to Virginia, and settled in Frederick and Loudoun coimties. He had also a daughter, Hester, who married a Mr. Middleton. Robert Fulton married, in Pennsylvania, a woman named Wyncoop, a descendant of an ancient family in Germany or Holland, wine-merchants — hence the name, from wine and cup. A cane, in possession of one of the family, in 1824, is inscribed with their coat of arms, a merchant holding a cup of wine in his hand. [No — the derivation is from the Netherland wyn, wine, and kooper, a buyer. — Compiler.] See also Margaret Fulton, who married, in 1787, Cornelius Wynkoop [365]. Robert Fulton, the inventor, b. 1765, d. 1815, m. 1806, Harriet Livingston, was son of an immigrant from Kilkenny, Ireland. Wynkoop Genealogy 33 Gerrit went with his father, in 1727, from Montgomery- County, Penn., into Northampton, Bucks County; and land owned by him is now owned and occupied by his descendents. Children of Gerrit and Susannah Wynkoop : 152. Helleka: bp. Mch. 5, 1730, First Pres. Ch., Phil. 153. Gerardus: bp. Sept. 30, 173?: m. Elizabeth Bennet. 154. Adrian: m. Sarah Randell. 155. Johannis: bp. Apl. 21, 1736, and recorded in the Reformed, now Presbyterian Ch., Bensalem, Bucks Co., Penn. 46. Nicholas Wynkoop, (Gerret 5, Cornelius i,) bom February 9, 1705, baptized February 18, Albany church record: died August 3, 1759: married, September 29, 1732, Anne Kuypers,- born March 20, 171 2, died March 21, 1773, daughter of Henry Kuypers, of Harsimus, Bergen County, N. J.^°^ [Kuiper = cooper.] Nicholas, described as of Northampton, received, in 1738, a conveyance from his father, of two hundred and sixty acres of land, part of a tract in Northampton, acquired by his father, in 1727. ^°2 He was dismissed. May 22, 1750, from the Presby- terian Church, of Abington, Penn., to the "Low Dutch Presby- terian Church," of North and South Hampton, Penn. Of the church named last, Gerret, father of Nicholas, was an elder, and Henry [157], son of Nicholas, became an elder, and the son-in- law of Nicholas, Rev. Jonathan Du Bois [156], became pastor. This was the Neshaminy church, a Reformed Dutch organiza- tion, but in connection with the German Coetus, 1748-71. Children of Nicholas and Anne Wynkoop : 156. Helena: b. Feb, 8, 1734: m. Rev. Jonathan Du Bois. 157. Henry, Judge: b. Mch. 2, 0. S., 1737: m. ist, Susannah Wanshaer; 2d, Maria Cummings; 3d, Sarah Newkirk. 48. Philip Wynkoop, (Gerret 5, Cornelius i,) baptized, Kings- ton, N. Y., September 11, 1709: died July 14, 1771: married Margaret Conover, or Koenhoven, of Monmouth, N. J., who died in 1775, aged 61. [Koenhoven = brave court.] His last will, as of the manor of Moorland, County of Philadelphia, Penn., dated July 13, 1771, proved August 10, 1771, mentions his wife Margaret; his sons. Garret, Cornelius, and Philip; his daughter ^°^ Family record of Judge Henry Wynkoop, of Penn. [157]. ^°2 Hist, of Bucks Co., Penn., Davis, p. 358. 3 34 Wynkoop Genealogy Sarah; Philip and Margaret Van Sakel [Sickle], children of his daughter Lenah; Mary Hoogland; and Margaret Titus: and appoints his wife and his son Garret, executors.'°3 Children of Philip and Margaret Wynkoop: 158. Sarah. She is mentioned first in the will of her father, 177 1, who left to her eighty pounds. 159. Mary: bp. June 5, 1737, "Maria" : m., July 3, 1767, George Hoogland (" Hogeland") '°4: d. in 1789, aged 52. Mar- riage Ucense was dated June 20, 1767, Mary Winecoop and George Hoogland.'°s 160. Elizabeth: m. Richard Van Sicler, under marriage license, dated March 31, i76i.'°s Richard was brother to Ferdi- nand, and two years younger.'"'' See Richard Wynkoop Van Sicler, under Eleanor [161]. It is not certain that Elizabeth was daughter of Philip. He does not mention her in his will, 1771; but she may then have been dead, and without issue. 161. Eleanor: supposed to be the child baptized June 18, 1741 : married, June 10, 1757, Fernandus Van Sicler. 162. Margaret: married January 26, 1764, Francis Titus, Abing- ton ch., Penn. License was dated January 14, 1764. 163. Garret: supposed to be the child baptized Feb. 9, 1744: d. in 1822: m. Mch.28, 1793, Nancy Van Hoorn. 164. Cornelius: married. But see Cornelius [148]. 165. Henry: b. about 1748: d. Jan. 9, 177 1, in his 24th year, a few days before the death of his father, leaving no issue. '°7 166. Philip: b. about 1756: died about 1814: married Jan. 20, 1791, Catharine Van Hoorn. 51. Cornelius Wynkoop, (Benjamin 8, Cornelius i,) baptized New York City, June 22, 1701: married there. May 9, 1724, Elizabeth Van der Spiegel, daughter of Jacobus and Anna Van der Spiegel. [Van der Spiegel = of the mirror.] He and his father-in-law were goldsmiths.'"^ He and his wife were received to church membership, "on attestation," at Schraalenburg, N. '°3 Philadelphia Wills, Book P, p. 118, per Charles R. Hildeburn. '°4 Pres. Ch., Abington, Penn. '°5 Penn. Archives, 2d Series, vol. ii. i°6 Prof. John W. Van Sickle, Springfield, O. ^°7' Henry Wynkoop [410]. '°8 Register's Office, N. Y., Liber 64, p. 13; 1725. Wynkoop Genealogy 35 J., December i, 1735. The first five children were baptized in New York City; the others in Schraalenburg. Children of Cornelius and Elizabeth Wynkoop: 167. Jacobus: bp. Mch. 3, 1725: m. Alida Koens Myers. 168. Phoebe: bp. Oct. 19, 1726, "Femmetje" [Phemertje]. She was received to church membership, at Schraalenburg, Feb. 26, 1747, on confession. Femmetje was a baptismal witness there, Jan. 17, 1742, and July 19, 1747. 169. Benjamin: bp. Dec. 21, 1729: m. Sept. 25, 1755, Catharine Boel.'°^ This family name is now spelled Boole. 170. Cornelius, a twin: bp. Dec. 21, 1729: m. Abigail Osburne."° 171. Anna: bp. July 29, 1733. 172. Johannes: bp. Oct. 8, 1738, "Joannes." 173. Robert: bp. Jan. 17, 1742; witnesses, Lankister Green and Femmetje Wynkoop. 53. Abraham Wynkoop, (Benjamin 8, Cornelius i,) born July I, 1703, bp. N. Y., July 4: died before July, 1768. He married ist, Esther Fisher; 2d, Mary Dyer, who died in June, 1778. Esther was daughter of Thomas and Margery (Maud) Fisher. Thomas was son of John Fisher, who accompanied William Penn, on his first voyage, to America, in October, 1682. Margery was daughter of Joshua and Elizabeth (Parr) Maud, and Elizabeth was of the family of Catharine Parr."^ Mary Dyer was daughter of William Dyer, and granddaughter of William and Mary (Dyer) Dyer, of Rhode Island. The second Mary Dyer had married ist, in 1732, Nicholas Hammond, who came from the island of Jersey, in 1 730. "2 Their son, Nicholas Hammond, Jun., went to the ^°^ Corporation Manual, N. Y., 1862, p. 651. "° Church records, Fairfield, Conn. ^^i Hannah Logan Smith's book, Phil., 1829, p. 243: Helen W. Wyn- koop, Phil. '^2 The original Marjr Dyer married William Dyer, a cousin, probably. They were residents of Rhode Island. Mary was of the Society of Friends, and she went to Boston, to comfort her co-religionists, and was banished, under penalty of death. She returned for the same pur- pose, and was hanged, in 1660, dying as a martyr to her convictions of duty. She was of fine presence, calm, courageous, and resigned. (Some Records of the Dyer Family, 1884.) Her granddaughter Sarah, sister to Mary, married Sydney George, from Scotland, and their daughter, Sarah, was first wife of Nicholas Haminond 3d. Mary, daughter of Nicholas and Mary (Dyer) Hammond, married Charles Ridgley, physician, of Dover, Del.; and their son, Nicholas Ridgley, was chancellor of Delaware. 36 Wynkoop Genealogy island of Jersey, and there married Margaret Lempriere. His son, also named Nicholas, was sent, in 1772, aged 14, to Phila- delphia, to the house of his grandmother, then the widow Wyn- koop, to be educated. In 1778, while the British were occupying Philadelphia, the widow Wynkoop, and her family, were at Appoquinimink Hundred, Newcastle, Del. Benjamin Wyn- koop, probably the one who was her step -son, and his family, also were refugees at that place, and were very gently enter- tained. In 1780, this Nicholas Hammond married his cousin, Sarah George, and settled at Cambridge, Md. She died, in 1781 ; and, in 1789, he removed to Easton, Md. ; and, some years later, he built the place "St. Aubin." In 1792, he married Rebecca HoUyday. His letters breathe a gentle, brotherly spirit, for his connections, as well as for his blood relations. He maintained and educated Lieut. Dyer Sharpe Wynkoop [435], and Hester Catalina Wynkoop [441], from her fourth to her sixteenth year. Her father, James [177], in his last sickness, took her to Ham- mond's house; and there James died, sj Mary Dyer, while she was the widow Hammond, received a conveyance of land at Appoquinimink. Abraham Wynkoop, in 1745, obtained land in the neighborhood of that of his second wife, by deed, which described him as of Sussex County, Del,^ This land was in Cedar Creek Hundred, near Milford, Sussex v/ County. (See Cornelius P., 479). Abraham was originally of New York; afterwards of Philadelphia and Delaware. The executors of the will of Abraham Wynkoop made a con- tract, July 21, 1768, for the sale of one hundred and forty-four and a half acres of land, part of a tract, belonging to him, in Cedar Creek Hundred; which they afterwards conveyed, by J deed, dated June 25,' 1789. "3 Children of Abraham and Esther Wynkoop : 174. Phoebe: b. Oct. 28, 1729: m. John Vining. 175. Benjamin: b. Nov. 23, 1734: m. ist, Sarah Wooddrop Sims: probably m. 2d, a sister of Sarah. Children of Abraham and Mary Wynkoop : 176. Abram: d. about 1783: m. Rachel Sharpe. 1 177. James: physician: d. about 1788: m. Hester Peterson. ^ 53. Benjamin Wynkoop, (Benjamin 8, Cornelius i,) baptized, "3 Rolls Office, Lewes, Del., Liber 6, No. 14, folio 168. Wynkoop Genealogy 37 New York City, May 23, 1705: married, Nov. 22, 1730, at Fair- field, Conn., Eunice Burr, baptized July 2, 1710, daughter of Judge Peter and Sarah Burr. She was cousin to Rev. Aaron Burr, President of the College of New Jersey, who was a son of her uncle Daniel. "^ Benjamin was admitted to church membership at Fairfield, Conn., on certificate from the Collegiate Dutch Church, New York City. Children of Benjamin and Eunice Wynkoop: 178. Benjamin: b. Sept. 17, 1731, bp. Apl. 9, 1732: m. Grissel Frost. 178A. Peter: b. Oct. 6, 1733. 179. Catharine: b. Sept. 17, 1735, bp. Sept. 21, 1735: m. May I, 1754, Gideon Wellis."^ Alonzo Ilus Wynkoop [777] wrote that one of his great -aunts married a Mr. Wells. 180. Eunice: b. Apl. 7, 1739, bp. Apl. 8, 1739. Alonzo [777] wrote as follows: "I think one of my great-aunts was married to a Mr. Smedley; and that they lived at Can- andaigua, and had but one child, a daughter." James Smedley was one of the distributers of the estate of Peter Burr, grandfather of this Eunice. 57. Judith Wynkoop, (Cornelius 9, Maj. Johannes 2, Cornelius I,) baptized August 31, 1712: married, December 11, 1736, Johannes Du Bois, both of them described as bom and living in Hurley, N. Y. He was baptized, October 10, 17 10, son of Jacob and Gerritje (Gerritszen) Du Bois."^ Children of Johannes and Judith Du Bois: 181. Catharine Du Bois: b. Sept. 18, 1737, bp. Sept. 25: m., Kingston, Nov. 15, 1757, Johannes Schoonmaker. 182. Jacob Du Bois: bp. May 27, 1739: d. in infancy. 183. Jacob Du Bois: bp. July 27, 1740. 184. Cornelius Du Bois: b. Jan. 24, 1743, bp. Jan. 30: d. June 24, 1829: m. Mch. II, 1769, Gertrude Van Vliet, b. Sept. 4, 1737, d. May 24, 1819. 185. Johannes Du Bois: bp. Jan. 30, 1743: probably a twin: d. in infancy. 186. Jakomyntje Du Bois: bp. Dec. 2, 1744: d. in infancy. ^'^*The Burr Family, Todd, pp. 146, 147. ^'S Records of the Congregational Church, Fairfield. ''6 Church records, Kingston. 38 Wynkoop Genealogy 187. Henrica Du Bois: bp. Dec. 28, 1746. 188. Petrus Du Bois: b. Mch. 28, 1749, bp. Apl. 2: d. Apl. 2, 1830: m. Dec. 23, 1779, Arriaantje Newkirk. 189. Johannes Du Bois: bp. Aug. 4, 1751 : m. Annatje Bovier. 190. Abraham Du Bois: bp. Feb. 17, 1754: d. unmarried. 191. Jakomyntje Du Bois (Jacoba or Jemima): bp. June 13, 1756: m. Dr. Heermance. 58. EUzabeth Wynkoop, (CorneHus 9, Maj. Johannes 2, Cor- neHus i,) baptized January 9, 17 15: married, at Kingston, December 15, 1739, PhiHp Du Mon. He was buried January 12, 1789, aged 80 years. She had a child buried June 11, 1758, and an other, a daughter, buried January 10, 1760: all in Kingston. "7 All the children were baptized in Kingston. Children of Philip and Elizabeth Du Mon: 192. Catrina Dumond: bp. Nov. 9, J740. 193. Maria Dumond: bp. May 9, 1742. 194. Johannes Dumond: bp. Jan. 22, 1744. 195. Hendrika Dumond: bp. Dec. 29, 1745: d. in infancy. 196. Annatjen Dumond: bp. June 12, 1748. 197. Hendrika Dumond: bp. Oct. 28, 1750. 198. Elizabeth Dumond: bp. June 2, 1754. 199. Cornelius Dumond: bp. June 19, 1757. 59. Cornelia Wynkoop, (Cornelius 9, Maj. Johannes 2, Cor- nelius I,) baptized March 17, 1717: married, Kingston, July 4, 1 741, Jan Van Deusen, Jun., she described as bom in Hurley, and he, in Kingston, and both as living in Hurley. Their chil- dren were baptized in Kingston. Children of Jan and Cornelia Van Deusen : 200. Hendrica Van Deusen: bp. May 23, 1742: d. in infancy. 201. Hendrica Van Deusen: bp. Sept. 2, 1744. 202. Johannes Van Deusen: bp. May 19, 1746. 203. Catharina Van Deusen: bp. Mch. 11, 1750. 204. Maria Van Deusen: bp. Sept. 16, 1753. 63. Adriaan Wynkoop, Major, (Cornelius 9, Maj. Johannes 2, Cornelius i,) baptized, Kingston, N. Y., August 21, 1726: died in 1795: married, in Kingston, October 25, 1754, Catharine Louw, bom January 25, 1733, died November 17, 1796."^ Adriaan is mentioned, May 11, 1775, as one of the Committee "7 Henry Brace, of New York City. "8 Inscription, West Hurley grave yard. Wynkoop Genealogy 39 of Hurley, to choose deputies to the New York provincial con- vention; and again, November 7, 1775, for the same purpose, in pursuance of which they chose Dirck Wynkoop [292], among others. He was chairman of the Associators of Hurley, July 6, 1775. As chairman of the Hurley Committee, he notified the provincial convention of the election of militia officers. There was a dispute as to the field officers of the Northern Regiment of Ulster County, and, in response to the provincial convention, he was nominated for Major. He is found as Major, of the First Regiment, Ulster County, May 25, 1775, and May i, 1776. He was placed in command, October, 1776, of two hundred men, at the instance of the field officers of Ulster County, to guard the passes of the Hudson. Major Adriaan's bill, for £i6,is.4.id., was allowed January 18, 1777, for pay and subsistence of two hundred men, raised in Ulster County, and employed in guard- ing the passes, for twenty-seven days."' The appointment was for two months' service. ^^° The last will of Adriaan, as of Hurley, dated April 22, 1795, proved August 21, gave his whole estate to his wife, Catharine, and his nephew, John C. Wynkoop. It mentioned Dirk his brother, and Cornelius Dumond, son of his sister Elizabeth."^ Perhaps Dirk was a brother-in-law, or maternal half-brother. Adriaan's widow, in her last will, dated November 13, 1796, proved January 2, 1797, mentioned her brother, Cornelius Low.^^^ Her sister, Margaret, married, September 2, 1746, Cornelius Ten Broek [71]. Adriaan had no child. 65. Cornelius C. Wynkoop, Captain, (Cornelius 9, Maj. Johannes 2, Cornelius i,) was baptized in Kingston, N. Y., November 5, 1732: died August 6, 1796.^^2 He married, April 24, 1760, Maria Catharina Roel,'^^^ daughter of Gustav Martin and Maria Margaretha (Bimper) Roel. In New York Marriages, i860, their marriage bond is indexed, April 17, 1760, with a reference to book iii., p. 112, and her name is spelled Ruehle. These bonds were given when the Secretary of the province of ^^9 Journal of N. Y. Provincial Convention, vol. i., pp. 23, 189, 36, 193, 219, 178, 294, 489, 62, 98. 120 Force's Amer. Archives, 5th Series, vol. iii., pp. 1027, 1167. ^21 Records of Wills, Kingston, Book BB, pp. 225, 346. '22 Henry Brace, of New York City. ^^^ Corporation Manual, N. Y., 1863, p. 651. 40 Wynkoop Genealogy New York issued licenses, and the two were a substitute for the ban, or giving of notice. Cornelius was admitted a freeman of the city of New York, in 1770, and was described as a shop-keeper."-* He left New York when the British took possession of that place. He appears as Cornelius C. Wynkoop, Captain of the First Company, S. E. District of Marbletown Township, in the Third Regiment of Ulster County, with Col. Levi Pawling, Lieut. -Col. Jacob Hoorn- beck, and Majors Johannis Cantine and Joseph Hasbrouck."s He was commissioned, March 20, 1779, as Assistant Commissary of Issues, in the Northern Department, under the signature of James Gray, Deputy Commissary General, Albany. The com- mission was addressed to him as Cornelius Wynkoop, Esq., and recited that it was granted by virtue of power and authority invested [in him, Gray] by the Congress of the Thirteen United States of North America, subject to directions from time to time, from this or a future Congress, or Committee of Congress, from the Commander-in-Chief, for the time being, from the Com- missary General of Issues, or from the Deputy Commissary of Issues for the Northern Department, according to the rules and discipline of war. His wife's mother, "Marytje Roel," married 2d, March 18, 1743, Dutch church, N. Y., George Petterson. The will of George Petterson, of the city of New York, sugar baker, dated September 12, 1764, mentions his wife Mary, and her two daughters, Maria Catharine, wife of Cornelius C. Wynkoop, and Sabrina, wife of Nicholas De Ronda. The children of Cornelius C. were baptized in New York City. Children of Cornelius C. and Maria C. Wynkoop : 205. John C. : bp. Jan. 21, 1761: m. Lydia Silvester. 206. Maria: bp. July 4, 1762: m. Henry Stanton. 207. Catharine: bp. Nov. 20, 1763: m. Jonathan Hasbrouck. 208. George Pieterson: bp. July 17, 1765: d. in infancy. It is said that he was named after a physician of Montgomery, N. Y.: but see George Petterson, above. 209. Anna Sabina: bp. July 13, 1766: m. Henry H. Schoon- maker. ^^* Corporation Manual, N. Y., 1856, p. 501. ^^s Services of Levies and Militia, Hist, of N. Y., Revolutionary Period, vol. i., p. 300. Wynkoop Genealogy 41 210. Elizabeth: bp. Dec. 3, 1769: m. Jacob Hicks. 211. Cornelius C. : bp. May 24, 1772: died in 1808, unmarried. He was an attorney at law, and was so described in a deed to him, in 1795, and in a deed by him, in 1796. ^^^ He is mentioned in the Introduction, in relation to a book-plate. 212. Henrietta: bp. Mch. 23, 1775: d. in i860: m. Dr. Henry Van Solingen. 213. Augustus: b. Sept. 10, 1777: m. Anne Maria Silvester. 66. Petrus Wynkoop, (Cornelius 9, Maj. Johannes 2, Cornelius I,) baptized, in Kingston, December 22, 1734: married Janneke Hardenbergh.^27 In the record of baptism of their children, in Kingston, her name is Janneke; but elsewhere it is Anneke. Children of Petrus and Janneke Wynkoop: 214. Cornelius: bp. June 11, 1775: mother "Jantje Harthen- bergh." 215. Jane: bp. Sept. 22, 1776: mother "Janneke." 216. Peter P.: bp. Jan. 25, 1779: m. Anna Roosa. 69. Johannes Ten Broek, (Elizabeth Wynkoop 10, Maj. Johannes 2, Cornelius i,) baptized December 12, 17 14: died in New Jersey, December, 1738: married, February, 1738, Cathar- ine Ten Eyck. Child of Johannes and Catharine Ten Broek: 217. Johannes Ten Broek, b. 1739. (N.Y. Gen. and Biog. Record, vol. xix., p. 72.) 70. Maria Ten Broek, (Elizabeth Wynkoop 10, Maj. Johannes 2, Cornelius i,) baptized June 30, 1717: died May 19, 1769: married, November 10, 1738, Henry De Witt, baptized January 24, 1714, died September 17, 1753, son of Tjerck and Anne ^26 New York Register's Office, Liber 416, pp. 68, 70. ^27 Johannes Hardenbergh migrated to this cotmtry, sometime after the middle of the seventeenth century. He was by birth a Prussian, but is said to have been connected with the British service, as an officer. He left two sons, one of whom settled on Long Island, and the other at Rosendale, about eight miles southwest of Kingston, Ulster County, N. Y. He, in connection with Robert Livingston, purchased a patent of land, comprehending the whole of the county of Sullivan, and all that part of the county of Delaware which lies east of the Mohawk, or West Branch of the Delaware River. The tract is yet known in the history of New York, as the Hardenbergh Patent. (Annals of Anier. Pulpit, Sprague, vol. ix., Ref. Dutch portion, p. 21.) Hardenbergh is the name of a town, in the province of Overyssel, Netherlands. 42 Wynkoop Genealogy (Pawling) De Witt. Henry was a merchant at Kingston; and, for some years, town clerk and county treasurer. Baptisms of their children are in the A^. Y. Gen. and Biog. Record, vol. xix., P- 75- Children of Henry and Maria De Witt : 218. Elizabeth De Witt: b. Dec. 2, 1739, bp. Dec. 9: m., in 1769, Edward Whittaker, bp. Sept. 27. 1741, son of Edward and Helletje (Burhans) Whittaker. 219. Tjerck Claes De Witt: b. Sept. 9, 1741, bp. Sept. 13: d. Oct. 12, 181 2: m., in 1773, Jannetje Elting, bp. Apl. 10, 1743, daughter of Jacobus and Elizabeth (Hall) Elting. 220. Jacob DeWitt: b. Nov. 21, 1743, bp. Nov. 27; m., in Nov., 1768, Martha Dean, daughter of Jabez. 221. John De Witt: b. Oct. 11, 1745, bp. Oct. 13. 222. Anne De Witt: bp. Mch. 13, 1748: m., Sept. 24, 1775, Peter Bogardus, bp. Jan. i, 1749, son of Peter and Rebecca (Du Bois) Bogardus. 223. Henry DeWitt: bp. Sept. 9, 1750: m., May 10, 1772, Hannah Dean, daughter of Jabez. 71. Cornelius Ten Broek, (Elizabeth Wynkoop 10, Maj. Johannes 2, Cornelius i,) bom May 31, 1719, baptized June 7: died August 4, 1790: married, November 2, 1746, Margaret Louw, born October i, 1726, baptized November 6, died January 29, 1790, daughter of Timothy and Hendrickje (Kool) Louw. He removed to Rocky Hill, Harlingen, N. J., in 1746. Baptisms of the children are given in N. Y. Gen. and Biog. Record, vol. xvi., PP- 154, 155- Children of Cornelius and Margaret Ten Broek: 224. Catharine Ten Broek: b. June 3, 1747, bp. in July: m. Abraham Williamson. 225. Jacob Ten Broek: b. Feb. 12, 1750, bp. Mch. 7: d. Oct. 5, 1776, unmarried. He returned from the camp of the militia, at Bergen Hill, sick of ague, and soon died. 226. Hannah Ten Broek: b. Nov. 5, 1752, bp. Dec. 3: m. Jacob Williamson. 227. Elizabeth Ten Broek: b. June 21, 1755, bp. July 13 : m. ist., Christopher Van Pelt; m. 2d, Longstreet. 228. Cornelius Ten Broek: b. Dec. 25, 1757, bp. Apl. 8, 1758: d. at New Brunswick, N. J., unmarried. He served in the Revolutionary army. Wynkoop Genealogy 43 229. John Ten Broek: b. June 21, 1760, bp. July 31. He was licensed as a physician, and settled in Virginia, and after- wards in New York. He disappeared. It was believed that he was unmarried. 230. Peter Ten Broek: b. Nov. 7, 1762, bp. Nov. 28. He died from a fall on the ice, and was unmarried. He entered Queens College. He served in the Revolutionary army, and was at the capture of Yorktown. Afterwards he was a surveyor. He was engaged in business of some kind at Cooperstown, N. Y. 231. Abraham Ten Broek: b. Sept. 6, 1765, bp. Nov. 13: d. in Philadelphia, in 1841: m. in April, 1807, Eliza Howell, of Trenton, N. J. He was a lawyer, and settled at Coopers- town. After his marriage, he removed to Philadelphia. He had two sons, married, and one daughter, single. 232. Helena Ten Broek: b. Jan. 26, 1768: d. Feb. 15, 1855: m., in 1787, Samuel Beekman, who lived in Harlingen, N. J. 73. Judith Ten Broek, (Elizabeth Wynkoop 10, Maj. Johannes 2, Cornelius i,) bom October 12, 1721, baptized October 15: died March 8, 1783: married, January 9, 1742, Teunis Van Vechten, of Catskill, bom April i, 1707, baptized, Albany, June i, died April 3, 1785, son of Teunis and Cathalyntje (Van Petten) Van Vechten. The baptisms of their children are given in the N. Y. Gen. and Biog. Record, vol. xix., pp. 75, 76. Children of Teunis and Judith Van Vechten : 233. Samuel Van Vechten: b. Sept. 28, 1742, bp. Oct. 8, Albany: d. Feb. 12, 1 813: m., in 1 781, Sarah Van Orden, b. Aug. 18, 1758, d. Dec. 12, 1824, daughter of John and Tryntje (Du Bois) Van Orden. 234. Jacob Van Vechten: b. Sept. 18, 1747, bp. Oct. 11 : d. Apl. 30, 1806: m., in Claverack, N. Y., Jan. 21, 1787, Elsie Staats, bp. Oct. 15, 1744, at the Lutheran Church, Athens, N. Y., died between Feb. 20 and June 11, 181 1, daughter of Johannes and Alida (Hollenbeck) Staats, of Kinderhook. 235. Teunis Van Vechten: b. Apl. 24, 1749, bp. May 21: d. Dec. 7, 1817: m. Elizabeth De Wendelaer, bp. in Albany, N. Y., Dec. 16, 1753, d., in the same place, Dec. i, 1831, daughter of Pieter and Anna (Bogardus) De Wendelaer. Anna was the second wife of Pieter. 236. Elizabeth Van Vechten: b. Oct. 6, 1757, bp., in Albany, 44 Wynkoop Genealogy Nov. 5: d. Feb. 17, 1813: m. June 9, 1782, Kaatsbaan ch., Hezekiah Van Orden, bp., in Germantown, N. Y., Jan. 22, 1749, died Aug. 13, 1796, son of William and Sarah (Du Bois) Van Orden. 237. Abraham Van Vechten: b. Dec. 5, 1762, bp. Dec. 27, Albany: d. Jan. 6, 1837: m., in Albany, May 20, 1784, Catharine Schuyler, b. in Albany, Mch. 23, 1766: d. Sept. 10, 1820, daughter of Philip Pieterse and Anna (Wendell) Schuyler. 73. Jacob Ten Broek, (Elizabeth Wynkoop 10, Maj. Johannes 2, Cornelius i,) baptized May 3, 1724: died August 21, 1793: married, December 21, 1751, Garritje Smedes, bom January 5, 1727, baptized January 15, died April 2, 1796, daughter of Petrus and Catrina (Du Bois) Smedes. The baptisms of their children are given in the N. Y. Gen. and Biog. Record, vol. xix., p. 76. Children of Jacob and Garritje Ten Broek: 238. Catharine Ten Broek: bp. May 27, 1753: d. Mch. 21, 1826, unmarried. 239. Elizabeth Ten Broek: bp. May 18, 1755. 240. Magdalena Ten Broek: bp. Sept. 11, 1757. 241. Maria Ten Broek: b. May 16, 1760, bp. May 18: d. Dec. 2, 1828: m., Aug. 16, 1789, Cornelius Burhans, b. Sept. 29, 1764, d. N0V.-27, 1831. 242. Helen Ten Broek. 243. Sacath Ten Broek. 244. Jacob Ten Broek: b. Oct. 30, 1766: d. Mch. 30, 1829: m., Mch. 22, 1803, Margaret Watson. 78. Johannes Beekman, (Maria Wynkoop 11, Maj. Johannes 2, Cornelius i,) baptized, in Kingston, June 23, 1723: married, October 20, 1750, Lydia Van Keuren, bom April 17, 1729, daughter of Tjerck and Marytjen (Ten Eyck) Van Keuren. The dates of birth of the children are from James R. Gibson, through Henry Brace. Children of Johannes and Lydia Beekman. 245. Thomas Beekman: b. Oct. 20, 1751. 246. Tjerck Beekman: b. Jan. i, 1755. 247. Rebecca Beekman: b. June 11, 1758. 248. John Beekman: b. July 12, 1761. 249. Benjamin Beekman: b. Sept. 12, 1762. Wynkoop Genealogy 45 93. Cornelia Wynkoop, (Dirrick 13, Maj. Johannes 2, Cor- nelius I,) bom May 13, 1732, baptized May 18: married, in Kingston, N. Y., December 21, 1752, Matthew Ten Eyck, she described as a young woman, and he as a young man, "both under the jurisdiction of Hurley." He was bom in 1728"^: died in 1S09. [Ten eik = at the oak.] Children of Matthew and Corneha Ten Eyck ^^9 ; 250. Abraham Ten Eyck: b. June 23, 1754: m. Sarah Elmendorf. 251. Geertje Ten Eyck: bp. Nov. 28, 1756. 252. Jane Ten Eyck: bp. May 13, 1759, " Janneke": m., Jan. 12, 1782, Gerrit Simonse Veeder.^30 253. Dirck Ten Eyck: bp. Feb. 7, 1762: a physician: m. Janet Baker. 254. Catharine Ten Eyck: b. Oct. 27, 1765, bp. Nov. 3: d. Apl. 3, 1840: m. Nov. 18, 1786, Garrit De Witt, b. Aug. 8, 1762, d. Feb. 5, 1846. 255. John Ten Eyck: bp. Apl. 8, 1770: d. unmarried. 256. Maria Ten Eyck: bp. Oct. 26, 1772: m. Col. Albert Pawling. 257. Blandina Ten Eyck: who died unmarried. 94. Cornelius D. Wynkoop, Colonel, (Dirrick 13, Maj. Johannes 2, Cornelius i,) born March 5, 1734, baptized March 10: died, in Hurley, N. Y., in November, 1792: married ist. May 28, 1762, Leah Du Bois, both described as living in Ulster County. She was baptized May 2, 1742, seventh child of Cornelius and Mar- garet (Hoogteyling) Du Bois, of New Paltz, N. Y.^31 Hoogtey- ling is now written Houghtaling. Cornelius married 2d, in Albany, January 2, 1778, Anna Gansevoort, who died, in Albany, August 9, 1794, aged 49 years, 10 months, 3 days. She was daughter of Harmen and Margaret (Douw) Gansevoort. Cornelius D. was appointed, June 30, 1775, Major of the Third Regiment, Col. James Clinton, raised in Ulster and Duchess counties. He was made Lieut. -Col. of the same regi- ment, August 2, 1775, and was ordered to muster the companies of Captains Hasbrouck and Brown. He became Colonel, April 11,1776. A list of the officers of the regiment is given in Force's American Archives, 5th Series, vol. i., p. 131 1. He was one of "8 Rev. James B. Ten Eyck, of Walden, N. Y. ^29 Church records, Kingston: Rev. James B. Ten Eyck: Henry Brace. ^30 Early Settlers of Schenectady, Pearson. '3i Record of Family of Louis Du Bois, p. 44. 46 Wynkoop Genealogy the Associators of Hurley, July 6, 1775.'^^ He was, probably, the "General Wynkoop," who made the address of welcome to General Washington, at Hurley. (See Cornelius E. 295.) Cornelius was killed by one of his negroes, who had been in- furiated by punishment received from the son of Cornelius, on account of a distufbance that he had made in the kitchen, and by a reprimand from Cornelius himself. The negro mistook the father for the son, probably. The last will of Cornelius D., dated Hurley, May 2, 1776, was proved June 13, 1793.^33 Children of Cornelius D. and Leah Wynkoop: 258. Derrick C. : b. Apl. 4, 1763: m. Elizabeth Sparling. 259. Leah: b. Apl. 9, 1766: m. Abraham Ten Eyck De Witt, M.D. Children of Cornelius D. and Anna Wynkoop: 260. Gertrude: b. Dec. 26, 1781, bp. in Kingston, Mch. 28, 1782. "Gerritje": d. in infancy. 261. Herman Gansevoort : b. Dec. 16, 1785: d., in Albany, Mch. 3, 1854.^34 He is mentioned in 18 13, as a druggist, at 124 Market Street, Albany. 262. Gertrude Magdalen: bp. Nov. 29, 1788, "Geretje," Kings- ton church record. 96. Derrick D. Wynkoop, (Dirrick 13, Maj. Johannes 2, Cor- nelius I,) born February 23, 1738, baptized February 26, "Dirk" : married ist, November 15, 1765, Sarah Eltinge, both described as living in Ulster County. She was daughter of Noah Eltinge, and granddaughter of Jan Eltinge, who was the first of the name in this country. '35 (See Gerret 5.) Derrick D. married 2d, Anna Eltinge, daughter of Alvah. Her will, as of New Paltz, widow of Derrick Wynkoop, dated July 26, 1827, was proved November 15, i829.'36 Dirk Wynkoop was one of the persons present, in 1767, at the organization of the Second Reformed Dutch Church, at New Paltz, under Rev. Isaac Rysdyck. He seems to have been then ^^^ Journal of N. Y. Provincial Convention, vol. i., pp. 62, 117, 98, 424, 36. '33 Records of Kingston, Book B, p. 47. '^34 Annals of Albany, vol. vi., p. 324 I3S Edmund Eltinge, of New York City. •36 Kingston Wills, Book G, p. 116. Wynkoop Genealogy 47 a resident of New Paltz, but in connection with the Kingston church.^37 He was an Associator of New Paltz, May lo. 1775. '^s Under the head of "Ulster County Militia" (Land Bounty Rights), appears as under Col. Levi Pawling, Dirck D. Wyn- koop. '39 Children of Derrick D.: 263. Gertrude: b. July 4, 1769, bp. Aug. 22, New Paltz Confer- entje or 2d Church: m. ist, in Nov., 1790, David Colden, 6th son of Cadwallader and Elizabeth (Ellison) Colden: m. 2d, Alexander Colden, 4th child of the same parents. 264. Cornelia: b. Aug. 12, 1771, bp. Oct. 14: d. in infancy. 265. Cornelia: b. Oct. 30, 1772: m. Peter Eltinge. 99. Jane Wynkoop, (Dirrick 13, Maj. Johannes 2, Cornelius i,) born May 11, 1744, baptized May 13, "Janneken": married, January 27, 1778, Cornelius Jansen, widower, both described as born and living in Kingston. The baptisms of their children are in the Kingston church records. Children of Cornelius and Jane Jansen: 266. Grietje (Margaret) Jansen: bp. Nov. 29, 1778. 267. Maryeitje Jansen: bp. Aug. 5, 1781. 268. John C. Jansen: bp. Dec. i, 1782: d. Dec. 6, 1856. 269. Catharina Jansen: bp. May 16, 1785: d. Dec. 10, 1856. 103. Cornelia Wynkoop, (Sheriff Johannes 15, Maj. Johannes 2, Cornelius i,) born April 22, 1734, baptized April 28: died October 6, 1759: married, October 29, 1757, Edward Schoon- maker, described as a young man, born and living in Kingston. [Schoenmaker = shoemaker.] Child of Edward and Cornelia Schoonmaker: 270. Henry Schoonmaker: bp. Apl. 30, 1758. He is mentioned as living, in a deed, dated June 9, 1795, made by the heirs of his grandfather, Sheriff Johannes [15]. 106. Catharine Wynkoop, (Sheriff Johannes 15, Maj. Johannes 2, Cornelius i,) baptized April 23, 1739: died March 5, 1813: married. New York, October 16, 1767, Joseph Gasherie, under marriage bond of October 14, 1767. Mr. Gasherie was prominent, during Revolutionary times, and ^37 Collections of Ulster Hist. Sac, vol. i., p. 201. 138 Journal of N . Y . Provincial Convention, vol. i., p. 36. 139 ;v. Y . in the Revolution as Colony and State, 1898, p. 195. 48 Wynkoop Genealogy afterwards. He was associated with Abram Hasbrouck and others, in the care of the public records of the province. (See Jonathan Hasbrouck [207].) On April 23, 1789, Jeremiah Van Rensselaer, chairman of the Republican Committee, wrote to Joseph Gasherie, Dirck Wynkoop [292], and Christopher Tappen [107] Kingston Republican Committee, urging efforts for the re-election of George Clinton as Governor. (The letter is in the possession of the compiler.) 107. Anne Wynkoop, (Sheriff Johannes 15, Maj. Johannes 2, Cornelius i,) bom May 11, 1741, baptized May 18, Kingston: died May 26, 1815: married, May 9, 1761, Christopher Tappen [299], baptized June 13, 1742, Kingston, son of Petrus [113]. Both were described as living in Kingston. Marriage bond is dated April 16, 1761. On October 10, 1777, he was associated by the Committee of Safety, in an order to Abram Hasbrouck and others, to remove the public records from Kingston to Rochester, Ulster County. (See Jonathan Hasbrouck [207].) He was a member of the Kingston Republican Committee, in 1789. (See Joseph Gasherie [106].) Children of Christopher and Anne Tappen: 271. Maria Tappen: bp. June 13, 1762, Kingston. 272. Cornelia Tappen: bp. Oct. 15, 1763. 273. Petrus Tappen : bp. Nov. 4, 1764: m., Feb. 16, 1786, Anne De Witt, b. Nov. 11, 1764. 274. Cornelia Tappen: bp. Mch. 6, 1770. 275. George Tappen: bp. Apl. 13, 1772. 276. Catharine Tappen: bp. Aug. 28, 1774: d. in infancy. 277. Annatje Tappen, a twin: bp. Aug. 28, 1774. 278. Catharina Tappen: b. Dec. 8, 1776. 279. Christopher Tappen : b. Jan. i, 1785. 108. Elizabeth Wynkoop, (Sheriff Johannes 15, Maj. Johannes 2, Cornelius i,) born April 18, 1744, baptized April 22, twin to Petrus: died August 31, 1822: married, in 1767, Benjamin De Meyer, and survived him, as appears from the inscription on her tombstone, in the graveyard of the First Dutch Church, Kingston. Their marriage bond was dated January 26, 1767. [De Meyer = the sheriff.] Children of Benjamin and Elizabeth De Meyer: 280. Elizabeth De Meyer: bp. Nov. 2, 1768: d. Mch. 12, 1839: Wynkoop Genealogy 49 probably the person who m., Sept. lo, 1801, WilHam. Schuneman, of Catskili. 281. John De Meyer: bp. Feb. 13, 1771, Kaatsbaan Church. 282. Nicolaas De Meyer: bp. Oct. 2, 1773, Kingston. 283. Maria De Meyer: bp. Sept. 25, 1776: d. in infancy. 284. Mareitje De Meyer: bp. May 16, 1779, father's name spelled de Meir: probably married John Souser, of Catskili. 109. Petrus Wynkoop, (Sheriff Johannes 15, Maj. Johannes 2, Cornelius i,) a twin, bom April 18, 1744, baptized April 22: died February 3, 1818, as shown by inscription on tombstone, in the yard of the First Dutch Church, Kingston: married, Sep- tember 20, 1778, Kinderhoek, Mary Van Aalstein, of Kinder- hoek, bom July 18, 1753, died April 21, 1837. The record in the Bible of the father of Petrus, has the death of Petrus as of Janu- ary 23, 1819, and has his wife's name Mary Van Alstyne. They lived at Clermont; afterwards in Kinderhoek; and removed to Kingston, in 1796. The will of the widow, dated September 3, 183 1, was proved April 30, 1838. Children of Petrus and Mary Wynkoop: 285. John: b. Aug. 11, 1779, bp. Aug. 15, Kinderhoek: d. Sept. 2, 1799, in Philadelphia, of yellow fever, unmarried. 286. Martin: b. Jan. 31, 1781, bp. Mch. 4: d., in Kingston, June 28, 1 82 1, unmarried. See inscription on his tombstone in the yard of the First Dutch Church, Kingston. 287. Peter: b. Aug. 28, 1783, bp. Sept. 28: d. in New Orleans, unmarried. 288. Abram: b. Mch. 26, 1786: m. Maria Van Steenberg. 289. Catharine: b. Oct. 9, 1788, bp. Oct. 26: d. Mch., 1862, in Kingston, unmarried. The compiler saw crepe upon the door, for her, as he passed to the funeral of his great-aunt, "Miss Peggy Wynkoop" J5 16]. 290. Benjamin: b. July 16, 1791; bp. Aug. 21: d. Aug. 15, 1821, as inscribed upon the tombstone in the yard of the First Dutch Church, Kingston. 113. Evert Wynkoop, Captain, (Cornelius 28, Evert 4, Cor- nelius I,) born January 29, 1709, baptized September 11: died September 16, 1757, of camp fever, at his home, to which he had returned sick from the Old French War, in which he was a ^40 Record of Wills, Kingston, Book I, p. 270. 50 Wynkoop Genealogy captain. He was a brewer. He married, May 3, 1730, Arri- aantje Schepmoes, bom November 12, 1706, died March 26, 1779, daughter of Derrick and Grietje (Tappen) Schepmoes. She was baptized, in Kingston, November 17, 1706. She was descended from Jansz I. Schepmoes, who took a lot in New Amsterdam, May 18, 1643, and an other, July 6. Her sister, Anna, baptized September 3, 1704, married Johannes Jansen, and was mother of Margaret, who married Johannes Wynkoop [95]. Derrick Schepmoes died February 21, 1725, and his wife, March 3, 1743. "Miss Peggy Wynkoop" [516], great-aunt of the compiler, left to him, in 1862, an old Dutch Bible, Dordrecht and Amsteldam (sic), 1 7 14, in German text, folio, with brass clasps, containing quaint illustrations. On a fly-leaf, at the back of the book, is the inscription, " Ariaentie Schepmoes Haer Bijbelannoye 1725." Then follows an entry of her birth, in 1706, and other entries, made by her son Dirck, down to 1779, the date of her own death. The record closes with an entry of Dirck's death, in 1796. On a flyleaf in the front of the book is the record of Evert 's birth and marriage, and of the births and deaths of his children, down to 1746. Accompanying this book was a loose sheet giving Dirck's own family, 1754-61. Capt. Evert's last will, dated December 19, 1750, unrecorded and unproved, is in the possession of the compiler. It described him as of Kingston, and a brewer, and mentioned his wife " Ari- antje," his sons Derick and Cornelius, and his brother-in-law, Johannes Jansen. It made provision for his son Cornelius, in the terms following : " I do hereby direct that he shall be edu- cated and brought up, out of my estate, and not inferior to what my son Derick hath had, both as to education and assis- tance." He gave the executors power to sell the estate, with this limitation : " Except the orchard and ground lying along the Green Kill Road, which I bought of the heirs or devisees of Tunis Tappen, deceased, and my low land over the Esopus Creek, which I have lately bought of Maj. Hardenbergh and his children, which two parcels of land are not to be sold, and I do hereby devise and bequeath the same unto my said two sons, share and share alike." He appointed his brother-in- law, Johannes Jansen, David De Lametter, and his son Derick, executors. His tombstone stands in the yard of the First Reformed Dutch Wynkoop Genealogy 51 Church, Kingston, with the inscription: "Here Hes the body of Capt. Evert Wynkoop who departed this Hfe the i6th day of Sept., Anno Dom. 1757, in the 49th year of his age." Children of Capt. Evert and Ariantje Wynkoop: 291. CorneUus: b. Mch. i, 1731; d. Apl. 21, 1731. 292. Dirck: b. Oct. i, 1732: m. ist, Tjaatje Wynkoop [102]: m. 2d, Sarah Smedes. 293. Peter: b. Nov. 16, 1739; d. Aug. 18, 1746. 294. , a son: b. Aug. 22, 1743: d. Aug. 27, 1743. 295. Cornehus E., Major: b. July 4, 1746: m. Cornelia Mancius. 113. Tjaatje [Cheautchee] Wynkoop, (Cornelius 28, Evert 4, Cornelius i,) baptized October 8, 17 10, New York record : married July 2, 1736, Petrus Tappen, "young man," both described as born and living in Kingston. He was, probably, the Petrus baptized January 29, 17 16, son of Christoffel and Cornelia (Vas) Tappen, who were married April 21, 1715, in Kingston, the record describing Christopher as bom in Albany. Petrus Tap- pen and "Chaetje" Wynkoop were witnesses at the baptism of Mattheus, son of Mattheus Ernest and Anna Maria Bomper. The last will of Petrus Tappen, of Kingston, mariner, dated December 7, 1747, mentioned his wife Tjatje, his children, Christopher and Cornelia, his brother-in-law, Evert Wynkoop, and his cousin, Johannis Wynkoop. A child was born after the date of the will. A copy of this will has come into the hands of the compiler, certified as follows: "A true copy of the last Will et Testament of Petrus Tappen. Evert Wynkoop, Johannis Wynkoop." Baptisms of the children are found in the church record, Kingston. Her name appears in the will of her grandfather, Evert, in 1746, as "Teate." Children of Petrus and Tjaatje Tappen: 296. Christopher Tappen : bp. June 5, 1737: d. in infancy. 297. Peter Tappen: bp. Sept. 11, 1738: d. in infancy. 298. Cornelia Tappen: bp. Aug. 10, 1740: d. in infancy. 299. Christopher Tappen: bp. June 13, 1742: m. Anne Wyn- koop [107]. 300. Cornelia Tappen : bp. Nov. 25, 1744. 301. Petrus Tappen: bp. June 28, 1748. 114. Cornelius Wynkoop, (Jacobus 29, Evert 4, Cornelius I,) baptized March 25, 171 1, Kingston, N. Y. : married, in 52 Wynkoop Genealogy 1729, Anne Schoonmaker, both described as born and living in Rochester, Ulster County: ban registered October 12. She was baptized, August 11, 1706, Kingston. She was daughter of Joachim and Antjen (Hussey) (sic) Schoonmaker ^^i — child of his second marriage. The last will of Aantje Hursey (sic), widow of Joachim Schoonmaker, dated December 9, 1727, proved November 7, 1730, mentions 15 children, among them, Antje, wife of Cornelius Wynkoop.'42 Cornelius is described, in a deed to Cornelius Hornbeek, Janu- ary 3, 1733, as of Rochester, cordwainer. Children of Cornelius and Anne Wynkoop : 302. Anne: bp. Feb. 6, 1732: m. Philip Swartwout. 303. Jacobus: m. Nov. 4, 1758, Janneke Oosterhout. 124. Evert Wynkoop, (Johannes E. 36, Evert 4, Cornelius i,) baptized June 13, 1731, Hackensack, N. J.; mother's name, "Schot": married, at the Sagertje,^'^3 August 12, 1754, Saartje Decker, both described as living in Kingston; Kingston church records. They were members of the Kaatsbaan church, near Saugerties, in 1759, and the baptism of six of their children is there recorded. The initials E. W. K., were cut into a stone, in the outer wall of the Kaatsbaan church. See Evert [4]. Children of Evert and Sarah Wynkoop : 304. Johannes: bp. Feb. 9, 1755; d. in infancy. 305. Maria: bp. May 31, 1757, "Marytje" '-^^i ^n. Apl. 16, 1780, Gerrit Becker, Albany. 306. Johannes: b. June 18, 1759: m. Harriet Bartlett. 307. Catharina: bp. Apl. 12, 1762. 308. Ehza: bp. Sept. 8, 1764. 309. Elisha: b. Sept., 1766: d. a bachelor. According to an other account, he was bom in 1758, and lost his life during the Revolutionary War. 310. Deborah: bp. Jan. 13, 1768: d. unmarried. 311. Joshua: bp. Sept. 19, 1770: m. Margaret Arnold or Amout. 130. Sarah Wynkoop, (Johannes E. 36, Evert 4, Cornelius i,) baptized April 21, 1747, Kaatsbaan church: married June 12, '41 iV. Y. Gen. & Biog. Record, vol. ii., \y. 203. '42 Bergen Family, p. 285. '43 Little Sawyer Creek, probably: Zaager = sawyer, jc = diminutive. '44 Memoirs of Aaron Burr, Davis, vol. i., pp. 132, 133, 131. Wynkoop Genealogy 53 1772, William Larreway, Albany, N. Y. The name appears else- where as La Roe. Children of William and Sarah Larreway: 312. David Larreway: bp. Nov. 13, 1779, "La Roe," Kaats- baan. 313. Catharine Larreway: bp. Oct. 12, 1781.^45 131. Catharine Wynkoop, (Hezekiah 39, Evert 4, Cornelius i,) bom September 24, 1741, baptized December 20: married De- cember 6, 1764, Benjamin Post.^46 They removed to Hilleburgh, Albany County, N. Y. They had a daughter, wife of Seveson.^47 Child of Benjamin and Catharine Post: 314. Maria Post: bp. Oct. 29, 1765, "Marytje," Kaatsbaan church. Perhaps she was the one who married Mr. Seveson. 133. Evert Wynkoop, (Hezekiah 39, Evert 4, Cornelius i,) bom September 8, 1743, baptized December 20, Kingston: d. April 6, 1830: married. May 30, 1765, Aeltje (Alida or Alice) Meyer, bom March 11, 1741, died December 16, 1796, daughter of John Wilhelm and Sarah (Newkirk) Meyer. Evert was commissioned a Lieutenant of militia, December 7, 1772. He was an Associator of Kingston, in May and June, 1775, and First Lieutenant of the " Third Beat," or District of Kingston, October 25, 1775.^48 In 1791, he bought land in the Inbogt, from Spaan; and his son, William, lived thereon, for a large part of his life.^49 In his last will, of Saugerties, dated June 6, 1829, proved June 29, 1830, he mentioned his children, William, Hezekiah, Jun., Catharine, Sarah, and Henry, deceased; and the children of Henry, namely. Evert, Tjerck, Hezekiah, Allie, Annetje, and Henry H.; and his grandson, Evert, living with him.^so "He was one of those who, willingly, obeyed the command, *Be still, and know that I am God.' For three years he was 145 First Settlers of Albany County. ^46 German Reformed church, Germantown, Columbia Co., N. Y. ^47 Judge Henry Wynkoop, of Catskill. 148 Journal of N. Y. Provincial Convention, vol. i., p. 30. '49 Henry Brace, of New York City. ISO Record of Wills, Kingston, Book G, p. 361. 54 Wynkoop Genealogy confined to his bed; and the testimony is that, in all that time, no murmur escaped him." 'si Children of Evert and Alida Wynkoop : 315. Hezekiah: b. June 9, 1766: m. Elizabeth Dederick. 316. Sarah: b. Jan. 12, 1768: m. Paul Van Steenberg. 317. Henry: b. Sept. 19, 1769: m. Anne Loew. 318. Catharina: b. Nov. 7, 1771, bp. Nov. 9, Kingston: d. Sept. 20, 1777. 319. William: b. May 20, 1774: m. Maria Trombour. 320. Maria: b. Sept. 10, 1776, bp. Oct. 7, d. Oct. 12. A tomb- stone in the old graveyard, Saugerties, reads: "M. W. K. geboren 1776 gestorven 1776." 321. Catharine: b. July 20, 1779, bp. Sept. 19: died unmarried. Her last will, of Saugerties, dated Mch. 13, 1857, proved Nov. II, 1859, mentions her as a boarder in the family of John P. Kimban.'52 135. Anne Wynkoop, (Tobias 40, Evert 4, Cornelius i,) bap- tized November 11, 1744, "Annetje," Kingston: died May 16, 1813: married Christian Meyer, who died May 30, 1817, son of Johannes. *53 She was commonly called Hannah. Baptisms of the children are recorded in the Kaatsbaan church. [Meyer =z sheriff.] Children of Christian and Anne Meyer: 322. Cornelius Meyer: bp. Nov. 14, 1764. 