Glass__jL: C (fo^ l Book - ^0 \F Copyright}]? COPYRIGHT DEPOSnV A SPECIAL STUDY OF THE INCIDENCE OF RETARDATION BY LOUIS B. BLAN, Ph.D. TEACHERS COLLEGE, COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY CONTRIBUTIONS TO EDUCATION, NO. 40 PUBLISHED BY JSmti^tXB CCnUfgp, (ttnlumbia ImuerBttc NEW YORK CITY 1911 MvMu^iupil V Copyright, 1911, by Louis B, Blan C^CI.A2Z-7 P^r cent of the children are above normal age for their grades means little. Far more satisfactory conclusions could be drawn were the age- grade tables of at least a few of these cities printed in full so that the student could see plainly the nature of the respective dis- tributions. Mr. Ayres agrees that the discrepancy between the two cities, Medford, Mass., and A/[emphis, Tenn. (colored) which two represent the extreme cases, would not be so great were the computations made on the same basis. It is question- able if he is entirely correct in assuming that even if the data were gathered on a truly comparable basis the record of Medford would still be the best and that of Memphis, the worst. In this connection it is well to remark that only in a few city school systems can one obtain the individual record or so-called lo A Special Study of the Incidence of Retardation history cards dating back more than five years. ^ In Medford, Mass., these records are obtainable and the superintendent en- forces the age-standard with unusual severity ; five years being taken as the normal age for a first grade pupil. In all probability this attitude explains in part the excellent showing made by this city, only 7.5 per cent of the pupils being classed as above normal age. As a result of a laborious study of the rates of progress of pupils through the grades, Mr. Ayres has quarried out certain facts. His data show "that for every pupil making rapid pro- gress there are from eight to ten making slow progress and for every term gained by the rapid pupils from ten to twelve are lost by the slow ones." But Mr. Ayres is not at all careful in distinguishing between the retarded pupil and the repeating pupil. For example, in his third chapter treating of the factors affect- ing grade distribution, Mr. Ayres discusses the factor of retarda- tion solely on the basis of percentages of promotion. If, as he maintains, the pupils who are "over-age" at the time of en- trance to the first grade make the quickest progress and by "skip- ping" grades soon catch up to the normal-age pupil, it follows that the percentages of repetition and retardation in the early grades would show an inverse correlation. In this case, if the complete records were obtainable the figures showing repetition could be used as a check on those of retardation directly for those pupils who are of normal age and indirectly in the case of the "over-age" pupils in question. Quite often where there is a considerable increase in the num- ber of pupils promoted and a corresponding decrease in the num- ber left back to repeat the grade one or more times, the percent- ages above normal age may show only slight reduction. This was the case at the end of the school year 1908 in Philadelphia. Superintendent Cornman reported in June, 1907, 37.1 per cent as being- above normal age and in June, 1908, 36.8 per cent, a difference of only 0.3 per cent in spite of the marked increase in percentages of promotion and decrease in percentages of " hold-overs. "- The writer found it quite impossible to utilize the percentages of retardation of the pupils in the eighth grades to check up ^ In Plainfield, N. J., full history cards are kept, dating back twelve years and over. ^ See first paragraph, pagip '^ Critical Review of the Important Contributions 1 1 the percentages of the repeating pupils in these grades. Chart I shows the percentages of eighth grade pupils repeating one or more times during their entire school life. Chart II represents the amount of retardation in per cents of these same pupils who ere now in the eighth grade. Pc/rc-B'n is. qo 80 Pe/r-'^e>n^s. So lo 10 to 50 i>0 So 40 to )o io 1 C,l/s^ MY. Pa6. Ehz Ph £0. C,i>e.= //Y. Pai. Elu Flo 10 Chart i. Percentages of eighth grade pupils repeating one or more times during entire school life Chart 2. Percentages of re- tardation in the eighth grades : assuming 13 years to 13 years II months inclusive as the nor- mal entrance age to the eighth grade In New York City (one district) whereas 65 per cent of the eighth grade pupils repeated one or more times during their en- tire school life, 71 per cent of those in this same grade were "over-age" for grade, assuming 13 years o months to 13 years 11 months inclusive as the normal entrance age to the eighth grade ; in Paterson 55 per cent of the eighth grade pupils repeated one or more times, and 40 per cent were found to be "over-age." In Elizabeth and East Orange the contrasts were very marked indeed. In the former the writer found only 29 per cent of re- peaters as against 62 per cent of retarded pupils, and in the lat- ter city, 38 per cent of the repeaters with yy per cent retarded. In Plainfield the maximum of repetition was found, 90 per cent, and 78 per cent of the eighth grade pupils were above normal age for grade. ^ The foregoing comparisons prove beyond question that it is by no means correct to use the terms repetition and retardation interchangeably. Such confusion of terms can only lead to seri- ^ Explanation of these excessively high percentages is found on page 86. 12 A special Study of the Incidence of Retardation ous error especially when the percentages of repetition are mere- ly theoretical estimates based on the number of probable be- ginners, e.g., Mr. Ayres' method of determining the number of repeaters by finding what per cent the pupils in a given grade is of the probable number of beginners in the school. But, as Professor Thorndike points out, Mr. Ayres' unpar- donable error is his assumption that from the sixth grade on, the frequency of repetition is zero. His elimination and retarda- tion figures being derived on this basis, show up much too high for grades one to six and much too low for grades six and over. Mr. Ayres in determining the number of repeaters in the elementary grades, of a given system takes the "average of the generations of the ages seven to twelve in the school membership of the system" as the number of probable beginners and uses this average as the base in such estimations. A single instance will suffice to show how far wrong Mr. Ayres' method may lead one in estimating the relative frequency of non-promotion in the grades. According to this method the assistant superintendent of schools, Cleveland, Ohio, reckons the repeaters in the schools of his city for 1908-09 would be distributed as follows:^ First grade 5,260 pupils repeating Second grade 2,216 Third grade 2,243 " Fourth grade i-Si? " Fifth grade 823 Sixth grade o " Seventh grade o " Eighth grade o " Total 12,059 " " On actual investigation, however, the true figures were found to be thus distributed: First grade 3,364 punils repeating Second grade 1,274 Third grade 1,235 Fourth grade 1,086 Fifth grade 797 Sixth grade 474 Seventh grade 320 Eighth grade 103 Total 8,653 ' Educational Review. June, 19 10. Critical Review of the Important Contributions 13 N-ote, then, whereas Mr. Ayres figures that 20.2 per cent on the total registration repeated grades in the Cleveland schools during the school year, in reality the percentage of repeaters is only 14.5 per cent. His method shows an excess of 56.4 per cent on the actual number of repeaters in the first grade ; 73.9 per cent more in the second; 81.6 i)er cent more in the third; 39.7 per cent more in the fourth ; 2)-2) per cent more in the fifth ; and to- tally neglects the number of repeaters in the sixth, seventh, and eighth grades. In the Educational Reznciv, February, 1910, Professor E. L. Thorndike, of Teachers College, reviewed Mr. Ayres' book, pointing out its many valuable features. Compliment is paid the author for his having avoided certain common errors, e.g., the neglect of the inverse correlation of physical defects with age and the effect of the school entrance age upon the rate of progress therein. Many important relations, however, which could have been determined from the individual records of the New York City pupils are mentioned by the reviewer and the author is severely criticised for such omission. For example, Mr. Ayres says nothing concerning the typical rate of progress and the variations from this rate for, say lA pupils, at the age of six, seven, etc. He neglects to ascertain the correlations be- tween failure of promotion in a given grade and failure of pro- motion in subsequent grades ; between failure of promotion in two or more grades and retention in other grades, e.g., comparing the sixth and seventh grades with the fourth and fifth grades with respect to the extent of non-promotion in the third grade. This sort of comparative grade study is well worth while, the result- ing correlations being integral in measuring the underlying causes of failure. The only serious attempt to gauge the comparative lengths of the different grades of the elementary school is found in a criti- cal study made by Professor Thorndike and published in the January and February numbers, 1910, of the Psychological Clinic, under the caption, " Promotion, Retardation and Elimination." Professor Thorndike carefully examined the school reports of over one hundred cities and towns and from the statements of the number of promotions by grades recorded therein, he has ascertained with a reasonable amount of accuracy the relative lengths of the various grades of city school systems in general. 