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The war of 1812 furnishes little to gratify the miUtary annahst until he approaches its close. The imbecility of the Generals and the number of their defeats, naturally dispirit an author. He feels the subject continually checking him ; and is dehghted, when the campaign of 1814 opening, affords lum somethinn: beside diss^race and disaster to record. The un- promising nature of the subject has prevented any writer ot ability from taking it up : and hence a good history of the War of 1812 is as yet unknown to the language. There is no attempt in the following pages to supply this deficiency. Indeed such an endeavor would be foreign to the purpose of tliis work. The narrative of the war is but sub- ordinate to the main design of the volume, and hence the author has contented himself with a mere outline sketch, lh.' only merit of which, if he has succeeded in his aim, is in be- I* 5 VI PREFACE. mg- authentic and comprehensive. The details of the picture are left to be filled up from the Biographies. The nature of the theme has forced the author to depart, in a measure, from the plan of his work. There are several Generals noticed who have no pretensions to be Heroes ; but the story would be incomplete without them. The author has not hesitated, however, to express his opinion as to the merits of each officer ; and, so far forth, has carried out his oritJ-inal design. Whether his opinions are correct must be left for impartial criticism to decide. CONTENTS. PREFACE, Pa'-e ^' THE WAR OF 1812. PRELIMINARY CHAPTER, 13 BOOK I. — OnioiiT OF the Wah, ------- 17 BOOK II — To THK Sphinb of the Year 1814, - - - - i , - 29 BOOK III. — To THE Close of the Contbst, ----'. 51 THE HEROES OF THE WAR OF 1812. William Hull, ..-----» ^ - 73 James Winchester, .____-- -81 Zebulon Montgomery Pike, ___-.. -87 Henbt Dearborn, _.-__--. 93 James Wilkinson, .--------97 John Armstrong, __-__.-- 107 7 CONTENTS. flEOHGE CrOGHAV, William Hexri Hahhisov, Richard M. Joh.vso.v, Isaac Shelbt, Jatob Bnowx, Elkazer W. RiPLiir, James Miller, Nathan Towsojr, Thomas S. Jessup, Edmund Pendleton Gaines, Peteh B. Porter, Alexander Macomb, Samuel Smith, Andrew Jackson, Pa«e 111 119 133 139 141 159 167 171 175 177 183 185 191 197 ILLUSTRATIONS. ENGRAVINGS ON STEEL. Portrait of Major-General Winfield Scott, . - _ . - Frontimpikck, Battle of Plattsburg, ■-..-._>.. Page HI Battle of the Thames, ----.--_». 136 Portrait of Major-General Jacob Brown, - - - - - - -141 Portrait of Major-General Andrew Jackson, - - - _ _ - 197 Battle of New Orleans, --..__._.. 206 ENGRAVINGS ON WOOD. View of Plattsburg, _ ^ . Page 5 Ornamental Letter, ----..^.-.r) View of Bladensburg, ----..__-_- 7* Attack on Fort Oswego, .......^ ._-8 View of Georjietown, ........ _. 9 Ornamental Title Page — " History of the War of 1812," - - - - - II Head Piece — Martial Emblems, ---._.-.- 13 Ornamental Letter, ------_»_.__13 Tail Piece, --.. .... --.__ 16 Head Piece — Naval Emblems, - - - - - _ . - . -17 Ornamental Letter, --..-.-.._- 17 The Chesapeake and Leopard, ----.._.__ 25 Battle of Tippecanoe, ----_... ...09 Ornamental Letter, ----....... 2'.' Battle of Queenstown, -------.__. 37 2 9 10 ILLUSTRATIONS. The Constitution and Guerriere, ....---. Page 39 The Capture of the Frolic by the Wasp, -------.40 Battle of Lake Erie, ...........43 The Enterprise and the Boxer, ---..-... 4Q Tail Piece, 50 View of Baltinnore, and Ornamental Letter, - - 51 Battle of Lundy's Lane, ..---.---.-58 Fort Mc Henry, -..---..- . . . c>2 The Battle Monument at Baltimore, - . 7(j Ornamental Title Page — « The Heroes of the War of 18 12," - - - - 71 Detroit, and Ornamental Letter, --- -_.... 73 Massacre at the River Raisin, .-.-..-.-.81 Portrait of Brigadier-General Zebulon Montgomery Pike, and Ornamental Letter, e7 Death of General Pike, 9U Tail Piece — Cavalry Exercise, -.-------92 Portrait of Major-General Henry Dearborn, and Ornamental Letter, - - - 93 Portrait of Major-General James Wilkinson, and Ornamental Letter, - - 97 The Citadel at Kingston, .------.._ iQO Queenstown, .------------105 Portrait of General John Armstrong, and Ornamental Letter, - . - - 107 Portrait of Lieutenant-Colonel George Croghan, and Ornamental Letter, - - 111 Defence of Fort Stephenson, - - - - - - - . - -116 Tail Piece, ' US Portrait of Major-General William Henry Harrison, and Ornamental Letter, - - 119 General Harrison's Army Crossing Lake Erie, - - - - . - -130 Tail Piece, 13> Portrait of Colonel Richard M. Johnson, and Ornamental Letter, - - - 133 Portrait of Governor Isaac Shelby, and Ornamental Letter, ----- 139 General Brown at the Battle of Chippewa, and Ornamental Letter, - - - 141 Bulfalo, 148 Fort Niagara, ------ -----154 Tail Piece, 158 Portrait of Major-General Eleazer W. Ripley, and Ornamental Letter, - - 1 59 Tail Piece, - - - • - - - - - - - - -166 Portrait of Brigadier-General James Miller, and Ornamental Letter, - - - 167 Sfiott Piloting Miller to Lundy's Lane, - - - - - - - - 169 Tail Piece, - - . 170 Portrait of Brigadier-General Nathan Towson, - - - - - - 171 Ornamental Letter, - - - - - - - - - - . -171 Head Piece — Sword, - - -- - - - - - - - -175 Ornamentiil Letter, .... ......_ 175 Portrait of Major-General Edmund Pendleton Gaines, ...... 177 Ornamental Leiti-r, .-- -_---_... 177 f'orirait of Mnjor-Gencral Peter B. Porter, - - - "- - - - - J 83 OrnamcMinl Letter, ------___- -183 Portrait of Major-Geneml Alexander Macomb, ----_.- 165 OruHtnental Letter, --_--_. __ --180 Portrait of Major-General Samuel Smith, -------- 191 Ornamental Letter, - . - - - - . _ - -191 (Jeneriil JiickHon at the Battle of Emuckfau, 197 Ornnmental Letter, ---... -.. --197 Vi.!W of Nashville, --------_--- 208 PRELIMINARY CHAPTER. ^ HE war of 1812 was the sequel to the war of independence. It was the oirspring of an old hatred, nurtured into life by the arrogance of England. Those who declaim against the war because begun to punish wrongs perpetrated ^^H by Great Britain, when outrages nearly as "^"'^ great on the part of France were overlooked, do not understand the question ihey assume to discuss. Nations, as well as men, will endure that from a friend which they will never submit to from a foe. England had been hated by the people of the II 13 14 PRELIMINARY CHAPTER. United States, since the period of the Revolution ; while France, notwithstanding all her injustice, still possessed their gratitude and sympathy. The wonder is, not that the war took place, but that it did not happen before. The acknowledgment of our independence had been made with a bad grace by Great Britain in 1 783, and, as if her ill humor was never to be appeased, she continued to treat us with an insolence that galled our national pride. The war of 1812 was not the work of the President, nor even of his party ; but was forced on an unwilling cabinet by the popular will. It was a war of the people. Dangerous as the war seemed to many at the time, a single gene- ration has established its necessity and wisdom. It is true that, at the peace of Ghent, no acknowledgment was obtained from England of the injustice of her system of impressment, which was the apparent cause for embarking in the contest. But nevertheless all the substantial benefits were on our side. We had proved that we were not a power to be despised, either on land or sea ; and that nothing was to be gained, but everything lost, by persisting in the struggle. For the first two years of the strife, our armies had been defeated almost universally. This so elated the Prince Regent, that the offer to compromise our ditficulties, which he would have been glad to have accepted in the beginning, he now rejected; and having just closed the protracted struggle with Napoleon, he resolved to inundate this country with the veterans of the Peninsula, and chastise us for having declared war against England, when she was surrounded with foes. Accorduigly the campaign of 1814 was opened by the appear- ance of a most imposing force in America. The British officers boasted that they would conquer and hold a portion of our territory at least ; and even some of our own citizens, arguing from former deleats, despaired of the country. Two causes conspired to frustrate the calculations of the enemy, and make him eager to secure peace on the terms he had rejected. The first was that the nation, now seriously alarmed, began to rally in earnest for its defence. That spirit of enthusiasm, which had burned so brightly in 1 776, again blazed up ; and the whole Union was suddenly turned into an armed camp, resounding with the din of preparation. The second cause was this, the Generals to whom the command of our armies had been committed, during the preceding campaigns, had been old revolutionary officers, of respectable standing when young, but now utterly exhausted by indolence and age. By the close of 1813, however, the army had been thoroughly purged of thes(! imbecile leaders. A new race of Generals, composed of men of spirit, genius and enterprise, had arisen. At the head of these PKELIMINARY CHAPTER. 15 Stood Brown, He was one of those individuals wlio are born war- riors. What he wanted in knowledge, he made up in energy, and the latter qualification was, just then, of more importance tiian the former. The nation, at this crisis, required a bold man for its leader, one not afraid of hard blows, and who, believing that the American fur- nished as good material for a soldier as the Englishman, would never decline a combat. Brown was even more than this. He was not only willing to meet the British, when his forces were equal to theirs, but even when his number were decidedly inferior. He was admirably seconded by his subordinates, especially by Scott, who had in a measure formed the army, introducing into it the French discipline, and changmg by constant drilling, raw recruits into good soldiers. The result of the battles of Chippewa, Lundy's Lane and Erie, was to convince Great Britain that, in the United States, she had found an enemy who would grow more formidable every year. As there was notliing to be gained by a contest with such a foe, but on the contrary, much blood and treasure to be lost, she became suddenly as eager for a peace, as, six months before, she had been indill'erent to it. These victories taught our own people the existence of a latent aptitude for war among themselves, of which they had never dreamed. That the American furnished the best material for the soldier, because as robust as others, and more intelligent, was thenceforth no longer a heresy to assert. Discipline in the men, and ability in the com- mander, was all that was necessary, it was seen, to render victory probable, if not certain. Since the war of 1812, the United States have held a better position among nations than before. Our naval successes over a power that was deemed invincible at sea, suddenly awakened the attention of Europe to this young giant of the west. The single victory of the Constitution over the Guerriere, gained us more respect abroad, than could have been attained by a long career of the most brilliant successes in the arts of peace. The manner in wliicli that triumph was followed up, made a profound impression on the public mind on the continent. Since the treaty of Ghent, our flag has been treated with marked deference in foreign ports. The dazzling exploits on land, with which we closed the contest, had their effect also in revo- lutionizing opinions abroad. Prior to the war of 1812, we ranked in Europe, as a fourth-rate power only ; but since then, the position of a second-rate one has been freely conceded to us. We have, it is true, aspired to be considered one of the first powers in the world ; and though this is not pretence in 1848, it was so, perhaps, in 1815. We advance, indeed, with steps that find no parallel in history. Within 16 PRELIMINARY CHAPTER. the last thirty years, we have passed from youth to manhood, as iu the thirty preceding years we grew from infancy to adolescence. What was exaggeration for our fathers to assert, becomes, therefore, less than the truth in us. It shall be our purpose to narrate, in a rapid manner, the events of the war of 1812, which exercised such an influence on the charac- ter, genius and development of this nation. BOOK I. ORIGIN OF THE WAR. HE war of 1812 naturally divides itself into three great periods. The first embraces the origin of the war. This will necessarily con- tain a review of the conduct of Great Britain towards the United States, from the peace of 1783, to the declaration of hostilities on the 19th of June, 1812; comprise an account of the celebrated Berlin and Milan decrees, and of the Bri- tish orders in council ; and furnish a narrative of the origin, exercise, and perversion of the claim of England to impress seamen. The second opens with the surrender of Detroit ; records the failure of Harrison's winter and autumnal campaigns in 1812 ; and explains the miscarriagesof Dearborn, Wilkinson and Hampton, on the Lakes and St. Lawrence, during the spring, summer and autumn of 1813. This was a period "of almost universal defeat for the armies of the II 17 18 ORIGIN OF THE WAR, United States. Inefficient Generals and undisciplined troops united to cover the nation with disgrace. During this interval the Creek war in the south occurred. But for some brilliant successes at .sea, and for the victory of the Thames in October, 1S13, these first twenty months of the contest would have presented only unmitigated disas- ter. The third and last period opened in the spring of 1814, with the most gloomy anticipations. The subjugation of Napoleon had left Ens-land free to employ all her strength against the United States. The veteran troops of Wellington were accordingly poured into Ca- nada. 13oasts of permanently annexing a portion of New York, or of New England, to the British dominions were publicly made by the English officers. But suddenly the scene changed. These splen- did veterans were defeated in every contest, by our comparatively raw troops. Instead of gaining a foothold in the United States the enemy was everywhere beaten on his own soil. These results pro- ceeded from placing bolder and younger men in command of the army ; from disciplining the troops thoroughly ; and from the spirit of patriotism which was now fully aroused to meet the impending crisis. From this hour the arms of the United States were in the ascendant. Success had at first receded from us further and still fur- ther, like a wave withdrawing from a beach ; but suddenly the tide turned, it rolled in, and towering higher and prouder, broke over us in triumphs. The peace of 1783 had been extorted by the necessities rather than obtained by the good will of England. Though, by a formal treaty, the United States were declared free and independent, they were still hated in Great Britain as rebellious colonies. That such was the general opinion is manifest from the letters of John Adams, our first minister to the court of St. James, and from other authentic cotem- porary accounts. Of course there were a few men of sufficiently en- larged and comprehensive minds to forget the past, and urge, even in parliament, that the trade of America would be more valuable as an allv than a dependent. But the number of these was small in- deed. Tlic conmion sentiment in England towards the young repub- lic was one of scornful detestation. We were despised as provin- cials, wo were hated as rebels. In the permanency of our institutions there was scarcely a believer in all Britain. This was especially the case prior to the adoj)tion of the Federal Constitution. Both in par- liament and out, it was publicly boasted that the Union would soon fall to pieces, and that, finding their inability to govern themselves, the ditl'ercnt states would, one by one, supplicate to be received back as colonies. This vain and empty expectation, long lingered in the ORIGIN OF THE WAR. 19 popular mind, and was not wholly eradicated until after the war of 1812. Hence the new republic was treated with arrogant contempt. One of the first acts of John Adams, as minister to England, had been to propose placing the navigation and trade between the dominions of Great Britain and the territories of the United States, on a basis of complete reciprocity. By acceding to such a measure England might have gained much, and could have lost but little. The propo- sal was rejected almost with terms of insult, and Mr. Adams told " that no other would be entertained." The consequences were that the free negroes of Jamaica, and others of the poorer inhabitants of the British West India Islands, were reduced to starvation by be- ing deprived of their usual supplies from the United States. This policy on the part of England naturally exasperated the Americans, and one of the first acts of the Federal govermnenl in 1789, was to adopt retaliatory measures. A navigation law was passed, which lias since been the foundation of all our treaties of reciprocity with England. A tariff was also adopted as another means of retaliation. We have lived to see Great Britain become the first to tire of re- strictive measures, and, by a repeal on her part, hivite a repeal on ours. In another way Great Britain exasperated the popular feeling here against her, and even forced the American government, once or twice, to the verge of war. By the treaty of peace, all military posts held by England within the limits of the United States, were to be given up ; yet no less than six of this character, Michilimackinac, Detroit, Oswegotclie, Point au Fer, and Dutchman's Point, were long held in defiance of the compact. These posts were made the centres of intrigue among the savages of the northwest. Arms were here dis- tributed to the Indians, and disturbances on our frontier fomented. The war on the Miami, which was brought to a bloody close by Wayne's victory, was the result principally of such secret machina- tions. In short, England regarded the treaty of 1783 as a truce, rather than a pacification, and long held to the hope of being able yet to punish the revolted colonies for their rebellion. In two celebra- ted letters written by John Adams Irom Great Britain, he uses the fol- lowing decided language in reference to the secret designs of England : " If she can bind Holland in her shackles, and France from internal dissensions is unable to interfere, she will make war immediately against us." This was in 1787. Two years before, he had expresed the same ideas. " Their present system, as far as I can penetrate it," he wrote, " is to maintain a determined peace with all Europe, in 20 ORIGIN OF THE WAR. order that they may war singly against America, if they should think it necessary." A sentiment of such relentless hostility, which no at- tempt was made to disguise, but which was even arrogantly paraded on every occasion, could not fail to exasperate those feelings of dis- like on the part of America, which protracted war had engendered. This mutual hatred between the two nations arose from the enmity of the people rather than of the cabinets. " There is too much reason to believe," wrote our minister, " that if the nation had another hundred million to spend, they would soon force the ministry into a war against us." On the side of the United States it required all the pru- dence of Washington, sustained by his hold on the aflections of the people, to restrain them from a war with England, after that power had refused to surrender the military posts. A third element of discord arose when England joined the coali- tion against France in 1793. The course which the former had pur- sued for the preceding ten years, had, as we have seen, tended to alienate the people of America from her, and nourish sentiments of hostility in their bosoms. On the other hand, France, with that ad- dress for which she is eminent, had labored to lieighten the good feel- ings already existing between herself and the United States. A treaty of alliance and commerce bound the two countries ; but the courteous demeanor of France cemented us to her by still stronger ties, those of the popular will. When, therefore, the revolution broke out in Paris, the enthusiasm of America towards France could scarcely be controlled. There can be no doubt that, if the subsequent excesses had not alarmed all prudent friends of liberty, the people of this country could not have been restrained from engaging in the strug- gle between France and England. But the Reign of Terror, backed by the insolence of Genet, the minister of the French republic, and afterwards by the exactions of the Directory, checked the headlong enthusiasm that otherwise would have embroiled us in the terrible wars of that period. A course of strict neutrality had been selected by Washington, as that which was most proper for the still weak con- federacy; and every day produced events which showed the wis- dom of this decision. Neither Great Britain nor France, liowever, was gratified by this neutrality. Each nation wished to embark us on their side ; and both grew arrogant and insulting as they found our resolution was not to be broken. Napoleon, on the part ol France, saw the impolicy of such treatment, and when he became Fu-st Consul, hastened to abandon it. But England relaxed nothing, or little. Circumstances, moreover, made her coi.duct practically more irritating than tliat of France ; and hence prolonged and in- ORIGIN OF THE WAR. 21 creased the exasperation felt toward her in America. We alhide to the restrictions attempted to be placed on our commerce, and to the practice of impressing seamen found on board vessels sailing under tiie flag of the United States. As a great naval power, the policy of England has been to main- tain certain maritime laws, which her jurists claim to be part o{ the code of nations, and enforce in her admiralty courts. One principle of these lavv^s is this, that warlike munitions become contraband in war; in other words that a neutral vessel cannot carry such into the ene- my's ports. Hi!nce, if a vessel, sailing under the flag of the United States, should be captured on the high seas, bound for France, dur- ing the prevalence of a war between that power and England, and be found to be laden with ship-timber, gunpowder, or other manufac- tured or unmanufactured articles for warlike purposes, the vessel would, by the law of nations, become a prize to the captors. The right to condemn a ship carrying such contraband goods, has always been recognized by civilized nations, and indeed is founded in com- mon justice. But England having supreme control at sea, and being tempted by the hope of destroying the sinews of her adversa- ry's strength, resolved to stretch this rule so as to embrace provisions, as well as munitions of war. She proceeded, however, gradually to her point. She first issued an order, on the 8th of June, 1793, for capturing and bringing into port " all vessels laden, wholly or in part, with corn, flour, or meal, and destined to France, or to other coun- tries, if occupied by the arms of that nation." Such vessels indeed were not to be condemned, nor their cargoes seized ; but the latter were to be purchased on behalf of the English government ; or if not, then the vessels, on giving due security, were to be allowed to proceed to any neutral port. Of course the price of provisions in France and in England was materially different, and a lucrative traffic for the United States was, in this way, destroyed. Moreover, this proceeding was a comparative novelty in the law of nations, and however it might suit the purposes of Great Britain, was a gross outrage on America. In November of the same year it was follow- ed by a still more glaring infraction of the rights of neutrals, in an order, condermiing to "capture and adjudication all vessels laden with the produce of any French colony, or with supplies for such co- lony." The fermentation in consequence of this order rose to such a height in America that it required all the skill of Washington to avert a war. The President, however, determining to preserve peace if possible, despatched Jay to London as a Minister Plenipo- tentiary, by whose frank explanations redress was obtained in a mea- 22 ORIGIN OF THE WAR. sure for the past, and a treaty negotiated ; not indeed adequate to jus tice, but better than could be obtained again, when it expired in 1806. But the relaxation in the rigor of the order of November, 1793, soon proved to be more nominal than real ; and from 1794 until the peace of Amiens in 1802, the commerce of the United States conti- nued to be the prey of British cruizers and privateers. After the re- newal of the war, the fury of the belligerants increased, and with it the stringent measures adopted by Napoleon and Great Britain. The French Emperor, boldly avowing his intention to crush England, forbade by a series of decrees, issued from Berlin, Milan, and Ram- bouillet, the importation of her commodities into any port of Europe mider his control ; and England, equally sweeping in her acts, de- clared all such ports in a state of blockade, thus rendering any neu- tral vessel liable to capture, which should attempt to enter them. The legality of a blockade where there is not a naval power off the coast competent to maintain such blockade, has always been de- nied by the lesser maritime powers. Its effect, in the present hi- stance, was virtually to exclude the United States from foreign com- merce. In these extreme measures Napoleon and England were equally to be censured ; but the policy of the former did not affect us, while that of the latter did. Hence the exasperation against the one was extreme, and pervaded the whole community ; that against the other was slighter, and confined only to the more intelligent. In point of time. Napoleon was the first to begin these outrages on the rights of neutrals; but his injustice was practically feh only on land ; while England was the first to introduce the paper blockade, a measure ruinous to American merchants. This was done finally on the 16th of May, 1806, when Great Britain announced a "block- ade of the coast, rivers and ports, from the river Elbe to the port of Brest, inclusive." On the 21st of November, of the same year, Na- poleon, in retaliation, issued a decree from Berlin, placing the British islands in a state of blockade. This decree was followed by a still more stringent order in council on the part of England. It now became necessary for the United States, either to embark m a war or to withdraw her commerce altogether from the ocean. The poj)ular voice demanded the former course. Though France, in the abstract, was as unjust as England, her oppressive measures did not, as we have said, affect America, and hence the indignation of the people was directed principally against Great Britain. But whh tlie Prcsidont it was diiferent. Thoush the sympathies of Jef- ftuson Wi'.Tv. all with France, his judgment was against her as well as ORIGIN OF THE WAR. 23 England. Besides he was determined to preserve peace at all hazards, for it was his favorite maxim that the best war is more fatal than the worst peace. A further reason led him to refuse the alternative of war. He was not without hope that one or both of the bellige- rants would return to reason, and repeal their obnoxious acts, if the conduct of the United States, instead of being aggressive, should be patient. Actuated by these views, the President recommended to Congress the passage of an embargo act. This law passed in Decem- ber, 1807. By it all American vessels abroad were called home, and those in the United States prohibited from leaving port. In con- sequence of this measure, the conmierce of the country was annihi- lated in an hour ; and harbors, once flourishing, became soon only receptacles for rotting ships. There can be no question now that the embargo was a fatal blunder. It crippled our resources for the war that ensued ; made the eastern states bitterly hostile to Jefi'erson's, as well as to his successor's administration ; and tended to foster in the minds of the populace at large, an idea that we shrank from a con- test with Great Britain in consequence of inherent weakness. But there was a fourth and last source of exasperation against England, which assisted, more than all the rest, to produce the war of 1812. We allude to the British claim of the right of impressment. In the terrible struggles in which England found herself engaged with France, her maritime force was her chief dependence, and accordingly she increased the number of her ships unprecedent- edly. But it soon became difficult to man all these vessels. The thriving commerce pursued by the United States, as early as 179 J, drew large numbers of English seamen into our mercantile marine, where they obtained higher wages than in the navy at home. Great Britain saw this, and resolved to apply a remedy. By the fiction of her law, a man born an English su])ject can never throw oft' his al- legiance. She determined accordingly to seize her seamen Avherever lound, and force them to serve their native flag. Li consequence her cruizers stopped every American vessel they met, and searched the crew in order to reclaim the English, Scotch, or Irish on board. Fre- quently it happened that persons born in America were taken as British subjects ; for where the boarding officer was the judge of a man's nationality, there was little chance of justice, especially if the seaman was a promising one, or the officer's ship was short-handed. In nine months, during parts of the years 179G and 1797, the Ame- rican minister at the court of London had made application for the discharge of two hundred and seventy-one native born Americans, proved to have been thus impressed. These outrages against personal 24 ORIGIN OF THE WAR. independence were regarded among the people of America with the utmost indignation. There was something in such injuries to exas- perate every sentiment of the soul. That an innocent man, peaca- bly pursuing an honorable vocation, should be forcibly carried on board a British man-of-war, and there compelled to remain, shut out from all hope of ever seeing his family, seemed, to the robust sense of justice in the popular breast, little better than Algerine bondage. The rage of the people was increased by tales of horror and aggres- sion that occasionally reached their ears from these prison ships. Stories were told of men who had escaped, and being captured and taken back, were whipped until they died. In one instance, it was said that a sailor, goaded to madness, had seized the captain, and springing overboard, been drowned with his oppressor. Whether true or not, this and other narratives as horrible, were freely dissem- inated, and tended, at last, to raise the popular feeling to a pitch of inconceivable exasperation. Every attempt to arrange this difficulty with England had signal- ly failed. The United States offered that all American seamen should be registered and provided with a certificate of citizenship ; that the number of a crew should be limited by the tonnage of the ship, and that if this number was exceeded, British subjects enlisted should be liable to impressment ; that deserters should be given up ; and that a prohibition should be issued by each party against clandestinely secreting and carrying off the seamen of the other. In 1800, and again in 1806, it was attempted to form treaties in reference to this subject; but the pertinacity with which England adhered to her claim frustrated these efforts. In 1803 the difhculty had nearly been adjusted by a convention, for Great Britain offered to abandon her claim to impressment on the high seas, if allowed to retain it on the narrow seas, or those immediately surrounding her island. BiU, this being rejected as inadmissible by the United States, all subsequent efforts at an arrangement proved abortive. The impressment of seamen continued, and was the source of daily increasing abuse. Not only Americans, but Danes, Swedes, Germans, Russians, French- men, Spaniards and Portuguese were seized and forcibly carried off by British men-of-war. There are even well attested instances of Asiatics and Africans being thus impressed. In short, as the war in ]"]Mi()pe ajjproached its climax, seamen became more scarce in the liritisli navy, and all decency being thrown off, crews were filled up under color of this claim, regardless even of the siiew of justice. In isi 1, it was coni[)ute(l that the number of men impressed from the American niarine amounted to not less than six thousand. ORIGIN OF THE WAR. 25 At last the arrogance of tlie British nav^ai officers rose to such an extreme, that one of our national vessels, the frigate Chesapeake, was forcibly boarded and several men impressed from her decks. The circumstances were these. In the spring of 1807, the British Consul at Norfolk sent to Captain Decatur, requiring him to surren- der three seamen who had deserted from the English ship Melam- pus, and enlisted in the navy of the United States. The demand was refused, the men being found, on enquiry, to be citizens of the Uni- ted States. Subsequently, the American frigate Chesapeake sailed with these men on board, but was pursued by the British ship Leo- pard, fired into, and when she hauled down her flag, boarded, and the three men, together with another, taken from her deck. The Chesapeake was in no condition to resist, having gone to sea with- out suitable preparation, and the only gun discharged from her was fired by a coal brought from the galley. Before she struck, three of her men were killed and eighteen wounded. The news of this out- THE CHESAPEAKE AND LEOPARD rage excited universal resentment in the United States. The Presi- dent issued a proclamation forbidding all communication with Bn- ish armed vessels, unless in distress, or bearing despatches ; and in- terdicting British vessels from the harbors and waters of the United III OQ ORIGIN OF THE WAR. States. One hundred thousand men were ordered to hold themselves in readiness for war, and a special session of Congress was called to meet on the 26th of October. Meantime, however, the outrage was disavowed by the British government, and here the difficulty was allowed to rest. But it was subsequently noticed that the offenders, instead of being censured in England, were treated with undiminish- ed favor by their government ; and this, sinking deep into the po- pular mind in America, created general exasperation, and increased the prevailing distrust in Great Britain. Already the people were ])repared for war ; it was only the government that held back. There was no period, from 1807 to 1812, when a declaration of war would not have been received with favor by the community at large ; and there were moments during that interval, when such a declaration would, perhaps, have been more generally popular than it was in 1812. This is especially true of the period between the outrage on the Chesapeake and the passage of the embargo act. Having thus traced the growth of that popular sentiment which rendered war, sooner or later inevitable, let us proceed to enquire into the manner in which it was at last brought about. For there is a wide distinction between the real and ostensible causes of a war, it being a rare thing for national contests to be undertaken without deeper reasons than are apparent on the surface. Thus, the peace of Amiens was broken, for the pretext that the British refused to evacuate Malta ; the war was, in truth, renewed because Napoleon and England were filled with mutual distrust. So, the usual reasons given for the war of 1812, are comparatively weak, far weaker than those which could have been urged in favor of a war in 1807. The real secret was, that the people wanted a war, and would not longer be denied. In 1815, when the popular indignation had vented itself, peace was as welcome as war had been three years before. It has been thought strange that the treaty of Ghent over- looked some of the points, to obtain which the war was expressly undertaken ; but this view of the case explains die mystery. The practical result of the contest had been to teach England respect for the United States ; to break the charm of her naval invincibility ; and virtually to protect our seamen, in future, from impressment. The j)opular will was satisfied by the victories of Hull, Decatur and Stew- art, at sea ; and by those of Chippewa, the Thames and New Orleans, on land. The people looked less at the treaty, than at these triumphs. Meantime, we return to the thread of events. In December, 1807, as already stated, the embargo act was passed. But the pressure of this law was found to be so severe on all classes of the community, that, in Ahircli, 1809, it was repealed, and a non-importation act as ORIGIN OF THE WAR. 27 to England and France, substituted. By this new law. all voyages to the French and British dominions were prohibited, and all trade in articles of British and French product or manufacture : and power was vested in the President, incase either or both of the belligerant? should revoke their edicts, so as no longer to violate the neutral com- merce of the United States, to issue a proclamation repealing the pro- visions of the new importation act as to one, or both. In conse- quence of this, France on the 1st of November, 1810, exempted the United States from the operation of the Berlin and Milan decrees. England, however, still refused to repeal her orders in council, alle- ging that France must first revoke her edicts absolutely. To this the American government replied that it had no right to dictate to Na- poleon what his conduct to other nations should be, and that, since he had otiered justice to the United States, there was no further cause of complaint against him on her part. The 3rd of March, 1811, had been fixed as the limit of time, at which the belligerants were to re- voke their aggressive laws, or take the chances of a war ; but anxious to preserve peace, Mr. Madison procured the passage of an act, by which Great Britain was allowed a further period of delay. This last act of conciliation proved as useless as preceding ones, and the American government began finally to despair. Had its patience, however, continued for a few months longer, the war might have been averted, at least for a time. But an incident occurred at this crisis, which, by giving a new impetus to the popular rage, hurried the cabinet into hostilities, at the very moment when England was about to relax her orders. We allude to the discovery of an intrigue for the separation of the New England States from the Union, car- ried on by an Englishman, named John Henry, professing to be a secret agent of Great Britain. This individual had been employed in 1809, by Sir James Craig, Governor-General of Canada. He had visited Boston, where he moved in the best circles, and was known for his quiet and gentle- manly, but reserved demeanor. In February, 1812, he communi- cated to the President of the United States the nature of his mission, in consideration of receiving for the disclosure, the sum of fifty thousand dollars, from the secret service fund. The money was paid, the papers received by Mr. Madison, and then Henry, before the documents were published, sailed for Europe. His papers proved that the Governor-General of Canada, misled by the opposi- tion of a portion of the New England States to the measures of the general government, had conceived that a dissolution of the Union was at hand ; and had seiit Henry to Boston to ascertain how far, in such an event, England would be looked to for aid, and to what ex- 28 ORIGIN OF THE WAR. tent the withdrawing states would enter into connexion with her. This idea of a dissokition, regarded as so visionary in the United States, had, as we have seen, long been a favorite one in England. Henry soon found, however, that a separation from the Union was not the intention of New England. On his return to Canada, Sir James Craig refused to remunerate him. Henry accordingly be- trayed his employers, and sold his information to Mr. Madison. It has been urged that his conduct destroyed the validity of his testi- monv ; and there is some force in the argument ; but, on the whole, there appears no good reason to doubt the fact of his mission, or its purport. The nation, on learning this intrigue, became doubly exasperated against England ; and loudly demanded war. The great commer- cial cities, the Middle States, and the West, were foremost in this burst of mingled enthusiasm, passion and patriotism. The New England States, however, resisted the torrent. But the majority of the people were no longer to be denied the revenge for which they had so long thirsted. Beyond the AUeghanies the sentiment in favor of the war was universal. This was, in part, tlie result of the threatening aspect of the Indians, who were believed to have been secretly instigated to hostility by the British. While the public feel- ing was in this excited condition, despatches were received from Europe, announcing the continued refusal of England to revoke her edicts. The President immediately acquainted Congress with this fact, and that body, after an animated debate, declared war against tlie united kingdoms of Great Britain and Ireland. The bill, declar- ing war, passed the House of Representatives, on the 4th of June, 1812, by a majority of thirty in one hundred and twenty-eight votes. In the Senate nineteen voted for it, and thirteen against it. On the ISth of June, it was signed by the President ; and on the 19th pub- licly proclaimed. Four days later, the British ministry withdrew conditionally their objectionable orders in council, of January, 1807, and April, 1809. But, when the news of this event reached America, hostilities had already begun. The peace offering had come too late. The army with which Congress proposed to begin this war, amounted, on paper, to thirty-five thousand men : but as twenty-five thousand of this number had been authorized only in January, the real force enrolled was probably less than fifteen thousand. The services of fifty thousand volunteers, in addition, however, were or- dered to be accepted ; and the President was empowered to call on the States for militia to the number of one hundred thousand, if necessary. In all these preparations the force was more apparent than real : and sagacious minds foresaw that, until a large disciplined army was in the field, defeat would probably be our portion ! BAflLb. OF fIl■PliCA^oE. BOOK II. TO THE SPRING OF THE YEAR 1814. HE war of 1812 was preceded by an ominous demonstration on the north-western frontier. Se- cretly instigated by the English, the savages, as early as 1811, Ihad conceived the idea of forming an exten- sive league to crush the power of the United States. The existence of some such hostile 'movement became suspected by the admin- istration, in consequence of the murders and other outrages perpetrated by the Indians; and accordingly General William Henry Harrison, at that time Governor of tiie territory of Indiana, was ordered, at the head of a competent force of regulars and militia, to enter the hostile country and obtain redress for these iniuries. Harrison arrived at the chief town of the enemy, on the III* "'^ 30 BATTLE OF TIPPECANOE. 6th November, 1811. Tecumseh, the leader in the conspiracy, was absent, but his brother, the Prophet, who was possessed of equal, if not superior influence, sent messengers to meet the American Gene- lal, and promise that, on the ensuing morning, an amicable adjust- ment of all difficulties should be made. Harrison, in consequence, encamped peaceably for the night ; but aware of the treachery of the Indian character, chose the strongest position afforded by the neigh- borhood, and ordered his men to rest upon their arms. These pre- cautions alone saved him from massacre ; for in the night the sav- ages assailed him. The contest was long and bloody. But finally, discipline triumphed, and the Indians were repulsed. The loss on both sides was severe. The Americans suffered, in killed and wounded, one hundred and eighty-eight ; the enemy one hundred and fifty. On the 9th of November, Harrison burned the village, and devastated the surrounding country, after which he returned home. This battle is known as that of Tippecanoe, from the name of the Prophet's town. It produced such a wholesome fear of the American arms that the Indians in the vicinity generally sued for peace. In order to follow up this blow if necessary, the government raised an army and placed it under the command of General William Hull, Governor of Michigan territory. The probability of a war was also considered in enlisting this force, for in case of such an event, the presence of an army in the north-west, would give the United States the opportunity of striking the first blow. Accordingly, in the month of April, 1812, the Governor of Ohio was ordered by the President, to call out twelve hundred men. The success at Tippecanoe, and the general enthusiasm for a war promptly filled the requisition. This temporary force assembled at Dayton, Ohio, on the 25th of April, 1812. Uniting with the fourth United States infantry, and por- tions of other regular regiments, the whole marched upon Detroit. The little army was compelled to traverse a dense wilderness for nearly two hundred miles, and consequently did not reach its desti- nation until the 5th of July. Meantime, war had been declared. But by some unaccountable mistake in the department at Washing- ton, the intelligence was allowed to reach the British posts in the north-west, before it was transmitted to the American commander. This oversight led to the capture of a portion of Hull's baggage, wliich he had sent by water to Detroit, without a sufficient guard. On the 12th of July the army crossed into the British territory, dis- cretionary powers having been vested in Hull to invade Canada in the event of a war. A vaunting proclamation was issued, addressed THE FALL OF MACKINAW. 31 to the inhabitants, many of whom, in consequence, joined the inva- ders. Parties were now sent out into the country, wliich was found to be fertile and well cultivated. A detachment, under Colonels Cass and Miller, marched towards Maiden, a British post, situated at the confluence of the Detroit river and lake Erie, about thirteen miles from Sandwich, where Hull was encamped. The enemy was met at a bridge over the Canard river and driven in confusion back on Maiden. Had Cass and Miller been supported, the fortress must have fallen, for it was in no condition to resist a vigorous assault ; but Hull refused to sustain his subordinates, and the reconnoitering party was withdrawn to the camp. In fact Hull, from hidecision of character, was unfit for hiscommand. After he had made his first vigorous effort, and once entered Canada, he sunk into idleness. The intelligence of the fall of Mackinaw, which was surprised by the enemy on the 17th of July, filled him with vague apprehensions, which were increased when he came to reflect on the distance that his supplies had to be brought from Ohio, and the dif- ficulty of transportation. A detachment of hostile Indians, in a few days, crossing the Detroit, cut off the communications ; and a small force sent out to open the route, was surprised and defeated by the savages. This event increased the alarm of Hull. Stimulated by his younger officers, he had at last begun his preparations for an ad- vance ; but now, abandoning all present thought of reducing Mai- den, he retreated across the river, and established himself at Detroit. This was on the Sth of August. On the same day a detachment, six hundred strong, commanded by Colonel Miller, was sent to open the communications. This force met and conquered a combined body of British and Indians, with a loss to the Americans of seventy, that of the enemy being probably a hundred. A severe storm of rain and the care of the wounded compelled Colonel Miller, however, to re- turn subsequently to Detroit. A third attempt to open the commu- nications was made on the 14th of August, by a body of three hun- dred picked men, under the command of Colonels Cass and M'Ar- thur ; but this eflfort proving as unsuccessful as the former ones, the detachment returned to camp, two days later, where it found, to the hiconceivable chagrin of its officers and men, that Hull had surren- dered, and that it was included in the capitulation. On the day that Cass and M'Arthur had left Detroit, the British, who had advanced as Hull retreated, began to erect batteries on the shore at Sandwich, opposite the American camp. General Brock, who commanded the enemy's forces, was as remarkable for energy as liuU for inefficiency. He had gained a thorough insight, moreover, 32 SURRENDER OP DETROIT. into the character of his adversary, and knew the American leader to be possessed with a secret fear of the British invincibility. Ac- cordingly, on the 15th of of August, Brock summoned Hull to sur- render, intimating that, in the event of a refusal, he should assault Detroit, when he would not be answerable for the conduct of the In- dians. Hull at first rejected the proposal of a capitulation with scorn. Brock proceeded, in consequence, to open his batteries. The bombardment was continued until towards midnight, and resumed on the following morning, when the British, with their savage allies, were seen advancing to the assault, having crossed during the night. At this spectacle, Hull's resolution deserted him. He ordered a white flag to be displayed, and a parley ensuing, terms of capitula- tion were speedily arranged. By this disgraceful compact, Fort De- troit, with its garrison and all the public stores and arms were sur- rendered. Even the detachment of M' Arthur and Cass was included in the arransrement. The volunteers and militia were allowed to re- turn home, on condition of not serving again until exchanged. Thir- ty-three pieces of artillery were surrendered on this occasion ; among them, several brass pieces captured from Burgoyne in the war of In- dependence. Twenty-five hundred muskets and rifles likewise fell into the hands of the enemy. This capitulation was received with rage when announced to the troops. The consternation and anger which it awakened in the United States was unparalleled. Hull was everywhere accused of cowardice, and, in some quarters, even of treason. On his exchange, he was tried by a court-martial, found guilty of cowardice and conduct unbecoming an oflicer, and sentenced to be shot. But in consequence of his age, and his services in the Revolution, he was recommended to the mercy of the President, who, remitting the capital punishment, contented himself with striking the offender's name from the army roll. The weakness of Hull had been penetrated by his officers long be- fore the surrender, and letters were, in consequence, despatched to Governor Meigs, of Ohio, informing him of the suspicions of the wri- ters, and soliciting reinforcements to open the communications. A force of volunteers was promptly called out. In a few days the in- telligence of the loss of Detroit arrived. The departure of the troops was now hastened, and Harrison, created for the purpose a INIajor- General of the Kentucky militia, was entrusted with the command. His troops marched from Cincinnati, on the 29th of August, their first destination being the relief of the frontier posts. The numbers of his army were about twenty-five hundred. Halting at Piqua, he proceeded to Fort Wayne, the siege of which by the Indians was BURNING OF THE INDIAN VILLAGES. 33 raised on his approach. He already, however, began to feel the want of supplies, which, having to be transported from the settled country and Cincitniati, arrived in small quantities and after great delays. Hence, he found it impossible to march at once on Detroit, as had been originally intended. He contented himself, therefore, with sending out two expeditions, one against the Miami towns on the Wabash, the other against the Potawatamie villages on the river St. Joseph. Both incursions were successful. Nine villages were burned, and all the standing corn destroyed ; a rigorous, but neces- sary measure, since, without it, the hostile Indians could not have been driven from a neighborhood so dangerous to the American army. Towards the close of September, General Winchester, a Brigadier in the army of the United States, arrived at Fort Wayne with rein- forcements, and superseded Harrison. The latter was on his return to his government in Indiana, when he was overtaken by an express from Washington, assigning to him the chief command of the army. On the 23d of September he reached Fort Wayne again, but found that Winchester had marched to Fort Defiance, the preceding day, with two thousand men. The progress of Winchester was slow, for his route lay through swamps, or impenetrable thickets ; while he was compelled to move with great caution, clouds of hostile Indians hang- ing on his front. In fact, a detachment of four hundred British re- gulars, attended by artillery, and accompanied by more than a thou- sand savages had been advancing to attack Fort W^ayne, when, learning Winchester's approach, it thought it most prudent to fall back towards the Miami. The Americans soon began to feel the want of provisions ; for a supply despatched down the river Au Glaize by Harrison, could not reach Fort Defiance in consequence of the vicinity of the enemy. At last the sufferings of his army became so extreme that Winchester sent back an escort, who succeeded in bringing up supplies on pack horses. On the 30tli of September, his troops reached Fort Defiance, which the enemy abandoned ou his approach. Three days afterwards, Harrison arrived; but remained only twenty-four hours, returning to bring up the residue of his troops. He now proceeded to arrange them according to the following dispo- sition. General Tupper, with a regiment of regulars, and the Ohio volunteers and militia, was placed at Fort INI 'Arthur. This force constituted the centre of the army. The left wing was left at Fort Defiance, under Winchester. The right wing, composed of two bri- gades of militia, one from Pennsylvania, and one from Virginia, was 34 DEFENCE OF FORT HARRISON. Stationed at Sandusky. The army had left Cincinnati, fully expect ing to strike a decisive blow before winter, but this the want of sup plies had prevented. With the exception of an incursion of five days, undertaken by General Tupper against the Rapids of the Mi- ami, and which proved eminently successful, no further movement was made during the fall. Tupper, after defeating the savages and British, returned to Fort M'Arthur ; and thus ended what is called Harrison's first autumnal campaign. Meantime, while these events had been transacting on Lake Erie, the war had not languished in Indiana and Illinois. The policy of England was to let her battles be fought by the savages, whom she had accordingly supplied with arms, and instigated to take up the hatchet. Hence the necessity, during the first two campaigns, of so many expeditions against the Indians. A body of Kentucky volun- teers, under General Hopkins, and a detachment of rangers, under Colonel Russell, had been despatched to chastise the tribes in these two terrhories by destroying their towns. Their first destination, however, was the relief of Fort Harrison, a post at that time invest- ed by the savages. The commander of this place was General Tay- lor, then a young officer, holding the rank of Captain ; but his con- duct, in the emergency, evinced all those heroic traits which have since shone forth, on a grander scale, at Palo vVlto, Monterey and Buena Vista. Expecting an attack, he held himself hourly in readi- ness. On the night of the 4th of September the anticipated assault took place. The Indians succeeded in firing a block-house contigu- ous to the barracks ; and it was with great dilficulty the latter were preserved from the flames. Sending a detachment to the roof of the barrack's to tear off the portion adjoining the block-house, while a galling fire was maintained on the Indians from other parts of the fort, the gallant young officer finally succeeded in preventing the spreading of the flames. The block-house, however, was consumed, and thus a gap, six or eight feet wide, opened into the fort. But this interval was speedily barricaded, and the savages repulsed in an at- tempt to enter. When the attack had continued seven hours, and day had broken, the Indians retired. The Americans lost but three killed and three wounded. During this contest, there were only fif- teen eff'ective men in the garrison, the rest being sick or convales- cent. In a few days the place was relieved by the approach of Ge- neral Hopkins at the head of four thousand men. Preparations were now begun to fulfil the second object of the ex- pedition, an attack on the Peoria villages. But, after a march of four days in the direction of the enemy, the spirit of insubordination MASSACRE OF THE RIVER RAISIN. 35 among the volunteers grew to such a pitch that the General thought it advisable not to proceed. He offered, however, to jjursue the en- terprise if five hundred persons could be found to attend him. But the volunteers, either from the exhausted state of their horses, their own fears, or their want of confidence in Hopkins, decided almost unanimously to return. Accordingly the authority of the General was set aside, and the army began to retrace its steps. Meantime, however. Colonel Russel had marched by a ditferent route against the savages and defeated them. Having burned their towns and destroyed their corn, he returned to the settlements. Another de- tachhient, led by Captain Craig,penetrated twenty miles further than even Russel. In November, Hopkins, at the head of twelve hun- dred and fifty men, undertook a more successful enterprise against the villages on the Wabash. Colonel Campbell, in December, led a similar expedition, and witli like success, against the towns on the Mississinewa river. Harrison having failed in his autumnal campaign, determined to resume operations in the winter. Accordingly he directed the three divisions of his army to rendezvous at the rapids of the Miami ; there collect provisions ; and making a feint on Detroit, cross the strait on the ice and invest Maiden. General Winchester was the first to ar- rive at the rendezvous, which he did after incredible privations on the part of his men. But he had scarcely reached the rapids, when, yielding to the entreaties of the citizens of Frenchtown for protection, he detached Colonel Lewis with seven hundred and fifty men to their relief. Lewis met and defeated a body of British and their savage allies. The news of this success transported those who had been left behind ; all were anxious to press forward and secure a portion of the glory ; and accordingly, Winchester, with the remain- der, pushing on to Frenchtown, arrived and took post at that place on the 20th of January, 1813. The fatal error of thus placing him- self beyond sustaining distance from the main army, was exemplified the next day, when Proctor, at the head of fifteen hundred British and savages, attacked and defeated the Americans. Winchester was taken prisoner early in the action. A portion of his troops held out for some time longer, but finally capitulated. Now ensued a tragedy the remembrance of which will never be effaced from the popular mind. The uninjured Americans were im- mediately marched towards Maiden by their captors. The wounded, however, were left on the field, but with the understanding that they should be sent for the next day. But the following morning the In- dians broke in on these helpless men, and after murdering them, set 36 BATTLE OF QUEENSTOWN. fire to the houses where they lay. This atrocious act which the Bn tish might easily have prevented, has been justly called the massacre o the River Raisin. Harrison, who had arrived at the rapids, hearini; of the capture of Winchester, deemed it advisable to retreat. He accordingly fell back to Carryhig River, about midway between the Miami and Sandusky. The next month, however, finding that Proc- tor made no attempt at pursuit, he advanced again to the rapids, wliere he began the construction of Fort Meigs, destined to be subsequently celebrated for its two sieges. Thus ended what is called Harrison's winter campaign. It was quite as unfortunate as his autunmal one, and did little or nothing towards obliterating the disgrace of Hull's surrender. While these events had been transacting on the north-west frontier, others of scarcely less importance had been occurring on Lake Onta- rio. Here the population was comparatively dense. The govern- ment accordingly looked to this point as one where a decisive blow could be struck against the enemy. It was evidently to the advan- tage of the United States that the war should be waged on the soil of Canada, and hence the resolution was early taken to invade that territory. The American forces, guarding the northern frontier, were stationed at Plattsburgh, Buffalo, Sackett's Harbor, Black Rock, and Ogdensburg, the whole under the supreme command of Major-Gen- eral Dearborn. In addition to the regular army, however, thus dis- posed, the militia of New York, thirty-five hundred in number, were in the field, commanded by Major-General Van Rensselaer. These were posted at Lewistown. General Dearborn was ordered early in the season to assail the British, if for no other purpose than to pre- vent their sending succor to Maiden. The summer, however, passed in inactivity. Dearborn having, notwithstanding the orders from Washington, concluded an armistice with the Governor-General of Canada, based on a mutual belief that peace was at hand, in conse- qut.mce of the repeal of the English orders in council. General Van Rensselaer, however, was disposed to be more active. A detach- ment of Americans having, on the 21st of September, captured a small village on the Canadian side, the enemy endeavored to reta- liate by an unsuccessful expedition against Ogdensburg. General Van Rensselaer, on this resolved to attack Queenstown. The enter- prise was undertaken on the 13th of October, and but for the cow- ardice of the militia would have resulted in a brilliant victory. It was on this occasion that General, then Colonel Scott, first distin- guished himself. The plan of the attack was as follows : — a corps of six hundred BATTLE OF QUEENSTOWN. 37 infantry, half of which were mihtia and half regulars, was, under cover of night, to cross the Niagara and carry the batteries by assault. The boats collected to transport the men proved insufficient, how- ever, and only a portion of the force was carried over to the British shore in time. One detachment, attempting to cross, was forced by the current under the guns of the enemy, and most of it captured. Meantime, however, Colonel Van Rensselaer, who led the pioneers, gallantly advanced on the foe with what forces he had ; but being BATTLE OF QUKENSTOWM. soon wounded, was forced to leave the field. The Americans dash- ed forward, nevertheless, and seized a height called the Mountain, whither they dragged an eighteen pounder and twomortars. The Bri- tish now tied to Queenstown. Here the fugitives were met and ral- lied by General Brock, who led them back to dispossess the Ameri- cans of the height. But Brock being mortally wounded, the British again lied. Some accessions of force, chiefly militia, under General Wadsworth, finally made their appearance. xVt this crisis Colonel Scott reached the field of battle and took connnand of the United States troops, now reduced to about two luuidied and fifty. Expecting to be reinforced from Lewistown, he IV 38 THE CONSTITUTION AND THE GUERRIKRE. drew up his men close to the ferry, in order to cover that important point. Here he manfully stood his ground, twice repulsing the Bri- tish and their Indian allies. At last, Major-General Sheaffe, at the head of the neighboring garrison of Fort George, which had been aroused by the firing, arrived at the scene of contest. His forces numbered eight hundred and fifty. All hope of succor from the American side had meantime departed, for the militia, beholding the numbers of the British, were seized with alarm and refused to cross. Retreat was impossible, the boats all being on the American side. In consequence, after some desperate efforts at resistance, which proved unavailing, Scott was compelled to capitulate. The Ameri- cans suffered in killed, wounded and prisoners, one thousand men, a half of whom were regulars. The British loss is not known, though it was considerable. General Van Rensselaer, in consequence of this failure, shortly after resigned. In the death of Brock, the ene- my experienced a blow for which even victory could afford no com- pensation. Brock enjoyed one of the best reputations in the English army, and had been Wellington's competitor, a few years before, for the command in the peninsula. A sentiment of chivalrous respect in- duced the Americans to fire minute-guns from Fort Niagara during the funeral ceremonies of this hero. What more delightful than to record acts of courtesy like this, amid the forbidding incidents of a sanguinary war ! Other attempts were subsequently made to invade Canada by Ge- neral Smyth, the successor of Van Rensselaer. But the want of boats led to the fliilure of these projected expeditions. General Dearborn, whose head-quarters were at Greenbush, was not more successful ; and, tliough in command of a respectable force of regulars, suffered the autumn to pass in inactivity. In short, so complete had been the failure of our arms on land in this campaign, that but for the bril- liant success that attended us at sea, the spirit of the people would, perhaps, have given way. But, in the darkest hour of disaster, when the surrender of Detroit buried the nation in gloom, the victory of the Constitution over the Guerriere, suddenly blazed across the fir- mament, and inspired hope and exultation in every bosom. On the declaration of war, the prowess of England at sea was re- garded as so invincible, that the administration hesitated whether to send the national vessels from port. The American navy, in 1812, con- sisted of ten frigates, of which five were laid up in ordinary ; ten sloops and smaller vessels ; and one hundred and sixty-five useless gun boats. The representations of a few officers, however, who wt.-re confluent of success, induced the President to allow a portion of THE CONSTITUTION AND THE GUEUUIERE. 39 this little navy to sail. Oue ot' the first of our frigates to leave port was the Constitution. This vessel, commanded by Captain Isaac Hull, put to sea from Annapolis, on the 12th of July, 1812, bound to New York. On her voyage, however, she fell in with a British fleet, from which she only escaped by incredible exertions of seamanship and skill. Being chased from her route, she went into Boston har- bor. By this accident Hull was prevented receiving an order that had been despatched to New York, directing him to give up the command of his ship. In a few days he sailed on a new cruise. On the 19th of August he met the Guerriere, Captain Dacres, an English frigate of slightly inferior force, and, after a sharp conflict of half an hour, compelled her to surrender. The loss of the Americans in thisaction was seven killed and seven wounded ; that of the British fifteen killed, sixty-two wounded, and twenty-four missing. The Guerriere was injured so materially that it was found impossible to carry her into port, and accordingly she was burned. This victory is attribu- ted in part to the heavier metal of the Constitution, but chiefly to the superior gunnery of her crew. Its eflect on the public mind was electric. The triumph was regarded almost as a miracle. In the general exultation, the surrender of Detroit was almost forgotten ; THE OlINSTITUTlON AND THE GUERPJKRK. and the spirits of the people were rallied, when otherwise they might have sunk into despair. The insane confidence of the British in their naval superiority had been exhibited a few days before, when Captain Porter, in the Ame- 40 AMERICAN NAVAL VICTORIES rican frigate Essex had been attacked by the British sloop of war Alert, a vessel of very inferior force. For her temerity, however, the Alert, in eight minutes had sutfered so much from the fire of her enemy as to have seven feet of water in her hold. She surrendered of necessity, and was sent into New York. Other victories followed in rapid succession. On the 8th of October, the British sloop Fro- THE CAPl'URE OF THE FROUC BY THE WASP. lie, of twenty-two guns, was captured by the American sloop Wasp, Captain Jones, of eighteen guns. Seven days afterwards the frigate United States, Captain Decatur, being off the Western Islands, met the British frigate Macedonian, Captain Cardcn, and forced her to sur- render. The loss of the Macedonian was thirty-six killed and sixty- eight wounded ; that of the United States only four killed and seven wounded. Decatur carried the Macedonian into New York. On the 29th of December, the Constitution, now commanded by Captain Bainbridge, fell in with, and captured the British frigate Java, Cap- tain Lambert, olf the coast of Brazil ; the Java losing sixty killed and more than one hundred wounded, while the loss on board the Constitution was but nine killed and twenty-five wounded. These series of successes had been attended with but few reverses. Only three national vessels had been lost, the Wasp. Vixen and Nautilus, CAPTURE OF VORKTOWN. 41 of which the first, a sloop of war, was the largest. All of these ships, moreover, had surrendered to vastly superior forces. In addition to the victories of the regular marine, almost daily triumphs were achieved by the American privateers. It was computed, when Con- gress met in November, that two hundred and fifty British vessels had already fallen a prey to private cruizers. These successes determined the government to decline the offer of an armistice, tendered by Great Britain, unless that power would abandon her claim to impressment. The English Cabinet, however, refused to yield this point, and preparations were in consequence made to open the year 1813 with renewed activity. Twenty addi- tional regiments of infantry were ordered to be raised, and ten regi- ments of rangers ; while the greatest inducements were held out to enlist. It was resolved also to increase the navy. In a word, though our armies on land had met with almost universal defeat in 1812, it was hoped that in 1813 they would be attended by abetter fortune : and accordingly, a new plan for the invasion of Canada was pro- jected, under the especial direction of General Armstrong, the succes- sor of Dr. Eustice, as Secretary at War. Tlie army on Lake Ontario was still commanded by General Dear- born. The plan of General Armstrong, as communicated to this General early in 1813, was to attack the British posts of Kingston, York, and Fort George, in succession — the reduction of the first being considered the most important, and therefore to be under- taken as a preliminary. General Dearborn, however, after consult- ing Commodore Chauncey, who commanded the fleet on Lake On- tario, resolved to begin with York. Accordingly, on the 27th of April, the fleet arrived oft' that place, and the troops being landed, the town was captured. Owing however to the explosion of the British fort. General Pike, who led the Americans, was killed, while TWO hundred of his men were either killed or wounded. General Dearborn having remained on board the fleet, and the oflicer who now succeeded to the command, being without orders, most of the fruits of the expedition were lost. The army next proceeded, though not until after various delays, to attack Fort George. On the 27th of May that place was assailed, and captured, after a spir- ited resistance. A series of operations in the open field now ensued, which were attended generally with disgrace and failure to the Americans; and, in the end. General Dearborn recalled all his troops to the fort, which the British proceeded to invest. While this imbecile campaign was dragging along, a General born of the people blazed suddenly into notoriety. The circumstance IV* 6 42 CAPTURE OF YORKTOWN. was this : On the 27th of May, an attack being made on the American post at Sackett's Harbor, General Brown, a militia officer of that neighborhood, placing himself at the head of the garrison, defeated the assailants. The gallantry and decision of Brown in this action, appeared the more conspicuous in contrast with the tardiness and want of ability displayed by Dearborn. The latter General was old, weak, and in bad health, and thus unfit, on many accounts, for his post. At last the public indignation rose to such a height, that he was recalled, and General Wilkinson appointed in his place. It is time now to return to the north-western frontier, where we left Harrison engaged in the construction of Fort Meigs. The cam- paign of IS 13 was opened in this quarter, by the advance of Proctor against that post, in the latter part of April, at the head of two thousand British and Indians. Harrison being in hourly expectation of succor from Ohio, gallantly defended the place until the fifth of JNIay, when General Clay arrived with the expected reinforcements. An unsuccessful attempt was now made to raise the siege. A few days later, Proctor finding the Indians dissatisfied, suddenly abandoned the enterprise, and embarking his artillery, retired towards Maiden. On the 20th of July another attempt was made on Fort Meigs, but after eight days, the siege was again given up. The enemy then sailed around to Sandusky Bay, in order to capture Fort Stephen- son, a post affording an inviting opportunity for capture, since it was garrisoned by only one hundred and fifty men. The comman- der, however, Major Croghan, was a young man of spirit, resolu- tion, and ambition. On the 1st of August, the British invested the fort, and on the second, after a heavy cannonade, advanced to as- sault it. But they were repulsed with such terrible loss, that they precipitately raised the seige, leaving behind tlieir wounded. This gave Harrison an opportunity to contrast his humanity with that of Proctor. By the orders of the American General, the wounded Bri. tish soldiers were treated with the greatest kindness, an eloquent re- buke to the conduct of Proctor at the Raisin, where his negligence, if not his consent, led to the massacre of the Kentuckians. The brilliant defence of Fort Sandusky, in conjunction with that of Sackett's Harbor, assisted to rally the despondency of the nation, and prophetic minds saw in them, forebodings of future victories, which, in the succeeding year, were realized. From the period of his winter campaign on the Raisin, Harrison liad urged upon government the necessity of a naval force on Lake Erie. He asserted that half the money expended in transjjorting supplies to the army as was necessary, for two hundred miles BATTLE OF LAKE ERIE. 43 through the wilderness, would build and equip a fleet which would give the United States the conniiand of Lake Erie ; enable supplies to be procured at comparatively small expense ; and transport the army, if required, in a few hours to Canada. These views, at last, made an impression on the President, and two brigs, and several schooners were ordered to be built on Lake Erie. This fleet, being completed by the second of August, was entrusted to the command of Lieutenant Oliver Perry, an ardent, brave, and skilful young ofli- cer. He immediately set sail in search of the enemy. He found the British fleet lying in the harbor of ISIalden ; but the enemy refusing to come out and engage, Perry retired. On the 10th of September, the English squadron left its post, when the American commander promptly made sail to give batde. A change of wind prevented the enemy from declining the combat. The British fleet consisted of six vessels, carrying sixty-three guns; the American, of nine vessels, BATTLE OF I.AKK ERIE. carrying fifty-four guns. The English, consequently, were rather superior. The action was warmly contested, and once nearly won by the enemy ; but the indomitable spirit of Perry was not to be subdued ; he fought on, and victory finally declared for him. The loss of the British was forty-one killed, and ninety-four wounded,- 44 BATTLE OF THE THAMES. that of the Americans, twenty -seven killed, and ninety-six wounded. By this victory, one of the most glorious in the annals of our coun try, the enemy was disheartened, and his fleet, on which he had de pendedfor supplies,destroyed. Every sagacious mind now saw that the British would be forced, in time, to evacuate, not only the American territory they occupied, but also a portion of Upper Canada. Meantime, a series of disasters was attending our arms on the St. Lawrence. General Dearborn, as we have seen, had been sus- pended by General Wilkinson ; and General Armstrong, the Secretary of War, had arrived in person, at the seat of operations, in order to superintend the campaign. But the new General was even worse than the last. If Dearborn was superannuated, Wilkinson was vain, as well as old. On the 2 1st of October he began the descent of the St. Lawrence, his intention being to attack Montreal, after forming a junction with General Hampton, who was to advance from Lake Champlain. The late period of the year however, bringing incle- ment weather, delayed the progress of the troops. At last, after a delay of two weeks, the army left Lake Ontario, and entered the St. Lawrence. A few days subsequently, the indecisive battle of Wil- liamsburgh was fought, and shortly after, on Hampton's declaring his inability to reach the rendezvous, Wilkinson abandoned the en- terprise. A bold leader would have advanced, nothwithstanding his disappointment. Wilkinson's only excuse for his conduct, is that he was enfeebled, both in mind and body, by sickness. The dis- graceful termination of this expedition ultimately produced the resig- nation of both Wilkinson and Armstrong. The disasters on the northern frontier did not, however, cease with this failure. On the 10th of December, the Americans abandoned and blew up Fort George, and in retiring, burnt the Canadian village of Newark. On the 15th, the invaders were pursued to their own soil. Fort Niagara captured by surprise, and the neighboring villages of Lewis- town, Youiigstown, and Manchester, consumed in retaliation for the destruction of Newark. Subsequently, Black Rock and Buflalo were also attacked by the British, and given to the flames. In the north-west, however, our arms had been more successful. The vic- tory of Perry having opened the road into Canada, Harrison, on the 2.7th of September, 1813, embarked his troops, and landed the same day in the British territories. Proctor, who, since the defeat of the English fleet, had acted like one stupificd with fear, immediately abandoned Maiden, and began a disgraceful flight. On the 5th of October, Harrison overtook the retreating General, and the battle of the Thames ensued, hi which the combined British and Indian force BRITISH ATROCITIES. 4.') was defeated. Proctor was one of the first to fly. His savage ally, Tecumseh, fought with more resohition, and stoutly disputed tlie day, until he fell, covered with wounds. The loss in this battle was comparatively slight. The Americans suffered, in killed and wound- ed, only twenty-nine ; the British and savages, about sixty-four. By this victory of the Thames, the whole territory surrendered by Gene- ral Hull was recovered, while a large portion of Canada was wrested from the British crown, and retained until the end of the war. Nor was this all ; the power of the savages having been thus broken, they were not able again to rally, and henceforth the British had to conduct the war alone. While success on the Canadian frontier had been fluctuating in this manner between the Americans and British, though, on the whole, inclining to the latter, the people of the Middle States were kept in a state of continual alarm by predatory incursions from the enemy's fleet. In December, 1812, the Atlantic coast, from the Chesapeake to Rhode Island, had been declared in a state of blockade. Immediately, the British ships on the seaboard, com- menced a harassing warfare on the exposed settlements. An attack made on Lewistown, near the mouth of the Delaware Bay, proved indeed, unsuccessful ; but in the Chesapeake, the depredations of the enemy, under Admiral Cockburn, spread terror on every hand. Nothing was too petty for this marauder to assail. Farm-houses were plundered ; country-seats burned ; and villages sacked, under his personal superintendence. Frenchtown, Havre de Grace, Fre- derickstown, and Georgetown, were laid in ashes. But at Norfolk, the enemy met with a repulse. Irritated at this however, the Bri- tish assailed Hampton, a town about eighteen miles distant, and having succeeded in capturing it, committed there the most revolting crimes. Subsequently, the shores of North Carolina were ravaged by Cockburn. The burning of Newark formed the excuse for these atrocities. Another circumstance in addition to these successful maraud- ing expeditions, tended to depress the public confidence. The naval successes of 1813 were less numerous, and with the exception of Perry's victory, less brilliant than in 1812, though the year had opened auspiciously. On the 23d of February, Captain Lawrence, in the Hornet, a sloop of war, captured the British brig of war, Pen- guin, Captain Peake. So shattered was the enemy's ship by the fire of the Hornet, that she sunk before her crew could all be remov- ed, carrying down with her nine Englishmen and three Americans. For this victory, Lawrence was promoted to the frigate Chesapeake, then in the port of Boston. He had scarcely taken command of his 46 NAVAL BATTLES. new ship, before Captain Brock, of the British frigate Shannon cruizing off Boston harbor, sent in a challenge for the Chesapeake to come out and fight the Shannon. Ardent, young, and confident, Lawrence left his anchorage on the first of June, and proceeded to meet the foe. In the battle that followed, the American frigate was captured, with a loss of ninety-seven wounded, and seventy-eight killed — among the latter, the Captain. The British loss was twen- ty-four killed, and fifty-six wounded ; Captain Brock being among the latter. The success of the enemy was owing to his crew being composed of picked men, while that of Lawrence was hi a state of almost open mutiny. This loss of the Chesapeake happening almost in sight of Boston, affected the nation with a profound senti- ment of despondency ; and there were even those who now began to assert that our former naval victories had been accidents, and that hereafter, England would defeat us on sea, as universally as she had done on land. However, other successes on the ocean soon brought the public mind back to a more healthy tone. In August the Argns, brig-of-war, commanded by Captain Allen, boldly entered the British channel,and in a short time captured vessels and cargoes to the amount of two millions of dollars. Such was the terror created by her depredations THE ENlKUrBISK AND THK BOXKK. that insurances could scarcely be effected at any price in London. The government hastened to despatch various cruizers against the ArgU3, one of which, the Pelican, of sujx'rior force, finally fell in BATTLE OF TALLUSHATCHEE. 47 with and captured her. The defence of the Argus was desperate, and only terminated by the fall of her Captain, and the approach of an enemy's frigate. On the 4th of September, the American brig-of- war, Enterprise, Lieutenant Burrows, took the British brig-of-war. Boxer, of equal force, and thus again changed the fortune of war. On the whole, however, our naval success in 1813, was inferior to what it had been during 1812 ; and that unlimited confidence in our naval prowess, which had begim to characterize the Americans, yielded to uneasy doubts. While the failures on the St. Lawrence, and the equal nature of the strife at sea thus filled the public mind with uneasiness, the breaking out of a war among the Creeks of Georgia, affording a new element of danger, led, for a time, to almost general gloom. The Indians of the south had early shown a taste for civilized pursuits, and become thriving agriculturalists. Some traces of their original savage natures, however, remained uneradicated, and these were easily re-awakened, when Tecumseh, in the spring of 1812, visited them to instigate to war. In September of that year, accordingly, an attack was made on a party of Georgia volunteers, who, after a sharp conflict, were forced to retreat. On receiving intelligence of this event, General Jackson, at the head of twenty-five hundred Tennessee volunteers, was ordered out, and in consequence, the Creeks were, for a time, awed into quiet. But, on the 30th of August, 1813, a body of Indians suddenly at- tacked Fort Mimmns, in Alabama, and having fired the houses built around the enclosure, massacred the garrison and other inmates as they rushed from the flames. About three hundred settlers, alarmed hy the disturbed condition of the country, had taken refuge in the fort, and these all fell, except seventeen, who managed to escape. The savages followed up this blow by laying waste the neighboring country, and murdering the peaceable inhabitants. Encouraged by these successes, the whole Creek nation rushed to arms, and the people of Georgia, Alabama and even Tennessee, began to tremble for property and life. An army of thirty-five hundred men was promptly raised to chas- tise the savages. At the head of this army was placed General Jack- son. He immediately marched into the Indian coiuitry, and on the 9th of November, 1813, despatched General Coflee, with nine hundred men, against a body of Indians, collected at Tallushatchee. A com- plete victory was gained by the Americans, and at a loss of only five killed and forty wounded. Tlie enemy fought with desperate valor,and protracted the contest until nearly all his warriors perished, over one hundred and eighty being left dead on the field. On the 48 BATTLE OF EMUCKFAU. 9th of December, General Jackson, in person, met anotherhody of the Indians at Talledega, and cut them to pieces, after a terrible enconn- ter. More than three hundred of the enemy were killed ; while but fifteen Americans were killed, and eighty wounded. After this bat- tle, General Jackson was forced to remain inactive for a time, in conse- quence of the want of provisions and of a mutiny among his troops. But, meanwhile, General White, at the head of another body of mi- htia, had attacked the principal towns of the Hillabee tribe, which he destroyed, killing sixty warriors, and making two hundred and fifty prisoners. Almost simultaneously, the Georgia militia, under General Floyd, at the Autossee town on Tallapoosa river, obtained a decisive victory over the Indians, killing two hundred, with a loss of but eleven Americans killed, and fifty-four wounded. The bloody tragedy continued without intermission during the rest of 1S13, and up to the spring of 1814. As it is but a repetitioii of sanguinary battles, let us hasten to its close. On the 21st of Janu- arv, 1814, the savages, recovering confidence, attacked General Jack- son at Emuckfau, but were again defeated, with great slaughter. On the 27th, they also assailed the camp of General Floyd, with like ill-success. The Americans did not follow up these advan- tages, however, until spring, being prevented from active mea- sures by the want of provisions. But on the 14th of ]\Tarch, Gene- ral Jackson began to advance a second time into the Creek territory. On the 27th, he fought the decisive battle of the Horse-Shoe-Bend, in which near six hundred of the savages perished. The American loss was fifty-five killed and one hundred and forty-six wounded. This action terminated the war. The strength of the Indians had been completely prostrated in this last struggle, and being utterly unable to make another stand, they sued for peace. In all these ac- tions the savages had fought with the most heroic obstinacy, gener- ally refusing quarter ; and, at the close of hostilities, many, disdain- ing to submit, sullenly retired to Florida, where, in secret, they brooded over revenge. The conditions on which the United States granted peace, were liberal, considering the unprovoked nature of the war, and the almost uninterrupted success which had attended the American arms. All the prisoners on both sides were to be restored. As the war Iiad pnivented the Indians planting corn, and the nation would be con- sequently in a state of starvation, the United States agreed to furnish the necessaries of life until the famine should be over. In conside- ration of these things the Creeks ceded a portion of their territory NORTH-WESTERX FRONTIER. 49 siifficient to indemnify the United States for the expenses of the war. It was furtherstipulatedthatroadsshouldbeopenedthroiigii tlieCreek territory ; that the navigation of the Creek rivers should be free ; and that the United States should have the right to establish military posts and trading houses within the Creek boundaries. We have thus followed the course of events during the years 1812 and 1813 ; and beheld, on every side, far more disasters than victo- ries. The task has been an uninviting one. With the exception of the victory at Fort Stephenson, an incessant torrent of misfortune had characterized the operations in the north-west, up to the victory of Perry on Lake Erie. First, Detroit had surrendered ; then Har- rison's autumnal campaign had failed ; afterwards had come the massacre of the Raisin ; and, finally, to crown this climax of defeat, the American army, instead of recovering Michigan, was compelled to fall back and entrench itself at Fort Meigs. The first half of the year 1813 passed without any victories to compensate for these dis- asters. It is true, Fort Meigs twice repulsed the enemy, but this was only a negative success, and did not satisfy the people, who had expected the army to advance into Canada. At last the prospect began to brighten. After great exertions, a large army was collected on the shores of Lake Erie,and Perry having obtained his victory, there followed the invasion of the enemy's territory, the battle of the Thames, the recovery of Michigan, and the utter destruction of the hostile Indian confederacy ! But on Lake Ontario and the St, Lawrence, misfortune still at- tended our arms. What few advantages had been obtained over the enemy in this part of .Canada, were lost before the close of 1813, and the most cheerless prospect presented itself to the people on that frontier. Our armies had been universally defeated ; our oldest and most tried Generals had failed ; and our soil had been profaned and our villages burned by the victorious enemy. Instead of being the invaders we had become the invaded. These triumphs over us had been gained by a comparatively small number of the British forces ; for occupied with the closing struggles of Nai)oleon, England had been unable to spare but few of her veteran troops. But the con- test in Europe was evidently drawing to a close. Before many months, Great Britain, disengaged from her continental foe, would be at liberty to inundate our shores with fifty thousand veterans. These considerations filled all reflecting minds with alarm. It was to be feared, that, with such superior advantages, England would not only regain what she had lost in the north-west, but carry her vic- v 7 50 REFLECTIONS ON THE WAR. tonous arms permanently into New York. The prospect, indeed, was dark and tiireatening. Was it eternal night setting in, or only tlie glooin that precedes the dawn ? Indeed, even at this day, the historian cannot look back upon that period, without melancholy feelings. Millions of money had been spent, and thousands of lives sacrificed, yet scarcely a gleam of vic- tory had irradiated the dark tempest of disaster. But the heroic re- solution to continue the struggle remained, and while that was left all hope had not yet departed. The nation, at that epoch, reminds us of some defeated army, which has sunk down exhausted, amid the gloom and horror of the battle-field, to snatch a short repose be- fore renewing the desperate contest on the morrow. Only a prophe- tic eye could see light breaking across the ruin. BATTLE OF CHIl'PKWA. BOOK III. TO THE CLOSE OF THE CONTEST, EFORE resuming the narrative of military events, we will turn aside to consider the fmancial condition of the country, and other matters important to be known for a full un- ^derstanding of the contest. The two years of war which had now elapsed had cost the nation immense sums. By carrying on the contest at a distance from the thickly settled portions of the country, the expenses had been much increased, and in some instances were al- most appalling. Each barrel of flour for Harrison's army was estl- njated to have cost a hundred dollars. Of four thousand pack-horses employed in the autumn of 1812 to transport supplies to that Gene- ral, but eight hundred were alive at the end of the ensuing winter, and the nation paid for all that perished. The expenses of the war on Lake Ontario were less frightl'ul, though even there they swelled 51 52 TAXATION. to an amount that was almost incredible. It cost a thousand dollars for every cannon conveyed to Sackett's Harbor. To build the fleets on the lakes absorbed immense amounts. The sum expended on Lake Ontario for this purpose alone was nearly two millions of dol- lars. These vast outlays necessarily embarrassed the public finances, especially as the war had been begun with an impoverished treasury. Before Congress adjourned, after the declaration of hostilities, a bill had been passed, allowing the President to issue treasury notes to the amount of five millions of dollars; and one of its first acts on re- assembling in November, was to authorize a further issue of five millions, and to empower him to borrow sixteen millions in addition. These measures being found insufficient to provide for the rapidly increasing expenses of the contest, and the revenue from the customs being cut off almost entirely, it became necessary to adopt other ex- pedients, and accordingly, on the 22nd of July, 1813, Congress passed an act for levying direct taxes and internal duties. The direct tax was, at first, fixed at three milUons, but in January, IS 15, it was in- creased to six. The average duration of the war taxes Avas three years. The nett proceeds were about five millions three hundred thousand dollars annually. These taxes continued to be increased, from time to time, until the declaration of peace, after which they were gradually diminished until they ceased altogether. It is honorable to the nation to record that never were taxes paid more promptly, though specie payments being suspended, money was scarce and the currency in a most deranged condition. In addi- tion to these taxes. Congress, between the years 1812 and 1815, au- thorized loans 'to the amount of ninety millions, most of which were received in a depreciated currency, and never at an interest of less than six per cent. During the war the issue of treasury notes to the amount of forty millions also was authorized. At the close of the contest the national debt was increased nearly one hundred millions. In consequence of these enormous liabilities the credit of the federal government sunk so low that treasury notes depreciated to seventeen per cent, and the loans to thirty per cent, below par. During all this period tiie commercial world was plunged in distress. Coin dis- appeared from circulation, and was replaced by a paper currency, frequently of the most worthless kind. The ruin of private fortunes was fre(iuent. Yet, on the whole, the people bore their calamities with cheerfulness, never forgetting that they, rather than the government, were the true authors of the war ! We have already alluded to the fact that England, for the first two years of the contest, depended chictly on the savages to fight GEXERAL DEARBORN. 