iH t .P8 P4 1 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^HHjjj^i. 2-* AT Kis oTV^e>.\K* -• * Vj 'O' o» o » a HANDBOOK OF fib MM lill PLYMOUTH, MASSACHUSETTS. Its History, Its Famous Dead, and Its Quaint Epitaphs* BY FRANK H. PERKINS. PUBLISHED BY Pilgrim Bookstore^ Plymouth, Mass. F I'f - P 2 F 'I pTHE LIBRARY OF CONGRESS, f^HO C0PIE8 Recciveo JUN. 24 1902 ^COf^^^tQHT ENTRY C«.A8Sa^XXa No. COPY B. ' Copyright, 1902, by A. S. Burbank, Plymouth, Mass. Engravings by Folsom & Sunergren. Printed by C. H. Heintzkmann, Boston. PRISCILLA. The Old Burying-Ground* " The Pilgrim Fathers are at rest : When Summer's throned on high, And the world's warm breast is in verdure dressed, Go, stand on the hill where they lie. The earliest ray of the golden day On that hallowed spot is cast, And the evening sun, as he leaves the world, Looks kindly on that spot last." — PlERPONT. O spot in Plymouth is so interesting to the antiquary as Burial Hill. Here are the sites of the Pilgrims' fort and watch- tower. Here sleep the early settlers of the colony, the heroes of the Revolu- tion and of our later wars, and the men who went " down to the sea in ships " and braved dangers, in the days of Plymouth's maritime glory. Here are to be seen the rude symbols of the sculptor's art and the crude effusions of the elegiac poet. Burial Hill is 165 feet above the sea level, and rises abruptly just back of the town's busiest thor- oughfare. It is irregular in form and contains about eight acres. From this elevation the visitor has a splendid panorama of ocean and country. Nestling at his feet, between the hill and the sea, are the thickly clustering roofs of the old town. Turning his eyes northward, he sees in the far distance the villages of Kingston and Duxbury and the monument on Captain's Hill, erected in memory of Myles Stand- 5 ish, the doughty Pilgrim commander. To the west stretches a rolling swell of hills, ending in an almost unbroken forest, through whose shades Massasoit led his warriors to meet the Plymouth colonists. On the south, shrouded in purple mist, are the "Pine Hills " of Manomet. Looking eastward, across the bay he spies the green dot known as Clark's Island, CLARK'S ISLAND where the Pilgrims spent their first Sabbath ; and far beyond the shining strand of Plymouth Beach, if the day be clear and his vision keen, he can just discern Provincetown, at the point of Cape Cod, — the "tip end of Yankee-land." Visited as it is daily by tourists from all parts of the world, it is fitting that this consecrated ground should be well cared for and that its surroundings should be somewhat in keeping with its historic character. By the will of J. Henry Stickney of Baltimore, late vice-president of the Pilgrim Society, $10,000 was bequeathed for improvements on this ground. It had been suggested that the legacy be 6 used in removing some, at least, of the unsightly build- ings which skirted the foot of the hill on the easterly side, and in the erection of an ornamental gateway at the Town Square entrance. These improvements have been effected. There are several ways of approaching Burial Hill, but the main entrance is at Town Square. As we pass through the gateway the new First Church, begun in 1896 and finished in 1899, looms up on our left. CHURCH OF THE FIRST PARISH. It is of gray stone, in the Norman type of architecture, and its severity of style is suggestive of the rugged lives of the Fathers. In the vestibule of the square central tower will be placed tablets of a historical character. This church is the oldest religious organ- ization in the country. In an unbroken succession the ministry of this church has continued from the days of Robinson and Brewster to the present. Its records are piously preserved. Aside from its interest to those who find pleasure in meditation among the tombs of past generations, Burial Hill has a history which forms a part of the early history of the town. Long before the spot was used for burial purposes, it served as a ground for possible defence against the savage foe, and here the first church of the colony was established. Shortly after the landing of the Pilgrims, on Dec. 21, 1620, they set about to provide against attack from the redskins, and we learn from their records that "in one field is a great hill, on which we poynt to make a platform and plant our ordnance, which will com- mand all round about." In 1622 a larger fort was erected, and in 1627 De Raisieres describes it as a large square house, with flat roof made of thick sawn planks, stayed with oak beams, upon the top of which six cannon were mounted. The lower part was used for a church. The Pilgrims assembled at beat of drum, each with his musket or firelock, and marched to the place of worship. The exact situation of this fort is unknown. No traces of it remain. It is reasonable to suppose, however, that it stood well toward the top of the hill on the southeasterly side, on a spot which would command the approach from Leyden Street (the first thoroughfare) on the east and the approach from the path leading to the fording-place on the south. This path, now Spring Street, leads directly from the hill to Town Brook. On Sept. 23, 1643, it was agreed that a watch- house " shall be forthwith built of brick." This structure stood at the top of the hill, on the south- easterly side, and commanded a wide view of all the country about. Its bounds are marked by four square granite blocks, and a small oval stone on a standard, suitably inscribed, more definitely desig- nates the location. Within recent years pieces of the brick of which this watchhouse, or watch-tower, as it is more commonly called, have been unearthed. Strolling down the southeasterly slope, the visitor comes to another similar oval stone, which tells us that here stood the old fort, erected in 162 1. This may be the site of the first fortification, but history makes no record of it. We have evidence, however, that in 1676, when invasion from King Philip, the Indian chieftain, was feared, a fort was built on this spot, and the conformation of the ground indicates the existence at some time of such a work. On Feb. 19, 1676, the colonists decided to erect a forti- fication, " to be a hundred foot square, the pallasadoes to be ten foot and a halfe longe ; to be sett two foot and a halfe in the Ground ; and to be sett against a post and a Rail .... and that there shal be a watch house erected within the said ffence or fortification, and that the three peece of ordnance shal be planted within the said ifence or fortification .... said watch house which is to be sixteen foot in length and twelve foot in breadth and eight foot stud, to be walled with board." This construction is significant of the peril of the times and of the stern and unbending determination of the Forefathers. With the close of King Philip's War the fort was abandoned, and in 1677 the material 10 of which it was built was granted to one William Harlow. Some of the massive timbers were used in the construction of the old Harlow house on Sand- wich Street, and are still to be seen. The hill was not used as a place of burial until after it was abandoned for defensive purposes. Those WILLIAM HARLOW HOUSE, 1677. Built of timber from old Burial Hill Fort. of the " Mayflower " company who died the first winter were