••^l^'^f riass ) X 7 • BooL/S_3_51 Cop}f!ghtN^_ COKRIGHT DEPOSIT. Twentieth Century' "^"^^ COOK BOOK AND HOME CANDY MAKING INDEXED TWENTIETH CENTURY COOK BOOK An Up-to-Date and Skillful Preparation on the Art of Cooking AND Modem Candy Making Simplified ALSO The Process of Dr3ang Fruits and Vegetables, and Butchering Time Recipes Compiled and Published by The Geographical Publishing Co. 621 Plymouth Court CHICAGO. ILLINOIS Copyright, 1921, by The Geographical Publishing Co., Chicago, Ills. MAY l3IS2i 'g)CI.A617105 INTRODUCTION The cook books now on the market are many and various, but few, if any, are plain, practical, thorough, and complete enough for all-around use and everyday reference in farm homes — in families where plain tastes and limited means forbid extravagant or fancy culinary indulgences and the accompanying unneces- sary expenditure of time and labor. This book is intended especially and primarily for farm cooks, though it will be found equally useful and helpful in the city kitchen where economy is an object. It is, of course, understood that country or farm house- keepers have many advantages their town sisters lack, such as fresh fruits, vegetables, poultry, eggs, milk, cream and butter, which naturally cannot always be had in city markets, where even inferior grades of produce are high priced. In the average farm kitchen such things are considered necessities, not luxuries, and are accepted quite as a matter of course. It is hoped that this cook book will induce house- wives to try an occasional change in their usual daily bill of fare. The introduction of some variety will make the cook's work less monotonous and is likely to be appreciated by other members of the family as well. The editors of this cook book beg the indulgence of all who may become possessed of a copy. We do not claim to "know it all," and in this instance have con- fined ourselves chiefly to the task of picking out from thousands of good recipes such as seemed the best and most deserving of finding a place in this volume. The G. P. Co. IV ARRANGING THE TABLE (See Illustration on Opposite Page) The first requisite for a well-ordered table is snowy, fine, damask linen. The napkins and table cloth should be of good size and the dishes should shine with brightness. Un- derneath the cloth, padding should be laid. A table, when properly set, is a picture of loveliness — cut glass, silver, dainty dishes, with a background of white, appeal to the eye of the artist, and why not to the guest, giving zest to the viands that are spread ? As to the manner of "setting" the table, there are some differences of opinion and greater differences of customs. At the strictest of houses, there are as many knives, forks and spoons placed at the different places as there are courses to be served. The knives lie on the right of the plate, and and a row of forks on the left ; the oyster fork on the out- side. There are usually four forks and three knives ; a steel knife for meat being one of them. The soup spoon lies next to the napkin. The napkin (which, by the way, should never be starched) is placed directly in front of each guest. Individual salt and pepper bottles are at hand, and if butter is needed, individual butter plates are called into use. A goblet is set at every plate. A certain scheme of color is chosen, and everything on the table hai-monizes with it. The flowers adorning the table are delicately scented and pleasant to all. There are many who dislike the heavily scented tube roses and syringas, but roses, lilies, carnations and lilacs are always agreeable. The dining room is carpeted, or if the floor is hardwood, large rugs are used to deaden the footsteps. In lighting the table a large single candelabrum or indi- vidual electric stands are the most common method of illumination. Wax candles are sometimes in favor, as they afford good opportunity for decorative effects and make pretty shadows. The shades to the candles match in color the other decorations. VI LUNCHEONS (See Illustration on Opposite Page) A modern luncheon is a very convenient meal, per- mitting of an irregular number, and a great variety of displays. It can be made expensive or not, as occasion demands. Many luncheons, like many dinners, are apt to be over-sumptuous. The ideal luncheon is quite a simple affair. Roasts and joints are never served but entrees and cold dishes instead. Table cloths are still frequently used, but the newer idea is the use of highly polished tables. These, when decorated with doilies and flowers, give a peculiarly antique effect, far surpassing in charm even the richest damask. At the embroidery shops many centerpieces and doilies for these occasions are being shown. A pretty set, intended for "the salad" course, consists of a round mat for the bowl, with smaller ones for the plates. The patterns are mostly wreaths of brier roses and vines. A pleasant innovation in summer, and one especially adapted to spacious homes, is to serve the luncheon on the piazzas or in shaded spots around the yard. This agreeable change brings about a sociability that de- lights the reserved and pleases even the* most fas- tidious. COMMON WAYS OF COOKING FOOD Baking is cooking in confined heat in the oven. Examples: Bread, cake, meat. This method when applied to meat is commonly called roasting. Before baking, see that the oven is clean and heated to the desired temperature. Boiling is cooking by immersion in water at 212° F. Examples: Potatoes, cabbage, macaroni. Braising is a combination of stewing on the top of the range, and baking in the oven, with or without vegetables. Examples: Tough meats, fowl, whole liver. Broiling or Grilling is cooking over or under direct heat, as over glow- ing coals or under a gas flame. Examples: Steak, chops. Fricasseeing is commonly a combination of stewing and sauteing. Examples : Fowl, f orequarter of lamb or veal. Frying is cooking by immersion in hot deep fat. Examples: Dough- nuts, croquettes. Pan-baking or Pan-broiling is cooking in a lightly greased or ungreased hot frying pan or griddle. Examples: Steak, English muffins, griddle cakes. Pot Roasting is cooking in an iron kettle or earthen pot in a small amount of water, after meat has been quickly browned in a small amount of fat in the frying pan or kettle. Cook slowly until very tender, with or without vegetables. Roasting is cooking before an open fire. This method is seldom used in small households, although the baking of meats is commonly called roasting. Sauteing is cooking in a small amount of fat in a shallow pan on top of range. Examples : Sliced fish, meat, potatoes, eggs. Simmering is cooking in liquid at 185° F. The bubbles should always be below the surface. Examples: Ham, corned beef, soups. Steaming. Dry Steaming is cooking by heat or steam, as in double boiler or tin, over or surrounded by boiling water. Examples: Rice, brown bread. Moist Steaming is cooking by direct contact with steam, as in a steamer or colander, over boiling water, closely covered. Examples: Fowl, puddings, dumplings. Stewing is cooking slowly in a small amount of water (about 160° F.) until food is very tender. Examples: Beef, lamb, vegetables. VIII CONTENTS Page Arrangement of the Dinner Table ^ Arrangement of the Luncheon Table -uttt Common Ways of Cooking Food \lll Appetizers and Relishes ^ Beverages • ^ Soups Without Meat 6 . Soups and Stews with Meat or Fish 9 Chowders 1^ Fish 15 Salt and Smoked Fish 16 Meats 18 Warmed-Over Meats 26 Vegetables 28 Sauces and Stuffings for Fish and Meats. . • 35 Poultry • . • • 39 Eggs 43 Cheese and Nuts 47 Cereals — Macaroni and Rice 49 Croquettes and Fritters 52 Salads and Salad Dressings 56 Yeast Breads — Muffins and Rolls 62 Baking Powder Breads, Muffins and Biscuits 65 Popovers and Puffs Without Baking Powder or Yeast 71 Shortcakes and Roulettes 72 Sandv/iches and Toasts 73 Griddle Cakes, Waffies and Sirups 77 Cakes and Cookies 79 Icings and Fillings 84 Hot Desserts 87 Cold Desserts 90 Frozen Desserts 93 Sauces for Desserts 96 Pastries 98 Fruits — Cooked and Uncooked 105 Candies 109 Candies With Cooked Fondant, Chocolates, Nuts, Fruits 110 Candies With Cooked Fondant — Miscellaneous Sweetmeats 113 Bonbons, Confections and Dipped Candies 116 Homemade Cough Candies 119 Unpulled Candies: Butterscotch and Caramels 121 Unpulled Candies: Cocoanut, Cream, and Maple Candies 124 Unpulled Candies: Fudges and Simple Nut Candies 127 Unpulled Candies: Taffy, Pop Com and Candy Drops 131 Unpulled Candies: Nut and Fruit Candies and Marshmallows 133 Pulled Candies: Molasses, Sugar and Cream Candies 136 Candies : Miscellaneous 140 Drying Fruits and Vegetables 142 Butchering Time Recipes 146 Table of Weights and Measures 161 Time Table for Cooking — Baking, Boiling, Broiling, Frying 162 Temperature Table 164 Index 165 IX. SPECIAL NOTICE All ingredients in these recipes should be measured level, and the standard teaspoon, tablespoon, and half-pint measuring cup should be used. Unless otherwise stated, one apple, onion, orange, etc., means one of medium size. Sift flour before measuring, and fill cup lightly. Use pastry flour, unless otherwise directed, for thickening soups and sauces, and in all recipes where baking powder is used; use bread flour in all recipes where yeast is used. The majority of these recipes are planned to serve four persons; those for chowders and other dishes which form the substantial part of the meal are sufficient for second helpings; those for cakes, muflins, and other breads are large enough to be served more than once. APPETIZERS AND RELISHES Cocktail Sauce Ingredients — % cup tomato ketchup, V2 teaspoon salt, 1 tablespoon bottled horseradish, 1 teaspoon Worcestershire sauce, 2 tablespoons vinegar and dash of cayenne. Preparation — Mix, and serve in four small glasses or lemon shells, with six small clams or oysters in each. Shrimps, prawns, or lobster may be used instead of clams or oysters. Asheville Canapes Peel and cut small tomatoes in quarter-inch slices; cut thin rounds of bread the same size as tomatoes; toast bread, spread with Mustard Butter, or salad dressing, and cover with a slice of tomato; season lightly with salt and pepper, and cover with thin slices of cooked chicken livers. Garnish with parsley. Club Canapes Mix devilled ham with a little grated cheese; spread on thin rounds of brown bread, and mark into quarters with finely chopped pickle. Chop fine the white of a hard-cooked egg, and cover two opposite quarters; press the yolk through a sieve, and cover the remaining quarters. Crab Meat Canapes Ingredients — 1 cup crab meat, 1 teaspoon Worcestershire sauce, V4, teaspoon paprika, V2 teaspoon salt, 1 tablespoon lemon juice, % tea- spoon mustard, V2 teaspoon horseradish. Preparation — Chop crab meat, mix well with seasonings, and spread on thin rounds of untoasted brown bread. Garnish with small cube of lemon. Mock Crab Canapes Ingredients — 1 cup canned corn, Vs teaspoon paprika, % teaspoon salt, 1 teaspoon anchovy paste, 2 tablespoons grated cheese. Preparation — Use one cup of corn which has been drained from its juice; put through food chopper, using the finest cutter; add sea- sonings and cheese, and spread on small rounds of toast. Garnish with small pickles sliced lengthwise. Gloucester Canapes Cook a small haddock roe in boiling salted water for fifteen min- utes, remove skin, mash, add a tablespoon of butter, half a teaspoon of anchovy paste, one-fourth teaspoon of paprika, and enough cream to moisten; add salt if necessary. Mound on small rounds of toast, and garnish with sliced pickles and parsley. Tuna Canapes Ingredients — 1 cup tuna fish, 1 tablespoon lemon juice, 1 tablespoon tomato ketchup, % tablespoon olive oil, Vz teaspoon salt, Vi teaspoon paprika. Preparation — Chop fish, add seasonings, and spread on small rounds of lightly toasted bread. Garnish with sliced pimolas. APPETIZERS AND RELISHES Celery Relish Cut large white stalks of celery in two-inch lengths, fill with cream cheese which has been seasoned with salt, pepper, and Worcester- shire sauce. Garnish with a small piece of celery