53 her battles. This was, in part, tlie result of necessity. Her minister at Washington, Mr, Foster, had so completely mistaken public sen- timent in the United States, as to believe that there existed no dan- ger of a war, and accordingly his government, relying on these as- surances, made little or no preparation for the crisis. Hence, when Congress declared hostilities, the British had but five thousand troops in Canada. Alarmed at the consequence of his error, Mr. Foster hastened to obviate them by a trick ; and it was at his secret insti- gation that Sir George Prevost applied for and obtained the armis- tice with General Dearborn, to which we have before alluded. This armistice, it is true, was immediately disavowed by Mr. Madison ; but in the meantime it had served its purpose ;. for as the agreement did not extend to the upper lakes, Brock had hastened thither, and in consequence Detroit had been captured. The disgrace attending the fall of that place, made it a point of honor that it should be re-ta- ken ; and hence more importance was attached to its re-capture than it, perhaps, deserved. It is almost certain that if the sums which were expended in recovering Michigan, had been applied to fitting out an expedition against Halifax, that important naval depot might have become ours in the first year of the war, and a blow been struck at England which would have staggered her, notwithstand- ing her colossal strength ! There is another consideration which increases the regret of the historian, when he reflects on this unfortunate armistice. It was the cause of a long period of inactivity, fatal not only to the health, but to the spirits of the army. The war on Lake Ontario having begun in a languishing way, was continued in the same manner for nearly two years ; for the troops who were to conduct it had been ruined, as it were, by the inactivity of the first three months. Had Dearborn, on the declaration of hostilities, dashed boldly across into Canada, he would have carried everything before him. A leader like Brown, or Scott, or Jackson, would, at that period, have been invaluable. The comparatively small numbers of the enemy would have render- ed his resistance unavailing, and the prestige of success once obtain- ed, our soldiers would have won victories subsequently as of course ! More men in Dearborn's command died of diseases contracted from inactivity, than would have fallen in all the battles necessary to wrest Canada from the British arms. The weakness, imbecility, and want of energy which characterized the leaders, soon descended to the soldiers ; and hence it was that Wilkinson's army, the finest of the war, effected nothing. Timidity in the General breeds cow- ardice in the men. T* 54 NEGOTIATIONS FOR PEACE. The awe in which the enemy's prowess was held, was not unknown to him, as we have seen in narrating the operations that led to the surrender of Detroit. The old arrogance of England now displayed itself in consequence in a claim as absurd, as it was tyrannical. On the capture of Colonel Scott's regulars at Queenstown, those who had been born subjects of his majesty, were selected from the pri- soners, and sent to England, there to be tried for bearing arms against their King. This conduct, though sought to be defended by the doctrine of allegiance, was an outrage of the most atrocious cha- racter, since many of the men were not only Irislmien, and hence unwilling subjects of Great Britain, but had become legal citizens of the United States. The behaviour of England in this affair, was no less absurd than unjust, for she could not but know that the Uni- ted States would retaliate. Colonel Scott, on his exchange, immedi- ately represented the case of these men to the Federal Government, which promptly issued orders that the British soldiers taken by our armies, should be held responsible for any injury inflicted on the prisoners of Queenstown. The English ministry, threatened in reply, that if a single British soldier sulfered, an American officer should be sacrificed for every such soldier. But the United States, regardless of this, maintained a firm attitude. For a while the prisoners on both sides, below the rank of captain, inclusive, were treated harshly ; but in the spring of 1814, the enemy set the example of relaxing, and the dispute was finally terminated, by the release of Scott's soldiers. Tiie attitude assumed by England in this affair, would not, perhaps, have been attempted towards any other civilized power. That some of our citizens were found to defend it, proved that the colonial habit of submission had not yet entirely left us. Nor indeed was the administration of Mr. Madison wholly free from that belief in the invincibility of England, which had led to so many disasters on land, and had, in part, invited this arrogance. From a war, forced on it by the people, it was extremely anxious to escape. Mr. Gallatin, the then most prominent member of the Cabi- net, was eager for peace. Mr. Monroe, one of the warmest friends of the Government, declared that " we ought to get out of the war as soon as we could." Mr. Madison himself, had not favored hos- tilities, and was desirous to secure peace as soon as possible ; but the contiict having once begun, he objected to any terms of conciliation which did not afford redress for all our old complaints. Hence, when Admiral Warren arrived at Halifax, in September, 1812, hav- ing been sent out principally to arrange an acconnnodation, the Pre- sident rejected the offered olive branch, because Great Britain re- NEGOTIATIONS FOR PEACE. 55 fused to abandon her claim to impressment. The terms on which the United States were wilUng to treat, were a repeal of the orders in council, no revival of paper blockades, the cessation of impress- ments, and the immediate release of all American seamen from Bri- tish ships. England, on her part, rejected these conditions, and the war consequently went on. But the negotiations had not been with- out their etlect on military operations, which, as we have seen, lan- guished on Lake Ontario during the whole autumn of 1812. Another abortive attempt at a reconciliation came in the following year, from an unexpected quarter. On the 20th of September, 1813, the Russian Government, then in close alliance with Great Britain, offered itself as a mediator between the belligerants. This was, in part, attributable to the diplomatic skill of Mr. Adams, the minister of the United States, at the court of St. Petersburg; in part the result of the Emperor's anxiety to secure for his subjects those commercial advan- tages which hostilities between the two greatest maritime powers on the globe prevented. This offer of mediation was rejected in London as soon as made known, the English ministry declining to submit to mediation, differences which they declared involved the internal go- vernment of Great Britain. In the United States, however, the ten- der was promptly accepted, and Messrs. Gallatin and Bayard ap- pointed envoys, to unite with Mr. Adams in negotiating a peace. As all these gentlemen had been opposed to the war, their selection was pregnant with meaning, and men were now confident that peace would speedily be declared. The embassy arrived in the Baltic on the 21st of June, 1813, but met with disappointment. Eng- land, on the 1st of September, after again declining the mediation, offered, however, to appoint persons to hold conferences with the American embassy, and named Gottenburg as a suitable place for the meeting. As the Commissioners of the United States had no authority to treat, except under the mediation of Russia, it became necessary to await new powers, which did not reach Europe until the Spring of 1814. There can be no question but that the eager- ness shown by the United States for peace, frustrated its own wishes. Moreover, in proportion as this country grew more anxious for a re- conciliation, England became freed from her continental struggle, and more able to punish us. Hence, as our offers rose, her demands increased. But a re-action was now about to begin, which, in the short space of six months, was to make her as willing to accept as she had before been arrogant to decline our terms. The ditliculty in the way of Mr. Madison's prosecution of the war, from the outset, had been the atthude of the New England states. 56 DISAFFECTION OF NEW ENGLAND. This wealthy, intelligent and influential section of the Union had al- ways been opposed to hostilities ; and had gone so far as to refuse to order out its militia on the requisition of the President. In other ways, also, the New England states sought to embarrass military operations. In a republic \\\ie this, where public sentiment is the main spring of all movements, the influence wielded by the most in- telligent portion of the Union must ever be great. Hence, the senti- ments of New England made converts throughout the whole coun- try, especially in northern and western New York, where a large portion of the inhabitants were of New England origin. A favorite doctrine of those who opposed the war, was that the President had no right to employ militia for purposes of invasion ; and hence it fre- quently happened at the most critical emergencies, that this species of force refused to cross into Caiiada. This occurred at the battle of Queenstown. The knowledge of the prevailing sentiment in New England induced Great Britain, durmg the first two years virtually to exempt that section of the Union from hostilities. Meantime, a thri- ving traffic was carried on with Halifax, by the disaffected states; and large quantities of American flour were landed at that port, almost weekly ; at a time, too, when the article was scarce in the United States. To check this species of treasonable commerce. Con- gress, in December, 1813, passed an embargo law, but the trade still continued to exist, notwithstanding; and accordingly, in April, the useless interdict was repealed. The hostility of New England to- wards the war had such an influence on the earlier stages of its pro- gress, as to induce the retort on Dr. Eustis, Secretary of War, and himself from Boston, " that if New England had not been disaffect- ed, the United States could have taken Canada, the first year, bt/ co7itract.^^ But, towards the close of 1813, sentiments in New England began to change. Nothing exercised a greater influence in producing this wholesome alteration than the barbarities committed by Admiral Cochrane, in the Chesapeake, but especially at Hampton. Hitherto it had been said in New England that we were the aggressors ; but after this invasion of our soil, and its attendant atrocities, public opinion turned. It was on this occasion that Henry Clay, then speaker of the House of Representatives, distinguished himself by one of those bursts of indignant eloquence, for which he was famed. I^eaving the chair, he offered a resolution for the appointment of a committee to inquire into the departures of the enemy from the laws of war and humanity, and to embody a narra:ivc of these outrages in a public document to challenge the atteiition of all civilized na- GENERAL BROWN. 57 tions. The motion was carried, and in accordance with it a report made, which exercised an important influence in revolutionizing pub- lic sentiment and inciting the nation to a vigorous prosecution of the war. The blockade of the New England coasts in the spring of 1814, conduced also to this result. A British squadron seized Eastport, in Maine, and retained it until the close of the war. In April a squadron of the enemy ascended the Connecticut river as far as Pittipaug Point, set on fire the village, and burned over twenty vessels that had taken refuge there. In August, the town of Stonington, towards the eastern extremity of Long Island Sound, was bombarded for three days, by Commodore Hardy, but without success. In September, the whole coast of Maine, from the Penobscot to Passamaquoddy Bay, was seized by the enemy, and a proclamation issued by him, declaring it conquered, and requiring the submission of the inhabitants to the British government. These successive outrages on its own soil roused the indignation of New England. The spirit of hostility there was still farther increased, in the summer of 1814, by the invasion of the enemy along the route of Lake Champlain. We have thus traced the causes why it happened that, just as Eng- land was prepared to turn her undivided strength against the United States, the latter, for the first time during the war, became compe- tent for the struggle, and united in favor of its prosecution. At the moment when Great Britain loomed more colossal than ever across the Atlantic, the American republic, like a young Sampson, whose locks had grown again, stepped forth to the combat. In 1813, imbe- cile Generals, undisciplined troops, and divisions among the people had produced a harvest of defeat; bat when the campaign opened in 1814, all this had changed. Younger and abler leaders were at the head of the army ; the soldiers had been so thoroughly drilled as to be almost veterans ; and the Union was united. Added to this, the imposing attitude of the enemy called up each latent sinew on our part. It was felt by every American that, if the republic was defeated in another campaign, consequences the most disastrous, if not fatal, would ensue. Wilkinson had been succeeded in his command by General Izard ; but the latter,in the active measures of the campaign, gave place to Ge- neral Brown. This leader belonged to a new school in war. To seek the enemy, to fight him at odds, never to think of retreat, these maxims which are now cardinal points in the creed of an American army, first originated with General Brown. In this species of war- fare he was ably sustained by General Scott, his second in command. 58 BATTLE OF LUNDY'S LANE. Resolving to take the initiative, General Brown, on the 2nd of July at midnight, embarked his troops from Black Rock, to attack Fort Erie, In the grey of the morning the astonished garrison beheld the Americans drawn up ready for an assault ; and knowing that resist- ance would be useless against such an overwhelming force, imme- diately surrendered. General Brown now pushed forward to Chip- pewa, where it was understood the British, under General Riall, were posted, to the number of three thousand. Here, on the 5th of July, the battle of Chippewa was fought, in which the enemy was signally defeated. The loss of the British, in this action, was one hundred and thirty-three killed, three hundred and twenty wounded, and forty -six missing. The Americans lost sixty killed and two hundred and sixty-eight wounded and missing. The English troops in that portion of Canada now hastened to concentrate. On the 25th of July, General Brown, being informed that a detachment of the enemy had invaded the American soil, hurried General Scott for- BATTLB l)F LLNUV'S LANK. ward to attack the forts at the mouth of the Niagara, hoping by this diversion, to recall the foe to the Canadian shore. General Scott ai the head of about thirteen hundred men only, came suddenly across a superior force, of the enemy at Luudy's Lane, under Geiierais Drummond and Riall. Disdaining to retire, a sanguinary battle eu- BATTLE OF FORT ERIE. 59 sued, which he rtiaintained alone for two hours, until the arrival of General Hrown with the remainder of the army. The latter odicer immediately drew General Scott's brigade out of action, and com- mitted the contest to that of Ripley, which was fresh. The heiglit at the head of the lane, where the enemy had posted a battery, and which was the key of his position, was now gallantly carried by Colonel Miller, under the orders of General Brown. Several unsuc- cessful efforts were made by the foe to regain this elevation. The combat, which began before dark, raged until midnight. By this time both Generals Brown and Scott had been wounded and forced to retire from the field. The command now devolved on General Ripley. The enemy being repulsed, Ripley concluded to retire to camp, whence, after refreshing his men, he was directed to march by daylight, and engage the foe. But, finding the enemy's force had been much increased during the night, Ripley thought it advisable to retreat, and accordingly retired to Fort Erie, destroying the bridges as he went. The loss of the British at Lundy's Lane was eighty-five killed, five hundred and fifty-five wounded, and two hun- dred and thirty-four missing. The Americans lost in killed, wounded and missing, eight hundred and sixty. Arrived at the fort, Ripley used the greatest exertions to strengthen its defences, before the enemy should arrive. On the 4th of August, General Drummond came up, and invested the place with five thou- sand men. The garrison was but sixteen hundred, commanded by General Gaines, who had been sent by General Brown to supersede Ripley. Having drawn their lines of circumvallation closer and closer, imtil, on the 13th of August, they had arrived within four hundred yards of the fort, the British began a furious bombardment and cannonade. At last, on the 15th, the enemy at two in the morning, advanced in three columns to assault the place. The con- flict was long and desperate. The British, at one time, obtained a lodgment in the fort, but were eventually driven out again, with great slaughter. The loss of the enemy was computed at nine hun- dred and fifteen. The American loss was only eighty-four. A fortnight afterwards. General Brown, having recovered partially from his wounds, arrived, and assumed command. Finding that the British continued to push forward the approaches. General Brown resolved to make a sortie, destroy the batteries, and cut off the ad- vanced division of the enemy. This bold undertaking was crowned with the most brilliant success. In thirty miimtes, the Americans destroyed the labor of forty-seven days, took three hundred and eighty prisoners, and left five hundred of the enemv killed or 60 EXPEDITION TO DISMEMBER THE UNION. wounded on the field. The loss of General Brown was seventy-nine killed, two hundred and thirty-two wounded, and two hundred and sixteen misshig. On the night of the 21st, the British raised the siege, and retired with their whole army. The Americans, how- ever, soon after abandoned Fort Erie of their own accord, and trans- porting themselves to the other shore, terminated the third invasion of Canada. This was done under the orders of General Izard, who, arriving at head quarters on the 9th of October, took command as superior officer. In the meantime, an expedition had been projected by the enemy, to dismember the Union by an invasion along the line of Lake Champlain. The scheme was not unlike that proposed by Burgoyne in the revolutionary war ; and, as at that time, the English officers boasted of the certainty of success. It was thought a portion of New York or New England, might be permanently annexed to the British crown ; and there were even those among the enemy who believed that the city of New York itself, would be captured by the expedition. The force collected for the purpose, boasted, indeed, threatening numbers. Napoleon having abdicated at Fontainbleau, in April, and the British troops in Europe being left without em- ployment, large detachments of them were shipped to Canada, where they arrived during the months of July and August, 1814, to the number of thirty -five thousand. After garrisoning the various posts, and despatching reinforcements to the Niagara, there remained about fourteen thousand men, with whom the British General marched on Plattsburg, a town on the river Saranac, near its junction with Lake Champlain. The whole force of the Americans left here, was but fifteen hun- dred, commanded by Brigadier General Macomb ; for General Izard, a few days before, had carried off with him most of the troops to Niagara. But Macomb was equal to the emergency : liis genius made up for the want of soldiers. On the 6th of September, the enemy appeared before Plattsburg. After some sharp skirmishing, Macomb retired across the Saranac, to an entrenched camp on the opposite shore, tearing up the planks of the bridge as he retreated, and with them strengthening his defences. The enemy, attempting to follow him, was repulsed. From this day, until the 11th, the British contented themselves with erecting batteries opposite Macomb's position. Meantime, the foe was busily engaged in fitting out a tleet, with the intention of capturing that of McDonough, lying in Plattsburg bay. On the 18th, the English squadron appeared m sight, and bearing down on the American fleet, began the action. ^ « ■^ BURNING OF THE CAPITOL. 61 Simultaneously, the laud forces of the enemy attempted to carry Macomb's position, but were repulsed at every point of attack. Finally, the British ships being captured, and night approaching, the battle ceased. As soon as darkness had settled on the landscape, the enemy precipitately abandoned the field, and began a retreat. Thus, at the head of fifteen hundred regulars, and three thousand militia, Macomb defeated an army fourteen thousand strong, com- posed of the very elite of the conquerors of the Peninsula. The loss of the American land forces was only ninety-nine, that of the fleet, one hundred and ten. The British squadron lost in killed, wounded, prisoners, and missing, one thousand and fifty ; their army was di- minished by the same casualities, at least twenty-five hundred. In another quarter of the United States, however, an invasion of the enemy was more successful. In August, an expedition destined to act against Washington appeared in the Chesapeatte, and having effected a landing at Benedict, on the Patuxent, began its march towards the Capitol. The force of the British was about five thou- sand, commanded by General Ross. The Americans, to the number of three thousand, more than half of whom were militia, were led by General Winder, who, finding it impossible to make head against the enemy, fell back to Bladensburg, where, on the 24th, he was joined by a reinforcement of twenty-one himdred men, exclusive of Commodore Barney, at the head of his marines. Here the Amerir- cans made a stand. But the armies were too nearly equal in num- ber to allow the invading one to be defeated by the illy disciplined levies of General Winder. The only portion of the field properly contested, was that occupied by Commodore Barney and his marines. These poured such a destructive fire into the enemy, flushed from the easy defeat of the militia, that he staggered, and was thrown into momentary confusion. A few more such brave marines, or another Barney at the opposite side of the field, would have saved the day. But General Ross perceiving the scanty numbers of these troops, poured his columns upon them, and charging them on both flanks and in front, simultaneously, gained the victory. Barney fell wounded into the hands of the foe, as did also Colonel Miller, of the marines. Meantime, the militia fled, panic-struck, in all directions, abandoning Washington to the enemy. General Ross, following up his success, entered the capital that evening, and proceeded with Vandal barbarity to burn the public buildings. The Capitol, the President's mansion, the War, Treasury, and Navy offices, shared this fate. The old excuse of the burning of Newark, in Canada, was offered for this outrage ; a better one would have been that the con- VI 62 ASSAULT UPON FORT MC HENRY. querors, so lately from the Peninsula, had become debauched by the wars of Europe. To men brutalized by a long series of hostilities in a half savage country ; to men who had sacked Badajoz, and ravaged half of Spain ; the wanton destruction of an enemy's Capitol, ap- peared a slight offence against civilization and humanity. It is the proud boast of America, that under similar circumstances, and when the siege was infinitely more irritating, the public edifices of Mexico were sacredly respected. The British retired from Washington on the evening of the 25th, » and on the 29th, embarked from Benedict. Their loss in this expe- dition is estimated at four hundred killed or wounded ; while it is believed five hundred deserted, or were made prisoners. Simulta- neously with this attack upon the Capitol, two other detachments had been sent out from the fleet, one against Alexandria, the other up the Chesapeake. The attack on Alexandria proved successful, and the town was preserved from the torch only by the sacrifice of all its vessels and merchandize. The foray up the Chesapeake was more unfortunate for the British. Near Bellair, Sir Peter Parker, who led the expedition, landed to assault a body of militia, but was FORT Mr IIE.NBY. driven back, receiving a wound, by which he died in a few mmutes. Tlie enemy. Hushed with success at Washington, now moved upon OPERATIONS IN CHESAPEAKE BAT. 63 Baltimore, where he expected as easy a triumph, and a richer prize; for it was now a maxim with the invaders only to attacic for the purpose of booty. But meantime, the country was rising to its de- fence. In an incredibly short interval, fifteen thousand armed men had been collected at Bahimore, under the command of General Samuel Smith, an otiicer of the Revolution, in whom the fire of military genius had not yet suffered diminution. Batteries were hastily erected, and a ditch dug on the eastern side of the town ; the only line where it was available by land. Ten thousand men were stationed to defend these works. The approach to Baltimore by water was guarded by Fort Mc Henry, by obstructions sunk in the channel of the river, and by two heavily constructed batteries be- tween FortMcHenry and the city. On the 12th of September, the enemy debarked his land forces, to the number of five thousand men, at North Point, fourteen miles below Baltimore. A detachment twenty-two hundred strong, under General Strieker, having been sent forward in anticipation of this land- ing, to skirmish with the enemy and impede his progress, a sort of running action began, which continued throughout the day ; the Americans slowly retreating before the superior numbers of the Bri- tish. During the early part of the combat. General Ross, the Eng- lish commander, was killed. By evening, General Strieker had re- tired to within half a mile of the American entrenchments, where he rested. On the ensuing day, the enemy was seen moving in heavy masses to the right, as if intending to reach the city by a circuitous route, but General Smith, concentrating his forces in that direction, frustrated the design. Night fell, when the enemy took post within a mile of the works, intending to storm them as soon as the attack by water had succeeded. Here, howeve*, the British met with an unexpected repulse. The bombardment of Fort McHenry began at sunrise, on the 13tli, and continued throughout that day and the succeeding night, though without reducing the fortress. Under cover of the darkness, several rocket vessels and barges ascended past Fort McHenry, but being detected, were received with a heavy cannonade. They maintained their course, however, until they arrived opposite the lesser forts, where they met such a deadly fire that they hastened to retire — one of their flotilla being sunk with all on board. When morning dawned, a consultation was held between the commanders of the English fleet and army, and the resolution taken to abandon the expedition. Ac- cordingly, the troops retired to North Point, where they embarked the same evening, and on the morning of the 15th, the people of 64 ATTACK ON FORT BOWYER. Baltimore were gladdened by the sight of the English sails, whiten ing the bay, in their retreat. The British lost in this aftair about three hundred ; the Americans, two hundred and thirteen. During the whole series of operations the militia behaved with the greatest spirit, and amply redeemed the conduct of the same species of force at Bladensburg. Indeed, the whole number of regulars at Balti- more, exclusive of marines, was but seven hundred. The enemy had projected, simultaneously with this attack, an expedition against our southern waters. Towards the close of August, General Jaekson, whose head-quarters had been at Mobile since the termination of the Creek war, received intelligence that an English squadron had appeared at Pensacola, where it was harbored by the Spanish Governor. Information was also obtained that a second squadron, accompanied by ten thousand troops, was soon to arrive at Pensacola, whence a descent was to be made on some con- venient point on the American coast, most probably New Orleans. General Jackson, having vainly remonstrated with the Governor of Pensacola, for receiving and granting assistance to the British, now proceeded to call on the neighboring states for reinforcements, with the intention of punishing this infraction of the law of nations. Meanwhile, Colonel Nichols, the Commander of the enemy's forces, issued a proclamation, supremely ridiculous considering the circum- stances, calling on the people of Louisiana, Tennessee and Kentucky, to " throw off the yoke under which they had been so long groan- ing," Simultaneously, also, he attempted to enlist in his service a band of nautical marauders, half smugglers, half pirates, who had formed quite an extensive settlement at the island of Barrataria, on the coast of Louisiana, These lawless men were commanded by a person named Lafitte. This individual, instead of accepting the terms of Colonel Nichols^ revealed them to the Governor of Louisi- ana, at the same time communicating important information respect- ing the designs of the British. Lafitte was oftered, in return, an amnesty for himself and followers, if he would join the Americans. This proposition was accepted, and the haunt at Barrataria broken up. Subsequently, at the siege of New Orleans, Lafitte and his nii^n rendered important services. On the 15th of September, while General Jackson was awaiting reinforcements at Mobile, a British squadron appeared off Fort Howyer, thirty miles below the town, and immediately began an attack, A tremendous cannonade, on both sides, was continued for three hours, when the enemy's squadron retired, having suffered immense slaughter. The flag-ship ran aground, and was set on fire DEFENCE OF NEW ORLEANS. 65 by her surviving crew ; for out of one hundred and seventy men in her, only the Captain and twenty escaped. At the moment of the naval attack, Colonel Nichols, with a force of three hundred and thirty British and Indians was debarked for a land attack ; but the fire of the fort soon destroyed all hopes of his success, and, after the retreat of the squadron, he retired to Pensacola by land. Thither, on the 6th of November, General Jackson, having been reinforced by two thousand Tennessee militia, followed him ; and immediately despatched a flag to the Governor of Pensacola, demanding redress for his late conduct. The flag was fired on and compelled to retire. On the following day, General Jackson stormed the town, and after capturing one of the batteries, forced the Governor to capitulate. In consequence of the loss of Pensacola, the British left the bay, and General Jackson returned to Mobile. The design of the enemy to attack New Orleans having now be- come public, General Jackson hurried to assume the command of that important post. He left Mobile accordingly on the 22nd of Novem- ber, and reached his destination on the 2nd of December. His presence was the salvation of the city. He found, on his arrival, that scarcely any preparations had been made to repel the projected invasion ; and that the most vigorous measures would be necessary in consequence, to place the town and its approaches in a state of defence. Moreover the city was full of disafl'ected persons, who carried intelligence almost daily to the enemy. To check these treasonable practices, as well as to give him that despotic control over the labor of the citizens, which was necessary in the emergen- cy, he applied to the Legislature to repeal the habeas corpus act. The Legislature hesitated. As no time was to be lost. General Jackson cut short further discussion by proclaiming martial law. The inhabhants were now ordered down to the lines, to work on the fortifications, without regard to their wealth. The whole country by which the city could be approached was personally examined by the General, and defences constructed at all proper points. Tliese preparations were increased when a fleet of gun-boats, on which the General had placed much dependence, was attacked in the lakes to the east of the city, and overcome by superior forces. In a word. General Jackson availed himself to their utmost extent of all the materials for defence within his reach ; and by his promptitude, energy, and vast resources of mind, infused confidence into both citizens and army. On the 5th of December, the enemy had first appeared off the coast; on the 14th he had captured the American gun-boats; and VI* 9 66 BATTLE OF NEW ORLEANS. on the 23rd, availing himself of a pass, called the Bayou Bienvenne, which unfortunately had been left unguarded, he fell on an advanced guard of tiie Americans, made its members prisoners, and pushing rapidly on, reached the bank of the Mississippi at two o'clock in the afternoon. The road to the city was now open before him. In this crisis, General Jackson, instead of waiting to be attacked, resolved boldly to march out and assail the British. He arrived at their position about five o'clock. Their flank being exposed to the water, Commodore Patterson's armed schooner, the Caroline, was sent, under cover of the night, to assail it, which was done, the guns being aimed by the British watch-fires. Tliis was the first intima- tion the foe had of his danger. Simultaneously the American land forces attacked the right, centre and left, of the enemy. His camp was carried on the right, and the slaughter along his front was ex- cessive. But, extinguishing their watch-fires, the British rallied to the combat, when a close and well contested combat ensued. In the end. General Jackson drew otf his men in consequence of a dense fog. He lay on the field all night, but thought it most pru- dent to retire in the morning to a stronger position, two miles nearer the city. In this action, the enemy numbered about three thousand. The loss of the Americans, in killed, wounded and missing, was two hundred and thirteen : that of the British two hundred and eighty- two. This battle may be said to have decided the fate of New Or- leans. It inspired confidence among the Americans, while it fore- warned the enemy that his expedition was to produce more hard blows than booty. In his new position, which, strong by nature, was rendered stronger by art. General Jackson leisurely awaited the approach of the foe. On the 2Sth, the main body of the British having landed, their com- mander. Sir Edward Packenham, advanced within half a mile of the American works and began a bombardment and camionade. The American batteries replied, however, with such spirit, and were so well sustained by an armed vessel in the river, that the enemy retired with loss. On the 1st of January, another unsuccessful at- tempt was made on General Jackson's lines. Between this and the 8th, each army received accessions of force, so that the American numbers were raised to seven thousand, and the British to twelve thousand. On the morning of that day Sir Edward Packenham made a grand assault on his enemy's lines; but notwithstanding his troops were all tried veterans, and those of Jackson raw militia, in- dill'erently armed, he was repulsed wuh inmiense slanghtcr. Tlie loss of the Americans was but seventy-one in killed, wounded and COMMODORE POKTER IN THE PACIFIC. 67 missing. The British lost two hundred and ninety-three killed, twelve hundred and sixty-seven wounded, and four hundred and eighty-four prisoners and missing. The mortality among their officers was excessive, Sir Edward Packenham being arnong the killed. We cannot record his death without a reflection on the chances of for- tune. It had been originally intended that the Duke of Wellington should lead the expedition against New Orleans ; and, had this hap- pened, that great General might have perished in Packenham's place, and Waterloo never have been won ! The British now hastened to abandon their enterprise. Embark- ing their troops they retired to Fort Bowyer, which surrendered to this immense force. Here they remained until the news of peace, which arrived in the following month. It was doubly fortunate for the United States that the expedition against New Orleans had failed, since, tempted by the possession of so great a prize, the enemy might have found some excuse for setting aside the treaty of Ghent. In that event a long and sanguinary war on the Mississippi must have followed, and though America would eventually have triumphed, because fighting on her own soil, the victory could only have been purchased by an immense expenditure of blood and treasure. The battle of New Orleans was the closing act of the drama. It remains for us only to notice the treaty of Ghent, before bringing this narra- tive to an end. Yet, preliminary to doing this, let us pass in hasty review the naval history of 1814. Towards the close of 1812, Commodore Porter, in the frigate Es- sex, had sailed from the Delaware. Missing a rendezvous with Bainbrid^^e, at Brazil, he proceeded, pursuant to a discretion vested in him, around Cape Horn, and began a war on the British com- merce in the Pacific. He remained in this quarter of the globe for more than twelve months, during which he lived at the enemy's ex- pense, and captured twenty vessels, carrying in all one hundred and seven guns. The value of these prizes was estimated at two and a half millions of dollars. At last, in March, 1814, while lying at Valparaiso, the British frigate Ph(jcbe,carryingthirty-eightguns, andasloopof war which had been fitted out expressly to capture Porter, appeared off the port. In a few days the Essex, attempting to get to sea, carried away her main-top mast. Unable to return into harbor, she anchored near the shore. The English ships now attacked her, and placing themselves out of reach of her cannonades, opened with their long gutis,of which fortunately for them, their armament was composed. Disabled from manocuvreing, and exposed to a fire he could but feebly return, for he had but three long twelve-pounders. Porter was finally compelled ■')>. 68 NAVAL BATTLES. to surrender. He lost fifty-eight killed, and sixty -six wounded ; the British losing but five killed and ten wounded. This battle was fought on neutral waters, and was therefore a violation of the laws of nations; but England has never hesitated to act in a similar man- ner when lier interest required it. This reverse was followed, however, by numerous victories. The sloop-of-war Peacock, Captain Warrington, on the 29th of April, 1814, captured the British brig-of-war Epervier, of about equal force. In this action the enemy lost eight killed, and fifteen wounded ; the Americans only two wounded. On the 2Sth of June, the sloop-of-war Wasp, Captain Blakely, captured the Rein- deer, of slightly superior force, after one of the most hotly contested naval engagements of the war. The British lost twenty-five killed, including their captain, and forty-two wounded ; the Americans lost five killed, and twenty-one wounded. On the first of September, Captain Blakely took the Avon, a sloop-of-war of twenty guns. On tlie 23d, he captured a British brig, the Atalanta, which he sent into the United States. From that day to this, nothing has ever been heard of the gallant Blakely, or his ship. They probably perished in a tempest. The war was now virtually over, since peace had been concluded at Ghent, but this being as yet unknown, the naval combats continued. On the 14th of January, 1815, in gallantly attempting to get out of New York harbor, Conmiodore Decatur, in the President, was pur- sued and captured by the British blockading squadron. In this action the Americans lost twenty-four killed, and fifty-five wounded. On the 20th of February, Commodore Stewart, in the Constitution, took the Cyane and Levant — the first of thirty-four guns, the last of twenty-two. The loss of the British was seventy-seven in killed and wounded ; that of the Americans fifteen. On the 23d of March, the Hornet, a sloop-of-war, of eighteen guns, commanded by Captain Biddle, captured the British brig-of-war Penguin, of nineteen guns. In this action the enemy lost forty-two in killed and wounded ; the Hornet twelve. We have already narrated the offer of Russia to mediate between England and the United States ; the refusal of the former to accept this mediation ;her agreement, however, to appoint commissioners to treat of a peace ; and the alteration in the powers of the American em- bassy, to enable them to act under these new circumstances. In the Spring of 1814, these powers were sent to Europe, and Henry Clay and Jonathan Russell added to the United States Commissioners, The place of meeting was first a])pointed at Gottenburg, biU finally TREATY OF PEACE. 69 changed to Ghent. The British plenipotentiaries arrived at the latter place on the 6th of August, but showed little earnestness for a treaty until after the news of Chippewa, Lundy's Lane, Plattsburg, and Bal- timore. On intelligence of these events, foreboding a long, and pro- bably disastrous war, the high tone of the English Conmiissioners lowered, and on the 24th of December, 1814, a treaty was finally signed. In this document, no notice was taken- of the question of impressment, which appears a singular circumstance at first sight; but we have endeavored to explain the reasons for the omission in the first book of this narrative. The articles of the treaty provided for the restoration of all possessions taken by either power, during the war, with the exception of the islands in the Bay of Passama- quoddy, whose destination was to be referred to arbitrators. Various questions of boundary were left to be decided in the same way. Both parties agreed to desist from warfare with all tribes of Indians with whom they were engaged in hostilities, provided such tribes ceased warlike operations, on being notified of the treaty. By another article, England and the United States stipulated to do all they could to abolish the slave trades. Other provisions were in- serted in the treaty, but they related chiefly to prizes and prisoners, and were such as are usual on all like occasions. This treaty was ratified by England, on the 2Sthof December, 1814, and by the Uni- ted States on the 17th of February, 1815. A commercial treaty was subsequently negotiated between the two countries during the year 1815. Thus closed a war in which little was nominally gained, but much in reality. By it, indeed, the United States consummated their inde- pendence, which hitherto, so far as regarded England at least, had not fully existed. In other words, the war of 1812, freed the popu- lar mind in America, from a sort of provincial reverence for Great Britain. It also removed that dread of her military prowess which had descended from the revolutionary epoch, but which was wholly unbecoming a nation so vigorous as the United States had since become. It is not too much to say that the military spirit of the Republic, which has since shone with such brilliancy, had its birth in the war of 1812. The early misfortunes of the war, considered in this light, were not without their benefits. They forced the nation to put forth its whole strength, and thus developed a capacity, of the existence of which, even she had been ignorant. From that hour the United States took a prouder stand among the nations of the earth. From that hour her flag was respected. More than thirty years have 70 TREATY OF PEACE. elapsed since the treaty of Ghent, yet England has never re- newed her claim of impressment, nor is it probable that she ever will. WILLIAM HULL. HAT it required the war of 1812 to consummate our independence, is proved by the mihtary operations which led to the surrender of Detroit. Our enterprise and saga- city in commerce was admitted ; but even a portion of our own citi- zens laughed at our pre- tensions to arms. It was said that we could not withstand the power of Great Britain for six months. An uneasy feeling of provincial weakness, and a profound awe of our old enemy possessed, in part, the public mind, and espe- cially influenced those officers who, by their rank, services and ex- perience, would naturally be looked to in the emergency of war. Hence, during the earlier periods of the contest, most of our Generals regarded any attempt to overthrow the veteran armies of England va 10 73 74 WILLIAM HULL. as worse than useless. Mistrusting their troops, but most of all themselves, they invited defeat by their moral cowardice. In no other manner can we explain the conduct of General William Hull, in the surrender of Detroit, With his overpowering force he ought to have been confident of success. It is now apparent, that if he had put on a bold front, he would have achieved a glorious triumph ; opened the war with eclat ; and forced Great Britain, two years earlier, to listen to terms of peace. He was conquered by his own fears, not by the prowess of the enemy. William Hull was born in 1753, and served, with some distinction, in the War of Independence, as an officer in the continental line. He was present in several of the hardest fought battles of that period, and distinguished himself uniformly as a soldier of spirit, industry and bravery. He rendered himself especially conspicuous on the glorious field of Saratoga, and afterwards at Stony Point. On his retirement from the army, Hull settled in Massachusetts, where, in 1796, he was chosen a Major-General of the state militia. Like others of the officers of the Revolution, he sought and obtained em- ployment from the Federal Government; for, in 1805, he was ap- pointed Governor of Michigan Territory. This office he continued to hold until his disgrace and ruin. When, in IS 12, it became probable that war would be declared with Great Britian, an army, to be composed chiefly of volunteers and militia, was ordered to be raised on the north-western frontier, for the two-fold purpose of holding the Indians in check, and openir.g the expected contest with eclat. The command of this force was bestowed on Hull, with the rank of Brigadier-General in the United States army. The soldiers mustered at Dayton, in Ohio, on the 1st of June, 1S12, and, alter a long and toilsome march, reached the Miami of the Lake on the 30th of the month. Here Hull received a despatch from the war office, requesting him to quicken his movements. Accordingly he embarked his baggage, stores, sick and convalescent, in a vessel bound for De- troit, continuing his march with the main body of tlie army by land. Up to this period he had received no intimation of the declaration of hostilities, a culpable negligence on the part of our government which has never been properly explained. But the day after the embarka- tion of the stores, a letter arrived from die Secretary of War, written under the same date as that to which we have alluded, and which Hull had received several days before by a special messenger. He now pressed forward to the River Raisin, alarmed for the safety of his stores. Here his fears were verified. He learned that the Bri- tish iiud received intelligence of the declaration of war, at ail their WILLIAM HTTLL. 75 posts, in advance of himself; and that in consequence his stores had been captured in passing the fort at Maiden. This disaster, so early in the campaign, like an ill omen weighed on his spirits from that hour. Pursuing his march he soon reached Detroit, and immediately proceeded, under instructions from the war office, to invade Canada. Indeed, in the United States, the most sanguine expectations had already been formed of the result of his expedition; but these, how- ever, were not conmion to all classes ; large numbers, afiected by the feeling we have alluded to, doubted secretly of his success. On the 12th of July he. crossed the river Detroit, and pitched his camp at Sandwich, with the professed intention of marching against Mai- den, a post which it was of importance to reduce, since it lay in the way to intercept all supplies forwarded from the United States. There can be no doubt, if Hull had pushed forward at once to Mai- den, that the place would have surrendered. The fort there was in a most dilapidated condition, nor was it until a week later that it was rendered defensible ; the garrison numbered but seven hundred men, of which six hundred were lukewarm militia, and indifferent savages ; and, to add to the chances of success, the population of the neighborhood was very generally disaffected, and ready, as were also the Indians of the vicinity, to join whatever side promised, by a successful first blow, to gain the ascendancy. Only eighteen miles interposed betv.^een Hull and Maiden. A rapid summer day's march would have brought him to the gates of his enemy. He had nearly two men where his opponent had one. Yet he lingered for three weeks at Sandwich without striking a blow. There are few things in history as inexplicable as this conduct, and nothing but the solution we have given can unriddle it. His behavior appears the more singular when we come to follow the transactions of these three weeks into detail. During his stay at Sandwich different detachments penetrated the country sixty miles into the interior, and everywhere found the inhabitants friendly. The royal militia at Ahmetsburg, opposite Maiden, was daily desert- ing. Nor was this all. A party of American soldiers, commanded by Colonels Cass and Miller, on the 16th of July, assailed a British outpost at the bridge over the Canard, a river but four miles distant from Maiden, and drove the picket back upon the fort, where the fugitives arrived panic-struck, spreading terror and confusion among the garrison. The enemy, satisfied that Hull was advancing with all his strength, knew scarcely what to do ; and had there been a sufficient force at hand to take advantage of this dismay. Maiden 76 WILLIAM HULL. would have fallen before sunset. Even on the ensuing morning, when the enemy had partially recovered from his alarm, if Hull had brought up all his troops, and made a vigorous attack, the place must have surrendered. But, instead of doing this, he sharply reprehended Cass and Miller for having exceeded orders in making their attack, and directed that they should immediately return to camp, unless they were prepared to assume all the responsibility of holding their position, and that, too, without reinforcements. Perhaps age, as well as dread of British prowess, had something to do with this con- duct. To quote the epigramatic remark of another, '* he who, in 1777, would have fought or died without care, in 1S12, with not much of life left, was fearful of losing that Uttle." Yet his mind evidently vacillated, and for a space he appeared to have regained a portion of his old daring. In fact, the strictures of his younger officers had reached his ears, and he began to show a disposition fir more vigorous measures. He gave out that he would lead the army directly to Maiden. There seems, indeed, no reason to doubt the sincerity of his intentions. The artillery for which he had waited, was now ready. It had been proved by the affair at Canard, that the British were not invincible. His troops, to a man, were eager to be led forward. Acpordingly, the ammunition was placed in wagons, the cannon fixed on floating batteries, and every other preparation for the attack made. But, at this point Hull stopped, and became suddenly irresolute. He had just received in- telligence of the fall of Mackinaw, a fort situated on the island of that name, commanding the passage between Lakes Huron and Michigan, which had been surprised by the enemy, its commandant receiving the first intimation of the war on his surrender. This dis- astrous news was backed by information of the risnig of the Cana- dians and Indians, both of whom, foreseeing Hull's fall in his inac- tivity, began to take arms for the British. The very thought that by advancing and sustaining a defeat, liis army might become a prey to the savages filled his mind with horror. He countermanded his orders, and re-crossed the river to Detroit, on the 7th of August. He had begun his career in the Canadian territory by a vaunting proclamation,; he finished it by a temerity which made him the scorn even of his own troops. He had commenced with the inhabitants favorable to him ; he ended by alienating them forever. Far differ- ent was the conduct of General Brock, the British commander in that region. Receiving intelligence on the 25th of June, of the declara- tion of war, he hastened to plan the capture of Fort Mackinaw, and his scheme having been crowned with success, his audacity in- WILLIAM HULL. 77 creased, and he conceived the idea, not only of driving Hull from Canada, but of capturing him within the territories of the United States. Brock, indeed, seems to have despised his adversary as much as the latter feared Brock. In furtherance of his design. Brock superseded Colonel St. George in the command of the district, and appointed in his place Colonel Proctor, a skilful officer, obedient, active, daring, and unscrupulous. The wisdom of his choice was soon vindicated, for Hull, having sent out a detachment of two hun- dred men to open his rear for a convoy. Proctor, ever on the watch, fell on the party, and totally routed it, with the loss of nearly seventy men. A second detachment, led by Colonel Miller, was more successful, defeating the British, and routing their Indian ally, Tecumseh ; but this body Hull refused to support after its victory, and finally commanded its return to camp, where it arrived just in time to be included in the surrender. As Hull retreated. Brock had advanced, and on the 14th of August, took post at Sandwich, opposite his adversary's camp. Here he threw up a battery, Hull refusing to annoy him. In vain the American officers solicited permission to open a fire on their enemy ; in vain they desired to be led to the charge, in order to spike his cannon. A mortal terror of his foe seemed now to have seized Hull. The vision of defeat constantly pursued him, and the sanguinary tomahawk was ever present to his fancy. He would, even at this early stage, have grasped at a truce, as the only hope of safety. " If you will give permission," said the brave Dalliba, " I will clear the enemy on the opposite shore from the lower batteries." " Mr. Dalliba," said the weak old man, " I will make an agreement with the enemy, that if they will not fire on me, I will not fire on them." Even the success of Colonel Miller's detachment could not inspire him with hope. "Nothing has been gained by it but honor," he said despondingly, " and the blood of seventy -five men has been shed in vain." A per- son in such a frame of mind, was ill fitted to cope with a General as enterprising and bold as Brock. It needed the impetuosity of youth in that crisis, not the drivelling caution of old age. A Croghan would have saved the day, which a Hull ignominiously lost. On the 15th, Brock sent a boat across the river, with a summons of unconditional surrender. It found Hull in a moment of re-action, and he returned a spirited refusal. The refusal had scarcely been transmitted, however, before he regretted it. Brock appears to have read his adversary's character thoroughly. An enemy, under ordi- nary circumstances, would have taken some precautions, in crossing a hostile river, with an inferior force ; but though the British Gene- VII* 78 WILLIAM HULL. ral had only twelve hundred men, and Hull thirteen hundred and fifty, the former boldly embarked in broad day, under cover merely of a slight cannonade. No attempt was made to oppose his landing. The American leader had already expressed to several of his officers an opinion that a capitulation would be necessary ; and accordingly when Brock drew up his troops, and marched to the assault, orders were sent to the advanced parties not to fire. The command was heard with indignation. Tears of shame and rage rose to the eyes of the men, and the officers talked of marching back and displacing their commander. But it was now too late. The position of the army would have warranted a defence against twice the numbers of the enemy. The fort, a work of regular form and great solidity, surrounded by a wide and deep ditch, strongly fraised and palisaded, was defended by two twenty-four pounders, and a garrison of four hundred artillerists and infantry of the line. The town was held by three hundred Michigan militia, eager to de- fend their firesides, and well protected by the houses. Flanking the approach to the fort, and covered by a high and heavy picket-fence, were four hundred Ohio volunteers, all expert marksmen, all indig- nant at the retreat, all athirst for glory ! To add to this, the detach- ment under Colonel Miller, which we have already spoken of as or- dered back to camp, was within a mile and a half, stretching for- ward directly in the enemy's rear, with every nerve strained at sound of the cannon. Not a man in the American lines but was anxious for the contest. Only one hesitated, and he the leader ! It is said that surrounded by the ladies of his family, who besought him with tears to save them from the savages by a timely surrender, he sat for a while irresolute, blushing with shame at the proposed ca- pitulation. But at last rising with trembling limbs he ordered the white flag to be hoisted, the troops to stack their arms, and the outer positions to be given up. No council of war was summoned. No advice was asked of a single officer. For once he took all the responsibility on his own shoulders ; but it was one which covered his name with eternal infamy ! The capitulation which followed was announced amid the execra- tions of the troops, the sullen silence of the militia, and the stinging reproaches of the women of Detroit. It was such a one as might have been expected from Hull's panic. Everything was given up, even more than was asked. Not only the territory, in its length and breadth, was yielded to the enemy, but the supplies at the river Rai- sin, and the absent detachment were included in the surrender. This was done, moreover, at the suggestion of Hull himself. He seemed WILLIAM HULL. 79 to be guided by a morbid desire to save blood, and to crave his an- tagonist's mercy by abandoning everything to him. He engaged that the mihtia should not serve again until exchanged. Yet he forgot to make any stipulation in favor of the Canadians who had joined his army ; but sacrificed them to the anger of the enemy. In short, the whole capitulation betrayed the panic in which it had its origin. Hull's surrender, as one of his cotemporaries remarked, was the re- sult of" an ignorance that knew not what to do ; of aself-sufticiency refusing to be instructed ; and of a cowardice that in its terrors, lost all sense of national interest, personal dignity and professional duty." As for Brock, he could scarcely conceal his surprise at this wonder- ful success. " I hasten to apprize your excellency," he said, writing to his superior, Prevost," of the capture of this very important post. Twenty-five hundred prisoners have this day surrendered prisoners of war, and about twenty-five pieces of ordnance have been taken with- out the sacrifice of of a drop of British blood. I had not more than six hundred troops, including militia, and about six hundred Indians to accomplish this service. fVhen I detail my good fortune your excellency will be astonished.''^ Yet Hull can scarcely be called a coward in the ordinary sense of the term. Cowardice is applied in military aifairs at least, to physical rather than to moral terror. There are many men willing to brave death on the battlefield, who shrink from assuming responsibility in critical and uncertain emergencies. Hull had fought bravely in the revolutionary war, and would probably have fought bravely again as a subordinate. Had he been a Colonel in the north-western army, with a Jackson at its head, a portion of the inflexible character of his superior might have been imparted to him. His whole career proves that though brave enough when he could lean on others, he was not accustomed to depending on himself. Personally he had no fear of death ; but he shrank from the responsibility of bringing it on others. It is probable that if there had been no Indians in tlie British army, he might have made a bolder stand, for dread of the savages was a prevailing feature of that day. But the conviction that England was invincible, and that it was a waste of blood and treasure to combat her, seems to have been the leading cause which produced Hull's surrender. He began the campaign with uneasy fears of her superiority, and these fears were increased by the bold and dashing enterprise on Mackinaw. It has been well remarked that, from the day that fort fell, Hull was conquered. The news of the capitulation at Detroit was received in the United States with incredulity at first, and subsequently with curses of rage 80 WILLIAM HULL. and shame. The astonishment of the people, who had expected to hear of the conquest of all Canada, could not have been greater. A re-action from hope to despair was the consequence. Those who had been most confident became the most desponding. The cry was that the war would ruin us. The New England states, which had denounced the invasion of Canada as unjust and irreligious, pointed to the late disaster as a rebuke sent by Providence, and exhorted the militia to refuse crossing the border. Never, perhaps, since the War of Independence, and in the period immediately preceding the battle of Trenton, was the public mind so despondent. But suddenly news ame of a victory, so unexpected, so brilliant, so far beyond ordina- ry calculation, that the nation was flung into transports of joy. We allude to the capture of the Guerriere. The fall of Detroit now ceased to call the blush of shame to American cheeks, for it was more than set olf, in the popular estimation, by this triumph. If the flag of the republic had been trailed in the dust on the north-western frontier, the red cross of Britain had been struck down on her native element, the sea ! So great was the public indignation at Hull's surrender, that, for a while, he was regarded as a traitor, who had sold his country to the enemy. He had been carried, with his officers, to Montreal, where the English entered the city with their captives in mock pro- cession ; but subsequently, having been exchanged, he was brought to trial before a court-martial, found guilty of cowardice, and con- demned to be shot. In consideration, however, of his age and past services, the court recommended him to mercy ; and the Pre- sident humanely suffered him to live, though not without first strik- ing his namie from the army roll. The charge of treason was abandoned as unfounded. There is one redeeming feature in the history of Hull, as connected with this transaction. He made no attempt to excuse himself before the public, by endeavoringto incul- pate his officers in his crime ; but stated frankly, and at once, that the whole blame should rest on himself In summing up his cha- racter, we must regard him as a man of weak, though not despicable intellect ; possessed of mere animal courage, but with little moral firmness ; as a soldier, good enough for subordinate stations, but to- tally unequal to a superior command. Hull endeavored to exculpate himself before the public, by printing, in 1814, a defence of his conduct. But he did not succeed. In 1824, he again appeared as an author, by publishing a memoir of the campaign of 1812, together with a sketch of his revolutionary services. He died in 1825, aged seventy-two. MASSACRE AT THE RIVEB RAISIN. JAMES WINCHESTER. •AMES WINCHESTER, a Bri- gadier-General in the army of the United States, was born in Maryland, about the year 1756. He served during the war of In- dependence in a subordinate capacity, and subsequently removed to Tennessee, where lie rose to considerable influence. Possessed of an ample fortune, conciliating in manners, and ambitious as well as brave, he became the successful candidate, in 1812, for the office of Brigadier from his adopted state. His competitor was Andrew Jackson, then compara- tively an obscure man, out of Tennessee. It is said that the deci- sion in favor of Winchester was made at the instigation of the mem- ber of Congress from his district, who feared that if Winchester was not put into the army, he might become a formidable opponent in the ensuing election. 11 81 82 JAMES WINCHESTER. The ignominous surrender of Hull, had, at this period, filled the whole west with grief and indignation. The best and bravest of her sons, especially from Kentucky, pressed forward to offer themselves as volunteers, and within a month from the fall of Detroit, a gallant army had assembled, breathing vengeance for the late disgrace, and resolved not to return until the British conquests had been regained. Two competitors presented themselves for the command of this force. The first was Winchester, who claimed it as senior Brigadier ; the other was William Henry Harrison, who had been created a Major- General by the Governor of Kentucky, expressly to supersede Win- chester. Harrison was popular with the troops ; Winchester was not. In the end, the difficulty was adjusted by the Federal Government, which assigned to Harrison the chief command. Accordingly the army put itself in motion for a winter's campaign, the Comman- der-in-chief leading the right wing, and Winchester the left. Winchester, after relieving Fort Wayne, in September, moved down to the site of old Fort Defiance, where a new post was estab- lished, called Fort Winchester. Here, the General, by perseverance in conciliatory measures, succeeded in gaining the popularity of his troops. After building a sufficient number of large canoes, to trans- port their baggage down the Maumee to the Rapids, the volunteers left this camp in November, and advanced in the direction of the enemy. The way was long, difficult, and wild. Th^ troops, as yet, were destitute of winter clothing, though snow was on the ground and ice forming fast. Provisions soon failed, and for fourteen days the gallant Kentuckians subsisted on hickory roots, elm bark, and the beef of a few cattle killed in a state of starvation. At last a supply of warm clothing was received, and the troops moved for- ward with re-animated bosoms. It was at this period that an inci- dent occurred, characteristic of the generosity of the western people. The vohmteers from Kentucky were the first to receive their winter clothing, and a regiment of regulars remained for a long time after- wards with no protection against the inclement weather, except linen fatiarue dresses. The brave Kentuckians insisted that this regiment should be exempt from camp duty, and be allowed to remain by their fires : and they carried their humane point. It was on the 8th of January, when the order was issued to march to the Rapids. The snow lay twenty-seven inches deep on a dead level, and the men had to harness themselves to sleighs, in order to transport the baggage. Yet, intense as the cold was, the everlasting swnnips of that region were not hard frozen. Through incalculable difficulties the troops of Winchester pressed forward, JAMES WINCHESTER. 83 and in about ten days reached the Rapids. In the meantime a mes- senger had arrived in camp from the village of Frenchtown, on the Raisin, a small stream, emptying its waters into the north-west angle of Lake Erie ; the inhabitants terrified at the approach of the enemy, solicited aid from Wincliester. Accordingly, Colonels Lewis and Allen, were detached with six hundred men. This little band, on the ISth of January, 1S13, reached tiie river Raisin, and defeated a combined English and Indian force, five hundred strong, led by Major Reynolds, of the Canadian militia. The efl'ect of this victory was electric. The inhabitants of Frenchtown were filled with exul- tation, and while two days before they had thought only of escaping the tomahawk of the savage, now, they considered nothing but in what way best to pursue the enemy. Nor was the excitement less at Winchester's camp. Every man there felt as if it had been the greatest misfortune of his life to be left behind when Lewis marched on Frenchtown, and all, with one voice, demanded to be led forward in order to share what there was of glory yet remaining. Little did they imagine the dark and bloody tragedy in store for them. On the 21st of January, Winchester put his troops in motion for the Raisin. The way lay partially through the woods, where the snow was two feet deep, partially along the borders of the lake, where the ice almost blocked up the passage ; these were obstructions suffi- cient to deter ordinary men, but the indomitable spirit of the Ken- tuckians was not to be disheartened. Winchester reached French- town on the evening of the 21st-, he found Colonel Lewis, who was an officer of experience in Indian wars, posted in enclosed gar- dens, with an open field on his right. The reinforcement brought by Winchester, numbered about three hundred, and was commanded by Colonel Wells, who being of the regular army, outranked Lewis, who belonged to the volunteers. Wells demanded to be posted on the right, as the station due to his superiority in rank ; and to this claim Winchester yielded, placing Wells, in consequence, in the open field. Had the advice of Lewis been taken, who recommended that Wells should be stationed in some gardens on his left, the result of the day might have been different. Meanwhile, Proctor having heard at Maiden of the defeat of Rey- nolds, was hastening forward with all his disposable force. On the morning of the 22d,jnst after dawn, he prepared for the assault. Covering his right with artillery, and his flanks with Indian marks- men, he advanced at first gallantly, but when he had approached within musket shot of the pickets, was met by so galling and inces- sant a fire, that this part of his army fell uito confusion. On the left 84 JAMES WINCHESTER. however, he was more successful. Perceiving the exposed situation of the detachment under Wells, Proctor hastened to concentrate all his force against it. A furious conflict ensued on this part of the field. Sharp and rapid voUies of musketry followed in succession from either side, over which occasionally rose the whoop of the In- dians, or the cheers of the brave Kentuckians. But that little band, miprotected as it was, could not long hold out against overwhelming numbers. After the action had lasted about twenty minutes, Win- chester saw that his position was untenable, and ordered Wells to fall back and gain the enclosures of Lewis. But at the first symptom of this retreat, the enemy redoubled their exertions, and pressed so obstinately on the Americans, that the line soon got into disorder. A panic now seized the men, who had just defended themselves so bravely, and mistaking the command to fall back, for a direction to retreat, they rushed to the river, which they crossed on the ice, and began to fly through the woods, in the direction of the Rapi(ts. Exhilarated by victory, the British gave pursuit, the chase being led by the savages, who tasted, in anticipation, the blood of the fugi- tives. In vain Winchester, riding among the men, endeavored to rally them ; in vain Colonels Lewis and Allen, hurrying from their enclosures, with a company of fifty men each, struggled to check the torrent of defeat. Nothing would avail. Allen fell bravely fighting in the desperate attempt; while Winchester, whh Lewis and other officers, were taken prisoners. And now the rout became a mas- sacre. On sped the panic-struck troops, on came the Indians, like tigers who had tasted blood. Some fell by merciful rifle-balls, some were reserved for the hatchet, some were scalped alive, and left to perish by degrees. Of the whole of that chivalrous band which had left the Raisin with Winchester two days before, all were slaugh- tered, except forty who were taken prisoners, and twenty-eight who were miraculously saved. To this melancholy catalogue must be added the two companies under Lewis and Allen, who had made the sortie we have spoken of in favor of their companions. We have already seen that Proctor had been repulsed from the enclosures in the earlier part of the day. In that abortive attack he had lost one-fourth of his men, and would probably have now been glad to retire, satisfied with his partial victory, if he had not heard that Winchester was among the prisoners. His fertile mind innnedi- ately suggested a stratagem by which he might yet, perhaps, capture the whole American force. Sending for Winchester, he enlarged on his large nvunber, on the ruthlessness of his savages, and on the impossibility of the remaining portion of Wmchester's command being JAMES WINCHESTER. S5 able to make good their defence. " I can set fire to every house in the village," he said, " and this my duty will compel me to do. Think of the innocent women and children wlio will be massacred by the Indians in consequence. You alone can avert this terrible calamity. Order your subordinate to surrender, and these miseries will be spared." Instead of replying indignantly to this brutal threat, Winchester suffered himself to be deceived by Proctor's sophistry, or by liis own humanity, and sent word to the garrison that it was his advice they should surrender. The message, however, was basely perverted, for when Proctor's aid-de-camp was introduced to Major Madison, on whom the command had now devolved by the capture of Colonel Lewis, the latter was informed that "he and his followers had been surrendered prisoners of war, by General Winchester, to the arms of his Brittannic Majesty." But Madison, refusing to acknowledge the rigb.t of a captured General to make a capitulation for his troops, declared his determination to perish where he stood, with his gallant Ketituckians, unless more favorable terms should be granted. " We prefer selling our lives as dear as possible," he said, " rather than be massacred in cold blood." At last a solemn stipulation was en- tered into by Proctor, that all private property should be respected ; that sleds should be sent, next morning, to remove the sick and wounded to Ahmetsburg, opposite Maiden ; that, meantime, a guard should be left to protect them from the savages ; atid that the side arms of the officers should be restored to them at Maiden. On these conditions. Major Madison surrendered, though reluc- tantly. He would still have rejected all proposals for a capitulation, and held out to the last extremity, but for a scarcity of ammunition. That night the prisoners, about six hundred in number, were marched to Ahmetsburg, where they arrived on the evening of the 23rd. Here they were penned up in a muddy and confined wood-yard, exposed to a pelting rain, without shdds, tents, or blankets, and with scarcely sufficient fire to keep them from freezing. The men, on first hearing of their surrender, had broken their muskets across the pickets in rage ; and now they spent the night in muttering execra tions on their captors for this inhuman treatment. But their fate was merciful compared to that of the sick and wounded who had been left behind. These, by the terms of the capitulation, were to have been conveyed to Ahmetsburg in sleds, on the morning of the 23rd. Piut instead of the sleighs came two hundred savages, painted in the most hideous manner, who, rushing upon the houses where the wounded lay, first plundered them of every valuable, and VIII 86 JAMES WINCHESTER. then surrounding the habitations, set them on fire. As the flames roared and crackled to tlie sky, the savages danced around with yells of fiendish delight. Some of the victims, staggering from their beds, endeavored to fly, but their merciless enemies drove them back with exulting whoops. When the fire smouldered into ashes, the bones of sixty-four brave men lay charred among the embers. Nothing can excuse Proctor's agency in this aff'air. He broke his plighted word in not detailing a suflicient guard to protect the wounded. Moreover, one of his own officers, a half-breed named Elliot, on being told that most of the American Surgeons had been killed, and that there were not sufficient to attend to the wounded, answered inhumanly, and with prophetic meaning, " the Indians will be found excellent Doctors." The rage and despair of the pri- soners at Ahmetsburg, all of whom had left friends, and some brothers behind, when they lieard of this massacre, exceeded all bounds. In this disastrous battle, and in the bloody scene that fol- lowed, so many of the best sons of Kentucky were sacrificed, that it was said the whole commonwealth was plunged into mourning. The sacrilegious neglect of the American dead was another part of the conduct of Proctor, as disgraceful, though not, perhaps, as crimi- nal as his perfidy to his prisoners. The corpses were formally de- nied the rights of sepulture, and left a prey to the hogs and dogs of the village. Some time afterwards friendly hands were found to lay them piously in the ground ; but when the American army passed that wa)'', in the ensuing summer, the relics were again seen ex- posed. They were buried once more, and thenceforth slept in peace. For his success in defeating Winchester, Proctor was made a Briga- dier-General ; but not a word of disapproval was uttered by his government in reference to the massacre. The history of Winchester, after this unfortunate defeat, ceases to be of interest. He survived several years, respected in private life for his mild and generous heart ; but suffering, in his public capacity, under the odium of this disgraceful and fatal repulse. Plis career is a warning to popular governments, that a man without real capacity for command, should never, whatever his influence or fortune, be entrusted with the lives of his fellow men. ZEBULON MONTGOMERY PIKE EBULON MONTGOM- ERY PIKE, a Brigadier- General in the United States army, was born at South Trenton, in New Jersey, on the 5th of January, 1779. He was an officer of industry, abiUty and pro- mise, thougli he perished at too early an age to fulfil all the high expectations that had been formed of him. He was ^^^sT a strict disciplinarian, and adroit in the management of men. His courage was bold and dashing. Fond of liis profession, ambitious of distinction, and with numy qualities to ensure success, it was the melancholy burden of his thoughts, as he lay on his untimely death-bed, that he perisiied too soon for glory ! 87 88 ZEBULON MONTGOMERY PIKE. Pike was destined for the army from his earliest years, his father being a Major in the regular service. He served, when quite a youth, as a cadet in his parent's corps, and on the 3rd of March, 1799, received his first commission, that of an Ensign, in the second regiment of infantry. In little more than a year he was promoted to the rank of First-Lieutenant, His assiduity soon attracted the notice of his superiors, and in 1805, he was appointed, by General Wilkinson, to command an expedition to explore the head waters of the Mississippi. The detachment, consisting of a Serjeant, a Corpo- ral, and seventeen privates, beside Pike himself, left St. Louis on the 9th of August, 1805, and was absent eight months and twenty- two days. During this period it visited numerous tribes of Indians on the upper Missouri, and was the first to carry the flag of the Uni- ted States into those remote regions. Pike found the savages gene- rally suspicious of this republic, though acknowledging the prowess of its citizens in war ; and it soon became evident to him that for these opinions they were indebted to the intrigues of the English traders in that direction. During the war of 1812, the sentiments, thus sown, bore bitter fruits, some of these very savages marching fifteen hundred miles to join in the contest against us. The admirable manner in which Pike executed his task in this expedition, induced Wilkinson to despatch him on an exploration to the head waters of the Arkansas and Red Rivers. The primary ob- ject of the enterprise, as appears from his instructions, was to restore certain Osage captives, recently rescued from the Potawatamies, to their homes on the Grand Osage ; the second was to eflect a perma- nent peace between the Kansas and Osage nations ; and the third was to establish a good understanding with the Yanctons, Tetans, or Camanches. If there were other, and more secret purposes of the expedition, they have never come to light. Pike started from St. Louis on the 15th of July, 1806. His party consisted of a Second- Lieutenant, a Sergeant, two Corporals, sixteen privates, and an in- terpreter. A professional gentlemen, Dr. Robinson, accompanied the party as a volunteer. The Indians carried out by the expedi- tion, were fifty-one Osages and Pawnees. Tiie enterprise proved disastrous. Near the head of the Arkansas River, Pike lost his way, and wandered about for a month without gaining a day's journey on his original encampment. The winter set in severely ; the snow lay thick on the ground ; provisions failed ; and many of the men became frost-bitten, and had to be left on the road. At last Pike reached what he supposed to be the Rt-d River, and began to erect a fortification there, his inteiuion being to leave ZEBULON MONTGOMERY PIKE. 89 four or five men in this place, when completed, and, with the remainder, to return for those of his party he had been compelled to abandon. In a few days, however, he was visited by a party of Spanish dragoons, the commander of which, first informing him that he was within the boundaries of New Mexico, and on the Rio del Norte instead of the Red River, ended by civilly requesting his com- pany at Santa Fe, which was but two days march distant. Under the circumstances there was no resource but to accede to a request, which, if refused, would evidently be enforced as a command. Ac- cordingly Pike accompanied the orticer to Santa Fe, first stipulating that a party should remain at the fort, in order to await the men for whom he had sent back. On reaching Santa Fe, the cause of his arrest was explained, in the notoriety which Buries exploded designs on Mexico had attained. The Spanish Governor had, at first, sup- posed Pike to be one of Burr's emissaries. On discovering his mis- take, however, he allowed Pike to return to the United States, though not until he had taken away his papers. Pike's homeward journey was pursued through what is now Texas. In the ensuing year, he published the results of his observations, in a work entitled, " Geo- graphical, Statistical, and General Observations on the Interior Provinces of New Spain ;" and shortly after, made a report to the government of his expedition up the Mississippi. The most flatter- ing testimonials, from both the Secretary of War and the President, were received by him for his conduct in these explorations. He appears indeed to have possessed every required qualification except being a man of science. After his return from Mexico, Pike was raised to the rank of Cap- tain ; in 1809, to that of Major ; and in ISIO, to that of Lieutenant- Colonel. When the War of 1812 broke out, he was advanced to the post of Colonel. In the ensuing year, when General Dearborn planned his attack on York, the command of the expedition was given to Pike, who had meantime been nominated for Brigadier. It was on the 27th of April, 1813, that the tragical assault was made. The defenders numbered about eight hundred, half regulars, and half militia and Indians, connuanded by General Sheatle. An ad verse wind prevented the landing of the Americans where they had intended, and accordingly it became necessary to pass some thick woods before reaching the works. These woods were occupied by a strong party of the enemy, who poured in a destructive fire as the troops approached the shore. The first who landed were the rifle- men under Major Forsythe. One of their number, an especial favorite, falling almost as soon as he sprang on the beach, the whole viii"^ 12 90 ZEBULON MONTGOMERY PIKE. corps became inflamed with a thirst for revenge, which lent the most terrible effect to their fire. Immediately taking covert behind the trees, they picked off the troops of the British one by one, Forsythe, It is said, passing up and down the line behind his men, and point- ing out those who presented the surest mark. The slaughter was terrible. Yet the enemy resolutely held his ground, until Pike, with the main body, had efiected a landing. Quickly forming his men, Pike dashed on in pursuit. After threading the wood we have spoken of, he came to an open ground, at the further end of which appeared the redoubts of the enemy. One of these soon yielded to the impetuous attack of the Americans. But the other holding out, it was resolved to halt the column until a battery could be established of some light artillery, beneath the cover of the conquered redoubt. The troops being fatigued, the leading regiments were allowed to seat themselves on the ground, Pike himself, surrounded by his staff, imitating their example. In this position they were awaiting the effect of the artillery, when sud- DEATII OF GEKEKAL I'lKE, denly an explosion occurred, shaking earth and sky. Instantly every man looked around in horror. The explosion was seen to proceed from a magazine of the enemy, a huge stone building, ZEBULON MONTGOMERY PIKE. 91 which had caught fire by some untoward accident. The Americans were all within a compass of a few hundred yards, right in the track of this terrible volcano. An instant or two elapsed between the stunning report and the fall of the destructive missiles. The sight is described as having been awful. At first a jet of flame was seen shooting to the sky, followed by thick puff's of white smoke, from the midst of which huge fragments of the wall went spinning aloft, and then fell, thick and fast, over the field around. The gigantic masses, as they poised a moment before descending, seemed like some black cloud obscuring the heavens : then, with a rushing sound, they came to the earth, bruising, maiming and destroying wherever they touched. In some places the fragments fell with such force as to bury themselves several feet in the ground. Over three hundred individuals, by that fearful descent, were hurried into eternity, or else wounded or maimed for life. Pike was one of the suff'erers. Seeing the huge masses in the air, and knowing that escape was impossible, he did not attempt to rise, but stooped his body forward instinctively. A piece of the wall struck him on the back as he bent in this position, and gave him a mortal injury. Just as he was lifted from the ground, he heard a shout, and inquiring what it was for, was told the enemy's flag was coming down. He smiled proudly on hearing this. He lived but a few hours, just long enough to be taken on board the fleet. Here he desired the captured banner might be placed under his head. He died thinking of his wife and children, and regretting that his career was cut so short. His wife was a woman who shared all his ambitious longings, and would have incited him to glory, if he had been less athirst for it himself. She heard of her loss with the fortitude of a Roman matron, and lived thereafter to cherish his memory, as a sacred deposit. The death of Pike, and the explosion of the magazine, threw the Americans into momentary confusion, which General Sheafte availed himself of to abandon his fortifications, leaving the authorities of York to make the best terms of surrender they could. Otlers of capitulation were immediately made, but while they were being entertained, the enemy set fire to a public vessel on the stocks, and to a magazine of military and naval stores. The loss of the British in this aff'air was five hundred, in killed, wounded and prisoners; that of the Americans, in killed and wounded, three hundred and twenty, and most of these were in consequence of this explosion. Pike was but thirty-four at the period of his death. His loss was 92 ZEBULON MONTGOMERY PIKE. deeply regretted by the nation, which had formed a high estimate of his abihty. In the army, but especially in his own regiment, the grief for his premature fate was long and heart-felt. HENRY DEARBORN. damped to lead, ENRY DEARBORN, a Major-General in the army of the United States, was another example of a revolutionary of- ficer who failed to maintain his old re- putation. But as there are grades in unfitness as in other things. Dearborn has the merit of being less incapable than either Wilkinson or Hull. His fault was that of all the earlier Gene- rals of the war of 1812. Age liad his ardor, and weakened his energy : instead of being the first he wascontent to delegate this task to others. Forty years had 93 94 HENRY DEARBORN. completely changed his character. In 1776 he had been distinguished for promptitude and fire ; in 1812 he was remarkable only for inac- tivity. Dearborn was a native of New Hampshire, where he was born in the year 1751. He received as good an education as the colonies could then afford, and at the age of manhood, settled as a practi- tioner of medicine at Portsmouth, in his native state. Among one of the most ardent supporters of the colonial rights, he did not hesi- tate, when the trial of arms came, to devote his sword and life to his country ; and on hearing of the battle of Lexington, marched, with sixty volunteers, to Cambridge, a distance of sixty miles, within twenty-four hours. He was present at the battle of Bunker Hill, where he held a Captain's commission, in Stark's regiment. He sub- sequently accompanied Arnold to Canada, where he was captured, and at first closely confined ; but was afterwards liberated on parole, and, in March, 1777, exchanged. He was now attached to the army of Gates, with the rank of Major, and shared, with his compa- nions, the glories of Saratoga. In the campaign of 1778, he distin- guished himself at the battle of Monmouth, in a manner to win the personal commendation of Washington. In 1779, he formed one of the expedition, under Sullivan, against the Six Nations. His milita- ry career in the War of Independence, closed at the siege of York- town, After the conclnsion of peace, Dearborn returned to private life. On the elevation of Washington to the Presidency, he was appointed marshal of the District of Maine. Subsequently he was twice elected to Congress from Maine. In ISOl, on the formation of the Jefferson administration, he was appointed Secretary of War, an office he held until 1809. He was rewarded, on his retirement, with the collector- ship of the port of Boston, at that time the most lucrative post, of its character, in the country. When the war with Great Britain was declared, he was made a Major-General, partly on account of his in- fluence, and partly for his reputation earned during the revolutionary struggle. His first operation in the autumn of 1812, signally failed. But, as the army was as yet only partially prepared for action, bet- ter auspices were drawn for the future. The plan of campaign for 1813, on the northern frontier, was sketched by General Armstrong, the Secretary of War. He pro- ])Osed the reduction of Kingston and York, on Lake Ontario, and of Fort George, on the Niagara, in the order named. It was the opin- ion of Armstrong that the most important of the posts, Kingston, ought first to be attacked, since its fall would paralyze the operations HENRY DEARBORN. 95 of the British throughout Canada ; and in arriving at this decision it must be confessed, the Secretary of war evinced more than his usual judgment. The force of Dearborn was thirteen thousand men, and that of the enemy but three thousand, so that if numbers could se- cure victory, the Americans had nothing to fear. Besides, Chauncey was on the lake, with a fleet, ready to co-operate with Dearborn. On a consideration, however, of the Secretary's plan. Dearborn and Chauncey decided to assail the weakest point of the enemy first, thus displaying another instance of that exaggerated dread of the English armies, and a mistrust in our own, which led to most of the disasters during the first two years of the war. Accordingly the ex- pedition against York was undertaken. This post fell into the hands of the Americans after a feeble at- tempt at resistance. It was here that the brave Pike lost his life by the explosion of a magazine ; and in consequence of this calamity a portion of the enemy escaped, for Dearborn not being present on the field, and Colonel Peirce, who succeeded Pike, having received no orders, a pursuit was not undertaken. The next movement was against Fort George, which was abandoned by its garrison on the approach of Dearborn. But here also the inactivity, or want of foresight of the American General, permitted the escape of the ene- my. If, instead of concentrating his whole force on the water-side of the British defences, he had sent a sufficient detachment across the Niagara, below Queenstown, he could have cut off all escape. Even when, on the flight of the garrison. Colonel Winfield Scott, on his own responsibility, gave pursuit, Dearborn recalled him, and thus allowed the; enemy to secure a safe retreat. Afterwardsj by taking the wrong road, he lost two days in following the foe to Burlington heights; and finally closed tliis series of blunders by detaching an insufficient force, which was attacked at Stony Brook, in the night of the 5th of .Tune, and completely defeated. 