buried on Cole's Hill, and, while no traces of their graves remain, a tablet appropriately inscribed marks their resting-place. Others of the Pilgrim band found burial on their own estates, and no man knoweth their sepulchre. The first mention of Burial Hill as a cemetery was in 1698, when Chief Justice Sewall recorded the following in his diary : " I walk out in the morn to see the mill, then turn up to the graves, come down to the meeting-house, and seeing II tX . \« "^e*" ns- the door partly open went in and found a very con- venient place to pray." The oldest stone in this ground is that of Edward Gray, and bears the date of 1681. It is proba- ble, however, that earlier burials took place here. Tradition says that the oldest grave is that of John Rowland, who died in 1672, although the stone which marks it was erected within comparatively recent years. Tradition also places here the earthly remains of Gov. William Bradford, and a monu- ment bearing his name rises among the graves of the Bradford family, the exact place of the Governor's interment, however, not being designated. There are six ancient gravestones bearing date before 1700, as follows: — ■ Edward Gray, 1681. William Crowe, 1683-84. Hannah Clark, 1687. Thomas Cushman, 1691. Thomas Clark, 1697. Ten children of John and Josiah Cotton, 1699. Possibly there is a seventh, — the defaced tomb- stone of Nathaniel Thomas, who is said to have died in 1697. The figures on the stone are illegible. All these stones are on the summit of the hill, within a narrow radius, and near the intersection of the two main paths. With the exception of Gray's, all are of English make, and in fact most of those bearing dates to 1745 were brought from across the water. The Gray stone, the oldest on the hill, as has been said, is of dark, compact slate. It probably has the 13 ftrtS^ \ \ ^Sfe^ ^, X Of'' --..-}■■ • i r^'. M■->•- X^^^ rr - L ■^w *fi? usual "cherub," or symbol; if so, it is concealed by the iron hood which protects the edges from water and frost. By its side is a wooden slab bearing the legend, "The Grave of Edward Gray, June, 1681." The inscription on the stone is as follows : — Here Lyeth ye Body of EDWARD GRAY Gent Aged About 52 years & Departd this life ye Last of June I 68 I Edward Gray appeared in Plymouth about the year 1643. Tradition has it that he and his brother were sent from England in order that scheming relations might obtain possession of their property. He be- came a merchant, and the wealthiest man in the colony. The stone of William Crowe, the next in order of date, is of purple slate and is thus inscribed : — Here lies buried ye body of Mr WILLIAM CROWE Aged About 55 years who deed January 1683-4 The Bradford obelisk is one of the first objects to claim the visitor's attention. It is of white marble on a granite base, and rises to a height of eight feet or more. On the south side are these words : — H I William Bradford of Austerfield Yorkshire England. Was the son of William and Alice Bradford He was Gov- ernor of Plymouth Colony from 1621 to 1633 1635 1637 1639 to 1643 1645 ^^ 1^57 On the north side is a Hebrew sentence, said to signify "Jehovah is our help," but by other Hebrew IS 2b ».*^ ^^V. €^ '\ ^ scholars translated " In Jehovah's name I die." Then follows : — Under this stone rest the ashes of William Bradford a zealous Puritan & sincere Christian Gov. of Ply. Col. from 162 1 to 1657, (the year he died) aged 69, except 5 yrs. which he declined. The grave of that sturdy old Pilgrim, John How- land, has a great attraction for thousands who tread this sacred soil, many of whom come from the good old Pilgrim stock. The stone is of reddish hue, tall and wide, and bears the following beautiful inscrip- tion : — Here ended the Pilgrimage of JOHN HOWLAND who died February 23, i67f aged above 80 years. He married Elizabeth daughter of JOHN TILLEY who came with him in the Mayflower Dec. 1620. From them are descended a numerous posterity. " Hee was a godly man and an ancient professor in the wayes of Christ. Hee was one of the first comers into this land and was the last man that was left of those that came over in the Shipp called the Mayflower that lived in Plymouth." Plymouth Records. One of the six stones bearing date in the seven- teenth century marks the grave of Thomas Clark, or Clarke, who is often spoken of as the " mate of the ' Mayflower.' " History, however, tells a different story, and it is known that the name of the first officer of the ship was John Clark. The stone is of purple Welsh slate, and is thus lettered : — 17 Here lyes ye body of Mr. Thomas Clark aged 98 years departed this life March ye 24th 1697. A huge boulder has been recently placed on this grave, and a metallic plate secured to it reads: — Here lies buried ye body of Mr. Thomas Clarke, aged 98. Departed this life March 24, 1697. Thomas Clarke came to Plymouth from England in the ship Anne 1623. He married Susan Ring of Plymouth, 1634. Their children were Andrew, James, William, Susanna, Nathaniel, and John. From whom descended a numerous posterity. He married his second wife. // -:^^.:^-j-^^ i' ^ 1 m''^¥^'^^Si^^^^^^§^^ - ^ ■■ ■?! Mrs. Alice Hallett Nichols of Boston, in 1664. He lived for some years in Boston, and also in Harwich, of which town he was one of the original proprietors. He died in Plymouth, having lived in the reigns of six British sovereigns and the Com'th. This stone is erected to his memory by his descendants A.D. 1891. It is with reverent step that the latter-day Pilgrim approaches the Cushman monument, an enduring memorial to a "precious servant of God." This is 18 a granite column, twenty-five feet high, and it is by far the most conspicuous monument on the hill There is a bronze tablet on each of its four sides, that on the northerly side reading as follows: — ^fA CUSHMAN MONUMENT. 19 ROBERT CUSHMAN, Fellow-exile with the Pilgrims in Holland, Afterwards their chief agent in England, Arrived here -IX- November, -MDCXXI, With Thomas Cushman his son : Preached -IX- December, His memorable sermon on " The Danger of self-love And the sweetness of true friendship : " Returned to England -XIII- December, To vindicate the enterprise of Christian emigration ; And there remained in the service of the Colony Till -MDCXXV, When, having prepared to make Plymouth His permanent home. West side : — He died, lamented by the forefathers as " their ancient friend, — who was as their right hand with their friends the adventurers, and for divers years had done and agitated all their business with them to their great advantage." " And you, my loving friends, the adventurers to this plantation, as your care has been first to settle religion here before either profit or popularity, so, I pray you, go on. I rejoice that you thus honor God with your riches, and I trust you shall be repaid again double and treble in this world, yea, and the memory of this action shall never die." Dedication of the Sermon. South side : THOMAS CUSHMAN. Son of Robert, died -X- December, MDCXCI, Aged nearly -LXXXIV- years. For more than -XLII- years he was Ruling Elder of the First Church in Plymouth, By whom a tablet was placed to mark his grave on this spot. Now consecrated anew by a more enduring memorial. MARY, widow of Elder Cushman, and daughter of Isaac Allerton, Died -XXyill- November, MDCXCIX, aged about -XC- years, The last survivor of the first comers in the Mayflower. 