14 A Special Study of the Incidence of Retardation Actual percentages of pupils who fail based on the grade enroll- ment at the end of the year are found and in order that the in- vestigator may conveniently elicit from these figures the extent to which the grades are of unequal length, the ratios of these per- centages to the average for grades two to eight are computed. It was advisable to use as the base grades two to eight rather than one to eight on account of the considerable variability among cities in the proportion of failures in the first grade. Tables II and IV in Professor Thorndike's study show the dis- tribution of non-promotion in grades two to eight. Table II reports on fifteen cities of which thirteen have complete data. Table IV records thirteen other cities treated in Mr. Ayres' in- vestigation. Selecting from these two tables the cities with com- plete data and only those having eight yearly systems, the follow- ing two groups may be formed wherein similar tendencies prevail : GROUP A Proportion which the Percentage of Pupils enrolled at the End of the Year who fail of Promotion, is of the Average of such Percen- tages for Grade 2 to the last Grammar Grade, inclusive, in the City in Question. Grades Manhattan, N. Y, Chester, Pa Providence, R. I. , Wilkesbarre, Pa . . Elgin, Ind Pasadena, Cal. . . . Jamestown, Va. . .48 ■93 •99 •45 .41 •25 .64 •49 •50 .61 •59 .70 .01 98 85 78 40 99 00 68 .09 •93 .21 •71 .00 .88 .82 •99 •38 •35 . II •05 •93 .61 I .09 I .09 I .49 I .41 1^15 I .03 •97 1 .09 1 .62 .85 2 .22 1.36 1-35 2 .00 Grades Brooklyn, N. Y. . Fort Wayne, Ind Columbus, O. . . . Philadelphia, Pa. Chicago, 111 Wheeling, W. Va Springfield, O . . . San Francisco, Cal Cincinnati, O. . . . ^•52 2 .13 2.17 1 .24 2.25 2 .08 I .40 .89 1 .82 GROUP B (Same) .91 .87 •59 I .07 I ^13 1.25 1. 18 I .09 I .20 3 .96 •94 •93 I .02 •94 i^i3 I .32 I .24 I .20 •995 1.05 I .20 .96 .88 I .46 1. 18 1. 16 I .20 5 .105 .22 .09 .19 •13 .42 •03 .16 •94 I .14 .84 I .0=; .96 1 .06 •54 1.25 I .09 7 1 .215 1 .08 1 . 12 .90 1 .00 .88 .81 .81 Of the sixteen cities recorded above, the seven in Group A show the average length of the first four grades to be less than the average length of the last four grades ; and the nine in Group Critical Review of the Important Contributions 15 B .show the reverse. The larger number in the second group is easily explained. The average weights all grades equally and as the first grade in nearly all cases is exceptionally long and the last grade in many cases rather short, several of these cities should not properly be classed in this group. The comparison would be far truer were these extreme grades eliminated. Thus comparing the averages of the lengths of the fifth, sixth, and seventh grades, one is enabled to get a more correct estimate of the relative lengths of the lower and upper grades of the city school systems in question. Groups A^ and B^ show then more accurately in average per cents how the three lower grades compare in length with the three higher grades. GROUP Ai Average of Proportions which the Percentage of Pupils enrolled at the End of the Year who fail of Promotion in Grades 2, 3, and 4 as compared with such Averages in Grades 5, 6, and 7 is of the same Base: the Average of such Percentages for Grade 2 to last Grammar Grade inclusive. Manhattan, N. Y. Chester, Pa Providence, R. I. Wilkesbarre, Pa . , Elgin, Ind Brooklyn, N. Y . . Fort Wayne, Ind Columbus, O. . . . Chicago, 111 Pasadena, Cal. . . Grades 2, 3, and and 4 5, 6, and 7 92 I .06 66 1-13 •71 1 .02 •50 1.08 .78 I .07 .96 i-iS •95 I. OS .91 1 .09 .98 1 .06 •94 •95 Wheeling, W. Va . . Springfield, O San Francisco, Cal. Cincinnati, O Jamestown, Va. . . . GROUP Bi (Same) Grades 2, 3, and 4 5, 6, and 7 Of equal average length in : Philadelphia, Pa I .23 I .16 I .20 .87 •95 I .03 I .02 .90 .80 If the lengths of the grades may be taken as criteria of the relative difficulty of these grades the upper grades are unquestion- ably more difficult than the lower. From the statistics of the entire fifteen cities gathered by Professor Thorndike, the central i6 A Special SUidy of the Incidence of Retardation tendencies in the records of non-promotion figured as percent- ages of the June enrollment are as follows •} Grades 234567 8 Medians 12.25 14.00 14.75 16.00 14.25 15.00 12.50 Combining the records of these cities with those found in Mr. Ayres' report: Grades i 234567 8 Medians 160 95 94 99.5 109 102 99.5 89 The progressive increase of non-promotion up to the sixth grade is plainly the tendency. The smaller percentages in the sixth, seventh, and eighth grades must not be taken to imply that these grades are less difficult than the earlier grades. In all probability a large number of the failing pupils in the fifth grade leave school and go to work and for those that remain, the seventh grade would seem to again function as the final selective force. Certainly if all the pupils who failed of promotion in the fifth grade remained long enough to struggle through the sixth, seventh, and eighth grades, these grades would show very much larger percentages of non-promotion. The writer found upon careful examination of the individual records of 3,865 grammar grade pupils in five city school systems that the grade distribu- tion of non-promotion showed plainly a progressive increase of non-promotion from the first grade till the eighth grade, the seventh grade in all five cities recording the highest percentage of retention. The assumption then that very few pupils who reach the upper grades fail of promotion and repeat the work of the grade is wrong. The facts demonstrate that the retarding force in the grammar grades is certainly no less than in the pri- mary. It is justifiable to assume that the conditions discovered in the five cities treated in the present retardation study outline the gen- eral tendency. In this connection the reader is referred to Chap- ter XIX in the forthcoming 1910 report of the Commissioner of Education, written by Professor G. D. Strayer, of Teachers Col- lege, Columbia University. This chapter in so far as it touches on retardation is a summary of a statistical study soon to appear in a special bulletin issued by the Bureau of Education. It dis- cusses the retardation and elimination of pupils as the result of ^Psychological Clinic, Jan. 1910:240. Critical Review of the Important Contributions 1 7 a study of three hundred and nineteen cities of varying size in all sections of the United States. The conclusions are based on an age-grade census. The normal age is defined as six to eight for the first grade, seven to nine for the second, eight to ten for the third, and so on. Professor Strayer prefers to take the larg- est age group as a measure of the number entering school during the year for which the data were secured. He argues the reli- ability of this estimate of the entering group as opposed to the customary average of the ages seven to twelve. Wherever the actual number of beginners could be determined the latter meas- ure has proved too small. The tables expressing the frequency of retardation of boys and girls show the wide variability among cities. The sexes are dis- tributed in the following manner : Quantity: Per Cent of the Total Frequency: Number of Cities Number of Boys Boys Girls Per Cent No. of Cities Per Cent No. of Cities 6 2 \ 2 8 9 5 ^ 16 10 7 1- 19 12 9 J 12 3 J 14 S 1 14 7 1 16 if-ii 16 11^28 18 S J 18 10 J 20 9 I 20 , 22 S r 22 22 20 }■ 46 24 8 I 24 14 J 26 14 1 26 25 28 17 [42 28 231-67 30 19 J 32 26 1 32 2 34 17 [ 66 34 18 J- 56 J 42 9 J 6 23 J 36 17 J 38 26 1 38 22 1 40 i6J-65 40 i8}-49 42 44 21 1 44 46 121-51 46 3 1- 19 48 18 J 48 6 J 50 8 ] 50 5 52 5 (• 18 52 54 5 J 54 3 J 56 3l 56 5 58 2 ;• II 58 7 i- 13 60 6 J 60 I J A Special Study of the Incidence of Retardation Quantity: Per Cent of the Total Frequency: Number of Cities Number of Boys Boys Girls Per Cent 62. . . 64... 66. . . No. of Cities 68, 70. 72. 74 4 4 \ 9 I J il 4 \ 6 I J Per Cent 62. . 64... 66. . , 70. 72. 74. No. of Cities n 3J 4 oj 5 I ^ 1 The mode ranges in the case of the boys from .32 to .42 ; whereas for the girls the modal range is from .26 to .36. These percentages show plainly that boys in general tend to be more retarded than girls. The theoretical age-limit allowing in each grade one year on the normal age assumed in the subjoined study accounts for the low percentages of retardation as compared with those of the five eastern school systems. Median percentages indicating the distribution of boys and girls retarded i year, 2 years, 3 years, 4 years and over, again show that the boys are more frequently retarded. The cities are classified by population as follows : Population " Over-Age " Pupils Total Percent- ages " Under- age " Pupils One year Two years Three years Four years and over One year and more Boys Girls Boys 10 Girls Boys Girls Boys Girls Boys Girls Boys Girls 25,000 and over (133 cities) .... 20 18 9 5 3 2 I 38 32 4 4 Less than 25,000 (186 cities) .... 20 18 1 1 8 4 3 2 I 38 36 4 S Professor Strayer advises the separate sex classification in the study of the problem of retardation. He advocates the formation of " special classes for the bright, the slow, the backward, and the deficient." Special opportunity should be afforded those ^o pro- gress in direct proportion to their ability instead of compelling the monotonous repetition of the same work over and over again. It is significant that even assuming a rather liberal theoretical age-limit, in more than two-thirds of the cities considered, over Critical Review of the Important Contributions 19 thirty per cent of the boys are retarded. The excessive retarda- tion in the schools of many cities throughout the country de- mands scientific consideration. If we would acclaim the principle of equal opportunity in our public schools, the relative amount of withdrawal, year by year and grade by grade, must be reduced. This necessitates primarily a decrease in the percentage of retarded pupils and a corresponding increase in the number accelerated. CHAPTER II NEW YORK CITY (One District) 1,312 CASES The present chapter concerns the retardation of elementary school pupils only, in one school district of New York City.