C B Water-Supply and Irrigation Paper No. 199 Series I ^'STP^i^'J^l^^^'^l^ 1 0, Underground Waters, 70 DEPARTMENT OF THE I.N^TERIOR UNITED STATES GEOLOGICAL SURVEY CHARLES D. WALCOTT, Director UNDERGROUND WATER IN SANPETE AND CENTRAL SEVIER VALLEYS, UTAH BY G. B. RICHARDSON WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1907 -jr Class T Book U37i(p Water-supply and Irrigation Paper No. 199 Seriesj g; gX^J^^^^^^^^^ 70 DEPAETMENT OF THE INTERIOR UNITED STATES GEOLOGICAL SURVEY CHARLES D. WALCOTT, Director UNDERGROUND WATER 12i IN SANPETE AND CENTRAL SEVIER VALLEYS, UTAH BY G. B. RICHARDSON WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1907 ^\^ %^ MAR 31 1908 D. or a CONTENTS. Page. Introduction 5 Topography 6 Geologj^ 8 Bed rocks 8 Jurassic system 8 Cretaceous system 9 Undetermined age 10 Tertiary system __^ :. 10 Igneous roclvs . 12 Valley deposits 12 Quaternary system 12 Structure 13 Source of underground water :: 14 Precipitation : 15 Flow of streams 16 Other sources 21 Distribution of underground water , : 21 In bed rocks 22 In valley deposits__ »_ 23 Recovery of underground water 24 From bed rocks 25 By springs 25 By tunnels s 26 By wells 27 From valley deposits 27 By springs 27 By tunnels. __■ 28 By nonflowing wells 28 By flowing wells 29 By subsurface dams, etc 30 Quality of water 30 Suggestions 32 Detailed descriptions 34 Joseph and vicinity 34 Elsinore and vicinity 35 Monroe and vicinity 36 Richfield and vicinity 37 Salina and vicinity 40 Gunnison and vicinity 42 Mayfield and vicinity 43 Manti and Ephraim 44 Moroni and vicinity 46 Fountain Green and Wak.:-__- 47 Mount Pleasant and vicinity 48 Well and spring data 51 Index 61 3 ILLUSTRATIONS. / Page. Plate i! A, Sagebrush upland south of Freedom, showing alluvial fan ; B, cultivated fields south of Ephraim 5 II: Reconnaissance geologic map of Sanpete and central Sevier valleys Pocket III. Structural sections across Sanpete and central Sevier valleys-- 12 IY/A, Fault spring west of Fountain Green ; B, the Wasatch monocline and M^iti Creek 14 V. Map showing approximate depth to ground water and location of wells and springs^n central Sevier Valley 22 VI. Map showing approximate depth to ground water and location of wells and springs in Sanpete Valley 24 Fig. 1. Map of Utah, showing position of Sanpete and central Sevier valleys-^ 6 2. Hypothetical section across Sanpete Valley 13 3. Diagrammatic section at Richfield Spring - 26 4. Diagrammatic section at Morrison Tunnel Spring 26 5. Section illustrating a tunnel in the valley deposits. 28 4 U. S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY WATER-SUPPLY PAPER NO. 199 PL. A. SAGEBRUSH UPLAND SOUTH OF FREEDOM, SHOWING ALLUVIAL FAN. B. CULTIVATED FIELDS SOUTH OF EPHRAIM. UNDERGROUND WATER IN SANPETE AND CENTRAL SEVIER VALLEYS, UTAH. By G. B. Richardson. INTRODUCTIOIS^. Sanpete and central Sevier valleys ate situated at the border of the Basin Range and Plateau provinces in south-central Utah. They are bounded on the east by the Wasatch and Sevier plateaus and on the west by the Gunnison Plateau and the Valley and Pavant ranges, and are drained by Sevier River, which empties into Sevier Lake in the Great Basin. (See fig. 1, p. 6.) These valleys rank with the richest parts of the State. They were occupied a few years after the Mormon pioneers founded Salt Lake City, in 1847, when settlements, which soon became thriving farm- ing communities, were established where water for irrigation was most available. A variety of crops, especially wheat, are success- fully grown, and the valleys are popularly known as the " granary of Utah." Sheep raising is also an important industry, the adjacent highlands being used for summer pastures. The climate is arid, and there is a striking contrast between those areas which in their natural state are covered with sagebrush and grease wood and the fruitful cultivated tracts. (See PL I, A and B.) Trees are normally absent in the valleys, but they flourish to a limited extent on the adjacent highlands, where there are thin growths of quaking aspen, scrub oak, and stunted conifers. Irrigation is necessary for the produc- tion of crops.* Canal systems are maintained by San Pitch Creek and Sevier River, and the mountain streams are tapped by ditches near the mouths of the canyons, but this supply is insufficient and atten- tion is being turned to the subterranean store. This report is a preliminary statement of the general conditions of occurrence of underground water in Sanpete and central Sevier valleys. The field work was carried on in cooperation with Sanpete and Sevier counties through the State engineer, Mr. Caleb Tanner, who detailed Mr. C. S. Jarvis to collect the data embodied in the list of springs and wells on pages 51-60. " Dry farming has not yet been extensively practiced here. 6 UNDEEGEOUKD WATER IN VALLEYS OP UTAH. TOPOGRAPHY. Sanpete and central Sevier valleys are structural troughs filled with " wash " derived from the adjacent highlands. They trend northeast - southwest, and are Occupied by relatively small streams, Sevier River draining the southern, and its tributary, San Pitch Fig. 1.— Map of Utah, showing position of Sanpete and central Sevier valleys. Creek, the northern valley. Each valley is about 45 miles in length and averages 6 miles in width. The main central streams have a number of tributaries, the more important of which flow from the eastern plateaus, where the pre- cipitation is greater than on the relativel}^ low and narrow western highlands. The streams flow perennially within the mountains. TOPOGRAPHY. Y where they occupy steep, narrow valleys, but at the mouths of the canyons the discharge is largely diverted by irrigation canals, and the lower courses in the broad lowlands are generally dry, except during floods. The chief tributaries of San Pitch Creek are Cottonwood, Pleasant, Cedar, Oak, Canal, Ephraim, Willow, Manti, Sixmile, and Twelvemile creeks, all of which have small drainage areas on the Wasatch Plateau. Salina Creek, draining 255 square miles, is by far the largest tributary stream. It flows in the depression between the Wasatch and Sevier plateaus and joins Sevier Eiver 13 miles above Gunnison. The other important tributaries of the Sevier in its central valley are Lost and Monroe creeks, which rise in the Sevier Plateau. The elevation of Sanpete and central Sevier valleys ranges from 5,000 feet above sea level in their lower parts to about 6,000 feet at the upper border of the lowlands, above which the mountains rise from 2,000 to 5,000 feet higher. Gunnison Plateau, bordering Sanpete Valley on the west and sep- arating it from Juab Valley, is 35 miles long and varies from 2 to 8 miles in width. The plateau is considerably dissected, and only remnants of its former surface are preserved by horizontal beds of limestone. At its northern end the plateau has an elevation of almost 10,000 feet, but it slopes southward and merges into Sevier Valley at Gunnison. A sparse growth of vegetation is supported on the Gun- nison Plateau, from which only a few feeble streams are tributary to Sanpete Valley. The Wasatch Plateau borders Sanpete Valley on the east and ex- tends as far south as the valley of Salina Creek. The crest of the plateau is underlain by Cretaceous and Tertiary sediments, which, on the east, form a wall of erosion, beyond which the surface slopes to Castle Valley, a lowland underlain by shale, which separates the plateau from the San Eafael swell. On the west the Wasatch Plateau slopes toward Sanpete Valley, conforming with a great monoclinal flexure. The Wasatch Plateau is comparatively well timbered and is the source of a number of perennial streams. Sevier Plateau forms the greater part of the eastern boundary of Sevier Valley, above which it rises abruptly, and extends from the valley of Lost Creek far to the south of tlxe area under consideration. Its culminating point is Monroe Peak, whose elevation is 11,240 feet. The plateau is underlain by a series of igneous rocks, chiefly Tertiary tuffs and lavas. The East Fork of Sevier River receives a considerable part of the drainage of Sevier Plateau, but Monroe Craek is the only important stream that drains directly from it into the area here considered. Central Sevier Valley is bounded on the west by the Pavant and Valley mountains, which are the easternmost parts of the Basin » UNDERGROUND WATER IN VALLEYS OF UTAH. Ranges in this latitude. The Pavant Mountains are about 35 miles long and from 4 to 12 miles wide and are much dissected, their crest forming a narrow ridge about 10,000 feet in elevation. The range is but fairly well timbered and only a few small creeks flow from it to the valley. The eastern slopes are underlain by east-dipping strata, which unconformably overlie Paleozoic limestone. The Valley Mountains lie between the Gunnison Plateau and the Pavant Moun- tains, of which they are a faulted oifset. They are 25 miles long, average 5 miles in width, and are about 7,000 feet high. They are practically bare of vegetation and give rise to no important streams. GEOJLOGY. Sanpete and Sevier valleys are represented on the map of the Wheeler Survey " and are described in Dutton's report on the geolog;y of the High Plateaus of Utah,^ but no detailed geologic work has yet been done in this region. The character and structure of the rocks are fairly well known, however, and the following brief summary, together with the maps and sections (Pis. II, III, V, and VI), indi- cates the general geologic conditions of occurrence of underground Avater. The rocks of these valleys can conveniently be classified as con- solidated " bed rocks," which outcrop chiefly on the highlands, and unconsolidated deposits, which occur in the broad central valleys. Strata of Mesozoic and Tertiary age occupy the greater part of the highlands, and igneous rocks are found in their extreme southern portion. The valleys, on the other hand, are underlain to con- siderable depths by debris derived from the disintegration of the adjacent highlands. The underground water occurs chiefly in the unconsolidated deposits, but water contained in the bed rocks is locall}?- important. BED ROCKS. JURASSIC SYSTEM. So far as known, the oldest rocks of Sanpete and Sevier val- leys are of Jurassic age. They consist of a considerable but undeter- mined thickness of fissile clay shales, generally drab in color, but locally red, with some intercalated layers of drab sandstone ranging in thickness from a few inches to a few feet. Lenses of gypsum and rock salt are irregularly interbedded throughout the formation. These rocks outcrop in a range of low hills, about 30 miles long and 2 miles wide, that extend along the eastern margin of Sevier Valley from Glenwood to the vicinity of May field. A less extensive outcrop « U. S. Geog. Surv. W. 100th Mer., Atlas. ^ Dutton, C. E., Geology of the High Plateaus of Utah : U. S. Geog. and Geol. Surv. Rocky Mt. Region, 1880. JURASSIC AND CEETACEOUS EOCKS. \) occurs in the center of the valley, mostly west of Sevier River, be- tween Redmond and Gunnison. On the east a fault causes these Jurassic strata to abut against Tertiary beds, as mentioned later, but relations are generally concealed b}^ Quaternary deposits. The hills are practically bare of vegetation, and the soft beds have been eroded into badland topography. These rocks are of no value in the recovery of underground water. They exert, however, an impor- tant deleterious influence upon the character of streams with which they come in contact because of the ready solubility of their inter- bedded salt and gypsum. CRETACEOUS SYSTEM. The Cretaceous system is represented by two divisions, the Col- orado and the Laramie. A small outcrop of rocks of Colorado age occurs in the valley of Salina Creek just above the mouth of the canyon, about 3 miles from Salina. These are a thin-bedded buff sandstone, with subordinate drab shale carrying Inoceramus labia- tus.^ At the western limit of their outcrop the Colorado strata stand almost vertical and are directly overlain by horizontal Eocene beds. Because of their limited exposure these rocks also are unimportant in the recovery of underground water. Sandstones and shales provisionally referred to the Laramie divi- sion of the Cretaceous occupy a much greater area. The coal-bearing Laramie beds of Carbon County, which outcrop along the eastern scarp of the Wasatch Plateau, are conformably overlain by massive, loose-textured, buff sandstone, with subordinate interbedded buff shale. The thickness of these rocks has not been determined, but it amounts to several hundred feet.^ They locally cap the plateau and outcrop along its middle western flanks east of Sanpete Valley as far as Spring Creek, and are exposed farther south in the valleys of several creeks that have cut deeply into the Wasatch monocline. The only fossils that have been found in this formation on the Wasatch Plateau are a fcAV obscure fragments of leaves, but in what is probably the same formation, in a fault block south of Manti, in which the Sterling coal ^ occurs, a number of plant remains have been found. Among them F. H. Knowlton recognizes Sabalf cf. Saha- lites Grayanus^ Asimina eocenicaf Lesq., and Salix sp. ? From these he concludes that the formation is probably of Laramie age. At many localities on the Wasatch Plateau these rocks are overlain, apparently conformably, by Eocene strata. Different sections at the base of the knowm Tertiar}^, however, show deposits so diverse and « Determined by T. W. Stanton. ^•Taff, J. A., Book Cliffs coal field, Utah : Bull. U. S. Geol. Survey No. 285, p. 292. <" Richardson, G. B., Coal in Sanpete County, Utah : Bull. U. S. Geol. Survey No. 285, p. 280. 10 UNDEKGROUND WATER IN VALLEYS OF UTAH. thicknesses so different that there is no conformity in the sense of a succession of widespread, uniform, uninterrupted deposits. In the vicinity of Sterling a distinct local unconformity is marked by flat Tertiary beds resting on highly inclined Laramie (?) sandstone. The sandstone on the flanks of the Wasatch Plateau is a probable source of artesian water. (See p. 22.) UNDETERMINED AGE. A considerable thickness of red and buff conglomerate and sand- stone, amounting to at least 2,000 feet, is exposed on the eastern flanks of the Pavant Mountains and Gunnison Plateau! The con- glomerate is composed of rounded pebbles of quartzite and subordi- nate limestone of variable size, up to 1 foot in diameter, embedded in a sandy matrix. The main mass of conglomerate is overlain by fine-textured sandstone, but intercalated with the sandstone there are also beds of conglomerate. Drab shale of minor importance is locally interbedded with the sandstone. In the valley of upper Corn Creek, about 8 miles northwest of Elsinore, the basal conglomerate rests upon the eroded surface of steeply tilted Paleozoic sediments, and a simi- lar conglomerate overlies upturned Carboniferous strata at the east- ern base of Mount Nebo, about 15 miles northwest of Fountain Green. These conglomerates and sandstones, both on the Gunnison Plateau and on the Pavant Mountains, are overlain in apparent con- formity by strata of Eocene age, but no fossils have been found in either the conglomerate or the sandstone, and the age of the rocks is as yet undetermined. The disconnected areas that have the same color on the map are grouped together only provisionally. ^he conglomerate sandstone formation on the eastern flank of the Pavant Mountains is likely to prove a source of artesian water. (See p. 23.) TERTIARY SYSTEM. Strata of Eocene age outcrop on the summit and western flanks of the Wasatch Plateau, on the summit and eastern part of the Gunni- son Plateau, and on the eastern slope of the valley and Pavant Moun- tains, and also form low ridges in Sevier and Sanpete valleys. These Tertiary sediments consist of at least 2,000 feet of drab, green, and red shales, buff and reddish sandstones, and whitish, fresh-water limestones. The stratigraphy is varied, and even adjacent sections are rarely alike. Numerous fresh-water fossils, including Sphmrium^ Planorhis^ Pliysa^ Goniohasis^ and Vivipara,^ occur in these rocks, which are referred to the Wasatch stage of the Eocene. The fol- lowing section was measured west of Wales. « Identified bv W. H. Call. TERTIARY ROCKS. 11 Generalized section of Eocene rocks on Gunnison Plateau icest of Wales. Feet. Fine-textured white limestone lOO-f Interval of talus 100 Gray limestone 10 Brown sandstone 10 Interval of talus 150 Brown sandstone 5 Drab limestone ]."> Brow^n sandstone 10 Drab limestone 5 Interval of talus 100 White limestone 10 Drab shale 50 Buff limestone __- 15 Drab shale 50 Interval of talus 350 Drab limestone 10 Drab shale with streaks of purple shale 150 Brown sandstone 20 Drab shale with few thin beds of limestone 250 Brown sandstone 5 Drab shale 25 Brown sandstone 10 Buff shale 100 Gray limestone 25 Black limestone 5 Coal and bone 7 Black limestone 10 Dark shale 15 Brown sandstone 10 ]>rab shale 10 Gray limestone 5 Buff shale 40 Sandstone 10 The coal noted above is locally important, « but is not of widespread occurrence. Younger Eocene strata outcrop in low ridges in Sanpete Valley, extending northward from Manti. They dip westward at low angles and their outcrops are surrounded by Quaternar}^ deposits which con- ceal relations with the underlying rocks exposed on the flanks of the adjacent plateau. These j^ounger rocks consist of light-colored sand- stone, shale, and limestone, including a bed of oolitic limestone, and contain well-preserved specimens of fishes, turtles, etc. Cope '^ named them the Manti beds and regarded them as middle Eocene, corre- sponding to the AVind River stage. Because of insufficient knowl- edge concerning the base of the formation it is not differentiated here, " Richardson, G. B.. Coal in Sanpete County, Utah : Bull. U. S. Geol. Survey No. 285, p. 292. *Cope, E. D., The Manti beds : Am. Naturalist, vol. 14, 1880, p. 303. 12 UNDERGROUND WATER IN VALLEYS OF UTAH. but is mapped as Eocene, together with the strata referred to the Wasatch stage. The varying stratigraphy^ of Eocene strata, the prevalence of shale and limestone, and the minor occurrence of more pervious strata render the rocks of little importance as water reservoirs. Yet these relatively impervious beds serve to confine water in the under- lying sandstones and conglomorates, and are thus important factors in the occurrence of artesian water. IGNEOUS ROCKS. Igneous rocks are unimportant as water reservoirs in Sanpete and Sevier valleys, for they occupy small areas and are massive, fine textured, and of low porosity. Their occurrence is chiefly restricted to the upper part of central Sevier Valley, to the Sevier Plateau south and east of Richfield, and to the base of the Pavant Range, west of Elsinore. They constitute the northern end of a mass which is well developed farther south. These rocks are for the most part a com- plex series of lavas that were poured out upon eroded surfaces of the underlying strata at different intervals in Neocene time.'