20 East side : — Erected by The descendants of Robert C ashman In memory of their Pilgrim Ancestors, XVI- September, MDCCCLVIII. The stone originally erected over the grave of Elder Thomas Cushman was removed in 1858 to make room for this memorial, and now stands a little .j«4*'' i-TEn HE. >h=v1> S^'fiVcl! HIS 7jy,s W^,'-'.. OF CJaO., . AMD PARTI CtJt-Afi PWa*:Qu;TH For --'sAfMY ^ewRS JH ' ,^./ distance from its first position. It is of purple Welsh slate, and is in a remarkable state of preservation. The inscription is as follows : — Here lyeth buried ye body of that precious servant of God, Mr. THOMAS CUSHMAN, who after he had served his gen- eration according to the will of God, and particularly the church 21 of Plymouth for many years in the office of a nileing elder fell asleep in Jesus Decmr. ye lo, 1691 & ye 84. year of his age. There is always eager inquiry from the visitors to Burial Hill for the grave of the " Nameless Noble- man," the hero of Mrs. Jane G. Austin's famous his- torical novel of that title. We find it near the Cush- man monument. The stone has the small figure of an hourglass at its top, under which appears the winged cherub, the sculpture being better defined than is usual in such old work. The inscription reads :' — Here lyes ye body of Mr. FRANCIS LE BARRAN phytician who departed this life Augst ye i8th 1704, in ye 36 year of his age. 22 Dr. Le Baron was the surgeon of a French ship which was wrecked in Buzzard's Bay in 1694. With the officers and crew he was taken prisoner and sent to Boston. On their way a stop was made at Plym- outh, where the doctor had occasion to perform a surgical operation. This led to a request, made by the citizens to the lieutenant-governor, and granted, that he be allowed to remain in the town. From him the numerous Le Barons in America are descended. By the side of Dr. Le Baron is buried his wife Mary, who after his death married a Wait. Near by is the grave of their son. Dr. Lazarus Le Baron, who ■-^t** ^^s -I* 1» 4* ■■J rt-y^ 23 also figures in Mrs. Austin's writings ; and in the rear of these graves is seen the tombstone of Nathan- iel Goodwin, the great-grandfather of Mrs. Jane (Goodwin) Austin, who married Lydia, daughter of Lazarus Le Baron. Various other people mentioned in Mrs. Austin's novels are buried in this ground. Among them is Ansel Ring, who, as we are told in " Dr. Le Baron and His Daughters," was cursed by the old witch, Mother Crewe. He lies with the sixty seamen who perished on board the '' General Arnold." A marble shaft on the extreme southwesterly edge of the hill marks the place of their interment. The inscription on the northeasterly side is : — In memory of Seventy two Seamen who perished in Plym- outh harbour on the 26, and 27, days of December 1778, on board the private armed Brig, Gen. Arnold, of twenty guns, James Magee of Boston, Commander, sixty of whom were buried on this spot. On the northwesterly side : — Capt. James Magee died in Roxbury, February 4, 1801 ; aged 51 years. On the southwesterly side : — Oh ! falsely flattering were yon billows smooth When forth, elated, sailed in evil hour. That vessel whose disastrous fate, when told, Fill'd every breast with sorrow and each eye With piteous tears. On the southeasterly side : — This monument marks the resting place of sixty of the seventy two mariners, " who perished in their strife with the storm," and is erected by Stephen Gale of Portland, Maine, a stranger to them, as a just memorial of their sufferings and death. 24 Another of Mrs. Austin's characters is Hannah Rowland, who is said to have died of a broken heart on account of Ring's sad end. Her stone is to be ^'^i .. '-• . ■ ■ "^ -^'i'-^ \ 7 < ^&Ji^ found on the crown of the hill, not far from the Le Baron graves. Its inscription reads : — Sic Transit Gloria Mutidi To the memory of Miss Hannah Rowland, who died of a Languishment, January ye 25th 1780 ^tatis 26. For us they languish, & for us they die And shall they languish shall they die in vain. Readers of " Dr. Le Baron and His Daughters " will recall the following reference to the graves of the Howland family : — 25 Consider Howland slept with his fathers on Burying Hill, and Ruth Bryant, his loving wife, had meekly followed him thither. You may see their stones today, in the shadow of that majestic though mistaken monument to the memory of John Howland, the Pilgrim, who married Elizabeth Tilley, and not Elizabeth, daughter of childless Governor Carver. There too may you see a plaintive little stone to the memory of Consider son to Mr Consider and Mrs. Ruth Howland, Aged 7 years. The graves of Capt. Abraham Hammatt and Capt. Simeon Sampson, both mentioned in " Dr. Le Baron and His Daughters," are to be seen here. Capt. Sampson's tombstone is referred to among those of the Revolutionary patriots. That of Capt. Hammatt is near the group of Howland graves, and is thus inscribed : — In This sacred spot Are deposited the remains of Capt Abraham Hammatt who died of a malignant Fever October 12th 1797 ^tatis 47 And of his daughter Sophia who On the fst De- cember following Fell a victim to the same Disease Stalls 13. Hers was the mildness of the rising Mom And his the radiance of the risen day. The stone of Elder Faunce occupies a prominent position on the hilltop. It bears the figure of a skeleton, seated on an hourglass. The left hand of the skeleton holds a scythe, and wings are attached to the hourglass. Above the figure is the drawing of a scallop shell. The inscription is : — Here lyes buried the Body of Mr. Thomas Faunce ruling Elder of the first Church of Christ in Plymouth deceased Febry 27th An: Dom. 1745-6 in the 99th year of his Age. The Fathers, where are they .'' Blessed are the dead who Die in the Lord. 26 Near by are entombed the remains of Dr. Chandler Robbins, and on the stone we read : — This Stone Consecrated to the memory Of the Revd Chand- ler Robbins D D was erected By the inhabitants of the first Religious Society in Plymouth As their last grateful tribute of respect For his eminent labors In the ministry of JESUS CHRIST Which commenced January 30th 1760 And continued till his death June 30th 1799 ^tatis 61 When he entered into the everlasting rest Prepared for the faithful ambassadors Of the most high God. Ah come heaven's radiant Offspring hither throng Behold your prophet your Elijah fled Let sacred symphony attune each tongue To chant hosannahs with the virtuous dead. A few feet away is the white marble slab erected to the memory of another noted divine, Dr. James '4-,:^ ■-- N .- . >'.