.A/46 Qass 55 3.3. Book_tJlA4__ STATISTICS OF COOPERATIVE EXTENSION WORK 1921-22 By EUGENE MERRITT Assistant to the Director UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE DEPARTMENT CIRCULAR 203 Contribution from the States Relations Service A. C. TRUE, Director Washington, D. C. January, 1922 WASHINGTON : GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE : 1932 JAficaa. ograjak, ADDITIONAL COPIES rnia publication may be procured from THE SUPERINTENDENT OF DOCUMENTS GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE WASHINGTON, D. C. AT 5 CENTS PER COPY STATISTICS OF COOPERATIVE EXTENSION WORK, 1921-22. A permanent nation-wide system of agricultural extension work to be carried on by the State agricultural colleges in cooperation with the Department of Agriculture was provided for by Congress in the cooperative agricultural extension act of May 8, 1914. This exten- sion work includes practical instruction and demonstrations in agri- culture and home economics given to persons not attending or resi- dent in colleges in the several communities and the imparting of information 'through field demonstrations, publications, and other- wise, the work to be carried on in such manner as may be mutually agreed upon by the Secretary of Agriculture and the State agricultural colleges. In order to provide a comprehensive basis for the cooperative agricultural extension work in the several States a general memo- randum of understanding between the department and the colleges was drawn up. This memorandum provides that each college shall organize and maintain a definite and distinct administrative division for the management and conduct of extension work in agriculture and home economics, in charge of a responsible director selected by the college and acceptable to the United States Department of Agri- culture; shall administer through the extension division thus organ- ized any and all funds received for such work from appropriations made by Congress or the State legislature, by allotment from the board of trustees of the college, or from any other source; and shall cooperate with the department in all extension work in agriculture and home economics which the department is authorized by Congress to conduct in the States. The States Relations Service, through its Office of Extension Work, represents the Department of Agriculture in the administration and general supervision of all its cooperative extension work in agriculture and home economics. This involves relations with the State agri- cultural colleges and the different bureaus of the department. Before any work requiring the expenditure of the cooperative agricultural extension funds is undertaken in a State the act requires that the plans for work shall have the approval of the Secretary of Agriculture. The director of extension of the college is required to submit detailed projects covering each line of extension work, with proposed allot- ment of funds for each, for approval by the department. After 3 4 Department Circular 203, U. S. Dept. of Agriculture. approval of the projects the State is certified by the department to the United States Treasurer as entitled to receive its funds. The main lines of cooperative extension work are those conducted by county agricultural agents dealing with farm problems, by county home demonstration agents dealing with problems of the farm home, by county club agents working with boys and girls, and by extension specialists in various phases of agriculture and home economics located at the State agricultural colleges. There were engaged in these lines of work on July 1, 1921, 2,421 county agents, 959 home demonstration agents, and 327 club agents, together with specialists and others, totaling 3,707 extension workers in all. This work is administered by the State extension directors assisted by State leaders of county agricultural agent work, home demonstration work, and boys' "and girls' club work. The total amount allotted for cooperative extension work in the United States in 1921-22 was $18,500,000, of which the Federal Government contributed $5,580,000 under the provisions of the Smith-Lever Act. In addition Congress, by direct appropriation to the Department of Agriculture, made available $1,050,000 for farmers' cooperative demonstration work and $100,000 for extension work by the several bureaus of the department, cc operating with the States Relations Service, making a total from Federal sources of $6,730,000. The remaining $11,770,000 was derived from sources within the States, including $4,880,000 appropriated by the State legislatures and funds under control of the State agricultural colleges, $5,850,000 provided by the different counties, and $1,040,000 from other sources, mostly local. This circular summarizes statistics relating to sources, amounts, and project allotment of funds used and number and distribution of persons employed in the cooperative extension work in agriculture and home economics, compiled from the approved budget statements in which the State agricultural colleges have outlined their plan of work for 1921-22. Statistics of Cooperative Extension Work, 1921-1922. 5 Table 1. — Maximum amounts of Federal funds which each State is eligible to receive under the cooperative extension act. State. Regular. Fiscal year 1920-21 Fiscal year 1921-22 Fiscal year 1922-23 Supplementary. Fiscal year 1920-21 Fiscal year 1921-22 Alabama Arizona Arkansas California Colorado : Connecticut Delaware Florida Georgia Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts . . . Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire. New Jersey New Mexico New York North Carolina . . North Dakota . . . Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Carolina. . South Dakota... Tennessee Texas Utah Vermont Virginia Washington West Virginia . . . Wisconsin Wyoming $121, 041 18, 863 96,171 67, 026 34,761 17,218 16, 610 43, 515. 140, 062 26, 062 145, 791 107, 810 107, 036 85,203 118,955 82,800 32, 672 50, 024 25, 142. 103, 167, 86, 978 109, 868. 129,009 25, 241. 65, 365 14, 303. 21, 022. 49, 572. 27, 634. 131, 120. 128, 588. 42,277 142, 042 93, 987 32, 972 200,617 11, 127, 91, 070. 41, 862. 149, 538. 195, 843. 22, 589. 21, 747. 109, 574. 43, 699. 72, 370. 93, 519. 16, 454. $138,801.22 25. , 74. 15 112,384.07 86,707.64 44,067.38 41, 120. 06 17,161.04 52, 912. 22 161, £53.84 31,911.83 155, 663. 99 111,391.40 117,064.29 90, 641. 37 134,894.80 91, 975. 89 42,811.84 50,642.34 24, 156. 50 109,942.63 103, 546. 22 118,603.22 137, 280. 88 36, 398. 09 72, 413. 99 14, 353. 41 21, 439. 79 56, 182. 54 30, 690. 35 135, 756. 07 154,904.04 49. 129. 34 155, 850. 04 114,281.92 37, 483. 26 227, 991. 59 11, 065. 88 107, 342. 90 47, 450. 87 130, 942. 42 230, 676. 84 26, 377. 12 26. 982. 35 124, 536. 44 52, 578. 86 86, 676. 97 107, 186. 18 19, 599. 83 Total 3, 580, 000. 00 4, 080, 000. 00 $156, 690. 28 27, 281. 67 126,604.08 97. 361. 48 48, 798. 96 45, 442. 29 18,155.63 58, 872. 25 182,944.65 34, 955. 14 175, 895. 10 125. 473. 54 131,934.33 101, 841. 56 152, 241. 30 103, 361. 43 47, 369. 04 56,287.11 26,122.68 123. 823. 55 116,538.75 133, 687. 00 154, 958. 78 40. 064. 49 81,082.60 14, 958. 04 23,028.65 63,735.67 33, 564. 01 153,222.19 175, 029. 60 54, 563. 97 176, 106. 99 128, 765. 52 41, 300. 38 258, 268. 29 11,213.92 120, 862. 85 52, 652. 38 147, 739. 98 261, 326. 40 28, 651. 72 29, 341. 01 140, 444. 28 58, 492. 59 97, 326. 55 120, 684. 26 20, 933. 14 4, 5S0, 000. 00 $53, 729. 55 4,288.68 41,696.01 27, 593. 64 11,981.55 3, 492. 99 3, 198. 75 16, 217. 37 62, 933. 67 7, 772. 10 65, 705. 49 47, 327. 55 46, 952. 94 36,388.65 52, 720. 44 35, 255. 28 10, 970. 70 19, 366. 83 7, 326. 87 45, 080. 94 37, 247. 46 48, 323. 37 57, 585. 45 7, 375. 02 26, 789. 73 2, 082. 36 5,333.64 19, 148. 07 8, 533. 02 58, 606. 80 57, 381. 63 15,617.97 63,891.36 40, 639. 23 11,115.90 92, 234. 37 545. 79 39, 227. 88 15, 417. 21 53, 002. 53 89, 924. 16 6, 091. 83 5, 684. 40 4.8, 179. 91 16, 306. 14 30, 179. 31 40, 412. 46 3,123.00 1, 500, 000. 00 $53, 667. 18 6, 322. 56 42, 660. 03 31, 961. 52 14, 194. 74 12,966.69 2, 983. 77 17, 880. 09 63, 272. 43 9, 129. 93 60, 693. 33 42, 246. 42 44, 610. 12 33, 600. 57 52, 039. 50 34,156.62 13,671.60 16, 934. 31 5, 898. 54 41,642.76 38, 977. 59 45, 251. 34 53,033.70 10, 999. 20 26, 005. 83 1, 813. 92 4, 766. 58 19, 659. 39 8, 620. 98 52, 398. 36 60, 376. 68 16, 303. 89 60, 770. 85 43, 450. 80 11,451.36 90, 829. 83 444.12 40,559.58 15,604.53 50,392.68 91,948.68 6, 823. 80 7, 075. 98 47, 723. 52 17, 741. 19 31, 948. 74 40, 494. 24 3, 999. 93 1, 500, 000. 00 6 Department Circular 203, U. S. Dept. of Agriculture. Table 2.— Sources of offset to Federal Smith-Lever funds, 1920-21 and 1921-22, and Federal supplemental!/ extension funds, 1920-21 and 1921-22. SI al^. Total. State. County. College. Local. Alabama: 1920-21 $111,041.07 53, 729. 55 128, 801. 22 53, 667. 18 8, 863. 27 4, 288. 68 $92, 139. 83 35, 729. 55 74, 332. 82 53, 667. 18 8, 863. 27 4. 288. 68 $18, 901. 24 18, 000. 00 54, 468. 40 Supplementary 1921-22 Arizona: 1920-21 Supplementary 1921-22 15, 174. 15 i 15^ 174. 15 6, 322. 56 6, 322. 56 86,171.76 86.171.76 1 Supplementary Arkansas: 1920-21 Supplementary 41, 696. 01 41,096.01 24, 884. 07 42, 660. 03 1921-22 102, 384. 07 42, 660. 03 57, 026. 85 27, 593. 64 76, 707. 64 77, 500. 00 Supplementary California: 1920-21 57, 026. 85 27, 593. 64 Supplementary. . . 1921-22 $76, 707. 64 31, 961. 52 Supplementary 31, 961. 52 24, 761. 87 Colorado: 1920-21 24.761.87 Supplementary. . 11, 9S1. 55 4, 781. 55 34,067.38 i 34,067.38 14, 194. 74 ! 1, 594. 74 7,218.85 7.218.85 7, 200. 00 1921-22 Supplementary.. 12, 600. 00 Connecticut: 1920-21 Supplementary... . 3, 492. 99 31, 120. 06 12, 966. 69 6, 610. 76 3, 198. 75 3, 492. 99 31, 120. 06 12,966.69 6, 610. 76 1921-22 Supplementary. .. Delaware: 1920-21 Supplementary $3, 198. 75 1921-22. . 7, 161. 04 7, 161. 04 Supplementary.. 2, 983. 77 33, 515. 89 16, 217. 37 42, 912. 22 17, 880. 09 130, 062. 92 62, 933. 67 151, 853. 84 63, 272. 43 16, 062. 34 7, 772. 10 21,911.83 9, 129. 93 135, 791. 35 65, 705. 49 145, 663. 99 60, 693. 33 97, 810. 27 47, 327. 55 101,391 40 42, 246. 42 97, 036. 08 46, 952. 94 107, 064. 29 44,610.12 75, 203. 20 36, 388. 65 80, 641. 37 33, 600. 57 108, 955. 57 52, 720. 44 124, 894. 80 52, 039. 50 72, 860. 91 35, 255. 28 81, 975. 89 34, 156. 62 2, 983. 77 33, 515. 89 :::::::::::::: Florida: 1920-21 . . Supplementary. 16, 217. 37 1921-22. . 42, 912. 22 Supplementary. . 17,880.09 Georgia: 1920-21 . . 130, 062. 92 Supplementary 62, 933. 67 1921-22. . 151, 853. 84 Supplementary. . . 63, 272. 43 Idaho: 1920-21... 16, 062. 34 7, 772. 10 21,911.83 9, 129. 93 81, 600. 00 Supplementary 1921-22. Supplementary Illinois: 1920-21 54, 191. 35 Supplementary. . . 65, 705. 49 1921-22. . 111,600.00 34, 063. 99 Supplementary... . 60, 693. 33 Indiana: 1920-21 . . 80, 000. 00 17,810.27 47, 327. 55 21, 391. 40 42, 246. 42 79, 000. 00 46, 952. 94 107, 064. 29 44,610.12 Supplementary 1921-22. . 80, 000. 00 Supplementary. . . Iowa: 1920-21 . . 18, 036. 08 Supplementary. . 1921-22. . Supplementary Kansas: 1920-21 75, 203. 20 Supplementary. . . . 36, 388. 65 1921-22 80, 641. 37 Supplementary... . 33, 600. 57 Kentucky: 1920-21 108, 955. 57 Supplementary 52, 720. 44 1921-22 124, 894. 80 Supplementary 52, 039. 50 30, 000. 00 Louisiana: 1920-21 40, 460. 91 2, 400. 00 Supplementary 35, 255. 