. .ck«C; CLc'C ■ CCC c < dcCI ■■..<. s.c massed * c < • «o,cd ,t'C cc c cxc < c C, C . < -. ■ c c c C C C C cc c X c CccC C<■ c < ^rc ex cc c dc j d f ( C« <:c.-;V. CC Cc C^ CjC- CC C I <*.«i CiC c — k c c 55 c c Cc( - ■ c:_c < cz< c . c: c c cr dec < C< C d c <: ••' J c -c -c. C-CSCC^iKC «5 ci.,cc^,«^_: - c cr. _• C c cc «rz I ■; coc;«iCl: cc cc c cc CZ CC C cc < Z " C Cc J c C «CCL C ^C "C ^ <: < 1 ■ c •c ■ c: tc: i < '.C ■ c _ ' "C cc cc cc .C' ; cC .C'C' • cc ' cc cC : C CC c: _, c < ccc C.CC: .^E'cC CCC . dcci . ■ ■<- : ^ZccccCj «ccs *d: c c_ cc i J u u 78 Poplar Avenue. 79 Cypress u 80 " " 81 « « 82 " " 83 " " 84 « « 85 " « 86 « " 87 " " 88 Centra/ " 89 Cedar " 90 « " 91 " » 92 « « 93 " « 94 " « 95 « " 96 « " 97 " " 98 " " 99 Central " 100 " « 101 « « 102 " " Ebcn B. Foster. William Pelby. Abel Tompkins. Henry J. Oliver; Brookline. John C. Gray. James B. Richardson. Daniel Henchman. Enoch Hobart. Edmund Wright. Milo Furbush. Gardner Greenleaf. Simon Stearns. Daniel Parkman. Josiah F. Flagg-. Simeon Butterfield, Chelsea. William Whitney. Henry A. Holbrook. Benjamin Shurtleff. St. James Lot, (5400 ft.) William Blake. Nathaniel Curtis, Roxbury. Josiah Moore, Manilla. Aaron Blood. Henry Lienow. Orpha Putnam. Jonathan Chapman. Thomas Holden. Mary S. Ellison. Mason J. Chapin. Elizabeth Cragie, Cambridge. Samuel Norwood. Jeremiah Smith. Melzar Dunbar. Horatio Greenough, Florence. William Adams. James Davis. Warren Dutton. Francis B. Winter. Samuel F. Sawyer, Cambridge. 12 103 Central Avenue. First Universalist Soc, Boston 104 tt tt Edward Brown, Jr. 105 u u Joseph Clark. 106 it u Andrew J. Allen. 107 it it Catherine Sargent. 108 it it Thomas H. Perkins, Jr. 109 Cypress it John T. Prince. 110 it it Sarah Bridge. 111 Beech u Isaac Butterfield. 112 a it John Brown. 113 it u B. W. Crowninshield. 114 a u Asahel Stearns, Cambridge. 115 a it Anna Coburn. 116 a u (MO ft.) Jacob Bigelow. 117 a tt (480./*.) Aaron Greene, Andover. 118 a it Isaac H. Cary. 119 a u James B. Barnes. 120 a tt Samuel Walker, Roxbury. 121 u n (414/0 Luther Parks. 122 it n Thomas Appleton. 123 124 Poplar Ivy Path, a (390/*.) Isaac McLellan. Edwin Adams. 125 Hemlock Path. David A. Simmons, Roxbury. 126 Willow Avenue. Sophia Dean. 127 u tt Matilda D. Mountfort. 12S It it Martin Smith. 129 It a (320//.) John Albree. 130 a a (371/*.) Hepsy C. Howard. 131 a a (360//.) David Eckley. 132 a it Eliza Smith. 133 it u (450/*.) Bufus Wyman, Roxbury. 134 it it Edwin Buckingham. 135 a tt Samuel M. Hurlburt. 136 tt a George W. Torrey. 137 a it Henry W. Cushing. 138 tt a William H. Prentice. 139 a it Israel Whitney. 140 it it John Randall. 141 it it Horatio G. Sanford. 13 142 Willow Avenue. 143 Larch a 144 « a 145 Oak a 146 " <; 147 " a 148 " a 149 Willow 150 Oa& " (473/*.) 151 Poplar 152 Hawtlior u n Path. 153 Larch Avenue. 154 Chestnut Avenue. 155 Indian Ridge Path. 156 «< u u 157 Linden Path. 158 Indian Ridge Path. 159 Linden Path. U0 Holly Path (450/*.) 161 TFa/m/* ^h?emlWer i\rfA. Abraham Howard. 332 « « R. D. C. Merry. 333 Indian Ridge Path. Nathaniel Francis. 334 " « a George Hills. 335 Primrose Path (305//.) B. B. Mussey. 336 " " 2 (310//.) Thomas Drown. 18 337 Primrose Path. Zachariah Jellison- 33S n '■ George W. Lewis. 339 tl 340 u Josiah S. Robinson. 341 it (345 ft.) 342 tl (365/*.) 343 u " Joseph Foster. 344 Indian R idge Path. 345 u « « (363/*.)Asahel C. Palmer. 346 It William Brine, Cambrii! 347 a " « D. V. Folts. 348 it « (320//.) 349 Linden Path. Charles Barnard. 350 Indian Ridge Path. P. Wellington. 351 a " William H. Odiorne, Billerica. 352 , Narcissus Path. Stephen White. 353 it " (420 ft.) James W. Paige. 354 li " Samuel Henshaw. 355 it Samuel Dana. 356 u Henry Grew. 357 ii " Caleb Chace. 358 a William W. Stone. 359 it Henry B. Stone. 360 a Enoch Train. 361 u John W. Webster, Cambridge. 362 u « Caleb Eddy. 363 i. " H. A. S. Dearborn, Roxbury. 364 a " Henry Oxnard. 365 u Nathaniel Hobart. 366 a " John Ware. 367 n Hiram Hosmer, Watertown 368 u " Samuel F. Morse. 369 it " (403 ft. )Bcnjamin Rich. 370 a (510/*.)Hugh R. Kendall. 371 it " (510/*.) Amos Sawyer. 372 u " David Woodman, Jr 373 ii a 374 a u 375 it " Alexander Meldrum. 376 Narcissus Path, 377 a u 378 « a 379 n u 380 a a 381 u u 382 a u 383 u a 384 a u 385 a u 386 a it 387 Alder Path 388 a a 19 Silas Pierce. L. H. Fisher, Brighton. William R. Carnes, Roxbury. Edwin Phillips. William P. Winchester. Dennis Brigham, New York. J. L. L. F. Warren, Brighton. William E. Blanchard. (465//.)Nathaniel Faxon. (6 75//.) John P. dishing, Watertown. (377//.) John Lamson. (377//.)David Lane. Nathaniel H. Emmons. 389 Green Brier Pa/A (325//.)Thomas B. Curtis. 390 Amaranth Path. Henry Andrews. 391 Alder Path. John Bryant. 392 Oak Avenue. Charles Scudder. 393 « " Mary Prichard. 394 Indian Ridge Path(4:94ft.)Ma,rtm Brimmer. 395 " " « Elizabeth Inches. 396 Sweet Brier Pa//*(463//.)Josiah Quincy. 397 Rose Path. Zebedee Cook, Jr., New York. 398 Ivy " (680//.)Robert Waterston. 399 « « (680//.)Francis Watts. 400 Beech Avenue. Benjamin Brown. •401 Ivy Path. (680//.)Hercules M. Hayes, iV. York. 402 Vine " Samuel Downer, Dorchester. 403 Sweet Brier Path. Levi Whitcomb. 404 « " " Supply C. Thwing, Roxbury. 405 u " " (600//.)Josiah Stickney. 406 Linden Path. Levi Thaxter, Wa/er/own. 407 Ivy and Aster Paths (511//.) George Hallett. 408 " " " ( 645 ft.) Joshua Blake. 409 Indian Ridge Path (396//.) Samuel Greenleaf. 410 Linden Path. John Downes. 411 Cedar Hill (592 //.) Mary Appleton. 412 Walnut Avenue. Arthur French. 413 Willow " Josiah P. Cooke. 414 " " Joseph Whitney. 20 I '•*■) Inj and Hemlock Paths. Cornelius Driseoll. 416 Indian Ridge Path. Chandler Robbins, M. D. 417 •• " " Sarah V>. Fearing, N. York. 418 Willow Avenue (400//.) Jeremiah Mason. Holly Path Alonzo Cro Central Avenue (392 ft.) Henry W. Dutton. 421 " " (392/,!.) Jonathan Winship, Brighton. " (392//.) Samuel S. Holton. £23 Indian Ridge Path. 424 " " " 425 " " " Isaac P. Davis. 426 Cedar Avenue. R. R. Rand. 427 Myrtle Path. ohn Adams. 428 Sumac " Amos Stevens. 429 Locust Avenue. T. C. Colburn, Lowell. 430 Poplar " Isaac B. Wait. 431 Indian Ridge Path. 432 Catalpa Path (952//.) Thomas Dowse, Cambridge. 433 Narcissus Path. C. Durgin's Monument. 434 Ivy Path. Pierce Butler, Philadelphia. 435 Hawthorn Path. Andrew C. Fearing. 43G Indian. Ridge P«/A(484//.)Dwight Boyden. 437 Ivy Path. Francis Merrifield. Indian Ridge Path 506//.)Enoch Patterson. 4;>9 - « " Charles B. Shavr. 440 « « « Ezra Chaffee. 441 Locust Avenue. George Ticknor. 442 Poplar Avenue (345//.) G. J. Van Brunt. 443 Green B rierP at h (32 5 //. )Charlcs P. Curtis. 444 Ivy Path. Henry B. Tovrnsend. 445 Yarrow Path. James F. Curtis. 446 Pine Avenue (400//.) George Cummings. 447 Ivy Path. Robert Farley. 448 Iris " (400//.) James K. Mills. 449 Alder Path (463//.) Samuel Pond. Narcissus Path. Daniel Kimball. 451 « " James M. Blaney. 452 Willow Avenue, John C. Hayden. 453 u u Thomas J. Lee. . 21 454 Holly Path, ' (SCO ft.) Isaiah Atkins. 455 Rosemary Path. F. W. Holland. 456 Indian Ridge Path. J. H. Wolcott. 457 Hemlock Path (375 /if.) Benjamin Loring. 458 Willow Avenue. George Winslow, Maiden. 459 Holly Path. John Suter. 460 Central Avenue. Joseph Hart. 461 Ivy Path. Charles H. Brown. 462 Willow Avenue. Aaron Baldwin. 463 Hemlock Path. John Hooper. 64 Woodbine Path, (502 ft.) Mary Appleton. 465 " « (495/*.) Mary Appleton. 466 Hawthorn Path, (537/if.) Mary Appleton. 467 " " (757/*.) Mary Appleton. 468 Woodbine Path, (476 ft.) Mary Appleton. 469 " " (442 ft.) Mary Appleton. 470 Beech Avenue. (400/if.) Ephraiin Marsh. 471 Walnut Avenue. George W. Messenger. 472 Sweet Brier Path. John G. Gibson. 473 Beech Avenue. Jesse Putnam. 474 " " William H. Foster. 475 Jasmine Path. Isaac Scholfield. 476 Willow Avenue. • Edward Cruft. 477 Vine Path. Mary Porter. 478 Holly " Frances A. Goodrich. 479 Hemlock Path, (375 ft.) Alexander Young. 480 " " (375/*.) Walter Farns worth. 481 Beech Avenue. Charles Harrod, New Orleans. 482 Rose Path. Nathaniel W. Appleton. 483 Central Path. Obadiah Parker, New York. 84 Osier Path. Henry F. Durant. 485 Willow Avenue. Alpheus Carey. 486 " " Joseph Ballister. 487 Lily Path. David W. Barnes. 488 Rose " George Putnam, Roxbury. 489 Cypress Avenue (625/*.) William Lawrence. 490 " " (625 /*.) Amos Lawrence. 491 " '•' (625 /if.)Abbott Lawrence. 492 " « (625 ft. ) Samuel Lawrence. 22 493 Hemlock Path. John Lewi3 Russell, Salem. 494 Ivy Path. William R. Lee, Roxbury. 495 Indian Ridge Path (424//.) 49G Beech Avenue. 497 W7«om; « 498 Central " 499 Pop/ar " 500 Z% Pa/A. 501 Poplar Avenue. 502 1% Pai/t. 503 Willow Avenue. 504 « « 505 " " 506 Rose Path 507 Willow Avenue 508 « « 509 « « 510 « " 511 512 « « 513 514 Central " 515 Peec/t " 516 « " 517 " 518 " 519 « " 520 " " 521 « 522 « « Henry H. Tuckerman. Israel LompaM. Stillman Lothrop. (418//.) John A. Page. Charles Holmes, Chelsea. Ebenezcr Smith. Ezra C. Hutchins. Thomas Haven. Thomas Bagnall. Thomas J. Delano. (510//.) John P. Thorndike. (450//.) Thomas G. Atkins. (400//.) Thomas Curtis. (340//.) Simon Greenleaf. (420//.) Jonathan French, Jr. (420//.) Aaron D. Weld. Lowell Mason. Walter Hunnewell. Edward F. Bunnell. Edward C. Tirrell. James Greenwood, Brighton. Thomas P. Rich. (360//.) Samuel Fales. (360//.) Thaddeus Nichols, Jr. W. H. Mann. James Haughton. Daniel Hammond. 523 Amaranth fy Rose Paths (350//.) Thomas C. Smith. 524 « « (420//.) John F. Loring. 525 " « 526 " " (352//.) Samuel Cabot. 527 " " (360//.) 528 " " (345//.) William Wilson. 529 " " (453//.) Kirk Boot. 530 " " (345 //.) Sarah Lee. 531 Rose Path. (340//.) 23 532 Olive Path. Benjamin R. Curtis. 533 " " Isabella R. Dudley, Cambridge. 534 " « Peter Harvey. 535 " " Phineas M. Crane. 536 « 537 " " 538 « " Richard W. Bayley. 539 Beech Avenue. M. P. Brasse, E. Cambridge. 540 " " Anthony Holbrook. 541 « Benjamin Bradley. 542 " Seth Simmons. 543 « Mary Ann Keith. 544 " " Bradish Billings, Dorchester. 545 « " F. W. Lincoln. 546 O/ive Path. Clarissa G. Odiorne, Exeter, 577 « George Rogers. [N. H. 548 " " Daniel Davis, Jr. 549 " " Calvin W. Clark. 550 « " Allen Millard. 551 Indian Ridge Path. Esther Holbrook, Charleston, 552 " « Lyman Locke. [S. C. 553 Linden Path (320 ft.) Franklin Haven. 554 i7a;ze/ " George Searle. 555 i^o% " Emery Willard, Brighton. 556 Willow Avenue. George L. Woods. 557 Z>e# Pa^. John Prince, Roxbury. 558 Central Avenue. Stillman Willis. 559 Green Brier Patfi (450/*.) William B. Reynolds. 560 ^der Pa^ (420/if.)Daniel L. Ware. 561 Central Avenue. Loyal Lovejoy. 562 P.eec/t « Augustus S. Holmes. 563 L«7y Path. William Greenough. 564 " " John Gardner. 565 Willow Avenue. Charles Cunningham. 566 Hemlock Path. Josiah L. Fairbanks. 567 Indian Ridge Path. 568 Locust Avenue. Thomas J. Lobdell. 569 ZMZ Patfi. George F. Guild. 570 Central Avenue. Gedney King. 24 571 Indian Ridge Path (380//.) Charles Brown. 572 Willow Avenue. Elishd Crocker. 573 Woodbine Path [400 ft.) Phineas Upham. 574 •• " (400 ft.) Henry Cabot. 575 Pilgrim " (1600//.) Georw C. Shattnck. 576 Ivy " Theodore Chase. 577 Snowberry " (1020jft/) Henry Blaney. 578 Fzo/e* " Henry Upham. 579 " " 580 Indian Ridge Path (399 //.)H. W. Longfellow, C, . 581 ylWtr P«/A. Thomas Wetmorc. {bridge. 582 ilster " J. E. Worcester, Cambridge. 583 71/oss " Levi Bartlett. 584 Indian Ridge Path (360//.) Samuel French. 585 Central Avenue. John Simmons. 586 Cypress " ohn A. Kenrick, Newton. 587 ilfoss Pa/A. 1st Universalist Soc. hi Boston. 588 Snowberry Path. Samuel D. Ward. 589 Rosemary " Receiving Tomb. 590 Osier " (430//.) Charles Frederic Adams. 591 Cypress Avenue (450//.) Rosanna Lamb. 592 Mayflower Path. James Phalcn, Providence. 593 Myrtle " ohn K. Hall, Somerville. 594 Beech Avenue. Albert Grisvold. 595 " " Jas. Derby, Brunswick, Me. 596 Pilgrim Path. Charles Torrey. 597 As/tr " Mrs. Daniel Oliver. 5 9 8 Cypress Avcn u e. E 1 i z a Gould. 5 9 9 Pilgrim Path (411//.) Jc sse Sha w . 600 " " (398//.) Alauson Rice. 601 « " tiuel Quincy. 602 Hemlock " (200//.) C. R. Humprey, Watertown. 603 Mountain Avenue. F. II. Wliittemore. 604 CV/oW " a Trull. 605 " " John M. Barnard. 606 " " David Barnard. 607 Green Brier Path{ Ml ft.) William Pa 608 " ' " (341//.)Theophilus Bar,-- i 109 Cypress Avenue. Jabez Ellis. 25 610 Pilgrim Path (385/*.) Thomas Haviland. 611 Cypress Avenue. Samuel Topliff. 612 Green Brier Path. John A. McGaw. 613 « " 614 Locust Avenue. 615 Olive Path. 616 Walnut Avenue. 617 " " 618 Beech Avenue. 619 Orange Path. 620 Olive Path. 621 Fir Avenue. 622 Yarrow Path. 623 " " 624 Walnut Avenue. S. H. Walley, Jr., Roxbury. Sereno Fisk, Billerica. Francis Alger. Abby Wentworth. Charles Henderson. Julius A. Palmer. Elmer Townsend. Mary Wise. Abraham W. Blanchard. Jonathan P. Robinson. William H. Keith. Ozias Morse, Leominster. 625 Woodbine Path (400/*.)Stephen P. Fuller. 626 Alder " 627 Central " 628 Cypress Avenue. 629 Yarrow Path. 630 " " 631 « « 632 Alder « 633 Beech Avenue 634 Pilgrim Path. 635 Green Brier Path 636 Yarrow " 637 Green Brier " 638 " " 639 " " 640 Yarrow " 641 Willow Avenue. 642 /m Pa*/i 643 Jasmine Path 644 Pilgrim " Royal Douglass, Cambridge. (70/*.) William Gerard, Norfolk,Va. Harrison Gray Otis. Mary G. Bangs, Worcester. Isaac Bangs. George P. Bangs. Nathaniel Watson. (115/*.)Elisha Goodenow, Watertown. Augustus H. Fiske. Susan Cushing. Lemuel Pope. Emmons Raymond. Aaron Brigham. Israel C. Rice. John C. Proctor. Thomas Hall. (180/*.)Henry Colman. (360/*.)Rebecca.B. Bradlee, John Cabot, Neirton. 645 Green Brier Path. Nathaniel Fisher. 646 Moss Path (75/*.)Wm. A. Stearns, Cambridge. 647 Mountain Avenue (34:0 ft. )B.em:y Claflin. 648 Vine Path (100/*.) John B. Witherbee. 26 649 Yarrow Path. W. J. Whipple, Cambridge. 650 " " James Dana, Charlestown. 651 « « William Faxon. 652 " " W. F. Stone, Cambridge. 653 (xreerc 5ner Pa/A. Albert Ilobart* Roxbury. 654 « « (400//.) George Hill. 655 " " (400//.)Eliphalet Baker. 656 " " Samuel M. Phillips. 657 Central Square. (384/?.) John Templeton. 658 Snowberry Path. Oliver Eldrcdgc. 659 Greerc £ne>- Pa//i. Otis Fairbanks. 660 Hyacinth Path. Samuel K. Lothrop. 661 Cypress Avenue (Ornamental Ground.) Mace Tisdale. 662 Central Square. Manassch Knight. 663 Willow Avenue. Daniel Chamberlin. 664 Yarrow Path. Edward Reynolds, Jr. 665 Green Brier Path. Caleb Curtis. 666 Cypress Avenue. Harrison Gray Otis. 667 Yarrow Patfi (450 //.)Henry Rice. 668 « " (450//.)Thomas Cole, Salem. 669 Cypress Avenue. William A. Rea. 670 Central " Thomas Gray. 671 Green Drier Path (370//.)Georgc Howe. 672 « " (370//.)Jabez C. Howe. 673 " " (370 /*.)Samuel Johnson. 674 Yarrow Path. Rufus G. Norris. 675 7m " (190//.) William Ware, Cambridge. 676 Alder " Daniel Perkins. 677 Green Brier Path. George G. Channing. 678 " « (600/l)Mrs. R. G. Charming. 679 Yarrow " (200/*.)Jas. F. Furncss, Philadelphia. 6 80 Yarrow Path. Fessexdex *s Mon i M i :.\ t. 681 Yarrow Path (600 //.)C. J. F. Binnej . 682 Willow Avenue (200/f.)Susannah Hutchinson. 683 Jasmine Path. W. H. Prichard, New York. 684 Thistle " Peter W. Freeman. 685 Green Brier Path. John 11. Eastburn. 686 Cedar Avenue. Caleb Metcalf. 687 Ivy Path. Dummcr R. Chapman. 27 888 Willow Avenue. Ebenezer Dale. 689 Elm " (450 /^Lucius M. Sargent. €90 Walnut " ( 150 /f.) William Foster. 691 " « (150 ft.) The Proprietors, in trust. 692 Green Brier Path(4Q0 ft. )Lois Mason, Cambridgeport. 693 Pose Path. Joseph G. Joy. 694 Yarrow Pa*/*. John B. Wells. 695 « « Charles Wells. 696 Catalpa " (100 ft. )K B. Hall, Providence. 697 Green Brier Path(420 ft.] (John S. Ellery. 698 Locust Avenue (350/jf.)Larkin Snow. 699 Pine " William Phipps. 700 " « Samuel Phipps. 701 L*7y Pa^/i. Francis C. Gray. 702 TTWftM£ ^vewwe. James B. Johnson. 703 Jasmine Path (532/£.)Josiah Bradlee. 704 Yarrow " Samuel S. Wilde. 705 Pilgrim " Theodore Lyman. 706 Green B 7'ierP at h(4:50 ft. )lgn&tms Sargent. 707 Cypress Avenue. Joseph Edwards. 708 Indian Ridge Path.( 34:0 ft.) George Bates. 709 Thistle Path. Richard H. Manning. 710 Green Brier Path. Samuel Torrey. 711 " " Peter C. Brooks, Jr. 712 Thistle Path (360/*.)Andrews Norton, Cambridge. 713 " " (360/f.)Samuel A. Eliot. 714 Yarrow " Elisha Turner, Dedham. 715 Central Avenue. William G. Billings. 716 " " Thomas Thacher. 717 Snowdrop Path (360 ft.) James Patten. 718 « « (3 60 ft.) Addison Gilmore. 719 « " (360 ft.) Jacob Foss, Charlestown. 720 « « (485/*.)M. H. Howland, « 721 Cedar Avenue. Eunice Maria Gridley. 722 Mimosa Path (150/*.)S. T. Farwell, Cambridge. 723 « « (150/*.)Thomas Todd. 724 Walnut Avenue. N. Worcester's Monument. 725 Rear of lot 50. Samuel Dow, Jr. 726 Cedar Avenue. Catharine Peabody. 28 727 Central Avenue. 728 " " 729 Sweet Brier Path. 730 " " 731 Iris 4* Moss " 732 Yarrow Path. 733 Cedar Avenue. 734 « " 735 £ocms/ " 736 Central « 737 Traow " 738 Yarrow Path. 739 « " 740 TFa/mt/ Overawe 741 ,E/m « 742 Yarrow Path. 743 Narcissus " 744 Yarrow " 745 Myrtle " 746 Central Avenue. 