323. Jonathan Meyer: bp. Aug. 26, 1766. 324. Henry Meyer: bp. Sept. 27, 1768. 325. Leah Meyer: bp. Oct. 24, 1770. 326. Sarah Meyer: bp. Mch. 3, 1773. 327. Hezekiah Meyer: bp. July 15, 1775. 328. Catharina Meyer: bp. Sept. 6, 1777. 329. Maria Meyer: bp. Jan. 27, 1780. 330. Anne Meyer: bp. Aug. 17, 1782. 331. Jane Meyer: bp. July 3, 1785. 332. Benjamin Meyer: bp. Jan. 5, 1788. 136. Hezekiah Wynkoop, (Tobias 40, Evert 4, Cornelius i,) baptized June 3, 1750, Kingston: died aged about 87 years; 'SI William H. Dederick, of Kingston. '52 Record of Wills, Kingston, Book N, p. 731. 153 7^ Johns Rep. N. Y., p. 254: (1817). See Hezekiah [136] and William [319]. Wynkoop Genealogy 55 married Maria Meyer, baptized September lo, 1744- daughter of Johannes, named above. A petition for partition recited that Hezekiah, Tobias, and Peter Wynkoop, owned about one eighth of a mill-dam, etc. An agreement had been made, April 21, 1789, reciting that dis- putes had existed as to the boundary line between two patents of land, at Catskill, Greene County, N. Y., one of them owned by Christian Meyers, and Hezekiah, Tobias and Peter Wynkoop, and agreeing that the whole of the fall of water at the saw-mill, with the mill, mill-dam, gangways, and roads, to and from the waterfall, should belong to the patentees, respectively, as tenants in common.' 53 Children of Hezekiah and Maria Wynkoop : 333. Sarah: b. Aug. 19, 1775: m. Merchant Lawrence. 334. Leah: bp. Oct. 5, 1777: m. Roswell Lawrence. 335. Tobias: bp. May 3, 1780: m. ist, Maria Suydam; m. 2d Elizabeth van Steenberg. 336. Evert: bp. Nov. 7, 1784: m. Maria Allen. 138. Wilham Wynkoop, Major, (Tobias 40, Evert 4, Cornelius I,) baptized March 4, 1753, Kingston: died about 80 years of age, according to one account, and 89, according to an other. He married Charity Schermerhorn. Major William was in the battle of Stillwater, in the autumn of 1777. Nile Frost Wynkoop [780] wrote of him as follows: "I have heard him tell of the doings there. He said that General [Benedict] Arnold was under arrest, when the British and Indians were driving our army back. Arnold mounted his horse and rode to the front, and meeting his men, gave the com- mand 'About face' — and they obeyed him, with cheers. They drove everything before them, until they met the British cavalry, under General [Simon] Frazer. Then Arnold ordered up twelve of the best riflemen, and said, pointing at Frazer, ' He is a host in himself; let me see him no longer.' The fall of Frazer dis- heartened the British cavalry, and our army was victorious." Major William, in 1797, was ordered by John Jay, Governor of New York, to take command of Col. Baldwin's regiment, and fit them for active service. The commission was preserved, and fell into the possession of Nile Frost Wynkoop. William removed to Chemung, in 1783, when his daughter Hannah was only five years old. The experiences of his family 56 Wynkoop Genealogy are related by Alonzo Ilus Wynkoop [777], as follows: "I recollect hearing my mother relate the incidents of the journey from Esopus to Wilkes-Barre, by wagon, through a wilderness, and from Wilkes-Barr6 to Tioga Point, now Athens, Penn., by a flat-boat, up the North Branch of the Susquehanna, more than one hundred miles, and by canoes up the Chemung, to a neigh- borhood of Indians, who brought vension to them in abundance, and treated them kindly. A hunter, who lived with them, thought it a small matter to kill and bring in a deer, before breakfast. But there were no mills, and the first wheat that her father raised was taken by him down the river, in a canoe, to Wilkes-Barre; and the canoe, containing the fiour, was pushed home again,* up-stream, more than one hundred miles. In the second year, Major William built a mill on Wynkoop 's Run, where Alonzo lived afterward. The mill-stones were worked from rocks near Towanda, Bradford County, Penn. The early settlers came many miles to this mill." Nile Frost Wynkoop [780] adds, that when William had reached Tioga Point, more than two thousand savages were there, making a treaty with the white men. Certificates of survey of land in Chemung County, N. Y., were granted as follows: Nov. 4, 1788, of survey for William Wyn- koop, of lot No. I, in the town of Chemung, on the north side of the Tioga River, 515 acres of land: Nov. 5, 1788, of survey for Nathan Dennistown, William Wynkoop, and eight other persons, of lot No. 138, in the town of Chemung, 6400 acres of land. Certificate was made by James Clinton, Baldwin, Che- mung County, February 22, 1792, that lot No. 138 was laid out for the persons mentioned above. ^^4 Charity Schermerhorn was called Alida by Bradley Wynkoop [635], and her name appears as "Gerretche," in the record of baptism of her daughter Annatche. She died in October, 18 12, in Newtown, now Elmira, Chemung County. [Schermer = sword-fencer.] Charity had married ist, Van Steinberg, and had a daughter Eleanor, who was known in the Wynkoop family as "Aunt Nelly," and who married, July 22, 1790, Guy Maxwell. The marriage was in Pennsylvania, for the officer, who came to perform the ceremony, lived in that State, and the couple walked IS4 Lawd Papers, vol. liv., pp. i, 167, 171. Wynkoop Genealogy 57 across the border, to get within his jurisdiction.'ss It seems that she was known by her step-father's name; for French's Gazette, page 220, states that the first marriage in the town of Chemung was of Guy Maxwell and NeUie Wynkoop. After all, that marriage was not in Chemung, and the bride was not a Wynkoop. Children of Maj. William and Charity Wynkoop: 337. Anne: b. Feb. 9, 1778: m. Benjamin Wynkoop [444]. 338. Jane: m. Philip McConald, and died childless. They lived in Newtown, Chemung County, N. Y. 139. Leah Wynkoop, (Tobias 40, Evert 4, Cornelius ,1) bap- tized March 31, 1755, Kaatsbaan church: died April 26, 1836: married Peter Britt, who died March 17, 1837, aged 83 years.^56 The name is now written Brett. Baptisms of the children are recorded in the Kaatsbaan church. Children of Peter and Leah Britt : 339. Catharina Britt: bp. Oct. 17, 1776: m. June 2, 1802, William Dederich, bp. July 20, 1764, son of William and Catharine (Brandon) Dederich. They removed to Alle- ghany County. 340. Maria Britt: bp. Apl. 25, 1778: d. young. 341. Petrus Britt: bp. Apl. 8, 1781: m. Margaret Bear or Behr. 342. Maria Britt: bp. June 6, 1784: m. Mch. 26, 1805, William Rumsey. 343. Anne Britt: bp. Aug. 12, 1786: m. Isaac Fulton. 344. Jane Britt: bp. Nov. i, 1788: m. Nov. 26, 1814, Benjamin Peck. 345. Tobias Britt: bp. May 14, 1791: m. Dec. 30, 1815, Rachel Cole. 346. Nicholas Britt: bp. Oct. 27, 1793, "Nicolaas": d. July 6, 1882: m. . 347. William Britt: b. July 14, 1796, bp. July 31: d. Mch. i, 1882: m. Mch. 2, 1826, Katy Fiero, who d. Sept. 17, 1880, in her 83d year. 348. Leah Britt: b. Apl. 4, 1799, bp. June 16: d. unmar- ried. 349. Margaret Britt, "Peggy": m. Feb. 4, 1796, Philip Bahr. bp. Sept. 22, 1774, son of Adam and Annetje (Spaan) ^^^ Nile Frost Wynkoop, of Chenmug [780]. 1S6 Henry Brace, of New York City. ' 5^ Wynkoop Genealogy Bahr.'S7 Perhaps she should be in place of Maria [340], and Maria be dropped. 141. Tobias Wynkoop, (Tobias 40, Evert 4, Cornelius i,) bap- tized August 13, 1758, Kaatsbaan church: died about 1827: married, January 11, 1781, Jannitje Schermerhorn, he described as bom and living in Kingston, and she, as born and living in Albany. She was sister to the wife of William [138]. In his last will, of Saugerties, dated July 9, 1823, proved October 20, 1827, Tobias mentioned his wife, Jannetje, and his children, Cornelius and Nelly, wife of John Kiersted.'ss See this Tobias mentioned under Hezekiah [136]. Children of Tobias and Jane Wynkoop : 350. Cornelius: b. Dec. 16, 1781: m. Alida Sharp. 351. Cornelia: bp. Nov. 7, 1784: m. John Kiersted. 352. Decola: bp. Jan. 11, 1789, Kaatsbaan church. She is not mentioned in the will of her father, 1823. 143. Petrus Wynkoop, (Tobias 40, Evert 4, Cornelius i,) born August 4, 1760, in Catskill,'59 baptized August 10, Kingston church record: died August 14, 1828: married, February 25, 1784, Kaatsbaan Church, Helena Beer, of Kingston, b. December 15, 1766, died March 26, 1842. Her name is Helena, in the baptismal records of seven of her children; but she seems to have been known as Magdalene. Her family name is written also Behr, Bahr, and Bear. [Beer = bear.] Peter removed, in August, 1810, to what was called the Genesee country, to a place at or near what is now Seneca, Seneca County, N. Y. This Peter is mentioned under Hezekiah [136]. Children of Peter and Helena Wynkoop : 353. Anne: b. Oct. 26, 1784: m. William Fiero. 354. Leah: b. Dec. 7, 1786: m. Abram Post. 355. Tobias: b. Dec. 9, 1789: d. Sept. 28, 1793. 356. Caroline: b. Oct. 15, 1792: m. Thomas Waugh. 357. Catharine: b. June 17, 1794: d. Sept. 12, 1818: m. James Purdy. 358. Tobias: b. July 13 or 18, 1797: m. Eleanor Welsh. 359. Adam: b. July 5, 1800: m. Marion Child. '57 Lutheran church, West Camp, 6 miles below Catskill. 1S8 Record of Wills, Kingston, Book G, p. 103. '59 Bradley Wynkoop. Wynkoop Genealogy 59 360. Peter: b. Dec. 26, 1803: d. in infancy. 361. William: a twin: b. Dec. 26, 1803: d. in infancy. 362. John: b. Dec. 10, 1804: m. Elizabeth Spann. 144. John Wynkoop, (Cornelius 44, Gerret 5 , Cornelius i ,) bom December i or 15, 1729,^^° baptized March 5, 1730^^': died July 14, 1784'^-: married, March 26, 1751, Catharine Van Meter, of New Jersey.^^° Children of John and Catharine Wynkoop: 363. Cornelius: b. May 24, 1758, bp. Aug. s''^^- d. Aug. 1758. 364. Isaac: b. Aug. i, 1759: m. Rachel Van Cleve. 365. Cornelius; b. June 18, 1762: m. Margaret Fulton. 366. Abraham: b. Apl. 7, 1765: m. Ruth Hayr. 367. Rebecca: b. Aug. 28, 1768, bp. Oct. 16 ^^3; m. ist, Henry Hoogland, but had no child: m. 2d, George or Casper Fetter, and had three sons and five daughters. 153. Gerardus Wynkoop, (Gerrit 45, Gerret 5, Cornelius i), baptized September 30, 1732 ^^4; died about 1812 or 1813: mar- ried Elizabeth Bennet. He was an officer of the Revolutionary army. He was a member of the house of General Assembly of Pennsylvania, for nineteen successive years; and was its Speaker for a series of years .'^s Children of Gerardus and Elizabeth Wynkoop : 368. Cornelius: bp. Dec. 9, 1762 ^^^ the father "Garret," the mother, not mentioned. This Cornelius is assumed to have been son of Gerardus, mentioned above; but he may have been son of Gerrit [146]; yet it has not been ascertained that that Gerrit married. 369. Lucretia: bp. May 30, i764.'^3 She also is supposed to have been a child of this Gerardus ; but she may have been child of Gerrit [146]. 370. John: b. Apl. 6, 1766: m. Anna Feaster. 371. Isaac: m. ist, Rebecca Britton: m. 2d, Phoebe Jones. 372. Gerrit: m. Anne Strickland. 373. Matthew: m. Thomasine Stockholm. 160 Christopher L. Wynkoop [686]. 161 First Pres. ch., Phil., per Charles R. Hildebum. '62 Charles Wynkoop [640]. ^63 Abington ch., Penn., per Charles R. Hildebum. 164 Records of Dutch, now Pres. ch., Bensalem, Bucks Co., Penn. 165 Rev. Stephen R. Wynkoop [677]. 6o Wynkoop Genealogy 374. David: m. ist, Anne McNair: m. 2d, Mary Van Hoorn. 375. William: b. July 25, 1778: m. Mary Langstroth. 376. Susan: m. Rev. David Wiley. 377. Elizabeth: m. Stephen Rose, b. Jan. 6, 1769, d. Mch. 1833, son of Ebenezer and Eunice (Burrowes) Rose. Stephen was of the neighborhood of Trenton, N.J. They had no child. ^ 154. Adrian Wynkoop, (Gerrit 45, Gerret 5, Cornelius i,) married, in Bucks County, Penn., Sarah Randall. He purchased land, three miles south of the Potomac River, in Virginia, in that part of Berkeley County, which is now Fred- erick County. He and his wife went on horseback, from Penn- sylvania to Virginia, during the Revolutionary War.'^^ (The tradition does not state how many horses were so used.) Children of Adrian and Sarah Wynkoop : 378. Elizabeth: m. Lucas. 379. Sarah: m. Jones. 380. Hannah: m. William Lemon, y 381. Garrett: m. Sarah Martin. 156. Helena Wynkoop, (Nicholas 46, Gerret 5, Cornelius i,) born February 8, 1734, baptized April 6, Abington, Montgomery County, Penn: called also Eleanor. She married Rev. Jonathan Du Bois, bom December 3, 1727, Pittsgrove, N. J., died Decem- ber 15, 1772. Jonathan, from his eighteenth year, studied theology, with his Presbyterian pastor. Rev. David Evans, and in the Presbyterian synod's school, at New London, Penn. He made a personal appeal for help to his relations in Ulster County, N. Y., and it is presumed that it was successful. He officiated, in some capa- city, at the Reformed church of North- and Southampton, Bucks County, Penn. (Neshaminy), as early as the middle of 1749; and was licensed in the autumn of 1750, and was pastor of that church, 1751-72. His father was a member of that church, and his brother-in-law, Henry [157], became an elder of the same church. He was a charter Trustee of Queens College, in 1770. Children of Rev. Jonathan and Helena Du Bois: 382. Abraham Du Bois: d. in 1797. 383. Sarah Du Bois. 166 Adrian Garret Wynkoop [1167]. Wynkoop Genealogy 6i 384. Henry Du Bois: d. in 1806. 385. Anne Du Bois: b. Sept. 19, 1752: m. Feb. 8, 1778, Leffert Lefferts, b. Aug. 21, 1745, son of Leifert and Antje (Van- derbilt) LefEerts, of Penn. Mr. Lefferts was chosen, June 9, 1783, "church master," of the Reformed Dutch church, of North- and Southampton. ^^7 386. Helena Du Bois: m. David Taggart. 387. Susannah Du Bois. 388. Isaac Du Bois. 389. Nicholas Du Bois: d. Nov. 4, 18 15, aged 44. 157. Henry Wynkoop, Judge, (Nicholas 46, Gerret 5, Cor- nelius I,) bom in Northampton township, Bucks County, Penn., March 2, 0. S., 1737, baptized April 21, 1737, Bensalem church: died March 25, 1816. The date of death here stated is the one given by his descendants, Mary Helen Radford [12 17], and Mrs. Isabella M. W. Bailey [734]. The latter says that the record stands so, in the handwriting of her father, Jonathan [396], and that such is the inscription upon his tomb, at Richboro, formerly Addisville, Bucks County, about two miles west from his old home. Appleton's Cyclopcedia of American Biography says, that he was Associate Judge until his death, Oct. 12, 181 2. Probably he was retired at that date, because of his age, seventy-five years. Henry married ist, September 10, 1761, Susannah Wanshaer, bom October 29, 1742, died August 26, 1776, only daughter of John and Christina (Egberts) Wanshaer, of Essex County, N. J. A party of Hessians, not knowing that the Judge was absent, broke into the house, to arrest him, and were so violent that Mrs. Wynkoop was frenzied, and rushing from the house, jumped into the well, and so died. (John S. Wurts, of Philadelphia.) [Van- shaer = of the shear.] He married 2d, in 1777, Maria Cum- mings, also of New Jersey, who died in 1781. He married 3d, April 21, 1782, Sarah Newkirk, who died June 28, 1813, daughter of Cornelius and Rachel (Ten Eyck) Newkirk, of Pilesgrove township, Salem County, N. J. (Pittsgrove was carved from Pilesgrove, in honor of William Pitt, and the two are sometimes confounded.) Henry received a classical education. He was an early ad- herent of the patriot cause. In 1774, he was a member of the 167 Gen. of the Lefferts Family, Bergen, 1878, p. 79. 62 Wynkoop Genealogy Northampton Committee of Observation. About the same time he became Major of one of the associated battaUons. He was a deputy to the First Provincial Conference that convened in the ^ Carpenters' Hall, Philadelphia, June 1 8, 1776. He was a Lieu- tenant in the Revolutionary army. It was at his house that Col. James Monroe, afterwards President, was entertained, while re- covering from a wound received in the battle of Trenton. A letter from Washington, to his friend Wynkoop, secured the hospitable quarters; and a letter from Monroe, as late as March 26, 1834, expressed the most Hvely gratitude for kindness received, during an interesting period of our Revolutionary War. ^68 The Pennsylvania Convention, on July 23, 1776, chose by ballot, a Council of Safety, for the State, and among them Henry Wynkoop for Bucks County. He appeared in the Council, August 7, 1776, and took and subscribed the quaUfications pre- scribed by the Convention. In the same Council, two orders were drawn, for ;^2 5o each, in favor of Henry Wynkoop, for the famines of poor Associators of Bucks County, and for equipping the militia of that county.^^^ He was chosen by the General Assembly of Pennsylvania, December 4, 1778, one of the commissioners to settle the ac- counts of the county lieutenants. On March 3, 1779^ he was chosen a member of Congress, in place of Edward Biddle, re- signed; and he was re-elected November 24, 1780, and Novem- ber 22 1 781. He was commissioned, November 18, 1780, a Justice of the Court of Common Pleas and Orphans' Court, and held the office until 1789. He was a Representative in the first Federal Congress of the United States, in New York, in March, 1789, which organized a Uttle later, and he so continued until 1791! This absence from home involved his resignation of an eldership in the Neshaminy church, in which his grandfather Geret [5] had been an elder, and his father, Nicholas [46], a member, and his brother-in-law, Jonathan Du Bois [156], a pastor. The journals show that Henry had a marked influence in the Congress; and he was an important factor in determining the location of a permanent seat of government, although the location he favored was not adopted. ■68 W. B. Whitakcr, of Phil., in United States Gazette. 169 Force's Amer. Archives, vol. iii., p. 9'. vol. 1., p. 311. Wynkoop Genealogy 63 On the expiration of his Congressional term, he was appointed an Associate Judge of Bucks County, and held that office until October 12, 1812.^7° Judge Wynkoop was the author, probably, of a paper entitled, "A genealogical description of the family of Henry Wynkoop, from its origin in America, to this day, a.d.. May 12, 1808, and compiled partly from oral tradition, and partly from the family register." It begins with "Cornelius C. Wynkoop"; but the C is evidently an erroneous interpolation. The com- piler was much assisted by this manuscript, of which a tran- script was furnished to him by Col. Francis M. Wynkoop [1193] A Wynkoop device was found, by the compiler, on a piece of silverware, in this branch of the family. The motto, that ac- companied it, was new to the compiler; and it may have origin- ated with the Judge. An anecdote is told of him, which shows that he was of im- posing figure and presence. General Washington was in favor of having the President styled, officially. High Mightiness, and asked General Peter Muhlenburgh's opinion. The latter an- swered that, "If all the incumbents should have the commanding size and presence of General Washington, or of my friend Wyn- koop, the title might be appropriate; but if it should fall upon same smaller men, it would provoke ridicule. " ^^i Tradition says that he was 6 ft. 4 in. in height. An other story is to this effect : General Alexander Hamilton and the Judge were walking on Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, and the General was urging very strongly the merits of a bill, then before the house, for which he wished to secure the support of his friend. But the Judge was averse to the measure, and wished to avoid discussing it, and he changed the subject, by directing attention to two beautiful women, who were passing them. The subject was not resumed; but forty-eight hours afterward Mrs. Wynkoop arrived from her home in Bucks County, quite unexpected, having travelled all night, in conse- quence of a letter received from the General, requesting her im- mediate presence, as her husband was in a dangerous condition. The joke was well taken; and it was succeeded by an other. The Judge prepared a similar letter, in relation to the General, ^7° Cyclopcedia of Amer. Biog., Appleton. '71 Republican Court, p. 153. 64 Wynkoop Genealogy and sent it to Mrs. Hamilton, at New York. This caused the hurried arrival of Mrs. Hamilton, who showed the Judge's letter. The affair caused great merriment, and the ladies had a gay and pleasant visit; the only drawback was the anxiety of the ladies, respectively, while on the way to Philadelphia.^ 72 A good portrait of the Judge was in the Centennial Loan Exhi- bition in New York City, in 1889. It was then in the possession of Mrs. Isabella M. (Wynkoop) Bailey [734], who was Hving in Trenton, N. J., with her daughter, Mrs. WilHams Robbins Wright. A copy of this portrait is here given. t' Judge Hf.nrY Wynkoop iPa) ]757^AbiS Many letters of the Judge are in existence; one of them is as follows : " New York Monday morning 18 March, 1789. "Dear Sir: " On Wednesday next will be two weeks, since I came here, and nothing is done yet, but receiving and paying visits, a situ- ation tho' disagreeable in not getting forward as might be wished, yet affording an opportunity of becoming acquainted with the gentlemen here, both foreigners and those belonging to the two Houses of the new Government. The permanent residence, among other matters, I have frequently heard brought forward, and with the gentlemen now here, who are chiefly from the east- 172 Mrs. Anna M. (Wynkoop) Atwood [1194]- Wynkoop Genealogy 65 ward, I believe the Falls of the Delaware would be the favorite spot. Mr. Gerry, who was one of the gentlemen appointed formerly to view the situation proposed, declares that he saw none that struck hiin with so much propriety as the heights above Burrows's, the only difficulty in the way will be its being too far eastward. I wish to know whether Mr. Ogden and Mr. Wilson have set petitions in motion for the inhabitants to manifest their willingness to become citizens within the exclusive jurisdiction of Congress. If you have not heard of it, I wish you to speak to Mr. Ogden on the subject — and Mr. Yardley. "The French Ambassador, I find a most sensible, easy, good humored, intelligent man. On dining with him the other day, with company, at his house, he was clad in the manufactures of Hartford, with buttons of clam shells. An example this, which ought to disconcert every American macaroni, who struts in the fripperies of Europe. "Messrs. Madison, Page, and Lee from Virginia are all the addition to our numbers during the last week. "The don Diego de Guardoqui is one of the best tempered, lively, little beings you ever saw. He speaks in raptures of the new government, having been a uniform advocate in favor of America at the Court of Spain, during the whole of the late Revolution. He declares himself ready to establish such a national union, and intercourse, as will prove satisfactory and beneficial to both countries. That once accomplished, he says, I take my leave for my native land. "Was much pleased on Saturday morning, on seeing Mr. Ames of Massachusetts, and Mr. Madison of Virginia introduced to each other — two young but shining political characters, who can not fail distinguishing themselves in the Federal legislature. "Having calculated upon making a house by Thursday last, and being disappointed, I dare not say any thing about it. Kiss little Anney for Gran-pa — -my compliments to Cassey and Nicholas, which likewise accept from "Yours affectionately "Henry Wynkoop. "Docf Reading Beattie." Doctor Beattie was son-in-law of the Judge. The word "macaroni," which appears in the letter above, was then used as 5 66 Wynkoop Genealogy equivalent to dandy. Smallwood's Maryland regiment were dressed in scarlet and buff, which drew upon them the name of "macaronies," from their fellow soldiers, who were clad in homespun. But they were spirited fellows, as they proved, when they secured the retreat of our beaten army, after the battle of Long Island, by repeatedly charging the British forces, at the expense of the sacrifice of a large part of their regiment. The novel Richard Carvel, which relates to Revolutionary times, in Maryland, frequently uses the word "macaroni." Children of Judge Henry and Susannah Wynkoop : 390. Christina: b. Aug. 18, 1763: m. Dr. Reading Beattie. 391. Anne: b. Oct. 10, 1765: m. James Michael Raguet, son of Michael and Anna (Vilminot) Raguet. 392. Margaretta: b. Jan. 22, 1768, at VredensHof: d. after 1831, at Abington: m. Nov. 24, 1789, Herman Joseph Lombaert, b. in Brabant, in 1756: d. Aug. 29, 1793, aged 37, of yellow fever, and was buried at St. Mary's Roman Catholic Church in Philadelphia. He was a merchant of Philadelphia, and is said to have been educated and accompHshed. After his death, Margaretta remained in Philadelphia, for some years, and then removed to Easton, Pa., where she died. She was buried in Abington, Pa. She is described as talented, and as courtly in her manners. '73 393. Nicholas, M.D.: b. Mch. 25, 1770, at Vredens Hof: m. ist, Francenia Murray; m. 2d, Sarah Campbell. 173 Mrs. Isabella (W.) Bailey [734]- Herman J. and Margaretta (W.) Lombaert had children as follows: Susan Lombaert, who d. Nov. 16, 1838; m., Dec. 23, 1813, James Van- uxem, Jun.,b. Nov. 14, 1790: Charles Lombaert, who married Anna Arndt, of Easton, Pa., and had eight children: and Mary Anne Lombaert, who married Peter Gwinner, and had two children. James, Jun., and Susan (L.) Vanuxem had children as follows: James Vanuxem 3d, b. Nov. 21, 1814, m. twice, and had two children: Mar- garet Vanuxem, b. May 10, 1816, d. Nov. 18, 1838, unmarried: Edward Vanuxem, b. July 29, 1818, in Morrisville, Pa.; m. ist, Apl. 8, 1843, Eliza- beth Krusen, b. in 1822, d. Nov. 27, 1884, daughter of Charles and Anne (Craven) Krusen, of Newtown, Pa., and had six children; he m., 2d, a widow, by whom he had no child: Louisa Vanuxem, b. Dec. 9, 1822; m. Robert Tweed, of Miss.: and Alfred Vanuxem, b. Feb. 18, 1826. Edward and EHzabeth (K.) Vanuxem had children as follows: Anna Vanuxem, b. Jan., 1846; m., Apl. 8, 1868, Theodore FrelinghuysenWurts, b. May 31, 1844, one of ten children of William and Lucretia Jeannette Wynkoop Genealogy 67 394. Maria Helena: b. Apl. 30, 1772: d. Sept. 12, 1845; m. July 9, 1793, Christian Wirtz, Jun., d. Feb. 18, 1804, young- est son of Christian '74 and Margaretha (Houser) Wirtz. He was a merchant in Philadelphia ; and a member of the First Troop City Cavalry. Maria was a very pretty girl; and she was one of the maidens who strewed flowers before Gen'l Washington, as he passed over the Assanpink Bridge, at Trenton, on his way to New York, to assume the first presidency .'73 Maria seems to have had but one child, Wynkoop Wirtz (or Wiirtz), M.D., who m. Hannah Zane Morris, and died without a child. (Zane is a family name.) 395. John Wanshaer: b. July 11, 1774: d. Sept. 6, 1793, of yellow fever, at the house of his brother-in-law, Lombaert, while prosecuting law studies. His father wrote of him, as "a youth of good natural abilities, diligent and industrious, and of great integrity." '"^ 396. Jonathan: b. June 21, 1776: m. April 27, 1809, Anne Dick. Child of Judge Henry and Sarah Wynkoop : 397. Susannah: b. Apl. 11, 1784: m. Jan Lefferts. 161. Eleanor Wynkoop (PhiHp 48, Gerret 5, Cornelius i). (Lathrop) Wurts; — (the Wurts family came from Zurich, in 1735): Charles Vaniixem, b. Nov. 28, 1848, d. Dec. 24, 1865: Susan Lombaert Vanuxem, b. Apl. 27, 1852, d. Apl. 9, 1855: Alfred Vanuxem,-b. May 29, 1854, d. May 30, 1854: Mary Vanuxem, b. Sept. 5, 1856, d. Oct. 14, 1857 : and Edward Vanuxem, b. Oct. 3, 1859, d- Aug. 14, i860. Theodore F. and Anna (V.) Wurts had two children, as follows: Edward Vanuxem Wurts, who married and had two children: and John Spar- hawk Wurts, b. June, 1876, tmmarried, a real estate broker, in Phila- delphia. Mr. John S. Wurts brought about the reunion of the descendants of Judge Henry Wynkoop, Jtily 4, 1903, at Vredens Hof [restful garden], four miles from Newtown, Pa., at which sixty-one persons were present. This was the spacious and comfortable place of the Judge, and it was his cus- tom to gather his descendants there, yearly. It has passed out of the hands of the family. His descendants are said to mmiber nearly 400 persons. '74 Christian Wirtz, Sen., was born in Germany, in 1728, died Apl., 1813, in Philadelphia. He was a Major, at Lancaster, Penn., during the Revolution. His first wife was Margaretta Houser (sic) , daughter of •Martin Hauser (sic), from whom Houserville, Penn., derives its name. His second wife was a Mary Wynkoop. (John S. Wurts, of Phil., a descendant of Margaretta [392].) 68 Wynkoop Genealogy Philip "Winekoop" had a daughter — her name not recorded — baptized June i8, 1741, Abington church — perhaps she was this Eleanor. Eleanor married, June 10, 1757, Fernandus Van Sicler, Christ Church, Phil. Philip, in his last will, 1771, left twenty- pounds apiece, "to the children of my daughter Lenah, Philip and Margaret Van Sakel." Ferdinandus Van Siclen was baptized January 9, 1738, Read- ington, N. J., son of Reynier and Steijntje Van Siclen. He married ist, Eleanor Wynkoop; 2d, in Loudoun County, Va., Mrs. Phoebe Fisher, by whom he had a son " Wynekoop Van Siclen," born August 13, 1793. This Wynkoop Van Siclen married in Tennessee, about 18 13, Martha Tweedy, by whom he had twelve children, of whom the loth, born August 7, 1834, was named Richard Wynkoop Van Siclen. ^7s Children of Ferdinand and Eleanor Van Sickler: 398. Philip Van Sickler. He lived, at one time, in Loudoun Co., Va. He is mentioned in 1771, in the will of his grand- father, Philip Wynkoop. 399. Margaret Van Sickler. She also is mentioned in Philip's will, 1 77 1. 163. Gerrit Wynkoop (Philip 48, Gerret 5, Cornelius i). Philip "Winekoop" had a child baptized February 9, 1744, Abrington, Pa., but no naine recorded: it was this Gerrit. Gerrit died in 1822, aged 78 years.^76 He married, March 28, 1793, Nancy Van Horn, Abington church. She died, in 1837, aged 86 years. ^76 He was an executor of the will of his father, in 1 77 1. Child of Gerrit and Nancy Wynkoop : 400. Margaret: bp. Jan. 16, 1800, Abington church: m. George M. Woodward, of Burlington County, N. J., who died there, in 1850, aged 65. She was living in the same place, in 1868, and had six living children. 164. Cornelius Wynkoop (Philip 48, Gerret 5, Cornelius i). He is mentioned in 1 7 7 1 , in the will of his father. He is said to have removed to Loudoun County, Va. He is supposed to have married, and had a family, but the name of his wife has not been discovered: but it may have been Cornelius [148] who was so married. '75 Rev. Dr. John B. Thompson. . '76 Henry Wynkoop [410], of Huntingdon Valley, Pa. Wynkoop Genealogy 69 This may have been the "Cornel Wynkoop," who joined in certifying the experiment of James Rumsey's steamboat, dated Berkeley County, December 13, 1787.^77 Benjamin [175] also was interested in Rumsey's experiments: but there were several Fulton- Wynkoop intermarriages. Children of Cornelius Wynkoop, baptized at Abington: 401. Elizabeth Cowenhoven, bp. Oct. 21, 1781. (See Margaret Koenhoven, wife of Philip [48J.) 402. Philip: bp. May 22, 1785. 403. Jane: bp. Apl. 13, 1788. 404. Gerrit: bp. Oct. 18, 1789, "Garret." 405. Joseph: bp. Oct. 2, 1791. 406. Richard: bp. May 19, 1793. 166. Philip Wynkoop, (Philip 48, Gerret 5, Cornelius i,) bom about 1756, died about 1814, aged 58.^76 Philip Wynkoop [48] had a child baptized, in 1755, but no name recorded, Abington church, and it may have been this Philip. Philip married, January 20, 1791, Catharine Van Home, Abington church. Bap- tisms of their children are recorded in Abington. Children of Philip and Catharine Wynkoop: 407. Maria: bp. May 19, 1793. 408. Henrietta: bp. May 24, 1795: d. in 1842. 409. Margaret: bp. May 22, 1796: m. March 9, 1820, Enos Butcher, Abington church. 410. Henry: bp. July 15, 1798: m. ist, Maria Hogeland, daughter of Dirk K. and Johanna (Sevems) Hogeland. '7^ He m. 2d, Henrietta Fetter, widow of Shelmire. She died in 1869, in her 73d year. Henry was living in 1870, in Penn. 411. John: bp. June 29, 1800: d. in 1837. This John is sup- posed to have been the one who married Sarah Yerkes. 412. Gerrit: bp. May 29, 1802: d. in 1862. 413. William: bp. Jan. 31, 1808: d. in 1852. 414. Anne: bp. Jan. 31, 1808. 415. Catharine. '"7 Doc. Hist. N. Y., vol. ii., p. 1022. ^78 Dirk K. Hogeland resided upon, and cultivated a plantation, near the Buck Tavern, in Southampton, and, for many years, was a justice of the peace. He was commonly known as Squire Hogeland. His wife was daughter of John and Sarah StoothofI Sevems. Sarah's father owned Bergen's Island, in Flatlands, L. I., N. Y. {Leffert's Genealogy, 1878, pp. 127, 128.) 70 Wynkoop Genealogy 167. Jacobus Wynkoop, Captain, (Cornelius 51, Benjamin 8, Cornelius i,) baptized March 3, 1725, Dutch church, N. Y. City: d. May 4, 1795 '79; married Alida Koens Myers, born October II, 1736, in Cura9ao, died October 16, 1794. She is recorded, at the baptism of her children, as AHda Koens — i. e., Koensze, daughter of Koen, the diminutive of Koenrad — but her de- scendants call her AHda Myers. Her name is written Cathlina, in the record of the birth of her son Cornelius, in her husband's Bible. The tomb inscription suggests that Jacobus was born in 1 7 2 1 : but his parents were married in May, 1724, and he was baptized in March, 1725, and he described himself, in 1775, as fifty-one years old. He was known uniformly as Jacobus, and not as Jacob or James. He was commissioned, June 28, 1775, as eighth captain of the 4th N. Y. Continental regiment, commanded by Col. Holmes. ^^° He wrote to the Provincial Congress, August 15, 1775, complain- ing of his position : setting forth that he was fifty-one years old, and had served in the last two wars, by sea and land, and had been in many engagements: that Gen'l [Thomas] Gage had specially honored and trusted him, giving him command of a company, to which his baggage was entrusted: and that he had been offered a commission in the Royal Americans.'*^' Gen'l Philip Schuyler, in a letter to Nathaniel WoodhuU, March 8, 1776, expressed a high opinion of Jacobus's fitness to command certain vessels. It was ordered, in the Committee of Safety, New York, April 13, 1776, that Jacobus Wynkoop should enlist the number of mariners desired by Maj. Gen'l Schuyler, for service on the lakes, and should proceed with them to Albany, and there take Schuyler's orders, as to vessels on the lakes, until the Continental Congress should appoint him, or some other gentleman should arrive at the lakes, authorized to command.^^^ The Committee of Safety, April 19, 1776, communicated with the delegate, at Philadelphia, urging the appointment of Captain Wynkoop to command on the lake, and mentioned him as bred a mariner; frequently master of mercantile vessels; as having 179 Tomb inscription, Annals of Albany, vol. vi., p. 198. 180 Dr. E. B. O'Callaghan. 181 Force's Amer. Archives, 5th Series, vol. i., pp. 76, 107. 182 Ibid., pp. 1276, 408. Wynkoop Genealogy 7' served with reputation, in the last war, both in the land and sea service; and as an officer of merit. Gen'l Schuyler addressed Capt. Wynkoop, at Fort George, May 7, 1776, ordering him to repair to Ticonderoga, and take command of all the vessels on the lakes. Jacobus, in a letter to the Council of Safety, August 6, 1776, informed thein that he had taken command, on April 18, as commodore of the vessels on Lake Champlain. Under advice of the commander of the Northern Department, he requested aid of the Council. The letter was referred to the Governor. ^^^ Gen'l Benedict Arnold, on August 17, 1776, ordered two schooners of the fleet, to proceed down the lake: Jacobus brought them to: Arnold went on board, and satisfied Jacobus of the necessity, and the latter ordered them under sail. Gen'l Arnold, on the same day, made report of the facts, from Crown Point, to Gen'l Horatio Gates, at Ticonderoga. Jacobus also reported the facts to Gen'l Gates, on the same day, and claimed that Arnold should not have issued orders to the captains direct : that he himself was to be independent of all, except the com- mander in chief [of the Department]. Gen'l Gates, on August 18, ordered Arnold to put Jacobus under arrest, and send him a prisoner to headquarters, at Ticonderoga. On the same day, he wrote to Gen'l Schuyler, urging the dismissal of Jacobus from the service, and, on the day following, he wrote again to Arnold, urging him to delay no longer, in the arrest of Jacobus. Mean- while, on the 19th, Arnold had written to Gates, that he had ordered Jacobus to headquarters, and he wished that it might be considered proper, to permit him to return home, without being cashiered. Gates wrote to Schuyler, on the day following, that he had given Jacobus a pass to Albany; and that he must, on no account, be sent to Ticonderoga. Schuyler replied, from Albany, that Jacobus was to remain there. Jacobus memorialized Congress, on the 27th, and Schuyler transmitted the memorial, two days later, stating that Jacobus was brave and industrious, and equal to the command of the vessels, which were on the lake, when he recommended him; but that he did not know him sufficiently to judge whether he was equal to the command of the vessels now there, and he, there- fore, had heard of the appointment of Arnold with the greatest i83 Force's Atner. Archives, 5th Series vol. i., pp. 426, 1277, 1034. 72 Wynkoop Genealogy satisfaction. Schu^^ler wrote to Gates, on the same day, in the same sense. '^^ Jacobus was re-instated in the command, in March, 1777, and retained it until the evacuation of Ticonderoga.^^s Jacobus communicated with the Council of Safety, August 6, 1777, in relation to the arrangement of accounts, of himself, and of the men serving under him as commodore.'^^ Jacobus was ordered, October 12, 1777, to take command of the cannon at Kingston : and in the autumn of that year, and the spring following, he was occupied with the raising of the Lady Washington galley, which had been sunk at Kingston. He removed his family from Kingston to Albany, two weeks before the British burned Kingston, October 16, 1777. In May, 1778, Gen'l Conway ordered Jacobus to Coeymans, to rig out, and put in readiness, the sloops and batteaux that were destined for the defense of the Hudson River.'^s In May, 1779, his pay was declared to be that of a captain of a Continental frigate. His pay was stopped July 25, 1780. The Continental Congress, by resolution of April 19, 1782, referred the subject of payment, to the State of New York. He claimed, January 24, 1783, that there was due to him £9$^, 6s, 8d. In 1790, be obtained from the State of New York, 500 acres of land in lot 51, township of Manlius; 500 acres in lot 53, township of Locke; and 500 acres in lot 59, township of Ovid. The petition was dated, Kingston, January 24, 1783.^^5 It seems that this was the Jacobus who was master of the brig Esopus, owned by Dirck Wynkoop [292] and plying between Kingston and the West Indies. Children of Jacobus and Alida Wynkoop : 416. Cornelius: b. Mch. 17, 1756: bp. Mch. 24, 1756, mother's name Alida Coens, Dutch church. New York City: d. in infancy. 417. Elizabeth: b. Mch. 19, 1758: m. Garret A. Lansing. 418. Sarah: b. July 27, 1760: m. ist, Nov. 22, 1779, Isaac Fonda. Sara Wynkoop, widow of Yzac Fonda, was re- ceived to church membership, at Albany, on confession, March 5, 1790. She m., 2d, Aug. 25, 1801, Asa Douglas 184 Force's Amer. Archives, 5th Series, vol. i., pp. 1002, 1275, 1003, 1276, 1051, 1277, 1218, 1073, 1135, 1217, 1221, 1222. iss Dr. E. B. O'Callaghan. 186 Force's Amer. Archives, 5th Series, vol. i., p. 495- Wynkoop Genealogy 11 of Canaan, Conn., born at Plainfield, Conn., Dec. 24, 1739. She had no child.'^^ 419. Cornehus J.: b. Aug. 25, 1763: m., ist, Dec. 12, 1789, Albany, Mary Forsey: m., 2d, Anne De Wendelaer. He opened a store m Albany, Jan., 1790, for the auction of dry goods, and furniture. '^^ On Oct. 26, 1796, Cornelius J. Wynkoop, merchant, of Canaschary, Montgomery County, N. Y., and Mary his wife, daughter and heir of Mary Forsey, conveyed to Obadiah Peniman, a lot on State Street, Albany. ^^9 420. James: b. Mch. 9, 1769: m. Catalina Dunbar. 421. Alida: b. Sept. 8, 1772: d. May 15, 1849^9°: m. Jonathan Eights, b. Nov. 26, 1773, Albany, d. Aug. 10, 1848,^''' son of Abraham and Catharina (Broecks) Eights. 170. Cornelius Wynkoop, (Cornelius 51, Benjamin 8, Cor- nelius I,) baptized December 21, 1729, New York City; married, March 12, 1758, Abigail Osburne, at Fairfield, Conn. Her name appears as Aesbeen, in the record of baptism of her daughter Elizabeth. [Aes or aas been — bait-bone.] Children of Cornelius and Abigail Wynkoop : 422. Elizabeth: b. Aug. 21, 1759; bp. Aug. 24, New York City. She was, probably, the "Miss Betsey Wynkoop," member of the First Congregational Society, at Fairfield, Fairfield County, Conn., whose death is recorded June 16, 1836. 423. Jacobus Van der Spiegel: b. Oct. i, 1767; bp. Oct. 2: m. Apl. 20, 1788, Sarah Price, of Greenfield. He was then liv- ing in Fairfield. 174. Phoebe Wynkoop, (Abraham 52, Benjamin 8, Cornelius I,) bom October 28, 1729: married John Vining, of Delaware, a man of distinction under the Proprietary govemment.'^^ Children of John and Phoebe Vining: 424. Mary Vining: d. in 182 1, unmarried. She is mentioned as a celebrated belle, of the i8th century, and as possessing more than ordinary wit and beauty.^^^ '8r Douglas Genealogy, p. 86, per Henry Brace. i88 Annals of Albany, vol. ii., p. 210. ^89 Record of Deeds, Albany, lib. xiv., p. 310. 190 pirst Settlers Albany Co., p. 46. 191 Annals of Albany, vol. i., p. 99. 192 Hannah Logan Smith's book, pp. 243, 244. 193 William F. Corbit; Associated Press office, Phil. 74 Wynkoop Genealogy 425. John Vining: m. Mary Seaton, daughter of William, of New- York, and left four sons, all of whom died young. He was, for many years, a representative in Congress. '93 175. Benjamin Wynkoop, (Abraham 52, Benjamin 8, Cor- nelius I,) born November 23, 1734; died September 2, 1803: married May 18, 1767 '«"* Sarah Wooddrop Sims, daughter of Joseph and Anne Sims. His body, and the bodies of several of his children, were buried at the corner of Pine and Third streets, Philadelphia. His widow died December 31, 18 14, aged 63. His descendents know of no second marriage, and yet he seems to have married, about 1781, and, probably a sister of Sarah. For James Lempriere Hammond wrote, from the Island of Jersey, in May, 1783, to his brother Nicholas, as follows: " Your last letter tells me of the marriage, about a year and a half ago, of Mr. B. Wynkoop to his second wife." The " B. Wyn- koop " seems to be this Benjamin, and he named children, after that period, Wooddrop Sims, and Sarah, which suggests that the second wife was sister to the first. Benjamin was, in 1788, a member of the Rumseian Society, Philadelphia, and of its committee of correspondence. '^s This society had for its subject James Rumsey's experiments with steamboats. Benjamin Wynkoop and his family, in 1778, were at the resi- dence of his step-mother, the Widow Mary (Dyer) Wynkoop, Appoquinimink, Newcastle County, Delaware, while Phila- delphia was occupied by the British. Nicholas Hammond, then aged about twenty, grandson of the Widow Wynkoop, wrote as follows: "Mr. Benjamin Wynkoop and family are with us, and by their generally pretty and familiar behavior increase the cordiality which before subsisted among us. They have been here some months, and await, with impatience, the messengers of peace, that they may return to Philadelphia." Children of Benjamin and Sarah Wynkoop: 426. Joseph: b. Dec. 3, 1768: d. Mch. 24, 1814. 427. Esther: b. May 18, 1771: d. Nov. 20, 1774., 428. Sarah: b. May 15, 1773: d. Sept. 24, 1777. 429. Anne: b. Dec. 30, 1775: d. June 18, 1849. 430. Benjamin: b. Nov. 15, 1778: d. Sept. 10, 1789. '94 Christ Church, Phil.: Penn. Archives, 2d Series, vol. ii. '9S Doc. Hist. N. v., vol. ii.. p. 1038. VVynkoop Genealogy 75 Children of Benjamin and Wynkoop : 431. Abraham: b. June i, 1782: m. Hannah Norman. 432. Wooddrop Sims: b. Oct. 20, 1786: d. in 1814: m. Jan. 19, 1807, Anne Bartleson, Christ Church, Phil. They had no child. 433. Sarah: b. June 30, 1789: d. July 12, 1790. 176. Abram Wynkoop, (Abraham 52, Benjamin 8, Cornelius i), died about 1783: married, July 29, 1773, Rachel Sharpe, daughter of Isaac and Elizabeth Sharpe.'^s jje was a planter. Nicholas Hammond wrote, in 1783, from Cambridge, Md., as follows: "Last spring, uncle Abram died, and left a dis- tressed family, a widow, and four small children." And he wrote, in 1818, as follows: "Our half -uncle, Abram, left two sons and two daughters. One of the daughters married a Mr. [Richard] Davis. These children are all dead. The gentlemen, whom these daughters married, are remote from me, and I have never seen their children, of whom several are living." Children of Abram and Rachel Wynkoop : 434. Mary: d. in 1809: m. Richard Davis. 435. Dyer Sharpe: b. about 1775: lost in 1800: ist Lieut, of Marines. 436. Abraham. He was living in the year 1800; for he wrote of his anxiety about the probable loss of his brother. He probably died unmarried; for Nicholas Hammond wrote, in 1 8 18, of the extinction of the Wynkoop name, in the Dyer-Hammond connection. 437. Elizabeth. A letter is in existence, which seems to have been written by her daughter. 177. James Wynkoop, M.D., (Abraham 52, Benjamin 8, Cor- nelius I,) died about 1788: married, April 3, 1777, Hester Peterson, of Middletown, Del., and settled there. It is said that he was settled, afterwards, in Baltimore, Md. This is the James [i 1 1] of the Wyitkoop Genealogy, of 1878, who was wrongly placed in that edition, on the basis of conjecture. Nicholas Hammond wrote of this James, in 1783, as follows: "The Doctor has acted an affectionate part towards his brother's widow and children, in which, however, he has followed his natural disposition, which is extremely humane. " And he wrote, '96 Marriage license July 29, 1773, Christ Church, Phil. 76 Wynkoop Genealogy in 1818, "Our half -uncle, James, the Doctor, left three daughters, who also are dead." Children of Dr. James and Hester Wynkoop : 438. Mary: b. Mch. 10, 1778: m. Isaac Cannell. 439. (A son): b. Sept. 4, 1781: d. Sept. 5, 1781. 440. (A son): b. Sept. 29, 1782: d. Sept. 30, 1782. 