28 1921-22 81, 975. 89 1 34, 156. 62 Statistics of Cooperative Extension Work, 1921-1922. 7 Table 2. — Sources of offset to Federal Smith-Lever funds, 1920-21 and 1921-22, and Federal supplementary extension funds, 1920-21 and 1921-22 — Continued. State. Total. State. County. College Local. Maine: 1920-21 $22, 672. 78 • 10, 970. 70 32, 811. 84 13, 671. 60 40, 024. 78 19,366.83 40, 642. 34 16, 934. 31 15, 142. 20 7, 326. 87 14, 156. 50 5, 898. 54 93, 167. 27 45, 080. 94 99, 942. 63 41, 642. 76 76, 978. 09 37, 247. 46 93, 546. 22 38, 977. 59 99, 868. 30 48, 323. 37 108, 603. 22 45,251.34 119,009.92 $22, 672. 78 Supplementary $10, 970. 70 6, 482. 18 2, 700. 90 1921-22 26, 329. 66 10, 970. 70 40, 024. 78 19, 366. 83 40, 642. 34 16, 934. 31 15, 142. 20 Supplementary Maryland: 1920-21 Supplementary • 1921-22 Massachusetts: 1920-21 7, 326. 87 14, 156. 50 5, 898. 54 1921-22 Michigan: 1920-21 93, 167. 27 Supplementary 45, 080. 94 29, 942. 63 41, 642. 76 1921-22 70, 000. 00 Supplementary Minnesota: 1920-21 76, 978. 09 37, 247. 46 1921-22 93, 546. 22 38, 977. 59 3, 668. 30 48, 323. 37 28, 233. 44 45, 251. 34 Mississippi: 1920-21 96, 200. 00 Supplementary 1921-22 SO, 369. 78 Supplementary Missouri: 1920-21 70, 000. 00 $49, 009. 92 Supplementary. - 1921-22 127, 280. 88 53, 033. 70 15, 241. 71 7, 375. 02 26, 398. 09 10, 999. 20 55, 365. 44 26, 789. 73 26, 005. 83 4, 303. 54 2, 082. 36 4, 353. 41 1, 813. 92 11,022.86 5, 333. 64 11,439.79 4, 766. 58 39. 572. 67 19, 148. 07 47, 182. 54 19,659.39 17,634.90 8, 533. 02 20,690.35 8, 620. 98 121, 120. 72 58, 606. 80 125, 756. 07 52, 398. 36 118, 588. 70 57, 381. 63 144, 904. 04 60. 376. 68 32,277.14 15, 617. 97 39, 129. 34 16, 303. 89 132,042.14 63, 891. 36 145, 850. 04 60, 770. 85 86, 954. 35 18,000.00 20, 000. 00 33 033.70 Montana: 1920-21 15, 241. 71 7, 375. 02 26, 398. 09 10, 999. 20 1921-22 Nebraska: 1920-21 $55, 365. 44 26, 789. 73 1921-22 62, 413. 99 26,005.83 4,303.54 2, 082. 36 4, 353. 41 1, 813. 92 Nevada: 1920-21 1921-22 New Hampshire: 1920-21 11,022.86 5, 333. 64 1921-22 11, 439. 79 4, 766. 58 39, 572. 67. New Jersey: 1920-2i Supplementary. . . . 19, 148. 07 47, 182. 54 17,000.00 17,634.90 1921-22 Supplementary. . . . 2, 659. 39 New Mexico: 1920-21 8, 533. 02 211.11 8, 620. 98 51,000.00 1921-22 20, 479. 24 New York: 1920-21 6,000.00 51, 000. 00 67, 756. 07 52,398.36 118,588.70 30, 000. 00 144,904.04 30, 000. 00 32,277.14 9,999.86 39, 129. 34 16, 303. 89 132,042.14 64, 120. 72 7,606.80 1921-22 58, 000. 00 North Carolina: 1920-21 27, 3S1. 63 1921-22 30, 376. 68 North Dakota: 192(5-21 5,61S. 11 1921-22 Ohio: 1920-21 Supplementary 63,891.36 1921-22 145, 850. 04 60, 770. 85 8 Department Circular 203, U. S. Dept. of Agriculture. Table 2. — Sources of offset to Federal Snith-Lever funds, 1920-21 and 1921-22, and Federal supplementary extension funis, 1920-21 and 1921-22 — Continued. State. Total. State. County. College. Local. Oklahoma: 1920-21 $83, 9S7. 74 40,639.23 104,281.92 43,450.80 22,972.86 11. 115. 90 27,483.26 11,451.36 190,617.70 92,234.37 217,991.59 90,829.83 1, 127. 96 545.79 1,065.88 444.12 81, 07a 00 39,227.88 97,342.99 40, 559. 58 31,862.24 15, 417. 21 37, 45a 87 15,604.53 109,538.56 53,002.53 120,942.42 50,392.68 185, 843. 27 89,924.16 220,676.84 91,948.68 12, 589. 79 6,091.83 16,377.12 6,823.80 11,747.77 5,684.40 16,982.35 7,075.98 99,571.81 48. 179. 91 114, 536. 44 47,723.52 33,699.36 16,306.14 42,578.86 17,741.19 62,370.58. 30, 179. 31 76,676.97 31,948.74 83, 519. 09 40, 412. 46 97, 186. 18 40,494.24 6, 454. 20 3, 123. 00 9, 599. 83 3,999.93 $83,987.74 ""i64,'2si.*92" Supplementary $40, 639. 23 1921-22 Supplementary 43, 450. 80 Oregon: 1920-21 22, 972. S6 Supplementary 11,115.90 1921-22 27, 483. 26 11,451.36 190, 617. 70 11,382.30 188, 000. 00 Supplementary , Pennsylvania: 1920-21 Supplementary 80, 852. 07 29, 991. 59 90, 829. 83 1921-22 Supplementary Rhode Island: 1920-21 $1, 127,96 545.79 1,065.88 444.12 Supplementary 1921-22 Supplementary South Carolina: 1920-21 81, 070. 00 Supplementary 39,227.88 1921-22 97, 342. 99 Supplementary 40, 559. 58 South Dakota: 1920-21... 31, 862. 24 15, 417. 21 37, 450. 87 15,604.53 47, 000. 00 Supplementary 1921-22.... Supplementary Tennessee: 1920-21 62,538.56 53, 002. 53 73,942.42 50, 392. 68 Supplementary 1921-22 47, 000. 00 Supplementary Texas: 1920-21... 185, 843. 27 Supplementary 89, 924. 16 1921-22 220,676.84 Supplementary 91,948.68 Utah: 1920-21... 12, 589. 79 6,091.83 16,377.12 6, 823. 80 11,747.77 5, 684. 40 16,982.35 7, 075. 98 99, 571. 81 32,119.91 114,536.44 47, 723. 52 33, 699. 36 Supplementary. . 1921-22 Supplementary. . Vermont: 1920-21 Supplementary 1921-22 . Supplementary Virginia: 1920-21 Supplementary. . 16, 059. 97 1921-22 Supplementary. Washington: 1920-21 . . Supplementary. 16, 306. 14 1921-22 42, 57S. 86 17.741.19 30, 000. 00 Supplementary West Virginia: 1920-21 32, 370. 58 Supplementary.. 30, 179. 31 19, 700. 00 31,948.74 13, 935. 22 1921-22. . 56,976.97 Supplementary Wisconsin: 1920-21 69, 583. 87 40,412.46 17,505.76 40, 494. 24 6,451.20 3, 123. 00 9, 599. 83 3, 999. 93 Supplementary. . . 1921-22. 23, 175. 24 56, 505. 18 Supplemntary Wyoming: 1920-21 Supplementary. . 1921-22.... Supplementary Total: 1920-21 3, 099, 999. 05 1,500,000.00 3,600,000.00 2, 560, 255. 95 334, 779. 43 2.785.920. 11 309, 224. 17 1,021,295.93 509,643.27 949,095.12 124,917.66 $105,601.27 17,434.95 1 126,489.69 248 046. 10 56, 390. 52 Supplementary 1921-22. . Suplementary 1,500,000.00, 396.952.' 60 225.39 93 727. 03 Statistics of Cooperative Extension Work, 1921-1922. 9 Table 3. — Sources of funds for cooperative agricultural extension work. 1920-1921 and 1921-1922. State. Alabama: 1920-21.. 1921-22.. Arizona: 1920-21.. 