^5\ Z. •T A stor^- \v( "A BROWN IN CANAD, „£±jk .'Msnry- E 451 .H2 Copy 1 A nONOQRAPH. BY JAMES CLELAND HAMILTON, LL.' ., V. p. CANADIAN INSTITUTE. )e 'i^' such ' was an \cii- cted lose 'un, •m a, if ^ inau \' cou- s will ealize An- only cause with ex- i'Iicted by our author, some could have been found whose s^nnpathies were more with Bomija and Maximi- lian, the representatives of reaction, than with Garibaldi, free Italy, and piogressive Mexico. Some, too, there were among us, and perhaps still are, who regarded the period when the slave-masters ruled in Washington as the halcyon days of the Common- wealth. Few admirers of John Brown will be found among such readers. He was an iconoclast, who spared no idols, however ven- erable, who respected no authority whose creed was oppression, and regarded no form of belief as sacred, if by it the mind of man was in any way con- fined. The fastidious will find it hard to realize a pure-blooded An- glo-Saxon not onlj'^ taking up the cause of the African with enthusiasm, but ex- hibiting no repul- sion from his sooty skin, and treat- ing the meanest slave as a broth- er. The descendant of the May- flower Puritan who had fled across the sea for conscience'-sake, him.self embarks on an ocean of moral con- flict, and is destined to be engulphed in its dark waves. There is one class of our people Brown as, that of a To their who look on the career of without doubt or gainsay, true patriot and saviour, minds, — JOHN BROWN IN CANADA. "There sounds not to the trump of fame The echo uf a nobler name." Such, indeed, is the reverence and love of the African race for John Brown, hero of the Free Soil move- ment in Kansas, and leader of the Harpei" s Ferry raid. They know that he fell a willing martyr to the cause of freedom, and how full of consequence that event was to the lace he Joved. It was the Hash that tired the powder, the spark that kindled the blaze soon to light up all the land. THE VERY REV. WALTER HAWKINS. Su))criiUendent {Bishop) of the B/\ii.E. Church. It will be my object now to show what part Canadians had in this mat- ter. As far back as March 24th, 1 84(J, in a letter written at Richmond, Ohio, John FJrown says : " Jason and I have talked of a visit to Canada next fall. We would like to know more of that country." Soon after this, he remov- ed to North Elba, Essex Co., New York, in the Adirondacks, in which beautiful and romantic region he made his liome. Here he raised his favorite Devon cattle and choice sheep, and aided colored people who came to set- tle on lands given them by Mr Gerrit Smith. His poetic spirit, lov'e of nature, and benevolence, had full and happy scope for a time. His teachings and example were greatly prized by his poor neigh- bors, who required both encourage- ment and a spur to activity in free labor. Wherever Brown's lot was cast, his earnest, manly character was conspicu- ous. His letters to members of his family showed fatherly atftction most sincere, but abounded in les- sons urging to duty. Writing to his son Jolni, he says, " Say to Ruth, to be all that to-day which she intends to be to-morrow." His life was a living example of Carlyle's heroic words : " Not sport, but earnest, is what we should require. It is a most earn- est thing to be alive in this world : to die is not sport for a man. Man's life never was a sport to him ; it w^as a stern reality, alto- gether a serious matter to be alive." (a) The colony grew under Brown's inspiring spirit and Gerrit Smith's benevolence. Among refugees who lived there for a time was Walter Hawkins, a bright young colored man, who had escaped from Mary- land. In 1852, he removed to Canada, became honored and re- vered as a minister of the Gos- pel, and when he died in Juh^ 1894, was Presiding Bishop of the British Methodist Episcopal Church. But the attacks of pro-slavery men from Missouri upon " free-soil " set- tlers in Kansas, called Brown and his devoted sons to aid in defending the cause of freedom there. He stood firm, and grim as a great rock, on the disputed territory. The waves of violence swept around him, carrying the worst elements engendered by slavery, but broke baffled at hi'i feet. (fl) Kroni " Ikroes and Hero Woisliip. x^;^:*?.; ri- >^ ^M JOHN BROWN IN CANADA. " Before the monstrous wrong he set him down, One man against a stone-walled city of sin." He organized forces, obtained sup- plies, arms, and provisions from sym- pathisers in the Eastern States, and soon manfully, and with interest, avenged the attacks of the " Border Ruffians." The slaves in Missouri were scat- tered on the plantations, prevented from meetinii- or consultinu' toi^ether, and kept as ignorant and illiterate as possible. All hope for betterment was suppressed by cruel punishment, or removal to the far south, of those who showed any manliness. The Haytien proverb, " Zie blanc bouille negres," " The eyes of the whites burn up the negroes," was ex- emplified. The new territory of Kan- sas was fast filling with people, and elections were approaching which would decide whether the domain of slavery should be extended to it. That power never scrupled in the use of means to accomplish its ends. The Government of the United States, then in the hands of a temporizing president, and pro-slavery officials, failed to see fair play or to punish out- rage. Brown determined to fight fire with fire. He found promises broken, conventions and compromises only made and used as a means to forward the pro-slavery movement. He could see little use in conferences. " Talk is a national institution, but it does no manner of good to the slave," he would say. Slaves were in his eyes prison- ers of war; their masters, tyrants who had taken the sword and must perish by it. He took his Bible and the Declaration of American Indepen- dence as his guides. He fought in the spirit of Joshua and of (iideon, whose stories and characters