441. Hester Catalina: b. Mch. 5, 1784: m. Richard Barroll. 442. Harriet Grace: b. Oct. 5, 1786: d. in 181 2, unmarried. 178. Benjamin Wynkoop, (Benjamin 53, Benjamin 8, Cor- nelius i), baptized April 9, 1732: died in 1782 from drowning, during the Revolutionary War: married, March 6, 1754, New York City, Grissel Frost, born October 24, 1732, at Fairfield, Conn., daughter of Jabez and Adria (Couch) Frost. [Grissel is a diminutive of Griselda.] Alonzo I. Wynkoop [777] wrote as follows: "My grandfather was married at Fairfield, where grandfather's friends lived. His wife was daughter of Jabez Frost. Grandfather evidently settled at Fairfield, as my father's record is, that all his brothers and sisters were living there, at the time of the Revolution." Children of Benjamin and Grissel Wynkoop: 443. Abraham: b. Fairfield, May 12, 1755: he was lost during the Revolutionary War, and was supposed to have been captured by the British. 444. Benjamin: b. Apl. 10, 1769: m. Hannah Wynkoop [337]. 445. John: b. Feb. 24, 1763: m. Esther Griffin. 446. Gershom: d. in 1831: m. Martha McFarlin. 447. Peter: a seafaring man, who commanded a vessel out of New York. After leaving the sea, he married, and settled upon the homestead, where he died without children. Per- haps this Peter is a myth ; and what is said about him may be appropriate to Peter [178A]. 448. "Grizel": b. Aug. 12, 1760: m. Hurd. 449. Anne ("Annall"): b. Dec. 15, 1756: m. .'^7 205. John C. Wynkoop, (Capt. Cornelius C. 65, Cornelius 9, Maj. Johannes 2, Cornelius i,) baptized January 21, 1761, in '97 The proper order would be Anne, Griselda, John, and Benja- min, with the places of Gershom and Peter uncertain: but the guiding dates were received by the compiler so late that a recast might involve confusion, in the re-aligning of the descendants, and through overlooking some of the cross references. Wynkoop Genealogy ']'] New York City: died July 25, 1796^98- rnarried September 6, 1784, at Kingston, N. Y., Lydia Silvester, daughter of Peter and Jane (Van Schaack) Silvester.^99 John C. was an attorney at law, and was postmaster at King- ston, as appears from his signature to a list of unclaimed letters, published in a newspaper, June 30, 1796. His last will, dated June 30, 1796, proved May 13, 1797, mentioned his children, Peter, Adrian, Henry, Catharine, Jane, and Ann Maria; his father-in-law, Peter Silvester; and his brothers-in-law, Francis and Cornelius Silvester.^°° His widow married, August 16, 1804, at Kinderhoek, Jacobus Van Alen. Children of John C. and Lydia Wynkoop: 450. Peter Silvester: bp. July 7, 1785, Kinderhoek: d. in in- fancy. 451. Peter Silvester, Rev.: b. Mch., 1787: m. Margaret W. Gos- man. 452. Catharine: bp. July 18, 1790, Kinderhoek: m. Lawrence Van Dyck.^«9 453. Jane, a twin: bp. July 18, 1790: m. Henry Winans. ^^^ 454. Anna Maria: bp. Apl. 22, 1792, "Maria," Kingston: m. Samuel Hawley.'^iQ 455. Adrian: bp. June 3, 1794, Kingston: d. unmarried. 456. Henry Van Schaack: bp. June 19, 1796, Kingston: d. young. 206. Maria Wynkoop, (Capt. Cornelius C. 65, Cornelius 9, Maj. Johannes 2, Cornelius i,) baptized July 4, 1762, New York City: died before 1840: married, April 19, 1786, Trinity Church, N. Y. City, Henry Stanton, born September 12, 1761, died Octo- ber 20, 1830, son of George and Agnes (Blanck) Stanton. Henry had married ist, in 1782, Patience Leverich, of New- town, L. L Children of Henry and Maria Stanton: 457'. George Henry Stanton: b. Jan. 6, 1787: d. April 25, 1851, in Ossining, N. Y. : m. Sophia Avery. 458. Richard Stanton: b. Jan. 20, 1789: m. Mary Elizabeth Waterbury. '98 Tombstone in the yard of the First Dutch Church, Kingston. 199 Miss Sarah B. Reynolds [824], of Kingston, N. Y. 20° Record of "Wills, Kingston, Book B, p. 426. 78 Wynkoop Genealogy 459. Cornelius Wynkoop Stanton: b. June 10, 1791: d. Jan. 10, 1827; m., May 21, 1818, Mary Stewart, daughter of William and Magdalen (Noorsstrand) Stewart. Their only child, Mary Catharine Stanton, b. Feb. 19, 1819, ni., Oct. 21, 1845, Charles Griffin, b. Jan. 27, 1814, in Virginia, d. Feb. 11, 1879. They had no child, that reached adult age. The widow lives in Brooklyn. 460. Mary Catharine Stanton: m., ist, George Everit; m., 2d, James Titus. 461. Agnes Stanton : d. unmarried. 462. Augustus Stanton: b. Jan. 23, 1803: d. June 28, 1828, unmarried. 207. Catharine Wynkoop, (Capt. Cornelius C. 65, Cornelius 9, Maj. Johannes 2, Cornelius i,) born October 24, 1763, baptized November 20, New York City: died February 11, 1846^°^: married, October i, 1786, Jonathan Hasbrouck, born October 27, 1763, died August 4, 1846, son of Abram and Catharine (Brewer) Hasbrouck. Jonathan was a Judge, in Ulster County. Abram, the father of Jonathan, was a Colonel in the Revolu- tionary army. The Committee of Safety, on October 16, 1777, directed Abram Hasbrouck, Joseph Gasherie [106], Dirck Wyn- koop, Jun. [292], Christopher Tappen [107], and Samuel Bayard, Jun., who had charge of the public records of the State, which had been deposited in Kingston, in June, 1776, to remove such records in their custody to Rochester [Ulster County]. In case of necessity Judge Wynkoop [292] and Oke Suydam were to impress teams. ^°^ Jonathan's nephew, Abraham Hasbrouck, had a daughter, Helen, who married Henry Sharpe, and the son of Henry and Helen was George Henry Sharpe, who married Caroline H. Hasbrouck [827]. Children of Jonathan and Catharine Hasbrouck: 463. Catharine Hasbrouck, bp. Sept. 2, 1787, Kingston: m. Severyn Bruyn. ' 464. Abraham Bruyn Hasbrouck: b. Nov. 29, 1791: m. Julia Frances Ludlum. 465. Augustus Hasbrouck: bp. Oct. 5, 1795, Kingston. 209. Anna Sabina Wynkoop, (Capt. Cornelius C. 65, Cor- 2°' Inscription in a Hoogtaling graveyard, near Kingston. 2°2 Collections of Ulster Hist. Sac, yol. i., p. 129. Wynkoop Genealogy 79 nelius g, Maj. Johannes 2, Cornelius i,) baptized July 13, 1766, New York City: married, February 4, 1790, Henry H. Schoon- maker. She was named after her mother's sister, Anna Sabina Ruehl, wife of John M. Kern. Baptisms of the children are re- corded in Kingston. Children of Henry H. and Anna S. Schoonmaker: 466. Hezekiah Schoonmaker: bp. Mch. 27, 1 791. 467. Cornelius Schoonmaker: bp. May 3, 1794. 468. Jonathan Schoonmaker: bp. Nov. 12, 1796. 469. Augustus Schooninaker : bp. May 2, 1799. 470. Henry Schoonmaker: bp. Aug. 21, 1802. 471. John Wynkoop Schoonmaker: bp. Nov. 3, 1805. 472. Jesse Schoonmaker: bp. Mch. 5, 1809. 213. Augustus Wynkoop, (Capt. Cornelius C. 65, Cornelius 9, Maj. Johannes 2, Cornelius i,) born September 10, 1777: died July 3, 1836: married, January 27, 1808, at Kinderhoek, Anna Maria Silvester, bom February 26, 1780, died May i, 1825, sister to Lydia [205]. One of the varieties of the Wynkoop book-plate is in existence, with the name Augustus Wynkoop, in which the supporters of the shield are female bacchantes. It evidently came from the same source as the one which has "Cor' C. Wynkoop" upon it, and was varied by mistake or design. The compiler has had it reproduced in electrotype, with men in place of the women, and with the motto inserted. Children of Augustus and Anna M. Wynkoop: 473. Mary Jane: b. Jan. 20, 1810: m. Henry H. Reynolds. 474. Augustus: b. Jan. 22, 181 2: m. Anna Whiting. 475. Francis Silvester: b. Nov. 6, 1815: m. Sarah F. Elmendorf. 476. Catharine Burhans: b. Sept. 15, 1817: d. Jan. 6, 1842: m. Oct. 3, 1837, John Mumford Keese, who died in Chicago, Nov. 2, 1878, aged 64 years, 2 months. Their son, John Wynkoop Keese, d. at Pasadena, Cal., Nov. 4, 1903, aged 65 years. 477. Henrietta: b. Apl. 18, 1819: d. in Kingston, N. Y., Nov. 25, 1901. She lived with her sister, Mrs. Reynolds. 478. Ehzabeth Hicks: b. Sept. 9, 1821: d. Apl. i, 1824. 216. Peter P. Wynkoop, (Petrus 66, Cornelius 9, Maj. Jo- hannes 2, Cornelius i,) baptized January 25, 1779: d. about 1848: married Anna Roosa. 8o Wynkoop Genealogy His last will, of Hurley, dated September 7, 1846, proved June 12, 1848, mentioned his wife, Anna; his children, Cornelius P., Anthony R., Jane Catharine, and Leah, and his grandchild, Anna R. Wynkoop. Children of Peter P. and Anna Wynkoop : 479. Cornelius P. : b. Aug. 25, 1808 : m. Margaret M. Cruikshank. 480. Anthony R. : b. Dec. 13, 1809: m. Ellen De Witt Jansen. 481. Hardenbergh: b. Feb. i, 1811: m. Sarah M. Krom. 482. Jane Catharine: b. Apl. 20, 181 7, Hurley, unmarried. 483. Leah: b. Feb. 5, 1820: m. John Ten Eyck De Witt. 250. Abraham Ten Eyck, (Cornelia Wynkoop 93, Dirrick 13, Maj. Johannes 2, Cornelius i,) born June 23, 1754: died at Troy, N. Y., in 181 2: married, December 26, 1790, Sarah Elmendorf, born in Kingston, July 11, 1766, died in 182 1. Child of Abraham and Sarah Ten Eyck: 484. James B. Ten Eyck, Rev.: b. Mch. 4, 1797, in Kingston: d. in 1872: was graduated at Union College, in 181 8: New Brunswick Seminary, in 1821: licensed by classis of New Brunswick, in 1821: pastor of the Berea church, 1821-72. (Manual of Reformed Dutch Church, 1902.) 258. Derrick C. Wynkoop, (Col. Cornelius D. 94, Dirrick 13, Maj. Johannes 2, Cornelius i,) bom April 4, 1763, baptized May 8: died October 5, 1838: married, November 19, 1795, Elizabeth Sparling. His last will, of Hurley, dated September 24, 1838, proved December 27, 1838, mentioned his children, George, Derrick, Sally, and Eleanor; and his grandson John, son of Cornelius. ^°3 Children of Derrick C. and Elizabeth Wynkoop: 485. Sarah: bp. June 20, 1796, Kingston: d. in infancy. 486. Cornelius: bp. Sept. 20, 1798: m. Harriet Sparling. 487. Gerretje Annetje: bp. June 19, 1801. The Annals of Albany state the death of Garetje Annetje as of June 27, 1863, aged 58: but that may have been an other person. 488. Sarah Minderson: b. May 7, 1804: m. Andrew P. Roosa. 489. Eleanor: b. Mch. 14, 1807: m. Christopher Newkirk. 490. Leah De Witt: b. Feb. 5, 1811: m. Capt. Henry N. Buck- bee. 491. George: b. July 23, 1814: tn., ist, Eleanor Sala Davis; m., 2d, Sarah Catharine Dumond. 2°3 Record of Wills, Kingston, Book I, p. 366. Wynkoop Genealogy 8i 492. Derrick C. : b. Apl. 15, 1817: m., ist, Jan. 3, 1838, Celinda Crispell, both described as living in Hurley; m. 2d, Eliza- beth Hotchkiss. They lived in Durham, Greene County, N. Y. ; and removed thence to Albany. 259, Leah Wynkoop, (Col. Cornelius D. 94, Dirrick 13, Maj. Johannes 2, Cornelius i,) bom April 9, 1766, baptized June 3: died June 20, 1829: married Abraham Ten Eyck De Witt, M.D., bom April 9, 1764, died May 23, 1849, son of Andries and Blandina (Ten Eyck) De Witt, of Marbletown. [De wit = the white.] Abraham married, 2d, December 24, 1829, Sarah Depuy, borji August 29, 1779, died November 18, 1862, daughter of Joseph and Mary (Depuy) Depuy. Baptisms of Leah's children are recorded in the Napanock Dutch church. Children of Abraham T. E. and Leah De Witt: 493. Blandina De Witt: bp. Aug. i, 1791 : m. Alexander Storey. 494. Jane De Witt: bp. Mch. 15, 1794: m. H. C. Hombeck. 495. Andrew Persen De Witt: bp. July 22, 1796. 265. Cornelia Wynkoop, (Derrick D. 96, Dirrick 13, Maj. Johannes 2, Cornelius i,) born October 30, 1772, baptized Feb- ruar}^ 4, 1773: died in 1835, in New Paltz: married Peter Eltinge, who died in New Paltz, in 1841, aged 66. Baptisms of children are recorded in the New Paltz old church. Children of Peter and Cornelia Eltinge: 496. Jacoba Eltinge: b. May 13,, 1797, bp. June 18, "Jaco- myntje." 497. Gertrude Eltinge: b. May 11, 1799, bp. Aug. 11, "Gertje." 498. Derrick Wynkoop Eltinge: b. Nov. 26, 1800, bp. Dec. 8: d. in infancy. 499. Derrick Wynkoop Eltinge: b. Apl. 11, 1802, bp. May 9. 500. Noah Eltinge: b. Oct. 2, 1804, bp. Dec. 17. 501. Jane Eltinge: b. Nov. 4, 1806, bp. Feb. 22 1807, "Jannetje." 502. Sarah Anne Eltinge: b. Apl. 2, 1809, bp. Apl. 30. 503. Johannes Johnson Eltinge: b. Apl. 2, 1811: bp. May 11. 504. Edmund Eltinge: b. June 21, 1817, bp. July 27: in. Sept., 29, 1839, Magdalene D. B. Deyo, who d. May 15, 1878, daughter of Andrew Deyo, of New Paltz. Edmund was an examiner, in 1880, in the U. S. Appraiser's office. New York City. 82 Wynkoop Genealogy 288. Abram Wynkoop, (Petrus 109, Sheriff Johannes 15, Maj. Johannes 2, CorneHus i,) bom March 26, 1786, Kinderhoek, N. Y., baptized April 9, "Abraham": died March 23, 1868, in Kingston, N. Y. : married, January 10, 1838, Maria Van Steen- berg, who died in New York City, November 21, 1900, aged 82 years. Children of Abram and Maria Wynkoop : 505. Mary Catharine: b. Apl. 14, 1844: m. Henry E. Malin. 506. Harvey Heusted: b. May 15, 1846: m. Caroline Haynes. 507. Matilda: b. May 5, 1848: unmarried: lives in New York City. 508. Anna Elizabeth: b. July 7, 1851: m. Rev. Wilson R. Terry. 509. William Teller: b. Feb. 5, 1854: d. in Willington, Conn., June 27, 1889. 393. Dirck Wynkoop, Judge, (Capt. Evert 112, Cornelius 28, Evert 4, Cornelius i,) born October i, 1732, in Kingston: died there, December 9, 1796: married ist, November i, 1754, Tjaatje (Cheauchee) Wynkoop [102], bom November 19, 1731, died November 17, 1757, second child and first daughter of Sheriff Johannes and Maria (Bogardus) Wynkoop. Dirck mar- ried 2d, December 13, 1760, Sarah Smedes, born December 8, 1737, daughter of Petrus and Catrina (Du Bois) Smedes. The compiler is the eldest son of the eldest son — i. e., who left a descendant — back to this Dirck, and back of him to Evert [4], the second son of Cornelius [i]. He is also descended, through the marriage first above mentioned, from Maj. Johannes [2], eldest son of Cornelius [i]. Dirck's name appears uniformly with the spelling Dirck; but the more correct modem form is D i r k . The usual spelling of the name, as belonging to other Wynkoops, was Derrick or D e r i c k : sometimes it was D i r r i c k . The original form of the name seems to have been Diederick, derived from Theo- doric, meaning powerful among the people. It was common to use this name as equivalent to Theodore, God-given, or Richard, stout-hearted. But Rijkaard and Rijk are the Dutch for Richard, The compiler has hitherto accepted the traditional opinion, that Dirck and Dick are equivalents; but they are not, as he is con- vinced by Dingman Versteeg, author of The Sea Beggars, N. Y., 1 90 1, whom the compiler considers a competent Dutch scholar. Dierryk was an other form, in use. Tjerck, pronounced Cheurk, as one syllable, is probably the Frisian equivalent of Dirck. Wynkoop Genealogy 83 This Dirck was a lawyer, and became a judge. Many old wills and old deeds were left in his hands, and some of them came into the hands of the compiler: others, no doubt, perished, when "Miss Peggy Wynkoop" burned a mass of papers, to rid herself of the persecution of relic-hunters. Benjamin Blagge, Jun. issued a license, under the Excise act, February 23, 1760, to Dirck Wynkoop, Jun', to retail tea, throughout the province of New York, except within the city and county of Albany. This license, which is in the possession of the compiler, is an evidence of reputation for trustworthiness: but Dirck developed into a determined supporter of the patriotic cause. He was an Associator of Kingston, N. Y., May 29, 1775; and he is mentioned as a member of the Third Regiment of Ulster County Militia. ^°4 On November 5, of the same year, he was chosen a deputy to the New York Provincial Congress, and he met with them in New York, November i4.2°5 The Com- mittee of Safety, of which he was a member, appointed him, October 11, 1776, Inspector of Flour, at Kingston.^"^ The New York Provincial Congress, October 15, 1776, adopted a preamble and resolution, reciting that the records of the city and county of New York, and of the county and borough of Westchester, were in private hands, in the county of Westchester, and unsafe, because of the landing of the enemy in that county, and ap- pointed William Miller, Theodore Barton, and John Cosine, commissioners to remove the records, with all possible expedi- tion, to Kingston, Ulster County, and there place them in care of Dirck Wynkoop, Abram Hasbrouck [207], and Christopher Tappen [107]: and empowered the commissioners to call for a guard to protect the removal.^"^ The Committee of Safety, through an order, signed John McKesson, Fishkill, October 17, 1776, sent the papers of the late Receiver General's office, to the same persons, at Kingston, with instructions to take care of them, equal to, or even greater than, that used with the other public records.^°7 The New York Continental Constitutional Convention met in 2°4- New York in the Revolution, p. 263. ^°5 Journal of N. Y. Provincial Congress, vol. i., pp. 32, 189. 206 Force's Amer. Archives, 5th Series, vol. iii.,fpp. 239, 247, 248, 31, 23 138. 2°7 The order is in possession of the compiler : also the letter. 84 Wynkoop Genealogy Kingston, in April, 1777, and adopted a State Constitution. They appointed Dirck a Judge of the Court of Common Pleas of Ulster County, as associate of Levi Pawling, First Judge. The British, in revenge for the harboring of the State Convention, determined to bum Kingston. The public records, mentioned above, in anticipation of the attack, were removed early in October, to Rochester, Ulster County, as already stated under Jonathan Hasbrouck [207]. The British burned Kingston, Octo- ber 16, 1777. Some of the public records were removed from Judge Wynkoop's house, corner of Pearl and Fair streets, in Mr. Bancker's charge, a few minutes only before a party of red-coats began to plunder the buildings. ^°^ Mr. Schoonmaker states that the British destroyed two houses, two barns, one barrack, and a brew house, belonging to Dirck Wynkoop.^"^ Gen'l Sharpe [827] said that Washington, while on his way from the Delaware to West Point, dined at the Judge's house, on Greene Street. The table used consisted of boards laid on carpenter's horses. Gov. George Clinton wrote to Judge Wynkoop, from Pough- keepsie, May 4, 1778, of a contribution from Charleston, S. C, of ;£92 7, 175, i6d., for the Kingston sufferers; and of his own purpose to grant exemption from ordinary miUtia service, to me- chanics, where they would work at reasonable wages, in rebuild- ing.^°7 'The ancestry of this Clinton is given under Christina [390]. Dirck was Assistant State Agent, in 178 1; and in the same year, he was Assistant Commissary of Purchases, and, as such, was required, by order of Gen'l Washington, April 28, to procure a supply of shad for the army .^° 7 Under the head of Ulster County Mihtia (Land Bounty Rights) appears, among enhsted men, Dirck Wynkoop, Jr., in Capt. Depue's Company, Third Regiment.^'° He was commissioned by Gov. Clinton, March 12, 1783, First Judge of the Common Pleas, for Ulster County, during good be- havior, or until he should attain the age of sixty years. The expiration of this time limit was in October, 1792. Judge Wynkoop was an estimable gentleman, and one of the most active and noted men in Ulster County, during the Revolu- 2°8 Colleciions of Ulster Hist. Soc, vol. i., pp. 129, 69, 120. 209 History of Kingston, p. 523. «i° AT. y. in the Revolution as Colony and State, iSg.S, pp. 262, 263. Wynkoop Genealogy 85 tion. He was a member of the New York Assembly, 1780-81, In 1788, he was a member of the State Convention, to which was submitted the Federal Constitution.^"^ His associates from Ulster County were George Clinton, who presided, John Cantine, Cornelius C. Schoonmaker, Ebenezer Clark, and James Clinton, brother to George: and all of them were opposed to the uncon- ditional acceptance of the Constitution. Dirck was a Republican in politics. This is disclosed under Joseph Gasherie [106]. Dirck was owner of the brig Esopus, trading between Kingston and the West Indies, 1787-89, and perhaps owner for a longer period. Of this vessel, Jacobus Wynkoop [167], probably was at one time master. William H. Dederick, of Kingston, wrote of the Judge, as fol- lows: " He was a member of the consistory of the First Reformed Dutch Church of Kingston, a number of times. This seems to have been a characteristic of the family. I can not forbear say- ing that in the many records I have examined, I have found no parallel." His last will was dated August 28, 1794, proved February 18, 1797.^" His tombstone stands beside that of his father, Capt. Evert, in the yard of the First Reformed Church, Kingston. His silver snuff-box, embossed with the representation of a Holland feast, descended, to the compiler, through his grandfather and father; who received from his great-aunt, " Miss Peggy Wyn- koop" [516], on her decease, the Bible of Arriaantje Schepmoes, with the family records of Capt. Evert, and Judge Dirck; also a long and heavy silver ladle — ^perhaps for hot mush; also gold knee- and shoe-buckles, and a pair of silver candlesticks. If there was ever a portrait of Dirck, it was destroyed, no doubt, with one of his houses; and he was so impoverished by the war, and his liberal contributions to it, directly and indirectly, that he did not sit for his portrait, in his later days. One, at least, of his houses was of stone, and the walls remained stand- ing, and the house was rebuilt, and was occupied by his daugh- ter, "Miss Peggy." A letter to the Judge, of which a copy is here given, seems to in- dicate the author and the time of the introduction of furniture made of native woods : 2" Records of Wills, Kingston, Book B, p, 382. 86 Wynkoop Genealogy "New York XV"' October 1790. *' D« Sir. " I spoke to Capt. Desang when I saw him at your house for some Boards of Cureled Maple such as you had a sample of if he had any of them remaining to spare which in that case he promised me. I will therefore be much oblidged to you if you will inquire respecting them and take the trouble of forwarding them to me. If he has none left I should be glad if you would endeavor to get some for me elsewhere of equal Quality as I wish to get some Pieces of Furneture made of that wood by ■ some of our best workmen and try if People cant be induced to prefer it to the Mahogany — which carries much money from our country. " With best respects to Mrs. Wynkoop and Family in which Mrs. Clinton & the children join me I am yours " Sincerely " Geo. Clinton. " Judge Wynkoop." Children of Judge Dirck and Tjaatje Wynkoop: 510. Peter: b. Dec. 27, 1755: m. Margaret Quackenbos. 511. Maria: b. Sept. 3, 1757: d. Mch. 16, 1758. Children of Judge Dirck and Sarah Wynkoop : 512. Arriaantje (Arietta): b. Dec. 3, 1761. Her last will, dated Apl. 4, 1820, proved Apl. 7, 1826, mentioned her sister Margaret .2* 2 513. Catharine: b. Jan. 24, 1764: d. unmarried. 514. Sarah: b. July 25, 1773, bp. Aug. 24, Kingston new church: d. about 181 7, in New York City, at the house of her step- daughter, AmeUa Smith, wife of Robert M. Russell. Sarah married, Nov. 7, 1795, Timothy Tredwell Smith, b. Jan. 17, 1768, at Smithfield, L. I., d. Oct. 24, 1803. When he married, he was principal of the Kingston Academy, and when he died, he was professor of moral philosophy in Union College, Schenectady. His tombstone is in the yard of the First Reformed Church, Kingston. The correspondence of the step-daughter, Mrs. AmeHa Russell, came under the eye of the compiler; and he has tried, in vain, to find any descendant of hers, to ascertain whether her own interesting character has been transmitted. 2" Record of Wills, Kingston, Book E, p. 246. Wynkoop Genealogy 87 515. Dirrick: b. June 17, 1775: d. Dec. 6, 1775. 516. Margrietje (Margaret — "Miss Peggy"): b. at the house of her paternal uncle, Marbletown, Ulster Co., Mch. 27, 1778: d. in Kingston, Mch. 18, 1862, unmarried. Gifts from her to the compiler are mentioned above. She was commonly known as "Miss Peggy Wynkoop." She is mentioned as the "venerable lady, whose elegant manners and refined tone, lend such a charm to her society, residing in the house on Greene Street, Kingston, where her father entertained Gen'l Washington, on his visit to King- ston. "^ ^3 It may be that the entertainment of Washington was at Dirck's other house also on Greene Street. 395. Cornelius E. Wynkoop, Major, (Capt. Evert 112, Cor- nelius 28, Evert 4, Cornelius i,) bom March 4, 1746: d. Septem- ber 19, 1795, and was buried at the new church at Marbletown: married August 22, 1766, Cornelia Mancius, baptized November I, 1 741, daughter of Rev. George Wilhelmus and Cornelia (Kiersted) Mancius. He was a member of the committee from Marbletown, April 7, 1775, to choose deputies to the Provincial Congress of New York. In June, of the same year, he was an Associator of Marbletown; and September 19, following, he was Captain of the Southeast District, First Company, of the town of Marbletown; and com- mission was issued to him, under date of October 25, 1775, as second Major of the Minutemen of Ulster County .^'^ He ap- pears as a member of the Third Regiment of Ulster County militia. The legislature of New York, in 1778, passed an act for the detection and defeat of conspiracies. Under this act, Cornelius E. Wynkoop, with Messrs. Piatt, Harper, and Cantine, were appointed commissioners. In a communication to Lieut. -Col. Aaron Burr, August 3, in that year, the commissioners mentioned Cornelius E. Wynkoop as one of the board, and referred to him for such particulars as it might be necessary to adjust, to enable them, in the future, to convey more effectually unfriendly per- sons to the enemy's lines. ^'s The house at Stone Ridge, Marbletown, Ulster County, N. Y., 213 Collections of Ulster Hist. Soc, Geo. W. Pratt, vol. i., p. 133. 214 Journal of N. Y . Provincial Congress, vol. i., pp. 21, 34, 151, 38, 178. ^'S Memoirs of Aaron Burr, Davis, vol. i., pp. 132, 133, 131. 88 Wynkoop Genealogy built in 1772, and for this Cornelius, apparently, is at the present time, a substantial, commodious, and handsome stone building, and it was superior to nearly all the houses of its period. It is now known as the "Lounsberry House." Gen'l Sharpe [827] stated, that Gen'l Washington, on his way from the Delaware to West Point, spent a night in this house: and that, on the morn- ing following, he received from the porch of a house at Hurley, an address of welcome from Gen'l Wynkoop. This may have been Cornelius D. [94], or Adriaan [63]. Under the head of Ulster County Militia (Land Bounty Rights) appears, among enlisted men, Cornelius E. Wynkoop, in Capt. Depue's Company, Third Regiment."^ Children of Cornelius E. and Corneha Wynkoop: 517. Evert C. : d. June 20, 1807: m. Rachel Hardenbergh. 518. Cornelia: bp. June 5, 1769: m. Benjamin Hardenbergh. 303. Anne Wynkoop, (Cornelius 114, Jacobus 29, Evert 4. Cornelius i,) baptized February 6, 1732, "Antjen," Kingston: married, October 15, 1749, Philip Swartwout, described as born and living in Minassink, Orange County, and she, as born and living in Rochester [Ulster County]. They were received to church membership, on confession, October 11, 1750, at Port Jervis. His name appears elsewhere as Swarthoudt. [Zwart- hout = black timber.] Their children were baptized at Rochester. Jacobus, Anne, and Cornelius divided the property, about 1778. Children of Philip and Anne Swartwout : 519. Jacobus Swartwout: bp. Nov. 18, 1750. 520. Cornelius Swartwout: bp. June 24, 1752: d. in infancy. 521. Anne Swartwout: bp. June 16, 1754- 522. Philip Swartwout: bp. Oct. 16, 1757, "Swarthoudt." 523. Gerardus Swartwout : bp. Aug. 26, 1759. 524. Cornelius Wynkoop Swartwout: bp. Mch. 20, 1763. 303. Jacobus Wynkoop, (Cornelius 114, Jacobus 29, Evert 4, Cornelius i,) married, November 4, 1758, Janneke Oosterhout, whose name is written, elsewhere, Oosterhoud. [Oosten-hout = east wood.] Jacobus, in 1778, joined with other inhabitants of Rochester, Ulster County, in a petition for protection against the Indians."?" 2'6 ^ew York in the Revolution as Colony and State, 1898, pp. 262, 263. 217 Collections of the Ulster Hist. Soc, vol. i., p. 58. Wynkoop Genealogy 89 Baptisms of their children are recorded at Rochester. ' Children of Jacobus and Janneke Wynkoop : 525. Margaret: bp. Mch. 17, 1759: m. Johannis Sammons. 526. Cornelius: bp. May 16, 1761. 527. Benjamin: bp. July 17, 1763. 528. Jacobus: bp. Jan. 12, 1766: m. ist, Tryntje Schoonmaker; 2d, Syntje Schoonmaker. 529. Henry: bp. Nov. 2, 1767: d. in infancy. 530. Anne: bp. Feb. 11, 1770: m., probably, John T. Schoon- maker. 531. Jeremiah: b. Sept. 18, 1772. 532. David: bp. Nov. 27, 1773: m., probably, Susan Wood. 533. Elizabeth: b. Apl. 20, 1777. 534. Henry: bp. Sept. 6, 1778. 306. Johannes Wynkoop, (Evert 124, Johannes E. 36, Evert 4, Cornelius i,) bom June 18, 1759: died February 3, 1 813 : married, March 21, 1791, Harriet Bartlett, bom November 22, 1768, died February 13, 181 7. They lived in Bethlehem, Albany County, N. Y. : afterwards at Cohoes Falls. Children of Johannes and Harriet Wynkoop: 535. Sarah: b. Dec. 13, 1791: m. Daniel Haines. 536. Lany: b. Jan. 13, 1794: d- Dec. 24, 1843: m., Apl. 17 or 19, 1814, Jacob W. Lansing, b. Sept. 7, 1795, d. Nov. 5, 1848, son of William and Alida (Fonda) Lansing. 537. Maria: b. Aug. 19, 1796: m. Alfred Berden. 538. Eleanor: b. Nov. 13, 1798: d. Jan. 9, 1871 : m., ist, Dec. 25, 1833, Isaac W. Lansing, b. May 21, 1806, d. Jan. 28, 1839, brother of Jacob named above: m., 2d, in Oct. or Nov., 1849, Benjamin Hess, who died in the winter of 1854-55. 539. Evert: b. Mch. 10, 1801: d. July 11, 1861: m., ist, Penel- ope Border; m., 2d, Oct. 17, 1830, Elizabeth Putnam. 540. Abraham: b. Aug. 20, 1803 : m. a daughter of Alfred Berden. 541. Catharine: b. Feb. 6, 1806: m. Martin Van der Ker. 311. Joshua Wynkoop, (Evert 124, Johannes E. 36, Evert 4, Cornelius i,) born September 19, 1770: married Margaret Arnout or Arnold, bom June 10, 1770. They lived and died in Bethle- hem, Albany County, N. Y. Children of Joshua and Margaret Wynkoop : 542. Evert: b. Sept. 3, 1796: m., ist, Eunice Van Wie Winnie; m., 2d, Jane Barhight. 90 Wynkoop Genealogy 543. John: b. Aug. 4, 1798: d., in Syracuse, July 20, 1868: m. Mary Roach. 544. Anne: b. Aug. 4, 1800: m. Peter I. Hotaling. 545. Abraham: b. Sept. 30, 1802: m. Susannah Albright. 546. Peter: b. May 30, 1804: m., ist, Magdalen Long; m., 2d, Jane Long. 547. Jacob: b. Oct. 19, 1807: m. Ellen Carhart. 548. Garrett: b. May 11, 1810: m., May 14, 1830, in Bethlehem, Phoebe Am out or Arnold. They lived in Mayfield, N. Y. 549. Sarah: b. July 2, 1812: m. Aaron Springsted. 315. Hezekiah Wynkoop, (Evert 132, Hezekiah 39, Evert 4, Cornelius i,) born June 9, 1766: died February 28, 1856: mar- ried Elizabeth Dederick, bom April 6, 1770, daughter of Matthew and Maria (Emmerich) Dederick. His last will, of Saugerties, dated in 1853, proved May 12, 1856, mentioned his daughters, Sally, Elsje, deceased, wife of John P. Kemple, and Maria; and his sons, Henry and Everett H.^^^ Kemple, elsewhere, is written Kimble, Kimball, and Kemble. Children of Hezekiah and Elizabeth Wynkoop : 550. Everett H.: b. June 9, 1787: m. Maria Post. 551. Maria, a twin: b. June 9, 1787: d. unmarried. Her will was dated Oct. 28, 1861, proved Feb. 23, 1863.^^9 552. Henry, Judge: b. Sept. 13, 1789: m., ist, Nelly Myndertse; m., 2d, Hannah Wynkoop [569]. 553. Alida or Elsie: b. Nov. 11, 1800: m. John P. Kimble. 554. Tobias: b. Aug. 4, 1802: d. aged about 18 years. 555. Sarah: b. Aug. 30, 181 2: d. unmarried. 316. Sarah Wynkoop, (Evert 132, Hezekiah 39, Evert 4, Cor- nelius I,) born January 12, 1768, baptized January 13: died July 31, 1832 : married, November 19, 1799, Paul Van Steenberg, described as a widower, and she as an unmarried woman. "° He was born in 1754. His first wife was Rosina Schuyler. [Steen- berg = Stone-mountain.] Children of Paul and Sarah Van Steenberg: 556. Alida Van Steenberg: b. Apl. 25, 1802. 557. Catharine Van Steenberg : b. Aug. 13, 1803. 558. Thomas Van Steenberg: b. Oct. 27, 1804: m. Leah Hommel. 218 Record of Wills, Kingston, Book N, p. 363. "9 Ibid., Book O, p. 408. 220 pirst Settlers of Albany County. Wynkoop Genealogy 91 559. Lucretia Van Steenberg : b. Sept. 19, 1811 : m. Jacob Meyer. 317. Henry Wynkoop, (Evert 132, Hezekiah 39, Evert 4, Cornelius i,) baptized September 19, 1769, Kaatsbaan church: died May 20, 1828: married, October i, 1789, Anne Loew, called also Arriaantje. A family Bible, in the possession of Dr. Warren Kemble, gives Henry's birth as September 20. Henry's last will, as Hendrikus, of Saugerties, dated May 20, 1828, proved August 25, 1828, mentioned his wife Annatje Loew, and his children, Evert, Hezekiah, Aultje, wife of Henry Schoon- maker, Jun., Ann, Tjerck, and Henry. "^ Baptisms of the children are recorded in the Kaatsbaan church. Children of Henry and Anne Wynkoop : 560. Peter: bp. Jan. 8, 1792: m. Maria Langendyck. 561. Tjerck: bp. Apl. 28, 1794: m., ist, Margaret Hendricks; m. 2d. Eliza Ten Broeck. 562. Alida: b. Aug. 14, 1799: m. Henry Schoonmaker. 563. Evert: b. Nov. 2, 1802: unmarried. 564. Henry H.: b. Nov. 17, 1806: unmarried. 565. Anne: b. Jan. 7, 1810: m. Abraham Turck. 566. Hezekiah: b. May 31, 1812, bp. July 12: m., Oct. 8, 1844, Julia Anne Turck, daughter of Solomon and Cornelia (Brice) Turck, and granddaughter of Jacob. They lived in Sauger- ties, N. Y. 319. William Wynkoop, (Evert 132, Hezekiah 39, Evert 4, Cornelius i,) bom May 20, 1774, baptized Aug. 9, Kaatsbaan church: died May 24, 1847: married, July 3, 1796, Kaatsbaan church, Maria Trombour, each described as unmarried. She was daughter of Nicholas and Elizabeth (Schmidt) Trombour."^ She died March 25, 1843. The tombstones of William and Maria stand on the land of Myndertse [992], in Greene County, N. Y.,near Hudson River, and they give his age as 73 years and 4 days, and hers as 74 yrs., 2 mos., 25 days. Baptisms of their children are in the Kaatsbaan church record. William seems to have purchased lands in the easterly part of Greene County, as early as 1797.^^3 Children of William and Maria Wynkoop : 221 Record of Wills, Kingston, Book N, p. 363. 222 Henry Brace, of New York City. 223 12 Johns Rep. N. Y. Reports, p. 222, 1815. 92 Wynkoop Genealogy 567. Elizabeth: b. Nov. 10, 1797: m. John P. Sax. 568. AUda: b. Sept. 4, 1799: m. John Hover. 569. Hannah: b. Apl. 23, 1801 : m. Judge Henry Wynkoop [552]. 570. Comeha, or Eleanor: b. Nov. 13, 1806: m. Egbert P. Schoonmaker. 333. Sarah Wynkoop, (Hezekiah 136, Tobias 40, Evert 4, Cornelius i,) born August 19, 1775, baptized September 6: mar- ried June 7, or July 2, 1794, Kaatsbaan church, Merchant Law- rence, widower, born February i, 1768, died March 16, 1831, son of Uriah and Joanna (Kelly) Lawrence, the former of Ancram. Merchant was from Connecticut, and settled in Greene County, N. Y."4 Children of Merchant and Sarah Lawrence: 571. Maria Lawrence: b. Feb. 18, 1795: d. Sept. 2, 1815. 572. Tjerck ("Clark,") Lawrence, b. Mch. 12, 1797: d. Sept. 25, 1843 : m. Oct. 5, 1820, Hannah Sax,b. Aug. 12, 1800, d. Mch. 27, 1 88 1, daughter of Frederick and Maria (Dederick) Sax. 573. Evert Wynkoop Lawrence: b. Jan. 9, 1799: m. Jan. 17, 1827, Eliza Van Wagenen. 574. Anna Lawrence: b. Dec. 19, 1800: d. Mch. 2, 1832: m. Sept. 25, 1822, Henry Myer. 575. Roswell Lawrence: b. Dec. 6, 1803: m. Nov. 11, 1832, Catharine Brett, b. Sept. 11, 18 16, daughter of Peter Brett. 576. Sarepta Lawrence: b. Nov. 23, 1804: m. Dec. 30, 1827, William F. Myer. 577. Lomira Lawrence: b. Mch. 29, 1806: m. Nov. 24, 1831, Stoddard Hammond. 578. Horatio Lawrence: b. Jan. 4, 1808: d. Apl. 18, 1866: m. Dec. 24, 1839, Mary Townsend. 579. Marilla A. Lawrence: b. Apl. 13, 1810: m. Oct. 28, 1830, Henry F. Wickes. 580. Chauncey M. Lawrence: b. Jan. 15, 1813. 581. Lewis C. Lawrence: b. Feb. 4, 1821: d. Sept. 25, i843."S 334. Leah Wynkoop, (Hezekiah 136, Tobias 40, Evert 4, Cor- nelius I,) baptized October 5, 1777, Kaatsbaan church: married Roswell Lawrence, half-brother of Merchant [333]. 224 Merchant's first wife was Anna Neeley, m. Dec. 19, 1790, died June 17, 1793. She had one child, Neeley Lawrence, b. June 5, 1793, m., May 21, 1815, Caty, daughter of WiUiam Wall. Henry Brace. 225 Family Bible of Roswell Lawrence [575], per Henry Brace. Wynkoop Genealogy 93 Children of Roswell and Leah Lawrence : 582. Wynkoop Lawrence: hved in Chemung County, N. Y. 583. Albert Lawrence; m., ist, Myer; m., 2d, Margaret Britt, granddaughter of Peter and Leah [Wynkoop] Britt [139]. They lived in Ontario County, N. Y. 584. Lewis Lawrence: m. Margaret Peck, daughter of Benjamin and Jane (Britt) Peck [344]- 585. Maria Lawrence: m. Henry Wells. They lived in Newtown, eight miles from Elmira, N. Y. 335. Tobias Wynkoop, (Hezekiah 136, Tobias 40, Evert 4, Cornelius i,) baptized May 3, 1780, Kaatsbaan church: mar- ried, ist, Maria Suydam, commonly known as Polly; married, 2d, Elizabeth Van Steenberg, a widow. They lived in Sauger- ties. Baptisms of the children are in the Kaatsbaan church record. Children of Tobias and Wynkoop: 586. John Suydam: b. Oct. 14, 1814: m. Anne Perkins. 587. Eliza: b. Nov. 24, 1816: m. William King. 336. Evert Wynkoop, (Hezekiah 136, Tobias 40, Evert 4, Cornelius i,) baptized November 7, 1784, Kaatsbaan church: died March 2, 1855: married Maria Allen, who died December 29, 1872, aged 82 years, 7 months. Her name is Polly Allen on her tombstone, and that, as well as her husband's, is in a Wyn- koop burying-ground, on the road south of Britt's, and west of Palenville. She was living in Palenville, a short time before her death. Evert's last will was dated January 24, 1845, and proved May 14, 1855.^^^ Baptismal records of the children are in the Kaatsbaan church. Children of Evert and Maria Wynkoop : 588. Hezekiah Allen: b. July 20, 1810: m. Hannah Low 589. Orlando Lawrence: bp. Nov. 5, 181 1: d. July 28, 1818; buried in Wynkoop grave-yard near Palenville. 590. Merchant Thomas: b. Sept. 22, 1813: d. Feb. 14, 1855, in California, unmarried. 591. Ida Carolyn: b. Feb. 21, 181 5: m. Giles Griffin. 592. Delia: b. Jan. 10, 1818: d. Aug. 8, 1888, at Saxton, Ulster Co., N. Y. 593. Tobias: b. Dec. i, 1819: m. Ella McKeene. 594. Evert. He was in California, in 1864. 595. Cornelia: m. Samuel Griffin. 226 Record of Wills, Kingston, Book N, p. 245. 94 Wynkoop Genealogy 596. George P.: m. Dec. 12, 1867, Mary Godwin, of Palenville. 597. Allen W. : lived in Palenville. 598. Elizabeth: lived in the same place. 599. Mariette: b. Oct. 23, 1812: d. Nov. 28, 1838. 350. Cornelius Wynkoop, (Tobias 141, Tobias 40, Evert 4, Cornelius i,) born December 16, 1781, baptized December 23, Kaatsbaan church: died February 27, i860 "7: married Alida Sharp, his cousin. They lived and died in Ulster County, N. Y., and the baptisms of their children are recorded in the Kaatsbaan church. Children of Cornelius and Alida Wynkoop: 600. John Lawrence: b. Nov. 11, 1808: d. Dec. 25, 1848, aged 40, I, 20.227 601. Tobias Augustus : b. Aug. 23, 1812: d. Nov. 28, 1838.^7 602. Alida Catalina: b. Mch. 3, 181 6: m. Garret Nelson Abeel. 351. Cornelia Wynkoop, (Tobias 141, Tobias 40, Evert 4, Cornelius i,) baptized November 7, 1784, "Neeltje," Kaatsbaan church: died January 27, i860, aged 75"^: married, January 19, 1811, John Kiersted, bom February 24, 1786, died December 3, 1862, aged 76 yrs., 9 mos.,"8 son of Christopher and Leah (Du Bois) Kiersted. She was commonly known as Nelly. Children of John and Cornelia Kiersted: 603. John Kiersted: b. Feb. 8, 1813: m., Oct. i, 1850, Maria A. Lockwood, daughter of Thomas S., of Newburgh, N. Y. 604. Wynkoop Kiersted: b. May 18, 1818. 605. James Kiersted: b. Dec. 2, 1821. 606. Tobias Kiersted. (?) 353. Anne Wynkoop, (Petrus 142, Tobias 40, Evert 4, Cor- nelius I,) bom October 26, 1784, " Antje" — ^known also as Nancy: married November 2, 1802, Catskill, N. Y., William Fiero. He survived her, and was living, in 1867. Children of William and Anne Fiero: 607. Magdalene Fiero: b. Feb. 7, 1806, bp. Mch. 23, Catskill: m., Apl. 5, 1825, Philip Edington. 608. Caroline Fiero: b. Feb. 24, 18 11: m. Nov. 13, 1832, James C. Henderson. 609. Peter Fiero: b. Nov. 12, 1814: d. June 20, 1816. 227 Order book of I. N. Baldwin, stonecutter, Catskill, per Henry Brace. '28 Grave-yard at Saugerties. VVynkoop Genealogy 95 354. Leah Wynkoop, (Petrus 142, Tobias 40, Evert 4, Cor- nelius I,) born December 7, 1786: died December 3, 1847: married Abram Post, who was living, in 1867, aged 84 years. Children of Abram and Leah Post : 610. Magdalena Post. 611. Abraham Post: b. Aug. 5, 18 10: m. Eliza Blossom. They lived in Dunder, Yates Co., N. Y.; and had 5 children. 612. John Post: m. Adelaide Schoonmaker, of New York City. They lived at FHnt Creek, Ontario Co., X. Y.; and had 2 children. 613. Peter Post. 356. Caroline Wynkoop, (Petrus 142, Tobias 40, Evert 4, Cornelius i,) bom October 15, 1792: died Januarv^ 21, 1841: married Thomas Waugh. Children of Thomas and Caroline Waugh: 614. Ira Waugh: b. Apl. 26, 1812. 615. John Waugh: b. Jan. 16, 1815. 616. Peter Waugh: b. Sept. 26, 1818: d. Jan., 1898: m. Emily A. Wooten, of Chattahoochee, Flor., who d. 1899. In 1867, he was proprietor of the Mount Eagle Hotel, Saratoga. He left no descendant. 617. Adeline Waugh : b. Sept. 24, 1820: d. July 31, 1852. 618. Catharine Waugh: b. Sept. 26, 1822: m. John Brockle- bank. 619. Hiel Waugh: b. Apl. 30, 1825 : m. Olivia Rider, of Georgia, and lived in that State. 620. James Waugh: b. Mch. 7, 1829: d. Mch. 18, 1830. 358. Tobias Wynkoop, (Petrus 142, Tobias 40, Evert 4, Cor- nelius I,) bom July 13 or 18, 1797, Kaatsbaan church: married Eleanor Welsh, who died in 1866. The}^ lived in Illinois. He removed to Georgia, in the autumn of 1868. Children of Tobias and Eleanor Wynkoop: 621. Adam. 622. Elizabeth. 623. Caroline. She m. E S. Terry, of Chicago. 624. Peter. 625. William. 626. Alburtus. 627. Valentine. 359. Adam Wynkoop, (Petrus 142, Tobias 40, Evert 4, Cor- 96 Wynkoop Genealogy nelius i,) born July 5, 1800: married Marion Childs. They lived in Ontario County, N. Y. Children of Adam and Marion Wynkoop : 628. Cora: m. Smith. They lived in Salem, Oregon. She was a graduate of the Deaf and Dumb Institute, N. Y. 629. Desire. She also was a graduate of the Deaf and Dumb Institute, New York City. 630. John H. He lived in Acadia, Wayne Co., N. Y. 363. John Wynkoop, (Petrus 142, Tobias 40, Evert 4, Cor- nelius I,) born December 10, 1804, Catskill, N. Y.: died October 9, 1866: married, April 18, 1829, Elizabeth Spann [Spaan?], born January 18, 1808, Albany County, N. Y. He was taken by his parents to Seneca, Ontario County, N. Y.; where he had, after- wards, a plantation of two hundred acres. Children of John and Elizabeth Wynkoop : 631. Alonzo: b. May 20, 1831: m. Catharine Miller. 632. Annie M.; b. May 27, 1833: m. Sept. 9,. 1863, Cornelius Van Vranken. They lived at Niscayuna, Schenectady Co., N. Y. 633. Emeline: b. June 14, 1836: m. Gould Birdseye. 634. Sarah: b. Sept. 30, 1838: d. Dec. 19, 1846. 635. Bradley: b. May 12, 184 1. He was admitted to the Bar, of the State of New York, in 187 1, and has lived, ever since, at Canandaigua, N. Y., where he is a member of the firm of Wynkoop & Rice. He had hved previously, at Gorham, N. Y. From him the compiler received much information. He married ist, Margaret Harbon, who died Aug. 3, 1889: and, 2d, May 16, 1898, Edith Hayton: but has no child. 636. Elizabeth S.: b. Apl. 20, 1844: m., in May, 1866, Lucius T. Dunham. She is deceased. 637. Charles Augustus: b. Oct. 7, 1850: d. Nov. 25, 1851. 364. Isaac Wynkoop, (John 144. Cornelius 44. Gerret 5, Cor- nelius i,) born August i, i759. baptized September 23, Abington, Penn. : died March 18,1825: married Rachel Van Cleve, of New Jersey. Child of Isaac and Rachel Wynkoop : 638. Anne: bp. Sept. 19, i795-- m. Jan. 15, 1814, Isaac Van Cleve, Abington church, Penn. The record is reported to be " Vom Cluer "—perhaps it is Van C leur . 365. Cornehus Wynkoop, (John 144. Cornelius 44, Gerret 5, Wynkoop Genealogy 97 Cornelius i,) bom June i8, 1762: died about 1843-44: married January 25, 1787, Margaret Fulton, of Montgomery County, Penn. , whose mother was a Yerkes. Cornelius lived at Moreland, Penn. Child of Cornelius and Margaret Wynkoop : 639. Catharine: b. about 1790: m. John Newell. 366. Abraham Wynkoop, (John 144, Cornelius 44, Gerret 5, Cornelius i,) born April 7, 1765, baptized May 26, Abington church, Penn.: died March 23, 1841: married Ruth Hayr. They removed to the neighborhood of Lockport, N. Y. The children lived there, except Jane. Children of Abraham and Ruth Wynkoop : 640. Charles: m. Sarah Anne Buchanan. 641. Jane: lived in Ohio. 642. Julia. 643. Daniel. 644. Joel. 370. John Wynkoop, (Gerardus 153, Gerrit 45, Gerret 5, Cor- nelius I,) born April 6, 1766: died August 20, 1813: married Anna Feaster, born February 4, 1766, died in 1803. Children of John and Anna Wynkoop : 645. Gerardus: b. Feb. 10, 1787: d. about 1871, in Frankford, Philadelphia County, Penn. 646. David: b. Dec. 7, 1788: m. Emma Morgan. 647. Isaac: b. Feb. 16, 1791: m. Anne Winder. 648. Maria F.: b. Apl. 16, 1793: d. Dec. 23, 1800. 649. Elizabeth: b. Apl. 8, 1795: d. aged about 20 years. 650. John: b. Aug. 13, 1800: d. Dec. 13, 1800. 651. Anna Maria: b. May 4, 1802: d. Aug. 15, 1802. 371. Isaac Wynkoop, (Gerardus 153, Gerrit 45, Gerret 5, Cornelius i :) married, ist, Phoebe Jones; married, 2d, Rebecca Britton. He served in the Revolutionary army, and was taken a prisoner at New York : and after enduring starvation and other suffering, he reached his father's house, reduced almost to a skeleton. He lived near Trenton, N. J.; and died there. Children of Isaac and Phoebe Wynkoop : 652. Isaac: m. ist, Rachel Hunt; m., 2d, Maria Scudder. 653. Joshua: m. Catharine Anderson. 654. Mary, who d. Nov. 8, 1842: m. Ralph Lanning. 98 Wynkoop Genealogy Child of Isaac and Rebecca Wynkoop: 655. Stephen Rose. 372. Gerrit Wynkoop, (Gerardus 153, Gerrit 45, Gerret 5, Cornehus i :) died in middle age, of consumption: married Anne Strickland, who died in 1833, aged 69, daughter of Miles Strick- land, of Bucks County, Penn., of EngHsh parentage. Gerrit 's father gave to him a plantation, in Penn's Valley, Centre County, Penn., which he occupied until his death. Children of Gerrit and Anne Wynkoop : 656. Elizabeth ("Betsey"): b. Mch. 20, 1787: m. Elias Gilky- son. 657. Strickland: b. May 15, 1789: m., ist, Martha Egbert, of Huntington County, Penn., who died about 1831, through her clothing taking fire. He m., 2d, about 1833, Eliza Sandy. He settled in Huntington County; but a few years later, he removed to Columbus, Ohio, which was then a mere hamlet. He removed from Columbus to its vicinity, soon after the death of his first wife, and there he raised a family ; after which he removed to Wapello, Mich. There his second wife died, and he returned to Ohio, and lived with his children. Four of his sons were in the Union army. 658. Phoebe: b. Sept. 4. 