1921-22.. Arkansas: 1920-21 . . 1921-22. . California: 1920-21.. 1921-22.. Colorado: 1920-21.. 1921-22. . Connecticut: 1920-21.. 1921-22.. Delaware: 1920-21.. 1921-22.. Florida: 1920-21 . . 1921-22. . Georgia: 1920-21.. 1921-22.. Idaho: 1920-21.. 1921-22.. Illinois: 1920-21 . . 1921-22.. Indiana: 1920-21 . . 1921-22.. Iowa: 1920-21.. 1921-22.. Kansas: 1920-21... 1921-22.., Kentucky: 1920-21... 1921-22... Louisiana: 1920-21 . . . 1921-22... Maine: 1920-21... 1921-22... Maryland: 1920-21 . . . 1921-22... Massac hu- setts: 1920-21. 1921-22... Michigan: 1920-21... 192W22... Minnesota: 1920-21... 1921-22... Mississippi: 1920-21... 1921-22... United States Department of Agricul- ture. Farm- ers' coopera- tive demon- stration work. $35, 000 35, 000 14, 100 13, 800 Other. $3, S00 7,400 25, 000 25, 000 33, 000 5, 100 33, 000 4, 800 21,300 21, 013 24, 600 24,604 19, 200 15, 300 6,600 8,100 19,000 20,000 40, 000 40, 000 24, 900 26,113 3,200 2,100 1,200 2,700 6,980 5,720 10, 6S0 3,720 12, 000 12, 080 15, 000 6, 940 13, 900 2, 940 2,200 11,466 11, 486 35,000 35, 000 35,000 4,140 36,5001 19, 200 19, 200 15, 000 20,000 1,500 23, 400 1, 800 26, 000 11,490 10, 302 14,781 13, 284 35,000 42,000 5,280 1,200 2,800 8,930 4,800 Smith-Lever. Regular. Federal. $121,041 138, 801 18, 863 25, 174 96, 172 112,384 67,027 86, 708 34, 762 44,067 17,219 41, 120 16,611 17, 161 43, 516 52, 912 140, 063 161, 854 26,062 31,912 145, 791 155,664 107,810 111,391 107, 036 117,064 85, 203 90, 641 118,956 134, 895 82, 861 91, 976 32, 672 42, 812 50, 025 50,642 25, 142 24,157 103, 167 109, 943 86, 978 103, 546 109, 869 118,603 State. $111,041 128, 801 8,863 15, 174 86, 172 102, 3S4 57,027 76, 708 24, 762 34, 067 7,219 31, 120 6,611 7,161 33, 516 42,912 130. 063 151,854 16,062 21,912 135,791 145, 664 97, 810 101,391 97, 036 107. 064 75, 203 80,641' 108, 956 124, 895 72, 861 81, 976 22, 672 32,812 40, 025 40, 642 15, 142 14, 157 93, 167 99, 943 76, 978 93, 546 99,869 108,603 Supplementary. Federal. $53, 730 53, 667 4,289 6,323 41,696 42,660 27,594 31, 961 11,982 14, 195 3,493 12,967 3,199 2,984 16,217 17, 880 62,934 63, 272 7,772 9,130 65,705 60,693 47, 328 42, 246 46,953 44,610 36, 389 33, 601 52, 720 52, 039 35, 255 34, 157 10,971 13,672 19, 367 16,934 7,327 5,898 45, 081 41,643 37, 248 38, 978 State. $53, 730 53, 667 4,289 6,323 41,696 42, 660 27, 594 31,961 11,982 14, 195 3,493 12, 967 3,199 2,984 16, 217 17, 880 62, 934 63, 272 7,772 9,130 65, 705 60, 693 47, 328 42,246 46,953 14,610 36, 389 33, 601 52, 720 52, 039 35, 255 34, 157 10, 971 13, 672 19, 367 16, 934 7,327 5,89S 45, 081 41,643 37, 248 38,978 State and college. $38,711 105, 868 63,631 10, 000 10,000 93,754 45, 913 11,075 60 1,100 8,275 202, 201 57, 960 8,000 9,150 15, 180 15, 750 102, 525 181, 856 37,018 41,075 County. 3,940 4,000 46, 593 j 44,066! $28, 099 19, 100 19, 722 44,775 111, 854 100, 000 116,250 146,002 62, 600 61, 500 38, 774 29, 000 1,800 57, 390 71,000 110,656 110,000 137, 532 113,970 318, 405 341,993 60,670 60,972 168, 267 176, 826 109,144 90, 497 Other $600 2,400 23, 75.0 4,706 14, 105 5,000 32, 500 4,510 34, 002 36, 783 50,215 804 3,272 15, 500 31,600 83,6871 238,800 86,419 242,685 | 48 999 '70," 666! 131,' 048 39,022 ( 106,618 37,684 153,702 48,323 48,323 140,000 45, 251 45, 251 87, 355 44, 100 76, 100 294, 500 409, 422 91,011 5,000 8,000 3,200 5,020 600 600 Total. $407, 041 436, 436 133, 837 136, 569 415, 690 437, 888 422, 660 461, 184 185, 188 203, 828 185, 852 212, 137 52, 001 54,355 191,956 230, 859 586, 130 595,972 437, 491 270, 127 739, 397 773, 857 435, 946 462, 176 885, 210 1, 098, 292 393, 012 472, 553 373, 352 440, 870 305, 355 334,001 101, 830 130, 040 207, 377 220, 818 402,625 405, 214 352, 265 5,500 511,222 90, 980 115, 725 492,653 595, 443 490, 314 451, 863 69870—22- 10 Department Circular 203, U. S. Dept. of Agriculture. Table 3. — Sources of funds for cooperative agricultural extension work, 1920-1921 and 1921-1922— Continued. State. United States Department of Agricul- ture. Farm- ers' coopera- tive demon- stration work. Smith-Lever. Regular. Federal. Supplementary. Federal. State. State and college. 'ounty. Other. Total. Missouri: 1920-21.. 1921-22.. Montana: 1920-21.. 1921-22. . Nebraska: 1920-21.. 1921-22.. Nevada: 1920-1921 1921-1922 New Hamp- shire: 1920-1921. 1921-1922. New Jersey: 1920-1921. 1921-1922. New Mexico: 1920-1921 . 1921-1922. New York: 1920-1921. 1921-1922. North Caro- lina: 1920-1921. 1921-1922. North Da- kota: 1920-1921. 1921-1922. Ohio: 1920-1921. 1921-1922. Oklahoma: 1920-1921. 1921-1922. Oregon: 1920-1921. 1921-1922. Pennsyl- vania: 1920-1921. 1921-1922. Rhode Tsland: 1920-1921. 1921-1922. South Caro- lina: 1920-1921. 1921-1922. South Da- kota: 1920-1921. 1921-1922. Tennessee: 1920-1921. 1921-1922. Texas: 1920-1921 1921-1922 Utah: 1920-1921 1921-1922 SIC, 800 11, 149 24,600 29,400 $1,200 3,420 1,500 11,400 4,100 12,300 11,100 10, 125 19, 200 19, 800 15,016 15, 022 , 22, 808i 21,309! 10, 500 12,269 1,805 1,505 3,500 36,000, 20,420 31,6S0 10, r ~~ 25,800 29, 700 9,900 1,500 9, 900 3, 840 34, 000 34,000 23, 400 21, 900 7,500 8,850 32, 800 34, 000 23, 220 . 23,839 4, 10, 000 11,220 5,500 35.000 10,580 37,500 4,260; 59,000 7,400; 59,000 4,500 600| 23, ioo; 18,750 8129,010 137, 281 25, 242 36, 398 65, 365 72,414 14,303 14,354 21,023 21,440 49, 573 57,183 27, 635 30, 690 131,121 135, 756 128, 589 154,904 42, 277 49, 129 142,042 155, S50 93, 988 114,282 32,973 37, 483 200,618 227, 992 11,128 11,066 91,071 107,343 41,862 47, 451 119,539 130,942 195,843 230,677 22,589 26,377 $119,010 127,281 15,242 26,398 55, 365 62, 414 4,303 4,354 11,023 11,440 39, 573 47,183 17,635 20, 690 121,121 125, 756 118, 5S9 144,904 32, 277 39, 129 132, 042 145, 850 83,988 104,282 22,973 27,483 190,618 217, 992 1,128 1,066 81,071 97, 343 31,862 37,451 109,539 120,942 185,843 220,677 12,589 16,377 $57, 585 53,034 26, 790 26, 006 2,082 1,814 5,334 4,767 19, 148 19,659 8, 533 8,621 58, 607 52, 398 57, 382 60,377 15,618 16, 304 63, S91 60,771 40, 639 43, 451 11,115 11,451 92. 