had strong fascination for him. In December, 1858, Brown entered Missouri with two small companies of brave men. His lieutenants, John Henry Kagi and Aaron D. Stevens, who were both with him afterwards at Harper's Ferr}^ commanded one, and Brown the other. A negro called Jim had come and stated that he, with his wife and two children and another sla\e would be soon sold, and he begged for help. First these five slaves were liberated, then six other slaves, and two white nien were marched ofi". The companions joined and moved slowly back to the terri- tory, when the white men were re- leased. In the raid, Kagi's party had been opposed by Mr. Cruise, a white man, who was shot down by Stevens in self-defence, as he claimed, while endeavoring to detain a man-chattel. This was unfortunate, but is to be re- garded as an incident of the war, for such in fact, was the desultory con- flict that then raged in the western outskirts of the Republic. This invasion and bold attack on the " peculiar institution," in its home, raised a great connnotion. Brown and Kagi were proclaimed outlaws, and prices were put on their heads. They determined to carry the freed people to Canada. The retreat was through Kansas, Nebraska, Iowa, Illinois and Michigan, and was one of the boldest adventures of the cam- paign. After passing the village of Topeka with various incidents, shelter was found in an enjpty log cabin, where pursuers, headed by a United States marshal, overtook them. They remained on the defensive until a band of young men from To- peka joined them. At Hilton, or Muddy Creek Crossing, the marshal stationed himself with eighty armed men. Brown had only twentj^-three white men and three negroes. The wo- men were sheltered in the cabins with emigrant waggons in front of them. The little company formed in double file. At the word, " Now go straight at 'em boys, they'll be sure to run," Brown and his party marched cpiickly towai'ds the creek, but the foremost had not reached its margin, when the marshal rode ofi' in hot haste, follow- ed liy such of his men as could untie and mount their horses in time. " The JOHN BROWN IN CANADA. scene was ridiculous bej'ond descrip- tion," says one of the party. " Some liorses were hastily mounted b}^ two men ; one man grabbed tight hold of the tail of a horse, trying to leap on from behind, wliile the rider was put- ting spurs into his sides, so he went Hy- ing through the air, his feet touching the ground noA^' and then." Those of our comrades who had horses followed them about six miles, and brought l.)aek four prisoners and five horses. The aiiray at Muddy Creek is known in the history of Kansas as " The Battle of the Spurs, as these instru- ments were the only weapons used. The reader will remember the more famous " Battle of the Spurs," of the year 4513, when the French fled, and some of their most noted men fell into the hands of the soldiers of Henry VIII. The prisoners were made to walk along beside their captors, Brown talking with them on the way concern- ing the wickedness of slavery. In the morning they were set at liberty, but their horses were contiscated, and given to the brave Topeka Boys. As the contrabands advanced into strange territory their remarks showed their simple aft'ectionate nature. One of the women pitied " poor massa 1 he's in a bad fix ; hogs not killed, corn not shucked, and niggers all done o-one." A man driving the oxen, asked the distance to Canada, and was told that it was fifteen hundred miles. "Oh", golly! we uns never get dar befo' spring," he exclaimed, shouting, as he brought the goad down, " Git up dar, buck ; bung along 1" With manj^ adventures, the party pi-essed on towards the North. One of the women gave birth to a child on the way, which was named John Brown. One of the prisoners, taken en route, was a gay young medical man, a rattling blade, whom Brown took under his especial care, and gave him, under compulsion, more moral and religious training than he had re- ceived for years. On his return home he told his story, and said Brown was the best man he had ever met, and knew more about religion than any man. The party reached Detioit on 12th March, 1859, and crossed over to Windsor in Canada. Here these people settled and lived industriously. When the friend they loved so well suffered at Charlestown Court House a few months later, he had no mourn- ers more sincere than these lowly ones of the earth whom he brought to Can- adian manhood and freedom from Missouri an bondage. Samuel Harper, one of the band, lives now with his wife in a comfort- able cottage on Bruce avenue in Windsor. He says that he and she are the only survivors of the party of eleven, except the boy called after John Brown, who, now a man of 35 years of age, lives at Detroit. Harper speaks very gratefully of Brown, say- ing, " I wash I was in a position to pay John Brown. Junior, one half what I owe his father, for what he did for us." He also speaks of the raid, and his old home, with the air of one who reviews the past and feels strongly. He said his " Boss " came after him to Windsor, and wanted him to go back, promising to treat him better than ever before. Harper was indignant, and replied : " I thought you was a smarter man dan dat, but I find you's a fool, come all dis way to ask me to go back to slavery." He told his story as follows. The statement is as accurate as can be ex- pected from one in the position of this freed man, after an age has pas.sed. The person he referred to as Stevens was sometimes called Whipple. He followed Brown to Harper's Ferry, and figured there as Capt. Aaron D. Ste\'ens. He was a man without fear. He was captured, as will be seen, after being wounded, and was tried and ex- ecuted under Virginia law, SAMUEL harper's STORY. " Way back een 1858, w'en Capt'iu Brown kem down inter INIissoureye," said Harpsr, " I was on'y 'bout 18 yeahs ole, but my wife JOHN BROWN IN CANADA. 