- ■ ^- 27 Kendall, of blessed memory, who for more than half a century served the First Church as its pastor. It is thus inscribed : — Rev. James Kendall, D.D. Ordained i Jan. 1800. Died 17 March 1859. Aged 89 years. For sixty years Minister of the First Parish in this town. Plymouth played her part in the Revolution, and of her soldiers and sailors who fought in that mem- orable struggle a number are buried in this historic ground. Near the site of the old fort an iron fence encloses the Warren lot. Within it stands the monument of Gen. James Warren, president of the Provincial Con- gress and major-general of the militia. He died in 1808. His wife, Mercy Warren, sister of James Otis, the patriot, lies in the same enclosure. She was a woman of marked literary ability, and the author of several works. Their son James, who served with Paul Jones on the " Bon Homme Richard," and who lost a limb in one of the naval engagements, is said to have been buried in this lot, but there is no stone to indicate the grave. It is quite probable that the body was laid away in the Warren tomb, at the foot of the hill. Capt. Simeon Sampson was another Revolutionary hero of renown. His stone is to be seen on the northerly side of the hill, near the path leading from School to Russell Streets. In 1762 he was taken prisoner by the French and held for ransom, but escaped from his captors by assuming female attire. At the outbreak of the Revolution, when a marine force was deemed necessary to protect our commerce 28 from depredation by British cruisers, he was the first naval captain in the continental service to be ap- pointed by the Provincial Congress of Massachusetts. He died in 1789 at the age of fifty-three, and his epitaph tells us : — ^ n ^ te ' ■ ' ft-' O ye whose cheek the tear of pity stains Draw near with pious reverence and attend Here lie the loving Husbands dear remains 29 The tender Father and the courteous Friend The dauntless heart yet touched by human woe A Friend to man to vice alone a Foe. Not far away is the stone of Gen. Nathaniel Good- win, a well-known military character of the last cen- tury. His house was where the Baptist church now stands. He had charge of the enlistments for the Revolutionary army in this quarter of the State. On the surrender of Burgoyne and his men, Gen. Good- win was placed in command of the guard over them at Somerville. Burgoyne's sword fell into his posses- sion. He died in 1819. Just across the path from the grave of William Crowe is the tombstone of Capt. Jacob Taylor, an- other of Plymouth's Revolutionary patriots, who died in 1788. Beneath the name and date we read these quaintly worded lines : — Through life he brav'd her foe if great or small And march'd out foremz^st at his country's call. On the southeasterly hillside we catch sight of the name of Capt. Nathaniel Carver, beneath the weep- ing-willow and urn, the common mortuary emblems of those days. Capt. Carver commanded a vessel which was captured by the famous Admiral Nelson. The Yankee captain was enabled, however, to do the great naval officer a good turn by piloting him out of a place of danger ; and the following document, in possession of Hon. William T. Davis, the historian of Plymouth, explains itself : — These are to certify that I took the schooner Harmony, Nathaniel Carver, master, belonging to Plymouth, but on acc't of his good services have given him up his vessel again. Dated on b'd His Majesty's ship Albemarle, 7 Aug., 1782, in Boston Bay. Horatio Nelson. 30 On the west side of the hill are the graves of Dr. William Thomas, a surgeon in the expedition against Louisburg in 1745 ; and his sons Joshua, who was on the staff of the Revolutionary Gen. Thomas ; Joseph, a captain of artillery in the Revolution ; John, a sur- geon's mate under his father ; and Nathaniel, who was also engaged in the struggle for independence. Other soldiers of our first war who are buried here are Dr. James Thatcher, a surgeon in the American army, and an early historian of Plymouth ; Col. Ben Warren, a brave officer, whose grave is unmarked; and Capt. William Pearson, w^ho, as his epitaph in- forms us, was " a true patriot and a hero of the Rev- olution." Col. Warren, by the way, has some claim to distinction from having married four wives, the last marriage taking place fifty-eight years after the first — a circumstance which for a time puzzled the searchers of genealogical records. Speaking of "men of war," mention should be made of Caleb Cook, whose place of interment is near the Le Baron graves. He was with Capt. Church at the battle in which King Philip was killed. There are known to be graves of at least twenty-two Revolutionary patriots on the hill, and 193 w^ho served in the late Rebellion are buried here. Many visitors to Burial Hill, particularly those of the Baptist faith who hold in reverence the name of its great missionary, find more than a passing interest in the white marble slab which stands as a memorial to the Judson family. It is near the site of the watch-tower, and is enclosed by white wooden paHngs. It bears the following inscription : — 31 it J- ' s^^ TV .. i ' ^ i -'1 t »'■?* t V%.\ V- €-:-^^ '-\- Sacred to the memory of Rev. ADONIRAM JUDSON, who died Nov. 28, 1826, JE. 75. A faithful and devoted Minister of Christ. ELNATHAN JUDSON, M. D. who died at Washing- ton City May 8, 1829, JE. 34 years, ANN H. JUDSON, his dau. died May 30, 1832, JE. 7 years. ELLEN YOUNG, his wife, died Nov. 25, 1832, JE. 30 y'rs. ANN H. JUDSON, Missionary to Burmah, who died at Amherst, B. E. Oct. 24, 1826, JE. 37 y'rs. ROGER W. JUDSON, died May 4, 1816, JE. 8 mo. MARIA E. B. JUDSON, died April 24, 1827, JE. 2 yrs. 3 mo. SARAH B. JUDSON, Missionary to Burmah, who died in the port of St. Helena, Sept. i, 1845, ^- 42 y'rs. ADONIRAM JUDSON, D. D. Missionary of the American Baptist Missionary Union to the Burman Empire, who died at Sea, April 12, 1850, JE. 62 years. EMILY C. widow of Ado- niram Judson, D. D. & Missionary to Burmah, died June i, 1854, JE. 37 y'rs. ABIGAIL BROWN JUDSON, bom in Maiden, March 21, 1791, died in Plymouth, Jan. 25, 1884. .^ '^i^m.' t r v^'^:i:}:^' ■'■'■- > ^ 33 /f^ Jv ^ V (f'i'''*V nil' .»_-wj^i*'*r^ -NO In the same enclosure is a stone inscribed as follows : — Sacred to the memory of MRS. ABIGAIL widow of the late Rev. Adoniram Judson who died Jan. 31, 1842, aged 82 years. Her hope was in the Gospel of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. She felt the balm and efficacy of those leaves which are for the healing of the nations. A guilty weak and helpless worm, On thy kind arms I fall Be thou my guide and righteousness My Jesus and my all. A few steps along the path northward from the Judson lot, and we come to a rough boulder on which is carved the name of Thomas Russell, and the dates Sept. 26, 1825, and Feb. 9, 1887. Judge Russell was for many years president of the Pilgrim Society and took an active interest in the history of the old town. It is fitting that his earthly remains should find a resting-place in this ground. Under the shadow of the Bradford monument, not many feet away, is a blue slate stone with this inscrip- tion : — Here lies the body of ye honorable Major William Brad- ford, who expired Feb. ye 20th 1703-4, aged 79 y'rs. He lived long but still was doing good & in his country's service lost much blood ; After a life well spent he's now at rest. His very name and memory is blest. The stone of Nathaniel Morton, which we see a little way beyond, is chiefly interesting from its figure of a man rising from the tomb, emblematic of the resurrection. Let us take a turn on this part of the hill where we are now standing, and note some of the quaint 35 epitaphs. Beginning with a low, moss-covered stone just across the path from the Russell boulder, we find the following worthy of our attention : — To the memory of Mr John Rider who Dec March the 1 1 1756 aged 47 years Wanting 4 days. M '-,. ^'- y^^-^^^%S V*i ^-• >£i' ^ In memory of Wilham Drew Tufts