LIBRARY OF CONGRESS? ^aelf .IDS" UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. Foreign Missionary Manual; GEOGRAPHICAL, SYNOPTICAL, STATISTICAL, AND BIBLIOGRAPHICAL. 1 By FRANK S. DOBBINS, Pastor of Calvary Baptist Church, and Missionary Editor of the "National Baptist." PHILADELPHIA : AMERICAN BAPTIST PUBLICATION SOCIETY, 1420 CHESTNUT STREET. ihi Washington Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1881, by the AMERICAN BAPTIST PUBLICATION SOCIETY, In the Office of the Librarian of Congress, at Washington. Westcott & Thomson, Stcreotypers and Electrotypers, Philada. Peefaoe. The purpose of this little book may be briefly explained. It is designed to encourage the study of missionary work by helping the inquiring student over the first and most tedious part of his journey in the shortest time, and so enabling him more speedily to arrive at the information he is seeking. The book gathers up its information from many and varied sources. The compiler has labored under this difficulty, that he has had no guide in his work. This is, it is believed, the first attempt to present the subjects that follow in any one volume. This may not be complete; indeed, that could hard- ly be expected where the information must be secured from such widely-separated sources. Some societies do not pub- lish any reports; others report only a small part of their work ; and there is no homogeneous system of tabulating reports adopted by the various societies. Often, too, one meets the statement in the reports, "No returns for this year," and they must be supplied either from previous re- ports or from other sources. But this is as complete as we can make it at this time; the statistics, etc. are the latest obtainable at this date. The book is a growth. It was prepared to meet frequent inquiries for the information here given. It may render the 3 4 PREFACE. additional service of making each denomination acquainted with the missionary work of the rest, and so promoting " Christian comity." It may be of service to the Executive Boards of the various societies in enabling them to ascertain the best places to which they may send their newly-appoint- ed missionaries. A few words of explanation need to be added. The design of Part I. is to enable the student to locate, upon the maps of any ordinary atlas, any station where missionaries are living, and to save the necessity of purchasing costly missionary maps or atlases. Sub-stations are not given, as their num- ber is so great, and their enumeration would only serve to confuse the student. The list of stations where missionaries reside, and their positions, will be found to be accurate and complete. In this Part, as in Parts II. and III., the stations and statistics of missions and missionaries in Europe (ex- cepting only Turkey), the United States, and Canada are not given, for these belong, properly, to Home Mission work, and are without the province of this Manual. Part II. is designed to enable the missionary inquirer to see at a glance just what forces of what societies are at work in any and all the stations of any given missionary field. The population and statistical tables are added to show what is needed to be done, and what has been and is being accom- plished, in each country. In Asia these are given in detail ; in Africa, America (exclusive of the United States and Can- ada), and Oceanica, collectively. As Part I. answers the question, Where are the mission- aries at work ? Part II., What are they doing ? and Part III., What is the church at home doing for the missionary work ? PREFACE. 5 so Part IV. is designed to answer the question, Where can I learn more about missionary lands, about heathen peoples, their customs and religions, and about the missionary work and workers ? But a few books in foreign languages are in- cluded in the list of works on missionary topics. Undoubt- edly, there are some in the English language which have been omitted, and which should have been included. This may be corrected at some future time. The romantic age of missions has passed away ; this is the age of inquiry. Information is eagerly sought for, and when found serves to deepen the interest in the missionary work. If this little book shall have any part in this, the compiler will feel amply repaid for the severe toil of its preparation. Yet it has been a labor of love, and greatly lightened by the kindness of many friends, by the readiness with which the secretaries of the various societies responded to requests for reports, and by the helpful assistance of one without whose aid the book would probably never have been completed. FRANK S. DOBBINS. Philadelphia, April, 1881. 1* CONTENTS. PAET I. GEOGKAPHICAL. PAGE Mission Stations in Asia and Africa, alphabet- ically ARRANGED, WITH THE LATITUDE AND LON- GITUDE, AND, AS FAR AS ASCERTAINABLE, THE POPU- LATION, OF EACH 9 PART II. SYNOPTICAL. Tables of the Distribution of Missionaries, and of the Present Forces and Eesults of Missionary Work in each Country 22 PART III. STATISTICAL. Directory and Statistics of Missionary Societies, List of Medical Missionaries, and Biograph- ical Index of some Noted Missionaries 70 r 8 CONTENTS. PAKT IV. BIBLIOGKAPHICAL. PAGE A Guide to Missionary Beading; Classified Lists of Books of Travels, Missions, and Non-Chris- tian BELIGIONS ; TOGETHER WITH A LlST OF MISSION- ARY Periodicals 102 APPENDIX. Statistics of Missions in China 200 Statistics of Missions in India 202 Note,— For a more detailed Table of the Contents of Parts II., III., and IV., see pages 22, 70-76, and 102-104. Foreign Missionary Manual Part I. GEOGRAPHICAL. PRINCIPAL MISSION STATIONS IN ASIA AND AFRICA, ALPHABETICALLY ARRANGED, WITH THE LATI- TUDE AND LONGITUDE, AND, AS FAR AS ASCER- TAINABLE, THE POPULATION OF EACH. Station. Abeih, Turkey Abbeokuta, Africa Abokobi, Africa Aburi, Africa Accra, Africa Ada, Africa...., Adams, Africa Adamshoof, Africa. . . . Adelaide, Africa Agra, India Agurpara, India Ahmedabad, India.... Ahmednuggur, India. Aintab, Turkey A j mere, India Akidu, India Akropong, Africa Allahabad, India Alexandria, Africa... Aligarh, India Aliwal North, Africa. Almorah, India Latitude. Longitude. Pop. 33°40'N. 7 10 N. 5 38 N. 5 48 N. 5 30 N. 5 50 N. 29 25 S. 29 O.S. 32 50 S. 27 18 N. N. N. 19 10 N. 37 5 N. 26 30 N. 16 52 N. 5 52 N. 25 25 N. 31 12 N. 27 54 N. 30 55 S. 29 4 N. 21 23 35°30 / E. 3 15 E. 4W. 5W. 12 W. 30 E. 31 10 E. 27 30 E. 26 12 E. 78 2 E. 78 45 E. 72 40 E. 74 52 E. 37 28 E. 74 40 E. 82 6 E. 3W. 81 55 E. 29 52 E. 78 9 E. 26 53 E. 80 E. 100,000 10,000 149,008 26,801 116,873 32,841 20,000 34,763 105,926 212,034 6,151 10 FOREIGN MISSIONARY MANUAL. Station. Amalienstein, Africa Ambala, India Amoy, China Amritsur, India Anamabu, Africa Anandapoor, India Anhaltsmith, Africa Ankober, Africa Annshaw, Africa Antananarivo, Madagascar.. Arcot, India Arkona, Africa Ashapoora, India Aurungabad, India Backergunge District, India.. Baddegama, Ceylon Balasore, India Banda, India Bandah District, India Bangalore, India Bangkok, Siam Bankoorah, India Banulie, Ceylon Barrackpore, India Bareil ly , India Barripore, India Bassa District, Africa Bassein, Burmah Bathurst, Africa Battalagundu, India Batticaloa, Ceylon Batticotta, Ceylon , Bauleah Rampoor , Beaufort, Fort , Beawr, India Begoro, Africa Beirut, Syria Belgaum, India Bellary, India Benares, India Benita, Africa Bensonvale, Africa Berhampore, India Latitude. Longitude, 33°26' S. 30 26 N. 24 20 N. 31 37 N. 5 25 IS T . 32 10 N. 33 40 S. 9 34 K 32 50 S. 17 52 S. 12 50 N. 24 40 S. 26 10 N. 19 52 N. 22 30 N. 6 8 N. 21 32 N. 15 50 N. 24 59 N. 12 53 N. 14 1 N. 23 24 N. 18 51 N. 22.42 N. 28 22 N. 22 18 N. 5 57 N. 16 50 N. 33 31 S. 10 12 N. 7 33 N. 9 45 N. 24 35 N. 32 40 S. 27 14 N. 6 4 N. 33 54 N. 15 52 N. 15 11 K 25 18 K 1 40 N. 30 15 S. 19 18 N. Pop. 21°24 / E. 76 43 E. 118 E. 74 48 E. 1 30 W. 75 30 E. 23 20 E. 39 53 E. 27 4 E. 47 6 E. 79 22 E. 29 30 E. 74 30 E. 75 20 E. 90 20 E. 80 15 E. 86 57 E. 73 47 E. 80 2 E. 77 42 E. 100 21 E. 87 8 E. 77 59 E. 88 25 E. 79 27 E. 88 30 E. 10 4W. 94 50 E. 26 51 E. 77 47 81 41 79 52 88 38 26 35 79 18 9W, 35 29 E, 74 30 76 56 82 59 9 35 27 45 84 57 40,000 300,000 135,813 4,500 6,860 15,000 75,000 53,474 40,000 2,377,433 27,573 697,610 191,300 500,000 16,794 9,591 102,982 19,577 E. E. E. E. E. E. 3,353 100.000 26,947 51,145 175,188 27,110 GEOGRAPHICAL. 11 Station. Latitude. Longitude. Pop. Berea, Africa Berea, Africa Bethany, Africa Bethelsdorp, Africa Bethel, India , Bethlehem, Syria Bethesda, Africa Bethulien, Africa Betsileo Province, Madagascar Bettigherry, India Bezwara, India Bhagulpore, India Bhamo, Burmah Bihe, Africa Bij nour, India Bisrampore, India Bitlis, Turkey Blauberg, Africa Blantyre, Africa Bloemfontein, Africa , Blyth eswood, Africa Bombay, India Bonny, Africa Borsad, India Botshabelo, Africa Boziya, Africa Broosa, Turkey Budaon, India Bukundu, Africa Buntingville, Africa Burdwan, India Burghersdorp, Africa Butter worth, Africa Cachar District, Assam Cairo, Africa Calastry, India Calcutta, India Calicut, India Cameroons, Africa Cana, Africa Canendagoody, India Cannanore, India , Canton, China 29° 5' S. 32 17 S. 26 30 S. 33 52 8. 22 N. 32 44 N. 30 30 30 47 18 15 30 16 32 25 18 24 15 K 13 10 S. 29 22 21 30 38 26 26 30 16 12 29 9 32 40 18 58 N. 4 51 K 22 47 24 45 31 28 40 11 28 9 30 31 36 23 11 31 11 32 15 S. S. s. 1ST. K N. N. N. 1ST. S. s. s. s. K S. S. N. N. :n t . s. n. s. s. K N. 25 30 1 13 42 N. 22 35 N. 11 20 N. 5 N. 29 18 S. 10 38 N. 11 51 N. 23 20 N. 27°25 / 27 30 17 12 25 30 78 22 35 12 27 30 26 16 48 15 75 39 80 40 86 59 96 50 16 70 10 78 42 28 8 18 35 20 26 9 27 5 72 56 7 6 72 30 29 59 28 10 29 8 79 7 9 32 28 59 87 49 26 31 28 9 93 31 18 79 38 88 25 75 50 9 12 28 20 79 24 75 16 113 20 E. E. E. E. E. E. E. E. E. E. E. E. E. E. E. E. E. E. E. E. E. E. E. E. E. E. E. E. E. E. E. E. E. E. E. E. E. E. E. E. E. E. E. 3,000 69,678 2,500 12,865 12,000 1,100 644,405 60,000 33,322 32,321 205,027 349,833 892,429 47,960 1,500,000 12 FOREIGN MISSIONARY MANUAL. Station. Latitude. Longitude. Pop. Cape Colony Territory, Africa Cape Coast Castle, Africa Cape Mount, Africa Cape Palmas, Africa Cape Town, Africa Cardiff, Africa , Caroor, India Cawnpore, India Cesarea, Turkey Challambran, India Chamba, India Chapral, India Chefoo, China Chenanfoo, China Cherrapongee, Assam Chiang Chu, China Chiengmai, Siam Chilan, Ceylon Chindwara, India Chingleput, India C 1 1 inki ang, China Chioh-he, China Chitteldrog, India Chombala, India Christianenburg, Africa Christ iansborg, Africa Chungking, China Chy ebassa, India Clarkebury, Africa Clarkson, Africa Clay Ashland, Africa Coconada, India Codacal, India Coimbatore, India Colesberg, Africa Colombo, Ceylon Combaconum, India Constantinople, Turkey Cory, Africa Cott a, Ceylon Cradock, Africa Creek Town, Africa , Cuddalore, India Cuddapah, India 33° 0' S. 5 8 N. 6 46 N. 4 22 N. 33 55 S. 5 0,S. 10 55 N. 26 30 N. 32 29 N. 11 25 N. 32 22 N. 26 2 N. 37 38 N. 30 5 N. 25 20 N. 24 35 N. 19 5 N. 7 21 N. 22 10 N. 12 40 N. 32 10 N. 24 35 N. 14 15 N. 8 40 N. 29 2 S. 5 35 N. 29 42 N. 22 30 N. 31 44 S. 33 58 S. 6 30 N. 16 57 N. 10 50 N. 11 2 N. 30 52 S. 6 56 N. 10 55 N. 41 N. 5 30 S. 6 55 N. 32 11 S. 5 56 N. 11 42 N. 14 27 N. 18° / E, 1 15 W. 11 15 W. 7 44 W, 18 26 E, 12 3 78 8 80 25 34 54 79 42 E. 75 56 E. 84 55 E. 121 29 E. 109 20 E. 91 40 E. 117 50 E. 99 12 E. E, E. E. E. 79 58 78 47 80 2 119 40 117 55 E. 76 27 E. 77 42 30 20 4 W. 106 42 E. 85 45 E. 28 24 21 10 50 W. ■ 82 25 E. ! 75 56 76 58 | 25 30 E. I 79 51 E. 79 22 28 59 12 22 79 56 25 59 8 40 79 50 78 48 E. E. E. E. E. E. E. E. E. E. E. E. E. E. E. E. E. E. 11,142,782 10,000 45,240 9,380 122,710 40,000 5,000 30,000 1,000,000 3,227 8,626 7,979 140,000 300,000 5,812 35,310 97,129 700,000 40,290 16,275 GEOGRAPHICAL. 13 Station. Latitude. Longitude. Pop. 13 38' N. 74°40 / E. 5,000 32 30 S. 27 40 E. 20 28 K 85 45 E. 50,878 23 43 K 90 26 E. 69,212 18 N. 83 E. 17 50 N. 81 E. 33 34 1ST. 36 20 E. 150,000 17 22 N. 73 12 E. 27 2 N. 88 11 E. 22,707 30 18 N. 77 58 E. 6,847 28 39 1ST. 77 17 E. 154,417 25 55 N. 74 48 E. 6,332 31 50 N. 70 51 E. 24,906 15 28 N. 75 4 E. 35,000 29 38 S. 25 50 E. 25 36 N. 85 E. 42,084 10 20 N. 78 E. 6,550 31 12 S. 27 10 E. 33 44 S. 18 29 E. 5,581 32 3 s. 28 E. 5 50 N. 8 36 E. 26 40 N. 92 19 E. 236,009 31 32 S. 18 24 E. 24 2 N. 86 1 E. 29 38 S. 30 18 E. 8 17 N. 77 56 E. 19 40 N. 73 34 E. 34 36 S. 19 48 E. 21 18 N. 77 28 E. 27,782 16 40 N. 81 5 E. 25,487 28 48 S. 29 28 E. 28 52 s. 29 24 E. 32 10 s. 27 26 E. 32 30 s. 27 42 E. * 33 22 s. 25 31 E. 9 N. 78 2 E. 39 57 N. 41 20 E. 85,000 26 47 N. 79 5 E. 30,549 28 50 S. 30 22 E. 31 2 N. 110 58 E. 23 25 N. 113 18 E. Cundapoor, India Cunningham, Africa Cuttack, India Dacca, India Dachepalli, India Damagudien, India Damascus, Turkey Dapoli, India Darjeeling, India Dehra, India Delhi, India Deoleea, India Dera Ismail Khan, India Dharwar, India Diamond Fields, Africa... Dinapore, India Dindigal, India Dordrecht, Africa D' Urban, Africa Duffbank, Africa Duke Town, Africa Durrung District, Assam Ebenezer, Africa.. Ebenezer, India Edendale, Africa Edeyengoody, India Egulpoora, India Elim, Africa Ellichpoor, India Ellore, India Emangweni, Africa Emmaus, Africa Engotini, Africa Engwali, Africa Enon, Africa Erungalore, India Erzeroum, Turkey Eta wah, India Etembeni, Africa Fancheng, China Fatshan, China 2 11 FOREIGN MISSIONARY MANUAL. Station. Fernando Po, Africa.. Foochow, China Freetown, Africa Funghwa, China Furruckabad, India... Futtehguhr, India Fyzabad, India Gaboon, Africa Galkin, Ceylon Ga Matlale, Africa Ga Moletsi, Africa G arrow Hills, Assam.... Gaza, Syria Genadendal, Africa Georgenholtz, Africa. . . . Ghazipore, India Glenthorn, Africa Gogo, India Gondah, India Goorgaen, India Gordon, Africa Goruckpoor, India Goshen , Africa Govindpore, India Gowahati, Assam GraafF Eeynett, Africa.. Grahamstown, Africa.... Grand Pass, Ceylon Gubbi, India Gudur, India Gujerat, India Gujranwala, India Guledgud, India Guntoor, India Gurdaspnr, India Gurwhal Distr., India... Gwalior, India Latitude. Longitude. 4°30 / N. 26 12 N. 8 58 N. 29 45 N. 27 28 N. 27 25 N. 26 42 -N. 12 N. 7 30 N 23 30 23 42 26 31 34 3 22 12 25 37 32 40 21 39 N 26 12 N. 28 9 29 30 26 43 32 18 S. S. N. 29 N. S. S. N. S. N. S. N. S. 23 10 N. 26 32 18 33 15 6 58 13 15 14 7 32 35 32 12 N. 16 10 N. 16 15 32 11 31 N. 29 15 N. N. S. s. N. N. N. N. N. N. Hadjin, Turkey | 35 40 N. 36 2 E. Hakodati, Japan I 41 41 N. 140 06 E. Hanamaconda, India j 16 30 N. 79 30 E. lianchun- China \ 33 54 N. 107 15 E. liangehow, China | 30 10 K ,120 12 E. 8°42 / E. 119 30 E. 14 25 W. 121 19 E. 79 30 E. 79 30 E. 82 E. 10 E. 80 20 E. 29 30 E. 29 18 E. 91 E, 34 29 19 28 28 43 83 30 26 30 72 12 E 81 54 E 77 5 E 30 30 E, 83 15 E, 27 12 E, 84 58 E, 91 42 E, 24 49 E, 26 32 E, 79 53 77 79 47 74 74 8 75 50 80 22 75 5 78 30 E, 78 10 E. Pop. 500,000 18,035 79,284 10,335 37,804 12,000 38,385 9,571 11,761 7,096 53,584 5,213 3,717 6,903 15,907 19,381 5,298 310,282 14,633 600,000 GEOGRAPHICAL. 15 Station. Latitude. Longitude. Pop. Hankow, China Harpoot, Turkey Harrismith, Africa Ha Schewasse, Africa Hauran District, Syria Hazaribagh, India Heald Town, Africa Ilereroland, Africa Hermon, Africa Henthada, Burmali Hickory Town, Africa Hilton, Africa Hoffenthal, Africa Hongkong, China Honore, India Hope Fountain, Africa Hoshungabad, India Howrah, India Hubly, India Hwuy-chau-fu, China . . > Hyderabad, India I'chang, China Ikorofong, Africa Imboina, Madagascar Imerina Province, Madagascar Impol weni, Africa Indaleni, Africa Indore, India Introanazana, Africa Iny ati, Africa Ispahan, Persia Jaffnapatam, Ceylon , Jellasore, India , Jerusalem, Syria , Jey pore, India , Jhelum, India Jaintia, Assam Jounpore, 1 ndia Jubbulpore, India Juvaipongee, Assam Kalgan, China 30°30 / N. 38 42 K 28 23 S. 26 15 S. 32 43 K 23 59 N. 32 10 S. 21 S. 29 30 S. 17 36 N. 56 K 32 6 S. 28 5 S. 22 8 N. 14 9 N. 28 10 S. 22 42 N. 22 36 N. 15 17 K 30 2 N. 25 25 N. 31 K 5 10 N. 13 15 19 29 10 29 55 22 22 31 6 27 20 32 39 S. s. s. s. N. s. s. N. 9 40 N. 21 50 N. 31 46 N. 26 57 32 56 25 10 N. 25 50 N. 23 10 N. 25 30 N. N. 114° / 39 15 29 10 28 2 36 24 85 27 27 46 18 27 31 95 22 9 33 27 19 29 20 114 74 21 31 23 77 40 88 25 75 10 119 68 20 80 3 87 10 35 16 75 44 73 40 92 10 82 40 79 56 92 13 111 E. 8 16 E. 49 E. 46 30 E. 30 12 E. 30 16 E. 75 50 E. 28 15 E. 30 41 E. 51 44 E. 40 52 N. 115 3 E. 2,000,000 11,050 15,285 124,194 4,985 13,070 97,784 15,000 60,000 35,000 15,000 80,000 34,713 20,000 60,000 5,140 25,531 55,704 16 FOREIGN MISSIONARY MANUAL. Station. Latitude. Longitude. Pop. Kamastone, Africa Kandy, Ceylon Kangra, India Kessab, Bulgaria King William's Town, Africa Kioto, Japan Kiochow, China Kiukiang, China Kj ebi, Africa Knapp's Hope, Africa Kobe, Japan Kofu, Japan Krishnagar, India Kurnool, India Kurrachee, India Kuruman, Africa Kwangchau, China Kweiyang, China Kyelang, Thibet Ladysmith, Africa Ladysmith, Africa Lagos. A frica Lahore, India Larnaca, Cyprus Ler ibe, Africa Lessey town, Africa Likhatlong, Africa Little Popo, Africa Livingstonia, Africa Lodiana, India Loharclugger, India Lovedale, Africa Lucknow, India Maboulela, A frica Madras, India Madura, India Magil a, Africa Mamre, Africa Manaar, India Mana Madura, India Manargudi, India Mandalav, Burmah 32° 4' 7 14 32 6 43 6 32 48 34 54 36 52 29 37 5 50 32 50 34 40 N. 35 6 23 45 15 48 24 50 27 23 23 8 22 33 2 N. K N. N. S. N. N. N. 33 29 S. 28 24 S. 6 28 N. 31 37 N. 34 57 28 50 31 56 28 16 6 12 N. 14 S. 30 58 23 32 48 N. S. s. s. N. N. S. 26 51 N. 29 5 13 4 9 49 N. 5 9 S. 33 29 9 1 9 40 N. 10 41 K 21 58 N. S. N. S. N. 26°38 / 80 40 76 14 26 12 27 32 135 46 115 6 116 3 10 27 2 135 138 2 88 25 77 57 66 55 24 10 111 16 107 76 40 E. E. E. E. E. E. E. E. W. E. E. E. E. E. E. E. E. E. E. 21 27 E. 29 13 E. 3 34 E. 74 25 E. 33 39 E. 28 20 E. 26 56 E. 25 11 E. 1 32 E. 34 50 E. 75 53 E. 84 5 E. 27 1 E. 80 59 E. 17,406 45,607 5,169 567,334 40,000 8,554 26,750 53,526 36,005 98,924 6,000 39,983 284,779 27 48 E. 80 14 E. 397,552 78 23 E. 51,987 38 48 E. 18 29 E. 79 56 E. 78 32 E. | 79 36 E. ! 96 9 E. 90,000 GEOGRAPHICAL. 17 Station. Latitude. Longitude Pop. Mandapasalai , India Manga I ore, India Manisa, Turkey Marash,. Turkey , Mardin, Turkey Marsovan, Turkey Masulipatam, India. , Matale, Ceylon , Matura, Ceylon Maul main, Burmah Meerpore, India , Meerut, India , Mendi, Africa Mercara, India , Mho\Y, India , Midnapore, India Mirzapore, India Mombasa, Africa Monastir, Turkey Monghyr, India , Monrovia, Africa Moradabad. India Morley, Africa Morioka, Japan , Mt. Lebanon, Syria , Mpwapwa, Africa Mulky. India MulligaUm, India Multan, India , Mynpurie, India Mysore City, India Naga Hills, Assam Nagasaki, Japan , iNagercoil, India Nagpore, India , Naidupett, India banking, China Kantsiang, China Xasik, India Nazareth, Syria >'egapatam, India Xeilgherry Hills, India Xellore, India 2 * N. 9°20' K 12 51 N. 33 34 N. 37 33 N. 37 19 N. 40 45 N. 16 10 N. 7 16 5 59 16 28 N. 23 46 N. 29 K 7 30 N. 12 26 N. 25 20 K 22 25 K 25 10 N. 4 S. 41 20 N. 25 18 N. 6 1ST. 28 49 N. 31 46 S. 39 N. 33 35 5 20 13 6 N. 20 35 N. 30 8 K 27 15 K 12 15 N. S. 26 20 N 32 44 N 6 6 ]S T 21 13 N 13 51 N 32 2 ^ 32 12 N. N. N. 20 1 32 41 10 40 N. 11 25 N. 12 49 N. E. E. E. E. 78°23< 74 52 27 23 36 55 40 33 E, 35 40 E, 81 8 E 80 40 E. 80 43 E, 97 27 88 40 E. 77 40 E 12 30 W. 75 40 E. 79 7 E 87 18 E 83 35 E 39 46 E 20 18 E 86 27 E 10 46 W 78 44 E 28 41 E 140 40 E 35 35 E 36 45 E 74 43 E. 74 40 E. 71 28 E 78 59 E. 76 39 E E. E. E. 94 31 129 51 77 36 E. 79 2 E. 79 45 E. 118 49 E. 120 E. 73 48 35 21 78 40 E. E. E. 76 45 E. 80 1 E. 18,931 50,000 17,500 5,000 30,000 3,529 13,636 53,653 5,562 79,378 8,146 9,258 31,491 71,849 6,000 15,000 59,698 1,000 57,304 56,826 21,179 57,765 68,918 70,000 84,441 6,000 48,525 49,501 29,922 18 FOREIGN MISSIONARY MANUAL. Station. Newchang, China N'ganking, China Nicomedia, Turkey Neyour, India Niigata, Japan Ningpo, China Nowgong, Assam Nuinadzu, Japan Nundial, India Nynee Tal, India Ogbomoshow, Africa Okayama, Japan Ongole, India Oodeypore, India Ooroomiah, Turkey Ootamacund, India, Osaka, Japan Osiout, Africa Oudtshoorn, Africa Paducottah, India Pallamcotta, India Palaveram, India Palghat, India Panchgani, India Pantura, Ceylon Pasumalai, India Patna, India Peelton, Africa Peking, China Pergunnahs, India Peshawar, India Petchaburi, Siam Phillipopolis, Turkey » Pietermaritzburg, Africa.. Pingyang, China Piree, Africa Point de Galle, Ceylon Pongas, Africa Poo, Thibet Poonah, India Port Elizabeth, Africa Port Louis, Mauritius Island, Latitude. Longitude. 40°49 / N. 30 30 N. 40 47 N. 6 12 N. 37 52 N. 29 51 N. 26 19 N. 35 10 N. 15 30 N. 29 10 N. N. N. N. 8 5 34 40 15 29 27 35 N. 37 30 N. 11 20 N. 34 35 N. 27 11 N. 33 28 N. 10 21 8 41 12 54 10 48 20 28 6 45 9 50 25 30 32 49 39 55 22 15 34 1 13 .0 32 33 29 35 36 32 50 6 4 10 21 30 18 29 33 59 20 9 122°19 / E. 116 50 E. 29 53 E. 77 25 E. 139 E. 121 32 E. 92 42 E. 138 50 E. 78 23 E. 79 16 E. 8 12 E. 133 50 E. 79 59 E. 73 46 E. 45 19 E. 76 50 E. 135 20 E. 31 14 E. 22 15 E. 78 77 80 76 85 79 78 85 27 116 88 71 99 36 30 111 27 80 14 95 73 45 E. 41 E. 4 E. 45 E. 22 E. 8 E. 30 E. 20 E. 15 E. 31 50 S. | 25 S. 57 49 E. 21 E. 18 E. 12 E. 14 E. 3 W. E. 54 E. 38 E. 28 E. Pop. 60,000 8,000 400,000 3,241 9,378 31,666 25,000 9,982 530,885 27,470 316,695 17,945 30,752 1,109 158,900 1,500,000 58,555 45,000 6,800 47,754 118,886 74,525 GEOGRAPHICAL. 19 Station. Pretoria, Africa , Prome, Burmah Putlani, Ceylon , Queenstown, Africa..., Rajahmandry, India.. Ramapatam, India...., Ramnad, India , Ranchee, India Rangoon, Burmah Rapur, India Rawal Pindi, India..., Riversdale, Africa Robertson, Africa Roorkee, India , Roy Bareilly, India... Rubaga, Africa Rungpore, India , Rustchuk, Bulgaria . . . Saaron, Africa Saharanpur, India Saint Louis, Africa Salem, Africa Salem, India , Samokov, Turkey Satara, India Sealkote, India Secunderabad, India.. Seetapore, India Seoni, India Serampore, India Shahjehanpore, India. Shanghai, China Shantung, China Shaohing, China Shawbury, Africa Sheila, Assam Sherbro, Africa Shillong, Assam S'limoga, India Snolapur, India Shwaygheen, Burmah Latitude. Longitude. 26° 0' S. 18 52 N. 8 1 N. 31 54 S. 25 1ST. 45 K 13 N. 22 K 46 K 1 K 35 N. 8 S. 45 S. 30 N. 15 K 5 N. 45 N. 2 N. 8 S. 58 N. 12 25 40 N. 20 N. 50 N. 33 N. 27 K 50 K 54 N. 12 N. 19 N. 56 N. 6 S. 22 N. 30 K 42 N. N. 42 N. 57 N. 29° 3 r E. 95 14 E. 79 51 E. 26 55 E. 81 54 E. 79 30 E. 78 56 E. 85 23 E. 96 17 E. 68 52 E. 73 E. 21 14 E. 19 46 E. 78 7 E. 81 16 E. 32 10 E. 89 10 E. 26 12 E. 18 54 E. 77 32 E. 18 10 W. 26 25 E. 78 12 E. 23 58 E. 74 74 30 78 28 80 59 79 31 E. 86 12 E, 79 50 E, 121 28 E. 122 47 E. 120 40 E. 28 52 E. 91 30 E. 12 40 W. 91 48 E. 75 32 E. 75 52 E. 96 56 E. E. E. E. E. Pop. 24,689 19,738 12,086 98,745 19,222 10,778 11,544 14,845 30,000 43,844 15,758 50,012 24,484 25,337 40,000 5,780 7,579 72,140 250,000 11,034 53,546 20 FOREIGN MISSIONARY MANUAL. Station. Sibsagor, Assam Sidon, Turkey Silchar, India Sinoe, Africa Sivas, Turkey Smithfield, Africa Smyrna, Turkey Somerset, Africa Somerset West, Africa, Soochow, China Srinagur, India Surat, India Swato w, China Tabriz, Persia Taichow, China Taiwanfoo, China Taiy uenfu, China Tanjore, India Tavoy, Burmah Teheran, Persia... Tellicherry, India Tezpoor, Assam Thaba-Bossiou, Africa, Thaba N'Chu, Africa.. Thongzai, Burmah Tientsin, China Tindivanum, India Tinnivelly, India Tokio, Japan Toungoo, Burmah Tranquebar, India Trichinopoly, India Trincomalee, Ceylon... Tripoli, Turkey Trivandrum, India Tsingchowfoo, China... Tsomo, A frica Tungchow, China Uitenha.2:e, Africa Ujiji, Africa Umvoti, Africa Umzumbi, Africa Latitude. Longitude. 