5 ovah diir, she was 'bout 35. We kep' liearin' of de Capt'in takin' slaves away an' sendin' dera north, till Hn'lly, 'bout Christmas, we he'ad dat de Capt'in was nigh to de fa'ni we wuz Avorkin'. So we done sent him we'd dat we was awaitin' to be took away, an' a few weeks afterwa'ds the capt'in, with his part- ner Kagi, came at night wid a wagin, an' away we druv inter Kansas. " But it was mighty slow trabelin'. You see dey was severil difierent parties 'mongst ouali band, an' ouali niarsers had people look- in' all ovah for us. We'd ride all night, and den maybe, we'd hev ter stay severil days in one house ter keep from gettin' cot. In a montli we'd on'y got to a place near Topeka, which was 'bout forty miles from whar we started. Dey was .12 of us stoppin' at de house of a man named Doyle, besides de capt'in an' his men, w'en dere comes along a gang of slave huntahs. One of Capt'in Brown's men, Stevens, he went downtodem and sayed : — 'Gentlemen, you look 'sif you was lookin' fo' somebody o' somefin'. ' A'y, yas, ' says de leader, ' we think ez how you hav some uv ouah slaves up yondeh een dat 'ere house.' " ' 'S that so ? ' says Stevens. ' Well, come on right along up wid me, an' you kin look hem ovah an' see ' " We wuz a watchin" this yere conve'sation all de time, an' w'en we see Stevens comin' up to de house wid dat 'ere man we jes' didn't know w'at to make of it. AVe began to git scared dat Stevens was goin' to give us up to dem slave huntahs. But de looks o' things changed w'en Stevens got up to de house. He jes' f)pened the do' long 'nough fer to grab a doubled-barreled gun. He pint- ed it at de slave huntah, an' says : " ' Yo' want to see yo"r slaves, does yo' ] Well, jes' yo' look up dem barrels an' see ef yo' kin find 'em.' "That man jes' went all to pieces. He drapped his gun. his legs was tremblin', an' de tears mos' sta'ted f'um hees eyes. Stevens took an' locked him up in de house. W'en de rest o' his crowd seen him capcha'ed, dey ran away 's fas' ez dey could go. Capt'in Brown went in to see de prisoner, an' .says to him, ' I'll show you w'at it ees to look aftah slaves my man.' Thet frightened de prisoner awful. He was a kind old fellow, an' wen he heerd Av'at de capt'in said, I s'pose he thought he was goin' to be killed. He began t(j cry an' beg to be let go. Da capt'in he only smiled a leetle bit, and talked some mo' to him, an' de next day he was let go. " A few days afterwards, the United States Marshal came uj), with another gang to cap- cha us. Dar was 'bout 75 of dem, an' dey surrounded de house, and we was all'fraid we was goin' to be took for sure. l'>ut de capt'in he jes' said, 'Git ready, boys, an' we'll w'ip 'em all.' Dar was onh'y 14 of us altogetlier, but de capt'in was a terror to 'em, an' w'en we stepped out o' de house an' went for 'em de hull saiventy-five f)f 'em sta'ted runnin'. Capt'in Brown an' Kagi an' some others cha.sed em, an' capclia'ed five prisoners. Dar was a doctah an' a lawyah amongst 'em. Dey all lied nice ho'ses De capt'in made 'em all get down. Den he told five of us slaves to mount de beasts an' we rode 'em w'ile de wite men hed to walk. It was early in de spring, an' de mud on de roads was away over dere ankles. I jes' tell you it was mighty tough walkin', an' you ken b'lieve dose fellers had enough of slave huntin'. De next day de capt'in let 'em all go " Ouah massers kep' spies watchin' till we crossed de border. W'en we got to Si)ring- dale, loway, a man came ter see Capt'in Brown, an' tole him dey wuz a lot of his fren's down in a town in Kansas dat wanted to see him. The capt'in said he did not care to go down, but ez soon 's the man started b.ack, Capt'in Brown follered him. W'en he came back he said dar was a hull crowd comin' up to capcha us. We all went up to de school house an' got ourse'v's ready to fight. " De crowd came an' hung aroun' de school 'ouse a few days, but dey didn't try to capcha us. De gov'nor of Kansas, he telegraphed to de United States Ma'shal at Springdale : — 'Capcha John Brown, daid or alive.' De Ma'shal, he ans'ed : ' Ef I try to capcha John Brown, it'll be daid, an' it'll be me dat'll Ije daid.' Fin'ly those Kansas people went home, an' den dat same Ma'- shal put us in a carh an' sent us to Chicago. " It took us over three months to get to Canada. If I'd knowed dat de slaves was a goin' to be freed so soon as dey was, I'd never a come to Windsor. W'y \ Cos I could a bought Ian' down dar een Missour- eye fo' 25 cents an acre, an' de climate is much l)ettah dan up heah " W'at kin' of a man was Capt'in Bro" n \ He was a great beeg man, ovah six feet tall, with great beeg shouldehs, and long hair, white ez snow. He was a vairy (piiet man, awful quiet. He never e\ en laughed. After we was freed, we was wild of ct> se, and we used to cut up all kinds ol) foolishness. But de capt'in 'ud always hiok as solemn ez a graveya'd. Sometimes he jes' let out de tiniest bit of a smile, an' say : ' You'd bet- tah quit yo' foolin' an' take up ytheli>4lituing.sfly, O'urthrowing all who would their course control." Aaron Dwight Stevens had been a subaltern in the United States army, when an othcer unjustly treated a pri- JOHN BROWN IN CA NA DA . 