Son of Jona & Priscilla Tufts, Born Nov. 9 1791 Died at the Island of Cuba?March 29 181 1 aged Nineteen years. Green as the bay tree, ever green, With its new foliage on, The young, the healthful have I seen, I pass'd, and they were gone. 36 Sacred to the memory of Miss Sally C. Rob bins dau'r of Capt. Samuel & Mrs. Sarah Robbms. She deceased by a fall from a chaise, Aug. 14, 1S28, aged 25 years, 5 mo's and 10 days. Our home is in the grave ; Here dwells the multitude ; we gaze around, We read their monuments, we sigh and while we sigh, we sink. Here lyes ye body of William Ring who deed sum time in April 1729 in ye 77 th year of his age. Samuel H Josiah ye n John Cotton Josiah Anony- mus Edward Josiah Edward Richard Roland 7 sons of Josiah Cotton who died between ye year 1712 & 1734 To the memory of the amiable Mrs. Jane Dogget Consort of Mr. Seth Dogget who died May 31 1794 in the 26th year of her age also an infant Daughter by her side Come view the seen twill fill you with surprise Behold the loveliest form in nature dies At noon she flourish'd blooming fair and gay At evening an extended corpse she lay. Here lyeth buried ye body of Joseph Bartlett who departed this life April ye 9th 1703 in ye 38th year of his age J. B. Thousands of years after blest Abell's fall Twas said of him being dead he speakth yet From silent grave methinks I hear a call Pray fellow-mortall, don't your death forget You that your eyes cast on this grave Know you a dying time must have. On the easterly slope the following greet the eye : — This Stone is erected to the memory of twin children of Ephraim Finney and Phebe his wife who were born Octr 27, 1822, Elizabeth died March 10, 1823, Ezra died September 14, 1823. My friends behold what death has done Taken these babes when they were young Prepare to live prepare to die Prepare for long Eternity. 37 James Jordan. Dro^vmed in Smelt Pond, June 25, 1837, aged 27 y'rs. Buried on the day he was to have been married. Near this is a stone which is sometimes called the "Masonic stone." It bears the name of Nathaniel Jackson, and the date 1743. Above the lettering the sculptor has engraved a death's-head, a tomb, an hourglass, cross-bones, an urn, a rose-tree, and the figure of a skeleton seated on a globe. Departed this Life June 23, 1796, In the 90th year of her Age Madam Priscilla Hobart Relict of the Revd Xoah Hobart late of Fairfield in Connecticut her third husband her first and Second were JoJin Watson Esq and Honble Isaac Lothrop. This Stone is erex:ted to the memory of that unbiased Judge Faithful Officer, sincere Friend and honest Man Coll Isaac Lothrop who resigned this Life on the 26th day of April 1750 in the 43 year of his age. Had Virtues Charms the p>ower to save Its faithful Votaries from the grave This stone would neer possess the fame Of being marked by Lothrop's name. Continuing our search along the southeasterly slope we find these three. The first two quoted are near the tombs at the foot of the hill : — 38 In memory of John W. Howard Son of Capt. James Howard & Mrs. Hannah his wife born March 20, 1815 died April 2, 1815 He glanc'd into the world to see A sample of our misery. In memory of Four Children of Mr Zacheus Kempton & Sarah his wife viz Sally aged 36 years Charles aged 21 years Woodard aged 17 years Robinson aged 2 years They died between 1802 & 1820. Stop traveller and shed a tear Uppon the sod of children dear. In memory of Thomas Paty son of Mr Thomas Paty and Mrs Jorusha his wife who departed this life Oct 7th 1802 aged 2 years 10 months and 20 days. And must thy childrin Dye so soon. 39 Passing around the southerly edge of the hill, we pause a moment to read these words : — To the memory of Isaac Eames Cobb who was born Jany 19, 1789, and died Jany 14, 182 1. Possess'd he talents ten, or five or one The work he had to do that work was done Improv'd his mind, in wisdom's ways he trod Reluctant died, but died resigned to GOD. For quaintness of diction this is well matched by the two following headstones, which are close at hand : — To the memory of Thomas Bartlett son of Mr. Thomas & Mrs. Ruth Bartlett who died Septr 9th 1802 aged i year 2 months 11 days. That once loved form now cold & dead, Each mournfull thought imploys And nature weeps his comforts fled And withered all his joys, But ceas fond nature dry thy tears Religion pints on high And ever lasting spring appears And joys that never die. Here lyes buried ye body of Mr. Thomas Little Practitioner in Physick & Chyrurgery Aged 58 years Deed Decemr ye 22 1712 As we turn thence westerly we pass these in- scriptions : — Erected to the memory of Mrs. MEHITABEL, wife of Capt. Thos. Atwood, Avho died Jan. 11, 1809, In the 58 year of her age. In early life her feeble constitution gave painful premoni- tion of her early exit. She however unexpectedly passed the meridian of life, discharging in a very laudable manner, filial parental & conjugal duties. At length the seeds of death were planted in her vitals — she sickened, languished & expired in hopes of a blessed immortality. Short is our longest day of life, And soon its prospect ends Yet on that day's uncertain date Eternity depends. 40 ANDREW FARRELL, of respectable connexions In IRE- LAND Aged 38 years, Owner & Commander of the Ship Hibernia, Sailed from Boston Jany 26, And was wrecked on Plymouth Beach Jany 28 1805. ^is remains With five of seven seaman Who perished with him are here interred. O piteous lot of man's uncertain state ! What woes on life's eventful journey wait — By sea what treacherous calms; what sudden storms ; And death attendant in a thousand forms. In memory of Mr Benjamin Harlow who died November 1 8th 18 16 aged 34 years. Friends and physicians could not save My mortal Body from the Grave Nor can the Grave confine me here When Christ the son of God appears The westerly side of the hill abounds in curious inscriptions, and among them we note the following : — Here lies Interrd The Body of Ms SARAH SPOON- ER who dece- ased January Ye 25th AD 1767 In ye 7 2d year of her age. She was widow to ^i:^^ (The hand points to the next stone, which marks the grave of her husband.) Sacred to the memory of Phebe J. Bramhall, A native of Virginia & wife of Benjn Bramhall Jun who died August 27, 18 1 7, aged 21 years. Possess'd of an amiable disposition, She endeared herself to all around her "but" W^eep not for her in her Spring time she flew To that land, where the wings of the soul are unfurl'd And now, like a star beyond evening's cold dew Looks radiantly down on the tears of this world. 41 'fl^- .i58liift«S*W-'^"3:r^ .^ '^ ^"^ ^^- ^ #• I", ■ .JS'"'- f't, .o Consecrated to the Memory of Mrs Mary Dyer who died April 17th 1805 aged 47 years One thing is needfull And Mary hath chosen that Good part which shall not be taken away from her. »V^ ,--. i^ Wt l^r 'o: Fanney Crombie daughter of Mr Calvin Crombie & Mrs Naomi his wife Departed this life June 25th 1804 in the 8th year of her age. As young as beautiful I and soft as young ! And gay as soft ! and innocent as gay ! 