26°54 / N. 33 34 N. 24 47 5 5 39 20 30 12 38 26' N. 32 48 S, 32 36 31 5 33 20 N. 21 12 K 23 20 K N. K N. S. s. N. 2 N. 42 N. 8 N. N. 50 N. 9 N. 42 N. 48 N. 7 30 N. 2 N. 12 N. 45 N. 40 N. 1 K N. 46 N. 33 N. 26 N. 29 N. 51 N. S. 40 K 33 44 S. 5 S. 29 12 S. 30 29 S. Pop. 94°30 / E, 35 21 E, 92 42 E, 9 9W, 37 E 26 45 27 9 25 41 25 35 120 10 74 58 72 48 116 44 46 12 E. 121 26 E. 120 22 E. Ill 50 E. 79 15 E. 98 18 E. 51 21 E. 75 25 E. 92 50 E. 27 50 E. 27 9 E. 95 20 E. 117 5 E. 79 36 E. 77 38 E. 139 40 E. 96 26 E. 81 54 E. 78 37 E. 81 14 E. 35 49 E. 76 52 E. 118 55 E. 27 48 E. 121 40 E. 25 24 E. 34 E. 30 40 E. 30 19 E. 11,000 30,000 160,000 2,231 107,149 30,000 100,000 40,000 52,175 14,469 60,000 20,504 3,032 21,044 779,361 10,732 76,530 9,807 25,000 3,693 GEOGRAPHICAL. 21 Station. Van, Turkey Vellore, India , Victoria, Africa Vizagapatam, India , Woochow, China , Wuchang, China , Wunchow, China , Yanchau, China Yokohama, Japan Zanzibar Island, Africa, Zeegong, Burmah Zoahying, China Latitude. Longitude. 38°30 / N. 12 53 N. 31 24 S. 17 42 K 30 30 K 30 29 N. 28 40 N. 24 35 N. 35 30 N. 6 0S. 17 30 K 30 K 43°40 / E. 79 7 E. 23 32 E. 83 24 E. 114 2 E. 114 19 E. 121 E. 117 50 E. 139 30 E. 39 5 E. 95 20 E. 121 E. Pop. 30,000 38,022 32,191 800,000 1,000,000 61,553 80,000 Part II. SYNOPTICAL. TABLES OF THE DISTRIBUTION OF MISSIONARIES AND OF THE PRESENT FORCES, AND RESULTS OF MISSIONARY WORK IN EACH COUNTRY.* The population of the world is as follows : Asia 834,707,000 Europe 315,929,000 Africa 205,679,000 America 95,495,500 Pacific Islands 4,113,000 Total 1,455,923,500 The Religious Divisions are as follows : Buddhist (including Confucianists and Taoists)... 470,000,000 Christians, Greek Church 75,000,000 " Roman Catholics 172,000,000 Other Christians 201,000,000 Mohammedans 230,000,000 Brahmanists 190,816,000 Parsees 150,000 Jews 14,275,000 Other Religions, Fetichists, etc 102,682,500 * For Japan, see page 23; China, p. 25; Burmah, p. 31; Siam, p. 33; India, p. 34; Ceylon, p. 45; Persia, p. 47; Turkey, p. 47; Syria, p. 49; Africa, p. 57; America, p. 62; Pacific Islands, p. 65. 22 SYNOPTICAL. 23 The Distribution of Missionaries and converts is as follows : Missionaries. Asia 2180 Africa 886 America 676 Oceanica 801 Total 4543 Members of Mission Chwches. 151,426 153,619 123,186 191,184 619,415 DISTRIBUTION OF MISSIONARIES IN JAPAN. Island. Station. Society. MissionaiHes. Yezzo. Hakodati. Amer. Meth. Epis. 3 tt a Ch. of England. 1 Nippon (or Niigata. Edin. Medical Miss. 1 Hondo). a Ch. of England. 1 u Kanazawa. Amer. Pres. 2 a Tokio. Amer. Bapt. M. U. 3 a u Amer. Prot. Epis. 5 tt tt Scotch Uni. Pres. 3 a tt Amer. Pres. 8 tt tt Amer. Dut. Ref. 2 u tt Amer. Meth. Epis. 6 tt tt Ch. of England. 3 tt u Canad. Meth. 2 ti tt Eng. Bapt. 1 tt a Evang. Ass'n of Amer. 2 tt u Soc. Prop. Gosp. 1 a Yokohama. Amer. Bapt. M. U. 4 tt tt Amer. Board C. F. M. 1 tt tt Amer. Pres. 2 tt n Amer. Dut. Ref. 5 tt U Amer. Woman's Union. 6 it u Amer. Meth. Epis. 3 u a Ref. Ch. in America. 1 a n Amer. Meth. Prot. 2 24 FOREIGN MISSIONARY MANUAL. Island. Station. Society. I Nippon. Yokohama. Scot, Nat. Bib. Soc. a tt Amer. Bib. Soc. (in connec- tion with China also). ti u Soc. Prop. Gosp. tt ti Brit, and For. Bib. Soc. tt ti Newton Mission. a a Cumber. Pres. it Numadzu. Can. Meth. tt Kofu. Can. Meth. tt Kobe. Amer. Board C. F. M. u ti Soc. Prop. Gosp. tt Kioto. Amer. Board C. F. M. a Osaka. Amer. Board C. F. M. it a Amer. Prot. Epis. u a Soc. Prom. Fern. Ed. in East. tt tt Ch. of England. a u Evang. Ass'n of Amer. tt Okayama. Amer. Board C. F. M. Kiushiu. Nagasaki. Amer. Dut. Kef. u a Amer. Meth. Epis. u ti Ch. of England. JAPAN. Islands. Nippon (or Hondo) Kiushiu Shikoku Iki, Tsushima, Owadji, Old, and Sado.. Yezzo and Kuriles Biukiu Bonin Islands Total, Missionaries. 2 1 2 1 ] 2 1 1 9 1 5 9 7 1 2 1 4 2 1 2 123 Population. 25,478,834 4,986,613 2,484,538 362,177 144,069 167,073 75 Total 33,623,379 The above is from the census of 1874. The census of 1876 gave a total of 34,338,404. F. Max Muller estimates that there are 200,000 Shintoists in Japan; the rest are Buddhists or " nothing." SYNOPTICAL. 25 STATISTICS OF MISSIONS IN- JAPAN. Amer. 'Pres Dut. Reformed Amer. Board C. F. M Amer. Prot. Epis Amer. Bapt.M. U Amer. Meth. Ref. Epis... Woman's Union Germ. Evan. Ass Reformed Ch. in U.S Cumberland Pres..; Meth. Prot Amer. Bib. Soc Cana. Meth Church M.S Soc. Prop. Gosp Edinb.Med Scot. Un. Pres Eng. Bapt Scot. Nat. Bib. Soc Soc. Pro. Fern. Ed. in E. Brit, and For. Bib. Soc... 1859 1S59 1869 1859 1860 1873 1871 1876 1879 1877 1880 1873 1869 1873 1874 1874 187S 1880 345 37 210 94 143 470 80 146 Total 75 21 96 34 148 2912 31 1525 36 Missionaries 176 Excluding wives 123 76 DISTRIBUTION OF MISSIONARIES IN CHINA. Prov. Shixg-kixg. Pop. 2,187,286. Newchwcmg : Scotch Un. Pres 2 Can. Pres 1 Irish Pres 2 Prov. Peh-chih li. Pop. 36,879,838. Peking : A. B. C. F. M 6 Amer. Pres 3 Amer. Meth. Epis 4 London M. S 5 Scotch Nat. Bib. Soc 1 3 26 FOREIGN MISSIONARY MANUAL. Amer. Bib. Soc 1 Anier. Woman's Union M. S 3 Church M. S .. 4 Tientsin : A. B. C. F. M 2 Amer. Meth. Epis 4 Eng. Meth. New Conn , 1 London M. S 3 Kalgan : A. B. C. F. M 5 Paotingfu : A. B.C. F. M 3 Prov. Shanse. Pop. 17,056,925. Taiyuenfu : 1 Eng. Bapt 1 China Inl. Miss 4 Pingyang : China Inl. Miss . 4 Prov. Shense. Pop. 10,309,769. Hanchung : China Inl. Miss 5 Prov. Kansuh. Pop. 19,512,716. Tsinchau : China Inl. Miss 1 Prov. Shantung. Pop. 29,529,877. Tungchow : A. B.C. F. M 5 Amer. Pres 6 So. Bapt. Con 3 Shantung : A. B. C. F. M 2 Eng. Meth. New Conn 1 Chef oo : Scotch Un. Pres 2 Amer. Pres 4 Soc. Prop. Gospel , 2 Scot. Nat. Bib. Soc •. 1 SYNOPTICAL. 27 China Inl. Miss 1 Tsingchowfoo : Eng.Bapt 2 Prov. Kiangsu. Pop. 39,646,924. Shanghai: Amer. Prot. Epis , 8 Amer. Pres 2 So. Bapt. Con 1 Seventh-day Baptist 2 London M. S 2 South. Meth.Epis 3 Amer. Bib. Soc 1 Church Miss 2 China Inl. Miss 1 Brit, and For. Bib. Soc 2 Nangking : Amer. Pres 2 China Inl. Miss 3 Nantsiang : South. Meth. Epis 4 Soochow : South. Meth.Epis 1 Pres. South 3 Chinkiang : Scot. Nat. Bib. Soc 3 China Inl. Miss 2 Unconnected 1 Yanchau : China Inl. Miss 5 Prov. Hoxan. Pop. 29,069,771. No Protestant missionaries. Missionaries have itinerated since 1875. Prov. Ngan hui. Pop. 36,596,988. Nganking : China Inl. Miss 4 Hwuy-chau-fu : China Inl. Miss 1 28 FOREIGN MISSIONARY MANUAL. Prov. Hoopeh. Pop. 28,584,564. Wuchang : Amer. Prot. Epis 2 China Inl. Miss 1 Wesleyan Meth 2 Chenanfoo : Amer. Pres 3 1'chang : Ch. of Scotland 4 China Inl. Miss 1 Hankow : London M. S 5 Self-supporting M. D 1 Wesleyan Meth « 3 Wusueh : Wesleyan Meth 1 Fancheng : China Inl. Miss 1 Prov. Si-Chuen. Pop. 35,000,000. Chungking : China Inl. Miss 4 Prov. Cheh-kiang. Pop. 8,100,000. Ningpo : Amer. Bapt. M. U 5 Amer. Pres 3 Eng. Un. Meth. Free Ch 2 Soc. Prom. Fern. Ed. in East 2 Church M. S 2 Zoahying : Amer.* Bapt. M. U.. 1 Hangchow : Amer. Pres 3 Amer. Pres. South 4 China Inl. Miss 1 Church M. S 2 Wanchoic : Un. Meth. Free Ch , 1 SYNOPTICAL. 29 China Inl. Miss 4 Shanking: China Inl. Miss 3 Church M.S 2 Funghwa : China Inl. Miss 2 Taichow : China Inl. Miss 2 Kiuchow : China Inl. Miss 3 Wunchoio : China Inl. Miss 4 Prov. Kiangsi. Pop. 26,513,889. Suchow: Amer. Pres 2 Amer. Pres. South 3 Kiukiang : Amer. Meth. Epis 8 Takutang : China Inl. Miss 1 Prov. Hookah. Pop. 20,048,969. No Protestant Missionary. Itineration began in 1875. Prov. Kweichow. Pop. 5,679,128. Kweiyang : China Inl. Miss 4 Prov. Fokien. Pop. 22,799,556. ' Foochoio : A. B. C. F. M 7 Amer. Meth. Epis 9 Church M. S 2 Soc. Prom. Fern. Ed. in East.... 1 Shauwu : A. B. C. F. M 2 Chiohhe: Amer. Dutch Ref 1 Amoy: Eng. Pres 4 l* 30 FOREIGN MISSIONARY MANUAL. London M. S 2 Scotch Nat. Bib. Soc 1 Amer. Dutch Ref. 3 Chiangchu : Amer. Dutch Kef. 1 Tongan : Amer. Dutch Ref. 1 Prov. Kwangtung. Pop. 20,152,603. Swatow : Amer. Bapt. M. U 8 Eng. Pres 8 Canton : Amer. Pres 7 South Bap. Conv 4 London M. S 2 Wesleyan Meth 4 (In Canton and 3 neighboring out-stations), Rhen- ish M. S 6 Hongkong : London M. S 3 Soc. Prom. Fern. Ed. in East 1 Church M. S 4 Berlin Ladies' Soc 4 (In Hongkong and 4 other stations), Basel M. S 14 Woochow : Amer. Bib. Soc 1 Fatshan : Wesleyan Meth 2 Shukwan : Wesleyan Meth 2 Kwangchau : Wesleyan Meth 1 Prov. Kwangsi. Pop. 8,121,327. No Protestant Missionaries. Itineration began in 1877. Prov. Yunnan. Pop. 5,823,670. No Protestant Missionaries. Itineration began in 1877. Island of Formosa. Pop. 3,020,000. SYNOPTICAL. 31 Taiwanfoo : Eng. Pres 5 Can. Pres 2 Island of Hainan. Pop. 2,500,000. No Protestant Missionaries. Missionaries whose location is unknown to the writer : China Inl. Miss 2 Church M. S..... 2 Unconnected 2 Total population, 404,946,514. Total number Missionaries, 357. There are 34 medical missionaries, 16 hospitals, and 24 dispen- saries in China ; and some 75 boarding-schools, and 23 theological schools connected with the missions. (For Table of Statistics of Missions in China, see Appendix, pp. 200 and 201.) DISTRIBUTION OF MISSIONARIES IN BURMAH. State. Station. Race. Society. Mission- Native Burmah. Bhamo. Shans. Amer. Bapt. M. U. 1 a tt Kakyens. Amer. Bapt. M. U. 1 a Mandalay. Burmese. Soc. Prop. Gosp. 1 Up. Brit. Bur. Toungoo. Karens. Amer. Bapt. M. U. 5 u a a Soc. Prop. Gospel. 1 u tt Burmese. Amer. Bapt. M. U. 2 M tt a Soc. Prop. Gospel. 1 ti u Shans. Amer. Bapt. M. U. 3 U Prome. Burmese. Amer. Bapt. M. U. 2 It tt a Soc. Prop. Gosp. 2 u Zeegong. a Amer. Bapt. M. U. 2 a Thayetmo. n Soc. Prop. Gospel. 2 tt Shwaygheen. , Karens. Amer. Bapt. M. U. 1 ti u Burmese. Amer. Bapt. M. U. 1 Pegu, B. Bur. Ban goon. Karens. Amer. Bapt. M. U. 5 u u Burmese. Amer. Bapt. M. U. 10 a u u Amer. Meth. 1 32 FOREIGN MISSIONARY MANUAL. State. Pegu, B. Bur. Station. Rangoon. Maooben. Bassein. " Henthada. " Thongzai. Tenasserim, B.B. Maulmain. Tavoy. Race. Society. Burmese. Soc. Prop. Gosp. Karens. Amer. Bapt. M. U. " Amer. Bapt. M. U. Burmese. Amer. Bapt. M. U. Karens. Amer. Bapt. M. U. Burmese. Amer. Bapt. M. U. Karens. Amer. Bapt. M. U. Burmese. Amer. Bapt. M. U. Eurasians.Amer. Bapt. M. U. Karens. Amer. Bapt. M. U. Total, Mission- aries. 5 1 7 1 2 2 5 1 2 75 POPULATION OF BUBMAH. Count Bethlen estimated the population of Native Burmah in 1874 to be 4,000,000, including the Shans of the Shan states trib- tary to Burmah (probably 500,000 in all) ; the population of Brit- ish Burmah, according to the census of 1872, was 2,747,148 — mak- ing the total population of Burmah 6,747,148. In British Burmah there were — Buddhists 2,447,831 " " " Mohammedans 99,846 " " " Hindus 36,658 " " " Nominal Christians...- 52,299 " " " Aborigines 110,514 STATISTICS OF MISSIONS IN BURMAH. a fcO M i o "3 i a o '£ . £ a £ a a o O o 3 a .2 Amer. Bapt. M. U 1813 1879 33 6 1 2 61 6 110 338 21,594 177 177 09 75 5575 5575 17 17 Amer. Meth China Inland Mission Totals 42 67 110 338 21,594 Total Missionaries Excluding wives 1 SYNOPTICAL. 33 DISTRIBUTION OF MISSIONAKIES IN SIAM. Station. Race. Society. Missionaries. Bangkok. Chinese. Amer. Bapt. M. U. 1 " Siamese and Chinese. Amer. Pres. 5 Petchaburi. Siamese and Chinese. Amer. Pres. 4 Chiengmai. Laos. Amer. Pres. 5 Total, 15 POPULATION OF SIAM. Siamese 4,000,000 Chinese 3,000,000 Laos 2,000,000 Malays 2,000,000 Cambodians 700,000 Peguans 100,000 Total 11,800,000 The inhabitants of Siam are mainly Buddhists. STATISTICS OF MISSIONS IN SIAM. >> a a a pq 3 o © | 14 1 15 a 6 6 > fcg. £© O 14 14 '3 . II 206 425 631 "3 346 346 ?4 1 4 6 10 o Q. 3 O 3 5 8 Amer. Pres 1840 1833 7 1 8 1 1 Airier. Bapt. M. U Totals Excluding wive sof I Missionaries.... 15 34 FOREIGN MISSIONARY MANUAL. DISTRIBUTION OF PROTESTANT MISSIONARIES IN INDIA. State. Station. Society. Missionaries. Cashmere. Srinagar. Ch. of England. 2 Punjab. Sealkote. Ch. of Scotland. 2 a a Amer. Uni. Pres. 5 tt Gujerat. Ch. of Scotland. 1 tt Wazirbad. Ch. of Scotland. 1 tt Gujrambala. Amer. Uni. Pres. 4 u Gurdaspur. Amer. Uni. Pres. 1 it Jhelum. Amer. Uni. Pres. 1 tt Amritsur. Chris. Vernac. Ed. Soc. 1 a n Ind. Fern. N. S. and Ed. Soc. 4 tt a Soc. Prom. Fern. Ed. in East. 1 u u Ch. of England. — u Lodiana. Amer. Pres. 4 a a Soc. Prom. Fern. Ed. in East. 3 ti Ambala. Amer. Pres. 4 it Sabathu. Amer. Pres. 1 tt Kangra. Ch. of England. 1 ti Eawal Pindi. Amer. Pres. 1 u Peshawnr. Ch. of England. 2 a Dera Ismail Khan. Ch. of England. 1 tt Lahore. Ind. Fern. N. S. and Ed. Soc. 4 tt a Amer. Pres. 7 u u Ch. of England. — tt Chamba. . Ch. of Scotland. 1 tt Multan. Ch. of England. 1 u Delhi. Eng. Bapt. 4 u " and vicin. Soc. for Prom. Fern. Ed. in East. 1 it ti Soc. Prop. Gosp. 14 tt Janjra. Chris. Vernac. Ed. Soc. 1 ti Katghar. Ch. of England. 1 u Bunnoo. Ch. of England. 1 Bajpootana. Nussereebad. Scot. Uni. Pres. 4 SYNOPTICAL. 35 State. Station. Society. Missionaries* Kajpootana. Beawr. Scot. Uni. Pres. 3 u Ajmere. Scot. Uni. Pres. 5 a Todgurh. Scot. Uni. Pres. 2 tt Jeypore. Scot. Uni. Pres. 4 tt' a Soc. Prop. Gosp. 2 tt Deolee. Scot. Uni. Pres. 2 tt Ashapoora. Scot. Uni. Pres. 1 tt Odeypore. Scot. Uni. Pres. 1 tt Jallygunge. Soc. Prop. Gosp. 1 it Nawalgunge. Amer. Meth. Woman's. 1 N.-W. Provs . Almorah. London M. S. 2 tt Nynee Tal. Amer. Meth. 2 tt Moradabad. Amer. Meth. 5 tt Eanee Khet London M. S. 1 u Gurwhal. Amer. Meth. 1 tt Pitlioragarh. Amer. Meth. 2 tt Koorkee. Amer. Meth. 3 tt Bijnour. Amer. Meth. 1 tt Saharanpur. Amer. Pres. 2 a Dehra. Amer. Pres. 12 tt Goorgaen. Soc. Prop. Gosp. 1 tt Meerut. Ch. of England. — . tt Bareilly. Amer. Meth. 8 tt Boy Bareilly. Amer. Meth. 1 tt Shahjehanpore. Amer. Meth. 2 u Budaon, Amer. Meth. 2 u Cawnpore. Amer. Meth. 3 tt a Soc. Prop. Gosp. 3 a Futtehguhr. Amer. Pres. 2 u Furruckabad. Amer. Pres. 4 u Mynpurie. Amer. Pres. 4 u Etawah. Amer. Pres. 2 ii Aligarh. Ch. of England. — (( Agra. Eng. Bapt. 2 u tt Amer. Meth. 1 it tt Soc. Prom. Fern. Ed. in East. 6 36 FOREIGN MISSIONARY MANUAL,. State. Station. Society. Missionaries. N.-W. Provs. Agra. Ch. of England. — << Mirzapore. London M. S. 3 ft Benares. Wesleyan Meth. 1 ft (4 Eng. Bapt. 3 ft ft Ind. Fem. N. S. and Ed. Soc. 2 « ft London M. S. 4 ft ft Ch. of England. — ft Ghazipore. Gossner's M. S. 2 ft Mhow. Amer. Meth. 1 ft Jounpore. Ch. of England. — a Goruckpoor. Ch. of England. — ft Bandah. Soc. Prop. Gosp. 1 « Allahabad. Eng. Bapt. 4 « ft Amer. Meth. 1 « ft Amer. Pres. 4 ft ft Woman's Union Soc. (Amer.). 12 ft ft Ch. of England. — ft Paori. Amer. Meth. Women's Board. 1 Oudh. Lucknow. Wesleyan Meth. 5 ft « Ind. Fem. N. S. and Ed. Soc. 3 « « Ch. of England. — ft ft Amer. Meth. 12 « Seetapore. Amer. Meth. 1 ft Fyzabad. Ch. of England. — ft Gondah. Amer. Meth. 1 Indore Ag. Indore. Can. Pres. 4 ft Gwalior. Amer. Pres. 1 Thibet. Kyelang. Moravian (Uni. Brethren). 3 ft Poo. Moravian (Uni. Brethren). 3 Assam. Mawphlang. Welsh Calv. Meth. 1 ft Sheila. Welsh Calv. Meth. 1 « Shillong. Welsh Calv. Meth. 2 ft Cherraponjee. Welsh Calv. Meth. 1 ft Jaintia. Welsh Calv. Meth. 1 ft Tura. Amer. Bapt. M. U. 3 « Gowahati. Amer. Bapt. M. U. 1 SYNOPTICAL. 37 Slate. Station. Society. Missionaries. Assam. Nowgong. Amer. Bapt, M. U. 2 a Sibsagor. Amer. Bapt. M. U. 2 u Naga Hills. Amer. Bapt. M. U. 2 u Tezpoor. Soc. Prop. Gosp. — a . Durrung. Soc. Prop. Gosp. — - Bengal. Bankoorah. Wesley an Meth. 1 tt Barrackpore. Wesleyan Meth. 1 tt tt Ind. Fern. N. S. and Ed. Soc. 1 tt Calcutta. Wesleyan Meth. 2 tt tt Eng. Bapt. 8 tt u Ch. of Scotland. 5 tt tt Free Ch. of Scotland. 7 tt tt Ind. Fern. N. S. and Ed. Soc. 4 tt tt London M. S. 8 tt a Amer. Meth. 6 M tt Woman's Union (Amer.). 17 tt tt Soc. Prom. Fern. Ed. in East. 1 it tt Soc. Prop. Gosp. 4 tt tt Ch. of England. — tt 24 Pergunnahs Districts. Eng. Bapt. 1 tt Howrah. Eng. Bapt. 1 tt Serampore. Eng. Bapt. 2 tt Dacca. Eng. Bapt. 2 tt Backergunge. Eng. Bapt. 3 tt Meepore. Soc. Prop. Gosp. 1 tt Burdwan. Ch. of England. — tt Krishnagar. Ch. of England. — tt Bam pore Bauleah. Eng. Pres. 1 It Silchar. Assam and Cachar Miss. 2 it Cachar. Eng. Bapt. 1 it Rungpore. Wesleyan Meth. 1 tt Monghyr. Eng. Bapt. 1 tt Darjeeling. Ch. of Scotland. 4 tl Bhagulpore. Ch. of England. — 38 FOREIGN MISSIONARY MANUAL. State. Station. Society. Missionaries. Bengal. Patna. Eng. Bapt. 1 a Dinapore. Eng. Bapt. 1 a Hazaribagh. Soc. Prop. Gosp. 1 a Ellichpoor. Unconnected. 1 u Ebenezer. Indian Home Miss, to Santals. 3 tt Bethel. Bethel ( Jamtara) Miss. 1 a Banda. Soc. Prop. Gosp. 1 it Santhalistan. Eng. Bapt. 1 it a Free Ch. of Scotland. 3 a a Ch. of England. — tt Chapral. Gossner's Mission. 1 tt Barripore. Soc. Prop. Gosp. 1 (Orissa). Midnapore. Amer. Free Bapt. 6 tt Cuttack. General Baptist (Eng.). 4 tt a Soc. Prom. Fern. Ed. in East. 2 a Piplee. General Baptist (Eng.). 1 tt Sumbulpore. General Baptist (Eng.). 2 it Balasore. Amer. Free Bapt. 3 tt Jellasore. Amer. Free Bapt. 1 a Bhimpore. Amer. Free Bapt. 1 Chota Nag- Ranchee. Gossner's Miss. 8 pore. a Soc. Prop. Gosp. 2 tt Patrasburj. Gossner's Miss. 3 ti St. Mathauspur. Gossner's Miss. 1 tt Cliyebassa (or u Singbhoom). Gossner's Miss. 3 n tt Soc. Prop. Gosp. 1 tt Govindpore. Gossner's Miss. 2 tt Mandbhoom. Gossner's Miss. 1 tt Lohardugger. Gossner's Miss. 1 u Purulia. Gossner's Miss. 2 tt Hoshungabad. Anglo- Amer. Friends. 4 Cent. Provs. Bisrampore. Germ. Evang. (Amer.). 3 tt Seoni. Unconnected. 1 n Jubbulpore. Ind. Fem. N. S. and Ed. Soc. 1 tt u Amer. Meth. 1 SYNOPTICAL. 39 State. Station, Society. Missionaries. Cent. Provs. Jubbulpore. Ch. of England. — a Agurpara. Ind. Fern. N. S. and Ed. Soc. 1 a Chindwara. Free Ch. of Scotland. 3 u Nagpore. Amer. Meth. 2 a tt Free Ch. of Scotland. 5 CI Damagudiem. Ch. of England. — Scinde. Kurrachee. Ch. of England. — a it Amer. Meth. 1 Gujerat. Gogo. Irish Pres. 2 n Surat. Irish Pres. 2 u Ahmedabad. Irish Pres. 2 u Borsad. Irish Pres. 2 Bombay. Egulpoora. Amer. Meth. 1 it Guledgud. Basel Miss. 3 tt Nasik. Ch. of England. — It Mulligaum. Ch. of England. — tt Rapur. Herrmannsburg Miss. 1 it Poonah. Eng. Bapt. 1 tt it Free Ch. of Scotland. 6 tt it Ind. Fern. N. S. and Ed. Soc. 1 It it Amer. Meth. 2 It Bombay. Eng. Bapt. 1 tl u Ch. of Scotland. 2 ft tt Free Ch. of Scotland. 8 tt it Ind. Fern. N. S. and Ed. Soc. 5 it it Amer. Meth. 5 tt tt Amer. Board C. F. M. 3 tt tt Soc. Prop. Gos. 3 tt tt Ch. of England. — u Sholapur. Amer. Board C. F. M. 2 tt Siroor. Amer. Board C. F. M. 1 tt Rahuri. Amer. Board C. F. M. 1 tt Ahmednuggur. Chris. Vernac. Ed. Soc. 1 tt it Amer. Board C. F. M. 3 u tt Soc. Prop. Gosp. 2 tt Sharanpur. Ch. of England. — 40 FOEEIGN MXSSIONAEY MANUAL. State. Station. Society. Missionaries. Bombay. Satara. Amer. Board C. F. M. 1 tt Panchgani. Amer. Board C. F. M. 1 tt Hubly. Basel Miss. 4 a Codacal. Basel Miss. 1 u Dharwar. Basel Miss. 3 a Betigherry. Basel Miss. 3 u Honore\ Basel Miss. 2 tt Belgaum. London M. S. 2 it Magrahatt. Soc. Prop. Gosp. 1 tt Wadale. Amer. Board C. F. M. 1 tt Kohirpur. Soc. Prop. Gosp. 2 tt Dapoli. Soc. Prop. Gosp. 1 Nizam's Do, , Secunderabad. Amer. Meth. 1 tt tt Amer. Bapt. M. U. 1 tt u Soc. Prop. Gosp. 3 u Hyderabad. Wesleyan Meth. 1 tt tt Ch. of England. — • tt Aurungabad. Ch. of England. — Mysore. Bangalore. Wesleyan Meth. 4 u tt Leipzig Miss. 1 a tt London M. S. 3 tt tt Amer. Meth. 3 it tt Soc. Prop. Gosp. 4 tt Tumkur. Wesleyan Meth. 1 tt Gubbi. Wesleyan Meth. 1 u Shimoga. Wesleyan Meth. 2 tt Hassan. Wesleyan Meth. 1 tt Chitteldrog. Wesleyan Meth. 1 tt Mysore City. Wesleyan Meth. 2 Madras. Berharnpore. General Bapt. 1 tt a German Evang. (Amer i tt tt London M. S. 2 tt Vizianagram. London M. S. 1 tt Vizagapatam. London M. S. 3 tt Dachepalli. Amer. Lutheran. 2 tt Kajahmandry. Amer. Lutheran. 2 SYNOPTICAL. 41 State. Station. Society. Missionaries. Madras. Rayamundry. Amer. Luth. Gen. Council. 2 a Dowlaischerry. Amer. Luth. Gen. Council. 1 tt Coconada. Canadian Bapt. 1 u Turn. Canadian Bapt. 1 14 Akidu. Canadian Bapt. 1 a Marsapur. Godavery Delta Miss. 4 u Masulipatam. Ind. Fem. N. S. and Ed. Soc. 2 a ii Ch. of England. 1 « Bezwara. Ch. of England. 1 « Raghapuram. Ch. of England. — u Ellore. Ch. of England. — 44 Guntoor. Amer. Lutheran. 3 II Kurnool. Amer. Bapt. M. U. 2 II Ongole. Amer. Bapt. M. U. 3 U Ramapatam. Amer. Bapt. M. U. 2 II Hanamaconda. Amer. Bapt. M. U. 1 II Bellary. Amer. Meth. 1 « u London M. S. 3 II Cuddapah. London M. S. 1 II Nundial. London M. S. 1 II Nellore. Amer. Bapt. M. U. 2 II Arcot. Dutch Reformed (Amer.) 1 14 Naidupett. Herrmannsburg M. S. 2 II Vakadu. Herrmannsburg M. S. 2 II Trikalur. Danish Evan. Luth. 2 44 Gudur. Herrmannsburg M. S. II Sriharikotah. Herrmannsburg M. S. (1 Sulurpett. Herrmannsburg M. S. II Venkatagiri. Herrmannsburg M. S. a Calastry. Herrmannsburg M. S. (i Vellore. Ch. of Scotland. ii ii Dutch Reformed (Amer.) 14 Chingleput. Free Ch. of Scotland. 14 Tindivanum. Leipzig M. S. 44 ii Dutch Reformed (Amer.) 2 44 Madanapalle. Dutch Reformed (Amer.) 1 42 FOREIGN MISSIONARY MANUAL. State. Station. Society. Missionaries. Madras. Madras. Wesleyan Meth. 4 It a Eng. Bapt. 1 u a Ch. of Scotland. 2 u tt Free Ch. of Scotland. 9 ti ti Leipzig M. S. 1 it w Ind. Fern. N. S. and Ed. Soc. a n London M. S. 8 tt a Amer. Meth. 3 a ti Amer. Bapt. M. U. 2 a it Soc. Prom. Fern. Ed. in East. 1 a a Ch. of England. — it St. Thomas Mt. Wesley an Meth. 1 a a Strict Baptist. 1 it Salem. London M. S. 2 it Tan j ore. Leipzig M. S. 1 a Mayaveram. Leipzig M. S. 1 tt Challambram. Leipzig M. S. 1 a Cuddalore. Leipzig M. S. 1 a a Soc. Prop. Gosp. 3 a Tranquebar. Leipzig M. S, 4 tt ti Soc. Prop. Gosp. 3 a Motupatti. Leipzig M. S. 1 n Combaconum. Soc. Prop. Gosp. 2 u Canendagoody. Soc. Prop. Gosp. 2 it Nezagapatam. Soc. Prop. Gosp. 2 a Trichinopoly. Wesleyan Meth. 1 it a Leipzig M. S. 1 tt a Soc. Prop. Gosp. 2 tt Poreiar. Leipzig M. S. 2 tt Negapatam. Wesleyan Meth. 2 tt Manargudi. Wesleyan Meth. 2 it Madura. Chris. Vernac. Ed. Soc. 1 tt u Amer. Board C. F. M. 4 a Pulney. Amer. Board C. F. M. 2 tt Melur. Amer. Board C. F. M. 1 a Periakulam. Amer. Board C. F. M. 1 SYNOPTICAL. 43 State. Station. Society. Missionaries. Madras. Pasumalai. Amer. Board C. F. M. 1 u Mandapasalai. Amer. Board C. F. M. 2 u Battalagundu. Amer. Board C. F. M. 2 tt Tirupuvanum. Amer. Board C. F. M. 1 il Mana Madura. Amer. Board C. F. M. 1 tt Tirumangalam. Amer. Board C. F. M. 1 tt Dindigul. Chris. Yernac. Ed. Soc. 2 u u Amer. Board C. F. M. 1 a Paducottah. Leipzig M. S. 1 u Udapy. Basel M. S. 3 tt Kotagherry. Basel M. S. 1 a Mulky. Basel M. S. 2 a Cannanore. Basel M. S. 5 tt Calicut. Basel M. S. 8 ({ Mangalore. Basel M. S. 15 u Mercara. Basel M. S. 2 a Tellicherry. Basel M. S. 3 a Kaity. Basel M. S. 4 a Neilgherry Hills. Eng. Bapt. 1 tt Ootamacund. Ch. of England. — a Coimbatore. London M. S. 2 ti tt Leipzig M. S. 1 tt Tiruvarar. Wesleyan Meth. 1 a Caroor (Karur). Wesleyan Meth. 1 tt Palghat. Basel M. S. 2 tt Karkal. Basel M. S. 2 tt Cundapoor. Basel M. S. 1 tt Anandapoor. Basel M. S. 2 tt Chombala. Basel M. S. 2 u Puthiampur. Soc. Prop. Gosp. 2 a Nazareth. Soc. Prop. Gosp. 2 u Edeyengoody. Soc. Prop. Gosp. 2 u Radhapuram. Soc. Prop. Gosp. 2 u Ramnad. Soc. Prop. Gosp. 2 u Erungalore. Soc. Prop. Gosp. 2 44 FOREIGN MISSIONARY MANUAL. State. Station. Madras. Tinnivelly. tt Nagercoil. a Nevur. tt Palamcottah. u Palaveram. Travancore. Trivandrum. Society. Missionaries. Ch. of England. — Chris. Vernac. Ed. Soc. Chris. Vernac. Ed. Soc. Ind. Fern. N. S. and Ed. Soc. Ch. of England. Ind. Fern. N. S. and Ed. Soc. To which add Ch. of England, Total, 1 1 i l 764 144 908 POPULATION OF INDIA BY STATES AND RELIGION'S. Presidency and Province. Population. Ajmere 396,889 Berar 2,226,496 Mysore 5,055,412 Coorg 168,312 Madras 31,672,613 Bombay (including Scinde) 16,349,206 Bengal 60,502,897 North-West Provinces 30,781,204 Punjab 17,611,498 Oudh 11,220,232 Central Provinces 8,201,519 British Burmah 2,747,148 Assam 4,162,019 Native States under — Governor-General of India 28,748,403 Lieutenant-Governor of Bengal 312,473 Lieutenant-Governor of Punjab 657,013 Lieutenant-Governor of Central Provinces. 