'J'hese failures the pro- phetic eye of Pike had foreseen before his death. " Our country is again doomed to defeat," he is reported to have said, " if the opera- tions now meditated by the General are attempted to be accom- plished." Dearborn's want of success, during the twelve months he had been in command, had now led to a very general demand on the part of the public, that he should be recalled. Not only had he signally failed in his attempt on Canada in the autumn of 1812, but after- wards, when full time had been allowed to discipline his troops, and when the government had given him the most unlimited discretion- ary powers, his campaign had presented only a series of disasters. 96 HENRY DEARBORN. With an army never less than thirty-five hundred men, he had been foiled by an enemy rarely numbering a thousand. After the defeat of Chandler and Winder at Stony Brook, Dearborn had withdrawn his forces to Fort George ; and the enemy, though, much inferior in numbers, emboldened by these signs of fear, had advanced in the directionof that post, in order, as the British General wrote in his despatches, " to circumscribe the range of the American troops, and compel them to live on their own resources." Aroused by these encroachments, Dearborn determined to send out a detach- ment to attack the enemy. A last opportunity to redeem him- self was here presented; but he wanted either the sagacity or energy to avail himself of it. If he had despatched Scott and Miller, both known to be active and able officers, with fifteen hundred men each, he might have crushed the British ; but instead of this he chose Colonel Boerstler, an officer proved by no particular service, with but five hundred and forty men, to operate, beyond sustaining dis- tance, against a rapid, practised and vehement foe. The conse- quences were such as might have been foreseen. Boerstler was surrounded and compelled to surrender. When intelligence of this last disaster reached the city of Washing- ton, Congress was in session, and an informal committee was immedi- ately appointed, to wait on the President and solicit the recall of Dear- born. Madison complied, and the order was despatched that day. In consequence of this removal, the operations of the northern army were suspended, for General Boyd, the second in command, was ordered to do nothing until the arrival of Wilkinson, Dearborn's successor. In justice to the retiring General it must be stated that he had been ill for more than a month before his removal; that his army was becoming rapidly thinned by sickness ; and that he had been left almost entirely without regimental officers. Moreover, about this period, the command of the lake was temporarily lost. But Dear- born, nevertheless, appears to have been wanting in the requisites of a successful General ; for he displayed a torpor and indecision, which, whether resulting from age or natural incapacity, produced the most unfortunate results. After his recall. Dearborn was ordered to assume command of the military district of New York city. His subsequent life presents few incidents worthy of record here. In 1822, during the administration of Monroe, he was appointed Minister Plenipotentiary to Portugal ; but he did not long hold this honorable post, being recalled, two years later, at his own request. He survived only a short period, dying in 1829, at the age of seventy-eight. JAMES WILKINSON. AMES WILKINSON, a Major-General in the army of the United States, had distinguished himself in the revohitionary war, but failed in the present contest to maintain his former reputation. He was, in fact, disqualified for a supreme command, though capable of discharging with credit the duties of a subordinate. The disgraceful termination of the attempt on Canada, in the autumn of 1813, is to be ittributed chietiy to him. At the head of the most imposing force which had yet been concentrated on the northern fronti«;r, he had IX 13 97 98 JAMES WILKINSON. advanced to a convenient distance of Montreal, when suddenly he abandoned his design, and retired to French Mills, to the chagrin of all his abler officers. His excuse for this conduct, was the want of concert on the part of General Hampton. But this is an insufficient justification. The battle of Williamsburg, in which the enemy had met a check, left the road to Montreal comparatively open, and it needed only a bold and vigorous push to carry that important place. But there was nothing heroic about Wilkinson. He was a gentleman of polished address, and a methodical officer, but not a great General. He was fitted to follow rather than lead. His pompous manner, his atlectation of military knowledge, and his jealous spirit, all marked the second-rate man, attempting to conceal his deficiencies by noise and bluster. Wilkinson was born in Maryland, in the year 1757. He was educated for a physician, and began his medical career in 1775, but the War of Independence breaking out in that year, he yielded to a partiality he had always experienced for the miUtary life, and repaired to the camp at Cambridge. In March, 1776, he was rewarded with a Captain's commission. He served in Canada under Arnold, and subsequently in New Jersey, under Washington. At first, his advance was rapid. In January, 1777, he was elevated to the rank of Lieutenant-Colonel. When General Gates was appointed to the northern army, he offered Wilkinson the post of Aid-de-camp, a flattering tender, which the young soldier accepted, resigning for that purpose his commission in the line. Appointed Adjutant-General by his patron, he served with industry and ability, until the surren- der of Burgoyne, when he was despatched by Gates to inform Con- gress of the capitulation. Wilkinson stopped so long at Reading, on his way to Philadelphia, that the felicitous news reached the capi- tol before him ; but notwithstanding his laggard pace, Congress was so delighted with the intelligence, that he was rewarded with the rank of Brigadier. A keen rebuke, however, was administered by Roger Sherman, who, in seconding the motion, proposed to amend it, by voting the messenger a whip and a pair of spurs. When Gates became President of the Board of War, Wilkinson was appointed his Secretary. Having been implicated in the cabal against Wash- ington by the conduct of Gates, a rupture occurred between the patron and pupil, and Wilkinson, in consequence, resigned his post as Secretary, as also his brevet of Brigadier. He was, however, subsequently apjjointed Clothier-General of the army. At the close of the war, Wilkinson settled in Kentucky, where he embarked in trade; but soon becoming disgusted with commerce, he » JAMES WILKINSON. 90 returned to the army, and was employed on the frontier. When the purchase of Louisiana was eftected, under Jefferson's administration, Wilkinson was joint commissioner with Governor Clairborne, to receive that territory from the French authorities. He was now in command of the soutliern department. A few years later, Burr conceived the design of invading JNIexico, and Wilkinson, still at the liead of the southern department, appears to have lent, at first, a favorable ear to the dazzling scheme. Subsequently, however, induced either by patriotism or interest, he refused to give his coun- tenance to the enterprise, and became, indeed, one of the most active and even virulent witnesses against the prisoner. In this conduct, there is such an absence of magnanimity, as leaves no very favora- ble impression on the mind of the historian. Nothing, in fact, can vindicate Wilkinson from the imputation of having sought his own personal advancement by the ruin of his former friend. He was well acquainted with the real intentions of Burr, and had been a party to them ; but when the popular cry was raised, he became one of the first, not only to desert his late associate, but to seek his destruc- tion. The most partial eulogists of Wilkinson's behaviour in this atiair, are forced to admit, that either he shared in Burr's ambitious plans, or else played the spy on him from the beginning. Wilkinson contiimed in command of the southern department until 1811. In 1813, he was ordered to the northern frontier, to assume the chief command of the army there, made vacant by the recall of General Dearborn. The failure of the preceding campaign had led to the resignation of the Hon. Wm. Eustis, Secretary of War, and the advancement of General Armstrong to that place. The new officer had no sooner assumed his post, than he planned a bold and comprehensive campaign against Canada, the reduction of Kingston, the enemy's chief depot, being laid down as the first step to be taken, and preliminary to the conquest of Montreal and Quebec. The campaign was to have been opened on Lake Ontario, by the first of April, or as soon as that lake was free from ice ; and on the St. Lawrence by the 15th of May, or earlier if the navigation would permit. Had this plan been vigorously carried out, there is little doubt but that the whole of Canada would have fallen. But there seems to have been a lamentable imbecility, not only in those entrusted with its execution, but in the Secretary of War himself, who, later in the season, repaired to the scene of action in person. In the early part of the spring. General Dearborn was in command of the northern department, but instead of opening the campaign by an attack on Kingston, he moved against York, where victory 100 JAMES WILKINSOX. aftorded no reward commensurate with tlie trouble. Had he assailed Kingston at once, it is now apparent that he would have succeeded, and in so doing, struck a deadly blow to the British in Canada. His mistake at the beginning of the campaign, led to the inactivity of his army during the whole summer, for in July he was recalled, and by direction of the Secretary of War, every thing was left to await the arrival of Wilkinson, his successor. Meantime, however, Arm- strong renewed the original plan of the campaign, which, on Wilkin- son's arrival, was communicated to that General. The seizure of Kingston, and the destruction of the British fleet there, the Secretary said would give Wilkinson command of Lake Ontario, and strike at the vital parts of the enemy. In conjunction with this enterprise, the Secretary proposed a movement from Lake Champlain on the St, Lawrence, and the troops destined for this service, about four thousand men, were entrusted to General Hampton. Wilkinson arrived at Albany in the early part of August, 1813, i-tfe; ■.iais.i.msl^ u- #l#^.:;',. •iMi^';;, the battle of the Thames. He is even ■*' more honorably remembered for his In- dian wars, however : and as the hero of Tippecanoe has gained a fast hold on the Perhaps, critically speaking, he was inferior, in military liy 120 WILLIAM IIENRV HARRISON. genius, to both Jackson and Brown. He wanted the terrible energy, the ahnost reckless boldness which characterized these two leaders. He belonged to a different school altogether. His was the policy of Fabius, rather than of Marcellus ; and this not from necessity, but from choice. The bent of his mind was to be prudent, economic of means, willing to listen to advice. William Henry Harrison was the son of Benjamin Harrison, one of the signers of the Declaration of Independence. He was born at Berkley, the residence of his father, in the county of Charles City, Virginia, on the 9th of February, 1773. He received his education at Hampden Sydney College, in his native state. At the ag(; of se- venteen he graduated, and turned his attention to the study of medi- cine. His father dying, however, in the succeeding year, he aban- doned all thoughts of this profession, and solicited an Ensigncy in the United States army. In 1791, accordingly, he received a com- mission, and was immediately ordered to his regiment, then station- ed at Fort Washington, where the city of Cincinnati has since be n built. The war which raged with the western Indians gave the young soldier numerous opportunities to distinguish himself; and he was, on more than one occasion, mentioned in flattering terms by his superior officer. Promotion rapidly followed. In 1792 he was raised to the rank of Lieutenant. In 1794, on the victory of Wayne, he became a Captain. Soon after, peace having been concluded with the Indians, he was honored with the command of Fort Wash- ington. During the whole of this period he had resided, without intermission, in the west, and had now become so thoroughly identi- fied with its interests, that it needed but little temptation to induce him to make that his permanent home. Accordingly in 1797 he resigned his commission in the army, in order to be appointed Secretary of the north-western territory. The vast district, then known under this name, comprised what are now the states of Ohio, Indiana, Michigan and Illinois. In 1799, when the territory sent its first delegate to Congress, Harrison was chosen the representative. His career as a legislator was distinguished by practical sense and an untiring endeavor to benefit his constituents. Among other measures, he procured an alteration in the law provi- ding for the sale of public lands. Up to that period, the smallest portion of land which the government would dispose of to one indi- vidual was four thousand acres. This practice, though convenient for the government, was injurious to the west, and unjust to the peo- ple. It was, in fact, holding out inducements to the wealthy specu- lators, and virtually excluding the poorer classes, who composed WILLIAM HENUY HARRISON. 121 the real settlers, from being purchasers. Harrison procured the pas- sage of an act which provided that the public lands should be sold in alternate sections and half sections, the former comprising six hundred and forty acres, and the latter three hundred and twenty ncres each. This change proved highly beneficial. The settlers f)f comparatively humble means were no longer at the mercy of the land speculators, and as a consequence, emigration to the west tri- pled itself within a few years. When Indiana, in 1801, was erected into a distinct territorial go- vernment, Harrison was appointed its Governor, with extraordinary powers. His administration was so popular with the people, that, at their solicitation, he was re-appointed to this office, by both Jef- ferson and Madison, down to the year 1813. His knowledge of In- dian affairs rendered him, during all this period, prominent in every transaction with the savages. In 1803, Jefferson had appointed him a '" commissioner to enter into any treaties which migiit be necessary with any Indian tribes north-west of the Ohio, and within the terri- tory of the United States, on the subject of their boundaries or lands." In his capacity of commissioner, under this appointment, he executed no less than thirteen treaties with different tribes. By his sagacity and wisdom the western border was preserved, for many years, in a state of comparative security. As the impression of Wayne's vic- tory began to wear away, however, the Indians, always restless, thirsted to take up the hatchet. The instigation of England, whose emissaries increased with the probabilities of a war between her and the United States, assisted to fan the flame of discord. But peace might, perhaps, still have been preserved but for the exertions of Te- cumseh, an Indian chief, who had conceived the design of uniting all his race in one great league against the whites, and thus endea- voring to recover the lands and hunting grounds of his ancestors. Had Tecumseh been a Roman, and successful in his design, his name would have been immortalized by this gigantic plan. He knew by the traditions of his people, that scarcely three centuries had passed since the white man first landed in America ; and patriarchs were still living among his tribe, who could recollect when the Alle- ghanies formed the boundary to civilization. He himself had seen how, year by year, the great tide of population rolled westward, obliterating forest, village and wigwam, like the sea gaining steadily upon the shore. Where once the smoke of the council-fire curled up amid the boundless wilderness ; where once the hunter roamed fearless, knowing that, far as he went, the land was all his own ; where once the Indian girl sang her love-song, the Indian wife Y 122 WILLIAM HENRY HARRTSOX. plaited her mat, or the Indian children gambolled before the cabin- door, now rose the tall chimney of the furnace, now surged along the dense population of cities, now was heard the clatter of the mill-wheel, the roar of manufactories, and all the other noisy accompaniments of civilized life. Each year the Indian saw his territory decrease, and his white neighbor crowd him further towards the setting sun. Is it to be. wondered at that Tecumseh regarded the Americans as his natural enemies, that he vowed against them eternal hostility, and that he sought to unite all the red tribes in one immense league against these natural foes of his race ? Yet even he must, at times, when revolving his stupendous plans, have felt how impotent would be resistance against what seemed to be the inevitable decree of Pro- vidence. Tecumseh was assisted in his enterprise by his brother, who was known by the name of" the Prophet." Together these two labored to excite the savages against the United States. Their designs at last began to attract the attention of government. Murders and other outrages became of frequent occurrence. Some great movement against the whites was obviously in preparation. Determined to take the initiative, the United States assembled a force of regulars and militia in 1811, and placing it under the command of Harrison, directed him to march against the Prophet's town of Tippecanoe, and demand the restoration of such property as had been carried oft' by the Indians. If his request was refused, he was to proceed and enforce the claim. Accordingly, Harrison, losing no time in delay, arrived before the town on tlie 6th of November. Here he was met by mes- sengers from the Prophet, deprecating hostilities and promising that all differences should be adjusted on the morrow. Relying in part on this stipulation, yet alive to the treachery of the Indian character, Hnrrison was perplexed what to do, since to seem to doubt the foe might produce the very danger he wished to avoid, while to trust implicitly to him might insure destruction. He resolved, finally, to encamp for the night on an elevated piece of dry oak land, situated between two prairies, a position affording the best means of defence in the vicinity. His mistrust of the enemy was so great, however, that he encamp- ed his men in order of battle, and directed them to rest on their arms ; hence, if attacked in the night, they would be ready instantaneously for the contest. The line was formed also with great skill. The front and rear were composed of infantry, separated on the right about ninety yards, and on the left about twice that distance. The front line contained a battalion of the fourth regiment of regulars, com- WILLIAM HENRV HARRISON. 123 manded by Major Floyd ; the rear line was formed of another bat- talion of the fourth, under Captain Baer. On the rear of the left tiank was posted a company of sixty dragoons ; and in the rear of the front line another more numerous. The left flank was defended by about one hundred and fifty mounted riflemen, under General Wells, of Kentucky ; and the right flank by Spencer's company of mounted riflemen, in numbers about eighty. Two companies of militia flanked the right of Major Floyd, and on his left Captain Baer's line was flanked by four companies of militia under Lieuten- ant-Colonel Decker. Thus judiciously posted, the little army lay down to slumber. Before daybreak, however, on the morning of the 7th of Novem- ber, the soldiers were startled by the sound of the war-whoop close to the lines. Instantly every man sprang to his arms. Louder aiid nearer rose the yells of the Indians, followed by the rapid dropping of shots ; and speedily the pickets, driven before overwhelming numbers, came pouring into the camp. Never were the high quali- ties of the American soldier more gloriously displayed than in this emergency. Though surprised, and scarcely yet awake, each man knew at once what to do. The first weight of the assault fell on Cap- tain Barton's regulars and the mounted riflemen of Captain Geiger, and with such impetuosity did it burst, that a few savages actually cut through the ranks and penetrated into the camp. But this spec- tacle, instead of creating a panic, only roused the soldiers to the most desperate exertions. Reinforcements were hurried to the front. The Indians in the camp paid for their temerity with their lives. But suddenly, while the attention of the General was thus occupied, a tre- mendous fire was opened in another quarter, to the left of the front, on the companies of Baer, Prescott and Snelling. At the same time the savages appeared in great force among some trees a few yards in advance of the front. The flashes of their guns followed each other in rapid succession, and soldier after soldier fell beneath their uner- ring aim. Yet not a man flinched. The regulars died where they stood ; the mounted men were decimated unmoved ; and the volunteers, regardless of their fast thinning ranks, still bravely faced the foe. In this emergency. Major Davies, who had been posted in the rear of the front line, was ordered to charge the enemy with his cavalry. Calling to his men to follow, he dashed gallantly forward, but almost immediately received a mortal wound ; while his troops, unable to withstand the close and well directed fire of the savages, fell back in disorder. The yells of the Indians now redoubled, and in this part of the field rose triumphant over the rattling of the mus- 124 WILLIAM HENRY HARRISON. ketry. Captain Snelling was next ordered to charge with the bayo- net. The command was received with a cheer, the long hne of gUstening steel was levelled, and the little phalanx of regulars was launched like a thunderbolt on the foe. The Indians gave way in atlright. But this success crowned only one portion of the field. On all the others the savages still maintained their positions, and conti- nued to pour in heavy and destructive discharges. The light was 'still too faint to detect the situations held by the Indians, except when the flashes of the guns lit up their dark forms in the back-ground, or a sudden burst of yells betrayed them in some near locality. The whole camp, however, was occasionally girdled with fire. Spencer's mounted riflemen and the right of Warrick's company appeared to be especial marks for the foe. The slaughter among these brave men was awful. Captain Spencer was killed, as was also his first and second Lieutenant ; Captain Warrick fell, mortally woimded ; and the men dropped from their ranks continually. The Americans could do nothing until morning broke, except maintain their posts, and keep up an intermitting round of vollies. This they did effectually. One rolling discharge after another shook the solid ground and hurled its missiles of death against the foe, until the smoke of the pieces grew so thick, that it increased the darkness and thus prolonged the danger. At last the dawn broke, and soon, in the increasing light, the po- sition of the foe became distinctly defined. The exact locality of the savages on the left was now reconnoitred for the purpose of a charge ; and Major Wells, in the most brilliant manner, leading his men down the slope, broke the line of the enemy. The Indians were no sooner perceived to be retreating, than a detachment of cavalry was hurled among them. Their consternation on this became gene- ral. Driven furiously by the horsemen, who cut them down almost unresistingly, and as fast as the sabre could be plied, they rushed wildly forwards, crowding and treading on each other in their ter- ror, until they finally plunged themselves into a marsh where the cavalry could not follow. The victory in this quarter was complete. Simultaneously the companies of Captain Cook and Lieutenant La- rabie were ordered to advance against the savages on the right, sus- tained by the mounted riflemen. The movement was executed with great gallantry. The Indians broke and fled. Our troops pursued, throwing in the bayonet, wherever it was possible, the cheers that rose from every part of the field, stimiflating them with assurances of a complete victory. Tlie enemy was now flying, indeed, in all directions. Harrison had gained a decisive triumph. WILLIAM HENRY HARRISON". 125 111 the battle of Tippecanoe the inherent courage, combined with the inteUigence of the American soldier, was strikingly exem- plified. Rarely has any body of troops been attacked under circum- stances more discouraging to the assailed. The numbers and posi- tion of the foe were unknown ; the darkness prevented aggressive measures ; and nothing remained but to stand firm until dawn, a mark for the concentric fire of the enemy. The scattered nature of the Indian forces magnified their strength, lessened the mortality of our fire, and assisted to dishearten the soldiers. During the greater portion of the battle there was no opportunity for the exercise of generalship, or of any quality in either oUicers or men, except pas- sive courage. Yet nobly did the American soldier vindicate his blood. When morning dawned at last, and the positions of the savages could be made out, how readily, and with what splendid courage he came to the assault ! The loss of the Indians was exces- sive, considering the caution with which they hazard life ; it was one hundred and fifty. That of the Americans, in killed and wounded, was one hundred and eighty-eight. The victory was immediately followed up by vigorous measures against the off'ending tribe. On the 9th, two days after the battle, Harrison burned the Prophet's town. He next proceeded to lay waste the contiguous districts. The Indians, struck dumb with astonishment at their unexpected defeat, and finding themselves pow- erless to resist their foe, now sued for submission. Perhaps if Tecum- seh had been present, the contest would have been more protracted ; but that indomitable chieftain was in the south, engaged in stirring up the Creeks to war. Having completed all the purposes of the campaign, Harrison now set out on his return. Everywhere, as he traversed the inhabited country, he was received with enthusiasm. The people hailed him as the preserver of beauty from the toma- hawk of the savage ; as the defender of civilization against barbarian inroads ; as the hero whose sword carried victory upon its point. No man, in the whole west, was more popular. Accordingly when, in the succeeding year, the capture of Hull aroused the nation to the necessity of a more active prosecution of the war, the public voice at once fixed on Harrison as the only man capable of leading the army to success and glory in the north-west. When the news of the fall of Detroit reached Kentucky, Harrison was on a visit to that state, and was almost inmiediately invested, by the Governor, with the rank of Major-General. This was done although Harrison was not a citizen of Kentucky, in order that he might rank Winchester, a Brigadier. Some diliiculty, in consequence XI* 126 WILLIAM HENRY HARRISON. of this irregularity, ensued between the two Generals in reference to which should hold supreme command ; but it was terminated by the President, who assigned it to Harrison, and made Winchester second in authority. Before this, however, and immediately on receiving his appointment from the Governor of Kentucky, Harrison had marched to relieve the frontier posts, at the head of a body of militia, hastily collected. He left Cincinnati on the 29th of August, 1812, and on the 3rd of September arrived at Piqua. His force now amounted to about twenty-five hundred men. Believing that an autumnal campaign held out prospects of success, he lost no more time at this place than was absolutely necessary to complete his arrangements and receive his military stores. On the 6th he marched for Fort Wayne, situated at the head of the Miami of the Lake, a river formed by the confluence of the St. Mary and St. Joseph. This post had been invested, for some time, by Indians, but, at the approach of the Americans, they fled in haste. On the 12th, Harrison arrived at Fort Wayne, and was fol- lowed, on the 19th, by Winchester, with reinforcements. The difli- culty with respect to the rank of the two Generals not having been yet adjusted, Harrison yielded the command to Winchester, and started for his own government, at the head of a body of mounted men, intending to operate against the Indian settlements in that quar- ter. He had proceeded, however, but a short distance, when an express from Washington overtook him, with a notification that the disputed point had been decided in his favor. He accordingly returned to Fort Wayne, but found that Winchester had set out for Fort Defiance, the preceding day. This latter General arrived at Fort Defiance on the 30th, after a toilsome march. Here, on the 3rd of October, Harrison overtook him ; but left on the 4th, to bring up the centre and right wing. He first, however, despatched Gene- ral Tupper, with a thousand men, on an expedition against the Rapids, Owing to the defection of the Ohio militia, as well as to a disagreement between Tupper and Winchester, the enterprise was never carried into eftect. The autumn was consumed in a series of petty attempts upon the foe ; but no great movement was under- taken ; for the dearth of supplies frustrated any attempts of mag- nitude. Michigan did not afford even forage for the horses. "To get supplies forward," wrote Harrison to the department at Wash- ington, " through a swampy wilderness of near two hundred miles, in wagons or on pack horses, which are also to carry their own pro- visions, is absolutely impossible." In consequence of this difficulty an autunmal campaign was abandoned. WILLIAM HENRV HARKISON. 127 Kut Harrison was still sanguine that, in the winter, he should be able to strike a successful blow at Maiden. His plan of operations did not vary much from that projected for the autumn : it was to occupy the Rapids of the Miami, and having collected a suflicicnt quantity of provisions there, to advance towards Detroit, make a feint against that place, and then suddenly passing the strait upon the ice, invest Maiden. His whole eftective force was about six thousand three hundred men, divided into three detachments, one at Fort Defiance, another at Fort INI'Arthur, and a third at Upper Sandusky. The diiferent divisions were to concentrate at the Rapids. Winchestir, who commanded at Fort Defiance, was the first to arrive at the ren- dezvous. Here he began to form a fortified camp. Having been induced to send forward a portion of his force to Frenchtown, in order to protect the inhabitants of that place from the savages, a victory was the consequence, which so elated the troops left behind, that they insisted on marching to share the glory of their comrades. Accordingly, Winchester, at the head of the remainder of his detach- ment, advanced also to the river Raisin, where the united forces sus- tained that terrible defeat, followed by a massacre, which we have narrated in its proper place. Harrison had arrived at Lower Sandusky on his way to the place of rendezvous, when he heard of the party sent forward to French- town by Winchester. The intelligence paralyzed the older officers of the army. Alarmed for the consequences, Harrison hastened his march, and reaching the Rapids, discovered that Winchester, deceived by the delusive victory, had pushed on in person to the Raisin. Tlie force under Harrison's immediate command did not amount to quite seven hundred men, yet he decided at once to follow his subordi- nate, hoping to overtake him before it would be too late. He had left the Rapids but three miles behind him, however, when he heard of the disastrous defeat of Winchester. A hurried consultation now took place, when a retreat towards Sandusky was decided on. This decision was hasty. To have advanced against fifteen hundred victo- rious troops, with a force less than twice that number would, indeed, liave been madness; but it did not follow that a post, already par- tially fortified, should be dismantled, its provisions destroyed, and the garrison withdrawn. Such, however, was the decision of the council. The unnecessary haste of this measure was atoned for par- tially in the ensuing month, when Harrison advanced again to the Rapids, and began to fortify the post anew, under the name of Fort Meigs. Meantime, however, he had retired to Carrying River, about midway between this place and Sandusky. With this retreat, Har- 128 WILLIAM HENRY HARRISON. rison's winter campaign terminated. It had been even less success- ful than the autumnal one. The ensuing spring opened with more eclat. Proctor, at the head of a combined force of regulars and savages, twenty-two hundred strong, advanced against Fort Meigs about the middle of April, hoping to capture it before the arrival of Harrison's reinforcements and supplies ; for in consequence of the term of service of a large por- tion of the troops having expired, the American army was com- paratively weak, and anxiously awaited the appearance of General Clay, from Cincinnati, with the new levies, amounting to twelve hundred men. Incessant rains prevented Proctor from opening his batteries before the first of May. The garrison, however, though little over a thousand, was not intimidated. The fort was strong and well supplied with cannon ; and the men relied even enthusias- tically upon their leader. Moreover, the time had been judiciously employed in throwing up a grand traverse, twelve feet high and three hundred yards long, which effectually covered the besieged. On the 5th of May, a small party sent forward by General Clay, arrived. Harrison now conceived the plan of making a sortie against the enemy, to be sustained by General Clay's detachment. The attack of General Clay was, at first, made with spirit, but finally failed, principally because of the imprudence and insubordhiation of the troops. The sortie from the fort, under Colonel Miller, was more successful, though, in consequence of General Clay's repulse, it was rendered abortive in the end. It is disgraceful to record that the cruelties visited on their prisoners by the savages, and this too in presence of the British officers, was such as to make humanity revolt at recording them. Proctor, notwithstanding his partial suc- cess in this engagement, soon found that he neither could make any impression on the works of the batteries, nor hope to carry the place by storm ; accordingly, on the 9th of May, four days after the battle, he raised the siege and began a precipitate retreat, carrying off with him his artillery. The Americans did not, however, molest him. The garrison lost about two hundred and sixty in killed and wounded during the siege, principally in the affair of the 5th. The repulse of Proctor from Fort Meigs obliterated, in a measure, the misfortunes .of the preceding winter and autumn, and the name of Harrison was once more regarded, especially in the west, as a sure presage of tri- nm{)h. And, in justice to Harrison, it must be said that the failure of the autumnal and winter campaigns cannot wholly be attributed to him. Though not a bold man, lie was sufficiently brave, and would have WILLIAM HENKV HARRISON. 129 succeeded if prudence had not forbidden him to risk too much. He has been charged with excess of caution ; but it was better to err on this side than on that of rashness. His troops, moreover, were undis- ciphned, and scarcely fit to cope with British regulars. But the great defect of both campaigns was the attempt to reduce Canada without iu-st obtaining the command of Lake Erie. As we have seen, the supplies of tlie army had to be carried a distance of two hundred miles, principally on pack-horses, and consequently at an enormous expense. Tiie drivers of these pack-horses were generally of the most worthless description, who, by their carelessness, broke down their animals and destroyed the goods. Wagons were so difficult to obtain, that when used, the teams were valued at an excessive price, which operated as a bounty to induce the owners to drive them to debility or death, in order to get the price. No bills of lading were used, nor accounts kept with the wagoners, and of course the ])lun- der of the public goods went on without restraint. The immense sums thus squandered in supplying the army almost surpasses belief. " From my knowledge of the cost of transportation," wrote Harri- son to the Secretary of War, in December, 1S12, " I do believe that the expense that will be incurred in the course of six weeks in the spring, in moving the provisions of the army along the roads leading from the Rapids to Detroit, would build and equip all the vessels necessary to give us the command of the lake." Hence, Harrison urged on the government the construction of a fleet on Lake Erie. His advice was finally adopted, and suitable vessels built in the sum- mer of 1813. The victory of Perry over the English scjuadron, on the lOtli of September in that year, followed, and laid open, at once, the whole of that portion of Canada to invasion. Harrison lost no time in availing himself of the fruits of this naval triumph. He immediately embarked his army, and on the 27th of September, landed on the enemy's shores. JMeantime consternation had seized Proctor. Abandoning JMalden, notwithstanding the rc[)roaches of Tecumseh, the British General began an ignominious tlight. Harrison, now reinforced by Colonel R. M. Johnson, at the head of one thousand mounted Kentucky men, pressed forward in pursuit; and, on the 5th of October, overtook the fugitives on the banks of the Thames, and gained a decisive triumph. The victory was won chiefly by the regiment of Johnson, who pressed forward with such impetuosity that the terrified enemy threw down his arms before the American infantry could get into action. By this glorious event, the direct result of Harrison's foresight and skill, all the terri- tory surrendered by Hull was recovered ; a vast quantity of small 17 130 WILLIAM HENRY HARRISON. arms and stores was captured ; and what was, perhaps, of even more importance, the disgrace of that event was wiped from our arms, and the Indian confederacy under Tecumseh broken forever. Among the trophies were three pieces of artillery which had been taken GENERAL HARRISONS ARMY CROSSING LAKE ERTK. from the British at Saratoga, and had subsequently reverted to their original possessors by the surrender of Hull. Harrison, having taken possession of Detroit, and finding himself without orders from the war department, resolved to proceed in the fleet to Bufialo. Here he arrived on tlie 24th of October, and from this place marched to Newark, where he received orders to send McArthur's brigade to Sackett's Harbor, accompanied by an intima- tion that he had leave to return to his family. Harrison received this declaration as a hint to retire from his command. He obeyed the order, however, but soon after sent in his resignation. Arm- strong, then Secretary of War, from whom the order proceeded, has charged Harrison with imbecility in his command, asserting that his successes were the result of good fortune and not of plans well con- ceived. After the narrative we have given of Harrison's mihtary career, it is impossible to coincide in opinion with the vindictive Secretary. Harrison was not a Wayne nor a Jackson ; he belonged, as we have said, to a less dashing school ; but he was an infinitely better olficer than Armstrong, or than most of his cotemporaries_ After Brown, Jackson and Scott, he ranks pre-eminent. The remainder of Harrison's career was chiefly political, and we WILLIAM HENRT HARRISON. 131 shall, therefore, dismiss it with a rapid summary. In 1S14 he was appointed with General Cass and Governor Slielby, to treat with the north-western Indians; aid in 1815 to treat witli numerous other tribes. In 1817 he was elected a nipresentative to Congress from Ohio, having, at the close of the war, purchased a seat at North Bend, below Cincinnati. During his term he demanded an investi- gation of certain reports to his disadvantage, in relation to the manage- ment of the commissariat department in the army under his control. A committee being appointed, his character was fully vindicated by their report. He voted, during this session, to censure General Jackson for having seized the Spanish posts in Florida. Having been elected a member of the Ohio Senate in 1819, he now transferred his counsels to that body. In 1824 he was cliosen a United States Senator from Ohio. His career in that body was marked by his endeavors to procure the passage of a just and proper pension law, for the benefit of those who had shed their blood in the battles of their country. In 1828, Harrison was appointed Minister to the republic of Columbia, but was recalled by Jackson, on the elevation of the latter to the Presidency in 1829. He now retired to private life. His form and his books employed his time; and bistable was ever ready for the calls of hospitality. He ultimately found, how- ever, that his income was not adequate to the support of his family ; and accordingly, in 1834, accepted the office of Prothonotary of the court of Hamilton county, Ohio. Ill this office he contimied until his election to the Presidency in 1840. He was first made a candidate for that high office in 1836, but defeated, the successful candidate, Mr. Van Buren, receiving one hundred and seventy of the electoral votes, while Harrison obtained but seventy. At the next trial, however, in 1840, he was rhosen President by a larger majority of votes in the electoral col- lege than has ever yet been bestowed on any man ; for he received two hundred and thirty-four votes out of the whole number of two hundred and ninety-four. He was inaugurated on the 4th of March, 1841. One month later, to a day, lie breathed his last, after a shori but severe illness, being the first President to die in that office. His decease was caused principally by the excitement of his new posi- tion, and the manner in which he was harassed, day and night, by applicants for odice. Popular in manners, and too easy of access, his frame worn down by exposure and years, gave way beneath the exactions to which he was subjected. He died thinking of his coun- try. " The constitution — the constitution," were the words that were 132 WILLIAM HENRY HARRISON. continually on his lips. The demonstrations of grief at his decease were universal ; party rancor was forgotten for awhile ; and the nation, as one man, united to deplore its loss. RICHARD M. JOHNSON HE state of Kentucky, so fertile m great men, had the honor of giving birth to Colonel Richard M. Johnson. The early life of this distinguished warrior was passed in the midst of Indian alarms. While still an infant he was sent with his mother to take refuge in a frontier fort, against an in- road of the savages, his father being absent in Virginia. The fort was successfully defended by thirty men Similar perils inured the young Keu- tuckian to danger; while his active life hardened his frame. His education was simple, as in all new countries. A common XII 133 against five hundred Indians. 134 RICHARD M. JOHNSON. school at first, and subsequently a grammar school prepared him for the study of the law. At nineteen he began to practice this profes- sion. At twenty-two he was elected to the legislature of his native state. Little more than two years later, he was sent to Congress, as a member of the House of Representatives, having just attained the age required by the Constitution. Here he was called on to vote for a war against England, which he did promptly, and immediately afterwards prepared to sustain his opinion in the field. When, after the successful defence of Fort Stephenson, Governor Siielby, with four thousand men, marched to the assistance of Har- rison, Colonel Johnson cqmrnanded a regiment of mounted Ken- tuckians. The force of Shelby arrived at head-quarters on the 17th of September, 1813, a few days after Perry's victory. The men were all in the highest spirits. The despondency of the preceding year had passed away, and nothing was expressed but the most confident belief in victory. Johnson's mounted regiment comprised the whole cavalry of the Kentuckians ; the rest of the force, owing to imperative circumstances, acting as infantry. It was partly in con- sequence of this that his command played so prominent a part in the approaching campaign. The victory of Perry had opened a new road for the invasion of Canada, and one that ought to have been conquered a year before. Instead of having to march through a Avilderness, the Americans had now only to embark on the lake, and be wafted by favorable breezes, in a few hours, to their destination. Accordingly, on the 27th of September, seventeen days after Perry's victory, the Ameri- cans with the exception of Johnson's regiment, which was to proceed by land to Detroit, were embarked under convoy of the fleet, and before night reached the Canadian shore. The landing was eftected without resistance, no enemy appearing in sight. Harrison pushed rapidly forward to Ahmetsburg, where his troops bivouacked for the night. This was the place where, on the preceding winter, the prisoners captured at the Raisin had been huddled into a pen, and where with tears of rage and despair, they first heard of the inhuman massacre of their brothers, relatives and friends who had been left wounded on the field of battle. As the recollection of this crowded pn the Americans, many a bitter vow of revenge was taken. In sad memories like these the night was passed. But in the morning it became known that Proctor, after dismant- ling Maiden, and burning the barracks and navy-yard, and stripping the surrounding coiuitry of horses and cattle, had begun a precipitate retreat, early on the 26th. lu fact, the British General had suddenly RICHARD M. JOHNSON. 135 become a prey to terror. Like all who are brutal, he was a coward ill heart, and shook at the shadow of disaster. His spies had mag- nified the number of the Americans to fifteen thousand, and declared them to be made up chiefly of Kentuckians sworn to avenge the mur- ders at the Raisin. The fear of falling hito the hands of his enemies completely unnerved him ; and he resolved by a speedy retreat to save his pitiful life. In vain his oHicers pointed out to him that there was still a chance of defending his post. In vain it was re- presented that the larger portion of his Indian allies would abandon him on the first symptoms of a retrogade movement. In vain the heroic Tecumseh, who was above deserting even a coward in ex- tremity, strove, by bitter taunts, to arrest his purpose. " Father," said the bold chief, "listen to your red children. They are standing all around, ready to fight and die for you. Do not forsake, do not alarm them. In the old war your fathers deserted ours. Will you do it again? You invited, encouraged, supplied us with arms, to war on the Americans ! Ever since you desired it, we have fought at your side ; and when did we turn our backs on the foe ? Listen to us now, father. The ships went out to fight on the lake — you made them go out. Where are they ? We do not know what happened: we heard the great guns. They sounded loud and far, and since we have seen you tying up bundles to carry away. You told us always you would never run away : that the English never do. Will you now run before you have even seen the enemy ?" But nothing could allay the panic, or alter the resolution of Proctor. He fled, and with such precipitancy, that he did not even stop to destroy the bridges behind him. When Harrison arrived at Maiden, accordingly, he found that place only a smouldering ruin. The embers of the conflagration were still smoking ; and the neighboring country looked as if just lavaged by an invader. The barns were empty, the farms were plundered of their stock, and the few miserable inhabitants remain- ing bore the sad aspect of famine. At first, Harrison despaired of overtaking the fugitives ; and on the 27th he wrote in that strain to the Secretary of War. "I will pursue the enemy to-morrow," were his words, " but there is no possibility of overtaking him, as he has upwards of one thousand horses, and we have not one." But, pushing forward to Sandwich, he there met to his inexpressible satisfaction, Johnson's mounted regiment of Kentuckians, winding along the other bank of the Detroit. During the march of this force a circumstance had occurred which greatly inflamed them against the enemy. Their way had led them by the scene of the massacre 136 RICHARD M. JOHNSON. at the Raisin, where they found the bones of the victims which had been piously interred in the preceding June, brutally exposed. The Kentuckians paused to consign them once more to the earth. While engaged in this sad duty, an express from Harrison reached them, urging them to hasten forward. The scene they had just witnessed intiamed the Kentuckians to madness. They were more eager than ever to overtake the enemy ; and pressing rapidly forward, joined Harrison, as we have seen. The combined forces now marched in pursuit of Proctor. Never, perhaps, had a greater number of gallant men, who were not pro- fessional soldiers, left their homes and peaceful associations to avenge the blood of their slaughtered relatives. There was Crittenden, and Barry, and WicklifFe, names since conspicuous among the highest in the councils of the nation. There was Perry, with the wreath of victory still green on his brow : Clay, whose services and bravery in the preceding campaign had won him merited renown : Cass, already celebrated for that courage and ability, which still, after nearly forty years, survive for the benefit of his country. There, too, was Governor Shelby, one of the heroes of the Revolution, who had fought at King's Mountain, and who now came, with a head silvered by age, to fight in a new and scarcely less holy cause. One common sentiment pervaded every bosom. To overtake the enemy, to avenge the blood shed at Raisin, was the sole thought of those gallant Ken- tuckians ! The pursuit was pushed with the greatest vigor. At every step new proofs of Proctor's panic met the eye. Here were stores abandoned in bulk, there arms scattered along the highway : here despatches left to their fate, there amnmnition itself cast away. The road grew rougher as the army advanced ; there were morasses to be threaded and rivers to be crossed ; but unintimidated by any obstacle, the Americans pushed resolutely forward, still thirsty for vengeance. For three days the pursuit continued. At last, on the morning of the 5th of October, the army of Harrison came up with Proctor, and immediately preparations for a battle began. The victory that followed was won chietly by the regiment of mounted Kentuckians, under Johnson, though to Harrison is due the credit, in the capacity of leader, of directing their mode of attack. On approaching the enemy, he was found arrayed on a narrow strip of dry land, having the river Thames on his left, and a swamp upon his right. The savages, of whom there were about tw(jlve lunidred, under Tecumseh, occupied the extreme right on the eastern margin of the swamp. The infantry, eight hundred in number, were potiled between the river and swamp, the men drawn -» .^ X .^1 RICHARD M. JOHNSON. 137 up, not close together, but at some distance apart, in open order as it is called. Harrison had already made arrangements for attacking with his infantry, but perceiving this position of the British regulars to be favorable for a charge, he sent for Johnson, and asked him if he would undertake it. " I have accustomed my men to it from the first," was the reply. " Then charge !" said Harrison. Instantly galloping to the head of his regiment, Johnson informed the men of the duty before them, and the whole vast squadron, more than a thousand strong, went thundering over the solid plain. In the whole range of modern warfare, perhaps, there is no charge which can be compared to this for reckless and romantic courage, for the men were armed only with guns, hatchets, and knives, and had no sabres, that most necessary of all weapons in a melee. As they swept down towards the foe, leaving the infantry of the army half a mile behind, Johnson perceived that the ground on which the regulars were drawn up, was too confined for the manoeuvres of his whole regiment, and determined to divide his force, leaving to one half the attack on the British infantry, while with the other he resolved to go and seek the Indians under Tecumseh. In taking this bold resolution, in the absence of his commanding officer, he assumed the whole responsibility of victory or defeat. Accordingly, dividing his force, he consigned to Lieutenant-Colonel James John- son, his brother, and second in command, the task of charging the regulars, while he himself turned off towards the swamp, to assail an enemy even more formidable. The detachment under Lieutenant-Colonel James Johnson, advanced at a rapid pace, and was soon close upon the foe, who, at once, opened a heavy fire. The men came onward, in four columns of double files, and at this volley the heads of the column halted. "Forward, Kentuckians !" shouted Johnson, at this juncture. Ashamed of their momentary hesitation, the men again shook their bridles, and with a wild hurrah the solid masses of horsemen galloped on the enemy, and in the face of a rapid fire, penetrated his ranks. Wheeling rapidly, as soon as the British line was passed, the Ken- tuckians poured in a destructive volley on his rear. The battle, in this spot, was over in less time than we have taken to describe it, for when the regiment wheeled, it found the enemy crying loudly for quarters. This was immediately granted. A force was then sent in pursuit of Proctor, who was understood to be further in the rear; but that General had already fled, having scarcely waited to see the defeat of his soldiers. He left behind him, however, his carriage, sword, and papers. His subsequent career furnished a merited, tliough late retribution for his preceding cruelties. Arriv- XII* 18 138 RICHARD M. JOHNSON. ing at Burlington Heights, he was met by an angry Governor- General. He whose cruelty and rapacity had been overlooked in victory, now found himself, like many another tool of power, made to expiate his faults in consequence of defeat. Publicly disgraced for avarice and cowardice. Proctor, from that moment became as much an object of scorn, even in his own country, as he had before been one of dread in ours. The attack of Johnson himself on Tecumseh, was, if possible, executed with even more gallantry. Putting his squadron to a rapid trot, he charged into the midst of the savages. On their part, the Indians met this assault with unflinching bravery. For five or six minutes nothing was heard but the sharp ringing death-shot, and the shouts of the Kentuckians, answered back by the war-whoop of the savages, and the crack of their unerring rifles. Making right for the spot where the voice and dress of a chief seemed to betoken the^ presence of Tecumseh, Johnson strove to bring him to personal combat, and, by his fall, to end the day. As he advanced, the i melee grew terrific. His men were falling on all sides around him; I he was himself wounded in three places. The smoke grew so thick as almost to blind the eye. But still the Kentuckians pressed on around their leader, and still the Indians, gathering by Tecumseh^ answered with shot and yell. The rifle-balls whistled thickly past. Yet onward the Americans pressed. At last the dark form of Tecumseh, who had all along been animating his troops, fell\ prostrate, and, at the sight, a panic seizing his followers, they fled on 1 every side. By whose hand the chief died, has never been satisfac- j torily ascertained. The credit of the deed, however, has always^ been Johnson's. Colonel Johnson is still living. His life, since the victory of the Thames, has been chiefly spent in the political councils of the coun- try. In 1832, he was elected Vice-President, and again in 1836. ISAAC SHELBY HE enthusiasm with which the volunteers of Kentucky ralUed to the defence of their country in the summer of 1813, is to be attributed in a great measure to the influence of Isaac Shelby, the venerable Governor of that state. He joined the army of Harrison with four thousand Kentuckians, and fought in per- son, at the age of sixty-three, in the battle of the Thames. For his valuable services in this campaign. Congress, on the 4th of April, 1818, voted him a gold medal. Shelby was bom on the estate of his family, near the North Moun- 139 140 ISAAC SHELBY. tain, in Maryland, on the 11th of December, 1750. His father, Ge- neral Evan Shelby, was a distinguished soldier in the Indian wars, and under his command the son served a first campaign against the savages on the Scioto river, in 1774. He was in the awful bat- tle of Kenhawa, fought during that year. The conflict raged from sunrise to sunset ; and when the struggle was over, the ground along the Ohio was strewed, for nearly half a mile with the bodies of the slain. In 1776, Shelby was appointed Captain of a body of minute-men in Virginia. He was not, however, called into service, and in 1777, he became attached to the commissary department. When, by the ex- tension of the boundary line of North Carolina, Shelby's estate be- came included in the latter colony, he was appointed a Colonel of militia by Governer Caswell. He was absent in Kentucky, laying out some lands he had purchased there five years before, when he heard of the fall of Charleston, and instantly abandoning his private aff"airs, he hurried to offer his sword to his country. Placing himself at the head of a body of militia, he took part in several subsequent skirmishes between the Americans and British. At last, on the 7th of October, 1780, the battle of King's Mountain was fought, in which the English leader. Major Ferguson, at the head of his riflemen, was beaten, and that, too, in a position from which he had vauntingly declared, " God Almighty could not drive him." Shelby was one of the commanders in this conflict. By a vote of the North Carolina legislature, he and his brother Colonels were presented with elegant swords for their behavior in this action. After serving two years longer, chiefly under Marion, he retired from the army. In 1783, Shelby returned to Kentucky, where he settled at Boons- borough. He was the first person in that State who took up a pre- emption grant for the purpose of cultivation ; and at his death, forty- three years after, was the only individual residing on his own settlement and pre-emption. In 1812, he was elected Governor of Kentucky. During the next year he organized a body of four thou- send volunteers, and marching with them to the support of Harrison, participated in the victory of the Thames. In 1817 he was offered the War Department, but declined it in consequence of his age. He survived until the 18th of July, 1826, when a stroke of apoplexy terminated his useful and glorious life. Shelby was brave to a fault. He could endure exposure and fa- tigue without flinching. He was remarkable for a sound common sense, which rendered his opinion more practically useful than that of more brilliant men. In manners he was courteous. 1^/^. ^Wlf^,o ^,'^C: A-U^^i^ y GENEBAL BBOWN AT THK BATTLE OF CHIPPEWA. JACOB BROWN. given to the British. T was reserved for the middle states to be the first to rally the drooping spirits of the country, in the war of" 1812. While New England held coldly aloof from the contest, and the south as yet had scarcely roused herself for action, New York and Pennsyl- vania, then as now the two ■' ^v\ ^^^^ ^ PORTER, a Major- General in the war of 1812, con- tributed largely to the success of the campaign on the Niagara. — Rallying the volunteers in the sumnner of ,,1813, he continued at the head of that corps 'of the army throughout the ensuing year; land at Chippewa, Lundy's Lane and Fort lErie fought with the personal intrepidity of Vhero. For his services at this eventful period of our history. Congress, by a resolution of November the 3d, 1814, presented him with a gold medal. Porter was born at Salisbury, Connecticut, on the 14th of August, 1773 After completing his preliminary studies, he entered Yale College, where he subsequently graduated with high honor. Havmg afterwards studied the law, he settled to practise m his native place. l*^t PETER B. PORTER. Here he rose rapidly to influence. He was elected to Congress, and in that body chosen chairman of tiie Committee of P^oreign Relations. In 1811, he was appointed a commissioner in relation to inland navigation ; and he had thus the honor of being one of the first to lay the corner stone in the prosperity of New York. Tlie war of 1812, however, called him to sterner duties. Having removed to Black Rock, he was there when the descent was made on that place in 1813, and, placing himself at the head of the hastily col- lected volunteers, succeeded in repelling the attack. From that hour he was an active participater in the war on the northern frontier. Porter having been made a Brigadier-General, was present with liis command at the battle of Chippewa. His task was to march through the woods, and endeavor to turn the right of the enemy; but though foiled in executing this duty, he gallantly met and re- pulsed the British. General Brown, in his official despatch, says : " The conduct of General Porter has been conspicuously gallant : every assistance in his power to afford, with the description of force under his command, has been rendered." In the battle of Lundy's Lane, also. Porter signalized himself; and by his personal heroism, excited that of his corps. General Brown officially speaks of him as follows : " It is with great pleasure I saw the good order and intrepidity of General Porter's volunteers from the moment of their arrival ; but, during the last charge of the enemy, those qualities were conspicuous. Stimulated by their gallant leader, they precipi- tated themselves upon the enemy's line, and made all the prisoners which were taken at this point of the action." In the series of skirmishes at Fort Erie, ending with the repulse of the British assault on the 15th of August, 1814, Porter played a very prominent part. During the terrible morning of the 15th, he commanded the centre, and, with his riflemen and volunteers, con- tributed materially to the victory on that occasion. For his conduct during this campaign, he was promoted to the rank of INInjor-General. At the close of the war. Porter returned to political life, and in 1815, was elected to Congress. During the ensuing year, the oflice of Secretary of State was tendered to him, but he declined it. He was one of the commissioners appointed, in 1817, to run the boun- dary line between the United States and Canada. He was Secretary of War for awhile under the Presidency of John Quincy Adams, la 1829 he retired to private life. Porter died at Niagara, on the 20th of March, 1844. ALEXANDER MACOMB. N the struggle for Independence the west was a wilderness, and consequently could furnish no heroes for the war. But since that period, it has supplied, per- haps, more soldiers and Generals than any- other section. Alexander Macomb was the first military commander horn in the west who rose to distinction. His birth occurred at Detroit, in the present state of Michigan, on the 3d of April, 17S2. While still a child, however, the family removed to New York, and young Macomb was placed at a cel- brated school in Newark, N. J., to be educated. Here he remained several years. 185 24 VIX 186 ALEXANDER MACOMB. In 1798, the difficulties with France became so serious as to threaten hostihties, and preparations were made actively throughout the Union for a war with that republic. Among others, young Macomb tendered his sword to his country, and was enrolled in a company called the " New York Rangers," whose services had been offered and accepted by the President. The ambition of the young volunteer soon aspired to a commission in the regular army, and, in 1799, he succeeded in obtaining the appointment of a Cornet. The difficulties between the United States and France being amicably adjusted, most of those who had enlisted for the war, retired to more peaceful avocations. Macomb, however, had a strong military bent, and was eager to continue in the service. Accordingly, on the subsequent formation of a corps of engineers, he was appointed to a lieutenancy in it, and stationed, for a time, at West Point. In 1805, he rose to the rank of Captain, and in 1808, to that of Major. During all this time he remained in the engineers. When, however, the war of 1812 broke out, he asked to be transferred to the artil- lery, because there would be little opportunity of distinguishing him- self in his old corps. He had, during his comparatively long service earned a reputation for substantial merit, and, in consequence his request was granted. He was appointed a Colonel, and given the command of the third regiment. This regiment had yet to be raised, but the ranks were not long in filling up ; for in November, 1812, Macomb was able to join the army on the northern frontier, with his new command. Here he distinguished himself at Niagara and Fort George. In January, 1814, he was raised to the rank of Brigadier. The charge of the country bordering on Lake Champlain, was now entrusted to him, and it was here that he won the battle of Plattsburgh, one of the most gallant victories of the war. The summer of 1814 was a gloomy one for the United States. The war in Europe had just been brought to a close by the abdica- tion of Napoleon, and the British veterans, thus disengaged, were sent, at once, across the Atlantic. During the month of July, tran- sports continually arrived in the St. Lawrence, crowded with the troops of Wellington. By the first of August, fifteen thousand men had been added to the British disposable force in the Canadas. Nor were these reinforcements composed of ordinary soldiers. On the contrary, they were culled from the flower of the English army — from the conquerors of liadajoz, San Sebastian, and Bayonnc, The battles of Chippewa and Lundy's Lane assisted, in a measure, to remove the public despondency, by proving that, against equal numbers, our regular troops, when ably commanded, had little to ALEXANDER MACOMB. 187 fear. But the peril consisted in the overwhelming forces of the enemy. Not a week passed in the month of August, which did not bring more transports from Europe, with fresh additions of veteran soldiers to increase the already overflowing army in the Canadas, After numerous additions had been made to the force on the Niagara, tliere remained fourteen thousand men on the lower St. Lawrence; and these, organized under Sir George Prescott, were destined, it was secretly whispered, to move down Lake Champlain, seize the line of the Hudson, and cutting ofl" New England from the rest of the confederation, finish by capturing the city of New York. When this bold design became first known to the Americans, they had no army on Champlain competent for resistance, for General Izard had just marched towards Niagara with all his disposable strength, in order to relieve Fort Erie. Macomb, who now found himself the senior officer, had no organized battalions, if we except four companies of the sixth regiment. The remainder of his force, which amounted only to about fifteen hundred eftective men, was composed of convalescents and recruits of the new regiments. His works were weak ; the stores were in confusion ; the ordnance out of order ; and, in short, everything in the worst possible condition to face an active, enterprising and veteran foe. Every day intelligence was brought in that the enemy had approached nearer. His procla- mations soon revealed that his design was to attack Plattsburgh. At this the inhabitants fled in alarm. Macomb was quickly left with no assistance beyond his regulars, except what was de- rived from a few men and boys, who, ashamed to desert their homes like others, formed themselves into a company, received rifles, and went zealously to work. But the emergency found the American General with a mind equal to its demands. A different spirit pervaded him from that which had led to disgrace under Hull and Wilkinson. In 1813, perhaps, the Americans would have abandoned Plattsburgh without a blow; but a new race of men had risen to be leaders, and the people, who always catch more or less of the feelings of their Gene- rals, were now as confident as they would then have been despond- nig. Macomb did all he could to increase that confidence. He reminded his men of what their fellow-soldiers had achieved at Chippewa and Lundy's Lane; and assured them, that if possessed of a like resolution, they could as nobly sustain the honor of their flag. He divided his little force into detachments, and assigned them stations near the several forts, declaring, in his general orders, that each detachment was the garrison of its own work, and must rely 188 ALEXANDER MACOMB. entirely on itself. He lost no time in rallying the country people to his assistance. He urged General Mooers, of the militia, to make a levy en masse. When the troops began to come in, he sent them forward to break up the roads and destroy the bridges. In a word, the same system which had been tried with such success to defeat Bur- go yne, was now vigorously applied to check the advance of Prevost. Yet, for awhile, every effort to arrest the progress of the British proved abortive. The detachments sent out to meet the van of the enemy, fell back in confusion. With the proud step of assured conquerors, the English advanced against Plattsburgh, and on the 6th of September, made their appearance before that place, driving in impetuously, the parties of militia that attempted to skirmish on their front. Even a body of riflemen that met the enemy debouch- ing from a wood, failed to arrest him. A battery of field pieces, that next opened on him, had no better success. Undaunted, those scarred and sun-burnt veterans, the heroes of a hundred conflicts on the hills of Spain, pressed shouting on, never deploying in their whole march, but advancing vauntingly in columns. The village of Plattsburgh is situated on the north-west side of a stream called the Saranac, which, at no great distance, empties into Lake Champlain. The American works were placed on the other side of the river, opposite the town. Consequently, when the enemy had driven in the skirmishingpartiesofourlittle army, no resource remained but to abandon the village and retreat to the shelter of the works. In order to cover this movement, the field-pieces were hurried across the bridge, and hastily thrown into battery, when a furious and incessant fire was opened on the advancing masses of the British. The troops, as they retired, moreover, kept up a running discharge of volleys on the foe. By this means every corps succeeded in eflecting its escape. The enemy maintained the pursuit, however, with the utmost gallantry, and, on reaching the bridge, threw parties of sharp- shooters into the neighboring houses, from the windows and balco- nies of which a continual fire was kept up on the Americans. Several desperate but unavailing attempts were made by the enemy to drive the guards from the bridge. The Americans, annoyed by the sharp-shooters, now opened with hot shot on the houses where these men had stationed themselves. Soon the fiery missives took effect. Speedily several dwellings were in a blaze. Driven from their foothold here, the British fell back. Thus the afternoon wore away. As the dusk began to fall, the Americans retiring wholly across the bridge, tore up its planks, and formed breast- works with them. Night settled down, but the battle raged. ALEXANDER MACOMB. 189 The roar of the artillery, the rattle of musketry, the whistling of the balls, and the occasional cheers of the combatants, rose up in awful discord, while the lurid appearance of the hot shot, and the conflag- ration that lit up the sky when some fresh house took fire, added to the horrors of the scene. At last, the British drew off, and aban- doned all attempts to force a passage. Not only at the main bridge, but at one higher up, defended by militia, the foe had been repulsed, with heavy loss. When morning dawned, it was discovered that the enemy were throwing up intrenchments, and the spies soon brought in intelli- gence of the approach of his battering train. There was no fear, consequently, of an assault that day. Macomb employed the respite in sending off new couriers to raise the neighboring country-people. To his troops he spoke in grateful terms for the bravery they had shown, with the exception of some of the militia, on the preceding day, and on these latter, he said he was assured he should, on the next occasion, have nothing but praises to bestow. The volunteers from New York and Vermont, as well as the regular drafts of militia, came pouring into the camp. Macomb immedi- ately disposed them along the shores of the Saranac. Continual skirmishes occurred for the next four days, and more than once the British resumed their attempts to cross the bridges. As he had expected, Macomb now found the militia behaving with the utmost spirit. Every day increased their confidence in themselves, while it diminished their dread of the enemy. The American General, as soon as his reinforcements would permit, despatched a strong body in the rear of the British army, with orders to harass it day and night. Meantime, the regulars were kept assiduously at work on the intrenchments. The final trial of strength Macomb knew could not be very distant, for the enemy's fleet was hourly advanc- ing, and every moment a naval engagement might be expected, which would, necessarily, lead to an attack on land. The expected battle occurred on the 11th. Early on the morning of that day, the British squadron appeared in sight, and about nine o'clock, anchored within three hundred yards of the American fleet under McDonough, and commenced a brisk cannonade. Sim- ultaneously, the batteries of the enemy opened against Macomb's defences. The anxious eyes of his army were now called away from the naval contest, to watch the demonstrations of their more immediate enemy on land. Three several times the British attempted to carry the American works. On the first occasion the assault was made at the village bridge, where it was promptly 190 ALEXANDER MACOMB. repulsed by the regulars. Amid a tempest of balls and bombs, the soldiers of the enemy were seen rushing to the attack, bearing iimu- merable scaling ladders, and cheering as they came on. But, unappalled by the spectacle, the regulars stood firm, and delivered such well-aimed volleys, that the storming party fell back. A second attempt, made at the upper bridge, was also repulsed. The enemy now turned his attention towards a ford, about three miles from the works, hoping to find it unguarded, but here the militia hned the wooded shore of the stream, and under cover of the trees, poured in a destructive fire. Nevertheless, one company of the English army, stung with shame at being thus held in check by this irregular force, after the most desperate efforts, succeeded in crossing the stream. But the rest of their companions failing to follow, they were killed or taken prisoners, to a man. Throughout the whole day, the British maintained their cannon- ade on the American works. From nine o'clock until sunset, a continual roar of artillery, intermingled with the sharper reports of musketry, stunned the ears, and shook the solid ramparts. Round shot bounded around the works, rockets hissed through the sky, and bombs tore up the ground where the Americans stood ; while, for a part of the day, the sounds of the naval conflict boomed louder and louder across the water. At one point of the battle, it was thought that McDonough had surrendered. But when the smoke blew away, the American stars and stripes were still seen floating. At last the British struck. At this sight, a wild huzza rose up spontaneously, from the troops on shore. At dusk the enemy ceased his cannonade, destroyed his batteries, and secretly made prepara- tions for removing his baggage, a course rendered absolutely neces- sary by the unexpected destruction of his fleet. In the dead of the night, abandoning his sick and wounded, he began a precipitate retreat. The spoils of the Americans were immense. The English had retired eight miles before their flight was discovered. The pur- suit was then immediately begun, but a heavy storm prevented any fruits, except a few prisoners, who v/ere cut oft" from the rear guard. For his conduct in this defence, Macomb was brevetted a Major- General. On the conclusion of peace, he remained in the army,and was appointed to the command of the north-western frontier. In 1821, he removed to Washington, as chief of the corps of engineers. On the death of General Brown, Macomb became commander-in-chief of the army. His decease occurred at the capitol, June 25lh, 1841. SAMUEL SMITH AMUEL SMITH, a Major-General in the Maryland militia, claims a [)lace in this gallery of portraits. It was his destiny to serve his country throngh two wars, and in each emi- nently to distinguish himself. In the Revolution, he held the rank of Lieu- tenant-Colonel on the continental estab- lishment, and made the gallant defence of Fort Mifflin, one of the most brilliant .dTairs of the war. In the contest of 1?12, he commanded the American army at the battle of lialtimore, and proved that, though advanced in 191 192 SAMUEL SMITH. years, he had lost none of the vigor and fire of his youth. lie ran a civil career also of great splendor. There are few men who have shone with more equal lustre, in all capacities, than General Samuel Smith, or who survived so long to behold the increasing greatness of the little republic for which they bled in youth. Smith was born in Lancaster county, Pennsylvania, on the 27th of July, 1752. His father, shortly after the birth of the son, removed to Carlisle, in the same state, and finally, in 1760, settled in Baltimore. Here the elder Smith became a successful merchant. The son, having finished his education, at the age of fourteen was placed in his father's counting-room. He continued serving an apprenticeship here until his nineteenth year, when he was sent to Europe as supercargo in one of his father's vessels. He spent some time in travelling abroad, and on his return home, at the age of manhood, was taken into part- nership by his parent. But his bold and energetic mind was better adapted for the camp than the counting-house, and accordingly, when . the War of Independence broke out, he solicitedand obtained a cap- taincy in the regiment of Colonel Smallwood. In that gallant band he was one of the most courageous. He rose rapidly to the rank of Major, and subsequently to that of Lieutenant-Colonel. In the latter capacity he won unfading laurels by his defence of Fort Mifilin, in 1777, holding the post for a space of seven weeks, against the combined land and naval forces of the enemy. His behavior on this occasion was so spirited, that Congress, by a resolution of the 4th of November, 1777, voted him a sword as some token of their approbation. Smith took part in the battle of Brandy wine; endured the privations of Valley Forge ; and was subsequently present at Moiunouth, the most fiercely contested combat in the north. On the conclusion of peace he retired to his adopted state. But he was not destined to remain in the private sphere to which he had so unpretendingly retired. An insurrection had broken out in the western part of Pennsylvania, in consequence of the excise laws passed by the federal govenmient ; and Washington, convinced that mercy consisted in sharp and speedy remedies, called out an imposing force in order to quell the rebellion. Among other states Maryland was called on for her quota of troops. At the head of these, Smith was placed, with the rank of Brigadier-General in the militia. Tlie insurrection having been peaceably quelled, he once more retired to private life. His fellow citizens, however, did not suffer him to remain unemployed. He had distinguished himself as an ardent advocate of the federal constitution, and indeed had no small share in procuring its adoption by Maryland : consequently he SAMUEL SMITH. 193 was now honored, by the city of Baltimore, with the post of repre- sentative in Congress, an office he continued to hold for many years. He was subsequently chosen United States Senator, and continued to be re-elected, for successive terms, during twenty-three years. In his legislative capacity he distinguished himself as eminently as formerly in military affairs. He was a close and logical debater; indefatigable in his duties ; and a resolute, persevering and energetic advocate of whatever he undertook. His name is found connected with most of the great political measures of his day. When the threatened descent of the British on Baltimore took place, in September, 1814, he assumed command of the defence, by right of his rank as Major-General of the militia. His dispositions were admirable, both in his preparatory measures, and on the two days of the conflict. In anticipation of the landing of the enemy. Smith detached General Strieker, on the 11th of September, towards North Point. The troops halted near the head of Bear Creek, seven miles from Baltimore, where they awaited during the night of the nth. further intelligence from the foe. On the following morning, the videttes brought in news that the British were landing, under cover of their gun-boats, near North Point. The Americans im- mediately took up a position at the union of two roads leading from the city to the Point; while an advance party, under Major Heath, was pushed forward to check the progress of the enemy's van. A skirmish in which General Ross, the British commander fell, was the result of this movement. Towards three o'clock in the afternoon, the enemy's advancing columns came in sight of the main body of our army, and, after a preliminary discharge of rockets, the action grew general and fierce along the whole line. P'or nearly an hour and a half General Strieker successfully maintained his ground ; but finally was forced to give way, and fell back to a new position. Half a mile in the rear of the spot where he now disposed his forces, was the line of intrenchments which had been drawn around the city : and the enemy, seeing this, considered it advisable to draw off his soldiers for the night. General Strieker was here reinforced by General Winder. Meantime other troops manned the intrench- ments, all resolute for the final struggle, which was expected on the morrow. Throughout the night, accordingly, there was but little sleep in the American camp, for many of those brave dcfVuders had families in the city, and anxiety for their fate kept all watchful with suspense. The dawn at last came, and was ushered in by the sound of guns in the direction of Fort McIIenry, where the IJritisii fleet had opened a XVII 14 194 SAMUEL SMITH. bombardment. The land forces of the enemy were now in full view on the Philadelphia road, about a mile and a half in front of General Strieker's position ; and directly his masses were seen moving off to the right, as if with the design of making a circuit and assaulting the city on the York or Hartford roads. Smith promptly manoeuvred his forces to counteract this movement of the foe. Finding himself foiled, the British General concentrated his regiments in front, and advanced to within a mile of the intrenchments, as if with the intention of assaulting the works before night. This new disposition of the enemy led to a corresponding change in Smith's arrangements. He recalled Strieker and Winder, and placing them on the right of the British, held them ready to precipitate them on the flank or rear of the foe, should an assault be made. Night fell, however, without any further demonstrations on the part of the enemy ; and compara- tive silence gathered around the space between the two armies ; though still, in the direction of Fort McHenry, the battle raged without intermission, bombs crossing and re-crossing, like wild portents, through the night. The attack on this fort had begun, as we have stated, at sunrise, on the 13th. The bomb-vessels of the British having advanced to within two miles of the place, anchored, on finding that their shells reached, and, for more than twenty-four hours, maintained an inces- sant fire. The garrison of Fort McHenry numbered about a thou- sand men, who were in the highest spirits, and prepared promptly to repel the attack of the enemy. Unfortunately, however, it was found that the range of their guns was too short to injure the foe, and of course the firing on their part was soon abandoned. All through that morning the Americans, compelled to inactivity, bore, without shrinking, one of the most tremendous bombardments that ever took place on this continent. An incessant shower of shells rained down on the fort, exploding often in the midst of the enclo- sures; yet the men, though unprovided with bomb-proofs, remained courageously at their posts. Sometimes, as the hissing missile came whirling to the earth, it would be discovered that the fuse was not yet burned down ; and then, one of the boldest of the garrison would hastily extinguish it. At other times, as the shell buried itself in the ground, roaring ominously, the by-standers had no means of escape except to fling themselves flat on their faces, and suti'er the explosion to expend itself around them. At still other times, the bomb would burst in the air, just before reaching its des- tination, scattering its iron fragments among the soldiers of the fort, maiming and killing in every direction. SAMUEL SMITH. ^ ^ "> One of these missiles, about two o'clock, P. M., on the 13th, struck the carriage of a twenty-four pounder in the fort, dismount- ing the gun, killing a lieutenant, and wounding several men. Tlie apparent confusion that reigned for awhile, induced the enemy to suppose that he had caused some fatal damage, when, in fact, the bustle was created by the endeavor to remount the gun. Deceived by this idea, the British grew more bold, advancing three of their bomb-vessels closer to the works. No sight could have been more welcome to the Americans. Waiting until the ships had come within range, the garrison opened a well-aimed and rapid fire, which was the more severe in consequence of the inaction to which it had been compelled throughout the day. It was not long before the enemy was glad to retire to his old anchorage-ground. When the three vessels were thus seen in retreat, a cheer rose simultaneously from the main fort and from the two batteries beside it, which rose over all the noise of the bombardment, and dying off across the waters of the bay, was repeated again and again, until the heavens themselves seemed to tremble at the shout. Evening drew on. The silence from the shore showed that the land forces were quietly lying on their arms ; yet the fury of the assault on Fort INIcHenry was not intermitted, but rather increased. As quiet gathered around nature, the hissing of the shells became louder, and the pathways, through which the eye had followed them with difficulty all day, now grew luminous, like the track of shoot- ing stars. Soon the black arch of heaven was seamed, to and fro, by the trail of innumerable shells ; for, as the night advanced, the firing on the part of the enemy was redoubled. By the ghastly light flung across the landscape, two or three rocket-vessels and barges were discerned starting for the city, apparently loaded with scaling-ladders and men ; but the cannonade opened on them by the forts in the Patapsco, soon drove back the adventurous boats. Mid- night came, yet brought no cessation to the strife. As the night wore, many a heart beat with terrible anxiety, lest, on the dawn of day, the flag of Anienca should be seen supplanted on the ramparts by that of Great Britain. Among others, there was one, a prisoner in the enemy's hands, who watched, through ten long hours of that terrible darkness, and who, when his eyes were greeted, at sunrise, by the sight of his coimtry's ensign still waving over the fort, burst forth into exulting lyric, which will continue to be sung with enthu- siasm to the latest posterity. At seven o'clock, on the morning of the 14th, the bombardment ceased. During the night. Admiral Cochrane had conmnmicated 19H SAMUEL SMITH. with Colonel Brook, on whom the command of the land forces had devolved ; and the result was, that the further prosecution of the enterprise was adjudged impracticable. Accordingly, the enemy immediately began a retreat. The bombardment, however, was still continued, in order to distract the attention of the Americans. The rain, which fell throughout most of the night, and rendered the darkness intense, assisted further to cover the retrogade movement ; and when it was discerned in the morning by our forces, the enemy had gained too great a distance to be pursued with any hopes of success, especially by troops exhausted by three days' marching and fighting. That evening the embarkation of the British began, from North Point, and was completed the next day, shortly after the hour of noon. The news of the final retirement of the enemy, was received with rapture in Baltimore, and heard throughout the country with the liveliest expressions of sympathetic joy. All now united to compliment the prudence, skill and energy of General Smith, while they did not forget also to remember the courage dis- played by his numerous subordinates. General Smith survived this battle for nearly twenty-five years. On one other occasion, it was reserved for him to play a prominent part. It was during the bank riots in Baltimore, in 1836. When the spirit of license and outrage had attained to such a height that neither life nor property were any longer safe ; when the public authorities were set at defiance, and the houses of the civic func- tionaries wantonly sacked, General Smith, as a last resort, though in his eighty-fourth year, placed himself at the head of such well- disposed citizens as were courageous enough to sustain him, ana issuing into the streets, carrying the flag of the United States, called on all friends of the laws to rally around him. The example of his grey hairs, the recollection of his many services, and the sight of the banner for which he had fouglit so frequently, thrilled the crowd with enthusiasm, aroused the dormant citizens to a sense of their duty, and struck dismay into the rioters. The law triumphed. There is no spectacle more grand than that of this aged veteran thus fearlessly risking his life against a lawless mob, to preserve those liberties, to gain which he had faced the armies of Great Bri- tain, sixty years before ! In October, 1836, in consequence of this act, General Smith was elected mayor of Baltimore, almost unanimously. He lield the oirice until near the period of his decease. On the 22d of April, 1839, this aged soldier died ; one of the last, as well as best, of the men of the Revolution ! ©nsjo ^£^mm.'^'-^j.^. ^._^y^^/-L^u^ '^^^ziy^^^^^-^^ JACKSON AT THE BATTLE OF EML'CKVAU ANDREW JACKSON HERE never, perhaps, was a warrior of greater resolution than Jackson. He was a man, as Emmett said, to burn every blade of grass before an enemy ; or, as the Prince of Orange even more heroically ex- pressed it, to die in the last ditch sooner than submit. He never trifled in great emergen- cies, never shrank from assuming the respon- sibility required by circumstances, but while others wasted precious moments in hesita- tation, acted, and with a terrible energy and promptitude, which appalled opposition. His determined will has passed into a proverb. Whatever he conceived to be right, that he learlessly did, and would have attempted it, even if superhuman powers opposed him. He had the nerve of Cromwell, without las craft ; the headlong impetuosity of Murat, without his weakness ; the XVII' 197 198 ANDREW JACKSON. desperate resolution and confidence in himself, which carried Na poleon from victory to victory. Frequently, his wilfulness degene- rated into obstinacy, while his impulsive character sometimes hurried him into excess. But, nevertheless, if honesty, patriotism, and unflinching adherence to conviction, constitute the hero, then was Jackson one in the highest and fullest sense of that term. It was his terrible firmness of purpose, more than his skill in tactics, which made him so uniformly successful in war. He pos- sessed a tenacity that nothing could overcome. He would have stood up in single combat, and suffered himself to be hacked, piece- meal, but never surrendered. In an unsuccessful campaign, he would have struggled long after hope had left every other bosom, and then ravaged the line of his retreat with fire and sword, to harass his pursuers. It is now known that, if he had been defeated at New Orleans, he would have burned the city. His conduct in the Seminole campaign of 1818, when he crossed the Spanish frontier, and hung two Englishmen who had fomented the disturbances, is another illustration of this point in his character. One less familiar, but equally striking, is his refusal to disband the volunteers under his command in 1812, when they were at a distance from home, and many of them sick, marching them back at the expense of the United States, and in direct opposition to orders from Washington. His political career furnishes numerous instances of this indomitable will. In short, he was inflexible in his own opinion, whether in military or civil life. Those who thought with him in politics, con- sidered him on this account, a hero ; those who diff"ered with him, and party violence never raged greater than in his day, regarded him as preversely obstinate. To posterity must be left the task of deciding between the two. But all men agree that this firmness was invaluable in war, and that America has seen few Generals who / can compete with the hero of New Orleans. I Andrew Jackson was born at the Waxhaw settlement, South \ Carolina, on the 15th of March, 1767. His parents had emigrated urom Ireland only two years before. The father died soon after the pirth of the son. His mother, though in narrow pecuniary circum- stances, aspired to educate her orphan boy to be a minister of the gj()spel ; and, with this purpose in view, placed him at an academy, Where he continued until the approach of the British army into the vicinity, induced him to assume arms. Thiswasin 1781, when Jackson was only fourteen. He was soon taken prisoner, as well as an older brother, and both were cruelly maltreated by their captors, the brother especially so, for he died of his injuries shortly after being ANDREW JACKSON. 