top. Cheese and Apple Rings Ingredients — 1 large tart apple, 1 teaspoon Worcestershire sauce, % cup soft cheese cut fine, dash of cayenne, % teaspoon salt, 2 table- spoons cream. Preparation — Pare and core apples, and cut in one-third-inch slices; mix cheese with seasonings and cream, beat to a paste, and spread or force through a rose tube on apple rings. Dust with paprika. Spanish Cheese Cook together one and a half cups of soft or grated cheese with one-fourth cup of chili sauce until the cheese is melted. Serve imme- diately on toasted crackers or rounds of toast, as an appetizer or savory. Cantaloupe Cocktail Ingredients — 2 cups cantaloupe, juice of y2 lemon, % cup preserved ginger, 2 tablespoons powdered sugar. Preparation — Cut melon in small cubes, or in balls (using a potato cutter). Add chopped ginger, lemon juice, and sugar, and serve very cold. Fruit Cocktail Ingredients — 2 tart apples, 2 oranges, 1 large banana, 1 teaspoon lemon juice, 4 tablespoons powdered sugar. Preparation — Cut apples and bananas in small cubes; remove pith and seeds from oranges, cut pulp in small pieces, and add with juice to apples and bananas; add lemon juice and sugar, place in a shallow dish, and put directly on ice for ten minutes to chill; serve in glasses and garnish with a Preserved Cranberry, or a spoonful of Mock Bar- le-Duc. Peeled Tokay or Malaga grapes and a little grated pineapple may be added to advantage. Winter Chili Sauce Ingredients — 1 can tomatoes, 1 teaspoon paprika, 2 onions finely chopped, Vs teaspoon cayenne, Vs cup brown sugar, % teaspoon cin- namon, 1% teaspoons salt, ^A teaspoon clove, Vs cup vinegar. Preparation — Mix, and simmer about half an hour or until thick. Piccalilli Ingredients — 3 quarts green tomatoes, 1 quart sugar, 3 quarts ripe tomatoes, 1 teaspoon cinnamon, 2 red peppers, Vz teaspoon clove, 3 onions, 4 tablespoons white mustard seed, Vz cup salt, 2 quarts vinegar. Preparation — Put vegetables through the food chopper, using coarse cutter; sprinkle with salt, let stand over night, and drain; add other ingredients, and cook about forty-five minutes. APPETIZERS AND RELISHES Table Sauce Ingredients — 12 ripe tomatoes, 1 teaspoon paprika, 1 onion, i/4 tea- spoon pepper, 3 green peppers, 1 cup vinegar, 2 tablespoons sugar, 1 teaspoon ground clove, 1% tablespoons salt, 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon, 2 teaspoons mustard. Preparation — Wipe tomatoes, cut in halves, and put in a clean, smooth preserving kettle; add onion and peppers sliced, and season- ings; simmer two hours, and press through a sieve; return to kettle, simmer one hour, and seal in jars or bottles; when cool, dip tops in paraffin. This may be used in place of ready-made sauce. Tomato Ketchup Ingredients — 1 peck ripe tomatoes, Vz cup whole mixed spices, 3 onions, 1 clove of garlic, % cup salt, % cup dry mustard, 2 teaspoons cayenne, 1 quart vinegar, 2 tablespoons paprika, 1 cup brown sugar. Preparation — Wipe tomatoes, cut in halves, and put in a smooth, clean preserving kettle; add onions sliced, cook slowly for one hour, and press through a sieve; add salt, cayenne, and paprika; tie mixed spices, garlic, and mustard in double cheesecloth, add to tomatoes, and cook rapidly until mixture begins to thicken; boil vinegar and sugar together while tomatoes are cooking; add them to strained tomato; cook until ketchup is thick, or until water will not separate from it when tried on a plate. Remove spice bag, seal in sterilized jars or bottles, and when cool dip tops in melted paraffin. Small Cucumber Pickles (Gherkins) Wash thoroughly, count, and for every hundred cucumbers allow one cup of salt. Cover with boiling water. Let stand twenty-four hours; then drain. Fill quart preserve jars with cucumbers, then add two tablespoons of mixed whole spices, a piece of alum the size of a pea, and boiling vinegar to fill the jar. Seal, and let stand a week before using. The boiling water should be measured, as an equal amount of vinegar will be needed. Pepper Hash Ingredients — 6 green peppers, 1 quart vinegar, 6 red peppers, 1 cup brown sugar, 6 onions, 2 tablespoons salt, 1 small white cabbage, 2 tablespoons mustard seed. Preparation — Remove seeds from peppers and chop fine with the onion and cabbage. Put in cheesecloth, scald with boiling water, and squeeze dry; heat vinegar, sugar, salt, and mustard seed, add vege- tables, and bring to the boiling point. When cool, put in a stone crock or small jars. Pickled Nasturtium Seeds Into one quart of cider vinegar put three tablespoons salt and five or six slices of horseradish root. Pour into a jar and cover closely. Add the seeds as they ripen. Use in salads, sauces, or for garnishing as a substitute for capers. BEVERAGES BEVERAGES Coflfee, Egg, and Milk Ingredients — 2 eggs, 1^/^ teaspoons instantaneous coflPee, 2% table- spoons sugar, few grains salt, 3 cups milk. Preparation — Beat the eggs until light; add the other ingredients, and strain into glasses. Serve very cold. (This recipe fills four tumblers.) Grape Juice (Unfermented) Pick over and wash grapes, barely cover with water, and cook until soft and white; drain through cheesecloth, and to each quart of juice add one cup each of water and sugar; bring to boiling point, skim, bottle, and cork tightly. When cold, dip corks into melted paraffin. Grape Eggnog Ingredients — 1 egg, 1 teaspoon powdered sugar, % cup grape juice, %: cup milk, nutmeg. Preparation — Beat egg until very light, add grape juice and sugar, and beat again, add milk, beat well, pour into a glass, and dust with nutmeg. Ginger Punch Ingredients — IVi cups sugar, 2 teaspoons Jamaica ginger, 1 quart boiling water, Y2 cup orange juice, grated rind 1 lemon, % cup lemon juice. Preparation — Boil sugar and water with the lemon rind for ten minutes; when cool, add ginger and fruit juice, and strain over cracked ice. Ginger Ale Punch Ingredients — % cup mint leaves, 1 cup boiling water, 1% cups sugar, 2 pints ginger ale, juice of 3 lemons, 1 pint grape juice. Preparation — Pour boiling water over mint leaves, sugar, and grated rind of one lemon, and let stand until cool; strain into a punch bowl containing ice, add ginger ale, grape juice, and strained lemon juice; garnish with sprigs of mint. Mint Julep (Ginger Ale) Ingredients — % cup sugar, juice of 3 lemons, 1 cup water, 4 sprigs mint, 1 pint ginger ale. Preparation — Boil sugar and water ten minutes, and cool; add strained lemon juice, mint leaves bruised, and ginger ale; half fill glasses with crushed ice, and julep, and garnish with a sprig of mint. Mint Lemonade Ingredients — 1 cup sugar, 1 cup mint leaves, 6 cups water, juice of 3 lemons. Preparation — Boil sugar and water twenty minutes; add mint, and let stand until cold; add lemon juice, and strain into glasses half filled with cracked ice. Garnish vdth sprigs of mint. BEVERAGES Tea Tea should be made from freshly drawn, freshly boiled water, poured over the dry tea, which has been put into a clean, scalded tea- pot. Cover with a cozy or stand on back of range for three or four minutes. Allow from a half to a full teaspoon of tea to each cup, according to the variety used. The finer varieties made from the first pickings require less than the coarser kinds. Be sure that tea does not boil. Serve with sugar, cream, lemon, cloves, mints, ginger, or bits of candied fruit. Iced Tea Fill a large glass two-thirds full with cracked ice, add two thin slices of lemon with seeds removed, two teaspoons of powdered sugar, and fill with freshly-made hot tea. One or two mint leaves may be added. Filtered Coffee Ingredients — Vz cup pulverized coffee, 4 cups boiling water. Preparation — Put coffee into bag or filter, add boiling water gradu- ally; pour through a second time, or even a third time if liked strong. Do not boil. Serve with hot milk and cream. Wash coffee pot and bag thoroughly, and dry in the sun if possible; renew bag often. After-Dinner Coffee Ingredients — % cup pulverized coffee, 2 cups boiling water. Preparation — Put coffee into a filter coffee pot, add boiling water, and filter three times. Serve very hot. Cafe Au Lait ~ To recipe for After-dinner Coffee add one and a half cups of hot milk. Cocoa Ingredients — 4 teaspoons cocoa, % teaspoon salt, 2 tablespoons sugar, 2 cups boiling water, 2 cups hot milk. Preparation — Mix cocoa, sugar, salt, and boiling water, and boil five minutes; add hot milk, and beat with egg beater until frothy. Chocolate Ingredients — 1^/^ squares chocolate, Vs teaspoon salt, V4, cup sugar, 2 cups boiling water, 2 cups hot milk. Preparation — Melt chocolate in a saucepan over hot water; add sugar, salt, and boiling water; stir well, and boil five minutes; add hot milk, and beat with egg beater until frothy. Evaporated milk makes excellent chocolate or cocoa. For marshmallow chocolate put two marshmallows in each cup and pour hot chocolate over them. SOUPS WITHOUT MEAT SOUPS WITHOUT MEAT Asparagus Soup When fresh asparH'":us is served as a vegetable, cock the tough ends in the same water, whicr. should be lightly salted. Press through a sieve, add the water, are^' for each three cups add one-half teaspoon of onion juice and one cap of hot milk. Thicl'^z with one tablespoon of butter and two tablespoons oi flour blendod. '..ogether. Add pepper, and salt if necessary. Puree of Black Beans In:jredients — 1 cvp black beans, Vz teaspoon paprika, 1 quart cold water, V4. teaspoon mustard, 1 slice bacon, 1 tablespoon bacon fat, V2 onion, 1 tablespoon flour, 1 teaspoon salt, 1 hard-cooked egg, lemon slices. Preparation — Soak beans over night in cold water; drain; add one quart of water, bacon and onion, and cook three hours or until beans are soft, replacing water which cooks away; press through a sieve; add seasonings, and thicken with bacon fat and flour blended together. Serve with a thin slice of egg and lemon in each plate. Corned beef stock is an excellent substitute for water, but if it is used, salt should be omitted. Baked Bean Soup Ingredients — 2 cups cold baked beans, 1 tablespoon butter, 1^ cups tomatoes, 2 tablespoons flour, 2 slices onion, V2 teaspoon salt, 4 cups cold water, Vs teaspoon fat, V2 bay leaf, 2 tablespoons flour. Preparation — Simmer beans, tomatoes, onion, and water for half an hour, and press through a sieve; thicken with butter and flour blended together; add seasonings, and serve with fried croutons. Puree of Red Kidney Beans Follow recipe for Puree of Black Beans, using red kidney beans in place of black beans. Dried Lima Bean Soup Ingredients — 1 cup lima beans, 1 cup milk, 6 cups cold water, 1 tea- spoon salt, V2 onion sliced, 1 teaspoon Worcestershire sauce, V2 carrot sliced, 1 tablespoon bacon fat, 2 tablespoons flour. Preparation — Soak beans over night; drain; add cold water, onion, carrot, and bay leaf, and simmer an hour and a half or until beans are soft; press through a sieve, add milk and seasonings, and thicken with bacon fat and flour blended together. Serve with croutons. Cauliflower Soup To three cups of the water in which cauliflower has been cooked add one-half teaspoon of onion juice and one cup of hot milk. Thicken with one tablespoon of butter and two tablespoons of flour blended together. Season with cayenne, and salt if necessary. Add a few left-over bits of cauliflower, and serve with croutons or crisp crackers. SOUPS WITHOUT MEAT Cream of Celery Soup Ingredients — 1 cup celery tops, l^/^ teaspoons salt, % cup chopped celery, % teaspoon pepper, 2 slices onion, 3^/^ cups boiling water, i/4 cup rice, 1% cups hot milk, V2 tablespoon butter. Preparation — Cook celery, onion, rice, seasonings, and boiling water for half an hour; press through a sieve; add hot milk and butter, and serve with crisp crackers. Cream of Corn Soup Ingredients — 1 can com, 1 teaspoon salt, V2 onion, % teaspoon paprika, 2 cups boiling water, 1 tablespoon butter, 2 cups hot milk, 2 tablespoons flour. Preparation — Chop com and onion, add water, and simmer twenty minutes; press through a sieve, forcing through all the com possible; add milk and seasonings, and thicken with butter and