5,440,389 Governor of Madras 1,049,710 Governor of Bombay 3,289,392 Miscellaneous 6,831,515 Total 237,424,340 Excluding Burmah 234,677,192 SYNOPTICAL. 45 RELIGIONS OF INDIA BY ENUMERATION OF 1876. Hindus 139,248,568 Mohammedan 40,882,537 Buddhist 2,832,851 Nominal Christians 897,216 Others 53,563,168 DISTRIBUTION OF MISSIONARIES IN CEYLON. Station. Society, Missionaries, Jaffna. Ch. of England. 1 u Wesleyan Meth. 2 Point Pedro. Wesleyan Meth. 1 Oodooville. Amer. Board C. F. M. 3 Batticotta. Amer. Board C. F. M. 2 Oodoopitty. Amer. Board C. F. M. 2 Panditeripo. Amer. Board C. F. M. 1 Tillepally. Amer. Board C. F. M. 1 Manepy. Amer. Board C. F. M. 3 Manaar. Soc. Prop. Gosp. 1 Banulle. Soc. Prop. Gosp. 1 Trincomalee. Wesleyan Meth. 1 Putlam. Soc. Prop. Gosp. 1 Chilan. Soc. Prop. Gosp. 1 Galkini. Soc. Prop. Gosp. 1 Batticaloa. Wesleyan Meth. 2 u Soc. Prop. Gosp. 1 Kayman's Gate. Soc. Prop. Gosp. 1 Kollupittinga. Soc. Prop. Gosp. 1 Kalmunai. Wesleyan Meth. 1 Matale (or Matella). Soc. Prop. Gosp. 1 Kandy. Ch. of England. 3 a English Bapt. 1 a Wesleyan Meth. 1 Colombo. Ch. of England. 1 H Wesleyan Meth. 4 46 FOEEIGN MISSIONAKY MANUAL. Station. Society. Missionaries. Kurena. Soc. Prop. Gosp. 2 Pantura. Soc. Prop. Gosp. Mutwal. Soc. Prop. Gosp. Cotta. Ch. of England. Pettah. Eng. Bapt. Grand Pass. Eng. Bapt. Sabaragamdwa. Eng. Bapt. West Province. Wesleyan Meth. Point de Galle. Wesleyan Meth. Matura. Soc. Prop. Gosp. Tangalla. Soc. Prop. Gosp. Baddegama. Ch. of England. Total, 52 POPULATION OF CEYLON, CENSUS OF 1871. Western Province 775,285 North- Western Province 269,084 Southern Province 399,755 Eastern Province 113,290 Northern Province 281,788 Central Province 495,340 North-Central Province 70,720 Total, 2,406,262 Of these there are — Buddhists 1,520,575 Hindus 465,944 Mohammedans 171,542 Nominal Christians 240,042 (For Statistics of Missions in India, see Appendix, pp. 202 and 203.) SYNOPTICAL. 47 DISTRIBUTION OF MISSIONARIES IN PERSIA. Station. Society. Missionaries. Oroomiah. Amer. Pres. 6 w Amer. Bib. Soo. 1 Seir. Amer. Pres. 1 Teheran. Amer. Pres. 4 Tabriz. Amer. Pres. 6 Ispahan. Ch. of England. 2 Total, 20 Population of Persia 4,400,000 Of these there are — Armenians 26,035 Nestorians 25,000 Jews 16,000 Guebres 7,190 Mohammedans 4,325,775 STATISTICS OF MISSIONS IN PEESIA. 03 © i a -£ "3 > U "2 _; 3 -2 eg o o o .2 "3 © & 3 m O ^ fe 61 o 468 6594 DQ to GO 17 o 255 Amer. B'rd C. F. M. 1836 55 3 95 348 12,887 Amer Meth 1875 4 2 2 5 23 Amer. Worn. Union Amer. Bib. Soc 1879 2 17 255 Totals 61 3 99 66 4fiS fifi17 sua 12 887 Missionaries . . 163 Excludi] 3gW ives 106 SYNOPTICAL. 49 POPULATION OF TURKEY. European Turkey. Immediate Possessions 5,044,000 Eastern Roumelia 751,000 Bosnia, Herzegovina, etc 1,213,000 Bulgaria 1,859,000 Total European 8,867,000 Asiatic Turkey. Immediate Possessions 17,500,000 Samos 37,080 Total Asiatic 17,537,080 In Africa. Tripoli 1,010,000 Egypt 17,386,000 Tunis 2,100,000 Total in Africa 20,496,000 Grand total 46,900,080 RELIGIONS OF TURKEY. I. Mohammedans. II. Protestants and Jews. III. Miscellane- ous. (1) Latins or Catholics using Roman Liturgy; (2) Greeks ; (3) Armenians; (4) Bulgarians ; (5) Croats; (6) United Armenians; (7) Syrians ; (8) United Chaldeans ; (9) Maronites under the Patri- arch of Lebanon. DISTRIBUTION OF MISSIONARIES IN SYKIA, TURKEY. Station. Society. Missionaries, Tripoli. Amer. Pres. 6 Beirut. Amer. Pres. 8 " Syrian Protestant College. 8 " Prussian Deaconesses. 6 " British Syrian Schools. 7 Abeih. Amer. Pres. 5 Zahleh. Amer. Pres. 2 Sid on. Amer. Pres. 4 Mt. Lebanon and vicinity. Free Ch. of Scotland. 1 5 D 50 FOREIGN MISSIONARY MANUAL. Station, Society Missionaries Mt. Lebanon and vie. Soc. Prom. Fern. Ed. in East. 2 " Anglo-Amer. Friends. 6 Damascus. Irish Pres. 1 Hauran District. Ch. of England. 4 Nazareth. Edin. Med. Miss. 1 " Soc. Prom. Fern. Ed. in East. 3 Jerusalem. Anglo-Prussian Bishopric. 1 " Prussian Deaconesses. 8 " Soc. Prom. Fern. Ed. in East. 2 Ch. of England. 6 " Native Protestant School. — " Soc. Prop. Gosp. — Bethlehem. Soc. Prom. Fern. Ed. in East. 2 Gaza. Ch. of England. 1 Unlocated. Ch. of Scotland Miss, to Jews. 2 " Miss Taylor's Moslem School. 1 " Ch. of England Miss, to Jews. 1 " Reformed Presbyterians. 8 STATISTICS OF MISSIONS IN SYRIA. .2 S £ to 1 .2 c > £& 2 w 5W 5 C3 J2 *3 a .2 if 3 « O H? fa 5 O OQ W so O Amer. Pres 1823 14 1 21 4 139 810 85 4,260 5 43 Syr. Prot. Coll 7 1 7 4 103 1 Brit. Syr. Schools "7 75 30 3,000 1 Prussian Deaconesses.... i'i 7 21 2 203 1 Free Ch. of Scotland l "i "i 33 30 25 1,200 4 Soc. Prom. Fern. Ed. in E. 9 4 175 4 Irish Pres 1843 "i 9 i i'i 4 37 92 214 14 1,142 1 6 Ch. of England Edin. Med. Miss l 1 Anglo-Prussian Bish i 1 Native Prot. School 2 "i "(SO 1 Ch. of Scot. Miss, to Jews. *2 9 2 624 2 Miss Taylor's School l 5 Say 100 2 196 1 Friends' M. S 3 3 "2 15 18 700 2 Ch. of Eng. Miss, to Jews. 2 3 4 Ref. Pres 8 8 50 "7 400 2 Mr. Bistany's Schools 7 1 40 1 Mr. Suleeby's School 63 5 4 110 1 Totals r 42 21 352 1.317 199 12.213 39 43 Missionaries ... 110 ... 96 Excluding -n ives SYNOPTICAL. 51 DISTRIBUTION OF MISSIONAKIES IN AFRICA. Country . Station. Society. Missionaries, Algeria. Algeria. Scot. Uni. Pres. l Gambia. St. Mary's Isl. Wesleyan Meth. 3 u Saint Louis. Paris S. E. 2 Sierra Leone. Freetown. Wesleyan Meth. 6 u tt Ch. of England. — tt tt United Meth. 2 it Waterloo. United Meth. 1 it Mendi. Amer. Miss. Ass'n. 6 a Sherbro. Unit. Brethren, America. — ti a Ch. of England. — tt Pongas. Soc. Prop. Gosp. — tt u Ch. of Eng. W. Indies Miss. (Negroes). — Liberia. Cape Mount. Amer. Prot. Epis. 4 tt Clay Ashland. Amer. Pres. 1 tt Marshall. Amer. Pres. 2 u Monrovia. Amer. Meth. — u tt Amer. Pres. 1 tt Marfar Kiver. Amer. Pres. 1 u St. Paul's Eiver . Amer. Meth. — it Bassa District. Amer. Meth. — tt Sinoe. Amer. Pres. 2 tt Pleasantville. Amer. Pres. 2 tt Cape Palmas. Amer. Prot. Epis. 1 tt tt Amer. Meth. — Gold Coast. North German M. S. — tt Cape Coast. Wesleyan Meth. 2 n Anamabu. Wesleyan Meth. 1 tt Accra. Wesleyan Meth. 1 tt a Basel M. S. 4 u Christiansborg. Basel M. S. 7 a Abokobi. Basel M. S. 3 tt Odumase. Basel M. S. 3 n Ada. Basel M. S. 3 52 FOREIGN MISSIONARY MANUAL. Benguela. South Africa (Ovampa-land). Damara. Hereroland. Society. Missionaries. Basel M. S. 3 Basel M. S. 6 Basel M. S. 1 Basel M. S. 2 Basel M. S. 2 Wesleyan Meth. 3 Southern Bapt. Conv. 1 Ch. of England. 2 Southern Bapt. Conv. 1 Ch. of England. 3 Ch. of England. 2 Wesleyan Meth. 1 Southern Bapt. Conv. 1 Ch. of England. 1 Ch. of England. 1 Scot. Uni. Pres. 6 Scot. Uni. Pres. 4 Scot. Uni. Pres. 1 Primitive Methodists (Eng.). 2 Eng. Bapt. 2 Eng. Bapt. 1 Eng. Bapt. 1 Eng. Bapt. 1 Amer. Pres. 7 Amer. Pres. 2 Amer. Pres. 4 Livingstone Inland Miss. 2 Livingstone Inland Miss. 2 Eng. Bapt. 4 (The International Association for the Suppres- sion of the Slave-Trade has a force, under Mr. H. M. Stanley, on the Congo Biver.) Bihe\ Amer. Board C. F. M. 3 Chantry. Station. Gold Coast. Aburi. a Akropong. u Kjebi. u Begoro. it Abetisi. Yoruba and Lagos. Niger Biv a u u it Abbeokuta. tt u u tt u Little Popo. it Ogbomoshow. (( Bonny. a Nembe. Old Calabar. Creek Town. a Duke Town. it Ikorofong. Biafra. Fernando Po. tt Cameroons. u Hickory Town. tt Victoria. it Bukundu. a Gaboon. it Benita. a Kangur. Low. Guinea Cardiff. (Congo). Cory. a San Salvador. Finnish Lutheran M. Bhenish M. S. S. — SYNOPTICAL. 53 District. Station. Sooiety. Missionaries. Damara. Namaqualand. Rhenish M. S. — tt Genadendal. Moravian (Uni. Breth.). 8 Cape Colony . Mamre. Moravian. 3 tt Witte water. Moravian. 2 d Stellenbosch. Wesley an Meth. 1 u Robertson. Wesley an Meth. 1 « Khamiesberg. Wesleyan Meth. 1 a O'Okiep Coppei mines. Wesleyan Meth. 1 tt Cape Town. Wesleyan Meth. 6 u tt Soc. Prom. Fern. Ed. in East. 1 tt Simon's Town. Wesleyan Meth. 1 u Amalienstein. Berlin So. Afr. 1 ti Zoar. Berlin So. Afr. 1 tt Ladysmith. Berlin So. Afr. 2 tt Anhaltsmith. Berlin So. Afr. 3 tt Riversdale. Berlin So. Afr. 3 tt "Wellington. Paris Society. 1 it Elim. Moravian. 3 tt Oudtshoorn. London M. S. 1 tt Cape Diocese. Soc. Prop. Gosp. 36 tt Cape Col. (Gen. ) Rhenish M. S. — it a Dutch Church of So. Africa. 11 it Clarkson. Moravian. 3 It Uitenhage. London M. S. 1 It it Wesleyan Meth. 1 it Enon. Moravian. 3 tt Port Elizabeth. Wesleyan Meth. 2 it Graaff Eeynett. Wesleyan Meth. 1 It tt London M. S. 1 tt Peddie. Wesleyan Meth. 1 tt Cradock. Wesleyan Meth. 2 tt Somerset West. Wesleyan Meth. 1 tt Grahamstown. Wesleyan Meth. 6 a Salem. Wesleyan Meth. 1 tt Bathursl. Wesleyan Meth. 1 6* 54 FOREIGN MISSIONARY MANUAL. Division. Station. Society. Missionaries. Cape Colony \ Port Alfred. Wesleyan Meth. u Fort Beaufort. Wesley an Meth. tt Seymour. Wesleyan Meth. u Heald Town. Wesleyan Meth. a Queenstown. Wesleyan Meth. « Dordrecht. Wesleyan Meth. tt Hilton. Wesleyan Meth. tt Lesseyton. Wesleyan Meth. tt Kamastone. Wesleyan Meth. ti Mount Arthur. Wesleyan Meth. tt Wodehouse. Wesleyan Meth. a Tsomo. Wesleyan Meth. tt Butterworth. Wesleyan Meth. tt Clarkebury. Wesleyan Meth. tt Morley. Wesleyan Meth. a Buntingville. Wesleyan Meth. a Shawbury. Wesleyan Meth. ti Osborn. Wesleyan Meth. a Diocese of Gra- hamstown. Soc. Prop. Gosp. 24 Kaffraria, C. C. King William's Town. Wesleyan Meth. 3 u a London M. S. 1 tt Mount Coke. Wesleyan Meth. 1 a Annshaw. Wesleyan Meth. 1 a Berea. Moravian. 1 tt tt Paris Societe. 2 tt Shiloh. Moravian. 4 a Goshen. Moravian. r a Engotini. Moravian. i tt Peelton. Soc. Prom. Fern. Ed. in East. 1 a a London M. S. 2 ti Newlands Ka- hoon. Soc. Prom. Fern. Ed. in East. 1 it Lovedale. Free Ch. of Scotland, 10 SYNOPTICAL. 55 Division. Station. Society. Missionaries. Kaffraria. Macfarlan. Free Ch. of Scotland. 1 a Piree. Free Ch. of Scotland. 1 it Cunningham. *Free Ch. of Scotland. 1 it Duffbank. Free Ch. of Scotland. 1 ii Blytheswood. Free Ch. of Scotland. 1 U Bethel. Berlin So. Afr. 2 it Wartburg. Berlin So. Afr. 3 U Petersburg. Berlin So. Afr. 1 tt Etembeni. Berlin So. Afr. 2 a Knapp's Hope. London M. S. 1 a Glenthorn. Scot. Uni. Pres. 1 u Engwali. Scot. Uni. Pres. 2 a Paterson. Scot. Uni. Pres. 2 u Adelaide. Scot. Uni. Pres. 1 u Somerset. Scot. Uni. Pres. 1 II Kobongaba. Scot. Uni. Pres. 2 a Tarka. Scot. Uni. Pres. 1 a Boziya. Moravian. 3 a Intwanazana. Moravian. 1 u Diocese of Kaf- fraria. Soc. Prop. Gosp. 13 Basutos. Morija. Paris Society. 3 a Thaba-Bossiou. Paris Socidte\ 1 u Leribe. Paris Society. 2 a Hermon. Paris Society. 1 u Thabana-Mo- rena. Paris Societe*. 2 it Silve*. Paris Societe*. 1 a Bethesda. Paris Societe'. 1 a Massitissi. Paris Societe. 1 it Maboulela. Paris Societe*. 1 a Cana. Paris Societe*. I it Matatiele*. Paris Society. I a Paballong. Paris Societe*. 1 it Tinana. Moravian. 2 a Aliwal North. Prim. Meth. (Eng.) 2 56 FOREIGN MISSIONARY MANUAL. Division. Station. Society. Missionaries. Basutos. Norwegian M. S. 1 M Diocese of Maritzburg. Soc. Prop. Gosp. 20 Natal. Emmaus. Berlin So. Afr. 1 u Christianenburg. Berlin So. Afr. 2 a Stendal. Berlin So. Afr. 2 u Emangweni. Berlin So. Afr. 1 u Hoffenthal. Berlin So. Afr. 1 u Konigsberg. Berlin So. Afr. 2 a Umvoti. Amer. Board C. F. M. 2 u Adams. Amer. Board C. F. M. 4 u Umsuraduzi. Amer. Board C. F. M. 1 a Lindley. Amer. Board C. F. M. 4 a Umzumbi. Amer. Board C. F. M. 2 « Maritzburg. Free Church of Scotland. 1 it Impolweni. Free Church of Scotland. 1 u Gordon. Free Church of Scotland. 3 a D'Urban. Wesleyan Meth. 4 u Berea. Wesleyan Meth. 1 it Pieter maritzburg. Wesley an Meth. 2 cc Ladvsmith. Wesleyan Meth. 1 tc Edendale. Wesleyan Meth. 2 it Harrismith. Wesleyan Meth. 1 11 Indaleni. Wesleyan Meth. 1 u Upper Umzim- kulu. Wesleyan Meth. 2 it Pondoland. Wesleyan Meth. 2 u Verulam. Wesleyan Meth. 2 Orange Free State. Smithfield. Paris Soci&e*. 1 (f Bethulie. Paris Society. 1 ft Bethany. Berlin So. Afr. 4 it Peniel. Berlin So. Afr. 2 a Kimberley. Berlin So. Afr. 1 a Saaron. Berlin So. Afr. 1 << ^damshoop. Berlin So. Afr. 1 SYNOPTICAL. 57 Division. Station. Society. Missionaries. Orange Fr. St. Bloemfontein. Berlin So. Afr. 2 u u Wesleyan Meth 4 a Colesberg. Wesleyan Meth. 2 tt Witteberger. Wesleyan Meth. 1 tt Burghersdorp. Wesleyan Meth. 1 tt Bensonvale. Wesleyan Meth. 1 a Thaba-N'Chu. Wesleyan Meth. 2 a Kronstadt. Wesleyan Meth. 1 tt Molopo. Wesleyan Meth. 1 tt Diamond Fields . Wesleyan Meth. 3 u Dio. of Bloem- fontein. Soc. Prom. Gosp. 11 Transvaal. Pretoria. Wesleyan Meth. 1 it u Berlin So. Afr, 3 tt Botshabelo. Berlin So. Afr. 5 tt Leydenburg. Berlin So. Afr. 2 M Wallmannsthal. Berlin So. Afr. 2 U Newhall. Berlin So. Afr. 1 tt Ga Matlale. Berlin So. Afr. 1 it Thutloane. Berlin So. Afr. 1 u Malokung. Berlin So. Afr. 2 It ModimuPle. Berlin So. Afr. 3 tt Bl au berg. Berlin So. Afr. 1 tt Makchabeng. Berlin So. Afr. 1 M Potschefstrom. Berlin So. Afr. 1 (4 a Wesleyan Meth. 1 fl Ha Schewasse. Berlin So. Afr. 1 tt Tschakoma. Berlin So. Afr. 1 U Hendelberg. Berlin So. Afr. 1 tt Patametsane. Berlin So. Afr. 3 a Arkona. Berlin So. Afr. 2 tt Ga Moletsi. Berlin So. Afr. 1 a Georgenholtz. Berlin So. Afr. 1 tt Inphome. Berlin So. Afr. 4 it Magwamba. Swiss Canton Yaud. — tt Valdezia. Swiss Canton Vaud. — 58 FOREIGN MISSIONARY MANUAL. Division. Station. Society. Missionaries. Transvaal. Transvaal Gen. Dutch Kef. Ch. of South Afr. — a a Herrmannsburg M. S. — tt Diocese of Trans . Soc. Prop. Gosp. 8 Bechuana. Likhatlong. London M. S. 1 u Kuruman. London M. S. 2 a Kanye. London M. S. 1 u Molepole. London M. S. 1 tt Shoshong. London M. S. 1 Zululand. Inyati. London M. S. 2 it Hope Fountain. London M. S. 1 tt Zululand Gen. Soc. Prop. Gosp. 5 tt tt Norwegian M. S. — Umzila's Kingdom. Amer. Board C. F. M. 2 Madagascar. Antananarivo. London M. S. 7 u Imerina Prov- ince Gen. London M. S. 12 tt u Friends' Miss. Ass. 9 tt Betsileo Prov- ince Gen. London M. S. 6 u Sihanka. London M. S. 1 tt Iboina. London M. S. 1 tt In 5 Stations. Soc. Prop. Gosp. 8 u In 6 Norwegian Lutheran. — Mauritius ' Church of England. 4 and - Port Louis, etc. * Soc. Prom. Fern. Ed. in East. 1 Seychelles. . . Soc. Prop. Gosp. 4 Zanguebar. Zanzibar Island and Magila. Universities' Miss. 25 it Mombasa (Frere Town). Church M. S. 2 u " (Kibe) United Methodist. 2 tt " (Jomva) LTnited Methodist. 1 Centr/l Afr.* Livingstonia. Free Ch. of Scotland. 12 ♦The Paris Societe is reported to have a mission in the Barotse Valley, 15° 25' S. ; 23° 0' E., though it is not mentioned in its report. SYNOPTICAL. 59 Division. Station. Society. Missionaries. (Lake Ny- assa.) Blantyre. Ch. of Scotland. 10 (Lake Tan- ganyika.) Ujiji- London M. S. 2 u Urambo. London M. S. 2 a Uguha. London M. S. 3 (Victoria Nyanza.) Rubaga. Ch. of England. 7 u Mpwapwa. Ch. of England. 4 Abyssinia. Ankober. Chrischona Pilgrim Mission. 3 Egypt. Cairo. Miss Whately's Mission. 1 U "3 . 9 TO 1! a .2 ej DQ Pi O South Bapt 3 12 4 18 7 8 13 2 1 '"9 20 1 11 9 13 48 14 7 124 59 6 4 *33 4 15 "'4 *69 10 "4 664 "i "4 15 7 23 6 6( *6 R8 l 16 3 14 20 "l "3 2 3 9 6 39 in al 3 "*5 1 4 24 "2 10 "*2 6 *29 '"2 *60 I). "*5 95 *64 15 "29 133 *14 160 *84 119 3925 1652 273 136 122 610 361 2200 601 985 "60 166 2902 2190 306 71,269 31,935 4000 2588 2865 1922 172 4100 *13,800 4187 *5000 *1200 *200 *29 2 44 "l "69 "85 914 370 975 "'937 415 244 1426 "60 217 3504 2870 2496 49,134 29,004 2860 400 314 3130 2349 1000 ...2 7 11 4 12 4 1 1 1 1 15 34 1 12 8 2 25 380 2 15 21 2 1 20 3 14 1 4 29 48 10 49 2 6 1 1 1 4 4 12 7 50 1062 60 Amer. Board Amer. Prot. Epis Amer. Meth. Epis Amer. Uni. Pres Amer. Miss. Ass Ev. Lu. Gen. Syn Uni. Breth. Amer Asso. Ref. Syn. Soc Cb. of England Ch. of Scotland Free Ch. of Scot Uni. Pres. Scot Universities' London M. S Wesleyan Meth Soc. Prop. Gosp Moravians Uni. Metb Ang.-Am. Friends MissWhately's School. Soc. Pr. F. Ed. in E Basel M. S Prim. Meth W. Ind. Negroes Finnish Luth Rhenish M. S Berlin So. Afr Ref. Ch. of C. Col Herrmannsburg Swiss Cant. Yaud Norwegian Criscbona Lond. Jewish Ch. of Scot. Jewish Swedisb Totals ... 154 911 679fi 153.619 9489 100.360 585 is ' 88fi wive s 712 * Number of Converts, not the number of Communicants. 6 62 FOREIGN MISSIONARY MANUAL. DISTRIBUTION OF MISSIONARIES IN Division. Country. -CX xYJL X-J XX X. \J 2\. i Station, Society. Missionaries. North America. Greenland. Moravian. 23 u Labrador. Moravian. 39 tt Brit. Poss. Algoma. Soc. Prop. Gosp. 2 it tt Rupertsland. Soc. Prop. Gosp. 7 tt it Saskatchewan. Soc. Prop. Gosp. 3 it u Fredericton. Soc. Prop. Gosp. 51 it it Nova Scotia. Soc. Prop. Gosp. 54 It tt Newfoundland . Soc. Prop. Gosp. 41 tt a Columbia. Soc. Prop. Gosp. 5 tt tt New West- tt tt minster. Soc. Prop. Gosp. 3 it N.-W. Amer. Ch. of England. 17 tt N. Pacific. tt Ch. of England. 7 it British Columbia. a Meth. Ch. of Canada. — it Alaska. tt Pres. Home Mission. 6 ti Mexico. City of Mexico. Friends' Miss. 1 tt u u Amer. Pres. 6 tt tt tt Amer. Meth, Epis. 8 it tt tt Amer. Meth. Epis., Sc ». 1 tt tt tt Prot. Epis. 4 tt ti Mat amor as. So. Pres. 1 tt tt Monterey. Amer. Pres. 4 tt tt Zacatecas. Amer. Pres. 2 it u Mir afl ores. Amer. Meth. Epis. 1 it tt Guanajuato. Amer. Meth. Epis. 1 tt tt Orizava. Amer. Meth. Epis. 1 tt tt Guadalajara. Amer. Board C. F. M, , 1 Central America. Honduras. Wesleyan Meth. 4 u Mosquito Coast. Moravian. 12 * Not including Canada and the United States. SYNOPTICAL. 63 Division, Group. Island. Society. Missionaries. West Indies. Bahamas. Eng. Bapt. 4 M u Wesleyan Meth. 7 tt tt Soc. Prop. Gosp. 4 It Gr. Antilles. Jamaica. Moravian. 24 tt tt tt Uni. Pres. Scot. 18 tt tt tt Soc. Prop. Gosp. 1 ii tt a Uni. Meth. Eng. 8 tt tt it Eng. Bapt. 3 tt tt it Wesleyan Meth. 31 CI tt tt London M. S. 1 u tt Haiti. Amer. Prot. Epis. 1 (t a a Eng. Bapt. 3 tt a tt Wesleyan. 3 tt a San Domingo. Eng. Bapt. » 1 tt tt St. Thomas and St. Jan. Moravian. 7 tt Leeward. St. Croix. Moravian. 3 tt Antigua. Moravian. 11 tt a Soc. Prop. Gosp. 12 It a Wesleyan Meth. 10 tt St. Kitts. Moravian. 6 tt tt Wesleyan Meth. 9 tt Windward. St. Vincent's. Wesleyan Meth. 16 tt Barbados. Moravian. 4 ft a Soc. Prop. Gosp. 2 It a Wesleyan Meth. 9 it Tobago. Moravian. 4 11 Trinidad. Eng. Bapt. 2 Division. Country. Station. Society. Mission- aries. South Brit. Guiana . Demerara. Moravian. America. (i Wesleyan Meth. 7 tt tt Southern Bapt. Conv. — tt Essequibo. Wesleyan Meth. 1 tt Berbice. Wesleyan Meth. 2 tt Ebenezer. London M. S. 1 64 FOREIGN MISSIONARY MANUAL. Division. Country. Station. Society. Missionaries. S. Amer. Brit. Guiana . N. Amsterdam . London M. S. 1 tt tt Coolie Mission, , Wesleyan Meth. 1 c« u u Soc. Prop. Gosp. 6 u Dut. Guiana, , Surinam. Moravian. 68 tt Colombia. Bogota- Amer. Pres. 1 tt Brazil. Amazon River . South Amer. Ass. 2 a tt Sao Paulo. Amer. Pres. 3 tt tt ti So. Bapt. Conv. 1 a tt tt South Amer. Ass. 1 it tt Pernambuco. So. Pres. Amer. 2 tt tt Morro Velho. South Amer. Ass. 1 tt tt Bahia. Amer. Pres. 1 it tt Bio de Janeiro. Amer. Pres. 1 u a it a Amer. Meth. So. 1 tt tt Bio Clara. Amer. Pres. 2 tt tt Campinas. So. Pres. Amer. 3 u tt Moggy Mirim. So. Pres. Amer. 1 u Uruguay. Montevideo. Amer. Meth. 1 tl tt Fray Bentos. So. Amer. Ass. 1 It tt Salto Concordia. So. Amer. Ass. 1 tt Argentine Eepublic. Rosario. Amer. Meth. 1 it tt it So. Amer. Ass. 1 tt u Patagones. So. Amer. Ass. 1 tt Buenos Ayres. Buenos Ayres. So. Amer. Ass. 1 it it u Amer. Meth. 1 it Chili. Chanaral. So. Amer. Ass. 1 it ii Valparaiso. Amer. Pres. 1 tt tt Santiago. Amer. Pres. 2 it Falkland Isls. Soc. Prop. Gosp. — tt u So. Amer. Ass. 2 tl Terra del Fuego. Ooshia. So. Amer. Ass. Total, 5 635 SYNOPTICAL. 65 STATISTICS OF AMERICAN MISSIONS. Societies. m V a a a to « i >> oS § a 5 g 1 5 5 O a m 11 a« 1 a i c a O 1856 1836 1872 1702 1840 18 7 3 1 9 2 2 1 1 In 166 20 3 8 220 18 12 8 "3 "i ail* ] "4 To 26 6 3 15 "2 1 00." "*6 15 'is 14 13 28 6 51 29 9 "9 34 24 33 5 852 *84 1212 70 57 234 4,996 260 "'87 472 550 3,941 173 112 52,082 1,500 21,806 6,954 27,839 2,414 4 8 12 10 2 146 24 57 1,085 180 "643 "262 76 32,050 1,116 4,'749 125 18 4 2 1 10 31 3 1 3 288 35 29 2 6 1 80 32 208 9 8 22 2 216 89 8 Araer. Pres. So Pres. Home Miss... Friends' Miss Meth. Epis. So Amer. Board So. Bapt. Conv Wesley an Meth.... Soc. Prop. Gosp Ch. of England So. Amer. Ass Can. Meth Moravian Scot. Uni. Pres Eng. Bapt Uni. Meth Totals 599 18 m 14? 2659 123.186 958 40,2S6 763 . 676 'ives . 635 DISTRIBUTION OF MISSIONARIES IN THE PACIFIC ISLANDS. Society. 3Iissionari6S, Amer. Board C. F. M. 7 Hawaiian Evang. — Soc. Prop. Gosp. 4 Amer. Board C. F. M. 2 Hawaiian Evang. — Hawaiian Evang. Amer. Board C. F, Hawaiian Evang. Amer. Board C. F. Hawaiian Evang. Hawaiian Evang. Hawaiian Evang. Hawaiian Evang. London M. S. Division. Group. Islands. olynesia. Hawaiian. Oalm. 11 a a u u u a u Kauai. a u Molokai a u Lanai. u (I Maui. Marquesas. Societv. Hawaii. u Uapou. Hivaoa. Fatuiva. Tahiti. M. M. 66 FOEEIGN MISSIONAEY MANUAL. Division. Group. Islands. Society. Missionaries. Polynesia. Society. Tahiti. Paris Society. 3 u a Moorea. Paris Socie't^. 1 ti Samoan. Tutuila. London M. S. 1 tt u Upolu. Wesley an Meth.* — tt tt tt London M. S. 4 tt a Savaii. Wesleyan Meth. — a tt tt London M. S. 1 a Hervey. Raratonga. London M. S. i it u Mangaia. London M. S. 1 tt Niue (or Sav- age Island). London M.S. 1 u Friendly Haabai. Wesleyan Meth. — (Tonga). Kotu. Wesleyan Meth. — tt tt Vavau. Wesleyan Meth. — it tt Tongatabu. Wesleyan Meth. — tt Fiji. Kandavu. Wesleyan Meth. — ti tt Viti. Wesleyan Meth. — it tt Yanua. Wesleyan Meth. — a tt Explorers'. Wesleyan Meth. — a tt Lakemba. Wesleyan Meth. — it it Kamban. Wesleyan Meth. — tt it Yasawa. Wesleyan Meth. — it it Rotuma. Wesleyan Meth. — Micro- Marshall. Namerick. Hawaiian Evang. — nesia. a Jaluit. Hawaiian Evang. — a tt Ebon. Hawaiian Evang. — u Gilbert. Butaritari. Amer. Board C. F. M. 1 n tt Apaiang. Amer. Board C. F. M. 1 u Carolines. Kusaie. Amer. Board C, F. M. 3 u a Ponape\ Amer. Board C. F. M. 4 Melanesia . Salomon. Isabel. Soc. Prop. Gosp. 1 it it Malanta. Soc. Prop. Gosp. 1 tt tt San Christo- phal. Soc. Prop. Gosp. 1 * The Wesleyan Methodist M. S. presents no detailed report of its missions in Polynesia ; it has 88 missionaries at all the stations. SYNOPTICAL. 67 Division. Group. Islands. Society. Missionaries. Melanesia Salomon. Guadalcanar. Soc. Prop. Gosp. l it New Heb- rides. Aneityum. Can. Pres. 1 tt tt Ipari. Free Ch. of Scotland. 1 u it Futuna. Free Ch. of Scotland. l tt u Efatd. Can. Pres. 1 a tt Erromanga. Can. Pres. l tt Loyalty. Mare*. London M. S. l u tt Lifu. London M. S. 2 M tt Uvea. London M. S. 1 Malaysia. Papua, or New Guinea. Utrechtsche M. G. — tt tt Kheinische M. G.* — u u London M. S. 4 tt Moluccas. Amboina. Het. Nederl. Zendel. — tt tt Djilolo. Utrechtsche M. G. — II tt Talaut. Miss, zu Ermelo. — it it Sangir. Gossner's Miss. — tt tt Celebes. Het. Nederl. Zendel. — u tt Borneo. Soc. Prop. Gosp. (?) — tt tt tt Pheinische M. G. — tt tt Bali. Utrechtsche M. G. — tt tt Java. Het. Nederl. Zendel. — tt it n Het. Getroosch. (Java Comite). _ tt tt tt Die Nederl. Zending. ■— u u u Utrechtsche M. G. — tt n a De Gereformeerde. — tt it a De Doopsgezinde. — tt a Timor. Gossner's Miss. — tt Sumatra (incl. Nias). Kheinische M. G. — u Malacca Peninsula i. Miss. a. Verbindung. — * The Kheinische has, in the three islands it occupies, 25 missionaries. The Dutch societies have 50 missionaries in all. 68 FOREIGN MISSIONARY MANUAL. Division. Society. Missionaries. Malacca. (Singapore). Soc. Prop. Gosp. (?) — tt a Eng. Pres. 1 A nstfrnl- Islands. District. asia. Australia. South. Prim. Meth. 24 u tt n Wesleyan Meth. 30 a tt Victoria. Prim. Meth. 23 tt tt u Wesleyan Meth. 75 a u a Soc. Prop. Gosp. 9 tt it a Moravians. 