234 90,830 39,22- 40, 560 15,417 15, 601 53,003 50,393 89,924 91,949 6,092 6,824 $57. 585 53, 034 7,375 7,375 10,999! 10,999 26, 790 26, 006 2,082 1,814 5, 334 4,767 19, 148 19,659 8,533 8,621 58, 607 52,398 57, 382 60, 377 15,618 16, 304 63, 891 60, 771 40,639 43, 451 11,115 11,451 92, 234 . 90, 830 . 516 444 39, 228 40, 560; 15,417 15,604 53,003 50,393; 89,924' 91,949 S69, 5S5 56, 897 21,980 54, 836 26,065 4,700 6,279 817 28,940 160, 653 170, 582 29,000 17, 501 37,959 45, 251 93,340 10(1, 199 S10, 800 94,500 111,423 80, 505 141, 244 12, 602 27, 573 38, 162 31,680 77, 700 92, 000 60,737 102, 240 3S4,781 445, 879 82, 450 80,000 SI, 782 122,062 62, 597 NO, 779 100, 000 100, 000 64, 100 82,750 SI, 350 13,701 7, 900 3,975 41,400 4,300 12,0X1) 20.000 6,081 6,116 7,800 7,000 7,000 33,583 98, 722 3,000 3,000 10,930 ( 243,455. 10,972 265,450 6,200 5,000 57, 820 38, 764 81,665 164,849 2,188 2,000 .-,,-,0 6,092, 48,450 37,102 3,050 6.824 1 40,799! 29,150.... $376, 540 406,280 247. 339 284, 014 292, 295 400. 340 72,537 64,734 100,076 106, 388 226, 437 251, 523 180, 601 193, 676 970, 290 995, 038 635, 613 543, 222 242,372 290,129 51S.122 611,692 418,054 440, 184 263, 996 311,798 575, 773 627,711 35, 352 36, 670 359, 988 371,070 243,024 403,520 383,664 397,430 8S2,319 975, 1.74 159,664 145, 101 Statistics of Cooperative Extension Work, 1921-1922. 11 Table. 3. — Sources of funds for cooperative agricultural extension work, 1920-1921 and 1921-1922— dontinued. United States Department of Agricul- ture. Smith-Lever. State and college. County. Other. State. Farm- ers' coopera- tive demon- stration work. Other. Regular. Supplementary. Total. Federal. State. Federal. State. Vermont: 1920-1921. 1921-1922. Virginia: 1920-1921. $20, 100 21,500 32,000 33,000 25, 800 27, 312 19, 000 19,000 10,200 10, 200 19, 500 19, 500 $1,300 2,000 2,000 1,860 $21,748 26,982 109, 572 124,537 43,699 52,579 72,371 86,677 93,519 107, 186 16,454 19,600 $11,748 16,982 99,572 114,537 33,699 42,579 62,371 76,677 83,519 97, 186 6,454 9,600 $5, 684 7,076 48, 180 47,723 16,306 17,741 30, 179 31,949 40,412 40,494 3,123 4,000 $5, 684 7,076 48, 180 47, 723 16,306 17, 741 30, 179 31, 949 40, 412 40,494 3,123 4,000 $5,568 14,980 $15,600 15, 600 66,614 73,624 99, 734 142, 131 $21, 025 24,970 10, 510 24,482 $107, 157 135, 166 405, 418 451, 654 1921-1922. Washington: 1920-1921 . 260,026 300,083 1921-1922 West Vir- ginia: 1920 1921 39,000 23, 123 255, 100 1921-1922. Wisconsin: 1920-1921 . 1,058 25,002 91,435 27,060 25,600 24,988 295,421 295,064 403, 210 132,737 120,428 1921-1922. Wyoming: 1920-1921. 1921-1922. 14,355 57,023 38, 128 Total: 1920-1921. 1921-1922. 1, 026, 850 1, 050, 754 174, 495 100, 205 3,580,000 4,080,000 3,100,000 3,600,000 1,500,000 1,500,000 1,500,000 1,500,000 1,617,946 1,390,813 3,727,035 4,388,405 610,416 S87, 183 16,836,742 18,497,360 12 Department Circular 203, U. S. Dept. of Agriculture. Table 4. — Total of funds from all sources for cooperative agricultural State. Ala.: 1920-21 . 1921-22. Ariz.: 1920-21. 1921-22. Ark.: 1920-21. 1921-22. Calif.: 1920-21. 1921-22. Colo.: 1920-21. 1921-22. Conn.: 1920-21. 1921-22. Del.: 1920-21. 1921-22. Fia.: 1920-21. 1921-22. Ga.: 1920-21 . 1921-22. Idaho: 1920-21. 1921-22. 111.: 1920-21. 1921-22. Ind.: 1920-21. 1921-22. Iowa: 1920-21. 1921-22. Kans.: 1920-21. 1921-22. Ky.: 1920-21. 1921-22. La.: 1920-21. 1921-22. Me.: 1920-21. 1921-22. Md.: 1920-21. 1921-22. Mass.: 1920-21. 1921-22. Mich.: 1920-21 . 1921-22. Minn.: 1920-21. 1921-22. Miss.: 1920-21 . . 1921-22. Mo.: 1920-21.. 1921-22. , Mont.: 1920-21.. 1921-22.. Nebr.: 1920-21., 1921-22.. .$407, 041 436,436 133, S37 136, 569 415,690 437, 8SS 422, 660 461, 1S4 185,188 203, 828 185,852 212, 137 52,001 54, 355 191,956 230, 859 586, 130 595, 972 437, 491 270, 127 739, 397 773, 857 435,946 462, 176 885, 210 1,098,292 393,012 472, 553 373, 352 440, 870 305, 355 334, 001 101, 830 130, 040 207, 377 220, 818 402, 625 405, 214 352, 265 511, 222 492, 653 595, 443 490, 314 451, 863 376, 540 406, 280 247, 339 284, 014 292, 295 400, 340 Itemized. $18, 510 22, 370 8,744 10, 675 31,181 30, 464 28, 300 22, 700 12, 990 14, 530 20, 201 12, 580 14, 996 14, 954 10,540 15, 878 36, 100 42,100 31, 260 14, 565 15, 247 13, 700 15, 755 10,601 30,100 29, 140 16, 939 15,212 27, 006 24, 720 19, 050 16, 700 15,060 16, 442 24, 480 21,384 18, 820 21, 240 14, 850 16, 450 20, 487 30,060 15,200 14, 790 15,040 13,042 10,344 9,598 15,945 18,9801 $4,000 4,000 1,300 1,000 6,000 5,000 1,200 3,600 8, 400 1,000 3,696 3,600 10,000 10,000 3.600 2,300 4,000 4,947 2,500 2,800 11,400 12 800 5, 837 6,000 4,100 5,000 6,850 800 800 4,500 3,500 4, 340 4,953 3,000 5,000 6,840 8,000 7,500 7,500 6,520 8,000 3,500 4,300 8,880 9,840 $208, 310 217, 336 35, 802 61,950 200, 965 220. 124 292, 920 320, 265 105, 864 1U7,8'J4 42,300 46, 906 15,720 15,880 91, 137 109, 215 272, 222 284,972 154,365 129, 920 569, 250 591, 500 302, 568 333, 107 589, 300 029, 495 222, 550 287, 130 132,036 236, 944 146. 