flour blended together. Cheese Soup Ingredients — 2 cups milk, 2 tablespoons flour, 2 cups boiling water, V2 cup grated cheese, 1 onion sliced, 1 egg well beaten, V2 bay leaf, 1 teaspoon salt, 1 tablespoon butter, dash of cayenne. Prep ration — Scald milk, water, onion, and bay leaf twenty min- utes; sKim out onion and bay leaf, thicken milk with butter and flour cooked together; add cheese, egg, and seasonings, and stir until cheese melts. Fruit Soup Ingredients — 3 pears, juice of Vz lemon, 3 apples, Vs teaspoon cin- namon, 4 cups boiling water, 3 tablespoons honey or sugar, 1 table- spoon granulated tapioca. Preparation — Chop fruit, add water, cook until tender, and press through a sieve; add tapioca, and cook until clear; add lemon juice, cinnamon, and honey. Serve hot or cold with toast sticks. Oatmeal Soup Ingredients — % cup cooked oatmeal, 2 cups hot milk, % onion sliced, 1 teaspoon salt, 2 cloves, % teaspoon celery salt, % bay leaf, % teaspoon pepper, 2 cups boiling water, V2 tablespoon butter. Preparation — Cook oatmeal, onion, cloves, and bay leaf in bailing water for twenty minutes, and press through a sieve; add milk, 5ea- sonings, and butter, and serve with croutons. Cream of Pea Soup Ingredients — 1 can peas, IV^ teaspoons salt, 1 slice onion, Vs tea- spoon pepper, bit of bay leaf, 2 cups boiling water, sprig of parsley, 2 cups hot milk 1 teaspoon sugar, 1 tablespoon butter, 2 tablespoons flour. Preparation — Rinse the peas with cold water, and reserve one-fourth cup: simmer the rem; j der with seasonings and hot water for twenty min'ites, rrd preSii throu>^h a sieve; thicken the milk with butter and flor.j blended together, ar.d add to peas. Add the whole peas just belwi.e serving. SOUPS WITHOUT MEAT Puree of Split Peas Ingredients — V2 cup split peas, 1 cup hot milk, 4 cups water or ham stock, Vs teaspoon pepper, 2 slices onion, 1 tablespoon bacon fat, 1 tablespoon flour. Preparation — Soak peas over night in cold water, and drain; add water or stock, and onion, and simmer about three hours or until peas are soft; press through a sieve; add milk and pepper, and thicken with bacon fat and flour blended together. Serve with croutons. If water is used in place of stock, add two slices of bacon and one and a quarter teaspoons of salt. Rice and Tomato Soup Ingredients — 1 can tomatoes, 1 tablespoon sugar, % onion, 2 cups boiling water, V2 bay leaf, % teaspoon soda, 3 cloves, 2 tablespoons bacon fat, 1 teaspoon salt, 2 tablespoons flour, Vi teaspoon paprika, Vz cup cooked rice. Preparation — Simmer tomatoes, seasonings, and water half an hour; press through a sieve, and add soda; melt bacon fat, and cook with flour until brown; add to soup, and stir until smooth; add rice, and serve. Tomato Bisque Ingredients — 2 cups tomatoes, 1 teaspoon sugar, 1 slice onion, 1% teaspoons salt, bit of bay leaf, % teaspoon pepper, 2 cloves, 3 cups hot milk, 1 cup boiling water, 2 tablespoons butter, i/4 teaspoon soda, 3 tablespoons flour. Preparation — Simmer tomatoes, onion, bay leaf, cloves, and water for twenty minutes, and press through a sieve; add soda, sugar, salt, and pepper; thicken milk with butter and flour blended together, and add to tomato just before serving. Serve with croutons. Windsor Soup Ingredients — 2 potatoes, 1% cups hot milk, 1 white turnip, 1 table- spoon butter, 1/4 cup celery tops, 2 tablespoons flour, 2 slices onion, 1% teaspoons salt, 2% cups boiling water, Vs teaspoon pepper, 2 tablespoons tomato ketchup. Preparation — Pare and slice potatoes and turnip, add celery tops, onion, and boiling water,' cook half an hour, and press through a sieve; add hot milk, thicken with butter and flour blended together, season, and serve with croutons. Vegetable Soup Ingredients — V2 cup leeks, 3 cups boiling water, V2 cup carrots, 1 cup half-inch potato cubes, 1 cup cabbage, 1 cup hot milk, 2 table- spoons beef drippings, 1 teaspoon salt, i/4 teaspoon pepper, 1 table- spoon chopped parsley. Preparation — Cut leeks into slices, carrots and cabbage into small pieces, or put through the food chopper, and cook in beef drippings for ten minutes, stirring often; add boiling water and potatoes, and cook twenty minutes, or until vegetables are tender; add milk and seasonings, and serve with croutons. SOUPS AND STEWS WITH MEAT OR FISH 9 Tomato Bouillon Ingredients — 1 can tomatoes, 6 cloves, 2 cups water, % bay leaf, % cup onion, IVz teaspoons salt, Vz cup carrot, dash of cayenne, 1 cup celery tops, 1 teaspoon sugar, 2 tablespoons tomato ketchup. Preparation — Simmer all ingredients except tomato ketchup for half an hour, strain through double cheesecloth, add ketchup, and serve either very hot or very cold. The tomato pulp should be pressed through a sieve and used for flavoring other soups or sauces. Potato Soup Ingredients — 3 potatoes sliced, 1 1/4 teaspoons salt, i/4 cup celery tops, 1/4 teaspoon pepper, V2 onion, 2 cups hot milk, 2 cups boiling water, 1 tablespoon butter, 2 tablespoons flour. Preparation — Cook potatoes, celery, onion, and water twenty min- utes; press through a sieve; add seasonings and hot milk, and thicken with butter and flour blended together. Tomato and Peanut Soup Ingredients — 1'/^ cups stewed and strained tomatoes, % teaspoon salt, y2 cup peanut butter, i/4 teaspoon paprika, 2y2 cups boiling water. Preparation — Add tomatoes gradually to peanut butter, and when smooth add seasonings and water; simmer ten minutes, and serve with croutons. Well seasoned soup stock may be substituted for the water; if so, use less salt. Tomato and Oatmeal Soup Ingredients — Vz can tomatoes, % cup rolled oats, 3 cups hot water, 1 teaspoon salt, 2 slices onion, 1 teaspoon sugar, ^4 bay leaf, % tea- spoon soda, 3 cloves, % teaspoon pepper, 1 teaspoon butter. Preparation — Heat tomatoes, water, onion, bay leaf, and cloves to boiling point; add oatmeal gradually, and cook for forty-five minutes; press through a sieve; add seasonings and butter, and serve with croutons. SOUPS AND STEWS WITH MEAT OR FISH Mock Turtle Soup Ingredients — 2 pounds knuckle of veal, 2 teaspoons salt, ^/^ pound liver, % teaspoon pepper, 1 onion, 2 tablespoons beef drippings, 1 carrot, 4 tablespoons flour, % bay leaf, 1 teaspoon sugar, V2 cup celery tops, 1 tablespoon vinegar, 2 quarts water, ^A teaspoon kitchen bouquet, 1 hard-cooked egg. Preparation — Wash meat, add vegetables cut fine, and boiling water, and cook slowly for four hours; remove meat, strain stock, remove fat, and add salt and pepper; cook drippings, flour, and sugar together until brown; add to stock, and stir until smooth; add vinegar, kitchen bouquet, and one-half cup each of liver and veal cut in small pieces. Serve a slice of egg in each plate. The left-over meat may be used for hash, croquettes, etc. 10 SOUPS AND STEWS WITH MEAT OR FISH Chicken and Okra Soup Ingredients — 1 quart chicken stock, % green pepper chopped, 1 tablespoon grated onion, 1 cup tomatoes, % teaspoon celery salt, ^ can okra, 2 tablespoons rice. Preparation — Heat stock to boiling point, add other ingredients, and simmer half an hour or until rice is tender. Add salt if neces- sary. Ham stock in place of chicken stock makes an excellent soup. Clam Bisque Ingredients — 1 pint clams, 1 teaspoon salt, 1 cup water, Vs teaspoon pepper, 1 slice onion, 2 cups hot milk, % teaspoon soda, 1 tablespoon butter, 1/4 teaspoon celery salt, 2 tablespoons flour, 1 teaspoon chopped parsley. Preparation — Remove necks and gills from clams and chop fine; simmer with the soft part of clams, water, and onion for fifteen min- utes; add soda and seasonings; thicken the milk with the butter and flour cooked together; add to clams, sprinkle with parsley, and serve at once. Clam Bouillon Ingredients — 1 pint clams, % teaspoon salt, 2 cups cold water, Vi teaspoon celery salt, dash of cayenne. Preparation — Chop clams, add cold water, and simmer fifteen min- utes; add seasonings, and strain through double cheesecloth. Serve in cups -with or without whipped cream; or pour over the stiffly beaten white of one egg. Clear Soup Ingredients — Vi cup chopped carrot, 1 quart boiling water, % cup chopped onion, 1 teaspoon beef extract, i/4 chopped turnip, 1 teaspoon salt, 2 cloves, dash of cayenne, small bit bay leaf, few drops kitchen bouquet. Preparation — Cook vegetables, cloves, bay leaf, and water for ha^f ■ an hour, and strain through double cheesecloth. Add extract, salt, cayenne, and kitchen bouquet. Four bouillon cubes n:^aj' be used in place of extract, and the salt, cayenne, and bouquet omitted. Julienne Soup (Bouillon Cubes) Ingredients — 2 tablespoons onion, i/4 teaspoon salt, 2 tablespoons carrot, 4 cups boiling water, 2 tablespoons white turnip, 3 bouillon cubes. Preparation — Cut vegetables into fine shreds an inch long, add salt and boiling water, and cook until tender; add bouillon cubes, and salt if necessary. I'wo tablespoons of tomato ketchup may be added. Cream of Chicken Soup Ingredients — 3 cups chicken stock, salt, 1 slice onion, Vs teaspoon pepper, V4, cup celery tops, 2 tablespoons chicken fat or butter, 1 cup hot milk, 3 tablespoons flour. Preparation — Cook stock, onicn, and celery for fifteen minutes, and strain; add hot milk and seasonings, and thicken with chicken fat and flour blended togetlier. The amount of salt will depend upon the quantity in the stocl:. Celery salt may be used in place of celery tops. SOUPS AND STEWS WITH MEAT OR FISH 11 Musjiroom Soup Ingredients — M pound mushrooms, % teaspoon pepper, 3 cups stock, salt, 1 slice onion, 2 tablespoons butter, 1 cup hot milk, 4 tablespoons flour. Preparation — Wash mushrooms, chop stems, simmer with stock and onion for twenty minutes, and press through a sieve, reserving two or three whole caps; add milk, pepper, and salt if necessary; thicken with butter and flour blended together. Cut mushroom caps into bits, and add to soup. Onion Soup Ingredients — 1 slice bacon, 2 cups hot milk, 3 onions sliced, 1 tea- spoon salt, V2 green pepper chopped fine, dash of cayenne, 1 sprig parsley, 1 tablespoon bacon fat, 1 clove, 2 tablespoons flour, 2 cups boiling water, 2 tablespoons grated cheese. Preparation — Cut bacon in small pieces and cook with onions and green pepper five minutes; add parsley, clove, and boiling water; simmer half an hour, and press through a sieve; add milk and season- ings, and thicken with bacon fat and flour blended together; add cheese just before serving. Oyster Stew Ingredients — 1 quart oysters, 1^/^ teaspoons salt, 1 quart milk, M teaspoon paprika, 2 tablespoons butter. Preparation — Pick over oysters to remove bits of shell, and cook in their own liquor until plump, skimming when necessary; scald milk, add seasonings and butter, and mix with oysters. Serve with oyster crackers. Oyster and Celery Bouillon Ingredients — 1 cup chopped celery tops, 1 pint small oysters, 1 slice onion, 1 teaspoon salt, Vz bay leaf, ^4 teaspoon paprika, 3 cups boil- ing water, white of 1 egg. Preparation — Simmer celery, onion, bay leaf, and water for fifteen minutes; add oysters finely chopped, and simmer ten minutes; strain through double cheesecloth; season with salt and paprika, and pour over the stiffly beaten white of egg. Serve in cups. Or serve with- out the egg, put a spoonful of whipped cream in each cup, and sprinkle with paprika. Salmon Bisque Ingredients — 1 small can salmon, 2 cups hot milk, 2 cups water, 1 tablespoon butter, 1 slice onion, 2 tablespoons flour, bit of bay leaf, 1 teaspoon salt, % teaspoon pepper. Preparation — Separate salmon into flakes, add water, onion, and bay leaf; simmer for fifteen minutes, and remove onion and bay leaf; scald milk, thicken with butter and flour blended together; add sea- sonings, and mix with salmon. Serve with oyster crackers. Soup Stock Use the liquid in which any meat has been cooked. Season well with vegetables; if brown stock is wanted, add a small amount of kitchen bouquet or caramel, and a little beef or vegetable extract. (See suggestions for the Stock Pot, page 4.) 