6 u tt Queensland. Prim. Meth. 9 u tt a Soc. Prop. Gosp. 11 a a tt Wesleyan Meth. 55 tt u New So. Wales i. Prim. Meth. 17 tt a a Wesleyan Meth. 50 tt a u Soc. Prop. Gosp. 17 u tt Western. Wesleyan Meth. 19 tt it a Soc. Prop. Gosp. 5 a a tt Herrmannsburg M. S. — (i u u Meth. New. Conn. 2 a a ti Pres. Ch. of So. Aus- a Australia, tralia. — general. a United Meth. 25 u a Tasmania. Prim Meth. 5 u a a Wesleyan Meth. 40 it tt ti Wesleyan Meth. — a New Zealand. Prim. Meth. 14 (C a Wesleyan. 65 a u Soc. Prop. Gosp. 15 tt a Uni. Meth. 14 u tt Ch. of England. 15 « tt North German M. S. — a u Herrmannsburg M. S. — SYNOPTICAL. G9 STATISTICS OF MISSIONS IN THE PACIFIC ISLANDS. Society. s o 3 a o fa 1 c 3 "B A a o o U o x; "o 00 H .2 w o 3 o Amer. Board C. F. M.... Hawaiian Evang Loudon M. S 17 19 4 ±1 65 3 2 50 25 1 92 6 2 15 41 1 2 "in "i l 19 lis ail*. *20 273 27 93 *15 811 7299 42 31 "l 220 *2,904 8,000 10,700 57,597 142 273 f 100,000 7,639 30 115 1,940 1,844 *42 131 1715 16 *1,950 9,192 300 30,220 591 374 220 *4 2182 3 8 2 13 114 *20 1233 4 Paris Societe Wesleyan Meth Soc. Prop. Gosp Can.Pres Free Ch. of Scot Dutch Societies Gossner's Miss Rheinische M. G Eng. Pres Prim. Meth Moravian Meth. New Conn Pres. Ch. of So. Austr.. Herrmannsburg North German Ch. of England Uni. Meth Totals.... 764 s 3 35 413 7919 191,184 1P04 42,847 ?3?fi 1257 Missionarie Excluding 801 wive 5 772 * Not including the Hawaiian Islands ; probably the number of Communi- cants of the Hawaiian Evan. Ass. includes those who might, perhaps, be properly classed under the Amer. Board. f Converts. Part III. STATISTICAL. DIEECTOEY AND STATISTICS OF MISSIONAEY SO- CIETIES, LIST OF MEDICAL MISSIONAEIES, AND BIOGEAPHICAL INDEX OF SOME NOTED MISSION- AEIES. (THE STATISTICS AEE COMPILED FEOM THE ANNUAL EEPOETS OF THE MISSIONAEY SO- CIETIES.) MISSIONAEY SOCIETIES. I. AMEEICAN. American Baptist Missionary Union. P. 83. Tremont Temple, Boston, Mass. American Missionary Association. P. 83. 56 Eeade St., New York, N. Y. American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions. P. 84. Congregational House, Boston, Mass. American Free-Will Baptist Missionary Society. P. 84. 24 Monument Av., Charlestown, Mass. Board of Foreign Missions of the Evangelical Lutheran Church (Gen Synod). P. 84. 437 N. Carey St., Baltimore, Md. Board of Foreign Missions of the Presbyterian Church. P. 84. 23 Centre St., New York, N. Y. 70 STATISTICAL. 71 Board of Foreign Missions of the Reformed Church. P. 85. 34 Vesey St., New York, N. Y. Southern Baptist Convention. P. 85. Richmond, Va. Foreign Missionary Society of the Protestant Episcopal Church. P. 85. Room 23, Bible House, New York, N. Y r . Board of Missions of the Methodist Protestant Church. P. 86. Lock Box 33, Springfield, Ohio. Missionary Society of the Methodist Episcopal Church. P. 86. 805 Broadway, New York, N. Y. Board of Missions of the Meth. Episcopal Church, South. P. 86. Nashville, Tenn. Board of Foreign Missions of the United Presbyterian Church. P. 86. 136 N. 18th St., Philadelphia, Pa. Seventh-Day Baptist Missionary Society. P. 87. Ashaway, R. I. Board of Foreign Missions of the Presbyterian Church, South. P. 87. Baltimore, Md. Associate Reformed Synod of the South. P. 87. Inquire 136 N. 18th St., Philadelphia, Pa. The Evangelical Lutheran Board of Missions (General Council). P. 87. Reading, Penna. Board of Missions of the Reformed (German) Church in the United States. Colored Baptist Board. Inquire of Southern Baptist Convention. Synod of the Reformed Presbyterian Church. General Synod of the Reformed Presbyterian Church. P. 87. (German) Evangelical Association of America. Cleveland, Ohio. United Brethren (American) Missions. P. 87. Dayton, Ohio. 72 FOREIGN MISSIONARY MANUAL. Cumberland Presbyterian Missionary Society. P. 87. 6th and Locust Sts., St. Louie, Missouri. Wm. Taylor's (Independent) Mission. Disciples of Christ Mission. Tunkers' Mission. American Unitarian Association. Board of Missions of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church (Colored). Springfield, Missouri. Missionary Society of the African M. E. Church. Richmond, Indiana. Missions of the Evangelical Association (Albright Meth- odist). 216 Woodland Ave., Cleveland, Ohio. American and Foreign Christian Union. 45 Bible House, New York, N. Y. Anglo-American Friends' Association. P. 87. Inquire 109 N. 10th St., Philadelphia, Penna. (or Richmond, Indiana). Missionary Society of the Methodist Church of Canada. P. 89. Toronto, Canada. Board of Foreign Missions (Baptist), Maritime Provinces. St. Johns, New Brunswick, Can. Canadian Baptist Foreign Missionary Society. P. 88. Guelf, Ontario, Canada. Canadian Presbyterian Missionary Society. P. 88. Toronto, Canada. Acadian French Mission. Nova Scotia. II. BRITISH. Baptist Missionary Society. P. 88. 19 Castle St., Holborn, London, E. C. Church Missionary Society. P. 89. Church Missionary House, Salisbury Square, Lon- don, E. a STATISTICAL. 73 Foreign Missions Committee of the Church of Scotland. P. 89. 6 North St. David St., Edinburgh, Scotland. General Baptist Missionary Society. P. 89. 8 Crompton Street, Derby. Foreign Missions Committee of the Free Church of Scot- land. P. 90. 15 North Bank St., Edinburgh, Scotland. Christian Vernacular Education Society for India. P. 90. 7 Adam Street. Strand, London, W. C. China Inland Mission. P. 90. 6 Pyrland Eoad, Mildmay, London, N. South American Missionary Society. P. 90. 11 Serjeants' Inn, Fleet Street, London, E. C. Society for the Propagation of the Gospel. P. 90. 19 Delahay Street, Westminster, London, S. W. Foreign Missions of the Presbyterian Church of England. P. 91. 7 East India Avenue, London, E. C. London Missionary Society. P. 91. Blomfield St., London Wall, London, E. C. London Medical Mission. Foreign Missions of the United Methodist Free Churches. P. 91. 41 Wilkinson Street, Sheffield. Edinburgh Medical Missionary Society. P. 92. 56 George Square, Edinburgh, Scotland. Wesley an Methodist Missionary Society. P. 92. Bishopsgate-Street-Within, London, E. C. Methodist New Connexion Missionary Society. P. 92. 4 London House Yard, St. Paul's, London. Turkish Missions Aid Society. P. 92. 8 Adam Street, Strand, London, W. C. Foreign Missions of the United Presbyterian Church of Scotland. P. 92. United Pres. College Buildings, Edinburgh. Welsh Calvinistic Methodist Missions.. P. 93. 28 Breckfield Koad South, Liverpool. 7 74 FOREIGN MISSIONARY MANUAL. The Universities' (Oxford and Cambridge) Missions. P. 93. Livingstone Inland Mission of East London Institute. P. 93. Primitive Methodist Missionary Society. P. 93. Irish Presbyterian Missionary Society. P. 93. 12 May St., Belfast, Ireland. Welsh Presbyterian Church Missions. P. 93. London Society for Promoting Christianity among the Jews. 16 Lincoln's Inn Fields, London, W. C. Colonial and Continental Church Society. 9 Serjeants' Inn, Fleet St., London, E. C. Colonial Bishoprics' Fund. 19 Delahay St., Westminster, London, S. W. Spanish and Portuguese Church Missions. 8 Adam St., Adelphi, London, W. C. Missionary Leaves Association. 5 Tyndale Place, Upper St., London, N. Christian Faith Society for West Indies (Church). 2 Broad Sanctuary, Westminster, London, S. W. Palestine Mission (Baptist). 135 King Henry's Road, London. German Baptist Mission. 45 St. Mark's Road, Leeds. Colonial Missionary Society (Congregationalist). Farringdon St., London, E. C. Anglo-Indian Evangelization Society. 9 London St., Edinburgh. Evangelical Continental Society. 13 Blomfield Street, London Wall, London, E. C. Waldensian Church Missions in Italy. 118 Pall Mall, London, S. W. Free Italian Church Missions. 54 Lombard Street, London. The Spezzia Mission. National Bank of Scotland, Edinburgh. STATISTICAL. 75 British Society for the Propagation of the Gospel among the Jews. 96 Great Kussell St., Bloomsbury, London, W. C. Christian Vernacular Education Society. 7 Adam Street, Strand, London, W. C. Foreign Aid Society. 31 New Bridge St., London, E. C. Gordon Memorial Mission to the Zulus. 6 Woodside Place, Glasgow, Scotland. Spanish Evangelization Society. Grange Bank House, Morningside, Edinburgh. Lebanon Schools. Free Church Offices, Edinburgh. III. CONTINENTAL. a. French. Soci&e* des Missions Evangeliques chez les Peuples non Chretiens. P. 93. Rue des Fosses, St. Jaques, Paris, France. Missions of the Free Church of the Canton of Yaud. Lausanne, Switzerland. Soci&e' Evangelique de Geneve. Oratorie, Geneva, Switzerland. b. German and Norwegian. Evangelischen Missions-Gesellschaft zu Basel. P. 94. Missions Haus, Basel. Pilger-mission auf St. Krischona. P. 94. Krischona, near Basel. Mission der Evangelischen Brudergemeinde. P. 94. Inquire 29 Ely Place, Holborn, London, E. C. (or Bethelsdorf, Herrnhut, Saxony). Gesellschaft zur Beforderung der Evangelischen Mission P. 94. unter dem Heiden. 6 Frieden Strasse, Berlin. 76 FOREIGN MISSIONARY MANUAL. Swedish Church Mission. Rheinische Missions-Gesellschaft. Barmen. Norddeutsche Missions-Gesellschaft. 26 Elholm Strasse, Bremen. Herrmannsburger Missions-Gesellschaft. Herrmannsburg, Hanover, Germany. Brecklumer Missions Anhalt. Berlin South African Mission. Jerusalem- Verein. Oranienberger Strasse, Berlin. Norwegische Missions-Gesellschaft. Stavanger. Schwedische Missions-Gesellschaft (Evangeliska Foskr- lands Stiftelsen). Stockholm. Synodale Zendings Commissie (Mission der ref. Kirche des Kaplandes.) Gossner's Evangelische Missions-Verein. 31 Potsdammer Strasse, Berlin. Socie'te Evangelique Beige. 7 Rue de Beau Sits, Avenue Louise, Brussels, Bel- gium. Danische Missions-Gesellschaft. Copenhagen, Denmark. Evangelische Lutherische Mission zu Leipzig. Leipzig. Finnish Lutheran Missionary Society. c. Dutch. Neederlandsch Zendeling Genootschap. Rotterdam, Holland. Utrechtsche Zendingsvereeniging. Utrecht, Holland. STATISTICAL. 77 Neederlandsch Zendingsvereeniging. Rotterdam, Holland. Ermelo's Zendinggenootschap. Ermelo, Holland. (Inquire 38 Rutland St., Commercial Road, Lon- don, E.). Java Comite. Synodale Zendingscommissee in Zuid-Africa. Zendingsvereeniging of the Mennonites. Amsterdam. Neederlandsch Gereformeerde Zendingsvereeniging. Amsterdam. Christlische Gereformeerde-Kerk. Zeister Hulfsgesellschaft fiir Herrnhut. Rheinische Hiilfsmiss-Gesellschaft. Amsterdam. IV. WOMEN'S SOCIETIES. See page 97. a. American. Woman's Baptist Missionary Society. Tremont Temple, Boston, Mass. Woman's Baptist Missionary Society of the West. 71 Randolph St., Chicago, or Dundee, 111. Woman's Baptist Missionary Society of the Pacific Coast. San Francisco, Cal. Free Baptist Missionary Society. Danville, N. H. Woman's Foreign Missionary Society of the Methodist Episcopal Church. 287 Bunker Hill St., Boston, Mass. Woman's Missionary Society of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South. Nashville, Tenn. Woman's Foreign Missionary Society of the Methodist Protestant Church. Box 715, Pittsburg, Pa. 7* 78 FOREIGN MISSIONARY MANUAL. Ladies' Board of Missions of the Presbyterian Church. 9 West Sixteenth St., New York, N. Y. Woman's Foreign Missionary Society of the Presbyterian Church. 1334 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, Pa. Woman's Presbyterian Board of Missions of the North- west. 412 N. La Salle St., Chicago. Woman's Board of Missions (Congregational). Congregational House, Boston, Mass. Woman's Union Missionary Society. 47 East Twenty-first St., New York, N. Y. Ladies' China Missionary Society. Baltimore, Md. Female Missionary Society (M. E.). New York, N. Y. W T oman's Board of Missions of the Interior (Cong.). 75 Madison St., Chicago, 111. Woman's Presbyterian Home and Foreign Missionary Society. 171 Columbia Heights, Brooklyn, N. Y. Woman's Presbyterian Board of the Synod of Albany. 21 Ten Broeck St., Albany, N. Y. Woman's Presbyterian Board for the South-west. Woman's Board of Cumberland Presbyterian Church. Evansville, Indiana. Woman's Presbyterian Board of Missions of the North- west. Chicago, 111. Woman's Missionary Society of the Pacific Coast (M. E.). San Francisco, Cal. Woman's Missionary Association (United Brethren). Dayton, Ohio. Woman's Board of Missions of the Pacific Coast (Pres.). San Francisco, Cal. STATISTICAL. 79 Woman's Board of Foreign Missions (Keformed). Newark, N. J. Woman's Missionary Society of the Lutheran Church (General Synod). Harrisburg, Penna. Woman's Mite Society of the African M. E. Church. Philadelphia, Penna. 5. Canadian. Women's Baptist Foreign Missionary Society of Ontario. 10 Pembroke St., Toronto, Can. Woman's Baptist Missionary Society Convention, East. 1395 St. Catharine St., Montreal, Can. Woman's Foreign Missionary Society of the Presbyterian Church. Toronto, Canada. Woman's Missionary Society of the Presbytery of Kingston. Halifax Woman's Missionary Society of the Presbyterian Church. Halifax, Nova Scotia. Canada Woman's Board of Foreign Missions. 454 Guy St., Montreal, Canada. c. British, Etc. Society for Promoting Female Education in the East. 267 Vauxhall Bridge Boad, London, S. W. Ladies' Society of the Free Church of Scotland. Free Church, Mound, Edinburgh. Ladies' Wesleyan Missionary Association. London. Indian Female Normal School and Instruction Society. 7 John St., Adelphi, London, W. C. Ladies' Association for the Social and Religious Elevation of Syrian Women. 10 Clifton Villas, Camden Sq., London. 80 FOREIGN MISSIONARY MANUAL. English Presbyterian Female Missionary Society for India and China. 7 East India Avenue, London, E. C. British Syrian Schools. 14 Plomefield Road, Wirnbleton, London. Church of England Zenana Missionary Society. 38 Tavistock Eoad, London, W. Ladies' Society for Promoting Education in the West Indies. 18 Bessborough St., London, S. W. Ladies' Association for the Support of Zenana-work in India (Baptist). Ladies' Association for the Christian Education of Jewish Females. Ladies' Auxiliary to Paris Society. Ladies' Society for Training of Females in the East. Berlin Ladies' Society for China. Kaiserswerther Diakonissen Anhalt. Scottish Ladies' Association for the Advancement of Fe- male Education in India. 6 North St. David St., Edinburgh. Ladies' Auxiliary to Edinburgh Medical Missionary So- ciety. 56 George Square, Edinburgh. V. BIBLE AND TKACT SOCIETIES. American Bible Society. Bible House, New York, N. Y. American and Foreign Bible Society. American Tract Society. 150 Nassau St., New York, N. Y. British and Foreign Bible Society. National Bible Society of Scotland. 5 St. Andrew Square, Edinburgh. Religious Tract Society. 56 Paternoster Eow, London. STATISTICAL. 81 VI. INDEPENDENT AND NATIVE SOCIETIES. Hawaiian Evangelical Society. Ponape Missionary Society. Newton Mission (Baptist) of Kev. J. Goble, Yokohama, Japan. Karen (Burmah) Home Missionary Society. Madagascar Missionary Society. Sierra Leone Missionary Society. Cape Colony Missionary Society. Missionary Society of the Presbyterian Church of South Australia. Indian Home Mission to Santals. Anglo-Indian Evangelical Association. Assam and Cachar Mission, now merged in Delhi Female Medical Mission. Godavery Delta (India) Mission. Strict Baptist Mission of Madras and Putlam. Four independent missions in India, each having one missionary. Reformed Church of Cape Colony. VII. GREEK CHURCH MISSIONS. Greek Church (Russian) Missions to Tokio, Japan, on the borders of Asiatic Russia, and (?) in Peking, China. FOREIGN MISSIONS IN THE ROMISH CHURCH. In the Princeton Missionary Review for March, 1881, appeared the following list, prepared by the Rev. James Long of Bengal, India :* 1. The Augustinians. — Laboring in the Eastern churches and Australia. 2. Anglican Benedictines. — Laboring in the English colonies and Ocean ica. 3. The Capuchins. — Head-centre at Rome. Missions in Brazil, Chili, Levant, Mesopotamia, Tunis, and the Seychelles. 4. The Carmelites. — Many bishops in India, vicar- apostolic in Bagdad. * See also in Grundemann's Missions-Atlas at the close of the section on Africa, and Anderson's Foreign Missions, page 349. F 82 FOREIGN MISSIONARY MANUAL. 5. Dominicans. — Missions in Canada, Constantinople, Chili, Brazil, Peru, Tonkin, and the United States. 6. Eudists. — Missions in many of the Antilles. 7. Franciscans. — Centre in Rome. Missions in various coun- tries. 8. Jesuits. — Head-centre, Florence. Missions in Algeria, Aus- tralia, Bombay, Calcutta, Guatemala, Guzane, Java, La Plate, Madagascar, Syria, United States ; have more than 700 missionaries. 9. Maristes. — Missions in New Zealand, New Caledonia, Ocean- ica, Sydney. 10. Missions Etrangers, or Lazarists. — Missions in China, Cochin China, America (North and South), India, Japan, Tonkin. 11. Missions Africaines. — Head-centre, Lyons. Missions in Da- homey. 12. Missions Etrangers de Bruxelles. — Missions in Mongolia. 13. Missions Etrangers de Dublin. — Missions in various countries. 14. Missions Etrangers de Genes. — In Brazil, Constantinople, Jerusalem, and the United States. 15. Missions Etrangers de Milan. — Missions in India and Oce- anica. 16. Oblates of the Immaculate Conception. — In Natal and Polar North America. 17. Oratories of England. — Missions in Ceylon. 18. Passionists. — Bulgaria, Wallachia, North America. 19. Patriarchate of Jerusalem. — Establishments of Palestine and Delegation of Lebanon. 20. Priests of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, Mary, or Pietus. — Mis- sions in America and Archipelago of the Pacific Ocean. 21. Salvatonstes. — Missions in America and Bengal. 22. Saint Esprit, St. Cozur de Marie. — Negroes in Africa, Amer- ica, and Asia. 23. Propaganda. — Head-centre, Lyons. In all the world. 24. Propaganda de Foi. — Founded in 1822 by two ladies in Lyons. Raises 500,000 francs annually by weekly sou collections. 25. Spanish Benedictines. — In Archipelago of the Pacific STATISTICAL. 83 GRAND TOTAL OF THE STATISTICS OF THE SOCIETIES.* Societies. Mission- aries. Native Helpers. Communi- cants. Scholars. Annual Income. 1,395 2,657 29 767 23 5,498 20,532 103 2,441 not given. 156,447 237,870 1,043 68,247 8,514 80,395 285,237 27*548 not given. $2,424,287 4,538,820 58,564 554,683 not given. English Totals 4,871 28,574 472,121 393,180 $7,576,354 Income of Women's Societies, $755,179. AMERICAN BAPTIST MISSION AEY UNION. 1814. Income for 1879-80, $290,851. Established Burmah. a < '•5 a a 02 w e3 .9 c c2 o a, o 3 ]3 Ordained Missionaries Female Missionaries... Native Ministers Other Native Helpers. Churches 33 61 110 338 433 21,591 177 5,575 17 8 10 } 49 13 1,331 48 876 5 12 9 77 11 15,660 105 1,929 7 1 1 6 6 425 "*6 5 9 15 31 10 1,001 9 146 10 37 4 8 {«> 76 2 143 2 5 436 433 45,221 *433 67 104 1,054 908 85,308 341 8,669 480 Church Members Schools Scholars Stations Out-stations THE AMERICAN MISSIONARY ASSOCIATION (estab- lished 1846) has expended in Africa in 1879-80, §11,802. Thirteen missionaries in Africa. * Including statistics of all missions (including those in Europe and Amer- ica) mentioned in the following tables. As a few of these are not brought to date, and as, in addition, there are a few societies whose statistics we have not been able to gather, it is certain that the totals here given under-eslimate the missionary forces and contributions. It must be remembered also that these statistics were reported to the various societies by their missionaries some months before the reports were published ; hence these figures lepresent the force in the field at, say, the close of the year 1879, though the statistics are the latest ascertainable up to April 1, 1881. The contributions of the Wo- men's Societies are generally included in the income of the main societies to which they are auxiliary. 84 FOREIGN MISSIONARY MANUAL. AMERICAN BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS FOR FOREIGN MISSIONS. Established 1810. Income for 1879-80, $613,539. Ordained Miss'aries.. Lay Missionaries , Female Missionaries. Native Ministers.. Other Native Helpers Churches , Church Members.. Schools Scholars Stations Out-stations oj e3* s d 03 a a e3 p 6 o Pi o u < H w o ►"3 3 a W 12 55 28 19 14 8 l 5 1 3 2 3 2 ' 1 16 95 36 31 29 9 l 5 2 61 38 2 8 20 64 468 600 63 39 15 5 17 15 94 70 25 16 40 1 4 610 6,594 4,550 810 514 2,904 173 216 29 348 349 14 4 42 2 7 937 12,887 13,568 295 210 1,950 76 204 7 17 26 9 4 4 1 4 12 255 291 31 14 20 2 8 G21 566 5 9 147 14 236 138 1,279 273 16,992 804 30,693 77 642 THE AMERICAN FREE BAPTIST MISSION has a mission in North-eastern India, in the district of Orissa, with 16 mis- sionaries. THE EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN BOARD OF MISSIONS (General Synod), (American). Established 1859. Income for 1879, $38,938 ; has 2 missionaries in Africa, with 1 church of 60 members, and 1 school with 60 boys. In India it has 3 ordained missionaries, 2 native ministers, 40 other native helpers, 1,559 communicants, 42 schools, and 956 scholars, in 4 stations. BOARD OF FOREIGN MISSIONS OF THE PRESBYTE- RIAN CHURCH (American). Established 1839. Income for 1879-80, $585,844. 03 .5 '-3 S o3 13 c 03 Pi .5 .2 C3 o ■§•£ «0Q i O 03 S§=3 3 o < •- 1 DO o *-a h 00 S < E-i Ord. Miss'ries... 7 30 7 22 6 8 14 18 13 125 Lay Miss'ries.... 4 1 2 2 1 1 11 Fern. Miss'ries. 14 48 14 32 12 16 21 26 26 209 Native Min 2 14 16 4 21 4 15 7 83 Oth. Nat. Help. 29 157 12 102 8 165 139 29 20 661 Communicants 601 971 206 1,784 739 1,321 810 4,996 1,179 12,607 Scholars 244 7,798 346 1,096 345 1,909 4,260 1,097 696 17,791 Stations n 19 4 10 3 4 5 18 13 88 Out-stations.... 7 17 3 6 81 43 5 162 STATISTICAL. 85 BOARD OF FOREIGN MISSIONS OF THE REFORMED CHURCH IN AMERICA. Established 1832. Income for 1879-80, $63,185. China. India. Japan. Total. 4 6 3 21 7 686 8 149 1 18 5 6 4 104 21 1,286 43 1,641 10 77 7 9 4 8 7 369 1 37 3 6 16 21 11 133 35 2,341 52 1,827 14 101 Female Missionaries Other Native Helpers Churches Schools Stations Out-stations SOUTHERN BAPTIST CONVENTION (American), lished 1845. Income for 1879-80, $50,043. Africa. Italy. China. So. Amer. Total. Ordained Missionaries 3* 1 1 1 8 4 8 2 17 5 396 8 253 4 3 1 "2 42 2 9 10 10 17 7 438 8 253 6 3 Female Missionaries Other Native Helpers Communicants Schools Scholars FOREIGN MISSIONS OF THE PROTESTANT EPISCO- PAL CHURCH, U. S. A. Established 1846. Income for 1879-80, $162,084. O a fr ^ I ~ > If"* > H £« Is c XI m d m a a O '4' 7 8 1 1 "3 2 "i 1 3 6 8 "2 10 6 1 10 4 8 15 31 16 17 67 361 321 77 290 3,500 5 2 35 1 6 3 700 415 705 94 160 402 1 11 7 2 12 12 17 Africa China Japan Haiti Totals 21 6 20 31 154 4,549 52 2,476 45 * One of these is sent by the Colored Baptist Board of the South. 8 86 FOREIGN MISSIONARY MANUAL. THE METHODIST PROTESTANT CHURCH (American) has two single female missionaries in Japan. MISSIONARY SOCIETY OF THE METHODIST EPISCO- PAL CHURCH. Established 1818. Appropriated to Foreign Missions in 1879-80, $300,000. Missions. Male Miss. Female Miss. Native Preachers. Other Helpers. Members. China 16 2 6 52 4 11 13 6 23 2 5 31 2 13 12 5 106 50 18 144 5 19 20 301 41 17 485 4 42 44 28 1,682 1,9(32 236 3,004 23 478 337 19,683 Africa South America Mexico Totals 110 93 666 661 27,405 METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH, SOUTH. Established 1845. Income for this mission for 1879-80, §20,000. China. Ordained Missionaries 4 Female Missionaries 4 Native Ministers 5 Other Native Helpers 7 Churches 2 China. Communicants 98 Schools 3 Scholars 44 Stations 2 Out-stations 4 BOARD OF FOREIGN MISSIONS OF THE UNITED PRES- BYTERIAN CHURCH (American). Established 1859. Income for 1879-80, §60,089. India. Egypt f^f™ Total. Ordained Missionaries 5 8 1 14 Female Missionaries 9 20 1 30 Native Ministers 2 6 ... 