EN SONNETS GF/ N BACON , SALT LAKE Cn THE ARROW PR: SEVEN SONNETS By GEORGE MORGAN BACON SALT LAKE CITY THE ARROW PRESS 1913 -^5 3 3-03 Copyright, 1913 By Geo. M. Bacon DEC 31 1913 r (g:i,A860532 L AN ARM You say I cannot write unto an arm A sonnet that shall have the purpose sole Of voicing in my feeble way the charm Which makes that part symbolic of the whole? And do you fancy, sweet, that the soft line And curves so fair perchance could strike me dumb. Or that the glow of life and tints so fine Mayhap would turn my throbbing senses numl^? The perfect sweep of contour tap'ring down From shoulder to the dainty finger tips, The grace of motion that is beauty's crown. Are magic that must force up to my lips The words that I could stifle from all harm With eager kisses showered on your arm. Feb. 26, 19 13. IMMORTALITY I cannot die, for deathless in me lives A spirit that throughout all time must cast Some aura from itself, some force which gives Unto the Future that which from the Past Came unto me; perchance in different guise. And wearing in its face no semblance clear To link it with the shape which in 3'our eyes Doth clothe the essence that shall mock the bier The life eternal that the many crave. Bound to this earthly one by memories sweet And bitter that alone survive the grave. Is but a rainbow glow with which to cheat The selfish hopes that selfishly incline To moulding from the human the divine. Feb, 26^ igij. TO MOTHER I want you to remember, dear, I'm trying in my childish way To stop those naughty things you fear 1'hat I am sure to do each day : Because I'm careless when you speak And often no attention give, You must not think I really seek A willful, selfish life to live. 1 know that wdien you have to scold And even have to punish me, It is because when I am old You want me for my sake to be A woman who, the same as you, Can never shirk what she should do. Feb, i6, 1913. FAILURE Thou seeniest like a spectre gaunt That in the path of effort leers, A grim forbidding shape to haunt The soul beset by doubt and fears; Thy hungry maw doth eyer feed Insatiate on the hearts of men Whose timid hopes as vaguely lead As marsh lights flitting o'er a fen. Thou art the mother goddess fair Whose nurture turns the chosen few From clay into a marble rare From which the hand of Fate may hew Those forms immortal and sublime That mock the petty march of Time. March ij, IQIJ. A KISS Thou art the sign and symbol sure Of all that seething burns within, Or that which with a radiance pure Was purged by suff ring from all sin ; .\ measure art thou of the sum And substance of the things unseen, A potent spell to leave all dumb The sobs that voice a grief once keen. Love's soul all rushing to my lips As nestling in my arms you lie. I feel how from my being slips This mortal coil as I defy In one long kiss both time and space Drugged by the fragrance of thy face. Apr. 4, iQij. TO PHRYNE And do they think your hold on me Is grounded in those fibres true Which form the being that is free But for the few soft hours with you? Enchantress art thou in that thou Canst for a moment lift the load That scars with creases my poor brow And pricks me forward as a goad. Thy gleaming flesh is but a veil To hide the face of worry grim, For gnawing cares in vain assail The man whose powers the senses dim In those brief times when passion's sway Grants to thy charms their little day. Apr. g, igjj. LIFE 'Tis but a torch-race that we run Along the ancient path that leads From hopes by lovers' fancy spun To shadows that the twilight breeds ; A path that countless feet have trod, Which, seeming ever new, is yet Common to those who humbly plod And those whose souls high longings fret. The vital spark is given each To fan or quench as needs may be. The blessed ones are those who reach Into the darkness as they flee And from the stars that stud the night Glean fire immortal for their light. Dec, 4, 1913.