43 Erected in memory of Mr. William Keen, who died Febru ary i8, 1825, aged 69. This modest stone, what few vain marbles can, May truly say, Here lies an honest man. Calmly he looked on either life, and here Saw nothing to regret, or there to fear. From Nature's temperate feast rose satisfied, Thank'd Heav'n that he had lived and that he died. Here lies inter'd the body of Miss Hannah Sytnmes eldest Daughter of Mr Isaac dnd Mrs Hannah Symmes who at the early period of 28 years after being long exercis'd with bodily pain with christian fortitude yielded her spirit to its benevolent Author. Born Jany 30, 1766, Died March 27, 1794. To the memory of Thomas Jackson Esqr This Monument is erected Obiit September 19, 1794, Aged 67 years The spider's most attenuated thread Is cord, is cable, to man's slender tie. Consecrated to the memory of Mrs PEGGY HOLBROOK wife of Mr Jeremiah Holbrook who departed this life August 28th 181 1 aged 26 years Her amiable Disposition endeared her to her friends and died lamented by all who knew her Though harsh the strike and most severe the rod Cease mourner cease it was a strike from God I am erected by Josiah Cotton Esqr in remembrance of Rachel his pious and Virtuous Wife, who died Janury 17 th 1808 aged 50 years. In belief of Christianity I lived, In hope of a glorious Resurrection I died. F. W. Jackson Obiit March 23, 1799 Aged One year 7 days, Heav'n knows What man He might have made. But we He died a most rare boy- 44 The three latter are on the extreme westerly edge of the ground, not far from the corner where the powder house was built in 1770. No trace of this structure remains. Turning our steps toward the northerly side, the following epitaphs invite our attention : — To the Memory Of Mrs. Anna Jackson Obiit July 20, 1794 Aged 28 years. Death is the privilege of human nature, And life without it were not worth our taking Thither the poor, the unfortunate, and Mourner Fly for relief & lay their burdens down. In Memory of Ezra Thayer Jackson son of Mr Thomas Jackson 2d & Mrs Lucy his wife who died Novr 23d 1783 Aged 25 days What did the Little hasty Sojournr find so forbidding & disgustful in our upper World to occasion its precipitant exit. In Memory of Frederick son of Mr Thomas Jackson and Mrs Lucy his wife who died March J 5, J788 aged J year & 5 days O! happy Probationer! accepted without being exercised! — It was thy peculiar Privilege not to feel the slightest of those Evils, which oppress thy surviving kindred. Here iies Buried the Body of Mrs Hannah Goodwin, the wife of Mr John Goodwin and daughter of Mr Thomas and Mrs Sarah Jackson who departed this life March 8th AD. 1777 ; in the 22d Year of her Age. A Soul pre par'd Needs no delays The Summons comes the Saint obeys Swift was Her flight & short the Road She close'd Her Eyes & saw Her God The Flesh rests here till Jesus comes And claims the Treasure from the Tomb 45 In memory of Harriet Daughter of Mr Samuel & Mrs Hannah Jackson who died Sept. 17, 1793 aged 10 months & 3d (piece gone) Babes thither caught from Womb and Breast Claim Right to sing above the Rest Because they found the happy shore They never saw nor sought before. In memory of Mrs. Tabitha Flasket who died June 10, 1807 aged 64 years. Adieu vain world I have seen enough of the And I am careless what thou say'st of me Thy smiles I wish not ; Nor thy frowns I fear, I am now at rest my head lies quiet here. In Memory of Mr. JOSEPH FLASKET who died August i, AD. 1794 in the 48 year of his age All you that doth behold my stone Consider how soon I was gone Death does not always warning give Therefore be careful how you live Repent in time, no time delay I in my prime was called away. (Tabitha Flasket was for many years a school-teacher in Plymouth and was well known as an eccentric character.) BATHSHEBA JAMES widow of Capt William Holmes 3d Mariner and daughter to Capt Joseph Doten Do. she was killed instantaneously in a thunder storm by the Electrich fluid of lightning on the 6th of July 1830, aged 35 years and 26 days. She was an affectionate ^vife ; a dutiful Daughter, a happy mother, a kind and sincere friend, Alas sweet Blossom short was the period that thy enlivening virtues contributed to the Happiness of those connections ; But oh, how long have they tc mourn the loss of so much worth and Excellence. Farewell dear Wife untill that day more blest When if deserving I with thee shall rest. With thee shall rise with thee shall live above In worlds of endless bliss and boundless love. 46 In memory of William Brewster Son of Capt William Brew- ster & Mrs Elizabeth his wife died April 5th 1804 aged one year 5 months & 17 days The father and the children dead We hope to Heaven their souls are fled The widow now alone is left Of all her family bereft. May she now put her trust in God. To heal the wounds made by his rod. Capt Ellis Brews and Mrs Nancy wife died Dec 13 180 aged 4 years He listen'd for a while to hear Our mortal griefs ; then tun'd his ear To angel harps and songs, and cried To join their notes celestial, sigh'd and dyed. To the memory of Lemuel Cobb Robbins son of Capt Ansel Robbins and Hannah his wife who died Oct 2sd 1801 aged i year & 10 days We have no Reason for to mourn For gods will must be don He lent him for a little space Then sudden Called him home In memory of Elizabeth Savery, wife of Lemuel Savery who died August i, 1831, Aged 71 years. Remember me as you pass by, As you are now so once was I ; As I am now so you must be, Prepare for death to follow me. There are about 2,150 headstones on Burial Hill, and many graves are unmarked. In some cases, undoubtedly, this absence of a memorial is due to the considerable cost of stones in the early days. In other instances the monuments have fallen prey 47 to the ravages of time. Rigid restrictions now govern burials in this ground. Standing thus among the graves of the pioneer dead and putting all modern life behind him, one's lit h. fl fm thoughts go back across the centuries and grasp, with a new sense of realit}^, the facts of Pilgrim history. The Forefathers, who did brave deeds and suffered much, and planted in the wilderness the seeds of a 48 free nation, stand forth not as shadowy historical figures, but as living men. And thinking on such things, these words of the poet Pierpont find ready echo : — " The Pilgrim spirit has not fled, It walks in noon's broad light ; And it watches the bed of the glorious dead, With the holy stars, by night. It watches the bed of the brave who have bled, And shall guard this ice-bound shore. Till the waves of the bay, where the Mayflower lay. Shall foam and freeze no more ! " ■r.r? ' f_ '!/0 49 HISTORIC PLYMOUTH ^TT^HE Pilgrim Bookstore, Plymouth, invites your inspection of the accompanying lists of views, publications, and souvenirs. The photographs are from recent negatives of historic places and subjects, celebrated in American history, supplemented u^ith reproductions of paintings, depicting scenes famous in Pilgrim annals. The souvenirs are some of our newest produc- tions, and a selection from the list will be prized for its real artistic worth, as well as adding sentiment and historic value. Everything will be carefully packed and mailed promptly to any address on receipt of price. A. S. BURBANK, PubHsher, Pilgrim Bookstore, Plymouth, Massachusetts. INDEX PAGE Illustrated Plymouth Books . . . . . 67 Illustrated Postal Cards . . . • . 68 Lantern Slides ..... . 62 Mayflower Candlestick . . . . . 68 Pilgrim Literature . . . . . 