8 Other Helpers 37 133 ... 170 Communicants 304 985 ... 1,289 Schools 22 44 ... 66 Scholars 1,426 2,218 ... 3,744 = Stations 4 5 1 10 STATISTICAL. 87 SEVENTH-DAY BAPTIST MISSION (American). Established 1842. Expended in its foreign missions in 1879-80, $3,005. Has 1 ordained missionary and 2 female missionaries; 1 church, with 19 members, in China. THE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH OF THE UNITED STATES, SOUTH. Receipts for 1879-80, $48,485. Has stations in China, Brazil, Greece, Italy, Mexico, and among the American Indians. Has 15 ordained missionaries, 21 assistant missionaries, 10 native preachers, 37 other helpers. ASSOCIATE REFORMED SYNOD OF THE SOUTH has one lady worker in Egypt, and one missionary and his wife in Mexico. THE EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN CHURCH (General Council). Income for 1879-80, $4,126 ; has a mission among the Telugus of India, with three missionaries, 2 native preach- ers, and about 200 communicants. REFORMED PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH (of America). In- come for Foreign Missions, 1879-80, $8,577 ; has a mission in Syria, with 3 missionaries and 87 communicants. REFORMED CHURCH IN THE UNITED STATES. Has one missionary in Japan. THE BOARD OF MISSIONS OF THE UNITED BRETH- REN (American). Have a mission in West Africa. CUMBERLAND PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. Income for 1879-80, $4,285. Or d .Miss. Fvn.Miss. *J* <*"" Japan 2 2 26 750 American Indians 2 ANGLO-AMERICAN FRIENDS' MISSIONARY SOCIETY. Established 1865. London and Dublin Yearly Meet- ings contributed in 1879, for Madagascar and India. $29,967 London and New England Yearly Meet'gs, for Syria. 3,518 Indiana Yearly Meeting, for Mexico 2,500 Total, $35,985 88 FOREIGN MISSIONARY MANUAL. The Friends also have missions among the colored people of the United States, the North American Indians, and the mountaineers of Tennessee. 3 » s 4 2 3 1 3 a 9 5 2 3 1 <0 Cj "3 » u i o © a, '0 . ■a OQ u J3 GQ a 1 20 9 2 117 21 8 15 16 4 15 1 1*5 3 1 1 1 3 3 12 1 29 4 120 8 *27 13 160 37 10 1,997 190 10 220 73 11 2,902 214 55 20,510 1,454 86 1,940 1,319 1,150 69 14 2 1,248 41 9 16 20 4 3,504 1,142 204 41,556 857 146 220 860 256 34 6 1 86 18 5 13 25 4 India China North Pacific Totals 212 40 16 201 2,708 29,630 1,423 48,745 192 CHUECH OF SCOTLAND FOEEIGN MISSIONS, lished 1824. Expenditure for 1879-80, £16,062. Estab- Ord. Miss. Lay Miss. Female Miss. Native Pastors. Other Helpers. Mem- bers. India 11 1 1 7 7 3 1 2 4 84 3 Say 400 Africa China Totals 13 17 3 4 87 400 GENERAL BAPTIST MISSIONARY SOCIETY. Established 1817. Income for 1879-80, £8,727. India. Ordained Missionaries 8 Female Missionaries 8 Native Ministers 20 Other Native Helpers — Churches 6 8* India. Communicants 994 Schools Scholars 341 Stations 8 Out-stations 6 90 FOREIGN MISSIONARY MANUAL. FREE CHURCH OF SCOTLAND FOREIGN MISSIONS. Established 1830. Income for 1879-80, £25,918. 3 o i-3 a o 11 o SB | O is eg o O © ,4 02 J5 09 02 11 12 1 3 27 a .2 "3 O 48 50 4 102 22 11 1 2 36 8 23 1 1 33 8 3 11 8 2 10 240 84 31 355 18 15 1 1 891 2,190 30 273 8,599 2,870 "591 South Africa Syria New Hebrides Totals 3,384 12,060 CHRISTIAN VERNACULAR EDUCATION SOCIETY FOR INDIA. Established 1858. Income for 1879-80, £9,803. Training institutions 3 Teachers and agents trained 650 Students under training as teachers 130 Children under Christian instruction 7,000 Children receiving instruction from teachers trained by this Society in schools belonging to other socie- ties 25,000 Copies of Society's publications, in sixteen lan- guages 7,771,011 Colporteurs in India and Ceylon 115 CHINA INLAND MISSION. Established 1865. Income for 1879-80, <£8,766. Has 2 ordained missionaries in Burmah and 56 in China; 40 female missionaries, about 100 native workers, 1,000 communicants, and 70 stations in China. SOUTH AMERICAN MISSIONARY SOCIETY. Established 1844. Income for 1879-80, £13,731. Has, in South America, 18 stations in Falkland, Tierra del Fuego, Argentine Repub- lic, Uruguay, Brazil, Amazon River, and Chili. Its mission- aries preach and teach. It has a few missionary mechanics, and a Mission yawl, the "Allen Gardiner." THE SOCIETY FOR THE PROPAGATION OF THE GOS- PEL (English). Established 1701. Expenditure in 1879, STATISTICAL. 91 £94,975. Has missionaries as follows : In North America, 225 ; in the West Indies, 25 ; in Africa, 124 ; in India, etc., 139 ; in Burmah, 11 ; in Australasia, 67 ; in China, 2. — Total, 593. PBESBYTEKIAN CHURCH OF ENGLAND. Established 1856 (?). Income for 1879-80, £10,894. China. India. Total. Ordained Missionaries 12 ... 12 Lay Missionaries 4 15 Female Missionaries 12 2 14 Native Ministers 64 1 65 Churches. 14 ... 14 Communicants 2,228 4 2,232 Schools 1 1 Scholars 160 160 Stations 76 1 77 LONDON MISSIONARY SOCIETY, come for 1879-80, £105,409. Established 1795. In- a o 5 '-3 a < 1 S3 .2 a >> Is Ordained Missionaries 21 8 54 2,886 24 658 15 3 45 30 239 4,632 327 16,930 37 6 22 "is 1,144 32 984 15 1 26 60 3,907 70,125 882 48,150 21 2 3 3 19 273 311 10,700 131 9,192 16 136 371 4,529 89,487 1,396 75.914 107 12 Native Ministers Native Preachers Church Members Schools Scholars... ENGLISH UNITED METHODIST FEEE CHUKCHES. Established 1856. Foreign expenditure for 1879-80, £6,009. Australia. China. Africa. Jamaica. New Zealand. Total. Onl. Missionaries Native Preachers Stations and Out-sta... 27 63 85 1,202 2 9 11 179 6 95 21 2,865 8 32 29 2,444 14 30 29 642 57 229 175 7,332 92 FOREIGN MISSIONARY MANUAL. EDINBURGH MEDICAL MISSIONARY SOCIETY. Estab- lished 1841. Income for 1879-80, £4,468. Has an institution for training medical missionaries in Edinburgh ; and medical missionaries as follows : 1 in Japan (Niigata), 1 in Syria (Naz- areth). WESLEYAN METHODIST MISSIONARY SOCIETY (Eng- land). Established 1814. Income for 1879-80, £165,498. Ph o 3 a c3 .2 2 o a OS* So c a •3.5 oj at "3 o Missionaries 52 264 4,040 37 5,050 29 267 111 1,112 4,360 406 25,928 107 213 16 29 353 13 445 9 9 146 1,652 31,935 370 29,004 380 1,062 100 852 52,082 146 32,050 288 210 422 7,299 57,597 1,715 30,220 2,182 1,233 847 11,208 150,367 2,687 122,697 2,995 3,000 Native Helpers Communicants Scholars Out-stations METHODIST NEW CONNEXION MISSIONARY SOCIETY expended in China and Australia, 1879-80, £4,012. Mission- Native aries. Helpers. Australia 2 1 China 5 39 Churches. Members. Scholars, 2 27 115 902 374 121 Sta- Out- tions. stations. 2 4 39 TURKISH MISSIONS AID SOCIETY. Income for 1879-80, £3,909. Aids missions of all denominations in Turkey. UNITED PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH OF SCOTLAND. a 1 .2 a c3 o a »"5 a "3 GO "3 o Eh Ordained Missionaries Lay Missionaries 20 15 7 69 7,228 57 4,749 35 93 12 2 14 2 38 1,242 26 1,494 12 45 9 6 9 119 306 85 2,496 8 3 1 2 20 100 3 90 3 2 3 1 3 5 87 2 5 2 "i 3 12 224 3 867 3 2 49 10 44 12 263 9,187 174 9,696 63 147 Female Mission aries... Native Ministers Other Native Helpers Communicants Scholars STATISTICAL. 93 WELSH CALVINISTIC METHODIST MISSIONS. Estab- lished 1840. Income for 1879-80, £5,203. Has one mission in Assam, with 6 missionaries, 6 native preachers, 29 churches, 400 communicants, 2,558 day-scholars, 5 stations, and 54 other preaching-places. UNIVERSITIES' MISSIONS. Established 1860. Expended in 1878, £4,520. Has 1 mission in Eastern Central Africa, with 25 missionaries. EAST LONDON INSTITUTE FOR HOME AND FOREIGN MISSIONS, under care of H. Grattan Guinness (founded 1873), has sent out over one hundred missionaries. LIVINGSTONE (CONGO) INLAND MISSIONS. Income for 1879, £1,266 ; has 2 stations on the Congo River in "Western Central Africa, with 7 missionaries and 3 wives of missionaries. PRIMITIVE METHODIST MISSIONARY SOCIETY. Estab- lished 1843. Receipts, 1877-78, £19,427. In Australia, 78 missionaries and 6,619 members ; in New Zealand, 14 mission- aries and 1,020 members ; in Africa, 4 missionaries and 172 members. IRISH PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. Established 1840. Income for 1879, $73,755. Missionaries. Native /w— *m«a«»ai Ord. Fern. Preachers. Communicants. India 6 ... 8 205 China 2 2 3 31 Syria 1 _ 11 _92 Totals 9 2 22 328 THE W r ELSH PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH received in 1879- 80, £8,600 for its missions in Brittany, France, and India, in support of 9 missionaries and 4 native preachers. SOCIETE DES MISSIONS EVANGELIQUES CHEZ LES PEUPLES NON CHRETIENS. Established 1824. In- come for 1879-80, 330,769 francs. Has missions in Africa and in Tahiti, with 25 missionaries, 4,252 communicants, 2,930 scholars, at 14 stations and 69 outposts. 94 I FOREIGN MISSIONARY MANUAL. BASEL MISSIONARY SOCIETY. Established 1815. Income for 1879-80, 910,712 francs. Maie Miss. Female Miss. Native Helpers. Communi- cants. Scholars. India 68 33 14 50 24 10 , 242 136 50 3,572 1,922 1,245 1,959 314 217 Africa Totals 115 84 428 6,739 2,490 PILGER-MISSION AUF ST. CHRISCHONA. Established 1848. Income for 1879-80, £4,216. The " Pilgrim Mission- aries w are working in Palestine and Abyssinia, as well as in Europe. They are not now in Egypt. FOREIGN MISSIONS OF THE MORAVIAN CHURCH (United Brethren). Established 1732. Income for 1879-80, £18,343. Stations. Mission- aries. Native Ministers. Other Native Helpers. Communi- cants. 6 6 4 5 3 14 8 4 4 3 2 6 15 7 8 2 2 23 39 9 7 3 24 11 6 4 4 12 68 39 20 6 6 "i l 4 6 4 2 2 4 4 "3 2 61 48 12 55 59 261 145 78 68 60 2 14 349 215 58 783 462 124 1,257 1,088 5,418 2,943 1,474 1,355 1,041 19 242 5,600 2,049 539 30 15 St. Croix St. Kitts Mosquito Coast S Africa, West S. Africa, East Thibet Totals 99 281 33 1,485 24,439 DER EVANGELISCHEN MISSIONEN UNTER DEM HEI- DEN ZU BERLIN. Income for 1879, 256,940 marks. Has missions in South Africa (in Orange Free State, Cape Colony, British KalTraria, Natal, and Transvaal), with 75 missionaries and 4 ; 187 communicants. STATISTICAL. 95 THE SWEDISH EVANGELICAL NATIONAL SOCIETY has stations in Africa and India. SOME CONTINENTAL SOCIETIES' STATISTICS.* 13 a a © Societies. ^ rA a 5 .2 a ir. to B o I* "a . |1 S * © ° © CO u <2 1797 1S2S 1836 1836 1836 1S42 1850 1852 1860 1860 1S60 1860 Netherlands M. S 21 62 21 17 9 20 4 60 4 10 20 26 46 136 87 102 7 12 9 27 14 82 6 8,000 6,193 7,592 9,291 101 355 80 1,946 71 2,140 1,300 13.037 3,951 1,465 1,684 "939 1,400 62 62 2,000 458 $40,000 60,000 22,500 49,500 23,500 19,500 3,000 37,735 7,500 12,500 4,700 Rhenish M. S Gossner's Mission Leipzig Lutheran M. S North German M. S Norwegian M. S Berlin Union Soc Herrmannsburg M. S Utrecht M. S Waldenses' M. S BIBLE SOCIETIES. AMEEICAN BIBLE SOCIETY. Established 1814. Expendi- tures in foreign field for 1880, $93,963. Has 2 agents in the Levant, 2 in China, and 3 in Japan ; 1 in Uruguay, 2 in Bra- zil, and 1 in Mexico. In 1880 distributed in foreign lands 272,179 Bibles, Testaments, and portions of Scripture. AMEEICAN TEACT SOCIETY. Expended in 1879-80 in "foreign and pagan lands," in cash, $2,000 ; in illustrations for publications in foreign languages, $3,334 ; and in publications printed at the home office, $1,887. Total, $7,221. BEITISH AND FOBEIGN BIBLE SOCIETY. Established 1804. Expended in foreign fields, 1879-80, £12,219. Has agencies in the Turkish Empire, China, Japan, and South America. NATIONAL BIBLE SOCIETY OF SCOTLAND. Estab- lished 1808. Expended m foreign field (about) £5,000. Has in China 1 agent and 4 (European) colporteurs ; in India, 1 agent; in Japan, 2 agents. * From Reid's Meth. Epis. Missions. 96 FOREIGN MISSIONARY MANUAL. KELIGIOUS TRACT SOCIETY (English). Made in 1879-80 grants as follows : Money grants £8,466 Printing paper 1,437 Electrotypes 1,313 Publications 5,002 Total, £16,218 NATIVE AND INDEPENDENT SOCIETIES. THE HAWAIIAN EVANGELICAL ASSOCIATION has 56 churches, with nearly 8,000 members. GODAVERY DELTA MISSION (India). Established 1838. Has 4 missionaries and 300 communicants. STRICT BAPTIST MISSION (India). Established 1860. Has 2 missionaries, 107 communicants. ASSAM AND CACHAR MISSION (India). Established 1868. Has 2 missionaries and 61 native Christians. SEONI MISSION (India). Established 1871. Has 1 mis- sionary. ELLICHPOOR (EAST BERAR) MISSION (India). Estab- lished 1874. Has 1 missionary and 20 communicants. GOPALGUNJE MISSION (India) Established 1874. Has 1 missionary and 11 communicants. BETHEL (JAMTARA) MISSION (India). Established 1875. Has 1 missionary and 15 communicants. DUTCH CHURCH OF SOUTH AFRICA. The three branches— the Dutch Reformed Church of the Cape, the Reformed Free Church, and the Dutch Reformed Church of South Africa in the Transvaal — have united to form the South African Mis- sionary Society (Synodale Zendingscommissie in Zuid- Africa). This has 11 missionaries and 11 stations. STATISTICAL. WOMEN'S MISSIONARY SOCIETIES. 97 Societies. Organ- ized. Yearly In- come. I. American. 1871 1871 1876 1876 1873 1869 1871 1878 1879 1868 1868 1870 1870 1870 1876 1874 1878 (?) 1879 1872 1861 $49,940 19,386 410 1,986 747 5,009 76,350 16,466 381 104,346 22,000 35,924 127,352 33,000 (notknown; 3,664 13,455 18,335 (not given) 4,869 33,127 Woman's Baptist Missionary Sue. of' the Pacific Coast... Woman's Baptist For. Miss. Soc. of Ontario, Canada Woman's Baptist Miss. Soc, Convention East, Canada.. Woman's For. Missionary Soc. of the Meth. Epis. Ch... Woman's Missionary Soc." of the Pacific Coast (M. E.)... Woman's Missionary Society of the M. E. Ch., South.... Woman's For. Miss. Soc. of the Meth. Prot. Church Woman's Board of Missions of the Interior (Cong.). Woman's For. Missionary Soc of the Pres. Church Woman's Pres. Board of the North-West Woman's Board of For. Miss, of the Reformed Church.. Woman's Miss. Association of the United Brethren Total $567,747 II. British and Continental. Society for Promoting Female Education in the East.... Indian Female Normal School and Instruction Soc Ladies' Auxiliary Weslevau Meth. M. S 1834 1852 1859 1842 1879 1838 1860 £6,338 18,500 2,564 5,994 671 182 2,957 Woman's Missionary Association of the Eng. Pres. Ch.. Scottish Ladies' Association for Female Ed. in India Miss Tavlor's School, Svria Ladies' Association for the Elevation of Syrian Women. Total £37,196 Ladies' Society for the Training of Females in the East. Berlin Ladies' Society for China 1842 Francs. 7,9S2 Kaiserwerther Diakonissen Anhalt (Prus. Deaconesses). Ladies' Auxiliary to Paris Society 98 FOREIGN MISSIONARY MANUAL. MEDICAL MISSIONARIES. SUPPOKTED BY — a i-a ci .3 o a a P3 'm i i .2 < e3 1 I "3 Atuer. Board 3 1 1 6 2 4 2 1 1 4 4 2 "i l "i l l l "i "2 36 3 i "i "i 3 i 1 2 1 "4 2 1 i "i "i 24 "i 1 3 > T ! T '. 2 1 ! 5 ! 1 ! i ! i . 1 ! i > 10 1 "2 1 1 "4 "2 "i 1 "2 1 1 17 3 "i 5 21 3 13 3 1 1 5 1 1 5 8 1 2 1 7 1 1 7 5 1 2 2 2 4 1 1 2 1 2 6 1 11? Amer. Prot. Epis i 1 Amer. Bapt South. Bapt Amer. Meth., South Amer. Worn. M. E Amer. Bible Soc T i Can. Meth Eng. Pres Church M. S Norwegian Soc. Prop. Gosp Eng. Bapt Free Ch. of Scot Ind. Fern. N. S. and I. Soc... Soc. Prom. Ch'y. am'g Jews. Uni. Pres. Scot i London M. S Welsh Calv. Meth Eng. Weslevan China Inl. Miss Irish Pres Ch. of Scotland Queen of Madagascar Bombay Med. M Edinburgh Med. M 9 Meth. New Conn Friends' M ... Self-supporting Universities' Totals STATISTICAL. 99 SOME PROMINENT MISSIONARIES. Francis Xavier, Koman Catholic. Born 1506 ; died 1552. " The Apostle to India," also to Japan. Matteo Eacci, Eoman Catholic. Born ; died 1610. Taught astronomy at the Chinese court. Bartholomew Ziegenbalg, Lutheran. Born 1675 ; died 1721. One of the first Protestant missionaries to India. Christian F. Schwartz, Lutheran. Born 1726 ; died 1793. India. Esteemed by the notorious Hyder Ali. Henry Martyn, Church of England. Born 1781 ; died 1812. India and Persia. Translated Persian New Testament. John T. Vanderkemp, Dutch Keformed. Born 1747 ; died 1800. South Africa. John Williams, Congregational ist. Born 1796 ; died 1839. The " Martyr of Erromanga," South Sea Islands. Robert Moffatt, Congregationalism Born 1795. South Africa. William Carey, Baptist, Born 1761 ; died 1831. First Baptist missionary to India. William Ward, Baptist. Born 1769 ; died 1823. India. Joshua Marshman, Baptist. Born 1768; died 1837. India. William Knibb, Baptist, Born ; died 1845. Jamaica, West Indies. Francis Asbury, Methodist. Born 1745 ; died 1816. America. Daniel J. Gogerly, Methodist. Born 1792 ; died 1862. Ceylon. Alexander Duff, Presbyterian. Born 1806 ; died 1878. India. James Henderson, Presbyterian. Born 1830 ; died 1865. Medical missionary to China. David Livingstone, Presbyterian. Born 1813 ; died 1873. South- ern Central Africa, Christian David, Moravian. "Christian David, the servant of God." Greenland. 100 FOREIGN MISSIONARY MANUAL. David Zeisberger, Moravian. Born 1721 ; died 1808. Indians of Pennsylvania, U. S. A. John Eliot, Puritan. Born 1604; died 1690. "The Apostle to the Indians." David Brainerd, Congregationalist. Born 1718; died 1747. In- dians of America. Adoniram Judson, Baptist. Born 1788; died 1850. "The Apos- tle to Burmah." Led to become a missionary by reading Claudius Buchanan's Star in the East. Claudius Buchanan, Church of England. Born 1766; died 1815. India. Asahel Grant, Presbyterian. Born 1807; died 1844. Medical missionary to the Nestorians of Persia. William Goodell, Congregationalist. Born 1792; died 1867. Turkey. Jonas King, Congregationalist. Born 1792; died 1869. Greece. J. Mullens, Congregationalist. Born ; died 1879. India. George D. Boardman, Baptist. Born 1801 ; died 1831. Burmah. John C. Patteson, Church of England. Born 1827 ; died 1871. South Sea Islands. William Ashmore, Baptist. Born 1820. China. Joseph G. Binney, Baptist. Born 1807 ; died 1877. Burmah. Miles Bronson, Baptist. Born 1808. Assam. Nathan Brown, Baptist. Born 1807. Assam and Japan. William Dean, Baptist. Born 1807. Siam. Lyman Jewett, Baptist. Born 1813. India. Miles J. Knowlton, Baptist. Born 1825 ; died 1875. China. Francis Mason, Baptist. Born ; died 1874. Burmah. Justus H. Vinton, Baptist, Born 1806 ; died 1858. Burmah. M. Atmore Sherring, Congregationalist, Born ; died 1879. India. Author of History of Protestant Missions in India. Thomas P. Hughes, Church of England (living). Afghanistan and India. STATISTICAL. 101 Lai Behari Day, Presbyterian. Born 1826 (native of India). One of Dr. Duff's pupils. Narayan Sheshadri, Presbyterian. A noted preacher (native of India). Jeremiah Phillips, Free Baptist. Born 1812. India. Henry M. Scudder, Dutch Eeformed. Born 1822. India. William Butler, Methodist. Born 1820. India. William Taylor, American Methodist. Founded a "Faith Mis- sion," after the order of Papa Gossner's Society, sending out mechanics who support themselves. J. Hudson Taylor. Born in England. Founded the " China In- land Mission," and himself labors in China. Jonathan Wade, Baptist. Born 1798 ; died 1873. Burmah. Eugenio Kincaid, Baptist. Born . Burmah. William Ward, Baptist. Born ; died 1873. Assam. James M. Haswell, Baptist. Born 1810 ; died 1875. Burmah. 9* Part IV. BIBLIOGRAPHICAL. A GUIDE TO MISSION AKY BEADING; BEING A CLAS- SIFIED LIST OF BOOKS OF TEAVELS, MISSIONS, AND NON-CHRISTIAN RELIGIONS;* TOGETHEK WITH A LIST OF MISSIONAKY PERIODICALS. EACH SEPA- RATE WORK IS NUMBERED, SO AS TO FACILITATE INTER-REFERENCE. TABLE OF CONTENTS. INTRODUCTORY. PAGE BIBLIOGRAPHICAL 104 I. EARLY MISSIONS. 1. ROMAN EMPIRE 106 2. WESTERN EUROPE 107 II. MODERN MISSIONS. 1. GEOGRAPHY, ETHNOLOGY, PHILOLOGY, * A few books of special importance are marked with the letter A. 102 BIBLIOGRAPHICAL. 103 PAGE TRAVELS, MAPS, ATLASES, Etc., and MISSIONS IN SPECIAL FIELDS 108 a. General Travels, Compendiums, etc 108 b. America 112 (1.) North America 112 (2.) South and Central America 116 c. Europe 118 d. Africa 119 (1.) General 119 (2.) Northern and Western Africa 120 (3.) Central Africa 124 (4.) Southern Africa 126 e. Asia , 128 (1.) General 128 (2.) Japan 130 (3.) China and Cor ea. 132 (4.) Thibet 137 (5.) Siam and Anam 138 (6.) Burmah 138 (7.) India [including Ceylon and Assam).,.. 139 (8.) Persia, Afghanistan, Beloochistan, Tur- kestan, Arabia, and Central Asia generally 150 (9.) Syria, 153 (10.) Turkey. 153 /. Oceanica 154 g. West Indies 159 h. Greenland 160 2. GENERAL HISTORIES OF MISSIONS 161 3. SPECIAL DENOMINATIONAL MISSIONS.... 161 4. BIOGRAPHIES OF MISSIONARIES, Etc 163 104 FOREIGN MISSIONARY MANUAL. FAGE 5. BIBLE-WORK OF THE WORLD 170 6. MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS ON MISSIONS.... 170 III. NON-CHRISTIAN RELIGIONS. 1. GENERAL AND COMPREHENSIVE WORKS, COMPARATIVE MYTHOLOGY, LEGENDS, Etc 177 2. RELIGION OF ANCIENT EGYPT 181 3. RELIGION OF ANCIENT ASSYRIA AND BABYLON 181 4. RELIGION OF GREECE 182 5. KELIGION OF ROME 183 6. EARLY RELIGIONS OF GAULS, BRITONS, SCANDINAVIANS, AND WESTERN EU- ROPE GENERALLY 183 7. PARSEEISM (ZOROASTRIANISM) 184 8. ANCIENT VEDIC RELIGION AND BRAH- MANISM 185 9. BUDDHISM 187 10. CHINESE CONFUCIANISM AND TAOISM... 189 11. MOHAMMEDANISM 190 12. FETICHISM AND RELIGIONS OF BARBAR- OUS RACES 191 INTRODUCTORY. BIBLIOGRAPHICAL. PRICE. 1. Triibner's American and Oriental Literary Record. Issued irregularly. Sub- scription per annum, 5s. 2. Zenker. Bibliotheca Orientale. Leipzig. Vol. I. 1853. Vol. II. 1861. 3. Pettengill. Homiletical Index (for missionary sermons). ?3.00 BIBLIOGRAPHICAL. For American Books see . 4. Thomas. History of Printing (for early- works). 5. Triibner. Guide to American Literature. 1817-57. 6. Roorbach. Bibliotheca Americana. Vol. IV. 1858-61. 7. Kelly. American Catalogue. 1861-71. 8. Leypoldt. Publishers' Trade List Annuals. 1871-80. 9. Leypoldt. American Catalogue for books on sale. 1876. For English Books see . 10. Sampson Low. English Catalogue. 1835-79. 11. Whittaker. Reference Catalogue for books on sale. 1880. Bibliotheca Sanskrita. St. Peters- burg, 1837. Bibliothecse Sanskritse. London, 1847. 14. Ternaux-Compans. Bibliotheca Asiatique et Africaine. Paris, 1841. ' Bibliotheca Geographica. 2 vols. 1857. (American) Indian Bibliography. New York, 1873. Bibliographie a l'Afrique et a r Arabie. Italic 1875. Bibliotheca Orientals. 1876-77 (annual). Dictionnaire Bibliographique des Ouvrages Relatifs a 1' Empire Chinois. 1878. Foreign Missionary Manual. Part IV. 105 PRICE. 12. Adelung. 13. Gildemeister. 15. Engelmann. 16. Field. 17. Gay. 18. Friederici. 19. Cordier. 19a Dobbins. 106 FOREIGN MISSIONARY MANUAL. I. EAKLY MISSIONS. 20. Barker. 21. Cranbrook. 22. Davies. 23. De Pressens6. 24. Dollinger. 25. Dollinger. 26. Gibbon. 27. Kip. 28. Merivale. 29. Merivale. 30. Milman. 31. Neander. 32. Plumptre. 33. Rawlinson. 34. Tarbox. 35. Uhlhorn. Vaughan, 36. 37. 38. 1. ROMAN EMPIRE. PRICE. Apostolic Missions ; or, Sacred His- tory Amplified. 1858. The Founders of Christianity. 1868. St. Paul in Greece. $ .60 Early Years of Christianity. 1870. The First Age of Christianity and the Church. 2 vols. 8.00 The Gentile and the Jew in the Courts of the Temple of Christ. 2 vols. 1862. 9.50 Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire. Milman. 12 vols. 1838-39. Early Conflicts of Christianity. 1850. The Conversion of the Roman Em- pire (Boyle Lectures for 1864). 1880. 1.50 St. Paul at Rome. .60 History of Christianity from the Birth of Christ to the Abolition of Paganism in the Roman Em- pire. 2.00 History of the Planting and Train- ing of the Christian Church by the Apostles. 1865. 