747 Locus/ « 748 « " 749 .E/w « 750 Spruce " 751 Primrose Path 752 Yarrow " 753 « « 754 " « 755 i?/?n. .4ve7iwe. 756 Central « 757 Yarrow Path. 758 Snowdrop " Geo. H. Jacobs, Charlestown. Hannah Brooks, Cambridge. Sarah Hammond. Nathaniel P. Russell. (200//.) John C. Tcbbots. Penelope Cochran, Cambridge. Isaac TV. Frye. Levi Bates. (200//.)Elijah Stearns. v (200//.)Winthrop Ward. Freeman Allen. Nahum Jones. Frederic Jones. Shepherd Simonds. (400//.) George P. Parker, Providence. (400//.) John Gilbert, Jr. Ira Goodrich. G. TV. "Warren, Charlestown. Henry S. McKean. Gardner Colby. (150//.) Abel G.Peck. (150//.) John Boles. Isaac C. Brewer. Edward S. Rand. (100//.) Luther Munn. William Wyman. Charlotte L. Reed, Charles- Luther Lapham. John Bradford. Henry D. Clary. Charles B. Wells. Elijah P. Clark. 759 Green Brier Path (400//.) William Courtis. 760 Snowdrop Path (375//.)Joshua Davis. 761 Vine « (400//.)Mary Whitney. 762 Central Avenue. Nathaniel Budd. 763 Indian Ridge Path (150//.) John Fairfield. 764 Yarrow Path. Catharine F. Lincoln. 765 « " William Jones. [town. 29 766 Catalpa Path. (105/*.)Mercy S. Hatch. 767 Fir Avenue. Pliny Cutler. 768 Rear of lot 611. (135/*.)Charles McBurney. 769 Pilgrim Path. 770 Spruce Avenue 771 " " 772 Elm " 773 Pilgrim Path 774 " " 775 Snowdrop " 776 Moss " 777 Green Brier Path. Ephraim Buttrick, Cambridge. (3 60/*.) William Dillaway. (150/*.) William Dillaway. Emerson Wheeler, Brighton. (225/*.)Robert Williams. (225/jf.)Henry Williams. ( 200 //.)Lucin Stewart. (200/if.)Nahiim Dunbar. William Haydn. [Monument to R. Haughton.] 778 Hemlock Path. 779 Green Brier Path(225 ft.) Joseph Smith, Newport, R. I. 780 781 Snowdrop " 782 Poplar Avenue. 783 " « 784 Snowdrop Path. 785 i^/m Avenue. 786 Yarrow Path. 787 Cypress Avenue. 788 Yarrow Path. 789 Pilgrim " 790 " " 791 Cedar Avenue. 792 Yarrow Path. 793 " " 794 Willow Avenue. 795 Yarrow Path. 796 .Fir .4i?ercwe. 797 Yarrow Path. 798 i?/wi Avenue. 799 Pme " 800 " « 801 " « 802 « " 803 Yarrow Path (225/*.)Anios Hazeltine, Cambridge. John N. Todd, Cambridge. Elijah Bigelow, Charlestown. Henry Potter, Cambridge. Sarah B. Penniman. Alfred A. Andrews. Peleg Sprague. William Brown. A. H. Ramsay, Cambridge. (450/*.) John Wells. (450/*.) Arnold F. Wells. William Eaton. Thomas Brewer. William M. Rogers. Philip Marett. Eliza Kendrick, Roxbury. Eliphalet Jones. William Pomroy, Cambridge. Shepherd H. Norris. Hannah T. Rice. William F. Whitney. Susan L. Delano. (420/*.)Thonias Tirrell. (225/*.) Win. L. Whitney, Cambridge. 30 804 Yarrow Path. 805 Fir Avenue. 806 Yarrow Path. 807 Pilgrim " 808 Hyacinth " 809 Yarrow " 810 Fir Avenue 811 Eglantine Path. 812 Snowdrop (225/*.)Aug. A. Whitney, Cambridge. David Kimball. George H. Kuhn. Amos Cotting. BuCKMIXSTER MONUMENT. (31 5/*.) John Angier, Medford. (400/£.)Daniel Denny. James D. Green, Cambridge. Henry Lincoln. 813 Cypress Avenue (480/£.)Flavel Coolicige. 814 Elm « Oliver Carter. 815 " « Elizabeth F„ Gurney. 816 TraZm«^venwes(1819/if.)ScoTs' Charitable Society. 817 Snoiodrop Path 818 Green Brier " 819 Eglantine " 820 Indian Ridge Path 821 Willow Avenue. 822 Cew^ra^ « 823 « « 824 Mountain " 825 # # % Pa/A. 826 Poplar Avenue. 827 Peec/t 828 Willow 829 PYr 830 " « 831 « « 832 Yarrow PttZA. 833 « « 834 Chestnut Avenue. 835 Fir " 836 Cedar Avenue. 837 F«> « 838 ^/m 839 Green £fn'er Pa/A 840 Cedar Avenue. 841 /;//,/ » George Rice. Thomas J. Goodwin. Geo. W. Robinson, Roxbury. J. S. Bacon, C harlcstown. Joseph Lovering. James W. Converse. Benjamin Converse. Naliuni Ward, Roxbury. Jotham Bush. George E. Ellis, Charlestown. (100/if.)Hazen J. Burton. (60/*.)Emma M. Austin. J. H. Cheney. John A. Dodd. Thomas Howe. Nathaniel Winsor, Jr. Caroline Doane. Sarah Jacobs. Elisha D. Winslow. Simon Pearson. Paul Adams. Louisa Thompson. Edward Renouf. James Hayward. Samuel L. Abbott. Jeremiah Kittredge. 31 843 Cedar Avenue. 844 " " 845 Central " 846 « » 847 " « 848 « « 849 Eglantine Path. 850 " " 851 Elm Avenue. 852 Fsr " 853 Poplar " 854 Fir « 855 " « 856 Eglantine Path. 857 " " 858 " " 859 Snowdrop " 860 Yarrow « Abraham T. Lowe. Artemas Hammond. Nathaniel Tracy. Alanson Abbe, Dorchester. Benjamin Burgess. Nathan B. Gibbs, Jr. William Tufts. Joseph Eveleth. John A. Blanchard. Joshua Emmons. Jr. Cornelius Walker. (315/Z.)Jared Sparks, Cambridge. Samuel C. Gray. Charles Brooks. Caleb Beed. Joseph Noble. (200 ft.) Jesse Sumner. (400 ft.) Anson Dexter. 861 Cypress Avenue (150 ft.) George Matchet, Brighton. 862 Central " 863 " « 864 PopZar " 865 Pilgrim Path. 866 " « 867 Willow Avenue. 868 PopZar " 869 Central « 870 PopZar " 871 JS/m " 872 « « 873 Pir " 874 Pilgrim Path. 875 Yarrow Path. (200 /*.) Christopher C. Barney. ( ;200 /*. )Reuben Frost. (110/*.)Rebecca McDonald. v Charles T. Appleton. Sarah E. Miles. Southworth Shaw, Jr. Ebenezer Ellis. Henry Kennard. E. P. Hartshorn. (240 ft.) dishing Stetson, Baltimore. (150 /A) William Noble. Harriet Harris. Daniel Kimball. David Humphrey. 876 GreenBrier Path(100 ft. )Hervey Washburn. 877 Oleander Path. Edward II. Holbrook. 878 « " Nehemiah Adams. 879 Eglantine " Sophila Smith. 880 Central Avenue. Luther Rand. 881 Snowdrop Path. Daniel C. Bacon. 32 882 Yarrow Path. 883 Elder « 884 Pine Avenue. 885 Elder Path. 886 Central Avenue 887 Simac Pa ilvemte. 913 Snowdrop Path. 914 Ailanthus " 915 « « 916 Yarrow " 917 Cedar Avenue. 918 " « (3 75/2.) Olive Simpkins. George W. Lyman. Charles E. Trott. William Pratt. "William F. Harnden. Cecilia McBride. (180 ft.) John H. Brown, Charlestown. (400 ft. )Ed ward Brinley. Edward Holbrook. Henry W. Van Voorhis. (200/2.)Willard N. Fisher. Henry R. Glover. (150 ft.) Johnson Colby. (200/2.)IIannah M. Greenwood, Henry Loring. [Brighton. J. H. Carlton, U. S. Army. Reuben B. Sherburne. Monument to Officers and oth- ers who were lost in the U. S. Exploring Expedition. Otis Norcross. Thomas A. Dexter. 660. Daniel Sharp. (600/2.) Amos Lawrence. (600/2.) Amos A. Lawrence. J. M. Whittier, Cambridge. (360/2.) James Munroc, Cambridge. (600/2.)Susannah Hammond. Charles Billiard. (404/2.)G. M. Robinson. John W. Parker, Roxbury. Samuel Carr, Charlestown. Francis A. Gray. A. H. Vinton. Peter R. L. Stone. George W. Learnard. Gorham Jewett. Elizabeth Hovey. Thomas B. Eaton. 33 919 Fir Avenue. Hannah Eundle. 920 Heliotrope Path (600 /*.) William Appleton. 921 Fir Avenue. Jacob Abbott. 922 « " Charles H. Neally. 923 " " James S. Wiggin. 924 " " John B. Robinson. 925 " " Simon W. Robinson. 926 Cedar " John T. Heard. 927 " " Simon Wilkinson. 928 Fir « Charity Pickens. 929 « " Minor S. Lincoln. 930 « " Benjamin E. Bates. 931 " « Preston Shepherd. 932 « " Amos G. Thompson. 933 « " William B. Fessenden. 934 « » John N. Turner. 935 " « Arthur Wilkinson. 936 Heliotrope Path (400/£.)Robert Hooper, Jr. 937 (460/*.)Elizabeth B. Swett. 938 " « (460 ft.) Joseph Coolidge. 939 Verbena a ( 504 ft.) William Gridley. 940 « « (335/£.)Laban S. Beecher, Roxbury. 941 " « (315/t)Edward H. Thacher. 942 " " (307 /2.)John N. Denison, Roxbury. 943 Cedar Avenue. Thomas Watson. 944 " " William Rotch. 945 Ailanthus Path. George Cutter. 946 Mimosa " J. V. Fletcher, Charlestown. 947 « « George S. Adams, Charlestown 948 Oleander " George Osgood. 949 jPir J.vewwe. Richard Bond. 950 " " Ruel Baker. 951 « " • Charles F. Hovey. 952 " " George O. Hovey. 953 " " Sargent S. Littlehale. 954 " « Alfred Evans. 955 Ailanthus Path. Elize de Rehbinder. 956 .Fir ylvewwe. George L. Oakes. 957 Cypress Avenue. 4 Isaac Swetser. 34 958 Fir Avcnut » Eliza B. Stetson. 959 Cedar « Deborah Torrey. 960 Fir " Charles Merriam. 901 Verbena Path. George Lane. 962 Poplar Avenue. 963 Fir a John G. Loring. 964 " << Isaac Danforth. 965 « a Catherine Appleton. 966 Oleander Path. Mary Hedge, Cambridge. 967 .Pir ^IvenMe. Joshua Tucker. 968 Mimosa P ath. James H. Bryden. 969 JFV .4vemte. Joseph Libbey. 970 Central " (400/*.)CharlesR. Alley. 971 JSMer P^/t. B. O. Wellington, Lexington. 972 Spruce Avenue. Nathaniel Willis. 973 Heliotrope Path (500/*.)RobertB. Storer. . 974 Ailanthus it Michael Kcnnard, Watertown. 975 Cypress Avenue. Albert Vinal. 976 u Oliver Briard. 977 " tt John Palmer, Cambridge. 978 « a Benjamin Richardson. 979 " a Joseph H. Allen. 980 " a C. R. Metcalf, Cambridge. 981 « tt Samuel D. Bates. 982 " u Samuel Millard. 983 « tt Enoch Silsby, Roxbury. 984 " a B. E. Colley, Cambridge. 985 « a Isaac Cutler, Cambridge. 986 " u Ebenezer Francis, Cambridge. 987 " it (200/£.)Henry Forster, Charlestown. 988 « it (345 /*.)Caleb Deeley. 989 « it (345 /*.)Job Kent. 990 Cypress Avenue. Henry A. Hover. 991 Eglantint >. Path S. B. Fierce, Dorchester. 992 " it Daniel Chaplin, Cambridge. 993 " a William H. Dennet. 994 « it Hezekiah Eldredgc, Brighton 995 " it Lyman Willard, Cambridge. 996 u George P. Reed. 35 997 Eglantine Path. Georere W. Perrin. 998 it u 999 a a 1000 it u 1001 u a 1002 it u 1003 « a 1004 a u 1005 it a 1006 Fir Avenue. 1007 n u 1008 a it 1009 ti It 1010 u ti 1011 it it 1012 ti it 1013 it ti 1014 it a 1015 ti a 1016 u a 1017 it a 1018 a it 1019 a a 1020' it a 1021 il a 1022 it it 1023 it it 1024 a a 1025 Misletoe Path. 1026 1027 Misletoe Path 1028 it it 1029 Mimosa " 1030 a a 1031 ti it 1032 u a 1033 a a 1034 u a 1036 Oak Avenue. John J. Merrill. Thomas Sinclair, Brighton. Nathaniel H. Hammond. Newell A. Thompson. Spencer Nolen, Jr. Alexander D. Inglis. Joseph Robey. Joseph K. Miller. S. O. Richardson, $. Reading. John H. Trowbridge, Medford. Peter Dunbar. Thomas J. Dunbar. Sherman Leland, Roxbury. Dexter Pratt, Cambridge. Nathaniel C. Poor. (360/*.)S. E. Sewall, Roxbury. (340/£.)Henry Gurney. Simon Blanchard, Charlestown. Robert Ross, Camridge. Joel Reed, Cambridge. Joseph Bird, Jr., Watertown. J. R. Fuller, Charlestown. John P. Ordway, Cambridge. Thomas Waterman. William C. Bolles. Roger Herring. Thomas Simpson. Eliza Brown. Mary Rand. Lemuel Williams, Cambridge. Pelham W. Warren. (360 ft.) Sidney Bartlett. (360 ft.) George Bartlett. Ebenezer Hobbs, Jr. Waltham. Leonard Spooner. Daniel B» Stedman. 36 1036 Oak Avenue. W. M. Stedman, Jr., Dorches 1037 il it (350/*.)Marshall S. Scudder. [ter 1038 tt u Joseph C. Brodhead. 1039 Larch « Peter Low. 1040 tt tt Joseph Yeazic 1041 ti a Cyrus Rice, Cambridge. 1042 Chestnut Avenue. William R. Bradford. 1043 u a Nathaniel Howard. 1044 a a Charles Briggs, Roxbury. 1045 it ti Leonard Holton. 1046 tt a John Holton. 1047 tt tt Ezra Forrestall. 1048 tt it Levi Whitney, Bolton. 1049 tt ti Thomas Cass. 1050 tt it Oren Peck. 1051 it a Franklin Smith. 1052 u a John Davis. 1053 a a Walter Miles. 1054 it tt Caleb Whiting. 1055 tt tt Cyrus Buttrick. 1056 it a John A. Savels. 1057 ti u Isaac Foster. 1058 ti it Joseph W. Coburn. 1059 a tt Calvin Fifield. 1060 tt a Robert White. 1061 it u Oliver P. Bowman. 1062 it a Phillip S. Page. 1063 tt ti 1064 it u 1065 1066 Chestnut Avenue. William G. Fullick. 1067 tt tt Andrew Abbot. 1068 Mountain a Caroline M. Etheridge. 1069 1070 1071 Mountain Avenue. Patrick F. Slane. 1072 it a Abraham G. Parker, Roxbury 1073 a ti Asher Pike, Watertown. 1074 tt a J. C. Johnson. 37 1075 Mountain Avenue. Albert Ballard. 1076 Central Avenue (200 ft.) George W. Pierce, Roxbury. 1077 Central Square ( 100 ft. )Edwin Davenport. 1078 Ailanthus Path. Michael Tombs. 1079 Elder " James W. Reed,. 1080 Cypress Avenue. Mace Tisdale. 1081 " " (695/i!.)Simon K. Hewins." 1082 Ailanthus Path (481/i?.)Samuel 0. Mead, Cambridge. 1083 « " (481 /£.) William Read, Cambridge. 1084 Fir Avenue. 1085 Elder Path. 1086 « « 1087 Mountain Avenue. 1088 Pme « 1089 « " 1090 .EWer Pa^i 1091 Yarrow " 1092 £7cfer " 1093 " H 1094 " « 1095 i^«r J/yenwe. 1096 Verbena Path. 1097 " " 1098 ^/der " 1099 Poplar Avenue. 1100 Ailanthus Path. 1101 « « 1102 « " 1103 Pme J.ven«e. 1104 TAtstfe Path 1105 Larch Avenue. 1106 j^der Pa^. 1107 " George Blackburn. Stephen Fairbanks. H. P. Fairbanks, Charlestown. John Dodd. James Dodd. Andrew T. Hall. (400/*.)Stephen W. Olney. Samuel Bates, Jr. John T. Wells. ( 600 ft.) James L. Little. John L. Roberts. Samuel Gregg. S. H. Dodge, Cambridge. Timothy A. Sumner. John Brewster. Hazen J. Burton. (100/t)Hazen J. Burton. George P. Bowers. G. W. Dodd, Roxbury. (400/£.)C. L. Dennison, Cambridge. (340 ft.) William Saunders. William Humphrey. Paul Alden. 1108 Ailanthus Path (500 ft.) Joseph Willard. 1109 « " 1110 Fir Avenue. 1111 Ailanthus Path. 1112 « " 1113 Mountain Avenue. Solomon Wilds. John L. Millard. R. Frothingham, Charlestown. Thomas A. Goddard. John P. Whiton, Cambridge, 38 1114 Central Avenue. Erastus Coleman, Baltimore. 1115 Ailanthus Path. Charles Carruth. 1116 « « Nathan Carruth. 1117 " " Francis S. Carruth. 1118 Jasmine u (360/*.)Otis Yinal. 1119 Snowdrop " Sarah E. Bush, Utica, N. Y. 1120 Spruce' Avenue. (360 ft.)V avid W. Williams. 1121 Ailanthus Path. Abby F. Bachi. 1122 " « Henry Burditt, Cambridge. 1123 « « Peter Mackintosh, Jr. 1124 « « Henry Plympt on. 1125 « « Abijah E. Hildreth. 1126 Chapel Avenue (811 //.)Jaines Brown, TFa/er/owm. 1127 " " (600//.) Charles C. Little, Cambridge. 1128 Vine Path (400//.)Edward Austin. 1129 Yarrow Path (400//.) John H. Gossler, Hamburg. 1130 Tfttofe " Polly Lewis. 1131 « « Thomas Jones. 1132 Myrtle " Samuel Bachelder, Cambridge. 1133 Central Avenue. Greenleaf C. Sanborn. 1134 " « Charles E. Noyes. 1135 Beech " Henry K. Lo ring. 1136 " " (339//.)Horace A. Breed. 1137 Eglantine Path. James Mac Gregor. 1138 Fir Avenue. Edmund Boynton. 1139 « « William H. Parker. 1140 " « Abiel Goss. 1141 Ailanthus Path (600 //.)Daniel P. Parker. 1142 Central Avenue (190//.) Sophia M. Cogswell, N.York. 1143 Pme " John Tarbell. 1144 Woodbine Path. M. S. Perry. 1145 Green J3rier " (250 //.)E. T. Channing, Cambridge. 1146 Cypress Avenue (460 /f.) William Earl. 1147 JVr .Avem*e. John A. Fulton. 1148 Verbena Path. Samuel Parsons. 1149 " » Hannah Allen. 1150 Mimosa " Charles Beck, Cambridge. 1151 Pine Avenue (952//.)Jaines A. Dorr. 1152 jBWer Pa//i. Simon Willard, Jr. 39 1153 Elder Path. 1154 " « 1155 « " 1156 Mimosa Path . 1157 Geranium " 1158 » « 1159 Yarrow u 1160 i^«> J.ve?me 1161 Mimosa Path, M. H. Simpson. (525/*.)George B. Blake. Henry A. Pierce, C harlest&wn. Henry A. Pierce, Charlestown. (369/*.)GeorgeH. Gray. (369/*.) William G. Prince. Allen M. Kendrick. (350 /*.)Susan Collins. Jonas Wyeth, 2d ; Cambridge. 1162 « « 1163 Poplar Avenue (375/*.) Augustus Story, Cambridge. 1164 Elder Path. Luke Carter. 1165 " « Luke C. Childs, Cambridge. 1166 Verbena Path. E. W. Blake. 1167 Geranium Path. Benjamin F. Burgess. 1168 Elm Avenue (360 /*.)Samuel K. Williams. 1169 Pine " Gardner Brewer. 1170 « » J. G. Wetherell. 1171 « " (504/*.) James Harris. 1172 Cupress Avenue (375/*.)John H. Pearson. 1173 Fir « 11^ Poplar " 1175 Ivy Path. 1176 Ailanthus Path. 1177 " " 1178 " " 1179 " " 1180 » " 1181 FZder 1182 « 1183 " 1184 " ' 1185 Ailanthus i J 186 Verbena 1187 Eglantine ' 1188 Geranium ' 1189 Verbena 1190 jSWer 1191 OaA: ^fenwe. John Barrett, Cambridge. Elias Hasket Derby. Peter Frothingham. Sarah Skinner, Roxbury. Joseph B. Whall. George B. Dixwell. John J. Dixwell. Epes Dixwell, Cambridge. (400/*.)Samuel K. Bayley. (160/*.) Timothy Farrar. (160/*.)Edward Crane. (160/*.)Aaron Perkins. William Dewhurst. S. H. Dodge. Cambridge. John W. Mayson. Nathaniel Goddard. John M. W. Boyd. (550/*.)Nancy Salisbury. Harriet Bobbins. 40 1192 1193 1194 1195 1196 1197 1198 1199 1200 1201 1202 1203 1204 1205 1206 1207 1208 1209 1210 1211 1212 1213 1214 1215 1216 1217 1218 1219 1220 1221 1222 1223 1224 1225 1226 1227 1228 1229 1230 Indian Ridge Path Fir Avenue. Cedar « Fir « Beech Avenue. Samuel J. Beals, New York. Charles A. Trafton. Jacob Ulman. Seth Wilniarth. Lemuel M. Standish. « " Charles Woodbury. Fir " Caleb. G. Loring. Green Brier Path (184/<(.) John Codman. James Tuttle. Sumner Adams. Peter Parker. Gustavus Tuckerman. Edward Codman. Benjamin W. Thayer. J. Ingersoll Bowditch. Henry I. Bowditch. W. I. Bowditch, Brookline. Elizabeth B. I. Bowditch. George S. Nelson. (5 04 ft.) George Morey. Fir Avenue. Ailanthus Path. a a Tidip Pilgrim " Pine Avenue Ailanthus Path Rear of Lot 315. Geranium Path. u u Yarrow " Eglantine " Ailanthus Elder Geranium Ailanthus L. A. Huntingdon, Charlestown. G. R. Noyes, Cambridge. Benjamin Rand, Cambridge. Frederick Smith. Richard B. Carter. John II. Wilkins. (360 ft.)TL. M. Willis. George Roberts. Joseph G. Stearns. William G. Lambert. Alexander H. Twombly. Edward G. Loring. Robert Foster. (360//.)Gcorge A. Kendall. James Longley. Edwin Lamson. John L. Emmons. Jane N. Blaisdell. Silas Stevens, Brighton. 41 1231 1232 Geranium Path t. John L. Emmons. 1233 Ailanthus " Perez Smith. 1234 Elm Avenue (100/*.)Harriet W. Carter, Brighton. 1235 Geranium Path (390/*.)Brewster Reynolds. 1236 Ailanthus " Sampson Reed. 1237 " " William D. Ticknor. 