12 SOUPS AND STEWS WITH MEAT OR FISH Tomato Tapioca Soup Ingredients — 2 cups tomato, IV4, teaspoons salt, 3 cups hot water, % teaspoon pepper, 1 slice onion, 1 teaspoon sugar, % bay leaf, 2 cubes beef extract, 4 cloves, 2 tablespoons granulated tapioca. Preparation — Mix the tomato and seasonings with the hot water; simmer for fifteen minutes, and rub through a sieve; add beef extract and tapioca, and cook fifteen minutes. Serve with croutons. Tuna Fish Soup Ingredients — 2 tablespoons grated carrot, V4. teaspoon paprika, 1 tablespoon grated onion, 1 teaspoon chopped parsley, 2 cups boiling water, % teaspoon Worcestershire sauce, 2 cups hot milk, 1 cup tuna fish, 1/4 cup sifted crumbs, V2 tablespoon butter, 1 teaspoon salt. Preparation — Cook vegetables, water, and milk in double boiler for twienty minutes; add crumbs, seasonings, tuna fish separated into flakes, and butter; cook five minutes. Beef Stew Ingredients — 2 pounds shoulder trimmings, 1 white turnip, 2 quarts boiling water, 3 potatoes sliced, 1 onion, 1 cup tomatoes, 1 carrot, 2% teaspoons salt, % teaspoon pepper, Vs cup flour. Preparation — Cut beef in pieces for serving, add water, and simmer two hours; put onion, carrot, and turnip through the food chopper, using coarse cutter, and add to meat; add potatoes, tomatoes, and seasonings, and cook forty-five minutes; thicken with flour mixed to a paste with cold water. Serve with dumplings. Irish Stew With Dumplings Ingredients — 2 pounds forequarter lamb, 1 onion, 2 quarts boiling water, 1 carrot, 2 teaspoons salt, 1 small white turnip, % teaspoon pepper, 4 potatoes, 4 tablespoons flour. Preparation — Cut meat in small pieces, and trim off most of fat; cover with boiling water, and simmer for one hour; add salt and pepper, onion, carrot, and turnip cut in small cubes, and cook one hour; pare and slice potatoes, add to stew, and cook twenty minutes; thicken with flour mixed to a paste with cold water; add dumplings, cover, and cook twelve minutes. Dumplings Ingredients — 1 cup flour, 2 teaspoons baking powder, ''■A teaspoon salt, V2 cup milk or water. Preparation — Sift flour, salt, and baking powder, and mix to a soft dough with milk; drop by spoonfuls upon boiling stew; cover closely, and cook twelve minutes. Lamb Broth With Spaghetti Ingredients — 1 quart lamb stock, 1 tablespoon chopped carrot, % cup tomato, Vs teaspoon pepper, 1 tablespoon chopped onion, Vs cup spaghetti, 1 cup bits of lamb. Preparation — Remove fat from stock; add vegetables, pepper, and (if necessary) salt; heat to boiling point, add spaghetti, and cook half an hour. Add meat just before serving. CHOWDERS 13 Scotch Broth Ingredients — 2 pounds neck of mutton, 2 white turnips, 2% quarts cold water, 2 carrots, ^/4 cup pearl barley, 2 teaspoons salt, 2 onions, */4 teaspoon pepper. Preparation — Wash mutton, cover with cold water, heat to boiling point, and simmer slowly for two hours; let stand over night. Soak barley in cold water over night. In the morning, remove fat from stock, remove meat from bones, and strain stock; if water has evap- orated, add enough to make two and a half quarts; heat stock to boiling point, add seasonings, barley, and vegetables, which have been pared and cut into small cubes. Cook for one hour, add meat, and cook slowly one hour longer. CHOWDERS Clam Chowder Ingredients — % cup half -inch cubes salt pork, 1 quart clams, 1 onion sliced, 1% teaspoons salt, 2 cups boiling water, % teaspoon pepper, 4 cups potatoes cut in half-inch cubes, 3 cups hot milk, % cup sifted crumbs. Preparation — Cook salt pork and onion slowly for ten minutes; add boiling water and strain into chowder kettle; add potatoes, and cook twenty minutes; remove necks of clams, chop fine, add with the soft part of the potatoes, and cook ten minutes; add seasonings, hot milk, and crumbs, and serve with pilot crackers. The salt pork and onion may be served in the chowder if preferred. Corn Chowder Ingredients — Vs cup half -inch cubes salt pork, ^A teaspoon celery salt, 1 onion sliced, 1^ teaspoons salt, 3 cups boiling water, % tea- spoon paprika, 3 cups thinly sliced potatoes, 1 can com chopped, 2 cups hot milk, 6 common crackers split. Preparation — Cook salt pork and onion together slowly for ten minutes; add boiling water, and strain into chowder kettle; add potatoes and seasonings, and cook about fifteen minutes or until potatoes are tender; put corn into a strainer, drain the juice into the kettle, and chop the corn, using finest cutter; add to chowder; add hot milk and crackers and cook five minutes. The bits of pork and onion may be left in the chowder if desired. Corn and Tomato Chowder Ingredients — V^ pound salt pork chopped fine, 2 teaspoons salt, 1 onion chopped fine, % teaspoon pepper, 1 green pepper shredded, V2 can com, 3 cups boiling water, 2 cups hot milk, V2 can tomatoes, 1 tablespoon butter, 3 potatoes sliced, 2 tablespoons flour, 6 common crackers split. Preparation — Cook pork, onion and pepper slowly for ten minutes; add water, tomatoes, potatoes, salt and pepper and cook until potatoes are tender; add corn and milk and thicken with butter and flour blended together. Add crackers (which have been moistened in cold water) and simmer for five minutes. 14 CHOWDERS Fish Chowder Ingredients — 3 pounds haddock, 2 teaspoons salt, % cup half-inch cubes salt pork, Vs teaspoon pepper, 1 onion sliced, 1 tablespoon but- ter, 1 quart cold water, 3 tablespoons flour, 4 cups thinly sliced potatoes, 2 cups hot milk, 6 common crackers split. Preparation — Order skin and bones removed from fish at market and have them delivered with fish and head; cook salt pork and onion together slowly for ten minutes; add fish head, skin and bones, cover with cold water; cook for twenty minutes and strain into chow- der kettle; add the fish (cut into two-inch pieces), potatoes, salt and pepper and cook twenty minutes; thicken milk with butter and flour blended together and mix with chowder; add crackers (which have been moistened in cold water), and cover for five minutes. Cod, hake, white fish, or any firm fish may be used instead of haddock. Oyster Chowder Ingredients — ^3 potatoes cut in half-inch cubes, 3 cups boiling water, 1 onion chopped fine, 1 pint small oysters, i/4 cup celery chopped fine, 1^/2 teaspoons salt, 2 tablespoons bacon fat, Vs teaspoon pepper, 2 cups hot milk, % cup sifted crumbs. Preparation — Cook potatoes, onion, celery and bacon fat in boiling water for fifteen minutes; add oysters, salt and pepper, and cook five minutes; skim, add hot milk and crumbs and serve with pilot crackers. Potato Chowder Follow recipe for corn chowder, cooking one-half cup of finely chopped carrot with the potatoes, and leaving out the com. Salmon Chowder Ingredients — Vs cup half-inch cubes salt pork, Vs cup flour, 1 onion sliced, 3 cups hot milk, 3 cups boiling water, 1 can salmon, 4 potatoes cut in half-inch cubes, 2 tablespoons sifted crumbs, 1 beaten egg, V4: teaspoon paprika, V2 teaspoon salt, Va teaspoon pepper, Vi teaspoon onion juice. Preparation — Cook salt pork and onion slowly for ten minutes; add boiling water and strain into chowder kettle; add potatoes and sea- sonings and cook twenty minutes; mix flour to a smooth paste with cold water; add to milk, cook five minutes and add to potatoes. Chop the salmon, add crumbs, egg, salt, pepper and onion juice and mix well; shape into balls about an inch in diameter, add to chowder and cook ten minutes. Serve with pilot crackers. Salt Fish Chowder Follow recipe for Com Chowder, using one cup flaked salt fish in place of corn. The fish should be soaked in cold water for one hour, drained and simmered in the chowder five minutes. Vegetable Chowder Ingredients — Vs cup half -inch cubes salt pork, V2 cup carrot chopped, 1 onion finely chopped, Vz cup white turnip chopped, l^^ cups half- inch potato cubes, 1 quart boiling water, 1 cup half-inch parsnip cubes, 3 cups hot milk, 2 teaspoons salt, ^4 teaspoon pepper, Vi cup dried bread crumbs, 1 teaspoon chopped parsley. Preparation — Cook pork and onion five minutes; add vegetables and water and cook about twenty minutes or until vegetables are tender; add milk, seasonings, crumbs and parsley. Four common crackers, split, may be used in place of bread crumbs. FISH 15 FISH Baked Cod Steaks Wash and dry four slices of cod steak, season with salt and pepper, put in baking pan and pour around them one-half cup of water and one tablespoon of shortening; bake twenty- five minutes, basting often. Remove skin and bone, and pour over fish either Cheese Sauce or Egg Sauce. Sliced halibut may be baked in the same way. Baked Stuffed Haddock Wash and dry a three-pound fish, fill with Fish Stuffing and sew together. Place on a rack in a dripping pan, season with salt and pepper, dredge with flour and cover with thin slices of salt pork; bake in a hot oven forty-five minutes, basting often. Until pork begins to try out, baste with two tablespoons of drippings melted in a quarter of a cup of boiling water. Serve with Egg Sauce and French Fried Potatoes, Boiled Halibut Order two pounds of halibut cut near the tail; wash, cover with boiling water, add one tablespoon each of salt and vinegar and boil about twenty- five minutes, skimming when necessary; drain, remove skin and serve with Egg Sauce or Cheese Sauce. Fried Fillets of Flounder Have skin and bone removed from two medium-sized flounders; divide each piece of fish lengthwise, making eight fillets; wash and dry, brush with melted butter and season with salt and pepper; roll, fasten with skewers, roll in flour, dip in egg, roll in crumbs, and fry in deep fat from five to seven minutes. Serve with sauce Tartare. Fish Sauteed With Salt Pork Cut one-quarter pound of salt pork in thin slices, try out in frying pan, and remove scraps to platter. Cut cod, haddock, white fish or any similar fish into one- inch slices; wash, season with salt and pep- per, dip in com meal, and saute on each side in pork fat about seven minutes, or until brown. Broiled Oysters Select large oysters, season lightly with salt and pepper, dip in melted butter and then in cracker crumbs. Place on a well-greased oyster broiler, and broil about three or four minutes, turning often. Serve very hot with lemon butter. Creamed Oyster Pie Bake a shell pie, fill with Creamed Oysters and cover with a meringue made of the stiffly beaten v/hites of two eggs, one teaspoon sugar, one-eighth teaspoon salt, two small sour pickles and one canned sweet pepper (pickles and pepper wiped dry and chopped fine). Bake in a moderate oven about ten minutes, or until meringue is well risen and brown. 