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Reprinted from the New England Historical and Genealogical Register,
Volumes 61 and 62.
The surname Jones ranks first in number among the ftimily names
of Wales, one Welshman in seven bearing the name ; in England
it holds second place, being barely exceeded in frequency by Smith ;
and among the old family names of New England it is outnumbered
only by Smith, Brown, Johnson, Clark, White, Davis, and Williams.
Being of patronymic derivation, it came into use as a hereditary
family surname during the fifteenth century ; and being almost al-
ways of Welsh origin, it is found in England most frequently in
those counties nearest to Wales.
Over fifty colonists bearing the name, progenitors of families, set-
tled in New England before 1700, most of whom came from P^ngland,
although doubtless the majority were originally of Welsh descent.
1. HuGH^ JoxES, progenitor of. the particular .Tones family herein
treated, was born about 1635, came to New England about 1650, and set-
tled in Salem, Mass., where he resided the rest of his life, and died about
1688. The following deposition secured presumably to establish a claim to
some property in England, affords authentic particulars of his origin and
emigration : " These presents are to certifie unto whome it may concerne
that wee Thomas Cromwell and John Cromwell whoe have beene long in-
habitants here in the towne of Salem, in ye countie of Essex, heare in New
England, doe testitie that wee have known Hugh Joanes, as one coming
from England in ye same sliipp with us into the contry above thirty yeares
agoe (and as we undei-stood abord Mr. Stratton's ship) that he came from
Wincanton and was servant to Mr. Robert Gutch : and his sister and Eliza-
beth Due and Margaret White and James Abbott and John Viniug as wee
understood came from the same place : and the same Hugh Joanes that
came along with us into ye contry is now liveing. Taken upon the corpo-
rall oathes of ye sd Thomas and .John Cromwell in court at Salem the 27
of .June 1682. And alsoe ye sd Hugh .Toanes then personally appeared in
Court being in health. Attestes Hilliard Veren, Clerk." (Essex Co.
Deeds, voL vi, fol 28. )
Wincanton is a small parish in Somersetshire, England, of which the
existing reeisters do not be£jin until 1636.
His " service " with Robert Gutch was perhaps as an apprentice ; and
after its expiration, it appears that he was for a while in the employ of
Thomas Gardner of Salem, as in June, 1660, he made a deposition in re-
gard to the estate of Joshua Conant beginning, " I Hugh .Tones doe witness
that while I lived with my master Mr. Gardner," etc. ; also, in Nov., 1661,
Husjh Jones, aired ih vears, testified in reli/;ibi'lli, born
June 24, 1724, died before 1799, duugliter of Josiah and Saraii
Coburn of Dracut.
Children :
Elizabeth,* b. Feb. 10,1743-4; m. (int. rec. June 11, 1763) Matthew,
sou of Kev. Thomas and Lydia (Richardson) Parker of Dracut.
They settled in Litclifleld, N. H., and had several children.
Thomas, b. Mar. 20, 1745-6 ; d. young.
Nathan, b. Feb. 25, 1748.
Rachel, b. Sept. 25, 1750; d. in 1786; m. Jan. 2, 1772, Samuel, bapt.
Sept. 15, 1749, son of Benjamin and Mary (Butler) Durant of Biller-
ica. They settled in Nottingham West, N. H., and had at least four
Peter, b. Feb. 17, 1753; d. Mar. 1. 1753.
Timothy, b. July 27, 1755.
Phineas, b. Feb. 16, 1758.
viii. Mary, d. Apr. 21, 1760; m. Levi Kimball; settled in Landgrove, Vt.
36. ix. Peter, b. Sept. 16, 1762.
X. Dorothy, b. Mar. 21, 1765; m. Gideon, b. Aug. 1, 1760, son of Ben-
jamin and Lydia (Dodge) Dodge of Beverly, Mass., and New Bos-
ton, N. H. They lived in New Boston, and had six children.
12. Nathaniel^ Jones {Hugh,^ Hugh^), born in Woburn, June 5, 1723,
went to Dracut in 1733, where he passed the rest of his life, and
died intestate, Mar. 13, 1765. One-third of his real estate was set
oif to the widow, Jane, and the remainder divided between his sons
Nathaniel and Solomon, they to pay cash to the daughters Dolly,
Susanna, and Rachel, and son Joshua. (Middlesex Co. Probate.)
He married (intention recorded Mar. 12, 1747-8) Jane Fletcher,
who married second, as his second wife (intention recorded Aug. 8,
1778), Kendall Parker, Sr., of Dracut, and died Dec. 24, 1806.
Children :
37. i. Nathaniel,* b. Sept. 21, 1750.
38. ii. Solomon, b. July 17, 1753.
iii. Dolla, b. Sept. 21, 1755; d. Feb. 20, 1826; m. (1) (int. rec. May 8,
1773) Jonas, b. Dec. 14, 1750, d. Oct. 31, 1775, son of Lieut. Jona-
than and Lucy (Clark) Richardson .of Dracut, and had two children;
m. (2) (int. rec. Oct. 4, 1777) Kendall, b. Apr. 4, 1751, d. Apr. 6, 1807,
son of Kendall and Mary Parker of Dracut, and had seven children ;
and m. (3) June 1, 1809, as his second wife, Jonathan, b. Aug. 5, 1744,
d. Oct. 20, 1813, son of Jonathan and Rebecca (Coburn) Crosby of
39. iv. Joshua, b. Nov., 1758.
V. Susanna, b. in 1761; m. (int. rec. Feb. 29, 1784) Silas, b. Feb. 14,
1756, sou of Joseph and Priscilla (Coburn) Chamberlain of Dracut.
They had six children, born in Dracut.
vi. Rachel, b. Dec, 1764; m. (int. rec. Apr. 30, 1785) Jacob, b. July 24,
1762, d. Sept. 11, 1800, son of Josiah and Sarah Blood of Hollis,
N. H. They resided in Hollis, and had six children.
13. HuGH^ Jones {Hugh,"^ HugU), born in Woburn, July 7, 1727, went
to Dracut with his jjarents in 1733, and was living there at the be-
ginning of the Revolution, as his name appears on the roll of Capt.
Stephen Russell's company, on the Lexington alarm (Mass. Ar-
chives). On Apr. 3, 1795, he conveyed half of his estate in Dra-
cut to his son Oliver, acknowledging the deed Mar. 9, 1797 (Mid-
dlesex Co. Deeds, vol. ccvi, I'ol. Ill) ; and on Oct. 30, ISOI, Josiah
Conaut and Zerviah his wife of Hollis, N. H., and Peter Haseltine
and Sarah his wife, Jonathan Morgan and Lydia his wife, and
Tliaddeus Coburn and Olive his wife, all of Dracut, conveyed to
Oliver Jones all their interest in the estate of theii" late father
Hugh Jones of Dracut (Middlesex Co. Deeds, vol. ccvi, fol. 114);
so it is likely that Hugh Jones died in 1801.
He married (intention recorded Aug. 10, 1751) Sarah Fletcher,
who was living in 1788. (Middlesex Co. Deeds, vol. xcvii, fol. 410.)
Cliiklreu :
i. Sarah,* b. Oct. 13, 1753; d. Aug. 25, 1811 ; m. (iut. rcc. May 7, 1774)
Liont. Peter Ilaseltlue of Dracnt, who tl. Apr. 1, 1823. They had ton
ii. Zkuviah, b. Dec. 23, 1755; cl. Feb. 12, 181G; m. (1) Nov. 29, 1777, Dr.
Jonathan, b. Feb. 1, 1754, cl. Oct. 2(5, 1782, son of David and Mary
(Coburn) Fox of Dracnt, a physician in Hollis, N. H. ; they had tliree
children; and ni. (2) Dec. 1(5, 1788, as liis second -wife, .losiah, b.
Oct. 17, 1746, d. Augf. 21, 1807, son of .losiah and Catlierine (Emer-
son) Conant of IToUis ; they lived in Ilollis, and had six children.
iii. Lydia, b. June 23, 1757; ni. (int. rec. Mar. 18, 1780) Jonathan, b. Mar.
22, 1756, son of Jonathan and Sarah (Butler) Morgan of Felhara, N. II.
40. iv. Oi.iVKR, b. May G, 1762.
V. Oi.ivK, b. Nov. 9, 177(5; d. Sept. 13, 1836; m. Feb. 26, 1789, Thaddeus
Coburn, b. in 1759, d. Jan. 20, 1806. They lived in Dracut, and had
14. Samukl* Jones (John,^ John,^ Hug¥), born in Framiugliam, Nov.
18, 174G, lived there until 1779, when he removed to Dublin, N. H.,
where he located on range No. 5, lot No. 8, improved an extensive
farm, and died Jan. 22, 1820. He was a member of Capt. Aaron
Gardner's company, in 1776, in the Revolution. (Mass. Archives.)
He married Anna, born Jan. 30, 1750, died Sept. 17, 1826, daugh-
ter of Capt. Amos and Mary (Trowbridge) Gates of Framingham.
Children :
i. Betty,* b. Feb. 28, 1776 ; m. Apr. 3, 1794, William, b. Sept. 5, 1753, d.
Aug. 28, 1819, son of John Davis of Amherst, N. H. They lived in
Dublin, and had nine children.
li. Anne, b. Nov. 17, 1777; d. July 19, 1778.
iii. Anne, b. July 31, 1779; d. Mar., 1854; m. Nov. 2, 1803, David, b. in
Fitchburg, Mass., Feb. 30(!), 1775, d. Jan., 1845, son of John and
Mary (Wood) Buss of Fitchburg, Mass., and Marlborough, N. II.
They settled In Marlow, N. H., in 1808, and had eight children.
iv. John, b. June 28, 1781 ; d. Nov. 25, 1846 ; m. about 1804, Mary, b. July
27, 1781, d. Dec. 19, 1859, dan. of John and Mary (Wood) Buss of
Marlborough, N. H. They removed to Marlow, and had several chil-
V. Samuel, b. Jan. 19, 1784; d. July 30, 1786.
vi. Samuel, b. Sept. 27, 1786; d. Nov., 1847; m. Nov. 23, 1809, Mary, b.
Dec. 30, 1784, d. Apr. 25, 1860, dau. of Joshua and Mary (Borden, or
Bodweli) Farnum of Dublin. He inherited and occupied his father's
farm and homestead in Dublin. Children : Mary Anne,'^ Daniel
Gates, Aurora, Gorydon, Sarah A., Emily.
vii. Sarah, b. Oct. 12, 1788; d. Feb. 28, 1826; m. Nov. 3, 1824, Charles, b.
July 8, 1789, d. Apr. 17, 1866, son of Benjamin and Phebe (Roberts)
Frost of Marlborough, N. H. They lived in Swanzey, N. H., and she
left no children. By a second wife he had three children.
viii. D.VNIEL, b. Oct. 30, 1790; d. Feb. 29, 1792.
ix. Ruth, b. Apr. 30, 1793; d. Nov. 7, 1825; m. in 1812, John, b. Dec. 13,
1791, d. Aug. 29, 1877, son of Samuel and Rachel (Turner) Sanders
of Jaffrey, N. H. He was a blacksmith, and lived in JallVey, Dublin,
Peterborough, and Rindge. They had seven children. He had three
more wives, and one more child.
X. Daniel, b. Apr. 30, 1795; d. Jan. 5, 1800.
15. Lieut. John* Jones (Jo/m,^ John, ^ Hug h'^) was born in Framingham,
Nov. 10, 1751, and, about the time of his marriage, bought an es-
tate of Jeremiah Pike on " Pike's Row," where he settled, and
died July 20, 1826. In the Revolution, he served as corporal in
Capt. Jesse Eames's company, on tbe Lexington alarm; and on
Apr. 23, 1775, he enlisted for eight months under Capt. Micajah
Gleason. (Mass. Archives.) He was later lieutenant of a local
militia company, and served as selectman of Framingham, from
1793 to 1798.