^ The study was made during the months of October and Novem- ber, 1909 and P'ebruary, 1910. A method of investigation was used which enables one to measure the incidence of retardation, so as to estimate with some exactitude the amount of it in each grade. The cases studied are confined to pupils who began school in the kindergarten or the first grade of the school in which they now are. The district selected is a suburban one. The six schools con- sidered range in registry numbers from 400 to 1,500 pupils ap- proximately. Such selection was made solely on the basis of convenience and of close personal acquaintance with the facul- ties of the schools. The method employed in studying the 1,312 initial starters in this district will serve as the plan of treatment in the subsequent chapters devoted to the study of the cases recorded in the other four cities. The Migration of Pupils As a preliminary consideration it is worth while to note the following tabulated comparison by grades of the net results of the eflfect of the migratory tendency plus the tendency to enter the grades beyond the first. A rather poor statistical measure, yet interesting in this case, is the range in per cent of the effect of the migratory tendency in the various sections of a school district. It is seen in Table I to be from 22 per cent to 62 per cent, i.e., whereas in School F the pupils who are now in the grammar grades and whl^ entered the kindergarten or the i A grade represent about one-fifth of the present total register in these grades, in School A there are, ^ This chapter was published as a special article in the Educational Review, June, igio. Some changes have been made in the text. Table 6 has been added and sex distributions are shown. 20 New York City {One District) i,ji2 Cases 21 subject to the same conditioning factor, more than three times as many. The 78 per cent in the one case or the 38 per cent in the other would represent the migration from other schools plus the number of those who were admitted as absolutely new pupils in or beyond the second grade. As a matter of fact the number of such absolutely new admissions is unquestionably TABLE 1 Per Cents of Initial Starters ' Schools A B C D E F Aver. Grades per cent per cent per cent per cent per cent per cent per cent 8B 60 26 60 44 45 27 43-7 8 A 57 34 45 30 50 6 37-0 7B 62 32 46 38 36 17 38.5 7 A 56 17 29 31 42 17 32 .0 6B 64 44 43 19 58 40 44.7 6 A 51 46 7^ 25 43 1 1 41 .2 sB 59 S3 71 24 49 17 45-5 5 A 72 58 48 66 51 17 52.0 4B 81 TOO 56 4 5 46 40 61.3 4A 58 91 60 50 63 26 58.0 Average 62 50 53 3 7 48 22 45-3 ' The quotients obtained by dividing the numbers of pupils in each grade, who entered the school in which they are at present enrolled in either the lA grade or in the kinder- garten, by the present total register of the grade in which they now are, are changed to per cents. SO small that it is scarcely worth considering. Taken generally the net results obtained by subtracting the per cents given from 100 per cent show quite accurately the migratory tendency pre- valent in the district studied. Considering the 7 A grades in aggregate one notes that the min- imum of 32 per cent, and in all the 4 B grades the maximum of 61.3 per cent show similarly the wide range in grade distribution of those who originally entered the lowest grade of school. Or more generally in grades 6 A and up through 8 B, on the average 60 per cent of the registered pupils have been received mostly by transfer from other schools to, or have been admitted as new 2 2 A Special Study of the Incidence of Retardation pupils in grades beyond, the i A grade. On the other hand in grades 5 B and down through 4 A there is a decrease of 25 per cent on that rate, showing 45 per cent as not having entered the initial grade of the school in which they now attend. The Age-Grade Relations of the 1,312 Initial Starters The actual numbers of pupils in the grades of the six schools are shown, segregated according to ages, in Table 2. The age of each individual is given in years only and represents the en- trance age to the present grade. In the last column of Table 2 the numbers of retarded pupils are changed to per cents. TABLE 2 Six Schools. Age Distribution. Aggregate 1,312 Cases Grade 7 or less 8 9 10 1 1 12 13 14 15 16 17 or more Total Abov mal No. eNor- Age Per cent 8B 28 27 19 7 2 83 55 66 3 8A 2 13 24 23 3 65 50 76 9 7B I 14 33 30 10 8 96 81 84 4 7A I 4 18 ii 18 15 4 2 95 72 75 8 6B 20 40 39 29 7 3 138 118 85 5 6A 2 45 41 30 17 9 I 145 98 67 6 5B I 24 50 47 23 13 6 164 139 84 8 SA I 4.2 48 36 13 7 4 I 152 109 71 7 4B 26 61 47 34 13 7 2 19c 164 86 3 4A 1 16 48 55 35 13 II 5 184 119 64 7 Total 1,312 Case.'^ Assuming 9 years to 9 years 11 months inclusive as the nor- mal entrance age in grade 4 A, had no pupils been delayed in en- tering school or held back thereafter in the six schools considered, in general it may be said that 66.3 per cent of those in 8 B who entered their respective schools in the first grade, are " over-age " ; 76.9 per cent in 8 A; 84.4 per cent in 7 B, etc., to 64.7 per cent in 4 A. Taking 6 years to 6 years 1 1 months inclusive as the nor- New York City {One District) 1,312 Cases 2; mal entrance age to grade i A, 7 years to 7 years 1 1 months inclu- sive to grade 2 A, 8 years to 8 years 1 1 months inckisive to grade 3 A, 9 years to 9 years 11 months inclusive to grade 4 A, etc., the writer is following the usual custom. In reality the modal entrance age in the schools of the particular district studied, as shown hy Table 2, is almost seven years, probably 6 years 10 months or thereabouts. Percentages of "over-ageness" as stated in the last column of Table 2 are therefore too high. Taking 10 years to 10 years 11 months inclusive as the normal age of a jiupil entering the fourth grade, these percentages for 8 B through 4 A would reduce to t^^.J, 40.0, 50.0, 41. i, 56.5, 39.3, 54.3, 40.1, 56.8, 34.8, respectively. The accompanying graph illustrates in per cents the modes, maxima and minima, of retardation by grades in the various schools : 8B 8A 7B 7A 6B 6A 5B 5A 4B 4A 64 -80 62 i.S 74 ■85 75 80 I cm Chart 3. Scale ^—^^-^ 10 per cent. 24 A Special Study of the Incidence of Retardation Table 3 shows in full the approximate modes by grades, de- viations from these modes and average deviations. TABLE 3 Retardation in Per Cents. Based on Entrance Age to Present Grade Schools A B C D E F Ap- pro X. Mode Deviations from Mode Aver. Dev. A B c D E F Grades per cent per cent per cent per cent per cent per cent per cent per cent per cent per cent per cent per cent per cent per cent 8B 73 71 88 43 73 90 50 70 + 3 + 18 — 27 + 3 + 20 20 15-2 8A 98 77 50 73 100 75 + 4 + 23 + 2 —25 — 2 + 25 13. S 7B 92 96 74 64 100 67 80 + 12 + 16 —6 —16 + 20 — 13 13.8 7A 77 67 80 100 69 40 70 + 7 — 3 + 10 + 30 — I — 3C 13.5 6B 86 97 81 100 78 so 80 + 6 + 17 + 1 + 20 — 2 —30 12.7 6A 66 68 62 75 74 100 7 5 — 9 —7 — 13 — I + 25 9.2 sB 93 88 74 88 83 100 85 + 8 + 3 — II + 3 — 2 + 15 7.0 SA 67 89 52 79 75 100 75 —8 + 14 —23 + 4 + 25 12.3 4B 90 83 76 100 95 7 5 85 + 5 — 2 — 9 + 15 + 10 — 10 8.5 4A 66 80 54 45 70 40 60 + 6 + 20 —6 — 15 + 10 2C 12.8 The sex distributions of retarded pupils in the grades 4 A through 8 B are shown in the following table and comparative charts. The plain type in each square numbers the boys graded according to entrance age to present class ; the numbers of girls are printed in italics in the upper part of these same squares. The last column in Table 4 indicates the ratios in per cents of the boys above normal age to the total number of boys in their respective classes and the figure above in each case indicates the ratio in per cent of the "over-age" girls to the total number of girls. A statement then such as the following may be made: Whereas 65.1 per cent of the total number of male initial start- ers now in grade 8 B are above the assumed normal age 13 years to 13 years 11 months inclusive, 67.5 per cent of the total number of female initial starters now in this same class are thus graded " over-age." However, in only three grades, 8 B, 6 A, and 5 B, are there larger percentages of retarded girls than boys. Charts 4 a and 4 b illustrate plainly the tendency in this New York City district. The median for the ten grades in the case of the 665 boys is 79.0 per cent ; and for the 647 girls it is 75.0 per cent. New York City {One District) i,ji2 Cases 25 TABLE 4 Six Schools. Age-Grade Table Showing Sex Distribution Boys in plain type. Girls in italics. Grades 7 or less 8 9 10 II 12 13 14 15 16 17 or more Total Abov mal No. e Nor- Age Per cent 8B 15 12 15 10 9 3 4 2 40 43 27 28 67-5 65.1 8A 2 6 7 70 14 6 17 2 I 41 7,? 