1791; m. Samuel Gilkyson. After his death, she lived with her daughter, in Camden, N. J. 659. Sarah: b. May 17, 1795: m. Edward C. Corbett. 660. Gerardus: who died in infancy. 661. John: d. Aug., i860: m. EHzabeth Corbett. 662. Miles: b. July 14, 1802 : reported to have died near Natchez. He kept house with his mother, after the marriage of his sisters, and until the death of his mother. He is spoken of, in the family, as one of the handsomest men in Columbus. He went South ; and correspondence with him was kept up for several years. 663. Mary Anne: b. June 20, 1806: m. Joseph O'Harra. 664. Susan: b. June 3, 1808: m. Amos Meneley. 373. Matthew Wynkoop, (Gerardus 153, Gerrit 45, Gerret 5, Cornelius i :) married Thomasine Stockholm. Children of Matthew and Thomasine Wynkoop : 665. Matthew B.: m., ist, Elizabeth Work; m., 2d, Mary Van Lear. Wynkoop Genealogy 99 666. George S.; d. about 1845: m. Mary Melo Callum. 667. Gerardus: d. in July, i860: m. Nancy Farrell. 668. David: m. Jane McCune. 669. John: b. Aug. 3, 1804: m. Jane Mosgrove. 670. Eliza R. : m. William Martin. 671. William: m. Mary Smouse. 672. Henry T. : m. Beulali Clark, of Centre County, Penn. They lived at Plumville, Indiana County. 673. Maria T. : m. Samuel Potts, of Plumville; and had three children. 374. David Wynkoop, (Gerardus 153, Gerrit 45, Gerret 5, Cor- nelius I :) married, ist, Anne McNair; m., 2d, Mary Van Horn. He was a planter. He represented Bucks County, in the legislature of Pennsyl- vania, for six or seven consecutive years. Children of David and Anne Wynkoop: 674. Elizabeth: b. Dec. 12, 1798. 675. James: b. Oct. 17, 1800: m. Mary Wood. 676. Martha: b. Aug. 14, 1802: m., Feb. 24, 1825, Nathan H. Seymour, from Connecticut, who died in 1863. He was a merchant, at Newark, Ohio. 677. Stephen Rose, Rev.: b. Nov. 24, 1806: m. Aurelia Mills. 678. Henry: b. Jan. 16, 1809: m. Lydia Cornell. 679. Charles: b. Apl. 30, 1811: m., Mch., 1832, Mary Magee. He was a planter, at Granville, Ohio. 680. Mary Anne: b. Jan. 9, 1815: m., in 1837, Daniel Fowler, of Licking Co., Ohio. They lived in Jasper Co., Iowa. 375. William Wynkoop, (Gerardus 153, Gerrit 45, Gerret 5, Cornelius i,) born June 25, 1778: died July 8, 1833: married, April 13, 1 801, Mary Langstroth. Children of William and Mary Wynkoop : 681. Thomas Langstroth: b. Jan. 18, 1802: m. Elizabeth Tor- bert. 682. Gerardus: b. May 6, 1803: m., ist, Matilda McNair; m., 2d, Isabella Craven. 683. Elizabeth Rose: b. Jan. 23, 1805: d. in 1862: m. Charles McNair. They settled in Michigan; and had six children, of whom five died young. 684. Catharine: b. Sept. 24, 1806: m. James B. McNair, M.D. 685. Susannah: b. Mch. 26, 1808: d. Apl. 28, 1832. loo Wynkoop Genealogy 686. Christopher Langstroth: b. Sept. 2, 1810: m. Catharine Maria Wyckoff. 687. Margaret Fassitt: b. May 8, 181 2: m. Nov. 26, 1836, Absalom P. Cook, a planter in Bucks Co., Penn. They had five children. 688. Anna Maria: b. Nov. 12, 1814: m., Feb., 1838, Nathaniel Irvin Rubinkham. They lived in Bucks Co., and had seven children. One of them was Rev. N.I. Rubinkham, pastor in Philadelphia, Jamestown, N. Y., and Chicago. An other is G. W. Rubinkham, elder of the Neshaminy Pres- byterian church. 689. Susan: b. Aug. 8, 1816: d. Oct. 7, 1822. 690. Mary Frances: b. May 4, 1818: d. Sept. 4, 1834. 691. Caroline: b. May 9, 1821: m. John Divine. They settled in Michigan, and had five children. 376. Susan Wynkoop, (Gerardus 153, Gerrit 45. Gerret 5, Cornelius i :) married Rev. David Wiley, of the Presbyterian church, of Georgetown, D. C. Children of Rev. David and Susan (W.) Wiley: 692. Susan Wiley: m. Isaac Baker. 693. Caroline Wiley: m. John GuHck. 694. David Wiley: m. Elizabeth Welling. 378. Elizabeth Wynkoop, (Adrian 154, Gerrit 45. Gerret 5, Cornelius i :) married Lucas, and settled in Stephenson County, 111. Children of and Elizabeth (W.) Lucas: 695. Adrian Lucas: a planter. 696. William Lucas: also a planter. 379. Sarah Wynkoop, (Adrian 154, Gerrit 45. Gerret 5, Cor- nelius I :) married Jones, and settled in Jefferson County, West Virginia. Children of and Sarah (W.) Jones: 697. Adrian Jones: lived in Jefferson Co. 698. Mary Jones: m. Joseph Randall, and lived in the same County. 699. Sarah Jones: m. William Kearney, and lived in Jefferson County. 380. Hannah Wynkoop, (Adrian 154, Gerrit 45, Gerret 5, Cornelius i :) married William Lemon, a planter, and lived in Berkeley County, West Virginia, and died there. Wynkoop Genealogy loi Children of William and Hannah Lemon : 700. Adrian Lemon. 701. Sarah Lemon. 702. Margaret Lemon. -7 381. Garrett Wynkoop, (Adrian 154, Gerrit 45, Gerret 5, Cor- nelius I :) married Sarah Martin, of Bucks County, Penn. He settled in what is now Berkeley County, West Va., but which was then a part of Frederick County, Va., and he had a plantation adjoining that of his father. Children of Garrett and Sarah Wynkoop : 703. Adrian. He studied law in Martinsburg, West Va., and practised in Piketon, Ohio. He m. in Ohio. 704. WilHam: m. Elizabeth Van Metre. He was a planter in Clinton Co., Ind. 705. Margaret: m. Nathan Hendricks. He was a planter in Jefferson Co., W. Va.; and in Indiana, afterwards. 706. EHzabeth. She died in her i8th year. 707. Jephthah: d. about 3 years old. 708. Mary: m. George Randell, a planter in Jefferson County. She died there, and the husband and children removed to Missouri. 709. John: m. Margaret Piper, in Illinois. He removed thence to Missouri; and thence to Macoupin Co., 111. He was a planter. y 710. Garret: m. Julia Adelaide Mountz. 390. Christina Wynkoop, (Judge Henry 157, Nicholas 46, Gerret 5, Cornelius i,) bom August 18, 1763 : died April or May 18, 1841, in Abington, Penn.: married, April 20, 1786, Reading Beattie, M.D., born December 23, 1757, died, Newtown, Penn., October 29, 183 1. A letter to Dr. Beattie is given under Judge Henry [157]. She survived her husband. For nearly fifty years, she was a consistent member of the Presbyterian church, at Newtown, Penn. ; and she was a warm and liberal supporter of the activities of the church ; and she was especially interested in foreign missions. Rev. Charles Beattie was bom in County Antrim, Ireland, about 17 1 5 probably, son of John and Christiana (Clinton) Beattie; and he was brought by his widowed mother to that part of Ulster County, N. Y., which is now Orange County. She came with her brother, Charles Clinton, whose son, Gen'l George 102 Wynkoop Genealogy Clinton, is mentioned under Dirck [292], and Jacobus [167]. An other son was Col. James Clinton, also mentioned herein. This Charles Beattie became a Presbyterian minister, and was settled as pastor, at the Forks of the Neshaminy, Penn. His wife was Anne, daughter of John Reading, who was afterwards Governor of New Jersey. Their seventh child was Reading Beattie, M.D. He enUsted in the Revolutionary army, as a private soldier, but was immediately appointed sergeant. He was commissioned, August 10, 1775, ensign of the 5th Penn. Battahon, Col. Robert Magaw. He became lieutenant, February 2, 1776, and, in the course of the campaign, he commanded the company, because of the captain's sickness. He was taken prisoner, November 16, 1776, at the capture of Fort Washing- ton; and, at first, was treated with great harshness. He was exchanged, May 8, 1778, and he then studied medicine. He at- tended the sick, at Morristown, 1778-79: and he was commis- sioned surgeon, November 8, 1779, of the nth Penn. Regiment. He was commissioned surgeon, February 10, 1 781, of a regiment of artillery. Col. Proctor; and he so remained until the close of the war. He settled at Red Hill, Nockamixon township, Bucks County, Penn., where he remained for two or three years, Hving at Erwinna, a picturesque situation on the bank of the Delaware. In 1788, he removed to a settlement of Friends, in the vicinity of Falsington, where he lived for forty years. He was a ruling elder in the Presbyterian church, at Newtown, five miles distant. In 1828, he retired from practice, and settled in- Newtown."^ Children of Dr. Reading and Christina (W.) Beattie: 711. Anne Beattie: b. Jan. 27, 1787: d. May 23, 1787. 712. Anne Beattie: b. Sept. 18, 1788: m. Rev. Alexander Boyd. 713. Henry Wynkoop Beattie : b. Apl. 10, 1791: ^- Dec. 7, 1807, of brain fever. 714. Charles Clinton Beattie: b. Aug. 27, 1793: m. Rebecca Vanuxem. 715. Susannah Beattie: b. Aug. 14, i79S: d- Oct. 25, 1872, of paralysis. After her father's death, she Uved for two years with her brother John; afterwards, with her sister, Mrs. Steel. 716. Mary Beattie: b. Jan. 6, 1798: m. Rev. Robert Steel. "9 Record of the Family of Charles Beatty, Stevibenville, O., 1873: Mrs. Mary B. Harvey. Wynkoop Genealogy 103 717. John Beattie: b. May 13, 1800: m., ist, Emily P. Moore; m., 2d, Mary Asheton Henry. 718. Sarah Beattie: b. Mch. 27, 1802: d. July 15, 1835: m., Oct., 1834, Rev. Henry R. Wilson. They went immediately to the field of their labor, as missionaries to the Choctaw Indians, southwest of Arkansas; where Mrs. Wilson died of a local fever .^^^ 391. Anne Wynkoop, (Judge Henry 157, Nicholas 46, Gerret 5, Cornelius i,) born October 18, 1765: died July 23, 181 5: mar- ried, August 7, 1790, James Raguet.^^o Children of James and Anne (W.) Raguet: 719. James Raguet: m. July 14, 182 1, Margaretta Thompson, daughter of Samuel, of Zanesville, Ohio. They removed to Steubenville, O., and thence to Wisconsin. They had several sons and daughters. 720. Henry Raguet: m. Marcia A. Towers. 721. Claudine Raguet. 393. Nicholas Wynkoop, M.D., (Judge Henry 157, Nicholas 46, Gerret 5, Cornelius i,) bom March 25, 1770; died March 30, 181 5: married, ist, April 11, 1793, Francenia Murray, who died about 1799, eldest daughter of Gen'l Francis and Martha (Gam- ble) Murray. Nicholas married, 2d, October 21, 1802, Christ Church, Phil., Sarah Campbell, who died August 21, 1837, daughter of George and Helen (Donaldson) Campbell. Mr. ■Campbell was Recorder of Deeds, Philadelphia. Nicholas practised medicine in Northampton, Bucks Co., and in Philadelphia ; and, for some years, in Brookeville, Montgomery County, Md., where he died. He was buried at Sandy Spring meeting house. A deed, from him to his father, is recorded in the Register's office, New York, Liber 49, p. 60. Children of Dr. Nicholas and Francenia Wynkoop : 722. John Wanshaer: b. Sept. 9, 1794: m. Angeline C. Estill. 723. Francis Murray: b. in 1796: d., unmarried, at Saratoga, during the War of 181 2, holding a commission in the army. Children of Dr. Nicholas and Sarah Wynkoop : 23° Ragtiet's nephew, Cond6 Raguet, b. Jan. 28, 1784, d. Mch. 22, 1842, in Philadelphia, was a successful merchant there and in Rio de Janeiro, and a writer of some note, as an advocate of free trade. I04 Wynkoop Genealogy 724. Henry: b. Feb. 23, 1804: m., ist, Elizabeth Estill; m., 2d, Catharine Alexander Snell. 725. George Campbell, Gen'l: b. Feb. 27, 1806: m. Mary Walker. 726. Mary Helen: b. June 16, 1810: m. Samuel C. Radford. 727. Edward Donaldson: b. Apl. 12, 1812: d. Jan. 4, 1830. 728. Sarah Francenia: b. Apl. 13, 1813: m. Charles W. Elliott. 396. Jonathan Wynkoop, (Judge Henry 157, Nicholas 46, Gerret 5, Cornelius i,) born June 21, 1776: died February 21, 1842, in Newtown village. He hved for some years with his sister Margaretta. He married, April 27, 1809, Anne Dick, daughter of Campbell and Margaret (Ledley) Dick, who died December 20, 1832, in the 46th year of her age. He built and occupied a house in Newtown village, where his children, Mary, Anne, Isabella, and Helen, lived with him. His wife was a small woman, with dark hair and eyes. She is described as an .exemplary Christian, and as well-versed in theology. ^31 Children of Jonathan and Anne Wynkoop : 729. Margaret Ledley: b. Apl. 18, 1810: m. Rev. Dr. James C. Watson. 730. Mary: b. Oct. 11, 181 1: d. Sept. 24, 1874: unmarried: lived in Trenton, N. J. 731. Anne Raguet: b. Apl. 16, 1813: d., at Kingston, N. J., May 27, 1853: unmarried. 732. Henry: b. Oct. 14, 1814: d- Aug. 23, 1838: unmarried. . 733. Susan: b. Oct. i, 1816: m. Rev. Luther H. Van Doren. 734. Isabella Meredith: b. July 26, 1821: m. Rev. Winthrop Bailey. 735. Helen: b. Oct. 29, 1823: d. Apl. 29, 1875: unmarried. 397. Susannah Wynkoop, (Judge Henry 157, Nicholas 46, Gerret 5, Cornelius i,) born April 11, 1784: died March 2, 1849: married, October 13, 1808, Jan Lefferts, born November 10, 1779, baptized December 9, Northampton, died January 14, 1859, son of Arthur and Adriana (Van Arsdalen) Lefferts.232 They removed, in April, 1828, from Holland, Penn., to Lodi, Seneca County, N. Y. Children of Jan and Susannah Lefiferts : 736. Sarah W. Lefferts: b. Aug. 19, 1809: m., Dec. 10, 1829, 231 Mrs. Isabella M. (Wynkoop) Bailey [734]- 232 Lefferts Genealogy, 1878, p. 118. Wynkoop Genealogy 105 at Lodi, N. Y., William H. Montgomery. They lived in Hudson, Mich .^32 737. Elizabeth V. Lefferts: b. Feb. 20, 1811: m., Apl. 30, 1837, in Lodi, Isaac Covert, who d. May 10, 1869. They lived in Grand Rapids, Mich. 738. Henry Wynkoop Lefferts: b. Feb. 16, 1813: d. May 23, 1870: m., Apl. II, 1838 (?), in Ewing, N. J., Matilda M. Reeder, daughter of Amos. 739. Edward V. Lefferts: b. Sept. 8, 1815: m., June 11, 1850, in Lodi, Mary Wentworth. They lived in Geneva, N. Y. 740. James L. Lefferts: b. Apl. 27, 1817: m.. May 15, 1854, in San Francisco, Cal., Margaret Ross, of Philadelphia. They lived in Pittsburg, Penn. 741. Reading Beattie Lefferts: b. Mch. 10, 1822: m., Dec. 3, 1850, in Lodi, Elizabeth Barden. They lived in Penn Yan, N. Y. 742. Mary Helen Wirtz Lefferts: b. Feb. 2, 1825: m., ist, June 4, 1845. John B. Clarkson, who d. Mch. 10, 1857; m., 2d, May 21, i860, Levi Headley Owen, of Trumansburg, N. Y. 743. Worth Lefferts: b. Feb. 25, 1828: m.. May 31, 1857, in Madison, Wis., Clara McKinney. 411. John Wynkoop, (PhiHp 166, Philip 48, Gerret 5, Cor- nelius I,) baptized June 29, 1800: died in 1837 : a planter: mar- ried, June 14, 1836, Sarah Yerkes, bom December 29, 1806, at Moreland, Pa., died December 29, 1885, in Philadelphia, daugh- ter of Daniel and Esther (Lickens) Yerkes. Child of John and Sarah Wynkoop: 743A. Franklin: b. Nov. 17, 1836: m. Emma Skinner 417. Elizabeth Wynkoop, (Capt. Jacobus 167, Cornelius 51, Benjamin 8, Cornelius i,) born March 19, 1758: married, Decem- ber 26, 1776, Garret A. Lansing. The record of the Dutch church, Albany, has this entry: Re- ceived to church membership, on confession, March 5, 1790, Elizabeth Wynkoop, wife of "Gerrit A. Lansingh." Births of the children are given in First Settlers of Albany County, page 72. Children of Garret A. and Elizabeth (W.) Lansing: 744. Abraham Lansing: b. Dec. 6, 1777: d. in infancy. 745. Abraham Lansing: b. Jan. 3, 1782: d. in infancy. 746. James Wynkoop Lansing: b. Apl. 20, 1783: d. in infancy. 747. Gerrit Lansing: b. July 20, 1785. io6 Wynkoop Genealogy 748. Alicia Lansing: b. Jan. 19, 1787. 749. Elizabeth Lansing: b. Dec. 30, 1788. 750. James Lansing: b. Apl. 2, 1791. 751. Abraham Lansing: b. Feb. 10, 1793. 752. Cornelia Lansing: b. Sept. 10, 1794, bp. Dec. 25. 753. John Lansing: b. Mch. 10, 1797. 754. Robert Lansing: b. May 6, 1800. 755. Sarah Lansing: b. Sept., 1802. 420. James Wynkoop, (Capt. Jacobus 167, Cornelius 51, Benjamin 8, Cornelius i,) born March 9, 1769: died January 21, 1821: married, February 11, 1791, Catalina Dunbar, bom November 28, 1770, in Albany, died June 15, 1838. His last will was dated October 26, 181 9, recorded February 28, 182 1, in the Surrogate's office, Albany, N. Y., Liber 5, p. 257. Children of James and Catalina Wynkoop : 756. James J.: b. Dec. 2, 1791 : d. Apl. 25, 1843, in Albany, un- married. He was deputy county clerk, in 1808, 1810, 181 1. In the War of 181 2, he was a lieutenant. 757. William: b. Apl. 29, 1794: d. Feb. 2, 1796. 758. John Henry Myers: b. Sept. 10, 1796: d., on a war vessel bound for Curasao, aged about 47 years, unmarried. He was an ensign in the War of 181 2. 759. Elizabeth: b. Feb. 17, 1799: m., Mch. 12, 1818, 2d Dutch ch., Kingston, N. Y., Riley Bartholomew. 760. Alida: b. Aug. 31, 1801: m. James C. Ferris. 761. Sarah: b. Apl. 21, 1804: d. Aug. 23, 1805. 762. Sarah: b. Aug. 25, 1806: m. Samuel S. Wood. 763. Wihiam D.: b. Feb. i, 1809: d. Aug. 21, 1852: m. Mary Roosa — pronounced Rosa. This family name is sometimes written Roser. 764. Robert Dunbar: b. Aug. i, 181 1: m. Almira Augusta Rollins. 431. Abraham Wynkoop, (Benjamin 175, Abraham 52, Benja- min 8, Cornelius i,) born June i, 1782: died January 25, 1852: married, March 28, 1807, Hannah Norman, daughter of Joseph. Children of Abraham and Hannah Wynkoop: 765. Benjamin Norman: d. Aug. 16, 1857 : m. Rachel W. Monge. 766. Joseph Pilmore: b. Dec. 15, 1811: m. Matilda Charlotte Baird. 767. Alfred, M.D.: b. Apl. 3, 1825: m. Helen K. Crispin. Wynkoop Genealogy 107 768. Almira Anne: b. May 15, 1831. 769. Francis: b. June 10, 1833. 434. Mary Wynkoop, (Abram 176, Abraham 52, Benjamin 8, Cornelius i :) married, in 1805, Richard Davis, of Cecil, Md., who died in 1809. Mr. Davis was married three times: ist, when about 19 years old, Elizabeth Stockton, widow of John Davis; 2d, Mary Wyn- koop; 3d, Matilda Tod, cousin to Mary. Children of Richard and Mary (W.) Davis: 770. Caroline Davis: d. in 1847: m. Thomas Tennant. 771. Mary Matilda Davis: b. about 1809: d. Feb. 28, 1888, un- married. "She cared nobly for her sister's children, after the death of her sister." 435. Dyer Sharpe Wynkoop, (Abram 176, Abraham 52, Ben- jamin 8, Cornelius i,) ist Lieut, of Marines: born about 1775: died in 1800. His signature appears as Dyre S. Wynkoop. His first name was the family name of his paternal grand- mother, and his second the family name of his mother. He was maintained and educated by Nicholas Hammond, at Cambridge and Easton, Md., after the death of his father. Hammond was related through his grandmother, Mary Dyer, who married ist, a Hammond, 2d, Abraham Wynkoop. ^33 Dyer Sharpe Wynkoop was appointed First Lieutenant in the U. S. Marine Corps, November 16, 1798, on its re-organization. Two official letters from him are in existence; the first written at Dover, Del., August 19, 1798; and the other on board the U. S. brig General Pinckncy — at sea, December 28, 1799, and at Charleston, January 10, 1800; each addressed to Maj. W. W. Burrows, Commandant U. S. M. C, at that time. They were "very well written," and show him to have been a man of good education and intelligence.234 He was lost at sea, with the U. S. frigate Insurgente, in July or August, 1800. A portrait of him, in his uniform, is in existence, and a copy of it given on p. 108: The French frigate L' Insurgente, 40, Capt. Barreault, was cap- tured February 9, 1799, by the Constellation, 38, Capt. Thomas Truxton, and was taken into St. Kitts. She was one of the fastest vessels in the world. In the year following, she was 233 Correspondence of Nicholas Hammond, per Miss Henrietta Alaria Chamberlaine , of Baltimore, Md. 234 Col. Charles G. McCawlev, Com'd't of Marines, Washington, D. C. io8 Wynkoop Genealogy taken into our service, as a 36, Capt. Alexander Murray com- manding. [At the close of the eighteenth century, strife existed in the West Indies, between France and these United States, without a formal declaration of war, growing out of European embroilments.] Capt. Murray was transferred to the Constella- tion, and the frigate Insurgente was given to Capt. Patrick Dyer Sharpe Wynkoop, 1775-1800 First Lieut.. U. S. M. C. Fletcher, and in July, 1800, she sailed on a cruise, with instruc- tions to keep between longitude 66° and 68°, and to run as far south as 36° N. L. After this vessel left the Capes of Virginia, no authentic accounts of her were received, with the exception of a few private letters, sent in through vessels spoken at sea. She had been ordered to cruise for a short time, in the longitude and latitude mentioned, after which her commander was left at liberty to pursue his own discretion, provided he returned to Annapolis within eight weeks. ^^s 235 Cooper's Xaval History. Wynkoop Genealogy 109 438. Mary Wynkoop, (Dr. James 177, Abraham 52, Benjamin 8, Cornelius i,) born March 10, 1778: died in 1807: married, in 1807, Isaac Cannell, of Charlestown, Kent County, Md. Mr. Cannell had, by an other wife, a son, Wilmer, an importing merchant in Philadelphia. Child of Isaac and Mary Cannell: 772. Hester Anne Cannell: b. in 1807. She was living in Phila- delphia, unmarried, in 1869. The compiler obtained infor- mation through correspondence with her. 441. Hester Catalina Wynkoop, (Dr. James 177, Abraham 52, Benjamin 8, Cornelius i,) bom March 5, 1784: died in 181 2: married Richard Barroll, of Chestertown, Md. Her middle name was written Cathelena, usually; and that of her daughter Catholena. The latter suggested that the name was Catharina, properly. Children of Richard and Hester C. Barroll: 773. Anna Matilda Barroll: m. Rev. John Payne, b. Jan. 9, 181 5, d. Oct. 23, 1874, Westmoreland Co., Va., Episcopal bishop at Cape Palmas, in Africa, 1851-1871, and then returned to the United States. After her death, Bishop Payne married a Miss Winifred — . 774. Mary Catholena Barroll: m. Edward Johnson, of Balti- more. She was living in Jackson, Miss., in 1867. The compiler had correspondence with her. 444. Benjamin Wynkoop, (Benjamin 178, Benjamin 53, Ben- jamin 8, Cornelius i,) bom April 10, 1769: married, September i, 1796, Hannah Wynkoop [337]. He was apprenticed, to learn the art of the silversmith, to a Mr. Whiting, who removed to Savannah, Ga., and took Benja- min with him, and there he completed his apprenticeship. On the return of Benjamin northward, he was induced, by Maj. William Wynkoop, to go to Chemung, to make trinkets for the Indians. He was a good watch and clock maker, silversmith, and engraver: and the necessities of a new country made him a general mechanic. He taught school, and was a good English scholar, acquainted with chemistry, mineralogy, geology, and natural philosophy; and he was a land surveyor. He became a large operator in land, and was "land poor." ^36 His wife was a daughter of Maj. William Wynkoop [138]. Her 236 Alonzo Ilus Wynkoop [777]. no Wynkoop Genealogy descendants have her name Hannah; but the baptismal record has it "Annatche." (Heb. Hannah: Lat. Anna.) Children of Benjamin and Hannah Wynkoop : 775 Harriet: b. May 19, 1797: m. Alfred Frye. 776 Julia Antoinette: b. Apl. 18, 1799: m. WiUiam Seaward. 777. Alonzo Ilus: b. June 17, 1801: m. Phoebe Heermans. 778. Almira: b. July 19, 1803. 770 NmoHa Theban: b. Aug. 19, 1805: m. Christiana Moore. 780. Nile Frost: b. Nov. 9. 1807: m. Sarah Anne Heermans. 781. Anne: b. Jan. 25, 1810. , , . r 782. Archimedes Burr: b. June 6, 181 2. He was last heard of, as in California. 783. Cornelia Amanda: b. Oct. 6, 1814: m. Daniel James Wat- kins. 784. William Tell: b. May 25, 1817: m. Sarah Jane Booth. 78s. Delia: b. Aug. 29, 1819. . . 445. John Wynkoop, (Benjamin 178, Benjamin 53, Benjamm 8 Cornelius i,) born in Redding, Fairfield County, Conn., Feb- ruary 24, 1763, and died there in 1813: m. Esther Gnffin His widow removed to Chemung, N. Y., in 1820, and died there, in 1835, aged 72 years. Children of John and Esther Wynkoop : 786. Abraham: b. Dec. 4, 1792: m. Elizabeth Ellis. Grissel: b. in 1796. John: b. in 1798: m. Sarah Thorp. Ehzabeth: b. about 1800: m. Daniel Gray. Legrand: b. Sept. 15, 1809: m., ist, Lucretia T. Conklm; m., 2d, Maria Darker. . 446. Gershom Wynkoop, (Benjamin 178, Benjamin 53, Benja- min 8 Cornelius I :) died in 1831, in Tioga County, Penn. : mar- ried Martha McFarlin, called "Patty," bom in Newtown^ now Elmira, N. Y., daughter of William and Elizabeth (Robb) ^ HiTlJidow removed to the neighborhood of Rochester, Monroe County, N Y. She married, 2d, Cornelius Conant, who died m 1856 He had hved on land at Therington, N. Y. Children of Gershom and Martha Wynkoop : 791. Ehzabeth: b. May 3, 1814: m. Gardner William Spencer. 702 William : who died aged 9 months. 793'. Peter: b. Oct. 9, 1816: d. July 25, 1843. unmarried. 787 788 789 790 Wynkoop Genealogy 1 1 1 794. Alice Preston: b. Aug. 27, 181 8: m. Cyrus Gates. 795. Delia: b. Feb. 10, 1821: m. Patrick McCormack. 796. Grissel Anne : b. Aug. 3, 1823. She lived at Webster, Mon- roe Co., N. Y., unmarried. 797. Julia Miranda: b. Apl. 27, 1825: ni. William Robert Gray. 798. Hannah Jerusha: b. May 14, 1827: d. Apl. 13, 1853: m., Jan. I, 1846, Ebenezer Pierce, son of Seth and Abigail (Scribner) Pierce. Her husband and her only child were buried on the same day, about 1850. 799. Encie Jane: b. Apl. 7, 1829: m. Cullen Townsend Gillett. 448. Grissel Wynkoop, (Benjamin 178, Benjamin 53, Benja- min 8, Cornelius i,) bom at Fairfield, Conn., August 12, 1760: married Hurd. Her name is the same as Griselda. Child of and Grissel (W.) Hurd: 800. Delia Hurd: m. Chauncey Wilcox. She survived him, and lived in Waverly, N. Y. 449. Anne Wynkoop, (Benjamin 178, Benjamin 53, Benjamin 8, Cornelius i,) born at Fairfield, Conn., December 15, 1756: mar- ried . She had two daughters, one of whom married a Mr. Barker, and lived for many years in New York City. Children of and Anne (W.) — . 801. Harriet — . 802. Marv Anne . 451. Peter Silvester Wynkoop, Rev., (John C. 205, Capt. Cor- nelius C. 65, Cornelius 9, Maj. Johannes 2, Cornelius i,) bap- tized March 22, 1787, Kinderhoek: died November i, 1848, in Hudson, N. Y. : married, December 12, 1814, Margaret W. Gos- man, daughter of Robert Gosman, and sister of Rev. Dr. John Gosman. Peter was graduated from Union College, in 1807, and studied law in the office of his uncle, Judge Silvester, in Kinderhoek, and began the practice of his profession, in 18 10. But he abandoned that profession, and entered the theological seminary at New Brunswick, and was licensed by the classis of New Brunswick, in 1813: was assistant of Vredenburgh, at Raritan, 1813-14: pastor at Catskill, 1814-17: Hyde Park (Staatsburgh), 1817-20: Hyde Park and Pleasant Plain, 1820-22: Ghent, Jan. 9, 1823- June 21, 1843, also Hillsdale, 1825-40, and Claverack 2d, now Mellenville, in 1842: Blooming Grove, 1844-48. 112 Wynkoop Genealogy The Rev. Edwin Holmes said of him, in a funeral sermon, that "he preached the Gospel as to dying men, presenting its essential truths, with clearness, skillfulness, and persistency, and avoided doubtful questions. His personal piety was conspicuous in his habits, and in his conscientious deportment. His labors were largely blessed." ^^7 The Rev. John Rugan wrote of him to the compiler, from Fultonham, O., in 1863, as follows: "I was pastor of the Lutheran congregation at Ghent, for several years, from 1850, and heard a great deal of Dominie Wynkoop, whose memory, together with that of Rev. Jacob Berger, was cherished with love and respect by the entire community. To that people, these two men appeared to be the standard of ministerial faithfulness, character, and piety; and if, in conversation or argument, any saying or opinion, of Dominie Wynkoop, or Dominie Berger, could be adduced, it was considered as the end of controversy. I learned to respect the character of those men, whose influence for good, both during life, and after death, was so great, and whose reputation, in all that truly ennobles man, was so high." Children of Rev. Peter S. and Margaret W. Wynkoop : 803. Joanna Gosman: bp. Oct. 23, 1815, Catskill: died Jan. 29, 1898. She had lived in Brooklyn, N. Y. 804. Robert Gosman: b. Dec. 3, 1816: m. Carrie C. Wood. 805. Peter Silvester: b. May 16, 1818: m. Elizabeth C. Miller. 806. Lydia Silvester: b. Dec. 31, 1819: m. Dr. Samuel M. Lasell. 807. Eliza Kittle: b. Sept. 4, 1821 : m. Rev. Dr. Elbert S. Porter. 808. Mary Jane: b. Mch. 21, 1823: m. Dr. Elbridge Simpson. 809. Jonathan Gosman: b. May 13, 1824: m. Mary J. Hawley. 810. Catharine Van Dyke: b. Nov. 9, 1825: d. Mch. 10, 1887, in Syracuse, N. Y. 811. Margaret Wright: b. May 9, 1827: m. Rev. Dr. Anson Du Bois. 812. Francis Silvester: b. Sept. i, 1830: m., ist, Rachel Van Vleck; m., 2d, Frances Van Vleck. 813. Anna Gosman: b. Feb. 4. 1833: m. Rev. Dr. Anson Du Bois. 458. Ricliard Stanton, (Maria Wynkoop 206, Capt. Cornelius C. 65, Cornelius 9, Maj. Johannes 2, Cornelius i,) born January 237 Manual of Reformed Church, Corwin, 1902. Wynkoop Genealogy 113 20, 1789: died September 19, 1864, in Stamford, Conn. ; married January 11, 181 1, Elizabeth Waterbury, bom June 6, 1789, in Stamford, died April 27, 1870, in Poughkeepsie, N. Y., daughter of Phineas and Elizabeth (Lounsbury) Waterbury. Phineas was born June i, 1739, and married March 10, 1761. Children of Richard and Elizabeth Stanton: 814. Henry Stanton: b. Feb. 28, 181 2, in Brooklyn, N. Y. 815. Jonathan H. Stanton: b. Nov 21,1813: m. Lydia H. Macy. 816. Mary Elizabeth Stanton: b. Jan. 28, 181 7, in Brooklyn, N. Y.: d. Sept. 2, 1884, in Poughkeepsie, N. Y. : m. Joseph N. Corlies. Children: Richard S.; Gerald H.; Emma; and Elizabeth. 817. James Waterbury Stanton; b. Mch. 19, 1821, in Brooklyn; d. July 17, 1872, in Darien, Conn.: m. Louisa Wood, daughter of N. B. Wood. Child: Agnes Wood. 8t8. Edwina Hicks Stanton, twin: b. Mch. 19, 1821: d. Oct. 3, 1821. 819. Richard Edwin Stanton: b. Jan. 30, 1825, in Brooklyn, N. Y. : d. Oct. 10, 1886, in Bridgeport, Conn.: m. Jan. 4, 1849, in Bridgeport, EHzabeth Mills, b. Feb. i, 1826, d. Apl. 3, 1892, daughter of David L. and Hulda Mills. Chil- dren: Albert W.; Helen; and Edwin Hasbrouck. 820. Julia Waterbury Stanton: b. Feb. i, 1828: m. Andrew King, of Poughkeepsie, N. Y. Children: probably — Eliza- beth; Edward A.; Frank; and Herman. 821. Lawrence Waterbury Stanton: b. Mch. 25, 1835, in New Rochelle, N. Y. : d. May 7, 1843, in Stamford, Conn. 822. Henry Stanton : m. Margaret Corlies. Child: Margaret. 464. Abraham Bruyn Hasbrouck, (Catharine Wynkoop 207, Capt. Cornelius C. 65, Cornelius 9, Maj. Johannes 2, Cornelius i,) born November 29, 1791, baptized December 18, Kingston, N. Y. : d. February 23, 1879: married Julia Frances Ludlum, daughter of Judge Gabriel W. Ludlum. He pursued a preparatory course in Kingston Academy, and was graduated in 18 10, from Yale College. He studied law, in Litchfield, Conn. ; and formed a law partnership, in Kingston, in 1 81 4, with Judge Ruggles. He was a representative in Congress, 1825-27 : President of Rut- gers College, and professor of constitutional law, 1840-50 : and he received the degree of LL.D. from Union and Columbia Colleges. 114 Wynkoop Genealogy He was president of the Kingston Bank : and he founded the Ulster County Historical Society. He was a good scholar, a genial and courtly gentleman, and a devout Christian. ^^s Children of Abraham B. and Julia F. Hasbrouck: 823. Jonathan Howard Hasbrouck: b. June 19, 1820, bp. June 25, Kingston: d. in 1889: m. Hannah C. Chester, daughter of Rev. Dr. John Chester. 824. Sarah Morris Hasbrouck, bp. Feb. 9, 1823: d. July 21, 1900, in N. Y. City: m. Rev. Dr. John Lillie, born Dec. 16, 1812, in Kelso, Scotland, died Feb. 23, 1867, in Kingston, N. Y. The widow lived in N. Y. City. Dr. Lillie was graduated at the University of Edinburgh, in 1831: landed in New York City, about Oct. i, 1834: was graduated at the seminary, at New Brunswick, and was licensed, July 21, 1835, by the classis of New York: pastor at Kingston, 1836-41 : principal of the grammar school of the New York University, 1841-42 : pastor of the church in the University Chapel, and afterwards in Stanton Street, 1843-52 : also editor of the Jewish Chronicle, 1844- 48 : engaged on the version of the Bible by the American Bible Union, 1851-57: Pres. Ch., Kingston, 1858-67: re- ceived the degree of D.D., in 1855, from the University of Edinburgh.239 825. James Ludlum Hasbrouck: bp. Feb. 6, 1825: d. Jan. 21, 1885, unmarried. He was graduated from Rutgers College, in 1844. 826. Thomas Lawrence Hasbrouck: bp. June 4, 1827: d. Dec. 29, 1865, unmarried. He was graduated from Rutgers College, in 1845. 827. Caroline Hone Hasbrouck: bp. Aug. 23, 1829: m. Gen'l George Henry Sharpe. 828. Mary Bruyn Hasbrouck: bp. Feb. 3, 1831: m. Theodore Timpson, of New York City. 829. Emily Burrill Hasbrouck: bp. Dec. 25, 1834: m. Hon. Joseph F. Barnard, of Poughkeepsie, N. Y., a justice of the N. Y. Supreme Court. 830. John Chester Hasbrouck: b. Feb. 6, 1836, bp. Mch. 5, 1837: d. in infancy. »38 Necrological report, in catalogue of Rutgers College, 1879-80. 239 Rev. Dr. William Irvin: Manual of Reformed Church, 1902. Wynkoop Genealogy 115 473. Mary Jane Wynkoop, (Augustus 213, Capt. Cornelius C. 65, Cornelius 9, Maj. Johannes 2, Cornelius i,) born January 20, 1810: died March 4, 1887, in Kingston, N. Y. : married, October I, 1834, Henry Hinsdale Reynolds, bom July 21, 181 1, died No- vember 23, 1868, son of Abraham and Sarah (Folger) Reynolds. Mr. Reynolds was chosen, a few months before his death. President of the State of New York National Bank, with which he had been connected from its beginning. The Press, of King- ston, under date of November 26, 1868, attributed to Mr. Reynolds a practical turn of mind ; familiarity with business ; wis- dom in council ; deeds of private beneficence ; a Christian spirit ; giftedness in prayer ; and a liberal use of ample pecuniary means in works of beneficence. This genealogy enhsted the hearty sympathy of Mr. Reynolds, and he contributed material liberally, directly and indirectly. Children of Henry H. and Mary J. (W.) Reynolds. 831. Augustus Wynkoop Reynolds: b. Aug. 8, 1835: d. Oct. 31, 1895, in Kingston, N. Y., of pneumonia, unmarried. He served in the Union army. 832. Francis Wynkoop Reynolds: b. Apl. 18, 1837: d. Mch. 20, 1870, in Kingston: m. June 20, 1865, Mary W. Hoffman. He enlisted in the Union army, on the first call for 3 months men ; and re-enlisted for the war. He received, at Chancel- lorsville, a wound, and was discharged in September, 1863. He never recovered from the wound. He was captain in the 1 20th Reg. N. Y. Volunteers. He died, as he had lived, a faithful Christian. 833. Sarah Bleecker Reynolds: b. Aug. 10, 1838: unmarried. She was living in Kingston, (July, 1903). 474. Augustus Wynkoop, (Augustus 213, Capt. Cornelius C. 65, Cornelius 9, Maj. Johannes 2, Cornelius i,) born January 22, 1812: died January 18, 1862: married, June 15, 1843, Anna Whiting, born September 23, 181 5, died August 16, 1863. They lived in Kinderhoek. He was graduated from Yale College, in 1831. Children of Augustus and Anna Wynkoop : 834. Augustus Whiting: b. Apl. 7, 1844: m. Mary L. Talcott. 835. Mary Jane: b. July 29, 1845. 836. Henry Silvester: b. Aug. 5, 1846: m. Agnes L. C. A. Albrecht. ii6 Wynkoop Genealogy 837. Elizabeth: b. Jan. 16, 1848. 475. Francis Silvester Wynkoop, (Augustus 213, Capt. Cor- nelius C. 65, Cornelius 9, Maj. Johannes 2, Cornelius i,) born November 6, 1815: died October 15, 1903, in the Borough of Francis Silvester Wynkoop 1815-1903 Manhattan, New York City: married, October 2, 1844, Sarah Frelinghuysen Elmendorf, born May 16, 1819, died December 28, 1891, daughter of James B. and Elizabeth (Frelinghuysen) Elmendorf. He was long identified with New York City, and was for years of Minnett & Co., manufacturers of varnish, at 60 Pearl Street. Wynkoop Genealogy n? Funeral services were conducted at the University Place Presbyterian Church, by the Rev. Dr. George Alexander, who gave a feeling testimonial to the integrity and geniality of Mr. Wynkoop. Children of Francis S. and Sarah Wynkoop : 838. Mary Bruyn: b. Aug. 18, 1850: m. Jan. 29, 1874, Frederick A. Booth. 839. Elizabeth Elmendorf: b. Oct. 16, 1853: d. Sept. 22, 1893, unmarried. 840. Catharine: b. Dec. i, 1857: d. Apl. 26, 1863. 841. Henrietta: b. Apl. 3, i860. 479. Cornelius P. Wynkoop, (Peter P. 216, Petrus 66, Cor- nelius 9, Maj. Johannes 2, Cornelius i,) born August 25, 1808, in Hurley, N. Y. : died in 1883: married, April 30, 1846, Margaret McMurray Cruikshank, born October 12, 182 1, daughter of Robert and Emily (Thompson) Cruikshank, of Troy, N. Y. He lived on land at Milford, Del., that had been, a hundred years earlier, in the ownership of a Wynkoop, probably Abra- ham [52]. Children of Cornelius P. and Margaret Wynkoop : 842. Peter P.: b. Mch. 10, 1847. Lived at Milford, Del. 843. Emily Thompson : b. Mch. 10, 1849. 844. Robert Cruikshank: b. Feb. 22, 1851. 480. Anthony Roosa Wynkoop, (Peter P. 216, Petrus 66, Cor- nelius 9, Maj. Johannes 2, Cornelius i,) born December 13, 1809, in Hurley, N. Y. : married, February 8, 1837, at Marbletown, N. Y., Ellen De Witt Jansen, daughter of Henry T. They lived at Owasco, Cayuga County, N. Y. Child of Anthony R. and Ellen Wynkoop : 845. Anna Jane: b. Nov. 16, 1837: m. J. M. McNiel. 481. Hardenbergh Wynkoop, (Peter P. 216, Petrus 66, Cor- nelius 9, Maj. Johannes 2, Cornelius i,) born February i, 1811, in Hurley, N. Y. : died August 28, 1844: married, October 28, 1835, Sarah Maria Krom, born January 27, 18 10, daughter of Samuel and Joanna (Krom) Krom. The tradition is, that Krom was originally Cromwell. [Krom = crooked, or curved.] Child of Hardenbergh and Sarah M. Wynkoop: 846. Anna Roosa: b. Apl. 8, 1839: m. Derick C. Wynkoop [872]. 483. Leah Wynkoop, (Peter P. 216, Petrus 66, Cornelius 9, Maj. Johannes 2, Cornelius i,) born February 5, 1820: married ii8 Wynkoop Genealogy October lo, 1838, at Hurley, John Ten Eyck De Witt, bom January 12,1815, both of them described as living there. They had seven children, of whom only one has been identified. Children of John T. E. and Leah (W.) De Witt: 847. Catharine De Witt: b. Apl. 15, 1840, Hurley. 848. 849- 850. 851. 852. 853- 486. Cornelius Wynkoop, (Derick C. 258, Col. Cornehus D. 94, Dirrick 13, Maj. Johannes 2, Cornelius i,) baptized September 20, 1798, Kingston, N. Y. : married, March 20, 1828, Marbletown, N. Y., Harriet Sparling, his cousin. Children of Cornelius and Harriet Wynkoop : 854. John Johnson: b. Feb. i, 1830: m. Caroline M. Du Bois. 855. Charlotte: b. about 1832: died aged about 6 years. 856. Elizabeth Anne: b. Aug. 9, 1833: m., ist, Staats Cheese- borough ; m. , 2d, Henry Fisk. They hved in San Francisco. 857. George C. : b. July 4, 1840: m. Matilda McGill, who was drowned in the East River, N. Y., in 1865, through the upsetting of a rowboat. George and his mother lived sub- sequently in Virginia City, Nev. 488. Sarah Minderson Wynkoop, (Derick C. 258, Col. Cor- nelius D. 94, Dirrick 13, Maj. Johannes 2, Cornelius i,) bom May 7, 1804, in Hurley, N. Y.: died in 187 1, in Kingston: mar- ried Andrew P. Roosa. Children of Andrew P. and Sarah M. (W.) Roosa: 858. Catharine Johnson Roosa: b. Apl. 4, 1823.^40 859. Roosa: bp. about 1826. 860. Leah Maria Roosa: b. June 23, 1830. 861. Dirck Roosa: b. Jan. 29, 1832: 489. Eleanor Wynkoop, (Derick C. 258, Col. Cornelius D. 94, Dirrick 13, Maj. Johannes 2, Cornelius i,) born March 14, 1807, in Huriey, N. Y.: m. Christopher Newkirk. Children of Christopher and Eleanor (W.) Newkirk. 862. Newkirk: bp. about 1825.^40 863. Christopher Wynkoop Newkirk: b. Oct. 14, 1826, son of 240 Talcott Pedigree. Wynkoop Genealogy 119 " Kalenda" or " Helinda," was, perhaps, but not certainly, of this family. 864. Jane Newkirk. 865. EHzabeth Newkirk. 866. Mary Newkirk. 867. John Newkirk. 868. Henry Newkirk. 490. Leah De Witt Wynkoop, (Derick C. 258, Col. Cornelius D. 94, Dirrick 13, Maj. Johannes 2, Cornelius i,) bom February 5, 1811, in Hurley, N. Y. : married Capt. Henry Harbeck Buckbee, of New York City, who died May 23, 1873. Children of Capt. Henry H. and Leah De Witt (W.) Buckbee: 869. Mary D. Buckbee. 870. De Witt C. Buckbee. 491. George Wynkoop, (Derick C. 258, Col. Cornelius D. 94, Dirrick 13, Maj. Johannes 2, Cornelius i,) born July 23, 1814: married, ist, April 14, 1839, at Marbletown, N. Y., Eleanor Sala Davis, bom Febmary 12, 1814, died January 18, 1846, daughter of James V. W. and Gertmde (Perrine) Davis. He married, 2d, Febmary 6, 1847, in Hurley, N. Y., Sarah Catharine Dumond, who died November 12, 1890, daughter of Comelius and Blandina (Crispell) Dumond. He lived at Hurley, in a house of which a part, at least, was built early in the eighteenth century. It may be that this is the site of the original settlement of this family, in Ulster County. The place has been in continuous possession of the family for many years. Pictures of the house have been made by William H. Snyder, of Brooklyn, N. Y., under the name of "The Wyn- koop House"; by P. P. Ryder; and by other artists. (See frontispiece.) Children of George and Eleanor S. Wynkoop: 871. Mary Buckbee: b. Mch. 4, 1840: m. Joseph Middagh. 872. Derrick Cornelius: b. Aug. 16, 1841: m. Anna R. Wyn- koop [846]. 873. James Davis: b. Feb. 28, 1843: m. Oct. 10, 1888, Elizabeth Appleton, widow of Warren, and daughter of Wil- Ham Appleton. He lives in New York City, and is a member of the Produce Exchange. He owns the home- stead, which in its renovated form, is represented herein by the frontispiece. I20 Wynkoop Genealogy 874. Eleanor Elizabeth: b. Aug. 16, 1844: d. June 18, 1852. Child of George and Sarah C. Wynkoop : 875. George Jansen: b. Mch. 20, 1848: d. Mch. 23, 1849. 505. Mary Catharine Wynkoop, (Abram 288, Petrus 109, Sheriff Johannes 15, Maj. Johannes 2, Cornelius i,) born April 14, 1844: married, August 19, 1869, Henry Edward Malin, who died January 17, 1901, in Manhattan Borough, New York City. Children of Henry E. and Mary C. (W.) Malin: 876. Henry C. Malin: b. Jan. 2, 1871: d. Jan. 18, 1903, in Man- hattan Borough. 877. Madeline Malin: b. Aug. 10, 1872. 878. Florence Malin: b. Oct. 30, 1878: m., June 28, 1899, Hubert Martin of New York City. 506. Harvey Heusted Wynkoop, (Abram 288, Petrus 109, Sheriff Johannes 15, Maj. Johannes 2, Cornelius i,) born May 15, 1846: married July 5, 1871, Caroline Haynes, of St. Clair, Penn. Children of Harvey H. and Caroline Wynkoop : 879. Claud B.: b. Mch. 20, 1873. 880. Grace: b. Oct. i, 1874. 881. Gertrude S.: b. June 14, 1881. 508. Anna Elizabeth Wynkoop, (Abram 288, Petrus 109, Sheriff Johannes 15, Maj. Johannes 2, Cornelius i,) born July 7, 1851: married, October 17, 1870, Rev. Wilson R. Terry, and lived at Lyonsville, Mass. Children of Rev. Wilson R. and Anna E. (W.) Terry: 882. Mabel Anne Terry: b. Sept. 8, 1871: m. Oct. 3, 1893, James L. Bartlett, of Newton, N. H., and lived there. 883. Abraham Lincoln Terry: b. Nov. i, 1887. 884. Paul W^mkoop Terry: b. June 4, 1891. 510. Peter Wynkoop, (Judge Dirck 292, Capt. Evert 1 1 2, Corne- lius 28, Evert 4, Cornelius i,) bom December 27, 1755, in King- ston, N. Y.: died January 26, 1835, in New York City: married December 10, 1785, Margaret Quackenbos, born March 20, .1765, died May 5, 1851, N. Y., daughter of John and Catharine (De Witt) Quackenbos, whose acquaintance he had made in Marl- boro, N. Y., whither her father's family had retired, because of the occupation of New York City by the British during the Revo- lutionary War. Her family name appears elsewhere as Kwakel- bosch, meaning quail-forest. [Kwakkelbos = quail bush: Kwakkelbosch = quail forest : de wit = the white.] There was Wynkoop Genealogy 121 a tradition that Peter was aid-de-camp to one of the generals; but the compiler has been unable to verify it. He removed from Kingston to the city of New York, after his marriage, and there engaged in the manufacture of sea-biscuit, with his father-in-law, and brother-in-law, each of them named John. Subsequently, he dealt in tobacco and cigars, and had a snuff factory, on the bank of a stream in Ulster County. He became a measurer in the custom house in New York City, about the year 1821, and so remained until a few years before his death. He was six feet two inches in height. He had a book-plate, with a family device, and the name of Peter Wynkoop. This descended to the compiler, in the form of a copper plate, the reverse of which shows part of an engraved invitation to some public function of the Revolutionary period. Prints from this plate were used by Peter as a trade-mark, as well as for his library books. This plate is mentioned more fully in the introduction. Children of Peter and Margaret Wynkoop : 885. Catharine: b. Sept. 7, 1786: d. Nov. 4, 1796. This child was spoken of in the family as very bright and winsome, and as the idol of her father. 886. Sarah: b. June 24, 1788: m. Joseph Packard. 887. Harriet: b. Apl. 24, 1790: d. June 28, 1791. 888. Derrick: b. Jan. 13, 1792: d. Aug. 28, 1792, 889. Harriet: b. Nov. 23, 1793: m. Oliver Dunning. 890. John Quackenbos, M.D.: b. June 26, 1798: d. Sept. i, 182 1, unmarried. He wrote to his brother Richard, under date September 24, 181 9, from "Quarantine Ground," Staten Island, as follows: "I am much pleased with my situation. I have taken up my abode at the Health Officer's — of whom I have every politeness. Dr. Manley has favored me with most of the duties of the hospital." 891. Richard, Rev.: b. Dec. 16, 1798: m. Catharine Schure- man. 892. Jefferson, Rev.: b. Sept. 11, 1801: m. Jane S. Shaw. 893. Catharine Anne: b. Sept. 27, 1804: d. Nov. i, 1805. 894. Eliza: b. Nov. 13, 1809: d. Nov. 27, 1809. 895. Julia Anna: b. Sept. 9, 1811: m. Lockwood K. Campbell. 517. Evert C. Wynkoop, (Maj. Cornelius E. 295, Capt. Evert 112, Cornelius 28, Evert 4, Cornelius i :) died June 20, 1807: 122 Wynkoop Genealogy married, May 8, 1786, Rachel Hardenbergh, born November 29, 1765, died April 26, 1845. It is probable that Rachel was daughter of Rev. Dr. Jacobus Rutsen Hardenbergh, by Dinah Van Bergh, of Amsterdam, Holland, widow of Rev. John Frelinghuysen. The Doctor and his wife were residents of Rosendale, 1781-86, and he ministered to the church in Rochester, Ulster County. ^^i Rachel married, 2d, January 15, 1809, Elias Dupuy, born July 17, 1763, died May i, 1829. She married, 3d, April 28, 1830, Simon Dupuy. No relationship has been traced between Elias and Simon. Children of Evert C. and Rachel Wynkoop : 896. Cornelius E.: b. Aug. 2, 1787: m. Anne Hardenbergh. 897. Dinah Maria: b. Apl. 10, 1789: d. June 21, 1 841, unmarried. 898. Cornelia: b. Feb. 7, 1791: m. John Henry De Witt. 899. Jacob Rutsen: b. Jan. 4, 1800: m. Blandina Delamater. 518. Cornelia Wynkoop, (Maj. Cornelius E. 295, Capt. Evert 112, Cornelius 28, Evert 4, Cornelius i,) baptized June 5, 1769, Kingston: married, November i, 1796, Marbletown, Benjamin Hardenbergh, physician, of Fahsburgh, Suhivan County, N. Y., her cousin. Births of the children are from the Marbletown church records, and baptisms from Kingston church records, all per Henry Brace. Children of Benjamin and Cornelia (W.) Hardenbergh: 900. Cornelius Wynkoop Hardenbergh: b. Sept. 5, 1797. 