* VALLEY DEPOSITS. QUATERNARY SYSTEM. The broad central floor of Sanpete and Sevier valleys is composed of fine-textured soils, chiefly sand and clay loam, but toward the highlands the material becomes coarser and the mountains are flanked by alluvial fans and slopes consisting of sand and gravel, with sub- ordinate clay, the coarser material preponderating near the moun- tains. These deposits are derived from the disintegration of the adjacent highlands and transported to the valley by streams. In their mountain courses the volume and velocity of the creeks are con- siderable, especially during floods, and their carrying power is pro- portionally large, but upon entering the valley both volume and velocity decrease, the result being that the coarser materials carried by the streams are dropped near the base of the highlands while the finer debris is borne farther into the lowlands. Alluvial fans, con- sisting of heterogeneous masses of coarse sand and gravel, are thus formed about the mouths of the canyons (PL I, A), and alluvial slopes accumulate along the base of the mountains between the creeks, chiefly as the result of torrential storms. The deposits beneath the surface of the broad valleys consist of gravel, sand, and clay, the thickness of which is considerable, but « Button, C. E., Geology of the High Plateaus of Utah : U. S. Geog. and Geol. Surv. Rocky Mt. Region, 1880. U. S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY I.Jurassic? 2. Colorado 3. Laramie ? STRUCTURAL STRUCTURAL SECTIONS ACROSS SANPETE AND CENTRAL SEVIER VALLEYS STRUCTURE OF THE ROCKS. 13 unknown; minimum depths in the main part of the valleys are 530 feet in Sevier and 650 feet in Sanpete Valley, as shown by two Avells,'^ in neither of which was consolidated rock found. Alternating beds of gravel, sand, and clay, from a fcAV inches to many feet in thickness, are en- countered in driving wells. Few records have been kept, however, and the detailed underground distribution of the valley deposits remains to be determined. In general, coarse material prepon- derates near the highlands and finer textured debris is more abundant in the lowlands, the incli- nation of the deposits being toward the valleys, in the attitude of deposition. Sections, even of neigh- boring wells, can rarely be correlated, which im- plies that the deposits, instead of having wide lateral distribution, as homogeneous beds, consist of series of lenses, w^ith imperfect connection, as illustrated in the section forming fig. 2. These deposits are in large part loose, porous, and satu- rated with water, and constitute the most import- ant underground reservoirs of the region. STRUCTURE. The strata that cap the highlands lie practically flat, but have been tilted and faulted along the mar- gins of the lowlands, and the central valleys are structural depressions. The rocks are not folded in the strict sense of the term, but incident to the uplift of the plateaus monoclinal flexures and normal faults have been developed. (See PL III.) A conspicuous structural feature of the region is the monocline that marks the western border of the Wasatch Plateau. Near the rim of the plateau the strata dip westward, and along the flanks a dip slope of large proportions is devel- oped. (See PL IV, B.) On this the strata that outcrop on the summit descend between 4,000 and 5,000 feet in about 5 miles and pass beneath the valley floor. Other large monoclines appear on the flanks of the Pavant and Valley ranges, where strata that dip eastward at a low angle descend toward Sevier Valley. The Jurassic shales that outcrop in a narrow belt between Glenwood and Mayfield constitute tlf ■tt-ln F no ^HB/ ■X vS- V o "f-- w IJ f f, i ID i 3 rl Is f t ' H 1 9 1 w i^ '< in\ \ m & •■■ ' (t> Ar-^ 11 ' ■ ■ o' 4 'V P '' ■ H-j i| ■ 1 111 o' v-"| ; CO ti CD < % 1 cd' 1 J o w> \ tl « Nos. 101a and 186, pp. 53 and 55. 14 UNDERGROUND WATER IN VALLEYS OF UTAH. another conspicuous zone of tilted strata. Throughout their extent they dip eastward at an average angle of 45°. One of the prominent faults in the area under consideration intersects the eastward-dipping strata of the Pavant Mountains at the base of the range. This fault extends along the border of the valley to a point about 8 miles north of Richfield, where it turns northwestward and causes the Eocene shales and limestones to abut against the underlying upthrown red conglomerates. The abrupt rise of Sevier Plateau several thousand feet above the valley and the presence of springs along its base indicate a fault, and a number of displacements that can be traced east of the valley and parallel to it lie between Glenwood and Manti. The eastward- dipping shales there form an upthrust block bounded on the east and west by north-south trending faults, by which the Jurassic beds are brought into contact with Eocene strata. The northern end of this block adjoins a much-disturbed zone between Mayfield and Manti, where the area between the Gunnison and Wasatch plateaus has been broken by several approximately parallel faults, as shown by the map and sections. The southwestern flank of the Wasatch Plateau is traversed by a number of minor parallel displacements, Avhich fade away to the north and have not been traced beyond Manti Creek. Along the eastern base of the Gunnison Plateau a fault brings the red conglomerate with a high eastward dip against practically hori- zontal Eocene limestones and shales. The throw of some of the faults is considerable, but data are lacking for close measurement. These structural features have an important bearing on the occur- rence of underground water, as described on pages 25-27. A number of strong springs are associated with the faults, and the monoclinal flexures control the occurrence of water under pressure. SOUKCE OF UNDERGROUIS^D WATER. The underground water supply of Sanpete and Sevier valleys is derived from the rain and snow that fall on their drainage areas. Of the total precipitation, part evaporates, part flows off in streams, and part sinks into the ground. The relative amounts that are thus disposed of vary greatly under different conditions, and a complex series of changes ensues between precipitation and the final disappear- ance of the Avater from the drainage basin. Evaporation occurs either directly — from snow, from a free surface of water, and from water contained in soils — or indirectly, by transpiration through the growth of plants. Of the portion of the precipitation that joins the run-off', part leaves the basin in surface streams and part is absorbed by the soils and rocks over which the streams flow. The underground sup- ply is further augmented by direct absorption from the surface on U. S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY WATER-SUPPLY PAPER NO. 199 PL. IV A. FAULT SPRING WEST OF FOUNTAIN GREEN. B. THE V/ASATCH MONOCLINE AND MANTI CREEK. SOURCE OF UNDERGROUND WATER. 15 which the rainfall occurs. Part of the subterranean waters find their way back to the surface in springs, another part is consumed by the groAvth of organisms and by mineralogical changes, and a third part joins the more permanent supply of underground water. PRECIPITATION. Precipitation on the highlands, especially snow, which falls early and lingers late, is the chief source of supply of the streams which, as will presently be shown, are the most important contributors to the store of underground water in the valleys. There are no records of precipitation on the highlands, but the marked difference in vege- tation between the forested mountains and the naturally desert valleys implies a considerably greater amount on the former. In the valleys, on the other hand, rainfall data have been kept for a number of years, although this precipitation contributes relatively little to the supply of underground water. The mean annual amount for the past seven years ranges from 6.73 inches at Richfield to 11.37 at Mount Pleasant, and of this about 40 per cent falls during January, February, and March, when the frozen condition of the ground is unfavorable for absorption. Be- sides the direct run-off, much of the precipitation in the valley joins the streams as seepage run-off, and, in addition to the water that is lost through plant growth, large amounts are evaporated from the ground, the supply being maintained by capillary action. A con- siderable part of the rainfall on the valley is therefore lost by run-off and evaporation. The remainder replenishes the more permanent supply of underground water, relatively large quantities being absorbed by areas that are underlain by porous sand and gravel. The following tables of precipitation at Richfield, Manti, and Mount Pleasant, compiled from records of the United States Weather Bureau, show the amount and distribution of the valley rainfall for the past seven years : Monthly and annual precipitation at Richfield from 1899 to 1905. Year. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May. June. July. Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Annual. 1899 0.30 .45 .60 .35 .60 .55 .90 0.55 .20 ".'65" ".'26' 1.66 4.65 1.07 1. 35 .57 .16 0.70 '".■'23' .17 '".'67 T. 0.08 .10 .32 1.89 1.03 0.14 T. .07 .24 T. .80 0.10 .14 .18 .31 .27 0.12 .07 .03 .22 .30 .37 0.07 .07 .64 1.00 .05 0.88 .05 0.20 .30 1.05 .74 .47 .04 .80 .28 8.32 1900 1901 1902 1903 .26 .83 .95 1.77 "'6' 6.62 1904 1905 5.25 i Mean .54 .65 1.56 .29 .58 .31 .21 .19 .37 .49 .76 .56 6.73 16 UNDERGROUND WATER IN VALLEYS OF UTAH. Monthly and annual precipitation at Manti from 189^ to 1905. Year. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May. June. July. Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Annual. 1899 1.90 .61 .02 .52 .73 1.10 .85 2.00 .25 2.50 .90 1.18 1.13 3.42 1.02 .22 .26 .53 .61 T. 1.13 T. 2.38 -.60 1.05 .40 1.21 .94 .54 0.31 .80 .50 1.38 .20 2.99 1.30 .55 .86 .40 1.50 1.10 1900 0.10 1.00 1.50 1.16 1.71 1.90 0.15 .04 .28 .40 .05 1901 0.80 1.08 1.22 .93 1.54 1.00 .49 2.20 2.03 2.25 1.23 T. .11 .37 .20 0.08 .83 .98 .48 3.09 9.10 1902 8 26 1903 10.26 1904 11 20 1905 17.93 Mean .82 1.63 1.23 1.11 1.59 .18 .53 .61 1.09 1.02 1.03 .95 11.35 Monthly and annual precipitation at Mount Pleasant from 1899 to 1905. Year. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May. June. July. Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Annual. 1899 1.40 .36 .56 .52 1.24 1.10 .80 3.60 .60 2.16 .90 1.10 1.71 1.93 2.29 .10 2.37 1.50 1.40 2.20 1.76 0.57 2.56 .13 1.08 1.41 1.12 1.47 1.02 .32 .58 .49 1.49 2.11 1.25 0.99 .29 .04 .59 .76 0.76 T. .19 .26 .56 1.12 .17 1.24 .16 1.64 T. T. .44 1.78 .16 .83 1.57 .36 1.80 ,59 1.32 .40 .58 .88 0.88 1.56 .67 1.38 .20 1.15 2.10 T. 1.14 .86 .20 1.90 1.10 16.65 1900 8.03 1901 11.21 1902 8.26 1903 10.34 1904 13.70 1905 Mean .85 1.71 1.66 1.19 1.03 .53 .51 ..87 .94 .93 .97 1.22 11.37 FLOW OF STREAMS. The streams of Sanpete and Sevier valleys are of three distinct types — the relatively long master streams, the shorter transverse tributaries, and the canals. The master streams, as already stated, meander in a gentle grade in broad waste-filled valleys of structural origin. San Pitch Creek, which is confined to the northern valley, is fed by the direct but varying flow of its tributary streams and by more constant seepage. Sevier River, on the other hand, while hav- ing similar sources of supply within the portion of its valley under consideration, is fed chiefly from sources in the high plateaus in the southern part of the State. The tributary streams are very different. In their mountain courses they occupy narrow, steep-graded, eroded valleys, and at the base of the highlands they emerge from their canyon-like courses and enter the broad debris-filled lowland, across which they flow at a lessened grade until they join the master stream. These tributary streams are fed almost entirely by the precipitation on their moun- tain watersheds through direct and seepage run-off, and as the main precipitation on the mountains occurs as snow, the discharge is heaviest in late spring and early summer. Figures are not available to show the run-off of the streams in the area under discussion, but the streams in Jordan Valley under similar conditions discharge during April, May, and June about 60 per cent of the annual run-off. Besides the annual floods, occasional violent summer storms tempo- rarily increase the discharge of the streams. Conditions are differ- ent in each watershed, the discharge varying with the precipitation, STREAM FLOW. 17 topography, vegetation, and soils, and with the care that is taken to prevent fires, excessive grazing, and the destruction of timber. Seepage run-off is greater in valleys of relatively low relief that are abundantly clothed with vegetation, for under these conditions the products of rock disintegration are not readily washed into the valleys, and debris accumulates to absorb a large quantity of the precipitation, which thus escapes flood discharge and seeps slowly into the streams, maintaining their perennial flow. Below the mouths of their canyons the tributary streams, in the upper parts of their way across the broad valley, receive no augmentation to their flow, but, on the contrary, lose much by evaporation and absorption, which will presently be referred to, while in their lower courses, before they enter the main streams, their flow is generally increased by seepage. During the irrigation season the tributaries make small contribution directly to the master streams, for their water at the mouths of the canyons is diverted by canals and distributed over the valley. Irrigation canals tap both master streams and tributaries, the tributaries at or near the mouths of the canyons, and San Pitch Creek and Sevier River at intervals throughout their courses, as shown on the map. Water is thus distributed over the valley where nor- mally it w ould not flow. The amount of water contributed by streams to Sanpete and Sevier valleys has not been measured. An indication, however, of the dis- charge of the most important ones is afforded by the following measurements, made with a current meter by C. S. Jarvis during the summer of 1905, but it must be borne in mind that at the time when most of the data were collected the streams were at a low stage. Discharge measurements of streams in Sevier and Sanpete valleys in 1905. stream, with place of measurement, a Date. Discharge. Sevier River above Clear Creek June 17 do Sec.-ft. 310 4 Sevier River near Gunnison & 51 June 29 do 269.4 Sevier River near Gunnison b 17 Clear Creek at mouth June 17 June 29 July 11 Aug. 4 Aug. 3 Aug. 10 119.2 Do 48.2 Monroe Creek 9 3 Lost Creek 6.3 Salina Creek 18.0 Willow Creek 1 1 Twelvemile Creek 30.7 Sixmile Creek Aug. 17 Aug. 19 Aug. 30 Sept. 16 Sept. 18 Sept. 19 do 16.5 Manti Creek 13.6 Ephraim Creek 8 3 Canal Creek 3.5 Oak Creek 4 8 Cedar Creek 1.5 Twin Creek 8 1 Pleasant Creek do... 8.3 North Creek do 1 6 Cottonwood Creek at Fairview Sept. 22 4.1 » If locality is not stated, the stream was measured at or near the mouth of its canyon. * Estimated from gage reading. IRR 199—07 M 2 18 TJNDERGEOTJND WATER IK VALLEYS OF UTAH. Although the quantity of water tributary to Sanpete and Sevier valleys is not known, the amount that leaves them by San Pitch Creek and Sevier River near Gunnison has been measured for the last five years and is shown by the following tables, compiled from records of the United States Geological Survey: Estimated discharge of San Pitch Creek near Gunnison. Date. Discharge in second-feet. Total in Maximum. Minimum. Mean. acre-feet. 1905. 15 24 15 94 338 304 166 720 82 46 35 30 11 9 8 13 82 90 110 64 30 26 22 20 13.3 14.1 12.1 24.2 136.0 179.0 143.0 126.0 40.5 32.0 28.1 23.9 818 February - . 783 744 April 1,440 May ' 8,362 June 10, 650 July 8,793 7,747 September 2,410 October 1,968 1,672 December 1,470 Total 338 8 64.3 46,860 1904 264 158 155 125 6 3 7 9 43.7 37.3 27.0 30.0 31, 920 1903 27, 184 1902 19, 855 1901 . . 21, 803 Estimated discharge of Sevier River near Gunnison. Date. Discharge in second-feet. Total in Maximum. Minimum. Mean. acre-feet. 1905. January 18 31 319 573 367 92 651 525 26 69 62 101 95 116 254 254 87 41 41 ]l 24 41 58 87 93 303.0 318.0 199.0 67.0 222.0 164.0 18.4 32.3 46.2 89.3 91.4 98.3 8,414 17, 660 Marcli 12, 240 April 3, 987 May . . 13, 650 9, 759 July 1,131 1,986 September 2,749 October 5,491 5.439 Decem.ber 1-15 2,925 Total 651 17 95, 009 1904 355 366 194 239 10 8 5 5 81.1 58, 490 1903 . 73, 000 1902 54.0 56.0 38. 677 1901 a 40, 481 a Five days missing in this year. If the figures for 1905 represent normal conditions, the flood dis- charge of San Pitch Creek occurs in May and June, the maximum occurring in June, after which the flow gradually decreases to the period of low water in January, February, and March, the minimum occurring in March. By comparing the total discharge of San Pitch Creek for the last five years it appears that the floAV is irregular, the discharge in 1905 being more than double that in 1902. The flow of STREAM FLOW. 19 Sevier River, which drains a much larger area, is even more irregu- lar. In 1905 the maximum occurred in February, and the discharge in May was large, while the minimum occurred in July and August. The annual discharge varies considerably and in the dry year of 1902 was less than half that in 1905. The flow of Sevier River is much affected by irrigation, return seepage, and absorption, as is shown by the fact that on June IT, 1905, the discharge of the river below Clear Creek, at the head of central Sevier Valley, was 429.6 second-feet, while 45 miles below, at Gunnison, the discharge amounted to only 51 second-feet. Similar results were obtained on June 29. Although figures are lacking for estimating the quantity of water available for replenishing the underground store from the flow of streams, the data given below indicate that the amount is considerable. Absorption from stream beds is, in fact, the chief source of under- ground water in Sanpete and Sevier valleys. A few measurements to illustrate the amount of water absorbed from individual streams in parts of their courses were made by C. S. Jarvis in the summer of 1905, as follows : Ephraim Creek on August 30, flowing 8.2 second-feet near the mouth of its canyon, in a course of 0.6 mile over a gravelly bed lost 0.8 second- foot, amounting to 16 per cent a mile. Oak Creek on September 18, flowing 4.88 second-feet at a point 3 miles southeast of Spring City, in a course of 2.5 miles lost 0.46 second-foot, amounting to 3.T per cent a mile. Twin Creek on September 19, flowing 8.1 second-feet at a point 3.5 miles southeast of Mount Pleasant, in a course of about 2.T5 miles lost 3.1 second-feet, amounting to 13.8 per cent a mile. Moroni upper canal on September 12, flowing 6.38 second-feet, in a course of 7 miles lost 1.76 second-feet, amounting to 3.8 per cent a mile. These figures clearly indicate the manner in which the under- ground supply is maintained by streams. An instructive example of the role played by seepage is afforded by the flow of Sevier River between the mouth of Clear Creek and Gunnison, a distance of 45 miles. At three places between these points dams have been constructed across the river, and at each place canals divert practically all of the flow of the stream, yet below each dam the seepage into the river is sufficient to supply the next suc- ceeding canals. This fact is illustrated by the following measure- ments made by Caleb Tanner in 1902, which show that between Clear Creek and Rocky Ford the flow of the river was augmented through seepage by 26.06 second-feet, between Rocky Ford and Red- mond Ford by 18.2 second-feet, and between Redmond Ford and West View Bridge by 22 second- feet. 20 UNDEKGROUND WATER IN VALLEYS OF UTAH. Seepage in Sevier Valley between Clear Creek and Gunnison.a [Measurements made by Caleb Tanner, August 13-16, 1902.] BETWEEN CLEAR CREEK AND ROCKY FORD. Surface water entering Sevier Valley : Sec. ft. Sevier River above Clear Creek 47.5 Clear Creelv 7.3 Monroe Creek 3.9 Thompsons Creek .2 Redbutte and Cottonwood creeks ., .3 Water Canyon Creek .3 Spring Creek 5.3 Cove Creek 9.5 Cedar Ridge Creek .5 — 74.8 Surface water diverted from Sevier Valley : Clear Creek canal 1.38 Joseph canal 3. 