16 SALT AND SMOKED FISH Creamed Oysters Ingredients — 1 pint small oysters, milk, 2% tablespoons butter, % teaspoon salt, 5 tablespoons flour, V^ teaspoon paprika, % teaspoon celery salt. Preparation — Cook oysters in their own liquor until plump; drain and measure the liquor; melt butter, add flour, and blend well; add oyster liquor, and enough milk to make two cups; stir until smooth, add seasonings and oysters, and serve on toast. Garnish with toast points and sliced pickles. Oysters With Brown Sauce Ingredients — 1 pint oysters, % teaspoon salt, 3 tablespoons bacon fat, Va teaspoon celery salt, 5 tablespoons flour, ^,i teaspoon pepper, stock or milk, i/4 teaspoon kitchen bouquet, 1 teaspoon Worcestershire sauce. Preparation — Cook oysters until edges ruffle; drain and save the liquor; melt bacon fat, add flour, and stir until brown; to the oyster liquor add enough milk or stock to make two cups; add to flour and fat and stir until smooth; add seasoning and oysters, stir until hot and serve on toast or in Croustades or Patty Shells. Oysters and Macaroni Arrange two cups of cooked macaroni and one pint of small oysters in layers in a buttered baking dish; season each layer with salt and pepper, and dredge with flour; cover with buttered crumbs and bake in a hot oven twenty minutes. One-fourth cup of grated cheese may be added. Oyster Shortcake Follow recipe for Shortcake; fill, and cover top with Creamed Oysters. Garnish with parsley and thin slices of lemon. Panned Oysters Heat and butter individual egg shirrers, or other fireproof dishes which can be sent to the table; put in a piece of buttered toast, cover with oysters, season lightly with salt and pepper, and bake in a hot oven about ten minutes, or until the edges ruffle. Garnish with toast points and lemon and serve very hot. SALT AND SMOKED FISH Finnan Haddie Baked in Milk Wash fish, and soak in lukewarm water for half an hour; put in baking pan, add one-half cup each of milk and water, and bake about twenty-five minutes, basting often. Remove to platter, spread with butter, and strain liquid in the pan over fish. Baked Herring Arrange smoked, boned herring on pieces of entire wheat bread; place on platter and pour hot milk over them, allowing three-quar- ters of a cup for six slices of bread. Brown in a hot oven. SALT AND SMOKED FISH 17 Baked Salt Mackerel (Spiced) Soak mackerel in cold water for twelve hours; drain and rinse with cold water. Place in a granite baking pan, sprinkle with one-fourth teaspoon of clove, allspice, cinnamon and pepper; add one-half cup each of vinegar and water; bake in a moderate oven one hour, bast- ing frequently. Salt Fish Baked With Crackers Ingredients — 1 cup flaked fish, 1 egg slightly beaten, 4 butter crackers, 2 cups milk, cold water, 1 tablespoon butter, a few grains pepper. Preparation — Split crackers, put with fish in a baking dish, cover with cold water, and soak over night or for several hours; drain, press out water, add other ingredients, and bake about twenty-five minutes in a moderate oven. Broiled Finnan Haddie Wash well, and soak in lukewarm water half an hour; dry, brush with melted butter, and broil for fifteen minutes, turning often; spread with butter, sprinkle with lemon juice and serve very hot. Broiled Salt Codfish Select thick pieces of fish, and soak over night in cold water; drain dry, brush with melted butter, and broil over a moderate fire ten min- utes, turning often. Spread with soft butter. Broiled Smoked Herring Soak herring in cold water half an hour; drain, pour boiling water over skin side, and soak for ten minutes; remove skin, place on a greased broiler, and cook over a clear fire about eight minutes, turn- ing frequently; spread with a little Mustard Butter and sprinkle with lemon juice. Broiled Smoked Salmon Soak salmon in cold water for twenty-four hours, changing the water once; drain, dry, place on a greased broiler, and broil over a moderate fireabout five minutes on each side, tumingoften. Spread with soft butter and sprinkle with lemon juice. Creamed Codfish Ingredients — 1% cups hot milk, % teaspoon pepper, 3 tablespoons flour, 1 cup salt codfish flaked, Vz tablespoon butter. Preparation — Thicken milk with flour which has been mixed to a paste with cold water, add pepper, and cook fifteen minutes; soak codfish for two hours in lukewarm water, separate into small flakes, add to sauce, and simmer five minutes; add butter just before serv- ing. One beaten egg or one hard-cooked egg chopped may be added. Serve with baked potatoes. Fish Balls Follow recipe for Fish Cakes, but shape slightly with a teaspoon, and cook in deep fat one minute. 18 MEATS Fish Cakes With Pork Scraps Ingredients — 1 package shredded codfish, % teaspoon pepper, 2 cupa hot mashed potato, 1 egg well beaten, 2 tablespoons milk, ^A pound salt pork. Preparation — Soak fish in lukewarm water fifteen minutes; drain and squeeze in cheesecloth; add potato, pepper, egg, milk, and salt if necessary; beat well, shape into small flat cakes and roll in flour; cut pork in thin slices, and try out in frying pan; when crisp, but not burnt, remove to platter; cook fish cakes in fat in pan until brown, and serve with a piece of pork on each. Fish Hash Follow recipe for Fish Cakes, but omit the egg and add double the quantity of milk. Try out pork and remove scraps to platter; spread hash in frying pan with the fat and stir well; cook slowly until well browned. Fold double, and serve with pork scraps. Salt Codfish Souffle Ingredients — 1 cup shredded codfish, yolks of 2 eggs, 2 cups mashed potato (hot or cold), 2 tablespoons butter, dash of pepper, whites of 2 eggs. Preparation — Soak the fish in lukewarm water for ten minutes; drain and dry thoroughly; mix with the potato; add egg yolks, which have been beaten very light, and the butter and pepper. Beat well, and fold in the whites of the eggs, which have been beaten stiff and dry. Put in greased baking dish, and bake about twenty minutes in a moderate oven. Half of a green pepper and a slice of onion may be chopped and cooked in the butter, and added to the potato and fish. Spanish Codfish Ingredients — 1 onion, 1% cups tomatoes, 1 green pepper, % cup salt codfish, 2 tablespoons bacon fat, % teaspoon salt. Preparation — Chop onion and pepper, and cook in the bacon fat about five minutes; add the tomatoes and simmer ten minutes; add codfish, which has been flaked and freshened in lukewarm water, and salt if necessary. Simmer two minutes and serve with border of boiled rice. MEATS Pressed Beef Wash a four-pound piece of beef flank or any other of the cheaper cuts. Cover with boiling water, bring to boiling point, and skin; slice and add two carrots, two onions and one white turnip; cook slowly for four hours or until meat is very tender; add two teaspoons of salt when half cooked; pack meat solidly into a deep bread pan, put- ting the grain of the meat lengthwise; place pan in a shallow pan to catch the overflow, put an empty bread pan on top of meat, and press with two heavy flatirons; let stand in a cool place over night. Strain the stock, and use for soups or sauces. Pressed Corned Beef Select a four-pound piece of shoulder or lean end of brisket lightly corned; wash well; cover with boiling water, and cook slowly for four hours; pack and press as for Pressed Beef. The heat should not be above the simmering point (185° F.); if the water boils the meat will be tough. MEATS 19 Roast Beef The most economical cuts of beef for roasting are the shoulder, the face of the rump and the chuck ribs; they are all of good flavor and fairly tender. When ordering a shoulder roast, have an inch slice cut off to broil. The chuck roast should be ordered boned and rolled, and the bones sent with it. Wipe beef with cheesecloth, place skin side down on a rack in a roasting pan suitable for the size of the roast; dust with salt and pepper, dredge with flour and cook in a hot oven, basting every ten minutes. When half roasted, turn over, dredge with flour, and finish cooking. For a medium cooked roast allow seventeen minutes for each pound of meat. The oven should be very hot for the first fifteen minutes, after which the heat should be reduced. Pot Roast of Beef A small aitchbone or a solid piece from the shoulder weighing about five pounds makes an economical roast. Wash, dry, season with salt and pepper, dredge with flour, and brown quickly in a hot frying pan or Scotch kettle; place in kettle, half cover with water, cover closely and cook slowly four hours; when half cooked, season with salt and pepper; add four small onions, two carrots and one white turnip cut in quarters; when cooked place meat on platter with vegetables around it; remove fat from gravy and thicken with flour mixed to a paste with cold water, allowing one-fourth cup of flour to two cups of gravy. Color with a few drops of kitchen bouquet if necessary. Shin of Beef With Creole Sauce Ingredients — 4 pounds shin of beef, ^/4 teaspoon celery salt, % onion sliced, ^/i teaspoon paprika, % carrot sliced, % teaspoon salt, 2 cups tomato, 4 tablespoons dried bread crumbs, 1 green pepper chopped, Vi onion chopped. Preparation — Wash meat, sprinkle with salt and pepper; put into an iron kettle or earthen crock; add onion and carrot; cover closely, and bake in a slow oven four hours. Remove meat from the bone; skim fat from stock. Cook tomatoes, pepper, onion and seasonings twenty minutes; add stock, crumbs and meat. The meat cooks in its own juice and will be very tender. Stufifed Shin of Beef Ingredients — 4 pounds shin of beef, 1 small white turnip, 1 onion, Vz teaspoon salt, 1 carrot, 1 quart boiling water. Preparation — Have the bone removed and cracked; finely chop vegetables and stuff into beef; place on a trivet in kettle with the bone; add boiling water and cook slowly for four hours. Skim when necessary. Remove meat, and thicken gravy with flour mixed into a paste with cold water, allowing one-fourth cup flour to two cups gravy. Color with a few drops of kitchen bouquet. To Broil Steak Wipe steak, trim off superfluous fat, place on a greased broiler with fat towards the handle, and broil over a clear fire or under a gas flame. Turn four or five times during the first minute and then occasionally. For steak an inch and a half thick, medium cooked, allow twelve minutes to broil. Season with salt and pepper and spread with soft butter. A slice from the shoulder is a good and inexpensive cut. 20 MEATS Broiled Flank Steak Follow directions for broiling steak, but, as flank steak is thinner, broil only seven or eight minutes. Season with salt and pepper, spread with one tablespoon of soft butter and one tablespoon of tomato ketchup. Steak Country Style Ingredients — IVz pounds flank steak, % teaspoon salt, 4 onions, Vs teaspoon pepper, 1 tablespoon flour, V4, cup boiling water. Preparation — Pound the steak with a meat pounder or a wooden potato masher to break the tough fibers. Sear quickly on each side in a very hot frying pan; peel and chop onions, dredge with flour and put in pan with the steak; add salt and pepper; cover closely and cook slowly an hour and a half. Put steak on platter, add boil- ing water to onions, and pour around steak. Serve with hashed brown potatoes. Broiled Chopped Beef Put one pound and a half of any of the cheaper cuts of beef through the meat chopper; season with pepper and salt and pat lightly into a flat cake an inch thick; place carefully on a greased broiler, and broil about eight minutes for a medium-cooked steak. Spread with soft butter. Hamburg Meat Cakes Ingredients — 1 pound beef, 1 teaspoon salt, 1 thin slice salt pork, % teaspoon pepper, i/4 cup dried crumbs, V2 cup milk. Preparation — Use any of the cheaper cuts of beef; put through the meat chopper with the salt pork, add crumbs, seasoning, and milk; mix well, shape into small flat cakes, roll in flour, and saute slowly in beef drippings until brown, allowing ten minutes for each side. Eemove meat to platter; add two tablespoons of flour to the fat in the pan, and stir until brown; add one-fourth teaspoon each of mus- tard, salt and paprika, and one cup of boiling water. Stir until smooth and pour around meat cakes. One teaspoon of grated onion may be added to meat. Casserole of Beef Ingredients — 1 pound of shoulder trimmings, 1 onion, 1 tablespoon flour, 1 tablespoon pearl tapioca, 1^/4 teaspoons salt, 2 potatoes, % tea- spoon paprika, 1 carrot, 1 tablespoon tomato ketchup, cold water. Preparation — Cut beef into inch pieces, sear quickly in hot frying pan, dredge with flour and put into casserole; cut potatoes into cubes or balls; put carrot and onion through meat chopper; mix vegetables, and add to meat; add tapioca and seasonings, cover with cold water (a little of the water should be put into the frying pan to obtain all the flavor of the meat and then added to the rest). Cover and bake slowly two and a half hours. Any of the other cheaper cuts of meat may be used. Serve with spinach or cold slaw. American Chop Suey Ingredients — 2 tablespoons bacon fat, 1 can condensed tomato soup, 1 onion finely chopped, 1 cup cooked spaghetti, V4, pound flank beef chopped fine, V2 teaspoon salt, Vs teaspoon pepper. Preparation — Cook onion and beef in fat until brown; add tomato, spaghetti and seasonings and simmer ten minutes. MEATS ■ 21 Beef and Bacon Cakes Ingredients — 1 pound flank of beef, Vt. cup water, 3 slices bacon, M, teaspoon salt, ^/4 cup dried bread crumbs, dash of cayenne. Preparation — Put meat and bacon through chopper; add crumbs, water and seasonings; mix well, form into small flat cakes and saute in bacon fat. Creamed Dried Beef With Cheese Ingredients — % pound dried beef, 1 cup