901. Anne ("Nancy") Ryerson Hardenbergh: b. Nov. 23, 1799. 902. Johannes Ryerson Hardenbergh: bp. Feb. 5, 1802. 903. Cornelius Mancius Hardenbergh: bp. Mch. 13, 1804. 904. Jared Martin Louis Hardenbergh: b. Nov. 7, 1805. 905. Evert Wynkoop Hardenbergh: b. May 12, 1808. 906. Abram Hardenbergh: b. Sept. 13, 1813. 525, Margaret Wynkoop, (Jacobus 303, Cornelius 114, Jacobus 29, Evert 4, Cornelius i,) baptized March 17, 1759, Rochester, Ulster County, N. Y. : married Johannis Sammons. Children of Johannis and Margaret (W.) Sammons: 907. Jane Sammons: bp. May 6, 1779, Rochester. 908. Elizabeth Sammons: bp. Aug. 12, 1780, Rochester. 909. Sammons: bp. Dec. 21, 1784, Rochester. 52S. Jacobus Wynkoop, (Jacobus 303, Cornelius 114, Jacobus 241 Annals of Anier. Pulpit, vol. ix., Ref. Dutch division. Wynkoop Genealogy 123 29, Evert 4, Cornelius i,) baptized January 12, 1766, Rochester, Ulster County, N. Y. : married Syntje or Tryntje Schoonmaker — or both. The record of birth or of baptism of their children is confusing. All are recorded in the Rochester church, except of the 2d, which is in Kingston, and the 3d, in Marbletown. (Syntje is Cynthia, and Tryntje is Catharine, or perhaps Christina.) Children of Jacobus and (S.) Wynkoop: 910. Jacobus: b. May 19, 1792. 911. John: bp. Sept. 20, 1795, mother "Seintje." 912. David: b. Jan. 2, 1797, mother "Syntje." 913. Annatje: b. Apl. 6, 1799, mother "Tryntje." 914. Joshua: b. Apl. 14, 1801, mother "Syntje": m. Maria Van Benschoten. 915. Lydia Van Wagenen: b. Apl. 21, 1803. 916. Rachel: b. July 21, 1805. 917. Isaac: b. Nov. 21, 1807: m. Anne Eliza More, or Mozier. 918. Peter De Witt: b. Oct. i, 18 10. 919. Elizabeth. 530. Anne Wynkoop, (Jacobus 303, Cornelius 114, Jacobus 29, Evert 4, Cornelius i,) baptized February 11, 1770, Rochester, Ulster County, N. Y. This, probably, was the Anne who mar- ried John T. Schoonmaker. The record of birth of the children is in the Rochester church. Children of John T. and Anne (W.) Schoonmaker: 920. Jannetje Schoonmaker: b. Aug. 25, 1791. 921. David Schoonmaker: b. Dec. 18, 1793. 922. Isaiah Schoonmaker: b. Dec. 12, 1794. 923. Antje Schoonmaker: b. Feb. 8, 1800. 924. Mary Eliza Schoonmaker: b. Dec. 17, 1801, or 1811. 532. David Wynkoop, (Jacobus 303, Cornelius 114, Jacobus 29, Evert 4, Cornelius i,) born Nov. 27, 1773, Rochester, Ulster County, N. Y. This was the David, probably, who married Susan Wood. Children of David and Susan Wynkoop : 925. Moses Schoonmaker: b. July 28, 1819, in Rochester. 926 927 928 929 930 Cynthia: b. Jan. 7, 1821, "Syntje." Peter Wood: b. Mch. 7, 1822. Sarah Schoonmaker: b. Oct. 22, 1823. Lena Maria: b. July 13, 1825. Rachel: b. Feb. 13, 1827. 124 Wynkoop Genealogy 931. Lucas Krom: b. May 4, 1829: m., Nov. 29, 1849, Marble- town, Ulster Co., N. Y., Martha N. Henderson. They lived in Ellenville, Ulster Co. 932. Henry De Witt: b. Dec. 27, 1830: lived in Kerhonkson, Ulster Co. At one time he was in the customs service, in N. Y. City. 933. Hannah Ehza: b. Aug. 31, 1832. 934. John Wood: b. July 13, 1834; lived in Centreville, Ulster Co. 539. Evert Wynkoop, (Johannes 306, Evert 124, Johannes E. 36, Evert 4, Cornelius i,) born March 10, 1801: died July 11, 1861 : married, ist, Penelope Border, who died January 25, 1830; married, 2d, October 17, 1830, Elizabeth Putnam, who survived him. Children of Evert and Penelope Wynkoop : 935. John H.: b. June 29, 1819: m. Lydia Yates. 936. Mary: d. in 1850: m. Feb. 18, 1846, George Wells. Children of Evert and EHzabeth Wynkoop : 937. Harriet: d. in Nov., 1852: m. Mch. 18, 1850, Henry Wells. 938. Lewis: d. Apl. 19, 1843. 939. Horace M. : m. Olive L. Williams. 940. Charles: d. in infancy. 941. Hannah: m. William Carson, Jun. 942. Garret. He Hved in Detroit, Mich. 543. Evert Wynkoop, (Joshua 311, Evert 124, Johannes E. 36, Evert 4, Cornelius i,) born September 3, 1796, in Bethlehem, Albany County, N. Y. : died November 12, 1872, in New York City: married, ist, October 23, 1822, Eunice Van Wie Winne, born October 15, 1805, died January 11, 1830, daughter of John D. and Agnes (Van Wie) Winne. He married, 2d, December i, 1836, Jane Barhight, who was widow of Wesley Abbey, and who died March 5, 1845. He kept a store in Albany, N. Y., and the Pearl Street House, at the same time: then the Mansion House, in Syracuse, until it was torn down: the United States Hotel, in Buffalo: a hotel opposite the steamboat landing, in Albany: and the Recess House, in Brooklyn, opposite Atlantic Ferry. Afterwards, he lived in New York City, in what is now the Borough of Manhattan. Children of Evert and Eunice V. W. Wynkoop : 943 944 Wynkoop Genealogy 125 Margaret Pulver: b. Jan. i8, 1824: d. Jan. 14, 1859. John E.: b. Jan. 12, 1826: d. Oct. 3, 1866: m. Sept. 10, 1856, Rosalie Janbert. He was lost in the wrecking of the steamer Evening Star. His widow lived in New York. 945. William: b. Jan. 21, 1828: m., Nov. 5, 1853, Mary Coan. He was a member of the 17th Reg. N. Y. Vol. ; afterwards of Comp. B, 7th U. S. Cavalry. 946. Simon Veeder: b. Jan. 11, 1830: d. Feb. 20, 1832. Children of Evert and Jane Wynkoop : 947. Ira Augustus: b. Nov. 27, 1S37: d. in his 17th year. 948. Henry: b. Oct. 3, 1840. He was a member of the 3 2d Reg. N. Y. Vol. After the Civil War, he was in Comp. D, of the 24th Reg. U. S. Inf. He lived afterwards in Mississippi. 949. Abby Jane: b. Mch. 5, 1845: m. John Bailey. 544. Anne Wynkoop, (Joshua 311, Evert 124, Johannes E. 36, Evert 4, Cornelius i,) born August 4, 1800: married, February 2, 1822, Peter I. Hotaling. Children of Peter I. and Anne (W.) Hotaling: 950. John Hotaling. 951. Margaret Hotaling. 952. Joshua Hotaling: a carpenter: lived in Albany. 953. Philip Hotaling. 954. Anne Hotaling. 955. Sarah Hotaling. 956. Gerrit Hotaling. 957. Mary Hotaling. 958. Charles Hotaling: b. Aug. 13, 1840, in Bethlehem, Albany Co., N. Y. 545. Abraham Wynkoop, (Joshua 311, Evert 124, Johannes E. 36, Evert 4, Cornelius i,) born September 30, 1802 : died May 5, 1876: married, June 22, 1833, in Bethlehem, Albany County, N.Y., Susannah Albright, born August 2, 18 13, died April 7, 1876. They lived in Bethlehem, and died there, and were buried in the cemetery of Feurabush, now Jerusalem. Children of Abraham and Susannah Wynkoop : 959. Joshua: b. Oct. 27, 1834: d. Oct. 21, 1856: m., Feb. 13, 1856, Elizabeth Allen. 960. Jacob: b. Jan. 31, 1836: m. Dec. 27, i860, Margaret Bradt. 961. Margaret: b. Mch. 6, 1837 : m., Nov., 1856, John Van Olinda. 962. Peter: b. May 3, 1838. This Peter seems to have been the 126 Wynkoop Genealogy one who was sergeant of Comp. F, 36th Reg., N. Y. Vol., Capt. Gustavus Dupin: also a member of the 28th Reg. N. Y. Vol. 963. Elizabeth: b. Feb. 7, 1840: m. Jan. 17, 1861, Ephraim Cook. 964. Sarah: b. Mch. 22, 1842: d. Apl. 18, 1843. 965. Sarah: b. May 15, 1844. 966. Maria: b. Sept. 26, 1845: m. Dec. 22, 1864, Leonard Litch- field. 967. Emeline: b. Feb. 17, 1848: d. Aug. 23, 1852, 968. William: b. May 3, 1849. 969. Anna: b. Feb. 7, 1852. 970. John L: b. Feb. 16, 1855. 971. Isaac A.: b. June 29, 1857. 546. Peter Wynkoop, (Joshua 311, Evert 124, Johannes E. 36, Evert 4, Cornelius I,) born May 30, 1804: married, February 21, 1828, in Bethlehem, Albany County, N. Y., Magdalen Long, born September 3, 1807, died May 26, 1835; married, 2d, April 7, 1839, Jane Long, born June 14, 1821, died December 31, 1874, sister to Magdalen. They lived in Albany. Child of Peter and Magdalen Wynkoop : 972. Joshua P.: b. Jan. 4, 1830: d. Mch. 18, 1863, from injury by the railroad cars at West Albany. Children of Peter and Jane Wynkoop : 973. Magdalen: b. July 23, 1840: m., Nov. 4, 1863, Erastus C. Brown. , 974. Leonard: b. Jan. 27, 1843. 975. Hannah M.: b. Dec. 6, 1849. 976. Caroline L. : b. Feb. 16, 1859. 547. Jacob Wynkoop, (Joshua 311, Evert 124, Johannes E. 36, Evert 4, Cornelius i,) born October 19, 1807: married, in 1828, Ellen Carhart. They hved in Coeymans, N. Y. Children of Jacob and Ellen Wynkoop : 977. Peter: b. Mch. 12, 1829: m. Elizabeth Terrell. 978. Anne Eliza: b. Apl. 15, 1831: m. Lansing Beebe. 979. Evert: b. and d. in 1833. 980. Joshua: b. in 1835: m. Amelia Brady. 981. Sarah Jane: b. in 1837: m. William Gordon. 982. John: b. in 1839: m. Ehza Shurman. 983. James H. : b. in 1841. Wynkoop Genealogy 127 984. Henrietta: b. in 1843: m. Barend Ten Eyck. 985. Elizabeth: b. in 1845: m. Peter Hagle. 550. Everett H. Wynkoop, (Hezekiah 315, Evert 132, Heze- kiali 39, Evert 4, Cornelius i,) a twin, bom June 9, 1787 : married September 13, 1821, Maria Post, baptized July 17, 1797, Kaats- baan church, daughter of Isaac and Catrina (Persen) Post. The marriage record describes each of them as of Saugerties, and has his name "Evert": but the wills of his grandfather and of his sister have his name "Everett H." Children of Everett H. and Maria Wynkoop: 986. William: b. Sept. 30, 1823: d. Apl. 17, 1884, at the house of Dr. E. D. Chipman, Saugerties. He m. Susan Snyder; but had no child. 987. Evert: b. June 28, 1826: m. Alida Russell. 988. Isaac: b. June 28, 1829: m., ist, Hannah Hommel; m., 2d, Catharine Champlin. 989. Cornelius Persen: b. June 2, 1832. 990. Asa: b. May 9, 1838. 552, Henry Wynkoop, Judge, (Hezekiah 315, Evert 132, Hezekiah 39, Evert 4, Cornelius i,) born September 13, 1789: died September 4, 1869: married, ist, December 13, 1813, Kaatsbaan church, Nelly Myndertse, born September 23, 1794, died November 10, 1830, daughter of Myndert and Lena (Heer- mans) Myndertse. He married, 2d, January 31, 1835, Hannah Wynkoop [569]. He was commonly known as "Judge Wynkoop," through his having been an associate judge of the Court of Common Pleas. He called himself "wooden judge," and said that the associate judges were thus nicknamed. He died at Catskill, through the overturn of a carriage. A few years before his death, the compiler spent a night at his house, back of Catskill, and found him an intelligent and interest- ing man, with a remarkable memory for dates, which he attri- buted to his one time employment in the business of procuring pensions. He said that it was commonly remarked of the Wyn- koops, that their brain was the last part of them to give out. Children of Judge Henry and Nelly Wynkoop : 991. Hezekiah: b. Mch. 29, 1816: d. in infancy. 992. Myndert: b. Nov. 5, 181 8: m. Mary E. W. Schoonmaker [1020]. 128 Wynkoop Genealogy 993. Hezekiah: b. May 19, 1823: m. Leiza Huyck. 994. Henry: b. Nov. 10, 1830: m. Anna Jane Story. Children of Judge Henry and Hannah Wynkoop : 995. Eleanor Elizabeth Eltinge: b. Oct. 21, 1835: m. Oct. 26, 1853, John M. Schoonmaker. They lived in Saugerties. 996. MariL C. T.: b. Aug., 1843: m- Jan. 16, 1867, John H. Cammer. 553. Alida Wynkoop, (Hezekiah 315, Evert 132, Hezekiah 39, Evert 4, Cornelius i,) born November 11, 1800: died July 30, 1850:^42 married February 2, 1831, Kaatsbaan church, John P. Kimble, born November 12, 1808, died September i, 1853.^42 The record of marriage describes each as of Saugerties, her as Aaltje, and him as John Kimble. Her father's will, in 1853, calls her Elsie, deceased, wife of John P. Kemple. Children of John P. and AHda Kimble: 997. Hezekiah Dederick Kimble: b. Dec. 11, 1831, Kaats- baan church. 998 Eliza Catharine Kimble: b. Sept. 15, 1833. 999. Sarah Maria Kimble: b. June 14, 1839: m. Dr.Warren Kemble, of Saugerties. 1000. John Henry Kimble: h. Feb. 12, 1843-'^^ 560. Peter Wynkoop, (Henry 317, Evert 132, Hezekiah 39, Evert 4, Cornelius i,) baptized January 8, 1792, Kaatsbaan church- married Maria Langendyck, baptized, as per the same record, June 26, 1788, daughter of Cornelius and Johanna (Wolven) Langendyck. They removed to Ohio. Child of Peter and Maria Wynkoop : looi. Anne: bp. Sept. 29, 1817, "Annetje." 561. Tjerck Wvnkoop, "Chereck," (Henry 317, Evert 132, Hezekiah 39, Evert 4, Cornelius i,) baptized April 28, 1794, Kaatsbaan church: died December 6, 1875: married, ist, Mar- garet Hendricks, born May 26, 1803, died April 20, 1864, daughter of John and Anna (Oosterhoudt) Hendricks. He married, 2d, EHza Ten Broeck. the widow Marquet. He lived m Flatbush, Ulster County, N. Y. Now called Heath. Children of Tjerck and Margaret Wynkoop: 1002. Harriet Anne: b. Dec. 22, 1824: m. Martin Edgar Hen- dricks. 242 Tombstone inscription in Saugerties graveyard, per Henry Brace. 243 Rev. Dr. John B. Thompson. Wynkoop Genealogy 129 1003. Eliza Catharine: b. Feb. 27, 1827: m. Joel Burhans. 1004. Asenath: b. June 24, 1829: d. Jan. 2, 1832. 1005. John Hendricks: b. Apl. 4, 1831: d. May 7, 1859. 1006. William Henry: b. Nov. 29, 1834: m. Elizabeth Knowls. 1007. Sarah Margaret: b. Mch. 19, 1839: ni. Lawrence H. Oster- houdt. 563. Alida Wynkoop, (Henry 317, Evert 132, Hezekiah 39, Evert 4, Cornelius i,) born August 14, 1799, Kaatsbaan church; married Henry Schoonmaker. She is called "Allie," in the will of her grandfather. The baptisms are recorded Flatbush, Ulster County. Children of Henry and Alida Schoonmaker; 1008. Tjerck Schoonmaker: b. Ma}^ 27, 1820, the mother "Elsie." 1009. Jane Anne Schoonmaker: b. May 3, 1824, the mother "Alchey." 565. Anne Wynkoop, (Henry 317, Evert 132, Hezekiah 39, Evert 4, Cornelius i,) born January 7, 18 10, Kaatsbaan church: married Abraham Turck, son of Jacob and Anne (Folland) Turck. The baptisms are recorded Flatbush, Ulster County, N. Y. Children of Abraham and Anne Turck : loio. Sarah Turck: b. May 12, 1825. loii. Henry Wynkoop Turck: bp. Aug. 18, 1846 [sic]. 567. Elizabeth Wynkoop, (William 319, Evert 132, Hezekiah 39, Evert 4, Cornelius i,) born November 10, 1797, Kaatsbaan church: married December 31, 1822, Catskill church, John P. Sax, of Athens, N. Y., born December 16, 1792, son of Paulus and Anne (Snyder) Sax. The baptisms are recorded in the Catskill church. Children of John P. and EHzabeth (W.) Sax. 1012. Evert Sax: b. Aug. 21, 1826. 1013. Frederick Trombour Sax : b. Feb. 2, 1829. 1014. Maria Sax: b. Feb. 17, 183 1. 1015. Anne Sax, b. Feb. 17, 1831, a twin. 568. Ahda Wynkoop, (Wilham 319, Evert 132, Hezekiah 39, Evert 4, Cornelius i,) bom September 4, 1799, "Aaltje," Kaats- baan church: married, January 12, 1822, Flatbush church, Ulster County, N. Y., John Hover, of Germantown, N. Y. Children of John and Alida Hover : I30 Wynkoop Genealogy 1016. Alida Hover: bp. Dec. 6, 1822, Catskill ch. : d. Dec. 10. 1017. Amos Sylvester Hover: b. Nov. 25, 1835, German Ref. ch., Germantown, Columbia Co., N. Y. 1018. Frederick Trombour Hover: b. May 17, 1839. 10 1 9. Martin Henry Hover: b. July 14, 1842. 570. Cornelia or Eleanor Wynkoop, (William 319, Evert 132, Hezekiah 39, Evert 4, Cornelius i,) born November 13, 1806, "Neeltje,"Kaatsbaan church: died December 30, 1836: married December 3, 1829, Catskill church, Egbert P. Schoonmaker, of Saugerties, bom March 13, 1803, son of Peter and Alida (Trom- bour) Schoonmaker. Child of Egbert P. and Cornelia Schoonmaker : 1020. Mary Elizabeth Wynkoop Schoonmaker: b. Jan. 26, 1833: m. Myndert Wynkoop [992]. 588. Hezekiah Allen Wynkoop, (Evert 336, Hezekiah 136, Tobias 40, Evert 4, Cornelius i,) born July 20, 1810, Kaatsbaan church: married Hannah Low, of New York City. They lived in Chicago. He was postmaster there about 1865. Child of Hezekiah A. and Hannah Wynkoop : 1021. Jane: b. about 1858. 591. Ida Carolyn Wynkoop, (Evert 336, Hezekiah 136, Tobias 40 Evert 4, Cornelius i,) born February 21, 1815, Kaatsbaan church: married Giles Griffin. They lived in Palenville, Greene County, N. Y. Child of Giles and Ida C. Griffin : 1022. Alfred Griffin: b. about 1850. 593. Tobias Wynkoop, (Evert 336, Hezekiah 136, Tobias 40, Evert 4, Cornelius i,) born December i, 1819, Kaatsbaan church: died October 1 1 , 1858, in New York City : married Ella McKeene, of Pennsylvania. His widow removed with the children to Poughkeepsie. Children of Tobias and Ella Wynkoop : 1023. Josephine. 1024. Annie. 1025. Tobias. 1026. Mary Ella: b. in 1852: d. Dec. 25, 1857, 5, 5, 29. 1027. Emma: b. in 1855: d. Oct. 22, 1862, 7, 6, 8. 595. CorneUa Wvnkoop, (Evert 336, Hezekiah 136, Tobias 40, Evert 4, Cornelius i :) married Samuel Griffin, of Palenville, Greene County, N. Y. Wynkoop Genealogy 131 Children of Samuel and Cornelia (W.) Griffin: 1028. Charles Griffin. 1029. Lucy Griffin. 1030. Ida Griffin. 603. AHda Catalina Wynkoop, (Cornelius 350, Tobias 141, Tobias 40, Evert 4, Cornelius i,) born March 3, 1816, Kaatsbaan church: died December 9, 1882, near Saxton, Ulster County, N. Y. : married, December 6, 1836, Kaatsbaan church, Garret Nelson Abeel. They lived in Palenville, Greene County, N. Y. Children of Garret N. and Alida C. Abeel : 1031. David E. Abeel: m. in July, 1880, Margaret A. Garrison, daughter of Alanson A., of West Saugerties. 1032. Augustus Abeel. 1033. Nelly C. Abeel: m. Schutt. 1034. Romeyn Abeel: b. Oct. 6, 1846: d. Dec. 25, 1846. 631. Alonzo Wynkoop, (John 362, Petrus 142, Tobias 40, Evert 4, Cornelius i,) born May 20, 1831 : married, February 12, 1862, Catharine Miller, who died August 26, 1866. They lived in Manchester, Ontario County, N. Y. Child of Alonzo and Catharine Wynkoop : 1035. Catharine: b. about 1864. 633. Emeline Wynkoop, (John 362, Petrus 142, Tobias 40, Evert 4, Cornelius I,) bom June 14, 1836: married, in May, 1866, Gould Birdseye. They lived in Gorham, Ontario County, N. Y. Child of Gould and Emeline Birdseye : 1036. John Wynkoop Birdseye: m. in 1898, Florence Henry. 639. Catharine Wynkoop, (Cornelius 365, John 144, Cornelius, 44, Gerret 5, Cornelius I,) bom about 1790: married, about 1810, John Newell. Children of John and Catharine Newell : 1037. George W. Newell: b. in 1813: m., about 1844, Amelia J. Slack. 1038. John Blackledge Newell: b. Oct. 25, 1816: m., Oct. 13, 1847, Eliza F. Tillyer. 1039. Margaret N. Newell: b. in 1818: m. Charles Martindale. 1040. Sydonia N. Newell: b. about 1819. 1041. David F. Newell: b. about 1820: d. in infancy. 1042. Catharine Anne Newell: b. about 1824: m, Thomas Worthington. 646. David Wynkoop, (John 370, Gerardus, 153, Gerrit 45, 132 Wynkoop Genealogy Gerret 5, Cornelius i,) born December 7, 1788: died December 6, 1864: married, April 5, 181 2, Emma Morgan, born August 6, 1788, died January 31, 1864. Children of David and Emma Wynkoop : 1043. John: b. Feb. 4, 1813: m. Caroline Olinda Kingsley. 1044. Ely M.: b. Oct. 19, 1814: d. Aug. i, 1841: unmarried. 1045. Isaac William: b. Mch. 31, 181 6: m. Mary Anne Ren- wick. 1046. Thomas Morgan: b. Apl. 22, 1820: m. Elizabeth R. Kingsley. 1047. James Rogers: b. Oct. 16, 1823: m. Susan Van der Voort. 1048. Eliza Anne: b. Sept. 15, 1825: m., Oct. 28, 1849, Morris Underwood, b. in 1823. They live at Clarence Hollow, Erie County, N. Y. 1049. Rebecca Watson: b. Oct. 15, 1828: d. Mch. 23, 1859: un- married. 647. Isaac Wynkoop, (John 370, Gerardus 153, Gerrit 45. Gerret 5, Cornelius i,) born February 16, 1791: died March 5, 187 1 : married, August 16,1815, Anne Winder, born October 27, 1800, daughter of John and Mary (Booz) Winder. The widow lived in Lebanon, Boone County, Ind. Children of Isaac and Anne Wynkoop : 1050. Mary Anne: b. Mch. 18, 1818: d. July 6, 1855: m. Jared King. They had no child. 1051. Elizabeth: b. Feb. 12, 1820: m., ist, Aaron Harris, and had 12 children. Harris died in the Union army, in 1863. Elizabeth m., 2d, Ebenezer Dixon, and lived in Kansas. 1052. James Winder: b. Jan. 23, 1822: m. Amanda Golener. 1053. John: b. Dec. 21, 1823: m. Mary Anne Pierce. They lived in Murfreesboro, Tennessee. 1054. Sarah: b. Feb. 5, 1826: m. Logan De Witt. 1055. Mercy: b. Feb. 2, 1828: d. Mch. 2, 1858: m. Reason Wood, and had one child, a son. 1056. Bridget: b. Feb. 23, 1830: m. William Henry Hall, who d. in the Union army. They lived in Whitestown, Ind. 1057. Henry Clay: b. Feb. 9, 1832 : m. Margaret Harpool. They lived in Lebanon, Ind. 1058. Abner: b. Jan. 16, 1834: m. Mary Anne Wilson. They lived in Cossmantown, Texas. 1059. Catharine: b. June 26, 1836: m. Elba Hopkins. Wynkoop Genealogy 133 1060. Rebecca Jane : b. Sept. 8, 1838: m. John A. Brown. They Hved in Lebanon. 1061. Gerardus: b. Aug. 16, 1840. 1062. David: b. Sept. 29, 1842: m. Mary Jane Fulwider. They Hved in Lebanon. 652. Isaac Wynkoop, (Isaac 371, Gerardus 153, Gerrit 45, Gerret 5, Cornehus i :) married, ist, Rachel Hunt, daughter of John; married, 2d, Maria Scudder, daughter of Abner and Phoebe (Howell) Scudder. Maria died shortly after marriage. Child of Isaac and Maria Wynkoop ; 1063. Edward. 6o4. Mary Wynkoop, (Isaac 371, Gerardus 153, Gerrit 45, Gerret 5, Cornelius i :) died November 8, 1842: married Ralph Lanning, who died May 4, 1843, aged 47 years, son of Amos and Lois (Reed) Lanning. Ralph was, for many years, an elder of the church in Ewing, N. J. Children of Ralph and Mary Lanning: 1064. Isaac Lanning: m. Ruth Van Schaick. He was a lawyer, in Trenton, N. J. 1065. Phoebe Lanning: m. Charles Torbert, of Bucks County, Penn. 1066. Theodore Lanning: m. Eliza Van Schaick. 1067. Rebecca Lanning: m. Simon Prall, of Penn. 1068. Amos Lanning: m. Elizabeth Wilkins. 1069. David Lanning: m. Caroline Brearley, daughter of James and Mehetable (Smith) Brearley, of Lawrenceville. 1070. Elizabeth Lanning: m. Simon Van Arsdalen, of Penn. 1 07 1. Gerardus Lanning: m. Amanda Norton. 1072. Wihiam Lanning: m. Catharine Burroughs, daughter of Reu and Asenath (Matthews) Burroughs, of Hopewell. 1073. Ralph Augustus Lanning. 656. EHzabeth Wynkoop, (Gerrit 372, Gerardus 153, Gerrit 45, Gerret 5, Cornelius i,) bom March 20, 1787: died September 8, 1876, in Trenton, N. J.: married, March 14, 1811, Elias Gilky- son, who died about 1873, aged 84 years. They lived in Bucks County, Penn. ; and afterwards at Yarleyville, in the same State. Elizabeth had kept house for her grandfather, after the death of her grandmother, and until her own marriage. Children of EHas and Elizabeth Gilkyson: 1074. James Gilkyson: a lawyer, in Doylestown, Penn. 134 Wynkoop Genealogy 1075. Albert Gilkyson. He lived in Jersey City. 1076. John Wynkoop Gilkyson. He was, at one time, deputy sheriff, at Orrsville, Cal. 1077. Stephen Rose Gilkyson. He was, in 1861, Captain of Comp. A, 6th Reg. N. J. Inf., and served for three years, and returned as Lieut. -Col. He raised the 40th Reg. N. J., and served until the close of the war. He was wounded in the second battle of Bull Run, and in the Wilderness. 1078. Caroline Gilkyson: m. Theodore Wallace Hill, and lived in Trenton, N. J. 659. Sarah Wynkoop, (Gerrit 372, Gerardus 153, Gerrit 45. Gerret 5, Cornelius i,) bom May 17, 1795: died about August, 1879, in Columbus, O. : married in September, 1813, Edward C. Corbett, who died September 6, 1868. They were then living on land in Clarion County, Penn. Mrs. Corbett lived, afterwards, with her daughter, Mrs. Wray, in Ashley, O. Children of Edward C. and Sarah Corbett : 1079. Wynkoop Corbett. He Hved in Waterloo, Black Hawk County, Iowa. 1080. Wilson Corbett. He was severely wounded, and taken prisoner, at the battle of Fredericksburg, and was never heard of afterwards. 1 08 1. John Corbett. He lived at Belleville, Kirkland Co., O. 1082. Miles Corbett. He was mayor of Ouray, Cal., in 1879. 1083. Sarah Corbett: m. King, of Kingsville, Clarion County, Penn. 1084. Phoebe Corbett: m. McCune. She lived with Mrs. King. 1085. Corbett : m. Mills. She also lived with Mrs. King. J086. Corbett: m. James L. Wray, and lived at Ashley, Delaware Co., O. 1087. 1088. 1089. 661. John Wynkoop, (Gerrit 372, Gerardus 153, Gerrit 45, Gerret 5, Cornelius i :) died in August, i860: married Elizabeth Corbett, niece of Edward C, who married John's sister Sarah. He lived in Clarion County, Penn., for some years, and then re- moved to Forest County, where he engaged in the lumber busi- . Wynkoop Genealogy 135 ness. He was a county commissioner for six years, and a magistrate for several years. Children of John and Elizabeth Wynkoop : 1090. Curtis. Lived in Alleghany Co., Penn., probably. 1 09 1. Francis. Lived somewhere "at the West." 1092. Miles. Lived in Brookville, Jefferson Co., Penn., probably. 1093. 1094. 1095- 663. Mary Anne Wynkoop, (Gerrit 372, Gerardus 153, Gerrit 45, Gerret 5, Cornelius i,) born June 20, 1806: died June 17, 1889: married, in May, 1824, Joseph O'Harra, of Columbus, Ohio, who died March 17, 1864. They bought land on Darby Run, fourteen miles from Colum- bus, shortly after their marriage ; and the widow lived there with her son Gerardus. Children of Joseph and Mary A. O'Harra: 1096. Joseph O'Harra: drowned in Darby Run, aged 5 years. 1097. James Gilkyson O'Harra: b. Dec. 9, 1828: m. Jane Beach. 1098. Garret Wynkoop O'Harra: b. Aug. 16, 1830: m. Rachel A. Bailey. 1099. Anne Maria O'Harra: b. Nov. 2, 1832: m. John R. Rea- son. iioo. Russell Bigelow O'Harra: b. Mch. 15, 1835: m. Sarah E. Sessler. iioi. William Martin O'Harra: b. in 1837: m. Elica Beach. 1102. Gerardus Miles O'Harra: b. June 15, 1841: unmarried. 664. Susan Wynkoop, (Gerrit 372, Gerardus 153, Gerrit 45, Gerret 5, Cornelius i,) bom June 3, 1808: married February i, 1827, Amos Meneley, a Virginian, by birth, who died June 3, 1 86 1. His family name was McNeely, originally. They opened a hotel on Friend Street, Columbus, O., shortly after their marriage; and they kept it for 30 years. The widow was living in Columbus, in 1879, with her daugh- ter, Mrs. Corbett. Children of Amos and Susan Meneley : 1103. Rosalia Amy Meneley : b. Dec. 6, 1827: m. Apl. 20, 1848, Gerardus Corbett, who died about 1878. 136 Wynkoop Genealogy 1104. John Meneley : b. June 8, 1830: m. Mch. 30, 1851, Caroline Brown, of Madison Co., who d. in Oct., 1866. H05. Garret Meneley: b. Dec. 20, 1831: d. Aug. 27, 1836. 1106. Mary Virginia Meneley: b. Oct. 26, 1839: m. July 3, 1861, Theodore Jones, of Columbus. He was Lieut. -Col., in 1 86 1, of the 30th Reg. 0. Inf.; and he became Colonel. He was taken prisoner at the battle of Antietam, and was confined in Libby Prison, for two weeks. He was with Gen'l William T. Sherman, in the march to the sea ; and he returned home as brevet Brig.-Gen'l. 665. Matthew B. Wynkoop, (Matthew 373, Gerardus 153, Gerrit 45, Gerret 5, Cornelius i :) married, ist, Ehzabeth Work: married, 2d, Mary Van Lear. [Van Her = of the lyre]. He lived in Marion, Indiana County, Penn. Children of Matthew B. and Elizabeth Wynkoop : 1107. John. 1 108. Agnes. 1 109. Jane, mo. Elizabeth. Children of Matthew B. and Mary Wynkoop: nil. Robert C. 11 12. Lucinda. 1 1 13. William. 1 1 14. Matthew B. He lived in Brady, Indiana Co., Penn. 1 1 15. James S. 1 1 16. George S. 11 1 7. Emily. 1 1 18. Gerardus. 667. Gerardus Wynkoop, (Matthew 373, Gerardus 153, Gerrit 45, Gerret 5, Cornelius i :) died in July, i860, in Zanesville, Ohio: married Nancy Farrell, of Hagerstown, Md., who died in 1868, in Zanesville. Children of Gerardus and Nancy Wynkoop : 1 1 19. Mary Anne. She died in infancy. 1120. James M.: d. in 1868, in Zanesville. He lived in the South, and served in the Rebel army, and was in the en- gagements at Pensacola and Pittsburg Landing; and, at Murfreesboro, he was taken prisoner. He had been a member of the ist Reg. Ohio Vol., in the war against Mexico. Wynkoop Genealogy ^37 1121. John B.; d. in his i8th year, in Raymond, Miss. He was for a short time, editor of the Zanesville Aurora, and he contributed leading articles to the Louisville Courier, and essays and poems, to several other journals. 1 122. Matthew Bennett: b. Feb. i6, 1830: m. Susie V. Hanlin. 1 1 23. Gerardus. He died in infancy. 1 1 24. William N. He also died in infancy. 1 1 25. Henry W. : b. Dec. 31, 1837: m. Mary C. Wilson. 668. David Wynkoop, (Matthew 373, Gerardus 153, Gerrit 45, Gerret 5, Cornelius i :) married Jane McCune, of Indiana County, Penn. He was subsequently a planter in Muskingum County, Ohio. Children of David and Jane McC. Wynkoop : 1 1 26. Hannah. 1 1 27. Elizabeth. 1 1 28. Margaret. 1 1 29. Matilda. 1 130. Julia Anne. 1 131. David A. 669. John Wynkoop, (Matthew 373, Gerardus 153, Gerrit 45, Gerret 5, Cornelius i,) bom August 3, 1804: died December 23, 1880: married, March i, 1827, Jane Mosgrove, of Kittanning, Armstrong County, Penn. He lived in Strattonville, Clarion County, Penn. His widow was living, in 1886, in Worth ville, Jefferson County, Penn., with her daughter, Mrs. Geist. Children of John and Jane Wynkoop : 1132. Jane; b. Mch. 6, 1828: d. in infancy. 1 133. Matthew:, b. Mch. 17, 1829: m. Elizabeth W. Wright. 1134. Mary Anne: b. July 6, 1831: m., ist, Feb. 2, 1854, Capt. John McNutt, of Clarion Co., Penn., who died Oct. i, 1879. He kept a store in Worth ville. She married, 2d, Alvin Startzel. 1 135. Elizabeth Thomasine : b. Apl. 13, 1835: m., Nov. 12, 1863, Christopher Thompson, who d. June 18, 1886. He was a planter, at Mechanicsville, Clarion Co. The widow lived in Frampton, in the same county. 1 136. IsabeUa F. : b. Aug. 16, 1837: m., Nov. 27, 1855, Samuel Cale, of Shippensburg, Columbia Co., Penn. They lived in Corsica, Jefferson Co. 1137. Rebecca Jane: b. Jan. 28, 1840: m. Jesse G. Geist. 138 Wynkoop Genealogy 1138. James H. : b. Sept. 2, 1842. He entered the Union army, in 1863: was wounded at the battle of Cold Harbor, Va. ; and died June 3, 1864. 1139. Caroline: b. Sept. 13, 1844: d. Aug. 3, 1854. 1140. John C. : b. Sept. 15, 1847: d. Oct. 29, 1848. 670. Eliza R. Wynkoop, (Matthew 373, Garardus 153, Gerrit 45, Gerret 5, Cornelius i :) married William Martin. They lived in Cunningham, Clarion County, Penn. Children of William and Eliza R. Martin : 1 141. John W. Martin. 1 142. Sarah R. Martin. 1 143. Margaret J. S. Martin. 1 144. Maria P. Martin. 671. William Wynkoop, (Matthew 373, Gerardus 153, Gerrit 45, Gerret 5, Cornelius i :) married Mary Smouse, of Indiana County, Penn. Child of William and Mary Wynkoop : 1145. David: b. Aug. 3, 1827: m. Margaret Montgomery. 675. James Wynkoop, (David 374, Gerardus 153, Gerrit 45, Gerret 5, Cornelius i,) born October 17, 1800: married, February 22, 1826, Mary Wood, of Philadelphia. He was a planter, near Mount Vernon, O. Children of James and Mary Wynkoop : 1146. David: m. Elizabeth Farley, of Elizabethtown, Kentucky, and lived near that place. 1 147. William: m. Jane Mary Somers, of Knox County, O., and was a planter in that county. 1 148. Margaretta: m. Norman Bliss. She survived him, and lived in Jasper County. Iowa. 1 149. Catharine. 1150. Mary. 677. Stephen Rose Wynkoop, Rev., (David 374, Gerardus 153, Gerrit 45, Gerret 5, Cornelius i,) born November 24, 1806, in Northampton, Bucks County, Penn.; died, June 8, 1876, in Princeton, N. J., of pneumonia: married, August 24, 1836, Au- relia Mills, bom November 26, 1800, died December 26, 1891, daughter of Judge Isaac and Abigail (Phelps) Mills, the former of New Haven, Conn., and the latter of Stafford Springs, Tolland County, in the same State. The family name, Mills, was origin- ally Van der Meulen, or Molen, that is, of the mills. Wynkoop Genealogy 139 Stephen was graduated at Union College, in 1829. His first occupation was that of teacher, in Albany, N. Y., and in Ohio. He accompanied Rev. John Leighton Wilson, to Africa, in 1833-34, upon a tour of investigation, on behalf of the American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions, exploring the western coast, to select a favorable location for a mission. He entered the seminary, in Princeton, N. J., in 1834, and spent two years in study; but his health had been impaired by a fever resulting from his African trip, and his studies were delayed. However, he was licensed by the presbytery of New Brunswick, February 8, 1837, and was ordained by them, August 7, 1838; and he then took charge of the First Presbyterian Church, in Wilmington, Del. It was in a very low condition, spiritually and secularly; but, under his labors, it soon showed signs of growth and prosperity. He was installed as pastor, January 22, 1839, by the presbytery of Newcastle. The relation thus constituted proved to be a very happy one, and continued in unbroken harmony, and great usefulness, for nearly twenty years, in which period, continuous and numerous additions were made to the church, to which he ministered with fervor and success as a preacher, and with remarkable fidelity as a pastor. In the autumn of 1857, his health had become feeble, and he felt constrained to go southward, for the winter. He offered his resignation; but the church declined to receive it, with strong ex- pressions of attachment to their pastor ; but they granted to him leave of absence for a year. He then went to Florida; but, in the spring following, his health was not restored, and his voice was incapable of preaching service, and he again presented his resignation, and the pastoral relation was dissolved, April 13, 1858. The three years following were spent by him at New Haven, where his two sons were in college. The years from 1862 to 1868 were spent chiefly in travel, with sojourns in many places of interest, in this country and in Europe. In 1869, he settled down in Princeton, N. J., which was his residence thenceforth, until the end of his life. His son, Theodore, had become a missionary to northern India, and the parents left home, in August, 1870, and made a visit to their son, of more than a year, reaching home again in August, 1872. He was a modest, true, kindhearted man, instructive as a preacher, faithful and beloved as a pastor, honored by his I40 Wynkoop Genealogy brethren, and successful in the whole work of the ministry. His widow made her home with her son, then pastor of the Western Presbyterian Church, Washington, D. C.^44 He was tall and spare in figure, and had a calm and intellectual face. The compiler met with him, in the city of New York; and, with his widow, in Washington, in 1880. Children of Rev. Stephen and Aurelia Wynkoop : 1 151. Theodore Stephen, Rev.: b. Nov. 22, 1839: married Oct. 10, 1893, at Georgetown, D. C, Mary Mason Dodge, only daughter of William and SalHe E. (Mason) Dodge. He was graduated at Yale College, in 1861, and subse- quently at the seminary, in Princeton: was ordained October 13, 1864, and installed pastor of the 2d Pres- byterian Church, Huntington, L. I., N.Y. : the pastoral relation was dissolved in October, 1868: and he sailed for India, as missionary, in November, 1868, and was sta- tioned at Allahabad, in northern India. He returned to the United States, in September, 1876, and was installed as pastor of the Western Presbyterian Church, Washington, D. C, October 23, 1878. His resig- nation of that pastorate was approved August 21, 1893, by the presbytery of Washington City, and he closed his ministry there, Sunday, August 27. He and his wife sailed from New York, October 14, 1893 ; and, on January 4, 1894, he took charge of his new office, as Secretary of the North India Bible Society. In the May following, he was made honorary secretary of the North India Tract Society. 1 152. Gerardus Hillis, M.D.: b. June 4, 1843: m. Anne Eliza Woodbury. 678. Henr}^ Wynkoop, (David 374, Gerardus 153, Gerrit 45, Gerret 5, Cornelius i,) bom January 16, 1809: married, October 9, 1833, Lydia Cornell, born September 30, 1814. He was a planter at Brownsbury, Columbia County, Penn. ; and, after- wards, at Taylorsville, Bucks County. Children of Henry and Lydia Wynkoop : 1153. Stephen R. : b. Feb. i, 1835: d. Oct. 6, 1843. 1 1 54. Louisa Anne: b. Sept. 3, 1836: m., Jan. 11, i860, James B. Jamison. They lived in Taylorsville. 1 1 55. Ellen K. : b. Mch. 8, 1839: m. Samuel T. Buckman. '•'•''• Necrological report to the alumni of the seminary at Princeton, 1877. Wynkoop Genealogy 141 1 156. Mary: b. May lo, 1S41. 1 157. David: b. Jan. 20, 1S44: d. Sept. 11, 1844. 1158. Henry: b. Aug. 17, 1847: m. Feb. 17, 1870, Emily G. Nippes, dau. of Henry and Anna (Kenderdine) Nippes, and their dau., Anna, m. Lieut. George Marvell. 1 159. Harriet B: ni. — ■ Quick. 681. Thomas Langstroth Wynkoop, (WilHam 375, Gerardus 153, Gerrit 45, Gerret 5, CorneHus i,) born January 18, 1802: married, January 11, 1827, EHzabeth Torbert, bom November 14, 1798, daughter of James and Margaret Torbert. He was a planter, in Bucks County, Penn. Children of Thomas L. and Elizabeth Wynkoop: 1160. James Torbert: b. Apl. 8, 1829: m., Jan. 13, 1853, Rachel Cornell, b. Nov. 4, 183 1, daughter of William and Margaret (Stevens) Cornell. He was a planter, in Bucks County. 1161. Catharine Langstroth: b. Aug. 11, 1831: m., Feb. 22, 1854, Anthony T. Vansant, a planter in Bucks County. [Van Zand = of the sand.] 1 162. William: b. July i, 1835: m. Rachel A. Blaker. 1163. Samuel Torbert : b. Sept. 29, 1837: m. Eliza Conly Snyder. 1164. Thomas Henry: b. Aug. 28, 1841 : d. June 17, 1862. He was a member of the 104th Reg. Penn. Vol., and was transferred to the gun-boat Mound City, and was killed by her explosion. There were two rebel batteries, at St. Charles, White River, Ark. ; and, at the storming of them, a cannon ball penetrated the vessel, and pierced her boiler. Out of 175 men on the vessel, only 26 survived. ^-+5 682. Gerardus Wynkoop, (William 375, Gerardus 153, Gerrit 45, Gerret 5, Cornelius i,) born May 6, 1803: died in 1889: married, ist, December 27, 1832, Matilda McNair, born August 2, 181 1, died April 16, 1852: married, 2d, October 19, 1856, Isabella Craven, born January 28, 1825, daughter of John and Elizabeth Craven. He was a planter, in Bucks County, Penn. Children of Gerardus and Matilda Wynkoop : 1165. Susan Baker: b. June i, 1S36: m. Dec. 30, 1868, Elias E. Smith, M.D., and settled in Newtown, Penn. 1166. Emeline Elizabeth: b. Apl. 7, 1842: m. Feb. 11, 1869, William Patterson, of Doylestown, Penn. 245 Hist, of the Civil War in America, Comte de Paris, vol. ii., p. 208. 142 Wynkoop Genealogy 1 167. Mary Alice: b. Aug. 22, 1844: m. Elijah Torbert. Children of Gerardus and Isabella Wynkoop : 1 168. Matilda Emma: b. Sept. 29, 1857: m. John L. Janney. 1169. George Craven : b. Jan. 7, 1859: d. May, 1891: unmarried. 1 1 70. Elizabeth: b. June i, 1863. 684. Catharine Wynkoop, (William 375, Gerardus 153, Gerrit 45, Gerret 5, Cornelius i,) born September 24, 1806: died Decem- ber 18, 1834: married, October 14, 1824, James B. McNair, M.D. They settled in Pennington, N. J. Children of Dr. James B. and Catharine McNair: 1 17 1. WiUiam McNair. A Presbyterian minister. 1172. II73- 1174. II75- 686. Christopher Langstroth Wynkoop, (William 375, Gerar- dus 153, Gerrit 45, Gerret 5, Cornelius i,) born September 2, 1 8 10: married, July 25, 1835, Catharine Maria Wyckoff. He lived in Pennington, N. J.; and, afterwards, in Newtown, Penn. He delved among the family and other records, in pursuit of some landed interests ; and from him the compiler derived con- siderable information. Children of Christopher L. and Catharine M. Wynkoop : 1 176. James Stephenson. 1 177. Sarah Reynolds: m., in 1863, William Shelmire. 1 178. Samuel Wyckoff: a private in the 54th Reg. Penn. Vol. 1179. Mary. 693. Susan Wiley, (Susan Wynkoop 376, Gerardus 153, Gerrit 45, Gerret 5, Cornelius i :) married Isaac Baker, of Princeton, N. J. Children of Isaac and Susan Baker: 1 180. Elias Baker: m. Ehzabeth Craig Burroughs. 1 181. Phoebe Baker: m., ist, WilHam Ely; m., 2d, Alexander Hamilton. 1 182. Stephen Baker: m. Kate Ashfield. 1 183. Samuel Baker: m. Mary McNair. 1184. Elizabeth Rose Baker: b. Nov. 30, 1837: m. Rev. Dr. Joseph T. Duryea. 693. Caroline Wiley, (Susan Wynkoop 376, Gerardus 153, Gerrit 45, Gerret 5, Cornelius i :) married John Gulick, of King- ston, N. J. Wynkoop Genealogy i43 Children of John and Caroline Gulick : 1 185. Henry Gulick. 1 186. Harriet Gulick. 1 1 87. Hannah Gulick. 694. David Wiley, (Susan Wynkoop 376, Gerardus 153, Gerrit 45, Gerret 5, Cornelius i ;) married Elizabeth Welling, daughter of Isaac. They lived in Pennington, N. J. 1 188. Isabella Wiley. 1 189. Welling Wiley. ;p- 710. Garret Wynkoop, (Garrett 381, Adrian 154, Gerrit 45, Gerret 5, Cornelius i :) married, in 1841, Julia Adelaide Mountz, who died October 26, 1872, daughter of Jacob and Pamelia Mountz, of Georgetown, D. C. He was in mercantile business, in Hedgesville, W. Va., from 1840. Children of Garret and Julia A. Wynkoop : 1190. Pamelia Winter: m. Dr. Lafayette H. Jordan, of Mount Jackson, Shenandoah Co., Va. 1 191. Mary Emma: m., May 22, 1883, Rev. William Thomas Leavell, rector of the P. E. church, at Hedgesville and at Berkeley Springs, Va. 1 192. Adrian Garret: m., Oct. 14, 1891, Mary Brooke Yates, of Flowing Springs, Va. He was a lawyer, at Woodstock, Va. ; and he is of the firm of Wynkoop, Walter, & Co., real estate agents, at Charlestown, W. Va. : and he is, or was, president of the real estate exchange. 1 193. Julia Adelaide: m. D^'^ti^s'Decimus Carter, M.D., of Maryland. 1 194. Clara Virginia: m., in 187?, Rev. James Owen Dorsey, of the Episcopal church. 1 195. William Hamilton: died aged 18 months, 712. Anne Beattie, (Christina Wynkoop 390, Judge Henry 157, Nicholas 46, Gerret 5, Cornelius i,) born September 18, 1788 : married, June 6, 1820, Rev. Alexander Boyd, pastor of the Presbyterian church, at Newtown, Penn. Children of Rev. Alexander and Anne Boyd: 1 196. Reading Beattie Boyd: b. Feb. 12, 1821 : studied medicine, and went as U. S. assistant surgeon, to Oregon or Wash- ington: left the army, and settled there. ^^6 ^^^ Record of the Family of Charles Beatty; and Mrs. Mary Bea'tie Harvey. 144 Wynkoop Genealogy 1197. James Worth Boyd: b. Mch. 18, 1828. He was in the war against Mexico, and was seized by a disease of whicli he died in hospital, in Cincinnati. 1198. Henry Beattie Boyd: b. in May, 1832: d. aged 4 mos. 714. Charles Clinton Beattie, M.D., (Christina Wynkoop 390, Judge Henry 157, Nicholas 46, Gerret 5, Cornelius i,) bom Aug- ust 27, 1793: d. in March, 1876: married, in November, 1822, Rebecca Vanuxem, of Morrisville, Penn., who died October 9, 1864. She was sister to James, Jun., mentioned under 392. In 1825, he removed from Penn's Manor to Abington; and retired from the practice of medicine shortly after and settled upon a plantation. He was a ruling elder of the Abington church, and superintendent of the Sabbath-school: also one of the pubHc school directors. He sold his plantation, after the death of his daughter and his wife, and lived with his sisters in Abington. Child of Dr. Charles C. and Rebecca Beattie: 1 199. Ellen Beattie: b. Sept. 27, 1823: d. in 1863. She was an invalid, for the greater part of her life. 716. Mary Beattie, (Christina Wynkoop 390, Judge Henry 157, Nicholas 46, Gerret 5, Cornelius i,) born January 6, 1798: died February 28, 1887: married, October 20, 1820, Rev. Robert Steel, born January 9, 1794, in the north of Ireland, died Septem- ber 2, 1862. He was pastor of the Abington church. His widow remained in Abington. Children of Rev. Robert and Mary Steel : 1200. Anne Elizabeth Steel : b. Sept. 10, 1823: m., Oct. 21, 1845, John J. C. Harvey, a planter, near Abington, afterwards, of Jenkintown. He was superintendent of the erection of the Presbyterian church in Abington, and of the mission chapel in Jenkintown. He was a member of the State Legislature. 1201. Christina Beattie Steel: b. May 5, 1825. She was engaged in teaching, for a time: afterwards, she lived with her mother, and was active in the church and Sabbath-school. 1202. Reading Beattie Steel: b. June 3, 1829: was drowned June 10, 1847, while bathing in the Delaware River. He was then a member of Lafayette College, Easton. Penn, 1203. James Henry Steel: b. Sept. 9. 1831, d. Aug. 22, 1832. 1204. Robert Boileau Steel: b. July 10, 1833: d. Aug. 31, 1834. Wynkoop Genealogy i45 1205. Sarah Wilson Steel: b. July 8, 1836: d. Apl. 15, 1865, suddenly, while apparently in perfect health. 1206. Charles Beattie Steel: b. July 8, 1838: d. July 20, 1838. 1207. Mary Beattie Steel; b. Dec. 30, 1839: m. Dr. Samuel B. Harvey. 717. John Beattie, (Christina Wynkoop 390, Judge Henry 157, Nicholas 46, Gerret 5, Cornelius i,) born May 13, 1800: married, ist, April 16, 1828, Emily P. Moore, who died July 17, 1829, eldest daughter of Dr. Samuel Moore, of Philadelphia: married, 2d, December 4, 1833, Mary Asheton Henry, of Evansburg, Penn., who was living in 1873. He lived with his parents, at Newtown, Penn., after the death of his first wife, for about a year. He bought from Dr. Moore, land at Bridgepoint, and occupied it, 1831-41: then he sold it, and occupied other land in the neighborhood. He entered into the coal business, at Port Carbon, in 1842, and left it in 1844, and removed to the manse in Abington, which he occupied for three years. Thence he removed to Huntington, where he remained until 1856, and then settled in Doylestown. He was a ruling elder of the churches, in Port Carbon, Abington, and Doylestown, respectively. He was 6 feet 3 inches in height. Child of John and Emily P. Beattie : 1208. Emily Beattie: b. July 4, 1829: m., Oct. 12, 1858, George F. Curwen, a planter, of Walnut Hill. Children of John and Mary A. Beattie : 1209. Reading Beattie: b. Sept. 2., 1834: m., Feb. 19, 1S56, Harriet A. Moorhead. 1210. Frances Henry Beattie: b. Nov. 5, 1837: m., Nov. 9, 1861, Capt. Robert Holmes, U. S. Vol. 121 1. Joseph Henry Beattie: b. Mch. 11, 1840: m., Oct. 24, 1865, Olive M. Keams, of Potterfield, Penn. 1212. Susan Asheton Beattie: b. Nov. 30, 1842. 720. Henry Raguet, (Anne Wynkoop 391, Judge Henry 157, Nicholas 46, Gerret 5, Cornelius i :) married Marcia A. Towers, and removed to Cincinnati. He removed thence to Texas, before it had achieved its independence. Children of Henry and Marcia A. Raguet : 1 213. Conde Raguet: m. Fannie . 1 2 14. Augusta Amelia Raguet, who died in the Borough of Man- hattan, New York City, December 18, 1902: m. Leonard 146 Wynkoop Genealogy Mortimer Thorne, of New York City. The compiler first saw the family motto, in an engraving upon a piece of silverware in her possession. As to this motto, see Judge Henry [157]. 1 2 15. Henry Raguet: m. Pamie 0. Starr; but had no child. His widow married Clapp. 1 21 6. Anna W. Raguet: m. Irion. 1 217. Charles Mansfield Raguet: m. Belle Edwards; and had one child. 733. John Wanshaer Wynkoop, (Dr. Nicholas 393, Judge Henry 157, Nicholas 46, Gerret 5, Cornelius i,) born September 9, 1794, in Newtown, Bucks County, Penn. : died July i, 1837, in Pottsville, Schuylkill County: married, March 4, 1819, Angeline C. Estill, who died April 13, 1877, daughter of Britton Estill, of Philadelphia. He is described as a man of great cultivation and refinement. Some pleasant verses of his, addressed "To sister Mary," written in 1832, found their way into the Home Journal, New York, February 23, 1856, under the appropriate title of "The Voyage of Life." They were given in the supplement to the second edition of this genealogy. Children of John W. and Angeline Wynkoop : 1 2 18. Francis Murray, Col.: b. in 1820: m. Anna McK. D. Twiggs. 