85 Wells canal 2.38 Isaacson canal 3. 03 Monroe canal 7.25 Elsinore canal 2. 75 Brooklyn canal ^_ 5. 50 Richfield canal 17. 50 Annabelle canal 11. 18 Candor canal .50 Vermilion canal 9. 04 Surface water leaving valley : Sevier River ^ 36.5 Total diverted and remaining in stream 100. 86 Seepage 26. 06 BETWEEN ROCKY FORD AND REDMOND FORD. Surface water entering Sevier Valley : Sevier River at Rocky Ford 36.5 Lost Creek ^ .7 Salina Creek 7.8 45. Surface water diverted from Sevier Valley : Rock Ford canal 35.0 Other canals 8.5 Surface water leaving valley : Sevier River 19. 7 Total diverted and remaining in stream 63.2 Seepage 18. 2 Water Sup. and Irr. Paper No. 85, U. S. Geol. Survey, 1903, pp. 91-94. SOURCE OF UNDERGROUND WATER. 21 BETWEEN REDMOND FORD AND WEST VIEW RIDGE, . Surface water entering Sevier Valley : Sec. ft. Sevier River at Redmond Ford 19.7 Willow Creek .5 San Pitch Creek 15.2 — 35.4 Surface water diverted from Sevier Valley : Robbins canal 1 8.14 Westview canal 4. 20 Other canals 15. 70 Surface water leaving Sevier Valley : Sevier River 18. 7 Dover canal 10. 7 Total 57. 44 Seepage 22. 04 OTHER SOURCES. The undergrown water-supply of Sanpete and Sevier valleys is augmented not only by rainfall that is directly absorbed by the sur- face on which it falls and by absorption from creek beds, but also by the flow of springs from bed rock, by the return waters of irri- gation, and by the underflow from the creeks at the mouths of their canyons. The occurrence of springs is described on pages 25-26, but it should be noted here that, in addition to many seeps, a number of springs that issue along fault lines convey water to the valley from a distant source in bed rock. The total discharge of these fault springs amounts to a constant flow of about 95 second-feet, and absorption of a part of the flow adds an appreciable amount to the underground waters. In the practice of irrigation part of the water applied to the fields is absorbed by the soil and, percolating below the reach of roots and beyond the sphere of capillary action, joins the underground supply. The amount thus absorbed varies considerably from place to place, depending on the porosity of the soil and the quantity of water applied to the fields in excess of the need. The underflow of the creeks at the mouths of their canyons also contributes an important quota to the underground supply of the valleys. No data are available to show this amount, but it can be determined by measuring the cross-section of the valley filling, its porosity, and the velocity of the underflow. DISTRIBUTIOK OF UNDERGROUND WATER. Underground water, derived from the sources that have been stated, is contained in both the unconsolidated deposits and the bed rocks of Sanpete and Sevier valleys. The former are the more valu- 22 UNDERGROUND WATER IN VALLEYS OF UTAH. able reservoirs, but some of the consolidated deposits also are im- portant. All rocks, even the most dense, are to a certain extent porous, and the great mass of underground water is contained in rock pores and interstices. Fine-textured, compact deposits are relatively of little importance as water carriers, the chief reservoirs being the loose-textured, more permeable rocks. WATER IN BED ROCKS. As has been indicated in the preceding description of the rocks of this region, the general character of several of the formations ren- ders them of little value as underground reservoirs. The massive, fine-textured igneous rocks, except locally, where they are cracked, are practically worthless in this connection; so, too, are the Jurassic shales. The strata of known Eocene age, which occupy a large area, composed as they are of close-grained shale and limestone and thin lenses of sandstone, have also little value for absorbing and trans- mitting water. On the other hand, the sandstone of probable Lara- mie age that outcrops on the Wasatch Plateau and the conglomerate and sandstone of undetermined age on the Pavant Mountains are probably important water-bearing beds, although they have not been developed. These porous strata are of considerable thickness and outcrop on large areas in the mountains where the opportunities for absorption are good. They are overlain by relatively impervious beds and dip toward the valley. The conditions for obtaining ar- tesian water in the valleys are therefore favorable, except where there are disturbing factors, presently to be stated. The geologic map and sections (Pis. II and III) show that the Laramie sandstone occupies many square miles on the summit and western flanks of the Wasatch Plateau east of Sanpete Valley, ex- tending as far south as Salina Creek, and that toward the base of the plateau the sandstone is capped by shales and limestones of Eocene age. The dip is westward — toward the valley — at angles ranging from 5° to 20°. At the base of the highlands, however, the rocks are concealed by unconsolidated deposits, and little information is avail- able concerning the position of bed rock beneath the valley filling. At the southern end of. the Wasatch Plateau the western flank is broken by several north-south trending faults, which fade away northward, and none are known to extend beyond Manti Creek. No evidence of faulting at the base of the plateau has been obtained in the northern and central parts of Sanpete Valley, where the rocks that are exposed along the flanks of the plateau probably continue unbroken beneath the valley nearly to its western limit. The west- ern dip, if continued beneath the valley at the same angle, would carry the water-bearing beds beyond the reach of profitable drilling, rej'er to lists of wells and springs) Scale 2 3 4 6 milefi AND SPRINC^S MAP SHOWING APPK<)XIJIATE DEPTH TO GROUND WATERS AND LOCATTON OP WELI.S AM' SP81 IN CENTRAI, SEVIER VALLEY UTAH DISTRIBUTION OF UNDERGROUND WATER. ^B but the rocks in the ridge between Fountain Green and Mount Pleasant lie almost flat, and this fact suggests that the dips flatten out and cause the sandstone to occur possibly within profitable reach of the drill. Its position, however, can be determined only by prospecting. The map (PL II) also shows that a large area on the crest and east- ern flanks of the Pavant Mountains is occupied by a great thickness of coarse conglomerate and sandstone, which are advantageously located to absorb water directly from precipitation and from the flow of streams. These coarse-textured rocks are overlain by relatively impervious strata and dip gently toward the valley. They are, however, cut by the fault which extends along the eastern base of the mountains, and which, by intersecting water-bearing beds, is an im- portant factor in connection with the water supply, as noted on page 14. The character and position of bed rock beneath Sevier Valley are unknown, and the presence of this fault makes the chance of obtaining artesian water from this source less favorable in Sevier than in Sanpete Valle}^ «• WATER IN THE VALLEY DEPOSITS. Water absorbed at the surface percolates downward for a greater or less distance through the unconsolidated valley deposits until it reaches the zone of saturation. The upper surface of this zone is known as the water table, beneath which the deposits are saturated, the water occupying the spaces between the solid particles of gravel, sand, and clay. In Sanpete and Sevier valleys the position of the water table conforms in a general way with the contour of the valley floor. Beneath the broad lowlands the water table slopes at a low angle upstream, away from the central valley axis, but near the high- lands the slope of the surface of saturation is less than the inclination of the ground. As a result, the ground water in the lowlands lies close to the surface, and near the base of the mountains it lies at considerable depths. In the town of Mount Pleasant, for instance, the slope of the ground is about ITO feet to the mile, while the inclina- tion of the water table is about 95 feet to the mile. In the absence of adequate topographic maps on which the posi- tion of the water table could be shown by contours, the approximate depth to ground water is shown on Pis. V and VI by lines repre- senting areas in which ground water lies, respectively, at depths betAveen and 10, 10 and 50, and over 50 feet beneath the surface. This information was compiled from the well data given on pages 51-57, which, with the location of the wells shown on the map, serve as an index to the available knowledge. Under much of the area in which the depth to ground water is shown as over 50 feet water can 24 UNDERGROUND WATER IN VALLEYS OF UTAH. not be obtained within 100 feet or more, but it is impracticable to indicate on the map more than is shown. The position of the water table fluctuates measurably. It is highest in summer, after the period of heavy stream discharge and during the irrigation season, and lowest in winter, when there is comparatively little addition to the underground supply. A fluctua- tion of 20 feet has been observed in some wells, and variations be- tween 2 and 10 feet are common between the summer maximum and the winter minimum. The use of ground water tends to lower the water table, but in the area under consideration persistent decrease has not yet been marked, though in places, as in the fields below Manti, a loss of head has followed the sinking of many shallow wells. Locally in the lowlands there has been a permanent rise in the level of ground water, due to the return waters of irrigation, whereby former fertile tracts have been converted into meadow and swamp lands. The saturated beds contain varying amounts of water, their con- tent depending on the character, thickness, and extent of the deposits. Coarse-textured gravel and sand, by reason of their greater porosity, hold and transmit relatively more water than fine-textured clay, and the coarser deposits therefore constitute the chief underground reser- voirs. The wells that have been sunk in this region encounter beds of sand and gravel that range in thickness from a few inches to many feet and are separated by beds of clay of varying thickness. Locally these water-bearing beds have considerable horizontal ex- tent, and, although the details of their distribution are not known, experience in sinking wells has shown that beds of sand and gravel are of widespread occurrence, both horizontally and vertically. Underground water is seldom stationary, but moves very slowlj^ from a higher to a lower level. The velocity varies with the head and with the number and size of the interstitial spaces, for the move- ment is not in open channels, but through the minute pores between the solid particles of the deposits. The rate of movement is only a few feet a day. The highest velocity of ground water that has been recorded is about 100 feet in twenty-four hours, and generally it is much less, the ordinary rates in sand being between 2 and 50 feet a day. RECOVERY OF UlS^DERGROUND WATER. The total amount of underground water in Sanpete and Sevier valleys, if it could be computed, would be expressed in cubic miles, but, by reason either of its depth or through its inclusion in fine- lextured deposits, which do not readily yield their content, a large part of the subterranean store is not available. An estimate of the available amount is also impracticable because of the unknown extent ^J 5 AND SPRINGS i ^ELLS AND SPRINGS « NorLflowiijg wellE I .1: '1^?' lil •,; .^ /^ jt: ^^ /^ ^ L^ ~t^ MAP SHOWING APPROXIMATE DEPTH TO GROUND WATERS AND LOCATION OP WELLS AND SPRINGS IN SANPETE VALLEY, UTAH EECOVERY OF UNDERGROUND WATER. 25 of the irregular lenses of sand and gravel which constitute the im- portant reservoirs. But, although figures can not be given, it is evident that a considerable supply of underground water awaits development in this area. RECOVERY OF WATER FROM BED ROCKS. Bed rocks are an important, but little developed, source of water in this area. A number of large springs originate in these consolidated deposits, and conditions for obtaining artesian wells are locally favorable. RECOVERY OF WATER FROM BED ROCK BY SPRINGS. Springs are a source of much water in Sanpete and Sevier valleys, 88 being recorded on pages 58-60. These can be classed either as fault springs or seep springs, the water from the first class issuing along a fault plane, that from the second class seeping out, generally in low areas, where the surface intersects the ground-water table. Of the 88 that are listed 30 are fault springs, yielding an aggregate, discharge of 95 second- feet. Fault springs have their sources in bed rocks and commonly are located at the base of the mountains, along the principal planes of dislocation, prominent groups being on the eastern margin of Sevier Valley and on the western margin of Sanpete Valley, although isolated springs occur at a number of other places, as shown on the map. The discharge of fault springs varies little, if any, throughout the year; each spring commonly yields as much as 1 second-foot, the mean of all being over 3 second-feet, and one west of Fountain Green flows 12.4 second-feet. (PI. IV, A.) The temperatures of these springs differ greatly. That of many is only a few degrees above the mean annual temperature of the valleys, about 48°, but some are distinctly hot, Joseph Hot Springs (No. 3 in list on p. 58 and on PI. V) ranging from 135° to 156° F. and Monroe Hot Springs (No. 5) ranging from 144° to 156° F. The temperature of some of the hot springs is probably due to the proximity of heated igneous rocks. That of others, as Eichfield Spring (No. 71), which is 74° F., appears to be due to the internal heat of the earth, although the possible influence of igneous rocks must not be ignored. If the temperature of the Richfield Spring be due entirely to the normal heat of the earth, an index is thus afforded of the depth of the water before it rises. If an increment of 1° F. for each 50 feet be assumed without allowance for cooling, a depth of 1,300 feet is indicated. The general occurrence of fault springs, although each one differs from others in details, may be illustrated by the Richfield Spring. (See fig. 3.) Here the porous conglomerates and sandstones that out- 26 TJNDERGKOUND WATER IN VALLEYS OF UTAH. crop on the Pavant Mountains dip toward the valley and are overlain by the relatively impervious Wasatch bends. The mountains have been uplifted along the fault at their base, and the water-bearing beds — the conglomerate and sandstone — have been cut by the dis- West > Spring East Fig. 3. — Diagrammatic section at Richfield Spring. placement as if by a well. In consequence the water, which is under pressure, rises along the fault plane, the place of actual issue being- determined by a series of favorable conditions by which free passage is maintained. RECOVERY OF AVATER f'ROM BED ROCK BY TUNNELS. The practicability of tunneling into fault planes to obtain water is suggested by the occurrence of springs along lines of displacement, and a notable successful tunnel is that of the Morrison coal mine east of Sterling. This tunnel was begun on a dry hillside and driven eastAvard toward the fault, which has not yet been reached. Water was encountered which in August, 1905, was found to discharge 5.6 second-feet. The probable conditions here are shown by fig. 4. The source appears to be in the westward-dipping sandstone that outcrops on the Wasatch Plateau. The water being under hydrostatic pres- FiG. 4. — Diagrammatic section at Morrison Tunnel Spring. sure, rises when it reaches the fault plane. Notwithstanding the success of this tunnel, similar results can not be generalh^ predicted, because of the ever-present possibility of unfortunate conditions, such as cementation along fault planes and easier escape of the water in other directions. Yet tunneling into fault planes along which strong springs occur presents possibilities that would seem to justify prospecting. Tunnels may be advantageously driven not only into fault planes, but possibly elsewhere, for it may be profitable to explore locally the RECOVERY OP UNDERGROUND WATER. 