He married first, Apr. 15, 1779, Mary, born Oct. 9, 1761, died
July 13, 1798, daughter of Capt. Jeremiah and Hepzibah (Stone)
Belknap of Framingham, who was the mother of all his children ;
and married second. May 9, 1803, Margaret, born Mar. 17, 1754,
died Oct. 25, 1832, daughter of Col. John and Margaret (Farrar)
Trowbridge and widow of Abel Stone, of Framingham.
Children by first wife :
i. PERSis,*b. Feb. 29, 1780; d. Oct. 4, 1855; m. (1) Aug. 15, 1802, Al-
fred, b. 1780, d. June 29, 1822, son of Jonathan and Lois (Reed) Hill
of Framingham; they had three chikh'eu; and m. (2), Nov. 15, 1825,
as his second wife, Abel, b. Sept. 28, 1780, d. Feb. 3, 1851, son of John
and Olive (Conant) Eaton of Framingham ; they had no children,
ii. John B., b. Aug. 3, 1782; was the first of the descendants of Hugh*
Jones to rise above the plough or forge ; when a young man, he went
to Boston and became a jewelry merchant, founding the firm now
known as Shreve, Crump and Low Co. ; about 1835 he retired from
business, but became interested as a capitalist in several enterprises,
among them the East Boston Wharf Co., of which he was treasurer
for many years; removed to Elm Street, Roxbury, about 1835, where
he d. May 7, 1854, leaving an estate of over $150,000 (Norfolk Co.
Probate) ; m. in Boston,"Oct. 29, 1809, Alexandrine M., b. in Paris,
France, Sept. 8, 1788, d. in Roxbury, Feb. 28, 18G3, dan. of George and
Maria (Davis) Bond. Children : George B.,^ Mary A., Antoinette S.,
Harriot H., Eliza 31.
iii. Gilbert, b. Apr. 27, 1784 ; d. young,
iv. David, b. Nov. 7, 1785 ; a farmer in Framingham ; d. unmarried, Oct.
20, 1859.
V. Artemas, b. Oct. 26, 1787; d. Mar. 31, 1825; m. Dec. 2, 1813, Martha,
b. May 15, 1794, d. June, 1835, dau. of Abel and Hannah (Eaton)
Child; lived in Framingham. Children: Martha Ann, ^ d. young;
Mary i?., Caroline 31., Shepard S.
vi. Elisha, b. Aug. 11, 1789; occupied his father's homestead; was
drowned June 19, 1832 ; m. Mary Cheney of Marlborough. Children :
Julia W-,^ Alfred If., Emily, Gilbert John.
vii. Gilbert, b. Nov. 21, 1793; d. unmarried, about 1832.
viii. Jared, b. Aug. 6, 1795; d. unmarried, at Boston, Dec. 14, 1824.
16. Sergt. Daniel^ Jones (John,^ John,^ HugJi^), born in Framingham,
Aug. 31, 1755, inherited his father's farm, which he occupied until
his death, which occurred suddenly, in church, Feb. 15, 1818. He
died intestate, and his estate was divided among his widow and
eleven surviving children. (Middlesex Co. Probate.) In the Rev-
olution, his name appears as private in Capt. Jesse Eames's com-
pany, on the Lexington alarm, Apr. 19, 1775; also as private in
the company of Capt. Simon Edgell, from Dec. 1, 1775, to Jan.
15, 1776, at the fortifications in Roxbury; also as sergeant in Capt.
Amasa Cranston's company, from Oct. 28, to Nov. 23, 1779, at
Claverack, N. Y. ; also enlisted June 30, 1780, in Capt. Walter Mc-
Farland's company, for three months service at R. I. (Mass. Ar-
He married first, in June, 1782, Lucy, born about 1760, died
Apr. 11, 1785, daughter of Henry and Lois (Howe) Eames of
Framingham; and married second, in May, 1786, Mary, baptized
May 18, 1760, died Feb. 17, 1838, daughter of John and Grace
(Kelley) Dunn of Framiugham.
Children by first wife :
i. Nancy,* b. Sept. 22, 1782; d. Nov., 1842; m. Apr. 2, 1801, Josiah, b.
May 25, 1778, son of Josiah and Elizabeth (Bigelow) Parkhurst of
Framingham. They removed to New Hampshire, in 1803, and had
ii. Ruth, b. Dec. 10, 1783; d. in Boston, Aug. 6, 1855; m. (1) in Boston,
Oct. 12, 1807, Richard Call of Boston ; and m. (2) in Boston, Jan. 27,
1824, Thomas, b. in Ireland, about 178Q, d. in Boston, May 18, 1854,
son of Andrew and Mary B. Neville.
iii. Luke, b. Apr. 4, 1785; d. Apr. 12, 1785.
Children by second wife :
iv. Lucy, b. Feb. 15, 1787 ; d. Dec. 2, 1879 ; m. Dec. 22, 1813, Jonathan, b.
May 28, 1778, d. Feb. 16, 1832, sou of Aaron and Mchitable (Smith)
Whiting of Dover, Mass. They lived in Dover, and had several chil-
V. Josiah, b. Sept. 12, 1788; d. Jan. 6, 1803.
vi. Betsey, b. Apr. 28, 1790; d. Apr. 21, 1873; m, David, b. Feb. 20, 1788,
d. May 18, 1831, son of Abel and Hannah (Eaton) Child of Framing-
ham. They lived in Framingham, and had eleven childreu.
vii. Daniel, b. Sept. 4, 1792 ; d. in Framingham, unmarried, Apr. 25, 1827.
viii. Mary (or Polly), b. June 3, 1796; d. Feb. 10, 1856; m. Jan. 24, 1821,
Timothy, b. Apr. 24, 1782, d. Dec. 12, 1871, son of Dea. Silas and
Abigail (Houghton) Fife of Bolton, Mass. They settled in Troy,
N. H., and had five children.
ix. Enoch, b. July 28, 1798; d. unmarried, in Virginia, Feb. 20, 1827.
X. Sarah, b. Mar. 11, 1800.
xi. Persis, b. Mar. 9, 1802 ; d. Jan. 26, 1887 ; m. Oct. 19, 1825, Joseph, b.
Aug. 31, 1802, d. May 26, 1868, son of William and Louisa (Gale)
Taylor. They settled iu Rutland, Mass., aud had at least six children.
xii. Almira, b. Jan. 5, 1804 ; d. Nov. 8, 1847 ; m. Oct. 2, 1832, John, b. Nov.
20, 1799, son of Francis and Eunice (Philbrick) Emory of Winchen-
17. Capt. Samuel* Jones (Capt. Samuel,^ Samuel,"^ Hugh^), born in
Woburn, Aug. 24, 1725, was taken to Marlborough by his parents
in 1731, and soon after becoming of age, was established by his
father on a farm of 137 acres bought iu 1748 of Benjamin Bailey
a,nd situated in that part of Marlborough which later became Bol-
ton, and finally Berlin. Here he built a tavern, known as " Jones's
Inn," on what is now the Hudson road, and carried on this enter-
prise, and also his farm, until his death, Jan. 23, 1797. Besides
several town offices, he also held the positions of deputy sheriff of
Worcester county, and captain of one of the local militia compa-
nies. He died intestate, and on May 15, 1798, one-third of his real
estate was set off to his widow, Dorothy, and the remainder to his
eldest son, Capt. Samuel, who paid cash to his brothers and sisters
for their portions. (Worcester Co. Probate.) The will of Dor-
othy, widow of Samuel," dated Sept. 27, 1807, probated July 7,
1818, gave one dollar to each of the children of her late husband
by his former wife, viz : Samuel and Solomon Jones, Meliitable
Tenney and Levinah Coolidge ; the remainder to her children,
Dolly Carter of Berlin, Persis Eveleth of Princeton, Polly Jones
of Berlin, youngest daughter Miranda Jones, grandson Francis
Priest son of eldest daughter Nancy Priest deceased, and sons Silas
and Sullivan Jones both of Waterford. (AVorcester Co. Probate.)
He married first, in 1748, Mehitable, born July 14, 1729, died
in 1762, daughter of Joseph and Comfort (Bigelow) Brigham of
Marlborough; and married second, Dec. 14, 1763, Dorothy, born
Apr. 13, 1743, died Apr. 25, 1818, daughter of Gen. John and
Mary (Carter) Whitcomb of Bolton.
Children by first wife :
i. Mehitable,^ b. Aug. 17, 1749 ; d. Mar. 27, 1831 ; m. Oct. 15, 1771, Wil-
liam, b. July 3, 1749; d. Sept. 14, 1823, son of William and Sarah
(Proctor) Tenney of Littleton. They lived in Bolton, Mass., and
Marlborough, N. H., and had thirteen children.
ii. Sajiuel, b. Mar. 22, 1751; d. young.
iii. Solomon, b. Mar. 5, 1753; d. young.
iv. Capt. Samuel, b. Feb. 14, 1755 ; inherited the larger portion of his
father's farm in Berlin, and also carried on the business of manufac-
turing wooden-ware ; was one of the promoters and pioneers in set-
tling Marlborough, N. H., but returned to Berlin, where he d. Sept.
22, 1811. In the Eevolution, he served as lifer in Capt. Artemas
Howe's company, on the Lexington alarm; and on Apr. 25, 1775, en-
listed as a private in the army, and served around Boston the rest of
the year. (Mass. Archives.) Late in life he became deranged, and
on Oct. 4, 1808, Solomon Howe was appointed his guardian ; and on
Nov. 19, 1811, administration on his estate was given to his widow,
Martha. He m. Mar. 20, 1777, his cousin, Martha, b. Feb. 2, 1759,
d. Oct. 1, 1831, dau. of William and Susanna (Jones) Tay of Wo-
burn. Children : Samuel,^ William^ Martha, Elizabeth, Timothy, Su-
sanna, Esther, Sarah, d. young, Hannah, Sarah, Jonathan, d. young.
V. Solomon, b. Aug. 19, 1758 ; lived in Bolton until after the Revolution,
and later removed to Waterford, Me. In the Revolution, his name
appears on the roll of Capt. Artemas Howe's company, on the Lex-
ington alarm ; and later he enlisted in the Continental army and per-
formed protracted service in several campaigns throughout the war.
He m. Hannah Gates. Children : Bosamond,^ Pelatiah, Solomon,
Timothy, Lucy, Jonathan.
Ti. Levinah, b. about 1761 ; m. May 31, 1785, Stephen Coolidge. They
lived in Berlin, and had six children. He m. (2), Sept. 1, 1818, Eliz-
abeth Wetherbee.
Children by second wife :
vii. Anna (or Nancy), b. in 1764; m. Jacob, b. Nov. 17, 1754, son of John
and Mary Priest of Marlborough. They lived in Bolton, and had one
child. He m. (2) Sarah Langley.
viii. Dolly, b. Mar. 25, 1766; d. Dec. 11, 1853; m. Sept. 22, 1784, Daniel,
b. Nov. 27, 1762, d. July 29, 1824, son of Stanton and Penina (Al-
bert) Carter of Lancaster. They lived in Berlin, and had fourteen
ix. Lieut. Silas, b. Feb. 21, 1768 ; removed to Waterford, Me., soon after
his marriage, where he was appointed lieutenant of one of the local
militia companies, in 1807; m. Sept. 16, 1794, Anna, dau. of Capt.