1219. Anna Maria: b. Jan. 26, 1821: m. Thomas Ives Atwood. 1220. Emily: b. in 1824: m., ist, in 185 1, Dr. Thomas Kempton, who d. 9 months afterward; m., 2d, in 1854, Col. William Brindle, of Penn. She died March 15, 1865, and her child, Margaret Petrikin, died three hours later, aged one month. 1221. John Estill, Col.: b. in 1S26: m., ist, Harriet Halberstadt; m., 2d, Annie Halberstadt. 1222. Charles Shippen: b. in 1828: m. Catharine Carmichael. 1223. George, Lieut. -Col.: b. in 1830: m. Mary Trayer. 1224. Edward Wanshaer, Col.: b. in 1836: m. Louisa Brown. 734. Henry Wynkoop, (Dr. Nicholas 393, Judge Henry 157, Nicholas 46, Gerret 5, Cornelius i,) born February 23, 1804: married, ist, in 1827, Elizabeth Estill, daughter of Britton: married, 2d, Catharine Alexander Snell, daughter of Captain James and Mary (Gordon) Snell. Children of Henry and Elizabeth Wynkoop : Wynkoop Genealogy i47 1225. George Campbell: b. in 1828: ni. , who died, leav- ing 3 children, Anna, Etta, and . He lived in San Francisco, Cal. 1226. Isabella: b. Oct. 20, 1834: m. Jonas White Cole. 725. George Campbell Wynkoop, Gen'l, (Dr. Nicholas 393, Judge Henry 157, Nicholas 46, Gerret 5> Cornelius i,) born Febru- ary 27, 1806: died September 29, 1882, in Pottsville, Penn. : married March 24, 1831, Mary Walker. He was one of the four brigadiers from Pennsylvania, in the 3 months service, during the war for the Union. Afterwards, he commanded the 7th Penn. Cav., in Tennessee, where his son, Nicholas, was killed. He lived in Pottsville, and was elected sheriff, in 1867, on the Republican ticket. Children of Gen'l GeOrge C. and Mary Wynkoop: 1227. Nicholas, Lieut.: b. Dec. 25, 1831: m. Almira Herman. 1228. Sarah Elizabeth: b. Mch. 27, 1833: d. Jan. 3, 1859: m. May 5, 1858, George Heebner. 1229. Helen Campbell: b. Feb. 27, 1835. 1230. Anna Maria: b. Feb. 18, 1837: m. James H. B. Warfield. 1231. Mary Pastrome: b. Dec, 1838: d. Dec. 8, 1841. 1232. Isabella Town: b. Sept. i, 1840: m., Nov. 28, 1865, Charles Beck. 1233. Mary Anne: b. Apl. 2, 1842. 1234. Martha Washington : b. Feb. 22, 1844: m., Sept. 22, 1875, Jonathan Paxson. 1235. Frances Jane: b. Mch. 27. 1846: m. Joseph Paxson. 1236. George Campbell: b. in 1847: lived in Minersville , Schuylkill Co. 1237. Clara A. : b. Jan. 27, 1851. 1238. Louisa Paxson: b. Dec. 31, 1852. 1239. William Hughes: b. Feb. 21, 1855. 726. Mary Helen Wynkoop, (Dr. Nicholas 393, Judge Henry 157, Nicholas 46, Gerret 5, Cornelius i,) born June 16, 18 10: died September 4, 1861: married, November 20, 1834, Samuel Clay- ton Radford, born January 22, 1810, died October 14, 1883, son of Aaron and Mary (Allen) Radford. Children of Samuel C. and Mary H. Radford: 1240. Edward Donaldson Radford: b. Sept. 20, 1835; d. Oct. 9 1839. 148 Wynkoop Genealogy 1241. Sarah Francenia Radford: b. Nov. 14, 1836: d. Mch. 14, 1838. 1242. Mary Helen Radford: b. Apl. 3, 1839. She was Hving in Upper Darby, Delaware Co., Penn., in 1880; and in Philadelphia in June, 1899. The compiler received valuable information from her. 1243. Sarah Francenia Radford: b. Aug. 31, 1841: d. Dec. 25, 1874: m., Feb. 27, 1861, John Wesley Pierson, son of C. C. and Martha Fernley (Haworth) Pierson. 1244. Samuel Henry Radford: b. Sept. 26, 1846: d., in 1890, in Michigan. He enlisted, June 19, 1863, in Comp. A, 33d Reg. Penn. Vol. Militia, for an emergency, and was dis- charged, August I, 1863, at Philadelphia. He served afterwards, until the close of the war. 1245. George Campbell Radford: b. May 5, 1848: d. the same day. 1246. Henry Wynkoop Radford, a twin: b. May 5, 1848: d. Aug. 5, 1848. 1247. Catharine Wynkoop Radford: b. Dec. 25, 1850: m., Jan. 23, 1878, John W. Pierson, named above. 738. Sarah Francenia Wynkoop, (Dr. Nicholas 393, Judge Henry 157, Nicholas 46, Gerret 5, Cornelius i,) born August 13, 1813: died March 2, 1899: married, November 30, 1840, Charles Watkins ElHott, of Arkansas, who died February 7, 1846, son of Benjamin and Frances (Pancha) Elliott. The widow lived in West Philadelphia. Children of Charles W. and Sarah F. Elliott : 1248. Edward Benjamin Elliott: b. Nov. 24, 1841: d. Feb. 23, 1899. He served in the Union army. 1249. WilUam Henderson Elliott: b. May 23, 1844: d. Nov. 15, 1863. in the Union army. 1250. Charles Watkins Elliott: b. Oct. 18, 1846. 729. Margaret Ledley Wynkoop, (Jonathan 396, Judge Henry 157, Nicholas 46, Gerret 5, Cornelius i,) born April 18, 18 10: died January 29, 1893, in Harrisburg, Penn.: married, May 14, 1833, Rev. Dr. James Clemsen Watson, born January 5, 1805, in Donegal township, Lancaster County, Penn., died suddenly, August 31, 1880, while on a visit in Pliiladelphia, son of John and Margaret (Clemson) Watson. The body of each was buried in the Wildwood Cemetery, near Williamsport, Penn. Wynkoop Genealogy 149 Dr. Watson attended the academy, in Newtown, Bucks County, Penn., taught by Rev. Alexander Boyd [712]: entered the College of New Jersey, Princeton, November 10, 1824, was graduated September 26. 1827, and entered the theological seminary, Princeton, November 9, 1827: was ordained October 4, 1832, and installed pastor of the churches in Gettysburg and Great Conewago, by the presbytery of Carlisle, and he remained there about eighteen years. He was pastor of the church at Clinton, N. J., 1849-51: of the church in Kingston, N. J., about four years: and he became pastor, in December, 1854, of the church in Milton, Penn., and was in that charge when he died. The church building in Milton was destroyed by fire in May, 1880; but the manse received little injury. Children of Dr. James C. and Margaret L. Watson: 1 25 1. Mary Patterson Watson: b. Aug. 23, 1835, at Gettysburg, Pa. : unmarried : she lives part of the time with her brother Henry, and the remainder with her brother Robert. 1252. Henry Wynkoop Watson: b. Oct. 5, 1836: m., ist, Mary Montgomery: m., 2d, Mary A. Cummin. 1253. Robert Belville Watson, M.D.: b. May 7, 1838: m., ist, Emma Louisa Grafins: m., 2d, Annie Elliott. 733. Susan Wynkoop, (Jonathan 396, Judge Henry 157, Nicholas 46, Gerret 5, Cornelius i,) born October i, 181 6: died January 10, 1839, in St. Louis, Mo. : married, December 29, 1835, Rev. Luther Halsey Van Doren, born in May, 1808, in Hopewell, Orange County, N. Y., died in October, 1876, while pastor of the Dutch Church, in Middletown, N. J., son of Rev. Isaac and Abbie (Halsey) Van Doren. Luther was graduated at the College of New Jersey, Princeton, in 183 1 : studied theology with Rev. Dr. R. B. Smith, Bishop of the Episcopal Church in Kentucky : was licensed by the presby- tery of West Lexington, Ky. : was ordained by the presbytery of Columbia, Mo., in 1834: founded the strong and influ- ential First Presbyterian Church, in St. Louis, Mo. : was president of Columbia College, now the University of Missouri: was pastor in Farmington, Mo., and Columbia, Mo.: was pastor of the Tennant Church, Freehold, N. J., some 15 years: pastor at Paducah, Ky., 2 years: was pastor, in succession, of the Spring Street Presbyterian Church, and 50th Street Presbyterian Church, New York: New Vernon, N. J.: Montville Reformed 150 Wynkoop Genealogy Church, 1871-74: Middletown, 1874-76. His sermons were largely blessed. ^^^7 He married, 2d, in 1840, Lydia A. Camahan, who died in 1881, in Middletown, daughter of Rev. Dr. James Camahan, President of the College of New Jersey. Child of Luther H. and Susan (W.) Van Doren: 1254. Jonathan Edwards Wynkoop Van Doren: b. Dec. 15, 1836: m. Achsale AmeHa Dey Applegate. 734. Isabella Meredith Wynkoop, (Jonathan 396, Judge Henry 157, Nicholas 46, Gerret 5, Cornelius i,) bom July 26, 182 1: died in 1892, in Trenton, and was buried there: married, Febru- ary 21, 1855, Rev. Winthrop Bailey, who died in August, 1865, while pastor of the Presbyterian church, at Southeast Centre, Putnam County, N. Y. Mr. Bailey had been married before; and his first wife left children. Mrs. Isabella M. Bailey was living with her daughter, Mrs. Wright, in Trenton, N. J., in 1889. She had in her possession, at that time, the portrait of Judge Henry Wynkoop [157]. She furnished material for this genealogy ; and gave to the compiler a letter from Judge Henry Wynkoop. Children of Winthrop and Isabella M. Bailey: 1255. Emma Bailey: d. in infancy. 1256. Anna Wynkoop Bailey: b. Sept. 2, 1857: married William Lewis Puffer, of West Newton, Mass., where he resides. He is professor in the School of Technology, Boston. They have children: Isabella Bailey; Lewis; Dorothy; and Anna Bailey. 1257. Frances Henrietta Bailey: b. July 6, 1859: married Wil- liam Robbins Wright, of Trenton, N. J.; afterwards, principal of the public school at Nutley, N.J. They have three children : Elizabeth Robbins; Winthrop Robbins; and Harmon. 743a. Frankhn Wynkoop, (John 411, Philip 166, Philip 48, Gerret 5, Cornelius i,) born November 17, 1836, in Montgomery County, Penn: motorman: married, December 20, 1865, in Philadelphia, Emma Skinner, born July 17, 1846, in Philadelphia, daughter of Charles Bryant and Catharine (Jones) Skinner. Children of Franklin and Emma Wynkoop : 247 Manual of the Reformed Church, Corwin, 1902. Wynkoop Genealogy 151 1257A. Albert Hamisch, Rev.: b. Sept. 17, 1866: m. Lois W. Lyman. 1257B. Sarah Yerkes; b. Mch. 14, 1868. 1257c. Catharine Lavinia: b. Oct. 9, 1869. 1257D. Anna Yerkes: b. Aug. 19, 1871. 1257E. Edward Reading: b. Feb. 14, 1875. 1257F. Charles Bryant Skinner: b. Sept. 4, 1876. 1257G. Frank: b. June 30, 1879. 1257H. Theodore Skinner: b. Ma}^ 17, 1886. 1257 I. Julius Henry Skinner: b. Feb. 23, 1889. 760. Alida Wynkoop, (James 420, Capt. Jacobus 167, Corne- lius 51, Benjamin 8, Cornelius i,) born August 31, 1801 : married, March 5, 1818, in 2d Dutch Church, Kingston, N. Y., James C. Ferris. Children of James C. and Alida (W.) Ferris: 1258. James Ferris. 1259. John Ferris. 1260. Charles Ferris. 1 261. Robert D. Ferris. He was in business in New York, and lived in Brooklyn. 1262. Elizabeth Ferris. 1263. Mary Ferris. 1264. Martin Ferris. 1265. Isabella Ferris. 1266. Alida Ferris. 763. Sarah Wynkoop, (James 420, Capt. Jacobus 167, Corne- lius 51, Benjamin 8, Cornelius i,) born August 25, 1806: married June 30, 1826, at Kingston, N. Y., [record of 2d Dutch Church,] Samuel S. Wood, who died in Havana. Children of Samuel S. and Sarah Wood: 1267. Elizabeth C. Wood: b. Apl. 24, 1827: d. Aug. 14, 1865: unmarried. 1268. John Wynkoop Wood: b. Sept. 12, 1829: d. June 17, 1846. 1269. Stephen Girard Wood: b. Mch. 12, 1832: m., ist, Helen Pruyn; m., 2d, Emma Justina Pruyn. 764. Robert Dunbar Wynkoop, (James 420, Capt. Jacobus 167, Cornelius 51, Benjamin 8, Cornelius i,) bom August i, 181 1 : died April 2, 1869, in Bergen, N. J.: married Almira Augusta Rollins, bom February 24, 1816, died January 5, 1870, daughter of George and Catharine (Dolan) Rollins. He removed, about 152 Wynkoop Genealogy 1825, from Albany to New York, where he was a member of the firm of Heath, Wynkoop & Co., perfumers. Children of Robert D. and Almira A. Rollins: 1270. John Rollins: who lived only a few days. 1271. Robert D.: b. Aug. i, 1843: m. Isabella Van Winkle. 1272. Catharine Rollins: b. June 7, 1845; d. Mch. 11, 1850, of scarlet fever. 1273. Augustus Bartholomew: b. Aug. 18, 1847: d. Mch. 12, 1850, also of scarlet fever. 1274. Fannie Elizabeth: m. Apl. 13, 1876, Frank A. Halsey. 1275. Frank Rollins: b. June 21, 1853, in Bergen, N. J. 1276. Helen Augusta. 1277. Florence Parker: b. Aug. 18, 185S: d. Jan. 26, 1864, of diphtheria. 765. Benjamin Norman Wynkoop, (Abraham 431, Benjamin 175, Abraham 52, Benjamin 8, Cornelius i,) born in 1808: died August 16, 1857: married, October 5, 1837, Rachel W. Monge, who died June 14, 1855, in her 37th year. Children of Benjamin N. and Rachel W. Wynkoop: 1278. Helen Wooddrop: b. Mch. 21, 1841: m. William A. Garden. They lived in Lansdowne, Penn. 1279. Henry Norman: b. Jan. 4, 1848. 1280. Joseph Sims: b. Dec. 22, 1851. 766. Joseph Pilmore Wynkoop, (Abraham 431, Benjamin 175, Abraham 52, Benjamin 8, Cornelius i,) born December 15, 181 1, died October 26, 1842: married, February 20, 1834, Matilda Charlotte Baird, born September 24, t8i8, daughter of John and Jane (Walker) Baird. Children of Joseph P. and Matilda C. Wynkoop : 1281. George Henry: b. Nov. 29, 1834: d. June 9, 1876: married Nov. 10, 1858, Emma J. Schelinger, b. June 6, 1839. 1282. Benjamin Joseph: b. Mch. 18, 1837: m., Mch. 10, 1866, Martha Ellena Osborne. 1283. Thomas Pilmore: b. Dec. 25, 1838: d. Nov. 2, 1864. 1284. Hannah Matilda: b. Nov. 8, 1840: m., June 18, 1871, Paul Hackadoor Garabedian. 767. Alfred Wynkoop, M.D., (Abraham 431, Benjamin 175, Abraham 52, Benjamin 8, Cornelius i,) born April 3, 1825: married, April 17, 1856, Helen Keturah Crispin, of Salcombe, Devonshire, England. He was a druggist and physician, in VVynkoop Genealogy i53 Philadelphia: then a surgeon, in the Union army; then a druggist and physician, in New York: and, afterwards, in Philadelphia. Child of Dr. Alfred and Helen K. Wynkoop : 1285. Wooddrop: b. Dec. i, 1858. 771. Caroline Davis, (Mary Wynkoop 434, Abram 176, Abraham 52, Benjamin 8, Cornelius i,) who died in 1847. She married Thomas Tennant, from England. ^48 Children of Thomas and Caroline Tennant : 1286. Mary Emma Tennant: m. John M. Gardner. She lives, as his widow, in Baltimore. 1287. Anna Caroline Tennant: m. Carl Otto Hahn. 1288. Thomas Henry Tennant: deceased. 1289. Eliza Davis Tennant: unmarried. 1290. David Leon Tennant: deceased. 775. Harriet Wynkoop, (Benjamin 444, Benjamin 178, Benja- min 53, Benjamin 8, Cornelius i,) born May 19, 1797: married, December 2, 1819, Alfred Frye, born September 6, 1788, son of Abiel and Abigail (Farnam) Frye. Children of Alfred and Harriet Frye : 1 291. Adelia Antoinette Frye: b. in 1822. 1292. Albert S. Frye: b. in 1824: lived in Howard City, Mich. 1293. Alonzo F. Frye: b. in 1S26: lived in Omega, Cal. 1294. Myra Jane Frye: b. in 1831. 776. JuHa Antoinette Wynkoop, (Benjamin 444, Benjamin 178, Benjamin 53, Benjamin 8, Cornelius i,) born April 18, 1799: died September 23, 1855, in Bellevue, Iowa: married April 29, 1827, Wilham Seaward, born July 9, 1799. Children of WilHani and Julia A. (W.) Seaward: 1295. Amos Seaward: b. Mch. 29, 1828: d. July 6, 1829. 1296. Benjamin Wynkoop Seaward: b. Jan. 29, 1830. 1297. Hannah Jane Seaward : b. Oct. 10, 1832. 1298. OpheHa Cecilia Seaward: b. Nov. 3, 1835. 1299. William Tell Seaward: b. June 9, 1838. 777. Alonzo Ilus Wynkoop, (Benjamin 444, Benjamin 178, Benjamin 53, Benjamin 8, Cornelius i,) born June 17, 1801, in Chemung, N. Y. : died there, September 15, 1874: married, June 8, 1837, Phoebe Heermans, bom July 4, 1818, in Scranton, Penn., daughter of Philip and Mary (Fellows) Heermans, and niece of Joseph Fellows, agent of the Pultney estate, 248 Mrs. Marv Emma (T.) Gardner, of Baltimore. 154 Wynkoop Genealogy Alonzo attended school in Geneva, N. Y., and taught school in that vicinity, and so found an opening into the book-store of Col. James Bogert, who, afterwards, took him into partnership. He returned, in the autumn of 1837, to the old plantation of Maj. William Wynkoop [138], at Chemung, and passed the remainder of his life there. The compiler obtained much information from him, and found him an interesting correspondent. Children of Alonzo I. and Phoebe Wynkoop: 1300. Mary Corneille; b. July 15, 1839: m. Charles M. Young. 1301. Harriet Louise: b. June 6, 1841: married July 20, 1865, Charles Samuel Farrar, professor in Vassar College. 1302. Helen Mar: b. Sept. 7, 1843: m. William W. Everett. 1303. Josephine: b. Jan. 9, 1846. 1304. Frank: b. Sept. 23, 1849: d. Apl. 8, 1874, in Wauconda, 111. 1305. Myra Kate: b. June 9, 1856. 779. Ninoha Theban Wynkoop, (Benjamin 444, Benjamin 178, Benjamin 53, Benjamin 8, Cornelius i,) bom August 19, 1805: died March 31, 1869, in Bellevue, Jackson County, Iowa: married, February 11, 1833, in Chemung, N. Y., Christiana Moore, bom March 3, 181 2, in Minisink, Orange County, N. Y., daughter of David and EHzabeth (Fullerton) Moore. After Ninolia's death, his widow went to Howell's Station, Orange County, N. Y., for a long visit, and on business relating to her father's estate. After her return to Bellevue, she and her family removed to Maquoketa, Iowa. Children of Ninolia T. and Christiana Wynkoop : 1306. Cecilia Bradner: b. July 29, 1834, in Chemung: d. Aug. 8, 1888: m. Nov. 20, 1852, Augustus Gideon Hammond. Children : i. Harry A. Hammond : m. Margaret Teeter, ii. WilHam W. Hammond: m. Belle Comstock; and has a son Harry, and a daughter, . iii. Mary Louisa Hammond: b. July 27, 1867: d. Oct. 5, 1902 : m. S. Perry Holmes, and had a child, William. 1307. Don Alonzo: b. Sept. 17, 1836: m. Sept. i, 1863, in Belle- vue, Iowa, Annie Carroll Coulehan, b. Dec. 17, 1843, in Wheeling, W. Va., dau. of Jas. C. and Martha Jane (Porter- field) Coulehan. The family resided at Bellevue, until Wynkoop Genealogy 155 1888, and since that time at Maquoketa, in the same county. He is a noted lawyer in criminal cases, in Iowa. Children : i. Lulu: b. May 31, 1864 d. in infancy. ii. Mary Virginia : b. Mch. 19, 1868: m., Nov. 28, 1901. Eugene Roscoe Moore, of the Moores of Maryland, son of Samuel Moore, of Sharpsburg, and nephew of Gen. Jubal Early. They live in Anamosa, Iowa. Mr. Moore claims descent from John Moore, younger brother of the Earl of Drogheda, Ireland, who came to the province of New York in 167 1, with a large land-grant from Charles II iii. Don Walter: b. Nov. i, 1881: d. June 6, 1898. 1308. Sara Louisa: b. Dec. 7, 1838: d. July 16, 1865: m. June 29, 1859, Edward Ford, of Great Barrington, Mass. They had 2 children, who died in infancy. 1309. Harriet Cornelia: b. Jan. i, 1841, in Phillipsburgh, Orange County, N. Y. : d. Feb. 6, 1889: m. Nov. 21, 1865, Henry James Hall. Children: i. Lillian Hall: b. Oct. 9, 1866: m. Winney, and has a child, Theban. ii. Harry Hall: b. Sept. 30, 1868: d. May 8, 1887. 1310. Anne Elizabeth: b. Apl. 13, 1842: d. Oct. 16, 1885: m. John N. Wood. Child: i. John Stephen Wood: b. Mch. 26, 1879. 131 1. Mary Isabella: b. Apl. 5, 1844, in Thebandale, N. Y. : m. Fred. M. Taylor: they have no child. 1312. Phoebe Deha: b. May 11, 1846: m. Nov. 23, 1870, Edgar Seaburn (or Stafford) Cotton. Child: i. George Cotton: b. Dec. 11, 1876: d. Mch. 8, 1888. 1 3 13. Emma Georgiana: b. June 22, 1850, in Wyoming, Stark County, 111.: m. Frank M. Fort: but has no child. 1314. Kate: b. Dec. 29, 1852: d. Apl. 26, 1893: m. E. L. Mat- thews. Child : i. Bessie Louise Matthews: b. Oct. 28, 1879. 1315. Alice Almira: b. Mch. 19, 1856, in Bellevue, Iowa: d. Oct. 29, 1880. 780. Nile Frost Wynkoop, (Benjamin 444, Benjamin 178, Benjamin 53, Benjamin 8, Cornelius i,) born November 9, 1807: married, October 15, 1840, Sarah Anne Heermans, born May 23, 156 Wynkoop Genealogy 1820, sister to Phoebe, who married his brother Alonzo [777]. He hved on a part of the old plantation of Maj. Wilham Wyn- koop [138]. The compiler received from him valuable informa- tion, and interesting letters. Children of Nile F. and Sarah A. Wynkoop: 1316. Guy: b. July 15, 1841, in Chemung, N. Y. : d. Aug. 30, 1864, in the rebel pen at Anderson ville. He left school, when nearly ready for college, and enlisted in the loth Reg., N. Y. Cavalry. His party were surrounded, while defending a ford, and Guy was captured and imprisoned. 1317. Sayer: b. Mch. 12, 1844: m., Nov. 23, 1875, Arabella Clark, in Zilwaukie, Mich. He had served 3 years, in the war for the Union. 13 18. Delia Antoinette: b. Sept. 29, 1846: m. Henry S. Bridge- man. 1319. Alice Louise: b. Sept. i, 1852: m. Charles Rockwell. 1320. Philip Heermans: b. Sept. 25, 1854. 1321. Ada Bell: b. Oct. 31, 1857. 1322. Joseph Frost: b. May 26, 1864. 783. Cornelia Amanda Wynkoop, (Benjamin 444, Benjamin 178, Benjamin 53, Benjamin 8, Cornelius i,) born October 6, 1814: married, October 15, 1840, Daniel James Watkins, born May 9, 1808, in Orange County, N. Y., son of Hon. Samuel and Mary (Booth) Watkins. Children of Daniel J. and Cornelia A. Watkins: 1323. William Wynkoop Watkins: b. Aug. 16, 1841, in Che- mung, N. Y. : d. Mch. 2, 1844. 1324. William Wynkoop Watkins: b. Mch. 19, 1845, in Yazoo City, Miss. 1325. George Torrey Watkins: b. Jan. 23, 1848, in Bellevue, Iowa: d. Oct. 13, 1849. 1326. Mary Hannah Watkins: b. Jan. 25, 1850. 1327. Daniel James Watkins: b. July 19, 1852. 1328. Cornelia Watkins: b. Mch. 27, 1856: d. Sept. 12, 1857. 784. William Tell Wynkoop, (Benjamin 444, Benjamin 178, Benjamin 53, Benjamin 8, Cornelius i,) born May 25, 1817: died January 30, 1870: married, February 28, 1850, Sarah Jane Booth, born March 19, 1823, daughter of Hon. John B. and Harriet (Houston) Booth. He was an elder of the Presbyterian church, in Bellevue, Iowa, for some years, until his death. He Wynkoop Genealogy i57 died from injuries received in the running away of a span of young horses, attached to a sleigh. Children of William T. and Sarah J. Wynkoop: 1329. Isabella Houston: b. Sept. 30, 1851, in Bellevue, Iowa. 1330. Benjamin Booth: b. Aug. 7, 1853. 1331. Ella M.: b. Feb. 7, 1856. 1332. Myra D. : b. Aug. 26, 1858. 1333. Edwin v.: b. Dec. 2, i860. 1334. Catharine: b. Oct. 6, 1863: d. Sept. 12, 1869. 1335. William Trott : b. Sept. 12, 1865. 786. Abraham Wynkoop, (John 445, Benjamin 178, Benjamin 53, Benjamin 8, Cornelius i,) born December 4, 1792: died in 1866: married, in 1821, Elizabeth Ellis, bom February 25, 1803, died July 13, 1868. Children of Abraham and Elizabeth Wynkoop : 1336. Francis Grey: b. Sept. 13, 1822: m. Catharine Grassby. 1337. Legrand Dempster: b. Nov. 2, 1824: m. Zelia Cornell. He was the inventor of the Prize Turbine Water-wheel, 1878. They lived in Owosso, Mich. 1338. Deborah Lucretia: b. Nov. 24, 1828: m. Ferdinand McDuffie. 1339. Alida Elizabeth: b. Nov. 28, 1830: m. Abram Sible. They lived in Rapids City, 111. 788. John Wynkoop, (John 445, Benjamin 178, Benjamin 53, Benjamin 8, Cornelius i,) bom in 1798: married Sarah Thorp, of Weston, Conn., and lived in that place, until his death. Children of John and Sarah Wynkoop : 1340. William — or Henry. 1 34 1. Grissel. 789. Elizabeth Wynkoop, (John 445, Benjamin 178, Benja- min 53. Benjamin 8, Cornelius i,) born about 1800: married Daniel Gray, of Stratford, Conn., afterwards of Chemung, N. Y. Children of Daniel and Elizabeth Gray : 1342. Esther Gray — called also Grissel: m., and had a child, Gerard. 1343. Susan Gray: m. Smith Hart: lived in Chemung. 790. Legrand Wynkoop, (John 445, Benjamin 178, Benjamin 53, Benjamin 8, Cornelius i,) born September 15, 1809: married, ist, January 4, 1830, Lucretia T. Conklin, of Chemung, N. Y., who died November 26, 1853, aged 41 years; married, 2d, June 158 Wynkoop Genealogy 20, 1854, Maria Darker, born September 23, 1827, in Quorndon, Leicestershire, England. Legrand removed, in 1837, to Dixon, Lee County, 111. His second wife is mentioned as an easy and graceful writer for the magazines. Children of Legrand and Lucretia T. Wynkoop : 1344. Adelaide: b. May 18, 1831: d. Dec. 21, 1832. 1345. Helen: b. Aug. 24, 1833: m., ist, Samuel H. Leidy; m., 2d, John Van Ornam. 1346. Orpah: b. May 26, 1835: d. July 8, 1835. 1347. Alasco: b. Aug. 21, 1837: d. Sept. i, 1838. 1348. Arthur: b. Aug. 27, 1839: d. Dec. 16, 1841. 1349. Cecilia: b. Apl. 11, 1843: m. Robert E. Bailey. He en- listed as a private in the 2d Reg. Minn. Vol. Inf. He re-enlisted, with nearly all the regiment, and served, as hospital steward, until the close of the war. 1350. William Conklin: b. Aug. 6, 1845: m., Apl. 26, 1874, Johanna Caroline Van der Leeuw, b. Dec. 25, 1851, d. Aug. 28, 1887, daughter of Rev. J. W. Van der Leeuw, of Amsterdam, Holland. He served in the 2d Reg. Minn. Vol. Inf., and was wounded, in July, 1862, at Corinth, and was sent home. While he was on a furlough, the Indian war broke out, and he served six weeks against the Indians, in a com- pany of independent rangers, called "Old Company," which was never mustered into the service. He was, for seven months, with the ist Reg. Minn. Mounted Rangers, organized to fight the Indians. He rejoined the 2d Reg. Minn. Vol. Inf., and served until the close of the war, and was promoted to the place of Sergeant-Major, for meritorious conduct, in the charge on Kenesaw Mountain. He had a commission as First Lieut, in the engineer corps, but did not muster in on it. He studied mining engineering, and followed it as a pro- fession, after 1867, in the Western States and Territories. In 1873, he studied, in Europe, mines and mining methods. He was author of Ancient and Modern Mining Methods; and of The Old Mines of Mexico. While he was in Holland, he was in communication with a Wynkoop, of Amsterdam, whose sister was interested in Wynkoop Genealogy 159 the history of the family, and who gave him information from old manuscripts and tradition, which has been used elsewhere herein. / 13 51. Henry Legrand: b. Jan. 8, 1850: lived in Bellevue, Iowa. Children of Legrand and Maria Wynkoop : 1352. Lillie May; b. Nov. 16, 1858. 1353. Mary Darker: b. Oct. 15, i860. 1354. John Frederick: b. Jan. 15, 1869: d. Nov. 26, 1869. 791. Elizabeth Wynkoop, (Gershom 446, Benjamin lyS, Benjamin 53, Benjamin 8, Cornelius i,) born May 3, 1814: died January 2, 1853, in Ontario, Wayne County, N. Y. : married July 4, 1838, in Pulteney, Wayne County, Gardner William Spencer, born February 9, 1808, died March 28, 1882, in Cary, McHenry County, 111., son of Thomas and Penelope (Graves) Spencer. Gardner was a hotel keeper; afterwards, a planter. Thomas Spencer was bom March 6, 1770, died October 6, 1838. Penelope Graves was bom February 20, 1779, died November 10, 1824. Children of Gardner W. and Elizabeth Spencer: 1355. Jane Anne Spencer: b. Jime 4, 1839, in Webster, Monroe Co., N. Y. : d. Mch. 12, 1890, in West Brookfield, Mass., of the grippe, and was buried there: m. May 14, 1868, in Rochester, N. Y., William Pliny Cutler, of West Brook- field. 1356. Harriet Miranda Spencer; b. Apl. 14, 1841: m.. May 30, 1866, in Algonquin, 111., her cousin, Charles Spencer, of Illinois, who died a few months after his marriage. 1357. Edna Adelia Spencer, b. Jan. 3, 1843, i^"^ Webster, N. Y. She was living with her cousin, Jerome F. Dauchy, in 1895, in Brockport, Monroe Co., N. Y. Unmarried. 794. Alice Preston Wynkoop, (Gershom 446, Benjamin 178, Benjamin 53, Benjamin 8, Cornelius i,) born August 27, 1818, in Tioga, Tioga County, Penn. : married, March 17, 1836, in Webster, Monroe County, N. Y., Cyrus Gates, born December 4, 1808, in Rutland, Vt., died March 5, 1881, in Webster, son of Jonathan and Lucy (Farwell) Gates, both of Rutland. Children of Cyrus and Alice P. Gates: 1358. Albert Daniel Gates: b. Mch. 31, 1841, in Webster; m., in 1 86 1, in Marion, N. Y., Susan Adele Edwards: lived with his mother, on the plantation at Webster. They had i6o Wynkoop Genealogy 3 children: George Gershom, mailing clerk in the Flour City Bank; Ward; and Cyrus. 1359. William Ward Gates: b. Aug. 30, 1849; d. Mch. 29, 1850. 1360. Frank Marion Gates: b. Apl. 28, 1856, in Webster: m., in 1882, in Egan, Dakota, Ada May Stratton, of Webster, They hved in Oregon, and had 2 daughters. 795. Delia Wynkoop, (Gershom 446, Benjamin 178, Benjamin 53, Benjamin 8, Cornelius i,) bom February 10, 1821: died January 25, 1890, in Rochester, Monroe County, N. Y. : married July 4, 1844, Patrick McComiack, bom June 21, 1821, died December 27, 1861, son of Bernard and Ellen McCormack. natives of Ireland. Children of Patrick and Delia McCormack : 1361. John Gershom McCormack: b. in Rochester, and died there, in August, 1889. 1362. Helen Derinda McCormack; b. in Penfield, N. Y., and died there, young. 797. Julia Miranda Wynkoop, (Gershom 446, Benjamin 178, Benjamin 53, Benjamin 8, Cornelius i,) born April 27, 1825: married, September 3, 1848, William Robert Gray, born July 24, 1 82 1. He was from Scotland, and a tailor, by occupation. Children of William R. and Julia M. Gray: 1363. William Cullen Gray: b. in Rochester: m., and had 2 daughters. He was a civil engineer, in Rochester. 1364. George Wynkoop Gray: b. Feb. 14, 1857, in Rochester: d., in 1890, in Aiken, S. C, unmarried. 799. Encie Jane Wynkoop, (Gershom 446, Benjamin 178, Benjamin 53, Benjamin 8, Cornelius i,) born April 7, 1829: married, September 16, 1849, Cullen Townsend Gillett, born September 17, 1821, died September 20, 1863, son of Joab and Mary (Townsend) Gillett, who were born in Connecticut. Child of Cuhen T. and Encie J. Gillett: 1365. Cora Martha Gillett: Principal of Public School No. 28, Averall Ave., Rochester, Ulster Co., N. Y. 804. Robert Gosman Wynkoop, (Rev. Peter S. 451, John C. 205, Capt. Cornelius C. 65, Cornelius 9, Maj. Johannes 2, Corne- lius I,) born December 3, 1816: died April 17, 1 891, in Syracuse, N. Y. : married, May 20, 1846, Carrie C. Wood, who died, March 18, 1870, in her 49th year. He lived in Syracuse, where he and his brother Jonathan G., kept a book-store, for many years. Wynkoop Genealogy i6i Children of Robert G. and Carrie C. Wynkoop : 1366'. James Silvester: m. Helen De Wolf. 1367. Fanny C. : m., Nov. 21, 1872, Charles T. Redfield. 805. Peter Silvester Wynkoop, (Rev. Peter S. 451, John C. 205, Capt. Cornelius C. 65, Cornelius 9, Maj. Johannes 2, Cor- nelius I,) bom May 16, 1818, in Catskill, N. Y. : died, suddenly, May 22, 1888, in Buffalo, N. Y. : married, June 2, 1846, Ehza- beth Coleman Miller, born July i, 1S27. He kept a book-store in Hudson, where he was a well-known and influential citizen. Children of Peter S. and Elizabeth C. Wynkoop : 1368. Henry Miller: b. Apl. 17, 1S47, in Hudson, N. Y. : m., Apl. 15' 1 87 5' Aelthra Jane Kreider, of Lancaster, O. They lived in New York. 1369. Peter Silvester: b. Sept. 7, 1849. 1370. Margaret Gosman: b. Aug. 5, 1852 : m. Wm. W. Hegeman. 1371. Mary Miller: b. Feb. 22, 1855: m. Arthur M. Hankes. 1372. Elizabeth Miller: b. Feb. 19, 1857. 1373. Stephen Miller: b. Apl. 22, 1859. 1374. John Gosman: b. July 4, 1861: d. Jan. 14, 1865. 1375. Frederick I.: b. Feb. 16, 1864: d. Oct. 9, 1892, in New York. 806. Lydia Silvester Wynkoop, (Rev. Peter S. 451, John C. 205, Capt. Cornelius C. 65, Cornelius 9, Maj. Johannes 2, Corneliu- I,) born December3i, 1819: died May 11, 1857 : married Septems ber 18, 1848, Dr. Samuel Mills Lasell. Child of Dr. Samuel M. and Lydia S. Lasell: 1376. Samuel Mills Lasell. 807. Eliza Kittle Wynkoop, (Rev. Peter S. 451, John C. 205, Capt. Cornelius C. 65, Cornelius 9, Maj. Johannes 2, Cornelius i, born September 4, 1821: died October 7, 1889, in Claverack, N. Y. : married, January 7, 1845, Rev. Dr. Elbert Stoothoff Porter, born October 23, 1820, in Hillsborough, N. J., died February 26, 1888, in Claverack. Dr. Porter was graduated at the College of New Jersey, in 1839, and at the seminary in New Brunswick, in 1842, and was Hcensed in the latter year, by the classis of New Brunswick: he was mis- sionary at Chatham, N. Y., 1842-43: pastor in Chatham, 1843- 49: pastor of the Williamsburgh Reformed Dutch church, 1849- December 10, 1883 : editor of the Christian Intelligencer, 1852-68 ; received the degree of D.D. from Rutgers College, in 1857. 1 62 Wynkoop Genealogy Children of Dr. Elbert S. and Eliza K. Porter: 1377. Margaret Wynkoop Porter: d..in infancy. 1378. Mary Joanna Porter. 1379. Silvester Wynkoop Porter: d. June 4, 1884, in Brooklyn, N. Y. 1380. Susanna Rathbone Porter: m. George Washington Dubois, who died in March, 1887, son of Francis Dubois, who was a member of a firm of importers of Swiss watches, 36 Maiden Lane, N. Y. The latter was not of the old Du Bois family, of Ulster County, N. Y. : but was of a family that came by way of Switzerland. 1 38 1. Eliza Gosman Porter. 1382. Elbert StoothofiE Porter. 808. Mary Jane Wynkoop, (Rev. Peter S. 451, John C. 205, Capt. Cornelius C. 65, Cornelius 9, Maj. Johannes 2, Cornelius i,) born March 21, 1823: died May 10, 1896, in Hudson, N. Y. : married January 27, 1853, Elbridge Simpson, M.D., born January 12, 181 2, in Ashfield, Mass., died August 25, 1880, in Hudson, son of John Brown and Eunice (Tucker) Simpson. Dr. Simpson was a druggist in Toronto, Can., and, afterwards, in Montreal. Dr. Simpson had married, ist, July 11, 1837, Sally Anne Groat, born October 16, 181 1, at Chatham Four Comers, N. Y., died September 8, 1850, in Hudson, daughter of Peter and Amanda (Rogers) Groat, by whom he had children, as follows: Maria Louisa, wife and widow of Henry L. James; Elbridge Henry, who died in infancy; Caroline, who married Thomas Charles Cox Stratton; and Albert, unmarried (May, 1901). Child of Dr. Elbridge and Mary J. Simpson: 1383. Lucy Ida Simpson: b. Nov. 6, 1857, in Toronto; d. Mch. 29, 1880, in Montreal. 809. Jonathan Gosman Wynkoop, (Rev. Peter S. 451, John C. 205, Capt. Cornelius C. 65, Cornelius 9, Maj. Johannes 2, Cornelius I,) born May 13, 1824: lives in Syracuse, N. Y. (1903): married May 8, 1856, Mary Judsbn Hawley, who died November 16, 1S96, in Syracuse, aged 65 years. He and his brother Robert kept a book-store, in Syracuse, for many years. Children of Jonathan G. and Mary J. Wynkoop: 1384. Emma Judson: m. Crawford E. Fritts, M.D. 1385. William Augustus: m. Mary McL Jaycox. VVynkoop Genealogy 163 1386. Esther; d. in infancy. 1387. Edward Judson, M.D.: b. Apl. 24, 1869: m. Florence Niver. 811. Margaret Wright Wynkoop, (Rev. Peter S. 451, John C. 205, Capt. CorneHus C. 65, ComeHus 9, Maj. Johannes 2, Cor- nehus i,) bom May 9, 1827: died February 2, 1861: married, July 7, 1858, Rev. Dr. Anson Du Bois, born August 29, 1821, in Catskill. Dr. Du Bois was graduated at Rutgers Cohege, in 1847, and at the seminary in New Brunswick, in 1850: he was missionary to the Thousand Islands, until 1854: pastor of the 2d Reformed- church, Kingston, N. Y., until 1859: corresponding secretary of the Board of Domestic Missions of the Reformed Church, until 1862: pastor of the 2d Reformed Church, Schenectady, N. Y., until 1869: conducted an English and classical school and mis- sion, at Amelia Court House, Va., until 1870: pastor of Re- formed Church, Flatlands, L. I.: pastor at Athenia, Passaic County, N. J., 1889-1901: received the degree of D.D. from Union Cohege, in 1865. After the death of Margaret, Dr. Du Bois married her sister Anna [813]. He was of the Ulster County, N. Y., family. He is living in South Orange, (October, 1903). Child of Dr. Anson and Margaret Du Bois : 1388. Francis Wynkoop Du Bois: b. Oct. 30, i860: d. Oct. 28, 1864. 813. Francis Silvester Wynkoop, (Rev. Peter S. 451, John C. 205, Capt. Cornelius C. 65, Cornelius 9, Maj. Johannes 2, Cor- nelius I,) bom September i, 1830: died June 29, 1877: married, ist. May 9, 1864, Rachel Van Vleck, born November 21, 1839, died October 29, 1868, daughter of James and Maria (Hasbrouck) Van Vleck. He married, 2d, Frances, younger sister of Rachel. His widow lived in Kingston, N. Y., with her sister, Mrs. Cathar- ine Bruyn. Francis kept a book-store in Kingston. Child of Francis S. and Rachel (V.) Wynkoop: 1389. Lydia Silvester: b. May 2, 1865: d. Dec. 26, 1865. Children of Francis S. and Frances (V.) Wynkoop: 1390. Frances Van Vleck. 139 1. Francis Bruyn. 1392. Rachel Van Vleck: m. Sept. 17, 1902, at East Orange, N. J., Malcolm Petrie. 164 Wynkoop Genealogy 813. Anna Gosman Wynkoop, (Rev. Peter S. 451, John C. 205, Capt. Cornelius C. 65, Cornelius 9, Maj. Johannes 2, Cor- nelius I,) bom February 4, 1833: married, June 11, 1862, Rev. Dr. Anson Du Bois, who was widower of her sister Margaret [811]. Children of Dr. Anson and Anna G. Du Bois: 1393. Louis Anson Du Bois: b. Sept. 27, 1863. 1394. Arthur Du Bois: b. Nov. 8, 1864. 1395. Henr}^ Reynolds Du Bois: b. Nov. 28, 1868. 815. Jonathan Hasbrouck Stanton, (Richard 458, Maria Wynkoop 206, Capt. Cornelius C. 65, Cornelius 9, Maj. Johannes •2, Cornelius i,) bom November 21, 1813, in Brooklyn, N. Y. : died August 14, 1890: married, ist, in 1S3S or 1839, Lydia Hussey Macy, bom November 27, 181 5, died December 29, 1899, daughter of Josiah and Lydia (Hussey) Macy, of Nantucket, Mass. A divorce passed between this couple, while their two children were very young, on the ground of "incompatibility of temper" : and Jonathan married, 2d, Elizabeth Wharton, by whom he had two sons, whose names have not been ascertained. (Lydia married, 2d, William H. Austin, of Boston.) Children of Jonathan H. and Lydia H. (M.) Stanton: 1396. Josiah Henry Stanton (Macy, by adoption): b. Aug. 10, 1840: m. Jane Carpenter. 1397. Lydia Stanton: died very young. 837. Caroline Hone Hasbrouck, (Abraham B. 464, Catharine Wynkoop 207, Capt. Cornelius C. 65, Cornelius 9, Maj. Johannes 2, Cornelius i,) baptized August 23, 1829, Kingston, N. Y. : died there, February 11, 1898: married, December 20, 1855, Gen'l George Henry Sharpe, born February 26, 1828, baptized May 29, Kingston, died February 13, 1900. Gen'l Sharpe was graduated at Rutgers College, in 1847: admitted to the Bar, in New York: Captain in the 20th Reg. N. Y. Vol., in 1861: Colonel of the 120th Reg. N. Y. Vol., in 1862 : was on the staff of Maj. Gen'l Joseph Hooker, in 1863, and of Maj. Gen'l George Meade, in 1863 and 1864, and of Lieut. Gen'l Ulysses S. Grant, in 1864 and 1865: was brevetted Briga- dier General in 1864, and Major General, in 1865: was U. S. Marshal of the Southern District of New York, 1870-73: Sur- veyor of Customs, at the port of New York, 1873-78: member of Assembly, N. Y., 1879-83, and Speaker of the House, in Wynkoop Genealogy 165 1880-81: president of the National Bank of Rondout, N. Y. ; was one of the General Appraisers at New York, 1890-99. His ancestr}^ is given under 207. Children of Gen'l Geo. H. and Caroline H. Sharper 1398. Severyn Bruyn Sharpe: Judge in Ulster Co., N. Y. 1399. Henr}^ Granville Sharpe: m. Kate Huntington Morgan, daughter of Rev. Dr. William F. Morgan, of St. Thomas's Church, N. Y. Henry G. was Lieut. Col., in the commis- sary department, U. S. army. 1400. Catharine Lawrence Sharpe: m. Hon. Ira Davenport, of Steuben Co., N. Y. 834. Augustus Whiting Wynkoop, (Augustus 474, Augustus 213, Capt. Cornelius C. 65, Cornelius 9, Maj. Johannes 2, Cor- nelius I,) bom April 7, 1844: died April 18, 1886: married, October 8, 1873, in Utica, N. Y., Mary Lydia Talcott, bom April 26, 1846, daughter of Enoch B. and Mary G. (Doolittle) Talcott. ^49 They lived in Kinderhoek. He died at the New York Hospital of hemorrhage of the brain, the result of a fall. The widow lives in Utica. Children of Augustus W. and Mar}^ L. Wynkoop : 1 40 1. Augustus Talcott : b. Aug. 2, 1878. 1402. Anna Strong: b. July 15, 1880. 1403. Charles Barton: b. Dec. 30, 1881. 836. Henry Silvester Wynkoop, (Augustus 474, Augustus 213, Capt. Cornelius C. 65, Cornelius 9, Maj. Johannes 2, Cornelius i,) bom August 5, 1846: married, December 18, 1883, Church of the Holy Comforter, Poughkeepsie, Agnes Louise Constance Antonia Albrecht, daughter of Capt. Constantine Albrecht, Baron von Komatie, Wreschen, Prussia. Her mother, Alwina, Baroness von Lippe, Korsarzow, died in London, November 24, 1890. Child of Henry S. and Agnes Wynkoop : 1404. Alwina von Lippe: b. Nov. 14, 1884. 854. John Johnson Wynkoop, (Cornelius 486, Derick C. 258, Col. Cornelius D. 94, Dirrick 13, Maj. Johannes 2, Cornelius i,) born February i, 1830, Hurley, N. Y. : married, October 29, 1850, Caroline Matilda Du Bois, of New York City, daughter of Elisha and Sarah (Pinckney) Du Bois. John was a photo- grapher, in Philadelphia. Children of John J. and Caroline M. Wynkoop: 249 Talcott Pedigree, p. 146. 1 66 Wynkoop Genealogy 1405. John Franklin: b. Aug. 9, 1851, New York City. 1406. Caroline Maud: b. Nov. 13, 1853. 1407. Cornelius Du Bois: b. Oct. 4, 1856. 886. Sarah Wynkoop, (Peter 510, Judge Dirck 292, Capt. Evert 112, Cornelius 28, Evert 4, Cornelius i,) born June 24, 1788: died January 31, 1842: married June 4, 1809, Joseph Packard, born May, 1780, Petersham, Mass., died November 8, 1864, Albany, N. Y., son of Isaac and Eunice (Rawson) Packard, Children of Joseph and Sarah Packard : 1408. Oscar Packard : b. Apl. 19, 1810: m. Fanny Worthington. 1409. Wynkoop Packard: b. July 22, 181 1, Johnstown, N. Y. : died in July, 1864, in Texas, in the war for the Union : un- married. He was a lawyer, in New York City. 1410. Sarah Packard: b. Apl., 1813. 141 1. Harriet W. Packard: b. Aug. 20, 1814: m. Jacob H. Shear. He was a manufacturer of stoves, on a large scale, in Albany, N.Y., first as member of the firm of McGraw & Shear; after- wards, Shear, Packard & Co. 1412. Charles Isaac Packard: b. Oct. 21, 1816: married, in May, 1840, Hester Brooks. 1413. Joseph Packard: b. Oct. i, 1818: m. Catharine V. Hilton. 1414. George Washington Packard: b. Sept. 5, 1820: d. June 20, 1901, Chicago, 111.: unmarried. He had lived in Albany, and in New York City. 1415. John Quackenbos Packard: b. Nov. 26, 1822: unmarried: lives in Salt Lake City. 1416. Robert Lafayette Packard: b. Jan. 25, 1825: d. Oct. 7, 1877, unmarried. 1417. Catharine Margaret Packard: b. Feb. 26, 1827: d. Jan. 22, 1842, unmarried. 1418. Benjamin Franklin Packard, known as "Frank": b. July I, 1829: d. Feb. 10, 1894, New York City, unmarried. He was a private in the Board of Trade Battery, Chicago, 1862-64, about 18 months, in the war for the Union. 1419. Juliana Greenleaf Packard: b. Feb. 7, 1833: m., in 1864, David Gordon Wells, b. Dec. 31, 1819, d. Feb. 6, 1900. They lived in Joliet, 111. 889. Harriet Wynkoop, (Peter 510, Judge Dirck 292, Capt. Evert 112, Cornelius 28, Evert 4, Cornelius i,) born November 23, 1793: died F'ebruary I, 1875, New York City: married, August YVynkoop Genealogy 167 II, 1 81 6, Oliver Dunning, born August 28, 1782, died January 28, 1856, N. Y., son of Timothy and Abigail (Nostran) Dunning. Oliver, was, for a time, a merchant in Orange County, N. Y. ; afterwards, he was in the custom house, N. Y. Harriet's father always called her "Arrietta." Children of Oliver and Harriet Dunning: 1420. Adeline Dunning: b. May 26, 1817: d. June 14, 1817. 1421. James Dunning, b. May 20, 1818: d. June 10, 1818. 1422. William H. Dunning: b. Aug. 11, 1819: m. EHza A. Bogardus. 1423. Charles Edward Dunning: b. June 5, 1822: d. Mch. 9, 1855, in Muncy, Penn., and was buried there: m.. May 21, 1 85 1, Margaret W. Petrikin. 1424. Theodore Wynkoop Dunning: b. Aug. 8, 1826: d. May 26, 1902, in the Borough of Manhattan, New York City: un- married. 1425. Caroline Matilda Dunning: b. Mch. 5, 1827: d. Aug. 4, 1827. 1426. Augustus Dunning: b. and d. July 11, 1828. 891. Richard Wynkoop, Rev. (Peter 510, Judge Dirck 292, Capt. Evert 112, Cornelius 28, Evert 4, Cornelius i,) born Decem- ber 16, 1798, in New York City: died April 5, 1842, in Hagers- town, Md., of congestion of the liver, after 5 days' sickness. He was bom at 22 Roosevelt Street, which was then a respectable street. ( 6^ He married, August 10, 1825, in Claverack, N. Y., Catharine Schureman, born February 10, 1795, New Brunswick, N. J., and died there. May 18, 1847. of pulmonary consumption. The marriage was at the house of her sister, Lydia Mary Williamson, wife of Rev. Richard Sluyter. They were daughters of James and Eleanor (Williamson) Schureman. Their father was grand- son of Jacobus and Antje (Terheun) Schuurman, the brother-in- law, and co-laborer with Rev. Theodoras Jacobus Frielinghuysen, on the Raritan, N. J. James Schuurman was a prominent patriot, during the Revolutionary War, and he was a First Lieutenant in the battle of Long Island. After the war, he was an active and influential citizen, and mayor of New Brunswick. He was a representative in the Confederate Congress; a dele- gate to the convention at Annapolis; a representative in the Federal Congress; a senator from New Jersey; and, at intervals, 1 68 Wynkoop Genealogy a member of the Council of the Governor of New Jersey. His wife was daughter of David and Eleanor (Schuyler) Williamson of Rhode Hall, near Cranberry, N. J. Richard was graduated at Columbia College, in 1819, and his commencement speech was on the " Kunokephaloi of Herodotus, and the probability of their being the ancestors of our modern dandies." He studied theology in the seminary at New Bruns- wick, and with Rev. Dr. Robert MacCartee [McEachen], in New York City; and he was licensed April 5, 1826, by the Second Presbytery of New York. He was missionary of the synod of the Dutch Church, at Cato, Cayuga County, N. Y., October 29, 1826, to January 31, 1827, and April i, 1827, to April 25, when a substitute was accepted: he was ordained, March 7, 1827, in the Pearl Street Church, N. Y. ; and was installed pastor of the General Assembly Presbyterian church, at Yorktown (Krompond hamlet), Westchester County, N. Y.,June 14,1827. The pas- toral relation was dissolved April 20, 1834. He was installed pastor of the General Assembly Presbyterian church, in Hagers- town, Md., May 4, 1834, and remained such pastor until his death, in 1842. The church at Yorktown had been in chronic difficulties with a Congregational church, which was composed of persons who had obtained control of the organization of the Presbyterian church, and had clinched their hold, by expelling, in 1806, some ten members, who insisted upon maintaining the Presbyterian polity. The excommunicated persons incorporated themselves as a Presbyterian congregation, March 4, 1806; and the Congre- gationalists incorporated themselves, on the day following, as a " Presbyterian church after the order of the church of Scotland " ; and the latter held the church property, for a time; but the former won, in an action of ejectment, May 18, 1807, and re- gained the property ; whereupon the others avowed themselves to be Congregationalists. The strife had divided families, and was still bitter, especially among the old people. A minister of the presbytery of Bedford administered sealing ordinances to the Congregational church, and thus gave Mr. Wynkoop occasion to expose, before that presbytery, and the synod of New York, the schismatic character of the Congregational church. Long after Mr. Wynkoop's time, and in 1866, when the old people had died ofif, the Congregational church issued certificates of good stand- Wynkoop Genealogy 169 ing to its members, and disbanded; and, upon such certificates, the individuals were received into the Presbyterian church, and the strife, of sixty years, was ended. It began with a preference, on the part of some of the members, for congregationahsm, in- stilled by the pastor of that period, and it ended with the abandonment of that preference. ^so The church in Hagerstown had been instituted by the Associate Reformed Presbyterians; and when many churches, of that body, went into the General Assembly, it went with the tide. It returned to the Associate Reformed body, during Mr. Wyn- koop 's ministry. Some persons, whose connection with the church had been severed, with other persons, instituted a suit in chancery, to gain control of the church property. Mr. Wynkoop prepared his own answer, although he had had no training in law or equity; and he obtained, from the Vice Chancellor, permission to argue the case for his co-defendants also: but the complain- ants were never ready for the argument. The church, in 1845, went back into the Presbytery of Carlisle, of the General Assem- bly Presbyterians, because of a proposed union of the Associate Reformed church with the New School General Assembly, on the basis of an exclusion of slaveholders. Mr. Wynkoop was six feet high, well proportioned, and ath- letic. He had a full face, and a bright, dark eye, and was a handsome man. No good likeness of him is in existence. A friend, an amateur artist, Mr. Murrey, made miniature likenesses of Mr. and Mrs. Wynkoop, and was successful with the latter, although he did not flatter her; but he failed to reproduce the strength of character shown in Mr. Wynkoop's face. Mr. Wynkoop's disposition was cheerful and playful. It is said that he used ridicule overfreely ; it is certain that he used it effectively. In his early life, he was much given to argumenta- tion. His logic was acute, and convincing. He preached upon texts, thinking it his duty to explain and apply God's Word. He began with unfolding the context, so that the text might be seen in its surroundings. He was competent to have written well on theology; but he left nothing beyond the syllabi of his sermons, which show acute analytical power. What he knew, he knew thoroughly; and he was never at a loss for words, or illustrations. ^5° Hist. Sermon, Yorktoivn, 1S76, Rev.Wm. J. Gumming, and vSupple- ment, 1879. 