199 exchanged. The life of Andrew was only saved by receiving on his hand the blow intended for his head. The mother soon followed her son to the grave, and Andrew becanne sole heir of the small family estate. He now abandoned all thoughts of the ministry, and began to study law at Salisbury, North Carolina. In 1786, he was admitted to the bar. Two years after, actuated by that ambition which even then carried so many ardent spirits westward, he removed to Nashville, at that time a new settlement on the frontier of North Carolina. In 1790, what is now the state of Tennessee was organized into a territory, and Jackson received the appointment of United States Attorney. From this period he played a prominent part in the politics of the district. When the territory was erected into a state, in 1796, he was a leading member in the convention to frame a con- stitution. His professional career was attended with much success. He was even more distinguished, however, in the continual skir- mishes with the savages, that took place on that exposed frontier ; and the Indians, in compliment to his courage and skill, called him " the Sharp Knife," and the " Pointed Arrow." On the adoption of the state constitution, he was chosen a representative to Congress, and in the succeeding year, a United States Senator. He disliked the intrigues of pohtics, however, and, after one session, resigned his seat. He was now appointed a judge of the Supreme Court of Ten- nessee, but this honorable office also, he soon threw up. Retiring to a farm which he had purchased on the Cumberland river, in the vicinity of Nashville, he continued to reside there, declining all civil employments until the war of 1812 broke out. This contest found Jackson a Major-General of the militia. His ambition was decidedly military, and though he had refused all ordinary offices, he now sought the commission of a Brigadier- General in the army of the United States. His competitor, Win- chester, triumphed over him; but Jackson was not left without employment, being sent with nearly three thousand volunteers to Natchez, to guard that frontier against an apprehended visit of the Indians. The threatened tempest, however, blew over, and Jackson was ordered by the Secretary of War to disband his troops on the spot. This he refused to do, alleging, that as they were far from home, without funds, and many of them sick, such a proceeding would be unjust. He consequently kept them together, and led them back to Tennessee, where he disbanded them. The govern- ment accepted the explanation. In the autumn of 1813, he again took the field, at the head of one of the two divisions of Tennessee 200 ANDREW JACKSON. militia, called out to chastise the Creeks, in Georgia, and avenge the massacre at Fort Mimms. Accordingly, on the 2d of November, Jackson detached Brigadier- Oeneral Coffee on an expedition against Tallushatchee, which was completely successful, and a few days after, followed it up in person, by the great battle of Talledega, in which over three hundred of the Creeks fell. From this period, until the middle of January, 1814, he remained comparatively idle, in consequence of the term of most of his troops having expired, though, meantime, the campaign was prosecuted with considerable success, by Generals Cocke, Clairborne, Floyd, and others, at the head of different detachments. At last, on the 14th of January, Jackson was joined at Fort Strother by eight hundred fresh volunteers from Tennessee. His force was, by this, raised to nine hundred and thirty, exclusive of Indians. He immediately began offensive operations. On the 20th, while advancing into the heart of the enemy's country, he was joined by TWO hundred friendly Indians. On the 22d, lie was attacked in his temporary camp at Tallapoosa, by a superior force of savages, who were, however, beaten off after a desperate struggle. The scarcity of supplies, and the number of his wounded, induced Jackson, on the following morning, to commence a retrograde movement towards Fort Strother. On the second day of his retreat he was attacked by the savages at Enotachopco creek, and, at first, owing to the flight of a portion of his troops, the Indians gained some advantage, but the regulars manfully standing their ground, the enemy was finally repulsed, with a loss of over two hundred of his warriors. The Americans were now permitted to prosecute their way without further molestation. On the 24th of March, Jackson having been reinforced, once more marched into the heart of the Creek country. On the 27th, he had reached Horse-Shoe Bend, on the Tallapoosa, three miles beyond the spot where the fight of the 22d of January had occurred. Here, as the name implies, the river makes a curvature, and in the bend thus formed, the Indians had collected for a last desperate stand, fortifying the neck of land which led into their retreat, by a breastwork nearly eight feet in height, pierced with double rows of port-holes, and so constructed that no enemy could approach without being subjected to a double and cross fire. Jackson's first care was to line the oppo- site side of the river, so as to prevent the escape of the savages. He then advanced boldly to the attack of the intrenchments in front. The friendly Indians stationed on the banks, becoming warned of the battle, crossed over to the peninsula, and drove the Creeks ANDREW JACKSOV. 201 into their fortifications. But failing to dislodge them from their works, Jackson, after ordering General Coffee's detachment to guard the hanks, in place of the Indians, advanced to the storm. The troops, who had waited impatiently for tliis movement, received the command with loud shouts of joy. The struggle, for a few minutes, was awful. The hostile savages fought with the rage of wounded tigers, firing rapidly, and with deadly aim, through the port-holes ; while the Americans, advancing to the breastwork, struggled, muzzle to muzzle, in many cases the balls of the Indians being welded on the bayonets of the assailants. At last the intrenchments were carried. And now the rout and slaughter became fearful. Scarcely twenty of the foe escaped unhurt. Three hundred were taken prisoners. Five hundred and fifty-seven dead bodies were found, among them that of Manahoee, the great prophet of the Creeks. The loss on Jackson's side, was forty-nine killed, and one hundred and fifty-four wounded. From that hour, the proud heart of the Creeks was broken. They never again lifted the hatchet against the United States, but on the 1st of August, sent their prin- cipal chiefs to Fort Jackson to sue for peace. This treaty had scarcely been completed, however, before the attention of Jackson was required to avert a greater danger. He had, after adjusting the Creek difficulties, fixed his head quarters at Mobile, and here, on the 27th of August, he received intelligence that three British vessels had arrived at Pensacola two days before, and after disembarking a large quantity of provisions and munitions of war, had placed a garrison of between two and three hundred troops in the fort. The express which brought this startling infor- mation, also announced that thirteen sail of the line, with ten thou- sand troops, and the requisite number of transports, were daily expected. On the receipt of this news, Jackson despatched a courier to the Governor of Tennessee, requesting that the whole quota of the militia of that state should be at once brought into the field. On the 15th of September, the British squadron from Pensacola, augmented by another ship, made an attack on Fort Bowyer, at the foot of Mobile bay, thirty miles below the town of the same name, where Jackson was established ; but they were repulsed with a slaughter alm<'St unprecedented in the annals of war, one of the ships losing one hundred and forty-nine men, out of a crew of one hundred and seventy. Having received an accession of force from Tennessee, amounting to nearly two thousand, Jackson marched to chastise the Spanish Governor of Pensacola, for alio wing the British to fitouthostileexpeditionsin thatport. He stormed oneof the batteries of the town on the 7th of November, on which the Governor surren- 26 202 ANDREW JACKSON. dered the city and fort unconditionally. On this, the British squadron, consisting of seven armed vessels, sailed from the harbor. Having completed his object, Jackson now hurried to New Orleans, thai place being threatened by a formidable expedition which had just sailed from Jamaica, with the motto of "beauty and booty," to stimulate the soldiers: an expedition, forming one of ^ series begun with the express intent, as Admiral Cochrane had officially declared, " to lay waste all towns and districts of the United States found accessible to the attack of British armaments." Jackson reached New Orleans on the 2d of December, and imme- diately began to place it in a condition of defence. It is well knowL that innumerable channels intersect the delta of the Mississippi, below the town. Few of these were properly fortified ; and, in con- sequence, the alarm was general. Discontent, too, was abroad. The city corps had refused to turn out. Spies daily left the city to bear information to the enemy, yet the legislature hesitated to sus- pend the habeas corpus act. In this crisis, General Jackson acted with an energy, which, however despotic it seemed to its victims, probably saved the town. He proclaimed martial law, and laid an embargo on all vessels in the harbor, thus cutting off treasonable communication with the enemy. He called out the militia, en masse. He impressed the negroes to assist in the defence. A characteristic anecdote will show the vigor and promptitude with which he acted. He had taken the cotton of a merchant to use upon the lines, when the owner, indignant at this appropriation of his property, called at head-quarters to remonstrate. Jackson heard the complaint in silence. " All wrong, very wrong, as you say," he remarked in his impetuous manner, when the man had closed ; " tell that sentry to walk in." The merchant, fancying he was about to have resti- tution, hurried to obey, and the sentry appeared. " Give that man your musket," said Jackson, addressing the soldier, and pointing to the merchant : then, turning to the astonished trader, he said sternly, " now sir, I will make affairs right — march down to the lines and defend your property." Arbitrary as such conduct appeared to the listener, it was, perhaps, necessary to the salvation of the city. It was a crisis when not only men's property, but their lives belonged no longer to themselves, but to the state. The British appeared off the mouth of the Mississippi on the 5th of December, only three days after the arrival of Jackson at New Orleans. One of those circumstances, which appear fortuitous, but which are, perhaps, ordained by a protecting Providence, had delayed the sailing of the expedition from Jamaica for ten days, and thus, by affording time for Jackson's arrival, saved the city. Tiie occurrence, ANDRKW JACKSON. 203 not generally known, was this. The fleet of Cochrane, with the troop'^ of Packenham were at Jamaica, ready for the expedition, except that they were ordered to wait the arrival of a squadron from England under Captain Floyd. This squadron had reached the port of Fayal, as early as the 26th of September, but finding an American privateer, the General Armstrong, in the harbor, had determined to capture her. Two several attacks, however, were made on the Armstrong without success : the first by three boats the last by sixteen. In these struggles the British lost two hundred of their best men. Finding that a third attack, still more imposing, was to be made, Captain Reid of the Armstrong scuttled and aban- doned her, taking refuge on shore under the Portuguese authorities. This assault was made in defiance of the sanctity ot a neutral port; and when the commandant at Fayal remonstrated against the attack, he was told that if he attempted to protect the Armstrong, the British would fire on the town. No more spirited defence, than that of this httle privateer, is recorded in the whole annals of naval history. But its -reatest merit, though one little suspected at the time, was that by causing a delay of ten days on the part of Captain Floyd, it protracted for just that period, his arrival at Jamaica, and the sailing of the fleet. If the squadron had not been detained at Fayal by the Armstrong, it is almost certain that the British would have arrived oft' the Mississippi on the 25th of November. At that period Jackson had not reached New Orleans, and, as no adequate measures were behig taken for its defence, the place must have fallen before he made his appearance on the 2d of December. The British had taken the precaution to make themselves tho- roughly acquainted with the topography of the coast, and discovering that" the routes through Lakes Ponchartrain and Borgue were the most assailable means of access to the city, they resolved to lose no time in needless delays, but push on at once to the object of their desires. An unexpected difticulty, however, soon presented itsclt in a flotilla of American gun- boats, which had been sent to defend these passes. A sharp action ensued, in which the enemy, after a heavy loss, came off victorious. No obstacle now existing to their landing, the troops were disembarked on Pea Island, where some Spa- nish fishermen speedily betrayed that the pass of Bienvenu was as yet unguarded, and that a vigorous movement of five or six hours made from this point, would carry the assailants to the heart of New Orleans. Availing themselves of this information, a strong force was immediately transported across the river, and before noon on the 22d took up a position on Vivery's canal. 204 ANDREW JACKSON. It was at this spot, scarcely nine miles distant from the city, thnt a part of Jackson's staff accidentally discovered the enemy. ' The news spread consternation through the town. But, meantime, the American commander had been reinforced by four thousand Ten- nessee militia, and by the Baratarians, a body of half piratical men, inhabiting some islands on the coast, to whom an amnesty had been granted on the condition that they joined in the defence of New Orleans. Accordingly, leaving a force to guard the avenues to the city in his rear, Jackson marched out to assail the British with all his available troops, amounting to fifteen hundred men. His intention / was to make a night attack on the front and flanks of the enemy ',/\ but the plan failing in several important particulars, he ordered a \ retreat, and fell back, after a doubtful engagement, to a narrow 1 plain on the road to New Orleans, flanked on the right by the Mis- sissippi, and on the left by an impregnable cypress swamp. The alacrity, however, with which he offered in this early stage to meet > the foe, inspired his army with resolution and checked the ardor of the enemy ! It had been the intention of General Jackson to march out into the open field, and renew the engagement in the morning, but sub- sequent reflection on the inferiority of his force induced him to resolve on a strictly defensive system. Accordingly, he began for- tifying his position with incredible alacrity. A ditch dug for agri- cultural purposes, ran along his front from the river to the swamp ; it was only left for him, therefore, to throw up an intrenchment and erect flanking batteries. Bales of cotton were successfully employed for this purpose. Bastions were hastily constructed and mounted with heavy cannon, to enfilade the whole front. To render the position still more secure a battery of twenty guns, flanking the length of the parapet, was erected on the opposite bank of the Mississippi, and committed to the charge of Commodore Patterson of the navy, and a body of militia. The English force Avas under the command of Sir Edward Pack- enham, a brave and veteran soldier. This General at first deter- mined to make regular approaches to the works; but having failed in the attempt, in consequence of the superior weight of the Ameri- can artillery, he resolved, with the impetuous hardihood he had acquired in the Peninsular war, to carry the intrenchments by assault, and thus put an end at once to the affair. With troops fresh from the Spanish campaigns, he did not doubt of complete suc- cess against the raw levies of which his spies informed him the force of General Jackson was entirely composed. He neglected, however 205 ANDREW JACKSON. no advantage which s.ra.egy could give l>,m ; for he employed h men irsecretly widening the canal belund his artny, hy whtch boa u "rh be brought up .0 the Miss.ssippi, and troops ferr.ed across to Ta^y the batteV we have spoken of, on the riglu -^-'k "f *e nver. ZZ to prevent the assailing colu.nns from betng raked by us fire, •II ihcv moved to attack the parapet. • u. r .v.^ These preparations having all been completed by the n.ght of he 7,h of January, Packenham determined on an assault before day- r {■ o Ze. suin.. day. Colonel Thornton, with about fourteen :ted r„ rio crJss over by night to the »-- bank of the Mississippi, and, storming the battery there, proceed up the nver u .mhe c'a^e opposite to New Orleans. Meantnue, the ma.n attack o 1 im"ncl, on the eastern bank was confided to two co- tarn" he first led by General Gibbs, the second by General Keane^ The r serve was commanded by General Lambert. made Tete disposi.tons, the soldters were allowed some rest , but many an e e eted .o sleep ; and the sentry, as he walked h,s rounds, dreamed of pas vicortes, or anttcipated the morrow's glory. In the Amer.can :Imp all was still. The night was unusually cold, a,td sounds we e dlTin.u,shable for a long distance ; but nothn.g was heard trom th B i h posuion, except an occasional murnmr r.stng and lalhng on the niffht wind. "'VSsTrJys occurred on the part of the enemy, to prevem Colonel Thornton from reaching his des.inat.on n, t,me ; and the 11 passed without Packenham receiving the expected news of h s snc ir At length, that General becan.e impafent and, towards five "cock, ordered the assault. Gibbs's column advanced ftrs to the attack, liu. the wintry dawn had now begun to break, and the A ne cans, a.nid a storm of bombs and Congreve rockets, suddenly bJheld the dark masses of the enemy, at the dtstance ol tune hun- ITd vards, moving rapidly across the plam. Instantly a trenten- d ous Ire was opet.ed on them front the batteries. B„t the veterans of the 4,h and 21st regtments, undan.ned by the danger, pressed steadily forward. When they came wklnn reach of the musketry of the militia, the crash of fire-arms joined us sharp explosions to L deep roar of the artillery, and burst after burst ro led ol across the plan., resembling incessant and tremendotis peals ol thnnder. Yet Lt splendid ISn.ish infantry never Uinched. The fire Horn the ramparts, like a stream of burning lava, now filled the intervemng soace- but still midatmled, these veterans ptislied- on, closing up llieir front as one after anolher fel', and only pausing wh6n they reached the slippery edge of the glacis. KVlll 206 ANDREW JACKSON. / Here it was found that the scaUng-ladders and fascines had been forgotten, and a halt occurred, until they could be sent for and brought up. All this time, the deadly rifles of the Americans were aimed at the British ranks, which soon, riddled through and through, fell back in disorder from the foot of the parapet. Seeing the con- fusion, Packenham himself galloped up. Dashing immediately to the head of the 44th regiment, he rallied the men, and led them to the foot of the glacis, his head uncovered, himself cheering them on. While in this very act, a ball struck him, and he fell mortally wounded. Appalled by this sight, his troops once more recoiled ; but their officers, reminding them of past glories, again brought them up to the attack ; and, with desperate but unavailing courage, they strove to force their way over the ditch and up the fatal intrenchments. Quick and close, however, the rifles of the Ameri- cans met them at every turn. Again they recoiled. General Gibbs, who had succeeded Packenham, was struck down. But the reserve was now in full advance ; and, notwithstanding the tempest of.grape and shell which swept the plain, it continued to press on, led by the gallant Keane. Soon he, too, fell. But the regiment he led was a thousand strong, and composed wholly of Sutherland Highlanders. It had faced death in many a battle-field before. Burning to avenge the fall of three commanders in succession, it rushed on with inex- tuiguishable fury, forcing the leading files before it, until the slope of the glacis was gained ; and here, though destitute of fascines or ladders, the men still pressed on, mounting on each others shoulders to gain a foothold in the works, where they fought with the ferocity of frantic lions, mad with rage and despair. Few of them, how- ever, reached this point ; for the rifles of the defenders cut them off almost to a man, before they crossed the ditch, and those who clam- bered up the intrenchments, were bayoneted as they appeared. In the midst of this terrific carnage, an officer on a white horse was seen dashing to the glacis. He fell, pierced by a ball, just as he reached the edge ; but the noble animal, plunging headlong Ibr- ward, over the wounded and the dead, crossed the ditch, leaped the intrenchments with one wild bound, and stood trembling in every limb, in tlie very heart of the American forces. The gallant animal was taken care of, and subsequently became a favorite with the soldiers. Thrice the enemy advanced to the assault ; thrice he was hurled back in wild disorder. Nothing could withstand the terrific fire of the Americiuis. The plain was already encumbered with nearly two Lhouaaud dead and wounded, and, as fast as the heads of i ANDREW JACKSON. 207 columns appeared, they melted away before the grape-siiot. On the left, some companies, which at first had penetrated to an unfi- nished intrenchment, were fast disappearing beneath the murderous cannonade. At places where the fiercest struggles had been made, the dead were piled in heaps. The fearful carnage of that day brought to many a mind the slaughter of the forlorn hope at Bada- joz ; and the British officer, who had succeeded to the command, almost gave way to audible lamentations, when he saw the full ex- tent of the carnage. The utter ruin of the enemy's army would have followed, but for the success of Colonel Thornton, on the right bank of the river. Jackson was forced, in consequence of this, to turn his attention in that direction; and preparations were accordingly made to dislodge the foe from his captured position. Before, however, any move- ment was made, Thornton was withdrawn from the works, the British General not considering himself able to spare sufficient troops, after his severe losses, to hold it. Jackson hastened to regain the lost battery. The enemy now fell back to iiis old station, where he remained until the 18th, although continually annoyed by the artillery of the Americans, on both sides of the river. But, at midnight of that day, he precipitately retreated, and, regaining his boats, em- barked finally on board the shipping. The difficulties of a pursuit were so great, from the nature of the ground and other causes, that Jackson did not attempt seriously to harass the retreat. A few pri- soners were taken, and several transports captured. Thus was repelled an expedition, consisting of eleven thousand land troops, and four thousand seamen and marines ; and which had been so confident of success, that it was accompanied by custom-house and other civil functionaries. For this brilliant victory, Jackson received the thanks of Congress and a gold medal. In 1818, he was entrusted with the command of the troops destined to operate against the Seminoles. His usual energy characterised him in this war. He penetrated into Florida, to (he villages of the savages and fugitive slaves who had joined them, devastating their settlements, and carrying fire and sword ihrongh all their region. Discovering that the Indians had been snpplied with arms and annnunition from the Spanish posts in the vicinity, he seized these places, and executed two British subjects whom he found there, engaged in this lawless traffic. The contest was closed by the conquest of Florida. The posts taken by Jackson were, however, subsequently restored to Spain ; but an attempt, in Congress, to pass a vote of censure on the General, was defeated by 208 ANDREW JACKSON. a large majority. There can be no doubt, nevertheless, that the seizure of these posts was a violation of a neutral soil, though, per- haps, justified by the emergency of the case, if not by the secret assistance rendered to the Indians by Spain. In 1821, by the pur- chase of Florida, the United States rendered any such arbitrary measures, for the future, unnecessary. Jackson was now appointed Governor of the new territory. But he did not long retain this office, resigning it in the following year, and retiring to his farm. In 1823, he was elected to the Senate of the United States; but, soon after, becoming a prominent candidate for the presidency, va- cated his seat. In the electoral college, for 1824, he received ninety- nine votes ; Mr. Adams, eighty-four ; Mr. Crawford, forty-one ; and Mr. Clay, thirty-seven. The election of a President consequently devolved on the House, when Mr. Adams was chosen. In 1828 however, being again a candidate, he received one hundred and seventy-eight electoral votes, while Mr. Adams obtained but eighty- three. The history of his administration does not come within the scope of this work. In 1832, he was again elected President by a majority of one hundred and seventy electoral votes over his antago- nist, Mr. Clay. In 1S3G, he retired to private life. From this period to that of his death, he resided on his farm, which he called " The Hermitage," near Nashville, Tennessee. He gradually became enfeebled in body, but retained his mental facul- ties in full force. A few years before his decease, he connected him- self with the Presbyterian church ; in the communion of which he continued, I'rom that hour, a sincere and exemplary member. He died on the Sth of June, 1845. ■;ii 177 209 245 2.')7 ii7l ix * ILLUSTRATIONS. ENGRAVINGS ON WOOD. Mexican Soldiers watching a train of Army Wa-ons, Page 5 Tail Piece, -•-----... Coat of Arms of Mexico, --.-.... Tail Piece — General Taylor, - - . . . Monterey in California, The Market Place and Public Square at Matamoras, ..... Ornamental Title Page— The War in Mexico, The City of i\Iexico, - - . - . Ornamental Letter— Flight of a IMexican Officer, Tail Piece, -. .. -.-. Corpus Christi, .... Ornamental Letter — Wounded Soldier,. Portrait of Santa Anna, ----.... Portrait of Parades, - - . . . Matamoras, ---... Portrait of Colonel Cross, - . . . Tail Piece — Mexican Dragoon, - . - . . . . Point Isabel, - . . . . . Ornamental Letter, - . 6 7 8 - 9 12 13 15 15 IS 19 19 25 28 31 33 34 35 - 35 Colonel May at Resaca de la Palm a, - - . . . ... 41 Fort Brown, --.-.. ".4o Monterey and the Saddle Mountains, - - 47 The City of Monterey, - - . .„ Saltillo, ' J.3 Bragg Asking Succor, j-,. The Capture of Tuspan, --...... .fio San Francisco, --..... ^n Ornamental Letter, -•-... ^o Bent's Fort, ----... Santa Fe, . .. ... -....r« Battle of Pueblo de Taos, 73 Triumphal Entry into Pueblo Los Angelos, 7;, Landing of the American Troops at Vera Cruz, . - .... 79 Ornamental Letter, .. .... . . ..."o Bombardment of Vera Cruz, -•-.. . ., -83 Storming of Cerro Gordo, ..... Puebla, ... .... Storming of Clinrubusco, -..-.. A Mexican Throwing the Lasso, - - . . .... 88 90 1U3 106 A Mexican Rancho, or Roadside Lm, at Acajete, between Puebla and Jalapa, - 107 Ornamental Letter — A Volcano, Chapultepee, ...... Battle of Mulino Del Rey, Storming of Chapultepee, - .... 1U7 113 117 122 ILLrSTUATIONS. *1 Page 133 Tail PiecL— Lancers, . - - - Ornamental Title Page-The Heroes of ihe War with xMexico, - - - - 135 Reonlse of Mexican Cavalry at the Battle of Buena Vista, - - ■ - 137 - 137 Ornamental Letter— General Taylor, ,^ „ . 142 The Defence of Fort Harrison, . . - - 147 Taylor at the Battle of Okee Chobee, - - . - 103 Portrait of ^Nlajur ZMcCullough, .-.--- Portrait of Major Samuel Rir.ggold, IGl Ornamental Letter, - - • 104 The Fall of Major Ringgold, - - Portrait of Lieutenant-Colonel Charles May, . . - - - Ornamental Letter — Camp Wagon, 1G9 General Butler wounded at Monterey, - .... 1G9 Ornamental Letter, . - - - „ ... 176 Battle of Buena \ ista, - - - - Battle of Palaklaklaha, and Ornamental Letter, 183 Bishop's Palace, Monterey, - 188 Tail Piece— Dragoon, Portrait of Brigadier General John E. Wool, 189 Ornamental Letter, ----- ^ Cavalry Charge at the Battle of Buena Vista, ..---- Portrait of Brigadier-General Stephen W. Kearney, ^ 195 Ornamental Letter, - - - - - 198 Tail Piece — Dead Soldier, . - - - - " 1 9 'J Portrait of Lieutenant-Colonel John C. Fremont, Ornamental Letter— Officer taking Observations, - 1°'^ Doniphanandhis Army crossing the Desert of Death, -'^^ '■ 2U3 Ornamental Letter, - . - - Cavalry Charge at the Battle of Sacramento, - - - - - - 208 Tail Piece, ^^^ The Repulse of the Mexican Lancers at Palo Alto, ' 209 Ornamental Letter, ------ Chapultepec and Molino del Rey, Ornamental Letter, Copy of a Gold Metial presented by Congress to General Scott, - - - -''^ The Grand Plaza, (or Great Square) in the City of Mexico, - - - - 'S-^ Portrait of Brigadier-General David E. Twiggs, . T - - - - 231 Ornamental Letter — A Lancer, . - - 23 J Fighting in the Streets of Monterey, Vera Cruz, .---'--"" „ - . - 237 Ornamental Letter — A Sentry, - - - - - Portrait of Major-General Robert Patterson, . - - - ■ ---.-• 239 Ornamental Letter, ----- 210 Tail Piece, ------ The Battle of Contreras, and Ornamental Letter, XU ILLUSTRATIONS. General Shields' Charge at Chapultepec, and Ornamental Letter, - - Page 245 The Storming of Chapultepec, - .--- 247 Tail Piece — Mexican Soldiers, - - 248 Duncan at Molino Del Key, and Ornamental Letter, - . - - - 249 Tail Piece — Mexican Lancers, - - - 252 Riley at Contreras, and Ornamental Letter, -------- 253 Tail Piece— A Mexican Officer, 256 General Quitman's Assault on the Garita de Belen, and Ornamental Letter, - - 257 Tail Piece, .--.-.- 262 General Lane's Encounter with the Mexicans near -\tlixco, ----- 263 Ornamental Letter, ------------263 Tail Piece — A Party of Mexican Guerillas, ------- 266 Portrait of Major-General Gideon J. Pillow, and Ornamental Letter, - - - 267 Tail Piece— Wounded Soldier, . - - 268 The National Bridge, and Ornamental Letter, ------ 260 General Cadwalader's Defeat of the Mexicans at the National Bridge, - - - 271 Tail Piece, 274 Harney at Cerro Gordo, and Ornamental Letter, ------- 275 Harney's Pursuit of the Mexicans at Churubusco, ------ 277 Tail Piece — A Texas Ranger, - - - - - - - - - 27S General Pierce Entering Pueblo with Reinforcements, and Orn:im.Mi!;ii Letter, - 279 Tail Piece 2S0 Portrait of Adjutant-General Roger Jones, and Ornamental Letter. - - . 281 Tail Piece — Mexican Soldiers, ---. ----- 2b2 .M B THE CITY OF MEXICO. PRELIMINARY CHAPTER. HE war of Independenco gave the United States a political existence. The war of 1812 enfranchised the popular mind from a state of colonial subserviency. The war with Mexico I has developed the military genius of our people, inspired confidence in our ca))acity to resist invasion, and elevated -^ the republic to a position in European eyes which a century of prosperity in tlie art.s of juace would not have obtained for it. Indeed, there are (ew parallels in modern history to the campaigns of Taylor and Scott I That a cdlViparatively small body of men should penetrate into the heart of a mighty empire, and defeat, in a dozen pitched battles, an enemy always fourfold its own numbers, is one of those events which at first appear to border on the miraculous, and which recall the memory of the days when the Emirs conquered Spain, 15 16 THE WAR WITH MEXICO, when Gaul fell beneath the inroad of the Turks, when the Persian empire was shattered by the spear of Alexander. Hitherto the enterprise of Cortez, by which the Aztec monarchy was overthrown, has been considered the most wonderful event recorded in authentic history. But Cortez marched on Mexico with an army clad in mail, and possessed of fire-arms ; while the Indians had no weapons but arrows and obsidian hatchets. Hence the Spanish soldier, especially the mounted one, could fight with com- paratively little peril, until he actually feU from exhaustion. The number of killed and wounded in the battles of Cortez was generally not over a dozen, while the slaughter on the side of the Aztecs was enormous. The victories of the conqueror were not so miraculous as at first appears. A compact body of mailed soldiers may be assailed by fifty times their number, but not by all at once ! If the assailed present a front of five hundred men, only five hundred men can attack at the same time. Defeat these five hundred, and five hundred more may rush to the assault. But these, too, must soon fall ; for if the one party is defended by armor, rendering them im- pervious to the shafts of the foe, the contest, it is apparent, is all on one side ; and the chances are, that the assailants will be wearied out first. The battles of Cortez were of this description. When attacked by overwhelming odds, he always seized some defile where the Aztecs could only advance in front. Hence, though ten times his own number were in the field against him, he rarely was engaged at any one moment with more than an equal force. INIore- over, he generally had from five to ten thousand Tlascalan allies to harass the wings of the foe. But our battles in Mexico were different. The enemy was in a comparatively high state of civilization, possessed fire-arms like our- selves, had able and experienced Generals, was in a country full of impregnable positions, and availed himself of all the aids of military discipline and strategetic science in the formation and managements of his army. The war was not a contest between European veterans \ and savages ; it was a war between raw volunteers and a well drilled 1 army. It was a war against the very troops which drove the Spanish / infantry out of Mexico, Yet every wliere we were triumphant. Our / little army assaulted the foe on the open field, stormed him in hisy streets, and carried intrenchments defended by artillery. In a word, search where we will in military history since the invention of fire- arms, and we find nothing to surpass the achievements of Taylor, Scott, and Doniphan. These wonderful victories arc to be attributed in part to the infe- PUELIMTNART CHAPTER. 17 nor material of tlie enemy's army. The Mexican Creole is but a degenerate Spaniard, inheriting few of the virtues and magnifying the vices of his ancestry. When Napoleon first invaded Spain, the rout of her armies was almost as complete as that of the Mexicans ill this war; nor was it until the British arrived under Wellington, and formed a nucleus for valor and disciphne, that any successful resistance was made to the imperial eagles. The history of the pitched battles in this war has not differed materially from the his- tory of the pitched battles of every war in which the Spanish blood lias been engaged from the time of the Carthaginians down. Whether the Iberians, the aboriginal inhabitants of the Peninsula, were of mixed Arab lineage, as some writers suppose, or were de- scended from the Gothic nations of the north, as is conjectured with slighter probability, certain it is that their characteristics have suffer- ed less change in the last two thousand years than those of any other surviving people, and that, to this day, they possess the same powers of dissimulation, the same love for desultory warfare, and the same obstinacy of purpose which battled Hannibal and Scipio alike. Suc- cessive invasions of Romans, Goths, and Moors have failed to per- manently alter this original stock. Indeed, partial infusions of new races, like partial infusions of blood in the veins, though they may renovate for awhile, cannot change the constitutional tendencies of a people. A hundred thousand Franks subdued ten millions of Gauls, and held them in vassalage for ten centuries ; but the French popu- lace is the same now as in the time of CsBsar. A conquered people must be exterminated, or their peculiarities, in time, will infect even their conquerors : of the truth of this remark Saxon England, Celtic Ireland, and modern Italy are forcible illustrations. Like flakes of snow falling into the ocean, the victors are soou lost in the surround- ing mass. There is more in race than is generally supposed. Of the five great divisions into which the human family is separated, the infe- rior species have never permanently, rarely even temporarily tri- umphed over the superior ones. The Mongolian has never been subdued by the Malay, nor the INFalay by the African; but both have been, at various periods, the slaves of the Caucasian. As there are difl'erent races of mankind, so there are dill'erent varieties of the same race. The Caucasian stock has proved itself superior to all others ; but of the Caucasian the northern branches are better than the southern. In every collision between the Romaic and Teutonic stocks, the latter has proved too strong for the former. The one, supple and wily, is well represented by Saladin in the novel of Scott ; M — u* '3 18 THE WAR WITH MEXICO. the Other, triumphing by sheer strength, has iis type in his antago- nist, Richard ! These characteristics of race are transmissible from generation to generation, exactly as physical qualities are transmissible in «ni- mals of a lesser grade than man. The Tartar of to-day is the same individual described by Oriental writers thousands of years ago, and displays similar attributes whether roaming in the desert or seated on a conquered throne. The Greek of the nineteenth century differs less from the Greek of the time of Socrates, than does the language he now speaks from the pure Attic of Pericles. The German as described by Tacitus in the second century of the Christian era, is the exact counterpart of the German now, allowing for slight differ- ences produced by an advanced stage of civilization. The Sclave, or Russian, has remained unaltered since the dawn of the historic period. Even in their mode of waging warfare, the peculiarities of nations rarely change. The Persian wheels his horse and flings his javelin, exactly as his Parthian ancestor when making head against the legions of Rome. The Highlanders who followed Charles Edward to Preston Pans, charged in the very manner their ancestors did eighteen hundred years before. Mountains may change, continents alter, but races of men are always the same ! As far back as we can go in history we find the Celt, the Saxon, or the Arab, just as he remains to this day, and as far forward as we can conjecture we are justified in supposing that he will still continue the same. The Mexican Creole is true to his parentage in the main. In whatever he has changed, it has been for the worse. Though the Creoles are the dominant race, their numbers, when compared with the remaining population, are inconsiderable ; and in consequence, the character of the original Spaniard has suffered depreciation. It is important to bear this fact in mind, if we would arrive at a cor- rect estimate of the Mexican war. CORPLS CHKISTI. BOOK I THE ORIGIN OF THE WAR. ^ HE war with Mexico natu- rally divides itself into two great periods, the first of these comprising the campaign of Taylor, and the second that of Scott. In order, however, that the story may be related with more perspi- cuity, we sliall separate it into five parts. The first of these will be devoted to the ^SjtW^^ origin of the war; the second to the ^ ^' campaign of Taylor; the third to the expeditions against Santa Fe and California ; the fourth to the cam- paign of Scott up to the armistice ; and the fifth to the declaration of peace. 20 THE WAR WITH MEXICO. Mexico lies between the fifteenth and tliirty-third parallels of nortii latitude ; and consequent ly, for the most part within the torrid zone. Her surface, however, is extremely irregular, so that she comprises every variety of climate and soil known to the habitable globe. On the sea-coast the liind is low, marshy, and infested with fevers, of which the most dreadful is the terrible vomito, that no foreigner can hope to escape. As the traveller advances inward, the aspect of the country changes. The ground rises; the plains of sand disappear ; tropical fruits begin to vanish ; and fresh, inspiring breezes succeed the depressing atmosphere of the tierra culiente, or hot region. After reaching an elevation of about twenty-five hundred feet, the vegeta- tion assumes a^ioje genial character. In this tierra templada, or temperate region, flourish the oak, the fruit trees, and the grains of Europe. It is in this region that Xalapa is situated, at the distance of fifty-five miles from Vera Cruz, on the direct road to the capital. Here the vomito is unknown. Hither the terrific northers which harass the coasts of the gulf never come. The extremes of cold and heat are strangers to this deli ghtfu l climate ; a humid, but salubrious at- mosphere invigorates the frame and conduces to longevity; the choicest products of the earth spring up spontaneously; and life passes in an Arcadian dream. Ascending still higher as he journeys inward, the traveller finally reaches an extensive table-land, lying in the lap of the Cordilleras, and comprising about three-fifths of the whole surface of Mexico, as well as more than four-fifths of the entire population. This great central elevation varies in height from six thousand to eight thousand feet above the sea, and is formed by two branches of the Cordilleras, which, diverging from Yucatan, skirt respectively the shores of the Pacific and gulf, the one joining the Rocky Mountain chain on the borders of Oregon, and the other losuig itself, about the twenty- seventh parallel of latitude, in the vast plains of Texas. Lateral valleys shoot out from this table-land, between spurs of hills, form- ing a series of Jiati,u\al defences to U>e great cenlraj elevation. That portion of Mexico which is most densely populated stancTsTtirerefore, like a fortress, lifted above the surrounding country, and rendered almost impregnable by its mountain fastnesses. To add to its invin- cibility, it is approached from the sea with didiculty, having few ports either on the Pacific or gulf coasts, and those of unsafe anchor- age, where tremendous hurricanes rise at an hour's notice. The table-land, or tierras frias of Mexico, is comparatively nar- row from east to west, but stretches north and soutii a distance of fifteen hundred miles. Its usual temperature varies from 55^ to 15^ MEXICO ITS POPULATION AND PEOPLE. 21 Fahrenheit. Owing to its great height above the sea, the atmosphere on this plateau is extremelv rarifiod. This, while it leads frequently to asthmatic complaints, gives a fairy appearance to the landscape which bewitches visiters from northern climes. Hills whicii are twenty miles otT, seem less than two leagues away : and distant mountains lift their snow-capped summits apparently within a morning's ride. At night, the stars shine with a brilliancy beyond description, the great southern cross blazing like a meteor, the grandest of all! The vegetation of this vast central plain is less luxuriant than that of the temperate, or torrid regions : but frequently, in the immense chasms that penetrate its surface, the cactus, and other tropical plants grow rankly. The European grains do not succeed as well on the plateau as in their native soil. This immense table-land is occasionally cut up into vallies, and occasionally diversified with lofty mountains ; but its general character is so flat that a traveller may journey in a carriage from the capital to Santa Fe, a distance of fourteen hundred miles, without apparently deviating from a level. The principal cities of Mexico are situated on this plain. The most remarkable tract in the whole is the valley of Tenochtitlan, in which the capital is built. It is oval in form; is about fifty-five miles long and thirty-seven wide ; and is surrounded by ridges of porphyritic and basaltic rocks, Popocatepetl, with its eternal fires, towering above its south-eastern barrier, like some gigantic Pharos, to the height of nearly eighteen thousand feet. The view of the valley of Mexico, as it bursts for the first time on the spectator, is said to produce an efiect beyond that of any other landscape in the world. In the days of Cortez, travellers approaching from the coast could see a score of cities embowered in vegetation glistening along the vast basin below ; but now comparative desolation broods over the scene. Yet the beholder still reins in his steed with admiration, and, as the expanse of water, fields and cities stretch before Inm, until the view is shut in by the wall of mountains to the west, he almost fancies he has come suddenly upon some vision of enchant- meiit, which the next breath of air will dispel! The population of Mexico is computed, in round numbers, at seven millions. Of these, rather more than a million is sup[)osed to be com[)osed of the Creoles, or native-born whites; four millions of the Indians, and the remainder of the mixed bloods. These last principally reside on the low grounds; while the whites occupy the table-land. The Indians, though oonstituiing more than half the population, and though llicaretically on the same political footing as 22 THE WAR WITH MEXICO. the Creoles, have little or no influence in the government, which is practically directed by the rich men, the clergy, and the higher officers of the army. These Indians are separated into numerous tribes speaking different languages, of which no less than fourteen dictionaries and grammars have been constructed. They are divided mto two great classes, those who cultivate the land and who gene- rally reside on the plateau, and those who lead a roving life and who are found in the northern states and especially on the upper waters of the Rio Grande. As a race they are ignorant, superstitious, weak, cowardly and vindictive. Though nominally Christians, they still secretly mingle Pagan rites with those of the church. Few of them own land ; most of them are little better than slaves. It is the opinion of enlightened travellers that they are not susceptible of a high state of civilization, though if the soil of Mexico was more equally distributed, and some inducement to labor offered, they might probably improve. But the race is an inferior one. Like the Mongolian, to which it approaches nearest in resemblance, it can imitate but never originate ; and if elevated in the scale of civi- lization, would remain for thousands of years without advancing. The other principal class, the Creoles, (for the mixed races do not call for a separate description) constitute what may properly be called the people of Mexico. The most correct estimate places their num- bers at about one million three hundred thousand. They possess most of the weaUh and all the power in Mexico. They are in fact a nation of conquerors living among a subjugated people; for the prejudices of caste have survived the revolution, and maintain the Creoles in the position of a dominant class. Yet, with all their advantages, the curse of heaven seems to have descended on them; and it requires no fanaticism to believe that they are now expiating the crimes of Corlez and his followers. Under their sway Mexico has retrograded and continues to retrograde. The vallies that once bloomed with verdure are now desolate wastes: towns that formerly dotted the plateau have disappeared: and, for whole days, the traveller may journey as if passing through some vast city of the dead. When we peruse the accounts of that luxuriant region as it existed in the days of the conqueror, and contrast them with the description of the country as it now is, the awful malediction pro- nounced on Babylon rises forcibly before us. The unequal distribution of the soil, and the indolent character of the Creole race are the chief causes of this decline. The Indians have no motive for exertion: the whites shun labor as degrading. The Creole spends liis lime cliiefly in lounging, gambling and MEXICAN REVOLUTIONS. 23 sleeping. Even among this race the distribution of property is very unequal ; and this, increasing their natural unthrift, deteriorates them still more. Perhaps there is no branch of the Caucasian race so degraded, physically and morally, as the Creoles of Mexico. They are weak in body, small in stature, indolent in their habits, and wanting in energy as well as enterprise. They are cruel, treacherous and boastful. Though affecting the nice honor of an ancient Castilian, they pay little regard to their word: and dissimu- lation, which with us is a vice, is with them a virtue. Subtlety and deceit, though not ihe'peculiarity of all, are national characteristics, and mark alike the captive General who takes an oath he resolves to break, and the lurking ranchero who throws his lasso from behind a bush. In Europe, a Mexican and a Russian are rated equally adepts in dissinmlation and intrigue! In a word, the Creole of Mexico, partly in consequence of his enervating climate, partly in consequence of other deteriorating causes, has declined from the original Spanish stock, and is now to the old Castilian, what the Castilian was to the Saxon, or the Saxon to the Norman ! From the period of the conquest, up to the year 1810, Mexico continued a Spanish colony ; but in that year a rebellion began, which, after raging until 1S24, terminated in her independence. The struggle was sanguinary as well as protracted. Five hundred thousand lives, it is estimated, were lost in the contest. Massacre, conflagration, and all the worst atrocities of war, rioted in the struggle. The Mexican people have scarcely yet recovered from that anarchical period. The storm has ceased, but the waters have not subsided. The large standing army which grew up during the protracted contest has never since been wholly disbanded; and the Generals who rose to notice in the strife, continue to convulse the republic with their struggles for power. The turbulent character of the Creoles, who inherit the half Ishmaclitish blood of their Iberian ancestors, has assisted these commotions, which again have been fostered by the unequal distribution of property, rendering such large numbers susceptible to the will of extensive landed proprietors. In 1824, on the close of the revolution, a constitution was adopted similartothat of the United States,except that all other religionsexcepi the Catholic Roman Apostolic religion were prohibUed, and that the Congress was authorized, in periods of national peril, to create a Dictator for a limited time. This constitution, however, was prac- tically violated, even from the first, though it preserved a nominal existence until 1835. In that year the general Congress suppressed the state Legislatures; and changed the government from a federative 24 THE WAR WITH MEXICO. to a centralized one. The republic was now divided into depart- ments. The President was to be chosen by an indirect vote ; the two houses of Congress by a direct popular vote; and the heads or governors of each u?.partinent by the supreme national anthority. Revolution now followed revolution, in the midst of which Texas achieved her independence. At last, on the 22nd of August, 1S46, the federal constitution of 1824 was re-established; the departments were dissolved; and the original states re-organized into separate and independent commonwealths. The turbulent and unstable cha- racter of the Creoles is exhibited by these successive revolutions, more numerous within twenty years than those of England for twenty generations ! Texas was originally a part of Louisiana, and as such belonged to the United States under the purchase from France. But in 1819, at the time of the Florida treaty, it was surrendered to Spain, and on the establishment of the independence of Mexico, became one of the states of the new republic. To a great extent Texas was settled by emigrants from the United States, being in this respect difterent from her sister commonwealths, whose inhabitants were of Spanish de- scent. It was one of the prominent articles in the constitution of Texas, which had been approved by the Mexican confederacy, that she was independent of the other states. When the federal consti- tution was overthrown in 1835, the new government decreed the abolition of the state sovereignty of Texas. But this outrage was resisted by the people of that commonwealth. Accustomed to the sacred regard with which the rights of the states are observed in their native confederacy, the majority of the Texan population de- termined to resist the decree, and maintain the inviolability of their constitution by force of arms. Large numbers of the inhabitants being connected by ties of relationsliip with the people of the United States, the utmost sympathy for their cause was felt in this republic, especially by the residents of the south-western states. Recruits even joined the Texans from this country, and arms were freely supplied, scarcely any pretence of secrecy being observed. After numeroi\8 skirmishes between the Texans and the armies of Mexico, a decisive battle was fought at San Jacinto, on the 21st of April, 1836, in which the former were completely victorious, and Santa Anna, the Dictator, taken prisoner. So great was the exasperation against this General, in the Texan camp, arising from his ruthless- ness, that it was with ditliculty General Houston, their commander, could preserve his captive's life. Policy, however, triuniphed over revenge in the breast of the Texan leader. In return for his lenity, ANNEXATION OF TEXAS. 25 he obtained a treaty from Santa Anna, in whicli the latter, as Dicta- tor, acknowledged the independence of Texas. GENERAL SANTA ANNA. The people of Texas now made overtures to be received into the United States ; but the proposal was declined by Mr, Van Buren, then President, Meantime the validity of Santa Anna's treaty was denied by the government which, since his capture, had supplanted him. The disturbed condition of affairs in the capital, however, prevented any active measures being taken to subdue the revolted state ; and in the course of years the independence of Texas was acknowledged by most Christian nations. Under the administration of President Tyler, a new effort was made by the Texans to obtain admission into the Union ; and finally, by feigning an intention to place themselves under the protection of Elngland, they induced the American executive to sign a treaty of annexation in April, 1844, This treaty, however, was rejected by the Senate. But in the course of the succeeding year the sentiments toward Texas grew more favorable in the United States, and on the 1st of March, 1845, Con- gress passed a joint resolution for aimexation, sii{>alating certain u — c 4 26 THE WAR WITH MEXICO. preliminary conditions, however, to which the assent of Texas was demanded. The Texans appointed a convention to consider these propositions, when, as expected, they were adopted. Thus the re- union of the territory of Texas to the United States was effected. Never having acknowledged the independence of Texas, Mexico considered that state still an integral part of lier dominions, and con- sequently its absorption into the United States as a robbery by the latter power. On the 6th of March, 1S45, five days after the pas- sage of the joint resolutions, the Mexican Ambassador at Washing- ton protested against the contemplated atuiexation and demanded his passports. This act, generally decisive of an intention to declare war, was not immediately followed by hostilities. In fact, the Mexi- can rulers were divided as to what course to pursue, some being for instant war, and some wishing to avoid it from the exhausted con- dition of the country. The sentiment of the Mexican people, liow- ever, was nearly universal in favor of war. It is probable, never- theless, that hostilities would have been averted, but for the existence of other circumstances which still further embarrassed the diplomatic relations of the two governments, and heightened the growing dislike which the Americans and Mexicans began mutually to entertain for each other. The Mexican republic, from its beginning, had paid little respect to the law of nations. Whenever the government wanted money, it was accustomed to obtain it by the seizure of the goods and per- sons of foreigners ; and as the successive revolutions which convulsed the capital kept the treasury continually dry, these outrages were of frequent occurrence. The citizens of the United States suffered most from such aggressions, principally in consequence of their large share in the commerce of Mexico. To the remonstrances of our govern- ment, Mexico at first replied with evasive answers. The outrages continuing, our tone became more decided. The Mexican rulers finally promised redress, but in the distracted state of their country were never able to keep their word, even if they desired it. A treaty of amnesty, commerce and navigation, concluded between Mexico and the United States, in 1831, led to the hope that these outrages would cease. But, after a slight interval, the aggressions on the property and persons of our citizens were resumed. Remonstrance proving inetfectual. President Jackson, in February, 1837, recom- mended to Congress that an act authorizing reprisals should be passed. This spirited conduct produced a fresh promise of justice from Mexico. But having again evaded her stipulations, President Van Buren, in Uec(unber, 1837, called the attention of Congress to PREPAR.^TIONS FOR WAR. JH her conduct, advising that body, in a significant passage, "to decide u])on the time, tlie mode, and the measure of redress." War, however, was not declared; for in the turbulent condition of Mexico, excuses were found, by Congress, for her shuffling and procrastination. Negotiations were resimied, and in April, 1839, a convention of delegates met to adjust the claims of our citizens upon the government of Mexico. This convention appointed commis- sioners to examine the claims and report thereon : their duties were to terminate in eighteen months. The proceedings of the board, however, were so dilatory that the specified time had elapsed before all the claims were adjudicated. The whole sum finally declared to be due to citizens of the United States, was 252,026,139 68. Further claims to the amount of $928,627 88, had been examined and con- sidered good by the American commissioner, but were slighted by the Mexican conunissioner, for alleged want of time. There were still other claims to the comparatively enormous sum of $3, 336,837 05, which had been presented to the board, but wliich neither of the commissioners had scrutinized. The two millions were promptly acknowledged as a debt by Mexico, but time was asked for pay- ment, wliich was granted by a second convention held in January, 1843. When, however, the first instalments fell due, Mexico found herself unable to meet them. Disappohited again, after ten years of delay, the claimants naturally grew exasperated, and filling the halls of Congress with their clamors, increased the popular indigna- tion against Mexico. Proposals for a third convention, however, were discussed ; and had there been no other causes for hostilities, the storm would have blown over. But the annexation of Texas had now brougnt to a crisis the mutual dislike of Mexico and our south-western states ; and all that was wanting for an explosion, was that a spark should light on the inflammable material. This soon occurred. The angry manner in which the Mexican minister had left tiie United States, induced the President to send a fleet into the gulf, as a measure of precaution to our commerce, in case of war. He also resolved to concentrate an army on the frontier of Texas. These warlike movements, however, were accompanied by others of a more peaceable character ; the sword and the olive-branch being oflfered together. Through the American Consul at the city of Mexico, inquiry was made of the authorities there, whether a minister would be received from the United States, entrusted with powers to negotiate a settlement of all diflicultics. A favorable reply was returned. It was llie understanding of the Mexican governmeiU, 2ff THE WAR WITH MEXICO. however, that the new minister would confine himself to the adjust- ment of the controversy respecting Texas, and be prepared to pay a large sum for the surrender of that territory. When, therefore, Mr. Slidell reached Vera Cruz, as Ambassador Plenipotentiary from the United States, the Mexican government was thrown into the greatest alarm and confusion. In fact the existing administration was at a crisis. Herrera, the President, was sincerely desirous of peace ; but he knew the prejudices of the people ; and he was op- pose i by Paredes, who filled the nation with clamors against Her- rera, who, he said, was about to betray the country, by parting with Texas. In this emergency, Herrera begged our Ambassador to delay offering his credentials. But Mr. Slidell considered he had no choice GBNEnAL PAREDES. except to obey his instructions. Affairs, in consequence, hastened to a crisis. Herrera, finding he could not maintain himself against the torrent of popular rage, which deepened every hour, resigned, and Paredes succeeded him. The American envoy waited for two months, until the turmoil of this revolution had partially subsided, THE COUNTRY BETWEEN THE NEUCES AND RIO GRANDE. 29 and then offered his credentials to the new government. His request to be accredited was somewhat insolently denied. He now demanded his passports, and in April returned to the United States. The hori- zon was now ominous of war ! The army which, as we have said, President Polk had resolved to concentrate on the frontier of Texas, first assembled at Fort Jes- sup, Louisiana, under the command of Brigadier-General Zachary Taylor, an officer then comparatively unknown to the country, though appreciated in the army, where he held a high reputation for good sense, patriotism, and indomitable courage. From this post it had moved, under instructions from the Secretary of War, in July, 1845. The orders of General Taylor were to select some suitable place near the Rio Grande, where he was peaceably to remain, un- less the Mexicans should cross that river in force, which act was to be deemed an invasion of the territory of the United States, and, therefore, a virtual declaration of war. General Taylor, after mature consideration, selected Corpus Christi, a little town on the Mexican gulf, near the river Neuces. The troops accordingly were embarked from New Orleans, and reached their destination about the first of August. Here they remained until March, 1846, subjected to many privations, for the country around furnished few stores, and the low sandy plain on which they were encamped, was swept by terrific hurricanes which frequently prostrated the tents. Conflicting rumors continually reached head-quarters. The Mexicans, with great address, kept their hostile intentions secret. At last intelligence was received that Paredes had overthrown Herrera; that troops were rapidly concentrating on the Rio Grande ; and that General Arista, who was believed to favor peace, had been superseded by Ampudia, known to be an advocate for war. On the Uth of March, General Taylor, pursuant to orders dated in January, left Corpus Christi for the Rio Grande, with an army numbering about three thousand, etfective rank and file. Prior to his departure he issued a proclama- tion in Spanish, addressed to the inhabitants on the Rio Grande, assuring them of the most amicable treatment, promising to respect their civil and religious rights, and informing them that whatever provisions they would bring into camp should be paid for at the highest price. This was deemed a necessary measure of precaution, since the army was now leaving that portion of Texas which was settled chiefly by Americans, and entering a district occupied entirely by a Spanish stock. It would be foreign to our purpose to examine the vexed question, whether the Neuces or the Rio Grande was the rightful boundary M — c* 30 THE WAR WITH MEXICO. of Texas. Mexico asserted that her frontier extended to the Neuces; but the United States denied this, and claimed the Rio Grande as the boundary, with a right to the free navigation of that river. The country between the Neuces and the Rio Grande is generally fertile; but at about half the distance a desert intervenes, thirty miles wide. At first accordingly the troops were enchanted with their march. The fourth day a mirage arose in the west. Blue mountains in the distance, lakes fringed with trees, and pleasant farm-houses sleeping amid luxuriant fields recalled the memories of home, and cheated the beholder, for awhile, with the belief in their reality. Herds of antelopes sprang up from the prairie as the army passed, galloped to the edge of the horizon, and stood looking at the long columns, their large dark eyes distended with surprise. The streams crossed were edged with thick woodlands. Flowers of the most beautiful dye covered the prairies, conspicuous among them the Mexican poppy, the indigo, and the scarlet Texan plume. The sun rose and set with gorgeous splendor. Occasionally the camp was pitched on elevated knolls, surrounded with ponds, from which the water-fowl rustled upwards in thousands. After a week's journey, the army reached the desert. The soil here is a deep sand, covered with thin grass, and full of salt ponds, which tantalized the thirsty troops with their hquid beauty. A forced march of twenty miles brought the men to a camp. The next day the route was resumed. A high wind raised the dust in blinding and choking clouds. The sand was like hot ashes to the feet ; the vertical sun beat down with tropical fierceness ; and frequently the men, no longer able to keep their ranks, sat down parched and desponding by the road-side. At last, the joyful cry was passed from the van that a fresh-water pond was in sight. New hope inspired all: they rushed forward; and in the cooling draught tasted untold pleasure. The country now began to change its aspect. The sand disappeared and was succeeded by clay ; level plains, nodding with thick woods, rose before the eye ; and occasionally horsemen were seen sweeping the distant horizon, a sure proof that the army was approaching an inhabited district. Arrived at the banks of the Rio Colorado, a body of Mexican soldiers was seen drawn up on the opposite shore, while bugles were heard sounding up and down the stream, as if a large force was concealed behind the trees. A messenger from General Mejia, the Governor of Metamoras, appeared, who gave notice that if the Americans attempted to cross, they would be fired upon. General Taylor replied that as soon as a road could be cut down the bank, which was here twenty feet high, he intended to ford the river, and PASSAGE OF THE RIO COLORADO. 31 that the first person who ventured to dispute the passage should be shot down. A road was soon dug, and the artillery being unlini- Dered to defend the pass, the soldiers plunged boldly into the stream, General Worth, with his stati', galloping in the advance. The enemy, iiotwitlistanding his threats, retired without firing a gun, and the passage was achieved. Every step now carried the army into a region better inhabited. The soil became richer, the landscape more picturesque, and wildernesses of acacia thickets filled the air with fragrance. The army was divided, four days after the passage of the Colorado : the empty wagons, escorted by the dragoons, turning aside to Point Isabel ; while the remainder of the force continued its march towards Matamoras. General Taylor accompanied the train. At Point Isabel he found the steamboats and supplies he had expected at that post. Here also he was met by a deputation from Matamoras, protesting against his occupying the country. Leav- ing a small force at the Point, where they were ordered to intrench themselves, General Taylor rejoined the main army, which had awaited him at a beautiful spot, called Palo Alto, eight miles from MATAMORAS. Matamoras. As the eye of the Commander-in-chief wandered over this lovely plain, where clumps of acacia, ebony and mosquite re- 32 THE WAR WITH MEXICO. lieved the monotony of the rich prairie, he said. " We may yet have to fight a battle here ; it is the very spot to make a stand." Memo- rable words, and too soon verified ! It was the twenty-eighth of March, 1846, when the steeples of Matamoras rose in sight of the little army of Taylor. The approach to the town was heralded by increasing signs of cultivation. At last, the rapid waters of the Rio Grande were seen whirling directly before, while, on the opposite shore of the narrow stream, here less than two hundred yards wide, a crowd of persons was visible, actu- ated by curiosity to see those strange men from anotiier clime, the " barbarians of the north," of whom they had heard so much. A suitable place was immediately selected for the camp : after whicli General Worth was deputed to cross to Matamoras, and reply to the protest which General Taylor had received at Point Isabel. General Worth was not permitted to enter the town, but held a conference with General La Vega on the bank. The interview was unsatisfac- tory to both sides. The succeeding days were spent in mutual dis- trust. The Mexicans worked assiduously in strengthening the defences of the town ; while the Americans were as zealously engaged in throwing up a fort. Rumors occasionally disturbed the camp respecting a contemplated attack on Point Isabel. Proclama- tions having been secretly distributed among the American soldiers, ofiering inducements to desert, several men swam the river, of whom two were shot by the sentries. Nevertheless, General Mejia, who commanded at Matamoras, did not openly assume a hostile character ; but released two dragoons who had been captured a few days previously. On the 1st of April Ampudia arrived at Mata- moras and took command, when the scene began to change. He immediately notified General Taylor, that unless the American army retired to the Neuces within twenty-four hours, the Mexican govern- ment would consider war declared. The rejily of General Taylor was mild, but firm. He said that lie had come to the Rio Grande, in a peaceable attitude, by order of the American government ; that lie should remain ; and that the responsibility of a war, if one arose, would be on that side which fired the first gun. Tlie calm and dig- nified tone of General Taylor, in this and all future communications with the enemy, was in strong contrast with the boastful and arro- gant style of Ampudia. Affairs now hastened to a crisis. Colonel Cross, who had been missed from camp on the 11th, was found on the 21st, murdered in a chapparal. A party having been sent out, on the 16th, to search for the body of the missing ollicer, was attacked by some roving COMMENCEMENT OF HOSTILITIES. 33 Mexicans, and Lieutenant Porter, as well as one of ills men, killed. On the ^Snd, Ampudia complained to General Taylor of the block- ade of the Rio Grande. The American General replied, that, if Ampudia would sign an armistice until the boundary question was COLONEL CROSS. settled, or war declared, he would raise the blockade, hut on no other terms. Ampudia declined the armistice. A spy having brought in intelligence that a large body of Mexican cavalry had crossed the Rio Grande above the camp. Captain Thornton, on the evening of the 25th, was sent out to reconnoitre : when his troop was attacked by a superior force under General Torrejon, several of his men cut off, himself wounded, and the whole party ultimately captured. The prisoners were taken to Matamoras, where, however, they were treated with courtesy. This act may be considered as the conunence- 34 THE WAR WITH MEXICO. ment of hostilities ; for the aggressions on the Americans, up to this point, had been conducted by unauthorised bands of Mexican ma- rauders. As if aware of the events which were transacting on the Rio Grande, the President of Mexico issued a proclamation, at the capi- tal, on the 22nd of April, 1846, declaring the existence of war between the two republics. It is apparent that the Mexican govern- ment had resolved on hostilities from the first, and had only dissimu- lated in order to gain time. POINT ISABEL. BOOK II. CAMPAIGN ON THF RIO GRANDE. N the evening of the 26th of April, as soon as the attack on Captain Thornton's party became known, Taylor despatciied an ex- press, with a requisition on the governors of Texas and Louisia- na for five thousand volunteers. Two davs after, he received in- telhgence of an attack on Captain Walker's camp, wliich lay be- tween the fort and Point IsabeL ^ Rumors that the Mexicans were '- crossing the Rio Grande in force, Pif both above and below, alarmed him for his communications ; and he resolved to leave a garrison at 35 36 THE WAR WITH MEXICO. Fort Brown, and march with the remainder of his army to the reUef of the Point. This plan he executed on the 1st of May. The men marched prepared for battle, and slept on their arms on the open prairie. In the morning the route was resumed, and no Mexicans appearing, the troops reached Point Isabel without moles- tation. The sight of the American flag still waving over Fort Polk, was greeted with loud huzzas. Fatigued by the extreme heat of the march, the men were glad to avail themselves of repose, and soon sank to slumber. But day had scarcely dawned on the 3rd, when the heavy booming of artillery from the direction of Mata- moras, aroused the camp ; for the Mexicans, availing themselves of the departure of Taylor, had attacked Fort Brown. The reveille beat amid the wildest anxiety and alarm. The cry to march was on all lips. The conduct of the General, in this crisis, proved the great soldier. At first he was inclined to yield to the generous im- pulse of his army ; but reflecting that he would, in that case, have to leave his stores behind and thus frustrate the object of his expedition, he determined first to try and open a communication with the fort. For this difficult and perilous undertaking. Captain Walker, of the /\ [ Texan rangers, offered himself. He left the camp immediately, and /^i ^ was escorted part of the distance by Captain May, who then returned to the Point. Walker was absent two nights and a day, returning on the morning of the 5th. He brought intelligence that the garrison considered itself able to hold out, and was determined at least to make the attempt. Nor did success seem improbable ; for on the first day of the bombardment, the superior fire of the fort had silenced the heavy guns of the Mexicans in thirty minutes ; and the enemy had since contented himself with throwing shells. The garrison feared nothing but an assault by overwhelming numbers \ and in that case every man had resolved to die at his gun. On receipt of this intelligence the concern of the General Wcis partially dissipated ; but nevertheless no time was lost in preparing to march. The report of artillery from the direction of the fort con- tinued, and stimulated the exertions of the men. Scouts gave infor- mation of immense columns of the enemy, which had crossed the Rio Grande, and now occupied the prairie between the Point and fort. By the morning of the 7th, nearly every thing was in readi- ness for an advance. The General now issued the order to inarch. It was couched in concise and forcible language, and breathed a confidence which animated all. " It is known the enemy has recently occupied the route in force:" said this memorable document: "If still in possession, the General will give him battle. The command- BATTLE OF PALO ALTO. 37 ing General has every confidence in his officers and men. If his orders and instructions are carried out he has no doubt of the result, let the enemy meet him in what numbers they may. He wishes to enjoin upon the battaUons of infantry that their main dependence must be in the bayonet." The army escorted a large train, rich not only in provisions, but in munitions of war. Advancing five miles, Taylor encamped for the night. No enemy had yet been seen. But on the next day, after a march of twelve miles, the Mexicans were discovered, less than a mile distant, their dense and apparently in- terminable masses darkening the prairie. General Taylor immediately prepared for action. The day had been sultry, and the men were suffering for water. Accordingly a halt was ordered, the army was formed into columns of attack, and then the soldiers, half at a time, were allowed to fill their canteens. While this was in progress the enemy continued nearly immovable, ranged along the further end of the prairie, in advance of a stunted wood, exposing a front of nearly a mile and a half. The Mexican lancers were known by the flash of their weapons; the infantry by the darker mass presented to the eye. As near as could be estimated, the force of the enemy was over six thousand. The Americans, to oppose this, had but eighteen hundred infantry, atid two hundred cavalry ; but they were strong in confidence, discipline, and indomi- table valor. Their artillery, moreover, though not numerous, was admirable. It consisted of two eighteen pound guns drawn by oxen, and eight light pieces, belonging to Ringgold's and Duncan's flying artillery. The field of battle was covered by long, dense grass. The army having refreshed itself, the order to advance was given, when the men moved to the attack as coolly and with as much regu- larity as on a drill. An incident occurred, at this point, which inspired all. Suddenly Lieutenant Blake, of the topographical engi- neers, dashed forward until he was within a hundred and fifty yards of the Mexicans, when he took out his s{)y-glass and began to recon- noitre their lines, riding leisurely along their whole front. Having performed this duty to his satisfaction, he returned as coolly to the General and reported. This gallant officer, unfortunately, was killed by the accidental discharge of one of his own pistols on tlie ensuing day. The line of battle had been formed in two wings; the right, com- manded by Colonel Twiggs, consisted of the third, fourth and fifth infantry, with the eighteen-pound battery and Ringgold's artillery; the left, commanded by Lieutenant-Colonel Belknap, was formed of the eighth infantry and Duncan's artillery. The action began at M D 38 THE WAR WITH MEXICO. three o'clock, P. M., at a distance of seven hundred yards, by the enemy opening with his artillery. The batteries of Duncan and Ringgold were immediately advanced to the front, and a furious cannonade ensued. The Mexicans fired at the American guns, while the Americans aimed at the masses of the foe. The slaughter, consequently, was very unequal. Moreover, to avoid the fire as far as possible, the Americans had been ordered to deploy into line, all except the eighth infantiy, which continued in column ; and, when the battle began, the men were further directed to lie down. The wagons had been formed into a par": in the rear, near which the dragoons remained. The contest was confined, for a long time, to the American batteries and those of the enemy. Between these the battle soon became terrific. Explosion followed explosion with almost incredible velocity, the plain shaking under the tremendous concussions. The masses of the enemy were visibly trembling be- neath the discharges, which incessantly ploughed their ranks. The Mexican shot, in return, generally whistled over the Americans. At last the prairie took fire, and the thick columns of smoke from the burning grass, obscured for awhile the opposing forces from each other. At this crisis, a dense body of cavalry, apparently about a thou- sand strong, dashed out from the enemy's left, as if to assail the American flank and reach the train in the rear. Their splendid appearance, with their long lances gleaming and flashing in the sun, awoke the admiration even of their enemies. They were promptly met and repulsed by a part of Ringgold's artillery, aided by the third and fourth infantry, the latter of whom received them in square, emptying twenty saddles with a single fire from one angle. Mean- while Ringgold, with the remainder of his battery, was tearing the Mexican left to pieces with his rapid and well aimed discharges. While thus engaged, a cannon-shot mortally wounded him. The battle raged wilder than ever. Ringgold's battery, now led by Ridge- ley, was pushed forward on the right, under cover of the smoke; and, by this movement, the enemy was compelled to change his line of battle. Duncan's battery, in like manner, made a brilliant flank movement on the Mexican right. The foe fell back in confusion before these new assaults : and the sun, as he went down, looked on the retreating masses of the enemy, repulsed by a force less than one-half their own in numbers. Thus ended the memorable battle of Palo Alto, which gave a prestii^e to all the future operations of General Taylor. The loss on the part of the Americans had been slight, but had fallen dispro- BATTLE OF RESACA DE LA PALMA. 39 portionately on the officers. In all nine were killed and fifty-four wounded. Major Ringgold and Captain Page were both mortally- injured. The wounds of the men were mostly from cannon-sliot and therefore severe, requiring amputation of some limb. The enemy, as was subsequently discovered, lost in killed, wounded and missing six hundred. The American officers exposed themselves with the utmost intrepidity, and thus animated the troops, few of whom had ever been in battle: General Taylor himself often being where the fire was the hottest. In the official despatch, the General says: — " Our artillery, consisting of two eighteen-pounders, and two light batteries, was the arm chiefly engaged, and to the excellent manner in which it was manoeuvred and served is our success mainly due." The rapidity of the fire from Duncan's battery especially astonished and confounded the enemy. The victors bivouacked on the field of battle. Notwithstanding the defeat of the enemy, the impression was general that another action would be fought on the morrow ; rumors prevailed in the camp that the en'miy had only fallen back to a stronger position, where he had been reinforced ; and doubt and uncertainty mingled with the dreams of the exhausted soldiers. While the men slept, the General called a council of officers, to con- sider whether it was best to advance or retire. The decision was unanimous in favor of an advance. Accordingly, soon after sunrise, the army was put in motion. In order that the march might not be encumbered, the wounded were sent back to the Point, while the train was parked, a temporary breastwork being thrown up, on which some twelve-pounders, which had been in the wagons, were mounted. The scouts thrown out in front reported the enemy in full retreat. As the Americans marched along the road, they passed the spot where the foe had been drawn up the preceding day, when a pitiable spectacle met the sight. The Mexican slain lay in huge heaps about the field, where the artillery had literally mowed them down, disclosing the most ghastly wounds. Occasionally a maimed soldier would be seen, who, by signs rather than words, begged for water ; wfien, with the characteristic huma- nity of the American, a dozen canteens were instantly ready for his parched lips. In one part of the plain a dog was found lying by the corpse of his master; nor could any entreaties induce him to leave the dead body. The General humanely sent parties to search for the wounded, wliom he ordered to be treated with the same care as his own men. The army, in consequence of the guard left with the train, was now reduced to seventeen hundred men. When about three miles 40 THE WAR WITH MEXICO. from Fort Brown, the Mexicans were perceived drawn up directly across the road. They had placed themselves in a very strong posi- tion behind a semi-circular ravine, in front of v/hich the chapparal bristled, like a continuous chevaux de frieze. The few openings through this dense undergrowth were guarded by artillery ; while masses of Mexican infantry lined the ravine, and concentrated their fire on these passes. The enemy had received large reinforcements since the preceding evening, among them the celebrated Tampico regiment ; and Arista, trusting to these and to his position, had pub- licly declared that ten thousand veterans could not drive him from his ground. But General Taylor, notwithstanding this, did not hesi- tate a moment in commencing the attack. He ordered the infantry to file past the train and deploy as skirmishers to the right and left of the road : on this the foe opened his fire, which raked the route of the advancing Americans with terrible effect. Ridgeley's battery was now ordered to the front. He made his first discharge at a con- siderable distance from the Mexicans, but at successive intervals between the fire of the latter, galloped forward and took up new positions, until at last he had approached within one hundred yards. At this murderous proximity he continued firing grape and cannister, which the enemy returned with almost equal rapidity, so that soon the plain was swept incessantly by a hurricane of death. The infantry, meantime, were advancing towards the chapparal, and directly the sharp rattle of musketry mingled with the crashing of grape-shot. The third and fourth regiments finally reached the ravine, down which they plunged with fierce shouts, and soon their fire was seen sparkling along the chapparal. The Mexicans fought nobly. Eagerly rushing to the encounter, the struggle became hand to hand. Bayonets were crossed repeatedly. The regiments even- tually became mixed in the dense chapparal; but the native valor of the men triumphed over every obstacle, and the struggle continued, each soldier fighting as if the day depended solely on himself One of the Mexican guns on the right had been captured, but no impres- sion had yet been made on the enemy's centre. The General know- mg that victory depended on carrying the battery there, which formed the key to the Mexican position, ordered up Captain May, with his dragoons, and directed him to charge. This olficer had been without any opportunity to signalize himself in the action of the day before, and had, on the present occasion, remained chafing in the rear, fearful that his services would not be required. He therefore hailed this command with glee, and went thundering down the road with his troop, eager for the sliock. When the dragoons reached BATTLE OF RESACA DE LA PALMA. 41 Ridgeley's battery he requested them to halt, while he drew the enemy's fire. The blaze of the guns liad scarcely passed, when May dashed forward, on his powerful charger, followed closely by Lieu- tenant Inge and his troopers. Arrived nearly at the breastwork, he turned to wave on his followers. At that moment a discharge from the upper battery hurtled through his little band, emptying twenty- five saddles. But a thunderbolt might as easily have been stopped COLONEL MAY AT RK8ACA DE LA PALMA. as that impetuous column. Down the ravine, through the chapparal, over the very guns of the enemy went May and his troopers, sabring the foe wherever they came : then, wheeling, they rushed back, and drove the gunners from their pieces. May himself capturing General La Vega, who commanded at this point. The eighth infantry, and a part of the fifth, now came running up, and secured what the dra- goons had taken. But even after the loss of their artillery, the enemy maintained the fight, the contest continuing to rage along the ravine, until the Americans cleared it with the push of the bayonet. At last the Mexicans were driven at nearly all points. The pur- suit lay along a road, comparatively narrow, and fenced in, as it M — D* 6 42 THE WAR WITH MEXICO. were, between high walls of chapparal. But the Tampico regiment, victors in twenty pitched battles, still fought valiantly, the men clus- tering around its flag, until all were cut down. When the Mexicans saw the fall of this veteran regiment, panic seized them. Horse and foot, breaking their ranks, and crowding on each other, rushed towards the Rio Grande, in swimming which lay their only hope of escape. At the head of the pursuit rattled the flying artillery, pouring in its bloody fire. The infantry followed at a run, cheering as it advanced. About two hundred yards from the ravine the Americans reached the deserted camp of the Mexicans. Here beeves were killed, camp- fires were lighted, and meals were cooking, so little had the enemy expected such a result to the day's struggle. In the midst of the tents stood the gorgeous pavilion of Arista. It contained treasures of plate, hangings, and other luxuries, equal to a satrap's. The spoil of the camp was prodigious. Three standards, eight pieces of artillery, an immense quantity of ammunition, with the arms and equipments of seven thousand men and two thousand horses fell into the hands of the victors. The enemy were pursued towards the river, and many of them drowned in attempting to cross. As the victors passed the lines of the fort opposite Matamoras, three shots from eighteen-pounders went over them, and, for a moment, the cry passed through the troops that their friends had mistaken them for the foe and were firing on them ; but the discharges were not repeated, and it was afterwards ascertained they came from the city. Thus ended the battle of Resaca de la Palma. The loss of the Americans was thirty-nine killed and seventy-one wounded. Lieu- tenant Inge of the dragoons, and Lieutenants Cochrane and Chad- bourne of the infantry, were among the slain. The enemy, it is computed, suffered in killed, wounded and missing, not less than two thousand. When the victorious army reached Fort Brown, the garrison looked as if it had been buried in the earth ; for bomb-proof shelters and holes dug for covers, appeared on every side. The bombard- ment, which had begun on the morning of the 3rd, had continued without intermission since. On the first day one of the garrison was killed. On the 6th, Major Brown was wounded in the leg by a shell, and being placed for safety in a burrow, his wound mortified, and he died on the 9th, just before the cry of victory reached the fort. Only twelve others were wounded during the bombardment, though the Mexicans flattered themselves they had killed nearly the whole garrison. The men were nearly worn down by watching, for as an assault might be expected every night, they dared not allow i '^^"■C BOMBARDMENT OF FORT BROWN. 