Henry and Hannah (Moore) Powers of Berlin. Children : Bebecca,^
Silas, William, Anne, Samuel, Lorenzo, Dorothy, Caleb, Mary.
X. Persis, b. about 1771; m. Aug. 9, 1795, Abishai, b. Mar. 29, 1770, d.
Jan. 1, 1845, son of Joseph and Ruth Eveleth of Princeton. They
lived in Princeton, and had six children.
xi. Polly, b. about 1773; living, unmarried, in 1807.
xii. Sullivan, b. about 1776 ; removed to Waterford, Me. ; during the War
of 1812, he served in the company of Capt. Joseph Holt, for 41 days,
in 1814, on guard duty at Portland; m. Mary, b. in 1782, dau. of
Stephen and Mary (Dudley) Sanderson of Littleton, Mass., and Wa-
terford, Me.
xiii. Miranda, b. about 1780 ; m. (1) Apr. 6, 1808, James Davis, who d.
Sept. 29, 1814; they lived in Princeton, and had four children; m.
(2) Oct. 14, 1821, Nathan, b. June 21, 1776, d. Nov. 13, 1839, son of
Timothy and Huldah (Wheelock) Newton of Shrewsbury and Hub-
bardston. They lived in Hubbardston, and had three children.
18. Jonathan* Jones {Capt. Samuel,^ Samuel,^ Hugh^), born in Marl-
borough. Mar. 18, 1731-2, was enrolled as private in Col. Abra-
ham Williams's company of Marlborough militia, Ai)r. 20, 1757.
(Mass. Archives, vol. xcv, p. 326.) Later, he enlisted from Shrews-
bury in Capt. Aaron Fay's company, and served from Apr. 29 to
Dec. 6, 1759, on an expedition against Crown Point. (Mass. Ar-
chives, vol. xcvii, p. 383.) At the beginning of the Revolution, he
was living in Brookline, and served in Capt. Thomas White's com-
pany, on the Lexington alarm. (Mass. Archives.) Afterwards he
settled in Berlin, on the Northborough road, and died intestate,
Sept. 26, 1803. Administration on his estate was given to Job
Spott'ord, May 31, 1813, and the balance of his estate was paid to
Stephen Bailey, guardian of Martin Cox Jones, the only heir.
(Worcester Co. Probate.) He married Elizabeth .
Child :
i. Martin Cox,» b. about 1765 ; lived in Berlin ; served as private in Capt.
John Whiting's company, in the Shays Rebellion. On Nov. 5, 1813,
he was adjudged a '' spendthrift drunkard," and Stephen Bailey was
appointed his guardian. He d. unmarried, in 1819, administration
on his estate being given to Timothy Jones, May 20 of that year.
(Worcester Co. Probate.)
19. SiLAS^ Jones {Capt. Samuel,^ Samuel,"^ Hugh^) was born in Marl-
borough, Mass., May 7, 1738, where his name appears on the roll
of Col. Abraham Williams's company of militia, Apr. 26, 1757.
(Mass. Archives, vol. xcv, p. 326.) He also served in Lieut. Jesse
Rice's company, from Aug. 15 to 29, 1757, on the expedition for
the relief of Fort AVilliam Henry. (Mass. Archives, vol. xcv, p.
462.) In the Revolution, he served in Capt. Josiah WUder's com-
pany, from Aug. 21 to Aug. 26, 1777, on the Bennington alarm.
(Mass. Archives.) Before 1763, he settled in Templeton, Mass.,
where he was selectman in 1768, and lived until about 1797. Nov.
26, 1796, he sold all his estate in Templeton to Samuel Beal of
Abiugton. (Worcester Co. Deeds, vol. cxxvi, fol. 460.) His fur-
ther history has not been traced.
He married (intention recorded May 3, 1774) Beula, born Apr.
15, 1741, daughter of John and Elizabeth (Stone) Stone of Rutland.
Children :
i. Susanna,* b. May 30, 1775.
ii. Silas, b. Nov. 22, 1776; not further traced.
20. Jacob^ Jones ( Capt. Ebenezer,^ Samuel,'^ Hugh}), born Sept. 23, 1737,
according to a family Bible in possession of descendants, was left
property in Audover by his father, where he settled and also ac-
quired extensive estates by purchase. He served as private in Aug.,
1758, in Capt. Jonathan Eaton's company (Mass. Archives, vol.
xcv, p. 529) ; also in the Revolution, as private in Capt. Timothy
Walker's Wilmington company, which marched on the Lexington
alarm. He died Jan. 11, 1814, leaving a will dated July 4, 1810,
probated May 5, 1814, in which are mentioned his wife Mary, son
Ebeuezer to whom was left all real estate and a "great bible," son
Reuben deceased, children of son Nathan deceased, daughters Eliz-
abeth and Rachel, and grand-daughter Mary Holt child of daughter
Mary Holt deceased. (Essex Co. Probate.)
He married, May 16, 1758, Mary, born Sept. 9, 1739, died Jan.
"28, 1812, daughter of Hezekiah and Bethia (Parker) Winn of Wil-
Children :
I. Ebenezer,* b. about 1759 ; d. Aug. 24, 1832 ; mherited and occupied
his fatlier's homestead in Andover; served as private in the Revolu-
tion, in Capt. Johu Abbot's company, from Sept. 30 to Nov. 6, 1777,
in the Saratoga campaign ; in his will, dated Aug. 16, 1832, probated
Oct. 16, 1832, he names wife Dorcas, and all his children, and leaves
his real estate to his son Ebenezer (Essex Co. Probate) i m. (1) Feb.
15, 1780, Elizabeth, b. Nov. 2, 1755, d. Oct. 28, 1815, dan. of Samuel
and Elizabeth (Wyman) Abbot of Andover; and m. (2) Dec. 2, 1819,
Dorcas, b. Apr. 14, 1769, d. Oct. 6, 1854, dau. of Joseph and Eliz-
abeth (Wyman) Dane of Andover, who was a half-sister of his first
wife. Children by first wife : Elizabeth,^ Jacob, Jewett, Mary, Ab-
bot., Ebenezer, Hezekiah, Eeuben.
ii. Jacob, b. about 1761 ; enlisted in the Continental army for three years,
Mar. 12, 1781, and d. in the service, Jan. 13, 1782, unmarried.
iii. Elizabeth, b. about 1763; d. in 1829; m. July 29, 1784, William, b.
Sept. 7, 1763, d. Dec. 23, 1810, son of Thomas and Dorcas (Holt)
Holt of Andover. They lived in Andover, Mass., and Wilton, N. H.,
and had eight children.
iv. Reuben, b. about 1765; d. in 1798; m. Dec. 2, 1790, Hannah, b. in
Dec, 1767, dau. of Joseph and Abigail (Bourn) Holt of Reading.
They had no children. She m. (2) Dec. 25, 1798, Michael Carleton of
V. Nathan, b. in 1767; was an innkeeper in Andover; d. intestate, Aug.
14, 1804, administration being given to his widow, Dorcas, Oct. 1
following (Essex Co. Probate) ; m. Dec. 25, 1788, Dorcas, b. Dec.
27, 1766, d. May 6, 1856, dau. of Thomas and Lydia (Abbott) Far-
num of Andover. Children : Jacob,^ Lydia, Nathan, d. young, Her-
man, Phebe, d. young, Gardner, Phebe, Anna, Dorcas.
vi. Mary, b. perhaps in 1769; m. Jan. 5, 1790, Daniel, b. in 1764, d. Nov.
27, 1830, son of Daniel and Hannah (Holt) Holt of Andover. They
removed to Fitchburg, Mass., soon after marriage, and had one child.
Tii. Rachel, b. about 1771; d. June 8, 1850; m. in 1800, Joshua, b. Aug.
31, 1771, d. May 31, 1852, son of Benjamin and Abra (Twombly)
Woodbridge of Andover, Mass. They settled in Milford, N. H., and
had six children.
viii. Phebe, b. about 1774; d. Feb. 20, 1798; m. Aug, 25, 1796, Abiel, b.
Nov. 23, 1773, d. Apr. 11, 1801, son of Asa and Dinah (Holt) Holt of
Andover. They had no children.
ix. Abigail, b. about 1776; d. unmarried, Dec. 16, 1806.
x. Joanna, b. about 1780; d. Mar. or May 14, 1797.
21. Ensign Jonathan* Jones (Lieut. Jonathan,^ Samuel,^ Hugh}) was
born Jan. 20, 1722-3, in that part of Woburn set off in 1730 as
Wilmington. At the time of his marriage, he settled on a farm in
Wilmington, which was deeded to him out of the extensive es-
tates of his father, where he resided until his decease, Nov. 26,
1765. On Apr. 6, 1763, he was commissioned ensign of Capt.
Benjamin Jaquith's company of Wilmington militia. (Mass. Ar-
chives, vol. xcix, p. 36.) He died intestate, and on Nov. 16, 1773,
all his real estate was settled on the eldest son, Russell, who paid
to his brother Jonathan and sisters Hannah, Lucy, Phebe, and Su-
sanna, £30-4-6 each, for their shares. (Middlesex Co. Probate.)
He married, Dec. 31, 1747, Hannah, born Apr. 29, 1724, died
Apr. 3, 1766, daughter of Benjamin and Hannah (Wilson) Hop-
kins of Billerica.
Children :
i. Jonathan,-' b. Dec. 13, 1748; d. Pec. 3, 1754.
ii. Hannah, b. Feb. 18, 1751; d. Nov. 27, 1754.
iii. KussEFJ., 1). Sept. 20, 1752; d. Sept. 30, 1828; inherited and occupied
his father's homestead in Wiln\ln,2;ton ; private in Capt. Cadwalladcr
Ford's company, on the Lexinj^ton alarm, and also in further service
during tlie Revolution, as a '' minute man " (Mass. Archives) ; m.
(int. rec. Nov. 20, 1773) Abigail, b. July 8, 1756, d. June 2(3, 1813,
dan. of Jacob and Abigail (Frost) Foster of Andover. Children:
Is((ai-,^ Abigail^ Jonathan, Hannah, d. young, Mary, Nancy, Dorcas,
James, Joseph, Jabez, Jacob, Jephthah, Joab.
iv. Hannah, b. Feb. 28, 1755; d. Nov. 15, 183i;; m. June 23, 1778, David,
b. Dec. 13, 1751, d. Jan. 15, 1829, son of John and Tamsen Jaquith
of AVilmington. They lived in Wilmington, and had no children.
V. Jonathan, b. Nov. 16, 1757; lived in Woburn and Burlington; was
private in Capt. Joshua Walker's company on the Lexington alarm ;
also served in Capt. Jesse Wyman's company from May 10 to July
10, 1777, on an expedition to Point Judith ; also enlisted July 1, 1780,
for six months service in the Continental army (Mass. Archives) ;
int. of marriage published, Nov. 15, 1776, to Elizabeth, b. Apr. 30,
1758, dan. of Samuel and Martha (Wyman) Dean of Wobnrn; m.
Sept. 20, 1781, Abigail Wyman. Children: Abigail Waters,^ Lydia.
vi. Lucy, b. Dec. 27, 1759; m. Aug. 3, 1780, Jacob, b. June 12, 1756, son
of Jacob and Lucy (Frost) Fames of Wilmington.
vii. Phebe, b. Dec. 14, 1760; ra. Mar. 17, 1785, Elijah, b. Sept. 3, 1765, d.