1238 Oak Avenue. Daniel D. Broadhead. 1239 Pine " Nathan Viles. 1 240 7W«p Pai/i (400/£.)Edward Brooks. 1241 Geranium Path. James M. Ford. ^242 Cedar Avenue. Augustus W^iittemore. 1243 Ailanthus Path, William A. Greenwood. 1244 Pine Avenue. George Read, Roxbury. 1245 Central « (400/t)Ephraim Milton. 1246 ^/rfer Pa/i Amos W. Dana. 1247 Ailanthus Path (220/if.)Benjamin D. Shaw. 1248 Geranium u Otis Everett, Jr. 1249 Ailanthus « George P. Tewksbury. 1250 ^/der « (420/t)Isaac Parker. 1251 Eglantine " Samuel T. Snow. 1252 Geranium " Elizabeth Harrington. 1253 Mistletoe " Jerome V. C. Smith. 1254 Pilgrim " (450/*.) Charles M. Wood. 1255 Central Avenue. George May. 1256 Geranium Path Charles Gordon Greene. 1257 Pilgrim " John T. W. Sargent. 1258 .E^er « Elizabeth T. Bowles, Roxbury. 1259 "'■ « Thomas W. Phillips. 1260 Cedar Avenue. Sidney Patch. 1261 Eglantine Path Joseph L. Brigham. 1262 Ailanthus " Wm. Gutterson, Dorchester. 1263 " " William Eaton. 1264 Eglantine " Amos T. Dunbar. 1265 Geranium " George Bowland. 1266 Pme ^LtJeMMe. Thomas Snow. 1267 Pilgrim Path. Harriet K. Miller. 1268 Piwe ^vewwe. Hollis Thayer. 1269 Pyrofo Patf*. 5 Edwin A. Boardman. 42 1270 Vine Path (225/*.)Heman Everett. 1271 Geranium Path. Sarah P. Walker, Charlestown 1272 Thistle (400 /if.) Charles H. Parker. 1273 « « (400 ft.) William Lincoln. 1274 Snowdrop " Charles Horn it. 1275 Pilgrim " Charles Griflith. 127G 0«/j ylvenwe. Stephen Jenney. 1277 " " Thomas C. Stoddard. 1278 Ailanthus Path Jesse Maynard. 1279 Central Avenue Timothy Gilbert. 1280 " " (180 ft.) William H. Jameson. 1281 TO/ow Jeffrey Richardson. 1307 " " 1308 " " ./ 43 1309 1310 1311 Walnut Avenue. 1312 Pine « 1313 Ailanthus Path. 1314 Chestnut Avenue. 1315 Elder Path 131 6 *Fir Avenue. 1317 " « Dexter Fairbanks, iVew Yor&. Charles Faulkner. Mary Jennison. Daniel Gould. (315//.) William A. Parker. John E. Kurtz. William Moreton, Newton. 1318 Ailanthus Path (200/*.)T. K. Blaisdell. [bridge. 1319 Pine Avenue (3 60//.) Joanna C. Valentine, Cam- 1320 Geranium Path. James W. Gates, Cambridge. 1321 Yarrow " (600 /f.)Mary Homer. 1322 Spruce Avenue. 1323 « " 1324 Geranium Path. 1325 Gentian " 1326 Eglantine 1327 Snowdrop 1328 Pilgrim 1329 Geranium 1330 Eglantine 1331 " 1332 Geranium 1333 ^Wer 1334 " 1335 Heliotrope Path. 1336 " " 1337 « " 1338 Petunia " 1339 Central Avenue. 1340 Cypress " 1341 Cedar « 1342 Spruce " 1343 Cypress " 1344 " » 1345 Oc/iis Pa//j 1346 O/we « 1347 Pilgrim " James Otis. Catharine F. Seaver, Brookline. Alice Hawkins, Somerville. Edward Emerson. Foster Waterman. Matthew S. Parker. John Hawthorn. Lebbeus Stetson. Susan Bryant. Nathaniel Daniels. Sally Labree, Cambridge. (315//.)Henry M. Parker. George Darracott. Franklin Darracott. Joseph Nason. William F. Shaw. Sarah A. Peck. Lemuel Shattuck. (400//.)Benjamin Humphrey. David Heald. Lewis Hall. W. A. Hall. (400 ft.) Thomas Wigglesworth. I. M. Spelman. William Underwood. 44 1348 Mountain Avenue. Isaac Stone 1349 Oxalis Path. George II. Loring. 1350 « '■• (600Jf.)Abby M. Loring. 1351 Cedar Avenue. James G. Fuller. Charlestown. 1352 Geranium Path. A. H. Stevens, Cnmhrklge. 1353 Petunia " Francis Bundy. 1354 Jnrfmn jRic^e " (50 /.)Susan H. Noyes. 1355 Petunia " Thomas J. Pierce, Cambridge. 1356 Chapel Avenue. (500/ " 1636 Eglantine Path 1637 Petunia " 1638 Oleander « 1639 Hibiscus " 1640 Sedg-e " 1641 " « 1642 » " 1643 Hibiscus " 1644 Spruce Avenue. 1645 Pme " 1646 Petunia Path 1647 Pme -Av.em*e. 1648 « " 1649 Cerfar " 1650 Spruce " 1651 « « 1652 Fir « 1653 " « 1654 Spruce " 1655 W*7fow " 1656 Spruce " 1557 " « Jacob Thaxter. Franklin Smith. Alonzo Farrar. (150/*. )Elizur Baldwin. Isaac H. Hazleton. (75/*.)Philenda T. Barber. Gustavus Cheney. Addison Gage, Charlestown. George W. Gage. Luke Fay. W. S. Tuckerman. Noah Sturtevant. Newell Sturtevant. G. N. Fairbanks. (180/*.) William Dehon. George Nichols. James B. Nason. Abner Phelps. P. H. Perkins, Kennebunkport. (400/*.)Rufus Howe, Cambridge. Silvanus Packard. William A. Phillips. Frederick' T. Gray. Robert McGill. Daniel Cummings (200 /*.)George Phillips, Cambridge. Calvin Dimick, Cambridge. Joseph G. Russell. Ethan N. Coburn, Charlestown. Charles Ranstead. Orel Towle. J. E. Stanwood. James Ritchie. (3 60/*.) John W. Warren, Jr. Thos. W. Wyman, U. S. Navy. George O. Brastow, Somerville. 1 " Artemas White, Somerville. 1658 Honeysuckle Path. (400/*.) Daniel Draper. 1659 Larch Avenue. Samuel B. Rindge. 52 1660 Heliotrope Path. 1661 Willow Avenue (250 ft. 1662 Fir " 1663 Columbine Path(400 ft. 1664 Spruce Avenue. 1665 « « (150/?. 1666 Mimosa Path (360 /if. 1667 Chestnut Avenue. 1668 Pyro/a Pa* A. 1669 £ea£e " 1670 Cedar Avenue. 1671 Rosemary Path. 1672 Pme J.vem£e. 1673 Petunia Path. 1674 TV/ip " 1675 Columbine " (200/. 1676 Cypress Avenue. 1677 " « 1678 Columbine Path. WW Elder " 1680 Orel's " 1681 " " 1682 « " 1683 Chestnut Avenue. 1684 Cypress « 1685 Columbine Path. 1686 Yarrow? « 1687 Central Avenue (Id oft. 1688 Rhodora Path (185/. 1689 Columbine « 1690 Ferierca « (150/. 1691 Mimosa « (200/. 1692 Spruce Avenue. 1693 Gentian Path. 1694 Fer&ewa « 1695 Columbine " (400/. 1696 Spruce Avenue. 1697 " " (600/. 1698 TOstfe Pa*/i. Symmes Gardner. )Stephen Lynch. William L. Beal, )Nath'l Whiting-, Watertovn. Alexander Wadsworth. )John Fairfield. Jonathan W. Bemis. F. L. Pulsifer, Cambridge. James F. Clark. Henry Homer. Charles T. Stephens. Lyman Farwcll. Jacob Wyeth, Cambridge. William Heckle. Charles T. Hubbard, Newton. )Ai Blood. Sarah Baxter, Newton. Samuel Colby. Aaron Hobart. Deborah B. Breeden, N. York. John Collamore, Jr. Davis Collamore, New York. Ebenezer Collamore, N. York. A. T. Powell, Charlestown. S. F. McCleary, Jr. Marlborough Williams. Charles Calhoun. )Mary Scott. )Ann D. Haskell, Chelsea. C. C. Sampson, Charleston- n 9 ,)Franklin Smith. )Jonathan Hyde, Cambridge. Willard Phillips, « Thomas Hollis. Harrison C. Bryant. ) James T. Austin. John L. Flanders. )Elizabeth W. Williams. C. S. Storrow, Lawrence. 53 1699 Thistle Path. (160 jft.)Thomas W. Storrow. 1700 Petunia " E. P. Dolbeare. 1701 Mountain Avenue. T. H. Dorr, Lexington. 1702 Sedge Path. J. J. Newcomb. 1703 Verbena" J. F. Taylor, Brighton. 1704 Spruce Avenue. Edward L. Stevens. 1705 Columbine Path. Samuel Gilbert. 1706 Petunia " E. H. Greene, Somerville. 1707 i?/w& Avenue. Alexander Strong. 1708 " « (400//;.) Clement Willis, 1709 " " Rebecca Pierce. 1710 Columbine Path. Isaac Livermore, Cambridge. 1711 " « John Livermore " 1712 " « George Livermore, " 1713 « " Nathaniel Livermore, " 1714 Snowdrop Path. Eliza P. How. 1715 Verbena " (400/£.) Oliver Edwards. 1716 Spruce Avenue (440/£.)Robert C. Mackay. 1717 " " (400/*.)Georgc Pratt. 1718 Columbine Path(lfr 0/j?.)Henry P. Teel, Charlestown. 1719 Spruce Avenue. Henry Emerson. 1720 Verbena Path. Harvey D. Parker. 1721 Spruce Avenue. L. S. Learned, Cambridge. 1722 Cypress " Mary Brown. 1723 Elm " E. Lawrence, Charlestown. 1724 " " Richard Baker, Jr. " 1725 " " Samuel Atherton, " 1726 Hibiscus Path. (200 ft.) James Hall. 1727 Yarrow " Martin Lane, Cambridge. 1728 ^cacrn « W. E. Carter, " 1729 Fir Avenue (360/*.)M. B. Sigourney. 1730 FZwi " (400/*.)A. A. Dame. 1731 Indian Ridge Path. Bryant P. Tilden. 1732 Spruce Avenue. Martin Moore. 1733 Cypress " Mary C. Norcross, Roxbury. 1734 Honeysuckle Path. Jerome B. Cram. 1735 Eglantine " Henry P. Sturgis. 1736 Fir Avenue. St. John's Lot. 1737 Acanthus Path. John Stratton. 54 1738 Acanthus Path. William Trumbull. 1739 Sedge " Paran Stevens. 1740 Spruce Avenue (360 /£..) Sarah T. Stickncy. 1741 Hawthorn Path. Gardner G. Hubbard. 1742 Spruoe ivenue. William Wa 1743 Chestnut " Harriet Greene, Cambridge. [744 Cedar " Alexander 11. Heed, " 1745 Hawthorn " Susan Parknian. 1746 .BeecA " P. J. Stone, Charlestown. 1747 Grcc?i Brier Path(15ft.)Qcor « William S. Whitwell. 1760 Acanthus " Thomas M. Cutter. Charlestoivn 1761 Cedar Avenue. Jas. B. Homer, TF. Cambridge. 1762 Sjorwce i Robert Todd, Charlestown. 1763 Eglantine Path{ 1200/*)Stephen Tilton. 1 T < > J Acacia " Shadrach Dickson, Somerville* 1765 Indian Ridge Path. A. G. Ralston, Philadelphia. 1766 Pilgrim Path. John Steams. 1767 Ailanthus " 1768 Acacia « (60/So;Te^ " 1902 Eglantine " 1903 « « 1904 Geranium " 1905 SorrcJ « 1906 Yarrow " 1907 Eglantine " 1908 So/re* " 1909 " " 1910 Spruce Avenue. 1911 1912 Walnut « 1913 SorreZ Pof/i. 1914 « 1915 Yarrow " 1916 /S"o/re^ " 1917 " " 1918 " " 1919 Eglantine Path A. M. McPhail, Jr. D. P. Worcester. John Wyeth, Cambridge. Susan Scars. (500/^.)Peter HuIiImI. Perkins Boynton. Benjamin F. Teel, Charlestown. Chester Daniell. (20 ft) William Arnold, Charlestown. Amos T. Frothingham, " Joseph S. Read, Cambridge. Matthew Perkins. (90/^.) Charles J. B. Moulton. (75 jfi?,)Ebenezer AVecman. Aaron H. Safford, Cambridge. Benj. F. Shattuck, U. S. Navy. John Foster. Horace B. Taylor. Luther S. Cushing. JamesMcAllaster. Edward Howard, Roxbury. Samuel Hall, Jr. Nathaniel D. Whitney. Elias Hook. Hczckiah S. Chase. Eli A. Yale, Charlestown. 1920 Spruce Avenue (500 ft.)G. Berkley Johnson. 1921 Fir Avenue. 1922 Sorrel Path. 1923 Acacia " 1924 Beech Avenue 1925 Heath Path 1926 Acacia Path. 1927 Elm Avenue. 1928 Petunia Path L929 Orchis " 1930 Indian Ridge Path 1931 Asclepias " 1932 Fir Avenue. George N. Comer. Moses Wildes, 2d. (216/V.) William N. Tyler. (400/if.)Francis W. R. Emery. (400/£.)Hiram Jacobs. Avery Plumer. Josiah Willard. (120/^.) William Black. WatertownA (400/«f.)Benjamiu W. Xiehok Jose] ill West. Wm.B. Fowle, Jr. Watertoivn. Henry A. Kendall. 1933 Sorrel Path. 1934 Acacia " 1935 Lupine " 1936 Spruce Avenue. 1937 J.cacm Pa/A 1938 Fir Avenue. 1939 J5eec/i " 1940 Cedar " Alfred Richardson. Daniel H. Richards, Cambridge. (165 /if.) James Carpenter. John A. Libby. (400/*.)Levi F. Russell, Cambridge. Samuel M. Pook. Arba Maynard. Elijah Thayer. 1941 Geranium Path. James Marshall, Charlestown. 1942 " " (50/*.)Freeman C. Lowell. » 1943 Mimosa " (400 /*.) James C. Dunn. 1944 £We£ " 1945 " " 1946 Walnut Avenue. 1947 Eglantine Path. 1948 i?/wi Avenue. 1949 Tm/^ Pa^. 1950 Hibiscus " 1951 Eglantine " 1952 " " 1953 Spruce Avenue. 1954 #/m " 1955 " 1956 1957 Geranium Path 51958 « « 11959 Hibiscus " i960 £7m J/yenwe. L961 " « |962 Yarrow Path 163 i*V Overawe. >64 " « 4.65 Pilgrim Path 16 J.cacm " >7 Verbena " 18 Ailanthus " Charles J. F. Sherman. Patrick H. Chandler. ' Mary Shimmin, Newton. George F. Whall. Nahum P. Whitney. Rob't C. Hooper, Dorchester. Moses Thayer. George Hale. Robert Butler. Geo. N. Fisher, Charlestown. (487/f.)B. Warner. E. Marston, Cambridge. 19|9 Elm Avenue. 19 ' |0 Pilgrim Path. 19' k Hibiscus " Benjamin Goddard, Brookline. Waldo Flint. John W. Brooks, Charlestown. William Parkman. Oiiver Winship, Lexington. (144/*.) John S. Buck. Asahel C. Palmer, Charlestown. William Melvin. (400/f.)Uriel Crocker. (400 /*.)Henry Wood. Margaret D. Baldwin. (60/*.)Elizabetn Hovey, Cambridge. Jonathan Davis. Silas B. Buck, Cambridge. (70/f.)Eliza W. Newell, Charlestown. 60 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 Hibiscus Path. Spruce Avenue. Asclepias Path. Honeysuckle " /'//• Avenue. Honeysuckle Path. Hibiscus " Elm Avenue. (624 ft Verbena Path. Acanthus " Mimosa " Petunia " Geranium " Honeysuckle " Spruce Avenue. Verbena Path. Sorrel " Ailanthus " Verbena " Hibiscus " Elm Avenue. Yarrow " Acacia " u u Petunia " Pine Avenue. Yarrow Path. Asclepias " Beech Avenue Elm <> Fir « a « Sorrel Path a a Snowdrop " (100 ft (200//. (400/. (120/. (150/ Yarrow (400// (50/ (750/ (450/, Robert Kelren. John J. Shaw. Geo. A. Kettell. Charlestown. Geo. W. Robinson, Somerville. Charles A. Smith. Charles Everett, Cambridge. Alexander Moseley, Medford. )William H. Knight. William Churchill, Brookline. T. Henry Perkins. )James Rendles, Cambridge. James A. Estabrook. Charles Quigley, Cambridge. James Baxter, Jr., New York. )Richard Chadwick. Hiram Tubbs. S. P. Shepard, Cambridge. )B. Edmunds, Charlestown. Win. W. Ward, California. )Almira W. Smith. Elijah C. Drew. Thos. S. Banks, Cambridge. John H. Farwell. Robert W. Newell. ' )G. W. Safford, Cambridgcport. Seth E. Brown. Jacob A. Johnson. Abraham Hilliard, Cambridge. Isaiah Caverlv. ,)Stephen G. Allen. ) James Anderson. Henry A. Reed. Charles M. Cox. Matthew Cox. )Thos. Whittemore, Cambridge. Lucius R. Paige. Mary Griffiths. )Mary Goddard, Roxbury. 61 2011 Cedar Avenue. (107 ft.) Joseph Allen. 2012 Hibiscus Path. Andrew S. Tozier. 2013 Chestnut Avenue. J. R. Robinson, Sail Francisco. 2014 Honeysuckle Path. James M. Shute, Sonierville. 2015 " " (400/*.)Sewell Phelps. 2016 Elm Avenue. Samuel A. Bradbury, 2017 Magnolia " Amos H. Powers. 2018 Beech " (200/*) wmi ani A. Tufts. 2019 Hibiscus Path. William Lang. 2020 Eglantine " Sarah E. Coolidge. 2021 Hibiscus Path. George Hayward. 2022 2023 Laurel Avenue. (4:00 ft.) Catharine O. Bell. 2024 Petunia Path (36/*.)Margaret L. Gauntlett. 2025 Lupine " (640jft.)T. T. Sawyer, Charlestoivn. 2026 Oxalis " S. Benton Thompson. 2027 Beech Avenue. (72y*.)Lydia Proctor. 2028 Gentian Path (400 /if.)Rufus Fiske, Cambridgeport. 2020 Eglantine " Edmund G. Lucas. 2030 Fir Avenue (39 6 ft.) William S. Houghton. 2031 Magnolia Path. Aurelius I. Ladd, Brighton. 2032 Acacia « (150 ft.) Oliver B. Marsh, Roxbury. 2033 m Hibiscus " Mary Smith. 2034** Tulip « Waldo Higginson. 2035 Hibiscus * " (600/i(.)Artemas Tirrell, Charlestown. 2036 Poplar Avenue (100 ft.)Gt. M. Vinal, Cambridgeport. 2037 Geranium Path. Warren Sawyer, Medford. 2038 Fir Avenue. Wm. F. Gay, Wateftown. 2039 Sorrel Path. N. K. Skinner. 2040 Hibiscus « Otis Green. 2041 Pyro/a " (1080/if.)John Wiley Edmands. 2042 Ailanthus " (42 ft. )Salome Wheeler. 2043 Beech Avenue. Benjamin Simmons. 2044 Honeysuckle Path* Ezekiel H. Higgins. 2045 Pilgrim " Abba C. Rand. 2046 Lupine " Samuel S. Green, Cambridge. 2047 Cypress Avenue (50 ft.) John Crofts. 2048 Eglantine Path. Albert Stevens, Cambridge. 2049 « « Andrew S. Waitt, « u 2050 2051 2052 2053 2054 2055 2056 2057 2058 2059 2060 2061 2062 2063 2064 2065 2066 2067 2068 2069 2070. 2071 2072 2073 2074 2075 2076 2077 2078 2079 2080 2081 2082 2083 2084 2085 2086 2087 2088 Honeysuckle Path. Josiah W. Cook, Cambridge. Lupine Fir Avenue u a Cedar « Elm « Yarrow Path. Spruce Avenue. Gentian Path. Heliotrope " Honeysuckle u Hibiscus " Acacia " a a Rose « Sorrel « u u Central Avenue ' C. Thompson, Charlcstown. (400//?.)Edward Chamberlin. (400 ft.) John W. Shaw. Augustus A. Melvin. Charles W. Pierce. Lauchlan McKay. Samuel P. Oliver. Win. Leathe, Cambridgeport. (180//!.)Richard Clear. Elias B. Thayer. "William Robinson. William F. White, Somerville. Charles W. Caswell, « (252/j?.)Martyn Paine, New York. Charles Rollins. Theodore F. Rollins, (40/*.)Samuel K. Williams. Magnolia Avenue. Central Square. Hibiscus Path. Fir Avenue. Honeysuckle Path Joseph Brackett, Cambridge. Sarah A. Benner. Elizabeth Ammidown. John Earlc, Jr. Elizabeth Aborn. Charles L. Richards. Hibiscus " Martha Green. Fir Avenue (110/£.)Benjamin Lawry. Eglantine " (180 ft.) William Cobb, Charlcstown. Yarrow " Reuben Winslow, Roxbury. Honeysuckle " (400/f.)Michael Dalton. Spruce Avenue (180/f.)Ellen Maria Coolidge. Willow " (900/*.)Samuel*Bradlce. Lupine Path (3 60 ft.) Samuel Rhoades. Fir Avenue (150//?.) John K. Bickum. Iris Path (400 ft.) J. Baxter Upham. Asclepias Path. J. L. Goldthwait. 63 2089 Hibiscus Path. J. B. Hildreth, Cambridge. 2090 " " William H. Ladd. 2091 Pilgrim " (450 jft.) John Hathaway, Watertown. 2092 Honeysuckle " John Mansfield. 2093 " " Robert Kemp. 2094 " " Carlos Ayer. 2095 Hibiscus " John P. Welch, Cliarlestown. 2096 " " George W. Chipman. 2097 " " (568 ft. )Nath. Merrill, Cliarlestown. 2098 Walnut Avenue (450 ft. ^Frederick F. Thayer. 2099 Sumac Path. Herman Parmenter, Neio- York. 2100 Elm Avenue. Hartwell Kendall. 2101 Hibiscus Path. George W. Kuhn, Cambridge. 2102 Heliotrope " (60/if.)Reuben H. Twombly. 2103 Hibiscus " Oliver H. Badger. 2104 Eglantine « (400 /if.) Holmes Hinckley. 2105 i?//7i Avenue. John Clark. 2106 Eglantine Puth. Henry Newman. 2107 Heliotrope " Emma A. Hobbs, Cliarlestown. 2108 Yarrow " (200 /*. )Elizabeth B. Hale. 2109 Mountain Avenue. George Dennie. 2110 « " Caroline Dennie. 2111 " " Sophia D. Tracy. 2112 Walnut " Joseph Simes. 2113 Lw " (872/*.)Henry Gassett, 2114 Lupine Path. Seaman Klows, Newton. 2115 Central Avenue. Joseph Faxon, '■ 2116 Pilgrim Path. George Homer. 2117 Elder " Joseph M. Wightman. 2118 Honeysuckle " Ozias G. Chapman. 2119 Snowdrop " (400/*.)Richard B. Callender. 2120 Yarrow « (65 jfr.)Mary J. Lakin. 2121 Tulip " Charles Sanders, Cambridge. 2122 TFaZm^ylvem/e (450 /^Samuel T. Dana. 2123 Elm « (900 /*.)Cyrus Alger. 2124 Pilgrim Path (195/£.)Thomas B. Fillebrown. 2125 Pine J.ve/me (105 /£.) Caroline S. Bacon. 2126 £7*«i " David U. Skillings. 2127 Mountain " Sarah Fisher, Cambridge. 