170 Wynkoop Genealogy On one occasion the minister who had been appointed to preach before an ecclesiastical body did not appear, and Mr. Wynkoop was urged to take his place. He could not escape, and he said, "Give out a long psalm": — and, taking paper and pencil, he selected a text, analyzed it, and made a syllabus, from which he preached, as if he had deliberately prepared it. Of course, he took a text, which had been the subject of his study, at some time. He was rated as an excellent Greek scholar, and was talked of for a professorship, which he would have declined, probably; for the compiler thinks that he would not have de- mitted the ministry. He was conspicuous for courage, and never experienced fear. He said once : "I would maintain that before the presbytery — before the synod — before the general assembly: I do not fear the face of clay." Dr. Samuel H. Cox called him, "the pugnacious, good-natured man." He preached against secret societies, in two discourses, for which he was threatened, and he was vilified, in a local newspaper; and the orator of one society withdrew, with his family, from the congre- gation; but they returned, after experiencing kindly ministra- tion, in some affliction which befell them. The newspaper passed into new hands. It was conceded that his utterances were prompted by a sense of duty. He declared what he thought to be the counsel of God, as contained in the Bible. He was a millenarian, and understood the prophecies to be, that the Christ, in person, with His saints, should reign upon the earth for one thousand years ; and he preached several discourses upon that topic, in 1840, the syllabi of which show keen analysis of Scripture texts, and skillful combination of them.^si Children of Rev. Richard and Catharine Wynkoop : 2S1 Annals of Aincr. Pulpit, Sprague, vol. ix., Associate Rcf. Prcs. divi- sion ; (of which some of the dates are not acctirate) . He sometimes indulged in the writing of verses. A specimen of tliem is here given: " 'T is said that 'Brevity's the soul of wit,' Tho' sooth to say, I see no soul in it. Yet if there be, let wit be then so brief. That not the vanity but soul is chief. Short wits have great souls, if the text's not ill. Those short of wit, have souls yet greater still. Hagerstown, Jan. 4, 1842." Wynkoop Genealogy 171 1427. Julia Anna: b. July 11, 1826: m. William C. Brewster. 1428. Richard: b. June 29, 1829: m., ist, Anna E. Maginnis; m., 2d, Lydia B. Strang. 1429. John Ouackenbos: b. Feb. 23, 1831, Yorktown, N. Y. : d. Aug. 6, 1834, Hagerstown, Md., of Asiatic cholera, which was deadly in that region, particularly in the years 1832- T,^. The compiler looks back, with amusement, to the fact that John was exploited in the family, at the expense of the compiler. {O nines niortni pro magnifico.) 1430. Catharine Schureman: b. May 18, 1834, Hagerstown, Md.: d. there Mch. 23, 1841, of croup. 1431. Virginia: b. Apl. 22, 1836: m. Oct. 30, 1872, New York City, Theodore Frelinghuysen Hay, b. Dec. 26, 1826, son of Rev. Dr. Philip Cortland and Elizabeth (Condit) Hay. They lived in Franklin, now Nutley, Essex County, N. J.; afterwards in Brooklyn, and in Yorktown, N. Y. ; and again in Brooklyn, where he died, January 18, 1903, of apoplexy. Theodore was graduated at Hobart College, about the year 1847: was engaged in banking business, in Dubuque, Iowa, and in telegraphic business, in New York City ; and, afterwards, as an officer of the Globe Stationery Co., N. Y. His first wife was Mary Bemis; she and their child died: his second wife was Josephine Strang, sister to Lydia B. [1428]. Of the children by his second wife, Arthur Le- strange, Josephine Matilda, and Theodora Elizabeth sur- vive ; all unmarried. 1432. Emma: b. Oct. 4, 1838: m. James Josiah Clark. 893. Jefferson Wynkoop, Rev., (Peter 510, Judge Dirck 292, Capt. Evert 112, Cornelius 28, Evert 4, Cornelius i,) born Sep- tember II, 1 80 1, New York City: died August 21, 1885, at Cuba, Alleghany County, N. Y. : married, September 15, 1824, Jane Scott Shaw, who was born about June, 1801, and died in August, 1884, daughter of James Shaw, at one time Sheriff of New York, and of Margaret Boylyn. Jefferson began a collegiate course at Columbia College, but went afterwards to Union College, where he was graduated in 1819 : he pursued law studies with John Anthon, but abandoned them for theology, and was graduated at the seminary in New Brunswick, in 1824, and was licensed by the classis of New Brunswick: pastor at West New Hempstead, N. Y., and 172 Wynkoop Genealogy Ramapo, N. J., 1825-36: at Athens, 1836-40: pastor of the Pres- byterian church in Gilbertsville, in March, 1841: afterwards at Delhi, and Cuba, until 185 1. His zeal in temperance and revival work impaired his health, and caused him to retire from the active duties of the ministry. After giving up his pastorate in Cuba, he remained there until his death. He had been Secretary of the Society for the Amelioration of the Condition of the Jews, and was well known as an advocate of that cause. In corre- spondence with the compiler, he gave ingenious interpretations to some obscure prophecies. He was tall, and of large and imposing frame. The church at West New Hempstead was sometimes known as the Kakiat church, from a land patent of that name; it is now called the Hempstead church, sometimes, also, the Brick Church; it is in Ramapo township, Rockland County, N. Y. The Ramapo church was called so from a river of that name, which runs from New York into New Jersey. The building is stand- ing, at the present time, and is usually called the Mahwah church, from an other river, near by. The old manse was at West New Hempstead, which was then the larger hamlet, and it remains, but the present manse is on an other site. Children of Rev. Jefferson and Jane Wynkoop : 1433. Margaret Elizabeth: b. July 24, 1826: d. Dec. 5, 1845. 1434. Sarah Fulton: b. Dec. 17, 1829: m. Charles H. Sherrill. 1435. Julia Anna: b. Jan, 4, 1832: m. Russell Smith. 1436. John Quackenbos: b, Mch. 19, 1835: m. Edith Reeve. 895. Julia Anna Wynkoop, (Peter 510, Judge Dirck 292, Capt. Evert 112, Cornelius 28, Evert 4, Cornelius i,) born September 9, 1811, New York City: died December 15, 1894, at Fort Salonga, near Northport, Suffolk County, N. Y. : married, April 10, 1834, Lockwood King Campbell, born December 13, 1809, died No- vember 24, 1 88 1, at Fort Salonga, son of John and Rachel (Mead) Campbell. Lockwood was employed, at one time, in the customs service, at New York. Children of Lockwood K. and Julia A. Campbell : 1437. Julia Anna Campbell : b. Oct. 26, 1836: d. Nov, 22, 1897, at Fort Salonga: m., Nov. 10, 1857, Albert Gardiner Mumford, b. in 1812, d. June 27, 1881, son of Elias and Hannah (Smith) Mumford. Their daughter Louise, m. Capt. Jonas Mott, of Northport. Wynkoop Genealogy 173 1438. John Wynkoop Campbell: b. Sept. 17, 1838: m., May 6, 187 1, Agnes G. Shipman, daughter of Charles William and Abigail Culver (Williams) Shipman, of Deep River, Conn. They live in Hartford, Conn., where John is employed in the Colt armory. 1439. Virginia Wynkoop Campbell: b. Mch. 11, 1842: d. Feb. 3, 1866. 1440. Pauline Campbell: b. Oct. 27, 1843: d. June 25, 1S50. 1441. Harriet Matilda Campbell: b. June 26, 1845: m. Jan. i, 1868, William H. Valentine, d. Nov. 14, 1900, son of Stephen H. and Hannah (Hendrickson) Valentine, of Dix Hills, L. I. He was drowned in the sinking of the schooner Margaretta, on a voyage from New Haven for Brooklyn. 1442. Emily Campbell: b. Feb. 17, 1847: d. Feb. 17, 1902, at Fort Salonga: m., Oct. 15, 1870, Charles W. Bullock, son of Jacob Todd and Harriet L. (Edick) Bullock, of Windsor, Broome Co.. N. Y. She was author of a creditable drama, entitled. Viscount Edwin. 896. Cornelius E. Wynkoop, General, (Evert C. 517, Maj. Cornelius E. 295, Capt. Evert 112, Cornelius 28, Evert 4, Cor- nelius I,) bom August 2, 1787: died in April, 1873: married Anne Hardenbergh, who died April 15, 1857. He was, from 1 801 to 1807, with Cornelius Norsworthy, a merchant in New York. He settled upon the homestead, at Stoneridge, Marble- town, Ulster County, N. Y. ; whence he removed to the neighbor- hood of Rhinebeck village. He was a major-general of militia. Children of Cornelius E . and Anne Wynkoop : 1443. Dinah Hardenbergh: b. Mch. 20, 1807. 1444. Catharine Elting: b. Apl. 7, 1809: d. Apl. 7, 1832. 1445. Rachel Hardenbergh: b. Dec. 23, 1812: d. Mch. 25, 1886. 1446. James Hardenbergh: b. Mch. 10, 1816: d. Dec. 6, 1898, on the place at Rhinebeck, unmarried. 1447. Cornelia Mancius: b. Aug. 23, 1818: d. in May, 1833. 1448. Lena Maria: b. Oct. i, 1821: d. Nov. 29, 1892, Rhinebeck, unmarried. 1449. George: b. Mch. 21, 1824: d. Mch. 12, 1867, at Rhinebeck, unmarried. He was, for a long time, with George Brodie, mantilla maker. New York City. 1450. Cornelius De Witt: b. Apl. 9, 1830: m., ist, Harriet Pook, m., 2d, Mary Annie Miller, widow of Charles A. Scrymser. 174 Wynkoop Genealogy 898. Cornelia Wynkoop, (Evert C. 517, Maj. Cornelius E. 295, Capt. Evert 112, Cornelius 28, Evert 4, Cornelius i,) born Feb- ruary 7, 1791: died January 15, 1869: married September 10, 1810, John Henry DeWitt, born December 11, 1786, died May 24, 1827, in Somerville, N. J. Children of John H. and Cornelia De Witt: 1451. Henry De Witt: b. Dec. 5, 1811: m. Elizabeth J. Griggs. 1452. Evert Wynkoop De Witt: b. May 6, 1813: d. Sept. 4, 1826. 1453. Peter De Witt: b. Mch. i, 181 5: m. Sarah Broadhead. 1454. Cornelius Wynkoop DeWitt: b. Mch. 4, 1817: m. Charity H. Van Gaasbeek. 899, Jacob Rutsen Wj-nkoop, (Evert C. 517, Maj. Cornelius E. 295, Capt. Evert 112, Cornelius 28, Evert 4, Cornelius i,) born January 4, 1800: died July 8, 1843: married, April 22, 1822, Blandina Delamater. Children of Jacob R. and Blandina Wynkoop : 1455. Rachel Magdalena: b. Apl. 25, 182-: d. unmarried. 1456. Cornelia Maria: b. Mch. 28, 1826: m. Moses Woolsey. 914. Joshua Wynkoop, (Jacobus 528, Jacobus 303, Cornelius 114, Jacobus 29, Evert 4, Cornelius i,) born April 14, 1801, the mother "Syntje," as per record of the church at Rochester, Ulster County, N. Y. This was, probably, the Joshua D. Wyn- koop, who married Maria Van Benschoten. Children of Joshua D. and Maria Wynkoop: 1457. Helen Broadhead: b. Apl. 20, 1828, Rochester. 1458. Abraham Broadhead; b. Apl. 24, 1830. 1459. Jacob Van Benschoten: b. Nov. 19, 1832. 1460. Annetta: b. July 11, 1835. 1 46 1. Simon Moses: b. Aug. 18, 1837. 1462. Alexander Hasbrouck: b. July 19, 1839. 1463. Rachel Jane: b. Dec. 14, 1841. 1464. Phoebe Anne: b. Apl. 8, 1844. 1465. Lewis Eaman: b. Dec. 8, 1845, the mother recorded as Anna Maria Van Benschoten. 917. Isaac Wynkoop, (Jacobus 528, Jacobus 303, Cornelius 114, Jacobus 29, Evert 4, Cornelius i,) born November 21, 1807, and so recorded at the Rochester church, Ulster County, N. Y. This was, probably, the Isaac N., who married Anne Eliza More or Mozier. Wynkoop Genealogy i75 Children of Isaac N. and Anne E. Wynkoop: 1466. James Alpheus: b. June 15, 1831. 1467. Anna Maria: b. Feb. 19, 1833. 1468. Phoebe Jane: b. Feb. 25, 1836. 935. John H. Wynkoop, (Evert 539, Johannes 306, Evert 124, Johannes E. 36, Evert 4, Cornehus i,) born June 29, 18 19, in Oneida County, N. Y. : died June 7, 1870, in Augusta, Hancock County, Ih.: married, in Beardstown, Cook County, 111., Lydia Yates, born October 13, 1S26, in Johnstown, N. Y., daughter of C. E. Yates. John was an engineer. Children of John H. and Lydia Wynkoop: 1469. Christopher Evert: b. Sept. 4, 1847, in Beardstown: he was a conductor on the C. B. & Q. Railroad. 1470. John Henry: b. June 11, 1849, in Rushville, 111.: d. May 14, 1850. 147 1. John B.: b. Jan. 25, 1855, in Quincy, 111.: d. Apl. 5, 1855. 1472. Richard Griffin: b. Mch. 6, 1856: planter. 1473. Harriet Louise: b. Mch. 8, 1858, in Appaneese, Ih.: d, Aug. II, i860. 1474. Jeannie Maria: b. Oct. 22, 1859, in Augusta, 111.: d. Oct. 19, 1862. 1475. Caroline Belle: b. Sept. 8, 1861. 1476. Frank C. : b. Aug. 8, 1863. 1477. Frances Theresa : b. Jan. 27, 1867. 1478. John Catlin: b. Nov. i, 1869. 939. Horace M. Wynkoop, (Evert 539, Johannes 306, Evert 124, Johannes E. 36, Evert 4, Cornelius i,) married, October 31, 1S60, Olive L. WilHams. They lived in Detroit, Mich. Children of Horace M. and Olive L. Wynkoop: 1479. Frank Evert. 1480. William: died about one year old. 1 48 1. Elizabeth Idel: b. about 1866. 941. Hannah Wynkoop, (Evert 539, Johannes 306, Evert 124, Johannes E. 36, Evert 4, Cornelius i :) married William Carson, Jun. Children of William and Hannah Carson : 1482. William Carson: deceased. 1483. Charles Carson: deceased. 1484. May Carson. 984. Henrietta Wynkoop, (Jacob 547, Joshua 311, Evert 124, 1/6 Wynkoop Genealogy Johannes E. 36, Evert 4, Cornelius i,) born in 1843: married, January 5, 1864, Barend Ten Eyck, born August 19, 1842, son of Anthony Jacob and Cornelia (Van der Poel) Ten Eyck. Children of Barend and Henrietta Ten Eyck: 1485. Caroline Ten Eyck; b. Mch. 30, 1865. i486. Emeline C. Ten Eyck: b. Nov. 2, 1867: d. July 19, 1868. 987. Evert Wynkoop, (Everett H. 550, Hezekiah 315, Evert 132, Hezekiah 39, Evert 4, Cornelius i,) born June 28, 1826: died July 3, 1872: married Alida Russell, daughter of John H. and Eliza (Schoonmaker) Russell. Children of Evert and Alida Wynkoop : 1487. Marie Kate: b. June 26, 1858: m. Christopher C. James. 1488. Russell: b. Aug. i, 1861: m. Emma Van Loan. 1489. Elizabeths. — called " Leila " : b. June 4, 1868: studied art at Cooper Institute. 988. Isaac Wynkoop, (Everett H. 550, Hezekiah 315, Evert 132, Hezekiah 39, Evert 4, Cornelius i,) born June 28, 1829: died March 12, 1880: married, ist, Hannah Hommel: m., 2d, in December, 1862, at Rhinebeck, Catharine Champlin, born Decem- ber 29, 1839, at South Gilboa, N. Y., died July 9, 1903, in New- York City. Children of Isaac and Hannah (H.) Wynkoop: 1490. Wihiam: b. July 16, 1858: m. Elizabeth Snyder. 1 49 1. A son, who died in infancy. Children of Isaac and Catharine (C.) Wynkoop: 1492. Mary Jane: b. July 23, 1864: died June 20, 1902: m. Edward Warren Smeeton: left a child, Harold Wynkoop Smeeton, living in Spanish Town, Jam., with an aunt of Mr. Smeeton. 1493. Isabel: b. Oct. 16, 1866: m. Floyd B. Ennist, M.D., and lives in the Borough of Manhattan, New York City. 1494. A daughter, who died in infancy. 993. Myndert Wynkoop, (Judge Henry 552, Hezekiah 315, Evert 132, Hezekiah 39, Evert 4, Cornelius i,) born November 5,1818: died August 5, 1895, in Troy, N. Y.: married, March 12, 1851, Mary Elizabeth Wynkoop Schoonmaker [1020], born Janu- ary 26, 1833, died January 6, 1883, in Catskill, daughter of Egbert P. and Nelly Wynkoop [570] Schoonmaker. (Myn derde = my third.) Wynkoop Genealogy 177 Children of Myndert and Mary E. Wynkoop: 1495. Egbert H.: b. May i, 1852 : ni., ist, Agnes G. Williamson; m., 2d, Mary Louise Gregory. 1496. Nellie: b. Aug. 12, 1853. She was living, in November, 1 90 1, unmarried. 1497. Ida: b. Nov. 4, 1856: d. Nov. 16, 1859. 1498. Sarah: b. Jan. 19, 1859: d. June 19, 1898. 1499. William M.: b. June 2, 1861: m., in Sept., 1892, Maria Snyder, of Catskill, N. Y., and lives in Troy, N. Y. They have no child. 1500. Asa, Rev.: b. Sept. 6, 1863: was graduated at Rutgers College, in 1887 : taught in the Dutch Collegiate School, in New York, 1887-89: was graduated at Union Seminary, in 1892: "Fellow in Philosophy," Columbia University, N. Y., 1892-94: licensed by the presbytery of New York, in 1892: was ordained, and was installed pastor of the Trinity Presbyterian Church, South Orange, N. J., in 1893 : resigned the pastorate in November, 1901, because of a nervous affection of the throat, and purposed to spend the year 1902 in Germany, in study, and for the recovery of normal health. 1501. Gillett: b. Dec. 3, 1865: was graduated at Rutgers Col- lege, in 1891: taught for two years in a preparatory school, in Hudson, O. : taught in the Polytechnic Institute, Brooklyn, N. Y., 1893-96: since that time, has been expert chemist, in the American Pegamoid factory, at Undercliff, N. J. 1502. Anna May: b. Mch. 2, 1869: d. Sept. 4, 1884. 1503. Irving: b. May 19, 1872: studied in Michigan Univer- sity, 1894-96: has been superintendent, from that time to the present, of the "Bo3^s Industrial Colony," at Gardner, N. Y. 994. Henry Wynkoop, (Judge Henry 552, Hezekiah 315, Evert 132, Hezekiah 39, Evert 4, Cornelius i,) born November 10, 1830: married, March 8, 1854, Anna Jane Story, daughter of Francis and Jane (Overbaugh) Story. Children of Henry and Anna J. Wynkoop: 1504. Elizabeth: b. Feb. 17, 1855: m., Dec. 30, 1888, Charles J. Traver, of Albany, N. Y. 1505. James: b. Oct. 28, 1856: m. Ella Baurhyte. 1 7^ Wynkoop Genealogy 1506. Theodore: b. Apl. 22, 1858: d. in 1889. He left a will, of which "Charlotte R. Wynkoop " was the executrix. 1002, Harriet Anne Wynkoop, (Tjerck 561, Henry 317, Evert 132, Hezekiah 39, Evert 4, Cornelius i,) born December 22, 1824, in Flatbush, Ulster County, N. Y. : married, September 26, 1850, Martin Edgar Hendricks, born May 28, 1822, son of Philip and Elsie (Elmendorf) Hendricks. They lived in Flatbush. Child of Martin E. and Harriet A. Hendricks: 1507. Clarence Hendricks: b. Sept. 29, 1856: m. Maria V. Luther. 1003. Eliza Catharine Wynkoop, (Tjerck 561, Henry 317, Evert 132, Hezekiah 39, Evert 4, Cornelius i,) born February 27, 1827: married, October 3, 1848, Joel Burhans, born March 18, 182 1, son of James and Margaret Burhans. They lived in Flat- bush, Ulster County, N. Y. Children of Joel and Eliza C. Burhans: 1508. Joseph W. Burhans: b. May 9, 1852 : m. Millie Montgomery. 1509. Mary Louisa Burhans: b. May 29, 1858: d. Dec. 24, 1877. 1006. William Henry Wynkoop, (Tjerck 561, Henry 317, Evert 132, Hezekiah 39, Evert 4, Cornelius i,) born November 29, 1834: married Elizabeth Knowls, daughter of Rev. Knowls. They lived in Rush City, Minn. Children of William H. and Elizabeth Wynkoop: 1510. Charles Tjerck: b. May 21, 1862: lived in Rush City. 1511. Mary K.: b. Jan. 28, 1864: m. K. P. Paulsen. 1512. William H.: b. Nov. 22, 1867. 1007. Sarah Margaret Wynkoop, (Tjerck 561, Henry 317, Evert 132, Hezekiah 39, Evert 4, Cornelius i,) born March 19, 1839: married, October, 1859, Lawrence H. Osterhoudt, bom March 13, 1836, son of Abraham L. and Catharine (Hendricks) Osterhoudt. They lived in Saugerties, N. Y. Children of Lawrence H. and Sarah M. Osterhoudt: 1 5 13. Willis Osterhoudt: b. Dec. 3, 1862. 1 5 14. Anna Elizabeth Osterhoudt: b. Feb. 18, 1865. 1515. Mary Osterhoudt: b. Apl. 7, 1871. 1516. James Irving Osterhoudt: b. Aug. 27, 1875. 1043. John Wynkoop, (David 646, John 370, Gerardus 153, Gerrit 45, Gerret 5, Cornelius i,) born February 4, 1813 : married Caroline Olinda Kingsley, born May 7, 1822, died February 11, 1865. They lived in Parma Center, Monroe County, N. Y, Wynkoop Genealogy 179 Children of John and Caroline 0. Wynkoop: 1517. Silas: b. July 17, 1841: d. May 10, 1843. 1518. Sarah: b. Apl. 15, 1844: m. Sherwood Hicks, and lived at Parma Center. 1519. Alvah Kingsley: b. Mch. 5,1846: m., July 4, 1867, Ettie Aldrich, daughter of his aunt, Amanda Kingsley. They lived at Monroe Center, Mich. 1520. Emma: b. Apl. i, 1855: d. Aug. 15, 1855. 1521. Flora: b. Aug. 19, 1857. 1522. Avery: b. Sept. 14, i860. 1523. Mary: b. June 5, 1862: d. May 9, 1870. 1045. Isaac William Wynkooj^, (David 646, John 370, Gerar- dus 153, Gerrit 45, Gerret 5, Cornelius i,) born March 31, 1816: married, June 12, 1843, Mary Anne Renwick, daughter of George and Phoebe (Walker) Renwick, of Salem, Mich. They lived in Ann Arbor, Mich. Child of Isaac W. and Mar}- A. Wynkoop: 1524. Emma: b. Jan. 21, 1849. 1046. Thomas Morgan Wynkoop, (David 646, John 370, Gerardus 153, Gerrit 45, Gerret 5, Cornelius i,) born April 22, 1820: married, May 28, 1849, Betsey Roxanna Kingsley, born September 14, 1822, daughter of Alvah Crary and Chloe (Baker) Kingsley, and sister of Caroline [1043]. They lived in Paradise township. Grand Traverse County, Mich. Children of Thomas M. and Betsey R. Wynkoop: 1525. David Eli: b. Aug. 8, i860. 1526. Adonis Crary: b. Oct. 6, 1862. 1527. Vema Edith: b. May 11, 1868. 1047. James Rogers Wynkoop, (David 646, John 370, Gerardus 153, Gerrit 45, Gerret 5, Cornelius i,) born October 16, 1823: married, October 16, 1854, Susan Vandervoort, born March 8, 1835, daughter of Samuel and Sarah (Durrie) Vandervoort. [Voort = forward.] He was a planter, at Lockport, N. Y. Children of James R. and Susan Wynkoop : 1528. Ella Olinda: b. July 19, 1855: m. Oliver Langmate. 1529. Watson Elmer: b. Sept. 4, 1857. 1530. Emma Adella: b. Mch, 19, i860. 1531. Charity Mary: b. Feb. 19, 1862. 1532. David Samuel: b. Dec. 30, 1863. 1533. Susan Adeline: b. July 27, 1866. i8o Wynkoop Genealogy 1054, Sarah Wynkoop, (Isaac 647, John 370, Gerardus 153, Gerrit 45, Gerret 5, Cornelius i,) born February 5, 1826: married Logan De Witt. Child of Logan and Sarah De Witt: 1534. Cassius M. Clay De Witt: b. Mch. 31, 1850: m. Mch. i, 1870, Mary Ellen Robinson, daughter of Alexander and Elizabeth (Lawrence) Robinson. He lived in Lebanon, Ind. He dropped his father's name and was known by his mother's name — Wynkoop. 1097. James Gilkyson O'Harra, (Mary A. Wynkoop 663, Gerrit 372, Gerardus 153, Gerrit 45, Gerret 5, Cornelius i,) born December 9, 1828: married, in 1849, Jane Beach, whose mother was a Perry, cousin to the "Commodore." He was a member of the 95th Reg. 0. Vol.; and died in hospital, at Lexington, Ky., of a wound received in battle. His widow married John McCoy; and died in April, 1869. Child of James G. and Jane O'Harra: 1535. Ella Anne O'Harra: b. Jan. 5, i860. 1098. Garret Wynkoop O'Harra, (Mary A. Wynkoop 663, Gerrit 372, Gerardus 153, Gerrit 45, Gerret 5, Cornelius i,) bom August 16, 1830: married, October 4, 1859, Rachel Anne Bailey, born May 29, 1838, died November 28, 1878. He lived in Plain City, Ohio. Children of Garret W. and Rachel A. O'Harra: 1536. Atta (perhaps Etta) Rosalie O'Harra. 1537. John Franklin O'Harra. 1538. Mary Elizabeth O'Harra. 1539. Asenath Anne O'Harra. 1540. Joseph Bailey O'Harra. 1099. Anne Maria O'Harra, (Mary A. Wynkoop 663, Gerrit 372, Gerardus 153, Gerrit 45, Gerret 5, Cornelius i,) bom Novem- ber-.2, 1832: married, March 17, 1859, John Robert Reason, bom July 15, 1830. They lived, at one time, in Texas, Ohio; after- wards, on a part of the plantation of her father, in Franklin County, Ohio. Children of John R. and Anne M. Reason: i;54i. Mary Alice Reason: b. Mch. 10, 1863 : studied at the Ohio Wesleyan University, at Delaware: was a teacher, and Secretary of the Franklin Count}^ O., Teachers' Associa- tion, consisting of 400 members. Wynkoop Genealogy i8i 1542. Charles Creamer Reason: b. Jan. 14, 1865: a planter near Columbus, Ohio. 1543. Nettie Wynkoop Reason: b. Feb. 15, 1867: a good musician, vocal and instrumental. 1544. James William Reason: b. Dec. 9, 1869: studied medicine. 1545. John Frederick Reason: b. Aug. 6, 1873. 1100. Russell Bigelow O'Harra, (Mary A. Wynkoop 663, Gerrit 372, Gerardus 153, Gerrit 45, Gerret 5, Cornelius i,) born March 15, 1835: married, September 25, 1857, Sarah E. Sessler, of Amity, Ohio. He was a volunteer, in the war for the Union. He lived in Plain City, Ohio. Children of Russell B. and Sarah E. O'Harra: 1546. Joseph Harrison O'Harra. 1547. Alanson Gerardus O'Harra. 1548. Emma Anne O'Harra. 1549. Mary Gertrude O'Harra. 1550. Myrtle Ella O'Harra. 1 55 1. Bertha Belle O'Harra. 1101. William Martin O'Harra, (Mary A. Wynkoop 663, Gerrit 372, Gerardus 153, Gerrit 45, Gerret 5, Cornelius i,) born in 1837: married, in September, 1859, Elica Beach, of Brock- town, Union County, Ohio, cousin to Jane, who married his brother James. He was a volunteer, in the Union army. He lived in Columbus. Children of William M. and Elica O'Harra: 1552. Olive B. O'Harra. 1553. Addie Belle O'Harra. 1554. Ola Esmond O'Harra. 1555. Iva O'Harra. 1556. Ernest Beach O'Harra. 1132. Matthew Bennett Wynkoop, (Gerardus 667, Matthew 373, Gerardus 153, Gerrit 45, Gerret 5, Cornelius i,) born Febru- ary 16, 1830, in Zanesville, Ohio: died March 30, 1895, in New York City: married, in 1854, Susie Vincent Hanlin, of Philadel- phia, who died December, 1898, in New York. He was a printer, on a large scale, in New York City, member of the firm of Wynkoop, Hallenbeck & Thomas, and of Wynkoop & Hallen- beck. He printed the first and second editions of this genealogy ; and he struck out, through excess of modesty, part of what the 1 82 Wynkoop Genealogy compiler had written about him, which the compiler can not replace. Children of Matthew B. and Susie V. Wynkoop : 1557. Madeline May: b, June 29, i860: d. Aug. 29, 1892, in New York City: married, July 6, 1889, Eugene E. Dewey, who died June 27, 1891. She was shaken in health and strength, while in Italy, with her husband, through Roman fever, and a runaway team. 155S, Lillie Annie Corinne: b. Dec. 21, 1864: d. June 30, 1865. ll?o. Henry W. Wynkoop, (Gerardus 667, Matthew 373, Gerardus 153, Gerrit 45, Gerret 5, Cornelius i,) born December 31, 1837, in Zanesville, Ohio: died September 16, 1887, in Crest- line, Ohio: married, June 4, 1862, Mary Cincinnata Wilson, born August 7, 1 84 1, of Jackson, Tenn. He was manager of the tele- graphic ofhce in Crestline. Children of Henry W. and Mary C. Wynkoop : 1559. Robert Bennett: b. Mch. 6, 1863, in Pittsburg, Penn. 1560. Agnes Farrar: b. May 28, 1865, in Crestline. 1561. Eleanora Augusta: b. Jan. 29, 1869. 1562. Orrin Booth: b. Aug. 29, 1872. 1563. Percy Gerardus: b. Oct. 13, 1875. 1133. Matthew Wynkoop, (John 669, Matthew 373, Gerardus 153, Gerrit 45, Gerret 5, Cornelius i,) born March 17, 1829: died October 17, 1885, in Bloomsburg, Penn.: married, October 2, 1856, Elizabeth W. Wright, of Columbia, Penn. They kept a select school, in Bloomsburg. Child of Matthew and Elizabeth W. Wynkoop : 1564. William. 1137. Rebecca Jane Wynkoop, (John 669, Matthew 373, Ger- ardus 153, Gerrit 45, Gerret 5, Cornelius i,) born January 28, 1840: married, Ma}^ 2, 1865, Jesse Yearhart Geist, bom January 26, 1840, in Worthville, Jefferson County, Penn. He was a miller and lumber dealer in Worthville. Children of Jesse Y. and Rebecca J. Geist: 1565. Myrtle Belle Geist: b. Dec. 20, 1867. 1566. Jennie E. Geist: b. Nov. 28, 1869: d. Sept. 14, 1876. 1567. Daniel Mosgrove Geist: b. Sept. i, 1871: m. Gwendolyn Stebbins, of Brookville, Penn, He was a teacher; and, afterwards, a lawyer, at New Bethlehem, Penn. 1568. Viola Geist: b. and d. Apl. 26, 1874, Wynkoop Genealogy 183 1569. John Everett Geist: b. June 15, 1875. 1570. Franklin Ernest Geist: b. Aug. 29, 1878. 1145, David Wynkoop, (Williain 671, Matthew 373, Gerardus 153, Gerrit 45, Gerret 5, CorneHus i,) born August 3, 1827: married, August 15, 1850, Margaret Montgomery, born December 15, 1828, daughter of James and Susanna Montgomery. They lived in New Bethlehem, Clarion County, Penn. Children of David and Margaret Wynkoop: 1571. Harrison H.: b. Sept. 5, 1852: m., Dec. 25, 1874, Mary Elizabeth Mortimer. 1572. James Harvey: b. Sept. 2, 1854; d. Sept. 15, 1856. 1573- John: b. July 25, 1856. 1574. Margaret Anne; b. Oct. 15, 1858: d. Feb. 28, 1859. 1575. Robert S.: b. Feb. 21, i860. 1576. Susanna Jane: b. Sept. 5, 1862: m., June 3, 18S0, S. C. Craig. 1577. Ella: b. June 23, 1867. 1152. Gerardus Hillis Wynkoop, M.D., (Rev. Stephen R. 677, David 374, Gerardus 153, Gerrit 45, Gerret 5, Cornelius i,) born June 4, 1843, in Wilmington, Del.: married, May 30, 1866, in Huntington, L. I., Anne Eliza Woodbury, bom November 22, 1848, died June 17, 1896, in New York City, of appendicitis, daughter of Gen'l Daniel Phineas and Catharine Rachel (Childs) Woodbury. The General was of the U. S. Engineers. Gerardus prosecuted studies in Yale College, until his junior year: was student with Dr. Willard Parker, and was graduated at the College of Physicians and Surgeons, N. Y., in 1866: physician of New York Dispensary, in 1866: professor of physiolog}% in the Woman's Medical College, in 1868: attending physician at the Presbyterian Hospital, in 1873: trustee of public schools, in 1878: and attending physician at St. Luke's Hospital, in the same year, also trustee of the Northern Dispen- sary : professor of surgery in the Woman's Medical College: con- sulting surgeon of the Northern Dispensary, in 1882: first president of the Northern Dispensary, in 1895. Children of Gerardus H, and Anne E. Wynkoop: 1578. Gerardus Mills: b. May 18, 1867: m.. May 18, 1901, in Somerville, N. J., Helen H. Potts, daughter of George H. 1579. Kate Childs: b. July 17, 1868: m., Nov. 25, 1889, Harold Stanley Forward, of Liverpool, Eng. 184 J Wynkoop Genealogy 1580. Daniel Woodbury, M.D.: b. July 11, 1873: attended Yale University, 1891-92: Columbia University Medical College, 1892-96: m., in the city of New York, Nov. 14, 1903, Carlie M. Schenck, daughter of Allen Schenck, deceased. 1581. Elizabeth Hillis: b. Mch. 11, 1878: m. Dec. 27, 1900, in Manhattan, N. Y. City, Stuyvesant Fish Morris. 1163. William Wynkoop, Captain, (Thomas L. 681, William 375, Gerardus 153, Gerrit 45, Gerret 5, Cornelius i,) bom July I, 1835: married, January 6, 1859, Rachel A. Blaker, bom March 22, 1841, daughter of Joshua Carson and Anne (Cevasdale) Blaker. He enlisted, August 5, 1861, as private in the ist Reg. N. Y. Cavalry: was promoted to ist sergeantcy, 2d lieutenantcy, ist lieutenantcy, and captaincy: he was on the staff of Brig.-Gen'l Davies, serving as provost marshall, aide-de-camp, and acting assistant adjutant-general: he was wounded in the ear, and on May 28, 1864, near Salem Court House, Va., in the foot: was honorably discharged, September 26, 1864. He was a planter, at Newtown, Bucks County, Penn. : an elder in the Presbyterian church, and superintendent of the Sabbath school, from 1872. In 1884, he was a commissioner to the Presbyterian General Assembly, at Madison, Wis.; and, in 1890, to the General Assembly, at Saratoga, N. Y. He lives in New- town. Children of Capt. William and Rachel A. Wynkoop : 1582. Annie Blaker: b. Feb. 4, i860: died, aged about 19. 1583. Elizabeth Torbert: b. Mch. 28, 1861: m. George Luff. 1584. Catharine Vansant: b. Feb. 28, 1864: m. Henr}^ Conklin Wylie, who d. about 1891. He was in business in New York, and lived in Rutherford, N. J. 1585. Eva Blaker. 1586. James Anthony. 1163. Samuel Torbert Wynkoop, (Thomas L. 681, Wilham 375, Gerardus 153, Gerrit 45, Gerret 5, Cornelius i,) bom Septem- ber 29, 1837: married February 27, 1861, Eliza Conly Snyder, born July 14, 1839, daughter of Amos and Matilda (Brown) Snyder. He was a planter, in Bucks County, Penn. Children of Samuel T. and Eliza C. Wynkoop : 1587. Matilda Snyder: b. Aug. 19, 1862: d. Aug. 21, 1864. Wynkoop Genealogy 185 1588. Emily Snyder: b. Aug. 17, 1864. 1589. Catharine Langstroth; b. May 7, 1869: m., Mch. 24, 1892, Walter S, Buckman, of Newtown, Penn. 1184. Elizabeth Rose Baker, (Susan Wiley 692, Susan Wyn- koop 376, Gerardus 153, Gerrit 45, Gerret 5, Cornelius i,) bom November 30, : died September 20, 1887: married, April 30, 1859, Rev, Dr. Joseph Tuthill Duryea, born December 9, 1832, in Jamaica, L. I,, died, while visiting in Boston, May 17, 1898. Dr. Duryea was graduated, at the College of New Jersey, in 1856, and at the seminary in Princeton, in 1859: was pastor of the 2d Reformed Church, Troy, N. Y., 1859-62: one of the pastors of the Collegiate Dutch Church, N. Y., 1862-67: pastor of the Classon Ave. Presbyterian Church, Brooklyn, N. Y., December 26, 1867-April 7, 1879: Central Congregational Church, Boston, 1879-89: Congregational Church, Omaha, Neb., 1889-1894: Williamsburg Refomied Church, Brooklyn, June 4, 1895, until his death. He married, 2d, December 31, 1889, Agnes Sturgess Plummer, daughter of Isaac William and Abby Anne (Morton) Plummer. He was a man of great brain and large heart, and his preaching was eminently instructive. The compiler was one of his parishioners, from 1875 to 1879. Children of Dr. Joseph T. and Elizabeth (B.) Duryea: 1590. Jeannette Duryea: b. Feb. 22, 1861, at Troy, N. Y. : m., Jan. 7, 1890, in Omaha, Neb., Charles Abbott Harvey, son of Turlington Walker and Maria Louisa (Hardman) Harvey. The first wife of Charles was sister to the second wife of Dr. Duryea. The children of Jeannette are, Turling- ton Duryea, b. Dec. 3, 1890; Rodman Tuthill, b. July 30, 1892; and Jeannette Duryea, b. Apl. 3, 1894. 1 591. Anna Foster Duryea: b. Jan. 24, 1864, in New York City: m., Feb. 18, 1886, William Croghan Denny, son of Wilham Croghan and Nancy (Tripp) Denny. 1592. Morris Jessup Duryea: b. Apl. 24, 1868, in Brooklyn, N.Y.: m. Jessica Eddy, and has one child, Elizabeth Rose, 1593. Mary Wyman Duryea: b. July 18, 1872. 1594. Frances Stebbins Duryea: b. July 28, 1875. 1307. Mary Beattie Steel, (Mary Beattie 716, Christina Wyn- koop 390, Judge Henry 157, Nicholas 46, Gerret 5, Cornelius i,) bom December 30, 1839: married, June 2, 1S63, Samuel B. 1 86 Wynkoop Genealogy Harvey, M.D., of Jenkintown, who died September 30, i886. The widow was Hving in Hoboken, N. J., in 1887. Dr. Harvey had two sons by a former wife. Children of Dr. Samuel B. and Mary B. Harvey: 1595. Mary Steel Harvey: b. Mch. 9, 1864. 1596. Daniel Carroll Harvey: b. Sept. 25, 1867. He was edu- cated at Stevens Institute of Technology, Hoboken, X. J. 1218. Francis Murray Wynkoop, Colonel, (John W, 722, Dr. Nicholas 393, Judge Henry 157, Nicholas 46, Gerret 5, Cornelius I,) bom in 1820: died December 13, 1857, at Valencia, Schuylkill County, Penn. : married, in 1850, Anna McKnight Decatur Twiggs, daughter of Major Levi Twiggs, who fell at Chapultepec, Mexico, and niece of Captain Stephen Decatur, Jun., who was commonly known as "Commodore." They had no child. Francis commanded a regiment of militia, in Schuylkill County, Penn. One of the companies volunteered for the war against Mexico, under the call of Governor Francis Rawn Shunk, and Wynkoop went with it as a private. At Pittsburg, he was elected colonel. He was at the capture of Vera Cruz, and in the battles of Cerro Gordo and Huamantla, and in numerous skirm- ishes, and he exhibited bravery and skill, and received honorable mention for gallant service. General Scott wrote also of him, as follows : "Some days since, [Jan., 1848], Colonel Wjmkoop, of the ist Pennsylvania Volun- teers, tendered his services to go, with a few men, to seize the guerilla priest, Jarauta, at the head of a small band that had long been the terror of all peaceable Mexicans within his reach, and who has frequently had skirmishes with our detachments. The Colonel, having missed that object, heard that General Valencia and staff were at a distant hacienda, and by hard riding in the night, succeeded in capturing that general and a colonel of his staff, I consider this handsome service, worthy of being recorded." (Memoirs of Lieut. Gen. Winfield Scott, 1864, vol. ii, pp. 449, 567, 568.) He was editor of the Miner's Journal, at one time; and he established the Anthracite Gazette, at Pottsville, Penn. He left the Whigs and joined the Democrats, because the former had opposed the war. Under President Franklin Pierce, he was Marshal of the Eastern District of Pennsylvania. On retiring from office, he made his home at Valencia, on the line Wynkoop Genealogy 187 of the Catawissa Railroad, in the northeasterly comer of Schuyl- kill County. He bled to death, from a wound in the leg, re- ceived accidentally from a gun in the hands of an attendant, while he was hunting birds, to tempt the dehcate appetite of his wife. His death called forth concurrent testimony to the manli- ness of his form, the eloquence of his voice, the warmth of his heart, and his hold on the affections of the public. The compiler received from him a transcript from the record of Judge Henr}' Wynkoop [157], which is mentioned elsewhere herein. 1219. Anna Maria Wynkoop, (John W. 722, Dr. Nicholas 393, Judge Henry 157, Nicholas 46, Gerret 5, Cornelius i,) bom January 26, 1821: died July 18, 1881, in New York City: mar- ried, December 26, 1842, Thomas Ives Atwood, bom September 14, 1816, died September 28, 1874, in Elizabeth, N. J., son of Origen and Roxana (Ives) Atwood, of New Haven. He was in business in New York. The compiler frequently met with Mrs. Atwood, and found her entertaining and a woman of culture. She took much interest in this genealogy, and was helpful with information. Children of Thomas I. and Anna M. Atwood. 1597. John Wynkoop Atwood; d. Feb. 12, 1885. 1598. Emily A. Atwood: m. Horace M. Tabor, and lived in New York City. 1599. Frances Murray Atwood: m. Charles Henry Bayard Fisher, and lived in Frederickton, N. B. 1.321. John Estill Wynkoop, Colonel, (John W. 722, Dr. Nicholas 393, Judge Henry 157, Nicholas 46, Gerret 5, Cornelius I,) bom in 1826: died Januar}' 17, 1901: married, ist, Harriet Halberstadt, who died in 1861, daughter of Dr. George Halber- stadt, of Pottsville, Penn.; married, 2d, in 1864, her sister Annie. During the war for the Union, he was Colonel of the 20th Reg. Penn. Vol. Cavalry; and he commanded a brigade, at Cumber- land, Md. Children of John E. and Harriet Wynkoop: 1600. Augusta Howell: b. in 1858. 1601. Harriet: b. in i860: m. Lewis Grant, and survives him, with three children: Lewis, b. in 1885, Jean, b. in 1887, and Anne, b. in 1892. She lives at Pottsville, Pa. 1 88 Wynkoop Genealogy Children of John E, and Annie Wynkoop: 1602. Alfred Halberstadt: b. Jan. 20, 1867: ni., Apl. 25, 1893, Amanda Jarrett. He was member of the firm of Wynkoop & Robinson, at one time; afterwards, of Satterthwaite & Wynkoop, general contractors, Philadelphia. His son John E., Jun., was bom June 9, 1900. 1603. John Estill: b. July 20, 1869: d. Dec. 30, 1887. 1603A. Philip Ver Planck: b. June, 1871: m. Margaret Jones: he has a daughter, Marion, b. about 1897. 1333. Charles Shippen Wynkoop, (John W. 722, Dr. Nicholas 393, Judge Henry 157, Nicholas 46, Gerret 5, Cornelius i,) bom in 1828: died in August, 1864, in Petersburg, Va. : married Catharine Carmichael. He went upon the stage, under the name of Charles McKenzie. His southern residence led him to sympathize with the rebellion , and he became Lieutenant Colonel of the 14th Reg. of Alabama. He was wounded, while in command of the regiment, after the explosion, July 30, 1864, of a mine under the rebel defenses of Petersburg, and underwent an amputation, from the effects of which he died. Child of Charles S. and Catharine Wynkoop : 1604. May: b. in 1858. 1333, George Wynkoop, Lieutenant Colonel, (John W. 722, Dr. Nicholas 393, Judge Henry 157, Nicholas 46, Gerret 5, Cor- nelius I,) born in 1830: died July 29, 1866, at Kansas City, while crossing the plains: married, in 1852, Mary Trayer. He was Lieutenant Colonel of the 98th Reg. Penn. Vol. : was wounded at the battle of Chancellorsville ; and resigned. He was, afterwards, member of the law firm of Bigelow & Wynkoop, Philadelphia. Child of George and Mary Wynkoop : 1605. Catharine: d. in infancy. 1334. Edward Wanshaer Wynkoop, Colonel, (John W. 722, Dr. Nicholas 393, Judge Henry 157, Nicholas 46, Gerret 5, Cor- nelius I,) born in 1836: died September 12, 1891, in Santa Fe, N. M.: married, in 1861, Louisa Brown. He was Major of a Colorado regiment, and performed perilous and efficient services against the rebels in New Mexico, and against the Indians. He was displaced, in some way, in 1864, as unsuitable for the work, when it was intended to massacre the Wynkoop Genealogy 189 Cheyennes, at Sand Creek, at a conference to which the Indians had been invited : so he was not involved in what is known as the "Chivington Massacre." He became an Indian Agent, and won the confidence of the Indians, because he was one of the few persons who kept faith with them. He was hving, in 1878, at Tremont, Schuylkill County, Penn.; and, ten years later, at Santa Fe, where he was warden of the New Mexico Penitentiary. He died after a long illness. It is said that he was a member of the original Pike's Peak expe- dition. Children of Edward W. and Louisa Wynkoop: 1606. Edward Estill: b. in 1862. 1607. Emily: b. in 1864. 1608. Angeline: b. in 1866. 1609. Francis Murray: b. in i86g. 1 6 ID. Charles Wanshaer: b. in 187 1. 1336. Isabella Wynkoop, (Henry 724, Dr. Nicholas 393, Judge Henry 157, Nicholas 46, Gerret 5, Cornelius i,) born October 20, 1834: married, October 16, 1866, Jonas White Cole, and lived in Trenton, N. J. Children of Jonas W. and Isabella (W.) Cole: 1611. Mabel Cole: b. June 5, 1870: m., Mch. 12, 1890, Frank B. Clark: child, Isabel Wynkoop Cole Clark, b. June 5, 1S97. 161 2. Emily Wynkoop Cole: b. July 16, 1873: d. Nov. 6, 1876. 1613. Grace Frances Cole: b. Sept. 17, 1875. 1327, Nicholas Wynkoop, Lieutenant, (Gen'l George C. 725, Dr. Nicholas 393, Judge Henry 157, Nicholas 46, Gerret 5, Cor- nelius I,) born December 25, 1831: died August 21, 1862: married Almira Herman. He was Lieutenant and Adjutant of the 7th Reg. Penn. Vol. Cav., commanded by his father, and was killed in a cavalry fight, near Gallatin, Ky., August 21, 1862. Children of Nicholas and Almira (H.) Wynkoop: 1614. George Campbell: b. Oct. 29, 1853: m. Ellie Kelley. 1615. Mary Amanda: b. July 27, 1855: m. Alexander Harvey, 1616. Frances Annie: b. Jan. 23, 1858: m. Ai Fenton Reed. 1353. Henry Wynkoop Watson, (Margaret L. Wynkoop 729, Jonathan 396, Judge Henry 157, Nicholas 46, Gerret 5, Cornelius I,) born October 5, 1836, at Gettysburg, Pa.: a lawyer at 190 Wynkoop Genealogy Williamsport, Pa.: married, ist, January 7, 1863, Mary Mont- gomery, of Lycoming County, who died, childless, March 25, 187 1, aged about 38 years: married, 2d, October 15, 1874, at Dayton, O., Mary A. Cummin, who is living with him and their two children. He attended a private school at Clinton, N. J., and a public school at Princeton, and a school at Chestnut Hill, Pa. : entered the sophomore class of the College of New Jersey in 1854, and was graduated in 1857 : taught school at Rockville, Pa., and at Milton: studied law with S. D, Bell: was employed by Dawson & Brown: he was admitted to the Bar, in 1859, at Sunbury, Pa., and soon afterward established himself at Williamsport. In 1861 he joined, as a private, Com. A., nth Reg. Pa. Vol, Inf., and was with them in a skirmish at Falling Waters, Va., in July of that year, and soon after was mustered out at Harris- burg, and saw no further military service, except with the emergency men, at the time of the Antietam campaign. He was for one term a school director, and was for eight years attorney for Williamsport City. Children of Henry W. and Mary A. (C.) Watson: i6i6a, James Cummin Watson : b. Jan. 7, 1876, at Williamsport a lawyer, in his father's office. He served in the Spanish- American War. 1616B. Mary Irvin Watson: b. Oct. 11, 1879. 1353. Robert Belville Watson, M.D., (Margaret L. Wynkoop 729, Jonathan 396, Judge Henry 157, Nicholas 46, Gerret 5, Cor- nelius I,) born May 7, 1838, at Gettysburg, Pa.: a physician at Lock Haven, Pa.: married, December 13, 1866, Emma Louisa Grafins, born in 1845, died March 9, 1885. He married, 2d, September 7, 1887, Anna Elliott, of Jersey City, born January 15, 1851. He attended the public schools, also the school at Lawrence- ville, N. J., and was graduated at the College of New Jersey, in 1 86 1. He served as surgeon, in the Volunteer army. Children of Robert B, and Emma (G.) Watson: 161 6c. Laura Grafins Watson: b. Dec. 31, 1869: lives in Phila- delphia. i6i6d. Mary Watson: b. Mch. 31, 1874: lives with her father. 1616E, Grace Hall Watson: b. Apl. 5, 1880: lives with her father. 1254. Jonathan Edwards Wynkoop Van Doren, (Susan Wyn- Wynkoop Genealogy 191 koop 733, Jonathan 396, Judge Henry 157, Nicholas 46, Gerret 5, Cornelius i,) bom December 15, 1836: married, in June, i860, Achsale Amelia Dey Applegate, daughter of James and Dena (Dey) Applegate. He lived in New York City: and he signed himself J. E. Van Doren, Mr. Applegate was, at one time. Sheriff of Middlesex County, N.J. Children of Jonathan E. and Achsale Van Doren: 1617. Helen Wynkoop Van Doren: m., Oct. 12, 1887, in Brook- lyn, N. Y., Edward Marshall Alden, of Troy, N. Y. 1 618. James Applegate Van Doren. He was drowned from a yacht, at Indian Harbor, Conn,, in 1886, aged 17^ years. 