13 vate, and was about to punish him cruelly. Stevens witnessing this, be- came indignant, knocked the officer down and deserted from Fort Leaven- worth. He changed his name to con- ceal his identity, and when with Brown, was known as Charles Whip- ple. He was a native of Connecticut, riis great grandfather was a revolu- tionary officer, and his grandfather served in the war of 1812. He fought gallantly in the Mexican war, and afterwards helped to keep the Navajo and Apache Indians in check. When he deserted, he, for a time, concealed himself among the Delawares on the Kaw River, then joined the Free Soil men in Kansas under his assumed name. He stood six feet two inches in his stockings, and was well propor- tioned. His eye was restless and brilliant. His qualities were soldierly, and he would have won fame under happier auspices He was prone to hasty anger and passionate action, the " Simon Peter " of the party, and this sometimes called for rebuke from his leader, who, on the day of his death, wrote him as follows ; Charleston Prison, 2nd Dec, 1859. John Brown to Aaron D. Stevens, "He that is slow to anger is better than the mighty, and he that ruleth his spirit than he that taketha city." — Solomon. The hint, so singularly given, had the effect, perhaps, of aiding Stevens in curbing his temper during his te- dious trial and imprisonment. Unlike his leader, Stevens had not the Chris- tian faith to console him. " He died," says Mr. Hinton, " a devoted Spirit- ualist, believing absolutely in the immortality of life." It would be en- croaching too much on the biographer, and would be beyond n)y present scope, were I to attempt more at length to depict the strong, sterling charac- ters, of both colors, drawn together by the wonderful magnetism of our hero. Only one colored man of remark- able courage may be mentioned, Shields Green, " with Congo face, big misplaced words and huge feet, knew instinctively what courageous man- hood meant," writes the narrator. When Frederick Douglass turned from Brown after his last interview, he met Green and told him he could go with him to Roche.ster. The black man glanced back at the figure of his leader, bowed under the pain of Douglass' refusal, and simply asked, " Is he going to stay." " Yes," said Douglass, " Well I guess I goes wid de old man," was the decision. When Brown was in the thick of the Harper's Ferry fight. Green came, under fire, with a message to Osborne Anderson and Hazlett at the arsenal, when Anderson told him he had better retreat with them, " You think der's no chance, Osborne ?" he said. "Not one," was the reply. " And de old Captain can't get away i " " No," said 1 »oth men. " Well, I guess I'll go back to de old man." And so he went into the very jaws of death, and finally died a brave martyr's death, at (.har- lestown. Not last on the scroll of fame will be enrolled the name of this single-hearted freedman. Some other members of the Chatham Convention, in addition to the Browns and his lieutenants just described, were from the United States, but manj^ of them were then Canadian residents. John Brown was chosen Commander-in-Chief : J. H. Kagi, Secretary of War : Alfred W. Ells- worth and Osborne P. Anderson, Members of Congress ; Owen Brown, Treasurer; George B. Gill, Secretary of the Treasurer ; and Richard Realf, Secretary of State. Mr. J. M. Jones, Mr. Isaac Holden, and Mr. Hunton, were, it is thought, the only members of the Convention sur- viving, until a late date, in Canada. They lived in Chatham, where Messrs. Hunton and Holden died recently, Mr. Holden was a merchant and surveyor, and Brown resided in hii^ house during his visit. Mr. Jones is a skilled gunsmith and engraver, and H JOHN BROWN IN CANADA. a Justice of the Peace for his county. He is a native of Ealeig-li, North Caro- lina, and was echicated at Oberlin, Ohio, oraduatini^ in the class of 1849. Particulars of this historical event, stated by Mr. Jones mainly, but con- ^. :m. .lONEs. tinned by Mr. Holden and Mr. Hun- ton, ^^'^ll be interesting. Most of these were committed by Mr. Jones to paper a few years after the Conven- tion was held. " Mr. P)rown," says Mr. Jones, "called almost daily at m^^ gunshop, and spoke freely of the great subject that lay uppermost in his mind. He submitted his plans, and only asked for tlieir appi-oval by the Convention." One evening the cjues- tion came up as to what liag should be u.sed ; our English coloi'ed subjects, who had been naturalized, .said they would never think of lighting under the hated ' Stars and Stripes.' " Too many of them thought they carried their emblem on their backs. But Brown said the old flag was good enough for him ; under it, freedom had been won from the tyrants of the old world, for white men ; now he in- tended to make it do duty for black men. He declared emphatically that he would not give up the Stars and Stripes. That settled the ({uestion." Some one proposed the admission of women as members, but Brown stren- uously opposed this, and warned the members not to intimate, even to their wives, what was done. During one of the sit- tings, Mr. Jones had the floor, and discussed the chances of the success or failure of the slaves rising to support the plan pro- posed. Mr. Brown's scheme was to fortify some place in the mountains, and call the slaves to rally under his colors. Jones expi-essed fear that he w'ould be disappointed, because the slaves did not know enough to rally to his support. The American slaves, Jones argued, were different from those of the West India island of San Dom- ingo, whose successful uprising is matter of history, as they had there imbibed some of the impetuous char- acter of their French masters, and were not so over-awed by white men. " Mr. Brown, no doubt thought," says Mr. Jones, " that I was making an im- pression on some of the members, if not on him, for he arose suddenly and i-emarked, ' Friend Jones, you will ))lease say no more on that side. There will be plenty to defend that side of the question.' A general laugh took place. " One day in my shop I told liiui JOHN BROWN IN CANADA. how utterly hopeless his plans would be it" he persisted in making an attack with the few at his command, and that we coidd not afford to spare white men of his stamp, ready to sa- crifice their lives for the salvation of black men. While I was speaking, Mr. Brown walked to and fro, with his hands behind his l)ack, as was his custom when thinking on his favorite subject. He stopped suddenly, and bringing down his right hand with great force, exclaimed : ' Did