43 themselves repose. On the 6th large parties of the enemy were seen in the rear of the fort, which were scattered with cannister ; but immediately a tremendous fire was opened from Matamoras, and FORT BROWN. shortly after, a parley being beaten, the Mexicans sent a summons to surrender, with a threat that if not complied with in an hour's time, the garrison should be put to the sword. A refusal was the I'rompt and determined answer of Captain Hawkins, who had suc- ceeded Major Brown in the command. A shower of shot and shells now fell around the fort, in the midst of which the brave Hawkins hoisted the regimental colors on different angles of the work. The night passed in quiet, the garrison under arms. On the 7th the l)onibardment was resumed more furiously than ever; but still with- out the expected demonstration for an assault. In (he night, Haw- kins made a sortie with a hundred men, and levelled a traverse on the river bank, to prevent its being occupied by the enemy. Early on the succeeding morning the Mexican batteries opened afresh, with even greater vehemence than on the day before, firing from north, 44 THE WAR WITH MEXICO. south and west at once. At last, in the pauses of the reverberations, the guns at Palo Alto were heard : the battle drew nearer : and then the garrison knew that Taylor was approaching. Night, however, fell without any tidings from him. The utmost anxiety prevailed. The overwhelming forces of the Mexicans, coupled with Taylor's non-appearance, would have dispelled all hope, but that no bells, or other sounds of triumph, were heard in Matamoras. On the 9th the garrison awoke, refreshed by partial slumbers, the first they had dared to indulge in for a week. At dawn the bombardment began again. But soon the guns of Resaca de la Palma were heard, and to the joy of all, the sounds of battle approached. At last the Mexi- can cavalry were seen flying towards the Rio Grande, and soon after a confused mass of fugitives appeared, driven before the victorious Americans. At this welcome sight one of the officers sprang on the parapet at the foot of the great flag-staff", and beckoning for silence, called for three cheers for the stars and stripes. The shouts that followed were repeated until the welkin shook, and were heard far over the river in the great square of Matamoras. Had General Taylor been provided with a pontoon train he could have followed up these victories by driving the enemy immediately from Matamoras ; but a delay of a week occurred in consequence of the want of adequate means for crossing the Rio Grande. At last, sufficient boats were accumulated. On the 16th, however, he received a commissioner from the foe, desiring a suspension of hos- tilities until the question of boundary between the two countries should be decided. The General replied that the time for an armis- tice had passed; and on the 17th crossed, and took possession of Matamoras, which the Mexican army had evacuated the day before, carrying with them most of the public stores and munitions. The retreat of Arista was owing to the dispirited condition of his troops. Falling back in the direction of the more elevated country, the Mexican General finally took pos^ at INIonterey, a fortified town, situated in the lap of rugged hills, on tlie sides of that vast table- land, which rises, as we have said, like some huge castellated struc- ture, in the centre of Mexico. In recompense for these brilliant victories. General Taylor, in July, was made a full Major-General. He remained at Matamoras until the 5th of August, waiting for supplies, when he advanced to Camargo, resolving to make that the base of his contemplated ope- rations against Monterey. JNIeantime active measures had been taken in the United States to carry on the war. On the 11th of JNIay, as soon as intelligence of the attack on Captain Thornton's party MOVEMENTS OF THE AMERICAN ARMV. 45 arrived, the President had communicated to Congress a mersage, stating that war existed by the act of Mexico, and asking for supphes. The wliigs, who formed a minority, however, objected to affirming, as the preamble to the resokitions of supply declared, that the hostilities were begun by Mexico, yet otfered to vote any amount of money or men to extricate General Taylor from his perilous posi- tion. The democratic party, however, who were in the ascendant, refused to expunge the obnoxious preamble, and the act finally passed as reported, the whigs generally voting with a protest. Ten millions of money were ordered to be raised. Fifty thousand twelve months volunteers were called out. With such alacrity did recruits, under this requisition, flood to camp, that General Taylor soon found himself embarrassed with their numbers, his plan of operations not requiring more than five or six tliousand men, while the Secretary of War promised him speedily twenty thousand. Adequate supplies also were wanting. But in the midst of these perplexities, the General evinced such calmness of mind and practical good sense, that the army was rejoiced to hear that General Scott was not coming to supersede him, as had been originally intended. During the summer Commodore Coinior occupied his fleet in blockading the Mexican ports in the gulf. Meantime, the govern- ment of Paredes, which had begun in January with such popularity, was tottering to its fall in consequence of the late defeats. Arista had been summoned to the capital, with the intention of sacrificing him to the public vengeance ; but even this movement did not appease the clamor, which was adroitly fomented by the partizans of Santa Anna, now an exile in Cuba, At last, the city of Vera Cruz declared in favor of Santa Anna, on the 31st of July ; and this resolution was soon imitated in the capital, and other places. On the 16th of August, the exile returned to his native country, with the connivance of President Polk, who believed that by his aid, a speedy and permanent peace -^ould be procured. The federal constitution of 1824 was now restored, and the election of a Con- gress ordered for December. At high noon, on the 15th of Septem- l)er, Santa Anna made his triumphal entry into the capital, where he was received with the peal of bells, the clang of martial music, the roar of artillery, and the acclamations of thousands. Indeed all parties appeared, for the time, to look upon him in the light of a deliverer. Towards tlie close of August the line of March was taken up for Ceralvo. Preparatory to this, however, the army had been separa- ted into two divisions ; the first being placed under command of 16 THE WAR WITH MEXICO. General Twiggs, the second under General Worth. A proclamation to conciliate the Mexican people was also issued. The route pur- sued by the Americans lay, for some time yet, along the Rio Grande. Lofty ranges of mountains began, however, to loom in the distance. Turning to the south-west, near Mier, the army now experienced a more rugged route ; but the soil was generally rich, and the toil was sweetened by the scent of millions of fragrant flowers. The air grew more cool and bracing. In the evening, the loiterers around the camp-fires beheld piles of dark, fantastic clouds, fringed with moonlight ; patches of clear, blue sky ; and, frequently, at the same time, lightning in the south. Amid scenes like these they half persuaded themselves they were in a land of enchantment. When they reached Ceralvo they realized their dreams of an earthly Para- dise. The air here was as balmy as in spring. Every house had its garden, fragrant with flowers ; a limpid river, murmuring in cascades, and spanned by innumerable stone bridges, ran through the town ; while, in the midst, rose a cathedral, whose half Saracenic architec- ture carried the imagination back to the romantic days of Old Spain. The country beyond Ceralvo increased in ruggedness. The priva- tions of the march were now redoubled, for no means existed for transporting the sick, who staggered on with their companions, or lay down despairingly to die. The inhabitants were civil, but not social ; and when the officers wished to see a fandango, they were told they would have dancing enough at Monterey, ominous words which they better understood at a later day. The picturesque cha- racter of the region increased at every step. Now the army moved through an amphitheatre of mountains, enclosing beautiful valleys, surrounded by smaller hills, and these backed by towering sierras: now it passed a succession of bold, rugged clifls, or conical peaks, the white, verdureless sides glistening in the sun, while magnificent clouds curled around their tops, or nestled in the ravines half way down. At last the blue mountains, at whose base Monterey slept, rose in the west. Pressing on, the army reached Merine, whence, at the distance of twenty-five miles, the city itself became visible, a white mass of buildings reposing in the delicious valley of San Juan ; while beyond, in silent grandeur, rose the huge masses of the Sierra Madre, towering far above the lesser chain of mountains, and piercing the clouds with their lofty sunnnits. The excitement now became intense. The troops pressed forward, in order of battle, and on the 19th of September, 1846, the city of Monterey broke suddenly upon the view at the distance of two miles. Through the blue morn- ing haze, palace and hill, steeple and fort seemed floating in the air. THE MARCH TO MONTERET. 47 The silence and repose that hung around the landscape were so deep that it seemed a vision rather than a reaUty. Suddenly, as the col- umns emerged beyond the grove of St. Domingo, a sheet of flame shot from the dark sides of the citadel, a dull report followed, and a cannon-ball hissed by, richochetting over the head of General Taylor, and burying itself in the earth just beyond. It was the first gun of Monterey ! The American army was computed at nine thousand men ; but the actual numbers at Monterey were six thousand six hundred, the remainder being distributed in garrisons at Camargo and other places. To oppose these the Mexicans had seven thousand regular troops, be- sides nearly three thousand irregulars. Monterey, moreover possessed natural and artificial defences, which still further increased the disparity between the contending forces. The city stands in the valley of San MO.NTERET, AND TUB SADDLE MOUNTAINS. Juan, its rear washed by the river of that name. Two main approaches lead into it. The first is the road from Ceralvo, by which the Ameri- cans approached; and the second, tlie main Sultillo road, which, fol- lowing the course of the St. Juan, enters the town on the west, as 48 THE WAR WITH MEXICO. the other does on the east. The Saltillo road is overhung, just out- side the city, by two formidable heights strongly fortified, completely commanding this approach. The Ceralvo road, on the contrary, crosses a comparative plain. Though nature had here done less to protect the town, art had done more ; for the guns of the citadel, an almost impregnable fortress, raked this route, while, further on, nume- rous small batteries remained to pass, before the city could be reached. Even here, however, the peril was not over ; for the streets had been trenched, the house-tops loaded with missiles, and artillery placed in every possible position to annoy a foe. In short, Monterey was regarded as unconquerable. General Taylor, indeed, was not aware either of the great strength of the place, or of the numbers of its garrison until he arrived before it; a reconnoisance on the 19th, however, revealed a portion of the truth; but, nothing intimidated, he resolved to attack. Worth, with his division of regulars was ordered to move around to the right, and carry the heights com- manding the Saltillo road : while Taylor reserved to himself the assault in front, at the head of the divisions of Twiggs and Butler. On the morning of the 21st the main attack began. A strong column, with Bragg's artillery, passuig the citadel hastily, advanced against the town on the extreme left. They were at first opposed by a redoubt, but throwing themselves impetuously into its rear, the men rushed into the town, and notwithstanding a tremendous cross-fire opened upon them, from batteries, from the roofs of houses, and from every street corner, succeeded in obtaining a temporary footing in the place. At last, however, the fire became so murderous that they were compelled to retire. Taylor now ordered up the fourth infantry, and the volunteer regiments from Mississippi, Ten- nessee, and Ohio. A portion of this force dashed forward against the redoubt, but was received with such a withering fire as to be compelled to withdraw. The remainder, making a circuit, succeeded in capturing the fort. This gallant action was performed by General Quitman, assisted by Captain Backus. Simultaneously an assault, led by General Butler, was being made against the town somewhat to the right, where a second battery hud been erected. The guns of the captured fort were turned on this battery; and the volunteers advanced with heroic intrepidity. But in vain. General Butler was wounded and forced to leave the field. Colonel Garland, after leading his men almost into the heart of the city, and passing trium- phantly several streets trenched and barricaded, reached a tete du point, where a struggle indescribably terrific, arose. The enemy frequently faltered, but were continually rehiforced, until they nura I BATTLE OF MONTKKEr. 49 bered a thousand ; while the assailants were but one hundred and fifty. The slaughter, at this point, was so great that Captain Henry of the third, who went into action with five seniors, at the end of half an hour found himself in command of his regiment. At last, Taylor withdrew ins troops, and night fell on the combatants. MOiNTEKEV AS SEEN FBOM THE CAMl' OFTAVI.OK. Meantime, Worth on the Saltillo road had not been idle. Early on the morning of the 21st, he had been charged by a body of lan- cers, who were repulsed chiefly by Duncan's battery, with a loss to the assailants of their commanding ollicer and a hmidred men. He now prepared to storm the heights commanding the approaches in front. One of these, Federation Hill, was on the right of the river : and was defended by two batteries, both of which were gallantly carried by Captain P. F. Smith, at the head of a mixed force of regulars and volunteers. The other height was on the left of the river, where Worth lay, and was defended by a strong fortress called the Bishop's Palace, half way up the ascent, and by a battery on the extreme summit. These were assaulted and won, early on the morning of the 22nd, by Colonel Childs, at the head of six compa- nies of regulars and two hundred Texan riflemen. Never was a m — E 7 50 THE WAR WITH MEXICO. more splendid sight, than the storming of this height, as seen from Taylor's camp at the other side of the town. The morning was' still and hazy. " The first intimation we had of the attack," says an eye-witness, "was the discharge of musketry near the top of the hill. Each flash looked like an electric spark. The flashes and the white smoke ascended the hill-side steadily, as if worked by ma- chinery. The dark space between the apex of the heights and the curling smoke of the musketry became less and less, until the whole became enveloped in smoke, and we knew it was gallantly carried." The guns of the Bishop's Palace were now turned upon the town, and Worth's victorious troops poured down to attack the city. The wisdom of the diversion on the Saltillo road was now vindicated, for Ampudia, considering the heights in that direction as the key to his position, abandoned his outer batteries in front of Taylor, and con- centrated his troops in the heart of the town. The 22d passed in comparative inactivity on the part of the Commander-in-chief. But, on the 23d, Taylor resumed the attack. Quitman, with his brigade, entered the town, and finding the houses fortified, actually hewed his way through. Bragg's battery, and the third infantry joined in the strife ; and the victorious Americans were soon within two squares of the Grand Plaza. On his part. Worth was not idle ; but advanced, throwing shot and shells. Duncan, at the head of his re- nowned battery, swept the streets with incessant discharges ; and the Texans, armed with pick -axes, cut their way under cover of the houses. The hissing of the shot, the crash of fallen timbers, the cries of the aff"righted Mexicans, the crack of the American rifles, and the huzzas with v/liich the victorious troops welcomed every new foothold gained, conspired to render the scene one of the most stirring in history. Consternation now began to seize the enemy. Crowds of the inhabitants, flying to the cathedral in the great square, huddled together with shrieks ; while the troops, sternly collecting around the approaches to this sacred spot, prepared to make a last stand. Suddenly a bomb came whirling and hissing through the air : it hovered for an instant, over the agitated con- course ; and then plunged into one of the towers of the cathedral, scattering ruin and death around. A universal cry of horror rent the air; for the other tower was full of powder, and none knew but that the next shell might fall into it, and blow up the city. Ampudia, despairing of holding out longer, now proposed a capitulation. Accordingly a treaty was signed the next day. The terms of surrender were, that the town and citadel of Monterey should be given up to the Americans: that the Mexican forces -:.r R CAPTURE OF MONTEREr. 51 should, within seven days, retire beyond a Une formed by the pass of Rinconado, the city of Linares, and San Fernando de Prcgas ; that the officers should be allowed to retain their side-arms, the soldiers tlieir arms and accoutrements, and the artillery a field battery not to exceed six pieces. The Mexican flag, on being struck, was to be saluted by its own guns. An armistice to last eight weeks was also agreed on, determinable at the will of either party. The public property in Monterey, with the exceptions mentioned above, was to be transferred to the victors. These terms, so favorable to the Mexicans, were granted because Taylor wished to spare the eflusion of unnecessary blood. The rest of the city could have been carried, perhaps, at a comparative small sacrifice of life ; but not so the citadel, which Avas almost impregnable. Neither would it have been possible to ])revent the escape of the enemy's troops, since a route lay open to them in the rear of the town. In a word, considering the inferior numbers of the Ame- rican army, which forbade a complete investment of the city, the terms allowed Ampudia were not too liberal. The armis- tice, though disapproved by the government, was not unwise. "It paralyzed the enemy," says Taylor, in his despatches, "during a period when, from want of necessary means, we could not possibly move." Indeed, after a lapse of six weeks, the American army was not prepared to advance in force. This delay was principally the fault of the government at home, which did not furnish adequate supplies, and means of transportation : an error connuon to republi- can communities, especially at the beginning of a contest. "The task of fighting and beating the enemy," says Taylor, in the de- spatch already quoted, " is among the least difficult we encounter — the great question of supplies necessarily controls all the operations in a country like this." Another consideration influenced the Ame- rican General, in the capitulation and armistice : it was the beliet', then general, that the return of Santa Anna heralded a speedy peace. The loss of the Americans in the siege of Monterey was one hundred and twenty killed, and three hundred and sixty-eight wounded. Among the former were Captain Morris, and Major Barton, of the regulars, and Colonel Watson, of the volunteers. The loss of the Mexicans was never known, but was probably not greater. Forty-eight pieces of cannon were captured, besides im- mense stores of warlike munitions. When the victors entered the city, and became acc|uainted with the full character of the defences, they were lost in astonishment at their success : and the opinion was universal that two thousand American or Bnliiih soldiers could 52 THE WAR WITH MEXICO. have held the place against thirty thousand of any other nation. Especially were the conquerors amazed that they had been able to penetrate, even for an instant, into the eastern half of the city, which was a perfect net- work of defences. Worth, on the west, had but to carry the two heights in that quarter, to find the route compara- tively open before him ; but Taylor, at the corner of every street, was met by a fort, or masked battery. Nothing stimulated the troops during the siege so much as the calm aspect of the Com- mander-in-chief, who stood apparently without the least excitement, even when bullets were pattering around like hail. The capitulation was signed on the 24th, and on the succeeding day, the victorious troops marched into the town, the bands playing " Yankee Doodle." As the flag of the United States was run up, the guns from the Bishop's Palace saluting it, roared across the plain ; while the huzzas of the soldiers rolled down the line, and were echoed by the distant mountains. The result of this victory was to force the Mexican army back to San Luis Potosi, a distance of three hundred miles, and to place the intermediate country at the mercy of the invaders. The want of supplies, however, continued to embarrass Taylor's operations. At last, on the 2d of November, the first wagons he had received since he left Corpus Christi, arrived. Six days afterwards, the General announced that Saltillo, the capital of the state of Coahulia, would be occupied by his army. The provinces of New Mexico, New Leon, Tamaulipas and Coahuila were now in possession of the Americans. By December, eighteen thousand men were under the command of Taylor, scattered along between the Rio Grande and Saltillo. It was at this period that the government at home, despair- ing of making an impression on the enemy by a further prosecution of the war in this direction, determined to strike at the heart of Mexico by a march on the capital, by the way of Vera Cruz. The leader selected to command this new expedition was Major-General Winfield Scott, whose appointment was signified to him on the ISth of November, 1846. This otficer at once repaired to the scene of action, reaching the Rio Grande about the 1st of January, 1847. His arrival had been ])receded by an order of the war department, directing Taylor to place most of his regulars at Scott's commaid: and accordingly, when he reached the theatre of war. he found the choicest troops of the army at his disposal. By this movement, ine force of Taylor was reduced to less than ten thousand men, of whom it was not possible to concentrate more than five tliousand at any one point. The character of this force was also supposed to be MOVEMENTS OF GENERAL WOOL. 53 inferior, for the volunteers were generally fresh levies, nor were the regulars the veterans of Palo Alto, Resaca de la Palma, and JNIonterey. Even this comparatively small force would not have been left to Taylor, but that, at this crisis, he received an accession of numbers, by the return of General Wool from his expedition against Chihua- hua. Acting on the principle of attacking the Mexican states in detail, the government of the United States had, in September, despatched General Wool, at the head of three thousand men, of whom five hundred were regulars, against Chihuahua, by way of Presidio Rio Grande. This force, after enduring incredible hard- ships, assembled at Antonio de Bexar, on the 1st of September, whence they promptly set forth, and, crossing the Rio Grande at Presidio, pushed on, with long and wearisome marches, to the village of Santa Rosa. Discovering here that there was no direct route to SAI.TILI.O. their destination which was available, they turned south towards Saltillo, and finally rested at Monclova, one of the chief towns of M- 54 THE WAR WITH MEXICO. Coahiiila. Here the Americans, received in the most friendly man- ner, continued for a month, when Taylor, thinking no good could result from prosecuting the original expedition, ordered Wool to abandon it and move down to Parras, in the neighborhood of Saltillo. Subse- quently in December, Wool was directed to advance to the latter town. There he arrived just in time to participate in the glorious field of Buena Vista. In obedience to orders from the war department, Taylor, as early as November, had despatched the divisions of Twiggs, Quitman and Pillow from Monterey to Victoria, for the purpose of joining at Tam- pico the expedition against Vera Cruz. A month later the division of Patterson moved from Matamoras in the same direction. Sinuil- taneously Worth's division broke up from Saltillo and formed a junction with Scott at the Brazos. It was with melancholy feelings that Taylor saw himself deprived of his old companions in arms, of whom he took leave in a strain of dignified, but touching elo- quence. Nor was it without forebodings that he beheld them depart. Santa Anna had been engaged at San Luis Potosi in collecting an army, which was now said to amount to twenty-two thousand men ; and, on Taylor's marching to occupy Victoria, had threatened an advance, a design which was frustrated by a rapid countermarch of the American General to Monterey ; but now, when he found Taylor deprived of his regulars, he resolved to issue from his fastness, and crossing the desert between San Louis Potosi and Saltillo, to fall upon Taylor somewhere near the latter town, and crushing him by the mere weight of numbers, sweep the whole coinitry to the Rio Grande. This resolution he formed, though aware of Scott's intentions on Vera Cruz ; for he rightly judged that the best diversion would be to destroy Taylor's army. These designs became known in the United States when too late to aff'ord succor to Taylor ; and the nation was filled with horror at what it considered the certain sacri- fice of that brave General and his troops. But, as in similar circum- stances on the Rio Grande, he had saved himself and army, so now he became victor, and against even more overwhelming odds. Scott had suggested to Taylor that it would, perhaps, be advisable for him, considering his weakened numbers, to concentrate all his forces at Monterey. But to this the General was averse. To make a retrograde movement would, he knew, encourage the enemy. Moreover, just beyond Saltillo the mountains debouch into the plains, and at this point, if anywhere, the foe must be repelled. By retiring to Monterey, Taylor would have left the lower country open to BATTLE OF BUENA VISTA. 55 Santa Anna, who would have poured his victorious troops promptly into it, and besieged the American General in Monterey. He might even have swept onward and regained the whole territory to the Rio Grande. In such a case immense munitions of war would have fallen into the hands of the enemy, while our army, shut up in a narrow town, would have been useless. The bolder plan, and that most congenial to Taylor, was therefore the wisest, and the one ultimately adopted. Accordingly, in the early part of February, the American commander, becoming convinced by an attack on Colonel JMay's dragoons at Encarnacion, that the Mexicans were about to resume the aggressive, advanced from Saltillo to Agua Neuva,a strong position on the road to San Luis Potosi. At this place he remained until the 21st. His whole force was four thousand and seventy-three, of whom less than five hundred were regulars. Having thoroughly examined the surrounding country, he selected a mountain pass, just in front of the hacienda of Buena Vista, as the most suitable spot to meet the foe. This gorge was eleven miles nearer Saltillo than Agua Neuva. Wishing, however, to conceal his real purpose from Santa Anna, he continued at the latter place until the enemy were in sight, when he suddenly fell back to Buena Vista, whither the Mexican chief, completely entraped, hastened to follow him. The road here becomes a narrow defile. The valley on the right is impracticable for artillery in consequence of deep and impassable gullies with which it is cut up. On the left, a succession of rugged ridges and precipitous ravines extends far back toward the mountain which bounds the valley in that direction. Hence, neither the artil- lery nor cavalry of the enemy could act with effect, while even his infantry would be, in part, deprived of the advantage of its nu- merical superiority. Taylor drew up his troops with great skill. Captain Washington's battery was posted to command the road, while the first and second Illinois regiments, with the second Ken- tucky and a company of Texas volunteers, occupied the crest of the ridges on the left and rear. The Arkansas and Kentucky cavalry were posted on the extreme left, near the base of the mountain. The reserve was composed of the Indiana brigade, the Mississippi rifle- men, the first and second dragoons, and the light batteries of Sher- man and Bragg. The little army had scarcely been thus distributed, when the advanced columns of the Mexicans appeared in sight, and when night fell, their interminable line w:is still visible, stretching far back to the utmost horizon. The sight would have appalled ordinary hearts ; but the Americans reflected that the day was the 56 THE WAR WITH MEXICO. anniversary of the birth of Washington, and, with that thought came back the heroism of the best age of the repubUc. At eleven A. M., the van of the Mexicans halted in front of the American position, and Santa Anna sent a pompous summons to Taylor to surrender at discretion. This the American General answered in the following pithy terms : " Sir, in reply to your note of this date, summoning me to surrender my forces at discretion, 1 1 beg leave to say that I decline acceding to your request." Santa Anna, on receiving this resolute reply, deemed it best to await the arrival of his rear columns, as well as to allow a body of troops under General Minon, which he had sent by a mountain pass, to get between Buena Vista and Saltillo, and cut off the retreat of Taylor. Towards evening, however, the Mexican light troops came into collision with a portion of the American left, keeping up a sharp fire, and climbing the mountain side, evidently bent on gain- ing our flank. Three pieces of Washington's battery, and the second Indiana regiment being detached to strengthen this point, the enemy was checked, though desultory musketry discharges, enlivened by an occasional shell thrown from the enemy, continued until night set in. Being now convinced that no serious attack would be made until morning, Taylor retired in person to Saltillo, for he was anxious respecting the defence of that place. He took with him the Missis- sippi regiment, and a squadron of the second dragoons. The re- mainder of the army bivouacked on the field, without fires, though the night was intensely cold. While they lay on their arms and endea- vored to snatch a few hours slumber, the low hum of the enemy's thousands came borne on the wind that wailed through the gorge of the mountain, as if foreboding disaster and death. Many a brave man listened to its ominous sounds, who, on the morrow, was still and cold. The dawn of the 23d had scarcely broken when long columns of the Mexicans were seen creeping along the mountain side, on the American left, obviously with the intention of outflanking it. In- stantly the ridges in that quarter began to sparkle with the fire of our riflemen, and for two hours, a desultory, but obstinate conflict was maintained, neither party perceptibly gainhig ground. To cover his real intentions, Santa Anna now advanced a strong column against our centre, but this attack was soon repelled by the rapid discharges of Washington's battery. While it was going on, however, he pro- ceeded to execute his main design, which was to pierce the Ameri- can left, by pouring his columns in ovcrvvhelmhig and unintermit- BATTLE OF BUENA VISTA. 57 ted numbers upon that point. Successive waves of infantry and cavalry accordingly came beating against it. For awhile nothing could resist the tide. In vain the artillery, galloping up within musket range, swept the advancing columns ; as fast as one Mexican fell, another took his place ; and the living torrent rolled forward, apparently undiminished in volume. Soon the sea of assailants reach- ed the artillery, broke around it, and threatened to engulf men and guns. A corps of infantry, ordered to the support of the artillerists, was involved in a cross fire, and driven back with immense slaugh- ter. The wild surge now came roaring on. The second Indiana regiment mistaking a command, retreated in confusion ; the artille- rists were swept away, leaving one of their pieces behind; and an ocean of lancers and infantry, pouring resistlessly along the base of the mountain, bore hack the American arms, and spreading over every available point of land, flowed even to our rear. The stoutest liearts quailed at the sight. Victory seemed irrevocably gone. At this eventful crisis, Taylor arrived on the field from Saltillo : his approach having been hastened by the increasing roar of battle. His veteran eye instantly comprehended the innninency of the peril. The Mississippi regiment, which accompanied him, was ordered to the extreme left, where the fight hung quivering in the balance ; and this noble band of heroes, advancing with loud shouts, for a time checked the day. The second Kentucky and a portion of Bragg's battery had already been detached by Wool to this point. Bragg, in conjunction with Sherman, firing from tlie plateau, was now tearing huge gaps in the flank of the advancing enemy. The con- flict soon became terrible. The shrieks of those wounded by the artillery ; the crashing and hissing of the grape ; the sharp rattle of the musketry; the yells of the Mississippians; and the wild huzza of the charging cavalry coiubined to make a scene of excitement and liorror indescribable. Foremost in the charge were the Mississippi- ans, who, on this day, performed prodigies of valor. At last, sur- rounded by countless numbers, they were on the point of bemg borne down, when they were reinforced by the third Indiana regiment and a piece of artillery. The tide of battle was now checked; then fluctuated; and then began to turn. The enemy made the most desperate eflbrfs to redeem the day. Agam and again his lancers swooped on our infantry, but, met by a rolling fire, wheeled and fled, a lumdred riderless horses galloping wildly away at each repulse. Again and again the infantry charging with levelled bayonets, fell back staggering from the wall of fire and steel lliey S 58 THE WAR WITH MEXICO. met. At last, the Mexican column was severed in two, and that portion in front of our line began a retreat. The van, however having already reached the rear of the Ameri- cans, made a bold eifort yet to secure the day, by attacking the camp at Buena Vista, hoping thus to strike terror into our army and perhaps call it from its position to the defence of its stores. The main body of the Americans however kept its station ; but May, with the Ar- kansas and Kentucky cavalry, supported by two pieces of artillery, hastened to defend the threatened point. The assailants were soon repulsed, and driven to seek refuge in the mountains. May now returned to the left, where the other portion of the enemy's line was still struggling to retire. But the Americans, from being the conquered, had now become the conquerors; and were making efforts, which promised to be successful, to cut off the whole column, five thousand strong. The retreating masses, hemmed in among the ravines, presented a fair mark for the artillery, which slaughtered them in heaps. When May, with his victorious troops, came rushing upon them, they abandoned all hope ; and would have surrendered at discretion; but that Santa Anna, perceiving their peril, hastened to send a flag of truce to Taylor, who ordered the firing to cease. When Wool, however, who rode forward to enquire the meaning of this message, had partially traversed the distance between the American and Mexican positions, he noticed, to his surprise, that the enemy had not ceased firing, and that the column was availing itself of the parley to retire along the mountain. He saw, at once, the disingenuous trick of which the Americans had been made the victims. But it was now too late. The enemy had extricated himself: and Wool, unable to reach Santa Anna, returned to Taylor. The grand efibrt of the day had thus signally failed ; and now the action paused for a space. The Americans, wearied by so many hours' fighting, and expecting fresh columns of the enemy to make a new attempt on their left, were directing all their attention to that quarter, when Santa Anna, suddenly concentrating his reserves in front, hurled them on our centre, now the weakest point of our position. Amid a tremendous fire of artillery, this splendid column, five thousand strong, advanced to the attack. Well aware that on this last effort hung the fortunes of the day, and knowing that the immediate eye of their leader was upon them, the Mexicans came on with an intrepidity that even surpassed that of their bravest displays heretofore, and all had been courageous. The Americans, ;f-|^ t* '"T" ^1 BATTLE OF BTENA VISTA. 59 wholly unprepared for this demonstration, stood aghast at the endle??? hne of lancers and infantry. The first shock fell on the seciul Kentucky and first Illinois, supported by O'lkien's artiller>'. For awhile these few heroes bore up against the tempest, but were th.-ii driven wildly before it : the infantry tlying in confusion, and th.- artillerists abandoning their guns, which remamed in possession ol the foe Again the Americans made a stand. But nothing could prevail' a-ainst the overwhelming numbers of the Mexicans: like a nn^hiy tempest they rushed along : and the little bands of Hardin and iMcKee were whirled from their path as leaves m a hurricuno. The day seemed irretrievably lost. All that cotild be done was lor Washington's battery, from a neighboring plateau, to pour in a close and well directed fire on the advancing foe, and thus cover, m part, the retreat of the Americans. u , . In this crisis the calm heroism of Taylor saved the army. He had left the plateau, just before, but the sharp detonations of the artillery now recalled hrni ; and he saw, with a glance, that rum impend.d. The dyke was already breached, and the water rushing in! He threw himself, as it were, into the gap. Ordering up Bragg's artil- lery, that officer approached at full gallop, and thundering ahead mto the smoke, unlmibered withm a few yards of the enemy I he spectators held their breath at the fearful proximity Open ig . u | grape and canister, Bragg, for a moment staggered he Mexican S was only for a moment: with howls of rage their thousands rush d on, and, in another mimUe, would have trodden the brave arlerists under foot. Alarmed for his guns, Bragg turned for succo to Ta'lor ; but the latter had none to give. " A little rnore grape, was his memorable reply: '^ a little more grape. Captain Bragg^^ r the second discharge the guns opened lanes through the enein ; fnd at he third he turned and fled in horror. Tears ran down t lo cheeks of Taylor at the happy sight. The day was won. It only emained to finish the victory. The Mississippi regiment, which had h~up at the first alarm, reached the plateau ^t this crisis and th "ving m a murderous volley, helped to complete the chscomfi, re of thTfoe The wearied Americans were soon undisputed masters o the fidd Night fell, a welcome blessing. The wounded were borne off t tlt;ilo;'and the victors slept on their arms, agam without fires though the thermometer was below the free/..... ,>o.n . D^ir^g he day. General Minon had made his projected demon- straUon against I^Uillo, but without success; and now, finding .hat hLTp r or was defeated, he hastened to withdraw his troops. 60 THE WAR WITH MEXICO. Taylor had expected that Santa Anna would renew the battle in the morning ; but, in the night, the latter withdrew to Agua Neuva No pursuit was attempted. To have repelled the enemy was BRAGG ASKING SCCCOE. prodigy enough ; besides, the Americans were completely exhausted Our loss m this battle was two hundred and sixty-seven killed, four hundred and fifty-six wounded, and twenty-three missing: amono he former were Colonels Clay, Yell, Hardm, McKee, and Captain Lmcoln, Assistant Adjutant-General. All the troops distinguished themselves : indeed, great was the glory, and difficult to apportion. 1 lie loss of the enemy was estimated at fifteen hundred. No -reater battle than Buena Vista has ever been fought on this co.uinent The eneniy were five times the numbers of the Americans, and were chiefly regulars, while our forces were principally volunteers Our position, though strong, was nut impregnable, as was proved by OPERATIONS OF GENERAL TAYLOR. til its being turned. The victory is to be attributed, in a great measure, to the artillery, which seemed to possess a ubicjiiitous power, and thrice saved the day. Two days after the battle, Santa Anna abandoned Agua Ncuva and bei?an a retreat on San Luis Potosi, which city he gained with less than half the army he had set out witii two months before. His repulse at Buena Vista vindicated the wisdom of Taylor's views ; and saved the country from reverting to its original posses- •ors. It preserved, too, the lives of thousands. The triumph of Santa Anna would have led to the annihilation of the whole Ameri- can army. Every soldier would either have been massacred on the field, or would subsequently have fallen a prey to the rancheros, who, at the first intelligence of our disaster, would have risen like a swarm of hornets from Saltillo to the Rio Grande. The influence of this battle was felt throughoiU the war. In it the best troops of Mexico were destroyed, and the prestige of Santa Aima's name bro- ken forever. The Generals who followed Taylor had to contend with troops already half beaten by the remembrance of Buena Vista ; while they led soldiers, whose constant thought it was, to rival, if possible, the glories of that day. The country between Saltillo and Matamoras contmued m pos- session of the Americans from this period until the end of the war. On the 2nd of March, near Ceralvo, a Mexican force, about filteen hundred strong, under General Urrea, attacked Major Giddmgs and two hundred Americans, convoying a train of one hundred and filty wa-ons. After a desperate conflict the Americans proved victorious, with a loss of seventeen, the enemy losing forty. Taylor, on hearing of this bold incursion, hastened to pursue Urrea; but the latter suc- ceeded in making his escape beyond the mountains^ The American commander now retired to Walnut Springs, near Monterey where he remained during the summer. From this place, on the 31st o March, he issued a proclamation, addressed to the inhabitants ot Tamaulipas, Nuevo Leon, and Coahuila, declaring that, n. lutnre, they should be held responsible for all trains cut ofl. Tins procla- manon put an end to the system of guerilla warfare ni that region^ The capture of Vera Cruz, and Scott's subsequent advance on he capital, having directed the attention of the Mexicans to another capital, na ^ without occupation, quarter, the army of la\ lor was itii amiu n,f,..n..rrh He had however, never abandoned the hope of being able to I on San Luis Potosi, and in August was completing Ins prc,.ara no ns for this event, when Scott made a second dralt on him lor troops, M F 62 THE WAR WITH MEXICO. and left him powerless for any act of aggression. In the autumn he returned to the United States on leave of absence; and before his furlough expired, peace was declared. During the autumn of 1846 and the spring of 1847, the gulf fleet captured Tampico, Alvarado and Tuspan. The first of these cap- tures was made while Commodore Connor was in command of the fleet ; the others were made by Commodore Perry. Sax FRANCISCO. BOOK IIT. CONQUEST OF NEW MEXICO AND CALIFORNIA. lAR had scarcely been de- clared when the government of I he United Slates resolved on the conqnest of Tpper California and New Mexico, provinces on which the anihitions eyes of ditl'erent administrations had bi-en fixed, almost from the time of Jelferson. For this purpose two expeditions were organized, imder the connnands respec- tively of Generals Wool and Kearney. The first was intended to operate against Clhhnahna. Wo have already traced its history, and the causfs o( its lailnre. The other had a more imposing errand, for its destination was threrf<.ld : its 64 THE WAR WITH MEXICO, first being to reduce Santa Fe,its next to send a colun:in to co-operate with Wool, and its ultimate one to cross to the Pacific and achieve the conquest of California. Upper California extends for a distance of ten degrees along the Pacific coast, with a mean breadth of six hundred and twenty miles. Its lower boundary is at the river Gilas, about the thirty-second de- gree of north latitude ; while its upper is at the Snowy mountains that bound Oregon on the south, near the forty-second degree The breadth of Upper California at the River Gilas is about five hundred miles, but it gradually widens as it extends north, until it becomes eight hundred across at its upper extremity. Of this vast territory, occupying an area of five liundred thousand square miles, but little is known, except of that portion lying along the Pacific coast between the mountains and the sea, and which forms a strip of land from forty to eighty miles in width, and extending six hundred miles from north to south. The immense table-land, which stretches east- ward from the Pacific chain to the lofty peaks of the Sierra Madre, has been but little explored ; yet wherever visited has been found to be a sandy desert, sprinkled with salt lakes, reminding the travel- ler of the vast, sterile plains of Central Asia. The population of this arid wilderness is composed of a few miserable Indians, who manage to subsist on roots, and occasionally on game. The whole of Upper California did not contain, at the beginning of the war, fifty thousand souls. That stripof Upper California, however, which skirts the sea-coast is comparatively fertile. The mean temperature here is about fifteen degrees higher than in the same latitude on the Atlantic coast. There is little rain : two years have known to elapse without a shower. Generally, however, from November to April,j^i what is called the rainy season, considerable quantities of water Kail. In the summer, the heavy dews, which rise from the sea every night, prevent the country from becoming parched. Snow is seen but rarely. Agricul- ture cannot be profitably conducted without irrigation ; hence the country hitherto lias been principally devoted to grazing. Wheat, however, and the smaller grains, thrive well. There is only one really good harbor on the coast, the bay of San Francisco ; but this is sufficiently capacious for the navies of the world. The other ports, Monterey, Santa Barbara, and San Pedro, are mere road-steads, where the anchorage is so insecure, that on the approach of a norther, the vessel that does not slip its cable and gain an offing in time, is sure to be wrecked. The rivers of this strip of land are generally mountain torrents, half dry in summer, which run westwardly into MOVEMENTS OF GENERAL KEARNEV. 65 the Pacific ; but there are two streams of more importance, the Bue- naventura and Sacramento, which run north and south, emptying into the bay of San Francisco. They drain the valley, brtween llie mountains and Pacific, for an extent of near four hundred miles. New Mexico is bounded on the west by Upper California, and on the east by the territories of the United States. It is but a com- paratively small strip of land, chiefly confined to the higher waters of the Rio Grande, and containing only forty-four thousand square miles. The population is not quite one hundred thousand. The capital is Santa Fe. The temperature of New Mexico is very cold, in consequence of its elevation above the sea ; and for the same rea- son the soil is not very fertile. The people live in houses of sunburnt brick. Their habits are generally primitive. A vast trade, between the United States and the richer and more southern province of Chi- huahua, was formerly carried on through Santa Fe, by caravans to St. Louis, across the prairies of the great western territory. The expedition under General Kearney assembled at Fort Leaven- worth, on the Missouri river, in June, 1S46 ; and on tiie 30tli of that month began its march to Santa Fe, a distance of a thousand miles. The numbers of this force, called " The Army of the AVest," ulti- mately reached twenty -seven hundred ; but Kearney actually began his march with sixteen hundred, the rest being left to join at Santa Fe. They were all volunteers, except two companies of dra- goons, and a battalion of artillerists. The route, for the first six hundred miles, lay over vast plains, occasionally presenting a cover- ing of short, dry grass ; occasionally exposing only the arid soil ; and occasionally, though at rare intervals, welcoming the weary travel- ler whh the sight of limpid streams fringed with trees. A stray buffalo on the distant horizon, or an Indian scout on the look-out, now and then broke the monotony of the scene. On the Isi of August the expedition reached Bent's Fort, on the Arkansas. In this adventurous march the infantry had outstripped the cavalry. The former had marched with such precision as to arrive on the very day fixed by the General. The road, after leaving Fort Bent, changes its character. The country becomes mountainous; the tree- less plains disappear ; and forests of spruce and other evergreens throw their gloomy shadows over the way. The regions now tra- versed were nevertheless even more desolate than the plains below. Frequently for twenty miles there was not a spring ; ami in one instance, a whole day passed without meeting.wood, water, or grass. Yet glimpses of magnificent scenery occasionally greeted the eye. At the pass of the Raton a landscape so sublime burst on the iidvcn. M F* ^ ly ^% THE AVAR WITH MEXICO. turers that they paused involuntarily with exclamations of delight. High above beetled perpendicular cliffs, the eagle sailing along whose summits seemed dwindled to a wren ; while, in the far distance. Pike's Peak, with its white limestone ledges, glittered in the sun, like some snowy palace of fairy land. BKNT S FOET. Kearney had received information that Armijo, the Governor of Santa Fe had prepared a force of four thousand men to repel the in- vasion : accordingly when, ten days after leaving Bent's Fort, he began to approach the Mexican settlements, he moved with propor- tionate caution. But no enemy was met. Armijo, indeed, had advanced from Santa P'e, and taken post in a strong position, an eminence commanding a defile only forty feet wide, through which the Americans would have to march. Hut the heart of the Mexican leader failed him as the crisis approached, and suddenly abandoning his army, he fled, with a hundred dragoons, to Chihuaima. On the 18th of August, Kearney entered Santa Fe unopposed. He marched immediately to the palace, opposite the great square, and ordering GENERAL KEAKXEY IN NEW MEXICO. 67 the United States flag to be hoisted, took possession of New Mexico in the name of his government. The next day he addressed tlie people, declaring that lie came to bLMiefil the poor and rich alike, by establishing a free government. He then absolved the citizens i'toiu their allegiance to Mexico, declared himself their Governor, and claimed them from that time forth, as citizens of the United Slates. He followed this with a proclamation to tiie same elfect, on the 22nd, which subsequently became a theme of controversy in Congress. In his summary proceeding there was, unquestionably, more of the soldier than the civilian ; but, in a crisis like that in which Kearney found himself, prompt and decided conduct, even if it trespasses the bounds of law, is better than timorous measures, which only win the contempt of a foe. He should, however, have occupied the territory merely as a conquered province until a peace, a re-conquest, or final instructions from Congress. Thus, in the space of fifty days, an army, not seventeen hundred strong, marched nearly a thousand miles, for most of the time through an inhospitable desert, and con- quered a province of one hundred thousand souls without tiring a gun. But, wonderful as was this achievement, it was nothing compared to others we have yet to relate ; and which almost surpass the boundaries of romance. Kearney now occupied himself with organizing a civil govern- ment for New INIexico and framing for it a code of laws. He was interrupted, for awhile, by a icxlse alarm of the approach of Armijo. During the delay he sent an expedition against the Navahoe Indians, near the Rocky Mountains, and overawed that proud tribe, the terror of the people of Santa Fe. Having at last completed his labors, and received intelligence of the approach of his expected reinforcements, he began to make preparations for the contemplated march against Upper California. He first appointed Charles Bent Governor of New Mexico. He next assigned a battalion of infantry and the battalion of artillerists to remain at Santa Fe in garrison. Colonel Doniphan, with his regiment, on the arrival of the reinforce- ments, was directed to proceed to Chihuahua and ellecl a junction with General Wool. He chose Sumner's sipiadron of dragoons, three hundred strong, with two howitzers, to accompany Inniself, leaving orders for the Mormon battalion, and Ca|)tam Hudson's company to follow. On the 25lli of September, having fimshed his labors at Santa Fe, Kearney set forth, with his small escort^, tor a journey of a thousand miles, across the continent to tiie PaciUc. We shall leave hiin, threading the vast wastes of his lonely and desert route, in order to follow Doniphan and his band of heroes, 68 THE WAR WITH MEXICO. on their march to Chihuahua : a march which, considering the extent of country traversed, the hostile populations subdued, and the battles won against overwhelming odds, stands without a parallel in history, excelling the retreat of the ten thousand under Xenophon, as much as that surpasses ordinary enterprises. SANTA FE. Chihuahua is a city of about thirty thousand inhabitants, the capi- ta] of the state of that name, and formerly the residence of the Cap- tain-General of the Northern Provinces, under the vice-regal government. Hither, in 1708, Lieutenant Pike had been carried a captive ; here, forty years after, Colonel Doniphan was to enter as a conqueror. So scanty was the geographical information respecting Northern Mexico, that when Doniphan left Santa Fe, he was com- paratively ignorant of the character of the conntry to be traversed , all that he knew, was that Chihuahua lay hundreds of miles to the south, and that he had been ordered to go there. That the interme diate population was hostile ; that a vast and melancholy desert had o be overcome ; that rivers had to be crossed, mountains scaled, and fortified passes taken ; these things, though partly foretold by tlie OPERATIONS OF COLONEL DONIPHAN. 69 natives, and partly conjectured by himself, did not, lor a monieni, damp the ardor of his adventurous soul. He bet^aii his muroh ai ihe head of eight hundred men, on the 17th of December, IMtJ. His route lay first along the Rio Grande to Fra Christobal, and thiiire downwards, in the direction of the Paso del Norte, withui twenty- five miles of which, at Bracito, he fought his virgin battle. Hut, prior to this, his troops had encountered what was almost sullicient alone to immortalize them. For nuiety miles they had traversed that vast desert, known in the poetical language of the country as el Jornada de los muertos, the journey of the dead ; where the bones of famished animals and murdered men whitened the long expanse, and where not a drop of water or blade of grass met the eyes of the travellers. As they hurried across the arid tract, they remembered that it was here the Texan prisoners, under Salazar, had endured the most horrible sutlerings. Ai)proaching Bracito, they were suddenly assailed by a force of the enemy, sup|)osed to be a thousand strong. The Americans were dispersed gathering wood, when the alarm of the enemy's approach was given. Instantly forming into line, they awaited the charge. As soon as the foe was within range, they opened a terrible fire of musketry, and main- tained the vollies with such spirit, that, at the third round, they were left masters of the field. Among the spoils was a piece of artillery, and more welcome than all, ample stores of bread and wine, with which Christmas was held as high festival. On the 27th of December, Doniphan entered Paso del Norte, a town of about three thousand inhabitants. He was yet three hun- dred miles from Chihuahua. Here the conquerors allowed them- selves a month's repose, luxuriating in the green fields, the jileasant orchards, and inviting vineyards of the vicinity. But their halt was not without its anxiety, and was occasionally marked by drudgery and toil. Doniphan wished to hear from Wool, but waited in vaui ; that General, as we have seen, having turned aside, and never reached Chihuahua. He also expected a reinforcement of artillery from Santa Fe, and this, on the first of February arrived, having overcome, in its turn, perils almost incredible. The combined force, now amounting to nine hundred a!id twenty-four mm, after a breathing spell of eight days, resumed its march, and for the n.-xi three weeks stretched tirelessly on towards its destination. The route, which, for the first twenty-five nules, lay though cultivated vallies, soon entered a sterile region, but still the little band of heroes pressed forward. At last, on the 2.sth of February, when w.ihni fifteen miles of Chihuahua, a strong body of Mexicans was d.scov- 70 THE WAR WITH MEXICO. ered drawn np in an almost impregnable situation, on a ridge between the rivers Sacramento and Arroyo Seco. As the position commanded the road, and could not be turned, Doniphan had no resource but to attack. His men had crossed tlie Seco, and were deploying on the table-land, when a column of Mexican lancers, eight hundred strong, dashed from its cover, and galloped furiously on the American right. Instantly the artillery under Major Clark, consisting of six pieces, opened its fire, and soon the mountains echoed the explosions with stunning repetitions. Neither the first nor second discharge, however, could shake the foe, who, closing his ranks, came thundering on ; yet so terrible was the slaughter at the third round, that he broke and fled in confusion to a redoubt in his rear. Here, however, he rallied. But the Americans, flushed with success, followed in pursuit, the howitzer battery unlimbering withhi fifty yards of the enemy. Appalled at this daring, the Mexi- cans, after a short struggle, abandoned their works and fled to the mountains. Two positions yet remained to be carried ; one was the Cerro Sacramento, a pile of volcanic rocks, where the enemy now placed his artillery to cover the retreat. The fire oftlie Ameri- can batteries soon silenced these guns, and then, with loud shouts, his last hold, the Rancho Sacramento was successfully stormed. Thus ended one of the most extraordinary battles of the present age. The number of the Mexicans engaged in it was not less than fifteen hundred, while their position was worth at least five thou- sand more. Doniphan had less than a thousand. The loss of the enemy was three hundred killed, besides ten pieces of artillery cap- tured by Doniphan. The Americans lost but two killed, and seven wounded, a fact which seems incredible, but which is uncontradicted. On the first of March, Doniphan entered Chihuahua in triumph. Here he remained for six weeks, recruiting his tired forces, and stipulating for the safety of the United States traders, threatening to return and inflict the direst vengeance if they were molested. Never, perhaps, was a commander in a more singular situation than Doniphan now found himself. He was a thousand miles from home, in the heart of a hostile country, destitute of intelligence from Wool, whom he had been sent to recruit, and without any way of opening conmui- nication with him, except by beginning a new march of nearly equal length to that just passed, through territories filled with ene- mies, and presenting a thousand natural dilliculties. Moreover, he had neither stores nor money. But nothing could dismay this un- con(jucrablo leader. He knew that Taylor was somewhere in the advance, hundreds of miles distant, and he resolved to push forward. Doniphan's return to the united statks. 71 Doniphan was told of Bnena Vista, but iul'ornHt.1 that the Americans had been defeated ; this, however, he discredited, yet he thoimln u most prudent to send a party in the direction of SaUillo, a distance of three hundred and fifty miles, to gain intelligence. This detach- ment, led by Lieutenant Collins, accomplished its design, and saA'ly returning, brought information that Wool was at SaUillo. Doniplian promptly started to join him. He set out on the 25th of April, and marching through Cerro Gordo, Mapimi. and Parras, reached Sal- tillo on the 22d of May. In this last journey he passed over neariv the whole table land of Mexico, from west to east, entered and occupied numerous towns, the population of almost any one of which could have cut off his whole force ; provisioned his army, provided fresh horses, and even obtained tlie means of victory, and all without a military chest. But the most extraordinary act of all remains to be told, as a climax to these almost romantic achieve- ments. At Parras, thirty of his men hearing of a predatory descent some o{ the Camanches had just made, started in pursuit, and over- taking the savages, killed seventeen of them, and restored to freedom eighteen captives, besides rescuing their tlocks. The story of tins chivalrous act would not be complete were we to omit the fact thai the kindness of the people of Parras, to some sick soldiers left there by General Wool, first prompted the Americans to avenge the inroad of the Indians. The narrative of such an incident as this rej)ays a historian for having too frequently to record traits less noble. Doniphan remained but three days at Saltillo, and on the 2.'jih of May marched for Monterey. Here this brave corps was complimented in a public order by General Taylor, who allowed them to carry home as trophies, and in consideration of their gallantry and noble bearing, the seventeen pieces of artillery they had taken from the enemy. Pursumg his march, Doniphan reached Matamoras about the first of .Inne. having completed the whole distance from Chihuahua, nine hundred miles, in forty-five days. At the Rio Grande his volunteers embarked for New Orleans, where they arrived on the Itith of Jime. H.-re the volunteers were received with enthusiasm. Tliey were now mustered out of the service of the United Stales, and embarked m steamboats for St. Louis. The news of their ai)proach preceded them, and when they landed on the 2d of July, the whole city came out to meet them. Flags floated at every corner, the bells rang joyously, and a public bancjuet was given, at winch Senator Henton pronounced a glowing eulogium on their deeds. Thus, after an absence of a year, in which they explored countries almost unknown, and achieved actions wortliv of the greatest heroes of antKiuity. the 72 THE WAR WITH MEXICO. volunteers of Doniphan returned quietly to private life. In vain do we search history for an exhibition of superior daring and patriotism. While Doniphan had been pursuing his march, however, events of the most sanguinary character had occurred in New Mexico. The reinforcements from Missouri had been under the command of Colo- nel Price, who, on Doniphan's departure from Santa Fe, became superior officer. The Americans, however, suffered so much from sickness, that before Christmas, there were but five hundred in the | capital fit for duty. The Mexicans, who, though appearing to con- sent to a change of masters, had only been dissinmlating to gain time, now thought this a favorable opportunity to recover their national independence. A conspiracy was first projected for Christ- mas, but was revealed, and most of the ringleaders taken into cus- tody. On the 19th of January, however. Governor Bent, with five other persons, was murdered at Taos, a small town in the vicinity of Santa Fe. On the same day nine others were butchered at other places. The country rose in insurrection, the populace breathing vengeance against the Americans and all Mexicans who had accepted office under the new government. In this crisis, Colonel Price concentrated his forces, and marched boldly to meet the insur- gents. On the 23d of January he had his first engagement with them at the village of Covoda, defeating fifteen hundred, with a force of but three hundred. His loss was but two, that of the foe thirty- six. Pursuing his advantages, he overlook the insurgents on the 29th, at La Joy a, a strong mountain pass, where he again defeated them, with disproportionate slaughter. The enemy still presenting a hostile front, though retiring, Colonel Price followed them to Taos, which they abandoned on his approach, and took refuge at the Indian village of Pueblo de Taos, a short distance off. This was a strongly fortified post. The key to it was a church, and two pyramidal structures, seven or eight stories high, each story being pierced for rifles. The whole was surrounded by a wall pierced in like manner. On the 3rd of February the siege began by a can- nonade on the part of the Americans, which, however, for want of ammunition, was soon intermitted. But on the 4th, Colonel Price advanced to the attack, determined to conquer or perish. His force was four hundred and fifty ; that of the enemy six hundred. After battering the walls for two hours, Price ordered an assault on the church, which was repulsed, Captain Burgwin being mortally wound ed. As yet there was no practicable breach, but ladders being planted, the men dauntlessly cut small holes with their axes and tiirew fire into the edifice. The six-pounder was, at last, run up MOVEMENTS OF CAI'TAIN KKEMONT. 73 within sixty yards, and a gap made. Through this a load of grape was discharged into the church. The smoke had not yci hlown ulf, and the shrieks of the wounded were stiU heard, when Liciueiiaui Dyer, springing to the front, called on the stormers to follow lntii, and plunged into the abyss. The enemy now abandoned the church, pursued by tlie victors, who massacred all they overtook. Nighi fell, r^ •w»tN>tfimi:-_ EATTLK OK PLEBLO IV. T0A5. and checked the effusion of blood. In the mornn.a the Mexicans sued for mercv: and the insurrection was at an end li.e loss o I the enemy at Pueblo de Taos was one hundred and fi ty k.lled . hal of the Americans seven killed, and forty-five woutidod, ot whon. many subsequently died. This campaign lasted nmeteen days ; and Turnig the whole of it the snow was two feet deep and the numn- tans almost .mpassable ; yet the men bivotu.cked n. the opn. a r^ Colonel Price, for his skill and gallantry, .'as subs^cpK-ntly nude a '' w'etust now turn to California, wlnther w- l.f, r.eneral Kearnoy proceedn.g; but where he ibund, on Ins arnv.l, •;•;!;-- j;;;; uuered to his hand. This had been edected princpal.N b> ( apt.n.. 1^ 74 THE WAR WITH MEXICO. Fremont, of the topographical corps of engineers. That gentleman, already distinguished by his explorations on the great western waters, had left the United States in the autumn of 1845, to seek a new route to Oregon, more southerly, and therefore less inclement than that usual- ly followed by emigrants. He pursued his journey without moles- tation, until he arrived near Monterey, in California, towards the close of January, 1847. His appearance aroused the suspicions of the Commandant, De Castro, to allay which Fremont left his men a hundred miles behind and paid a personal visit to tliis official. The Commandant pretended to be satisfied with his explanations, where- upon he returned to his party and advanced to within thirty miles of Monterey. Here, however, he was warned by the American Consul at that post, that De Castro was preparing an armed force to capture him. He immediately seized a strong position on the summit of the Sierra, hoisted the tlag of the United States, and prepared to immo- late himself with his companions. But De Castro, after reconnoitre- ing his position, declined to attack him, on which Fremont marched out of his camp and took the route for Oregon. The Commandant now occupied the deserted post, boasting that he had put the Americans to flight. Fremont left his camp on the 10th of March, and, moving by slow marches, by the 14th of May had reached the Great Tlamath Lake. Here, to his surprise, he found himself and party surrounded with hostile Indians ; while in front rose the Sierra Nevada, still covered with the snows of winter. These obstacles induced him to retrace his steps. His return was opportune, for De Castro had resolved to attack the American settlers, a fact which assisted Fremont in form- ing his resolution to return. He immediately resolved to pro- tect his countrymen, and even to retaliate, by seizing the govern- ment. His whole force, when he formed this bold design, consisted of only sixty-two men. He was ignorant also that war had broken out between the United States and Mexico. On the 15th of June he surprised and took the military post of Sonoma, capturing, as part of the spoils, nine cannon and two hundred and fifty stand of arms. Hurrying to the Rio de los Americanos to obtain recruits, he heard that De Castro was about to attack Sonoma, where he had left a garrison of only fourteen men. He immediately started to its relief, with ninety mounted riflemen, and riding night and day, reached it in less than thirty-six lioins. He was not a miiuite too soon. The vanguard of the enemy, consisting of seventy dragoons, imder De la Torre, had already crossed the bay, but the rifleujen charging furiously, the Mexicans were defeated, with a loss of THE FALL OF LOS ANGF.LOS. 75 twenty. Meantime, two of Fremont's men, sent as an express, had been captured by De la Torre, bound to trees, and cut to pieces wiih knives. To avenge this barbarous act, three of De la Torre's sol- diers, who had been taken prisoners, were shot. The north side of the bay of San Francisco was now free from the foe. Accorduigly.on the 4th of July, 1846, Fremont, assembling the Americans at Sonoma, recommended them to declare the independence of the country. His advice was followed; and in addition, war with Mexico was pro- claimed. In the meantime, Congress having ordered a regiment of mounted riflemen to be raised, the President bestowed the Lieuton- ant-Colonelcy on Fremont. As yet, however, the conciuest of Cali- fornia was unknown in the United States. Durina; these events Commodore Sloat. in command of tlie Pacific squadron had seized Monterey. News of this event flew through California and soon reached Fremont. He was now eager to pursue De Castro, wlio had fled south beyond Monterey, with a torce of five hundred soldiers ; and accordingly, leaving about fifty men in gar- rison, he started after the fugitive with one hundred and sixty mounted riflemen. When near Monterey, however, he received instructions to join Commodore Sloat, but, on his arrival, found that ollicer relieved by Commodore Stockton. The latter approved Freemont's pursuit of De Castro, and placed the sloop-of-war Cyane at his service, that lie might, by sailing down the coast, the more readily overtake the fugi- tive. Accordingly, on the 26th of July, he jnU to sea, with seventy marines added to his riflemen. His destination was San Diego, four hundred miles south of Mt)nterey and one himdred below Pueblo de los Angelos, where De Castro was encanii)ed ; this port of debarkation being selected, as it i)laced Fremont in a j.osition cither to intercept the Mexican Governor, in case he fled towards Lower California, or to turn back on him if he remained at los An- gelos, or in its vicinity. A few days after the departure of Fre- mont, Stockton sailed in the frigate Congress for the position of De Castro. The latter, hearing of the approach of the Americans, broke up his camp, and fled to Mexico. On the 13th of August, isio. Stockton, having eflected a junction with Fremont, entered los Angelos in triumph. Thus fell the capital of CaHlbrnia. What romance excels the story of such a war? Stockton now proceeded to declare California a territory of the United States, and to establish a provisional form ol governm.M.i. umil the pleasure of Congress could be ktiown. He proclanned a tarifl-of duties, and established a tonnage tax on all vessels The people were ordered to meet on the l.-.ih o! September, and 76 THE WAR WITH MEXICO. elect officers to govern them under the new constitution. News of the declaration of war between the United States and Mexico, hav- TKIUMPHANT EXTRV INTO PUEBLO LOS AVGELOS. ing arrived meantime, Stockton thought it necessary to leave Cali- fornia, in order to protect American vessels in the Pacific. He therefore ordered Fremont to increase his force to three hundred men, appointing that oificer Governor, after which he withdrew, with the squadron, to San Francisco. A garrison of fifty men was left at los Angelos, and smaller garrisons at Santa Barbara and San Diego. But the American leaders had been in error, as events soon j>roved, when they supposed that California was not only overrun, but subdued. Scarcely had Fremont and Stockton left los Angelos, when the people rose in insurrection, and compelled the garrison tliere to evacuate the place and sail for Monterey. The news of the rising flew through the country, and was eagerly welcomed by the Mexicans, so that, in a few days, the whole province south of Mon- terey blazed with war. Stockton's operations in California. 77 Stockton, on learning these reverses, lost no time in retracing his steps. The frigate Savannah was despatched to los Angelos; and her crew, landing at San Pedro, niarclied innnediately on tlic capi- tal. Abont fifteen miles from the ship, however, they met a supe- rior force of the foe, and were compelled to retreat, with the loss of five killed. Stockton, in person, now hastened to San Pcdr.. ni the fri-ate Congress, and landing, moved on los Angelos, drac^Mng six of^he ship's guns. He met the enemy at the Rancho Seputrid:.. when a few rounds of grape and cannister won the day, tlie Mexi- cans leaving one hundred dead on the field. The enemy was still unsubdued, however, and the war continued in a succession of skir- mishes At last, two decisive battles w.-re fought on the 8th and 9th of January, 1847, the enemy being routed on both occu- sion^ The loss of the Americans was twenty killed ; that of the enemy ei-hty. Flores, the defeated General, Hying Irom the field, met Fremont advancing to reinforce Stockton, and immediately .eized the occasion to make a capitulation with the loinier. 1 ho Commodore afterwards ratified the co.n,Kict, though he had be- fore refused to treat with Flores, proclaiming him an outlaw, who had broken his parole, and whom on capturing he should shoot Meantime, General Kearney had arrived m Call lorn a. \Nelett him raversi g the lonely and desolate wastes that he between the To C lorado\nd the Pacific. He had JOurue,.d for eleven ays, when he met an express bearing intelligence to the I nited States ol he conquest of California by Freemont and Stockton. Dismi.Mng tohundred of his dragoons, he continued 1-;-'-;: ;[ ';;';; one hundred, and two mountain howit.ers ^^'^ '-;f J^i; ,- tnher he reached the Gilas. This river is bounded by a ran^c of ?ty lun au s at the foot of which Kearney travelled .or nearly ^^Z2d miles, until, on the second o^ ^oven^e. ic> gan. its mouth He now followed the course ot the Coloiado tor lor,> X" Hen He u.™. o. a,. e_a a a.e. ..,,;.. . .^^ . ^r^/^rc':^ cSh^;:.::. ...e ... « . -. Three days after, he was "^V-'V -' f';;^- ' ,' „' .'.Wc. from Stockton of the '"-'--^'^^t ;'X =,,e enocntercd a and position of the enen.y. 1 he ™'° ""'f „\^l,„,„ ,„. defeat,-.!, party of Mexicans o,re Hundred and ='-'V ""'^ ' ^rT 0,, the ...1.. hough not wtthout the loss of three ° "^ "^'^^ ' ,,„„■„,„,„„„. five days after this battle He was , da r _^^ ^_. despatched by Stockton ,„ hts a,d ^^^ ';';,,,„,,, ,„„.,„„a the sth and 9tli ol Ja.niary, ISli, Ins, auu forces, permanently crushed the insurgents. M G* 78 THE WAR WITH MEXICO. The arrival of General Kearney, however, soon led to discord in the American camp, for, producing his commission, he claimed to be Governor of California. But this demand Stockton and Fremont resisted, alleging that the commission would never have been granted if the President had known of the conquest. The difficulty was at last terminated by the arrival of Commodore Shubrick, who outranked Stockton, and who, favoring General Kearney, transfer- red the oliice of Governor from Fremont to him. The aflair, unfor- tunately did not terminate here, for Fremont, for charges preferred by General Kearney, was, on his return to the United States, tried by a court-martial, and ordered to be dismissed the service. The President, however, in consideration of the circumstances, remitted the punishment. But Fremont declaring that he had done nothing to warrant the sentence of the court, refused to accept the mercy of the executive, and resigned his Lieutenant-Colonelcy. Kearney continued in California until the 31st of May, 1847, when, leaving Colonel Mason of the first dragoons, as Governor, he returned to the United States. Mason had been sent out to Califor- nia on the 5th of November, 1846, with instructions to Stockton to relinquish to him the control of the land operations. Nor was this the only measure taken by the government of the United States to assert its right over California, and show its secret design, if possible, to retain that important province in the event of a peace. Simulta- neously, with the concentration at Fort Leavenworth of the forces destined to act against New Mexico, a regiment of volunteers was raised in the city of New York, under Colonel Stevenson, and embarked for California, it being the intention of the government to have them in the Pacific in time to co-operate with Kearney on his arri- val there from Santa Fe. Such men only were enlisted for this regiment as would be likely to remain in California at the close of the war. Thus the policy of the government provided a body of robust and adventurous men, who, like the military colonists of ancient Home, or the pirates of Scandinavia, went forth to settle on the lands they conquered. The peace accordingly found them in California, where, with those who, principally Mormons, for the three preceding years, had emigrated thither, they form the nucleus of a mighty Anglo-American population on the shores of the Pacific. Perhaps, in the revolution of human affairs, the posterity of these adventurers on a distant shore, may become the merchant princes who shall monopolize the trade of the Indies, and rival the Medici in the days of their glory. — »• I.ANPING OF TUOOlS AT VK.RA CRIZ BOOK IV- ADVANCE ON THE CAPITAL. T had been the belief of the rnit-d States government, and tlie oj)niion was very generally shared by the people, that a few decisive defeats would induce the Mexicans to sue for peace. This impression was J soon found to be erroneous. Ac- cordingly, after the fall of Monterey, it was resolved to carry the war into the heart of Mexico, and dic- tate terms of pacification in the capital itself Two routes of ap- proach to the ancient city of the lay op.-n to an u.vadcr [he one through Monterey, Saltillo, and San Lu.s Potos.. and the 80 THE WAR WITH MEXICO. Other by way of Vera Cruz and Puebla. The former had the advan- tage of being already in part, in our possession, but was made objectionable by its extreme length, and by the vast deserts which it would be necessary to cross. The latter was both shorter and more easily traversed, but the key to this route was Vera Cruz, and therefore the capture of that place was an indispensable preliminary. After mature consideration, the government resolved, however, to attempt the shorter route, and accordingly began to prepare, with great energy, for an expedition against Vera Cruz. To the com- mand of this important enterprise it appointed General Scott. This officer was at the head of the army, and distinguished not less for his military skill than for his energy and courage. When the war broke out, he had desired to take the post to Avhich his rank entitled him, and lead the soldiers of the United States, in person, on the Rio Grande. At first the government had yielded to his wish. Accordingly, Scott had made every preparation to leave Washing- ton, when an unfortunate difference arose between him and the executive, which led to his being ordered to remain at home. But even while his services in the field were thus dispensed with, the government availed itself of his practical knowledge and untiring zeal, in mustering into the service and despatching to the seat of war the regiments of volunteers authorized by the act of the 10th of May. His appointment to the command of the expedition against Vera Cruz, was hailed with applause by the country. The memory of his dashing achievements in the war of 1812, inspired a general confidence in the success of whatever he would now undertake. Scott himself was sanguine of achieving great deeds. His only regret was, that in order to execute his plans, it would be necessary to deprive Taylor of part of his regulars ; but he tlu'ew himself on the patriotism of his friend, and with a prophetic exhiliration, wrote that he hoped they would meet somewhere in the interior of Mexico. Scott sailed from New York on the 30th of November, 1846, and arrived at the Rio Grande on the 1st of January, 1847. He here found that the twelve thousand men whom he deemed necessary to secure his success, could not be obtained, unless he deprived Taylor of more soldiers than had been at first intended ; accordingly, he ordered up AVorth from Saltillo with his division of regulars, in addi- tion to Twiggs, Patterson, Quitman and Pillow, who were already awaiting him at Victoria, or in its vicinity. Having completed all the requisite preparations, lie concentrated his army at the island of Lobos, and embarked them on board one hundred transports for THE CITV OK VEUA CnX'Z. g| Antonio Lizardo, where they arrived on the 7th of .Nlarrh. The General, in company with Commodore Connor, the comriiander of (he gulf fleet, innnediately made a recoimoisance of the coast, and decided to land on the heach due west of the isUmd of Saerifirns. The debarkation was effected on tlie 9th, and rarely has a more splendid spectacle been witnessed; never, indeed, in this liennsjihere. The day was cloudless. A fresh, yet gentle breeze roughened the Gulf, and cleared off the haze of the atmosphere. As the cotupara- tively small fleet in which the soldiers had been crowded for iho occasion, stood in towards Sacrifices, the rigging of the ships left behind, and of all the foreign vessels, was thronged wiiii spectators. The ditferent craft came gallantly to the anchorages assigned them. Instantly, as if by magic, the surf boats were seen to dot the water, and the troops to descend into them. In a few minutes, four thousand five hundred men were distributed in sixty-seven of these conveyances. In the interval, the steamers and gun-boats had stood close in to tlie shore, to cover the landing, in case the enemy, as expected, should show himself on the sand hills. As the boats severally received their complement, they ranged themselves in a line abreast, awaiting the signal to start. It was an exciting moment. Behind them was the fleet, alive with lookers on ; to their right, the city of Vera Cruz, its steeples filled with eager crowds; and far, in the same direction, the Castle of San Juan de Ulloa, frowning with its hundred embra- sures on the scene. Suddenly a gun boomed across the expectant silence. The rowers bent to their oars. The line of boats shot for- ward ; and after a few minutes of breathless suspense, entered the boiling surf. They rose and fell for a second, apparently in wild disorder; the next moment the men were seen leaping into the v/ater, and rushing to the shore. No enemy had yet appeared, but Worth, who led the advance, formed his men promptly on the beach, and as the sun went down, the flag of the Umted States was hoisted, amid the huzzas of army and fleet. The landing rontiniied nntil ten o'clock, the boats making successive tri|)s, and by that hour ten thousand men had been debarked. That ni-lit the Americans bivouacked on the sand. The Mexicans still made no demonstrations of attack, but hovered in flyine parties around, occa- sionally, through the night, waking the invaders by a desultory volley. The city of Vera Cruz contains one thousand and .sixty-tlircc houses, and is surrounded with an old castellated wall. Its popu- lation, at this time, was seven thousand. In itself it was a place of considerable strength, but was rendered more impregnable by the II 82 THE WAR WITH MEXICO. vicinity of the Castle of San Juan, the most celebrated of all Ameri- can fortresses. This stronghold is situated on a bar in front of the town, at the distance of one thousand and sixty-two yards, and is entirely surrounded with water. It was commenced in the year 1 582, and cost fifty millions of dollars to construct. It was the last possession held by the Spaniards in Mexico, having remained in their keeping long after every foot of soil liad been vanquished by the insurgents. It had been taken by the French in 1838, in con- sequence of an explosion in the magazine, but since that period had been repaired, and its equipment of artillery pieces rendered more complete. It was said, however, as subsequent events verified, to be short of provisions. The attempt to capture such a fortress and the city over which it kept zealous guard, was a bold undertaking, especially for troops unused to sieges. But the genius of Scott made up for all. At sunrise, the steamer Spitfire ran in towards the castle, and commenced a bombardment, which was returned with spirit. The troops on shore soon after began to advance towards the town, and form lines around it, amid the hissing of round shot and the roar of gigantic shells from the Castle. Every corps had been assigned its particular station, and now each took up the designated spot, the whole army executing its manoeuvres as orderly and quietly as if at a morning drill. By the 12tli,the investment was complete. The lines of siege extended for five miles. During this proceeding, and until the 17th, one of the terrible hurricanes of that coast, the well known "northers," prevailed, and the men frequently woke at night with the tent prostrated, and themselves buried under the ruins. During the day, the sand raised m huge drifts, traversed the plains like a simoom, and the soldiers were driven to find protection under the shelter of the chapparal. At last the storm abated. The heavy ordnance was now, for the first time, landed. On the following day the trenches were opened. On the 22d, seven mortars were placed in battery, at a distance of eight hundred yards. Scott summoned the city, on this, in due form. Morales, who was Governor of the Castle, as well as the town, took the summons as intended for both, and declined. The batteries accordingly opened, and soon the sky was traversed by bombs, which, crossing each other, incessantly darkened the sun. The siege was now pushed with the greatest vigor. Colonel Tot- ton of the engineers, superintended the advances, and never, perhaps, was such skill seconded so bravely. Scott rode daringly along the lines, examining the progress, and uispiring the men. By the 25th, BOMBARDMENT OF VF.IIA CRVZ. 83 the batteries had been increased to ten heavy guns, nine mortars ami two howitzers. The bombardment was now at itsheii^dit. ImliM-.i. since the 22nd, it had been terrible. The incessant thunder of the artillery ; the whizzing of bombs ; the plunging of round shot in the streets of the city ; the crash of falling houses ; and the roar of con- flagrations from buildings set on fire by shells, conspired to proihioe a scene of the most awful yet sublime character. The AuKTican ships, meantime, kept up a tremendous fire on the town and castle. But that fortress, mindful of its former glory, maintained the conihat without flinching. Firing on the fleet from its sea-front, and on the army from its land-side, it blazed a centre of continual llainc. Niirhi BOMDARUME.NT Of VtKA IKIZ. added new terrors to the scene. The darkened sky was bnl with burtnng houses in the city ; whUe bonihs, wln/.zmg and wh.rl- ing on high, tracked the heavens with a hundred trails ..1 hn-. 1 h, shells of the castle were gigantic ones, tlnrteen m d.anu-t.r. and traversed the air with a hum which filled all spao- 1 he roops eazed withawe on these terrible nnssUes, which, when they expl.uh-d. fore up he earth hke a volcano. Each bon.b that fell w.tnout n.jur- 84 THE WAR WITH MEXICO. iiig anjr one, was received with huzzas. And then, in stern and ominous silence, the artillerists resumed the work of death. By the evening of the 25th, the town had become .so untenable, that the European Consuls in Vera Cruz applied to Scott to allow them, with the women and children, to leave the crumbling town. But this the American General refused, alleging that he had given due notice of his intention to bombard the city, and that those who remained in defiance of this, had no claim on him to stop the siege in order that they might be removed from peril. He stated that safeguards had been sent to the Consuls, of which they had refused to avail themselves ; that the blockade had been left open for the Consuls and neutrals up to the 22nd ; and that the case of the women and children, with their present unavoidable hardships, had been fully considered before a gun was fired. The decision' was just, though distressing. The memorial of the Consuls betrayed that the city was half in ruins. This, indeed, could be seen partial- ly from the batteries. The siege, it was evident, approached its end. All that night accordingly the bombardment went on with increased vigor. There were few sleepers either in the castle or in the lines. In the city, women rushed through the streets, frantically dragging their children, in vain seeking shelter, for the houses were crashing all around them. Some who remained at home were buried by falling ruins ; others who fled to the church were driven out by the crumbling of the dome; and still others, who thought to find safety in deep cellars, were killed by shells, that plunging through roof and floor, exploded at last in these recesses under ground. The fury of the bombardment may be estimated from the fact, that dur- ing the siege the Americans alone consumed three thousand ten- inch shells, twenty-five hundred round shot, one thousand Paixhan shot, and two hundred howitzer shells. On the morning of the 26th, Scott received a flag of truce, making overtures for a surrender. Generals Worth and Pillow, and Colonel Totten were accordingly appointed commissioners to treat with the Mexican General Landero, on whom Morales, the Governor of the castle, had devolved this painful duty. The American General was not disposed to press hard on a fallen foe, and accordingly the terms were soon arranged. The articles were signed and exchanged late on the night of the 27th. By them the city and castle were sur- rendered to the Americans, with five thousand soldiers, who became prisoners on parole; all the arms and ammunition were given up to the conquerors, besides five hundnid pieces of artillery: the garrison was, however, permitted to march out with the honors of war, iiiiiixii CAPITULATION OK \KKA CUV/.. b5 and the flags of the Mexican fort on being strnck, woro to be sctluted by their own guns. On the 29th, accordingly, the enemy leli ih<- city, and laid down his arms in tiie presence of the Aim-ncans. It was a glorions day for the latter. The victors were drawn up ni two lines, facing inwards, a mile in extent, and between these line*; marched the dejected enemy to the field selected to receive liis arms. Women and children accompanied the retiring soldiers, almost stag- gering under the heavy burdens they carried. The sight sad- dened for awliile, even the conquerors. Hut all melancholy thoughts were dissipated when the time arrived to take jiossession oi the city and castle. This was done by a part of Worth's division, which entered the town with colors flying, and the bands playm^ national airs ; while Worth himself, surrounded by a splendid sialf, rode at the head, conspicuous for his gallant bearing. .As tiie troops advanced, they saw fallen houses, blackened walls, atid streets half choked with ruins — terrible signs of the extremities to wliich the place had been reduced. When the flag of the United States was run up, the air echoed with volliesof artillery, and as these died ofl, the clang of triumphant music rose to the sky, mingled with ten thousand huzzas. The ioss of the Americans in this siege was slight : ten oflicers killed, and several private soldiers. Tiie exact loss of the enemy has never been known ; but whatever it was, it fell chiefly among non-combatants. It has been said that the castle surrendered too soon. Though it might have held out a few days longer, it must ulti- mately have fallen, in consequence of its garrison being short of pro- visions ; and its Governor acted humanely, if not wisely, therefore, in capitulating. The whole siege is a momnnent of the skill and valor of an American army. From the landing on the beach, uj) to the complete investment of the city, the invadrrs labored under unusual ditticulties. Destitute of mules or draught horses, the men were forced to drag their provisions, and even the munitions of war. and this under a tropical sun, and over the loose sands of a sea- shore. For seven days the batteries of the enemy played on the Americans, without the latter being able to return a shot. The city and castle, with garrisons of five thousand men. were com- pelled to surrender, with the loss of less than a (l.)/en liv.-s to the victors. An achievement so brilliant, and won solely by the resources of science, placed Scott in the foremost rank of uuhlary commanders. Worth was appointed Governor of the captured city. The desire of the Conmiander-in-chief was to advance immediately mto the m- M — n 86 THE WAR WITH MEXICO. terior, at the head of a cohimn eight thousand strong ; but he was compelled to delay for a fortnight, awaiting the arrival of wagons from the United States. At last, on the 8th of April, the van of the army, which consisted of Twiggs' division, began its march. The other divisions followed rapidly. The route pursued was the great highway to the capital, constructed by the ISIexican merchants before the revolution, but since broken up in many places and leit without repair. At the distance of a day's ride from Vera Cruz, this road crossed an immense stone bridge, known as the Puente Na- tional : and here it was expected that the enemy's army, Avhich was advancing from the capital, would make a stand. This post, which might have been rendered the Thermopylse of Mexico, was left undefended; and being immediately occupied by the invaders, opened to them a direct highway to the interior. The march of the troops after the third day, when they left the plains, was through some of the most picturesque scenery in the world. The road rose gradual- ly, winding along the side of the mountains. High cliifs ascended on either hand ; deep abysses yawned below ; and far in the distance, inland, Orizaba towered eighteen thousand feet above the sea. The stifling atmosphere of the low sandy plains around Vera Cruz dis- appeared, and with it all fear of the vomito. Tropical plants began to be scarce, and the well known vegetation of the temperate latitudes to supply their place. Mountain torrents leaped from the rocks and roared into the ravines below. These delightful visions increased in frequency as the army advanced, until at Xalapa, seventy miles from Vera Cruz, and at an elevation of four thousand feet above the sea, the invaders reached the most beautiful point of their march, and rested in what is literally the garden of the world. Before advancing into this higher country, however, and immedi- ately on leaving the plains, the Americans met and defeated the enemy at Cerro Gordo, a strong position, forty-five miles from Vera Cruz. Hither Santa Anna, after his defeat at Buena Vista, traversing the intermediate country with great rapidity, had arrived in the early part of April, with an army of fifteen thousand men. The highway winding along the face of the mountain, is commanded by numerous elevations, rising one above another ; Cerro Gordo with its tower at the further extremity, overlooking all. At every favo- rable point Santa Anna had constructed batteries. Twiggs arrived in front of this apparently impregnable position, and made a recon- noisance, on the 12th of April. He had deternjined to attack on the following morning, but Patterson coming np in the interval, the latter concluded to await the approach of Scott. The Commander- STORMING OF THE HEIGHTS AT CERHO GOUDO. 87 in-chief made a new reconnoisance, and diticovcring thai an assauh iii front would only lead to useless sacrifice of lift', deterniiiird, if prac- ticable, to turn the enemy's position, by cutting a road to his riyhi, which should wind around the base of Cerro Gordo, and dcljouch into the national road in the rear of the enemy. Accordingly, on tl>e 14th, this laborious undertaking was begun. The route was nearly completed, when, on the 17th, the Mexicans discovered it, and imme- diately opened a tremendous fire of grape and nuisketry on the working parties. Twiggs now seized a hill just below Cerro Gordo, which not only commanded the new road, but all the Mexican liai- teries, except the great one erected on the key of their position. That night, as soon as darkness had closed in, a thousand mtn fioni his division were detailed to drag a twenty-four pound gun, and two twenty-four pound howitzers up this almost precipitous hill ; a task wnich they performed, after eight hours of incessant labor. When morning dawned, the adventurous Americans, who had sunk exhausted to slumber, were roused by the reveille in the neigiibor- ing fort at Cerro Gordo, and cutting away the brusiiwood which concealed their battery, suddenly presented themselves to the aston- ished Mexicans. At the same instant they opened a heavy fire on all the enemy's batteries ; and, as the stunning reverberations echoed through the mountains, their companions in arms below, who had only awaited this signal, advanced to execute tiie several parts assigned them in the approaching battle. The evening before, in anticipation of fortifying this lieight, Scott had completed his plan of attack, and issued it in an order, breathing such calm confidence in victory as since to have become a model in war. To Pillow, at the head of the volunteers, was delegated the task of moving in front of the enemy along the national road, and attacking the batteries there, endeavor to pierce the Mexican line of battle. Twiggs, with his division of regulars, was ordered to proceed along the road cut to the right, storm Cerro Gord.., and get into the enemy's rear. He was to be supported in this move- ment by Shields, at the head of two volunteer regimrnts, while Worth, with his division, acting as a reserve, was to follow the s;iuie route. No sooner, however, was Twiggs seen advancmg. ihaii the Mexicans opened a plunging fire on him from Cerro Gordo. Colo- nel Harney was promptly ordered to carry that position. At the head of the rilles, the first artillery, and the seventh infantry, thai heroic officer rushed forward and began to a.M.