27 base of the mountains where water-bearing beds dip valleyward, as in the Pavant Range and on the Wasatch Plateau, with the idea of penetrating saturated strata by tunnels instead of wells. RECOVERY OF WATER FROM BED ROCK BY WELLS. With the exception of well No. 237 (see list on p. 56, and map forming PL VI), between Mount Pleasant and Fairview, no wells, as far as the writer is informed, have been sunk to bed rock in Sanpete and Sevier valleys. Nevertheless flowing wells may possibly be obtained from consolidated rocks in certain areas as already sug- gested, the most promising sources being the eastward-dipping con- glomerates and sandstones on the Pavant Mountains and the west- ward-dipping sandstone on the Wasatch Plateau. Steep dips and faults are locally disturbing factors, but the con- ditions warrant sinking test wells. In the centet- of Sevier Valley, on account of the faulting, it is pos- sible that the water-bearing beds lie at depths too great for profit- able wells, since the temperature of the Richfield Spring indicates a depth of 1,300 feet to the water beds at the border of the valley. Preliminary tests might be made west of the fault in valleys where streams have cut deep into the rocks. Conditions for flowing wells are more favorable in Sanpete Valley, especially between Fairview and Spring City. The absence of fault- ing has not been proved here, but the westward-dipping rocks of the Wasatch Plateau may extend unbroken beneath the valley, where the dips probably flatten out. If these conditions actually prevail it is likely that profitable flowing wells can be obtained from the Laramie sandstone. Because of the uncertainty of the dip and the variable thickness and unknown erosion of the Eocene strata depths can not be predicted, but before a test well is abandoned it should be sunk until the Laramie sandstone is reached. RECOVERY OF WATER FROM VALLEY DEPOSITS. The source of most abundant underground water in Sanpete and Sevier valleys is the unconsolidated material by which they are underlain and from which water is recovered by springs, tunnels, and both flowing and nonflowing wells. RECOVERY OF WATER FROM VALLEY DEPOSITS BY SPRINGS. Although most of the fault springs issue through unconsolidated deposits, their origin is obvious and they should not be confounded with seep springs. As already stated, springs of the first class occur along faults. Those of the second are independent of structure and commonly occur in lowlands where the surface of the ground inter- 28 tTNDEEGROUND WATER IN VALLEYS OF UTAH. sects the water table. The discharge of seep springs is generally unlike that of fault springs, since it often fluctuates with the season instead of flowing almost constantly. The temperature of fault springs is also more constant, and is commonly higher than that of seep springs, a fact that is especially apparent during the winter. Seep springs are numerous in Sanpete and Sevier valleys, espe- cially in their lower stretches, and the important part played by seepage in maintaining the flow of the streams has been already noted. Seepage is so widespread and in any one spot is usually so slight that over large areas it is impracticable to map places of exit of seepage water, but points where the flow appears in springs and is concen- trated into considerable streams are shown on Pis. V and YI and are listed on pages 58 to 60. The flow of many seep springs can be increased by development, but some of them are at elevations so low that their waters are unavailable for use in the immediate vicinity except by pumping. RECOVERY OF WATER FROM VALLEY DEPOSITS BY TUNNELS. Tunnels driven into the unconsolidated deposits have procured large amounts of water. Especially favorable sites for tunnels are places where the low lands begin to raise at an increased angle toward the base of the mountains. At such places the ground water tapped Fig 5 —Section illustrating a tunnel m the valley deposits will drain by gravity into tunnels, as illustrated in fig. 5. A tun- nel of this class is that of Madsen and Seely, west of Mount Pleasant. (See p. 49.) RECOVERY OF WATER FROM VALLEY DEPOSITS BY NONFLOWING WELLS. Nonflowing wells, the general features of which are indicated in the list, pages 51-57, are the most common means of recovering under- ground water in Sanpete and Sevier valleys. The maps show that ground water lies within 10 feet of the surface under a large part of the valleys, this area of course being in the lowlands, and that toward the highlands the depth increases. The nonflowing wells are com- monly dug beneath the ground-water level to a porous bed of sand or gravel, from which water percolates into the opening. Most of RECOVERY OF UNDERGROUND WATER. 29 the wells are sunk several feet below the summer stage of the water table in order to provide for the seasonal fluctuation. There are also a number of nonflowing bored wells, which have been put down with the hope of obtaining a flow at the surface. Water is drawn from most of these wells by buckets or hand pumps. A few windmills are in operation, but the wind velocity is apparently not great or steady enough to give them general favor. There are few, if any, power pumps in the valley, which affords a promising field for their introduction and their use in irrigation. Water contained in coarse beds, which insure an abundant yield, lies within easy reach of the surface beneath large areas, and electric power can be cheaply developed from the near-by mountain streams. RECOVERY OF WATER FROM VALLEY DEPOSITS BY FLOWING WELLS. The irregular sheets of gravel, sand, and clay that slope valley- ward from the base of the mountains afford conditions favorable for j)ressure in their contained water. Accordingly, where beds of sand and gravel that lie below a confining stratum of relatively im- pervious material are encountered by wells which enter the zone of saturation, the water tends to rise in the wells, and in the lowlands sufficient head is developed to cause flows at the surface. Above the lowlands on each side of the valley the water in deep wells rises a greater or less distance, the height it reaches depending upon the elevation of the ground. It is estimated that there are more than 100 flow^ing wells in the tw^o valleys, yielding an aggregate flow of about 5 second-feet. Most of the wells are 1^ or 2 inches in diameter, but a few of the larger ones are 3 or 4 inches. Flows are obtained at different depths be- tween 20 and 344 feet, under pressures at the surface varying from to 6 pounds per square inch. The average yield of the wells is possibly about 20 gallons a minute, but the range is wide, several discharging less than 1 gallon a minute. The greatest flow^ measured was 160 gallons a minute, from a 3-inch pipe. Beneath the first flow other flows are commonly obtained from each bed of sand and gravel encountered in boring the well. The flow^ing wells are located in the fields below the towns, which generally are built at elevations so high that the water of the wells is little used for domestic purposes, for which, by its purity, it is eminently adapted. It is used to some extent for watering stock, but chiefly for irrigation. The use of artesian water from the valley deposits has only begun, and the possibilities apparently are not realized. There is need for a number of test wells to exploit conditions in the lower deposits, and where good flows are obtained more wells of larger bore may profitably be sunk. 30 UNDEEGKOUND WATEE IN VALLEYS OF UTAH. RECOVERY OF WATER FROM VALLEY DEPOSITS BY SUBSURFACE DAMS, ETC. Under exceptional conditions ground water may be recovered by means of subsurface dams or similar contrivances which impound the underflow in unconsolidated materials. These conditions are prac- tically impervious bottom within easy reach of the surface, to pre- vent excessive lowering of the ground-water level, and competent side walls, not too far apart, to intercept lateral escape. The presence of these conditions can be determined only by prospecting, and the economic desirability of building such structures at par- ticular places is an independent question, but because of the high value of water in this area their feasibility at each possible site should be investigated. Possible locations of subsurface- dams are suggested by rock walls at the mouths of the narrow canyons, where borings in search of suitable bottom should be made. Tests of the amount and porosity of the valley filling at and above the mouths of the canyons, together with measurements of the velocity of the underflow, would indicate the quantity of ground water available. At some places below the mouths of the canyons in the several creek valleys conditions favorable to the construction of infiltration gal- leries may also be discovered. QUALITY OF WATER. Few analyses have been made of the waters of Sanpete and Sevier valleys, although their general character is indicated by a number of field tests. During the summer of 1900 the Bureau of Soils « examined the waters of Sevier Valley, and in the fall of 1905 the writer made the following field assays, using the methods suggested by Mr. M. O. Leighton.^ The figures given represent only approxi- mate composition ; yet, as all the tests were made under similar con- ditions, they afford rough comparative data : Field assays of water from Sanpete and Sevier valleys, Utah. [Parts per millon.] Name and locality. STREAMS. Pleasant Creek c MantiCreekc 238 204 157 Trace. San Pitch Creek, west of Mount Pleasant 890 408 237 45 San Pitch Creek, east of Gunnison 550 408 492 519 Sevier River, west of Gunnison 1,150 377 +626 1,015 Sevier River, west of Joseph 261 80 29 Sixmile Creek c 360 245 65 19 Twelvemile Creek c 505 76 19 Upper Salina Creek, 7 miles above mouth of canyon. 410 245 113 9 « Soil survey in Sevier Valley, Utah, Rept. field operations Division of Soils, U. S. Dept. of Agriculture, 1900. » Leighton, M. O., Field assay of water : Water-Sup. and Irr. Paper U. S. Geol. Survey No. 151, 1905. c Samples obtained at mouths of canyons. Calcium (Ca). Bicarbon- ate radicle Sulphate radicle (HCO3). (SO4). 238 234 - 35 238 204 157 890 408 237 550 408 492 1,150 377 +626 261 80 360 245 65 505 76 410 245 113 Chlorine (CI). QUALITY OF WATER. 31 Field assays of icater from Sanpete and Sevier valleys, Utah — Continued. Name and locality. STREAMS — continued. Lower Salina Creek a Monroe Creek « Dry Creek a Fountain Green (No. 86)& Morrison tunnel (No. 38) . Ninemile (No. 34) Glenwood (No. 12). Richfield (No. 16).. FLOWING WELLS. Allred Seeley West of Manti , Between Fairview and Mount Pleasant , Bolitho Brooklyn Irrigation Co , DUG WELLS. Fairview (Boliney House) . . Salina (White House) South of Salina (Colby) Ephraim (S. Sorensen) Moroni (Moroni House) Ephraim (Ephraim House) . Gunnison (Gunnison House) Calcium (Ca). Bicarbon- ate radicle Sulphate radicle (HCOa). {SO4) 151 265 127 96 102 - 35 248 53 («) 265 410 326 164 435 367 459 96 122 228 265 Trace. 380 408 492 274 204 - 35 274 367 135 274 286 - 35 340 326 74 595 326 530 715 367 - 35 595 510 135 320 204 108 1,150 551 +626 650 367 300 274 449 62 248 571 572 Chlorine (CI). 119 9 297 258 14 19 59 19 218 109 148 258 59 636 « Samples obtained at mouths of canyons. " Numbers are those given on Pis. V and VI. <^ Calcium content very large. The general composition of the waters of the area under considera- tion can be inferred from the outline of the gealogy of the watershed, for the mineral content of surface and ground waters is determined by the chemical character of the rocks and soils with which they come in contact. (See pp. 8-14.) The prevalence of limestone causes an abundance of carbonates ; the waters which come under the influence of the Jurassic salt and gypsum bearing rocks are rich in chlorides and sulphates; while streams like Monroe Creek, which traverse igneous rocks, carry relatively little mineral matter in solution. Water from wells of moderate or considerable depth is usually similar to that of the mountain streams in the same locality, but that from shallow wells in the lowlands, especially in irrigated tracts, Contains abundant dissolved salts. This mineral content is largely derived from the return waters of irrigation, which leach the soils, for in the lowlands where ground water is within reach of capillary action the dissolved salts are deposited by evaporation and the soil is impregnated w^ith an accumulation of " alkali." The combined deleterious effects of the soluble Jurassic rocks and of the alkali in the lowlands is shown in the table by the two tests of the water of Sevier Kiver. The sample collected Avest of Joseph, in the upper part of the valley, contained only 261 parts per million of calcium, 80 sulphates, and 29 parts of chlorines, while the sample from the 32 UNDERGROUND WATER IN VALLEYS OF UTAH. same river west of Gunnison contained 377 parts of bicarbonates, 1,150 parts of calcium, over 626 parts of sulphates, and 1,015 parts of chlorine. The natural conditions are generally favorable for obtaining good water for domestic purposes, but the communities give little heed to the sanitary character of the water, and as a result epidemics of typhoid fever of greater or less violence are not uncommon. As ordi- nary hygienic precaution will prevent most of such epidemics the negligence in providing pure water supplies can not be too strongly condemned. Ill-kept privies and cesspools are nuisances that should not be tolerated in settled communities. Privies should be replaced by " dry-earth closets," provided with a supply of dry clay loam, and the fecal matter should be removed at short intervals. Where there are public water supplies it is desirable that sewers should also be installed and the sewage might, if desired, be used in irrigation on " sewer farms." The local custom of using old wells as cesspools pollutes the water of neighboring wells that are still used as sources of drinking water, and should be prohibited. Another prevalent unsanitary custom is the use, for drinking and cooking, of water running through the towns in open ditches, into which pollution is free to drain. All the towns in the area except one or two can procure water sup- plies either from springs or from mountain streams, which with care can be protected from contamination, and outlying houses can be sup- plied with water from deep wells. But although pure water can easily be obtained, only four towns in Sanpete and Sevier valleys^ Freedom^ Mount Pleasant, Manti, and Richfield — have public water- works. SUGGESTIONS. In view of the present undeveloped state of the ground waters of Sanpete and Sevier valleys and the need of more water, a few sug- gestions as to a more efficient use of the available resources may be pertinent. As the only source of water is the precipitation on the drainage area tributary to the valleys, it is clear that attention should be given to conserving this supply by preventing waste whenever possible. The chief problem is to save the storm waters, and to this end large storage reservoirs have been built or planned, but it does not appear to be generally realized that the storm run-off can be saved also by other means. The underground supply can be considerably aug- mented by distributing the flood discharge over the uplands below the mouths of the canyons of the creeks that emerge from the moun- tains. The control of floods is difficult, but by placing obstructions in the ordinary channels flood waters can be spread over a wide area, so as to increase greatly the amount of water that is absorbed in the SUGGESTIONS. 33 porous alluvial deposits. Small reservoirs can also be constructed at many places within the mountain watershed, whereby the storm run- off can be checked and the seepage run-off in the dry season increased. The advantage of preserving timber on the mountains should also be clearly understood. A drainage area well covered with vegetation is one of the most effectual checks to storm run-off. A heavy growth of underbrush and trees tends to prevent storms from washing away the products of rock decay and to accumulate a thick cover of soil and humus, which absorbs large quantities of water from storms and from melting snow, whereas if the covering of vegetation is scant, storms tend to keep the mountain sides relatively bare of soil by washing the debris into the creeks, so that the precipitation runs off rapidly and comparatively little is absorbed to seep slowly into the creeks to maintain their summer flow. The timber should therefore be protected from fire and from reckless cutting, excessive grazing should not be permitted, and trees might be planted to advantage in many areas. Not only should the supply be conserved as far as possible, but more efficient use of the available water should be practiced. Much is lost by crude methods of irrigation. More water is often applied to the fields than is needed, and a large part is lost by seepage from faultily constructed ditches. The use of pipes whenever practicable and the construction of less permeable canals would prevent much waste. Much water is also lost by allowing artesian wells to flow con- stantly. It should be thoroughly realized that the limited supply of ground water comes from a common source, that the wastefulness of one person counteracts the prudence of another, and that the in- terest of all demands that the supply be rigorously conserved. Flow- ing Avells should be capped, or the flow should at least be partly checked when water is not used, or the water should be collected in reservoirs for future use. A further incentive to economy in the use of water is the fact that by its conservation the evil of alkali accumu- lation and the raising of the water table too near the surface in the lowlands is retarded. The distribution of underground water suggests that the most effi- cient use of the total supply in the valley would be to develop the fertile uplands toward the base of the mountains, as far as may be, from high-line canals, supplied by the mountain streams; and to use underground water, which in general is inaccessible on the uplands, in developing the lowlands, where the subterranean supply is plentiful. Owning to the present complicated ownership of water rights, it may be difficult to act upon this suggestion, but there can be no doubt that its adoption would materially add to the amount of land under cultivation. Flowing wells can be obtained in large areas IRB 199—07 M 3 34 UNDEHGEOUISrD WATEE IX VALLEYS OF UTAH. in the lowlands, and at several localities where coarse water-bearing sand and gravel occur near the surface there is a possibility of estab- lishing pumping plants, for which electric power developed from the adjacent mountain streams is generally available. It should be remembered, however, that although the underground supply is con- siderable, it must not be recklessly used. Observations on the fluc- tuation of the water table should serve as a guide to development. Since the underground water supply in Sanpete and Sevier valleys is but little developed and local conditions are promising, further testing of the resources is very desirable. Deep wells should be sunk in both valleys to ascertain the conditions in the unconsoli- dated deposits, and to determine whether flowing wells can be ob- tained from bed rock. Where good supplies are found pipes of larger bore than those now used might well be employed. Also the flow of some of the springs can be materially increased by develop- ment, and possibly new ones found by prospecting. DETAII.ED DESCRlPTIOlSrS. The descriptive details that follow are supplementary to the infor- mation contained in the maps forming Pis. YI and VII and the list of wells and springs on pages 51-60. The descriptions begin at the south and proceed northward, the areas described being grouped about the principal towns. JOSEPH AND VICINITY. About 6 miles south of Joseph the Sevier Kiver emerges from a canyon aaird flows northeastward between the lava-capped foothills of the Pavant Mountains and a low ridge of igneous rocks. The town of Joseph is situated near the base of the long alluvial slope west of the river. Water for irrigation is furnished by the Sevier Valley canal, below which most of the land is under cultivation, and drinking water of poor quality is obtained from shallow dug wells. Most of the area lying below the canal is underlain by gravel and by subordinate streaks of sand and clay; ground water lies within 50 feet of the surface, and the wells are between 30 and 60 feet in depth. The annual fluctuation of the water surface amounts to about 10 feet, the water being highest in midsummer and lowest in late winter, when some of the wells go dry. A better supply for drinking purposes probably can be obtained from bored wells near the river, 100 feet or more in depth. These would avoid contamina- tion and at least some seepage from the canals. There is little likeli- hood of profitably obtaining underground water for irrigating the arid slope west of Joseph, although it is possible that deep wells, after penetrating a considerable but unknown thickness of lava and DETAILED DESCRIPTIONS. 