4.00 St. Paul in Asia Minor and at the Syrian Antioch. .60 St. Paul in Damascus and Arabia, ,60 Journeys and Labors of St. Paul. .15 Conflict of Christianity. 1880. 2 50 The Church of the First Days. 14s. I. — The Church of Jerusalem, IL— The Church of the Gentiles. III.— The Church of the World, BIBLIOGRAPHICAL. 107 2. WESTEKN EUEOPE. See 283-300. 1794-1816. 39. 40. 41. 42. Alexander. Alexander. A. L. O. E. Bede. 43. Bos worth. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55, 56. 57. 58. 59. Clarke (Adam). Coit. De Montalembert. Evans. Hardwick. Hardwick. Kemble. Conversion of the Maclear. Maclear. Maclear. Maclear. Merivale. Maclear. Maclear. Mason. Mason. Ancient British Church. Iona, the Druid's Isle, and its Suc- cessive Inhabitants. Daybreak in Britain. Ecclesiastical History of England, with the Anglo-Saxon Chron- icle. A. • Gothic and Anglo-Saxon Gospels, in parallel columns, with versions of Wycliffe and Tyndale. Christian Missions. 1831. Lectures on Early History of Chris- tianity in England. Conversion of England. 3 vols. 1867. Tales of the Ancient British Church. 1859. History of the Christian Church (575-1517). Missions of the Middle Ages. History of the Saxons in England. 2 vols. 1848. West. A. I.-— The Northmen. II.— The Celts. III.— The English. IV.— The Slavs. V. — The Continental Teutons. Apostles of Mediaeval Europe, 1869. Christian Missions during the Mid- dle Ages. 1863. Primitive Christianity in Ireland. 1840. Testimony of St. Patrick as to An- tiquity in Ireland. 1846. PRICE. $ .60 .60 Is. 6.00 1.75 3.00 .75 .75 .75 .75 .75 1.75 108 FOREIGN MISSIONARY MANUAL. PRICE. 60. McCorry. Monks of Iona, by the Duke of Argyll. 1871. 61. Milton. Britain under Trojan, Roman, and Saxon Rule. 1870. 62. Morgan. St. Paul in Britain. 1870. 63. Smith. Mediaeval Missions. 64. Smith. The Early Saxons. $ .50 65. Walrond. Christian Missions before the Ref- ormation. 1.15 66. Wilson. Iona ; or, Early History of Chris- tianity in Scotland. 1860. 67. Wright. The Celt, the Roman, and the Saxon. 4.00 2. MODERN MISSIONS. 1.— GEOGRAPHY, ETHNOLOGY, PHILOLOGY, TRAV- ELS, MAPS, ATLASES, ETC., AND MISSIONS IN SPECIAL FIELDS. a. — Geneeal Travels, Compendiums, etc. 68. See Encyclopaedias, Gazetteers, etc. ; Reports of Proceedings of the Royal Asiatic Society; of the Asiatic Society, Bengal Branch ; Bombay Branch ; Ceylon Branch ; North China Branch ; Straits Branch, and Asiatic Society of Japan. (The contents of these reports are given in Trubner's Catalogue of Oriental Publica- tions, pages 5-11.) Report of the Proceedings of the American Oriental Society and of Royal Geographical Society. 69. Ainsworth, All Round the World. 13.50 BIBLIOGE APHICA L. 109 PRICE. 70. Prime. Around the World. $3.00 71. Bates. Illustrated Travels, 6 vols., each 7.50 72. Simpson. Meeting the San. 1874. 73. Gerstiicker. Narrative of a Journey around the World. 1.50 74. Marco Polo. Travels. 1.75 75. Davis. Reminiscences of a Voyage around the World. 1.00 76. Smiles. A Boy's Tour around the World. 1.50 77. Smith. Bound the World. 1.00 78. Brassey. Around the World in the Yacht "Sunbeam." 2.00 78a Malcom. Travels in South-Eastern Asia. 1.25 79. Seward. Travels Round the World. 5.00 80. Hiibner. A Bamble Bound the World. 1871. 6s. 81. Verne. Around the World in Eighty Days. 1.50 82. Kingston. Voyage Bound the World. 2.50 83. Merewether. By Sea and by Land (All Bound the World). ! 8s. 6d. 84. Field. From Egypt to Japan. A. 1879. 2.00 85. Field. From the Lakes of Killarney to the Golden Horn. 1879. 2.00 85o i Young. Around the World with General Grant. 10.00 86. Bartholomew. Zell's Descriptive Hand Atlas of the World. 15.00 87. Johnston. Unrivalled Atlas. A. 1.50 88. Johnston. Royal Modern Atlas. 1861. 89. Bartholomew. Library Atlas. Putnam's Edition. 14.00 90. Milner. Universal Geography. 1876. 91. Missionary Geography. 1865. 92. Black. Hand Atlas of Modern Geography. 1856. 93. Black. 10 General Atlas of the World. A. 22.50 110 FOREIGN MISSIONARY MANUAL. 94. Church Missionary Atlas. 1862. 95. Wyld. Missionary Atlas. 1839. 96. Student's Atlas of Modern and Classical Geography. $6.00 97. Colton. Missionary Map of the World. 20.00 98. Mitchell. Universal Atlas. 1851. 99. Bartholomew. Imperial Library Atlas. £5 5s. 100. Grundemann. Missions-Atlas. A. 12.50 101. Nelson. Atlas of the World. 1870. 102. Lippincott's Gazetteer of the World. 1866. 10.00 103. Martin. Statesman's Year Book (Annual). 3.00 104. Almanach de Gotha (Annuaire). 105. Levey. South American, Asiatic, and Oce- anic Business Directory of Prin- cipal Cities and Towns. 8.00 106. Berghaus. Physical Atlas. 107. Bradshaw. Overland Guide to India, Egypt, and China. 1862. 108. Hiibner. Statistical Survey of all Nations. 1852. 109. Brion. A Eelievo Map of India. 21s. 110. 111. Map of India. 1876. Map of Western Province of Hin- 21s. 112. 113. 114. 115. Johnston. 116. Colton. 117. Brunton. 118. Colton. doostan. 30s. Map of India and China, Burmah, Siam, the Malay Peninsula, and the Empire of Anam. 16s. Map of China. 8s. Russian Official Map of Central Asia. 14s. Map of Africa. £2 2s. Map of Africa. Map of Nippon (Japan). £3 Map of Asia. BIBLIOGEAPHICAL. Ill 119. Bidwell. Missionary Maps (Wall Maps). 1857. 120. Map of Southern and Central Africa (A. B. C. F. M.). 1880. 121. Map of Micronesia (A. B. C. F. M.). 1881. 122. Map of Missions of American Bap- tist Missionary Union in Asia. 1881. 123. Ainsworth. Earth Delineated with Pen and Pencil. 124. Brown. The Kaces of Mankind. 4 vols., each 125. Burt. The Far East. 126. Pumpelly. Across America and Asia. 127. Curzon. Ancient Monasteries of the East. 128. Curzon. Armenia, Erzeroom, and Frontiers of Russia, Turkey, and Persia. 129. Strong. Children of Many Lands. 130. Strong. Child-life in Many Lands. Peeps at Foreign Countries. 1877. 132. MacGregor. The "Rob Roy" on the Nile, Jor- dan, Red Sea, etc. 1874. 133. Benjamin. Eight Years in Asia and Africa (1846-55). 1865. 134. Lome. Trip to the Tropics, and Home through America. 1867. 135. Muter. Travels in India, China, and New Zealand. 2 vols. 1863. 136. Wood. Wedding -Day in all Ages and Countries. 2 vols. 1869. 137. Young. Voyages and Life of Capt. Jas. Cook. 1836. 138. D'Eires. China, Australia, and Islands of the Pacific. 1857. 139. Far-off Asia and Australia describ- ed to Children. 1860. $1.50 .40 1.50 10.00 3.50 1.75 2.50 1.50 1.25 .60 1.00 112 FOREIGN MISSIONARY MANUAL. 140. Footprints of Travellers in Europe, Asia, Africa, and America. 1850. 141. Lamartine. Travels in the East. 2 vols. 1850. 142. Pfeiffer. A Lady's Second Journey Round the World. 143. Pfeiffer. Last Travels, including a Visit to Madagascar. 144. Simpson. Picturesque People of the World. 145. Taylor. Cyclopaedia of Modern Travel. 146. Vincent. Through and Through the Tropics. 147. Wood. Uncivilized Races. 2 vols. 148. Taylor. The Lands of the Saracen. 1855. 149. Train. The Merchant Abroad in Europe, Asia, and Australia. 1857. 150. Many Lands and Many People. 1875. 151. Scenes and Incidents of Foreign Travel. 2 vols. 1845-46. 152. Brown. The Countries of the World. 5 vols. 153. Brassey. Sunshine and Storm in the East. Stanford's Geographical Compen- diums. A. 154-56. I. Africa; II. Central America, West Indies, and South Amer- ica; III. Australasia. Each 157-159. Volumes on Asia, North America, and Europe in preparation. §1.50 1.50 20.00 3.50 1.50 6.00 2.50 7s. 6d. 21s. 21s. 160. 161, b. America. (1.) North America. See 16, 158, 1313, 1382, 1385, 1414, 1415, 1482, 1497, 1498, 1702. Barber. Five Years among the Indians. Bancroft. Native Races of the Pacific States of North America. 5 vols., each .25 5.50 BIBLIOGRAPHICAL. 113 162. Drake. Aboriginal Races of North Amer- ica. $4.00 163. 164. Riggs. Gospel among the Dakotas. Moravian Missions among the In- 1.50 dians in North America. .90 165. Missionary Records, North Amer- ica. 1857. 166. Catlin. O-Ke-Pa, a Religious Ceremony. 14s. 167. Schoolcraft. American Indians. 1851. 168. Schoolcraft. History of Indian Tribes of United States. 5 vols. 1851-54. 169. Schoolcraft. Myth of Hiawatha and Other Oral Legends. 1856. 170. Catlin. Manners, etc. of American Indians. 2 vols. 1846. 171. Parkman. Jesuits in North America. 2.50 172. Indians of North America describ- ed. 1853. 173. Jones. History of the Ojibway, with Me- moir of the Writer. 1861. 174. Finley. History of the Wyandotte Mission at Upper Sandusky, Ohio. 175. Finley. Life among the Indians. 1.75 176. Brainerd. Missionary in the Wilderness. .40 177. Longfellow. Song of Hiawatha. 1859. 178. De Sruet. Oregon Missions (Roman Catholic). 1847. 179. De Smet. History of the Western Missions (Roman Catholic). 2.00 180. Strength out of Weakness (Indian Mission), (Reprint). 1.50 181. A. B. C. F. M. Report on Indian Missions. 1856. 182. Heckewelder. The Mission of the United Breth- ren among the Delaware and Mohegan Indians from 1740- 1808. 1820. 10 • H 114 FOREIGN MISSIONARY MANUAL. 183. Kip. 184. McCoy. 185. Shea. 186. Alden. 187. Eliot. 188. Bell. 189. Dall. 190. Whymper. 191. Jackson. Early Jesuit Missions in North America. 1847. Baptist Indian Missions. 1840. Catholic Missions among the Indian Tribes. 1854. Missions among the Senecas and Munsees. 1827. The Day breaking, if not the Sun- rising, of the Gospel with the Indians in New England. Lon- don, 1647. Keprinted 1865. $1.00 Quiddities of an Alaskan Trip. 3.50 Alaska and its Resources. 1870. 7.50 Travels and Adventures in Alaska. 1869. Alaska and Missions on the North Pacific Coast. 1880. 1.50 192. Bullock. Across Mexico in 1864-65. 2.50 193. Bullock. Cholula; or, The Young Mexican. .80 194. Haven. Our Next-Door Neighbor (Mex- ico). 3.50 195. Wilson. Mexico and its Religion. 1855. 1.50 196. Prescott. Conquest of Mexico. 3 vols. 197. Chevalier. Mexico: Ancient and Modern. 1864. 198. Hill. Travels in Peru and Mexico. 2 vols. 1860. 199. Robertson. Visit to Mexico and Yucatan. 2 vols. 1853. 200. Ruxton. Travels in Mexico. 1861. 201. Ruxton. Adventures in Mexico and the Rocky Mountains. 1.50 202. Norman. Ruined Cities in Yucatan. 1843. 203. Shepherd. Land of the Aztecs. BIBLIOG EAPHICA L. 115 204. Shepherd. Chinaman in California. $ .55 205. Shepherd. The Chinese: Why they Emi- grate. 206. Seward. Chinese Immigration. 1881. 2.50 207. Williams. Chinese Immigration. .25 208. Gibson. Chinese Mission in California. 209. Knox. John ; or, Our Chinese Relations. .20 210. Nordhoff. California. 2.00 211. Nordhoff. Story of a Chinese Boy in Califor- nia. 1.25 212. American Antiquarian Society (Archaeologica Americana). 6 vols., each 3.50 213. American Bible Society Reports. 1816-71. 4 vols., each 3.00 214. Audubon. Life and Journals. 2.25 215. Belcher. Religious Denominations in the United States. 5.00 216. Burton. The City of the Saints (Salt Lake). 3.50 217. Butler. The Wild North Land across Northern North America. 1.75 218. Armstrong and Ludlow. Hampton and its Students. 1.50 219. Codman. The Mormon Country. 1.50 220. Dunning. Home Missionary. .35 221. Abbott. Missionary Life in Canada. 2s. 222. Brown. Klatsassan, Missionary Life in British Columbia. 2s. 223. Hay den. Stanford's Compendium, North America. 224. Lanman. Japanese in America. 1.10 225. Hawkins. Missions of the Church of Eng- land in North American Colo- nies. 1845. 226. Eobertson. History of the Mission of Nova Scotia. 1847. I 116 FOREIGN MISSIONARY MANUAL. 227. Missionary Records of Northern Countries. 228. Hawley. Early Chapters of Cayuga History : Jesuit and Sulpitian Missions. 1879. 229. Slight. Researches among the North Amer- ican Indians. 230. Tucker. The Rainbow in the North: Ac- count of the Church Mission in Rupert's Land. 231. Stenhouse. Rocky Mountain Saints. 232. Sandford. Wesley's Missionaries to America. 233. Ballantyne. Hudson's Bay. 234. Whipple. Rev. S. D. Hinman's Journal. 1869. 235. Brinton. Myths of the New World. 1868. 236. Stephens. Incidents of Travel in Yucatan. 2 vols. 237. Wright. New York Bible- Women. 238. Williams. Pacific Tourist. 239. Prairie Missionary. (2.) South and Central America. See 1396, 1428. 240. Bishop. A Thousand Miles' Walk across South America, over the Pampas and the Andes. 241. Marcoy. Journey across South America. 2 vols. 242. Moore. Journal during a Tour to the West Indies and South America in 1863-64. 243. Scenes and Adventures in South America. 1868. 244. Bancroft. Civilized Nations of Mexico and Central America. 245. Morelet. Travels in Central America. 1871. $1.00 5.00 .90 6.00 1.10 1.50 .60 1.25 15.00 1.00 5.50 2.00 BIBLIOGRAPHICAL. 117 246. Norman. Rambles in Central America, etc. 1843. 247. Humboldt. Travels in America. 3 vols 15s. 248, Bates. Stanford's Compendium — Central America, West Indies, and South America. 21s. 249. Stephens. Central America, Chiapas, and Yucatan. $6.00 250. Squier. Central America. 4.00 251. Squier. Notes on Central America. 1855. 252. Bourne. Captive in Patagonia. 1.25 253. Musters. Patagonians. 7s. 6d. 254. Coan. Patagonia. 1879. 1.25 255. Pioneers of Fuegia. 1861. 256. Beerbohm. Wanderings in Patagonia. 1878. 256a Dixie. Across Patagonia. 1881. 2.00 257. Hutchinson. Two Years in Peru. 1874. 258. Markham. Journey to Cuzco and Visit to Lima. 1856. 259. Tschudi. Peruvian Antiquities. 1.50 260. Tschudi. Travels in Peru. 1.50 261. Prescott. Conquest of Peru. 2 vols. 1871. 262. Squier. Peru. 5.00 263. Huston. Journey in Honduras. .50 264. Bernau. Missionary Labors among the Ab- original Indians of Guiana. 1847. 265. Brett. Indian Missions in Guiana. 1851. 266. Palgrave. Dutch Guiana. 9s. 267. Wells. Explorations in Honduras. 3.50 268. Stout. Nicaragua. 269. Squier. Nicaragua. 4.00 270. Dingelstedt. The Amazon. 1.00 271. Bates. The Naturalist on the Rivei * Am- 2.50 118 FOREIGN MISSIONARY MANUAL. 272. Agassiz. Journey in Brazil. 273. Ewbank. Life in Brazil. 274. Orton. The Andes and the Amazon. 275. Page. La Plata. 276. Codman. Ten Months in Brazil. 1867. 277. Fletcher and Kidder. Brazil and the Brazilians. 278. Murray. Travels in Uruguay. 1871. 279. Vigne. Travels in Mexico and South America. 2 vols. 1863. 280. Snow. Cruise off Terra del Fuego, Falk- land Islands, etc. 2 vols. 1857. 281. Myers. Life and Nature under the Tropics. 282. Pictures of Travel in Far-Off Lands. 2 vols., each PRICK. 15.00 3.00 3.00 4.00 2.00 1.25 c. Europe. See 39 to 67, 1373, 1417, 1479, 1794 to 1816. 283. Prime. Alhambra and Kremlin. 3.00 284. Baxley. Spain. 5.00 285. Anderson. Baptists in Sweden. .80 286. Wharton. Scandinavia (Denmark, Sweden, and Norway). 1.50 287. Browne. Land of the Thor. 2.00 288. Abbott. Rollo's Tour in Europe. 10 vols. 9.00 289. Summers. The Greek and Eastern Churches. .50 290. Missionary Letters. .25 291. Russians of To-day. .10 292. Bonar. The White Fields of France. 1.25 293. Clayton. Missions in Belleville, Paris. 1878. 1.00 294. Whately. Gospel in Bohemia. 1877. 2s. 6d. 295. Godkin. Religious History of Ireland, Primitive, Papal, and Protest- ant. 1873. 296. Blood. Gospel in Italy. 1863. 297. Borrow. Bible in Spain. 3 vols. 1861. 8s. 6d. 298. Haxthausen. Russian Empire. 2 vols. 1856. BIBLIOGRAPHICAL. 119 299. Kamsey. 300. Merivale. 301. Birch. 302. 303. Officer, 304. 305. White. 306. 307. Day. 308. Scott. 309. 310. Jones. 311. 312. Nassau. 313. Kowley. 314. Tucker. 315. Taylor. 316. Barth. 317. Brittain. 318. Andersson. 319. Cooper. 320. Hutchinson. 321. Boteler. Stanford's Compendium. Europe. Conversion of the Northern Na- tions. $1.50 d. Africa. See 115, 116, 1966 to 1971. (1.) General. See 1334, 1402. Egypt (Ancient History from the Monuments). 1.00 Africa and its Explorers. 3.50 African Bible Pictures. .35 The African Orphan Boy. .30 The African Preacher. .40 Africaner; or, Missionary Trials. .25 African Adventure and Adventu- rers. 1.50 Glimpses of Life in Africa. .25 Discovery and Adventure in Af- rica. .75 African History of Exploration. 1875. 5.00 Meroke; or, Missionary Life in Africa. .65 Crowned in Palmland. 1874. 1.75 Africa Unveiled. 2.00 Wanderer in Africa. .50 From Egypt to the Negro King- dom of the White Nile. 1855. Travels in North and Central Af- rica. Every-day Life in Africa. The Okavango Kiver. 1861. 3.25 Lost Continent. 1875. Slave-Trade of East Africa. 1874. Africa and Arabia. 2 vols. 1835. 120 FOREIGN MISSIONARY MANUAL. 322. Canot. 323. Carries. 324. Cooley. 325. 326. Ridgeway. 327. Schweinfurth. 328. Eden. 329. Johnston. 330. Du Chaillu. 331. 332. Reade. 333. Moister. 334. 335. Jones. 336. Williams. Adventures of an African Slave- Trader. 1854. Slave-Trade with Africa. 1852. Inner Africa laid Open. 1852. Narrative of Conversion of Ceri- oni and Moscardi from Popery. 1852. Africa : A Missionary Poem. 1842. Artes Africanee. Africa, as Seen through its Explo- rers. Stanford's Compendium. Africa. Explorations and Adventures in Africa. 1861. Home Life in Africa. 1866. Savage Africa. Africa : Past and Present. Life in Africa. Africa. Narratives and Adventures of Trav- ellers in Africa. £1 8s. 5s. 21s. $1.50 .25 5.00 1,25 337. Barth. 338. Burt. 339. Naphegyi. 340. D'Anvers. 341. Windham. 342. Mackenzie. 343. Tristram. 344. Adams. 345. Appleton. 346. Prime. (2.) Northern and Western Africa. Travels and Discoveries in North- ern and Central Africa. 3 vols. 12.00 The Far East. 1867. Among the Arabs. 1.50 Heroes of North- African Discov- ery. A. 1880. 2.50 Notes on North Africa. 1862. Flooding of the Sahara. 10s. 6d. Great Sahara. 15s. See 84, 85a, 1750-59. Land of the Nile. 1871. 1.50 A Nile Journal. 2.25 Boat-life in Egypt and Nubia. 2.00 BIBLIOGRAPHICAL. 121 347. 348. Dall. 349. Adams. 350. Manning. 351. Lane. 352. Lane. 353. Lepsius. 354. Warner. 355. Curtis. 356. Hoppin. 357. Speke. 358. Klunzinger. 359. Beke. 360. Murray. 361. Whately. 362. Whately. 363. Whately. 364. Whately. 365. Wilkinson. 366. Smith. 367. McCoan. 368. Lansing. 369. 370. 371. Macbrair. 372. Madden. 373. Melby. 11 Child-life in Egypt. Egypt's Place in History. Land of the Kile. Land of the Pharaohs. Account of the Manners and Cus- toms of the Ancient Egyptians. 2 vols. Modern Egyptians. Letters from Egypt, Ethiopia, and Sinai. My W T inter on the Nile. Nile Notes of a Howadji. On the Nile. Discovery of the Source of the Nile. Upper Egypt. 1877. Who Discovered the Sources of the Nile? 1863. Handbook of Egypt. Among the Huts in Egypt. 1871. Eagged Life in Egypt. 1863. Letters from Egypt. More about Ragged Life in Egypt. 1863. Ancient Egyptians. 2 vols. A Pilgrimage to Egypt. 1852. Egypt. Egypt's Princes. 1865. Egypt, Nubia, and Ethiopia. 1862. A Eamiliar Description of the Land, People, and Produce of Egypt. 1839. Missionary Travels in Egypt. 1846. Egypt and Mohammed Ali. 1841. Khartoun, and the Blue and White Niles. 2 vols. 1851. PRICE. $1.10 1.50 1.50 5.00 1.75 2.50 1.50 10.00 4.00 .75 5.00 3.75 122 FOEEIGN MISSIONAEY MANUAL. 374. Petherick. Egypt, Soudan, and Central Af- rica. 1861. 375. Abney. Thebes and its Greater Temples. 63s. 376. Loftie. A Bide in Egypt from Sioot to Luxor in 1879. 10s. 6d. 377. Brugsch. History of Egypt. 30s. 378. Stephens. Notes of Travel in Egypt and Nubia. 379. The Abyssinian Boy. $ .50 380. Jonveaux. Two Years in East Africa. 1.25 381. Markhem. History of the Abyssinian Expe- dition. 4.00 382. Abyssinia and its People. 1867. 383. Abyssinian War from an Abys- sinian Point of View. 1868. 384. Isenberg and Krapf. Journal of Travels in Abys- sinia. 1851. 385. Beke. British Captives in Abyssinia. 1866. 386. Blanc. Captivity in Abyssinia. 1868. 12s. 387. Chandler. Abyssinia, Mythical and Histor- ical. 1868. 388. Flad. Falashes (Jews) of Abyssinia. 1869. 389. Margoliouth. Abyssinia: Its Past, Present, and Future. 1866. 390. Plowden. Travels in Abyssinia. 1868. 391. Views in Central Abyssinia. 1868. 392. Gobart. Three Years in Abyssinia. 1850. 393. Baker. Exploration of the Nile Tributa- ries of Abyssinia. 1868. 6s. See 1323. 394. Baniseyer and Kuhne. Four Years in Ashantee. 1.75 395. Whiton. Glimpses of West Africa. .85 396. Moister. Missionary Memorials in West Africa. .90 BIBLIOGEAPH ICAL. 123 397. Stanley. Coomassie and Magdala. 398. Slock well. Kepublic of Liberia. 399. Africa Kedeemed by the Growth and Prospect of Liberia. 1851. 400. Alexander. History of Colonization on the Western Coast of Africa. 1849. 401. Seddall. Missionary History of Sierra Le- one. 1874. 402. Skertchley. Dahomey as it Is. 1874. 403. Burton. Mission to Gelele, King of Da- homey. 1864. 404. Burton. Wit and Wisdom from West Af- rica. 1865. 405. Hening. The African Mission of the Prot- estant Episcopal Church. 1850. 406. Tucker. Abbeokuta : The Yoruba Mission. 1853. 407. Blyden. Liberia's Offering. 1862. 408. Crummell. Future of Africa. 1862. 409. Schon and Crowther. Niger Expedition. 1842. 410. Allen. Picturesque Views of the Kiver Niger. 1840. 411. Crowther. Expedition up the Niger and Tshadda Eivers. 1856. 412. Crowther and Taylor. Gospel on the Banks of the Niger. 1859. 413. Cruickshank. Eighteen Years on the Gold Coast of Africa. 2 vois. 1853. 414. Duncan. Travels in West Africa. 2 vols. 1847. 415. East. Condition of West Africa. 1844. 416. Freeman. Journal of Two Visits to Ashan- tee. 1844. 417. Lander. Adventures on the Niger. 2 vols. 1856. 418. MacWilliam, Medical History of the Niger Ex- pedition. 1843. PRICE. $3.50 1.25 124 FOREIGN MISSIONARY MANUAL. PRICE. 419. Bucham. Ashantee and Gold Coast. 1841. 420. East. West Africa and the Baptist Mis- sion. 1844. 421. Fox. Wesleyan Mission in Western Africa. 1851. 422. Barber. Othielle; or, Village Life in Yc~ ruba Country. 423. Walker. The Church Mission at Sierra Le- one. 1851. 424. Walker. Missions in Western Africa. 1845. 425. Wilson. Western Africa, its History, Condi- tion, and Prospects. 426. Reade. Western Africa. $4.00 427. Hay. Ashantee and the Gold Coast. 2s. 6d. 428. Hay. Western Barbary. 429. Whately. Story of a Diamond. 1867. 430. Ditson. Africa, North Coast. 1860. (3.) Central Africa. See 1971, 1351-57. 431. Cameron. Across Africa. 5.00 432. Means. Proposed Mission (A. B. C. F. M.) in Central Africa. 1879. 433. Stanley. Through the Dark Continent. 1880. 2 vols. 10.00 434. Petherick. Travels in Central Africa and Ex- ploration of the West Nile Trib- utaries. 2 vols. 1869. 435. Baldwin. African Hunting from Natal to the Zambesi. 1.50 436. Burton. First Footsteps in Eastern Africa. 1856. 437. Krapf. Travels in East Africa. 1860. 438. MacLeod. Travels in East Africa. 2 vols. 1860. 439. Frere. Eastern Africa as a Mission-Field. 5s. BIBLIOGRAPHICAL. 125 440. Burton. The Lake Kegions of Central Af- rica. 2 vols. $3.50 441. Baker. Albert N'yanza, Great Basin of the Nile. 2.50 442. Schweinfurth. Heart of Africa. 2 vols. 8.00 443. Stanley. My Kalulu. 2.00 444. Stanley. How I Found Livingstone. 3.50 445. Taylor. Central Africa. 2.00 446. Taylor. The Lake Eegions of Central Af- rica. 1.50 447. Young. Livingstonia. 7s. 6d. 443. Young. Nyassa : Adventure in Central Af- rica. 1877. 449. Hutchinson. Victoria Nyanza. 1876. 450. Life and Travels of Livingstone in Central Africa. 451. Peterman. Progress of Expedition to Central Africa. 1854. 452. Hill. Colonel Gordon in Central Africa. 1874-79. 453. Long. Central Africa. 2.50 454. Bowen. Central Africa. 1857. 455. Abbott. Congo. .90 456. Preston. Gaboon Stories. .80 457. Du Chaillu. Country of the Dwarfs. 1.50 458. Du Chaillu. Explorations and Adventures in Equatorial Africa. 5.00 459. Du Chaillu. Stories of the Gorilla Country. 1.50 460. Du Chaillu. My Apingi Kingdom. 1.50 461. Du Chaillu. Ashango Land. 5.00 462. Du Chaillu. Lost in the Jungle. 1.50 463. Du Chaillu. Wild Life Under the Equator. 1.50 464. McKee. History of the Sherbro Mission. .75 465. Monteiro. Angola and River Congo. 1875. 21s. 466. Park. Travels in the Interior of Africa. 