not my Master Jesus Christ come down from Heaven and sacrifice Himself upon the altar for the salvation of the race, and should I, a worm, not worthy to crawl under his feet, refuse to sacrifice myself ? ' With a look of determination he re- sumed his walk. " In all the conversations I had with him during his stay in Chatham of nearly a month, 1 never once saw a smile light up his coun- tenance. He seemed to be always in deep and earnest thought. " J. E. Cook worked with me a month, cleaning and repairing the revolvers and other arms beloncjinsf to the party. During this time he told me that while they were in Kansas fighting the Border Ruffians, Brown's son Frederick was killed. ' When we arrived,' said Cook, 'we found the young- man lying dead on the road. He was going to a barn on his uncle's farm when he fell, riddled with bullets. The old man looked on his dead boy for a moment, then raising his eyes heaven- ward, said, ' B3' the Eternal, now they have done it, and from this forward they will pay for it.' This event had a fixed and lasting effect on Mr. Brown ; and from this time on I never saw a smile on his face. ■' A (j[uestion as to the time for mak- ing the attack came up in the Con- vention. Some advocated that we should wait until the United States became involved in war with some first-class power ; that it would be next to madness to plunge into a strife for the abolition of slavery while the Government was at peace with other nations. Mr. Brown listened to the argument for some time, then slowly arose to his full height, and said : ' Mr. Chairman, I am no traitor ; I would be the last one to take advantage of my ISAAC HOLUKN, country in the face of a foreign foe.' He seemed to regard it as a great in- sult. That settled the matter in my mind that John Brown was not insane. i6 JOHN BROWN IN CANADA. " In his conversation during his stay here, he appeared intensely American. He never for a moment thought of tio-hting the United States, as such, but simply the defenders of slavery in the States. Only the ulcer, slavery, he would cut from the body politic. " ]\Ir. Brown called before the last meeting, and induced Mr. Jones, who had not attended all the sittings, to come to that, as the Constitution must be signed, and he wished his name to be on the roll of honor. As the paper was presented for signature, Brown said ' iNow, friend Jones, give us John Hancock, bold and strong.' I replied that I thought it would resemble Stephen Hopkins. The reference was to the difference in the two signatures in the American Declaration of Inde- pendence — the one large and bold, the other that of a shaking, hand. " John Brown, never, I think," said Mr. Jones, " communicated his whole plan, even to his immediate followers. In his conversations with me he led me to think that he intended to sacri- fice himself and a few of his follow- ers for the purpose of arousing the people of the North from the stupor they were in on this subject. He seemed to think such sacrifice neces- sary to awaken the people from the deep sleep that had settled upon the minds of the whites of the North. He well knew that the sacrifice of any number of negroes would have no efi'ect. What he intended to do, so far as I could gather from his con- versation, from time to time, was to emulate Arnold Winkelried, the Swiss Chieftain, when he threw himself upon the Austrian spearsmen, crying, ' Make way for Liberty.' If that was his real object, the event that fol- lowed justified his design. He had said to another friend, ' It is nothing to die in a good cause, but an eternal disgrace to sit still in the presence of the barbarities of American Slav- ery. The plan of campaign, as promul gated at Chatham, was, to use the mountains and swamps of Virginia as places into which slaves could be in- duced to escape, and there await the issue. Kagi pointed out a chain of coun- ties extending through South Caro- lina, Georgia, Alabama and Missis- sippi, well fitted to receive and conceal refugees. \Yith the aid of Canadian negroes, who were expected to join in large numbers, these places were to be fortified and manned. They would so become centres of moral force, and strategic points from which, in time, attacks could be made and reprisals secured. The Constitution adopted was in- tended as a framework for organiza- tion. Brown had proposed to found several schools in which to train young men in military tactics, and especially in rifle practice. One of these was to be at Chatham, and Mr. C. Whipple (Stevens) was to be drill instructor. Mr. Brown did not over-estimate the state of education of the colored peo- ple. He knew that they would need leaders, and require training. His great hope was that the struggle would be supported by volunteers from Canada, educated and accus- tomed to self-government. He looked on our fugitives as picked men of sufficient intelligence, which, com- bined with a hatred to the South, would make them wiling abettors of any enterprise destined to free their race. There wei-e some earnest abolition- ists in Canada, who, while they admired his braverj^ and self-devotion, yet doubted the wisdom of his plan. Among these were the Hon. George Brown, of the Toronto Globe, who regarded his namesake as of too Quix- otic a tj^pe, and the Rev. W. King, of Buxton, who was approached for his sanction, but declined to attend the Convention. His influence would have been of weight with his colored friends and former pupils in obtaining recruits. It was soon found that the proceed- fOHN HKOWN m CANADA. iugs at Chatham had been marie known to the pro-slavery rulers at VVashincrton. News of the massacre of the Marais ties Cygnes was the cause of Brown's speedy return to Kansas, so that the plan which he had in contemplation in Canada, the attack on Harper's Ferry, and the in- citing of the blacks in Virginia to rise, was laid aside till