Dec. 5, 1814, son of Ebenezer and Catherine Beard of Wilmington;
immediately settled in Hillsborough, N. H., where he became a prom-
inent man, serving many years as town clerk, selectman, justice of the
peace, and representative in the Legislature; had several children.
viii. SusAN-NA, b. Mar. 30, 1764; d. Apr. 18, 1855; m. May 5, 1784, Obediah,
b. Mar. 23, 1758, d. June 9, 1815, son of Isaac and Mary (Marble)
Holt of Andover. They lived in Andover, Mass., Amherst, N. H.,
and Clinton, Me., and had thirteen children.
22. AYiLLiAM^ Jones {Lieut. Jonathan,^ Samuel,''' Hugli^), born in Wo-
burn, Aug. 23, 1724, located in Andover, Mass., in 1745, where he
lived about ten years, then settled in Amherst, N. H., where he re-
sided for a score of years, and thence removed, about the beginning
of the Revolution, to Hillsborough, N. H., where he was living as
late as 1785. His further history has not been traced, but he proba-
bly ended his days in Windsor, N. H.
He married, Mar. 25, 1745, Rebecca, born about 1727, daughter
of Joel and Mary (Chadwick) Jenkins of Wilmington.
Children :
i. William,* b. Oct. 20, 1745; went with his parents to Amherst, N. H.,
whence he removed to Hillsborough, where he lived during the Revo-
lution; served in Capt. Benj. Taylor's co., which left Amherst, Dec.
8, 1775, to join Continental army at Winter Hill (N. H. State Papers,
vol. xiv, p. 244) ; also engaged by town of Hillsborough, July 15,
1782, for continental service {Ibid, vol. xvi, p. 508); after the war,
he resided in Windsor, N. H., but his further history has not been
discovered. By -oife Abigail he had, recorded in Hillsborough, the
following children : Relief,^ Simeon, Archibald. His widow was liv-
ing in Windsor in 1840, aged 89, a Revolutionary pensioner.
ii. Benjamin, b. Nov. 16, 1747; lived in Andover, Mass., Amherst, N. H.,
and Hillsborough, N. H., where he d. probably in 1829; will dated
Jan. 25, 1823, probated Nov. 3, 1829 (Hillsi)orough Co. Probate) ; m.
(1) about 1768, Jemima ; m. (2) Apr. 15, 1798, Mary Adams.
Children by first wife: Benjamin,^ Jacob, Andreio, William, Daniel,
Hannah, Rebecca, Lovina. Children by second wife : David, Henry and
Willard (botli graduates of Dartmouth College, in 1835, the first de-
scendants of Hugh* Jones to acquire liberal educations), Mary, Je-
iii James, b. Jan. 11, 1749-50; resided in Andover, Mass., and Amherst,
Hillsborougl), and Windsor, N. H. ; served in Capt. Benjamin Tay-
lor's company wlaicli left Amherst Dec. 8, 1775, to join the Contmen-
tal army at Winter Hill (N. H. State Papers, vol. xiv, p. 244) ; m. in
Hillsborough, June 11, 1778, Anne Coolidge. Children: Jonathan,^
James, Silas, Coolidge.
iv. Rebecca, b. May 11, 1752.
V. Mary, b. about 1755.
vi Joshua, b. about 1757 ; lived in Amherst, Hillsborough, and Windsor,
N. H., where he d. in the summer of 1799 ; will dated June 23, pro-
bated Oct. 15, 1799 (Hillsborough Co. Probate) ; m. July 10, 1784,
Hannah Bisby. Children : Elitheusa,^ Walter, Foster, Gilman.
vii Abraham, b. about 1759? An Abraham Jones (perhaps son of Wil-
liam*) had recorded, in Hillsborough, by wife Hepzibah, the follow-
ing children: Polly,'' b. Sept. 17, 1789; Katy, b. Feb. 19, 1792. No
further record.
viii. Jonathan, b. Dec. 5, 1761 ; his further history is uncertain, but he was
probably the Jonathan Jones who was one of the original members
of the.church in Milford, N. H., organized Nov. 19, 1788, and who
lived tiiere until his death, Sept. 4, 1839.
ix Joel, b. in 1764; was a blacksmith; lived in Amherst, Hillsborough,
Antrim, and finally in Wilton, N. H., where he d. about 1826; will,
dated Jan. 28, 1823, was proved Mar. 28, 1826 (Hillsborough Co. Pro-
bate) ; during the Revolution, he served as private, from June 30 to
Dec. 30, 1780, in the Continental army (N. H. State Papers, vol. xvi,
p. 88) ; m. in Hillsborough, Oct., 1783, Mary Bishop, who survived
him. Children : Joel,^ Mary, Lucy, Jonathan, Elizabeth, Nabby, Asa,
Cyrus, Solomon.
X. Lydia, b. Feb. 22, 1766.
xi. Elizabeth Russell, b. Apr. 30, 1772.
xii. Abigail Waters, b. Apr. 30, 1772.
23. Caleb* Jones (Lieut. Jonathan,^ Samuel,^ Hugh^), born in Wilming-
ton, Apr. 8, 1726, settled in Monson, N. H., on laud he inherited
by his father's will. He was later located in Amherst, and finally
in Milford, N. H., where he died Apr. 16, 1805. His will, dated
Dec. 13, 1797, probated Oct. 15, 1805, names wife Deborah, daugh-
ters Sarah and Deborah then unmai-ried, sons Joshua and Caleb,
grandsons John and Abiel, grand-daughter Fanny who was living
with him, and son Zadock who inherited the homestead and was
executor. (Hillsborough Co. Probate.)
He married, about 1748, Deborah, born Apr. 24, 1729, died May
2, 1819, daughter of Benjamin and Hannah (Wilson) Hopkins of
Children :
i. Deborah.*
ii. Sarah.
iii. Caleb, served in Capt. John Bradford's company, from July 19 to
Sept. 27, 1777, in the Saratoga campaign (N. H. State Papers, vol.
XV, p. 213) ; m. Jan. 18, 1779, Eunice Wilkins, widow, of Milford.
iv. Hannah, d. young.
V. Joshua, lived in Milford; was married, and had issue.
vi. John, b. 1760 ; lived in Milford ; d. there, Apr. 22, 1791 ; m. Dec. 7, 1780,
Ruth Hutchinson, who d. about 1797. Children : John,'' Abiel, Fanny.
vii. Elizabeth, b. 1767; d. Apr. 14, 1794.
viii. Zadock, b. July 5, 1773 ; inherited and occupied his father's home-
stead, where he d. July 31, 1823; m. in 1803, Rebecca Abbott, of
Chelmsford, b. Aug. 26, 1778, d. Mar. 25, 1864. Children : Stephen,^
Susanna, Zadock, Davis, Hannah, Fanny, Caleb, William, Sarah.
24. Joshua* Jones (Lieut. Jonathan,^ Samuel,^ Hugh^), born in Wil-
mington, Mar. 23, 1731, inherited by his father's will a part of
the latter's extensive estates in that town, on which he settled, and
died in the summer of 1765, administration on his estate being given,
Sept. 3 of that year, to liis brotlier -losiah,^ of Andover. The
probate papers state that tbe widow Ruth was given £22. 5.
" in consideration of her quitting the estate," and that the deceased
left three minor children, Joshua, Hepzibah, and Aaron, of whom
Capt. John Flint of Reading was appointed guardian. (Middlesex
Co. Probate.)
He married first, about 1759, Hepzibah , who died in 1764.
She was perhaps llejizibah, born in Reading, June 18, 1732,
daughter of Ebenezer and Tabitha (Burnap) Flint, and sister of
Capt. John Flint the guardian of the children ; and married second,
Feb. 5, 1765, Ruth, born Nov. 28, 1733, daughter of John and
Ruth Burnap of Reading, who married second, Sept. 23, 1773,
Daniel Pratt of Reading.
Children by first wife :
i. Joshua,* b. Aug. 22, 17fiO; lived in Wihnington; served in the
Revolution from July 2 to July 10, 1778, iu Capt. Nathaniel Cow-
drey's company at Winter Hill ; also, was in Capt. John Dix's
company from July 30 to Sept. 12, 1778, on an expedition to R. 1. ;
also, served in the Continental Army under Capt. Joshua Walker
from Oct. 22 to Nov. 23, 1779 (Mass. Archives) ; d. unmarried,
and intestate, about 1782, administration on his estate being given
May 1 of that year to his brother-in-law Moses Pearson of Wil-
mington. (Middlesex Co. Probate.)
ii. Hepzibah, b. June 25, 1762; d. in 1784; m. Nov. 27, 1781, Moses,
b. in 1754, son of Nathan and Mary (Wilson) Pearson of Wilming-
ton. They lived in Wilmington, and had two children. He m.
(2) Jan. 4, 1785, Lois Holt,
iii. Aaron, b. Mar. 15, 1764; lived In Wilmington, where he d. about
1826; on Mar. 19, 1828, Samuel B. Jones, and Joshua Jones and
Abigail his wife of Charlestown, Hepzibah Jones of Wilmington,
and Sally Jones of Reading, conveyed to Samuel Jaques land in
Wilmington of their late father Aaron Jones (Middlesex Co. Deeds,
vol. cclxxx, fol. 262) ; m. Apr. 13, 1797, Rebecca, b. Feb. 4, 1766,
dau. of Isaac and Rebecca (Jaquith) Beard of Wilmington.
Children : Sally, ^ Joshua, Samuel B., Hepzibah.
JosiAH* Jones (Lieut. Jonathan,^ Samuel,'^ Hugh^) was born in Wil-
mington, Mar. 23, 1731, and about 1752 settled on a farm near
Foster's Pond in South Andover, where he resided some twenty
yeai's ; but on July 18, 1770, he sold most of his property iu And-
over to Benjamin Marshall of Ipswich (Essex Co. Deeds, vol.
cxxviii, fol. 116), and later removed to Londonderry, N. H., where
he died Aug. 16, 1796. He was on the roll of Capt. John Abbot's
company of Andover militia, Apr. 18, 1757. (Mass. Archives, vol.
xcv. p. 283.) In his will, dated Apr. 16, probated Aug. 18, 1796,
he mentions wdfe Lovey ; sons Josiah and Jesse, who had received
their portions ; sons Jonathan and Amos to whom was left all real
estate ; sons Cadwallader Ford and David McGregor ; daughters
Rebecca, Elizabeth, Lydia and Hannah Jones, and Polly Sheldon.
(Rockingham Co. Probate.)
He married first, iu Wilmington, Nov. 27, 1753, Mary Trifery
(probably from Marblehead) ; married second, Apr. 29, 1764, Re-
becca, born Jan. 5, 1745, daughter of Samuel and Rebecca (Stew-
art) Jenkins of Andover; and married thii-d, Aug. 10, 1786, Mrs.
Lovey Ronald, who survived him and married, Sept. 7, 1797, as
his third wife, John Hartshorn of Amherst, N. H., and died Sept.
13, 1822, aged 75.
Cliildren by first wife :
i. JosiAH,* b. Sept. 5, 1755; settled in Londonderry, N. H., where he
d. Dec. 17, 1803; served in the Revolution in Capt. Benjamin
Eames's company on the Lexington alarm, and later in the year
was in the same company at the battle of Bunker Hill, and in Oct.
was at the fortifications at Cambridge (N. H. State Papers, vol.
XV. p. 746, and Mass. Archives) ; his will, dated May 11, probated
Dec. 21, 1803, mentions wife Sarah, daughters Sally A. and Mary
T., and son Josiah, to whom was left the homestead (Rocking-
ham Co. Probate) ; m. Feb. 23, 1779, Sarah, dau. of Ezra and
Sarah (Long) Anuis of Andover. Children : Josiah,^ Sarah Annis,
Mary Trifery, Jesse d. young.
ii. Jesse, b. Oct. 27, 1757; settled in Londonderry, N. H. ; served in
the Revolution in Capt. Daniel Runnell's company, in the Conti-
nental Army, from July 20 to Sept. 28, 1777 (N. H. State Papers,
vol. XV. p. 201) ; also, served in the Massachusetts line from Oct.