64 2128 2129 2130 2131 2132 2133 2134 2135 2136 2137 2138 2139 2140 2141 2142 2143 2144 2145 2146 2147 2148 2149 2150 2151 2152 2153 2154 2155 2156 2157 2158 2159 2160 2161 2162 2163 2164 2165 2166 Trefoil Path (400 ft.) Joshua Stetson, « " (400/*.)Elcazer F.Pratt. Asclcpias " (240/*.)Margarct Glynn. Chestnut Avenue. Henry Atkins. Osier Path. Susan P. Robins. Honeysuckle Path. Mistletoe il Green Brier " Oak Avenue. Robert Robins, New York. Samuel Brackett, Cambridge. Benjamin Welles. James II. Blake. Stephen Perry, Watertown. Elder Path. James P. Whitney. Locust Avenue. John Hollingsworth, W. Camb. Honeysuckle Path (500 ft.) H. L. Eustis, Cambridge. Lime Avenue (400y2.)Charles Jackson. " « (400 ft.) James Jackson. " « (400/*.)PatrickR Jackson. Hibiscus Path (100 ft.) Caroline M. Schaffer. Orange " Samuel S. Osgood, New York. Spruce Avenue. J. M. Simpson, Charlestown. Honeysuckle Path. Henry C. Ilutchins. Gentian « (340/*.)T. B. Preston, Charlestown. Heliotrope " Edward Locke. Spruce Avenue. Seth C. Chandler. Elm Avenue. Spruce " Orchis Path u u Willow Avenue. Elm « Aaron Bancroft. Alexander Thomas. (500/*.)MariaF. Sayles. Jeannie R. Sayles. William Fisk, Cambridge. Moses Hadley. 65 2167 Myrtle Path. Nath'l W. Starbird, Maiden. 2168 Central Square. William R. Lawrence. 2169 Walnut Avenue. James Ayer. 2170 S7iowdrop Path. Eclw'd Fillebrown, Tyngsboro\ 2171 Walnut Avenue. Fanny Mackay. 2172 Heliotrope Path. Susan Heard, Watertown. 2173 Spruce Avenue (500/t)Freeman Rice. 2174 Walnut « (260 ft.) Josiah Tillson, Cambridge. 2175 Mountain " John R. Brewer. 2176 Willow « (600 ft.) John Gove. 2177 Elm « Simeon Smith. 2178 GVeen £Wer Paf/i (450 /t)S. H. Bennett, Brighton. 2179 " " (450 /£.)Elias D. Bennett, " 2180 Spruce Avenue. James W. Brown. 2181 Elm « Seth W. Gay, Cambridge. 2182 Heliotrope Path (180 /if.) Alexander E. Smith. 2183 Honeysuckle " Wm. G. Ladd, Jr., Watertown. 2184 Oak Avenue. Eliza Bacon, Waltham. 2185 2186 Lily Path (32/i?)Deborah Collins. 2187 Asclepias " Mary W. Bellows. 2188 Central Avenue. George H. Jones, Neio York. 2189 Lime " Francis Bassett. 2190 Eglantine Path (75/f.)Ann Pierce. 2191 Honeysuckle" Charles B. Wilson. 2192 » « William H. Claflin. 2193 « " (150/t)Jesse C. Johnson. 2194 Willow Avenue (400/£.)Chas. W. Homer, Cambridge. 2195 Green Brier Path. Oliver Livermore, Brighton. 2196 7Ve/o*7 " (400/t)Enoch P. Bullard. 2197 Elder « N. G. Child, Charlestown. 2198 Spruce Avenue. Ralph Smith. 2199 Honeysuckle Path. Levi Conant. 2200 Mistletoe " Eliphalet Williams. 2201 Zime ^vewMe (333 /it.) Joseph Porter, Cambridge. 2202 " " (666/f.)Newell Bent, " 2203 Elm « John H. Angier. 2204 Walnut " (400 /(.David Snow. 2205 " « John S. Harris, Cambridge. 8 66 2206 Hawthorn Pa*/i( 600 /!.)Moses Grant. 2207 Gentian " Calvin Willard, Worcester. 2208 Poplar Avenue (50 ft.) A. J. Bellows, Charlestown. 220!) 2210 Chestnut Avenue. Shepley W. Wjllson. 2211 ( Italian Path. Amos Cotting, Brookline. 2212 Yarrow " W. II. Bourne, Watertown. Wis. 2213 J3eecA. Avenue (100/.)Elizabeth Aldem 2214 Central " (600/.)Daniel Lawrence, Medford. 2215 Spruce " George Staples. 221C /rcdwm Ridge Path (900 ft.)Wm. D. Soliier, Cohasset. 2217 " " (600/.)Edw. D. Soliier, Brookline. 2218 Honeysuckle " William F. Clark. 2219 " " Sarali Stone, Somerville. 2220 2221 Willow Avenue (7 84//.) Aaron Rice, Cambridge. 2222 7Ve/, M. G. . [er, Jacob Bank, T. S. . unin, James . er, P. T. . 1626 er, S. A. iur, J. S. . 1571 Bennett, E.D. r, Josiah . 226 i ;t. S. U. Barker, Sewall . 1801 Bennett, Joshua . Barnard, Charles . 349 Benson, John 75 Bent, Newell, . 2202 I Bowditch, E. B. I. . 1209 Bickum, J. K. . 2085 1 Bowditch, H. I. . . 1207 Bigelow, Abraham . 190 1 Bowditch, J. I. . 1206 Bigelow, Alanson . 15S4 Bowditch, W. I. . . 1208 Bigelow, Andrew . . 1357 Bowers, G. P. . 1102 Bigelow, Elijah . . 782 Bowker, C. W. , . 1458 Bigelow, H. J. . 2299 Bowker. J. P. Jr. . . 1468 Bigelow, Jacob . 116 Bowland, Charles . 1265 Bigelow, T. B. . 1435 Bowman, A. H. . 2298 Billings, Bradish . . 544 Bowles, E.'T. . 1258 Billings, W. G. . . 715 Bowman, Dexter . . 1560 Bills, Mark . 1477 Bowman, 0. P. . 1061 Binney, C. J. F. . . 681 Bowman, Zadoc . . 1561 Binney, M. A. . 1390 Boyd, James . 182 Binney, M. G. P. . . 1391 Boyd, J. M. W. . . 11S9 Bird, Dolly . 1822 Boyd, Thomas . 328 Bird, Jesse . . 304 Boyden, Dwight . . 436 Bird, Joseph, Jr. . . 1018 Boylston, Alicia . , 593 Black, William . 603, 1928 Boynton, Edmund . 1138 Blackburn, George . 1084 Boynton, J. L. . 2320 Blaisdell, J. N. . . 1229 Boynton, Perkins . . 1899 Blaisdell, T. K. . . 1318 Brackett, Joseph . . 2070 Blake, Edward . 1372 Brackett, Samuel . . 2135 Blake, E. W. . 1166 Bradbury, S. A. . . 2016 Blake, G. B. . 1154 Bradford, Aldcn . . 174 Blake, J. H. . 2137 Bradford, John . 755 Blake Joshua . 408 Bradford, Sarah . 2322 Blake, "William . . 83 Bradford, W. R. . . 1042 Blanchard, A. W. . . 621 Bradlee, Josiah . 703 Blanchard, J. A. . . 851 Bradlee, J. R. . 2269 Blanchard, Simon . 1015 Bradlee, R. B. . 643 Blanchard, Thomas . 1568 Bradlee, Samuel . . 2083 Blanchard, W. E. . . 383 Bradley, Benjamin . 541 Blaney, Henry, . 577 Braman, L. C. . 1778 Blaney, J. M. . 451 Brasse, M. P. . 539 Bliss, H. P. . 1546 Brastow, G. 0. . . 1656 Blood, Aaron . 86 Breed, H. A. . 1136 Blood, Ai . 1675 Breeden, D. B. . 1679 Boardman, B. G. . 208 Brewer, Gardner . . 1169 Boardman, E. A. . . 1269 Brewer, I. C. . 749 Boardman, James . 1836 Brewer, J. R. . 2175 Boardman, W. H. . 2158 Brewer, Thomas . . 792 Bogardus, John . 1382 Brewer, W. A. . 260 Boles, John . 748 Brewster, John . 1099 Bolles, Matthew, Jr. Briard, Oliver . 976 Bolles, W. C. . 1022 Bridge, Sarah 110 & 1498 Bond, George . 156 Brigham, Aaron . . 638 Bond, J. C. . 1814 Brigham, Dennis . . 381 Bond, Richard . 949 Brigham, Levi . 1290 Boot, Kirk . 529 Brigham, William . 1556 Bourne, W. H. . 2212 Brimmer, G. W. . . 316 Bouve, E. 0. . 272 Brimmer, Martin . . 394 76 Brine, "William Brinlcy, Edward Brodhead, D. D. Brodhead, J. C. Brooks, Charles Brooks, Edward Brooks, Hannah Brooks, J. W. Brooks, P. C. Brooks, P. C. Jr. Brooks, W. G. Brown, Alvin Brown, Arthur Brown, benjamin Brown, Charles Brown, C. II. Brown, C. W. Brown, Edward Jr Brown, Eliza Brown, Francis Brown, James Brown, John Brown, J. B. Brown, J. E. Brown, J. H. Brown, Jonathan, Jr Brown, Mary Brown, Nathan Brown, S. E. Brown, S. M. Brown, S. N. Brown, W. A. Brown, William Browne, G. M. Bruce, J. S. Bryant, II. C. Bryant, John Bryant, Susan Brydon, J. 11. Buck, J. S. Bush, S. B. Buckingham, Edwin Buckingham, J. T. Buckman, John BUCKMINSTEB MONUMENT Budd, Nathaniel Bulfinch, 1 Ballard, Charles Bullard E. P. Bollard Si Bundy, Francis Bunnell, E. F. 1959 1595 . 346, . 889 . 1238 J . 1038 . 1240 . 728; & 2180 : . 1841 . Til . 1288 . 18G6 . L830 . 4(10 . 571 . 461 . 1541 . 104 . 1027 & 2300 . 1126 . 112 . 192 . 1451 . 888 . 283 . 172:2 . 1452 . 1988 31 . 2341 . 2.".2 . 145G . 2280 . 1694 . 391 . 1330 . 968 . 1962 . 1970 . 134 . 149 . 1835 . 808 . 762 . 2308 . 908 . 2106 . 39 . 1353 . 514 Burditt ITenry , Benjamin Burgess, B. F. -, Deborah Burxage, Joseph . ' Burton, H.J. Burton, 1. N. Bush, Jonathan Bush, Jotham Bush, S. E. Buisey, Judith Butler, Pierce Butler, Kolicrt Butterfield, Isaac . Butterfield, Simeon !., Cyrus Buttrick, Ephriam Buttrick, M. E. . Cabot, Henry Cabot, John . Samuel Caldwell, S. A. Calhoun, Charles Call, Abraham Call, J. M. Callender, E. B. Campbell, S. P. Cannon, Cornelius Capin, II. C. Carleton, J. II. Carleton, William ( arnes, Francis Carnes, N. G. Games, W. R. titer, James Carr, Samuel Carruth, Charles Carruth, F. S. ( 'arnilh, Nathan Carter, G. D. r, II. W. ( larter, Luke Carter, Oliver Carter, R. B. Carter, r, W. E. . Alphcua Carey, I. H. 827, . 1122 . 847 . 1167 . 140S . 1383 1100 & 1101 . 1228 . 1455 . 825 . 1119 . 152 . 434 . 1952 . Ill 77 Cass, Thomas . 1049 Clarke, H W. . 1859 Caswell, C. W. . . 2064 Clarke, J. F. . 1668 Caswell, L. E. . 1619 Clary, H. D. . 756 Caverly, Isaiah . 2001 Clear, Richard . 2060 Chace, Caleb . 357 Cleland, Samuel . . 1411 Chad wick, Ebenezer . 1356 Clifford, S. C. . 1547 Chadwick, Richard . 19S6 Cloutman, John . 2260 Chaffee, Ezra . 440 Cobb, Elijah , 179 Chaffin, J. C. . 1431 Cobb, Henry . 1528 Chamberlain, Daniel . 663 Cobb, William . 2078 Chamberlain, H. M. . 1823 Coburn, xinna . 115 Chamberlin, Edward . 2052 Coburn, Charles . . 2185 Chandler, A. E. . . 1874 Coburn, J. W. . 1058 Chandler, C. N. . . 1615 Cochran, Penelope . 732 Chandler, N. B. . . 227] Cochran, S. Q. . 26 Chandler, P. 11. . . 1945 Codman, Edward . 1204 & 1508 Chandler, S. C. . . 2157 Codmau, John . 1199 Chandler, T. P. . . 1572 Coes, S. B. . 2316 Channing, E. T. . . 1145 Coffin, G. W. i 35 Clianwing, G. G. . . 677 Cogswell, S. M. . . 1142 Channing, R. G. . . 078 Colburn, T. C. . 429 Chapin, M. J. . 92 Colby, Gardner . 746 Chaplin, Daniel . 992 Colby, Johnson . 894 Chapman, D. R. . . 687 Colby, Samuel . 1677 Chapman, E. A. . . 148 Cole, Thomas, . 668 Chapman, Jonathan 89 & 12112 Coleman, Erastus, . 1114 Chapman, 0. G. . . 2118 Collamore, Davis, . . 1682 Char.ter,,John . 1420 Collamore, Ebenezer, . 1680 Chase, H. S. . 1918 Collamoie, G. W. . . 1400 Chase, Theodore . . 576 Collamore, John, Jr. . 1681 Chenerey, W. W. . 2228 Colley, B. E. . 984 Cheney, Gustavns . 1627 Collins, Deborah, . . 2186 Cheney, G. H. . 829 Collins, Susan, . 1160 Chickering, T. E. 2282 Colman, Henry, . 642 Child, G. II. . 2270 Comer, G. N. " . 1921 Child, L. C. . 1165 Comerais, Henry, . . 1362 Child, N.G. . 2197 Conant, Levi, . 2199 Chipman, G. W. . . 2096 Conant, Peter, . 1284 Choate, Charles . 42 Coney, Jabez, . 1386 Churchill. Peleg . . 244 Converse, Benjamin, . 823 Claflin, Henry . 047 Converse, J. W. . S22 Claflin, W. H. .2192 Cook, J. W. . 2050 Clapp, Frederick . . 2281 Cook, Moses, . 1301 Clark, Alexander . . 2355 Cook, Zebedee, Jr. . 397 Clark, C. W. . 549 Cooke, J. P. . 413 Clark, E. P. . 758 Coolidge, Amos, . . 1426 Clark, II. N . 1575 Coolidge, E. N. . . 2082 Clark, John 1439 & 2358 Coolidge, Flavel, . . 813 Clark, Joseph . 105 Coolidge, Joseph, . . 938 Clark, Louis . 2252 Coolidge, Josiah, . . 154 Clark, W. F. . 2218 Coolidge, S. E. . 2020 Clark, Sarah . 2358 Coolidgo, S. F. . 210 78 Cooper, Hiram, Copcland, Charles, Corey, John, Cotting, Amos, Cottrell, A. S. Courtis, William, Cox, C. M. Cox, Matthew, Coy, Alonzo, Cragie, Elizabeth, Cram, J. B. Crane, Edward, Crane, P. M. Crocker, Elisha, Crocker, Uriel, Crockett, G. W. Crofts, John, Crooker, Ralph, Crosby, Alonzo, Cross," A. W. Cross, J. B. Crowningshield, A. Crowninshield, B. Craft, Edward, Cruger, H. D. Cummings, C. W. Cummings, I Cummings, Daniel, Cunningham, Charles, Curtis, B. R. Curtis, Caleb, Curtis, C. P. Curtis, J. F. Curtis, G. T. Curtis, Nathaniel, Curtis, T. B. Cashing, II. W. Cashing, J. P, Cashing, L. S. Cashing, Susan, Cutter, George, Cutler, Isaac, Cutler, Pliny, Dale, Ebenezer, Dalton, Michael, Dame, A. A. Dana, A. F. Dana, A. W. . 2402 Dana, C. B. . 1394 . 2231 Dana, Isaac, . 269 . 2256 1 > m:i, James, . 050 807, 2211 Dana, Luther, . 17 7U . 2330 Dana, Nathaniel, . . 759 Dana, (). II. . 1 7 19 . 2005 Dana, Samuel, . 355 . 2006 Dana, S. T. . . 1045 Dana, John, . 2304 93 Danforth, Isaac, . 967 . 1734 Daniell, Chester, . . 1901 . 1183 Daniell, Josiah, . 201 . 535 Daniell, Otis, . 246 Dariing, F. D. . 1804 . 1965 Darracott, Franklin, . 1336 . 233 Darracott, George, . 1335 . Davenport, Charles, . 1359 . 145 Davenport, Edwin, . 1077 . 419 Davenport, James, . 1360 . 1766 Davenport, John, . . 1429 . 1557 Davenport, S. D. . . 2*369 .. w. . . 2342 Davies, Daniel, . 1867 w. . 113 Davis, A. M. . 1790 . 476 Davis, Barnabas, . . 1296 . 18G3 Davis, Betsey, . 183 . 322 Davis, Curtis . 1838 e, . 446 Davis, Daniel, Jr. . 548 1, . 1G45 Davis, Henry . 315 rlcs, . 565 Davis, James . 99 . 532 Davis, J. A. . 1507 . 665 Davis, John 309 & 1052 . 443 Davis, Jonathan . . 1969 ' . 445 Davis, Joshua . 760 . 2265 Dean, Sophia . 126 84 Dearborn, II. A. S. . 363 . 389 Deelcy, Caleb . 988 . 137 Dchon, William . . 1635 . 385 Delano, S. L. . 801 . 1912 Delano, T. I. . 505 . 635 Demmen, R. E. . 2381 . 945 Dennison, J. N. . 945 . 985 Dennet, W. II. . . 993 . 767 Dennic, Caroline . . 2110 Dennie, George . 2111 Dennis, W. W. . 2225 D Dennison, C. L. . . 1104 Denny, Daniel . 810 . 688 Denny, R. S. . 1130 . 2081 Denny, Thomas . - . 308 . 1730 Derby, E. H. . 1174 . 55 Derby, James . 595 . 1246 Derby, R. C. . 52 79 Devens, David . 1880 Dutton, Warren . . 100 Dewhurst, William . 1185 Dyer, E. C. . 2273 Dexter, Anson . 860 Dexter, T. A. . 901 Dickinson, Alexander . 1839 Dickinson, Jerusha . 1558 E Dickson, Shadrach . 1764 Dillaway, "William . 770 Earl,William . 1146 Dillon, James . 1527 Earle, John Jr. . 2073 Dimick, Calvin . 1647 Eastburn, J. H. . 685 Dimmock, E. A. . 2411 Eaton, T. B. . 918 Dixwell, Epes . 1180 Eaton, William . 1263 Dixwell, G. B. . . 1178 Eckley, David . 131 Dixwell, J. J. . 1179 Eddy, Caleb . 362 Doane, Caroline . . 833 Edmands, J. W. . . 2041 Doane, S. B. . 306 Edmands, W. M. . 1785 Dodd, Benjamin . . 195 Edmands, Barnabas . 1939 Dodd, G. W. . 1103 Edwards, Henry . . 308 Dodd, James . 1089 Edwards, Joseph . . 707 Dodd, John . 1088 Edwards, Oliver . . 1715 Dodd, J. A. . 830 Eldredge, Hezekiah . 994 Dodge, S. H. 1097 & 1186 Eldredge, Oliver . . 658 Dolbeare, E. P. . . 1700 Eliot, Samuel . 2226 Donaldson, M. J. . . 2393 Eliot, S. A. . 713 Doolittle, S. V. . . 2346 Ellery, J. S. . 697 Dorr,. J. A. . 1151 Ellis, David . 1837 Dorr, T. H. . 1701 Ellis, Ebenezer . 868 Douglas, Robert . . 2224 Ellis, G. E. . 826 Douglass Royal . 626 Ellis, Jabez . 609 Dow, Samuel Jr. . . 725 Ellis, Jonathan . 1396 Dowley, John . 1789 Ellison, M. S. . 91 Downer, Samuel' . . 402 Emerson, Henry . . 719 Downes, John . 410 Emerson, W. P. . . 2303 Dowse, Mary . 1368 Emery, F. W. R. . . 1924 Dowse, Thomas . 1809 & 1810 Emmons, C. P. . 1232 Doyen, J. S. . 2371 Emmons, Joshua Jr. . 252 Draper, Daniel . 1658 Emmons, J. L. . 1228 Dresser, J. A. 1832 &2292 Emmons, N. H. . 388 Drew, E. C. . 1992 Endicott, Lewis . 1588 Driscoll, Cornelius . 415 Ea stab rook, J. A. . 19S3 Drown, Thomas . . 336, Etheridge, CM. . . 1068 Dudley, I. R. . 533 Eustis, F. A. . 1516 Dunbar, A. T. . 1264 Eustis, H. L. . 2146 Dunbar, Melzar . 96 Evans, Alfred . 954 Dunbar, Nahum . . 776 Eveleth, Joseph . 850 Dunbar, Peter . 1008 Eveleth, Martha . . 1777 Dunbar, T. J. . 1009 Everett, Charles . . 1977 Dunn,* J. C. . 1943 Everett, Edward . . 17 Durant, II. F . 484 Everett, Heman . 1270 Durgin's Monument . 433 Everett, Otis, Jr. . . 1248 Dutton, Benjamin . 1383 Exploring Expedition, U.S. ) \ 899 Dutton, H. W. . . 420 Monument to Offiers in so F Fisk, Sereno . 614 Fiske, A H. . 634 Fairbanks, Dexter . 1311 Fiske, Benjamin . . 203 Fairbanks, G. N. . . 1634 Fiske, Rums . 2028 Fairbanks, 11. P. . . 1086 , William . 2105 Fairbanks, J. L. . . 566 Fitz, Abel . 1610 ink-, ( Mis . 659 Flagg, J. F. . 77 Fairbanks, Stephen . 1085 Flanders, J. S. . 1696 Fainliilcl, J. H. . . 241 Fletcher, J. V. . 946 Fairfield, John 763, 1665 Fletcher, Richard . . 175 Fales, Samuel . 518 Flint, Waldo . 1958 Farley, Gustavus . 1805 Folsom, Charles . . 33 Farley, Robert . 447 Folts, 1). V. . 347 Farmer, Margaret . 1536 Forbush, Jonathan Farnsworth, Amos . 1489 Ford, J. M. . 1241 Farnsworth, Walter . 480 Forristall, Ezra Farnum, Henry . 184 ter, Charles . . 1876 Farrar, Alonzo . 16 ter, Jacob . 1S77 Farrar, A. W Fosdick, John Farrar, Eliza Is, Jacob . 719 Farrar, Timothy . .1182 , Foster, C. C. . 2394 Farwell, J. 11. . 1995 Foster, F. B. . 64 Farwell, Lyman . 1G71 Foster, Henry . 987 FarwcU, S. T. . 722 Foster, . 1057 F'aulkncr, Charles . 1312 . John . 1910 Faxon, Joseph . 2115 * . 343 Faxon, Nathaniel er, Robert . 1224 Faxon, William . 651 , S. B. . 1862 Fay, Luke . 1630 er, William Fay, R. S. . 1416 sr, \V. IT. Fay, S.] . 1417 Fowle, W. B. Jr. Fearing, A. C. . Francis. Betsey . 1447 Fearing, S. P.. . 417 Francis, David . 1816 Felt, (i. W. . 1487 Francis, Ebenezer . 986 & 1461 ■ Francis, E. L. . 1818 iden, W. B. . 933 . Nathaniel il.G. . 2275 Freeman, John . 1618 Field, B. F. Freeman, V. W. . . 684 Field, •' . 169 tan, W. F. . . 2340 G. A. . ich, Arthur . 412 Fifield, Calvin . 1059 French, Jonathan Jr. . 5 1 Fillcbrown, Edward . 2170 eh, Samuel Fillebrown, T. B. . 2124 Frost, Reuben . S63 1 S. T. . 2350 1 . W. . 1385 Frost, 1 , Jabez 2 & 303 ., William . 1469 . . 19F3 A T. .♦1913 . 645 hingham, Peter . 1175 arah . 2127 Frothingham, Richard Jr. . 1111 r, W. X. !'; ithin ham, Samuel. . 17S1 Fisk, G. A. . 1467 Frothingham, Samuel Jr. . i:s2 1 osiali . 1466 Frothingham, Theodore . 