milk, 1% tablespoons but- ter, 2 tablespoons grated cheese, 2 tablespoons flour, 2 tablespoons ketchup. Preparation — Cut beef in small pieces cover with boiling water, let stand five minutes and drain; melt butter, add beef and stir until hot; add flour and milk and stir until smooth; add cheese and ketchup, and stir until cheese is melted. Serve with baked potatoes. Beef Loaf Ingredients — 2 pounds shoulder trimmings chopped, Vz teaspoon pepper, i^ pound salt pork chopped, 1^/2 teaspoons salt, 3 common crackers rolled fine, 1 cup milk. Preparation — Mix in order given and bake in a deep pan about two hours in a slow oven. Serve hot with Tomato Sauce or Creole Sauce, or serve cold, sliced. One teaspoon of poultry seasoning may be added if desired. Brown Fricassee of Lamb Ingredients — 2 pounds forequarter lamb, 2 onions, 2 quarts boiling water, 2 white turnips, 1^ teaspoons salt, 2 carrots, 5 tablespoons flour, ^/4 teaspoon kitchen bouquet. Preparation — Cut lamb in pieces the size of a chop, trim off nearly all fat, add boiling water, heat to boiling point and skim; add salt and vegetables (left whole), and simmer for two hours; remove meat, season with salt and pepper, dredge with flour, and saute with two tablespoons of fat in a hot frying pan until brown; to the fat in the pan add the flour and stir until brown, add two cups of stock and stir until smooth; color with kitchen bouquet, add pepper, and salt if necessary. Slice vegetables, and serve with meat. Use left-over stock for soups or sauces. Lamb Cutlets Have a small forequarter of lamb cut in pieces for serving; select the best pieces, trim and skewer into shape. Season lightly with salt and pepper, dip in egg and crumbs and fry in deep fat about seven minutes; or dip in flour and saute on each side about ten minutes; or broil on each side about five minutes. The rest of the forequarter can be used for fricassee, Scotch broth, croquettes and many other dishes. Lamb Chops Chops from the forequarter are much cheaper than loin or kidney chops. They contain more bone, but are tender and of good flavor, if well cooked. Cook the same as Lamb Cutlets. The time of cook- ing may vary slightly according to the thickness of the meat. 22 MEATS Casserole of Lamb Ingredients — 1% pounds forequarter lamb, 1 cup tomato, % cup each white turnip, carrot and onion finely chopped, 2 tablespoons rolled oats, 1/4 teaspoon pepper, 1% teaspoons salt, 3 cups hot water. Preparation — Remove fat and cut meat into inch pieces; put into a casserole with vegetables, oats, seasonings and water, and cook in a moderate oven two hours. Rolled Roast of Lamb Order a small forequarter of lamb boned and rolled; have the bones sent with the meat; wash bones and meat; put bones in kettle, put meat on top; add one sliced onion, one sliced carrot, one bay leaf and a sprig of thyme. Cover with two quarts of boiling water and sim- mer for two hours, skimming when necessary; add two teaspoons of salt after meat has cooked one hour. Remove meat to a roasting pan, sprinkle with salt and pepper, dredge with flour and roast in a hot oven about half an hour. To the drippings in the pan add four table- spoons of flour and stir until brown; add one and a half cups of stock which has been strained and had fat removed; stir until smooth and serve with meat. The left-over stock should be used for soups and sauces. The forequarter of lamb, although quite fat, is tender and of good flavor, and costs much less than a leg of lamb. Country Club Rabbit Cut a young rabbit in pieces for serving; sprinkle with salt and pepper; dip in flour, then in egg and coat thickly with crumbs; put into a well-greased baking pan and bake in a hot oven about half an hour, basting often with bacon fat. Arrange rabbit on serving dish and make a brown sauce in the pan, using three tablespoons each of bacon fat and flour, one teaspoon of grated onion and one and one- half cups of stock, milk or boiling water. Season with one-half tea- spoon of salt, one-fourth teaspoon paprika and two tablespoons tomato ketchup. Casserole of Rabbit and Okra Ingredients — 3 slices bacon, 1% teaspoons salt, 1 rabbit, % tea- spoon pepper, 1 onion finely chopped, 2 cups boiling water, 3 table- spoons flour, 1 cup tomatoes, 1 pint okra sliced. Preparation — Cut bacon into one-inch pieces and cook in frying pan until brown; remove bacon; cut rabbit in pieces for serving and soak half an hour in cold salted water; drain, dredge with flour, brown in bacon fat, and put with cooked bacon in a casserole dish; cook onions in bacon fat until brown; add flour, salt, pepper and boiling water; stir until smooth and pour over rabbit; add tomato and okra, sprinkle with salt; cover and bake in a moderate oven one hour and a half. Roast Pork Have the bone removed from a six-pound fresh shoulder of pork; wash dry, and stuff with Bread Stuffing or Peanut Stuffing; season with salt and pepper, dredge with flour, and roast in a moderate oven about two and three-quarters hours. Bast often, and be sure oven is not too hot, as pork must cook slowly. This is an excellent cut, and less expense than the loin or fresh leg. Strain the fat and add it to the frying fat, or use in place of lard. Have the bones sent and use for stock. Serve with Dark Red Apple Sauce. MEATS 23 Pork Chops Baked with Potatoes Pare potatoes, and cut in thin slices; wash, drain, season with salt and pepper, and put into a baking dish; cover with small pork chops from which part of the fat has been removed; dust with salt, pepper, and flour; add half a cup of boiling water, and bake in a hot oven about forty minutes. Turn chops when half cooked. Sausage Cakes Ingredients — V2 pound sausage meat, % teaspoon salt, 1 teaspoon grated onion, % cup hot water, % cup sifted crumbs. Preparation — Mix well, shape into small flat cakes, roll in crumbs, and bake in a hot oven about twenty minutes, or until brown. Sausage Cakes Baked with Apple Ingredients — 1 pound sausage meat, 4 apples. Preparation — Shape meat into small flat cakes, and put in the cen- ter of a dripping pan; core apples, cut into half -inch slices, and put around sausage. Bake in a hot oven until brown, basting frequently with the fat from the sausage. Sausages with Oyster and Eggs Ingredients — 4 small sausages, 1 cup small oysters, 1 teaspoon grated onion, 2 eggs slightly beaten, ^4 teaspoon salt. Preparation — Cut sausages into half-inch bias slices, and cook with onion in a hot frying pan until brown; add oysters, and cook until edges ruffle; add eggs and salt, and scramble until firm. Potted Head Ingredients — 1 calf's head, 1% teaspoons salt, 1 pound lean fresh pork, V2 teaspoon paprika, 6 cups boiling water, 1 teaspoon onion juice, 1 teaspoon poultry seasoning. Preparation — Have head split and dressed at the market; singe, v/ash well, put in kettle with pork and boiling water, cover, and simmer three hours. Remove bones, and put meat through chopper; reduce stock to one and one-half cups, strain, and add, with season- ings, to the meat. Press into a bread pan and put in a cold place. Serve sliced cold, or dip slices in egg and crumbs, and fry in deep fat. Ham Loaf Ingredients — 1 pound raw ham, 2 beaten eggs, 1 cup dried crumbs, Vi teaspoon mustard, 1 cup boiling water, i/4 teaspoon salt. Preparation — Put ham, including the fat, through meat chopper; add crumbs, water, eggs, and seasoning; mix well, and bake in a small bread pan, in a slow oven, an hour and a half; or cook in steamer two hours. Baked Sliced Ham Order a small slice of ham cut an inch and a half thick; cover with warm water, and place on the back of the range for an hour. Drain ham, cover with a mixture of two tablespoons of flour, two table- spoons of brown sugar, one-half teaspoon of m.ustard, and a dash of cayenne. Put a few small bits of the fat on top, and bake twenty- five minutes in a moderate oven. Place ham on platter, pour off fat in the pan, add one-fourth cup of cider or weak vinegar; bring to boiling point, and pour around ham. 24 MEATS Broiled Ham Ham for broiling should be cut in very thin slices. Trim off superfluous fat, cover ham with lukewarm water, and stand on back of range for fifteen minutes; dry, and broil over clear fire until fat is brown. Breakfast Bacon Lay slices of bacon close together on a fine wire broiler, place broiler over a dripping pan, and bake in a hot oven about ten minutes or until bacon is brown and crisp. Avoid burning. Save fat for cook- ing. Roast Breast of Veal Stuffed Have a pocket cut in veal, wash, dry, and stuff with Crust Stuffing; skewer neatly into shape, dredge with flour, season with salt and pepper, and cover with two thin slices of fat salt pork; place on rack in dripping pan, and roast in a moderate oven two hours, basting often. Serve with gravy made from drippings in the pan, three tablespoons of flour, and one and one-half cups of water. Season with salt and pepper, and strain. Veal with Vegetables Ingredients — 3 pounds knuckle of veal, M cup pearl barley, % cup each of finely chopped onion, carrot, turnip, and celery, 2 cups hot water, IVi teaspoons salt, V4: teaspoon paprika. Preparation — Order veal cut in three-inch lengths; remove meat from bone, and put in a casserole dish; add vegetables, barley (which has been soaked for an hour in cold water), hot water, and season- ings; place the pieces of bone, cut edge down, on top; cover closely, and bake in a moderate oven two and a half hours. Remove the bones before serving. Veal Loaf (Baked) Ingredients — ^2^ pounds raw veal, 2 teaspoons salt, V^ pound salt pork, 1 cup dried and sifted crumbs, % teaspoon pepper, Vz cup boil- ing water, % cup milk. Preparation — Put veal and pork through the meat chopper; add pepper, salt, crumbs, water, and milk. Mix well, press into a deep pan, cover v/ith paper and bake slowly for two hours. Serve hot or cold. A teaspoon each of poultry seasoning and grated onion may be added. Veal Loaf (Boiled) Ingredients — 4 pounds knuckle of veal, 4 cups hot water, 1 onion, V2 package gelatine, 1 bay leaf, Vi cup cold water, juice of one lemon, 2y2 teaspoons salt, 1 hard-boiled egg, V2 teaspoon pepper, 2 gherkins. Preparation — Cook veal with seasonings in hot water until meat is very tender; strain, remove fat and bone, and chop meat; soak gela- tine in cold water, add to strained stock in which meat was cooked, add meat and lemon juice, cool, and turn into deep pan which has been garnished with slices of hard-boiled egg and pickles sliced lensrthwise. Put in the ice-box for several hours before serving. MEATS 25 Braised Liver Ingredients — 3 pounds liver, % cup carrots finely chopped, IV2- inch cube salt pork, V2 teaspoon salt, % cup onion finely chopped, % teaspoon pepper, 2 cups boiling water, Va cup celery finely chopped, Vi cup flour. Preparation — Soak liver in cold salted water for half an hour, scald, remove skin, and dredge with flour; cut pork in thin slices, and try out in frying pan; brown liver in pork fat, and place in an earthen dish or kettle, add vegetables, seasonings, and water which has first been put in the frying pan; cover closely, and bake three hours in a slow oven, adding water if necessary; remove liver, and thicken gravy and vegetables with one-fourth cup of flour mixed to a paste with cold water. Brown Fricassee of Liver Ingredients — 1 pound liver, 4 tablespoons flour, 2 cups boiling water, % teaspoon salt, 2 tablespoons bacon fat, ^4 teaspoon paprika, 1 tablespoon grated onion, 6 slices of toast. Preparation — Cut liver into half-inch cubes, and soak in cold salted water fifteen minutes; drain; cover with the boiling water, and sim- mer six minutes; cook bacon fat, onion, and flour until brown; add seasonings, and stock in which liver was cooked; stir until smooth; add liver, and pour over toast or small, thin baking powder biscuit. Chicken Livers and Bacon Cook chicken livers in boiling salted water fifteen minutes; put each liver on half a slice of bacon, fold other half over liver, and bake in a hot oven until bacon is crisp; moisten slices of toast with the stock in which livers were cooked, and