65 Souvenirs ....... • 71 Views in and about Plymouth • 53 50 "Here ended tli ^^ JOHN HOwU ' a^ed above 8< "' ied Efizabei .me withl ..iyfiowerCR From them are tiesee. numerous poster^ - Hee%as a ^odly man anC one Of the first comers intL Mayf^o.w- nmo^^ .^'^V^ ^--s#^- .^^ GRAVE 0F;J0HN HOWLAND, 1672. 51 l^' PRISCILLA AND JOHN, ALDEN. No. 121. From Painting by George H. Boughton. Views in and about Plymouth All views of historic interest have descriptions on back of mounts. Prints are 5x8. Please order by number, and specify mounted or unmounted, glossy or dull surface. 25 cents each by mail. 1 Plymouth Rock. 2 The Canopy over the Rock. 3 The Canopy and Harbor from Cole's Hill. 4 The Canopy and Cole's Hill, first burial-place of the Pilgrims. 5 Plymouth Harbor as seen from Cole's Hill. 6 Leyden Street, first street in New England. 7 Site of the Common House, Leyden Street, first house erected by the Pilgrims. 8 Leyden Street in 1622, showing first or Com- mon House, Gov. Bradford's House, and the buildings assigned to Brown, Goodman, Brewster, Billington, Allerton, Cooke, and Winslow. 9 Town Square, showing Church of the First Parish, Town House, formerly the Old Co- lonial Court House, built in 1749, and Odd Fellows' Block, occupying the site of Gov. Bradford's House. 10 Old Burial Hill. 11 Site of the Watch Tower, Burial Hill, erected in 1643. View also shows the lot of Rev. S3 A. S. BuRBANK, Pilgrim Bookstore^ Plymouth, Mass. Adoniram Judson, the celebrated missionary to Burmah. 12 Site of the Old Fort, Burial Hill, built in 1621 as a defence against the Indians, and also used as a place of worship. 13 The Old Fort and First Meeting-house, 162 1. 14 Gov. Bradford's Monument, Burial Hill, show- ing also the graves of his family. 15 Grave of Edward Gray, 1681. 16 Grave of John Howland, 1672. 17 Grave of Thomas Clarke, 1697. 18 Cushman Monument. 19 Grave of Elder Thomas Cushman. 20 Grave of Dr. Francis Le Barron. 21 Pilgrim Hall. 2 2 Interior of Pilgrim Hall, showing Charles Lucy's famous painting of the Departure from Delft Haven, also smaller pictures and relics. 23 Interior of Pilgrim Hall, showing Sargent's painting of the Landing and Weir's Embar- kation, also relics and portraits. 24 Landing of the Pilgrims, painting by Sargent. 25 The Departure from Delft Haven, painting by Charles Lucy. 26 Embarkation of the Pilgrims, painting by Weir. 54 A. S. BuRBANK, Pilgrim Bookstore^ Plymouth, Mass. 27 Gov. Carver's Chair; Ancient Spinning-wheel. 28 Elder Brewster's Chair; Cradle of Peregrine White, the first Pilgrim baby. 29 Sword of Myles Standish ; Iron Pot and Pewter Platter, brought by Standish in the " May- flower " ; Table owned by Gov. Edward Winslow. 30 The "Mayflower" in Plymouth Harbor, from painting by W. F. Hallsall, Pilgrim Hall. 31 Group of Winslow Relics, Pilgrim Hall. 32 Group of White Relics, Pilgrim Hall. 33 National Monument to the Forefathers. 34 Statue of Freedom, National Monument. 35 Statue of Law, National Monument. 36 Statue of Education, National Monument. 37 Statue of Morality, National Monument. 38 Treaty with Massasoit, alto-relief on National Monument. 39 Landing of the Pilgrims, alto-relief on National Monument. 40 Clark's Island, where the Pilgrims spent their first Sabbath in Plymouth. 41 Pulpit Rock, Clark's Island, from which the first sermon was preached. 42 The Gurnet, headland at entrance of harbor. 43 Along Shore from Atwood's Wharf. 55 A. S. BuRBANK, Pilgrim Bookstore^ Plymouth, Mass. 44 North Street. 45 Court Street. 46 County Court House. 47 County Prison. 48 Town Brook. 49 Almshouse Pond, Town Brook. 50 Town from Cannon Hill. 51 Pilgrim Meersteads along Town Brook. 52 OfF Beach Point, Captain's Hill. 53 View along the Wharves from Stephen's Point, 54 The Island, Billington Sea. 55 Outlet, Billington Sea. 56 Pilgrim Wharf and Along Shore. 58 Boot Pond. 60 Morton Park, Entrance. 61 Little Pond, Morton Park. 63 Eel River. 64 Manomet Bluffs. 65 Rocky Shore, Manomet. 66 Manomet House. 67 Hotel Pilgrim. 68 Samoset House. 69 Main Street. 70 Town Square in 1870. 71 Town Square in 181 2. 72 The First or Common House, 162 1. 56 No. 9. CHURCH OF THE FIRST PARISH No 25. THE DEPARTURE FROM DELFT-HAVEN. 57 *!- »>»* .« No. 33. NATIONAL MONUMENT TO THE FOREFATHERS A. S. BuRBANK, Pilgrim Bookstore^ Plymouth, Mass. 13> Plymouth in 1622, — a combination picture, showing Leyden Street, the Old Fort, Land- ing from the Shallop, Plymouth Rock and the ship " Mayflower." 74 Gov. Bradford's House, Plymouth. 75 Birthplace of Gov. William Bradford, Auster- field. 76 Austerfield Church. 77 Page of the Register, Austerfield Church, showing record of the baptism of Gov. William Bradford. 79 Scrooby Church. 80 Interior Scrooby Church. 81 Scrooby Manor House. 82 Bawtry Church. 83 High Street, Bawtry. 84 Site of John Robinson's House at Leyden. 85 Church at Leyden where John Robinson was buried. 86 Memorial Tablet to John Robinson on Church at Leyden. 87 Old Church at Delft Haven, where the Pilgrims held their last service before the embarka- tion. 88 The Pilgrim Fathers holding their first meet- ing for public worship in North America. 59 A. S. BuRBANK, Pilgrim Bookstore^ Plymouth, Mass. 89 "The March of Myles Standish." 90 The Old Sexton's House, Market Street, 1720. 92 Barker House, Pembroke, 1628. 93 Peregrine White House, Marshfield. 94 Old Oaken Bucket House, Scituate. 95 The Doten House, built by William Harlow, 1660, demolished in 190 1. 96 Crow House, built by William Crow, 1664. 97 Oldest House in Plymouth, the Howland House, built by Jacob Mitchell, 1666. 98 William Harlow House, built of timber from the Old Burial Hill Fort, by William Har- low, 1677. 99 Homestead of Gen. John Winslow, 1726. 100 The Town House, formerly the Old Colonial Court House, built in 1749. loi The Winslow House, built in 1754, by Ed- ward Winslow. Colonial architecture. 102 Cole's Blacksmith Shop, 1684. 103 Leach House, 1679. 104 Statue of Myles Standish. 105 Myles Standish Monument. 106 Standish House, Duxbury, built by son of Myles Standish, 1666. 107 Captain's Hill, Duxbury, the Home of Myles 60 A. S. BuRBANK, Pilgrim Bookstore^ Plymouth, Mass. Standish, showing Standish House and Monument. 1 08 Grave of Daniel Webster, Marshfield. 109 Winslow House, Marshfield, built about 1700. no Fireplace and Secret Closet in chamber of Winslow House, Marshfield. 111 Colonial Doorway of Winslow House, Marsh- field. 112 John Alden House, Duxbury, 1653. 113 Bradford House, Kingston, 1675. 114 Site of Myles Standish House, Duxbury. 115 Grave of Myles Standish, Duxbury. 116 Winslow Tombstone, Marshfield. 117 Will of Peregrine White. 118 John Hancock Sofa, Pilgrim Hall. 119 Memorial Tablet, Gov. William Bradford Estate, Kingston. 120 Departure from Delft Haven. 121 Priscilla and John Alden. From painting by George H. Boughton. 122 " Why don't you Speak for Yourseh, John ? " 123 The Courtship. John Alden and Priscilla. From painting by George H. Boughton. 124 Departure of the "Mayflower," from paint- ing by A. W. Bayes. 125 Priscilla, from painting by G. H. Boughton. 61 A. S. BuRBANK, Pilgrim Bookstore ^ Plymouth, Mass. 1 26 Pilgrim Exiles, from painting by Boughton. 127 Pilgrims going to Church, from painting by Boughton. 128 Two Farewells, from painting by Boughton. 1 29 Return of the " Mayflower," painting by Boughton. 130 Portrait of Edward Winslow, Governor of Plymouth Colony, one of the " Mayflower '* company. The only authentic portrait of a " Mayflower " Pilgrim. 