1861. 11* 126 FOREIGN MISSIONARY MANUAL. 467. Guinness. The First Christian Mission on the Congo. 6d. 468. Baker. Ismailia. 1874. $5.00 469. Livingstone. Last Journals in Central Africa. 5.00 470. Speke. Discoveries in Africa. 471. Jarrett. Livingstone in Africa. (4.) Southern Africa. 1.25 472. Ellis. Three Visits to Madagascar. 1.75 473. Ellis. History of Madagascar. .80 474. Ellis. Martyr Church of Madagascar. 1870. 475. Martyrs of Madagascar. .25 476. Mullens. Twelve Months in Madagascar. 1.75 477. Parker. Missions and Martyrs in Mada- gascar. .80 478. Mears. Story of Madagascar. 1873. 479. Freeman and Johns. Persecutions in Madagascar. 480. Gospel in Madagascar. 1863. 481. Oliver. Madagascar and Malagasy. 1866. 482. Sibree. Madagascar and its People. 1870. See 1966. 6s. 6d. 483. Grout. Zululand. 1.50 484. Robertson. Mission Life among the Zulu Kafirs. 1875. 485. Mason. Life with the Zulus of Natal. 1855. 436. Mason. Zululand. 1862. 487. Lucas. Zulus and British Frontier. .10 488. Christian Work in Zululand. 1868. 489. Bechuana Girl. .25 490. Adventures of a Missionary; or, Bivers of Water in Dry Places. 1.25 491. Andersson. Lake Ngami. 1.75 492. Andersson. Okavango River. 3.25 BIBLIOGRAPHICAL. 127 PRICE. 493. Gardiner. A Journey to the Zulu Country. 494. The Fountain Kloof. $1.50 495. Gospel among the Bechuanas. .75 496. Gospel among the Caffres. 1.00 497. Ward. Cape and Kaffirs. .80 498. Livingstone. Missionary Researches in South Africa. 4.50 499. Livingstone. Travels and Researches in South Africa. 1.75 500. Livingstone. Narrative of an Expedition to the Zambesi. 1875. 5.00 501. Chambliss. Livingstone and his African Ex- plorations. 1.50 502. Livingstone's Discoveries and Ad- ventures in Africa. 503. Moffat. Missionary Scenes and Labors in South Africa. 1867. 1.00 504. Moffat. Scenes and Adventures in Africa. .35 505. Moffat. Stories about Africa. .35 506. Campbell. Africa, South. 1877. 507. Noble. South Africa. 1877. 508. Stevenson. Civilization of South - Eastern Af- rica. 1877. 509. Kettle. My Home in the Shires. 1876. 510. Mohr. Victoria Falls of the Zambesi. 1876. 511. Andersson. Notes of Travel in South Africa. 1875. 2.00 512. England's East-African Policy and her Relations to Zanzibar. 1875. 513. Home in South Africa. 1874. 514. Keade. Savage Africa. 1864. 515. Steere. Sirahili Tales as told by Natives of Zanzibar. 1869. 516. Angas. Illustrations of the Kaffirs. 1849. 517 Arbousset. Exploratory Tour in South Africa. 1852. 128 FOREIGN MISSONARY MANUAL. 518. Campbell. Life and Missionary Enterprise in South Africa. 1841. 519. Casalis. The Basutos. 1861. 520. Merriman. Kafir, Hottentot, and Frontier - Farmer. 1853. 521. Moodie. Ten Years in South Africa. 2 vols. 1835. 522. Philip. The Elijah of South Africa. 1852. 523. Shaw. Memorials of South Africa. $ .80 524. Taylor. Travels in South Africa. (Illus- trated Library of Travels.) 1.50 525. Adams. Adventures of Dr. Livingstone. 526. Missions in South Africa. Dub- lin, 1832. 527. Andersson. South- Western Africa. 1.75 528. Africa's Mountain Valley. 1856. 529. Boyce. Notes on South Africa. 530. Calderwood. Caffres and Caffre Missions. 531. Colenso. Ten Weeks in Natal. 532. Freeman. A Tour in South Africa. 533. Latrobe. Journal of a Visit to South Africa. 534. Shaw. Narrative of Missionary Labors in South Africa. 535. Smith. South Africa Delineated. 536. Fleming. Southern Africa. 537. Gillmore. The Great Thirst-Land. 7s. 6d. 538. Carlyle. South Africa and its Mission- Fields. 1879. 5s. 539. D'Anvers. Heroes of South African Discovery. 540. Atkinson. 541. Atkinson. 542. e. Asia. (1). General. Oriental and Western Siberia. 1.75 Travels in the Regions of the Amoor. 3.50 Eastern Manners and Customs. .50 BIBLIOGRAPHICAL. 129 PRICE. 543. Habersham. My Last Cruise. $2.50 544. Hauser. The Orient and its People. 1.75 545. Ken nan. Tent-Life in Siberia. 2.00 546. Knox. Backsheesh. 3.00 547. Knox. Overland through Asia. 3.50 548. Knox. The Boy Travellers in the Far East (Japan and China). 1879. 3.00 549. Knox. The Boy Travellers in the Far East (Siara and Java). 1881. 3.00 550. Malconi. Travels in South-Eastern Asia. 1.50 551. Orient. .40 552. Oriental Picture-Gallery. .50 553. Keene. Orient Boys. 1.50 554. Taylor. India, China, and Japan. 1.50 555. Ball. Kambles in Eastern Asia. 1856. 556. Wood. Fankwei ; or, The San Jacinto in the Seas of India, China, and Japan. 557. Collins. Overland Explorations in Siberia, Northern Asia, and the Amoor Eiver Country. 1864. 558. Wallace. The Malay Archipelago. 1869. 7s. 6d. 559. Bickman. East Indian Archipelago. 560. Thomson. Straits of Malacca, Indo-China. 561. Keating. With General Grant in the East, 1880. 1.50 562. Houghton. Women of the Orient. 2.00 563. Bradley. Narrative of Travel and Sport in Burmah, Siam, etc. 1876. 564. Forbes. Empires and Cities of Asia. 1873. 565. Hongkong to London. 1872. 566. Medhurst. Account of the Malayan Archipel- ago. 1850. 567. Manners and Customs of Eastern Nations. 1849. 568. Narratives of Early Voyages to Cathay and India. 1849. 130 FOREIGN MISSIONARY MANUAL. 569. Darell. Sketches of China, India, and the Cape. 1853. 570. Osborn. Journal in Malayan Waters. I860. 571. Overland Guide to Travellers. — India, Australia, and China. 1861. 572. Rambles in Java and the Straits. 1853. 273. The Travels of Ludovico di Var- thema in Syria, Arabia, Persia, India, etc., during the Sixteenth Century. 1863. 574. Yule. Stanford's Compendium, Asia. 575. Crawfurd. History of Indian Archipelago, etc. 3 vols. 1820. 576. Curzon. Armenia, Erzeroom, Turkey, and Persia. $1.25 See 577. Jarves. 578. Alcock. 579. 580. Mori. 580a Mossman. 581. Humbert. 582. Taylor. 583. Clark. 584. Johnston. 585. 586. Mitford. (2.) Japan. 84, 85a, 548, 562, 714, 1879-1912. A Glimpse at the Art of Japan. The Capital of the Tycoon. 2 vols. Chiushingura ; or, The Loyal League. Romance of Japan- ese Life. Translated by F. V. 2.50 3.50 Dickens. 3.00 Letters on Education in Japan. 1.50 Japan. 1881. 3s. 6d. Japan and the Japanese. 1874. A. 9.00 Japan in our Day. 1.50 Life and Adventure in Japan. 1.25 China and Japan. 1.50 Missions in Japan and Paraguay. (Roman Catholic.) 1.00 Tales of Old Japan. 1874. 2.00 BIBLIOGRAPHICAL. 131 5S7. Von Siebold. 538. Griffis. 5S9. Heine. 590. Perry. 591. Spalding. 592. Bird. 593. Keed. 594. Mounsey. 595. Tomes. 596. Carrothers. 597. Le Gendre. 598. Eden. 599. Adams. 600. Mossman. 600a Mossman. 601. Ward. 602. Bickerstaffe. 603. Dickson. 604. Murray. 605. Osborn. 606. Osborn. 607. 608. Halloran. 609. Koempher. 610. King and Lay. 611. Macfarlane. 611a. Manners and Customs of the Jap- anese. Mikado's Empire. 1876. A A. Graphic Scenes in the Japan Ex- pedition. 1856. Expedition to the China Seas and Japan. 3 vols. 1856. Japan and Around the World. 1855. Unbeaten Tracks in Japan. A. 2 vols. 1880. Japan. 2 vols. 1880. Satsuma Kebellion. 1880. Americans in Japan. 1859. The Sunrise Kingdom. 1879. Progressive Japan. Japan. 1877. History of Japan. 2 vols. 1874. New Japan. 1874. Land of the Rising Sun. Picture Stories from the Japanese. Araki: Daimio. 1865. Japan : History, Government, and Officers. 1869. Pines and Firs of Japan. 1863. Japanese Fragments. 1868. Quedah : A Cruise in Japanese Waters. 1865. Visits to Japan in 1865-66. 1869. Visits to Japan, Loo Choo, and Pootoo. 1857. Account of Japan. 1853. Missionary Tour in Japan. 2 vols. 1839. Account of Japan. 1853. Japanese Exhibit at Centennial, 1876, with Descriptive Notes. $ .75 4.00 5.00 28s. 2.00 3.00 1.50 42s. 15s. 132 FOREIGN MISSIONARY MANUAL. 6116. Report on the Manufacture of Pa- per in Japan. 612. Oliphant. Elgin's Mission to China and Ja- pan. 2 vols. 1862. 613. Smith. Narrative of a Visit to Loo Choo. 1852. 614. Smith. Ten Weeks in Japan. 1861. 615. Steinmetz. History of Japan and its People. 1858. 616. Tilley. Japan, the Amoor, and the Pacific. 1861. 617. Westfield. Japanese : Their Manners and Cus- toms. 1862. 618. Fowler. Japan, China, and India. 619. Audsley and Bowes. Keramic Art of Japan. 619aAlcock. Art and Industry of Japan. 6196 Griffis. Japanese Fairy World. 1881 16s. 10s. 6d. £15 $6.00 1.50 See 19, 205-212, cially 1894, 1451, 1471. 620. 621. Anderson. 622. Bridgeman. 623. Corner. 624. 625. Davis. 626. Doolittle. 627. Bush. 628. Medhurst. 629. Jeter. 630. Clarke. 631. Maclay. 632. (3.) China and Corea. 84, 85a, 548, 562, 1879-1934 (espe- 1895), 1371, 1375, 1409, 1417, 1424, Adventures of Kwei, the Chinese Girl. 1.25 Mandalay to Momien. 1876. 7.50 The Daughters of China. 1852. .75 China. 1.75 Chy-loo and his Teacher. .35 History of China. 2 vols. 1.50 Social Life of the Chinese. 4.00 Five Years in China. 1866. .80 Foreigner in Far Cathay. 1.50 An American Woman in China. 1.25 Land of the Pigtail. 1.50 Life among the Chinese. 1.75 Little Chinaman. ..25 BIBLIOGRAPHICAL. 133 633. Williams. 634. 635. Nevius (Mrs.). 636. Nevius. 637. Nevius. 63S. 639. Shuck. 640. Smith. 641. Abed. 642. Eden. 643. 644. Margary. 645. Thomson. 646. De Carne. 647. 649. Edkins. 650. 651. Mossman. 652. Moule. 653. Moule. 654. Muirhead. 655. Shaw. 656. Sinnett. 657. Linle. 658. Williamson 659. Bruce. 12 The Middle Kingdom. 2 vols. AA. Midshipman in China. Our Life in China. China and the Chinese. San Poh. People of China. Scenes in China. Visit to Consular Cities of China in Behalf of the Church Mis- sionary Society in 1844-46. Journal of a Eesidence in China. 1835. China. 1877. Life of Jengkiz Khan. Translated from the Chinese. 1877. Shanghai to Bhamo. 1876. The Land-People of China. 1876. Travels in Indo-China and the Chinese Empire. 1872. China : The Country, History, and People. 1867. China and its People. 1868. Chinese Scenes and People. 1863. Missions to the Women of China. 1866. China. 1867. Four Hundred Millions. 1870. Chinese Stories. 1880. China and the Gospel. 1870. Visit to Chinese Tartary. 1871. Our Policy in China. 1869. Ti-ping Tien-Kwoh : History of the Ti-ping Kevolution. 2 vols. 1866. Journeys in North China, Mon- golia, etc. 2 vols. 1870, A, Hongkong. 1848. $4.00 .45 1.50 1.75 .55 .65 .60 1.50 1.50 3s. 23. 2s. 134 FOREIGN MISSIONARY MANUAL. 660. 661. 662. 663. 664. 665. Meadows. m. Meadows. 667. Medhurst. 6Q8. Medhurst. 669. Mendoza. 670. Milne. 671. Mudie. 672. Osborn. 673. 674. 675. Phipps. 676. Proudfoot. 677. 678. Ripka. 679. Scarth. 680. Scartli. China. (Edinburgh Cabinet Li- brary.) 3 vols. 1848. History of China, Ancient and Modern. 1840. China: Its People, History, and Courts. 1860. China and the Chinese. 1841-44. China: Pictorial, Descriptive, and Historical. 1853. Notes on the Government and People of China. 1847. Chinese and their Rebellion. 1856. China: Its State and Prospects. 1840. Glance at the Interior of China. 1850. Great and Mighty Kingdom of China. 2 vols. 1854. Life in China. 1861. China: Its Resources and Pecu- liarities. 1840. Past and Future Relations with China. 1860. People of China Described. 1853. Peter Parley's Tales about China and the Chinese. 1844. Treatise on the China and Eastern Trade. 1836. Barrow's Travels in China. 1861. Review of the Management of Affairs in China. 1841. Court of Pekin during a Residence of Thirteen Years. 1861. British Policy in China. Neutral War and Warlike Peace. 1861. Italy for the Italians ; China for the Chinese. 1861. BIBLIOGRAPHICAL. 135 681. Scarth. 682. Sealy. 683. Seang. 684. Sirr. 685. Smith. 686. Snow. 687. Wright. 688. Yvan. 689. Yvan. 690. Yvan and Callery. 691. Gillespie. 692. 693. Gutzlaff. 694. Gutzlaff. 695. Gutzlaff. 696. Giles. 697. 698. Bowring. 699. Thomson. 700. Gray (Mrs.). 701. Gray. 702. Gracey. 703. Twelve Years in China. 1860. Chinese Legends. 1841. Ceremonial Usages of the Chinese. 1852. Account of China and Chinese. 2 vols. 1849. Missionary Visit to China. 1847. Sketches of Chinese Life and Cha- racter. 1860. Chinese Empire Illustrated. 2 vols. 1858-59. Inside Canton. 1858. Six Months among the Malays, and a Year in China. 1854. History of Insurrection in China. The Land of Sinim. 1854. Glances at Mission- Work in China. Three Voyages along the Coast of China. China Opened ; Customs, Arts, etc. 2 vols. 1838. A Sketch of Chinese History. $1.25 24s. 28s. Chinese Sketches. 10s. 6d. Missionary Records — China and Burmah. Flowery Scroll. (A Chinese Novel.) 10s. 6c?. China and its People. 200 Photos, with Letter-Press. 4 vols. 252s. Fourteen Months in Canton. 9s. A History of the Laws, Manners, and Customs of the People of China. 2 vols. 1878. 32s. China. .15 Shanghai Missionary Conference Report for 1877. tjs. 136 FOREIGN MISSIONARY MANUAL. 704. 705. 706. Cobbold. 707. Edkins. 708. 709. 710. 711. Finn. 712. Fortune. 713. Fortune. 714. Fortune. 715. Lockhart. 716. 717. Hue. 718. Hue. 719. Kidd. 720. 721. 722. Lay. Macfarjane. 723. 724. Mackensie. Macpherson. Twelve Years with the Chinese People. 1860. Chinese Kevolution, and the Cause which Led to it. 1853. Pictures of the Chinese, drawn by Themselves. 1859. Religious Condition of the Chinese. 1859. Englishman in China. 1860. Fanqui in China. 3 vols. 1840. History of Jews in China. 1843. Fortunate Union. (Translated from the Chinese.) 2 vols. Eesidence among the Chinese, 1853-56. 1857. Three Years' Wanderings in China. 1847. Two Visits to the Tea Countries of China and Japan. 2 vols. 1853. The Medical Missionary in China. 1860. Han Koong Tsen ; or, The Sorrow of Han. Travels in the Chinese Empire. 2 vols. 1859. Christianity in China, Tartary, and Thibet. 3 vols. 1857-58. China: Its Symbols, Philosophy, Antiquities, etc. 1841. Last Year in China to Peace of Nankin. 1843. Chinese as they Are. 1841. Habits, Manners, and Customs of the Chinese. 1853. Second Campaign in China. 1842. Two Years in China, 1840-42. 1843. $3.00 BIBLIOGRAPHICAL. 137 725. Marshall. Christianity in China. 1859. 726. Martin. China: Political, Commercial, etc. 2 vols. 1847. 727. Masters. Chinese Expedition, 1859-60. 1860. 728. Stories from China. $1.50 729. Williams. Year in China. 1.50 730. Downing. Stranger in China. 1838. 731. Tiffany. The Canton Chinese. 1849. 732. Dean. The China Mission. 1.25 733. Taylor. Five Years in China. 754. Oliphant. China and Japan. 735. Smith. Observations on China and the Chinese. 1863. 736. Thomson. Straits of Malacca, Indo-China, and China. 4.00 737. Wiley. China and Japan. 1.50 737a Crawford. Chinese Bride. Corea. .55 738. Oppert. A Forbidden Land. 3.00 739. Boss. Corea. 12s. 6d. 740. Hue. (4.) Thibet. See 1879 to 1912 (especially 1911). Travels in Tartary, Thibet, and China. 741. Prejevalsky. 742. Knight. 743. Bellew. 744. Markham. 745. Markham. 12* Mongolia, Northern Thibet, etc. A Walk through Thibet. Kashmir and Kashgar. Mission of George Bogle to Thibet and Thomas Manning to Lhasa. 1876. Threshold of the Unknown Ee- gion. 187B. .75 £2 2s. 16s. 138 FOREIGN MISSIONARY MANUAL. 746. Oliphant. Journey to Nepaul. 1852. 747. Prinsep. Thibet, Tartary, and Mongolia. 1852. 5s. 748. Schlagintweit. Buddhism in Thibet. 1860. (5.) Siam and Anam. See 85a, 549, 563, 1879 to 1912. 749. Burman Village in Siam. $.17 750. Feudge. Eastern Side. A. 1.50 751. Bacon. Siam ; or, The Land of the White Elephant. 1.50 752. Vincent. Land of the White Elephant. 3.50 753. Life of Missionary Child in Siam. .35 754. Leonowens. The English Governess at the Sia- mese Court. 1.25 755. Leonowens. Romance of Siamese Harem Life. 1873. 756. Bowring. The Kingdom and People of Siam. 2 vols. 1857. 757. Bowring. Mission to the Kingdom of Siam in 1855. 2 vols. 1857. 758. A. L. 0. E. In the Far East. 2s. 759. Crawfurd. Embassy to Siam and Cochin Chi- na. 1829. (6.) Burmah. See 84, 85a, 563, 1879-1912, 1337-49, 1377, 1384, 1448, 1473, 1501a 7 . 760. Burman Slave-Girl. .25 761. Ingalls. Ocean Sketches of Life in Burmah. .85 762. Mason. Karen Apostle. .35 763. Mason i [Mrs.). Great Expectations Realized. 1862. 764. Mason. Burmah: its People and Natural Productions. 1862. 765. White Foreigners from over the Waters. 1.10 766. Dalton. The White Elephant. BIBLIOGRAPHICAL. 139 767. Wylie. The Gospel in Burmah. 1860. 768. Chaplin. Our Gold-Mine. 1878. $1.50 769. Wheeler. Voyage up the Irrawaddy to Man- dalay and Bhamo. 1871. 3s. 6d. 770. Anderson. Expedition to Western Yunnan vid Bhamo. 771. Bixby. My Child-Life in Burmah. 1881. .75 772. Luther. Vintons and Karens. 1880. 1.25 773. Gordon. Our Trip to Burmah. 774. Malcom. Travels in the Burman Empire. 1840. 775. Marshall. Four Years in Burmah. 2 vols. 1860. 776. W 7 ilson. Narrative of the Burmese War. 1852. 777. W T inter. Eesidence in British Burmah. 1858. 778. Baillie. Eivers in the Desert. 779. Laurie. Our Burmese Wars and Relations with Burmah. 16s. 780. Forbes. British Burmah and its People. 10s. 6d. 781. McMahon. The Karens of the Golden Cher- sonese. 1870. 28s. 782. Yule. The Mission to Ava in 1855. 40s. 783. Fytche. Burmah : Past and Present. 2 vols. 42s. 784. Fryer. The Khyeng People of the Sando- way District, Arakan. 3s. 6d. 785. Hunter. The Kingdom of Pegu. 1785. 786. Cox. A Residence in the Burman Em- pire. 1821. (7.) India (including Ceylon and Assam). See 12, 13, 1834-78, 109, 110, 111, 112, 84, 85a, 562, 1383, 1385, 1391, 1411, 1436, 1441, 1449, 1452, 1455, 1469, 1476, 1477, 1490, 1499, 1573. 787. Wilson. Abode of Snow. 2.25 788. Macleod. Days in North India. 1.50 140 FOREIGN MISSIONARY MANUAL. PRICE; 789. Butler. Land of the Veda. §4.00 790. Wilson. Rambles in Northern India. 1875. 791. Scott, Missionary Life in India. 1.75 792. Cotton. Nine Years in the North- West of India. 1868. 793. Weitbrecht. Missionary .Sketches in North In- dia. 1858. 794. Conolly. Overland Journey to the North of India. 2 vols. 1838. 795. Kiigel. Travels in Kashmir and the Pun- jab. 1846. 796. Warren. Glance Backward at Missionary Life in North India. .80 797. Brew. The Northern Barrier of India: The Jumna and Kashmir Ter- ritories. 12s. 798. Buyers. Recollections of Northern India. 799. Lowrie. Two Years in North India. 800. Wilkinson. Christianity in Northern India. 1844. 801. Bacheler. Hinduism and Christianity in Orissa. .50 802. History of the Orissa Mission. .60 803. Noyes. 804. Peggs. 805. Sutton. 806. 807. Barton. 808. Hunter. 809. Ward. 810. Mullens. 811. Christian Missions in Orissa, Missions in Orissa. 1846. Orissa and its Evangelization. 1850. Gospel in Santhalistan. 1875. Bengal. 1874. Annals of Rural Bengal. 2 vols. 1872. India and the Hindoos. 1854. Faith and Victory : Christianity in Bengal. 1867. Bengal Conference of Protestant Missionaries. 1855. BIBLIOGRAPHICAL. 141 812. Handbook Bengal 1853. of India, through and the Punjab. 813. Mitchell. A Missionary's Wife in Bengal. 814. Hunter. A Statistical Account of Bengal. 815. Long. Handbook of Bengal Missions. 1848. 816. Weitbrecht. Protestant Missions in Bengal. 1844. 817. Wylie. Bengal as a Field for Missions. 1854. 818. Abbs. Twenty Years' Experience in Tra- vancore. 1870. 819. Life in India ; or, Sketches of Ma- dras. 820. Scudder. Captain Waltham : Tale of Southern India. 821. Lewin. Wild Kaces of South-Eastern India. 1870. 822. Lobley. The Church in Southern India. 1871. 823. Fox. Missions in South India. 1848. 824. Arthur. Mission to the Mysore. 1847. 825. Letters from Madras. By a Lady. 1861. 826. Mullens. Missions in South India. 1855. 827. Norton. Madras : Its Condition and Require- ments. 1857. 828. Pettitt. Tinnevelly Mission of the Church Missionary Society. 1851. 2s. 8s. .90 1.10 2s. See 1817-1912. 829. Baker. Eight Years' Wanderings in Ceylon. 1874. 1.25 830. Baker. The Rifle and Hound in Ceylon. 1.25 831. SabonadiSre. Coffee-Planter of Ceylon. 3.00 142 FOREIGN MISSIONARY MANUAL. 332. Eckard. 833. Barrow. 834. Knighton. 835. Bennett. 836. Davy. 837. Forbes. 838. Hoffmeister. 839. Russell. 840. Sirr. 841. Tennent. A Residence in Ceylon and Hin- doostan. 1844. Ceylon : Past and Present. 1857. History and Condition of Ceylon. 1845. Ceylon and its Capabilities. 1843. The Interior of Ceylon. 1821. Eleven Years in Ceylon. 2 vols. 1840. Travels in Ceylon, India, Thibet, etc. 1848. Missionary Tour in Ceylon and India. 1852. Account of Ceylon and Cingalese. 2 vols. 1850. Christianity in Ceylon. 1850. 842. Anderson. 843. Craik. 844. 845. Collet. 846. Feudge. 847. 848. Brittan. 849. Humphrey. 850. Manning. 851. Glandon. 852. Goldsmid. 853. 854. 855. Humphrey. 856. Michelet. 857. Leslie. Missions to India. $1.50 Cousin from India. .90 Child-life in India. English Visit of Keshub Chunder Sen. 3.00 History of India. 1.50 First Hindoo Convert. .30 A Woman's Talks about India. 1.00 Gems of India. 1.25 Ancient and Mediaeval India. 2 vols. 30s. Young Brahman's Story. 1.50 Telegraph and Travel. 8.00 Half Hours in the Far East among the People and Wonders of India. 1.50 Historical and Descriptive Account of British India. 3 vols. 2.25 Six Years in India. 1.25 In India. 1.25 Dawn of Light. .65 BIBLIOGRAPHICAL. 143 858. Ballard. 859. Duff. 860. Eden. 861. Kaye. 862. Maclear. 863. Mitchell (Mrs.). 864. Norwood. 865. Pearce. 866. Elliott. 867. Taylor. 868. Tilt. 869. Hockley. 870. Hull. 871. Lawrence. 872. Bellew. 873. Leupolt. 874. 875. Mill. 876. Mullens. 877. Thomes. 878. Macfarlane. 879. Macleod. 880. Malcolm. 881. 882. 883. Rousselet. 884. Rousselet. 885. Webb. 886. PRICE. True Tales about India. 1876. 3s. Notes of an Indian Journey. 1876. 10s. 6d. India. 1876. History of the Sepoy in India. 1876. Guide to Bombay. 1876. In India. 1876. 4s. Our Indian Empire. 1876. History of India for Schools. 1876. History of India as told by its own Historians. 1875. Four Years' Campaign in India. 1875. Health in India for British Women. 1875. Tales of the Zenana. 1874. European in India. 1874. Forty-three Years in India. 1874. Indus to the Tigris. 1873. Recollections of an Indian Mis- sionary. A. 1873. Home by Bombay : Handbook for Oriental Travellers. 1872. History of British India. 1872. Life by the Ganges. $ .80 Life in the East Indies. 1.50 History of British India. 2.00 Peeps at the Far East. 1871. 7.50 History of the War in India, with Memoir of Sir H. Havelock. 1.75 Moo-Yai, the Little Hindoo Cap- tive. .45 Pictures of Hindoo Life. 1863. .55 India and its Native Princes. 25.00 The Serpent-Charmer. 2.50 Hindoo Life. .75 Wilford's in India. 1.25 144 FOREIGN MISSIONARY MANUAL. 887. 888. Dulles. 889. Winslow. 890. Allen. 891. Duff. 892. Wilder. 893. Campbell. 894. 895. Chunder. 896. Clarkson. 897. Cunningham. 898. Elphinstone. 899. 900. Harcourt. 901. 902. Marshman. 903. Martineau. 904. Mullens. 905. Murray. 906. Oman. 907. 908. Brittan. 909. Jaccolliot. 910. 911. Murray. 912. Trotter. 913. Clarke. 914. Warren. PRICE. Zingee, the Hindoo Girl. $ .18 Life in Ind'a. 1856. Hints on Missions to India. 1856. India (American Board). 1856. The Indian Rebellion. 1858. Mission Schools in India. 1861. British India, and the Progress of Christianity. 1866. Childhood in India. 1866. Travels of a Hindoo. 1868. Missionary Encouragements in In- dia. 1866. Ancient Geography of India. 1870. History of India. 1866. Englishwoman in India. 1870. Himalayan Districts of Kooloo, Lahoul, etc. 1871. History of the Sect of Maharajahs in Western India. 1865. History of India. 3 vols. 1867. History of British Rule in India. 1869. Ten Years' Missionary Labors in India. 1863. Handbook of India. 2 vols. 27s. Eastwards : Realities of Indian Life. 1864. Tales of India. 1871. Kardoo, the Hindoo Girl. 1869. Bible in India. 1870. Ram Krishna-Punt. 1866. British India. 3 vols. 2.25 History of India. 1874. 10s. Gd. From Hongkong to the Himalayas. 1880. 1.50 Fifteen Years of Missionary Life in North India. 1856. BIBLIOGRAPHICAL. 145 915. Buchanan (Claudius). Christian Researches in the East. (Including The Star in the East.) 1813. 916. Campbell. Mission in Hindoostan. 