serve two pieces of bacon and livers on toast for each person. Fried Lamb's Liver and Bacon Cut liver in one-third-inch slices; soak in cold water for half an hour; drain, dry, and cook in hot deep fat, with six slices of bacon, until brown. Lambs' Kidneys in Brown Sauce Ingredients — 6 lambs' kidneys, Vi teaspoon paprika, 1% cups boil- ing water, V2 teaspoon onion juice, l^^ tablespoons butter, 1 teaspoon Worcestershire sauce, V2 teaspoon salt, few drops kitchen bouquet, 6 slices of toast. Preparation — Split kidneys and soak in cold water half an hour; drain; cover with boiling water, and simmer five minutes; skim out of water, and cut in small dice, brown the butter, add the flour, and brown well; add the water in which the kidneys were cooked, and stir until smooth; add kidneys and seasonings, and serve on toast. Spanish Tripe Ingredients — 1 pound fresh boiled tripe, V2 cup chopped white cab- bage, Vz can tomatoes, % teaspoon salt, % onion chopped, few grains cayenne, Vz green pepper chopped, 2 slices bacon. Preparation — Cut tripe in small pieces for serving and put in greased casserole dish; scald tomatoes, add onion, pepper, cabbage, and seasonings; pour over tripe; cut bacon into bits, put on top, and bake in a moderate oven one hour. 26 WARMED-OVER MEATS Devilled Kidneys Ingredients — 6 lambs' kidneys, split, 1 cup water or stock, 3 table- spoons drippings, 1 tablespoon Worcestershire sauce, 1 tablespoon chopped onion, 1 teaspoon mustard, 3 tablespoons flour, V4, teaspoon salt, dash of cayenne. Preparation — Scald, skin, and split kidneys; cook with fat and onion five minutes, and remove from the pan. To the fat in the pan add flour, and stir until brown; add liquid, and stir until smooth; add seasonings and kidneys. Serve on toast or with mashed potato border. Tripe Fried in Batter Ingredients — 1 pound fresh boiled tripe, 1 cup flour, 1 slice onion, 1% teaspoons baking powder, 2 cloves, Vi teaspoon salt, % bay leaf, 1 egg well beaten, 1 tablespoon vinegar, % cup water. Preparation — Cut tripe in pieces the size of a large oyster, cover with boiling water, add seasonings, simmer fifteen minutes, and drain. Make a batter of flour, baking powder, salt, egg, and water. Dry each piece of tripe, dip in batter, and fry in deep fat for one minute. Serve with Sauce Tartare or Russian Dressing. Tripe Fried in Crumbs Prepare tripe as for Tripe Fried in Batter; dip each piece of tripe first in tomato ketchup, then in crumbs, then in beaten egg, and then in crumbs again. Fry in deep fat for one minute, and drain on soft paper. WARMED-OVER MEATS Savory Beef Ingredients— 1^/^ cups tomatoes, % teaspoon pepper, Vz cup beef gravy, l^/^ cups cold roast beef, Vz onion, 2 cups cooked" spaghetti, 4 cloves V2 cup bread crumbs, 1 teaspoon salt, 2 tablespoons beef drippings, 1 tablespoon butter. Preparation — Simmer tomatoes, gravy, and seasonings for fifteen minutes, and press through a sieve; add beef cut in small pieces, and spaghetti, and pour into a greased baking dish; cover with crumbs which have been mixed with the drippings and butter melted together. Bake in a moderate oven about fifteen minutes. A can of condensed tomato soup may be used in place of the tomato sauce. Any meat may be used. Baked Ham and Potato Ingredients — 3 cups well-seasoned mashed potato, % teaspoon mustard, 6 pimolas chopped, 1 cup chopped cooked ham, V2 cup hot milk, 1 teaspoon grated onion, i/4 cup crumbs, 1 teaspoon chopped parsley, 1 tablespoon bacon fat. Preparation — Mix potato, ham, seasonings, and milk, put into a greased baking dish, cover with crumbs which have been mixed with melted bacon fat, and bake in a hot oven until brown; or prepare half of mixture, spread in egg shirrers, make a depression with the back of a spoon, and into it carefully break an egg; cover with crumbs, and bake until egg is set. WARMED-OVER MEATS 27 Scalloped Corned Beef Ingredients — 2 tablespoons beef drippings, ^/4 teaspoon celery salt, 1 cup corned beef stock, 5 tablespoons flour, % cup hot milk, 1 tea- spoon grated onion, IVz cups corned beef cut in half-inch cubes, V4, teaspoon paprika, V2 cup buttered crumbs. Preparation — Melt drippings, add flour, onion, and seasonings, and cook two minutes; add stock and milk, and stir until smooth; add meat, and put into a greased baking dish; cover with crumbs, and bake until crumbs are brown. Ham Mousse Ingredients — 1% cups chopped cooked ham, 1 cup hot milk, 1 tea- spoon mixed mustard, V2 cup soft bread crumbs, %, teaspoon paprika, 1 tablespoon gelatine, whites of 2 eggs. Preparation — Mix ham with bread crumbs; dissolve the gelatine in the hot milk, and add to crumbs with mustard and paprika; beat the whites of eggs very stiff and fold lightly into mixture. Put into a deep pan or mold, and place on ice until firm. A little salt may be needed. Corned Beef Hash with Beets Ingredients — 1% cups corned beef, % teaspoon salt, 2 cups cooked potatoes, 1 teaspoon Worcestershire sauce, V2 cup cooked beets, 1 teaspoon grated onion, i/4 cup stock or water, 2 tablespoons beef drippings. Preparation — Have meat, potatoes, and beets coarsely chopped; add seasonings and stock; melt fat in frying pan, and, when very hot, add hash; cook slowly until a rich brown crust is formed; fold, and serve on a hot platter. If meat is very fat, use less fat in frying pan. Savory Hash (Baked) Ingredients — 1 cup cold meat cut fine, 1 cup tomatoes, 2 cups cold cooked potatoes, % teaspoon salt, Vs teaspoon pepper, % onion finely chopped, 2 tablespoons melted bacon fat or beef drippings, 2 stalks celery chopped, or M teaspoon celery salt. Preparation — Mix, and bake in casserole in moderate oven forty- five minutes. Southern Hash Ingredients — 4 raw potatoes, % cup stock or water, 2 green pep- pers, 1% cups cold chopped beef, 2 tomatoes, salt and pepper, 1 onion, toast points. Preparation — Put vegetables through the meat chopper, using coarse cutter; cook in the stock, covered, until tender; add beef, salt, and pepper, and when hot turn on a platter and garnish with toast points. If corned beef and stock are used, use salt with care. Meat Shortcake Ingredients — 1^/4 cups cooked meat, chopped; V4, teaspoon salt, V2 cup celery tops, chopped; % teaspoon paprika, Vz teaspoon dry mustard, 1 teaspoon grated onion, 1 cup meat gravy or thickened stock. Preparation — Mix ingredients, simmer for fifteen minutes, and put between layers of Shortcake. 28 VEGETABLES Meat and Tomato Pie Ingredients — 2 cups cooked meat cut in inch pieces, V2, teaspoon onion juice, 1 teaspoon Worcestershire sauce, 1 can tomatoes drained, salt and pepper, quick drop biscuit, M cup iine crumbs, V^ cup gravy or stock. Preparation — In a deep dish arrange in alternate layers meat and tomatoes cut in pieces; season each layer with salt and pepper, and sprinkle with crumbs; add onion and Worcestershire sauce to gravy, and pour over all; bake twenty minutes In a hot oven; remove from oven, and drop biscuit mixture by spoonfuls on top; bake about fif- teen minutes longer. Use tomato juice for soup or sauce. Meat Souffle Ingredients — Vz cup dry bread crumbs, Vz onion chopped fine, 1% cups hot stock or milk, Wz teaspoons salt, 1 tablespoon butter, Vt. teaspoon paprika, ly^. cups chopped meat, yolks of 2 eggs, 1 cup celery or white cabbage chopped fine, v/hites of 2 eggs. Preparation — Mix in the order given, beating the yolks until thick and light, and the whites until very stiff. Bake in a moderate oven about half an hour. Any left-over meat may be used. Liver Patties Ingredients — 2 cups chopped cooked liver, 2 tablespoons finely chopped pickles, 2 cups mashed potato, salt and pepper, coarse stale bread crumbs. Preparation — Mix liver, potato, and pickles, and season with salt and pepper. Grease patty pans or cups; sprinkle with crumbs, and fill with mixture. Bake fifteen minutes in a hot oven, turn out on serving dish, and serve with Brown Sauce or Tomato Sauce. VEGETABLES Boston Baked Beans Ingredients — 1 quart pea beans ^/4 teaspoon soda, 1 tablespoon salt, 1/4 cup molasses, 1 teaspoon dry mustard, Vz pound fat salt pork. Preparation — Soak beans in cold water over night; drain, cover with cold water, heat to boiling point, and simmer until beans are very tender but not broken; place in an earthen bean pot, add seasonings and pork (which has been scalded, scraped, and scored in half -inch squares); fill pot with boiling water, cover, and bake slowly for eight hours. Uncover for the last hour. Replenish water as needed. Thick Puree of Black Beans Ingredients — 2 cups beans, i/4 teaspoon mustard, 1 onion, % tea- spoon salt, 1 carrot, % teaspoon pepper, Vz bay leaf, 3 tablespoons bacon fat, 1 quart boiling water. Preparation — Soak beans over night in cold water; drain, add sea- sonings, bacon fat, and water, and simmer two hours; remove onion, carrot, and bay leaf, and press through a sieve. Beat well, and serve with lamb or mutton. VEGETABLES " 29 Lima Bean Loaf Ingredients — 1 cup dried Lima beans, % teaspoon paprika, 1 onion, 1 egg slightly beaten, 1 carrot, 2 tablespoons sausage fat or butter, 1 cup dried sifted crumbs, V2 cup boiling water, 1 teaspoon salt, 6 pimolas, M teaspoon mustard. Preparation — Soak beans over night in cold water, and drain; cover with boiling water, add onion and carrot, and cook until beans are tender; drain, and put through the food chopper with carrot and onion; add crumbs, seasonings, egg, and sausage fat melted in boiling water; add pimolas cut in small pieces, mix well, pack in a greased bread pan, and bake in a moderate oven half an hour. Serve with Tomato Sauce. Baked Cabbage Cut a small white cabbage in inch pieces, soak in cold water half an hour, and drain; parboil ten minutes, place in greased baking dish, cover vdth one cup of White Sauce, and one-half cup of Buttered Crumbs; bake in a moderate oven half an hour. Cabbage Cooked in Milk Put a small white cabbage through the food chopper, using the coarse cutter; soak in cold water half an hour, drain, cover with equal parts of milk and water, and cook uncovered about twenty-five min- utes, or until cabbage is tender. Season with salt and pepper. Cucumbers Sauteed Peel two cucumbers, cut in halves crosswise, slice in one-third-inch slices lengthwise, and soak in salted water for one hour; drain, dry, dip in flour seasoned with salt and pepper, and saute in hot fat until brown. Serve on toast. Carrots Sauteed Select very small carrots; wash, scrape, and cook until tender in boiling salted water. Drain, dredge with flour, and saute in fat until brown. Creamed Celery Root (Celeriac) with Cheese Peel celery root, cut in half-inch cubes, and cook until tender in boiling salted water, to which a tablespoon of vinegar has been added. To three cups of root add one and one-half cups of White Sauce; put into a baking dish, sprinkle with a third of a cup of grated cheese, and place in a hot pven until cheese melts. Celery may be used in place of celery root. Southern Corn Pudding Ingredients — 1 tablespoon bacon fat, 1 egg well beaten, V2 green pepper chopped, 1 cup milk, 1 slice onion chopped, V2 teaspoon salt, 1 can corn chopped, % teaspoon paprika, 2 tablespoons dried bread crumbs, 2 slices bacon chopped fine. Preparation — Cook pepper and onion in bacon fat five minutes; add corn, crumbs, egg, milk, and seasonings; pour into a greased baking dish, sprinkle with the chopped bacon, and bake in a slow oven until firm, or about twenty-five minutes. TM 30 VEGETABLES Braised Celery Ingredients — 1 quart celery cut in 2-inch lengths, 1 tablespoon grated onion, 2 tablespoons bacon fat, 2 tablespoons flour, 2 cups stock. Preparation — Cook celery, bacon fat, and onion in the frying pan for ten minutes; dredge with flour, put in baking dish, add stock (first rinsing frying pan with a little of it), cover, and bake in a moderate oven an hour and a half. Serve on toast. Add salt to stock if neces- sary. Stuffed Green Peppers Ingredients — 6 green peppers, 1 cup cooked rice, 2 tablespoons bacon fat, % cup tomatoes, 1 teaspoon grated onion, % teaspoon salt, Vi cup buttered crumbs. Preparation — Cut off