131 Portrait of Josiah Winslow, Goveriior of Plymouth Colony, 1 673 to 1 680. 132 Portrait of Penelope, wife of Gov. Josiah Winslow. 133 Portrait of Gen. John Winslow, second in com- mand of the expedition against the Acadians in 1755. 134 Portrait of Isaac Winslow, son of John Wins- low. 135 Portrait of Elizabeth Wensley, born in Plym- outh 1 64 1, mother of Sarah, the wife of Isaac Winslow. Lantern Slides. We furnish lantern slides from any subjects on our list of photo- graphs. They are made by an expert from the original negatives. Price, 50 cents each 5 ^5 00 per dozen. 62 No. 29 MYLES STANDISH SWORD, POT. AND PLATTER '^^ No. 27. GOV. CARVER'S CHAIR. Mayflower Relics, Pilgrim Hall. 63 ^ 5- 'f \ It Modelled by L. J. Rridgman. Modelled by Miss S. H. Bu PiLciRiM Meual rgess. -IONS. By mail, 50 cents each. 64 A. S. BuRBANK, Pilgrim Bookstore^ Plymouth, Mass. Pilgrim Literature* A History of Plymouth, By William T. Davis. The best history of the town of Plymouth, from the landing of the PUgrims down to the present time. A con- cise yet comprehensive sketch of the Pilgrim movement, its origin, its growth, its development, and of the settlement at Plymouth, to which it finally led. Illustrated with diagrams and Plymouth views. Price by mail, $2.50. The Pilgrim Republic, By John A. Goodwin, a ver)' complete history, in popular form, of the Pilgrims in their English homes, their Dutch halting-place, and their development of Plymouth into a permanent community. By mail, 54-00' Ancient Landmarks of Plymouth, By William T. Davis, former President of the Pilgrim Society. An Historical Sketch and Titles of Estates j Genealogical Register of Plymouth Families. By mail, ^4.50. The Story of the Pilgrims, By Morton Dexter. Illustrated with views in Austerfield, Leydra, and Plymouth. By mail, 75 cents. Standish of Standish, By Jane G. Austin. A story of the Pilgrims. Deeply interesting. Historically accurate. i6mo, cloth, 422 pages. By mail, $1.25. Holiday edition, two volumes, illustrated, i^5.oo. Betty Alden, By Jane G. Austin. The story of the first-born daughter of the Pilgrims. i6mo, cloth, 384 pages. By mail, ^1.25. 65 A. S. BuRBANK, Pilgrim Bookstore^ Plymouth, Mass. A Nameless Nobleman, By Jane G. Austin. A story of the Old Colony, i6mo, cloth, 369 pages. By mail, ^1.25. Dr. LeBaron and his Daughters, By Jane G. Austin. A story of the Old Colony. 1 6mo, cloth, 460 pages. By mail, ^1.25, David Alden's Daughter, And Other Stories of Colonial Times, by Jane G. Austin. i6mo, cloth, 316 pages. By mail, $1.25. Little Pilgrims at Plymouth, By F. A. Humphrey. The Pilgrim Story told for Children. i6mo, cloth, 331 pages, illustrated. By mail, $1.25. The First Church in Plymouth. A Brief History from 1606 to 1901, by John Cuckson, Minister, i6mo, cloth, 118 pages. By mail, ^i.io. Myles Standish, Captain of the Pilgrims, by John S. C. Abbott. i6mo, cloth, 372 pages. By mail, $1.25. The Pilot of the Mayflower. A Tale of the Children of the Pilgrim Republic. By Hezekiah Butterworth. Illustrated by H. Winthrop Peirce and others. i2mo, cloth. By mail, $1.50. Historic Towns of New England, Edited by Rev. Lyman P. Powell. The volume presents a connected account of the more important events and incidents in the history of Plymouth, Concord, Cambridge, Portland, Rutland, Salem, Boston, Deerfield, Newport, Providence, Hartford, New Haven, and Cape Cod towns. 160 illustrations, octavo. By mail, $3.50. tLofC. 66 A. S. BuRBANK, Pilgrim Bookstore^ Plymouth, Mass. On Plymouth Rock, By Samuel Adams Drake. Illustrated, cloth, 173 pages, 60 cents. Patience, A daughter of the Mayflower, by Elizabeth W. Champney. Illus- trated, i2mo, cloth, 336 pages, by mail, ^1.50. Historic Pilgrimages in New England. Among Landmarks of Pilgrim and Puritan Days and of the Provincial and Revolutionary Periods. By Edwin M. Bacon. 475 pages and 130 illustrations. By mail, $1,50. Illustrated Plymouth Books* Guide to Historic Plymouth. Descriptive of the historic points and localities famous in the story of the Pilgrims. Illustrated with many half-tone engravings and sketches in pen and ink. A beautiful cover design in color, by Hallowell, of John Alden and Priscilla. Price by mail, 25 cents. The Pilgrim Town of Duxbury, Illustrated. Twenty-four full-page illustrations of historic houses and paint- ings, Mayflower relics, and scenes about the homes of Standish, Wins- low, and Alden. Brief descriptive lines accompany the pictures. Size of book, 8 x 10. Price, 25 cents j by mail, 30 cents. Handbook of Old Burial Hill. Its history, its famous dead, and its quaint epitaphs, by Frank H. Perkins. Illustrated with pencil drawings, sketches, and tracings of the curious old gravestones to be seen in this place of sepulture of Pilgrims and descendants. Price by mail, 25 cents. 07 A. S. BuRBANK, Pilgrim Bookstore^ Plymouth, Mass. This miniature design is from the cover of a fine holi- day edition of the new illustrated foli o, *' Pilgrim Plymouth." The illustra- tions are full-page, with brief descrip- tive lines, and con- sist of reproduc- tions of historic subjects and Plymouth of to-day. In flexible cloth covers, printed in colors. Price, 25 cents ; by mail, 30 cents. A Souvenir of Plymouth Parks, Containing a brief history of their acquisition by the town, forty-six views in half-tone of some of the most attractive localities, and a map of Morton Park. The book is 7 x 9 inches in size, contains sixty- four pages, and has a handsome cover design in color, by L. J. Bridg- man. Price, securely boxed for mailing, 60 cents. Illustrated Postal Cards. A set of twelve cards, beautifully printed in half-tone, illus- trating historic points in Old Plymouth and scenes in Pilgrim life. Price per set by mail, 25 cents. Set of four cards in colors, 15 cents. The Mayflower Candlestick. An exact copy of a brass candlestick brought over in the May- flower by William White, father of Peregrine White. The original candlestick is now in Pilgrim Hall. Price, $1.50 each. If by mail, add 25 cents postage. 68 OLD BLUE WEDGWOOD HISTORICAL PLATES. (See page 23.) y^■**■'^yvT1>i*■■**t^l^"*^^■''^^'''-'^^'-'^^^^*^*-*>'*'*■^ »»*»*» '^^'^■^^'^^■' THE MAYFLOWER GAME. (See page 23.) 69 Sterling Silver Spoons, Souvenirs of Pilgrim Plymouth. COFFEE. TEA. Mayflower . . $i.co $1.50 Plymouth Rock, i.oo 1-25 Courtship of Myles Standish . . I. CO 1.50 Priscilla 1-25 1.50 Myles Standish 1-5 1.50 Landing of the Pilgrims . I.oo [.50 John and Priscilla I.oo 2.00 Pilgrim Monument I.oo 1.50 Standish " I.oo I. so Add ten cents if you want package registered. 70 A. S. BuRBANK, Pilgrim Bookstore^ Plymouth, Mass. bouvemrs* Sterling Silver Pins. Correct representations of Plymouth Rock and of the ship Mayflower in the shape of stick pins and hat pins. Price of either design, postpaid, 25 cents. Plymouth Historical Plates. These plates are made to our order in England by Wedgwood. The border design of roses is copied from a plate of the last century. The color, a deep old blue, gives the effect of old china. There are six subjects, — *'The Mayflower in Plymouth Harbor," "The Land- ing of the Pilgrims," < ^ ^ 0^ >^ ^^"^.^ ^^ ^^0^ A^^ ,•1 o. ^0 HO^ '^ DOBBSBROS. <| ^LIBRARY BINOINR ST. AUGUSTINE ,i^^ C. A ,s- G^ "o "o. .- A LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 014 079 395 4 ^