October, 1859. The raid into Missouri, the " battle of the spurs," and the carrying of the rescued slaves to Windsor, already described, took place meanwhile. Cap- tain Brown, in time, laid aside his scheme of forming a place of refuge, and working out from it, and adopted' the more daring plan of seizing the United States' arsenal at Harper's Ferry in Virginia: and so striking terror into the slave power liy show- ing that its stronghold might be broken into, and assaults successfully made at its most ancient and central domain, as well as in outlying Mis- souri. Large supplies of guns, pikes and ammunition were purchased, and stealthily conveyed to the Kennedy farm, a short distance from the Ferry. This quiet place was rented for the purpose, and here Brown and his fol- lowers gathered. The sum of $1,500 was furnished by Mr. George L. Stearns, of Boston, and spent in pro- curing supplies, and otherwise prepar- ing for the contemplated attack. Pap- ers showing exactly how this money was spent, and that it was used in the manner intended by the donors, are in the hands of Dr. Ross. Attacks on Brown's character have recently been made in regard to this fund by some who think it manly to bark" at the dead lion. While such slanders can- not reach him, they are sorely felt by worthy members of Brown's family and personal friends still living, whose reverential love is unabated, and who know of a certainty that the old war- rior's honor rests as unsullied a.s his courage is undisputed. The cut of pike and gun given ex- actly represents those used at Harp- 17 ers Ferry, and is taken from weai)()nH in ])r. Ross' possession. On the tenth of October, 1859, Brown's plans for attack were com- plete. About this time. Dr. Ross re- ceived the following note : — ('HAMBERSBrRO, PkNN,, Oct. 6th, 1859. Dear Frikxi.— I shall moct about the end of this month. Can you help the cause in the way ))roini.se(l. .\ddress your reply t« Isaac Smith, Chambersburg, Penn. Vour friend, John Brown. The town of Harper's Ferry is about tifty-three miles north-west from Washington, at the confluence of the Shenandoah with the Potomac. The Blue Ridge of the Alleghanies rises grandly on one side The Baltimore and Ohio railway spans the Potomac here. It was the site of the United States arnioury and arsenal, and witnessed various struggles during the late civil war. It was against this unsuspect- ing stronghold that the wild move- ment was to be made. As organized, on paper, by Brown, his force was to be divided into four companies, each composed of seventy- two officers and men. Each company was to be subdivided into corporal - guards of seven men each, with their subaltern. Two such bands made a sec- tion of sixteen men, under a sergeant. While^ at the Kennedy farm. Brown and Kagi were visited by Fredeiick Douglass, who was informed of the in- tention of taking the Ferry and arsenal. He opposed it with all the arguments at his command, but found that Brown was not to be shaken from his pur- pose. "Our talk was long and earnest," said Douglass. " We spent the most of Saturday and a part of Sunday in this debate, — Brown for Harper's Ferry; and I against it ; I for the policy of gradually drawing off" the slaves to the mountains, as at first suggested and proposed by him." Brown was im- movable and Mr. Douglass left, after a friendly parting, never to see the old hero again. W hen the attack was made, only i8 /OHX BROWN IN CANADA. twenty-two men had enlisted at the Kennedy farm, of whom Shields Green, Dangerfield Newby, John A. Cope- land, Osborne P. Anderson, W. H. Leary, and J(^hn Andfrson, were col- ored men. The affair of the 1 7th ( )ctobei-, 1 .S59, is now a matter of history. It relates that Brown with his little company, actually captured the Ferry and ar- senal, and sent a thrill of fear through the whole south. In Virginia, the loss in the value of slaves, till then, but never since, a staple propertj^ was es- timated to be ten millions of dollars, and nearly a (juarter of a million more was spent by the frightened authori- ties in (]uelling the criwafe and pro- viding safe-guards. Brown's two sons, Watson and Oliver, fell, fighting bravely. The leader himself, after a fearless attack and defence, fell into the hands of the State. Colonel, after- wards the famous General, Robert E. Lee, came with a regiment of soldiers, to avert the danger and guard the commonwealth. Wilkes Booth, who assassinated President Lincoln, was there in the ranks. Then followed, at Charlestown Court House, the trial of the leader, and of those who were taken with him ; the conviction on the charge of treason, and the execu- tion — from whose terrors our hero did not flinch. Nowhere was the news received with more intense or sadder interest than in Chatham. From the day of the attack until the fatal :^nd of De- cember following, meetings for |)ra3'er and consultation were held continu- ously. Earnest eulogiums upon the character of the departed hero were delivered on the evening of the day of his execution, by J. M. Bell, and J. H. Harris, who had been membei-s of the Convention. The same issue of the Provincial Freeman that chronicles this tells of thirty-six persons who had been driven from Kentucky to Northern Territor3% for the crime of sympathizing with the Charlestown sufferers. They were the precursors of many whom the civil war was destined, within a few months, to drive to Can- adian shelter, ])()litical refugees, such as ( u'neral John C. Breckenridge, and Hon. Jacob I'hompson, and " skedad- dlers," by the hundreds, as those were called, who thus escaped military en- rolment. Many of these remained until the end of the war, and some are here still. The interval in prison was cheer- fully spent. To a friend he wrote, "I am (|uite cheerful. Men cannot imprison, or chain, or bind the soul. I go joyfully, in behalf of those mil- lions that ' have no