35 the underlying Eocene strata, would strike artesian water in the underlying sandstones and conglomerates. The Joseph Hot Springs issue from calcareous tufa, deposited by the springs, at the base of the low volcanic ridge about a mile south- east of the town. The temperature of the water ranges from 135° to 146° F., and the yield of all is estimated to be only about 30 gallons a minute. ELSINORE AND VICINITY. Sevier Valley broadens out a few miles above Elsinore, which is located in the midst of a prosperous agricultural district. Contigu- ous to the river, particularly south of it, a number of shallow wells have been dug, from which an abundant supply of water in coarse gravel is obtained at depths ranging from 20 to 35 feet. Two wells have been bored in this area, one, 178 feet deep, in the SE. J sec. 32, T. 24 S., E. 3 W., the other, 171 feet deep, in the SW. i sec. 34, in the same range and township. In sinking these wells the surface was found to be underlain chiefly by sand and gravel to a depth of 150 feet, where stiff yellow clay was encountered, through which the inadequate apparatus failed to penetrate. This immediate area is favorable for testing underground conditions, and it is desirable that a deep well be sunk here to determine the possibility of obtain- ing flowing wells in the valley deposits. The discharge of Monroe Creek, on the southeast, and the seepage from Sevier River in its sandy course below the mouth of its canyon are sources of an under- ground supply which may be under pressure in ]DOSsible coarse de- posits beneath the clay above mentioned. If flowing wells should not be obtained, pumping from the shallow gravels is an attractive possibility. Midway between Joseph and Elsinore, near the river, in SE. J sec. 6, T. 25 S., R. 3 W., there is a group of about 25 wells, in w^hich the water rises within 2 or 3 feet of the surface. These are IJ inches in diameter and less than 50 feet deep and the yield of all amounts to about 1 second-foot. Trenches have been dug, in which the flow is conducted to the Brooklyn canal. Clay was encountered in these wells down to 12 feet, below which water-bearing sand and gravel occur. The town of Elsinore is built on an alluvial slope at the base of lava-capped foothills. Water for irrigation is obtained from several canals that are fed by Sevier River, and these also furnish an unsat- isfactory domestic supply, which is supplemented by a few poor wells between 60 and 115 feet in depth. The chief desideratum is a good supply for domestic purposes. Possible sources are a number of feeble seep springs in the hills a few miles to the northwest, springs on the east side of the valley adjacent to Thompsons Creek, 36 UJSTDEEGROUND WATER IN VALLEYS OF UTAH. Monroe Creek, and wells. Although capable of development, the yield of the springs first mentioned appears to be insufficient ; on the other hand, surface water of good quality and abundant quantity is available on the eastern side of the valley, but its use necessitates a pipe line extending several miles. The project of sinking wells, however, offers attractive possibilities. These are of two distinct classes, deep wells in the valley deposits and wells sunk to bed rock. The desirability of sinking a test well in the valley south of Elsinore has just been mentioned. It can hardly be expected, even if a flow should result, that the pressure would be sufficient to carry the water to Elsinore, yet it is probable that water of good quality can be thus obtained. Another possibility is to tap the sandstones and con- glomerates that cap the Pavant Mountains and dip southeastward. The fault along the base of the mountains complicates the situation and makes it desirable that the first experimental well be drilled west of it. Another disturbing factor in the vicinity of Elsinore is the cap of hard lava. This, however, can be avoided by sinking a well in the valley about 2 miles north of the town. The surface strata will probably yield water of poor quality, but this could be cased off, for good water under pressure is to be expected from the underlying beds. The depth at which water will be found can not be predicted, but the beds that overlie the water-bearing strata are probably several hundred feet thick, and if exploration is undertaken at all prepara- tions should be made to sink a well at least 1,000 feet deep. MONROE AND VICINITY. Monroe is prettily situated on an alluvial slope on the east side of the valley, at the base of the Sevier Plateau. Monroe Creek, the principal source of water supply, flows throughout its course over cystalline rocks, and its water therefore contains relatively little dis- solved matter. In this respect it is the purest large stream in the entire area here considered. A number of canals, fed from Sevier Eiver and Monroe Creek, furnish water for irrigation, and these canals are also largely resorted to for domestic supply. In view of the fact that excellent water is available in Monroe Canyon, it is surprising that the community is willing to continue using for house- hold purposes the present relatively unsanitary supply. The depth to ground water is over 50 feet, and there are but few wells in Monroe. The hot springs near Monroe are a valuable asset, but as yet they are little used. There are several groups of springs a half mile east of the town along a probable fault line at the base of the mountains, which are composed of igneous rocks. The salts held in solution by the water are deposited as tufa, from which springs now issue at a Iiumber of places. The total yield is about 100 gallons a minute^ and DETAILED DESCRIPTIONS. 61 the temperature of the water when it reaches the surface ranges from 144° to 156° F. The proximity of the springs to the town suggests the desirability of attempting to increase their flow with the idea of utilizing the leat. The following analysis of the water of Cooper Hot Springs was obtained from the owner: Analysis of umter from Cooper Hot Springs, east of Monroe (No. 5). [Analyst, P. A. Yoder.] Parts per million. Ca 267. 7 Mg 35. 1 Na 591.4 K 37. 5 Li .6 Fe, Al 0.0 SiO, 23. 5 SO, - 167.6 CO3 - 36.0 CI 684.6 Total solids 1,794.0 The few Avells that have been sunk in the valley southwest of Mon- roe show that the depth to ground water is over 70 feet. The most practicable way, therefore, of developing the area is from high-line canals supplied by Sevier River and Monroe Creek. The presence of several springs between 1 and 3 miles south of the mouth of Monroe Canyon, along a probable fault, suggests that more water may be obtained by tunneling. RICHFIELD AND VICINITY. The portion of Sevier Valley between Monroe and Richfield that lies below the canals is in large part under cultivation, but the por- tion above them consists of desert alluvial slopes that extend up to the bases of the mountains. In the highlands bowlders and coarse- textured debris abound, while the lowlands are floored with sand and clay loam. The map forming PI. VI shows that ground water lies within 10 feet of the surface under a considerable part of the low- lands, and that in this vicinity there are about 100 artesian wells, concerning which representative data are given in the list on pages 51-57. They are shallow, ranging from 50 to 95 feet in depth, and yield from 3 to 142 gallons a minute under a pressure at the surface of slightly over 2 pounds. In drilling, clay is usually encountered for 40 to 60 feet, below which lies said and gravel, Avhence the flows are obtained. The gravel appears to be widely distributed and con- stitutes a valuable reservoir. By a single well, No. 59, in list on page 52 and map (PL V), which is 4 inches in diameter, 62 feet deep, 38 UNDERGROUND WATER IN VALLEYS OF UTAH. and yields 132 gallons a minute, a large tract of alkali land has been converted into an excellent meadow. The deepest well in this vicinity was sunk in 1900 in NE. ^ sec. 7, T. 24, S., R., 2 W., to a depth of 324 feet. The log of this well, as re-, ported by the owner, is given below : Log of well in sec. 7, T. 21, S., R. 2 W., in feet. Clay Sand and gravel Clay Sand and gravel Clay Sand and gravel Thick- Depth. 62 62 88 • 150 15 165 B5 300 20 320 24 324 From the upper beds of sand and gravel in this well water rose within a few inches of the surface and a flow was obtained from the bottom, but the pipe broke and the well was discontinued. So far as known, this is the deepest hole in Sevier Valley proper, and the re- sults serve to emphasize the desirability of a deep test well. The probabilities are that such a well will penetrate one or more beds of sand and gravel, bearing water under pressure great enough to cause flows at the surface, even if the well should be sunk at some distance from the river. Not only the valley deposits, but the bed rock is an available source of underground water, especially along the base of the moun- tains, near Richfield. The considerable outcrop of sandstone and conglomerate on the crest and eastern flanks of the Pavant Range, as already stated (p. 23), presents a large area for the absorption of precipitation and run-off, and the eastward dip and cap of Eocene strata cause the contained water to be under pressure. Although deep valleys drain a large portion of the porous rocks, it is neverthe- less likely that a well sunk through the capping of limestones and shales will strike artesian water in the underlying sandstone and conglomerate. The fault along the base of the mountains is a dis- turbing factor, yet apparently it is the cause of the spring west of Richfield, and thus serves to emphasize the possibility of obtaining water under pressure. The depth at which water may be expected can not be closely predicated. If a test well is attempted provision should be made for driving 1,000 feet or more, the depth depending on the location of the well; the farther away from the mountains it may be dug the deeper it will need to be sunk to reach the water- bearing beds. A rough approximation of the depth to the Richfield spring water may be afforded by its temperature, 74° F., which is 26° above the mean annual temperature. If the temperature be due to the internal heat of the earth, which, it is assumed, increases about DETAILED DESCKIPTIONS. 39 1 degree in every 50 feet, the water is derived from a depth of about 1,300 feet. It is possible, however, that the water owes its tempera- ture in part to the proximity of heated igneous rocks. Inverury and Annabelle, small towns situated on opposite sides of the Sevier, 4 miles south of Richfield, are supported by irrigation from canals fed by the river. Inverury is supplied w^ith poor drink- ing water from shallow wells, although water of better quality can be obtained by driving deeper and casing off the upper flow. Anna- belle, on the other hand, derives a good supply for domestic use from reservoirs in the mountains south of the town. Richfield, the commercial center of Sevier Valley, has a population of about 2,000. The town is situated at the foot slope of the Pavant Range, and derives its water supply from the Sevier Valley and other canals and from the spring referred to on page 25. This spring, discharging 3.2 second-feet, besides furnishing water for local irrigation, supplies the city waterworl^ — the best system in the entire area considered in this report. The spring is inclosed in a brick structure, whence the water is piped to a concrete reservoir and distributed through an 8-inch main. Before the waterworks were installed the town depended largely upon wells that range in depth from 15 to 20 feet. Some of these are still used ; others have been abandoned and are used as cesspools, thus introducing a source of contamination which should not be tolerated. Glenwood is prettily located in a cove, at the base of Sevier Plateau, that is separated on the west from the main valley by a low lava- capped ridge. The tow^n and its vicinity are supplied with water for irrigation and domestic use by springs. . East and west of the lava- capped ridge there are springs whose discharge aggregates about 20 second-feet. Those on the west side of the ridge are reported to have broken out since 1880, and their flow is so copious that a considerable area has been converted into marsh land. The conditions here can be improved by drainage and by conveying the surplus water where it is more needed. The springs on the east side of the ridge discharge 9 second -feet and are the source of Cove Creek. At an elevation of 250 feet above the town Glenwood Springs issue from debris at the base of igneous hills and form the main local supply for all purposes, the discharge being 7 second-feet. Although the supply is plentiful, a needed improvement is the installation of a waterworks system that would do aw^ay wdth the present insanitary practice of obtaining domestic water directly from open ditches in the streets. The springs also afford an excellent source of power, which is as yet undeveloped. North of Glenwood, along the base of the mountains, there are other springs, notably Herrins Hole Springs and Black Knoll Springs, which yield respectively 1 and 12 second- feet. All of these springs probably rise along faults. 40 UNDEBGKOUKD WATER IN VALLEYS OF UTAH. SALINA AND VICINITY. Between Richfield and Salina the character of the country changes. On the east of the valley the Sevier Plateau, an area of igneous rocks, slopes rapidly northward to the interval separating it from the Wa- satch PJateau, which is underlain by sedimentary rocks. A narrow belt of gypsiferous drab and red shales, capped here and there with lava, lies between the base of the plateaus and Sevier River. On the west side of the valley the eastward-dipping Eocene beds of the Val- ley Mountains are separated by a fault from the red conglomerates and sandstones of the Pavant Range. The appearance of the valley also changes. West of the river the canals water a relatively narrow strip, beyond which there is a long desert slope up to the base of the mountains, while on the east still less land is irrigated from small ditches fed by creeks. I Here, as throughout the valle}'^, the lowlands are superficially under- lain by fine-textured soils, while the foot slopes of the mountains are littered with coarse debris. Ground water lies between 10 and 50 feet from the surface in a belt contiguous to the river, where most of the wells have been sunk. They are chiefly driven wells, 2 or 3 inches in diameter and from 100 to a little over 200 feet in depth. This depth, unusual in Sevier Valley, is necessitated by the strongly saline character of the water nearer the surface, due to the proximity of the salt and gypsum-bearing shales. The wells first penetrate about 60 feet of clay, below which lie alternating layers of gro^vel and clay. Each gravel bed yields water under pressure that causes it to rise within a few feet of the surface. Along the entire length of Sevier Valley, between Venice and Gunnison, the character of the ground water is impaired by salts leached from the adjacent Jurassic beds. These salts, however, apparently do not permeate the valley deposits throughout their entire thickness, but seem to be confined largely to the upper layers by beds of clay, so that water of better quality is obtained by deep wells. I The character and structure of the bed rocks in the highlands im- mediately adjacent to the valley between Richfield and Salina are not in general favorable for storing or yielding much water, but water under pressure probably can be obtained in the red sandstone and con- glomerate north of Richfield (p. 10). Artesian water ma}^ prob- ably also be obtained in the valley of Salina Creek, several miles above Salina, a probability which, in view of the needs of the town, becomes important. As has been stated in the outline of the geology of the region (p. 9), thick sandstones that dip westward at a Ioav angle and are overlain by Eocene beds outcrop in the upper valley of Salina Creek. Here the opportunities for absorption are good, and it is likely that wells that penetrate to saturated horizons of the sand- DETAILED DESCRIPTIONS. 41 stone will strike artesian water. If a test well be sunk it should be located at least 5 miles up the creek from Salina, for a fault probably lies between the small outcrop of Colorado age and the water-bearing beds. Salina is situated at the base of the salt and gypsum bearing shales, near the mouth of Salina Creek. The town obtains its supply of water for domestic uses from ditches fed by the creek, and from dug wells, but the water from both sources is of poor quality. An effort was made in 1905 to obtain good water by sinking a 4-inch well to a depth of 163 feet, where water was encountered which rose within 42 feet of the surface. The site was not particularly good and the depth not great, so the test proved unsuccessful. Log of Salina town tvell, in feet. Clay and sandy soil. Sand and gravel Hard white layer. . . Sand and gravel Thick- Depth. 35 35 91 126 24 150 13 163 A sample of water from the lower sand and gravel in this well was analyzed by H. Harms, of Salt Lake City, and found to contain 1,708 parts per million of dissolved solids, 728 of which are chlorine. This large content of salts renders the water undesirable for drink- ing purposes. A number of families have their drinking water hauled from Colby's well (No. 85 on map), about 4 miles southwest of Salina, which is reported to contain only 576 parts per million of dissolved salts, but this practice is only a makeshift. Further tests should be made with deep wells in the valley, away from the imme- diate influence of Salina Creek, and deep enough to escape seepage of Avater containing salts derived from the adjacent hills. It is desira- ble also that a test be made for artesian water up the valley of Salina Creek. The nearest good surface water is derived from feeble streams in the Pavant Mountains and from Salina Creek above the belt of saline rocks. The small town of Aurora, 5 miles southwest of Salina, is supplied mainly by canals. A few wells, over 100 feet in depth, here obtain a fairly good supply beneath the saline surface water. The water rises in these wells within 20 or 40 feet of the surface. It is desira- ble that a deep test well be sunk in this part of the valley to determine whether water of good quality can be obtained under pressure suffi- cient to flow at the surface. It is possible that the spring 2 miles w^est of town can be developed so as to yield enough water for do- mestic uses. 42 UNDERGROUND WATER IN VALLEYS OF UTAH. Redmond is plentifully supplied with water, its chief asset being the springs that feed Redmond Lake. These issue from the bottom and edges of the lake and discharge about 13.5 second- feet. The temperature of one small spring of the group in August, 1905, was 70° F., which, together with the large amount of water the springs yield, suggests that they occur along a fault, which, however, has not been traced on the surface. Ditch water is generally used for domestic use, and little attention is given to its sanitary character. By fencing the lake and piping the supply used for drinking, water of excellent quality can be cheaply obtained. Ground water occurs within 10 feet of the surface in the lower part of the town, although there are but few wells. One well (No. 106 on the map), about a mile northeast of Redmond, was sunk to a depth of 180 feet passing through the following material : Log of tvell No. 106, in feet. Thick- Depth. Clay Sand and clay Clay Gravel Clay 20 - 103 120 142 180 Water in the lower gravel rises within 3.5 feet of the surface. GUNNISON AND VICINITY. A few miles north of Redmond, west of the river, there is a narrow belt of low hills, below which the valley broadens, reaching a width of 9 miles at Gunnison. The lowlands are underlain by clay, while the slopes on both sides of the valley are composed of coarser tex- tured deposits that extend to the base of the mountains. Canals, fed either from Sevier River or San Pitch Creek, supply the lower part of the valley, which locally is so wet as to need drainage; but above the ditches desert conditions prevail. Ground water lies within 50 feet of the surface in a considerable area in this part of the valley, and a number of wells have been sunk here. West of Gunnison, near the river, there are many flowing wells that average only 30 feet in depth. The water occurs in gravel beneath about 25 feet of clay, and the wells, which are 2 inches in diameter, flow about 50 gallons a minute under a pressure at the surface of about 1 pound. Farther up the valley, in the vicinity of Axtel, about 1 mile east of the river, there is a group of dug wells that average 60 feet in depth. The deepest bore hole in this part of the valley is 1^ inches in diame- ter and 200 feet deep (No. 109 on the map). In this well alkaline water is found in sand at a depth of 45 feet, below which between DETAILED DESCRIPTIONS. 