22 to Nov. 23, 1779, in Capt. Joshua Walker's company (Mass.
Archives) ; was living in 1796, but his further history has not
been traced.
Children by second wife :
iii. Rebecca, b. Feb. 7, 1765; d. May 27, 1806; m. Dec. 11, 1800, Dea.
Joshua, b. July 30, 1779, d. June 25, 1873, son of David and Me-
hitable (Jackson) Goodwin of Rowley, Mass., and Londonderry,
N. H. They lived in Londonderry, and had three children.
iv. Jonathan, b. Apr. 15, 1766; d. about 1834; lived in Londonderry,
Weare, and New Boston; m. Mehitable, b. Feb. 4, 1772, d. Feb.
13, 1863, dau. of David and Mehitable (Jackson) Goodwin of Row-
ley, Mass., and Londonderry, N. H. Children : Bebecca,^ Daniel^
Mehitable, Fanny, David, Amos, Caleb, Eliza, Hannah, Jonathan.
V. Mary (or Polly), b. Jan 20, 1768; m. Oct. 20, 1785, Zachariah
Sheldon of Reading.
vi. Elizabeth, b. Feb. 28, 1770; d. Mar. 1, 1844; m. Jan. 1, 1807, as
his second wife, her brother-in-law Dea. Joshua Goodwin of Lon-
donderry, whose first wife was her sister Rebecca. They had
three children. He m. (3) Dec. 29, 1846, Anna Little Melvin, b.
Jan. 6, 1780, d. Dec. 29, 1869.
vii. Lieut. Amos, b. Feb. 22, 1773; d. May 10, 1843; was a blacksmith,
and a man oi herculean size and strength ; lived in Londonderry,
Wilton, and Gofl"stoAvn ; m. Mar. 1, 1798, Rebecca Diamond, b.
Feb. 26, 1775. Children : Anna,^ Ephraim, Amos, Mary, Han-
nah, JRebecca, Newman, Fanny, Elizabeth, Harriet, Lorinda.
viii. Cadwallader Ford, b. Feb. 7, 1775; lived in Manchester, N. H. ;
m. May 8, 1798, Anna Eaton of Reading, Mass., and left issue.
ix. A SON, b. and d. Oct. 8, 1779.
X. Lydia, b. Oct. 6, 1780; d. July 14, 1858; m. Jan. 13, 1803, Capt.
Joseph, b. Nov. 5, 1780, d. July 18, 1860, son of Joseph and Ruth
(Johnson) Holt of Andover. They lived in Albany, Me., and
Andover, Mass., and had six children.
xi. Hannah, b. Apr. 27, 1783; d. Dec. 17, 1867; m. May 3, 1808, Col.
Phineas, b. Jnly 3, 1776, d. Jan. 9, 1852, son of Silas and Eunice
(Fairbanks) Stone of Boxborough, Mass., who was a merchant
in Weare, N. H., from 1803 to 1824, and then removed to Charles-
town, Mass., where he afterwards resided and continued in busi-
ness. They had eight children, of whom four sons, Phineas J.,
Amos, Jasper, and Jonathan, became successful and prominent men
in Charlestown.
Children by third wife :
xii. David McGregor, b. Apr. 10, 1787.
xiii. Caleb, b. Aug. 23, 1789; probably d. yf)ung.
xiv. Martha Carter, b. Apr. 30, 1791 ; probably d. young.
> 23
26. David'* Jones {Lieut. Jonathan,^ Samtiel,- Hugh^), born in Wilming-
ton, Apr. 29, 1737, inherited part of his father's real estate there,
on which he subsequently resided. ]n Aug., 1757, he served in a
company commanded by Licuit. .labcz Temple which marched as
far as Brooktield on an e.x[)edition for the relief of Fort William
Henry. (Mass. Archives, vol. xcv., pp. 4.So and xAO.) lie was
a member of Capt. Timothy AValker's company which marched on
the Lexington alarm, and also served in Capt. Jesse Wyman's com-
pany, from Feb. 18 to May IS, 1778, which was stationed at
Charlestowu as a guard for the prisoners of G»!n. Burgoyne's army.
(Mass. Archives.)
He married, Jan. 10, 17G0, Martha, born Oct. 4, 1737, daugh-
ter of Ilezekiah and Bethia (Parker) AYinn of Wilmington.
Children :
i. Sarah,^ b. Nov. 12, 1760 ; m. June 15, 1784, "William Pearson of Wil-
ii. Hezickiaii, b. Apr. 25, 1763 ; his further history uncertain. A Ilez-
ekiah Jones lived in Salem, N.Il., and m. (1) July 2i), 1790, Lvdia
Allen, and (2) Oct. 28, 1796, Dorothy Head of Pembroke, but "this
Hezekiah Jones of Salem may perhaps have been of the Evan
Jones family of Methuen.
iii. Ens. David, b. July 15, 1765; lived in Wilmington ; d. before 1808 ;
ni. Mar. 16, 1786, Elizabeth, b. Nov. 13, 1769, dau. of Lieut. Ben-
jamiu and Hannah (Kidder) Harudeu of Wilmington, who m. (2)
as his second wife, Apr. 14, 1808, Lieut. Samuel,"b. Mar. 24, 1767,
son of Benjamin and Mary(Kilhara) Thompson of Wilmington, and
removed to Tewksbury, where she d., leaving no children by her
second marriage. Children : EUzaheth,^ Elbridge, Eldad, David.
iv. Judf:, 1). Nov. 20, 1767; lived in Wilmington, Mass., some years,
and then settled in Windsor, N. H., whence he removed to Eliza-
bethtowu, N. Y., according to the "Cogswell Genealogy" ; m.
Feb. 25, 1799, Elizabeth, b". Apr. 18, 1770, dau. of Samuel and
Elizabeth (Perkius) Cogswell of Andover; his further history has
not been traced.
V. Lieut. Willard, bapt. Apr. 22, 1770; settled in Woburn, where he
became locally prominent, and d. Dec. 30, 1824; m. Aug. 20, 1793,
Bridget, b. Apr. 18, 1771, d. Aug. 28, 1856, dau. of Hiram and
Bridget (Snow) Thompson of Woburn. Children : Harriet,'^ Ben-
jamin Franklin, Willard, d. young, Bridget, d. young, Hiram
vi. Abel, bapt. June 28, 1772; lived in Wilmington; d.' before 1816;
m. Jan. 2, 1800, Abigail, b. Apr 20, 1777, d. Sept. 25, 1848, dau. of
Russell and Abigail (Foster) Jones of Wilmington, who m. (2)
Feb. 14, 1816, Samuel, b. June 11, 1780, d. Aug. 2, 1829, sou of Sam-
uel and Esther (Harnden) Eames of Wilmington. Children : IIa7i-
nah,'^ Abel.
vii. Ariel, b. Mar. 4, 1775; settled in Andover, where he d. Sept. 10,
1840; his will, dated Sept. 4, probated Oct. 6, 1840, names wife
Mehitable, dau. Lucy, and son Irving Washington, and left all
real estate to Dea. Solomon Holt to hold in trust for son David
Jones and his children (Essex Co. Probate); m. (1) Nov. 23, 1800,
Lucy, b. Sept. 29, 1779, d. Sept. 3, 1821, dan. of James and Lucy
(Johnson) Carter of Burlington; m. (2) Eunice, b. Feb. 15, 1794,
d. without issue, ."Vug. 27, 1829, dau. of James and Mary (Harris)
Mansur and widow of Ephraim Coburn of Dracut; and m. (3)
Mehitable, b. about 1807, d. Feb. 2, 1848, dau. of Moses Lovering
of Lowell. Children by first wife : David,^ Abiel, d. young, L^icy.
Child by third wife : Irving Washington.
viii. Martha, b. about 1779; m. Dec. 3, 1811, as his second wife, Hiram,
b. Nov. 16, 1761, d. Oct. 17, 1834, son of Benjamin and Hannah
(Thompson) Flagg of Woburn. They lived in Woburn, and had
four children,
24 7
27. Samuel* Jones (Lieut. Jonathan,^ Samuel,^ Hiigh^), born in Wil-
mington, Dec. 19, 1746, settled in Hillsborough, N. H., shortly
after the beginning of the Revolution, where he resided some years,
later he lived in Washington, and finally settled in Stoddard, where
he died. He served in the Revolution under Maj. Loammi Bald-
win, appearing on a roll dated May 11, 1775. (Mass. Archives.)
He married, about 1768, Hannah Hoar, born about 1750, who
died Oct. 16, 1809.
Children :
i. Hanxah,* b. June 9, 1769.
ii. Nkhemiah, b. Mar. 26, 1771 ; lived in Washington, Stoddard, Hills-
borough, and finally in Windsor, N. H., where he d. Dec. 26,
1832; m. about 1799, Mary Perkins, who d. Oct. 21, 1830. Child-
ren: Nabby,^ David P., Thomas J., Mary, Eliza, d. young, Eliza,
iii. Rhoda, b. June 6, 1773.
iv. Capt. Samuel, b, Sept. 30, 1777 ; lived in Hillsborough and in Wash-
ington, N. H., for a short time after his marriage, then removed
to^Boston, where he held a position in the Custom House for sev-
eral years, and later removed to New York, where he also was em-
ployed in the Custom House; m. Jan. 30, 1799, Deborah Bradford.
Children : Hosea," Harry.
v. Stillman, b. Apr. 14, 1780 ; lived in Washington, N. H., until about
1812, when he removed to Irasburgh, Vt., where he was killed by
a falling tree; m. Mar. 29, 1801, Polly, dau. of Dea. Jonathan and
Elizabeth Clark of Washington. Children: Owen,^ Daniel, d.
young, Stillman, Hiram, Sewall.
vi. Milton, b. Feb. 10, 1782; lived in Washington many years, but
late in life removed to Preemption, 111. ; m. July 21, 1811, Susanna
Shed. Children : Cordelia,'' Elizabeth, Jeremiah, Anna.
vii. Capt. Chauncey, b. Oct. 11, 1792; lived in Hillsborough, Washing-
ton, and in Stoddard, where hed. Mar. 27, 1850; m. Jan. 20, 1814,
Matilda Copeland of Stoddard. Children: Leonard,^ Luman,
Lor en.
28. David* Jones {Lieut. David,^ Hugh,"^ Hiigh^) was born in Dracut,
Feb. 12, 1740-1, and passed his life in his native town, succeeding
to his father's Dracut farm when the latter moved to Lancaster,
and died there in 1827. In the Revolution, he was private in Capt.
Stephen Russell's company on the Lexington alarm ; also, was
private in Capt. Joseph B. Varnum's company of militia in 1777 ;
also, was drafted for three months' service in the Continental army
in 1778. ( Mass. Archives, ) His will, dated Mar. 25, 1819,
probated Oct. 2, 1827, mentions wife Hannah ; sons Aaron and
Moses ; children of daughter Molly Nowell deceased ; and son
David, who was given the homestead and was residuary legatee and
executor. (Middlesex Co. Probate.)
He married first, June 27, 1765, Molly, daughter of Nathan and
Mary (Palmer) Bailey of Bradford and Andover ; married second
(intention recorded Mar. 3, 1780), Mrs. Judith Lee ; and married
third, Nov. 25, 1802, Hannah born May 1, 1757, daughter of Solo-
mon and Hannah (Colby) Abbot of Andover and widow of Parker
Bodwell of Methuen.