32 75 -o 78.0 7B I I 2 2 6 i6 17 J4 16 3 7 5 3 47 49 J5 43 6'o.p 87.8 7A 17 7 17 16 10 8 7 8 5 I 2 52 43 39 33 75 -o 76.7 6B 10 10 z6 24 21 ^4 15 4 3 3 ^5 73 55 63 86.3 6A 2 19 26 25 16 17 8 6 7 7f' 75 5^ 47 72. P 62 .7 5B I 7 17 26 24 26 21 77 12 5 8 3 7P «5 7-r 68 80.0 5A I 32 10 21 27 22 14 5 8 6 I 7 3 I 9 00" C/2 &-( ^ > Hi| l-H f-t ^ (N M M *"* C) 1 w 1-1 w 1 0) M M M u-> U-V Q '^ M « M M ro j M M M CN ro ^ 1 N cs W 1 CD 1 10 1 rt 1 ro 1 m 1 " " ■* 1 ro ^ '-* IN IN M ID < N l-t ro M M M C>l M M NO in < in 'o 'Si t/) 0) 5" <; NO tD < < "3 H 28 A Special Study of the Incidence of Retardation of their entrance to the i A grade ; 46.2 per cent in 8 A ; 59.4 per cent in 7 B, etc., to 41.3 per cent in 4 A. In all the grades from 4 A to 8 B inclusive, the percentages range from 40.7 to 59.4. The fourth and sixth grades show minimum percentages of initial "over-ageness" ; the fifth and seventh, maximum per- centages. Referring to Table 2 one notes that the present per- centages of "over-ageness" in the fifth and seventh grades are larger than those in the other grades. The natural tendency is to conclude that a large proportion of such "over-ageness" is the result of original "over-ageness" at the time of school en- trance as recorded in Table 6. For example, one is inclined to say that out of the 66.3 per cent of "over-age" pupils now in 8 B, 48.2 per cent were " over-age " at the time of entrance to the I A grade. This is by no means correct for the forty pupils in the one case do not of necessity refer to the same 40 individ- uals out of 55 who are now graded as " over-age " in 8 B. Where- as the same groups are referred to, it was found impossible under the present circumstances to handle the individual records of these pupils so as to afii'ord an explanation of the exact amount of present "over-ageness" due to initial "over-ageness." All that one is justly entitled to say concerning these percentages of pupils above normal age as recorded in Tables 2 and 6 is that these percentages in both cases are relatively high. It is probable then that a large proportion of these present "over-age" pupils were " over-age " at the time of their entrance to the i A grade, in so far as there are at present in the 8 B grade only 83 initial starters of which 40 were above normal age when they began school and 55 are "over-age" now. Table 7 shows the initial age-grade records of the 1,312 cases distributed according to sex, and the appended charts illustrate graphically the "over-age" boys at the time of their entrance to the I A grade as compared with the " over-age " girls. From Table 7, of the boys who remain through the fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh, and eighth grades about 50 per cent were over 6 years 11 months when they entered the lA grade; of the girls, about 46 per cent. In this district then the boys re- maining in all the grammar grades who entered the first class of the school in which they now are, show larger percentages New York City {One District) 1,312 Cases 29 "a; < > '-^ q CO ^ CN •-^ d f LO ro 6 -' t ^ rO'O Oo Ov r^jod ^ ro CDs d 12; VD -1- ^ o> Co CM M CM ro CM ro ^ CN Oo Os I- r^ ro 1^ M Os ro CM ro c C r 1 t/3 tv. CM ro ir-, ro ly-i 0, LO t^co Oo vO Os OS 0\ >o Oo ON l^ ir, ^ so u u m u X ~< l-c w •^H M "^ (N 1-1 ro -^i ro CM -T ^ -3- 1-1 n r^j ro <^ ro 1-1 N Q Q ro M ►-H M " 1-1 M 1-1 tN c^ M i~i ro w 1-1 'l- 1-1 ro CN CM (N "^ ro 1-1 M CM M >-( w r^« 1-1 (N m C\J M tM « r--) ro 1-1 w ^ -*• r^« r^ rvj ij~j ro ^0 ir^ ro CM vO C~^ (N <; " l~( M <5 ro ^ ^ <^ ro T- ro r^ -t ^ •* ^o "-. '^ t Os IN c^ ro •73 U a; c/2 fa P4 ►-< " Q CM « 1-1 n ■^u-, fa ^\) »-< ■* ►^ (N CM CM •^ rn M t^ ^ •^ ro CM 04 >J~) Wj CM (N 1 Q (\1 C< Cg M 1 M r<-j Ov CM n 1^,00 CM cs 'q-o ■s> LO (V^ U-, ir^O ^ t^ {^ 01 r^ LO vo M r»-) r^ 03 0) CM ro ►~( CO CM M \J- t- Ln t^ T LO \o ^ Lr, t^ 'q- ■* <^C0 C^Tl- < r^ « 1-1 rr -i i-i (^ LO NO ro 10 so 1 >-< X fa CN Q >~l (N 1-1 M w Q « i~i H M ■^GO fa >!- IN 1-1 ro ►^ J~) ro Co » r<~) ro Q CM « -< (M M K, K, W '^ ro 1-1 0» c\j M LT) M r^vO CM 00 CM M CJ c^ o\ <^ n-) "■^O tv. M U-^ LT; CM 00 1^ IN 1-1 0\ ►~i H M Oq r^ ( ffi ■-I '^ -+ ii ro r^« Oo 1- -1 1-1 n >-1 ^ (N t^OO Os 1-1 1 00 < ^ M CM t^ ir-i « i-r^ 0) Xi Go t^ ro Oo CO " 1-1 M CM 00 OsOO fa ^ Q " - >-, « ^ t-l " ►-1 W i^u-, I fa w i~i 1-1 r1 « " '-1 C\] ro 1-1 -rt M Q ►~, w l-l 1-1 " " CM H ►-I •-, lOjSO K, M ►-( M i~l c^ CM M ••I M ••^ HI -0 -1- ^ Hi CM w LO ^ CO PQ >-^ M -1 M Lr^LTj ^ (N NO LO <; »-( HH >- ^ M 1"^ ro CM n 1-1 M •**, M U~)VO Lr-, t^ 1-1 CM Tf CM N I/) lU bo < 1 tr. 1) V- CO CO pa 10 < li-0 pa -t < 13 30 A Special Study of the Incidence of Retardation CIh < < u 1, C3- h: -° - -1 -< iQ 'XI 1 £ -=c iQ ^ < Pi < o New York City {One District) 1,312 Cases 31 of initial "over-ageness" than the girls. At the same time one notes in Table 4 that these boys now in the grammar grades tend to be more retarded than the girls. In the eighth and seventh grades, the median percentage for "over-age" boys (Table 4) is 77.4; for "over-age" girls it is 75.0; whereas from Table 7 the median percentages of initial "over-ageness" of boys and girls for these same grades are 58.1 and 44.6 respectively. Other things being equal these figures would indicate the probability that the selected boys who reach the high grades and are retarded, are so more as a result of their initial "over-ageness" than is the case with the retarded girls. Charts 5 a and 5 b show clearly that in the matter of " over- ageness" at the time of school entrance boys are considerably more variable per grade than girls. The Incidence of Retardation The second part of this chapter is devoted to the measurement of the relative frequency of non-promotion in the different grades. Each pupil was asked to state in what grade or grades he had been kept back for a second term. In the event of the pupil's inability to remember accurately, a note was made of such inability and recourse was had to the record card filed in the office of the principal. Such action was necessary in 2)^ out of 1,312 cases and the writer was particularly fortunate in ob- taining full records of same ; for it was noted that in the majority of cases the record cards of the upper grade pupils did not show in full their history since their entrance into grade i A. The records usually read back only as far as 1904. This explains why it became necessary to visit each and every class in grades 4 A through 8 B in the six schools in order to obtain direct from the pupils the information sought. This information was checked up by the records when possible. In the first place an endeavor was made to ascertain the fre- quency of non-promotion of those pupils now in the grammar grades including 4 A and 4 B. The figures in Table 8 a show how many pupils of the initial starters who had reached any given grade from 4 A on, in the 32 A Special Study of the Incidence of Retardation six schools, had been "held back" once, twice, three times, etc. Converting these figures to per cents for purposes of comparison, we have Table 8 b. These figures do some of the pupils an in- justice in that no allowance was made in the case of those pupils who failed in a given grade but "skipped" a grade either previ- ously or thereafter. TABLE 8a Six Schools. Aggregate 1,312 Cases Left Back 4A 4B SA 5B 6A 6B 7A 7B 8A 8B None 78 68 42 67 45 41 30 40 17 36 One 64 53 54 41 36 40 23 27 23 20 Two 25 35 36 38 42 39 26 24 17 21 Three 9 20 10 IS IS 13 8 5 7 2 Four 4 7 6 3 7 5 S I 3 Five or More 4 7 4 3 I Total Left Back 106 122 no 97 100 97 6S 56 48 47 Total Cases 184 190 152 164 145 138 95 96 65 83 TABLE 8b Same Converted to Per Cent Equivalents Left Back 4A 4B 5 A sB 6A 6B 7A 7B 8A 8B per cent per cent per cent per cent per cent per cent per cent per cent per cent per cent None 42 36 28 41 31 3c 32 42 26 43 One 35 28 36 25 25 29 24 28 35 24 Two 14 18 24 23 29 28 27 25 26 25 Three 5 1 1 7 9 10 9 8 5 II 2 Four 2 4 4 2 5 4 5 2 4 Five or More 2 4 3 3 I Total Left Back S8 65 74 59 69 70 67 58 74 56 Nciv York City {One District) 1,312 Cases 33 The opinion has been expressed by many of the teachers and principals questioned at the time of the investigation that the so-called " average " pnpil, mentally, does reach the 8 B grade but is left back at least twice during his or her school life. The use of the expression "average" pupil is confusing, to say the least. Whether or not those who enter i A and pass through 8 B in the same school are of average ability, the fact is that almost one half of these pupils are never left back at all ; one fourth, once ; one fourth, twice ; 2 per cent, three times ; 4 per cent, four times ; and i per cent, five times or more. The me- dian evidently would be somewhere in the "one-time" group. These same data are distributed according to sex in the fol- lowing tables. The charts compare eighth grade boys and girls with respect to promotion and repetition during their entire school life. TABLE 9a Pupils Repeating and Non-Repeating During Entire School Life Boys in plain type. Girls in italics. Left Back 4A 4B SA 5B 6A 6B 7A 7B 8A 8B None 40 36 33 3^ 1 1 35 32 21 24 17 24 19 1 1 i& 22 7 10 15 21 One 33 31 28 25 29 25 21 20 18 18 17 23 10 13 13 14 12 1 1 12 8 Two II 19 16 17 19 18 20 23 19 22 17 15 1 1 13 1 1 4 13 II 10 Three 3 6 7 13 5 5 5 10 6 9 5 8 5 3 2 I 6 / I Four 3 4 3 4 3 2 5 4 I 2 c I 2 Five or More 3 I I 6 I 3 I 2 I Total Left Back 51 55 59 63 56 54 44 53 49 51 48 49 33 32 29 27 17 31 25 22 Total Cases 89 95 94 96 S7 65 79 85 70 75 65 13 52 43 47 49 24 41 40 43 34 A Special Study of the Incidence of Retai'daiion TABLE 9b Same Converted to Per Cent Equivalents Boys in plain type. Girls in italics. Left Back 4A 4B 5A sB 6A 6B 7A 7B 8A 8B >J per cent per cent per cent per cent per cent per cent per cent per cent per cent per cent per cent None 42.7 42.1 37-2 34-4 35-6 16.9 44-3 37-6 30.0 32.0 26.2 32.9 36.5 25.6 38.3 46.9 29.2 24.4 37-5 48.8 34-4 36.9 One 37-2 32.6 29.8 26.0 33-3 38.5 23-5 25-7 24.0 2<5.2 31-5 ip.2 30.2 27.7 28.6 50.0 26.8 30.0 18.6 37-5 22.6 Two 12.4 14.7 20.2 16.7 19.5 29.2 22.8 23-5 J2.p 25-3 23-3 28.8 25.6 27.7 22.4 16.7 31-7 27-5 23-3 27.4 Three 3-4 6.3 7-4 13-5 5-7 7-7 II. 8 12.0 '7-7 II. p.<5 7.0 6.4 4-1 4.2 14.6 2-5 2-3 3-1 8-3 Four I.I 3-2 4-3 3-1 4.6 3-1 0.0 3-5 2.9 6.7 6.2 1-4 3-8 7.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 2.4 2-5 4-7 i.<5 3-6 Five or More 3-4 I.I I.I 6.3 I.I 4.6 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 /.p 4.7 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 2-3 0.0 I .2 Total Left Back 56.2 57-9 62.8 65.6 64.4 83.1 55-7 62.4 •/o.o 68.0 67.1 74-4 61.7 55-1 7o. vO -o o On NO ffi o IT) ON NO t NO o vO 00 ro l^ NO t-I O •NO Six Years ^.^ •^ IN ^ On U-) •—1 'S- 00 lO OO t^ i^ - CO 0^ 00 " O M NO ffi OO o 00 IN o Tt vO On m 1 vO O u >^ > w O (N l-H IN in •— > hH " ^ o 1^ H- 1 -i O 1-1 M 1 OO NO CM r^ 1-1 O 1-1 M On On l<-^ IN o u W ■;v; 0) 1 rr^ M ^ •* 0\ 1^ CV-, CO O r^ CM M ►— > 1 o o 1-1 M CM CO '^t'O '^ CO i~i ro 1-1 H 1— I i-s 1-1 r^ C > \^ N Ol 1-H CN W~) UO CM CN VD NO 1 > 1-1 (N K:, NO 1-1 M CN-)NO C^OO CM N h-l H t~o t^l -* t>0 (X) Oo P) On Oo r-- CM CO w H IN CM 00 CM ,o (^ o y^ O ■^nO CM r<0 1-. C/2 w W-^ IN t^ lO CM IN VD ro ^M CM H 1—) r^M '^^ •^M ^ ~H O 1-1 H c»-; (N O M O M 1 > 1-1 O o o o o 1-1 -i o o o cv^M S M ■^ CO CM H CM H 1-1 M O r- H O o o ^ O CM •~i o ^ O CO bJD < r/5 'o o ha W c >