43 160 and 200 feet of alternating beds of sand and gravel, separated by clay, were encountered, which yielded a better quality of water that rose within 26 feet of the surface. Although the strata of the valley range dip toward the river, the catchment area is small, the rocks are chiefly fine-textured shales and limestones, and the opportunities for absorption and transmission are poor. On the east side of the valley the conditions are worse, for the little water that is contained in the gypsiferous shales is strongly impregnated with dissolved salts. The town of Gunnison is situated at the southern end of the Gun- nison Plateau, near the mouth of San Pitch Creek. A fair amount of water is furnished by canals, but there is urgent need for a supply of pure drinking water. There are a few shallow wells which derive their supply largely from the seepage of the canals. The w^ater level in these wells fluctuates about 10 feet a year, being highest in the midst of the irrigation season. South of Gunnison a number of wells, less than 50 feet deep, have been sunk into the valley deposits, in which water is found in gravel beneath the surface cover of clay. The supply is derived largely from the seepage from the canals, and the quality of the water is only fair. No deep wells have been sunk in this part of the valley, and although the elevation is so high that flowing wells can hardly be expected, it is likely that a better quality can be obtained beneath the upper waters, and a test should be made. Probably the most satisfactory domestic supply for Gunnison is obtainable from springs at the base of the Wasatch Plateau north of Mayfield, presently to be described. MAYFIELD AND VICINITY. Mayfield is situated On Twelvemile Creek where it emerges from its canyon in the Wasatch Plateau, in a narrow lowland known as Arapien Valley, that trends north-south along a fault. On the west is a range of hills composed of eastward-dipping gypsiferous shales, and on the east is the dip slope of the Wasatch monocline. Maj^field and Arapien Valley are watered by ditches that tap Tw^elvemile Creek at the mouth of its canyon. A spring near the bed of the creek about 1 mile above town may be utilized as a source of domestic supply. A number of wells, ranging in from 45 to 60 feet, have been sunk in the town, but many of them go dry, or almost dry, in the late winter, although during the irrigation season they contain between 15 and 20 feet of water. The westward-dipping sandstones that outcrop in the uj^per valley of Twelvemile Creek may contain water under pressure. The conditions here are complicated by minor step faulting along the flanks of the monocline, but it is likel}^ that wells sunk near the mouth of the canyon deep enough to penetrate 44 UNDERGROUND WATER IN VALLEYS OF UTAH. the overlying Wasatch beds will strike artesian water in the sand- stone. In the hilly faulted zone between Mayfield and Manti the main supply of underground water is derived from springs, including both fault and seep springs, 14 of which yield more than 16 second-feet. These comprise both seep and fault springs. The most remarkable spring in this area is that in the Morrison coal mine (No. 28 on map), east of Sterling. Before the mine was opened the hillside at the entrance to the mine was dry, but in driving the tunnel through the eastward-dipping sandstone water was encountered, the amount in- creasing with the length of the workings, until a stream was developed which in August, 1905, discharged 5.6 second-feet. It is likely that the water is brought up through the fault east of the mine from the westward-dipping sandstone that outcrops on the Wasatch Plateau. The water being under hydrostatic pressure, rises when it reaches the fault plane, as illustrated in fig. 4, p. 26. This spring suggests the desirability of prospecting for similar occurrences. The small town of Sterling is watered by Sixmile Creek, which furnishes a good supply for irrigation, but the insanitary custom prevails of using for domestic purposes the ditch water that flows through the streets. The conditions can also be improved by develop- ing springs or by piping from the creek above the town. MANTI AND EPHRAIM. Above the narrows of San Pitch Creek the valley broadens to a width of 5 miles at Manti 'and becomes 8 miles wide at Ephraim, On the west Gunnison Plateau, which is underlain for the most part by Eocene strata that dip west at a low angle, rises abruptly above the valley along a fault. On the east low, detached hills, composed of westward- dipping Manti beds, lie at the base of the Wasatch mono- cline. Where the creeks have cut deep, small outcrops of Laramie (?) sandstone are exposed below the Eocene strata, which underlie the surface of the greater part of the monocline in this area. Water for irrigation is supplied by San Pitch, Ephraim, Willow, and Manti creeks, which are supplemented in the lowlands to a small extent by flowing wells. The central part of the valley between Manti and Ephraim is occupied by a marsh. The conditions here, however, are reported to have been improved since the early days of settlement by the diversion of the waters of San Pitch Creek for use in irrigation, and considerable areas have been reclaimed. Ground water lies within 10 feet of the surface in a large area in the central part of the valley, where many wells have been driven, but toward the mountains water lies deeper and there are only a few dug wells. Most of the wells in the lowlands are 1^ or 2 inches in DETAILED DESCRIPTIONS. 45 diameter and between 125 and eSOO feet in depth. Judging by the imperfect records, there is little uniformity in the distribution of the deposits, which appear to be lenticular masses of gravel, sand, and clay. A typical section is afforded by the following log : Log of R. Taylor iccll, in SW. i sec. 33, T. 15 S., R. 3 E. (I\'o. 190 on p. J5.) Thick- ness. Depth. Clay with streaks of gravel Clay Sand and gravel Clay and sand Gravel 25 115 145 25 140 146 291 29 i In this well the first flow was obtained at 140 feet, and a stronger flow^, amounting to 28 gallons a minute under a pressure of 5 pounds at the surface, was encountered in the lowest gravel. Most of the Avells in this area do not go beyond the first flow, which is commonly reached at a depth of about 125 feet, but in some wells as many as six flows are encountered between 125 and 300 feet. The flow of all the wells in this vicinity varies more or less with the season, and the yield of the shallower ones particularly is greater in summer than in winter. It is also found that the sinking of a new well in an area where wells are close together frequentl}^ interferes with the flow of the old ones. On the eastern side of the valley, whence the main supply is derived, the wells are better and more gravel is reported. It is desirable in this region to drive a deep well to test conditions and to sink more wells of larger bore to the lower horizons to obtain increased flow^s. In order to ascertain conditions concerning the available supply for pumping, experimental wells should also be put down outside of the area where flows are obtained. It is probable also that deep wells sunk near the base of the mountains on the east side of the valley will strike water under pressure in the Laramie sandstone, but the absorption area here is not so large as that farther north. Manti is built on the alluvial fan of Manti Creek, which is the chief source of Avater supply. The toAvn is underlain by coarse gravel in which are few Avells, the deepest having been sunk about 100 feet, and very little water is reported to have been found. Manti is one of the few towns in this area that are provided with waterworks. Seep springs in the mountains on the south side of the creek have been developed, whence the water is piped to the city, and furnish a good supply. Ephraim, situated on the alluvial slope about 2 miles below the mouth of the canyon of Ephraim Creek, is supplied with water for domestic purposes by a number of wells, the depth of which increases with the surface elevation. The wells in the lower part of town are 46 UNDERGROUND WATER IN VALLEYS OF UTAH. only 30 feet deep, but those farther east are 90 feet. In the upper outskirts there are no wells, and the people depend on the ditches for water. A few years ago a well 2 inches in diameter and 440 feet deep was sunk near the town hall in search of flowing water. At 160 feet water was found which rose to IT feet below the surface, and at 340 feet water stood in the pipe 60 feet below the ground. It is reported that the lower 100 feet of the drilling was through bed rock. A considerable part of the town appears to be underlain to a depth of from 10 to 20 feet by clay, which overlies water-bearing sand and gravel. The water is therefore protected to a certain extent from contamination, but a better supply is available in springs a few miles up Ephraim Canyon. MORONI AND VICINITY. Between Ephraim and Moroni the conditions are similar to those farther south. A number of flowing wells have been obtained in the lowlands, while the uplands remain to a large extent undeveloped. Some of the best wells in the area under consideration are located here. Most of them are 2 inches in diameter and about 130 feet deep, and discharge from 10 to 30 gallons a minute; but a well in NW. J sec. 9, T. 16 S., R. 3 E., belonging to Joseph Seely, is exceptional in character. This well is 4 inches in diameter and 344 feet deep and yields 160 gallons a minute under a pressure of 6 pounds at the sur- face. An approximate record of this well is as follows: Approximate record of ivell Wo. 205, in feet. Depth. Thick- ness. Clay / Sand with streaks of clav Clay ■ Sand Alternating layers of gravel, sand, and clay 15 80 130 150 344 15 65 50 20 194 Several flows were obtained between 130 and 344 feet, but the best one occurred at the latter depth, in a bed of gravel 10 feet thick. In one well the drill was sunk 300 feet deeper, through clay all the way. These results will probably encourage the sinking of other wells in this vicinity. The extent of the area in which these conditions pre- vail can be determined only by testing, but it may be conjectured that they persist at least over several square miles. The town of Moroni is situated at the southern end of the high- land between the two forks of Sanpete Valley. Canals fed by San Pitch Creek form its chief source of water supply, but the town is poorly provided with water for domestic purposes. There are a number of dug wells, ranging in depth from 10 to 60 feet. The qual- DETAILED DESCRIPTIONS. 47 ity of the water, however, is impaired by seepage from the upper canal. Probably the springs on the west side of the valley (p. 103) are the most desirable source of water for the domestic supply of Moroni. FOUNTAIN GREEN AND WALES. The broad western fork of Sanpete Valley is bordered on the east by a low, barren ridge, underlain by Eocene shales and limestones and capped by lava flows, and is limited on the west by the high and narrow Gunnison Plateau. The northern end of the plateau is underlain by beds of sandstone and conglomerate, which lie almost flat or dip westward at a low angle, while farther south these beds are capped by shales and limestones, and along the eastern border steep-lying, eastward-dipping beds of sandstone and conglomerate mark the presence of a fault. Toward the northwest the valley narrows, and about 4 miles above Fountain Green terminates at the debris- covered divide between Sanpete and Salt Creek valleys. No perennial streams are fed by the run-off in this area, but a remark- able series of springs issue along the base of Gunnison Plateau. Between Moroni and Fountain Green, ground water lies within 10 feet of the surface in a narrow belt, above which it lies at greater depths, as shown on the map (PI. VI). In this region there are a few flowing wells and a number of pumping ones, but the main water supply is derived from springs. Within a distance of 10 miles between Wales and Fountain Green, associated with the fault at the base of Gunnison Plateau, there are seven springs, the aggregate yield of which amounts to 15.9 second- feet. These springs have many features in common. Their tem- perature is about the same, approximating the mean annual tem- perature of the region; the water of all contains abundant calcium carbonate, which is deposited as tufa; and the flow, except that of one spring, is reported not to vary. The discharge of these springs is not affected by heavy showers, and in view of the small tributary drainage area and the scarcity of limestone, a distant though un- known source is indicated. Possibly the water is derived from the westward-dipping sandstone that outcrops on the Wasatch Plateau and probably underlies the valley. This chance suggests the desir- ability of sinking a deep well in the valley in search of artesian water from bed rock (pp. 22-23) . The dip of the sandstone may flatten out, for the low temperature of the springs does not imply a deep-seated source, but the depth to the water-bearing beds can not be predicted. It is reported that the flow of one of these springs (No. YO on map) was increased fivefold by driving a tunnel through debris to bed rock. This, together with the general facts of occurrence, suggest that prospecting might profitably be undertaken along the fault line with 48 UNDERGEOUND WATER IN VALLEYS OF UTAH. the idea of increasing present supplies and of developing new ones. Another point should be mentioned. The springs are separated from the settlements by a mile or more of sand and gravel, in which loss occurs by absorption, although aeration of the water causes the precipitation of calcium carbonate, which tends to seal the channels, especially in their upper part. Much of this loss could be prevented by using pipes instead of ditches. Wales is situated on the alluvial slope near the base of the plateau and is supplied with water principally from Wales Greek and from springs northwest of the town. There are a few wells in Wales, ranging from 30 to 90 feet in depth, and the fields below the town are irrigated from a reservoir below Moroni. The quality of the domestic supply can be much improved by using pipes instead of open ditches to convey water from the springs. The small toAvn of Freedom is noteworthy as being one of the few settlements in the area under consideration that have public water S3^stems. The flow of Current Spring, amounting to about 1 second- foot, is distributed through pipes and furnishes a very satisfactory supply. Fountain Green is suppled almost entirely by the large spring at the base of the plateau about a mile and a half west of the town. (PI. IV, A.) The yield of this spring, as measured by G. S. Jarvis in September, 1905, amounted to 12.4 second-feet. It is reported that the winter discharge falls off perceptibly, but figures to verify this report are not available. The domestic supply would be bettered in quality if the water were distributed in pipes instead of open ditches. There are a number of dug wells in and about Fountain Green, ranging from 10 to 50 feet in depth ; and about 1896 the town sank a 2-inch well to a depth of 285 feet, the log of which is given below : Log of ivell at Fountain Green, No. 218. Thick- ness. Depth. Gravel Alternate beds of clay,.sand, and gravel Clay Sand Clay 15 113 200 260 285 MOUNT PLEASANT AND VICINITY. The eastern fork of Sanpete Valley is occupied by the headwaters of San Pitch Greek. On the west the low hills that separate the two forks are underlain by Eocene shales and limestones that dip west- Avard at a low angle and are locally capped by lava, and on the east the Wasatch Plateau towers above the valley. In this part of the DETAILED DESCRIPTIONS. 