125 158, 041 49, 590 54, 498 81, 667 98, 734 110,252 117,577 169, 721 268, 142 349, 208 1 406, 639 224, 142 204,840 202, 720 212, 764: 132, 890; 150, 362 159,440 226, 830 $117,271 122, 927 17,400 22, 775 133, 844 135, 440 62, 588 65, 715 13, 280 16, 350 37,651 34, 580 3,000 71,261 85,906 1S5, 608 164,600 50, 768 24, 000 91,200 80,600 23,665 14,500 95, 020 159,056 44,863 31, 625 108, 260 64, 216 76, 410 75, 750 17, 090 30, 070 54, 380 54, 180 95, 846 93, 763 38, 912 29, 822 49, 880 45, 940 137, 042 130, 499 49, 754 63,580 39, 050 35,500 30,500 25,200 $4, 930 9,300 12, 241 6,450 27, 880 32, 940 23, 130 30, 080 26, 200 28, 410 12,650 12, 650 7,460 4,910 6,900 9,300 62,059 35,380 27, 700 28, 510 17, 798 17,018 51, 500 94, 420 23,400 19,02S 24,440 20, 740 12, 450 11,550 7,040 7,400 8,040 6,760, 101,114 107, 056| 46, 287 64, 672 23, 260 45, 930 29, 950 24, 294 18,200 11,410 11,950 21,100 26, 120 37,290 $3, 720 12,060 12,300 $1,600 7,380 1.000 2,450 600 1,000 1,000 $5, 240 10,200 $1,700 2,000 4,480 8,340 3, 850 9.030 3,682 7,320 17, 850 11,180 20, 860 18,000 13, 800 2,900 2,540 6, 710 16, 300 15, 300 6,300 25, 280 8,810 i4,'240 1,200 S,680 8,440 7,120 10,420 9,040 4,600 1,200 4,400 800 800 2,500 2,300 1,395 2,310 940 3,100 9,300 14,244 8,100 8,700 17, 100 8,160 7,100 8,750 12,600 10, 800 14,900 16,000 7,600 8, 150 13, 200 15, 020 6,840 10, 700 1,850 1,850 3,800 3,900 6,150 3,820 8,500 13, 500 7,450 4, 600 11,900 4,270 15,600 11,500 4,350 6,200 3,440 4,020 4,200 4,140 3,800 4,200 $3,960 8,500 9, 120 2,700 2,300 3,900 3,900 7,680 10, 650 13, 340 17,980 3,400 3,800 9,400 11,540 4,760 7,910 2,720 3,020 3,400 3,600 5,835 5,680 7,600 4,900 4,850 5,840 3,800 3,490 8,350 8,450 3,900 4,900 7,140 7,760 4,500 5,720 5,250 6,040 6,600 6,600 7,740 4,380 7,000 5,000 11,580 10, 260 12, 200 16,920 6,S00 7,200 12,100 5,800 7,040 7,350 3,140 3,440 3,500 3,600 I 6,718 2,280 12, 970 15, 680 11,000 11,590 6,940 8,400 fti 4,230 2,840 3,220 Statistics of Cooperative Extension Work, 1921-1922. 13 extension work for two years ending June 30, 1922, by projects. Itemized. i as CD < a o 3 a hi be < o B 3 hi o w ft . >> 03 o o m 3 >> fto os-g s a I". 32 s ft d CD o s hi O M a CD _. Ml at o % d S a CD M 03 d a a a 03 d "d OS so hi o "ca hi a « ti c o 03 ■V d 03 CO 3 M o 3 •S ~CO hi CO 03 CD O d CD ■a ^ d © o 22 co O CD ° f-i hi o o A ft 3-2 OK 3 "5 a-; *3 a CO S $2,550 i 2,550 $4,140 5,000 $6,970 9,580 $1,060 1,200 82,900 2,820 $3,360 5,100 $3,300 4,000 $10,040 11,100 $7,200 6,953 $50,820 25,000 $150 8,719 4,380 4,380 1,800 1,800 3,200 4,200 4,330 4,470 6,000 7,350 20,920 20,100 $2,500 4,800 1,200 3,972 3,200 3,664 4,390 4,650 #,750 5,230 10,600 5,800 16,400 8,370 4,924 8,114 4,650 10,210 3,650 3,000 3,750 3,675 2,150 2,530 1,500 4,000 600 10, 121 1,035 1% 480 3,600 4, .500 4,800 5,100 8,510 3,000 ' 3,650 3,500 700 400 16,000 11,940 11,015 7,900 9,500 9,120 9,900 14,300 17,750 7,150 10,800 3,500 11,400 6,750 7,600 11,700 4,380 4,260 4,500 6,000 7,020 6,720 15,100 22, 780 1,750 3,800 6,700 7,500 16,080 9,550 6,800 4,300 14,800 13,500 11,700 5,000 5,000 4,500 3,558 11,850 6,030 34,860 14,760 3,900 38,911 8,007 5, 500 7,500 6,540 6,480 10,200 10, 540 3,850 4,151 9,600 6,290 6,840 6,420 3,590 3,750 3,600 3,300 9,700 7,120 10, 770 8,580 4,700 4,400 4,950 8,431 4,850 4,300 $3,850 5,580 8,100 7, 9S0 $3,950 $20,090 22, 150 3,500 5,900 8,160 8,500 3,600 1,200 3,000 2,850 4. 300 6,100 5.20 1,000 3,740 5,440 3,740 3,440 3,800 5,065 5,000 18, 075 23,950 1,400 3,470 6,630 7,100 11,985 16, 550 13,300 12,750 2,340 2,180 10, 750 11,000 4,325 7,150 1, 900 [ 6,400 ; 6,980 3,060 4,300 780 340 5,800 3,080 3,880 425 5,780 6,060 300 1,900 1,400 3,900 50 3,050 200 430 125 450 150 4,400 9,400 5,185 0,400 5,200 5,600 6,898 4,824 I" 10,425 4.750 500 5,090 3,050 3,595 100 6,060 14, 800 18,100 2,000 1,820 5,850 16,786 7,560 4,170 4,325 3,724 10,000 7,830 3,690 4,580 21, 470 21, 290 1,400 500 19, 780 19, 500 4,150 4,600 3,900 6,680 4,440 8,440 8,400 2,950 fi 70(1 7,016 4,200 4 snn 1,000 1,000 700 14,400 8,000 3,500 1,900 1,900 7, 790 4, 300 . 5. 200 8,500 8,300' 5,380 1 4,520 19, 200 14 Department Circular 203, U. S. Dept. of Agriculture. Table 4. — Total of funds from all sources for cooperative agricultural Nov.: 1920-21.. 1921-22. . N. H.: 1920-21.. 1921-22.. N. J.: 1920-21.. 1921-22.. N. Mex.: 1920-21.. 1921-22.. N. Y.: 1920-21.. 1921-22.. N.C.: 1920-21.. 1921-22.. N. Dak.: 1920-21.. 1921-22.. Ohio: 1920-21. 1921-22. Okla.: 1920-21 . 1921-22. Oreg.: 1920-21. 1921-22. Pa.: 1920-21. 1921-22. R.I.: 1920-21. 1921-22. S. ('.: 1920-21. 1921-22. S. Dak.: 1920-21 . 1921-22. Term.: 1920-21. 1921-22. Tex.: 1920-21. 1921-22. Utah: 1920-21 . 1921-22. Vt.: 1920-21 . 1921-22. Va.: 1920-21. 1921-22. Wash.: 1920-21. 1921-22. W. Va.: 1920-21. 1921-22. Wis.: 1920-21. 1921-22. Wyo.: 1920-21. 1921-22. Total: 1920-21. 1921-22. Itemized. $72, 537 64, 734 100, 076 106, 388 226. 437 251, 523 180, 601 193, 676 970, 290 995, 038 635, 613 543, 222 242,372 290, 129 518,122 611,692 418,054 440, 184 263, 996 311,798 575. 773 627,711 35, 352 36, 670 359, 988 371,070 243,026 403, 520 3S3, 664 397, 430 882,319 975, 174 159,664 145, 101 107, 157 135, 168 405,418 451, 654 260, 026 300,083 255, 100 295, 421 295, 064 403, 210 132, 737 120,428 16,836,742 951,185 18,497,360 1,009,817 $7,064 7,100 10, 129 13,810 15, 494 17,310 13, 291 13, 191 28, 347 21,315 19, 730 22, 562 24,385 31,260 47, 690 42, 530 23, 560 26, 160 20, 772 33, 037 23, 758 49, 090 4, 333 2,787 24,340 25,920 12, 222 28,870 31,330 32, 233 31,390 34,914 12,514 13, 600 7,807 11,918 29, 030 30, 430 is. 27 1 24,400 24,505 23, 979 19,005 is, ."HI 11,470 12, 042 S3 O. MS $300 •II « i 1,600 1,600 2, 000 3,000 3,064 3,432 29, 900 30, 840 12,725 13, 325 4,250 500 8,600 9,800 2,456 9,302 3,000 5,500 8,810 20, 700 648 507 4,700 5,400 3,247 4,000 11,454 12,594 13, Kill 16,650 600 2,000 500 1,500 8,814 15,170 2,000 2,000 6,870 '.1,910 11,628 11,790 600 1,200 245, so: 309, 283 $31,433 29, 214 49,007 43, 298 94, 312 95. 