  • (7) c Grand Total Grades No. Left back Total Prom, and Non- Prom. Eighth 8 13 3 3 6 7 5 5 50 142 Seventh 24 9 8 5 8 1 1 15 80 193 Sixth 30 25 24 13 9 10 III 244 Fifth 77 49 41 33 29 229 405 Fourth 46 37 24 19 126 259 TABLE 19b Same in Per Cents LTsing Total of Promoted and Non-Promoted as the Base Eighth Seventh Sixth Fifth Fourth Third Second First Grades per cent per cent per cent per cent per cent per cent per cent per cent Eighth 5-6 9.2 2 .1 2 .1 4.2 4.9 3-5 3-5 Seventh 12 .4 4.7 4.1 2.6 4.1 5-7 7.8 Sixth 12 .3 10 .2 9.8 5 -3 3-7 4.1 Fifth 19.0 12 .1 10 . 1 8.1 7.2 Fourth 17.8 10.4 9-3 7-3 Aver. 5-6 II .0 7-3 " -5 10.5 8.5 6.6 6.3 52 A Special Study of the Incidence of Retardation The progressive increase of retardation till the sixth grade is manifest in the bottom row of average percentages, Table 19 b, computed in the manner explained in the preceding chapter on page 36. The distribution curve in the case of the school children of Elizabeth would show two distinct high levels, one in the fifth grade and the other in the seventh. It is reasonable to suppose then that a large number of pupils are eliminated in the difficult fourth and fifth grades and that those pupils who remain find little trouble in accomplishing the sixth grade work but are sub- jected to the final selective test when they enter the seventh grade. The successful seventh grade scholars then pass into the easy eighth grade, from which nearly all at the close of the year are permitted to graduate. Comparing percentages of eighth, sixth, and fourth grade pu- pils with respect to their records of failure in the third grade. Table 19 b shows : Third Grade per cent In eighth grade 4.9 In sixth grade 5.3 In fourth grade 10.4 Approximately twice as many pupils in the fourth grade as compared with either the sixth or eighth grade are left back in the third grade. In grades eight and six about i in 20 were "held over" in the third grade, whereas of the fourth grade pupils as many as i in 10 failed in the lower grade. The relative amounts of retention in the third grade of the eighth and seventh grade pupils and those of the fifth and fourth grades are: Third Grade Third Grade per cent per cent In eighth grade 4.9 In fifth grade 10. i In seventh grade 4.1 In fourth grade 10.4 Median 4.5 Median 10.3 In fine, then, it may be said that the fourth or fifth grade pupil is left back in the third grade more than twice as often as the eighth or seventh grade pupil. The fact that the fourth, fifth, and seventh grades in this city school system are the most difficult for the children who have gone through them, is undeniable. The high percentage of repetition in the seventh grade indicates this grade to be the ultimate selective force. Those who just survive the fourth and fifth grades, were they to remain, would most probably be "held over" again in the seventh grade if not elim- inated altogether. CHAPTER IV PATERSON, N. J. 1,246 CASES The five schools of Paterson, N. J., reported in this chapter furnished records of 1,246 initial starters. Only the grammar grade pupils are considered and these are tabulated as in New York City in half-yearly grades. The "A" classes, however, are the upper and the "B" classes the lower grades in the Paterson school system. School O with 1,500 pupils registered represents the largest school and School N with a registry of 900 pupils, the smallest at the time of visitation during the months of March and April, 1910. The Migration of Pupils The approximate percentages of initial starters now in the grammar grades are shown in Table 20. TABLE 20 Per Cents of Initial Starters Schools L M N P Average Grades per cent per cent per cent per cent per cent per cent 8A 62 39 37 52 49 48.3 8B 44 57 44 60 44 51 .0 7A 33 58 38 49 43 47-4 7B 67 60 41 60 45 55-4 6A 46 47 49 52 53 50.3 6B 38 47 39 41 28 40 . 1 SA 46 55 45 59 36 49-1 5B 55 43 61 53 37 50-3 Average 48 51 45 54 43 48.9 53 54 I ^ Special Study of the Incidence of Retardation Accordingly 48.9 per cent of the grammar grade pupils regis- tered in the five schools are rated as initial starters. That is, ap- proximately half the number of grammar grade children in the Paterson schools must have either migrated to the schools they now attend from other schools in Paterson or from other cities or else must have been admitted as new pupils in their present school in a higher grade than the first. This would seem to be the tendency in all the grammar grades with but slight deviation. The largest school, School O, with .52 in 8 A and .60 in 8 B and an average for all the grammar grades of .54 excels all the others in percentages of initial starters. The Age-Grade Relations of the 1,246 Initial Starters The 1,246 pupils tabulated in the following distribution are seg- regated with respect to age at the time of entrance to the present grade. TABLE 21 Five Schools. Age Distribution. Aggregate 1,246 Cases Grades 8 9 10 II 12 T3 14 15 16 Total Abov mal No. eNor- Age Per cent 8A 17 5c 37 17 8 129 62 48.1 8B 3 42 53 39 9 I 147 49 33-3 7A I 15 63 53 28 2 162 83 51-2 7B 10 44 58 52 20 2 186 74 39-8 6A 3 14 57 59 29 14 176 102 58.0 6B 3 19 56 35 21 6 140 62 44-3 5^ 13 38 46 23 16 3 139 88 63-3 sB 7 41 59 27 13 18 2 167 60 3 5-9 Tota 1 1,246 Cases The percentages of "over-ageness" in the grades of the Pater- son schools are seen to be relatively small but considerable vari- ation is manifest. The fifth and sixth grades show higher per- centages than the seventh and eighth. The upper seventh grade Paterson, N . J. 1,246 Cases 55 recording 51.2 per cent as above normal age is significant. Those that do reach this grade are probably " held back " here more than in the preceding grades. (See Table 21.) Assuming 14 years to 14 years 11 months inclusive instead of 13 years to 13 years 11 months inclusive as the normal en- trance age to the eighth grade, the percentages of "over-age" pupils would decrease to: 8 A grade, 19.4 per cent; 8B grade, 6.8 per cent; 7 A grade, 18.5 per cent; 7B grade, 11.8 per cent; 6 A grade, 24.4 per cent; 6B grade, 14.3 per cent; 5 A grade, 30.2 per cent ; 5 B grade, 19.8 per cent. Note that in each instance the lower " B " grades show smaller percentages of retarded pupils than the upper "A" grades for TABLE 22 Five Schools. Age-Grade Table Showing Sex Distribution Boys in plain type. Girls in italics. Grades 8 9 10 1 1 12 13 14 15 16 Total Above Nor- mal Age No. Per cent 8A 12 5 32 18 ^5 22 8 9 3 5 70 59 26 26 .?7-i 44.1 8B I 2 22 20 26 27 15 24 I 8 I 65 82 16 00 24.6 40.2 7A I 9 6 38 25 32 21 16 12 I I 97 65 49 34 52.3 7B 5 5 23 2T 25 25 27 8 12 I I ^7 99 ' 34 40 5(9.1 40.4 6A 2 I 8 6 29 28 23 36 18 II 9 5 89 87 50 52 0.2 59-8 6B 2 I 10 9 33 23 12 23 10 II 6 67 73 22 40 54.8 5A 9 4 18 20 2g 17 10 13 9 7 2 I 77 62 1'' 38 64.9 61.3 5B 4 3 26 15 24 3 5 II 16 8 7 II 2 77 90 2J 37 25.9 41. 1 Total 629 611 Girls Boys 56 A Special Study of the Incidence of Retardation the reason that the same theoretical normal age was assumed for the lower half-yearly grade as for the higher. The same holds true of the New York City schools with the single ex- ception of the eighth grades. (See Chapter II, page 22.) If, for example, the age limit for the 8 B grade were taken to ex- tend from 13 years to 13 years 11 months inclusive, it would per- haps have been fairer to have taken 13 years 6 months to 14 years 5 months inclusive as the normal entrance age to the 8 A grade. Table 22 and the graphic illustrations represent the sex distri- bution of the " under-age," " normal," and " over-age " pupils, the diagrams referring only to the last group. (Chart 10 a and 10 b which refer to Table 22 are found on page 60.) From the preceding age-grade table one learns that with the ex- ception of grade 5 A, the boys are retarded much more often than the girls. The median in the case of the former for the eight grades tabulated would be 48.2 ; in the case of the latter, only 38.1. The diiference is most marked in the two eighth grades. The boys as compared with the girls who do reach these grades are much older. The larger ratios of "over-age" boys would still hold in all grades excepting 7 A and 6 A were the age limit raised a year in each case. The charts illustrate plainly that in the matter of retardation the grammar grade girls of the Pater- son schools are much more variable than the boys. The following table records the age distribution of these gram- mar grade pupils at the time of their entrance to the i B grade of the school in which they now are. Of the 1,246 initial starters, 286 or only 23 per cent were over 6 years 11 months when they entered the i B grade of the school. Just as Paterson with no exception has less retardation in its grammar grades than the other cities, it likewise shows con- siderably less initial " over-ageness " of its local beginners. Whereas the largest school, School O, had the largest percent- age of initial starters (see page 53), Table 23 records this school as having the largest percentage of "over-ageness" on the part of such pupils. School N with next to the smallest percentage in Table 20 holds in Table 