49 plateau the summits and most of the western flank are formed of Laramie ( ? ) sandstone, and Eocene strata outcrop on the lower slopes. Here, as farther south, the monocline is Avell developed, and the rocks that cap the plateau dip beneath the valley filling. Spring City, Mount Pleasant, Fairview, and Milburn are situated on the east side of the valley, and their water supply is derived from the main creek and its branches, supplemented by a number of wells and springs. The central part of the valley is occupied by a narrow belt in w^hich ground water lies within 10 feet of the surface. Above the lowlands the surface rises to the base of the mountains at a rate of slightly over 100 feet a mile. The upper portion of this slope, above the canals, is a sagebrush-covered desert, beneath which ground water lies at a considerable but unknown depth. The wells in the lowland are chiefly shallow dug ones, possessing no unusual features, and the main supply of underground water is derived from springs. These are situated in low meadows adjacent to creeks and are all seep springs, of which there are several groups in this portion of the valley. An important group includes those belonging to the sugar company, located about 3 miles east of Moroni ^ adjacent to Cedar Creek, which in all discharge 3.8 second-feet. An- other group, about 2 miles northeast of these, flows 2J second-feet. Above Mount Pleasant, adjacent to San Pitch Creek, there are num- erous seeps, and in the vicinity of Fairview the total discharge of springs, determined by gaging the creek above and below the town in September, 1905, amounted to 12 second- feet. The Madsen and Seely tunnel, about half a mile west of the rail- road station at Mount Pleasant, affords an instructive example of the successful development of a spring. There the flow of a small seep has been increased several fold by tunneling, and the experiment might be repeated elesewhere to advantage. (See p. 28.) The extensive outcrop of sandstone on the crest and flanks of the Wasatch Plateau east of upper Sanpete Valley affords an excellent opportunity for absorption, and the westward dip and capping of Wasatch beds at the base of the plateau are favorable for obtaining water under pressure in wells sunk into the sandstone. These con- ditions are well developed between Spring City and Milburn. If results are favorable, it is likely that flows can be obtained well up on the barren slopes toward the base of the mountains. Spring City is situated near the base of a long alluvial slope in an embayment that is partly separated from the main valley by a low ridge of westward-dipping Manti beds. The main water supply is obtained from ditches fed by Canal and Oak creeks, supplemented iRR 199—07 M 4 50 UNDERGROUND WATER IN VALLEYS OF UTAH. by springs and wells. Ground water lies within 10 feet of the sur- face in a narrow stip adjoining the lower part of the town, but in the upper part the depth to water increases to 50 feet or more. There are a few flowing wells in the valley deposits southwest of Spring City. Wells Nos. 194 and 195 are 2 inches in diameter, 200 feet deep, and yield an average flow of 20 gallons a minute under a- pressure of 3| pounds at the surface. A feeble first flow was ob- tained at 150 feet and the main flow at 200 feet. Similar results can doubtless be obtained in other wells. There are a number of seep springs in and near the town, the discharge of which ranges between 4 and 44 gallons a minute. It is likely that the yield can be increased and other springs developed by tunneling. Mount Pleasant, located on the alluvial slope about midway be- tween San Pitch and the base of the mountains, has lately in- stalled public waterworks. Water is diverted from Pleasant Creek near the mouth of its canyon and flumed to a reservoir, whence it is distributed throughout the town. The success of this project shows what can be accomplished at small cost by most of the settlements in Sanpete and Sevier valleys. The depth to ground water ranges from 10 feet in the lower part to more than 100 feet in the upper part of the town. Approximate measurements show that the slope of the ground-water surface is less than that of the ground, the figures being respectively 95 and 170 feet in a mile. The annual fluctuation of the ground-water surface between summer maximum and winter minimum is reported to average about 10 feet. Fairview and Milburn are situated near San Pitch Creek, at the base of the alluvial slope. In the lower part of the towns ground water lies near the surface, and swampy places exist, while on the upper slopes depth to water is considerably over 50 feet. Springs can be developed in this vicinity, and it is desirable that a deep test well should be sunk in the lower part of the valley. WELL DATA. 51 O lO O O O 00 lO ^ 41 41 COCO«3lOI> CO CO I— I T}H Tj< CO I I I I I I M I I I M I I I I '^(Nt-^OCOOCOiCtO-^tOiCiO'© r!U CO CO ■ - f^ I I rH O 00 m OI>OJ tH lO i^O 03i-ioou3ioooococoiniOrHiccooo3iocot>03co a3a>03ooCT>05a3oa>oooooascjsoQOooasooooa3 CC0O0O0OO0ODOOO300CSO3OiO3Oia0a0O3aDO0000000a0 THrHiMrHT-lrHTHrHT-HiHT-HT-Hi-lrHTHT-lr-lr-lT-lr-lrHi-lr-l 52 UNDERGROUND WATER IN VALLEYS OF UTAH. +Li=.4l l^^i— ICO^^T— Ij3 ~ 0) 0) a; o oi Pi OS ^ n^ ^ 0(»0 I 6d h-IPcBh (DOOO'^'qjOO "■■■eg:; . y, =« O O^ O K^_ >• fO '■O "TD > 'O o be o "^ O O o o OS 41 -+I 41 41 H ^. 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Petersei Neilsen . . 1 : :^ :^a;^ : :ww Ph SB as I, §S d WELL DATA. 53 41 O OCO o oo ,-1 CO-= CO r-lr-l OOOlOOOOOO OiniO(NOOOO^ C0C0I:^C^04(NC^C rH CO • 41 41 '^ ^ O iO t~CO^!Nt^OOCOCOO C^ iOOr-ji-II>OQ003iOCDTfiCOCOCOJ 1 rH tH CS4(NrHT-l CO CO '» (M lO CO to O O SSS^S s- - ^§ ^ ic^c^c5c^','-<,^'-i'-<'-''-i ,<^';::^";q'-^ •lc^'^^?^'^'^- ccz iz; oQco !zi;2;:zi :z; oq CO ^z; ;2^ x! CO CO jz; iz; ;zi !^i ;z;^i^;^;z;;z;;zicoc»:z;cc;z;;2icocEcoc»;2;occz;!5aj2;:zi (M(N oo oo oo as oo oo ot oo as oo as 02 oo oo oo qo oo oo ) 0000 OS 00 o.t ^ o d 5* a) -<. SS 0) S S a>oh:r^!7-rH->er7-:r^ ^ o rt rt ■ tr r-> !» <» r. '000 c^cOTjooas OS as a> o o o o o o 0.0 o o o 1 54 tTNDERGKOUND WATER IN VALLEYS OF UTAH. rHOOfNOSOlOuOOlO iOiOCOiOOt^(MOI> 41 -H 1 +1 i5i":l°' 05 lO 00 -O rfS ^ o " CC CO CO CO CO 0202 ; 02 CO 02 CB CO CO 02 CO CO ft CO CO CO 02 CO 02 tt! 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S " G :=^>.bi§) : 2 ;.2P-S.^g Mj 1^ g c» W w" ^1 H^ til aj P^' -si ^Cxxi ocu-rti G "^ > feirfflaH^ft^OH^^Qo^O ,-^--T'i-r;WH-;d<>idft"td<^' l(NCO-^iO«OI>OC050i-l'MCO'^i-CtOr^Q0050i ICMOJC^!M(>)(M 00 05 o eMoa>o«ooot>i-(OOcococooo -05500t^COO 1-1 aioooQOOa5 0000000505000000050505000500 , a> o 0) t- fH « ■ J S ■ : ■ >-- c S >. ^ r-lMCO'*iO«5r-000>Or-IC^COTt< " ~ " " " *)icto!©totato 58 UNDERGROUND WATER IN VALLEYS OF UTAH. H bc^i cS >.„ o "^ o s "^ oj ^^ 03^ a,g -g 'O i=l 5S o js^ oj o (ccO a- • eg 2 C . 60 O -^ St^ oB :3-r: -^ ^<^ o S SS jg p (d PI fl a> 5 t^ 1 i ^Q S fi; o 5 o l-^h^^lz; 41 41 -fl 00t-I0I>0 O 00 1—1 CO I— I CO -fl 41 41 41 OiAOOiO CO I>(N i-l CO^ 4141 . 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Bed rocks, occurrence and character of. 8-12 water in 22-23 recovery of 25-27 Black Knoll Springs, character of 39 C. Canal Creek, flow of 17 Canals, flow of 20-21 supply of 17 Cedar Creek, flow of 17 Cedar Ridge Creek, flow of 20 Clear Creek, flow of 17, 20 Climate, character of 5 Colorado rocks, occurrence and character of. 9 Cope, E. D., on the Manti beds 11 Corn Creek, rocks on 10 Cottonwood Creek, flow of 17, 20 Cove Creek, flow of 20 Cretaceous rocks, occurrence and character of 9-10 Crops, character of 5 Current Spring, flow of 48 D. Dams, subsurface, recovery of water by 30 Dry Creek, water of, analysis of 31 E. Elsinore, water supplies near 35-36 Eocene rocks, occurrence and character of. 9, 10-12 Ephraim, water supplies at 45-46 Ephraim Creek, flow of 17, 19 seepage from 19 F. Fairview, water supplies near 49, 50 Fault springs, flow of 25 occurrence of 35-50 structure at, section showing 26 view of 14 Faults, occurrence and character of 13-14 Fountain Green, springs near, description of 47-48 springs near, temperature of 25 view of 14 water of, analysis of 31 Page. Fountain Green, water supplies near 47-48 well at, record of 48 Freedom, alluvial fan near, view of 5 water supply of 48 G. Geology, account of 8-14 map showing Pocket. Gienwood, description of 39 Glenwood Springs, description of 39 water of, analysis of 31 Goniobasis, occurrence of 10 Gunnison, flow near 18 water supplies near , 42-43 Gunnison Plateau, description of 7 rocks of 10 section on 11 H. Herrins Hole Springs, character of 39 I. Igneous rocks, occurrence and character of. 12 Inoceramus labiatus, occurrence of 9 Inverury, water resources of 39 Irrigation, methods of, crudeness of 33 J. Jarvis, C. S., work of 5, 17, 19 Joseph, water supplies near 34-35 Joseph Hot Springs, description of 35 temperature of 25, 35 J urassic rocks, occurrence and character of. 8-9 K. Knowlton, F. H., fossils determined by 9 L. Laramie formation, occurrence of 9-10, 22 water in 1 22 Lost Creek, flow of ■ 17, 20 M. Madsen and Seely tunnel, spring in 49 Manti, precipitation at 16 water supplies at 44-45 well near, record of 45 Manti beds, occurrence of 11-12 Manti Creek, flow of 17 water of, analysis of 30 view of 14 Map of Utah, showing location of valleys.. . 6 Map, geologic, of Sanpete and central Sevier valleys Pocket. 61 62 INDEX. Page. Map, underground water, in Sanpete Valley. 24 in central Sevier Valley 22 Mayfield, water resources near 43-44 Milburn, water supplies near 49, 50 Monroe, water supplies near 36-37 Monroe Creek, flow of 17, 20 water of, analysis of 31 Monroe Hot Springs, description of 36-37 temperature of 25, 37 water of, analysis of 37 Monroe Peak, elevation of 7 Moroni, water supplies near 46-47 well near, record of 46 Moroni canal, flow of 19 seepage from 19 Morrison Tunnel Spring, structure at, sec- tion showing 26, 44 water of, analysis cf 31 Mormons, settlement by 5 Mount Pleasant, precipitation at 16 water supplies near 48-50 N. Nebo, Mount, rocks on 10 Ninemile Spring, water of, analysis of 31 North Creek, flow of 17 O. Oak Creek, flow of 17,19 seepage from 19 P. Pavant Mountains, description of 8 rocks of 10, 22, 23 Physa, occurrence of 10 Planorbis, occurrence of 10 Pleasant Creek, flow of 17 water of, analysis of 30 Precipitation, amount of 15-16 disposal of 14-15 R. Rainfall. See Precipitation. Redbutte Creek, flow of 20 Redmond, water supplies of 42 well near, record of 42 Reservoirs, recommendation for 32-33 Richfield, precipitation at 15 water supplies near 37-39 well near, water of, analysis of 38 Richfield Spring, description of 38-39 structure at, section showing 26 temperature of 25 water of, analysis of 31 S. Sabal, occurrence of 9 Sabalites grayanus, occurrence of 9 Salina, description of 41 water supplies near 40-42 well at, record of 41 Salina Creek, artesian wells on 40 flow of 17, 20 water of, analyses of 30-31 Salix sp., occurrence of 9 Page. San Pitch Creek, character of 16 flow of 18,21 irrigation from 5 tributaries of 7 water of, analyses of 30 See also Sanpete Valley. Sanpete Valley, geology of 8-14 geology of, map showing Pocket. location of 5 sections across, figures showing 12, 13 springs in, data on 42-50, 58-60 topography of 6-8 underground water in 14-34 depth to, map showing 24 water resources in 14-34 wells in, data on 42-50, 53-57 Seep springs, occurrence of 27-28 Seepage, gain and loss by 19-21 Sevier Plateau, description of 7 Sevier River, canals from 5 character of 16 flow of 17, 18-21 seepage on 19-21 tributaries of 6-7 water of, analysis of 30 Sevier Valley, geology of 8-14 geology of, map showing Pocket. -location of 5, 7-8 sections across, plate showing 12 springs in, data on 35-44, 58 topography of 6-8 underground water in 14-34 depth to, map showing 22 water resources in 34-44 wells in, data on 34-44, 51-54 Sixmile Creek, flow of 17 water of, analysis of 30 Sphaerium, occurrence of 10 Spring City, water supplies near 49-50 Spring Creek, flow of 20 Springs, flow of 21, 25-26, 27-28 list of 58-60 location of, maps showing 22, 24 occurrence of 35-50 structure at, figure showing 26 Sterling, rocks near 9, 10 water supplies of 44 Streams, character of 16-17 flow of 16-21 water of, analyses of 30-32 Structure, character of 13-14 section showing 13 T. Tanner, Caleb, cooperation of 5 flow measurements by 19 Tertiary rocks, occurrence and character of. 10-12 Thompsons Creek, flow of 20 Topography, description of 6-8 Tunnels, recovery of water by 26-27, 28, 44, 49 recovery of water by, figures showing. . 26, 28 Twelvemile Creek, flow of 17 water of, analysis of 30 Twin Creek, flow of 17, 19 seepage from 19 INDEX. 63 U. Page. Underground water. See Water, under- ground. Utah, map of, showing location of valleys. . 6 V. Valley deposits, occurrence and character of 12-13 water in 23-24 recovery of 27-30 Valley Mountains, description of 8 Vi vipara, occurrence of 10 W. Wales, section near 11 water supplies near 48 Wasatch Plateau, description of 7 rocks of 10, 22 view of 14 Water, conservation of 32-34 Page Water, quality of 30-32 Water, underground, depth to, maps show- ing 22, 24 distribution of • 21-24 pollution of 32 quality of 31-32 recovery of 24-30 source of 14-21 Water Canyon Creek, flow of 20 Wells, list of 51-57 location of, maps showing 22, 24 use of 28-29, 34-50 water of, analyses of , 31 Wells, flowing, list of 52-56 occurrence of 27, 29, 37-38, 40 prospects for 27, 40 use of 34 water of, analyses of 31 Willow Creek, flow of 17,21 CLASSIFICATION OF THE PUBLICATIONS OF THE UNITED STATES GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. [Water-Supply Paper No. 199.] The publications of the United States Geological Surve}^ consist of (1) Annual 'Reports, (2) Monographs, (3) Professional Papers, (4) Bulletins, (5) Mineral Resources, (6) Water-Supply and Irrigation Papers, (7) Topographic Atlas of United States — folios and separate sheets thereof, (8) Geologic Atlas of United States — folios thereof. The classes numbered 2, 7, and 8 are sold at cost of publication; the others are distributed free. A circular giving complete lists can be had on application. Most of the' above publications can be obtained or consulted in the following ways: 1. A limited number are delivered to the Director of the Survey, from whom they can be obtained, free of charge (except classes 2, 7, and 8), on application. 2. A certain number are delivered to Senators and Representatives in Congress for distribution. , 3. Other copies are deposited with the Superintendent of Documents, Washington, D. C., from whom they can be had at prices slightly above cost. 4. Copies of all Government publications are furnished to the principal public libraries in the large cities throughout the United States, where they can be consulted by those interested. The Professional Papers, Bulletins, and Water-Supply Papers treat of a variety of subjects, and the total number issued is large. They have therefore been classified into the following series: A, Economic geology; B, Descriptive geology; C, System- atic geology and paleontology; D, Petrography and mineralogy; E, Chemistry and physics; F, Geography; G, Miscellaneous; H, Forestry; I, Irrigation; J, Water stor- age; K, Pumping water; L, Quality of water; M, General hydrographic investiga- tions; N, Water power; O, Underground waters; P, Hydrographic progress reports. This paper is the one hundred and seventeenth in Series B and the seventieth in Series O, the complete lists of which follow (PP= Professional Paper; B=Bulletin; WS=Water-Supply Paper): SERIES B, DESCRIPTIVE GEOLOGY. B 23. Observations on the junction between the Eastern sandstone and the Keweenaw series on Keweenaw Point, Lake Superior, by R. D. Irving and T. C. Chamberlin. 1885. 124 pp., 17 pis. (Out of stock.) B 33. Notes on geology of northern California, by J. S. Diller. 1886. 23 pp. (Out of stock.) B 39. The upper beaches and deltas of Glacial Lake Agassiz, by Warren Upham. 1887. 81 pp., 1 pi. (Out of stock.) B 40. Changes in river courses in Washington Territory due to glaciation, by Bailey Willis. 1887. 10 pp., 4 pis. (Out of stock.) B 45. The present condition of knowledge of the geology of Texas, by R. T. Hill. 1887. 94 pp. (Out of stock.) B 53. The geology of Nantucket, by N. S. Shaler. 1889. 55 pp., 10 pis. (Out of stock. ) B 57. A geological reconnaissance in southwestern Kansas, by Robert Hay. 1890. 49 pp., 2 pis. B 58. The glacial boundary in western Pennsylvania, Ohio, Kentucky, Indiana, and Illinois, by G. F. Wright, with introduction by T. C. Chamberlin. 1890. 112 pp., 8 pis. (Out of stock. ) B 67. The relations of the traps of the Newark system in the New Jersey region, by N. H. Darton. 1890. 82 pp. (Out of stock.) B 104. Glaciation of the Yellowstone Valley north of the Park, by W. H. Weed. 1893. 41 pp., 4 pis. iRR 199—07 5 I II SERIES LIST. B 108. A geological reconnaissance in central Washington, by I. C. Russell. 1893. 108 pp., 12 pis. (Out of stock.) B 119. A geological reconnaissance in northwest Wyoming, by G. H. Eldridge. 1894. 72 pp., 4 pis. B 137. The geology of the Fort Riley Military Reservation and vicinity, Kansas, by Robert Hay. 1896. 35 pp., 8 pis. B 144. The moraines of the Missouri Coteau and their attendant deposits, by J. E. Todd. 1896. 71 pp., 21 pis. B 158. The moraines of southeastern South Dakota and their attendant deposits, by J. E. Todd. 1899. 171pp., 27 pis. B 159. The geology of eastern Berkshire County, Massachusetts, by B. K. Emerson. 1899. 139 pp., 9 pis. B 165. Contributions to the geology of Maine, by H. S. Williams and H. E. Gregory. 1900. 212 pp., 14 pis. WS 70. Geology and water resources of the Patrick and Goshen Hole quadrangles in eastern Wyoming and western Nebraska, by G. I. Adams. 1902. 50 pp:, 11 pis. B 199. Geology and water resources of the Snake River Plains of Idaho, by I. C. Russell. 1902. 192 pp., 25 pis. PP 1. Preliminary report on the Ketchikan mining district, Alaska, with an introductory sketch of the geology of southeastern Alaska, by A. H. Brooks. 1902. 120 pp., 2 pis. PP 2. Reconnaissance of the northwestern portion of Seward Peninsula, Alaska, by A. J. Collier. 1902. 70 pp., 11 pis. PP 3. Geology and petrography of Crater Lake National Park, by J. S. Diller and H. B. Patton. 1902. 167 pp., 19 pis. PP 10. Reconnaissance from Fort Hamlin to Kotzebue Sound, Alaska, byway of Dall, Kanuti, Allen, and Kowak rivers, by W. C. Mendenhall. 1902. 68 pp., 10 pis. PP 11. Clays of the United States east of the Mississippi River, by Heinrich Ries. 1903. 298 pp., 9 pis. (Out of stock.) PP 12. Geology of the Globe copper district, Arizona, by F. L. Ransome. 1903. 168 pp., 27 pis. PP 13. Drainage modifications in southeastern Ohio and adjacent parts of West Virginia and Ken- tucky, by W. G. Tight. 1903. Ill pp., 17 pis. (Out of stock.) B 208. Descriptive geology of Nevada south of the fortieth parallel and adjacent portions of Cali- fornia, by J. E. Spurr. 1903. 229 pp., 8 pis. (Out of stock.) B 209. Geology of Ascutney Mountain, Vermont, by R. A. Daly. 1903. 122 pp., 7 pis. WS 78. Preliminary report on artesian basins in southwestern Idaho and southeastern Oregon, by I.C.Russell. 1903. 51 pp., 2 pis. PP 15. Mineral resources of the Mount Wrangell district, Alaska, by W. C. Mendenhall and F. C. Schrader. 1903. 71 pp. 10 pis. PP 17. Preliminary report on the geology and water resources of Nebraska west of the one hundred and third meridian, by N. H. Darton. 1903. 69 pp., 43 pis. B 217. Notes on the geology of southwestern Idaho and southeastern Oregon, by I. C. Russell. 1903. 83 pp., 18 pis. B 219. The ore deposits of Tonopah, Nevada (preliminary report), by J. E. Spurr. 1903. 31 pp., 1 pi. PP 20. A reconnaissance in northern Alaska in 1901" by F. C. Schrader. 1904. 139 pp., 16 pis. PP 21. The geology and ore deposits of the Bisbee quadrangle, Arizona, by F. L. Ransome. 1904, 168 pp., 29 pis. WS 90. Geology and water resources of part of the lower James River Valley, South Dakota, by J. E. Todd and C. M. Hall. 1904. 47 pp., 23 pis. PP 25. The copper deposits of the Encampment district, Wyoming, by A. C. Spencer. 1904. 107 pp., 2 pis. (Out of stock.) PP 26. Economic resources of the northern Black Hills, by J. D. Irving, with contributions by S. F. Emmons and T. A. Jaggar, jr. 1904. 222 pp., 20 pis. PP 27. A geological reconnaissance across the Bitterroot Range and Clearwater Mountains in Mon- tana and Idaho, by Waldemar Lindgren. 1904. 