791 110,050 120, 380 452, 968 429, 444 271,488 255, 817 127.7ri5 153,650 248,240 307, 490 193, 899 228, 166 138,224 149, 955 276, 399 310, 927 15,253 16, 526 91, 250 103, 950 158,742 291,279 151,046 194,363 415.107 500, 680 80,500 72, 128 54, 025 55,645 210, 573 238,349 128, 100 152, 157 107, 704 120, 009 142, 467 243,845 56,603 60,658 8, 466, 219 9,670,786 S P 315, 360 13, 728 17,320 22, 256 4.3, 314 41, 548 16, 055 19, 035 187, 329 198, 771 158,090 150, OSS 24. 172 22, 900 40, 926 39, 510 130, 800 109, 995 25,375 23, 490 98,062 75,662 7,498 8,700 12S, 662 104, 332 11,055 11,260 136,144 106,320 191,735 181,920 32,900 22, 756 22, 670 25,090 95, 101 91, 739 36, 742 28, 430 37, 700 39,028 20, 532 9, 985 26, 670 24, 604 $11,080 8,092 14, 940 17, 121 40, 134 46, 826 24, 936 22, 813 74, 020 65, 622 $7, 400 39, 338 23,100 33.495 47, 350 43,140 58,580 17,800 16, 630 32, 025 42, 141 12,650 17,900 6,940 7,100 7,870 8,470 23,590 18, 350 4,300 4,710 5,150 8,300 19, 750 3, 150 15, 375 25, 1251 s.3so 9,200 36,330 38,080 23,821 41,265 11,820 13, 435 28,864 13,834 $55, 308 7,200 16, 100 13, 200 "7 "266 7,100 14,980 1,000 1,000 1,210 2,000 3,600 3, 600 4,360 1,470 8,060 8,060 4,155 13,145,75511,109,109 2,980,741, 1,21 1,092 0, 500 '8,'350 13,335 ( 2 ) 386,979 $3,900 $5,100 5,040 19, 630 18, 280, 27, 770 26, 100 3,900 4.200 7,480 S,8S0 16, 330 15, 280 5, 100 4,675 4,450 IS, 550; 14,180 1,700 2,000 7,730 7,680 S, 050 9,300 3,975 4,450 17,S00 16, 500 $3,400 3,700 3,460 4,005 7,650 7,880 7,275 6,750 13,800 3,400 8,960 13,100 4,400 5,300 9,550 8,975 32, 389 30, 752 680 S, ,833 2, 125 14 250 13,2071 3,925 12,457 4, 000 9,000 4,300 11,660 3,670 12,400 4,050 13.500 7,600 12,180; 7,650 1,000 4,100 9,390 9, IKK) 7,000 7,820 3,800 4, 400 7,947 5. 700 12, 597 4,275 650 450 139,293 329,024 81,684 321,132 4,400 8,540 9,060 9, 550 9,200 330 850 7,900 11,360 4, 000 4,300 3,917 6,600 5,500 5,040 2,960 3, 209, S62 237,385 1,850 3,060 5,528 13,300 12,060 6,080 8,400 5,600 5,300 13,810 17,153 2,160 304, 013 297, 200 » Includes home economics specialists, 1920-21. Statistics of Cooperative Extension Work, 1921-1922. extension work for two years ending June 30, 1922, by projects — Continued. 15 Itemized. 9 a 1 1 s o a o So H 3 u o H P a p. • ■a 8 s l o 0} Po 1o £ 3 1* o a> «l o P s o -a o P3 s '5b c CD 3 ^ ;£ * "£> M • 1 M 03 3 6 3 03 jo 03 1 cS bo Ui o "3 bo ■a 03 '3 3 CO 3 CD s U 03 CD CD CD ■o ^ 3 CD o£ p- a en O CO ° M Lh o O i w 3.2 O w CD^ B o3 s $2,500 S3, 620 4,298 S3, 805 4,165 22,800 4,500 4,800 $4, 650 4,980 * 12. 700 9,900 i $1, 083 11, 848 4,000 4,360 5,440 3,340 40, 010 7,200 5,400 6,300 17, 320 1 3, 510 17,000 15,100 1,400 1,400 14, 660 27, 490 15, 740 14, 025 6,400 3,200 1,450 11,879 11,980 3,700 4,400 4,975 4,850 10, 540 11,050 816, 730 21, 485 3,600 4,000 1,500 1, 500 3,700 3,500 $ 13, 250 13, 720 6,300 6,750 3, 500 S4, 525 4,565 5, 200 3,550 $12, 865 10, 870 7,600 2, 750 13, 820 14, 670 4,000 $9, 775 4,610 1 2,583 66, 608 $ 15,830 4,830 4,100 7,500 19, 010 8,330 2,505 150 1,319 3,192 4,300 11, 460 10, 260 3,200 7,600 3,700 3,700 26,600 $ 28, 585 29, 585 $3, 660 4,560 4,780 1,837 $600 600 2,989 3,900 S, 775 4,750 19,000 18, 000 531 4,475 4,400 7,590 4,575 1,250 10,000 13, 900 13, 750 16,600 5. 300 1,100 4,300 17, 234 18, 050 1 9, 000 - 7, 700 10,000 1,050 5,320 4,800 9,067 13, 357 5,520 4,700 4,700 4,510 12, 000 14, 640 1,650 509 600 6,400 2,125 45, 600 37, 200 2,166 600 6.966 3,445 4,000 4,800 4,000 4,400 4,000 5,320 4,200 82 400 8,360 4,800 145, 550 145, 400 1,200 4,330 24, 890 21, 550 11, 747 9,250 9,640 "T~" ] 12,500 400 a. 700 75 800 3,850 1,400 3,375 23, 667 520 925 10, 620 12,58 3,600 5,525 8,000 6,700 5,978 9,610 2,870 4,130 2,450 2,450 3,400 4,240 4,000 4,600 5, 267 4,650 17,489 18,328 2,360 3,760 2,400 3,000 3,200 4,000 2,050 200 200 6,100 7,000 3,300 2,000 2,000 2,900 SfiOO 4,100 3, 600 4. 300 6,541 7,699 4,000 1,843 6,270 14, 050 1,200 2,750 5,896 6,710 1,950 4,130 11,184 14, 435 3,975 3,625 200 100 100 1 i 60, 255 39, 675 257, 608 330, 840 248, 262 274, 984 109, 519 97, 165 117,900,98,911 86, 480 65, 610 12, 555 122, 124 16, 890 139, 850 183, 063 152, 928 47, 694 23, 160 449, 640 367, 370 32, 630 18, 180 39, 455 44, 235 33,890 31, 160 156, 140 236, 538 » Included under home demonstration work, 1920-21. 16 Department Circular 203, U. S. Dept. of Agriculture. Table 5.— Funds available for cooperative agricultural extension work, classified by original sources. Sources of funds. 1914-15 1915-16 1916-17 1917-18 Federal Government: Farmers' cooperative demonstra- tion work $905, 782. 00 105, 168. 40 $900,389.92 165, 172. 01 $958,333.87 185, 893. 15 $951,333.82 507, 282. 95 2,949,072.48 2,068,066.29 Other bureaus Federal Smith-Lever— Regular 474, 934. 73 1,077,923.73 1,575,054.38 Total 1,485,885.13 2, 143, 485. 66 2, 719, 281. 40 6, 475, 755. 54 Within the State: State and college — Offset— Smit.h-T,nvpr . 497, 484. 18 872,733.90 952, 114. 31 832, 114. 16 1 313 330. 47 Other 1,044,270.38 '881,091.25 Total 1,044,270.38 1,370,218.08 1,784,228.47 2 194 421 72 County- Offset— Smith-Lever. .' 69,226.79 973, 251. 56 94, 556. 74 1,258,296.14 215 077.20 Other 780, 331. 79 1.863,632.29 Total 780, 331. 79 1,042,478.35 1,352,852.88 2,078,709.49 Miscellaneous: Offset— Smith-Lever 31,212.76 48,383.33 244, 873. 55 59,658.62 494,219.38 Other 286, 748. 55 276 786. 09 Total 286,748.55 ' 307,998.85 i 293,256.88 553 878 00 Total within the States 2,111,350.72 1 2, 720, 695. 2S 3,597,235.85 4,864,180.94 3, 430, 338. 23 6,149,619.63 4, 827, 009. 21 11 302 764.75 Grand total Sources of funds. 1918-19 1919-20 1920-21 i 1921-221 federal Government: Farmers' cooperative demonstra- tion work $966, 596. 57 935,373.64 4, 598. 243. 13 2, 538, 828. 04 $1,021,091.39 406, 020. 96 $1,026,850.00 174, 497. 00 $1,050,754.00 100,205.00 Other bureaus Federal Smith- Lever- Emergency Regular 4,464,344.36 3, 580, 000. 