23 the minimum record. The median entrance age in the Paterson schools would fall in the group 6 Paterson, N . J ■ 1,246 Cases 57 years to 6 years 11 months inclusive, the normal entrance age considered throughout in this special study. TABLE 23 Age Distribution of 1,246 Pupils at Time of Entrance TO iB Grade Above Nor- mal Age Schools 5 6 7 8 9 10 Total Per No. cent L 84 69 39 8 5 205 52 25-4 M 122 84 43 4 3 256 50 19.8 N 76 66 26 7 175 33 18.9 15^^ 137 67 22 15 4 403 108 26.8 P 74 90 39 3 I 207 43 20.8 Total 514 446 214 44 24 4 1,246 286 23.0 Table 24 shows the same pupils considered in Table 23 dis- tributed according to present grade and entrance age to the i B grade. Comparing this table with Table 21 one can find little reason to explain the present grade "over-ageness" on the basis of the initial " over-ageness " of the beginners. In grade 7 A, Table 21 records nearly the highest percentage of retardation ; whereas Table 24 shows almost the smallest percentage : 19.8 per cent of the present 7 A pupils as " over-age " when they entered school. On the other hand Table 24 tells us that the highest proportion, 30.6 per cent of the present 7 B pupils, were above normal age at the time of their entrance to grade i B ; Table 21 records only 39.8 per cent or the sixth from the highest percentage of present "over-age " pupils. The sex distribution of these initial starters is stated in Table 25 and the graphic illustrations of the "over-age" boys and girls entering grade i B are shown on page 60 (Charts 11 a and lib). In total, 23.5 per cent of the girls as opposed to 22.4 per cent of the boys were above 6 years 11 months when they entered school. Just as the girls showed the largest percentages of re- 58 A Special Study of the Incidence of Retardation w 2 P Above Normal Age U 4^ PL, 0^ o 00 H 00 On M NO d ro On ro NO 00. 01 CO On q CO CN 6 ro ro LO ■* NO 0) 00 CO CO NO 00 0) ■—1 w CO ' C > OJ IX! Oh LO t^ IN J^ CN Cn) oo M CO O t:^ ro O M Tl- On NO o NO NO ^ •u-i (N (N ON ■* 01 01 o NO 01 S " ^ 1 O 1>- LO t>~ •* LO CO hJ ro r^ " On CO CO NO r^ On OO '/I u cd >^ a5 Ph O r^ 1 M LO LO NO On M 1 O H On o O On M On M M O CM M •* Z' CO ^ o 00 I>- c^ On LO On NO NO s •+ ro 01 r^ NO CO H 00 CO hJ ^ ro NO CO « M On no On NO in u cd fin o OO NO ro On CO ■* NO O LO ^ Os Osr^ CNJ M XD NO u U 03 Of C 2 „ 1 " ^ 1 CO 00 c -1 j °° ro c^ '^, ^ c^ H- ^ ro C NO: 'O 2 c S M 1-1 M 1-1 IN hJ ►-1 CM H 1-1 '^ 1 U2 CT3 CM M H 00 00 M ^ CN t\) CO " Pg M C\l (N (\J « c CNl 1-1 00 1^1 M z ►-I •1 P) c ro CM to s ^ -H ^ C w >-( i-o hJ c\l ^ M 1-1 CM M NO CN CO >^ c > fl^ LT, \0 IH l~< ^1 \t- ro ii~, r^ CM CO ^ On •-< IN y^ ro C\l H Lr-i U-) ^^^^ tx. cs ir-, M K. rr-. NO On 00 I^; IN 2 ^ M *~l w 1-1 H t\i t^ (V-, „ N M 1-1 M T's ro 1-1 M S M C\) -1 CNl U-) M "J-^, CNl On i2 ci (1. s^ ly-j ^O " r-jX) "O On t^CO 'J-j ^ '•-, -r ^^,W 1^,10, ►-1 c^ 1-1 1-1 00 1-1 (^ o. 1-1 tr-j iy*j 1 Ooo NO ^ tN. N If-) LO {^ M ^ ro 'T- 10 ^LT; •^" CNJ t^ t^ On s iJ~iCO 1-1 ^ ro ■'J- (N NO r^ kr-^O •T- t ^ CM H ^ M N r^ ^I ON NO 00 Co M ■^ (N •^ to c*-N ro 1-. CC di >^ > (Ih •-i c^ i:^0 ^ N t^sO 0, 01 M ^ 'r'-j l-< LO , to 1-1 M CM t § ir^vO \:5 10 1-1 ro 0\ r^ 1-1 OS "1 M >1 H U~) rj- On t-v tr; tr^jNO J Oo « u~)« O w (J pq O CM o ft. < rq (4 o< U Peterson, N.J. 1,246 Cases 61 tardation in the sixth and seventh grades (Table 22), in Table 25 they also show more initial "over-ageness'' in these grades. Whereas the boys are retarded more in the fifth and sixth grades and least in the 7 B grade according to Table 22 ; in the eighth and the fifth grades and mostly in the 7 B grade, one notes the largest percentages above normal age at the time of school entrance (Table 25). Evidently late entrance with the boys is not so potent a cause of retardation as in the case of the girls. Charts 11 a and lib again call attention to the tendency toward greater variability on the part of the boys. The Incidence of Retardation Table 26 a represents in numbers the distribution of the 1,246 Paterson school children according as they were or were not left back during their entire school life. Table 26 b reports the same, only the numbers are changed to per cent equivalents. TABLE 26a Five Schools. Aggregate 1,246 Cases Left Back 5B 5A 6B 6A 7B 7A 8B 8A None 94 75 58 91 89 74 65 60 One 32 40 42 47 58 48 46 36 Two 19 18 30 27 29 33 25 3 c Three 17 5 9 1 1 7 6 9 3 Four or mere 5 I I 3 I 2 Total Left Back 73 64 82 85 97 88 82 69 Total Case? 167 139 140 176 186 162 147 I2q With the exception of the fifth grades and the upper sixth, the mode expressing the frequency of non-promotion falls in the " one-time " group. The tendency of the pupils of Paterson who have reached the highest grades is to be left back once during their entire school life. Rather large percentages of pupils in all the grades of the grammar department, especially the high ones, are left back twice. In the lower grades a considerable number have repeated three times since they began school. 62 A Special Study of the Incidence of Retardation TABLE 26b Same Converted to Per Cent Equivalents Left Back sB SA 6B 6A 7B 7A 8B 8A per cent per cent per cent per cent per cent per cent per cent per cent None 56 54 41 52 48 46 44 47 One 19 29 30 27 31 30 31 28 Two 1 1 13 21 15 16 20 17 23 Three 10 4 6 6 4 4 6 2 Four 3 I I 2 I I Total Left Back 44 46 59 48 52 54 56 53 The statement showing the sex of the promoted and non-pro- moted children now in the grammar classes is found in the next tables. The graphic illustrations compare the boys and girls of the eighth grade as to relative frequency of promotion and repetition. TABLE 27a Pupils Repeating and Non-Repeating During School Life Boys in plain type. Girls in italics. Left Back 5B 5A 6B 6A 7B 7A 8B 8A None 43 51 42 38 20 54 3 7 41 48 49 25 30 35 J7 23 One 17 15 19 21 17 25 16 31 28 30 2(5 22 22 24 22 14 Two 6 13 14 4 II 19 16 II 12 17 21 12 12 13 19 Three 10 7 / 4 / 8 3 8 5 2 I 5 8 3 Four I 4 I I I 2 I 2 Total Left Back 34 39 35 29 29 53 35 50 46 51 4^ OJ C H o O O h-t o " CO o o o o o o Pi " o o o w a o o o " o " V-i -(J H •o CM o o o Ol w LO (S M LO '^ f^ IT) ^ o *~^ r^ a •"* M o >o " O (-1 CO O M LO 00 OO 0) CO H o On \C - t^ M CO to w ? On CO " j;p On Pi lO o Tf "1- o O) "■ ^ 't CO OO r^ "* in u CO OJ >H > H CN " ro ^ o C/2 r-] +3 in 1 cO o East Orange, N.J. 448 Cases ^ w :5 S 2 H ^ w CO H-) m -1 <^ 0. o s Z be > c ^ CO CM C>» 6 2 0<, ^ >-1 (N tN. M Hi l-l CN CM 0\^ t^OO Total Cases ^ o>,co CM (N CM CM CM M in u C H 1-1 1 00 C/3 1 c CD ^ "" c c 00 CO 00 O" C C M t/3 H 1 tM 00 Q CM iXl i-H ';r ■-I 0^ '~< C "^ Pi C\) ro >- c " CM "-. o» M ■-1 l~, LO W CM t^ in (U >^ C > H C\) i-t Vn^ LTj In ci t^v "^ H 1-1 -1- ro r^; r^ in-t t^ IT) ^ ^ 00 r^j ^ r^ ro t^ M c^ Oo ^ a 1 ^^" U-, r-l- C " -H -1- T t "~) ""' 1 ir. u H ■o 1- ^ ^J -f IN Co ro CM ""' 1-1 ■0 t- C^H C/3 X3 CO t-^ IN l-s t^ >-< OOO CM cs Cii OsvO ^ ""' t\J M U-, ON CV-j !>. <^ ON CM M o> t^ ^ ^01 r^« (V-5 LO CM uo CM --l M T-O K, 00 1-1 M a OJ Si X, 'x. c m u £ Grand Total Grades No. Left Back Total Prom, and Non- Prom. Eighth 5 17 8 5 5 3 I 4 48 114 Seventh 9 6 7 5 2 3 4 36 79 Sixth 9 5 3 4 4 5 30 65 Fifth 10 7 7 10 8 42 98 Fourth 17 22 16 19 74 145 78 A Special SUidy of the Incidence of Retardation TABLE 37b Same in Per Cents L'sing Total of Promoted and Non-Promoted as the Base Grades Eighth Seventh Sixth Fifth Fourth Third Second First per cent per cent per cent per cent per cent per cent per cent per cent Eighth 4-4 14.9 7.0 4-4 4-4 2.6 0.9 3-5 Seventh II .4 7.6 8.9 6.3 2-5 3-8 5-1 Sixth 13.8 7-7 4.6 6.2 6.2 7-7 Fifth 10 .2 7.2 7.2 10 .2 8.2 Fourth II. 7 15-2 II .0 13. 1 Aver. 4-4 13-5 8.9 7.6 7-4 7.6 6.8 8.0 From the averages obtained, with due regard to the proper totals of promoted and non-promoted in grades 4 to 8 inclusive, one learns that the seventh grade holds clearly the maximum record of retention. Eliminating the first grade, the grades from the second till the eighth increase in percentages of "hold-overs," progressively to the seventh, in which grade an amazingly large percentage of non-promotion is recorded. A considerable drop quite as remarkable is manifest in the final grade. Unquestion- ably in this small city school system the seventh grade is the potent selective force in deciding on the- competent ones fitted to enter the graduating class. Taken from Table 37 b the following percentages compare grade retention : Third Grade per cent In eighth grade 2.6 In sixth grade 6.2 In fourth grade i5-2 Whereas i pupil in 38 of those now in the eighth grade was left back in the third grade, for those in the sixth grade the ratio is i to 16 and for those in the fourth grade about i to 7. t.ast Orange, N.J. 448 Cases 79 Again comparing those now in the eighth and the seventh grades who were left back in the third grade, with those now in the fifth and the fourth grades, the distribution is as follows : Third Grade Third Grade per cent per cent In eighth grade. . . 2.6 In fifth grade . . . . 7.2 In seventh grade . 2.5 In fourth grade . . 