122 pp., 15 pis. PP 31. Preliminary report on the geology of the Arbuckle and Wichita mountains in Indian Ter- ritory and Oklahoma, by J. A. Taff, with an appendix on reported ore deposits in the Wichita Mountains, by H. F. Bain. 1904. 97 pp., 8 pis. B 235. A geological reconnaissance across the Cascade Range near the forty-ninth parallel, by G. O. Smith and F. C. Calkins. 1904. 103 pp., 4 pis. B 236. The Porcupine placer district, Alaska, by C. W. Wright. 1904. 35 pp., 10 pis. B 237. Igneous rocks of the Highwood Mountains, Montana, by L. V. Pirsson. 1904. 208 pp., 7 pis. B 238. Economic geology of the lola quadrangle, Kansas, by G. I. Adams, Erasmus Haworth, and W. R. Crane. 1904. 83 pp., 1 pi. PP 32. Geology and underground water resources of the central Great Plains, by N. H. Darton. 1905. 433 pp., 72 pis. WS 110. Contributions to hydrology of eastern United States, 1904; M. L. Fuller, geologist in charge. 1905. 211 pp., 5 pis. SERIES LIST. Ill B 242. Geology of the Hudson Valley between the Hoosic and the Kinderhook, by T. Nelson Dale. 1904. 63 pp., 3 pis. PP 34. The Delavan lobe of the Lake Michigan glacier of the Wisconsin stage of glaciation and associated phenomena, by W. C. Alden. 1904. 106 pp., 15 pis. PP 35. Geology of the Perry Basin in southeastern Maine, by G. O. Smith and David White. 1905. 107 pp., 6 pis. B 243. Cement materials and industry of the United States, by E. C. Eckel. 1905. 395 i)p., 15 pis. B 246. Zinc and lead deposits of northeastern Illinois, by H. F. Bain. 1904. 56 pp., 5 pis. B 247. The Fairhaven gold placers of Seward Peninsula, Alaska, by F. H. Moffit. 1905. 85 pp., 14 pig. B 249. Limestones of southwestern Pennsylvania, by F. G. Clapp. 1905. 52 pp., 7 pis. B 250. The petroleum fields of the Pacific coast of Alaska, with an account of the Bering River coal deposit, by G. C. Martin. 1905. 65 pp., 7 pis. B 251. The gold placers of the Fortymile, Birch Creek, and Fairbanks regions, Alaska, by L. M. Prindle. 1905. 16 pp., 16 pis. WS 118. Geology and Avater resources of a portion of east-central Washington, by F. C. Calkins. 1905. 96 pp., 4 pis. B 252. Preliminary report on the geology and water resources of central Oregon, by I. C. Russell. 1905. 138 pp., 24 pis. PP 36. The lead, zinc, and fluorspar deposits of western Kentucky, by E. O. Ulrich and W. S. Tangier Smith. 1905. 218 pp., 15 pis. PP 38. Economic geology of the Bingham mining district of Utah, by J. M. Boutwell, with a chapter on areal geology, by Arthur Keith, and an introduction on general geology, by S. F. Emmons. 1905. 413 pp., 49 pis. PP 41. The geology of the central Copper River region, Alaska, by W. C. Mendenhall. 1905. 133 pp., 20 pis. B 254. Report of progress in the geological resurvey of the Cripple Creek district, Colorado, by Waldemar Lindgren and F. L. Ransome. 1904. 36 pp. B 255. The fluorspar deposits of southern Illinois, by H. Foster Bain. 1905. 75 pp., 6 pis. (Out of stock.) B 256. Mineral resources of the Elders Ridge quadrangle, Pennsylvania, by R. W. Stone. 1905. 85 pp., 12 pis. B 257. Geology and paleontology of the Judith River beds, by T. W. Stanton and J. B. Hatcher, with a chapter on the fossil plants, by F. H. Knowlton. 1905. 174 pp., 19 pis. PP 42. Geology of the Tonopah mining district, Nevada, by J. E. Spurr. 1905. 295 pp., 24 pis. WS 123. Geology and underground water conditions of the Jornada del Muerto, New Mexico, by C. R. Keyes. 1905. 42 pp., 9 pis. (Out of stock.) WS 136. Underground Avaters of Salt River Valley, Arizona, by W. T. Lee. 1905. 194 pp., 24 pis. PP 43. The copper deposits of Clifton-Morenci, Arizona, by Waldemar Lindgren. 1905. 375 pp., 25 pis. B 265. Geology of the Boulder district, Colorado, by N. M. Fenneman. 1905. 101 pp., 5 pis. B 267. The copper deposits of Missouri, by H. F. Bain and E. 0. Ulrich. 1905. 52 pp., 1 pi. PP44. Underground Avater resources of Long Island, Ncav York, by A. C. Veatch and others. 1905. 394 pp., 34 pis. WS 148. Geology and water resourc s of Oklahoma, by C. N. Gould. 1905.- 178 pp., 22 pis. B 270. The configuration of the rock floor of Greater New York, by W. H. Hobbs. 1905. 96 pp., 5 pis. B 272. Taconic physiography, by T. M. Dale. 1905. 52 pp., 14 pis. PP 45. The geography and geology of Alaska, a summary of existing knoAvledge, by A. H. Brooks, Avith a section on climate, by Cleveland Abbe, jr., and a topographic map and description thereof, by R. M. G.oode. 1905. 327 pp., 34 pis. B 273. The drumlins of southeastern Wisconsin (preliminary paper), by W.C. Alden. 1905. 46 pp., 9 pis. PP 46. Geology and undergrouiid Avater resources of northern Louisiana and southern Arkansas, by A. C. Veatch. 1906. 422 pp., 51 pis. PP 49. Geology and mineral resources of part of the Cumberland Gap coal field, Kentucky, by G. H. Ashley and L. C. Glenn, in cooperation Avith the State Geological Department of Kentucky, C. J. Norwood, curator. 1906. 239 pp., 40 pis. PP 50. The Montana lobe of the KeeAvatin ice sheet, by F. H. H. Calhoun. 1906. 62 pp., 7 pis. B 277. Mineral resources of Kenai Peninsula, Alaska: Gold fields of the Turnagain Arm region, by F. H. Moffit; and the coal fieldsof the Kachemak Bay region, by R. W. Stone. 1906. 80pp., 18 pis. (Out of stock.) WS 154. The geology and Avater resources of the eastern portion of the Panhandle of Texas, by C. N. Gould. 1906. 64 pp., 15 pis. B278. Geology and coal resources of the Cape Lisburne region, Alaska, by A. J. Collier. 1906. 54 pp., 9 pis. (Out of stock.) B279. Mineral resources of the K ttanning and Rural Valley quadrangles, Pennsylvania, by Charles Butts. 1906. 198 pp., 11 pis. B 280. The Rampart gold placer region, Alaska, by L. M. Prindle and F. L. Hess. 1906. 54 pp., 7 pis. (Out of stock.) IV SERIES LIST. B 282. Oil fields of the Texas-Louisiana Gulf Coastal Plain, by N. M. Fenneman. 1906. 146 pp., 11 pis. WS 157. Underground water in the valleysof Utah Lake and Jordan River, Utah, by G. B. Richardson. 1906. 81 pp., 9 pis. PP 51. Geology of the Bighorn Mountains, by N. H. Darton. 1906. 129 pp., 47 pis. WS 158. Preliminary report on the geology and underground waters of the Roswell artesian area, New Mexico, by C. A. Fisher. 1906. 29 pp., 9 pis. PP 52. Geology and underground waters of the Arkansas Valley in eastern Colorado, by N. H. Darton. 1906. 90 pp., 28 pis. WS 159. Summary of underground-water resources of Mississippi, by A. F. Crider and L. C. Johnson. 1906. 86 pp., 6 pis. PP 53. Geology and water resources of the Bighorn basin, Wyoming, by Cassius A. Fisher. 1906. 72 pp., 16 pis. B 283. Geology and mineral resources of Mississippi, by A. F. Crider. 1906. 99 pp., 4 pis. B 286. Economic geology of the Beaver quadrangle, Pennsylvania (southern Beaver and northwest- ern Allegheny counties), by L. H. Woolsey. 1906. 132 pp., 8 pis. B 287. The Juneau gold belt, Alaska, by A. C. Spencer, and a reconnaissance of Admiralty Island, Alaska, by C. W. Wright. 1906. 161 pp., 37 pis. PP'54. The geology and gold deposits of the Cripple Creek district, Colorado, by W. Lindgren and F. L. Ransome. 1906. 516 pp., 29 pis. PP 55. Ore deposits of the Silver Peak quadrangle, Nevada, by J. E. Spurr. 1906. 174 pp., 24 pis. Ei289. A reconnaissance of the Matanuska coal field, Alaska, in 1905, by G. C. Martin. 1906. 86 pp., 5 pis. WS 164. Underground waters of Tennessee and Kentucky west of Tennessee River and of an adjacent area in Illinois, by L. C. (^lenn. 1906. 173 pp., 7 pis. B 293. A reconnaissance of some gold and tin deposits of the southern Appalachians, by L. C. Groton, with notes on the Dahlohega mines, by W. Lindgren. 1906. 134 pp., 9 pis. B 294. Zinc and lead deposits of the upper Mississippi "Valley, by H. Foster Bain. 1906. 155pp., 16 pis. B 295. The Yukon-Tanana region, Alaska, description of Circle quadrangle, by L. M. Prindle. 1906. 27 pp., 1 pi. B 296. Economic geology of the Independence quadrangle, Kansas, by Frank C. Schrader and Erasmus Haworth. 1906. 74 pp., 6 pis. -WS181. Geology and water resources of Owens Valley, California, by Willis T. Lee. 1906. 28 pp., 6 pis. B 297. The Yampa coal field, Routt County, Colo., by N. M. Fenneman, Hoyt S. Gale, and M. R. Camp- bell. 1906. 96 pp., 9 pis. B 300. Economic geology of the Amity quadrangle in eastern Washington County, Pa., by F. G. Clapp. 1906. 145 pp., 8 pis. B 303. Preliminary account of Goldfield, Bullfrog, and other mining districts in southern Nevada, by F. L. Ransome; with notes on Manhattan district, by G. H. Garrey and W. H. Emmons, 1907. 98 pp., 5 pis. B 304. Oil and gas fields of Greene County, Pa., by R. W. Stone and F. G. Clapp. 1907. 110 pp., 3 pis. WS 188. Water resources of the Rio Grande Valley in New Mexico and their development, by W. T. Lee. 1906. 59 pp.", 10 pis. B 306. Rate of recession of Niagara Falls, accompanied by a report on the survey of the crest, by W. Carvel Hall. 1906. 31 pp., 11 pis. PP 56. Geography and Geology of a portion of southwestern Wyoming, with special reference to coal and oil, by A. C. Veatch. 1907. —pp., 26 pis. B 308. A geologic reconnaissance in southwestern Nevada and eastern California, by S. H. Ball. 1907. 218 pp., 3 pis. B 309. The Santa Clara Valley, Puente Hills, and Los Angeles oil districts, southern California, by G. H. Eldridge and Ralph Arnold. 1907. 266 pp., 41 pis. PP 57. Geology of the Marysville mining district, Montana, a study of igneous intrusion and contact metamorphism, by Joseph Barrell. 1907. 178 pp., 16 pis. WS. 191. The geology and water resources of the western portion of the Panhandle of Texas, by C. N. Gould. 1907. 70 pp., 7 pis. B 311. The green schists and associated granites and porphyries of Rhode Island, by B. K. Emerson and J. H. Perry. 1907. 74 pp., 2 pis. WS 195. Underground \yaters of Missouri, their geology and utlization, by Edward Shepherd. 1907. 224 pp., 6 pis. WS 199. Underground water in Sanpete and central Sevier valleys, Utah, by G. B. Richardson. 1907. 63 pp., 6 pis. SERIES O, UNDERGROUND WATERS. WS 4. A reconnaissance in southeastern Washington, by I. C. Russell. 1897. 96 pp., 7 pis. (Out of stock.) WS 6. Underground waters of southwestern Kansas, by Erasmus Haworth. 1897. 65 pp., 12 pis. (Out of stock.) WS 7. Seepage waters of northern Utah, by Samuel Fortier. 1897. 50 pp., 3 pis. (Out of stock.) SERIES LIST. V WS 12. Underground waters of southeastern Nebraska, by N. H. Darton. 1898. 56 pp., 21 pis. (Out of stock.) WS 21. Wells of northern Indiana, by Frank Leverett. 1899. 82 pp., 2 pis. (Out of stock.) WS 26. Wells of southern Indiana (continuation of No. 21), by Frank Leverett. 1899. 64 pp. (Out of stock.) WS 30. Water resources of the lower peninsula of Michigan, by A. C. Lane. 1899. 97 pp., 7 pis. (Out of stock.) WS 31. Lower Michigan mineral waters, by A. C. Lane. 1899. 97 pp., 4 pis. (Out of stock.) WS 34. Geology and water resources of a portion of southeastern South Dakota, ))y J. E. Todd. 1900. 34 pp., 19 pis. WS 53. Geology and water resources of Nez Perces County, Idaho, Pt. I, by I. C. Russell. 1901. 86 pp., 10 pis. (Out of stock.) WS 54. Geology and water resources of Nez Perces County, Idaho, Pt. II, by I. C. Russell. 1901. 87-141 pp. (Out of stock.) WS 55. Geology and water resources of a portion of Yakima County, Wash., by G. O. Smith. 1901. 68 pp., 7 pis. (Out of stock.) WS57. Preliminary list of deep borings in the United States, Pt. I, by N. H. Darton. 1902. 60 pp. (Out of stock.) WS 59. Development and application of water in southern California, Pt. I, by J. B. Lippincott. 1902 95 pp., 11 pis. (Out of stock.) WS 60. Development and application of water in southern California, Pt. II, by J. B. "Lippincott. 1902. 96-140 pp. (Out of stock.) WS 61. Preliminary list of deep borings in the United States, Pt. II, by N. H. Darton. 1902. 67 pp. (Out of stock.) WS 67. The motions of underground waters, by C. S. Slichter. 1902. 106 pp., 8 pis. (Out of stock.) B 199. Geology and water resources of the Snake River Plains of Idaho, by I. C. Russell. 1902. 192 pp., 25 pis. WS 77. Water resources of Molokai, Hawaiian Islands, by Waldemar Lindgren. 1903. 62 pp., 4 pis. WS 78. Preliminary report on artesian basins in .southwestern Idaho and southeastern Oregon, by I.C.Russell. 1903. 53 pp., 2 pis. PP 17. Preliminary report on the geology and water resources of Nebraska west of the one hundred and third meridian, by N. H. Darton. 1903. 69 pp., 43 pis. WS 90. Geology and water resources of a part of the lower James River Valley, South Dakota, by J. E. Todd and C. M. Hall. 1904. 47 pp., 23 pis. WS 101. Underground waters of southern Louisiana, by G. D. Harris, with discussions of their uses for water supplies and for rice irrigation, by M. L. Fuller. 1904. 98 pp., 11 pis. WS 102. Contributions to the hydrology of eastern United States, 1903, by M. L. Fuller. 1904. 522 pp. WS 104. Underground waters of Gila Valley, Arizona, by W. T. Lee. 1904. 71 pp., 5 pis. WS 106. Water resources of the Philadelphia district, by Florence Bascom. 1904. 75 pp., 4 pis. WS 110. Contributions to the hydrology of eastern United States, 1904; M. L. Fuller, geologist in charge. 1904. 211 pp., 5 pis. PP 32. Geology and underground water resources of the central Great Plains, by N. H. Darton. 1904. 433 pp., 72 pis. (Out of stock.) WS 111. Preliminary report on underground waters of Washington, by Henry Landes. 1904. 85 pp., ipl. ' WS 112. Underflow tests in the drainage basin of Los Angeles River, by Homer Hamlin. 1904. 55 pp., 7 pis. WS 114. Underground waters of eastern United States, by M. L. Fuller, geologist in charge. 1904. 285 pp., 18 pis. WS 118. Geology and water resources of east-central Washington, by F. C. Calkins. 1905. 96 pp., 4 pis. B 252. Preliminary report on the geology and water resources of central Oregon, by 1. C. Russell. 190^. 138 pp., 24 pis. WS 120. Bibliographic review and index of papers relating to underground waters, published by the United States Geological Survey, 1879-1904, by M. L. Fuller. 1905. 128 pp. WS 122. Relation of the law to underground waters, by D. W. Johnson. 1905. 55 pp. WS 123. Geology and underground water conditions of the Jornada del Muerto, New Mexico, by C. R. Keyes. 1905. 42pp., 9 pis.. (Out of stock.) WS 136. Undergro\ind waters of the Salt River Valley, by W. T. Lee. 1905. 194 pp., 24 pis. B 264. Record of deep-well drilling for 1904, by M. L. Fuller, E. F. Lines, and A. C. Veatch. 1905. 106 pp. PP 44. Underground water resources of Long Island, New York, by A. C. Veatch and others. 1905. 394 pp., 34 pis. WS 137. Development of underground waters in the eastern coastal plain region of southern Cali- fornia, by W. C. Mendenhall. 1905, 140 pp., 7 pis. WS 138. Development of underground waters in the central coastal plain region of southern Cali- fornia, by W. C. Mendenhall. 1905. 162 pp., 5 pis. VI SERIES LIST. WS 139. Development of underground waters in the western coastal plain region of southern Cali- fornia, by W. C. Mendenhall. 1905. 105 pp., 7 pis. WS 140. Field measurements of the rate of movement of underground waters, by C. S. Slichter. 1905. 122 pp., 15 pis. WS 141. Observations on the ground waters of Rio Grande Valley, by C. S. Slichter. 1905. 83 pp., 5 pis. WS 142. Hydrology of San Bernardino Valley, California, by W. C. Mendenhall. 1905. 124 pp., 13 pis. WS 145. Contributions to the hydrology of eastern United States; M. L. Fuller, geologist in charge. 1905. 220 pp., 6 pis. WS 148. Geology and water resources of Oklahoma, by C. N. Gould. 1905. 178 pp., 22 pis. WS 149. Preliminary list of deep borings in the United States, second edition, with additions, by N. H. Darton. 1905. 175 pp. PP 46. Geology and underground water resources of northern Louisiana and southern Arkansas, by A. C. Veatch. 1906. 422 pp., 51 pis. WS 153. The underflow in Arkansas Valley in western Kansas, by C. S. Slichter. 1906. 90 pp., 3 pis. (Out of stock.) WS 154. The geology and water resources of the eastern portion of the Panhandle of Texas, by C. N. Gould. 1906. 64 pp., 15 pis. WS 155. Fluctuations of the water level in wells, with special reference to Long Island, New York, by A. C. Veatch. 1906. 83 pp., 9 pis. WS 157. Underground water in the valleys of Utah Lake and Jordan River, Utah, by G. B. Richardson. 1906. 81 pp., 9 pis. WS 158. Preliminary report on the geology and underground waters of the Roswell artesian area, New Mexico, by C. A. Fisher. 1906. 29 pp., 9 pis. PP 52. Geology and underground waters of the Arkansas Valley in.eastern Colorado, by N. H. Darton. 1906. 90 pp., 28 pis. WS 159. Summary of underground-water resources of Mississippi, by A. F. Crider and L. C. Johnson. 1906. 86 pp., 6 pis. PP 53. Geology and water resources of the Bighorn basin, Wyoming, by C. A. Fisher. 1906. 72 pp., 16 pis. WS 160. Underground-water papers, 1906, by M. L. Fuller. 1906. 104 pp., 1 pi. (Out of stock.) WS 163. Bibliographic review and index of underground-water literature published in the United States in 1905, by M. L. Fuller, F. G. Clapp, and B. L. Johnson. 1906. 130 pp. WS 164. Underground waters of Tennessee and Kentucky west of Tennessee River and of an adja- cent area in Illinois, by L. C. Glenn. 1906. 17? pp., 7 pis. WS 181. Geology and water resources of Owens Valley, California, by W. T. Lee. 1906. 28 pp., 6 pis. (Out of stock.) WS 182. Flowing v/ells and municipal water supplies in the southern portion of the Southern Penin- sula of Michigan, by Frank L'everett and others. 1906. 292 pp., 5 pis. WS 183. Flowing wells and municipal water supplies in the middle and northern portions of the Southern Peninsula of Michigan, by Frank Leverett and others. 1906. 393 pp., 5 pis. B 298. Record of deep-well drilling for 1905, by M. L. Fuller and Samuel Sanford. 1906. 299 pp. WS 184. The underflow of the South Platte Valley, by C. S. Slichter and H. C. Wolff. 1906. 42 pp. WS 188. Water resources of the Rio Grande Valley in New Mexico and their development, by W. T. Lee. 1906. 59 pp., 10 pis. WS 190. Underground waters of Coastal Plain of Texas, by T. U. Taylor. 1907. 73 pp., 3 pis. WS 191. Geology and water resources of the western portion of the Panhandle of Texas, by C. N. Gould. 1907. 70 pp., 7 pis. WS 195. Underground waters of Missouri; their geology and utilization, by Edward Shepard. 1907. 224'pp., 6 pis, WS 199. Underground water in Sanpete and central Sevier valleys, Utah, by G. B. Richardson. 1907 63 pp., 6 pis. The following papers also relate to this subject: Underground waters of Arkansas Valley in east- ern Colorado, by G. K. Gilbert, in Seventeenth Annual, Pt. II; Preliminary report on artesian waters of a portion of the Dakotas, by N. H. Darton, in Seventeenth Annual, Pt. II; Water resources of Illinois, by Frank Leverett, in Seventeenth Annual, Pt. II; Water resources of Indiana and Ohio, by Frank Leverett, in Eighteenth Annual, Pt. IV; New developments in well boring and irrigation in eastern South Dakota, by N. H. Darton, in Eighteenth Annual, Pt. IV; Rock waters of Ohio, by Edward Orton, in Nineteenth Annual, Pt. IV; Artesian-well prospects in the Atlantic coastal plain region, by N. H. Darton, Bulletin No. 138. Correspondence should be addressed to The Director, ' United States Geological Survey, Washington, D. C. July, 1907. o A "T^Njr, LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 029 708 330 2 ..-j«f*v+wi*»-^ili5*A^'V,-^^^^ "^^^ x^.