1869 81 Frye, I. W. Fuller, Ann Fuller, H. H. Fuller, J. G. Fuller, J. E. Fuller, Leonard Fuller, Margaret, Fuller, S. P. Fullick, W. G. Fulton, J. A. Furbush, Milo Furness, J. T. G Gage, Addison Gage, G. W. Gannett, E. S. Gardner, Francis Gardner, John Gardner, S. C. Gassett, Henry Gates, J. W. Gates, William Gauntlett, M. L. Gay, F. A. Gay, James Gay, S. W. Gay, W. F. George, Harvey Gerard, William Gibbs, Catharine Gibbs, N. B. Jr. Gibson, C. D. Gibson, C. L. Gibson, J. G. Gilbert, B. R. Gilbert, John Jr. Gilbert, Samuel Gilbert, Samuel J. Gilbert, Timothy Gilman, G. W. Gilmore, Addison. Gilson, E. L. Gleason, Horace Glover, G. S. Glover, H. R. Glover, J. B. Glynn, Margaret Goddard, Benjamin Goddard, Mary 733 1881 1 1351 1019 321 2250 625 1066 1147 73 679 1629 1630 1374 230 564 1803 2113 1320 22 2024 912 1860 2181 2038 1818 627 1462 848 151 1858 472 1422 742 1705 1421 1279 1406 718 1592 1493 1387 893 1868 2130 1957 2010 Goddard, Nathaniel Goddard, T. A. . Goddard, Thomas Goddard, William Goldthwaite, G. L. Goodnow, Elisha . Goodnow, Joseph Goodrich, C. B. Goodrich, F. A. Goodrich, Ira Goodwin, G. C. Goodwin, Maria Goodwin, Ozias Goodwin, T. J. Googins, Mark Gore, David Gore, Stanley Goss, Abiel Gossler, J. H. Gould, B. A. Gould, Daniel Gould, Eliza Gould, James Gould, J. S. Gould, Warren Gove, John Gragg, Alice Graham, Alden Grant, Moses Graupner, S. H. Gray, F. G. Gray, F. H. Gray, F. S. Gray, F. T. Gray, G. H. Gray, J. C. Gray, J. H. Gray, Mary Gray, S. C. Gray, Thomas Gray, William Green, J. D. Green, Martha Green, Otis Green, S. S. Green, W. C. Greene, Aaron Greene, E. H. Greene, C. G. Greenleaf, Gardner Greenleaf, Samuel Greenleaf, Simon . 1188 . 1112 . 1834 . 2315 . 2088 . 633 . 2288 . 256 . 478 . 743 . 2232 . 25 . 215 . 818 . 2374 . 1847 . 1848 . 1140 . 1129 . 213 . 1314 . 598 . 176 . 1769 . 79 . 2176 . 46 - 1229 . 2206 2313 200 & 701 . 2345 . 1643 . 46 . 1157 . 68 . 688» . 2343 . 855 . 670 . 2344 . 811 . 2076 . 2040 . 2046 . 1479 . 117 . 1706 . 1256 . 74 . 409 . 509 10 82 ;ouglt, Horatio Hammond, Sarah 729 ough, William 563 inah 907 II. M. II inson, J. B. 2351 "Oil. .Tames 51 C over, G. B. . Greenwood, W. A. Harding, G. S. . 201 . Harnden, W. F. . . Harrington, Eli/.aUtth 1252 . 721 Harrington, Era; 1295 . Harris, Harriet - . 1275 Harris, '• 1403 . 2009 Harris, Janus 1171 . Harris, J. S. .13. 1361 : Harris, Nathaniel 1 544 Guild, Albert 1204 Harris, William 1405 Guild, Benjamin . 2230 Harrod, Charles . Guild, Chester Hartshorn, E. P. Guild, Chester Jr. 2398 Hurtt, Joseph Guild, C. 11. . 2399 Harvard University 330 Guild, G. A. . 2400 Harvey, Peter 534 Guild, G.F. . 569 Haskell, Aaron 59 v, E. F. . 815 llaskdl, A. D. 1688 Gurney, Henry . 1014 Haskell, Elisha 302 Gutterson, C. C. . . 2410 Hastings, Oliver . 10 Gutterson, William . 1262 Hastings, P. S. 2204 Guyot, Arnold . 2370 Hastings, Thomas . 301 Hatch, M. S. 700 Hathaway, John . 2091 11 Haughton, James . 52 1, 777 Haven, Franklin . Hackett, L. B. . 2285 Haven, Thomas * iloses . 2160 Huvilund, Thomas 610 ,-, James . 10D7 Hawes, Prince Halm, Jacob . 1864 Hawley, F. A. 1616 Hale, E. B. . 21 OS Hawley, G. T. 1617 Hale, George . 1951 1 iseph . 274 Hale, Nathan . 1613 Hayden, Caleb . J 53 Hall, Adin . 1520 Hayden, J. C. 452 Hall, A. T. . 451 Hayes, 11. M. . 401 Hall, E. B. . 696 Haynes, Mary 1402 Hall, G. W. . 2361 Hayward, George . 2021 Hall, Henry . 140(1 id, James . 840 Hall, James . 1720 Hazel tine, Amos . .I.K. . 593 lla/.elton, J. C. . . 2352 Hall, 1 • . 1343 Hazelton. J. H. . 1025 '1. L. . 1840 Heald, David . 1342 Hall, Samuel Jr. . 1915 Heard, Susan . 2172 Hall, Thomas . 041 Heard, J. T. Hall, W. A. . 1344 Heckle, William . Hallett, George Hedge, Mary Halletl . 2449 Hemenway, Augustus . 1463 Hamlin, Nathaniel . 1023 Henchman, Daniel Ham man, George . 1871 Henderson, Charles . 017 83 Hammond, Daniel 522 Hammond, Nathaniel . 257 Hammond, N. H. . 1000 Henderson, F. A. . 162 Efennessy, Edward Henry, C. C. Henshaw, Charles . 1562 . 2376 . 276 Henshaw, John . 275 Henshaw, Samuel Herring, Roger Hersey, Daniel Herwig, Joanna . 354 . 1023 . 1293 . 1287 Heywood, S. P. Hewins, S. K. . 1476 . 1081 Hichborn, Philip Hicks, Zachariah . 1773 . 168 Higgins, E. H. Higginson, Waldo . 2044 . 2034 Hildreth, A. E. . . 1125 Hildreth, C. T. . . 291 Hildreth, J. B. . . 2089 Hill, George . 654 Hill, Thomas . 199 Hill, W. H. . 1605 Hilliard, Abraham . 2000 Hilliard, Francis . . 1470 Hills, J. S. . 1450 Hilton, Hannah . 1892 Hinckley, Himcs Hittinger, Jacob . 2104 . 1548 Hobart, Aaron . 1678 Hobart, Albert . 653 Hobart, A. A. 226i2 Hobart, B. W. . 2261 Hobart, Enoch . 71 Hobart, Nathaniel . 365 E. A. . 2107 •zcr, Jr. . 1033 1 1 i Iges, J. G. Holbrook, Anthony Holbrook, Edward . 155 . 540 . 890 Holbrook, E. H. . Holbrook, Esther . . 877 . 551 Holbrook, G. C. . . 1795 Holbrook, H. A. . . 80 Holbrook, J. F. . . 1492 Holden, George . 1582 Holden, Thomas . . 90 Holland, F. W. . . 455 Rollings worth, John M. . 2145 Hollis, Thomas . . 1693 Holmes, A. S. . 562 Holmes, Charles Holmes, Joseph Holmes, Sarah Holmes, William Holton, John Holton, Leonard Holton, S. S. Homer, Albert Homer, Charles Homer, C. S. Homer, C. W. Homer, George Homer, Henry Homer, J. B. Homer, Mary Homer, W. F. Hook, Elias Hooper, H. N. Hooper, John Hooper, Robert Hooper, R. C. Hooton, John Horton, D. W. Horton, H. K. Hosmer, Hiram Hosmer, Zelotes Houghton, W. S. Hovey, C. F. Hovey, "Elizabeth Hovey, G. O. Hovey, H. A. How, E. P. Howard, Abraham Howard, Edward Howard, G. C. Howard, H. C. Howard, Nathaniel Howe, E. B. Howe, George Howe, Jabez C. Howe, J. N. Jr. Howe, Rufus Howe, S. L. Howe, Thomas Howland, Edwin Howland, M. H. Hubbard, C. T. Hubbard, G. G. Hubbell, Peter Huggeford, H. H. Humphrey, Benjamin Humphrey, C. R. . . 500 . 166 . 27 . 1534 . 1046 . 1045 . 422 . 229 . 1274 . 640 . 2194 . 2116 . 1669 . 17G1 . 1321 . 1291 . 1917 . 1404 . 463 . 936 . 1949 . 254 . 2222 . 234S . 367 . 281 . 2030 . 951 917 & 1963 . 052 . 990 . 1714 . 331 . 1914 . 1358 . 130 . 1043 . 1283 . 671 . 672 . 296 . 1640 . 24 . S31 . 1870 . 720 . 1674 . 1S98 . 552 . 1341 . 602 84 Humphrey, David Humphrey, William Hunnewell, Walter Hunt, N. P. Hunt, Reuben Huntington, L. A. llurd, John Hurlburt, Elisha . llurllmrt, S. M. . Huse, E. H. llutchins, E. C. . Hutchius, H. C. . Hutchins, H. G. . Hutchinson, Susannah Hyde, George Hyde, Isaac Inches, Elizabeth . Inches, Henderson Ingalls, William . Inglis, A. D. Ingols, Moses Jackson, Charles, Jackson, C. T. Jackson, James, Jackson, P. F. Jacobs, G. H. Jacobs, Hiram Jacobs, Sarah Jameson, Hugh Jameson, W. H. Jarves, Doming Jeffries, John, Jr. Jellison, Zechariah Jenks, J. H. Jcnks, William Jenncy, Stephen Jennisson, Mary Jewett, D. E. Jewett, Gorham Johnson, Eliza Johnson, E. B. Johnson, J. A. Johnson, J. B. Johnson, J. C. Johnson, Jotham Johnson, Samuel . 875 | Johnson, Susannah . 1106 Jones, Eliphalet . . 513 Jones, Frederic . 1427 Jones, G. H. . 1784 Jones, H. H. . 1212 Jones, J. L. . 2387 Jones, J. M. . 61 Jones, Nahum . 135 Jones, Thomas . 1891 Jones, William . 502 Joy, J. B. . . 2154 Joy, J. G. . . 2388 . 682 . 1772 K . 30 Keith, M. A. Keith, W. H. Kelren, Robert Kelsey, J. H. . 395 Kemp, Robert . 317 Kendall, Abel, Jr. . 188 Kendall, G. A. . 1003 Kendall, H. A. . 1603 Kendall, Hartwell Kendall, H. R. Kendrick, A. M. Kendrick, Eliza . 2147 Kennard, Henry 6 Kennard, Michael . 2148 Kenrick, J. A # . 2149 Kenrick, William . 727 Kent, Edward . 1925 Kent, Job . 834 Kettelle, G. A. . 1813 Kidder, Frederick . 1280 Kimball, Daniel . 43 Kimball, David . 2301 Kimball, Ebenezer . 336 Kimball, John . 1845 Kimball, S. E. . 1846 Kimball, M. D. . 1276 King, C. E. . 1313 King, Gedney . 1542 Kingsley, Henry . 916 Kittredge, Jeremia fa . 294 Klows, Seaman . 1920 Knapp, Jesse . 1999 Knight, Mannassa d . 702 j Knight, W. H. 1074, 2193 Knox, Robert . 1787 Kuhn, G. H. . 673 Kolin, John 1786 796 739 2188 1552 1518 219 738 1131 765 32 693 . 543 . 623 . 1972 . 1483 . 2093 . 193 . 1225 . 1932 . 2100 . 370 . 1159 . 795 . 869 . 974 . 586 . 143 . 2391 . 981 . 1974 . 2240 450, 874 . 271 9 . 164 . 1524 . 1467 . 1425 . 570 . 207 . 842 . 2114 . 298 . 662 . 1979 . 295 . 806 . 196 85 L Lincoln, C, F. . 764 Lincoln, F. W. . 545 Labree, Sally . 1332 Lincoln, Henry . 812 Ladd, A. J. . 2031 Lincoln, M. S. . 929 & 933 Ladd, W. G., Jr. . . 2183 Lincoln, William . 1273 Ladd, W. H. . 2090 Little, C. C. . 1127 Lakin, M. J. . 2120 Little, J. L. . 1194 Lamb, R. A. . 57 Littlehale, S. S. . . 953 Lamb, Rosanna . 591 Livermore, George . 1712 Lambert, W. G. . . 1221 Livermore, Isaac . 1710 Lamson, Benjamin . 1471 Livermore, John . . 1711 Lamson, Edwin . 1227 Livermore, M. S. . 243 Lamson, John . 386 Livermore, Nathaniel . 1713 Lane, David . 387 Livermore, Oliver . 2195 Lane, George . 961 Lobdell, T. J. . 568 Lane, Martin . 727 Locke, C. A. . 280 Lang, W. B. . 173 Locke, Edward . 2156 Lang, William . 2019 Locke, J. E . t . 2329 Langley, Caroline . 1770 Locke, Lyman . 552 Langmaid, Bachel . 1486 Locke, Oliver . 1375 Lapham, Luther . . 754 Locke, Stephen . 1538 Larkin, T. 0. . 1806 Lodge, J. E. . 574 Lawrence, A. A. . . 904 Lombard, Israel . 497 Lawrence, Abbott . 491 Lombard, N. K. . . 150 Lawrence, Amos . 490, 493 Long, George . 2395 Lawrence, Daniel . 2168 Longfellow, H. W. . 580 Lawrence, Edward . 1723 Longley, James . 1226 Lawrence, Samuel . 492 Lord, J. H. . 1377 Lawrence, William . 489 Loring, A. M. . 1350 Lawry, Benjamin . 2077 Loring, Benjamin . 457 Learned, G. W. . . 915 Loring, C. G. . 1198 Lamed, L. S. . 1721 Loring, E. G. . 1223 Leathe, William . . 2059 Loring, G. H. . 1349 Lecain, Erederic . . 144 Loring, Henry . 896 Lee, Sarah . 530 Loring, H. K. . 1135 Lee, Thomas . 1438 Loring, J. G. . 963 Lee, T. J. . 453 Lothrop, Samuel K. . 660 Leeds, James, . 1827 Lothrop, Stillman . 498 Leeds, T. C. . 1828 Loud, Abigail . 265 Leighton, Charles . 2380 Lovejoy, Joseph . . 1415 Leighton, Thomas . 1531 Lovejoy, Loyal . 561 Leithgow, Martha . 1594 Lovering, Joseph . 821 Leland, Sherman . 1010 Low, H. S. . 2306 Leverett, F. P. . 54 Low, Peter . 1039 Lewis, G. W. . 388 Lowe, A. T. . 843 Lewis, John . 2333 Lowell, Charles . 323 Lewis, Joseph . 299 Lowell, F. C. . 245 Lewis, Polly . 1130 Lowell, J. A. . 217 Lewis, S. S. Lucas, E. G. . 2029 Libbey, J. A. . 1936 Lyman, G. C. . 1510 Libbey, Joseph . 969 Lyman, G. W. . 883 Lienow, Henry . 87 Lyman, Theodore . 705 So Lynch, Stephen . 1601 McGaw, J. A. Lymle, S. S. 51 ' McGill, Robert . Lyhdsay, Ichabod . . 209 McKay Lachlan Lynn, William . 228 McKean, II. S. . Lynn, Henry . 2367 McLellan, 1 HcPhail, A. M. Jr. McRae, Elizal M McQuarrie, William Meal, C. C. Mackay, Fanny . 2171 Mead, Isaac Mackay, John Mead, S. O. Mackay, R. C. . 1710 Means James Mackintosh, Peter, Jr. . 1123 Meldrnm, Alcxand it MacGregor, James . 11. '17 Melvin, A. A. J. A. . 1499 1 Melvin, William . an, A. B. . . 1703 Merriam, Charles . Magofm, Thatcher . 1792 Merrill J. A. Mair, Thomas . 1384 Merrill, L. F. Manley, J. R. . 1392 Men-ill, Nathan Mann, Jesse . 1379 Merritt, J. A. Mann. W. II. . 520 Merrifield, Francis Manning, i;. 11. . . 709 Merry, R. D. C. . Mansfield, John . 2092 G. W, Marsh, Ephraim . . 470 Metcalf, Caleb b, L. II. .2247 Metcalf, C. R. Marsh, 0. B. . 2032 Miles, S. E. shall, James . . 1941 Miles, Walter Mar-hall, J. F. B. . 1521 Miliar, J. L. hall, J. N. . 1505 Millard, Samuel ill, William . 220 Miller, Edward >n, E. . 1955 Miller, II. K. Mason, Charles . 1520 Miller, J. K. Mason, J. T>. . 232.7 Millar, 1, Allen :a . . 418 Mills, C. II. Ml, J. W. . 1187 Mills, J. K. , Lois . 092 Minott, Otis, n, Lowell . . . 512 >n, Ephraim i, R. M. . 1589 Mitchell. Theodore liet, George . . 861 Mitchell, William lore . Monroe, L. B. . . 12! 5 Montague, W. II. May, W. B. . Moore, Josiah May, William . Morcy. George Maynard, Arba . Morris, Charles i&rd, Jesse . 1178 Morse, Calvin Maynard, Lambert . L297 Morse, Mason ties . . ias Iride, Cecilia . . 887 . F. rles, . 70S Morton, William ary, S. F., Jr. . 1034 ■ y, Alexand* ,T lure, C. F. . . ; iil'us McDonald, Rebecca . 864 I Motley, Thomas 37 Moulton, C. J. B. Mountfort, M. D. Mull, M. A. Muncrief, S. A. Mann, Luther Munroe, Edwin Jr Munroe, James Murdock, Warren Mossey, B. B. N Nash, Eunice Nason, J. B. Nason, Joseph Nay, S. F. Nazro, C. G. Neal, G. B. Neal, Samuel Neaily, C. II. Nelson, G. S. Newcomb, J. J. Newell, E. S. Newell, E. W. Newell, R. W. Newhall, Cheever Newhall, J. M. Newman, Henry Nichols, B. W." Nichols, Eleazar Nichols, George Nichols, Lyman Nichols, S. S. Nichols, Thaddeus Nichols, W. G. Noble, Joseph Noble, William Nolen, Spencer, Jr Norcross, M. C. Norcross, Otis Norris, E. A. Norris, R. G. Norris, S. II. Norton, Andrews Norwood, Samuel Noycs, E. C Noyes. G. R. Noyes, W. A. Jr. Oakcs, G. L. 1906 Odiorne, C. G. . 546 127 Odiorne, W. H. . 351 1843 Oliver, Daniel . 597 1812 Oliver, F. J. 751 Oliver, H. J . 67 2364 Oliver, S. P. . 2058 906 Oliver, W. B. . 146 933 < llney, S. W. . 1031 33£ ( >nlwav, Aaron . 1896 Ordway, J. P. . 1020 Osborn, G. B. . 264 Osborn, Delphon . 1854 1821 Osgood, George . 948 1637 od, S. S. . 2151 1337 Otis, H. G. 628 & G66 2253 Oxnard, Henry . 364 19S 1545 1758 P 922 1210 Packard, Sylvanus . 1G41 1702 Page, C. G. . 1775 2305 J. A. . 499 1971 P. S. . 1062 1996 , William . 2357 USD Paige, J. W. . 353 1481 Paige, L. R. . 2008 2106 , E. B. . 2305 1929 Paine, Martyn 2065 1370 Paine, R. T. 251 1636 Palfrey, J. G. 36 5 Palmer, A. C. 1963 1497 Palmer, J. A. 618 519 Palmer, John 977 1570 Parker, A. G. 1072 S58 Parker, Carleton 2257 872 Parker, C. H. 1272 1002 Parker, David 292 1733 Parker, D. P. 1141 900 Parker, G. P. 741 194 Parker, H. D. 1720 G74 r, H. M. 1333 79S Parker, Isaac 29 & 5 1250 712 Parker, James 94 Parker, J. B. 1506 1134 Parker, J. W. 910 1213 Parker, Obadiah 483 1851 Parker, Peter Parker, W. A. Parker, W. H. 1202 1315 1139 Parkman, Daniel 76 956 Parkman, Francis 81 88 Parkman, George . 326 Phillips, Edwin Parkman, Susan . 1745 Phillips, George Parkman, William . 1961 Phillips, John Parks, J. A. . 2319 Phillips, Jonathan Parks, Luther . 121 Phillips, L. A. Pannelee, Gilbert . 1495 Phillips, S. M. Pannenter, Herman . 2099 Phillips, W. A. ' Parrott, W. W. . . 250 Phillips, Willard Parsons, A. Q. . 1549 Phinney, Catharine Parsons, Samuel . . 1148 Phipps, H. C. Parsons, Simon . 836 Phipps, Samuel Parsons, Theophilus . 608 Phipps, William Parsons, Usher • 60 Pickens, Charity Parsons, William . 607 Pierce, G. W. Partridge, W. B. . 2234 Pierce, Rebecc Patten, James . 717 Pierce, S. B. Patterson, Enoch . 438 Pierce, S. K. Payson, J. L. . 1593 Pierpont, John Peabody, Catharine . 72(, Pike, Asher Peak, John 1555, 1744 Pitts, Sarah Pearl, S. K. . 1601 Plumer, Avery Pearson, J. H. . 1172 Plympton, Henry Peck, A. G. . 747 Pomroj, W. M. Jr Peck, Chauncey . 2396 Pomroy, William Peck, S. A. . 1339 Pond, Samuel Peirce, Ann . 2190 Pook, S. M. Peirce, A. T. . 1024 Poor, J. R. Peirce, C. W. . 2055 Poor, N. C. Peirce, H. A. 1155 & 1156 Pope, Lemuel Peirce, Silas, . 370 Porter, Mary Pelby, William . 65 Porter, Joseph Pelton, Oliver . 241 Potter, Henry Penniman, S. B. . . 784 Powers, A. H. Perham, Josiah, Jr., . 1464 Pratt, Dexter Perkins, Aaron . 1184 Pratt, E. F. Perkins, Daniel . 676 Pratt, George Perkins, Frederick . 1490 Pratt, Isaac Jr. Perkins, J. M. . 2385 Pratt, J. C. Perkins, Matthew . . 1905 Pratt, J. E. Perkins, M. L. . 147 Pratt, Mary Perkins, P. H. . 1639 Pratt, William Perkins, T. H. . 1981 Pray, L. G. Perkins, T. H., Jr. . 108 Prentice, W. H. Perrin, G. W. . 997 Preston, T. B. Perry, M. S. . 1144 Preston, Warren Perry, Stephen . 2138 Prince, John Petcrsilia, Franz . . 1369 Prince, W. G. Pfaff, Carl . . 1591 Prichard, Mary Phalen, James . 592 Prichard, W H. Phelps, Abel . 1409 Proctor, J. C. Phelps, Abner . 1638 Proctor, Ludig Phelps, Sewell . 2015 Pulsifer, F. L. 89 Q Putnam, George Putnam, Jesse Putnam, Orpha Putnam, S. R. Quigley, Charles Quincy, Josiah Quincy, Samuel R Ralston, A. G. Ramsay, A. H. Rand, A. C. Rand, Benjamin Rand, E. S. Rand, Luther Rand, Mary Rand, R. R. Randall, John Randell, Benjamin Raymond, E. A. . Raymond, Emmons Raymond, Samuel Raymond, T. R. Rea, W. A. Read, George Read, James Read, John Read, J. S. Read, William Receiving Tomb Reed, Caleb Reed, C. L. Reed, C. T. Reed, David Reed, Enos Reed, G. P. Reed, H. A. Reed, Joel Reed, J. W. Reed, Sampson Rehbinder, E. De Rendles, Jarnes Rendon, M. L. C. Renouf, Edward Restieux, Thomas Revere, J. W. 11 488 473 88 1443 1984 396 601 1765 788 2045 1214 750 880 1028 426 140 1863 21 637 1879 214 669 1244 53 1570 1904 1083 589 857 753 2379 1564 2276 996 2004 1017 1079 1236 955 1982 1811 839 270 286 Reynolds, Brewster Reynolds, Edward, Jr. Reynolds, W. B. Rhoades, Samuel Rice, Aaron Rice, Alanson Rice, Cyrus Rice, Emery Rice, Freeman Rice, H. A. Rice, Henry Rice, I. C. Rice, J. P. Rice, Nathan Rich, Benjamin Rich, Isaac Rich, T. P. Richards, C. L. Richards, D. H. Richards, E. M. Richards, G. I. Richards, Joel Richardson, Alfred Richardson, Benjamin Richardson, G. C. Richardson, J. B. . Richardson, Jeffrey Richardson, Nathaniel Richardson, S. 0. . Richardson, Thomas Richardson, W. F. Richardson, William Richardson, W. T. Richer, Moses Rindge, S. B. Ritchie, James Robbins, A. S. Robbins, Chandler Robbins, Harriet . Roberts, George . Roberts, J. L. Robey, Joseph Robins, Robert Robins, S. P. Robinson, G. M. . Robinson, G. W. . Robinson, J. B. Robinson, J. P. Robinson, J. R. Robinson, J. S. . Robinson, Seth Robinson, Shadrach . 