1852. 917. • Report of South India Missionary Conference at Madras. 1858. 918. Report of South India Missionary Conference at Allahabad. 1872. 919. Report of South India Missionary Conference at Bangalore. 1878. 920. Maclear. Christian Statesman and our In- dian Empire. 1859. 921. Noel (Baptist W.). England and India. 1859. 922. Kashmir and the Punjab. 1846. 923. Tinling. Early Roman Catholic Missions to India. 1871. 924. Tinling. Evangelist's Tour Round India. 1868. 925. Alfred in India. 1848. 926. Ali (Shah). History of Bahawalpur, etc. 1848. 927. Ali (Shah). History of the Sikhs and Afghans. 1846. 928. Anderson. Personal Journal of the Siege of Lucknow. 1858. 929. Awas-I-Hind; or, A Voice from the Ganges. 1861. 930. Ball. History of the Indian Mutiny. 2 vols. 1859. 931. Bell. English in India. 1859. 932. Beveridge. History of India. 3 vols. 1862. 933. Bjornstjerna. British Empire in the East. 1840. 934. Briggs. The Nizam. 2 vols. 1861. 935. Bryce. Claims of Christianity in India. 1859. 936. Burton. Sindh, and Races of the Valley of the Indus. 1851. 13 K 146 FOREIGN MISSIONARY MANUAL. 937. Buyers. Letters on India as regards Chris- tianity. 1840. 938. Clarkson. India and the Gospel. 1850. 939. Clarkson. Missionary Encouragements in In- dia. 1850. 940. Conolly. Historical Sketches of British In- dia. 1858. 941. Duff. India and Indian Missions. 1839. 942. Badley. Indian Missionary Directory and Memorial Volume. 10s. 6d. 943. Duncan. Geography of India. Is. 6d. 944. Williams. Modern India and the Indians. 1879. 14s. 945. Hutcheon. Glimpses of India and Mission Life. 3s. 946. Banks. Our Indian Empire. 4s. 947. Fergusson. Rock-cut Temples of India. 1845. 948. Sherring. History of Protestant Missions in India. A. 1875. $7.20 949. East Indies Year-Book. 950. English in India, and Other Sketches. 2 vols. 1835. 951. Forbes. East India and Colonial Guide. 1841. 952. Frost. Mutiny in India. 1857. 953. Hamilton. East India Gazetteer. 2 vols. 1855. 954. Harlan. Memoir of India and Afghanistan. 1842. 955. History of India : Manners, etc. of the Hindoos. 2 vols. 1848. 956. Hodgson. Aborigines of India. 1860. 957. Hough. History of Christianity in India. 5 vols. 1860. 958. Hough. British India, 1756-1849. 2 vols. 1852. 959, Illustrations of the History, etc. of the Thugs of India. 1837. BIBLIOGRAPHICAL. 147 960. India and the East India Com- pany. 1858. 961. India, China, etc. Illustrated. 2 vols. 1861. 962. India in the Fifteenth Century, from Latin, Persian, and Other Sources. 1858. 963. India, Pictorial, Descriptive, and Historical. 1854. 964. Jacquemont. Journey to India. 2 vols. 1838. 965. Johnson. Stranger in India. 2 vols. 1843. 966. Kaye. Administration of the East Indian Company. 1853. 967. Kaye. History of Christianity in India. 1859. 968. Knighton. Private Life of an Eastern King. 1857. 969. Life in Bombay and the Neighbor- ing Out-stations. 1852. 970. A eland. Popular Account of the Manners and Customs of India. 2s. 971. Frere. Indian Missions. 2s-. 6d. 972. Heber. Journals in India. 7s. 973. Stanhope. British India. 3s. 6d. 974. Pictures of Hindoo Life. Is. 975. Irving. The Theory and Practice of Caste. 5s. 976. Wilson. History of the Suppression of In- fanticide. 12s. 977. Medley. A Year's Campaigning in India. 10s. 978. Sherring. Hindu Tribes and Castes, 2 vols. 64s. 979. The Englishwoman in India: for the Use of Ladies proceeding to the East Indies, on the Subject of their Outfit, Furniture, House- keeping, etc. 980. Kiddell. Indian Domestic Economy and Ee- ceipt-Book. 145. 148 FOREIGN MISSIONARY MANUAL. 981. 982. 983. 984. 985. 986. 987. Moore. Hunter. Grant. Meadows. Lowe. Martin. Martin. Martin. 989. Moorcraft and 990. 991. 992. 993. 994. 995. 996. Neale. Nug£e. Roberts. Roberts. Rodriguez. St. John. 997. Scott. 998. Sherer. 999. Sherring. 1000. Speid. 1001. Speir. 1002. Storrow. 1003. Sullivan. 1004. Sullivan. A Manual of Family Medicine for India. Medical Hints for the Districts of India. Anglo-Indian Domestic Life. Student's Manual of History of India. 1879. \ Central India during the Rebellion of 1857-58. 1860. History of Eastern India. 3 vols. 1838. Indian Empire. 3 vols. 1858-61. Progress and Present State of Brit- ish India. 1862. Trebeck. Travels in Himalaya. 2 vols. 1841. Christian Education in India. 1846. Necessity for Christian Education in India. 1846. Peregrine Pultney ; or, Life in In- dia. 3 vols. 1844. Hindoostan. 2 vols. 1845-47. Scenes and Sketches in Hindoo- stan. 2 vols. 1836. Hindoo Castes. 1846. History of British Conquests in In- dia. 1852. Sketches in India. One Hundred Photographic Pictures. 1862. Sketches in India. 1845. Indian Church during the Great Rebellion. 1858. Our Last Years in India. 1862. Life in Ancient India. 1856. India and Christian Missions. 1859. Bungalow and the Tent. 1854. Letters on India. 1858. 6s. 6d. BIBLIOGR APHICA L. 149 1005, . Taylor. History of India. 1858. 1006. , Thornton. History of British Empire in In- dia. 6 vols. 1862. £2 8s. 1007. Thornton. India: Its State and Prospects. 1835. 1008. Vetch. The Gong. 1852. 1009. Ward. India and the Hindoos. 1853. 1010. Weitbrecht. Letters on Female Missionaries in India. 1843. 1011. Wilson. History of British India. 3 vols. 1844-48. 1012. Wilson. Mill's History of British India. 9 vols. £2 10s. 1013. Yakkun Nattannawa, a Cingalese Poem. 1014. India: Pictorial, Descriptive, and Historical. (Bohn.) 1015. Tod. Travels in Western India. £3 3s. 1016. Watson and Kaye :. Paces and Tribes of Hindoostan (Photographs). 1868-70. £18 1017. Grant. Cassell's History of India. 2 vols. 18s. 1018. Prinsep. Imperial India. 21s. 1019. Douglas. Mission in India. 2s. 6d. 1020. Taylor. Ancient and Modern India. 7s. 6d. 1021. Wheeler. A Short History of India. 12s. 1022. Adams. Episodes of Anglo-Indian History. 10s. 6d. 1023. Ballantyne. Christianity Contrasted with Hin- doo Philosophy. 1859. 1024. Contributions toward a History of Biblical Translations in India. 1855. 1025. Buyers. Letters on Indian Missions. 1026. Walsh. The Martyrs of Futtehguhr. 1027. Mullens. The Religious Aspects of Hindoo Philosophy. 1860. 1028. Ward. 13* Farewell Letters on Hindoo Wor- ship and Superstition. 1821. 150 FOREIGN MISSIONARY MANUAL. 1029. Ward. 1030. Wylie. 1031. Anderson. 1032. Aynsley. 1033. Blanchard. 1034. Hutton' 1035. Cave — Brown. 1036. Keene. The History, Literature, and Re- ligion of the Hindoos. 1822. The Urgent Claims of India. The English in Western India. 14s. Our Visit to Hindoostan, Kashmir, and Ladakh. 14s. Yesterday and To-day in India. 6s. Thugs and Dacoits of India. 5s. Indian Infanticide. 5s. Mogul Empire. 10s. 6d. (8.) Persia, Afghanistan, Beloochistan, Turkestan, Arabia, and Central Asia generally. See 1416, 1422, 1827 to 1833. 1037. Vaux. Persia (Ancient History from the Monuments). $1.00 1038. Fletcher. Notes from Nineveh (Mesopota- mia, Syria, Assyria). .75 1039. Layard. Fresh Discoveries at Nineveh and Babylon. 4.00 1040. Myers. Remains of Lost Empires. 3.50 1041. The Nestorians of Persia. .60 1042. Newman. Thrones and Palaces of Babylon and Nineveh. 5.00 1043. Perkins. Missionary Life in Persia. 1.00 1044. Rawlinson. Five Great Monarchies. 3 vols. 15.00 1045. Rawlinson. Sixth Oriental Monarchy (Par- thia). 6.00 1046. Rawlinson. Seventh Oriental Monarchy (New Persian Empire). 9.00 1047. West. Romance of Missions. 2.00 1048. Smith. Assyria. 1.00 1049. Smith. Assyrian Discoveries. 4.00 1050. Wheeler. Grace Illustrated. 1.25 1051. Wheeler. Letters from Eden. 1.25 1052. Wheeler. Little Children in Eden. .75 BIBLIOGRAPHICAL. 151 PRICE. 1053. Wheeler. Ten Years on the Euphrates. $1.25 1054. History of the Persians. 1842. 1055. Loftus. Travels and Eesearches in Chaldea and Susiana. 1856. 1056. Malcolm. Sketches of Persia. 1861. 3s. Gd. 1057. Persia: Customs and Manners of the Women. 1058. Chodzko. Specimens of the Popular Poetry of Persia. 1059. Persia and Afghanistan. 1839. 1060. Binning. Travels in Persia. 2 vols. 16s. 1061. Arnold. Through Persia by Caravan. 1876. 1.75 1062. The Euphrates and Tigris. .80 1063. Perkins. Eight Years in Persia. 1843. 1064. Southgate. Tour through Armenia, Kurdi- stan, Persia, and Mesopotamia. 1840. 1065. Woman and her Saviour in Persia. 1863. 1066. Badger. Nestorians and their Eitual. 2 vols. 1852. 1067. Watson. A History of Persia. 15s. 1068. Thorburn. Bannu ; or, Our Afghan Frontier. 1876. 1069. Nash. History of the War in Afghanistan. 1843. 1070. Rattray. Afghanistan Costumes and Views. 1848. 1 071 . Wilson. Ariana Antiqua : Antiquities of Af- ghanistan. 1861. 1072. Wolff. Journal. 3 vols. 1824. 1073. Kaye. History of the War in Afghanistan. 3 vols. £1 6s. 1074. MacGregor. A Journey through Khorassan. 2 vols. 30s. 1075. Mallison. History of Afghanistan. 18s. 152 FOREIGN MISSIONARY MANUAL. 1076. Bellew. 1077. Bellew. Afghanistan and the Afghans. The Races of Afghanistan. PRICE. 6s. 7s. 1078. Hughes. Beloochistan. 1877. 1079. Ker. 1080. 1081. Burslem. 1082. Elphinstone. 1083. Fraser. 1084. Schuyler. 1085. Burnaby. 1086. Burnaby. 1087. 1088. Crichton. 1089. Crichton. 1090. 1091. Palgrave. 1092. Taylor. 1093. Burton. 1094. Samuel. 1095. Maughan. 1096. MacGahan. 1097. MacGahan. 1098. Taylor. 1099. Bell. 1100. Villeroi. 1101. Vamberry. On the Road to Khiva. 1874. Khiva and Turkestan. 1874. Peep into Turkestan. 1846. Account of Cabul. 2 vols. 1842. Travels in Koordistan, Mesopota- mia, etc. 2 vols. 1840. Turkestan. 2 vols. 1876. $5.00 Ride to Khiva. 2.00 On Horseback through Asia Mi- nor. 10s. 6d. The Arab and his Country. .60 History of Arabia. 2 vols. 1.50 Journey through Arabia. Customs and Manners of the Bed- ouin Arabs. .50 Central and Eastern Arabia. 2.50 Travels in Arabia (Illustrated Li- brary of Travels). 1.50 Pilgrimage to El Medinah and Mecca. 3 vols. 1857. Missionary Tour through Arabia to Bagdad. 1844. The Alps of Arabia. 5s. Campaigning on the Oxus. 1876. 3.50 Turkish Atrocities in Bulgaria. 1876. Central Asia. 1.50 Oxus and the Indus. 1869. A Trip through Central Asia. 2s. Travels in Central Asia. 4.50 BIBLIOGEAPHICAL. 153 1102. Baker. 1103. Collins. 1104. .Millengen. 1105. Wakefield. 1106. Thielmann. 1107. Collins. 1108. Atkinson. 1109. Blunt, Clouds in the East. Overland Explorations in Siberia and Amoor. 1864. Wild Life among the Koords. 1870. The Happy Valley. Through the Caucasus to Tabreez, Kurdistan. 2 vols. A Voyage down the Amoor. The Upper and Lower Amoor. Bedouin Tribes of the Euphrates. PRICE. §6.75 16s. 18s. 2.50 (9.) Syria. See 1935-1965. 1110. Jessup. Children of the East. .90 1111. Jessup. Syrian Home-life. 1.50 1112. Jessup. Women of the Arabs. 2.00 1113. Thomson. Land and the Book. 2 vols. 5.00 1114. Tristram. Land of Moab. 2.50 1115. Massacre in Syria. .25 1116. Newman. From Dan to Beersheba. 1.75 1117. Prime. Tent-life in the Holy Land. 2.00 1118. Van Lennep. Bible Lands. 5.00 1119. Turner. El Khuds, the Holy. 1120. Murray. Handbook of the Holy Land. 2 vols. A. 20s. 1121. Baedeker. The East : Palestine and Syria. A. 1122. Schaff. Through Bible Lands. 2.75 1123. Ewald. Missionary Labors in Jerusalem (1842-44). 1845. 1124. Bartlett. Egypt to Palestine. 18s. 1125. Porter. The Giant Cities of Bashan. 7s. 6d. 1126. Burton. The Inner Life of Syria, Palestine, and the Holy Land. 2 vols. 24s. 1127. Anderson. (10.) Turkey. See 84, 85a, 562, 1935-1965. Oriental Missions. 2 vols. 1.50 154 FOREIGN MISSIONARY MANUAL. 1128. Barkley. 1129. Clark. 1130. Clarke. 1131. Cutts. 1132. Davis. 1133. Dwight. 1134. Grant. 1135. Martin. 1136. Geary. 1137. Harvey. 1138. Hamlin. 1139. Hornby. 1140. Laurie. 1141. Lennep. 1142. McCoan. 1143. MacFarlane. 1144. Madden. 1145. 1146. Murray. 1147. Milner. 1148. Porter. 1149. 1150. Taylor. 1151. Tozer. OS. 21s. Five Years among the Bulgarians and Turks. 10s. 6d. The Races of European Turkey. 10s. 6d. The Arabs and the Turks. 1876. §1.50 Christians under the Crescent in Asia. Life in Asiatic Turkey. Christianity Revived in the East (Armenians). 1850. History of the Nestorians. 1841. Statesman's Year-Book : Turkey. Bombay to the Bosphorus. 2 vols. £1 8s. Turkish Harems and Circassian Homes. 1865. Among the Turks. In and Around Stamboul. Dr. Grant and the Mountain Nesto- rians. 1853. Missionary Travels in Asia Minor. 2 vols. Our New Protectorate: Turkey in Asia. 2 vols. Travels in Turkey. 2 vols. 1850. The Turkish Empire. 2 vols. 1862. Mahommed : The Saracen and the Turks. 1862. Handbook of Turkey. The Turkish Empire. 1876. Turkey : Its History and Progress. 2 vols. 1854. People of Turkey. Land of the Saracen. Highlands of Turkey. 2 vols. 1.50 24s. 24s. 1.50 .15 1.50 24s. /. OCEANICA. See 1359 to 1361, 1365, 1366, 1367, 1395, 1409, 1468, 1968 to 1970. 1152. The Cannibal Islands. .75 BIBLIOGRAPHICAL. 155 1153. Gill. Gems from the Coral Islands, East Polynesia. 1871. $1.25 1154. Gill. Gems from the Coral Islands, West Polynesia. 1871. 1.10 1155. Lowry. Missions in Tonga and Feejee. 1853. 1.50 1156. Murray. Missionary Work in Polynesia and New Guinea. 1876. 2.50 1157. Polynesia ; or, Missionary Toils in the South Seas. 1839. 1158. Melville. Typee : A Peep at Polynesian Life. 2 vols. 1846. 1159. Williams and Calvert. Fiji and the Fijians. 1870. 1160. Tahiti Receiving the Gospel. .70 1161. Tahiti with the Gospel. .70 1162. Tahiti without the Gospel. .70 1163. Fornander. Polynesian Race. 1877. 1164. Murray. Pitcairn : The Island, People, and the Pastor. 1869. 1165. Ellis. Polynesian Researches. 4 vols. 1166. Farmer. Tonga and the Friendly Isles. 1855. 1167. Waterhouse. Vataah, the Fijian Princess. 1168. Lang. Polynesian Nation. 10s. 6d. 1169. Moresby. Discoveries in New Guinea, Poly- nesia, etc. 15s. 1170. Marryatt. Among the Maoris. 1.75 1171. Barker. Station-Life in New Zealand. 1874. 1.50 1172. Mortimer. Night of Toil. (Tahitian Mis- sions.) 1878. 1.00 1173. Eden. Coralie; or, The Wreck of the Sybille. 1877. 1174. Laird. Rambles of a Globe-Trotter in Australasia. 1875. 1175. Trollope. Australia and New Zealand. 1875. 156 FOREIGN MISSIONARY MANUAL. 1176. Trollope. New Zealand. 1875. 1177. Trollope. South Australia and West Austra- lia. 1875. 1178. Trollope. Victoria and Tasmania. 1875. 1179. Warburton. Journey Across the Western In- terior of Australia. 1875. 1180. Hutton. Missionary Life in the Southern Seas. 1874. 1181. Johnstone. Maoria. 1874. 1182. Kennedy. New Zealand. 1874. 1183. Silver. Handbook for Australia and New Zealand. 1874. 1184. Williams. Christianity among the New Zea- landers. 1874. 1185. Gorst. Maori King. 1864. 1186. Hodder. Memories of New Zealand Life. 1863. 1187. Kennedy. Four Years in Queensland. 1870. 1188. Lang. Queensland, Australia. 1863. 1189. Lawrence Struilly: Bush-Life in Australia. 1863. 1190. New Zealand Hand-book. 1867. 1191. Old New Zealand : Native Cus- toms, etc., by a Pakeha Maori. 1863. 1192. Eowe. Colonial Empire of Great Britain, Australian Group. 1865. 1193. Williams. Missionary Enterprise in the South Sea Islands. 1865. 1194. An gas. Illustrations of New Zealand. 1847. 1195. Angas. Illustrations of South Australia. 1847. 1196. Angas. Savage Life and Scenes in Aus- tralia. 2 vols. 1847. 1197. Australia, Tasmania, and New Zea- land. 1856. BIBLIOGRAPHICAL. 157 1198. Brown. 1199. Coates. 1200. Duncan. 1201. Fitton. 1202. Hughes. 1203. Majoribanks. 1204. Marshall. 1205. 1206. Thomson. 1207. Nicholas. 1208. Tucker. 1209. 1210. Barrand. 1211. Stone. 1212. Steel. 1213. Gill. 1214. Eden. 1215. Wallace. 1216. Hochstetter. 1217. Williams. New Zealand and its Aborigines. 1845. New Zealanders and their Lands. 1844. Account of the Colony of South Australia. 1850. New Zealand : Its Condition, Pros- pects, etc. 1855. Experience of Forty Years in Tas- mania. 1860. Travels in New Zealand. 1845. Two Visits to New Zealand. 1836. New Zealand Portfolio. 1843. Story of New Zealand. 2 vols. 1859. Voyage to New Zealand. The Southern Cross and the South- ern Crown. Yates's Accounts of New Zealand. New Zealand. 25 Chromos. A Few Months in New Guinea. The New Hebrides and Christian Missions. Life in the Southern Seas. The Fifth Continent. Stanford's Compendium, Austral- asia. New Zealand. Christianity among the New Zea- landers. 1867. 168s. 12s. OS, 6d. 6d. 5s. 21s. £15*. 1218. Anderson. 1219. Anderson. 1220. Anderson. 1221. Bliss. 14 Scenes in the Hawaiian Islands and California. Sandwich Islands. 1870. Hawaiian Islands. 1864. Paradise in the Pacific (Sandwich Islands). $1.15 1.50 1.25 158 FOREIGN MISSIONARY MANUAL. PRICE. 1222. Bingham. Bartimeus of the Sandwich Islands. $ .20 1223. Bird. Hawaiian Archipelago. 1875. 7s. 6d 1224. Bible Island: A Missionary Tale from the South Seas. 1866. 1225. Barzacot. Mission Life in the Pacific. 1866. 1226. Bingham. History of the Sandwich Island Mission. 1227. Cheever. Island World of the Pacific. 1851. 1.50 1228. Cheever. Life in the Sandwich Islands. 1851. 1.50 1229. Chaney. Alo'ha! A Hawaiian Salutation. 1879. 1.50 1230. Dibble. The Sandwich Islands Mission. 1839. 1231. D' Almeida. Life in Java. 2 vols. 1864. 1232. Earl. Native Eaces of the Indian Archi- pelago, Papuans, etc. 1853. 1233. Five Years' Church-Work in Hawaii. 1868. 2.25 1234. Gill. Gems from the Coral Islands : An Account of Recent Missionary Success in the New Hebrides. 2 vols. 1235. History of the Sandwich Islands. .65 1236. Hawaii; The Past, Present, and Future. 1869. 1237. Hill. Travels in the Sandwich and So- ciety Islands. 1856. 1238. Hunt. Past and Present of the Sandwich Islands. 1239. Jarves. Scenes in the Sandwich Islands and Central America. 1847. 1240. Jarves. History of the Sandwich Islands. 1843. 1241. Lawson. Wanderings in the Interior of New Guinea. 3.00 1242. La Gironifcre. Twenty Years in the Philippines. 1.50 BIBLIOGRAPHICAL. 159 1243. Missionary Anecdotes: Islands of the Pacific. 1869. 1244. Missionary Kecords : Sandwich Isl- ands. 1857. 1245. Ogier. The Fortunate Isles. 2 vols. 1871. 1246. Pritchard. Missionary's Keward; or, Gospel in the Pacific. 1844. 1247. Kowe. Missionary among the Cannibals. 1248. Sandwich Island Notes, by a HaoleV 1249. Smythe. Ten Months*in the Fiji Islands. 1864. 1250. Williams. Missionary Enterprises in the South Sea Islands. 1837. $1.00 1.50 1.15 g. West Indies. 1251. Hazard. San Domingo, Past and Present. 1252. Kimball. Life in San Domingo. 1253. Keim. San Domingo. 1254. West India Mission. 1255. Bleby. Scenes in the Caribbean. 1256. Sergeant. Letters from Jamaica. 1843. 1257. Clark. Voice of Jubilee. 1258. Underhill. Emancipation in West Indies. 1861. 1259. Stnrge and Harvey. The West Indies in 1837. 1260. Kidder. Reminiscences of the West India Islands. 1261. Watson. Defence of the Wesleyan Mission in the West Indies. 1262. Coleridge. Six Months in the West Indies in 1825. 1263. Hanna. Notes on a Visit to Some Parts of Hayti in 1835. 1264. Scott. Jamaica and Back. 1876. 1265. Bacot. The Bahamas. 1871. 1266. Clark. Baptist Mission, Jamaica, from its Commencement. 1865. 3.50 1.50 3 .50 .25 160 FOREIGN MISSIONARY MANUAL. 1267. Rowe. 1268. Waddell. 1269. Buchner. 1270. Cornford. 1271. Duncan. 1272. Godet. 1273. Coke. 1274. Samuel. 1275. Horsford. 1276. Moister. 1277. Phillippo. 1278. 1279. 1280. 1281. 1282. 1283. 1284. Bush. 1285. Colonial Empire of Great Britain. Atlantic Group. 1865. Twenty-nine Years in the "West Indies and Central Africa. 1863. Mission of Moravians in Jamaica, 1754-1854. Missionary Reminiscences. Ja- maica Retraced. 1856. Narrative of the Wesleyan Mis- sion to Australia. Bermuda : Its History, Geology, etc. 1860. History of the West Indies. 1808. Wesleyan Missions in Jamaica and Honduras Delineated. 1850. A Voice from the West Indies. Memorials of Missionary Labor in the West Indies and West Af- rica. Jamaica: Its Past and Present State. 1843. Missions of the United Brethren to the Danish West India Islands. United Brethren : Retrospect of their Jamaica Mission. United Brethren : Retrospect of their Mission in Antigua. h. Greenland. Half Hours in the Far North. Greenland, Iceland, and the Faroe Islands. Missionary Records. (Greenland and Labrador.) Reindeer, Dogs, and Snow-shoes. The Moravians in Greenland and Labrador. $1.50 .75 .75 3.00 BIBLIOGRAPHICAL. 161 History of Moravian Missions in Greenland. Greenland Missions. Dublin. 1831. Peeps into the North. Iceland, Lapland, and Greenland. 1875. HISTOEIES OF MISSIONS. Missionary Societies of Great Brit- ain. 1873. History and Progress of the Mis- sionary Societies. 2 vols. 1839. History of Christian Missions. 1842. Jubilee Memorial of Eeligious Tract Society, 1799-1849. 1850. History of Missions from the Six- teenth to the Nineteenth Centu- ries. 1864. History of American Missions (So- cieties). 1840. History of Women's Missionary Societies. 1880. 3. SPECIAL DENOMINATIONAL MISSIONS. 12S6. Grants. 1237. 12S8. Scholes. 2. GENEEAL 1289. Eobertson. 1290. 1291. Huie. 1292. Jones. 1293. Brown. 1294. 1295. Daggett (Mrs.). 1296. Anderson. 1297. Cramp. 1298. 1299. 1300. Thomson. 1301. 14 • History of the Missions of the American Board (C. F. M.). 5 vols., each Baptist History to the Close of the Eighteenth Century. History of the Freewill Baptists, 1780-1830. - Moravian Atlas. Our Oriental Missions (Meth. Epis.). Presbyterian Church throughout the World. $ .75 1.50 2.25 1.00 1.00 2.50 4.00 162 FOREIGN MISSIONARY MANUAL. 1302. Kingsley. Eound the World (Meth. Epis.). 1303. Gammell. American Baptist Missions. 1850. 1304. Lowrie. Manual of Missions (Pres.). 1854. 1305. Miller. The German Missions (Meth. Epis.). 1306. Tracy. American Board C. F. M. 1842. 1307. The Missionary Jubilee (Amer. Bapt. Missions). 1865. 1308. M'Kerron. History of the Foreign Missions of the Scotch Church. 1867. 1309. Pumphrey. Friends' Missions. 1880. 1310. Eeid. Missions and Missionary Societies of the Meth. Epis. Church. 2 vols. 1879. 1311. Green. American Presbyterian Missions. 1838. 1312. Loskiel. History of the United Brethren's Mission in North America. 1313. Strickland. * Missi ons of the Meth. Epis. Church. 1854. 1314. Smith. Missionary Sketches (Amer. Bapt.). 1878. 1315. Morrison. Fathers and Founders of the Lon- don Missionary Society. 1839. 1316. Hunter. History of Missions of the Free Church of Scotland. 1873. 1317. Fruits of Toil in the London Mis- • sionary Society. 1870. 1318. Moister. Conversations on the State of Wes- leyan Missions. 1869. 1319. Moister. History of Wesleyan Missions in all Parts. 1870. 1320. Alder. Wesleyan Missions. 1844. 1321. Cox. History of the Bapt. Miss. Society, 1792-1842. 2 vols. 1322. Hening. History of the African Mission of the Episcopal Church. 1851. $ .12 3.00 1.50 BIBLIOG EAPHICAL. 163 1323. Jubilee Services of the London Missionary Society. 1844. 1324. Jubilee Volume of the Church Mis- sionary Society. 1849. 1325! Barge and Strickland. History of Amer. Meth. Epis. Church Mission. 1326. Blumhardt. Manual of the Basle Missionary Society. 1327. Bohemian and Moravian Brethren (Bost's History). 1328. Church Missionary Atlas, C. M. S. 1859. 1329. Crantz. History of the Brethren. 1330. Ellis. History of the London Missionary Society. 2 vols. 1331. Holme. History of the United Brethren's Missions. 1827. 1332. Jackson. Wesleyan Methodism. 1840. 1333. Isenberg and Krapf. Church Mission to Abyssinia and Egypt. 1843. 1334. Humphries. History of Society for Propagation of the Gospel. 1853. 1335. Hawkins. Missions of the Church of Eng- land. 1845. 1336. Bost. History of the Moravians. 3s. 6CO"<*<0 00 CO tH eo CO i— 1 CO l— I 1— ( TH OTHrHOi-t^^C^OC^j-i rj< O •suot^s i— 1 i— 1 COCO '^OO^OMOO CN o •siBtoqog ">*iO lOiOCO^QM-^^ t* co i-h • co o ia CO : M W H to NM -i—i OAT|T3X J3M10 .i-l CO CO rH O . 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