15.2 Median 2.55 Median II .2 The probable chance then that a fifth or a fourth grade pupil was left back in the third grade is at least four times as great as in the case of the eighth or the seventh grade pupil. The indication from Table 37 b that in the grammar grades excepting the graduating class, the pupils are invariably retained more frequently in their present grade than in the previous grades is evidence that a gradual eliminating process is at work in grades five and on, culminating in the difficult seventh. In this grade so much pressure is brought to bear on the pupils that about every seventh one is forced to repeat or sufifer elim- ination. CHAPTER VI PLAINFIELD, N. J. 485 CASES The Plainfield system is distinctive in that it segregates the sixth, seventh, and eighth year pupils in central schools. The lower grades are distributed regularly in the other schools. The tables in this chapter show then the distributions with respect to grade only. The city of Plainfield was included in this special study be- cause it was the only system situated within convenient dis- tance of New York City in which complete history cards were obtainable. These individual record-forms of the pupils dating back to the time when they entered the first grade of the school show accurately the regular promotions and the incidence of grade repetition. The writer, however, visited each class room of the fifth, sixth, seventh, and eighth grades and questioned the pupils individually as in the other cities. Their written answers were then carefully checked up by the official record cards and the er- rors corrected. It is significant to mention here, this being the one city wherein it was possible to check up all the records, that the pupils made comparatively few mistakes in answering the formal questions. Such errors as were found, were mostly in reply to the question asking the pupils to state the number of times they were left back during their entire school life and the grades in which they were retained. The fact is that in nearly every case where the individuals' own statements were unwittingly false concerning the latter in particular, their mem- ory seemed to waver only in the case of the primary grades. Quite often the pupil himself when in doubt as to his failure in an upper grade was reminded either by his classmates or perhaps by the teacher. Again, wherever it was found that the pupils deliberately misstated the facts, their records as read from the individual history cards were invariably somewhat worse than they cared to admit. For example, when pupils replied that they were left 80 Plainficld, N . J . 48 fi Cases 81 back a given number of times, on checking up their statements it was found that in no case were they left back less than they stated. On the other hand, in quite a number of instances their history cards showed one or more retentions above the number admitted bv them in class. The Migration of Pupils The per cents of initial starters are distributed as follows in the grammar grades of the Plainfield schools : TABLE 38 Per Cents of Inttial Starters Eighth Seventh Sixth Fifth Average Grammar Grades per cent per cent per cent per cent per cent 56 53 57 56 56 The percentages in Table 38 are high when compared with those of the other four cities because of the prevailing method of centralizing the upper grade pupils as previously explained. All those pupils who entered the first grade of any public school in Plainfield proper were recorded in this particular city ; where- as in the other cities only those who entered the first grade of the school in which they now attend or in its official "feeding" school were rated as initial starters and their records sought. From Table 38 one reads that 56 per cent of the pupils now in the grammar grades of the Plainfield schools entered the first grade of one of the schools in that city. The Age-Grade Relations of the 485 Initial Starters The ages of the 485 pupils when they entered their present grades are given in Table 39. Assuming 10 years to 10 years 11 months inclusive as the nor- mal entrance age to the fifth grade ; 1 1 years to 11 years 1 1 months inclusive for the sixth grade, etc., the percentages of "over-age" grammar grade pupils are shown in the last column of Table 39. The largest proportion of retarded pupils is found in the eighth grade. The percentages in all four grades are rather hig'h. 82 A Special Study of the Incidence of Retardation TABLE 39 Grammar Grades. Age Distribution. Aggregate 485 Cases Grades 9 10 II 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Total Above Nor- I mal Age Per No. cent Eighth I 17 29 21 13 3 I 85 67 78.8 Seventh 5 i1 36 32 12 5 I 128 86 67 .2 Sixth I 2 3fc 59 34 22 2 I 157 118 75-2 Fifth 6 25 35 19 21 5 4 115 84 73-0 Total 485 Cases Counting only those as retarded who exceed the assumed nor- mal age by one or more years in the respective grades the pro- portion of "over-age" pupils would be : Eighth grade, 44.7 per cent; seventh grade, 39.1 per cent; sixth grade, 37.6 per cent; fifth grade, 42.6 per cent. The sex distribution of the 485 initial starters respecting age- grade relations is to be noted in the following table and graphic illustrations : TABLE 40 Grammar Grades. Age-Grade Table Showing Sex Distribution Boys in plain type. Girls in italics. Above Nor- mal Age Grades 9 10 II 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Total Per No. cent Eighth I 10 13 13 7 2 1 47 36 76.6 7 16 8 6 I 38 31 81.6 Seventh 2 21 ri ■r? 6 3 o\ do 37 61 .7 3 16 23 17 6 I 68 49 72.1 Sixth 2 11 3J 17 9 I 7J 55 ^/.7 I 25 28 17 13 2 86 60 69.8 Fifth 3 13 13 10 8 I 1 49 33 ^7 -J 3 12 22 9 13 4 2 66 SI 77-3 Total 227 258 Girls Boys Plain field, N. J . 48 j Cases 83 fhrc^e" ^/3 Pe-rcje>nii. gP 80 1 10 feo 70 1 1 1 to 1 50 50 40 45 ^0 30 •Zo Zo 10 1 Chart i6 a. Percentages Chart i6 b. Percentages of retarded boys of retarded girls The boys in grades eight, seven, and five are more retarded tlian the girls. Whereas in the sixth grade 81.7 per cent of the girls are "over-age," the boys record only 69.8 per cent. Allow- ing one year on the assumed theoretical age-limit for this grade, these percentages would change to 38.0 per cent in the case of the girls and to 37.2 per cent for the boys. The modal age for the fifth grade girls and boys is evidently 11 years to 11 years II months inclusive; for the sixth grade, 12 years to 12 years II months inclusive, etc. Assuming these age-limits the girls show 40.4 per cent with an average deviation of 2.95 as the me- dian percentage of retardation for the four grades, the median for the boys being 38.85 per cent, A. D. 2.0. The girls of the grammar grades in this school system are more variable than the boys in the matter of present "over-ageness." Age Distribution of TABLE 41 |.8s Pupils at Time of Entrance to First Grade Above Nor- mal Age Ages 4 =; 6 7 8 10 Total Per No. cent Grammar Grades 2 79 249 1 1 1 29 12 3 485 155 32.0 The 485 pupils entering the initial grade in any of the Plain- field schools are distributed in the above table according to their ages at the time of such entrance. One hundred and fifty-five 84 A Special Study of the Incidence of Retardation of these children or 32 per cent were "over-age" when they be- gan school. The modal entrance age is clearly 6 years o months to 6 years 11 months inclusive. The next table records the age-grade distribution of these initial starters classified according to present grade. TABLE 42 Age-Grade Distribution of 485 Pupils at Time of Entrance TO First Grade Above Nor- mal Age Ages 4 5 6 7 8 10 Total Per No. cent Grades Eighth I 24 35 19 5 I 85 25 29.4 Seventh 32 66 24 3 3 128 30 23-4 Sixth I 12 93 36 13 2 157 51 32.5 Fifth II 55 32 8 6 3 115 49 42.6 Total 2 79 249 III 29 12 3 485 15s 32 -o The lower grammar grades show considerably more initial "over-ageness" than the upper grades. From Table 39 one notes that the percentages of retardation at present in the two lower as compared with the two higher classes approximately aver- age the same. The classification in the following age-grade table (Table 43) shows the sex distribution of the initial starters. Of the 258 boys whose records were taken in Plainfield, 78 or 30.2 per cent were seven years or more when they entered the first grade; whereas of the 227 girls yy or 33.9 per cent were above normal age at that time. In the eighth grade and especially in the fifth grade the girls show more initial "over- ageness" than the boys. Concerning the percentages of present grade retardation as read in Table 40, the boys iii both fifth and eighth grades record the larger proportions. The greater variability among the girls as illustrated in Charts 16 a and 16 b is perhaps a result of the similar tendency manifest at school entrance. Plainfidd, N . J . 4 ■J~i CO A D t-. 'a H c m 4J Grand Total Grades No. Left Back Total Prom, and Non- prom. Eighth 4 26 14 13 . 7 8 10 40 122 130 Seventh 29 38 15 14 II -i-}. 62 182 207 Sixth 37 24 20 15 16 74 186 230 Fifth 24 21 10 9 62 126 158 Reading from the right in the bottom row of Table 46 b (page 90), 32.8 per cent of the total promoted and non-promoted gram- mar grade pupils were left back in the first grade ; 6.6 per cent in the second grade; 6.1 per cent in the third; 8.6 per cent in the fourth; 10.5 per cent in the fifth; 15.7 per cent in the sixth; 16.3 per cent in the seventh; and 3.1 per cent in the eighth. These figures, not considering the first grade, indicate a progres- sive increase from the second grade through the seventh. The sixth grade school would seem to function as the initial clear- 90 A Special Study of the Incidence of Retardation ing house for those pupils unfitted to take up the higher class work. The successful sixth graders pass on to undergo an- other and at the same time more severe selective strain in the seventh grade. Those that survive this final ordeal enter the comparatively easy final grade. Only 3.1 per cent of the present pupils of the eighth grade failed therein. TABLE 46b Same in Per Cents Using Total of Promoted and Non-Promoted as the Base Grades Eighth Seventh Sixth Fifth Fourth Third Second First per cent per cent per cent per cent per cent per cent per cent per cent Eighth 3-1 20 .0 10.8 10 .0 5-4 6.2 7-7 30.8 Seventh 14 .0 18.4 7.2 6.8 5-3 6.3 30.0 Sixth 16. 