1235 . 664 . 559 . 2084 . 2231 . 600 . 1041 . 1440 . 2173 . 1887 . 667 . 639 . 191 . 1424 . 369 . 1511 . 517 . 2075 . 1934 . 242 . 314 . 14 . 1933 . 978 . 1525 . 69 . 218 . 1599 . 1006 . 1512 . 471 . 1513 . 223 . 1857 . 1659 . 1653 . 234 416 & 1783 . 1191 1219 . 1095 . 1004 . 2133 . 2132 . 909 819 &1975 . 924 . 622 . 2013 . 340 . 1577 . 327 90 Robinson, S. W. . . 925 Sawyer, William . . 2378 Roliy, Dexter . 1872 ] Sayles, J. H. . 2164 Rogers, George . 547 Schaffer, CM.. . 2150 Rogers, J. II. . 1026 Scholfield, Isaac . . 475 Rogers, W. M. Rollins, Charles . 793 Scots' Charitable Society . 816 . 2066 j Scott, Catharine . 2296 IJollms Ebenezer . 4 1 Scott, Mary . 1687 Rollins, T. E. . 2067 ! Scudder, Charles . . 392 Rollins, William . 3 Scudder, Horace . . 187 Ross, Robert . 1016 Scudder, M. S. . . 1037 Rotcb, William . 944 Searle, George . 554 Rnndle, Hannah . . 919 Sears, Susan . 1897 Runstead, Charles . 1650 Seaver, Benjamin . 158 Russell, Elijah . 1044 Seaver, C. F. . 1323 Russell, J. L. . 493 Seavey, T. H. . 1523 Russell, N. P. . 730 Sewall, F. C. . 1942 Russell, P. R. . 2325 Sewall, S. E. 1013 & 1282 Shannon, Mary, . 1946 Shapleigh, R. W. . 1504 S Sharp, Daniel . 902 Sbattuck, B. F. . 1909 Safford, A. H. . 1908 Shattuci* G. C. . . 575 Stafford, Daniel . 1367 Shattuck, J. H. - . . 1533 Safford, G. W. . . 1997 Sbattuck, Lemuel . 1340 Sales, Francis . 1475 Shaw, B. D. . 1247 Salisbury, Nancy . . 1190 Shaw, C. B. . 439 Salisbury, Samuel . 297 Shaw, Jesse . 599 Sampson, C. A. . 1689 Shaw, J. J. . 1973 Sampson, G. A. . . 50 Shaw, J. W. . 2053 Sampson, G. R. . 1418 Shaw, R. G. . 1286 Sanborn, D. A. . 1850 Shaw, Southworth, Jr. . 867 Sanborn, G. C. . 1133 Shaw, W. F. . 1338 Sanders, Charles . . 2121 Shepherd, S. P. . . 1988 Sanderson, Ede . 1833 Shepherd, Preston . 931 Sanderson, J. G. . . 263 Sherburne, R. B. . 898 Sandford, II. G. , 141 Sherman, C. J. F. . 1944 Sargent, Catharine . 107 Shurtlcff, Benjamin . 81 Sargent, P. W. . . 1884 Shurtleff, S. A. . . 298 Sargent, Ignatius . . 706 Shute, J. M. . 2014 Sargent, J. H. . 2390 Sibley, Stephen . 1519 Sargent, J. T. W. . 1257 Sigourney, M. B. . 1729 Sargent, L. M. . 689 Sikes, John . 23 Sargent, Solomon . 1397 Silsbee, Enoch . 983 Saunders, W. A. • 41 Simes, Joseph . 2112 Saunders, William . 1105 Simmons, Benjamin . 2043 Savage, James . 178 Simmons, D. A. . 125 Savels, J. A. . 1056 Simmons, John . 585 Sawtell, Andrew . . 1609 Simmons, Seth . 542 Sawyer, Amos, . 371 Simmons, Thomas . 403 Sawyer, S. F. 102, 255 Simmons, William . 311 Sawyer, T. T. . 2025 Simonds, John . 1790 Sawyer, Warren . 2037 1 Simouds, Shepherd . 710 91 Simpkins, Olive . . 882 Sparrow, Susan . . 1600 Simpson, John . 2312 Spelman, I. M. . 1346 Simpson, J. M. . 2152 Spooner, Leonard . 1034 Simpson, M. H. . . 1153 Sprague, Peleg . 786 Simpson, Thomas . 1025 Spring, S. S. . 176 Sinclair, Thomas . 999 Spckzhbim's Monument . 181 Singleton, T. C. . . 40 St. James' Lot . . 82 Shillings, D. N. . . 2126 St. John's Lot . . 1736 Skinner, N. K. . 2039 Standish, James . . 2302 Skinner, Sarah . 1176 Standish, L. M. . . 1196 Slane, P. F. . 1071 Stanwood, J. E. . 1652 Sleeper, Jacob . 452 Stanwood, Lemuel . 45 Smallwood, Thomas . 378 Staples, George . 2215 Smith, A. E. , . 2182 Starbird, N. W. . . 2167 Smith, A. W. . 1991 Stearns, Asahel . 114 Smith, Benjamin . 2284 Stearns, Elijah . 735 Smith, C. A. . 1976 Stearns, John . 1766 Smith, Ebenezer . . 501 Stearns, J. G. . 1220 Smith, Edmund . 1566 Stearns, J. W. Jr. . 1815 Smith, Eliza . 132 Steams, Simon . 75 Smith, Franklin 1051, 13/ 6, 1622, 1690 Stearns, Thomas . 1398 Smith, Frederick . . 1215 Stearns, W. A. . 646 Smith, George . 2383 Stedman, D. B. . 1035 Smith, H. W. . 484 Stedman, Josiah , . 1885 Smith, Hiram . 48 Stedman, "W. M. Jr. . 1036 Smith, J. A. . 211 Steele, Gurdon . 212 Smith, Jeremiah . . 95 Stetson, Cushing . 871 Smith, J. V. G. . . 1253 Stetson, E. B. . 958 Smith, Joseph . 779 Stetson, Joshua . 2128 Smith, Lydia . 2336 Stetson, Lebbeus . 1329 Smith, Martin . 128 Stevens, Albert . 2048 Smith, Mary . 2033 Stevens, Amos . 428 Smith, M. A. . 237 Stevens, A. H. . 1352 Smith, Mehitable . 34 Stevens, C. T. . 1670 Smith, Perez . 1233 Stevens, E. L. . 1704 Smith, Rachel . 2314 Stevens, Samuel . 339 Smith, Ralph . 2198 Stevens, Silas . 1240 Smith, Simeon . 2177 Stewart, Enos . 775 Smith, Sophia . 879 Stickney, Isaac . 1853 Smith, T. C. . 523 Stickney, Josiah . . 405 Snow, David . 2204 Stickney, E. B. . . 2254 Snow, D. F. . 1448 Stickney, Susannah . 2403 Snow, E. A. . 259 Stimson, A. G. . 1410 Snow Larkin . 698 Stoddard, T. C. . . 1277 Snow, S. T. . 1251 Stone, A. B. . 1529 Snow, Thomas . 1266 Stone, A. J. . . 2295 Sohier, E. D. . 2217 Stone, A. L. . 1757 Sohier, W. D. . 2216 Stone, Eliza • 1597 Somes, John . 2278 Stone, G. E. 236 & 2422 Southwick, John . 19 Stone, H. B. . 359 Spurr, Elijah Jr. . . 2311 Stone, H. N. . 2294 Sparks, Jared . 854 Stone, Isaac . 1348 Stone, J. W. Stone, Leonard Stone, N. J. Stone, M. L. Melinda Stone, P. A. Stone, P. R. L. Stone, Sarah Stone, William Stone, W. F. Stone, W. W. Storcr, R. B. Storrow, C. S. Storrow, T. W. Story, Augustus Story, Joseph Story, Samuel Jr. Strong, Alexander, Stuart, Mary Sturgis, H. P. Sturgis, Russell Sturgis, William Sturtevant, Newell Sturtevant, Noah Sumner, Jesse Sumner, ^Joanna Sumner, T. A. Suter, John Swallow, Asa Sweet, J. S. Swcetser, Frederick, Sweetser, Isaac Sweet, E. B. Swett, Samuel Swift, M. B. Tappan, Charles Tappan, John Tarbell, John Taylor, C. W. Taylor, II. B. Taylor, J. T. Taylor, J. W. Tebbetts, J. C. Teel, B. F. Teel, H. T. Templeton, John Tcnncy, Amos Tcwksberry, G. P Thacher, Barnabas 2293 319 2291 1474 8 2304 27 2219 329 652 358 973 1698 1699 1163 313 1826 1707 170 1735 1203 310 1633 1632 859 288 1098 459 1517 163 2375 957 937 16 1453 157 307 1143 216 1911 1703 240 731 1900 1718 657 1849 1249 1444 Thacher, E. H. Thacher, Isaac Thacher, Thomas Thacher, W. S. Thatcher, Peter Thaxter, Jacob Thaxter, Levi Thayer, B. W. Thayer, C. L. Thayer, E. B. Thajer, Elijah Thayer, F. F. Thayer, Hollis Thayer, JoeJ ! Thayer, J. E. Thayer, J. II. Thayer, Moses Thayer, Nathaniel Thirwall, William Thomas, William . Thompson, A. G. Thompson, Alexander Thompson, Benjamin Thompson, Charles Thompson, Louisa Thompson, N. A. Thompson, S. B. Thorndike, J. P. Thurston, Lyman Thwing, S. C. Tibhitts, J. C. Ticknor, George Ticknor, W. D. Tilden, B. P. Tillson, Josiah Tilton, Stephen Timmins, Henry, Tirrell, Artemas Tirrell, E. C. Tirrell, Thomas Tisdale, Mace Titus, Lyman Tobey, E. S. Todd, J. N. Todd, Robert Todd, Thomas Tombs, Michael Tompkins, Abel Topliff, Samuel Torrcy, Charles Torrey, C. H. Torrey, Deborah 93 Torrey, G. W. Torrey, J. T. Torrey, Samuel Towle, Orel Townsend, Elmer Townsend, H. B. Townsend, I. P. Tozier, A. S. Tracy, Nathaniel Tracy, S. D. Trafton, C A. Train, Enoch Train, E. N. Treat, J. A. Tremont House Trott, 0. E. Trowbridge, J. H. Trull, John Trull, J. W. Trumbull, William Tubbs, Hiram Tucker, Joshua Tucker, Lyman Tucker, W. K. Tuckerman, Gustavus Tuckerman, H. H. Tuckerman, Joseph Tuckerman, W. S. Tudor, Frederic Tufts, Joseph, Jr. Tufts, Nathan Tufts, William Tukey, Erancis Turner, Job Turner, Elisha Turner, J. N. Turtle, James Turtle, J. S. Twombly, A. H. Twombly, K. H. Tyler, CM. Tyler, Columbus Tyler, John Tyler, J. S. Tyler, W. N. Tyler, W. T. U Ulman, Jacob Underwood, J. A. Underwood, William 1270 & 136 Universalist Society, First . 10S 63 Upham, Henry 570, 2274 710 Upham, J. B. . 2086 1651 Upham, Phineas . . 573 619 Upton, G. B. . 1363 444 Utley, M. S. . 293 28 2012 845 V 2111 1193 Van Brunt, G. J. . 442 360 Van Voorhis, H.„W. . 891 186 Veazie, Joseph . 1040 1620 Vialle, Henry . 2360 324 Viles, Nathan . 1239 884 Vinal, Albert . 975 1007 Vinal, G. M. . 2036 604 Vinal, Otis . 1118 1285 Vinal, Robert . 1851 1738 Vincent, M. A. . 1767 1987 Vinton, A. H. . 913 967 Vinton, C. A. . 2324 2229 20 1203 W 496 222 Wade, Charles, Jr. . 267 1631 Wade, E. H. . 266 167 Wadsworth, Alexander . 431 7 Waitt, A. S. . 2049 2272 Waitt, I. B. . 430 849 Wales, T. B . 161 1459 Walker, Cornelius . 853 1873 Walker, Samuel . . 120 714 Walker, S. P. . 1271 934 Wallack, Mary . 1530 1200 Walley, S. H. Jr. . 613 56 Walton, N. S. . 1602 1222 Ward, E. A. . 1831 2102 Ward, Harriet • . 1491 1829 Ward, J. D. . 2423 249 Ward, J. 0. . 1502 320 Ward, Nahum . 824 1441 Ward, S. D. . 588 1923 Ward, T. W. . 235 2283 Ward, W. W. . 1990 Ward, Winthrop . 736 Wardell, R. W. . . 204 Ware, D. L. . 560 1194 Ware, John . 366 513 Ware, William . 675 1347 Warner, B. . 1954 94 "Warner, John . 1754 White, C. H. Warren, G. W. . . 744 White, Daniel Warren, J. L. L. F. . 382 White, J. H. Warren, J. W. Jr. . 1654 White, Robert Warren, Moses . 1407 White, T. J. Warren, M. C. . 1587 White, Stephen Warren, W. W. . . 1583 White, W. F. Warren, P. W. . . 1030 Whiting, Caleb Washburn, Hervey . 876 Whiting, Nathaniel Waterhouse, Louisa . 1437 Whitney, A. A. . Waterman, Nathaniel . 1457 Whitney, Charles . Waterman, Thomas . 1021 Whitney, Israel Waterston, Robert . 398 Whitney, Joseph . Watson, Nathaniel . 632 Whitney, J. P. Watson, Thomas . 943 Whitney, Levi Watts, Francis . 399 Whitney, Mary Webb, Nathan . 1875 Whitney, N. D. . Webber, A. D. . 1423 Whitney, N. P. . Webster, J. W. . . 361 Whitney, William Weeman, Ebenezer . 1907 Whitney, W. F. . Welch, Francis . 2223 Whitney, W. L. . Welch, J. P. . 2095 Whiton, J. N. Weld, A. D. . 511 Whiton, J. P. Weld, James . 69 Whittemore, Augustus Welles, A. F. . 790 Whittemore, George Welles. Benjamin . 2136 Whittemore, Thomas Welles, John . 789 Whittier, J. M. Wellington, B. 0. . 971 Whitwell, Samuel Wellington, J. V. . 2253 Whitwell, W. S. . Wellington, Peter . . 350 Wiggin, J. S. . Wells, C. B. . 757 Wigglesworth, Thomas Wells, Charles . 695 Wightman, J. N. . Wells, E. M. P. . . 1825 Wilde, S. S. Wells, J. B. . 694 Wildes, Moses, 2nd Wells, J. T. .1093 Wildes, Solomon . Wcntworth, Abby . 616 Wilkins, J. H. . Wesson, John . 1608 Wilkinson, Arthur West, Joseph . 1930 Wilkinson, Simon Wctherell, John . . 1170 Willard, Calvin Wctmorc, Thomas . 581 Willard, Emery Whall, G. F. . 1947 Willard, Joseph Whall J. B. . 1177 Willard, Josiah Wheeler, Emerson . 772 Willard, Lyman Wheeler, Lewis . 2368 Willard, Simon Wheeler, Gardner . . 1883 Williams, D. W. . Wheeler, Kuth . 1419 Williams, Eliphalet Wheeler, Salome . . 2042 Williams, E. W. . Whipple, J. L. . 18 Williams, Henry . Whipple, W. J. . . 649 Williams, Isaac Whitcomb, Levi . . 403 Williams, Lemuel White, Artemas . . 1657 Williams, Marlborough White, B. F. 44 Williams, Robert . 95 Williams, S. K. ." 1168, 2068 Woods, G. L. . 556 Willis, Clement . 1708 Wolcott, J. H. . 1779, 1780 Willis, H. M. . 1218 Worcester, D. P. . 1895 Willis, Nathaniel . 972 Worcester, J. E. . . 582 Willis, Stillman . 558 Worcester's Monument . 724 Willson, S. W. . 2210 Wright, Alexander . 12 Willson, William . 528 Wright, Edmund, . 72 Wilmarth, Seth . 1195 Wright, Lyman . 1855 Wilson, C. B. . 2191 Wright, Otis . 1807 Winchester, W. P . 380 Wyeth, Charles . 461 Winnek, S. C. . 1852 Wyeth, Elizabeth . 1889 Winship, Francis . 1442 Wyeth, Jacob . 1672 Winship, Jonathan . 421 Wyeth, John 1800, 1896 Winship, Oliver, . 1961 Wyeth, Jonas . 771 Winslow, E. D. . 835 Wyeth, Jonas, 2d . 1161 Winslow, George . 458 Wyman, A. G. . . 1573 Winslow, Eeuben . 2079 Wyman, Bums . 133 Winsor, Nathaniel, Jr. . . 832 Wyman, T. W. . . 1655 Winter, F. B. . 101 Wyman, William . 752 Wise, G. D. . 1614 Wise, Mary . 620 Withcrbee, J. B. . . 648 Wood, C. M. . 1254 Y Wood, Henry, . 1966 Woodbury, Charles . 1197 ' Woodbury, John 47 Yale, E. A. . 1919 Woodman,David, ! h. . . 372 Young, Alexander . 479 Woodman, Ezekiel . 1569 Young, Jane . 2235 96 Commonfo caltlj of fHassarijusrtts, In the year of our Lord One Thousand Eight Hundred and Thirty-Five. AN ACT TO INCORPORATE THE PROPRIETORS OF THE CEMETERY OF MOUNT AUBURN. | Section 1. Be it Enacted by the Senate and House of Eepresentatives, in General Court assembled, and by the authority of the same, That Joseph Story, John Davis, Jacob Bigelow, Isaac Parker, George Bond, and Charles P. Curtis, together with such other persons as arc proprietors of lots in the Cemetery at Mount Auburn, in the towns of Cambridge and Watcrtown, in the County of Middlesex, and who shall in writing signify their assent to this Act, their successors and assigns be, and hthcy ereby are created a Corporation, by the name of the Proprietors of the Cemetery of Mount Auburn, and they shall have all the powers and privileges contained in the statute of the year one thousand eight-hun- dred and thirty three, chapter eighty-three. Section 2. Be it further enacted, That the said Corporation may take and hold in fee simple the Garden and Cemetery at Mount Auburn, now held by the Massachusetts Horticultural Society, and any other lands adjacent thereto, not exceeding fifty acres in addition to said Garden and Cemetery, upon the same trusts and for the same purposes, and with the same powers and privileges as the said Massachusetts Horticultural Society now hold the same by virtue of the statute of the year one thousand eight hundred and thirty-one, chapter sixty-nine; and may also take and hold any personal estate not exceeding in value fifty thousand dollars, to be applied to purposes connected with and appropriate to the objects of said establishment. Section 3. Be it further enacted, that all parsons who shall hereafter become proprietors of lots in said Cemetery, of a size not less, each, than three hundred square feet, shall thereby become members of the said Corporation. Section 4. Be it further enacted, That the officers of the said Corporation shall consist of not less than seven nor more than twelve Trustees, a Treasurer, Secretary, and such other officers as they may direct. The Trustees shall be elected annually, at the annual meeting, and shall hold their offices until others are chosen. And they shall choose one of their number to be President, who shall be also President of the Corporation ; and they shall also choose the Secretary ami Treasurer, either from their own body or at large. And the said Trustees shall have the general management, superintendence and care of the property, cx- penditures, business and prudential concerns of the Corporation, and of the sales of lots in the said Cemetery, and they shall make a report of their doings to the Corporation at their annual meeting. The Treasurer shall give bonds for the faithful discharge of v thc duties of his office, and k shall have the superintendence and management of the fiscal concerns of the Corporation, subject to the revision and control of the Trustees, to whom he shall make an annual report, which shall 97- be laid before the Corporation at their annual meeting. And the Secretary shall be under oath for the faithful performance of the duties, of his office, and shall record the doings at all meetings of the Corporation and of the Trustees. Section 5. Be it further enacted, That the annual meetings of said Corpora- tion shall be holden at such time and place as the by-laws shall direct, and the Secretary shall give notice thereof in one or more newspapers, printed in Boston, seven days at least before the time of meeting. And special meetings may be called by the Trustees in the same manner, unless otherwise directed by the by-laws ; or by the Secretary, in the same manner, upon the written request of twenty members of the Corporation. At all meetings a quorum for business shall consist of not less than seven members ; and any business may be transacted, of which notice shall be given in the advertisements for the meeting, and all ques- tions shall be decided by a majority of the members present, and voting either in person or by proxy. Section 6. Be it further enacted, That as soon as the said Corporation shall have received from the Massachusetts Horticultural Society a legal conveyance of the said Garden and Cemetery at Mount Auburn, the Massachusetts Horticultural Society shall cease to have any rights, powers and authorities over the same ; and all the rights, powers and authorities, trusts, immunities and privileges conferred upon the said society, and upon the proprietors of lots in the said Cemetery in and by virtue of the first section of the statute of the year one thousand eight hundred and thirty-one, chapter sixty-nine, shall be transferred to and exercised by the Corporation created by this Act ; and the same shall to all intents and purposes apply to the said Corporation, and