-end the long and dilh- cult slope of the hill, in the fiice of a tremendous fin- of aritllery m front, and a rolling one of musketry on the fianks. Thr aM-.-nt was 88 THE WAR WITH MEXICO. SO precipitous that tiie men had to climb ; but they struggled on, defended only by the steepness of the hill. The front ranks melted away under the awful fire, but the place of the fallen was immedi- STOP.MIXG OF CERRO GOKUO. ately filled, and the solid column rolling onwards and upwards, sur- tuounted the hill, and poured its resistless surge over the ramparts. As the Americans reached this point, they raised a shout, and rushed on the foe with the bayonet. Vasquez, the Mexican Gene- ral, fell bravely fighting at the head of his men. Then panic seized ihe enemy. The flags of the first and seventh infantry were already ]>lanted on the ramparts. Serjeant Henry, plunging through the smoke, reached the great flag-staff, and hurled down the standard (if Mexico. At the same time a neighboring ascent was gallantly carried by the first and second infantry and fourth artillery. The sight, seen over the field of battle, was hailed with tempestuous shouts, and announced the victory won. Pillow's attack in front had proved unsuccessful, though his troops fought valiantly ; but courage cannot always avail ; the defences of the foe were too strong, and the day went against our men, How- ever, the corps of General La Vega, three thousand strong, which STORMING OF THE HEIGHTS AT CEKUO GOKDO. 89 Santa Anna had confided the defence of the lower batteries, was kept employed until Cerro Gordo was won ; and then, fnidmi.' him- self cut oti', this brave ollicer surrendered with his iroojts. Mean- time, Shields, at the head of his volunteers, had passed Cerro Gordo during the assault, and pushed rapidly forward towards Xalapa, in order to prevent the escape of Santa Aiuia. Ihii the Mexican Commander-in-chief, when the assault of Cerro Gordo beiran, believing the day lost, had fled from the field, and was soon followed by most of his army, to the number of eight tliDusand. Slnelds, finding a fort in front, stormed it, and fell, shot througli the lungs; but the place was captured, and his troops swept onwards, no longer opposed, in pursuit of the fugitives. Shouts of victory now rose du every hand. Worth, coining up with the reserves, passed the compara- tively exhausted troops of Twiggs ; aiul pressed foremost in the chase, not stopping until within sight of Xalapa. The next day the road was seen strewed, for miles, with the dead bodies of the Mexi- can lancers, who had been sabred by Harney's dragoons. The spoils of this victory were immense. Five Generals ; a vast number of inferior oiiicers ; three thousand soldiers ; innumerable small arms; forty-three pieces of cannon, and the private carriage i>f Santa Anna were among them. Scott, indeed, was embarrassed with the magnitude of the booty, for he was without the means of transporting it. He, therefore, buried the small arms. The prisoners he paroled, not having provisions for them. The Americans lost in this battle, two hundred and fifty killed and wounded ; among the latter, Captain Mason and Lieutenant Ewell, both mortally. The Mexicans lost three hundred and fifty, exclusive of those who perished in the flight, the number of whom has never been known. Not a man in the American army disgraced himself in this encoun- ter ; but all behaved courageously, and many like heroes. Scott rode forward to watch the assault on Cerro Gordo, and stood under a canopy of cannon-balls until it was carried. Twiggs covered him- self with glory, as did also his subordinates, Harney, Plynipinii, Loring and Alexander. By this great victory the road to the valley of Mcmcd was laid open. Xalapa was entered on the Unli, two days after the battle. The Mexicans, panic-struck, hastened to abandon the strong posi- tion of La Hoya. On the 22d, Worth, occupied with his division, the castle and town of Perote, and here became possessed of filiy- four pieces of cannon and mortars, eleven thousand cannon balls, fourteen thousand bombs, and five hnndrcd muskets. Pushing on. after a short delay, he reached Puebla on tlu- l/iih of May,encoun- M H* 1^ 90 THE WAR WITH MEXICO. lering scarcely any opposition. This city stands at an elevation of .seven thousand feet above tlie sea, and is but seventy-six rniles from tlie capital. It contains a population of eighty thousand souls, abounds with rich churches and monasteries, and was formerly considered one of the wealthiest places, for its size, on the globe. The invaders were now oh the great central plateau of Mexico. Their road from Vera Cruz, until within a few miles of Puebla, had been sterile, little vegetation beside the cactus being seen, except in the valley of Xalapa ; but now cultivated fields spread around them, and suddenly, at a turn of the road, Puebla flashed upon the sight. In the clear atmosphere of that elevated region, it looked like some magic town, its lofty houses and splendid churches gleaming out with a l)rilliancy unknown in the northern latitudes ; while the amphitheatre of moun- tains which encircled the valley in the midst of which it stood, formed a majestic background, with Popocatepetl, the giant of the I'orderillas, keeping guard over the entrance to the great valley of Mexico beyond. Tiie troops, cheered by the sight, hastened on, and GENERAL SCOTT S Alt.MV AT HI KULA. 91 about noon their van entered the city. Tlie windows were crowded us the conquerors advanced to the great square, wliere the soldu-rs ])iled their arms, and slept that night securely, thousirh in the mikInI of a city, one half of whose male population exceeded the who,,- force of the invaders. Thus, iu two months, Jiad the Americans conquered Vera Cruz, opened the road to the great plateau, and gained a position on tlie very threshold of the capital. During this time they had taken ten tliousand prisoners, seven hundred canmui. ten thousand stand of arms, many colors of the enemy, and almosi innumerable stores of shells and shot. These thinus had been achieved with an army never more than fourteen thousand stronu'. hut now reduced by various causes, to tbrty-tiiree hundred ftieciiv<' men. There is not, in modern history, a campaign to con)pare wjih this, unless it be that of Austerlitz ! There was now a pause in active operations, the army remaining in Puebla from the 17th of May to the 7th of August. The reasons for this halt were two-fold. In the first place, the United States in- dulged a hope of peace, and had sent out Mr. Trist, Chief Clerk of the State Department, to negotiate one. He arrived at Xalapa as Scott was about advancing to Puebla, and inunediately endeavored to operate on the enemy. But he met with no success, though Scott, to conciliate the foe, had issued a proclamation from Xalapa, exposing to the Mexicans the rapacity of their rulers, and their slight hope of success in this war, at the same time recalling to their mmd the generous conduct of the Americans in sparing their churches, public edifices, and private property, a behavior which showed their earnest desire for an honorable peace. The second reason for Scott's delay at Puebla, was the inetliciency of iiis force. Owmg i<» sickness, death, the discharge of volunteers, and the necessity of leaving garrisons at Xalapa and other places, his army had dwindled down, so that he could not muster more than five thousand elfeoiive men at Puebla on the 1st of June. The discharge of ih.' twelve months volunteers had especially reduced his numerical force. Those men had been called out in May and June, l.siti, under the act authorising the President to accept the services of fifty thousand volmiteers for one year. Several reiriments of these hems in S.oit's army, the time for their discharge happened just as he expected to march from Puebla. He resolved accordingly to await remlorco- incnts. Meantime, the government at home liad at last become awake to the necessity of throwing more men into Mexico, and ac- cordingly, a bill for the enlistment of ten re-iments, to serve durm« the war,'liad passed both houses of Congress, and been signed by 92 THE WAR WITH MEXICO. the President. The new levies, as fast as raised, were despatched to the seat of war. Fresh vohinteer regiments were also called out. But these steps had been delayed too long, and it was three months before Scott was in a condition to advance. The interval, he em- ployed, however, in drilling his little army more effectually, so that before he left Puebla, the volunteers had attained nearly the preci- sion of veterans, and the whole formed a body of troops, never, per- haps, surpassed in discipline, courage, and intelligence. The offi- cers, with few exceptions, had been instructed at West Point, and were capable, from the lowest to the highest, of directing a brigade, as well as leading a company. All were heroes. With such an army, if increased in numbers, nothing was impossible. Soon after Scott arrived at Puebla, the garrison at Xalapa was broken up ; the army not being in sufficient force to spare so large a detachment. Perote was now made a depot. This left the line of communication without defence. The American Commander thus found himself in the heart of an enemy's country, cut otf entirely from his base, and surrounded by a hostile population. Modern warfare furnishes no parallel to this. Napoleon, when he advanced on Russia, kept open his connexions with the Rhine, by a continu- ous chain of garrisoned posts. Wellington, in his operations in Spain, never lost sight of the lines of Torres Vedras, which he con- stituted the pivot of his operations. There is no rule of the military art more inflexible, than that a General should never advance with- out providing a means of retreat ; yet this rule Scott daringly vio- lated. The result proved his sagacity. Indeed, the boldness of his attitude was a chief source of his safety. The enemy were con- founded at the hardihood of the General, and the confidence of the troops, who thus, as it were, hurled the gauntlet of defiance to all Mexico. But the measure, bold as it was, would never have been adopted, but from imperative necessity. If Scott had attempted to garrison Xalapa, and other places, he would have had no troops left for Puebla. He had to choose, therefore, between abandoning that post or his present one. He wisely determined on the former. Meantime, supplies and reinforcements for our army were pour- ing into Mexico. The spirit of the people had become aroused, and whatever their difterences of opinion as to the origin of the war, all parties united, with general unanimity, to support the Comman- (ler-in-chief, and enable him to advance on the capital. The senti- ment in favor of a vigorous prosecution of hostilities, was the more diffused, because it was believed that the fall of Mexico would lead to a speedy peace. The route between Vera Cruz and Puebla, was ADVANCE OF SCOTT ON TlIK CAPITAL. P3 now, however, infested with guerillas, a species of voluniccr force, who paid little attention to the laws of war; sought phuider chirriv ; and frequently turned their arms against their own couiitrynieu. On the 5th of May, a large train started from Vera Cruz, uiid.'r the escort of Colonel Mclutosh, at the head of eight hundred men. At the Passo de Ovejas, it was attacked by a party of guerillas, who cut off thirty wagons and two hundred mules. The Americans made a gallant resistance, though overpowered, and lost thirty men, killed and wounded. On the 10th of May, General Cadwalader marched to the relief of Colonel Mcintosh, with six howitzers, and six hundred men, the latter, chiefly voltiguers, of the new levies. A junction was made, and the detachment, now fourteen himdred strong, completed the route to Puebla,in safety. Other trains rajudiy followed. On the 17th of May, General Pillow left Vera Cruz, wnh one thousand men, and succeeded in safely reaching the main army. Early in August, General Pierce, at the head of twenty-five hundred new recruits, joined the Commander-in-chief. Scott's forces, by these accessions, being augmented to eleven thousand available men, he resolved, on the 7th of August, to advance on the capital. Every heart beat high with hope at the order to inarch; and visions of glory to be won, danced before the imagination. On leaving Puebla, the road gradually ascended toward the Sierra Nevada. To the south was seen Popocateptl, its lower sides belted with dark pine forests, while its cone shot far into the transparent ether, clothed in its winding sheet of everlasting snows. On the north, rose Iztaccithuatl, its gigantic rival. Immense farms, covered with grazing herds, and long fields, nodding with grain, attested the richness of the valley of Puebla. As the mountains drew nearer. the signs of cultivation disappeared. Dark forests spread out on every side a sea of foliage. For three days the soldiers toiled through this region. Hill after hill rose before them, each prom- ising to be the last, yet each, when surmounted, revealing stdl another in front. Cold blasts sweeping down from the neighborini? mountains, reminded the troops of the inclement winters of liicir northern clime. At last, after winding up a long acclivity, and descending on the other side, they reached the pass of Kio Kno, where it was said the enemy had determined to make a stand, but no signs of a foe being visible, the army plunuM-d boldly mto the ravine. Trunks of trees, piled one above another, betrayed, how- ever, that the Mexicans had not been without thoughts of defence. As the troops defiled through the narrow pass, and looked up at iho gigantic craggs beetling overbead, iliey involuntarily (imckcncd 9 4 THE WAR WITH MEXICO. their steps, lest some secret foe should be lurking up among the rocks, ready to bury whole battalions under tlie loosened fragments of the mountain. Having securely passed this lonely ravine, they began to think they were approaching the end of their toils. The road now ascended, by a series of short windings, through the pine woods, and finally came out on an almost level table land, over which the troops advanced for some hours, catching glimpses, occasionally, of a distant horizon to the west, apparently as interminable as the ocean. At last, turning the edge of the Sierra, a vision, unrivalled for mag- nificence and beauty, suddenly burst upon them. In an instant fatigue and cold were forgotten in the enrapturing sight. Two thousand feet below them lay the great valley of ISIexico, its picturesque assemblage of forest, lake, village, and cultivated plain, gleaming out in the brilliant atmosphere, like some gorgeous panorama. For two hundred miles around this superb plain, stretched a barrier of stupendous mountains. Looking over this gigantic wall, fifty miles to the west, other, and more distant ranges appeared, and beyond these, still others, until the eye was fatigued by the immensity of the landscape. More immediately beneath, the spectators beheld village spires, lordly haciendas, and sheets of water shining in the sun, the whole chequered by vapors that moved in flying shadows above the plain. The gaze of the soldiers long wan- dered over this prospect. Far in the distance was seen the sacred hill of Chapultepec, with its white palace glancing out amid the dark grove of cypresses which still girdles it as in the days of Montezuma. There, too, was the once famed Lake Tezcuco, now dwindled to a marsh, its former bed glistening with incrustations of salt. And there, also, amid its green meadows, half screened by the sea of ver- dure that undulated around it, rose the capital, once the proud seat of mighty emperors, and still the boast of its citizens, and the wonder of the world. Turret, and spire, and pinnacle, white as the driven snow, soared to the sky ; the great tower of the cathedral in the centre, like a planet amid her satellites. Surrounded by its silver lakes, nothing could be more beautiful than the capital. In the fore- ground, the spectators beheld forests of waving trees, until the view was closed by the rugged descent immediately at their feet. Yet all this grandeur and loveliness was not without its depressing influences, for the vast plain appeared destitute of life or motion ; no sails whitened the lakes ; no teams were seen afield ; no smoke of facto- ries curled to the sky. It seemed like some pageant raised by a nuigician's wand, a thing of mere air ; or, if real, a valley of the dead. The army now began its descent, and still following the national ADVANCE OF SCOTT ON THE CArilAL. 95 road, encamped, at the end of the fourth day, at the Utile town ol Ayotla, near Lake Chalco, fifteen miles from the capital. Ht-re, the advance under T\via:gs halted, in order that the rear, composed of the divisions of Worth, Pillow, and Quitman, miiiht come up. The Commander-in-chief was present with the van, and inuut-'diaii-ly gave orders to reconnoitre the country. It was soon found that the direct road to the capital was commanded, at the distance of seven miles from the city, by a rocky emhience called El Pernon. Tins hill, inaccessible on one side by nature, had been rendered so on all others by art ; fifty-one guns, of ditlerenl calibres, had been mounted on it; and to complete its impregnable character, a ditch, twenty-four feet wide, and ten deep, had been cut around its lout. From El Pernon, to the city, the road was a causeway, surroimded by water. As this position could not be turned, it had to be car- ried by assault. It was estimated, however, that it would cost a loss of five thousand men to storm the place. Accordingly, Scott ordered a reconnoisance in a different direction. Another road, passing south of the great national one, was soon discovered ; but this was also strongly fortified at Mexicalsingo, about five miles from the city. All the approaches to the capital by the usual rome between Lakes Tezcuco and Chalco, being Ibund tlms impregnable, the plans of the General-in-chief, were, for awhile, at fault ; and he was hesitating, whether or not, to advance upon Mexicalsingo, and fight his way along the causeway that leads between marshes from that point to the city, when an express arrived from the rear that a practicable route had been discovered toward the lower extremity of Lake Chalco, by which all the enemy's positions at both El Pernon and Mexical- singo, might be avoided. The merit of this discovery belongs, in part, to Worth. This latter officer had arrived, with his regulars, at Chalco, and receiviiijf intelligence of the perplexity at head cpiarters, had thrown out examining parties in every direction. The result was, that around the lower extremity of Lake Chalco, a road was found, winch, though exceedingly rugged, was still practicable, and which led into the great highway of Acapuico, that entered Mexico by its western gate. On the 14th, accordnigly, the army was put in motion, retracing its steps for about ten miles, and th«M» sirikmir across the country nearly at right angles to its former course. Hy this change of route, Worth, who had been in the rear, wa.s thrown into the advance, a position peculiarly congenial to his iinpetu.uis and daring soul. He discoverefl before lie had marched live luiles, 96 THE WAR WITH MEXICO. that the cliange of plan was already known to the Mexicans ; for sharp-shooters began to show themselves on the crests on the hills, and once they attempted to block up the road by rolling down rocks. A few shot, however, dislodged the Mexicans, and then the way was soon made passable. The march, after being continued for twenty- seven miles, terminated at San Augustine, on the Acapulco road. Worth reached this place on the 13th, and, in a {ew hours, the other divisions of the army were within striking distance. Twiggs, with the rear, arrived on the 18fh. He had not come, however, without molestation; for at Buena Vista, about three miles from Ayotla, his train had been attacked by a division of Mexican lancers and infantry. After a short skirmish, the assailants had been beaten otf, and the rest of the route had been prosecuted without opposition. It must not be supposed, however, that the Americans foimd the Acapulco road undefended. With consummate skill Santa Anna had prepared for every contingency. A line of fortifications, extending in a semi-circle around the city from Lake Tezcuco on the east, to the mountains on the west, constituted his exterior defences for the capital. The strongest of these posts, El Pernon and Mexicalsingo, were on that side where the enemy would be most likely to advance, and commanded the only available road by which Mexico could be entered on the south and east. But, though the cross-road froni Chalco to the Acapulco road, was believed to be impracticable, Santa Anna had not forgotten the possibility that a movement might be made from this quarter, and accordingly had continued his line of defences across this highway, and westward to the mountains, thus covering every avenue of approach. The first of these posts, west of Lake Chalco, was Churubusco, a tete du point at the crossing of a canal armed with cannon. Still further to the west, was Contreras, a sharj) hill, bristling with batteries and breastwork. In the route from Contreras, and within a mile of the city, was Cha- pultepec, a strongly fortified acclivity, on which was the military college. The whole of these defences mounted at least one hundred pieces of cannon, while the ground between them was either marshy or rough with volcanic remains, rendering the passage, unless along a few artificial causeways, almost impracticable, even for infantry. Behind this line of fortifications, Valencia manoeuvred at the head of six thousand troops, while Santa Anna, with twenty-four thousand more, held hnnself within striking distance. To pierce such a line, and defeat sucii overwheliinng numbers, would, under ordinary cir- STORMING OF THK HILL AT rONTRKU\\' the title which will result from the cession or sale which Mexico might now m:ike. But as we are persuaded that ilic re[)nl)lic of Waslungton will not only absolutely rej)el, but will hold in abhorrence the first of these titles, and as, on the other hand, it would be a new thnig. and i-oii- trary to every idea of justice, to make war u[)on a people for no other reason than because it rel'nsed to sell territory winch its m'ik'h- bor sought to buy, we hope from the justice of the governmeiu and people of North America, that the ample modifications wlnrh we have to propose to the cessions of territory, will not b«' a motive to persist in a war which the worthy General of the North .\merioan troops has justly styled as unuatiiral. "In our conferences we havt; informed yi>ur ••\eelleiicy that Mexico caimot cede the tract which lies between ilf leit tiank oi M — K 110 THE WAR WITH MEXICO. the Bravo and the right of the Neuces. The reason entertained for this is not alone the full certainty that such territory never belonged to the state of Texas, nor is it founded upon the great value in the abstract which is placed upon it. It is because that tract, together with the Bravo, forms the natural frontier of Mexico, both in a military and a commercial sense ; and the frontier of no state ought to be sought, and no state should consent to abandon its frontier. But ill order to remove all cause of trouble hereafter, the government of Mexico engages not to found new settlements, nor establish colonies in the space between the two rivers, so that, remaining in its present uninhabited condition, it may serve as an equal security to both re- publics. Pursuant to our instructions, the preservation of this terri- tory is a condition sine qua non of peace. Sentiments not only of honor and delicacy, (which your excellency's noble character will know how worthily to estimate,) but also a calculation of interests, prevent our government from consenting to the dismemberment of New Mexico. Upon this point we deem it superfluous to add any thing to that which we had the honor to explain to you orally in our conferences." With equal adroitness the Mexican commissioners refused IVIr. Trist's claim to Lower California, and even induced him to with- draw that demand. As a reason for declining to yield a right of way over the isthmus of Tehuantepec, they urged that, some years before, Mexico had granted a privilege in reference to this subject to a private contractor, who had subsequently transferred his right to English subjects. " We have entered into this plain statement," they added, " for the motives which the republic has for not agreeing to alienate all the territory asked of it beyond the state of Texas, because we desire that the North American government and people may be persuaded that our partial refusal does not proceed from feelings of aversion created by the antecedents in this war, or by the suff'ering which it has inflicted upon Mexico, but rests upon con- siderations dictated by reason and justice, which would operate in all time with reference to the most friendly nation in the midst of the closest relations of friendship." They then proposed that England should be asked to guarantee the treaty, if one should be formed : and ended by the following declaration. "The good and salutary work can, in our opinion, reach a happy end, if each of the con- tending parties resolves to abandon some of its original pretensions. This has always been so ; and no nation ever hesitated, at such a juncture, to make great sacrifices to extinguish the destructive flame of war. Mexico and the United States have special reasons thus to RKNEWAL OF HOSTILITIES. Ill act. We must confess, not williout a blush, that we are exhihiiing to matikiud the scandal of two Christian people, of two republics, in the presence of all the monarchies, mutually doing one another all the harm they can by disputes about boundaries, wlun we have an excess of land to people and cultivate in the beautiful henusphere where Providence caused us to be born. We venture to reconunend these considerations to your excellency before you come to a defnuie decision upon our propositions." These specious argLnnents,and this alfccted desire for pcare, were not intended to convince Mr. Trist,but to operate upon the Mexican people. The commissioners knew that the United States, havmg annexed Texas, was compelled to defend whatever line slie claimed as her boundary ; for an exactly similar case had occurred in rela- tion to Maine, only a few years before, when the consent of that state had become a necessary preliminary to the Ashburton treaty. Moreover, it was not to be supposed that the United States, after having begun the war on her part for the Rio Grande boundary, would, at the close of a career of unexampled victory, abandon that which she claimed, unless for the equivalent of New Mexico, or Cali- fornia, or both. Accordingly, the rejection of Mr. 'Frist's final proposition exhausted the magnanimity of the Americans. The army had never viewed these negotiations with favor, biU regarded them as snatching the prize of victory from their grasp. From the General-in-chief to the lowest soldier, they believed that the enemy would never be humbled until his capital had fallen. But hi.story with more impartiality, can never regret this attempt to negotiate. It obtained an acknowledgement from Mexico that tiie war was begun on her part to avenge the annexation of Texas. It showed to the world that the conquerors were generous as well as brave; for they sought to impose no severer terms when thundering at the gates of Mexico, than when they first landed at Vera Cruz. The demands for territory were necessary to reconcile the people of the United Slates to the war, and were not extravagant, considermg our successes. But in Mexico, the commissioners were con.sidercd lo have triumphantly rejected Mr. Trist ; and the popular voice ex- claimed indignantly against parting with a fool of soil. The inso- lent pride of^the enemy was not yet sutficiently humbled. Scott, having become convinced ihat the Mexicans were iriflins: with Mr. Trist, despatched, on the re<.'nable position of the enemy ; but resolute in any event, to succeed. He made his dispo- sitions for the attack with admirable skill, dividing his little force into three several columns of assault. The right column compo.sed of Garland's brigade, and accompanied by two pieces of light artil- lery under Captain Drum, was to assail Molino del Key, and was to advance to the attack, covered by the fire of the two twenty-four pounders, placed for this purpose, under Captain Huger, on the ridge descending from Tacubaya. The centre column, contaunng five hundred picked men, and led by Major Wiight.of the eighth, was to pierce the Mexican centre, and capture the field battery there. The left colunm was commanded by Colonel Mcintosh, and consisted of the second brigade, sustained by Duncan's battery ; its object was to watch the enemy's left, and sujiport M;ijor Wright, or ass;»il Casa de Mata, as circumstances might rc(pnre. Cadwalader's bnu'adr was held in reserve, in a position between Mcintosh and HugerN battery. Sumner's dragoons were slati(Mied on the extreme left. Such were the dispositions made by Worth, on the inght of the 7lh. and when the men sank to slumber, it was wuh the experialion of a bloody morrow. But then- worst anticipations fell short ot the reality. 116 THE WAR WITH MEXICO. At 3, A. M., on the 8th, the cokimns were put in motion, and in an hour and a half, had taken up their respective positions. The cold grey of early dawn .had just begun to show itself faintly in the east, when a shot from Huger's battery went whistling over the heads of the troops, and crashing against the sides of Molino del Rey, announced that the battle was begun. It was not long before tlie walls were crumbling under the immense battering balls. No sooner did Worth perceive this, than he gave the order for Wright to advance. The storming party instantly rushed forward, led by Captain Mason of the engineers, and Lieutenant Foster. A tre- mendous fire of artillery greeted them, but in the face of this they pressed on, gained the battery, cut down the men, and were already Avheeling the captured guns on the foe, when the latter, perceiving liow few were the numbers of the assailants, turned, and poured in from the whole line, simultaneous volleys of musketry. It was like the explosion of some gigantic mine. The entire space of four hundred yards between the two forts was a blaze of fire ; and when it had jiassed, scarcely a third of the assaulting column remained on their feet. With wild shouts the Mexicans now poured to the attack, and the Americans were driven from their guns, and hurled bleeding hack from the lines. The day, for a moment, seemed lost. At this l)erilous crisis, Cadwalader, with the right wing of his brigade, ac- companied by the light battalion left to cover Huger's battery, ar- rived to the rescue. The ground beneath was strewed with dead, as thickly as a harvest field with gram ; while, through the smoke, the shattered column of Wright was seen recoiling. The roar of the artillery ; the rattling of small arms ; the plunging of round shot from Chapultepec, and the tumultuous cheers that rose from the Mexicans, who considered themselves already victors, did not, for a second, check the advance of the gallant reserves. They came into action, on the contrary, as resolutely as on parade, the eleventh, under Colonel Graham, leading. Never did American soldiers, brave as they have ever been, acquit themselves so heroically as on that day. The duty of the eleventh was to charge the battery, and, at the word of their leader, they raised a hurrali and plunged into the smoke. At every step they passed the dead body of some fellow soldier who had perished in the preceding assault. At every step a comrade fell from their ranks. But the stern voice of their leader, crying, "close up — for- ward !" continually urged them on. The batteries in front vomited grape and cannister incessantly. Hundreds were already down, and others were falling fast ; yet they did not falter, but quickened their pace to a run, their leader waving his sword at their head. He had CAPTUUE OF MOLINO DKL RF.Y. 117 already received six wounds, aiul at this nioment a ball struck iuui iu the breast, and he fell from his saddle : " forward, uiy lueii," he cried with his dying breath ; " my word is always forward !" Tht-re was a pause at this terrible sight; but then the cry of revenge arose, and, with a shout, heard over all the uj)roar of the conllict ; they rushed upon the enemy's guns. The Mexicans gave way in consternation, appalled by that tremendous huzza. Lieutenant Tiffin, springing on one of the captured pieces, waved his swt.rd for his men to follow ; but at this instant a withering fire was opened from some neighboring house-tops that overlooked the battery, and he was forced back. But the check was only for a moment. On came the Americans, cheering and firing ; tiiey swept over the hues; they scattered the dismayed foe; they were masters of that part ..f BATTI.K OF MOI.IN" H' "^;V. the field. But they had purchased tiie victory with the loss of iheir best officers, and of more than half their men. While this terrible struggle had been goini? on in the centm. one only less sanguinary had been transariing at the rii^hi. H«Te (;jir- land's brigade, sustained by Dnnn's artillery, assaullcil ihc mill, and lis THE WAR WITH MEXICO. after a desperate contest, drov^e the Mexicans from this position, and compelled them to take refuge under the guns of Chapiiltepec. Dunn's light battery, and the two heavier pieces of Huger, were now harnessed, and went thundering down the dechvity, until they reached the ground lately occupied by the enemy, when, unlimber- ing, they opened a destructive fire on the fugitives. The INIexicans breaking their ranks, fled in consternation, the stronger treading down the weaker. The captured cannon were also turned on the flying crowd. Mercy, for that day, had deserted every bosom. The Mexicans, earlier in the combat, had bayoneted the wounded Americans left behind at Wright's repulse, and now, the victors, burning to revenge the slaughter of their conn-ades, spared none. The air was filled with the cries of the fugitives, the shrieks of the wounded, the hissing of the grape, and the boom of the guns from Chapultepec, which rose like trumpet blasts, at intervals in the fight. On the American left, meantime, the wave of battle surged wildly to and fro. The attack had been commenced in this quarter by Colonel Mcintosh, at the head of the second brigade, who, sustain- ed by the fire of Duncan's battery, moved rapidly down the slope to assault Casa Mata. The advancing column soon com- ing within the sweep of Duncan's fire, masked his battery, on which he was compelled to cease. The enemy now opened a terrific dis- charge of small arms. The brigade, nevertheless, pushed forward. Fiercer and fiercer gusts of fire swept the intervening space, scorch- ing up the front of Mcintosh's column as if it had been grass upon a prairie. One fourth of the men had already fallen, and yet tlie foot of' Casa Mata was not attained. Mcintosh himself was severely wounded. Lieutenant-Colonel Scott, pressing on, and refusing to avail himself of cover, was shot dead. " Stoop behind the wall, they are going to fire," said one of his officers. "Martin Scott never stooped," was the proud reply. At that instant a ball entered his breast ; he fell back, and placing his cap over his heart, expired. The column had now reached the edge of the parapet. But here, to their consternation, they discovered that Casa Mata, instead of being only a common field work, was an old Spanish citadel of stone, sur- rounded with bastioned intrenchments and impassable ditches. The loss of so many officers, the terrible slaughter in the ranks, and this unexpected obstacle in front, proved too nmch even for this gallant brigade; it fell into disorder, and retreated hastily to the left of Dun- can's battery. As the Americans turned and fled, the Mexicans stepped out on the walls, and delivered a parting volley, while the air rung with the clang of their triumphal music. CAPTURE OF MOLINO HFL IUV. jjg But defeat had met the enemy in another quarter. Mclntosl, had scarcely moved to the attack, wlien an immense l)ody of infantry and cavah-y was suddenly seen advancing around the end of Casa Mata,opposite to our extreme left, u iih the obvious intention to charge and cut to pieces the storming party. This was tht- moment when Duncan had ceased firing in consequence of being masked by Mrln- tosh's cohunn ; and he seized the occasion to gallop, with'his bat- tery, to the furthest left. As the Mexican cavalry came tlnnuU-ring down, several thousand strong, directly in his front, he ope-ned with grape and cannister. At the second roimd the squadron broke and tied in disorder. Major Sumner calling on his command to follow, charged on the disordered foe, and conq)leted the triumph. .Sum- ner's way led him right in front of Casa Mata, and aware of hi.s danger, he swept by like a whirlwind ; but such was the mtonsiiy of the enemy's fire, that, though under it only ten seconds, evi-ry thud saddle in his troop was emptied. Once beyond this peril, he burst like a thunder-bolt, on the lancers. The enemy, in this quarter, was soon driven beyond reach. But at Casa Mata he was still invulne- rable. It was just at this moment that the assault of Mcintosh had been repulsed, and, as Duncan turned from witnessing the fhirht of the lancers, he heard the rejoicings of the foe in the citadel, and saw the third brigade recoiling in confusion. Instantly his guns were turned upon Casa Mata again, whose walls rattled to the shot as if to hail. The enemy's triumph was speedily at an end. Looking over the plain he beheld the Mexican battalions every where m flight, and, knowing the citadel to be no longer tenable, he burned in evacuate it. The Americans were now masters of the field. Tin- conflict had lasted two hours, and been the most sanguinary of ihi- war. One-third of Worth's command were either killed or woimdcd ; and two of his best regiments were almost totally destroyed. The enemy had lost three thousand, among them General Leon, the bravot of their leaders. In obedience to his orders. Worth proceeded lu destroy the cannon moulds found in the mill, and to blow up Ca-sii Mata ; after which, with eight Inuuhcd inisoners. he returned to Tacubaya. Such was the terrible battle of Molino del Key. The way was now cleared to assault Chapultepec ; and Scott beyan to pre|.are for the final struggle. The two following days were spent in coinpb- ting his recomioisances and carrying oiu his grand .vcheme oi d.-- ceiving the foe as to the real poiiu of attack. The late victorie.H hati deprived the enemy of most of his cannon, and of those whirh remained, the larger portion were mounted at tlic gales on the 120 THE WAR WITH MEXICO. Acapiilco road,, where the Mexicans expected tlic main assault. Scott did all he could to maintain this delusion on the part of Santa Anna. The divisions of Twiggs. Pillow and Quitman were accord- ingly, on the nth, concentrated on the Acapulco road, as if with the design of storming the capital on that side ; but in the succeeding night, Pillow and Quitman were secretly moved to Tacubaya, leaving Twiggs to threaten the gates in front. The stratagem com- pletely succeeded. The enemy, still under the impression that the real attack was to be on the Acapulco road, directed his chief attention to that quarter. He was not undeceived, even when, on the morning of the 12th, Scott began to bombard Chapultepec, from batteries erected on commanding points during the preceding night. As the day progressed, however, and the guns played more briskly, the enemy began to entertain uneasy apprehensions lest he had been over-reached, but the fire on Chapultepec was maintained with such fury that it was impossible to throw reinforcements into the place. Large masses of the foe, however, collected on the roads leading from the city to it, but, as often as they ventured to approach the hill, were driven back by the American batteries. A few succors were finally thrown into the beleagured castle. Here the peril was extreme. The American guns were handled vi^ith the accuracy of rifles, and an enemy dared not show himself without being killed. All day the cannonade and bombardment continued. The sky was traversed incessantly by whirling shells. The stout walls of the castle began to gape in ruins. On their side the Mexicans were not idle, but, aware that Chapultepec was their last stronghold, fought with a courage that extorted admiration from their very foes. Du- ring the whole of that terrible day the castle rained down fire on its assailants. But it was in vain. Undaunted, the Americans stood their ground. The morning of the 13th dawned: it was the last day of the capital. Twiggs was still thundering at the gates on the Acapulco road ; but Quitman and Pillow had been recalled, as we have seen, and were now to storm Chapultepec. This hill, besides its steep ascent, is defended by a wall skirting its foot : half way up is an- other wall ; and on the top, at an elevation of one hundred and fifty feet above the plain, is the castle itself, an almost impregnable work, •and used by the Mexicans as a military college. The main building is about six hundred feet long ; the whole fortress nine hiuidred ; and nothing can be stronger or more splendid than this structure, with its wings, bastions, parapets, redoubts and batteries. The catiuon were maimed by the most skilful gunners in the Mexican A. 'I xx^ ■."\,-x ,|,,)^^vini? the leperos and discharged convicts, secretly instigated by ciuissariea left behind by Santa Anna, began to fire on the troops. At this conduct, so base, considering his forbearance, Scott issiietl onler- • r severe retaliation. The artillery was directed to clear the si^ Parties were sent to break o])eii the houses from which the l* occurred, and slay whoever should be founti armed within. The soldiers were not restrained to giving cpiarter. .\ lerrible, but dr- sultory street fight succeeded, in some sections of the city, the 128 THE WAR WITH MEXICO. insurrection was speedily put down ; in others, it lingered during the whole day, and even extended into the night. At last the Americans drove the insurgents from every refuge, and becoming tired of slaughter, refrained from the bloody work. It was found, after the riot had been quelled, that those engaged in it had not universally confined themselves to assailing tlie Americans, but that many, under cover of a rising against the invaders, had only sought an occasion for pillage and murder. However much the massacre of the leperos may be regretted, it cannot be censured. The retribution was wan- tonly provoked. The blood shed lies at the door of Santa Anna, or whoever instigated the insurrection. It was, perhaps, supposed that the rising would prove as fatal to Scott as a similar one in Madrid had turned out for Murat. The American commander, with praise- worthy forbearance, did not allow this riot to alter his conduct towards the city. It will be his noblest epitaph in future ages, that he could conquer and forgive alike. The fall of their capital struck dismay into the hearts of the Mex- icans. The mournful intelligence spread rapidly in all directions, and was received every where with lamentations and tears. But they did not yet entirely despond. Inheriting a portion of that stub- born tenacity, which has ever distinguished their Spanish ancestors, they resolved still to continue the struggle, though success was now hopeless in all eyes but theirs. They were confirmed in this resolu- tion by a proclamation, issued by Santa Anna from the city of Gua- daloupe, whither he had retired on his flight from the capital. In this proclamation he informed the Mexicans that he had resigned his office of President into tiie hands of the Chief Justice of the Su- preme Court, in order that, in the perilous crisis to which the repub- lic had been reduced, he might devote his undivided energies to the field. He advised that the army should hereafter make war in de- tail ; and announced his intention to attack, with a portion of it, the communications of Scott. The new government met at Queratero. There was soon discovered among its members a considerable diver- sity of opinion, some being in favor of concluding a peace, while others were resolute to continue the struggle. Meantime Santa Anna, attended by a force of about eight thou- sand infantry and cavalry, suddenly appeared before Pnebla, on the 25th of September, eight days after the date of his proclamation. • The American garrison in this city had been besieged for nearly a fortnight by an irregular force of Mexicans ; but Colonel Childs, the commander, had resolutely maintained iiis post. To Santa Anna's demand for an evacuation of the city, he returned a prompt and CONTRIBUTIONS LEVIED. ]29 decided refusal. The Mexican leader immediately erected intrench- ments, and began a furious cannonade on the American works. His fire was returned by Colonel Childs, who, throwing shot, shclln and grenades incessantly into the heart of the town, produced such an immense loss of property, that the enemy was fmally compelled to desist. On the 1st of October, Santa Anna, finding that the bcseiged were not to be reduced except by a protracted blockade, and learn- ing that a valuable train had started from Xalapa destined for the American army, withdrew at the head of two thousand cavalry and infantry, with three pieces of artillery, and marched to inlercepl ih«- train. But meantime imputations had been spread, chielly by his enemies, aflecting his fidelity to JNIexico, and, on his route, he sud- denly found himself deserted by his whole force, excepting about one hundred and thirty hussars. He now retired in the direction of Orizaba, near which he possessed an estate. In this vicinity he remained concealed, a memorable example of the instability of power, and the fleeting nature of popularity. Finally, on the L'Oih of January, 1848, an expedition was despatched to Orizaba to cap- ture him, but he efl'ected his escape, and, soon after, left his native country, an exile for the third time. With him Mexico lost her ablest General. Santa Anna having retired from before Puebla, the su-^l- ian|,'uished until the 12th of October, when it was raised. Meantime CJeneral Lane, being on his way from Vera Cruz to the capital, marched, at the head of two regiments, several companies of mounted men, and five pieces of artillery, to chastise the guerillas who liad, during the past two months, continued to annoy the trains. On the !»lh of October he attacked a large body of them at Huamantla,and gained a complete victory, which, however, was saddened by the loss of the heroic Captain Walker. Nine days subsequently he reduced the strong town of Atlixco, the rendezvous of this species of combatants. after a short but severe cannonade. These two victories may be considered as having broken up the guerilla organization in ihnt section of the country, though this description of force st.ll continued to exist, and to render the roads uiisaf.-, until the declaration ol peace. These guerillas were not all patriotic : some being mere rob- bers, as ready to waylay a countryman as an enemy. All serious opposition being now at an end. Scott proceeded to execute the orders of his government, and levy a.ninbu.ions from the conquered territories. The snms were apportioned areordn.g t« the wealth and population of the states. All taxes were directed to be paid to the American authorities. To secure the of 17 130 THE WAR WITH MEXICO. these orders the army was divided into numerous small parties, which, spreading over the country, enforced obedience wherever they came. But, as the American force was too inconsiderable to cover, in this way, any great extent of territory, the sums collected were of comparatively small amount. It was believed by many, that the Mexicans, on discovering the invading army thus subdivided, would rise in insurrection ; but the terror of the American arms had now entirely subdued all thoughts of resistance. Even those who, after the fall of the capital, had still entertained hopes of successfully protracting the war, were now utterly disheartened. The party in favor of peace became stronger daily. The powers of Mr. Trist had been, meantime, revoked by the United States ; but that gentleman, anxious to effect a treaty with the enemy, continued to negotiate notwithstanding. Scott also labored, by every honorable means, to induce the misguided enemy to listen to terms of accommodation. These mutual efforts were ultimately crowned with success. A treaty was signed between Mr. Trist and the Mexican Commissioners, which, being immediately forwarded to the United States, was, after some hesitation on the part of the President, laid before the Senate, and by that body adopted, with certain amendments. The treaty in this altered form, was then returned to Mexico, for ratification by the Congress, which was convoked at Queratero for that purpose. Meantime Scott, in consequence of certain charges made against him by officers of the army, was deprived of his command ; and a Court of Inquiry, to examine the allegations, and for other purposes, was ordered to assemble at the city of Mexico. The charges against the late Commander-in-chief were, however, withdrawn, the princi- pal complainant, General Worth, refusing, in the end, to prosecute them. The Court, however, continued to sit, in order to examine into the military conduct of General Pillow, the accuser being Scott. The inquiry was subsequently removed to the United States, and continued after peace had been declared. It is to be regretted that, after the record of such brilliant deeds, we must impair this narrative with these unfortunate, not to say disgraceful transactions. While this Court was prosecuting its inquiries at the city of Mexico, Gene- ral Butler, who, as senior Major-General, had succeeded Scott in the chief conniiand, concluded an armistice with the enemy, to endure for two months. This proceeding was wise and generous, since it enabled the Congress at Queratero to discuss the ratification of the treaty, without the appearance of compulsion. Tliis armistice, beginning towards the close of February, 1S4S, was virtually con- tinued until the declaration of peace. SKIRMISUKS IN rAI.Uiil-.M \. 131 But wliilL' hostilities, in the heart of ihe Mexican rep\j\jlic, were thus at an end, they were breaking,' out lUVt-sli itt the dislani provinces of Calitornia and New ^Mexico. In Cahfornia, ilie enemy, though overcome, had never been tiioronijhly subdued, and iliis iu /"X l:4iM?^fe,,„ 9 '^2,-^ •.-.'T - . :^-u ' •.> MKXICAN GL'l.R'llI.LAS. consequence of tlie insufllcient forces despatched by ihe UniCcd States to that quarter. Upper Cahfornia, indeed, rcmnincd com- paratively contented under the American rule; but I.ow.t Cahfor- nia was more dillicult to reconcile to its new masters. The enure strength of the invading army did not amount to one ihons;ind. while the Mexicans had at least five thousand ni the field. I'ndt r ihe»*« circumstances the war was carried on principally by M-a. The rlnel ports of Lower California were blockaded, and occasionuliy d.-mcli- ments of marines and sailors being landed, .sklrnu^lM•^ .H-cnrn-d Willi the foe, in which generally the Americans were vicloriou.H. \N hercvcr garrisons iiad been left, th^-v maintained tliem.M-lves ngainsl the assaults of the Mexicans. At San, Lienienani llayu^HHl ol the Navy, at the head of seventy sailors and marines, nnd n few native Californiaus, held out against a force of five thnns^md cnrr.l- las for twenty-one days. He was finally relieved by a .b.a.-hmenl 132 THE WAR WITH MEXICO. landed from the Cyane, Captain Dupont. This unsettled condition of affairs continued until the declaration of peace. In New Mexico somewhat similar scenes were enacted. General Price, however, still remained in command of the American forces here, and, through his activity and wise precautions, the disaffected were eflectually restrained. Hearing, at Santa Fe, rumors that General Urrea was advancing against Chihuahua and El Paso, threatening an attack on the latter place, which was garrisoned by Americans, Price left Santa Fe, on the Sth of February, 1848, for the relief of his countrymen. Urrea, learning the approach of these reinforcements, abandoned his design. Price arrived at El Paso on the 20th of February, and continuing his route, reached Chihuahua, three hundred miles further south, on the first of March, No signs of an enemy being visible, he took peaceable possession of the town. On the 16th of March, however, the Americans came up with a large body of hostile Mexicans, commanded by Don Angel Trias, at Santa Cruz de Rosales, twenty-two leagues from Chihuahua, and immediately a sharp combat ensued. The action began at nine A. M., and was continued until towards evening, when the Americans stormed the place, capturing the Mexican General, besides fourteen pieces of ordnance, and one thousand muskets. This victory closed the war in that quarter of Mexico. The treaty of peace having been ratified by the Senate of the United States in March, 1848, and subsequently by the Mexican Congress in the ensuing May, the war was at an end. By this treaty Mexico ceded to the United States a considerable territory. The boundary line, as defined by the third article, commences in the Gulf of Mexico, three leagues from land ; thence runs up the middle of the Rio Grande to its intersection with the southern boundary of New Mexico ; thence along that southern boundary to the western boundary of the same.; thence north to the first branch of the Gila which it intersects; thence down the middle of that branch and of the river to the Colorado ; thence it runs across westwardly, and strikes the Pacific at a point one league south of San Diego. The free navigation of the Gulf of California, and of the River Colorado, from the mouth of the Gila to the Gulf, was secured, by the same article, to the United States. In consideration of this sur- render of territory, the United States stipulated to pay to Mexico the sum of fifteen millions of dollars, as also to assume the claims held against Mexico by American citizens, which were, it will be remembered, one of the original causes of the war. Other less im- portant clauses were contained in the treaty. Among them was a j(rovision that the American army should evacuate the territory of TREATY OF PEACE. 133 Mexico within three months. Another clause provided for the renewal, for a period of eight years, of the treaty of commerce of 1831 between the two repubHcs. The evacuation of the territory of Mexico immediately took place, according to the provisions of the treaty. The regular army, when the war began, had consisted of fifteen regiments, the numbers o( which, however, were reduced to the narrowest hunts of a peace establishment, so that (he entire force was less than eight thousand. Immediately after the declaration of war, the companies were raised to the highest number allowed by the military system of the United States, so that a regiment of ten companies comprised eleven hundred non-commissioned oflicers and men. Ik-Mdes tins addition, two companies were added to each of the artillery rem- ments, so that the fifteen old regiments were made to compose a force of seventeen thousand four hundred and eighty men. This force, however, being deemed insufiicient, ten new regiments were directed by Congress to be organized, thus raising the munerical strength of the entire army to twenty-eight thousand three hundred and eighty non-commissioned officers and men. It was provided, however, that the ten regiments should be disbanded at the close of the war. which was accordingly done, and the army reduced to its original fifteen regiments. At least one generation, perhaps two, must elapse before an im- partial estimate can be formed of this contest. The judgment ol history is always just in the end. To future times we leave what would have been improper for us — the examination of the justice or injustice, the policy or impolicy of the Mexican war. M ~M M'' / W'^ it REPULSE Of MEXICAN CAVALllY AT I'Al-O ALTO. ZACHAKY TAYLOR T is customary to institute compar- isons between Taylor and Scoii. Nothing can be more utijust. — Thoue:h each is a great General. there is Httle similarity between them ; and the endeavor to run a parallel injures one or both. Th«- sole distinction that can be drawn. if any, is that Scott has more of th.« General in liis composinon, and Taylor n:ore of the iu-ro. The miliiary qualities of Taylor. thoii-h neither varied nor brilliant. are all developed m a colossal mould. Hisstnindnes.Hofjud?meni. his firmness of purpos*-, and hi» peculiar faculty of inspiring !>"» army with the same heroic sentiments a. himself, have enabhd 138 ZACHARY TAYLOR. him to win those astonishing victories which are the admira- tion of Europe as well as of America. Even Scott, though perhaps he has rivalled, has not surpassed those triumphs. But the character of Taylor rests not alone on its military renown. He is as prudent as brave. He is as wise in council as in field. Vanity appears to be foreign to his composition. Moderate in desiring fame himself, he is not envious of it in others. He yields the full measure of deserved praise to his subordinates, and appears to take pleasure in affording them opportunities for distinction. In manners he is simple and unostentatious. In his whole deportment there is something exalted and lieroic, something of the calm majesty of assured genius. He has never obviously sought applause, and the results have verified the remark of the wise man, that popularity rarely comes when assiduously sought, but rather seeks those who seem to despise her favors. We have said that there is nothing brilliant, in the ordinary sense of the term, in the intellect of General Taylor. We mean by this that he is no melo-dramatic hero ; but a sturdy, earnest man, sin- cere and honest — a reality, and not a sham. He belongs to the class of intellects to which Washington, Cromwell, and others of that profound stamp belonged : not to the Murats, Peterboroughs, and other stage actors of history, half charlatans, half heroes.. He possesses that which is worth more than the mere brilliancy of genius, a consummate wisdom which rarely or never errs in its con- chisions. His campaign on the Rio Grande is a proof of this. He did not make a single movement without first having maturely considered its propriety, and in no case, consequently, did he com- mit a false step. Subsequent events always sustained the accuracy of his judgment. When Scott, preparatory to the siege of Vera Cruz, withdrew the regulars from Taylor, he recommended to his subordinate to abandon Saltillo and fall back on Monterey. The same suggestion was made by the President. But Taylor thought this course unwise. He saw that if the enemy was to be checked at all, he must be met in the passes of the mountains beyond Sal- tillo. The battle of Buena Vista was the result. The importance of that victory cannot be too highly estimated. It not only preserved the country between Saltillo and the Rio Grande from returning to the hands of the Mexicans, but it broke the prestige of Santa Anna's name. It did more. It crushed the best appointed and most numerous army the enemy had ever brought into the field ; while it proved that the American volunteer was more than equal to the Mexican regular. All these consequences the wisdom of Taylor ZACIIARV TAVI.OR, |J0 had foreseen. The battle of Ikieria Vista, morpovcr, was, in one sense, the cause of all our subsequent triumphs. It would be going too far, perhaps, to say that Cerro Gordo, Contreras and CljapuUepec, would have been lost without it ; but we may assunse it as ceriain! that in all those combats the desire to ennilate Buena Vjsia wa« foremost in the thoughts of ollicers and men. " Soldiers, behold the sun of Austerlitz," said Bonaparte, on the morning of the baiilc of Jena ; and these words, stimulating ihcin to rival former glories, won the day. This consummate judgment is visible in every act of Taylor's public career ; in his deportment to his ollicers, in his cor- respondence with the executive, in his conduct under the thousand annoyances of his campaign. Taylor, we have said, is as resolute in action as he is c-omj)rehen- sive in judgment. At Fort Brown, when he found his connnunica- tions with Point Isabel cut oft", he daringly slaked all on the valor of the little garrison, and marched to the coast for ammunition and stores. The morning after his arrival at Point Isabel, the report of guns at Matamoras announced an attack on the fort, and the army, with one voice, generously demanded to be led to the relief of their comrades. But Taylor hesitated. If he left the Point to succor Fort PfQwn, the object of his late movement would be entirely frustrated; and accordingly he resolved to wait at least until he could hear from the garrison. The firmness of mind reijuin-d for this decision can only be fully understood by imagining the obloquy he would have suffered if Brown and his little detachment had been cut off. So, at Buena Vista, Taylor accepted battle again.e was raised to the rank of Captain, and appointed to tlu- command of Fori Harrison. This was a post on the Wabash, right in the heart of the Indian country, consisting of two block-houses, stockade works, and a few buildings for stores or magazines. Here Taylor was sta- tioned when war was declared. He soon became aware thai the savages in his vicinity contemplated hostilities; but tliough he had only sixteen effective men, he resolutely prepared for resistance. On the 3rd of September two men who were making hay near the fort were murdered by the Indians; and now Taylor knew that tlie blow might be expected hourly to fall. Though debilitated by fever, he personally went the rounds, and saw that every possible precau- tion was taken. On the 4th, towards evening, a number of Indians knocked at the gate of the fort, begging provisions and asking admittance. But Taylor, suspecting a stratagem, refused to admit them, though he supplied their wants. He then inspected t!ie men's arms, and served out sixteen cartridges to each soldier, after which, exhausted by fatigue and sickness, he retired to snatch a few hours' respose. His last injunction, before repairing to iiis couch, was that the officers of the guard should walk round the inner side of the Ibrt during the whole night to prevent a surprise. About eleven o'clock Taylor was roused from sleep by the gun of one of the sentinels, and springing from bed he rushed out, order- ing the men to their posts. Almost simultaneously the cry of fire was raised. The Indians had succeeded in igniting one of the block-houses, which was soon in flames. Alarm now seized the feeble garrison, and two of the men, giving up all for lost, spni.? over the pickets and fled. For a while Taylor was the only - collected person in the fort. The block-house, which had been fired, contained a quantity of whiskey, and this now burned with a fury that baffled every eflort to subdue it ; while the horror of the scene was increased by the roar of the flames, the cries of the women in the fort, the howling of the savages, and the inccMiU discharges of small-arms. Taylor saw that but one chance of safely remained : this was to tear off the roof of the barracks with t>.e block-house. To this work accordingly he uddrcss^-d hi.u- self. Encouraged bv his words a party ascended to the roof amid a shower of bullets, 'and soon succeeded m their darmg object. 142 ZACHARY TATLOR. Stimulated by this gleam of hope, the men now labored with redoubled energy. They closed up the gap, made by the destruc- tion of the block-house, with a breastwork as high as a man's head. UKl'EKCE OF FOKT HAI:RIS0N. They put out the fire, which was communicated to the barracks, again and again. While the able-bodied of the garrison, headed by their heroic leader, thus exposed themselves continually, the invalids, roused from their couches by the extremity of the peril, kept up an incessant fire on the savages from the other block-house and from the bastions. The Indians, on their part, maintained a steady discharge of musketry, accompanied with showers of arrows. The night would have been intensely dark, but for the lurid flames that lit the scene ; and by this terrible guide the combat was long continued. When the last ember of the block-house had been ex- tinguished, the struggle still went on, the flashes of the gunssuflicing for a mark to either party. During seven long hours the scales of fortune hung quivering, but when day began to break, the savages suddenly abandoned the assault, and the members of the little ZACHART TAYLOR. |43 garrison were left to congratulate themselves and (In ir heroic com- mander. Of the two men wim luid fled early in the ui^Ui, one wav killed before he had gone two hundred yards, and the other was glad to return to the fort towards dawn, grievously wounded. But the savages, though foiled in the aitat-k, did not yei abandon all hopes of their prey. They now resorted to leaguer, and fur more than a week environed the fort, out of reach of us guns, in such a maimer as to prevent Taylor sending fur succor. His por- tion daily grew more precarious. A sickly garrison, with but scanty provisions, surrounded by bodies of hostile savages, and far from assistance, was the prospect that presented itscli' to the young Captain day and night. In this emergency he proved the heroic mould of his character. While other, and older heads, were trembling before dangers far less imminent, and succundiing to odds uifuiuely smaller, Taylor never, for one instant, entertained the thought of surrender. The same resolution to die at his [lost, or come olV vic- torious, which characterised him on the awful field of Ihiena Visia, thirty years later, marked him now. And it triumphed. On the 16th of the month, twelve days after the assault, a reinforcement of five hundred infantry, and six hundred mouiUcd men, arrived and raised the siege. In his official letter, describing this battle, there is (he same modesty, the same simplicity of style, and the .same absence of exaggeration as in his memorable despatches Ironi Mexico. He had already all the great qualities which subsequently made him famous ; it only required that age should ripen them, and a wider field be presented for their exercise. For his gallantry in this affair, he was honored wiili the brevet of a M;ijor. The nation was unanimous in applauding his heroism; his name was joined with that of the victorious Decatur: and a few s;igacious minds, looking prophetically into the future, foretold that he would yei do deeds to hold a continent in breathless amazement. The defence of Fort Harrison was the only opportunity afforded Taylor of distinguishing himself in the war of 1M2; for during the remainder of the contest he was confined n> the vicinity of ihc Wabash, and thus excluded from the glories of the Niagara cam- paign in 1814. When peace was declared, the army was rem- ' ■ '. and Taylor, now eclipsed by later heroes, was reduced to ti.. . u.k of Captain. Thinking himself injured, he resigned hi.s commiv^ion. and retired to the bosom of his family, where he would probably have remained, if his friends had not everted ihems,dve.H. and pro cured his restoration to the rank of Major. He n-w returned to lb.- army. For several succeeding years he was clueHy occupied •! 144 ZACHARY TAYLOR. frontier posts, where a close and methodical attention to his duties did not prevent him from improving in the study of his profession, and in belles-lettres literature. Punctual at the drill on the stormiest morning, and after it, just as punctual in the library of the fort ; sincere in manner; a lover of humor; practical and sound in all his views ; a little reserved, yet on the whole, a most fascinating com- panion, Taylor was known in the army, among his intimate friends, as a man who would rise to a first rate position if ever a suitable occasion offered, and if not, would always win the esteem of those around him, by the simplicity, frankness, and genial nature of his character. Most of his time was spent at the south, where he pre- sided at the erection of Fort Jessup. In 1819, he was made Lieu- tenant-Colonel, In 1826, he was a member of the board of officers of the army and militia, over which Scott presided, convened to con- sider and propose a system for the organization and improvement of the militia of the nation. In 1832, he was raised to the rank of Colonel. He was now employed in the expedition against Black Hawk. It was here, according to a current anecdote, that he cured the militia of their scruples in reference to crossing the boun- daries of their state ; an example that General Van Ransellaer might have imitated to advantage at Queenstown. Taylor had been ordered to hasten over Rock River, in pursuit of the fugitive savages. The militia demurred, and called a meeting on the prairie, when several orators declaimed against the proceeding as unconsti- tutional. Taylor quietly listened until all had expressed their senti- ments, when he ascended the rostrum, and spoke nearly as follows : " Gentlemen, I have listened with pleasure to your remarks on the independence and dignity of the American citizen. I acknowledge that you are all my equals. Many of you, I believe, will soon be my superiors, by becoming members of Congress, and thus arbiters of the fortunes of humble servants of the republic, like myself I expect then to obey you as interpreters of the will of the people ; and the best proof I can give of this, is, to obey now those who are at present in authority. In plain English, gentlemen, 1 have been ordered from Washington to follow Black Hawk, and take you with me as soldiers. I mean to do both. There are the flat-boats drawn up on the shore, and here are my regulars behind you on the prairie !" The quiet composure with which he delivered these words was sufficient : the men saw he was not to be trifled with ; and without a murmur, they embarked, the noisiest of the dema- gogues being the first to luirry to the boats. Taylor, on the conclusion of the Black Hawk war, was appointed to the command of Fort Craw- ZACHARY TAYLOR. 145 ford, at Prairie du Chien. In charge of iliis post he reiuaim-.J iH.i.i 1837, when he was ordered to Florida, where he speedily a- the most decisive victory yet gained over the warlike Seminole*. The Florida war was, from first to last, of a very h:> cliaracter. It was waged under a fatal climate, and ni a .:oujnr>- ahnost impregnable. A wet and spongy soil, covered wnh rank herbage, and overshadowed by impeiiLtrahie thickets of cyprev<, and palmetto, formed the first obstacle wnh which the invaders had u> contend; this conquered, the Americans still had lo overcome ih»- most resolute savages, perhaps, that ever witiged a rille-ball, or lurked for a foe. If beaten, the Semiudles would lly ihrough ihis dense wilderness, by paths known only to themselves, and seek refuge in some unexplored everglade. When, after toiling tlirouu'li the slimy swamp for days, the invaders would at last reach this lu-w retreat, they would be exhausted with fatigue ; while, on the con- trary, the Indians would be fresh for the sirife. Perhaps the Americans would remain ignorant of the position of the enemy until a volley from the thicket would prostrate half their number. Some- times the savages would fly after a short contest ; sometimes it would be necessary to rouse them from their lair by the prick of the bayonet ; sometimes, after a heroic struggle, the assailants would be compelled themselves to retire, leaving the ground strewn with iheir dead. This war had continued two years, when Taylor arrived m Florida. He found the consternation of the whites at its heiu-hi Notwithstanding the large force of both regulars and voluni. which had been employed against the Seminoles ; notwithsian. the two first Generals in the army had been in command, the enemy not onlv continued unsubdued, but had even increased in uudaciiy. If the soldiers penetrated to the Indian country, surpristi and amhuth cut them off; if they remained at their forts, the s^iva^es t. '. courase and foraged the white settlements. Lar:;e numbers .•: runaway slaves, fugitives from Georgia and Alabama, added lo ih-- fierceness of the Seminole array, and fostered the spirit of rfveiu. Terrible murders, perpetrated with every device of s;iVH«e crn- continually struck terror into the white population. Phmiuiioii alirr plantation, was deserted in consequence, until the country bcKnn to assume the appearance of a desert, and when Taylor arrived, h* found a general despondency, which infected even the army, and rose, among the citizens, almost to despair. Jessup, who still held the supreme command, resolved on ihr most vigorous measures in this crisis, and accordingly, he dirrciwJ Taylor to seek the enemy every where, and destroy or capiiin- Im AI— N I 'J 146 ZAC'HARY TAYLOR forces. With eleven handred officers and men, Taylor left Fort Gardner on tiie 20th of December, 1837, and began his march into the interior. The Seminoles, informed of his intentions by spies, had retired to one of their strongest fortresses, where they resolved to await his approach. On the 25th, Taylor reached their vicinity. The savages were posted on the further side of a dense swamp, in a thick hammock, and were so completely hidden from view, that but for the assurances of the guides, and the known partiality of the Indians for such lurking places, their presence would not have been suspected, Taylor, with that promptness which is one of his cha- racteristics, immediately ordered the troops forward ; and the men, inspired by his cahn front, plunged into the thick grass which here rose overhead. After proceeding about a quarter of a mile, they reached a wide slough, where the water and mud was four feet deep. This obstacle would have checked ordinary troops, or an ordinary leader. But the men, abandoning their horses, plunged resolutely into the lake, carrying their arms overhead, to preserve them from the wet. For awhile nothing was heard but the splash of water, as the soldiers struggled along ; but suddenly a hundred rifles cracked, and the foremost ranks fell among the grass and slime. There was a momentary pause, and then the officers spring- ing to the front, and shouting to the men, the brave troops charged forward. But the progress through the long grass and water was necessarily slow, and meantime, the savages, secure in their covert, mowed down the assailants. All around was a blaze of fire, yet no foe was visible. At last the volunteers who had led the advance, and who were now dreadfully thinned in numbers, seeing their leader, Colonel Gentry, fall mortally wounded, broke and fled. This was the signal for the Indians to burst forth, which they did, firing and yelling like demons. The volunteers rushed across the swamp, forgetting to form as ordered in the rear of the regulars, and did not pause until they reached their baggage and horses, with which they remained for the rest of the day. The shock now fell on the troops of the line, consisting of the fourth and sixth regiments of infantry. These gallant regulars, undismayed by the flight of the volunteers, met the victorious foe in full career, and pouring in volley after volley, not only checked the |)ursuit, but began to roll back the enemy upon his covert. The principal weight of the conflict fell on five companies of the sixth, every man of which fought as if tlie day depended on him alone. The slaughter in this little band grew so terrible, that the waters of the svvamp beneath, and around tlieni, soon became red as blood. ZAniAUV TAVLOR. 117 Their loader, Lieutenant-Colonel Tlionipson, rtcoived a inurtat wound while cheering his men. His adjutant, and oiher olRccn of rank, fell beside him. Every inferior otiicer was soon killed or di»- abled ; and in one of the five companies, only four men reniauird unhurt. The dead and dying lay in Inure hi^aps ainons the •• - TUP. BAriLK OF 0»ltB-CllOB««. At lasl, this band of heroes wus for.-cd to sn-.- w:.v. Hut .hm ,,lace was st.ppHed by others, and the .ut.le no«r n.g«l with awfttl fury. Far and near the .lade echoed >vuh . he ^ ou.. „f the combatants, or the rattle of nntsketry, tudes.,. whet, . c upto., I.Ming for a ntoment tlte groans of woun.led or .he dnU "pl'^'' of bodies falling in the water, smote the ear. At la»t iif a J- 1 i„, I!,.i •.Iter retirina a short distance. llie> I.I. tied in disorder. IJuI, .titer reinm- , , .1 i,.,„nv r. was -ewed. Again tM».;_ ^,^,^,^^ „_ ,„„ van of ..., .hou»„« they rallied, a lo his inwp». Tlw heroes, the .ml of -niylor »^^;^- iX: Z :;;. ^■ l-dtr^I^or-^OKecChobee he rear of -ho 148 ZACHARY TAYLOR. enemy's position. The flank of the foe was now turned by Lieu- tenant-Colonel Davenport, and a complete rout ensued. The chase was continued until night, when the exhausted troops gave in, and silence fell on the wild and romantic glade, which, since noon, had reverberated with the roar of battle. This defeat broke the heart of the enemy, though he still continued to fight in detached bodies, and with sullen desperation long afterwards. The loss of the Ame- ricans in the battle of Okee-Chobee, was fourteen officers and one hundred and twenty-four men ; that of the savages was never ascer- tained, as they carried off most of their dead. For his conduct on this memorable day, Taylor received the brevet of a Brigadier, and shortly after, on the retirement of Jessup, succeeded to the chief com- mand in Florida. The official despatch, describing the battle of Okee-Chobee, con- cludes with the following passage, descriptive of the sufferings of his troops after the victory. The letter from which we make the extract, was dated from head-quarters, after his return. Having described the actual combat, he continues : " And here I trust I may be per- mitted to say, that I experienced one of the most frying scenes of my life, and he who could have looked on it with indifierence, his nerves must have been very differently organized from my own; besides the killed, there lay one hundred and twelve wounded officers and sol- diers who had accompanied me one hundred and forty-five miles, most of the way through an unexplored wilderness, without guides, who had so gallantly beaten the enemy, under my orders, in his strongest posi- tion, and who had to be conveyed back through swamps and ham- mocks, from whence we set out, without any apparent means of doing so. This service, however, was encountered and overcome, and they have been conveyed thus far, and proceeded on to Tampa Bay, on rude litters, constructed with the axe and knife alone, with poles and dry hides — the latter being found in great abundance at the encampment of the hostiles. The litters were conveyed on the backs of our weak and tottering horses, aided by the residue of the command, with more ease and comfort to the sufferers than I could have supposed, and with as much as they could have been in ambu- lances of the most improved and modern construction." The consequences of the battle of Okee-Chobee are described by Taylor in equally graphic terms. Of the six weeks to which he alludes in the following extract, four transpired previous to the contlict, and two subsequent. " In six weeks," he says," we penetrated one hundred and fifty miles into the enemy's country, opened roads, and constructed bridges and causeways, when necessary, on the greater ZACIFAKV TAVLOH. |.,<) portion of the route, establisliod luo depots, and ihe necesar)* de- tences for the same, and finally overtook and beat the enemy in h» strongest position. The resuhs of which movement and haiile have been the capture of thirty of the hostiles, the coming in, and siir- rendering of more than one hundred and fifty Indians and nr. mostly of the former, including the chiefs On-la-too-chee, 'lux-u- nug-gee, and other principal men, the capturing and dnvmg oui of the country six hundred head of cattle, upwards of one hundred head of horses, besides obtaining a thorough knowledge of the coun- try through which we operated, a greater portion of which was eii- tirely unknown, except to the enemy." Taylor remained at ili« head of the army in Florida until is lo, when he was reheved ui his own request. He was never, however, able to brmg the savages lo a second baltie. The recollection of Okee-Chobee, as long < ' '.•- tainod the supreme command, restrained th(! foe from h ^ aught except desultory engagements, though with the vmdi -.a of his mixed African and Indian blood, he seized every occ.iM<»n lo murder unarmed I'ugitives, the atrocity of these assassinations in- creasing as years rolled on. We gladly turn aside from the often repeated story of fathers slaughtered in the midst of their children, of infants stabbed at the breast, and of whole households consnni«*tl in their burning tenements, while the nmrderers danced and \elled around. We leave tlie story of the Florida war to be narr •'■ •' ■; » more appropriate place. If the .Seminoles had been less oi ,s they would have been niore ot' heroes. Tlie interval that elapsed between his retirement from the army of Florida and his elevation to the responsible post of General of the army of the Rio Grande, was spent by Taylor chielly at Forls Jes- sup and Gibson, as commandant of the first nnlitary d' ni ni the south-west. Mis prudence, not less than Ins skill, rt- mihii. iidcd him in 1845, on the annexation of Texas to the rmled Siai- •< >n .1 suitable person to take charge of the force which the 1' ,1 resolved to send into the new state. His instriiciions wero lo ob- serve the Mexicans, and " 150 ZACHAHY TAYLOR. by a post at Corpus Christi. In pursuance ol' these views he broke up his encampment, and, on the 2Sth of March, took a position opposite Matan)oras. He had already seized Point Isabel on the 24tli, by which he was enabled to command the mouth of the Rio Grande. The events that followed, and which led directly to the war, have been detailed in another place, and, consequently, we shall not recapitulate them. Throughout the whole of the transac- tions that occurred between the 8th of March and the battle of the 8th of May, General Taylor displayed the utmost forbearance toward the Mexicans, while he yet maintained to its fullest extent, the honor and dignity of the United States. Firm, yet prudent ; conciliatory, but not cringing; neither seeking to intimidate, nor allowing intimidation, he did all that could be done to avert a war, though holding himself ready for it if it should come. When ac- cordingly the folly of the Mexicans led them to attack him at Palo Alto and Resaca de la Palma, he dealt them such staggering blows, and in such quick succession, that they reeled blindly before him, and, from that hour to the end of the war, never recovered their confidence. The lustre of the battles of the Sth and 9th of May has been dinmied in a measure by the brilliancy of subsequent combats. But it was in them that the prestige of victory was first obtained for the Americans, and the oppressive consciousness of defeat first affixed to the foe. It was Palo Alto that originally established the effi- ciency of our light artillery, to which we have since been indebted lor so many successes. It was at Resaca de la Palma that the renowned Tampico regiment, which had been victorious on twenty fields ; which had never met a foe but to conquer ; and which was, therefore, considered the Palladium of the Mexican army, was totally destroyed after a struggle whose heroic character was worthy of its ancient fame. The splendor of these two victories can only be adequately understood by those who remember the excitement of the public mind, between the receipt of intelligence of Captain Thornton's capture and that of the glorious days of the Sth and 9th of May. During that gloomy and oppressive interval of suspense but one voice was heard ; it was that of lamentation for our army supposed to be sacrificed to an overwhelming force. It was known that Taylor had scarcely two thousand soldiers : it was believed, and the belief was correct, that the Mexicans had ten. The ruin of our little army was considered inevitable. Men did not hesitate to reproach the President for thus wantonly throwing away the lives of brave men. The sympathies of the nation were enlisted for Tay- ZACHAltV TAYI.On. 151 lor. The arrival of the mail was watclied wiih iiiieiisi* anxiety. The suspense was protracted from day to day, by the most exciim^, but uncertain intelligence : it was told that Taylor's commumcaliuii had been cut oil"; that he had marched to roiiit Isahi-1 ; ihui Uic o-arrison left opposite INIatamoras had been bombarded. The ■ of the pubhc mind rose to an intolerable pitch. Hut suddmiy « .iin< inteliiaence of the victory of Palo Alto, and followmi; closr on its heels, the news of Resaca de la Palma. The naUon pavsc-d at onct- from despondency to joy. The bulletms of the coiMiuermg General were read again and again, for at first they could scarcely be cre- dited. When the conviction, at last, became fixed thai Taylor had indeed repulsed the hosts of Arista, and that the .Mexican army. collected with such care, was reduced to a crowd of di^ • \ fugitives, a delirium of exultation took possession of the pubnc uun-l. It was not only over a mere victory that the people rejoiced : it was over a gallant leader saved from sacrifice ; it was over an army preserved from massacre. The government immediately sent bun the brevet of Major-General ; and, shortly after, on the pass;ii;c ol the act increasing the army, a full commission. Taylor at once rose to the proud eminence of a hero, and was assigned the lirst place in the people's hearts. By exalting his genius they vindica- ted their own alarm. The occupation of Matamoras followed, and the advance on Monterey. During the whole of these transactions Taylor labored under great disadvantages. The government of the I'mied Sia.e.s furnished him troops without adequate snj.plies, thus rendering nugatory with one hand what they tendered with the other I m the mtience, tact, and skill of the General triumphed over all d.l i- cultJes. Ordered to penetrate into the interwr, he advanced lo Monterey, the siege of which,a walled town,he be^an -'»> » -^^' mortar. Monterey feU after a most desperate contest : no^le o fierce had, up t'o that period, ever been known on ' -- -^ The armistice that followed was a wise and necess..r> uuasu,. notwithstandmg the exceptions nr.ed against it at the ^--'^'^J^^ had lust received orders to terminate this arni.slice, and ua. foMU. t;;Xt in a condition to move ^--^' ^i;^;;;;;::.;";::; voidably stripped of th. .lower of Ins lorccs by Scot tlu n o.. « way to Vera Crnz. Nothing illustrates ,he equable ch GeLal better th.i the .amihar anecdote told oim..^ The despatch, calling on him - --'^;; ^ ^^r::* a«l. received by Taylor when at -MM' »;;;;; ^ ,„^,,„^.,„ ,„ but he did not utter a word : th'- '•»1> « •»> >» w'»»«=" ^ 152 ZACHARY TAYLOR. betrayed was by his excessive nervousness, displayed in peppering his coffee, and in similar mistakes during the meal. The circum- stances which led subsequently to the battle of Buena Vista have been detailed, at sufficient length, in preceding pages. That remarkable battle had its origin as much in Taylor's foresight, as the victory which crowned it owed its existence to his indomitable courage. To illustrate Taylor's clear and transparent style, as well as to present the story of that day in the most authoritative shape, we quote the chief portion of his despatch relative to this victory. The narrative begins with the preliminary reconnoisance. " The information which reached me of the advance and concen- tration of a heavy Mexican force in my front, had assumed such a probable form as to induce a special examination far beyond the reach of our pickets to ascertain its correctness. A small party of Texan spies, under Major McCuUough, despatched to the hacienda of Encarnacion, thirty miles from this, on the route to San Luis Potosi, had reported a cavalry force of unknown strength at that place. On the 20th of February, a strong reconnoisance, under Lieutenant-Colonel May, was despatched to the hacienda of Hech- ondo, while Major McCuUough made another examination of Encarnacion. The result of these expeditions left no doubt that the enemy was in large force at Encarnacion, under the orders of General Santa Anna, and that he meditated a forward movement and attack upon our position. " As the camp of Agua Nueva could be turned on either flank, and as the enemy's force was greatly superior to our own, particu- larly in tlie arm of cavalry, I determmed, after much consideration, to take up a position about eleven miles in rear, and there await the attack. The armj^ broke up its camp and marched at noon on the 21st, encamping at the new position a little in front of the hacienda of Buena Vista. With a small force I proceeded to Saltillo, to make some necessary arrangements for the defence of the town, leaving Brigadier-General Wool in the immediate command of the troops. " Before these arrangements were completed, on the morning of the 22d, I was advised that the enemy was in sight, advancing. Upon reaching the ground it was found that his cavalry advance was in our front, having marched from Encarnacion, as we have since learned, at eleven o'clock the day previous, and driving in a mounted force left at Agua Nueva to cover the removal of public stores. Our troops were in position, occupying a line of remarkable strength. The road at this point becomes a narrow defile, the valley on its riglit behig rendered quite impracticable lor artillery by a ZACHARY TAVI-OR. m succession of deep and impassable gnllios, whilo oji ihr» left a suc- cession of rugged ridges and precipitous ravines extends far back to- wards the mountain which l)onnds the valley. The fcaiures of ihf >!AJoR M'CCLLOl'iiH ground were such as nearly to paraly/o the artillery and cnvniry of the enemy, while his infantry could not derive all .he advnn.ngc of US numerical superiority. In this position we prepar.Ml to n^ him Captain Washington's battery (fourth art.llcry) was poMcU to command the road, while the first a.ul second Illinois r- under Colonels Hardin and Hissell, each eight con.pan,. latter of which was attached Cap.ani Conner's -'"j-'-jV,;' • -- volunteers,) and the second K.n.urky, under ( "'«"-' i^'^-*^;;'- ^J^ pied the crests of the ndg.s on Hk- left and -n The Arkan^U 154 ZACHAKY TAYLOR. and Kentucky regiments of cavalry, commanded by Colonels Yell and H. Marshall, occupied the extreme left near the base of the mountain, while the Indiana brigade, under Brigadier-General Lane, (composed of the second and third regiments, under Colonels Bowles and Lane,) the Mississippi riflemen, under Colonel Davis, the squadrons of the first and second dragoons, under Captain Steene and Lieutenant-Colonel May, and the light batteries of Captains Sherman and Bragg, third artillery, were held in reserve. " At eleven o'clock I received from General Santa Anna a sum- mons to surrender at discretion, which, with a copy of my reply, I have already transmitted. The enemy still forebore his attack, evi- dently waiting for the arrival of his rear columns, which could be distinctly s^en by our look-outs as they approached the field. A demonstration made on his left caused me to detach the second Ken- tucky regiment and a section of artillery, to our right, in which position ihey bivouacked for the night. In the mean time, the Mexican light troops had engaged ours on the extreme left, (composed of parts of the Kentucky and Arkansas cavalry, dismounted, and a rifle battalion from the Indiana brigade under Major Gorman, the whole commanded by Colonel Marshall,) and kept up a sharp fire, climb- ing the mountain side, and apparently endeavoring to gain our flank. Three pieces of Captain Washington's battery had been de- tached to the left, and were supported by the second Indiana regiment. An occasional shell was thrown by the enemy into this part of our line, but without eflect. The skirmishing of the light troops was kept up with trifling loss, on our part, until dark, when I became convinced that no serious attack would be made before the morning, and returned, with the Mississippi regiment and squadron of second dragoons, to Saltillo. The troops bivouacked without fires, and laid upon their arms. A body of cavalry, some fifteen hundred strong, had been visible all day in rear of the town, having entered the valley through a narrow pass, east of the city. This cavalry, com- manded by General Minon, had evidently been thrown in our rear, to break up and harass our retreat, and perhaps make some attempt against the town, if practicable. The city was occupied by four excellent companies of Illinois volunteers, under Major Warren, of the first regiment. A field-work, which commanded most of the approaches, was garrisoned by Captain Webster's company, first artillery, and armed with two twenty-four pound howitzers, while the train and head-quarter camp was guarded by two companies of Mississippi riflemen, under Captain Rogers, and a field-piece, com- manded by Captain Shover, third artillery. Having made these /AcnAKV TAVi.o::. 155 dispositions for the protection of the rear, I proceeded on tlie u.-.n,. ing of the 23d, to Buena Vista, ordering forward ail the other avwil. able troops. The action had conunenced before my arnvul un th« field. " During the evening and night of the 'J^d, the t-iRuiy iiad ti. SI body of light troops on tiie mountain side, with the pur- ontrianking our left; and it was here that llieaeiimi of ihr .