Children by first wife :
i. Aaeon,* b. Feb. 26, 1767 ; settled near his grandfather David' Jones,
in Lancaster, where he d. Sept. 23, 1839 ; m. in Lancaster, Dec.
15, 1796, Sally Wilder. Children : Almira,*' Eliza, Mary Anne, d.
young, Benjamin Franklin, d. aged 20, Solon, d. young, Edwin, d.
young, David Wilder.
ii. Moses, b. May, 7, 1769; settled in Lancaster, Tvhere he d. Dec. 5,
1829; Will dated Nov. 2!>, 1820, prol)ated Jan. r>, 1830, mentions
wife Sarah, sons Amos and Sullivan, dau. C'ynthia wife of Ed-
mund Loutjley, and firandson James Allen (Worcester Co. Pro-
bate) ; m. (1) Apr. 17, 17!)1, Submit Brooks, 1). about 1774, d. Dec.
18, 1810; and m. (2) (int. rec. Mar. 21, 1812) Mrs. Sarah Egerton
of Shirley. Children by first wife: Polhj,^ Betsey, d. younf?,
Charles, d. young, Amos liruoks, C'ynthia, Sarah Parker, d. young,
Sullivan, Anlan, d. young.
ill. David, b. Nov. 24, 1771 ; inherited his father's homestead in Dra-
cut, where he d. Sept. 19, 1817; will dated Sept. 7, 1810, probated
Dec. 7, 1847, gives wife one tliird his estate; mentions sons Jon-
athan, Justus, David, and John L. Jones; daughters Sally W. But-
ler, Abigail Wright, and Mary Anne Underwood ; and sons Cy-
rus and Darius B., between whom the homestead was divided
(Middlesex Co. Probate); m. Dec. 2.), 1797, Nabby Currier of
Pelham, N. H., who was b. in 177G, and d. Mar. 16, 18.53. Child-
ren : SalUj W.,^ Jonathan, Justus, David, Abigail, John L., Dari-
us, d. young, Gyrus, Darius Bailey, Mary Anne.
iv. Mary, b. Apr. 9, 1774; ra. Dec. 18, 1794, jaraes Nowell; had issue.
29. Samuei/ Jones {Lieut. David,^ ffugh," Rngh^), born in Draout, Aug.
25, 1742, went to Lancaster with his father, in 1781, and inherited
and occupied the latter's estate there, but his last few years were
passed in Leominster, where he died in 1835. In the Revolution,
he served as private in Capt. John Minot's company from May 10
to July 9, 1777, on au expedition to Rhode Island; also, served at
Cambridge, from July 14 to Nov. 9, 1778, under Capt, Peter
Woodbury, and from Nov. 10 to Dec. 12, 1778, under Lieut.
Jewett. (Mass. Archives.)
He married first, Feb. 20, 1779, his step-sister Sarah, born Apr.
27, 1756, died Sept. 7, 1818, daughter of John and Mary (Ilall)
Pratt of Harvard ; and married second, Mar. 20, 1819, Mrs. Mercy
Haskell, who died in Leominster, in 1843.
Children by first wife :
i. Samuel, = b. May 3, 1779, bapt. Oct. 26, 1783; inherited and occu-
* pied his father's homestead in Lancaster, where he d. Oct. 31,
1854; m. May 15, 1808, Nancy Fales, b. in 1781, d. Nov. 10, 1818.
Children : Thomas,^ Nancy, Christopher, Samuel, Edward.
ii. Sarah, b. in 1781, bapt. Oct. 26, 1783.
ill. Luther, bapt. Nov. 9, 1783; lived in Lancaster until about 1835,
and then in Leominster, where he d. June 25, 1859; will dated
Oct. 26, 1855, probated Aug. 2, 1859, mentions wife Charlotte,
and four children (Worcester Co. Probate) ; m. (int. rec. Aug.
5, 1822) Charlotte, b. in Aug., 1797, dau. of Lyman and Anna
(Bennett) Aldrich of Northbridge. Several years after her hus-
band's death, she removed to Mifford, Mass., where she d. Apr. 29,
1881; will dated Nov. 14, 1865, probated May 17, 1881, mentions
children Charlotte Anne Hale, Sarah Joanna Thomas, Levina Jane
Patterson, and Albert Arnold Aldrich Jones. (Worcester Co. Pro-
bate.) Children : Charlotte Anne,*^ Sarah Joanna, d. young, Mar-
ais L., d. young, Sarah Joanna, Levina Jane, Albert Arnold Aid-
iv. Mary, bapt. Aug. 21, 1785; d. Oct. 25, 1786.
V. Polly, bapt. Nov. 23, 1788 ; probably m. Nov. 12, 1815, Horace
vi. A CHILD, b. and d. Dec. 14, 1790.
vii. Louisa, bapt. May 13, 1792.
viii. Levixa, bapt. May 13, 1792 ; either she or her sister Louisa d. Dec.
25, 1796.
ix. Olive, bapt. July 13, 1794; m. Dec. 4, 1817, Joshua Swan of Wal-
thain. They lived in Waltham, and later in Lowell, Mass., and
had issue.
X. JonN Reymore, bapt. Oct. 23, 1796 ; no further record found.
xi. ZoPHAK, bapt. June 23, 1799 ; settled iu Lowell, Mass., where he d. ;
m. Frances , b. 1807, d. Sept. 11, 1839, who ra. (2), as his
second wife, Dec. 14, 1836, Salmon Houghton of Lancaster. Child-
ren : Frances Anne,^ Clarissa, Zopher. On July 29, 1837, their
uncle Luther Jones was appointed their guardian. (Worcester
Co. Probate.)
30. Sergt. Jonathan* Jones (Jonathan,^ Hugh,^ Hugh^), born in
Dracut, July 25, 1750, lived in his native town until about 1790,
and then removed into the wilderness of Reading, Vt., where he
built a log cabin and resided until his death, Sept. 18, 1836. He
was a man of powerful physique, and great vitality and courage.
During the Revolution he performed protracted service in several
campaigns. He marched on the Lexington alarm, Apr. 19, 1775,
was in the battle of Bunker Hill, and served around Boston the
rest of the year; in 1776 took part in the battle of White Plains
and the operations around New York, under Gen. Washington ;
served as sergeant in Capt. Varnum's company from Sept. 29 to
Nov. 7, 1777, in the Saratoga campaign, and was present at Bur-
goyne's surrender ; later he continued in the service, served during
the siege of Yorktown, and was present at Cornwallis's surrender.
(Mass. Archives.)
He married first (intention recorded July 29, 1776), Susanna,
born Feb. 22, 1749-50, daughter of Kendall and Mary Parker of
Dracut, who died soon ; married second (intention recorded Dec. 25,
1778), Bethia, born Nov. 7, 1751, daughter of Capt. Benjamin and
Bethia (Herrick) Fletcher of Westford ; and married third, May 31,
1785, Abigail, born in 1753, died July 4, 1829, daughter of Eplii-aim
and Abigail (Whittemore) Wright of Westford.
Children by second wife :
1. Adams Fletcher,* b. Nov. 23, 1779 ; was a blacksmith, and soon
after becoming of age settled iu New Boston, N. II., where he
lived some twenty years ; later he was iu Topsflekl, Mass., where
he d. Dec. 22, 1844 ; m. June 27, 1805, his cousiu Mercy,* b. Oct.
10, 1785, dau. of Capt. Ephraim* Jones (see No. 32).
Children : Ephraim,^ Adams Fletcher, Jr.
ii. Susanna, b. in 1782.
Children by third wife :
iii. Abigail, b. in 1786; d. Sept. 17, 1854; m. Rev. Josiah Wetherbee.
They had at least three children.
iv. Rev. Jonathan, b. Dec. 28, 1789; d. Apr. 27, 1872; was a farmer,
but early joined the Methodist Episcopal church, and although
without collegiate education, he studied divinity and on June 25,
1843, was ordained a preacher by Bishop Beverley Waugh, and
officiated for several years in Plymouth, Reading, Windsor, and
Cavendish, Vt. ; m. about 1810, Polly Wetherbee. Children : Jon-
athan W.,^ (\.yo\mg, Daniel P., Mary, Ci/nthia, Fletcher, Marcia,
linllin C, Franklin, d. young, Jane M., Wesley, Candace E.,
Mary L.
v. Sakah, d. Aug. 18, 1836.
vi. Ephkaim, d, in Reading, Feb. 23, 18G6; m. Lvdia Robinson. Child-
ren: Augustus F.,« Horatio, d. young, Lydia Aim, Lindsey IF.,
Lafayette, Frederick Sidney, Eleanor Eobinson, Henry G. , Nancy
Electa, Francis E., Edgar F., Augusta Victoria, Maria Louisa.
vn. JoTHAM, d. in Reading, Jan. 1, 1829; m. Melinda Fay. Children:
Caroline M.,^ Marcella, Maria.
31. Zebadiah* Jones {Jonathan,^ Hagh^ JlugJi^), born in Dracut, Mar.
12, 1753, always resided in his native town, on a portion of the
homestead which his father deeded to him Oct. 20, 178H (Mid-
dlesex Co. Deeds, vol. cxcvi, fol. 332), and there he died Aug.
2, 1823. He was a soldier in the Revolution, serving as private
in Capt. Peter Coburn's company on the Li'xiiigton alarm, and
later enlisting as corporal in Capt. Stephen UusscH's company,
serving from Aug. 15 to Nov. 30, 1777, in the Saratoga campaign.
(Mass. Archives.)
He married (intention recorded Oct. 19, 1770) Joanna, l)orn Juno
2, 1755, died Mar. 7, 1835, daughter of Thomas and Mary (Co-
burn) Goodhue of Dracut.
Chihlren :
i. Nkhicmiah,* b. Nov. 27, 1778; lived in Dracut, where he d. Apr.
7, 1850; m. Sept. 7, 1800, Mercy, b. May 8, 1778, dau. of Jona-
than and Mercy (Richardson) Richardson of Dracut. Children:
Nehemiah,^ Jonathan liichardson, d. young, Franklin, Alunzo,
Eebecca B.
il. Thomas, b. Sept. 18, 1 781 ; lived in Dracut, where he d. Oct. 12, 1860 ;
ni. May U, 1812, Rachel Varnnni, b. Nov. 14, 1784, d. Nov. 5,
1872, dau. of Nehemiah and Sarah (Whiting) Flint of Dracut.
They left no issue. In his will, dated Jan. 22, 1842, he gave be-
quests to his ■wife Rachel and sister Dorcas Bradley, and the
residue to his nephew Thomas Jones Coburu. (Middlesex Co.
iii. Zebadiah, b. in 1785; lived in Dracut, where he d. Sept.. 10, 1846;
m. Oct. 23, 1807, Prudence, b. Feb. 6, 1790, d. June 23, 1859,
dau. of Jonathan and Mercy (Richardson) Richardson of Dracut.
Children : Prudence,^ Harriet, 3Iilu J., d. young, Cyrus i?., Dorcas,
d. young, Sahra Richardson, Mercy Bichardson, Emily, Nancy B.,
Laura^ George G.
iv. Joanna, b. in 1787; d. Sept. 10, 1825; m. (int. rec. Mar. 11, 1800)
Jonas, b. July 31, 1780, d. Apr. 12, 1831, son of Jonathan and
Mercy (Richardson) Richardson of Dracut. They lived in Dra-
cut, and had three children.