all proprietors of lots in the said Cemetery, with the same force and effect as if the same were herein specially enacted, and the said Corporation substituted for the Massachusetts Horticultural Society hereby. Section 7. Be it further enacted, That any person who shall wilfully destroy, mutilate, deface, injure or remove any tomb, monument, grave-stone or other structure placed in the Cemetery aforesaid, or any fence, railing or other work for the protection or ornament of any tomb, monument, grave-stone or other structure aforesaid, or of any cemetery lot, within the limits of the Garden and Cemetery aforesaid, or shall wilfully destroy, remove, cut, break or injure any tree, shrub or plant within the limits of the said Garden and Cemetery, or shall shoot or dis- charge any gun or other firearm within the said limits, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and shall, upon conviction thereof before any Justice of the Peace, or other court of competent jurisdiction within the county of Middlesex, be pun- ished by a fine not less than Five Dollars nor more than Fifty Dollars, according to the nature and aggravation of the offence ; and such offender shall also be liable, in an action of trespass, to be brought against him in any court of competent juris- diction, in the name of the Proprietors of the Cemetery of Mount Auburn, to pay all such damages as shall have been occasioned by his unlawful act or acts ; which money, when recovered, shall be applied by the said Corporation, under the direc- tion of the Board of Trustees, to the reparation and restoration of the property destroyed or injured as above, and members of the said Corporation shall be com- petent witnesses in such suits. Section 8. Be it further enacted, That the lots in said Cemetery shall be indi- visible, and upon the death of any proprietor of any lot in the said Cemetery con- taining not less than three hundred square feet, the devisee of such lot, or the heir at law, as the case may be, shall be entitled to all the privileges of membership as aforesaid ; and if there be more than one devisee or heir at law of each lot, the board of Trustees for the time being shall designate, which of the said devisees or heirs at law shall represent the said lot, and vote in the meetings of the Corpo- 12 98 ration ; — which designation shall continue in force, until by death, removal or other efficient cause, another designation shall become necessary; and, in making such designation the Trustees shall, as far as they conveniently may, give tho preference to males over females, and to proximity of blood and priority of age, having due regard, however, to proximity of residence. Section 9. Be it further enacted, That it shall be lawful for the said Corpo- ration to take and hold any grant, donation or bequest of property upon trust, to apply the income thereof, under the direction of the board of Trustees, for the improvement or embellishment of the said Cemetery or of the Garden adjacent thereto, or of any buildings, structures or fences erected or being erected upon the lands of the said Corporation, or of any individual proprietor of a lot in the Cem- etery, or for the repair, preservation, or renewal of any tomb, monument, grave- stone, fence or railing, or other erection in or around any Cemetery lot, or for the planting and cultivation of trees, shrubs, flowers, or plants in or around any Cem- etery lot, according to the terms of such grant, donation or bequest ; and the Su- preme Judicial Court in this Commonwealth, or any other court therein having equity jurisdiction, shall have full power and jurisdiction, to compel the due per- formance of the said trusts, or any of them, upon a bill filed by a proprietor of any lot in the said Cemetery for that purpose. Section 10. Be it further enacted as follows : First, That the present proprie- tors of lots in the said Cemetery, who shall become members of the Corporation created by this Act, shall henceforth cease to be members of the said Horticultural Society, so far as their membership therein depends on their being proprietor! of lots in the said Cemetery. Secondly, That the sales of the Cemetery lots shall continue to be made as fast as it is practicable by the Corporation created by this Act, at a price not less than the sum of sixty dollars for every lot containing three bundled square feet, and so in proportion for any greater or less quantity, unless the said Horticultural Society and the Corporation created by this Act, shall mutually agree to sell the same at a less price. Thirdly, That the proceeds of the first sales of such lots, after deducting the annual expenses of the Cemetery estab- lishment, shall be applied to the extinguishment of the present debts due by the said Horticultural Society on account of the said Garden and Cemetery. And after the extinguishment of the said debts, the balance of the said proceeds, and proceeds of all future sales, shall annually, on the first Monday of every year, be divided between the said Horticultural Society and the Corporation created by this Act, in manner following, namely: — Fourteen hundred dollars shall be first deducted from the gross proceeds of the sales of lots during the preceding year, for the purpose of defraying the Superintendent's salary and other incidental expenses of the Cemetery establishment ; and the residue of the said gross proceeds shall be divided between the said Horticultural Society and the Corporation, created by this Act, as follows, namely: one-fourth part thereof shall be received by and paid over to the said Horticultural Society, on the first Monday of January of every year, and the remaining three-fourth parts shall be detained and held by the Cor- poration created by this Act, to their own use forever. And if the sales of any year shall be less than fourteen hundred dollars, then the d sficiency shall be a charge on tho sales of the succeeding year or years. Fourthly, The money so received by the said Horticultural Society shall be forever devoted and applied by the said Society to the purposes of an experimental garden, and to promote the art and science of Horticulture, and for no other purpose. And the money so etained by the Corporation created by this Act, shall be forever devoted and applied to the preservation, improvement, embellishment and enlargement of the said Cemetery and Garden, and the incidental expenses thereof, and for no other pur- 99 pose whatsoever. Fifthly, a Committee of the said Horticultural Society, duly appointed for this purpose, shall, on the first Monday of January of every year, have a right to inspect and examine the books and accounts of the Treasurer, or other officer acting as Treasurer of the Corporation created by this Act, as far as may be necessary to ascertain the sales of lots of the preceding year. Section 11. Be it further enacted, That any three or more of the persons named in this Act shall have authority to call the first meeting of the said Corpo- ration, by an advertisement in one or more newspapers, printed in the City of Boston, seven days, at least, before the time of holding such meeting, and speci- fying the time and place thereof. And all proprietors of lots, who shall before, at or during the time of holding such meeting, by writing, assent to this Act, shall be entitled to vote in person or by proxy at the said first meeting. And at any such meeting or any such adjournment thereof, any elections may be had, and any busi- ness done, which are herein authorized to be had and done at an annual meeting, although the same may not be specified in the notice for the said meeting. And the first Board of Trustees, chosen at the said meeting, shall continue in office until the annual meeting of the said Corporation next ensuing their choice, and until another Board are chosen in their stead, in pursuance of this Act. Section 12. Be it further enacted, That the said Cemetery shall be and hereby is declared exempted from all public taxes, so long as the same shall remain dedicated to the purposes of a Cemetery. House of Representatives, March 27, 1835. Passed to be enacted. JULIUS ROCKWELL, Speaker. In Senate, March 28, 1835. Passed to be enacted. GEORGE BLISS, President. March 31, 1835. Approved. SAMUEL T. ARMSTRONG. A Copy. Attest, Edward D. Bangs, Secretary of the Commonwealth. 100 Commcmforaltfj of fflassadiusitts. In the Year of our Lord One Thousand Eight Hundred and Thirty-One. AN ACT IN ADDITION TO AN ACT ENTITLED " AN ACT TO INCORPORATE THE MASSACHUSETTS HORTK I LIT HAL SOCIEI S Section I. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives in Gen- eral Court assembled, and by the authority of the same, That the Massachusetts Horticultural Society be, and hereby are, authorised, in addition to the powers already conferred on them, to dedicate and appropriate any part of the real estate now owned or hereafter to be purchased by them, as and for a Rural Cemetery or Burying Ground, and for the erection of Tombs, Cenotaphs, or other Monuments, for or in memory of the dead ; and for this purpose to lay out the same in suitable lots or other subdivisions, for family, and other burying places ; and to plant and em- bellish the same with shrubbery, flowers, trees, walks, and other rural ornaments, and to enclose and divide the same with proper walls and enclosures, and to make and annex thereto other suitable appendages and conveniences as the Society shall from time to time deem expedient. And whenever the said Society shall so lay out and appropriate any of their real estate for a Cemetery or Burying Ground, as aforesaid, the same shall be deemed a perpetual, dedication thereof for the purposes aforesaid ; and the real estate so dedicated shall be forever held by the said Society in trust for such purposes, and for none other. And the said Society shall have authority to grant and convey to any person or persons the sole and exclusive right of burial, and of erecting tombs, cenotaphs, and other monu- ments, in any such designated lots and subdivisions, upon such terms and condi- tions, and subject to such regulations as the said Society shall by their by-laws and regulations prescribe. And every right so granted and conveyed shall be held for the purposes aforesaid, and for none other, as real estate, by the proprietor or pro- prietors thereof, and shall not be subject to attachment or execution. Section II. Be it further enacted, That ti>r the purposes of this Act, the said Society shall be, and hereby are authorised to purchase and hold any real estate not exceeding ten thousand dollars in value, in addition to the real estate which they are now by law authorised to purchase and hold. And to enable the said Society more effectually to carry the plan aforesaid into effect, and to provide funds for the same, the said Society shall be and hereby are authorised to open sub- scription books, upon such terms, conditions and regulations as the said Society shall prescribe, which shall be deemed fundamental and perpetual articles between the said Society and the subscribers. And every person, who shall become a sub- scriber in conformity thereto shall be deemed a member for life of the said Society without the pay aent of any other assessment whatsoever; and shall moreover be entitled, in fee simple, to th< sole and exclusive right of using, as a place of burial, and of erecting tombs, cenotaphs, and other monuments in such lot or subdivision of such cemetery or burying ground, as. shall in conformity to such 1'uuiUmeutal articles be assigned to him. 101 Section III. Be it further enacted, That the President of the Society shall have authority to call any special meeting or meetings of the said Society at such time and place as he shall direct, for the purpose of carrying into effect any or all the purposes of this Act, or any other purposes within the purview or the original Act to which this Act is an addition. In House of Representatives, June 22, 1831. Passed to be enacted. WILLIAM B. CALHOUN, Speaker. In Senate, June 23, 1831. Passed to be enacted. LEVERETT SALTONSTALL, President. June 23, 1831. Approved. LEVI LINCOLN. A True Copy. Attest, Edward D. Bangs, Secretary of Commonwealth. AN ACT IN ADDITION TO AN "ACT TO INCORPORATE THE PROPRIETORS OF THE CEMETERY OF MOUNT AUBURN." Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives in General Court assembled, and by the authority of the same, as follows : The Corporation known as the Proprietors of the Cemetery of Mount Auburn, may purchase and hold in fee simple, or otherwise, any real estate or any interest in any real estate situate and lying in the towns of Cambridge and Watertown, in the County of Middlesex, anything in the act of this Legislature passed March thirty -first, A. D., eighteen hundred and thirty-live, entitled "An Act to incorpo- rate the proprietors of the Cemetery of Mount Auburn " — to the contrary notwith- standing ; Provided always, that such real estate by the said Corporation so pur- t chased, holden and possessed as aforesaid, under the provisions of this act, shall not at any one time exceed one hundred acres in extent in addition to whatever the said Corporation now holds, or is entitled to hold, by virtue of the Act to which this Act is in addition as aforesaid. House of Representatives, May 1, 1850. Passed to be enacted. ENSIGN H. KELLOGG, Speaker. In Senate, May 5, 1850. Passed to be enacted. MARSHALL P. WILDER, President. May 3, 1850. Approved. GEORGE N. BRIGGS. Secretary's Office, Boston, May 23, 1850. I certify the foregoing to be a true copy of the original Act. WM. TUFTS, Deputy Secretary of the Commonwealth. 10 PRICE OF LOTS. 1 . The present price of a lot of 300 superficial square feet, is One Hundred and Fifty Dollars, and in proportion for a larger lot. Smaller lots can occa- sionally be had, hut at the same rate. 2. Lots for tombs, to be properly secured against nuisance, may be purchased at the price of Two Hundred Dollars for 300 square feet. 3. Lots of the same size on Lawn Avenue, and other choice locations, will not be sold at a price less than Two Hundrkd and Fifty Dollars for tomb lots> and Two Hundred Dollars for common lots. 4. In all cases, the approbation of the Committee on lots shall be required, be- fore any lot shall be laid out or enlarged. Any proprietor who exchanges his lot, shall pay therefor the sum then chargeable by the Regulations, which in no case is less than Twenty Dollars. N. B. One Dollar is payable to the Secretary for making and recording each deed, and the same for each transfer of a lot. As to the construction of tombs, see the Regulations below. CONDITIONS, LIMITATIONS AND PRIVILEGES TO "WHICH EVERY LOT IS SUBJECT BY THE DEED OF THE CORPORATION, TO WIT: First. — The proprietor of the lot shall have a right to enclose the same with a wall or fence, not exceeding one foot in thickness, which may be placed on the ad- joining land of the Corporation, exterior to the said lot. Second. — The said lot shall not be used for any other purpose, than as a place of burial for the dead ; and no trees within the lot or border shall be cut down or destroyed, without the consent of the Trustees of the said Corporation. Third. — The proprietor of the said lot shall have the right to erect stones, monu- ments or sepulchral structures, and to cultivate trees, shrubs and plants in the same. Fourth. — The proprietor of the said lot shall erect, at his or her own expense, suitable land-marks of stone or iron, at the corners thereof, and shall also cause the number thereof to be legibly and permanently marked on the premises. And if the proprietor shall omit, for thirty days after notice, to erect such land-marks and mark the number, the Trustees shall have authority to cause the same to bo done at the expense of said proprietor. Fifth. — [f tin land-marks and boundaries of the said lot shall be effaced, so that the said lot cannot with reasonable diligence be found and identified, the said Trustees shall set oft' to the said grantee, his or her heirs or assigns, a lot in lieu thereof, in such part of the Cemetery as they see fit, and the lot hereby granted shall in such case revert to the Corporation. Sixth. — If any trees or shrubs, situated in said lot, shall by means of their roots, branches, or otherwise, become detrimental to the adjacent lots or avenues, or dan- gerous or inconvenient to passengers, it shall be the duty of the said Trustees for the time being, and they shall have the right, to enter into the said lot and remove - the said trees and shrubs, or such parts thereof as are thus detrimental, dangerous or inconvenient. Seventh. — If any monument or effigy, or any structure whatever, or any