■ . menced, at an early hour. Our ntlciui-u, under Colonel Mar who had been reinforced hy three etuupanies under Maj<»r Trar, second Illinois volunteers, maintained their ground handsom.Iy against a greatly superior force, holdnm themselves under cover, and using their weapons with deadly effect. About eij^lii oVl.H'k. a strong demonstration was made against tlie centre of our pMsiti..i., .» heavy column moving along the rc»ad. This force wa.«. .vi..ii .!.»- persed by a few rapid and well-directed slmis from Captuin W.ish- ington's battery. In tlic mean time, the enemy was coiiceiiiraiing a large force of infantry and cavalry under cover of the ridges, with the obvious intention of ibrcing our left, which was posted on an extensive plateau. The second Indiana, and the second IllinuiB regiments formed this part of our line, the I'ormer covering '■ pieces of light artillery, under llie orders of Captain O'Hrien — 1< dier-General Lane being in the immediate command. In on;. . . bring his men within elfective range. General Lane ordered the ar- tillery and second Indiana regiment forward. Tiie artillery ad- vanced within musket range of a heavy l)udy of .Mexican iiifaniry. and was served against it with gn-at edect. hut without bem^' able to check its advance. The infantry ordered to its support had l.tllossil>le to reiani his . u without support, but was only able to withdraw two of Ins piece*. all the horses and cannoniers of the third piece being kihed or disabled. The second Indiana regiment, which had fallen back as stated, could not be rallied, and look no farther pari m llic acJion, except a handful of men, who, under its gallant Colonel Ik- joined the Mississippi regiment, and did gootl »-rvice. ••• ■! fugitives, who, at a later period in thf day, a.vsiMed in d- e train and de[)Ot at Buena Vista. Thl^ portion of our K given way. and the enemy appearing in overwhelnnng i >l our left fiaiik, ilie light troops which had remlen-il muIi k.khI M-rvict on the mountain were comjielled to wiihdraw. which llic) UkI. tof 156 ZACKARY TAYLOR. the most part, in good order. Many, however, were not rallied until they reached the depot at Buena Vista, to the defence of which they afterwards contributed. " Colonel Bissell's regiment, (second Illinois,) which had been joined by a section of Captain Sherman's battery, had become com- pletely outflanked, and was compelled to fall back, being entirely unsupported. The enemy was now pouring masses of infantry and cavalry along the base of tiie mountain on our left, and was gaining our rear in great force. At this moment I arrived upon the field. The Mississippi regiment had been directed to the left before reach- ing the position, and immediately came into action against the Mexi- can infantry which had turned our flank. The second Kentucky regiment, and a section of artillery, under Captain Bragg, had pre- viously been ordered from the right to reinforce our left, and arrived at a most opportune moment. That regiment, and a portion of the first Illinois, under Colonel Hardin, gallantly drove the enemy, and recovered a ])ortion of the ground we had lost. The batteries of Captains Sherman and Bragg, were in position on the plateau, and did much execution, not only in front, but particularly upon the masses, which had gained our rear. Discovering that the enemy was heavily pressing upon the Mississippi regiment, the third Indi- ana regiment under Colonel Lane, was despatched to strengthen that part of our line which formed a crotchet perpendicular to the first line of battle. At the same time Lieutenant Kilburn, with a piece of Captain Bragg's battery, was directed to support the infantry there engaged. The action was for a long time warmly sustained at that point — the enemy making several efforts both with infantry and cavalry, against our line, and being always repulsed with heavy loss. I had placed all the regular cavalry, and Captain Pike's squadron of Arkansas horse under the orders of Brevet Lieutenant- Colonel May, with directions to hold in check the enemy's column, still advancing to the rear along the base of the mountain, which was done in conjunction with the Kentucky and Arkansas cavalry, under Colonels Marshall and Yell. " In the mean time, our left, which was still strongly threatened by a superior force, was farther strengthened by the detachment of Cap- tain Braggs, and a portion of Captain Sherman's batteries to that quarter. The concentration of artillery-fire upon the masses of the enemy along the base of the mountain, and the determined resistance oti'ered by the two regiments opposed to them, had created confu- sion in their ranks, and some of the corps attempted to etfect a retreat upon their main line of battle. The squadron of the first ZACHART TaTLOk. j^y I dragoons, under Lieutenant Ruckcr, was now ordfred up iln« de*p ravine which these retreating corps were endeavoring to cro«. m order to charge and disperse them. The squadron proceeded lo ihe point indicated, but could not accomphsh the object, being expoMxl to a heavy fire from a battery eslabhshed to cover llie retreat <.f iliov* corps. While the squadron was detached on this service, a large body of the enemy was observed to concentrate on our exir-n... '. >\^ apparently with the view of making a descent upon the ha. . f Buena Vista, where our train and baggage were deposited. Lieu- tenant-Colonel May was ordered to the support of iliai pome, with two pieces of Captain Sherman's battery under Lieuienaiu Heynuld*. In the mean time, the scattered forces near the hacienda, couipoMrd in part of Majors Trail and Gorman's commands, had been. !.• some extent, organized under the advice of ^hijor Munroe, chief oi artil- lery, with the assistance of Major Morrison, volunteer staff. niiU were posted to defend the position. Before our cavalry had reached the hacienda, that of the enemy had made its attack; having been handsomely met by the Kentucky and Arkansas cavalry under Colonels Marshall and Veil. The Mexican column iininedi;iii-ly divided, one portion sweeping by the depot, where it received a destructive fire from the force which had collected there, and then gaining the mountain opposite, under a fire from Lieutenant H<\ - nolds' section, the remaining portion regaining the base of the iiiuuii- tain on our left. In the charge at Buena Vista, Colonel Veil fell gallantly at the head of his regiment ; we also lost Adjutant \ .. of the Kentucky cavalry — a youngolHcer of much promise. Lieuieiiaiii- Colonel ALay, who had been rejoined by the squadron of the first dra- goons and by portionsof the Arkansas and Indianatroops, under Lieu- tenant-Colonel Roane and Major Gorman, now approached ihehav of the mountain, holding in check the right llank of the enemy, ujh.u whose masses, crowded in the narrow gorges and ravines, our artil- lery was doing feari'ul execution. " The position of that portion of the .Mexican army which had gained our rear was now very critical, and it !k«emed dou whether it could regain the main body. At this moment I r l from General Santa Anna a message by a sialf . ' ' know what I wanted. I immediately despatched 1...., Wool to the Mexican Gencral-in-chief. and sent orders ■ firing. Upon reaching the Mexican lines, General Wool c. cause the enemy to cease their fire, and accordingly returned with- out having an interview. The extreme right of the enemy con- linued its retreat along the base of the mountain, and finally, iii »iiic M 158 ZACHARY TAYLOR. of all our efforts, effected a junction with the remainder of the army. " During the day the cavalry of General Minon had ascended the elevated plain above Sahillo, and occupied the road from the city to the field of battle, where they intercepted several of our men. Ap- proaching the town, they were fired upon by Captain Webster, from the redoubt occupied by his company, and then moved off towards the eastern side of the valley, and obliquely towards Buena Vista. At this time, Captain Shover moved rapidly forward with his piece, supported by a miscellaneous command of mounted volunteers, and fired several shots at the cavalry with great effect. They were driven into the ravines which lead to the lower valley, closely pur- sued by Captain Shover, who was farther supported by a piece of Captain Webster's battery, under Lieutenant Donaldson, which had advanced from the redoubt, supported by Captain Wheeler's com- pany of Illinois volunteers. The enemy made one or two efforts to charge the artillery, but was finally driven back in a confused mass, and did not ayain appear upon the plain. " In the mean time, the firing had partially ceased upon the prin- cipal field. The enemy seemed to confine his efforts to the protec- tion of his artillery, and I had left the plateau for a moment, when 1 was recalled thither by a very heavy musketry fire. On regaining that position, I discovered that our infantry (Illinois and second Kentucky) had engaged a greatly superior force of the enemy — evidently'' his reserve — and that they had been overwhelmed by numbers. The moment was most critical. Captain O'Brien, with two pieces, had sustained this heavy charge to the last, and was finally obliged to leave his guns on the field — his infantry support being entirely routed. Captain Bragg, who had just arrived from the left, was ordered at once into battery. Without any infantry to support him, and at the imminent risk of losing his guns, this officer came rapidly into action, the Mexican line being but a few yards from the muzzle of his pieces. The first discharge of canister caused the enemy to hesitate ; the second and third drove him back in disorder, and saved the day. The second Kentucky regiment, which had ad- vanced beyond supporting distance in this affair, was driven back and closely pressed by the enemy's cavalry. Taking a ravine which led in the direction of Captain Washington's battery, their pursuers became exposed to his fire, which soon checked and drove them back with loss. In the mean time, the rest of our artillery had taken position on the plateau, covered by the Mississippi and third Indi- ana regiments, the former of which had reached the ground in time to pour a fire into the right flank of the enemy, and thus contribute ZACHAKT TAVLOK. |59 to his repulse. In this last conflict, we had ihe .nisfortnt.e m suMatn a very heavy loss. Colonel Hardin, first Ilhno.s, and Clond McKee and Lieutenant-Colonel Clay, second Kentucky n-guucni, fell at this time, while gallantly leading their connnands. « No tarther attempt was made by the enemy to force our position, and the approach of night gave an opportunity to pay proper atten- tion to the wounded, and also to refresh th,.. soldiers, who had Imth exhausted by incessant watchfulness and combat. Th.nigli tiie nu-hi was severely cold, the troops were compelled for the most to bivouac without fires, expecting that morning would renew the conllict. During the night the wounded were removed to Saitillo, und every preparation made to receive the enemy, should he again attack our position. Seven fresh companies were drawn from the town, and Brigadier-General Marshall, with a remlorcement of Kentucky cavalry and four heavy guns, under Captain l*rentis.s, first ariillery, was near at hand, when it was discovered that ihe enemy had abandoned his position during the night. Our seouts soon av:ertained that he had fallen back upon Agua Nueva. The great disparity of numbers, and the exhaustion of our troops, rendered it ini*x|K-divn( and hazardous to attempt pursuit. \ stalf ollicer was despatched to General Santa Anna, to negotiate an exchange of prisoners, which was satisfactorily completed on the following day. Our own d<;id were collected and buried, and the Mexican wounded, of whii-!i i large number had been let't uj)Oii the field, were removed lo Saln..o, and rendered as comfortable as circumstances would jiernni." Such was the great battle of IJuena \'isia. 'I'akeii all iii all it was, perhaps, the most glorious ever fought by an American army. 1: furnished the climax to Taylor's renown. .M lves;ira de la I'alma he had defeated the enemy in the open tield. .\i Monterey he had stormed an almost impregnable walled town, and carried it, alter a bloody conflict of three days. On both these occasions the recglaru had been considered the operative causes of the victory. Hut al Buena Vista he was not only pitted ayainsi far greater odd» ihau he had ever before had to contend against, but Ins urmy. with i)t« paltry exception of five hundred, was composed entirely o( volun- teers, many of whom had never seen an enemy. To wm a victory under such circumstances appeared little short o( miraculou*. In the United States, the same alarm for this Lralhnit soldier which had preceded the battles of the Sth and yih of .May wan again cxjk- rienced; and the intelligenre of the vietory was haiUtl with a like delirious enthusiasm and joy. In Knrope, wonder and admi- ration possessed all men: the name of Taylor wascoupUM with that of the most renowned commanders : the highest Generals followcU 1()0 ZACIIARY TAYLOR. liis career on the map from the Rio Grande to Buena Vista; and kings despatched emissaries across the Atlantic to unriddle the mystery by which raw soldiers could be made to repulse five times their own number of regulars. Subsequent victories have, in their immediate results, rivalled, perhaps exceeded that of the 23rd of February, 1847 ; but none have approached its remote consequences, for it was the parent of them all. Had the army which Taylor defeated at Buena Vista, lieen added to that which Scott subsequently repulsed at Cerro Gordo, it would have been impossible even for the liero of Lundy's Lane, vast as is his genius, to have cut his way to Mexico, unless with a column of twenty thousand men. It was on the torrent of victory which Taylor let loose, that the flag of America was borne onward to the capital of Mexico. The subsequent career of Taylor in Mexico was com.paratively destitute of interest. The destruction of Santa Anna's army left the country between Saltillo and the Rio Grande in undisputed posses- sion of the Americans, so that no work remained for Taylor's army except the suppression occasionally of a guerilla force, or the convoying a train. In the autumn of 1S47, Taylor resigned his command into the hands of General Wool, and returned to the I'nited States on leave of absence for six months. His reception at New Orleans was enthusiastic in the extreme. Various invitations were extended to him Irom legislatures and other bodies to visit their localities, but he modestly declined all such ostentatious visits, and during his presence in the United States lived retired with his family. Taylor is affable, though somewhat taciturn. He is fond of humor ; has a benevolent heart; and possesses a rare faculty of attaching strangers to him. In the army he is idolized by the soldiers, both regulars and volunteers. He is lenient even to great ofl'ences, as in the case of the captured deserters, whom, instead of hanging, he ordered to be driven from the camp with every mark of obloquy. Wise and prudent to both otlicers and men, he has scarcely an enemy, and no open rival. All who have served under him, while they know he is not unduly exacting, know also that, when once aroused, his determination becomes terrible. In person Taylor is of medium height, broad-set, and unusually short-limbed. His face is expressive of great resolution and energy. It is bronzed and wrinkled by constant exposure to all weathers; and has, consequently, ati expression of hardness, which, at first, iiugnrs too great sternness of character. BiU a closer examination discovers in the eye that love of humor and that sterling benevolence which are prominent traits of this General. SAMUEL RIXGGOLI) lii: hrsi martyr of the M.xican wnr was M «j»»r Samuel Km.':r.»ld, w'llO tVll at Palo Alto, on th« Ml. ot' May. l8-»6- J" »»« ,l,alh on thai ir'.'»ri'»u« ti.Ui then- sfciiu-d a ikh-u- liar fitiuM. the Tiriory hnm? won pnncipally by ilifliu'ht artillery, a l>nin<-h „f thi-Mrvirc of winch h« was almost the parmt Rin^.oia was horn at lTo„t I •'^*^' " "' . ' ^j j^„,uol Um^.olU, near 1«00, and was the oldc.t .on u. General ^a. ^^^ '^(W /r^^ ^' 162 SAMUEL RINGGOLD. formerly a United States Senator. His mother was a daughter of General Jolm Cadwalader, of Philadelphia, who devoted his sword and fortune to his country in the darkest hours of 1776. The child, thus inheriting on both sides the blood of patriots, was early des- tined for the pursuit of arms. At the age of fourteen he entered the Military Academy at West Point, where he graduated in 1S18, at the head of his class. He was now commissioned as Second-Lieu- tenant of artillery, and in 1822 advanced to a First-Lieutenancy. In this capacity he served for several years, at Fort Moultrie, S. C. In 1834, he received the brevet of Captain, dating from May Sth, 1832. In 1836 he was raised to the rank of full Captain, with the command fa company in the third artillery. In the Florida war, his health, naturally delicate, became considerably impaired. To restore it, he visited Europe, and here, ever anxious to perfect himself in his pro- fession, he studied for awhile at the Polytechnique in Paris, and at the Military Institution in Woolwich, England. His company liaving been disbanded in 1838, Ringgold, on his return to the United States, was ordered to organize a company of light artillery. The light artillery was, at that time, a novelty in the service. Strictly speaking, it does not even yet exist as a distinct corps ; but each regiment of heavy artillery has one company, furnished with lighter pieces and equipped with horses. The bill, authorising the equipment of four companies of light artillery, was first passed in 1816, but M-'as not acted upon until Mr. Poinsett became Secretary of War, when Ringgold, as we have seen, was selected to organize the corps. He established himself at Carlisle, Pennsylvania, where, by constant practice, he brought both horses and men to such a state of perfection, that, when drilling they seemed to move by voli- tion alone. T'he soldiers would advance at full gallop with their battery, unlimber, fire, re-mount, and whirl oft' to another position, where the same process would take place, and this with such rapid- ity that the eye could scarcely follow their movements. A memory of a cloud of dust, of the ringing report of guns, of the thunder of the carriages and horses over the hard plain, would frequently be the only distinct images which a spectator carried away from these ex- hibitions. The whole scene appeared like some wild and inexpli- cable phantasmagoria. On one occasion we beheld this corps drilling. The scene was two hills, nearly half a mile apart, with a gently sloping vale between. Now the batteries could be discerned on the brow of the furthest hill, half concealed in the white vapor that floated back after the explosion ; now they would be seen, for an instant's transit, smoking through the valley; then they were visible swinging SAMUEL KlNtllioLD. l^S O le around and nnlimbering on the neighboring crest; and next, after an- other stunning explosion, and before we could recover sight of the '^uns,the whole corps wonld go thundering back to its first y \ confused mass of horsemen, caissons, and artdU-ry valu^!aug through clouds of dust, and amid a shaking of the ground, a. >l an earthquake was passing. . , , , . r vi i , While occupied at Carlisle, Rin?gold received the brevet of Major. ior his services in the Florida war. When Texas was annexed to ,he United States, Rinsgold was ordered to join tl»e arn.y of ob-cr- vation He immediately repaired to Corpns Chrisli, and subseqnenl. W accompanied Taylor to the Rio In the battle of 1 a o Alto the practical efficiency of his corps was lust tested and es ab- lished : without exaggeration, U may be said that the hght artdlery on that occasion, won the day ! The engagement was be.un.on .he de of the Americans, by Lieutenant Chnrclull, wnh two pounders. Ringgold, being ordered into act.on, galloped pa.t 'cZclnll, and takmg up a position wuhni seven »'-« - V-^^ ,he enemy, opened with terrible etlect on tiie masses ol Ar Ma. Ihe ec siTu and rapidity of lus fire astonished tn-id and oc ahkc Wh ompanies went down before his batteries, and w he„, nc^ dly he Americans traversed the position of the enemy, the coii^ o? Rin^<^old's shot could be detected by the lanes o dead^ A. c ?, P h^l'e had rac^ed for some time, an immense body ol Mcxuau the battie had ra^cu ^^^^ American , ce.swassocua— right; Lieutenant Kidgei\, wun a WilUfr's volnntccrs. wat cdercd to repel .ts assault. Fh.s lell In, .,„„„„ ,„ two gttos. Ut.disniayed, l>°wevcr be scued «>^' > |H,sh°forward, a„d, by s„ceess,ve advanc sa, ^^ ^^ ,_, l.„e.y witbin a '-tirt; , t n it... the g «". maintained a murderous f'™. "^ l'"='"> ° ,„, The »x.ic and often at particular iud v.dual., -^""^^ » ^^ ,;'„„„j, ,„d „.. approaehed tlte snblune ;=^-; , ^ t:,..,, co,k-c.U^ U.. smoke that rose m tl , U vo m. ^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^ ^^^^^^ ^,_^ ^^^ Mexicans. Occasionally a pnll ul J ■ ^._^l_,,_ ,„,. ,ain of buttle, and then the ene.ny --, ^^ ^, ,„^. „f „„. ,„„„a .ho. shot, lus whole front a blaze »f "^; ^ „„. ,„,, „f ,„.. contU,. through the grass, the ra.thn ' ° ^ ' ,'^' , ^ a..,.r«.i..ccj .«». ration, and the other ™"'-'^,'!' 7/, ,;,,„„ ,„.. .n,..n»y .em-n-J of maddening excncnlet.t. I'oru coiumually ot U.. inactive spectators of li.e coml.a., )a 8 terrible havoc of llu.ggold's battery. 164 SAMUEL KINGGOLD. Suddenly, while all eyes were turned on the hero of the fight, he was observed to fall, with his horse, to the ground. The artillerists who were nearest rushed to his side. A cannon-shot had passed through both his thighs, and through the shoulders of his horse. He lay extended on the prairie, his dying steed partially upon him. FALL OF MAJOR RIBGaULO. Lieutenant Sherer offered to raise him. " No," said the fainting hero, " let me stay — go on — you have enough to do." Dr. Byrne, however, hurried up, and had him carried, from the field ; but his wounds were seen, at once, to be mortal.. Though no bones were broken, nor any important artery divided, nearly all the anterior muscles had been torn from each thigh. He lingered until the 10th, when he died at Point Isabel. He suffered little or no pain, and con- versed cheerfully on the incidents of the battle up to the hour of his decease. His remains were interred, first, at the Point, but subse- quently at Baltimore, in his native state. Thus perished, at the age of forty-six, the Bayard of the American army. Accomplished as a gentleman ; affable as a man ; thoroughly educated as a soldier, he left few rivals, and no superiors behind him. He was the first graduate of West Point who perished in battle in the Mexican war ; and he died in a conflict the glory of which be- longed entirely to the regular army. The popular mind will always consider him as the hero of Palo Alto. CHARLES MAY. S RINGGOLD nmy be considorcJ, in one sense, the hero of Palo Alto, w May. following the same rule, is to be- J as that oi Rcsaca de la Palina. 1 •I'O most inferior otlicers, who wait m Niu. lor % an opportnnity to distmpuish ihtrnv-vc. j:./ above the crowd, May had presented lu him I ;.ne of those chances, wh-».. hlMu'v tm. —-=^^.^56---:-^- proved, render a man fan.. ^' >•*» "^^ 1 i..^|,:,,„ rharL-e ou the Mexican wil- he bappy n.o.nen., and by , ^^ ^^^ ' '; ^^ "' „f .„„ „h „,M.,. .ry, linked hi» name ""If "'"'''V " ' "; ..^ 7\v:.,l„„!,.o„. I). C . ThisyounL-ollicer isdie snnol Dr. .\l.i)."i ' " 5 and was born, we are infonued. in lb.' year 1»1W. !(.• w- "b ?: c"d pn™;..», bnc durn,, .ho adnnu.trauou of Jack...,. -.v" the te 166 CHARLES MAY. and obtained a commission in the dragoons, an arm of the service then lately re-organized. There is a current anecdote, which is generally considered authentic, that May obtained his Lieutenancy by a personal application to the President, in which his tall and sol- dierly person, his frank address, and his splendid horsemanship, secured the desired commission. He was appointed to the second dragoons, and immediately departed for Florida. He served through the Seminole war in a manner to win the highest encomiums of his superiors; but found no opportunity for especial distinction, except in the capture of the Indian chief Philip. But a more glorious field awaited him. It is somewhat singular that the two first victories of the Mexican war should have been gained principally by the light artillery and dragoons, both of which were comparatively new branches of the service. In the sketch of Ringgold, we have traced the rise of the light artillery. The permanent introduction of dragoons into the American army, dates no further back than the Black Hawk war. Cavalry had proved of the greatest service in the War of Indepen- dence, and a species of dragoons had been maintained by the United States until IS 16. But in that year the last troop was disbanded. During the progress of the Black Hawk war, however, it became obvious that a small force of dragoons would be invaluable for pur- suing the enemy. Accordingly, Congress passed an act for the equipment of a corps of mounted rangers to serve during the war. The success of this new species of force so far exceeded the most sanguine expectations, that, when the term of service of the rangers expired, a permanent regiment of dragoons was organized. In 1S36, a second regiment was ordered to be raised ; and it was in this that May received a commission. In 1S39, he was made First-Lieuten- ant, and in 1841, a Captain. May joined Taylor while at Corpus Christi, but found no oppor- tunity to be useful until after the march from Fort Brown to Point Isabel. When, however, on the morning after Taylor arrived at the latter place, the sound of heavy cannon in the direction of Matamo- ras, announced the attack on Fort Brown, May was sent out, with one hundred dragoons, to open a communication with the garrison. He left the point about 2, P. M., and proceeded to some distance, when he thought it advisable to halt until night. At dusk he again advanced, until about 9, P. JNI., when the JNIexican fires were observed in the distance, and a reconnoisance betrayed their whole army stretched asleep on the plain. Passing round their front in silence, May succeeded in gaining a chapparal hedge near the fort. CHARLKS MAV. J67 He now despatched Captain Walker, who liad vohuiteerw! for ihit purpose, to open a coniiiuuiication with the earrison. May wajteU until nearly morning l\n the return ol" Walker, wlicii, collclulJm^ thai ) the adventurous ranger had been captured, he Marled lo return lo the point. About sunrise he passed within half a mile of the M.'Xi- can army without molestation. Soon al'it-r lie nu-t a hodyof luii' over one hundred strong, these he charged and scattered, b\it owiu^ to the exhausted condition of his horses, the enemy fmaliy esrajH'd. At 9, A. M., on the niornin? of the till, .Nhiy reached I'omi I>alK.'I. Captain Walker returned that mght, having evaded the .Mexican patroles. He brought the intelligence so earnestly dcMred of the ability of the fort and garrison to hold out. At the battle of Palo Alto, the dragoons of .May were compellrj to remain inactive. But this was atoned for on die succeeding day. The conflict at Resaca de la Palma had raged about thr«e ijiiar- ters of an hour, with great fury, when Taylor perceived thai a hai- \ tery in front, forming the key to the Mexican poMiion, was the chief | obstacle to victory. He immediately ordered up .May's dragoon*, which had been hitherto posted in the rear, where the men, chnAng at the inaction to which they were condemned, indulged m audible murmurs. The signal to advance was accordingly received u-uh exultation ; every rein was tightened, and with clattering hoofs and jingling sabres, the troop swept to the front. They aj.proio-h.-d Taylor at a round trot, their gallant leader at their head. Ken. mi? up in front of the General, May impiired, with a h»ok, wh.u was desired of him. " Captahi >hiy," said Taylor, pomiing uiih h« sword, down the ravine, "you had no chance yesterday, hut 1 otl.r you one to-day— do you see that battery ?— you must cliar;:c and take it !" May turned instantly to his men. '• We arc ordered to take that battery," he said, " follow me !" .\s he .-^poke, he >purr«l his steed, and the dragoons, following with a hurrah, the whulo corps went thundering down the road. When within about one bundled yards of the foe. .May rmchwl a turn in the highway, where KuLmU's baiiery wa^ poMcnl. 'Hio fiery young ollicer checked himself for a moment, and asked his friend where the enemy were, for the smoke was so thick that iho Mexicans were concealed from view. H.dgely out thnr po- sition, but desired Mav to wait while he drew their fir. ^ wai done, and then .Mav dashed forward, L.eUienaiU Inue |......*u.g close after, and the men pressing h.-hmd m column, of ioi.r. It w.. scarcely a mmute belore he reached the ravine. Mounted «» hi. powerl'.lclu.r...r,his tall lorn. c<.nspiao,isahoveall...her..andh..l«..8 hair stroamin,^ m the wind, he |.reM.M.led a »i>ectuclc, ll»a.. lor a 168 CHARLES MAT. >econcl, appalled the Mexicans. But speedily recovering themselves, . Ifiey poured in a fatal fire. One third of May's command was cut / otf by the discharge. Lieutenant Inge fell dead beside May. But the survivors, with a wild hurrah, cleared the ravine, charged ' through the battery of seven field pieces, and driving the panic- struck Mexicans before them, did not check their career until they had gained a rising ground behind the foe. Here May attempted to rally his men, but could only find six of them. Observing the enemy returning to the guns, he wheeled, and retracing his track, discovered General La Vega about to discharge one of the pieces. May aimed j a blow at this officer, to cut him down, when he surrendered, a pri- soner of war. The American infantry now came running up, ac- companied by Ridgely's artillery, at full gallop, and, after a short, but decisive struggle, the enemy broke and fled in confusion. " After the unsurpassed, if not unequalled charge of Captain May's squad- ron," says General Twiggs, in speaking of this battle, "the enemy was unable to fire a gun." The Commander-in-chief also referred to the charge in terms of the highest praise. At once, May became famous; for the exploit reminded the popular mind of the knightly deeds of old. The President conferred on May two hrevels : that of Major, for Palo Alto, and that of Lieutenant-Colonel, for Resaca de la Palraa. May continued with the army of Taylor until after the battle of Buena Vista. He was consequently at Monterey, and also in the terrible action of the 23d of February. At Monterey there was no op- portunity for the dragoons to achieve any thing brilliant. At Buena Vista he led the detachment that defeated the attack on the camp ; and he also contributed essentially to tlie repulse of the Mexican columns on the American left. Indeed, during the whole campaign May was of the greatest service to the Commander-in-chief. He suliered but one disaster during all this period, which was the sur- prise of a portion of his command in a mountain pass, by which he lost several men. Generally, his activity, caution, and experience, were of the most signal benefit to the army. Notiong after the battle of Buena Vista, May perceiving the war over on the Rio Grande, returned to the United States on leave of absence. / 7^^'^.^t^J n /-' -7-7'; -^ \. GKNS'.llL BITLER WOUNOeO AT MMMfmlT. WILLIAM 0. BUTLK U. F I he many liiToes ai Monlfrry, Major-C.cMifral Huiler di'»iTV«r« pnr- ticular notice, both from hi» rank and the wound he received in that struggle. On the first, and mo* nuirdt'rous day of the su-ge, he led Ills division in j>en'on into «, covering himself u-iih a glor) u ;. .Ii suhsequenl events have not dumii- ished. Hrave as an AjU. yel eir- cunispect as a Nestor, he ha* hiinx-'lf alike ttuperior in i' « division or controliniK an entire «nuy. orn u. about the yr«rn793.of a familv memorable for its nnlilarN rn.oun. " « ., .,,..„„ „,, anMiveof Ireland, who, bavins? emigrated to A.n.r...i •' »' ' middle of the last century, settled in I c ni.>i)Uania. M — P 170 WILLIAM O. BUTLER. of independence broke out, the whole male portion of his descen- I dants, five stalwart sons, entered the army. The patriotism of the sire and his children became so celebrated that Washington once gave, as a toast — " The Butlers and their five sons." La Fayette was accustomed to say of them — " When I wanted a thing well done, ] I ordered a Butler to do it." The subject of this sketch was the second son of Percival Butler, the fourth in order of these five revolutionary brothers. William 0. Butler had just finished his collegiate course, and was preparing to study law, when the war of 1812 began. The surrender of Detroit having aroused the patriotism of every Kentuckian, a large force immediately volunteered to march on Canada and chastise the enemy. Among those who enlisted was young Butler ; he entered as a pri- vate in Captain Hart's company of infantry ; but, before the army marched, was elected a Corporal. Soon after he was made an Ensign in the 17th infantry. This wing of the army, under General Winchester, advanced on the river Raisin, which they reached after a toilsome march in the dead of winter. Butler was present at both the actions on the Raisin, and on each occasion displayed great intrepidity. In the first battle, which was fought on the 18th of January, 1814, the Americans were victorious. In the second and more memorable one, which occurred four days later, they were defeated. In this latter battle Butler distinguished himself in the most heroic manner. At a critical portion of the conflict a body of the enemy was beheld advancing to seize a large double barn, v^hich completely commanded the position of the Kentuckians. Major Madison im- mediately asked if there was no one who would volunteer to run the gauntlet of the British and Indian marksmen in order to set fire to this barn. Butler promptly oflered himself for the perilous enterprise. Snatching some blazing sticks from a fire at hand, he leaped the pickets, crossed an intervening field under a shower of balls, and thrust the brands among the straw of the barn. The British beheld this daring exploit with amazement ; while the Americans enthusiastically cheered the young hero. Butler had already retraced a portion of his steps, when looking back and not ])erceiving any blaze, he coolly returned to see that the fire took etfect. All this while the riflemen of the enemy were in vain aim- ing at him ; for, like Washington at Monongahela, he seemed to li(?ar a charmed life. He finally regained the pickets in safety, but not until the barn was a mass of flame. Here a spent ball struck him in the breast, frou) the eftects of which he sulfered for weeks. WILLIAM O. nUTLFR. 171 By this act of personal heroism he laid the foiindaiion of ihai po!.u. larity which led to liis appointineiit, iliirty-four years laltrr, a> .1 Major-General in the American army. Butler was one of the few wounded who escaped ihe ma^.. '. that followed the defeat ; but he was not allowed lo pa«5» • without suffering : he was marched through Canada tt» Furl N enduring pain, hunger, fatigue and the worst nielmnMini-;, ,.. weather. His natural buoyancy of spirit did not, however, d- him, even under these discouraging circumstances; and he wl.. • away his leisure by cultivating poetry, for which he had »oine lal- ent. In 1814 he was exchanged, and joined General Juckson in the south, with the rank of Captain. He arrived at head-<|ti:ir!< .' in time to assist in the attack on Pensacola, being the. only oil.. - present, at the head of the new Temiessee levies. Koll<»wnur C Jackson to New Orleans, he participated in the action of the . . . December, 1814. During the conllict, the commander of the r. . ment became lost in the darkness, when Bniler as senior oil. • .- placed himself at the head of the men, and led them to refHrnicd charges. He also fought at the more decisive battle of the Hih. For his meritorious conduct in this campaign he wa* made a M . - by brevet. Soon after. General Jackson appointed Inm Aid- dr U Pah.,*. Congress authorized the President to call out fifty lhou«.Kl irol.H». teers;and also to appoint the requisite number of M«j«r-(.cur,.,,. and Brigadiers for this imposim: array. HutUr w«h nun., selected by the executive as one of the .Major-GeucraU. U.c 172 WILLIAM O. BUTLER. commission was accepted, and Butler promptly joined the army. On ihe 5th of September, at the head of Harney's and Qnitman's volunteers, he began his march from Camargo, his division compris- ing twenty-seven hundred men, the largest in the army. On the I8th he came in sight of Monterey. Situated in the lap of hills, surrounded with apparently impregnable defences, and presenting in its flat-roofed stone houses a fort for every dwelling, this town seemed to defy assault. Its garrison was composed of eight thousand regulars, beside nearly three thousand other troops; while the num- ber of the Americans did not exceed six thousand four hundred men. A single mortar and two twenty-four pound howitzers composed the entire battering train of Taylor. The assault of Monterey under such circumstances, would have appeared madness to an ordinary conmiander with ordinary troops; but the American General, confident alike in his own resources, and in the spirit of his officers and men, promptly resolved on a storm. His dispositions for the attack were skilfully made. Worth was detached with his division to assault the town on the right and rear ; while Twiggs and Butler were retained, with their divisions, for the attack on the front and loft. In the attack on the left, where Taylor personally commanded, the division of Twiggs led the way, and was supported by Butler with the volunteers. The regulars had been in action an hour before the volunteers were allowed to advance ; and during this interval the latter exhibited the greatest uneasiness to be engaged. They had seen the division of Twiggs approach the city under a murder- ous fire, and plunge boldly into the labyrinth of lanes and streets in front, until lost to sight. But every moment, clouds of sulphuroiis smoke rising thicker and faster above the house-tops in the distance, proclaimed how fiercely the fight raged below. The crash of mus- ketry, the pent-up roar of artillery, and the shouts of combatants watted continually to their anxious ears, excited and maddened the volunteers, as when a noble stag-hound, restrained by the leash, hears afar the bay of his fellows. At last the welcome command to advance was given. The men were already formed in lines, so that not a moment was lost, and with one simultaneous hurrah the Ohio, Tennessee and Mississippi regiments went careering over the plain. The latter two were directed to diverge to the left in order to support the regulars of Twiggs; while the former was sent in front to the succor of Bragg's battery, which had already lost twenty horses. For a full mile.bclore they reached the suburbs, the volunteers were exposed to the batteries of the enemy. WTI.I.IAM O. ni-TLER. 175 at On approaching the outskirts of the town, the Ohio rogiinent, the head of which Butler had heroically placed hiiusflf, was grrrtod with a tremendous cross fire of musketry ami artillery. Kaked by batteries in front, and torn by others on each (lank, his soldirn ad- vanced, nevertheless, with the firnuiess of veterans, and butreimi' the iron whirlpool, struggled uianl'nlly to gain a fooihuld ui ihr town, liut the Mexicans, posted behiml honse-walls and barriers, possessed every advantage, and could, unseen, pick off ilieir as- sailants. In vain the volunteers passed garden after ^a^den, and surmounted ditch after ditch, hoping, finally, to gain some o|>cn space. where they could at least behold their enemy ; that withering cro«. fire from concealed marksmen still continued, the soldiers ■ beneath it like rye beaten down by hail. Yet still the ■ pressing to the front, cheered on the men; still, as they , ■ ,. v.h. • teers — " II is with "" lillle pride and .raul.cauu,, iba. I •-">'«'• monvof the gallanlrv and good couducl of my c-onmmnd Wore "of wan ins a "'O""""' °- '^ '» ''' '"""' '" '''- ^"''>"""^ "Z ^ The casualties of .he day. That ,.ar, .,f n.y d,v,s,o„ ,,ro,»rly m :L field did not exceed eleven hnndted „. ^ -■■;";;;-" J/- ^(U, wprp either ked or wounded. I ii< U^ti mai • . , Z Tet, fireshotdd havesutiered st,ch lu. .,,ho,„ .h,.-.^-- fra continuous stru..le for more than two hours.and ,nau„, . a itse a continuous struggle ,u >... . ■_■ ■ ^^^ _, ,f sheltered and inaecesstble foe, find h . Ic , .elf an eulogium to which 1 need not add . « more pro, = .^Uti. and .-^'V- -:3— Z.^: :^r.^i:^r:;,r:^::;--.^---;- ---^ d cate task of reporting t.pon '^-" -^^Z^^T^,.. A ^-' Bntler's wound was not -'"^'^■''■"^ZZ'"^ "- '- ' ' ball had struck bin. below .he kuee ' " • ,„.,j ,,„..„.„ w.tbo.n cartng to .nj-e ■'-■■ - '" '^:':^::, .,„, ,, . the flesh, coming out on ,he "IM-^^^ ^'^ ; ,„„ „, w^, ... 'T'''rv':::':^o::::'!^^-^"^y- > ■■■ ■ a few wet-ks he u.ih .lUie to |.^i the wound pr,.ved re -";•"»;; 'V, .rreturued ' and finally, after months d. . _^_^ ^^__^^.^ „ ^,. ^. States 10 seek s.irgtcal advice. " be,. 176 WILLIAM O. BUTLKR. lievedthat no further hostilities would take place on the Rio Grande. The battle of Buena Vista, however, subsequently occurred, invited by the withdrawal of Taylor's regulars ; but Butler^s wound, even if he had continued in Mexico, would not, probably, have allowed Iiim to participate in the glories of that day, Butler remained at home until towards the close of 1847, when he joined the army of General Scott, in the capital of Mexico. Soon after, Scott being recalled, Butler, by right of seniority, succeeded to the chief command. In person, Butler is tall and straight ; his movements are alert and active ; his face is thin, with aquiline features, and not unlike that of Jackson was, though less stern. — <«sq^- BATTLK OF PAI.AkLAKI.Ml A. WILLIAM J. WORTH THE Murat of the army of Mexico is Major-Geiieral William .1. Worili. His handsome person, his dashinu courage, and the prestige which siirromids his name forcibly recall tliat impetuous prince, the Roland of Napoleon's army. Few Americans have participated in so many battles as Worth : none, per- liai)S, in such numerous victories. — Prominently distinguished in the war of 1S12 ; then in that of Florida ; then under Taylor at Monterey ; and finally in the campaign of Scott, he has run a career alike fortunate and hrilliniit, in which fflory and promotion have followed han.l m hand. Worth claims descent from one of the earliest I'uritan sc-.ller. He was born in the year 1794, received a plain hnt su education, and began life as a trader's clerk m Hudson. N. ^ he war of 1812 breaking out, he joined the army as a pr, I 1 1 178 WILLIAM J. WORTH. but did not long remain in the ranks. A fellow clerk had enlisted with him, who soon after, for some indiscretion, was placed under arrest. In this emergency he applied to Worth, who undertook to write a petition for him to the Colonel. This officer happened to be Scott, who, struck with the elegant style of the memorial, inquired the name of the writer, and sending for him, constituted him his private secretary. Scott did not stop here. He procured for Worth the commission of a Lieutenant in the twenty-third regiment of infantry. From that hour, up to the unhappy difference in Mexico, the closest intimacy existed between Worth and Scott. In the battle of Chippewa, Worth proved the correctness of Scott's estimate of character, by signalizing himself especially ; and was con- sequently rewarded with the rank of Captain. In the battle of Lundy's Lane, Worth, after several hours of severe fighting, received a dangerous wound. In consideration of this, he was raised to the rank of Major. After the peace, he was, for a period, superinten- dent of the West Point MiUtary Academy ; a post which is always a guarantee of high ability on the part of the occupant. It was here also, that Worth laid the foundation of those numerous friendships which have since rendered him so popular in the service. In 1824, he was appointed a Lieutenant-Colonel ; m 1832, a Major of ordnance ; and in 1838, Colonel of the eighth regiment of infantry, which is the rank he still holds in the line. After this last promotion. Worth was occupied for awhile, on the northern frontier, and subsequently, in the west. In 1840, he was detached to Florida. In 1841, on the retirement of General Armis- tead. Worth succeeded to the chief command. Marching westward from Tampa Bay, he sought every occasion to bring the Indians to battle, but for a long time they evaded all his attempts. At last, on the 17th of April, 1842, he overtook them at Palaklaklaha, near the St. John's, and a terrible action ensued. The result was a decisive victory for Worth. In recompense for his gallantry on this day, the President conferred on him the brevet of a Brigadier. Worth re- mained in Florida for a considerable period, but was never able to bring the savages to a pitched field again. On his retirement from his southern command, he was, for awhile, inactive ; but in 1845, when Taylor was sent to Corpus Cliristi, Worth was ordered to join him. While the army lay opposite Matamoras, prior to the com- mencement of hostilities, a difficulty arose between Worth and Twiggs, in reference to seniority, which led to the temporary retire- ment of the former from the service. The controversy had its origin in the claim of Worth to take com- I WILLIAM J. \Vt)Hrn. J 7 >( niand of the army, in (he event of Taylor's absence or deaih, by virtue of his brevet of Brigadier. This claim 'I'wiL'ys rt-Msted. Al that period, the Vine of the army contained but fii»ht Culniifls of in- fantry, and two of cavalry. Eacli of these took rank from tbr rlute of his commission. The commission of Twiggs was dattd the sih of June, 1836, and that of \Vortli, the 7th of July, 1S38; hence, unless Worth's brevet of Brigadier operated as a commission, Twiggs would command as senior, in case of Taylor's death or ubsence. The dispute was referred to Taylor for adjustment, when the Com- mander-in-chief gave his decision in favor of Twiggs. This he did because, when Scott, several years belbre, had ai)plied to Congress for the passage of a law, declaring a brevet a connnission, that body had refused the application ; and Taylor accordingly considered the question as settled by authority. Worth, however, believing himself acrarieved, hurried to Washington, and resigned. Meantime, the battles of the 8th and 9th of May were fonght. Chagrined thai he had lost two such brilliant fields, Worth asked leave to resume his commission, and return to the seat of war. This wish being granted, he hastened to rejoin Taylor. There can be no doubt that brevet rank places the holder in an anomalous position, where he is apt to exact too much, or obtaui too little. According to the rights now declared to attach to brevet rank, Worth, though nominally a Major-General, and serving through the last campaign in that capacity, is, in reality, but a Colonel in the line, and outranked by four or five others, comparatively unknown to fame. Yet there are advantages, nevertheless, in brevet rank, since it enables government to reward a meritorious othcer with a ,iuasi promotion, when, if brevets were not in use, such promotion could only come by senioritv. Brevet rank was first introduced into the American service by Washington, but fell'into disuse until the war of 1S12, when President Madison conferred the brevet ot Major on Taylor, for the latter's gallant defence of Fort Harrison. Alter this, brevets were of frequent occurrence. Every Colonel ol ten years standuig, is made a brevet Brigadier-General, by a rule of the army. In England, brevet rank is dilTerent from what it is lierc. There, the highest rank in the line, is that of Colonel ; all the supe- rior appointments being held by brevet. Consciuently, no arise from it in the British service. ,r a , The first opportunity Worth had of distinguishim? himself. aOer rejoining the army, was at Monterey. Sympathi/ w. h h« feehngs, the General-in-Chief resolved to give a sepura c co^ - mand: in order that he might the more signally dist.ngu.h hiam-U. 180 WILLIAM J. WOIITH. Accordingly, Taylor, on tlie 20th of September, detached Worth, with his division, reinforced by Hay's mounted Texans, to the gorge of the Saltillo road, with instructions to seize it, and, if possible, carry the heights by which it was commanded. These heights were two in number. Tlie first was on the opposite side of the San Juan, and was called Federation hill ; the second was on the hither side, and bore the name of Independence hill. As the road ran along the side of the river in a narrow valley between these hills, the forts erected upon them completely commanded it. Without they were captured, it would be impossible to enter Monterey from the west. T!:eir fall, on the contrary, would open a way immediately to the hea'it oi the town, besides affording a diversion in favor of Taylor, who proposed assaulting the city on the east, from the Seralvo road. He-nce, the service on which Worth was detached, possessed the highest importance. He felt this, and, as he leaped into the saddle, to place himself at the head of his division, exclaimed, " a grade or a grave I" It was 2, P. M., when Worth left the main army, and began his march to the Saltillo road. He had to make a circuit of ten miles, to attain his object, and hence, except for a short time on the follow- ing day, he was out of communication with Taylor until the fall of Monterey. Thus he was thrown entirely on his own resources. His friends, judging from the impetuosity of his character, and his eagerness to atone for his absence on the Sth and 9th of May, had feared he would unnecessarily expose his troops, but with a pru- dence only equalled by his skill, he achieved such brilliant results, with a loss of life so small, as to fully exonerate himself from the impiitation of temerity, and almost to divide the glory of the siege with Taylor. A reconnoisance, on tiie afternoon of the 20th, con- vinced him that tlie enemy were reinforcing Federation and Indepen- dence hills ; he despatched a note to the Commander-in-chief early on the following morning, soliciting a diversion in his favor, by an attack from the Ceralvo road. Taylor was already preparing to begin the battle in this quarter, but, on receipt of the message, lie sent May's dragoons, and Wood's mounted Texans, to support Worth }3efore these arrived, however. Worth had come into collision with the enemy. Early on the morning of the 21st, just as he turned an angle of the mountain, which led him into the Saltillo road, he suddenly saw before him, half concealed among some corn on the slo])c of Independence hill, about a thousand of the renowned Mexican lancers. Instantly the enemy raised a wild hurrah, and galloped to the charge. Disregarding the Texan skirmishers who lined the road in advance, and who poured on them a murderous WILLIAM J. wonrri. j^. fire as they passed, these gallant troops bore ri-ht down on iho main body, their Colonel leading the advance. Their scarlet and green pennons fluttered above them ; their long lances flashed bark the sunbeams; and the clatter of their thousand horses rose up |,ke i|,e hammering of incessant anvils! A portion of McCullnn^h's men headed by Captain Walker, dashed forward to meet them, but were swept back towards the main body again, thou->|, strucvflini: vehe- mentlyin the torrent. The fire of the regular^s now opened, and the eighth infantry gallantly charged. StiU the lancers came on, while the earth shook beneath their terrible tread. Hut, at this crisis! Duncan thundered into position with his light artillery, and opened] with grape and canister, over the heads of our men. The road m' an instant was covered with the dead and wounded, the latter Mrug- gling amid bleeding horses, who frequently dragged them over the neighboring steeps. The enemy faltered, wheeled, and retrace d iheir steps, receiving the fire of the Texans, and of the infantry of the first brigade, which had been pushed forward along the sides of the hills. The chivalrous Colonel was the last to retire. Disdaining to show fear, he reined in his horse, and rode leisurely down the road. A Texan raised his rifle, and the cavalier fell, to the regret of all who witnessed his noble bearing. The whole action did not last fifteen minutes. The Americans lost but one man ; the enemy not less than a hundred. The quickness with which this splendid bodv of lancers had been repulsed, inspired the men with confidence, and, I'rom that moment, Worth had not a doubt of ultimate success. The enemy was pursued until the American General entered the gorge where all the roads leading from Monterey on the west, nniie. He thus excluded the defeated troops from the city, and cut olF ih«- possibility of its receiving supplies or reinforcenienls. Fuiding him- self, however, directly under the fire of the batteries on Inde;' ' •»} and Federation hills, he moved on towards the city, along th- ^i.i.iio road, until out of range. Here he halted, to consider what was hi« best course. To leave the batteries in his rear, would be to place his communications in the enemy's power; and, accordingly, ho resolved to storm the heights as a preliminary to any further advnnc*-. It was high noon when he came to this decision. The sun poured down its vertical rays. The men had already hoeii in action oner that day, and, in addition, were more or less exhausted by their march. But, when the intentions of the General were known, nil became anxious to partake in the assault ; an.l ih-.s.- f!...t w.r. Uii behind could scarcely conceal their chagrin. Federation hill, which, as we have .said, was on the opposite »iil.' M — Q 182 WILLIAM J. WORTH. of the San Juan, was the first point selected for attack. This eleva- tion was crowned by a battery, and, on the same ridge, about six hundred yards eastward, was another, called Soldado. The fire from this point was incessant. By it. Captain McKavett, of the eighth, had already been shot through the heart, and a private mortally wounded. Four companies of the fourth artillery, and six compa- nies of Texan ritlemen, the whole numbering three hundred men, were selected to storm this work. The command was given to Captain C. F. Smith. Taking a circuitous route, to avoid the fire of the enemy, Captain Smith forded the San Juan ; but, before he reached the foot of the hill. Worth, perceiving the Mexicans descending to meet him, despatched Captain Miles, with the seventh, to his support. Miles forded the river directly in front of the battery, under a tremendous discharge of musketry, grape, and round shot, and reaching the foot of the ascent before Captain Smith, coolly formed his men there without cover, the plunging fire continuing. Both these detachments were hidden from the sight of the anxious groups at head-quarters for nearly an hour, during which the crest and slopes of the hill were seen crowded with the enemy, who, all the while, rained down his iron sleet into the chapparal below. At last Captain Smith reached the foot of the ascent, and placed himself in front. At first a rattling fire was heard from below, then puff's of white smoke broke from the chapparal, and finally, a wreath of vapor circled around the hill, and began steadily to ascend its sides. Occasionally a soldier was seen leaping from rock to rock, as he climbed the acclivity. The sharp, irregular crack of the Texan rifles could be distinguished from the solid voUies of the regulars. Steadily that girdle of smoke mounted the hill, the enemy retiring before it, and the rocks below, so lately hidden by the vapor, emerging slowly to sight. At last the assailants reached the crest of the hill ; there were a few moments of terrible suspense ; and then the stars and stripes were seen soaring above the white canopy of battle, and a gun, reverberating through the gorges of the mountains, announced that the height was won. While the combat yet hung in suspense, the unexpected numbers of the enemy appearing on the slopes, induced Worth to despatch the fifth infantry, and Blanchard's Louisiana volunteers, the whole commanded by Colonel P. F. Smith, to the succor of the storming party. Colonel Smith, however, had barely forded the river, and met the advanced parties of the enemy, when he perceived the capture of the battery. He immediately turned his attention to the Soldado fort, and pressing obliquely up the mountain side, strove to WILLIAM J. WOHTII 183 reach his prize before the conquerors of tlie Federation. These lasi, detecting his design, labored to anticipate linn. 'I'lie race was gal- lantly contested. 'J'he Mexicans fought desperately, disclmrgiiig grape and balls incessantly. But their heroism was in vain. Simm. lated by being in sight of head-quarters, and hy the natural rivalry between the two connnands, the separate jjarlies of the Ainencans rushed headlong on, and finally mingled together in cntcrim: iha battery. The colors of the filth were the first to supplant the Mexi- can flag; those of the seventh, however, floated on the walls a moment afterwards. A huzza rent the air at this sight, which waa heard far across the valley below. Inmiediately the guns iii both the captured forts were turned on Independence hill, only six hundred yards distant ; and night closed in to the wild music of this m^: h. h-,.V*^^. BlSIIor's PALACE, MOflTKBrr. iron hail sinking across the gathering rain and qloom. The iroopg lay down to sleep withoiU having tasted food for ihirly six liourt. An icy wind sweeping down from the mountains. rhilUul llu-m m their wet garments. They consoled themsrivrs. however, with reflecting on the glory thev ha.l won. atid in nnl.ripaiint; m-w Ticlo- ries on the morrow, when Independence hill was to be .Morined. 184 WILLIAM J. WORTH. The structure of this hill was pecuHar. On the side looking towards the mountains, it was nearly precipitous ; but on the side towards the city, the descent was gradual to the suburbs, which encroached upon its base. Midway up the slope, on this side, was the Bishop's Palace, a strongly built structure, capable of being rendered almost impregnable against assault. On the crest of the hill, a quarter of a mile further up, was a battery of sand bags, which could only be reached by ascending a wall of rock, nearly sixty feet in perpendicular height. Worth, however, resolved to carry this battery as a preliminary to his attack on the castle. To effect this, he detached Colonel Childs, at the head of three companies of artillery, three of infantry, and two hundred Texan riflemen. A dark mist which wrapped the mountain, facilitated the movements of the storming party. When half way up the ascent, however, the assailants were betrayed by the breaking of day, and immedi- ately the Mexicans, who had been on the look-out, opened a destruc- tive fire. But the Americans, climbing by the brush that grew out of fissures in the rocks, forced their way to the summit, where, rushing forward to the base of the fort, they made good their entrance, the Texans clubbing their rifles, and the regulars charging with the bayonet. The Mexicans retreating in confusion down the mountain, took shelter in the Bishop's Palace, As day dawned, the victorious Americans forgot all their toils in the view that opened before them from this dizzy height. Below them nestled the cluster of while houses, forming Monterey, Looking northward, up the valley of the San Juan, innumerable corn-fields were seen emerging from the mists, while far in the distance, the picturesque town of Merine, shone like a pearl amid green waters. Southward, the river wound through mountain defiles, here appearing, there disappearing, as if a thread of silver twisting in and out. The Mexicans having removed the guns from this battery, and the assault on the palace promising to be very sanguinary unless aided by artillery, Worth ordered a twelve-pound howitzer from Duncan's battery to be hoisted up the steep. With incredible toil, and after two hours of labor, the piece was elevated to the desired position, when it opened with shell and shrapnel on the outworks of the palace, distant only four hundred yards. The bombs bounding and hissing around the building, soon drove the enemy into cover. Worth now prepared for a grand assault. The eighth and filth infantry, with Blanchard's volunteers, were brought over from the opposite heights, and formed into columns hi sheltered ravines and hollows, principally on the north side of the mountain. At the same W 11. I.I AM J. WOK III. time, Colonel Childs was moved down iicm die lop of the hill and formed on the southern face. The Mexicans, perceiving th« detachment on the summit weakened, made a sally from the palace with a large body of cavalry, and being joined bv another corps heretofore hidden behind the hill, spurred vigorously uj) the ascent.' The Americans in front, being instructed, fell back. At this, the enemy pressed on with renewed animation. The Mexicans were soon beyond the protection of the palace, when ourconceaN-d cohnnns emerged from their coverts, and closed in tiu- rear of the foe. Simul- taneously, the detachment which had been retiring up the lull, halted, and threw in a withering fire. The Me.xicans now saw the stratagem of which they were the victims. Before was a girdle of fire ; behind a wall of steel. They wheeled, and lied in confu.sion. With loud shouts and rattling volleys, the Americans pursued, while the consternation and speed of the foe increased every niinnie. The great body of the cavalry rushed frantically down the hill, carrying their alarm into the city itself; a lew, however, made for the sally port of the palace, which they entered, but i>ell-niell with their {)ursuers. The victory was soon decided by the death, or exjjulsiou of the Mexican garrison. A salvo of cannon and small arms, accom- panying the hoisting of the American flag, announced that Indepen- dence hill was won. The guns of the captured place were promptly turned on the suburbs, and Duncan, arriving soon after, added ins terrific artillery. The remainder of the 22d passed without any further demonstra- tion. But on the 23d, the heavy firing on the east of the town, announced that Taylor had resumed the attack, on whieii Worth proceeded to co-operate, by advancing with all his disposable strength against the western side of the city. Two columns of attack were organized to move along the two principal streets, in the direction of the great square. Their orders were to reach a small scpiare called Capella, with as little loss as possible. Here they were to leave the street, break into the dwellings, and cutting through the partition walls of the houses, work their way along. .\s .soon aa each fresh house was gained, they were to ascend to the roof, (rom which they were to opeti a fire on the ne.xt house. The light ariil- lery was to follow, at a safe distance, and, while the men were thus engaged burrowing from dwelling to dwelling, was to sweep the streets with canister and grape. By these means the cro^a^•batt^ru•s and barricades, a complete net-work of which the enemy had woven around every approach to the great sipiare, were skilfully turnnl. The attack of Worth had scarcely begim, when that of Taylor M Q* -^ 186 WILLIAM J. WORTH. ceased, so that the former General had now the enemy ahiiost entirely on his hands. He worked on, however, with equal perse- verance and resolution. Before sunset the enemy had been driven so far, that a ten-inch mortar was safely mounted in the square Capella,and soon opened with terrible effect, throwing its shells into the great square beyond. By dark, the troops had cut their way to within a single block of the grand plaza, leaving a covered way in their rear. They also had carried a large building which towered over the principal defences, and tins, during the night, they sur- mounted with two howitzers and a six-pounder. All things were prepared to renew the assault at the dawn of day. But this was prevented by the arrival of a flag of truce, asking a suspension of arms, in order to treat for a surrender. The capitulation of Monte- rey followed. For his conduct on this occasion, Worth received the brevet of a Major-General. Taylor having fixed his head-quarters at Monterey, despatched Worth against Saltillo, with twelve hundred men, and eight pieces of artillery. In December, Taylor was about to move against Victoria, when Worth, learning that Santa Anna contemplated an attack on Saltillo, sent an express, which induced the Commander-in-chief to countermarch on Monterey. Soon after Worth was ordered to join Scott with his division. Accordingly, he marched from Saltillo to the rendezvous on the coast, and thence sailed with the expedition against Vera Cruz. On the landing of the troops, Worth was the first general orhcer to spring on shore, where he drew up his troops to cover the disembarkation of the remaining divisions. When the city of Vera Cruz fell. Worth was appointed its Military Governor. On the advance of the army into the interior, he commanded the rear until the battle of Cerro Gordo, but subse- quently, the van was entrusted to him, at the head of which lie captured Perote on the 22d of April. He entered Puebla in triumph, on the 15th of May, marching at once to the great square, where his little band, at his directions, fearlessly stacked their arms in the heart of a hostile city of sixty thousand souls. The army remained at Puebla until the Sth of August, when it began its memorable march on the capital. Worth was now again in the rear, where ho remained until Scott, finding the approaches to Mexico impracticable by the Vera Cruz road, turned off around the southern side of Lake Chalco, and threw himself on the great Acapulco highway, where the defences were slighter. The practi- cability of this movement, it is said, was first suggested by Worth, who had instituted a thorough rcconnoisance of the ground to be WILLIAM J. WORTH. m7 traversed. The result proved the accuracy of his obscrvaiions, (or the road, though diihcult, presented no insuperable ohsiactes. Onco on the Acapulco road, Scott lost no (iine in advancing on the capital. While, with great skill, he mack- a llanlc movement on Conlreraft, which opened to him the rear ol' the stmng works at San .Aiiionio, Worth was directed to push along the road in iVont, drive in the enemy, and pursue him as far as possible. Worth accordingly, on the 20th of August, within an hour after the victory of Conireras, put his columns in motion, and brushing the enemy from his path, moved up as far as Churubusco. Here the Mexicans mailc a .stand, and a terrible battle ensued. In this sanguinary' conflict, Worth commanded the right wing of the American army, and driving llic enemy from the tete du point, pursued him to the galea of Mexico. When the attempt of Mr. Trist to negotiate a peace had failed, and Scott had resolved to renew the war, the execution of his first hostile movement, the destruction of Molino del Key, was entrusted to Worth. This terrible battle, fought on the 8th of Scpt»-mber, has been generally considered the masterpiece of Worth. We do not regard it as such. The skill evinced by Wortii at Monierey, was far greater than that displayed at Molino del Roy. The latter was a desperate, protracted, and sanguinary battle, in which the Ameri- cans triumphed more through sheer courage than generalship. A fatal mistake in reconnoilreing Casa Mata, led to the most terrible slaughter of our troops. The day would, probably, have been lost. moreover, but for Cadwaladcr, who, when the assaulting columns were beginning to shake, brought up his reserves, and carried the enemy's lines in the most brilliant mann.r. Nevertheless, the action will always reflect glory on Worth. In the storming of Chapnltep.-r. Worth did not directly participate, though a forlorn hope of tw.. hundred and fifty men was selected from his division. Alter the fall of the castle, however, he commanded the assault on the Sau Cosmo gate, and would have been the first to enter the city, if Quit- man had not converted his attack on tlu- Helen gate, which wa. to have been a feigned, into a real one. Throughout the whole c«m- paign, Worth had played the most prominent part of any {.enor..l in the army, after the Commander-in-chief. Able, cour - popular with the soldiers, with a name which carried the pr. _ victory with it wherever it came, he seems always to have been tl.e one selected when any very dillicult enterprise was to be undertaken, or when glory was to be won, literally, at the cannon 5 mouth An un^ortLate diiliculty arose between Scott and SSonU at 188 WILLIAM J. WORTH. Puebla, which, though smothered at the time, broke out anew after the fall of the capital, and led to the latter being placed under arrest. The decision of Worth's fellow officers, was unanimously against him, and it is impossible, therefore, to exonerate him from the charge of disrespect. On Scott's part, perhaps, there was irritation and iiaste ; but he was the less censurable of the two. The request of the General-in-chief to have Worth tried, was rejected by the Presi- dent ; a court of inquiry, however, was ordered ; but before this body Scott refused to lay his charges. The proceeding, accordingly, was dropped. The whole affair is to be regretted the more, as it inter- rupted a friendship of thirty -five years duration between Scott and Worth. On Worth's restoration to rank, he was assigned the command of the first division, at the head of which he remained until the decla- ration of peace. ^W^N ■ ^ V JOHN E. WOOL H \T Worth was lo Taylor :n Monl.Tey, ihal Wool was 10 at V.sia ! \V. .nay vemttre further a„d say .lK.t without o« .- battle of Bueua %-,^ta would yroUM, ha>. bee,, lost. ItwasWoolwhoorigtuahyp. «i 'he great strength of the pass „rA..,.os.u.n^ U was Wool who disciphned the volunteer, ga^*«— „ U they ahnost rivalled regulars: and ,. «.|^ arrival of Taylor from SaUiHo. ^^ ^^ ^.^^^^^ ^^^ ^ j.^^,^^,,^. ^.,„,|, Wool was born in Orange couiiU . ^ ^^^^^^^^ ^^ ^,^ ^.^^,,, had been m the 1^^^°^^*;';';. ./ .e^peclable farmer of Hcnv age, he was taken by Ins f-^>""^^'' ;; J, „, clerk .u a •tore u. selaercounty,whoi.lacedluu>.ululeabc>, ^^^^ 1^0 JOHX E. WOOL. Troy. Wool rose, in time, to be a merchant, and was on the high- way to success, when a fire, in one night, reduced him to beggary and induced him to turn his attention into other channels. The war of 1812 had just begun, and some influential friends offering to procure him a commission of Captain, he embraced the opportunity, enlisted a company, and at once entered on his military career. His first battle was that of Queenstown heights. On that occa- sion, though wounded in both tliighs, he led the assault on the British position, and put the enemy to flight. The foe being reinforced by a detachment under General Brock in person, the tide of battle turned ; but Wool, rallying his forces, renewed the assault and drove the English a second time from their batteries. It was in this action that Brock was slain. Wool, in 1813, was promoted to the rank of Major. Throughout the war he continued to be distinguished for alacrity, courage and ability ; but enjoyed no second opportunity to distinguish himself until the battle of Plattsburgh. For his conduct in that action Macomb recommended him particu- larly to the notice of government, in consequence of which he received the brevet of a Lieutenant-Colonel, to date from September nth, 1814. Wool remained in the army at the expiration of the war, deter- mining to make the military career his permanent profession. In 1816 he was commissioned Inspector-General, with the rank of Colonel. In 1826 he received the brevet of a Brigadier. He con- tinued to act as Inspector-General until 1841, when, in consequence of the elevation of Scott to the post of Commander-in-chief, he succeeded to the vacant Brigadiership. At that time he and Gaines were the only full Brigadiers in the army, as Scott was the only full Major-General. His services as Inspector-General had been arduous, his annual tour to the dilTerent military posts requiring him to tra- verse nearly ten thousand miles. He was also employed on three special missions by the President. The first was the suppression of the Canadian outbreak ; the second was the carrying out the treaty with the emigrating Cherokees ; and the third was a tour of exami- nation through Europe, to learn the state of military improvements abroad. It was while engaged in this last duty that he had the good tbrtune to be present at the siege of Antwerp. When the war with Mexico began. Wool solicited an active com- mand. He was accordingly despatched to the west, to organize and muster into the service the twelve months volunteers of Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Kentucky, Tennessee, and Mississippi. In six weeks he had completed this task, and despatched ten thousand men JOHN U. WOOL. Idi in- to succor Taylor. Three thousand he reserved for hiuisclf, lu lo pliance with the orders of the President, who, having projected an expedition against Coahnila, had assigned the coniniand of i( lo Wool. His force was first concentrated at San Antonio de Ik-var It consisted of the first and second Illinois infantry, under Colonel* Hardin and Bissel ; the Kentucky and Arkansas niounied regiment*. led by Colonels Marshall and Yell; Wushini^ion's Jlying uriillery ; Benneville's battalion of regular infantry ; and Colonel Harney, with four companies of his dragoons. Tlie whole of the division nunibcred two thousand six hundred men. Wool set his little army in motion for the Kio Grande towards the latter part of September, 1846 ; and, on the 12th of October, crossed the dividing line between Mexico and the United Stales. Prosecu- ting his march he reached the city of Parras on the 6th of Decetuber. having traversed a hostile region of more than four hundred nnles. and captured on his route five considerable cities, with poj)ulaiion.«« numbering from five to fifteen thousand souls. In this journey li« traversed sterile wastes, crossed mountain ranges, and endured, with his troops, privations that would have subdued any men less ener- getic. At Parras, which lies on the south-western confines of the state of Coahuila, Wool remained for eleven days, recruiting hi» troops with the abundant supplies furnished by the neigliboriiifr region. The inhabitants received him with friendly feelings, many of them being admirers of the government of the United Stales. Wool's original destination had been Chiliualuia, the capital of Coahuila, but he had long since doubted the policy of prosecuiuip the expedition. While lying at Parras he received an exjjress from Worth, then stationed at Saltillo, and who, alarmed by. Santa Anna'* threatened advance, had despatched a messenger to recall Taylor from Victoria, and another to bring »ip Wool from I\irras. Th»- courier reached the latter General on the 17ih of December, and mi two iiours the army was ready to march. Saltillo, where Worth was encamped, was one hundred and tw.-niy miles from Parras, north by east. Worth had written that Sanu Anna was within three days' march of him at the head of thirty thousand men, while he luid but one thousand ; yet ho eiigncrd to hold out for a day, and urged Wool to succor him on ihc fourth day. Accordingly, on the 21st, the latter reached Saltillo. Ho had made a forced march, rousing his men every ninrniiig ul one o'clock, and completing the whole journey in less than three days and u half. Fortunately the alarm of Santa Anna'h apjiroacli proved false li'ii 192 JOHN E. WOOL. the arrival of Wool was of the utmost importance, for when, a few days later, Worth was siinmioned to join Scott, the army of Taylor would have been reduced to a few regiments only but for this rein- forcement. Moreover, the long experience of Wool, his tried courage, and the high state of discipline to which he brought the volunteers, proved of the most vital assistance to the Commander-in-chief on the sanguinary field of Buena Vista. * As early as the 23rd of December, two days after his arrival at Saltillo, Wool, while riding through the pass of Angostura, perceived the advantages it afforded. " This is the very spot of all others I have yet seen in Mexico," he said, halting and surveying the ground, " which I should select for battle, were I obliged with a small army to fight a large one." He pointed out the net-work of deeply worn channels on the right, which, he declared, would completely protect that flank. The heights on the left, he said, would command the road, while the ravines in front of them, and which extend back to the mountain on that side, would cripple the movements of the foe should he attempt to turn that flank. These predictions were veri- fied by the result. General Butler, then in command at Saltillo, disagreed with Wool, however, and preferred, as a battle-field, the broad plain in front of the city. But General Taylor, on arriving at the advanced posts, concurred in Wool's opinion, and the pass of Angostura in consequence became the scene of the eventful struggle of the 22nd and 23rd of February ! Wool's conduct in the battle of Buena Vista cannot be too highly estimated. He was continually present at the most exposed points, particularly on the left flank, which was under his especial conmiand. After the disastrous charge of Clay, McKee and Hardin, when the Mexicans, turning, like wounded tigers, on their too presumptuous assailants, almost annihilated them, Wool threw himself into the )nidstof the peril, and rallied the fugitives by his voice and example. Among other regiments extirpated, for the time, by that terrible attack, was the second Illinois. Six companies of that gallant body had, in the morning, witlistood,for a time, the whole Mexican line ; but, after this sanguin^iry onslaught, only four men of tlicm could be collected by Wool. Galloping to the front, the General shouted, " Illinois, Illinois, to the rescue : out, my brave boys, out and defend our batteries I" These few men, with others of the first Illinois, and a few Kentuckians, rallied to his voice. For a moment the little band stood almost unsupported, in full view of the victorious colunms of the enemy. But soon others of Wool's followers, hearing his Joirx E. WOOL, 1^3 shrilK trumpet-like tones, and inspired by his riM:kk.s.sness of d;u ^-r gathered around him; and the battery of IJrag- siiimliaiu-uu,ly opening its tremendous fire, they had the joy spcl-dily of the enemy in full retreat. There is one feature in the conduct of the two principal heroes of this battle, which will always endear them to the popular heart : we allude to the sincere co-operation which they atforded each other, and the frankness with which they nmtually admitted obliyaiions.' Taylor, in his first despatch, written hurricilly on the field, says:— "I may be permitted here, however, to acknowledge my great ob- ligations to General Wool, the second in command, to whom I feel particularly indebted for his valuable services on this occasion." In his subsequent and more detailed account, he remarks :— " To Briga- dier-General Wool my obligations are especially due. The high state of discipline of several of the volunteer regiments was attained under his command ; and to his vigilance and arduous service before the action, and his gallantry and activity on the field, a large share of our success may justly be attributed. During most of the eiiga:.'e- ment he was in immediate command of the troo|)s thrown back on our left flank. I beg leave to recommend him to the favorable notice of government." On his part, Wool, in his oHicial report speaks as follows of Taylor : — " I cannot close without e.xpres,sii)g, officially and formally, as I have heretofore done personally to the JSIajor-General commanding, the feelings of gratitude I have for the confidence and extreme consideration which have markt-d all his acts towards me; which have given me additional motives for exer- tion and increased zeal in the execution of the responsible duties with which I have been charged." How much more noble the spectacle of such generosity of soul than thai of the enmity and rancor which too often disgraces the relations of the cominanduig General and his inferiors ! Wool's soubriquet in the army is '< the old war-horse," a iiile eloquent of his high courage, tireless perseverance, and energy in battle. He is not only a strict, but a severe disciplinarian. .\n anecdote is told of him which places him in striking contrast with Taylor in this respect. A portion of the troops, desirous to conipli- inent their Generals, undertook to serenade Taylor, and, after him. Wool. The movement was scarcely military, but Taylor overlooked Ibis, and is even said to have expressed his thanks to the serenadera. Wool, however, ordered them all under arrest, for breaking the regulations of the camp. Notwithstanding his rigid notions, howev.-r. he is generally beloved by his men. M U 194 JOHN E. WOOL. On the return of Taylor to the United States, Wool succeeded to the command of the army of the Rio Grande, in which capacity he remained until the peace. For his services at the battle of Buena Vista, Wool received the brevet of Major-General. "v^ yOl^r^r^^ STEPHEN W. KEARNMIY 1 1 10 coiujiifst of ralilonua was the work, parily «>|' Kro- iiioiit ami j)arlly of Kcarin'>'. The lalter was bom in Ni-xv- ark, New Jersey, ahoul llic year 17?';*, and was |nir>u- iiig his stiithes at Cohiniliia College, New York, when the war of 1S12 broke out II,.' iiiimediately left the in- slitiilioii. and entered the army as First-Lieutenant of the thirteenth infantry, thm ro.ninnnd.Ml by Wool. Under this heroic leader he inarched to the Canada Iron- tier ; fon-ht at Queenstown heights; and was taken pr.soner will. Scott and other odicers. lieii.g soon after exrhanyd, he rrjon..Nl his old regiment, and served throuj. the war with credit. 195 196 STEPHEN W. KEARNEY. On the conclusion of peace, Kearney remained in the army. The next twenty years of his Vik were spent chiefly at frontier posts, but the time was not wasted, for Kearney being a close student, was daily perfecting himself in the knowledge of his profession. He soon acquired the reputation of being one of the most rigid disciplinarians and best tacticians in the service. His coolness in difficult emer- gencies passed into a proverb. No man could be braver when danger was abroad. His rise was slow, however, the result of a long peace. A Major in 1824, he became a Lieutenant-Colonel in 1833, and a full Colonel in 1836. When the first regiment of dra- goons was organized in 1833, he was charged with its discipline, a task which he executed in the ablest manner ; indeed, the cavalry arm of the service may be considered as indebted to Kearney for all that it is. He prepared a system of tactics, instructed the officers, and inspired the corps with his own heroism. In 1839, when a frontier war was anticipated, Kearney was ordered to Fort Wayne, to overawe the Cherokees. He had now under his command, for the first time, a full regiment of ten compa- nies. He subsequently made many long marches through the various Indian territories, acquiring a fund of valuable information for the government, and disseminating a wholesome respect for the flag which he represented. He had, during the years 1835 and 1836, penetrated to the head of the Mississippi, and to the Rocky Moun- tains, on which occasions, also, he had left a strong impression among the savages of the power and energy of the United States. The Indians called him the " horse-chief of the long knives." These journeys materially assisted to improve the condition and discipline of his dragoons. When the war with Mexico began, the President determined to send an expedition against New Mexico and California, and Kearney was selected to command the troops raised for this enter- prise. Accordingly, he assembled his forces, principally consisting of volunteers, at Fort Leavenworth, in June, 1846, and, on the 30th of that month, began his march for Sante Fe, at the head of about sixteen hundred men. For six weeks he traversed the vast wilder- ness which stretches between the last civilized settlement on the Missouri, and the first one of a similar character in New Mexico. He reached his destination in August, without opposition. Having formally taken possession of Santa Fc, he proceeded to declare New Mexico annexed to the United States. He next drew up a form of govenmient for it, and superintended the election of a Governor and proper authorities. He now considered his work in this province STEPHEN \V. KEAUNEY. 1 O7 finislicd, and prepared to advance on California, pursuant to his instructions, only waiting for the arrival of Colonc-I Pm-e from Kort Leavenworth, with the thousand volnnteers, whom Keaniry hail left behind in his eagerness to advance. At last, on the ;*5ih of September, he moved from Santa Fe for California, wnh about four hundred dragoons, but, after having inarched one hundred ami seventy-five miles, he met an express, with ihr news of FrcinoniS conquest of that country. He now sent back most of his htile urmy, retaining only one hundred dragoons as an escort. When Kearney reached the river Gila, in California, he k-arm-d that the province had revolted, and that the Americans had bct-n expelled from Los Angelos, the principal city in the south. On the 2nd of December he arrived at the first settlement in California, where the news of the insurrection was confirmed. Four days afterwards, he fell in with a body of the enemy, somewhat superior in numbers, whom, after a sharp action, he totally routed. In this skirmish. Kearney was wounded severely, and would have been killed, htu for Lieutenant Emory, who shot his antagonist just as he was ahout to make a second thrust with the lance. Kearney advanced about nine miles, when, being assailed by the Califomians again, he seizetl a neighboring hill, and held it until Commodore Stockton, fojir days after, sent him a reinforcement of seventy-five marines, and one hundred seamen. In these two skirmishes Kearney fought under great disadvantages, his men being mounted on broken down mules, while the enemy had superb horses. Two days afier beins; succored, Kearney reached San Diego, where he found Commodore Stockton. Having ascertained that tlie insurgents were still at Los Angelos, where they numbered seven hundred, under the command of General Flores, the two American leaders resolved to march, with their com- bined forces, and dislodge liim. Accordingly, with about seven hundred men, and six pieces of artillery, ihey left San Uiewo. and proceeded to meet the enemy, the united force beini; under com- mand of General Kearney. On the Sih of January Kearney came up with the Cahfornians, who, with four i,'uns, were drawn up on a height on the opposite side of the river. He instantly formed his troops hi order of battle, and placing himself dauntlessly at iheir head, forded the stream, stormed the height, and gained a coinpU-le victory. The action lasted about an hour and a hall. Hy the fol- lowing day, however, the Calif.)rnians had ree<,vered iheir spirits, an.l. on Kearney's resuming his advance, showed themselves m luf front and on his flanks. When he had descended from the height*, 198 STEPHEN W. KEARNEY. and reached the plains of the Mesa, the artillery opened upon him, and soon after, concentrating their columns, the Californians furi- ously assailed his left flank. Their charge, however, was decisively repulsed, on which they took to flight. The next day Kearney entered los Angelos in triumph. A difficulty now arose between Commodore Stockton and General Kearney in reference to the civil authority in California. Kearney produced the commission of the President of the United States, authorizing him to act as Commander of the country and Governor ; and claimed submission from Stockton in consequence of this docu- ment. Stockton, however, asserted that, as the country had been conquered before Kearney's arrival, a condition of aflairs had arisen which the President had not foreseen, and in consequence, it could not be expected that he and Fremont, the real conquerors, should be deprived of their power by an authority virtually abrogated. Fre- mont took the same view of the question as Stockton, and refused obedience to Kearney. Unfortunately, however, Kearney was Fre- mont's superior officer, and hence entitled to the latter's obedience, irrespective of the special commission. Of this he was soon remind- ed, for when Commodore Shubrick arrived with the California volun- teers, Kearney, finding himself with a superior force, deposed Fre- mont, ordered him to the United States, and, on his arrival there, placed him under arrest. Kearney did not continue long in California after the arrival of Commodore Shubrick. He remained, however, until he considered the province pacified and secure from further insurrection. He then returned to the United States, accompanied by Fremont. Firm, skilful, and brave as a lion, Kearney is one of the most valuable officers in the line of the army. His country acknowledged this, through the President, by conferring on him, on the 30th of .Tune, 1846, the rank of a full Brigadier. ^w^sp^^ ^\ JOHN C. FREMONT HE proniiueiit part played by Frr- luoiit ill the- coiKiucsl of California eiitiiles liim to a place in this »«ric». He was l.oni in South Curohna, in ihe y<":ir IMI. In 1,^^36, was ed a Secoi.d-LM-iUei.ant m the corps of topographicaU•^^Mlu«i•rs. and iron. l,,;a period up to the Mexican war. was prin.ipally encaged in cxH.. ^ - t.ous to explore the eountry around „ visited Ore-ou and subsenuenlly Cah- the Rocky Monntau.s He ^ - ^^^^^^^ ^^ ^^^^^ „,^^^,.,,, ,,„ fornia on this duty, and pubh.htd resultof his discoveries jy9 200 JOHN C. FREMONT. When the Mexican war began, Fremont was engaged, under or ders from the War Department, in exploring a new and shorter route from the western base of the Rocky Mountains to the mouth of the Cokimbia. In fulfilHng his task it became necessary to enter Cah- fornia. De Castro, Commandant-General of that province, aware of the threatened hostihties between Mexico and the United States, became suspicious ihat Fremont, under cover of a scientific expedi- tion, intended to excite the American settlers to revolt, and accord- ingly he displayed such a hostile attitude that Fremont, taking posi- tion on a mountain overlooking Monterey, at the distance of thirty miles, prepared to die, if necessary, for the honor of his flag. From the 7th to the 10th of March, 1846, Fremont remained fortified here, but finding De Castro did not attack him, finally continued his march towards Oregon. Some of his men desiring to remain in the province, he consented to their discharge, but refused to enlist others in their places, so anxious was he not to compromise the United States. He made but little progress, however, in consequence of the ditficulties of the country, and by the middle of May he had only reached the greater Tlamath Lake, lying just within the southern boundary of Oregon. Here he unexpectedly found his further advance ohstructed by the snow which still lingered on the mountains, and also by the Indians who had been excited against him by emissaries from De Castro. In this emergency he came to the bold resolution of retracing his steps and subjugating California. When he adopted this deter- mination his whole force numbered less than sixty men ; yet with this army he undertook the conquest of fifty thousand souls I Other considerations assisted to induce the return of Fremont. De Castro, it was said, was pursuing him at the head of five hundred men, and comprehended in his scheme of vengeance the American settlers in California. Fremont considered that the best way to save these innocent emigrants, as well as himself, was to assume a bold front, and, by a rapid countermarch, unite with his countrymen, and face the foe. As yet, no intelHgence of the war had reached Fremont. He promptly put his heroic design into execution. On the 11th of June he cut off a valuable convoy from De Castro's camp, and four days afterwards, surprised the military post of Sonoma. He next pushed on for the valley of the Sacramento, to arouse the American settlers there ; but he had scarcely reached his destination, when he was overtaken by an express, announcing that De Castro was in full march on Sonoma, with the intention of re-capluring it, Fremont immediately made a forced journey to the threatened point, where he arrived in time to cut off the vanguard of the enemy, by JOHN C. FREMONT. 201 which bold stroke he disconcerted the attack. The couiiiry on the north side of the Bay of San Francisco being now clcartd of ihr foe, Fremont assembled the settlers of the vicinity at Sonoma, un the 5th of July, and recommended them to declare an indi-pcndcnt com- monwealth. His advice was taken, and liiniself chosen (Jovt-raor. Fremont now determined to pursue De C'asiro, who had estab- lished a camp at Santa Clara, an intrenched post on the souihern side of the Bay of San Francisco. The distance around th*; bay was about one hundred miles. On the Gih of July, Fremont set forth, accompanied by one hundred and sixty mounted ritlemen. A.s ihe Americans advanced, the Californians (led. De Casiro reireait-d on los Angelos, the seat of the Governor-General of tlu' province, distant four hundred miles. Thither Fremont di-ternnned to follow him. His resolution was fortified by learniiii^ that war had broki-u out between Mexico and the United States ; that Commodore Sioekton had arrived on the coast with a fleet; and that the flag of ilie I'mied States was already flying over Monterey, which had surrendered lo Stockton. At Fremont's suggestion, the settlers innnediately substi- tuted for their flag of independence, that of America. A junction was formed with Stockton, and the pursuit of De Castro renewed. Ou the I2th of August, the combined forces of Stockton and Fremont entered los Angelos without resistance, the Governor Pico, and the Commandant-General, De Castro, having fled .still further south. Stockton now took possession of the j>rovince a.s a conquered territory, and appointed Fremont Governor. For a few- months the utmost quiet prevailed on the part of the subjugated Californians, but finally, in November, they rose in insurrection, drove the Americans from los Angelos, and resumed the government of the country. Their triumph, however, was not of long duration. Stockton, who had sailed lor Monterey, immediately returned, and forming a junction with General Kearney, who arrived at this crisis from New Mexico, completely defeated the insurgents in two l)attle8 of the 8th and 9th of January, 1S47. Fremont was not preseiii m either of these actions. He had been absent since September, tit Monterey, employed in enlisting and organizing men, and was now on his way to los Angelos, at the head of four hui..lred and f.Hy recruits. His journey, being performed in the dead o! wmter. w«5i full of privations. On Christmas day, in crossing the S.ii.tu lUrbaru mountains, he lost from one hundr.