V. Relief, b. in 1790; d. Oct. 28, 1846; m. July 10, 1814, Saul, b.
Dec. 1, 1788, d. Sept. 19, 1876, son of Saul and Hannah (.Tones)
Coburn of Dracut. They lived in Dracut, and had ten children.
vi. Dorcas, b. about 1793; d. Nov. 13, 1878; m. Aug. 10, 1815, Joshua,
b. Nov. 4, 1791, d. Aug. 29, 1832, son of Joshua and Mary (Poor)
Bradley of Dracut. They resided in Dracut, and had at least two
vii. Sarah, b. about 1796; m. (1) (int. rec. May 14, 1820) John Carlton,
b. Aug. 14, 1794, d. Mar. 11, 1821, son of Joshua and Lydia
(Mears) Thissell of Dracut; lived in Dracut, and had one child;
m. (2) Nov. 11, 1824, John Patten, b. May 4, 1797, son of Dr.
Joshua and Abigail (Patten) Sawyer of Hampstead, N. H.
32. Capt. Ephraim* Jones (Jonathan,^ ffugh,'^ Hugh^) was born in
Dracut, Sept. 26, 1757, went to Nottingham West, N. H., about
1777, and at the close of the Revolution settled in New Boston,
N. H., where he afterwards resided and died in 1819, administration
on his estate being given on Mar. 25 of that year to his son-in-law
Adams Fletcher Jones. (Hillsborough Co. Probate.) At the out-
break of the Revolution he entered the service, enlisted from Not-
tingham West in the Continental Army, Apr. 28, 1777, for a term
of three years, and on the expiration of this enlistment, reenlisteJ
for the remainder of the war. (N. H. State Papers, vol. xv. p. 614.)
After the war, he followed the occupation of farmer and blacksmith
in New Boston, and was prominent in local affairs, holding the
offices of captain of militia and justice of the peace, serving two
years as selectman, and being rej^resentative in the Legislature,
He married (intention recorded Apr. 23, 1785) Mercy, born Jan.
5, 1760, daughter of Maj. William and Tabitha (Coburn) Hildreth
of Dracut.
Children :
1. Mercy,* b. Oct. 10, 1785; m. June 27, 1805, her cousin Adams
Fletcher^ Joues. (See No. 30, i.)
ii. Prudence, b. Aug. 16, 1788; d. Dec. 5, 1855; m. (int. rec. Nov.
21, 1816) Zechariah, b. about 1790, d. Oct. 25, 1848, son of Thad-
deus and Olive (Jones) Coburn of Dracut. They Uved in Dracut,
and had issue.
33. Nathan^ Jones {Nathan,^ Hugh,''' Hugh}), born in Dracut, Feb. 25,
1748, went with his parents about 1773 to that part of Amherst,
N. H., which was later the town of Mt. Vernon, where he died Nov.
6, 1813. No record has been found of any military service in the
Revolution. In his will, dated Oct. 18, probated Dec. 15, 1813,
he mentions wife Mary ; daughter Elizabeth Jones ; daughter Dor-
cas Farrington (who was insane); daughters Dorothy Trow, Serviah
Lampson, and Rhoda Pike ; and only son Nathan to whom was left
the homestead. (Hillsborough Co. Probate.)
He married first, Esther Butterfield ; and married second, Mary
Children by first wife :
i. Elizabeth,* b. Apr. 29, 1777; d. Feb. 8, 1829; m. Feb. 28, 1815, as
his second wife, Nathan, b. July 18, 1763, d. Aug. 31, 1849, son of
Nathan aud Martha Fuller of Amherst, N. H. They lived in
Amherst, and had one child.
ii. Dorcas, b. Mar. 22, 1779; ra. Farrington.
iii. Dorothy, b. Oct. 17, 1781; m. Trow.
iv. Serviah, b. Oct. 1, 1783; m. Lampson.
V. Nathan, b. July 10, 1787 ; inherited and occupied his father's home-
stead ; d. Dec, 1820; will dated Dec. 8, 1820, probated Jan. 4,
1821, names his wife Sarah, and four children (Hillsborough Co.
Probate) ; m. Sarah Bancroft, who removed to Belleville, Canada
"West, after the death of her husband. Children : Nathan,^ /Sarah,
Timothy B., Daniel A.
vi. Rhoda, b. May 21, 1790; m. May 7, 1812, James Pike.
34. Timothy* Jones {Nathan,^ Hugh,'' Hugh^), born in Dracut, July 27,
1755, went with his parents about 1773 to Amherst, N. H., where
he permanently settled and died in May, 1793. He was a member
of Capt. Benjamin Taylor's company which left Amherst, Dec. 8,
1775, to join the Continental Army at Winter Hill, and took part
in the operations which resulted in the evacuation of Boston, Mar.
17 following. (N. H. State Papers, vol. xiv, p. 244.) Adminis-
tration on his estate was given to his widow, Elizabeth, on Dec. 6,
1793. (Hillsborough County Probate.)
He married, June 13, 1782, Elizabeth, born about 1763, died
May, 1818, daughter of Daniel Kendrick of Hollis, N. H. She
married second, Andrew Leavitt.
Children :
i. John,* b. in 1783; went to New Boston, N. H.
ii. BowEN, d. at sea, unmarried.
iii. EuzARKTii, b. in 1786; d. July 0, 18G9; m. June 10, 1810, Edinund,
b. Aug. 5, 1787, d. Aug. 28, \SV>'J, son of €iii)t.. John iind lOliziibiali
(Batchelder) Batcholdcr of Anihorst, N. II. About 181'.) Ihey
settled in Peru, Vt., and had eiglit children.
iv. Raciikl, b. 1788; d. Jan. !), lS(;;i ; ni. June 30, 1811, Ebenczcr, b,
]\Iar. 10, 1783, d. Fel). 2(1, 1815, son of Ei)ene7,er and Eli/.aheth
(Sherwin) Batchelder of Audierst, N. 11. They lived in Andierst,
and had tAvo children.
V. Hannah, b. 1791; became insane, and on Nov. 27, 1827, Jonathan
Herrick of Mt. Vernon was api)ointed her guardian (Mills-
borough Co. Probate) ; d. at Concord, Aug. 12, 18 17.
vi. Timothy, b. July 28, 1793; inlierited his father's farm in Anilierst,
and d. there June 24, 1882; ni. (1) Dec. 18, 1821, So[)hia, b. al)<)ut
1803, d. July 7, 1830, dan. of Reuben and Miriam (Whiting)
Stearns; and m. (2) in 1863, Hannah, dau. of Alexander M. and
Hannah (Mcllvaine) Carr of Amherst. Children by llrst Avife:
Abigail P.,*^ Kendrick LeaviU, Mary J., Xaiioj P.
35. PniNEAS* Jones {Nathan,^ Hugh,^ Jlugh^), born in Dracut, Feb. 16,
1758, went with his parents about 1778 to Amherst, N. IL, where
he afterwards resided, later kept a tavern, and died in 1791). Ad-
ministration on his estate was given to his widow, Sarah, (Jet. 15,
1799 ; and on Apr. 8, 1800, Peter Jones of Amherst was appointed
guardian of the son Phineas Jones, Jr. (Ilillsborougli Co. Probate.)
He married, June 15, 1784, Sarali, born Juno G, 17G5, died Nov.,
1830, daughter of Ephraim and Elizabeth (Ellingwood) llildreth
of Amherst. She married second, as his second wife, James, born
in Beverly, Mass., Feb. 14, 1750, died in Amherst, N. H., Jan. 29,
. 1831, son of Cooley and Sarah (Burnham) Smith.
Children :
i. Phineas,* b. in 1785.
ii-iv. Three children, names not secured.
36. Peter* Jones {Nathan,^ Hugh,"^ Hugli^), born in Dracut, Sept. 16,
1762, went with his parents about 1773 to Amherst, N. H., where
he lived some seventy years, until his death Oct. 11, 1842. No
probate records of him appear.
He married, June 5, 1787, Elizabeth, born Feb. 9, 1770, died
Apr. 3, 1843, daughter of Peter and Elizabeth (Dodge) Woodbury
of Amherst, N. H., and aunt of Judge Levi Woodbury.
Children :
i. Mahala,^ b. In 1788; d. June 24, 1843; m. Feb., 1809, Mark D., b.
June 0, 1785, d. July 22, 1881, son of Capt. Joseph and Hannah
(Woodbury) Perkins of Mt. Vernon. They lived in Mt. Vernon,
and had one child.
ii. CoL. Levi, b. Jan. 9, 1790; d. Oct. 11, 1858; lived in Mt. Vernon
until 1825, and then settled in Amherst, where he was a prominent
man; m. June 11, 1815, Sophia, b. Jan. 27, 1796, d. Apr. 13, 1875,
dau. of Thomas and Tabitha (Wilkins) Gilmore of Amherst.
Children: Peter Woodbury,^ Nancy P., d. young, Mary Z,., Abi-
gail D., George W., Thomas, Nancy P., Charles F., d. young,
Harriet N, Jane M., Amelia F., d. young, Daniel (?., d. young.
iii. Hannah, b. Nov. 20, 1793; d. July 18, 1870; m. Dec. 1, 1814, Capt.
William, b. Aug. 7, 1791, d. July 21, 1871, son of Rev. John and
Lois (Wilkins) Bruce of Mt. Vernon. They lived in Mt. Vernon.
iv. Peter Woodbury, b. June 19, 1795; d. June 4, 1797.
37. Nathaniel" Jones {Nathaniel,^ Hugh,^ Hugh>), born in Dracut,
Sept. 21, 1750, inherited the larger part of his father's estate there,
which he occupied until his death June 23, 1814. In the Revolu-
tion he served in Capt. Stephen Russell's company, from Aug. 15
to Nov. 30, 1777, in the Saratoga campaign. (Mass. Archives.)
In his will, dated June 6, probated Oct. 5, 1814, he gave to his wife
Judith one third of his estate and all furniture (except that form-
erly of his first wife) ; to heirs of son Reuben $2 ; to son Prescott,
son Bradley, daughter Rhoda wife of Daniel Coburn, daughter Abi
wife of Benjamin Coburn, $2 each ; to daughter Rhoda furniture
of first wife; to daughter Minah (under age) $100; to sons Nath-
aniel, Mauley, and Samuel Lee Jones land in Maine ; to son Nathan-
iel I'esidue and reversion of homestead in Dracut. (Middlesex Co.
He married first (intention recorded July 4, 1772), Minah Coburn
of Pelham, N. H., born about 1744, died Mar. 22, 1794; and
married second, Nov. 2, 1794, Judith Lee of Dracut, who died May
1, 1816.
Children by first wife :
i. Minah,* b. Dec. 14, 1773; d. young.
ii. Keuben, b. Aug. 18, 1776; lived in Dracut, where he d. in 1807,
administration on his estate being given on Oct. 7 of that year to
Caleb Blanchard, at the request of the widow Hannah. (Middle-
sex Co. Probate.) (He was perhaps the Reuben Jones who m.
in Boston, Jan. 13, 1801, Hannah Burbank.) Children : Harriet,^
Catherine, Mercy.
iii. Pkescott, b. in 1778 ; settled on a farm in Pelham, N. H., where he
d. Oct. 14, 1842; his will, dated Mar. 16, probated Dec. 7, 1842,
gives a bequest to sister Abi Coburn, and residue to wife Olive
whose will, dated Jan. 18, 1854, mentions Prescott Jones of Dra-
cut, sister Sibyl Richardson, niece Sibyl Worcester, aud nephew
Jacob M. Richardson. (Middlesex Co. Probate.) He m. Olive
Marsh, b. about 1787, d. May 27, 1861. They evidently left no
iv. Rhoda, b. about 1781; m. Dec. 1, 1803, Daniel Coburn of Dracut.