00 1,500,000.00 4,080,000.00 1 500,000 00 Supplementary Total 9, 039, 041. 38 5,891,456.71 6, 281, 347. 00 6,730,959.00 Within the State: State and college — Offset- Smith- Lever 1,586,066.42 2,630,754.55 2,685,173.61 352, 214. 38 1,617,945.00 3 033 966 00 Supplementary •457,178.00 Other 901, 828. 49 1,244,465.72 1.390,813.00 Total 2, 487, 894. 91 3, 875, 220. 27 4 655 332.99 4 ssi Q. r »7 nn County- Offset— Smith- Lever 316, 367. 59 1.095,923 84 309, 224. 17 1,021,295.93 3, 727, 035. 00 509,643.00 Supplementary 949 095 00 Other 2,291,209.30 2, 865, 739. 87 1,388,405.00 Total 2, 607, 576. 89 3,961,663.71 5, 057, 555. 10 5 N17 143 00 Miscellaneous: Offset- Smith- Lever 156,394.03 257, 665. 97 105,601.27 126 489.69 56,391.00 OS 727 no Supplementary Other 370, 653. 29 672, 073. 26 610 416 00 i 887 183 00 Total 527,047.32 929, 739. 23 842 506 96 1 037 301 00 Total within the States 5,622,519.12 14,661,560.50 8,766,623.21 14,658,079.92 10,555,395.05 11,766,401.00 16 836 742.05 -is -*Q7 3fin n Grand total 1 Allotments. Statistics of Cooperative Extension Work, 1921-1922. 17 Table 6. — Number of counties with agents. Alabama Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut Delaware Florida Georgia Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire. . New Jersey New Mexico New York North Carolina. .. North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Khode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas Utah Vermont Virginia Washington West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming Total 32 67 14 75 45 63 8 3 54 152 44 102 92 99 io:, 1 20 64 16 24 14 84 86 81 115 51 93 17 10 21 26 57 ion 51 88 77 36 67 95 250 29 14 100 39 55 71 21 3,011 Counties with men agents. 53 X>s 62 7 01 17 10 8 2 37 117 11 22 10 26 53 45 42 9 23 11 30 16 53 15 12 8 6 9 10 11 11 69 1 20 62 14 45 4 40 13 57 92 15 13 53 22 45 22 13 1,436 3 2 oo n 68 33 29 8 3 53 120 27 53 83 97 07 00 58 1 22 13 71 85 79 71 23 79 8 10 17 25 56 91 r;s 63 77 2- 5? 4? 5< 91 178 28 13 1. 2, 435 32 o:, n 35 27 8 3 47 134 32 63 76 99 53 71 55 16 23 13 63 86 75 52 24 54 4 10 18 26 55 87 32 65 70 23 40 4 4 36 76 168 22 13 71 29 48 41 13 32 51 53 41 10 22 II oo 8? 71 4 27 39 6 9 is 22 55 r 28 63 73 26 54 4 45 39 45 127 21 12 57 32 40 42 14 2,247 2,033 :.o 61 38 16 23 11 60 83 50 59 28 46 ■ S 10 10 19 55 59 36 79 71 20 02 4 42 41 38 128 18 13 61 29 31 47 15 2,046 Counties with women agents. 33 350 32 36 430 537 32 07 3 65 21 7 8 3 54 1 25 24 1,715 1,019 32 30 31 10 1 3 28 66 5 11 3 21 7 19 25 10 17 9 10 7 35 14 7 T 6 5 7 4 28 47 2 7 30 G 3 36 1 20 38 3 6 23 7 8 1 6 784, 699 1 According to the agricultural census of 1920. Table 7. — Kind and number of extension workers, 1917-1922. Kind of agent. Julvl, 1917. Julv 1, 1918. Jan. 1, 1919. July 1, 1919. Jan. 1, 1920. Julyl, 1920. Jan.l, 1921. July 1. 1921. Dec. 1, 1921. COUNTY AGENT WORK. South. Directors and State leaders . . Assistant State leaders and 29 55 888 66 27 80 1,156 142 26 73 1,114 148 29 79 1,124 177 29 69 916 151 29 62 869 158 29 62 831 157 31 58 861 154 32 56 County agents and assistants. Local agents (colored) • 870 148 Total 1,038 1,405 1,361 1,409 1,165 1,118 1,079 1,104 1,106 North and West. Directors and State leaders. . . Assistant State leaders County agents and assistants. 33 25 563 36 203 1,357 31 91 1,291 33 78 1,288 31 78 1,108 31 65 1,145 31 63 1,165 28 65 1,224 26 74 1,230 Total 621 1,596 1,413 1,399 1,217 1,241 1,259 1,317 1,330 18 Department Circular 203, U. S. Dept. of Agriculture. Table 7. — Kind and number of extension workers, 1917-1922 — Continued. Kind of agent. COUNTY AGENT WORK— COn. United States. Directors and State leaders.. Assistant State leaders County agents and assistants. Local agents (colored) Total. HOME DEMONSTRATION WORK. South. State leaders Assistant State leaders and district agents County agents Local agents (colored) City agents City agents (colored) Total North and West. State leaders Assistant State leaders. County agents City agents Total United States. State leaders Assistant State leaders and district agents County agents Local agents (colored) City agents City agents (colored) Julv 1, 1917. 62 80 1,451 66 1,659 Julv 1, 19i8. 63 283 2,513 142 3,001 33 I 513 57 883 175 83 19 566 1,231 Jan. 1, 1919. 57 164 2,405 148 2,774 Julyl, 1919. 62 157 2,412 177 2,! 77 722 134 04 15 1,027 47 47 602 107 S03 34 47 462 109 Total. 20 33 533 7 61 104 1,485 175 190 19 49 124 1,184 134 173 15 82 763 250 50 7 1,165 34 41 43°, 101 47 123 1,196 250 151 7 2,034 j 1,679 j 1,774 Jan.l, 1920. Julvl, 1920. 60 147 2,024 151 2,382 29 43 214 11 60 127 2,014 158 2,359 77 564 74 730 28 29 242 10 Jan. 1, 1921. 60 125 1,996 157 2,338 71 508 67 Julvl, 1921. 59 123 2,085 154 2,421 73 483 84 28 23 245 11 307 116 810 51 11 106 S06 74 10 1?, 753 67 11 30 19 242 13 304 92 725 84 13 1,032 | 1,039 959 Dec.l, 1921. 58 130 2,100 148 2,436 67 485 75 641 31 25 243 3 302 92 728 75 3 943 BOT8' AND GIRLS' CLUB WORK. South. 24 18 21 41 32 40 34 36 31 31 67 44 64 21 37 26 38 27 Total 55 85 65 105 53 77 60 74 58 North and West. 30 33 130 27 134 935 29 95 256 23 89 469 28 73 230 26 66 273 28 58 213 25 58 170 29 Assistant State leaders 60 153 Total 193 1 , 096 380 581 331 365 299 253 242 United Stales. 54 33 161 45 1,002 50 95 300 64 SI) 533 60 73 251 384 66 66 310 62 58 239 61 58 20S 327 60 Assistant state Leaders 60 180 Total 248 1,181 445 686 442 359 300 SUMMARY OF TOTAL. 1,659 593 248 3, (Mil 2,034 1,181 2,774 1,679 445 2, sos 1,774 686- 2,382 1,032 384 2,359 1,039 442 2,338 968 359 2,421 959 327 3,707 2, 436 Home demonstration work. . Boys' and girls' club work — 913 300 2,500 6,216 4,898 5,26s 3,798 3, 840 3,665 3,679 o LIBRARY OF CONGRESS DD027fl2a3E5