rights,' that this great and glorious — this Christian Re- public 'is Itound to respect.' " Captain Brown's last act, before be- ing led from prison, was to visit the cells of his fellow-captives and cheer them. He had imparted to these poor people much of his own brave spirit. He had a power to so influence those with him that they followed him with a reverential love, exceeding that of Ruth to Naomi, nor did -Any of them shrink from sacrifice ; though Capt. Kagi and Brown's sons saw the great dangers, and had urged the hopeless- ness of moving before tlie ranks were filled. It was not expected that the blow would be struck till the 24th of Octo- ber. The precipitation of the attack, on the 1 7th, was caused by Brown's fear of betrayal by a Judas. The smallness of the band, and the fact that most of them had military titles, show that they were intended simply as the nucleus of the formidable force that Blown expected to join in the enterprise. When he ascended the scaffold, on the 2nd of December, 1850, at Char- lestown, it was with no faltering step. He stood erect and looked finnly dow^n on the lines of soldiery that surround- ed him. He met his end as one who had done his duty, as he saw it, and feai'ed not that which was to coniQ after. We can say of him, as of Sam- JONN BROWN IN CANADA. 19 son, "The dead which he slew at his treasure. He sleeps in the lilessing death, were more than they which he oi* the slave." .slew in his life." Colonel Lee and Garibaldi, liberator of Italy, writing Lieutenant J. E. B. Stuart, who looked from his Caprera home, declared tliat on, and were soon valiantly hghting "John Brown was the instiuniental as generals for the South, did not then precursor of the liberty of the slave." see that our hero conquered more than The engine hall to which Brown death : that the monster slavery then and some of his men retired, and received a grievous wound which all where they were taken at last, wa,s their bravery could not avert or cure, carried to the Chicago World's Exposi- Victor Hugo, in referring to this per- tion of 189)i, and there seen by many thousands. The fate of some only of those who were at the Chatham Con- vention is known. Martin R. Delaney, M. D., became a Major of the l()4th regiment colored troops, and a Commissioner of the U. S. Bureau of Refugees, and in 186(S publislied an inter- esting biography of his life and times. Capt. Kagi fell in the Shemandoali, riddled with bul- lets. Capt. J. E. Cook, Cope- land, the young mulatto, and Chas. Whipple (Aaron D. Stev- ens), were taken prisoners at the Ferry, and were tried and executed at Charlestown. All of them died like the brave men they were, some days after their leader. Richard Realf agreed to be at the contest, but failed to be present, having gone to Eng- land. Osborne P. Anilerson returned to ('hatham after the iod, wrote, " What the South slew last attiay. He was proceeding to the December, was not John Brown, but scene of action with a load of pikes, Slavery Slavery in all its thinking Bi-own held the arsenal. forms will disappear." Discovering his mistake, and seeing Brown's body was caii'ied to his marines approaching, he tied and es DR. A. M KOSS. loved home in the Adirondacks. Wen dell Phillips made a eulogy at his grave. " John BiH)wn," he said, " has loosened the roots oF slavery. It may gasp, but it is dead. He said he could take the town with twenty men, and he did it. How sultlime tiiat last fort- night ! His words ai"e stronger than tiw.n his rifles. The.se crushed a State ; those will y»^t crush Slavery. 'J'he caped. Owen Brown also, foreseeing the result, escaped to the woods. He lived for some years afterwards in Ohio, then settled, with others of his father's family, at Pasadena, in Cali- fornia, where he recently died. He was a man of considerable ability and mental resources, and was brave and determined. Dr. Ross had, at John Browns le- echoes of his rifl«;s have died away quest, gone to Richmond, and, being among the hills: his words, millions there at the time of the attack, was 20 JOHN BROWN IN CANADA. arrested, but not long detained. As the day for his old friend's execution came on, he went to Harper's Ferr}^ and applied for peiinission to go to Charlestown, but the officer in command ordered him to leave, and sent him under guard to Baltimore, calling to the captain in charge, " Captain, if he returns to Harpei-'s Ferry, shoot him at once." The intrepid doctor then went to Governor Wise at Richmond, and, after an interview, related in his little volume, " Recollections and Ex- periences of an Abolitionist," the Gov- ernor refused him permission, and when he asked for a permit to leave the State, wrote on a card, " The bear- er is hereby ordered to leave the State of Virginia within twenty-four hours, — Henry A. Wise." Dr. Ross, finding it impossible to see his old friend once more, wrote a farewell letter to John Brown, and received the answer al- ready given. Dr. Ross has ever since kept up an affectionate correspondence with the members of John Bi'own's family. From two letters received by him, we have been allowed to make extracts. The first is from his eldest daughter : I know luy dear father ]()\ed you, and it is but natural tliat his children should love you. For your devr. Ross was known by his name, but the (Quakers knew him as "The Helper," Emerson and his Boston iissociates as " The Canadian Knight." The colored people called him "Moses" and " The Help- er." Other names were adopted as emergencies and safety required Two Canadians fell at Harper's Ferry. William H. Lehman, who had been the youngest member of the Chatham Convention, was shot and killed, after surrendering, by Shoppart, a militiaman. Steward Taylor was a fellow-countryman of Lehman's. Both were natives of the township of ftlarkham, near To- ronto, as Dr. Ross informs me, but Mr. Hinton gives Maine as the lat- ter's