V. Abi, b. about 1784; d. Aug. 10, 1863; m. Sept. 27, 1810, Benjamin,
b. Aug. 26, 1772, d. Feb. 3, 1857, sou of Simon and Keziah Coburn
of Dracut. They lived in Dracut, and had children.
vi. Bradley, b. about 1787; was a farmer in Dracut, where he d. July
22, 1854; m. Mar. 11, 1813, Sarah, b. Oct. 1, 1790, d. Aug. 5, 1851,
dau. of Simon aud Mary Harris of Dracut. Children: Bradley,^
d. young, Daniel^ d. young, Prescott, Sarah Jane, d. young, Mary
Foster, d. young, Sarah Jane, Bradley.
Children by second wife :
vii. Minah, b. Apr. 25, 1796; living in 1814.
viii. Natiianiel, b. June 19, 1799; Uving in 1814; not further traced ;
perhaps went to Maine.
ix. Manley, b. Sept. 6, 1801; living in 1814; not further traced; per-
haps went to Maine.
x. Samuel Lee, b. Feb. 3, 1808, living in 1814; not further traced;
perhaps went to Maine.
38. Solomon^ Jones {Nathaniel,^ Hugh," HuglP-), born in Dracut, July
17, 1753, inherited part of his father's estate there, which he occu-
pied until his decease, Nov. 20, 1814. He was a soldier in the
Revolution, serving in Capt. Stephen Russell's company on the
Lexington alarm, Apr. 19, 1775, and, soon after, enlisting in the
Continental army and serving in Capt. Peter Coburn's company in
the operations around Boston during the rest of the year. (Mass.
Archives.) He died intestate, and some years after his decease
his widow petitioned, on Apr. 5, 1828, for a setting off of her rights
of dower in his estate, which was granted three days later. (]\Iid-
dlesex Co. Probate.)
He married (intention recorded Dec. G, 1777) Mary Danlorth,
who died Aug. 24, 1838.
Children :
i. Levi,^ b. May 1, 1778; lived on his father's place in Dracut, where
he d. intestate, July 18, 1827, and on Oct. 2, 1827. H. F. Varnuni
of Dracnt was appointed administrator of liis ostatL-; his mother
had lived witii lum, and after his deatli liad didlculties with iiis
widow, and on Apr. 5, 1828, botli petitioned for dower in the
estates of their respective husbands (Middlesex Co. Prol)atc) ;
m. Feb. 5, 1801, Sarah Currier of Pclham, N. II. Cluldrcn :
Levi,^ d. unmarried, Sarah, d. yoniiij, Worthy, d. unmarried,
Warner, Joseph Bradley, Mary, d. younjj, Lydia, Mary, James
ii. Phineas, b. Aug. G, 1779; lived in Dracut, and in Ins old age was
supported by the town, dying in the poor house Feb. 12, 1834;
m. Dec. 16, 1802, llhoda, b. May 25, 1784, dan. of David and
Deborah (Harris) Trull of Dracut. Children : Phineas,^ d. young,
Ahnira, Paulina, Mary Anne, Frances Augusta., Orren, William,
Phineas, Henry.
iii. Mary (or Polly), b. Feb. 28, 1781 ; m. .July 2, 1801, Simon, b. Dec.
3, 1776 sou of Eliphalet and Elizabeth (Russell) Fox of Dracut.
They lived in Dracut, and had eight children.
iv. Ltdia (twin), b. Sept. 22, 1783 ; In. Nov. 25, 1802. Elijah, b. Mar.
11, 1779, son of Elijah and Sarah (Eames) Flint of Reading.
After the births of two children in Dracut, they removed to
Pemljroke, N. Y.
V. SuSAXNA (twin), b. Sept. 22, 1783; d. July 17, 1838; m. Feb. 14,
1804, Simeon, b. Feb. 12, 1783, d. May 28, 1848, son of Elijah and
Sarah (Eames) Flint of Reading. They lived in Dracut, where
he Avas some time postmaster, and had eleven children.
39. Joshua'* Jones (Nathaniel,^ Biigh,^ Hagh}) was born in Dracut,
Nov., 1758. In the Revolution, he marched on the Lexington alarm,
Apr. 19, 1775, and was in the operations around Boston the rest of
the year; from Feb. 5, 1776, to Jan. 1, 1777, he was in Ca^it. John
Ford's company which was in the expedition to Ticonderoga ; from
Apr. 15, 1777, to Apr. 15, 1780, he served in Capt. James Var-
mim's company in the Continental Army, in several arduous cam-
paigns ; on Sept. 26, 1780, he enlisted in the Continental army for
three months service for the town of Haverhill ; and on July 2,
1781, he enlisted for three years for the town of Dunstable, being
described as 21 years old, stature 5 feet 9 inches, with dark com-
plexion, hair and eyes. (Mass. Archives.) Upon the termination of
the war, he settled in New Boston, N. H., where he purchased an
extensive farm of John McAllister, and there died in Jan., 1830.
He married in Dracut (intention recorded Mar. 16, 1786), Sarah
Burns, born about 1761, died Aug. 8, 1841, probably daughter of
George and Jane (McQuaid) Burns of Amherst, N. H. After the
death of her husband, she received a pension for his Revolutionary
Children :
i. Elizabeth*, m. Benjamin Butterfield of Goffstown.
ii. Nathaxiel, settled in Dracut ; is said to have died on a voyage to
the West Indies ; m. Dec. 8, 1809, Anna Butterfield of Mt. Vernon.
Children : Fanny^^ Nathaniel, Clarissa^ Madison, d. young, Jane.,
iii. Joshua, lived in New Boston, where he d. iu Mai-., 1863; his will,
dated Feb. 28, probated Mar. 24, 1863, mentions wife Sarah, and
son Levi, and gives beqnests to Daniel Douglass, Ebeu Warner,
and Benjamin Col))y (Hillsborough Co. Probate) ; m. (1) Mar.
11, 1821, Ireuia Perkins; m. (2) Feb. 18, 1849, Mrs. Sally Hender-
son. Child by first wife : Levi^.
iv. Peter, lived in New Boston, where he d. in 1873; his will, dated
Sept. 24. 1863, probated June IG, 1873, names wife Nancy B.
Jones, dan. Mary J. C. Ayres wife of Daniel Ayres, dau. Letitia
wife of Richard Pattee; grand-dau. Frances Piper, grand-d.au.
Letitia Jones, and son James C. Jones (Hillsborough Co. Probate) ;
m. (1) Mary, dau. of Peter and Mary (McCurdy) Cochrane; ra.
(2) Mrs. Nancy Hill. Children by first wife: Manj Jane,^ Peter
G., Nancy,! d. young, Letitia, Jennette, d. young, James C, Allen
V. George, is stated in the History of New Boston to have m. Sarah
Battles of Mt. Vernon, and had six children.
vi. Sarah, m. Capt. Benjamin Woodbury of New Boston, and had
twelve children.
vii. Jefferson, lived in Goflstown, where he d. in the winter of 1848-
9; his will, dated Dec. 14, 1848, probated Feb. 6, 1849, names
wife Mary, and son Thomas J. who was underage (Hillsborough
Co. Probate); m. Mary, b. Apr. 17, 1805, d. Mar. 24, 1882, dau.
of David and Mehitable (Hewins) Fisher of Francestown, who
m. (2) Mar. 27, 1851, as his second wife, "William H. Lovejoy of
Amherst, N. H. Child : Thomas J.*'
40. Oliver* Jones {ffugh,^ Hugh^^ Hagh^) was born in Dracut, May 6,
1762. On Apr. 3, 1795, his father deeded him half of his home-
stead ; and after his father's death, he purchased of his sisters, on
Oct. 30, 1801, all their interest in the other half (Middlesex Co.
Deeds, vol. ccvi, fol. Ill, and fol. 114) ; and he occupied the an-
cestral estate until his decease, Oct. 4, 1816. On June 26, 1780,
Oliver Jones of Dracut, aged 18, stature 5 feet 10 inches, complex-
ion light, enlisted in the Continental army, and served until Dec.
29, 1780. (Mass. Archives.) In his will, dated Aug. 26, probated
Nov. 19, 1816, he mentiones wife Dolly ; daughters Dolly wife
of Israel Hildreth, Jr., and Lydia wife of Pascall Coburn ; sons
James, Hugh, AVilliam, and Henry A. ; grandchildren Augustus and
Zerviah Lucretia Fox ; and son Oliver, Jr., to whom was bequeathed
the homestead. (Middlesex Co. Probate.)
He married (intention recorded May 19, 1785) Dolly, born Aug.
16, 1762, died Oct. 7, 1843, daughter of Daniel and Eunice Clem-
ents of Dracut, who married second, Feb. 10, 1822, Samuel Rich-
ardson of Methuen.
Children :
i. Sarah,* b. Jan. 1, 1786; m. Aug. 30. 1810, Jonathan Fox of Dra-
cut. They both died before 1816, leaving two children.
ii. Oliver, b. Nov. 12, 1789; inherited and occupied his fatlier's home-
stead in Dracut, where he d. Feb. 6, 1836; in 1827 he became
temporarily insane, and, at the request of his family, Israel Hil-
dreth was appointed his guardian, Apr. 8, 1828, but having recov-
ered his sanity, on his petition the guardianship was removed,
Dec. 4, 1832 ; d. intestate, and on Apr. 12, 1836, Nathaniel Stick-
ney was appointed administrator (Middlesex Co. Probate) ; m.
(1) Oct. 30, 1814, his cousin Olive, b. in 1790, d. Sept. 18, 1829,
dau. of Thaddeus and Olive (Jones) Coburn of Dracut; m. (2)
(int. rec. Apr. 24, 1833) Mary B. Clement of Haverhill. Children
by first wife: Oliver M.,'^ Thaddeus C, Charles.
iii. Dolly, b. Feb. 8, 1792; d. Feb. 28, 1858; m. Dec. 16, 1813, Dr.
Israel, b. Feb. 28, 1791, d. Apr. 6, 1859, son of Israel and Susanna
(Hale) Ilildreth of Dracut. They lived in Dracut, and had eight
iv. .Iamks, b. Feb. IG, I7f>4; living in 1829; fnrther history untraccd.
V. Lydia, b. wSopt. 24, 17!»(); d. Apr. 8, 184(i ; ni. (int. rcc. July H, 1815)
Pascall I'aoli, b. Mar. 18, 1792, d. Dec. 3, 1847, son of ("lipt. I'dt-r
and Elizabetli Coburn of Dracut. They lived in Dracut, and liad
eight children.
vi. Daxikl (twin), b. May 15, 1802; d. young:.
vii. Hugh (twin), b. May 15, 1802; was a blacksmith; lived inPclliam,
and in Londonderry, N. II., wliere lie d. Nov. 11, IKSI ; m. Ki-pt.
4, 1827, Jilehitable, b. Oct. 23, 1800, d. Mar. 30, 185:t, dan. of Wil-
liam and Elizabeth (Tenney) Wyniaii of relhani. Children: Wil-
liam (t.,^ d. young, Sahra IT., IVillicim If.
viii. AViLU.\M, b. Jan. 9, 1804; living in 1829; furtlier history untraced.
ix. IIknky a., b. Apr. 5,1809; d. unmarried and intestate, Oct. 11,
1829; heirs, Oliver Jones, Dolly Ilildreth, Lydia Coburn; Wil-
liam, James antl Hugh Jones; Augustus and Lucretia Fo.x ; and
his motlier, Dolly, wife of Samuel Richardson. (Middlesex Co.
Register Re-prints, Series A, No. 21.
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