one inch of the tops of peppers, and chop the tops; remove seeds and veins from peppers, scald with boiling water, and drain; cook chopped pepper with onion in the bacon fat for five minutes; add rice, tomatoes, and salt; fill peppers, cover with crumbs, place in a baking dish or in individual ramekins, and bake in a moderate oven half an hour. Baked Egg Plant Ingredients — 1 small egg plant, 1 teaspoon salt, 1 onion finely chopped, 1/4 teaspoon paprika, 1 cup soft stale bread crumbs, Vz cup boiling water, 2 tablespoons butter. Preparation — Pare and slice egg plant, cut into half-inch cubes, soak in cold salted water half an hour, and drain; mix with onion, crumbs, and seasonings, and put into a greased baking dish; add boiling water, dot over with butter, and bake one hour in a moderate oven. Fried Egg Plant Cut a small egg plant in one-third-inch slices; pare; cut each slice in quarters; soak in cold salted water for half an hour; drain; sea- son with pepper and salt, dip in crumbs, then in egg, and then in crumbs again; and fry in deep fat about three minutes. Or dip in flour and saute in butter. Egg Plant Julienne Cut egg plant in two-inch slices, and pare; cut into quarter-inch vertical slices, and cut slices into quarter- inch strips; soak in cold salted water for half an hour; drain; dry, and fry in deep fat about three minutes. Onions in Potato Nests Ingredients — 1 quart small white onions, Vs teaspoon pepper, 1 tablespoon butter, Vi cup hot milk, 6 potatoes, 1 tablespoon chopped parsley, % teaspoon salt. Preparation — Peel onions and cook in boiling salted water about one hour, or until tender; drain, and add butter. Pare, boil, and mash potatoes, season with pepper and salt, add butter and hot milk, and beat until light; shape potato into small nests with a spoon, or force through a bag and a rose tube. Fill with onions and sprinkle witxi parsley. VEGETABLES 31 Creamed Leeks Cut off tops of two bunches of leeks, and soak in cold water ten minutes; drain, and cook in boiling salted water about twenty minutes, or until tender; drain, and serve with White Sauce. The tops may be used for flavoring soups. Green Peas (Canned) Remove from can and rinse with cold water; put in saucepan, cover with cold water, bring to boiling point, and drain. Season with one- half teaspoon salt, one-fourth teaspoon pepper, 1 tablespoon butter, and two tablespoons of milk. Peas and Lettuce Ingredients — 1 head lettuce, 1 teaspoon sugar, % cup stock or water, 1 tablespoon butter, % teaspoon salt, 1 tablespoon flour, Va teaspoon pepper, 1 can peas, 1 sprig mint. Preparation — Wash lettuce, drain, and chop; add stock and salt, and simmer half an hour; add pepper and sugar, and thicken with butter and flour blended together; add peas drained from their liquor, and mint, and simmer ten minutes. Remove mint before serving. Carrots Vinaigrette Ingredients — 4 cups carrots cut in half-inch cubes, V2 cup vinegar, % cup brown sugar, 1 tablespoon shortening. Preparation — Cook carrots in boiling salted water until tender, and drain; heat vinegar, sugar, and shortening to the boiling point, add carrots, and cook slowly half an hour, stirring occasionally. Boiled Potatoes Wash potatoes, pare as thin as possible, remove the eyes, and soak in cold water from fifteen minutes to one hour, according to the age of the potato; cook in boiling salted water about half an hour, or until tender, allowing one tablespoon of salt to two quarts of boiling water. Drain, and dry on the back of the range or in the front of the oven with the door open. Serve very hot in an uncovered dish. Baked Potatoes Select medium-sized potatoes, scrub well, place in tin pan, and bake in a hot oven for about forty minutes. Creamed Potatoes Ingredients — 2 cups raw potato balls or half-inch cubes, 1 cup White Sauce, 1 slice onion, 1 teaspoon finely chopped parsley. Preparation — Cook potatoes with the onion in boiling salted water until tender; drain; remove the onion, mix with sauce, and sprinkle with parsley. If potato balls are used, cover unused potato with water and save for soup. Potato Croutons Cut potatoes in one-third-inch cubes, rinse with cold water, dry in a towel, and fry about two minutes in deep fat. 32 VEGETABLES French Fried Potatoes Wash and pare medium-sized potatoes, cut in eighths lengthwise, and soak in cold water for half an hour; drain, dry, and fry in deep fat about seven minutes; drain on soft paper, and sprinkle with salt. Cook only one layer in the basket at a time. Hashed Brown Potatoes Melt in the frying pan four tablespoons sausage fat, beef drippings, or other fat; add two cups chopped boiled potatoes, season, and cook slowly twenty minutes, or until well browned; fold double, and gar- nish with parsley. Lyonnaise Potatoes Ingredients — 4 boiled potatoes, % teaspoon pepper, V2 teaspoon salt, 2 tablespoons sausage fat, 2 slices onion finely chopped. Preparation — Cut potatoes in half-inch cubes, and season with salt and pepper; put fat in frying pan, add onions, and cook slov/ly for ten minutes; add potatoes, stir well, and cook for ten minutes without browning. Pan-Roasted Potatoes (Franconia) Prepare potatoes as for boiling, boil ten minutes, drain, and cook in roasting pan with meat about forty minutes; baste often with fat in pan. Stuffed Potatoes with Nuts and Cheese Ingredients — 4 hot baked potatoes, V2 tablespoon butter, % cup nuts chopped fine, V2 teaspoon salt, i/4 cup grated cheese, i/4 teaspoon pep- per, % cup milk, butter and paprika. Preparation — Cut potatoes in halves lengthwise, remove potato, and mash; add nuts, cheese, milk, butter, and seasonings, and beat until very light; refill shells, heaping mixture in the center, make a slight depression with spoon,- put in a small bit of butter, sprinkle with paprika, and brown in a hot oven. Scalloped Potatoes with Peppers and Cheese Ingredients — 1 quart half-inch potato cubes, 2 cups hot milk, */^ teaspoon salt, 1 onion chopped, V2 teaspoon paprika, 2 tablespoons bacon fat, 2 canned red peppers, 4 tablespoons flour, V2 cup grated cheese, V2 cup buttered crumbs. Preparation — Cook potatoes and onion in boiling salted water twenty minutes, and drain; melt bacon fat, add flour, and blend well; add milk and stir until smooth; add salt, paprika, peppers chopped, and cheese; mix with potatoes; turn into a greased baking dish, cover with buttered crumbs and bake fifteen minutes, or until bro^vn. Stuffed Potatoes with Cheese and Bacon Ingredients — 4 large potatoes, % teaspoon salt, 4 tablespoons grated cheese, ^/4 teaspoon paprika, %: cup hot milk, 4 slices bacon. Preparation — Wash potatoes and bake in a hot oven forty-five min- utes; cut in halves lengthwise, remove potato, and force through potato ricer; add cheese, seasonings, and hot milk; beat vigorously, and refill potato skins; place half a slice of bacon on top of each, and put on the upper grate of a hot oven until bacon is crisp. VEGETABLES 33 Scalloped Potatoes with Cheese Wash and pare four potatoes, cut in very thin slices, put half of them in a greased baking dish; dredge with flour, sprinkle with salt, pepper, and two tablespoons grated cheese; repeat; cover with hot milk, and bake in a moderate oven one hour, or until potatoes are tender. Very old potatoes should not be used in this way. French Fried Sweet Potatoes Cut cold boiled sweet potatoes into eighths lengthwise, fry in deep fat until brown, drain on soft paper, and sprinkle with salt. Glazed Sweet Potatoes Cut cooked sweet potatoes in one-third-inch slices lengthwise, put in a greased dripping pan, brush with melted butter or drippings, sprinkle thickly with brown sugar, and bake in a hot oven until glazed with melted sugar. Sweet Potato Custard Ingredients — 3 cooked sweet potatoes, % nutmeg grated, 2 eggs, Vi cup brown sugar, % teaspoon salt, 1 quart milk. Preparation — Force potatoes through a ricer; beat the eggs and rnix vAth. potato; add other ingredients, pour into buttered baking dish or cups, and bake in a slow oven until firm. Stuffed Sweet Potatoes Ingredients — 3 medium-sized baked sweet potatoes, Vs teaspoon pepper, 1 tablespoon butter, Vz teaspoon salt, i/4 cup milk, powdered sugar. Preparation — Cut baked potatoes in halves lengthwise; mash po- tatoes, add salt, pepper, butter, and milk, and beat well; fill potato shells lightly, sprinkle thickly with sugar, and bake in a hot oven until brown. Sliced marshmallows may be used instead of sugar. Creamed White Turnips Cook two cups of half-inch cubes of white turnip in boiling salted water half an hour, or until tender; drain, and mix with one cup of White Sauce. Spinach Pick over spinach, and wash well in several waters; put in kettle without water, cover,and cook about half an hour, or until tender; chop fine and season with salt, pepper, and butter. A thin slice of fat salt pork or a tablespoon of bacon fat may be cooked with spinach if preferred. In that case, omit butter. Or cook in ham or corned beef stock, drain, and season only with pepper. Garnish v/ith thin slices of hard-cooked egg, or sprinkle with the yolk of egg pressed through a sieve. Baked Winter Squash Cut half a small squash into four pieces, scrape out seeds and stringy part, put in a pan, shell side up, and bake in a hot oven about forty minutes. Remove from shell with a spoon, press through a sieve, season with salt, pepper, and butter, and serve. Or put in a greased baking dish, cover with buttered crumbs and bake until crumbs are brown. 34 VEGETABLES Creamed Salsify (Oyster Plant) Cut off the tops of a bunch of salsify; scrape, cut in quarter-incfe slices, and keep white by putting in cold water with a tablespoon of vinegar in it until ready to cook; drain; cook in boiling salted water about twenty-five minutes, or until tender; drain, and mix with one cup of White Sauce. Vegetable Hash Ingredients — 2 cups cooked cabbage, 1 tablespoon grated onion, 1 cup cooked potatoes, Va teaspoon pepper, 1 cup cooked turnips, 1 teaspoon salt, 1 cup cooked beets, 2 tablespoons beef drippings, % cup stock or water. Preparation — Mix vegetables and seasonings; melt fat in frying pan, add vegetables and stock; cook slowly half an hour. Fold, and serve on a hot dish. If vegetables are left from a boiled dinner, omit salt. Baked Tomatoes Cut four tomatoes in halves crosswise, sprinkle with salt and pep- per, and cover with buttered crumbs; bake in a hot oven about twenty minutes, and serve with Mustard Pickle Sauce, or cooked salad dress- ing. Tomato Custard Ingredients — 1 can tomatoes, 4 cloves, 1 cup water, % bay leaf, 1*4 teaspoons salt, 2 tablespoons sugar, % teaspoon pepper, M cup cracker dust, 2 slices onion, 2 eggs. Preparation — Simmer tomatoes, water, and seasonings for fifteen minutes, and press through a sieve; add crumbs and slightly beaten eggs, and bake in greased custard cups about twenty minutes, or until firm; turn out on platter and pour Cheese Sauce around them. Fried Green Tomatoes Wipe tomatoes, cut in thick slices, season with salt and pepper, dip first in flour, then in egg, then in crumbs, and fry in deep fat until brown. Or season, dip in flour only, and saute in butter. Stewed Tomatoes Ingredients — 1 can tomatoes, or 6 ripe tomatoes, % teaspoon pep- per, 1/4 teaspoon soda, 1 teaspoon salt, 1 tablespoon butter, 1 teaspoon sugar, V2 cup bread crust crumbs. Preparation — Put tomatoes in a stew pan; if fresh tomatoes are used, scald, peel, and cut in pieces. Add seasonings, except pepper, and cook slowly for thirty minutes ; add butter and crumbs just before serving. Stuffed Tomatoes Select six medium-sized tomatoes; cut a thin slice from the top of each, and remove the pulp; rub slices through a sieve, and add to pulp; add one cup soft stale bread crumbs, one teaspoon salt, one teaspoon Worcestershire sauce, and one tablespoon tomato ketchup; mix well, fill tomatoes, cover with buttered crumbs and bake in a moderate oven half an hour. SAUCES AND STUFFINGS FOR FISH AND MEATS 35 Plymouth Succotash Ingredients — Vz cup dried Lima beans, % teaspoon pepper, corned beef stock, % cup corned beef cut in small pieces, y