inscrip- tion, be placed in or upon the said lot, which shall be determined by the major part of the said Trustees for the time being, to be offensive or improper, the said 103 Trustees, or the major part of them, shall have the right, and it shall be their duty, to enter upon said lot and remove the said offensive or improper object or objects. Eighth. — No fence shall at any time be placed or erected in or around any lot, the materials and design of which shall not first have been approved by the Trus- tees or a committee of them. Ninth. — No tomb shall be constructed within the bounds of the Cemetery except in or upon lots situated in such parts of the grounds as shall be designated by the Trustees for that purpose ; and no proprietor shall suffer the remains of any person to be deposited in a tomb so authorized, for hire. Tenth. — The said lot shall be holden subject to the provisions contained in an act of the General Court, dated March 31, 1835, and entitled "An Act to incor- porate the Proprietors of the Cemetery of Mount Auburn. Note. — The Society request that all railings or enclosures of lots may be light neat and symmetrical — that all stones erected in memory of the dead, may be marble or granite — and that no slabs be placed in the Cemetery. Fences composed in whole or in part of wood are prohibited. SINGLE INTERMENTS. There are two enclosures known as St. John's Lot and St. James' Lot, in which interments a y be made on payment of Ten Dollars for each interment. REGULATIONS CONCERNING VISITORS. The Secretary will issue to EACH PROPRIETOR one Ticket of Admission into the Cemetery with a vehicle, under the following Regulations — the violation of any of ivhich, OR A LOAN OF THE TICKET out of the family of the proprietor, involves a forfeiture of the privilege. In case of a loss of their Tickets the Proprietors are requested to apply to the Secretary, from whom a new one can be obtained. This is necessary, as the Gatekeeper's orders are to admit no Proprietor without a ticket. Any person who has a RELATIVE INTERRED IN THE LOTS, appropri- ated to single interments a', the Cemetery, may, on application to any Trustee or to the Secretary, receive a special pass into the Cemetery on SUNDAYS. STRANGERS and occasional visitors can receive, on application to any Trustee, or to the Secretary, a permit to enter the Cemetery with a carriage on any day other than Sundays or holy days. In peculiar cases the Trustees will give permits to Strangers on Sundays, This is a new privilege, — an experiment ; if not abused it will, however, be continued. The gates are opened at sunrise and closed at sunset. No money is to be paid to the Gatekeeper. No person can claim the right to be admitted on Sundays and Holidays, except Proprietors and members of their household, and persons accom- panying them : and they must show their tickets. 104 No refreshments, and no party carrying refreshments, will hereafter be admitted to come within tin- grounds at Mount Auburn. All persons who shall be found within the grounds making unseemly noises, or otherwise conducting themselves unsuitably to the purposes to which the grounds are" devoted, will be required instantly to leave the grounds, and upon refusal will be compelled to do so, and will be prosecuted accordingly. No vehicle is to be driven in the Cemetery at a rate faster than a walk. No horse is to be fastened, except at the posts provided for this purpose. No horse is to be left unfastened, without a keeper. No person is admitted on horseback. All persons are prohibited from gathering any flowers, either wild or cul- tivated, or breaking any tree, shrub, or plant. Any person who shall be found in possession of flowers or shrubs while in the grounds, or before leaving them, shall be deemed to have tortiously taken them in the grounds, and will be prosecuted accordingly. N. B. Persons carrying flowers in in the Cemetery, to be placed on any lot or grave as offerings or memorials, are requested to notify the Gatekeeper as they pass in; in every other case flowers brought to the Cemetery must be left without the gate, or with the Gatekeeper, until the owner passes out again. All persons are prohibited from writing upon, defacing and injuring any monu- ment, fence, or other structure in or belonging to the Cemetery. All persons arc prohibited from discharging tire-arms in the Cemetery. The Superintendent of the grounds, the Gatekeeper, and any other person act- ing under them, shall have a right to require his or her name from any person other than a proprietor or a member of his family, who shall visit the grounds and upon his or her refusal, or giving a false name, to exclude them from the grounds. The Superintendent, the Gatekeeper, and all other persons acting under them, have full authority to carry these regulations into effect, and will give notice of any violations thereof to the Trustees. UP 3 * The Superintend! nt has the care of the Cemetery, and is authorized to remove all those who violate these regulations or commit trespasses. Trespassers are also liable to be lined Fifty Dollars. %*% Twenty DOLLARS reward is offered to any person who shall give informa- tion to the Trustees, which shall lead to the conviction of the offender, of any trespass done by taking or plucking any flowers, shrubs, or trees, within the "■rounds, or of otherwise injuring the grounds, or of any other offence against the laws and regulations provided for the protection of the Cemetery and the monu- ments and erections therein. The Gatekeeper has a discretionary power to admit persons on week days, who shall satisfy him that they belong to the family of a proprietor, though they have no ticket with them ; and in i vtrenn cases to admit other persons also. The Trus- tees wish it to be understood, that this also is an experiment, and that the Gate- keeper's power is a discretionary one. No one has a right to admittance without a ticket or pass, and the Gatekeeper is instructed to use this power with moderation. If it is found that the privilege leads to any abuse, it will be at once withdrawn. 105 REGULATIONS CONCERNING INTERMENTS. The key of the receiving tomb under Park Street Church, is in charge of the Superintendent of Burying Grounds, at his office, near City Hall, Boston. • Printed forms of application for permission to deposit bodies in either receiving tomb, or in any lot, may be had of him, or of the Superintendent of the Cemetery at the Cemetery — without which no interment can be made. CONSTRUCTION OF TOMBS. The following circular addressed to the Proprietors of Lots in the Cemetery in 1841, explains the views of the Trustees in relation to the construction of Tombs within the Cemetery. And although recently some modification of the rules as to tombs has been made, the Trustees do not desire to see the number of tombs increased. The present regulations require that no part of the structure of any tombs shall be less than two feet below the surface of the earth, and that they shall be actually covered with earth to that depth. And they can be built only in locations approved by the Commmittee on lots, and subject to their approval as to the mode of their construction. Boston, June 5, 1841. At a meeting of the Trustees of Mount Auburn Cemetery holden this day, it was voted and ordered, That in all the Deeds of Lots which shall hereafter be granted by the Corporation it shall be provided as a condition, that no Tomb shall be constructed within the bounds of the Cemetery, except in and upon such Lots situated in such parts of the grounds, as shall be designated by the Trustees for that purpose. The Trustees have been led to this measure by their conviction that the multi- plication of Tombs in Mount Auburn has become a great and growing evil, encum- bering the grounds during the visiting season with the materials and rubbish of building, and endangering the stability of trees by the large excavations which are required in their formation. But a much greater objection exists in the fact, that the frequency with which some of the Tombs are opened, and a want of sufficient tightness in the doors of others, have already given rise in the hot months to a per- ceptible nuisance, which, if not seasonably checked, may hereafter grow into an iutderable evil. Since the commencement of the undertaking of the Cemetery of Mount Auburn, the Trustees have, at various times, expressed their earnest hope, that the pro- prietors would see the expediency of devoting their lots to the purpose of separate rather than promiscuous interment. The very object of retiring to the country, has been to avoid the evils and abuses which were known to be attendant on the customs of city sepulture. It seldom happens that inhumed bodies remain secure in receptacles provided for the collection of indefinite numbers. Each successive generation crowds out its immediate predecessors, whose unknown and dismem- bered remains are disposed of at the discretion of the undertaker' On the other hand, in a place like Mount Auburn, where space is abundant, the separate grave, 13 10G allotted, marked and registered for the resting place of each individual, is likely to remain inviolate for ages to come. This peaceful and permanent rest was the un- doubted object ; the original foundation of this sanctuary of the dead, now become the pride of onr metropolis, Jaml the solace of its mourners, and destined of imitation throughout our extensive country. So far as its pur- pose shall bo adhered to, the original object of the founder-; • will be realized, and we shall hope that its ample shades will not be allowed to perpetuate the narrow, insecure, and sometimes revolting arrangements, which its institution was ex- designed to supersede. The Trustees are aware that they have no control in the foregoing respect, over the disposition of lots already sold. But they hope that by restriction in regard to the future, and by an appeal to the good sense and sympathies of the present pro- prietors, they may be able to set limits to an evil, to which their attention has been imperatively drawn. JOSEPH STORY, President. JACOB BIGELOW GEORGE BOND. MARTIN BRIMMER, BE. CURTIS, B. A. GOULD, ISAAC PARKER, JAMES READ, CHARLES P. CURTIS. ttT'The Trustees beg leave to call attention to the inle which requires that the bounds of each lot should be denoted by a permanent fence or posts, and the num- ber of eacli be marked in a permanent manner in iron or upon stone. A disregard of this rule has already caused the loss of many land marks, and rendered a refer- ence to the Catalogue of Proprietors and Plan of the Cemetery, in many cases im- practicable. PERPETUAL REPAIR OF LOTS. Inquiry is frequently made as to the terms on which the Corporation will con- tract to keep a lot perpetually in repair ; and the revolting state in which many old burial-grounds arc seen to be, admonish us daily to make some such pro- vision while we have lime. It is one of the best tilings in the constitution of this Corporation, that it furnishes a medium in this changing community for providing rpetual care and repair of our places of burial. No other method .-o secure could be devised. Of course the sum for which the Corporation will assume this obligation is liable to vary with the peculiar site, si/.e, and improvement of each lot. As a general rule, however, it is understood that the price will be, as to the lots of 300 feet, with nothing more than a plain fence and monument, not less than $300 ; if the lot contains a tomb, not less than V>00. The Corporation, however, are ready to receive any sum, not less than $100, and hold the same in the manner indicated in the following declaration of trust. The difference is obvious. In the one ease the perpetual repair is guarantied a all events; in the other, the lot is only to bo taken care of so far as the net income of the donation goes, and so long as it lasts. In the ono case, if the invest- 107 meats of the "fund for repairs" fail, the obligation goes with it. In the other case, the duty exists as long as the Corporation endures. By a vote of the Trustees, passed July 15, 1843, the following form of a declara- tion of trust (prepared for insertion in a will, or other instrument,) was adopted, and ordered to be distributed among the members of the Corporation. Copies printed on letter sheet, may be had on application to the Secretary. [ doth hereby give, or bequeath,] unto the proprietors of the Ceme- tery of Mount Auburn the sum of dollars,* for their sole use forever ; in trust, nevertheless, that the trustees of the said Corporation for the time being, shall in order to obtain an interest therefrom, invest the same from time to time, at their discretion, in some public stock of this State, or of the Na- tional Government, or in the stock of some Bank or Banks in this State, or in some personal notes or obligations of private persons, secured by a satisfactory collateral pledge or mortgage, on interest, and to apply the income or interest thereof, from time to time, after deducting therefrom the sum of fifty cents out of every hundred dollars of the sum so above given, as follows : — First. — To keep in suitable and good repair and preservation, Lot, No. , in the said Cemetery, and the monument, fences, trees, shrubbery, and soil thereon. Secondly. — To suffer the surplus, if any, of such income or interest to accu- mulate for such time as the said Trustees may deem expedient, or in their discre- tion to apply the same surplus, or any part thereof, from time to time, to the orna- ment and preservation of the grounds of the said Cemetery, or to any other, or all the purposes to which, by the Act of Incorporation, the funds of the said Cor- poration may be lawfully applied, and which are appropriate to the objects of the establishment of the said Cemetery. Provided, however, That the said Trustees shall never be responsible for their conduct in the premises, except for good faith and such reasonable diligence as may be required of mere gratuitous Agents ; and provided further, that the said Trustees shall in no case be obliged to make any separate investment of the sum so given, and that the average income or interest derived from all fundi of the like nature belonging to the Corporation, shall be divided annually, and carried proportionally to the credit of each Lot entitled thereto. PORTFOLIO OF PLANS. Ix happens, not unfrequently, that neighboring proprietors determine to purchase lands lying between or near lots, to be enjoyed in common, as ornamental or monumental ground, and for other like purposes, or that several lots in one vicinity arc brought within one inclosure, while it is still desired to retain their several peculiar lots to the several proprietors. At other times it happens, that after a lot has been located to conform to some existing path or avenue, circum- stances make it necessary to alter the course of the path or drive-way, and thus change the relative position of tbc lot. Some lots too are so irregular in form, *N. B.— No gift or bequest of a less amount than $100 will be received upon these trusts. G- 108 that it becomes desirable to have the same folly laid out by a plan. It has been found, however, that what is called the large original plan of the Cemetery is still on too small a scale to exhibit -nth details as have been named, and the Trustees have been reluctant to allow it to be disfigured by the obliteration-; and amend- ments necessary to preserve such changes. In order, therefore, to provide some remedy in this and many similar cases which constantly occur, the Trustees have provided a large Portfolio, in which plans of small sections of the Cemetery may be exhibited on a large scale, and any peculiar disposition or dedication of the land readily shown. The plans are required to be upon paper of a uniform size, &c., ("which the Secretary will furnish,) and to be prepared by the Corporation Survey- or* When certified by the Superintendent and Committee on Lots, they will be permanently fixed in the portfolio by the Secretary, for the use of all parties interested. a. Wadsworth, Suflolh Buildings, State Street. !< cc. « <- c c«. c C C c< c c c CCCC CCCC «c « CCCC c c«r <£<$ c cc crc- CccC «: cc c ceve cc c Cc C CC--' C CCCC Cccc c <<<- CCCC c c«: • c?^ esc cc c c CC C^t- c c r- cc c^cr cp; cc: cc «: c c - c cc cc ccc c< c c >^VV^ CC CJ5.C*. csg C C £frC ctcC Cff« C< <^C. VtvV o c ce ( < CSC cy-c ^S . V'' <^- c fee ccc Qf^-^c Vs Clcccz cc O^ CccC_^ i <: cc ;^cc s life! %wr. ■ c ^ cc c <: OE£ <: :. cc ' 1 cc «d cc <: cc , cc CC : (.( : ck c «Cc 4C - C c C * a* <3 C C a cc Ci c c c< c c Cr C C > CCcc< : CC CVg ' C7c<- C2 CCC' CC red CCCc CCC €BL «C > c -CC.Cccc . . cr