birth-place, and his name as Leeman. Richard Richai'dson was a Missouri slave, rescued by Brown. He is since dead. Some of the other members of the Convention are yet living in the L^nited States. Since the decease of Messrs. Hunton and Holden, Mr. Jones is, as stated, the only survivor in Can- ada. They did not go to Virginia. Mr. Jones and Mr. Holden had then gone on a visit to the Pacific Coast. Mr. J. Madison Bell was a writer of ability, who lived for a time in St. Catharines and Chatham, and then settled in Toledo, Ohio. Ira D. Shadd and his brother Isaac, Chatham boys, removed to the South, and both of them became men of prominence. James H. Harris was a representative in Congress from North Carolina. Some refer to the taking of Forts Moultrie and Castle Pinkney, or to the attack on Fort Sumter by the Confed- eracy, as the first blows of the late civil wai'. Others find in the Harper's FeiTy affair, the initial outbreak, the bursting forth of the fire which had been long angrily smouldering on the south-western boi-dei"Sof the Common- wealth. Few will, in the light of his- tory, deny that in tlie little school- house and engine hall of Chatham, the train was laid that fired the mine, whence resvdted the overthrow of the ])i'oud Southern oligarchy. 'I'he presiding genius of the Chat- ham Convention was the soul which soon after animated thousands of Union soldiers, as tliey fought for their country, and brought joy and freedom to the bondmen. When the JOHN BROWN IN CANADA. 21 men moved on, under Grant and Sher- man and Sheridan, the memory of the old hero's pious valor cheered their hearts, and roused to euuilation of his bravery, as they marched, they sang : John Brown died that the slave might be free ; John Brown's body lies a mouldering in the grave, But his soul is marching on." JOHN BROWN'S PIKE AN1> UUN. Copy of the letter from Brown, using name of Mr. Bell, after the Convention : Chatham, Canada West, May 21 st, 1858. Deak Son and Other Friends All — The letters of three of your number are received, dated the 16th, by which we learn the diffi- culty you find in getting employment. It seems that all but three have managed to stop their board bills, and I do hope the bal- ance will follow the maulilce and noble exam- ple of patience and perseverance set them by the others, instead of being either discour- aged or out of humor. The weather is so wet here that no work can be obtained. I have only received $15 from the east, and .such has been the effect of the course taken by F. (Col. Forbes), on our eastern friends, that I have some fears that we shall be com- pelled to delay further action for the present. They (his Eastern friends) urge us to do so, promising us liberal assistance after a while. I am in liourly expectation of help sufficient to pay off our board bills here, and to take us on to Cleveland, to see and advise with you, which we shall do at once when we get the means. Suppose we do have to defer our direct efforts, shall great and noble minds either indulge in useless com])laint, or fold their arms in discouragement, f)r sit in idle- ness, when we may at least avoid losing ground. It is in times of difficulty that men show what they are ; it is in such times that men mark themselves. Are our difficulties such as to make us give up one of the m iblest entei'prisoK in which men ever were en- gaged 1 Write .Iames M. Bell, Your Sincere Friend. The following letter was received bj' the author from Mr. John Brown, Jr., with a photograph of his father given : PuT-iN-BAY, Ottawa Co., Ohio, Aug 4th. J. C. Hamilton, Esw., Toronto, Canada. Dear Sir — Yours of the 6th July enclos- ing manuscript, came duly, but illness had prevented an earlier reply. Have read the articles you sent with deep interest, and most sincerely do I thank you for sending thejn. Wish it were in my power to add anything which would give additional interest to your story of my father's career in Canada. 'J'he account \ou have given of it is ably written, and shows that true (tppreheit^iou of hifi real character, which in my view gives great value to your paper. The C. Whipple referred to (whose real name is Aaron D. Stevens), accompanied father and Kagi at the time the 12 slaves (Sam. Harper being one), were taken from Missouri through Kansas, Nebraska, Iowa, Illinois and Michigan into Canada. He was at the ccmvention you describe ; was at Har- per's Ferry, and was subsequently executed at Charlestown. Va. Father was only about live feet ten and one half inches in height, and not so bi-oad- shouldered as many have represented him. His weight was about 1.^0 lbs. ; he was mus- cular and active, and had uncommon endur- ance, physical and mental. The de8cri})tion of him, as without a beard, would apply to him only up to the last two or three years of his life, when he ceased to shave. His beard was white, his hair iron-grey. With your valuable paper, which I return to you by to- morrow's mail, I send you a photograph of my father, copied from a copy of the oi iginal which he gave to me at Andover, Ashtabula Co., Ohio, June 18th, 1859, when on his way to Harper's Ferry. This is an excellent pic- ture, showing him with full beard as it was at the time of his execution, December 2nd, 1859. Please accept, with the sincere regards of Faithfully yours, John Brown, Jk. Authorities referred to : The Public Life of John Brown. Ky James Redpath, 186U. Life and Letters of John Brown, liberator of Kansas, and Martyr of Virginia. By F. B. Sanborn, 1885. John Brown and His Men. By Richard J. Hinton, artirle in Frank L»'.slie's Monthly, June, 1880. Book by same autlnir, under same title. Funk it Wagnalls Co , 18!>4. Original papers in possession of Dr. A. M. Ross, Toronto. ^ \ LIBRftRY OF CONGRESS 011 899 150 3 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS III Hi Hi iiii II II M 1 1 iiiiii III III I'lfii 011 899 150 3 m =y Mr.IT5