1257a. Albert Harnisch Wynkoop, Rev., (Franklin 743A, John 411, Philip 166, Philip 48, Gerret 5, Cornelius i,) born September 17, 1866, in Montgomery County, Penn.: married June 30, 1897, in Austin, Potter County, Penn., Lois Winifred Lyman, bom February 23, 1872, in Sweden Valley, Potter County, daughter of Albert G. and Adelaide Lyman, a graduate of Bucknell Institute, in 1890. He was graduated Ph.B., in 1894, at the Bucknell Institute, and, in 1897, completed his studies in the Crozer Baptist Semi- nary. He was pastor of a church at Danielson, near Brooklyn, Conn., in 1902, and more recently at Morgantown, Burke County, N. C. Child of Albert H. and Lois W. Wynkoop: i6i8a. Dorothy Lyman: b. Dec. 13, 1898. 1269, Stephen Girard Wood, (Sarah Wynkoop 762, James 420, Capt. Jacobus 167, Cornelius 51, Benjamin 8, Cornelius i,) born March 12, 1832: married, ist, December 21, 1852, Helen Pruyn, who died October 11, 1855, daughter of Samuel and Helen (Vandervoort) Pruyn, of Albany; married, 2d, April 21, 1863, Emma Justina Pruyn, daughter of Lansing and Anna Mary (Saltus) Pruyn. Samuel and Lansing were distantly related. Children of Stephen G. and Helen Wood : 16 1 9. Sarah Elizabeth Wood: b.- Oct. 9, 1853. She lives in Albany, N. Y. 1620. Helen Wood: b. and d. in 1855. Child of Stephen G. and Emma J. Wood: 162 1. Lansing Pruyn Wood: b. June 15, 1870. 192 Wynkoop Genealogy 1271, Robert D. Wynkoop, (Robert D. 764, James 420, Capt. Jacobus 167, Cornelius 51, Benjamin 8, Cornelius i,) bom August I, 1843, in New York City: married, January 12, 1867, Isabella Van Winkle. He was a member of Com. C, 21st Reg. N.J. Vol. Afterwards, he was a lawyer, in Jersey City; and, later, in New York. Children of Robert D. and Isabella Wynkoop: 1622. Jennie D. 1623. Juliette G. 1624. Frances E. 1625. Maud L.: d. Dec. 25, 1878, aged 6 years, from burning, occasioned by her playing with matches. 1283, Benjamin Joseph Wynkoop, (Joseph P. 766, Abraham 431, Benjamin 175, Abraham 52, Benjamin 8, Cornelius i,) born March 18, 1837, in Philadelphia: died there April 22, 1885: married, March 10, 1866, at Washington, D. C., Martha Elinor Osborne, bom September 20, 1838, in Washington, daughter of James and Mary Elinor (Fisher) Osborne: she was living in April, 1903. Benjamin was, at one time, a proof-reader in Washington ; afterwards he was editor of the Confectioner's Journal, Phila- delphia. Children of Benjamin J. and Martha E. Wynkoop: 1625A. Ella May, born Feb. 9, 1867, in Washington: m. there, Mch. 22, 1888, Frank I. Ramsay: children: Bruce Sher- man, b. Jan. 22, 1889; Charles Sylvester, b. Aug. 2, 1S92; and Leah, b. Oct. 31, 1893. 1625B. Thomas Pilmore, b. Mch. 6, 1868, in Washington: m. Emma Grace: children; Norman Osborne, b. Dec. 14, 1893; Thomas Pilmore, b. Dec. 27, 1896; and Mary Edith, b. Jan. 25, 1899. 1625c. Benjamin Norman, b. Nov. 29, 1869, in Washington. 1386, Mary Emma Tennant, (Caroline Davis 771, Mary Wyn- koop 434, Abram 176, Abraham 52, Benjamin 8, Cornelius i :) married John M. Gardner, and survived him, and lives in Balti- more, Md. Children of John M. and Mary E. Gardner: 1626. Mary Caroline Gardner. 1627. Howard Addison Gardner: deceased. 1628. William Leon Gardner: deceased. Wynkoop Genealogy 193 1387, Anna Caroline Tennant, (Caroline Davis 771, Mary Wynkoop 434, Abram 176, Abraham 52, Benjamin 8, Cornelius I :) married Carl Otto Hahn, from Prussia, and lived in San Francisco. Children of Carl O. and Anna C. Hahn: 1629. Edwin Otto Hahn. 1630. Carl Tennant Hahn. 163 1. Mar}^ Matilda Hahn. 1300. Mary Corneille Wynkoop, (Alonzo I. 777, Benjamin 444, Benjamin 178, Benjamin 53, Benjamin 8, Cornelius i,) born July 15, 1839, in Chemung, N, Y. : died July 17, 1867: married, June 3, 1863, Charles Munson Young, of New York City, bom September 11, 1834, in Wantage, N. J., son of Silas and Huldah (Lewis) Young. Charles married, 2d, Amanda Ramsey Young, daughter of John M. and Nancy D. (Ramsey) Young. Child of Charles M. and Mary C. (W.) Young: 1632. Charles Munson Young, Jun.: b. Nov. 30, 1S64. 1302. Helen Mar Wynkoop, (Alonzo I. 777, Benjamin 444, Benjamin 178, Benjamin 53, Benjamin 8, Cornelius i,) bom September 7, 1843: married, October 22, 1873, William Waite Everett, of New York City, son of John and Catharine (Brown) Everett. Child of William W. and Helen M. Everett: 1633. Catharine Everett: b. July 30, 1874, in Chemung, N. Y. 1318. Delia Antoinette Wynkoop, (Nile F. 780, Benjamin 444, Benjamin 178, Benjamin 53, Benjamin 8, Cornelius i,) born September 29, 1846: married, December 26, 1872, Henry Sayre Bridgeman, of Rockstream, N. Y., son of Lewis H. and Angelia (Sayre) Bridgeman. Child of Henry S. and Delia A. Bridgeman: 1634. Guy Wynkoop Bridgeman: b. Oct. 13, 1873. 1319. Alice Louise Wynkoop, (Nile F. 780, Benjamin 444, Benjamin 178, Benjamin 53, Benjamin 8, Cornelius i,) born September i, 1852: married, February 26, 1874, Charles Rock- well, of Burlington, Penn. Child of Charles and Alice L. (W.) Rockwell: 1635. Alice L. Rockwell: b. Feb.", 1876. 1336. Francis Grey Wynkoop, (Abraham 786, John 445, Benjamin 178, Benjamin 53, Benjamin 8, Cornelius i,) bom 13 194 Wynkoop Genealogy September 13, 1822: married, May 15, 1850, Catharine Grassby, of Penn., born April 13, 1825. They lived in Freeport, III. Children of Francis G. and Catharine (G.) Wynkoop: 1636. Warren D.: b. Jan. 8, 1852. 1637. Clarence M.: b. Apl. 4, 1854. 1638. Alida Margaret: b. Nov. 29, i860. 1338. Deborah Lucretia Wynkoop, (Abraham 786, John 445, Benjamin 178, Benjamin 53, Benjamin 8, Cornelius i,) bom November 24, 1828: married, November 26, 1845, Ferdinand McDui!ie, bom March 14, 1815, son of Neal and Anna McDuffie. They lived at Orcutt Run, Penn. Children of Ferdinand and Delia L. McDuffie: 1639. Louis Neal McDuffie: b. Mch, 29, 1855. 1640. Frank Abram McDuffie: b. July 5, 1857. 1 64 1. Anna Viola McDuffie: b. July 4, 1859. 1345, Helen Wynkoop, (Legrand 790, John 445, Benjamin 178, Benjamin 53, Benjamin 8, Cornelius i,) born August 24, 1833: married, ist, Samuel H. Leidy; married, 2d, John Van Omam. They lived in Nebraska. Leidy was killed in the Union army, about the close of the war. Children of Samuel H. and Helen Leidy: 1642. George Leidy. 1643. Harriet Leidy. 1644. Charles Leidy. 1645. Frank Legrand Leidy. 1366. James Silvester Wynkoop, (Robert G. 804, Rev. Peter S. 451, John C. 205, Capt. Cornelius C. 65, Cornelius 9, Maj. Johannes 2, Cornelius i :) m. Helen De Wolf. Child of James S. and Helen Wynkoop: 1646. Walter De Wolf: b. June 4, 1875. 1370. Margaret Gosman Wynkoop, (Peter S. 805, Rev. Peter S. 451, John C. 205, Capt. Cornelius C. 65, Cornelius 9, Maj. Johannes 2, Cornelius i,) born August 5, 1852: married, April 20, 1881, in Hudson, N. Y., William Wallace Hegeman, bom November 14, 1854, in Poughkeepsie, N. Y., son of William Wallace and Harriet Elizabeth (Allen) Hegeman. He is a civil engineer. He lived, for a short time, in Ashtabula, Ohio; afterwards, he was of the firm of Hegeman & Co., con- tractors, Pittsburg, Penn. Still later, he lived at Spuyten Duy- vil, N. Y. He was a descendant from Adriaen and Kathryna Wynkoop Genealogy 195 (Margits) Hegeman, settlers in Flatbush, Kings County, N. Y,, about 1653. Children of William W. and Margaret G. Hegeman: 1647. Margery Allen Hegeman: b. Aug. 3, 1882, Dunkirk, N. Y. 1648. Harold Wynkoop Hegeman: b. May 15, 1884, Rhinebeck, N. Y. 1649. Arthur William Hegeman: b. Feb. 25, 1886, Rhinebeck. 1650. John Gosman Hegeman: b. Oct. 3, 1890, Spuyten Duyvil. 1 65 1. Clarence Hegeman: b. Feb. 15, 1S94, Spuyten Duyvil. 1652. Ralph McCracken Hegeman: b. June 4, 1896, Spuyten Duyvil, 1371. Mary Miller Wynkoop, (Peter S. 805, Rev. Peter S. 451, John C. 205, Capt. Cornelius C. 65, Cornelius 9, Maj. Johannes 2, Cornelius i,) born February 22, 1855: married Arthur Morton Hankes, who died in 1877, son of Owen Glen- dower and Caroline (Morton) Hankes. Child of Arthur M. and Mary M. Hankes: 1653. Edith Morton Hankes, 1384, Emma Judson Wynkoop, (Jonathan G. 806, Rev. Peter S. 451, John C. 205, Capt. Cornelius C. 65, Cornelius 9, Maj. Johannes 2, Cornelius i,) bom January 14, 1858, in Syracuse, N. Y. : married there, June 14, 1882, Dr. Crawford Ellsworth Fritts, of Hudson, N. Y. Child of Dr. Crawford E. and Emma J. Fritts: 1654. Harold Ellsworth Fritts: b, Jan. 11, 1885. 1385. William Augustus Wynkoop, (Jonathan G. 806, Rev. Peter S. 451, John C. 205, Capt. Cornelius C. 65, Cornelius 9, Maj. Johannes 2, Cornelius i,) born March 5, 1863, in Syracuse, N. Y. : married, September 17, 1884, Mary Maclntyre Jaycox. Children of William A. and Mary M. (J.) Wynkoop: 1655. Jonathan Gosman: b. Jan. 16, 1886. 1656. William Lawrence: b. Sept. 17, 1888. 1387, Edward Judson Wynkoop, M.D., (Jonathan G. 806, Rev. Peter S. 451, John C. 205, Capt. Cornelius C. 65, Cornelius 9, Maj. Johannes 2, Cornelius i,) born April 24, 1869, in Syracuse, N. Y. : married, June 15, 1898, Florence Niver, youngest daugh- ter of W. K. Niver, of Syracuse. He is a physician, at Syracuse, N. Y. Child of Dr. Edward J. and Florence Wynkoop: 1657. William Niver: b. Mch. 30, 1899. 196 Wynkoop Genealogy 1396. Josiah Henry Macy, [Stanton by birth,] (Jonathan H. Stanton 815, Richard 458, Maria Wynkoop 206, Capt. CorneHus C, 65, CorneHus 9, Maj. Johannes 2, CorneHus i,) bom August 10, 1840: married, November 29, 1859, Jane Carpenter, born April 11, 1 84 1, daughter of Henry Mead and Rebecca WiUits (Under- bill) Carpenter. Josiah was adopted by his grandfather, Josiah Macy, of Rye, N. Y., and his surname was changed to Macy. Children of Josiah H. and Jane Macy: 1658. Walter Macy: b. Sept. 20, i860, in Harrison, N. Y.: d. Apl. 15, 1885: unmarried. 1659. William Austin Macy, M.D.: b. July 4, 1862: m, Marion Wright. 1660. Leda Macy: b. Nov. 2, 1864, in Harrison: m. Nov. 8, 1893, Richard Willits Underbill, son of Samuel and Han- nah W. (Seaman) UnderhiH. They live in Boonton, N. J. 1661. Edith Macy: b. Dec. 11, 1866: d. Dec. 14, 1866. 1662. Augusta Macy: b. Jan. 11, 1868: lives in New York. 1663. CarroH Macy: b. May 13, 1870: lives in Boonton. 1664. Carleton Macy: b. Oct. 14, 1872: lives in New York. 1408. Oscar Packard, (Sarah Wynkoop 886, Peter 510, Judge Dirck 292, Capt. Evert 112, Cornelius 28, Evert 4, Cornelius i,) born April 19, 1810, in New York City: died July 12, 1891, in Loudonville, N. Y.: married, November 20, 1845, Fanny Worth- ington, born July 17, 1817, died September 7, 1896, in Albany, N. Y., daughter of Gad and Fanny (Belden) Worthington, of Lenox, Mass. Children of Oscar and Fanny Packard : 1665. Catharine Packard: m. James Cassidy. 1666. Mary Packard: m. Edwin Ellis and lived in Loudonville. 1667. Edward Winslow Packard : m. Elizabeth Blydenburgh. 1411. Harriet Wynkoop Packard, (Sarah Wynkoop 886, Peter 510, Judge Dirck 292, Capt. Evert 112, Cornelius 28, Evert 4, Cornelius i,) born August 20, 1814: died October 19, 1896: married, August 13, 1838, Jacob Hamlin Shear, born August 27, 1809, died January 31, 1874, in Albany, son of Jacob and Mary (Tripp) Shear. Jacob was of the firms of McGraw & Shear, and Shear, Pack- ard & Co., manufacturers of stoves, on a large scale, in Albany, N. Y. The second firm was made up of Jacpb, and his brother- Wynkoop Genealogy 197 in-law, Joseph Packard: afterwards Shear's brother, and Pack- ard's brother, George W., were admitted. Children of Jacob H. and Harriet W. Shear; 1668. Emma Cordelia Shear : b. May 27, 1839: m., Apl. 19, 1870, Prof. George W. Hough, LL.D., Director of Dearborn Observatory, Evanston, 111. 1669. Orville Augustus Shear : b. May 22, 1843; d. Oct. 22, 1903, at Albany, N. Y. : unmarried. 1670. Harriet Juliet Shear: b. June 21, 1845: m.. May 25, 1869, Emile Cardoze, who d. in 1879. 1671. Theodore Robert Shear: b. Mch. 25, 1847: m. Mary Louise Quackenbos. 1672. Josephine Sarah Shear: b. Apl. 10, 1849; m., Jan. 14, 1874, George M. Dorrance. 1673. Oscar Shear: b. Feb. 5, 1851: d. July 22, 1853. 1674. Kate Maud Shear: b. Mch. 11, 1853: m., Jan. 11, 1875, Charles B. Clover. 1675. Isabella Shear: b. Dec. 14, 1855: d. Dec. 17, 1862. 1412. Charles Isaac Packard, (Sarah Wynkoop, 886, Peter 510, Judge Dirck 292, Capt. Evert 112, Cornelius 28, Evert 4, Cor- nelius I,) born October 21, 1816: married, in May, 1840, Hester Brooks. Children of Charles I. and Hester (B.) Packard: 1675A. James B. Packard. 167 5B. John Quackenbos Packard. 1413. Joseph Packard, (Sarah Wynkoop 886, Peter 510, Judge Dirck 292, Capt. Evert 112, Cornelius 28, Evert 4, Cornelius i,) born October i, 1818: died August 16, 1888, in Vichy, France, married, April 9, 1856, Catharine V. Hilton, born in 1834, daughter of Judge Robert I. and Margaret A. (Van Vorst) Hilton. Children of Joseph and Catharine V. Packard : 1676. Margaret Alice Packard: b. Jan. 30, 1857, in Albany, N.Y,: m., July 7, 1879, Eugene Felicien Albert, Count Goblet d' Alviella, born Aug. 10, 1846, in Brussels, Belgium. They have two children: Felix Albert Joseph, b. May 26, 1884, in Ixelles; and Helene Margaret Alice, b. Nov. 2, 1887. 1677. Eleanor Mary Packard: b. in 1859: m., July i, 1891, in London, St. James, Piccadilly, Capt. Arthur Vincent Hatch, of the ist Ghoorkhas, Bengal Staff Corps. 198 Wynkoop Genealogy 1432. William Henry Dunning, (Harriet Wynkoop 889, Peter 510, Judge Dirck 292, Capt. Evert 112, Cornelius 28, Evert 4, Cornelius i,) born August 11, 181 9: died February 7, 1885, in New York City: married, April 13, 1851, Eliza A. Bogardus, bom October 28, 1830, daughter of William Bogardus, a lawyer. He was a member of the firms of Watt, Dunning & Graham, Dun- ning, Tooker & Co., and Dunning, Leeds & Farrar, in New York City; the last two were clothing firms. He was a member of the consistory of the Collegiate Dutch Church, for many years. Children of William H. and Eliza A. Dunning: 1678. Helen Robertson Dunning : b. Mch. 31, 1852: m., Sept. i, 1875, Henry William Jameson, District Superintendent of Schools, N. Y. City, son of John and Rachel (Stedman) Jameson. They have children: Charles Baring, b. July 19, 1876; Florence Eliza, b. Apl. 14, 1878; and Arthur Sted- man, b. Feb. 6, 1884. 1679. Jacob Abramse Robertson Dunning: b. Jan. i, 1854: m., Oct. II, 1888, Florence Hoag, daughter of Frank and Margaret (Beach) Hoag. He is a real estate broker in New York City. 1680. Augustus Wynkoop Dunning: b. Oct. 3, 1855: d, Oct. 18, 1896: m., May 12, 1888, Mary Bolles, daughter of Thomas and Matilda (Gilbert) Bolles. He was in the commission business, in New York City. 1681. Robert Bogardus Dunning: b. Aug. 5, i86o: d. Jan. 20, 1894, N. Y. City: unmarried. 1437. Juha Anna Wynkoop, (Rev. Richard 891, Peter 510, Judge Dirck 292, Capt. Evert 112, Cornelius 28, Evert 4, Cor- nelius I,) born July 11, 1826, in New York City: died March 9, 1890, at Dykeman, Putnam County, N. Y. : married, December 6, 1848, in New Brunswick, N. J., William Charles Brewster, born May 30, 1816, died October 23, 1893, at Dykeman, son of Samuel and Eliza C. (Strang) Brewster. The last was a descend- ant of Daniel and Charlotte (Le Mestre) Streing, early Hugue- not settlers at New Rochelle, N. Y. William was a planter. • Children of Wihiam C. and Julia A. Brewster: 1682. Samuel Brewster: b. Nov. 3, 1852; d. May 24, 1853. 1683. Virginia Dunning Brewster: b. Dec. 9, 1855 : married, ist, July 10, 1872, Francis Darwin Hedge, who died Apl. 23, 1873, in Northampton, Mass., aged 35 years. She mar- VVynkoop Genealogy 199 ried, 2d, August 31, 1884, in Danbury, Conn., Howell Brown, and obtained a divorce from him, June 18, 1889. She married, 3d, July 6, 1890, at Dykeman, John William McKnight, bom June 5,' 1865, in Hamilton, Can. They live on Brewster Hill, Dykeman. 1684. Julia Anna Brewster, b. Jan. 2, 1858; m., Oct. 5, 1881, at Dykeman, Hiram Granville Durgie. They live on Brew- ster Hill; and have one child, Arthur Francis Durgie, b. Jan. 10, 1883. 1438. Richard Wynkoop, (Rev. Richard 891, Peter 510, Judge Dirck 292, Capt. Evert 112, Cornelius 28, Evert 4, Cor- nelius I,) born June 29, 1829, at the manse, Yorktown (Krom- pond hamlet), Westchester County, N. Y. : living in Brooklyn, N. Y. : married, ist, September 9, 1854, in New York City, Anna Elizabeth Maginnis, bom July 20, 1821, in New York City, died there, October 12, 1858, daughter of Edward and Eliza (Larkin) Maginnis; the former a native of Ireland, and the latter of New England. He married, 2d, in N. Y., March 26, 1863, Lydia Belcher Strang, bom June i, 1831, at Peekskill, N. Y., died September i, 1900, daughter of Joseph White and Elizabeth Morgan (Belcher) Strang: the former was a descendant of Daniel and Charlotte (Le Mestre) Streing, Huguenot settlers at New Rochelle, N. Y., as stated herein above. Richard lived at Yorktown, 1829-34; Hagerstown, Md., 1834- 43; New Brunswick, N. J., 1843-49; New York, 1S49-63; Yonkers, N. Y., 1863-75; Brooklyn, N. Y., 1S75-. He was graduated at Rutgers College, New Brunswick, N. J., A.B., in 1849, and A.M., in 1852: was vice-president of the alumni, in 1880, and again in 1888, and, in the year last named, he pre- sided at the annual meeting. He is a lawyer by profession ; but, since he left the customs service, he has been a genealogist, first as an amateur, and, afterwards, as a professional. He studied law in the offices of Field & Sluyter, and of Stough- ton & Harrington, and was managing clerk for them respectively, and, afterwards, for Ellis, Burrill & Davison, returning to Stoughton & Harrington, in the same position, in 1853, and thence to the office of Charles A. Peabody; was admitted to the Bar, May 7, 1852, on certificate of David Dudley Field, while E. W. Stoughton was one of the examiners: was in partnership with Peabody, January i, 1855 to June 30, i860, except for two 200 Wynkoop Genealogy intervals, when Peabody was on the bench of the Supreme Court, and, in the latter of these intervals, Milton Crane Tracy was associated with him under the firm name of Wynkoop & Tracy. He was admitted to practice in the United States Courts, July 9, 1862, on motion of Edwin W. Stoughton. He was appointed Canada export clerk, September 5, 1864, by Hiram Barney, Collector of Customs of the District of the City of New York, but filled the place of withdrawal entry clerk: was promoted, December i, 1864, to the chief -clerkship of the Navi- gation Division, the 4th, by Collector Simeon Draper, and was in charge also of the foreign clearance and entrance desk. From this time he was constantly charged with the duties of Deputy Collector, ad interim. His salary, as chief clerk, was increased by Collector Moses H. Grinnell. Through the summer of 1873, he was in charge of the division, because of the sickness of the Deputy, George W. Embree; and, after the death of the latter, and on December 17, 1873, he was made full Deputy, by Collector Chester A. Arthur; and he was removed, on political grounds, September 5, 1885, while Edward L. Hedden was Collector. He wrote Documenting of Vessels, John Bliss & Co., 1880; Clearance and Entrance of Vessels, D. Appleton & Co., 1882 ; and Vessels and Voyages, a manual, D. Van Nostrand, 1886; also, the Wynkoop Family, a pamphlet, 1866; and the Wynkoop Genealogy, 1878; and he is the compiler of this work. He wrote also the Schureman Genealogy, a pamphlet, 1889, published by Melanchthon F. Schureman; and the Schuremans of New Jersey, 1902, published by himself. Also, the Schuremans of New York, 1903, published by himself. Also, outline genealogies of several families, which were published in the N. Y. Gen. and Biog. Record — Strang. Quackenbos, Zabriskie, Thomson, and Thompson. He was a correspondent of a newspaper in Hagerstown, Md., in 1854-55, and the editor, Williams, was in danger of lynching, for publishing the letters. He was active in Republican politics, in the i8th, 15th, 9th, and i6th Wards, N. Y., 1855-63, and in Yonkers, 1863-71, and in the 7th Ward, Brooklyn, 1887-96; and he served as canvasser, registrar, and inspector of elections, in Brooklyn, for a series of years. He was superintendent of the University Place Church Mission Sabbath School, 140 Sixth Avenue, N. Y., through the summer of 1858: deacon of the First Presbyterian Church, Yonkers, 1866- Wynkoop Genealogy 20I 67: elder, 1867-70, and 1871-73: trustee of that congregation, and clerk of the board, 1867-75 : secretary of the Yonkers Branch Bible Association, 1866-75: a manager of the Westchester County Bible Society, 1868-75: trustee of the Classon Avenue Presbyterian Church, Brooklyn, 1879-85, and clerk of the board, 1883-85. His name, in Dutch, would be Rijkaard, with Rijk as a diminu- tive. He has thought, until recently, that Dirck or Dirk and {^t 'ffGS') Dick were equivalents; but he now holds Dirk to be equivalent to Dederick, derived from Theodorick. See Judge Dirck [292]. A likeness of him is here given. Child of Richard and Anna E. Wynkoop: 1685. Edward Maginnis: b. Oct. 12, 1858, N. Y.: d. there Aug. 5, 1859. Children of Richard and Lydia B. Wynkoop: 1686. Joseph Strang: b. July 10, 1864, Yonkers: d. there July 20, 1865. 202 Wynkoop Genealogy 1687. Hubert Schuurman: b, Sept. 20, 1866: ni. Sarah Matilda Zabriskie. 1688. Eugene: b. July 23, 1870: d. Oct. 2, 1870, Yonkers. 1433. Emma Wynkoop, (Rev. Richard 891, Peter 510, Judge Dirck 292, Capt. Evert 112, Cornelius 28, Evert 4, Cornelius i,) born October 4, 1838, in Hagerstown, Md.: married, February 26, 1859, in New York City, James Josiah Clark, born September 14, 1836, in New London, Conn., son of James Stewart and Frances Bridget (Potter) Clark, They lived in New York. Clark was member of the firms of Dunning, Tooker & Co., and Dunning, Leeds & Farrar, as clothiers; and afterwards, in the men's-furnishing business, independently. Children of James J. and Emma Clark: 1689. Fannie Wynkoop Clark: b. Nov. 10, 1859, N. Y. City. 1690. Clarence Wynkoop Clark: b. Nov. 12, 1865: d. Aug. 10, 1866. 1434. Sarah Fulton Wynkoop, (Rev. Jefferson 892, Peter 510, Judge Dirck 292, Capt. Evert 112, Cornelius 28, Evert 4, Cor- nelius I,) bom December 17, 1829, in New York City: died November 7, 1897, in Washington City: married, December 17, 1851, Charles Hitchcock Sherrill, born March 24, 1814, at Sandy Hill, N. Y., died January 4, 1887, Washington City, son of Darius and Mary (Day) Sherrill. Children of Charles H. and Sarah F. Sherrill: 1691. Mary Jennie Sherrill: born, in May, 1855, in Cuba, N. Y. : unmarried (1902). 1692. Charles Hitchcock Sherrill: b. Apl. 13, 1867, in Washing- ton, D. C. : was graduated at Yale University, in 1889, with A.B.; in 1891, with LL.B,; and in 1892, with M.A. He is a practising lawyer, in the city of New York. Un- married. 1435. Julia Anna Wynkoop, (Rev. Jefferson S92, Peter 510, Judge Dirck 292, Capt. Evert 112, Cornelius 28, Evert 4, Cor- nelius I,) bom January 4, 1832: married, June 17, 1851, Russell Smith, of Cuba, Alleghany County, N. Y., bom July 10, 1830, died October 31, 1869, son of Stephen and Dency (Harrison) Smith, of Peterboro, N. H. Children of Russell and Julia A. Smith. 1693. Addison- Wynkoop Smith: b. Oct. 25, 1852, in Cuba, N. Y. : m., Dec. 15, 1875, Helen AmeHa McWhirter. Wynkoop Genealogy 203 1694. Charles Slierrill Smith, b. May 27, 1856: unmarried. 1695. Dora Eloise Smith: b. Sept. 7, i860: d. May iS, 1889: unmarried. 1696. Edith Reeve Smith: b. Sept. 18, 1S63: d. Dec. 31, 1884: unmarried. 1697. Russell Smith: b.July 28, 1867: d. Oct. 31, 1869. 1436. John Quackenbos Wynkoop, (Rev. Jefferson 892, Peter 510, Judge Dirck, 292, Capt. Evert 112, Cornelius 28, Evert 4, Cornelius i,) bom March 19, 1835, in Gilberts ville, N. Y. : died July 15, 1S78, in Cordova, Rock Island County, 111., of heart disease: married, February 27, 1862, Edith Reeve, who died February 29, 1881, aged 36 years, daughter of George Reeve, of Zanesville, Ohio, and of California. Edith was only five years old, when her mother died, and she was reared in Philadelphia by her aunt, Mrs. Fannie Slade, wife of Alfred. John was, in 1864, chairman of the board of supervisors. He was an active and prominent business man. Children of John Q. and Edith Wynkoop : 1698. Fannie Slade: d. about a year old. 1699. Edith Shaw: d. unmarried. 1700. Carrie Slade: unmarried: she was in Asheville, N. C, in December, 1902. 1701. George Reeve: living in B. C. : unmarried (Nov. 1902.) 1702. Bertha Sherrill: m. Nov. 20, 1902, at Cuba, N. Y., Rev. Edwin Dodge Hardin, and lives at Niagara Falls, N. Y. 1450. Cornelius De Witt Wynkoop, (Genl. Cornelius E. 896, Evert C. 517, Maj. Cornelius E. 295, Capt. Evert 112, Cprnelius 28, Evert 4, Cornelius i,) bom April 6, 1830: died January 9, 1899, in the Seney Hospital, Brooklyn, N. Y., after a surgical operation: married, ist, April 4, 1858, Harriet Pook, from England, who died October 21, 1889. He married, 2d, April 10, 1892, in Brooklyn, Mrs. Mary Annie (Miller) Scrymser, widow of Charles Arlington Scrymser. He was, at one time, on the police force of the city of New York : and he was afterwards a printer, and, at the time of his death, was a member of the printing firm of Wynkoop & McKay. He was a teacher in the Sabbath School of the Tabernacle, Brooklyn. Children of Cornelius D. and Harriet Wynkoop: 1703. Cornelius Evert: b. June 14, 1859: m. Emma Frances Walker, known as Frank. They live at Rhinebeck, N. Y. 204 VVynkoop Genealogy 1704. Mary Elizabeth: b. June i, 1869: ni., Apl. 15, 1891, in Brooklyn, John Duncan Duff, who d. in New Haven, Conn., in June, 1902. 1451. Henry De Witt, (Cornelia Wynkoop 898, Evert C. 517, Maj. Cornelius E. 295, Capt. Evert 112, Cornelius 28, Evert 4, Cornelius i,) born December 5, 1811, died January 12, 1885: married Elizabeth J. Griggs. Children of Henry and Elizabeth J. De Witt: 1705. Orilla De Witt: b. Nov. 16, 1846. 1706. George Washington De Witt: b. Oct. 14, 1848: d. Nov. 27, 1851. 1707. Cornelia Laura De Witt: b. Apl. 14, 1850: d. Sept., 1851. 1708'. Catharine De Witt: b. Oct. 7, 1852. 1709. Harriet Griggs De Witt: b. Aug. 10, 1854. 1710. William Henry De Witt: b. Aug. 6, 1856. 1453. Peter De Witt, (Cornelia Wynkoop 898, Evert C. 517, Maj. Cornelius E. 295, Capt. Evert 112, Cornelius 28, Evert 4, Cornelius i,) born March i, 181 5: married Sarah Broadhead. Child of Peter and Sarah De Witt : 17 1 1. Mary B. De Witt: b. Feb. 7, 1850. 1454. Cornelius Wynkoop De Witt, (Cornelia Wynkoop 898, Evert C. 517, Maj. Cornelius E. 295, Capt. Evert 112, Cornelius 28, Evert 4, Cornelius i,) born March 4, 1817: married Charity H. Van Gaasbeek. Children of Cornelius W. and Charity H. De Witt : 17 1 2. John E. De Witt: b. Aug. 4, 1839. 1713. Louisa Catharine De Witt: b. July 5, 1842: d. Sept. 22, 1845. 1714. Cornelia De Witt: b. May 22, 1844: d. July 13, 1895, in Brooklyn, N. Y.; m., ist, George Stannard, who d. Dec. 25, 1887, in Brookhm; m., 2d, in 1888, Jerome Stephen Plummer. 1715. Louisa C. De Witt: b. Apl. 22, 1846. 1716. Henry Clay De Witt: b. Aug. 22, 1848: d. Aug. 2, 1869. 1456. Cornelia Maria Wynkoop, (Jacob R. 899, Evert C. 517, Maj. Cornelius E. 295, Capt. Evert 112, Cornelius 28, Evert 4, Cornelius i,) born March 28, 1826: married, February 17, 1848, Moses Woolsey, son of Clinton and Elizabeth (Elting) Woolsey. They lived in Middlebush, N. J. Children of Moses and Cornelia M. Woolsey: Wynkoop Genealogy 205 1 7 17. Charlotte Woolsey: b. Dec. 23, 1848. 1718. Albert Woolsey: b. Nov. 9, 1850. 1719. De Witt Woolsey: b. Nov. 27, 1852. 1720. Walter Woolsey : b. in 1864. 1487. Marie Kate Wynkoop, (Evert 987, Everett H. 550, Hezekiali 315, Evert 132, Hezekiah 39, Evert 4, Cornelius i,) bom June 26, 1858: married, June 27, 18S2, Christopher C. James, born August 17, 1848, 'son of James A. and Phoebe (Edwards) James. Christopher was in the post-office. New York City, for 1 2 years : and, after July, 1889, he was postal-note agent, with the Ameri- can Bank Note Company. Children of Christopher C. and Marie K. James: 1721. Lilia Russell James: b. Jan. 21, 1885. 1722. George Sharpe James: b. Aug. 8, 1887. 1488. Russell Wynkoop, (Evert 987, Everett H. 550, Heze- kiah 315, Evert 132, Hezekiah 39, Evert 4, Cornelius i,) born August I, 1861: married, December 14, 1882, Emma Van Loan. They lived at Saugerties, N. Y., on a plantation of his father's. Children of Russell and Emma Wynkoop : 1723. Brace: b. Nov. 20, 1883. 1724. Evert: b. July 15, 1885. 1725. William J.: b. May 6, 1890. 1490. William Wynkoop, (Isaac 988, Everett H. 550, Hezekiah 315, Evert 132, Hezekiah 39, Evert 4, Cornelius i,) born July 16, 1858: married, December 28, 1881, Elizabeth Snyder, daughter of Isaac and Sally Anne (Martin) Snyder. Children of William and Elizabeth Wynkoop; 1726. Isaac: b. Nov. 12, 1882: d. Aug. 3, 1887. 1727. Sarah Augusta: b. Dec. 9, 1884. 1728. Charles Wilson : b. Mch. 4, 1889. 1495. Egbert Henry Wynkoop, (Myndert 992, Judge Henry 552, Hezekiah 315, Evert 132, Hezekiah 39, Evert 4, Cornelius i,) born May i, 1852: died April 22, 1899: married, ist, January 12, 1876, Agnes G. Williamson, born about September 20, 1854, died July 2, 1889, daughter of Thomas J. Williamson, of Philadelphia. He married, 2d, November 5, 1890, Mary Louise Gregory, born March 28, 1849, in East Chester, N. Y., died June 19, 1893, in Catskill, N. Y., daughter of Dr. Joseph S. and Josephine Adeline (Goodwin) Gregory. 2o6 Wynkoop Genealogy Children of Egbert H. Wynkoop: 1729. Francis: b. Sept. 15, 1877. 1730. Peter S. 1 73 1. Percy. 1505. James Wynkoop, (Henry 994, Judge Henry 552, Heze- kiah 315, Evert 132, Hezekiah 39, Evert 4, Cornelius i,) born October 28, 1856: married, December 10, 1879, Ella Baurhyte, of Catskill. Child of James and Ella Wynkoop : 1732. Esther Brown: b. Oct. 3, 1880. 1507. Clarenc'e Hendricks, (Harriet A. Wynkoop 1002, Tjerck 561, Henry 317, Evert 132, Hezekiah 39, Evert 4, Cor- nelius I,) born September 29, 1856: married Maria V. Luther, born April 7, i860, daughter of Henry and Isadora (Gibbs) Luther. They lived in Saugerties, N. Y. Children of Clarence and Maria V. Hendricks: 1733. Frederick M. Hendricks :b. Oct. 27, 1880: d. Sept. 27, 1882. 1734. Clarence A. Hendricks: b. Mch. 11, 1885. 1508. Joseph W. Burhans, (Eliza C. Wynkoop 1003, Tjerck 561, Henry 317, Evert 132, Hezekiah 39, Evert 4, Cornelius i,) born May 9, 1852: married Millie Montgomery, born February 10, 1858, daughter of Dr. J. and Jane E. (McGlesshan) Mont- gomery. They lived in Saugerties, N. Y. Child of Joseph W. and Millie Burhans: 1735. Marion M. Burhans: b. Oct. 22, 1880. 1528. Ella Olinda Wynkoop, (James R. 1047, David 646, John 370, Gerardus 153, Gerrit 45, Gerret 5, Cornelius i,) bom July 19, 1855: married Oliver Langmate. Children of Oliver and Ella O. (W.) Langmate: 1736. Burt Langmate. 1737. Willis Langmate. 1738. Clinton Langmate. 1739. Theodore Langmate. 1740. Eunice Langmate. 1614. George Campbell Wynkoop, (Lieut. Nicholas 1227, Gen'l George C. 725, Dr. Nicholas 393, Judge Henry 157, Nicholas .46, Gerret, 5. Cornelius i,) born Oct. 29, 1853: married, March 12, 1873, Ellie Kelley,born January 27, 1855, daughter of Daniel and Mary (Kennedy) Kelley. They live in Gloucester City, N. J. Children of George C. and Ellie Wynkoop: Wynkoop Genealogy 207 1741. George Campbell; b. Nov. 3, 1874. 1742. Ellie: deceased. 1743. Mary Amanda: deceased. 1744. Annie: deceased. 1745. Mary Amanda. 1 745 A. Beatrice. 1659. William Austin Macy, M.D. (Josiah H. 1396, Jonathan H. Stanton 815, Richard 458, Maria Wynkoop 206, Capt. Cor- nelius C. 65, Cornelius 9, Maj. Johannes 2, Cornelius i,) bom July 4, 1862, in Harrison, N. Y. : married, September 3, 1889, Marion Wright, daughter of Charles and Mary Anna (Byrnes) Wright, of New Rochelle, N. Y. They live in Willard, Seneca County, N. Y., where Dr. Macy is Medical Superintendent of the Willard State Hospital. Children of Dr. William A. and Marion Macy: 1746. Marion Marjorie Macy: b. June 12, 1890, New Rochelle. 1747. Anna Kathryn Macy: b. June 21, 1892, New York. 1748. Helena Macy: b. Aug. 22, 1894: d. in 1897. 1749. Charles Macy: b. Jan. 14, 1896, New York. 1750. William Alexander Macy: b. July 15, 1898, Ovid, N. Y. 175 1. Alan Emmet Macy: b. June 9, 1900. 1671. Theodore Robert Shear, (Harriet W. Packard 141 1, Sarah Wynkoop 886, Peter 510, Judge Dirck 292, Capt. Evert 112, Cornelius 28, Evert 4, Cornelius i,) born March 25, 1847, ^^ Albany, N. Y. : married, October 21, 1874, in New York City, Mary Louise Quackenbos, born April 24, 1850, daughter of George Payn Quackenbos, LL.D., and Louise B. Duncan. He was graduated at Union College, in 1868. For fifteen years, he was associated in law business with Wilson M. Powell, in the City of New York: and, since, has practiced law independently. Children of Theodore R. and Mary L. Shear: 1752. George Payn Quackenbos Shear: b. Mch. 2, 1876, in New York City: d. August 26, 1899, at the summer home of the family, Lake Sunapee, N. H. He was an amiable and conscientious young man. 1753. Frederic Duncan Shear: b. Nov. 10, 1878: he is with the Sicilian Asphalt Company, New York City. 1754. Theodore Leslie Shear: b. Aug. 11, 1880: was graduated at the New York University, in June, 1900, at the head of his class, besides taking prizes to the amount of $930: is 2o8 Wynkoop Genealogy now pursuing a post-graduate course at the Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore. 1755. Louise Quackenbos Shear : b. Oct. 26, 1881. 1687. Hubert Schuurman Wynkoop, (Richard 1428, Rev. Richard 891, Peter 510. Judge Dirck 292, Capt. Evert 112, Corne- lius 28, Evert 4, Cornelius i,) born September 20, 1866, m Yonkers, N. Y. : married, June 24, 1890, in Mount Vernon, N. Y., Sarah Matilda Zabriskie, born January 27, 1868, daughter of Josiah H. and Sarah Matilda (Mandeville) Zabriskie. He was entered at the Adelphi Academy, Brooklyn, in 1875, and was graduated, in 1884, and entered the Stevens Institute of Tech- nology, Hoboken, N. J., from which he was graduated, as me- chanical engineer, in 1888. In the year mentioned last, he was with the Leonard & Izard Company, electrical engmeers, m Minneapolis, Minn.: was transferred, in 1889, to Chicago, and, in December, 1890, to San Francisco, Cal.. as assistant district engineer of the Edison General Electric Company. In August 1 89 1, he was transferred, in the same capacity, to Atlanta, Ga., and so remained until April, 1892. As the result of the absorption of that company by the Thomson-Houston Company, he became, in May, 1892, one of the railway experts of the General Electric Company, at Rome, Ga., and so remained until July, 1893, when he was dropped, with other employes. He was technical expert, and treasurer, of the Electrical and Mechanical Engineering Company, New York City, from April 1894, until June, 1895: and, in May, 1894, he became gas and electric inspector in the Department of City Works, Brooklyn. In 1898 he was placed at the head of the Bureau of Electricity and Gas of the Department of Public Buildings, Lightmg, and Supplies', in the Borough of Brooklyn. His title, (January 1902,) was Inspector in Charge of the Bureau of Electricity and Gas. Department of Water Supply, Gas, and Electricity; and later it became Electrical Engineer. He joined Company A, 23d Reg.. N. Y. N. Guard, and has risen to the rank of quartermaster-sergeant, battalion quarter- master, and regimental commissary, with the rank of captain. Children of Hubert S. and Sarah M. Wynkoop: 1756. Marjorie Zabriskie: b. Aug. 31,1891, in Mount Vernon,N.Y. 1757. Natalie: b. May 25. 1895, in Brooklyn, N. Y. 1758. Ruth: b. Aug. 6, 1900, in Brooklyn. APPENDIX. A branch of the family has been found, but its connection with the main body has not been discovered. It began with: 1759. John Wynkoop, whose wife was Anne McLure. There is obscurity as to their children. One correspondent, Schuyler Colfax Wynkoop, grandson through David, wrote of six sons and two or three daughters, named David, Matthew, William, Jacob, Isaac, Katharine, and Mary; but did not indicate David as eldest. He subsequently named them as David ; William, m. Jane Armagust; Matthew, m. Mellinger Keady or Heady; Mar- garet, m. John Davis; Elizabeth, m. Owens; Martha, m. Smith; and Isaac. An other correspondent, Cora May Hagaman, niece to Schuy- ler, mentions Matthew, Helen, William David, Isaac, Hettie Ann, Margaret, Elizabeth, and Martha Jane. David [1760] mentioned his father and mother, himself and brothers Matthew and W^illiam, and his uncle Isaac, and wrote that he had five sons and two daughters, living (March, 189 1). John was a shoemaker, and lived near Boiling Springs, Pa., where he died in 1840, because of a fracture of his leg. Children of John and Anne Wynkoop : 1760. David, b. Apl. 1821, in Kingston, Cumberland Co., Penn. : m. Jan. 5, 1847, Sarah Anne Hoover, b. May 8, 1826. He removed, about 1850, to La Porte, Ind., where he was engaged in the brick business, and in planting. He re- v moved to Brenner, Doniphan County, Kansas, about 1869, and continued as a planter, and now lives at Atchison. Children of David and Sarah A. Wynkoop : 1761. Mary Anna: b. Nov. 15, 1848, Kingston, Penn.: m., Feb. 16, 1868, George Van Hagaman, and was living in La Porte, Ind., in 1891. Child: 1762. Cora May Hagaman: living in Kansas City, Mo., in 1895. 1763. Susanna R. 209 2 10 Wynkoop Genealogy 1764. John Hoover. 1765. David McLure, Rev.: engaged in mission work, at Phoenix, Arizona, under the Presbyterian Board of Home Missions: b. Oct. 24,1859: m.Mary Anna Dolly, b. Jan. 13, 1862 : they have no child. He was born at La Porte, Ind.: lived at Brenner, Kansas: was in Park College: kept store in Arizona, 1889-93 < then entered the ministry; was married Dec. 25, 1882, at Parkville, Mo. 1766. Albert L. 1767. Schuyler Colfax. 1768. Samuel M. 1769. Matthew: m. Mellinger Keady or Heady. 1770. William: m. Jane Armagust. 1771. Isaac; lives at Loraine, Whitney Co., Ind., and has sons, William and Robert or Albert, and a daughter. 1772. Jacob (possibly.) 1773. Katharine " 1774. Mary 1775. Helen " 1776. Margaret: m. John Davis. 1777. Elizabeth: m. Owens. 1778. Martha Jane: m. Smith. 1779. Hettie Anne (possibly.) 1780. (This number canceled.) 1 78 1. John Wynkoop: upon his estate administration was granted, in 18 13, to his widow. He married, January 31, 1805, in Newtown, Bucks County, Penn., Catharine Suber, born in 1773, died in 1820, daughter of John and Catharine (Van Hoorn) Suber. They lived in the neighborhood of Newtown, and had no child. "Probably, John Wynkoop had been married before." Catharine Suber had married, first, Isaiah Van Hoorn, by whom she had an only child, who was grandmother of R. Winder Johnson, of Philadelphia, from whom this account was received. There was an other branch of the family, living, about the period 1830 to 1840, near the southwesterly corner of Elk County, Penn., on a tributary of Toby Run, which is a branch of the Clarion River, about five miles from the Run. 1782. Wynkoop, the head of this branch, is described as VVynkoop Genealogy 21 I a German, [Netherlander], from Philadelphia, and, before that, of some other place on the bank of the Delaware River. An ac- count of that region, and, incidentally, of the Wynkoops there, was given by E. L. Stratton, of Piney Plains, Rhea County, Penn., in the Forest and Stream, June 19, 1879, in an article entitled, Primitive Pennsylvania. Mr. Stratton wrote, subse- quently, to the compiler, as follows: "The steep mountain sides rushed down to the water's edge, leaving no river bottom, except in small patches, which were used for cabins and gardens, by the settlers, who had reached the region in dugouts. The men were noted for gigantic size, and muscular strength, as well as for honesty and integrity. They were ever ready to help a friend, and equally ready to fight an enemy. Twice a year, they cut white pine logs, upon the mountain side, and sliding them to the stream, they made them into rafts, which were floated to Pittsburg, where they found ready sale. . . . Wynecoop was a man of large intellect, with considerable historic knowledge, and rare conversational powers. His cabin door was open to every stray hunter. He was not himself a hunter; and it was often a subject of much wonder and speculation to the writer, what motive could have induced him to isolate himself and family, in the heart of such solitary wilds. His sons were special favorites among the hunters, who found their way to the cabin." His wife was living; and there were two sons : 1783. Samuel: then about 13 years old. 1784. Joseph: then about 11 years old. Still an other group of Wynkoops has been found, which the compiler has been unable to connect with the main body. They begin with : 1785. Cornelius Wynkoop: born in Bucks County, Penn., his mother a Vandike: died about 1850, in Northampton township, in the same county. He was of Warminster. He married, December 24, 1801', Elizabeth Murray, daughter of Stephen Murray, of Horsham, Montgomery County, Penn. He and his wife lived at Horsham, for a few years, and then removed to Northampton, where he died some 20 years later. Their first five children were baptized on one day, November 7, 1813, and a 2 12 Wynkoop Genealogy sixth, November 27, 181 5, as per the records of the Neshaminy church. There were two more children, supposed to be younger. Children of Cornelius and Elizabeth Wynkoop : 1786. Sarah: b. 1802: m. William Bennet. 1787. Anne: b. Aug. 10,1805 :m. John Bennet, brother to William. 1788. Mary: b. Feb. i, 1807: m. Abner Lubens. 1789. Stephen M.: b. Oct. 24, 1809: d. aged about 23. 1790. Jane: b. Mch. i, 181 2: m. John Hagerman [Hegeman], born in 1810, in Horsham, died Mch. i, 1874, in Solesbury, son of Benjamin and Elizabeth (Murray) Hagerman. 1 79 1. Elizabeth V.: b. July 11, 181 5: m. William Knight. 1792. James M. : m. Amy Ellen Hamilton, and lived in Horsham: he corresponded wdth the compiler. 1793. Cornelius: died in 1859: his widow, Mrs. Margaret A. Wynkoop, was living in Cincinnati, in 1866. Other names of Wynkoops have been found, but their places, in this genealogy, have not been identified, and they will be given here in one group : 1794. Garret Wynkoop and Phoebe Anderson : marriage bond, August 15, 1760. (A^. Y. Mar. Bonds, iii., 255.) 1795. Elias Wynkoop, m. September 8, 1764, Wynet Marris- ton. (Kaatsbaan church, N. Y.) 1796. Evert Wynkoop and Mary Newkirk: marriage bond, October 17, 1865. (A^. Y. Mar. Bonds, ix., 304.) 1797. Thomas Wynkoop, as executor of the will of Abraham [52], made a contract for the sale of land in Delaware, July 21, 1768, and the land was conveyed, June 25, 1789, by Phoebe Vining [174], and Benjamin Wynkoop [175], to Nehemiah Carey. (Lewes, Del., Liber 0, No. 14, fol. 168.) 1798. Sarah Wynkoop m. James Craven, February 16, 1775, (Abington church record, Penn.) 1799. Cornelius Wynkoop and Hannah Thomas: marriage bond, April 8, 1775. {Penn. Archives, 2d series, ii.) See below. 1800. Cornelius Wynkoop m. Hannah Brower, April 10, 1775. (Abington church record.) See above. 180 1. Henry Wynkoop and Mary Elizabeth Reinholdt : mar- riage bond, August 10, 1775. (Penn. Archives.) 1802. Gerrit Wynkoop and Annatje Meyer had a child: 1803. Martje, bp. October 7, 1776. (Kaatsbaan church record.) Wynkoop Genealogy 213 1804. Catharine Wynkoop and Zelotas Watson had a child: 1805. Catharine, baptized January 14, 1783. (First Settlers of Albany County, Pearson, p. 147 •) 1806 Wynkoop had a child baptized March 25, 1783, born March 2. {Trinity Church, Wilmington, Del., "Old Swedes Church," p. 655.) 1807. Peter Wynkoop married Hannah Gorham, December 25, 1808. (A^. Y. Genealogical and Biog. Record, xv., 137.) 1808. Lorinda Wynkoop married John C. Hertell, December 20, 1820, both of Saugerties. (Kaatsbaan church record, N. Y.) '1809. Cornelius Wynkoop married Helen Schoonmaker, May 20, 1827. (Marbletown church record, N. Y.) is 10. Jacobus Wynkoop and Catharine Besemire had a child: 1811. Catharine Schoonmaker, born May 19, 1831, baptism recorded in the Rochester church, Ulster County, N. Y. 181 2. Charlotte Wynkoop married Charles Smith, of Sauger- ties, March 27, 1841. {Catskill Messenger, N. Y.) 18 13. George Wynkoop and Mary Anne Davis had a child: 1814. Mary Bugbee, born June 30, 1841 : baptism recorded in the Hurley church, N. Y. 18 1 5. Gertrude Wynkoop died June 27, 1867, in Albany, N. Y., aged 58. {Collections on the History of Albany, Munsell, iii., 366.) 1816. Henry J. Wynkoop, aged 24, Elmira, N. Y., 3 months, 13th Regiment, Comp. A, Capt. Robert F. Taylor, May 14, 1861. {N. Y. Muster Rolls.) This is the Henry J. Wynkoop who is mentioned in the Introduction. 1817. James Wvnkoop, aged 44, N. Adams, 3 years, ist Regi- ment, N. Y. Chasseurs, Comp. B, Capt. David Miller, August 3, 1 86 1. {Ibid.) 18 18. Joshua Wynkoop, aged 29, Albany, 3 years, 113th Regiment, Comp. F., Capt. R. A. Bell, August 4, 1862. {Ibid.) 1819. Henry Wynkoop, aged 21, N. Y., 3 years, i32d Regiment [2d Reg. Empire Brigade], Comp. G., Capt. D. W. Fisk, Col. P. J. Claassen, August 8, 1862. {Ibid.) 1820. Alexander Wynkoop, aged 22, Gardiner, 3 years, 156th Regiment, Comp. A., Capt. Ferdinand Griggs, Col. Erastus Cooke, August 22, 1862. {Ibid.) 1821. James Wynkoop, aged 18, New Paltz, August 25, 1862, in the same company. {Ibid.) 214 Wynkoop Genealogy 1822. Jacob Wynkoop, Gardiner, 3 years, same regiment, Comp. E., Capt. M. S. Ewen, September 23, 1862. (Ibid.) 1823. Joshua Wynkoop: his wife Amelia: living at 20 Silver Street, New Haven, Conn., in September, 1890: one child mar- ried, aged 26: three children at home, aged, respectively, 17, 13, and II. He sold safes for many years, and sewing machines, afterwards. He had removed from a country town, into New Haven, two or three years before. Children: 1824. : bom about 1864: m. . 1825. Minnie: bom about 1873. 1826. (A son): born about 1877. 1827. (A daughter): bom about 1879. 1828. Elizabeth Wynkoop and Jabez Munson had a child: 1829. Isaac Davenport Munson, bom Jan. 13, 1833; baptism re- corded in the Rochester church, Ulster County, N. Y. /• \ o V' % j5 *::,'.!' ,> ^V '^^' -^^ - %./ .*' .'.'I^ ^ ^^ « * s • • » o o )^' ^ ', •»^ % \"^' v -' '.*,.: .0 o. • ♦ A ""^rc,^ <^«- ' . . « *0 ^ O ^ * o . ^0 ^^ . , , • ^^ O * „ . o ■.V. >>>-, A, /..^15V-_ '^: ■"o ^^0^ ^-1^^ o o H1 « .-'',- o V . '_*_"' > ^/:7^ , r -^ lA 1 o • • , ,*^^ ,^^ h^ c- '•s!^ t^ \K*' •> ^o 'V ->. <4' c. " " ° \ ^V., ^^^:?,^,^ 0" o- ^> ^^ .V % ■"-^^o^ - J, o « o , <^ t.. ^* D M O v^ V .>^^,^> -^^^ ,& * o 0- o -i • V -ii'c o 'M^/ o ^ "^ ^ y>l--^.'J 'fv .'^ " -ov^" s 1 - o ^ ■•^^ . « © . £*■> ^ ,0^ •^ aV »^ V- r^ ■^O Jy' c ° " » * '^^ T'::^. ^' O N O '^^^ 3, " = . o ^ .0 fe' '^ "^ •• o V 5.° "t. • ; 4- <> » 1 •°' ^^ -y^. 'M. " .'-,* ,••;.-:/. -^^ :J^'' ^. o/ C" * ,0' '/- ^ .0' 4- ^"'-^'".^ ^^' ►. 6L ^ ,0' »'•<''