1 10 .4 8.7 6.5 7.0 32.2 Fifth 15-2 ^Z-i 6-3 5-7 39-2 Aver. ,3-1 16.3 15-7 10.5 8.6 6.1 6.6 32.8 In Table 46 b, on comparing the pupils now in the eighth, seventh, sixth, and fifth grades who repeated the third grade, little variation is apparent. Third Grade per cent In eighth grade 6.2 In seventh grade 5.3 In sixth grade 6.5 In fifth grade 6.3 Median 6.25 The chances of any of the pupils of the grammar grades having been left back in the third grade are about the same. The ratio is i to 16. The same holds true on comparing those in the eighth and seventh with those in the sixth and fifth taken together respec- tively. In the fourth grade, however, the fifth and sixth grade pupils have on the average failed twice as frequently as the seventh and eighth grade pupils. Plainfield, N. J. 48 ^ Cases 91 The special treatment of retardation in this and the preceding chapters being Hmited to the study of the so-called initial starters, it is unfortunate that in the city of Plainfield where the full his- tory cards are recorded that only 485 cases were obtainable. One notes in some of the tables showing the age-grade relations, promotion and non-promotion statistics, and the accompanying sex distributions, violations of certain tendencies gleaned from the tables of the previous systems. It may be that Plainfield is rather different from the other cities, or on the other hand, the number of cases being somewhat meagre may possibly ac- count for the odd distributions. However, in Table 46 b the general tendency relative to the difficulty of the various grades indicates the same scale of increase from the second through the seventh erade. CHAPTER VII SUMMARY GRAMMAR GRADE PUPILS. 3,865 CASES The records of the initial starters in the school systems tabu- lated in the foregoing chapters indicate definite tendencies. The summary is confined to the cases in the grammar grades only. Table 47 indicates in number the sex distribution of the pupils in the five cities visited. TABLE 47 Actual Number of Cases Investigated Personal Study of 3,865 Initial Starters in the Gramirar Grades of Schools Selected at Random in FivE Cities Cities Schools Boys Girls Total East Orange, N. J. 4 162 165 327 Pla infield, N. J. 4 258 227 485 Elizabeth, N. J. 5 422 447 869 New York City, N. Y. (One school district.) 6 474 464 938 Paterson, N. J. 5 617 629 I ,246 Total 24 1,933 i>932 3,865 Eliminating the fourth grade cases, the most number of records were obtained from Paterson, the least from East Orange. Bv mere chance the boys and girls were found almost evenly dis- tributed. Of the total 3,865 initial starters in the twenty- four schools, 1,933 were boys and 1,932, girls. The Migration of Pupils The per cents of initial starters in the grammar grades based on the current register at the time of visitation are shown in Table 48 and in graphic illustration, Chart 19. Q2 Summary 93 TABLE 48 Per Cents of Initial Starters in Grammar Grades Grades SB SA 7B 7A 6B 6A 5B 5A Aver, of Gross Per Cents Cities New York 43-7 3 7-0 3S.5 32.0 44-7 41.2 45-5 52.0 41.9 1 40-4 ! 1 35-3 1 1 43-0 i 1 48-8 1 Paterson' 48.3 1 51.0 1 49-7 1 47-4 1 S5-4 1 51-4 1 50-3 1 40.1 i 45-2 i 49-1 1 50-3 1 49-7 ! 49.0 Elizabeth 32-9 33-6 3 7-0 51-5 38.8 Pla infield 56 .0 53 •° 57-0 36 .0 55-5 East Orange 39-9 33-8 30-4 43-3 3^-9 Mcdiatis 40.4 35-3 43-0 49-7 41.9 iThe order of grades in Paterson is: 8A, 8B, 7A, 7B, 6A, 6B, sA, 5B. Tercent Z ^ h % 10 50 60 I' I ' I ' I' Elui-beth NeuYorK VeLtenon Vfiivfieli Chart 19. Approximate percentages of initial starters in grammar grades The median per cents in the five cities show that 40.4 per cent of the registered eighth grade pupils entered the schools in which they now attend; 35.3 per cent in the case of the seventh grade; 43.0 per cent in the sixth grade; and 49.7 per cent in the fifth grade. The median of the averages of gross per cents in all the grammar grades is 41.9 per cent. That is, more than half of the present grammar grade ptipils either migrated to the schools in which they now attend, from other schools in 94 A Special Study of the Incidence of Retardation the community or elsewhere, and were admitted by transfer, or they entered their present schools in some grade later than the first as new admissions. Obviously, to take the average percentage instead of the me- dian would be incorrect in view of the situation in Plainfield. (See Chapter VI, page 8i.) Note that the New York schools register the tendency in the eighth, seventh, and sixth grades. One may safely say that less than 50 per cent of the gram- mar grade children of these city school systems have been under the entire charge of their present schools from the first grade up. In Chart 19 the relative comparison of systems in this re- spect is plainly evident. Paterson, in which city retardation is less frequent as compared with any of the other cities, has at the same time a larger percentage of initial starters in its gram- mar department. The city of Plainfield, for reasons previously stated, is not considered. Age-Grade Relations Concerning the 3,865 grammar grade initial starters, Table 49 shows in hundredths the retardation by grades. TABLE 49 Retardation in Per Cents in Grammar Grades Grades 8B 8A 7B 7A 6B 6A sB 5A Cities New York 66.3 1 7c 76.9 ■9 1 84.4 1 8c 7.=;.8 .1 1 85-5 1 76 67.6 ■3 1 84.8 1 7S 71.7 ■5 1 Paterson 48.1 I 33-3 40.2 1 51.2 1 39.8 ! 45-1 I 58-0 1 44-3 63-3 1 3.v9 1 51-9 i 1 48.4 1 Elizabeth 61.5 72.7 78.0 84.5 Plainfield 78.8 67 .2 75-2 73 -o East Orange 77. T 79-3 78.9 83.5 Medians 70.9 72.7 76.3 78.5 Summary 95 Tercent IO2O304OS0(>010S0l00 10 20304050 60 IPSO l0 203040S0(,0mC IJ^^?^9^i<^f'9'}^^'^ Grades|r''''V->V^'"'"' y:x?^ '■■■■•■■■■■■■• Chart 20. Percentages of retardation in grammar grades ; assuming 10 years to 10 years 11 months inclusive as the normal entrance age to the fifth grade To permit of comparison with the other cities, in New York City and Paterson the half-yearly grades are averaged in the following manner : For example, from Chapter II, page 22, one learns that 55, 8 B pupils and 50. 8 A pupils are above normal age. The total numbers of cases in these grades are 83 and 65 respectively. The sum 50 + 55 = 105 is divided by the sum 83 + 65 = 148 to obtain 70.9 per cent, the average per- centage of retardation in the eighth grade. The median percentages of retardation in the grammar grades, assuming 10 years to 10 years 11 months inclusive as the nor- mal entrance age to the fifth grade, are all above 70 per cent. In the eighth, sixth, and fifth grades New York City again in- dicates the tendency. In Paterson the deviations from the me- dians are by far the greatest. Allowing one year on tlie assumed theoretical age-limit, these percentages reduce considerably. The medians now become : Eighth grade, 36.9; seventh grade, 39.1; sixth grade, 40.8; fifth grade, 45.1. That is, 36.9 per cent of the present eighth grade pupils were more than 14 years 11 months when they en- tered the eighth grade; 39.1 per cent were more than 13 years 11 months when they entered the seventh grade; 40.8 per cent were more than 12 years 11 months when they entered the sixth grade; and 45.1 per cent were more than 11 years 11 months when they entered the fifth grade. The progressive decrease from the fifth grade to the eighth grade inclusive in- dicates clearly the efifect of increasing elimination. 96 A Special Study of the Incidence of Retardation Comparing the grammar grade girls and boys in the matter of retardation, Table 50 and the accompanying charts show the age-grade relations by city and grades. TABLE 50 Retardation in Per Cents in Grammar Grades. Sex Distribution Boys in plain type. Girls in italics. Grades 8B 8A 7B 7A 6B 6A 5B 5A Cities 67.5 75-0 80.9 75-0 84.6 72.9 5H0 ZO 2Q ^ SO (>0 /IP Chart 25. Percentages of eighth grade pupils never left back during entire school life Tefceict 4 i ilf^'^o 30 ^ SO '^ ^ IZI(,ZO 30 40 ^ S U/620 4S 4 I M M M M Ul ' ' ' I M M M M I | M ' I ' I M ■;.l ■.! M M ■ I Owe ^ LeftSicKl riu-t- TVVe' C.Ora 7»ge Elizabeth HtutiorK Faterson Tkmjieli I • t- 1. 1 ■ '■'■'•'•' 1 I . I ■ 1. 1 . 1 ■ I 1 .1.1 1 1,1,1 Chart 26. Percentages of eighth grade pupils repeating during entire school life Summary lOI Of the eighth grade pupils who entered the first grade of the school in which they now attend, 45 per cent as a median have never been left back during their entire school life ; 29 per cent have repeated once ; 20 per cent, twice ; 4 per cent, three times ; and i per cent, four times. It is justifiable to say that of those selected pupils who reach the highest grade, the tend- ency is to be left back once during their school life. In Eliza- beth and East Orange the mode falls in the "no-time" group. Eliminating Plainfield, these cities deviate most from the me- dian percentage of regularly promoted children. Distributing the eighth grade pupils according to sex, Table 54 shows the relative frecjuencies as percentages of eighth grade boys and girls promoted and non-promoted throughout the grades. The median percentages are stated in the bottom row. T.A.BLE 54 Eighth Grade Pupils Repeating and Non-Repeating During School Life. Sex Distribution in Per Cents Boys in plain type. Girls in italics. None One Two Three Fo ur Five Cities 8B 8A 8B 8A 8B 8A 8B 8A 8B 8A 8B 8A New York 37-5 48.8 2Q.2 24.4 ■^0.0 18.6 SO.O 26.8 27-5 23-3 16. y 31-7 2-5 2-3 4.2 14.6 2.5 4-7 0.0 2.4 0.0 2.3 0.0 0.0 34-4 36.9 37-5 22.6 \23-4 |27-4 3-1 8.3 1.6 3-6 0.0 1.2 52-9 46.2 31 -4] 33-8 15-7 18.5 0.0 J. 5 0.0 0.0 0.0 1 0.0 Pa terson 39-0 42.7 23-7129.3 \32-6\ 32.2 i.q.9 5.1 9.8 0.0 2.4 0.0 .0 1 1 49-6 \ ly.o 0.7 0.0 1 41. 1 1 I27.0 1 22.7 7.8 1-4 0.0 1 Elizabeth 73-4 21. Q 31 0.0 1.6 0.0 68.2 22.7 7.6 1-5 0.0 0.0 Plainfield 10.6 44-7 319 12.8 0.0 0.0 7-9 52.6 31.6 7-9 0.0 0.0 East Orange 58.5 340 7-5 0.0 0.0 0.0 67-3 23-1 9.6 0.0 0.0 0.0 Medians 4<, 41 h6 •4 3-1 1.0 ■7 22 •7 7 •7 .8 .0 .0 .0 .0 102 A special Study of the Incidence of Retardation P<5^rc^ e'/7 /s. r^rc^c^n L s . T5 15 45 7o (=5 Lo to 55 55 5o 50 45 4o 45 40 1 ---- — .i., 55 3o ' 1 30 15 20 20 15 )5 ]0 5 )0 5 Oih<^ J ///:' Fai E/,x P/a.:-7 E 0.