-d and fif.y to two hundred hor>^-s. When within a short distance of the ca|Mial, he met the rc.reutmg armvof the insm-ents, and, ignorant of Siockton's rcfiml lo grani them terms, concluded wUh them a capitulation. On the Hlh of 202 JOHN C. FREMONT. January he entered los Angelos. He now first met Kearney, and began that series of mistakes which finally led to his trial by a court martial, and his retirement from the service. In the sketch of Kearney, we have explained the origin of the ditficulty between him and Fremont. The offence of the latter in refusing to obey his superior officer, was of the most glaring kind in the eye of discipline ; but the circumstances in which Fremont found himself, were so peculiar, that his insubordination has some excuse. He was removed from his post of Governor by Kearney, as soon as the arrival of reinforcements gave the latter the ascendancy ; and subsequently, when the General returned to the United States, Fremont accompanied the escort. On reaching Fort Leavensworth, Kearney placed his junior under arrest. A court martial was promptly summoned to meet at Washington city, for the trial of Fremont. The result was his conviction. The court sentenced him to be suspend L^d from the service, but the President, in consequence of the mitiguling circumstances of the case, remitted the punislmient. Fremont, however, declined to accept the clemency of the executive, declaring, that as he had committed no oftence, he required no pardon. He accordingly resigned. He had attained the rank of Lieutenant-Colonel in the new regi- ment of mounted rifles, before his retirement. This promotion was owing, in part, to his services, but in part, also, to the influence of Senator Benton, his father-in-law. The elevation of so young an otiicer, from a Lieutenancy to a Lieutenant-Colonelcy, overleaping at a single step the intermediate grades, gave great offence in the army, especially to the numerous seniors of Fremont, who, by this promo- tion, considered themselves aggrieved. Whatever opinion may be formed of his resignation, or of the exact amount of his culpability towards Kearney, all men must unite in admiring the spirit and ability which he exhibited in Cali- fornia. In undertaking the conquest of that province, at the head of less than sixty men, he displayed the attributes of a true hero. Such, we are confident, will be the verdict of posterity S^^^^^i^'F>5=^ DONIPHAN CRiiSSINO THE DKSKRT OF DK.4TII. A. W. DONIPHAN HE march of Doiiipliaii from Santa Fe to Chiliu:iliii:i.aiid ilu' victory of Sacramento which atteiulcd it, huvt- been compared, and not inaptly, t«. the celebrated retreat of Xenophon with the ten thousand. Htit the ft- ploil of the American surpasse;* that of the Greek. The one w;.s a pro- fessed soldier, at the head of vetrnin troops; while the other was a nicre civilian, fortmionsly in command of a few vohintirers. lU.ih travcnM-tl distant and inho.spitable regions; both ,.ene.a.ed .n.nd.,.s of ,„n.s ";'-;;,» j^TpZcW t march of the ancient was that ol a IngHUt, wnnc i . .nodern was everywhere '"-;;.;;-:!;;^':';,;, ,, ,,, ,,,y Hft wV Doniphan was bom m il'^' \^'^' »• "' ' ^^3 / 204 A. W. DONIPHAN. know little. At the time the Mexican war broke out he was a law- yer of eminence in St. Louis, Missouri. Inspired, like many of his fellow-citizens at that time, with a sudden thirst for military adven- ture, he offered himself as Colonel of a regiment of volunteers, raised to accompany Kearney's expedition against Santa Fe. His almost gigantic stature, his affable manners, and the respect in which his abilities were held procured for him the command he sought, and, on the 30th of June, 1846, he set out with Kearney for Fort Leavensworth, his regiment numbering about a thousand strong. It was composed generally of young men, most of them from the best families of the state, who souglit to gratify the restless longings of their natures, in the wild adventure which the conquest of New Mexico promised to afford. This impulse of a high organization \ has been common to all ages. The spirit which actuated the Mis- souri volunteers was the same that propelled the Normans upon France ; that sent forth the Spaniards of the fifteenth century on voyages of discovery ; that annually moves thousands in the direc- tion of the setting sun, there to seek a virgin soil, and exult in the perils of border life. Doniphan himself was but the type of this class. After the astonishing victories gained in his expedition, it might have been supposed that neither he nor his men would have been willing to lay down their arms ; but the thirst for excitement which had impelled them, had been exhausted m a thousand perils ; and they returned to private life not without a certain zest perhaps for its quiet and repose, like men Avho, after long buffetting a wintry tempest, gladly find themselves housed at last. In the narrative of the Mexican war, which precedes these sketches, we have already detailed at sufficient length the journey of Doniphan. The insertion of his own graphic, but modest account of the battle of Sacramento would, however, seem to be due to the hero, for it is eminently characteristic. This wonderful victory was achieved on the 2Sth of February, 1847, with a force of but nine hun- dred and twenty-four effective men, against more than four thousand Mexicans, half of whom were regulars. Having, early after sunrise, formed his troops in expectation of a battle, by arranging the long train of wagons in four columns, between which the soldiers were placed for the purpose of masking them, he advanced in the direction of the foe, and, when within three miles of him, made a reconnoisance. " This we could easily do," says Doniphan in his despatch, " for the road led through an open prairie valley between the sterile mountains. The Pass of the Sacramento is formed by a point of the mountains on our right, their left extending into the valley or plain A. W. DOMPH AN. 905 SO as to inrrow the valley to about one and a half niilcs. On our left was a deep, dry, sandy channel of a creelc. and beiwei-n ihe«« points the plain rises to sixty feet ahrnpily. This is in the fonn of a crescent, the convex part being to the north of our forces. "On the right, from the point of monntains, a narrow part of (h« plain extends north one and a half miles farther than on the left. The main road passes down the centre of the valU-v and acrojis ihn crescent, near the left or dry branch. The Sacramento rises m the mountains on the right, and the road falls on to it about one nnle below the battle-field or intrenchment of the enemy. We ascertained that the enemy had one battery of four guns, two nine and two six- pounders, on the point of the mountain on our right, at a i-oej ele- vation to sweep the plain, and at the point where the njountains extended farthest into the plain. "On our left they had another battery on an elevatirin connnand- ing the road, and three iiurenchmeius of two six-poundfn», and on the brow of the crescent near the centre another of two six and two four and six culverins, or rampart pieces, mounted on carriages; and on the crest of the hill or asceiu between the batteries, and the right and left, they had twenty-seven redoubts dug and thrown up, ex- tending at short intervals across the whole ground. In these their infantry were placed, and were entirely protected. Their cavalry was drawn up in front of the redoubts in the intervals, tour deep, and in front of the redoubts two deep, so as to mask tln'm as far as practicable. " When we had arrived within one and a half miles of the intreneh- ments along the main road, we advanced the cavalry still farther, and suddenly diverged with the columns to the right, so as to gam the narrow part of the ascent on our riirlit. which the envniy disco- vering endeavored to prevent by moving lorward with one ihons;ind cavalry and four pieces of camion in their rear, masked by ihfin. Our movements were so rapid that we gainrd the elevation wiih our forces and the advance of our wagons in time to form hrfnre they arrived within reach of our guns. The enemy halti-d, and we advanced the head of our colmun within twelve hundred yards of them, so as to let our wagons attain the high lands and form us be- fore. " We now commenced the action by a brisk fire troin our Itat:- n-, and the enemy unmasked and comineiired also ; our fire.s pri»vrd effective at this distance, killing fifteen men, woniithng several more, and disabling one of the enemy's guns. W.- had two mm ^h^h^l)r wounded, and several horses and mules killed. The enemy then M S 206 A. W. POMPIIA^. slowly retreated behind their works in some confusion, and we re- sumed our march in ttie former order, still divergingmoie to the right to avoid their battery on our left, and their strongest redoubts, which were on the left near where the road passes. After marching as far as we safely could, without coming within range of their heavy bat- ,Epf> UONirHAN's CIlAUGfc; AT SACRAMK.NTO. tery on our right, Captain Weightman, of the artillery, was ordered to charge with the two twelve-pound howitzers, to be supported by the cavalry under Captains Reid, Parsons and Hudson. " The Howitzers charged at speed, and were gallantly sustained by Captain Reid ; but, by some misunderstanding, my order was not given to the other two companies. Captain Hudson, anticipating my order, charged in time to give ample support to the liowitzers. Cap- tain Parsons, at the same moment, came to me and asked permission for his company to charge the redoubts immediately to the left of Captain Weightman, which he did very gallantly. The remainder of the two battalions of the first regiment were dismounted during the cavalry charge, and following rapidly on foot, while Major Clarke advanced as fast as practicable with the remainder of tlie A. w. noNii'it \\. 207 battery, we charged their redoubts from richt to left, with a bri«k and deadly fire of riflemen, while Major Clarke opened a rapid and well-directed fire on a cohnnn of cavalry attempting to pass n. o-ir left so as to attack the wagons and onr rear. "The fire was so well duected as to force lliL-ni to fall ha-K ; and our riflemen, with the cavalry and liowii/.ers, cli-ared the para|H-is after an obstinate resistance. Our forces advanced to the very hruik of their redoubts and attacked the enemy with iheir sabres. Wh.-n the redoubts were cleared, and the batteries in the centre and on imr left were silenced, the main battery on our right siill conimufd to pour in a constant and heavy fire, as it had done during the heat of the engagement; but as the whole fate of the battle depended upon carrying the redoubts and centre battery, tins one on the nu'lii re- mained unattacked, and the enemy had rallied there five, d strong. " Major Clarke was directed to commence a heavy fire upon it. Lieutenant-Colonels Mitchell and Jackson, commanding the first battalion, were ordered to remount and charge the battery on the left, while Major Gilpin passed the second battalion on foot up the rough ascent of the mountain on the opjjosite side. The fire o( our battery was so effective as to completely silence theirs, and ihe rapid advance of ourcolunm put them to flight over the mountains m great confusion. " The loss of the enemy was his entire artillery, ten wacon;*, and about three hundred killed and the same number wounded, many of whom have since died, and forty prisoners. The field \va> hir- rally covered with the dead and wounded from our artillery and the unerring fire of our riflemen. Night put a stop \o the rarnaje, the battle having commenced about three o'clock. Our loss was one killed, one mortally wounded, and seven so wounded ns to recover without any loss of limbs. I cannot speak too highly of the ctxiln- ^s, gallantry and bravery of the officers and men under my command. I was ably sustained by field oflicers Lieutenant-Colonels .Miirhell and Jackson of the first battalion, and Major C.ilpin of the .vM-..nd battalion ; and Major Clarke and his artillery acted nobly, and did the most eftective service in every part of the field. It !<* ale- ' ■■■• v shown, in the charge made by Captain Weiuhtman, with tli- a of howitzers, that they can be used in any charge of cavalry with great efll^ect. Much has been said, and justly said, of Ow gallaniry of our artillery, nnlimbering wiihm two himdred and fifty yanh of the enemy at Palo Alto ; but how much more darmg was the charge 208 A, W. DONIPHAN. of Captain Weightman, when he unlinibered within fifty yards of the redoubts of the enemy !" The battle of Sacramento was fought immediately in front of Chi- huahua, and the next day the Americans entered that city in triumph. When we consider that this victory was won against four times the numbers of Doniphan, and that his soldiers were nearly all volun- teers, it appears to be scarcely less remarkable than Buena Vista ! It must be remembered also that the conquerors at Sacramento knew nothing of the success of Taylor, who was hundreds of miles distant, and had only defeated Santa Anna the preceding week. The conse- quences resulting from this victory were not so great, nor was the inequality of the two armies in it quite so excessive as at Buena Vista ; but it is nevertheless a victory that recalls, in all their vivid- ness, the heroic ages of antiquity. The volunteers being enlisted for twelve months only, were, on their return to the United States, mustered out of the service. Doni- phan retired to private life simultaneously with his soldiers. Resu- ming the quiet routine of his profession he appeared to forget that he had ever been a hero. But history, engraving his deeds on her tablets with a pen of iron, will preserve his name to latest posterity ; and often, in future generations, his wonderful expedition will be cited as a proof of what Americans were " in the brave days of old.'* i^ n f^£^C- >— ^' ■ liraved ex^ KEPILSE Of Till: 5IKXICAN I.ASCKR.S AT :■'!> »lio SAMUEL II. WALK i: R HE Mexican war broii:?hl into public notice a class of men, who, iliougU cel- ebrated ill T»'xas, and even ou our soutli-westcrn frontier, were lesskuowu in the nortln;rn and eastern stales, — These were the rangers, a s' '^f scouts. Their most pronnnciit •« were Walker, Hays, and Carson. T\^^» series would be incompli"''-* without n notice of at least one oi' these heroes. We shall select Walker, both on accouiU of his superior renown, and lu.s un- ^ timely death. Samuel Hamilton Walker was a' native of Prince G> v, Maryland, where he was born in the year 1S15. At an en, ,■ ^-k of the Florida war he enlisted as a private tn the •'»"">•. and u one of Colonel Harney's p.cked ukm, ; for that ^-.0 .> - his boldness and energy soon rendeml bun a tavontc. A. .ho cIok: M N .* '^1 210 SAMUEL H. WALKER. of the war he repaired to Texas and enlisted in the rangers com- manded by Colonel Harney. In 1844, with fourteen others, he at- tacked and defeated eighty Camanche Indians, leaving thirty-three of their number dead on the fTelcT.""" During the battle Walker was pinned to the ground by the spear of a savage, but after the action it was found no vital part had been touched. He was also one of Fisher's expedition against Mier ; and being captured, was marched to the casjde oj^Perote with other prisoners. During the journey they sulfered incredible privations, and finally made their escape ; but, being re-taken, were decimated, those to be shot being selected by lot. Walker was one of those who drew a whhe^ean. He subsequently made a more successful attempt at flight, with eight others ; and reaching Texas, after almost incredible sufferings, en- tered the revenue service of that state. When Taylor marched to the Rio Grande, Walker, at the head of a company of rangers, offered his services to the United States and -?iras accepted. Being left to keep open the communications between Fort Brown and Point Isabel, he brought intelligence to Taylor, on the 30th of May, 1845, of the intention of the Mexicans to surround tliat General's camp. This information led to the famous march on Point Isabel. When the bombardment of Fort Brown began, Walker volunteered to penetrate through the Mexican army and bring intel- ligence from the besieged, a duty which he executed with his accus- tomed skill and energy. In the battles of the 9th and 10th of May he performed signal service, and was mentioned in such flattering terms by General Taylor, that the President, on the formation of the regiment of mounted rifles, gave him unsolicited a Captain's com- mission. He now repaired to the United States, where he enlisted about two hundred and fifty men, principally from Maryland and Ken- tucky. With these he greatly distinguished himself in keeping the guerrillas at bay and opening the communications between Vera Cruz and the capital. One of his most brilliant actions was at Hoya, on the 20th of September, 1847. He did not long survive this. On the 8th of October, at the battle of Huamantla, he received a mortal shot, and died in about thirty minutes afterwards. When he fell, his men burst into tears, so greatly was lie beloved by them. No more heroic soul adorned the war ! • The personal appearance of Walker was mild and unpretending. He was modest, like most truly great men. CHAlTLTKI'tC AM) MUUNA LKL KKT. WINFIELD SCOTT F we consider only the splendor of his niili- tary achievements, Winfield Scoii is ihe , greatest General the Unitctl States hai yd ") produced. He may be said tu beloiiff \o two generations, and to have won two repu- tations entirely distinct. In his youth ho ,_ ^^ conquered the veterans of Great Uricaui at Chippewa and Lundy's Lane ; in hisold aptj ^^^^i^^ci^'^^^ii^^^S^::-- j^^ defeated the myriads of Mexico, and entered the Capital of the Montezumas in trnnnph. Hiindrcdn born in the last century yet live, who can remember the aMonl^hmt•nl with which in 1814, they hailed the exploits of the thm .Mriplm? General, and hundreds still survive to tell, in the next century, thai they fought by his side, when he was grey-headed, at Churubusco, Chapultenec and San Cosmo. Cotemporary witnesses will thus carry 811 212 WINFIELD SCOTT. his renown through nearly twice the usual term allotted to man. Nor will his fame diminish when his last cotemporary shall have died ; for true glory, like the shade of the Brocken, grows more colossal as it recedes ! The military achievements of his youth were gained principally by daring, resolution, and tenacity of purpose. It is true that he introduced the strictest discipline into his brigade, and that he was not destitute of military knowledge ; but the profound science, the skill in combination which have distinguished his career in Mexico, were but little perceptible in the war of 1812. The soubriquet then bestowed on him of the " fighting General," expresses the verdict of that generation. His chief quality, at that day, was his readiness for combat and his recklessness as to odds. He gained the battle of Chippewa against superior numbers, with his single brigade. At Lundy's Lane he began the attack against overwhelming forces, and maintained the contest unflinchingly for two hours without assist- ance. He was subsequently reinforced, when the battle ended triumphantly for the Americans. On both these occasions it was his impetuosity of attack, combined with his resolute front, which won the day. He united the French gallantry in a charge, with the English obstinacy in resisting it. " Hard pounding, this, gentle- men, but we will see who can pound the longest," said Wellington at Waterloo. It was this tenacity of purpose which was the secret of Scott's success in the war of 1S12. The quality was the more valuable then, because it was a novelty in the American service. The imbecile Generals of the earlier years of that war, the Hulls, Dearborns, and Wilkinsons, were haunted by defeat wherever they went, and thought more of securing a means of escape than of plan- ning a victory. Scott, on the contrary, held that an American soldier should never contemplate the possibility of a repulse. In this Mexican campaign we see equal resolution, equal obsti- nancy of purnose, but far greater skill. The capture of Vera Cruz, with the loss of but two officers and a few private soldiers, will be referred to in history as one of the most astonishing exploits of the century. The city might have been taken sooner, if assault had been resorted to ; but how fearful would have been the slaughter ! By girdling it with trenches, Scott secured its fall with the sacrifice of comparatively little blood; and the town, with its impregnable castle, like a strong man in the embraces of an Anaconda, sank exhausted. So, in the valley of Mexico, the skill with which he turned the approaches to the capital on the east, is only equalled by his boldness in advancing when his communications were cut oil'. WINKIKI.n SCOTT. 213 His confidence appalled the Mexicans as nuich as liis stmt^ey disconcerted them. Had Santa Anna been an ordinary General, Scott, on crossitii; to San Antonio, would have found the road to the ciiy almost unde- fended ; and would have gained an easy entrance to the capital. But the Mexican commander had provided even for tins contingency. Yet, as he considered it a remote one, his works on the A • road were less strong than those in front of El Penon. Tin- saved Scott. It is questionable, even, if he could have earned I'lC gates in which the Acapulco road terminates; lie seems lo have doubted it, at least ; for he turned aside and attacked the San Cosnjo and Belen gates, which were not so imprcgnahle. It is not certant that he would have forced an entrance even here, if the enemy had not expected him at the southern gates, where, accordingly, the mass of the Mexican artillery was collected. Even after the UiW of Chapultepec, this delusion on the part of Santa .\niia contmned, that ollicer still believing that the assault on the San Cosmo and Belen gates was a feint, and that the real attack was lo be on the south, where Twiggs, to maintain the error, thundered incessantly with his guns. Mexico fell, therefore, because her (Icnerals were out-manoeuvred. The bravery of our troops would, perhaps, have been thrown away if it had not been guided by the skill of the Commander-in-chief. Scott was born near Petersburg, Va., on the 13th of .larmary, 17>(i. His ancestors on both sides were respectable. He lost Ins father while yet a child, and his other parent when he was not «pnte seven- teen. He had been destined for the bar, and for this pur|)ose had pursued the usual academical studies. Having spent a year at the Richmond High School, he was transferred to Wilham and .Mary College, where he continued more than eighteen months, chielly occup°ied in legal studies. He next spent a year in the olFice of David Robertson, Esq., after which he was admitted to prariiru at the bar. The competition in his native slate induced Inm to turn his eyes abroad, and he visited Charleston, S. C, with the miention of sealing there; but this purpose was frustrated hy learnmg ihal he could not practice in that city until after a year's residence. IL . therefore, returned to Virginia. He had never, however entertamed any very strong liking for the dry technicalities, the assiduous labor and the years of unrewarded toil that are inevitable Co the le.:d profession. He believed himself better qualified to succeed «> a soldier. Fortune soon interposed to assist him. 'I he attack on the frigate Chesapeake had aroused the ind.L;nat.on ol the nation ; and / 214 VVIXFIELD SCOTT. a laro-c force of volunteers had been called out. Among these was the Petersburg troop of horse, in which Scott hastened to enroll himself His soldierly person, his evident taste for arms, and his military abilities which already began to display themselves, attracted / the attention of influential friends, among others of the Hon. William B. Giles; and as Congress had just authorized an increase of the army, that gentleman asked one of the new commissions for Scott. Accordingly, on the 3rd of May, 1808, Scott was created a Captain of light artillery. He immediately proceeded to recruit his company, and, in 1809, was ordered to Louisiana, Here he made himself an enemy in Wilkinson, by freely stating his opinion respecting some portions of that General's conduct, and the consequence was that Hampton, the successor of Wilkinson, became also prejudiced against the young Captain. It is probable that Scott was indiscreet. In the end he was brought to trial before a court martial, charged with keeping back his men's pay, and with being guilty of unofficer-like conduct by calling Wilkinson a traitor. He was found guilty and suspended for one year. The only important accusation was the first ; and that arose from Scott's negligence in not taking proper receipts. The whole amount of the alleged delinquency was but fifty dollars. Even the court, which was manifestly hostile to him, acquitted Scott of all fraudulent intention. The inhabitants of the neighborhood shewed their estimate of the case by tendering Scott a public dinner, which he accepted. The year of his suspension he spent in Virginia occupied in the study of his profession : in one sense, therefore, his temporary dismissal proved fortunate ; since it fitted him more speedily than he otherwise could have been, for the responsibilities of the approaching contest with Great Britain. \ In June, 1812, war was declared. Scott's sentence had only ex- pired towards the close of 1811 ; yet his suspension did not aflect his position; for, within eight months, in July, 1812, he was made.Lieu- tenant-Colonel, overleaping the intermediate grade of Major. He immediately proceeded to the Niagara frontier, in command of the companies of Towson and Barker ; and was stationed at Black Rock to protect the navy-yard established there. It was while here that he detached Towson, with a portion of his company, to assist Lieu- tenant Elliott of the navy in cutting out two British armed brigs from under the guns of Fort Erie. This was on the 8th of October, 1812. A few days afterwards. General Van Renssalacr made his unfortunate attack on Queenstown. Scott arrived by a forced march to participate in this battle, and was one of the few who succeeded WIXFTKLD SCOTT. 2J5 in crossing into Canada. He fought at the head of about d-. ' dred men, with great intrepidity, and for a long (iuie after r.-. seemed vain. Having finally surrendered he was carried to l^u- . with his troops. Here, heiuir in the cabin of a iranspon, he hoard an uproar on deck, and, hastening up, foiuid ihe Hriiish ollicer« nmstering his men, and separating from the rest such as coi;f.->-..-,] themselves to be Irishmen, with tlie intention of sending them to England to be tried lor bearing arms against ihoir coimtry. Tvventv- ihree had been selected when Scott appeared ; and there were at least forty more liable to be taken. He innnediately ordered tlie remainder of the men not to answer questions, which eireclually concealed their origin and frustrated the aim of the enemy : then, ui spite of the threats of the British odicers, he addressed the twenty- three selected, telling them not to be alarmed, and pledging hinisell' that the United States would make their cause her own, and retaliate for any injury they might suli'er. He kept his word, moreover; and though the men were carried to England, the altitude assumed m their behalf by the United States was so threatening and firm, that the contemplated proceedings against them were finally dropped. The prisoners returned to their adopted coimtry, in ISl.'), after an absence of three years ; for so long had the controversy been pro- longed. By one of those coincidences which sometimes make real life more improbable than fiction, Scott hajipened to bo passui? along the quay at New York, when they landed, and being recog- nized, was greeted with loud and continued cheers. Scott was not long in being exchanged after his capture, and in May, 1813, joined the army at Niagara, with the titular rank o( Adjutant-General. On the 27th of that month he participated iu the attack on Fort George, leading the forlorn hope, and scaling the bank on landing, in face of the enemy's bayonets. When the fort fell he hauled down the British flag with his own hands. He a- - wards pursued the enemy for several miles, and would pro), have captured most of the fugitives, l)ut that he was recalled h\ - - superior. General Boyd, at the very mouieiu he had overtaken the British rear. Scott could not conceal his chagrin. He had already neglected two successive orders sent him lo return, saying lo the messengers, " Your General docs not know I have the enemy in my power; in twenty minutes I shall capture Ins whole force." Th«? ardor of the young soldier was wiser, as .subsequent eveni-s :- I than the temerity of his old superiors ; and the war never pi ,1 until he, and others like him, had supplanted the nnhecilc uA .Mat- tinets who were, for two years, the curse of ihc army. 216 WINFIELD SCOTT. In July, 1S12, Scott was elevated to the command of a double reo-iment, on which occasion he resigned his place as Adjutant-General. In the autumn of that year, Wilkinson undertook his descent of the St. Lawrence, which ended so disgracefully. Scott, at that time in command of Fort George, was eager to participate in the expedition, and having obtained permission, joined the main army at Ogdens- burg on the 6th of November. He was placed in the advance, and consequently was not present at the battle of Chrystler's Fields, which was fought by the rear, on the 11th of November. The indecisive character of this conflict, the illness of Wilkinson, and the failure of Hampton to reach the rendezvous at St. Regis in season, induced the Conimander-in chief to abandon the enterprise : a most unfortunate decision, since Scott, on the very day Chrystler's Fields was fought, had routed the British at Loop-Hole Creek, and was confident that with a regiment of dragoons and- a flying battery, he could have pushed on and entered Montreal in triumph. But, though forced to retire by the commands of Wilkinson, Scott had won the plaudits of the country by his daring bravery in this campaign. Accordingly, in March, 1814, he was elevated to the rank of Briga- dier-General, and made second in rank on the Niagara frontier. The campaign that followed was the most brilliant of the war. In another place we have described it at length. Preparatory to it, Scott thoroughly drilled his brigade : and the beneficial consequences were seen at the battle of Chippewa. Here many of his men met the foe for the first time. The British were mostly veterans, and had the confidence arising from former victories. Yet so thoroughly did Scott infuse his own heroic spirit into the soldiers, that the ene- my was routed by inferior numbers. In this battle McNeil's batta- lion marched steadily forward, in the face of a withering fire, until witliin eighty paces of the foe, when Scott calling on the men to charge with the bayonet, they rushed on the hostile ranks and swept them from the field. A few days after, Scott participated in the bat- tle of Lundy's Lane, the most fiercely contested struggle of the war. On this field, both he and the Commander-in-chief were wounded, the tormer dangerously so. In consequence of his wound he was disabled from service until the close of the war ; and for a month, during which he lay at Buflalo and Williamsville, his recovery was considered doubtful. As soon as his strength would allow, he pro- ceeded to Philadelphia to complete his cure under the eminent sur- geons of that city. For his services at Chippewa he was brevetted a Major-General, the only instance in this country where that rank has been earned in battle at llio early age of twenty-eight. He was WINFIELD SCOTT. 217 subsequently complimented with a vote of thanks irom i his skill and gallantry at both Chippewa and Lnndy's 1...... also for his general good conduct throughout the war. \W ih.- ^ l.-r COPY OF A GOLD MKDAL PRK-'ENrKD BY CO.NGKKM lo uLM'ttL »t made to depreciate the merit of Scott by assigning to various otlicent import- ant suggestions. But a Commander-in-chief should be <■ ■ ■ d for neglecting, rather than for ado|)tiiig wise counsrl. He .iN-mn. s ijie responsibility of all measures, and as he would be blaiip ■! '"•"■ il'< if miscarriage, he should be entitled to the glory of their m- I terity is always just in this respect. The reputations o( iho . Turenne, of Marlborough, and of other eminent (leneralsof the pam. have swallowed up the lesser renown of the many ablccommandrr* who fought under them, and to whom j)crhaps, they were indi-bl d for important suiigcstions, A great General is he who work* out successes from the resources of others as well as of him^-lf. The care with which Scott husbanded his forces, while he mam- tained also a daring front towards the foe. is another proof of liu genius. That military commander is the most worthy «»f applaiwr who achieves the largest results with the smallest means. Trird br this standard, Scott is one of th.; greatest commanders of modern 224 WINPIELD SCOTT. times. At Cerro Gordo he overthrew more than twice his own numbers. At Churubnsco he defeated thirty thousand troops with less than nine thousand. At Chapuhepec, with even a smaller num- ber, he conquered twenty thousand, part of whom were strongly fortified on the hill. Molino del Rey was the only battle in the whole campaign which was not cheaply earned, and the immense slaughter of the Americans there arose from the impossibility of" ,-<:onnoitreing the enemy's position. Another characteristic of Scott, was the skill with which he raised his volunteers almost to the level of regulars, by disciplining them, by gradually inuring them to com- bat, by inspiring them with glorious examples in their officers. Always daring, yet never reckless ; always successful, yet rarely wasting a single life, Scott, with an army of only eleven thousand men, conquered a nation of seven millions, and entered a capital of two hundred thousand souls in triumph. The mere announcement of such briUiant achievements will hereafter be sufficient for his fame. It will be said that the General who could do this, no matter by what fortuitous circumstances assisted, was worthy to rank with those immortal commanders who fill the Pantheon of military his- tory, the Fredericks, Gustavuscs and Waliensteins of other days ! The assault on Chapuhepec, and the subsequent advance to the gates of Mexico, are, perhaps, the most brilliant incidents in the war ; and the daring, yet prudence of Scott's genius cannot be so well understood as by a full comprehension of those decisive affairs. We have already narrated, in anotlier place, the fall of Chapuhepec, as well as the triumphant entry of the Americans into Mexico ; but this sketch would be incomplete if we omitted the official despatch, describing this latter event. Its narrative is so clear; its statistics so compactly arranged, and its testimony to the general difficulties of the campaign so convincing, that it forms a fitting conclusion to this rapid summary of the campaign. After describing the fall of Cha- puhepec, and the movement of Worth around the foot of the hill, where he remained in readiness to follow the enemy along the San Cosmo road, Scott continues the animated story thus: — " Arriving some minntes later, and mounting to the top of the castle, the whole field to the east lay plainly under my view. There are two routes from Chapuhepec to the capital — the one on the right entering the same gate, Helen, with the road from the south, via Piedad ; and the other obliquing to the left, to intersect the great western, or San Cosmo road, in a suburb outside of the gate of San Cosmo. Each of these routes (an elevated causeway) presents a double roadway on the sides of an aqueduct of strong masonry and WINKIKLn srOTT. 985 great height, resting on open arches and massive pillar*, whjrh together aftord fine points Ix.ih fur attack and delcncf. The ways of both aqueducts arc, moreover, delei.ded by many strong breastworks at the gates, and before reaching ihem. As we had expected, we found the four tracts umisuaUy dry and suhd for the season. " Worth and Quitman were prompt in pursuing the n-treating enemy — the former by the San Cosmo acqneduct, and ihc hitter along that of Kelen, Each had now advanced some hundred yards. Deeming it all-important to profit by our successes, and the conse- quent dismay of the enemy, which could not be otherwise than general, I hastened to despatch from Chapulleper — first Clark's brigade, and then Cadwalader's, to the support of Worth, and ^ave orders that the necessary heavy guns should follow. Pierce's brigade was, at the same time, sent to Quitman, and, in the course of ihc afternoon, I caused some additional siege pieces to be added to hw train. Then, after designating the fifteenth infantry, under Lieutenant- Colonel Howard — Morgan, the Colonel, had been disabled by a wound at Churubusco — as the garrison of Chapultepee, and giving directions for the care of the prisoners of war, the captured ordunnce and ordnance stores, I proceeded to join the advance of Worth, wulnti the suburb, and beyond the turn at the junction of the acqueduct with the 2:reat highway from the west to the gate of San Cosmo. "At this junction of roads, we first passed one of those fornudable systems of city defences, spoken of above, and it had not a gmi ! — a strong proof, 1. That the enemy had expected us to fail in the attack upon Chapultepee, even if we meant any thing more than a feint ; 2. That, in either case, we designed, in his belief, to return and double our forces against tlie southern gates— a delusion kept up by the active demonstrations of Twiggs and the forces posted on that side; and, 3. That advancing rapidly from the reduction of Chapul- tepee, the enemy had not time to shift lmuis— our |.revious captures had left him, comparatively, but few— the southern pales. « Within those disgarnished works, I found our troops eiic;t-ed in a street fi^ht against\he enemy post.-d m -ardens, at windows, and on house-~tops— all flat with parapets. Worth ordered forward the mountain howitzers of Cadwalader's brigade, preceded by s' h- ers and pioneers, with pickaxes and crowbars, to force ^ x» and doors, or to burrow through walls. The a.ssa.lantH were soon m an equality of position fatal to the enemy. By eiKhl o'clock in lh« evening, Worth had carried two batteries in this suburb. Accord- ing to my instructions, lie here posted gnards and sentinels, .nd 29 226 WINFIELD SCOTT. placed his troops under shelter for the night. There was but one more obstacle — the San Cosmo gate, (custom-house,) between him and the great square in front of the cathedral and palace, the heart of the city ; and that barrier, it was known could not, by daylight resist our siege guns thirty minutes. "I had gone back to the foot of Chapultepec, the point from which the two aqueducts begin to diverge, son^e hours earlier, in order to be near that new depot, and in easy communication with Quitman and Twiggs, as well as with Worth. From this point I ordered all detachments and stragglers to their respective corps, then in advance; sent to Quitman additional siege guns, ammunition, intrenching tools; directed Twiggs' remaining brigade (Riley's) from Piedad, to support Worth and Captain Steptoe's field-battery, also at Piedad, to rejoin Quitman's division. " I had been, from the first, well aware that the western, or San Cosmo, was the less difficult route to the centre, and conquest of the capital, and therefore intended that Quitman should only manoeuvre and threaten the Helen or south-western gate, in order to favor the main attack by Worth, knowing that the strong defences at the Belen were directly under the guns of the much stronger fortress, called the citadel, just within. Both of these defences of the enemy were also within easy supporting distance from the San Angel (or Nino Perdido) and San Antonio gates. Hence the greater support in nitmbers, given to Worth's movement as the main attack. " These views I repeatedly, in the course of the day, communicated to Major-General Quitman; but being in hot pursuit — gallant him- self, and ably supported by Brigadier-Generals Shields and Smith, Shields badly wounded before Chapultepec, and refusing to retire, as well as by all the officers and men of the column — Quitman con- tinued to press forward, under flank and direct fires, carried an inter- mediate battery of two guns, and then the gate, before two o'clock in the afternoon, but not without proportionate loss, increased by his steady maintenance of that position. " Here, of the heavy battery, (4th artillery,) Captain Drum and Lieutenant Benjamin were mortally wounded, and Lieutenant Por- ter, its third in rank, slightly. The loss of those two most distin- guished officers the army will long mourn. Lieutenants J. B. Mo- range and William Canty, of the South Carolina volunteers, also of high merit, fell on the same occasion, besides mpny of our bravest non-commissioned officers and men, particularly in Captain Brum's veteran comjjany. I cannot, in this place, give names or numbers; hut full returns of the killed and wounded, of all corps, in their recent operations, will accompany this report. WINFIELI) SCOTT. 4^ "Quitman within the city — adding several new deffucea lo ihc position he had won, and sheltering his corps as weh bls practicable — now awaited the return of dayhght under the guns of the loruu- dable citadel, yet to be subdued. "About tour o'clock ne.vt morning, (September II,) a dcpt»iaii..!i of the ayuntamiento (city council) wailed upon me lo report that the federal government and the army of Mexico liad ikd iVom ihe capital some three hours before; audio demand terms of capuuia- tion in favor of the church, the citizens, and the nmmcjpal autliun- ties. I promptly replied, that I would sign no capitniuliun ; thai ihe city had been virtually in our possession from the lime of ihe lodg- ments effected by Worth and Quitman, the day before ; ihal 1 re- gretted tlie silent escape of the Mexican army ; that I should levy ofj GRAND r..A/.A (on r.RKAr .vfA"-) c.r» or -.».- the citv a moderate contribution, for special purpos.;,; and ih... 0^ American arnty should under -V'^^'"V;"/: sir.nd ^ onlv as its own honor, the di.'nity of ihe IJn.ied S.aie^. and the :;.nt of the age, should, tn n.y opnnon. nnper.o.sly dcau..a ..k1 impose. 228 WINFIELD SCOTT. " At the termination of the interview with the city deputation, I communicated, about dayUght, orders to Worth and Quitman to advance slowly and cautiously (to guard against treachery,) towards the heart of the city, and to occupy its stronger and more command- ing points. Qnitman proceeded to the great plaza or square, planted guards, and hoisted the colors of the United States on the national palace, containing the halls of Congress and executive departments of federal Mexico. In this grateful service, Qaitman might have been anticipated by Worth, but for my express orders, halting the latter at the head of the Alameda, (a green park,) within three squares of that goal of general ambition. The capital, however, was not taken by any one or two corps, but by the talent, the science, the gallantry, the prowess of this entire army. In the glorious con- quest, all had contributed, early and powerfully, the killed, the wounded, and the fit for duty, at Vera Cruz, Cerro Gordo, Contreras, San Antonio, Churubusco, (three battles,) the Molino del Rey and Chapultepec, as much as those who fought at the gates of Belen and San Cosmo. " Soon after we had entered, and were in the act of occupying the city, a fire was opened upon us from the flat roofs of the houses, from windows and corners of streets, by some two thousand convicts, liberated the night before by the flying government, joined by, per- haps, as many Mexican soldiers, who had disbanded themselves, and thrown off their uniforms. This unlawful war lasted mare than twenty-four hours, in spite of the exertions of the municipal autho- rities, and was not put down till we had lost many men, including several officers, killed or wounded, and had punished the miscreants. Their object was to gratify national hatred, and in the general alarm and confusion, to plunder the wealthy inhabitants, particularly the deserted houses. But families are now generally returning; business of every kind has been resumed, and the city is already tranquil and cheerful, under the admirable conduct (with exceptions very few and trifling) of our gallant troops." Scott then contrasts the smallness of his own force compared with that of the enemy ; and in a strain of honest exultation, re- hearses the disasters he has inflicted on the enemy. "Leaving,'* he says, " as we all feared, inadequate garrisons at Vera Cruz, Pe- rote, and Puebla, with much larger hospitals; and being obliged, most reluctantly, from the general paucity of numbers, to abandon .lalapa, we marched on the 7th of August, from Puebla, with only ten thousand seven iiuadred and thirty-eight rank and file. This luimber includes the garrison of Jalapa, and the two thousand four WIN FIELD SCOTT. 2,"> hundred and twenty-nine men broiiglu up l.y Hnyuditfr-lieneral Pierce, on August the 6th. " At Contreras and Churubusco, we had bm eight ih-Misaud four hundred and ninety-seven men engaged — after dcductuig the garri- son of San Augustin, the intermediate sick and the dead; at the JSIoUno del Rey, but three brigades, with some cavalry and arnllcry — making in all three thousand two lumdred and tihy-tmc inen were in the battle. In the two days, September l^iU and 13ih, our whole operating force, after deducting again, the recent killed, wounded and sick, together with tlie garrison of Miscoac, the ^eiie- ral depot, and that of Tacubaya, was but seven thous;ind one hun- dred and eighty; and, finally, after deducting the new ^arri>on of Chapultepec, with the killed and wounded of the two days, we look possession of this great caj)iuil with less than six thousand men. And I re-assert, upon accunuilalcd and unquestionable evidence, that in not one of those conflicts was this army opposed by lewrr than three and a half times its numbers — in several of them, by a vel greater excess. " I recapitulate our losses since we arrived in the basin of M.-m. .. : August 19, 20 — killed, one hundred and ttiirty-seven, mchidmi? four- teen officers. Wounded, eight hundred and seventy-seven, mclud- ing sixty-two officers. Missing, (probably killed,) thirty-eight rank and file. Total, one thousand and lifty-two. September ti — killed, one hundred and sixteen, including nine officers. Wounded, six hun- dred and sixty-five, including forty-nine olficers. Missing, etghi'HMi rank and file. Total, seven hundred and eighty-nine. September 12, 13, 14 — killed, one hundred and thirty, including ten ollirers. Wounded, seven hundred and three, including sixty-eight o/fi<-cr». Missing, twentv-nine rank and file. Total, eight hundred and sixty- two. Grand total of losses, two thousand seven luindri-d mid tiirfc, including three hundred and eighty-three oliicers. " On the other hand, this small force has beaten on the same occa- sions, in view of their capital, the whole Mexican army, whirh, at the beginning, numbered thirty-odd thousand men. This army posted, always in chosen positions, behind inlreiichmeiiis, or inure formidable defences of nature and art. We killed or wounded of that number, more than seven thousand oliicers and men ; took ■' - ■ thousand seven hundred and thirty jirisoners, one-seventh c; including thirteen Generals, of whom three had been I'residenls of this Republic; and captured more than twenty colon, and ••andarUi, seventy-five pieces of ordnance, besides fifty-seven wall pu-cMi, twenty thousand small-arms, an immense quanliiy of » »he!it, M — u 230 WINFIELD SCOTT. powder, &c., &c. Of that enemy, once so formidable in numbers, appointments, artillery, &c., twenty-odd tiiousand have disbanded themselves in despair, leaving, as is known, not more than three frag- ments — the largest about two thousand five hundred — now wander- ing in different directions, without magazines or a military chest, and living at free quarters upon their own people." After his occupation of the capital, Scott proceeded, in compliance with the orders of the President, to levy contributions on the differ- ent towns in Mexico. He also, sent out detachments to overrun the country and complete its conquest in detail. The securing of an honorable and lasting peace, was an object never absent from his nind ; and he lost no opportunity, therefore, of propitiating the lead- ing men of Mexico whom he thought likely to favor his wishes. It was in a measure through his exertions that the treaty was subse- quently negotiated by Mr. Trist. The government of the United States, however, did not agree with their General in all particulars, and, after a correspondence between Scott and the Secretary of War, which grew warmer with each letter, it was determined to deprive him of his com- mand and bring his conduct before a court of inquiry. General Towson was ordered to Mexico to act as President of this court. When the court of inquiry met, however, the charges intended to have been made against Scott, were withdrawn. Scott took leave of the army in Mexico, his companions in so many dangers, in a temperate and appropriate address, in the course of which he complimented his successor. General Butler. The parting between Scott and his old soldiers was affecting. Even those who had been alienated from him forgot, on this occasion, their animosi- ties, and saw, with regret, the loss of that profound military genius which had sown their path with victories. Scott is a severe disciplinarian. The execution of the deserters captured at Churubusco is defended on the ground of necessity ; but it is a question whether the ends of justice would not have been equally well obtained, if these men had been ignominiously drummed out of camp. In person Scott is over six feet high ; his bearing is soldierly and dignified. P DAVID E. TWIGGS IIEHE are two classes of miMi who l)ccoiuc faiiious in ihe mili- tary profession. The first arr those who excel in taeiics ami struieuy, but are not remarkable for any peenHar heroism of eha- racier. The M-conil, wiili U'ss of scientific k no wletJj»o, possess more of the [viw (pialilies of the sreseiil sketch, i • lo the second class. 83t DAVID E. TWIGGS. David E. Twiggs, a Brigadier-General in the line of the army, is the fifth son of General John Twiggs, of revolutionary memory, whose services in that stormy era in behalf of his native state, won for him the name of the " Saviour of Georgia." The subject of our memoir was born in Richmond county, Georgia, in the year 1790. He finished his collegiate course in Franklin College, at Athens : and subsquently studied law in Augusta, with the late Thomas Flournoy. His mind, however, had more of a military, than a legal turn, and hence, when the war of 1S12 broke out, he solicited a commission ; and being appointed a Captain of infantry, has served, from that time to this, in the army of his country. During the war he was retained on the south-eastern frontier, where no opportunity was aflbrded for signal distinction. He fulfilled his duties, however, in so exemplary a manner that, on the declaration of peace, he was not only retained in the service, but brevetted a Major. In 1S17, when Gaines commanded on the Flo- rida border, a body of Indians at a place called Foultown, refused to emigrate according to stipulation. In consequence. Major Twiggs was sent against them with two hundred and fifty men. On the march, the Indians assailed his command. But, alter a desperate fight, Twiggs came oft' victorious, killing and wounding a large number of the savages. He then pursued his route to Foultown, which he found deserted. After destroying the place, he returned to head-quarters, where his gallantry was warmly commended by General Gaines. Soon after, Jackson was sent to supersede Gaines ; and, on the 7th of March, ISIS, under his orders, Twiggs captured St. Marks, the first town taken from Spain in this contest. At the trial of Arbuthnot and Ambrister, English subjects who were exe- cuted by Jackson for abetting the Indians, Twiggs was present, and approved of the decision of the Commander-in-chief Many years of peace succeeded these events, during which no opportunity for distinction was afforded to the army. Twiggs, meantime, rose to be Lieutenant-Colonel of the fourth infantry. At last the Black Hawk war occurred. Twiggs was now ordered with his regiment to the seat of hostilities, and was on board the steamboat Henry Clay when the cholera broke out, during her voy- age up the lakes. In the biography of Scott we have described the liprrors of that fearful time. Twiggs, finding that the boat on which ha had embarked was become a pest-house, assumed the responsi- bility of landing his command at Fort Gratiot, on the lower end of l^ake Huron. The last person to leave the boat was Twiggs himself. But the sulferings of the troops were not yet at an end. The pesti- DAVID K. TWIGGS. 933 lence followed them, though in a niiiisated form, ami a large num- ber perished of the disease. Others, apjKillL-d by the Uar of mlVction, deserted and many of them died miserably in llie wilderneba, where the wolves devoured their bodies. The frank, brave character of Twiggs early reconmiendt-d tuin to Jackson, with whom indeed he possessed many points \u conitiioii. Accordingly the latter, now become President, assigned T\vik-,;» the command of the arsenal at Augusta, a gratifying app..intmt'ni lo itie recipient, since it placed him in a vicinity endeared to him from child- hood. The post, at that time, was of great importance, lor n was ihc period of the nullification excitement, and, in case of un oulbreak, the protection of the arms at Augusta would have been of the njosl vital moment. Subsequemly, Twiggs was stationed at Now Orlmiui ; and in the latter place he continued to reside for a considerable tunc. When the Florida war broke out, Twiggs was ordered to the it-.-ne of hostilities. The murder of Major Dade and his command had exasperated the army, a feeling in which the nation sharrd at lar..- The desire to meet the Indians burned in every bosom. I he bv . • of Wuhlagoochie, fought by Gaines, and in which Twiggs was second in command, gratified in part this desire for revenge. On the e.ghth of June, 1836, Twiggs was appointed Colonel of the second regimcnl of dragoons, then directed to be raised. The orgamzal.on o th,. new command had scarcely been completed when he was ordered to Florida. The character of the war was now, however, changed. The territory was dotted with small posts, which divided the num- bers and impaired the strength of the army -and in -nse.uoncc no more general actions were fought. Besides, the Indians wer ascr^ Tpitched battles, preferring a desultory warfare ^V - --^ 'in.M ^Prv.ces of Twiggs were arduous, but not l.nlliani. <;nrni'isps 1 lie services oi -i " 'so , • ■ He'Z finally succeeded in his co,.,„,and by Wo„h. --a o-.v..r. years following, owing to family allhcons, -";■.;";■;"',. , When General Taylor was ordered "• '^'"1" »' ' j 1 ; „;"l„n ,he head of two sqnadrons of ^"""""':j;;:^:-':^Zn,oZ ""^=' ^'«"''rrx ,at'7::d sl.,l:::a.'su'r,c,e... u.n...... laller's "-"'S"""""- "J *■ "' ;" ' „ tattle of Palo Alio, rw,«^,. «. in .he biography o^V or. A - " ,„„ ^„,„„.„ .„„y. ,.„ .econd H, eomrnand, ed the '-^^J"f .^,„„ ,,„ i,.„.,„, «„„ this occasion, as well as a. Risaca tie i ,hat,ahle bravery winch •» I'- ^ ^;;- ' ,' . ;, f,„ ^r lor, „, his despatches, con,,,ln,,cns»-^^^^^^^^^^^,^^ ^^^^^ liaving authorised the creation M — u " ' , yu 234 DAVID E. TWIGGS. t^;^. '*, ' ■ 1 1 >) FIGHTING IN THE SIREBTS IN MiiNTEBKV. after appointed to one of the commissions. At Monterey, Twiggs commanded a division on the eastern side of the town. It was here that the most terrible fighting, perhaps, of the whole siege, occurred. On the third day he dashed into the city, drove the enemy along the streets, and was rapidly approaching Worth, who was advancing from the other side, when the capitulation took place. Twiggs was now appointed Governor of the town, when, as at Matamoras, his strict discipline, combined with impartial justice, maintained order. He lemained at Monterey until summoned, with his veteran troops, to join General Scott, when the latter was about to begin the siege of Vera Cruz. Vera Cruz fell; and now began that famous march to Mexico, which has had no parallel since the days of Cortez ! On the 17th of April the army arrived at the pass of Cerro Gordo, which was held by Santa Anna at the head of twenty thousand men. The chief work of that bloody day fell on Twiggs. He had been ordered lo turn the enemy's left, and, by occupying the national road in Santa Anna's rear, to cut olfall retreat. This duty he performed in the most splendid manner. During the advance of Twiggs on this occasion, he detached a part of his division to curry the height of DAVID K. T\vi(;t;s. Cerro Gordo. This acclivity was cr.nvn.'d will, a towi-r.:.!,,! lortn.-.l the key to the enemy's position. - The brigade," says Sc-oit n. ' despatches, alluding to this movement, "ascended tlie Ion? :•. - ficult slope of Cerro Gordo, without sheltcr.and under a trn; fire of artillery and musketry, with the utmost steadiness, : the breastworks, drove the enemy from them, planted the colors of the first artillery, third and seveiuh infantry— the enemy's flag Mill dying— and after some minutes of sharp firing, finished the conllici with the bayonet." Twiggs was not personally present at the d.-cisive siruesle at Con- treras, on the morning of the 20th of August, thouu'h he had lu-.u engaged in the action of the early juirt of the preredniij aftt-rnnnn. As the ground in the front of the enemy was too hr(»ken for ho: Twiggs, at that time suflcring from lameness, was compelU-d lo re- tire to his head-quarters. In the subse(pient operations of the 20th. however, he played an active part. Marching with his div: • across the country, he was the first to reach Churuhusco. Thr r. .• by which he approached the village runs nearly at riyht anLri.-N i.. the Acapulco road, and about four hundred yards before joimnv n. is defended by a hacienda of great strength. As Worth was advan- cing along the Acapulco road, it became necessary to carry il>e haci- enda before a union could be effected with the latter General. The share of Twiggs in the battle of Churuhusco is thus mod- stated in his report to the Commander-in-chief The narrative i up the thread of events inunediately after the victory of " Pursuing a small retreating force," says Twigjzs, " through ilie villages of San Angel and Santa Catarina, we gave them occaMoii- ally a running fire until we arrived in front of Churuhusco. Here the enemy were in a strongly fortified position, with .seven pieces of cannon and several thousand bayonets, a large body of luncer» guarding the approach to the right of their work, which wns m< plete. I now came to a halt, by order of the Gencral-in-chnM. l.>r the purpose of having a reconnoisance made. Lieutenant ^' of the engineers, was sent forward to look at the enemy's ; supported by the company of sappers and miners. He rcj i good position for Taylor's battery towards the left of ihc work, from which it was practicable to drive from the roof and walls of ilic church such of the enemy as, from their elevated postiion. co.ild annoy my foot-troops destined to storm ihc work surroundinp the church. " The battery was accordingly ordered up. It o\»uvi\ with prcai spirit, and remained under a most gaiuiu 236 DAVID E. TWIGGS. grape, round-shot, shell and musketry, for an hour and a half; by which time, having accomplished the desired object, it was with- drawn, much crippled in officers, men and horses. In the meantime. Smith's brigade was ordered in the same direction the battery took, inmiediately in front of the work, and Riley's further to our left, with a view of turning and gaining entrance to the open portion of the intrenchments on the enemy's right. After an uninterrupted and severe fire on both sides for two hours my troops entered the work. All the regiments were close at hand, and shared equally in the dangers and honors of the day. General Rincon, the commander of the place, and two other general officers, together with several others of rank, in all numbering one hundred and four, and one thousand one hundred and fifty five non-commissioned officers and privates, prisoners of war, seven pieces of cannon, and a large num- ber of small arms, and soine ammunition, fell into our hands. This closed the operations of my division, which had been under arms in the face of the enemy without intermission for thirty hours, and achieved one of the most glorious triumphs to the American arms !" At Molino del Rey Twiggs was not in action, that battle being fought almost entirely by the division of Worth. When, however, Scott determined to assault Chapultepec he sent for the veteran di- visions of Twiggs and Worth, and from them selected the storming party. In the operations that succeeded, to Twiggs was entrusted the delicate task of making a false attack on the southern gates, while Worth and Quitman assaulted the garitas of Belen and San Cosmo. The importance of the services of Twiggs on this occasion, may be best understood by imagining what might have been the consequences, if, in the ardor for glory, he had converted his feigned, into a real attack, and thus, perhaps, prevented the success of the whole operations. But cool and circumspect, he admirably executed his instructions. He maintained so fierce a cannonade on the gates in his front, that the enemy were convinced that this was to be the main point of attack ; nor was it until Chapultepec had fallen, when it was too late to shift the heavy guns, that the secret was discovered. General Twiggs is about six feet high, and stout in proportion. He has a fine, soldierly look, though he begins to wear, in his face, the marks of hard service and of age. He is a strict disciplinarian, but kind to his men. Perhaps no man in the army, after Taylor, is so popular with the soldiers. Twiggs received, in May, 1848, the brevet of Major-General, to date from the capture of Monterey. VERA cncz. JOSEPH G. TOTTKX HE Military Academy at West I'ouit has proved of iuostiinaMe service to our army iii the war with Mexico. There was a day when it was the fashion to decry this insijtuimii, and to ridicule its graduates as beiiij? dandies rather than soldiers. But, like the oHicers of the Kn- glish guards who were the heroi-s «.f Walcrloo, the cadets of West l*oint have been forrniost wherever occasion demanded it. At Hk.-f Cho- bee, Pelaklaklaha, Fori Kannuij;. Pa!.» Alto. and Resaca de la Palma. every oihrtr who died was a graduate, and every one (h.-d wiih a wound in his front. In other fi.-lds, where skill ratlier than hrav.-ry wa.<. required, the «• entific knowledge of the West Point cadets s;.ved ,hc elTusion of rivers of blood. An instance of this occurred al \ era ^ ru« 'rhcre "I: r. 238 JOSEPH G. TOTTEN. Colonel Totteii, one of tlie oldest graduates of the academy, had the general direction of the siege operations, Joseph G. Totten was horn in Connecticut, ahont the 3^ear 1786. He was first appointed to the army in 1805; but for some cause unknown to us, lie resigned. On the approach of war, he re- sumed his old profession. In 1810 he was made a Lieutenant, and in 1812 a Captain. On the 6th of June, 1812, he received the brevet of Major for meritorious services, and shortly after, at the battle of Queenstown, was made a prisoner by the British. Subsequently, being exchanged, he was present at Plattsburg, as chief engineer of General Macomb's army, on which occasion he was thanked in general orders and rewarded with the brevet of Lieutenant-Colonel. He continued in the army after the peace. In 1818, he became Major of the engineers. In 1824, the brevet of Colonel was bestowed on him. He was promoted to be a full Lieutenant-Colonel in 1828; and in 1838 was appointed to his present rank of chief engineer. As the head of the corps of engineers Totten had the entire con- trol in throwing up the works at Vera Cruz. On this occasion, art was carried to its utmost limits. The lines constructed by him were the admiration of military men of all countries, and proved that, notwithstanding a long peace, the officers of the United States army were adepts in their profession. That a city so admirably fortified should fall m so short a time must ever redound to the glory of Tot- ten. Next to Scott, the head of the engineer corps should enjoy the renown of that capture. The Commander-in-chief, in his official despatch, says : — " In consideration of the great services of Colonel Totten, in the siege that has just terminated so successfully, and the importance of his presence at Washington as the head of the engi- neer-bureau, I entrust this despatch to his personal care, and beg to commend him to the very favorable consideration of the department." The engineer corps of the United States army is its vitality. It has charge of the preservation of all existing forts, and of the con- struction of all new ones. In an active campaign its officers are entrusted with the preparation of whatever field-works may be con- sidered necessary. All storming parties are generally led by mem- bers of this corps. Without the services of the engineers at Monte- rey, Vera Cruz, Cerro Gordo, and Chapultepec, those victories would have been changed into defeats. The chief of the corps of engineers is, ex officio^ Inspector of the Academy at West Point. In both person and countenance Totten is graceful ; and seems younger than he really is. ROBERT PATTERSON \ \E of the earliest appointiiiiim lo the army, after tlie Mrxjnu war bcijati, was tiiar of iv ^^ r.ittersou, of PliiludoIjJiitt, to U? j7f^^\ a Major-Cleueral, Tins geuil' /\i "''^" '''^*' '^'"^ '**^'''*'*-*^ *" .Mttj»>r- / "^■y (Ifiieral of the first (Jivimdii <>( / \I\'misylvaiiia nulitia, nnil hi selection by the Presuleiit w/» a delicate cotiipliiiuMit to jhic ju'ople o( that slatr, f>' ala<"riiy in furni"«him? Vf Patterson was born ii' » ) %■-' on the liith of Janua bane. Tyrone county, fri- ary, ll'J2. Ilis father emigrated to A^crl {IIXl. ica ui 240 ROBERT PATTERSON. 1798, in consequence of having been engaged in the Irish Rebellion, and settled iti Delaware county, Pennsylvania. Young Patterson became early engaged in trade, and with such success as ultimately to render him one of the wealthiest citizens of Philadelphia. His military career began in the war of 1812, when he entered the army as a Lieutenant. He served for some time on the staff of Brigadier-General Bloomfield, and, on the 19th of April, 1814, was commissioned Captain in the thirty-second infantry. On the close of the war he retired from the service, but devoting his leisure hours to the volunteer service, rose successively to be a Brigadier, and then Major-General of the Pennsylvania militia. His appointment to the army in Mexico bears date January the 7th, 1846. On the Rio Grande, Patterson was, at one time, in command of an army of eleven thousand men. He was preparing for a descent on Tampico, when he received orders to join Scott in the latter's ex- pedition against Vera Cruz. During the action at Madeline river, near the latter place, Patterson brought up a reinforcement of Ten- nessee volunteers, but generously declined to supersede Colonel Harney. At Cerro Gordo sickness prevented his leading his division, and the command devolved on Pillow. Soon after this battle he returned to the United States, being left without a suitable command in consequence of the expiration of the terms of so mj^ny volunteers. On his retirement Scott complimented him as follows in general orders : — " This distinguished general officer will please accept the thanks of the General-in-chief, for the gallant, able, and efficient support uniformly received from the second in rank in the army." In October, 1847, Patterson returned to Mexico. In person he is tall and soldierly. aagf-^^' ^^^"^k, BATTLE Of CONTKkRAf. PERSIFER F. SMITH HE hero of Confreras was Colonel P. Y . Smiili, at that time a Brigadier-General by hrcvt-i. On the night preceding that brilliant viciory, M-|ien even the boldest were beginning to dcsp.iir, his heroic spirit was the salvation of his iroops. Si- lently forming his men before daybreak, he made Ig^^^ a short appeal to their conrage, and then led 1 ^^ them to that immortal charge whi<-h (i: ■ rising over the bank, stood fronting the rear of the work, but st.Il sheltered from its fire by a slight acclivity before him. Havuu- r.-^ formed his ranks, he ascended the top of the hill, and was m lu,l view of the enemv, who immediately opened a warm hrtj, noi •• from the work, but on his right llank. Throwing out his two Uo. 244 PERSIFER F. SMITH. divisions as skirrnishors, he rushed down the slope to the work. The engineer company and rifles had been thrown across an intervening ravine, under the brow of the slope, and from that position swept it in front of his column, and then, inclining towards their left, joined in the attack on the troops outside of the left bank of the fort. In the mean time, General Cadwalader followed the route taken by Riley, and forming his columns as the troops came up, moved on to Riley's support. The first brigade had been ordered to follow the same route ; but, while it was still marching in that direction by its right flank up the ravine, and nearly opposite the work, seeing a large body of the enemy on its left flank, I ordered Major Dimock to face the brigade to the left, and, advancing in line, attack this force in flank. This was done in the finest style, and the first artil- lery and third infantry, mounting the bank of the ravine, rushing down the next, and up its opposite bank, met the enemy outside of the work just as Riley's brigade poured into it, and the whole gave way. Cavalry, formed in line for the charge, yielded to the bayonets of our foot, and the rout was complete, while Riley's brigade cleared the work, and planted their colours on it." Smith subsequently participated, on the same day, in the assault on the hacienda at Churubusbo. Here, according to Scott's oflicial report, he "directed the whole attack in front, with his habitual coolness and bravery." A portion of his regiment, towards the close of the contest, was detached to reinforce Shields, but he did not per- sonally accompany it. The garrison at the hacienda surrendered to the third infantry, belonging to Smith's division. In all the opera- tions of the day, from the assault on Contreras to the capitulation of Churubusco, Smith rendered himself conspicuous, and established his reputation not only as one of the bravest, but as one of the best general officers in the army. Smith was appointed one of the negotiators of the armistice. When hostilities were resumed he continued with the division of Twiggs until after the battle of Molino del Rey. Before Scott, however, commenced his operations against Chai)ultepec, he withdrew Suiith from his proper division and annexed him to Quitman's command : hence, in the assault on the castle, and in the battle at the Belen gate, Smith personally participated. In the official report of those events liis name is mentioned with high praise. In stature Smith is of the middle height. He is stout in frame, and active in his movements. His hair is ligiit ; his eyes animated ; and the expression of his countenance, intellectual. 'SlEIRil.gLKlQIlIL© SHIELDS PIRSUIXO THE MEXICANS TOWARPi Clir«CBCi<». JAMES SlUKLU^ HE licroism of Shu-Id* w as proverbial as liisch; roiis sense of honor. At Corro Gordo, Churub> and Cliainillepec he i cularly dislincuishcd lam- self, and in the fir*l tiMl last of tlu'MJ haillcs w»« tiovcrely \voiindrid gallantly carried ii, aft«T u sli decisive acticni. I(l<»li/«d by I. and resj)ectt*d by liis fellow " Riley enjoys one of tlu« most vu-. » • re|)iitali()iis ill the uriiiy. Kiley was born in Si. .Ma ry'v county. He entered the service un Kiisiirn "f For- syth's regiment of rillcniiii in 18l;i, ami jomed the army ai ^ !i*» Harbor in the spring of that year. He served ihrmii^houl lli« war with credit, and was favorably mentioned nii several occaMoiw hy his commanding oliicers. .At that lime, no less than now. I distinguished for heroic courage, coolness m battle, and «rc.i» inm- ral sagacity. M — X ^^^ Md., about the year 1790. 254 BENNET RILET. On the conclusion of peace, Riley remained in the service, and was marched with his regiment to the Mississippi frontier. In 1821, the rifles were disbanded, when Riley was transferred to the infan- try, with the rank of Captain. While stationed on the frontier, he was frequently called on to engage the Indians, and in 1823 distinguished himself to such a degree, in a battle with the Anicko- rees, that he received the brevet of Major. In 1829, he was ordered to guard the caravan to Santa Fe, with directions afterwards to await the return of the traders. During their absence, he defeated the Indians in two pitched battles ; and subsequently, convoyed the merchants, with their treasures, safely to St. Louis. For his con- duct in this expedition, the legislature of Missouri voted him a sword. In 1831, Riley was despatched to the seat of the Black Hawk war. He served to the end of hostilities, and was in the final struggle, the battle of Bad-axe. In 1837, he was promoted to be a full Major, and in the succeeding year, was ordered to Florida. He saw but little service here, however, before he was removed, in the same year, to Fort Gibson. In December, 1839, he was made a Lieutenant-Colonel. He was now despatched a second time to Florida, where he remained until the spring of 1842, actively engaged in that difficult and sanguinary conflict. He was in the action of Chookachattee, in 1841, and behaved himself with such gallantry, that he received the brevet of a Colonel. Throughout the whole period, moreover, during which he served in Florida, he distinguished himself by his energy, promptitude, and courage. In July, 1846, Riley was ordered to Mexico, where a wider field of glory opened before him. He first distinguished himself at the battle of Cerro Gordo. Here he commanded a brigade, and by his activity and heroism, assisted in the defeat of the enemy. When, on the 7th of August, the army set forward from Puebia, for Mexico, Riley was assigned the second brigade of the second division. Arriving in front of Contreras, on the afternoon of the 1 9th of August. he played a prominent part in the action that followed, and which was terminated only by night. It was in this action that Riley proved the discipline and coolness of his brigade ; for, being charged by the enemy's lancers in overwhelming force, he remained unmoved. Twice this splendid cavalry, in number several thousand, thundered upon him ; twice he threw his brigade into square, and. receiving the assailants with a rolling volley, repulsed them in disorder. A third time they attempted the charge, but now, after delivering Iiis volley, Riley ordered his men to follow wilii the BENNET RILKT. 255 bayonet, on which the Mexicans fled in (he wildest confusion, and abandoned all further attempts. Fur the skill and dani.g h.r evinced on this occasion, KiU-y received ihe cominendaijous of the Con:imander-in-chief, in the otiicial report of the action. But it was in the assault of the intrenched camp, on the nuccrcd- ing morning, tliat Riley won his brightest laurels. The plan cf i»h; attack having been arranged by Smith, and the attack on Valfi.ou'« position been confided to Riley, the latter placed himself at the head of his brigade, and stealing into the ravine in the rear of the fort, formed his men into column of attack. Then, after a laconic harangue, he led them to the charge. At a rapid pace they rushed up the acclivity which separated them from the foe, and arriving at the top, beheld the soldiers of Valencia in their intrenchnienis Ihmow. The Mexicans, little expecting an assault in their rear, were looking out in front for the appearance of the Americans, when suddenly a wild yell from the crest of the hill behind, attracted their attcimon, and turning around, they beheld Riley rushing down upon them. Consternation immediately seized the soldiers of Valencia. In vain their leader strove to inspire them ; in wild atTright they broke and fled, with scarcely the show of resistance. In a tew minutes the action was over. Scott, in his olhcial report, says of this Lniliani afi'air : "The opportunity afforded to Colonel Riley by his position, was seized by that gallant veteran with all the skill and energy for which he is distinguished. The charge of his noble brigade down the slope, in full view of friend and foe, unchecked even (or a moment, until he had planted all his colors upon their furthest works, was a spectacle that animated the army to the boldest deeds." Riley, on the same day, played a conspicions part at Cliurubusco, where he was engaged in the assault of the hacienda. For his behavior in this action, he was again complimented by Scoii, as well as by the commanding ollicer of his division, Twiggs. Riley was not present either at Molino del Rey or Cliapuliepcc ; his brigade being retained under Twiggs, at the gales on the Tacu- baya road. The services he and his fellow soldiers performed here, though less brilliant than those rendered at the Chapultepec road, were quite as important, for without the diversion thus eireoii-d, the capital would not have fallen. In consequence of his eirKionry throughout the campaign, but especially in token of his heroism at Conireras, Riley has received the brevet of Urmadier-Gcncral. In person, Riley is tall and rather slim. lli« fuco prcacnls lh« beau ideal of a veteran soldier. He wears his whiskers, which ar« iron grey, trimmed up to his eyes, while a scar upon his count* 256 BENNET RILEY. nance adds to his military aspect. Owing to an affection of the palate, his voice is peculiar. He is adored by his soldiers, who feel competent for anything, " if old Riley," as he is familiarly termed, is with them. (BElR). (©ODQlTKOAR!. OM, M^ ^^-^^//^Ar^ tfe. 6BNERAL QI'ITMA:* AT THE CARITA DK BKLn. JOHN A. QUITMAN. HE glory of being ihc first Aineruan comiiiaiider to enter the city of M»'X»ro, belongs to John A. Quiinian, M;iji»i- General in the United Stiiios atn. At the head of his heroic divi.sion, . fought his way into the c., on • evening of the 13lh of S<'|>ifnr 1847, and, on thi^ succeeding ni«»ri advanced to the great square, and hoisted the Aujcrioan Hag tin ' palace of the Montczumas. Quitniaii was horn at Rhineheck, in the state of New York, on the 1st of September, 1799. IIis father was a Pru-.l..r-(.rn. eral of volunteers. His republican manners and M.-rlmu- M-n« soon made him popular wuh his soldiers. Having or^vunxcd his command, he was directed to j.)in Wool, and accompany ihal leader in his contemplated expedition ogumsl Chihuahu.v He 863 264 JOSEPH LANE. accordingly marched to Parras, and subsequently to Saltillo. At this latter place Wool's column arrived towards the close of 1846. In the succeeding February, the great battle of Buena Vista was fought, and here Lane won his first laurels. It fell to the lot of this General, at the head of the second Indiana regiment, to receive the first shock of the conflict. Lane had been posted, on the evening of the 22d, in a comparatively strong position, but finding, when the action opened on the succeeding morning, thit his infantry was placed at too great a distance from the enemy for its fire to be effective, he took the bold resolution of advancing, which he did, at the head of but four hundred men, assisted by O'Brien's battery. The ground he now occupied was very strong, but the measure, nevertheless, had nearly proved fatal to the Ameri- cans. O'Brien, indeed, gallantly advanced, but the infantry failed to support him, and in the end, the whole of Lane's forces gave way, O'Brien losing one of his guns, A few of the retreating detachment fled from the field entirely, but the greater portion rallied, and fought afterwards with heroism. Before they retired, however, they had withstood the fire of four thousand infantry in front, and that of a battery on their flank, nor did they give way until each man had discharged twenty rounds of cartridges. The retreat was caused not by any want of courage on the part of the men, but by the misconception of an order. Lane had intended to charge, but his subordinate, Colonel Bowles, misunderstanding his wishes, directed the soldiers to fall back. Those who were witliin sound of his voice, accordingly began a retreat. But others, who had not heard the order, refused to leave their ground, and called earnestly on the remainder to stand fast. For a while many hesitated, but the retrograde movement finally became general. It is impossi- ble to say what would have been the result if Lane had charged. There is a possibility that the enemy would have been repulsed, but it is much more probable that the Americans would have perished to a man. An interval of three-quarters of a mile intervened between them and support; what, under such circumstances, could four hundred achieve against four thousand? It is said, however, that Wool expressed the opinion subsequent to the battle, that if the charge had been made, it would have been crowned with success ; for, Santa Anna, dislieartened by the determined resistance of Lane, was about to pass the order to retreat. Colonel Bowles, on whom the chief censure rested, was not, however, a coward ; all unite in testi- fying to his bravery ; but he seems to have been incapacitated for his station, and to have wanted the confidence of his men. Some JOSEPH LANE. §§/( of his regiment joined the Mississippians later in the day, and undci their self-elected flag, performed prodigies of valor. It was towards the close of the actioti, and when ilic last charge of the enemy on our left was made, that Lane, thongh womidetl. particularly distinguished himself The third Indiana, ihr .M.>m*. sippians, and the second Indiana, here withstood a charge of n«-arly five thousand Mexicans. Tlie aspect of the enemy's lancers as ilicy bore down upon this small band, in solid cohnnn, was mairinficfni in the extreme. 'Ihey came on at first in a trot, their lancrs yinirf. ing and their many-colored permons waving aloft : theii,acceleniiing their pace to a gallop, with lances poised and hues dreKs«'tJ, (hejr rushed forward unopposed until within twenty paces of the .Ameri- cans. The latter had been ordered to reserve their fire. Mut now Lane, rising in his stirrups, shouted " Give it to them, my lads!** Instantly the whole line was a hluzc of fire. As the sinok«- eltMr«;d off, the enemy were seen wheeling to fly, while whole pluioons of fallen men and horses strewed the gromid. .\ second and third volley completed the confusion of the enemy, who flrd in the greatest disorder. The Americans now advanced, Laiu- ndiug in their front exclaiming exultingly, " We'll whip theni yet." ('r«» . -^ M— Y ^'' 2Gr, JOSEPH LANE. fiaht commenced, in which the American cavalry principally parti- cipated. At last the Mexicans were driven back upon the town. Night had now fallen. Considering it inexpedient to risk a street fi: 1^ M ^' - I'ljir^ yi GIDEON J. PILLOW. Il)i:().\ .1. PILLOW, :i M.ijor- (liiHTiil ill the rmicd Stale* army, w'as bom on the 10th o| 'jiiiii', IS06, in Williamson coun- ty, TiMinessoe. IIis fanuly wa* one which had greatly dislingni»hcd iIm-1i in the Indian wars of the S4)nlh-wrM. Pil- low gradnated at tiie rniversiiy o( Nash- ville in \S21. In October, 18^9, he n* •• admitted to the bar, and soon nct\n extensive practice. In 1S;51, he was appointed Inspcriort. ■ - of the Tennessee militia. With this excM-piion, np to the p.-n-Ml -i 111. appointment to the armv, he engaged in no public eu.pu.yii.cni. ae7 268 GIDEON J. PILLOW. but contented himself with the enjoyment of that private ease for which an ample fortune quaUfied him. After the fall of Monterey, Pillow joined Taylor, at the head of a brit^ade of the twelve months volunteers. He was among the Generals selected to accompany Scott to Vera Cruz, at which place accordingly he first saw service. On the fall of the city he was one of the three commissioners appointed, on the part of the Americans, to arrange a capitulation. Subsequently, he commanded a division at Cerro Gordo. His task, in this battle, was to carry the batteries in the American front, while Twiggs, making a circuit, stormed the stronger forts in the rear. Owing to accidental circumstances Pil- low failed in his attack ; but the employment he gave the enemy assisted indirectly in the victory. On the 13th of April, 1847, Pillow was commissioned a Major- General. He was present on the afternoon of the 19th of August, in the preliminary operations at Contreras, but was absent on the following morning, when Smith made his decisive attack. At Churu- busco Pillow combatted in person, being the second in command. At Chapultepec he led one of the storming parties, and was wounded in the assault. In all these operations he proved himself a brave man. In reference, however, to his skill as a General a warm contro- versy has existed ever since he entered the army : a fate natural to all civilians, who, without peculiar merit, are elevated suddenly to the highest military rank. His claims to renown in arms can only be decided by posterity. 1 4 4 ^(^\E¥\. (DAlDW^lAlDElEa f^d-i-y—ti^ o_ NATIONAL BRtDOE. GEORGE C \ ',1 ' , m ■ m 1776, and were daily thrcati-nm A DAY A LA Pi: 11 HE renown of arms niny »>•• con- sidered hereditary in tlie Cadwul- ader family, ll>e present Gencrai beiui,' ihe third in li»<-«l dt-M-ciit who'has won unlitary distuKi.un. John Cadwalad.r. «he tftaud- father of the present lieneral. wa» a citi/.'M of large estate in Phil*- delphia, at the period when ihr war of independence l»<-gtin. K«»- terin? ardently mlo the cau« of ,he he formed a company. n.n.posed clnetly of youn. of the best fainihe* of ihr who, on that areonnt. werr ^^ ..,he silk-storkin? company. — When the Hr.l.nh l«»a «'^''^"; N„w .l.'rsey in the autnnm of \o cross the I)ela^»'ar« and .*^««'- 269 M — Y 270 GEORGE CADWALADER. Philadelphia, Cadwalader was one of those who remained true to the cause of his country. It was, in a measure, through his exer- tions that the Pennsylvania militia were so promptly brought into the field to meet the crisis. Washington always spoke of his con- duct in that emergency with warm praise. Subsequently, when it was determined to raise a cavalry force, Cadwalader was offered the command of it, with the rank of General in the continental line ; but the alliance with France having just been concluded, he believed the war nearly at an end, and accordingly declined the honor. He died in 1786. His son, Thomas Cadwalader, succeeded, not only to his father's estates, but to his military rank, being elected, in due course of time, Major-General of the first division of Pennsylvania militia. No op- portunity was aflbrded this gentleman, to win the shining renown which his sire had obtained in the campaign of 1776. AtTable, lionorable and brave, however, he obtained the esteem of his fellow citizens, as well as the enthusiastic veneration of the volunteers he commanded. 'George Cadwalader, the subject of this sketch, was the second son of Thomas Cadwalader. More fortunate than his father, or even than his grandsire, he has attained, at a comparatively early age, the rank of Brigadier-General in the United States army. From his earliest years, he evinced a decided predilection for arms. This taste a large fortune allowed him to gratify. He formed and drilled, chiefly at his own expense, two volunteer companies, one of infantry and another of artillery. He soon acquired the reputation of being the best amateur officer in the United States. His company of artillery was second only to those of Ringgold and Duncan, and inferior, perhaps, merely in the training of the horses. His courage was known to be of the most unflinching character, having been displayed, at the head of the troops, during the terrible riots in Philadelphia in 1844. When the war with Mexico began, he promptly offered his artil- lery corps to the govermneni, expressing his willingness to serve with it whenever ordered to the field. The department, however, ilid not accept the tender; but the patriotism of Cadwalader was not lorgotten. Subsequently, when the bill for raising a force of volun- teers to serve diu'ing the war was passed, the commission of a Bri- gadier-General was bestowed on him by the President of the United States. His appointment bears date March 3rd, 1847. He imme- dititely repaired to the seat of war, where he had the good fortune to be present in every battle of note, from the time he joined the army to the fall of the c:ipital. GEORGE CADWALADKR. 271 The first affair in which Cadwahuler distinjjmshod hims*lf in Mexico was a skirmish at the naiioiial briilge, duritii,' his march \o join Scott at Puebla. Colonel Mcintosh had starlt-d with a iraiu lor ihc interior, but being attacked by an overpowering force of ihu enemy, had been forced to await the arrival of Cadwalader, who, heantig of his danger, hurried up, with eight hin)dred men, to his succor. On ap- proaching the national bridge, Cadwalader, at the head of the umled forces, seized some heights which the enemy had previously ix-cu- pied. He was here attacked by a strong force, biu njade iruml his defence, charging the Mexicans incessantly, until their Mrenu'th was broken, when the bridge was passed in safety. In this action iht foe lost one hundred iu killed and wounded : Cadwalader about lifiy. GENERAL C ADWALAOKR DEFKAT.NO TllK MUICAN* AT III ■ MATIoMAl •>(>•■. This victory was won principally by ar.ill.Ty. a 'V-nc, of for« -..h which Cadwalader was perfectly f^'"'"^";^ ^, j.o.,.r,r«. 1,1 the action of the 15th of August, lsl,,in irom 272 GEORGE CADWALADER. as well as in the grand assault on the intrenched camp on the follow- ing morning, Cadwalader played a conspicuous part. Riley had been ordtMcd to interpose between the village and the fortified hill, and Cadwalader was despatched to support him. Cadwalader, however, on reaching the village, saw Santa Anna advancing to the relief of the hill, on which, instead of following Riley, he seized the village, knowing that the Mexican General must march through it or make a long circuit through the mountains. On perceiving Cadwalader's film front, Santa Anna halted. This movement of the American (ieneral prevented the intrenched camp being reinforced, and exercised a material influence on the events of the succeeding day. Pillow, in his oflrcial report, speaks thus of this affair : — " About this time, Brigadier-General Cadwalader's command had also crossed the plain, when some five thousand or six thousand troops of the enemy were observed moving rapidly from the direction of the capital to the field of action. Colonel Morgan, with his large and fine regiment, which I had caused to be detached from the rear of Pierce's brigade, was now ordered to the support of Cadwalader, by direction of the General-in-chief, who had now arrived upon the field. This General, having discovered this large force moving upon his right flank, and to die rear, with decided military tact and promptitude, threw back his right wing, and confronted the enemy, with the intention to give him battle, notwithstanding his over- whelming force. This portion of the enemy's force moved steadily forward until a conflict seemed inevitable, when Colonel Morgan's regiment, having reached this part of the field, presented a front so formidable, as to induce the enemy to change his purpose, and draw oft' to the right and rear of his former position." On the ensuing morning Cadwalader commanded the reserve. Smith, in the otficial account, says : " Brigadier-General Cadwalader brought his corps up from his intricate bivouac in good order, formed the head of his column to support Riley's, and led it forward in the most gallant style, under the fire directed at the latter." Pillow, in his report, sums up the part taken by CadwaUider in these two actions, as follows : " Brigadier-General Cadwalader displayed great judgment, high military skill, and heroic courage, in the manner in which he met the sudden and trying emergency, when all parties were in great anxiety for the safety of his comparatively small com- mand, when about to be assailed by the overwhelming reinforce- ments of the enemy on the preceding evenmg ; and also in the manner in which he brought up his command to the support of the gallant Riley." GEORGE CADWAI. ADER. O"! At Churubnsco, later on the same dny, lie behaved with cjual bravery and skill, assistin;,' in the assault of the tele du point. IMIow says of his condnct on this occasion, in conjnnciic>n wnh that of Pierce :— " I cannot withhold the expression of my sense of ihe deep obligations I am nnder for the success and honor dnc lo n>y command, to my gallant IJrigadier-Generals, whose prompiiindo, skill, and daring, were cipial to every emergency, and who, m the absence of discipline in their connnands. met and overeanic every obstacle, and led on their brigades to honor and distinction." It was at iMolino del liey, however, that Cadwahidrr won his brightest lanrels. In this battle he connnanded the reserve, and when the colnmn which assanlted the enemy's centre was re|»iilicd, and defeat appeared for a moment inevitable, he advanced with such impetuosity to its relief, that the enemy fell hack m confiiMon, and the works were carried. Worili, in the ollicial report of ilie battle, says : — '' I desire to bring to the notice of the Gcncral-in-chicf the gallantry and conduct of Brigadier-General Cadwalader and his command, by which the most timely and essential service waa rendered in supporting the attack, and following up t!»o success. Such movements as he was directed to make were executed with zeal and promptness," The charge made by Cadwalader's brigade, especially hy the eleventh, under Colonel William Graham, who died pierced with seven, wounds while marching at its head, was, j)erhaps, the iiiosi terrible in the whole war, not even excepting that at Chapiiltei>cc, though the latter has generally been given the precedence. The glory of this one day would be snllicient for an ordinary repiiiation. At Chapultepcc, Cadwalader, as second in coinmand, sncctM1 v^^-V -^J. ' ( ^O"^ cO/.'. "^C o '• .♦' «^o. "T3r:<7-^ \f 'bV ' ' ' O ^^" )r:: * h^^ • • •' V^ -NSt *^' ^^fU *r n"" , o • • . v^ 9^ ''^••' jr ♦ r\ 5.^^^.. '. ,0' ■ • • 40^ ♦ . o • Or • 6 0^ *,, -T.<*' I O '^S '^v. ,.